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DAILY PILOT 2 More Oil Companies
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* * * 15~,'* * '*'·. • ~ , • , :• • -• f I Post Monster Profits
VO&.. 11, MO. JM, I HCTI-• .. AOIS
Bust Nets 4
Killer -Baffles Cops Deputy's
Dra-w 5 Cou~ty Police Agencies Seek Clues
. . .
By .JOANNE SEYNOLDS oe• o.My-s...,
Detectives from five Orange
County agencies conducting. a
joint investigation of assaults
' and murders of young women
say they have been unable to
find a common tie between the
nine victims
Police announced Monday that
the formal task force. formed two \Veeks ago to. investigate a
total of 14 assaults and murders,
was being disbanded in favor of
a more loosely knit association
of the investigators.
They also said that five of the
cases have been eliminated
Starvation Victim
'like War Prisoner'
A 37-year-old man who died of
apparent malnutrition may have
been cooftoed in hls room for
moat ol bis life without proper
attenUon, authorities said.
... "The only thing I've ever seen
to compare with bis state of
malnutrition ia a concentration
camp photograph," Dr. Gary
Partly cloudy tonight
and Wednesday. Lowa tom.Pt SI to G with a bi&b
about '10 near the beaches
Wedneeday, and .lo the up·
~r 10I inland.
A ,,_, _. RoN tlM
IUwWr of trortd tr or II ,_,..
,., ..... lo 1wr r.o.... reillc·
tallllf . ..S. .lot,, ,,.,. Al.
Stabler. assistant Lake County
coroner, said Monday.
T he skeleton·like body of
Arthur Arnold Riihimaki,
weighing about 70 to 80 pounds,
was found Saturday by police.
Officials said he had been dead
about eight hours.
The emaciated body wu cov-
ered with bedsores, some infest·
ed with maggots, Stabler said.
"It' a the type of tiling you see
with a patient wbo stays lo bed
for a long period of time " he
said. "'lbere wu some la'ct ol
proper hygiene, and the patient
had apparently been unclotbed
during much of this time ...
"It looked like the patlimt bad
been lyln1 in bed for years
without proper akin care or
sanitary facilities and the IHI·
tient obvioualy bad not been
bathed or fed properly for IOIDe
time," be said.
Asked 11 Riihimaki may bave
been confined for most ol Ida
llfe, Stabler sald, "I wouldn't
doubt it:"
Riihimaki WU llvin& with bil
elderly, lovalld mother wbo wu
unable to climb tbe ataln to bil
bedroom, and wu cared for by a
retarded brother, Stabler Nld.
ffl1 father .bad died aeveral
(lee ft'UVE, Pase A.2)
Papi.le Beaten
BOSTON (AP> -Three wblte
hllb ichool 1tudeatl OD tlaeir
way to ~ .lo tbe clt1'1 Rox·
bury HCUoa were beaten by
bluka today a• tenalona re-
mained hl&b after a week ol
ratlal trouble, otftclala 1aJd. Tbe
three were not aerloualy hurt
from the list. The remaining at·
tacks in Costa Mesa, Irvine.
Newport Beach, Santa Heights
and Tustin are the work of one
man. s pokesma n Charles
Thayer said.
The cases for which one sus·
peel is being sought are:
-J aae Ellett Beaalagtoa, 29,
of Corona del Mar. who was
slain Aug. 1, W17 ;
-Kimberly Gaye Rawllu, 21,
of Costa Mesa, killed April 1.
-Savannab Letp Aadenon,
22. of Irvine, who died May 13.
-Marolyn Carelton, 31, of
Costa Mesa, slain on Sept. 14,
-Debra Jeaa Keuedy, 24, of
Tustin, killed Oct. 7, 1979;
-Debra Lynn Sealor, 17, of
Costa Mesa who was murdered
The cases alao include surviv·
ing assault victi m s Kim
Whitecotton, 2-0, Santa Ana
Heights, who wu attacked in
May; Jane Pettengill, 24, or
Costa Mesa who was attacked in
July, and Diana Green, 20, of
Tustin, who was attacked in Sep-
tem ber.
Mn. Green's unborn ~by girl
died u a result of the assault.
BQed OD a witness' descrip-
tion, police are circulating a pic-
ture ol a dark-haired man they
believe ii responsible for the
(See llUaDEU, Pase AZ>
-Y 011ngsters
FAJllftELD, N.J. (AP) -A
knlfe-wi'eldln1 con1truction
worker terrorised 1corea of.
younptera when be bunt into
an elementary ICbool, 1mublnc
wiDdoWI and demMCll•1 to ..
bis cblldnn, police Nld.
Aatbooy lleanlcuccl, •. of
PanlPPllll1 1IMhed bis wri1t1
and canea an ''X" Into his
f orellead, orderi_n1 police to
"Shoot me bere" ..-re IUITtD·
derta1, police aald.
No cldJdrm were bwt d1lriq
the IO-mlmll.e rampqe llOlllCIQ,
autborltlH uld. ·Teachers
locked daluwm met cafeteria
doors after lltDDlcaecl ran
1creamln1 Into tbe Wlnaton
Cburdldl Bdlool, PGlke wd.
.,..., ................
SOMEONE SAID, 'HIT ME' AND DEPUTIES DID u. Wyett Hart Dlaplay• SMzed INeclcteck Items
Conoco, Gull Post
Huge Profit.-Gains
NEW YORK (AP> -Conoco
lnc. and Gulf Oil Corp: joined
the lilt of big oll companies ab·
nouncin1 hu1e tblrd-quartj!r
profita today, with Conoco HY·
inl its income roee 13S percent
In the quarter and Gulf poetln& a
97 percent 1ain.
Like the oeher oil companies to
uuaouace IU thl.rd.quarter earn-
tn11 ...... tiatb attributed IDOlt ol tbe Jump to laneued profttl
from Oftl"MU operaUou and
1aid little came rrom u .s. Nftn. ms and manetlns divlaiom.
Pertee Sale OK'd
Pertee Computef Corp. 1ald
MGllclQ lt wW be aequlred by a
Wnt 0..... eomputer com· pay,.. '1IO mlllioD. Tbe offer
WU tJt.• a aban by Triumph
Adler, • Nunmberl firm.
Conoco, ranked ninth among
U.S. on compante1, s aid its
third.quarter proftt WU 1247.l
mllll°'1. ar tz.30 a ahare, com·
pared wtth Sl05.8 million, ot""•
cents a share, lo 1978'1 third
quart«. 1'llU year'• period ln·
cl&aded a me-time lain of '12.6 mlllioo.. or ao cents a share,
from a cbaqe In British tax
Conoco, bued lD Stamford,
Coon .• Aid .... lo tbe quarter
roM 41 petttnt to SI.I bWklO
from t:a.c bWkle In ta.e J.ay.
SeiM ...... Nl'iod a yur •· r~-rmked Gulf. baaed In
Ptttabartb. Wd proftta la tbe
quart.er ....., '41t mll.Uon, or 12.1s a tbare, compared wtth
'211 million. or St.Cit• lbare, a
year a10. Revea .. 1 la tb•
qUU1er "* II ~t to 1.14
bUDoa from •. GI b611oo.
Tbe proflt1 announced by ca. norm. Pa .. Al>
Lady Luck wa!> worlo.ing m
shenffs Sgt Les Leber ~ favor
last weekend when he took part
10 a h.Jgh stakes blackjack gamt·
in Dana Point
Le ber was ahead by S600. in
fa ct. when other officen inter-
rupted the proceedings Saturday
night and arrested four South
Cou nty m en o n gambli'n g
And Leber' He was working
undercover and didn't have tr>
worry about bemg found at the
residence at 33142 Acapulco
when the rrud occurred.
About Sl.400 in c as h was
seized . along with three black·
1ack tables and S25,000 worth or
poker ctups.
The sheriff's department iden·
tifled the suspects as BUI C. Via,
40, or 1515 Buena Vista, San
Clemente. Roy A. Pautler, 35, of
27525 Tossamor. Mission Viejo;
James c. Sanderson, 30, or 1615
Buena Vista, San Clemente and
Buck L Truett, 43, of 24892 Wells
Fargo, Lacuna Hills.
A female companion of the
suspects ls being sought. She
fled with an undisclosed am0W1t
of cash at the time uniformed of·
ricers arrived.
Sheriff 1pokeaman Lt. Wyatt
Hart said the game operated
with three dealers, a pit boss, a
bartender and waitress. He said
a It were OD salary.
Hart aald the boat for the
gamblinl session which bad a
$100 limit oo beta, was paid $500
for providing t.bi location for the
game and for screening about 20
playen wbo received invitations
to the affair. ~
One ol thole who 1ot an invita·
tlon WU Leber.
Undercover Newport Beach
police otflcen participated in
the operatlon with sheriff's de·
Hart Mid ti9e game operated
tbrouaboal Oraqe County and
waa booked up aatll December.
Refugeee Sale
KEY WEST, P'la. (AP) -A
band o1. 22 l'llapes, lncludlna
womea and cMldren aa YOUD& u
tbree moath1, hijacked a 1ar~!_1e barre from Havana
harvur wl •uceeuJ.~ made tlleir •Q' to tbe U Statea ............ .,. .
8 ....
1 Pri01e Rate at 15%
Record Hike Sweeps Bank•
<NltW voaa <••>-•.,.,.. Ou..-, 'l'Nlt Co. railed Ma
prime ...... nu toda, •a,..
cord 11 per~ ... tM ..,.
WH q\dcklJ Joeed ,, .......
banlla. Only two ..._ qo. UM ..
tton'1 ""'-* ...._ raAeM tM
rate t.a..y eharle tor lout to moat cNdit·wort.hy co11>orat•
borro..,. b)' an \IQP~
tuU percentqe point lo 14.5 per·
Morsan Gwraat..Y. tbe llftA.
lar•nt U.S. bank raaked by de-po1\t.a, laid tbe 15 perHnt prime
WH effect.Ive lmmedlatelJ. A
HD Trucker
Arrested in
A 25-year·old unemplo7ed
HuatinltOD Beach truck' drift!'
and bi.I female compan1on were
arrested ln AnabeJm Monday
after allefedly holding up four
West Orange County markets
during a two-hour period, police
said. Robert Bentley Weis, 25, and
Llnda Ellen Hackney, 32, both ol
1.24 15th St., were arrested at 4
a.m . by Anaheim o<Cicers on sus·
picion of armed robbery.
Investigators allege the Hunt-
ington Beach man held up quick· .
.ervice markets in Huntington .,
B each , Fountain Valley,
Westminster and Anaheim with
the woman serving as the
tetaway driver.
The pair were stopped by an
Anaheim officer five minutes
after a clerk at U -Tot e -M
Market, 138 N. Brookhu~t St ..
Ana heim, told police a man
escaped with $25 in cash, a bag
of potato chips and some Ice
cream after waving a gun in her
Two hours earlier, police said,
a man fitting the Weis' descrip·
t ion held up a 7·11Market,9951
Yorktown Ave .. Huntingt on
Heach for *20 in cash after dis·
plsyin& a pistol.
1nvesUgators said they believe
\he pair held up a 7·11 Manet,
10950 Warner Ave., Fountain
Valley, for S36 In cash and a
Westminster market for an un·
ct.Wrmined amount of mooey
before dr1vtng to Anaheim.
Officers said they recovered a
pellet gun and a small amount of
cash from the pair. Both are be·
ing held al Anaheim city jail in
lieu or $25.000 bail
Ex-, Gestapo
Menon Trial
COLOGNE,· Wat Germany
<AP> -Three former Gestapo
omclals went on trial today on
char ges of deporting 73,000
French Jews to Nazi extermina·
lion camps during World War II.
Prosecutors claim defendanta
Kurt Li schka , 68, Herbert
Haeen , 64 , and Ernst
Heinricbsohn, 58, were aware of
the fate awaiting the Jews when
!-bey ordered them deported dur·
mg the 19408. All three denied
tbe charges a nd claim they
didn't know the deportees were
to be murdered.
At the Ume, Nazis said they
were shipping Jews to resettle-
ment camps in agricultural lands.
Carter to Tour
dent Carter will at.op off in New Br~nswick, N.J., Thursday for a
citizens meeting on enero and
transportation before 1oln1 on to
a previously announced eveniq
political engagement In Eut
Rutherford, preas secretary
Jody Powelhaid Monday.
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Mak Gftldal decliDed to COCD·
llM9t -....... for '" boalt. H"ft .. 181 tbe bank ""-lt.a
prim• '* on Mveral facton, r:,::,&l"tb \be co.t of aequiriol md the ct.ma.ad tor tM.llf. ............
Baau UM tbe prime ra .. .,
tbe bula for 1etlin1 lnteN•l
ratee on almoat all commercial
lnduatrial loeoa.
Al~b the prime hH no
direct effect on consumer k>&n
intereat rat.ea, It la viewed u an
Indicator ol LreDdl lo lntereat
rat.a ,_.,.ally.
Mall)' baMa in aeveral areu
SCepplRff Detm17
S upre m e Court Jus tic e
William J . Brennan Jr. ha.;
1 announced that he is con·
s idering retiring from his
post next summer. He men-
tioned his wife's ill health as
a factor.
Five Bound,
Gagged in
Jewel Heist
About $150,000 in cash and j e wels was taken fro m a
Newport Beach jewelry store
Monday by two robbers who
bound and 1•11ed three employees and two customers
before neema.
Officers said one of the men
entered the William Roberta
store at 3424 Via Oporto at about
4:30 p.m .. pulled a gun and or· ·
der ed everyone to the floor.
They were then tied up.
A second suspect entered the
store and the two removed the
cash and jewels and then fled.
One of the s us pects was
described as being of Lalin des-
cent, in bis late 308. standing
about 5-4 with dark curly long
hair, a mustache and having a
paunchy stomach.
The second man a lso was
described as being of Latin des·
cent, in his mid 20s, standing
about S.3 with long black hair
and weighing about 173 pounds.
Re was wearing a tan shirt or
jacket with dark pants.
Hua Visits Trier
TRIER, West Germany (AP>
-Ch inese Premier Hua
Guofeng's awing through
Western Europe took him today
to the birthplace of Karl Marx,
the founder of commw\lam.
or u.. aauon, faeed wt..-ldlla
Cotta ol McaulrlAI (Uda, Uft
cut back llndi.DI or ralMd ..
ternt ,..._ for eoet811Mr cndlt
such 11 lnatallmeat loana or
home mo":. Several , lncludln1 No. I
Chemical, No. 8 Bankert Tnlll,
and No. 2A> Bank of New York.
lmmedlat.ely joloed Morean l.D
the move to 1 1~ percent prime.
A monic other major baaka
poatine the ball-point lacreue
were Harris Bank of Cbicaao
and l"Srst Pennsylvania of
The Federal Reserve Board on
Oct. 6 announced a plan to make
It more expensive lo .extend
credit. The Fed im~ tuper
marglnaJ reserve requirements
on certain types of liabilities
generally known as "ptirchased
funds·· and raised the discount
rate, the fee It charges on loans
to member banka.
The Fed also announced it wa.s
swilchinl emphula from tight
control of short-term interest
rates on purchased funds to COO·
trolling the growth in bank re·
The Fed. which sets and im·
plement.a monetary Pe>llcy, said
Its actions were dealaned to slow
the rapid growth of the nation's
basic money supply. Quick ex·
paoslon of the money supply is
believed to contribute to infia·
lion by putting more dollars into
circulation than the economy's
output of goods and services can
Interest rates on purchased
funds have climbed s harply
since the Fed's Oct. 6 moves to
lighten credit, leading to the
Oct. 9 boost in the prime rate to
14.5 percent. Big banks deal in
large blocks or funds worth hun·
dreds of millions of dollars dai·
ly. Interest rates on these funds
rose aa high as 17.2S percent in
recent days, and stood at about
15 percent today
The boost in the prime came
as no surprise to investors and•
financial managers. The stock
ma rket showed no strong reac·
t1on to the news. Some analysts
said they expected the move to a
h1f:her prime would bolster the
dollar in foreign exchange trad·
ing Othe rs s aid c urrency
d eale rs wer e e xpecting the
higher prime and wouldn't react
strongly to the news .
F ..... Pa,,eAJ
slringofmu.rderoua assaults.
Al the same lime. detectives
are studying the lives of the vie·
tims to try to rind a common
ground they shared in hopes that
com moo point wotild lead them
to the killer.
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
acknowledges that i.f there is a
trail shared by the women, it is
"We've looked at the places
they did their shopping, tbe gas
stations they used , repair
services, beauty parlors -you
name it.
"There's just nolhlng there,"
he said.
The one trait they all shared is
that they lived in apartmenta
with ground-floor entries that
were shielded from the street.
The women also bad another
trait in common-they didn't
lock their doors and windows on
the night they died.
According to police, the
women were dissimilar in looks
as well as lifestyles.
They ranged in size from Mias
Kennedy. who was a stocky , five
feet three lncbes tall to Miss
Senior who was a strapping five
feet nine inches tall.
Their hair ran the spectrum of
colors , lengths and styles.
They worked at a range of
jobs. Mrs. Carelton taught self
actullzation courses from her
home. Miss Bennington was a
former social 'worker who'd
become a waitress. Miss Pet·
te neill wo rked for an op· ·
Miss Senior, who bad gradual·
ed from ~tancla High School in
Costa Mesa, drove a delivery
car for a blueprint service.
Mill Rawll.nl wu a shipping
clerk. Misa Andel"IOD -:orted foe
a credit cbecklne service.
Their social lives were as
.. ~arled aa thelr careen, police
said, nmn1nl tbe 1amut from
party lovers to l.Dtroverted stay·
at-home types.
Mn. Carelton WU • widow.
Miii Benalncton WIS d1voreed.
Ml11 AndertOll announced her
en1a1em.nt day1 before her
"We have some who were Into
punk rock. 1'bere w11 another
wbo Nad clualca, Sbak"peare
.... .._.,..,.. and Darwln," Calnon com·
ment.ed .
Corona del Mar Hlldl School
coed Maate Rotlileldlr ia
lettinl into the 1plrit ~ the
MllOIL Sbe'I lot plebty ol
bad company. See Featur· Int, Pqe Ct.
a.oa, Ti•e
Coooco wt O•. llR ... • .. beel• of lar•• ... ,. ... ..
aouneed urllH bJ •~1 Atlantic IUddle&d wl It-. OU Co. ol IDdlana, .._.. ......
bate abaat tbe 11M ol oil Cll9-
pan7 earnlap.
Preaident Certer made uotber pit.ch Monday for b1a tu
on oil company windfall praftll,
saying that while oU concema
already aenerate lar1e 1wm ol
money, "they want more. But
It's not fair to the American peo-
ple for them to have more."
Carter waa particularly
piqued at Exxon Corp .. the
world's largest oil company,
which said Monday its protita
bad rt.en 118 perce nt in the July·
September quarte r . The in·
creue wu the blggeat in Exx·
00'1 b.latory and among the most
ever earned l.D a quarter by a
U.S. com~y.
White House press secretary
Jody Powell called the Exxon
profita "rather enormous."
Also announcing a big rise in
third·quarter earnings Monday
was seventh-ranked Atlantic
Richfield Co.. which said its
profits rose 4S percent. Standard
OU Co. of Indiana announced a
49 percent profit gain Friday.
and other major oil companies
are expected to weigh in with
similarly large increases in
earnings this week.
Kari Ann West, 9, feeds goat in Lion Country Safari's
petting zoo. She is one of 232 handi~apped youngsters
from New Zealand spending 10 days· in Southern
California after Air New Zealand flight crews raised
$250,000. The youngsters also are visiting Disneyland,
Knotts Berry Farm. Univers al Studios, Magic Mountain
and the Los Angeles Police Department.
Exxon's proflts were "porno-
graphic" to James G. Archuie~.
a s poke s man for the Oi l.
Chemical and Atomic Workers
Union. He said Exxon and other
oil comparues "certainly cannot
plead poverty" when the union
and the Industry begin negotlat·
lng later this year on a new
wage increase for 60,000 enerey
Deposed Iran Ruler
Seeks Illness Cause
The profits probably will also
seem tugb to Americana who
beean the third quarter in gas
h nes and ended it wonderin&
whether they'd ha ve enough
bealinl oU for the winter and
what lt would cost.
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, de·
posed ruler of Iran. started an
extensive battery of tests at New
York Hospttal·Comell Medical
Center today to determine the
nature o( a dcb1lHating lllnel.~.
hospital offt c1als i1a1d
Pahlavi was lodged in three
private roo ms on the 17th noor
of the hospital's Baker Pavilion,
and was tightly guarded by his
s e c urit y fo r ces . hos p it a l
spokesman Ray Rebhann said.
Rebhann said the tests would continue through the day, and no
word on the condition or the ex·
lied former ruler wu eapected
unUl Wednesday momin1, at tbe earliest.
years ago
"There 1s no wa y he could
e ven walk or crawl,·' said
Stabler "l think this was a case
of neglect, where the person who
neglected him didn't know any
There have been no arresta
and the case remained under in·
vestigatlon, police said. An
autopsy was ordered.
Moat neighbors said they were
not a ware that Arthur Riihimaki
had lived in the home, according
to a police invesUgation.
One woman. who asked that
her name not be disclosed. said
she saw him only once, five
years ag<f. when he stuck his
bead out of a window. She sa1d
that when she ulred the father
about bis other son, he did not
say much and that the subject
never came up again.
lie would not describe the
symptoms of the shah·s sick-
ness. but did say that Pahlavt
could not be d escribed as
desperately ul
Earller, Eamon Brennan, the
hos pital's vice preside nt for
public affairs. said Pahl<tvi
v.ould undergo a van et> or tests,
1nclud1 n g "b lood urine ,
radiology, but no one 's being
more spec1 f1c than th at "
WillJam Greene. ho~p1tal ad
m1mstrator. s aid the !>hah v. as
adm itted around 8 p m PDT
Monday. about an hour after be
•Upped into New Yon at La Guardia Airport aboar• a
Gulfau..m twhHnclDe Jet.
Seven hours after the shah's
amval. one of hls senior ad·
\>\sors re leased a st at<'ment
v. h1ch did not reveal the ~hd.h !>
"His 1mpenal m a1esty has
come to Cn1ted States to un
der go extensive m edical ex·
a m1na t1 on s a t Ne w Yo rk
Hospital The shah and mem·
bers of his family are optimistic
that the outs tanding medical
care available Jn the United
States will diagnose bis ailment
and provide a cure." the state-
ment from Robert F. Armao
s aid.
"The shah will not make any
pubU c statements nor bold any
news coo.ferences. For now he
has authorized me to say that be
is grateful to President Carter
and the United States govern·
ment for making him welcome
To the extent that it is practJcaJ
and ad\i sable. ·efforts will be
made to issue timely reports on
the shah's condition," the stale·
ment said.
But both Exxon and Arco said
profits from domestic refirung
and marketing units were ham·
pered by pnce regulations that
ltm1ted the amount or cost in·
c reases that could be passed to
consumers They said increased
earnings from other areas or
busi nes s we r e primari ly
responsible for the big profits.
OC Trip
Too Costly
BOZEMAN. lloot. <AP)
-John Vln~nt. a teacher
and a state r e presen·
tallve. says he declined an
1n v 1t at1 on t o a Wh ite
lloust-bneflng bt.>cause he
couldn t afford lhe tnp
Vi nce nt s aid he was
among JOO people from the
\.\est inVlted to a brief mg
Monday on energy and the
proposed windfall oil prof·
Its tax
"ft was all very formal
and official," said Vin·
cent. "But I can't afford to
take two or three days off
work riebt now, and I real-
ly can • justify spending
all that money for the
airplane ticket."
Cabinet Named
<AP>-El Salvado r 's new
m1litary·civ1han jun ta has
named a c abinet, chpgsing
hberaJly from many gro~long
opposed to the right-wing gov·
ernment overthrown last week.
One good name deserves another.
Put your n;iml' on an OMEGA Th(•
best su pnsc., comt.' in ~mJll wooden·
packa ges. Sn Wl•'w pJckagl•d a
remarkablt.• new Oml'Sd Q uMt.1.
Chronoml'll'r in this very
stylish box
THI:. WAl CH : Thi!< !"triking
design w.ls cre ated for none other
than th1..' fou nd1..•r of Omcg<1 . The
14 kara t yellow gold and stainless
steel p<>rfl'ctly complemt!nt a
dimensional dial. Thi water-
resistant chronometer is certified to
be incred1blv a ccurate . Of course.
the bracelet 'f ea tu res a hidden clasp.
THE PACKAGE· A highly polished
solid mahogany case i a fitting
container for such a unique
timepiece. O nly one thing mis!ling:
your name. wti\ch wiJI be engraved
on the me ta l rlaq~e. complete with
your persona senal number.
THE PRICE: $2,200.00 (Stainless steel. $1.500.00. 18 karat
gold, $5,000.00.)
f1,h1on hlanJ. Nc:wporf Center. Nc:wpun Bc:ach I (714 )C'\44-1 \RO
I 0111.r ''"''""'' "'""""'"'''" \l.111 l.J~Ufl.I Hill• \l,.11 C'lf.m)!1. C '"""' Al•" (ot\'\lhr I;~ A111-'<l'i' '"'"Ou.-•• 1.,. Vr'"" ......... J....__~ ... -..~ ................. ,._.,.._,.,.... '"" ..... n..
11, • ._, I '"' '''"'•'' C.1t1IJ
Slain ltlesa Girl's Last Hours Traeed1
~..-..... -n.D* of ~•r apart•••t-~w1lUa1 =Mn, WU IWlre of tM
f/l llllaeb -...., .... bed oeaund aear bet Colt.a
.... mt•ll a rt.oo.l.
Tbe ll6jM aM WU &la.lll, lhe
wq ewes...S mou&b about the
........ to follow ber alater't ad·
vice ad att tbe door to ber ...,__at 2151-A Maple St.
But t.be wlDdow locb were
* * *
brobo liM PDUee taJ t.Ut la
bow U. a-..: murderer Sot U.-0.... .... •.
Llk• "" other womee blfore Hr, t.be 11·)'tar-old 1irl Wal
bludaeooed to death and rQed.
KO.at)' for lllla Senior .u1 be
recited Friday at 8:45 a.m. at St.
Joaebim1' Catholic Cbureb .
Ma11 ol Chri1Uan Burial will
follow at t a .m . She will •be
buried at Harbor Lawn·
* * *
lltmorial Park.
She leaves her pareatl, John
aod Pamela Senlor: two
brothers, Jeffrey and Michael,
and a sister Jacqueline, all ol
Costa Mesa , and h er
gl'andmotber, Florence Medland
of Canada.
Police have been questioning
family and frienda of the teen·
ager since her body was d.i's·
covered early Sunday morning
• * *
in an attempt to find leads to her
killer's identity in her Ulestyle
and habits.
Mlss Senior graduated from
Estancia High School in June.
Her teachers there r emem-
bered her as a "sweet girl." who
was very dependable and
seemed to eojoy Ule.
They said sbe set goals for
herself and one of those was to
attend Orange Coast College to
* * *
take leCntarial tralnin1.
111 .. Senior's former teacben
recalled that abe did bet' best
work in her bualneaa courses
and a1.o excelled in sewing.
Io a move for independence
sbe left her parents' Mesa Verde
home two months ago to ab.are
an apartment with a girlfriend.
She drove a delivery car for a
blueprint and graphics firm.
Saturday night, there was a
* * *
party at a bome for members ol
the school's erou country team.
Ml .. Senior and ber roommate
went tocetber but by 10:30 p.m.,
the YOUlll woman dfflded to go
home .
Her roommate gave her the
keys to ber car, saying she'd
find a way borne later.
Police say that sometime
between midnlPt and 2:30 a.m .
<See VICTDI. Pace AZ>
* * * 'No · Pattern' .. • ID Coast Slayings
Prime Rate Hiked
By Several Banks
NEW YORK (AP)-Morgan
Guaranty 'ITust Co. raised its
prime lending rate today to a re-
cord 15 percent, and the move
was quickly joined by several
ban.ks. Only two weeks ago, the na·
lion's biggest banks raised the
rate they charge for loans to
most credit-worthy corporate
• borrowers by an unprecedented f full percentage point to 14.5 per-t _ ..
Shah Enters
t NY Hospital
I' For Testing
NEW YORK (AP) -Sbab ~ Mob•mmed Rel& Pahlavi, de-
poled ruler of Iran, hu been ad· mltted to New York Hospital-
Cornell Medical Center. 'and a
State Department source in
W utuncton aald today the shah
had cancer and • blocked bUe
The eource, wbo uked not be
Identified. save no further de-
lleanwblle, department
QOke1111a11 lfoddinl Carter aaJd
tie lealtb "' tbe aiaab •• ata1 lD tbe Ulllt*l States would depmd
-Ida medical CODdltioll.
Morgan Guaranty. the fifth.
largest U.S. bank ranked by de·
posits, said the 15 percent prime
was effective immediately. A
bank official declined to com·
ment on reasons for the boost,
except to say the bank bases its
prime rate on several factors,
primarily the cost of acquiring
funds and the demand for busi·
ness loans.
Banks use the prime rate as
the basis for setting interest
rates on almost au commercial·
industrial loans.
Although the prime baa no
direct effect on consumer loan
Interest rates, it ls viewed as an
indicator of trends in interest
rates generally
Many banks in several areas
of the nation, faced with bigb
costs of acquiring funda, have
cut back lending or railed ln·
tereat rates for consumer credit
such as installment loans or
home mortgqes.
Several Hnlta, Including No. e
Cbemkal, No. 8 Bank_.. Tnalt.
and No. 20 Bank of New York.
immediately jolned llol"lan in
the move to a 15 pereent prime.
Amon" other major banks
po1Uq the hall-point inenue
were Harria Bank of ChlcafO, Firs~ Pennsylvania of
Philadelphia, Bank of America,
Wella Fareo Bank and United
California Bank.
Cuur Mid tbe U.ua.d States Tbe Federal Relerve Board oa
Md ..._ lD prior CODtact wttlt Oet. I~ a plan to mate
IJ'aala aatboritlea about tbe it more npeuln to extend
U.S. clldllllD to permit tbe lbab credit. 1be Fed lmpoeed ~
to traftl to tlUa coaatry. Be marllnal reMl'Ve requlremmta
....... Uaat tlae United Staa. on certain types of llabllltl• ..... ,. tM *811 DO loqer baa ltneraJl1 blown U "parcbaled
llam to iM1111J1tt1 ID Iran. tlllldl'' and1rm.d tbt dl9comd
Palllni. wbo U'riHd lD New r-. .. tbl f• ....... OD loml
York on llooda1 nilbt, wu "'-,,._ 1 ;. • ..._ID..._ print. tOOml •I!~:.:~
• ... -...... ,.."' tbe --~· ..................... ~
~-"' Ida MeUl'ltf '°""· ™!.;.~okHmaD &1~ ......
Killer of -Gir~
Puzzles Police
By JOANNE REYNOLDS 01 ,,. o.u, .,, ... s"'"
Detectives from five Orange
County agencies conductmg a
joint investigation or assaults
and murders or young women
say they have been unable to
find a .common tie between the
nine victims
Police announced Monday that
the formal task force, formed
Lwo weeks ago to investigate a
total of 14 assaults and murders,
was being disbanded in favor of
a more loosely knit association
of the investigators.
They also said that fi ve of the
cases have been eliminated
from the list. The remaining at·
tacks in Costa Mes a. Irvine,
Newport Beach. Santa Ana
Heights and Tustin are the work
of one man. spokesman Charles Thayer said.
That man, u described by a
witneu, la of medium height and
muscular build witb collar-
lenitb dark balr u.d a dark mu1tacbe. BJa eb .. ll:a are
~kmarked and be bas an olive
Tbe e... for wfi.lch oee am.
peel la belq aou&bt are· -Jw EDea ....._,._, 29,
of Corona del Mar, who was
slain Aug. 1, 1977:
-Kimberly Gaye Rawllu, 21,
of Costa Mesa, killed April 1,
1979; #
-8avaamab Lelp Andenoe.,
22, of Irvine. wbo died May 13,
-Marolyn Carelton, 31, of
Costa Mesa, slain on Sept. 14,
-Debra J ean Kennedy, 24, of
Tustin, killed Oct. 7. 1979;
-Debra Lynn Senior, 17. of
Costa Mesa who was murdered
The cases al~ mclude surviv·
i ng a ssault victims Kim
Whitecotton, 20, Santa Ana
Heights, who was attacked in
May; Jane Pettengill, 24, of
Costa Mesa wbo was attacked In
JuJy. and Diana Green. 20, or
Tustin, who was attacked in Sep.
Mrs. Green's unborn baby girl
died as a result of the assault.
Based on a witness' descrip-
tion, police are circulating a pie·
tur'e of a dark-haired man they believe is responsible for the
string of murderous assaults.
At the same time. detectives
are studying the Ii ves of the v1c·
Urns to try to rind a common
ground they sh&red 10 hopes that
common point would lead them
to the killer
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
acknowlell~ that 1f there is a
trait shared by the women, 1t 1s
'"We've looked at the places
they did their shopping, the gas
stations they used . repair
services, beauty parlors -you
name it.
'"There's JUSt nothing there."
he said.
The one trait they all shared is
that they lived 10 apartments
with ground-noor entries that
were shielded from the street.
The women also had another
trait in common-they didn't
lock their doors and windows on
the night they died.
According to police, the
women were disalmllar in look.s
as well as lifestyles.
They ranged in aize from Ilia
Kennedi, wbo WU a stocky, ftft feet three iDebea tall to lll8a Sealor wM waa a 9tr_,... ftft
feet nine inches tall.
Their hair ran the spectrum ol
colon, lengtb9 and atylea. They woft:ed at a range al
job9. Mrs. Carelton tauabt self
actulliatlon courses from ber
home. Mias Bennington was a
former social worker who'd
become a waitress. Miss Pet-
t en g i 11 worked for an op·
Miss Senior, who bad gradual·
ed from Estancia High School in
Costa Mesa. drove a delivery
car for a bluepnnl service.
Miss Rawlins was a shipping
clerk Miss Anderson worked for
a credit checking service.
Their social 11 ves were a s
varied as their careers. police
sa1d . runruog the gamu\ from
party lovers to introverted stay·
at-home types.
Mrs. Carelton was a widow.
Miss Bennington was divorced.
Miss Anderson announced her
engagement days before her
"We have some who were into
punk -rock. There was another
who read classics. Shakespeare
and Darwin,·· Calnoo com·
Police say they plan to con·
tinue their probe or the minutiae
or these victims' lives but rornow.
they concede that the only obvious
point they share in common is
that they've been victimized by
the same man.
Conoco, Gulf Post
Huge Profit Gains
NEW YORK (AP> -Conoco
Ine. and Gulf Oil Corp. joined
tbe 11.at ol bl1 oil companies an·
nouncln1 huee third-quarter
profita today, wilb Conoco say·
lDI lta lneome rwe 133 percent
gver the comparable quarter or
Paper Drive Slated
Al Coeta Me8a High
The Costa Meaa Hip School
PTSA i1 1pon1orin1 a paper
drhe Saturday at tbe bitb
1cbool, 2lliO Fairview Road.
Donon are asked to brt.na n•••=•· mafaainea and boDe to tbt ICbool'I ltU·
dent pa.rtiat lot betwten t a.m .
·and 4 p.m. Saturday. Proeeecta
wlll be used for 1tudent
acbolanbipa w to 111i1t needy
1978, and Gulf posting a 97 pecent
galn. Like the other oil companies to
announce big third-quarter earn-
ings 1aina. both attributed most
of the jump to increased prolits
from overseas operations and
said UWe came from U.S. refin.
inl and marketing divisions.
Conoco, ranked ninth •IDOlll
U.S . oil companiea, said ill
third-quarter profit WU tz47.l
million, or $2.30 a share, com·
pared with '105.8 million, or •
centa a share, ln 1918'1 third
quarter. Tbi.s year's period in·
eluded a oae-Ume eatn of $32.8
million, or JO centl a abate,
from a cbanee lD Britlab tu
Conoco, bued ln Stamlord,
Conn., llld ... in lb• Quarter
,,,.. 41 perceat to ta.5 bWkln
from '2.4 blWoo lo lbe July-
CS. raonra, ••P AJ>
---------.-.. ---·----------•
..... Polee Alert A,lertment ow. .... About Oler
Mesa Residents
Fortifying Homes
Costa Mesa residents are fort.I·
rying their homes aga~· t an in· truder police believe s at·
tacked nine Oran oast
women. lrilling six of them.
"People are really scared."
say police, loclls m1lhs and gun
Four o( the victims lived in
apartments in Costa Mesa.
Police from the other four
agencies investigating the as·
saults report similar problems.
They're wal.k.ing a ughtrope with
residents of their Junsd.lctions.
They want to warn residents.
especially women who live m
apartments, to be wary. They
want those women especially to
lock their doors and windows.
But they don't want to cause a
Police in Tustin. where two of
the attacks have occurred,
malled a bulletin to 7,000 apart·
ment dwellers In their city. Of.
ricers there tell or one woman
who became frightened andl
a rmed herself with a .357·
magnum revolver.
Her nerves got to her. she
fired at a shadow and the bullet
went through her apartment
wall strlk.ina her neighbor's
television set.
Police grimly note It could as
easily have been the oelgbbor
who caught the bullet.
In Costa Meaa, there bas been
a run oo Jocb and home securl·
ty devices at the local hardware
A spokesman at Kerm Rima
Hardware said tbe people
who've come lo recently have all
mentioned the murders .
"They're frllbtened," be noted.
Me&a Police Set
Seminar on Rape
Coata MeNU concern.eel about
rape and home MCUri\1 can at·
tend ooe ol tbree ra99 aware-
nea1 aem1Dan police are olfer-
Tbey are scheduled 1t T:JO
p.m. Oct. 30, 2 p.m . Oet. Sl IDd
7:30 p.m. Nov. l at tbe police
atatlon!.. It Fair Drive, Costa
Meaa . .1u•erntioal an nalla-
ble by eallln1 Officer Darell Freeman at '7St·53IO.
;1 -----------........._~
Gun store spokesmen say
they've seen an increa$e in the
sales oC handguns. A spokesman
at Dave's Guns referred to the
weapons as "h<>mt"<>wner's in·
But police aren't eager to have
an armed populace. Capt
Edward Glasgow of the pat.rol
d1v1S1on said he does n't think the
situation calls for use of guns by
'"In Uus instance, the suspect
isn't using forcible entry. The
best protection 1s good locks, not
a gun,·· he said
Costa Mes a police have
launched a door to-door cam·
pa1 gn to warn r esidents,
especially apartment dwellers.
They also hope to pick up a lead
to the killer's identity.
Police reserves, cadets and
Explorers have been on the
streets from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m ..
knocking on doors and banding
out leaflets.
Reserve officer Greg Coulter
and Explorer Richard Trapp
were one of several teams to go
into apartment complexes Mon-
Partly cloudy tonl1ht
and Wednesday. Lows
tonilbt :rr to 8Z wtlb a bi.sh
about 10 near the beaches
W edneaday. and ln lbe up-
per 709 inland.
A lfudf tQft Rom IM
R1odcr of World War II fOfM
reh•rMd co lwr Jaome ret.c-'°"''•· S-ttorv. Page At. ....
At'f-...... M ............. .,,_ ....... a *"" .,. ...... ..,. ............. .. ....... ................. .. ~ Al ...... C..., Atl C---CA flWk ....._M.CA 0....-c:.a ..,.....,._ .. ~ • a I.CA,_ /41 Cle• 0...._ IM .... .._ Mer.•· • a .............. __ ..
...... , 1 .... ,..... 111 .,
,....._ C14 ftMWw 1M
-I Cl-M .... 11 ........... Al ._......._a ,
-~ -------":"""--_...__..
,ti QM.YN.OT c !wtd!X, Octobef D , 1171
Extortionist Fft~es Death Rap
A Newport leacb aaa• ...., _*'*'" ~cO••ecUon •ltb tbe da.ap·
pearaac. of a Gardea Grove
woman laat AUl\llt 11 no
cbarpd wlth ber m"'*r .
Orana• Count)' O.puty Dll· trtct AtionMy Dave Can.r ru.d murd., and kldnap ebartH
••••• 1..&rr'y aau~ . ..a, .... clay. SmlU.. .., Partt Newport.
waa convtcted ln US Dtl\riet
Court lMt ._k for maklna the
telepboDe calla demandlq •
tl00,000 rauom fort.be return ot
Carolyn Bealer. H. who baa
never been fou.od.
Sent.enrln.I oe Saolt.b ·1 feder.a
Carter Offen
OWw Tari//
Preaident Carter today ex·
tended most·favored-
naUoo tarUf treatment to
the People's Republic of
China and ur1ed Con.,,aa
to "act u soon u pout.
hie" to approve a trade
agreement between the
Carter 1lped a prC)c·
lamaUoo extendiDC non·
disertmlnatory treatment
to Cbloeae eaportl and
predicted that t.be trait~
pack•,. will ".1lJ'eftll.ben
botll eeonomte and
polWcaJ relations between
the United Stat.el and tbe
People'• Republic of
caevtdkla llu bMa ~
for Nov. 11 lo U.I . Dl1lrtct
J•d11 Malcolm Luc11'
co•rtroom. Carter lndlcat..S .. ...., ta. Newport a.adl ..
will not b9 br'ouabt to On.nee
County for 1rr1l1nmenl UAtll
1fter Jude• Luca1 aentencea
him ln to. An1ele.
lmltb fee. a poaibl• JO.year
prilon tenn on the extortion COO· vlct.J.on.
Howewr. he could a face the
death penalty lf be la convicted
of ftnt-<Miree murder and 1 jury flnda that Ml11 Bealer'•
death t.-u perpetnted duriut a
kldnep fGrtMIOCD.
Smidt .._ clalmld ttaM twe
olber meo forced blm to partld,_ lo the kMIDa,... ot
tht woman, wbo wu lut ....
Aua 24 aboard a bo1t beadt.u
oul to 1ea from. Dane Polnl
Harbor. 1be two men, whom be
baa ldenUlted only u Jack and
Ray_1 ret1.1rn•d wltbout ber,
Bul lnvetllt1tora aay Smltb
w81 the laat known penoo lo
have aeen her alive and that b1I
f"ce wu acratcbed alter a wit·
oea1 told Newport Beach police
lbat only Smith and Miu Bealer
were aboard t.be boat. Sip.a al a
1truUlit aboeN U.. craft wen
found by omcca.
SmJtb MI lldM to pol.le. 00
Mlu B1aler'1 brother,
Lawrence Paul Fox of Anabetm,
bed received calla over• t.bree-
day period trom a man wbo uld
be WU boldlDC b1a 1later. A\.
temotl tw Fox to turn overt.be
ransom under FBI culdance
proved unaucceuful when the ex-
tortiooilt complained about the
kind of baetbe money waa ln.
Smith ii belnJ kept in a Loi
An1ele1 county Jail cell until hll
Nov. tsaenteoclnl-
Bleeding Saves Lives?
VCI Doctor Explains H emodilution
Bleedin& patients berore sur-
gery could help save livea as
well u money, a UC Irvine doc·
tor told hll colleagues ln San
Franciaco today.
Tbe procedure. known as
bemodilution, bu been u.sed by
Dr. David Roee ln bl• won at
the Veterans Admlnlalratlon
Hospital in Lona Beach.
Rote, an ualttant professor of
aneatbeeiolol)' at UCI, told the
American Society of
Aneathnloloalata that be baa
achieved aoocl resultl ln uatn1
bemodilution oe cancer patient.
bein1 prepared for sursery.
HeDiod:Outioo involves the re·
moval ol about au pint.a of blood
from a patient just before sur·
1ery, Ros4! said. The blood ls
stored and then a salt solution is
Injected Into the patient to
replace the amount of blood
This meana when the patient
bleeds during surgery. be or sbe
will lose only half of tbe blOOO
normally loel, the rest being the
salt solution.
Once major bleeding has
slopped, Rose aald, the six pint.a
or blood can be relnjected ..
Normally, patients requlrtq
tran1fualon1 both during and
after an operation receive blood
from a blood bank.
And tbi.a LI where Rose 1ald
bemodilutlon can help save
lives. The docto r tol d tbe
aneatbeelologist.s lbat "conven·
Uonal transfusions can cause
numerous d.l.seues."
"Hemodilution presents leas of
a danger becauae patlenta re·
celve t.helr own blood," be said.
Rose said bemodllution hu
been used for many yea111 for
cardiovascular 11urgery but that
he bas been trying it for the put
year at the VA hoapltal on
selected paUentl under1otn1 ab-
dominal cancer operatlona.
The UCI doctor aald money
Detf'I ...............
U . Wyatt Hart Dleplaya Sel&ed INecklack Item•
Deputy 'Wins'
4 Charged With Gambling
Lady Luck was worklng an
aberttra Sgt. Les Leber'a favor
Lut weekend wben be took part
ln • high stakes blackjack game
ln Dao.a Potnt.
Farao. Laauna Hilla.
A female companion of the
suspects i• being sought. She
fled with an undi.acw.ed amount
of cash at the Ume uniformed ol·
ficera arrived. S~ock Market Zigzags
. could be aaved ln aucb opera-
tions because they can require
three unlta ol blood lo make up
for bleedlnl durt.ns 1ur1ery.
Since bemodiluUoa does not
require use of blood from a
bank, which coata about Sl.50 a
unit. u much u M50 could be
Leber WU ahead by MOO. in
fact. wbea ot.btt officen inter·
ru,pted the proceedl.op Saturday
nipt and arrested four South
County men on 1amblln1
And Leber? Re WU wortcinc
undercover and didn't bave to
W0f1'Y about beinl found at the
residence at 33142 Acapulco
when the raid occurred.
Sheriff apoltesman Lt. Wyatt
Hart said the 1ame operated
with t.b.ree dealers, a pit bou, a
hart.ender and waltresa. He aaid
all were on wary.
stock market wu mixed today,
aa the bmik prime lending rate
climbed to a record 15 percent.
The Dow Jones average of 30
industrials waa off 2.30 polnts to
Losers took a 3-2 lead over
gainers in the mid-day tally of
New York Stock Exchange-
liated issues
Analyst.a aaid some early buy-
ing was encouraged by the
market's showing Monday,
when the Dow ·Jonea lndu.strlaJ
average rebounded after slip-
ping briefly below the 800 level
for the fir s t time since
The average, oH about 15
points at its lowest level of the
"J"bQ bardly bad to lmoek OD door• ta lbe weat aide
neighborhood that's about two
m Iles from the scene or the
latest murder Sunday.
As soon as they got out of their
poli ce ca r , r es id e nts
materialized, asking questions
* * * Fro•Pa~Af
the murderer slipped Into the
apartment through one of the
unlocked windows and kllled
the sleeping teen-ager. Her
roommate discovered her body
at3 a.m.
Today, her grieving parents
talk about their loe~J saying It was too painful for toem to dll·
cu11 tbelr daughter while pre-
pa rlng for her funeral.
The)' have auggeated that
donat.loos be made "ln Debbie's
name" to Pet ReaponalbllJty,
Inc., P .O . Box 104, Laguna
Strike Stifling
tlooal Guard wu called ln Mon·
day to staff the state prllon .and
other Jalll after correclloo.a of·
Ileen joined a walkout by about
8,000 blue -collar county and
atate employees. The worll:en
for the ltate and Ila four COUD·
Uea -lncludiq refuse workers.
custodlena, park keepen, school
cafeteril employees and others
-went on ltrike early Monday.
Tt. 0. ..... "911 Oelly ~ wtfll-"l•<-Do_ IM_,.._ .• .....,.._ ....... °'_
c; .... -.....~ .._ ... Mi.-... _ ....... -.. ................ "'"' ....... ,.._, __ ......,.. ... ..,,_ ....,..,, .. ...,_,,_.'"-_,.,_c-," ........................ ,.... .. "".....,._ -· n..,-_ ,_._ .,_ .... llO
w.111 .. , ..,.._.,c--. C.iltoffl•~
~"-~---Jee•··~ ., ... ~..-1-0.-•~
--~ ......
~.~..=.-=::.-::. ....
T:lll•MRI (1141....,
aboat tlle aMa and ~ , ...... women told ot buytn1 loco
for their homes.
Men who stopped the officer
a nd Explorer collected the
warning bulletin for their wtves.
girlfriends or co-workers.
One woman who stopped the
two men talked with them for
several minutes
"I live by myself and I know
too -well what's been happen·
Ing," she said. Coulter repeated the depart
ment's warning:
Keep your doors and windows
locked. Report any suspiclom person
to the police al 754·5360.
"Tballll," tbe woman said.
"lt'a made me feel a lot betuJr."
Coulter said the leaflet pro-
gram baa drawn nothing but
cooperaUon from residents con-
tacted. "Nobody's told ua to get
lost or complained about having
u.a around.'' he aald.
Aa he and Trapp moved
through the apartment complex·
ea, residents repeatedly asked
about the caae. One boy,
clutcb.lng a baseball bat told the
men "I hope tbat guy gets
AD old woman confided, "I'm
scared all the time."
Talk on Oil
Set in Mesa
E .H. "Hubie" Clark Jr .. presi-
dent of Baker International
Corp., will d.lscua1 the energy
situation and the oll Industry
Thursday in a talk sponsored by
the Costa Mesa Chamber of
Commerce Conservation Com·
The talk will begin et 7;30
p.m . in city council chambers,
77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa.
Baker Intem1tional produces
drilling tool.a and other producta
used by oil and other energy
companie. but Isn't involved ln
the production of oil.
Talk Slated
Auemblywoman Karlan
Ber,eeon, R ·Newport Beach,
wll analyse th e year'•
le1lllaUve activtUet on educa·
Uonal matt.en tonllbt ln • pn·
aeataUon to the Nt wport·NIH
1cbool board.
Mn. Ber1noa la a former
mtmw ot tbe board.
Rtr tall "'11 lead oll tool0t'1
Hlaool board m..Uq, w\leb
betlM Ill 7:• at HarDer Coom· munltJ c.ur, lab ltl'Mt at TulUD A.-, Oolta .....
day. closed with only a 5.55-point
But the upswing bad already
begW\ to fade when New York's
Morgao Guaranty Trust. and
seve ral other large baw ln·
creased ~ir prime rates today
from 14 'f.i tol5percent.
Interest rates have been surg-
ing for more than two weeks
since the Federal Reserve an-
nounced plans t o' clamp on
credit in its effort to get inflation
unde r control.
Meanwhile. the dollar rose in
Europe this morning. and it.a
continued strength on foreign
excban1ea helped to depreH
Sold prieea.
la Tolt:ro. t.be clo&1ar cloMcl •
234.125 >'•· lta tUpe.t r.e. for more than 18 months and up
from 232.75 Monday.
In London. the British po1.md
weakened slightly to $2.1435,
compared lO S2 1490.
Gold sold an London for $385.00
a Troy ounce, down from 392.375
at Monday 's close.
The Zurich price was $384
Tree Pollen
In Basin
Asthma and hay fever auf·
ferers in some areas of the South
Coast Air Basin faced a new
kind of air contaminant today:
Tree pollution.
The Air Quality Management
District reported an increue in
phone calls Monday from Bever·
ly Hilla, Santa Monka and Simi
Valley residents who thought
they were besieged by sulphur polfutton.
But AQMD spokesman Bill
Falkner said there was was no
ne.ed to worry -unless a person
has bay fever.
"It's pollen from a tree called
the deodar cedar. which grows
pretty heavily in (bat part of
town," Falkner s ald. "It lands
on everything. It's something you
can expe<:t every year about this
Races Day
A day at the races la planned
by the Coeta Mesa Chamber of
Commert'e Nov. 9 .
Costa Meaa.. Day at Loa
Alamltoe will be held lo conjunc·
Uon with the Orange Count y Fall
Fair al the race track. "
The chamber sroup will de·
part at 9:30 a .m. from the Holl·
day Inn, 3131 Brlltol St., Colta
Mesa. Colt of '15 includ .. bul
tran1port1Uon, attendance at
recea and lunch.
Re1ervaUooa must bt paid lo
advance. lnlormatloo can be ot>-
tai ned by ealllnc 97t-05H.
Former Mayor Al Plnklty la
chairlnt the event.
War Duda Ruined
Altboueb the paUenta be used
hemodiluUon on were seriously
Ill to begin with -tn any autfer·
ing from lune dlleaae aa well u
malnutriUon -they showed an
ability to recover more quickly
from surgery beu\lJSe of the pro-
cedure. he said
A side benefit to the use of
hemodilution. Rose said. l.s in
aiding pallents who have re·
ligious beliefs which prohibit
t h em fr om re r e1v1ng
Planners OK
Plant in Mesa
A pf'OPC>Hd 200.000-square-root
industrial development won the
backing of Costa Mesa plan.rung
commissioners Monday.
Comm.issloners recommended
to the City Council that It ap.
prove the two-story development
at 151 Kaimu.a Drive, near the
county airport. with certain
The proposal by Tamuuer·
Hamilton. Inc., authorized agent
for Moreland Development Com-
pany. Inc., would change the
zoning from Industrial part to
planned development Industrial.
The main effect of the zoning
change would be to allow more
design nexJbllity and more of.
fl ee space.
Because or coocern that too
many offices would change the
nature of the large lnduatrlal
park that adjoins the aJrport,
comml.asioners attached a coodi·
lion that would Umlt office apace
to the part of the development
that fronts the street.
About Sl.400 In cash w as
seized. aJong with lhrff black·
jack tables and $25.000 worth ol
1>9ker chips.
The sheriff's department Iden·
tified the suspects as B 111 C Vu1 .
40. of 1515 Buena Vasta. San
Clemente. Roy A Paulter. 35, of
27525 Tossamor M1ss1on V1eJo.
James C. Sanderson. 30. of 1615
Buena Vista. San Clemente and
Buck L. Truett. 43. of 24892 Wells
H 1 rt said "the boat for tbe
pmblinl aesaion wbicb bad a
$100 limit on beta. WU paid Sl500
for provldio& the location for the
game and for screening about 20
players who received invitations
to the affair.
One ol those who got an mvita-.
t1on was Leber.
Undercover Newport Beach
oohce offi cers participated in
the operallon with sheriff's de-
Hart said the game operated
throughout Orange County and
was booked up until December.
*9,...P ... AJ
September period a year aro.
F ifth-ranked Gulf. based In
Pittsburgh, s&Jd profits In the
quarter were $416 m1lhon. or
S2 13 a share. compared with
$211 uulboo. or Sl 08 a share, a
yea r ago Revenues 1n the
quarter rose 33 peTrent lO 6 74
billion from SS 05 billJon
The profits announced by
Conoco and Gull. coming on the
heels of large inrreases an -
nounced earlier by Exxon.
Atlantic Richfield and Standard
Oil Co. ol lndiana. renewed de·
bate about the size or oil com·
pany earninp.
President Carter made
another pitch Monday for his tax
on oil company windfall profits,
saying that wblle oil concerns
already senerate lar1e sums ol
money, "they want more. But
It'• not fair to the American peo-
ple for them to have more ...
Carter waa particularly
piqued at Enon Corp., the
world's largest oil company,
which said Monday its proflts
bad risen llB percent Ln the July.
September q uarter. The ln· rrease was the blggeat in Eu·
on·s h15tory and among the most
ever earned in a quarter by a
U S company
White House press secretary
Jody Powell called the Exxon
profits "rather enormous •·
Also announcing a big nse In
th1rd·quarter earrungs Monday
was seventh ranked Atlantic
Richfield Co .. which said its
profit.a l"06e ~ percent. Standard
Oil Co. of Indiana announced a
49 percent profit gain Friday.
and other maJor oll companies
are expected to Neigh in with
similarly large lncreaaea in
earnings this week.
Exxon's profits were "porno-
graphJc" to James G. Archuleta,
a apokeaman for the 011,
Chemical and Atomic Workers
Union. He said Euoo and other
oil companies "certainly cannot
plead poverty" when the wdon
and the lnduat.ry beein neaotiat·
ang later thll year on a new
wage Increase for 80,000 enero
One good name deserves another.
Put your name on an OMEGA. The
best suprises come in small wooden
packagt>S. So we've pack~ed a
remarkable new Omega Quartz
Chronometl'r in this very
styli sh box.
THE WATCH: This striking
design was created for no ne other
than the founder of Omega. The
14 karat yellow gold and stainless
steel perfectly complement a
djmensional dial. This water-
resislant chronometer Is certified to
be incredibly accurate. Of course,
the bracelet featu~s a hidden clasp.
THE PACKAGE: A hi_ghly polished solid mah<?gany case is a fitting
container for such a unique
timepiece. Only one thing missing:
your name, which will be e ngraved
on the metal f laq~e, complete with
your persona sertal number.
THE PRI~ $2,200.00 (Stainless
steel. $1, .00. 18 karat
gold. SS.000.00.)
f.a4hl11n Mand. Nt-wport Centl'r. Nrwpcm &c-ach I (1I4) i;4.i. I Wl
I 0th• t l"•liotll• ~ , .. "'"""'' Ill.II 1 ... ,..., .. l flll• M,111 Ontn,11\· t , 1111 .. ,
At .... C•Mlf~ ..... An11dt" I"'" n .. .,.., .... Vtj1A•
., ..... ,, ...... ~ttf ....... , ..... ,..,,..,.... ... _,..,.. vt\.A .............
11 ...... , ,., ,,,.., ... '""'·'
Takllal snat palnl to pr«.ct lts
IDID frOm txpMUN to deadlJ oent Pl or u nplolioa, tbe
ArmJ bl1an dHtro,lD• ..0
pouadl of ch1mleal warfare·-----------------------~~~--~--------~--~--~~~----~--------__. d.adlllr1•1· ... ..
Barrel Leaper Soars
Normally, ba rrel jumping is associa ted with ice skating.
But P a trick Caliouette of Newpor t Be ach does it
Ca lifornia_ style -on roller skates. "Barrels" actually
a r e old ice cr eam conta ine r s h e ld together with
clothespins. Calio uette first m ade it over a four-barrel
Se~ Harassment
..& I• -41 ..;}j."
D-41Y f't!M _. h LM ... ,_
stack, then s oared over a stack of five. Below. he d em -
onstrates his distance style in effort to clear 16 bar-
rels . Caliouette and other roller leapers were in action
Sunday at Ba lboa Pie r Pa rk.
Home Folks
Wish Johnny
Happy Day
CORNI NG , 1owa I AP J
Johnny Carson has never re
turned to the town where he was
born 54 years ago today. but the
people who live in the com muru
ty of 2,095 don't hold it against
Corning fotks are still wistung
t h e famous NBC "Tonight
Show" host a happy birthday
Ca rson was born in the com-
munity Oct. 23, tm. to Homer
a nd R uth Hook Car s on. His
fathe r managed the local utility
company until t.be family left in
the late lala to e ventually settle
in Norfolk, Neb.
One penon wbo recalls the
comedian is Mabel Gaskill, 75.
Sbe cared for Canon when be wu a year and a ball old whlle
his mother bad sur1ery.
.. Johnny was an awful cute lit·
tie kid, I know that. He never
caused any problems," she re-
But, she adds, ·· 1 don't recall
t hat he eve r did a ny thing
Coming folks don't remember
Car son ever returning to the
com m unity, and they wish he
TU!!d!y10ctober 23, 1979 s DAILY Pll.OT
......... c .. ~:-----~~~~~-~-=-'-
Briggs RaJ>s · ..
Inmates Issues
Sen. Jobn Briggs is complainlna
that five people a re to be freed
next month after serving only a
few moot.bl in prison on charges
of conspiring to bomb bia office.
Briggs. R-Fulle rlon , com-
plained in a letter to t.he state
Department of Corrections, and
sent copies to reporters Monday.
But be did not mention that
'Stone Age'
Tribe Seen
" In Jungles
LONDON (AP> -A tea m of
explorers on a round-the-world
expedition has discove red a
primitive tribe Living in "stone
age" cooditions in the jungles or
Papua New Guinea . a reporter
with the expedition saad today
The 15 to 20 members of the
tribe li ve 10 the centra l
highlands. an a rea known for
<'ann1ballsm . said repor t er
Martan Wh ite of Press Assoc1a
tion . the British domestic new'>
White !>aid the e xped1t1on
came across the tribe an a valley
while examirung the unmapped
upper reaches of lhe Stnckland
Tribesmen told native 1n-
tc-rpn·ters that thC' explore rs
wNe the hr!>l white men they
had SE>f'n am1 almost tht-fi rst
!>trangers from outside their
\ allc•\, Wh1tl' said
lie· swd rune member~ or the
tribe were bPm~ held on can·
nib:ihsm charge~ in Jail 10 the
nearby town or r--;omad
·'There may be more unknown
tribes in Uus area." exped.JtJon
leader Roger Chapman said
In a dJspatch from the coastal
town of Lae. White said the
tribesmen live an stone-age con·
ditions although they use a few
m etal hunt.mg a xes ba rtered from
neigbbonng villages.
Cha pman S31d b.1S team calJed
in a n Austr alian Air Force
heUcopteT to lea ve the •re• and tbe tribe "jut clutched tMir
pigs -thei r mos t prized
possessions -and looked on
amazed as we lilted off."
Ge orge Thurston. London·
based ·director of administration
for the expe d it ion, named
Operation Drake. said the ex
plorers found the tribe while
che<'king a route ror the first
trans it or the Mnckland gorge.
300 miles from Lae
the five had 1pent a loG& period
In county Jail before ent.e.ring
The five were described by the
FBI as members of the terrort.at
We ather Underground. They
wer e arrested in November,
1977, afte r t h e seizure of
weapons and explosives in Los
Agent• ~d they uncove red a
plot to place a bomb in Brigp •
F uJlertoo office , allegedly the
first of several Weather Under-
g r ound targets in Southe rn
California .
They were sentenced to three
yea r s in prison, a n d a r e
scheduled to be paroled in mid·
Novem ber.
Briggs wrote tha t the paroles
are an example or "la ws lhat
protect the criminal a nd subject
citizens to further abuse."
He said one defendant had
!ler ved only four mont hs in
prison , and tbe other s nine
moo lbs.
But department s pokesman
Philip Guthrie said jail time Is
co unted agains t p rison sen·
One. Clayton Van Lydegraf,
64, spent nearly 30 months in jail
before entering prison in Jul y,
and will spend only two month.s
short or the full three years
behind bars, Guthrie said.
The others. impr isoned an
February, s pent between 20 and
23 months in jail, which means
29 to 32 months behind bars -
morl' than most inmates s pead
on three·year sentences, which
<'an be reduced by up to one.
third for good behavior.
Thi· department has scheduled
them to be paroled in the Los
>Angeles area. But Briggs asked
that 1t be San F ran c isco
because. "I want to keep these
people a~ far away from us as
possible ..
tiuth.nc !>aid Bn ggs' request
would be taken into considera
tion along with such other Cac·
tors a!> the locations o r
prisoners· families and JO b
More Marine
Deaths Seen
SAN ANTON10 , T exas <AP )
-Army specialists treating 'J7
Ma nnes seve~ly burned in a
freak fi~ a t their J apanese bae
say 19 ol them have Jess than a
S0-50 chance of survi vaJ.
··w e anticipate more deaths.··
Col. Basil A. Pruitt Jr., com·
mander of the Brooke Army
Medical Center bum treatment
umt, s a.id Monday.
Protection Steps Urged
··To my knowledge, be hasn't
ever been bac k,·· said Paul
Gauthier . editor or the Adams
County Free Press. "Of coursl'.
we wish he would.··
··o ur chaps we r e wa lking
through on root, going down the
r iver banks for about (1\e
weeks, · he said "Two of the
men "'ilh Chapman were Crom
the Papua Nf'v. Gutnea Defense
ForC'e whCI "J>t>ak cl m1xlur(' n(
lht• lot JI languaJ!(' d1alN'ts Jnd
p1d pn
More than 70 Marines waj~ng
out Typhoon Tip an their i>ar·
racks at the Mount Fuji base
were burned Friday when the
storm caused a 5,000-gallon rub·
bcr fuel contamer to rupture
Thi:-Cue! ignited and poured Lake
.J ra \er of f1 re through the bar·
form er Jus tice Departme nt
e mployee who says s he was
fi red for protesting the advances
of her boss appealed to Congress
today L9 protect federal workers
victi m ized by sexua l h a rass·
me nt.
"Wom e n making se xua l
harassment compla ints, like
women who have been sexually
assaulted, are treated as the
culpable party, rather than as
the victim ," Diane Rennay
Willi ams told a House subcom·
"Women complaining of sex·
ual harassment should be given
temporarye ·1s or transfers until the co laint is investigat·
ed a nd r lved," s aid Ms .
Williams, was dismissed as
a public information officer at
the Justice Department's Com·
m unity Relations Service in
Ted Keeps Hinting
Of '80 Candidacy
Edwa rd Kennedy ,has again
fueled s peculation that he will
seek the Democratic pre.Iden·
tlal nomination in an address to
cheering Philadelphia crowds at
a fund-raiser for m ayoral can·
didate william Green.
"I'm not here because of the
number of dele1ates, 168, thal
Pennaylvania will send to the
Democratic convention," be in·
silted with a grin as 1,400 ap-
plauded at a '100-a·plale dinner
Monday ni1ht for the fermer
Green is favored in the four.
man race to s ucceed Mayor
Frank L . Riuot a former
policeman barred oy law from
seeltinl a third term. Democrats
bave controlled City Hall since
"I'm not bere beeaue ol Penn·
aylvania'a 27 ele ctroal votes:
I'm here because I IC>ve Billy
Green," Kennedy said.
Tben be added: "But It won't
be the I.Mt time l 'll be bere. I'll
1 be back wbeo Billy Green ia
m•JGI', and when I eome back I mllbt talk about. 10mebody e1le
wbo II a cmdldate for uodler
After dinne r l . 8;!'d tb•
IZIO-per·,..._ COCSWJ rece:p.. tloa tbat preceded It, t~•.
Massachusetts a sen ator was
driven to what was billed as an
old-fashioned political rally in ·
South Philadelphia wbere nearly
5,000 bad congregated at a cate~
ing hall.
·•You to o ut a nd ring
doorbells, and do the work, and
you know what will happen?"
Kennedy shouted at tbe happy,
excited crowd that was kept
from crushing the podium by
police and secret aenlce agenta.
A voice cried out, "You'll be
president" and then a chant was
started "we want Kennedy" and
many began wa'rin1 "Kennedy
for Presideqt" llpa.
Flulbed by the warm nlabt,
sweat pourtq down bl.I face, be
aald, "In tbe next few montbl, I
ml1bt be knocltln1 on your
door." Mean~ the New York
Dally News reported today tbat
Kennedy lauacbed a penoaal
telepbaee bllb tD 1arner 1..,ort
from about • lllp·rukin1 Democrm. ne e.empet ........ db a
few ealll IMt .-•...-med
••., with s-111, _. b1I
brotber·ln-law ....... Smltb, wortiq tbe ~ IDOlt ol tbe
da1 before &....-.., departed
for tbe Pblladelphl• •P· pearuee, tbe News reported.
H e r r e m a rk s ca m e io
testimony prepared for a House
P ost · Office and Civil Service
s ubcommittee, which opened
hea rings tod ay into sexua l
harassment of federal workers
Rl!p. James Ha nley, D·N.Y.,
the subcommittee chairman.
said an investigation has shown
sexual harassment is an "every·
tiay, everywhere occurrence" in
the federal government . He ap·
pea led to the Office of Personnel
Mana gement to take ste ps to
eradicate it.
Hanley noted that an informal
survey taken by a Housing and
Urban Development employee
recently turned up about 160
women who reported they have
been harassed sexually on the
job . Other, informal surveys
also have turned up large num-
bers of women claiming s imilar
"This type of behavior simply
should not be tolerated in the
federal workplace ," H anley
said. "Managers should be put
on notice that a 'boys will be
boys• atmosphere will not be
c ondoned i n a n y fe d eral
Federal court rulings have
beld in the Ju t sever al years
that sexual harassme nt Is a
form al 1ex discrimination, and
outlawed u a result.
Committee aides say sexual
baraummt normally takes the
form al a male aupenlaor malt·
ln1· advances t o a fema l e
worker, then takina retaliatory
mea1ure1 1uch u lau.lq poor
jo~mance rat.inc• or an
ou lbt dismlual notice lf the
advanee1 are spurned:
Ma. Vt'lllialDI, whose case ta
expected to ,0 to a aew trial lo
several ween, wu fired on 25
mlnutel notice lo 19'72, Mveral
day1 after filin1 a 1ex ell•·
crtmlnaUoa complaint a1a1mt
ber boll.
Whtie ber nperviaor bu re-
mained lo hll Job, her cue baa
been lo the federal eourta IDd
,had a number of admlnlstratlft heaJ'inal.
Storekeeper Val Vinje is wearing.a JG.HOOK nary nanncl blazer
from our new departmen t teaturin~ classic ladies' clothing.
A start of ezt raordma111 characttr /or mrn hc>11s ond now lad1ts
:;.i.-.. " 1028 Irvine. Newport Beach.
Cali(ornia. Phone 642-7061
"•-' .. :·:· ... ~outing
Election? Oh, Really?
On A.ND NOUNG DEn.-When eleeUoa predict· -en ret to predJcttnT, 1omet.lm-a l:be ruuna can be
absolu&ely 1malln1. Coo1lder the leeUon we oow have
You have cooalde~ It. haven't you! Are you noddina
olf llaln OD mt! lo event ~t hu eluded your alteotJon. there wUI be a
vote in our re&100 t.b.l1 comln1 Nov. e. That's on a Tuesday,
followina llonda.Y Dll hl football on Nov 5
M tot' lbe aweaome p«Mi.icUon OG UU. aff•ir, it comes
from Oraft&e Co4mty Re1l1lrar of Voten Al Olson. He haa
1ned with enormous cooce.olration int.o his crystal ball
Vote-predicting Elve1 Emerging F rom Fore1t of Apath11
and then pronounced that the voter turnout at the polls
should be near 50 percent of those registered and qualified
to cast ballots
rounded t.bia coming vote, you have t.o be baffled as to
where Mr. Oboo was able to pull 50 percent into focus in
bis c~ globe.
Let's face It; this is an election where Teddy isn't run·
niog for anything. Not even dogcatcher .
You know thia can't be much or an election coming up
because Supervisor Tom Riley hasn't given a party for it
yet with Tom Fuentes serving as master of ceremonies.
If they just could have persuaded Supervisor Edison
Miller t.o run for something in this coming election. then
maybe it would hflve generated some interest. It would
have been better If Edison had even hinted he might be on
the ballot.
THUS IT IS INC RE DIBLE that Mr Olson and his
fo rtune-telling sphere wer e able to materialJZe 50 percent.
You must remind yourself that 50 percent of nothing is
still zero.
Anyway. just for the ree<>rd, it should be noted that the
Nov. 6 voting -i( any -wiU involve the election or school
board members throughout our region.
Also on the ballot will be elections for certain special
dis tricts that handle things like recreation· and street
PltOllABLY THE •EASON ReglsVar Ol8on ftp.res
the vote ma.y bit 50 percent ls because ot the state proposi-
tions which are also before the electorate.
One of those ballot propositions involves school busing
for racial balance. This one may be where Mr. Olson is
pinning h.is hopes for some action at the polls
THE BUSING MEASURE, however, is one of those
that may cause the voters some confusion. It's one of those
Vote Yes on No measures, the way it's worded. Maybe
there ought to be more said about that later.
But for now, the main thing is to capture the attention
of the citizenry about the f act that there is going to be this
election out there.
Is that you snoring agajn'>
PoUee ta)' It's »eiaalbl• .. Illa family calla ll a boax. But. tbe .
trutb about lt aUeted murdln waa tocked -.,...upe forenr -bettlnd Jeae 8labop~, bait am.lie
.. b• sat down ln tbe Nev.a au chamber and died.
Bllbop. executed earlJ .._.
day f« ld.1.Uq a man 1A a Laa
VetU ca&lno ln 1m, CODCOet*9
a btaarre story about 11 odMI'
murden u put ol an elaborate
etelJ)e l>&ot~ a family spokesman say a.
TIJE S P01l£8MAN -
Blabop's olde r brothe r who
declined to be named -said
Bishop "Just wanted an op-
portunity to 1et outaide and try
to escape.'' )ie termed the police
report about the sl ayings -re-
leased shortly after Bishop's ex·
ecution -"pure , unmitigated
b.8. II
Au thorities never gave the
tough·talking <.-onvict a chance
to lead them to an y graves.
Instead , they agreed to Bishop's
demand that the information not
be re leased until alter his death.
After sentencing Mm to dealh,
Judge Paul Goldman of Clark
County District Court said be
visited Bishop in prison, where
the conde mned man told him
''a bout having committed a
number or homicides."
Ve gas Homic ide Dete cti ve
Ch arles Lee to s peak with
Bishop. The judge said Lee
"came back with figures about
18 other homicides . . . 12 in
Ca lifornia and six tn other
Lee. who conducted the Dealh
Row interview last August. said
Bishop didn't want the informa·
taon released unt.al his execution
because he "didn't want to
viola te h.is own criminal code,
he didn't want to go out as a s nitch ..
lie said Bishop's recollections
of the slayings we re "so vague it
would be virtually impossible to
pin it down." let' added that
Bishop s a id he was paid for
about ~ pcrc<'nt of the s layangs
''I DON'T QUITE frankly know
whether it's true." said Lee." But
on the other hand. he certainly
had nothing t.o lose . My opinion is
lha t he was trutblul."
Bis hop's brothe r said t he
bard-b6tten convict, who •pent
more u.n 20 ol bJa 41 years in
prison for robbery and drug
crimes. wouldn't offer that sort
of help to poUce. adding that
·'h is background has not been
full or cooper at ion with the
autho rities " de said Bi shop
once told hJm abt>ut "being a tut
man for lhe mob," but he doubted
his brother was telling the truth.
T h e f or m e r A rm y
paratrooper, heroin addict and
longtime robber refused to file
a n a ppeal that could ha ve kept
him a Uve. He said be would not
m ix with the "sniveling cow-
a rds" who sought appeals and
would not act epl res ponsibility
for their capital crimes.
East Hot; Midwest Icy
High Winds, Rain Widespread
Ml La ~
a 1e.o.·-., ,.
AINtlta ., ,. .n
S.t""'41re IS 62
e 1-arc1L 0 ,,
llolM ,. 0 11 eos-e:J st
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Cln<IMatl ., 4J .1'
c 1 ..... -,. ... • 02
0.l·l"IW111 .. 0
Oanwr !16 JS
OetMol,., ... ,, .71
Detroit '° 0 • 01
Helena SS J7
H-lulu ., /1
HOVllOll IO " .02
lnd'~lt 71 ,. ·'' Jactis'•llla ... ,
1Ce111 City ., )4 .Ot
LHV .... 7J SI
Litt .. ltocll ,. .i ,2j
LMAfttM• '° "° l.OulHll .. ..... S1
MempfHt ,. ... l.o:J
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Mllw-.. n • SI
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9o90t• Cureceo
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Mealco Clty
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R•~ll'IQ> I" U. 10l _.. .. PKIM
alonq .,,. ~ ~d. -... tM~ ln llw~t.
T~ area ca<> •1111KI VMiable "'9ft
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w lll 1111.,.,.....,11, wll?t '"91', Of .. U ·
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Mount1ln •rN'\ w ilt M w wart1ble-
11l11ll cloucllN U, with lllqh• In t"" .OS
•nd IOWI lon>Ql\t f n)l'n 3S to H
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•tlould r•r>C1f 1ro¥s to SS 1n 1"" up
per "-'"'"' to t"" ~ In Ille IOWOf ••• QIOn\.
It will~ 1)¥11y clOudy -cooler
In the lOftQ 6M<"ll and OranQP Coun·
ty m•tropolltan 1tre1, with htQh\ W~CIM\dev .i '"" belK ""' nur 70 Inland ., .. , 1h0uld re11<;h 1r. u-
Coasfal lt'eailu!r
Partly <'-Y tonlQl>t and --·
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tn1anc1 1111111 In -r 10.. 1-u . W•ti~• •-•tun .i ·
LIQlll vatl.Ole wind> "'11111 and
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~•••ly 10 lo 11 ~noh with I 10 1 root
w tnO WIYI\
S•11./floe11, Tide•
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OulltolL ltr WodllH dt y. Llttl•
c ......
Let's Shaffle 011
You often hear about the blizzards in Buf-
falo. but the city has its nice days too.
Basking in the sun at the Erie Basin
Marina on a record-setting 81-degree day
are Patncia O'Connell Cleft) and Sarah
CQstly Fling
$80,000 Awarded for Affair
WARWlCK. R I (AP 1 A Supen or Court Jury has ordered
a West Wa rwick man t.o pay $80,000 to a former fnend for hav·
ing an affair with the friend ':> wire
"This 1s like something out or lhe Dark Ages." Joseph J .
McGair. lawyer for df•fendant Sidney H. Robinson. said after
the verdict Monday. · It'~ a~ 1f p(."Ople have been m closets for
the past 40 year~ · ·
-THE J UR Y o•· FOLR men and two women ordered
Robinson to pay $75.000 m purut1ve damages and S5.000 m com -
pensatory damages to Gerald P Zarella. who h&d ~ought SI
million. The Jury found RobnlSOn had "cn minal conversation"
with Zarclla's wife .
Judge Ronald R Lagueux defined "cnminal C1lnversallon"
an his instrnct1ons to the JUry as a v1olallon of a !>pousc ·~ nght to
"exclUSIVC privileges Of phys ical mterCOUr<\P ."
Mrs. Zar<'lla ftlt•d fo r divorce on March 29. 197£; and '"no~
married to Hobanson.
McGAJR SAID 1n: would move for a rf'ductton 1n th(· Jward
<1nd would file for a new tnal latn th1~ we1:k. If bolh motions
failed. he said he would appeal the case to the stalt· ~upreme
Zarella filed s u.it against RobUlSOn Jan 11. 1977 asking for
$250,000 for the loss or his wife's company and her ser vices as a
wife to their two cbUdren, SZS0,000 for mental peiD ..a a , '
and '500.000 ln punlUve dam..-.
• ... ,,. ----~
... 1) ~ I
/ I (
People lrusl
~ U.S. Landing
On Cuba Said
LA PAZ. Bolivia (AP) -The
U S. Marine landing last week at
Gua ntanamo Bay was "an ex-
cessive demonstration or force"
that undermined the credibility
of t he. Uruted Slates and dem-
onstrated that lbe U.S. govern·
ment can err dangerously in its
evaluallon of crises. Venezuela's
fo r e i gn ministe r told t he
Organizallon of American States
Jose Alberto Zambrano, in a
speech prepared for delivery to
th~ 9th OAS general assembly.
... aid relations between his coun-
trv and the Umted States were
"solid and cordial."
But he srud the landmg of 1,200
Ma n nes at the U S. nava l base
an Cuba an res ponse to the pres-·
t'nCc Of several thousand Soviet
l'Om bat troops in Cuba was "un·
fortunate because the excessive
demonstration of for ce in a
~1t uat 1on d1ff1cult t.o qualify as
• •......-W eriaia uodermioa lbe credtbtll\~ of U.. Ualt.ed
States. which ii reepoaalble for m a int.ai.oin& world peace ...
In a r ecent Gallup poll of public confidence in 10 key in-
sti tutions, newspapers ranked fifth a head of television and
the U.S. Supreme Court.
The survey· showed that 51 pe rcent of the people say
they have a great deal or "quite a tot " of confidence in
newspapers. Only 38 percent say the y have equal confidence
in television.
Since an earlier survey six years ago, newspapers
surged ahead 12 percent -a gain more than twice as great
as the greatest improvement of other institutions including
organized religion, banking, the military, public schools,
Congress, labor and big business.
Among young adults age' 18 to 29, 57 per cent indicated a
high level of confidence in newspaper s, but far fewer -38
percent -gave television a comparable vote of confidence,
the Gallup poll reported.
Advertise in the medium people trust. Advertise in a
Along the Orange coast, people rely on the
Alto~ys to Rap
MtJnJat,ory Plan
.~~-~Gl:Ll:S CAP) M. opentq 11.atementa conUDued today ln -u-•. ~ •11·¥0llmtary lDtecraUon plu for dtJ aeboola u attar., fw tM uti·bullnc croup, Bultop, wu Kbeduled to vole~ "Pf:.._ .. ••md1a..ry ··•..-tot ltudtota hued OD raee.
..._ poee ot &be heartAp la to detertruM whether lbe school board'• Dew plu fuUlll.a U.. ·
state Supreme Court's mandate
to d He1re1ete lb• naUon'a
MCODd larait eebool dlltrid by "reatooal>le and fealllblt"
Durtaa the openln1 beartna
;.llODda,y, ~r'lor Court .fudae
Paul EalY ol La1lma Beacb de-
mandecJ that plalnt1lfs ln the Loi
An1eles UDified School Dlat.ricl
deaecncation case deal with the
problem of dwindling numbers
of wblt.e students. He told the
dozen lawyers representing s1x
different part.lea In the case that
they would spend the first few
weeks discussing why the cur-
rent i.ntegatioo plan isn't work -
8' Drep• •••'-•
aya"'m ol 1uoline sales. The
board paaaed a measure by
Supervisor Quentin Kopp lo end
the allocation scheme im ·
plemenled al the beginnlng of
the gasollne shortage last May.
The measure passed Monday
would become law 30 days after
it is signed by Mayor Dianne
Feinstein. In recent weeks, the
long gas lines that plagued large
areas of the stale and the nation have disappeared.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -The llellc II~ P ... N
city's Board of Supervisors has
voted 8-3 to drop the odd-even
Move A.way
Taking only their clothes and a·
few po6Sessions. the parents of
confessed "Hillside Stra ngler "
Kenneth Bianchi have left their
home bere to escape the notorie·
ty of their son's crimes. accord-
ing to a Rochester newspaper
''We'd rather not say where
they went." a family friend, who
was not identified , told the
Tim~s-Union "They have been
through so much that we cAn on-
ly hope no one will ever find out
where they are. We hope that
they can live out their lives in
the dignity that people deserve."
Frances Piccione, Bianchi 's
mother, and Bianchi 's step
father, Samuel A. Piccione, s61d
their home and left Rochester
l••t week the newapape• re ported
IHANCID, Z8, on Fnday ad-
mitted ala)'ina two &lrls in Bell·
lnl)aam. Wub.. and was sen-
ienced to two li{e prison terms
In Los Angeles on Monday, he
confeued to five or the "Hillside
Strangler" s layings and two
other charges and received six
life terms
His cousin. Angelo Buono. is
charged in 10 or the Southern
California slaylngs and is in
c us tody pending arr aignment
next month
After adopting a rent control or-
dinance that cover s mobile
home parks in unincorporated
areas. the Santa Barbara Cpun-
ty Board of Supervisors has
urged five cities in the county to
adopt the same measure_ •
A majority of the county's
mobile homes. which house
several thousand people, are in
unincorporated areas Occupan-
cy rates are reportedly about 100
per(_ent and several of the pu.~s
hav~ substantially raised their
rates in recent months
Punida9Wft1 Ba~Ju.d
school board has voted, in effect,
to reinstate corporal punishment
m city schools. By a vote of 4-2
Monday, the board approved Dr.
Ric hard Ferraro's motion in
concept, but referred corporal
punishment gujdelines to the
board's PersoMel and Schools
However. the guidelines will
have to be debated in commJttee
and voted on by the full board
Nov. 5 before corporal puniab·
ment can be reinstated in
SAN JOSE <AP) -Police say
they have no motive for the slay-
ing of a night jaoltor found dead
her e in a classroom at the
elementary school where he
Robert Zahnow, 51, who bad
worked three years for the
school district. was shot once in
the chest sometime during the
weekend. San Jose police Lt
Robert Moir said Monday. His
body. sprawled in a pool or
blood, was found by a fourth
grade teacher early Monday.
Traasplaat _Caadidate
T~. Octot>et 23. 1979 "
,. ... w..-..
Mrs. Fred Kelley wipes away a tear in a from Framingham. Mass. Kelley. whose
news conference at San Francisco airport town voted to pay the cost of his heart
Monday a fter s he a nd her retired transplant. is awaiting tests at Stanford's
firefighter husband, Fred Kelley. arrived hospital.
RTD Boosts
Basic Fare
In 8-2 Vote
Rapid Transit District has boost-
ed its basic 45·cent bus rare a
dime starting Nov_ l , hopmg
tha't $6.6 million in rate hikes
can offset the impact of inflation
and labor struggles.
The district board approved
the increases Monday by the
minimum 8-2 vote needed to
raise rates.
ELDERLY AND handicapped
passengers would pay only five
cents more on both U1e regular
routes and the downtown mini-
buses, bringing the special fares
to 20 cents.
The mini-bus increases must
first be approved by the Los
Angeles City Council and Com-
munity Redevelopment A1ency
before they can be put lato ef.
feet. llinl·bmes recelve fUlldla& from all tbne q9netea.
Bua transfer coeta, however,
will be cut from 10 cents to five
cents by the board, which allo
decided to retain the COJTeOt
price on IDOlltbly panes.
BOTH ACTIONS were taken to
attract regular ridership on the
R TD. said board president
Marvin Holen.
The RTD blamed inflation and
the recent strike by its three un-
ions for a $7.6 million shortfall.
An additional $1.1 million is ex-
pected to be raised through an·
ticipat.ed sales tax revenue.
Gun Barrel Rape
Charge Dropped .
tress Carrie Snodgress says her
ex boyfnend terronzed and sex
ually molested her with a !lun
barrel but dJd not rape her a
disclos ure that prompted a
judge to dism1s~ a controver:-,1al
.. rape by instrumentation ..
charge filed earller
However, musician-composer
Jack Nitzsche was ordered on
Monday to ,stand trial on assault
and false imprisonment charges
stemming from an alleged rught
of violence at Miss Snodgress·
home last JW1e 29. Arraignment
was set for Nov_ 5.
The actress, near tears. said
Nitzsche. at one point placed a
loaded gun between her legs
"and talked about how be want·
ed to destroy that part of me."
testimony, llanicipal Judie
George Trammel granted a-mo-
tion by the prosecution to d.ls-
mlas the "rape by l.natrumeat.a-
tJon" char&e. and one couat ol burglary. earlier flied by
Miss Snodgress. 33. nominated
for an Academy Award in 1972
for her role in "Diary of a Mad
Housewife." told of awakening
at 2 a m_ to sec Nitzsche. 42, in
her bathroom off the master
Willlarns. who also tec;uf1 ed.
said he first saw N1tzsche's form
in silhouette
The unusual .. rape by in·
strumentat1on" law under which
Nitzsche was charged IS an out-
growth of.lht' so-called ··Born In
nocent" case in which a 9·year-
o ld San Francis co girl was
raped with a bottle after a
s1 m ilar sexual a ssault was
portrayed in a t.elev1s1on movi e.
Miss Soodgress insisted on the
witness stand that she never told
anyone Nitzsche had raped her
with a gun barrel
LOS ANGEL~ <P) -A joint
strike by a.bor Ullloos repre1ent-
ln1 more tbUI 30,000 Southern
Ca I lfornia super mart et
employees lncludins thole ha
Oran1e County may be called lt
contract settlements can't be
reached by Nov. 4, spokesmen warned.
Although more than 10,000
Teamsters dri vers and
warebouae, dairy and office
worken rejected the fl.nal con·
tract o ffer from the Food
Employers Council nearly two
weeks ago, they have postponed
strike plans until 10,000 butchers
end oegotJations with the council
next month.
