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Be lt'as a Bad Be9
Bound to a wooden frame, a Pakistani winces uner the
laala. He was among 27 men convicted of patronizing
proeUtutes. Twenty-one were sentnced to one-year jail
terms and 15 lasbes and six others to six months and five
One Irvine Forum
Draws No Takers
forum, they stuck by tbelr first
Lou Fridbandler, chairman of
Irvine Tomorrow, said be wu
"very lf8Wled" at tbe turnout
for his group's event but stlll in·
dicated be belinea tbe ICbedul·
inl c:aaOid WU tbe ,_ult of a ....... feellDI ol utipatby'' tbe
est.ablliMd powen iD tbe dtJ feet tonnt Illa orsaalsaUoa. Jl'rl4lten4er ... nlentq to reeeat aettom bJ bu 1roup,
parUeulmV ID a e .. lD~ p•blle r.,.....mau. oa t.M
IPTtDe llliDeb Waur Dlllllet. wbleb Ill .-.S ...._ lld .. W , ...................... ... e._ ......... .,.....,, ...
,.., 0 :: ........... ...
trlit ........ of tlae
............... TV ''& ...... _ ...............
•••."~ ..... c .. ...,... .... AJ, •
•t• -.1 ~
NEW YORK <AP>-Texaco
Inc., the nation's third-largest
oil company, today reported its
earnings more than tripled in
the third quarter from the same
period last year. The increase
was the biggest announced by
one of the oil companies.
Texaco, based in White Plains,
N. Y.. said earnings increased
2 11 per ce nt in th e July -
September period, from $197. l
million, or 72 cents a share, to
$612.2 million. or $2.25 a share.
Thia year's figures included a
one·time gain of $103.2 million.
or 38 cents a share. from a re-
quired tax carry forwa rd of
foreign operating losses and tax
credits from previous years.
Texaco's sales in the period
were $10.25 billion, up from $7.04
billion in last year's third
Texaco attributed most of the
earnings gain to operations
overseas, where a lack of price
controls allow oil companies to
pass through higher crude oil
costs more quickly than they
can ln the United States.
Enon, the industry giant, this
week reported a 118 percent in·
crease ln ill third quarter prof·
its and No. 2 Mobil said its
. earninp 1ur1ed 131 rercent,
both lartely because o foreign
The bigber profits are addinc
(See 1£XACO, Pa1e A.2)
Pilot Shot
By Burglar
(AP> -A 51-yearwe>ld airUDe pilot wu abot and wounded
three Umes when be and bla
famllJ NUlrMd bome and ap-~~a burslar,
1herUf'1 =·Mid. Cl•* mu, a pilot for
Pu Amlriea World AJnrais.
WU lillild ID fair cmditklD at Torraaee Memorial Hoep6tal
after ........ wife, ~. aad
tMir -. Dml'7I. M, ulh9d ......... :•r.·•· ••Ill• a; m ru• b ·.wfdlld die ........ :lild Lal AzLo ,,, Co•tr._..1 ..... J'Nda.n. , ,. . ~
40 Poliee
No Deterrent
To CM Bandit
• ank aISes
Wltat Cops?
40 Miss Motel Holdup
lf you've got 40 off-duty police officers staymg in your
motel, you ought to be sale -n ght ?
AN ARMED bandit made off Thursday rught with $440
from the office of the Costa Mesa Inn. 3205 Harbor Blvd .
despite the fact that 40 off-duty officers were staying there.
None of the m heard or saw anything suspicious at the
time, Costa Mesa police said today.
INVESTIGATOES SAID THE gunman entered at
a bout 8:30 p.m., asked clerk Philip Friedman, 23, of Tustin
fo r change for a dollar bill . then produced a plStol and
cleaned out the cash register before neeing. No car was
The policemen, from throughout the state, were in
town to attend a seminar on delinquency t'Ontrol being con-
ducted by the Costa Mesa Police Department. officers
'1.ag••• Coaaeetlon'
Key Arrests Bust
Rate NolV
NEW YORK (AP) -Citibank,
the n a tion 's second-la rgest
bank. rrused its prime lending
rate today to a record 1514 per-
T he bank leaped past other
ma1or banks, which earlier in
the week raised rates to 15 ·per-
c t• n t , f ro m 14 'h pe r cen t.
Citibank . which normally acts
on l y on F ridays, had not
matched that increase.
The prime lending rate is
char ged by banks to most credit-
wo rthy corporate customers,
with other businesses paying
even more.
It does not directly affect con-
s ume• loans. whose r ates are
Iese; volatile than business loan
rates and an many cases are
limited by state law. But it is
seen as an indicator of credit
conditions generally. •
Many banks ma ke loans to
consumers and home buyers at
ra tes below the prime rate. but
Cocaine 0 · • some ban.ks. facing high interest
rates on the money they acquire pe ration for lending. have cut back con-
sumer loan and mortgage busi-
Of 1M Deily Net Slaff
A. "top rank" international
drug ring that federal pros-
ecutors s aid was led b y a
former Laguna Beach man and
involved bringing an estimated
$72.5 milllon worth or pure co·
caine into the United States bas
been broken by a aeries of key
arrests .
Samuel Cutkomp, formerly or
La1una Beach, wu named u the
rin1leader of the cocaine
operaOOll uiat mcluded brlnging
400 pcMmds of tbe drug into the
country in book blndinas, scuba
tanks and even use of a foreip
diploma~ federal aaents said to·
Cutkomp, 53, wbo bad ad·
dreHes in Lquna Nlpl and
Lapna Beach before movtna to
a t1.2 mlWoa lakefroat home in
Taboe, Calif.. ID 117'1, ls belD&
held .in Reno witb ball Ht at '500,000. Tbe elaborate dnaa 1muaUn1
QPeratlan allo IDelacled courten
and dealers ln Huntln1ton
Beach, 1:1 Toro and Santa Ana, aecordlq to Steve Swauon,
a1ent In cbarse ol tbe Federal
Dru1 Entoreemnt a1eae1 in
Thole Nlklmta were named
•!DODI • .. peeta in a amo rec1en1 Ona4 Jury IDdlctmeat
uunlld ID tbat Nenda eity
W=:I'·_.. O.ald TaJlor
and Edward Barbari. of Hunt-The Federal Reserve Board in
ington Beach ; Robert and M8!Y recent weeks has drastically
Taylor of El Toro and Daruel tightened credit, in an effort to
Bray of Santa Ana. fight infJation by holding down
Swanson said ~hat Cutk:omp the growth of the money supply.
hatched the orgaruzation in late The Federal Reserve an-
1974 when he trav~led to South nounced Thursday it made a
Amer:tca and was mtr~uct;<t to major error in its money supply
a maJor cocaine dealer 10 Uma. <See P&IJIE, Pa1e AZ)
Pe ru .. "Cutkomp had female cour-
<See COCAINE, Page A.2)
U.S. Plans
Gold Auction;
Price ·Drops
Treasury's aurprlae announce-
ment that it will aucUon 1.25
mllllon ounces of told Nov. 1
HDt tbe price of bullion plum·
metlq by u much as t17.50 ln
Europe today. The dollar roee.
•'People were upectlnc tbere
wouldn't be any auctions for a
wblle, and now we have more
1old comllll onto tbe market," aaid a dealer at Samuel Mon·
tap Ltd., one of tbe bl& ftve
Loadoa bu1lloa merchants.
Gold opened ln London at
"74.50 • ounce, down tn.~ from -00 Tbunda)'. Tbe II·
lel"llOClll flJdnl WU *'15 . .
Mostly tunny Saturday.
Lowa toaiaht in 508. Hilhs
Saturday 70 at beaches
and 751.nland.
All tlw 100rld'1 a ftaQc,
•IP'cialll °" Hollototn. Fvr
detoila °" Or-.,. C°'°"W'• ShaketpeaMlft troupe and
haunted houln, .. Page Cl. . ....
At.,_._... /41 AM LAIMlft ii
LM....,. M _.... CM ........ • ..,..._..~ ea ~ .................. ~ D1Cl~== = er.a • en •11• .. CM. .. .......... ............... .. :=-r 1 c.-1 ~........ -= ........_ , ... ;;.;: a
1'111 ..... aa M .,......_. 0. ... ... . ....., ,.. ,_ .,, a ... .._ ..
. .
,U CWl.JPl,QI • ,,,... Oolctlt! •. ti?!
U.S • Acts to Relieve Mortgage PinCfi=:
Carter admlaiatratloa bu
moved • MWral ,.._ .. to MM
Ute ·~ IDDl'tl ...... )' tn&D~ ....... at tM .. ,... ol
f\artliler ........ NCOnl ,...,..
A f ...... ol'ftdal wM r1'1Wt· ed H~ Wd ,,.~ ..
11.epe 'WlU male 1DOM7 av&UaW.
for a wbUe. ""pedalq ao "9d> era un mau ttlOd oe oom.mJt.
menta. But wbo la IOlDI to W.
row at the {•la t.My'U haw le
lera t.rulport mooey ud co-
caine f~ Lima to the United
Sta tea." Swan.son said today.
The former Laeuna Beach
man apparently bad three
melhoda of trantporlin1 money
and drup, Swanson said, lDeNd·
In& sealing cocaine lo book bi.Dd·
in11, usine scuba equipment and
a dJplomatic courier from Costa
Swanson said. women would
fly to Lima with •100,000 to
$200,000 In cub and mMt wtth
Cutkomp and tbe alleled ctnas
dealer Edward Portuaal 8aluar.
Aft.er tununa over t.be money,
lbe women would take cocaine,
aealed in bindln1s of lar1e books, and fiy from Lima to
llexlco City.
The women would then Jl"'O-
ceed to Tijuana wbere tbey
would be met by another IJ'OUP
of cowien who would carry the
drug-filled books acroaa the
border into San Diego posing as
The books were then brouaht
to Laguna Beach, Swan.son aald,
with some of the drugs dialribul-
ed in the Art Colony and aome
traoaDOrted to Tahoe c ity for
dislri butloo. A second method of
transportation involved fiUJng
empty scuba diving tanks with
25 potinds of the drug, which was
taken up to Belize, South
America, then to New Orleans.
S w anson said the former
Laguna Beach man also used
the former Costa Ri ca n
agricultural e nvoy, Rodolfo
Araya-Porros, 37, to transport
up to 50 pounds of cocaine at a
time to Miami and other U.S.
A .. lM.anl U .S. AttorDey Lee
Lu\fy from Reoo •aid JO penoaa
were named ln a Reno Grand
Jury indictment Wednesday and
L.2 of lhoae suspects have been
arreated to date.
He aald lnd.Jctmentl wtD be
s ought "in the next three
months" against 20 to 30 olber
suspects in the elaborate drug
smuggling case.
Swanson said some Orange
County residents will be named
in future indictments but he
would not release their names.
The government became SUS·
picious of Culkomp In 1975, of.
ficials said, when it was dis·
covered he was making lwice-
monthly trips to Peru, flying
first class, although he had no
apparent income.
The government caught up to
Cutkomp in July when be was
indicted on conspiracy to import
and distribute cocalne. He is still
In prison wilb ball set at '50(),000.
Oosure Was Near
On A-plant Work
presidential commission lo-
vestl1aUng the Three Mlle
Island accident was extremely
c lo ae to calling for a
moratorium oo buildin1 new
nuclear power planta, according
to traoacripts of the panel'•
The tramcril)U lndlcat.ed the
12-member commlMioa failed to
approve such an industry-wide
moratorium by only the amallest
margin. Some members argued
It was needed to put "a sense of ur1ency" behind the panel's
'"° o-...,. c-o.I•• ~ .... •ll•wfl1<• 1u..., _...__ ...... _ .. __ .,., ... °'_ , ............ ,,,..,.'-"'_ ...... ,. ....... . """"'""• -· .... _ .. , .... , ... , ... . -· .. _ h«ll ...... ,_!Nat•"-, .. ., V•fln, ltvinir, \,_etunl 8e.c,f\/Sevtft CN\t A
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Tbe supply of ••rtl•I•
money " apect.ed a. IN" u a NIUlt ol ........ Fede1'11 llomt !;::., :,... Board re1"1.UO.
-Lower lb• mlelmu1D a.ount ol mcme:y tMtl\ lMLIW·
tloaa mut keep iD reurve,
~ freelac UP to •·• billion that can be made available for
Give aavlDp ud loao U ·
soelaU.. ~ to anally
eapaed tbetr borrowial from·
"OGtAM IOWNI, .. Ra.ttiq lD •
daya. '"'°'41 toure91 could 1.D·
cl-.de autb lhlnt• u eommerelal
bHk• and mort1a1e·backed
la a related move, tbe max·
lm"m allowable lnt•rHt oa
llallt·f amJJy bome IDO=s laaured by the Federal
Admlru.traUon wu railed a
point to a record ll.5 percent.
(Story. Pa1e 83) .
And tbe AaJricuJtun Depart-
ment ta1d today lt will boost
baalc lou ralea by l percenta1e
potnt, ttt.ct.lve Nov 1.
Creature E'ro• t•e Deep?
Farm real •late loana, for n·
ample, wtU be., lDteret& ot 10
percent, ~mpared with tbe I
perceot rate ln eftect.
IDl.enlt rat.el OD DOn·feder.U,
luured mort1•c•. now a& u percent in tome ltatea, may la.
cre11e befon barn1q U'OUDd,
Hid ...WU boUllq ualylta.
Aft.er tbe ft'!t ot the year, ooe
11ld, "1 lblnk we'wtll atart aee-
infC Int.erst rates come.down."
The acuoa by HUD and ....
bank board, whleb re1uJates die
natlnn'a •.OOO federal aaYbap
uo loan llllOdatJon.a, c•me u
mort•••• IDODey bH all but
, dried ap.
&ariap 8Dd loam are lottnc ~. wldcb t.bey use to make monsa.t, to other lnaUtuUona
•• iDw.tmem1 ottertnc better retlanll, IUCh u mCMM)'·martet
mutual fUDda.
Jn addition , mort1a•e
bankers, wbo write moet aov-
e rn men t-backed mort1a1ea,
hue bad trouble ftndln1 tn·
ve1ton for IDOl'tC*I• cUT)iq
lnterett rat.ell loftl' than other
av~llable imwtmeata.
tiOme ....... ftl*tl 1aid U6
PHA eeWn1 lnerftH aboulf
make it 10meWbat • ..._ for
mort1••• banke ra to sell
mortsas• to inveaton.
Anet. n.a ll mortaaae mooei: ii avlilab&t, muy people wilt
flDd it out ol their reaeh at the
hl1ber latere•t r atea. The
monthly, payment on a '50.000
mortcage wttb a 30-year term
carryma • 10.5 _percent lntereat
rate wu "58. Tbat payment on
the aame lou wtth an interest
rate of U .5 percent lntereat aoea to $498.
Slx •ndldatel spoke at the
campaign forum In the park's
murti.put))06e rObm. They were
Rita Gallaher, who bad indicat-
e d earlier Thursday a he
wouldn't attend eltber event,
John Nakaoka, Gordon Getcbel,
Jim Mannina. Caryl Cohn and
Harold Maltz.
Incumbent trustee EUubeth
Sicoli and candidate Kathy
Larkin were both ill and could
not au.end. Two others seeking
e l ection Nov . 6 , Gary
Rasmuaaen and Martha Cart.er,
alt.ended neither event.
In the council chambers al Ci·
ty Hall. it was a different scene
Placards witb the names of
the candidates were laid oul on a
table and a cable television
technician adjualed the cameru
and lighting.
A check: of the application witb
the city to use the council cham·
bera Thursday nJgbt indkated
Community Cablevision Inc. h~
applied to reserve the facility on
Sept. 25. .
That request was approved by
the city on Oct. 4 The application
aI.o ask~ for use of the cham-
bers on Oct. 30. McDonald said
that night will be devoted to
hearing candidates for the Sad·
dleback Community College and
Irvine Ranch Water District
board races.
Bomb Hoax
Flight Crew
What ~p_pears to be the mouth and eyes of
a freshly captured undersea monster is re~lly the bumperless front end of a Jaguar
XK E sports car. The auto received paint and
body work at a '!Vallejo repair shop.
World News co·pubhaher
Geor1e McDonald sat in the
front row of seau. He was joined
by two other repartera IU'ld plan-~m;:mmhaloner Larry
The ma&Jcram &Mt laad been
Mill out 8DllOWldnl the foruna. wblch eandldatu recelve4
Weclnetday CU boura before
lt was to b e held>.
told tbe sc boot board
bopefula to be lo tbe COUllCU
cbamben bJ T p.m. for a "pre. production~." By T:l.5,
when no one bad arrived,
McDonald aaJd an announce·
ment would be made at 1:30 tell-
ing cable TV viewers the forum
had bt'.en cancelled
paaaenser aboard a Western
Alrllnel f1illlt bound for Hawaii
•&Goel up m tba allle ol the jet
and nnor .. .t tbat a bomb WU
about to explode, federal of·
ftclala laid.
Man Dies of Burns
From August Blaze
Ot -o.lly ...... , ..... One of two men burned in a
Costa Mesa plastics plant flash
fire in AuJ(USt died Thunday. an Oranp County Co~r·a Of.
flee spokesman said today.
George E . Seaman. 57, of
Orange, died shortly before 1
p. m . at UC Irvine Medical
Center bum unit, where he has
been since the Aug. 22 fire at
Narmco Materials Inc., 600 Vic·
toria St.
Sea man , a produ c tion
supervisor at Narmco for 31
years. was burned over 60 per·
cent of his body.
A second fire v1ct1m , Larry C.
Cercone, 34, of Sta nton, re·
covered sufficiently to be re-
1 eased from the hospital, a
medical center spokeswoman
Cercone, a group leader in
process engineering who had
worked al Nar mco for two
years, was burned over 40 per-
cent of bis body.
Costa Mesa Fire Mars hal
Russ Hendenon said today the
cause of the fire, which resulted
in about $6,000 dama1e to lbe
building, has never been fully
explained. although Narmco has
conducted research into the mix-
ing process that resulted In the
blaze. "It appears that one of the
gases that was given off could
have been explosive, but lbere
would have bad to be something
there to i1nite it and there
shouldn't have been," Hen·
derson said.
The fire broke out in a mlxlng
building equipped wllb
sprinklers and explosion-proof
electrical equipment, Henderson
said. Narmco, a division of
Celanese Corp., Is involved in
plastics research and deve)op·
Henderson later told City
Council members he had found a
number of code violations al the
He said In a report ln Sep-
t.ember that the plant poNd an extreme danger to Its employees
and to firemen and a serious
threat to those who live in the
adJolninc realdenUal ~a.
Among the vtolatlona cited
were the storage of la rge con
tainers or dange rous chemicals
within 20 feet of the property
hne, near homes , the s torage of
c he m icals near flam mable
materials that, in the event of an
earthquake or fire, could mix
and cause an explosion. and
chem icals labeled in a secret
code so that firemen wouldn't
know what they were deaUng
with in an emergency.
However, Henderson also
pointed out that, because the
plant has been declared a non·
conforming use in the city, no
major building improvements
are allowed, thus reatricling
Narmco officials in attempts to
remedy the aituailoo.
Allhouih officlaia plan to close
down the plant by llll3 and move
to Anaheim, neighbors have pro-
tested that they don't want to
wait that Iona.
Henderson said today that
Narmco officials, in cooperation
with the ftre depiartment, have
moved ahead with safety
measures and in some cases
have exceeded fire code require·
men ts.
Currently, he said. Narmco is
attempting to win city
permission to install a roof with
sprinklers over some dangerous
chemical containers stored out-
Henderson said the officials at
Na rmco have bee n very
cooperative In meeting city re·
calculations early this month.
Some analysts said the Federal
Reserve 's most recent tighten-
ing move might have been in·
nuenced by that false Informa-
tion, but the Federal Reserve
did not indicate whether it
believed it acU!d too strongly.
Citibank's decision apparently
indicated it believed the Federal
Reserve will not move to relax
credit, althoqb the bank iaaued
no expl.anaUon of ita acuon.
Today'a boOlt l.n the prime to 15~ percent WU the fourth in·
crease ln four weella. Sept. 28,
major banU raised tb• bate
leDCllni rate from lJ~ to u~
percent. 1bll 1tood until Oct. t,
abortly aft.er the Ped'• letett
credJt·U~ ~tan WU an-
nounced, when th• prim• Jumped m mpncedentad one
~re~• point to 14~ percent. ~Ina WedMld•Y, the na·
tloD'I top bau1, e xcept for
Ciubal*, ..m to 15 percent.
Tbe r.twaa .... ". releued
fllllHI ~ lbowl ... ~
previous week's report of the
basic money supply was $3
billion too higi1.
"The substantial cause of the
revisloo wu reporting errors by
a large money centu bank," a
Federal Reserve s pokesman
A week ago, It reported the
basic money supply rote a •tun·
ning '2.8 billion In the week
ended Oct. 10. 'lbe aame day, the
Federal Reaerve U1bteoed
credit, dr1vt.nc up 1.ntereat ratel.
But on 'lbW'lday, the Federal
Reserve aald the 1ain wu ac-
tually only a modelt "500 mllUon
for that ..-. It aald UM bulc
money •uJ>ply for tbe week
ended Oct. l'1 declined S'TOO
million, completely oft1ett.lq
the prevtom week'• taina.
tntereat rat•• on bond
market.a dropped l1t.t Tbunda.Y
after U. report, altboucb tnd· ln• WU brW. Tbe New Yon
Stock Excbant• bad eloHd
before U. IDOAI• 1-.pp&, n,..,... were releaMd..
fuel to the debate over the ad
m1n1strat1on 's pro posed
"wlndfalJ" profits tax
Prt:sident Carter on T hursday
cited surging oil C'Ompany prof
its as an argument for con
gress1onal approval of has pro.
posal to tax revenues resulung
from the aovemmenl'• deciaion
to deretuJate domestic crude oH.
But Charles J OIBona, -the
pres ident of the American
Petrolewn lnsUtut.e, aa oU in·
dustry lobbyJ.nc 1roup, aaid the
large third.quarter profit In-
creases posted by oil companies
represent a recovery from pre-
vious depressed earnings
Detective Killed
sheriff's detective was shot to
death wh.Jle on a stakeout in the
home of a woman who reported
receiving lewd telephone callB ,
offi cials report.
M c Donald at trib uted tht·
!>Chcd uling conflict lo a lack Of
commun1cat1on between the
C'1lJz.eos group and I.be sponsors
o f bu forum, the weekly
newspaper aod chamber ol com-merce.
However. the World News had
carried an item Oct. ll anlMMIDC-
lnl the time aid pltce for tbe
Irvine Tomorrow candidates
A week earlier. the paper on
its front page had stated the
publiC'atioo and chamber wouJd
sponsor telt-v1sed forums from
City Hall But no dates or lJmes
were gaveo.
Hoffman, a chamber officiaJ,
also sa1d bis o rgan11ation's
newsletter bad carried an an·
nouncement, but he couldn't re-
call for certain if a date wu
Tbe man wa s quickly
reatralned Tburaday by the
ru11at crew and his aDDOUDCe-ment pro¥ed lo be a boaJt.. aald
Bob Groth. chief of the Federal
Aviation A.dminiatratJon'a civtt
aviation security division in
FBI Special Al(enl Glen Young
said a man 1d1•nllf1ed only as
~lan ley Santo<; wa!> arrestl'd
after rnRht 571 from San Jo'ra11
C'1sco landed in Jfawa11.
Young s aid Sa ntos was
charged with "crime aboard an
aircraft," aaylng the specific
charge would be established
G rotb aaid there were lM
paaaen1en aboard the filpt.
whicb wu about halfway to
Honolulu when the Incident
Groth said the pilot declared
an em er"Rency aboard the craft
at the lJme of the incident, and
reduced the plane's altitude to
12.000 feet for the re3t of the
flight. None of the passengers
or IO crew members was in·
jured, Groth said. "The crew
acted e xcellently and the
passengers amazingly we re
calm," be aaid.
at a ny Store but RALPHS
Wh en you shop furniture you
may have to go to many stores
just to do one room, but not at RALPHS because ...
We have 12 Speciaky Stores in One·!
I ' .
l l:;NTEFt
·-----. ------------------------------------
... -~
l,AL1.~lt \'
W ASlfJJ'(m)N (AP> -1"9 :ovenuDID& IQ9 tbe naUon'a 15
ar1Ht rellnera .. ave over-
baraM eUltomen '5.J bllllio9 tDc• tbe Arab o'1 boreott ot am
-the equivalent ol nve ceata • :altoe for all the auollH laid m
bll cow.try in a year.
'fttat tGtai WU &D.DOUDced U
he D•partmflnt of Ener11
>rou.i.t chars-•1atoat Tuaeo
ind the AUanUc JUcblleld 0-, ••
!laimlnc prictq lrre1uJariU. ,, about '*> mllfioo.
Both firms denied the charsea.
''Theae notieet are yet another
!ffort of the Department of
l!:nero to once acaia attempt to
. mproperly apply ambiruous
"elUlaUona retroactlvely. ·' Tu·
lCO said.
Arco said the dlspute involved
·•technical aspects of tbe
Department or Energy's com-
;>lex pricing formula."
The allegations come at a time
when (1) many refiners have re-
ported big surges in profits, (2)
.be House of Representatives
has reversed an earlier decision
to relax controls on gasoline
prices and (3) President Carter
says be will advance proposals
"which could be quite-ill>unitive
Lo the oil industry" if Congress
rails lo give hjm the "windfall
profits" tax he seeks on oil com.
pany gains resulting from de-
regulation of crude oil prices.
The Energy Department is
seeking to force oil companies
accused of pricing violations to
make restitution. But the fiqns
have disputed the charges and,
while appeals are being made,
refunds of only $150 million have
been made, according to Paul L.
Bloom. the lawyer in charge of a
s pecial Energy Department
audit or the pricing actions or
the country's 15 largest refiners.
Even if full restitution is final-
ly ordered. most of the money
would go to large companies like
utiliti es and airlines
Wholesalers and retailers re-
ceiving rebates would not
necessarily be required to pass
the payments on to consumers in
the form of refunds or tem
porary price reductions.
$1 Million
In Diamonds
Stolen in LA
latest in a series of "obviously
professional" Los. Angeles .ai:-ea
jewel thefts totalling "$6 million
has netted $1 million worth of
uncut diamonds and gold from
an Encino jewelry firm. police
PQ,lice said Thursday's rob-
ber)f_was carried out by two men
irt United Parcel Service uni-
forms who forced the owner of
D & R J e we lers a nd bis
customers to lie on the floor
blindfolded as they looted the
company's sale of the diamonds,
gold and $400 cash.
The robbers drove up to the
store in a UPS van they re ·
portedly bad hijacked. The van's
driver was locked in the rear of
the vehicle.
Police said the van was Jater
recovered and the driver was
unharmed. They could not say
bow the robbers obtained the
UPS uniforms.
Officers have s peculated that
a gang of prof~ssi~nal jewel
thieves is operating m the Los
Angeles area , a~d are. in-
vestigating poss ible hnks
between Thursday's heist and
several similar robberies.
Tbe most recent of the other
robberies occurred Oct. 1 in
Hawthorne. when thieves held
up Newport Beach auction house
owner Robert Ogle in a
restaurant parking lot and
escaped with bis briefcase con-
taining S2 million in gems.
F1ahermen Wrecks Craft, Lo••• Motor to Thieve•
Lobster Fisherman
Loses Boat, Motor
Ol tlOe O.lly ~1104 St.off
Before rus 18-foot lobster boa·.
struck a reef off Moss Street in
Laguna Beach last Friday,
James "Ed" Roberts had big
Two days before he told hls
boss at the Laguna Hills mat·
tress company that he wanted to
take six months off work to set
his 75 lobster traps and try to
take bis living from the sea.
But that was before he heard
the sound of splintering wood
and saw water coming into tbe
bottom ot bi.I new boat.
He opmed the throttle on bis
new Mercury 15 eoame and aped '°"'•rd .... 8tNW beada ... fut • tM water-bea..-y "9Ml
would travel
Wbeo be reached the rocky
abore, two nearb1 residents
helped "1111 •alv••• hia ••ar. and t.be trio lugged the ahiny
black motor to a private staircase where he strapped tbe
$2,000 piece of machinery to a
He left the beach with the rest
of bis belongings. returning the
next morning with friends to
pick up the motor.
It was ~one.
·'It must have taken a whole
tribe to get that thjng off the
beach and up to the street,"
Roberts said ... Either that or a
couple of gorillas."
So the 50-year -old former San
Francisco commercial fi sh-
erman finds himself without a
boat (it was dashed lo pieces in
the surfline > and without a
He figures hls loss at $5,000,
but says he could start over
again if he could recover the
new motor.
"It was Only my second trip out alone to set traps,'.' tbe
sandy-Wred mattreu Niesman Aid. ··1 ... ,._ •• , to do tt
,~ lmlll ........ ol ....... eea.o. __. l'w -Tl tr9P9 oat there between San Clemente
pier and north Laguna."
Boberta U711 be'• offertq a ainall reward for tbe nturn ol
the motor, but admlta with a
shrug that "I'm pretty well
He's asking anyone who might
have witnessed the theft -some
time between 1 p.m. last Friday
and early Saturday morning-to
give him a call.
You can reach Roberts by
ca !ling 493-0987
Bomb Threat Given
Nuclear Accidents
Told in Two States
By'lbeAssoclated Press
A nuclear reactor in Illinois
wa s s hut down after a n
employee accidentally tripped a
safety device, and an atomic
plant in Oh.io was closed because
of a malfunctioning pump, of.
ficials said today.
The Nuclear Regulatory Com-
mission said one of three reac·
tors at the Dresden power sta-
tion in Morris, Ill., was closed
after an employee accidentally
activated an automatic safety
device during a bomb search
prompte<4 by a telephoned
No bomb was found and there
was no release of radiation.
However, Grundy County sher-
iCC's officers today were patrol-
ling at the fa'cility. about 65 miles
southwest of Chicago.
Reactor No. 3, the o.ne affect-
ed. was expected to be back in
operation later today, a second
reactor had been turned down
for cleaning and the third was
unaffected, said Mick McShane.
a Co mmonwealth Ediso n
Meanwbjle, in Port Clinton.
Ohio, utility officials say lhe
Davis-Besse nuclear power
plant will be out of ser vice 12
days for repairs because the re·
actor shut down automatically
when a coolant pump malfunc-I
tioned Thursday.
OC Attorneys
Taking LA's
Strangle Case
Divorce, Mexican
living Examined
Tuesday arraignment date is ex-
pected for Angelo Buono Jr.
following a request from a team
of six Orange County attorneys
who have taken over the defense
of the Glendale man char1ed in
the 10 "Hillside Straneler"
Readers who remember to
turn their clocb BACK Satur·
day nllbt will have an extra
bour to read these featured
atorin ln ~·s Daily Pilot.
DIVoacB PASTY? -Sure,
HYI Swedllb Yenta Susan otsoo. Sbe t.binU people abould
celebrU. new belin•n11 -ud
practically an1tbln1 else.
8wedllla Yea&a will be baPP1 t.o
baaclle, all arraa1e11.1eata. Jn
Yoa/YfMI .._,.
GalN80 IN• AllON -~ ....... ....,to
BM ... "*9E ftDd Ille ellma&e •••H.. Uri•I 11 relau .. 11 ~-=·----°' ..... :::p ..... -....
111a t *1tt about penna.
~· ......
Not Don KDOUI who'll probably
be tytnc TV fans in blOta u
Ralph Furley, newest nemesis to
any semblaee of sanity in the
Santa Monica apartment boule
made famom on ''Three'• Com·
pany." The veteran comedian
brtn11 bit bant)' roiotter imqe to the,.. ol 1-Dord.
Iner. ........ ,....., falli.Dc
marn.,.. no.n•t anJOM "->'
bttellld _, IDQNT &We and Ike
Collla• pre•tde a po1IUve
...... fNID tlae ltome tbeJ'w
1barecl for 15 yeart Jn West
New chief defense attorney
Terry Gilee of Tustin hinted that
he will not seek to transfer the
trial of Buono outaide of Loa
Angeles. a move that wu •UC-
gested by Buooo's flnt attorney,
Ron Bain. ·
"KJ ftnt inclination ii to aay
that we won't file for a cha.nae o1
venue because wbere in tbe
world would you take the trt.i
where tbere bHn't been an
awful lot of publicity.'' Oile1
Arralp11.1ent bad orl1laallJ been Ml Nov. I ffW &be-.,..,.
old automolltle .........,, but
Olle1 req.-.d an eartier Mar·
•• ''toapedli.m.u.auda«
tbe PNC• a\artad IO U.... we
CU ...-ve tJM llllOGH .. ol
paf" ol Nfol1I tlllat UM &ne-ecuUon baa OD tbe eue."
Cou1·t Under FiFe
Deukmejian Speaks in Newport
8yALUDDLE Oil ..............
ln a tpeech lD Newport Beach
Tbunc:t..y mpt. Callfomla At·
torney General Geor1e I>euk:IM-
J I an aaid the state Supreme
Court ii 1ullty of clotllnc tbe
juattce S)'9tem and lncluJ1es in
• 'trl vlalizatlon •' ot the state
Deukmejian spoke at a dinner
meeting ol the Oran1e County
Bar Auociation at the Marriott
Tbe court system ls clogged,
DeuluneJian aaid, because of the
"appellate syndrome." Thi.a is a
condition, he said. that increases
the number of court trials
because conviction& are over·
turned on appeal.
Deukmejian blamed the syn-
drome on "judicial activism
. .. changing-s ubjective s tand·
ards of law ... New-found con-
stit ution a I rights f o r
c riminals ... and the fl y .
specking quest for errors by tbe
Supreme Court.'•
Also clogging the courts and
costing the taxpayers dearly.
Dsukmejian said, Is the retroac·
{ive application of hl&h court
rulinaa to put convtct1on.s.
"It'• like changlng the rules of
a game after it bas started . . .
usually In the favor of the
criminal," Deukmejian said.
Deukmejian said his office
estimated an additional 3,000
trials will be made necessary by
retroactive rulings and will cost
at least $50 million.
Still on the subject of extra
workloads placed on the justice
system, Deukmejian talked
about the People vs. Wendy.
Jn that ease, Deukmejian said,
the state Supreme Court ruled if
a defense lawyer cannot find
grounds bis client can appeal on,
then it is the court's duty to re-
view the case for grounds to ap.
The ruling was handed down
despite tbe fact that the court
itself. the State Bar and the At
torney General's Office all have
been trying for years to ease
court workloads. Deukmejian said
State AG Deukmetlan
Bail Bid
Detao«!rats Split?
State's GOP Chief
Sees 'Real Chance'
RALEIGH. N.C <AP> In an unus ual move. a federal appeals
court asked Thursday to hear
arguments on possible bail for
Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who
1s serving three !He sentences
for the-1970 slaying of his wife
and two daughters.
"We view it as a very good
sign for our side." said Wade
Smith. an attorney for Mac-
Donald. "lf the court dtd not feel
there was some m erit to our
position, 1 think they wouJd Just
deny tbe request. We view it as
being a good opportunity."
Assistant U.S. Attorney James
L. Blackburn, who led the pros-
ecution team, said be did .not
!mow what the deciaioa meant...
The 4&h U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeala tcld tllie auon.eya Utat a
~ ............... JaCffd:alJll 01al •r•ae•al.a No•. • la RlclllDGlld.
The Republican Party has a
"real opportunity" to win th(•
presidency 10 the November,
1980. election. the GO P 's stale
chairman said Thursday 1n San
ta An a
Republican chst>f Truman
Campbell l>ald he expecU> the
R ep u bl ican cau s e t o be
furthered by what he sees as a
bitter battle for the Democratic
pres1dent1aJ nomUlallon between
Senator Edward Kennedy and
President Jimmy Carter.
"We mav not even have to
mention Chappaquiddick.··
Campbell quipped before about
100 members of the CoaDdJ ol
llepublkan Women at the Sad-
dlebacll la.
Legal sources said Issues such .
aa bail are usually resolved in written brtefa.
The fClhDet' Green Beret doc· tor was convicted ln August ot
killing hi• wife Colette 26, and
daughters Kimberly. s. and
Kristen, 2, on Feb. 17. 1970, in
the family's Fort Bragg apart·
ment. .
MacDonald has maintajned
that four drug-crazed intruders
killed his family and wounded
U.S. District Judge Franklin
T. Dupree Jr .. the trial judge.
refused to release MacDonald on
ba il during his appeal. Mac-
Donald's lawyers asked the ap·
pellate court to release Mac-
Campbell refUsed to reveaJ bla
ravorlte for the Republican
nominal.ion in the presidential race.
·' l 'm comfortable with
anvone. We can do at if we can
keep our act together and re·
main wu!ied "
But. the Fresno res ident said.
Republicans across the state
have a larger task than winninF.
the pres1denc~ That JOb is to
elect Republ1c·ans to the state
leg1slatun· ct.nd Congn.•s5 , he
Campbell ~J1d the part)> c;
It's Tillie
Fall Lauro
I I' '
Greener lawn '-; 1 . ,
• Better Growth .. ~~
With Topper · ,~ ,,~'
. ~
An icieol seed cover and mulch tor t>ulldlng new lawns ~ 9
or renovating e-istlng lawns Use in llawer t>ecis , $ 3 4
3 cu. Ft Size Reg. '4 39 SALE PRICE •
INSTANT LAWN 5 SQuore Ft.Rolls
roll out the green CMpfJI s 99 sod from DICHONDRA 1. Roll
• ·-... c·~ n""'" ~ HYlltJD BERMUDA or cal-t;urf ''1 •g STOLONS AL SO AVAILABLE BLUEGRASS ' .i.I Roll
Moss Basket Planting Demonstration
S•t. & Sun., Oct. 27·28, 1 P.M.
Fountain V•lley Location Only
0,.1..,..w ... , .... ,,...
un MIWPOttf an.
COlfA.mA ··-.....
MM .•
Tr&MMn Campbell
popularity was at an all time
high. and that the job of sup-
porters 1s to "broaden the base"
of GOP vote rs by wagmg a
grassrooto; campaign.
"We re goin~ out ::ind talking
to people and telling them "".hat
"t' believe in. such as ltm1ted
i!O\'ernml·nt. Jes:. government
regulation ;,ind lower taxes." lht-
GOP chairman said
Warren's A-34
tl\e best bluegrass
tor shady oreos
10 strong pei1ormer
~;1nsun 1001
· l lb Srze
-Reg '595
Halloween Croton
Mu111 co1ored fot1oge
house pion! Witt\
1011 w1op ond cord '°' holtdov gtvlng
6 Pot sue
Reg '699
St. Augustine Grass
E•cellenl tor high trolflc ond PIOV
QI stl<Jde
Reg '499
{--',). , \.. CllooMI l1om , r ~ King Size. RoggM,
SUI* Rotnl>ow.
.l or Sonlo Anllo Ml._
Pony Poclc/6 Plontl
Reg 99'
..... ,...
---~---..,,. ............ --..
Prices J11mp
I.I Percent
. ..,
SQJato, RiJq Oftd Sc1'mttz: AU Togiethn Jor o Good Cm.ae
luminaries ol our Ora.Dee Coast re&ion and au of the coun·
ty turned out at the *100 a plate affair.
. PauJ Salata, that m.n of wit and machinefun-Uke pat·
ter. who founded Irrelevant Week, served as master of
ceremonies. He had some little Jibes for almost all of the
civic ligbta who served H models or in other roles.
FOallE& STATE SENA'l'Oll Jimmy Wbetmore, for
example, provided the piano cbords as models paraded.
TbU prompted Salata to quip, "Just loot at Jimmy's
coat, folks -it's all he's tot to show for 14 years In the
Costa Mesa Councilman and jewelry store en-
trepreneur Dom Racitl got Salata'• acknowleqe1Mnt
from tbe audience like this: "Dom\.about your 10 r,reent off sale -the lu t part of it wu reauy crummy. . . •
Model Tim Hald1nger, a Newport Beach planning com-
mbaloner wp Uit.roduced aa, "A man in there fiptiq for
you asaui.t the forces of the Gay Nui Youth for No-
GE&IL •VLLE&, HEAD MAN of Ambrosia's
Restaurant in Newport Beach, was singled out by Salata
as "the most likely to be able to find another job."
Whatever that means
Maybe he explained it later when be introduced one
group ol model like this: "We have here, fol.ks, a bunch
that includes one politician and a couple of guys with real
jobs ... "
Political activist Tom i''uentes was balled on th.-
modeling ramp as "a local priest turned lobbyist ... "
COUNTY SUPERVISORS Tom Riley, Phil Anthony
aud Ralph Clark got treated a bit better. But not much.
And Air CaJ chief Bob Clifford, who kicked off the model·
ing parade, was lauded by Salata for bis "on·time and no·
bumping record. . . "Sure.
Natty Jobn G. Selpnitz, tbe noted state senator, waa
brought on ltale u "the man who once ran for president
and if we all Pe'tv what we were really tettlnc -would
be ... " In the end, everybody had a lot of fun1 the good sisters
got some money for their good cause, ana maybe a couple
of us mJgbt go out and buy a pair of new pants.
What more cu you ask?
Garbage Piles Up;
Hawaii Schools Shut
public schools in HawaU were
ordered closed startin& today
and will remain shut until
garbage that haa piled up during
a five-day strike by about 8,000
public worken can be cleaned
up, offidala said.
School Supt. Charles Clark an·
nounced the shutdown alter the
state Department of Health or·
dered the DeparU:nent of Educ•·
lion to clean up the schools by
thi• afternoon. The shutdown af·
fects about 167,000 studentl at
230 schools
The order a1ao followed a pro-
test ovet' unsanitary condiUooa
during wfUch about l ,tOO stu·
dents -who expreued sym-
pa tby for the striking state
workers -linked arms to pre·
vent 150 teachers from crouing
a picket line.
Putbtcl by bl1ber prlcu for
food, fuel aad boulac. con-
sumer prie. increued 1.1 J:;
cent 1D SllMmber u lafla
contlaued a'bove a 1J penent AD•
nual rate, the 1ovenunent aald today. .
A\ the 1UD8 tlme, it reported
lbat the purelauia• power of
workers' paychecks decllDed
aDOtber 0.1 ,etteat during the
CHICAGO <AP) -A man on
probation for a 1977 subway rob-
bery bu been charged with alx
of the robberies that left a dosen
people -their throata cut -
bleeding on city subway plat-
forms, poUee say.
The man wu arrested early
Thursday after one of the U
slashing victims died. Poll~
Sgt. Larry Willlam.s said James
E . Ford. 24, waa cbar1ed with
six counta ol armed robbery but
wu not cbar1ed 1D I.be slaJine.
Pollee a pprehended Ford
several hours after Joseph
Ardell. M, WU found cbia& OD a
subway platform. Police aald
Ford, wbo remained in custody
Tbunday nlebt, wu carryfq a
fold-up kDlle wttb a 4·incb blade,
a wriltwatch and cub, all blood-
stained, and bis clothing wu
splattered with blood.
AaDELL'S 'IUaOAT was slit
while be was waiting for a sub-
way late Wednesday in the latest
of a dozen attacks in three
A transit ticket agent said two
couples carrying suitcases and
believed to be from out of town
told her Ardell was lying bleed·
Ing on the platform. The couples
left before police arrived.
Police said Ardell was the first
to die from ao uaau.Jt by what aomt are ~ the "Subway Slaalaen,.. bUt homicide detiec·
tl ve11 refused to comment on
whether there is more than one
suspect or if they believe the at· tacks are related.
THE VICl'Ul8 were stabbed
in robbery attempts during late-
evening or early·morning hours
in the subway tunnels. All the al·
tacks were in the Loop area or
Near North Side. Police have
stepped up their patrols of the
s ubwa)'s and have begun using
All the victims' throats were
cut, and some were robbed of
cash and other it.ems. Two of the
victimJ, men ln their 408, were
left in serious condition.
Police Commander Paul
McLau&blin, who believes the
attacka are related and the won
of two people. aaid it was un-
clear If anything was taken from
•'Whoever did tbia bu to be in·
sane. Tb.ls poor 1111 ~ouldn't bave bad ta on blm."
McLaUCbllD Mid.
Snowfall Scattered
Skies Clearing in Many Other Arem
"' .... !"re ti 4S
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lllelr CIOCll• Sund4t'r ef 7 8 "' •""'" tM IMI ef ,,_ltlc 0.Y!ltM Tl,,... for ···~ Tiie 111011 temperetur• lft lot
Aft9'1" WIOlllcl .. In, .. mHS lib. Tiie llNclln •1111 .,., .. .,, w111 be
MIM'( eftd e llttle CooMr, wllll 111911•
,,, Hie IYllcl '°'
Molfntelf\ erMt wlll re.ell lll911S Of
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tllellld "°"9r In Ille IYlld•JOt lo IYIHMot , .....
TM de«tt ,.Ill hew """"Y ~ <Ml •••Iller. Tiie 11-• doert•
lllOuld 1111 Ille 70., wllll tll9lllly
•••mer rMdlfl9' e•PKled lor Ille
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Ll9llt worl_.ie •lftd• wut te ,_.......It .. " --s.._, ... --.w..n, ...... , .. , .....
s-,•..-,rtfla ,__ ___ .,. ....
TODAY sec.,..._ a:a •·"'· o .. IATUltMY ,,,,...... 11••·"'· J.6
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moat.It ..t wu down by '·' I*'· cent tram a year earlier.
nm w.u DOUWl1 ln tbe
September prtce report to in·
dicate 11111 fmprovement ln tbe
natioll'a ld&blY dilturblnl rate GI
inllatioa. It inatebed AUIUll'•
1.1 perceal lnereue and WU t.be
Din.th moadt W. year that prices
bave lncreaMd by about l pet·
cent. ·
Overall food prices, lncludlat
restaurant meal.I, climbed O.t
percent duriac Sep&ember, tbe
biUett lDereae 1D five m~. and poeery •tore prtc. were
up 1.1 percent. Food prices had
abown little or no increase la the
previous three moot.ha.
Fuel prices roN abarply .,a1n
durin1 the month, wltb home
beating oil up 5.8 percent and
gasoline prtcea advanclac 3.1
percent to a naUooal avera1e of
99.I cerrta a falloft for aU types.
THE OV2MIL eoet of boua-
ing re>t1e another 1.2 percent,
with home mort1aae flnanclac
ur 1.1 percent, partly the reauJt
o 1overnment efforts to a&ow
the economy by increulnf in·
terest rates.
However. even 11.rger in·
creases In mortgaee cost.a prob-
ably lie ahead, because the
latest aetiam by 1.be YederaJ
Reserve Board to pusb lDterelt
rates to record level.a will not
abow up 1D the CcJoaumer Price
Index for anc6er month or two,
said Patrick Jackman. a Labor
Department analyst.
Jackman said consumer
prices have lncreued at a 13.2
. percent amwaJ rate dwinl tbe
flnt nine mootba of lt'lt, meaA·
ing that lf the aame trend COG·
tinues through December, that
would be the total increase for the year.
IT. WOULD BE the highest tn·
nation for any year since 1.946.
when prices were up 18.2 per-
cent aft.er the government llfled
wartime price controls.
The Labor Department said
its Consumer Price Index stood
in September at 223.4 of the 1967
average of 100, meaning lb.It
gooda and services priced at
$100 l.n 1917 bad riaeo in co.t to
$223.40 last rnontb.
Prices had increased 12. l per·
cent 1D tbe 12-mooth period end·
Demonic lpfrtt. or Poltk:lte Dfrty Tftctc?
Miami School Goes~ . ~.
Wdd; Cause Probe ..
MlAMJ <AP> -Police aay it wu byst.ena brouahl on by a
hypnoaia demomtralioD. Some sludentl say it waa demons. A ·
school oftkial calls it a politlcal dirty trick.
WU&e¥er it wu, poUee say aometbinl a.ent at\tdentl and
teadten rampalinc t.hroueb • military lebool in lliallli's Little :
Kavaaa aection Thu:nday, •ma.shm.& windows. rtpplnc a door from Its frame and screami.ac the)' were posseued by splrttl.
'"ID WHOLE 8CllOOL went benerk," police officer Hany :
Cu.nnlll ukl. ''Teacben and students were runntne around tearing,. thinp up."
Fire Department spokesman Dan LeMay said a number of stu-
dent.a collapsed from byat.eria and ··nued out all over the place."
Police called to restore order at the school found "people yell-
ing and screaming they were possessed.'' Cunnill said. He said the
events followed a 10th grade science demonstration of hypnosis,
aod students told firemen there had been a recent class on the
wMAY SAJD RESCUERS were dispatched to the school arter
the ftre department rtte1ved c1 report or an unconscious child.
"Some other kJds said somethJng supematural had possessed
him." he said.
"I saw three girls. They had fainted ... said one young student.
'There wu some screaaung about ·bloody Mary· and more scream. mg."
Authorities s-.v none of tbe 300 5tudents at lliaati Aerospace Acade~. eome ol them from Soulh Ameriu. was seriously hurt. LeMay said one fremJed youngster was treated for cuta s uffer-ed
when be shattered a window.
··rt aeema t.bey "ere lnduced by the ·~ of olhers "'~-: became~ -K ••like a donrtne effed. ·•be aaid.
Saving up to 90 percent on some super
market items, Daily Pilot readers could add
more than $1,000 per year to their bank
accounts with hints from a new column -
The Supermarket Shopper.
The column -written by Martin Sloane,
recipient of a law degree from New York
University, former head of hi s own
marketing and sales consulting firm, and
founding president of the Amerf,an Coupon
Club -reveals ''secret weapons" for
fighting food price inflation.
Don't miss the savings of The
Supermarket Shopper, a new column
coming each Wednesday and Sunday In the
Delly Piiot.
f •
Jane, ToDI Ret1J1n
Nuclea~ Foes Lead State Rallies
Vetera•• Perie,...
Hollywood stars Douglas Fairbanks, Ir. and Ginger
Roeers dance together during tapiq of telnision'1
.. Love Boat." J"airban.ka wu a screen Idol in tbe beydaY· . of..__,.. and ... ~ •a!neda.• .........
· Bro:wn., Miss ~' ,i)lian
Attend Gay's Gala
LOS ANGELES (AP> -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. joined a
sellout crowd or about 850 persons Thursday night at a banquet
that raised $1.20,000 for Los Angeles' gay community.
The governor shared the limelight at the Beverly Wilshire
Hotel with President Carter's mother, Miss Lillian, who gave signs
she didn't know she was helping raise money-for the Gay Com·
munity Services Center.
"Is that what it is?" she asked.
BROWN APPEARED i\T tbe $150·a-plate dinner shortly after
be arrived at Los Angeles International Airport from New York Ci·
ty, where a Yippie smacked him in the face with a lemon-coconut
pie during a campus campaign speech. ''That was really a fi rst," Brown told reporters who greeted
him at the airport Thursday night . Brown said "thousands of people" greeted him "with en-
thusiasm" on his political swing through Illinois, Massachuset ts.
New York and New Hampshire.
CONnRMING THAT Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass .. bad
called him to announce plans for an exploratory campaign com-
mittee, Brown quickly dismissed speculation that he may be a vice
presidential contender on a Kennedy ticket.
"Maybe the other way around," Brown said. Asked whether he would be actively recruiting the gay vote in
bis race for the 1980 Democratic presidential nomination, Brown
replied that he needed "full support from all quarters." The gay community, Brown said, "reflects every level of
political. social, economic and cultural attainment. The fact that
the mayor and the city attorney and the governor are here just
reflects that."
At UCLA. th• couple Wit
1reeted wlth enthutlattlc ap·
plaute and a few 1catt.Jred bool
from an over&w crowd of 2,000.
They were Joined brteny by tJnlted Farm Wol'ken prealdent
Hayden spoke 1lowingly of
aupport they received durtnc the
naUonwlde tour: "We are aeeina
the beitnnlnc of a new cooatit-
uency for economic democracy
amona the ruiDa of the collaP6·
Ing old conservative and liberal
coalition ot yesteryear.''
Hayden said as he and Miss
Fonda toured the country dis-
c ~aa lng nuclear power, they
picked up a "gaggle of
followers." He said the utilities
who have invested in nuclear'
power plants, financed a public
relations team "who pursued us.
In every state, the utilities ...
would call the media demanding
eoual lime with Tom and Jane
for the 'truth squad' "
Could Delay
Busing Trial
attorney for the American Civil
Llberties Union says he will de-
cide Monday whether to press
an objection to evidence crucial
to the school district's voluntary
desegregation plan.
The trial or the city school's
integr ation plan was. in recess
today and was scheduled \.0 re-
sume Monday.
ACLU attorney Ma rk Rosen-
baum. representing plaintiffs.
objected Thursday to the in-
troduction of enrollment data in
the four-day-old t.rial after it was
discovered that 1,000 black slu-
de n ts had been erroneously
counted as Asians.
BUT aOSENBAVM tentatively
withdrew bis objection when
Superior Court Judie Paul Ell.Y of La,_. ee.eta aald tbe ACLO
moUoa eould delay the trial
eef~.-. .
If t.be court 1111Stains tbe objee--
lion, school board attorneys
would have to ac:ijounl to "lay
le1al fCMIDdaUoe" for llow the
data was t.abu>ated.
E1ly bu heel poring through
stacks ol computer print~ oo enrollment supplied by board at·
torney David Peterson. The
school boa.rd seeks to prove that
continued mandatory busing will
result in furthe r declines in
white enrollment.
The judge must decide if the
board's all-volunta r y plan
fulfills a st.ate Supreme Court
mandate to desegregate the na-
tion's second largest school dls·
FOU..OWlNG the ACLU ob·
jeclioos to s chool board
evidence, Peterson lashed out at
the plaintiffs for attempting to
"try the school board" instead
of its plan.
ACLU attorney Fred Okrand
denied Peterson's charge but
s aid the ACLU was attempting
to .. try Ole board·s commitment
to desegregation · ·
Plaintiffs m the case include
the National Association for the
Advancement bf Colored People,
the Los Angeles Center for Law
and Justice and the ACLU.
Yacht B11i-ns in Ocean
No Survivors, Bodies Found in Seach
vestisators are seeking the due ol a yacht fire on Ute open
Ma off Marina del Rey afte1' a
March ol the charred vessel and t.l9e ,,...., around It failed to turn
up a trace ol anyone on board.
A Coaat Guard helicopter
~b ol the area Tbunday was "••..-'-d pending further in-formation," spokesman Kevin
Daniell said.
.All papen that mi1bt have
ldeatifted the boat'• owner or lt.s
pOlat ol oriCin were destroyed ln ._ IDCll'lliaa fire aboard the 30-IODt cab6D cruller. .............. ;MN PltANCl9CO (AP) -A~
..., Qemral Geore• Deukme-
• ..,a M la happy wt.th a
... ~Court dee .... Oil de of paUM to make war-reat ...... roatlllll tnf· .......
,,.. CIUl't, far .... ..-tlme,'
re••rHd oD Tbunday the ..... ....., eoa•leUoa of Larry
IUellel MeOa.Pru of San fnt-• pa .... mdlDee .. -~---................ -
( Sl'ATE )
police during a longer-than-
normal stop.
hJll 'Bela•lr
Describlna the Sant.a Rita jail lo
Alameda County as a "hell·
bole" of male homosexual
rapes, the American Civil
Liberties Union bu vowed to file
a series ol lawauita to end the aa·
aaulta. AttorneJ James J . Broeoaban,
1peakial 111une18J at an ACLU
pren eoaferenee -at tllte lf'OUP'•
San l'tancl1co beadquarten,
claimed • many aa 1' saual
auaulta occur nllbt.ly and ukt
he WU "Pna. to to I 1\111 •nd 1..-UD·
tll that sets ebaneed."
system, Mayor Dianne Feinstein
said Thursday.
The oU firm is the first cor-
poration to contribute to the
drive to raise private funds ror
the restoration or the idled cable
a1H••• Pa.alletl
SA~ DIEGO (AP) -Plans
are beinC made for a 30·story re-
tail and commercial building
that would be the talltst tower in
downtown San Dieco.
The block ls al.ready owned by
the devel9per, Douclas
Manchester. Hia plan for the
block bounded by Columbia,
State. A and 8 street.a reported·
ly bit been approved by cUy ol-
flclala .plann1n1 downtown re-
.......... s
beln& tqUMted la a abop clau
vl11 exploded and wounded
three U.year.old Eliot Jumor
Hilb Scbool 1tudentl, lfuiDa
two of tbl bop lD tbe arm an4
tbe tldrd Ill tbe dalD •
Buy any
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Or1noe Coat Dally Pilot
PrOp. I: A Yoice
For Busing. Foes
Pnpailtian l Ga tlae Noftmber I b&Uot la U la IO
often the cue with ballot saGPOllUOm, • mixed baa
Prom tbe point of view ol the Orani• County voter. however. the balanc:-e favora a YES vote.
Proposition l would not halt 1chool butln1. Nor
should lt. Bu.alna tS a lool that lhoWd be avallable to helf.
aUevlate seare••Uoo ln areu ...,.,.. It l1 praetlca .
PTOpoe.lUon 1 lleepe tauina available. But it alao requires
the courts lo take • cloeer look at t.be need for lntegratlon
and the fealbllity of businc u a toluUon.
Pl"OpOlttion l wou.ld require the courta to adhere only
to federal eourt declalons reaardina pupil transportation
It would require court review of previous buainl orders
upon request of any Individual. It specifies that such re·
views be given priority over civil cases. It permits school
districts to maintain or initiate de.se1regalion plans on a
voluntary bu1s.
Observing the Los Anaeles experience, it is our view
th11t busing bas produced more problems than solutions .
It has required some youngsters to spend up to three
hours a day traveling the roads and freeways . It has
diminished parental participation in school oper ations. It
bas increased racial tension by generating "white flightl•
from public schools and by frightening the parents of
minority children who are taken far from home for a
great part of the day. It has burned up valuable fuel and
cost countless dollars that could better have been spent
for improving schools, paying teachers and buying books.
All this because the California Supreme Court chose
to go a step further than the U.S. Supreme Court in in·
terpreting the constitutional requirement for school inte·
The original f ederaJ decision mandated busing only
where segregation bad resulted from a deliberate action
on the part of local lawmakers. The Calilomia court.
however, mandated busing wherever segregation existed
-as from housing patterns.
Recently there have been some federal court de·
cisions that appear to move closer to the more stringent
California interpretation. For this reason. opponents of
Proposition 1 say it should be voted down because it
"may" be found unconstitutional. If that's the case. so be
it. But it also may not be found unconstitutional.
Attempting to fully integrate a school di.strict as
large as' that of the city of Los Angeles has proved im·
practical-as it has in many other large metropolitan
school districts. So now the pressure from the integration
activists has been on the courts and the Legislature to im·
plement so-called metropolitan busing which would
permit the court to cross over school districts and county
boundary lines to find a big enough pool of students and
schools to achieve the mythical integration balance. Put
another way. the schools. the students and the taxpayers
of Oran~c County would be drafted without recourse to
help solve the Los Angeles city school problem. This
despite the fact they have had no part m the actions or in-
actions of the Los Angeles school system which have con·
tributed to the problem.
Proposition 1 can't stop any such metropolitan busing
plan if the federal courts ultimately decree it.
But i t does seem worth the effort to deliver the
message to the courts and the integration activists that
mandatory buaina ia not seen here u the panacea. Reeoanbina lta limitations, t.be Daily Pilot recom·
mends a \'P.S ~ oe Propoattion 1 -·
Doubtful Economy
Computerized Axial Tomography is JUSt about the
last word in diagnostic medicine. By showing doctors all
s orts of things going on inside the body. it replaces a
whole array of other testing procedures.
The gadget that does all this is familiarly known as
the CAT scanner . It's very expensive. About $500,000 will
buy just one. That's a lot more than an X-ray machine.
but the CAT scanne r does a lot more too.
That's why its two inventors have just been awarded
the Nobel Prize. "No other method." said the Nobel com-
mittee, "has led to such remarkable advances in re·
sear ch and in a multitude of applications ."
Clearly, any major hospital would want to invest in
one of these machines. for the benefit of both ita medical
staff and its patients.
But the CAT scanner has been one of the princi~al
targets of government health 1;>lanners. It's expena1ve
equipment like this, they complain, that raises the cost of
medical care. Hospitals should just be satisfied with
cheaper diagnoetic. methods, even if they don't work as
well, say the planners.
They don't think a hospital should be allowed to buy a
CAT scanner without special authorization, even if the
money is available. They ignore the issue of reduced pain
and suffering and the potential saving in shorter
hospitalization and treatment from faster, more accurate
If planning like this bad come upon us a few decades
ago, medicine would still be in the dark ages.
• Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot
Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists. Reader comment Is Invited. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O
Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321
Boyd/Unfaithful Years
Q. "Durinl wnat yean of
her life, statlstlcally, ls a
wife most likely to be un·
A. Ate 38, accordina to re·
cent research. That jibes
fairly well with the old
I woader if all tbe
bltecllDI be•rt• tbat
protett a mard4"r'1 ..................
.IO a..llr ti U. YlctilB ........ , M.l .M. ..... , ........... ... ........ m,· ...... . _,.. .......... .
==~ rr;r---·
Kinsey report of yesteryear
wbicb stretcb~d the age
bracket from about 35 to 42.
Q. "I've read that only two
kinds ol mercbandile can be
sent legally throuab the malll to a penon without his
request or consent. What are
A. A tree sampje ao clearly
marked. And anyWn1 from
a charitable or1aDlaation
Hkinl for coatrlbutlom. In
either cue. U.. menbandile
.. a lift.
Q ...... k>nl dOM lt take a
S20 bUl to nar outt"
A. About fl•• yeara.
TreUlllT Departmnt HYI lt
eb••,.• '••d• about lOO ......... aftm tUn doM a '1 WD wtdela wan out m 18 .........
Q."wiu&dolfllrat1._.u ~:sliUf'' · ~· wlllte meat of ~mt.old.
AObett N. w..dl PubUshtr Thornn K .. vll1€~10r
Frldlly, Octotlef 21, 1'11 S.r1Mt• Krelbkh/Ed'l.Of'lal P-et Editor
~cer lns11rance a Ripoff?
fHt of cancer haa cau~ a
boom lo the sale of in.auruce
pollcl covering Juat that stn1le
dreaded d11eaae. Many experts
consider cancer Insurance a
rlpoff at wont and a queationa·
bfe Investment at best, because
standard h ealth-insurance
policies usually provide better
cover.,.-at towel' cost.
The companie'I tb•t offer
cancer insurance reject such
criticism. of
course. argu· ing that they
are rilling a
nt!ed that Is
not adequate·
l y m et b y
Medicare and
private health
One thing is
though: There's a lot or money
being made from the public's
rear or the killer ~lsease.
LEADING THE pack is the
American Family Life As·
surance Co. of Coham'bua, Ga.
Tbouab the company Is a rel·
ative pygmy in the field of
. general accident and bealt.b in·
surance. it is the giant of the
cancer-inaurance industry. With
nearly 4 . 7 million cancer
policies in force, American
Family ia the largest such in·
surer in the United States .
perbaps ln the world.
Last year, the company's rev-
enues rose 41 percent -from
$213 million in 1977 to $300. 7
million. American Family's suc·
cess has allowed it to branch out
into endeavors unrelated t.o in·
surance. ll recently plunked
down S37 million to buy four
television stations. And it has
contributed $239,000 to various
political campaigns.
The company's aggressive
salesmen have also provided a
bonanza for company chairman
John Amos. whose salary is
based on a percentage of the an-
nual revenue. This year he'll
make $918,351 -one of the
highest corporate salaries in the country.
Rowland Evans/Robert Novak
Connally: A To.ugh
Stance on Mide·as-t
unable as yet to deliver bis
m e11a1e to Am baaaador
EpbraJm Evron in person. John B. Connally ls putting larael on
notice tbat the days when it
~ould command public
obeisance room presldential can-
didates has ended.
Connally, who has been ac-
cused by Israeli diplomats of a
"to tal su r
r e nd e r t o
black mail by
uns uccessful-
ly sought to
a rrange a private seaalon wtth
Evron last
week. Connally'• m••••1e:
Pl•••e atop leeltin1 the American Jewish community
against me.
"The Israeli embassy is or·
c hestrating this campaign
against Gov. Connally." Wint.on
c Red ) Blount, Conna lly 's na
tional campaign chairman told
us. "Apparently they haven't
read or do not fully understand the
s peech "
"THE SPEECH" has aroused
more political emotion and put a
lone-shot presidential candidate
in more heated controversy tb.an
anytbinc said about lbe Middle
East in any campaign since the
1967 slx·day war. It calls for
Israeli withdrawal from almoet
all Arab lands captured in t.bat
war, a U.S. position reiterated
by four successive administra-
tion•. and proposes -in a policy departure -deployment or U.S.
air and naval power in the Mid-
dle East t.o proteet. both oil sup.
plies and Israel.
Connally'a stroo1 words call-
ing for IMaeli withdrawal and
P aleatlnian self-detenn lnaUon.
not the link to oU. b~ht down a political firestorm on bis bead. He
was humiliated in PblladelpbJa
by the Republican mayoral can-
didate who publicly refused to
have his picture taken with Con·
nally : he ia losing some Jewish
political supporters who have told
him privately they are under Lr·
resistible pressure t.o walk out:
Art Hoppe
bis top Jewiab adviser, Dr. Eita
Hawier (a prominent New York
liberal Republican>. bas quit bis
In the short run, tben, Coo·
nally's presidential campaign
bas bad a severe jolt. But Con·
nally is not only unperturbed bul
ready for a fight t.o build up
counterpressures that. 1f sue·
cessful. could reduce the in·
fluence and power of Israel 1n
l ' S poltllc:.
CONNAl~LV WA NTS to advise
the Israeli ambassador that
there is a danger of boomerang
in the anti-Connally flood of abbse that Connally's operatives are convinced bas been liberally
fueled by tbe Israeli e mbaasy here. The Connally camp points
to the warning of "Is raeli of·
'flclals in Waab.lneton." a.s re· ported by the Wuhlnteton Star:.S Henry Bradsher on Oct. 13, that
Connally's plan was "a total sur
render lo blackmail by Arab oil·
producting countries."
The lsraeh embassy told us 1t
avoids public positions on 1ss~
that "relate to the Amen can
electoral process .. But when re
porters ask ror an opinion on a
spec1fl<• plan regarding Israel. a
key diplomat s aid. they will get
Connally sees it dirferently
Because be had the political galJ
to spell out precisely what he
would do in the Middle Easl if
elected president. he reels that
the present hard-line govern·
m e nt of Israel wants him
eliminated from the race. In· deed, ao concerned wu Connally
that his blueprint for Mideast
peace would be talcen out or con-
text and ripped lnt.o pieces by
J.srael that be took out full pa1e ads in &i.x major newspapers t.o
reprint bia complet.e text.
THF.SE ADS did little to soft.en
the firestorm from Israel and
American Jewish leaders. But
Connally, who bas no superiors
and few equ.ala when it comes to
bare-knuckle political combat.
sees potent assets abead -if be
is driven t.o use them. His words
that there must be a "clear dis·
Unction" between the "moral
imperative" or U.S. support for
Israel's security -as opposed t.o
American family execu·
lives aurtbute tbe company's
phenomenal auccen to the prod-
uct -a low·COlt auppleoentaJ
policy that coven only treat·
ment for cancer. 'Ibey point with
pride t.o their bi&h renewal rate,
qulck payment of claims and
low rate ol complaints.
But inveaucators for the
House Select Committee on Ag·
ing and the Massachusetts
Insurance Department paint a
less rosy picture of American
Family's operations. They have
raised serious questions about
both tbe benefits the company
pays out and the sales tech-
nlquesit uses.
· "(The) sales training program
appears t.o utilize high-pressure,
low-information techniques," an
internal audit.ors' report by the
Massachusetts agency con·
eluded. The sales brochure "ap-
peared t.o be inadequate, decep·
live and misinformative," the
report stat.es, explaining that
"tbe incidence and cost of
cancer, rather than benefits in
coverage. are used as tbe
Israel ·s "territorial acquisi ·
lions" carry a clear warrung
Either Is rae l agrees to
withdraw from these "acquis1·
Lions" or it faces American ta.x· payer resentment. For the first
time, an amendment to reduce
Israeli a.id by SlOO million to pres-
sure it on foreign policy was
voted on in the Senat.e last week.
Although overwbelmin1ly de·
feated. it was viewed as a trend by Coonally operatives.
.. Llkewbe, the sudden reaisna-
lion of Janell Foreip Minister
Moabe Dayan, <Mrtensibl)' over·
the West Bank land ll.lue, was
an unexpected bonus for CoGnaJ.
iy that bi.a operatives luiat em· pbaaizes political splits over
policy inside Israel itself.
At the belpt of tbe flratorm.
a ltey mode.rate in the Palestine
Liberation Oraaniution <PLO>
sought an appointment with Con-
nally dwing a trip be will short·
ly make t.o the U.S. Connally de-
cided 'against it on grounds that
It would look like deliberate in-
primary marteim, tool."
An undercover Houae ln-
veall1ator who slped up u a
sales traJnee in Xaryland wu
taught to tell prospective
customers. "When you 1et
cancer ... " inatead of "Ir you
gel cancer ... "
Jn other words. the sales pit.cb
was baaed on rear.
A PARTICULAa tar1et for
concern by the Masaacbuaetta
investigators was American
Family's "extended benefits
clause," which provides $200 a
day starting on the 91at day ln
the hoepilal.
The audit.ors• report notes that
this benefit is "illusory"
because rarely, if eve"t, do
car\'cer victims spend more than
30 consecutive days ln the
hoapital. And a stud}' by other
Massachusetts experts con·
eluded that such extended
beneftta clauaes result ln a pay-
out rate ol about one dollar per
thousand dollan in premluma.
c1tement or the J ewish com-
muntty and Israel.
BUT NOT MVCJJ should be
read into that decision. CoMally
has offered American voters a
serious pre-election formula for
Mideast peace. Instead of play.
Ing to the important Jewish vote
during the campaign. but then
turning aaainat Israel from the vantage point of the White
House -the customary route of
presidential candidates or all
persuasion -Connally baa
bome public wttnesa to bis con-
Brudin1 him a victim of
Arab "biackmail," rather than
gi vlng serious attention to what
he baa propoeed, will induce in
John Coonally this pndict.able
reaction: a national campaign
calculated to show that bis ideas
about America's best interests
In the Middle East, far ftom
unique. are shared by many
millions ol votin1 Americans.
The Hard Way to Save the Am.erican Eeonollly
As the business community ,
has long demanded, President
Carter this week at last took
draslic slepl t.o curb inflation.
Wall Street prolnptly panicked.
With the stock market wildly
plu~meting, a crowd of worried
but totally
helpless ~
c itizens -"\
1athered out· f-
alde tbe pres· AP' .U1lou New ~
York Stock
All they could
tblftk al to do •aa acrea1n :
"For' God's
1ake1, DON'T PAN I Cf"
Inalde tile marblM balb, their
plea weal unheard ln the din u
t.rrifled broken in striped panu
and top batl dubed aiml•l.Y
I.bit way and that, their eyea "'d
moutbl acape wit.b fear, their budl Wlriq frenftlca&ly, and
but a ~ cry OD their UPI: ···s.urw1s.u1°
Sudde11ly a solitary. cor·
pulenl figute appeared on a
ledge on the 32nd noor. hi1h
above the madding throng.
"Good Lord," wailed one ob-
server, "that's G. Grabley Got·
bucks. the nation 's leading
economic indicator! If he
plun1ea 32 noors. we'll aJl be
selling apples in the streets for a
dollar apiece."
It wu at this dramatic mo-
ment tbal a little gJrl slipped in·
to Gotbucks' ofllce and ap·
proacbed the window. "Hl, Mr.
Gotbucb," sbe aaJd cheerfuUy.
"Mommy's campaJlftinl in New
HamPlhlre. Uncle Billy) cam-
paJ1n1D1 in lJbya. So Daddy aent
me to quell your panic. My name
la LltUe Eltln Amy."
"GO AWAY, ltld," •rowled
Gotbucks. "Now that your
father baa taken the dra1Uc
steps to curb inflation that we
demanded, there's nothln1 left
to live for ."
"But. 1ee, Mr. GotbucJt1,"
said Amy, • 't.bink of all thoM
POOr people down there. If you ,
panic because you th1ftk the
stock market will go down. then
everyone will sell theit stocks
and the stock market W.U go
down. And all those poor people
will lote their job6 and their
homes and their can and even
their little puppy dogs."
"Maybe ao. kld," grumbled
Gotbucb. "But what can I do
about it?"
"GOLLY, all you have to do,
Mr. Gotbuc:ks. is have trust in
the dollar, confidence In the
economy and faith ln America,"
said Amy. "Tben if you cldM the
stock market will go up, every-
one will buy atocka and it wtU
10 up. And all t.hote poor people
will be rich and happy."
Quo tea
"If a natic>a expects to be botb
tpor'ant and free, It expects what
~ Thomol J•ffertOPI , f
"Well. .. " said Gotbucks dubiously.
"Please . Mr. Gotbucks,"
pleaded Amy. "Listen to them."
Down below. a quavering
voice began singing "God Bless
America." Others took it up and
soon thousands were belting tl
out, •lronl and unwavering.
THOE WAS a tear in Got-
buclts' eye as be climbed back ln
the window. "You've taught me
a lesson, little airl,.. be laid
taking her hand. Then be ptclt;d
up the phone and barked an or·
der: "Buyl"
Chffn thundered up from the
broken on the noor. And outside
tbe jubilant crowd. 1wayin1
Crom aide to side, 1an1. "We're in the Money."
"Leapin1 llaarda. l don't tnow
bow to thank you. Mr. Got·
bucks." saJd Amy. "Not only did
you save Amuica. but now Dad·
dy wlll be re-elected."
"Aaaaubbh! '' l a.Id Ootbucb
aa he doYe beadftnt out the~
''My wife has• mtturally su5p1c1ous na1ure t 1ry not 10
dlillppomt her "
"Cot o problem' Then wnte 10 l'at Dunn Pat will
cut rtd tape, getting the answers and actron you need
to solw mequtties in government and business. Mall
your q1"'!stiom to Pat Dunn. At Your Servtce. Orange
Cooat DaUy Pilot. P 0 IJor IS60 , Costa Mesa. CA
92626. Aa many letters as possible will be an.wered
but ~ inquines or letters not mcludmg the
reader'a.Jull name. address and business hours' phone
rwmberconnot beconi>ldered Th1:.columnappearsda1
ly except Sunday:.
Markttp Guid~• W~I D.-aling
DEAR READERS: Now tbat you know the ap·
proldmat.e dealer mark••p on a car, you. can de·
termlae yoar d.lacount offer by figuring out how
much a new car actaaUy costs the Maler.
Take tile &otal cost (including traosportaUonJ
Hated Oii tbe price sticker on the car window. Sub·
tract tile transportation charge. Theo take either
81 perceat ol the balaace for a faJl-shed car; 81
perceDl for aa l.nt.ermedJaLe car; or 85 percent for
a compact. Add back the tramportallon cost. The
fl1ure you get will be very close &o tbe dealer's ac·
tual c0f5t.
·AJ8o CGUlder lf and bow you are golng to s.ell
yomr old HJ'. You cu eltber trade it la t.., tile new
car dealer UICI llave l&a value dedac&ed from tile
,_. car'• prtee, aeU It to a med car dealer for ca,., • 8elJ ta yoanelf. ~ ,_.. old ear'• ., .
• ,.,.,.,,. •uket •al• Ulroellt • laMk er cre-Ut ..... .... aNe die .,Na&l-aJ A .... olllUe
• ........ Ollld9I t1eM Cu CJlllNiia" • • t:Olrck..,. ..... ....._...,. ... 11
"'9 ·!19, .............................. .
Ute eielt Cleal for Y•·
... ,..,.. .... ~ ........ --. .... -.... , ....... ..
DE.All PAT: I ftled a amall claims court suit
recently, and this led to an office dlBcuaaion about
that court. We'd all like to know if mo~ cases att'
filed in small claims court than civil cases in
superior or municipal courts. Also, how and when
did small claims court get started in this country?
S.G .. Corona del Mar
From July 1977 lb.rough June 1978, more Ulan
450,tH small claims actions were filed in
Callfonda mlUllclpal and JUBtice courts. During
tile aame period, about 375,000 formal clvU sal&a
were flied. There ls a $750 Umil on recovery of
damages ln small claims suits, compared &o ap to
ts,000 l.n formal civil suits.
Today's small claJms court can be traced back
to tbe early En1llslt "small debt courts"
establlsbed ln Hts and the Daalsh ud Norwegian
conclllatloa courts fooaded about 1795.
Created &o provide a special court ror the In·
formal, qalck, and lDezpeaslve resolution of dis·
pates by average citizens, tbe concepts behind
t.lteae forums crosaed tile AUutk witb those who
tranlecl to tM \Jlllted Stata from Europe, and ln
tile early 1.-S almUar tTlbanals were estabUsbed
in various cities and stat.es. The Cleveland Con·
ciUaUoa Coart, be1u l.n 1912, slgnJned tbe first
weU·blewD American efrort &o accommodate dis·
p•tes o•er small Hms of money l.n u l.Dlormal
faallloa. ~ tile CbJcago Small Claims Braacb
offered tM prtme early eumpJe l.n tile United
&ates al LM Ea1Ds11 model where l.aformallty wu
e••llulzed but tbe adversary foundation re·
CaUfomta jotHd other a&ata accepll.ag small
claima C8911 •llen Lite legls latatt l.nltlally adopted
appreprla&e lellalaUon ill 192l. Two years lat.er,
die ltate Sapreme Court affirmed Its coDBtUu·
tloaaUty la the Leu1cben v. Small Claims Court
Ll9•t Alwad 111/ffug1'fixttp
DEAR PAT: Several months ago West·
ln•hoqse llibtbulbs bad an offer for engraved
glue mup for a light bulb wrapper and about $7. I
sent for it and have heard nothing since, even
tbou,p my check wa1 cubed. Compounding the
problem ls my lack of having kept the address
where the order wu sent and rny own subsequent
chante <JI address.
G .B., Costa Mesa
A Weal•.,..._ lamp cllrillee lalel repreeea· &Min wm elMaet ,. .. ,......_a11y &o ~Mt
dalapfl lrlr• .. 1ovaaUdaeUoa.
Friday Night Drop In Group For Singles.
conducted by the staff of The Family
Therapy Institute. The format will be
m ini-lectures. group exercises and
dlacullk>n. r ,.,.. ~ 911~ How to fight fair
How to lMlt ~ Single parenting
Surviving tht doting How to communicate gomt clearly
· efLA.vMAllACH
l ,.,.,. ... S..#1 L.-9"dl
ti ..... W.-.11'11111 T,,_ .... & ......,.--~ "-"t
., •• ., ..... 1 .. ,,...
C...• ... •' .. ~ .. ,.,....,...,
Brewers Alter
Beer Content
WA.SIONOTON <AP ) The Food and Drug
AdmlnltlraaUun haa promised tA> take re1\llatA>ry
action again.at •ny domH tic beer made after Jan.
\ tb•t contain1 morts than 5 parta per billion of the
cancer c•ualna a8ent nitroH mlnes.
The l<'OA H id Tbun day the U.S. Brewers Aa·
toe-la.Lion reporu that morti than half of American
bl't'Wt!nl have alter~ their b"'wing processes lo
reduce n1troeu mloe1J and that more than 80 percent will hive dont' so by next month
Thf' FDA alsq releued test resulta on a check
of Scoh'h wh111ktiys ror nltroeanunes. It found only
lrace Jev~l& m 29 brands tested, in amounts rang·
'"' lrom nooe to 2 3 parts s:ier billion. \T bt FDA does not consider findings below s
parts per billion lo be scieoUlically reliable.
·On the basis of lhe report from the Brewers
Assocuation and or 1LS findings on Scot.ch. FDA re-
iterates its previous position that there is no rea·
son for consumers lo alter their consumption of thest> products." the agency said.
[,_ __ M_\_11_.1_u_, ' _ __..,.) S TIMULA 7ES
.. ,
!BILL OF LAOll\IO •5061
Due to the urgency of this sale. this is an outstanding opportunity to acquire these fine.
h1ndm•d• Oriental Ruip, plus others. Included will be be1utlful c1rpet1 and rugs from 7
of the world's ludlng r~g e1pit1la : Persi1, Chin1, lndi1, Turkey, Afgh1nist1n, Romania
end Pekisun. Sizes var y from 2'X3' to 10'X16' end some ~ace 11.r.es .
25205 LA PAZ RO.
Auctioneer Col L Rosenbtum
lnlormatton 1213) 995-8323
A A & A ,,.. l jljo(JJIO•\
l••11n, C,nhl(.n~~~
We're Up to Here with Savings!.
The 1/2 off Painting Sale
E:niov th~ !x-.iury .ind colorful rextur~'> of ongindl 011 paintings (also
<x>ll:'cted acn,:hc ... 1 di hdlf off tht> r~gukir pncl:' 125'':, off Blackmdn.
111,ffmd11 J.mwn "nd V1•l.1 l ( h<X>W from pc;11111111is dlrf'l'ldy tdstefully and
The Great Pumpkin Sale
No. w1• re not !>elhng real pumpktn5. but our
mandgers are having d real greal Pumpkin
Sale' All kinds o f arty ltemc; will hi\ve hr1gh1
orange pumpkin tagc; dnd thar meMs savings
uri to 50% off' Art and crc1ft .. upph •s. lurn1rur(:'.
wrought iron. graphic:. dllc.l more . pnced to go'
The selection Is different,,, each !>lore
You bener hurry because ilfter rhl' Art Marts close
11.ie:.day night everything thi11 c;" Pumpkin Sale item
n1c.1y turn into regularly pncecl merchandise'
Happy Halloween'
fl"•ll'-..,11111..1lly fr11ml!d Or pick an un·
tunned f')t111111ng. 1h1•11 pick.., frame 10
tlt 1,, 1111th1·1 .. mf:c. A,11rm Bmther.,
'>t!lectton At half off ltX>1
r ht'r•· ... clrJ,.,I<. .. uh1en-including
W<1C.CdJ>I:!'> l,md'><. di)'':. srreer
'><enc.,, ,1111 hll:' dnJ 111orc 111 d mul-
1·tt1rl1• ,,f hqn1r1n1.il .. md vvrti<:.ll '>tLe-. trom
1X7 • 1 , ~' >X•l >i All di h.il f off rhe re9ultJr
pn1..1: Rl!g 5 %~SU
Aaron Brothers Special
SeJection will vary from store to store.
Aaron Brothers Art Marts
ANAHEIM 222 N. Beach Btvd. • COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Blvd. • ORANGE 1812 E. Katella Ave. ~ .. II.. LAGUNA BEACH 190 S. Coast Highway • SANTA ANA 1126 E. 17th. St.
•EtTOiO 24350 Swartz Dr. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 ~dlnger Ave. ·oPENING SOON
. r • ,
-~.·~·I ....... ~ ~ .... ·~
Sam Young is not sure what triggered the
phenomenal growth of his cbayote, a vine
of the gourd family, but it hu taken off
a nd up the slde of his mobile home in the
Ponderosa Park, Costa Mesa. With the
8IEl{l{A Q Al{DE!'{S
/or tM coming holidays
Over 1000 Pienta To ChooM From
In 8" size for
luxurious display size
Boston fem 4'-6' ..,...ad ............... $12.95
Oek Lellf Ivy ..................•.•.... $10.95
Sier Pine, llfrd'• Neat Fern, $1 Q
Corn Pl•nt, etc; ................. From .95
i n 6 " size
"'-• ....,..-,., i per pot ..•.•.•...••. $5.95
Gotd ~I foot runnen ...•........... $4.95
........ ~::fi• .... c.....•1111 .... .,..._.,......, ...... .,..,...,CMnr11 $3 45 .......... ,etc. .....••............... ~ •
Metal Planttt"S in chrome, brass, coe>s>er. antique
nickel. brass. & chrome for 4", 6", anct 8" pots.
Macrarne, baskets, Greoorlan copper, Galny
Ceramics, Biopots.
At the WateTfaU ..
chmbing vme is a bount.Uul harvest. Sam
says you can pickle them like Mexican
cucumbers or cook them as you would any
squash~ .. but the big question is, how
much can you eat ?
Plant Shrubs
Two Imported •••P •P«i• .,.. _....., • poten.tially Mr1oul
cltn11 l*t -the woolly wbltAtlly
-under blolo,Scal coetrol in
Soutbem Callfornla areu wbere
• Clean up leaves and falJen
fruit. Cut back bJ"OWDed peren-
nials and ~rune eversreeru
• Berried shrubs to plant now
include hollies, pyracanlbaa,
heavenly bamboo and miniature
berried shrubs -dwarf burford
holly and Tiny Tim pyracantha.
• This is a good lime for
transplanting. If you are re-
modeling your garden. see the
fine hardy evergreens that are
arriving daily at your nursery
You'll find excelle nt hedge
material, foundation plants and
• Feed annuals set out last
montb. Keep them well watered.
• Keep an eye to your plant.in&
of ranunculus. Cover the m il you
can. to k~p the birds a bill's
length when the bulbs begin to
sprout as they like the fresh
For Fragrance Tree Walk
Best known of the fragrant winter shrubs is ScJiedl.iled
the winter dapbne <Daphne odora). California's street and
Varieties are available in pink or while
flowers and with plain dark green or sliver edged
leaves. The flowers appear in clusters at the ends
or the branches in February or March. This ever·
green requires excellent drainage and should be
protected from the bot afternoon sun and from
reflected sWlligbt.
The fragrant evergreen sarcococca (S .
ruscifolia). Is an attractive, compact shrub which
can be grown in complete shade. if desired. This
medium sized shrub has dark green. shiny
rounded leaves with tiny white bl<>5soms that are
fragrant enough to be noticed from quite a dis·
tance away. Their blossoms are followed by red
fruit. If planted along a wall, they will form a
natural espalier.
WINTEUWEET (Cbiminanthus praecox) is a
tall, deciduous shrub that provides the winter
garden with a s picy fragrance from their pale
yellow flowers w blc:b p recede the leav•• in Januaey aDd FebruarJr. .
Several bullb9, Pendaa cyclamen and byaelnth
<when forced lndoora), will provide lovely wtnt.er
fragrance. Stock and sweet alyssum are two an-
nuals which have fragrant flowers in the cold
winter months.
Since all Californians are concerned about
conserving water having just pulled out of a
drought, some serious thjnJcing bas been given to
"what" we are planting in our gardens. Logically,
plants that do not require much water after being
established in the landscape are ideal. Ceanothus
and rremontia are two such choices -beautiful
and drought resistant..
YEU.OW, SAUCER·UKE flowers adorn the
fremon.Ua shrubs which must be planted where
drainage is at its best, like on a billaide where the
garden trees can b e
viewed during a ·'Tree
Walk" at 9:30 a.m. Nov.
3 al the S h e rman
Botanist Van Bobbitt
w ill lead the urban
nature walk , which will
begin at the facility 's
parking lot at 2647 E
Coast Highway, Corona
del Mar.
The program 1s free to
the public Mo re 1n
formation is available
by calling 673·2261
Harbor View
Q uh to Meet
Har bor Vl•w Hi ll•
Gant. Club 11Mtm ben
wtU ...,,. •boa\ ''Holl· d ay Decontlon" at 9:30
a.m. Wednesday al the
Corona del Mar home of
Mrs. Edward Romeo.
Marilyn Harmon of
Tustin will present the
Prepar atio n
tbey bave been reJeued ud an
not b=ed by eta, dmt or peatld ea, a lJnh'eralty of
Caltfornla. Riveralde, re·
Hareber reporta.
Mike J . RoM, UCR staff re·
search uaoclate, aaya that
bloloslcal control b y the
beneficial wupe remains aood
in areas ol Loll Anaelea, Oraae
and San Die10 counties where
the WUPI are widely eatabllabed
and interf~ by lbe factors
mentioned above la not severe.
THE WOOU.Y whitefly la a
leaf-blackenin1. fruit-damalina
peat of citrus from Ar&entiAa to
Mexico, throua,bout the Carib-
bean. and in Florida. First
California infestations of the
peat were discovered in 1966
near San Diego.
Since then. the pest bas been
moving steadUy northward and
into the interior of the st.ate. To
date. infestations in California
have occurred as far north as
Santa Barbara county.
For the past several years,
veteran UCR biok>gical control
expert Paul DeBacb and Rose
have been introducing and col·
onizing beneficial wasp spedes
at whitefly infestation sit.es to
bring the pest under biological
control. Earlier attempts to
e radicate the p es t with
chemicals failed.
I Nursery Special j
'MYSTERY' Beourtful corsage-stze. fra grant
V'UTCHll Smaller. fragrant
blooms. More com ct · owth • • •
1 Gal
Reg 2.98 I . c J 7
Tbe wu_pe, 1maJler tlaM a
pin bMd, IQ UMlr .... '-We
UM 1mmenn a..,.. of tbe wool·
11 wb!Wly.,.... .... batda ...
crow lDto adulta, HUa•. dMt
wbJtefl)' ID tbe proe .... Upaa
emer1eaee from t~• dead nympbl, the .,..,. mas. ud la,y
more e1a.a la other wbltelly
When UPCOOtroUed, ROM Mid.
the wbltefiy ralH• bavoc in
trees that it inf eat.a heavily. lt
sucks the aap from leavet and
secretes waxy filaments that
cover the underside of leaves.
THE IM•ATU&E lar val
stages of tbe peat exude a sweet
sticky aubltance -boneyclew -
on which sooty mold fwacua
grows. Thus. when honeydew
falls on the upper leaf surface,
sooty mold blocks out sunlilbt,
and this restricts the tree's food
production < photosynthesia >.
These combined effecta cause
the tree to ao into a decline,
often followed by defoliation,
and results in lower fru it
Ants satber honeydew from
tbe whitefly. Rose explained,
and disturb or kill the wup
parasites in the process; ants
must be controlled if biolollcal
control of woolly wbitefiy and
other citrus pests is to work.
Excellent londScape shrub
or conto,nM ptont.
TAKEADYANTAGEOFOU!.~IL l:El1r•tmJ ~::,aror ~
5 LS. Bog C<MtfS IWl:'I
100 sq. ft Reg. 179 llli.UI
2 cu n. eoo
Reg 299
} 1-"lom• Stwrial )
•) C)O I -· () c oz.
Flortsr wrapped.
-------------------son is coarse. Alter they are establlabed, they will
Get your rhododen·
drons and azaleas ready
for winter by mulching
around the plants being
careful to not cultivate
more than an inch or
hair an inch u these are
sba llow rooted. Al.so, if
you haven't already,.
prune berry vines back,
clean under fndt trees.
p ick off dead flower
beads and 1enerally
Fafl/Wlntirr Color
November is an excel-
lent time to Introduce
lively color to a fading
garden bed. Winter and
spring annuals benefit
from an eerty planting and
produce premium blooms
throughout the season.
With careful site selection
and conscientious bed
preparation. colorful and
versatile annuals will carry
the landscape right thru
the dreariest weather.
Enhance sunny loca-
tlons with a variety of
tall. medium and trailing
plants. Old fash ioned
Stock bursts forth in Inch
Wtde blooms of lavender.
pink. white. red. yellow
and blue. They stand 12
Jo 36 Inches tall and add
spicy-sweet fragrance to
every setting. Violas and
Pansies do best In full sun
.-1ong the coast and shad·
ter spote Inland. Use their
brilliant blues. yellows,
whites. rubles. orange•
•nd trlooeolor~ to your
belt advantage In Window
<boxes. matt pla nting•
•nd border and e dge
are11. The dalsy..flke dou-
ble blooms of Pacific
8Nuty C.'9ndulaa make
out1t1ndlng container
p11nt1 end 1trtklng group
_,.,.ngementa. Their ~
tow. Of8nge, pentmrnon
and cream tlowefl are
Jong taatlng When cut.
~ delai.ty acented
By Bruce Bates
3 inch paper-like blooms
of the Iceland Poppy are
found in vivid tones of
white, pink, rose, salmon.
orange and yeflow. Whe-
ther tall or Short, alooe or
In groups, pastel colored
Snapdragons add accent
to the winter landscape.
Brighten up those
shady corners with a mul·
tltude. of primroses. Al-
though there are more
than 600 varieties. English.
Fairy and Polyantha Prim·
rose are the most beaut1·
lul, they flower freely In
every color ot the rainbow.
Perennial Cyclamen nat-
uralize well in rock gar·
dens and among camellias
and ferns. Thei r whlrli-
blrd blooms stand inches1 above Interesting heart-
shaped leaves. Decorate
a favorite living area with
senaatlonal clnerarlas.
Their red, pink, blue and
purple dalay flower• are
often banded by white
The key to successful
wfnttr garden Is to provide
annual• with a fight ioll
mixture and good drain-
age. Cultivate the bed1
8 to 12 Inches deep with
Soll Prep Planting Mix
and Roger's Soll Activator
to enaure proper root
growth. Roger'• FloW.r
Food should be apphed
every two weeks through-
out the growing season.
not need any water durtna the warm summer
months. OM!ck out the Calllomia Glory variety
which grows to 20 feet and gives you a profUH,
1001-lutine bloom of flowers richly yellow l.naide
~us or more commonly called mountain _c_lean __ up_your __ garde __ n_. _ __::._. --======
lilac or wild lllac comes in forms from creeping .. ground cover to am all l'"*· It flowers lo the ( {'I
spring in all shades of white, blue to deep violet blue. r-....J
Too much water for lbis California naUve will live tt • , .. 1
and Unced with red out.aide.
root rot. "r I
IT, 100, 18 BEST SUITED to an area that baa
well drained soU and for a landscape situaUoo re·
quiring minimum maintenance. Alter' established.
they survive with water they set durine the rainy
seasons and from lhe subsoil in wanner seasons.
For these California natives, fall la the tradl·
llonal time to plant because they will have all
winter to get their roots established and require
less attention to the nexl year.
Dig extra deep boles and use a good, loose
planting mix and humus mixed with 50 percent or
native BOU. Set the plants on a cushion of about 6
inches of the same planting mix used around the
root mass and water immediately with a slow
stream from your hose.
Praning ...
• lnc ru H • pl'oclactio1ftllFi!NA
• Direct. growth
• lmprowe health
Let o •r c•pcrt• help ~oul ·-~ ... ~ .. ,
Semina r•
Tluar., Sat ., S••· 2:00 pm
ff09"\ GerdfM • 64().5800
s.i Jc*IUln '" MlicArth~ • ~Be.ch• CJ am·f> pm
' I
.. J
r {
garden shop
,._,Now 1.., tr.._ NOW ea.
20°/o OFF
....... Maile•,,._ ............... ....... ,.c...'9• ... ..... ae.. ...... ..
, .. u.
lftMrWW.'· , ....... .....
1 ... SJ.41•
llOW sp.
"NISH 1110M THI M1M. •
... CAteT fttA T tor el!Ctl ctllld accomc>enie<S
by an adult .. Oct 17 through Oct. 31
U IB •'.I MOUltS: Of'IM 'T1L t P.M. MOMAAT.
A l.L Mblli IU9.ltt'T TO ITOC'll °" HAHi> -om• 0000 ...,. " .. 11 o1'f
OPEN MON, THAU P:RI 7-8, SAT 8-e, SUN t-&
MS4' 2028 Newport Blvd. (ot Boy St.) Costo Mtto. CA 9'Jlll7 I {71 _.) 6o46-7.U1
r ...
-___ ....._ _________________ . __ ------------... -----------. .. ----------
Curb Due hi OC
Sil1'Br Circle Ha11N ~
97 O.C. IRlm:NGI .............. Lt. Oo'f. 111'• C.r~ wlU ,,,_
Or .... o.iM1 ... tikw Nov. 11 at tM ._.Au Coumt"1 Chab.
TM eomt.1 OOP'1 lllver Circle
Cl\ab'8 ...... U.ttolp.m.~ Uoa. ~ for tM • _,... ,...._...a c• be made bY ull1nl sn.-i.. . ........... Clrde ... poup ol local
l\•P9bk• ltalwarta. lloeey ralled ~ tWt effortl Mlpe Pl'1 for
day.to-dQ oPer8Uoel of k»eal GOP
otfttee, •UDPOl"ll voter natslr•Uoft drtva -'·au.lab Republfcan cQ·
didatea. Cbai~ of the Silver Cittle la
Dale J)yluaa. Vice cbalrmeD are
Robert 8eaver and Job Rau and the
finance cbalnnan la John Flemm.int. ••• DAN llAllAl'l'EY, 31 , will be
spendine tbe next two mOGtba direct·
in& a voter reliatration drive in Hun-
lin1ton Beach on behalf of the
Libertarian Party.
Ora.op County bas been the focal
point ot a 9tatewide reciltration ef ·
fort t.o qualify the Libertarian Party
for permanent ballot status in
California. Jack Dean, chairman of
the party's Orange County Central
Committee. says there are now 4,060
Lit.ertartans In Huntington Beach,
compared to 183 in January of this
Mahaffey, membership cbalrman
for the Libertarian Central Commit·
tee, is president of the Mahaffey
Machine Co. of Huntington-Beach. A
22-year resident of the city, be is a
graduate of Marina High and has at·
tended Golden West College. Orange
Coast College and UC Irvine.
••• AllS••LY•AN 81C•AaD ... ..,.. O.Lol Aqe)M, wt1I .,.. ........., ....... tbe 10.,..,.,.....
dmMr for alumal MCI It ..... ID UC
lnlH'• &ducatlonal Opportwalty p...,..,...
Tiie ...,....._ wm cap a pro..
1ram eall•d "SOP : Era of Proe,.....'' beliaAlAI at i :ao p.m. at
UCJ°I Gateway Plaaa. Tbe dinner
pt.I under w~ at l :IO p.m. at the •••lltrY HIMl. ••• COVNTY svraavuoa Harrtett
Wieder will 1peak Nov. 4 al • meet·
lnl ol the Amltoa de Bolaa Cblea.
Mn. Wledel' ii espect.ed t.o dileuaa her poaltkml on varioua matters COO·
cerniq.tbe Bolu Chica.
The meeti.na ii aet for 7:'5 p.m. at
tbe home ol lluntmctoo Beach Clly
Councilwoman Ruth Finley, 16111
Angler Lane, Huntington Beach.
••• CONG•ESS•AN DAN Lunaren,
R-Long Beach. says be is sendinl a
member of his staff to Huntington
Beach Monday to meet the people of
the Mtb Congressional District.
Lundgren aide Vi ctor Arnold·Blk is
scheduled to be al lhe Huntington
Beach Senior Citlzen Center on
Orange Avenµe from 3:30to4:30p.m.
terson, D·Santa Ana. is to discuss the
future of the proposed Orange Coast
National Urba.n Park Monday night
in Newport Beach.
Patterson will be speaking lo the
Friends ol the Irvine Coast. They'll
be meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Oasis
Center al 5th and Ma rguerite
avenues in Corona del Mar.
Dog Tags Spell Cash
For -Explorer Scouts
Thanks to Oran ge Coun ty
Supervisors, Explorer Scout Post 538
will be inundated with obsolete dol!
tags -58,000 of them
Topic Talk ... A .,.......lllD on domestic violence, aaouanid .. $llil .JAU¥e ol WOCMD "~ olonQ• Count1 Is ICbeduled ....... ~llllalD ...... .... The symposium begins at 9: lS a.m.
aQd CCJDCludes al 3 p. m. The program
._,.a or a• •i • e d , a 1 ea Sue · •keawomaa aald, to promote
awar--. of family violenee.
Speaken al \he s71ftpoalum w\11 in·
elude state Sen. Robert Praley. D·
Riverside, and M\cbael Welllns, crisis
intervention therapist for the Orange
Police Department.
Registr ation with lunch is $8.
without lunch $3. For additional m·
formation. call 770-4245. or 528-6805
Autlwr Due
Author Jan Myrdal will give a lee·
ture lilied "Cambodia -Eyewitness
View of a Guerrilla War" at 8 o.m.