TEAJIBl'EaS spokesman H.J.
Sperling said Monday the union
has "been in communication
with the Butcher's Union."
A strike called by either union
would affect 31 food store chains
with 7,500 markets from San
Diego to Santa Barbara.
"We're actually hoping for
s1multaneoui. settle ment -
peaceably and a micably,"
Sperling said. Negotiations with
the Teamsters broke off with the
Oct. 11 contract rejection, be
said .
"SOUDAJUTY is something
you always dream about, but I
can't really predict whether 1l
will happen or be necessary 10
th1b case ... Sperllng said .
The Food Employers Council
c,c ht>duled four negot1at1ng
~ess1ons with the butchers this
v. t>ek. sa1d counc1 I spoke~man
Bob Voigt
··They ve al ready given us
not1C'e No contrcict , no work,"
Vo1~l said "If they do call a
'ltnkt>, though. we're prepared "
been recruiting a temporary
wo rk force for two m onths.
Voigt said ... and the markets
will remam open 1f then~~ a
stnke. but there may be some in-
conveniences. IJkc long Imes."
Voigt said 1t 1s unlikely that
the 60.000-member retail clerks
union would Join a Teamsters-
Butchers strilte because "they
just signed their own contract
lut year.''
"They have a contract Clause
that says they can boaor a strike b7 .............. lf Uaelr C9D·
sclences won't \et the m cl"Ofls the
packet line." Voigt said. "but it
ai.o states that they won't be
peoaJiJled by their wlJon if they doa •t join. ..
THE TEAJISTEas have ~n
working without a contract since
Sept. 2. wben union leaders re<:·
on1 mended r e1ection of the
supermarkets· offer They are
sttkmg a s.1 56 hourly wage in ·
crease ovt'r three yea'rs
The Times-Uruon report quot-
ed unidentified friends of
Biancbi's parents as saying the
couple left Rochester last week
to start a new life.
Arter Bianchi 's January ar-
rest in Bellingham, neighbors
complained reporters were con·
slanlly "camping out on their
front doorstep," the paper said
Saturday '
Unwilling· Model
Awarded $10,000
She said Nitzsche, who had
been bcr lover for three years,
entered the house through an un-
locked door and found her in bed
with actor director Paul
Williams. no relation to the
songwriter of the same name.
-----. ... ········ . :·· ...... .
:YoU --
APWi .......
Jeck Nitzsche
Current wage~ range from
about S9 22 an hour for drivers to
S8 66 an hour for dairy plant
workl'rs Journeymen butchers
earn about S8 78 a n hour. Voigt 4'81d
questions about her son , srying
tactless things that hur her
deeply," ooe woman told a re-
The Times·Union also report·
ed being told by "several close
friends" that the family almost
went into debt trying to help
Bianchi 's defense effort.
While Bianchi's mother never
spoke to reporters, she was in·
terviewed by court-appointed
young woman who a ppeared
bikini-clad on a 1973 Newsweek
cover illustrating the "singles"
life!ltyle has received a $10,000
settlement and the promise that
her photo will not appear again
on the cover of a book she con·
sidered pornographic
The settlement was worked
out Monday for the former Julie
Anne Lizotte by Superior Court
Judge Rafael H. Galceran.
photographer Julian Wasser
would pay $2,500 with the re-
maining $7,500 to be paid by CBS
Consumer Publications and
Popular Library, producer of
the book, "Games Singles
Still pending is a countersuit
by the publishers against Garth
Reynolds, a d efendant who
failed to appear for the planned
trial or settlement conferences.
Something To r.elebratel
JOin Us-Nov.
• t
>Quit <:
·· 1·-·n· ... --· .. _. 5·: .. ·
·. ·' .. ·· .. :
I o··. :: .. :> ays
. . . . . ... ~ . . .
..... . .. . ': .;. .. . ...... · ............
Thouund• have
quit amoklng
In 5d8ya wltn
thl• guairantMd
Med~HMtth Method
riro I Jf [Rl Tt
Atlantic sbrlmp
from Greenland ....... ~ .. 1.99 lb.
Sandabs . . . . . . . .......... 2.29 lb-
7 ·Bone Chuck Roasts ....... . . .. -.... 1.49 lb.
0 -Bone Cb~k Roasts ..........• . -..... -... 1.98 lb.
Boneless Rolled Roasts _ ...... . . ........... 2.98 lb •
Jumbo Brusel Sproats . . ....... _ . '. ....... -........ Z9t 11>.
Sno.WbJte Cadflower .................... -......... fie ea.
Red Leaf Lettace . . . . . ............ -................... 29C ea.
Xtra·Fancy cac:11111bers ......... _ ................ 5for1.M
Large Bell Peppen .................................... lie ea.
Large-Ille ArUcholle1 . . . . . ................... --..... 49e ea.
Lg. Sweet Valencia Oran1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 lbs. ror 1.00
Dewan WbJte Libel Sco&da <•t.>.. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ..... 9.98
Beefea&en Gia c.-.> . . . . ............. 1 •••••••••••••••• 1.18
Gralid'Mander czsm ••·> . . . . . .. . . ........... 12.31
Popov Vodka c1• ..U> .........•.•.......•••••......•.•..• 3.59
Open DallJ H • CloHd Saday
2920 New~ .Blvd., Newport Beae• 173-SSZI
. ..
. . . .
OC Doesn't Need
Music Center Flap
After uteliliYe 1tud1 al ....... IMta ... -~ County performtq arts ceaier' .............. to U. IM
An1elea Mu.le ~':i Or-.. Oa•&J llmle eme.-Jae. not loac qo ac the Slcealtaom lamllJ'• ,. fl a
flve-acn. • mllh Mn* ln co.ta lieu, wr..._.. CoutPl&u. ~
Fund raialnc for CGDltnlctJoD ot t.be cem.-wtdcb
would cost up to '50 mm1m. la well under way. 6round·
breaklQa la sehedukd wttbt.n Ulree yean.
Now comet the Santa Ana Redevelopment ~.
made up ot memben of that cily'1 city couacil, wldi a cJe.
cilioo to hire a consult.ant to devei. a muter plan for an
area on North Main Street. l.neluclln1 a '35 mllll011
cultural center with a coucert ball. auditorium and
smaller theater -Just what la planned for Co1ta
Mesa center.
The total projected Santa Ana redevelopment plan
would include restaurants, shops, oltlca and apartments,
all part of an effort to revitalize an area whb serious
social and economic problema. And the city of Santa Ana
itself would seek donors to finance the project.
The tuning could hardly be worse. Santa Ana had
several years to comec:fu:;th an alternate location for a
music center but md n · .
' While the county certainly needs and can support one
1such center. it clearly doesn't need two, just a few miles
apart. Indeed. splitting the fund-raising effort could well
doom both projects, at least for anytime soon.
Santa Ana's city fathers should recognize that a
music center is no panacea for that city's social and
economic woes . Attempting to launch such a project in
competition with the ongoing effort of Orange County
Music Center Inc is thoroughly ill·advised
.Fann Dreams Fizzle
• Modem-day Americans who seek to escape the urban
rat race by heading for the countryside and an idyllic life
~m the farm are becoming disillusioned -and frequent·
;~y broke -the Wal fStreet Journal reports . .
" In the old days, westward t;>ound homesteaders didn't
£xpect to eke out more than a· bare existence, at least in
the beginning. But city folk who head for the farm todav
#equently plunge substantial savings into the dream,
confidently expecting to continue to make a <=omfortable
iving a with the cows, pigs and chickens.
c It usually doesn't work that way. . " '
• In the first place, they're not used to the 15-hour days
end seven-day work weeks that are par for the course
ven for those who know what they're doing -which most
city people don't. says the report.
The horror stories include cows that wander off and
')>reak down fences. pigs that escape or develop strange
ailments, fox es tqat e at chickens, crops that don't come
•UP and expensive farm machinery that isn't suited to the
t errain.
• Additionally. the "bargain" land many of the
would-be £armers buy turns out to be land that was va·
cant because it wasn't suitable for farmini anyway.
In one ton in Vermont there's even a payeblatrtat
ivho apecla.lbM Ill tryldg to help new arrival.a tel over tbe
tllisilJmionment they· 1ulter when the romantic dream of
tile on the farm begins to fizzle.
Said one urban dropout. who also dropped out from
farming, "What a lot of work. and what a mess!"
There's one s m all hope for those who hang in for a
while thpugh -with land values rising steadily, they
sometimes can find a nother city escapee to buy them out
at a profit
Snuill-Is Safe, Too
The experts are always coming up with some new
trid< to see how sa!e we are as we go about our daily
This time they're crashing cars into a wall at 35 miles
an hour. Only seven of the 20 American and foreign
models tested survived the test without a "fatality." In 13
of the test crashes, someone would have been killed.
It's interesting to note that the American-made small
cars in the test turned out to be safer than small-sized im·
ports. •.
Four small U.S. models-and three larger orfes made
the ••no fatality" list. Models in which occupants pre-
sumably would have been killed include three small im-
ports and 10 larger American cars.
The moral ot this, we suppose, is that if you plan to
drive into a wall at 35 miles an hour, you're just as well
off in an American compact (and you'll also save aal en
• ()ptn1ons expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot.
Other v1ewa expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists. Reeder comment is invited. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O.
8ol< 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone(714) 642·4321
Boyd/Murder Mystery
ByL.M. llOYD
The old man bad a lot of
money. And a lot ot relatives, too. But ht paid DO attmtion
to any ol them, except for ·
ou Qepbew who vtslted him from time to time. Thal ~ tot leUen from the old man. Near Boulo1ne,
rra.nce, tb1t wu, aftet World
IA. Ocw. IDb Cmb bu
been i• office •l&bt
moatlll, • f/11 ..tdell • .. ,.~-----· aa .actlDI 1overaor
, WMD Brown WU oat ol, ....... Do,.. .... ..., .... ~.
"cbMllJolllt .1 i::i :
• \
War ll when a bunch of U1
were r1'Jlnln1 around
Europe, 'dilling out news.
'nult tbe old man died and
left a hand·written will llV·
lng everything to the nephew
didn't interest anybody.
Wb'at wu eventually ol in·
tereat wu hia housekeeper'•
wonderment: He dldD 't know
bow to write, sbe aakt, 10
~be'(l •wrtttea b1a l.uen for
blm for 80 yean. Tbutel!IMw
wu ebaraed wttb murder.
A third t1f tbe Ule1al
moomblae eoaftleaMd bJ tbe
U.S. TrealUI')' ..-&a la tGD·
tamlnated wlt.ll [eed. Mv la
also known. Moat of the
moonablnert UH old car
radlam for atllll.
Tile word ••...aio," bur ta
mtad1 -~oafH from the
eo..-wontfor ''okra.••
Unct.r )fnj~ CitJ are the
rimalDI of two eomplet•
Tbe .., ... "cbtnl la IW·
nt11'' cm be trae.cr baa to
wbea bameM meant armor. c
J , .
Robert N Wetd/Publlshtr Thomas KMVll!EdHor
Meat fricing Manipulation
W AllllNOTON -lt'I prob-
abl)t ..,. to ~ tJaat "·" ,.... ee nt of U•• mtlllon1 or A•..WU. wt.a eooll Mab and
•aaburpn oa UM backyard
•rtH cm ..-..... llawe DeVer
IManl ol tlle Yellow SIM«.
But ta.a. obeeur. trade .PUblea·
t1oa ot tbe meat iDctultiy pla11 an eaonnoua
rol• In de·
termlniq the
price you pay
It tbe SU ·
f ermarket
or those
steaks and
Perhaps 90
percent ol the
meat sold by
packers to retailers is priced ac-
cording to the daily quotations
listed in the Yellow Sheet
publis h e d by Nationai
Provisioner Inc., a Cbicago-
based reporting service.
are growing suspicions that the
Richard Reeves
YeUow Sheet's f.r1ce quotaUom
are not only naccurate but
potenUa.Uy subject to m&aipula·
tloo by un1crupulou1 meat
puken. A nuctuaUon of oaly a
fraction of a cent per pound can
mean tbouaanda of dollara' prot.
It on a alnele mullicarload tranaactJoo.
Here's bow the system wotb:
A aupermarllet ordert the
varloua cuts ol meat It want.s
tl'om a supplier, for delivery on
a cettaln date. The buyer acrees
to pay whatever the Yellow
Sheet prtcea for tbe particular
cuta are OD tbe day of delivery.
80 PA& IO &ood. But crltia ot the widespread reliance oa tbla
10-called "formula-prtclDI"
system claim that the Yellow
Sheet's dally price quota~
are baaed on only a tiny fraction
of the nation's meat transactions
on any given day ooly t.tao.e
that are actually neiollated, or
haggled over, between buyer and seller.
Those negotiated transactions
comprtae only abOut 3 to 5 per·
cent of the total market. By ac·
cepU111 the prices -.reed oo In
this amall number of sales, re-
tailers are letUng the tau wag
tbe doc -and lett.lng go of the
leash in the process .
year by Rep. Neal Smith, D·
low a. found that during one 25-
day period, the Yellow Sheet's
prices were based on juat 3.S
percent of the meat carloads
shipped nationally. A recent
Agriculture Department report
supported th.ls.
Investigators for Smith and
the A&riculture Department
found another problem with the Yello• Sheet: On many of the
day1 examined. the pricM qllOt-
ed d id not reflect the figures OIJ
woruheeta of the 12 National
Provlsioner employees who col·
lect the daily data.
Smltb's proben found t.bat 80
percent of the prices studied
durtn1 the 2S4ay period were
not supported by workaheet
figurea, and nearly 15 pereflllt
bad no tradl..ng na.area at all to
bac~ them up. An Acrtculture
Department report Jut.
December made slmllar find.
Coupled with tbe fact that tbe
YeUow Sheet's prices for a given
day are usually the price of tbe
last transaction reported, the
tiny number of aales oo which
prices are set could euUy lead
to manJpulaUon of the market.
TRIS 18 HOW one sche19
could O]>erate: Packer A hu
agr eed to deUver 20 carloadl -
each carrying 40,000 pounds of
beef -lo a retail chain on
Thursday, at the price of Yellow
Sheet Uat.s for that day. La.le 09
Thursday afternoon, be calla
Packer B and buys a carload or
two at ooe-haU cent per pound
over the eoin& rate, bopln& tbat
this will be the cloalng price for
the day reported in Friday's
Yellow Sheet.
If Padter A •a lnflated price ii
indeed the one adopted by the
Yellow Sheet. he'll get $4,000
more from bia customer. whiJet
losing only 1200 or $400 ill Ilia lit·
tie charade with Packer B.
The Agriculture Department
report on Its beef-price tn· vestigatlon last year skirted the
proble m of possible price
manipulation. But our aa-
soclate Tony Capacclo obtained
a copy of a draft report that was
ev entually s hredde d for
.. technical" reasons. The draft
cited Just the weaknesses w~ve
reported as incentives to those
wtlo might like t.o tamper with
meat prices.
Lester Norton. president of
National Provisioner. defended
his Yellow Sheet's domination or
meat pricing . "The large
amount of formula trading on
Lhe market 1s a testimony to our
accuracy." he said "Everybody
has confidence in our a bility to
<'all lhe shots rtghl " His people.
he said, "know what tht•y're do· .ng ..
Rut one congressw nal •n·
vest1gator. noting the potentr.il
for Inaccuracy and price-rigging
in the Yellow Sheel system. re-
marked: "It's a helluva way to
run a $.40 bllllon-a ·year In dualry.·•
Congressional Attitudes Not Inspiring
CAMBRlDGE -The Kennedy
Institute of Politics al Harvard
sponsors an orientation program
each year for newly elected
m e m be rs of the House of
Representatives. The freshmen
congressmen are invited to the
college for a few days of br1eflng
and of Just getting to know one
another. Al the beginning of this year1 28 of those freshmen -almos1
e quall y
between .
an d R e
publican s
-filled out
lS-page ques-
tl on n air es
about their
views of
campaigning and themselves.
Their answers. which follow.
provide their own commentary
Q. ••A RECENT article in The
New York Times described con-·
Art Hoppe
gr essmen as errand-boys for
their districts. Would you agrtt
or disagree with this?"
A. Airee-11: disagree-14
Q . "Did you learn anything
during your campaign that
helped you define how you will
do your job as a mem her of
Congress? U ao, what?"
A. Importance of keeping in
touch with district -9 : im·
portance of constituent Mrvice
-5: Importance of posit.Jon on
issues -1: importance ol ex-
perience -l.
Q . "WHICH ONE or tbe
following groups and individuals
will be most lnfiuential in your
voting, admitting that they may
all have some valuable informa·
Uon and experience, or expertise
that mJgbt be helpful?"
A. Letten/callsi vlsits from
cooaUtuents -11; House
leadenbip -•; party -2; state
delegation -2; local lobbying grou~ -t ; Carter admlnistra·
Uon -~ Q . · id you find voters In your di · to be."
A Well·mfonned about issues
-2: informed about issues -
14 . somewhat informed about LS
sues JO. not al a ll mronned
a bout wues -2.
I N OTHER a ns wer s. the
new congreumen downplayed
debate and party, while em·
pbastzlng the importance of
spending time in their districts.
One of the freshmen said he
planned to spend 80 perceot or
hls time back home. but not a
single one said that be or she
thought party affiliation was the
"most Important" factor In bis
or her election. Only one agreed
with the statenient that st.aods
on luues could "make or break"
a candidate for Congras.
The picture I eot from the
questioaoa.lres was, indeed, of a
bunch of errand-boys -and
girls. 1be freshmen saJd they
were elected. usually. because
of "my campaign" or "my ex·
perience"or"mypersonallty ..
THEY SHOWED no loyalty to
president, party or principle -
to nothmg, In ract. except to c<>n
st1tuents whom they did not
think were particularly well·
The new congressmen are, as
the eaght months that they have
been 10 Wa s hington dem-
onstrates. uncontrollable anrl
unaccountable to much besides
their own ambitions, which they
reel are best served by running
those errands.
They are responsive. but they
don •t feel respons ible for the
country -whkh is one reason
the United States seems almost ungoverned these days.
BUT. WHEN the Kennedy
Institute asked the 28 of them
whether the voters In their dis-
tricts thought that they would
"make a difference," 23 of tbe
freebmen said, "Yes my
voters think I'll make a dif. ference.··
These people make a dlf·
ference? Either the voters or tbe
new congressmen are klddtillf
lhemseJves. •
. : .
Sollle Find a Silver IJning in Every ReceSsion
Our Silver Lining Award 1oes
this month to Money. a popular
maaazine dedicated to that
popular subject. The editors are
devoting their current lssue to
··How to Make Money in This
"So why are ml.D)' economlata
and Investment analysts
po1IUvely en·
about the re·
atkl Money
c heeril y .
Bec•use il
wtll "create a
1ood climate
for Invest·
men ta ."
tbatt1 why.
U,afortunattly, I'm not too
cl•* N to pndlely bow tb1I won1. Money aeema to be 1ay· lDI tbat ii you b"1 1tockl and baildl 8l a &ow price IDd MD
tbein at a hip price, you'll
probably mall• mo••1· A!'d1 witl luck, lloDlf adds, "a OM ~-wheat crop'' could ,..._
Jy "pUlb up wheat fututa." Hot·
Of ~· money la not the
first to look upon the bright
economic side or lmpending dis·
as ter. One of it.s precursors in
the field was "Greed." lt.s l.ssue
pn "How t.o Make Money ln the
Coming Unfavorable Climate"
Is today a coUect.or's item. Ex·
cerpt.s follow :
Why are ao many business
folb Jmplog for joy c the article
be1ina> over the recent forecuts
ror high wtndl. bail and heavy
rains? Well, the reason la that
wh.ll• UU. may be a bad climate
for fannen. it's a real aweU one
for lnv91lon.
Juat tblnk for a moment about
tbe acqbunl crop that's popping
-out of the ground at tb1a ysy
moment. Imagine the havoc that
kind of WH~ber's 1oln1 to
wreak. Now'• iure the time f«
tbe wtde-awue investor to set
Into 1orabum future• on the
•round floor.
II' YOl,.U lookl.Qf for tome
otlael' place to lball you Dell ..,, llmbNU• aN a dAnMld
~be. ..... we1tlumucb
rain • • ..,.,. we wtlJ, the
price ol wnbnllu ~ eMlly
doable. And I.be ambttioul YCMll
man ~comers tbe market ln •
galoshes is gaing lo make a kill·
Keep in mind. too. that with
most crops wiped out, there
could well be widespread
hunger. So anyone who atocb up
now on imperilbable ataples is
going to be •ltt.lnl J)rett)' when
consumer demand for food
IF TRING8 break right, l¥
forecuten ~, we may even
1et 1ome floodln1 in the
lowlands. Tbat. In tum, will create a number ot red-bot real
eatat.e barfai.DI for tbe lnvestor
clever eoou1h to track thee
The best course to follow IMn
Is to get out to tboM lloodell
areas wltb a pockettW ol c ...
ahead ot all the abarp °'*""'
tors. Look for a farmer 110·
ting glumly oo the foundatloat ff
his missing home. Ask hla
poUtely how much be wants fc.,
hls property. He may let Y'CM'
have It '°' next to nothing, ot,. the other hand, if be is annecl,,
approech htro With caution. ~
maJ Jmt let you have it. •
lt woWd lake a miracle, but•
there'• a PQllibillt.y ~ fioodiaa· could reacb even tulber levela·
and the lnnstot who mana1ea t.9
keep h1a bud above water . . •
THE 188t1E of Oreed breakl
olf there. But the atone tableti
on wblcb lt waa carved ,... •
eaeerb' purchased by ev~
i,n tbe community. ~ eve.r')'OMt !
th.at la. but ooe old cun1n~·
who claimed be bad u tDaMW
•'The hell with 1or1bam"'
futures," aald Noah . "I'm put.
Unt everythlna I've aot Into tbll art."
SideWtilk Sum's Art on Concrete
:.a ·~tL._a..._LOll .... r ~ ... cw: 80ITON -One 1uaa7 IDOl'ldnc Bob OulU.mJn
took a nation to IO out.aide and pa.lat a picture on
~ •• l ..... He dllole the lloaa Lila W U. plct'8N Clty
Hall Plua for UM ••dewalk, ID' dowD oa bl.I ~
and palftled It. At d\alk It ... dooe. J1e looted It
over. approved, aocl alped lt: 8'dewalk Saai.
IT Pa.T GOOD. NUT DAY be Uelt la front
ol Old 8ouLh Church aod paieted a Tklu. He put a
bucket Dnt to blm and pauen.by lbowed •P·
proval, loo, wilb co1na. Tbe foUowtne day be went
to Bo.ton Common. A
more amllel more colna. ~ u ERlr" Renoir r eaulted, and ( )
· 'I believe art ouahl 19."11 v-a to be out where people ...._ ______ _.
can aee it," he explained,
"nol in llOOle pn;cious aaUery where the viewers
walk around with UUle glasses ol aberey, wbiaper· ang ...
In the next aix years, perbape, ob, 1,000 pie·
lures appeared on Boston's aidewallul -nobody
has kept count -and Sidewalk.. Sam's popularity
grew Audiences gathered to chat with him, and
with one another, as he worked down there at their Bob Guthmin Wam. People to 'See and Enjoy' feet. •
~verything Shrinking
Family, Car, Noiv Home
Californians have gotten used
to small cars. Now they're ap-
parently learning to accept
small homes.
The housing trend is toward
condominiums in the state's big
cities and even in some sprawl-
ing suburbs where there was
virtually nothing but single·
family housing until a few years
movement is running into un·
precedented opposition, mostly
from backers or rent control.
Their interaction has already
produced some novelties.
Two trends are apparently
behind the shift to condos, which
are usually attached units with
no yards and less floor space
than most houses.
Most important are costs.
Land prices in the suburbs
around Los An geles and San
Francisco are about five times
as high as they were ju.st 10
years ago. Energy costs have in·
nated at least as much and
building materials are up about
300 percent since 1970. These
C08U have driven the price ol
new suburban houses so high -Oaat only a few famJUes can al·
forct tbem
AT THE SA.It tlme, the
trend toward smaller families
cTeat.es a need for more housing
units than ever. but not biuer
ones. Condominium living, with
its lack of yard work and other
maintenance, fits neatly into the
lifestyles of many childless or
one-child families.
But t.bo6e same condos are a
major fear for 45 percent or
Cahfomians -the renters. Te·
nanls need a large stock of
apartment buildings to create
comfortable market conditions
like competitive rents and a
choice of locations.
But landlonia comparing the
slow trickle of money they gel
from renting apartments with
the swill and large transfusion
they'd get by making their units
into condos are increasingly mak·
ing the shift.
IN SOME CmES, as much as
6 percent of the rantal housing
has been torn down and rebuilt
or simply converted. With apart·
m e n t v a c a n c y r'a l e s i n
California's urban areas running
at less than 4 percent, that trend
has crippled renters' options.
So it's no surprise that the rent
control movement has also
turned to condominium regula-
tion. Many of the same cities
where rent controls began last
s pring now a lso b ave con-
dominium curbs.
They are toughest in Berkeley
and Santa Monica, where no
building can be conve~ed or
-Homicide detect.ives say a slain female jogger
screiuned in vain for help
when she was stabbed 25
times near the Palace of the
Legion of Honor.
The woman, identified as
Ma ry Bennett, 23, was
killed Sunday while defend-
mg herself against a rapist.
Detectives say golfers
h ea rd the woman 's
screams but assumed a
nearby police car would
help. Hikers found her body
.~~f Costa Mesa
N.W. comer-litty Comer from Coco's
torn down for condos unless
owners can show convenion will
not reduce the stock of available
rental housing. The rule has
virtually ended cooversions in
those cities.
BUT A MORE common trend
1s for building owners to commit
some or their profits lo their
former tenants.
In Los Angeles, for instance.
con versions a re still allowed,
but bwld.ing owners must pay
former tenants $500 each in
moving costs and $500 in reloca-
tion fees. And ii the rent on a te-
nant's new apartment is higher
than on the one he was forced to
leave, the building owner must
pay up to $100 a month for a
year in assistance.
What 's more, so-called
"special classes" of tenants -
the poor, the elderly, the han-
dicapped and parents of small
children -cannot be forced out at all ii suita ble housing can't be
The costs may seem high, but
represent a small share of the
profits many landlord.a aet when
their bulldinas become con-
adopted all t he strict Los
Anaeles rules, but h alf a ctc..i have adopted at least oae or two compooeng of• tbe plan. The
likellbood is that more will aa
the coodo trend accelerates. For
acceleration of that trend is
bound to produce a backlash
a mong renters in established
cities wbP.re there is little new
land for units.
But even the politically potent
rent control movement can't
hold back condominiums for
long. It can only hope to work
out some kind or coexistence.
because the economic and social
forces behind the condominium
trend appear irresistible.
f E Lia& is a columnut baaed in
Santo Monica.)
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IOON n WAS IN DBllAND TO do aldewalk
paiDUJlll at beDk open.lap, or la froat of a .core
havtq a aale. Vi1lton dilcovered blm ud lnvtted
him to the 11ldewalkl of Wub.lqton, Cleveland
"A aldewalk paJntint." aaid Sidewalk &am,
"ll the art that 11 not important, and that'• what'•
bea utttul about it.
"It ia of no particular value, certainly no
capital value; lt will be aone la a week. But it is a
catalyst. It la art that la Just fuadalnentally
pleuant, a common deooailnator of pleuantneaa
on a city street. I do lt wllb IO much prtde.
"I have no interest la makinc 101De crud
statement throuP ,.art, somethina \mdentood by
an enlightened fe•That's why I do copies. art
already in the public treasury. It threatens nobody.
"IP I CSEATE ANYTHING. I create an en-
vtronment on the sidewalk that eQbles everybody
to behave nicely. Aren't I lucky!"
~ Guillemln is not Sidewalk Sam, be is an
orthodox commercial artist. Re does oriainal paio-
tinas in bis studio, portraits mostly, or murals at
some shopping mall or caleteria -public art. bis
preference. His commiuioos keep him bu.ay.
"I'm creeping toward the middle claaa." he
said, "but still get the urge now and then to do a
freebie on the sidewalk, and do."
He is as a pleasant a man as the environment
... LD'.& TO a&· A8LS 10 .... and aay,
my. what a lovely day, I Wiik l'I fO ,m.t a Van
Gosh on the aklewalk.
'"lben to'° out ud cl'OYel -u. ........ do hard physical wort, a 1ood dQ'a labor, to have
people aeouinely,Uke what ,au do, ud, for a llWe
while get al•a so well with ODI aDOtber becaus. of
what you do, why It's jUlt a beautiful ,....,_
•'I med to teacb a eoune oa the aoeWou Of
art," be nid. "( dedded to quit teeeblq it and ao
do it.
St. Prancil, Sidewalk Sam. would app&..acl.
Dropout Rate High
NEW YORK CAP) -A report lbowa that near-
ly half of those wbo start New York City hifh
scboola, the nation'• laraest school ayst.em, drop
out and never eam a diploma.
The report, released by the Board or Educa-
tion's Division of High Schools, put the drwout
rate, in a four-year period endinc in 1978, at '5 per-
cent. which lt said tranalates to 40,000 students a
"'lbere is no question that our responaiblUties
to these young people have been grievously un-
fulfilled." s aid Schools Chancellot Frank Mac-
he creates: amiable, outgoing, untbreatening. He r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;::;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;m;;;;;;;;;t
is slightly built, has pale blue eyes and hair the
color of unpainted concrete. He is 40. DO YOU NEED BANKRUPTCY?
HE STUDl ED AT ONE TIJIE to become a
priest. Instead be took up art, moved to Paris.
and. wiCh never an inkling of someday painting on
sidewalks. became a certified copyist at the
11 If .,ou Of"f deeply"' debt the Borillruptcy Acl cll!I
91n you o frt\h \tort 1n lift
71 You con el1rn.nolt ~' dtb1s and keep mo\t of yOV<
Louvre. 31 Bonltruplcy •S your n9ht It •S no disgrace
"The lives or two people have had a large ef-
fect on me.'· he said. "St . Francis of Assi3i and OUR OfHCf Will AN!>WF II YOUR QUESTIONS ABOU I
BANKRUPTCY WtlH()UI CHARGE Johnny Appleseed. Q, · r ,., .. Aro· R1·u1.0noble "They were not judgme.nlal, not arrogant.
SUIT£ 100 They allowed no distance between themselves and
the public sector. J like that. I've never been com·
fortable with the idea ol the artist a.s soothsayer I (71.t) 955-3063 NEWPOt!T BEACH CAW
9761>0 like to be partorthe crowd . just tag along.
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Passbook convenience is yours. too.at o ur new high 5.50% current annual
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We ·11 transfer your funds to the account of your choice at no cost to you
when you bring your passbook or maturing certificate from any other finan-
cial institution. I t'tleldl reg ul.JllOn .. 1f'qutr1• '>Ub~(,JO(•ll lflll°l~~l Pt·n.iltlt') IOI t'Jtly w1thJt IWdl from cert1ftedlo' dCCOUn~
Pro tect your health with regular. periodic
blood Rressure c heck -ups. They're free at
all Universal Savings offices during regu-
lar business hours.
Bring this ad in for your copy! We'd like to
get to know you. and we have a~ gift for
you. It's Better Homes and Gardens' "Crafts
From Around the World.'' Here's a ka leido-
scope of great projects, designed especially
for you by one of America's most talented
designers. There are projects for every room
in your home, with 34 beautiful color photo-
graphs and fail-safe how-to directions .
Regardless of your degree of craft expert-
ise, you'll find the projects in this book
rewarding and Jun to make. One gift per ramify.
Adults onl)4 ptease. ~ber to bring lhts ad for your co~
ANO LOA/it A$$0CI A1 1 0 N
I •' I .. • -.
... •
...... , ttma ftlRdaJ M FrtdQ 11-1 • ''" Plrtifta <Enttr front llrcta St.>• -..ae
•• • •
T_.,, Ol11il1 II. 1IPI
&~ W@lYJ((.
.... Q .... ac lit.a-Prtee
D&All PAT: R4cenUy a readet uted where
to 1et a winery directory, You l"tfernd blm to a
tJ.M ouerbeelr book. l know .t.ere you cao 1et a tree dlr9dor)t ud t.bat pri~ la rlpt! J111t wr1t.e to
tbe Wtne lolUtute, 165 Pott St., Sao Fi'anclaco
F.R., Collta Mesa
Tiie ,.,.,..ck Mell. ·~1anl Alaauac 6
&IM U.8 . ........,, O..anme111uapr1,111• a ft•t·
rate, lt ,.reell& wttllMldlaC &u • paJ•eMI lo la· ......... emtraeton. I& ...... ewWerta1 , ...
,..a .......... C:.lftl .... al adlee lo fuUaer
................. Altjed ............ , ......
TM IU eo•alNIMer lau Nee••eadM tlaat tip laeome be lllbjeet lo a..._., ..,_.a&AN re·
pontq Ud wklillltold.la1. ne e.maa.aa.er wtU
establllll u "Ombedsmu" la die la8 wllo wW
fl'le ... ftequeet T.,. By N....., ••••
1)1 •ect1 .,.... 1)1 Wlty Cl*9pr8!Cllct en w.....-oe N"'1 ... 'rtdar, ArRt , ....
03 Arttwtae 07 Low ledl Ii ut ,..,.
04 ... ..._. De Me~ Ii Tenelon
Tape Center 645-1701 24 Hour9 ~ Courtny of Dr. Omd W. Glbeort .... o..-...r,'' .............. ~ ..... .
lkbll·llM ........ ., .... , ..... nla ... .., •••. line ta.e "dMy and &M ,ower &o eene ~ u eftec· ';;:::;;;;;;m;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliimi_._._ ____ r;;;;-==s;:;,;;;m.;
Uve advocate and pro&ee&or el &upa7en' rtpu."
...... ._..._._ ....
"I told lht>m you w.nted 1t hyped up for the atockholders'
meet1nc, but 11.tunk they went bananas "
DEBBIE SENIOtl. re.1oidtftt Of Casie -w. Ce ,. __ ..,on Oc-....W ti.
•• ,, Su<~"" "' ... , _ ... ,, -c
-Pemele B $eftlor, el Or ..... Ce 1
"'-••, -'"'...,, -Mk-Seftlot. 1 •hler Jecqu•llne St11lor. ll•r
qr..,dmOllle• P'lortnc:• Medlend of
Can eele •nd e 1lllltf'•l1t1 l•w OoftN
S•,.lor Rowry wlll IMt rec ltltd •f
I •JAM lol-by -ef OWlstlell Burl•I el t ODAM Ofl Fr~. OCIOWr 1•. 1979 •• SI, Joech lm C•tllOll(
C""" h. Gr•"91.IOI wrvl<tt wlll foll-
on Frldey .. IO:lOAM •• Harlll:W UWI\•
Memorlel Perk In 11.., of flowffl
oorwition• mey De ...-'" o.tiele'• ,..me lo Pttl RHCIOMibUlty, Inc PO
Boa ICM. l.e9UM Bff<ll, C·e . '2•S2
P ierce 8rotheo 8tll 8roadw•Y
Mortwry OirMlon.
J A , bO<n Ofl Aprlt 1', tm. peuect
•••vonac-r11, 1'rt Hewes• rffl °""' of CO!lle MHe. Ce Ht I\ survtvltd
by hi• wit• Sherjl MirlwrtY Of C.ta Mt w, Ce .• .-11er Oor'othy Hosm~r of
Huntln9t0fl 8<>oKll, C•. •ltC>-l•llMlr
C11,1rn•!f ~of H""llllQIOll 8H<ll,
Ce , 3 ...n. MK,_ -rey of G••"O
P .. •. Oreoo11, Oavtd Mowrey of R1verslde, C•. ~ HlchOIH Mowrey
of CO\ta Me1.e, Ce .• l grMIOChlldr~
ano • \let><hlldren, ~,. Cl\aw of
CO\le ~.Ce., Enr-h Wat-Ins of
H""lt"91011 llNc:ll, Ce., TIP'Oll Olew
of Vanc-r. Wadi!,..... -Utw•
Chew Of ~la -· Ce He WH lhl! Cl\alrman of the &oerd of ti. Costa -\e Al-c-,.swv•c~ wlll ... held
on w~~. Oc-• 24, 1m .i 1'00 PM at the W•,....ly Qwrch ,,,,..,..._,
at Felrh•ven Mt'morlal P.a•k
~•l•h•vW! MPmor1al Park Mortu••Y
EARLE RANKIN, '"l(lj>nl OI S..,lit
Ana. C• P••WO • ..,_. Ofl 0<•-• 11
1'1' SU•vo....i by• dbUQllle• """' Don OunQ<>n SHvkn pPftOH>CI •I P•..,<•
8rolh•r> Sell R•t>,,.,witv MortuMy
IE ARY l YHH ft INYON, 6~ 18
\Uf\f lYfl'd bY m othf't 8arbar•
~,•,,OmOltiitr Mairy \1\ff'f t<•y N4"• ot
,. .... ~ •• m (•. •nd btOI~• AOO ol
N •'\.h•nQton Mietnor1a1 wrvt<fs to bt n••a Al St Joachim c11urc11, "U
fllunday, ()c-r 7S, lt7' Femlly re
'1~1$ cor.CrlbUllOM II@ m-to ow
fe,,y LVM K~ Cen<ltf' FUl'd of I""
HMHP F--IOll •t ~ _,,,_1•1 '40Htll.al PrMbyt~1.,., JOI N .. •1>0'1
Bl•d , NewpoQ lltltclt. Ca A,,_
menlsbYtheHel>t<#WSo<lefy MAYH
lltaN• .. ~EMC• MAYR ,_.,
-· Of _......., lleec'll. e.e. ,.._
... ., ... ~ "· ""· Ille ....
'"""9r ~ tNcllef' Ill -Oetroti .>uotlc ~ Sys ..... for '1 YHf'S-SIWI
' '"rvlved 111' l'ltr Miii JOfln of HLWtl
noton 8"ech, Ce. Prlvete wry1<n
'"'" tleld el H•rbor Law11 Mounl
/llvo ~ry S.rvKI'' ""°"' t,.. .,.,(11on of Har1JOt' Ltwn Mourtf Ohvp
Aortua• y of CO\I• Mo>r.a s.IO:SS~
L•-·-.nt Ollve C'l\llllel wllh Inter m.111 tenlk b lmmeoi•lely fOllOWlf19
$HVl(K ~ti. dft'ec1loll Of M-r Law,..-Oii .. Mof'tllMY Of Cllite
,_.. .. MO-UM •AMH• AH H !CAMPER, re .. cle11I of LOl
A,.lfl, Ce. PM.MCI ewey on Oct-• u. 1'1'. SN I) -vlllH by her,,.,,,..,.
Mk lleel J ~. M.D Of -~ !Mkh, ee, <l<'eveMOt ••vie" wlll w
r..ldOll~el 11 •-et the Her-U.-1Mount 011.,. IMMof'lal
Perk. ServlcM -t,,. dlrectlOf\ Of H•r-~-.it Ollv• Mortuary of
(OjteMffe.Ce MO-SS~
ll-1 Of ..._. 8Mch. Ca, PHJH
.... y on Octo«Jff "· ""' H• WU llWI lormer Vlce·Pre,ld•nl of M-•to
Junior Coll-ot. ~1119 tNChnQ •IM .,
In Modulo, C• In 1931 •IM> f-ol
1euhlno ekle• In LOllO IM4Kh •ncl
Coll• MeH He we• eh<> e Com
f.'~':::'1~" w~I~· :·~Ti :~~dJ:.~
oauohte• Pamln• Cempooonlco 01
Sto<klon, Ce .• uncle J.ck Martyn ot
Le>nq Beech, ea.. SlejMOn J~ Orr
ot lrvl~. Ce -I O<.._ 5tel>MI! Service• wm be held on Weon...sey,
O<t-r 2•, 1t7' •t IO•OOAM •I !he
Smllll & Tvtllill Wesl<lilf (l\apel wllll R•• e_... Telbol, Finl Ctvi\tlan
Chu.ell of Coit• ~ ... , olflcla1tn9
Servl<H -the dln<llon Of Smllft
& Tu11>111 ~(lllf Chepel ~.
<AP) Robert S. Ben-
ja min, 70 , former
c hairman of United
Artists Corp. and former
U,S. ambassador to the
United Nation.a General
Assembly, died Monday.
PARIS (AP> -Nadia .... _,_~ 92, CoodUC·
tor. piam.t. and teacher
of generalioos of com·
po se rs inc ludin g
Leonard Bernstein and
Aaron Copland, died
Moo day
......................... 'C ................ .
............. euellee& ........... &Ida l&ate'•
............. u ,._HJ, U. ,,tee 11 ~· Fftf! cetilet ..., be ~..a.ed ,.... Uae .......... bJ
....... a Mlf·adclreued. t&e4, Ne. l .. abe et1• vea.,. to IM above add.reaa.
IM L••W•• •t lf•reperte.t Cull
DEAR READEaS: Taklac • cw fro• OH of
Its reee9& reporu, u.e bteraal tlevet1• Service ls
tar1eda& 10me of Ill lavea&lgaUve retOaJttt to
ftadlal &.upa1en wbo don't coaply wtUa Uae tax I•••· accordin1 to lllformatloll from Uae C•m·
merceCleartac Houe.
Self-employed ladlvlduals, iadepeade•t ~
traCtora, "moo•llglatlag" workers, Hoasellold
worken aad employees with Up lDcome wW be tile
flru ll'OUPI drawta1 closer aUea&loa.
A newly released study of a l"*P appolated by
tile IRS commluloner In lt'18 to prove non·
compUance with tile Income tax laws coaflrma
tlaat voluatary reporting of Income nry lllp wlaere
l.ncomes are ••bJected &o wttlllaoldlag, bat tlaat ll ls
lower where paymenll are subject to tllforma-
tlon reporting. Even that Income reporting flpre Is
considerably better than the reportlDg ratio wltere
lncome8 are subject &o neither wttlaholdlng nor ln·
form atloa reporting.
II wltlaholdlng and lnformallon reporting cov-
erage are expanded, the IRS expec'8 th.-delln·
quency, or reporting, gap &o decrease. To this end
Wlta&ner Uae llkl•ate -. .. el~' eo•· pllHee ud wllatenr &M w"tt.1•1 aJHI la·
formation repottl•I reqatreaeat1, tile HD·
compUuee al&aaUoa ta a Mp Yltlblllty problem;
IO acdoa can be expeeted, VCll ..W .
Attftlda •-teer CrftHC lftdetls
DEAR PAT: What agency should I contact to
complain about a credit union? I've asked around,
but have beard conflicting advice about this.
F.S., Santa Ana
Wldda •IMC)' YH Hiid you eemplatat '° •·
peaQ • .tddl type of cr-..t ..._ 1M llue. For
complallda agal.ut federaU1 daanered cre41t •·
Iona -"federal" wW be ID tlile maM -~d ~
National Credlt Union A4a.lalatraU.•, Z Em-
barcadero ee.ter, Salte lat, Su FraadKo tUll.
For state·claartered cre4.K ...... ud ~ ~•·
paalea, coatact Ute atate Departmeet of Corpora·
tloaa, • S. Commoaweal .. , Loe Aageles 11115.
Nrcttt Sip Ll ... tftU T.ur IAHa4
DEAR PAT: I'd like to flnd out If I can take an
Investment credit for a neon advertising sign
despite the fact that electric Ugblin& fixtures are
not eligible,
F.G., Costa Mesa
IRS uya yoa may take u laves&•et1t ~rHI&.
A DeoD adverUalag alp II -eaetNe~ &o be •
UghU.g n.xtve whee It comes to diie ta• 11.iem.
M utilations Growing
I n Chainsaw Mishap s
tens or thousands of chain.sa w vie·
lims, Bud George was in a hlU'ry
and, he admits. rootbh
The stale legislator wa~ holding a
tog with his fool and wus weanng
s neakers, It set the . stage for a
classk kickback accident that wall
mutilate wood cutters often Uus fall
became pinched In the wood. but the
en1ine kept runrung, When he tried to
lift the aaw, it jumped and ripped
through bis sneaker and toe.
jump up and back Kickbacks also
occur when the cutting d 1ain gets
pinched in the wood t ut tr tbe saw 1s
freed s uddenly while the engine 1s
running, it can JUmp back toward the
ope rator,
"BODY POSITION JS important..
said Or. Walter J ohnson, a Penn
State forestry specialist who sit.s on
the Standards Review Board, "The
best way to h6ld the saw ls to one
s ide . Certainly. under no
circumstanca s hould you ever melt
over the bead or shoulders.'· he said,
A publisher's ed1tor1al representative will be
mterviewmiz local authors m a quest for finished manuscripts '>U1table ror book publication by Carlton Pr<.'Ss, Inc . well,known New York subsidy publl1hin"
firm All subjects will be considered inrludlnll fiction and nordktaon. poetry, dram11. religion. philosophy. etc
He will be in Santa Ana 1n early Det-ember
If vou have completed a book·lenl{th man uscnpt <or nea rly sol on any i.ubject, and would like a
professional appraisal 1 without rost or oblliratlon I.
please wnle immediately describmll your work State
which part or the day 1 d m or p m 1 you would prefer
ror an apPomtment and kindly mention your phone
number You will receive a confirmation by mail for a definite tame and place,
Authon with completed manuscripts unable to appear may !lend them directlv lo tilt-addrn1 below for a free readmll! and evaluation , Authori whose
hterary works are still m progress may also write.
Alan F. Pater
195 South Beverly Drive
Beverly llills. California 90212
Tel. <213> 271-3350
Danger Signals of
Pinched Nerves:
Headaches. Dizziness. Blurred Vis·
2 Neck Pam. Tight Muscles. Spasms
3 Shoulder Pam. Pain Dovm Arms,
~umbne..,-, m llandl'>
I P<.im HehH•t.•n Shoulders. D1fflcult
Hreathang ,\udorn1nal J>1.11n~
::, LmH•r Bal I.. !'am, lflp Pi.Im, Pain
Do"' n Lt·g~
"I wu lucky," be said after SW'· ceons aewed h1a toe back together.
"Lut summer, one man In my dis·
trict cut bis jaw away, and another
was killed when he cut his stomach.·'
Chainsaws offer safety features Wh11t· ,.., .. m,• acc1•ptm1Z ne,.. p:illents no ont-n('.,rl f• • I JO\ •1hhii!Jt111n
such as a nose guard to help prevent \to.,t lnsuranrc ... An• µ1o·i1
kickback; a chain brake that is ac-FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 645-5300
tivated when pushed by a hand. and Westellff Chlroprectlc Office
a hand guard that helps prevent the 2043 WHtctttf Or., Suite 108
hand from hjtting the cutting chain Newport Beach
(neer Coco's at 17th & lrv•n•I
WllllAM T HAYDOCK fM-ntol
oQuM Hill,, Ca Pe>~"'"'"' on<><
OOH 11 191• Surv tv•d '" 1
•uqht•r\. M•ry Ct•y tc.tamm ot
aciuna Hiii>. Ce ""° EllHll@lh Kene I FrHno, Ca., l orancl(hildren, S
rea1,9randet>lldren -I ni.ce. Mr
'••dOCk WAS the West COHI ·-ese ... t tlwe o4 CNlllllOll Seate c,....,peny .. ...,
Ray McCoa.neU, 63, ex-
ecutive editor or the
Pasaden a Star·News
and winner of a Pulitzer
Prize, died Monday
while hospitalized for
treatment of vascular
Last ye ar, an estimated 51.000
persons were sl2shed in chain.saw ac
cidents. more than twice as many as
in 1975, according to the U S
Con sumer Product Safety Com
mission, Chainsaws have killed 73
persons since 1973,
THE STANDARDS Review Board JOd tmnl<( J t'VP\ •lf th•" .innounu•m1•n1 ""1th 'ou
is looking at safety features includmg "======-======:::=:-==::::-~:----~-::::::=====~ a "dead man's switch" that would .: -----
stop the saw engine as soon as the
'"' e -o4 Tiwla JCI Fr.i.,,,.lty I wHl'tlnQton UnlV'H'>lly Of St. LcMll\,
lluo .. rl, encl ellCI 1>e we\ e MaM>n. H•
ec1llved111.ncs•-tlte l,OjAnoelu
re• slftce ltll end ••llr•d to 1r •111e County 111 ltU, Prlvelt
tfVkH e<e i.1111 llelcl et P4Klllc View
Aortuery, 1......_t P.clflc v .. .,
~rnorl•I PMll, In llw Of fl-rs ton·
rlbullOM to lhe Reymoncl Whltmu'
.wmorl•I Fund et Attdl-Un1.,.,.1,
1, RNlane. Ce, Of' IN llOY'l CluO el
'edl-, Ce, Pltclfk View Mortwry
l•e<lfKS. °"°"' .. EDWARD S, OvOltlH, rnidellt Of ,,..,,.,..,, <;., PetMCI _.., °" Octollltf'
l, 1f1't, He Is •iwvlwcf l»Y Ills wife
111111, .,_., terVlcn #Ill tie -Oft
'l'eottte-1 at 1:• PM 8' U.. ....,_
(AP) -Joe A. Slteeley
of Tolleson, a leader in
Arizona cotton interests
for more than a quarter
cent ury , and bis wife
Joyce, !50, were killed in
a plane crash Saturday,
California authorities
of wood for fuel and the ignorance of
novice wood cutters, the injury total
is expected to jump again this year,
An estimated 3.8 million saws will be
sold in 1979, up from 2,5 million in
1971. the industry says.
What can be done? P lenty, say
wood·cutting specialists.
A board set up by tbe safety com·
miaaioo and the chainuw iDdmtry
will report by Dec. 31 on safety
changes that might eliminate or
minimize the dangerous kickback,
trigger is released, Another possibiLi·
ty would be a device that st.ops the
saw alter it kicks back to a certain
angle .
"Any changes will have an impact
on the cost or a chain s aw." said
Purcell. noting that chainsaw prices
range between $70 and $250,
----------said Monday
MEANWHILE, USING the owner's
manule and common sense may pre·
vent a trip to the hospital, experts
San Francisco man wu ar'Telt.ed after
he allegedly karate·cbopped a 75-year·
old woman ort a Municipal Railway
bus and then calmly paid bis fare and
sat down.
r Pl8CfAMll.Y .,
COl.OMIAI. .........
7801 Bolsa Ave
,ACIAC ••W MIMOllAl.,All
Cemetery Mortuarv Chapel 3500 Pacific l/1ew Onve
Newoort Beach
McCObKK MORTUAl•S Laquna Beach
San Juan Cepustrano
... _. LAWM-MT. oun
Mortuary • Cemetery
1625 Gisler Ave
Costa Mesa
Cosl•Meu 673-9450 ,.Cl •C>Ttms
MOnUAIY 110 Brolldway
Costa Mesa
642-9150 -SM'TM & 1VnlU. MOllTUMY
WllTCL .. CHAI& Mortuerv • c,.,,.uona
427 E. 11th St.
eo.e.~ ~
i &484888
Pr t "We've seen injury reports where ospec 8 people were oper~ting chainsaws
with ooe hand," said Don Purcell. ~ n Meet president of tbe Chainsaw Manufac-I. ~ turen Association. "Others were us·
An orientation meet· ing it while they were on a ladder."
A kickback occurs when the nose or in g for pros pective the saw hits a rock or a branch while
The woman suffered a possible frac·
lure of the jaw and a badly cul and
swollen Lip Monday.
Juan Arcangel, 20. was arrested on a
cha rgeof aggravated ass ault
volunteers at the UC
Irvine Medical Center _aiiloiigiiisiibeiiiiiniigiiciiuiitii, iiciiaiiusiiiniigiitbeiiiisiiaiiwiitoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij will be held Thursday, I
Reservations for the
meeting, beginning at 7
p .m . i n UCIMC 's
cafeteria Marigold
Room. can be made by
phoning 834-5541.
Volunteer work 'in ·
e ludes jobs In ad -
missions, emergency
room , p e d i a'l r i cs,
clinical labs, pharmacy,
patient escort, gltt shop,
bo ok cart, ad -
m i n istrative, tour
guides and clerical de·
HI los t 142 pounds
in just 31 wt-t-ks
at the
LONDON (AP> -One of the world•• most pro-
lific flltben bu died at
the •I• ot l•.
Tbe ,...._., a rrtMtaa
bull named Allopdal• ·
S..bumU. ... mon
Ulan •.ooo off1prta1 •round .... world .,, pro-
d ac lDI tome tl0,000 .... o1 ...........
for tb• artlflcl•l I•· ,... .,., . ..,.., .
........... fJI _.. M · f!OIMTMM•AUll · ...... 11
Uit·t C(•nter ! ··
If you rf11nk the Diet Center ho~
mode a difference In my oppeoron
ce. you should '" the difference 11
hot made In my lllel It's hord for
me to belleve t+tat I was oY•• five
'"' around the mfddle now thot
my wolu It down lo o trim " ln
chet. My only "9gret 11 thol I dtdn I
da it yeort ogot
A net Ho <'On you.
<-oll your lorol
Oit•t Ct!ntt•r!
~"''"'~ '@
964-65 13
...... coml&A1IOI cor~lDJ to a Brtt11b .... .,.._.. •• __. ·~ mar1rt111111boad. .. .......... lllilll!lll .. llililliilililll .................... .. ~-------
~ ..
Fam strips of tender
cmd golden,.,..
Long John Sliver's Chicken Planks
Dinner ... A great meal for landlubbers. You
get four boneless whitemeat Chicken
Planks and an order of Long John Sliver's
golden fryes. It's a steal at any price.
We give you Iota of nNllOn8 to love us.
1919 1.<>119 JOhn Sl9"r'I, Inc. All •IQl'lt• ,._..l<I
JMi tt.l 1r 11"9. • C .... MiM ................ ..,._._...,...,....
...... W.WCIAYM'U
--------.... _.. . .................. -.-...... -.._ -----.. ----------· -----' -
Alr,.•rf eec-..
Pederal AviaUoa Ad-
m in is tr at or
Langhorne Bond said
he favors continued
use of Hamilton
Field in Marin Coun·
ty as a .. reliever"
airport to ease
crowding at larger
Bay Area racilities.
Hami lton Field's
future will be de·
termined in Nov·
ember by Marin
County voters
. •
Rosie the Riveter
Worki"lf World War II Woman Vnrealiatic?
ttie Wort• War II factory worker, wu .-.Umea e,barac-
lffl8ed M A.mertCl'I IWMtMart
with a blow·lottb ln OM bud a
powdtt-.pulf lo I.be ot.Mr.
sa.e rel~Uy left home to do
her du&y In we•pon1 fact.on"
and U... happily returned to the
kltcben what t.M real bN9adwln·
nera Ca!M bad1 from the Will'.
R.l veter, the penonificaUoo ol
tbo\laandl of work.int women
durtn1 the war yean, It appean
tbat much of what waa a&i<1
about tbe 1M0s female work
force WH propa1anda and
wishful thl11Jun1
That's "the dlstorllon of
Rosie," aaya Sberna Gluck, a
women's study teacher al Cal
St ~te Long Beach. Her study
"hosie the Riveter Revisited,"
is an oral-history project for the
Oral Resource Center at that
college .•
Ms. Gluck's project will em.
phasiu the Los Angeles area
because of the higher percen
tage of women workers.
st.ages, Ms. Gluck 's research in·
dicates that most of the war
workers wanted to continue in
their }Obit. and that lbe wom..,
took pride ln beln1 able to
operate be,an equipment and
"Women have been calU~ me
11)1n1 "l'bat wu lb4I bJtbUpt ol mr life, ....... Gluck Hid.
Some ol the bu1e lnduatrial
nrrn1 lhat employed women pro.
vlded child care, bankJna and
even IOtne shopping aervlcea to
help keep the women on tbe Job.
Rockefeller 1''oundatlon grant
and promise of matcbina fu.nds
from the National Endowment
for the Humanities, Ms. Gluck ls
embarkin& on what sbe believes
ii the farst major research into
the aoclal and economic implica·
lions ol the female work force of
World War II.
Various labor reports have dif.
ferent figures for the number of
women working. But Ms. Gluck
said there was a national pre-
war total of 13,840,000 women
working The number peaked in
1944 with 18,450,000 and then fell
to 16,940,000 by 194t>.
''THE FICTION OF Rosie was
that they were a ll housewives
who would be glad to go back
home, .. Ms. Gluck said. "Fae·
tories tried to recruit women on
HE& STUDY OF wartime
periodicals reveals an Army.
published brochure that warned
returning veterans of possible
changes in their wives.
Advertising near lhe end of
the war showed lhe advantages
of women moving to suburbia
and back into the consumer
One notable 1945 magazine
article that preached lhe terrors
of ferpale dominance said, "Ir
we are to have an adequate birth
rate. we must hear less talk
about women's rights and more
about their duty to the race.
Women must give up their
jobs. . "
n.dlr/. October ZJ. tt79 DAIL y ptLOf A•
"''°""" f'ICTITIOUS aust ... H
........ ..ance TO C•IEOITOltl
.... A-"111it
THIE COUNTY O" OltA .. OIE ...,... STATIEMINT 1,. the Meller ot tr.e E•l•I• of
TM IOl-1114 "''°"' ••• dol"9 f'ETER It CAMPBELL. o.c .... o 0..1A1ttt1et .. OTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN to .. ,,.. HUNTINGTON VAi.i.EV CON· .,..,1.ou r.wl"CJ CYlm\ ~n•I tr.e
l'vt>ll"*IOr ..... c-.. o.lly Piiot VAl.ESCEN T HOSPlf Al IJl1 wlO--tollleS.O Cl•lm\lft ltw
Ocl "· H, JO • ...,,, •. "" _,.,. ,..,.,.,.,. Aw· Hunttnqton &.e<h, CA ott•o ol the <l«n OI ""' ••or .... o0
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PUBLIC NOTIC.,. H""llngton ( A II E • • C.llfonlla 4er•'9...CS et the olllc• of OOVGlAS
r. corpor••-. am ................ Hunt• E GOOllE BALL HUNT HAllT
----------1nqton llHclo.CA~1 BROWN & •BAEAWtTZ 120 L1not~
"CTITIOUS autt .. •ss Tfll\ °'6"'"' I\ concl\Klecl bY. cor Aw p 0 8o• 1711~ l ...:V ll4oe<h, CA
NAMIE STATIEMUn -·1""' '°'°'· -!Cl\ i.tw. off I(• I\ -Ole<• ot fr.e fol~ __, t\ ~ boni· H-ift9!ol\ C A II E bll"M\\ OI tr-.-~ 1,. all m•I·
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J•rry W ~. '14 No C-r '· 1'1'1 publl<•llonollf\ISAOtlO
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PWll"""" 0r-. eo.w 0.01, P11ot PUBLJC NOTICE ,. o ••• ,., PIUOJ l & IAlltWITZ
()(I l , t , t•. ?1, I.rt J'11 1' ----ll't LI-A ... --------"*"' .._ 8-tl, CA ... , PUBLIC NOTICE "CTtTiouuu""us Tel· uuia.tut
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C-h {len ot o.-C°""1• -<>< s M<llM T~. ,_, ll. '~ p,..._ ""us' '"1' , ............... 11i.ci '""h -Publi\r.ed Or-(CWl•I O•lh Piiot '°""'" Ci.n ot Or-C°""1• on O<
0<1 "· n JO-Ho• • "" socn M -10 .. ,.
Puolt-()r-Cba'1 O••IY Polol 0c1 "· n JO "°" •. ,.,.. _,.
Th• lotl-1"9 e>erM>n& •re dolf\Q bu'\•"'""' ft ANA~EI M/FUl.L EllT ON
8'o•k"v''' Ao•CI, Futtertort
C..11 '°"''• "1633 ,,...,....._,., lfl< ,. c.111.,,.,..
,..,_.'""'" ,. Ceftlury ,..,. e .. 1. ~ult• ''°°· lo• .C191es. (411fornl• '°°'' fl\I\ 011\"'0\ I\ C-.Clf'(I by • Cor· -··--""*-'• lfl< J-L~•. p,..._ '"'' --........ ..., ... , .. -c-•• c...,."" 1.os ...,..." eoum.,.,.. ~ .... ~ 11. ",.
Coping \Villi 'Different' .Kids
.,,.,...llYllAN ........ _
,,_.,9 a __. ta tile .me . .,,.. lllrecll w.n.r· a. _... .._ Hilla a.a. ........ aec1 dNf.~IMrfWlb't ...... brr l•luwad ............ ~ ................... ,..,,.. ..
plat.I .
AIUd -, .._ allowl w to rm tM famlty'a
meal. w le&Mr ,...... u.M tt·1 a way to plaea ..
her. to U., w,.... ....._.......,. taMruma.
While ta.. ea.e m., ...... far hom what toee
oe la amt Or ..... Cout bomea. w pareta try.
lq to ralM ~ dt.Udnft may ftDd It Uft·
pleaautly tamuw
"SVSN LITTL& SIDI CAN be eatremely
adept m-.lpqlaton," aald Dr Thomu Ball, chief
of ffMl'al developmeatal .Mrvkea for Fairview State Holl*al iln COit.a M .. a.
• ··1 woWd never undereltlmate t.be ablU\1 of a
kid wiUa an IQ of JO Lo manipulate me,·· Ball aald.
"I bave been totally outwitted by people with IQs ol 10 "
But for parent& of 1uc.h domineerin& develop-
matally diaabled youn11ten, Fairview otren
hope, throuCb Ill new home-hued behavioral pro-
· 1ram
FUNDED UNDE& A ··-1rant from the atate, the profram offers trainine to amall eroupa
of parenta. A1lo parta of the procram will be work
with foster cue homes for retarded younaaters
and research lnto the program'• effectlveneaa, in·
eluding before and alter observations of family ID·
The program, Ball stresses, la aimed at pre-
vention rat.her than at crisis intervention.
"We don't want to be run.nine out there 24
hours a day on emer1ency-calla,·• Ball said.
But you can't just algn up for the program
Instead. parent.I abou1d contact the Oran1e County
Regional Center, a state office that acreem people
with developmental cllubilitiea
IT'S LOCATED AT M S. Main St. ln Orange,
973-1999. Parent.a whoae situation• aeem ap-
propriate to the new program will be referred to It
by their cueworken.
Ball aid there are no limit.I ol ace or IQ for
the dlHbled person, who won't be directly
particlpetin& ln the treatment but will be affected
•&ronlly throucb the parent.a. Probably ruled out would be extreme. criai1
cues pd cues 1n which the primary problem la
medical, such as a youngster with severe, uncon-
. trollable seizures
INSTEAD, BALL SAID, he 's looking for "a
family in which the parents have unwittingly
turned over control to the ctlild. It is actually the
<'hild who is dominating the behavior of everyone
"They need to be at the point at which they a re
at least open to the idea of learrun g new ways or
coping with the behavior."
About 10 famlUes at a time will take a six·
week course. one night per wffk, at lbe cent.er in
Orange. Work will Include reading, di.scuaion,
role-pla.yiq and homework.
The first 1rou1> will belln in early November
WHAT PA&ENTS WILL BE leam.lna la bow to
UM adeGtifteally dn91oped prtnclpl• of bebavlor snocWleatioa to correct unacceptable behavior lD
tbe younpter.
As they put their leaTni.ng into effect. they're
Lectures Slated
On Arms Control
Strateg.ic arms control will be the topic or two
different lectures by Dr Herbert Scoville Wednes·
day at UC Irvine.
Scoville, former deputy director of the U.S.
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, will
a peak oo "Verifylne Arma Control A1Hemenll,"
at 2 p.m.. in Room MO of the Social Science Tower.
Hla aecood lecture. "SALT II and Beyond," ls
scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Seieac. Lecture Hall.
Tbe lecturel, free and open to tbe public as
part ol the UCI arms control colloquia aeries are
1pOUOreCI by tbe School of Social ScieDces and the
Student.-Faculty Colloquium Seri• Committee
FQr addlUooa.l lnlormatloo, pboae 811 t8Z2.
ltk•lJ IOftad tbl chlkl blOlr ......._at ftnt. Ball
wareed. lo fact, tM YCHIQllMr may .... for a
..... IO .. WOl"H,
• ''nle cbUd Nall)' doeln 't believe Uaat Uail ll aJI
U. Md he'1 tolal to .... =," Ball .-id. "At eome JIOIDl tbeJ bave to ta. to wt\bltud tbe daUd'1 ..._,..._ at couoter . "
'I'll& DPSatlNCU or other paNGta ln the
1roup wl1l help 1iYe emoUoul 1upport and ea·
Ball ottered an example of the kind of
behavior be'1 lalltln1 about.
Tbe chlld'1 mother calll blm to dinner. Sbe la
lcnortd amtU the bu called repeatedly ud ls at
her wit'a eod
·'The ch.lid lea ma that the time to come ln la
when abe'1 Just short of hysteria." Ball said.
' AFl'I!& TaAJNINO. THE mot.her learns to ••
first explain clearly that she will call the child only once.
''Fairness and justice are very very impor·
tant, not Just being authoritarian," Ball said.
Theo. when the chHd doesn't come to dinner,
tbe family proceed.a to eat without him. He Is
served only a sandwich later.
At first the child may whine, cry. refuse to eat
or otherwise try to induce aullt, Ball aaid, but
eventually be will learn that "the mother bas
rights loo, and one of these would be not to have to
serve meals all evenlng."
IT IS HOPED THAT the program will enable
many ramiliea to keep a retarded child in the
home, where otherwise a behavior problem might
have intensified to the point that the child would be
placed in an lruslituUon, Ball sald.
Dmty ...... lutt ""'9
Dr. Thom11• Ball
Students See
UCI CampU8
High school students
from six south Orange
County school districts
will be among 1,500 slu·
dents a nd counselors
pa r tl c 1pat1ng 1n
Universit}' Day at UC lrvlneooTburaday.
D id you know ...
How Jack-o-Lanterae began?
Long ago there was a mean old black1mlth narMd "Jack," eo mean
that when he died, the devil didn't e\.'cn want him in Hell. Datlned
to wander through the darkncu of time, Jack Aid while being
locked out, .. It'• dark out here, how will I "now
where I'm going?" The devil threw him •
hot coal. The coal wH too hot to carry
so Jack hollowed out a pumpldn Md
put the coal in•ide to light hie way
aa he wandered. From then on
people put them in the door -
ways to ward off evil •pirit•
. .. today it is .tradition.
. .. in keeping with tradition
Roger's has a variety of PUMPKINS from
· small to extra large specimen•.
Buy now for the pick of the b unch!
N•rwrv • Indoor Pbinl• & flori•I • P .. 11o F •-i••re • u•d.ca~i ..
''"I ...... .,. tt.u, Hd ttl M.-.. Atthut Hl,d &tok•t H,..,.. h t714tft40 -:,MOU
I •1..-n I t .. 1h. ""'m '" hpm-I ftH•ei.f h1U •117'1
He sald he also would like to see some families
able to take a child back Into their home from a
/oater home, \I the origina l problem was
Interested s tudents
will tour campus, attend
s pecially d es igned
c lasses. receive 1n ·
formation on financial
aid and lake part In ac
tivities from among SO
work.shops and exhlb1l8.
And there may be some unexpected benefits.
"'The t.ecbnlques that the parents learn will be
applicable not only to their retarded children but
to their other ctlildren u well.'' Ball said.
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To Stud
NEW YORK' <Al» -Atnrmed,
lhorou&bbred raelnc'• 1t'1I Tn
pie Crown wtnner. baa been re·
tired to stud, ead1q all •s>«ula·
lion -even Bud Delp 'a -that
there would be a match race
with Sped.acular Bid.
Trainer Laz Barrera an·
nounced the dttlalon Monday at
Aqueduct. It was a decision that
he made for Harbor Vlew
Farm's Louil Wolfson, and It
came one race earlier than ex-
pected. The lour-year-old son of
Exclusive Native wu e xpected
to start in Saturday's $250,000
Turf Classic at Aqueduct.
"I'm very proud of Mr.
Wolfson for letting me make the
decision," Barrera said after a
conversation with the owner .
The timing of the announce-
ment apparently was influenced
by Affirmed's distaste for run·
ning on grass. He worked a mile
Sunday under jockey Laffit Pin·
cay. The time was slow, and
Pincay said the colt was
cautious and uncomfortable with
the surface.
"He didn't like the grass,"
Barrera said "It would not be
fair ror the horse or the public
for him to compete . if he
doesn't like grass, how could 1
run him and the horse be t-5."
Delp, trainer of Spectacular
Bid. had been campaigning for a
match race with Affirmed. Con
tacted at his home an Laurel,
Md., Delp said · "I'm disappoint·
ed. naturally. My first concern
is that Affirmed was healthy.
and they ass ured me that he
was "
Delp. who trained Bid to VlC
torics in the Kentucky Derby
and r.-eakness in 1979, said he
had been "looking forward to
such a race. It's not going to be
It would be a great thing for rac-
m g -two great horses In a
matchrace. llwouldbeaoncelna•
lifetimething " Bid and Affirmed were locked
In a close duel for Horse of the
Year honors unUI Affirmed beat
Bid by three-quarters or a lenath
in the Jockey Club Gold Cup
Oct. 6 at Belmool Park to Al-
flrmed'a lat. race.
·'They're going to rest with
their laurels, and they hope be
will be voled Horse of the
Year," Delp said. "I lhink we're
still in the running."
Affirmed, syndicated last year
for Sl4.4 million. is thoroughbred
racing's only $2 million winner
earning $2.393,818 in his
career with 22 victories five
seconds and one third in 29
His duel with Spectacular Bid
for horse racing 's MVP
dominated the attention of rac-
ing enthusiasts in 1979. but Af.
firmed will be remem bered best
for his stirring rivalry with
Calumet Farm's Alydar
Alydar finished second \.o Af.
firmed in each of the 1978 Triple
Crown races. by margins of l 1h
lengths, a neck and a head. They
met 10 times as 2· and 3-year
olds. and Affirmed won seven
times. "He has done ever ytning.
proved everythln~." Barrera
Rookie guard Earvin Jobnaon,
sidelined because or a sprained
right knee. will return to action
Friday night when the Lakers
•face KanlN City.
Jobnaon was jnjured ln the
third quarter of tail Wednesday
ni1bt's NaUOGal Basketball As·
sociaUon'• 1ame ln Seattle and
bas mllaed the Laken' last two
1amea. The injury was first belined to be serious enough to
keep the former Mlcbi1an State
All-Amerlcm out or action for
six weeks but was later dlagDOMd u only a sprain.
Grier Keys Attaek
65 Goa& to Date for ·Sailor
., aoo Ea CA•LSON
CM .. DIMy,_._..
Erle Undroth, Frank Anderson, Kevin
Robertton. Jamie Ber1eson, Mlke Grier ...
Obvtoualy the long Une of water polo talent
at Newport Harbor H.i&h never runs dry. The
Sailors ol Coach Blll Barnett, recent cham-
pions at the prestigious Santa Teresa touru-
ment and currently working on a 14·1 record,
are zeroing in on a 12th stralpt Sunset
League championship.
AND AS USUAL, Barnett has a CIF Player
of the Year candidate in camp with the 6-3,
190-pound Grier the central point or the at·
tack in the bole. Lindroth, Anders on.
Robertson and Bergeson are former Players
of the Year in CIF circles
"I like t.o play two-meters best," says
Grier. who has already had two European
tournaments under his belt this past summer
as a member of the United States Junior Na-
tional team.
"I like to shoot the ball, but I also like to
pass off and get the assists," says Grier.
Asked t.o reveal B11rnett's secrets to the
awesome winning ways of the Sailors. Grier
says: "He's taught me sell-discipline and he
emphasizes hard work and dedicating a lot of
hours. Really, I feel like we've dedJcated our
whole lives to it."
BARNETr SAYS THERE 1s no secret.
"We've just been very fortunate t.o get kids
out for the sport. We have a good Cat'iltty. the
kids work hard and they spend a lot of t1mt:
at it." says Barnett.
.. And it's a matter of getting into deep
water. Before we got our pool, we used to
work out al Corona del Mar. E:,lancaa. Costa
Mesa . Orange Coast College and even Golden
"If Huntington Beach had decent fac1ht1<:!>
<pools with deep water at both ends> those
schools would be tough year·tn and year-
Grier is a natural for the position.
according to Barnett. who has coached the
Sailon to six CIF champk>oahl,pe ln bis 12
year tour at Newport, includinc tbe lut two
ON roua O'nlE• OCCASIONS the Sailors
finished secood in CIF. makinl it 10 trip. to
the finals in the put 12 seuoos. Grier, a
three-year starter. bas scored 85 1oala to
date. : "Mike bas extremely good lep and can
swim the 100.yard breaststroke in 1 :00.0 and,
.....~.-r .... J~ ~~ --------~ -------------------
•Be'• • good dl•t••ee
•d••er ••ti I• • perleet
..id tor Ms pontlea ee~t• •u
A:e alld .,,.. .. lefP. Be e-....e•
aoeU alld M •ab• die t r••n·
do11 ,,.... OIN! ead •I tlle eo11rf
to tk otlaer. •
~ech 8111 Bemen
is a 49 freestyler." says Barnett. "He's a
good distance swimmer and as a perfect mold
for his pos1t1on with his size and strong legs
He chases very well and he makes the trans1
t1on from one end of the court to the other
and he controls the ball better than any hole
man I've seen He doesn't let the ball get
knocked away. he·s always got 1t under con
lrol "
G ncr·s sconng bas not come a t the ex
pense of also-ranl>. .-1thl'r The Sailors.
among other things. have defeated Long
lieach Walson. R1vers1dc Poly etnd El Dorado
and split with Sunny I hi~. The \'ICtory over
Sunny Hills < 12·8> pro\'1ded the Tars with the
Santa Teresa title and Grier tallJed sax t1mel>
from his post.
Amon~J,hose who have sought refuge from
-(See POLO, Page BZ>
0 .011, ..... ,, .... _
OlyDlpic DreaDlS
Costa Mesa's Kellem,a_ Confide,nt ..
°'-~"'---Her time table for I.be Olym-
pics ls ayncbroabed wltb her
performance and Smy Kellems
of Costa Mesa is confident abe
will be one o( six U.S. girls going
to Moscow in 1980.
Ever since that day in 1972
when she watched Olga Korbut
perform in the Oly!Jlpics. Suzy
ha'S had a secret desire to com·
pete in Ute Olympic Games
sensation of the women's gym.
nas ties compet1t1on in 1976.
Nadia Comancc1 of Romania is
expected to return and Kellems
is lookJng forward t.o competing
against her in the World cham·
pionships an Texas an December
''I'm the talll'St member of the
U.S . team 110 girls) at 5-3'-'l, but
that's the same height as Nadia
is now." Kellems says .
"I think It helps t.o be taller in
the floor exercise and I'm look·
ing forward to facing Nadia. She
was 4·9 and about 86 pounds
when she won in the Olympic
Ga mes but has grown since
then "
While the Olympic Games is
her chief concern these days.
she was asked what the situation
would be if she didn't make the
"That's my goal, it bas beeo
for a long time and I don't
even think about not making the
four divisions: beginners. in-
termediates. advanced and elite.
She made the elite level in June
for the first time. yet she Is
among the top 10 woman gym·
nast.s in the U.S. and recently
finished in a tie for fourth lo the
Pacific Championships.
"I could have been second
easily if I hadn't fallen in the
OetlY ""',.........,.. last event. It waa a dumb tbin&
U.S. OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC HOPEFUL SUZV KELLEMS. to do but I wu off balance and
fell and instead of second. I
• finished tied for fou.rt.b." Gymnut.s compete in four
events: floor exerclle. balance
beam. parallel bars and vault·
iog. "I definitely spend more
time on the beam than on the
others. It 1sn't one of my best
events but It is my favonte and
1s more or a challenge to me If I
can conquer the beam. I can do
anything "
She has been exposed lo in·
ternat1onal compet1t1on twice
since she made elate rating and
was picked as a member of lht-
t; S team
two meets and competed an the
Pac1f1t champ1onsh1pi. ... she
says. "My gymnastics have am
proved Up to 75 percent l1oce l
bec!ame a member ol t.be U~ team. A lot ol it ls meataJ.
··vov CAN RAVE it pbyaical-
ly but y0u alao have to have the
right mentaJ attitude and when
you work wtth other nigh caliber
gymnasts. the need for improve-
ment 1s there and 1t is an added
"You also learn by watctung
thl' techniques or others and you
J re t-xpo~ed to the national
couches who can help You team
new tncks and 1f you arc having
problem~ with a lnck. you can
l>Olvt· 11 much easier by watctung
someont• d se·!> techniques and
then trying them yourself
• • J U5t•d tu be very. very
tSee KELLEMS, Page 8 2>
• It's Aaoth.er MNF Spectacular
Al.l the Drama of a Shaving Commercial
aituaUon wu a mystery and still remains
so. You eOu1d 1mell the rout a-com.in', as
Dandy Don might aay.
Eselte•••t: 1.5, lncludln1 ·penalty
a1atmt Plttabarlh for Plllna on. Steelen
ran t.hrouP tbe mid41•, ran down the neld
and thlD na •UM MOJe.
· Dra-: 1.0. u..-J'O'l lih to tee teams set tbl6r ,.._, ... out, tlU same bad all
the drama al a .UYinl eom~.
C f' H1: 1.0. E•• tboalla It beat tbe MASH o'elOck clltMllbae by._.. mlaatel,
1••• ~ on like the final round ot a »-""'811 u JOU dldD't tan out tbe
....... ID ftnt ball, JOU aboald have at ._. tuned .,... Cbe volume in the
,.., I
• ...._., 1.0. Your ~c ..., rock ·-.... ·-...lllolk -· ... ·-... fair. Bal ,........, now. '1'1111 ta dND
violence. elbow• to the throat
PredldaMltJ: 7.9. You've sot to baDcl it
to Teri')' Bradabaw. Even wltb tbe 1ame
well la band be kept puttlnl tbe ball ID tbe
air. much to bil •••t'• delllbt.
DW1M11w1: 1.5. Even WUd BW Bat•J would baYe .,._ welcome to break uP tbe
o'Jedi•llJ: o.o. Howard ~lift bla bMr!~ Title CltJ, U be DOW calls • -
retuned to pis It up, .-. wttla f•
mall. LucillJ, •• dlda't ltaH tb•
Baltl-. Cella• tM a.be .
V~: 1.0 ......... da1 8l tbe eftlee for
ABC'I ~ tM 0111J p-. tbat M ·
-tutilJllllowl•••ll .
ti A ... :O.t.l'oapl•atk-~
Bernard King of the Utah Jui slams one home in a
110-108 National Buketball AaoctaUon vicv over vllk·
in& San Dle1\ Monday nl&bt. Slandlna la Adrl\n
-DAIL V PILOT 1.,.._,0ctowa. 1171
ports Break
Todd'8 Obscene Gesture:
'I'm Not Very Proud of It'
• ...... ,.. .... ··~· .. NSW YOkK -"It wu wry ,_.,., ol me,"
Ntw Yortl Jet quarterbaet Rldaard Todd aa.td m Mooday lD a.polollt1n1 for an ot.c.M s-ture bit 4 •
made to the crowd cha:r1DC &mday'a NaUC.aJ Foot·
ball (Aque .... with t.be Oakland ltaidtn.
11M lndd..t took place .., t.be tDd ol the Jeta' .. 1.t v lc-
tory OYef' the Raiden. After '!'Md Md the Jeta to their ftDal
toucbdown, be tuned toward the crowd and made the 1ntun.
Todd'a adion WU obvioual7 a~ ~rtaln Jet fau
wbo have been booiq the quarterback-ill yt)JU. lo fact, Todd
•bowed up at MODda7'1 praetJee with the wOf'dl "Boo Todd" l•ped above the No. 14 oe bla jeney.
"ll wu a •put ol t.bit momet t.b1q," Todd sayd. "I WUD'l.
very proud ol ll and ll wau 'ta very cluly Wne to do. But lhal '•
bow lfeJtatt.beUme."
r------q..,~ ., tlw ···-----...
Rtmnina back O.J . IMBJIII, erui.q doubta be can
compete rcalJ-time for Saa Frandaeo'1 48era: "I want
the ball. I'm leWnl iD shape. I'm jU1t really belinninc to get ln&o my same. It's really juat the end or my pre. season."
~ ,,,,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,_J
OCLA K.lelcell 8.,ltelaetl l er l't'
UCLA's Pac-10 football game with Wub.lqton Ell
Saturday bu been s witched to a 3:37 kickoff due to 4• •
regional television . . . Also, the Houston·
Arkansas game will be started at 9:50 a.m . to·~~
commodate televt.11on. U~LA·s game with WUb.iojton was
originally acheduled for 1:30 . : . USC's Cllartee WMte has
been named Pacllic 10 Conference Back of the Week for his
261 yarda rushing against Notre Dame. White scored four
touchdowns. Other nominees included Arizona Slate's WI~
Glt&eu, a former CIF Player of the Year star at Fountain
Valley High ... University of Washington Coach Doe James s~ys Tom nick, who has nol earned a letter in three years.
will start al quarterback for the Huslrjes Saturday ... San
Jose St.ate quarterback Ed Latliler and Pacific linebacker
Brad Vusar have been chosen Pacific Coast Athletic As· sociaUon players of the week.
Oetat, Otlaer• l o l• Op~• fta rua
Backy Dent, the Most Valuable Player in the Iii • 1978 World Series, I~ among four New York
Yankees who have become free agents. The·
others are outfielder Roy WhJ&e, picther Doe Hoodl
and utility player t.enay l<uclJe ... Also declanng free:
agency Monday were C1nclllDall Keds patcher Fred Normaa
and outfielder Paw Blair, and tln'ee players from the New
York Mets first baseman Ed Knnepool and pitchers Skip
Lockwood and Andy Hassler. . Former
G o ~d en West College pitcher Jeff
HeaUteock got the victory as the United
Stale• beat Puerto Rico, ~3. 10 the In·
terclontinental Cup baseball series in
lla¥ana ... Lou.lae Colemu .says the San
Oieao Padres are "in for a big surprise"
when her husband Jerry leaves the an·
nouncing booth to take over as manager of
the club at spring training. "The team
needs a lot of discipline and he's the ooe to
give it t.o them," she said. "I know I 'll be
l .. OINT one dead wife for saying it, but it's
rue . . ·Edward ISeDDeu WlWama won quick approval
for h1.s purchase of the l}aJtimore Orioles for $12 million.
American League President Lee llacPllall said the gathering
of l4 league owners "was a very short meeting."
-sa•a S•••• A top C•Ue9 e T•p 29
The Top Twenty teams in The Associated Press
college football poll, withUrat·placevotesinpareotbeaes, re cords.
1. Alabama (52> t 6·0-0 11. Brigham Young 6--0·0
2. Nebraska (6) 6-0·0 12. Pittsburgh s-1-0
3. So. California (9) 6-0· l 13 . Auburn s-1-0
4. Arkansas 6-0-0 14. Notre Dame 4·2-0
tie OhJo St.ate ( J) 7-0-0 15. North Carolina 5-J-0
6 Houston 6-0-0 t6. Purdue 6-2·0
7. Oklahoma 5-1-0 17. Navy 6-0-0
8. Florida St.ate 6-0-0 18. Wake Forest 6-1-0
9. Texas 4-1-0 19. Tennessee 4·2-0
10. Michigan 6-1-0 20. Washington 5-2-0
~. ,, ..... G l 1'e 11.8 •••• L~•.fl
VENICE, Italy -Arnold Palmer and R.ay
Floyd combined for a aeven·undee&r 85 aod 1ave n United States and eigbt-atroke lead over Europe
aft.er the lint day of competltioo in an int.erna·
Uonal best·ball 1olf tournament here today.
Palmer and Floyd formed the two-man team fort.be Unit·
ed Stal.es. Tony Jacklin of Britain and BaldoviDo Dauu of
Italy, I.be two playen for Europe, bad a beat-ball score of 73.
In tbe fint day of competition, only tbe beat score of the two
players of eacb team were counted at eacb of tbe 18 boles.
For the American team. Palmer prevailed, with the beat
score in 10 holes, Floyd led in six and the two players were
even in two.
SM~ B•d Ewe S•r9~rw Alter f'l9lac
EU'lde aHen suffered serious eye dama1e • to World Boxinl Council heavy ·
weight champ Lan")' Bolmft last month and
baa under1one delicate surgery. Shaven re·
portedly bad surgeey Ocl 11 for a torn retina . . . New
Eoaland Patriota defeoaive back a.,.-Cla7Mra, fined
12,000 by Commiaa...... Ner a..lle .. • relult ot bll
altercatiom witb 1p0rta wrlten, h&a wttbd.rawn b1a request
for an appeal, the Nadoaal l"ootball Leaiue office COdllnned
onday •.. Two men were MDtenced lD U.S. Dilt.rlct Court
•ht moat.bl In priloa oo coavictiona lD a 10 percatinl scheme
at W aterfonl Pan bone rad.al track lD Chester. Aloq wtt.b tbe
f:rtaoa lmteaees for lline Nldelu, 50, and •a. Oliea. •• the udc•orde:red f1w and probetion for three other mee eonvieted
D a IC:beme illvolrinJ tz.3 m1llion worth of beWDC Uck.ta
cubed at Waterford Park between 1173 and lt'71. . .Center ...
C•••• wbowaa expecWd to lead t.beSoutbera Jll1Do6a bukttball
t.am tlda eeaaon. bu been declared aebolaUeallJ u..u.l&te for
tM NCAA. .. ld•l:ntac. wllollu led the Pbli.delpbia 'Nen to. S-Ollart., WU namN MODday .. tbe NaUooa.l Baakttball Al·
aoelatlon•1 flrtt. Player of the Wetk.
TV: Football -Col1e19 Football ffla!lllpu, 1 p.m.,
&.UJIO: Baakttbell -tAab at ·Labn, ~ 1._m., &LAC
('70). Jlocb)'-klap at Celaredo, t :• P·•·· K.111 (lllO).
"" ........
,,,...,..,. ..
Del"YOUll dwiaC a meet but I
cbansed my attlt.ude. I teU
mytelf tbat II l CAD do It et a won.out. I cm clD It ill a ....._
"Obvioully J doa'l ..... out
tbe crowd. Tbeir acreemlD& ud
yelling lives me a little extra
cbar1e out U:aere. 8ut. ll I &oofed
of( ill wortouu. It will lhow In a
meet. U not. I kDow I'll be tine .
•'I really doa=t feel I have
readaed my ,..t and don't feel I
ID track and field, -.peeially
the hurdle r~. a~ often
perform well \mlll lbe quarter or
aemiflDall. tbeD hit a hurdle and
il 11 all over for them. Doti she
feel abe m1cbt 1et to tbia poUat in
the Olympic tryout.a and f aU or
b ave some other m labap
threat.en her cbancea?
"NO, THAT aEALLY isn't
poaaib&e un1eu you do it several
times." she says . "They will
have two separate meet.a with
two seta of compulsories and two
of optioo.al.s. A bad day will oot
eliminate you under tbis new
s ystem. 1be U.S. wants the best
gymnasts and the ones tbat are
the most consistent.
.. Right now I'm ranked fourth
an the optionals and eighth over·
all and I have confiden~ in
She will go to Ft. Worth. Tex.