Tuesday in Uc.; Irvine's science
Lecture Hall. Tickets are $1 and may
be purchased at the door.
Myrdal spent several days a.mong
the guerrilla forces of Pol Pot U\ the
jun&lee ol Cambodia in September.
There be obRrved the conditions and
military maneuvers of the forces
fighting the Vietnamese.
Myrdal, the son of famed Swedish
economist Gunnar Myrdal, bas been
visiting and writiDC about the Far
East, notably China, since the early
Supervisors agreed earlier this
week to pass up the $440 the surplus
metal tags would have brought the
county as salvage.
tags were donated t.o the youngatera
aa a way of recognising the 1,000
volunteer hours invested by lhe
scouts on behalf of the county'•
animal shelter. a letter to
superviaon Aid.
Bat clcmetlcm al die tao wUl .... a be•d ...... lor comr, aftletalll, &oo •
COlledlan ol -.... Ill tbe ...... have besieged animal sheller
employees with request.a for tap.
·'The doamtion will allow tbe Ex·
ploren to deal wltb th.la annoyance
and gain whatever income there will
be." tbe leUel' from former county
Health Officer Kort.on Nel.aon said.
Nelson said the dog tag collect.on will often pay more than tbe value of
the metal in order to add to their col·
21-year-old animal service students
who have assisted animal shelter
employees at rabies clinics, Nelson
The scouts have also talked to
elementary and high school classes,
manned career day information
booths. set up shopping center in-
formation displays and dld stand·bY
duty for possible evacuation of
animals endangered by brush fires.
Deficit Eases
emment announced Thursday that it
ended the 1979 fiscal year with a
budget deficit of $27. 7 billion. the
smallest red ink total in five years.
end8'mday SILVER
aad ••re. nights
Lots of cl~ rings Ind "rrings,
gold cheins, fine china and
Cf'/1tal, bronzes, some fumi·
Oct. 26,
27 and 28
twe. oill, chandeliers, br•
..,,Jll, *·
Something f0t ewtYone
-from $1 .00 up. Fnt
ldmistlon. 81nk '•
Amerb. Matter °""'· CjMCk•.
Inspection of all merc:Nlndile
Friday, Saturday, end Sunday
2-6 P.M. and 7 • 8 P.M .
gallerle• ltd.
2542 West Coast Highway
Newport Beach, CA
(714) ,845-2200
COMSIGtlu•ns ACC•••
Bullock"s Wil~hirc.
J C Penn~
Back Strcc1 Feminine Aurre
Ellen Caner
Cathy Jcan1Couns1dc
(~soon1 John Hog•n
Ual\1 of Cahfornia
The Look
"-· Oc~ •• 1971 DAILY PILOT
A Gourmet Shop and More •••
Here's a "country store" atmosphete where the aroma of splGes.
herbs and teas fllls the air. You'll grtnd your own fresh J>eM'Ut
butter or c.otfee just like grandma used to do. Gourmet cookware
and kltchen decor Items can be found on eYefY shetf. And a wide
vartety of ftOOS< quality gift and house plants make It sptingtlme
every day of the year!
Opening Monday, October 29
Bring In this •d for •
-~ STOUHOUISi --°'·''"""""'""' ~ ........
"'rl'e olft(nd .. _.-.... ~··
Mon ·fr1. 10 a.m. ro 6 p.m. Sat.&. Sun. 10 a.. p.m.
Shopping Experience
to Equal
Al f·a,c
{c!lftllnit 1/811 Hroub Uru1hc:r'
( tl\l'V\ &l (. Offil',\O~
I he: I nol.. CtUY' (icJr
P 0 !\.II
Paul Allan
I 1ci.11 "'oot~car
Hemphill'' Shon
Hug1n') Shon
I eedi.
~1Jndcf\ Shoe) & O..,omc1h1ng ll't'
'cwpon Children ' 80011:r'
1Jog1t'S Pia~
Bob Burn'
1 he: Red Balloon, I td
I I f>oco Candb
Valley HaJlm • .rk
Bcncll~'s lugag<
Cran Worts
Fony Lo"c
Kul's I oys. Stationus. Hobb'"
Near~ Spon1ng Good~
M Robcnc•
l·ranc1,can ltounr
!he hhmder
I 1do Ruffel
Newpon l\tutrd Kt,11
Pcnney11o Cottec: l\hop
Thc R1~
l ruly N:uur.ally Hc.illh .. ood>
Vc:l~ct l unlc
'111ma10\ ./
Yono«\ Yo111!11
/odiac: Room
SP[ClALn' !\HO~
11.t JllC'qllC'l, .. urnc.-r
rt~ Tobaccon"I
\ 11es Music Crl\lrr
Motherhood M1ucrn11y ~hop
The Place
Brc:ll Wallett Nc~pott
Gemstone Dn1gn J~clen
Slav1c:k's Jeweler'
Rwiso's Wonderful World of r c1'
Monday • .,.._.•Y alMI Friday:
lt:tt ..... -t:tt p.in.
Jean Ryan Fashion
The Show-Off
Soipce Womcn·s Apparel
We1nen Fine Jewel~
Wyndham Le11h U11mond'
8. Dallon Bookseller
Doubleday Bnnk Shop
Bath Shop
Nettle Creek Shop
Hickory Farms
T•&t1y, W~y AllHISatwhy:
Suttday: U llOOft to 5:tt P·•·
......,. Morn Oii'" \"'""'a --
'°')OU• •hn~CfVIWftO(-
. .. .. .. .
•, .. . . . .. . . • .
.. .
•. .. ..
. . • • f
) • I
Tile Best Show la Town
There'• Room/or All in Tulaa's Mall •1 llUGB A. MULLIGAN ~ ...... c-.; ___ _
TULSA, Otla -~andorm· ln• diao .• .., ... dowutow11
tlr'Mtl ri*> parklike pecleltrim
malll Ml Pl'Oftd to be t.M moat
unexpected dell1ht from
munldpal 1overnmenl 1lace
New Yor-lh1qr florello
wGuardla read lhe fwiny ~
to Ute ti• over the radio.
Nowlhederetlct.undt.b dead-
beat• can alp their muacat,.I
ln a pleuina. polluUon·free eo vironment o£ plMblna fountalnl
and f1oodllt treet, tb n al p the
morrow awa y under
weatberproor, 1lasaed -in
racadea on bencb aeneroualy
provided by t.be llxpayer'1
arauy oaata In the concrete
junale upon which to park Ulesr
rucluacka and 1uru·garbed
bonea and Ugbt up smokeables
not covered in the surgeon
general's cautionary prose.
Al noontime, when the office
workers descend en muse from
the skyscrapers upon the salad
bars and hamburger emporia,
the mall becomes a theater in
the round for unreconstructed
voyeurs who have yet to learn
that tbose curvaceous creatures
ln the tight sweaters and slacks
•• .,.. ,.... , .... l14
( )
end lbilh·bl,a. 1Ut uhu are not•
mere ~1 object.a buL can.~•r·
oriented acblev.n ln qu t ol 1
role rever1al b1\wtcn \ht
powder room and th• board
Orlften. drlftera and uc-
tuiooa.I waUet·Uflert ran noat
amons UM-aboppen. buoyed by
the t.bcMq(ht thal lbey only have
to oulnm a cop and oot a squad
SE uaE P•o• TaAFFlC
haiatd.s, lhcre ts room here for
baby carnages, skate boards,
rampag,ng urchins and the
shoplifter's rree-form 100-meltir
Downtown Tulsa has one of
the nicest , mos t democratic
malls this peripatetic picker at
the portable Underwood has
ever paused to picnic from a
paper sack upon.
There 1s room upon the mall
here for an infinite variety of
human life: hard-rock bands,
street corner Bible thumpers,
leolarded lovelies shilling for a
he alth clinic, shoppers crim·
maging over a bargain, lovers
boldh\I hand.I by a waterfall
tamponril.)' out of repair , old
men tt.orinc up the noonday tun
a1alnat t.be advance of winter,
1lrl·watcbera tlmlna the ad·
vance ol a 1lubed aklrt with t.be
wind off the Arkaoua River,
tcld• playloai hopscotch on tbe
brtdl walk, coovtotlon deleaiatea
aeeklna surcease from the sun-
Ina air In the meetln& rooms of
th nearby hotels and a few
double knit, three-piece finan-
cial types 1>layin1 hooky from
their aeriM in tbe Sooner
federal building because they'd
sooner look at tbe &irls.
ONE NOON, AS I proceeded
along the mall, a folk singer
with electronic guitar was bray-
ing into a mind-otillleratiog
bank of tu-fi speakers, totally
w1p10g out a nearby sidewalk
evangelist who had kept his
megaphone at "the audience re-
Jection level" so as not to offend
the unsaved.
All in all, the mall cost about
$3 million and has been open for
strolling for slightly over a year
and a half. It not only saved
downtown Tulsa. but also re·
gularly provides for free the
best show in town: humanity in
Hints Outlined
For Mechanics
Deu Joy~: A eohlaa MKrtbed brtPt pro-
spects I• a1rcnft medaalcs. Ola yealtf la May I
obtal8ed a bacJlelot•a decree la ariatlea mata-
&eaaec:e a.ad maaasemeat; my res .. e la eedeeed.
I am wortdae as aa a•lo meclaaale beeaue I
laave beee uable lo set a Job wttla tile alrllaes.
After ftlllag CMlt appllut.loa at eaela alrllae lllat
serves tlala area, all tlley llave dome ls lo pat me on
tbe waJtlag Ust for six moatlas. All they waal are
experienced people. Why won't they &Jve me a
chance to pro"e myself? AwalUag your reply, I re·
-Frustrated In Chicago
Yours b a common beginners' lament fo r all
career fields .
"Apparentty we're now on the old road taken
by the original tourists.
Employers are re luctant lo hire raw beginners
for sensitive jobs for the s ame reason you would
not cboose to be a new surgeon's first operation;
job experience indicate& you actually can do what
you learned to do in school.
HENRY s. SWULL,.., 11, re111dent JEANNE s.. HAVANT. r~t of
1' Buena Perl!. CA Paned away on S..nta Ana, C. P•uecl •w•y on Oc·
Jteclnud•Y. October 14, "7' 1n t-r 7•. 1'7'1 ~Is surv1...i by i..r
1n•llelm, C• Mr Sllull ••• ••fl •on Louh . d.tuQhlf'r\ H•nrl•trt-
moloyecl In_,_ contrecton In Cau•t•lli of Franu, Ju-Ouef\ln
he LO\ AnQe!M ••H for mor• IN!" so """ ci.-11~ L--11 001'1 of s.nte
.... H• "'" •l'IO" Vt'lttan Of World AM , C• IS Q<-ll•ldron """ '9rut V•r I He os wrvtVt'd by Ill\ wile (or~ 9r andc nlld Funeral wrvoco ..,.,,,.
on ~Dfgt ( !thull of C.D\ta ~... ll•ld on Frlclo ., I OOPM •I lh•
• • 7 GaUQl'ller~. E•••Yn 8 v&n C.lder P•cifl< V-Ctwti»t woth "''••m•nt
I PllKenll• •ncl Hel.., l Cll,,.. of lmmedlottl'ly to4low•n1,1 5"rv1t•• undf'<
1.trb or C ity, C•, .tho t o U•t d trec11on of Smith l Tut!"" randch lldre n •nd I t 11 r •.tl Wn tcllttClwloel .._ ...
r•nckholdren Fri-• m11y call from MAltlC*
SO WHEN VOU CAN'T LASSO your immediate
job target, the answer ls to land lbe most closely re-
1 ate d job you can wblle coolinu lnJl. to
move toward your goal; night work b~Uds yo.ur ex·
perience base and leaves
days free for interviews ( J Airline employment, CAREERS
for exampl e . 1s con·
s 1de red a s tep up for
ge neral av1a t1 on
mecharucs. Wh y 1s "Fru!-tlrated" repa1 nng cars
instead of getting relevant experience at a s mall
J•n L••aur• H•nd9 Coupon• to C•ahler
Coupons, Refunds
Fighl Inflation
CHICAGO <A P > Jan Leasure figures 1be baa 3,000 money.
saving coupons around her house, more than she can ever use.
So the 30-year-old EoglWl teacher. wbo estimates abe bu
saved $1,400 ln the last year by battling inflation with coupons and
rerunds atta~es some to each copy of her monthly newsletter.
"Refonden Against tnflaUon" -a publlcatioe with ita own refund
.. , HAVE 5M COUPON·CUPPING sub&cnbera in 28 slates and
the clrculatioo is growing," the Wautecan Jwnor bigh scbool
teacher said "A year 's subscription is SlO. A peraoo can aave that
much by jual going to her medicine cabloet and readlnc aome ol
tbe refunds avaJlable on certain items."
Mn. Leasure sa1d she became coupoo-cooscaous two yean
"My husband also is a teacher and we just couldn't lffm to
keep up a lifestyle we wanted on our two s aJaries. Then, too, we
had a daughter 17 months ago," she said
my regular shopping,'· she said "Now I spend about four hours a
week making the rounds of hardware stores, drug stores and
supermarkets in Lake County "
There's a b1 R d1ff<.orc·ncc between coupons and refund Corms.
said Mr.. IRasurc Coupons are cash off deals on many items .
while refund form'> t::HI bt• '>t·nt in for cash r ... tum:-. Most forms
are on the packaJ.:ed produt:t or dJspteyed nea rby
"I make the rounds of stores. ta~ notes on refund offers I hnd
and Ust them in my newsletter,'' sa1d Mrs. Leasure. "UsuaJly
about 200 offers are listed every month -most of lbem are new.
but some are holdovers wilb a 90-to 90-day expiration date.
"I BUY ONLY THE aEGVLAa ITE•S my famUy uses and
get my refund forms that way -dog rood. baby food , pop and so
forth," she said. "You cerla.lnly wou.ldo't buy aomethina you didn'l
need just fo get a form. ln the fint 11 daya t.bia mOll&b. I've cqtteo
$29.SO ln refWld.s. ln the last year lt amounted to $.WI in cub. Sav-
ings by using coupons for the same time were Sl,040 "
Mrs Leasure said that during a year . 80 percent to 90 percent
of grocery items U'>t" roupon come-ons A particularly big coupon
coup comes when ~h(• finds an appeahn~ bar~am and buys tn bulk
"I've ~ottcn a~ mur h as Sl30 \I.Orth of g rO<'enes for SJO cash. ·
she said
She start.t'd hrr nt'w..,lctter 1n September after a bnef advertJs
ing campa1~n tkader.., get SI for ever} new subscnber lbe)
and service stations are in·
cre11ingly popular target.a of
robbers. burglars are ahlflln&
their working houn from nilbt·
Ume to daytime and arrest.I for
drug violations have dropped
sharply in the put five yean,
the FBI reports.
These were among the find-
ings In the bureau's 1978 annual
report on crime trenda wblcb ts
baaed on reports from about
15,000 state, county and local
police agencies.
said, the national crime rate
rose 2 percent over 1977.
But it fails to reflect • sharp
increase in major crimes that
the FBI has discovered this
year. It reported earlier Uus
month that the crime rate rose 9
percent in the first half of 19'79
over the same period in ms.
continuing a trend that ap-
parently began In the latter half
of last year.
FBI officials are reluctant to
give reasons for the turnaround,
although some have said that
harder economic times may be
contributing to a sharp rise m
property crimes
FOa lt'18, THE violent crimes
of murder, rorcible rape, rob-
bery and aggravated assault
rose by 5 percent. Property
crimes, which represent 90 per-
cent of the tot.al offenses in the
FBI report. rose by 2 percent.
This group includes burglary.
lar ceny-theft and car theft.
Banlr. robberies rose .tJ per-
cent from 1974 lo 1978 and
service station robberies rose 52
percent in that penod.
The FBI has removed itself
for the most part from in-
ves tigating bank robberies ,
leaving solution of the crime t-0
local pohce as it turns more to
soph1st1C'ated while-collar and
orgamz.ed cnme
AR RF.,!,'TS FOR DRUG abuse
v1olat1on.'I in 1978 decreased by I
percent 1-'rom 1974, drug arrest:,
dropped 17 percent.
The t 'l:U did not offer any rea-
sons for the trend declining lo
uy If JocaJ police were becom-
ing more tolerant of minor drug
offenses. parucularly involving marijuana.
The FBI &aid that aiace 19"14
burglaries of homes b a d
dropped 1 percent during the
rught and had risen 10 percent
d ur ing da y tim e h o urs
Burglanes mvolving all other
buildings <hpped 15 percent dur-
ing mghttJme hours and rose 18
~rcent in the daytime 111 the
1974-1978 penod
J:OO ,,_,to 2.00PM on Frtdey, Oc MINNIE P. MAAIOf-1, -''· reu 'lber 2•, t97'1 •I ForHI Lawn Cypru• dent of 1'4Ufltlnt,iton 8e•<l'l. C• •o•
lortuery. Gf'•..,slde -•IU•\ wlll be more .,,., ~ -· Died W.Onesd•Y.
Ofldu<tacl at 2:JOPM al Forni I.Awn· Octo«>er 24, '"' at Pecillca ~Ital yprns with Rev. Rl<.k Ertel otflcl•t· In edclltlon to belno one of the DIDnftrs
IQ. Plerca 8roti..rs Smit~' Mortuary of Hunllnvton Beed\, Ca. 5M was a
!rectors. ~S39. member of ti. Seeslde CNtPler • 2YI.
But the larger problem for beginners in all
fields who can't crack the no-experience barrier is
their naivete.
After reading the frustrated mechanlcs's in-
sipid resume, I s uspect that in interviews he
comes across as "Here I am with my airplane-fixing
degree ready to hear your orter, · • when be should be
communicating, "I am excellent at fixinB
airplanes, which I learned how to do al airplane
school, and It would be to your advantage lo hire
me for these concrete reasons. . . "
Quake Policies Vary
MUlt~MY Order ot ""' ustern SI.tr Beloved CHARLES L. MURPHY,,..,..,...,, of INllller Of Mary Brlml>erry of Cotl-
Kla Mew, C.. P•uecl •way on Oc· Grove, Or-vor>. """ A.C. Marlon of
iber H, 1'7'1 In Newl)ort 8"11<11. C.. Munllnvton a..c11, c.., •Ito wrvivlno le wes born In New Yori! City on ND•· ere 7 9renclcllllclren encl 7 t,ireat-
'"ber I. 11GJ -c.,... IO Muntl"91Dft 11,..n«hl-. -1 br-r~ s.mue1 ;e11c:I\, Q . Jn TW7 .... wH moit .t<llva W. Miiier of Huntlnoton BelKll, C..
• 901tlno circi. -wfll be mlsMcl by """ R•Y Miit« of -..11e1c1, C•. iany lrleneft. He wu the beloved Funer•I .,.,,kn wlll be c.onduci.d on
oll>er of Olel1" -Dlnf\11 end ttle S.turO.y, ~ 27, 117' at ll :JOPM ""'119 ..,.....,,._ of kalt, •ISO sur-.t Pierce llfotN" SmltM' Mort....,.,
l....S bot,...,._ E-Dunn of Deft. with Rev. Al-. w. J--ttle Of· Ille, New Jenttt. ,._,...., .. Mrvlcft Ileen of tht Senlde owioter •2ff,
<Ill be Nld., s.tutMY, Octotler 21, Oroer of Ille Ee5tern SUlr ott1ci.t1"9-m •I J:9PM M tM 0-1 of $1, A.,. lnterrftenl will be In We1tmln1ter
,.._., ~ Olur<I\, Hew-1 Memorlel P•rk. Pierce &rol,.,ers MC.fl, Ca ........ tM ...... PMOI Str-SmltM' ~ .. rldon.. ~.
ltkl.t)ftf. o.m.tlOn -tMHlel et PATE ... Tiie ..._.. S«.i.ty of 0r""91 MAltOARET PATE, 9917', resident
D\Mlty~ ot l"ount.Mn Valley, C.. P••--•Y :;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'on Tll<lrtdlty. Octotlff ,5, 1'7' et IM1' .... , ...... ,
7801 Bolsa Ava
rAc.tC YllW ...., .. Al, ...
Cerreterv Mortuary
3500 Pacific View Drive
NewPort Beach
Laauna Beech
"494·941 5 Laouna Hills
San Juan Cap1slrano
MAllOI LAWM-MT. Oll'tl
Mortuary• Cemelery
1625 Gisler A11e
Costa Mesa
Costa Mesa
110 Broadw•v
Costa Mesa
Wllla.W CHAHl
Mottu.,y • Creme llons
421 E 17th St
'9CI mG'TMml
....rMI' MOnUMT
W1Meln St
._,nt1""'on S.ach
&»t63lil •
resl-. Sutvlvlng .,.. • .S.UQll!Ur MerJorl• II. Perkins of Fou11l•lt1
V .. ley, ca. .,.. 2 -In Torr"'9ton.'
Wyomlf19. F-ral ....,,kn wlll i..
c.onduci.tl on,,_.,..,, Oct«*er 2'. ".,, In Torrington, Wyomlt19. Pierce
Brothen Sml1M' '°"""'*'Y torwerdlng
&l!RTHA VA~AN, 991 It, rnl-
Clefll of r..nc. Afle, c.. Pe,_ •way on
TUftCl•y, Octoller U, "7' .t Ille Sent• An•· Tustin Community Hospllel.
Sllrvl¥9CI by t IOM ROCIH't VeUQllen of
s.nte Ana, c.. -John VaU91\an of
Smllllt Gro.,., Kentucky, etso 3
orendclllldren end 3 vre•t
9r11nckl\I-. ""'-' m11y <•II at Pierce Brothen ~mllll$' Mortuary
from •:OOAM until tlriw of <1ervlces .ti
12 00 noon on Mondev. O<lot>er tt.
1•1•. Interment wlll be In MOftteclto Memorlel Park. s.ri ~rNrdll>D, C•.
Pierce &rotl\ers Smllht' Morluar y
FRANK R. PETERSON, -0-'3, re.
thtent of Huntington S.K,.., C• A
former rnlcleflt of "'-"1•, Arlron•,
1141sMd away on TU!Hd.ty, Octoti.r 13,
,.,, Mr ~ Md been • ""' •mployecl contr«IOf In Ille ,,_,.,.
..... for "*IY Yffn Survlwd by I ....,
Lester R CPtt•> ,....,'°" of Hum-
I n 9 ton B••Ch , C•., •l so 7
or•nclclllld ren •nd s 9re•I
orenctclllldren Nk hetlOt wrvk u •Ill
be c.encluctacl on Sel-Y. Nowmber
10, 1'7' et ll·OOAM at Orffnw-
Memorl•I Perk In "'-"'•· ArllOfl•. Plero llro-s Smlthl' 11\ortuary
dire< ton.~.
ST. PAUL, Mi no .
(AP) -1a1m M . BIHld,
71, retired chairman and
chief execuUve officer of
the Burlington Northern
railroad. died Thursday.
-S .... LfteUU.11,
a bu1lne11man, civic
leader, autbortty on
birds aa4 columnt1t,
lated experience, take pains lo become a regular
in the circles in which you'd like to wort; make
friend.a with people who can give you advance
woTd of job openings; read the field's literature re·
Ugiously. Every contact, every piece of pertinent
information helps you move from "outsider" lo
Persistence Is a cliche but cllches usually
became so for good reason; keep calling back on
employers even when they say there won't be an
opening for five years.
A book by Don Berliner ls appropriate: "Want
a job? Gel Some Experience? Want Experience?
Get a Job." It's available for $5.95 In paperback at
stores, or from American Management Associa·
lions. 135 W. soth St .. New York , N.Y. 10020.
LOS ANGELES <APl -Homeowners m Im·
perial County, for reasons that became obvious re·
cenUy, pay more for earthquake insurance than
anyone else In California. And because it·s ex-
pensive. a few buy It
The biggest home Insurer in CaJHomia, State
Farm lmurance Company. eslJmates that only 4
percent or its Imperial County policyholders
purchased earthquake insurance.
homeowners in a 25-county area of the Sierra did
and more than one and a ha lf limes what anyone
else in California did
"People tend to buy earthquake coverage im-
mediately after an earthquake and lapse it a year
later,'' says State Farm Regional Vice President
Roger Tompkins "Re latively speaking. earth·
quake insurance 1s expensive In the minds of most
Earthquake insurance in Los Angeles Oounty
C'Osts S200 a year for a $100,000 wood frame house.
On top Of whateVl'r lhc homeowner IS already pay
Ing for normal cov<:rH~(.·
state. but a homeowner in lhe San Fernando
Valley pays about $400 a yeitr for a policy covering
a house valued at $96,000. contents valued at
S36.000 and garage and other buildings valued at
Earthquake policies also carry a 5 percent de-
ductible clause. meaning that the owner of that
Sl00.000 wood frame house would have to absorb
the first SS.000 worth or quake damage personally.
The policies also define quakes as all shocks
within a 72·hour period. so tr there's aoolber quake
the 5 percent deductible would apply au over again
for Imperial County homeowners.
Judged most secure by ins urance companies pay
$160 for earthquake coverage on that SI00,000 wood
frame house. In Imperial County, they pay $325.
Basic homeowner policies usually include fire
protection. so if an earthquake starts a fire that
burns down the bedroom. it's covered. If. however.
the earthquake causes a tidal wave that sweeps
the bedroom away, it's not covered.
PUBLIC NOTICE American students go to Paris ...
Tumbleweed Harris. a
fix lure in t his San
Bernardino County des-
ert community for dee·
ades will be buried Satur·
day in the town's Boot
Hill Cemetery. He died
Oct. 8 at Barstow Com-
munity Hospital.
H e r oamed
California's deserts for
most of bis adult Ille.
One summer. he walked
from Calico Ghost Town
to Death Valley and
back, s~ simply he
wanted to aee ii be could
He appeared on local
and national television
and ln 1IM worked aa a
1treet ch aracter at
Knott'• Berry Farm, re·
gaUns cu-ta with tales
of auch men H Bad
Wa ter Bill, Wheelbar-
row Tex and Seldom
The Housing and Community Development
Advisory Board of the City of Fountain Valley w111
hold a public hearing on the City's Sixth Vear
Housing and Community Development Bloc.k
Grant Application on November 7, 1979, at 7·30
p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 10200 Slater
Avenue. The purpose of the hearlr10 Is to sollcit
public Input into the Plannino of the City's Sixth
Vear Housing and Community Development
Block Grant program. New protects and projec ts
continuing from previous years programs cur-
rently under consideration Include: en Funding
for the construction of "A" Circle In the City's
Housing and Community Development Taroet
Area, the Colonla Juarez; (2) Partial funding for
the construction of a community-wide senior
citizens center ; (3) Fundlno for the administra-
tion of the Sixty Vear Program; C-4) Partial fund-
ing for a Housing Cost Reduction Program; CS>
Funding for a Fair Housing Services contract with
the Fair Housing Council of Orange County.
Ideas for projects and proJect priorities wlll
be sollclted by the Housing and Community
Devele>pment Advisory Board at the November 7,
1979, Publlc Hearing. Interested citizens are en·
couraged to attend the hearing and contribute to
the planning of the City's Sheth Year Housing and
Community Development Block Grant Program.
Questions about the hearlno may be ad·
dressed to:
Scott Morgan
Planning Department
Fountain Valley City Hall 10200 Slater Avenue
Fountain Valley CA 92708
Telephone: m4i 963-8321, Ext. 269
f ' I
The less they study the more they learn.
-----·----.. ____________ ..,.. ........ , ...... ~ ....... -...... "'·-·--__ .._. .......... -
Data on
-Bloloeiata a.re findio1
that it may take barely
three decades to clean
the Great Lakes -a far
cry from earlier pred.ic·
tiona that it would tate
Scientists for the Na·
tional Oceanic and At·
mospberic Administra· lion said calculations
failed to include
sedimentation as a
natural purifier. The
new fmdinga are based
on a computer study and
additional research.
Tests oo Lake Ontario
confirmed computer
prediction s that
phosphorous levels
declined nearly 2S per·
cent in the five years
from 1973 to 19'18.
The new data suggest
Lake Erie can be ~uen
l i a 1 l y free of
pboapborous within a
year. Lake Ontario and
Lake Huron in eight
yean, Lake Michigan in
13 years and Lake
Superior in 32 years.
'He Trades
}.For Cpilu
l LAK181DI: (P) -l:d ............. _ ...
12 .. .-~---· ' 1na...-...... J: ,..... ...... ...
coinl or older coin& with -... ~ -~11r.••1ar ~.o.~~
"11"8 REAUY a cue
of the dollar losing value
-the eovenunent de·
bauchine the currency,"
Munt.oil said.
The prices at his Tru·
Octane independent ala·
lion are actually lower
than they were in 1984.
Does Mt.mt.on make any
profit by taking silver
for 12.5 cent gas?
make a little but on pre·
mium I'll lose a litUe,"
be said.
A few miles away, the
San Diego Coin Ex·
change was paying 10.5
times face value for
silver coins. A clerk said
M unton would do even
better there.
Call 642-5171.
Put .a few words
to work for ou.
Cit7 Concedes,
Ad& Fluoride
8~1 ...... (AP> -A 10..,_., n::i.:. Braa...t11et .. A1aiMl~bat
bul u.. .. to ...-ftuortdt • •wlelpaJ ...... .. ,,.... allo ,...,... tM . ., to l"'Ovtde •·
n\IOC'Waa1 e....,. to tamJJlel ~ Nillwt ft, nw lddaul.a oe &be ctty eo.eu .. wbo Ne1lted
t))e mOllt Netet ftuoridaUon onler, coaeedM cte-
fHt alt# Jt.1DMy Dlatrtct Juqe Harold SebWtl
ft...cl eaeb ol lhem SllO per da.y. But tbey are COG• alderiq • appeal
TWO Olfft:a COUNCIL ••••au, Frank
Murray and Denny Martin, who voted to autbori1e
fiuorldatioa, were not lovolwd ln the cont4mpt
Tbe c:ouncU vote would entitle Heb bouaebold
to 011e ialloa ol Wlfluortdated water per pueon
per day, at no extra cbarfe.
. City otnciala aald equipment to nuortdate the
c1ty'1 water would cotl about •.ooo and take on. to four months t.o obtain.
BllAINEa o·s FLUO&IDAnON equipment,
purchased in the early 19708 and never used, la ob-
solete, accordin,t to Water and Light Superintendent
Elmer Lalli.
The holdout.a, J ames Wallin, Mary Michaelis,
Mary Koep, James Brown and Donald Brown
authorized their lawyer, Jack Graham, t.o seek ways to appeal at no cost to the clly.
Jrene Johnson, an opponent of fiuoridatlon who
attended the council meeting, aaid "If they think
tbia town is going to return to normat they are mia
taken. lt's going to be torn asunder."
1:11~···••:ld ORGAN EXCHANGE
October 26, 27, 28
Hawe,.,. .. '. s.t•'. s.• 5
....... of °"J•• to dtooM
US9 -' O..Mes MIW a.ANS •&iJiiA'
"'J I t"1 $2.JIO .... Sl.191
...... ,. 610 ....,... ... 2.HI
M&81W91n 700 .......... 2.191
aeo...... 199 --·-COIJ. I, I 00 --·-CCIMI. 995
...._m7 950 _, 495
.._..., ... , 1,795 --...U.1-1,450
..-1n-1 2,995 DAW.GI 1,295
-..ma-1,795 l.OW9n CGeOU I , 99 s
LOWlll'UM l,]95 ......... " 795
.._.,Loi• ',695 c-""' 1,495
---1,495 c-...... 2,495
-11a l,100 C-Lolt 179
--675 LOWlll"f.. ], 99 5
-L-ID4 1,795 ~-695 -coeou 995 --...--1.025 -coeou 1,095 ~... 1,495
....... s..-.......... ...... c ;t ••• , .............. c.... •• tw ... ,
CO. lllClkt Nut Te S... A. Fr.y.I
(714) 991-3050
All Area Rugs
20-400/o off
Every rug m Pier 1 stock.
Chinese, Onental, & Indian.
Wools, cottorrs, b lends too.
Sizes from 2 'x3 · to 6 'x9 ·.
Values from $10.99 to 239.99.
Sale prices good through November 1.
Rugs avqllable at all Pier 1 stores except those In enclosed malls .
SUN. 12 'TIL I
ANAHEIM -509 Eas t Katella Avenue. 772·2472
COSTA MESA -2110 Harbor Boulevard, 540·7337
GARDEN GROVE -13081 Harbor Boulevard. 686-2481
DAil Y PU.OT .t J J
C-1<• ...., • o.l ly Plltlt, ... "'°· c.t.MeY ...
New Law
Hits Sect
At O'Hare
llemben of tbe Hare
KrtsllDa Met and Olber
rellalou 1roupa ma1
llDd lt barder to IOllclt
faDda tit O'Hare IDterna·
Uonal Alrport under a
new cit>' ordinance. Money transactions
will be llmJted to dea·
lgnated areas of the
airport terminal under
an ordinance passed by
the City Council.
The n ew code was
adopted after sharp de·
bate on whether it would
violate tbe conaUtuUooal rl&bta of rellaloua
freedom or freedom of
<AP> -New evidence
confirms that jogging is
good for mental health,
a researcher says.
David McNaughton,
director of the UnJversi -
ty of Wisconsin-Stout
counseling center, said a
study is perhaps the
fint that used acienUfic instruments and tests to
prove that nmnina can
relieve anxiety. reduce
emotional atreaa and
combat depreuloo.
He conducted tbe
study amona student
volunteers who bad bia·
..... ~ ........... tM , ......... Ml ...... cited .., ,..,.,
...... t' ............. .
traoNlurJ .. tal abUiU. 9'°
•lPt bl aMe &o coetact .i ... ~avtllkeota.eeem,,......
eaMll ..., &Mraer. llo., wMn .............. ....,.
ma snw u••m •bale
........ WIH'lftal, IO bl NllMld ............... u.. .... ,.
IOID ... In tM eoetael beeetMU . (t
Best gas mleage of .. .,
pi do mp.
1980 Ford F·100i160Wllh 91Mderd 4.9l (300 CID) Sea anti ophonal
4·•P"d CMWdlMI tranemlaliof\-(llffela and c:et·lfuc:ka ellduded
Plnac..ch1&teh ol CbrM& aiicMa'u.t .--... • .. a.._
~··,. • • JllOW.OV...lalt
..... NOi' svas -bat we could
com•_ • with that would have any crHibUltJ, but we tboucbt it would
be twa to set a IJ'OUP of people rib
peyeble powen out at tbe farm ud
... wUt &My could come up witb," ..,,,Mid.
TM 1111eblc Wea wu lDapind by a
DboM e.il to Jack Wymore, owner°'. ibe J ... Jamea Bank llUNWD in lJbtrtJ~ from • Calllora.la. womaD New \toll!. .... YM
c..o .....
Salt January. She told Wymore abe'd ,.._ ,.Micit w.•c-• Oll4C-........, neeived a meuaae from Frank and .__ __________ .,...... _____ ..
.i .... Jamea .
~ EST. • · 950 HWY. ~MILES .#~s
LW8 S~lld!I ~ Wtlh stalld8rd I~. Uri plllSotitiorwl t~. &..-.
Tot.i 38 ~ Multiply by MPG .. _tes lot muimurn flt. renge
~ ...
tol'bliea of em~_t_lo!~!. . ..__ .. _ .. ~ .............. pro ema
. -··---... ---
Say 'No'
Fund·raialnl efforts for the Vietnamese boat people will apparently
have to pt by without
lii1p from the JieaUes.
Ex-Bea.tie Paul
McCartney dashed
1peculation about a
charity cooeert when be
told 1eporten: "We aJl
talked totetber', but the
Beatles will not be set· ttq..,...... .. aln." 1'IMJ broke up in 1"11
but lut pla7ed tosetber
Barking OK'd
RICHllOND, Calli.
(AP) -'l'be federal IOV·
ernmeat reports tb~lt will finance the c n·
1tractloa of a pub c
bo••lDI project to ~ tbe deteriorated ..... , Trianale Court.
d•••lopment In tbla
lat V-1 ... '* •• .... Ford's new F-150 has the best EPA estimate among 4x4
pickups with V-8's: 14 mpg EPA estimate.
-..... --·Although not rwdeelglled tor 1980, Fordl wttt14.8l ~and ....Sard 3.....-s
tranernilllon n raled at(.!!.> mpg, 23 highway .
, ,. ... .. .
lat~•-·IWD~wldl..., 6,J.. .-.... Ot all domestic 2WO pici<ups
with over 6.300 lbl. GVWR~nly the new F·250 with 4.9L
Six has EPA ettimates of @,! mpg, 21 mpg highway.
........ '-' ....... , .•.
Although not redeligned tor 1 ~. Courier leedt the
four top-telling compecta with 26 mpg EPA estimate.
A~able l()pfOXimetety Oeotmber 15.
. . .. .. ,. , ........ -....... ".-.. .... --.. -. .. . ... .. . ·-... ,..... . ... . --..._. ..... -...... -. .... .... ... ___ ......._
INSIDE: •An1' unders
Students stride toward tension release (Jnd self-defense.
Cindy Hopkina aets a fast pace.
A.ttaek On Arts
Martial or musical, students 'do it with feeling ·
By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Ol tt• Dilly Pile\ S\.ltt
fend themselves from attack. They also
le am to "hit and run" when necessary.
Whether its the musical or martial
arts, Earl Treichel'& students learn to
"do it with feeling."
But just as musicians can rum a
performance by overpowerinc the
material at the sa~riffce ot nuance aod
aabtlety. Treichel makes it deer that
bis atudelda Iara pnpeit l'ellllnilll.
Tbe Costa Mesa ffi&b Scbool ~ ftad oat tbel'e'• not all tbat mucb ..,... re biltwe• .......,.. Udo . ... .......... ·•.as.Anna ..... -. ... ................. ,....~ ... , ..... • 'To beeGme an artbt, one hn to
learn to come t o grips with self·
dJscipliDe. persistence, failure. •· ..,..._Mad r.wa.·· .. ,.s Treichel.•·
break thetr ~.··be notes
However. if its a serious pf'OtHem.
''it'a beaer' to bmt tbe otber ,..._ tbml
Treicbe.I, a declkated karate Sbldeat
and even.in& instructor ror Coastline
Community College. says the high
school class offered for the first time
this rail stemmed from a ball-time
performance by the Mesa band at a
football game a few years back
''I -~ ot tbe same tedmlques for te.mtn1 music and self-defense. In
fact, we've combined the two.'·
Many of Treicbel's young inatrumen·
talists have enrolled in the self-defense
course taught by the brown belt clus
And e ven the non·musicians are
benefiting from physical exercise that
provides tension release. and "just
plain old confidence." says Treichel.
WhiJe the marching troup pumped out
versions d "Billy J ack" and the theme
from "Enter The Dragon.·· karate ex
perts gave bve demonstrations on the
football field
types come in, and in a couple of weeks
they've turned into Htlle tigers. We get
them out of their shell so they're not
afraid to scream and do what they have
to do.··
.. It was the best show we ever clJd. ·
Treichel says. Wh en Tre ichel came up
with a free period this fall because of
declining enrollment an the Newpo rt
Mesa School D1stn ct , he proposed the
self.defense class Humor, Treichel says, is a key to his
loosening the kids up. · ·cfoce you make
them laugh, it's just a short step from
He had to tum away 50 l.tudenLs · A~
fa r as I know it"s an expenment that·~
never been tried before:· he says The
kids a re very good to work wtth and
ve ry enthusiastic." Karate class students learn basic
blocking and s triking techniques to de· Student assistant Rick Nicols
It's Really a Scream
Jazzercise class helps vent frustrations
Of .. Oelty ..........
Yells and screams emanate from the
normally sedate Ebell Clubhouse in Balboa.
IMlde, 30 women. clad in leotards . are
dancing their hearts out and vocally venting
their frustrations.
It's such a curious sight that passersby
often stop in and watch in amuement. And
some come in to dance, lite Kim Oliver, a
Balboa resident who jolned Jauercise on ber
way home from another exe~ise clua.
"It's an absolute Joy . It feels so eood." Ms.
Oliver said.
non·dancer." is an unusual exerciae concept in
that it includes screamln1 and yellln1. all part
of a design to promote mental health a\oo1 with
physical fitnesa.
The cluaes meet twice a week in many
Orange County locations for 45 minutes at a
time and are open to botb men and women.
Juzerclae offers people a way to relearn
the fiexible body movementa they bad as
cbUdrea, said Cindy Hopkins. a local instructor.
Jaaerdae WU Started in lm by a San
Die10 County resident, Judi Sheppard llluett, a
araduate ol Northwestern Unlvenlt,y ln speech.
tbHter and dance.
She bad moved to the San Dl•IO area aod
offered tbe La Jolla YWCA ber services as a
dane. teecber.
Her ftnt claaa wu u a aubltltute teacher
but 1be wu ao popular lb• wu aked to teach
a1al.D and qalD.
"Tbe clulea arew and tbe tedmkluet I
UHd Improved and more, and more people
heard about this pro1ram." sbe said.
M1sselt noted. because 1t was jau dance but not
so technical or diffic ult that non·dancers
couldn't handle al
.. And , at helps people feel less inhibited, to
be more themselves. more spontaneous peo·
pie." sbe sllld.
"Jauerc1se does make you fit, you feel bet·
ter and look better and your entire bearing on
life 1s improved by that physical release, by let·
ling go ol the linear. logical thinking/worrying
routine we do most of the day.··
All teachers receive thorough training and
many already have backgrounds in exercise
and physical fitness.
Mra. Hopkins, a Laguna Beach resident,
has a bachelor's degree in recreation ad·
ministration and.._an A.A in pbysicaJ education.
She a1ao baa taught at health spas and given
adult education fitnesa classes.
For Ja.uercise. however. the instructors'
penonalities are a major Ingredient. They muat
be "performers, not teachers." Mrs. Hopkins
And it's true. Mrs. Hopkin& is a real
"ham," a happy dancer who yells and screams
and clowns to let the upbeat mood.
The classes are available on a continuous
enrollment buia. Participants cu attend any
class a a drop-in and not. feel they're behind
because all the routlnea are the Mme.
Mrs. Hopkins said she'd like to see more
men in the claaa becau.ae they would bend\t u
much u the women, but they're a little harder
to convince. •
Even Mrs. Hopkins· own husband doesn't
Ja11ercile -"yet," sbe said witb a grin.
lnformallon is available from Mn. Hopklna
at 499--tUO or Juierciae at 7»8331 .
Ta Vl.'IUIATS a....-piny tor
•Uiaa ...... UbaaUoe work Ml9 db tM fit.Mr. &Del u.in .,. ~ practicer...,. bit cu tak•
to 1McftMt t.be ~ Mtw .. bil kids ud Im
WbUt be caa't fore. bJa ktdl to Ila tbe ob-
ject ol tu atheUou. be bu tbe rtallt to demand
tMJ tNlll -wltb Nlpee\ Md coilNly, JUlt u
U..y would uy ol b.LI tri-*. Al a PANDt. 1t'a ~. to blm to .Umiaa'9 milbebav\or oe Im
dllldr9'1 part, IDd lb1I 11 not • qlMISdoa of
dlvided '°YaltMa at all.
AU a faU.. cu a.o,. tor. however, la to
maintain 1ome clvlUaed behavior. If a
frlendlblp la 1olo1 to develop betwee11 his
chlldnn ud bia lover, lt'1 IOiDI to bave to be
tM dinet Nlult of u.. ~ between
them. Trytns to puab lt la courtmc dt111W:.
AJtbouP tbe father woaldll't want to fOlft
the woman to participate bl Ida aetirities with
tu. ltldl, be still would want to make ber feel
welcome~ the decide to jaUt u.m. It'• im·
portaat Ua.at be do ev•rythlac pcmib&e CIO a¥06d makJ.DC be:r feel like an ,,.,,,... dmiDC tblllr
IT8 ALSO On'EH NBCB88A&Y to make
lt PC>Mlble f0t tbe woman ao air ber feelinp and
fnaatradoal about the kid.a.
Don't Worry ~ut Outter
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -If clutter bury·
lnl your desk or other work space makes you
feel plJty, you should find comfort in some ad·
vice from a University or Iowa paycbololiat.
A.a kine u you can find everything you need
wben )'OU need it and your clutter lan't causing
problems for anyone e&M, quit WOR'Yi8' about.
it, advl1e1 Lynn Roney, senior staff
peycboloeiat in the U of I Cotmaeling Service.
"We often expect too much of ourselves,"
abe explains. ''Keepin1 papers filed or supplies
in apple-pie order takes time. Many of ua could
keep a full-time assistant or secretary busy
labeling and filing work materials.
"But we'd need to justify the added expense
by increasing substantially what we get done,
and that might not be possible," s ays Dr.
Roney, who bas a doctorate in counseling
psycbelogy from the University of Teus,
IF YOU& wou suaaOUNDINGS get into
such a mesa that you waste time looting for
tb.lngs, however, it's time to bring more order
out of the chaos, she says. Starting a new job is
a still better time to give some thought to bow
you can keep your work place orderly.
If you start out with enough desk files,
shelving space and other storage, you can
pigeon-hole work materials so you can put a
band oo them instaoUy from the flrst day, Ms.
Roney points out. Then you should be able to
keep clutter from ever get.ting out of hand.
["-_B_o_ro __ •e_op_e_~)
SATUaDAY, ocroanrz
AJUES <March 21-April 19): You ut.i.llie
natural qualities of independence, originality
and pioneering spirit. Superior aids in getting to
heart of matters. Leo, Aquarius native5 figure
prominenUy. Standing in community will be
elevated. Know it, be direct and confident.
TAUaus (April 20-May 20): A sudden,
dramatic event could lift you from throes or
lethargy. You're 1olng places and you know it.
Accent on Intuition, travel prospects, long-range
projeetiona. A special conference could be on
aaeocla. GE•INI (May 21-June 20).
11.laundentaDdlni with member of opposite sex
could result ln "emotional knots." Avoid thia by betna dlreet ln connection with c:Ommltmenta,
financial and otherwise. Supriae social
invitation could lead to joyous reunion,
celebratkm. CANCEa (June 21-July 22): Take time to
be co.rrect in useHment.s. a.ppraisals and
out.UDla& of potential. Check le&al ri&hta, permlaafona. Focus la on pa.rtoership, joint
effort•, publlc relations and marriage.
Aqaariua, Scorpio persons figure promiDenllY.
LEO (July ZS.Aus. 22): Pad.DI is more
imporUDt now than in recent put.. Be aware,
keep medical-dental appointments and strive
for harmony with co-workers. Member of
opposite so aeodl you "romantic" message.
Tbe number 5 figures ln scenario.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Creative
chanaea occur at home-base. Be diplomatic, but
Imprint your own style and beautify
aurroundlnca. Be analytical, dig for
lnformation and tie "looee ends." Gemini, Leo,
Saitttarlus and another Virgo crowd scenario. •
LUPI~ (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Short-cuts may
not aufftce; eelect quality material. Build oo
aolld bue. Be familiar with-appareo~ minor
points, detalla and weak J.lnb. Eliminate safety
hasarda. BomanUc Interlude lends spice to
'aeeurlo. 900mftO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Relative wbo
paints brilbt picture may not be te1lln.g the
·.whole truth regarding neceaaary
reapoaaibilitiea, !Jlveatments . .Uk questions,
obtain -wen and utilize le.uom gleaned from
recent esperlencea. Tbe number 8 figures
MGll'l'AaRJS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Obtain
blnt bJ rudina Scorpto meuace. Financial
wind.fall is not unlikely. What bad been miuing
will becGID8 available -know it and refuae to
lower espeetaUou. You're due for added
~don • you lmprove cliltributioo. dlaplay
~(Dee. 22-Jaa. U): You make
new IUlta ba aew dlrectlonl. 'lbere 11 valid
oppo; bm11:J tor creative ............. lettine to
Mart tJl aaau.n and atreqtbmiq l)Olitloo.
Clift• ,....,.. faYOt YoUI' .norts. Pulale plecee
fallbllo,.._. You'lleelebratet
Afl'J.dlUI (1•. 20-hb. 11): EIDC!tiom
tead to obllterat. loak. &now It aod do
1ometllla1 abcnat lt. llalataln ebeerful
denla1sr wlMD Yllitinc one coaftMd to bome, .._,.taL Y• obta1D neceuary anann bJ
~bd'attbele.el. ntea (Pab. lt-llareb IO): Aura of ............ ~"__... .... ......... loetal adi.W. aff ........
popalarttJ' ,, OD •P•wi••· GemlDI ,
lqlltla'tlm 9111"9 = ~· arort Q .., ·u.-I ed oa two oeculou .......
A visit to an office supply store can ,ive you
ldeu for deek·top organben telepboae indexes
and other suppU• whlcb can"beiP you keep juat
about any place :you work ln better onter.
"You ma,y be able to get ldeu from a trip to
such a store and Improvise apaee oraanllen of
your own that won't coat much," Ila. Roney
nous. "For example, if you're orgaalstns a
work center in yo. ur own home for more eftl.
cient boulekeeping, use plain cardboard lboe
boxes for clolet storage of bouaebold records."
JUST PVT LABBLS oo tbe out.aide ao you
can see at a glance '#bat's in each box, she •UI·
gesta. Ao office supply shop ce provide
dividers. index cards or other devices for or-
ganizing contents or each container.
Another word or comfort if your work place
tends to disappear under clutter -you're leas
like ly to upset co-workers than ls someone who
keeps every paper clip in place, says Ma.
Roney. And you're more likely to uro in on
what really counts on the job.
"The compulsively neat person oft.en tries
to make the whole world neat." she explains.
"He or she just isn't comfortable otherwise. The
person wbo is so neat as to make rituals out or
keeping the desk immaculate may be relieving
anxiety generated by problems which be or she
is s idestepping.
"But moet of us fall somewhere in between
being extremely neat and so sJoppy that we're
completely diaorganiled. We're not born neat or
1)oppy. We learn aueb babtta."
So teach your kida to pick up their toys at
the end of play and ban(( up their clothes. but
don't be too ltrict. adviaes Ka. Rooey, addiD&, ·
"U you're t.oo demandln1. you could drive them
into a oratnela straltjack~ or they ml&bt rebel
by becoming defianUy sloppy."
Costume Dance Set
A costume dance for adults ages 17 ·26
will begin at 8 p.m . Saturday al Our Town
apartments, 12SO Adams Ave .. Costa
Mesa .
Admission is $2 for the event, sponsored
by South Coast Jewish Youth. For in-
formatioo, phone 546-7835.
Actress To Open
Town Hall Series
Actress Celeste Holm wUJ open the lJfJo
Town Hall Celebrity aeriea Ju. ZI at \he
Edwa.rda Cinema Theatre in Fu!Uoa C.ter,
NeW1)0rt Beach.
Th.ls ls the 12th annual aeries sponsored by
the Assistance League of Laguna Beacb and
Other speakers in the senes will include
psychologist and author Or. James Fadiman.
columnist Carol Mathews and Puliuer Priu-
winning journalist Harrison Salisbury.
Tickets for' the eollre lecture series are
available from Town Hall , P.O. Box 856, Laguna
Beach, 92652.
Cost Is ~. with 50 percent ot the cost tax
When Widowers Remarry
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a second wife
who would like to speak ber piece ln behalf of
all women who are married to widowers.
Most wedding ceremonies contain the
words, "With all my worldly good.a I thee endow." nm ts ult should be. Anything leu ls
not a total commitment.
U men or women bave cblJdreo by a first
marriqe, they abouJd live the kids the money
before the)' remarry -and not expect a aecoad
mate to do it after death.
I also believe all wills s.bould be made a
matter or public record u soon as they are
written. People would be a lot more thoughtful
and generous if they knew their wills were
being read while they were still alive. Too many
people do their dirty work from the grave. -
DEAJl NELLIE: YOtl aay .... weddiaa
cerem.-CGeta1ll &lie wordi, ''Wida all IDY
worldly gooda I &ke eltdow. • • .. OhltealJ we
haven't beea solal ao Ute aame weddlap. I
laana't lleanl .., .. aay &laal ta Z5 ,ean.
I am aleo la dlaasreemeat wl.. J••r
••lletdla &Mt dllldna ...... reeetye aa.eir
l.dertt.ce wtdle tMb' ..,_. are alln. Tlte
old folb )llt mlO& Med II ....... ..._ ....... wlll ........ .-.ac ...... ..
IOGll u It .. flied .. llOt .... a.et ... eMMr.
Peeple oftee deeWe to eUqe IMlr wt1la -rana.er.-e, .,.._ ..., ... ,. " " ._ ••• u..e
wM are llatl••WJ •..a..n 8orlJ .... ~ .......... daat'•
Kids Halloween
<:ostume Prizes
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Be a friend to tbe
mailmen, please. Heaven knows they~ Sood
friends of yours. Print these DON'TS for your
( 1) Don't atop your car OP tbe other side of a
busy street and mot.loo for the mailman to run
across and set your letter.
(2) Don't let your German shepherd or
Doberman pinacber sit unleaabed on the porct>
and announce: "Don't worry ... be doesn't
(3) Don 't buy one of tbeae pretty,
impractical slim mailboxes and say, "He can
get ln all the mail if be really tries." -E.M.,
la th eollmaa &oday, pleue &.ake dae IUt.
Reguttretlon. perade &
oonteet teh9duled for 8:30 Mon • ...,. Od. 29
" Huntington Centet. 8poneored by H.8.
Jt. Wotnlrl'• Qub for c:Mchnln3•~1
1 o and """'· G.c encrv torm M PUmpkln ~
Gratton Street pr ... nts an unb91~1• aale tor our ~tal plot• cou.ctor c:uat0m.rs f'rom OCToea M '111lOVOR MOYDDU •a 1pec1Cil OfOUP 01 eou.c:tor'I PIOtM wtU be ICll• pnc:.d at 4010 40~ on 1\W\ brinO th.la ad Wllb TOU at the time 01 pun:hOM to rec:et'H TOur aal•
Pl1C•. O\ll auppu.t <n• UDUted IO l bOP early
at oene.r or men. ua ; vrnt iwt111. hid\ IMS. • Hngw It 405 ~ .
. ........ . ......
GACJPtt>rJ ~ south coast Pkno, lS331111tol StJMt
Co.10 Met0. CA 92626. 71 4 M9-4371
Tbe beat atanc:e for the womu to take wttb
Trytnc to set too cloM too fUt, or aeUq
llke a aubltitute motbor la. a m.lltaU. I
M lone u a woman LI Jivt.na wttb. tbef.r
father, she should feel comfortable deaU.q
directl1 wttb the kid.I. inltead ol baviDI to IO
throuO their father.
There's usually a •tronc tendency oa 1
ainsle pa.r;ent'a part to act u a buffer and in·
tervene more than Is necessary la their
children's interaction with other people.
Once a man baa laid down the pomd nalel
for his kids' treatment of the woman be Uva
with, he'd better relax and bope fOt t.be belt.
The rest ls going to be up to them. The tnck for
the father~ to give them a clear idea ol tu. es-
pectations, to be avaU1ble for aome back-up if
ne<:esaary and then to 1et out of the waJ.
Hotline Started
A telephone botllne for parent.I wltb
medical questions about tbelr unbona or
newborn children bu been started by the
Oran1e County Cbapt.er ol tbe llardl ol Dlmea.
The botl1ne la opea for questions KODCIQ
tbroup Friday from 9 a .m . to 5 'p .m . at · m..2210.
• March ol Dlmea peraouel can proridil
, anawen to questkma oa ~ ean._ .... 11·
UOll. and eftecta ol dnao aDd blf.uo. .. .
on tbe UDbof"I). lledlcal can referral aDd
1enetic ecnwetiDI Mn1eea al8o an oftan4.
UPHOLSTBY ._, .. .,,, ... . ... ....
lt21tWMr .. d.
-S41-l lS6
. Pici<-up entry forms
1n center of Huntington
Center MeN. Three
~ c:alllgOl'tee.: a a
under. e IO 11. 1f A uo. Bnne.,.,.,.....
Fri untlf ~ Set.
Oct 26-27. Buy fresh
~,,.now trom the
Boye OtJb of t4.8 . "' ... melt ~BMI,&
Ed1noer at .t05 fwy.
r-------------------~--~ I WB.LA HEAT PERM i
I I i. s24•s ...... I I n.Hd ., .. •died SJt.IO I
I Includes Shampoo. set and n.trcut ~ bk>wdfy I
t Good On Tues.. Wed.I S.C. Onty I I With TM Coupon Through Nov 24. 19~ I
~---------------------~ Come in. rela.r in our salon, and enjoy our
Jrwndly atmosphne. We hove 7 operoton and J
manicun.tt to serve you. We feature~
rea3onoble prices.
SENIOR CITIZENS Speda,. on Monday Md TUHdey
Shantp00 & Set ...................... M.oo
Haircuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ..... M.00 and up
Penna . . . . . ........................ *25.00
412 E. 17'111 lerMt
Cotta .....
Sto p In at Gra tton Street during ow leUeek
celebration and delight to the largest
selection ot aen .. k Chino t.n \be c:o\Ultty
The beau tUul l.mpertal Shell. prtoed at $375.
l.s Just one ot the many unique piece• we have
In our expansive Gratton Strfft collec:tton
Chances are we have that special piece
you'Ve been looking for Or U You've never
seen Belleek. let us Introduce fOU to Us beauty
and eleoa nt crattsmanshlp You'll'" why
we say we d tsplay IO much &.UMk China
you'd thmk you were \n he\ane1
GRCJPt;or..J stueet
l.133 ldatol Str .. t. SOuth CO<D1 Plaza
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) $49·5277
l .
• Bulaess
Union e~pitalisID
Worken Plan to Buy Closed Plant
fOftlld to dole -tb.row1n1 tMln all Ml GI Jobi.
Oo•......._t omctala ud ln· v--. ... boDtq the Rrat.to
wUl boo.t lb• -HODOal)' of
lhK .. pan, where waemploy.
meat ia CW"Tmtl)'t.a petteat.
•-ova PlllLO!IOPBY la that
capltaliam bal to be •Prod out
Aid to Savers?
Bill Would Hike Inte re st
WASHJNGTON (AP) -With inflation draining
mUliona cl dollars daily from tbe actual value of money
held in savinp account.a, the Senate ia cons1dering le&isla-
tioa to end federal limita on the int.e!'est banb can pay
Tbe Carter administration calla the ceilings, which
have coet aaven an estimated $U billion in b'l)'lng powe.r
since 18. a major diaincentive for saving.
The bill would benefit especially those saven whose
money ia in passbook accounts, and the 19 out of 20 wbo
cannot raise the $10,000 neceasary in most cases to earn an
interest rate that ia anywhere near the rate of inOatlon.
THE SllAJ..L.SA VEa provisions are part of a bill to
overhaul the way banb, credit unions, and savings and
loan aaaociation.s do business. One major section -
already paaed by the Houae -would allow sucb institu-
tions to offer interest-paying checking accounts.
()pponeota, led by Sen. Robert Morgan, D·N.C., view
the bill as a threat to savings and loan associations, which
have provided the financing for at least 60 percent of the
homes in America.
The Senate opened debate on the bill Wednesday but
bas set no date for a final vote.
Under the present law, known as Regulation Q, the
federal government limits the amount of interest savings
institutions may pay on various types of accounts. The
most common account, the passbook, may earn no more
· than sv, percent in a commercial bank and no more than
5~ percent in a savings and loan association.
amoa1 Her1one," aald BUI
Coe ........ a coenlt.ant belplas
the ·~Mt ._, an employ ...
owned ~-"lt'a not com-
mu.alam. lD our plan, every-
body'• a capitali.at."
The powerful Uolted
Steelworbn cl America bUdal·
ly balUd at tbe workera' leap
into factory ownenhlp.
The USW waaaecl to malle '"" the worbn didn't follow their
former employer -Fort Pitt
Steel Casttns -down the drain.
Poteotial backers of the plan,
such u banb and local officlala,
worried that the labor troubles
that cloeed tbe plant might Oare
But Larry Weigand, a federal
Economic Development Ad·
miniatl'ation financial analyst,
noted, "The shutdown was baaed
to a large extent on a lack of
ability to negotiate a contract.
Jn this particular case, a
worker-owned company lencb a
lot more credibility than a new
private owner, because it avoids
the basic labor-management ,
problem." "
IN THE NEW foundry ,
workers would be both labor and
Contract negotiations pro·
bably would also be smoother.
"Workers are not as interest·
ed in wages, because what they
don't get in wages, they get in
dividends," said Ron Garmey,
head of the Allegheny County
economic development division.
The woners' plan is to buy the
73-year-old plant from its owner,
Condec Inc. of Old Greenwich,
Conn., for $8.5 million, set up an
employee-owned company -
called McKeesport Steel Casting
Co. -and rejoin the USW.
2.6,000 New OCJobs Predicted
I .. 6l•l11s '•rew• Qr-.e Comly emploJ'meml ta apeded to rile
~ .......... u pereemt la ... .un IUrt•'•l-g ...... ., IDen••• .. $'J 1 • ,_ .......... .,
ll'f --UICii st I .. v ..... C'Wf ... 8-k•• HW ' i. I rit1 ' Dr. -ref 8...., . ....,.. .._ ,.,,. , t
lo:OlilOGE],Ji& 11M·~~
~--Piie· ..... , .. and chief economist, says Oranae County will bold
.... I -.c-11'"-iac.litlnda'• ....... •m ...... _. 1C'Nmef .... ...,...._
;"l ............. ~k• .. 7WS ... ........ •:-.... ,._..,.,.... .... ~of the new La.-Billa Bl'Udl
of Bank ol IniDe la DOW under way Del the opeD· tac of tbe new fac:lllty la apeded bJ llareb l,
' I I
ap an awww ... GI T.5 percent. Wblle ta tM previoua
yearempk>)meat roae 11 percent.
SA£ are ... G .. _.,
Sm Diep Pederal Savings and Loan Associa·
tion ILM broken grognd for the construction of a
larger, perm.anent facility near the intersection Qf
Cabot and La Pu Roads.
Project ardliteets estimate a completion date or Ilardi. Ul80 for the two-story savinp facility.
The Mission Viejo office will feature an ex-
terior d redwood and white stucco with blue tile
trim. A rock fountain with waterfall will be coo·
structed in front of the branch and landscaping
will be planned in keeping with the "woodsy"
Nne Kell Bftlfl•....tn-s
The Koll Company, a West Coast general con-
tractor and real estate developer, has relocated its
headquarters to Koll Center Newport. The new or·
lice structure, designed by Langdon & Wilson, is a
two-story brick and glass facility containing 26,000
square feet.
GI, FHA Loan
Bate Up to 111/2%
WASHINGTON (AP) -The maximum in·
terest rate on home mortgages insured by the
Federal Housing administration and the Veterans
Adllliniltra~ was raised a full percentage point
-to a record 11.S percent today.
Tbe lncreue was the second announced by the
DepertmeDt cl Houaing and Urban Development in
BUD ellO aald Thursday tbe maximum rate on
mortca&el for multi-family units was raised from
10 pereefltto11 percent todQ.
• • BOD Secretary Moon Landrieu termed both mew ••Qlolutety euential to help uaure that federllllJ lmar9Cl mortsa1e WJ remains availa-
ble botb to u. bomebuyiq public and to boUlln.I
producers, even tbou&b at a bi.,_. cost."
Fr11111 The Leader
Compfltltlve Pricing
SUperb &IMce
Bank ol lrviae CWTeDtly operates two offices
in Irvine, one on Culver Drive at the Santa An~
Freeway, the other located on Barranca at Lake.
Tire S teres ..... ,
Security/Cal, Inc., parent company of 12
Security Tire Stores in Orange County, bas
purchased all operating companies of T. W.
Trainer, Inc. Trainer operates 19 Trainer Tire
Stores throughout Southern California, as well as
Trayton Marketing Company, a wholesale tire dis·
Exp ..n ... llader W'q
Tropitone Furniture Company, Inc .. bas
broken ground for a western regional manufactur·
ing and distribution facility in Irvine Industrial
Complex-East (UC-East).
The new facility will be more than twice the
space the firm occupies in Irvine Industrial.
Complex-Airport, according to Harry M. Jaquiss,
vice president.
Tropitone has purchased two adjacent parcels
totalling 9.3 acres at the corner of Muirlands
Parkway and Marconi in UC-East for construction
of a 200,000-square-foot building. Brokers for the
$1.9 million transaction were Jerrold Cole and
John Glassmoyer of Coldwell Banker Commercial
Brokerage Company, Newport Beach.
T••• •..eCn-sA d~
Temp-Stik Corp., of Laguna Hills, invent.ors
and developers of a new line of human tem·
perature monitoring devices, bas develo~ a
patented·tbree-second electronic thermometer that
gives an actual rather than a predictive tem·
perature reading as do other elect ronic
thermometers, according to president Jake Ham·
me rs lag.
Instead of the widely accepted thermistor
principle now utilized in electronic thermometers,
Temp-Still baa applied mlnlaturizaUon to the
thermo-couple principle, creating a bilhlY sensitive
thermometer that gives an almoat lmtantaneoua re·
RAB F.ntlt9 St •rtftl
Grading is under way and conatructlon is ex-
pected to beliD llOOll on a $10 milllon, 34·acre office
complex ana research and development building
project on the IOUthwest corner Of Main St. and
Redhill Ave. in Irvine.
Tbe property is one ol tbe lut m~ parcel•
cl land to be developed nnr Jolm w.,_ AJ.rpan.
The condomlalum-type•-complex, with a
private loop ctrculatioD ro.d. ll boGaldld on U..
north bJ llain St., on the eut by RedbUl Ave. and
In th• aoutbwtllt by a trauitiaa rolld ft'Olb the San
Die10 Freeway to tbe Newport Jl'neway.
Olldlore Platfo,...
A 36-foot deck section for an offshore driJJ.
i ng and produc tion platform a waits
transfer to an oceangoing barge at Kaiser
Steel in Vallejo. The struct~ is one of two
decks which. when combined, ser ve as
home base for oil drilling crews and equip-
ment. The platform will be taken to a site
just off Santa Barbara.
Jurisdiction Disputed
Tahoe. Seroice Qiwstion Put to PUC
SAN FRANCISCO CAP> --The Cahforrua
Supreme Court, having heard oral arguments last
May on jurisdiction over air service to Lake
Tahoe , asked the state Pubhc Utihties Com-
mission to determine if the issue is moot smce
·airlines have abandoned the service. -
The California Tahoe Regional Planning Agen·
cy has claimed concurrent jurisdiction with the
PUC over air passenger travel to the Tahoe VaUey
Airport and also asserted an environmental 1m-
pact report on the service was inadequate.
THE COURT SA ID Pacific Southwest Airlines
cea sed Tahoe service May 1 and Air California
planned to d.tsconllnue service Nov. 8.
Dunng arguments. CTRPA attorney E. Robert
Wnght said airlines seeking state certifications
should have to get permission from both agencies.
Air California attorney Robert Barnett said
CTR PA was a planning agency. not a regulatory
Over T h e Counter
• >1~ =~ IJ ..... ...,..
!i: r»~ ... M·-~ .. ....._ ___ ...._
,,._..,, "" ...., --~~~ere h !Al I) thH..-.n<e lie-tr.. Cl'eVloU\ C~ ~ ... w ""''" --,,~·~Old Pf'l<;e.
-"-....... ~ CM Prt ::-~ '~ J ... u. JU ... t~ n..+-.ui.u..e
N J J ·-) • -U. 211 ~II"' 4 ~ ~ •I U1J 2U ... ,i.:~ :::~~~ .J::J: 1 ~ • +I U111 14.J
ZN 7A : =~ 1 • • ·~ ~ ~~ 11"" II,_ to HA 8iet •Ito • ~ Up ll.J .... ''-11 KINIOe t'4 • I Up 11.t n n 17 SoMOl9 u"" .. w. up 11.s
U HCA 9 • I Up 12.S U HIGlr\.O JV. + V. Up !LS
15 Ap11E"9 10 • I Uo 11.1
1t lnl8«sK S • "' Up II. I 17 ~l"C \°"' • ''> Uo IO.) 1• w,twrld J... • '• Up 10.S .. Tl= t • ~ Up 10.l 10 9,. 1.W. • • • Up 100
)I Fl l"°"'I ~ '~ Uo '• n c;..E"ll\' 17-.. • I'"' VP •• ,, Al.slllGtd !t-'· .. I, Up • s
1• Uf'tmie<I ...... • t• • Up 'l
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IN .._' fllJI r s ...... Octobet •• 1171
2 p.m. ( T) Pri~ TtiNSACTIONS
Hot Career s
Of the l 980's?
A• the reca1lon of 1979 deepens into t.be slump of t.be
i-. and lncreulnc mllllooa of YGUnl. ambWoul men and
women Melt Jobs lo • Ucht martet, tbe alwQ'I urpat
questkla wlU take on even greater •lcnlfteance:
What wUl be the hot new careen of the future!
Tbe bot ooea will .be tn the area of teebnolo,-ea.l ad·
vuces, experta ln employment agree -ud DOt oa.17 for
career~red youngsters but alto for people-oriented careen.ta.
The three executive careen loomlna up fut,
aeeordifti to execUtlve
recruiter Herbert
Halbrecbt , head· quartered in Stanford,
Conn., a.re:
(1.) Man.aeement lnfonnaUon systems (lllS) ex· eculives;
< 2.) Human resources executl ves;
(3.) Log:iat.ics executives Ct.hose with extensive aldlls in dlstributioo of gooda and services).
In simple terma, these positiooa will requlre a com-
bination of tecbnlcal and m.tna1erial skills. And to reacb
the upper leveta, you will need either deerees ln or ex·
tensive study in botb business admlnlatratton and
technical or science fields -lncludina data proceulng,
psycbotoo and other social sciences.
BUT COEEa opportunities will hardly be Umlted to
t.be executive swte. As an omce employee, you'll find new
presttee. hJlh,er compensation and, more power u a re1ult
of omce automation, in the opinion of Dr. James CarBale,
president of Office of The Future, lnc., Guttenbe!'t, N .J .
''Adminlatnllve managers, wbo wlll IDC>8t likely nae
thro\llh the office ran.U, will be required ln the automated
office.'' says Dt-. Carllale.
As an administrative manager. you will direet tbe use
of electrooic mail terminals and the sopbhJtlcllted array of
information processing systems· whlcb will serve u tbe ln· t~lllgence lifeline of an organiutlon, he •dds.
You "will most likely do for profeuloaala and middle
managers what admlDistrative support usiatanta now do
for princlpab: acbeduling, monitorin1, coor41nating,
budgeting, reporting and organizing, all at the touch of a
f IF YOU AtE A stay.at-home, disabled, or an elderly
persoo, you, too, will be called upon to serve ln new c~r
opportunities aa office automatioo opens tbe opportunities
of ln·bou:se wort stations. In th.is respect, working wives
wilJ take on a new dimension
Far-fetched? Not at aJI. It's already happening. In·
creasmg numbers or banks and Ul5urance companies are
experimenting even now with in·bome computer terminals
linked dJrectly mto an orgaruzauon's main computer bank.
If you ar an adult otherwtse s but out of the main
labor ma.rllet, )OU will be able to "type" reports eltt-
tron1<."ally. rcN!iv1· and send correspondence, do research
and (1le Wllh lhP a1d Of these f'<JSlf)' handled terminals.
A ~D Bl'SI.~ £ S coosultanL'> also will find new jobs de·
veloping as orgamzatJons become more and more complex
und fu t-cbangin,c. But your work will cbADge as well.
"Today most conauJtanls are s pecialists in particular
areas such u manufecturiJIJ or dl•tributioa or compuiter
lnformetioa ·~·" explalna Robert ff. Scbatfer, a SUlnford. Conn,, pnNbacUYity apedaust.
"The new type wlll have backgrounds not ooly ln
mH...-Wd, bal &Yo la &lSYcbo&oo, aoc:ioloQ -4 OC• P•l•"'oo.t;, A•lee .
• .,,... ... kiM ol C'"'"'elt• .ul be ............ )
corponde m.Da&er9 lnt.esrate U. -., •pNiee ""'' .._ 10 into a complex Ol'lanb•tioa and make l\ work."
WRAT"S OC'Ct:RRING before our eyes is a rapidly
chan~mJ! v.ork for<."c increasingly soptusll<."ated lllforma·
lion technologies along wtth finale energy resources.
The C'Ombmalton challenges the managers or tomorrow to
mob1hze and coonhnate tbe ef forts of m any skills: plan·
ner s. ttthniciaM, scientists, si rrular specialists, both in·
side and outside the organ1utJoo
But you won't have tbe luxury o( taking much lime off
to learn the skilla essential to do this. U you are to be a
member ol the new breed of consultants. you muat learn
now how lo help plan overall stratee.tes for i.ncreasJq or·
ganizatioo productivity.
TllDE IS YOU& fundamental cballeqe~ ft.ndlaa out
and punuinc ways lo improve productivity •bet.her iD tbe otnce. lactory. or enewbere.
Thia la the way you will boolt oroCila -Md J)trmJl hiper wages along with more aubfe prices. Thia la bow
you. the ccnaultant. will teach eorporate man•ten ~
illlla lmpen&ive lo meet tbelr ~ compla and
tut-ch•""• problems. F..an.U.., .
Otte•s Next Fall
Of Trtule Mart
LOS ANGELES (P) -Mayor Tom Bradley bu an·
nounced that Commodity Excbance Inc. ol New York
plans to open a trading noor be.re next year lo handle
futures contracts In gold, silver, copper and various money
market instruments such as U.S. Treasury bills.
"This represents not just a move from New York but
ls further evidence that the City of Los Ancelet is one of
the great nnancial centers of the world," Bredley said. He
added that the Comex floor would probably be opened bere
next fall.
Comeit president Lee Berendt sald the Loe Anaeles
Comex Ooor would eventually accommodate 400 traders
although initial plan.a call for handling only 30 to 50. He
said Comex hopes to add other com1Dodilies for lrad.ln1 in
the future, including lumber, cattle and possibly oil.
FlJTUBES CONTRACl'S are obligations to deliver
specific commodlties at a set price at some lulu.re date
and are traded somewhat like secwitJea.
Fo1mded i.n 1933, Comex Is the dominant U.S. market
fo.r gold and silver futures and aho band.lea sine contracta
and interest rate futures.
Other major commodity exchanges Include the
Amertca.n Commoc:lJty Exchange in New York, the Cblcaro
Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Excbup and tbe
New York Mercantile Exchanae.
Broke r age Fir m F layed
NEW YORK (AP) -A at.ate Supreme Court Judie
says he will allow a dau •ctJon suit a111nst a m~
brok•raae firm to be dropped only II the firm mat•
resUtutJon to cuslomen whole mooey It \&Md toncer lbu it
was suppc!Md to.
Justice Martld Steciber said Merrtl.l L)'ncb, Pierce,
Fenner and Smith acted with ''the tmenUon of mallinc a
~roflt for ltlelf" ln paylq New York ell.ma wltb cbe'Cb
drawn en Califonta bub. nae flrm woakl U.. UM the
money whll• New York cMck·boklln wait.cl for the
checks to clear \M Wett Ca.ta.a.
flrllllr. °*'* .. 1111 ..
Dave C11nningham
Ryan Worth $1 Million? Co I · I 1 On!
·~ ( atart rt.,,._... lato Nolan Ryan, let ll
be ~ that t Uke, .ctrni ... and respect lllm.
It• doesn't amob, drina: or run aro~ on
h1I wile, ud M '• rlO\ll about hl1 reUston. He
pltcbel la pa.lo and alwaya sjvea JOO pettenl.
aot dnmk, but Ryan dJdn't. Ot.Mr playen were
dia&oyal t.o t.belr frieodl and employen, but
Ryan wua't.
Othel'I players demanded $1 mlWon a year
to play bueball, but Ryan wouldn't. Like bell
ho wouldn't.
Thll week it wu rep0rted by Dkk lliller ol aama. U PITCH D tour no-bJtterw th• Kerald Examiner that J\yan IDd bl.I qeat
and atnack out more batten ln a ttn1le seaaon OickMouareeeatn1athree-yearccmtraetforS1 than 8Q1Clne. Re throws a baseball wtth more mlllionaaeaaon.
veloclty tba.D any human a.Uvc, maybe raater . By the euct defutltioa ol law, that's not eJC·
than a.y wbo bu ever Uved tortJoo or robbery, but it muat be aomethin&
How can JOU rtp a man like that! rloae to it.
WeU. lt isn't easy. Ryan bad to io back on Can t.hiB be the same Nolan Ryan who wrote
his ptinciPles lo duerve a rip. To me, Nolan In his tm biography:
Ryan reversing his pnnclJ)les 1s Wte Ule ean.h "I APPAECIATE WHAT I'm paid, and I
revenlng its rotation. want to earn it. l don't always. We're spoiled
One ol Ryan's most redeeming qualities and now with the free-agent thing some of us was bow he clwig desperately to lbe ideals he a re selling ourselves for a million or two million
beUeved lo be true and if we're not careful we'll kill the golden
goose. The money can't lastforever."
011IER PLAYEllS CHASED women and On a superficial level, you can't ftnd fault
wllb Ryan. 1'bat'• wron1 wtlb a man teati.n1 bl.I
wortb OD the open market?
lf aomeoae ia eruy ~ t.o make you a
mlllieaaire for playtn1 a boys' eame, wby not
take tbe ~and rwl7 Tbal'a our capltallstlc
BUT &YAN·s SITlJATION baa to be
examined oa more than just a superficial level.
Ryan himself once said be didn't think any player
could Justify a '300,000 or $400,0001ala.ry.
"Aa I understand it. the Aneela committed
more than $3 million to sipin1 the three free
agents (Joe Rudi. Don Baylor and Bobby
Grieb )," Ryan wrote in bis book.
· "lbll ia more than they are worth. It ls
more than I am worth. or any other player is
worth," Ryan said. "Unless this spend.int bin1e
is checked, a few rich teams will dominate the
game, and ticket prices will go ao bigb there wm be a threat to the game."
RE 18 SINGING a clilf erent tune DOW. Ryan
wants a pact which could make blm tbl bl1best-
pald player in t.helame.
Nq.hltters an atrikeouta notwit.hatandJn1.
Ryan hu a 4S--43 record over the put three
aeaaom and la only eight 11mes over the .500
mark for bia career.
In bi.I defense, Ryan now says that be was
dlaillusiooed by the An&ela, that they violated
bis truat.
"TllEIA WHOLE ATl'rrUDE in tbia mat.
ter baa been disappointing," Ryan aaya. "It was
always more than just a business to me, but I'm
starting to see they thinlt just the opposite."
. \\'.:bet.her it's the Angela or Ryan, something
ia amw, because the same man who ia sticking
up baseball for $3 million once said: • · r want the best salary I can get, but I
don't want to busUe any team to get it. I want to
make the most of my baseball career but I
don 't want to sell myself for it." '
Another Showdown Martin
Marina (6-0) Takes On Newport Denies
l'VE GOT IT -San Diego Charger quarterback Dan
Fouts holds the ball up high after scoring a touchdown
against the. Oakland Raiders during third quarter action
Thursday. The Char gers didn't score enough TDs.
though. and lost .
Of ... DeltJ ,..... s~
Sunset League football leaders
Ma rina and Newport Harbor
square off at Newport Harbor
High tonight in a pivotal league
contest to highlight Orange
Coast area activity.
Although neither was con·
sidered championship caliber at
the start of the 1979 campaign,
each bas proven it.sell equal to
the task against highly regarded
oppositioo and a victory tonight
puts the winner in the driver's
seat to the championship.
AIM> ol critical nature in the
race for a league title and CIF
playoff aspirations is the Sea
View League conflict between
Estancia High and Corona del
Mar at Orange Coast College.
Here's ~ look at tonight's
llartaa·Newpon Rarw
These two put them.selves into
powerbouN atatua a week ..,
aa llariu lmodi:ed off Pouat.Un v~ 1-.ld u. Ballon ....._.
Paet.w tbe llartna attact ts
quarterback Sam Aiello, run· nera Jim Taylor a nd Jim
W arburtml and l'eeelver Martt Huntley. Newport Harbor'a of.
fentlve thrust ls 1eand bebiDd
qOarterback Alu Gaddla (with
Lance Parriab in the wtn1s>. re·
ceive~ Chris Cates and Mike
Remsen and a bevy of hard·
running backs.
It's the d efense, however,
which is usually the catalyst lo
Newport Harbor victories,
especially against teams with
No. l rankings. Marina enjoys
the top spot in Orange County
ratings this week , Newport
Harbor having moved into the
No. 9spot. As for statistics, they all
belong to Marina. Aiello bas
completed 43 of 70 for 761 yards,
including a five -for .five
performance (and three
Raiders' Perfect Dome
OAKLAND <AP) -The last
time the San Diego Chargers
beat the Oakland Raiders twice
in a season was in 1965. It's Jia.
ble to be a while longer if Thurs·
day night's game is any indica-
The Chargers came into the
Oakland Coliseum leading the
National Football League's
American Conferenr.e We st .
After a nationally televised 45·22
rout, they are still leading, but
not by very much.
Raiders in Oakland," said de·
fensive back Lester Hayes, who
picked off a crucial first·half in·
terception and generally made
life miserable for San U1ego
quarterback Dan Fouts.
The Chargers would no doubt
agree. Although Fouts threw for
a record fourth straight 300
yards passing, his team trailed
almost from the outset and on
only two occasions seemed on
the verge of gelling back in the
The ftrst time, with Oakland
ahead 14-0, routs tossed the ball
up for grabs in the end zone and
Hayes picked it off. Oakland
John Sevano
<which hasn't lost at home this
year ) went on to raise its lead to
21·0 before San Diego could score.
"John Matuszak was sitting in
Dan's face and be didn't see
me." Hayes said of the first·
quarter interception. "Dan just
threw it and I was there."
John Jefferson for a 57-yard
touchdown In the second
quarter, but the Chargers still
trailed 24-6 at halftime. They cut
that to 24·1.S early in the third
quarter on a field 1oal and TD
(See LUDEU. Pace 81)
Tonight's Games, Odds
Manna at ~I Harbor
[dison at HL11tmgton Beach
Tiii Till
Corona def Mar vs. Estaic1a al Orange Cioasl
Costa Mesa vs. Umvers1ty at Irvine ·
7 30
7 30
Marina by 4
£d1soo by 16
£stn1a by I
C.Osta Mesa by 8
£1 Toro by 70
S~ Clemente by 2
Kennedy by 2
Irvine vs. [I Torn at M1ss1on VieJO
Cap1strcro Valley at San Clemente
Kennedy vs. !keai View al Westminster
touchdowns) against Fountain
Marina's secondary, led by
Matt K.aae and Bob Grand.staff,
ls solid, as is Newport Harbor's.
with Gaddis and Cales
spearheading the defense.
Olber defensive stars include
linebackers Neil Rosa of
Newport Harbor and Lee
Knowles of llarlna lo what
abould be a eluate...,.. ..
dael. ••wR , ......... Edison, at the bottom of the
SUDMt Ltque ata!Mtinp after
mLnc t.o Newpo6. meet ~
inatao. wblcb la oe a 2l·1ame
wln1eal streak.
Huntinltoo Beach bu not won
a Sumet Le.,ue eame alnce re·
turnlq to the circuit aft.er a t~ year stay in the Empire Leque
and the Oilers' Sun.set record
since 1970 is l-<W-1.
Edison's guns include AJl.CIF
running back Kerwin BeU C 13
touchdowns). quarterback
Frank Seurer (53 completions in
90 attempts for 843 yards and 13
TDs) and tight end Mark Boyer.
a 6-5 standout who has caught 17
passes for 2.89 yards.
Defensively the Chargers are
led by linebackers Bill Malavasi
and Troy Seurer.
Huntington Beach's major
weapon is quarterback Dan Cur·
ran. He's passed for 539 yards,
but has been hampered by an
overall lack of effective running
game. The Oilers have been held
scoreless the last two games.
Coroma del Mar-Estancia
Corona del Mar Higb's Sea
Kines have their backs to the
wall after a 21-0 Sea View
League opening loss pinned on
by El Toro, while Estancia has
shown marked improvement
since the at.art of the season.
Both teams operate out of an I
system. Estancia junior
tailback Bob Urmson has been
an effective runner, rusbing for
485 yards on 101 carries behind a
charging front line.
His counterpart, Corona del
Mar tailback Chris Bticht, bas
been equally effective, chalking
up 513 yards on 105 carries.
7 30
7 30
7 30
Corona del Mar emphastz.es
more balance in its attack with
the running and passing of
quarterback Clay Tucker , while
Estancia relies almost ex·
elusively on the running of its
tailback.a, whether it be Unnsoo
or reserve Roberto Cervera.
c-a ...... u .. ftT'llM7
Uatvenlty Blp'a Trojaaa
"••• Mell stncau.a . .,..._ c-. .................. . ·--··* -La II •I MeklMo ......... ..,..,.
However, Univer sity bas
made it a ha!* ID years past &o
frustrate eo.t.a 11 ... u.,,... by dM i.m .............. ridory
Ulat dea6ed Colla llen tbe out-
rilbt Sea View dwnplomblp.
Lux bu completed 41 of 74
puses form yards, in additioo
t.o 170 yards oa t.be glouod in
four games. His favorite target,
Dan Bauer, leads tbe CIF
Southern Section in number of
passes caught at 37. good for 627
Chris Starkman is Mesa 's
leading rusher, having tot.a.Jed
400 yards oo 77 carries. although
he was out of the lineup a week
University's best weapon is
the forward pass. J im Staff has
completed 49 of 96 passes for S83
yards and four touchdowns. He's
bee n inte rce pted only four
Irvine-El Toro
El Toro bas a two.game win-
ning streak at the expense of
San Clemente and Corona del
Mar and doesn't figure to be
challenged tonight by the Va -
queros in Sea View action.
Irvine bas been unable to
s core more than seven points
against five of six opponents,
with the only scoring outburst
C2ll at lbe expense or Laguna
Hills. EJ Toro's chief threats are
quarterback David Key and
nose guard Rick Irwin. The of.
fense revolves around power
thrusts from the I formation.
Irvine's Mark Roberts bas had
a pair ol !()().yard plus running
efforts, and it will take that kind
(See PREPS. Pa1e 81>
-The question of whether New
York Yankees Manager BilJy
Martin did or did not slug an Il-
linois man during an ·argument
in a Bloomington hotel lobby re·
mains 1.manswered today.
Martin says he didn't. And.
while there are a number of peo-
ple who figure he did, none of
them is saying so outright.
THE MAN BEST qualified lo
answer the question -Joseph
Cooper, 52, of Lincolnshire, Ill.
-was keeping his mouth, split
lip and all, shut.
It matters because Yankees
owner George Steinbrenner has
warned Mart'n that be must
refrain from fi&bUnc and be on
bU best lJebavjOI' Ube Wanta to
keep bl.a job.
Ill ..._. Yadt. bMwMll CDID-•' ,. _.. ......... ...
eftlee .. ... ,. ..... u. tnd~
dent "to nnd out an tbe facts in
the case."
a ad hotel offtclala all
acknowled1e tbat Cooper re· ceived 15 to 20 atJtcbes in bis lip
followiq an incident ID dM Job.
by of L'ffotel de France about
midnight Tuesday. At iasue is
whether be fell -as Martin COO·
tends -or if he was struck by
Cooper did not press charges
so Bloomington police called to
the hotel did not conduct an in·
vestigation. Their report said,
however. that •·complainant was
struck folJowing an argument.''
Martin's state ment that
Cooper feU hasn't been refuted
directly by anyone, although a
hotel security guard who filed a
report on the incident -but did
not witness it -said he didn't
believe Cooper could have SUS·
tained his injury in a fall.
The only known eyewitness.
bellhop Steve Holland, has re·
fused lo comment.
Steinbrenner told reporters he
hasn't had a c hance to de·
termine the facts.
"There certainly are two con-
flicting stories ... he said, "or.
actually, only one story -
Billy's -and nobody bas refut·
ed that." Steinbrenner said.
"Nobody else has said anything
concrete to the contrary. have
they? I've had bis word he'd
slay out of fights and l believe
him until he Jlroves me dif·
Asked what effect the incident
would have on Martin's job
security if the allegations are
true, SteinbreMer said, "I can't a peak t.o that right now.•'
Slippery Tightrope Malavasi Walking On a
Rama Coach ~f. ~alavu.l la a man with
b.11 bead under aJWllOWle. All he's wailing for
l110mebody to let go of the rope.
MalaYMI, by b1a own admission, is in a
toa&b situation. Cbamplonsbip·ataived Loa Aaceles f ana, and lmpaUeat Ram manaeement
penomel want a Super Bowl berth ao bad tbey
SVDYONE ASSUM ED. like people do eweey year, that tm would be tbe year of tbe
Ram. Instead. lt'• turned IDto the Year of tbe
JQtary. Tbe recent pll1bt of the Rams lan't
llalaftll'• fault. Tbere'1 aot much a perSGD can do'° ecllllnJI ID.jurtet. and I feel lbe Ram coaeb
-•• done a credlbl• Job tol'a1lderln1 th•
Bat lte'a OD the bot Hat. DOMt.beleu beeaue that'• the wa1 lbe •r.orta world ~ ~ ao #l"Ollf doll l blame tke
players, the owner is exempt, ao tbemore the
guilt lies with the coach by default.
day would juat about aeal llaluaai's fate. And
ll tb1Dp weren't bad eooup, owner Oeorsi•
Rotenbloom macs. lb.iDCI W01'M by llYtu her
coach tbe kill ol death wtlb a vote ol Coaftcleac:e
WedMlday. NotbinC abort of a Super Bowl viltt wt11 eaa·
ble Jlalavul to keep bia cummt potlUon. and a
defeat '° tbe lowly Olanta micbt expedlte mat-
ten ln tbe opposite direetlon.
G.,..Pa, OD the other band, would De to.,._
llln llalavul for th• daratkln ol tlae MMOD at
least. ~ to IOW'CM, lbe IW IOl6e ma rue• p1a ln mind and ftriDc Mala•Ml at tbit
earl,y date could foul up th ~·
" that Oecqla would lib to IDOft~ ..
new 1un"OUDdillla at Anaheim Stadium with •
fresh, different approach. Mea.nin1 a new
publicity campaip for the team prompted by
lbe appearance ol a new. very •~ bead
The molt Immediate DlllM to mind la DolD
Sbula. wbo ii on tbe flDal JeU' al bll eontraC\'
wltb llJaml and baa ••p.....S lntereat in
eoacblDC wtlb a club that would atw blm part
Gioqla, 1uppoledly, ll wUbl '° mak•
1ueb a deal unlesa IMr band ii forced sooner. U that abou1d be the c ... , <Jeorsla baa two
alt.rnatlve1: •> Geora• Allen; or b) Hank SU1m .
IT'I ALalU.DY DOWN that Allen woWd
Ion to ba" a lbtrd try wttb bi.I fonn•r team.
AD4 lt"a allo lmoWD Uaat o.ortta Ml a IOft spot
for AJJm. wbo WU die......-durt.q tM StaY9
Georgia haa admired Allen for yean and it
la ironic that Allen, alone with Vin Scull)', will
be pre.eat Sunday to telecast the Ram-Olanta
Either way. it doean•t look cooct for
Malavaal, wbo baa accepqd tbe role of belna
the fall 1Q1 pretty well .
OP OOVUB, ANOTllD.-.--BOPS mlibt be
that bil pgyen wW rally 8l"OUDd bltn. But ~l
d0etn 't Metil likely.
Molt are dilencbanted with bow Malavui·
bu bandied th1np to date. wt th arsum•ts atart-
ln1to1urface amoq playeri oe the lldeli.nea dur·
Tbe te•m appears to lack dlacipline ...
and that'• Malavul'a fault.
Tbe Rama need 10meone to start puttinf tbe
thumblcre .. to cert.ai.D p...,..,... Aben wOuld
appear the beat candidate. bu\ maybt Kalauli
cu .... race bJ cbanctq bl.I tacUea ..
But Ume ll ruDDlq out •. ...,
A C••• Report from Ute Wortd of 8-ortt
Puget Sound Player& (28)
'V olontarily Su..,ended'
,.,_AP8L11 ...
TAOOMA, WU.II . -Twenb.-IIM memben or. llJ
lbe u•'VWll'1 ol Pucet Souncl football team, la·
cl•cllq l1 atartera, "•elatartlJ 1u1p~uadtd
tbemMI~"-.,. C..dt a. a.._.
Tbil ladeflake .. ,_,._. __.. unounced Wtdra91dQ
wbeo llDNpt wen m"9CI ror u.e Ut'ti-Hwnboldt Slate •am•
Saturday lD Attal.a, Ca111.
UPS athletic aovces •* Tbunday the dlaclpllne becan
wlt.b four pa.yen who were reported to have been amokln1
marijuana and wu extended to <>then who eaprcs~ed support
for tbeit t .. tnmat.es.
"I can't aay what was done because I don't know what wu OM," Slmouon aaJd. ··A 1~ Of players were Involved ln
an acUvtty ol whieh I did not approve.
"I don't even know wbo the 1roup was The athletes
voluntarily suspended themselves. Some were involved.
Some stood up for others."
Simonson refused to say when the suspensions would be
"'l'bis is my rule, not the school's," be said. "I will decide
-when the players will return."
-----fl-•~ ol flw D••-----
._ Br1ut. followin1 a 40-0 rout of Florida ln
wllieh "'1abama held t.be Gaton to 88 yanb ln total of.
len.ae: "I'm not one of thoee IUY• who would rather be lucky tban IOOd. I'd rather be 1ood."
Pt ••Pt IA!flell Leu F'9er lt'la
fioolcie Brtaa Propp and llellie Leacla scored ~ in an ll·second span of Philadelphia's three-goal ,
third period to lead the Flyers to a 5·2 National
Hockey League victory over the New York
Rangers Thursday night. Propp got behind the Rangers' de·
tense, took a pus from Leach and fired a 20·footer over the l~ft shoulder of New York goalie Jolut Oavidaoe to break a 2·2
be at 9:11, then Leach made it 4·2 at 9:23 ... Ptertt
Larelldae aco~ed fou~ goals, including the tie breaking shot in
a four·goaJ third penod as the Montreal Canadiens defeated
Pittsburgh, S.S. S&eve SllaU scored hi.a 250lh regular season
goal for the Caoadiens and assisted on four othe rs
... Vaclav Nedomaeskl scored two of Detroit's four power
play goals and .Jimmy ••lllerford registered his first shutout
of the season as the Red Wings downed the Buffalo Sabres
4-0 . . • The Minnesot.a North Sta.rs sent defenseman Curt
GIJes to their Oklahoma City farm team.
aric19:e111a11, a11e1u ae.. .. Bea
The Milwaukee Bucks rallied for their m seventh consecutive National Basketball Associa· ~ion victory behind Junior Bridgeman's 18 Points
m the fourth quarter to hand San Diego a 118-115
defeat ~ursday . night. The Clippers' Lloyd Free scored a
1ame·higb 30 point.a, the seventh time in eight games he's
scored 30 or more but it wun't enoueh. Bridgeman's 22 was
hilh for the Bucks ... ~-llla~nlc~ broke open a tight
game with 21 points in the third quarter to
lead the Utah Jaaa to a ua~105 wtD over
Chica1<>. Marnie.la flDJUed wttt. 11 -....
MCOnd to ................ De •• , ...
. . . llfm ... --· exeeutl.e vtce p....t. dent ol the Indiana Pacers, says be bu
been fired by the NBA team. BtmlS told
0.. Ilda, sporta director of television sta·
lion WTRR that he was dismissed because
of "managerial confli cts" with Bobby
IAonard, the team's coach and general
manager, and with Leonard's wife , Nancy,
t he assistant general manager
Br••••n-1Ja4er,,.e• "aee S•rp,..
Huntington Beach High graduate Jack Ill
.Brollamer of the Boston Red Sox had torn
cartilage removed from his right knee Thursday in
Boston. The operaUon was deemed a success ...
Veteran guard ... Boolte baa been traded to Utah by the
Lakers. Rookie guard OU.er Mack, a second round draft
pick. wu taken off the injured reserve list and moved into
, Boone's apot on the Laker roster ... lolmay Paal Peary, 23,
bu been charaed with capital murder in connection with the
a tabbing death of Pa• Moseley Carpeater. sister of
Washington Redaklna placekicker Maril Moeeley ... Al·
tomeya for the estate of former New York Yankees catcher
ft11r--11 ..... have hired a Tempe, Arizona consulting
flnn to inveaUgate the Aug. 2 airplane crash ln which Munson
was killed ... aJeunt Wan.ta Tecea arraipment Nov. s on
a cbarse ol a1iravated assault ln eonned.ioo with the shoot·
inl of,,.._ 8daaetdaer. a Northern Arizona Univenlty foot·
ball playew-. . • Seven Eut European women track and field
athletes have been banned unUI further notice trom lnterna·
tional athletic competition for taking dru11 . . . Praak
llcGldn whoee players said they would quit the team if he
waa 1i;;i. will stay on aa basketball coach al South Carolina
tbroup the coming season. He will be released from bi&
duties as coach, by a1reement, in June ... The president of
Ari.Iona State University baa asked for an NCAA lnveatiga·
lion of the school's football proiram after players gave him
evidence of con.aplracy aeainat former Coach Frau Kasla
. . .A former ASU student who s ays he was an eyewitness
claims that llala ''definitely did not punch" former Sun
Devils' punter Kevla &lltledle ... Forrest Pealer fired six
birdies and his partner Larr)' Zle&ler five for an 1 l·under-par
61 and the first round lead of the National Team Golf Classic
at Diaoey World in Florida . . . Jockey Darrel McHargae
rode six winners Thursday at the Santa Anita Oak Tree m'eet,
including a victory aboard (4'e1& Lady M. In the feature race.
Telet7ulea. Radle
TV: Horse Racing -Today at Santa Anita, 7:30 p.m.,
Channel 52. Rodeo -St.ate Fair of Texas Rodeo 8 p m
Channel u. Gymnastics -Albuquerque Journal lnvlt.au.x..i' t p.m., Channel~. '
RADIO: Football -Ocean View vs. Kennedy, 7:30 p.m.,
KSBR <lli.s FM>. ~asketball -Kansas City at Lakers. 8 p.m .• KLAC (570).
Roll Over
Of t1W o.i1y f'llet S\Mt
Dana Hills High, 0-4·1 thus far
Into the 1979 football season, was
within 3:31 of playin~ time and
one touchdown dnve from stag·
ing one of the biggest upsets of
the season Thursday night at
Mission Viejo.
However, Mission Viejo was
not to be denied, increasing its
winning streak to 11 games as
Diablo Rick -Buhler picked off a
Dolphin pass and ran 1t back 52
yards to tum a 14-6 lead into a 21·6
~ DANA IOLLS was not through
as Jim Gleed came back on the
next play running 80 yards for a
touc hdown on t he Mission
kickoff. The two·potnt play
failed for the Dolphins and Mis·
s1on Viejo had a nine -point ad
vantage and went on to score
again for a 'l.7· 12 South Coast
League triumph.
Dolphins Coach Don DeGroote
was extremely proud of has ball
club. "We fi gured we'd have to
beat one of the powerhouses or
the league to get <i shot at that
third berth mto CIF post-season
play. Tonight tht• kids did JW.l
~reat and we h<i ve Lagun<J
BeaC'h , Capo Valley and Lagunu
Hills to look rorward to." ..-r_.. OU1e ••DdrlcUOia la be)i9d ............ , tack.le lD
tbe leape. Ile pl9yed wen fOf' WI
tonlghL In fact. the wb.ole team
''This was the first time we
had a fla wless drive and holding
the Mission Viejo team m the
early goi ng got our guys fi red
up." s aid DeGrootc
DANA HILLS .!>hocked the
D1ablos m the early going hold
ing them on their first four
possessions and sconng once to
Wi th 8 :36 remaining in the
second qua rter quarterback
Paul Sizelove bit light end Kevin
Sardnor with a l4·yard pasa as
the Dolphins led the surprised
Diabl08, &-0.