Nov l8 and wiU traln with other
members of the U.S. team until
tbe Dec. 2 meet. It will be the six
&irls wbo k>Ok t.be best in prac·
Lice who will compete. in the
POLO .•.
the HunUnitoo Beach district
are former Edisoa Hlgb star
Diggy Riley and Ex-Hunt.ingtoo
Beach High standout John Gil·
Also in the fold ls Brett Oe
Valle, formerly of Corona del
lineup includes Riley, Gif·
f ord. John Layma n, Bob
Thomas, St.eve Beckett, goalie
Ian Marksbury and. of course,
G ner. the only returning let-
terman from 1978.
AFTD nlAT 88E will go to
Japan for one ol t.be most pre-
sti gious invitaUooal meets ln the
wodd with moet ol the top na·
tioos sending a team. There will
be two women and two meo
representing the U.S. ln this ooe.
A& for time spent, Barnett
s ays it's a matter of two
workouts daily (four hours> dur-
ing the rall. • regular s wim
aeaaoo in the winter, plus spring
and swniner water polo.
S upe r Stars
Li/ e i n Fish Bowl
Has Its Haz ards
Now that she is a member ol
the US. squad, her expenses for
travel are paid oo t.ripg but she
muat still pay gym fees for prac·
Uclng. Sbe la a member ol the Jete'a at Flood's Gymnastic
Ceater in Lo6 Alamitos .
"My parenU have put a lot ol
money into my traloing and
bave given me a chance to get
where I am,'' she says. "But LI I
wanted lo quit tomorr()w. they
would just say OK They don 't push me at all "
An additional boost to the
Newport Harbor program is
Barnett's association with the
Olymf>ic tt;am. As tbe Olympic
team s JUmor national coach.
s uccHS filters through to tbe
high school program.
But there's not.bing uniq~ Ji
ttrms of athletic ability. •·A
good aUUete an any sport works
h a rd," poanls out Barnett.
"Good runners. you see-tbem
running all the time. Jo Jo Starbuck bas lived her
life on razor sharp ice skat.es
and Terry Brad shaw has in-
:,,r r1 bcd has career wath football
cleats on a hundred gridiron~.
and -an the language or the
poets never the twain shall
But it did, and, contrary to the
gossip mongers, all Is well with
their marriage
"It hasn 't bee n easy,"
acknowledges J o Jo. former
U.S Olympic skater and star· of
Ire Capades. "Husband and wife
with conflicting careers The
pressures are tremendous. The
challenge is great. But the. rela·
tionship between Terry and me
is very firm.
"We have beaten our prob-
lems with faith."
STARBUCK was in New York
Monday practicing for he r
Winte r Olympics promotional
tour to be followed by a spee·
tacular stage show featuring her
and her longtime skating
partner Ken SbeUey. It opens
Feb. 14 -Valentine's Day and
her birthday -at New York's
Radio City Music Hall.
After a two·hour skating
session and another two hours of
dance instruction, she n ew lo
Pittsburgh to watch her husband
quarterback the Super Bowl
cbamplOO Steelers against the
Denver Broncos.
•'I go t.o every game I can,··
s he said, ·'except the away
games. I can't st.and the hostility
of the crowds. We have one of
those g.iant TV screens in our
a partment. I watch it there."
The marriage of these sports
s uper stars io 1976 thrilled
rom anticist.s everywhere but it
was n 't long before their conflict·
ang careers got the gossip mills
churning. There were repeated
rumors of a split.
.. PEOPLE wrote some crazy
things," Jo Jo s aid. "It was
never true. Marriage is hard
Sea D isast e r
Proved C o s tly
LONDON <AP) -Tbe Fastnet
yacht race dlsasler. in which 15
yachtsmen died and dozens had
to be reacued rrom the sea, coet
the Brttiah government f752,000,
the Trade Department reported
today. •
The mam costs were for Royal
JNavy helicopters. aircraft and
rescue craft.
The rescue operation was
launched Aug. 13 when tbe 30().
yacht Oeet was hit by 60-knot
winds and 30-foot wavea ott the
1oulhwe1t cout of Britain.
American skipper TN Turner or Atlanta eventually won tbe
605-mli. race from tbe ltlt ol
Wl1ht to Ireland'• Faatoet Jtock
and "•ck to Plymouth, ln1land.
enough for people Wllb oo pres·
sures and oot ln the public eye.
With us. 1t bas been deadly. Peo-
ple scrut.iniz.ing U.S. Neither of us
has any pnvacy.
"But we have organized our SUZY WILL G&ADlJATI:.
laves to fat our pr~sures Our from Esta.nc1a H.igh w mid ·year.
marriage is stronger for it " then devote tbe morning boor..
Jo Jo Starbuck beaan ic<' -,kat· as well as the a fternooD.ll to
ing at I.be ace of nlne. So dad Ken training for a spot on the U.S
Shelley, a neighbor's son who Olympic team. Sbe wort.s out sa,.
met her in ballet class The two days a week and has worked aJI
were almost inseparable, going seveo days in pa.st years.
lo the same schools and col.Jege. ·'I still baYe my share ol boy
"We do a lot or weight work.
and we run the stadium stair...
Tht•\ hall' that . . . they all
h&tc at
So the beat goes on al Newport
Ha r bor whe re winning water
polo ga.me. bas become a way of
llff' .. and Player of the Year
candidates seem lo be on an an· nual basis.
Beavers Give
Fer tig the Ax s kating 1,400 hours a year as a fnenda,'' she says. "I guess I'm
pair, later becoming the best one of tbe few gym.na.sts who bas
pairs skaters in the United a social life. I d oo 't feel
States, Olympic.representat.Jves depnved in this respect at all CORVALLIS. Ore <APl
in 1972. And I get t.o meet a lot of peocMe Oregon St.ate Vntve~ity football
People thought It would make from foreign countries." roach Craig Fe rug was rared
a fine romance, but destiny de She ha,s had her s hare or Monday. cfreetave at the end of
murred. "Holding Jo Jo's hand physical problem s. especially th~ season
is like holding my own," swd witb ber ankles. "It came large· F ert ig and Or egon Slate
Shelley. "We're like buddies,'' ly from landlng incorrectly. I University President Robert
said Jo Jo. had a cyst removed this year M acVacar said in a joint st.ate-
Jo Jo la ma.k.iDg her Olympic and t.bey seem lo be OK now ment that Fertig will be relieved
tour a.a spolleawoman for Cup 0 • Ob, they still get sore but of coaching dutues and wiU ac ·
Noodles aoup and Nlaaaa of nothing serious." cept reaasignment a l his current
Japan, wtl1dl are •IDOlll the eor-After the Olympics in 1980. salary for the re-st or his con-
porate underwriters of tbe what then? trac1 that runs unlll the end of Games. 1981.
J O JO will miaa the Lake .. , PIAN ON GOING to col· The dutJes were oot specified.
Placid abow, however, since she &ece at either USC or Stanford. ··Mr Fe rtig agreed that he
and Shelley will be starring in I 'll compete in gymoutJcs but f would assist an all possible ways
tbe ice extravaganza at Radio doo"t know bow serious I will be an the transition to the new
Clty. replete with 12 other tben about continuing for the coach who hopefully will be
skaters, 11 st.naers and dancers =L ~ames. l'hat will have lo named before the end of No-
_a_n_d_s.._y_m_.pboo __ y.__o_rc_bea-'--'tr_a_. ________________ __:v..:e.=m:.:be:::.:r..:_." the statement said.
College Football
...,,..., -c.t .... ~II tc-fOr .,..,_ -Wer.1'""'°" .. UCLA
UK elCal a.-._. el We~"910fl St
St-el °"'90fl St \en J-M "~ L°"9 h«ll SC et _..,.
Fr.-M .. P41CHI<,,.
Cel Stele t~I ~.Ce! S~e ,,.,...,_,
et C•,,ltM, 11
ArvY.Pe<lllc el SI Mery'\
Cel Poly t~l el Po<'ll..., SI., I'·
A.clleftdl el C~·MvOG
Pomofte.Pllr•tr •t LA V-
Wlllllle< .. Otclel9lltel,,.
Cel Stele tHoer-enll e! USIU, 11 ._ .. ,
lllr F..u el, __ SI
Viet> SI 4" Ali-SI
--·~-•vu AlrF-•C--SI
~.0.ILVl .. ~llQ
\ell 0.... $1 -Utef\ ...........
HO<n--~ T(Uelll..-
Tt .. \UMel Al<e" ,.,., .. SMu
...... 11 .. , .... ct• ..... , "
~·--~$1 •"1 -\IV ......... M,,...,..SI
He•'t .. Pitt
Ml...,.1 !Fie I el ~-u~
BoolOfl ColleQlt .. "'"'' ,~ ... ·••Col-• , ___ Dwt..-
Wllll-A ~<IC o.t .. '"
Pt lM-.. H-eru 9,_ .... "°"" '"'" ......... v-
Sevlll <ArollN .. -... o-111-t el IW-•• I...,, ...... _...._
Ml< ...... SC al a..lo SI
~ ..... "' .. .......,.. ·-•$1 .. 0lo~ 0..1-M ... K.-,
K-Sl.elMlt-C ___ IMOreW..
Bowll119~ ill a.II SI ,_, .. Mic~ ilt 1(-SI
Rk "'"°""iltClft<.,....11
11111\0h $4 .. '""'-$1 T.,.._ et MieoN 1(>.I
Sovt-.. IHlftOltel ~Mn! IHi..ol•
llW\t•n. MIC.lllOMI at Ofo;o U
-Aini Teu,SI. •I Wl<llit• SI ,.,,..
Vl'91f14e Tecll .C Al--~ St. el ClefMOft M..,._iltO...
T vi W .. ,-IOflOot
, __ " -L.SU ... v~ •Mm""'-£ ••• c-i... .c Not1fl ,_,,..
~leTecll .. Tul_,,, P'u,.,...,. .. V¥1 ""°""'·""-........ A,..,eiK ... Sl.•f T--M .. fl
Tue~• L.eolltlefle Ttt". 11 Ylll-•-~I H-Teaet $1 el MefftONl St . "
Sevl!Mffl MihlUippl el Mh .. nlOol 51 H...,,,.... ~-~Wnt~ c .. P°'YC~liltSW~"
2121 Herbor l lvd.
Com .....
N 0 W!
' ..,1
( ..
T~. Octot>er 23. 1979 DM.YPILOT
• IJenr,er Coach Seethe• Over Stee le r1 ' Win
Pn-mu.GH <AP> -The Denver Broneoe' to leeand place behind San Dl.,0 in tbe AFC Weal, ,
Umm. WM off. 'ftey met the wron1 team at the And Denver' Coach "Red" MUler wu downright • wroa• u.e. dlapleued. ;
"The real Pluabargb steelers showed up "We were outplayed. out.coached and very em.:~ t.oallbt. •• ~ 'l'wr)' Bradshaw said after barraased ln rront of a lot ot people," Miller said. : • nYttalbed Ptttaburth crmbed Denver 42·7 Mon· N · h • day atlbt tn a N.UOUI Football Le. ague game. " ot JUSl ere. across the country. ~
••They klcbd our famdel. We Sot humiliated... "Tbls was the worst. most humHiating defeat r
said Denver qaarterback Crate Morton. • in the 30 years I've been aasociated with football.:
Tbe week before. the Steelen fumbled nine . And I don't like it. I don't know how anybody could ~
times in a 3'·10 lou ln Cinclanati. It was the wont stomach that and live with themselves."
Pittaburlb defeat in nine 1ea1cm. dating back to a By halllime. the Steelers held a 28-7 lead.
29-3 lou lo Houston in 1971.
BUI' BaAD611AW PAS8ED for 267 yards and
two touchdowns in the naUonally televlaed game
and Franco Harria rustMid for 121 yards and two
more scores as the Steelers dealt the Broncos their
wont &oea since 1988, when they were thumped 43-7
by Oat.land.
''That's the Steeler team I know," said Pitts-
burgh Coad) Chuck Noll. "We were better in all
departments. We got after Lt much better than we
did last week. I t.hinlc to a man we had everyone
functioning the way we have to ror us to win in Uus league."
The Steelers had been limited in practice in
previous weeks by iDJuries. But last week. Noll
had a vi rtua l return to training camp, complete
with conditioning runs and no-rumble drills.
In the first quarter. a :16-yard run by Harris'.
set up an ll·yard touchdown toss from Bradshaw,
to Lynn Swann. back in the lineup after missing;
two games With a hamstring pull. ,
lo the second.quarter. Brad.shaw's passing set.
up a pair of short touchdown runs by Harris and
another by Sidney Thornton.
"EVE& SINCE THE LEAGUE went to a L6·
game schedule. every team has a lot or ups and
downs." said Denver linebacker Bob Swenson.
"'Last week. Pittsburgh was down. This time we
were." ..
Bradshaw. Who hit 18 or 24 passes. added a
17-yard scoring pass in the final quarter to
Thornton. And Steeler rookie Anthony Anderson
bolted 10 yards ror his r1rst pro touchdown with 26
seconds left m the gamt-
IT PAID OFF as the Steelers climbed to 6-2 -------------------
and into sole J>01$Sesslon of first place in the AFC
AP'#l ...... IO c~~:! ~~~~.meanwhile. shn~ ~~:·in· r~=u11111
=~ ~~:~21§~r-:!':: ! DIESELS . i
Ml!>!>IOfoYltJ049S-0401 tr 1!~~~~~,d .... ·-~~~~~~-. o~~~;L~ ,!:~9,~2~Y4\f;~:i,!
Seasoned Dick Williams. a ......
h led th . . e.se.tw • .... -. ·-·-· w o e expans1001st 1 ....__ _....._. ....... t!l.a I LARGE SB.ECTIOM IN STOCK! I Montreal Expos to their ......_._ .. _,_
best baseball year ever. l4:cas , t ..,._, :'-tO DEPOSIT OS I I
Associated Press' Na-IMSURAHC~ I I
tional League Manager GROUP I I
or the Year for 1979. 541-5554 er IJ~J4l1
It is tt1e second such 1914 tt.t.er c:.. MeM I I
award for Williams. who -· I 842-2000 I was selected a s the ona
~!!1n~~~~a0~ t~!aie~~ U.llAllS L ll711 llACHaYD .. HUMT1M5TOM11.ACH J
after winning a division.---------------------------------------------------------=·~. title with the Oakland
A's in 1971.
Area ll.ootball Leade rs L ist e d
Willlama won the NL &'Ward lo a relatively
c l o•• batlle wHh
Houston's Bill Virdon. who Ud Uie Aatros in
tbe thick ol the Western
Division race until the last few days or the
··-nae Dally PlW's Golden 50
(Laat Week'• big plays of 51 yards or
72-Robert Hobart, University
(72-yard touchdown run with fumble>
7 1 -Jim Taylor , M a rina
<touchdown pass from Sam Aiello>
~3-Rick Moser . Ocean View
(touchdown pass from Ray Kotler>
The Season
97-Taylor <Marina>; 93-Banner
<San Clemente); 86-Templeton·
<Irvine); ~Roberts (lrvine> and
Carlyle (Mater Dei); 77-Bright
<Corona del Mar); 72-Bachmeier
<Ocean View) and Hobart (Universi-
ty); 71-Taylor <Marina); W--Bell
'(Edison >: 66-Thompson <Hunt-
ington Beach): 64-Boyer (Edison);
63-Moser <Ocean View); 62-Bright
<Corona del Mar). Bauer <Costa
Mesa>. Kraiss <Estancia): 60-
Schnitger <Corona del Mar>; 59-
York (Fountain Valley); 58--Moser
(Ocean View); 56--Bell (Edisoo) and
Taylor (Marina); 55-Jimenez
<Newport Harbor >; 54-Huntley
<Marina> a nd Cates (Newport
,Harbor); 53-Huntley (Marina);
52-Starlanan (Costa Meta). Spencer
(Mater Del) and Bauer <Costa
Meaa); 51-BeU (Edison); 50-Bauer
(Costa Meta).
Area St•tlstical Leaders .. ._...a.an wen>
•1. Bob Und.On (Eataitcia) 29·172 ;
2. Kerwin 81111 . (Edison 1. 22·93; 3. Ed
Cardeaa <0..0 View) <e••92.
le•••--1L9aden 1. Kerwin Bell (Eclllon) 103-926,
9.0: 2. Jim Taylor <Marina> 83-598.
7.2: 3. Chris Bright (Corona del Mar>
105-513. 4.8: 4. Bob Urmson <Estan-
cia> 101-485. 4.8; 5. Chris Starkman
<Costa Mesa> 77-400. 5.2.
Pmblg <Last Week>
1 Frank Seurer <Edison > 10-17-2,
202: 2. Bill Lux tCosta Mesa) 11·20-2.
181 : 3. Ray Kotler tOcean Vi ew)
8-10--0, 161 ; 4. Phil Spencer <Mater
Deil 6-9-0. 148 ; 5. Sam Aiello
<Marina> 5-5·0, 12 .
Season Passing
1. Frank Seurer C Edison > 53-90·4,
843: 2. Andy De Luca <Fountain
Valley) 58-110-10, 779; 3. Sam Aiello
(Marina> 43·70-3, 761; 4. Phil Spencer
<Mater Dei) 44-85-1, 738; 5. Bill Lux
<Costa Mesa) 41-74-6. 672.
Receiving <Last Week)
1. Dan Bauer <Costa Mesa) 6-93 ; 2.
<lie) Caine <Marina) 3-50, Jackson
<Edison) 3-54. Boyer <Edison) 3-37.
Fowler <U niversity) 3-36, Gaddis
(Newport Harbor ) 3-47 , Carlyle
<Mater Dei) 3-44, O'Grady <San
Clemente) 3-24, Moore <Irvine) 3-20,
Chapman (Laguna Beach) 3-34.
SeaSOD Receiving
1. Dan Bauer (Costa Mesa) 37-627;
2. Mark . HunUey (Marina) 24-461; 3.
Mark Boyer (Edison) 17-289; 4. Mark
Ratto (Mater Dei) 16-275; 5. Terry
Bachmeier (Ocean View) 16-204.
Season Scoring
1. Kerwin Bell (Edison> 78; 2. Jim
Taylor (Marina) S4; 3. Scott Glem
<Newport Harbor) 44 ; 4. Dan Bauer
(Costa Mesa) 42; 5. Jeff Banner <San
Clemente) 41: 6. Phil Spencer (Mat.er
Dei) 36; 7. Mark Boyer (Edison) 32;
8. Sam Aiello (Marina) and Chris
Bright (Corona del Mar) 30.
A nationwide panel or
s ports writer s and
broadcas ters gave
Williams. a resident or
Irvine. 11.3 voles to 95 for
Under Willi ams. the
Expos came the closest
they ever did to winning
the NL Eastern Division
ch ampionsh ip. They
finished with a 95.ss rec-
ord, two games behind
the Pittsburgh Pirates.
who went on to win the
World Series.
Until this season. the
Expos had never
finished over .500 in
their previous 10 years
in the league.
This is Williams' third
year in Montreal. His
previous experience as a
manager was all in the
Am e ri can League .
where he managed the
Bo s ton {l e d Sox.
Oakland and th e
California Angels over a
span of nine seasons.
Williams managed
Oaklaod to World Series
victories in 1972 and
1973, becoming the first
non-New York Yankee
field boss to win con-
secutive world cha m-
pionships since Connie
Mack. He also guided
the Red Sox to the AL
pennant in 1967 in his
first year as a major
league manager.
" ·T&p~e Makes the Cut
Niguel Golfer Earns More Than Nicklaus
Barbe[, however, can take advanta,fe or a
cat~r moiey-winning exempt.ion for 1980.
What a dlfferencd a year makes. Danny
Edwards was 60th a y•ar a10 with $55,343 won and
at the time, that waa a record. There are a number
of playen above that nsure Ulia year. including
Nkkt... who do not make tbe exemption list.
Nlcklaua, however. can make it from career earn-
ings. • * •
LOat GA&M c=I WON tbe Millie Vesaela
Clulic at Loi A1amttol Golf Courie a year •IO un-
der the Women'• ProleuioDal Golf Tour banner
but wlll not be pla)'iq this HUOD. She bu joined
the LPGA a a rookie tb.ll ,..r and says of the
WPOTtoar: "ltpvemevaluableex~ and It madet.be
LPGA ~ .ebool macb euler tban I ex· ,....;y-·-
,...19CGDd WPGT event will be held at Loll
AlamltGI New. W • •
This is your special opportunity to save money
on products that can save gas.
rr-------------~-------------~ : SAVES20 :
I on a set "' EJOGOn -.. Delt9d Rodiol n~ I I <o'o<Mi'~OOPt't<"I" f)'OudOntnet'Oo<~l"-1 I
I ~ .· .... ,_;,:l::;~-;i':~ ... -I • • .: ....... ~.:..-... v:..:---I '" ~ ,._ .. ,. '""' .,_. ..... a.-....,...._. _ ..... --,~ ~..:;;~:·YI•:,; r. p:::.:;~_.,·. I :_,,,: .. ~":'"r.~:;:': ~;-,,,r;:-:----1 -~°"' -······ ""' ..... ·~ • ...... · ... · ~\--I
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WNt~ ~prb ....... ~llldw
,......., (Wttllt -t~ To..
PI0)/11()1\IJ .00• 44.91 I 11
p 10)/7)1\ ... OO •C' U .40-1 ;)to ..,.,..,..,.,.,,.. ....... Pm/7)1\ 14 O)~ Sl.66 ] )]
... ~~ ........ ¥' p ]1)/7)111• ~ ,, M7$ -;o: ... ~ ..................... "'"'')Al) 1"} I/ 67 12 '10
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Atlas Sllvefoite Radial
lht> economy Qlon betted todiol '.lmoo1I' •l()nq flberQIOu bel~
h('lp \loboloH• !Na lft'Od a'<! fq\1 ~"'Cl I<> t>.>.Cel'et'll 11"00 Mt•
~ ri-e qc>) ~ beneoflu OI o tod'Ol l"ff" 01 on economv proct'
Al'O now '(Q.J can~ ~more wilt\ OJt l()«IOl IOw pt<~
ASIDWAS nr. SIH ~ llllc9 ,~
Whit~ \ole prlc• -~ lactM s3931 '~ ,.,.,,, ,~, -t~ '••
0 10)/00\ •;) •J J• 3931 I Od
p t'>)/7)1\ I .. .tC()O ~6o I•~ ............ ,__ ~· ",Q)/7"1\ •• )'} 41 .a .ti 1 ).I
··---ii. -P)l .. /1')1\1• \)'I(\ )I )6 } ~J ....... ..,.-... , .
l'Jl~/1'>111) 'It.'), ~32 J O(j
foll SeMc:e Values
Worry ~~or" Offennq~on o r
llOOefy OI ~l'\ lo qe1 yov co teocJV tor w.nit.•r
• eorqnt' ~ up • blol14!' ~
• rOdiorOt~f" • Un41ioOllchonqt> .,
• 1ic>nc-«100tqnmet'1 hltf'f&!ubt>
~~O. ... f'll«• Oc• ' ""°""' "'°" JO "170 Ot \IOI'°"' ~ bv (JUtOn Comoonv
u ~· ~'OOOl'"9 rQtpw!Of't•
(1Ul()I\ ~.,......,own Ol'C:'°'
Ot'C ~ ..rloO\ "'°" ......., llQIOI ll'OMr~
4 •
.. DM..Y Pl.OT T .... a.ow•. 1111
For the Re
Mk ................. , .............. '*'-1 ....... .......... '" ...... ~ 4-11 ... "-IW-Ct-. ''"' 0-,,, ..... .._ ...... ,T_ •k" ..in-...,....t rWi ,._,It.,
~-........ 4•1i11Clllw"C" i-ttt-~INll(--•IC.111 PltJ-~ 11 _. tr-.,..._ ,.._, .. ,
t"llt-Ao--lln. llolllW uc•I ,. __
........ LM9n
aUIMI ... -0...ffr, Kt~ 4-1', Armat""'8 •II ,...._..,., ...,.._ 11-111, A
,. ....... ~ n.r~WJ
......... -o.-. --...at•I··· ,..,., .... l·S-1 ................... lr---
,.,,..1.MJ.Kt'llallll a.M-V.
aece11t1• -OMver, *'" s-1n. Odem1 ..... U111<11MWCll l•U . "lttlt»urtf\ S.-2~S--WS. 0.-l·So&.
~TIIM TIIAMI ·--co.-..· OllloSi.te McMNMst-. "*IOa Stlltt ,.,.,.,,,.
A"-... ~ v ......
Gefttret Mlcfll9M ....,_
' Htllf'•~
1 0 0
7 0 0
• 0 0
• 0 0
' 0 0 • • 0
' • 0 • 0 •
' 0 0 • 0 •
• 0 ' s 0 •
WUfL.SSa AlrF-. 0 1 • 0...... ... 0 , 0
111 C""'*"" 0 1 0 ,.._,.... 0 r o VIMef'lllft • • 0
Mlddll T-• • • ....... • s • '** .. ' ..... ,. .........
..... LM*n
,,. .
107 '5 ,.. ,.
14' 2'
I .. SI
m •
141 " IM 10
11' 55 m 12
241 -lCM •
~ "" SI 25' 42 "' " ,.. .. .,
• Jtt ,., ,. . ---Alt. v..-"""' Wlllt.,USC
McHtll, UCL.A
Ollwer. Ariz. s.....,w.,,,
I ... 1001 ,.... 1'1 .. ,.,
ID 6'° ...
"' '" t:l.1 "' 54' ,.. w.-...-.
Att. C:-. Yn TO. 1tt1
McDaftald. USC 12' .. 101' tO 1• Sc~, Sien '1~ ft HSI 11 UO
Campbell, Cal 20J l•I USS 6 131 Elwev. Stan U •S SO. S 1t1
Grenl, WSU U1 12 HJ 6 llS ....-....aecel_..
ltectll Yn TDI
Courv, OSU
J onn, Cal
80UH ,Cat
OoU~rtr, St.., Marverum,·StM
'° "' 2 30 217 0
1• n ,, ,., ' 27' l
•U 11 0 7
T-IOfffltw o-
C•ml>l><'ll Cai
M< Oon•lo. use SchOntrt SIM' w1111e. use Gran1, wsu
Pl•v•. Yeh. A ...
7~t ,.,, 203.
,.. 100 , .. I
114 I H'O IU I
U i 1001 1 .. 1
121 116S 1 ... 4
JC Schedule TMU•50AY
-.OCllC--t EHi LA•I AloHondo
IATUltOAY .... r...-~ ~ .... c... .. Ol-12)
Sift DleetM11181t Ml. SeftAfttOlllo ll:JOI Seftle AM ltf ,,,.,.,,_
,,.......~ ..
s.ocs1ttie0 at °""9v
AlvtrMO!t 8' Otrvs
Palomar et s... Olf9o CC
5ou1-1..,, 11 Sin 8trnw.dlno
LA H•rtlor •I LO\ Anoeles cc
l A Solltl!Msht Senta Monie• 111
Wtstenl St-~• S.nta 8-a at Hancoo It JOI
GHt..O.le at Comc>lon 11 lOI
Ventura 11 Wttl l A
Coll~ ol CanVOM •I Moorpar-
Met......,lla1t Cetotent1Ct
va110 at El Cimino
P•MdHlll •I LA Pierce
Ba•trslleld al l onQ O.acll CC o..ert~.
t mPfflll Vall rt at Cooeoe of the o.-i
Mira Costa at Victor Val .. y l t•JOI
~-Ml. Se"Jaclntoat Cel lutlleranJV !1:30)
All 9emes start •t , . ..., om. unlHI
-rwiw lndiuled.
'-'"---Fountain Valle~ 11 Wfltmlnster ....... "---Plus X vs. Ml1-o.t It S-. AM 8ewl ,_c...."--Mlnlon VlelO v~ DIM Hiiia It Ila
Ce-Ille ~ .......
Slflle AN Velley-Or .... It JI~ .._, .......
lrov vs...,..,...,, M Le.....,.. .-.n
MetMlll-~ .. .....,,. .... "--Bn..ollrltile-...... It LI Hlbre
.. ltlDAY ............
"''""'II """'°" Mlt1IOr Cll £91-lt~IMCllll)
... Vllw .......
Cllte Mne w.. ""'"""""' .. lntlM El T-ws. lrYIN• Mlslon Vteto lalMCll ,,._ C.-1191Mer11 OGC
Cl ..... ~ ... c WWW .... I LeyoMI ( ... I IJI 1 (Itel ....... , ... , I .. ,,_ ... , 11'
.. Los M-. (5-11 • ............ , .,
.. ....... 11.11 ..
1. lefvtte I• 11 '7 Le .... t•ll • .......... ,..,, ,.
11.w..1~1•11 u
I. MllllM "'9je CM I 134
2. El o..ID (S.0.1) IM a. ... ,...,...IMI 114
4..~CMI • &.Ci9111..._, .. ., n
·~1•11 .. ,,._._, .. ,, . ............ , .. ,, .
t. BrM-Ol!Nle 1'41 • ........ , .. ,, .
c1,,.-.c r ™"-• I. El MedllN 15-11 ta
I. &AWi CS-1) M9 a. AMllelm IS-11 ,..
4 w-1•11 • .s. l .,,...., <•11 -.. ..... !Hat 1•11 41
1. S-V Hlllt CJ.I) 4"t
L c;_.,... C•JI M t . TN¥ CS-11 21 It. OewMy CS.II II
Japen Open
_., ""' ---"""'" MICllHI ~.m def. ,,_lull Clert ..... .., , Colin Ol~V .,.. Jim Wll•lfltoft 7·S
µ, Vk lo< ArrtlV• Otl Kl~ h-..0.
•·1, Pat °"II" ct.I T G<ahem ..0 . ..0
J \lf99n F•..-clef H. lam .. t '"4, .. l . JUll K...,iwalVf"I .,... F Gon11 .. 1 .. , ... ,
Kim Wenrick .,..., T ........... I FUkl .... µ, A
Frawley o.t. S. ~ 4-6, ...... 3. ~
HtrOlt def. Jim Del-v M . , ... •·t ................... Ameya .... "-fM ~ .. ,, M , .. J.
C 0.i_., dlf. 0.-y 2-4, M , .. 1; ~ ....
Wt. J . ......, ~ 64. .. 1; Terry -... Pa..l IC,_...,_,_; .__r..,.dllf
M. T ......... M , .. 1; ~ fk"-• Wt. N T_. .. ,, .. 2; ..._ C:.. tiff. JI#! K..etl
U, "'· 1·S; MMtl ~ def Cliff Of'ytClelt W, M
' ....... Pint ............
J. S.-o.t A. °"°"9tlllft M , .. ,; F
FurutiasN cMf A ~ .. ,, • J Cl'oefl
J u1n def. H. Mahu,hlma .. ,. ~1 ... ,
Mere le Louis de1 N HO<lo .. I ... 1
Wom.n'• Pro ToumerMnt
''"' --MioelH Cllrl\ E~lloyd OPf .......,, ~le ..
.. ,_ Trecy A&Mln de1 A,... ._ ..0. M ,
Kerry Reid dllf. O.tllna llt;nOe .... µ, .. ,;
A...,. Smlltl def. Zenda LelH .. 7, .. ,, .. ,,
Lele, ........ It-ICIOla M , M , ClrOIW. SIOll Oef. Olerl9 Frornllolt:Z• I.,_.,...,
Men'• Pro TournatMnt .............. Mft.l ................. PIUI Mc,.._ cltf. Dnw Gl11um M , M
l errv l oecl dtf • .Hff Martinea "'· .. , ()ff9ffty OINll def. Ted WllllMM M , M ,
l erry Olvl.i-t cltf. Mike -llette 1-4 w : .............. Adolfo Goftllle• ... w .. 2; ,,..., MtMIW def, lllcll 11-.. 2. M
CN< ...
.. -... -.. -.. ""' ... , ...
4 ...
4 .. I.-
2 ... flit , .. , , .. ,
J .... *""' 4 ... .
.... " ..... """· ""Oteet • .. .. f1I ... Oervlft, Sen ""'*""° 4 11 " llt JM l!rv,..._ Pllll • s SS » 146 tu
MlloM......... ' .. • ,. 11.6
1.lfller, o.tr'eft 6 SJ H 141 SU
Kt,_, $111~ 4 41 IS ts D.1
A-.f.Jltlller,LA · S 4ot » Ill U4 J.Davll, 1,,.,._ • st ,. IH tu
H8Yft, W-. S 45 II 112 II.A
Bird-., ICC • .. 1 17 t U .. ..,..... • °" °"' T• '""' MaloM,HeoMM s .. 41 ......
Hater,S-'*"9 s 2't • ,. k.e J-. """· ' 17 • '7 11.• Unwld, Wllfl. S It S1 '7 II.• Parl•ll, GS 6 n SI 74 1t.J
Helt. H.,..Jef'WY 4 11 • .. 12.J
C-s. PN'-IOftl•
Por1er. WeSlllllQIOft
Archlbeld, 8cKton
-E•rov. °"',..,.' Akllal'dson, New v~
A.Wlllla<M, N-V-Ford, K~Cl1'
0 .... A ... s n 10.•
S •S •.o s ., ...
• SI U • ., 10
• ., 10
' ,. 1.0
DMpS.e FleNng
IA• NDM> C,..,.O'CMll -17 ~: 11' --. .. <Mk• -.. t MrTI< ..... 11' roe:• cod, I ....._ ... bau, IS 111 .. -..
(.... .. L.IMllltl -• ....-n: s callee
...... ,~.tsrec:llflell.'5-
.... NltT COl"Y'• '--ll•rl -H 1..-n: • ...,.., I ....., W reek <ed, 4
-aMI. Ulft's Leetilllle) -• .,,......: .. ~. S .... MM. 11S ,,_.....,JU nK1I
Cod, Jc-<ld. LONG HACN Co.-'• ~I -2'
lf>Ol•n 2 11rrac.-. • ........, II c.atle.o
...... l _ .._, -,.... '"" ,.._
Pieri -•I......,._, 475 roo cod, 2 <-cOd.
DANA wttAll' -C2 -'9": 2• _._Ji>
llOnllo, 1> roe' ""'· a mac__., 2 1tr19 coct. ,., roO cOd.
OCEANSIDE SO lftCIVn tt1 ~. 1
caU<o bau. 61 maco.tret. 13 ~ ban., '"
roc:k ""' SANTA MONICA -SS aft91en· S M llllwt
42 llonllo, U rock <Od, 7 -NH, 20 nK11
..... ._ -11 ........ " 110 "'K ........ 1> lllOnllo, 15 cetlco Mft. 20 rock._.~
"A•ADtsa COY• -67 -...n: • .,.._
'50 roe: k Cod. .0 "9ftltD, I 1"'9 COd.
cou..eoe UC lrYIN drf. C.. S.... ,~ t6-1•
IS-S, IS-12
Area Prep Football Log
14 T..-lft Uguna Hlh SS o Dell LY1D ,.
0 Ulllwntty 21
1> ...... '
1 lntlM ti c:b.~Clt. C.eMVl U
Nov.2-S..~C.eMVI ...... .-...-.-v ....
Nov. 16-0mM Hfltl CM MY)
• ,.
0 n 0
II ,. • 21
• 1 1 ,,. ,
WAllllNOTON CAP> -U J'OU an eoD1ld•rh I bu1la1 a bu lae11
frwlrllllil• ......... llOW .... to,t,: ,.. ..,. _. ..... illfonn..._
ldaopm ...... .
N.. r.dlrll Tl'lde CommluioD
toe* en.et oa 8uDday ,...
..u.ti ol fruehllll to dia-
! ~ fldl to people before
tlM ~ lD...U lD a fraadllM.
~.... lD fut food ..... flower
lllbpe, llobbJ .... mot.la and otMI' opwatiom.
UDdlr tM DeW naln. franeblH buJen wW uve to reeetve a dls-clolare ........._ at a.ut 10 daya
before m)' IDOMJ dwal .. bandl.
Tile •tatement muat out&ne a. bUllDW aperimce of tbe eompuy
add tell IOIDetbi.DI about ita key
m1na1emeat per.oaael, sueb 11
whether tbey baYe ever been 1ued or aoae buknlpt.
IT AUO llt18T detail the co.ta of
A fnDCbiMd bUllwa ii ooe lD
wtdela • ,.._ compar Hila tbe riPt to dD h ••._1 mder lta ume ID
a ~ ana. May Pl'Oride tnJD. lDI ud l"'Mmee to the local bull·
WI and Mil it W•U'J auppliel. tbe fnncblM -alonl with termina· ;=====~=~~ Uoa. cancellation and renewal pro-
viliona -and dilcloM any reatrie·
Uon1 on bow people buyin1 the
fr ancblle caa operate their busineu.
ns 8VYD om tbe beneftt of
.._. aeticaa•...,... Gd advertllln& of
tbe parlllt ftrm a well u manac•
meat rdJtanee ud otber belp.
ID reemt yean tbere bu been an
explo.tve boom in the fltld, with
frueb.iael beeomlna lnereuincly
ID ..sdiUoa, the rule forbids the
com pany from makin1 clahm about
potentlal 1alea or proftta unless it can
1ubf.t•nttate ~ in a 'aeeood de·
.tailed ltatement.
<.Price Policy
ATLANTA (AP> -Some Saudi Arabiana wbo
want bilber prices and lower prodllctiQn of Sa\ldi
crude oil are 1atatn1 influence amcmc ..,..... of tbe
major oll exportlna natioD, Saudi Arabian oO
minilt.r Ah.med Zaki Y amanl aaid.
Saudi leaden are split over wWher &o follow
the lead ot five of t.be 13 memben ol tbe Orpalu.
lion of Petroleum Exportinc Cowllrie9 wllo baw
raiaed prices durin.1 the lut two ....... Yamani
aaid at an lNrna~onal affain forum Saturday.
THE 00. JllNISTER, wbo bu lone been a key flpre ln aettin& the oil policy of the United States'
largeat supplier. said Saudi leaden were bea.rtn&
persuasive arguments for selllnc leu oU at hilber prices.
Saudi Arabia produces 9.S miltioo barrels a
day, Yamani said, but ~l studies have sbown
that it oeed produce only 5 million barrels a day to
meet its domestic financial requirements.
Yamani dJd not say who among Saudi Anbia's
leaders advocated the new oil policy, but b.la st.ate·
ment.s were believed lo be the fint open coof&rma·
tion of differences within the ruling hJerarcby and
its senior advisers.
Y AMANI ALSO SAID a riae in the basic priee
level aet by OPEC la lnevilable followinc tbe price
escalation of the past two weeb .
Saudi Arabia charaea aboul 18 a barrel for
mueb of ita oil, well· below prices Mt by eeveral . other~ OPEC nation.a.
Yamanl safd the Saudi government would not
dedde anything about production until tbe end of
the year.
Now A vall&ble
400 frl. ft. c!e up.
Pully lmpt<JVed su1tal
1 c!e 2 &tl:ry design b>ellent ftMDCjng
Bear Orange Co. AJrpcrt
C&ll: (714) 540-0327
$50.000 to $500.000
....................... _ ....
·~ •Cr N"rlal
• w..liJy Cl It 91
•MHIW\rhsft a• ........... .,_..
• I a •••ra c.w...a.
··'"' VC~lf flMOf I~ n~t-tds
(714) 759-1515
:>30 Ne,.OO<T Cerlter 0<1ve
09'.gn 1'11 11
H-OO<T Beec ll
Cat.Ill'"'• 1>2860
U>llCI aaACll -............ Ml~ n 1 xn• tM .a.eu. '° •• ..... .U.C._. .. ._,, T.
III I I 1, I s n' ..,._ ti C.J.
c ..... -Co ...... Or'IMI Co•at1 Water Dlatr•et, t~e
Tri I 1 lft .... CoaliU. ti <Jr-.. . ._ ............ ..
••• aanc11ltun nrm
CDI&all ... .... , ....................... .
0DM1J" ..... dvio ...... _.. .........
eewthe. a . .i. •••Hr. ••Id
,.... .... ti PIUolul'• -.N ••
lDcn MI d .. II direeton from II wit.la
......... ti ......... ......... , ........ " ...... .. pl• ................. ... ..,,. •••• Pl'OY14•• IUpport
HrYICet a1d ••ulp•eat to tbe .. ·~ caMrtbaUGD liO ...... . ,.....ffltMbMN. wortdwldt ............... ....., ..... ..
....... w 11 a memwoltM boal'd of directors of Soutben
................. .n ... ti
enera llDd Mlle ewWDer pralllaeta.
"Can I hear about
my boat loan by
"No problem!'
-Ne can usually give you an answer in less than a day.
Tilat's because we process your application through one
of the most modern systems in banking.
So, you see, things that might be
problems at other banks are no problem
at California First
1tr Thrih Guarant• Curpora1kln ul Calltomta a• provldtd In 1hc' Cahfom1a financial Cock A cupv vf
CIMptcr 7 uf 1hc' Calilumua Financial Code mav br obtained upon rcqunt THRIFT GUARANTY C~PORA.
705 South Brand Blvd.. Glendale. Calif. 91204
(21)) 247-8882 (21)) 245-7681
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Welcomes ••.
Fountain Valley ~ance, Inc.
CNA is very pleased to announce this new
appointment-of an agency!distinguished for
community service and professionalism. In
addition to their own proud rttord, they will be
backed by the full resources of the CNA
Insurance companies.
The CNA insurance companies are one of the
nation'• oldest and m. ost respttted insurance ~offering a fulf range of business
and~ insurance services through
iftdePendent insurance agents.
For any insurance heed• yoo may have contact:
Fountain Valley harance, Inc.
10507 Slater Avenue
F~ain Valley, CAiifornia 92708 .. ,
Workmen aboard a "Snoi'kelift'' platform move toward the GTE
earth station satellite antenna at Crystal River. Fla., recently to
carry out a cleaning and painting operation. The Antenna is 82-
fete high and 105 feet in diameter. The task reportedly took the
crews three weeks to complete.
Sa/ er to be Mighty
derwriUng if they were banks. the SEC study
forced to compete with said.
...... 8eef&a .......... ...
FlUOI' Corp. of lrvtne's eqlnfJerlng and COD·
st.ruction subsidiaries are current.11 bidd.lnc on ap.
proximately $8 billioo worth of wort in North
America, David S. Tappan, vice chairman of the
board, said at a meelln1 of security analysts in
Cbtcaeo. "We antictpat.e that we will bid on an addi·
Uooal $10 billloo ln the next 80 days."
Tappan said this was the moet wort ever bid
during a similar period in the company's history.
f:emp C•~ OM.• •1.,Ulftltl
The board of direct.ors of Comprehensive Can
Corp. ln Newport Beach approved a dividend of
four cents per share payable Nov. 21 to
,bareho&ders of record Oct. 31, it was announced by
B. Lee Karns, president.
c-11• Site P•r~ ... ed
'Jbe Housing Group of Irvine bas purcbued a
S.l•acre parcel in Rosemead for construction of 97
condominiums. Coldwell Banker CommerciaJ
Brokerage Company handled the transaction. WASlllNGTON CAP)
-A Securities and Ex·
c ha.ce Commission
study released Sunday
said some s maller
securities firms could
le>M money and possibly
be. driven out or business
if commercial bank.a are
allowed to underwrite auanldpal revenue bond .......
"Over The Counter
Bank.a a re now al·
lowed to underwrite
1.....i obllptlolfbooda 9f state and l~ gov-enmen&a, ia wbicb t.be
full raourcea of lbe gov-
ernment are pledged to
paying off the debt, but
are prohibited from un·
derwriting municipal re·
venue bonds, which are
backed only by specific
revenue sources.
Smalle r securities
companies could lose
more than one-fifth of
their reve nue from
municipal bond un·
Datatron Inc. of Irvine
· reported $200,0'l3 profit
before taxes on sales of
$1,525,230 for the first
quarte.r ended Sept. 30.
Herbert M. Perkins,
president, said backlog
was continuing at a
comfortable level. and
that new product d e·
velopmeol was proceed·
in& on schedule. He also
noted that the Sl.5
million convertible de·
benture, initiated by the
company, became effec·
tive Oct. 18.
Perkins said Datatron
would continue ae·
cresaively to pursue its
acq uiaiUon and research
and development pro·
1rams while continuing
to monitor the · financial
and indllltrlal environ·
Xerox Hit
For Taxes
Xerox Corp. muat pay
Maryland 1.nco!nf: tax OD
earnlq1 from foreign
aubtldiariea, the state Tax Court hu ruled in a
poteDUaUy far-reachin1
Tbe court Tuesday or· dered Xerox to pa1
tt02,55e in state taxes
and lnterest on rorelp
income from U7l
Xerox is bead ·
quartered in Stamford, eou .. wtth bualne91 of·
fkll lD Rocbelteri~ but tbe at.at. CCIG
tbat bee• .. Xerox doll IMllln• ln Maryland, it
II nbJect to levi• bite. Xerox •r•u•d tbat tbere bad to be aome
eennectioa between tbe tuia1 ... and the ...
come lt ...U to tu ad coat..-. the foretp .................... to tu DDl'lllal .,.,..,..,
ac'1viU. in Maryland.
......... p""'°'' r=~~ B•llW D•v<IMn Q
J°"""Vw. ApAot llW! OU.0.1 tfttl .. v S•LH'9 8roOE>
l ••HyCI 1oml0 wl :r&-4"'°
FIArh\I nc ... ,,.."" !.<lllMeo ,...,.v.
AFtf\t wf M_,,
C"-A• O<untnl
, .. , ..
l , .. ...
~·· ' ' ) .. 11 ...
J"" • .. II ••• , ..
(hq Pr t
11 Off '°4
•'• Off 1S • ... ()tf 1S 0
h Off ?l 1
q 16 Otl JI 4
1 Off 200 , .. Off 11 6
••• ()tf 18 '
' ()tf 11 1
' Ott 11 1 '• Ott t1 6 p..., OH t1 S
I OH 11 •
I... Ott I•. Ott 1• I
()tf If> I
'-Oft I• I
1' Ott I•• "• ()f't .. , .._ Oft ISi
I Oft IS;,
1 Off IS • I.,, Ott U • .,, ()H ts .
We are entertna the slump of 1*, turnlnc from te·
ceasloo 1n 1979 into a downturn ol areat.er deplb, breadth. •
and stJIJ.t,o.be determined duration.
Thia hu to be the outlook u· we are to achieve lbe now
imperative eoal& of:
Si.bUizing the once mighty dollar before it collaPMI •
and drags down the entire international monetary 1y1tem •
with it;
BREA.KING THE inn auonary psychology whlch grips
Americans m all areas or the nation. across all borders of •
income, age and education and wtucb becomes a self· •
fulfilling prophecy:
C urbin g you r
widespread, terribly
dangerous inclination to
spend to the limit now
in anticipation of repay-
10g later ID dollars Of
much smaller buying
Returning the U.S. to a position of ~nomic equality •
-1r not leadership -among such industria l competitors
as West Germany, Japan. and rev1v1ng the productivity or
the American worker .
THAT'S WHAT tight and e xpensive credit of this
magnitude must mean. That's the awesome challenge the
Federal Reserve Board al last has raced up to, under the :
leadership of its courageous, dedicated, world-respected •
chairman. Paul A. Volcker. !
Risky? Sure 1t is. Painful? You bet It will be. Can you
acape? Few ol us will. I know I won't. I doubt iC you will.
Thia ii a deliberately engineered slump; make no mis· '
take about 1l. Wh at 's more. it didn't have to happen.
Had th.is pitifully misguided. un1nfonned president re-
alized inflation was lhe Number One Evil of our limes :
when he entered the White House in January 1977. we •
would have acc.epted wbatever sacrifices he asked of us. •
We were ready for decent, strong leadership.
Btrr nllMY Carter tua.s s hllly-shalUed repeatedly. He •
hu fatted miserably oo all economic counts. And now once
more. he has painted himself nto an economic coroer rrom which he cannot escape wit.bout beina badly <If not
mortally> wounded polillcally. ·
H tn another effort to please the voters, he fights
Volcker . demands resl1mulaltve lax-spending-credit
policies and lets tnnauon roar on, the whole world would
attack Ou.r currency and dump doUan. We would be lb&
helpless wcet of gig.antic takeovers by foreigners (whlct(
even oow fills me with dread). 11us would be madness-and
you· re too well informed theM days to be fooled. rr he ~~ i.long with th !'llump and inevitable rise in
unemployment and b:rnkruptc1es. the N'<momy would be
going through " ""nn~cr ""hen he •~ <i1>i·k1nl( an<1thc r term
1n orftet-111~ pohllc·t1I "•·er .. 'A-drn h1111 thdt th1:. wa}' ht•S h1~
own dl'Struct1011
HE'S DAMNED u· he does Damned 1f he docsn t
And the same denunctatJonS apply lo Uus Congreu.
Rarely, if e ver. tn modem times. have we been "led''
by so "seittted" a &rotaP ol mediocrities 1n Waahinatoa • ... •
What does it aU mean to you.. penonaJJy 1
• Ila a.o em'*>Yed wol'k.,... If YOW' Job as m lhe eervi~. your ebances ol ho"ba lt aad eomin1 Uuouab
relaUvely unscathed are much better than If you're on the
product.ion line. Already. the pools or une mployed are cen-
tering in our 1ndustnal re_g1on..,
• As an unemployed worker It will be tougher to find
th~· JOb )'OU w<int You \H·ll ma) ha\ 1• to '>t'ltli· for wh11tevt•r
'"" c·,m loll'! no m.1tlt-r ho"' •1H·r·llUJ1tf1ec1 \Ou ;in· for th1•
• "' ;.i h11rn1·,1·ll1·r lt ""'" tx· muc:h harder to '>t!ll :t
houSl' not JU'>l bt-1-.10.,•· of ;a 'hnnkJ~I of buyc:r.., al>ll' t11
meet your a!>k&n~ pncc but rncJre important, bt:l'ausc lhl'
buyers can t get the morlgagt! money they must have lo
finance the purcha:.e • ru. a homebuyer You wall ftnd more houses to buy,
but you too wa ll be profoundly affected by the shnnktng
availability of mortgaJ(e money You'll be tn a superior
pos1t1on lf you have cash. ,
• A.s an individual overloaded with debts. Beware' rr
you feel you're over your head. ask for help NOW from ~
your creditors and counseling services in reorganizing ,
your repayment schedules.
• As an mdividual buying on the instalment plan
Don't go overboard. Buy now-pay later may not be the-.;
slogan forever . · •.
•As a amall busme~ owner. Expect to work harder to .:
promote and sell. It won't be the anyttung-goes era it bas • bffn.
• As a saver . You can get the highest interest rat.es
ever on top-grade secunttes or money market funds. Don't "
JUSt deposit your funds ID a reguJar savings account. •
That 's stupid.
• As a borrower. The above tells it. Tougher times.
And overall : As the downturn deepens. the excesses
arc wiped OUl. interest rates Will fall. the squeeze Will
soften, and we should emerge with a much stronger
economy than we have now
It All Depends
Perspective Key
To Understanding
By LOUISE COOK ... _ ......... _.~-
Queallon: What's the difference between • recession •
and a depression'!
Answer: When your neighbor loses hls Job, it's a re: ,
cess1on. When you lose yours. it's a depression.
You have probably beard the joke before. But It Is
worth reme mbering because it points up an important
fact: F.conomics is not an exact science. And statlsUcs do
not always tell the whole story.
LATE LAST WEEK the Commerce Department re-
leased figures on lhe amount of tbe Gross NaUon4f
Product -the total output of good.I and services -ln the
third Qllarter ot 1'19.
One of the convenllonol definitions or a recession Is
based on the GNP. Accordihg to tlle textbook•, the natiod
is ln a recesslon ii the GNP decUoea for two quarters In a row. .
The second quarter or 1979 brought the first decliM:
the GNP dropped at an annual rate or 2.3 percent. Many
people expected a third.quart.er drop ~ well. It did not
happen; UM ONP. lncreued at an annual rate of 2.4 per·
Doel that mean there is no ~Ion? ' . • ~arNSCllM&JLY. ~ .
o. WUUasn Killer. the acretary or the ~uury, 1111 :
In .July that the ecMltr')' wu ln a mild rectulon. He Hid..:
he expected It• ..a JD ._ ftnt or MCODd quarter ot ne¢ ;
year. . .•
lllU.r aald Friday that people abould not be mla.led by :
ta.. MW Ml ol ltatl.U-. ·•we upect t.be ~my to retu.,. :
to 1Jow or neaaUv• 1rowtb 1n the next few quarters,.. .. I ....... . . ;, ::...+
. ..
~· ·: .. .. ... ~· . ... .. . ... . . . ~
---·· ...
A 11111 th M!ad
Deborah R affin is a psychic model and
David Ackroyd is the police detective
who falls for her in "Mind Over
Murder," a new TV movie airing tonight
. at 9 on CBS, Chapnel 2.
Edw.oe t•• • look ., ""'
9UdOen outbtealc In IM
UM of c;ocaifle in Southern
Calltornla: view the
"OC::lcon" delllce 1tt Stan-
l«d UnlveBity; take I IOOll
at land lraud IChemel in
Celilomla. D THE OEVll AHO
OAN1E.L. MOUSE ™• 8f'llmaled fll'llM)' tall•
the ltory of a yaong mouee
wno ..-her soui to the
deW In e!ICNlnge for auo-
~ M II loll<""09', and ,,., iono-•-par'lnet wno
muat ball her out of '""'°
ble, slnoer-1onowrlleJ
John Sebullan perlonna
lour <><loin.ti tunes 8 NE'WI. vwED GAME • D 11~.000NAMETHAT
C'JaaalH'I Lbti•fl•
8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 8 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles
I KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles
KA.BC-TV (ABC) Los Angeles
Cl) KFMB (CBS)'San Diego e KHJ-TV(lnd.) Los Angeles 0 l<CST (ABC) San Diego
I KT1V (Ind.) Los Angeles
KCOP·TV (Ind.) Los Angeles
KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angete• e KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach
J.J. raluctentty loln• • oano anc1 ooee to a enoo-
tout with a rlvel SlfOU9-
(Part ti
Cl) P.M. t.WiAZ>HE
Mee! o man wbo call' him-
self Iha "bloOdhOun<J Of
bfeakOOwnl": • Ylllt with
s.ter SledQe and theif
business menage. who
also happens to be thelf
molhet ®J HOl.LYWOOO
Vince. Ro9a and Launa try
10 oet their lntlNmenll
OU1 of hOC* IOnO enough to
c:ompala wltfl a nval band '°'a playlnQ 8"Qaoamertl. llTHE M18ADV91TUAES OF
After Mlllno IWemplend to
VleilinO ,... e11a1e ~
tNaa.. L.o«>o leWN fNy -
mobatarl ploWng to -· tlVOW theif IMder (Ray-
mond Bun").
··~"The Kllers" (1984) i.. MwW\. Mgle pldt~
90n. A pelf of ,..._, klller9
Pf'OC!ae If*' W:tlm •• Pelt
Neiling ~· on a rot1t1ery In wtlldl .,. .. Md
..... ..._-....~
r.~~a. ....
......... to*oe>out
of '°"°°' end ""' oft wtltl a ~tlt111 woma" ~
~hllft_ .....
~t •wov. ..... "Wllll'I Haw
~,.. (tM61,....,
............ O'To0!9. A
oonMled ~men..,.., ,,., "'°"' an -~ coMIMd ~ a
IVI) 8 CWICK. IUN.,,-MO.....,.
a.-t (yctle Oorme.
• • • '°Clpllin li«9'lo
Mor~" (1961) ~ Qoty Ped!, Virginia Me)oo.
A entWl-~NMI
,,. oc:iMftt dut'"O the
~Wen..(2 llrl.I 8 JtOYA
"lcarua' Ctiildren" Tiie
•INOOl9 to fly with notNno
fled by one """'· wno euc·
QNded ...,, "" Mt:rafl of
"Soviet lV: Heroel. WoB· ere And The Plll1y Line'' A
~ k>ol< at the NbcN'tie9
aind llmltatlona of ,.....,..
slo<I in l"9 SOllle4 Union
prO\'ldel a -~ tMI on Ruaalan IOCi9ly and
the value• which 11
I:*> 8 ttl ANGIE
Anole cau-• lluQ9 lamily
uphNl!al after a -i>f1M
blr1helay plfty when aha
dOes MHMth•ng tt\al molt
Felix and Otcar's bowling
leM! II pitted aQlllnlt Ille
KillOPlnl 1n 11 ct\8mpl0n-
slllp ~
"Mind Over Murder"
(Premoetel o.borell Rattln,
Andrew ~Ina. A beautltul
model With Plycf'tlC powers
becomes the target of a
mass mutderer when he
learn• she 11 the only per·
son wno can Identity IVm
"Und«COllW With The
KKK" (Premiere) Don
Meredrttl, James We.n-
WT1Qllt. M F81 eoent 0099
~ to lnflltrlle en
Alablml br anctl of the Ku
Klux Klan and later
~akay....,_ln8 I
c:MI rlptlt• lnal •O THRIFS OOUPAKV
Jedi. Janet and Ctw1aay
-gllloen a k.uwrtou.. rent·
,,_~by a man
,,,,,_ ... Jecik UYed.
• "ow.t9: MlalMI ~
KHJ e 8:00 -••What's New,
Pussycat?'' Peter Sellers and Peter
O'Toole atar tn this early Woody Allen
comed1 movie.
CBS 8 9: 00 -"Mind Overl
Murder." Deborah Raffin stars u a
model with psychic powers who becomes
the target of a murderer in Ulla TV mov· ie <photo at left).
NBC 8 9:00 -"Undercover With
the KKK." Don Meredith plays an FBI
agent who infiltrates the Ku Klux Klan
in this dramatization of an actual inci·
l.Jnduy Wllgrler. Wiiiem
0...-. Cini t4olmel.. -~THE MIGHTY OONT'INUfT
"lcerul' Ctllldren" The
""'"" to flt with noltllno but~ll~
Pied by one man. wno euc-
~ '""' an --" of cerdCIOWd. Mlmlrlum 1111>-
lnO and piallO ....,.. (RI .. _.,.9 TAXI
A formet1y OlliltwelOIH
woman iuex dlled once
reeppeen allm. ettrec1Ne.
and ~ Alex wantl
to dale '* llOllin 10:00•• NEWS 8 9 HAATTO HAAT
Jennlf« l>eOOl'Ms the lar-
get of 8 got'OllOUI gitt wno
W91rta Jona then fOt herMfl.
no metter wtlet the ~t.
•·A Death In Tiie Fanwtf' A
wounded gunmari 1'->g
rrom the law meets a
11r anoe "'°'11C61111 8!l HIE.RE TO MAKE
lt:zNk Ptlpman and PH">-
c:nes Zuttennan pertorm on
the (1111181 oonc;er1 no..196.
of Eutope (RI
10:30 ., HEWS
11:00 8 II II Cl)®' NEWS
·=MElAUOH * *Ya "Some Kind Of A
Nut" I t"9) Olcec VM
O)tla. Mgle Olc*lneon. A
bank tallat IOele .. lo«>
and QlttM8nd ~ he
rafulel to ~ off a
beard ha or-_,.. on
• M•A•e•H
An eml>tttef'9d priva.a
rllfuaee to llMd Fat.her
Muleehy'1 coun1el
baClt.IM the prla9I llU
-hpal 1a11Ced ITO!'t·
Benny orwMtl l"9 llrlt
blon;c baby
~· Satah Celdwelt
' Poldlll'I< N'' Upon relum-
"'O lrom battle 8Q81n&t Ille
J rencn Revoh1tlonar y
Army. Ro9a P'*'8B dis·
-· lhel .,.. Old W*"Y Ge«oa w~. nu
~ buying "" rM>M and
mOOll of Ille Com••ll
GOUnltytode (Part t OI 131
11:$0. ()) 8AANA8Y JOHE8
A fadtr>g mcM9 star ~
UQ wnh a panect a1100
wnen 11e muroen "" pan.
• TGlliUr a.-'-'.: OMS &Aetlr•
man. OU-: ..., v.-. 9ob ..,...,, ..., .....
0.1MM119 ......,~
W'lllltlllll ..........
-.dltt/.•-•1t1cW ol ""'9 a ...__ II
btOUC1M Imo IN 12" Pl'..-
c:inct for qo .-111 ._., .. , .HOOM'a ....
M Eftgllefl "°""" __..
and daalgrl9 ..... ~
Uva alreratt deflnH ;r;,lllMT
CONTROi. plt1 their tOOot.
ttymie. aoalnlt KAOS'1 ~klller.~.
12l00. 1WLIGHf ZONE
The EM1ll flla out of ltl
or1llt and ltattl moYlnO
t-dsthaturl. ......
9lllN II I L.I
•aer~ 1 211TOMGKT
ttol 0 MC MOVIE ••'h "OOo And Cet" ( tem LOU Mlonlo. Kim
8ellnger. AIMr hie iono-
tima partner le ...-dut'.
lno 1 et.auout. a veteran
polloe ~ II «dared
to ...., up wltll a ~ltul
~roo,lt ..
t2:a0 . MOVIE
• • • "81118 Denim •
( 111691 8'Mdon de WllOe,
Cat OI l rnNJy.
••• Carmen ~·
( 19641 Harry Belalonte.
Oorottly OandriOoa·
12:40 ()) C88 LA TE MOVIE * * '" "OlllinOer" < 19 73 I Warren o.._ Ban Jottn·
~ The 1"'9 •10ry of
1wnad gangeter JoM 0.-
•noer ""° Me1vw1 ~ tne FBI agent WhO finally
c..qit htm ~ Orlmalizecl.
1'00 8 T~AOW
WHV 15 IT THAT nlE ME:N GH A!.1...
OUT N?:J IW N f L au~
I~ FUNN'< '10\..I 5HOlA.{) ~Nll()N
1AAl, ~NCAA.! WE 'W.f.R£ J\J':1T
VOlTD 6£. f'E~E.C'"!L'< 5Ul1£D ~!
·: .
12:00e ••~·~w• From 541ndown" (t960)
Audie Murptty. Venetfa
•:00 •a AfTINCIHOOt. 8"CW.
"A ~ a.ti" A 1-..
agec:I boy • IOr'oad to
hoe 9CllOol ballletball tMrn « rehllarslnQ for Na first
prOfeslionaj ballet tole.
: . ."Cheev.er's Tai.es Air· on Tel.evi,sion ~,~
tM G>
.,TOlllOaY .. ,
NEW YORK (AP) -Jobn Cheever aa19 be deeided to test televllioD u a
vehicle for bla work after an ap-
pe~ a year or so ago on .. Tbe
Dick Cavett Show."
"One ol the things he asked me,"
the Pulitler Prize.winning autbor re·
calls, "was. 'Do
you anaswer your
own mail?'
"I uid I did,
a nd I was i m -
pr~sed with the
response I re-
ceived, letters
from mature,
men and women.
And their obeerva-
ti on s were as
enlightened U any CHHVUI
I have ever beard."
At least partially a result of that
experience, Cheever agreed to sub-
mit three of bis short stories to
dramaUuUon for television, and,
further, accepted a commi•kll' to
write a screenplay for the .. New
Drama Project" conceived by
WNET, the public TV st.aUon here
THE SBOaT stories, ·:The Sorrows
of Gin," "O Youth and Beauty!" and
"The Five Forty-Eight," will be fed
to station.a in the Public Broadcasting
Service network on consecutive Wed-
nesdays, beg:in.ning this Wednesday
at 8:30 on KCET. Channel 28.
No air date bas been set for
Cheever's original, "The Shady Hill
Cheever says he bad never written
ror the screen or st.age before "The
Shady Hill Kidnapping," and would
not cooaider adapting his own work
for television.
''Having written the original," be
says, "interests me more than the
"MY FEELING about adaptation
is that a good short story is like a
puncb iJl the nose. You can't do
anything wtth it.
''I doubt Bemard Shaw would have
been content with 'My Fair Lady.' U
I liked the story, and ''O Youth aod
Beauty!' I did, I'm not 1oi.og to be
.-content with anything that's done
with it," Cheever says.
Cheever acknowledges, nonethe-
less, that television offers a great.er
audience for bis wort than any he's
had before, and. hoping to reach a
portion of it. be accepted WNET's
propoi!al for the "Three Cheever
Stories" segment of PBS' "Great
Performances" series.
"It is simply that I have something
to say," Cheever suggests, "and
there is an extremely large audience
there to bear it.·•
''THE SRADY RILL Kidnapping''
might have been written as a sbort
story, Cheever says. "I wouldn't pre-
sume to write a play," he says. :'The
only reason I did this one was for the bell of it, really."
.Playing the College Bowl
CHARLESTON,-W. Va. (AP)-Art Jl'.1emiDc LI waiting for· the day when
Amerlemm duster around their radios ::.~.Dei~bLlto~!°.:=.:
Flemiq, wbo probably will be en-
1raftd forever on the memories of
two 1w lltklal u
boat of tbe
tele•lalon 1ame abow •• .Jeopardy t ••
LI tbe new mater
of eermlM for
"Coll... Bowl,"
tbe ae.......,.Qaia
alaow matcbln1 .......... ----;---~ Bowl ••
a teleYialoD fi~-
tare ~ tbe ~
earlJ llM9, H • =to tlail 111r cm CBI Bedlo tbe
·----· ,,, Get. .. ,,.. ftnt .. --... la mid ......... PiUed ......... QDmbla.
'91 ''J• wllo ..._. Im areer In .. ' 11& tlail .,.,,, • .., ..... .,_ ...... ...., .... lna
~=·· ~ =: acned to .emt:fle
.. -1r.-o1cwkllltJ,*HnMB1 it ................... .
bad no idea I would end up spending
13 years with the show,•• said Flem~
ing, who never missed one of the
2,8S8 programs.
That same fucinatioo led to Flem-
ing's involvement with " College
Bowl, "wbicb!!eJoinedin 1977.
Since lt lint went on the air ln 1153,
"CoJJese Bowl" bas evolved into a
major event featuring teams from
scores of campuses ln a cout-to-
cout bliatle for the national cham-
pionship. Tbe competition bas been
televiaed or broadcast on radio uniJl.
terrupted alnce lta inception.
piODSbip, Harvard was defeated by
David.son College, a small North
Carolina scbool. "It WU really David
.slaying G_91iath ,'' Fleml.ng said.
ioaqwgt/I ~
But be eays be'• excited about the 642·2197
audience WNET's "New Drama Pro----
ject" will oerer original wed by pro-..... -----·------~----., minent writen, ''and I do hope my
colleagues like Updike will come in -------------------....;. :
OD this.".
Indeed, WNET already bas ap-
proached several writers, including ~-------------------... Louis Auc b i n c loss, Donald
Barthelme and Bruce Jay Friedman.
Wendy Wasserstein, wbo produced
"Uncommon Women and Others" for
PBS last year, adapted "The Sorrows
of Gin" for television, while A.R.
Gurney Jr.. who pre pared another
Ch eever story . "Goodbye My
Brother." ror the stage. took "0
Youth and Beauty!" Playwrtgbt Ter·
r eace McNally adapted "The Five Forty-Eight. ..
Edward Herrmann. Mic hae l Murphy, Sigourney Weaver, Kat.b.ryn
Walker , Eileen Heckart, Raebel
Roberts, Laurence Luckenbill and
Mary Beth Hurt.
The three stories are in Cheever's
1978 Pulitzer Prue·winnin& collec-
tion, "1be Stories oC John Cheever."
The selected stories, like most of
Cheever's, focus on life in suburbia.
They were wriUeo in the 1850B. but
the author says, "I wu caref\al to
avoid dating them. Tbey were writ·
tea without attention to clothln1
styles or automobiles or attitudee
that could be dated.
"I have IOIDethi.ag else to say. II
talk about men and women and
loneliness, not cuffs on pants., and ao' on.··
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MOVll Of llft YI.Ur' ~
SICATnOWN U.S.A.1"01 .. ......... _. .. .....,_
TIMI Anll TIMI lfoOI , .... ~U•t•~ ... & ,.,,,
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·---.......... ua-v. AYALANCHI IXNUI CNl
& !Nllkel W LieMI ..., ··-W Oary O.vlt, -k •I •r.c~ '-"'-CW.._,,__.,...,, llJ1:e4~ MllllW, IKllllkel .,_.,..... .;.:,r.' .......... -... ........,... .. .... ~ =.-:t ~ ·--"" .. .... e.....-...... TMICAIT ~"""' . ~~ "'-• .... ,aw .... 11-...... 01~ " ............. ltlCM,.., .... Antill 0...., ......•.. killt--~ 1111 Siii• , . .. • • .. o.,.it ....... w ·~ .. .. .. . . . ..,, wmi-w...,. C-Wy.. , . . ... ltllllt l'MHlpt Mt .... ,....... • ....... ,,.,. "kMcl
M#. ~"' , , .. .. • Larry ,..,..
-ty ....... Glef'll~ CNrlOttl. • • • • • , ..... ....__ -c11 ............. Jetlna.&Jllll .. , . . ...... '. ". " .,.._ o.,.,.ie POI ~1ftie11 • • • • • • , , JOftn 5'11111
aonea whlcb effectively muk
the Uneup of aln&le-dlmensional
characters wbo po.Pulate the
script. Yet it la the p•ay'a latter
aapecta wbicb eet directorial
empbui.a ln the current produc·
lion at SebuUaa'a West Dinner
Playhoule. Gary Davia, who hu staged
reaouodlnelriumpba ("WeatSlde
Story " ''Man of La Mancha'')
at the San Clemente showplace
Yn. WBIL& cut members
muc lhamelellb' throulbout tbe
abo•, tbe eaaemble work ~·
matna Uibt and fiuld. Davia'
multJ·tlered aettln1 accom.
moctaa. tbe often·frenetk ac-
tion qulte nicely and PatU
Hubl•'• eboreolJ'aphy la h1&bly effecthe.
The individual bi1bl11hta of
the abow are the performances
of Elisabeth Sava1e u the free-
1plrlted Nancy and Darrell San·
deen u tbe villainoua Bill Syk•.
11111 Savaae does a muterfuJ
job.on tbe lbow's best IODg, "Aa
Loos u He Needs Me," and ls a
mucb·needed stimulant u well,
while tbe t.owerine Sandeen is a
m08l believable baddie, and one
of tbe few performers whose
dialogue la totally understanda·
Attempts at projecting a
Cockney accent generally t.alte
u..tr toll OD clarity. particW.V
wttll Gordon CGanelJ, "'uial tile key role ot Fastn. ec.IMO
redeema bimaelf In wbat la
uaually a for1ettable numb..-. "R•viewl.nl tile SltuaUon." w1tb
bla outra1eoua but effecUv•
pb_ya1cat aecompan.lment.
YOUNG aJCRA&D Tuato la
en1alinc ID tbe Utle role ot the
orphan boy, while Scott
Weatmoreland makea an
eaer1etlc Artful Dodier and
anotber youn11ter. Sb awn
Daywalt. la lmpreulve ln a bit
part of au. Sava1e'1 ta1atoa1
friend. Also atancttn1 out ln a
brief cameo 11 Janet Maclbon u
an eartby undertaker '•
Pu.shine lhetr small sequences
for all they are worth are Bart
Williama. Ruth Pbllllpe, Larry
Parka and Gloria Maddoctt u
the vartoua &uardiam of OUver.
All function only lo caricature.
overplaying their sketchily
drawn roles.
"Oliver" will be presented at
SebaaUan'a, 140 Ave. Pico ln San
Clemente, until fwtber notice. to
be followed by the risque comedy
"P.S. Your Cat is Dead " in It.a
second local ataetng or the year.
'Express' Jumps Track
By ARTHUR KNIGHT .,.,....,.,_ .. __
"Avalanche Express," one
would like to think, is a disaster
movie to end all disaster mov·
ies. Jts plot is inpenetrable, 1t.s
people implausible. a nd it s
numerous disasters so patently
faked as lo be laughable.
The Express of the title often
looks as if it bad been manufac·
lured by Lionel Trains. and the
avalanche might have been
created by Cocoa-Cola ice dis·
penser. It's a final bow for both
director Mark Robson and star
Robert Shaw and one can only
wi sh that they could have left on
a worthier occasion.
l'M SURE THAT Robson. who
produce d and directed this
Lorimar presentation for 20th
Century-Fox release, felt that be
AYM.Mfat• ••ll'lleH -~~ ,,._-oir-........... ~.._,
Sc~ •••••••••••••• A ........ -y '"' ... ~~~
Cflt: U. Manltn, 11-., St>ew, L.,_
!!VIM, -llltnllllafl k Nll, JM Nem-. Mont lhiC""°41, Mika c.ttnM1, CleUOi.
C.UIMlll, Krkt-H ...
11o,,...,it>Q tlnw • mlftVln
M~&ll-.: ~G
was issuing a strong condemna·
lion of terrorism on today's
political scene. Pres umably,
author Abraham Polonsky, a
highly politicized writer, felt
that his screen play, based on a
Colin Forbes novel, might help
thaw out the cold war by de·
monstrallng that n ot all
Rusaiana -oot even all mem-
bers of the feared KGB -are
necessarily monsters.
But bU screenplay Is so com·
( MOnE "1
pllcated by s ubplots and by
characters who may or may not
be what they seem that I kept
thinking of the Groucho Marx
Linc. "Wh y, thjs is so simple a
ch1ld of JO could understand 1t "
Then. sotto voce to Chico, "Run
out and find me a child of 10, I
can't 10ake heads or tails of It"
I G,ATIIF.R that Robert Shaw,
a h1 gh-rani.ing ml·rnber of lhe
K GB, had bt!en s upplying the
We!>t c rn p ower s with t o p
ma latary st'cre ts concernrng
fe ll ow KGB m embe r Max -
imilian Schell's pet project,
biological warfare. and now
found it prudent to decamp. I
could also discern in the murk
that the U.S. was providio& pro-
tection iD the form of Lee Mar·
vin, Unda Evans. Mike Connors
and Joe Namath, smuggling him
from Milan to Holland aboard
the Avalanche Express.
Among the :.han gs I couldn't
figure out was why. 1n this day
and age. they chose so vulnera
ble a means of transportation as
the train, whose side the Geiger
gang was on when it attempted
to hijack that train, and why
Sc h ell , 1n fake beard and
s lou('hy hat, thought he had to be
pe rsonally aboard to thwart
Shaw's defection. Certainly. I've
never seen s uch outrageously
campy villainy since the balycon
days of Lionel Atwill -and hope
that ldon't soonagain.
Of()( aAftYMOll $
THEil£ ARE also some Wngs
that just don't make sense After
the avalanche or the title In
which three railway cars are
lost and a shoot· 'em -up that fair
ly riddles the remainder, we s~
the passengers having breakl~t
at the Zuric h Vahnhof. then
rushing back without protest or
comment to their miraculously
refurbished tra10. nor are the
motivations of the Geiger gan~
ever adequately exp lorl'd
Presumably they a re Wl' ... t
Euro peans work1n~ for 1h1·
RusMan'\. but wh ) ' I thought itll
Wes t Europ<' l t>r rOrt'>I'> w N•
M ao1~u.. anar<"hast..., or PLO
Anyway, "Av al a ncht· f,A
press." dealing with a highly
political subject, fail& to maJ<e
any polibcal statement. Won.e
than that. it fails to blend at.s
potentially colorful cast of
characters Into a meaningful en·
NONE OF THEM, lncludmg
Shaw. n ses above the thtMess
of the plotting 1 It's onl y a
~uess . but lhe R8 mmutt> runninr.t
time would su~gei,1 cons1derablP
t1·xtural 1·uttlngc; alv.a\'
favoring J r l1on O\t·r motl\a
t1on )
Curiously. whtlc lht' 0Hic1itl
rredats g"c extended atlenuon
to the flawed s pecial effect!>
1 lUperv1sed by John Oykstru
and Bruce Logan ) and the even
worse mmaatures of a group
ca lied Apogee . t he heroac
cinematographer Jack Cardlff
goes unlisted. Perhaps he pre·
ferred it that way.
., .. -·~· .......
714/'75·9966 '
edwards CINEMA CENTER ,Wl1'1 COMID'f TO 001 ' ..
H.UIOl AT ADNill.COSf A MISA OCT. lt-25 ' MISAYUDl.CIMT8 97'-4141
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A..,,.,.,._..,., oome~
tor ... whoC8' couN.
"10" (R)
"10 ..
"THe WARRl~s
"UP IN SMOt<E• (A)
.. HOUS! BY·THE L.At<E" (R).
AL .. OltWS.f"' ONN tlJIP.M.MIMft\T
CtM .. u.ie.r ti l'f'W Utt ... t • K ........ ~ .-
Plua (Al
''NORTH DALLAS 40" . ~-__ ....
ntlfllbc«MD ROLLDDleco ...,.°',,. TIMf ·'UAn
Plue (A)
..... !'P!:~ =-~ ... ·--....
INSIDE: •&rma Bombeck
~.0Dto0erSS.1t1t DM.Y Pf\..OT 0 • •
GrouQd Rules for 'Game
Of :Love' A.re ~hanging
OfllllOe61yl" .... MMf
The 1ame or love bad a cban&e ln ground
ruJea last 1prin1.
A urestyle some fol.ks, sUll call "living ln
aln " or simply "1backln1 up" took a tum for the
better/worse (choose one> when a smiling
Michelle Triola Marvin walked out of a Los
Angeles courtroom ln April.
A judge had just awarded Ms. Marvin
Sl04,000 compensation ror lost earnings and
career opportunities during a six-year live-in
with actor Lee.
The sum was rar short of the $1.8 million de-
manded by her attorneys, but it was considered
a landmark victory that opened the gates for a
slew or celebrity standoffs. .
Mr. Marvin ls appealing the decision.
"We haven't heard the last of the Marvin
Case." says Corona del Mar attorney Patricia
Herzog, a 22-year specialist in domestic rela·
"fl sparked every body's interest and
alarmed a lot or men who thought they were re-
asonably safe by not marrying.
"That. or course. went out the window,"
says Ms Herzog, 56, and remarried 14 years
So it's time for men and women who
cohabitate without that ofricial sanction called a
marriage license to learn. or face being burned
when that priceless love affair suddenly adopts
a monetary value
A WRITTEN CONTRACT -a product or
the 1970s .. Me Generation" -can provide pro-
tection of profit and property for both partners.
says Ms. Herzog, who ocrers seminars on
"Legal Aspects of Laving Together" at local col·
leg es
Indeed. the Marvins had nothing in writing,
but the judge ruled that the couple had entered
into an "implied agreement." she notes. "That
was the revolutionary part of the case."
Until then. the traditional juc!icial ruling
was what Ms. Herzog terms a "manifested in· justice
"The courts said . ·you didn't come to the
law and dignify the relationship so we're not go-
ing to do anything for you'.·· she says.
However. that unjust enrichment of one
party at the expemie of the other has made the
courts reconsider . . . as well as the increased
acceptance of non-maritaJ relationships."
She compares the new trend to tbe eldatl.ng
.. community property" theory ~t biDds the
married set ln divorce proceedlno
"You give up the company and compan. ionablp and pleuure of your apouae'a company
when that apouse goes to work. What be 1eta
paid while you're givln1 hlm up is part yow:s
"'111AT KIND OF THEORY is <now> car·
ried over into the non-marital situation. You
still have suffered a detriment when the guy
leaves you and quits telling you how beautiful
you are." she says laughing
Not to mention how those chores at home
had been making llfe a lot easier for the
breadwinner. Mrs. Herzog feels the combina·
lion bomewile, la~. coot, t.ui service
should share ln tbe extra time and fruits those
actions allowed the spouse of the house to enjoy.
And think what it would have cost to hire
somebody elae to handle the duties?
"All of lholM: lhln11 are equitable JUld the ~
courts have to look al the total situation ... Ms.
Herzog contends.
And although Ms . Marvin won her case on
the &rounds of an "implied agreement, it's
always better in any relationship to have a writ·
ten rather than oral agreement.
"ITS A GOOD IDEA to clarify exactly
what the rights and obligations are of each or
the partners ... she continues. "When you do this
at a time when both parties are friendly, it's
easier and less expensive than arguing about it
The specifics of the contracts can vary, and
not all couples fall lnto the potential Marvin vs
Marvin category.
"I think ID most situations where both
parties are employed and live ID a rented place
and share expenses. you 're loolung at people
who keep their money separate ... she note~
"If a spHt comes down. Mary takes her
new pots and ;>ans and 8 111 takes his Porsche
That s1tuat1on probably doesn't qualify as "
Marvin· type problem:· says Ms Herzo~
The same no-contra.ct ob1Jgat1on usually
would apply to young college student.s who don't
have a lot of worldly goods to begm with and
may be laving on green stuff sent Crom homt-
The biggest problem th ere might be who gets to
keep the new Fleetwood Mac album or the Mar-
gritte graphic
It's the relaUonship where one half 1~ work -
ing and the other s tays al 'home an which con-
tracts are most important
"IT PROTECTS HER BUT it also protects
him." Ms. Herzog notes. He could demand a
contract in which she denies any claim to any of
his earnings or goods.
"There might be a few women who would
put up with that," she says.
On the other hand, many males might be re-
luctant to sign a contract that offers a post-split
percentage of b1a aavlnp and a pay-off for
aervicea rendered ·~the home.
Tbal. CCl9t. eould be lowered by a deduct.ion
for rent, she adds.
"It may very well be that the person wlU
agree to perform all the domestic duties in the
house ... ln return for this •you will provide a
placetollve.clothesand gasollnerormycar·"
This might tum out to be a short-lived con-
tract when the woman says. 'Well . r·ve got my
bead together. so I don 't need it'." Ms. Herzog
There are lots of options when it comes to
setting the relationship down 1n black and
white. and althou1h women Uke Ms. Marvin
have drawn the bia press coverage. some men
have been Jeekin& compensation when a rela·
tionship crumbles. Roles do reverse.
.. Any professional working woman would
love to come home and find that a ll the
domestJc chores were performed so she could
sit down. read the paper, have a drink and then
get up for dinner." says Ms. Herzog. "That
would be marvelous."
Any way you work it. she believes "A con-
tract is just as good as the good faith of the peo-
ple who sign it.
"They can be broken and that's what courts
are for. But people m general live up to It."
When that happens. the former couple can
end it all with a "see ya later" mtead of "see ya in court ...
Write a
The myth or common-law marriage in
Callfomu1 can lead to a double tragedy
wh en one hair of a non-marital rela -
t1onsh1p dJes. warn~ attorney Pat Herzog ..
.. Peoplt-can li ve together until hell
frl.'eZe!. oH•r Thl'r<· ., no magic time of fi ve
or ... e ,en year " 1 whe n a relationshi p
become" common law I
Pt:opll' who hav"' laved together many
)ear'> a.'>sumt: that the partner would have
.,ome n ght by v1rtu~ of th<: long cohab1ta·
uon ... sht· nolt':. "They"l:fon't realize that
hvmg together confers no nghts on the
surv1vang partner unless there 1s a legal.
marital relat1oni.h1 p ..
Without a wntten wall , the state 1s in
position to tonf1scate all or the property
left behind by the dece11scd
"You can say, 'he told me he was going
to make a will and that ·s why [ lived with
him for 21 years'." :,,ays Ms. Herzog. "But
an Call!onua and in most states, an agree-
ment to make a will has to be in writing."
It's not an Ironclad judicial rule, but the
surviving partner faces a long court battle
and must provide proof that he or she i.s
enlilled to the property. "You have a hard
And. unlike mamed couples without
...... JOU ~ Mil "° to probate court
and a.eek fin&oclaJ s upport until the estate
Is settled. .
A wtJJ a.tao provides crudal protection
for "lllqJtimate" cbjldren ii the male
dJes. 'The document can provide proof of
paternity and give youngsters the right to
anherit or sue if there is a question or
wrongfuJ death.
Without 1t. they're almost always left
with noUung but the loss
Creatures Sto~k A Haunted Lagoon
The little monsters are at it again.
With corporate and community backing
no less
And they've transformed the Floral
Building at the Orange County Fair-
grounds ln Costa Mesa into a "Haunted
Lagoon '
The occult occupaUon will last until
Halloween (Oct 31), when Vamplra.
her screaming psychos and blood·
splattered friends and fiends must
vacate thelr haunt by dawn the next
But could any landlord deny them an
extension lf they asked?
Among the contributors to this
macabre madneu-best known as the
Orange County March of Dimes Birth
Defects Foundation's 4th Annual Haunt-
ed House-are Orange Coast area youth
groups and the Fluor Corporation's
Community Involvement Team, provid·
ing the "graveyard and voodoo
The "Gboet Ship," "Satan's CasUe,"
"Funeral Parlor," "Psycho Room" and
"Spook Saloon" are created courtesy of
Key Clubs and girl scouts from Costa
Mesa, Cor ona del Mar, Fountain
Valley, Santa Ana and Garden Grove.
The City of Costa Mesa and South
Shore Builders handled construction
duties under direction of Orville Am·
burgey, the city's director of com·
munications . All proceeds will go
towards research. medical services and
education in the fight against birth de-
fects that afflict 250,000 babies an·
The ghouls will welcome guests from
7 to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday
Last person out alive deadline is 11 p.m
on Friday and Saturday.
Admission is $1.75 for adults and $1.2S
for children between eight and 12 years
The Lagoon is too intense for kids un·
der 8, so sponsors have set aside a
special protective area to keep them
safe while the more daring make their
way through. -Mic~t Poak:rolch
DM.VN..OT T\aelidlr. OcWw •• 1'11
Harvest Moon Shines on Festivities
The Women'a Arehlteclural Le.,.,.. bolt.cl
one ot It.a moet aaUclpated 1•thena11 lut
weekend, a party to honor newly Uc~
• •• AND •• ,. WILLIA• aa.vaoca
opened \helr ~t home in Newport tor the occa110n and C•nm and rru 8_...
1reat.cl tbe 1ueeu. After ever)'Ont enjoyed wine, cbeeae,
HVOl'J .. atballl and freah ve•et•blet and
tOUNCI tM Bluroeb' home and boat, aa newly
Uceued arcblteell were Introduced.
For btMI 1ucb sraclo"* tall, t.be Blurocka
were aJvea •Waterford paperwei1bt.
We "w muy old frlendl. tncJudiDC the ...
By Judith Olson
Yeoe, Hert.en ......... Dick T• .. ud ...
Ham-. Feel t.bat nlp or fall tn the air? We natJve
Southern Calllomlan,s can definitely spot t.be
change ln aeaaona aod know that the calendar
pages have once a1aln been subtly turned.
Fall means it's time for the annual Irvine
Harvest Featlval, including the eala Harvest
Moon Ball. food, aamea. craft.a exhibitions.
maaic sbowa and other entertainment.
Dancing to Ed Leacb 'a big band sound
bl&hllgbted the Harvest Moon Ball. whlcb was
attended by nearly a lbouaand guest.a.
The ball attracted a crowd of luminaries, so
many we can't name them all.
Representtn1 the university were Dr ....
Mrs. Dulel G. Aldrklll Jr., who entertained
Vice ClluceUor ud Mn. Leea Selllwarts, A.ula·
taat Clauedlor alld Mn. Mldaael lleaneJ, As·
1l1taJR Development. Dlredor ud Mn. &*rt
Berube and ladaa&rlal Aaocla&ea Exeeattve
Direct.or BeUy Leodal and her bus band Geor,e.
Oelfy Nie,_.., alcNM .......
Also there were Mayor and Mn. David
Silla, E. llay and Deuy Qalgley, BUI Skeea
from Smith Tool and bis wife A.llloa, Bob aJld
Patty Lenard, Bill Hd Peart B~. Dr. ud
Mrs. S&eve Paaley, EUubetlt Slc:oU, Sapervlaor
aad Mn. Tom lllley, lrvlae Jmdor' Mia Debbie
Grattan and Pat DeCarlo, president of lbe
Irvine J aycees.