Mission Vi ejo had its final
poaaession of the half result in a
score as running back Rich
Sanchez went over for a one·
yard TD.
Sanchez alao scored the
DiabJos final tally wlth 1:37
showing on the clock in the
fourth quarter u he Cl(ried the
oaU tbree times for 87 yarda. A
one.yard leap was required for
kMw ... ~ 0.M Miiis 0 6 0 ._., ''""'°" Vlt)O 0 r 1 » 11 OH-S.rdr>Or I• NU from Slletove fklO
MV ~ ... ,I rufl IM<OoNld klO I
MV .ion.t U NU from TMke IM(Defteld
MV Blll>ler S1 IMff<"'llan rtl..rn IM<OeNld
OH Glfte!IO klOoff "tturn I run failed)
MV S.nc:.,., I rur1 (klO lelltell
A 1,000 l.Sll,,.,..1..tl
"""-· RU\IM\ y.,O\
PH•h'll Y.,cb
1' 1a.
1:M . "' •·1'
" ,..,~
11-1 .. 1
f l1
Liana Fall, 17-6
De:buca, York
Spark FV Win
--~ ........... Fountain Vall•y Rich's
Baron.t, the defendln1 CIF Bl1
Five Ccmtereoce champion.a. bad
t.Mlr Ncka to the wall Tbanday
nJ1bt, but It didn't lake Iona to
realize they're atilJ in the bunt
as they burled ho s t
Westminster, 17·8 , In Sunset
League football acllon.
"Yea, H waa tonight or
never," said Fountain Valley
Coach Mike Milner . "We were
ert)otionally ·ready and we
thought w.e could thro w on
the Westminster secondary in
the first hall as quarterback An·
dy De Luca completed eight o(
11 passes for 151 yards, includ·
ing touchdown passes of six and
52 yards to Mark York
Some of the sparkle of the
triumph was tamlshed m the
second hall. however, as Foun-
tain Valley's offense went under·
ground. thanks to one penalty
after another.
"We've been doing that all
y ear." l a m e nte d Milner
.. Penalties have plagued us all
year I 'm h a ppy with our
performance tonight, but I hatt-
to keep on playing with only on e
half of football per game "
In all. the Barons we re guilty or 14 infractions ror 145 yards.
killi ng second ha lf Honng
fired a l~·yard pass to Rob
Emerson to get out of trouble,
and after movin1 to the FV 48,
De Luca went to York 11a1.n.
York caught the ball at the
Wettmlnater 30 and WU ln the
clear allDOll simultaneously for
the 52-yard acorinc play.
The Barona also eatabllahed a
decent running game with Keith
Richards and Dave Desper do-ing a job.
slenificant gains of the night
were a 17-yard draw play and
36-yard scoring trap over the middle~ Eric Willingham.
The Vfctory evens the Barons'
league record at l·l with Edison
a waiting a week from ton!gbt al
Anaheim Stadium.
"'-"'~ ,.....,,.,.,v .. i.v
FV Si.I-• FG
f'V Y-•-•1"1"'•0.LUCA CS•IMe-ic,~I
f v Yon" ..... from 0. LuW IS..i-klct.I
W Wllll.._..,.,1'run ll'olMl .. leell
Att.-.e-S,500 1Htlm.e1.tcll
f'lr\fO-. U
Au~• ,.,0\ )S-UO P•U•• l).JU p""" •. ,,
f u"'C>IM klol 0 0
Pt1'•111n ,.,di 1•Ut
I .. ~ ........
I V 111(.,_0. II ,J. ~r t W, De l.UU M
\ovU.wMd .-10, ~IM. M<Ttir ,_. HMry , .
W Wiiii~ ""' l(._,,"O J' H.,,,, I lor
"'''""" n ,_......,. .......
F Y De LUU 11 ~. ,,,
W H•rrl\ 1 ~ l, 1' ,,.. ............ ....
FV """ •lo. H•rry ) ~ Aot ... rO\ J.1' (-•*',. w ~t •·U lu~t.,. t u
olp~ ........ to ....
El Toro.
~v.a., .... a.m•• Thil eoald be eleMttlecl 11 tbe
Survival Bowl u tbe wt.er
1t.ay1 ln the rumatai witb •· defeated llllGoft V1tJo iD tM
Soul!) Coat race.
A natural rivalry, tbe two
teams boast offenaea and
phllosopbiea at extreme op-
Coach Allie Schaff'• San
Clemente Tritooa use a •round·
oriented wishbone attack with
210.pound fullback J im Doebrinl
and versatile ha.ltbac.k Jeff Ban·
Seldom does San Clemente go
to the air, although at least one
halfback pus from Bamier can
be expected.
Coach Bill Cunerty 's
Capistrano Valley Couiara rely
on quarterback Josh Haryung
and the nmning of Eric Fox, the
latter scoring five touchdowns
two weeu ago in destroying
University. ,
Oceu Vlew·Keaaedy
Kennedy. wbicb lost to a
strong Millikan team, ZZ.21, ii
led by 175-pound t.aUback Randy
Benton. a Loa Angeles Hi&b
transfer who ran for a 98-yard
TD a1a.inat Katella a week a10.
Benton has run for 476 yards
on 90 carrla and a. tJle. team's
leading pass receiver with 10
catches for 142 yards .
Ocean View's 35-point ex-
plosion over Cypress underlies
the steady improvement of an
offense led by quarterback Ray
Kotler C49 completions ln 87 at-
tempts . 629 yards).
Terry Bachmeie r is Ocean
View's leading receiver, having
caught 16 for 204 yards. IT WAS OVER, however. at
th e half a s th e BarfJ n .!>
smothered the Lions with a de
fense led by tackle Dave Brun
nemmer, li neba c ker Todd
Holmes and defensive back Lyle
F re•r~•s ·
It was 10.0 on Greg Stcinke's
28 yard fi eld goal and De Luca'.!>
six yard payoff to a wide open
York before Westminster had as
much as a first down
And it wasn't until the hnal
play of the fi rst half that the
Lions managed to pe netrate
Fountain Valley s<Jll, getting lO
the FV 48 with a 14 yard pass
one or two Westminster comple
lions for the night
M'cond touchdown dn ve showed
some explosivenes.!>, the kind the
Barons have been noted for the
past four years .
'On MCOGd and 20 De Luca
after an on.side lock, but then
came Ira Matthews
The rookie from W1sconsm ap·
peared to have made a mistake
when he took a kickoff four
yards deep in his own end wne
But he came roaring up the nght
s1dehne, cut back agam~t the
~rain and scored the longest
ki ckoff return m team history
'I haven'! felt this good since
college.·· Matthews admitted
··The first thmg I dJd when I got
to the end woe was look ba.ck to
see if there were any flags. It
wu set up as a ngbt return and
1t happened to pop over."
THE aUNBACll look the
steam out o( the Chargers and
eve n though Fouts threw for
more than 300 yards again, he
was outplayed by Oakland's Ken
•·Kenny called has game,"
Oakland 's Gene Upshaw said
'"He didn't gf't into a p8S6mg
duel with f'outs ..
Stabler was 13 of 17 for 212
yards. one touchdown and no in·
terceptaons. Fouts was 21 of 37
for 303 with two interceptions
and the same number of TDs . ..
Monarchs Rip Pius X
Warriors ' Nelson on Sidelines
When Pius X took the field for
pre.game warmups Thursday
night, Mate r Del's coaching
staff scanned the drills and
found someone cons picuously
missing -the Warriors' talent·
ed running back Kevm Nelson.
"We had no Idea at au tbat
Nelson wouldn't play," Mon.ardr
head coach Wayne Cochrun said
following his team's easy 20-7
Ange lus Leaiue football win over Pius X at Santa Ana
Stadium. "In fact, we tbou.eht he might be wearing a different
jersey number."
street clothes on the sidelines
nuP,lng ribl be lnJured in the
fln•l minute of last week's win
over Bishop Mont1omery.
Alt.bough Nelson Is an aU.cJF
back and a threat on every play,
it's doubtlul his absence made
the difference ln winning or los·
ing for the Warriors.
Mater Dei u.sed a swarmjng
defense that spent most of the
night in the Warriors' backfield.
Plus X had only 38 net yards
rushing and 159 total yards, 79
coming in 8' last minute drive
that resulted in its only score, a
1wo yard pass from Craig Elam
to Ala n Mason
THE MONllCllS' two small
defensive linemen, 5· 7 Joe
McCree and 5.9 Brian Ucker,
tormented Pius. offense all rugbt
with McCree making four tackles
Mater Dei's two miehlY·nUtes were movinl constantly and
shooting the gaps, a ploy the
Monarchs are forced to use
becau.ae of their size.
"We can't get into the of·
fenaive line and read, so we
move and ltant," Cocbrun said.
"We have good. quick kids oo
defense and they're very a1· greaaive."
On offenae. Mater Del un·
veiled a new tactic -runnJ.na
from the l formaUon. Al Varisco
benefltted from that maneuver,
gaining 107 yards on H carries.
"MY COACHES were con·
vinced we could run better out of
the I formation," Cocbrun said.
"It would allow us to run to the
outside more effectively and we
worked very hard all week get·
ting ready."
Mater Dei's offense co~roUed the first half. apurtin'g to a 14·0
ha lftime lead. The Mona hs
scored two of the first three
times they bad the ball on a
nine yard run by John Kapsner
and a 30-yar d draw pla y
scamper by Frank Vu1ttonet.
The Monuchs then got the
break they needed to ice the
game early in the third quarter
when Jerry Schmit recovered a
fumbled punt at the Plus 39.
Quarterbuk Phil Spe ncer ,
who hit six ol 12 passes for 70
yarch, moved the Monarchs into position for Vartsco's six-yard
Tom Baime added his second
extra point and Mccree and bis
defenaive teammates did the rest.
f'lvt• 0001-1 .. .., 094 • " • ._211)
M O-•-·-( ...... lrkkl MO-~• rWft cu ... •tclll
M0-Ver'llCll6 rWft Ouo l•iledl "•---J~from g1..., c11_...,_,1r1ca1 An•~JWcett1me1 .. 1
"'"' ....... llu,,._~,.,*'
Pn>i .. Y .. ,. ... ,
,. __ _
,.....1 .... .,._
1 ...............
f'X MO
11 17
,, • 0 ·1'•
121 '°' t•1H ~ M,S.I .. ,, ~
l 7 ).I
PX-"-•7'. El.,.. Mw m lnu• Q . Ml•
M O V#IM:o 1S.10J. *"«• •for ml-t ;
IC.__, S.71, Vul"-' .. SA. Hl99l11• l·tt; SOI·
lolot"41 .... "'""" •• ....................
PX-E1.,.. .. 1N. 121
#10-~ .. 17·1, lt;~ll l·M .'2. ....................
PX-H .. ..._, )·11; MHOft l ·ll . l.-1•JO; ._,_ 1 ... "-Mor,,. ..... , •.
MO Carlyle ).1$, Vvl"-1 M J; II-1-17;
c:.olr 1·10, Or-1.J>
"""'blft~ 11 MO
l1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ptflellln-y•cb ,,,,
1 ..................... DH-G-IM'>; -.e1r HI. &r..tsllew Mt; L.onof•ll-14; Slt .. ow Hor mlnin 11. MV-SencNJ 2MS4; OluM .. II; C-So .. :
J-t J..16; 8tadtfl 1-..; M<Orft 1-..; T-J..for
ll'lfllut 1
IMI ............ OH-sir-•1•:r. t>e.
MV-T..U.. IM••. UI; s.tl<Nrt+•.o
I ............. .....
DH PllCQ .. SO. Mlllef l·H, Ser-2-JO.
MV ·J~ +49; ._ .. , J.n . 8\lfllff 1-M;
Weller 1·1': Slrlpeer , ... , C-M .
With Auto Sherp
only s179 95* • 16'" BAR
We have a few left. .. the high
performance '79 model TRANS AM.
Now. these have the powerful engf ne
that mecte T.A. a hou1ehold word for
yeare. Once these ere gone, lney
won't be replaced.
24IO tlmk l1 .. n•4. c.e. Mete
17141 549-4300
., . ,, ........ , ......... --.... ~ ................... ,.., ....... -~ .... ,. .... -.... -. -.. ~ --.. -. .._ .... ' ... ,_, ........... -. --.....
I --
•• Ram Defense Slipping Into Mediocrity . ., .,
.._Bowl nme&da. ~ .... ,....._to "* ...... • ..._.....,. ia 'omrt11 ••beda wW ................ =··· ...... Mcoedery NT 8IANll CM) AT ... ANOn• (M) -~ ... .....-at lit .......... xm. llow•vw. aa. .. ,.,-=:= • llp llllio •datrtt>' or •••hn m.. jwt .._. to ao aaaiut t.be ._ •-• flli · la..._ eecnder7. TM ol· ~ PMI dll1u1 wtUda bed eo muy probMm1 twt .. IM Ml ..... ail9let • Wiil ... cq't witb hm. l&aUwortb aDd Omntnc»m lut = ... t • ollllll· ...... wUl ........ Januaey. Pitubur1b bys. fMI ....... DMlt o,.., could MMftt .
from ......... LA ..... ,,. Loi Aqelel by avn.u.o (M) AT Dl:TaOIT (l-7) -Liocs
I. cooUD• to 1vtfer more thu tbelr abare ot ln·
NY HT8 (M) AT llOV8'ION CW) -Oiler
pe11lq 1ame bladered by fallln•• of Dan
Putorinl JeU bne the most produc:Uve nmDlnl
1ame lit t.be leape but the OUen have Earl
Cempbell. Key bere wlll be pua ruab pr.aw-e ot
Oiler defemlve line a1almt the Jell' bookend
tacll:lel, llama Powell and auu Ward. Houston bye.
DALLAS (1>1) AT PITl'88UaGB (1·0 -·
Juria BWI are aea.rcbiq for their misplaced of. teue. Joe rercuaoa key bere with deep threat
poled b)' rookie JelT)' Butler. Buft&lo by 3.
-Bert Jmel la tar from beiq tbe QB that be was
the lut time theH two team.a bad • mean!:f!:1
COD.froatatioo. Patriots will be OD pard .. ~t
letdown. Pall' nmn1.aC 1ame meablq perfectly,
and Gropo la comiDC olf a IJ"Ml comeback 41ffort a1aiut tbe Dolphlna. New En&INMI by 4.
CIZVEIAND <W> AT ST. LOVl8 <l-4> -
Browm can't afford to take the Cardinala liehUy.
St. Louis can move the ball. Brian Sipe will throw
deep to Dave Lotan and ReQie Rucker with 1ood
auccaa. TE <>me New90CDe will contribute as
well. Gftg Pruitt is always better oo artificial turf.
St. Louis by 3.
Buccaneer ground game -paced by Ricky Bell
and Jerry Eckwood -along with stronc defeue
keyed by the Selmon brothers will oeutraliu
atroo&·armed efforts of Tommy Kramer and Vlk·
inga' outatanding group o( ~vers. A win here
puu Tampa within reach of McKay's magic
number ol nine. Even.
GaEEN BAY (3-5) AT IOAM.I <'-3> -Key
game for bome side. QB problems unresolved, but
shouldn't hurt all that much against t.be Packers.
Visitors lack semblance of ground game because
of injwies. Miami by u.
. .
-£ ..... will eoatrol UM be ol =~ both ~ and defeue u WUblrt
retiarna to form. llajor' s.,aJ plua ii lO re·
vlteil.led paulq attack f..aurlai Kea ADdenoe th.rowtlll to llaac Cwtia. ctwt-.U by a.
llu.at pine fM the Broneo1. Red llWer MVerly
embarruaed by bia club'• performuee qalnat
the Steelers and Denver wiU be primed for
superior comeback effort at t.be expeme ol flowt. dertac Chiefs. B~ defense will set well al the
expeme of Mike Livingaton. Denver by 1.
CRICAGO (l·S) AT SAN nAN08CO (1-4) -
Walter Payton will enjoy IOOd aucceu bere but the
Bear secooda.ry will be most vulnerable to *'•· range puaing attack paced by St.eve DeBer1.
Ni.Der secondary still not seUled and Bob AveUini
or Mike Pbipp& could enjoy t.be mc»t s~
day of t.be ~ for the Bear air attack. Chicaeo
by 3.
SEATn.E (3-5) AT AnANTA (J.5) <MON·
DAY) -Key game for Falcoaa and their diaap-
point.ing defense. However, Seattle alowly sett.ins
back t.be kind of offensive punch they diaplayed
last seuon as coot.enders and will mount atronc
challeqe behind Jim Zorn. Sherman Smith and
Steve Largent. SeaUJe by 3.
~ "",..., ,_.,,,_, ..._
GWC, Uni, Estancia Win
Sailors Sink Vikes
Tars Face Vnbeaten FV Next
The Sunset League doesn't have
Newport Harbor's cross country
team to kick around any more. The
SaUon, perennial doormats, have
rilen to t.be bead ot the class.
West.mi.mt.er, ~34. Tom Strelow ran
L5:31, finishing one second out of first
place, to highlight the Barons'
24·~ grouping.
Ediaoo's Joo BuUer, meanwhile,
continues to be tbe Sunaet's top i.D-
dividual. Butler, who haao't lost a
race all year, clocked LS:SS in an
League pow e r s
University High and
Costa Mesa High are
among the entries 1n
Sat urd ay 's team
s weepstakes <.'h am .
pionabip race at the Mt.
San Antonio College
c r oss country invita-
tional with activity
scheduled to begin at 8
a .m.
Tim Spaeth scored three goals
to lud the Golden West College
wat er polo team to a 10-5
Southern Ca.Wo mia Conference
victory over host Cypr ess
College Thursday afternoon.
On the high school front.
University Hjgh 's Trojans held
on lo win a 9i8 decLSion over V1S
iting Corona del Mar 10 Sea
View rompel.llJoo wtule Estan-
cia scored four llmes in the fl.naJ
quarter to post a 12·9 V1ctory
over lrvme
Spaelh's three goals s parked
the Rustlers wbo have won 36
straight aga.inst commuruty eol
lege competition and have a ~
conler'eoce record this !>eason
The Rustlers are 1.3· I overall,
losing ooly lo tbe USC F rosh
edge go111g 111lo the final quarter
CdM scored five times in the
r1oal stanz.a but could.a 't quite
catch tbe Trojans. University is
now 3-0 anct"CdM is 2·1 ln league
play. Reserve goalie Scott
Auchmoody bad eight saves for
the game whale subbing (or
Keith McCroy
• ·crou country ia now another pre·
mlum aport at Newport Harbor,"
saya third-year coach J im Newttrt.
"We're aetttng a little continuity in
the pro1ram and the kids are
The only continuity the Sailors
used to experience was a losing ooe.
Before tbia aeuoa, Newport Harbor
had tone ftve years without winning
a SUmet Leaaue varalty dual meet.
Bat after beattna llartna. 22·34, T1111nde~. tbe Sallon IPort a &)Guy
4 ·0 record beadln1 into nezt week'• abowflown wftll Fountain v~ .................. .._
--·· ---tile •enlt.7. Jmlor ....... fa .... ••••...... • ._._.. n'1t.._.ID ...
ll 'Ji, ..r ~ Tww flntahed
1·2 lo Tbanclay'1 oatiq. And aiDCe ._... .. ,..._..ateamtbabu _._...._,Newpon'abea .. IWI ... .._.
..., .................. eoar'M
la ll:ZI ......... bJ 15 MCODda.
Poaataln Valley tuned up for next
week's club at Huntlngt.ca Beach ~entral Park by beatln1
ls-.5 win over Hunliogtoo Beach. 1
In the Sea View League, University
turned ln a& close of a team grouping
aa a team could possibly have in
racking up a perfect 15-SO score
against El Toro. Brad Meyer , Todd
Andrews, Graham Jackson, Scott
Emery and Steve Emery all tied for
ftnt place with times of 16:03 to pace
the Trojans' fourth league win in aa
many CJ!lwtin1s.
Corona deJ Mar, lied for MCODd witll ea.ta 11 ... at 3-3-1, crabbed tbe
ftnt tine pge. to roU -Im., 17~ . ...,. Oell..,_r •• .._ .-. ••r ta H :n •Ula tlae Gerke• ............. AIMlJ and Dave, tied for
aecood in 11:31.
In tbe South Cout Le-.ue, Mlaaion
Viejo rm it.a record to 3~ by.beatiq o ... Hilla, 11-43, behind • 15:43
thne·mlle by Jeff Vandereema..
Tbe Laguna Beach Sirls r.aialned
undefeated with an 18-43 win over Laguna Hilla wttb Rennie Durand
and Renee Lopat pacing the victory.
·The Shell
' I
G8t • hmd·hekl c1lc11lator free when ,a11 buy a
Shel Fire & 1ce• ol m.tae ol llter, • llter and
.....,., ..... from~ .,.1idp.•• Shel dealer.
There are lots of pluses to this c:alculatbr.
~ It\ from National Semiconductor, one of the top
names in the business. It adds, s~btracta. multiplies
and divides. It has a 1J181D011t It fits neatly into shirt
pocbts and purses.
But mostly, it's free. Just buy a Shell F~ Jee oil
cllanse, oil filter. air filter and lubrication m your
nearest participating Shell dealer.
While supplies last , of course. So stop in today.
Ignoring an offer like this slmply doesn't add up .
• .....
Cr•"'>' 1 f'i•'bf",f l•hr•<J ,lf
,.,, 'M)rl•I of•,., ,1 WllOI(• nt•N 11•(.I
'"'l f ' "JOO '.': "1 1 .... t 1 1 { n1•N
C tf'")I t 'h• '• ,, .•. ; J 11 t • •
l?r• I • .ir1 J C.t
fh. ~ ,, , , .... , r ,r-. t ••,.,
l:JCr,1t11r JI• 111.! l:Kiv1 ~J..in· tu
5po<1 Coup•:•. 3 Door Llttbdek~
'J [)oo( W3<;)(Y"r5 IO lh-! r,e-M •'I 0 11, '
1ng a' .111 me tronr \...tlet."1 cw ...
Com11.i \:<c• ·I
CoroHa. Redesigned Inside
w rJlt.J!; t> 111 !'"""' U~de
~,.gnc<j tor l')ti() N•tn gr11a1 c.1•1•
Jeff Ca mpbell, picking up
where tu.s older brother left off.
scored su ti mes for U n.i vers.it y
as tbe TroJans pulled lo an 8-3
Estancia posted its first
league wtn with Doug Hartung
scoring four times and Tom
Balding three
f')"f\CrQu• ~-C• J •~' tX)uf\d I() bl• '1o•
1.qnlf• J I ' , ·• .1mpi. • AM i M MPX
'' '" ' I 1• IM '1•'1·' 11 'I 1,Jr':
fo w • I'' •1tv1 \r'l•.rl 1~'~1
l •'!tJ I'• I'•' •r t "r-.,()j• 'ti°• 1 ')<:t
.i ti. ~ir.., rn 11 ' '' " 1 • 'I'\;· no 'V1
'1 J f·~#1nr,'... ~: O{O(.:r ..,m.111
'' "' "'°''"''•lr•VCC·H~c.1n1 L'"''
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I ' ' ! -~•_!,.. t' a' >1 't • 'I"'\ 1
J •• ~ .... { • , : • J .-' "'~ '· "'1
• ~ ,..._ •• I •• ' ,, V'"''' 'rr\.J•t
'riff #'"'•"' • H l .•t_• (·,JI ..:>"• "'',, f'l'Y>'t •
W11n 1•t •n.~ CQmlQ<1'l01(• ~dC~
( 1 'CY\l 1(l(J :-If"~ ) C()m('', ",M()OI n
~~~.]r• • • "••f"..,., I)"/ I } ~ dfld
r-n.oo •,ft.-'\,'! -<1 •ou1 wh<.'(!l 1nd\.:.
r" "'l()eflf ~I' f)i flS•Ofl and
1)t •''Y"tr ~ lM r • ,•tir. J
All ;r t 1 , ... ~ 1 1• ' ) k_.,..._..,,'Y) r ,..1'.11,,J •• ·• •. , 1 • .no1c iu:.r
I[ '-' .1~. '"·" l
Tnc W1r111unnr~t l1",l1ng
Jloni • lOt)I<. i iiiiiii•••1i1ii....._ ( .fN l')'-tJ' r111• ,,,.,,nt• ..,...•r"t·I•'• .,,,, Total economy fOf allt
;,, 1'1.•l'tc' 111 r f1• l('l"ll)f ll'lr·<,.t • I;:>
f\t ... ,•, fh':J t (T"W)(]t .. ,.., • , t.. •(t •lit "'f
425 h()ur-, 10 l"rP.llf' lhc new
<.1croayn 1n·11c. • n, 10"
W11r-, "'·"'' • '' ·•-. cxrcnor (ano
got{)eOIJo, in1er•0<l rrxires d whOlo
rx-w :,i -()• ,fJ ot w10•' opon r..pacc-'°' vou . ind n'o" · 101 vour cargo
f;ll'(.'fl Cot'011.1"' r>er1orrnanrc 1:;
new ouc 10 J l)(.'P()~ I 8 htCf
4 -<:yiindt'f ,eoqrtX.• nL'\V SUS()CO~
system ano 1ncronsco whet.·lt>a!">e
And me 1is1 o t sranoaros is :.o
COrolla Tercel. The lowest
priced front wheel drive.
~mp•..., ll1L C<YooJ 'k:rCt.11~, tnt·
loM.•sr pr•cL.od lrOOt·wfl\.>t:I OrM.: car
1n At'rM!<•r J 1\1 S3 698 · '' :.. nol the
ltr51 front wheel OrM! 001 11 m <IY t>e
lt'IL bcSI
Cot'Olla l\.'IC(:I s I 5 lttcr
4-c-rino._.r e<'HJ1nc is 1n
a posir1on 10 'Jive
vou J lol ot
i 1 .AJ r,_.1,.1r .... "f\f .., (?1--flt.'fr11'.
1n·.,011nt CA • 1.1rvJ.1• l t.'<lv•pm..-<"11
.ino .i \t't / rl.".p.X;11u1 ..ion10.Jeh
!,.... · 1980 CoiotlJ Wlf'lr.;• .ind
•.,!tll ChamDOn
~ ...... P'Ulortne
Corolt Ta!otl
1<0oot s.otll Pluoo..noc
lflCIUClt ...
llllllPOI ....... ~ .,.,.,..,.,. Ot
... .... UlAi.
For the
I. Ctle) .... IU>. Jee'-IUI • .._....
tUI, Sc. I_., CUI, M 1-V CUI ...... •
..... CUI .. ~ ... 1 ... NH CUI .. to. I
T•ytw llTI ... n . • ~ llETI It 17, -~·••1111T) ... ..
c... .... " .......... I. 0......-10 16:a , J, llMI A.~
.... O. ~ CO tt:"; 4 s.n.. ...... Ill ,.,.; ,. ............... 10 16:41; ... le*'
CCI 161•: 1 • ...,...... IC) tt:•. I. WlllW Ill
U:tt; t. -.,n 111 U:U; IO. T-11 ICl
L...-.... ,..~ .. -· I. T...,_ CL.8117:•; 2.McMkllMt IL.91 n :•; >.. ~ ll•I 11:tt: • ... ....,.
IL.al 11:•: S.. ~CL•> 11:•; •. sllew t l.81 17:•: 7 ........ CLll 11:•; 8. ._
ILe l 11:11; t . H-11..9 1 IT:l 4; 10.
w.4 ...... 11..91 "'" ........ ~"'Delle ....... I. Vu• -(MVI IS:a : 1. v.n (11:\VI u :a : ).. ..... tMVI lf:O; •. WMte IMYI
tS:d ; S.. ~ COHI tS:JI: ._ L.Mdltr lllllVI
tS:•; 7 ......... IMVI .. :16; e. Heyl fllllVJ
16:lt; t. a....... IOHI M:l4; 10. Edwerdl
tOMI 16:&
-----.~-'· OWi .. *"' Cl..J U :4S; 1. T ... COi t•:D. l. It. o.e..-lot tt:tS; •· a. 0....-IOI 1':U; L ..._ CU tt~tl; ... T ...... IOI *": 1 ~ CU 16114: e. S..0 IOI Mo:lf; t '--Cot tt:•, W.. 0-. 101
f1: ..
~ .... 11 .........
t. ••> ..._.. fMI. ...._ CMI • .._ fMI. _,..,..(Ml ..... e11r.-. IMI 16:51 ·
6. UdtyUI IMI tt:SiSI 7. O¥ci. ISi 17:11, 8.
........ ISi O:IS; t. MC~ IMI 11:11· '°· ·-($) 11:11 -.....·.~Country ...... ~ ............. '" .._ .... I. ICatzw IH91 \2: II; ,, 1"9) PT.n IEI
111,..r IEI, AA. ICl1'110m IEI Al. Klrllor"
IEI. ~ CEI n :n : 7. •rown IH81 12:U.
8. Met,,111 CEI 1':•. '· ~., IH81 IJ:ZO;
IO~IEI U::IO. ........ ,..._, .. ...,.
I. V. Mc(.wthy IMI 11:07, 1 M. M<CAlf11\Y
IMI IJ:ll; l. GI~ 1"11 t)·J4. 4 JOMMlll
INH) IJ ff. S. C¥lto11 INHI 13 "3. 4. 8Nll
Cll:\I u .n ; 1 ....... ,"' IHHI 14•1'•. ~ CM> 1.f:«I; t. Love 111111 14.50, 10 H-elt
(Ml U :1'
~ V .... IS, Wa•1I1•1 ..
•· .. ....._ U•> IJ:JZ· J. Miiii IP') IJ:ll: S. ,,...... CPI n :as; ... Mc~ ff'l
'91»: '-S. --IP) 11:'7: .. Mae :z -(P)12:•: 1 •....... (WI 11:'9: L •• ._
.,_ (WI IJ:Of; ' ~y ... fl'I IJ:n , 10
Ga'tlonl !WI I). '1
...........,,, ... T-..
I Cllel H•levl11 IUI. 8urto11 'UI ~II fUJ U :IJ· 4. WIHl...it IETI
11:17; S.. ZI"* CUI U.,.; ._ lllef...., CUI
IJ:OO; 1. Let'"'°"9 IUI IJ 00, e W..-r CUI
13''2; ' W-IETI I) 0., 10 I.._..,
c:.-... ,,..,,..~,,,._J:J
I. Ve-111 II 10, 2 kotl CCI It JI. l
llfdovl~ ICI II J2. 4 F•ro II) 11 40, S
AleMerdl ICI lf•Sl, • ~'"' ICI U O'J. 1 Goffel 111 IJ ••.I. H..nl (Cl U· "· • C.O.le 11112:20, IO. ~on ICJ 11 ff
'-"-9Ndl "· u.-e "'"' 4l I. ltlel Ourafld ILlll ....i l..~t IL8 1
n ·IO; J. Fl-ll.Hl U :lO,. !onyder 1\.8 1
IS:D ; S. 'MMl9one 11..81 IS 32; • 8•-
ll lll u ·n : 1. Hertllson •LHI n "· •
Ol<kSOll IUI) I•: 12; '· ~· 11..111 14.11 to. S..-11..8 11•:1'.
OcaM View 12. ~·at 1. Ovb«ll Ill 12:41; 2. IC-I 101 12:~; i. $._ 101 la: I\; '· ,.,.,.,.., 10 ) 1':0S; s.
Ill U:JI; 6. Gryeer IOI 1':4S; 1. Selky 101
IS:eJ; e. ~ 11..l IS:OS; '· Ooodmell IOI IS: 10: 'IO. K-ILi IS:U.
.. ._
W LT • • • I I I
• I t •••
..... ~O.llT,... ,..,....,. ........
,, .......... -'---I l'l~t r--9ol4 ~II IMcH•rf\19)
• ... J.to, 2 IO, tnc-y IH•wleyl J .. t 10, My Sln ,,_, t~l 1 •
~OfMI r.c•-ICeltl\'• llH IMcH ...... I
LtO, •·•• • J.tlt, ~ IV•-•-1 7.JO, 4M , IClftg T_.,,._ ISlloe-1 UD. ., ... .,,_...1M1 ~uuo .
Tlll .. ,.,._..M9rlcl!N IV~ut49) IMO,
...., t.A: ..., ._.,., $911• 15or9fl-1 n•.
1.40; s.c.-Tynb 1.-.1 uo.
l"•urtlt r •ce-M •rlltet•a ,lrtt 1~1 4.IO. l.ao. 2.IO; Ot.,....tKN ~ .. CMIMI UO. UO; Pi.tc.'t ~
CM<Otn9fol U O.
'"'" r•<•-G•t•••Y MellChl• IMcH.,._I UO, 2..40, UO; ~ lleb
llor9ft-I U0. JM; Toy Oelleret IMcCM· ron) tM.Ueucte IWI ... ldUUO.
Shrtll r-....Mltty Mem IMcHe .... ) UO.
l ... , tM; ~ C.i-tl t 00, ._ill; f.ll·
otk 0.-IMc~_.,I JA. 5ewMll r-1'1tft llHlm IMcc.rr.1
S.20, 2.to, 2.40; 8•r11•torm Sb•dow
ISGre11M11I i.20. 2.40; Orot> eftd WI_..
l~ol tALUe~te CS.II llOldmAI. lltMll , .. ~ .. Udy M. IMcH.,._I •.et>. JM, l.JO; Per1ley IVei...LW!e) .....
..,.; 5t•llltMC1rcte 1-1 •·•· Niii"' r~Fkat Victory IMcHwewel
4.eG. UI. tA; Fiim Pl911 tTOf'OI t ... S..40.
VertiM-1 ,,_ IS...._,I 2.a. ts •iiac· .. , ... ,, ...,., 1121.00.
At .. ,,__,,,"2.
IWtywaadftMtl ....._, ......... c._.,,........___...,
l'lnt ,~ , ... 111,,.1 .........
fM; ~ f-....d) UO, UO: ·--Nlli..MY (Vell&idl191M1I SAO.
SK-r..-TM ~ llHuty fToddl
s.Je. ,_., ta: Bye AYWY Clletc-1 ''°· 4.lO; Security Clip 1~1 JM.~ de!"' ...... lt0-4J peld $111..00.
TMrd f.C-f'I,,_ EK-!Foley) 21.AO.
•.lO, '-.20; Rutly Al,.... (Wllllem•I •.OO. 4.00,
Pteyoff Tl-IGoudr .. u) S.20. IS ••• ..
... J) pefd l230.JO.
Fourtll rece-Tert>ro. f Pelll,.9l 21.40.
10 10. 1 60, MIOMY l..ee N l&Mrl •.20. •AO.
Ouu Peee:lllS CLl9f>tllflH J.60
Flftll reG~l$ler Fellecy IAllOe,_I
• 10, 3.IO, 3.20. Full• Sc>.trk 18•vleul l.40.
1 40, C ... ,,...,,.y (Aeklllorol l 10 i3 Qulnetle
IMI peld .IUO.
Slrtll rec9-Tll-lrl"' l(;ou(lreeul I Ml
• 40, 3.90. Terport Folly N IA<kermenl
12,20, •M; F-Ouffy IAOMnl J 20. U•r·
e< le t ).11 peld S2S2. 50.
S.ftntlt ,__Prlcwlty N (P911""'1 UO.
400 J.eo, ~Rodney l"'-...--1 tM,
JM, ~ Pflllce ITOlllll •.oo,
E' ... tfl t~le't Im ... (Loft99J HM, 6.0I. 4A; ...,_.. TOiiy (...,._I
11 .... IA: "-.._.., 10..-1 •At.
----(N) ..... ..,_ Hlntlt rec-o.Mord H IC>Hometl .. .,.
SM. JM; Ml• f'-IGnlftCIYI SM. ut, , ....................... . , •• , .. ,..,._ ......... o • ..-, ......
C,._,.M) IA.tM, JA; ~,..,,. .,_ CT ... l IA ut; F~ Mia (.....,1 •.te. ss .--IMI Mid $311.00 Atte~.105
Hiott School We>meft
--22 .......... v .. ..., ti
si,.... A _ _,, I Ml Ott Mii" ..0, oet FreMll .. J.
Ell'-1"11 WOii M . •~: C .. ut IMI lo9t to
Myuke u . -to Oe'llOt .. 1. TOf'll IMI lost
4..4, -..0; CeWf IMI IOSt to Tor"Ofl ,.._def.
llOll11 .. I; Gnlco llllll IO$t .... -..O; Tr.,. IMI def. Frie* .. 2. def. C:Wren "4; N~ IM)lost2 ... Wllll .. I
H ... -IMI Clef, B<own--.. J. Iott to ... ...,.....,.., W : 81'°9'"-1"91•
111111 won w ... 1: 81~ IMI -~.,..tleW,def. ~Sllwr .. 1, l..afO\·VU (M) Mt .. ,. -..O; ,,,.__,_.
"1< Swtllfl IMI d:lf. Oltloft9f-A •YMwll ....
-· 1..1\1., .......... J ; ....._McC.CIUtn CMI Iott 2•. U ; ~kll-~11 111111 d:lf
Ster"" Tel-I M . def. Merdan-0...
.. 1; F1>rl.........,IMl -.. l.•·I. .......... , .....
~ • SCftom-IEI lea( to 0.Yll 0..4, IHI to
Ge4ey t•; A ...... IEl tost U . 0..; "-
_.. IE> Ott.~ ..0, loll to s.m.nlt
1..4; Mel-IEI 101t , .. , J.4; Feltfl IEI Iott
toSCl>!nldlM.d:lf. Hllt .. 1.1..ott CU_ .. ,.
l ·1; ve1.....-1 fEI dlli. 8.ttt .. ,. lotC to
K06tlLI 2•; T .... tl!I !Mt U. -1•. .,.....
Veft<ott·Ell'-tE> -to~ i..A -
w, to.t "'Ee---~ M; ~ T-r IEI !Mt M , IM; McElr~ IEI
IOtt a. w-~ ••· ,... • ,,....,. Sc--.r_..; McMlltl~ ce> ........
2..4; H•rrls V-II!) Int to 0.-....~ ... ,.,, '° .......... )(_., S.1; ... , ... ,""" ,.,
won •.J. loll U ; Holl~ IEI IOSt" Col)I_,.~ ••· loJt to !'Kil...._.
2•; ti.O.~Y CEI lfll IM. -M . w.-.....• . ...,..,"-'" eca. 11 si.,....
Hen IHI tost to Slroiler , .... toil lo BnK• •. ,; Leltfl IHI IOSIM. H ; l•vtor IH) lelttto
Helfll"'°'° H . def. Studdert ._J; ~ (H) _ 7 ...... ,: CNflM tHl del.MelldeW,
def. ll't911 .. I; F~ IHI mt 1..4, -.. I: ~ CHI Ott. c;.ectus •·I, def. 8~ .. 2:
IC-IHl lOltl .... -.. 1. .,.....
Hartteft-MCAlll-'•• IHI 1011 lo CllHI· A~ t•, 10t1t to H~V0199rl110 M ;
c.lle--tHl io.t 2•. W ; ~
le'tlOf' CHI lost to ....... H1t111 2..4, cMI.
Cll<llltl-... I; K~~ltl IHI
i.tt 2..4, _..; l(elly.\AK., IH) def ........ MK•rr~ M ....... Mer11Mr-M<Gnw t--t; f.'WUll·~ IMI -W , lotl ... I 9-
.......... IHI toft to....,..,,.. .. t•, let& .. ..,._v_. 1•: .........,.v.,. Done'-'
IHl llllCH.H
. ·;...""""""'"',._ __ --'-'"' Iii I 4U -· ... '4 at -...... ,.re ..... .......
...,....,J! =-iu1111.., -...... .-i~--cu ... ..,, _,... ... .
--&&· .. . ....... -........... .... ...... .,,.......,",, .. ...
...... Mi ... C\n ... W.M,,M. --··-·-•ut ... Ci I NAii ... ....... MrU#ft --w.-.o.. ....... M ; O'.,._.._ hit ...
·~~~on -J-t,
Dleney TMM CMftlPlon9Mp
IM U. 9-Vl•le, ..... >
l'Hl••·Z....., »l14 1
llw....C-:I0424t eot-.rt-5"'11•911 .,,...,
11.oc11-Str.,. n.._.,
Arcltff.sll'lloM n..Jt-4l
McC~U. ~
l'\wU!tr·TWlttv ~ E._,~ 12>11~ ..... ~ ....... "" ~ E-~di ~._,.. 1......-..wedklM JS..),_.. ~ 1W\-4o4 Jan .. .-.. ,.,...._ n..Jl-611 J......_ ""-"° ,...._.. Mite-....... J>.11_.,. OeMitMc:Gee ....._... OHc J•-· JI.._ .. ..... ....., Jl..0-.. 9--'-v ,, ......
....... ..._.. n.J>-'45
lllei-.... J>-»-46
Mc.CO.WM tlelfofO n~ ,...,_,_ J>.12...S
Hewff.ltlCMI• ~ M<Cuf~T-t U424S
8y,_ll.llCNt ll~S
~...,_" ~s
C-lpe-Fleml"9 J1..J:S...4S CMull<ey.t<~ l>-12--.S
llOll·8rt011 Jl·J44S
Oullewv· Tl'lore U·J1...S
8rtdgee10ft• Open
, .. Oii .... J•-1
'l'Ollll-el\I YOllO'INm•
l •MY Wedl<lll\. U S
Slll9ff'\I U<fWde FIHllloT....U
Seljl Ku.--
TOltl .... ltwKel 1-uNroP~• H.,......1 ...
K ... Otl......_T ......
H-1 ..... U.S.
Hw~.Tetwef\ llfl........,__,,.._
Nkll ...... ......
l..Ml ...... U L
JUNIOtl COU.EGE ~...,0-,,....
61-48 llS
10 ... 1• ,,_.. ltO .... n 141
Jl.'O-MI 11·10-MI n.10-141 M-71-1.W
11-,~I, .. , ...... ...,... ..
Cioldeft WW l I 4 1-10
CyOte\\ I 0 l 1-S
Goloen -• '<O"llO ~"' J, Moor'-M 1, w11'°" 2. Wllitmor•. Plotoro • ..,.,,.,,...,.,
trvl"41 1 ' l ,_ •
Etleft<la 4 1 2 4-12
lfvl11• 1eor1"0 Oore 1, .-urol\y 2,
Crewford, IC-ti. 8ondl
E U•lltla •cor 1119: 8eldl"9 1. Kol!Qft.
1...-1. 8rotllli<IW 2, Hart111>9 4, Mll .. r
C..-.dMMef 1 I 0 s.--4 u .. 1,....11tv 2 t • 1-
CdM -"'9: 8aldfld9e S, IC•-· Ptoer
u111 ... r11ty tc0rlft9: ~· •· H-2.
......... ..,...,..
CIDU ....
UC IMM dltf. Cfl """' l,..._I tW, IW ,IM.
NIA "**tw ..... MIR I 'I ... 9ml .,..._ m UW!ttl,~ .. .... ,,.. .... ....
0Mflll6, ..... . ==~~,,, .. ......... ......, ,.....,CllUA ..
........... LAt ~-----; ... ~a.a. ..........................
.... ,.,. , ... flllt :, ..... _ --• -_. .. --........ ~ .... ·~,. ~""'
Running back LydelJ Mitchell of the San
Diego Chargers finds the going rough as he
tries to gain yardage again.st the Oakland
Raiders defense Mitchell picked up just
two yards on the play as things were tough
for the Chargers all night losing. 45-22 .
ABC Angers Virginians
Division II Game Blacks Out Trojans-ND
By RED &OTll.ENBE&G AP.__..._
Last Saturday in Virgin.la was neither the time
nor the place to hold a meeting of Notre Dame's
subway alumni. While the rest of the country was
being given lbe tradiUon·rich Notre Dame-
Soutbern California game, two ABC affiliates m
Virginia were stuck with the epic struggle between
Norfolk St.ale and Virginia Union.
The huge majority or college football fans in
these two markets were funous. They felt they
were the network's sacrificial lambs. thrown to the
lions because ABC's contract with the NCAA re-
quires airing four 01 v1s10n Ir games a year
The Norfolk State V1rgm1a Union game. a
Division II club between two predominantl~· black
scbooa., both undefeated at tbe llme.. was a classic cw ol ~ ,........,. ~ ftW.Aa .. ... .............. ~
ABC WMflB rrs llDlll'flW-••ON D 1ames to lo.-
volve high-ranked, quaUl~ t.e..ms. wbo don't play
In the big-city markets. For example. Delaware. a
small college football power. lS rarely on because
ABC won't sacrifice the big Phlladelptua TV au·
die nee
ABC also is sensitive to charges that 1t.s money
only goes to the ma,or college football programs.
allowing the r1ch to get richer while the under
publicized black schools never get the exposure of
ABC was happy because Norfolk State and
Virginia Union fit all the prerequisites. Tbe two
scbooa. ~ were happy. they ~eived attention
and the standard $15,000 given Division II \eams
for the honor of playing in front ol ABC's cameras.
Only the football fans ln Vlrgtnia were booiq.
And the two 1taUons -WV&C In Norfolk and
WXEX ln RJcbmond -were caUCM bet•een a
rock and a hard place. ,
"WE WDE SWAMPED with complaints,"
aaJd Tom Chl1man. president a11d 1•neral
manaaer fA WVEC. lbe 4lth larsest market iD 1be
country. "We have a very coemopolitan lrouP ol
viewen. '1'bere aren't a Jot"ol Da&i"9. But lbere4a a tremendous amount ol mWtary and IQftnUDeat
penonnel hen. and tbe1 come from all over. Our
viewers would much rather watch USC and Notre
Dame: they're football fana."
* :\ Sec......,• Tt' ... _.... .-.
9 a.m. CU) -NEW YOU ~
More than 14,000 runners took to the ~ of
Gotham for this year's race with defending cbam·
piona BW Rod•ers or the U.S. ln the men's race
and Grete Waltz of Norway in the women's com·
petition both en~red . Taped.
9 ::1> a .m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -
Roust.on is at Arkansas in a Southwest Conference
1 p.m. (22) -PRO SOCCEJl.
2 p.m. (34) -FUTBOL l.NTERNAClONil -
In a South American championship game: Chile
vs. Vennuela.
3::1> p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Tbe
Washington University Huskies meet the UCLA
Brulnl at the Coliseum. (2) -HOasE •ACING -Tbe third runnlna ol the $250.000 Turf Classic, a
1DUe·and·a-balf race on arasa from Aqueda&ct in
New York. Taped.
4 p.m. <2) -SPOaTS SPECTACULAR -
James Scott (lfH>.l l meets Jerry CdetUne (l'7-4l
Area Sailors Tied
SAN DlSGO -Two Soul.hem California sail· ·in• tealDI wwe part of a five-way tie for ftnt place .n.. IMCllnt roundl Thursday ln the N•·
Uoaal ;rtlm Racint cbamplonahlJ> at lllN1oa Bay Yaelat'Oub.
Tbe r.ulta, however, were '8tl0ffld.i u at
.... a dolm protest. bad to be reeolftd befo,.. the clouble .a .. uuon series tot under way today.
Tbe fnortte amon1 the lellden wu the Area 0 (CdfclntU) team of Dave Ullman, Balboa
Yaelat a.It: John Bertrand, St. l"ranell Yacht Clab, md Mart Re7D0ldt, San Dteao Yacbt Chab, wM ... ...,...,. on point.a delp6te a diamuUnc
9111.Jlbma'I lloet OM of the 111ee1.
Alto tD eGIUDUoa ••• the Qranl• Cout team of a.ti ... ~. Huatiqtoe Harboui Yacht Club·
Jaet l"nDeo, Udo l•I• Yadtt Club: ud Cbattit
Cammlnp, AlamltOI Bay Yacht Club.
I •
in a &Cbeduled 10-round light heavyweight bout •
taped at Rahway, N.J s tate pnson. Also, World's
Stongest Man compettt10n. <4> -SPOaTSWO&LD
The Charlotte 500. taped at Cbarlot.U, N.C
Motor Speedway Also. the U.S. National Gym·
nasties champ1onsh1ps. taped tn Dayton and the Legends of Bowling.
4.:1> pm C28l PRO SOCCEL
SP m <21 -NFL GAM E OF THE WEEK. (52)
6 p.m . <71 -THL~ IS THE Nn. -Hlgblight.s
or the games pl ayed last weekend in the NFL.
7 .JO pm. 1~1 HOU£ &ACING -Today at
Santa Aruta
11 p.m <S> COLLEGE F001'BALL -Tbe
Washington Huskies and UCLA Bruins at the
Coliseum earlier in the day. Taped. (9) -.JOHN
meet California in Berkeley Taped
&A.DIG pig····-..... OlilW =~ ....... ~ ll:lS ........... ~ Cl1.,. C.1 .. J:1* It U :•p.a . IQJEY CINf: biCt1t~ , .......
KNX uonn : WubinPID • UCLA. a:ao p.m .• KMPC <nOl: Cal State Fullertc. at Cal St.Me
North.ridge, 7 1.5 pm .. KGIL (J..380) and KWRM
< 1370 FM l. San Jose St.ate vs Long Beach State at
Anaheim. 7 :I> pm . KORJ <94 J FM); Saddleback
atChaffey.7.lbp m .KSBR <88SFM>
Hockey Toronto at Kings , 8 p m . KUS
11150 >
Auto R.acm1t I ROC at Rlvers1de Raceway .
12 45 p.m . KLAC 15701 s-...,·· "· ••""' TELE~l!WON .
9:30 a .m . 12> -NFL 'l'OD~Y -Segmenl3 in·
elude a nport on how the DaJIM Co.._,rs scouted
the PJtt1bur1h Steelen for today•, rematch
between IMt year''• Supet-Bowl roe..
10 a.m. <2) -Nft. l"OO'lllAU. -1be Dallas
Cowboys meet the S&eeler'I fa ..............
Noon (Z2) -COU..BGB l"OOTBALL -Yresno State YL Ua1"'11ilJ' ol P8dfte mt 8tDekt.aa.. (50) -
COLLSCS nol'M.U. lllOllUG8Ts.
12:30 p.m. <•> -n. .,. -A Dl'OftJe oa..Naw EA1~• o. a...n.H. Aleo.a""JHtun on tbe ~ ol fc'Ot-..0. . l~ (f) -Nft. POOIULL -TM Kansu
City ...... ·--· .,..,,.._ a p.m •. <1> -OllJl.I..•• l'OOT8ALL -'l'!le U9C Tt<Jnr +. . ._ Cdltt ... Golden Bean,
• 3 :30 p .m. tT> -GUATBST SPO&TS
LSGEND8 -A tribute to baseball's Frank
Robinacn. the ftnt man to will tbe MVP lD both leaeues.
4 p.m. (7> -COU.BGB l'OOT8ALL '1t -
Higbli&hta of games played Wa weekend a1. s p.m . c2> -rao l'OO'l'&U.L WMP -
Highlight.a ol today's NP'L 1ames. (S2) -NOTaE
DA•E FOO'l'BAU. -South Carolina va. Notre
Dame. played Saturday.
1 p.m . <50> -Pao SOCCEa. csz> -SKIING
-With Tom Malone. ·
7:30 p.m. (52) -RO&sE ltACING -Today at
Santa Anita •
Football -New York Gianta at the Rams . l
p.m .• KMPC (710).
Baaketball -Golden State at the Laken, 7
p.m .• Kl.AC (5'10).
AlltO lladq -IBOC and Can-Am Cb.allm1e
from Rlftll6de IJl&enaa&ioaal ...._.,, l p.m .•
KLAC (I'll).
(fte o.117 PUet la -' re• rtMa ler la&e ell..,..,
-Coraerback Rod
Pemftltlaellama, we.o uuund .. ne. m u.
placed cm tbe four---* tn.Jured NMne un br
the club Tbunday. . ..'th• .Bama lbu ...
DOWleed tlw lllDlal of vet•l'M Km 11111.-..
wbo pla,.cl ln two Pro
Bowll wit.II Oreen 8aJt.
flaunts ·Worth
roupe, Bard Exciting
fMery ... PWo ~THOM LECOQ
OftMo.llY ...........
For Diane and Chuck Rowell all Orange ounty's a stage.
The Costa Mesa couple are co-artistic direc-
tors of 1be Henley Street Players, a young com·
pany of actors who tour schools, colleges and
even parks with Shakespearean productions.
"HENLEY STREET was where
akespeare was born," says Chuck, a bearded
young drama teacher at Newport Christian
igh School until he quit lo spend full time at
is theater company last year.
The troupe was born almost four years ago
when he decided his students were giving the
Bard a bad rap :
"He's boring," they said.
Diane Rowell taught part-time at the same
school, so the two began doing scenes from
Shakespeare's comedies for students.
"And they loved it," she says.
THE PAIR wound up doing two sets of
cenes each school year. financed out of their
own pockets. After two years they took on a fuJl.
length production of "Merchant of Venice."
beady stuff for a high school audience.
But, again, the young people enjoyed it,
ays Diane.
8treec ....... tlle i.e ..
~ • ...., '"-dlrectine, Mys the drama
•• M dartc eomecly. "We took a •nsttaft awrOMll to Sllylodr. It wasn't tbe typical, atl-llemitie PQl'tr•JaJ.••
Diane performed and designed COl!ltumes
and sets, all her favorite thespian activities.
ACl'ORS DA VE Inman and Francis Hub-
bell soon joined the company and have stayed
on. Other cast members have been recruited
from college and university drama depart·
men ts. "But most of the people lD college weren't
lo a 48-performance schedule. It was the
irst prolesslonal·len~h run for many of them."
Many quit in frustration.
Fallout was boosted by the tough touring.
e group has no theater, so performers have to
dapl to small and large stages, occasionaJJy
ven parks.
And, there were small audiences.
DIANE REMEMBERS playing to half a
ozen people. "Those small houses were
epressing, but you have lo do·lt."
A tYPical audience now numbers 100 or
ore. she adds.
The couple, married 11 years, look to South
aat Repertory ror an example or rewards for
"SCR helped build a public that's re«ptive
Uve theater."
llEllEA.aSAL LASTS eight weeks. three
·ebts per week, to flt part-time' actors work
edules. Because of rhyme, old and foreign
anguage used by Shakespeare, actors often
u.11t be coached and passages explaJned.
"We find actors performing passages they
n 'l even understand," says Chuck.
The pair got some full-tlme help lD that de·
artment wben they found partllers Roy and
Henderaon two months aao. ·
"Roy bu been in Britisb theater for 20
J •• (·· . '• , .. . .. ,.
) ... .. ..
••• ' .. .·. '.
From top: Chuck,
Diane Rowell; Lee, Roy
Henderson; Jennifer Campbell
Madness, Music Merge-
Five Penny Opera Offen Italian Favoritl!
"Lucia ell Lammermoor.'• tbe story of a
· mad, 1ove-ltrickeo woman, will be perfOl'llHMI in
i:n1Uab wttb a full orchestra by Orante Coast eone,.·1 "" Penny Opera Company.
ewtam ls Mt for I o'c&oelc u.lpt and
Saturda1 aad Nov. 2 and 3 in tbe OCC
AudHart1n. Tt4!MU, priced at '1 for adulta and 12 Ior OGld Card hbldien and chHdnn meter 11,
may '8 pwcbaMd' et tbe door.
"UICIA DI IAMMSallGOa" la a.be 1torJ
of a d ......... of a SeoUYb fun.11.y ltrulslinl to maiDtalD eodal poelUOft wbo la caQlbt 1D a web
ol m ...... m...,...U. aad mUl"dft. Lalla .. poftnJed .,, .......,., ......
Tosta.• ......... ol Cal State, Nllrtoil'1 mulic
departmlDt wM WU =-~..:f'ed U Adele in "°'4t PledlrmaUI,.. b7 l'POC 1ut ......
Sbe WU cboMa in auditkm tbat included
several lletropolitall and S-Fraae1Ko Opera
auditioa ~. Seattle <>l*a leads and otber yoan1 perforinen wttb praftuiGDal eoaa,.m.
in tbe United 8ta&el and abrold.
• .,,_ aOLS 11 enrn dUDnlt. ba
llellua doel an outataDdlaa ... uld l'POC
dlraetor Carole Boelter ... ._ la able ta bandit
UM most demucll.Dc colontura nm ol &be teON.·· ~
111. Tolb must alJO .. her eaDlktafab&e
actlDI talenta portr•Ylnl Lueia'1 me.......,
madnem. · ''I'm •eruy' atlout tbe put.•• • Mid wttla '
alaulll. ,
"ft'I a ..... CIMlleap ~ Olll lAalla I G •
uber ... , aonvw, tarmoU ad. ftMllr! ••
, ... llADNDI. ~Cl)
Halloween celebranta wbo ~ ...,_
tbelr fawriee netpborbood ....... wm ftDd
these special eventa seared to die bolder at
Southland tourist attract.ions.
(For a lilt of community and cbartty-
aponsored spook bouaea. see Pace Cl.) Ii
THE wom.o•s IA&GEST -and seariett ,
party takes place when Knott'• Berry Fann J •
presents its seventh annual Halloween Haunt 1
from 7 to 2 a.m. too.isht tbrouCb Sunday and
Wednesday nipt from I to 1 •. m . Tbe ta.:io
tieketa may be purcbued at the cuat relations
wiadow at the park in Buena Park or at
Tidqetron ouUets.
Wolfman Jack. u CountDncula. will star
in UM musical spooktacular, "Ghoul Revue"
and Tran1ylvania Beauty Pqeant in tbe Good
Times Theater. And the monster melodrama,
.. The Wedding?." a horrific, matrimonial
ebiUer. will be staged in the Birdcage Tbe.ter.
Throughout the entertainment are.a,
especially in Ghost Town. "Scary Farm" emp~~ will be distuised with theatrical malr~ to surprise guests en route to two
"trails of terror" maus.
""11 THE EE&IE rattlln1 of Big Thunder
Mountain Railroad In the backsround, Di•·
neyland will salute the tnagic of Halloween to-
night with a special $10 ticket event from a to
1 a.m.
Prerruer illusionist Harry Blackstone Jr.,
will perform hi s unbelievable reals on the
Tomorrowland stage. Magicians highlighted
e lsewhere in the Magic Kingdom will be Da.n
Chaz. Mike Caldwell, Bob Dubac, Earl Nelson
and Kerry Ross.
Musical entertalnment for the evening will
be provided by J im Stafford, s1J1ging "I Don't
Like Spiders and Snakes." Jon Walmsley of
"The WaJtons" TV show .. actress Lisa Har·
rison and tbe Suns hine Balloon disco ensemble.
GIANT, SIX-LEGGED WoggJebugs will be
some of the new "animals" seen during Lion
Country's ··Scarefan" on Saturday and Sunday
at the wildbfe preserve off San Diego Freeway
on Irvine Center Onve
Fanuhes are invited lo come join 1n the fun
of creatJve costume and pumplun-carviog COO·
tests and pumplon walks as weJJ as the regular
live animal and trained bird shows from &:45
a.m. to 5 p.m. The spine-tingler, "Dracula Rises
From the Dead,'' may be seen in the Safari Camp
entertainment area
llyat•rlo•• 111ue•e•I eYe•t• ran1e
frollt'Cllllume balls to diaco tramtuuw.
Teke )'Om" m.U if you IO claodnl to tbe
Tracy Wells Bia Band al tbe Cefelina CaaiDo
from 9 to I a .m.,Saturday eveaiftl. Adm+uioa is
$8.~ and round-trip boat t.ramportailon aboard
C.talina Island Cruises costs 112. Boats leave
San Pedro al 7 p.m. and depart AnJon at 2 a.m.
Phone SZ1·7111 « <2131 Tis-6111 for details.
Singers Evelyn "Champagne" King and
Samantha Sang plus the New Horiaons roller
show will headline the Great American Disco
Concert Wednesday. Oct. 31, from 8 p.m. to the
witching hour of midnight at the Los An1eles
Memorial Sports Arena. The 112.50 and Sl0.50
tickets may be purchased through Mutual and
Ticketroo outlets.
uoaaoa CLASSICS and sctence fi ction
films are the themes of a movie marathon from
3 p.m Saturday to 3 am. Sunday ln Hubineer
Hall and Chapman Auditonum at Chapman
College. 333 N Glassell St .• Orange. Admission
15 free Wlth costume or S2 to see "Night of lhe
LnrfnK Dead:· "Flash Gordon." "TIOC 11.38,"
·"The Blob·' and·· Forbidden Planet.··
Carved pumpkins must be bro1igbt to
Lawry's California Center. Avenue 26 al San
Fernando Road. Los Angeles, between J and s
p.m. Sunday for judgmg in largest. smallest,
mos t evil , humorous and imaainative
Winners will receive S2S gift certificates as
Lawry's marks the close of its summer Steak
Fiesta season with masked martacb.is serenad-
ing In the garden, aglow with jack-0-lantems for
guests who purchase the s~ctal steak or
seafood diMers. Call (213) 225-2'81 .for detaila.
THE 5ITll ANNtJAL Halloween Festival is
under way in Anaheim where e live band will
entertain dancers at a costume ball ton.lg.ht
from 9 to l a .m . at the. Inn at tbe Park, at
Harbor Boulevard and ConwnUoo Way.
<See llALLOWEEN, .... ~)
I 11
~ ....... o. ...... ""
IOfof st wttf be c .. t11t Dentel Rottwnullet'.
F« tkMU, conuct tM • llffk:e w Mutuet~t-. .
HTMe AL1'AMe•tCAN COMCWltr' wm open the *" IHIOft tor Roter WaoM" Md tM Los AftOltel Maw 0. ... at the LOI MOetes Musfc c.Mer PevtUon
et 7;JD~m. SUndrf. ~ Betn-steln's 'O*Mstef' PMtms, tonOS bV
Mrott CoptMd, tt19ftt19ttts of "Pot'OY end e.ss" and Thompson's "Testement of Free-
dOm" wttf be pertormed. Tickets, renolng
from Sit.JO to"t10.50, ere evaltabte at
en "AH Tc:helkovs«y" program w"" the Gtend91e~ Orchestra end guest vtoflnftt. CNse, et 1:30 p.m.
TueideY tn LOI Anoetes Musk Cent~r Pavttton. F« lt.tormatlon on 5ffson
tkkets. ~ (213) 2~1~13.
MM " "~for Strings" ...S Schubert's "Sy~ Ho. I tn 8 Minor'' wttt ftll
tM UC trvtne S~y Orchestra's
COftCef°ts MI tontght end Saturday In
tM Fine Arts CMc«t Ha" on c.mpus.
Wltlt.m FttzpMrkk wttt conduct.
Tickets.,... $2.
''TM• MIKADO," GObeft and ~lttven's most ~r comk GPH•,
wot be Pf •••'9d by~·• a. cane et 1:30..,,..... .t Le MwM9 CJvk
TM•tef:, 1~ Le Mir~ &Nd. Admission
Js $6.50 to fl.30.
Gt'oup'' wftt .man.in w"9n lrvtne's ~nday cutturaf ewnt series mows to Its new loutton, Turtle Aodt Community Center, 1 ~II Ortw, Wsweett.
Tk1'etsareS2.ndS1 fof U.tp.m. sttow. •
TMEATiltcAL ~OM campuses this WMbftd lftclude • mystery·
suspense drama, "Monique" at 8:30 p.m.
In the Playbox Theater at Gofden West •
Cofl~. curtain Is 8:30 and tkkets $2.
. . . ''The Glass Menaoerle" being
staoed ate o'clock tonight and Saturday
at Santa Ana Cof~'s Pttntlps Halt,
17th and Bristol streets. Admls5'on Sl.
wlll appear in concert at 8 p.m. SUndwt
In UC Irvine's CraWford Hall. Tkkets $5.
homes and comrnercief buildfngs will be
open to the publlc from 9 to S Saturdev
in Santa Ana. Guidet>ooks end map fol'
tM tour will be avallabfe for S3 at
tM Howe-Wattle House. 120 Clvk center
Cultural Group Forms , ... r~c•
lllllkaJ Art.a by Ute Sea Foundatioo. I.De .•
bu bem orcanb.ecf to further the cultural •d· vaacement ol aoutb Oruce County. Tbe found·
i.ng patron ls Lquna Federal SaW.,S and Lou
Membership is open to all reskients there
Rod Carew. of Ute California ADcell. wUl be sru4 manbal of Ute botiday p&r1lde tbat starta
at 1:11 p.m. ~ 1D G'"-' sa::~
-to ................... wlDlla to UDcola /u A I •
Abo felllm'ed wm -.e a u.-•• lll'eeldaat lrom 7 to U Saturday at La Palma Part, at Harbor Boulevard and La Palma AHDue,
where a camival will coatiDue from 2 t.o u.
PE8'1'1VAL OP •A88. spcmoc eel ma.ally
by the Craft and f'olk Art Muaeam and tbe Los
Angeles Cou.nty Department of Parks aDd
Rureatkm, will take place from nooa to dust
on Saturday and Sunday i.n Hl:ncodt County Part
oo Wilahire Boulevard. Tbe mut parade wW
move down lbe boulevard from Hitblaod
Avenue to Canoo Avenue, begbml.n1 at nooo
w ....... , o" ·w. ... ....... _...,.._.., ... ~
•• It ~· = .... pen
Pre4eu 11 HI• ••••• •-P ,, W.C:......._ c:.:. ... _,. .... , cP'
.. Ill# .-Ill OM SAl.e
r · · fl'•t•r:Mil-----,r-----f(ilYJil•Tal'----,
I ..,...,..,."..., 11 -.w~=-I I ,...._ ,, .......... IMS l ou.1•1S ll ..-v ... c I
l 5 s I oo· U 61/2 ,... I : ... ~.,.,... n '-"'~,..,. '· I II • ._..,._.. .___ ---j •--l'tx-'S.T'.Z-----I _..T fS won4m I ... ~'fl-•• .-----1••11Jil•t1J--·,---,,,..•-·tt-r~ .... 1,,,r----. I II n9CMP I I .. w,.,._...,. It M' -I
J I Ul#f2:'f= !! 25~1 ts \ I I II •a I I ,_. II -t L _::::~:_:~ __ :t_!~~-=~~_::::-_,
1UMDAT fS MOTl9 SM I.AW OATI ~-----«•11J;l•Jet---.... r----«•t•lil•Jll----,
I ......... '•I .,.... • I .... --I I I.... I -I aous .: .-=:. ' ., ~
l '249 eoz. ll 5 s I oo I I Jr.IJ&'lm? :, ...,':.,...,.. l l~~---~--~~~L----~---------
wbo would llU to aui.t iD guktn1 the area a
cu!tunl eealel' for tbe perfonDiq arta.
Tbe foundaUoo 's ftnt lar1e eedeavor ia t.be
Cbol'al and Symphony AuociaUon whlcb la~·
be1nlnc Handel's Messiah foe-perfonna.nce in
Experienced sl.Dlers are invited to jol.o t.be
<'boral group which will be directed by Doualas
Cuata.nce, choral ~tor at Lquna Hilla Hi&b
School. Rehearsals are be&d on Mondays from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m . in the choral room al San
Clemente Hieb Scbool, 100 Avenida Pico.
Tbe foundation will preseot tbe Messiah io
Oceanaide, Laaursa Beacb, and Sao OelDeDt.e in
O.Cem'*' wit6 an m YOke cbonla, proftHkJGal
aolo&9ta. end u oreheetra. For more inform•·
t\oo call BW Pomeroy at t9Z·'10ll.
oesa, while sineing compoeer Gaetano Doabel·
ti· s very t.axinc score."
HOW 18 Slit: a~ to portray madneu?
"I've found myself staril:al otf into apace,
walkina iD slow moOoo, gupi.na, and ataacer·
iog with no t.boulbl of what ia around me i.n my
search few ways to portray i.nsu.lty," she Wd.
Her Saver, Edaardo. ia played by teDol' Al·
tan Jot..oa. wbo bu toured with tbe Roter
Waper a.or.le and •uni lead'nl roMI Whb Opera·~·tbe·Sea, Loni Beach Chic U1ht
Opera and FPOC.
aAUl'ONS JOllN Matthews. wtDDer' of tbe
M~&a Opera audit*-, la calt aa Zluico,
Luda a brother &Del Sda&nlo'a eMIDY. Romdlal out tbe elllt ol liMdl .,.. Harokl
CloualDI .. llailDODdo~ Crowte7 .. Al1N and ...... DubliD .. ....,.
•• U one cuta performen wtao 1*od botb la voice IDd penooalitJ, u tbe Bwopeu n · -pen.MY~ Clo. u.e~ war& •
,,....., CJl"\liM1 .. .,,. .... ol ......... -· ble," Ill. Boelter wd. "I WM \bat'• one
reuon why ou.r produeUoal bave been to sue·
COD1idered DolllaetU 'a flwt work. t.be
opera wM ant preMdt.ed la N..,._ bl 1115. Do.a.MUt died of tbe same dborder' \bat atnid·
ed Luda -madaea• -leu tban 101911'1 !Mer.
• .,,.. OPDA. WJTll lta eadtement IDd
tra1edy. bu .., beea a favorite ol opera butra
everywbere,•• Ila. ~r Mid. ''Tbe beautUw
melodiel. dramaUc eedet and brUlllDt mad
scene belp tell the story ol ~ ba\e IDd deeep-
yean," M)'I Dlaae, &Dd brinp a wealth ol ex·
perieace from previoua Sbakespeare produc·
Tbe two coup6es also share publicity, book·
in& and P"&'produdioa cbores.
Until this year tbe company did
performaoc:es for e4em~tary and b.igb Rbools
for free. But tbe bouaebo&d budiet lg DOW too
slim ror lbat so elementary schools will be
charged $50, high scboob ff~
Diane hopes the many leUen and draWl.Dgs
from children who've ~o past prodUC'Uoos will
translate into pa.id dates."
MFANWBILE, TB£ pair an lrylng to ob-
t.ai.D t.ax~empt status by fl.Ddini government.
foundation or corporate JTant.a. '"We 've been seod.lai out propc»ala for IDOlltllla," Cbuclt says
Local bua1Deseea are the boped-for cbolce.
"We jwl cu'\ make it• boa office tiooe, .. .......... 'he~..,.~ ..... to Pil-'ti •
Slaakeepeareu f..Unl '8 die coualy "1 DUt
year, but u..t. fUture pl-. call for produciac
other cluak:al pla11. Amonc early procNctioo.s
was TenneNee Williams' '"Glass Menqerie "
"Our Town" and plays by O"'Nell an fU\W'e
THE ltOWELLS Uve in a 5m&U apart.meat
in Coeta Mesa. a ref1ectioo of the k>w·budcet tile
they've attepted lo order lo get Henley Street
Pla~n iotac.
Tbe mooey ran low fast after fellow
Newport CbriaUan Hl&b School teacher ~
Bo1daoov persuaded Qa~k to reaip. Even wttb
a part-Ume drama teacbiq Job at Sout.bem
CalUornla CoUe1e in Cotta Meaa. t.hinp &et
pretty Nim.
"I remembet' ODe DJ.Pt we were •llPP'OMd to rebMne la M.luioa Viejo &Dd .. d1ac:oYer9d we didn't b.aw 1u IDOOe)' to pt tbere," aays
qiaae wttb • acnile.
••AND ONS 11•E ftw of UI r-.d a tnlelt
&o mow ...... OB ta.e way-bedt10 nainr-a we
deckhd to ... Oolle. ··a, tbt Ume we paW the Natal all we bad
left bet•-UI WU e90Ulb for Gee d.rt.Dk-wtaic:b .. .,.. ... auack rec:alla.
Mn. ao-en mall• tt clear tbe lw'dabips
areo't ao Md wtMa lband. but sett mJ.tted
wbea ber role iD the t.beater ii clilmlaad u
"l'w bad men auume I'm jult tbe .Ue. 80t • co-fOWlder ...
"wr&E CO.ECKJAL aa arU.IUc direc:ton,"
Cbuek -=raUc:ally. Tbe '1 bave a aUeDt third partner,
daulbe« VaaeMa. t, wt.o doeu't perform, "but
ti Y Al• IMG. SON.AMO wtttt oenon 8e6ctwtn.
f>ianlst. UnMrsatty ecctalmecl Dutch SOOreno.
Se*tions from Bech. Weldon. Purcetl. Scw11n1.
Schumenn. Bnlhm. eno Streuss.
1M1 II.Alli STallT H•WtllYl5 TM .. Tll
COMPANY .. "The BM• of the AoN"
'"*"'Mee I I, tm ~ ............ ..................... -..........
1M1 MCW1ee .-. THMTH COWAN'f In "You~ 9"" ,,,.,_ .. I I ...... ,, • .,I. tm
~ ....... ... ...............................
she's involved ln tbe theater lifestyle. She often
goe11 directly from school lo rehearsals and has
slept oo a lot or theater floors,.. says ber
pleased mother
Both are pr~ticing Christians-Chuck was v
a youth pastor and attended Biola College ln La
Mirada Diane got her educatioo io cburi:b
BUT llOTH ABHOR the typical productions
dooe in cbun:bes "Tbey're usually mediocre
and have a heavy.b anded message," says
They feel thetr faith reqw.res a comm.itmeot
to do the best I.hey <'an at Tbe.ur. "'C1lrilt pro-
bably v.asn'l ii mediocre carpenter," they
Sennoos are definitely left out of their pro·
duct.Jons ~•UM there are plenly ol moral
leuou 10 Sbaltespeare and o\.ber classic " ......
. ......................... ,..:\..
a place tor ..... '° ................... ..
rou.oty for Los A.oceles and New York-toQh
towns for actors.
~ga.rdless of tbe hardstups U1volved lD gee.
ling l.be group gouig. Chuck RoweU lMlys the ef
fort bu beoefit.ed the coopk·s ma.rnage .
"It ba.s helped tremeodous.ly to be shanng
the same goal and dreams.·· ...............
returns from the ju~ to present
eecau• o•c lyiewl•:111.
View of • •••, •• wr-
•• . ...... ....... •• ::4., ...... . ............................ ........
............. , ·C.-llWMI
..... c::.Mw Opera
A11 a*"°",._ ... h ...... °' ...
Nov. 14. Dec.'
Speciei Gale Benetl1 ~ Sat. 1'117. 8pm Le&..o. ~ ...... alto . 11fl.t.8:15pm
Luo11•a....W1M01 Delli .. (111 llllilfll
Thuf'8. 11115. 81)m Sun. 11/18. 2 pm
:&-J:=..i rr1. 11ne.apm
~ .... 1111 ...... ,
Sl(.11124,&pm li.IM. 1214.8pm
Thi Mlt'tY Widow ....,,., fin £191e111 Svn 11125.2pm Tues 11/27.8pm
Thurs 11129.Spm
Le ...... ,.,.
Motel! Clft fWWll
Wed 11128.Spm
Sar 121t. 1 pm
~ M ........ (l'IF,_,1
Fri. 11130,8pm Sun. 12/2,2pm ,.....,.
~ 1111 """""' Sol 12/t6pm Sun. 1219.2pm o.;c• of ....... ,.,,..,,
0... llft~I Sun. 12/2,8pm
TMOouftt~ ,........,"" Wed '215 pm
Sal 1218. 2 pm ' Dlllo•a... ~Clll.,_.I ... ...... Git ....... , .. .....
Set. '218, 8c:>m --~ .......... ,
Fri. 1217. 8 pm
Sun. 1219. 8pm
Fiddleri ~n the Roof?
., UATIDa WUGHT H...-1'rftN u o fTn-litlltt» lmtn /Y'Offe
~ ......
"No. I ._., feel like the fiddler on the
roof," commented John Reynolds, "but on
occalioo, 1 have been known to play the
guitar on tbe roof "
I followed this musician-artist in Laguna
Beach one afternoon, that is until he start·
ed climbine a ladder. That's where I
stopped following and started click:ifti a
Reynolds really gets into or on top of bis
work. Having to climb to a roof top didn't
stop him from getting just the right angle ot the house he wanted.
HE WAS DRAWING the home of Harry
Moon and Art Frink, owners o!the Cottagf;
Restaurant in Laguna Beach. Harry hired
Reynolds after seeing his portlolio brim-
ming with unusual drawings or houses, in
"I enjoy drawing Laguna's houses so
that they communicate the life or the 20's
a nd 30's partic ularly the style of
Eschbach'sdowntown ." he said
He has incorporated techniques of his
fa vorite well-known artists, Durer,
Homer , Buytewech. and Daumier in order
lo create his own "unique style". Even tbe
few houses in Laguna that ~e not unique
seem to come to Ure under his pen.
before it'a aold or u a cOUWlly lift to the
'Qew owners. ll'a • great sales promotion," be explained.
JOHN AL80 IS Wuatratini the interiors or
restaurants to be u.sed for menu covers and
promotional purposes. He strives to capture
in pen and ink the original meaning of each
"I'm dirt cheap," be emphasized. "Thal
way I get the business. I used lo spend too
much time over each drawing, but l've
learned to be fast and efficient, and make
every line count.
Another artistic endeavor is his llJustra·
lion or the fairy tale figures in the new
game called Imagine, created by an
educational psychologist, Dr. Harold F.
BY IDENTIFYING with these fairy tale
figures on the gameboard, l magedirects the
child to discover h.is own identity. Reynolds
ex~cls il to "revolutioni1e the game in·
In the '60s, hhn and h.is brother Rall.
played "Jazz or Jug Band" music
throughout Laguna. They both worked at
Disneyland for a few years and are cur-
r ently pl aying, a long with Westy
Westenboffer, under the narpe, "The
Rhythm Rascals"
John plays guitar, banjo, and kazoo.
prlnt1 m.y be Men from noon to' Wednes-=~· =~~~~l;t:c,~~I tonight.
A1soca.ttoft's 11th Mnuel, •H·Medla
show, CS/PG-'3, opens S.turuy et Mucken-
ttt.tereuttural Center11201W.MatvernAve.,
Fut.._. TM•x"lbltaonfHtUt"M90.
artworbchosenfrom'80entrJesbV Juror Joslne lanco-Starrets. Admlssfon is,,... from noon to 5 Tuesdays tht'OUQh
SUndays through Nov. 18.
Is what NJ 2 of Southern Catlfornla, a
(/ \.
,I , ,io
\ f'I I 1.,J I
' I'
~. ODtober •· •m
non-Pf"Vflt orgenlz.etton for young pro-
fessfonals In communlcatlOns, ls celling ~
Its fund-ralllng art auction •t 1 p.m.
Saturct.y lnthes.ddlet>ack Inn.Art
G•lterv, ~6'0E. ~•m St., s.nt.Ane.
AdmlSSIOf'l ISS2orS1 If In costume.·
. I
A "TROPICAL f'llN Sl!Rt•S" l
wlllt>eamonvrecentwonsbY •
fltmmaker..utHor Edward Auscha on dllPliY
through Nov. 9 In Orange co.st Cot1999•s ·
Photo Gallery In tM Fine Arts Bulldlng '
ontheCostaMesacampus. Thedlsplayls
open 8 to S weekdays for free viewing.
from French faShlon portfolios by Fried
circa 1919 are featured through Nov. 30
. ' • • at the Elg-Fraese Gallery, "630 Campus
Drive, SUlte 103A, Newport Beach. Serles •
of American West lithographs from the •
mid· 19th century also may be seen from •
2 to 6 Tuesdays through Fridays and
from 10 to 2 Saturdays .
• •
presents a crltlcat eve view of today's
Germany in the library IObby at Cal
State, Fullerton through Nov. t6. Staack
is a lawyer who has created hundreds of
posters since 1959 that have caused
scandal, stir and lawsuits. His aim Is
to create not beautiful art bUt challeng-
ing visual images.
custom builder and the humor of a doting
grandfather can be seen in the black and
white photographs of Eastbluff resident,
Robert P. For bes, on d isplay at the
Al Belson Gallery, 3720 Campus Drive,
Newport Beach. The pictures may be seen
from 2 to 4 and 1 to 10 p.m. Mondays
through Thursday s until Dec. 12.
view and acquire orig rna I graphics at
the Orange County CoordinatlAg Republican
Assembly's annual art auction at 7:30
tonight at Halecr est Park, 3107 Kilfy.
brooke Lane, Costa M esa. Tickets are SS.
will be performed by Dustin Shuler at
8 p .m. Tuesday during a 7:30 to 9:30
reception in his honor at Santa Ana
College Art Gallery where his sculptures Alt.hough J ohn takes any free-lance re
quests, his main business is drawing for
business contacts. "A real estate agent
will hire me lo do a drawing of a house and
use it either for promotional purposes
Ralf is oo washboard and Wesly plays the
tuba. All three have the 30's style of "hap-
py" musjc like Bing Crosby and Fats
Waller and are malting a demo tape at a
are currently on display 11 to 2 weekdays
and 7 to 9 Tuesday and Wednesday evening.
The show will close Nov. 30.
•UJtWD I# OYn'Dt 8All AllYTall
DINNER lllSTD ••D ......... ~
~ 95 4-1 P.M. IUN. -u. m'."'...':: .. .,
... , ............... llllllr •
c.. ... -... .... ..,,.. ..... s7 954-7P.M.-. • ~'=:oat
by Lawrf'ftef' Roman .
By N~il Si..,..
You dodt need a ~01 occasion toha\ie ~~evening
·~u q_J
11 ~ ,~
J11tl i.,'l .I\\ lfrn "" nl>r.· .. d
.md hunt-\ huflt:r
llut 11111<' 1><·•~ 1 .rn
P.ll t'\t'O ..,,, Ch1kf1 .. n .or•
o:h<1r1o:t'd <1u orchnJ.: 111 t h(o.r
.... 111h1 (Jl1 IJIJJ uld r .... Jll(Jfl•«d
~ale. (ockt<lll' <1nd win"
.Jft' .t\.til.:tblc. M,,_,, r
Ch.Ir l(t' .tnd Vi-..,\ wt·k·clfll<·
II 111QUt:I ldCr~lt~..., a11.r1L1bl1•
-RBSTAlJRANT You don't have to wait for a birthday or anniversary to feel
special here. Dining at the Five Crowns is always a great
experience. Our Mr. Crowlel welcomes you with the warm
1639 E. lmpena.J H1gttwa)'. Brt .. 1•(714)529-18!11 • JOIU Harbor Blvd .. ~ta Mt!<>d • 1714) 549-0319
Oinnn : ~on.-ThuN. 5-9. Fri. !\-IO, Sat. 4·111. Sun. 1<!-9.
-~~~~ ·uve Jive," a to p danct band with a
repenoire of all the currem hits. Enter-
tainme nt from 9 p.m. to 1:45 a.m ..
Monday through Saturday.
Mo nday nights, enjoy tht football game
on our giant six-foot scretn.
ltJ>ptaring 1hro11gb Ncwnnhtr JO
t I f
Cp,,,ing Nofltf#btr 12: Slty/bu
18800 MacArthur Boulevard, 7)2,~777
hospitality o Old English Inns. Cozv rooms.
cheery firep1aces, and marvefous fare
~.--a--featuring our famous roast prime
ribs of beef expertly prepared by
Chef Ivan. Come dine with us tonight.
r,---------------------, ,·couroM EXl'Rl EDRA flTIA I
1· TWO I
I I I s13sa I
!I lllfil1m
I iM I ·WtaiJL•RCt ti . .
I 0n-t1ttc·Mal• at South e.a..t Ptaa MeM tM ~ I on the f1rst Level. For reset'Yatiom ml: ND-I?" I·
~---------------------· . -\
·1. •
,,..,, OltoMr •• ""
Saddleback Gaim Stage, Lo 8 President
TM~ Valier O..=M7 '!'Mater That taU falJa pttma.tlly to Jo. Ccwdio. u.. Seel· ll l•c111Cuaemo.u.-....-. rmltlr•. dleback ••~ ,......t. wbo will uve a lot ot
O.cmelaUd .... -.er•• '•~ belpttomW.,.....
ll'MP are ...ue· at tM P! I! 1 et ti .... }a. · Over UM Mat U..... ... be. ConUO ud to tWr ... ~-w-c. •"'97 ..... tM Company wUl ... a.ant •t won. tM ............. tn.1 whUe tM cMt ol tbe nat laddl9back aow,
Toa11 Titus
ff9llw aad eomprom'811 11r11•ted bJ puttioa oa their llilowa ID a acMol.
On tbe oUMll'. tMlr tr.Mr\a remala Mavy
over t.be deatb laat week ot u:"Cldeat. Ben
Jubj, who WU ODe ol tbcMie y reaponaible
for the aequialUoa ot lbe new fadllty.
wlm made tbinp happen tw tbe Saddleback
pltyen, aDll bb tremendoal .-..Ullum wW be
difficult to replace. But bb enerptie approacl1
boerd o1 diredbra will be ptcldn& up wbere he
left off.
Tbe immediate project ii the conversion of
a t .200-equare-foot buJldlnl ln tbe Jeronimo In-
dulrial Park -specifically, 257'1-C Obero in
Mission Viejo -into a suitable theater faclllty.
"Dear ,......., " PNPANI UM 'a flDal
ductlon at the liU11lo_. Vlen1b aeCi
th at.er. That facllll}' hat been a welcome tem·
pe>rary homo for SVCT. but tbe eomm.uty
theater bu out.trown lt durtq lta tlrat ftve
&OLD-OlJT HO\J8U have been the rule
rather tla.ID the exception aa tbe lilt ot aeuon
aubtcrtben bu mounted to M) for a seven·
performance run ln a 99-Hat theater. Clearly,
the Saddleback players bave made a noticeable
impact oa the cultural climate ol Soutb Oran1e County. ·
The dictates of school scbedwma priorities
have encumbered lhe theater 1roup, which
would nm ita abowa a week or two loo&er if the
auditorium were available. AddiUonally. ape>rt-
ing events oo the Mlaaion Viejo Hip campus
force audience memben to fmd other partiJll
All thi8 will be alleviated on Jan. 16 when
the Jack Sharkey comedy "Take a Number,
Darling" offlclally opens the new Saddleback
Valley Community Theater. However. a new
Alt Wln8'ow, .... ,._ Md ...,, ................... tor""" Opening Nov. 11
director must be found to replace Ben Jubi,
whose premature d,epartu.re left not only Sad·
dleback, but the lmne and San Clemente com·
munlly llleaten. witb the unhappy task ol alter·
i ng their plans for tbe new aeuoo.
Chaos in Classroom?
Wl'111 '"TAKE A Number.'' the prodcactioo
schedule for Saddleback abowa molt likeQ will
be stretched from three weekeadl to four•
even five. Tbe reuoo la u much -a • popularity -svcr must bear tbe barde8 ot a
belly monlhly rental at the new s1te and. like
the Huntington Beach Pla.Yboule wblda also
rented a buildlnc lhll year. IDUlt DOW laawie
more money comlna lD at tbe ticket wladow.
"With this new bul.ldins. no ..,_. wW we
have to acbedule our prod\aCtliona around adlool
acUvitles. rebeanlna ln various aariap aad
loan eommUDlt.y rooms:• ConUo po&llta out.
Cantonese Foll
Ht here or
(alee home
~olden . <r:?J~ ~~ Sl;;;)ragon -~
Speciolizmg In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes
LUNCH•OINNER OAlt.Y Food To Take Out
11:30 A.M.10 10 P.M.
2021 ............
'42·11'2 • 6ll·tfl I
' '
..... Y11ir1."' & s.t. • 1 P.M.
7M/JZ7...,.J., ~27-4M4
... I m ...... M._..
'Miss Margarida' CorrUng to Frdkrton TD ftY&.YBAR story ot svcr -been one of condDuoul aucceu, ever alDee tbe cat and crew ol tbe tlnt prodtlctioD. uPlm'9aile,"
chipped ln to PaJ tbe ratal llDd l'Ofaltiea to cet
the abow on the ~. ~ liDee u.n. Ute
theater baa been eelf--taUdnc.
Tldteta will 10 on aale Monday for the com·
edy-drama "Miu M•1arida'a Way.'' atarrlng-
Eatelle Panoaa ln the role that woo ber a Tony
A want nomlnatiaa last seuon on Bl"oMway.
The fully ataied procluetlon, oa a eout-to-coaat tour. will play one Del'fonnanee ODlJ at a
p.m . Friday, Nov. ie. ln l'lummer Auditorium.
201 E . CMpman Ave .• Fullerton.
RESDVED 8BAT8 are avallab&e either ln
person or by mall from the Performln& Arts
Center box otfice at Cal State. Fulle,rton. For
further information, phone the box office.
77~3371 or the cultural events office, 773-3St'1.
Tickets are S7 for lh• public aod Sl.50 for
CSUF affiliates.
"Miss Margarida's _Way," essentially a
urea nnb i'ympat~y
£ngltslJ Antiques
mtth mta ltoom
Tea and Sympathy
!m •t the only thing
&err1ed. There's
15 Luncheon suggestions
on our menu.
!'!41rr ~. 'A-l· c:Jnnot urcommod111c ~mall children
(bclunc.l JA<.K·IN·TllE·BOX)
Monday thna Saturday -J l am tiJ S pm
Et Valla -We are now open for unique Sunday bnmda. tMtJ luatbel and lourtnet dlnnerS. From tbe Breast al auekea "Erl Croute" to the fresh salmon "Paal. Boeuae", from the delicate aaucea of pure
white "91 ".NouNlle eulslne" to the Down to Earth Lamb .... De Toulouse, Ches Lautree t.1Dp roa the art fl _. coobry at reuooable pcices, la tbe
coz'-t Pr..ta ~re. A Blentot. ... ,.rundt
~ 11'2 •TUM. t1wu ...
.,.... t .. I • frt. a I& to 10 ceo..d......,
monologue about the bli.tertnc paranoia and
sexual frustration of a moutroully inept~
teacher. la recommended for mature audiences.
AS 11llt EM.90BlllBNT of autbortty toae
mad, lliu P.,... ftaJa and ~ ber fJlabt.b
grade cl.au (pi,Qed • tbe procram di.recta, by lhe audience>.
En route to Onnce County, t.be play will
have a two-1118bt nm al Gantsoa Tbea&eT oo the
Claremont CoUetee campae ID C1aremoat. open-
ing at 8:01 p.m. 'l'luanday aad Fltday, Nov. l
and 2. Phoae m.-m for ticket lllfGnaaUoo.
Hiaa Panona woo a Tony DOminaUon for
Beat Actn!IS. tbe Drama Desk Award for M06l
Unique Tbeatrlcal Experience and the Cue
Golden Apple Award for Best Actreas.
• I
special busmes., luncheons
5pec1at discount on IOOd to go .
()pen 7 days
~S DINM:R Pl.AYHOUSE Q'i~ 11t\'I 14°"V£ PIC1> SA11tlltlh1'Ulf12 oc1'. prtttnts
look, Mulk end Lyrlct W LIONEL BART
EVERY TUES. llfRU IUN. evu a IUN. ltltUNdi
(714 )-492-9880
Still. present funds C(MI' _., tbe C09l of the
buildlng, and an all-oat ca f:l11D wUl be stqed to foot the bill for, Upttna ..U..C arnqe.
aient.s. The ll'09P plaaa IDr 100 seats ln a
bonesboe format similar to tbe operaUom in
Westminster and Hunttqton Beach.
The Saddleback Valley Community Tbeater
ts poiMd for an ucltina period ln ita aWl·
youtblul b1story. but rtpt now tbe crouP ia look-
Lqg for two lmportaat ltem.s -money and man-
power. Anyone iDLenated lo C'Olltributina either sbouJd coot.act Cordib at se:t-UOO.
Chteaed by mu•>C t.v
A DinlnCJ Experience
Beyond th• Expected
Your favor110 cuisine: stook. chicken.
seaiood, delicate soupa, c;Joaic:al salads;
prepared to Pleaae yot.ir palate. SerYed In
the ambtence of moet beauWul oriental
surroWJdJnQs. Make your reservations now
for a truly enJoyable dlntnq experience.
•eo Fuhk>n lllend, Ne~ Center
,.._fVltlOM (714} tu.f.4111
Century Pfaa Hotel, CenCUry City
RHerv•tlone (113} m-1840
Tues., tbru Sat.
Sun. & Mon.
LMUMa.ACH ... ""'" ....
• A~ FrH Pl/lfling
4M-Mt1 ~.
CIMlttlON a 8AKD
Tues., Wed. & Thurs.
Fri., Sat., Sun. Is llon.
Owr~ ~Le* 1'orut
CW-.STUU with
Tue. tbru Sat.
Sun. and Mon . .,
Ima COAIT MW't •
~ ....... ................ ...... -..m
........... h ... Dort ol p .........
8'J l?llfllli• Nld: "I woodlr .... m.., ,..... are 1ca. to call it IM
P8M' ... , 'MMMttaa:'"
-.. -.l.Y, but t'd rat.bw be ......
tboM no ud !Man Sarandoe u. rtell mu .. DlaM lt .. taD. Sarudoll, wttla a
faee fbr .Web u.e word "p6quutH ...
lnveoled, baa beea matlnc ftbm for
over 10 Y•&ra. ~
IN "PALU>IS& .. 1M plQI a llU.xed· up, modern you1 woman cau1llt
between put troub&M ud ,,..._, , ....
~. a ro&e mucb llk• tboM that Keatoe
bu played in Woody AUen tuma; but •!th Kea&on I set the feeliq ot an act, a
ata.nd-up and &it-down comic, tradin1 aomewbat am"'ILY on reeop.itiona by
the readen ol the Voice ud New York.
W6th 81.rudon, t.bou&b it'a not exactly
a performance whoM de.,U. would have
stunned the old Moscow Art, It's fresh,
supported, engaging, whole.
Her boy friend. who refers to himself
u a '70a person and who touches many
or the decade's social bases, is David Steinberg.
STElNBEKG IS the manager or an
art-film house In New York who falls in
love with a joumaHst , Sarandon.
She bas just come to New York after
her divorce -she was married for
seven years -and wants little more al
the moment than not to get involved,
even ligbtJy.
' The gist of the film is their love af.
fair, which begins before. some or her
~ .
SUNn S.r•ndon From 'P•l'IMIM '
wants it to and in which lhe tussles
come from her fear of (to use the cant
shorthand ) commitment and his hunger
for it.
THE SUBJECT is hardly novel, but
who needs novelty where there's truth?
The bumps in the mm come from the
added stuff, the adduced plot compllca· tions.
Director David Helpem and bis pro-
ducer, James C. Gutman, have said
that they were greatly influenced by old
Hollywood romantic comedies of the
Cary Grant-Irene Dunne type, but they
didn't need to aa.y Lt : The film la loaded
with patent lmltat.lona.
"TD ONION FIELD:' very dlf·
ferent ln subject and tone, la Juai as
tboroqbly misconceived. More so,
beeaUM here grave aoclal subjects are
poorly bandied.
The onion-field murder took place in
1113: Two L.A. plainclothamen were
disarmed and kidnapped by two
crimlnala, a white psychopath and his
black aec:omplice, and in an onion field
the ptycbopath, mist.Uenly fearing the
so-called Lindbergh law, killed one of
the policemen.
He would also have killed the other
one, but tbe second man escaped.
The real subject is double: 1) the
effect ol survival on the surviving of·
ficer, played by John Savace: 2> the
twists and delays and evasions of the
jud icial system, as exploited by the
keen-witted psychopath, James Woods,
a nd bis browbeaten companion.
Franklyn Seales.
Savage ls more or less openly derided
for having given up bis weapon, for not
having risked death.
His guilt feelings drive him to klep-
tomania, to enforced reshcnation from the police, to impotence and torpor.
And the law's delays, which are
so Infuriating that they drive an ass is·
tanl DA to give up legal practice entire·
ly, are seen to favor the two criminals.
into whose pasts we get some com-
pensatory insi~hts.
...... COlllOY TO wot
So~ flH ~ "8M ildo HI. . "
•nd other convenient loc:attona througftout lo.-.m CeltonM9 ;
Fren ch•if•ied CFren-cha-fld) vt: Infused with the essence
uf Frenchness
Dinner Seven Days • Lunch Monday lhru Friduy
414 North Newpo rt. Btvd .. Newport Beach
For Reservations Phone 64 5-6700 • Cocktails
'\. < '\ \ ~ , I ·\ ~ I '\, < , ······-c ..... ,..,., ----11111 --lllU-.... VlllD -.mo
Or1nge S58· 7022
Tonight at 8:30 pm
To the list of movie heroes
you have known mad loved,
Get ready to add .John Ritter •.•
IPOl,...,.._11 1a~j
I ..
• ... •
. . •
...... , ..... ~ 111111111
(l'rtdey, S.tuf'day, Sunday 'tll e p 171 I
.. C41Pt hollOln 0....,._,, ............... l.M ........ c. ................. *-• ........... ,,,., ............. .. ...................................
a..M ..................... .. T-. ..................... 1.• .... ,................. .. ..
...-aLe11i11ar .. .. 1.11
Ptut '*" Ft~. 0th., S.•fOOd and StHkl
-,, I , '
I ave el
, "271 ~9'1C COMT ..wy • HWtl...ciTOlll lel4 •12131 5C 1311
•1 E 00..ST ..wy • ~ Ofl MAA • 11141 '1$-0IOO
'"'-a.--.. ~,, ...
,...,....., ........ w ·'Mf 111
.. , ...... ,,, ... ., ... ,
--""-~!Al ·--~~
IAllllllllllT .... ,,.,,,. '71·64'6 -ffWAIOt'Cl•MAwttT wes'"'"'"" u1 m
Only the Daily Pilot re•lly tells
you what's new in your local
community ••• everr day
··;.\T1--... ·-=--lilt.·--=····· -=•--:----:••-•••-:••• .• -.._, •• =._., ..... A __
!u • ... IWIMl I
';lastlee' Cross·exa1nlned
•v I09 THOMAS ................. ~
t•kH • lootc •t t'M state ot
crlmln.1 luttlce In America
and tlncb It rotten. Innocent people ere""' to Jell bv
lnune JudQM, 1hedy dHls .,,d COvet'Ul)S abound. Al
Paclno ls t vouno "fender who tries to buck tht system , rnoauv hi ftlls. Director
Norm•n Jewl$0n keeps the grim
goings-on In firm control until
the very end. which offers .iin
unconvincing surprise The
fllm's best asset Is Paclno,
who Is totally believable u
the bewildered Idea llst , he dlspfays range that went unde-
tec ted In the moody partravals
ot his earlltr films. John
Forsythe adds strength as a
Judge with kinky habits, and
Jack Warden scores as a
suicidal Jurist. A powerfu l
fllm certain to be talked about
In the nation's courtrooms.
Rated R, mostly because of
based on a true cop.kill Ing
Incident and Its lengthy, not
particularly rosy aftermath
as chronlcled by Pollceman-
turned-author Joseph Wambaugh.
The film Is a dark
and all too convlnc.lno study
of a no-win Justlcelsystem
that doesn't change the two
klller s <James Woods and Frank·
lyn Seales) but almost destroys
the officer Who survives their
attack (Jotln Savage). It's
heavy stuff. This film Is not
for those who like suspenseful
plots and tidy endings. There
are no solutions offered past.
perhaps, the passaQe of time.
But the acting Is brlllfant. Rated R.
"10" deals with manners, morals~ male menopause In
bright, Imaginative and occa-
sionally hllarlous style. Blake
Edwards, the "Pfnk Panther" man,
knows his way around a bellV· laugh, but he Is also a shrewd
observer of contemparar v
follles. His script Is loaded
with tltlllatlon, vet It
possesses a hard-earned lesson.
The fleshly pleasures aren't
everything. Dudley Moore Is
splendldly cast as a hit song
writer panicked by the prospect
ofturning 42 JulieAndrE>W'i
plays a curiously latent r ole
as hi\ sometimes mistress. at
least the part allows her some
un·Poppins like dialogue Bo
Der ek makes a smashing debut
as the object of Moor e's lust
I 11 on a scale of 1 to 10 >.
The r ating Is a welt-deserved
DISUKU TURNING 42 DucleJ Moore .... '10'
Once in
crrm FOR cotneMPT tN • ... AHD JU811Ce "°" ALL' Al Paclno, Aa Trtal Lawyer, Tuma the CMrge Around
R, with strono language and
more than e~h se• to SUPPOrt the film's theme.