HARVEST MOON-Entertaining guests at
Irvine's Harvest Moon Ball was mime Eric
Da vidove of Garden Grove. With him are
Ron Higgins a nd Martha Hodge, both of
ARCHITECTS -Newly licensed vchitects,
from left, Greg Gill and David Shuken chat
with Susan Corum from Women's Architec-
tural League at party honoring them.
Prosecute Child Molesters Vanishing Species
DEA.a ANN IANDE&8: Please
find room ID your column for a sub-
ject nobody want.a to talk about. I am
referrinl to cblld molestina. Recently our &-year-old daughter
was molested by a trusted ramily
friend. "Uncle Ed" offered to baby
stt one evening. We thought It was
sweet ol b1m. My husband and "Un-
cle Ed" bad been close friends for
years. He was the last person in the
world I would have suspected as a
cbild molester
The next morning our dau~r
told me what happened. I asked her
what was wrong when she wouldn't
eat and kept clinging to me. I In·
formed my husband al once, and we
decided to prosecute. The verdict
was reached yesterday "Uncle Ed"
was given one year 's probation with
court supervision. When we signed
the complaint, we teamed he was
already serving two years' probation
in a similar case
Please warn your readers that the beat baby alt.ten are 1randparenta,
s is ters or women friends with
clUldren ot lbelr own, according to
our pediatrician. Tell lbem, too, they must have the gut.a to prosecute -
DEAR SMART: 'rbank yoa for
abarlag yoar patnfal experience.
Your advice is excellent. So glad
you asked to sil ln my chair today!
tell your readers again that if they
are going to take any kind of
painkiller. they should not drink a
drop or alcohol. My husband could
bave I06t his life because be did not
know this ·
Bennie was a lways scared to death
of the dentist. He bad to ,have two
teeth pulled yesterday, so before he
left the house he drank a oint of
vodka . The dentist gave him a double
shot of Novocwn. After t.be extrac
lion, Bennie fell pretty good and got
in bi.a car to drive bome. He passed
out just before tumin& on to ihe ex preaaway. Lucky for him, he pulled
over to the shoulder, and a poU~ car
wu there ln a Jllfy. I feel 1ood about
writing thJa letter because I may
have s aved a life today.
DEAR HOKE: How rt&M 109 an!
Booze and drags can be • deadly
combination. Add a motor vela.Ide
and you have an lDvl&attoa to suicide,
murder or botb.
Remember mothers·in -law?
They used to be the most talked-
about women ln the world. By re-
pu tatloo. if she was the bride's
mother abe was lbe one who rail t.be
whote wedding. If she was the
groom 'a mother, she wore beige and
kept ber mouth abut.
She used to ex.lat in great numbers
You couldn't go to a party 9'ithoul
tripping over a couple of mot.bers-in-
law. MIL jokes were on everyone's
lips. <''The good news is my mot.her·
in-law drove off a cliff. Tbe bad news
is s he was 4riving my car.") One
thing you could count on -everyooe
had one.
That Is, unUJ a few years ago,
when the trend went to cohabit.al liv·
ing, meaningful .relationships and
lave-in dates. As fewer and fewer
young people got married. mot.hers
in -la w became a n endangered
s pecies
WI! Q&E Sl'ITING around bav · Ing coffee the other morn.lna when
Mayva said, "I'm going to become a
mot.ber·in-law in January." Sara uked ber to repeat what abe
bad just said.
"I said I'm going to become a
mother·in-law In January.··
We were stunned. I was suspicious
"You're bragging," J said. "No
one 's kids get married these days ··
·1 am not, .. she said defiantly.
Era a
... M-,.lc
.. My son 1s getting married and I'm go-
ing to be the flrsl lady on my block to
become a mother-in law lnc1dentally.
whatdoesamother m ·lawdo"" '"You 00n·t know'>' we a~ked
"A MOTHE R·IN LAW ndes to the
church l1l the front -.eat with her YJn
and rides home in anothN ca;
.. She's in the fr<>nt row at thf> wf'd
ding and an th<' k1tt•hl·n at the recep·
lion ··
"She gets bla m ed when her
son 1s thoughUess. cruel. and doesn't
turn his underwear n ght side out
before putting 1l in lbe clothes
"A mother-ln·law ~eta to keep tbe
&randctuld when 1t as cont..agiou.5 and
they can't eel a regular allter ...
Mayva was undaunted. Sbe just sat
there and smiled.
Later that night J said to the faml·
ly ... I know somt.·one per..onally 1.1oho
l!>gOanj(lO~amothcr-10 law ··
M } hW>band ba1d . "You·re JUSt say-
lhat to~etatlC'nllon ··
Kids Hallovnan
Aeguatrlt!OA. S*'ICM &
conteet echeduled for
&30 Mon. eve Oct. 29
llt Huntington Center,
8pQnlO(ed by H.1.
Jr. Woman·aClut>tor
children In 3 age 010UPS
10 and under. G4tt entry form at pUmplilln dlaptay
at center of mall 1215
gtand pnut. Beech 8tvd
& Edlnoer at ~fwy
The Precision Haircut
flrir l ;. • , I ,., 1" 1 • r ".1"11 tr r I Jll
I I you h<,1 I•· 1 t>o 1.,., 1 ,..·,ur hiitrr: 1 JI d1~app1 'cH '> inc: C'.ay
oflM. rorri• '' C ~mdn<:l P..-rt<Jrrnt:1• '-r· wtii::r•J Wf'
Spr·<:;ldlllt' 1r lt1f: pH,1 1(;fl t 11rr Uf
PrPr , n hdor JI I • (J,1• 1~r hn1 ~ue tr,r CUI ·
11nq •ti•· ndir 1n t .r tr• • 1 ,.,,,,, 'h~· lldY 11 qro~~'> So .•
a• I G'' 1. • r : c.f1 • ~ hd~,. An<l bt!C. '1U'>f'
' th;. tld' o, r v' t ·at r , ,, ' I f!JIJ •Hin I hdV'' tro
k~E:-r '...1;)~,, ; ,, •• 11 u, ,,., 1 "'>11..ir •· r1t 1n1.: h!:,•'l
dOf'< •t
Thr> prer1s•vn hd1rcut wtlh •,narnpn•' dtHl t1l•Jw
dry co ... tc, 1us1 '31A tef'n dollo:1rs fc,r guy~ am.I qd lfJo
also otfer permanent wave<:.. cororrng. frosti ng oriel
cond111on1ng No appointmen l 1s needed. 1us1
come 1n. And vou 11 see that precision is rt ghl for
you T'UV:: --~~~~~~--~~~~~~--
Command Performanee .. ...... __ -
149 RIVERSIDE· (Nel1 To Newpt:>,, e .. cto Poat0Hlce)641-7451
Behind Ice Skeh ng Rink (Harbor & Adams) 540-6153
It 1 •In he· r 11r1· and t<•d tu th1· l''llh·«
lur 't•Jrchrnl( for odd Fri•nth
Sex and the
·'Al. hard u I try to be a good mother, stnce
the divorce I keep maktng mistakes and doinl
things wrong," explained Sylvia.
"J...t t.be other nieht, I did a terrible thin&.
I let a man I've been dating spend the nlgbt,
even tbouCb my children were at home. I never
did that before. I'd either see him when they
were at their father'1, or I'd make blm sleep on
the couch. But thla night, one thine led to
another, and I let bim sleep in my room. Then
In tbe middle of the niaht, my youngest got sick
and came walking Into my bed.room. Well, ab•
found UI there asleep In the bed. I know she was
really upeet, but sbe baan 't said a thin1 about it.
Thb u Uw wcond o/ a JO-port .met on the ling~
parent bll Elleft S•rmon.
Row mUJ lin1le parenta have bad an ex-~enee like tbla and com'-out ol lt feellq COD·
and lllhamed and pllty? It'• 10 c:ommoa fM P90Dle to aee tbe whole
... ae of ea and tbe lln1le JNanat ID a lurid Upt.
tbat tt'• oftm dlfftcult tiw even tbe woman
MrMlf to llCknowledae tbat the ltlll needl love,
affedtma Md U. latlmac1 ol a nonna1 en life jmt aa • c1id WbeD lhe wu tafe)J married.
Tbe qwtm remalDa bow to baDdJe tb1I
wtth your eblldrm. Tbe coalllet bet.treen bet.DI • ''aood motlall''' md meetiq ,._. OWD penonal DMda ta not • eaay one to n.olft, ucJ many a .... ...... falll llltO tM tnp of tportq ..... own Mnallv ,.._. t.bu nu banaial w ddldl'9. ...... poor ...... to clof
....... ....... estabalr -.......... to ... , ..... , I tllll*-It II ....._. to sr OD tllle· # .._ ot cliler.doa ntlMr tU8 ..,.. row
lldldr9 tooODtftlf to,_.. ....... .
It ma, Mm lib* lot of ...... to arTaDl9
ddl, bat NBMID .. aet JOll Uft maD7 dlf.
,.,.. --.................... to .... ... ... wltla ,.,. .... ,.... C!bUdNl.,.. ........... " .....
,,_ • PA&'l'la1IAltLY fttlS .._ tbe
nl•tlollblp II MW ud rw ._'t dear about
? '
whether it will lut or not. There is a real
dan1er in allowing your children to become too
deeply Involved with a succession of tbe men ln
your life. Thia ll because they may have a ten·
dency to attach themselves too qulck.11 to these
lovers, allowing them to take too important a
role in their lives.
Children who experience the I.«:lle.Call-
You-Daddy syndrome may ftDd tbemMlftl re·
livine the trauma they underwent when their
fat.her left, each Ume t.belr mother breaks up
with a Jover.
Thia ll not to say lbat a ainale parent
shouldn't expect to have some men in her life
and ptepare bel' children tor that. I think It's
helpful to explain to your children that their
Uvea and your We are going to be dllferent in
many ways now that they're livinl alone with
One dltterence will be the fact that you ex-
pect to have aome men friends, and t.bat you
will be dotna aome of the t.biql with them that
you Uled to ao with their father.
LET 'l'llSll KNOW TllAT you undentand
that tll6t wU1 probably make them feel aad or 811·
ary IOIMtlmet, but be ftrm ID tellinl tbem that'•
the way lt'• IOIDI to be beca-..eJOU don't Intend to
1et baek wttb tbllrfather.
The reuoa for th11 it that cblldren usually
contlnue to harbor fant.ulea about their mother
and father reunltiDI after a divorce, and you
waat to help them work tbrouCb tbeae feelinp
aa quickly • pouible . Your ebUdreD may also need to be ,..
auund tbat tbey're In DO dancer of beln1
bumped beea ... of any of your new frieodl. Y oa may baYe to ,., over and owr that \bey
laaH a lpecia1 place wltll ~ md DO OM elM
wtJ1 ..-ta• tbat place. Wbm &MY beliD to fMl men MCWe abOut 1"" IOM ·..a let ewer
tlM 1h•k1-.1 that •ualb NUill from -.. tbrouab a diworee, tbey'tr ,..._blJ be able ti
afff.Pl tbe mm ta your Ufe • . l'lllle we're OD tbll 111~. tt ma1. be a fOOd .._ to IM U.m lmow 10U would ap.
preel• tbem tnockln1 OD JOW' door before
·they .... rour room.
Plci<-up entry bms
1n ~nter o f Hunttngton
Center Mall Three
age cateoorres 8 &
under. 9 to 12 t2 a
up Bring pumpkrns
Fri untrl noon Sat.
Oct 26-27 Buy fresh
pumpkins now from the
Boys Club of H B tn the
mall Beach BIYd &
Edlngec.at '40 5 twv
pa,ll• Jt'Wt'lry Ont> JUlhonl }' re
ports fmdang no mo1 e than arx
pieces a ~ear II was always hand
1arell.od foil ed. ud set an gold or
s1lvl'r In t•arl\ Cl\'1h:ut1ono; mo:!>t li(la.-.s
Aas madt' for U't" tn Jl'welr~ ll wa~
h1ahly valut'd un<l" us not used as rm·
1lataon anyUun.: :n lM l8Ui century. ~
Joseph Stnu •. Jl'V'l'ler to the F'renr h • a
court. devel~ J le.id glai.i. so
brllhant it ~amt' the first sur ·
cessful dlamoa4 substatute M any
18th century patces contained both
·paste .. and natural stones Set.s or
jewelry w-ere ... om once. broken up.
bi ~~rt" the .. paste .. d11tarded. and a new set v " made for tlw next court ex· lra v aganui.
£, We alsobuy;mtlqueJewelry Bring ~ r your s IO for 8 ('(lllrteousevaluallon lliIJ' f.tl, Ulll& ,_c.w,.~-&,....,, 11-4••.,._·M 7· .... ,~ ........ __. .. _ .. _.
It's lack Cheddy
harp Cheddar,
Ith A Nip Of Beer
Hw 1 t U•tecl A •allablllty
farms .
.. ..... ~ .. ........ .................... FASHION ISLAMD
--.. ·-··'·• ...................... .-............. , ....... __ .. ....,.. .. , .... ...-----~.,. ------·-·· ... --.... -.... ~...._.. .. ..,.._.__,..... _ _....._, .......,....._,.......-....
' I
----------------------' HAO SUCH GRERT ~ t10THERHOOO,
lf/ESf F/IS~lotJ
by Bil Keane
"Daddy puh his fingers in its eyes and his
thumb in its mouth."
by Ferd & Tom Johnson
by Cltlrlts M. Scltufz llG GEORGE
• I I
I i
' 9
L-OOK, wf;:'Rf:
SAV E: 5N5RGY -roo, Klc;::>PO
tfv, JOS~f
by Tom Batiuk
by Gus Arriola
by Harold Le Ooux
PlEA5E, LEf ME ~AlK ()l(.AY, YOU RE
by Kevin Fagan
by George Lemont
by Men UUrius '
NOT' TM.CT r accvav
AL.L ~ M&Aa.t ....
I fw•nQt•
c, Rest0<1
,,, E•Ct>I
1..: Moun•11n
1~ 8<1!hlrm tr
1t ROOP<'•
17 Acts up
19 Bu~• d -
20 l•Ol''I
':!I fleet UM
22 Me.ti
23 Resuroe
25 Sea Fi
JO Arrltne IOI
31 French POii
34 Alias
36 Emulate
38 Mountain
39 Lrterarv
42 A GabOI
43 Consume
2 WOldS
44 Woody -
45 Squelch
47 Outdo
49 Fashng 1tme
~ Huirv
'i t GO.ii
.. ~t<'iOPt
~3 Cain<. vi(! m
5'> Cal1¥1<1.11
'·CJ"-l I 1•1
t ' E •C'O<.t
l. B·lhC.tl P•I''
J words
6.t u111tzer
6S OuQ °'' 66 Anoer
o< SPte.tO•
68 0dVI~ OI
69 Leqal wrong
1 C;in1ne-;
• Mf'lo<ly
• 3 N1de
4 Asian desert
5 Warm ove1
6 Greel< le1tf'r
7 Olfteer
2 woras
8 AdVCISillV
9 VeHow 1ac~e1
10 Beardless
11 Temple
12 Scope
15 Sin
24 -GrCCf'le
UNITED Feature SynO•Cate
Mona~y 5 Puzzle Solveo
25 Forme1 Br1t-''h colony
26 C1aps playet
27 Am<>W
28 Amassed
29 B11t No
3 1 Vehicle
32 Ms Otew
33 Tireo
35 ColOt
37 Mist
40 Adhe1ent
4 1 Indisposed
46 Te•as team
48 Hair unguent
)I -Hawkins
5.! Cyst
53 Ad101n
54 Founoauoo
55 [)()()( pall
57 Access
58 Empet'Ot
59 Always
60 Others
63 Confronted
Li/e's Stireas
Crime Cmue?
Dear Dr • ...._,....: Our I08 INW up aa what
many call a "perfttt tenl.Mman •• U. oever 1ot In·
to lroub&e lDalde or outtlde ol le'bool He .,..,t
lhroup four y..,.. ol collqe u a 8 ·ph11 atudent.
IOl a ftne job u ualatant to a \fie. president ln a
manufactwiq nrm.
But trOu.ble ~Ian four yean aller M •u
married. Al IO be •u dlvotttd and hla wlfe ob-
tained cua&ody of thalr dauabter Not k>n\:~er. of
all thlnp, M wu uuaht trytna to rob a Hi• • ~ue ls auu peadina I What I cu't undent.nd ls bow a fine boy Uke
that can IO wrona• 1111 It pouible be may be alck!
DEAR MRS G.: A report Ul the Archives of
General Psychiatry may explain what bappeoed to
your son.
It e1presie1 the Mlief Uuat too many 1tre11ru1
We eventt can drive a man to crime The•e e venlti
r ranced from death of \ DOCTOR IN spouse, l06s of • job or ~ b~ ot a marriage, THE HOUSE trouble with the boss ,
financial dilflculties or
other problems.
THE &E8EA&CREa8 interviewed 179 male in·
mates of a federal prlaon and a atat.e penitentiary ln
Waahinetoo. The men were asked about a U1t ofllfe
I event.a that might have occurred a year or so Mfore
they were imprisoned . f Among these events were reasons common to
,streas suffered by e veryone ln the population.
<Financial and marital difficulties, etc.)
But the differences in the prisoners were evl·
dent: they were less stable, more mobile with
grea~r chance in residence, changes In jobs, more
divorces, more trouble with in-laws.
HOWEV£&, IT'S CLEA& that social,
economic and racial rorces are not the only
anawer, for only a small fraction of these become
cnm1na.ls. And there are crimlna.la who have not
known poverty, racism and aoclaJ UmltaUon.
l doubt that illness ls the reason for your son's
problem, Mrs. G. Nevertheless, why not have him
checked by a doctor? There's always the possibili-
ty that bizarre behavior might be due to un-
s uapected illness.
* * .. Deu Dr. S&elacrolUI: I am a young sec retary
a nd afra1d or losing my Job. In addition, my social
lire ls being shred to tatter6.
The reason Is many wb.i te spots have de
ve loped on my race Our family doctor i;ays
nothing ran be done ror them except using some
makeup to cover the m Isn't there some other
t reatment" I've heard that wiin1< ultraviolet light
m ay be helpful. Mist. V.
DEAR MISS V .. U your problem is vitillgo
<loss of skin pigment) your doctor is nght
there's no treatment. As In your case, this e<>ndi·
tion causes disfigurement that is reason for worry
and anxiety.
We don't know what produces viUUgo. About l
to-2 percent or the population suffer from it. I sug-
gest that you ask your doctor to send you to a
dermatologist ·
s ••• v .... A~-......
Prime Mlnlster J ack
Lynch or JrolMd will
VISl t t h e! u s from
Nov '7 to 15 and meet
with Prmudent Curter
on Nov. 8, the White
l louse announ ced.
Toy Cord
-Durham Induistrles,
Inc., la recalline the de-
tachable connector cords
s o ld with 97 ,000 toy
telephone sets, accord-
l ng to the Cons ume r
Product Safety Com·
The cord! are part of
model 7028 "Holly Hob·
bie" dial-intercom toy
telephone aet.
and blue with the words
"Holly Hobbie" printed
In the center of the dial,
the toys have been sold
by K-Mart s tores for
about $9.95.
Officials s aid the cord
connecting the two bat-
tery.operated telephones
has two-prong plugs at
t.>ac h end. These closely
res e mble e lec tric a l
plugs and childre n forc-
ing them into an elcr
t rical outlet could he
shocked or burned , com
mission officials said
ONE SUCH Incident
involvlniJ an 8-year-old
girl has been reported.
HE MAY CONSIDER the t.L'\e of drugs called
psoralens in conjunction with daily exposure to
i.unl1ght or ultraviolet light. This may produce
. som e replgmentalion of the spots. But it ls long,
Redeal1ned replace-
ment cords will be pro·
v1ded lO parents who re-
turn the current cords to
Ou rh a m lndui.tr1es .
Inc .. 41 ·Maw son /\ve ,
New York , N Y • 10010
Conflict Cited
SACRAMENTO CAP ) tedious treatment. and results are oft.en disap·
·pointing. -The recently retired
district attorney of San
L u is Obis po County
would have a conflict of
interest lf he now joined
a law firm that holds the
county public defender's
contract, aays Attorney
Gener a l G e ora e
Oeukmejlan in a formal
• Meanwhile, until we rind a cure, your doctor's
: sugeeation to use coverup makeup seems like a prac·
: t acal suggestion. It's likely it will save your job and ! lmproveyoursociallife. . * * .. I Learn how to stop short of fatiaue. aaya Or.
1 Steincrohn in bJs booklet, "How To Live With Leas
'I Tension At Home ." For a copy write to him at Box
1560. Cost.a Mesa 92626, enclosing 50 cents and a 1 atamped, self-addressed envelope
I I Prepare Well
Club Management
' •
Career Challenging
I Dear Joyce: A fteld I'd like &o
kMw .._.ls dab maH&e•eal-la I ... ••unleet &o au ol a d9b'• mem...,., ~ ii &lie pay ud de
, apec'11! eelle&e at8dJea prepare 9119
I fer --'' I -G.•., Ponlud, Ore.
'1 Private club members tend t.o be uwardly mobile, dlscernifta people
1 who may become peevish when they
: find their fun-time money brings
Ina than perfecUon: conflict comes
wltb the territory.
lll well·run clubs . however,
maa.1en don't 1et Jerked around at
tbe whim of every member but re-
port only to the board of dlreeton.
aSING A Q.tla mana1er can be I
pfttt)' alee, eva 11amol"OUI, Job.
nia "91''• pay ftprea ..... ~ yet
~•.,. but • raqe two 1-.n aao
for ____. of Mtablllbed clubl
wu •.OOO to •• 000 uaually. With
friqe a.a.au. the total Job value
... ---t.o "°·°'°· Tiie a.lb 11aaa1en AaloclaUon of Amertca. Ill It.I placemmt ..mce,
.. -i llCelPl lld• of Job t:'1np tllat ,_, ._ tltM •.ooo MM
~ .......... 10,000,.w-.
.W -I I•) ulYerlllJ, , ... tea::• ... _._ .... ,. .. ... .... , ............. .,. ...... ; .............. .. ce•n•• er o"btr reerHtlo••I ,. .....
miniatrative and people akilla. Other
euenUal.s: a work!ne knowlqe of
food service ; expertlte In penoooel,
nnanclal and property mana::ent;
the creaUvlty to 1u11est l for
parties, athletic evenu and special
A college education la not ablolute·
ly r equired but lt'a a very eood
move, not only for the knowledee but
alao f« the status. Your curriculum
should lim toward the boepllallty ln·
dustry -perb•r• bu1ine11 ad·
mlnlatratlon w th hoapltallty
coursework. Several unlvenlu .. of.
fer 1peclllc pro1ram1 in hotel,
restaurant and club mana1ement.
elub ... a11ement and, In some
boepttdty propam1, compriM the
majority of 1tucJeata. The number of
female member• of tbe Club
Muqers ~iaUon bu lnereaMd
25 per~ 1n nve yeara.
DHpat.t economic problema, ID·
dutry aftlctal1 believe the outJooll
for clube rem&lM brtpt-11 aon, u
U.., IN ..U muapd and adapt t.o U..ct.n .... U...
1teADllt llRVIC~: A coretr
.,.,..,. .. ~~ .. CW> ,,,..,.,. ........ ; .. bt ......
119 #"1. I. fo *-' G CON ol "a.I>
JI 0•011•••1, '' IHIHt 0 tl·CHI ....................... , .............. °"°" ... """ ,.,.,.,., .. ,.,.. Llllll IC,...._,._,_,C...._-.
w e r e approved In
Augu•t by the San Jo.e
City Council and Santa
Clara County Board of
Supe rvisors. But they
were held in abeyance
because petition drives
were started within 30
days of approval by the
council and supervisors.
The le1lalators also
had the option to repeal
the ordinances they 'had
approved, but rejected
that possibility despite
pleas t.o do ao from oppo·
nents at meetines .
''IT 1.8 EVIDENT to me
that it la expensive and
unnecessary to place It
on the baJJot. It i.s also
divisive in the communi·
t y ," s aid the R ev .
Ma rvin Rickard, a lead·
ing oppone nt of the
Tht IOllOWl.-Q !Hf t.Ofll •r• dOl"O
THE fl OWEllt COM P ... HY. 11..0
0 1i.e Tr" Cir , Y-1.1no•. '"' "* M•• Mell<,.,. lf..0 011"• Trff
(ir Yor1M l.lncN CA., ...
<;t rr• Mette,.,, 11..0 011-. ,, ..
(Ir , YOt ... LI"°" (A'7 ....
T P\I\ bV"M \\ I' COf'Jd U4. t•d DY •
qe,..re1 -1~\.Np
fr'll\ ''""'.-"""""' wa\ flied wit" '""' CouMy C..,• of 0.-c-1.,..., 0• I-•"·"" Publlv.G Or-CO.\I D•llY Pilot
()<I 7) )I) No• 4 IJ ,.,, loOl)I I•
IUN•-ClOUltT 0~ TM• STAT• Of' CM.1..0.NIA l'O• TM a C:OUWTY Of' °""'NO• ...........
E•l•t• of JACQUES LAU F~£R, o.u-HOTICE IS HlfREBY O IVE H to'""
creclllort of --• ,,.,,_ <M<-1 llWll e ll --!Vvt"Q r l•lm\ ~eifl<1 ,,_ MIO c11M:-..1 ert ••Qu"ltd lo Ill•
'"""'· wllll ,,. "t<ft""Y •Ou<,_,._ on
the otfk'• Of lhe 11•0 of lh-fl •bon '"
t•Ued <0Ut'1. tx lo pt~t them, •1tf\
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~nl• AM C•t1f '7101 wf'H<h '' OW o•..c• of ~"'9'\' m tl'W' """°"", .. ~ 1n •II "'•ttef\ s»rf•tn•"Q to 1n,,. e \t•t• of
t•ld d•<•diltftt. w l0Hh four mo""'' ••t•t UM ••'"' pubttc•tton o l tf'\1\,
O•l•dOtl_, n. ""
AltdnJ M4r<•l l •'1tf•t c • ..:,,..,.of .... 1111111 "'"-_,,......, -· M•L s~•• .. o•• ....... YMO ND UTUt ................
-.....Au,c.Ml.~t A"_,.._. __ _
Puoi1.-Or .. Cotnl 0•11• Piiot I U. JO • ...,, 6, U, lf7' _,.,.
IU ... •ICHt C°'-l•T 01'
"'OOOI-of J"'RROO ) ("'RR •ncl
Ml(A ..... CAIH~, ml,,00
whom u m.y <~•f'n VOU ... RE .. [11[8V H0 Ttfl£0
tMt ......... ~\ ~ '""'° 1n 1n·~ fOUf't .
rw11t1on '°' ,,..,. ..ooc>Hon ot ttw-•DOvr
,.."'""· ··-11ng t,..l lrwte ~ en eo ludlutlon IJWI Y')Ur c.onwnt 10 \l.C:ll
P<O<ff<ll"O " -·-•••db• I•• ....... ,,no,.,,. \U<h PUfOOt• w ill ,..,
h•d on ~,,...., 1. 1m . et t JO • m
"' Room ~n Of ow SuorlOt '°"" 1':11\Q COVflly, ~• ,,.. ICl"O Counl•
Go11rlh0vtot. ThorO •M J.,...\ Strwh .
!>H iiie, W.W.1"91011. tlleft .wwl llwre ~
tt•f'l•f-r r eo. wh•n •no wh•r e •H
'"'_,' l<11erft-.,,. .. -•••no
\llOw (•UM> WflY ""'" ecljud1ceu on
\llOllld -lie-· -wtly, II m-
wcll i-11t!oft WW>ulCI -lie llH rO •no
'" rtQUH1' 9'-W ITH IE I\, th• .. onorebl• f "'
W•ltert1olrc,11e11, C.out1 Commlnlotwr
Of t,,. S<iperlar C.-1 -U.. »el Of
'"' Co;;t1 efflaed on Octowr '· '"' 11.-11s H•lm,
(\CALI 9'f C M Hult lllfl\, ~tyC .. rk
L_Offk ..
TMOM, NAllOlltl, MOf'I',
Ptlf•IONl llllYD•• 1111 • ..,, ef ~,.....,.. c.<tter
'-•""· ............ "164 , .. , ... ,~
P11bllthMI Or~ (O.\I (>,.,ly Piiot.
Ott, tl, JO-HOV •• t>. tt1' ~~1'
T lie tolio.tftt ,_""' It 6oi119 ........
M H H "
PltOPl!lltTIES, 1100 Guell, ~lie 2!11,
Newpot1 IMcll, CA .....
• ...., O. lwll•r, t1 AllMfld T,...
ltvlM, c.A"11S n ft .....,.., 1, '4lf!Ol;(11H1 l>Y ... 111.
Cllv~. ...... ,o Miiier
Tiiis ...,._ ,. .. flleol With I ...
~y Cllftl llf Or-c-ty o" ()(. -· "· ''" "" ... PW!lllllel Ot.,,.. GM11 Oe lly ~I ...
0<1.1J,IO,Hw •• ,1a,lf7t -~
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MA••t•TON 4M 11111~.,._. .......... ltJ ... ..-.-.CA ..... Tef: O H i ra-zm ,,...,..., .... ,,.......
Publl•hed Or-O••otl De lly PllOI
Oct. "· u JO,"°" •. 1•1"1 '°'' "
""''~'' ., f Af,AI t r-A\IN(, ,000 Q\olft1I
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Orhe Hurt1'"9!0ft !Se«". C:.llfontl• .,....
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PVOHUwd ()r~ fo.\& O•il t Pt1ot
/)<I 1J. JO. No• • IJ IOI• ~J /~
T~. ~ 23. 1879 OAILY PILOT
M(>ney in the BanK
• Scorpio's Accent on Income Potential
ARIES march 21-April 19): Accent on com-
m unleation, aplrltual lul1bt, bein1 true to
yourself. plannlng ror Joume)'. educational pro-
ject. advertllln& or publlabln1 prorram. You aet
allmpee behind acenes.
TAtraVS (April 20·May 20>: Get beneath
layers ol pretense -get tJue picture concerning
leases, ownership, taxes, flnaoclal structure af-
fecting partner, inate. Caprtcom, Cancer natives
fipre prominently. Nolhinc la halfway -ir play·
lng 1ames. you will lose.
GEJONI (May 21-June 20): Fln.iab project,
plug loopholes, coordfbate efforta with one close to
you . Including partner or mate. Aires. Libra
persons figure in scenario. By makint reasonable
concessions, you eventually enjoy significant ad·
vance . Act accordingly!
CANCER (June 21 -JuJy 22)· Emphuis on new
• contacts, getting to heart of matters, expressing
yourself in original way. Leo. Aquarius persons
are in picture. You gain valuable information con·
cerning basics of job and security.
LEO <July 23-Aug. 22). Gentle approach to one
who means much to you is now a requisite.
Message will become crystal-clear. Accent on
creative urge and outlet . speculation, lalting a
chance on hunches. feelings.
accouma, aourc:e material. B.eordl ol boaplta.11,
orcanlutiona may have oo be req..a.d.
AQlJA&RJS <Jan. 20-P'eb. 18): Aeeent on com-
mitment. int.emlfied relatiooabip, lnve.un.nt.' pro-
motion and production, more reaponaiblUty and
money. Capricorn. Cancer and the number 8 t11ure
PISCES <Feb 19-March 20>: You are due for
wider recognition. What seemed a "bad deal"
turns out oo be a boon. You'll aet credit for wile
choice. There is room for you at more elevated
position. Civic honor could come your way.
Plate of the Day
Young studen from Buffalo Ridge School
in Cheyenne, o ., look forlornly at a por-
tion of their s ool destroyed by a tornado
last July. T damaging twister. which
killed one and injured 60. is the first
known ever lo hit Cheyenne. It left a
number of children too frightened to even
to look al the s ky.
VIRGO< Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Someone, perhaps re·
sentful and envious, makes serious attempt to get
you off right track. Be prepared; protect self in
"clinches." Be versatile without scattering forces.
Insist on answers to inquines, not "tall tales." ·
UR.RA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) · Vour idea5can be
transformed into viable concepts You receive
verification. a green light -you will have
necessary support. Relative aids in making impor ·
tant contact.
FERRARI -This plate is mounted on the
trailer tutch of a 1966 Pontiac Bonneville sta-
tion wagon Larry Ruiz says the wagon is
used to trailer his other autos to car shows.
But he doesn 't own a Ferrari
'"'orm•ft()r\ tnor '~ Pt•t• m ·~ 0 4Y . I\ \UPC>ltf'd by Mtkf' F.O.y.
... utl\Of' OI ,,.... ,.,. ""(11t1on o• fN> 'Who \ Who ot ~rW>Mftled
(e 11torrut1 ltCf'f"Y. Pl•1111"
Gas Prices Outstrip
Rest tf Necessities
WASHINGTON \P) A visitor from outer s pace taking a dnve
across America 1nhe 1960s might have thought that earthlings were
superstitious abolEumbers -especially numbers such as 33.9, 35 9,
The roadside w; dotted with handwritten sandwich·board signs proclaiming figur1 like that.
They were gaso~e prices.
I N J t 1 I. '" E N th e automobile was ew, gasoline
cost 29.8 cents . gallon. The
average price felb 19.2 cents in
1941 . It climbed owly, but did
not reach 30 centsntil 1957.
Then, for the net 16 years, a
dollar J boulbt yod.bree gallons of g•aollne, morer less. .
If your tank w1 dry •nd you
called out three 1.mlllu words
-"Filler 'er uPl -you were
generally commling younelf
to apendiQa 90metq under•·
lN OCl'OBER 3, when the
Arab oil embar against the
U nited State egan , the
roadside signs used to ad·
vertise gasoline · ces changed
a vital digit.
According to e Bureau of
Labor Statist· , the firs t
numeral in th typical sign
changed from a a 4.
Regular, lead gasoline that
month, the BL says, hit an
average pnce 40.2 cents a
Prices of al
were rising,
necessities ro
prices or non·
the prices of all
rose fastest.
t everything
but prices or
raster than
essities. and
ms of energy
lion's bellwethe1 Nothing else
that most peop~ use regularly
Beach Flub
Uuh ~~eds
Eyed itiSC
San Clem~te City Council
memben sai th(Y want to re·
view at their No\ 7 meeting a
$582,000 pl~ rea.arblsb the ag· ing city-own Be~b Club.
Afterhea gWiUamDavis,of
Davls·Duba e ~rchitectural
firm, preaenh melified renova·
tlon plan, eotndl bembers said
ed proposal from )cal designers
Phil Peter a.ad EP•Boucbelt.
plan wu pres lut month
to the dty Pa and Reueation
Comml11lon. ommiasioners
uked tbat the 1 be submitted as a bkt to the y Council.
Tb• origin Davis·DUbaime
plan recelv only one cost
Htlmate fro contractors who
were uked to don it. That bld, a
-7 ~Goo al tbat1 was twice
u blp u , was auble-
quentlyreJ by the council.
Davil told U Df.em.~
that lie bu tacted b\&Ucl1QI
coatraeton NY tbey want
to 1ubmtt for the project.
has risen so fast or bO con·
T ake bread and gasoline.
In October 1973, when gasoline
averaged 40.8 cents a gallon, et
one-pound loaf of white bread
cost 31 cents.
March 1974 : Gasoline hit ~2.8
cents; bread reached 34 cents.
August 1976~ Gasoline hit 60.3
cents; bread cost 35 centa.
March 1979: Gasoline, 70.6
cents; bread. 41 centa.
June 1979: Gasoline, 85.6
ce:nts; bread. 41 centa. July 1979: Gasoline, 90.8
cents; bread, 42 cents.
IN AUGUST 1171, the last
month for which the government
has figures, gasoline averaged
94 3 cents per gallon and bread
sold for ~3 cents a loaf. The
American Automobile Associa·
tion says its s urveys show
gasoline averaged $1 a gallon in
late September.
So far this year, government
fi gures show. gasoline prices
have gone up at an annual rate
of 69 percent: fuel oi I at an an-
nual rate or 77 percent: bread,
13 percent; shoes. 7 percent;
and consumer prices tn general.
13.8 percent.
The gallon of home heating oil
that cos t 22.3 cents on the
average in August 1973. cost 80
cents last Aug ust The 100
therms of natural gas that cost
$10.49 in 1973 coM $32.65 last
buy as much home heating 011 as
Sl bought in August 1973. It
takes $2.46 to buy as much
gasoline as $1 bought then. But it
only takes $1.59 to buy as much
bread as SI bought six years
Since the s tart of 1968. the
prices for all consumer pro-
du.cts, ~aken together . except
energy have risen 115 percent.
Energy prices have risen 196
percent, nearly twice as much.
The National Cente r for
Economic Alternatives, a
Washington research organiza-
tion, cak:ulates that this year
the price> of energy have risen
three times faster t han the
prices of other cons umer goods.
Mi c hael Maze rov says the
aver age household in America
devoted 64 percent of its budget oo payin~for energy in 1973, but
now devt>tes 8.5 percent. He
guesses Uult will rise oo 10 per-
cent by tlE end of this year.
Keep Farm
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21 ) You receive news
which could add up to money in bank. Accent on
valuables. personal possessions. income potent.Jal.
Gemini. Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure pro·
minenUy ,
SAGl'ITARIUS <Nov 22-Dec 21 > H1gh1Jght
dramg, p1oneenn1;. 1mtlat1ve -but be gentle in
handlin~ affairs in domestic area Genuine bargain
1s available. especially '4hcre home repairs.
UCI Anrwunces
Public Classes
VISALIA IAP > -Squawks.
sque aks . roars . g runts and
growls gr eet a visitor to a
purchai;<'l> arc concerned Timing is on target.
The folio"' ing schedule of actJ v1t1es open to lhe
publll' has been announced•by the UC Irvine Ex·.
tension program
private menagerie near here ... ,::~1 ~~~~::7~:;:;1~;::~;·
that its owner says began when Eo .. ••o "°'.,." ·-"'·n ••tt o,. ,.
CAPRICORN <Dec 22 Jan 19) What appears
on surface may not be "real.•· Remember dictum,
"All that glitters is not gold." Check statements.
he found two orphaned cougar n•"' ""•"' .. 11.",. • .,. '"''' S B• p • R••"or' a OIV'..o..t-. Pf"OQrllf'f" • )0 cubs while hiking. ex 188 ers1sts . "' 'lO 0,.. n ... 1t9<1 .. ,,. .. °"'
"Some people play golf. Some :.:.;;;,:..:::,,.:,, •fl<•u0•• """
people like to go to the movies . . WEST POINT. N.Y. <AP) -Male cadets at to•1ou -uTu•ou. Nov '
We collect animals and birds," the U.S. Military Academy continue to equate ·r~Pou1"'11~0:1,,1,,,,40 . ,.,, said Tony Mendes, with a bright leadershJp with masculinity, despite the presen~ ~-·· Pn o . c1on.01 ~;chOIOq•"·
blue and yellow macaw perched or women at West Point for nearly four years. a re· ~~·~·:..~ 0 E-=~~:i::., on his shoulder. port indicates. .ut-. "-' .. _,,, _,.., ,.,,,., •.
Although men in each entering class are, "less ~-:::.,•::~pt, ~~.~': .• 1 '~:":.: MENDES, A RETIRED traditional in sex-role altitudes toward& womea's -·.-s. ..... , ... ..._-.
dairyman who has 75 bird and roles," the report released by the acedetny showed ~,!··~,::r: .. ..:.~'~•::;. animal species on bis 2~acre leadenhlp at West Point sWl "is l"elat.ed to wb.at is ............. ......,.. --..
spread, says all t.be animals pay stereotypically mucuUne: physical prowess. ::;• ~!:c.::7' ...:.,•..;·
for themselves through the sale positive attitude aboul physical activity, and a ,...., ... -· u~ .. -..,.
of their yowig. masculine sell im•ae." ., .... ~·•., '° '""" s.c • • ... 11
S udi t • .__ ad 6~ do not --1'-$ P"' ltM tOO, S.C .. t There are five raccoon&-. l~ l ea a .._ ac emy ..... w women s..-• -uc• ~ .. ,,...,.,. uo mountain lions, ostriches, emus, perform as well H '!}en ln lesta of pbyaical _-<...,.,. w
J,,.. t.00 ,,._ h.Jldf'-. < lllf'\~ m•tf'r••I\.
1wn1" ""° (Mnl.1""1
(ommwn1t "''0"' HOw•rO
W•t\On 0'-~~nt At1m1n1-.1rait1#
51,..~·'"' A\"iiOO•I~ IN. A OIW·dav y..,,,,,_., • X> ..-. m • lO pm c,.,, ...
P.,,,t VC• <~ f.., ~ 1nc1.-,
11.1rw ,.. ~U'Q, '""° c •• ,, m•t.,.r1•t'\
'P1'14rm.oco10qy -llW 0H>t61 P•
t•H'll At<"""'ct Thom11H•, PftMm 0
P"'•rm.c•U Cllf\M'""'4<:y Otp.artment.
U(I ,,. • ., .... C.nlt't U•on.,cl o.
Peul M 0 , 4'\)0(••I• < lttU<.tlf C>rO-
t•,\Or ctep•rt""•nt ot f •fft1ty
,..ecl1c11w. uc1. Or llotMrl ":it.
t•ft•U. CH6t tutoeon A OM•CI•
, ... ,v. I •·"' ) om . llm F·l1 1 ':::: .. s..::: ~~~:-s::!~ftC:Ji
U ' to--\ Of ()r-C-Y o.rn .... .,... *...,,
"\o-tk -... • C..str~J ........ -··-·""°'J -•--UC-~•-!.:!!.~!~~ ::-;•;•m ~ :::,~·~:J.
~-Scl4lf'C• 8lclg., UCI. F .. I •
"1, •ftC-__ I .. >. -· -CN<•lfoO
rheas and a host of rare bird strength and sltlll becluse or physiological dif. -~~~':"'~~....! .. c...-
species in addition to several ferences. Womt;n cadets are also more likely to be ,,.., oc1 ..... ""'o °'""'"" '"'"'"~ Call 642-5671.
more common animals. Mendes injured during training, and drop oul of long runs :',,,~,!:--:": :':"';";e : ,:--:!,• ~:~:,':~0~0~~~ ~anstoexpandhiscollect~nto ~m~o~r;e~f~r~~~u~e~n~t~ly~t~h~a~n~th~e~m~e~n~.~~~~~~~~~~~P~";··~~;~~~~~~"~e~~~~u~c~·~~~~~~~~~~; include llamas, zebras, giraf~ -;
and wallabies.
About the only ammals you
won't find on the farm are dogs
and house cats, but Gypsy, one
or the family's cougars. does a
good imitation of a house cat,
Mendes said.
GVPSV USED TO be allowed
1n the house, but not since she
ate the parakeet, Mendes added.
She liked lo be s cratched,
wrestled with and ride around in
the back of Mendes' pickup
She 1s perhaps the best-known
of Mendes' menagerie, laking
trips to this Central California
city with rum weekly
Mendes has always been in·
terested in animals and raised
rabbits. goats and pigeons when
J youngster
HE FOUND THE orphaned
cougar cubs 28 years ago whJle
hiking in Sequoia National
Forest in the Sierra Nevada east
of here. He decided to keep them
instead of turning them in for
the $50 price on their heads.
His 14-year-old son, David, has
taken on the care of the animals
since an injury partially dis·
abled Mendes.
Calling the energy crisis
"the greatest single threat
to national security.'' Oc-
cidental Petroleum Corp.
cbatrman Armand Hammer
says ccngresaiorial bacld.q
of President Ca rter'a
policies can solve the pro-
blem. He cited relatton1
with Mexico and tax breaks
to uUUttes u the keys.
Be a carrier!
Ever wonder why Daily Piiot carriers smile so much?
Because they're havino FUN! When you're a carrier.
you get to meet others your qwn age, go to special meet-
ings with food and prizes, and win great prizes for sign-
ing up new subscribers. And that's not all! You can
earn your OWN money and show you're not just a kid
anymore. U you're 10 years or older, why not find out
more? call 642-.. 321 or send in the handy coupon today!
Dally Piiot
ClrcutMton Dept.
S30 W ... ,, P.O. Box 1580
Coat• Mnll, Calff .. 92628 ,
Yeti I would like to know more abOut t>ecomlng a carrier. Please
contaot me about a newspaper route.
City _______ _ ZJp. _____ ,Phone ___ _
.,,.... .........
(8 ~Y"lOT
The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast
You Can Sell It, Find It,
Trade It With • Want Ad I
(642-5878] One ·call
Fast Credit A
........ ......_ ,_ S. HMHt lor S. HMM• hr S. ..._...For S. ....... llor S. ttc.Mt Por S. Monet•••••••!:':'.!':!: ••• , •••• ....................... .•.................... •·•·•···•·•·••••····•·· ........................................................................................... . •••r• IOOJ 8wr• 1002 G....... 1002 G••rel 1002 ... .,.. IOOZ G1Mr.. 1002 ~· IOO . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... . ................. ,.... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ....... . ..................... ·--------
.. M1h1r\Meekr.
AlJ ~al e.tllle ad Vt'rluted
1ft Ulil ne'WSj)llPff la •Ub• Jett to the •'ederal Fatr
Hou11 n1 Act of t 968
wtllch makes ll 11leg111 tu
adver taae ''any pre
fere-oce, Um1lallon. OT
dlscrimlnaUon based on
race, co&or. rellaion. sex.
or national oriain. or an
totenlion to m ake any
such preference. l1m1ta.
tJon. or discri manat1on."
1lUa newspaper will n-0t ~winJIY accept any
adverllsln g for r eal
eltale which is in viol11·
A Oad wanb Mom In
Minnesota with ham
Pn~ miucf'd "300(1 on
du 4 Br t.imlly room
home ln OtillljCt' with
Villa Part school• G rr • L
netlbborbood and J1.u~t wiUb.nl ror you OHcrt'd
at only 194,QOO t11 II
Excellent 4 bed.rm. 2~
bath Sandpo1nle pool
home nr Sout tt Coast
Plua. Brand new plush
crptg and water heater
tool One year hOme pro-
~ioo plPn Included!
f1exJble terms incldg VA
or take over exisllng
2 IJt.>droom. 2 huth h11l s1de home in
South ·Lagu1w with i i fabulous view or
lht.• blut.• Pa(·1fil' and a handy hobby
room for jus t pla in pulterinf!. The
rt• e en ti y r c m o d e led ho m e h a s
hardwood floors. a nifty kitchen. a wet
bar and 1::. a s hort walk to a neat
beach. Presented at $235.000.
Ufllliilf)UI: f-1C)MI:§
REAL TORS', 675·6000
2443 East Coast Hi ghway, Corona del Mar
---------• loans. Full price jus t --------.i SJ.25,000. Hurry, take ad-OWNER RB>UCED $4000.
vant.ue, call 752-1700 DE"'_.. "'TE" ..,.5: AchtwtfMN Ol'fNm9·••s1UN•o1Jui<1· --~A •• Reduced for fast sale!
Owner anxious and
s11cnf1l•ing lh1s lovely
home (;lean as a whts·
Ul''' 1:-~culures 4 bedrmis.
1· .. both. 22 fl. game
room. park hkc grounds.
Offered al only sio2,900.
tall now963 7881
[ I Pool + RV Acuss ;; ~T: ~··ll~liH;t ~T-/~,fi.~w k;~~~::
DAILY PILOT•-• sparldlng free.for m pool.
• ....,fwtlleflrtta. VAHIAMHOME gas BBQ. low mo1n1 carrect•ri .....,.. ONLY $79,900 grounds. Rt.'duced lo only
lCMI -r· Localed on a lvly tree -..950. Call for uppl _________ ,lined street. 3 bdrm, 1~ ~~l9 •H\llJN l(lM" I
,, p , '.' f ( ,, • ' ,, ••
ba. lge frnly rm w/cozy ! ~-'=-~•m•u• ~: 1:.S~'" W/frU>l 9 '1JRllHI !!~'!!~ .......... !~.~~ (~IWN!i!§litl§j -
GOLFIR'S DREAM on lhe 7th lee w /a sweep-Real F.6l_!lle __
ing view of Lhe golf crsc.
is this excepl1onal 3
Hdrm, 2 ba Condo. Xlnl
cond & pr1cl!d approx
SlnX> below mrkl for ;,i
QUll'k s ulc 1\t l nuw 1 ms:rm.
Uw Yow EliQlblUty
LOANS TO $100,000
show you how lo qualify.
TcA to RIHI Carpet w.u,.... 754-1202
Sell idle items 642-5678
how OalJy Pilot Class-
ified ad& display their
messages with legibility
and impact? Our ad&, we
are proud to say. really ge t r esults . Pho n e
Are Y QU Serious About
a Real Estate Career?
fw • lafoowl
c:Wwftti •••
'" Randall A. McCardle, Ph.D.
If you have ever considered a career In real
estate sales. or are now presently licensed,
and would like lo have your Questions
answered at an Informal discussion wilh
Randy and some of THE REAL ESTATERS.
then call now for reservations. Space Is
Ctl Ml11Coe9t 751-6191
Champagne &
Hors d'Oeuvres
Oct.24, 1979
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
~ Mccardle , • 9th grade drop-out. ~ Into Cott.a ~ 26 years ago and
...,_, In the real n t.ate busineu. Tne first few
)'9S9 ..,. a struggle . . . From driving a
1.,_, old cer and living In a single car garage to alf.abllahlng his own busin ....
His~. ll4E REAL ESTATEAS. 11 both
Wiii lcnOWft and well raepected. Later, McCer·
die wnt to OOff9ga ettendtng o.c.c .. Chapman
Ootllge, c.t State Long Beach, ·USC and
ecippect It off with a Ph.D.
In addlelon to belna thl OWMr and founder of
1"E MAL. E8TATtA8, Randy Is a founder of
.. Otlar'9 Bink of Coata MIN. pr11ldent of
Ti.co !Mtow Inc., college ltcturer, author,
~.,..._Md...,,,,., oolumnltl
I ~ .,.. •• to but .,. UNbla to attend .. ,,..._ lilt i. ~ -Or If you would .... ,.......,.,,to,_.,,.._. cell.
110111 ILllRS CD.
F.xtra Sharp. Two Bedroomi.. Two Haths Ori~inal Owner Like A Moclc•I llardwood
F'loors & Shutters Wl't Ha r & F'1rcplac·e In
Livinl{ Room. Allract1ve Mu'lter Redroom
Suite. Pool. Sauna & Tenn1:. J\"a1lahlt>. Hurry, Only $137,200
G) --······-····
111 Dova DRIVE
This is it! YOU F IX IT !' /\11 lbis 3
bed room home needs is TLC and
im a~ination Selle r wi ll he lp
finance. may be complc•tely' Don't
de lay. call fi73·8S5U.
If you ran see around the bend.
you can see Ila wail! White water
view. billiard room with fireplace
(one of 3 in the house L 4 Bedroom
and free-form pool PRIVACY !!
I ncludes pra vale finn1c ular to
whisk you lo front door. Curious 1?
Call 673-8550 day or nite.
With white water views from J
patios and b lue w a te r view from
other patio. My owner will help
fin a nce a nd t he key is in our
office. Call for day or Pveni n~
showing , 673·8550.
IEACH UNITS-$ 159,000
F our units actually pays for itself.
All 2 bedrm s. corner lot a nd
assuma ble loan . Call day or night 673-8550. .
t?:eoch Realty
See thla -Ilk• new triplex. Each unit
with •pproxlm•tely 1,000 aq. ft., 2
bedroom8 & 1YJ IMtha. Quiet location.
Excellent buy, $229,500.
\\'LSI.LY '.'J
1n:ALTOHS •,11w1· l!H()
Panoramic view of the ocean. harbor
& Catalina! Lots of charm an th1!>
beautiful Cape Cod "Tradewinds "
model with a front courtyd full of
colorful p lants & white lattice covered
patio -a real picture! P r of.
decorated thruout in true traditional
accents . 4 Bdrms. formal dining & 21 :•
ba ths 3·Car finished gar. S525.000.
21 11 S-Jooqllf" Nit Rood
NEWPORT CENTER, N.I . 644-4910
l'nnw :I hPdrrn l111m1• 111
~Lr.1ll'g1t.dl~ 1111 ,1t1'il l>d
C.:t'rro tr;ll't C.:o~t .1 ~11·•-.1
Like the '49 Ford owned by i lady In
Pasadena. this beach home has had
the same owners for 30 years and wa s
used only one month a year -and
tha t was for a place to q uietly r ead
books. The properl,t' is to be sold
furnished and is localed on a J?a r k that
leads to boat docks and Newport Bay.
Ve r y attractive fina ncing 1s available
for this 2 bedroom hom e. priced at
JUSl SJ79.000.
U~l()U I: t1C)Ml:S
REAL TORS'. 675 6000
2443 East Co dst Hrghwdv. Co1ond dt:I Mar
341 Bo~ide-D11v•·. N 8 b7S · 6161
flYltrf•, :! t1<lrm\ • ""' h r1•nl,1l\ on • 101, \h•,1\•.
rt·ntl•d ' H• .. lu1·1·d '"
:ii IJj1 UAJ'
Balboa Boy Prop.
• 675-7060 •
·1 lln: l'li..r . S1'l.!lllll
C: <!I A1o.it !if'>4 4:J71J
• Bit 1'001. ! ';n .\~
-.1 \H S7 ' 10 1 l1r .1m.1t11·
" rrn \ 11111 ,.tl • 1•11111~
1ri11 r.1r m "'n •.ir•lt n
hate courtyard addi.
I elegant entry to a
Inly home urge h v-
4 room. for mal dining.
StnY garden kitchen. 4
J:trms. 3 baths, huge
~•ken mai.tl!r l ub, a
e!ls1onal cedar l10ed
<Via A maitnif1cenl
· , area with a hu,::l'
r khng pool. Much.
i:h more • I\ mui.t
·• Only SISll.900 Sec·
g1i. l>ellev 1ng!'
3 l3
rm home on huge
100 lot Tolul pay
~ ~IS Total pm.1·
000 Act now th1·rf.! I'> yom-•. S46 2313
~.. . .
ti() II() .\t l•:s $(1 D N
ISll ~1102 Hkr
i'AuCIPt'UO dt•l'Of. '.J I! I<
trt ·le vt'I w lo;id .. u f
ltal111 n tale End unit.
overlooks park Approx 2JOO !.q fl \\di ---------• 1 .. 111 r 111 .., tu11 1·
14t•llJJf It Jt 111..1111
2\t.'p<1rall' unit .... :•
tdroom1> c.1ch ""11 h
~11~ .:arai.:l's , l;,rg1·
Ir Owner will n1rr~ ht
T .it 11'. Suhmll n n
tlm. SI IS OOIJ 1\l't no~
•• ~23iJ Reduced to St66.900
mamtumed home with
giant bonus rm wuh
sparkling pool with div Loa board and slkk! Ex·
tr• l loraae ca lore!
Mu4:b, m uch mo,..•' On·
ly $124,900 WOW!! Call
I.Oda v 75.2 · 1700 ...
UHAMATICALI. Y prlOI & "P.I '4 md .. lt ,
'wit· "" frvl & t.-r r .. 1 •
liue•l q u.-r t vr a. Sllal 'I I Aaaoc .... 2MI
Terrific Goar Cou.r11e
Views are yoon to enjoy
wtth Uua magruf1cent 3 i---------bedroom 2 bath home
Prt\a ll• .ilri um .ind
rle\er W.t.' til ~J'-mJI.•
I • I •"'• I"• I
Shake roof 1 Bdrm 21 ,
B.1 SIJJ.Sj)(J t-.«:-b1dl· V-">Ul .\lei.~
!~ •. ~l ~,~~1:~•m1 '''' '•'" ~ U '\<.CJ I<! \I I ''I \ 11
<It 1'1)1';°,I
I l!olrm.-. 1.1 '.! hilrm'
I ,.. •o .. d I u n1J 1l lf>n .
... tl pt " .f.tflJJ lk
!t ,, , ,, '• h • J \ h
ad '••r \ '' J .. 11 n.1tih
1 r "1 " 11th t'\l 1lln
I, l l} h•inw 14 11 h '"''"
• I• t .1nil 1Jr.111•
Roy McCardl~. Rltr.
IEACH DUPLEX! £!_, J~I Im h1•11nr. IJ1t1I
. ~ anociated ·~
lCl' ~ l olbo• •71 ) .. I
I r : •· 1"rn1· 1 I 111 1
Owner will m ake new
loan, no loan rees for
qualified buyer. 4 Bdrm
home in Costa Mesa ·s
College Park. New on the
market. $98,000. Call
i-.:xt·tdlent 1nvcsl mc·nt.
IJ\e m ooe or. rent both
\'t>ry prest 1n1ous bt•:.ch
area. Owner 1s flt.>x1bl<'
and will consider u l;irge
2nd Jus t listed and
pri c ed to sell ! (;all I--------·
l'~n.'> J h.1Lh-. I iii· .. n
II .1llriill l\1' r.ll..,•d
tUlll! rm drtJ a hJlt·uo\
ollo' J hui.:•· lltJnu .. rr11
Cll>t to lhc· hc.•arh ~dt .. r
wtl h e l p l 111Jnr 1•
Pftoals only Call lod;i)
' -~ ..
646-0303. -FOR ESTE
•4 •• "' ... , ••
M a k e t h ose g oot'
houlebold items you 're>
not using available tc
aome other tam1ly by ad
verll.lull lhem for sale Ir
Claullled. C.11642·5678
macnab I Irvine
Corner Bluffs u n it w /lots o r
privacy! 2-IC'vcl residence wt3BRS
& family r m & private patio &
d ining rm . w/deck . A terrifi c
value at $199.000. Lynne Valentine
644-6200. <K-85)
642·8235 644·6200
901 Dover Drive Hcirbor View Center
Irvine at Campus Valley C..nter
That lntri911l11g Word Gome wiflt o Clt11d/1
-----.... W a.Al' L '°"""
0~':~-~~ .----
low IO f.,,,,, lour ~ -•
Ocean view £1> the '>ea
2 sly, 6 7 Bil. 3 lit\ U1n.
Rm ~ pn !(arde ns Sep.
den w fpl l'. H·w 1n g
rm o ffa l'!' S kyllghti..
Leaded itlas:o. galore
Su.ndt'eks Ba !cony ler
race l.ge RV s torage So
much more--l ' must set.>
& onl) SlJS.000 Ca 11
now' ' 963-0003 BK R
Charrrupg 2 Hory J(a rden
hom t'. Cobbl ti.t ont>
treet.s. 1iourmc1 kitchen
huge ma ~ter swtl'. cov'
eored pauo. loo· (;all now
Enjoy beach h vin~ a t its fi nest :
str iking contC'mporary home Just
!'t~ps from one or the fi nest sa ndy
s wimming bear hes on the <'oast.
Dramat ic _white water view !.....
exknsiv(' use of wood and glass. 3
&·drm:-,. It\ 111g. f-.imtl) .ind gum l•
rooms. $995.000.
~ 644-9060
BAYl\OERE. Irvine
ace. Ab6olutely de
trul -stained &
e h e d wi nd o w s.
h dwoot floors, n ew
• aew carpetmg:
it b Partles . Th ree
rooma. 2112 baths.
la e yard . beautiful
pa o. Iota of elbow room
.75-551 I
'hb Ole to relax and
a.bop •iome. ll 's simple
w1tb Da i l y Pi l o t
OualfJd Ad.a. And 11 "°" hat sometJUna to sell, <'Ill a friendly
Cl ... lnd Ad·Vlsor al 8CWl7I
...... Fer .. ····················• .................................................................... . •-stl I C:..._. ttM t' S fa._ 9140 ~._. 1041 ....................... ....................... ....................... ...................... .
OltfltCTIOH? ........
FACr· We~ .. Aow J011 4II*11m
• •Ul*b M•• will i. .--ao • to.a. tau provl dH aor1tMn 1'"' fl1lnlllla oa ra.Kh
Glided for.-~ I v-lt3'la-.... •uh aff"t•
U..1-4 Bdrftl.ll\'9 bat.b &IDO llQ ft Dtlry, dJnla1. ~ w ith • ju~ul dUw trw "'11lkten
n.uo the adv anl••• ol • UJt YOW' PNRfll home ~ l Bdrm, 1 bath ~ IO Lake onr low
lntOme "'""' A r•ally lntueat loan Hurry'
Mull .. \ala Mar MW 4
.._, ,~ .... wllh l&e ram rm• fot1Dlll dla rm
Ptd Pl~.IA<"Ma 1 ... l
Sir, 2~. fw-rn D R .
fo'.R Low IDIUll. yd. Nr
paR, K bool, llL'lllUI, 6 '-th.aae.aoo .. .._ ----•rut buy Call toda> an CllU~tno
m.5110 ...... I SIASCAPICOMOO
A ,........_ .. s.AteYIUCH
~LSTA TE 1 ___ --. ____ ,, Only 1 ~~,.;.,'!~ in top
Rffii'Qa ATT'IM'TlOtt <mdkion 6 up1,..d~ ti
---IMVISTOIS br. 2 bi&. around fir unit --To-·cH W/an u sumabll' $67.400 .,_... -roci.atble future com· loan at t~% intere11t
Sllt,900 mm:iaJ~on tlu •ha rp Tennis, •Pra. pool & n..-1 ... 3 bedim. bncll a Bdrm bom~ t'or mote ......... ~.~-on1 ~~olwoodind 1n f orm1l1 o n . r:a ll ~· Y I bile W
aJau, Pnvat commwu ,. .a• , .... 7211 tv Call now' 646-7171 ~ .. ...
()?tfle: Jff (J • I \. t #tf ., ff t,. .t .. · ,_. HERI TAGE
Rt:ALTO~S !~1111 --.........
llATHIGH ,_..._
Owne r will t"rarq
balance. Pem.nsula Pt
... *'r!
BR.KR ~3--4088
Fe.My .... 1 la20
New Mod"lar T y po
llomla. pvt communlty, z bdll ... ""' lfturit)'. •ub-hittln1 Ok From
D ,IO> Tr~ .. urt' l•l•nd
Mot.ii. Uom P~. 30801
So Cat Hwy , l..•1uoa
0.H •h, RM P (7 l4 1
Wood, 11Luecv " atone. 4 OR. <kn. 31>410\lf. lae h v
rm wtfrpl , fornwl din rm &!auutul view or
mt.. & canyon Hurry'
Millaaon Realty 494 07ll
SJ.~.000 elec gate Pnv
roild. Tennis court, pool,
Jae • wtne cellar, sauna.
gy m , ~ec ~yslem .
bbrary, maid qt~ . am.I
more 6000 :\qft'' Pnnc
only Patnck. 63J 1266
............ ,. ........... s.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ma ,........ ''" ·~~..... • ... ....................... . .................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Rlt' C'unyoo Townhou!ll' Uparad~. many
amtnltil.'ll. anti !ll'<'Urlty 2 Or. dtn O•Jt. 21'
b~ths. pool. tennis Will c1.1rrv 2nd $1711.U:,O
l'r111t·1puh1 only
Cal 213·'21·1144
4 8.R. formal dJnang rm,
cov 'd patio. Spa rklin&
s w1 m m1n g poo l ,
g reenho use, b e a u t
lndscpd front &c back
yard Bltos . $274,500
J62A Highland T a r bell
Realtors. 962-5666 agent
Jim MacM.1Uan. 646-Bm
ImmacuJate home on a
49· wide lot. £xqws1tcly
redecorated throughout
Asking $339,51\0 Come
Redh 1l l ~~Re,1lty
I hh• l<l'.tlh I lit Ill'
t.' J I jLO . .. ........ .
From SJOS.000-1 3. 700.000
Every shape & ~1ze Call
u~ for appointme nt
n..dly, October 2.3, 1979 DAILY PILOT
Olllr-Rtd...... ~ ......... .....................................................................
.....,....._, ..._,...,.,.., 2000 thnt•Delll't•
,_. S. I t 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-'t 2401 •••••••••••••••••••••••BY OWN£R ·S•n .......... •••••••••••••
lafol •tlo.a c ......
CALL US 661-1021
CJemm&e • Wlita' tl.f05 + mo. m.t.000 ~ Do. owe -.2880: a:sH122
sw.r.r ......
Tlm•·•h•re COO •
domlnlum1 In Utah ·a
CDM DU?LIX nn.tati re90l't, Park Cl·
3 Br owner's unit w/!rplc. ty. Pnces during prtme llld teason &tart al $5500, "l Br 1 Ba unlt. ~\AJ~ ... fee s.imple ownerahlp. 2
sumable loan. $179,900 • 3 bdrm u.oilt, 2 bat.ha. !ullpric.e. 1• • .,E FOREST l801 >364·2000, aak tor -Mike, ext 1915 or Dan, ex\ ~~·~~~r 2S35~0C:~~~ ~ iR€HIG€ -188-· -----
t.on AC. 2 3er. 2ea. ni.&est __ HOM€~ PALMsrtllHGS
park tn Orange County. COHO<>
Ca ll t o da y!
(JP9646·Jl349 > Bkr. 3333W.Coastllwy,N8 Brand New. lBdrm. UP·
64,.6646 graded c.rpl, mirrored
{/J'2·84.2l --wardrobe in dreaaing e Y O w N I!: R . L a k e area. Sliding glau doorb.
Elstn0re. 5 bach units. + pvt patio. Clou to
2 br house 11,075 mo an· Rmera H.alton. AdJacent
come $148,000 20'4 dn. t.o new tennis club. rn>w owe 496-, 831-2822 under const.n1Ct1on. Call
New 1536 sq fl 1978
Lancer AU e xtras. In
''Ille Groves .. Sbown by
appl. only Call now for
all details . 1SJ6007 1 ---------
Collect :
Mead Realtors
714·320 1188 972·842J Bkr
ONLY Sll,500
Great home an lovely
NB adult park. clo~e to
oc-e.an :-<ice 2 Bdrm ex
pand 2 patios. yard.
carport . p Of•l spa.
btJbard rm Call
l DOO H rrom OCEAN
Unbel.Jevably low LOW
P RICED al $425.000
Owner w1ll lrade
Worid Real Estate
PropH'ty 2600 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Beach houa~. 2 en & den
in Ne w port Shorts
Beach. pools & tennis.
Attract ive S bedroom
hoo'k-11i 1th approx. 2100
~ n . perfel't for bohday
entu t a1n1ng F.ntry,
family room. country
kllchen a n d cozy
fi replace Landscaped
with !.pn nkler!. Large
covt'rcd p&t10. Close to
l>chool:i. Won 't l a~t !
$128.000. C.a ll 540·1720
4 Br. 2 ba , boal & lr1.iler
al'CeSS All thtS & m uch
more for only $93.500
_Ag_e_nt ~-· 1484 or s:J6.tlOJ3 j•-~~~~----V•IEW-·~--O•L-•
~offered on thts 4 Bdrm, 3 ba pool home t:1'
graded crp~ & window
t'Ovt-nni:~. dbl -.et.' lhru
lrplc. tastt-fully dl•t·orut
ed. a pcrf1•ct t'ntc•rtain
ment hume $230.000
Agl. h31·2"LA2
Near new J Mr owner.
Urgent Must Sell! 233
acrb or flat l<ind nr.
Colorado Sp 1 1 n gs.
$200per <1cre Pnnc O n-
ly for info call 642·3<M7
1006 •••••••••••••••••••••••
SfEPS TO 81-:ACll. &
TAL. 3 HORM, 2 DA.
OHL Y S 175,000
Location · location .
Great Eastsadc tnplex.
Walk to everything. One
3 bdrm unal. Two 2 bdrm
unit~. We ll cared for
Hrand ne w o n the
market 759-JSOJ
HeaJ Estate
FOR APPT. 675 872!1.
1213 )424 8179
Corona del Mer I 02 2 ...•..•.........•.•.••.
Investor 's duple'< + 2
good r er• •' • O'O OI
rrplcs. • .1
SP·;... . .. _:.
Bi9 Grffftbrook a en + den + Jo'a mily
Rm+ Formal dining +3
car garage + 2 patios +
balcon y and otht.'r
aml}nit1cs Asking only
••. J.<.,00
Dis tin cti ve n e w 2
bedroom, 2'h ba con·
domlniums. S97.990.
ZlBEldenAve, C.M.
Price ReO.tc tlon
MOW $399,500
Motiva ted seller. has
bought anolber. Totally
upgraded. 4 BR. 2\l!a ba,
aoaJ 1ty .. Newporter ".
Qaatm pool " spa, prof. EZ care lnd.acp·a. ex· ~;;iiiiiii;;iiiiiii;jiiiiiii~iiiiiiii;iiiiiiiil
c-lve bricli: It wood. Koi pond It runntng $6500 DOWN
1 lllghly up~aded 3 br. 21,
ba beauty. Must lSl'l'
Real Estatt'
Irvine 1044 •..•..•..••....•.......
3 Br Sl~.000 5 Br
$195.000 a.'>!.ume 91,•,.;
642·0112, 644.6687
L..ge. 4 bd . fam rm . &
bonu.c; rm A <:. Rrcat a~
J.umable lo<tn $165.000
<.:all Fred Gab:.on.
•W OO D B RI UGt::
Brand new 3 bdrm, on
the park, by owner, pran
only please $91.500
714 t 5.17-8231 ----------
BR.KR 543-4088
& Company
9 l/4010
bl TO L(.>.\N ' Anx·
IOU.\ owner 1:. "'llllOI! to
i..m "'llh 1h1s IM.•JullCul
n1:w l\l.!>Lom 3 Hedroom
home on i;n•at term.,
!-'ore\ er 11ct•an and l' ll)
\'ll'W!I. thh dcl·oratur
drc•J m homt• l'Jll hl'
)1.ll.l.r-o ror S2~.ooo
lH»So Coast l11way
in V11la1:e i-·air
t..A!a.!NA UEA<'tl
Step into a hom e that has
been done w 1 an eye for
detail & crafts manship
Fine woods & charming
touches set Ulis home
apart. Panoramic ocean
Vlew a bonWI. $189,500.
~V .... ll.I.
Eas tbluff 4 B drm 111
s pectacular se llin ~
Ne w I y r l' m o d l' I l· d
k itch e n and m o r e
$?29.500. Call us lo scl'
642-5200~ Pete Barrett ~~r I
OnJy $10.000, takl' O\l•r
f anlasll c opUon on 3 HR
t'Xl't' homl' Woin l IJ'I
Owner 541 0210
Pvt 2 8 acre £'Slate ~ Ii.:
hou.w. 2 i.:ue::.t houM·~ 111
::.tall hor!>t' IJarn. hU!;l'
r1dl.ng nnk. pvt oft. J
groom's room. rrut1:n1f1
cent view of I.bl' Hack
Bay, lush land~capanl!
abounds Cunt act J 1111
Fla nt.ler s agt (711 1
{,\l.!>tom Hom!.', :l bt.lrm. 2
blh, 2 fr11l. '1 bltk from
hd1 $275.000 Uu y~
"/~t<I ll<M . E~t~ Jll ti
1"1.j 1197
\lon:u o m11<.lt·I 3 11 ll :!
\IHI. ltlo( IHt ~1d In
k l'•t:hulc.l Ito-.\ 11111 •'
~1 1 !1 !Jl)t) ()"'II I oi ).;l
'155 ;~, .. ~
h.tpJI\ ml·monl ... 111 t 111
luq•I\ !I IJ1 rl rouan I
l>Jlh ~ ..... IJll-(,r.-JI \ ll'"' .... ~"''''Jn I) ... , ... , f 10,1111
ani.: < .111 u , .rt.out Iha '
l.ibuluu., 1111111•
Spe<:ial Buy
ltt•Ju ttfu l 2-t ic5 ~
K1 \ .,.,. I l!<fi:! I
\l11h1h· ll•11Tlt" Ill Lo11!UnJ
I lill'> tu• l 't j :-,1 .. r P Jrk
,,1·1 1•n• I p1>rc h m1r
ro11'<I 1tix11 . lt.:tic ""'""J
11tl•rt111 I 11111 •tr
I rflll l'•ll Ill " llr
"'tilt IM ~rln·-,1111• J r•'J
"".111. 111 dr, .. I'! \ I I ••I
u11h ~ . .uil 111 1.i~lll
:.'ii;) Jhrl1or !'Ill' 2'.tt. \
~for Sale 1200 .......•.•......•.••...
752-1107 d ys, <7 J4 11---------
2,GOO acres. Norihern
Sun Diego Count> 581·5787 eves. wknds
SpectacuJar golf course
est.ate. 6600 sq.ft. 4 to 6
Bdrms. ~~ baths. Pool
and spa. Sl.385.000.
IY OWNER Includes ex1su ng golf
HARIOR RIDGE course &c all fac1bt1es or
Elegant 2 level 4 lir. 31,'J famous spa. Ready for
ba. condo designed to br · d e v e I o p m e n t . ma t.h6oot.doors. indoors. •..D>.OOO,OO.
view or Catalina Island. '1.M acres i.D City. ol
Fubioa bland, Moun-Upland. Will takr nor 12
laans. harbor ligh ts . half acre custo m lots romanUc maslcr i.u1te w /w o od bu r o I n I Ca1Uor maps.
fl.replace. Roman tub. JACK HO\VELL
p r 0 r e s • I 0 n a I I y "" .s~ "I"
unit. 2 ba. rrpl. ti cur Rmches. Fanm.
i.:ar . J 2 Ur.:! ba. units Gro•es 2700
TSL Jnvstmt.s 642 1603 •••••••••••• •• ••• ••••• •
PRJME t::ASTSIOE, CM z Bdrm:. 1::.ich
THI-.:~IA.Hl"l::S <.:O
640 5711
Uupleiws on Pen1n &.
:">11ipt Shr'> cJ\ ail All
amenille' Prt.'.,.,nlly
tea."4.'d Tum kt.'" oix-ret
lann PropPrl~ mi:ml
,l\:ttl 67'l 4!il~ HK ll
1n.:-.·1 \I.
l""()\11-. l'KI ll'f>.lt'I Y
I-rum ~!I ~JO \l•xlulJr
I •1'9 llritnt· _I •t•l'llrll\
I jr\l i,. . .,, h•'" p4M1I r!'.
I•• 1 Trt'J .. ur1· hit Pk
UtJI l'Jl tfal C't II"''
i.Jl,!UllJ 111 h I< ~I I'
Iii 1 1199 3.'>7'1
F.Z Term:. Onl} $15 ,000
down Costa '.\lcsa 1\ll l
Bdrms Kang '>Ill' lot
anyttmt' 24 h rs . Agl
54.l.Q!OO -----
North San Diego County.
fancsl IOI' llmt rro rn
cx:t.'an. yr r<>und .. 1ream.
IOyr old Vall'n caa::.
7 44 M5IJ R1•.., 1 rl 7 4'1-1>29' J
Turn "t'} Uperatmn
Approx 1'1 a l rt·::.. Oak
ttuddl'l1 property 111 tht•
~urnclJ VJllf•V Four
"'<:II' hot wJlkl·r. hull
J>'•n. ,, d1J1cn I J r1tc 11Jcl
dt1l·k., Jnd nu m .. r11u,
,m.tll lorrJh t-:1.i;ht
,t.Jllt.'ll hJrn fur m.1 r l' 111
.,, p.ir.•t•· li.1rn "''th :.!
1.1rVl· ,t,111' ror .. 1J1l11111.,
\la..'naftr,.nt \ ll'"'" rrl 1·11
Uri· rand1 lrotn th<• mJtn
hom1· "'1th 3 flclrrn J
l1Jth.' 'IJJ and h<.·Julllul
1l1·\'k1ni.: ovt·rlook1n ~
l.tr.:I' p11nd IJPIOw
Include~ l'arC'laker~ r•'
'1den<·1: + ltv1ng qtr:. fur
rwwh hand~ SI, 100,000
Valul!l> hke tha!. !>ell east·
ly. qw(.'kly So ca ll tod&y.
Contat1 Lollie Wibon or
Bcm ae Thomas, a~tl> ..
for info and t e rms .
Darling duplex ~.000 . ._. ~ 2900 612-2S10or MIJ.4848 w_.. ----------· ······················· WAN'TEDTO BUY:
Pnnt'apals Only. Wrue:
strum. 2800 sq ft of lif)i& Mft ftll&I 1mu~. speee + t:rlllle p r. Well RU..,..... "9:
--.. on \be mu. Xlnl 3 Bdrm, ramuy rm. A ba,
pri ce . ter m s avail. frplc. Ta ke over pay-
$:119,500. men ts Ca II a nyli me
Lovely 3 bedroom 2w
bath town bome In
Brookview. Central air.
earthtonc ca rp~tln&.
fannal dlnio& and com·
munity ~· t.innls and r ecreation room ju•l
steps away. Close lo
South Coast Plata and
schools. All this for onl)!
SlS.900 For rurther IO·
formation. call today.
Breathtaldfta ocean view from new 3 BR. 20,, Ba .•
co n l e m po r a r y · I~~~~~~~~~~
Features sunken con· l•---------l~ped &c decorated 644-1156 ~ Prtnc only. I~~~~~~~~~~
12 lwo Bdrm uruu. roocn
(Or I Md.'1Jonal uits,
2llM3: 20C9 WaUare. Cost:t
Mesa. Gr'OIS SSJ.280 yr.
SlU.000 do Balanc e
tG0.000 on contract. 20
yr sub<lrdlnatJon. Pnn " tnt ~mo. 548·2020.
Oal.ly Pilot. 330 W. Bay
St... Box U60. Ad t 487.
C:C.ta Mesa. CA. 92626.
Tius Spel13CUlar llstinJ:
1s a rmly horn~ of cnlt•r
taanment & lavab1l1ty
Lvly bn ck entry & foun·
tam issues a comfortu
b le, yet l uxu r ious
welcome. Amenities plus
Ru.'IUC 3 bdrm. l ba. with
fireplace. e n c losed
garaRe. 50'xt75' R·2 tn ·
plex loL 436 Hamilton.
Do not disturb ten ants.
Must clOl'e an '79. Pnn·
~·1pals only. $95,000
548·504J or 631·3.'>20
vat w in most prestigious 2 Bdrm condo. 2yrs old.
1 Ne w po rt Io cal 1 on 'I dus~tu beach. $85.000.
646-7711 646-1 J05
(~l\'t@1jfli§I B~RCOST HO~:!OS:
Reul F.Btale ----EASTSl DE. heaut re
Colta Mna I 024 modeled. 3 BH 2 Ba , on
••••••••• ••• •• ••• • • • • •• l.l!e cul de sac lot S1n .950. Owner/agt Devan & Co
MESA OEL MAR 642-6368
This highly upg r aded
farruly home features 3
Bdrms. plus den. blln
kitchen wt m acrowa ve,
rear y ard deckanic. and as
wilhm walking dista nce
t.o all scboob. par"k.s a nd
t e nnlS courts . Ca l l
546-5880 for more d etails
By <>wner, 3 •8 r, f~mily
rm, owne r anx1ou ~. 117.950 Lowest price m
Q>Uege Park. 545· 7240
Great 3 bdrm starter on
qt.net street. Lge yard .
Owner h as bo u g h t
another and as anx10W11
Only $83,500. Hurr y !
~ Wij lkr.r l~ lr.e n-.·. u ... , ••1 roe
,_.. to NII Uaat bicycM Real Estate ,_ ao ac... me. Just ---------
8dverliae It ln tbe OPEN HOUSE. 4 Br, 2 ba,
Oeeelftedl Cal.IMZ-5171. livint rm w /(rplc. lrg
dinlna rm. aep den.
111.500. i'n-1989.
'85 900 near So. Coast PiAza. 13781 Olympic. S
Br, new paint, carpet.
pMiol. walks. l.andacap·
lna-""-· 546-7290
' .,..,.... I026
·········~············ MAllMITA
Spectacular bllU o p
..... 20J2..l206 19·. ft..
Cklll to )l.uiDa. 5'1Y&
Rd 6 Calle La Prim-. vsa. ldt,Ol»to SKI.GI».
&.-.0; ... Bldr.
~t • _... • ... e. RANCH
~ ; ~51 ·2000
versa t aon a r ea with
fire place. master s uJte
wtspa Glass and oak
lhruout and much morl'
m this perlt"C.'t parada'le ·cronose-ii
.• ren ltor& ~ , "'·
Cha rming s pacious 2
story. 3 Bdrm. fomaly.
di.rung room. large ltvmi.:
room Masters !>u1te with
2 deck~ and :.patiou~
rrurrored balh..., Warm'>
woods. bnck and 510111:
Sc.t Clemente 1076 ..••...••.•....•.....•.
llarbor ~ .. t:itt·~ I hr,
pun<>ra m1t• Otl'Jll \ tl'"'
SlW.000 ur ll'Ji.l' upl liltllll
rru 1!16-I ~10
5a'I Juan
Property 1600
Newport Pier areJ I lold
" I .. ton ..... •Jn :i Int .. ' •
REALTY 675-8170
36 UNITS ~••••••••••••••••
COST A MESA Hia.Ms ,._,.shed
1\t.o J8 urut properties 2 ••••••••••••••••• •••••• yr. ot>w Best location an laiboo IJland 3106
t n"' n c; J r J ..: (' ' & •••••••••••••••••••••••
"-'l'dr Jh.' ml·ler' Bu} I
cir l.Juth S'ii 1,:;oc1 •'<JC' h
OJ\ tc.l ll11urk1• lfo.iltM
,HI) !)'j.,IJ
2 Hdrm. 2 ba in .,upn
lrx•auon J\vJtl now fur
"'1ntl•r n·nlal S7% m11 HERITAGE PK MODL
By Owner. 3br, 21,'lba.
Twnhse. All up~radcd
Professaonall. derorat
eJ M u s t be !>een
$130,000 714-551·6253.
4!16-6718. 8.1J. J400
401 GLf:~NEY R E
Truly a dcturntor:. dl'
hl(ht For tklall!> tall
5'\0--1151 Capistrano I 078 Condominiums/Town·
••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • house!> for sal~ I 700
~ l .ICll 10 1 :-11 U(l(I \ r tn S...lt .. bun lk.oll\ 6i:11;:K111
f'lltn\ fln11 uni\ thll 1.>ltO ·
Gf •e Yow
En1oy an acta"e lafcslylc
with the teMJ!. court and
bike trails near this I
bedroom or 3 bedroom
and den home set on I u:.h
greenbel t Approx
ZJliOSq n. With entry. t.Jan
ing. family room.
fireplaces Pool sized lot
with covered patio.
spn nklers. Owner wall
help finance SJJJ,900
Call 559-8451
TAA8B1. -·
l.acJuna Hills I 0 5 0 .........•.....•.......
Leisure World. Gate 1'I
P1.1noram1c vaew, 3rd
n<JOr, Villa Nuev;1, ~hr
2ba. 586 6879 A C a fl
~.+ acre \ll'W lot, 4llr.
l'w.t.om barn. RV. lot<.
more Ai.~ume 9 1 .. •.;
loan. 831 •7~7b Owner
OPENllOUSE --------LOCJMGM~ 1052 .....................
As1U1N1ble Loon
Fa1rway El Niguel 3br,
$234,000. CusLom Realty
; ..,:"~;·REALTORS
11ie pnce &. lNm~ uf
fere<.I. on thll> h1.:hly u1i·
graded Scav1ew 3 Ur
home are uttt•rl} fJ n
tasllc' This hom l.' hJ~
new paint & cpts thruout.
French drs leadrng oul
side to a nl·~ I y pro
fes!.10nally lndst·pd
paradai;t.' Bnck noor'> in
the entry & kal '.\1an~
Many more xtra~ CJll
Jim Flanders for an JPPl
today. 1714 I 752 ll07 c.Jy,,
1714 l 581 57K7
eves1wknds. Pnn <mly
Hacienda Condo
ll11o:hJy upl(radf!tl "nl:h'
...1111') :! hr. :! h;; I ·J~ltJ~
l'alr,' nr. tl\'IN C'fl! & l''llTI
!>hutll·r' I hru1111t L.:•·
llo.tllu ~ 'IJa nau't .,,.,. to
JIJprt'l'tllll' S!IU 111111
l!*5 M!l'L
I ~I Al' llO~H; l'OIJI.
I ·11u111n h \'In)! ~ a ' "'"' kmon ·& a' or-.1110 t n .,.,
1J1111n~ l''lll'''ln n .1 111
dJrumt room. den h••m•·
-tJ lt>"'l't l>l'drm · frµIC"-21 l h;; I ,I 110411
... 11nct1:rk & 1•0\ 1·r1·1I
J>Jllll' ll fll't'c.l' '""w T L(' uul what J lo1·J
lJUO ProhJll: ~all-A :,,I..
ang $3211.000 1-\ mrrH an
,\'>M)(.aall~. 20 l·orporJte
l'la1..i. N IS 7fl0·BJJJ ur
11.l» UIHI
J)!I Balboa Peninsula 3 I 0 7
lndustri al I p, operty 2100 •......•.•••••.••......
;\t'"" ,m,tll '1pnnkl1•11 ti 111
du l> t r 1.1 I Bu ii rl 1 n I!..,
l'll..,l tn \.:1 l'IX ll.!:17
Wl'.\l r;H :!hr sii;;,M11
11 1 I:: l~l !Jo,, 1\1\ ti.
Corona ~I Mor 3122
W 1• r " r r1 IN oft• r 1 n I.!
\\,1to-rt1o n1 tam• ~hilnng
111ntl11mtr•1um.., rm llll' big
1,l,J1HI 111 llJ.,.Jll IOOll
pl U' ''I ft .., h •'I"" 11
11•·.rnl fulh lurn1..,hl"ll
l'm•1•' lwi?an Jt S4>WO Loh for Safe 2200
tlCE \.'-:\'I r:W 2br ~ :-un
1J..1 I. .\ rthl gJr ~JiJ m11
~>.32 '>~<tr t.i':; i"il:!
,)i«IJ 1:Ul l :.!UOh a-..k for .••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ach 3148 !'>lakt• nt 1:15 or D Jll 1•\t
~:Ss'ote 1800 ...••...........•....•.
fliat vou can 1:1•1 f1r..l ~r n'ithts on n~·dr main
b\.&!.tnt.'SS 1~torl. broker-.
& larl(e banks 1 da~trat·t uf
Santa Ana
Park Plarr .lm•842 716J
Some· bJrk bav view .
r.mtJ'll1t· area ror hu1tc
ranl'h home + barn &
.,lablt':. Call J im 1-·1an
<k•r-. 1714 I 752 l IOi dyi;
17 H I ~Il l 5iH7 CVl'S ,
. .••..•..•......•...•..
J.a1:un,J IJ11t.1~\. . .! llr :!
HJ. tx-Julll ul 01 '""' \ u. "'Jlk 111 V11·111rtJ 111 h .
frplt, parqud llr. nwd1
rn11r " ~i!itl m u Nn
chaldrl·n pet., .J&n
Marlin 0}~ t133·8311J,
1:\ e. l>l l 042i
r Newport ~ach 3169 •••.....•.•..••......•.
Pnrm• H 2 Lot Xlnl l0t·a I•--------•
T&Wtle *Rock
Shores. P ra v. cnmm
Bwlders dr eam home
4br, 3'~ba, oak staircase
"From Gone With The
Wand." Wane cellar.
sauna. Lavish a mli; of
bnck & wood make this
home warm but elegant.