Is an outrageous notion that
succeeds SUf'JH'lslngly well.
Supposing that H .G. Wells
actually did Invent a workable
Time Machine. Supposing Jack the Ripper uses It to escape
from 1893 London to 1979 San
Francisco and Is pursued by
~ells. Preposterous? Of course.
but somehow the movie watcher
becomes thoroughly Involved
In the author's chase after the
mad killer. Nicholas M eyer,
author of "The Seven Percent
Solutlon," d rrects.
M alcolm McDowell and David
Warner are compelling <1s Wf'llr,
and the dPmoniacal d oc tor
M ary Steenburgen is ab solutely
entranclno as the San Franciscan
who befriends Wells. Rated PG.
("B irds of a Feather") ls the most orlgfnel comedy to come out of Europe -or anywhere
else -In years. The ltallan
F rench production, spoken In French with English subtitles,
provides outrageoos l aughter as
It careens from one bizarre
situation to another . Two
hom osexual males, oper ators of
a transvPst 1te nlqht club. have
lived toqether for 20 years.
one of them r aising a son
T he boy Is straight and wants
to m arry the dau<#hter of d
French deputy, leader of the
moral forces. The meeting of
the two famllles Is what provokes the hilarity. Rated R.
w ith three Wise Men brln~ing
gifts toe newborn babe In
Jerusalem. Oops, wrong manoer.
They sriatct, the gifts back and
depart. That's the story of Brian Cohen's life. always In
the wrong place at the right
time. This outrageous parody
of blbUcal movies could only
be attempted by Britain's mad
Monty Pvthonlans. who wrote tM
script and ptay most of the
major roces. Rated R.
JOE TYNAN" Is a dumb title for
an admirable movie about the
personal and political pressures
of a U.S. ~nator. J~ Tynan
Is a flberal New Yorker
striving to balance his career
ambitions with a wife and two
children back nome
T he fam1har tale 1s d1rf>cted
with frestin~s clnd sen,1 t1v1ty
~Y Jerry Sc hat1berg The script
Wcl'> wri"en by Alan A lda whO 1s
splendidly c;upparteo by
Bar bara Harn '> ar, h 1'> wife,
Meryl Streep as the compliant
attorney, Melvin Douglas as c1
senile senator and Rip Torn as
a venal one. The R ratlno ~ms
OPINING TONIGHT AT 1:00 P.M. SAN DllGO rwY. TO 495 6220
DAILY llAnN81 IEGIN 8AtURDAY =~=-'t==:s ~ ~ ................ iiiiiliililliili ____________ _
A.L~.,_..QM ... ....... ., euTOLUCCa
"LUNA 'cRl
.J .: •
~l~ip i
,.,. ''""'"'~ O«IU.l'.A•
. \ '
CALLI""' TIME" , ... .... ..... "DRACULA' "AY~ I .......
Guide to Spooks, Treats
Communities, Charitie&, Schooh Plan Houses, CanUvah ~~~
Gllolta, thouJt, tobUna. 11rulktq lkeletoo1, voracious vamD&rw. wenwolvee and a bolt ol otber creatu.rea that p: lump. ScrNee .. M•ccchb, Aaaaaaaarrr11hb, and
~·c=~~:.~ .:1f1n ai:,:iu:-c::.~
pareJ1ta relivilll a bit of t.beir own cblldbooda, wlll be
•cared wiU.. th.la Halloween at aevual locations.
TllDS CBLEBaATION8 include several elaborate
haunted boules or other special event.a including costume
eontesta and trick-or-treat handouts. Tbls llating ls not an
endorsement. Parents are advised to determine the
suitability of haunted houses for their children.
Largest holiday attraction, one which drew 10,000
people last year. is the annual Westminater Mall event
boated by the shopping complex and the city. Merchants
wUl donate trick-or-treat candies and pri&es for Halloween
coetume coot.est judgina.
Carnival booths will be operated by various civic and
social organizations for pennies-and nickels, which pay for
material used to create a Spook House in a mall store front
unit for spooky tours from 5 p.m. through 9 p.m .,
Wednesday, Oct. 31.
• LONGEST-RUNNING SPOOK House operation will be
one sponsored by the Orange County March of Dimes,
which runs through Oct. 31, from 7 to 10 p.m. weekdays
and 7 to 11 p.m . weekends at the Orange County
Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa.
THE ~GTON BEACH Jaycees' Spook House wUI run from tonight through Tuesday Dlght at Jaycee
headquarters, 423 Main St., from 6:30 to 10 o'clock at $1
per person admission.
Seal Beach is trying a new concept in Halloween
activities, organized tricllt-or-treatlng from 6 to 9 on
Halloween Night, with adult recreatioo leader escorts.
Preregistration by parents is required, along with a
release form in case of injury or accident. for the
chaperoned activity preceded by costume parades al five
parks in the city.
LAGUNA NIGUEL AREA youngsters are invited to
Crown Valley Elementary School from l to 4 p.m.
Saturday for a Halloween carvlnal with food and game
booths. Parade prizes will be awarded for the funniest.
scariest. prettiest, ugliest and most original costumes
worn to the playground at Crown ValJey Parkway and
Adelanto Drive.
No special activities have been planned in Irvine. and
Fountain Valley scrapped its big annual Halloween Admission is $1.75 for adults and $1.25 for children,
who must be accompanied by an adult if under 8 years
carnival this year because State and local laws have )~
become so strict that no concessionaires were interested, Ji
city officials said ~~
-Gene Sh•fll, NBC·TV (TODAY SHOW)
--·-·-·· ... , ...... ,._ ··~ -·-••1•••1••••1• ·-·~ · lllJJ.JZ• I --:::=::
IA 11n1 C:•MAI Mil PAM Dtlln-tl IDWAllDI' .... °"T
Weslr!llMllf 893·1305 Butn.i Park 82•·•070 ClllllU au rlAZA IDWMlll ' MllllOll Newport Be.lcl'I 644 0760
BrN 529·5339 flUO MAU C .. I MllSICMI DfllVl·IM ~ Mission V!e)O 495·6220 San Juan ~oisrrano
OfaAgl 63.t.7553 493·4~5 ~ti~~::.;" ~~-:::::L:.::~:..:.•__::••:._:•:_=:!.°""':..:.":..::'•.:._ ________ ""j
"10" (~)
Ha fills Iha hearts of man with terror
and the harts of women with desirel
.. --w.D.lJCHTllU1111MfHAMILTON Dt:AN£
.... MAllVIN MllU!CH ...-WALTU MllJSCH ..-,otfN IADHAM a ~"""'9,._...,., lmAllftSIOfteoo&lu:!!!'!: . ...............
................. tl .................
1.,J .\Rl\ TOI>!\~
•llWHMI .O&i'A ................... .. , ....... :, ....
' 1r.'i·1 t •
ORAIH 1Jit-2Hl
...... fll •. , ..... , •• , ..
Mt.· Itel· HI · UI· HI· IHI
Mark Cianfrani
Friday & Saturday
8 00 PM-12 30 AM
3300 Harbor Blvd .. 540-8535
And 1n Long Be ech, 138 Manna Dr
Tuesdays. 9·00 PM-1:30 AM
_,....., ..... _.,, ... ,_.
~211l1l:i:W111Qcll•~~ .. ·~~·~ .... ··~;·~J S«Arno~, u.s.A. '"°' 'A....·-·--"4·2*>0 · THI VllUAH1N 1
•tot ..... •"-71)/~JI ·~
"' .... -··· .. _ ........ ·~ AHO IUSflCI •O. AU 1•1 ,,._ 1119 S1M e .... & 18'1S
"'_,... .. _ .......... ....,.
AHO .IUSTtcl •O-AU 1•1 11'18 e l.• 6 l·ll e _,.I IO.:IO
--,·-"'--TIMI AIJU JIMltflOI
• I
I '
'"•· 0c1ow •. '"' fa DAk.VN.OT
• ~
; I
]ac ~8ons, Spl!~n:gsteen Keep Listene.,;s' Faith -~--
Ever llDce llN ..._ ....... JMbOD and
four Of bll bretlaen l9fl ....,. for &pie
Reco,., tMJ'" talMd about pndudq I.Mir own~.
&acoura1•d bJ Stevie Woader 'a
f.h•ao....S •uceea wt~ Mt Mii-produced
'Son .. la tile Key ol IJle," TIM Jacbona felt
tbat tM)' didD 't ...... _.... produeer or
otMr wnt.n. Slpedall1 lftw beina around
1tucll01, makiftl recordl l<w ...... lhan 10 yeart.
IT WASN'T lJN'ftL lhelr t.1111.rd ~plc album. .. ~ ... tbal lhq finally .. ,.. elven the
chanH, Md then, t.beJ ctidll'l wua. a mJnut.e
Telepbonja1 from hl1 CaUfornla home
where be and hi• brothers. lack:ie, Marlon,
Randy and Tito, were mlx:laa tbeir new sln1le
and recordiq ...u.er album. Mtehael talked
about their big chance.
"Ob, God," be said, "am l thankful for this
opportunity. We knew that we could do it if we
had the chaace, and the result& show that we
were rilht."
"DB8TINY," aBLEA.SBD in November
1978, quickly went platinum and gave The
Jackacns a gold and plaUnum ain&le. "Blame It
on the Boocie" and "Shake Your Body."
"Our perslatence lD not Sivtna up, con-
tinually telling the record compuy that we
didn't want other writers was what finally
changed their minds."
Producing their first album' wasn't difficult,
says Michael.
"You've got to remember, I've been around
studios since 1 was a child, and I've juat picked
it up. You leam . . . you watch, I'd alt in on
Stevie's sessions and just be amued. He'd alt there and do everything."
IUOIAEL ALSO records oo his own and hia
a lbum "Off the Wall" ia equally successful.
~roduced by Quincy· Jones, the album contains
ma~rlal written by PauJ McCartney, Stevie Woa C!er, Carole Bayer Sa1er and others, in ad·
dition to Michael's self-penned hit, "Don't Stop
'Til You Get Enough."
Why did Michael go outalde the family for
his own album?
"I Celt there were still so many different
things I wanted to learn that I didn't want lo go
in myself and do it. I wanted to watch a giant
and learn from him. Quincy is the kind of guy
who's unlimited musically. He can do every-
"AND I WANTED an album that wouldn't
Juat conalatof one kind of mualc 'cause I love all kinda of music.
"I eee it all u mus~~! I don't like to label it.
rt'a .like uytq tb.1a cnud i. white, tbla oae'a
black, or JapaneM -but tbe)''re all ebl.ldna. It
r_eminds me or prejudice. I hate Jabela, lt'• so.
'•u wbodr 8aa1 a woaderf-.1 IOlll for me.
theo I ao.. to 411 It. I woWdD't ~ up a lood
1oa1 JUll beeaUH l didn't wrtt. It. Ttaat11 what I
et\JO>' mOll about doln1 the IOlo albuml, you tel
to ... bow difhrent P"P&e do lblal• ha tbe
"With The J1ck10n1, w.·re JUll clolal our
own UUa In our private ll&Ue world. I don't wan\ the eamo aound 11 Tbe Jac.Uona -my
sound ii different · · • • •
lave& SPalNG8TEEN la very much in
the news lheM days. H1a r~ appearances at
tbe anti-nuclear MUS! coneerta were notable
and b1I album la near completloa.
The Ume la ri1ht, therefore, to deJve deeper
lnto the eareer of lhia phenomenal rock and roll
performer. And 1n a new book, "Born to Run.
The Bruce Springsteen Story" (Delilah
Books/Doubleday. $7 .95), journalist Dave
Marsh does just that.
In l:MS pages, accompanied by a very
thorougti song and show list and over ~ photo-
graphs of Bruce from the days of his ftnt band
CTbe Castilles), Marsh takes the reader from
the Asbury Park days to Sprtnptffn's current
&uperstar status.
"I THOUGHT THERE was a real story
there," said Marsh. "Nol just a story about
Al s.ts $2.00 till 2:M p111
HL /\Kt. l:UW/\HCIS
10" fOf~S
who can
5:'5-8:00.10:15 •
Mic.._. Jeckeon, Bruce Sprtng8tffn lnnoHte
Bruce, but about the music business and how 1l
can chew people up, how Bruce na rrowly
escaped that. and how he gave a lot of people
faith in rock 'n'roll."
Although Springsteen 's lawsuit with former
• manager Mike Appel held up Marsh's book for
two years. Marsh says that "I was able to main·
tam my enthusiasm for all that time bttause
Bruce'1lbowsJult1ot loa,.r, MU«._...., .....
be 1tarted to Dl•11Uitar ...-e. really,,...
''For the lddl wbo 1NW up ID the 11111, ....
Bruce and me, rock 'n' roll wu,. total-.
firmation of poulbUiU. lD our Uvea that Ud
been cut olf. U 1ou were the IOll of a rall.roM
driver or truck driver like we were ID tM .... ,
lt really waa aa if you were locllecl la&o
··MAYBE YOV COULD step pa1t your
father and 1et a white-collar job, but lt would
still be a priaon. Rock 'n' roll showed :YOU you
could be whoever you wanted to be.
"'lben, rock 'n' roll became It.a own prtaon,
when Blg bands and different people made It a
predictable thing, until the punka came aJoaa
and had the aWtude that if you're goina to play
rock 'n' roll, you'd better watch it every minute
or you'll get the spirit sucked out of you. To m~
Bruce was the last innocent. ·
• • Alao, he speaks for a whole ll'OUP of peo-
ple who haven't had much voice in rock 'a' roll-
wbite American working-el ass kids.
"Bruce is articulate, be knows where be'•
from and he's not interested lo beeomlq
something else. He waa lucky eooueh to have ••
vision. or drive, or ambition, but be never
turned his back on those people." •
When he
this train
nwtin europe
the most
-~ "*'"' theWortd.
Tldlet l'ric..: SUI: S4.00: SU O
Cs.lef-C....,._SJ.IO ,.,...,....,)
A 8 1469'1 tasW\A comedy for~ who can carll.
... _
---HE-RB Jl\~v .. ..,....-NfCHOLAS°MCYE'ff
.~, 891 -3935
goPHl~TICAT£0 PROORAMMINO ... Beau!ilu/ ~IBrBo
Mu~ie-Newl!-Marine Weafher-~ki RepOrl~
(Jon~umer Reporl~-~loak Markel Reporl~
a a
f· New Wave Star Returnm.M
.. •aa~Vlal
It 0.ftlt .l~u .. .t.. w.batt h9 .... •t U.. \.llCSOO'I
.... ud Hlll!tia .... •1 Go ... _. ... •uUJ ..... belt
local ..... f/I-._ ta llileadiQc bac'k
to tbe °'111111 0.... TIM ,__. IMd .,., wttb U..
4i11Ni•1• N.w York Dolli, aow
pms 2 J • --~ IOlo C.,...,, Ma ..... llilaacl fw an Htluabe U.a
Y_ll .. ~··N-~ wlWm111Q ~. •, udBalk>ween Nillil.
AMANCS 'l'K:a& IS are avaiJable •••n.balil et tbe ,._,, 1714 Pl8CeatJa
Ave., at tbe bllft1 price ot •· n.en·u be-..._ eecb aJ1bt <doon open
at I ~ID.) aDd tbe investment should be •Ottb It. Jolt•••• bu just released tlis .__. .. aJbwn on Blue Sky, "Jn St.Yle ...
While it COIDel up abort compared to
4lil oftm brilliat eelf.tJtled debut -
whlell .... tbe 'l'oD 10 Albums ol the YearfGr'11bU11tblscolumn~tiU
ia an utiltto be reckoned with.
He 19 ... bln1 toward.a an approach
tbat cembiMe aome of the better ele·
menta ol late '80I rock dynamics and
the cooler Mnaibtlilles of the '70s.
BE ba added some re&eae and
rbytbm aDd blues licks to his latest
effort. but is moat effective when be
doesn't strive for an overtly funky style.
Thal was the case last year on-
stqe when Johansen and his sturdy
· band eened up a winning mixture of
bard rock which satisfied t.bo6e who
•lill like. nuty awtar solo or two, but
alao captured the less sophisticated new-W89eerowd.
Jobamen'a experience with the
alitter/flalh DoU1 laMI tbe to.ctauo.
for la.la caovtMtnc •••1t•r aad com·
"IUA1 Ital• •meanor.
R& TA.Kia WOC'Ut)' advantaa• ol bit (aelal similarity to Mick Jager
but doean 't cop a move. ·a,
came acrou H a raapy.voleed
dtvUllh acbool boy contempla&Jq hl1 nest trick
Jolnln& Job1DMD on the blll wlll be
JeaebeJ and The ·F.arya, the latter
band with root.a in Costa Me1a ud Wulminster and a reputation u oae
of Ora.nee County's rlneat new wave
The Fall lineup at the Neat could
include• a return bout for the
Ramones and the American debut of
singer/guitarist Ian Gomm, a former
member or Britain's Brlnsley
Schwan; a band that spawned mem-
bers of Graham Parker's Rumour
and new wave's leading creative light, Nick Lowe.
GOMM, UKE Johansen, would be
arriving here on the heels or a
very convincing and fresh debut
album, "Gomm With the Wind" on SWl -,
Club owner Jerry Roach also has
completed negotiations and la await-
ing date confirmation for a
December show featuring the legen· dary Iggy Pop.
Roach also plans to open his seeond
nightclub New. 3 in Anaheim <comer
of Knott and Ball). A larger facility
than the Cuckoo's Nest, the club is
law-suit primed with the name "Casablanca.·•
Roach says he intends to offer
dancing, live rock and the energy to
bring new wave sounds to un·
fortunate inlanders. And the invasion continues.
American students go to Paris ..•
The leas they study the more they leam.
FaU Festi.,•16 Siflete•llc Sale
OCTOBER 27 & 28 SAT. & SUN •
We have •ytlUIMJ you se looklftCJ for -C)ifts,
Clftti.-. iewelry, boob, clolhlftCJ for everyone
(men woMen, chlldrenJ, paintings, toys,
sporti.;, goods, hw fwnlshiftCJS -plus ten
great restaur•ts and nmch more.
.. HAUOWBM"" (R).
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DAWN"' flJ •
U!'h .. DA IL y I
I 1 )1' ,
Bring the whole ~mily 1f you love
sailboats. you'U see the "whafs
what" ci salfboating-all the great
. . new models. And if you like
QOod im11y im. yotfD be tmJted
to bealty queens, special marine
fTI .Od 19th 6-10 PM
s..adllys1 11 MH0..30 PM
Swldrts: 11 AM·7 PM
.,. I ilys13·t0 PM
MdilbbMAI Sl.00,
6 IO 12 .,_. SlSJ.
undlr& ...
t •
\ , •
• i
OM.Y .....OT ~.Olt111 .. t11'1 Teledsion
J ohn Huston, playing Noah in bis own
movie ol "The Bible ." tries to coax a
pair of elephants onto the ark in the
three-hour movie special tonight al 8 on
ABC. Channel 7.
• VOT'l!M' ll'ftUNE
Joen EmberyJrom the &an
Diego Zoo dilcuMM hOW
her enlmelll ~ '* ..
mudl .... io-1t1eon.
1:00• Cl) THE~
Blwvw'a Ute Is endM-
gered wherl he becornM
the Ulls1ent 10 .., Old
maglclen wno has MCteta
.. ...... .. ltiC:I<& up no. ......
• 8MN.Ef
(Pr.,,,..) A widOIOr (Shit·
ley JonM) ..._New Yor11
City with ,_ '°"' Cflildren to 1t*1 • ,_ life in LM!e
Tanoe, Cdfomlll. on1y 10
find "*" -~ beW'Q fumloeted upon .,.,.,,.t
• • "The Bible" ( 196e)
~ C. SQOft. Ava
OerOMr The 1tory ot
-·· ore.tlon, hit llUt>M-quent , .. , and 1111 ltldomit.
able .....+" to ~ despite
the odd• 11 recounted.
Chaaftf"I Ll11tin9•
8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angelu!>
G KNBC (NBC) Los Angele!> 9 KTLA (Ind ) Los Angele-, 8 KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angele!>
Cl) KFMB (CBS) San 0 1090
• KHJ-TV (Ind ) LOI Angeles
9 K.CST (ASC) San Diego
I KTIV (Ind.) Lo• Angeles
KCOP·TV (Ind I Los Angeles
• KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angelus e KOCE·TV(PBS> Hunltngtoo Beach
D WOVll * * • ~ "tf lt'e Tueeday. Thi9 Mutt 8e Belgium"
I UHIO) &uaime Pteehetta,
11111 ~. A WClfftlllo-
0'-IMdl a O'OUO of
Am«lcanl on • <II** trip
thfOUOfl M\1911 Ewopew1
QOUnlflat. (2 hra.)
• ~fllOOEO ewow
• • • "Flamlng Star"
I 1 MO) Elvie Praeley. Biii'·
bara Edan. A 1~hny.
p1r1-lndlen lamlly I•
caugnt In the middle of en
lndlan uc>ntlnO (2 hte )
•• WMt-.oTOH
WEii( IN M'1IEW 1:30 . G WAU. ITAUT
When 8oel Hooo claim• that Bo and Luk• .,.. deed
anc:t toonl • rot>l>ert on
them, the WtlY much .,.,,.
CkJo lmelereonata gno.11 10
prow !MW 1Ww10C811Qa
D AOCUON> "1t.£8
flookl«d thlfte Ne .nen-
tlotl 10 Ille ••pa1tm0ny"
COU'1 caM ifM>Mng a rOQll
,,.,., ••-girlfriend attar
Illa perfcwm«'I ""'friend
11 found murdered
C111NingWOflll lfla1n1 11181
tif!ller and O.mma1<1a1e
!'lave r~lad .no ~ to
IMYe Beaton: .. ~
d ... ~ hll , .. , """°"·Ila r~ a 1err1 •
Dt9 deOl9'0t'I -one tt1et -............. .....,.. ...
...... ftDI
"tt11 ~ Jour• ,... ............ ~ .,. -·(I) M.1M ................. 1rtp, ............ ...-., ............. lw ._ ........ . ...... ..... .,.. .... c.p. .. ,.,._..,(Man°"*"
........, Of • cNrta of
MooelnO.,. UNnNd ..... re .... •'-"MU.mY "The ~ TN( Ctled
MIKOW" A -Ilea a
<lielon Of """-In '* ranted manelon and c:ale
Oii • P9)'dlic: ~°' -~LIAOIN '"TM fd Edition," "Tiie
Sand CHiie," .. Thie ....._.,.... .. ,A) =1•=·--..,.. ... UUllH
tbl: M.O. ~. Oueel.a:
Eantl, Wind And Fn, o.n.o. wi..m.. Raydlo,
Pini! lAdy, Raydio. L-
~. Chr1e AM. ''M .•
• M•A•a•H
My919rioul hae>l*tioge In
the 4017tfl -to con-ltfm 1"8 KOt9M belief In .,,
-WOf1d Of demo<\t
and -•r• epirita. -~..VHILL
IHOW a_,,, PfWMlll• Ills own
vat'llOll Of "Jaclt And Jiii "
O~: Norman Mailer.
• ,..,.. TH€ (W)UNO
UP: E81'£CWJ.V ""°"' HOUAHO
A look al "'9 Outc:fl bulb·
growtng lnd\dtry and Iha
variety ot llowa" It
1<06dlalt -a-tor a
b11atta mon11ar wno
allfoud1 "'' vlc:timt In lltmy
Guest noe1 8'" Cosby
Gu.ti Jofln l<aana. Ille Tr-es
Tiia Angell lleacl tor a tu•.
Uf\ot.11 hMlth spa lo probe
Ille tnY<CI« of a mag821<'41
repot141r who W .. lnVMfl·
gating the raaor1. (R)
Mu and 99 are cap\ureo "''*' lhe'f go to aeatcn for a new KAOS llUl>f!< weap-
fii) CAPT~ ABC
Attar SO year1 ot wedOeo
bl•n. Jann and Mllrtfle
HOit ~ that it ""°'*'
IMNoe to ~it --
NBC• 8:00 -•'Shirley." The pre-
miere epTIOde of a new aeries with
SbJrley Jones u a widow 1tart1n1 over tn Lake Tahoe (tee review below>.
Aac·e 8:00 -"The Bible." John
Huaton'a epic movie taken from the ear·
ly books and 11Potll1htln1 Ad•m and.Eve,
Noah andAbranam (pbotoatleft)
KHJ 88:00 -"U It's Tuesday, Thia
Must Be Belgium." Suzanne Pleshette
takes a quick trip through Europe in this
movie comedy with Ian McShane.
.... ~OfTha~
llOn" c tt72) E/'llelll &oro--
..... ~ Grecco. A
MnlcM Pt1-f ~
to the~ Of ~IOa Md llumafl rigtlta ,.,... Mth
a COfNPI dlcta\Or 12 tn I
• llllll90N:: ~
The IMF 111amp11 to
• ..,_ 1"9 underf\anded
ON1it'Q8 of a mayor ano
,,.. political macNne that
oontrol• him
• 21 TON!OffT
• ~IMAA'f
MP trie. to *"""*"' 10 a
women that ltMI ollve lhe
ate 11 raalfy a mtnlaturli.ed
,~. MOVle * • '.+ "Desire In The
Oust" (IMO\ Raymond
Bu<t. Joan 8ennet1 The
poilllcal .... lam of •
ao.itflern land baton we
tainted by tM llllalelont In
1111 llmlly CIOMt I I Iv • S6
Ouee11 Rod St-an, Tiie
T Ubeil. AMc:la 8'idOM
"lcaN•· CllllOf 9" · flla
11ruogle to fly With nottoong
bu1 ,_~ .. ••empll-
llad by one man. wtlO ~
~ wttfl an 81fc:tllt of
cetdt>Oefd. lliumlnum IUb·
Ing and 1>4ano Wife (R)
12:¥1. MOW
• • ·~ "Climb M Jwo4fY Mountain" (1112) ,...
PltUr. Atttv HurWcutt
A 1llarlfl lr•Cll-9' an
-=ac>ed comtet wtlO Ml
kidnapped Ille -(2 hre.)
9 ~
11°"'*'9 _,,_ 114 aide IO
119)' .. 9)' "'°"' • boyflood
friend. now• parolaa
• • tj\ "Tiie Lofd1 Of
Flal b\IMI" (1117•1 Petry
King, 8ytYeMer Slallofte
Four Brooklyn 'OU9"'
come '-"' Wlffl '°"" nowi ways to ~ a pretty
-Oltt in l"9 Migflbof-l'IOOd IR)
Ha.ts PMChea and Hartl
GuM11 Elton John. 011W1
Newton.John. 8 onn•e
POlnter. MOUi-. M<:Go-
• llttOVIE a•'" '"The Helf·er-1'•
( 19521 Rober1 Young. J-
Carter Vlllelny • e~
1n en Arw>na Ap«;na
tevoll I I Iv . 30 "'°" I
• • ,_.. TN E.nl Eye
I IH•I LAllCle Rom.n
Jolvt Suon A young gor1
"' llW>dt *"• ,,,. OMtll 04 ...., aunt. Cllfln04 c:otMnGa
anyone 11\el Ille llllt ... , .
,_..., 1 lulhng 12 In I
t ........... __
-~ ... ~ ..... ~~· ,, .. n ~Gt....,.
f(alNMn ~ f eflftllt ,_.. r..oft .....
~ i.ldowner wflO
~ IO 9'llGt tNm. (2
t:1t ....
2:lf ....
2:IO ....
MOYll ••I+ "We're Hot
M•rri.d" I tff2) Dallld
Wayne. Ginger "°Oef'e.
Fl'le~-·~ 10 ...,.,, tNI tNlr mamag-.. .,. Nlafal. (1 hf . 25
• MCMI * * ••l.JnohmlNd" I 1'551
Elroy Hlncfl. latbata
H-. A gtowp Of lnmetaa
~,.,_ .... in • mini-
-aac:ul'lty ptiaon In C?tlno. Caltfomle 11 IW , 30
tnln.I 2:11 1 NEWS 2: ... MOYIE • *'" "Tiie Badge Or Tiie Cron" ( 1t71) 080<'09
tc.annedy, Aic:Mdo Mont•
ban flla mutdet Of Ille ..... oo-• o.tec:1...,. Into • t~1 order. (1 ht , 50
Min) a:ooe MOVIE * "OoctOf Of Doom ••
l IMO) Armando SllvaaUe.
LOfeM Valazquez. A fiend·
""' doc:IOf l»M• f-1ehly
caught up In 1111 own
••perimenla With t>r•ln ''"""*"''· I 1 hf .. 30 min I • WALL ITRRTWIB< "°I TO. ANHOUNC9D ~ ...
MOVIE * * • ··An My Soni '
119431 r:ow.t O G Ro«lln-
90tl. 9uf1 Lanc:Mlat A IOn
ac:culM "'' ,.,.,., of ,...,,.
tng IOIO Oeiec:1"'9 ~
10 the 00---.1 OUtWl(I
IM war l'l "'' I
• MOYIE *" ·n.e Mao ""°'""*' c 1901 Oeo<g• Z~co.
~ ~ A O«MQ80
K*'tfi9t ~ • f'MfflOO
of turtwnQ men tnto et uac:I
l't'ION18" CI ht . 30 nwt I •:30• MOYIE AT_..Ol ~I 11
ht 30 mon I
• l I .... I I \ I -
JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk
A5 A PA:>fESSIONAL. ()i(fRU>J)(R, RIGHT, 50 WE (.AN 0£ ~
~. liQ.J 11'\~ 10 & ~ TO Oi(fR FOR 'THE' BIO flN llM?
C1 V.W.l'S ~NG ON ThE.
'Shirley' Show Sweet and Shallnw
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tonight, America can
sample the fruit or F red Silverman's sponsor-as-
suppller idea, a notion he's been pushing since be
took over the game at NBC last year.
In the course of bis many speeches outlining
the Silverman view of things, NBC'a president has
o!leo invited major TV advertilen to set involved
in the supplying end of the buli.nela, aa wu once
the rule. He asked and ubd. but eo far, only
Procter and Gamble <TV's bluelt advertiaer) bu
jumped in. The result ls "Shirley," an hour of
sweetneM and light with a laucb track, at 8 on
POa rrs Ll'ITLE P&OJECI', PatG said it
wanted Sblrley Jones in a family show, and Jim-
a line ,lbe rell IOrt of took care of ltaelf. Sweet
Shirley .SO.-plays sweet Sbirley MWer, New
York widow who follow• ber late huabud w\ab for a a lmpler life by movln1 ber family (two
teeaaaen ucl two youn1er darll.np) to Lake
'Taboe, NeT.U.
Not ..,..tatnc1Y, some problems a.rtae when
tbe bappy srvuP an1va Wellt. SblrieJ'• new bouae
ia kind ol nm down, and needs fwnilatmc. So,
Mom and tbe kldl bave to piteb a teat CID the
lakefroat (tbla family
---------can afford a five ·
[ ]
bedroom, two-story Vic-~ REVIEW tori an bouae on ex-
. _ pensive Lake Tahoe but' --------can't lftOl'd a motel foe
three days). .
Aliyfta'J, a crust'/ old IU1 (wbo, we learn, la
really sweet CID the lnaide, tbereb'/ qulifyiq
bim..af for tlda lbow), clalma tbeJ've camped oa
bis lot ........... day rent. Ilia better
natve IUl'fae99, thoqb, and tbat problem ia
• aoa.ed. . • . . • • :-. . OPEN HOUSE
(t:tl.e nal. u~mew·o•rt
Invites you to meet
artist I prlntmaker
frld&y, October 26th
at th~ frarnewrl1ht Gallery
8740 W•rner Avenue. fountain Valley
(I blod& wet t ~ rhone
of Ma1nolla)ILU 8"8·.&184
CJTY ANO COUNTRY F'OLK DON'T MIX? ..,,.., JoMe and John Moltwtyre
Tm& Alli! OTIRU. Sblrley a.arm \bat a
full-time teadtln~ abe was promised la eot
av.U.ble, 10 aM to ..uJe for a ,.rt·tltne ..._
stitate Ii&. Tbe movin1 van lollded. with tbelr runuturi f,naka down in Tau, and when lt ftnal·
ly antws, lt'a earrylne the wroai fumlture.
Let'• tee .•. it seem• there were eome otber ~lema. Ob yea, the kida start 1ettin& a litUe
cranky The 16·year-old girl, Debra <Rosanna Ar-
quette. CllJf Arquette's granddaughter>. as upset
about leaving New York and her boyfriend back 1n
New York. She is really upset when her boyfriend
writes her a "Dear Debra" letter.
The eldest boy. Bill (Peter Barton>. is j ust
generally upset. He's Shirley's st.epeoo. and is
troubled because Shirley treats him like a tid.
EVDYTlllNG 18 AJIOVI' to fly aput. wbee
Shirley tbinka ol a sweet ••Y to save tbe 41.Q.
Adolm cent an11t and puila·buttaa IOluUoaa
aboand. • I apect tlaat•a Uae comwe Wa allow will
fol&o.. Nest .... Slalrle7 .... to take a job .. a
pa'Jmlllt.er oa a conatnaeUoajob ad la nMDled by
the men. Jl'UI in tbe eadiq Md moral.
··Sbiriey'' '-r8ibet ........ ..-.. w1 Wt ta a Ne Kfddfag cliaappolatment. SUvermu M1S be'• Sol tbis nifty
idea about adverti.len •llPPbinl proc:ralU, and Shelley Berman (left) and Jim Backus both out comee a croa between ''11.ae Partridce Fami· long · ted "t.b •
ly" and "lllpt 1• Enoup." felon~:.ved 'r:. po=~:Yfi~=lila!
aur 'l'DltS 18 so•STlllNG to be said for a tonight's episode of ••Etacbied,t' alrini at 10
family abow \bat doelll't pve Mom a weekly sleep-on NBC. Channel 4.
m•te and relies not •tall on the staDdard prime-~:~=~=-::-::-f.i••;:~~~;;;;-;r tiate aleue. Better a saccbarine overdoM withll Put some red salts lft
"SbJrley" than a tollet joke maratbon with ''The your sunMts. Buy OM .... ~~ the 'f<~c,.
Ropen, '' of tfM drNm bNts lilt• !l.T TC
It ~ families feel th8t way. 0 Sb1rley'" ~~s~ru~·ad~o:.".~: # unique gift -.~
may be around Joni enouab to lm,prove. Belldes. Daily Pilot. 642-2697
sweet iln 't really ao bad. 642·5679 ,......:::::::"!"'., ,._
WholeRllll--Trout ............ . ,,. ... Or .... In...... . ....... 19c .. .
MahlM~ ...................• 1 •• 11t •
.. ............................ 2 .••.
WMle °""'""8 Cnib ........ 2.2t 11t.
----COUPOM ___ _
s 1.00 °" ::." .... . IAl.~:.-c=..--°"" .. I ••• :~= ...... ------·----..............................
.. -
SlteOtl cmllMS s' ·" SUM. NAntml l P.W.
.... ... ............. ,
. ., ...
Fer a.lftld M AC110N
~ A~~
"Sorry, Marmaduke! You'Ve alreao,
had two ice cream cones!"
.. __ _
i.-, ..
''We're going to visft Grondma and Grondod
next week and I don't even know
how to fly yet."
by LYM JoMston
by Jeff MacNe4ty
by Ferd & Tom Johnson
Cl.A~S. ~Oufl. 1t~M
9AVC'l. 5WoV\.O &£ 1'f N
~E~ L.Ol.llt •~o 1"1vt.O
A. 4.000 QIJAJ.ir-4 l'Aftt.
AND He:Re's A
... ~'f' oo~.l"'r V'Sf
0.hON StuJ ~0.V'Sl
IOH s hU,IC( Mf (('{ !
I ;, • ;
by Gus Arriola
JUDGE PARKER by Harokl Le Doux
HMM: A Vf:lt'( f'OOf'eV
,...~ AA'JSfR! 100
HIM WHO'S eoss
... ~O MAAIE 16 00tN6 lO STAY
BLOCK ?--~ ----NO-· WHO?
by Tom K. Ryttn
"Ht •~•Y~ •ms OM 10 cwt conwrs."
by Kevin Fapn
1~·s A1.wl'4 -s w1~E
-ro t..Al16i4 A'f ~ft
fltofE-S~'-; JD4'~S !
by George Lemont
NO ... SOM.6
JUS1'" HAPPeNeP 1'0 eE: Wl1'"H
HIM 1'"He O'f'HeR
PAY' I N -rHe Pei....1veRY
R OOM .'
ACA<X.5 t..' 0.><.•°'
I C.0.1"1 '"' b~ c;. .. 1 ~ ~., •n •no· , o; A~
10 :,v.t'CISOO bi Aeq.t" :. >•lt-
l I W1nq, lO~.
1) Mol•I,, p,,.,,. 71 ll'!'lm•'f ,.
11> ruu :. 1-1~"'
17 State Aob< 111 ledl 111 ,,
18 Bee• 14 ln~1
19 P.ttn 75 V.)IO•
20 Oemvfl! JWMd~
22 A(}de Ao()<
;'I Re9fe1
:!5tm~ DOWN
'27 f e>oi te.nun~ 1 S1roi.e:.
~~.. 2Sa11tnq
32 Roule c.our~
33 Inlet J AS(>lr art I
J4 Sotl dml.s 4 Cllt'd hol01og
36 Statety 5 Eciat
40 Carpets 6 State Abbr
42 Chest sounds 1 CtOtleS
"Hue 80um5Y
45 Repose 9 Get a loan
4 1 Ctiul1:tl ,.eas I() f.ntn
49 $"8(e t t Coronel
50 Central t2 Boredom
52 Most d1s1ant tJ Metal
54 fll!'n eOttOf s 2t Cargo units
1ool 2J Anno
58 Pardon 26 Alncan
59~'°" region
60 Onespo1s 28 ()ppoerte of
• I
UNITED fealure Syndicate
T 11u1S<1ay :. Puzzte Sotved
OJ 5 t Time penoo
29 Weapons 53 Called
30 Call 54 T l'lleWI
J t CheellbOne 55 Gaspe Pen
35Cut rodt
37 L~ 56 Slloe widths
J8 Unequal 5 7 Put on aoain
Pref!• 6 ' Ot>scenity
J9 Imparted 6J Lake: Sp.
4 t P9ftly Pret111 64 Cupid
43 Term 66 Founded .
46 Type Abbr.
'8 Any 68 Vert>~
NEWl979MG'!: .. •7325 •
THE 200SX!
The difference between a
Mercedes-Benz lease and any
other ·is the Mercedes-Benz.
The car you lease does make
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Whichever Mercedes-Benz model
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Something else: you'll drive the
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We have several reasrng plans to
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might have thought poss•· ®
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surpnsrng facts.
Ask about our
many convenient
leasing plans.
Mission Viejo Imports
831-1740 A11tlt11ri:.t>d ~)1•nl1•r 495 1 700 28701 Mar9uer1t• Plcwy. •
Son OleflO fwy at "'"~Y. M 1u10t1 V1e10
MIW 197' YOI. VO
l64MA :=,~-TNt __ _ ..-.,_,.,
WMlll. ...
-----, .... cou .....
__ .....,..
WAI 11 6,616 ::r.:: s 13, 991
1979 VOLVO
Equipment lncludea
power stHring. power
fro nt disc brakes .
electr ic rear window
defroster. tinted glass.
dalwce bumper group &
s392627 Eou1pment inc ludes
automatic transmission.
full power options. air
c ond i ti o nin g and
AM/FM stereo
5647790 3 51 VS engine. air
cond1t1on1ng. automatic
trans power steering
tw o t one paint .
instrument group dual
racing mirrors. tinted>
glass. w.re wneet covers
& more!
--radial tl19S.
Eouipment includes 4
speed transmissio n.
front disc brakes and
body side moldings
Stock No 1788
o--' I ..... ~. • m I
....... g
IL 0 I zfZ l
Stoek No 355
(11 2567)
....--.--INCREDIBLE I --
351 va e n g ine.
automatic transm1SSton.
peiower steen ng. power
front d1&c brakes. tilt
whee l . a ir cond .
convenienc e group,
radio. tinted glass &
deluxe wheel covers.
· Staci( No HIO 1
1975 FORD
Automatic trans . factory air cond . owr
steering & brakes. radio. tinted glass.
wsw tires & morel (687NLO). (Stk
1150A) '2388
1977 'FORD
Economical 4 cyl . automatic trans .
factory air cond .. sunroof & vinyl roof.
radio & more• !Ser i 175101.
1979 FORD
2300 c.c. engine. automatk: trans. & PJIMI" steering. A great gas-mizer with
wry low miles. (885WCR). (Stk. P~42).
1977 DODGE
1100 STIPSIDI f'tCl.uP
V8. power steenno & brakes tinted
glass. & rallye wheels. (1F17961) !Stk. P4016)••788
lllige with eeddle bucketa, lir oond .•
.-. aertng I "tN wotb" PLUS low -mun . No Chevy dealers plHHI ~i-....
ee..rtiful white on white. sunroof. air
CX)fld., teether & ao nanv more extras!~
Pl.US Low. low miles! (699MMM). (Sttt.
1941M '2988
1977 FORD
L T1) ft H.UDTOf'
This one has full power and a vinyl top
(953RLF). (Stk. 9-1274AI. Steal this one
for only ,3188
. sas L.9ITIACI
Economical 4 cylinder engine. 5 speed
trans . air cond.. tinted glen . & rallye
wheels. (160UCC) (Stk. P40181
t . . .
' . . .
MAt4ADA Economical 6 cyhnder automatic trans air
cond pwr steering & brakes. tinted glass
!295N1Ml !Stk P3995l
VS. automatic. lactory air cond pwr
steering & brakes. pwr. windows &
seats. AM/FM stereo. vinyl rool & much
more• (803TJOJ. '3988
WD '1'0RMUU• ~Orange with white letter tires.
uomstic trans.. air cond .. pwr. steenn~
& low mltea! Double sharpl (009PRH ~ ~~~, ••••
1977 IUICI
ve. automatic trans.. factory air cond .
pwr steering & brakes. pwr. windows &
seats. AM/FM stereo & m orel
!988RSO), ....
1971 FOID
Pwr. w1nd0ws & seats. cruise control. tilt
wheel. stereo. 13.000 mlles. cream
• w/gold velour Int. I apotteeal (517ULC).
(Stk. 780481)., ....
6 cyl . 4 soeed trans lactory air conc1
pwr steenng & brakes radio tinted
~T:'e=, s3·3a&"
1978 DODGE
Automatic transmission oower '51eefll'Q
;:~~V:'\3'988an "''
•11 TOM f'tC•.U'
Economical 6 cylinder three speed
trans . tinted glass. camper snelt
l1L 55293) !Stk P3979TI
'4688 ·
1971 FORD
MUST ..... 2+2
4 c ylinder eno1ne a ut om9t ic
transmission. power steering. factory
mags & immaculate cond'l843UKR).
(Stk. 3901). '4988
1971 FORD
FllO P'tCl.U,
Economical 6 cylinder. automa1tc trans .
pwr SIE!f>rinq & brakes. 11n1ect qlass
(839RXHI CStk P39731
1978 FORD
Suoer economy with a 4 cyltnde~
eno1ne automatic 1ransm1ss1on. pawer " .. ""$4'i ii
1978 FORD
4 cylinder engine. au to m a tic
1ransm1ss1on. "Hugger Orange" elltenor
and row meres l 43 tUKSI fSlk 3911} , ....
Economtcal 4 cytmder engine. 4 soeed
trans .. air cond power steering &
brakes. (785WOW) (Stk P3934Al
1979 FORD
Eau1pment includes 4 speed trans .•
"screaming yellow" exterior, TRX"red1al
tires. maos. atereo & moonroof.
(W12308) .• ,, ... CStk. P39'0). 9
Attention boat owners• '60 V8. dual
tanks. air oond.. cruise control. maos.
low-tow miles & 9')0tl«nSI (1J88557).
(Stk. P4048T~,6488 -~--~~..-
!ld•~-44!MWl!t~ ..... eM~"9."'-'M~•M~ .... .,...~.--.. ..... '-A••----.-.--4,_.~,,,,,... e =•• ·-~--••••__.-~....,,,~l"W'..__
A n_ew ~trak bilevel. S"'perllner sleeping car stands ready for Its
maadeo trip on the Chlcaao to Seattle Empire Builder run Sunday.
They're the first long·distance passenger train cars built in the
U.S. in ro years.
County to Congress: . .
We'll Care for Own
lllTCID!LL, S.D. CAP) -Davison
County oftldala have drawn a plan t.o
turn public builclinp into abetten for ramlfi• which can.not meet tbe eoet
ot beatia1 oil lbis winter. Social
workers estimate at leaat 500
f&allU.Jlere'may need tbe9beltera.
"It'• *-Uc, but it's a bell ol a Jot ~ tllan freainl to death," aaJcl
Sberllf ~le Swenaan. "We can move ~ .. lllto ebarda ~ .. lD tbe
wtMer moatbs, ll8d thea mne them
oat apln in tbe IPl'inl.'.
AL'l'9MJGB CONGaBSS II debllt-
lq a '1.2 billion emerseney aid bill for poor people bit bard by beating
costa, local otficlala said they could
not wait to see what happens before
making plans.
They said they were not worried about the availability of ruel oil, just
its cost, which in South Dakota has
nearly doubled since last fall when
the price ranged from 40 t.o "5 cents a
gallon. Today, that gallon costs from
71 t.o 85 cents.
"We're looking at $1 a Callon by
the flnt ol the year, and wbo knows after that?" said Don Herrick, dla·
&llter Mntcea director in DaYIMD
County, which is situated In the
soutbeut part oi the state and bu about 20,000 resJdeats.
would be out oi the reach ol aome
"Tbe Jaw provides that in life and
Prefer Ike
ToSwie B
The new Susan B. Ant.bony dollar iB
battling the old Eiaenbower coin in
the Boardwalk'• slot machinee -and
the "Ikea" are winnlnl bll over the
"Suzie Be."
The dollar slot machines at Resona·
loternaUonal Hotel Casino, which
talJe only the bl11er Elaenbower
coins, are dolna 72 percent more
bualneu than tbe Susan B. Ant.bony
slotl at Caesan' Boardwalk B.e1en-
cy, accordlne to state 1tat11Ucs.
THE • DOUAa alot macbtne. at
Reaorta Interoatlonal avera1ed t?t,on tn beta in S.ptember while tbe
348 dollar alau at tbe Boardwalk
Recency each avera1ed only ta.a
in bets, tbe ftp:ree 1bow.
"There's no doubt tbe coin bu a lot
to do with it,'' aald llark Geller,
Boardwalk Recency's vice president
for culno operaUon1.
"People like to play with tbe bis
colna," Ge~ laid. "Yet, some like
the new coinl, but mMt aay it doesn't
have tbe 1ame clunk as the
Ellenbower. We're tblnkinc of
changing the trays ao lt pvee a dlf.
lertnt IOUDd."
GEU&a MYS Caeaan' commit-ment to the new colDI kept the culno
from matcbina .Reaorta lateraa·
tioDal '• tu.II m.UHoa win ln Sep-tember.
TM S.aa B. AlltbooJ II not a
aamblm'I' eom ID Nevada either'. uw.·re .... more play from tbe
&lHabower dollar or tb• token
mae.i .... " 1ald Nevada Gamlll1
Coll.Ware Jaek Strattca.
death aituatiofts, we can move people
out and late them to a place where
there la beat," Herrick said.
Under the plan, approved by the
Davison County Commlaaioo, up to
100 people could be boUled and fed
for abort perloda at City Hall. other
buildings that could provide ~"1· porary shelter Include Mitcbell'•
chief towiet attraction, tbe Corn
Palace, an auditorium whose walla
are deconted witb deslena made ol colored com.
Actress Owes
Bae~ Taxes;
Tavern Eyed
At Work
WALTHAii, lfau.
(AP) -'n. AMrteaD ..n.-.c ..... ~ ...................
•~te· l.D4 blue·collar
worken, la au.. and ..u. -aeeudft wttJa U.. Gallup OrcaDiuUoa .. , ..
A Gallup...,.., found
tbat ~ceot of all meD full Ume wbo were polled aald
they wanted to eontlnue
la hlll·tlme Job a ,
Leonard Wood aald.
Another rt percent said
t.bey would prefer part.
Ume wort, ud 10 per.
cent said they would not
work lf they did not bave t.o.
Many women WOltinc
fuJI time would opt for
part-time OI' DO work if
they could, aCCOl'dlnc t.o
the surwy. Wood said 40'
percent would work
part-Ume if they could
and 1' percent would not
work at all.
T ... ~--11 .... ~·
-AQAM & ASSOCIATES. 1207 s..c;,_ Ol'hoe. C.-.. Mer. GMH.
*IS Mii....,_._.,_, .. , =-°"· c:... .. --c.111.
TM, ......... _.._ ........ ..,.._._ -. ......... ~ ,,.. __ .......
c.-.a---~~--· .. .......
!tAME STATEMENT r h .. tOl1ow;no oer"""' h d0tn<1 1>us1
The IOllOwi"9 ~·~ I\ dOln9 bu\•
HEAVEN SENT 712'16 W•••t •e>I
C.u , Hun·,1nqto" l\t-~C'h, (•llforn••
Rot>tn LY" GllO 21~ w ........ .,
CH • Hu"ttn<lfOn 8f'tHh. (i!tHlorn••
Thi\ bu\1f'W" ., cOf"duttt"d D., dt' in·
AOb'" t r,h<.'
Th1\ sl'1t"""""t "'°"' f1lrd w•t" ff'f!' Counh Cl•r~ ol Or.,,O" Covn•• on 0<
tOO.r 16, l•I•
Publl\""<I Oranqro (CM\I Oa11y P llo•.