$1.300,000 Fl RM. BY
OWNER. Prine. Only
714 ·55J ·6253. 496-6718.
3 BR 2 ba By owner
$1~2.500 7511·09 20 or
Santa Ana I 080 -------
taon No l•nd L:iguniJ
~at:h Level 2 blks to
oc.'Can 714 494-0458
Fabulou!> homl' with all
dccorawr aml'nitaes. •I
Bdrm V1t.>w. Fabuloui.
luxury f urn1:.h1ni;:.
~Xl 'ffil) Wanter.
·········••····••····•• Hi«P,lands 2J31723 7 J o l T e rry MEW LISTING
Here as the 5 bdrm.
"Stewart" Model you 've
been waiting for in a cul-
de·sac on the lop level
stre(!'l, with a poolsized
lot. and 1t 'sonly 5 m onths
Ham s. ~ POOL HOME
Lvly 5 hdrm C'onv('rtt•cl lo
4 Lge cnte rl:unmrnt
patio Super motivated,
only $88,500 545 9491
't573 C'AMM~mv._ ........... 1041 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Mssioft Viejo I 067 •••••••••••••••••••••••
By owner. Finiste ra Con·
do, 27961 Redondela, End
Unit 214. View. lake. golf
Assume 9.6'% nicl' 4 bd. 3
ba . owe $35,000 2nd
Patrick. 63J.l266
course & mountains. 2 WATaFttOMT
br. 2 ba. rrplc, upgr ade Extra lge corner duplex
pi~ crpt.s & UJe. Xtra in xlnt cond. M09r ing
windows. Open house Sat avail. SpectacuJar view.
& sun 10-4. Ha9e gate ~only a;.ooo.
call 58M713 for entry or Cote Realty ~forappt. & Investment
&a9MIMdt 1048 640-5777 ....................... ~~~~~~~~~ ~--~~~!!!!!!!!!!~
tg Coldwell Banker
Beaut. new duple x. 2-aty.
RJ1h beam ceilings .
Cu,1tom & upgrades.
snt,900. Terms Neao.
.. ..-S5000Dewwt
4 Br, 2 Ba, dinina rm.
J.V. Co .• 131-0800
SB R . 2RA h o m e ,
approx 15 years old
S22S.OOO wilh SJ37 .000
as~umable l4't at 9't.
Own£-r wall rar rv
2nd. ·
1100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Beautiful custom bullt 6 bdrm .. 7
bath home. so• poo1. room for
tennis court, large private grounds
with lush landscaping. TrUly one
of a kind . '895,000 Sl0,000 down, auume U % P\all Out. 81 Ttailcrama.
Jou, 5 Br 11 pool, II -uc. t0V8703. Obi wide.
back)'rd. F.altbluf( &re•. 2 O a 4 5 . I 5 9 0 0 . d ,000. 491,$038, Prin Renal111oce II . P · 831-0836 2'&· ~...,,;;..;;.;;.;.......~~~-'l'owslbnule. $10,000 dn, al·
NDll.zt. 1ou aooo eq n.
S Ir 2.,.. Ba. Npt Rtct1 .,... sns,ooo. «·son
Pm only.
Mo QualifvilKJ! ! 4 L'NI~
Only $285,000.
Prime loca t ion. rom
plele w ith p lan!> for
triplex Owner mny
carry 2nd & su bordinate
to tons tructaon loan
$81.<XX>. Call 752· 1920.
10... TM 1:10 r.M.I
On Penmsula. Only steps
to beach. 2 Bdr m. J ba ,
fWTI S6:10tmo. Wanter.
Waterfront Homes
3 Br 2 bn lower duplex. l
blk to beach. $630. Nu
kids/pets. 641 -1661 or
(7,.) 673-6Z10 I !~~~~~~~~~Townhouse. 2bdrrn, den, ~~~~~~~~ , ,..,,. ,... l27'.... '--t pool tbl. tenrus crt.s. & _ .....,,, "'' x .,... ""'ween pool. nr bch. im m ed. OC·
........._ .. _ .. , 2000 JOJO & IOJ4 England. c upancy , $750 /m o . _ ,,.-r-t"TI He. Write owne r . 311
••••••••••••••••••••••• Fa be r . S hafter. Ca . ~
* Office Bldg $400.000 .
3alO sq. f\. + basement.
$+ suites. Ocean view.
Own r~ parltlnt. Near
Laguna. superior con-
st.roc.tion. ln town center
nr e very thing. Ca ll
Owner 49&-1625 it N.A.
leave rnesaaae .
93263. Or c all <80~ > HD.Mt u..fwnlthed
746-4333. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~--------Laguna Beat h. ocea.n Gwr_. 3202
+canyon view. $115,000. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Patrick. 831-1266
2 Bdrm. I b9 In 1uper
locaUon. Avall now ror
winter reuul 1795/mo.
St.l.ltbury Jteal\ym-e800
3 BR, 2 ba, avail now .
ID> mo. wtnt.cr. fl44.<9513.
ii .. ••"-.... i "' .. ,-1..... .....~............ .................... ..... ...... 4100 Offlii.... ....
I tt Uzb I 10 1 i N a._. , • • ...__~ 'L•-, , • •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••• ••-•••••••• ••••• •••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••-•••• •• -•••••••••••••••• ke••••H••••••••••M••
........... ·----··· ··-••• ~--I. -........... 3706 c •• 'lr IMdlJlll .. M ......... Jl4 I llm8'ai fro c,., _---.....U ll ............... -................. --.... ..... ~ .....,.,...._. Jl6t 11 a .. W-'-4 or2 '-mtn.
-,~ -.. ~ ........ -·-••••••••-•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··-••••••••••••••••• --.•••••••-••••••-to •h •r • ~111&1 T'JIW.llllalk.Calllml -................... ·--·-... -·..... ,... blh 5*-mO WALk TO B EACH ,_.~ ............. _.-.................. MY-... o.twut2bdtrn.2 ·¥•rd, ,AllCNIWPOIT Bllltt>lulf ipt. . • llv --------,...-,._..._, ___ ---' a· ..-. UK. lloaw. S br. J .._, .. , Ot'e'M vw, 2 bakonl&a. *Kl llVf * B•"'helo I o r 2 rm dln r m 2 l•r1e --p--1.~ ' -.-.-~u v • be C'°9fo lllttl Ooftdo, >RR 6 den Very l&rJ• dpb apt 4 pr , ~llJIU C•ll Jutf UU.UA " re • ' • umc.. vn~~1 or ll*lQ, 1't bib rrpl U-. ...:.-.r. ..... · lo .. J b&. lovely 1rwabelt Bdrm, 3 ba. laundry rm. Hom 48l-0201 Bedrooml6 T~nbouMt 1Wrmt•Zfull balhl. Call Wwrllll Ml'Vitt, etc. rw . ...,,)I dtcoralM. . • 11111.M flfttlol.. PGOI tlUllOI\. t..Boat moonn• GAlllN APT Fromml.50 ~orm,em Only '75 per mo. uoz •1mo •• aoao • . 6 4 bdrm A I..._, Coodo. mo llr. Gf·l• Pfr &Wible 1 Wlau:r ~ °' c.... MtM l 1 24 • Spectacular 1pa. tot1l Room.mate wanted 2 Br 2 Welt 17th St, Suta Aaa .
.._. ~cmC.O..U....caa. *1JOOyrl)',Aaefttf7$333J ••••••••••••••••••••••• r~creat 1on pro•r a m . Ba octanvicw <'Ondo For more info call Joe No,..._ C"·-._l It ONW•ftl ~~~~-~~-,.. ........ 2 Br upper cp11. a ........ _., IOcialprocram. 7~.8 -pr mo + utll. Wor·k Caule S4'7 ·4 J81 or C... .. Mw JllJ ua. lat i;;l' ... dep Buul. 2 ed:m 6 Oen I• ~ Id 3PGOll tenn.lllOOW'tl. Al Faah lon ;~.bome-493-1787 Renatut~710? ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• •1m L~ pat Io . v I• w IAYfllOMT drpl, bflOI. cb.l d ok. no COvertd car port 1$1aod, JamborM 6 Sin -eo--•1 u r .. -A Offl ()t•Mda.lw ocean v~. I I P 3 tm. 2 ha Avail nuw ~1'1 133$. &... 7S2 <U l l*IJoapta .. BBQ s JoaqulnHJLLt Road. Roonunate wao~. qulet '"111•-ru_.. way ce.
illOpSpyslm Hilt J I ~ • Adams arn mo "· rcauio ..iomu. winter.._. ~13 Sha mar 645'8922 or cklletofw~"bchs '7141644-1900 r ... m.a1e. lOt.hSt .. H.B. Only $ll()tl)«f' month. Va·
fam&b • formal cUntq Im I br, booul rml 2 ba ~rfl'Oftt llome• S3fH!ri7. walk t.oahopplna. 531J.9734 cant 32S No. Broadway,
nn. 1&'100 .,_.mu Opm Ava.it 111210 .. "2111' 1111400 Clean. qwet. ~· bedrm. 1 17111 ..W..wnt OCIAMNOMT' Santa An1i. Hi11toriul
Sal 6 SI.In 1-S; n Mnn •Jbr at>. f I di ~ 1 ..... ,HIAl .. • 3707 ba. NO klda /pct s atW.,,.... 3br. 2ba w/olllce Vrly ftesp fem to ahure w Bldg. For more Info call l~Cln:I• do fiool ·J rp c. ,.-..... ,n Newpon 8tudln C.ondo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1295/mo Call Craig , ~lc.3curgar Sl~. UiM hit 1225tmo incl. Sam Warren ~ or
Sftto tfiace ~~7.1.,:;~r~'t!:e '1' Ho111 tl011plLal Poul. S l eoplna room• & GMJINI 847-6064 TSLMgmt ~}·1003 util & dP»t. K11rt•11 RenataSS0-7707
...... , o-h mm-...... ' lip•. uuuu Rtc:umy ldttbeneU.t • S7S wk &: tta Hurl• (ho~..t-6'7S.-B944.
-· .... ,: \.'V "' Grcitl air nu 1400 Oc .,. -2 Br. 2 ba c•ondo ...... IJlk to 1 MO FREE RENT c:upancy ~)19 Call 2l3 477700~u • ~ e&i!!r~S8740 beacll.2cargar.autoop f'emto11hr Jbr.2b&condo
Sam • tlTI 011 up lo 2Br tnplex wtwet bor " REALTORS SHARP. beach I. 2 & 3 ""·Beaut bay view.~ Nr So C5l Pllw1, 122~ EXIC. SUITIS
nPM wtdf7 '7()11J Spic:1ou. •Xt't' h4Jm• 1n ex rrplc. bU1 from Pav1Uon. BR. f I dah yrly Stnc:ey dyi. 2 l3 6~ 1108 NEWPOIT CIMTU
•3br. 2~ba. frplc. 2 •lY
upcraded TWnhl~ V•ry desirw~e le>t> Nr bch
lmmed OCC Ufltlt'Y
UOOMo C •I S• m
911U87lt OU up tu 11 r M .. 11m 10111
~1r:.m ~:~c:~:in14 dr,1~ C.ll ~~r <7l4I.._ li2'1·2240 LA MAMCHA Ans P111011~N~ peta~~.~~ TSL.Mgmt 642 16<13 ~ 213 .... 744941j fUll service. From 1225.
lg rou11try kllc:hl'n, 2 OR. bayfront: pier & Large, 1..263 bd 1arden Lovely •11 adult. no pets, 2Br$400mo incl ut1I St v Proles111ooal male seek.a NewportRegenc:yCorp. .. muter llWL•·. le1tded win float. S7ll0 Mo. Winter apts. Adults. Dshwhr. 1.,.,,. Br ani•. """" Ed· & refng. ~ Balboa HI ma l ur e UIS Y go In 8 t1141644·7189 bhns. encl ear, gas bbq -.. -._.., ·-~1-c ... 13 female s hare 2 bdrm. 2 ----tlc.rA-GJrdm:r lncld lat Hay & Beach RJty ~ Gu Pd. n8 Sc:ott inger, HB. 846--0619 _. ... Ast UI ~ ) b8 CdM t;vet. G?3-4609 Newport Ueach ore /apt. r rv 160-QJ 411
Harbot View llll.b. 3 HH
I • ba. fa.m tm All new
appba.ncn Lra yd Xlnt
loc Sl09S mo 1nelda
glll'dener. dMK' ti uc:•, ~mo or yearly be Bkr. M0-5112
& l~t + dt'jl m~ lMJ 759·081! Pl 6'2-5073, 645·5611 ---•1112. . o--· Cannery section •NEAR5POINTS 2 br,l -.,..,7 67$-4912Broke ~·w nr llkl'bor funcy Jbi . C-0.. .. Mar 3722 £•.rTStDE b..i. S295 + $200 deposit. 2 ~I FF condo. 2 hr. -r
lba :! t>l" 585() :!Zb Npt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ki,.-.... Nope•~. '···11..,.,-b pOOI, adullb. nope~ All 2 bdrm f h.i nr IJ<'h. vw ........ 3244 ~ Deluxe 2 bd I ba p o r \.Q"" ......... OU Prer ll'm non .. mkr Jo-OR LEA.SE·So. Laguna
••••••••••••••••••••••• Avt'. 002821 ~1nunl1n~sl. bdshrmut'tbeera~ decorated 'Fireplarce Jl8472396orgodirectw new intenor S495 m u S21JOmo I d M \hk t' 100 2:50-~fl.4~1. ~ c ., ~ N h d 71r71 Commodore Circle 642·8.W. 673 llOO> li4(}4:!JH 4!1&33_19 ----_ IBCTA.L.S t.xn·1>l1ooally nc·<•l & pnvatepat10.oeeun :ud1: .ew w al> er. r yer . •3.HB IMMA-C-U LAT-f & ~BR, 1"1 ba . 5475 cleasl 2 bdrm + t.hm, i hwy 5425 mu lell:Jl'. refng.. DIW. gar .. lge ..,.. ~
2 BR _._ b;i in beauuful f"ml redwood deck N o spacious 3 ourm, ba, .uom,2bu. . . $650 • 1 Y Mature adults o nly for
3BR.2ba •uu: or1t'nlcd Ne wport .,.,........., lads/pets. ~/mo <:ult SPACIOUS balcony. P1lcht.>d beam
Dix l·rm Offl<'e adj.
4350 Airporter Ho te l. No
lease 833-3223, 9 to 12 4HH,2"'*b~· ... ·:$750 nt!l.Ch borhood A vull u .... .,...,., __ • --Craig,63.l·l.2166 celhngs. Near ~ch & •••••••••••••••••••••••
moothtornunlh.$850mo eo.taMno 3724 ac:m;sfromwater Qwet Wanted-Gar dbl , for llllmns l.wtal 4450
SngJ •ty 3 Bdrm. ram r m , l"• ba, fam.lly·11 yard
w/wattt. 1eardener & as· aoc. d\Jes lnc:ld 'd. SJ09S,
month-to-mo nth. Orr ve
by 1017 Sandc&11lle , &
caU us for details. Bkr.
Ask to r Mearlenc ••••••••••••••••••••••• APARTMENTS neighborhood S675 mo household goods. C.M, •••••••••••••••••••••••
644 ·9990 doy11, 551 ·28RH CASA DE 010 A.DUL T • FAMIL y r~ ~f ·14~ at e r r ron 1 N~ Bch __areu~53S?_ t'or 11.0N: & office space at
eves. __ -· AlLU'rlWTlt;S PAIO REALTORS SICTIOHS -Offk.e....... 4400 ~Ul>Onablerates.
Com p are befori..• you 2 Bdrms. 1 bath upt l liedroom. I bath. yearly ••••••••••••••••••••••• 500 to 2700 Sea Ft.
2Br, IBa, beamed cell· 'tS23,..,,..,._,,._,.Je.•we
1ngs, Crplc:, avail Dec l. '°"""'"""'"" l\Ym ssso m o . 675-88 03 ,
3224 •••••••••••••••••••••••
3 Br. 2~ Ba condo, 2
story, 2 car gar, pool,
tenol.s. 546-1137 ; 549·1.264
flltlMI MISA YllDE
3 BR. 2 ba, bltn kltch
w/dshwsr. ut1l room,
crpt 6 drp5. Formal din.
mg rm. SSBS. As k. for
Pete. 751·3191. SELECT
Easts1de darhng duplex
2 Br S41S. I Br $37S.
642·2510 or 646·4848
NEW Deluxe 38r. den. din
rm. liv rm. m1crowavl',
21,.~&. dbl l(aragc. $750
rno 2567 F:lden. Agl
Prime fo~ side local1011
3br. n .ba, 4! car gar.
gardener incl. Kids ok
85 mo 631-0496
3 Br. 2 ba, Am.burst In
Univ Par k garden s
homes. On 1 reenbelt.
.x>1per mo. 675-8192.
1\utJerock, lovely 3 br. 2
ba, A/C perf cond ition.
S695. Call 64 0·6685;
Beaut .. lge. 2 yr. oJd 5 Br
home; formal din. & h v.
rm .. eating a r ea l n
11pac1ous kitctlen. Loe. on
park nr. pools & rec.
area S875 Mo. 644·5403 or
living Jbr condo. frpk.
:ur. microwave. 2ba. 2 car gar, lgc yrd, + rec.
pack:.tl(c that incld!>.
lake . lenm~ cm. poob &
Jat SGOOMo Anquul lsc
3248 .....••..............•.
HIWPOIT SHORES ms. 3 BR. 2 ba . Yr ly.
Pool Ii tennu; privus.
673-8145 or 67S~
Newport lle11(hts. JBr I
ba, fplc, lg yru, bc11t
neighborhood, walk to
schls $~50. 631·3193. SaUy
N1cetri.plex in res1denu al
Point a rea. l blk t o
beach 3 bdrm. 2 ba
Yea rl y S62S . C al l 673-2113 •
West Cllrr. lovely 3bdrm.
2bth, {mly rm. 2 r Ip,
ga.rdnr. S785 848-2320 u n
New Eng. 11tyle <.:ondn
Many upgrade~ 2br.
den, 2~aba, bm·k palm
Conv. loc. $795 <.:all
Lynne 759-0717. 644-6200 ----
Spacious & l'OmCort'.a blc 4
Br. 2 ba. "pools1d("'
I.Own.home. Avail now ul
i!i,t!dll l~lti -~ f..!"11.
4.!\ 1\tl It 11· !i
Riny ti40 5~h0 Anyl1111P
f .l'>lhlull 1->r• ii Alc1•1
ChamUn11 3 bdrm. 2 story $7~. Blue Lagoon Villa l~~~~~~~-~F.ast.s1de home . Lovely Priv Bch. Poohs tenn.
yard. XJnt cond. $72.\. 21.3-703-0230, 114.499.2520
A.i. J ean ne 631-l2M. Woods Cove. cbarmJ.ng 2
552-7387 bdl111 cottaee on quiet
New renU.J; J::x~c home 1 n
N.8. Move 10 cood. 4
bdrm. 3 ba, lovely •lreet.
C•ll for d etal11. Bkr. 631-1800. CONDO So. Cst. Villas lllnh. Sunny patio, S600.
Beaut.n Decorator Unit 0wnr/Agt494-4933.
Sec:unty Recreation Emerald Bay. 4 BR. 2 bi..
2br, 2ba. S47S Child OK : ~mo. yrly.
81g Canyon-2.l:lr. 3811
+den McClain twnhmt-
&r. frpk. pool. l>Pa. ten
~ + xtr:c. Avail now Jbr, :tba , ~ 641 H602 Emerald Bay. 3 BH. 2
J l:ldrm <!ba.fplc.nopch ba.~mo.yrly. tG1 l 1 11~·10~5. t.i755:>3s
"Ir ~thooll>. AVJll NO\ 2 BR. I bu , lovely ):ird , l!\1...,,
bl $500 MS 2764 I ~50 mo . } rl}' Studio gueo;t unll on 4br F f<. frm elm rm ~nlo(
4! Br. newly dl·l·urated. estate. ocean view. S42S ~ty hm S750Mo Av.111
s tovetref. W / u. c hild mo . yrly Open 1 4, 1745 l'alomoi
OK, no pets. Avail 11 11. TUHNER ASSO<: Dr 642·9567. 545 11095
13Sb549-0:.>2, 556-0002 494-1177 49!1-45!.ll Harbo r View H om e11.
Condo3br. ia.ba, gar. d11;-
hwar, Nr . OCC & sc.hls .
.531H1828. 557 -0678 --· :1 BR. 2b11, frplc, W'sidc
Furn or unfurn. S485.
75&-1734 or 631 ·09S4.
Ll.ke new E·srde condo l
br + den/gs t rm, gar.
Frplc. pool, ldry, adlts,
no pets. S395 NS 752·:591.S.
Del uxe 3 bed r oom . Car me l m od el 3br .
Fabulous white wute r 2ba.mcely decorated .
view $950 mo. Studio. Nr Anderson l(rammur
Sl'nlialional ocean view schl. 5 blk comm pool.
S300 m o. Century 21 ~Mo. 760·1298 ~ewport c.entcr . 640·5357 N t Sh Jb --2 •. ------------·-p . ores • r. .,u ,
Funtastic coastal view. O>mm. pool, ten nis. 2
Split level. 3br, 1'12ba. bl.ks lo bch. Avail now.
Wood & gla ss house . m>Mo. 714·95S-3452dys .
~~· Avail Nov LS. Old & charnung home rn
---------·-CdM. Z.Sty . 2 OH, den.
CHO ICE Mesa Verde 4br, 2ba, ranch style frpl.. view l·lla. So or
Area, 4Br. ram r m , home. Frplc. enclos pvl. lhe hwy SGOO Per month.
l1"28a, frplc, 15 min to pallo, dbl gar, S750Mo. 63J.C!863
bch, lg backyd, $600 mo. Ava1l Now. 494·8536 <213) 970.7572 dya, (714 ) 1 _&...u,,_ 2Bdrm l bll, lrg yrd.
m.ru1 tVeAIWltnds. .....,..._,.... 3250 Newpon Ht!>, SS25/mo.
••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail now. 759·8968
rent C us tom d esign Adults. S375. mo. Gas l.2&30rsfroml300 •1r mo S350 mo. Agt NEWPOltTIU CH Mf<:SAVERDEbR
feature:.. Coven'<! patio paJd. 642·50'73 Swimming pools, tennis. 673-61!10 <WFJCE OR RENTAi. PLAZA
& N cw r u r n 1 tu re . volleyball. l(ym, rcc·rea Sl'ACE, W Ci.t lfwv . 1525 Mesa Verde E, <.:.M
Sf>ut·1ous kllchcn wH h In· 2br. 1'~ba Twnhs. F r . LH111 room 1> + ulh t!r Jr 1 br apt $375 Lux. Manners Mile 9'~<1 ft 545-4123 ruret..'l lighting, separate pauo. enc.I gar Adil~ No .imcmtiei; Vcrs1.111le O>ndo'> P<Jol & 714 645-2fj,28 -----
dlrung area, rull length _Peta __ . _Fr_oi_n SJ75. 645·4071 rec facl Nr 111 l':J11 ~I Lafayette. N.B. Store
marble puJlman in b.llh. 'TIIESEVl 'LL'" ~2 wkdci)~ L44 5369 EXEC. SU ITES or oHl<'c spact!, 1200 Sq.
kings1zc bedrooms. j)(IOI, ..., .c.. u. • ...-ngton West (•Ves&wknd!. llappm~l-1'\ havmn your n Sl~ mo. BBQ. s urrounded Wllh Zbr wtgar Adlt:s. new flUIIU plJt"" <ir bu•. 1nn•• JI A Grundy RJtr675-6161
I h I d I crpt.s & d.rps. blt.ru.. rncd &101 Wum1•r at Edward.'> •, Block t.o beach 3 br ;! ~ "' ' • • ---~ T L~~1JJ ~~ 1~ls yd, waler pd. 636--4l20. lll 'NTINGTON KEA~ll ba. downs ta irs . hltn, Ba.itf'r ~nlt·r lh:rept · :\t>W;rt-Near Posl Oft' BESJ'• 211119 "B"Santa Ana SM<> 14~0629 frpk. patio. gara~e MIOll L'OOferenu.• rc.111.m, phont· :'t1odern S02 sq rt sU>re 11f
------l2744lhSt 64(HH40 'CJ\"'' J J:•• l I•>'-E> lo . C 3
NO PETS Reaut. l very IR bdrm. 2 & 3 Bdrm. New dtluxc ~Jl>Ort. frnt> re!ltauranL-. ~~· n:,~30 Avon· 21 '
1Rdrmfumls hed$355 plush, laundry. 1mmat· W>wnhous es . tennii. Ract>elor stovc & rcrrri.: S!'C'n·ta11;1i '>t'n 1c1·'> _ --------
2 Bdrm fumahed $420 grounds 1826 Pumon.. court, t.pa. St.'<"UMly. near versa ii I,... (.'IHI d •> J\Jll "'" mr1rt• rnro. c Jll C-Ommerc1al ~paC'e or
365 West W1l50n SJ25 mo. d-8086 beuc·h. 22(Yl II~ Cm·ll' gU..Lrded ent tt·1 tac s:n~ BP\ Jl !179 <!lhl fie('. '>hop. reta1l&hobby. nt4 >642·1971 -----!.-.o mo h.c 1;;:; l>lJl4 • .Ct M o r 2 &3 Br.nearnew.<.:osta . snior 7St20ti() 6Pm <Xf1n•&n•t;.11hh11rap;11 1· s9o .• o 260·52 sq . l.
Lag.a•ac.h 3741 Me5a, llunl. Bcb. All One l>ec.lroom PJll Wr \1a1n ~t B I •1H1•·c· ~724~ ••••••••• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • bl d •-'I ff \I . lnS. pauo yar Some do private PJIHI rx.101. •• o •• II I II II' i.1211 Ii I li1uu.nd (luur. high traflll'
LAGUNA BEACll MTrt w rrplc. encl guraHi! lt"fl/U.S. rnnvt-n1em hx.J -~· 3876 uHitt• "' .111r.11:1• "IJ.lfl eount. 2 ... tore~ avail
INN Maid ~rv , <·olor laundryrmorWDhook 11on~mol'4ti4477 ••••••••••••••••••••••• µ1 RNJll '>ll•111 'IJJ11• f'nct·d below market
TV. heated P•>OI l:lll up $310lo$S25 $10UFREE IU::NT !!1111 _}'h•: \1 101 \l.1 11 lkdlull fUty.Lu1o0rfl.•
17 1<1 1494 5294. !llJS N<> 1'SL M~ml 642 lfj()J Jl>r <!ha , ... tu<J10 t-·rph 3 Br. 2 ba P\'t IJdllll & 4111 l.>o)I! ~J<! 111'1'• bi37300
<.:o.cslllwy 11.ar. 'llo Pets W IJ hkµ g.arage Lot.. ... orgrn!!>i. 1,11 Large barh un11. l'rpt,, ~195Mo 75:! 747"1, 53') 3397 Beaut. decorfitcl.l , m:11d drps, IJltn!'I. udull"i no <:lllll' Ca mpana ~I '
1>crv1ce. IK>OI . ulli. $85 pets S260mo 5411·406'J 4! BH 1•,., Ba twnhSl' nr Wet>kda)'\ .iru·r -Zpm
wk 4!1.J·2227 IH•J l'h 2 pout ... ,11,1 phont> 494! 15117 •ir
<I bdrm 3 ba <:ond11 ~l'W '>auna. & l!•nnii. Adlt1> fJll 4 9 6 · 5 4! 7 5 ..\ n \ 1 1 r11 ' 0 l ' T !'I T 1\ N D I ."\ 1: ly reno\ all>rl S.'l:!.'I 11111 I)' no µ.•b !;liO lMll . w~kt'nds
Oceanfronl (;1111d11.4!llr 54.'> l!UJ c1r41J2 fi7011
1100 Sq. Ft.
n I I i.: h h " r h () .. 11 .• I
''""'"111•11• ••on\ l'fllt•nl 10
.... J n 1>11•110 11 v. ~ 111• 11
.. Jlt\ 11•\0o "·' ( ·' 111111•1 ( \1 ~/~fl i.ll :1!~11
1100 sq rt. neighborhood
~hopp1ni: tcnlcr. near
f-°,Jlf\'ICW /1::1 Ca mino,
n1 ss--.q rt 759 9501
ltf<:TAlL, OFf<'l<.:E.
71.Uiq IL. We:>tc:lirf an•a
40' wall or gl.1s!> to 11n1
IJ\1 l>la1ri1 lo hc·h. dm.1· t•1
town W1nlcr Is l• H\
uwnn 121 :J 1 7'JIJ 0!1:.i:; n M I l!f7 ·4li72
2hr. <!ha, dn1 w1 ·1 i.,, r :it
td1 tltil i:ar No l 'c-1~
>l!<i ~,.I0·50GG. h4'' 1J11 .. :,
I JsH, ~ :! HH. l.'14!> 2 Udrm 2 IJJ. 12!.0"(t fl
l'ool. ~;11 , f1ili t rl'l'"· \Oo alk W b.·;11 h lillrl.!> ~
.1dulL' 1111 pc:t' II-I:! 'l:ilSJ r••rng 1rn I i.:a m.t1ur1
1.r,o4:! ~l .wluJL,, oo lo.1d1> •1t 114'1' I
~ ~li11ldl
r ull l'r\ln ht llf •.
lfl "l,1 •v. 1•11 I I • llli I NEWPORT IEACH
t0oor1 l'ht•errul Ofrll·c·
-.w1c· ..1\ <111 Cp:.tair!> unit
Ill lll'W IJlrJ i.: 645·3323
Newport•och 3769 .......................
Soc1JI At l•~·I w. D
rP,tor • r '"f' Sunrldy
Hrunch • 88(J ~ • P.11
t f•\ •Plus mucn more
Tenm11 • F re1• Les'>on~
IP"• ,. (Jr<J sno1.11 • ;>
111'.illh CluO~ • Sdun .. •
Hyocorn.1•.!><!g" •Swim
ming • Goll Droving
MENTS: Singlet.. I &
2 Bedroom:. • Fur
nu.hod & Unfurnished
•Adult L•v1ng •No Pet~
• Models Open dally 9 to 6
Garden Apartment•
HeWPort Beach/So. 1700 16th St
1Dove1 •I 1&1ri1
1714! 642·8170
Newport Beach/No. 880 Irvona
IAI ISlill
(714/ 645-0550
~l/Jl'IOU..' ~ Br I IJJ 1><ml
ut1I pd l'rt·f.or 1n.11u1P
qwet <1dul1 :\11 JM'"-SJl>J
mo 541:1 7l.ilJ9
Couple. no pet.a. 2 br. l""
ba lwnhae. Patlo, pool, m> Adults. lnf•nt ok ~Joann St 646-6483.
Two huae bedroom1> in
'uper lrN·a11on, redwood
beJm 1·t·1hn~-.. buill an
lolt hcn S.'125 mu lrH1uirc•
5tltl w w11,oo 1;.1:; .,.. vi
2 Be I H:J S:J.311 pr 11111 ~1111
tlc•pcl'>ll nlf)\ ,., VllU 111
l..Llundr; rm n11 Pt'I' 7'r.t
Shalimar ~162 !f!ff::• opn
Fri S..t thu, week
Mesa Verde East Spa<'
Bachelor. 1&2 br apts
from ~. Pool. jacu:m.
pvt patios G rtr&l(t!S
avail. Adults. no pe ts
3).'i() Harl a A \'C. 549 2447
Large 2 bdrm. sunken liv.
rm fireplace. 2 ba.
garage. patio S375 No
pets, no kids 54H 8300
l Br duplex. qwet. dcun, otr street prkg. Swve "
refriR. Adult No pets
Townhouse 2 br. 11, ba.
gar. AdJLs·no pell S3'J5
317 Wilson 548·9084
b-~I .,.LIJ W.dk 1•1 lic·h :•ltr I •ll,1 I Sao. Juan I
1 rpt-. &. Jr I'' ):1~111\111 C . tr 38,,
81 S..J;,.!J111:1 'II'~; •ns~1 apes ono , ...•..••.••............ Gttat littt~ C enter
Ir. (' I I \11 ,,,
I , 38 !>upl1•\ :IHr .11,.., t .1 II"
"IM 44 Hd1. tXc..an \ 11•v. llhl it.or ••••••••• ••• •••• ••••••• rp&c. ll.r acbool1. MOO
2 BR condo. TM I.aka. *'3D7, 1421J.SLM. rec rtr, etc. ate> call an
i P.M, 213-431·3048 S... Aaa 3110 -...................... .
Condo. llenta1w Prk . J
Ar 2 Ha /\ (" rnu ro
WJH' II\ I'll flJ llCI frpk
~ ITHI I ~''' l(,.f-, ft'<I
!~r;· 4lil!'i11r5.'ll •1n::.
.BeautJful 2 br 2 h;1 c nndo
c:l<>-e l.U ;'\;l'IO.l)Orl & !'I \
1-'t"'~ Poul &. 'aunJ 11u1
<;1dc• rloor $4511 mu < • .r I
6i3 2.l!YI
~ •och 3848 ~..+s Fvmi~ed ••••••••. ••••••• ••••••• « ~s.he-d 3900
i bdrm J'lo L;,J(un~• •••••••••••••••••••••••
arro"'b ''r~rl rrnm l1t•Jt'h, ~4~(1 1:14 11;112
Spat1ou.'I 2Ur. N La~una .
ocn 111 de hwy . bltns.
quiet. $460 mo y rly .
Adlts. 1·6233827 , 1986 1039
lbr. Ocean View No Pell!.
MulL'I 2607 Solllna Way
4!fl 3496
;i Hr North End , 1"2
block:. W beach $650 pr
mo uul mcl. 494-6344 .--... ~ ... ll" • ••••••••••••••••••••••
N1Ct-tn plex In res1dent1al
Point .1rea 1 l>lk to
IK·11ob J bdrm 2 h11
Yearly S62.5 Cal I 673·2113
Seawind Village
!'few 1&2 bdrm fuxut')
adult apts 1t1 u plan'
rrom $350. 2 bdrm
lOWnhou.scs from SSOCJ +
pools, terutlJi. 1utcrfol1,,,
ponds• Gas for <'ookmg &
heatmg paid t'rom San
Die.It<> Frwy dnve Nortb
on Beach to McFadden
then We.t on MrF1tdden
tu Seaw1nd VIiiage. m4 )893.5198.
Laguna, l·BR apt." Walk
to beach & shops. u111
pd. ~dulls . Sl7S Mo
494--&541 ----------4000 ....•.•....•...........
'' ... 1. r• m .. rt 1 •'I
.. llll"I l11t JI"'' .II .! ~I
ti.arbor ~I. hal!t I Pl.ICl'
avaU-.. ra....-. trom
....,., tq fl ~.ii)' '°" unmed oceup:.incy Call
P aul ~ l\Jtt. A1(l
~1:1 4M 4\.~
fl4'.1u1dull~ lmprovl'd
l,,.urruncrual Space SL &.
~IM flnable. P rim e N.8.area.644-8080 .
lndllltrial ...... 4500
l'lu..'n oil 11< '" Lulu I i.
1.t•~•I It I« 111 .111 111
h 111 l.jll (!1HI ...,, ( ,, o1 lo r
1 .. 1nl11 '-1111J ll•Jll\
1.JJ .~·o
(lf lut• l'•l\I' .H,111 \jl
1J01\ ;:J(~1 r1 ll.11 ho.i
h i SJ2:l Mu 5;ifi I~>
'l ofri. w f't'n•p & storu,l(t•
furn or unr 75'! 6.'~
orr1ce8 now OJ\311 1n
cleaantly .1pprnnlt'<1 f:x·
l>\l}I/ "' It l 't 111 l'f.1< 1 n11.1 \\t' 1r1·,H
I.I! 10•11 'll)lj '>'J2:! ,., ' ..
Hr On:J Co Airport
\,-w 1.9!Jhq rt rndl hl1ti.:
"' .!lill »<I It ull 11 l' t-'111111~ IHI 1•'((•••flc11l
°"lr\'t'l 011 c an lie t!X
,...w Ofcs &WhH
1.100 Sq rt. finis hed ofrs
Air cond. 1.800 Sq. l't.
whst• Nr John Waynt·
t\1rpurt Xlnt parkl.ng
W-*Y H. Tcrytor Co.
Realtors 644-4910
..... Wanhd 4600
ecuU\t" SuJlt·~ c.t.•nlruUy •••••••••••••••••••••••
l0t·ated neJr freewu):..
l'Ourts & lhe Or:inl'{e
C ount ) Airpor t
Fac1l1ttl.''> 1nrludt• a
fncod.ly. eHic1ent reC:<'P
t1o n st 1 tele ph ont
opera.tor who jlrC('U, )'uur
clJent.s and answers your
Desire lse1rent of hou.se
cpl loolung for uofurn 2-3
bdrm w1cncl yd for 2
mature dogs. Ha ve good
ref 's ror all Of U::.
751·9100. 124 prer. Stew
or Jean -------
Back Bay ~rea rondo 2 4 br, 2 ba house; Valley 38drm 2'i'Jba Newport
sty. 3br, 2"1ba. balcony view , f ireplace. air Terrace Condo. highly
den. frplc. bnck patio. oond., built·in kitchen, 2 upgraded w/lovely patio,
$5116. Ava1. 12·1. 548·1258 car 8 a r ag e. S s 2 5 oom.m'ly pool, sauna &
UDO Studio Bach. Quiel •2 br, 2ba Condo Nr So 3 Rr 2 a. w garage, frplc · new dl'tor. I blk to aenlleman. Util1tres Csl Plata. Pool. s pa. tiearh 644 9726
Room w kll<'henettt•
S72week &up
calls, o1 <-omplNe Cahr & Etderly lady seeks 1 r m
Federal liiw library unlurn w1lut priv. CM
beaut1rully dcl'Orated area Contact TLC cnlr.
conferenle. ro(Jm1> photo ~. Hm 540.7473
c-opy mach1nt,, & th(' -eveshknds mo/lease . Call owner : jacUUJ. S550 wtyr hie, No
&11de Costa Mesa 3br , St2--0l.38. AvaUlable im-pets, Ava.ii 10-29. 631·1317
lrg. lot w 1Cru1t trees. mediately. for Appl.
Children & Pets OK. 2br. det patio home. A/C, _ _,:...;;_ _____ _
C-Gl8 dbl ga r , h g kltch , •1tloycre1t ,.___,_For• ___ w/1ardeo window, lg Upgraded 3 Br. dimn1ot
--..... deck, pvt yt'\!, s ml pets r m . $795. 499 · 5 1I1
Beautiful Brl ltany OK. $4&5Mo. incl spa, dysteves
Woods model never IJved pool, gym etc. Ml·3745 m. 3 Br , 2~ Ba & approx.
1700 sq rt of living area. LolJ-a Mi.,.e .3252
Tenn.Ill, pool & spa. S72S •••••••••••••••••••••••
mo. call 556-2660 4.Br, 2~8.a. Cam rm , li v
rm, goU course & tennis CSELECT clb neigh borhood . ''!! T PROPERTIES acre. •vaU late Nov. S875 mo. 661-2395
5br, +den, 3ba
Wat.erfroot SIOOOMo
645· 7573 Agt.
Westcllff area 3 bdrm. 2
bath with nice yard. StlOll.
Vac1mt, move in nuw!
$300. 675 3609 M2S. No pll 8J3.8974. MAn between 60 & 70. kit
pn v sleep10g room Q.111 2 Bdrm I ba. new crptJ. & 1148-8592 3 Br. 2 ba. lge luxury apt.
Steps W bc:h Beaut. furn.
BIO mo 'lll June 15th 'llO.
3>941.st St, N.8 . 673-3057:
(2 1 3 )9 4 4 -69 1 4 .
2 Br winter rent.al. Ste ps
lo beach. Gar . parking.
~mo incl. ulll. 673·3958
(JI' 544-6899
Nicely furn. 2 Br near
waw. $4.50. 714/624-4643,
2.13/ 430-4327
2 Br, 2 ba, s tv. refr1g,
pool. gar. $420. Call
pamt. )(ar. p:it10, UIS ----
28r, SJ2:S refng. cpt/dr5"1,
pool, qwet adlt. no pets
423 w. Bay 541:1 !15 Ill
mo 6750349
upper duplex. grc<.'nbelt,
48r. gar. yrly SI 150 mo
752·9442 dy'I, 675·1617
lBr $300, ut1I pd, rcfrrl( t'Vl'!I
carport, no pelll, quiet Luxury Jr 1 Or. pool. ~pa,
adll 38.1 W. Buy MIM1516 duti . .iar . w rcfrig, $395
~ llWUly rm. lite k1tch &
lndry Refs req 'd . C M
548· IJ72 an 2
Hohk.Motef1 4100
·····•·••·•·····•·•···· t:OSTAMESA
fTS per wee~ & up <..:olor
VILLA MB>HA 700.IW> Vocatioft Rftttah 4250
2br, 2ba. new crpts, gu11 2 br nr ocn. dshwshr $425 •••••••••••••• •••••••••
'TV S41HU73
stove & dshwhr in cl yrly, c·appt only Jui,.,
Encl garages. Couple 36lhSt644·4340, no pet
rint"H in 't·t·rttt .irral 2bdrm apt, dup, house rn
services For runher info H.B. furn, will lea1>c.
It a personal tour $400tless213/2'36762
through th ... rae1h11e!I, Mh ..
pleasl' conlal'I Vortat• ~-•• '
AssOl', 17 14 1!155 221111 ....... 4650 n 14 1955 :9>0 .......... •• •• ••••• ••• • ~
Pkno Eucuti•t
Honie corral & tack room.
tooMo .Back Bay CM
···········~··········· ...,... °'f wtunlty 5005 •••••••••••••••••••••• pref. Children OK. No - -3 BR + den w /pool ,New 3 br , 2 ba . 2BR,l ba,yrly,rurn. Pets.StOO UUl pd.ex<'ept NearHoag H.osp.Attrac
Colle&e Park. l nclud11 landscaped, many xtras, 21 or un!um ........ $SOO dee. 2324 Elden ~l96$ Uve 3 br, 2 ba. frplc.
House ror rc•nt. U11ot 1.k•ar
City sips 6. lmcn~ rurn
125 rut.ely pr rpl <.:a II
alter3p.m.548 l!J69
There 1~ ..i d1rfc>rcnce •
Large s uite-; (260 s.r 1
prov1d1nit h1 1(hly pro
fess 1onal :.ecr etu1al
M'n '1cc with a manoi;ica
blc number of units 2021
Rus1nt'!IS <.:en t c•r IJr.
In ine. call 752·0234 '6-SCHOOL ·
Uc'd for 44 c hildren.
Ph• nlcr 3 bed.rm home.
Room for e xp1osloo
refn a. W/D, $705 mo.1.11 xl o t toe. $625 m o . 2 OR. l ba , unrurn .. crpts & drps, 1 car TAHITI
4'1...ut + $300 sec. Owner 4IM-023'7. yearly. , ........... ~ l bdrm. Near Fairview &: gara~e No pet.~. Adults
lranllerred mus t rent . ---------Westcliff IHlty __ •_ 3 BR. 2 ba. yrly .... 1.525 Baker. Stove. re Cr I g only $500 mo. + $2SO de Modern l or 2 br cottng<'
Davkl.941-3255 t:ift~ bomNigeue318Sho28rea 2 8 R, l ba wntr ..... $SOO ~~o. 964·3046 eves or .e.>'>ll. &4.2-4_387. on be_.ch onbTa1h1l1 wrtht
---· • r. a, tt-•BR 2b •• ,.,.. ............ car. row oa . Wll• 1 ru ••• ., lZJ4 ocean aide of hwy, m a ny -a.-... 3276 .. . a. wnlr .... -Westcllff mac hine. ('Omplcte
••••••••••••••••••••••• amenJUes, guarded pv& ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR, 2 ba , oceanfront, .-WllllDAnS. 2bdr m . I bth. pool . lotchen. ett• t'or moro
4 br, 2~ t>., exec. home In community, $750 mo. f\IU ocean view. 4br, 3ba. yearly · · · $2,000 Bllchelor 1275. frplc, rec adulll, 00 pets, ~/mo Info caJJ 979-2899 eves &
Gremllrook'ract. 3000s q ~ ram rm, MOOMo. Before room . Pool. jacu zzi. 631 :.m:l .. 'cdcends rt~ Uvln11pace. •s. 8 :30a m or oft 7PM. encklled 11 .. o " --------· ~dyt,S..W.UOO evi. Garden Condo, a /c, frpc, -.oo71 ra.es. ·~ ...... SMre 4100 -pitlo , 2 br, No P eta. wt.r pd. Adulta. no pcta. ltw, Promontory apt. xlnt ..... •••••••••••••••••••
t.Br, a., lam rm. IOl.ar Children OK. SS25Mo . S...Aaa 1210 ~~1am ll ton , CM· ~·J.r;~seto~~~t11~= Mov'U\I? ~void deposit.a"
· btd. PoOI • apa, HC AlkforllLS.172·7281 ••••••••••••••••••••••• moi rent. e73•73u, cut llvlnl exp enses!
,,.....,.dftlloc.$725mo ........ va.L. 1267 E¥cl .. lve So. Cat Villas l..tu1le l Bdrm $265. Qtd.et 664,... Profe11lonally s ince Bevcty, All. f'D.'188 or • _,... buildio1 with be1utlful llrt. ~ll ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 2Br, 2&, area& rec facll, landaca ploa. ADULTS Buch. 1275Mo Yrly HOUSIMATIS
' . HOll!SFORR£NT aecurity, uall Imme~. 'f. lw"'9 " O VER 35, No pets . SleP11 tolx'h. 832-tl:U .............. l.HO 3 or 4 Br. Priced from St95 mo.7aa..9ut u..flnlWd LEEWARD APTS .. 202 ~.6428216
............................ Fncd yard & ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo'1Utrton Ave. (1 blk -Charming af\tlque hi e ,
HOllZSP'ORRE.NT ,.,., ... FamiUu w ... t11tfw l2fl ......... 3106 EMt bf NewportAve "13 8r 2&.2 car 11araj(e, W W/fem.S200+ulil.2
3 or 4 bt. Prtctd ftom pleaae, kid• • p e ta ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• bUlSo. ot Bay). 63l·038'7 cl.ck. 8111. Pon, yrly, new yrds, pet.a O .K. Aft. s.
•to 111115. Flied )'ard fs wef~. Call 9N·2:166 or 3 Br, 2 ba, •· mo. l250 Attractive l br. upper Yr· cpt3/palnl, lfJOO. 67~-ti670 64UJ056
ura1u. l'a m i ltu 971-2f71.Alt,nof.e. clepoalt. Nie. back y1rd. ly. Clean. nea.t, mature ,,...._.._.. Jl40 Aat.orS..'tl·M50 _ --------
plt H•. kid• • P•l• Ill» Coroftadol SO. of worttnl cpl. No Pet1. ........... • Yem. rmmu &o shr nJce 3 ~.Call 914·25416 or ... .,...... Hff Boise, •t1t of Beach f15.0M7 .... 1 •• ......... Drlve by 5'2!5. avail. now, Br2 Ba home, Univ. Prk,
,,,_L ..... no fee ••-••• .. •••••••••••• a.cl 117 .... SboftUH _,ra ar1e 2br. lbaf I Br I Ba unfur n , 1.rv No!Hmkrordnnker ,.., . ~ J:WcbU z bf 2 ..... ODrp. ' ..... '' I ,... ll07 cbildNn OK. Yard. Cal eerport, 12a4 W. Balboa ~ 1200 + uUI, 2bdrm tam.mt ..._ ~ _."" • ' ....................... 0eeyU7.f7U orm.-a .-availllll,t8r2 m ..... -..:1all7Pll
t ,,._ .. -H -t --· ieeetcl I • A-1"12 W __. .. C./mo ). -7d. Brand MW. Avell ~ 2br, 2ba Crplc, 2 8r 1 a.., bib to=b ,...,, f ar•1•. " C1Pt1. a~ be cedar 6 New. U11L No pee., t1100 C?g
¢3tt5 ..UO. ct.ck. 1ar. Refri1. Baltx>. B . lC lnter..ted Rm mate. reliablit. m• is-. s bl.kt &o ocean. mo.f7MNlorm.D U.llurll•11 1421 W1D.15'11y1'i_y ..... 1220 t2H mo. SH· 11. t911 for appt. nm or or C•m•I• Pool ud Dbl car pn ,.,., rul11 ......... ._........... _.,. ~yn.1J0.lmA1t YMw. •l442AAS
roa1taL. yd. Adult•. no JllO Pat ~· • C09do Dllur.e 2 8r 2 Be frplc I BR •pt~ qnl,y. 404 Tnde 1'0Ut old ll~t fer i._ 3 Br, 2 ba. upper; ,_.t, 11 to 30 ffe>U6f" ,..._ ..... ,. •tf' 00 =· V la lle.aWa -'al oee9ft w•', MIS: E. Bllbl H W ,fOOdlta w l .. • *aik to lb .. cb . .00 llo.. lllt mo. W"lk to OCC fl.911 .. -.aal. ar. .,....ort4M'712 84M131 : 2u.17a..-a .1e11e11.-..,. ,n1.Altft&r71~t70 _ eom.:MWMS
........... _..,.. _______ .. __ ..
TciM od'Y..t~ of ow *"" ,_. offw ttOW!I Park Place.Inc 842-7461
~fardetaHs. F\lture plans for record.
415to2400sq ft 1ng studio ln Lag. ~h.
Oelwct Ofrlre Suite' Get • piece of the acuon °"uooHe~R ~Y ~":~t~ r~.to ~o;0 ... A 1 .... A 4111·m1
VILLA GI Pi-'ct_ure __ Fr_a_m_e_Sb_o_p_d_e
675-1662 ~1rnblc Npt. Bch.loca·
lion. Absentee owner.
Mwit Sell. 213.a7·1.551 • • ooo· ... delux aulte11
avail. ne ar Laaula
OCean view. Xlnt ur lee Cream t Faat Food.
row1 of d esks or ill 1 I dJv1de into 3 sma'll •ulte~ x nl oc. " potential. " " Musl 14!11 now! SISM dn + I exl!U111g Nr new Jo11•x.lble terms, owner. bldtl Pncoo p.ir 11q f\ 6'13 5002 535·5865 ne1011 11ble but und r
c-omp 498·1625 If NI\ llealth food, sandwich & .!.eave~ YoflW't, Oranae County.
rv ( S5500 Mo. &rots. &bmlt v.I1ce or lea.e, prime all otfen. Owner very
Npc 8ctl IO<'allon. Dlroct· 11\ldcW Execu.Syatema lY acroea from Pott ()t. '1»02a8. '
dct. l.IOO aq n. 79' pr n. -..u Own Your Own 8\lr1lar
BALDoA lSLAND Alum buslDeas. Min la·
Stiftororfice '400 Mo. ~l.ndet'Sl.OOO Mturtd. A«ent · G'7Ml70 _848-_3_l80 ____ _
nad--Wlt.a-, yoti WW la 'n.t ,,._ draw l.n \be ~ PUol Clwlfitda. ~~tt_D~lm.~
·-,.._., October 23. 1179 DNLY PLOT (:9 .
I ; ~ I > t ti I~ ; ~ ~~· p ;~i. ! ~-.... ~"'I~'.!· ~;P,.'~ .
.......... t ••••••••..•. ....;! ••••••••••••••••• ~;; •• ;;.~ ••••••••••••
-----;::o= ··_T ':c -----!!l,_~1!11!~,-..... 'l u ... 0 I I .... ... , $ • ..,." ... -0. ' ....................... ....................... . ............................................. ~
., •r(u u_' , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... eeA••••••••••••••••• IOO'H• lie 1111 W . ,..,.u-. 1t ,,. to -JMX>ISOON llnf! •¥tel ~Me Cl Mr. PaAombo CX>NST1'UCT10N
l.o • ll • t ea. " 0 0 d ••• Drh·ew•ya. 1'4kw111ta 6
a....._.. d .. "".,. • occ~' aTontruek.
land1upln• Ooor1• Truh. uee trim Dan
lbwhl Ma-'701J ~.
Homuk'-9. JUt.lrecl E•· Paintln1. R••IColDml . • ~ " , copper re· ec: cpl wW 11\ «eualde LEVELOR BLINDS s.Mnl Coutal romm. I -.. leai detecddb Is
Lquna borne for & or 2 Ga the be1t for' less. yra. R11be1t QHlllJ ..... &oct1•a1 Top Hal ~~ A I l 0 l d l l m " Plillat .. T7~
.,.. .. cnrt.miir11h1p. rum as. Ile Coulru Co. ,,n
-· .. •••••••••••••••••• hnlah nmod tinM. re-bldl cootractor. com Dr lvewa )'a•Parltlat s-r All "on c~ar lf m 'I rtald , Ul·HU.
lot•"-Palra ekooaune ~ an1 Uc-d Mr as.-.
S68 Alphu .... •11 bo m.a1• G.it • u h I .
Uc'd. e.,.. s.r.ac. •••••A•••••••••••••••• "* '91HI' ••••••••••••• •••••••••• GroomJnjl w. Lovv .... C. .. ! ........... , ihampoo .. ateam cl.-an DPaubful Peta ~"\ di&· Babyauu~ be 'd n' c.o&o1' bnabletlen.. wht rount with ad 8311 o.3n ....._ lo ' · '1 <'Pb 10 min b.lc-ach Clt•11n ·'--·--· 4'ant •• , \h, din rm ball ru Ava Dret·m I.., J::· Inf a nu wetc~mo nn SJ , ('OU('h s10. t•br ••••••••••••••• •••••• ••
Oardentna. lree trim
mini. dean.up. •main\ *"° Ar!Ue. Nl'4H --AVll Oardenina. ·rrtte
i.rtmmhijf " ~movab. yard m11anw.. 1pnn•ter
•Y•h t m ,., l»wn1 .
cle~anUOI. M6-IH74
Gvdt'IWlll Clean·UPll & l~llpan(I Tr~ tnm
Hout away Oavl'
~e ~ Cl Giwr elim Pt'l odor ~pert l>rl'!411maltina is
....., ~ (..'Pt l'\'C)lolir. 1~ yrs t'A pr Alt.cratwna Canru wurlt 8 u•• .. Senk"
-·••••••••••••••••••• I.)> 11.orti m)'St'll Kefs t:tnllrH.Un11'11 N-7m •••••••••••••••••••••••
Mary Kay c:o1m otlc-Ml OIOI ~ Venetian Bhnds Spec
Prompt delivery. •ave Wit can C..~l <.:te110,.,... ••••••••••••••••••••••• cleaning i.erv ice for
)'OW' aas f'r~ akm C&N! Slt"am dun Ali.o up ELECTRJCJAN Pm:~• \l'netlan blinds. Wood
•makeup cl&DeW ('all hols ter) Work gu ar ntht-free estimate un •butters. s hades in
Car 1PPt ~MY ts7 ~ Tn.-k mount unal t-'ree laree or sma II JObs home. olface 64~~
hh •• S.-.ke tst "''"' r~e.. i,.u 3716 u c •337~ ~73 0359 Mlilnt . nnnr buffing, rug
....................... Cal"J)('ts i.tt>amdt'11nang f•c'-J i.hampoo1n.: Serv
Pror-.&k>oal boolckeeptna An)~ Roorrn. $28 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo wkly 1da contract
service for theo :.m;all 846 7546 K&B custom wood fenc ~l tMainess Mo Profit & •-r --bs is quanerl•· tax re C-.t/CORCrete mg, gates"' enl't~ repiur CXCaC'e & bw.anes:. maant. ~ &I0-4090 or IS48 0686 ReaM>nabl". •-rel1ablu ports Low as $19 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---" "' " 673-04M :Rmi.'nt work or all k111d:. Forwiko/Tile Npt 8 ch1Costa Mei.a
---blcx'kwaJls Free est J ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-9866 Bus ine ss or 1>eri.onal yr..t'xpS56-0757.S45K.551 r.:t-:RAMI C TILi-'
ans"•enng ser vice 11. 30 to • • J{jtchen bttth.o> cntr; H.ctv-n
5 Mon-Fr1.&orma1I ChildCar-. y •.1 , • :. ••••••••••••••••••••••• service. Interested? ••••••••••••••••••••••• o ur 11 l! o r mine . ~75 'll e wport Ody Ca re 9112·~!
Center . Age:. 2•,1up Roon
::.trpentry. Cencan1;1 & roof-
1111( No job too !>ml. Papa
Cliff. 631·4264
winter m o 1 . R eh. Fr.est.MO-G13 work. Ranbl Llc'd , ftumbln&,$3'1-llN
91ilploedtr . dump true It. Matylceft U02 Tacoma. ,.. ... 1, rt Dave.~ .. _
~ba\&l, tree • yrd Rtrto. Nev. 88CI09 "' HIMJ ,.... """"' T -·--'--1 m'1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• \.IV~1uM INTR. PAJ..N • ~·•••••••••••••••••••• •••· ·-. J•ltort4 PETERSPAIN'fI NG I NG fr D R Y WALL . Jtepalr fr Rer oof All Futba&&ll.nl. res S14 6 up. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Expr'd. Reas Ra t es. Quality makeai the dU-t y p e a . a h I n a i ea
Yd II aar clnul)I. Pre~ ~. Hnu at Off, Fran· Free Est. Call Gene ference. 24 hn. Rieb rockahaltes•COMpo-t ar.
4!lllt. (714 MM2-45dn ceU'1 lmmac. Cleuning M2-06S8 640-7271 Free •t. 5'1·6930 Fin.
Serv. We c·ure more. ---Avail. -.... •de•lng Lie d /bnd. 759 034!3. AU.rAINTING Fine ext. palnlln2. St.
••••••••••••••••••••••• 7~1.567 Neat873-5576 L1c/ln1. Try m e. R. ~ repairs, all typei>.
Want a Rl!:ALLV CLJ.o:AN -Ex1$47S lnl$375 Stnor. 836·5555 G u a ra n I e ed . B "C
HOUSE., Call Gtllgham a...c.-i ---Int/Ext. Carpe ntry~-& Const.rucllon.548~12 Girt Pr.:e est. 645·5123 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prol. painting. Ext & Int. . Q .
---------Island Landscaping. S37783S. Low rates f'rel' ~~ Rsrepbalirs : U!.!!lY Hort-loofNMJ
Ro ban "s Housecleaning Int Ext, spnnklers an-est 536-4780, 536·4383 .......... 0 pnces .... e~ Expert roofers, not
"-v.. 'or a thorough I.., ---est.. Hank. 545-5206 aft 5. s·•~-.. 631 """'" "' ... •' 1 :.taile d & r e paired. p t INT • EXT ----_ .. _ ..... __ ... _....., __ cJean house. :wo-08S7 e r o s a o n c o n t r o I . aan ang · Wall covenng. paintlnti or
Call Soow·Hou.sttleanang.
For a home that sparkles
Lake snow 979-0076.
hyd.romulch. bnck & c:e-Neal. honest. reai... 12 wall pa-nn". f'or adda l:!Sll1ilr~lll'._11' meot work. yrd (.·ln·ups & yrs exp. Ltc '<.L Dave l.KW\al ud"orc:u S43.a206 •••••••••••••••••••••••
pruning, 18 yr s exp. 984-lOO. -SICYUTES '
u c'd /Bonded. 968-7711. WaJJpaptt bugmg, Cast l2 yrs exp .. NB-CM area Installed. Licensed &
F or Ex c e 11 e n c e 1 n ~l service. quality work. Le J 'm small. pnces arc bonded. SS7·S443
hculeclearung · Cleaning -p 714 SJ6..2350 small. 67~3014 l:n!Jauted. 546-3726. European Landscaper. apter, ·-----T••ilioll Repair
-.------Top work f'aar pnce. Ext In l p a 1 n t & ATLANTIC PAINTING •••••••••••••••••••••••
DANDY DUSTHS Reis 646-4871 dysfe\es wallpaper. Qual work. Res. Comm 'I. Quality CLARENCE'S TV. '/.7 yr~
Prof. Exp. Enghsh reas. Free est. Steve Wori<. Lac Bonded Insur exper. Day::.. e \ es.
maids, wkly or bi-wkly •Qualily Lands<'apang S47-4281 11:&7~ wknds. SS \15 + 957-lO'J6
Ser v Va,.ant• •-real Comp M>Jtscape des1.cn ---' " "' •-·-... ~11 t All k Paantang. lnl l ~xt Qlty .... ~ estate wo rk welcome. "'""''"" 1 •on wor ESSI ..t. .._.. •-...., guar Free ei.t Green ,..,.. mat. work. Re:./lndus . ••••••••••••••••••••••• steam carpet cleaning d a I e L d n d:. c ap 1 n g C~tom Paanung tree Est. Fred. 646 1252
Refs 4 Ins. Free e~l. 731--6276 FreeF.st.Jyrguar -562·4106 _ _ _ Oluck Essian 962_1478 Wallpapenng. a ll kin<ls
by Norm Free est A H!r.
cost pr roll SlO Lie iwedish cleaning service
Compl. housecleaning &
carpet rare. Xlnt work
by professional 730-0268
M•anry ....•........•.•.......
Bnr kwork Small Jobi.
llDaiS 645-~ r-.YowCostte
Int I Ext Free est Lie
113'Ql81 Guar Rcls. T ed. 11P'h'llhotocJr'llllll1111r1.,..im11y
R71-9047 or 631·1088 •••••••••••••••••••••••
FREE tna l le:.son
credenualed, readani,:.
math & French. 673 OOl:J
WtftdowC~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
t-'iling to final $70.
ACl1on Legal. 842-5100
Planned pro gra m .•••••••••••••••••••••••
67~1 Floor covering, curµel.
Nt."Wport. Costa Mc<ia &
I rvuw 67~3175 t>ves Paantan.:. plumbin l(, ~
t•arpentry. Small JOIJs. •••••••••••••••••h•••• BIUCK & B&D PAINTING IMAGES BY !Kt:;
t:ALL ~2-0244
WIJ'ltlOw cleaninx & painl
anJ( Hehable . dl.'pend.J
bit• Contact S tuar 1
U you've never placed a
a..ified ad, you 're an
the minority! Try it once
and see bow qw ckJy you
get r esults. P h one
Ould Care in m y home.
Monday 1-'ru.Juy
900-7732 -
hnoleum or Ult• <..:u n bt!
purc ha sed & 'Or 1n
:.tailed. Call for dt:taals
Make byou~ sbhopop'~1g ~what Y~ want in ~aer Y using t e ai Y Daily Pilot Classifieds. PUot Classified Ads.
Ccill 'T'tny 642 14!12 Enganl.'er. 58. rcliabll'. DU.>CK WORK lntr. extr ceilings Hen·
---no n -drnkr s moker " w.Jrenovauon s pec1ahs1. Loe 1 f Bo d bl .• !art} 646 tllllK Small t-ommercaal Jobs 'The fastest draw in lhe a re s. n a e after houri. 892-2024
West ... a Daily Palol 642 7204 _ _ 'J)'ade your old stuff ror -------
Oassified Ad. Call Today new eood I es w 1th a ClaaaJ.fied Ada, your one-
6'2-S678. W_an_t_Ads ___ C_a_ll_642_·5678 _9assified ad 642 5678 stop sbopptng center . --
R~IDF:NTIAL & Stun·~
"-ter/Repair I Car w~x ang ~~ala~; ••••......... • • • • • • • • • • work. 642 5449 & 64.,. 797 _
Neat patcht!S & t1:xture:. Sell Uungs fast with Daily
FRHEST. 893-1439 PllotWantAds.
I I ... AllNMK~nbi
0p,-0e lwJty SOOS renanals/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost & ~
HelpW..ted 7l00 HelpW.ted 7100 HelpW..t.d noo HetpWanted 7 100 .............................•..........................•......•............................ Lost & Fo.d 5300 ' •• " •• ~.~ ......... ?~.~~ El =~Oft& ···••·····•············
9ECOM[ A PllOrt~SION41.
8A O ~(A . . '· 111•1 IH 7111
MDMytoLOCllt 5025 •••••••••••••••••••••••
2nd Trusl Deed Loam; nn
rt.>sidential properly
Custom m.'<I to mct:l
your ne('(Js:
RE. OEP'l'
5100 ••••.•........•..•.....
~II uny llt!m or com·
h1nution of llt>ms for S7S
or I(•:.:. w11h a l'l'nny
111~1·hl'r /\d 3 Imes for 2
l'on.wcuUvt• day,, Each
tttld111on11I line is 60" for
the 2 days Charl(e 11 •
No commercial ads
F'or more 1nform11l111n
and to ploce your ad call
Found LaJ(u na 11111:.
behmtl Wald West ~torl·
female puppy, blac:k &
Lim . <Shepherd-Husk}
rrux" 1768 4732
LOST 11 •yr old Sabcnan
Husky ("Milka,. J. i.:rey.
wlute & blue t!Y~ 10120
$15 reward for has rt:tum
Call 731·5100 X2481 dyi..
or 546-7463 eves V1t·
Pauliinno & College .
Lost grey cat. wht cir
Wt be ll , Brkhrs t &
LOST: Long haired all
gray maJe cal. E. C.M,
any info call S48· 1305
LOST: Large. grey rabbit
Vic. Npt. Hgta. 642-8235
daya, eves 642-7158 --------------------1 REWARD: Please help
MICHEi.LE'S HetpW~ 7 100 •Outcall * •••••••••••••••••••••••
llAM 21'.\1 _ ~·37·t!l ACCOUNTING CLERK
Procesl> IOVOICl'l>. handle
Spiritual Reoc»r mail. light typ111g, J~i.1!.L
llllSS "~ICammo Heal w anoutang <Julie:.
SanClem ... nt.e: Fully la('. 540·7639 A Kend11 v1-.
!-'or App.:_ 492-7~--!_nd. F. O_.E ___ _
ACCOL'NT1\!'tl'. t'P \ or Apl mJnagc·r matun·
CPA c·and1tlak v.11h 23 rnupll' 81.'Jut m :11n
~rs pulJIH'lHt•oun11na.: ,., ta1n~d 50 ut ii C :\1
per -.oo~hl ror vu~ with AdulL-. nu l't'~ i\pt +
<Jran.it• Co urflc·l· -.m n.i mode~t 'i•IJn hunu-.
taonal ('l'A farm t11 "ork Wkda):.&l24!ll.l7J04
an U.x dept St-ntl rc.•,um('
Lo Lester W1tu & Co
lJOO Uuv1: Sl. Ste 105
Newport Beach. CA 92660
•AS SEMl&.ER S •
Act'OUOL:. payable l'l('rk
N e wport 8 edt·h
Mortgage Farm has 1m 1----------mediate opening for ac Arrtg Hkkpni:
counts payable l'lcr k. TEMPORAJtV
• Til.AIME:ES * Orange Counl} mfgr or
ele<tro m echanical pro·
duct.:. 1:. :.eekang trainee~
for day shift to 3:.bemblc
el~'troruc :.watche!> & d13
plays. Apply an perMJn •SERVICE•
Spec1aliz1ni( an bus 1
nessmen. resldcntl>
Moster SpKialities
1640 Monrovia. C.M.
E.0 .E. --------
Al TO:\IOTl\'1--
1Jt'Jler,h1µ or rl·plJ1 ,.
mcnl Pi.lrb l'\11t•rien1 l' ret~wred Call Wt·n "'
fleJUl~ Uoi 1 llr\IH P'1\SllH 1:-.~
34~ V1d Lido. 1\ B
~ .. , ,. l11 ll'J~·· r11 r h.all
'l' 11~1 & •Jlller rclJlt••I
"4'r\ Ill~ fi73 l!.170
IH:Al."l'Y OP l:.H1\ TO It
w;,ntt·<l . rent -.1at11111
-P J m "' ~ ,. "' I m c. g • ·
&b)'!llll£rs wanted lh t•r ~5777
18 w rer., 'li ceded for
day" & evec~ in my homl'
Ba bysaller, 16 mo. boy, 3
duy wt'ek Call
631 ·3451 All.! p '!_l
8ab)saltl!r for 13 mo old
boy. Mon W ed · f'r 1
Bookkeepn, lull 1·hurg1·
1-:Xpenent« in r1·,taur:rnl
.1crl 11 . dall~ r cp1Jrt....
ue<'\ .., rcct:1vabk'. a1:ct s
µa ya blc . manual
payroll Pos1l1ori1open in
Dunu PL. fo'or Job in ·
terVlew call 2t316J0.62&1.
~k ror Newman. 739-5248 24HRS. -------
Expenenced. Must type Register today to work
40 wpm & oper ate 10 key on vanow. a1:counllni: &
by touc h. Good c.·o buukkeepanl( as111 ~n
benefits & salary. For mt:nls.-Work close t.o
appt. call 640-4580 ext your homl'. AcctR cler ki..
:IQl. E.0 .E. bookkeepers. a ccoun·
t.ant.s 11re needed lhruout A S S E M B L I N G & 8.:J>am· I 30pm 6'2 7~ PACKAGING P icture .. ________ _ COVER GIRL
• 95J..0771 *
3' Hr Outc:aU Service
Ace am li119 Clerk <Xange County. Call us
Acct.a payable clerk. ex· ror man intorma Uoo .
perienced in processing Rober\ lia1f't
vendor's invoices. DP In· •c a•t• I
put & coding. Excellent 2333 No Broadway f r inge benefit s . Corpo r a t e of fice In "2001_.~well Bauer
r r a m e5 • r abra c
1rap&alu. full-time.
Lrvtne locatlorl. IS. hr .
S40-%'13S IACK STREET ~PartT1me
3400 Via Opporto. N. B.
me get my dog back!
Lost 10-14 VIC Balboa & -
Cert. Mu .seuse HousecalJs by Appt
83IHl838 Anaheim Stadium area. 8~. Santa Aoa
Call for appt. 9-12 only.1-.-t7-14•1•1•l•5-4-•IO-J-
ASSEMBLERS Xlnl opporLWUty for ag
gn!5SJ\le person.
Apply at 245 f'ashion
lsland. Newport Beach
Commercial contractor
needs SU'OOI, ~nda·
b6e ~k..,eT to h a ndle
A.JP CClftQ)Uleri zed P tR .
p;zyment reqU6lb & 111-
\"0letng. Construction ex· per1ence preferred
S alary open. Send
2nd & 3rd TD loons
Arranged by
Coast Home Loons
any purpose. $10.000 m111
Mr. Hargrave 951·3535
Ground f1oor. ---------5300 ..•.•..................
Mofi9a9es, Trust ••~••••••••••~?.~~ Loe;t or t-'ound a ~'L'' Call
12th. N.8. Fem goldn PRf: LAW student n eeds
retriever max. white 125.000 Wall do anything chest.&paws.~or Legal. Confadenllal
847-0074 Before Spm DVM~ P 0 Box 3242, -------N 8.92fi63
Lost Airedale dog. Vil"
Newland/Adaml> lyr
old Call !160-5754
l'\iund · male blck1wht
Sp ani e l ma x a t
lrvinet Harbor t'c~taval
Grounds 10 21 S:J:l·96<1!l
Days. eves. lw
714/937-~ Betty. ••
11\e Nwpt Deb ore or our
rapidly growing 2 ofc 30
person CPA farm ha:. an
operunJt for a starr at"
l'OUnta nt Toµ level
salarv & benefit~ orren-d
w :.ome lr:t\ el req I 2
yrs of recent audit & lax
cxper preferred. Send rt··
sume lo Stegall. Parke.
Gupllll & Co 3388 Via
Lido. Ste 500. Ne;:wporl
Bch. Ca. 92663.
N e wp ort Bt.'a c h
Adm1n / Pror. Ad Its
Siwuf. alt. ane p t. f t
Own bu:. :\!k t ·
mg Mniimt l 'nll •local
SIOO refund ln\'CS l
An i m a l Ass 1 ~l an l·c
League.:_537.:_~:i. n~ fcl' Sattler Mtc). Co.
Mohair Fis hy
Lucid Infect -~tongage Firm ha~ 1m·
Start SI 050
Behind every succes~ful
ll'liln. then··~ a woman.
hut ~ h e h a s l o I;•'
rr<'attVl'. 11ull(o1n~. &
with 11 ma1t1cal touch on
tht· typewriter Group
medical. tare. dasabaltty.
lwt1on rcamburi.emt'nl
Call Dolly 5 40·fi055
<.:oastal Pt•rsonnl'I Al(l'n
t'Y. 2790 Harbor. C: M
N<:vcr a f~ All types of real e11t11te
mveslments since 1949.
SpK.ialllilMJ in
642:217 I 54S-06l I
$10,000 to $250.000
Call Bob Williams·Agent
731· 7771 or960-1957
Widow baa money for sh rt
trm 2nd TD's, no credit
cbeck, no pnlly. $20,000 &
u p. For action call
agent: 673-731 I.
12% 2nd. $17,500. interest
only. Due 3 years, Sam
TD S00.581 at 10%, on prime resident. all ant &
prin accruea. pay off less
t.ban 2 yrs, will sell ror •·* cash No fees . ('114) ~2950
Found or lt>!>l a pt!t ·• Call
Special Pal<J llollane .
The Shah of Iran I!> look
ing fo r a lar ge ron ·
domanaum that take~
lads and CAM ELS.
Lost: Golden Retriever -puppy. 6 mos old, ans to Found. M. Schnauler . vie
Mellow. Green Valley Adarm, & Bushard
area Reward 968-9818 _645-_ 2098_~r:__9!l 229G
Found: Claim o r adopt
Lost REWARD 12 Chow, ~ale. blk/lan. terrier 11'2 Shepherd tan w blk
face male. s mo. Call mix. 2 brown lab male:..
951 2834 or 586-ll!IO. german short Also c.·ats
------and kittens.NB. Animal
Lost d og:. A f l(h an ~It.er. ~030 _
hounds, M, 6yn. .. blonde. hnonals 5350 f', lOyrs .. blonde w /blk •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• mask, mJured left rear leg. req. med. F.V. Call WANTED: Fe male to
75&-263S dys or 848-6271 share expenses or 2 we<!k
pm · stay in Tahiti, Dec 22 lo
· -----Jan 5th. Call Ba rry
LOST: Cockat1el grey,yel, 979-1017
orange. Vac. AUanta & -----
Brook h u r s t H .B . Energjzing MASSAGE
REWARD! 968·8231 Bob James-Lie Masseur
• --Outcall 9·1I,494·5111
Found : Fe m . German ---
Shepherd. apxp." hi. blk PREGNANT? Carin g ,
face. W est m In s t e r confidenUaJ counseling &
847-11548 referral. Abortion, adop-
-lion & keeping.
&t2·1S7 1
Pror Ma.\'iagc by Steve.
Lac"d Therap1~t . :-< R
4 30 9 30 Appl On l)
548 2817
Abu -.c <l Par e nt i.
Anonymous announce:.
2nd public mee tanR.
Thurs Oct. 25, 8PM 611
Heholrope, COM. Das·
c1.W11on Lopac: 10 Thangs
Thal Ora ve Pa r e nts
Craiy & Whal to Do
About The m . Featured
s pea ker. Dr. Tom
Woods. For further an·
ronmtlon call 644·5441 -----
Or John 894·5364 -
Gnat Co ... _.,
ESCORTS WaAtedl I! 2nd T.D. in
amom\ .>f $1 Z,000. Ca 11
Bill at 6'13-7300. All.
l..o5l· Sm . brwn poodle, APCARE 547·2!i63
CM. Rwrd orrd! 545-5109 ---------• a.Hrs. 641·0180
~-~~--,;;_.~--or645-S333, ext. 255. Wllllt Ad ResuJt.s 6'2·5678 MC/VISA
DIME::t-ttNE •
Y• -_. ....... .._ fw.SJI • ._ e. _. MMOUI
-•• -AUi• ........ ..,_., Sils•t· ..... ._., -
--..-wuod ....... _ f1f _. 4 e.n 11• ••11 Me
1 ................... ~ ........... , ............ ...
I --.... -~ ............ .,L
Prlv. party will buy t to 3
carat, cash. N.B. 5'8·49'.!5
llcorta & MocWa
752-870I or 548-5293
3 American. 1 United.
lllO cash. 673-3858
r. 11•111 Senlcea 5160 •••••••••••••••••••••••
... 1 .. 2111 *
mediate opening for lead
de!lk position as Ac·
counts Payable Clerk 2
yrs. eiq:>er!ence in heavy
payables or wall consider
I yr exper. & I yr ar·
coun ting classes
Kno wled ge in t:U P
wou.ld be desirable We
olfer good company paid
benefits & attract he
starling !.alary . F or
appt. call our Personnel
{)(fire al ~0-4~ ext 202
Unique retail nu rscry
need s a s harp. t'X·
perle nced per son for
varied bookkee ping
duties. This is a good op
Portunily to expand your
accountin g skills. Please
apply in person, Mon
lhru Fri, 8am·Spm
2301 San Joaquln
COM 640-5944
• •
Experienced prcr but "'II lrJ1n GC'nl'r11u~
!>lrail(ht comm Lag lkh
1lie Daily Pilot has an
immediate opening for a
salespc r 'i on with
newspaper dai.play ad
vert1s1n1t experie nce
Good salary , l'Um · nuss1ons. and excellent
rringe benefits . F:x.
cullent growth o p ·
portwutaes for a person
with career ambitions.
Call for appointmcint
O....,.C"'t DaMyrHot
7 I 4-642-432 I
_ F.quaJ ~pt)' E~plyr
If you're young. con h ·
dent ts have lhe ab11Jty to
thank qwckly and a re
loolung for a generous m·
come Call now 540-4023
blwn9'rl Mr. Stone .
Muumum expenene ... re
quired. will tram 1l11{h
school .1uto s hop rour!>c>
We offer 1•ompet1tl\e
!>alanei. ;,ntl l'l\t'ellt•nt
oompany bt-nef1b 1m lutl·
tnJ! paid mt.'<111.:al. dl'ntul
and life aru.urunc·l·
/\PPLY IN P~Hsc.>!"
3131 West Sej!crstrom
Santa Ana. CA
E.O.E m f h
II OrO•er
No &per. Necen.
U )OU are new to Costa
Mesa. temporanly dis
coolloulng your <-'Cl uc a·
lion, recently d1scharftcd
from lhe service. or ror
any reason seeking tem-
porary or career work.
consider this unique op
$216 Per Wk
Pdrt time permJncnt.
t)plnR r .. 4u1 rl.'d \\Ill
comader tramtt Call lnr
app L Jo:in ~ar:sclll'.
493 51>51
~lulual Sd\ ang~ & Lo.rn
5iUl'ammode E.'lrl'llJ
San Clemrnt1•
F.qual Oppor t-:mplyr
Commen·1a l bank Tl'lll1r
expenenl'C' nece:.,ar) for
Uus full ume. ,PtrmJnt!nl
po~111on Court.·s) <\
quJllly se rv1 r(• 111
l'USlomers a mu't W1•
have Ct Vl'ry fnendl) ~lafl
& CU:.ltJm~·r-.
Good upportun1L) tu
work m J challen,Rmlf &.
profc,!.1on.1l t'O\ 1run
ment Gol)(I -.alJr} &
benefit:. fur quahr1t•d
/\pplH·anl:. 'hould non
Ext. 21
~I Dove Street. NB
Equal Oppor Employer
11le women and men we 8anluni
are looking for may be Southwest Bank reqwrc!I
llred °' typing. folding Bank Telleri.. Notes & papers, warehouse jobs ~ 11 ,.1 k & and working for a limited Co ert ions '-c r i.
In com e . Wo r k With Bookkee per ror thei r 'd MISSIOC'I Viejo & El Toro young people. Rapa ad· branches. Please conlaC'L
v&ACement possible. tr Joan Gore 494·6600 you are 18 or over and
would be available to _E._O_.E_. -----
start work ammedlately. Barber Stylist to mana.Rc
call ... blwn 9:30-3:30. part·llme. 631·9677. Tues
f)-1, !Mi. Sat/ S.S. eves. 645-6514 681~. ~-------~ BARMAID. ATTRAC
T IV E. Mus t be e n ·
AW> Detailer wanted. will lhuliastic. CALL 846·9935
train, must have drivers
l.ac ...... t. MR MAJD: Family bar
In Colt.a Mesa. 5 n ights a
Alllo Medi-1c wek. No exper nec. 30
Part time. pick your own yrs. or over. 83l·MS2.
hours. Sat. or Sun. OK, Bartender. full lime. App.
gd pos. Cor retired man. ly ln person to: 22771
=to start. C.M. emtreDr,ElToro.
.... have aood driv1.n1 ~ 6 valid Calli. ~*'• Ucmse. See Ken Qi'llllbtll. .... c:r .. ..., .....
Buteoder, Hamburaer
Hl mlet, 1545 Adami
Ave .• C.111. App ly In
penoo i.t-..n a.s.
NewpolUr' Inn tome foll.
<iuu' + com. M0-1512. ~· ••UI.>' M:UICUllST
Dula ...... ~
J Ray ConstructJon <.:u
188 E. 171h St Co:.tJ
)fesa. 92627. Attn . Pat
llOOTll ATT .. ;NUl-:l"T
0\1•r IW. Jud,· or llant•\
""""P.•n An;h1"-. ~l.tr111.1 :'03 \\ Coa-.1 llv.) 'l,"\\l>I
Bu. ... ant...,!. gro\\l h r1·•1
;imb1t1ou!> part tampr -.
" 1lhni.! lo lt•Jrn •193-~:!
CJt1·11•ri,1 1-:mpl11) .. ,.,
cl<1)., '>:tl acJ 1'.\IJt'I
I h1·lpful (;o<>d hl·nc11i...
l'.111 fur aµpl 731 ~m·
C...r Wash
Casllien wonted
!'art tam('
:\1•v.purl Beac h. S:inl ,,
,\HJ & f'uunlam Vallt. \
Ca II 644-4460
lmirn..tJaJle l.'mplo) ml·nt
Jvail 1-·or rntt:rviev. 1:all
CASlll t-:R fur qua lit>
mcn'<i :.tore.> Full t1m1"
1:xpr d prcl Ca II Mr
Tigert for intcr v1cv.
Garryi: & Co 759· 162'..! 11:1
Fashion Island
CASlll t::R : Appl) 111
p t' r ' 11 n C r o w 11
llardwart'. JI07 .. ; Coui.I
ltwy UIM --------
EnJOY working as offi1•t-
l' as h 1 c r at S lavic k !>
Jewelers. duties anclu<l1•
\enfylng sale!! balan('('i.
doing daily bank1n~
traJ\S11lt1ons. d asburs mg
funds, & other related
duties. Xlnt company
benefits packag e An
equal oppty employer
Contac t Mr. Evitt
Over 18. exp. pref'd. Co
bene Metro Car Wash. •
296() Harbor Bl., CM.
Operungs now available
for full lime aulstant ·
J'MnllerB on 2nd. Is 3rd.
ahil\. No experience ~c .
W.tnin. SUrt $.1.10 to ..
per bow'. Advancement • CJllllOl'\Unily for ma oaae-ment po1IUona lo $5.50
per hour II qu.allfied. For
~ lnformeUon " in tervtew. ••llllO or cnll
7141537·4'40. Will an ~ on Saturdays by ~t. F.qu.1 Oppor E m ployer
()i&kl c.rtlllowiekt"tptr ~ "<M!W'n Defdt'd to "are for J •hool aae Jirb •do ._ ,.,u k W\d)a
.epm Mu.t drht• owo
Clll' ltei...,..u.,..,.
CJ•I ·•·••/Oft••"' Car eer o pp1>r&un1t '
~?..!!.;. .. ?!!.! ~?~ ..... ?!~
CtmsTIAS llMJ •W
SJI 9-Aftw W ..... 40 tt.n
We OOrr· r., r., t 1••• Werfl awtwL-.T.,.Au r, t• ,,,.. SecNt•let
Acc .. a.iaa l ec.e,...1 •flh
... -... .... ....... ··-·--.
~~~~.,_.~,!!.~~ ~~?~!.~ ..... ?!!!!~~~:.~ ..... ?!!~ ~=.~ .... .?!~ ~?.':'!!.~ .... ,?!!4! D~Vt:ltY OHJvt;R · &ICT'IOMICS HAIR DRESSER • Th41 ~ Lunch • alter atltool ~ drlvln11 rticord. TICMMICl.AM Halt Hud.IMs u, Npt. Now 1ou can launch • ~~ ·~ u,,! ~~tl~nt.~~ Orowlni e!e«ro-opUcaJ lich. ii now lntuv. lor new career wbUe Y~ I. Daria · I
HQ) firm needs e lec-ex;per. hair drea1er ar luwpyour~jobl dally.MonthnaJ'tl.G.JS ~··541• !.! manl. Clientel e pref. farm•ra lnaur•nce per'hout. Call Cber)'I tronits tnatineer tcchnl· Oood bene 6 ireat loc. Group wW tralA y.ou 4i DudM-.M31. ~Jlsltm~?~:.~vtM· ~1~i'c!~ e~pedri1•;~~ ~~ SG4MB'. _ l*.)'yourwJcomnil.,ion.s LVN every other
18 or over. own lriln11, cir cu itry. E xcellent Hail"d.resller w/foUowina. while you learn. ~rore ~ otr. lluat be de·
4 30 9pm. Mon •·rr bmefi\6. Ca, II Toni Koch ~·~tJon ava.ll for rent ut you know It you be dicated to '.:! pallenl ~Ul811 nil bt wn. l ·9 S49 8477 S""'ctron 3303 ,.... maJc.lnai waves In » re· care Xlnl A""IY
pm · "" The Vlllal(e F u11 . ward~ni lir~ time pro. at 1445 sUperior ,\;e, Harbor,C·S,C.M Laguna8each.41M·l~ feu1o n . Ca ll Gen e Npt Reh
INllvt!r)' l...A.'J'lmcp c11r
roulu In C . M / If ll
• 1 Ha m . $3~0 S400
mo +-bonus Ah111 net!d
L::.rrier Superv111or
ELt:CTRONIC Dillard for full details . ..;...:...;___·-----
ASSEMBLY HA.HOYMAN 848·51ll. LVN. ruJJ Ume. xlnt hn,
<.:ompany located ou r f'or small ele<1rome& co •-uru""A no wkncb, tor H.B . area .
ocean needs full time Light Janitorial duties um '"''"" fut·paced Or.'s ortc &
Trainees for mnf.c . Dellvery & pick up in cu Large Insurance com · wetgbt control. Call Coo
<hvmon. Earn while you trutk. packaging. Mus t pany h as immediate rue K48·2a77, 10a m·tJpm. learn Many benefits. have valid Cahf. drivers operungs. _ __ av.U.b&t \U lalentt-d ln
dMduaJ "Ith ruich1 cou
lrOl .,11lorm 11"'1'° b•ck ..__IP.!------•I (li'(JUn(1 Apply 1n per"Mln r
G,..rillOMce llt.'fltal Asststant. ex per 'd
ldud4.'!! 2 eves & Sat A.M
l' M 6411 2411 us k for
Call ~3632 l 1 c APP I Y G L · G " Rater CocMr MACHIMIST
Syste ms, 111~ Condo r Willlratn inratina&tod Trainee. caretr op
Ave 1-· V 1ng or personal llne portwuty, itood i1t11rtll\R '*"h rtis umC' 6 v.or'-
i.1unplt'll to Mr t"t>nh•,
w RIMI\ 8cw. Wilham •'tott 4t A.5MX' 1401 Quu1I
~ NC"Wl)Ur1 Ot<ad\
Civil E)\&mt rlni.:
Oral\~ 1n,p('(1llr
t>ubh<' •.:••nc) 111 !\u
<iraiu: .. Utunt is "'" i. Inti u Pt'hllll IA II h J
muumum uf it > r' t•'µ
tn draftma Will ptd •• ,,
i.-ill'W'll with t'lllJ Ill Ink
~wk un lml'n uwlu1hn~
Lt-roy 1..ettl'nnu Out1t''
w ill abo 1ndullt• 111
t astooul fwfd t1111P\'l'I 1un
of v.•att'r Jlld "t'"'° l'r
f..at·1llt1t'' ).lnl ... a l.1r)
Jnd bencf1h IJPI> 111
Moulton N1r.:ui.'I Wah·r
27 S00 I... a p JI It d ,
Lag unu N 1g ut•I An
£qual Oppo nun1l)
Securi L1ei. prot·es1>1 n r.:
clerk for Fas tuon ls lund
I n ves tme nt Firm
Processes new invesl
mentB mvolvang b11nk de ·
JlOSlts & detailed follow
up. Investment or ba nk·
With & Without Stl
l...af11o: & !>hurt ll'rm. holt
day & \ dl'..tl 1011 11 .. Y
Ho:.p1tal1.w twn u v1.11lu
'I A.It•..-W'IAU ~ •1f llv I' I•,
3848Campus Drive
<AcrOSli from
John Wayne Airport )
Equal Oppor Employer
T• .. •••t 5-nkn
2061 Rusme!l~ Cenwr Drive
I rvillt'
Uup lll'Jl111 •1 l'l1·rk
()pt-ruuon.-. lk•pl MJJor
~i,x·k Brukt•r JJI\' 1-'mn
llt'lU' () I ' Airport llr:-.
7 lplll (.'ull Mr DUKJn
~14().)1 l~I
(1.f;tU< Mi\NAC.EH t'o:.
mcl1t·:-. i.:1ft:-, i:urcb 1-:x11
µrd ti C.Sll 1>40 7373
L1.EHK Sf'X' Part llffil'
(;on.'lultunl ~l't.'kS per:-un-.
v.ho w.1111 tu ma kl· n1on•
1111HH'Y 01Jpor lun11 y lo
:.Llrt :-µarc t1m,· & l'"
ii.md lo cam S50,000 ur
more Jl•a t·cwk U"tr
v on.'>ullanu.. 1)4t; 7!1t(<J
('Otll\S . ASST F or
S u 11 f I C> w t' r t-: u r t )
A1•h1cve1111·nt ('1•nl t•r
Sw\IJ An.1. ~Ml 4750. ask
rorQ1rlu lcud1ng lo full time
Jmmcd op c n1n J.: ror moti va t e d w u rk ,_ ________ _
rul!hts ll\ ail. cxp<'ner\l'l•
n~· 1\pply m pcr~on
OENTAL •·ronl Ufhrc
l':Xpcneou~d C.ill .1'1 G
C:ha1rs1de 4 day work
111eek Xfol pay ~ bene
l'nv Npl 81·h orflce.
R 0 A rt."q~ 646 ~ _
Dental Ht•cepllon~l ror
plew.onl 2 doctor oHan ·
In !>.Sl-4711
OHT ll ODO!':Tl l
H D A prer Aµpl ~
~'6-SJ70. iS!i ~
1-\111 11mt• t•ha1r1>11ft· X
r:J)' It 1· rl'qd H U /\
prl'f Bene ulfl'rcd
Sala ry opl'n w kduys
ti42 61180. t'\ e:>&wknds
Ocntal Al..'>•~tanl. HU/\,
2yr.> cxpc.·, I day wk.
Irvine ofk 559 511 1
Tract escrow omrer
needl'd 1mmed1ately . i-: U E Call Caflrorn1a
U.t·row. S46-294.2
Aggr~i.i ve new ore 10<' 1n
pn~l11te Newport' Beach
loc N~s top officer
Xlnl pay & l>t'nef CJ II for
confade nllal 1nll'rY1t!1i.
714 !l'IS· 1177
~·A<;TOHY TR1\l:"-tt:E
lrnmt.'<ilale OJk'nlO~ Wtlh
<:.,.,ta Mc~.i mnh: 1·0
Xlnl bl•ncf1t11 Will tra in
nl(ht f)t'rsoo 54S lHOJ
GcJod IJ:A). 'llnl futurl' 1n
fast ~rC>w1ni: pla:o.l1 c
a dh ~•l\C l'U I S37
Monrovia. N B S48 SIZS
Hardware ~les Apply 1r1
per so n C r own
Hardware 3107 E Coast
Jl1ckory f'armi. JI So.
Coa.-.t flaza nl·cds part
Umt! ~alC's pt!Qple for tht•
1·omtng C.:hris tmJ'
'>e<bOfl. Wo rk m orning,.,,
afternoon.~ or t·vei.. l•xper
not nt'Ct"'>,ar) Will tram
J\pply lt1 ,\'Ir Thornp-.on.
lov.l'r ma ll So <.:uai.l
llo...u·.,., Xlnt •>PPl> to
'UIJplem•·nt 1n1·•1m 1•
Wch.'<lmc 11e111 n. .... uh·nt'
Perm I' l flt:). hr!>i J\'.•·cd
l' d r & l > 1J l• 111 r 1 t 1• r
JIO~IJl l.tl tl~ ll 11s l1·-.s
Sen1t~. !'>47 :.J!IS
ALE CLERIC II o t l' I !-: X .1<; <'
Part lime. 1mmed1all' llOUSl:;K 1-:i':Pt-:lt San
opt!ning. Call Ba lboa Clemenk Inn I<!~• W
Mannl' llard111 :arc ror ap 1\Ven1da i-;l> pla nd 1:.111
po1ntment. 549 ·9671 . San<1em
-E·O·E-r..1 .... ·.u ___ _.11oust-:Kt:EPJo:f( S1n~l1·
polic1e.. Jo'lgure aptitude. <;al11ry Pre fer som l'
bte phones mac h 1 n c s h op e x
" D i c t o p tt o n • pen encc. Call 838·88811 Operatot-for 1nter v1e w
60 wpm. s ome die · MAJ() Nile . wantcdl(ood
taph onl' expl'ricnce co bene. & salary . i\1Jply
Good s peller. van ed t YIJ· 111 pen.on The surf &
IOI(. Sand Hotel. l!i.SS So l:!il. ./ Policy T~pist Jlwy Lag lkh
1)•pe 55 wpnm. will train
to type pt"rso nal hnt!1>
Xlnl '*Urkm~ w nd &
bl'fle(1U. Apply 1n per~on
Moo lhru 1-'rl JO lo 2
17570 RruokhurM
rounldlO Valley. Ca I.
I::() 1-;
lroninJ,! Wanted
C.111 at fi73-8677
ur846 21111
JaruWr pc..t1me. b 30pm
JO JOpm fl c!>pons 1
blhlll'll. will ~ d e an
init & upkt.-ep of bldg,
..wckmg ~upphei. & gen ·1
ma1n1 upk t-t'P t n
t.cr v1ewmg betwl'c n 11 4,
I 00 fo; Ii .i k c r . <; M
M.:udl.. apply Thi: Inn al
Laguna. 211 N Coa~t
llw}. Laguna Bearh
~IAI I>. to I' art· for n11T
1·01.y 1·a rpetcd 0H 11·1•
t.tdg & i.tdrf 9·5pm 11r
ll-4pm. Mon·l"ri Ri:h:i
hh· oon ... mok1•r. l'crm
11111\ Bl'nd11 ~. pa id
holida v-.. v a1·ut1uni,
"" I'll> ·1~c·k !'>trtet. 655
~ U~l . Tu11ttn
~IAJNTENANCl': · llan
dyman l''ull ume /\pl
ma1ntenanct'. hulld1ni:
dean up. C M .• Npl. Bd1.
llJ"cu l'rut:k or van de
'>lrable . t:xper n t!<'
l"2 1603
IUTCHEH HELPEtl Restaurant. chain needl>
tng expenencc helpful. 1----------1 &*0-0123.
oncnlated person Ill our
fa.'ll pace loan brkl( t'o
Ab 1l 1t y t o t•<i-pt•
w /preisi.url· 0l'al
wtvaned pcrson:.illt1cs &
willml( t..o learn No pr<"
\IOW. cxper. nee Will
train Promotional op
porturuty. S11lary open.
Cctll Katie 640-9350 t 727 E Dyer Rood
I nine
1encat' µo111t1on J\'a1I
1mmed Hcqu1rl's I yr
t'len ca.1 ex pr and l) pe 40
wpm Startlnll sat S368
bi·wkly Call 833-0oU I. ext
J32 ror oppl Or:ingc
Cu unt y ll arbo r
Murur1pal Court
f'urn1ture . rl'finbh1ng.
full llmt' oppty tn Im trd
Mon lhru Fri 64G-•04 l
rel\p hard workmK flv(• 1(1
li:.kpr l'Of1't ror S111pt lkh
hmuly of 5. Xlnt pdy.
11\t'd 11\S Rer rl'qWrt.'<i
Appl) 1n pcri.on l o
,\ m l' r 1 l' .a n II 11 m ,.
Me>rtgagl' 230 Nl•v. ~rt
t'cnwr Dr . Ste 200. N U
!f S
Part umc Sal Sun onl)' 1 n d 1 v 1 d u u I w I l h
6am to 2 30pm. Mature knowle<hte or rt.'t>t.aurant
woman preferred Xlnt cqw1Jment Expenenci!d
beflefib & t.1.<Jrk1ng conn. in ell'l"l.n cal & plumbmi,: Oen caJ
Uecome a member of our
d;ynarruc Newport Center
F1nanc 1al Firm. The
following positions un•
now available ·
Previous aC'<'OUnttni;: ex·
IJ(!nenl'e or 1-ducalion de-
sm 1ble
11ui. 1s an entry I<'\ cl
po~1t1on 1n lht· mJll.
nucro film. & f1h• dt Pl
l'rt•\ 111u-. Jllh llJ1·ki:ro11ncl I
tlt•,1 rJIJl1• 11111 11111 n ·
•1wrl'il !Ill :!rul •"'-.It ti
... h1ft:-. ;t\ .11lat.l1·
Thi:> µo:>1l11111 1n\11I\•·,.,
pmblcm solvm~ n ·l:Jtl:ll
10 secuntws trani.Jc ·
uons. Prtiv1ous s toC'k
brokerage rirm e x ·
penence des1r ablt·
Aul.st.ant to t.he person-
nel rep. Typing & eom·
mwtlcal10n skills 1mpor-
1\ O P ufrcr!> l'Xn•llenl I
1Nt1rk1nl( 1·0111l1t 11m'>. a
1 hallt·n~in~ 1·n v 1ro11rr11·n1
!,, J.!0011 I Jfl'l•r /(( 'iJ l,11 \
l'h'il-.(.' ,llJ!ll} cla1l~ Ill I .oll
L1.">ltl' ;-.t>;,il .1t
A ma1or hfe ms uran ce
L"Ompany headquurten-d
m Newport Heach. ha11
opportunlies for tn
div1duals with 'lk1lb and
I! e n ._. r a I o (( 1 c t• e x
J>t!ncncc 1n I or more of
lhe foilowmi.: ..an·a~
" I\ r11-.1 -. I-11 I I I t rn 1·
H.u11 11>111 1'.1rl I 1m1·
K.1111 rlt~m
•:"'>1·1 r1·1.1ri;· .. •111•1•d
.hor1 h.1 ntl •
•:-.t,111~111 .. 11 m.1th 1 lo·rk
• V.ur<l 111111·e"'"'~
"Pa) nJll proc·1·~'111,.:
•Citn ·ral Clcni:al
Wt! have 1mmed1:1lc
openmgs If you qualify. we offer a unique work
Ing envi.ronmenl in ndd1
lion Lo ex("ellent com·
pany benefits. Please ap.
ply m pen.on tu
11.111 'li1·.,..r111rt < '1·111 ,., I >r
:\l•wµrnt lkJt h ( ·,, ~l.!t-4~1
E11ual Opµortun11 \
fo:mplr>yer M 1-·
pf1Jgn..,~1on I
A.D.P. ------
llW> Newport Center Dr
644-4360 ext 263
E .01::
t.1en cdl
Re«jister T odoy
3723 l lrch Strfff
Do you Uke problem solv-_ --mg. detail work in a b11sy 1iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiim __ _
data-pro<.'eS!!lnR envarnn· ~ Cll'r1r11l
ment. We need someone ~
to ba l ance t'll c d 11
customer mpul & i:om ·
puter reports for this
1unior pos 1lwn Must
have data proces1>1n~
background. some book
keepmg/ac("ount1ng ex·
perience & be able to use to key addmg machme.
Some customer conta
by phone. Tues. lhru Sat.
Call personnel for in·
terview appt
2283 F &.lf'\11ew Rd. C.M.
Typists -Clerks
Call Toda\'•'
Work Tomorrov. • • •
~ VICl!lf<
ORC tmi-:
Ml f'
M9-J091 1--------------------I Clencal
Clerical PENSION
Ofrlce help for billlnl( CASE ~ Must type & u11e
PUBLJSHING rr..-... or
SYSTEMS s....-i ed t 22308. Dupont Or .......... ette
Anaheim, 92806
Equal ()ppor Employer
Clerical cuus , .... ,..,
lmmediate trainee posi·
lionl QC1eO fM accuraLe '1PiR-One poslllon re·
quire• c 1lculator ex· ='=' 1 cowvienlal eo· •a.......-ar co-workers, IOOCI bmeflta " futu,. .... poteaUal. Please
c:1111 ma tor turt.Mr de·
\1i1111t; ......
714/113.35'0 ... ut
nJITIN &.O.E ... 11,,/H.
Pens ion De pa r tment
needs individuals ro r many aspects or Pension
Adm1ois tralion. Basic
malh abilities required.
Good opportunity to
work 1n area or ex·
pansion and growth.
We orter outstandin g
workl.ng conditions and •
liberal benefits package.
II )'OU quallf y. please a P·
ply ln penon to:
MUTUAL ·Newport~ Dr Newport lleam. ea llCll80
Equal Opporumlty EmploferM/F
Oerk Typ1sl8. Pn or (IHICc
expenenC'e, good typmg 1----------
l>k1Us & ab1hly to opera le
JO key des irable .. Good
eo. ~rt:s. For appl.
call 6 40 ·4 S80 ext
:.n.! .. KO.E.
Clcrk·t yp1sl. permanent
position. 50-60wpm, J.?d
Cook. rehef or purl t1mt•
Week n1ghls and or
lwiches. -App1y Ill perison
~lam or aft Jpm J\sk
ror Peter Le l31arntz. 414
N Newport BI Yd
~wil Opport t;mplyr
Comm11nd. work
Minimum 5 yeors l'Xp.
M E Nr UC· Airport
Dahl. Taylor & AM1ot'.
5'1U·5231 work.Ing cond & bene hlll, ----------1
slart S6.'iO Mon·f''n . 9am •COOKS• --------
Spm -979-2270. t: X P t: R l Jo: N l' 1-: " DESIGH
l..t'adm~ Or:.in~l' County o~-n·:H HAH P t-:HSO"'I fo;llcc•lh.•nl rnrt·cr op
Mfi:r l'Ompun~ "l't-k1ng portunil' lo wurk 1n lhl' 1 n1f1\1dual ~ (or C'l1·rk /lit't'l.l1'1.l 1mmt.'l.lt,1lt·ly tor lllll'rn:it1onJI ho·JJ
l\IJISl f)O)>lllOll'> \I U!ol IJfll'llllll-;Of••'(llllfl.t.::-.;I-.\\ flUJnt'r'> '" J IOllllJJn~
1 \ p ,. t S " p m tlt'i1ltni.: m 1·1wn:> rt'lalt'<I
Ht..,P'10'1b1ltt1l'' 1111 ludt• SPIHORIFTER 11111J11rh & wn 11 ,., 111
1\f"nl! 1 11111~ . .f.!l'n•r.tl RESTAURANT d111d uJI r11u ... 1 11 1•
dt•nl JI <1ulll',,, :! \ r' ,., l.11•1"1t-d~ubh· 111 111:.11 lun · On :"t•v.v;irt H,1 \ per m l!l'rll'rJI ult 11rc 111i.: ,\ I J IJ111 .111 n1; ot
l1•rrc'(f Apply m 11•:r~un h.11tl"art-.. \'1.,,r, ,., l·,x1·l·ll1·nl lllm11Jn\ awril'ncc 10 l'lt•ctr11
Masten Specialties
1640 Monrovia l:M
Clerl&/T yp11t
lrulJaJly part time with
fWJ ume potenllal Hour!'!
are n cx1ble Mm Z yrs
ufrtre l:'xpencncc· ;.() fi(I
""JJrn Xlnl oµpl\ l'all r.,r
·•!Jiil i5l Jollfit
hellt'r1L' & work11tl! t 'Oll liM.'t!ha1111:al de.,1~n. will
dJllons Apply In 11t•ri.on c.ileek en1tmeennr.: tlraw
we<.-kdayi. !lum·4pm 1 n R 11 r c I a I 1 11 it l o
3333 W. Coast Hwy me<.'hams m 1nvolvm1t <JP
Hewporl l.och 1 1 t· • m a g 11 1· t 1 l' &
Olsmet.ology. nd s people
who ure u rc.'<l of prc,cnl
ll('CUP to JOlll an llfl &
1·om1nl! 1111 I 1 r;,rnl't111111·'
( 41 \\ 111 I 1 .1111 "·""" ~lf.7 ~X!H
~1c sy11t.emi. Wt•
o(fer excellent bencf1t11.
wugci; & a crc:Jt1vc en
\ ironmt•nt · C o nta 1·t
l'•·r:-onnl'I ;>;,; :io ;tl
... I) ..
t.: I. E H I\ T y I' I s T I ' . I ( I ., !'..l t l)L'i 'f'l''fl()r-\IS'f r-•llUll er J lf .. ,_' • ,11 'r,._ • • • or ~ O() hr C;ill IOI ••PJJI l;,iw offwc. i.:1·11 1 l<:r11·al ~1!,4fi ll
Ufo"" CU .HK l'HX :-.m
( l1·11ll'lll1• Inn 12:; W
,\\1•11111.1 Es 11l..and1Jn
~.mCll'm duttl~ .m ... phnnc·-.. k~JI
exp not n·q . :$;1 hr v.k, (.'11unl1·r L'l1·r k 101 Olt.'tary A.tdt•' 1),1 }' or I' ~I
i.hlfl. cxt'l'llt:nl hend1b
Apply at 1445 Sui>t:nor.
NB. 642·241CJ
O <.: J\1rpurt area <.:u hrurn1a L.1un1lrv &
~~ dry t:le:in<'r' lo r San
(;o cktatl W11 1tn·:-~. l·X
pcr'd ror Thurs Fri-Sat
rule:\. Apply 11-Zpm. The
Ch alet 2•345 ll arbor
Bh•d. Cost.a Mesa
COMPANION · To hvcin
w1senu mvahd woman.
Only lite housekc.'Cping &
meal reqd Salary nego.
Musl have c ar. Call
before 9:3-0am to afl
5PM. 846-3879,846-6478 ----COMPUTER
V11nry syste m s. r on
fl1ture sys t.cms, evaluate
failures, do callbrations.
quality ehecks, trouble
.,hoollng . 1esl1ng & re·
p:u r or analog & digital
t:irrwtry u~ed in r om·
puler s ystemi. Mus t
h:ive AA in c lectron1c11 or
:J yrs. tra ining 10 m1htary
or voc·ational schoo l
Must huvc knowled1o:e of
dtScrt.'Ct and intc grutcd
circuitry. Full time $Ii 00
per hr Tak e ad t o
nc11r1•sl Employm e n t
De Hlopmc n l De Pl
00.T 003.161 014 J\d
paid for by cmp!o~er
Your f riend s an d
neighbors use Classified
whe n th ey ha ve
!Omethlng to sell They'll
tell you how wel I it
worUd for them!
OnorrP an·J 725 :;4:!0
Bldl! 1224
help mam1ge s m bui.1
ness part-tim e Must be
wtlhn.g to le_<trn. 642 2247
COURRlER truvel al(en
c·y. Reliable perS-On. own
car Vahd CJ\ dr1 vers
ljccn.'l(:. M·F . I Sp. MrK
Klm~gh 957-8147
Excepllonal <ipenml( for
e xperien ced to.in 1n
\•est1gator with ba nk.
finance company or
mortgage cu mpuny
b11ckground All paid
company benefits includ
ml( denlul. Salary 1·om
me ns urate with l'X
p e r1 ence l'h o n l·
714 546·4900 Mr Stc111
(.1.J~i'ODIJ\N Fronl :t tn
Dishwasher wanted. part
lime, 3 nJKhls N11:e en
vtronmenl Cull SKHl440.
Lagunu ~1lhs ~r~u
DONUT S llO'P. artc:r
noon1evcmng shirt. PIT.
No ex peri e n c e
necessary Prefe r over
25 Apply m person 1854
Newport Blvd.:...C.M.
Drapery Wcukroom.
seamstress needed. Near
OC Airport Salary open
DRESS :\1 AK ER t n p
quality needed hy pvt
ply . In lg volum1•
l rv .C.:M C dm a rc:.i .
837 · 5008 e Ve!>
Dnll Pr1..'Ss Operator sm
med por t!> Mu !>l bt•
ml•ehumcully inchnt•rl ,
d1•pendabll' & C'on.'IC'IC11
llOUS !>10·0398
IOpm Mon rr1 11 1 ·---------l 'mverstl \ 1\thlc·t11• <.:luh
7!l2 7003 Jcm DRIVERS
~len or women 25 yr' or
CUSTODIAN older !\now lht• c·uusl
Purl lime tor llarltor <'Illes Nel $1RO a wt·ek or
area c·hurch Lat.c artt·1 morl· Or;1ngc• Coa i.t
noon & eves. Cull 1''n•d Y1•llow Cab. liJOO Ml.
631·2880 Her rmann. Founta in
Vulley IN11 or Sluter OeUc11tes."len Help SQm1· bl' t w n N ,. wh o p t• &
exp. References. Ov1·r 1-.Ax:hd)
18. Ph : 644·S6l!l --------
Carden<'!'. part lime. for
40 urut apt romplex <.: M
642· 1951 or 6"6· 1486
GtMral Office
Vuncd duuci; lO mdude
llle typml(. mu1t. r.trn~.
errand.., Prt'llle} nf So
Calif Contart ShJron
Gt.~ral OH11.:c Xcro" &
IJyout person . v.111 tram
$11\r 6 hr. .\.t on Fri
L'4111 KRI ~Hl!H4
Gttneral Olf1t·e , ht•J \ \
phcint~. lx1okl..ttt•p1n~ ,.,
IA'rH.'111 t' tot ~.1111 :-,1
llunt B1h
G~°'Offic~ 1
\',1nl'<1 1lul1t·' lo 1111'1111!. I
hit• l}lmn:. m.111 111111,, I
t'rTJnd.'> 1'11•,il•\ ol ~i
L"tltl l 1m\.11 l -.11.1r1111
;>Mt 0500
Gen I orr1:. IJCrmJll\'nl
P1T ~Ilion. 4hr:-. da>
moilurc v.om;,in ..,. lttt•
l111ukkcl'p10i,t. l } µmi:.
10 lct!y by touch <.:a II
R4-1-41i114 Good Sat1111
GL\\101 l<JOlt
~l\H\ "'' I ·ns \II. I IC'"'
'•l Ho .1t1I) t '•in,11lt .1111·
C...r nee. P T Top:$
Gmghetm Girl ll4!> 5123
1-vll llm<'. itood ~&IJr,. &
b c n "" I 1 l " t: O ~;
Ba)'\'lt'W COil\' llo'p ~ Thurtn, <: M ''.all
llOl:SEKt::fo:f>t-:K for
tra\el1nu t''l'< l,1\1•1n or
out \1u-.L ht-1· 11~·r & J.>r11
111.'tl·nt 10 rn:11ntJ1n1111:
hunw t 111:, tJJ\ ,1 v.1 t•k
.....,, -,.,, "r ~n \pflf"'
hr. •1 Iii II• l JIJ l't:J in
·•JJl>ll\Jlll ''°" \µpl) Ill lll.'Nlll ""klh' 't 111IH11111
"'nh· \h \I 1r• 1·ll.1 ,,,,,,
:-.C1 II St 1'11,l 11l lfti.>lll
Top SaWy PcMd
tn t•are for i.t~ond homt.•
lul' L A couplt' ~·•tt.<d
on lhe "':atcr 1n ~
Lai;iuna H1•a l t h In
.. urant·e "nd ben1·f 1t"
('Jll !'..U/lt• 1A 1·1•I.. <J,1\'
'I :J 17h .!:! '>:J ,11111 \.\ l'I I.
1•r11f, 714 l'+I lk.111
Bayview l:on v Ho11p . repair Goo<l IM!n efits
:DMThunn. Co!.lct Mba Company truck pro
642-JSCt> E 0 E 'Vlded Apply at·
LA B 0 R I\ T 0 I\ Y 0....,,.CD•ttt
TJ::CllNICIAN M:.1n lln...._.S..,.lcei
tenanre & arumal c:trl'. 2601 0-ctunJer Street.
blomcd1C'.tl test.m g tah. l•-Sa-nUl_An_a •.• :>46_··0•348--
SJ.5() Pt' r hour. f u II or
part lime N A S A ISl!2
~. lrvml' 55ti 11140
LalxKatnry Kc<.ult.11 Cink
\ton Fri Will tram $;} Ii
lu ;.tart A..'k for (;ordun
Manaf(4:me.nt & Sall•,
po1>1lloru. open l''abne or
rew1t t'XJX:r n .. -q d Ca II
.Ju1·k. 6'16 4'WI
\Ii\.'\(; fo.H l11r nwchum
'"' ••P.irt m1·n1 1·11m1JI•·' ... I ltqJI} ,,, :1~,11;, I II Thi l..t<ll• .... ""11" 11'"~• •·\tr,i'" II, 1. 1•11111 t'l J IS.1\ 1 ... ~1
nH''f\I '1 11f fl\t r Ill•·'''' "'
1 ,,}I· .. ~ .!i.!7 • c •r·l.t '\. •• C \ ''"'h;.!••
l r1 1 , I \I \'IC I I< I" I ".111 I• ti
·'""' .q .-u If., .. , ''"' .1 .t11ut "' ,,. .. ,,. µl.1111 11~1111kn 1111 1· •' • I , t . I l.1 • '"" I y. "' 1, I , ..... , ••. hd11llll .... 1 .• ;, .... ~.
lllllf' l'+I 11!1.>c
L..rncb< .1µ1n.: F11ro•rn.111
b1 Jan gudl 11r E111!l"h
'f>l'aJun1oi C..11 iiO ~15
Land..'l<'apt' ln..«tall1•r Trne
t-uU u me Mu.i.t ~ .,.. ,11 ll\ll lO woril hard $l per
hr Xlnl opport &4.\ fi'il••
I lpptil In I JI II l11p )o::O
.... lht l.i'lt''' ffll\o\ 1111;
C. r.11Wl11 ( 011 Wt• 'I I cl ill '
l. \' I I .._ l I< \ I-' \ I l H
l.-A..:un.1 llo .11 h .111 ' 11 ' I
1,1,ttl \ "' 1111 It• I .1 11.fl
.... Jf\1 \11r II 111 Id ( .1ltl llou.~.~·i.1 .. p1 r II\• 111 l11r · •in\• I 11, ,,... t,,1,. 1
rnOlho•rlo•'' 'holdr' 11 lwlpllll Oultloul o1o 111 lo.
Machine Opercrton
114-wly increased startini;i
v.-ai!t' & "ih1rt honu" prr
IT\lum. .. udch further m
renu~e to JOln our i.tablt•
& '1111 )!rtlWI Ofi( pfll,\ II°'
"""1'·111\ 111 I ho· In IO•' 111
1! 11 I I 1 .1 I I 11 Ill I' It' \
lr.111)1• or ' 'l'•lltll••·of
Ill (I I " ' ll ~ Ill ~-I h ' H t
11p1•r.1t••r no• olo•tl ''" .oll
'11111 l • •m11I• lt h1•rwl ii
t•JI l..1g1· 11.1111 II\ 1'11111
IJJO\ 1111 h11l111~ m.1J•1r
\t. .. 111 .JI. lh-nt,11 & l.11o
lrL:> 1\J>pl}
( ,\I.I. ~1:,; lil'll1 mu-.1 -iw.•k l-.n,_11 .. tt
1!:12f,lll Jrti•r ,,1,.11 "1fllr.1111. 1 ,tllK.11 •.l••l
11uu. ... •k1'\o'1i..r lt\1· 111 Lr..: I L•·.:.il !~~1 1•p1.1 11n1 ,1 (;olt S t.1rlt•r I rJ1n1•1
nt«ll-d fnr µr1 v.111• c•loli
F or 1nter,·1ev. i:;il I
IKh hom , µn\ 11&.8 T}J)IJ>t 11 mpor .1r~ mm
{ u~ .....,.1 '~""I'm L..a,.;unJ 11111' re req <P'SV ....,,. 1· .. 11 M r ' W 1n:.l11 v. CIMCO Hou~e keept·r L I\ t• In ----------1 Mu~t Orl\t' In .:oud Guards health l''rce lo lr JH·I w ANTED fop .,alar} fu·fen •nt•l''
Male/FeMaH rl'Qwrcd:,:'95-~ _ r....or-H,. l~eef)t'r. bab~1tlt•r
...-' 7 year old bo). Mon thru HcsPon111blc person '\. Fri. some e\es Own car
presently h ccnsed or not ll.8 . Call 847·S622 aft Ii to become S<!cunty or.
ficers. ----.. --.. -• Many locauomi av111labl<'
tbru-oul Oranj!e County.
1nclud1nl( Newpo r t
Beach. Co11t11 Mc ... a &
Mission V1~j0
lnternatlOf'lal Security
Services. Inc.
Im l Center St. Sutte I 05
Anaheim 635 4630
~ual Opf)Or t:mplnyer
Male or Fe malt•
Joullor Part T 1m1·
Pro mhl1onal OIJ
porturu11r-. c·un prov11l<'
hourly rule ml'ft!:JS\'
Up To $4.50 Hour
It pays to ~ee us. Apply m
Pt!rson. Mon·Fri )!om
5pm. 230 W Wuriwr.
Hcii p OP'b lbl e M 1 F ~k~r.i for pnvate
·resort. $tart immed1ulc
I) full or part llme Good
i>lartmg pa} Wllh 2 WttCk
l'l'\'1ew Dl'ntal cart·. in
l1•rna l pro m otion up
portumlles & olher fr.
1nge benefits Call Scoll
al 494 &21 or apply m
person 419 No Co:.i:-.t
Hwy, L.aguna Beac h
llomemoker' inlcre11ted
in ex1ra income. parl
IJme. Call ror ttppo1111
mt.'f'lt 494 Slf>H
llelp on Saturday & Sun-
day mommgs to rle h ver
1()7 HN I
:'tto Fee To A.p1>hc·a n1
Spe<'1ahLtnl! In
mary h1ckle agencv
170 Ne v.--port Clr Or N 8
Ste 245 64().292() ----Lu;ALSEC"Y
l..agunu Hills rct·ent CJ\
Pr obJ te l'll.pe r
net'CS.~ary Xlnt tYJJllll( &
S H islulh. rt.'Q Call Mri.
~ Bni:l(s AH·
(.'tl~ta Mes:.i !r.!621>
I:: 0 t:.
~lnture woman for part
111ne work X ·s m o kt• r .
therapy tra1n1ng . Ca II
Mt!t·han1r al Assemble r
Sc1ent1f1<' Instrument~
Must bt! m echan 1n
chn~. de pendable &
c'Ol'ISC1en1Jous. 540-0398
MECHANIC h l(hl dul).
Mission V1cJo a r cJ .
Wk:nd.-. req HJ1 ·23lJ
W1n s l11w tor App I l•---------837 1060
Le1ota l Sel'rl'tar)'. bu11y
family law pract1<'e nd:-
sec·y w recent Cahr. ex·
per in forms & pract ICl'~
Salary 1·ommeni.u r atl'
w •ab1l1t y L ove l y
Newport Cntr u crt: ~
l~ll1.1me·Oppnrt11n1ly lk
vour 0111 n boss Work your own hours 5J5 5122
U Vl::IN·Chnst1:in helper
For elderly woman In
.£._M.Carpref ~·~
Come JOm us & work in
the international eor
porate headquurters Ill a
1•ompany dealing 1111 th
t.-ner~y reluted produt:lll
& services Exper1en(·1· a
t•hallenge of dc~ignml'!
clt'\'IC't.~ IOVOIVlll~ opt IC'S,
magllt't11: & gyroscup11·
mechan.u;m. Dl-iugn~ will
mvolve maetuned l'Om
ponc>n t s us 1n1-1 htl(h
Klrength steel. We orter
l'xceilent benefl~. wuge!O
LOAN SEtlVICE & a creallvc environ·
COUMSS.01 ment which will provide
B h you j!reat p e r so n a l Ne w P 0 r t c a \' sal1Sfact1on We want tho Mortgage Firm hd-. 1m Room :.m. S:i11ta J\na UH DRIVER P /T l532 W Commonwc•ulth.
f r o m N e w p 11 r l l 11 Fullerton
to our c arrier s. M usl
have good driving re
<'Ord . large 11lat 1o n
wagon or van llourl)' +
m 1lu ae . Call Harry
Seeley at
mediate opening for u best. BSM1'; deitree re·
Loan Service Counselor qt.ared. Contact Perl>on·
Pos1t1on respon!>1 b1 h tei; i-lll'-1 .• ~.7.··00!•:i•l•. •E•0-.1:.:. __
will be t o handle CLERKS
Hurry! Immediate openings
WI LL learn various phases of store
operations . Lots of customer
Apply in person 1-8pm Weekdays or
12·4pm Saturday & Sunday
C.-....... c.lf.
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
Wt.' s t w oo rt R et e 1 I W.tl1 FGrC)O
cloOung store. rcce1 ving Gvcrd 5-r•lces
department. Good d1r v 54"6446
Ing reeord & re fere nces 1~~~~-~~~~~I required. Must be over r
642-4321 {'U...,IOmer contact or loan MEOICAL IRl-:CEP1'
_ service problems Ex· J::xper pref. Coi.tu Me:o.a
perience in demands. AS· J\rea. Call 631·3!1fi.1
21. Hours are 8:3CM. Call
Nancy at 644·S070.
Drydtwr 1:
Presser /c o mb silk
finisher. exper or trainee
for plant loc at La(luna
Hillis MaJI. S4-$7hr Call
EARN 1ZOO Weeldy, part
t.une, taking abort pbooe
~ al home. Dial
714/631-4061.e xt 209
Gro.ttna 1lectro-optJca1
IUiO firm oeeda H~r'd,
Electrooict' Aasembler
for ~na " lmtd prochac:Uon. Excellent blnllba. Call TonJ Koc:b, -..n. Sotdf'Oa. .. a.rt1ot ( Q.,, C.11 ..
FUii & part time. All
area s U n ifo rm s
furnished. Ages 2 1 or
over Retired welcome. No expenence nee. App.
ly Uni\.'ersal Protection Ser~. 1226 W . Stb
Street. Santa Ana \"' terview houra 9·12 • -4
Mon thn.I Fri.
fiairdreasen. In person
Interview only. Hair
Hunter~~ 70 Fashion
Wand.N.u .
Eledroruca co. needs l st.
article Inspector Use all
insperl 1on band tools ,
co1nparator. knowledge
" Yl4.S desired. Min 5
yrs recenl exper Only
quallrled persons oet!d
apply. Xlnt. worki ng
cond. & benefits Come ln
or call
s ump t 1o n s . re c on · ----
veyances, taJ1 !mpounds. MED IC AL R EC E P ·
prepayment penalties &i TIONIST. Mature, neat
atiie to cooducl escrow appearance. good t yp
a na lysis. Good vt'rbal Ina. 20 llrs1wk Plush
rommun1c11tion & ty ping Npt Bch ok • good 1>:.i)
sklllll reqwred Wnte resume to . r O
We offer xlnt C'O paid Box 4137. Irvine. CA
benefits & Rood Slllrtln(I 92716
salary for quali{led con· ----
didate. For appl. call our Medical Front oftl{·e.
Personnel Offlc-c ut Laguna Hiiis. Mature & ~ext202 .. E.O.E exper.951-6565. Mmtw Sptclalties
1640Monrovlo CM t..ar PERSON . Needed Med ical Coordi nator.
6'2-2527 lmmed. Mt.Alt be 18 or Outcolna 1ndlv who en
EOE older. ()(IOd drtvln1 l'e· Jo)'sdrt\11.na. Mat be fam
' · · cord. Oood 1tarllna wlt.b Oranae Co/L A
IMSUl.AMCI salary 4' bene. Cont.act eroel. Own tranap .
LJllltftM.al GroupHealU\Clalnuex· salet m1na1er. Blll Medical blt«md helpful.
_,. 1minfr. at least lYr ex· Yates VW, Portcbe. WW train. fm!Md open. ~.~~'l lll&ryopen -.011. -nan or part time . _.. __.,.,Mi bt per, 14t-11'7. llon·F'l'I hm·Spm. .... calll.adb61,.'uh:j ,. ,,_ flllelt dnw in* __,forlatervlew. = ... elwifted ..... tt I1b:Z, Lo Mqf w.t. . ·• O.Uy PUot sa.L Mae tt-. wit.It a ld,aiU ....... a.....• h •tit. OlllUWAd. IQ.S11. DllUJ Aa.Q..uled Ad.
-~----... ----... ---~
' .... -·
~?.~.!. .... ?!~ ~~~ ..... ?!,~ ~~~ ..... ?!!! ~~~ .... ,?!.~ ~!!~~;.~ ..... ?!!! ~~~ ..... ?~.~ T~. Oc~obef %>, 1979 DALY PILOT
Mllllelr! u PW>NT o Parklaa Attnd 1a&. =ruvamie• -..... . S_MB,_.-...5 s.c,. 1 ....,w.._. 71 00 .,....,. 1010 Hlrw ..... Ml~ ... ,..._ pt I f>time r-... a..twt~.,....,.. wmed -. ....a.-~ 1 • 9l ....................... -·-.... ,,, ........... ,wlk)llllU~•klM~
_... Jolt la Seal lc~Ppt IWJ waa&H la web· a --..r belp wi--. ......a'>' ,.u. adul&a mmtd openlo1 °·~· T ELE p Ho N s ftEP'RJGERATOR JI cu Artbl, Bl!il.l.m#k
M. Call 11t; ..,.._ 46it ,.._ rooen. Bll· a.u.. w1--• eai--to w ork Wltb a nd ~1"'°l't_!!~ .• ~xtyppef_d1 I NTERV I E WER S rt 2dr, 1old . worh ~I p .. jJW!"n:m;;; .... IN •• 0 .. IC N . .... -~· f*'••<'41'd • lralne... caJl,,.lUO-->.. mollva~ ldda. ewer 21. .. 'Ida&.,.__ UI r= IUlll'aldald oo.l -8'Yell am M .... Holl.Yftod fD.4llO 111111 .... .,. •. ANb ---lo Lquaa, Captat.raao. lldlll, Id atart Hlary, neededu eyforb!"bUa~ioplnk)nooallJ 1•!d~er-1 Gardeyn -ariwe • 1b1wT
....... -' .. A~ PAITTIM.I ~•u r , 100 ~ Slnatmmtu rua. ~lln.Jay:m.1121. ~D m,; :...arcb ~~~m.ms ..... it.,~M--
AdrtHU. NO 1:1P C.11 eoutna..., PAIJTIMI Sterury, Ptr. at'curate nrm la S.A. Daytime ........ u .. _. ,..., ··-••• ..... ~ NI C. &uepHooa IYBillNGS ,..._::t PM um. t-a. MOD·Frl. IVllltlaS lYJIUal, n.u.n1. Some ex· wort. 13 75 per hr ca n ---•-->er, lMlles ••rl•YI 2 ~ $.raUoa f _..... • X1nl wottl.IAI eond F\111 perlenco oeceaury. 91321 btr sPM is aak db multl·cycle, perfect 1 • ..._ w to Adual ._ OUC,,.aecliq. lmmed!at.o ap for t'l1.tb llMlmbenbJp. Ea· PHOMI: -.o.eo for Judy eond only SJH, .£.z + d . II
Into mov ea /com ai&r•c.-th• .,......UU.. Gplri9'\Cfd\ar1eH1rrla per not. nee. P refer 142-4SZIOC'4N•NM t.trms. Gardea Grove ~
1nettl1ta n lOIO wllO .,. workinl •Ith PreN ()peralor. 8hoet mature woman. tr vine Ext. 2SO. Between 1·5PM. SICmAIY Appllance5'7-«m. _ ~. fH . Srreen Artla kw. Ovw It Slart et fed~ color, U " or <Jubftouae, 754-?IOO •fl Aa.lcForAndrca DJl.I....._-....., TheRec.iaterNewa~pu u-... D JCI Ptr hour Phofto -"U ............ _,~ ~ bas -1 .. .,. ,,_ mom --..::...;.;.; ______ I tu 4Ul. ~t 250 -........... ....., 1:30 J aclt Muat be fam lll1r with .,._._...._ '"' •
t:>,........,..,_, l p --' S.U. Rep. t.o call on· re-VA /F HA proceaatna. in& fr eve auto rout.es in t1"""'L•·---Do;>• ... ~ ·5 D.J>-11 ader ad bualoeaa a c. ., • ·--· n.b D ..... Pt .. ---·~ ..... --* .._ Minlmum lyrexpr.r""' . ._ ..... ""' • -•
llcydet 1020 WedlllU' ~-.. f RU t ••••••••••••••••••••••• new. ii.._ .C-..pm
Redllne 0 prollne 1 Molo· 548-a7r.lflm
AUnd.lve hmaJ• Oal.y -...... ·~ CLlllCS counts for advertlalng. Preeley of So. caur. eo"';i. Capiatraoo Bch. Call Mr. moo wtt +, IU -EquaJ ()pporiuMl)' Moo thru Fri. 9am·5pm. • ........ v. &aley, 951-7113. t>-n&o-.rer Put time 1reveyard 8a'"e + Commiasaon. ~..., MOOILMICOln ·-'I --11\ifta avail. Appl>< In ~ benefits. Will 540-0500.
Altt9Cllwi t\!inaJMn..1 .. Put to Ml time. derll p!l"IOfl 7-Eleven 1097 W tra.10 Neat appearance --.. ..._..__~ u1 pt'f'IOll mwilc back T!X"HNICAL Hat.~.Ulet.a MeHEOI!: •. _...... 1lin ti I RIAL.ESTATE -• .. +--t ..... nd d•~irabl• .. ..-PU8L1StllNG .. ...,.,..spe aessen a .
·-... ~ ;J<N., SV""' ... ""S S 1 I o .1 b I A&>Pfy Pennysaver, 1660 D.a.I ~Mr. nl\C'rl ll )' Dr, lrv '~'"""' • u epenua e Placentia Ave., Costa Mu&l be familiar with MODILSfwlSCo.T »l W.1 Z230S Dupont Dr tlo,.,.,maker tor pt>rm. M VA /FHA processing.
& C A T I I t M -----Arnl.lwim, 1128()t; part Urne, eves. and Sal. esa. Minimum l yr expr. req
TIRE & 4ilMll AL
Sday work week.
Newport Tire Center m> E. Coast Hwy. •Vlei IMMEDIATE 7141937 ~1 hn . xlnl discount The Sales Presley of So Calif. Con· * "I .JI 1 1 • • EqiW Oppor Employer <.:otree Bean 54_9_1766__ See Great Earth t.act Bev 540-0500
PARJ TIME PRJNTSHOf"rrain~. Sates An exciting new UnderNulriUon i----------rTow Truck Dnvers ex·
Corona del Mar
MoteJ Maida, Fl.ill Ir PIT,
no exper noceaaary,
Salary la Co. bencflt.s, ap ply In penoa only.
OPENING Copy <.:at 11. l.'133rd St coocept related to lhe m-•••-••••••••••• * SEClfT ARIES * per'd. Top pay . Apply
Calta llltwa Inn
3115Harbot' Blvd, C 61.
Laguna Be~h l.t1nor deeagn in'-' as ex· Sales G&W Towing. 740 B SIC 6Sun Mornings panding to the Orange LegaJC«pR.E.S24K airmway,C.M.642·1252 Dm :-r1o Oeln·t>r Public Rel1mona &i Sales Cout W'ea Applications THE l lD Corp Ex~ Anah $16.800 DAILY 'lLOT Exrellcnt. profit poten· now being accepted ror IAU.OOH. LTD. Yng agrsv Lag Ngl Trainee between 18 & 23
lO our cemen In Sao llal Call 848-3180 COMull&J'llS who are pro( Rifai Asst.~· constr t'O nds F C yrs, mechanica lly in·
l d •-h h I Loolun f Accnt $19.200 dmed, field installation ~Oil IOUTI Juan. Cap!Jtnno Beach, R E A L E S T A T E o ri e o e "' i g Y g or ~ t; lo •Counselors OO,J.22 ~ 1' D • n a P o 1 n t , s u n ""'ESM .. .., Wi'NTED motivated A complete work 3 nites + wknds. -------D .. "Y PILOT t ... I ~ '", ., tr M ha n · Sales Our Office• ru.&. rou ~ n Clemente area. Must EARN UPTO lS% COM auung program prov. ust ve creative air
So. Laguna & San ha\•e good llrivmg re MISSION NET l·Cun tughcommplanw/noan· w1nnelineoftraditlonal ApptOnJytf'rec
Oemente now available cord ' I a r ge ~la l 1on earn rrum S50K to $100K <."Ome limit. 546-3788. womens & childrens Liz Reandt>rs Agency
rent.al yd, must be ID·
teillgent, good w1people,
mech, M1ss1on V1eJo Afternoon delJvery Mon. wa0 on or van f1 ourly uall "' 1 "Io t h i n g X I n l 4000 Birch, Eslab"64 .1nu •""-· .,... d " ' ann ' Y 2·r inc out why Sales We sell the finest ' · · ~'"""'rt Beach . .,.,., ul'..., ~ "uu ... 1 ay, morn-pay -i m l leaue a l I b Salary+Bonus. ~.... ........, "" '""~Saturd y •-Sud o new 1c earn 1g $$$ waler t>qu1pmcnt 1n Sdes .. _ a "' n ay lowance. Call llarrv h c Ex 11 l · t " ere. omc talk with Southern l:al1fornia.
J.ustcea feen hoursearn1ng,s or Seeley at: them. 3-0ur produc· <:ome help us "cuplurc Positions open, full & l•--------•I Travel Agent exper only
area. 831·2313
w 0 your 642-4321. · P /T, background In Elle c ut1 ve Tr ave l day. Nominal cash de· ----t / 1 n ex 1' e n s I v e ~ market. .. Prote<.'ted Retail Sales of fine SECRETARY ~rv1ce· Commerc1al1 posit r equired. Call Part·ume. earn $200·$500 land/budget terms. '1· territories. Good com. cluldrens & womens ap· Sabre 833-9406.
642-4321. Ask for Foster per week regist t>ring Pre.set appts . galore mission. Call 8ern1ce or parelhelpful. Positi on c urrently ___ _
OuelJet. voters to heiµ qualify the 5-Flnd out why "we·vc Doruut ~8551 846.1476 av:ulahle for !' Secretary TYPIST WANTED· J to 5 Llbertariun P arty fur ~otBthe best l~i~gfgoinMg", Sales with good typing skills lo da)"-a week. Pleasant
Nurse, back office, physi-cian's omce N 8.
NURSES AIDES. 7·3, 3-11 ,
experienced or trainees.
Mesa V.erde Conv. Hosp.
661 Center Dr. C. M ..
v a I 1 d s la l u s. Ca 11 · · area. s or r. ••• • ••••••• • •• • •· ~ in our Sales Dept ..,,,-king cond Apply 1n
964.1008. Howard. 955·3402 ATTENTION Sales EnJOy excellent com j)er.;on Penn}~aver . 1660
. PART TIME Real Estate Sales, in-TRI-Fl.OH pany hcntd1t:. Apply f'hH·entia Ave Cos t a R.al Estote Satn terview1ng aggressive 9am noon, Mo n 1-'r a. M~
Opening for licensed people now. progressive NEEDS YOU Versonnel ------
salespeople. lot ally comm1ss1on schedule To nII avalanche of or MARRIOTTHOTR TYPIST
owned, with national re· Call Mr. W1lhams (714 1 ders from marine . OOONewport ~nkrDr AC"CUTatetyp1st ,goodofr
ferral system. Excellent 761 2rot or <213 l 594·!H;(JJ motorcycle. s port1 ng Newport Beach. E o E sJolls. sa!Br) open
working cond1t1ons ---goods. motor sports, re ---------!>i9-li67 Earn 100'1 comm1ss1on Sales Clerk. part tunc1 taders. Great oppty but -
For conf1denl1al app't perm., mus t work ut we are very selective &
call 759 0226 Execu-least 1 wknd day want confident wanner
Systeml! Realtors 497 ~ types only. We train C'X·
Rccepllon1~t Part time S..Ue:.1Dehvery Xlnl op. pertly. Visit us & St>e.
wanted lmmed opening por for colle~e students. Call Mr. Slone 540-4023.
Apply in person Regis Have full time & p/l1me 9-t
Hair Stylist. S40 8888 pos ava1l. You can earn Sales
Some shonhand helpful
Prcslt>y of So Ca hr Con
tact Sharon 540 0500
For bus.> real estate m
\e5lment 1Jfr1ct> in pro
ft~1ooal bldg . ne.ir 0 C
979-85!3 Anytiflllt
cross racina bl1.e, like fl I • IM
new SJOO. 640·9"5 eves, Dla•eotl•••f..-....,,_
9116-0flOO dya. c e •Uh •ll •no • •ff• • c.ts 1035 pralulll-let,.... .. 1
••••••••••••••••••••••• f ·uUQa ..... ~,..c "-*' ·
PERSIAN K.lllens, CFA lat.ell computer prtfMgH """"""'· tnplt ""'mp G<ad••;"IJ'•l•t mother 638-9308 G I. A. N"e B c h
Do9J 1040 ~~gi . . For •••••••••••••••••••••• ·1~~!'!~!:!!'!!~~'!"
Oiamp SU'e. M/F. Pet & M.ldl:IMry :a.)T J8:l
s h ow . Pvt p ty . •••••••••••••••••••••••
213189'1·13'5 all 6 pm. Llke ne i ~ """"1 AKCGldn Retriever pups, woqd ,a l'f~~
Hunters. wtr dogs, 80 S3JO/a20 •• 7Jf1HQ!Wil ~P Pedigree. all6p2\ .. t • •u ......::J.r.
. ~ r-O<el111t .... ~
Male. 11 mo. AKC. Old $800. fUnt'Cf\ff6"h~
Engh.ah Sheep, w tdog ac· s1so.t ~~ent0Wi i· ~~l
cess. S300 or bst orr . Otnoga'850.'64S~1~"
83.HSOl J.11 , ,o , JJJ.
Y"8wSHIRE TER IE_R_ ~GMs ""° >-941' * """" R ••••··~··1'' •'C64J>f'4 AKC. Fem pup, 838·~387 ~I iCtFf~l
Spnnger Spaniel puppws rrom y ~~s c~ .
no 2432 tag p1 'o e'. ~ AKC registered Send o • ~tac if.·
--------return p t ~ llnitL BeauWul Lab mix PUP· sealed aUra e ~g' "'I"'"
pees, need a Jiood loving strap. llMllfLIG& ~·r~~ ho~~ion 64ti 6887 ··\-1.D. rt.'QU4re.tliMWS. ~
Adorable pupp1ei. Mom
nut Dobie Dew claws re
mo\'ed De wo rmed
~ 846-2157
Rare AK C sm t'rcnch
81chon fo'r11o1-. pretty ,
white ~url). m1cl11gcnt
fem, 2}r:.. !)dlnf1ce SlOO
vent IOfls Ir the(h .fo'o,. .a
pen.onal1iecl tag inc.~
wallpaper, (ubric ~ .. Day Glo .. paper & ..,e.
wlll back " l,ri~ your ~. Or try lwo C4(~
blick to back.
S2ea or 3 S.'>
1 5 tags St 60eJ.
Frttto You 80 .. 5 fl 9tag.s$150ea.
.. IOormoreSl .W ea. .••••..••...........•..
~r.1Jn Cat f<-m with
hrccdcr appro~al
S.des Ta" lnclluded
Nurses Assist Cert1f1ed
Aides needed on all
stuns Classes avail for
non cen1f1ed. Good start·
inii salary & xlnl
benefits. Apply at
Flagstup Conv. Center.
466 Flag s hip Rd
Newport Beach. 462-8044.
With lots of work lo do &
orders to process we are
in need or part time
employees lo fill this
n eed Stude nt s.
housewives i\n ideal
part lime work :otluat1on
is being tned in a pilot
program with our com
pany Come in & dJSCUSS
your schedule with us &
hours you are available
to work We will go over
theJobw1thyou Apply.
up to $7.00 per hr. Call Wanted young men who RECEPTIONIST 531~11 btwn l-9pm._ will get along well \I.1th
Full lime Mon Fri. JS ---------wom e n C all Mr
hrs. per week. M usl be Sales Thompson 540-4023, !I I
Gate· Kuard rtqw red by
pn \ate community in
Laguna Beal·h area Da)
:.tuft Qlll Mon Fri for
aPf>l 494-~71
Wd.ltre!.s w car for wicker
ha1>kct lunc h service
9 ~lpm. Mon·f'r1. Earn S~·S150 weekly Must
be nt>l$.t. ~rsonable &
energeuc. C<lll 979-0747
aft lOam for appl.
S~! UJl·hi.hund, loH~
kids. Rood w.itchdog
Draw your own or send
ndme, address. p~ &
~ II make one CHd per
l3g i\dd 2.9 each
Send check or mone) Or·
derto personabl e. w e ll
groomed, enjoy meeting FORTY LOVE Sandwich & salad a s
P 0 Box l560
State cert1f1ed only. Sot
per hr. Xln t working
c o nd. & benefits
Bayview Con v. Hosp.
20SS T hu ri n , C .M .
265 Bnggs Ave.
Costa Mesa 92626
the pubhc. No typing. TBilNIS SHO, semblers, part time.Still phone experience pre· 9am. Mon lhru Fri. 53:50
ferred. Full co. benefits. FASHION ISLAND per hr. Lon 's Kitchl'n, Openings for 10 good pe<> WA.HTED DRIVER
ple. ~g3tfia11 SUNDAY OHL y
2 btfl gray long hair
remale cats. all shot:..
need gd home S41H305 aft 6PM ~l_!I Mesa _ _:_C~. ~H .
642·3505 ..... E.O.E. ----Apply Pennysaver. 1660 lmmed. opening m ature 979-0747 art l Oam for
Part Ti m e cou n t er Placentia Ave. Costa sales person. Full·lime. appt.
Mesa. Apply at 26 Fashion Jsl. Seamstress, sail loft ex· NursLog person. MomJngs 9.2 &
RN Retired Fri & Sal Sat. or PM's t -6 & Sat.
nights. Xlnl. bene pro· Students & r eti r ed gram. f'lacshlp Conv. welcom e . No e.xper.
Center. 466 F1qshlp 8 d. necessary. &W>-773S
Rerepdonist. pt·tlme, for ·N~pt~. Bc~h~·~~~~~~I per preferTed, full time,
busy hair salon. Prefer ;., _P_rr_.6.1_1_·1_842 __ _
N.& 642-8044 ----=------
PART TIME Demonstra-
Nunilal ..,. "'" don ~ ,our area. WW LVN alARGE n u ..... E . b'"abs. 118-JMO. Full tlme-'part time.
~Upm. Part·Ume. ll·7. Part Ume; Help! pt-time
XJat. emp)oy .. betre. ~ .,_ s.t A.K. Aa~fst
ftqabip Ooev. Center. w/Ucketsalest.oaportin_g
4616 Flaphlp Rd. N.B. events . $3·$6 + hr.
25-35. Personable & rella· ..... es
ble. 83J.'7050 HOI • 1.AllRS
Wkh Interest la art/ln· ~t. need person t.erior deslin. Full-part·
w/troat otrc appearance time . S20·S25br. Will
for prestigious N. B . train. Call Ms. Bunic
Financial P la no in g IMf.93183-7 PM.. CCrJ>. Some typ1nc. c.11 s...
MicheUe or Doug ...,,,.IOllY FARMS 644-7540. .._
=TI o N s AL ES Part_m_;8_Cons_._uJ_ta_n_t_·Co_u_n_te_r Receptionist/
Rapidly growing vitamin Person. full time includ· TYDisf
Patt Ume sales oPptY for
Ouistmas holidaya. earn ext r a mon ey. wh i le
worid.ng in a excitin1 al·
rnosph. WestcUrr Plaza,
642-0972, Fash Isl
retail chain seeks outgo. ang Sat. Apply 2025 Mature. ~~rp person.
iog nulnlaon conscious Newport Blvd. C.M. experienced as Recep-
indivadual to Join our PAYROLL CL E R K· lionist. Heavy phones,
sales team in the O.C. type 50 wpm., invoices. area. W 111 start al hourly & salary payrolls quotations. orders. Front
m>Mo. w/opp for salary lhru quarterly returns. office appearance. Top
Sales Ma n agem e nt
T r ainees p /t . rtt .
Dynamic, positive 18+.
Cor,orote Heed-
~" ... ' Slate w e Lnvestment
MrVleee firm -Fashion laland. Busy, a ctive.
cballencinc, diversified ~-Good aid.Ila, ttyp.
Inc / s ho r th a nd l or ·
ganizatlonal a bllities.
640-012.3 M·f'ri. 9:00-S:JO.
Newport Beach ad agen·
cy requires person with
excellent skills, som e
accts payable & rece1va
ble experience. Call Jill
at 549-8651
ProtA!'ctioo Service To deliver Daily Pilot
54"6336 bundles to carriers. Re ·
Goldn Retriever / BasenJI
mix. pure white F .
G e r m a n
Shepherd / BaseDJI mix. rn.
Handpainted ceram~···~'l plaques, natlvily s,;
~l ates . muc h mu
d.emS. Also s~lal · -
.,.. qwres van or large sta· Z190 Harbor, C.M uon wagon and a good __ sw __ le-'-2t11.__-'-•-E.O_._E_. _ _. dnvin1 record. Phone ~lliaf\ 6. den & colon done at re,a,.J SEWI NG MAC HINE 642·4321 a nd ask for
O P £ R A T O It S . Harry Seeley or Don ~ Y~bU. lUl ~-
,_ .._ • IOSO aaonable cost. 846-51~:>
eves. """ ....................... ·--·m
A ...... •1,C.Jil.162,aao. OP~~
••llUY•• COPY MACJUN E 'I u.. any peptt ..... Cood UMd FUmrtu~ • Pritt 982-703':J. ._
lllaU experience beJpfuJ.
Some UA.lns. cso..eo lbs. )
Xlnt company benefit.a. Informa l office. C.M.
Call Miiiie aft. 9am
-~--OR l wtll .ell -WAREHOUS EMAN · orSiiLtorYou CA.5H PAID for aold ,
EXPER. -Resp penoa MASTBSAUCTION lllwr, dlainonch, rubies.
ror fabric warebCK1se. 646 161• a IJJ..t•ZS emeralds, sapphires. Good opp. w/growing co. 1814 Gold Exchange
lnr area. Sal•ry comm CASH PAJD 4&:M470Call for appt .
w1exper. 556-7915. For gd used. tum. antJ Ladies golf clubs, Paul
Warehouseman wanted ques &clrTV s 9:S7-3133 -Berg. lllO. h.ardJy used.
with truck dnving ex unon HOME ..;...83.3-.;___oo_i ___ _
penmce Call P1ckw1ck mu Hand crochet bedspread
.!:'!per.5491157 a.oSE nur SALE long sz & large round ID
WAT ER RESOL'RCES 6U ~orange54~~ c-..'GINEERJ''G r-•. ~ Decorator furniture & increase & co. growth. Must ~ave payroll lax rft1n-• •-be f" I .
Please call Tris h at experience. Custom ~~Mfr. n&;ii'·K~;~~~
Great Earth Vitamins Wea".e Carpets. 184~0 ----•----
Dev all bus inc. 557-3062.
Growing firm need s
respon person full time
warehouse duties. Rec
1n com1n1t s hipment!>,
stock :.helves. pull or
ders. prepare outgoing
Secretary I Receptionist shipments. UPS & Postal
Order Desk: Busy pre· experience pre fer red
"""' ' ·' wr"'"'r accesson~ Cedar Glen 00 pieces silver n atwarl' opportunit 1es for ex "'-·-'-mes. """'• Elden 16 silver serving pcs 1847 pe r 1 e n c e d C 1 v 1 I •v .. uuu ~ R 8 A
ssuredesk. Must be good ~3632 ___ _ SJS.8971 Pactfac Street, Fountain -=540-8894~.:.:.:...:' _____ _
_V..:al_l.;...eY::...·------·I Receptiorust. d1ctaphone.
Engineers. OesiRners & Ave.Costa M~a . llto6 Ol(c r s . r o.s m Draftsman back$? round diul) 642 6734 bas..-.ador pal~6:_~29 _ Sa.Jes/ Maintenance
Office Manager Two girl . · typist, exper ie nced .
trade association office PBX Ans. Serv. Will tra•!!· Nutritionally ori ented,
near Or . Cly airport. 7·3. 3-ll Pleas. Ofc. m growth position 540_·SSSG_. Typing, lite bkkpg, die· N.B. Med Bldg. 2wk pd
INDOOR PLANTS with figures. Mini com· SILK SCREENER·I yr
put.er ex~r desired, but exper, multi color lCX· notessenuaJ .. General of. tile l"ull·limc Ir vine !Ice ex.per with xlnt tr P· local.Jon. $40-l7J5
m de.sign or master plan· Attr~ ~fa & lovcseut s· Early Am Sofa S200. set
rung or v.a1er systems. Cst s795 Sell sigs o1 lir~ MM lo profile.
including water supply. Earth lone<.. 2..,. ks old spt•cu1I dbl nm w 1VW
'c"a1tc design. pump Woodt•n t•offrt• cndtbb adaptor~ S75 U flat
'tatiom. & resenoirs. 25 .. roloi i·onsole 5195 dannet w cast> Sl25.
Expt>nence de:.ired'" re· Al o;o color po rte1 bl e IH&Sl.27
taphone . Up lo $900. vac.63l·5640 M/F ,9-s. RECEPTIONJST/ERRAI'
We are lookin(( ror an
outgofog person lo sell &
maintain indoor plants.
Full & part time posi-
t 1 on s available /
weekends required.
Please apply in person
Mon l.hru Fri 8·S.
mg skdls. Front ofrice
appearance. Sal ary
range: $900 -$1100 de
pendent on skills. ancl
past earning achieve·
ments. Resumes to Pan
s m F:RS UNLI MITED. a profe~s1onal chtldl·ar\'
s1tung agy, desperatel)
needs quahf1<.'<i s1ller"i
64H212 PIX OPER. GIRL. In law office. O.C.
airport area. Prefer re· l.tOrt & spec1f1l·at1on wnt 00 1ng. fae1 l111es design, ~-3-1-"reezt>r. largt' upright.
mappini:. c1•lrulat1ons & 2 Twin ~'<b. like new. StiO works Yol'll. $100 L1\'1n~ ORDER DESK
Amwer phone & lnvoic
mg, no lyplfli, small of
fice. $3/hr. + mo. bonus
Good benefits. FT/PT
Onhodonlic Chalrs1de As
S&Sl. Mission Viejo, RDA
pref'd. flexible brs. right
pay for right person
Come & interview us
Earn whale you learn. cent H. gr ad w icar.
Telephone Answering Some 4Yping. $600 to
Service full time/part :.1.arl. orbbie, 97S.9616 tame. Vaned s hirts .
Days, afternoon or even· RECEPTIONlST · Busy ROGER'S
lngs. Locations in: developers office: Lite
FASHJONlSLAND bkkg, typing , varied GARDENS
ca>I'A MF.SA/IRVINE duties. O.C. airport area 2301San Joaqwo
'11.JSTIN 751-6616. u .Us Road HUNTINGTON BEACH "'
Ideal for s tudents & I•--------.c~o~~M~~~~640-~~S800~ housewives. Many co. RECEPTIOHIST -:
benefits including paid SWITCHIOARD
vaca tions . Typing OPERATOR Sales
Mtff btra
ClwfshRos MoMy?
61s.96:Ml co Ud. PO Box 18823, -- -
lrvme. CA. 92713 S m a 11 p :.. y c h 1 al ri c
hospital 1n S Orange SECRETARY County :.eek1ng Main
P/time, 20 hrs. Typing tenance Pt:rson van ous
nee. Newport Harbor duties · plumbing ex
Elks . Call : Chuc k penence pref Pay rom·
Comstock, 673-6110 mensurate with skill:.
Secretary, general omce,
good typiog, excellent
bmefi.ta 6'5-21D Lana.
Xlnl fnnge benefits Call
496-5702 bt wn 9a m &
room couc h with compuler operation~ earh Call beauli(ul wood arm:.. to Appl) m person "1th rr 151·3006 sumc & \I.Ork s amples reuphol s te r . S4 0
Mr Fuentes. Rob(•rt 9 Herrulon hrn1• rolored 547 3182
Bein. Wilham Frost & sofa. like new Sl25. call H E~IOD F:1.1~G
Assor. 1401 Quall SI 'fil-~16 KITCHEN Newpon Be_ach __ _
Welder. part Ume Expcr
T I G Alum & S .S
Dlnt'tw set wrought iron A!.h cabinets. gas bll in
w -khrs SlOO s· <.'<>Ul'h, O\en & l'OOk top, $200 or
rhr & ollom an·mJtl·h beq offt!r 892· 1H32
S:tSO 759 ltMll 1Garden Grove I
Maple tbl with leaves & Lynx H:it. Reasonable
l'hrs. conlemp rocking Fox Sport I-lat. lo pncc
~h rs. day beds, s m 552-65112 __ 3Swpm. · E.O. E . Call Experienced o perator
543-4230 Mon. thru Fri. for busy real estate of·
---------Petition Circulators F1ex· fice. Console board. Call
O>me lo R.M. Abrams
Catalog Showroom, 1819
Newport Bl. C.M. P/t,
F/l any age wanted.
Experienced with strong
typlog 6 s ho rthand
skills, full time career
opportunit y. Apply in
person to: Mr. Fuentes
al Robert Bein, William
Frost & A.saoc. 1401 Quail
Sl. Newport Beach.
Growing Orange County
based company seeks ag.
gresslve individual to as·
s u me s t o ck room
responsibU1tics of pick·
Ing & stocking of parlll
Other duties will include
shipping. receiving &
gene ral warehousing
duties. Electronic com·
pone nl know l e d ge
helpful. Minimum 1 year
experience. Good com-
pany benefits. Call
Personnel. SS7·90Sl.
Wome n needed ro r
housecleamnR :.erv1ce
Good pay, good hrs. Rob
bae·s Rag & Mop 548·07~ rouch, kitchen ~et. 22 American Airlines (4 1
Clover. Woodbndge Irv 50r;. di~rounl coupon~.
II •o I I ''' 'I
3948 Cams--Ott \IC (Kroulrom
John w~ Airport>
Equal OJ:: Enip&oyer
r··==-\)i UNDDA I f ,tCTITIOUS
. NAMe? .. ,. .. ....,. ,.... ..... r••• ••• F1e111i.,11t
1111 111•11 ....... •11• .... .... "" ..... . ....... U11r1r1.,,..._ M t 't ,.,... tMt tM " ............ ,. .......... -.,...
DA U, Y P f LG,.-wlll ....-..-••••nt t•r I l l .I t . Ou •·••1 ........... ......... ONll _ _.....,._. .................... .,... ....... ,..,.
• • • • •• • • • f. ,, , ............. . :c:-,ar•: ""°'· p~ .. ~ Galll -.CA-. ............. ...... ....,
9 ........ ....... -..;.
ible hours, up to $15/hr for appl. Coldwell
commission. 18 yrs & Banker/ClarieJohnson.
older 964-1908 644·9060
1Ped*on Circulator •MONE~• "'"~~ALAGft« ... For b\Jsy Laguna Beach
Real Estate office. Xlnt
oomrrussions. Must have
license. Aile. for Ruth.
Set upur own hours. Ex·
tra cash working full or
P/I'. You make $2000 or more pr. mo. Must be 18
or older. Call for im·
mediate Job. 549·8730,
Expanding product line
have generated this Im·
med iate opening with
great potential for ad·
va:ncemenl. Familiarity
with aerospace fasteners
Restaurant would be very helpful. DAY IUS PlltSOM Salary commens urate
P H OTOG RA P H E R , Apply Between 3-S, Mon with exper ience &
3Smm camera w /wide lhru Fri. Rusty Pelican, knowled ge of t he In·
qle lens, dependa ble & Z13S W. PacCoast Hwy, duslry.
have GOOD shorthand &
typincakills. Active R.E .
Developer, Airport area,
Xlnt opportunity to learn
constr uction. Ca ll
549-8565 weekdays.
Youth Counselors
Part Time evenings.
Outgoing adults working
with youth. Over 21. Own
lransportal1on. $3.50 hr.
st.art f>.9PM
642-4321, ext 250. l·SPM
••••••••••••••••••••••• AllH .. , 8005 •••••••••••••••••••••••
E.O.E. 1--------
~ $250. 540·8121; 760·9285
Pondero:.a pme coffee & ~ 5 __
lamp table. xlnt cond . Opnl jewelry, beige r ug,
'115. 544~ _ 42 piece Wedgewood
Refn gerator $60. Large crockery._ tennis slring-
Hide-u-bed sofa $100. Ted mg machine & racqueL'i,
Hm963-0S70. Wk897 0395 ~LO $400. 645-1178.
Ref'ngerator $60 Large 4 Amencan Airline ~fart>
Hlde·a·bed sofa $75. Ted coupons $3S each. 1 ~. 897 0395____ 646-6H:!: __
Must Sell! Sofa bed * B E N G A L T I G E R
XJnl. cood. SKIN• floor or wall
S48-4(N2 mount. 8 ·2 ". Perrect
economical car. Apply N.B. 1449 W. Orangegrove, ~.:.________ ROSAN. INC.
EXECUTIVE 645-4044 Talented Young man to ___ __;:......._: ____ , train fOf" precision 1111tru·
~Thur· Moo 10-6.
Unhnis hed bard pine cond. $3900. 714 : 337-4014;
Ormge. Restaurant 7141548·5533
PLASTICS EXTRUDER wantel {!rH~cbllme Newport Beach.
l•--------•I meut repair (no elec· SICUTARY
Aaaistaol t o Movie
Producer Learn produc·
Uoa & distribution. Mu•l
be completely rree to
tnvel worldwide. Career minded only, attractive
6 well-groom ed. Call <21S)4M-3131.
C hio a c abi n e t &._ ________ _
matdllng buffet $300ea
OP E RATO R· c us t o m help, Moo·Frt. 2-S days AnEQual()pportu.oity snf11e exlr\lsloo, lat & wk. Pay S3.2Sbr. Furn l:mployer
2nd. ablft oPeninp. Ell· Wliform, train 1 day, Salesperson desired for
per d only. Salary com-flexible ac:bedwes. New ruJI lime employment. ~ "''~';;· ~ Wieneracbqitzel. 250 Retail 1reeling card
St:.. C ~9 · South Brialol, C.M .. near store. A La Card. So. ' • • .RedbilJ & Briat.ol. Coui Plua, CM
PO'M ERS • Needed. Full Restaurant SAU3MRSON, perma ·
• pu1.Ume. lluat. be ex· SGT. PIPPMOMl'S neat fUJ.I lime. will train. Secretuy. Need responsl· per.~ flUZASTOll R.M. Abrabma Catalo1 ble person t o help -~ • .. , 1 edl •· Sbowroom, lllJ Newport w/mlac office duUea. r~. mm a.... Now hirlnJ IOI' luJl •part Blvd "'-•-u ..,8 =·SH ... some bkpa. openl!'li hlab a peed UmeoperunpatlocaUon ,"-""Km•..-.. · • p
WebbU'lUDN. 1 Year off· noar O.C.Alrport. Vary· SALESPERSON to sell ma':ur:i:c·wt:X~. c~j
8" Gl*ience required. lnc d.aya It bOun: Ideal rntmber1N119 for private for 1ppl. uam-apm, Alllllf JMI Oraocepove, ~tal Income for club. MUil futve aalee ell· _... Atk-lor Dave
cnnp.197.xn. baulewtvee • attadnta. per. 175.9090 Call · · <>ar~tvepvwtn1 .,..._261Pll. SECRETARY Part· =UP co. oa ... opporiun.IU• time.t-5. llm-l'rl. "'""""'I:: ..___ -.. .. lot •wement ba.Md 91*·tuU A part.Ume for 71'.flSM.Oll ~ .. -. "'' -0 ~ ., 0 u r J 0 b blU.r sr• aboe store .
Sat. 1,.rlenct Pr•· performaDce. Pleasut Achancement opp. SecretarJ ·Geooff. lttyp.
ferHd. Appl7 ,_., .. ~CODd. Mut bell 8eMlitt. Good salary. la&, It bklrp1. pboota. =~~ PIMeatJa, •cw;.w ~: 114-tewlU Cl11 BW1'19-2863.
Slilala AM IWIJl&a G'<lm to lhDoOaldt > &.Cl.E.
t.ronJca) Must be relia· ble. have manual dex·
terit.y & excellent vision.
LoQg training period. On·
ly aer1oualy Interested
need apply. ca ll for In·
t.ervlew a ppt. between
7·9AM only ~
U751 Weatminater Ave.
GG. ('114 > 554-6103
ANTIQUF.S s Shops J at.op!
ANTIQUE ROW 3'2.BNewport Blvd CM
or~. 6'5-7413
QueeJ u mattress fr box
spnngs & rattan hdbrd,
like new USO. 751-1088.
Waterbed witb heate r
Plldded headboard hOO
'WO• •rs APPAREi.
128 B. Marine Ave.
Balboa Island
TEACHER '=ue roll top desk xlnl. Colfee table, OvaJ Math. Inst, cred, F /T . MN\ 889 · Gold leaf lop . _.,.,, 1 piano ..-~.u--•er 5 e l em g r a d es · C M · 9J0.9a.15l8 -.r..-.. n • u;, Original water color .
6'2-04U •.,.me.. 10 Io ~:!'.~ ...... ~~!.! ~;.u:;~~ \::~~:~~·~ TIACHEI ....................... ll()VJNG MUST SELL! 6'5-7972
PE, drlU Intl e le m CASH PAID Dtx. bunk beda Ulle new1 a_;..:.;.T..:.R;..;."'~C-K-St_e_r-eo-.-5-0• fradu. F /T , C .M . W1br /dryra/R efrl1 1, IDidleatcdtbl. redwooa ,_,.'.: .,.,, •• d . ~CA
88-4MU wortdnlornottsr-8133 picni.c th&• bot'I~•. Ram---e n lll aare ....,.
TELEPHONE UledRetriprat.on ~ ortan lllre new. ~·M$.m2
SOLICJTORS Wubenfsl>ryen Lew\e leut ttc:ktao. + • dlllt al drawers lees
Put Ume. Sun·Tbon. JIAROAINS-SEJ\VJCE awneroua other l{ema. the 1 )r oid Cott '90ea
S:•tot:30Pll. Caneam leRAllPUanc:9Ul-08Jl m.MMcallewnh\p. Mill lot ..... 1 E'ureka
MIO to '100 per mo. WW "'-btml Is Adams, RB. ~-pltn0 6 roll top db. cammter vac. •moe
ll'lln. Mutt be~'* .. .., ,_,. Clautl&ed desk, coclla&oo u i ea, old coet SllO. Mil '100.
IM• lbat to lolkwt la· 811 11 IO._,.. ... Just 1quarham1.L _11_icturea • ..:."3-.:.;..;.ml.;;.;;.;;. _____ _
llnldAam.. la N.B. area. .._._ • a call oa tbe i.wn equlp. 111m.o aam•. ~ sale. -ru..wea.
--~ _. "''U ._... ,_ Cads, cello, m1ec ltema. T b u r a • 1 7 t a 2 .._.,_,_,,_,..,. No lunk. Sat/Sun 1.5. Wrillbtwood. H.B.. \Spr-..___ 191LarQortDr.H.B. ._.,.IS.._)
. ................ ... .......... -.w1111s• ,.,. ....._,., w
tlJO ••-•••··••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••-•••• ••••••••• 1 ..... ·-·-· ....................... f1J7 ... 1°1 t7 tlll .. ,.... ..........,.; comp.
....................... .......... ~ ... LOap·
'11 Y.-u -~•wv ~ ...... P .M ..
-w tr• lw VW Man. Uuv'Slt , MHnl
....................... ......................
•• 9U S 1PHCI. ab&rp. VISITYOUI 21111~1oao ·
llM&ll ....... tt::,=. .. l .. o
.,._...,HT A.II ort1l .. 1
6 recondlllo1ttd IDt
1111r1 .-00 NB .._.,.
Oun 't t.t* • ..u "' your
111ed lltrcedH Beni Call &Al fo n.I out what
)'GUI" llBZ'1 really worth.
111'-ioo Viejo Import.a
OIM•ICOAST tm HONDA i4 914, blk on bUI, Oaw· •.eC«eo.map.MuJt HIA.DqUAITllS .... moo.~.
"12 a.pl. lull pwr. •lftt C.01111 tfll
&INT D ' FIREBALL. Ladl" raoa. l karat
SELr CONTA INED, dlem~dl, ..... karat
RIAS<>NABLE 14.6 DIS ,!!!* llJ0064Mf7!._ ....... wt.41
Dale's RV Sales
We stand behind
what we .sell !
4wt..IM•" 9110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •.••••....•••.••••••••. Mfl'-• 9705
'70 I.and Crw aer. only •••••••••••••••••••••••
70,000 mllu . suoo '78 Alfe tta 4·dr , air , 5U-~orMa·UIOO. 2l-Kmj. $-yr warranty
---M.800.163--Ml9 Trwkt tHO ••••••••••••••••••••••• -..w t71J
It'll Toyota SRS PU ••••••••••••••••••••••••
w1dlx abell, 20.000 m l. Un new $ yr /SOK wmty
uvall '4800 ~9241
. . ...
SA1..i'3 • SEJWICE
2850 Harbor Blvd.
caad. am k• otter. ·-•••• ••• •••••••• •• ••
2 ~. ·• •.100. ·e1 MS-9291 ,. v.u. c1n met. bn.
SJ.750. 2u1-.2110 camel lat, •pollen. Ut, _;_;;...;;..;.;...;;..;.~-----1 •La Sabre &ood eond. 1t.reo, cru.l1e, eledr.
Beltolferover wlndowa. Under 2K rol, i7"1t a:a.. AIC, AM I FM atr
tape, snrl, polished mags
" many other xtru. Lo mUeaae. 675-0085
i7 Targa, blkJtan, bell
offr .. must sell 5'7·7983.
aM-3896 .
a'IO. ~ abaoluuty mlat, alwaya
'78 Reaat. XJnt Cond, xtra aara,.cl l14.NO fin11 .
lom&, AM1f'M, A/V A/C. 11Sl-041N ......_
take-Over leue+f700 or •• c.orv.u.. eoovtnlb&e,
l57001olfer. 9'79-~ ext tunlhn radJo. m cu bl. mor~t-8381. "° HP, 4 •P4 $5000.
'79 Vette. Black/oy1ler
bL F\llly loaded. Lo m l. m.ooo. Ph set ..um.
Tl 8"Y0owor Jt' mm11
ti I S 4 11 eper•. dJt•h air. 1nower , now f11bnr.
Abliolult'ly 1mmac Nt'w
Ul"ei tbolct or oolor1 swoo.
75 ·7u Hullblc top van
con v e r \IO n a. 16 >
1tlt.-e!kr... i.rlf cont. cJabh
II.Ir new fabn cs & t1 rc11
lmlruic Choice of colon
'61 Ford truck. pickup. $ 1 sr • llOADWAY new~ ·new U.res, •so. SAMfA AMA <:all Pau!, 64$-9116 835·3171
'61 "'4 too Ford, auto tran:s, '"' uu'"'"'e: 011tv1Ho "'"c"'"t ruru Kr1e•t . sac ri flee ml Dmts •USB>BMW1•
'72 2002l.ia S/ R <992G BV I '73~4ap C289GMC> i7~4spd,sl <670SPV I
TISD4.spd61R (0179 1
i7 m.A Luxus ~zc 1
i8Jal4ap, '239UKll >
'78mA AIC C819WOA I
'78 633csiA s IR (0()62 >
i S 76 Four Star 19' 20·
muus (3). New Porter
rrunis 20' 22 ' (31 All
eqwpped with dash &
root wr. crulse control,
uew '79 fabrics " llrea. li e aul i f u l c o nd .
SOSOO.ll0,000. Choice of
63 Ford Ranchero. 260
V8, Good ma Needs
paJnt. f.64SO/OBO. Call
&ft. 5 SC-0775
i2 XJ6, blk1red ant . runs
well. h1 m1 . $4000
<714 16 39 1181 d ys .
673-5878 eves & wknds -----v-'570 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'62 Van. Ford, 6-cyl. 170
hp, suck. xlnt cond. aso.
714/96'·lirll Luther
'78 Dodge Van: Loaed.
Low mHes. Super buy.
tll>OO. Call 964-6235 $1.,IX»-$2,000 down on ap-
proved credit, 30d11y un· 1973 Ford Van E ·l OO
!united parts & labor. CUilom. Sale or trade wJflMM11MStar1a1 ~"Tf t " . Oak d"el-:111e It >Jf "x 72 " equity Cor motorcycle
548--0831. ~@l\fltl J 8fig cost um 22' Viking Sport.deck. ~.Mr. Llasner SM>.~~ 11bW SJSOO. <Runabout ), new unused 15092 Harvard Ave., 73 cstm Dod~, looks & _ "7• '79 eng, 235hp OMC 110 Irvine
·-· 1 cabinets, full ,-overs & top, many ~~~~~~~~~I runt aood. C hvy d uty , ''net tbls, cpl extras $9250. By owner. -cooUni system, dual 1as ~:"t.t~ All near-714 /67S-OM5 '76 WU10ebago, 23• Mini tnb. Sl970. 731-08:58
lynew. PP. !7l4 >67S.57 l6 ---------• Wuuue. 32,000 mi's, rear .a..-.. w 9 90 or549-7154 ~i 1 22·· NA olfshore. 225 hp bath, new MicheUn Ures. --.4 5
Never used1. a wood. 6
drwr desksT'f75 each. 2
OMC 1/0 , trlr. xlra.s. AM/FM 8-trk CB radio. •••••••••••••••••••••••
552 8924 xln d WE PAY TOP DOLLAR
uphols tered a wivel "70Sklpjack. 20', 22SOMC
cba1eatiuM8 eac h. 8 10 , compass, radio, xlnt
chrome ~rm . vinyl cond.$.'>500.964·12'5
~ 11.6.each. s· con---~ ........ -----1
feflell"c.i,.able 1175. ·~·Sea-Ray Weekender. n•181CM181 aft6pm I mm a c . co n d .
. many xtras. l con . fort.op Ulled can-foreign,
_213_!_582_·594_7_· _____ , clomesUcs or classics. If
De•"' ,7,i.11361 n . f II e
cabinets. Jeweler typc !!how::;· cane liuc·k cbrs. c lhlb. & sct·
Ch r '-· y 7 5 fl 0 :.! :.! Ii , ev~· 57
l'IO:ff,.,~l ~. N ~
l"\!J(l~lh•r1·•1, I
mother 1,, .••
• • 7
. ... 11 .. p
Profession ally main·
tained. Many extras .
Twn 454 Crusaders, very
lo hrs Owner must sell.
purchased other boat.
rro.00010 00. C8am-5pm)
~.10·3383: aft 6. 640·7822.
l!lllS 17' a ll varnished
rnag h Li k e
n I• W $ 7 , 5 0 0 I 0 f C C r .
ti.11 4~. 67S· l:J93 Tony
l.rg Jil'n llt• Molul·tu n zz· C:rwsers fnr Cuddy
(;o('kaloo , I r ~ t•st cabin, w11h trailer. Fully
WT'Ol.ij?ht iron c·u"C' Sl.200. equapJ><..-'d 2250MC I /O.
t.o approved home only Asking Sl 0,500. Must
963-251.8 seU!. Call 546-4070 ,._Ir Organs 8090 llHh. Sall 9060 .............................................. ••••1oo ·a of NEW Ir ''8, Luders UJ, 251l. varn lJ8a> pianoft • or1ao1. h u 11 • • I i p i n N 8 •
85up. DeaJcr 7SJ.ll2l be a ull f.u I. S4 000
s:>HXHO. Old nme Sha.keys player -------
pano, xlnt cond Roll& an 1 dd 551-4'£70 art s 30
VAMAJIA, dl·lux1· prof
uprii.;ht ~odcl UJllS.
Po~hed ebony ~2 2639
for Sale· Grund piano 5rt
111n Weber C1rcu 190!1
$3.500 or reasona ble or.
te r . P P . 960· 1673,
F'a'it fiberglass crwsmg
t·uttcr Profcss1on al ly
tustom bwlt Teak & oak
interior Loaded with
itt'ar including d1e!>el.
windvane & refngerator.
R ea d y t o c ru1 i.e
anywhere. $80,000/ offer
(714 ) 898·2970. Pri vale
RENT 22 n luxury motor your car ii extra clean.
home; sleeps 6 ; self. Meta FIRST!
cont. 12SO/Wk. + It' m l.
T .......... T,...el 9170 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Travel Trailer 15-20 ft.
CaJI 751-8967
'ID Star Craft camping
trlr, Sl.JOO oroffer.
963·51WS ----Trailers, Utility 9180
Exceaent for CJOrclenff',
E/.5() 673-0744
Auto Senice, Parts
&AccnsoriH 9400 •••••••••••••••••••••••
PARTS&SERVlCE HOUas <>Pen 7~.m. 'tlJ Sp.m . Mcnda} thru Friday
Ooeed Sat. & Sun.
Elfectlve Mon 9124 /79
22-IOS Mum, Santa Ana
At the Comer of Warner
·64 VW t.r:m.<ia xle & l'ni;anc
$1SO each or bes t olrer
Four ware wheel covers
for '79 l::ldorado $250.
#I .. 0.-.... C...ey
211125 HarbOr Bl Yd.
'1':')1 ll.1rl•o1 llhd
' ' ,..., I \ \1 ~ " \
Caal Sell Your Car?
ForOean Used Imports
Call Mike or Don
Late m odel T oyotas ,
VolvOb, P1ckupti & Vans <:.all us~ay '
1898 Upnght piano
xlnt. cond. $800
Mel Craft Naples sabot, 673-219_1_ I tU ..___ llh&
Hammond 11plnet organ
Ll02, walnut, wlbench.
xlnt cond, bluebook $937,
cash $700. 644·9818 .
SporfitlCJ ~ 1094 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Roulgnol Saito 170 c m .
*is, SM. K2 190cm . skis.
S3S. both In good cond.
1163-2ai6 I
l..IMbes reg. Spaulding golf
dubll w/cslm decorator
bag & cart. SI.SO. 642· 14'10
days, 646-Q29 eves.
Schwinn Exercycle . like
new. SlOO. Call 546-4070 ...............
... 1095 .......................
racing equjpped. le ss 4orig.10023S6Bhub caps.
than l y r old $750. S 2 o O or o f I er
S40-4728 _ 540·6900x319: 6 44·9127
c .. ,.~ ""•o.uo> °' s •o.tu 1
Doah. Slls-/ . ev_a. ____ _
Dodca 9070 Volvo V-J8 E·J8 Engine. & PORSCHE's
YAC Newport 646-0551
Boat slip wanl.ed to ac·
commodate 36. Sailboat
in Newport area. Please
contact J .L. Golfos at
Slips Avail. Call J udy Off Harvey
WANTED. Shp to rent for
36' Fatrllner tri-cabin in
very gd cond. Would con·
Sider as partial tr ade on
live-a -board. 631·2565
trans, tot.ally rblt . best
otrer. 494-3210
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Allow WI the opportunity
to consider the purchase
IMPORTANT or trade-in of your clean
NOTICE TO Porsche. Check with U1
ADVERTISf:RS ~· ~ The price of 1toms · .. IJIJ
advertised by vehicle ~
dealers in the vehicle -·'0
classified advertising 383~~ :t?im
columns does not include
any applicable laxes, ---• ____ -;.-;..--f license, transfer fees,
finance charges, fees ror
at.r pollution control de· OPPOITUMITY 1
ao..d S.11d.ys
OfMIW 1979
528''1 ALSO 8.13CSI .,
CaJJ t.oday ·We alto may
have that pre-owne d
BMW you are looklD&
ll 1·2040 495-4949
Row c...,.,. ,Inc.
Roi.ls ftoyce BMW
Newport Beat·h 640-6444
850N. Beach Blvd
0 Mi. No. of SA f'wy l
Scmd.-y by Appl.
i9 XJ6L lmmac Ork
green Low mileage
Sl.8.400 Call 67H570
iO K.a.rmann Gb1a C.00·
vert , xtn sharp. S3895.
~ .... 9740 •••••••••••••••••••••••
1975 MIZ
Red with bamhoo an
tenor Loaded & In
M I NT con d 1ta o o '
Dove & Qua.JI Sts
'73 280 C: Good cond. ~
v ... ..,.. 9770 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
VW ·Having trouble ~II
ln& your car" Try us Top dal1&r • Paid rcw or Not '
Bn.ng your car to Jim
Marino Volks waiten .
IJ7ll Beach Blvd . Hunt
ington Bearh Ask for
Frank Manno ur Tom
'78 F1eetwood Brouaham.
xlnl opponunity. shrl.
term leas e o r buy .
lo a de d , lo / m 1. PP
i8 Camaro, xlnt rond.
4!>,000 m1. ~. negoua
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
.._ ........ ._ ..... o._.,,......, ......... ...-c...... ,...__
9945 • •••••••••••••••••••••• BUG Mt;!)I s .. ,:LL Nu - - -Tl Versailles, 2A.OOO mi ..
tng. trans. AM FM ta Pt' Mwt sell i 6 Ctmarn, xlnt xJnl ('()lld . xtras, $8,000 . pp~ 4()>t ~~C.!1 1 after !lam 549-2!188, 556-0594
'll} VW nt-w paint llrt•'>
n-blt eru: A!>kinlo( SI . 1JIJ
837 ~.Ml
i i \/W Conv Super lit-t>tlt'.
~ eog. new Macbelin
r11d1als $3000 492·471SO days,or496:-4162ev~ __
·66 Bug. very clean '
; 11 Z 2 1< • I) r n t· x t .
r;,ml'I int 111,0<>0 m1,
d c J n S l'l l1ni: a t
wholesale $57~ ~ 2286
i7 L.inroln Town '·oupc:
Ab!lolutt' Cherry ' All
l'QWP 1ncld ~tcrt:<J ta pe
dock, 29.000 mile;. On•·
Owner O w n e r w i ll
"18 Camaro. gas ~avmg (uwx:e part ~5. call
:D> cu.Ill V8, clean. AC. _ev_es_644 __ 0345 _____ _
PS'P8. Ult wbJ. AM 1PM. Mliow t 9950
a uto trans. l o 011 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• metallic brwn·tan mt. ORANGE COUNTY'S S!llOOtbest ofr. 1$2~
cly$, 1$2-60S7 e vestwknds MIWIST
'77 30 0 Dis 55 K ma 742002, Wit cond. AM W M Colorado beige P P
stereo. a~oi, SlJ,000 846-5792 _
61 Bug. sunroof. en~ i:ood -LINCOLN-MERCURY
S500 ofr 540·1i900X31!1 79 Camaro lierhnetl.41 . T Ot; \L F.RSlllP
d)"l, 1»4-9lZi t-vs top d.trl< ml't bl ul' Sad n ... y RADEBOE
dJe ant lo..ded 7 UOO m 1. ""'
9720 Tl<'50SL verylo m1 fo\11
ly \.'(IWP 2 topi. While
••••••••••••••••••••• •• w blk inter 499 5111
i~ \'W So~r t.icetlt' lllk undl.-r -..arrant>• Sii 750 U.NCOLN-MERCl!RY
nt'"" t ilt h brk.;,. i:rt•J t 640-5768.~9744 16-L8 Aut.o<Ant.er0r.
n .M s:nxi 64$ i l.W JI SOFwy Lake .. ·orest eiut
Wrn i 4, 93.000 m1 good ronJ . IHVINE LARGE
•DATSUNS• L-. Selectlon
540.6410 540.,21 l
i2 ~BZ 01 .. :SEI. VAN
OnJy 26.000 m1
975-07J.1 f'VCS
cle.ul. S2.Si00 0 80 130.7000 62 C~-.. Ca b Pl 00 52168
~1Cn7 78 Camero loaded T top
'00 ~L. auto. both top:., ·Q. vW Bug~ dcJ)t'ndabl AM , FM ~~pe h p 18 &
perfect cond .. mus t sell tr·~ ~ar Sl .200f'I Ri•t e stttnng l w eel Ai r 675-0092 .... .. " Chrome wire wheels.
-----4.!r7 5078 Lotrni SS.&50 ~-2288.
'67 ~~ new paint, xlnl -m e c h . c 0 n d , ·55 VW Fastback runs O.ur ..
Sl2."'00/0BO 962·1~64 . goodneedstransmtsslon. ~------.. -· Makeoffer 631·5048 __ •••••·;;;~·~·;;,;;;•••••
M.BZ ·67 230, 4 dr, whtlblu
ant. mech M>Und. auto
tr ans. A Mt f'M, A1C.
very c ln thro ug hou l . ~eves. and wknd.a
Lat e '7 8 450 SEL.
s1lver1blk, none cleaner .
not a scratch. drive n
12.,050 rru. by an old fudd>
duddy $27. 000. 64(). lS.Jll
eves --------
1'S286, blue, great cond . Sl0,500, A I C, A M Jf'M
c&'ISeUe 642·2014
'fi8 ~ i.unroof. l owner
2 new l.lres. XJnt cond
$4.500 PP. 714-75!-6770
·r.i Squareback : Reblt CLl.A•ANCI! eng Xlnt rond. $2450 ,..__ ,.._ 0 80 n 5· l6J 6, f'Vl'& on ..... marOll, ..,..pn ceS, Q;J«J73 Monte ~rlo!!, Ma hbus"
Novas. Ora1t1c reduc·
9772 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
1966 Harbor Blvd.
646-9303 540..9467
.... ,.. J t , r ' .. 1 I I
' ' ,.., I \ \l ~ . \
.... ..., 9952 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
4 speed. TRX radials
w /m acs . s t ereo " moanrool. (W l2JOI ).
CO~IA M!'>A r,oll 0111n
i1 Grande 151 en•. P /S ,
Pl& P/W, AIC. $3400.
48H'181 • ..-.5122.
'67 Mustang COf'IV. 6-cyJ,
ND, reblt trana. power
top, ~•Ul1ful. $3,000.
i4 Mach I. P /S, AIC, cln,
bat ofr . 498-3586 or -31127
·~ MustanR 289 4spd, ln-
Lenor needs mUlor work .
11000. 642-3867. OAK STORE
Complete outfit In
excellent condition
cootaining everything
needed to fully equip.
medium slze store.
Want shp or mooring
for 36' sailboat
Bob, 833-1361
vice certiflcataons or de· knocb oftaa when you
aler documentary pre· me retull·&etling Dally
paraUon charges unless PUot Oassined Ad.a t.o l~~~~~~~~;;;;;:;i
otherwise specified by reach the Oran1e Coul
·68 28QS, 4 dr. brwn. auto
trans, P S. AM I FM .
S2800tbst ofr 760·9362 wl<nds_or alt §PM. __
Largest Volvo Dealer
in Orange County'
Equipment tncludes run
powe r . vin y l r oo r.
AM/FM stereo, crwse
ront.rol. pwr. windows-
seat·trun.k release " air rond. In ex~Uent cood1·
Uon. t016TCL 1. '811 Mwst. rebll 351 eng. Nu
llres & radiator. gd inl &
body. $1800. 640-6637
:at mooring, 281t boat.
Npt. Bch. Sell SlS,000.
t rade R .V . P .P .
the advertJse_r ___ mark~ 6'2-S678
Claisai.fed Ad.a 642-5678
Mer LOAM till 3PM
will pwke appointment
to see.
Alltol..HlllMj 9510 .WOL.eaM.I) 9580 T1 •1partatlota ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Aircraft 9110 .-.-----------, TV~~~.. 1091 ;·;:~~·~;:;~;·;:;;; I LEASE ANY MAKE I
-••••••••••••••••••••• clean. IFR Must Sell I ANY MOOR I ~ 25·· RCA color 71~110, 894-3119 ~=-..:.1~ Warr. cc;:ra. We/ tt20 11 11
·•···•···••••·•··•••••• PAY OMLY srEREO Speakers, new, I I
ICill in box , never used. WANTED FIRST MO.....U ,.,..y12"woole!r,60watt She lf fo r 1971 Ford I f"'lllln I
i..ee1« • mld·level con· Rancbm>C.11751-89117 p •YME ... T trots. 5 yr. warranty. ~='/ I A " I Penny 's llCS 1er ies. _....
.U. in •tore for "50. Seu t t 10 I * I Ste. $250 for both. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •tm <Garden Grove) XR 75 HONDA '2$0. I MO ..-osn' OI LAST MOMTH I
80YA!fAHAS175. WI,., •• ·MY TRADE 25'. COLOR TV f123, 540-loto I "" ~ I 2 Yr Warranty Free Del. · •• flOm oa MCm
&Q.$340. "12 Honda 175, like new, I PHOMI CIBIT A.PPIOVAL I 3..<XXlmL,S.W. Wlrdl lt" color TV S200. r7J-0744 ~~~%i.Tr~~:,,n~~ islCZtlOO, 1mmac .. 10,ooo I 'R cm1AC
Ille eaec ree!Ol'der suo. ID, NC., $1500. I <>-.. 01M1t. ,_ ... •
'!!«JI --:=.·--··~-
llutt Hll Ktn'wood lt72 HONDA, ca us. I '246
.._""· JO Bud Grar-Vtll' aood uba.Pe. SJOO, WO. oe __. .... TWD Ta· Cal~ --0r--• I:.-:.: i.;.~~":.: :n.~~ '::.~~-!I
bl•. Portable TV.11::=-==·,·=·=-=··-=·=;11 *"...,· ''""' .... , ._....,. ..... '*I ') .U.flWio.lellau I• ,...,,.,_,,....... ..,_ .... .
i8 Olcsel 300 CO. Mexico
swreo. Loaded. Blac k.
Mml cond. Must sell '
S21 .000. Days 821·5000.
t:ves MS-5688. -----9744
1'S 280Z. 32K ml, loaded, '76 MOB 3SK ml. Nice.
nu radiahl. cocoa, SS600 $4500 Days 846·3422 & ~5829 Eve.8847-4978
~ 2025 s. Manchester Anaheim 750-2011
74~·260Z. 24 ,000 ml, l owner. Met green, mags,
air, clean . $4800
6 4 2 -5 0 0 2 , ev s .
Opel 9746 •. 1428. 4 cyl. 4 spd.
••••••••••••••••••••••• o 'dr1 ve. I[ real mpg 'a
'73 Manta. racing fiares, +more, $2000/bst ofrr
wings, apoller, rebll en& 1Hlam,&-9pm67~5671
+ m • n Y x l r a • · Volvo Sport Coupe '62,
-._.,,, Al ll k SllOO/best otr. ~ needs h.wlu work. Reblt ,.,_., f , map, I C , ,._ c-"39 -lmmac . $5495. Oya . -·· ..._...., eves 911 la trans. Sl.200/080.
67H'190, eve; 830-0773. ,_.., • 97 47 aft. 5• --~
'71 510, Mag whls. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 Waaon. fully equlp'd,
AM/Fii cau .. new bal· '72 Pantera. pnce '15.500 nut NU. 9950. Firm.
tery, carb, water pump, « best olftr. Gd cond, XlMCond. •1819.
clutch. Xlnl runolna white. 714.414.3557 or
cond. S12>0 Me-2$44 72t-ml. ..... Utecl
..., 9721 , .. ,... t741 ..................... ..
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• lax 4 tto I
• Wan U6, aood cond, '71 504 Dle1el, auto., •••••• .. •••••••••••••••
ndc>, 30mJll, •s. Must Uno. A/C, ararf, xtta Next ....
811111.2J.3.51MiULulbu. tnka, mooo ataoe ciotor. ToA
t.M. COD4. Jl,400. ...... .... c ..
'72 Plat tlO, both '°"'· 114/........,.. la nae u&ounoblM from
clean. mechanic , , ... f7IO ~· •b' lbM ot = Aak1q suoo1otr ;!'J ... ! ............. _ our . owned U..C:::
· 'M .:. xlDt CODd. _, Is aad ercurya. You ·re
,, Flat 1JI Sport CouPt. clUkh reblt lJ,000 mJ lur't t.o ftDd that ll*lal
rum pod, 1rHt 1aa, tp.MID0.•.1111 ...._.caryou'\'tbetn •-•ble. eSt.-. laina tor al a pr1ct
R.J Dameron
& A.asociates ~ 9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 752·2526 ---------• '12 4 door 118, all power,
i4 Chevy Caprice. 4-dr, '10,000 Dll., very clean,
PIS, P 18. AI C. $1195. 11.495. 673-0744 ~2623 daya, G40-J52A' t.m~ CUUaaa--B-rh-m-.-2
--·---dr. sharp. brown met.
'811 1 MP ALA WAGON Preaident.s car. l'\t II pwr,
AIC, pwr 1tr • brU. AC. Wt, cnaae, vlo roof,
l.'500 540-1080. 14.2116. 754--0322
Impala: '73 2dr. Super
clean. extremely low
male,qe, A/C. hlr. rad,
auto trans. new batt,
Ures. brakes. See to ap-
preoate. CM. 541-5767.
'71 O>eveue xlnt cood I
IC, AMIN cua stereo,
:ID,<XIO mi., like new, AIOO
flrm. 64CM708
'118 Q,evy stn wan 1UU .,.., needa work. Collec·
Cllryller' tf ZI ••••••••••••••••••••••• "l'1 Olrdoba: All power,
am/fm t track stereo.
XJnt cond. U ,000 ml. '4a00, W ·IHl Da111 a'790 Ev.• Wlmdt.
..,_.. 9960 •••••••••••••••••••••••
i 4 PSymoutb wa1oa. Air,
nidio, 31.8 encine. Real
1ood condition. $2000.
"II Plymout.h Gran f\iry
Wagon, PS. PW. p~I
All/P'll stereo. AC. AU ...,.., 111.uat Mii. Sl.500.
Call 114-'137 ·6449 aft
l :IDPll
"''. . ..................... .
'79 r1reblrd Eaplri\,
toOOml, A/C, T:~o_p,
All/Fii l ·tnck. '1700,
Daya : Hl·2HS. Xlnt o.d.
'71 GrMd Prlx LJ1 ll,000
a , f.al ""°' 111.acbeUn llre1, laa w /velour ....... ..,.. .. _ •. ~ ....
'IT HJ. Fact. allo11, 10U1l llU.
.._. 9727 AK,f.~c.~u·;1~ .. cer. We,,....! ....................... ......... "'9 .,....
' ;.r;..~u aft 4:00 IWQ..UWAd (Z14) 711•1332
~---···co1. ~':' CAU:•mlllYONLY -~..._.... .,..,,... ..... =: .
.... "74 .. av1e.1 ....... All/l1I ,.TllPtUl.tUvtr,41& J1'm111IS. c...u., to.• mU.. ml.. 04,000, A/C, Lklula ttuww
..... ob'.~ AM /PM cacHtU . _,..,.... .. .r. •111m. r_ --.. a..,_ ....,
cm&. HH 1119, I yr AD-tmOa fj':W.:-1..... --....................... ~
'11 ..... bedr~/--/O.u .....
J 7
' ~
B•n'tlagto11 Beaeh
Fountain Valley
. f -
'No Coast ·Slayings Patteni' • m
Killer of Gir~
Puzzks Police
f Mesa Victim's Last
Hours Described
Debra Lynn Senior, like most
of her apartment-dwelling
neighbors, was aware of the
series ol attacks on women that
bad occurred near her Costa
Mesa neighborhood.
The night she was slain, she
was concerned enough about the
assaults to follow her sister's ad-
vice and lock the door to her
apartment at 2256-A Maple St.
( But the window locks were
broken and police say that is
bow the teen-ager 's murderer
got into her residence.
Lit• five other women before
lier, the 17-year-old girl waa
bluqemed to death and raped.
11111 Seaior will be redW ata:Ua.m. &SL 'o elal at.Mlle c•u••·
·-,,, QdliUm a.tal ... follow 81 f a.m. She wlD be
buried at Harbor Lawn-
-~..._ '--_. permta, .JobD
1 and Pamela Senior; two
\ brotben, Jettrey and llicbael.
• and a mt.er Ja<!quellne, all ol l Coata M eaa. and her 1---
f <
( ,
grandmother. Florence Medland
of Canada.
Police have been questioning
family and friends or the teen·
ager since her body was dis·
covered early Sunday morning
in an attempt lo find leads to her
killer's identity in her lifestyle
and habits.
Miss Senior graduated from
Estancia High School in June.
He r teachers there remem-
bered her as a "sweet girl," who
w as very dependable and
seemed lo enjoy ll!e
They said she set goals for
beraelf and one of those was to
attend Onmse Coast College to take secretmial tninlq.
Illa 8mlior'• fww teac:ben
'*•lied ........ did ... a..t
'Werk 1a a.. w•w and abo excelled In aewtng.
lD a ...... for iDdep-~ .._,...._,. ..... _v_.
home two m ••t. .., • llaare an apartment wltb a Cltlfl lead.
She drove a deJlvery car for a
blueprint and graphics firm
(See VICTDI, Pase Ai>
CM* o..ty ~ l&eff
Detectives from five Orange
County agencies conducting a
joint investigation of assaults
and murders of young women
say they have been unabJe lo
find a common lie between the
nine victims.
Police announced Monday that
the formal task force, formed
two weeks ago to investigate a
total of 14 assaults and murders,
was being disbanded in favor of
a more loosely knit association
of the investigators.
They also said that five of the
cases have been eliminated
from the list. The remaining at·
tacks in Costa Mesa , Irvine,
Newport Beach. Santa Heights
and Tustin are the work of one
man . s pokes m a n C harles
Thayer said
The cases for which one SUS·
peel is being sought are:
-Jane Ellen Benning1on, 29.
of Corona del Mar. who was
slain Aug. 1, 1977.
-Kimberly Gaye Rawllns, 21,
of Costa Mesa. killed April 1.
-Savannah l..elgb Andenon,
22. of Irvine, who died May 13,
1979 ;
-Marolyn Carelton, 31, of
Costa Mesa, slain on Sept. 14,
-Debra JeaJl Keuedy, 24, of
Tustin. killed Oct. 1, 1979;
-Delwa Lyaa Sealor, 17, of
Coata Mesa wbo was murdered Sunday .
Tbe CMm al8o lDclude auntv.
la• ae•a•lt •lcU•• IU• Wlllteeo&to•, •. Saata Aaa
Heights, wbo was a\Uc.ked iD May; ,,..,_ Petteaalll. M. ol eo.ta .... wbo ... attMSed in
JalJ, llld Dlana Green. JO, ol
TuatiJl. wbo WU attacked In Sep-
tem ber.
Mrs. Green's unborn baby girl
died as a result of the ass·au1t.
Karl Alm Welt, 9, feeds pt ln Uon Coun· trJ s.fmi 'a pettillg IOO. She ls one of 232
bandleapped youn1ater1 from New
Zealand apend1n1 10 days lD Southern
calllciriii after Air New 1Ai1•1 nd flllbt
crews niMd '250,000. The younpten alto
are visiting Disneyland'-_Knotta Berry
Farm, Universal Studios, 1111.agic Mountain and the Loi Anaeles Police Department.
Based oo a witness' descrip-
tion, police are circulating a pie·
ture of a dark-haired man they
believe is responsible for the
string of murderous assaults.
At the same time. detectives
are studying the Uves of the vic-
tims to try to find a common
ground they shared in hopes that
common point would lead them
to the killer .
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
acknowledges that lf there is a
trait shared by the women. at is
"We've looked at the places
they did their s hopping, the gas
s tations they used . repair
services. beauty parlors you
name it.
"There's just nothing there,"
he said.
Tbe one tra1t they all shared I!>
that they Uved in apartments
with ground-floor entri~s that
were stuelded Crom the street
The women also had another
trait in common-they didn't
lock their doors and windows on
the night they died.
According to police. the
women were dissimilar in looks
as well as lifestyles. .
They ranged in size from Miss
Kennedy, who was a stocky, five
feet three inches tau to Miss
Senior who was a strapping five
feet nine inches tall.
Their hair ran the spectrum of
colors, lengths and styles.
They woned at a ranae ol
jobs. lln. CaNl&on taqbt ...,
aetan...-eoarw from ber .......... '1 ....
former NClal worktt wlilo'd
become a wait.reu. Miu Pet-ten a 111 worked for an op·
M lN Senior, wbo bad gradual·
ed from Estancia High School in
Costa Mesa. drove a delivery
car for a blueprint service.
Conoco, GuH
Join Oil Firm
Profit Boom
NEW YORK (AP) -Conoco
Inc. and Gulf Oil Corp. joined
the list of big oil companies an-
nouncing h uge third-quarter
profits today, with Conoco say·
ing its income rose 133 percent
in the quarter and Gulf posting a
97 percent gain.
Like the other oil companies to
announce big third-quarter earn-
ings gains. both attributed most
of the jump to increased profits
from overseas operations aruJ
said little came from U.S. refm·
ing and marketing divisions.
Conoco, ranked ninth among
U.S. oil companies, said its
third-quarter profit was $247.1
million, or $2.30 a share. com-
pared with S105.8 million, or 98
cents a share, ln 1978's third
quarter. This year's period in-
cluded a one·lime gain of $32.6
million, or 30 cents a share,
from a change in British tu
Conoco. based in St amford,
Conn .• said sales in the quarter
rose 41 percent to $3.5 billion
from $2.4 billion in the J uJy.
September period a year ago.
Fifth·ran.ked Gulf, based in
Pittlburgh. said profits in the
quarter were $416 million, or
$2.13 a share, compared with
$211 millkJG, or $1.08 a share, a
year ago. Revenues in the
quarter roee 33 percent to 6.14
billion from $5.05 billion.
Tbe profits announced by
Conoco ad Gulf. com>DC ~ the
heela of lar1e lncr'eu~• an-
nounced earlier by Exxon,
AUantic Richfield and Standard
Oil Co. ol lndlaaa, renewed de-·
bate about tbe aiH of oil com·
pany earnlnll-P real dent Carter made
anotblr pttdl .. ~ b1a tu
OD oil eompM.)' profttl,
•'11.al tbat wllUe oil coneerm alreadJ ....... lar1e IUll ol
money, "they want more. But
It'• not fair to tbe American peo-
ple for &bem to bave more."
Carter WH particularly
piqued at •axoa Corp.. tbe
world'• lar•••t oU company,
wllkb Nici .... , lta proftta
had rilm 111 pettent lD tbe JulJ·
September quarter. The ln·
cNue WM tbe bia•t ln Eu-
(lee PaOPITI, Pa .. Ai>
Asks Paael Prohe
Wieder Assails 0 K
Of Seaclif f Project
Of Ute OMI• ~119' SliH
Comm1 ss1on e r H arriett
Wieder c9.1Jed Monday for an
vest1gallon of Regional Coastal
Co mm1ss1on administrative
staff in a fiery tirade following
Tmck Used
In Holdups;
A .is-year -old unemployed
Hua•"Cb• .... lnldc drt...-
and Ida female :::C--were arrested ID All~oada)'
after aDececD7 boldlq up four
West Orange County markets
during a t~bour period, police
Robert Beotley Weis. 25. and
Linda Ellen Hackney. 32, both of
124 15th St.. were arrested at 4
a.m. by Anaheim officers on sus-
picion or armed robbery
lnvestigalors allege the Hunt·
mgton Beach man held up qwck·
service markets in Huntington
Bea c h . Fountain Valley,
Westminster and Anaheim wtlh
tbe woman serving as the
getaway driver.
The pair were stopped by an
Anaheim officer five minutes
after a clerk at U -Tote-M
Market. 138 N. Brookhurst St .
Anaheim. told police a man
escaped with $25 in cash. a bag
of potato chips and some ice
cream after waving a gun in her
Two bours earlier. police saJd.
a man fitting the Weis' descrip-
tion held up a 7-11 Market, 9951
Yorktown Ave .. Huntington
Beach for $20 in cash after dis·
playing a pistol.
Investigators said they believe
the pair held up a 7·11 Market,
10950 Warner Ave., Fountain
Valley. for S36 in cash and a
Westminster market for an un-
determined amount of money
before driving to Anaheim.
Officers said they recovered a
pellet gun and a small ammmt of
cash from the pair. Both are be·
ing held al Anaheim city jail in
lieu of $25,000 bail.
'Forum Slated
Candidates vying for two apota
on tbe Huntington Beach City
(elementan'> School Dlatrict
Board ol Trustees wiU appear at
a public forum toaiabt to amwer
que.Uont (rom voters.
The forum, apoasored by tbe
Eader and Giller Sebool PTA,
will be at 7:3D f..m . at Eader
School. •t Bemus St.
Tbe candklatel rulllalDI ln tbe
Nov. I e1eetioD are lncumbeal
Norma Vander llolen, Dr.
Thomae Hoa1hton, Charles
Wri1bt. Dr. Gary Nelton and
Richard Brewer.
Pertee Sale OK'd
LOS ANGl!LB8 (AP) -Pertee Computer Corp. aatd
Monday lt will be acqulNcl bf a
Wfft Oerman computer eom-
paay for" SUD mnuc.. Tbe ofter
... tll.50 a •ban bf Triumph
Adler. a Nurember1 ftrm.
approval of the Seacl.Jff IV hous-
ing pro1ect an Huntington BeJJch
Mrs. Wieder called for tbe
st ate attorney general to in·
vestigate "conflict of interest"
charges m conJunction with staff
action in hand ling the con-
troversial 531-home develop-
ment n ear Bolsa Chica
The resional commisaioo ap-
proved the HunUngton Beach
Company development, 11·1.
daptte l&aff reeomm-dMAmw for clmlal llld ..._ man .._ u.ne .... a1 ......... ... u-... .......... .......... ---~G rt'•aa.m1-n. Onlyommissioner Ruth
Galanter voted a•aiut the SeMWf project .,.... a Mries ol
~---.... .UldMd to die plan.
llel Carpenter, tbe com-
mission'• ezecutlve director, ex-
cued himself from Mond~'s
hearings, announcing that R.
Gordon CraJg, acting executive
director, was in charge of staff
work on the project.
Carpenter said he lives in
Huntington Beach's Seacliff
area and 1s a member of the
Seacliff Homeowners Associa·
t1on which bas been critical of
some parts or the development
FollowUig Monday's hearings,
Craig said Carpenter bad dis-
missed himself from the project
studies when the plans were first
Carpenter said later that be
has no idea what Mrs . .Wieder's
complamts mean.
Mrs. Wieder, an Orange Coun-
ty Supervisor and that board's
appointee to the regional Coastal
Commission. complained loudly
that the commission staff bad
fought against the Huntington
Beach Company project from
the beginrung.
She was especially critical
when the stalf introduced pro·
posed development conditions
late Monday when it appeared
the commission would approve
the development.
Mrs. Wieder, a former mayor
of Huntington Beach, charged
staff members with "pulling
what appears is an end run" and
asked why the conditions bad
<See PROJECT, Page AZ>
Coast ,,
Partly cloudy tonight
a nd Wednesday. Lows
t.oni1bt S7 to a wttb a bith
about 10 near the beaches w ed.n.day. and in the QP·
per 70a inland.
A ,,-., ••• Rone tu
IUM., of World Wot 11 fome
mtmMld lo W 1'ofM Niue•
CGRtJv. s.. "°", PQftr At.
• ......
At"f_ ..... ,.. ..... ..._ 11 •f'INI .......... a _.... .,~ &.,M • ..,. M ....... .._. U =:. -= = ..... ,: -~ ( C-. CA .._At, CA =-· Q.tl ................ a a.c..P-. ., cnawu• a ..... .,_.
DM91....... M DP. 9111'1 *' C4 .....................
..... 1111 1•4 ~ • ......... Ct.I,,...... 8M ... 111•1 a....., M ................ Mau-.t a ..
. ,..
Judge Rlif'wle• Alliance Proteaten 1
Rate u~
Again •1 Pa&OE&Jal llCllOSMDL ...............
Oruce Coat, Superior Court
Juda• Oretta Sean refu19d
Monday to arant a CCNrt order
barrlq Ana.helm pollc• lrom
pbotocrapblq pr'Ot.elt•l"I of a
pilUtaey e&ect.roaiCI e1Po11Uon
at tbe Anabelm Coevention
Tbe order waa 1ou1bt by
Shah ~in
Mohammed Re1a Pahlavi, de-
i*ed ruler of Iran, atarted an
extemlve battery of teata -1 New
York ";:ttal-Cornell Medical
Center 'J to determ1ne tbe
nature of a deblUtaUna Wnea.
holpltaJ officials said.
Pahlavi wu lodaed in three
private rooms on the 17th floor
of the boepital'a Baker Pavilion,
and WU ti&ht1Y parded bJ bl.a
security forces , hospital
spokesman Ray Rebbann said.
Reblwm said the teat.a would
continue through tbe day, and no
word on the condition of the ex-
• iled former ruler wu e.xpected
until Wednelday mom1D1. at the
earliest. He would not describe the
symptoms of the shah'• sick
ness, ti..¢ did aay that Pahlavi
could not be described aa
Earlier, Eamon Brennan, tbe
hospital's vice president for
public affairs, said Pahlavi
~ould undergo a variety of tests,
including 'blood, urine,
radiology, but no one's being
more specific than that."
William Greene, hospital ad·
ministrator , said the shah was
admitted around 8 p.m PDT
Monday, about an hour arter he
s lipped into New York at La
G ua rdia Airport aboard a
GuUatream twin-e ngine jet
Seven hours after the abab's
arrival, one of bis senior ad· viaora releaaed a statement
which did 1iot reveal tbe 9bab'a allmeat
"Hls 'mperlal majesty has
come to United Statea to un-
dergo extensive medical ex-
am In atl ons at New York Hospital. The shah and mem·
hers of his family are optimistic
that the outstanding medical
t'ar e available in the United
States will diagnose his ailment
and provide a cure." the state·
ment from Robert F Armao
Now Charged
With Murder
A Newport Beach man
already convicted of extortion in
connection with the disap-
pearance of a Garden Grove
woman las t August is now
charted with her murder.
Oranee County Deputy Dis·
tnct Attorney Dave Carter filed
murder and kidnap cbarcea
aealnst Larry Smith, 43, Mon·
day. Smith, 4640 Park Newport,
waa convicted In U.S. Dlstricrt.
Court last week for making the
telephone calla demanding a
$100,000 ransom for the return of
Carolyn Bealer, 24, who bas
never been found.
Sentencing on Smitb'.s federal
conviction bu been scheduled
for Nov. 15 in U.S. District
Judge Malcolm Lucas '
courtroom. Carter indicated
Monday the Newport Beach man
will not be brought to Orange
County for arraignment until
after Jud1.e Lucas sentences
him in l.<JS Angeles.
TIW O.••c-.4 o.lly ~1"4. wit" wlllCll "'""' -.... --·······""""""',..°'-CM•I"'* ...... '-' ..,.. ....... ._ ... IMlllfl\ ... O _,,, llW""9h FrlO•r IO• C°'I•
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Gr P1•.W..-91h4.....,.
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B .. ~~?:.,r!fi .. "" ~"'·--· tir=..t.~= ~Q =.1 w~•11o
Pruak l'uel. an .atl0fne7 ro, U19
A.Wente fi ttumval r So\ll.hem
CaUfomla. • rroup t.h1t op'
nuclear weap0n1 and pow r
planta It clalrntd that poUNI
aurvelllance would h•v• a
"t'b.llltq tft9't" on the nrd..M
of t'OMtfllll.ional rt1hta
Ju4ft Sean ruled such an or
der wun't needf"d aner btllng
told by an au.om y for th d ly
'h•t \>t)Unt WO'lld only pboto-
¥r•ph vlolt>nt acta or vtolauom
ot the> l•w
t\n .. •llmMted 1,000 penoa.a
held .. Pl~•ct>ful mareb t.o the
Con t1nlloo Cent er Monday ruabt No •~•ta were made and
no tnclde>nt11 wert reported,
pollrt and alll1mce 1poketme.n
utd todiay
Hut uUhuice member Cheryl
l'ukM, a Los Angeles law
1u·hool graduate, said she re-
ce1 \'td reports lndicattn1 tbat
protestel'8 were photo1rapbed.
"We haven't been able to de-
ter1n mt> whether the people taJt.
Ing pictures were members of
the p~s or oodercover police
om cers," she said.
A police spoke.man said be
had "no knowledge" of whether
undercover officers carrying
cameras were present during
Monday's protest
The exposition, which opened
this morning, features exhlblta
a nd demonstrations or
sophisticated electronic equip-
ment used ror defense purpoeee.
The alliance haa dubbed the
exposition an "arms buaar."
In papers filed with Joo1e
Sears, aUJance attorneys COO·
tended that police repreaeo-
tatl vea said photographers
would be stationed to inooltor
any demonstrations
The city has a policy, they
said, of photographing people.al·
tending rock concerts. "but not
football games."
And they called the alleeed
pracUce "a systematic policy
established and carried out by
the defendants (tbe city) to ln·
timidate and harass poUtlcal
......, ........... ,.....
U. Wy.U Hart Dtepaeya Seized BlectclKk tt.me
'Cambling' Deputy
Holtls Winning Hand
Lady Luck was working lo
aberifr1 Sgt. Les Leber's favor
laat weekend when be took part
in a bi&h stakes blackjack game
in Dana Point.
Leber was ahead by seoo. 1n
fact when other officers lnter·
rupted the proceedings Saturday
night aod arrested rour South
County men on 1amblln1
And Leber? tie wu worting
undereover and didn't bave to worry about being found al the
r ealdence at 33142 Acapulco
when the raid oecurred.
NEW YORK CAP)-llor1an
Guaranty Trult Co. ralaed tta
prime lend1q rate toda, to • re-
cord 15 percent, and tM mowe
was quickly jotDed b1 MWl'al
banks. Only two weeks a10, the Da•
tion'• biaiest banks raiaed the
rate they charge for loam to
moat credit-worthy corporaw
borrowers by an unprecededed
full perceota&e point to 14.$ per.
Morgan Guaranty, the ftfth.
lar1eat U.S. bank ranked by de-
l*ii,a, aaid the 15 percent prime
waa effective immediately. A
bank official declined to com-
ment on reason.a for the boo8t,
except to say the bank ba.HI It.a
prime rate on several fact.on,
primarily the coat of acquirlq
funds and the demand for buai· neaa loans.
Ban.ks use the prime rate u
the buia for setting intereal
rate• oo aJmoet all commerdaJ·
industrial loans.
Although the prime baa no
direct effect on consumer loan
interest rates, It ls viewed u an
indicator ol trends in interest
rates generally. •
Many banka in seve ral areas of the nation, raced witb high
costa ol acquiring funds, bave
cut back lending or ral.aed In·
terest rates for consumer credit
such aa installment loana or
home mort&agea.
Supreme Court Justice
William J . Brennan Jr. had
announced that he is con-
sidering retiring from his
post next summer. He men·
tioned his wife's ill health as
a factor
Boaters Discover
Body.; in Ocean
About $1.400 In caab waa
selud, a.loo& with three black·
jack tables and 125,000 worth ol
poker chips.
The shenff's department kleft.
tafaed the suspect.a u Ball C. Via.
40, of 1515 Buena Vista, San
Clemente. Roy A Paulter. 35. of
27525 Tossamor. Mission Viejo,
James C Sanderson. 30. or 1615
Ruena Vista. San Clemente and
Huck 1-Truell. 4.3, of 24892 Wells
Fargo, ~guna llllls
Several banka, lncludin1 No I
Chemical, No. I Banken Tnaat,
and No. 20 Bank of New York.
immediately joined Morcan lo
tbe move to a 15 percent prime.
A moni other major banks
poat.iq t.be balf-polnt lncreue
were Harris Banlt of Chicago
and First Pennsylvania of Philadelpb.ia.
E' ..... P~41
PROJECT .•.. on's history and among lht' mo~t
ever earned in a quartn by a
ll S company
White House press secn·tary
Jody Powell called the Exxon
prorits "rather enormous."
Also announcing a big rise in
third-quart.er earnio_gs Mooday waa aeventb-ranked Atlaotlc
Ric hfield Co., whlch said it.a
profits rose 45 percent. Standard
011 Co. ol lndiana announced a 49 percent profit gain Friday,
and other major oU companies
are expected to weigh in with
similarly large increases in
earnings this week
Exxon's profit!-> wne "po mo·
graphic" to Jumes G Archuleta.
a s pokesma n for th e Oil ,
Chemical and Atomic Work1•rs
Union. He sajd Exxon and other
oi l companies "certainly cannot
plead poverty" when the union
and the industry begjn oegotiat
ing later this year on a new
wage increase for 60,000 energy
work en.
The profits probably will also
seem high to Americans who
began the third quarter in gas
Unes and ended it wondering
whether they'd have enough
heating oil for tbe winter and
what it would cost.
But both Exxon and Arco said
profit.a from domestic refining
and marketinl unit.a were ham·
pered by price regulations that
limited tbe amount of cost in·
creases tbat could be passed to
consumers. They said increased
earnings from other areas of
business were primarily
responsible for the big profits
7.2 Quake Told
"major" earthquake registering
7.2 on the Richter scale wa.s re·
corded early today in the
• Solomon Islands near the
eastern end of Guadalcanal, the
U .S Geological Survey re-
Authont1C'S arc attempting to·
day to 1dt•nl1fy a man's body
that was d1:.covercd by boaters
Monday afternoon floating about
100 yards orr the South Laguna
Lifeguards pulled the corpse
clad in a wet.suit aabore at Vic· toria Beach.
Lile1iuard Mike Dwinell aairt
he bas not rece1ved any reports
or possible drownlna victims olf
the Laguna Beach-area cout in recent weeks. The body ap
peared to have been at sea
several days. he said
Orange County Coroner's Of.
f1cc 1nvesl1~alors said today an
:.i utopo.,v '' 'cht·duled into the
t'JUM· <Jf 1h·ath along with efforts
to identify the dead man
Fro.a Page A I
Saturday night, there WH a
party at a home for members of
the school's cross country team.
Miss Senior and her roommate
went together but by 10:30 p.m ..
the young woman decided to 10
Her roommate gave ber the
keys to her car, saying ahe'd
find a way home later.
P olice s ay that aometlme
between midnight and 2:30 a .m ..
the murderer slipped Into tbe
apartment through one or the
unlocked windows and kllled
the s leeping teen-ager. He r
roommate discovered ber body
al3 a.m
Today, her grieving parenta
talk, about their loss, saying it
was too painful for them to dis·
cuss their daughter while pre·
paring for her funeral.
They h ave s uggested that
donations be made "lo Debbie's
name" to Pet Re!lltonsibillty,
In c , P.O. Box 104. Laguna
Stocks Reveal Wary
Rate Hike Reaction
stock market was mixed today.
as the bank prime lendlng rate
climbed to a record 15 percent.
The Dow Jones avera1e of 30
indu.atrtala wu up .26 polnta to
809.39afterfourbouraoftradln1 .
Loten took a S-2 lead over
1ainen in the mJd·day tally of
New York Stock Excban1e·
lilted 1-uel.
Analyst.a aald tom• early buy-
t 01 was encoura1ed b1 the
market'• showing Monday,
when the Dow Jones Industrial
aver•1• rebounded aft.er alip-rint brtelly below the 800 level
or tb• firat tlm• aloce
December •
Tiii• av•r•J•· off about 15 potnll llt ltl IOw..i level ot tbt
d•J, cloMd with only • 1.16-polot
But the UlllWiAI l11d al.reedy
btlUD to ra6e wbeD New York's •
Morgan Guaranty Trust and
several other large banks In·
creased their prime rates today
from 14~ to 15 percent.
Interest rates have been 1ur1·
Ing ror more than two week.a
since the Federal Reserve an·
nounced plans to clamp on
credit in ita effort to 1et inflation
under control.
MeanwbUe, tbe dollar roM In
Europe this mornJn1. and ita
continued strength on foreiCD
exchanges helped to depreH
gold prices. .
ln Tokyo, the dollar cloeed at
234.725 yen, lll h11be1t ute for
more tban 11 months and up
from 212.75 lllonda)'.
In l.Alindon, tbe 8rlU1h pcMmd
weakened 1U1bt1y to '2.lW,
tom.Pared to ia.1480.
Gold IOld In Londoft for ... 00
a Troy «mee. don from •.an
at MoadQ'a clole.
Tbe Zurlcb prt" wu '*· •
Shenffl'·.Sl?'l. Frank Evans, at
th<' Dana Harbor patrol oCficf>,
!>aad a man was reported lost off
th<' Aliso Reach Pier three
weeks a~o and could be the man
found Monday.
But Jim Stauffer. chier of the
county-hired Llfe&uard Interna-
tional Beach Servlcea, aaJd he
doea not beUeve the body found
Monday is that of the man r&-
ported m1ulq off Aliso Pier.
StaUffer aaid aome ftabermen
saw a man bobbin& in the water
three weeu ago near the pier.
The fishermen telephoned
sheriff's deputies who with
lifeguards searched the waters
during the next two days without
The corpse pulled ashore MO(l·
day at Victoria Beach, north of
Aliso Pier, is that of a cfark.
haired male with what appears
lo be a severe head injury.
The corpse wa.s clad 1n a black
diver's wet suit Jacket, Welcbt
belt and blue •1!fmm1nc trunk.a.
A female companion of lhe
s uspects lS being i.ought She
ned with an und.lsclosed amount
or cash at the ume uniformed of·
flcen arnved. SherifJ spotesman Lt. Wyatt
Hart said the aame operated
wltb three deUwa. a pU bcm .. a
bal'teDd9r .... wall:nM ........ all wen GD aalary.
Hart said the host f.or the
gambling session which bad a
SIOO lim.it on bets. was paid $500
for providing thP location for lhe
~ame and for str~ning about 20
players who r~ce1 \'ed 1nv1Uilloru.
to the alfalr
One ol those who got an rnvtta·
Uon was Leber.
Undercover Newport Beach
oolice officers participated In
the operatJoo WJth aberiff'a de-
Hart laid the same operated t.broUCboul O..U.e Count)' and
waa booted up wU1 J>eeember.
not b~n presented for com
m1ss1on study
Monday 's hearing was the
second for the project Com-
m1ss1oners tabled the develop-
ment rn July, tellrng the Hunt·
.ngtoo Beach Company to pull
1t.11 plans together.
That move followed lengthy
testimony from area residents
•bo clalmed the project
.. ,.... 91NI0'9d b7 ... llaat· ·net.on Beach City Council -
could damage Bolaa Cblca
wetlands becaus~ of inadequate
drainage and sewerage.
Comm1~1oners also were .m-
happ) Wlth a lack of provisions
'or 'ow and moderate cost bous·
ang 1n the proJect.
Condltion.s applied to approval
Monday require the firm to con-
struct about 80 "affordable"
howuna unit.a on land It owns
near the Seaclifr project, either
on property dubbed "Holly" or
the "Ranch."
Yo11ngsters Terrorized
t'he company alao must pro.
v1d.e a aetbact from lbe
manblanda for pedestrian, ~cy
de and boraeback tralftc and
muat maintain its dralna1e
bu.lna deaiped t.o remoYe a1lt
from raln water dra.iniq iDt.o
the mania.lands. FAIRFIELD, N.J . CAP) -A
knlfe-wleld!nc cooalructlon
worker terroriled scores of
younptera when be bunt lnt.o
an elementary scboolt.•mubinc windows and demanamg to aee
bla children, police said.
Anthony Mennlcuccl. 38, of
Paralppany, slashed his wrista
a nd carved ao "X" into bla
forehead, orderlnc police to
"Sboot me bere'' before aurrm·
derina. police aaid.
No c.b1Jdren were bu.rt durtna
the »minute rampaae Monday.
autborltlea aald. Teacbera
locked cluaroom and cafeteria
doors after Mennlcucci ran
screamina into the Winston
Churchlll School, police said.
Ed 7.aeboche, a member ol the dty'a Local Coutal Plan Com·
mtttee. arsued a1alnat UM u• acre bhd'ftop project.
He cbar1ed that comml.ulOll
approval would thwart local el·
forta t.o come up with a city
coastal plan yet t.o be presented
to the Couta1 Commluion.
One good name deserves another.
Put your name on an OMEGA. The
best suprises come in small wooden
packages. So we've pac~ed a
remarkable new Omega Qu.utz
Chronometer in this very
stylish box.
THE WATCH: This striking
design was created for none other
than the founder of Omega. The
14 karat yellow gold and stainless
steel perfectty complement a
dimensional dial. This water-
resistant chrono meter is certified to
be incredibly accurate. Of course,
the bracelet features a hidden clasp. me PA~KACE: A hl~hly polished soid ma C?S8ny case IS a fitting
container for such a unique
timepiece. Only one thing missing:
your name, wtiich will be engraved
on the metal rtaque, complete with
your persona Rrial number.
THE PRJ~ $2.200.00 (Stai nless steel. $1, .00. 18 karat
gold, $5,000.00.)
Fa~haon hland. Nrwport Ccnm, Nr.,porr lk1ch I (7 14> 644-1 \80 .
I 0111. 1 '""'~"'' \1C '"''""n''" M.'11 l.o)'\tn.t 11111• t.1111. Oro1n,:1 f """"
Ah .. (,,.,.,,, f,.,. An)o'1l1"' •n !11t·ll" ''" Vtll~' .,.. ... "'M"""f••-.. ..... ..-,...,,.~1•A~-· ...... VtlA M,...,.( ....
11, .. t,., '"" ,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,
'l'••r••••te•• t .
Dally Newspaper
Deposed Shah May Have Cancer
NltW YORK. (AP> -sa.M
llola•--ed a.u Pablavi, cll-
poeed Nier' ot lru. !Ma betD ad·
nlltted to New Yon Hoep6&al·
Co.....U lldeal C..ter. ud a
State Department source ln
........... •aid today the abah
bad caacer and a baoelted bile
The ~. wbo uked ool be
idenWled, 1.ave DO fW'ther de
ta Ila
M eanwbUe. department
apok..-. Ho+Ml Carter laid ~ leftltb ol tbe i ab 'a atay lD
tbe United Stat.I would depend
on bi1 medleal ecmdltlon.
Ca~ laid the United States
had been ln Drior contact wUb Iranian aut.hOritlea about the
U.S. deei.alon to permit the lhab
to travel to tbla country. He
streued that the United States
believes the shah DO longer bu a
claim to authority lo Iran.
Pahlavi, who arrived in New
York on Monday nlabt. was
lod1ed lo three private rooms oo
the 17th floor of the hospital's
Baker Pavilion, and was t.l&bUy
1uarded by bis security fon:es.
h os pital spokesman Ray
R~bbann said. Rebhann said the shah was un-
deraoine teats which would COO·
tinue throuib the 'dav. and no
formal word on the c0ndiUoo of
tbe exiled former ruler waa ex-
pected unW Wednesday mom-
ing, at the earliest.
He would not describe tbe
symptoms of the shah's sick·
ness, but did say that Pahlavi
could not be described as
desperately ill.
Earlier, Eamon Brennan, the
hos pital's vice president for
public affairs, said Pahlavi
would uoderao a variety of tests.
i n c luding "blood, urine.
radiology, but no one's beln&
more apecifi~ than that."
William Greene. hospilal ad·
miniatrator. said the shah was
admitted around 8 p.m . PDT
Monday, about an hour after be
slipped into New York al La
Guardia Airp ort aboard a
Gulfstream twin-engine jet.
Seven hours after the shah's
arrival, one of bis senior ad·
visors released a statement
which did~ reveal the Iha.h's
"His imperial m~esty baa
come to United Sta s to un·
dergo extensive m e ical ex·
a m i nations at New York
Hospital. The shah and mem-
bers of hia family are optimM&ic
that tbe out.atandiDll medical
<See SHAH, Page AZ>
'No Coast Slayings Pattern' • m
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
J Murders
I /merest
Hiu 15o/o
Guaranty Trust Co. raised its
prime lending rate today to a re·
cord 15 percent, and the move
was quickly joined by several
banks .
Only two weeks ago, the na
lion's biggest banks raised the
rate they charge for loans to
most credit-worthy corporate
borrowers by an unprecedented
, full percentage point to 14.5 per
Morgan Guaranty, the ftftb.
largest U.S. bank ranked by de·
poeita, said the 15 percent prime
1'U effective immediately. A
but aftldal declined to eom·
meat cm n•zma for the a..t, •-.& .. 91117 .... bak .........
prime ,... -........ , ...... primlll'llJ' • eoBt. "' aeqalltnl funds and the demand for buai· ----..... -tlle prlme hla -tJaa bula for aettin& interest
rata CJD aimo.t all commercial·
induatrlal loans
Although the prime baa no
direct effect on con.sumer loan
interest rates, it is viewed as an
indicator of trends ii\ interest
rates generally
Many banks in several areas
of the nation. faced with high
costs of acquiring funds, have
cul back' lending or raised in·
terest rates for consumer credit t such as installment loans or l home mortgages
, Several banks. including No. 6 f Chemical, No. 8 Bankers Trust.
and No. 20 Bank of New York.
1 immediately joined Morgan in
the move to a 15 percent prime.
Among other m ajor banks
posting the ball-point increase
were Harris Bank of Chicago,
F i r s t Pennsylvania of
Philadelphia, Bank of America.
Wells Fargo Bank and United
California Bank
The Federal Reserve Board on
Oct. 6 annomiced a plan lo malt.
it more expensive to extend
credit. The Fed imposed higher
marginal reserve requirements
on certain types of liabilities
generally known as "purchased
funds" and raised the discount
rate, the fee it charges on loans
to member banks.
The Fed also announced it was
switcbiDI emphasis from tight
control of abort-term interest
rates oo purchased funds to con-
trolling the growth in bank re-
Coas t
Ap1t1tr •n-Tiiter
Koko, an eltlbt.-,..r-old feme .. ..,ma, talb to Frwl.ne "Penny" Pattencm in 1iO lanlueae. Under lllH Pat-
teraoo'a trainlDI, the gorilla bas acquired a vocabulary of
375 signs for the deaf. Housed on the Stanford University
campus, Koko has been ordered to leave because she is
not securely housed.
Conoco, Gulf Po~t
Huge Profit Gains
Inc. and Gulf Oil Corp. joined
the list of big oil companies an-
nouncing huge third-quarter
profits toda¥. with Conoco say-
ing its income rose 133 percent
over the comparable quarter of
1978, and Gulf posting a 97 peeenl
Like the other oil companies to
announce big t.h.ird·quarter eam-
ings gains. both attributed most
of the jump to increased profits
from overseas operations and
said little came from U.S. refm·
ing and marketing divisions.
Conoco, ranked ninth among
U .S. oil companies. said its
third-quarter profit was $247.1
million, or $2.30 a share, com·
pared with $105.8 mjllion, or 98
cents a share, in 1978's third
quaner. This year's period in·
eluded a one-time gain of ·$32.6
million, or 30 cents a share,
from a change in British tax
Conoco, based in Stamford,
Conn .• said sales in the quarter
rose 41 percent to '3.5 billion
from $2.4 billion in the July-
September period a year ago. .
Fifth·ranked Gulf. based in
Pittsburgh. saJd profits 10 the
<See PROFITS, Page A2)
Ex,. Gestapo
Menon Trial
COLOGNE. West Germany
(AP > -Three former Gestapo
officials went on trial today on
c ha r ges of deporting 73,000
French Jews to Nazi extermina·
lion camps during World War II.
l>rosecutors claim defendants
Kurt Liscbka. 68, Herbert
H age n , 64 , and Ern s t
Heinrichsobn, 58, were aware of
the fate awaiting the Jews when
they ordered them deported dur·
ing the 1940s. All three denied
the charges and claim they
didn't know the deportees were
to be murdered.
At the Ume, Nazis said they
were shipping Jews to resetUe-
ment camps in agricultural
Of tlle Dallr ,.li.t '"'If
Delecllves from rive Orange
County agencies conducting a
joint investigation of assaults
and murders of young women
say they have been unable to
find a common tie between the
nine victims.
Police announced Monday that
the formal task force. formed two weeks ago to investigate a
total of 14 assaults and murders.
was being disband.ed in favor of
a more loo6ely knit association
of the investigators.
They also said that five of the
cases have been e liminated
from the list. 1be remaining al·
tacks in Costa Mesa, Irvine.
Newport Beach, Santa Bei.llU
and TmUD .... the work of -•••· •P8••••• Claarl• fttayer Mid.
That mant. as descnbe4 by a
wl'-918 GI medlum ......... maaealar lniUd wU~ collar·
Jensth dark hair and a dartt
mustache. His cheeks are
pockmarked and be baa an olive
complexion. The cases for which one SUS·
pect is being sought are. -Jue Ellen Beaalagtola, 29,
of Corona del Mar. who was
slain Aug. 1, l!n7:
-Kimberly Gaye RawllDs. 21.
of Costa Mesa, killed Apnl 1.
1979; -Savannah Leigh ~ndersoa,
22. of Irvine. who died May 13.
1979 ; -Marolyn Carelton, 31, of
Costa Mesa. slai n on Sept. 14.
-Debra Jean Kennedy, 24. of
Tustin. killed Oct. 7. 1979 . -Debra L)'llll Senior , 17. of
Costa Mesa who was murdered
The cases also include surviv·
ing assault vic tims Kim
Wh itecotton . 20. Santa Ana
Heights. who was attacked in
May . Jane Pettengill. 24. of
Costa Mesa who was attacked in
July, and Diana Green, 20, or
Tustin. who was allackc.d in Sep-
tem ber
Mrs. Green's unborn baby girl
djed as a rpult of the assault.
Based on a witness' descrip·
tion. police are circulating a pie·
ture of a dark·haired man they
believe Is responsible for the
string of murderous assaults.
At the same time. aetectives
are studying the lives of tbe vie·
tims to try to find a common
ground they shared in hopes that
common point would lead them
to the killer.
Ll. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
acknowledaes that if there is a
(See MURDERS, Page AZ>
Bleeding Saves Lives?
VCI Doctor E~ns Hemodilution
Bleedina patient.a before 1ur-
1ery could help 1ave Uve1 u
well u money, a UC Inme--ctDc-
tor told bis colleapes ln San
Frandlco today.
Tbe procedure, known aa
bemodUutkJn, baa been uaed by
Dr. David Role in bit wort at
the Veterans AdmlnlatraUon
Hospital ln Lone Beach.
ROM, an Ulillant proftNOr ol anesUMlioloO et UCI. told tM
American Soclet1 of
Aneat.beaiololilta tbat be baa
acbieftd IOOd ,.alt.a lD ..._
bemodOutkla on eueer p.u.til
betna pnparec1 for •UJ'lerJ.
HemodlluUoa lnYOlftl tM re-
moval ot about m pbtU ol blood
from a ~-Won _... lft'f 1 ... • TM blood ii
stored md then a salt solution is
injected into the patient to
repine tbe amount of blood
drawn. Tbil means when the patient
bleeds durin& sur&ery, be or lhe will lole only ball of the l)jOOQ
normally loll, the rest beinl the
aalt eolution.
Once major bleedin1 baa
stopped, Role •aid, the ab pints
of 6lood can be relQjected.
Normally, patients nquirinc
tranafualom both durinc and
after • oPef&tiOD receive blood
fi'Om • blood bank.
And tbll 11 where Rote said
bemo4llutlon can belp save
Tbe doc tor told t.be
aaeatb•olocllts tbat "coavm·
' I .
Uonal transfusions can cause
numerous diMaaea."
''Hemodilution present.a Jess of
a dancer becau.ae patient.a re.
ceive their own blood." be aaid.
Roae aaid bemodlluUon bu
been Uled for many yean for
cardiovascular 1ur1ery but that
be bu hem tryiq lt for the put
year at the VA laoapital on
aeleeted ,.uents under1oiDI ab-
domlul CMCer .,...atlou.
The UCI doctor said money
could be 1aved ln such opera.
tloaa beca .... tbe1 can nquln three unit.a ol blood to mate up
for blednl cturtnc 1ur1ery.
Since bemodlluUon doetl not
require UM of blood from a
bank, wblcb ~ about ll.50 a
<See BLOOD, Paae AJ>
Deputy 'Wins'
4 Charged With Gambling
Lady Luck was working in
shenffs Sgt. Les Leber's favor
last weekend when be took part
in a h.lgb stakes blackjack game
m Dana Pomt
Leber was ahead by $600, in
fact. when other offl~eTS mter-
rupted the proceedings Saturday
night and arrested four South
Co unty men on gambling
And Leber' He was worlung
undercover and didn't have to
wo rry about being found at the
residence al 33142 Acapulco
when the raid occurred.
About $1.400 in cash was
selled. along with three blacl(·
Jack tables and S25.000 worth of
poker chips.
The sbenffs department iden·
t1fied the suspects as Bi ll C. Via.
40. of 1515 Buena Vista. San
Clemente: Roy A. Paulter, 35. of
27525 Tossamor. Mission VieJo:
James C. Sanderson. 30. of 1615
Buena Vista, San Clemente and
Buck L Truett, "3, of 24892 Wells
Farao. Lal{Wla Hills.
(~GAMBLE, Page A2)
..., ..........
U.WyettHart~a...dlleo .........
~ .
NB Man Faces
M11rder &unt
A Newport Beach man
already C"Onvtcted of ntorUoft tn
connection with lb• dlup·
pearance of a Garden Grove
woman IHl Au1u1t II oow
char1ed with b.er murder.
Oranae County Deputy Ola
trtct Attorney Oavt' Carur ftled
murdtir and kidnap char1u
aaahut l.an'y Smith, u, Mon
da)'. Smith, 4MO Park Newport,
waa convicted ln u.s Dlltrict·
Court lut week for maklq the
No Bomb
At Plant
In Irvine
A woman who police said bad
a European accent phoned a
·bomb threat to Huabea Aircraft
Company ln Irvine Monday, but
a search of tbe plant turned up
no explosive devices.
Officers said receptloqlat
Phylll1 Gelinas, 31, of Hunt-
lnaton Beach, received tbe call
at Huabn Monday afternoon
from a woman who said a bomb
•ould to oil ln "bu.lldlna 110" al
l ith•tnlO&
A few ·mlnutes later, the same
woman apparently called the
Newport Beacb Police Depart-ment .. ..,. the aame tblq.
A H..,._ apeaman laid to-
day the balldiDa ln wbicb tbe
caller claimed a bomb bad been ·p1.._,w .. one ol foar at tbe
Hulbel lite at210l Campus.
He said a aeareb of the pnm.
laea wu CGDducted, but .turned
up notbiq. He added that only a
small shift works at 8 p.m. and
that the hour coincides with the
period set aside for a lunch
The caller was described as an
adult who sounded about 25·35
yea rs or Ctg~
t•lew>boD• calla demandlna 1 Stoo.• raneom fOt" the mum ol
Carolyn Bealer. 24 . who baa
never been found
Seni.ndna oo Smith '1 federaJ
tonvict.Jon fiu been ach9duled
for Nov. 15 In U .S Dlatrict
J u d 1 • M a I co I m I. u c aa '
courtroom Carter indlratvd
Monday the Newport Beach man
will not be brouaht to Oranae
County for arral1nmtot until
after Judae Lucas aentencea
him In Loe Anaelea
Smith faces a poeslble 20-year
priaon term on the extortion coo
However. be could 1 face the
death penalty ti be 11 convicted
of first-degree murder and a Jury finds that Mias BeaJer's
death was perpetrated during a
Smith bas claimed that two
other m en forced him to
participate in the kidnapping ol
the woman, who was rast seen
Aug. 24 aboar~ a boat heading
out to sea from Dana Point
Harbor. The two men, whom he
bH idenW'led only as Jack and
Ray, returned without her,
But inveatlaatora say Smith
was the last known person to
have seen her alive and that his
face was scratched after a wit·
neaa told Newport Beach police
that only Smith and Mias Bealer
were aboard the boat. Signs of a
struggle aboard tbe craft were
found by officers.
Smith surrended to police on
Aua. a . ·
Miu Beater's brother
Lawrence Paul Fox of Anaheim,
bad received calla over a three-
day period from a man who aald
be wu holdint his sister. Al·
tempts by Fox to tum over the' ransom under FBI guidance •
proved unsuccessful when lhe ex
tortionist complained about the
kind ofbagthemc,ney was in.
Smith is being kept In a IAS
Angeles county jail cell until h1~
Nov 15 sentencing.
PROFITS SOAR AGAIN. • • quarter were $416 million, or $2.13 a share. compared wi\b
$211 million, or $1.08 a share, a
year a10. Revenues lo the
quarter roee D percent to I . 74 billion from '5.05 ._Uloe.
The profits announc8d b~
Conoco and Gulf, comin& on the
heels of large increases an-
nounced earlier by Exxon,
Atlantic Richfield and Standard
011 Co. of Jndfona. renewed de·
bate about the size of oil com·
pany earnings
oil companies "certainly cannot plead poverty' when the union and the Industry begin negotlat.
in& later UW. year on a new
wqe 1:.ncreMe for eo,ooo --a worlten.
The profits probably will also
seem high to Americans who
began the third quarter in gas
lines and ended it wondenng
whether they'd hav<' enough
heating oil for the w1ntn and
what it wouJd cost
Barrel Leaper Soars
Normally, barrel jumping is associated with ice skating.
Rut Patrick Caliouette of Newport Beach does it
California style on roller skates. "Barrels" actually
arc old ice cream containers held together with
clothespins. Caliouette first made it over a four-barrel
s lack. then soared over a stack of five. Below , he dem-
onstrates his distance style in effort to cle<tr 16 bar-
rels. Caliouette and other roll er leapers were in action
Sunday at Balboa Pier Park.
,.,....rage Al
SHAH ...
<'a re available in the United
States will diagnose his ailment
and provide a cure," the state.
ment from Robert F Armao
.. The shah will not make any
public statements nor hold any
news conferences. For now he
has authonred me lo say that he
1i. grateful to President Carter
and the United States govern-
ment for making him welcome.
To the extent that it 1s practical
and advisable, efforts will be
madt• to issue timely reports on
the .. ihah s condition ... the state-
ment '>aid.
Life magazine in its current
ed1t1on reportll the shah, who
h a~ heen tned in absentia in
I ran and sentenced to death, has
ltt·en unhappy that his face 1s so
n:ro~n1zable and has had his
<1~ents taJk to plastic surgeons
about a chaJl&e.
ut ...... : ... wt.o•tbe ~-..... ........... bJ rnotatlela1l1'7 CCMIJ't Jada• Ayatollah Slldeq Kllalllba • baa
denied Its report. Kbalkhall baa
offered a bounty for the shah's
ext><' ut1on
The shah ha.s been living in
< ·uerna .. ara. Mexico. since he
"'a:-. forrt'<f to IP a"'' I ran early thi... H·ar followinl{ a revolution
Pres ident Ca rt e r made
another pitch Monday for his tax
on 011 company windfall profits,
saying that while oil concerns
already generate large sums of
money. "they want more. But
it's not fair to the American peo-
ple for them to bave more."
She Left Party Early. • •
A female companion of the
sus pect.a is being sought. She
fled with an undiacloeed amount
of cub at the Ume uniformed of· ricers arrived.
Ca rter was particularly piqued al Exxon Corp., the
world's lar1est oil company,
which said Monday its profits
had risen 118 percent In the July-
Se ptem ber quarter. The in-
crease was the bl11eat In Exx
on 'a history and amon1 the most
ever earned in a quarter by a
U.S. company.
White House press secretary
Jody Powell called the Exxon
profits "rather enormous."
Also announcin1 a bl& rise in third-quarter earnln1s Monday
was seventh-ranked Atlantic
Richfield Co., which said its
profit.a rose 45 percent. Standard
Oil Co. ol lndiana announced a
49 percent profit 1aln Friday.
and other major oil companies
a re expected lo weigh in with
similarly large increases in
earnings this week .
Exxon's profits were "porno-
graphic" to James G. Archuleta,
a s pokesman for the OH.
Chemical and Atomic Workers
Union. He said Exxon and other
T,.. 0.-C-(Mlly PllOI. with which I\<-_..,. _-., 11 _1_.., ,,_ 0._
c ... , ,.,,....,.,.c-. s.-... --... Po>~I--. llW-.. , ... , , .. C..le
~ .._. -h ............... h•hl -..... v •• ...,,,,_ 1.--h•SeulhC•ll /4 .. .,...,.....,....,,...., .. ...,.,.,.,,..$el~• .. n-
"""'••• ,,,. ,, .... _ --...... ,, .. Jll ...... , .. ,_ C•t•-C .. ff .. 114•-·-· -,.,.,_,_....,j_
IMI • Cerl9\f Yl(t"_"'_0.-11..._ .,_,._ ..... ,_ .......... ___ .,.. .....
O-WOll,'--.._,, ....
AttlM""'"""-"" ... IWI
a•••••Mllec• 14...,. , __ 0.-.....
• • .and Death Waited for Costa Mesa Girl unit. as much as $450 could be
Although the patients h~~
hemodiluUon on were serfWsiy-
ill to ~lin with -many suffer-
ln1 from h.mg disease as wen 88
malnutrition -they showed an
ability to recover more quietly
from surgery ~auae of the pro-
cedure, he 1a1d.
Debra Lynn Senior, like most
of her apartment-dwelling
neighbors, waa aware of the
aeries of attack.a on women that
had occurred near her Costa
Mesa neighborhood.
The niehl she wu slain, she
was concerned enough about the
assaults to follow her slater's ad·
vice and lock the door to her
apartment at 2256-A Maple St.
But the window locks were
broken and police say that is
bow the teen-ager'a murderer
got into her residence
Like five other women before
her, the 17·year-old girl was
bludgeoned to death and raped.
Koaary 1or Miss Senior will be
recited Friday at 8:45 a.m. at St.
Joachims' Catholic Church.
Mass of Christian Burial will
follow at 9 a.m. She will be
buried at Harbor Lawn -
Memorial Park.
~1te leaves her parents, John
and Pamela Senior; two
brothers, Jeffrey and Michael,
and a ai&ter Jacqueline, all of
Coata Mesa , and her
grandmother, Florence Medland
of Canad.a. Police have been queatlomna
family and frieadl of tbe teen·
aaer liDce her body wu db·
covered early Sunday mornlna
in an attempt to find leads to her
* * *
killer's Identity in her lifestyle
and habits.
Mias Senior graduated from
Estancia High School in June.
Her teachers there remem-
bered her as a "sw~t girl," who
was very dependable and seemed to enjoy lire.
They said she set goals for
herself and one or those was to
attend Orange Coast College to
lake secretarial training.
M las Senior's former teachers
recalled that she did her best
work In her business courses
and also excell ed in sewing.
In a move for independence
she left her parents' Mesa Verde
home two months ago to share
an apartment with a girlfriend
She drove a delivery car for a
blueprint and graphics firm.
Saturday night, there was a
party at a home for memberi1 of
the school's cross country team.
Miss Senior and her roommate
went together but by 10:30 p.m.,
the yo1U1g woman decided to go
Her roommate gave her the
keys lo her car. saying she'd
find a way home later.
Police say that sometime
between midnight and 2:30 a.m.,
the murderer slipped Into the
apartment through one or the
unlocked windows and killed
the s leeping teen-ager. Her
* * * ,,...Pa,,eAI
trait alwed by the women, It 11
"We've looked at the _places
they did their aboppln1, the cu
1tatlon1 tbey used, repair
Hrvltea, beauty parlon -you namek. ,.
''Tbere'• Juat notbiq there.'~
be tlld.
Tbe GDe trait they all •rect 11 Uaat ..., Uyed in apartaMntt
with sroaad·Ooor entrin that
were....,... from the atreet.
Tbe ..,... alto bad another
tnll la ..... they didD't •
lock their doors and windows on
the nlatat they died.
Accor dine to police. the
women were di11lmilar in loob
u well u lif estylea.
They ranced In al1e from Mla
Kennedy, who waa a stocky, five
fMt three inches tall to Miu
Senior who was a strappln& five
feet nine t~hea tall.
Their hair ran the spectrum ol
colors. lenttha and atylea.
They worked at a ranee of
Jobi. M"n. Careltoa tau1bt aell
actul111Uon CO\artn tro1n ber
roommate discovered her body at 3 a .m.
Today. her grievln1 parents
talk about their loss, aaylna It
was too painful for them to dis· cuss their daughter whlle pre-
paring for her funeral.
They have s u11e1ted that
dooaUona be made "in Debbie's name" to Pel Reaponalblllty,
Inc .• P.O. Box 104, La1una
Sheriff spokesman Lt. WyaU
Hart said the same operated
with Ua... dealers, a pit boa. a
bartender and wait.reu. He aald
all were oo aa1ary.
ff art said tbe boat for t.be
aambllnc aeuioa wbicb bad a
$100 limit 00 beta. WU paid $500
for provtdiq t.be location for the
1ame and fOI' ac~ about 2IO
playen wbo received invitations
to the affair.
A aide beneftt to thtt U811 (tf hemocWulion, a.o.e Hid, I.I tn
aiding patients who have re-
ll1loua . beliefs which prohibit them from receiving
One good name deserves another.
flnl-J•,.ck.n tri..~ I 1117
Put your name on an OMEGA. fhe
best suprises come in small woodC'n
packages. So we've pack~ed a
remarkabll' new Omega Quartz
Chronometer in this very
styhsh box.
THE WATCI I: This ..,lrikm~
design wJ.., crl'atl'U for nonl' other
than the founder of Omt'~a . I he
14 karat yellow gold and stainle~:.
steel ~rfoctly complcmt•nt a
dimens1o nJI dial. This wJter-
resistant chronometer 1<; certified to
be incredibly dcc.u r.1tc. Of course,
the braC\'ll'l features a h1dl.ien clasp .
THE PACKA .E: A highly polu:.hed
solid mahogany case is a fitting
{OQtamer for such a unique
hmep1ecc Only, one thing missing:
your name, which will be engraved
on the metal rlaq~e, complete with
your persona serial number.
THE PRICE· $2,200.00 (Stainless
steel, St ,500.oo. 18 karat
gold, $5,000.00.)
P1111h1on l'land. Nl'wport Center. Ncwpnn Bea<h I (714) 644-1 \80
I Otht 1 f,,,.,~~" \1C '"'""""' 1 M•ll h1u11n. Htlh M.111 flr•nll\• < '""''" At"'""""' 1,. .. An.:.l,• I \,10 1),. ... 11_., V•c"
l'w ..,..,, ..... •t ..,. .. _.~._.-.rt-• .w A•~u ., ,.,...... \tll\A M,.....n .. ,,..
ft ' '
... . . .. .. -.. --., -----... ... .. -------.... ----------....
17 I
J ·1
., """J2 lal0• ... ..........
~ ClllM1 .... rtor Oamt 1~J:, Ontta Sean retued M · .. .,... aeoart.._.
~ •eebd• police hoe pMt...Z':t .......... ol • alllta17AFleaiC1 ... ......
at tM baMlm CoavHtlo• o..w.
T .. • ol'Mr waa ao•19tt by ................. i.:;tbe Al•nv ~ a.-wtnl ol ~
c.-....apouplMtllft-aaelear weapoa1 aad power. ,au... n clat..,.. tlaat police
aar•elllaaee would have a
.. e= en.et" cm tbe exercile ot ....... nptl.
Judie &Mn naled auch an or-
der w-'t needed after belq
told by m atti1:rDeJ for the city
that police would only pboto-
craph violent acts or violations
of the law.
An estimated 1,000 persons
held a peaceful march to the
Convention Center Monday
night. No arrests were made and
no incidents were reported,
police and alliance spokesmen
said today.
But al,liance member Cheryl
Parker, a Los Angeles law
school craduate, said she re·
ceived reports indicating that
protest.en were p.botographed.
"We haven't been able to de-
termine whether the people talc·
ing pictures were members or
the press or undercover police
officen," she said.
A police spokesman said he
bad "no knowledge" of whether
undercover officers carrying
camer as were present during
Monday's protest.
The exposition, which opened
this morning, features exhibits
and demonstration s o f
sopblaticated electronic equip-
ment used for defense purposes.
The alliance bas dubbed the
exposition an "arms bazaar."
In papers filed with Judge
Sean, alliance attorneys con·
tended that police represen-
tatives said photographers
would be stationed to monitor
any demonstrations.
Tbe city bu a policy, they
aald, ol Jlbotolrapbl.n1 people at· ':::a rock eoneerta, ''but not fi 1 ........
AJld tllll7 callM tbe aUepd
prectlee ••a a)mmatlc polley
atabllllled and carried out by
the defendanta (the city) to in-
Uml-... 8114 taaraaa polWeal ~ ........
Tiro Arrested
On Anaheim
Holdap Raps
A 25-year-old une mployed
Huntington Beach truck driver
and his female companion were
arrested in Anaheim Monday
after allegedly holding up four
West Orange County markets
during a two-hour period, police
Robert Bentley Weis, 25, and
Linda Ellen Hackney, 32, both of
1.24 15th St., were arrested at 4
a .m. by Anaheim officers on sus-
picion ~ armed robbery.
Investigators allege the Hwil-
ington Beach man held up quick·
service markets in Huntington
Beach, Fountain Valley,
Westm.inater and Anaheim with
the woman serving as the
1etaway driver
The pair were stopped by an
Anaheim officer five minutes
after a clerk at U -Tote·M
Market, 138 N. Brookburst St.,
A.nabeim, told police a man
escaped with $25 in cash, a bag
of potato cbipe and some ice
cream after waving a sun in be
Kari Ann West, 9, feeds goat in Lion Coun-
try Safari's petting zoo. She is one of 232
handicapped yo ungsters from New
Zealand s pe nding 10 days in Southern
California after Air New Zealand flight
crews raised $250,000. The youngsters also
a r e visiting Disneyland. Knotts Berry
F arm, Universal Studios, Magic Mountain
and the Los Angeles Police Department.
Protection Steps Urged
Sex H araa•ment Growing Complaint
former Justice Department employee who s ays sbe was
fired for protesl.ing the advances
of her boss appealed to Congress
today to protect federal workers
victimized by sexual harass -
"Women making sexual
harassment complaints , like
women who have been sexually
assaulted, are treated as the
culpable party, rather than as
the victim,·· Diane Rennay
Williams told a House subcom·
"Women complaining of sex-
ual harassment should be given
temporary details or transfers
until the complaint is invesligat·
ed and resolved,'' said Ms.
WilUams, who was dismissed as
a public information officer at
the Justice Department's Com·
munity Relations Service in
Her remarks came in
testimony delivered to a House
Post Office and Civil Service sub-
committee, which opened hear-
ings today into sexual harass-
mentof federal workers.
Rep. James Hanley, D-N.Y.,
the subcommittee chairman,
said an investigation has shown
sexual harassment is an "every-
day, everywhere occWTence" in
the federal government. He ap..
pealed to the Office of Personnel
Management to take steps to
eradicate it.
-Hanley noted that an informal
survey taken by a Housing and
Urb~ Development employee
recently turned up about 160
wom en who reported they have
been harassed sexually on the
job Other . informal s urveys
also have turned up large num
bers of women claiming similar
"This type of behavior simply
should not be tolerated in the
federal workplace." Hanl<'y
said. "Managers should be put
on notice thal a 'boy:> will be
boys· atmosphere will not be
condoned 1n an y f e deral
Federal court rulings have
held in the last several years
that sexual harassment 1s a
form of sex discrimination. and
outlawed as a result
Committee aides say sexual
harassment normally takes lhe
form of a male supervisor mak-
ing advances to a femalP
worker, then taking retaliatory
Body Found
In Sea off
measures such as issw.ng poor Job performance ratings or an
outright dismissal notice if the
advances are spurned.
Ms. Williams. whose case is
expected to go to a new trial "in
several weeks. was fired on 2S
minutes notice in 1972, several
days after filing a sex dis
crimination complaint against
her boss.
While her supervisor ha~ re-
mained in his job, her case has
been in the federal courts and
had a number of 1tdministrauve
T!ed!r, Octobet 23, 1979 DAILY Pit.OT
Briggs Raps
Inmates Issues
SACRAllENTO (AP°> -State
Sen. John Brtus is complaining
that five people are to be freed
next month after aervlq onJy a
few maotha in prilon on charges
of conapiJina to bomb bis office.
Briggs, R·Fullerton, com-
plained in a letter to the at.ate
Department of Corrections and
sent copies to reporters Mo~ay.
But he did not mention that
'Stone Age'
Tribe Seen
In Jungles
LONDON CAP> -A team of
explorers on a round-the-world
expedition bas discovered a
primitive tribe living in "stone
age" conditions in the Jungles of
Papua New Guinea, a reporter
with the expedition sajd today
The ts to 20 members or the
tribe live 1n the central
highlands. an area known for
cannibalism . said reporter
Martin Wh ite or Press Assocaa-
tlon. the Bnt.Jsh domestlc news agency
While said the expedition
came across the tnbe in a valley
while examining the unmapped
upper reaches of the Stnckland
Ri ve r
Tribesmen told nati ve in·
terpreters that the explorers
were the first white men they
had seen and al most the first
strangN s from outs ide their
valley, White s1:11d
He said rune members of the
tribe were being held on can·
nibalism .charges in Jail in the
nearby town of Nomad
·'There may be more unknown
tribes in this area." expedition
leader Roger Chapman said
In a dispatch from the coastal
town of Lae. White said tbe
tribesmen live in st.ooe-aee con-
ditions although they use a f.:w
meta.I bunt.in& axes bartered from
nei&b~vlllaa•. Cbapmma Aid bia we. calMd ln an A-uatraUan Air Fol'ce
beU~ to leave the are.a. and
the tribe · 'JUSl clutched their pi1• -their moat. prised
possessions -and looked on amued as we Wled olf."
George Thurston, London-
based director of administnrt.ioo
for the expedition, named
Operation Drake. said the ex-
plorers found the tribe while
checking a route for the first
transit of the Stncltland gorge.
JOO miles from Lae.
··Our chaps were wallung
through on foot, going down the
rave r banks £or about five
weeks. · he saJd "Two of lhe
men with Chapman were from
the Papua Nev. Guinea Defense
Force who speak a mixture of
the local langua~c. dialects and pidgin ...
~he five hid apent a Jone period
tn county Jail before enterin& prison.
The five were described by the
Jl'BI as members ol the terroriat
Weather Undereround. They
were arrested in November,
1977, after tbe aei1ure of
weapons and exploelvn in Los
Agents said they uncovered a
plot to place a bomb in Brigp'
Fullerton office, allegedly the
first ol several Weather Under-
ground targets in Southern
They were sentenced to three
yea rs in prison, and are
scheduled to be paroled in mid·
Briggs wrote that the paroles
are an example of "Jaws that
protect the criminal an~ subject
· citizens to further abUS'e."
He said one defendant had
served only four months in
prison, and the others nine
But department spokesman
Philip Guthrie said jail time is
counted against prison sen-
One. Clayton Van Lydegraf.
64, spent nearly 30 months in jail
before entering prison in July.
and will spend only two months
short of the full three years
behind bars. Guthrie said.
The others, imprisoned 1n
February, spent between 20 and
23 months m jail, which means
29 to 32 months behind bars
more than most inmates spend
on three-year sentences. wtuch
can be reduced by up lo one·
third for good behavior.
The department has scheduled
them to be paroled in tbe Los
Angeles area. But Briggs asked
that it be San Francisco
because. "J want to keep these
people as far away from us as possible ..
Guthrie said Briggs' request
would be taken into considera-
tion along with such other fac-
tors as the locations o f
prisoners' families and job
More Marine
Deaths Seen
-Army specialists treating :n
Marines aevereb' burned. in a freak fire at their Japanese base
say 19 ol them have less than a
50-50 chance of survival.
"We anticipate more deaths."
Col. Baa.ii A. Pruitt Jr .. com·
mander of the Brooke Army
Medical Center burn treatment
unit. said Monday.
More than 70 Marines waiting
out Typhoon Tip in their bar·
racks at the Mount Fuji base
were burned Friday when the
storm caused a 5,000-gallon rub·
ber fuel container to rupture
The fuel igruted and poured like
a river of fire through the bar·
Ted Keeps Hinting
Of '80 Candidacy
Authorities are attempting to-
day to identify a man's body
that was discovered by boaters
Monday afternoon floating about
100 yards off the South Lagwia
Lifeauards pulled the corpse
clad in a wetsuit ashore at Vic-
toria Beach.
LUel\Wd Mike Dwinell saM
be bu not received any reports
of pouible drowning victims off
the Lacwia Beach-area coast in
recent weeks. The body ap-
peared to have been at sea
several ct.ya, be said.
Edward Kennedy bas aaain
fueled speeu1.uon that be wlll
1eek tbe Democratic pnlldden-
tlal nomlDation in an addreu to dMeriaC Phil.,telpNa crowds at
a fund.rai.Mr for maJOfal can·
dldate WUllam G...-.
"I'm aat bere t.eeame ot tbe
aumblr ol ..., .. , 1•. that p .... ,. ..... wW Imel to the
Demot711tic ccm.-ioa," be ln-
llM.ed with a ptn u 1,a ap-
1>1a9ded .t • '10D-•·pi.llte dlmer llOllday nlpt for the former
Grem Is fa..and ln the four.
man race to 1ucceed Ma7or
Fraak L . Rla10La former
pollee.flee buTed DJ law from
111'stD1 a ttilrd term. Democrata
... " ~ CltJ Hall rUace m1 . "I'm aot ........... ol him·
a,l•ula'r 17 eleetoral votes. I'• ._. ...... I love BWy
o ...... "•=uid. ,,._ 'ilil : "But It won't
'9 tM lilt lime I'll be ben. I 'll r ..-.-"111 a ..... 11 ,.
mayor, and when I come back I
miabt talk about somebody elle
who la a candldite for another
After dinner, and the
$250-per-penon cocktail recep-
ti on that p_receded It, the MaaaacbQHtU a HDator wu
dri~en to what wu bWecl u an
old·fubloned political rally in '
South Pblladelpb.la where nearly
5,000 had COftlrel•ted at• cater-
lnl ball. "You 10 out and rlDI
doorbells, and do the work, and
you know wbat wlll happen?"
Kennedy ....,._ at the bappy,
excited crowd tbat was kept
from crurlalq the podium bJ
police ad eeeret service ...... A YG6ce erted out, .. You'll be
,...... ...... \bee • cbant ...
lt.artect ....... s.....,·· ..s m_, _. waftal ••g..-
for PrericllDt" alps.
Flulbed by the warm m,bt.
1weat PGUrlDa down bla face, be
said, "ln tbe-next few montbl, I
mlabt be knockina on your
door." _ i
Oranp County Coroner's Of.
flee inverttaators said today an
autopay 11 scheduled into the
caUM ot dieaUa along *1th efforts
to ldeadt)t tbe dead man.
Sbe1111'1 s,t. Frank Evans, at
the Dana Harbor. patrol office,
said a man wu reported loet off
tbe Allio Beach Pier three
week.I afO and could be the man .found Monday.
But Jlm Stauffer, cblef ol the
couaty-blred Llfepard lnterna·
UoDal Beach Services, said be
doet not believe the body found
Monday ll that of the man re-
ported mllalq off Allio Pier.
Stauffer aaid eome ftabermen
Hw • man bobbtnc ln tbe water three weeks aao near the pier.
The fishermen telephoned
1herlff '1 deputiea who with
ute1uarda searched the waters
durlq tbe next two claya without
auce.... t
Storekeeper Val Vinje is wearing a JGllXllK navy fJannel blazer
from our new department featuring classic ladies' clothing.
A atore of e.rtroordinaT)f chorocter /or m~n. bo11a
' ..
and now. lad1~s
1028 Irvine, Newport Beach.
G:aliforni-. Phone 642-7061
A4 DM.Y"'-OT TIMdlf, October a . 1111
4'•.t ·~·~·:·:t, ~easting
Q ...... ~ Te•~~''.'
Eection? Oh, Really?
on AND 8NOIUNG DD'l'.-Wbn eJectioft predict·
era 1et to predict:in1. aomelimet lbe reauha can be
ati.olu&ely amuiq. Coulder t.be elec:Uon •• now have
You have toalldeNd tt. haven't you! Are you noddin&
off a1aln OD me'?
In eveot lt bu eluded your au..ntJon. there will be a
v<M lD our relion t.b1a comlq Nov. I. 1bat'a on a Tuesday.
foUowina Monday Dl.,_t football on Nov. 5.
Aa for t.be aw.ocne predieUon OD Ulla affair. it comes
trom Onnp ea.mt)' Reliatrar ot Voten Al Olson. He bu
1ued wltb enormoue eooceotraUoo lnto bia crystal ball
. ··--... "" \ .------..:.JllL...:ll
V~ Elw1 E,.,,., F'rom Forwd of Apathw
and then pronounced that the voter turnout at the poJta
should be near 50 percent ol thoee rellatered and qualified
to cut belloU.
CON81DE&ING THE BllLYHOO that baa sur·
rounded this comin& vote, you have to be baffled as to
where Mr. Olton wu able to pull 50 percent into focus ln
hla glass globe.
Let's face It; this ls an election where Teddy Isn't run·
ning for anything. Nol even dogcatcher.
You know tbls can 't be much of an election coming up
because Supervisor Tom Riley hasn't given a party for it
yet with Tom Fuentes serving as m aster of ceremonies.
If they just could have persuaded Supervisor Edison
Miller to run for something in this coming election. then
maybe it would have generated some interest It would
have been better if Edison had even hinted he might be on
the ballot.
THUS IT 18 INCREDIBLE that Mr. Olson and his
fortune-t.etllng sphere were able to materialize 50 percent.
You muat remind youraeJf that 50 percent of ~ la
aUU zero. -~ I A117way, Jmt for tbe record, tt. ibcMlld .,. DOted that tbe
Nov. a~ -W ~ -will lDYC>M-el1 DUall of ecMol board_ ....... .., ...... MllWK
Alao on the ballot wtn be eleCUons for certain apedal
districts that handle things like recreation and street
PROBABL V THE REASON Registrar Olson figures
the vote may rut 50 percent is because of the state proposi
lions which are also before the electorate
One of those ballot propositions involves school busing
for racial balance. This one may be when· Mr. Olson is
pinning hls hopes for some action at the polb
THE BUSING MEASURE. however, is one or those
that may cause the voters some confusion. It's one of those
Vote Yes on No measures, the way it's worded. Maybe
there ought to be more said about that later.
But for now, the main thing is to capture the attention
of the citizenry about the fact that there is going to be this
election out there. ·
Is that you snoring again?
Police ny lt's poulble. HI•
ramlly caJl1 It a hoax. But tbe
truth about 18 alleaed murders
waa loced -perhaps forever -
behind Je.M Bishop's half smile
H be H t down ln the Nevada
1a1 chamber and dled. Bishop, executed early Moo·
day ror k:llllng a man lD a Lu
Veau casino lD 1977, concocted a bizarre story about 18 other
murders as part of an elaborate
escape plot. a family spokesman
Bi•hop's older brother who
declined to be named -said
Bishop "just wanted an op·
portunity to get outside and try
to escape." He termed the police
report about the slayiogs -re·
leased sbortJy after Bishop 's ex·
ecutlon -"pure, unm.iti&ated
b.s ."
Authorities never gave the
touab-talldng convict a chance
to lead them to any 1raves.
Instead, they agreed to Blabop's
demand that the informatioll not
be released uoW after hl.11 deatb.
After sentencing him to death,
Judce Paul Goldman of Clark
County Dlstrict Court aaid be
visited Biabop in prison, Where
the condemned man told him
"about having committed a
number of homicides."
Vegas Homicide Detective
Ch a rles Lee lo s peak with
Bishop. The judge said Lee
"cam e back with figures about
18 other homicides . . . 12 ln
California and six In other
Lee. who conducted the Death
Row interview last August, said
Bishop didn't want the informa·
lion rcleasl-d until his execution
bec ause h~ "didn't want lo
v10latc his nwn criminal code,
ht> didn't want to go out as a
snikh ·
Jlt.> s iud B1shoJ>°"> rf>C•ol11·c·t1ons
of lht' slayrngs wt>r<' "so va~u1• 1t
~ould be '1rtually 1mpm.'>1hlt· to
µin 1t down .. Ll'c 1tddecJ that
Bishop said he was pi.11d for
about fl> percent of the slayings.
"I DON"rQUITE frankly know
whet.her it's true," a aid Lee. "But
on the other band', be certainl,yi
had no«Mns to lioM. lly op1alOa I.Ir that be WU truUlluJ. ''
Bii;hop's brothe r s aid the
hard·btllen convict, who spent
more than 20 of h15 46 years in
prison for robbery and drug
1.:rinws. wouldn't offer that sort
of help tu police. addjn~ that
"his back~round has not been
full of <:oo perat1on with the
i.1 ulhont1es · d e· said IJ1shop
once told him about "being a hit
man for the moh." but he doubted
his brother was telling the truth.
The form er Army
paratrooper, heroin addict and
longtime robber refused to file
an appeal that could have kept
him alive. He said he would not
mix with the "sniveling cow-
ards" who sought appeals and
would not accept responsibility
for their capital crimes.
East Hot; Midwest Icy
Hi~h Winds, Rain Widespread
. , .... _
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OH-I"" O.trol1
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You often bear about the blizzards in Buf-
falo, but the city has its nice days too.
Basking in the sun at the Erie Ba.sin
Marina on a record-setting 81-degree day
are Patricia O'Conne ll (left> and Sarah
~o.stly Fling
$80,000 Awarded I or Affair
WARWICK, R.l. (AP> -A Superior Court jury bu ordered
a West Warwick man to pay $80,000 to a former rriend for bav·
ing an affair with the friend's wife
·"Ibis is Ulte something out of the Dart Ages." Ja.epb J.
McGair, lawyer for defendant Sidney H. Robimoo, aald aft.er
the verdict Monday. "It's as if people have been in ck>sets for
the past 40 years."
THE J URY OF FOUR men and two women ordered
Robinson to pay $75,000 in purullve damages and SS.000 an com
pensatory damages to Gerald P Zarella. who had sought $1
million Tiw Jury found Robinson had "cnrrunal conversation"
"'1th Zarella'~ wife
Judge Ronald R Lagut·ux defined "cnminal convn~at1on'
in hi s 1ru.trurt1ons to the Jury as a v1olat1on of a s pcJU.M."'> n~ht ttJ
"exdu.'>lve pri\ ilcRL''> of phy,1cal intr·rrour<,t•
Mr!> Zarcll<J filed for tJ1\0r<:c 011 MdrCh ~. 1976 and 1~ now
married to Hobinson
McGAIR SAID HE would move for a reduct.Jon sn the award
and would fil e ror a new tnal later this week. If both mouons
failed, be said he would appeal the cue to tbe st.ate ~upreme
. Court.
Zarella ftled suit asalmt ROblmon Jan. 11. 1977. uldn• for
S250.000 for the loss of b1a wife's company and her services u a
w1fe to their two children, $250,000 for mental pain and angwsh
and $500,000 in punitive damqes.
U.S. Landing
On Cuba Said
LA PAZ, Bolivia CAP) -Tbe
U.S. Marine landing lut week at
Guantanamo Bay wu "an ex·
cesslve demonatraUon of force"
that undermined the credibility
of the United stat.es and dem·
onstrated that the U.S. govern·
ment can err dangerously ln Its
l'valuallon ot crises, Ve~uela's
f o reign m1n1sle.t' told the
Orgaru:r.alloo of Amencan Slat.es
Jose Alberto Zambr ano. m a
"l>\'l'C h prepared for delivery to
thP 9th OAS ~~neral assembly,
.... 11d rr laltoo!> between his coun·
In .rnrJ t h1• l n1tc·d States were
'IJhd and t·orrl1al · ·
Bul he '>aJd Ult· landing of l .200
\tannP'> at thl' US naval b~e
in Cuba U1 response to the pree.r
ence of several thousand Soviet
<'ombal troops an Cuba was "un-
fortunate because tbe excesaive
demonatraUon of force in a
situation dUfleuJt to qaalif}I ..
an authenUc crisis undermines
the cred1b1Uty of the United
S"-tea. wbicb la resPQIWt.a. fOI" m aintalaln& ~Id peace."
• .. -
\-.) .. ''! ~
I \ /
People trust
In a recent Gallup poll of public confidence in 10 key in·
st ltutions, newspaper s ranked f ifth ahead of tel evision and
tre U.S. Supreme Court.
The survey showed that 51 percent of the people say
they have a great deal or "quite a lot" of confidence in
newspapers. Only 38 percent say they have eq ual confidence
in television.
Since an earlier survey six years ago, newspapers
surged ahead 12 percent -a gain more than twice as great
as the greatest improvement of other inst itutions Including
organized religion, banking, the military, public schools,
Congress, labor and big business.
Among young adults age 18 to 29, 57 percent indicated a
high level of confidence In new spapers, but f ar fewer ·-38
percent -gave television a comparable v ote of confidence,
the Gallup poll r eported.
Advertise in the medium people trust. Advertise In a
Along the Or ange Coast·, people rely on the
* * Ol.. 12, NO. 2'6, J SECTIONS, ID ~AMS .
County-Rushes Plan for
.• , r&Dalal ICllO&•an. ...............
Tbe Or-.. CoUDt.Y ,........,
Com•'"'on called MolMlay tor
detailed new plennlnt aludim to
bel» l\dde f\ltw-e devt&opmen& iDSouih~.
Tbe commlaaloo's decision
, lbat South Laiuna abould be the
aubject ol a "apeclllc plan" -
ajmUar to one now bein& pre-
pared f« Dana Poi.al -came al
tbe end of • 3~·bour public
bearial OD a deteloper'a pro-
J)09al to pull • aeNI ol lucl out
of °'*' IPA'" ud allow medium density rmldmtla.I devtlopmeat
oo It.
Tbe tomm•Micm appl'Ovecl the
requett, but ordered develop-
ment plan.a beld in abeyance
pend.In& the completion ol the
new South Laauna plannin&
The commission's acllou
were in the form of recommas·
daUona to the County Board ol
Supervf.lon, which may accept,
modify or rdect them.
Tbe apeclfic plan was pro-POaed by Commissioner William
MacDoucall, who expressed COO·
cern over several major de·
velopment projects µiat may
face South Laauna.
Tuesday's bearing focused on
a key parcel included in the
361·acre holdings of Oaryouab
Mahboubi·Fardl, a Beverly Hilla
bualoeaman and United States
Mabboubi·Fardl ii propo81nc
lo CODltnlct M housing units OD
the property. Tbe pla.no.ing com·
mission action -if upheld by
supervisors -would permit an
additional 137 lo 254 d welll.og
units, acconllng to county plan· rung reports.
MacDoueall pointed out lbat
other developments having been
proposed that could pose prob-
lema for South Laguna. The
projects, be said, involve billlide
acreage bordering the communi·
ly, the Treaaure Island Trailer
Park and expamion of an ex.lat~
log aboppi.Dg cent.er at the in·
t eraection of Pacific Coast
Hipway and Wesley Drive.
A former general plan for
South Laguna, MacDougall aaid.
"admittedly doesn 't" address
current problems facing the
community. ·
Commluiooer Fred Light said
the Mabboubi·Fardi project
poses serious "environmental
questions and (traffic) clrcula·
tion questiom" lbat sbouJd be
addreued in the new plaMtng
Commiaiooers were told by
county planning aides lbat the
development would generate an
addiliooal 8,000 vehicle trips per
day on Pacific Coast Kilb way. a
CSee SOUTH, Pase AZ>
~ 'No Pattern'· in Coast Slayings
its 15o/o
uaranty Trust Co. raised its
rime lending rate today lo a re·
ord 15 percent, and the move
as quickly joined by several
Only two weeks ago, the na·
ion's biggest banks raised the
Tate they charge for loans to
most credit-worthy corporate
borrowers by an unprecedented
·full percentage point lo 14.5 per·
Guaranty, the flftb.
ranked by ..
ll pereeat me ~ .. -.aa.u.A
DI Ille Dally ~·-SC.ff
Detect.Ives from fi ve Orange
County agencies conduct.Jog a
joint U1vestigat1on or assaults
and murders of young women
say tbey have been unable to
find a common lie between the
nine victims.
Police announced Monday that
the formal task force. formed
two weeks ago to mvestigate a
total of 14 assaults and murders.
was being disbanded In favor of
a more loosely knit association
or the investigators.
They also said that five of lbe
cases have been eliminated
from lbe list. The remainlni at-
tack• in. Cost.a lleaa. Irvine,
Newport Beach. Saat.a ruilllU ... elll... .. ...... --"""'~ ,.,. ... ..... ... ~--~"•••· ... t ..... c .. arlea
except to say the bank bases its e rate OD ...... r.etan. -w:.==~·:.:a ...... anb use the prime ut.e as
the baaia for aelting Interest
rates oo almoet all commercial·
industrial loans
Although the prime has no
direct effect on consumer loan
interest rates. it is viewed as an
indicator of trends In interest
rates generally.
Many banks in several areas
<See RATE, Page AZ)
Shah Enters
t NY Hospital
i For Testing
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, de
1 posed nil?r of Iran, has been ad·
1 milled to New York Hospital·
• Comell Medical Center. and a
t State Department source in
W ashingtoo said today lbe shah
• had cancer and a blocked bile
duct. .
The IOW'ce, who asked not be
identified, gave no further de·
f.aiJS I
)(.eanwhile, department
spolleaman Hodding Carter said
the lenctb of lbe shah's stay in
the United States would depend
oo his medical condition.
" Coast
•Partly cloudy ·toni1bt
ancJ Wednesday. Lowa t.oa.llbt S1 to 12 wilb a hip
about '10 near the beaebes
Wedneeday, and ln tbe up-
per '10I inland.
A et.di '°'' RoN tlw ~ o/ "arid. 1for II fOfM ,...,,.., to ,., "°'!" .....
..... a. *"· PG.-At. ..... ................... _ .. ,,.. ..... a...,.. .,.
L.llA. ................ .. ~ ............... .. ~ .. =~ Atl i [F._:!·~~. .:: ...... : CM,......,. ., .. =:= 1=--:: -a..-. a
Dally f'llel 59tt -·
Panting Plailantlaropists
Laguna Beach High School seniors Sandy Mooney (left)
and Julie McManus support each other on 21st lap
around the track Monday in fund-raising jog·a ·thon to
raise money for school athletic, band and music equip·
ment. Volunteers, numbering 185, ran. walked or
stumbled around the track Monday in an effort that
raised an estimated $5,000 in pledges from parents and
other communit y members. The maximum received by
students was $5.25 per lap, school officials said. -----
Coast Panel Nixes
Project in Laguna
Plans for a six-level com·
mercial and residential struc-
ture on three lots just south of
the Hotel Laguna were denied in
a aplit vote Monday by tbe South
Coast Regional Coastal Com·
The $1.9 million project, pro-
posed by Jflchael Goodwin for
611 S. Q>ut Hipway (at LelioD
Street), WU turned doWD when
only alx of a required seven
voles were cast in its favor.
Proposed by Goodwin was
demolition of an existing wood
structure on the site and con·
struction of a three-story struc-
ture O'ver three levels of subter·
raneu parking.
,.The regional commission's
staff had oppoeed the project for
several reaaom, including a lack
of parting, questionable bluff
C8ee DENIED, Paie A.%)
Tbayer said. Tbe ~ for which one .... peel•...._ ::'1: are: _,___ ........
of Coroea del llar, wbo wu
slain Aug. 1, tn7;
-K.lmWty Gaye &awU.., 21.
of Costa Mesa. killed April 1,
1979; -Savuaab Lelp AadenlOll,
22. of Irvine. who died May 13.
1979; -Marolyn Carelloo, 31. of
Costa Mesa. slain on Sept. 14.
1979 ;
-Debra Jean Kennedy, 24. of
Tustin, killed Ocl. 7. 1979 :
-Debra Lynn Senior. 17. of
Costa Mesa who was murdered
<See MURDERS, Page A2 )
Worker Hurt
In Laguna
A construction wo rker re·
mains in fair condition al UCI
Medical Center today after a
15·foot wall crumbled at a job
site in Laguna Beach. pinning
him under tons of dirt.
Miguel Figueroa. 36, of El
Toro. was working on a footing
at a construction site at Viejo
Street and Killcresl Drive Mon·
day afternoon when the incident
Fire officials said a retaining
wall caved In . pinning the
worker under a pile of dirt. He
was pulled from the debris by
fellow construction workers, and
emergency first aid was ad·
ministered by firemen at the
He was taken by ambulance to
South Coast Medical Cent.er and
later transferred lo UCI Medical
Center where officials said to-
day be suffered a broken right
Slain Man Identified
the Capistrano Beach man's
death. Tbe youth, a Junior hip
1ebool ltullart, is a resident of lbe
mobile home park where
weekend burglaries occwnd.
Police would not say if be ta a
auapeet ln lbe bur1lary.
1'he mobile bome park la
located nearby the scene where
police say the 1hootln1 and atab-
binl oceurred. Tbe dead man
WU found lylne OD bl'.a back with
a eunabot wound between hi•
eye1 and numeroua atab wOUDdJ
ln bis cbelt and abdomen.
Poll-=-repona releued lloo-
day bdcaMd Uaat a .•caliber
platol IDd olber loot WU stolen
durln1 two breaklu at
CaDlatnDD 8borel lloblle Rome
Park over tbe weekend. Police bave not found the
weapona believed to hue been
uaed in the slayin1.
"We don't tnow if that wu tbe
1un UMd and we can't 1a1 \IDtll
we ~ lt," said Lt. Al J:blow.
A po1109 seareb ol the mme
scene area turned up several ~ vtall and a radio take ID
die • ,...., barslariet at tbe
mobile home part.
But aourcea reluHd to
apecu!Me OD a pouible mathe
for tbe 1la1ln1 qntU all tbe
atoln p;operty ta found and • wltMle lD tbe c ... cu be quet·
dooedapia. ';l'be ...,. for Ute weapons
CGDU8uld toda)' •
Deputy 'Wins'
4 Charged With Gambling
Lady Luck was work10g in
sheriffs Sgt. Les Leber's ravor
last weekend when he took part
in a tugh stakes blackJack game
in Dana Po10t
Leber was ahead by $600. in
fact. when other officers inter ·
rupted the proceedings Saturday
mghl and arrested four South
County me n on ga mbling
And Leber? He was working
undercover and didn 't have to
worry about being found at the
res1d<'nce at 33142 Acapulco
when the raid occurred.
About Sl .400 in cas h was
seized. along with three black·
Jack tables and $25,000 worth of
poker ctups.
The sheriff s department iden·
t1fied the suspects as Bill C. Via,
40, of 1515 Buena Vista, San
Clemente; Roy A. Paulter, 35, or
2'7525 Tossamor, Mission Viejo;
James C. Sanderson. 30. of 1615
<See GAMBLE, Page A.%)
Mission Neig,hbo~ V aws ~ight
117 nsva •narsu. ..............
Stepliien Riot' 1rHt·1reat
1n1t-anndfatber \&Md to ajt on
lb• POl'dl lD ftoot of tu. adobe
home • aam.mer tten1ap ad
, ... at ..... °'*' ..,.. bet ...
hit two-~re propertJ ud tM
San Ju.an Caplatraoo ml&aJoa.
But lbat WU lo l'TN, aad &od.a.Y.
bl• HVHlll •entrallOQ rel· atlve bu a vlew of railroad
tracu, a rt1tau.rant bar, and
beavy trub tnacU tbat make
t.be D01t,y tum onto Loi IUoe
Street on tbt way to and fn>m
A.Del wblle the builder ol the
hltlortc adobe beard mlulon
belll, bb deeceftdant bean c:UI·
.... .,, .. r1 ....
pateW ••Hlff trom low
trucks • • nhlele Impound
yard la-. ol hia home.
No• hi furs the cttJ will al·
Jow a Ml'vlce •lat.Ion in town to
cout.rud a d11patdl ~ and
retrHt onal vehlcle 1tora1e
yard a 1eant t5 yanl1 trom his
bedroom window
Tbe adobe. banded down
1eneraUon to CeMraUon from
P'ellclano Riot, l• the oldett
realdentJal structure owned con·
Unuoutly by one famlly lo
Steve IUot. an attorney who,
unm recently. worked with Gov
ernor Brown a.a ht. eHcutive
erretary on the Native
American flenta1e Committee,
Slain Mesa Girl's
I .ast Hours Traced
Debra Lynn Senior, Uke most
of her apartmenl·dwellln1
neighbors, waa aware of the
series of attacks on women that
had occurred near her Costa
Mesa neighborhood.
The night abe was slain, she
was C(IDCeJ necl eooulh about the
assaults to follow her sitter's ad· vice and lock the door to her
apartment at 2251-A Maple St ..
But tile window loeb we~
brokm md pollee a.,-that i.
bow tbe feee.qer•a murderer
got tntoller ...wmee.
Like ftft Glllel' womet1 before
her. tbe 17-year-old strl wu
blud....-cl to death ancf raped,
Roary for Ilia Senior will be
recited Frklay at 8:45 a.m. at St.
Joachims' Catholic Church.
Mass or Christian Bunal will
follow at 9 a.m. She will be
buried at Harbor Lawn
Memorial Park.
She leaves her parents, John
and Pamel a Senior ; two
brothers, Jeffrey and Michael.
and a sister Jacqueline, all of
C o s ta M es a, and h e r
grandmother, Florence Medland
of Canada.
Police have been quesUontne
family and h1encla of lbe teen·
a&el' .tae. ber body WU dis·
covered early &mday mornlnc
in an attempt to find leatb to her
killer'• identity bl her Ule.t,yle udbablta. 1111M Senior p-aduaa.ct ftam
Estancia mgh School ta June.
Her teachers there remem·
bered her as a "sweet girl," who
* * *
was very dependabl e and
seemed to eiUoy life.
They said she set 1oala for
herself and one of those was to
attend Ora.nee Cdast College to
take secretarial training.
Miu Senior's former teachers
recalled lbat ahe did her best
work ln her buaineas counea
and aJao excelled in aewin1.
In a move for independence
abe left her parenta' f(.,a Verde
bome two montba ago to share
an apartment with a lirllrtend.
Sbe drove a delivery car for a
blueprint and graphics firm.
Saturday night, there wu a
party at a home for members ol
the aCbool'a croo country team.
Miss Senior and her roommate
went together but by 10:30 p.m ..
the young woman decided to go
Her roommate gave her the
keys to her car, saying she'd
find a way home later
Police say that sometime
between midnight and 2:30 a.m .,
the murderer slipped into the
apartment through one of the
unlocked windows and killed
the sleeping leen·ager. Her
roommate diacovered ber body
Today, her lrimnl pareota
talk about tbelr .... eaylq it waa too painful for them to dis-
cuss their daughter wb.Ue pre-pariD• fer her funeral.
They have aua•••ted that
donaUom be made "la Debbie's
name" to Pet Reapon.lbiUty,
Inc., P .0 1 Box 104, Laguna
* * * l'r.., Page A I
MURDER PROBE. • • Sunday.
The cases also include surviv-
ing assa ult victims Kim
Whitecotton, 20, Santa Ana
Heights, who was attacked in
May ; Jane PettengUl, 24, of
Costa Mesa who was attacked in
July, and Diana Green, 20, of
Tustin, who was attacked in Sep. tember.
Mrs. Green's unborn baby girl
died as a result of the assault.
Based on a witness' descrip.
lion, police are circulating a pie.
lure of a dark-haired man they
believe is responsible for the
string of murderous assaulta.
At the same Ume, de~*' are studying the lives of the vie·
tims to try to find a co
ground they abared in hopes at
common point would lead them to the killer.
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
acknowledges that if there is a
trail shared by the women, it is
"We've looked at the places
they did their shopping, the gas
stations they used, repair
services, beauty parlors -you
name it.
"There's just notbing there,"
he said
that they lived in apartments
with ground·Ooor entries that
were shielded from the street.
The women also bad another
trait in common-they didn 'l
lock their doors and windows on
t.be night they died.
According to police, the
women were dissimilar in looks
as well as lifestyles.
They ranged in size from Miss
Kennedy, who was a stocky, five
feel three inches tall to Miss
Senior who was a strapping five
feet nine inches tall.
Their hair ran the spectrum of
colors, lengths and styles
They worked at a range of
jobs. Mrs. Careltoo taught self
actulization courses from her
home. Miss Bennington was a
former social worker who'd
become a waitress. Miss Pel·
tengill worked for an OP·
Miss Senior, who had gradual·
ed from F.stancia High School in
Costa Mesa, drove a delivery
car for a blueprint service.
Miss Rawlins was a shipping
clerk. Miss Anderson worked for
a credit checking service.
HYI be'h ft .. t ~lau IOI f.
com mettlal development next
door to b1a adobe.
The Su J'6an CapJttrano plan·
nln1 commlulon will meet
toaJabt to COQider a varit.Qee
and coocMUonal UM permit for a
thJrd ol an acre next door to the adobe ·
San Clemente City Council
memben have ained to jo6D an
Oraoa• OMmty houlinl Procram
ln an effort to obtalD 100.• ln federal funda.
The block 1rant pro1ram
funds are admi.nlltered t.broqh
the county's Houatn1 ud Com·
munlty Development aceney.
Asalnant City Maoa1er Dou&
Meyer told council meni'-.ers re-
cently that the federal fu.ada
could be med for a wide raqe ol
Service staUon owner Forreat
Dunhtn want• to inataU a
caretaker's trailer and a 100.foot
tall radio U'anamlnioo tower on
the vacant lot neict to Riot'
home. which la a1ao adjacent to
a four-acre Impound yard
operated by DwUvan.
But Rloe taya t.be use b not
compatible With the re&ldential
nelcbborbood, and aald approval
of the commercial use might
threaten appllcatk>n for reston·
tion and rehabilitation funds for
h1stonc homes along Los Rios
.. renovation pu.rpoHs lncludin1
aid for senior cltizena and be·
d lcapped homeownera in up·
grading their residences.
He and more than a dozen
other homeowners in the old
neighborhood are seeking
matchina funds from the state
Historic Resources Commission
to restore the homes. many or
them 40 to 60 years old.
And Rios is bitter that the city
would even consider such a non·
co nformi n g u se In his 096,,"""'~-
neighborhood. FIGHTING COMMERCIAL ENCROACHMENT IN SAN JUAN "You wouldn't see this ap. tta t f of Adobe proved in Mission Hills or other _____ St_ep1...:_h_•_n_R_1o_a_,_A_u_nt_J_ua_n __ n_ront ________ _
neighborhoods in town, but this
is an older section and we don't
have curbs or sidewalks," be said.
"I guess that means we don't
count.," be shrugged.
Rios says he's not asking to
move Dunivan's operation out of
town, "but this buslnesa bout of
c har ac ter with the
neighborhood," he said.
''I'm asking the planning com·
mlssloo to not expand the non-
conforming use, and the city to
not aUow a new non·conlonnlng use."
He said Dunlvln intends to
park junk cars on one side of the
parcel and s:ecreational vehicle
storage on the other, with a tow·
ing dispatch station in the mid·
die of the lot.
Ounivtn said h e received
permission two years ago from
the city to use the property for
recreational vehicle storage,
and said Rios is "blowing this
thing completely out of propor· lion.
"All I'm uklng LI to put an of. ~
flee on the property and landscape It, and continue to use
it tor atorqe," be •aid today. But Rb .. ,,. tbat UM wlll crea~ tratfte Mfety and DOlse problems that would not be al·
lowed in any other reaklentlal
area of San Juan Capistrano.
"The street 1s already over·
taxed with commercial traffic."
ht> said. adding tha t Dunjvin 's
Low trucks and dumpsters from
another firm are constantly roll·
ang up and down the 16·foot wide
neighborhood street.
"Fiestas and barbecues are
our way or life," Rios said.
"How can you enjoy your home
with an induatrial bu.slness next
He said, "I want my son to in·
herit an adobe, not an industrial complex."
'This is the only neighborhood
in Capist.rano Valley where the
kids can't play two-square or
ball on the streel,1 ' be said.
He said the use wiU club with
his historic adobe, where Mex·
ican out.law Joaquin Murrietta
used to hide out and get fresh
horses in the 1870s from Rios'
"He slept ln the awe and my
family fed him on rus way to the
border," Rios said.
"He always left a bag of gold
on the gatepost."
The 31.year-0ld attorney says
he'll protest the variances
sought by Ounivln when the
planning com mission meets
tonight at 7: 30.
·'There used to be a real lran
qullity In this neighborhood," he
said "I just want to preserve
what's left."
Boaters Discover
Body off S~ Laguna
Authorities are altempUn1 to-
day to identify a man's body
that wu discovered by boaters
·Monday atternoon fioaU.1 about
100 yards off the South La1una
Lifeguards pulled the corpse
clad in a wetsuit ashore at Vic. toria Beach.
Lifeguard Mike Dwinell saut
he bas not received any reports
of possible drowning victims off
the Laguna Beach·area coast in
recent weeks The body ap·
pear ed to have been at sea
several days, he said
Orange County Coroner's Of.
fice investigators said today an
autopsy is scheduled Into the
cause of death along with effort.a
to Identify the dead man.
Sheriff's Sgt. Frank Evans, at
To Face Trial
On Pot Raps
Two Laguna Beach men
c harged with marijuana
possession charges. face a Nov.
21 trial on the mis demeanor
counts ln South Orange County
Municipal Court.
Scott H. Shadrick. 30, and
Thomu Banks Livermore, 31,
were charged alt.er the alle&ed
discovery of marijuana growing
al their home at 1140 Temple Hilla Drive Sept. 16.
The two men also face pre-
trial hearing Nov. 5, according to Deputy Diatrict Attorney Mel Jensen.
Police respoodine to a com·
plaint of a barkin& dog a month
ago said they found marijuana
growing at the two m en's home.
The prosecution alleges four
plants had grown to bei1bts of 18
to 24 inches.
the Dana Harbor patrol office,
said a man wu reported loct off
the Aliso Beacb Pter three
weeks ago and could be the man
found Monday.
But Jlm Stauffer. chief of the
co11nty·hired Weguard lntema·
lional Beach Services. said he
does not believe the body found
Monday ta that of the man re
ported aussmg off Ali so Pier
Stauffer said some fishermen
sa w a man bobbing in the water
three weeks ago near the pier
The fisherme n telepho ned
sheriff's deputies who with
lifeguards searched the waters
during the next two days without
s ucceu.
The corpse pulled uhore Mon· day at Victoria Beach, north of
::::..~.la u..t of • ~
to be a ..... TIM..,._... taa~
di ver'a wet suit jacket, weflht
belt and blue swimming lrunb.
stabillty and a need for publlc
recreational property 1n the
The commission staff reported
the propos al "premature"
because the City of Laguna
Beach bad not yet completed its
Local CoutaJ Plan for the ocean front area.
Goodwin bad proposed a
5,50().equ.are-foot restaurant and
bar and retail sbopa on the
street level, offices on the
second tloor and residential
wlits on the top story.
Of the 1Z commaaaooen, thoM
voting agalmt the proJ~t were
Rochelle Braly. Henry Doer·
fl t n1. Margo Feuer. Ruth
Galanterand Mel Nutter.
Elertb Ericltaoa a bet.ained.
One good name deserves another.
Meyer said tl\e funds could
also be used for city parks and
recreation racUities, construction
or refurbis hing or civic
bu1ld10g.s and a host of public
works projects.
The progra m is aimed at
neighborhoods where low and
moderate income residenta most
need the fWlda .
Council members agreed to
use the existing city General
Plan Review Committee mem·
bersh1p to locate areas where
the federal funds would be most
needed. '
The advisory unit is expected
to submit a list of proposals on
the funds' u.aes before the end of
the year.
Meyer said public bearings
a re required before the funds
are earmarked for use.
........ r-.AJ
Buena Viau. San Clemente and
Buck L. Truett, "3, o( 24892 Wells
Fargo. Laguna Hills.
A female companion of the
s uspects is being sought. She
ned with an undisclosed amount
of cash at the time uniformed of.
ficers arrived.
Sheriff spokesman Lt. Wyatt
Hart said the game operated
with three dealers. a pit boss, a
bartender and waitress. He said
a II were on salary.
If 4:1 rt ~aid the host for the
ga m bllng session which had a
$100 hm1l on beL'), was paid S500
for provuling the location for the
game and for screening about 20
players who received inviutioo.s to the affair.
One ol those wbo &ot an in~· ....... i........
u ........ ~a..eta .......... e.ra ..
the operaUoa th ......-. -. putin.
Hart said the game operated
throughout Orange County and
wa.., booked up until December
f 're.a Page A I
RATE •••
of the natJon, faced with h.Jgh
costs of acquirin1 funds. have
cut back lending or raised in·
terest rates for consumer credit
s uc h as. instaUment Joana or
home mort1a1es.
Several banb, including No. 6
ChemlcaJ, No. 8 Bankers Trust,
and No. 20 B.ak of New York
Immediately joined Morgan ui
the move to a U percent prime.
Amon.r other major banks posUng the hall-point increase
were Harri• Bank of Chicago
and Firat Pennsylvania of PbJladelpbfa.
The Federal Reserve Board on
Oct. a announced a plan to ma.Jee
It more expensive to extend credit.
The one trait they all shared ls l',....P~Al
Put vo ur nilme on an OMEGA. The
lx·st -.upn!>L'" comt! an smdll wooden
pilckages. Su w<•'vt' pack.aged a
remarkablL· m•w Omt•ga Quart'
Chronometl•r in th1:. very
!itylish box.
T ... 0.-C..t 0.llt ~IOI wlll\ wlltcl\ It <_. .,._.,.._ ....... 1.-1.-..,, ... 0._
CM•I _..,,...'""-"' k .... o,.oOtt-.,o .... 1>11.--.. ·-"'•I••• ... c..w ....... .._,-... _..,.. ...... 111 .. .....
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'"'-" ....... IHltw ,.... ... .........
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Upfle ...... OMo.
OMoee c..le ,_ ............ .......
................ ot~l lltlttMcil .......
'Jal••"."' m•>MMatt ce ··• Mwe111-.-.en.
&....-. ...... Al Dqdu.-s ~:;;..-.-""'--~~_. n•••he•• ......
'-St'!~ ....
=~:;_~~~~~ ~~~ _\., .. ,~ '=
~=..t.~.rn. ~1 r..~::..:":; =.~w~•-..
• c
2$ percent increase over what It
now carrlel.
And planners said the hlpway
already la characterued a• "UD·
stable" liven exi1Un1 traffic
Commiuioners, however,
were told by a comulta.nt for
M ahboubl·Fardi that the
hl&bway•s troub1ea were a "re· aional problem."
"Jt't really eometbln1 beyond
tbe control ol a liDale property owner, .. aald Doustu L. Wood,
dlreet.or ol planntna for t.be tlrm
of Robert Beln, WllUam Froet
and AlsoclatH of Newport
Wood allo emphHlatd that
tr.ate ....,.... blred for tbe llU.bboubt~ardl project are at.
temDtlal to won out u overall
traffic -clrculatloD plan that
woaJd iDelude demands pland
OD dae 11Ubwa1 bJ UM alloppblc
center .a 'tNaaure Island.
ft• llabbwbl-l'ardJ project baa ..._Wore tM eount1 plan.
nla1 dtpartment ln urloua
forms b ftft Je&l'I. It bu bMll
aubjfft ol vllOl'OUI opPGllUcMa
from South Laguna and Laiuna
Beach residents.
Carl Allen. a Laguna Beach
resident, said the property is
crossed by two m.;or landslides
and an earthquake fault and
suggested development could
lead to a disaster similar to
geologic disturbances that
destroyed homes in Laiuna 's
Blueblnl Canyon one year a10.
Wood responaed both by qlfel·
llontn1 Allen'• q'*1flcatiou to
1nalyze tbe property'• 1eolo11
ilnd arl\llnl that "leolttbnlcal
contultantt" had couldered all
geolopc facton in Lbe location
Qf boustnc mlta.
In a related actlOll on the proj·
ect, commluionera recom·
mended to soperviton that any
approval for tbe Mabboubl·
Fardl project be conditioned on
a plan for relocation Of re1ldentt
now Uvtni 1n a mobile home
park that would be wiped out by
lbe new developm~.
Wood ... d a reJOeat.lon plan
for tbe •t part tenu• ls belq
developed and pJ'Omlled tbeJ
would be accommodaMd.
THE WATCH: This striking
design wa!I CTl'ated for none other
than the foundt•r of Omega. The
14 karat yellow gold .md s tainless
steel perfectly complement a
d1men ... 1nnal d1.l1. rlwf water-
res...,l.inl chronometer 14' Ct!rt1fied to
be ancrt>J1bl y accurate. Of course,
the bracl'ltot fc.itures a hidden clasp.
THI:. PACKAGE: A highly polished
.,oJid m.ihu~anv case is a fitting
container for ..,uc:h d unique
timepiece. Onlv one thing mis!iing:
your namt.>, whil"h will bl' engraved
on the metal flaq~e. complete with
your persona ..,enal number.
THE PRICE: $2,200.00 (Stainless
steel, $1,500.oo. 18 karat
gold, $5,000.00.)
Fa,h1on 1~111nd. Nt'wporr Ccnri:r NtwpMt &-11ch t P 14 I 644· I \80
I 01h1' !,,,~'""'' ..: '"'"'""'" \l•lf t •• ,,.n .. 111111 \l.111 C),,,n,11•· ( "'''"'
Al"' <•l't'll''' 1 ... An11t'•" 1 -...n 1>,.in• 1.,. v, ~·" l''-.... ,, """-• ,,.,.~-. ,.._.,_.. ,..... ••A __ ._._ f•J-\lhA -...-w ,....,_,
, • #
Oi!ange £oast
T•••Y'•Cl .. la•
N.Y. Steek•
.Planner Fights Mayor's Ouster Bid
Ryckoff Denies Racial Bias Charge
I Plennef Mclaughlin 1~~~~~-=-~~
Mayor Paul Ryckotf said to-
day he wtU uk the Newport
Beach City Cowtcil lo ouat Plan-n 1 n & Commluloner Helen
Mrs. llcLau1hlln. who wu
appointed to the commiaaion
more than a year a10, was
asked Friday by Ryckoff to re·
In her reply, Mrs. McLaughlin
tbe call for her resignation was
based on racial or sexual dis·
crimination. Mrs. McLaughlin ls
Ryckoff denied that accusa·
ti on today. He said bJs Tequest
for her resignation was based on
hia feeUnc that abe wun't ''sup-
portive" of the views or the
council majority that appointed
her. He said she ls unable lo set
along wltb Commiaaloner Allan
Mrs. McLaughlin is the com·
mlaaloo'a vice chairman. Beek
holds no office on the com·
mlasloo, but is viewed as the
spokesman for Ryckoff. ll is an-
l 1 cl pa led Beek will run for
Ryckoff's council seat when the
mayor retires next April.
But an angry Mr s
McLa ughlin 1n h e r letter
described Beek as a "common
garden variety bully "
. She notes she has no Intention
of aeeldng elective orrioe, but is
only interested in doing Lbe best
poulble job as a planning com·
That means, she said, viewing
each lasue on its own merits and
maklng "the best possible in·
dependent decision "
She further took issue with
Ryckoff's complaint , voiced
again today. that she voled con·
sistently on the side of de·
ve l ope~s . Sh e c hallenged
Ryckoff or Beek to review the
commlasioo's voting record to
see if that were true ·
In what appeared lo be a ref·
erence to Beek. she pledged
never lo desrade a city staff
member or property owner who
appears before the commla.ilon
and concluded by declaring she
wasn't a "rubber stamp for an
extremiat fact.loo."
Mrs . McLaughlin concluded
her letter by retuaiog to resign,
allhou&h acknowledgjng that a
council majority could vote her
from her post. Her appointment •
expires next June.
She said she sent copies of
Ryckoff'a letter requesting her
resignation and her reply to
council members and planning
com missioners so they could
J ud ge th e di s pute for
Dttl'l'f'lletS!Mf .......
Newport M•yor Ryekoff
t'No Pattern' • m Coast Slayings
Killer of Girls
Puzzks Police
OI ... Dally P'IM4 S&Mf
Detectives from five Orange
County agencies conducting a
joint investigation or a.aaaults
and murders of young women
HY they have been unable to
ftDd a common tle between the n1De rieUml. '
.,.._ ....... MCIGCIQ ._ u.. ........................ ...... twow..a-.o••·--·· total m 14 usault.a and murders, •• ~=--ta fa..rof a man lmlt ueoetaUon oltbe~. TbeJ al8C> aald that five ot the caaea have been eliminated
from the llat. The remalnlng a~
tacks in Costa Me:sa. Irvine,
Newport Beach. Santa Ana
Heights and Tustin are the wortc
of one man, spokesman Charles
Thayer said.
That man, as described by a
witness, is of medium height and
muscul a r build with collar-
length dark hair and a dark
mustac he . His c l)eeks are
pockmartced and he has an olive
The cases ror which one sus-
pect is being sought arc:
-Jane Ellen BeanlagloG, 29,
of Corona del Mar , who was
slain Aug. 1, 1.977.
-Kimberly Gaye Rawllu, 21.
of Costa Mesa. k!Ued April 1,
-Savaaaah Lel&b Andenoe,
Prime Rate Up Again
~nding Figure Hits Record 15 Percent
NEW YORK <AP)-Morgan
Guaranty Trust Co. raised its
prime lending rate today lo a re·
cord 15 percent, and tbe move
waa quickly joined by several
Only two weeks ago, tbe na·
tloa 'a bigmt bank.a railed the
rate tney cbar1e for Joana to
• moat credit-worthy corporate
borrowers by an unprecedented
, fall pen:entaae polnt to 14.5 per·
llorpn Guaranty, the flftb· =est U .S. baak ranked bJ de-ll, Nl4 tbe 11 percent prime
was effedJw lmmediately. A
lleak aftld8I decJIDed to COID· ••t • r••-for the boolt, aeept to .., tbe bank baMs tu
...... ...... -....... fadan, DrimutlJ .... COit ol ~ Jada _. t11e demDCl for bulf.
., .... 1am11.
Bab .. tbe prime rate •
I th ....., for Httlal Int.mitt I ,._ • almolt all eommerdal· t ........ low. ~ tM prime ba DO ------::=Jou ..... ...... lt lttin .. Ill
....... ol tNlldl ln ........ ...... .........,.
• .., INmlm bl ... eraJ areu
if tbe ..... fl8d with hip
tl ............ ba .. • ._. ..,,.., or r.aiMd In-.._ ne. fGr eomwner Cl"ldit =·:,,.a::••t low or
Several banks, including No. 6
Chemical, No. 8 Bankers Trust,
and No. 20 Bank or New York.
lmmediat.ely joined Mor1an in
the move lo a 15 percent prime.
Amonic other major banks
poatina the half-polnt lncruae
were Harria Bank of Chlcaao.
Flrat Pennsylvania of
Philadelphia, Bank ot America,
Well• Farao Bank and United
California Bank.
The Federal Reserve Board on
Oct. a IDDOUDCed a plan to make
it more expensive to extend
credit. The Fed imposed higher
marginal reserve requirements
on certain types of liabilities
generally known u "purchased
funda" and railed tbe discount
rate, the fee it charges on loans
to member banks.
Tbe Fed a1ao announced It was
awiteblq emphasis from tight
control of abort-term interest
rate• on pur-c:hued funds lo con· trollina the IJ"Owtb in bank re·
(8ee aATI:, P1ce AJ)
(Ash, Gems Taken
In Newport Holdup
A.bout $150,000 In caab and
Jewel1 wu taken from a
Newport Beach jewelry atore
llODU1 by two robben wbo
bound and 1a11•d tbree
emploJMI Md two cnmtomen
before flilelq.
omcws aald one ot the men
entered tbe WllMam Roberti
alore .t Ja4 Via Otorto at Moat
t : IO p.m., pulled a IUD aod or·
de red everyone to tile noor.
They were tbeD tied up. A MCODd 1uapeet ntued the
alore and t.be two removed the
caah and Jewels and then ned.
One of the au1pect1 waa
dncrtbld ...... of wt1D dea·
cent, in bia lale IOI. atandln1
about M wl&b dart curly klq
ba1r, 1 muatacbe and bavtns a
paunchy atomacb .
Tb• HCODd man alto WH
daertbld u betal of Latin dll-
ceat, tn hia mkt IOI, "St1ndin1
1bout &-3 wtth loq black IWr
and wetlhlq about 1'11 pouadll. He wu weutnc a tu lb1rt or
Jacket wt&b daR penta.
22, of Irvine, who died May 13,
-Marolyn Carelton, 31 . of
Costa Mesa, slain on Sept. 14,
-Debra .leu ltetuae4y, 2', of Tustin, 1d1led Oct. 7, 1971; _.,.. ...,.. ..... 17, ol
eo.&8 .._. wllo •• mmdlnd
a.-197. ,,.._ ....... , .....
l•I •H••lt •let me Cl•
Whitecotton, 20, Santa Ana
HeiP&a. wllo w• lll&8ebd ta Ila)' r Jue PetteedD. IC, ol eo.ta ..... wllo ............ July. and Diana a,..., ao. o1
Tustin, wbo wu attacked ln Sep-
tem ber. Mrs. Green's unborn baby lirl
died as a result of the assault.
Based on a witness' descrip-
tion, police are circulating a pie·
ture of a dark-haired man they
believe is responsible for the
string of murderous assaull.5.
At the same time, det.ecUves
are studying the lives or the vie·
lims ·t.o try to find a common
ground they shared in hopes that
common point would lead them
to the killer.
Lt. Jack CahlOn or Costa Mesa
acknowled1tes that if there is a
trait shared by the women, 1t is
"We've looked at the places
they did their shopping, lbe gas
st a tions t hey us ed. r epair
services, beauty parlors -you
name il.
"There's just nothing there,"
(See MUllDERS, Pa1e AZ>
Corona del Mar ~b School
coed Maate Rothfelder ll
1ettlna into the 1plril of the
HUOD. Sbe'I lot plenty ol
bad compuy. See Featw'· ma, P ... Cl.
o.tty .......... ,._
Meu Poke Alert Apmrtment Owellere About Kiiier
Mesa Residents
Fortifying Homes
Costa Mesa residents are fortJ.
lying tbelr homes again.st an an·
truder police believe bas al·
tacked nine Or ange Coast
women, killing six of them.
"People are really scared."
aay police, loc:k.smiths and gun
Four of tbe victims Uved in
apartmentJI in Costa Mesa.
Police from the other four
agencies Investigating tbe U ·
saults report aimllar problems.
They're walking a tightrope wilh
residents m their jwiadlcti~.
Tbey want to warn resldenta,
eapeclally women who Uve in
apartments, to be wary. 'Ibey
want thole women especially to
lock tbelr doon and windows.
But they don't want lo caUM a
Police h\ Tultin, where two of
the att1cka have occurred,
malled a bulletln lo 7,000 apart.
ment dwellen ln their clly. Of-ficen there tell ot one woman
wbo became frl&btened and
armed beraelf with a .UT·
mapum reftlver .
Her nerves 1ot to her, 11Mt
fired at a lblldow and the bdet
went throu•ta her apartment
wall 1trtkln1 her nel1bbor'1
Pollee crtmlJ DIM it eoald u
eull1 have bem UM .... .,.....
wbo c._ tllle Wiit. lac.a. .... tlteN ........ ..... locb .... home Memi·
ty cll\'tctl Ill .. local bardwlN
at.one. A ..,._....., at Kerna Rtma
Hard•ar• 11id Jbe .-eople
who've oome ID ...-U, haw ID
mentioned tbt murdera.
'1Tbe1'n frt__., .. be-...
Oun 1tore 1pok11mtn say
tbey'ft ... Ill lnttelM tn -
~ .
sales oC handguns. A s pokesman
al Dave's Guns referred to the
weapons as "bomeowner's in·
s urance."
But police aren't eager to have
a n armed populace. Capt.
Edward Glasgow of the patrol
di vision said be doesn't think the
situation calls ror use of guns by
"lo this instance, tbe suspect
isn't using forcible entry. The
beat proteclion la good locks, not
<See aESIDENTS, P1ge AZ)
Partly cloudy tonl1bt
and Wednesday. Lowa
toni&bt 51 to G wltb a bl1b
about 10 near the beaches
Wednelda.y, ud ln tbe UP·
per 'JOI inland.
INlll•I: Te•A 't'
A at1ldfl eovt Ro.W tM
Riomr of World Wor " ,_.. ,., ...... to .... ...,,... rftK· .. ,,. ,.. .corw. Pao-Al.
•••es ....................... ...... Cl....... • • .................. .......... -.. =:... °'i f#!'Ll..··~i ~ 15,Cll ..... ~ ----::m;.: E = ·=== ... =:&:: 1 ....... :: ,.. Cf
LMks .l"aDM Slain Girl
Debra L1Dll 5-ior, lib IDQll
of laer apartmeDl·dwellla1
Hilla._.., WU IWafe Of tlM ..-tlii&tleb•••••._ laad OHWHcl HU Mr c.ta ..... ~
TM allbt ahe WU alaln. &be
... ~ ... IDCNlh •bout the _....,to~ a..r aater'a lid
~ce and Wk UM door to bet'
•P•rlmlDt at DSl-A II apt St
But the wtedow loek• were
brok n llDd ~ uy lbllt ta
how tM '"8·qtr'1 murditru aotlntotter~.
Like ftv. ~r womea bef~
hf'r. the 11 v~ar old 11rl wu
Man· Faces
A Newport Beacb man
already convicted of extortioa 1n
connection wllb tbe dlup·
pearance of • Garden Grove
woman IHl Au1U1t It now
char1ed with her murder.
Orange County Deputy Dia·
tnct Attorney Dave Carter filed
murder and kidnap charges
agalnat Larry Smith. 43, Mon·
day. Smith, 4840 Park Newport,
was convicted in U.S. Diatrict
Court last week for making the
telephone calls demanding a
$100,000 ransom for the return of
Carolyn Bealer, 24, who has
ne ver been found.
Sentencing on Smith's federal
conviction has been scheduled
for Nov. 15 in U.S. District
Judge Malcolm Lucas'
courtroom. Carter indicated
Monday the Newport Beach man
will not be brought to Orange
County for arraignment untll
after Judge Lucas sentences
rum ln Loe Angeles
Smith faces a possible 2().year
prison term on the extortion COO·
However, he could a face the
death penalty if he is convicted
of first-degree murder and a jury finds that Miss Sealer's
death was perpetrated during a
bl.t.11 td •.-... raped apr iUIH w bodr wu dll·
MJll llelir wtJI be COYt ..... Nl1)' lkmdaJ IDOl'Dlftl rfftt.till at I:~ a ID 8l 8l. kt &n .....apl M» llad .. adl to W JeaeM atbolle Cb\lrch. kU"r'1 ~ lD ... , au.rte
11... ii a.n.uaa awta1 will UMI ubtta.
rollow al I •·•· • will bl MlN ..._ ., .... .., ,._
burletl 11 Harbor Lawe· Cttaada Hloltltoolla J ...
lltmaftal Pan lier toar6era there remem·
IMYM Iler parala, John btred ber u a "••Mt 1lrl," who
and Pam la Sen ior , two wu v ry dope ndabl• and
brotben, Jefttey and lllcba I, 1um~ to enjoy lift'
and a lilttt J1cq1MllJHt, aU bf They aaJd ah H t 1oall for
C o t t • M • a a . a n d h 4t r herHll and ono of tboee wu to
11udmather. Florence Medland uttend Oun1• Coaat Coll••• to
ol Caudl tMke 1e.cr.tar11I tr1lnJn1.
Pollee have been qucatlonlnt MI A11 Sm.lor'• former teachen
family and friends of Lbo teien recalled that abe did her beet
* * • * * * F,....P-,tJ
• 11m," he aald
Co1ta Meaa pollce have
launched a door-to·door cam·
pet1n to warn reaideota,
upeelally •P•r1ment dwellers
They alto hope Lo pick up a lead
tot.be killer'1 ldenUty.
Police ~ erves, udets and
Explorers have been on lht.'
1t.reell from 6 p.m to to pm .
knocklng on doors and handing
out leaflet.a
Reserve officer Gre~ Coulter
and Explorer Richard Trapp
were one of several team11 to go
into apartment complexes Mon
day night.
They hardly had to knock on
doors in th e west s ide
nelgbborhood that's about two
miles from the scene or the
latest murder Sunday.
As soon as they got out of their
police ca r , r esiden t s
materialized, asking questions
about the cases and cxpressmg
Women told of buying locks
for their homes.
Men who stopped the officer
and Explorer collected the
warnln.8 bulletln for t.belr wives,
ttlrllriends or co-workers
One woman who stopped lbe
two men talk~ with them for
sevual minutes.
"l Uve by myself and I know
loo well what's been happen·
ing." she said.
Coulter rf'()tlated the depart·
ment '!i warning
Keep your doors and windows
Ht!J)Ort any suspicious penon
to thc> police at 754·5360.
"Thanks." the woman saJd.
"It's made me feel a lot better."
Coullcr said the leanet pro· ~ra m has drawn nothing but
cooperation from residents con·
tacted" "Nobody's told us Lo get
IO!-.l or complained about having
us a round," he said.
A ~ he a nd Trapp moved
through the apartment complex-
es, residents repeatedly as ked
a bout the case. One boy.
clutching a baseball bat told the
m('n "I hope that guy gets
sm ashed.''
An old woman conJided, 'Tm
l>Cared all the tame."
Bleeding P rocess
'Saves Life, Money'
kidnapforrans om. Bleeding patients before sur·
Smith has claimed that two gery could help save Ji ves as
o the r m e n forced him to well as money, a UC Irvine doc
participate in the kidnapping of tor told his colleagues in San
the woman, who was last seen Francisco today.
he in~ prc>pared for i.urgery
Aug. 24 aboard a boat heading The procedure, known a s
out lo sea from Dana Point hemodilution, bas been used by
Harbor. The two men, whom be Dr. David Ro6e in bis work at
has identified only as Jack and the Vet erans Admini1lraUon
Ray. returned without h er. Hotpttal ln Lona Beach.
Smith aald. ao.e. an ualltant profeseor ol
But lnveetl1aton HY Smith anesthesiology at UCI, told the
wu the laat known penoo to Amert ca a 8 o cl e t,y o t Jlave ........ .Un aDd Uaat Illa Ane1tbeelolo1t.ta that be bu l1tn WM ......._. .,._. • wtl· -aclllfted IOOd reeulta Ja .....,
aw told Hewpcwt Beeell pollte bemodilutlon on cancer patlenta that oaly Smltb Qd Jlia Bealer
were aboard the boat. Slim of a
stru11le aboard the cratt were
found by officers.
Smith surrended to police on Aug. 26.
Miss Bealer's brother,
Lawrence Paul Fox of Anaheim,
had received calls over a three·
day period from a man who said
be was holding his sister. Al·
temot.s by Fox t.o tum over the
ransom under FBI guidance
proved unsuccessful when the ex·
tortioniat complained about the
kind of bag the money was in.
Smith is being kept in a Los
Angeles county jail cell unW his
Nov. 15 sentencing.
Talk Slated
Assemblywoman Marian
Bergeson, R·Newport Beach,
will analyze the year's
legislative activities on educa·
tional matt.era tonight in a pre·
sent.Uoo to the Newport-Mesa
school board.
Mrs. Ber1eson ls a former
member of the board.
Her talk will lead off tonight's
s chool board meetine. which
begins at 7:30 at Harper Com·
m unity Center. 18th Street at
Tustln Avenue, Costa MeH.
TM()<-~ C)eily ...... Wlfft Wllt<ll I\'"'" bl-.... -"' .. ' ""'*'"""•• .... °'-< .... P*tt'""fC-,. ... ,.., .... ,._.,. ,,.. ....... ,, -1111-,,..,., ICH (MW
llUW .....,.,,, ltMc:.ft, """HNJ'Oft hMft ,._.,,
•••11Y•1t..,..1.-,l -9tec111!1e11•11co..i A '''"''~ nt1t'ON• eiltt'°" ••IJIWttt•~ ,.,,., •• ,,•no ~n T,_ .,..,.._ -ltlllllo P'•"' h •• aJO
Wt\4 •• , SI-. C-U-C..tio..lllt .,.,_,
_ ... -,_ .. ,_ ...... ,_
,. •• CWttr VIO ... _I __ .. __ ---·-'"""
T1l11hMe (71•JMM»'I
0 ·-· • Mweftl ..... .....,.
Coast Pane l
OKs Proj~ct
For Back Bay
A visitors facility in Upper
Newport Bay was approved
unanimously Monday bf the
Regional Coastal Commission
Meeting in Huntington Beach,
the commission approved the
state Department of Fish and
Game's plan for Shellmaker
Proposed there are a state
vehicle garage, restrooms, a
32-space parking lot, an access
bridge, and asphalt road from
the facillUea to Back Bay Drive
and some 750 feet of hildng trail.
The project marks the first ex
penditures from a $1.1 million
grant for upper bay fish and
wlldllfe habitat restoration and
public recreation facilities, a
state spokesman said.
RATE •..
The Fed, which sets and Im·
plements monetary policy. said
ill actions were designed t.o slow
t.be r•pid erowth of the nation's
ba1ic mopey supply. Quick ex-
panaion of the money supply is
believed to contribute to infla-
tion by putting more dollars into
circulaUoo than the economy's
output ol gooda and services can
Interest rat.es on purebued
funds have climbed sharply
since the Fed's Oct. 6 moves to
tiebten credit, leadln1 to the
Oct. 9 boolt in the prime rat.e to
14.5 percent. Big bank• deal In
lar1e blocb of funds worth bun·
dreda of m.Ullona of doUan dal·
ly. Interest rat.e1 on these funds
rose ,. hleh .. 17.25 percent ln
recent days, and stood at about
15 percent today.
Tbe boolt ln the prime came
u DO aurprlM to lnveaton and
fina.nclal mana1en. The stock
market sbowed no 1t.roo1 reac-
Uon to the neWI. Some ual)'lll
said they upeded the move to a
billler prime would bollttt the
dollar ba fONlp txchua• trad-l n 1. 'Otbua uld c urrency d••l•n were eapeetlnt the
bltb•r prime IDd woulda't l'MCt
II l' modll ution an vol ves the re·
moval of about six pints or blood
from a patient JUSt before l>Ur·
gcry, Rolle saad The blood ll>
stored and then a salt solution is
in1ected into the patient to
replace the amount or blood
Tbhl ~ans when the paUenl
bleeds during surgery, he or she
will lose only half of the 01000
normally bat, the real beina the
Hit aolutJon.
Once major bleedln1 baa
stopped, Roee aaJd, the six pints
of blood can be relnjected.
Normally. patients requiring
tra nsfusions both during and
after an operation receive blood
from a blood bank.
And ttus 1!> where Rose said
h'•m odilution c an he lp s avt
II Vt'!\
The do(·tor told th e
anesthe:.1ologist.s that "conven-
tional tra ns fus ions c an cause
numerolfS diseases."
· · HemOdilution presents less of
a danger because paUeot.s re·
ceive their own blood," he said.
Rose said hemodilutlon has
been used for many years for
cardiovascular surgery but that
he has been trying it for the past
year at the VA hospital on
selected patients undergoing ab-
dominal cancer operations.
The UCI doctor said money
could be saved In s uch opera·
lions because they can requlre
three wtlu of blood to make up
for bleeding during s urgery.
Since hemodilution does not
require use or blood from a
bank, whlch 'COSU about $150 a
unit, a.s much as $(SO could be
Although the patlenta he used
hemodiluUon on were seriously
111 to begin with -many suffer-
ing from lung disease as well u
malnutritlon -they showed an
a bility to recover more quickly
from surgery because of the pro-
cedure, he said.
A side benefit to the use of
hemodilution, Rose said, is in
aiding patients who have re·
liglous beliefs which prohibit
t h e m from r eceiv ing
A-Dump Site
Ordered Shut
RENO, Nev. <P> -The
radioactive wa11te dump at Beat·
ty, Nev., wu ordered closed by
Gov. Robert LlJl -an action
which leaves only one com·
mercial, low-level wHl,e site
oper•tine ln the natioD.
Five drum• contalnlnc
radioactive waate were dJa·
covered buried 40 feet btyood a
dump trench at the waate site on
S unday by a U.S. Geolo1ic
Survey Team.
Earlier We month Wuhlqton
Oov. Olxy Lee Ray temporarily
abut down that state's corn·
merclal dilpotal tlt.e at the Han·
ford Nuclear Reservation folJow.
Int dlacovery of defective
packatinl of radJoacUve 11rute.
work ln lier lllMIDe11 COW'MI
and aleo aceUed '8 1ewln1.
In • JDOY• for lnd1,..dlae1 ...... .,.,.... ..... v ..
MID• two IDl'NM aao to •bare aa .,.,.... wttla a 11r1tr1tftd.
81M *"9 •delivery car for•
blueprint &Dd paphica nrm.
Saturday DJs.ht t.bere wu a
party at a home ~or members of
tbe •cboo!'a c,_. country tum.
Mlu Senior and ber roommate
went tocetber but by 10: ao p.m ..
the YC>Wll woman decided to so
lier roommate gave her the
keys to hel' car. saying she'd
flnd a way home later.
Police uy that sometime
between mldnilht and 2:30 a.m ..
tbe murderer slipped into the
apartment through one of the
unlocked windows and killed
the s leeping teen-ager. Her
roommate discovered her body
al 3 a .m .
Today. her grieving parent.a
talk about their loss, sayinc it
was too painful for them to dis·
cuss their daughter while pre-
paring for her funeral.
They have suggested that
donations be made "ln Debbie's
name" to Pet Responsibility,
Inc ., P .O. Box 104 Laeuna
* * * ,...,.... P-.e AJ
he said
The one trait they all shared is
that they lived in apartments
with ground.noor entries that
were shielded from the street.
The women also had another
trail in common-they didn't
lock their doors and windows on
the night they died.
According to police, the
women were dlss1m1lar in looks
as we ll as lifes tyles.
They ranged in size from Miss
Kennedy. who was a stocky. nve
feet three inches tall to Mlss
Senior who was a st.rapping five
reel nine inches tall
Their hajr ran the spectrum of
colors. lengths and styles.
They worked at a range of
jobs Mrs. Carelton taught seU
actulizataon courses from her
home Mass Bennington was a
for m er -.oc1al worker who d
bccoml' a w:utresb Masl> Pet
tcng all wo rke c.1 for a n op
M 1ss Seruor. who hud graduat
cd from Estancia High School in
Costa Mesa. drove a delivery
car for a blueprint service.
Mias Rawlins wa11 a shipping
clerk. Miu Andenoo worked for
a credit cbecldna service.
Their social lives were as
varied u tbelr careen. police
1ald. nmo1nal the 1amul from party lovers lo lntrovert.ed A.a)'·
at-home types.
Mrs. Cartlton was a widow.
Miss Bennington was divorced.
Miss Anderson announced ber
cn ga$temenl days before her
.. We have some who were into
punk roc:k There was another
who read clal>MCS, Shakespeart>
a nd Darwin." Ca lnon com·
Police say they plan to cm~
tanue lheir probe of the minutiae
oflhese victims ' lives butror now.
they concedethattheonlyobvious
point they share in common is
that they've been victimized by
the same man.
Hua Visits Trier
TRIER. West Germany CAP)
-C hinese Premier Hua
Guofeng 's s wing through
Western Europe took him today
to the hlrthplace of Karl Marx,
the founder of communis m .
Oolly,. .............
Lt. Wyatt Hart Oleplay1 Seized Blac~ack Item•
Deputy 'Wins'
4 Charged With Gambling
Lady Luck was working in
shenffs Sgt Les Leber's favor
last weekend when he took part
in a high stakes blackjack game
an Dana Point.
Leber was ahead by $600, an
fact. when other officers lnter·
rupted the proceedings Saturday
night and arrested four South
Count y m e n o n gambling
And Leber" He was wortung
undercover and dJdn't have lo
worry about beang found at the
r esidence at 33142 Acapulco
when the r&Jd occurred.
About $1,400 in cash was
sei:ied, aloog Wlth three black
jack ubles and $25,000 worth or
poker cbJps
The shenff's department 1den
t1f1ed the MJ.Specls a.., l:hll C' Via.
IO. of 1515 Huena Vt!oita , San
<'lt'mente . Hoy A l'uulter. 35, ()f
27525 Tossamor M1c;!>1on V1eJO .
James C Sanderl>on, 30, of 1615
Bue na Vista, San Clemente and
Buck L Truett. 43, of 24892 Wells
f<'ar~o. Laguna Hills.
A female companion of the
s uspects is being aou1ht. Sbe
n ed with an undisclosed amount
of cash at the tune uniformed of.
ricers arnved.
She nff spokesman Lt. Wyatt
Harl l>atd the game operated
with three dealers, a pit boss, a
bartender and waitress. He said
all were on salary
Hart said the host for the
gambling session which had a
SlOO Um.it on bets, was paid $5()()
for providing the location for the
i{ame and for screening about 20
playen. who rtteived invitations
tu the affair
One of those who got a n lnvita·
tion was LR~r
l 'nder<'Ov<•r Nf•wport Beach
onllrc· ort1rc·rs part1c1pated an
1 ht' opN a tmn wath sheriff's de
Hart said the game operated
throughout Orange County and
was booked up unl!I December
Srocks Reveal Wary
Rate Hike Reaction
NEW YO RK 'AP > -The
stock market was maxed today.
as the banJc prime lending rate
climbed lo a rl'rord 15 percent
The Dow Jom·'> <I\ eraJ,?c uf 30
1ndustnab wa!-. off 2 J(J points to
806 83
Losers tc..ok a 3 2 lead over
gamers in the mid d ay tiilly of
New Yo rk Stork Exc ha ngt'
listed wues.
Ana lysts slild some early buy-
1 ag was encouraged by the
ma rkel 's s howing Monday.
when the Dow J ones industrial
average rebounded after slip.
ping briefly below the 800 level
for the firs t tame s ince
The average orr about 15
points at its lowest level of the
da). closed with only a 5.S5·pomt
But the upswin~ had already
begun to fade when New York's
Morgan Guaranty Trust and sev~ral other large banks in ·
t•reased lhetr pnme rates today
from l417lOl5perccnt
lntc·rl'::sl rates huvc l>ee n surit·
1n1i: for more than two week'i
'>inre the f'"C<leral Reserve an·
nounced plans to cl<1 mp on
c redit an 11.s effort to gel 1nfiat1 on
under control
Meanwhile the dollar rose in
Europe this morning, and its
continued strength on foreign
exchanges helped lo depress
gold prices
ln Tokyo, the dollar closed at
234 725 yen, its highest rate for
more than 18 months and up
from 232.75 Monday.
In London, the British pound
wea kened s lightly to $2.1435,
rompared"to $2.1490.
Gold sold m London for $385.00
a Troy ounce. down from 392.375
at Monday's close
The Zunch pnce was $384
One good name deserves another.
l'ut vour na me on an O MEGA. The best'supn~cl' come in small wooden
pclrkage~ So we've pack'!Bed a
rl'markablL• new Omega Quart.l ·
Chronoml'tl'r in this very
styli'th box.
TfiE WATCH: 1 has striking
dl·sign was created for none other
than thl• founder of O m ega. The
14 karat yl'lluw gold and stainless
steel perfectly complement a
dimensional ll1C1I. This water-
re1>1stant chrom1meter i~ certified to
be.• incredibly accurate. Of course,
thr bracd l'l feature'> a hidden clasp .
THE PACKAGE: A highly polished
SOTiJrnallogany case as a fitting
container for such a unique
timepiece. O nly one thing missing:
Yllllr nJml'. whk h wall bC engraved
on tlw met.ii rlaq~e, complete with
your JX>rson.t ~enal number.
1 llE PRK.1·. $2,200.00 (Stainles')
"'l'l'l, 51. t;oo m IM i..arat
gold, $\000 00.)
F."hion M nd, N~WJ'(lfl u ntC'r. Nt'wporr 6cich I C7 I 4 > 6'14· I \80
I 01hc1 '"'"'""'' \1C '"mlli-1 .. 1 M•ll l.u•ufl• Holl• M•ll C'lr . .n~t t '"""' Al ... (,,.,.,., l;,. At1,i.'•"'' "°'" O·,~~·! J_., V,µ,
,,_-.•I"""-'''-""'.......,. ... .,,.,,....•• A,.....,.. • ..,..,._ VbA .. ..,..., t...,...
11, .. ,,,, '"" '''"'"' (,,.,,,,
~--------~---.. ___ ,..._ --· ..._,___,._ ------------· --· I I
. -
T'M .. fl ................. laCr•••• .. 11•...,.,,_11 ... tM ....... ., •••• lb-.
P•&rot••• provide• ,.,,.,.
Hnlce1 ud e,ulr.:::1: Ute ~ pM;roleum ..... • ""-il... ....... ., wro Md balle coaa....-lll'D llu11:1
"Can I hear about
my boat loan by
"No problem!'
-Ne can usually gjve you an answer in less than a day.
That's because we process yom application through one
of the most modern systems in banking.
So, you see, things that might be
probl~ at other banks are no problem
at California First
705 South Brand Blvd .. Glcndalc. Calif. 91204
(213) 247-8882 (213) 245·7681
1108 W 171 h Slreiet. Santa Ana. Calif. 92706 (714) 553-9571
Welcomes •..
Fountain Valley Insurance, Inc.
c;NA ia very pleased to announce this new
appointment-of an agency distinguished for
community service and professionalism. In
addition to their own proud record, they will be
backed by the full mK>Ul'Cel' of the CN A
wurance companies.
The CNA lmurance companies att one of the
nation'• oldest and most respected insurance
orpntutionl offering a full range of business
and pencmal insurance services through
Independent insurance agents.
For my insurance heeds you may have contad:
••alf••C••&•ll• , Aa _.. ....... ol IU =--r.. • L..TO.:.r:'i~ _:•:=. ~ UoD1 .,..._ ..._ Cmm>>. Newport
for a 1outben Calilonla O• CO. OONCDlf AWMif« _.__.., .........-. ,... l'DeUoD .. equl to .... tbu 11.
• ...... eallle felt ol .. ..,... MI ... .,. dlda II
...,..,. to ..,... over .i.-. •""II 8oal.Mn ~.._.foramOllldLltalllo£¥WMlt
aaytapolmontbu....-cmU... ..... '1 ..
...... tim. . 812•••· ............ ...
Par W•t Senlcee Ille. ol lnl.De, .will~
operates JOO rllt••..U ..S eoffee ebope ... Uonwldil, bal • ...,..eec1 tlall lt plw to ....
dollars aad eoaHn• •••r11 by laat•lllAI BooeJ..U mero .... ,_..a.,..._ ID .it new
fadUtlla wl...., ol ltl ....... ....,.,. .... n.. e 1111 r 1 load Ill tMlta °"" tM put,..
t.bat die JIDDaJwell a,..a.m ea cut• Nltaurut ..
WTO oz ampdoe by u mada u ao percent.
Averqeuftrlp bl die tell bllt•"...,_ uceedld
15 percmt. Tbe fl.rm operates Reuben'• and Coco'• ......
other ebaim.
ft•r Seelc• •• 8Ulle• •w naar O>rp. ol lrTlne'a enetneerinc •nd eoo-atruetian aua.kllariea are currently b6ddln& on ap-~Y • billloo wol1h ol wort ln Nor1h
America, David S. Tappan. vice chalnnan o1 the
board. Hid at .a meeUna of security analyata ID
Cbica10. "We anticipate that we will bid on an addi·
Uocaal $10 billion ln tbe next 60 days."
Tappan said this waa the most work ever b6d
dwin& a almilar period ln the company's bi.story.
Workmen aboard a "Snorkelift" plaUorm move toward the GTE
earth station satellite antenna at Crystal River. Fla., recently to
carry out a cleaning and painting operation. The Antenna is 82·
fete high and 105 feet in diameter. The task reportedly took the
crews three weeks to complete.
C.•p C•re OKs Dl.,UletMI
The board of dlttetors of Comprebenal ve Care
Corp. tn Newport Beach approved a dividend ol
four centa per s hare paj'able Nov. 21 to
~barebo&den of record OcL 31, it was announced by
8 . Lee Karns, presldent. ·
Sa/ er to be Mighty C..~• Site Parrlaased
The Housing Group of Irvine bu purchased•
6.1 ·acre parcel in Rosemead for construction of 97
condomiruums. Coldwell Banker Commercial
Brokerag~Company handled the tra.n&actioo. WASJUNGTON CAP)
-A Securities and Ex·
change Commission
study released Sunday
said some smaller
securities firms could
loee money and possibly
be. driven out of business
if commercial banks are
allowed to underwrite
municipal revenue bond
Bank• are now al· lowed to uoderw,rite
........ ~·tma boDda of state local gov·
enun..U •. iD wbicb t.be nau reeourc. o1 u.e Sov-ft'llmeat are-pledged to
paying off the debt, but
are problbited from UD·
derwritlng municipal re· ·
venue bonds, which are
backed oo.ly by specific
revenue sources.
Smalle r securities
companies could lose
more than one·flftb of
their revenue from
municipal bond un ·
Datatron Inc. of Irvine
· reported $200,023 profit
belore taxes oo sales of
$1,525,230 for the first
quarter ended SepL 30.
Herbert M. Perkins,
president. said backlog wu continuing at a
comfortable level, and
that new product de·
velopment was proceed·
lni oo acbedule. He also
noted that the $1.S
million convertible de·
benture, initiated by the
company, became effec.
tive Oct. 18.
Perlcins said Datatroo
would continue ag.
1reasively to punue its
acquiaiUoo ed research
and developme nt pro·
lfams while continuing
t6 monitor the financial
and industrial environ·
men ta.
Xerox Hit
For Taxes
Xerox Corp. muat pay
llarylad income tax on
e.nlinp from forei10
aublidiarles, tbe state Tu Court baa ruled in a
poteatlally f ar·re•cbi.aa
Tbe court Tueaday Of•
dered Xerox to pay
S102,558 in state taxes
and lnlerelt on foreip
locome from 1972 throuCb 1174.
Xerox ls bead · =--ID Stamford, .• wltb ba'llnet• of·
ftGet tn Rocbeec':t~ but .... Rate
tbat beea ... Xerox cloel
baatn• ID Maryland, tt
la •ubjeet to levi• hen. Xnox ar1utd tbat
titer• bad to be 10me eoDnedklD betw.-the tu1Ds Rate Md the ID~ eome lt ..a to tu ucl eoateDdecl &be fonlp
............ llllNlated
to '" wmal ...... aetiritlel bl 11.,.,land .
derwrtting if they were banks. the SEC study
forced to compete with said.
............................................................... >
Over The Count~r
MASO Uttt.cr
HEW YOftj( CAP f>!.< lltOft 10--, ""' Ji. 'R .. <""°' Cl ·~ l_ .... JI 'n·~
-Th<t=-ill rtlyM ~. ,,,~ K•ri''"" ) • "'-•"""' , ..... 17"" f.-(umP .,i•, 6\1 lip• aftd Doamu t\ • Mlfic1ecl el• Ot•Ott '"" .... K•:;r.sv :JDY>J) =~~~ ) .... ).., Tt f"fl•"t JO )1
ion.1 Securlt o.z:M•t ,. .... '°'" Ke l•I , ..... ~ ,. 7 ..... l•P'"tt"Y " "' ~~~..: ,_ 1).., Kim0.11 I\ u ... ~· a .,. ~~.-:.~ I\ ........ Nr W YOl>tc 1.1'1'1 T,,. IOCtow-11" '::~ 2Wt JO\j, Klflellfll , ... .... -.... )"> •• .. ·-· -Ow• '"" Cetiuf't•r ·---· T 11 lJ ~=v ""' 1'\') ~ I"" 17' T,.,_f Cl ..... ..,, \100\ -w.,,.,,H !NII ,,.,,_ -UP ......... &I '"" "" ,, ,, It~ IP.. ...... u~c;u IO " llw .....,., - -tlW ....,., -°" ~r r = '--"'•"' " '"' =.'& ~ ~ ~H':Z( n...n r:;c.-of C-.0 --M of yOftj-~ y "" IS II'"" ... =... "=--""'" ... I AV C. S-~te U1' I''°" I,._.,. UVohl> 15 .. ,,..
Ac<W.., M ._L ~ ,,. Sc= . ts ~p ISloio \a ---~ (~~·""' AdelllnW ~ "'° Lift •I ~ .. S..1 " ~ )01<. Vol'l'G.t\ 17'-o ,,.. Cllll•""<• -ttw _,,..,.,,. <!ottnQ ,,..,," ... • __. .._.,.,, -II"> ~'~ ,, JI VOftOu\ .. , ..... -~><• -._,;:,;ofA -"f>'K"' MftA-.._, --..OJ.. I~ N ...-~~ V.t<•O 0 -IO AltcelM -,,... "'-11 $el~ IO II VldMCp ~ , .. -~ .~ Prt ~ ,&.,. t: " ..... '~" ~-~N v .... .,. 11'o I,.. PVOlftl n Up tH J "' ::I"" ,... , ... us.. 15\oo .. """"("' I~·~ •cc •f'C \'. ~ Up 16 I -~ .. " ... _ $wt'EfW'f -· >f lt Eml>rt ..t n• I ' Up 1)4 "'°'"' ,_,, ... MltAMI -U"° zty, .... _ICll ..... 1"' , ... • er...-, ... . l)p 100 AIM()o , ... .._ -1.P 1'¥1 ,P si...cr... ~ •'-~ _ .... ~ °'"°"' , . .. Up 8) AMI<,,.,,. .... 111> #CC..,.,.. n..., n t':!.W ~ , r.~ .... , .. • H-•• . .,, Up 61 AW.ldnO """' IW. EftrOev ;... ~ ~t: ,:"' :-:i.=~ I'> • , (f'lf~Mt\ ' '• Up \) AIT'lterr E,....1\11 Stf'rlSI !I'-• ~ 11 ' O•l<olna ' . .. Up •A J~i.J •1 ~. 41 ..... Md!OC.O • ... St1•wC1 tJ )• • W-l"4 n 1•1 ... • H 8r""y '. UP . .. Af>•llle , 1 ...... 0 .... NlklfRe \ ,,._,E1 ''"' '-wwr..., II II • 10 "'OUlf'\ h ]!, " Up •8 ~·· '°" ,, ... 11'.ori" ,, ... 1 11 ,. 1 ·~ TIME DC • '"" Wrl!Qh'W .. '"' , t G•lklf •I> II ... Up • s ""'~ , .... , l"t8•SH »"-)1\, t:idfAti• 7•'-~ T-• ,_ 11o._ z1.,,.v1 .. ""· n .... \) 0 1 (,O<'p . .. Up • l ·''* ,.... FllkKtn , ..... IT'4 lllle'; ~._ ,. ... II <.-.p(or 17 . . Up I I 'MICote '°"" ,, =:::t~ .... 10\o ,Mtn IG M '' " f •f'1f\4-I l ... •• UP J I Alt<i•l t 14 I .... ... -fCOI \ ... • •\ W•,..,E II ,, . .. lip 1 • !Ult~ ,..., • FllC'llf.'..t '""' 1J -.Pd ''"-10'• 1• AdvP•tf"lt '. .. Up J . 8-H 11-., 11'4 Fli>ot '°"" 11 =."" l h 1i.. II I 1hl'MfQ , •I I• tip l 7 B::~l.' o ·~ ·~ =:,::.~u .... '• "'°' ~ .... , .. II U A fMr' " I IJP l I ,. ... ,.... MotCIUO , ... . . .. PQF Cp . ' " lip ,.
!UulFr IPllo ""' l'on?>ttl '"' , ... Muf'll•r 11 1ll XI r r,u,Mt . ' '• UD 7 , !Uyl\Mti ..._ 1014 f'tenti p ,.,, 9 =:~. 1) 71 )I V 'O\drwl )() lip ,. S..llne 1'-M Ft-El ,.,, 11i.. t•'-4 u .. " 0•<>.oCo 10' . " Up 7 . ••• ,,~ ~-»• ~"" '°"' 17 NwlclAE 1)\-? U 1 1l ....... \f,.. 1f1P.., .. Uo 7. 91bbCo 11"-U\4 Aftfll .. • NJNGe \ 1 ... ' 74 A"rOtrn t . "C• 7 0 91rCISOft 11 """ vEFn ""' 10\<. Ntf'hn A n 711') 1) , t~tf"IVtti 1" VP 7 0 91rt<llr )\\ ,..., ,....,M 11-. ,, ... Nlel\ft 8 n .. n ,. H J .. Nt ,, . .. Up 1<1 111-HlllP 2:2~ ""°' yAClv Jl .... "'1 ~·'11• I) 0,1.., .\1..t.SO,IQ Su••ar11 11 #•teU'\ b , ,, UD 20 BoftOftf• ,... ,,,.. tll,.1'1 U•• U Ot "" 61 ... OOWN~ e.-s 34.,.. JWo Y'°""'" )'~ • NwtNG> ,..., , . H...,.. L4t~• (!IQ Pct BrwTom 2014t ~ H..,,,.llo '°"' 11 Nw•IPS ~I· ' Pl\OIOCI Itta., II 011 !oO. Buo"" ~ ... HrpR-,, ... ,, ... Ho~•ll , ... 1 r:~ 17' .. ... OH )) . th .. 14 """H•~ U l<o 1' ~lf""M .... ''° ... rnu~ '"' .... H• NI J '" '• Off 7\0 u.,, is-. "''"' • • NEW YOtl!<: IAPI -,,,..,., ~,,.,. -• lltHW . ,,, Off n• c..lwt v JI ... Jl ... ,....,F , .... 2S OU•t TP ..... 111"-llle-<OUM.-·-=~ ~·..i A:.., NA\0 \ 0 •.0-Q 1 I I. ~·· Off 11.A C...r..rt4 '"' ,., -.. ,, ' l PC.I' lfll .... ~ N~ ~"\. • JON.Vitt 1 ,, Off 100 ~SwC I~ ls-It H0o"9• 14 ...... Peb\18 Ht .. 11 HooWt m..oo " ,., ' I ~Air l lwt • , .. °'' 116 lflAlr J:I. 411. -llA\ ... , .. f:!C•R 1~:-;,1 ... ErtA\\t ·~ ,, .. , ... , ,. I IO()ll \ ' " . Oft It S .Cp I ' 1-1,ett '"' " .. e111eJP fO\(oC.p I 100 II .. I.,.. .... • '"tl••v , .. "• Off .. , CftVIPS I~ 1614 lftfrelft(I • .., s .... ~ f .... 06-r ·~.JOO , ... , ... 10 \•l -,,, "' Off 18' °""U• J3 >S lftltl<if, P\'> ,.,. Pott\•Enl 1 .... ,,,... ~~ •61.000 "" TJ -J II flrOOf• J•. .. Off II• c"'1ut1 1111. 12 '"'« ,., ,.., 1.., 11s1ro111 ..... "'"' ,,,, .. ,,u ,,, 000 n . n .. I'• " f t"NUCI \'• ''• °" ,, \ Clrcle,. 4"' ~ l,..mtO• tJ\, ll'-P9ttl-'°'' JI\~ Al( !""> •IJ,lOO 7 • J •• 11 Tomi() wt .~. 1 Off II • CllJUIA ~ J7"'> lft8•W'1'1 I'• I"' P>ttc.SS .... "" AMt<tO'\ Kll.100 , ... , .... , ... " ~~&"""' .... '"' Off 1•• ~·~ Jl'-~ lwoSoU1 u ... 7>-. PIMrtn JOh l1 C.Ov~BT •I .tOO 7 .. ) . ., II ,. ' ... Off .._,
I l 1 Jeff!WP I\ "-e"> PIOf\Ht8 n .. n ... GEi 0 IJ,'IOO 'f)' IO > .. .. 'tAr1•\t 7•' .... Off ,. , ~ '"' 1'11. J .... 1a., 1S ,,... "'"" ... , .. 1 ... II J: t(oitnw "" p , ... Off .., ~O...C H 1' 2Slf't ~{Cl ., ,, .. P>o\•I• \ ,... Mv_.., ,. II S<MMecl ,, ... ,..., Off • •• mlSN It 11 • ,_ ...., Ptool"P ... , ... O.cl......, 1 •u " C,.,,..T•t II tO •~Pf ~ w .. ~S•NC Co,,.vv ,., .. Otf le7 ,, .. 11 ... UMf\Or'99C1 I IM 10 Af-1"t ""'t • " Otf 11,1 ~P09 ,, U Kef•e• )'°" 1\o Pvrt&en .. , ... TOi•f t>\WS 7..0. n M -0 ll 1 OH u ... ...,o '"" -tC-'"-It PvlOCet> -II N«• "tql& "'ITt• , .... ""' tCmc>A,.. • ~r(:I\ """., • n (•lflyf.d ,. 1 Off .,. lffw-•. ~u Cl\-Q\ ••• '"" Oft ,, ... Cllll•F'OCI 1'-te•i.o.-. _,.Pr ,.., . Tot•I ..-. ..... 1-'00 ,. 00 ...... 1 , .. "" Otf I)•
• •
l!lannea SlumP.
Necessary Evil?·,~ .
We are ent.eriq tM 1JU1Pp ol i., turnlDc from ,..
ceasioo tn 1979 lnto a downtum ol peater depth, bradtb,
and 1Ull·to-be determined dW'ldon.
1'h1I bas to be th• outlook JF we are to acbleve tbe DOW
imperative goals of· ·
Stabilizin1 the once mi&h&Y dollar befON lt coUapHa
and dnp down the entire imernaUou.1 moeetary 111tem
wlth it;
• • • • •
BREAKING THE lnfJatJonary paycbololJY which lriPI
Americana in all areas or the naUon, acro1s all borders ot
income, age and education and whicb becomes a aeJf. •
fuJIUling proph~y ;
Cu rbing your
widespread, terribly
dangerous incllilation to
spend to the limit now
m anticipation of repay
ing lat.er in dollars or
much amaller buylng
ReturnJng the U S. to a positioa or economic equality
-if not leadensbip -among such industrial competitors
as West Germany, J apan, and reviving the producUvity of
the American worker.
THATS WHAT tJght and expensive credit or Uus
magn1tude must mean. That's the awesome challenge the
federaJ Reserve Board at last has faced up to, under the
leadership or its courageous, dedicated, world-respected
chairman, Paul A. Volcker.
Risky" Sure it as. Painful? You bet it wiU be. Can you
escape? Few o( us will. J know I won't. I doubt if you will
Thjs L'i a deliberatel,y engineered slump; make no m1s -
tak-e about it. What's more, it didn't have to happen
Ha~ lh1s pitifully m isguided, uninformed president re·
allied inllatJon was the Number One Evil of our times
when he entered the White House in January 1977, we
would have accepted whatever sacrifices he asked of us
We were ready for decent, strong leadership.
BtJT nMMV Carter has s hllly-shallied repeatedly. He
has failed rru serably on all economic counts. And now once
more. he hru. painted b11nself into an economic com er.
from whJch he cannot escape wtlhout being badly (if not •
mortally) wounded polit1cally.
H in another effort to please the voters. he fightl>
Volcker . demands reslimulata ve tax·spending-credil
pohcies and lets mflallon roar on, the whole world would ·
attack our currency and dump dollars. We wo11ld be the •
helpless target or gigantic takeovers by foreigners (Which '
even now fills me with dread). TblJ would be madness -and
Stocks Brake Fall,
But V1iab le to Rally
NEW YORK 1 AP I -The stock market declined sllghl·
ly an an errallr session today as the bank pnme lending
rate climbed to a record 15 percent.
The Dow Jones averag_e 9' 30 industrials, up more than
3 points in early trading, was off 2.30 points at 806.83.
Losen be.Id a 3-2leadover1a1ners in the tall>' of New York Stock Exclla.nge-1.isted issues.
Mhat .~fo(·k~ Did
"'"''!'ORI( IA'"
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Tot•I I\._., N.,.,. ~'Q~ H•• I(>•'\
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1'11 to c1ei.
H EW 'l'Otlt~ IAPI
A<l,.•nc~ 0.<11,,..,
Uncl\anoe<l Tot•t tu.,_
H•w IH~
Ht'w 'O-'
roo•" d•"
\4 ··~ •11 1W 1't'i 109 ,.,, 1911 ] ,
/.16 ,i..
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s.·~~ -ld.,old .... ~ ..... .
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.,,., _ tlrlno UIS oo. o41 '' .oo.
~••h •'-"•'not.m.4?,off Y.11 l''r-twt: Ul6 •1, off S7.JJ
1-11: llld\lll4.oo.1111t1.oo. ue..oo-
"•• Y-· H....,,, & HM ...... ~W ptk• ~) 00, °"., 00. New Yertl: En~lllerd selllnt 11rlo \.It~ ·~. Olf S..15
M"' Y.,tl · EllQellwrO tabflUl.0 OOIO
""' 01. Oft " °'