0<1 1',76&nc1 No•·7 • ,.n !IOStl•
fndlr, Octobw .. 1'19 DM.YPILOT
Th• tot1ow1rt0 C>f'r\on' .tr • dOH"O
°"''""'" "' ( C 0( BA£"· I ( •lolOrf\1•
Llmftt-d P~rtMr\l'Hp 1\0, w .. ~ltUff
On"•· Su•tfl' 117 N,..,..oott 8f'4t(f'I
Comm,.r<•AI Condom •n•um
Otov•\OOf"'Vtnt (Of'POrA,IOf'\, ~ (•UfOfn••
corPOrAHot'I, 001 WP\tclHf Or1v~ ,..o
JU N•w-1 S..e<h C.tltto<nl• •?MoO
,,,,, OU'.•fW>S\ I\ (t)t"OV('tM OY "(()I
l>Of't llon -C.om,,..rclat Conctomln1ufn
()oo-.l~l (O'D
"C&HtOJn'" <<Kr<M•tl()f\ T'"°'™' W Bur-f~ p,._.,,,,....,,
Thi~ \IAtl'f't'Wonl WA\ t+tflid '#tlh t~
C ounl y Cler~ ol Or-Counh on S.-p. 1•mllt'r 18. tu•
Itel "'"""" o.tw
S11ll• lit
Hew,.., llM<Jt, CA "1MO
Pvl)ll\1.0 Or-Coast O•llv Piiot.
O< tot>n i , 11. 1•. n, "'' .,.U-7'
Th,. toUow~no "''on\ •'" dotnQ
bu\irtf!\\ •\ 1 W MARl(ET, SOI W 8•1DO•
Blvd . Balt>N.C,.'1661
Ku•no·Clll ~w. 11.:1'1 M•M•A
L. l>P' H untlnoton Bea< h. c,.
Wel·lltll Hlleh. 1101 Mader•
WI"", Hvnt"'9fon &t<Kh, CA
Wtl·Shll\ H\i.11, 1101 MAdtr•
L•~. HunlfnQlon Bee<ll,C"
'"" l>U•lnen h condu(teo by • o-r•I -1NnNP.
~l·SNll Hllell
Tiii\ st•-t ••S Ill.cl Wiii\ '""
CounlY Clet10 tiff Or'-Count• Oii Oc· toe.•.'"' waSTaRN MUTUAL
14-1 S. Y .... , S.-. 1fl
Pu611"'9d Or-Coelt Oally P iiot
Oct. u. It, 2', "°"· '· I.,. ~7'
.... ,..,,
Tht-toHowino Pftf'M>n• •re dolno
buSH\e-\\ .,_
1111\ \lrMI. Co.I• Mn.,, C•lllornl•
P•Cfft(.'1 trtWf'~tl' S@'Yt(~. IN_
I• C•l1torN• lOfl>O'•l1<1n1
T"I\ ~~· 1\ conou<!Pd b• "cor p0r~tlon
t.. OU•\ f La Toun~tt• Y<r,..lMY
t "'' ~1A~~t wA\ fif"° tltlfJ\ tn. Counl1 Cl...-• <1' 0rdl'9" (ounh on O<
100--r I tU<I
~ .... , ttiil
1 .. C"'llWY P1rti E••I L•••_.....u _,
Puot1~ <~ .. ~ ro.-i\t OA1I'; ~.ict
Ott ,, lQ 1& ""'0" 1 ,,., "110 ,,,
tf'ti .. touo ... tnq p+t\On'\. •r• co11u~
bu\lf'lof'\\ •'\
( 0 (Ok SU I l AN I S I~·· A 4
S<.1a.•1C• ,.._. (O\I• ""'"' C,. .,6'1 MUQO ... ~~ •• ,....,., 7-..0 NO O•d
C.r IMl \atrt1 Md (.A 'I? 101
ftob•'t ( V'•ITr'\f'' t\•4 A •
~"''' .... C0>••-..,. (A '1'11
lht\ bv\.I~~ 1\ C.OM"t_t~O D't 4
9f>ntr•I Pre"lf'V"HP'l1p
Hugo Prf"\t1n.4rr
l P\1\ .. ~,....,....,, ...,., f•led w11n tM
Cwnt, (I,..• ol 0.-COt1n1¥ 0<1 ()< totM:-, 2 ,_,,.
"'llS.tol PuOli\r.d ()r~ C.o~t O•O'f P1l0f
0<• 1• No• 1 • •t ,..,. 61111 ,.
,, ....
Put>llllltel OrMl9t co.Ht D .. tv Pllflf,
Oct. tt. Meriel NcN. 2. t ,"7t !055-1't
Tiie lol-lllQ "°"'""" 1141.,. t«l«ll-doMO the 11M tiff Ille Fk tltlotis Bu.II·
'""' lol'8 Olk«. H••ntf11¢on 8e9'11, Olllort\I•~
fh« Flctl~ Bu~MM Name ••·
l•rr•O to AllOW wts llled In Or•-
Cour>IY on 5$(-Der 7, ltn.
SOUGH£ AS. tCJI) Clov1H Ct .. Fount all\
V•lley, C•Hlorni• t?109
Thi• l>u'.\lne>• w•• <.orlducled l>y •
llm1ted ~--"'•P ~lvtn L JOl'd<ln
fll•• \141temenl wa\ tlled with Ille
County Clerti of 0r""9t' County on Oc·
IOl>er It, lf1' ,, ... u
Pul>lf\lll!d Or-C<MSI O•lly Piiot,
O<t t9. 1b-Ho• 1. 'I, 191' 5CM~7t ------
SU~ElllOtl COUttT 0, THE
Ne A·I012U
E\tAte of L1t11an GO<h~nour • .t'-•
Lllltan J C.O.:heno<Jr, aka ltlh•n N .
Gorn .. nour. •k• LltlHln N•Um•n
C">< heno•ir Orc•h...0 NOflCE 15 HEREBY vii/EN 10 t""
r (f"d\tOf""\ ()t t""" ~DOV~ f"IAmt'd (lt'(l!CJ.t nt
1rw.1 All P'"'Wf't'\ n.tv1nq < ta1rns aQd•n•t
tt'lr '"'d tW<f'de>rrt (trf' fjlllQUlr'~O tO flllt
fl'W'm wun '""" tw>Cf"'\~r-. "ou<Mr~, 1n tM otf1(~ of thP Clf'rk ~OW OboYt' ttn•
htttloO r ov.-t or tl'.' pt t1oV>nt OWtm_ "'''"
,,,,.. f"lf't~\\4ry 111oYC lvn to thifl' un n ... ,,,ql'\,..d At IJ'W-> Ofttf t> o• €flt fl
k•l\On, \)) Nortn Ar""" a••O , \vii"
lC)e (,i•1ntM1..-c.• ~it)OJ wtuch 's. t~
Old<fl> ot bu'\.t*"""'~O• ,,.,,. u~•\•QntO 1n
oll m4tt .. n prt"f'"ta1n1nq to t"'4" e\tdlt=" ot
\o:t1d drc~f w1U'Ul'l lour month\
~fffH ftu• ''''' e>uOl1C'"Aflon of tn1-.
"°'''' u~''"' '°'r>l,,,_.,. 11 ,.,. l ()Of\ C Naumdn Jr
(•xC\rtOf ot lt'w> W1U 04
trw dlJOVf' "dm.fi'd ~eoen'
Erl< A Nfl..,
US No~lll 111<-lll•d., Sit. JOe.
hi· Ulll~1'Hl•5AIS4
All-Y .... E1'e(lltar
PubMl'teO OrMIOI! Cow\! Ol1ly Pilr>i,
Ocl ~.11. 1',7',Nov 1. lt1• l9'0·l•
PUBLIC NOTICE -------------------IOOTI~ INVITl .. G a1oso.-.....-.-
01. .. ••AL 09LIGAT10N 80MDS 0, .................
~ ....... .
•OTtU 1$ "'-llt&Y OIVI. .. ._ ....... .,.__.,. ..... --• sa.---_.,._. .. ~ ....... f//f llltVt-UlltfllllO ~
Dftr9'te:T. or-.. '*-•·~ -.. ....---.Ollll .... ....... ,..., ........... ~-----·----_....,
Tl-· ,_.---U.-•H·~--'T-~· 0111c. .. -a-rt> f//t -............ NIWf'I ........ .\4. "''""t<4'tltln. ~ ('tlf" (...,I.., Pl•t~. S.nla "'""· C..lltorn1•
MAit.ED ··~-Cleft OI --·a .. ~·-....... I of .AOmlfM-~ • • Clwtc ~ ....... ,..,...Ma, C..11-• issue u.atMO ~· ... •• .,, ---_.., 1 10 -. -.,._ d"''"· 'II _ _......_ 'II U,OIO<t«ll, .oft_.., J-r I, 1-, --.......... "EJect .... 14'Pt, t«i.t ,_ -
MA.YVRITil!S n.. ..... wltt ,.,...,... lft c.-.,tl--lfl llw-tof NGfl Ill Ille_,,_.. 4lt fOllOw\
) ...... ,,., '· ,.,,
Ja-v• 1"1 )_,..,. ,.,
J .. _..._, ... J.,,...,.., '· "'~
)IN>¥Y I,"" ••nt.WlfY t •.. .,
J•f'u-8,... I , ..
J~nUMy I '""' Ji.t"\M'"' 1 1900
11.0,000 16'11.000
•60 000
160 000
16() 000
YaAR OfJ-TURITY ).,....,,,.,"" J.,....,.., '· ''" Ja1'UMY I, '"' Jatt.....,..,t,t"' ,.,.._.., '· ·~ Jlr>u.trfl,1 ...
J•rtV¥'0 I, 1991
JAl"Utl''f f t"8
J•nUflf"\< 1, '""
J.tnuar"¥ l.1000
AMOV .. T Sl60,000
\IGNA lURE ON 60NOS "I '"'"' o"" ol IN "9"'°1urn Ort I~ DOnd> .,111
bf' m•nwltv .ttt' 1f'd
tNT("E'ST Tht> OOf'•ch \f'IAll ~dr fnttffl'St I t ii f•t"'Of"" rat" to bP fl•Pd uo
on trw-YI"' ttwrf'Of bul "°' Cl'l ,,.,~ , .. PP' t.•nnvm O•h4bfe ~n"uau., fort~
r1r\t """' NVJ4J'm1 ~H\t tMr"'"ft"''
PAY ME~ T S,.,~ctbOnd\ end\,.__'~' .. '""'' •hltrtc>f'\~ft'Q\\"16~' "''•wtut ""°"'" of tM Urwl@dSt..tt~ Oi A,,,,..r,c1t 1't tmo othOO'Of ,,.. Tr~•sur~r of Or•~ Countv
u E (,1~ T ~A Tt0 "4 f ,,_ tion0,••11 °"' OUOOt" bOn<h rfl'Qt,t11rabff'Of'Wy a sto t:M>t"
pt+N 1PftfM°d1n ff!'rMt
NOT CALLA0l £ fn,. 0c>n(I\ Mt-not ce1fttbtfl rwto,,. m~turity
SECUR•TY ~ .... d bot'!d' Mf" 0-""'~' obhO"Hon\ ot ~..., "'~' Ot\1Ptt.
p..l¥Mbf,. both Ot "" 1041 4nd '"tt r,.,1 h t)m -" ••IOf"ttm l•Wf) WPU(h, Ync:f.H ftw
14w \ ~O• 1n tou,. m,.,. o-ll"Y••<S .,,..,tN>Ut hf"\lt•t•on •\ to r•tf' or ~mount upc>n
.. 11ot 11'\fl .,, .. ,..,.. Pf'OOif'rh t .. C"'Of t "rt.11n Pl"""-OF'dl o..-Q4'.)tt"ff, in w•o )>(N>of 01,.
tr•<' TEAMS 0, SALE
tNfEPEST R"lf '""°""""'mu"''~f.-Ot<1rnt!wnQtf'wc~1• Pf'r•rtnum
Oi\'f',)blf> MINAUv •r-tlf\\ yfJIU' ""a ..,.ni. '9if\4W~t'f' ttwt•Att(lr EA<h , .. "' ~<S
,.....v .. r b .. 4 mulhpl1tot 1 10 o• t No C>Ot\rt '""'" ~r mOf'~ '""non• •nttnu.1 ,..,,,.,
And ftlt f>Onct\-Of tf'W> \"mfl mttfur1h \l\AU bf'Ar t9'~ """f' rttffll' E.t(P, bOncl m~t
bf'IM 1nttr~t "' tn• ,,.,,. \Olf'<tl1fl>(f ,,, •~ tMd troni It\ rt.ttf' to 1h ti•e<J m.atuntv
Oatr Nnt ff'llCltfl> tMn f 1ntt-rMt fAff"' mllfY ~ btd, dnd fhi'f,. \fMll not bP • IOtl'bd
ot mor~ ttw't l t:Jiilolwt'f'n ttlf' hlQt\f'i\ 1'n0 l~\1 1n1fi'rf"'1 rat~ bid lhe rtppU·
flOf'\ Of ~ny rAf" wtll not ~ con~104"rf'"O tM OtddtnQ at dn dddlhon.AI '"'"·
A•Md f"" bona\ \/'All bP \Qid tor td\h ut>ly All bid' "111SI bP 10<' n()I
, .. ,, tt\an "" ot ,,..... ~6' t'f'ret>y oftf'r_.O tor ,,.1 .. ttn<S •.ten Oki ~It \t.tte th.at
IM b•d<H>r Of,,.,, (Mt AM> ..tccruitd 1ntHr\f to,,.. d•t,. ot Mll11MY. the' pr•mtufn, If""'· Ancl tf¥ 1ntpr~t ratl' or raffll'\ not lo t'UMd lhOW 1C)f'Ctftfld M,,..ln. •t
whlCI\ ti.,. bldc»r o~" 10 l>UY .. ,o "°""' E -<" b.-r "'"II st•I• '" t\I' bid '"" 'oto\I " .. ' ,n1f"f't'\• to-i.\ ,n dotta'' and tht -'"fl'f'"Of: wt '"tert\t r•tf" Oftermtnieo
'"''tbv. ""''t" ,,..,11i..,,.,,.,.,.,,,"1morm.o11 ... ""'• M'ld not•""'' ot '"" blO H~I B.-r Tl>r cono~ will bP .-..arci.cl to If><' l\IQll1nt bi<IOer or biO· °"'' tons•-•nq ""''"'""'SI ral• or ratfl \P«lfleO -Ille P'""''"'" ott•rtd, It
•nv f,,.. 1'11~1 bid will i. <Wl•rm1M<S by Ot'Oveltnq tlW .;mount ol ti.. pr•· "''v"' l>'O (II .,,,,'"'"',,... tOla• •mount Ol lnl.,.....I whlth 11\t di•trkl _..,be
r'!Ovlrpd to p.y ,,,,,.,, 1,,. O<tlt ot ... d band• to llW r-110 "1.tturltv clat•s
tMroot •l tM c-n '"""' r•I•• •e>«lrled 111 tM lltd '""' the •w•O w111 ~ m•de o<> 1,,.1»sis ol t"" low•st ""' lnlorfll co•tto tMd .. trlCI. T,... 1ow.st ,,.I In·
t•rHt coshl><tllbo>compute0on• l60-o<tv .. <t<tMISI"-fMC><K<,..,.,. musto.y<1«
c ru.<1 Int~ t,,,,.,, t,...d•t•ol ll\ebOllds tot,...O.le al Ml Ivory. The coi.t ot ptlntlf\9
lllQM al stej«llOI' Ttw 8o<ord of Suiitrvl'°n. ••-n \ \Ill' riqtlt. ti\ th
dl\Cr•llon, to rtle<I MIY -.tll bids •f'd to ti.. •Jrt..-1 not P<Ohlbited l>Y law lo
w•lv• •n• lrrevu1¥ltv or 1nlo<me11ty 1n ..,y bid
P"""'9f Award TM 8o<o•d of Su.,.rv•-i will 141~• «tlon .w•rdl119 IM
bond• or rejfoe"tlnQ •11 l>kls nol let., trwn 1-"ty.sl• "°"'' •"'" llle uplretlon ot ti. ttrnt _,, P<•><•lbtd tor tlle rf)C.,pl ol ~•Is, pr~~. IN>I ti..
iiwArd mey i. ,..,,_ •ll•r llW t•plr•tlo<> of I,.. W>«llled 11,,,. If,,,. bldOfr t.Nll
nol "•"" Qi...,, 10 MIO lloerd nollt• In writlnt al IN wlll>dr-•I Of suc:ll prl).
Platt of O..llvery: OellW'ery of wld -wllt tit' m<ICM lo l/W Sl>CCtUlul II~•"' tllt office al tr. Coun1v Au<lilOl'·Controll« of Ortr1or County,
Prompt Ol!llvtry, c.ncellellon tor Ult• 0.llwr,• It I• HPKMd INI Wiid
ll04'd~ wlll 119 .-11 ... rec110 the \U<ceulul ~ wlt111n 11\lrtv de" from tM CS.le
of \ale '"""'°'· T,... ~<••lul Dlcl<IH NII ...... Ille r'911t. •t "'' GPCIM. lo unol Ille conlre<t ot l)Ur(fla\e II Ille -ant Mt t-ecl for cHll¥«V
w11111n sfltly dllvt from,,,. <lat• of Ille Stle ~. -In_., event tM ""·
ceu1u1 l>IOdtr lh•ll I» ffllfll«I to ,,,. r91U<n ef tM ~I e<<-vlno Ills
~o. •
Form of Bid' Et<ll blO, f<)Oetlltr with the bid CIW!CI'., fYMISI t1ot In a wa"°"
.,,..,.1~. 4tddl'"wcl lo IM dlstrf<t with tt>t .,._._ end Did ctffrly mMll.ed
"Pnli>oWll lor ll'Vfne U1'111ed Sc"-' District llorlft."
Bid Ole<I<' A Cet>llfltd °' cellller'• ClltO °" • ~Ole 1>81'111. or ll'\lfl
c:~V In lf'e efT'OU<ll of 3• ot the prlnc:lp91 ........,, ot Ille llOr!Ot, NYMIN 10
ttw ora.r Of tM CAIUflly T'rM•uret "'"'' k C°'""'9ftY ffC'1 .,,_., •• • ,...,.,,.
ty tfl<ll the tl40cler, It \UCCH\IUI, .,Ill t<«l!ll 4ltld INY tor Mid llOftdt II\ <K·
<otelen<• wllll IM let'ms of ,.., 1114. The Pf«"* ot Ille <lltO K<Ol'l'tMl!Ylnt
P\J•uc NOTICE' 4141'1' 8(( .... propoMI -ti 1111 ...,.led on""~-prl<• or, II SM<ll -u or. POt411fu1cc.-i~110IP9'10mled vnlftsWChlellU<'fotll9f10tmencetllellbe -------------i<llVIM by-ect or oml•Sleifl l7f Ii; Cll"rlcl, _, -lie retel,.. tw Wld
1'1"1TIOUI au11w•• lrH-"' .... """'" .. w tllrukt. TM clwcll kt~v\llt Mell -· lllAM9 ITATSM4UfT <..,._,_....wlltbe~'"'''Ptty.
1"41 101tow1no lM<-•t• dol11t c._. 111 Teic e .. ....,. St•h••: At"'' t""' ..._.""....,. .,.. ""*'"
11<1•l11tU es. few .. 11..,.t t"9 tuttadul 111-.r !My dlNMn!I MCI wltNr"' ttle .,,..._.I It
I' L 0 W E It S T It E I! f ._ ,_,.... ,_.. ... IPt llflfft!I llOl*f't '""' Ml* flf lfle -~ -
APAIH MENTS JOINT V~HTUIU!, <Ml'•Oer"'9ll•e1t<llll'fCtt!i•te ..... lftc:W"9~...-t ..... ellM-u1 W l'lnt $11'f9t T11sllt1 C.IHoml ................ 11¥ • t\illftO et IM lllt-4 "'-s.Nk• 0#"' • mtl"°" cit • ,,.. . • • ""' fMtfal <Oilltt,.,, \M41 .. dlt<lente ....... ., .. -"'" .... ~ .....
l'r«n-M, ........ U1 W. f"ll"tt KC:~lll~1!19-..... ef~t«-liiY•W-flf«11y....,«1 ~
Street, Tuit111, t.flfOfnl• tlMO c-tlllt I• 9Nt ... ..,........, It .... dlllle ef lllh Mfk•.
Dr. !WMI P, °'"""'· 1211 flrll· L ... I OOlftlOll; Tiit ""'-*'lll«d ~ .. O'Mllf..-, & M<twl • ....,.,..,..
teny Crou lltoeo. hnt• Aft•, -...wev'"8"'9"*'1CMfYflf Ntf-...•lll •""'""'*'tMwt~...,.....;i
C.lltOf'nlt "!OS ., prlOf ......... °' oelt""'' .......... -""""' ....... "'1ct ...
Thll MIN H I~ t~l.0 l>Y • C_., .. the ..... ~ t t111tltcl "' tllt c-.ty lwdtllllf "' Ill• fectimlle
.. ,.., el "'1Nnf't0. •ltMf-WOt • ff'iMetl on tM Mtll of MCll llO!lf wlttloil4 COM te -~ ,,,.,..M.....,,.,, M#l•.lf .......... 11'tlltllld.
Tiii• •I-wet lllect wit~ IN CUSIP: CUSIP ~· IWIYf .._. ........ ,_..,. tt ....,.._ 11¥ Ille
Couflty Clerll flf OrMVt c-ty Cl<\ Oc· pur<h•-· Wiil bt"ll'll_,tll tl•MNUI tlle""°'NllH'tH.-.., '"°" 16 ,.,.. Ho "'""*''°" ()frllfic.te; Al "" time of M't"*ll fer _.. *"'""' ot ..i11 MUltTt• llWllit _.., tM ~ ~ wtll 119 '-"'"""""' • <"1~.W ._tlleft l•M
.__.,.. .. i..w ottott~ ~ •••lllt"" fflt•nv °' t11e lleftdL ~,_...°""" OIVaH 11¥ orwrot lllt .._. .. ~tflf Or .... C.W.Cy, e.i ...... ..,.. ,. ...... ou-.r ,., ""· p, O .... .., JUN• ALU(ANOllt ,,..._CA W7U OWti flf 1M ...,.. .. '-"'1•• , lfl,_ etOr.._CMIC\r,C«llfWIM "'* ..... Or .... ~ 0.11• Pit.I lSIAl.I
ext. ft . 11 • ..... t, '· "" -...19 "'811ti.110r1111t c.ta o.tty ~•. ort.. •.,.. ""'· t. •
l •
You C•n Sell It, Find It.
Tr•de It With a W•nt Ad .•
...... ...... ..... Wt .. w. ......... We , ....... ,.,. ,. • ""'",.,.We ....... ,.,. s. ....... ,.,. We . ... ....... We ....................... •··•·•········••·•·•··· ...........................•..••.. , ............................................................................................................................. .
I K11.. ttoJ ._,_. I OOZ ., .. ,.. 1002 ., .. ,.. 1002 •••r• IOOZ ., .. ,.. 1002 &1•1.. 100 1002 ....................... ········•·········•···· .••••••......••••.•........•........•......... ······················-·················•····· ............................................. .
p 'I t ""' Ml4ke: AU real •tale Advertl.Md
an Uil eewspaper UI sub
Jed w the Federal Fur
Hou1l111 Act ol 1Ha ~ma Iles \t 1lle1al to
.civert11e "any pre
!elW)Ce, limitation, or
d&Knmmauoo baaed on
111Ct, color, religion, Sell,
or naUona! ongin. or an
ln&mllon to mue any
~b preference, Um1ta
tioa, or discnm1naUon. "
11U newspaper will not
knowingly a ccept any
advert11lng tor rea l
esta&& wblcb is in viola·
MAI. S.. tMa ......... l ~•••••• & ..... ,.... ..... -~let,,......,.
.. 0.. ..... 217 tri•
OHM Ml/SAT/SUH 1·5 ...... $33',000
llEWPllT BEACH 759-mll
481 +POOL
EltceUenl • bedrm, 2~
bath Sandpointe pool
home nr South Coast
J>tua. Brand new plush
--------•I crpt& and water heater
Big 4 Bdrm , 2 ba
w/mass1ve rrplc. New
paint in & out & best or
all. a super low price of
$79,SOO. This one is sharp
& wlll sell lasl. Call
t.oo! One year borne pro-.SELECT -~. •...t............a.! leC\1on plan Included ! ~~ ........ ...,..sen Flex.lblet.erms incldgVA PROPE RTI ES ._... cMcJ& .....,. och or take over existing cWr 9d report .,._ loans. Full price Just ran '-cl.lely. TM SJ.25.000. Hurry, take ad·
QA& Y PILOT •-• vantage, call 752·1700
......, .............. O<(Nl119•1•\ll1'flOtlt, I
-·---~-[9,llitl A Dad wants Mom in
Minnesota with him.
Price reduced $3000 oo mas ' Br family room home In Orance with
Vdla Park schools. Great
neilbborhood and Just waitina for you. Offered
al only $94,900. Call
.......... s. .......................
C I.. 1002 .......................
2 Story Townbome +
pool. $58,500. Great
SUrter home, upgraded
throuahoul. Owner
boulht another, must
sell. Hurry! Call 963-6767
[ i :ijf lilil
3 Bdnm. up, 2 bdrms ..
down; aoocl concUUon;
• • .i!!ll carpets. 2 Car park·
1n1. Steps to beach! mMCIO laclucila& laod !
8110o<E115 WfA, TOllS
Zv.l "'1t li..Jlt'hob'JJ&b•
Use the Daily Pilot
"Fast Resu It" service
dJtectory. Your
service is our
Call 642·5678 ext. 322
Adver\15ers may pl•rt! their ada by telephone
1;00 a.m. to ~:30 p m.
)ICC>llday Uu'u Friday 8 to noon Saturday
'• 330W. Bay
•• -142,5111
• 1717S BeKll Blvd
tG2'7 N Coul Hwy
1....-•adt .....
dl.i frtt $t0-l220
Une for COPY " kllll :30 pm tht' day
ore publlc111on.
e xcept ror fiund1y " Monday Edltton1 •hen
deadline Is Saturd1y. 12
c~ ...... "°"' ERRORS: Advertisers Miould check their ads
dally • report errors l mmedla\ely. T H E
DAILY Plun' U1umes
II• bllltY for the n rat
ltlCorT'erl i-rtJGn only.
CANCEU.ATIONS: Vt'heft klWnc an 1d be .. ,.. lo make • ,_,. ol
t111 KlLL NUM8£R
irt.en you by your •d taller ,. rftdpt ol your
uaullatlon. 'l'lll• 11111
n umber inu•t b • preaentfd b y the
14h'ert1Mr In cue ot a ...-e
(;ANCl'!LLATTON OR CORRl!IC110fll 0' NEW AD 8 1:,0 RE
RUN.NINO. Every .tfort ii made to
11111 M torftCt I MW Id UM!& bU ._. ~. ..... "..-.~ .. cle IO llll&il 0.. Id Ml ............ -........
1 Dl•t:·A-UNt: APIJ: TkM ecta are attldlJ catll la ldvll!C!e by mllll
ot It M1 Olll Of Mr
offkea. NO,._.°'*"'· l)Hdlllli: I ,,m. nM•S'·
O..C• ... ome-. u
•••• at all 11uooll
'DAILY PILOf t~•n "'' '''"' to t .... ,....... r I • I e I a )' .................. ,. ell•••• tu ,., .. • =-............. ... . "rr.: ~ · c.&a ...
Euellent., alfordable de-
sert home on fee land. Low maintenanc e ·
rumiabed -3 bdrms. i~
ba, btfl grounds w /2
pools & spas. 646-7711
Gorgeous Easts1de Mesa
c~m bwll 3 bedrm OR
2 bedrm + den home!
Gated entry court yard
for privacy. Fern grotto, 2 piaUos, lots of'atoraae.
st.e]lll W Newport• Back
Bay! See Uus wumer.
IOll I ! Call 752-1700 (IPIN IH 9 •II 5 11.JN IOtl NICI ' [eldHI
Use Yow SiqiblUty
LOANS TO Sl00.000
show you how to qualify.
TcA to Red c_,..t
--i'.'I; I ?I lf!1~1
Charming 2 story garden
hom e . Cobbles t o n e
streets. gourmet k1lchen.
huge master swte. cov
ered palm. too' Call now
641). 7171
It' ~ f. 'J • • •'' t "'' ' -t •
knocks onen when you
use result-getting D111ly
Pilot Cla~ ... 1r1ed Ads LO
reach the Orange Coast
Phone 642·5678
w.u ..... 754-1202 1~~~~~~~~
Clueified Ads, your one·
stop shopping center.
$1.89 per DAY
'Thal'• ALL you pay
lora :ioi:':h!d
00 IT NOW!
Spacious 3 Bdrm
a ir cond .• San
Luis Rey model
thr uout . Po s iti ve l y
pnsline. Sl65,000.
, llE
llDBll ILlllS CD.
f:xtra Sharp. Two Bedrooms. Two B11lh11
Orlitlnal Owner. Like A Model. Hardwood
Floors le Shutters. Wet Bar & Fireplace ln
Living Room. Attractive Master Bedroom
Suite. Pool. Sauna le Tennis Available.
Hurry. Only $137.200.
(5) --...............
111 Dona MIVI
CiJ Coldwell Banker
Spacious lour bedroom home on
prime Via Udo Nord location. Pier
fr slip plm many other amenttiea.
Priced to sell at $975,000.
SHOllCU .. S-tll0,000
Buy this beautiful 4BR & fam rm
traditional home now while it is under
cons truction. The builder just started
it so come in to our office. see the
plans & seleet the finishing touches.
You'll be happy you did!
2111 S. Joa, · ... loecl
MEWPOtn' CIMTB. M.L 644-4' I 0
St 39,900 Reduced Cor fast sale!
Charming3bedrm. bnck Owner anxious a nd
paUo6. Lots or wood and sacrtlicing t.bls lovely
glaas. Pnvate commuru-home. Clean u a whia·
t.y.CaJl now! 646-7171 Ile!! Features 4 bedrms. (\PfNWY ·""'""""t'"'"''' l~ bath. 22 Ct. game 1e 1111 g~~.~~~:
-~s::e°'a !•IMI
Laree 3 Bdrm home in AU'Tteft1C great Eut.a1de location.
Two 1 BR units add to m· CUSTOM TUDOtt come . OWNE R WlLL Ocean view. By·the·s~a.
CARRY FINANCING. 2-sty. 6n BR. 3 BA. Din.
'Jbia is a must 1ee at Rm. w/pri. gardens. Sep.
SlS0.000. For detaJis call den w /fplc . sew in g ~U.Sl rm.tom ce. Skylights .
' 381 +POOL
Prime 3 bedrm horrll' in
strateR1cully locall'd Del
t:erro lr;il'l ·l.:ost;J M No<J
Approx 2300 !'Q fl Wl'll
mainta1nc•d home with
1uanl bonu!> r m with
sparkling pool with div-
ing board and sl.Jde! Ex·
tra stor age g alor e!
Much. much mott! ! On·
ly IU'.900. WOW!! CaJl
today 752.1100.
Ol'ft' tu 9 • 11 \ 'Ut' rON '-« t • !~RMI
Placing your Clu s irled
ad i.s so sample JU.st
give us a caJI on the
phone and we II help you
word your ad !or fast re·
suits. 642-5678.
Leaded e lau 1alore .
9.andecb. Balcony ltt·
race. Lee RV storage. So
much more -U mwst see
& only $13S.OOO Ca II
now! ! 963-0903 BKR
$61.000 9 1:t'1 In t erest
Loan at S.S77 total pay.
ment.s. 3Bdrm. 2 bath,
fplc. 2-C'a r garagt•
$81,000 A Must Sl'l'
nl'f'J tH I • ,f '\ ft/11 '• •,
te 1111
83'1·510ll Bier.
~·s vourTrade"
St.Ill per Day
'1b.1l 's little to pay
for an ad in the Dally Pilot
Service Dlrmory that can
~your prdess1onal
1dent1ly. For mort' in·
formation call 642-5678.
PnlMy ......... 2...tory low t Duta. ......... e.-. ,.. ..... 3 ....... . . ......... _..... .... ,.. ...... .. ,_,. ............. Aflile..__,,_
0 ............... 0....-..... ~
l I ~ W C ... , .. , H1qlm \\.
. ..\,\ port 8v<K n
ltt this spocioln •w to_.••
with tor111al dl•l•tJ roo•,
co•ffed patio. wffll tile tpa 9CI
COltY...... ....lectrfc bell ill •
lcltclM.. n.ls J ....---. 21/J
bath La911"a N ..... to ... •a•
It close to llloppilllJ CRhn,
f r eeways a•d beacll••·
Exe.._. fill•c... •••••••· Price ritM at S 131,500.
L-..31Mdl ..... 3IMllll.._ °" c ....... lot. Med to ,..
whit a ylew of Udo11 Cllm IL
..... far ........... ....... ..... ••tt• $430,000.
A Must See! Spacious living. 5.000 sq .
ft. 4 Bdrm. 2 bath home. Large family
room. overlooking pool & spa. 6 car
garage plus carports . 900 sq. ft. guest
house. m agnificent yard with a
variety of fruit trees. All on one acre
in Newport Beach. Prin. only. Agent.
call .._r..•1-;er. 641·95'0 •
WITH rtH & a.
j ' ' " 1 I , ' ,4 t• ; _ t, \f) l
Owner will carry la\ at
lO'Jo wit.b ~down.
A !>Pft'tal be;,ch cottaRl'
ror a sptt1<Al l>Omt"Oflt:
Perl1>c1 ly redont.', lllc c
HOUSE OF GLASS new lhruout. including
4 Bdnn Atnum Home. llaltan ule. beveled• or
~;!::.:~~ [ttllMBt
CM AMT HAU.OWHH SC&eE AIA.MOOI• Your Jack 0n· Lantern
wall reaJJy light up in ISTATI rrontohhis 3 Bdrm Mesa Magoificeo t 2 story.
Verde beauty. Inside •Bdrm. den, 211.t bath,
yoo'll woader witch Ii dinln& rm, brick fplc ~r. lhe customized estate. Patio iook.a out to
decor or lhe doub&e bnck countrY-siu yard wi~h
hreplacea. T he htlle s&a&el}' trees. A baraam
goblins will love th11 at SUI.GOO. Ca.II New1
beaUll!ully planted yard -.aaa , With b1g COVered calio. , Ol'tN IN 9 .,I PUN IOl!I Ntfl =~roc:~u:~~th= 1·~il~li1;\I nos.ooo --no spooldn'! -.~~ · ft
call 54&41U 11•
OWIXE duplex. choice
BALBOA locatlOO . 4 & 3
bdrm. uruts. frplcs . etc. Reduced to $4~,000 I
own t.'4 !. un it W llh 4
bdrm r e ntal. 6 car
g arai:e ~~ It lo t
$ 8 !I ~ (I " 0 '
-...00 lay Prop.
* 675-7060 *
Coro•• d•l Mar ; a
charmer. Sbake r6of •
t.ic-firepl&ce, raiaed
Marth. wood beaeed
cei.lmp, t.btee Mdlooms ~-plua a bat.ha; aooed R-2 to add income unit.
COLa C» Ma'WP()lt'T
'75-SSI I
walk to goU course, b1kl' !>lJlloed &lass. pegged & ·~~~~~~~~~ w beach. lormal entry to grooved brdwd noors. I~
dramatic living rm, etc.Seilermaycany.
Owner may carry a con·
tract on Uus 2300 sq.fl. ~
bed.rm. 3 bath, 2 story
hornt!. Lar ge Cam rm.
fire place. s parkling
clean kitche n. Much.
much more for Sl2.5,900.
Act DOW! Call M&-Z313
Cll'H• •u 0 • H \ ll.JIV 10 M •l'<I •
open·beam <'e il1nics . lll'ftBS REALTY Gourmet. lulchen, Corml6l """' d1nin1. Hade .away 615-6610 mai1ter 1ui~. A rare rind. t---------lsl nme Of Ce red J>n ced
SlSI.500. Art Now. Call
ls Your Protess100
Did yoo know you can
place a clasaifled ad ln
the Dally Pilot Se.rvke
Directory for a whole
month !or u little u
Sl.• per day! For mwe
informaUon. call
I 0°/o
Ownt'r will C'arry fananr
1nit on this l::asts1de. 4
bd . 2 b .. pride or
ownc,..,h1p home Quiel
Cul de Sac. new pa1.nl.
heavy shake roof. fom
r m. Low mainlenanct.'
yard.. $129,800. Ask for
Step into an exotic world of indoor
palms. hand rubbed h ardwood
wa lls. breathtaking ocean & bay
views. One of the finest locations in
exclus i ve I rvine Terrace -
secluded . private. unobs tructed
view. Elefl(ant 4 bdrm. home. first
time on the market. A showplace!
Shown only by app't. Sl,084.000.
Burr White Realtor
2901 Newport Blvd•••••-..
Newpor r 8eJch. CA 92663
NIAil iA Y ISi.AM>
C• • .w.r ..._. celtep w/2 ...... I ............. _,.,...
hlae2....,,~....,-·wW c••• 1 I s... c...e ~...,
..... b 0 ,,,... .............
Mm:llWJ l•*•••ll 91•11 wtl"1t ......................
CHA.MN& .. OM'f'
J ,..... ....... ...., '"···-· .. .............................. ...,..... ........ °""' .. , .... ., .. ..... __ ... ,, ..• 1-.-.
WANT A IA Y VllW? , ...... .,_ .... 1...., ...... . w ... .., ............. .....
. ••' 11 I •111h1a. I'*-a .. ..,... . .................. ..
OCllJROMT .... a ,.,... ....... w ..... ,;r ... c. ,_...,, ... llL
MOTICI rr::J i Ht. Hf iL
~, re:~ l\Tf RS how Oaaly Plloc. Class·
ll)ed .. displaJ their a a .. rib ~\y _ -----
and lmpla(l ! Our .......... ' ·~-..,_ ~ ..
are proud to say. really ------• get r esu lt s . Pho n e Dlil:JPUotaa.aifiedAd.
642 S67'8 &eS678_. -----
mac nab / Irvine
Tastefully refurbi$hed 3BR family
home convenient to beach. comm.
pool & tennis . Expanded to incl:
family rm -dining rm & pocket
garde ns affording viat aa from
every room. $139.950 leasehold.
Polly Johnston 642·8235. <L-11)
Axa·s DELl&Hr
This 1s il! YOU FIX IT!! Al l this 3
bedroom home needs is TLC and
i m ag1nalion . Seller will help
finance. may be completely! Don't
de lay, call 673·8550.
If you can see around the bend ,
you can see Ha waii ! White water
view, billia rd room with fireplace
<one or 3 in the house>. 4 Bedroom
and free·form pool. P RIVACY!!
Inc ludes private finnicular to
whisk you to front door. Curious!?
Call 673·8550 day or nite.
I AM A Fll&tDL Y Ll'n'LI
3 STOllY llACH conA ..
With white water views from 3
patios and blue water view from
other patio. My owner will help
finance and the key Is in our
office. Call for day or evenin1
showing, 673-8550.
IEACH UMITS-S I lt,000 ~
Four units actually pays for itself.
All 2 bedrms, corner lot a nd
assumable Joan. Call day or n.laht.
~llwW. J........... MIYlft ... S. ,.,OllllWa.1911 • ••••• •••• •••••••• •• • •••• ••• •• • • •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-~-.;;.o;;;;.;,,;;;,;~..-..----~~~...;---....::::;:;:::.:.~::.::......-c;m~·~
I' lt'a._. tMI..... 1144 Li..-..... 1048 ..... ....................... ..........•..•.•••.•... . .....................•.•.................•...
IY OW.. llAUTIM • ....,._ L.e ..... Yllie 1067 .... _. 68r, J~••, fotm OR., OIA.MelTIH 11171'.ml __ .................. -N+-
P' R Low IJ'9lnt.. yd Nr PIM 111 Patio Hoene. lOK t41AT & Ml'fY
&Wtl, &ebool. lenoil. • usrllde&. cloM ao teon.. ....._YMll¥Me4.. fiparklloa :S Bdrm ~-~...;. ... ~·;;..-~· ewru. auumabte loan, _ .... ,_ Coronado home 00 •xtra -.. -: a tood famU)' .. ~·· 11-20 -.'50. ()pen Sat/Sun home wltb added potea larae. benlifully SACllFIE .
4 Br. a~ boat • tr&J* ll·~ Call A&ent. wbd uat: Miler wiU heJp wltb landscaped lot. Sunny ~ Ah tblt • nu&tb 55l_...wlCCl1tlG:!!!'_ ftnaoc1n&, 4 Bdrm1 .. a~ coun~ry kitchen. areat
mou tor only .,,500 1111•~£ p•• bal.ht • a aood ocean k>cauon. and near col-
.., coa•o•••-
~-J414 or S.80\.3 • IUIA view! *21.2,000 leee eJemeatary 1cbool. a.ft.. OHi MO ... UMITS ·-· llACH W All ANln.•l.£ l "" Two 2 bdrm. apta. + 2 llAUTY FabWoua 3 bedroom San-~ rooma. in hip
ffiOJy uparaded 3 br. !~ tiqo Plan with central ct.mend •r•a . EHllY
tl1t bt-lilluly. Must wee. air. uP&raded carpets & """'9d! S28UOO.
don osen
Bag Canyon Townhou!lt. Upter~. manv
amenities. Incl .ecurlty. 2 Br. den. DIR. 21~
baths. pool. tennis. Wiii carry 2nd. Sl79.960
Prlnc\pals only. •
,. .
Wf At•t••I &;GAN
•56'71 decorator drape s MOltTH .. D . . Tr•·t•-.e l a bedroom Bluffs ~domlnlum with 2 bltbs, a sunset vaew from the dttk and a locatlcn that
is ~loae to cbools . shope and a pool.
Presented at just 11318.000 with a n
assumable loan.
.......... ,
5 BR • den .. F•mily
Rm + fl'ormal dinln~ + 3 car prqc + 2 palloe. +
~ Walker & lt:e tl\roughout. A.wumable Jmm1culate home with 9V•% lo.n. CJoee to ahop-ocean view & lovely
Pill&. schools. parks. & prdena. Prime location.
commwaity pools. OPEN M lol.1219.500
497-448 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '
b•lcony »nd e>t.J\l'r Lo.AHi _._ asmnues. Aiku1t only ~me 111i & ~ TO's IJ ... l()IJI: tt()M I Sl&OOO w1neXJble down Seller
REAL TORS . 671> alVW\ SCon ltlALTY to cam t>.ck balance & """""" IJ6.7H3 3rd TO Prev1owi model.
2443EaA Co.i Htgttway, Co!ona del Mar l~~~~~~--·l lu&hly UJ>&raded Pror
'll!!!!!!!ll!l!!!ll!l!l!!!m!B!!!l•!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lndscpnt: 1~ sq rt s bls -IYOWNH to ocean BKR 760-9501 ;
&sue 3 bdrm. l ba. with 960-5680
fireplace , eo c los~d .,..._ ........... 1006 •••••••••••••••••••••••
302 A.PC>l84A
garage 50'}l175' R·2 tn
plex lot. 436 Hamilto1l
Do DOl disturb tenants
Must close m 19 Pnn
c1palsonly. $95.000
548-5041 or 631·3S20
111 Montgomery.
-H,\\,< t l ~ '\: .[ J T ~ »:11 .'!lUU
As.suma ble 91 •': loan on
this magn1rtre nl 4
OOdroom Willow Plan.
la r ges t home an
Creekside Decorator ap
pomtm<.>nts t hroughtoul.
eentra l a ir & pro
fessionally landscaped
yard. 37 Redhawk
~.. ....,..,. .... 10'9
~\~N:I._.""".,. ••••••••••••••••••••• • •
Only $10,000. ta ke over
f1Mlll6\ic option on 3 BR
exec. home Won't last. Owner. S.U-0210 ....
SAT. 1-5: SUM. 11-5
l 1623 So. Coast Hwy.
Newoceans 1deofhwy , 4
Pvt 2.8 acre estate w Ill I~~~~~~~~~ boule. 2 guest houses. 16 --
stall bone barn. huge Qastom Home. 3 bdrm. 2
riduig nnk. pvt ore. a bth. 2 frpl. \.'I bkk from
groom's room. magrufi· bch. $275.000. Days
cent View of the Back 754·1124. Eves. aft. 6
Bay, lush landscaping M.S-1197
abounds. Contact J im -------
t•landers agl. (714 l
752-1107 dys; 1714 l
581-5787 eves, wknds. BUILD
bdrm . 3h bath home l•--------happy memones in this
lovely 5 bedroom. 41,,
bath estBt.e Great \'1cw.
sedld1on. Owne r financ
11\g Call us about this
fabulou::. home!
Spectacular golf course emat.e. 6600 sq.ft. 4 to 6
Bdrms, 51,, baths. Pool
and spa. $1 .395.000.
Beautifully landscaped an est. parft w/private
bch. Charmingly furn .•
part mobile, part sta-
uona.ry 2 Bdrm. 2 Bth
borne. Huge picture win-
dow W/Vif!W ol Lido Isle. '
1 bk>rk from ocean. ten-
rus court.s. NO PETS, NO
C HILDREN . 8 .0 .
home an country like set-
t1nic. 3 extra large
bdnns. den. faauly room
and uruque atrium entry.
Pool s ized lot. good
financing. Reduced to
$!49.900. This is really
special! Contact Binnie
TAL: 3 BDRM. 2 BA.
FOR APPT, 675-8729.
Great 3 bdrm starter on
quiet street. Lge yard.
Owner h as bought
another and is unxious !
Only $83,500. flurry !
54.S-9'91 = Walker & Lee JtWOOOBRIOGf
551-3000 494-1519 955·1570
LOCJllM •ach
-·"!'--~219 ---67~o_o_o ___ •
Newport C..ter ~~~ ..... !~!.~ -------1--..-.----
PREMIUM --------640-5357 Harbor E::.tate::. 4 br I
WOODBRIDGE LOCATION panoram1t ocean view
SlW.OOJ or lease opt S800
mo 4!16-1840
MOSl desirable S Bdrm
mode l w 1m a n y up-
grades. Owner has re-
located & mus t ~ell
Don't wail' 545·9491
3 Br $125.000 S Br
$195,000 a~!>ume 91 z'.
642 01 l2.644·6687
Largt• 3 l>drm home with
a delightful fil m room
k1k hcn Hi!!> eas.y ut·c·c:-.:-.
to poob and JU~t ~lei>'> to
tl'nn1:. court:-. LocJlt<•I
nt'Xl l-0 qwel. gret•nlx·ll
l'alioc. front a nd rear
Charming s par1ou:. 2
story, J Bdrm. famil)
di.rung room. large h vinJC
room Masters ::.wte v.1th
2 decks and llf.ld C1ou ..
ITUIT'Ored baths Warm::.
•oods. bnck and ::.tom·
Truly J drtorato r::. dt:
light. f or dt:l<i1I::. Cdll a.IO-llSI
Spac·1uus 2 • J bdrm u n
11::. on th e be J l h
~mark1tbit.' m comt· a.
1nvt•,lment po tcnl1ill
Rare comer lot C411 to
da) ror i.ppotntmt•nl to
preVlev. with lhc h:-.ung
Offil'f' &'617l l
::il.'N DR~ClleU PATIO
$85, 000 eapstr.o a.oct."""1011
Wailing for some f1x1ng. •••••••••••••••••••••••
p r i me Easts 1de, 2 $130.000!
bedrm, R-2 lot. Owner Owner will pay VA pts'
desperate! Call 646·7171 Custom 2 BR 2 Ba. den. 2
1J>1'•'•1t1 •11\1u•.•ou-. 1 n>ek Cplc's. Beam red.
!~ I Huge Liv Rm. w/ocean ·•~ltjlHW c::n~:;~(oi2
3 Bdrm. 2 bath, ncv.
lutcben. large pool. BOQ.
fplc. lovely pal10. Only
$119.500. Call 645·9Hil
l.,gc. 4 bd , Cam rm . &
bonus rm A C. great a:-.
~umable loan $11>5,000.
Call fo'r e d G 1 b::.on
Brand nl'w 3 bdrm. on
the park. by ownl.'r, vrin.
only pl I.' use SlH ,,,oo
714 53'7·82.31 ~PfN HOUSE
/ -·
II Lots of ch arm. 1 Br TURTLEROCK
+separate in-law J Br Broadmoor Plan II 4 Br,
Sbarp 2 ~me, <M!!r' garage. Lg yrd, ~ 2 Ba. super buy. f'ee ccm~ to So. Cout blk to Bl& Col"ona beach. land, 23 Bethany. Price
Plua. Prtvate paUo for _.!8'15-4t5~~7~-_:_ .. :__--J~~~~~~~~~I ~~lo 1139.500. Agt.
ONLY $85,000!!
& Company
f'anla!tlll' ocean \ 1ew.
bOnw. room. large deck ,
:,p at 1o u :. ma b lc r
bedroom s u1 te w 1th
r e dwood h o t l11b .
greenhouse w 1ndows.
butcher block kitchen.
very private 3 bedroomll,
2 bath home. 1237 ,400
ii Bedrm, 2 bath . 3
bedrm. 2 bath. ocean &
bay View $310.000
Real 1::6talt-
Elegant 2 l~vel 4 Br. J• 1
b.I. c-ondo dei.1Rnl'd lO hr
lf\R t.ht.' outdoor... indoor:..
VIC'W or Catahnu l:-.land
F'~h1on Island. Moun·
la1ns. harbor light s.
romaouc master swle
w /w ood burn1n&
fireplace. Roman Ulb.
profe a••o nal\y
'lftlheaped fl decorated. DOWIHAYa "50.0M. Prine. oat~ •
l~·nbable oce-.n and
K<Jlf l'OUr!>C v1~w::. are
your. lo cn)Oy Crom this 2
lkdroom l '~ bJth family
hoxne localtd in an ex-i
clus11.-l' .H ca o f San
OemenU! $1"8.000
U:-iGO Hl':AL ~IATt;
014, 493 11812
~per 0<·t-an view from
l"°'ury condo 3 br, 2 ba,
d&.~U~ 1:.t TD. al 91 •' <
~.~ l11'1 ) 49'l·6366
S.Jelaft Capistr.o 1078
aled in Siever Canyon.
Cleveland Nat'I l"'orest, i
off Hwy 74, 12 Mi. E. ot '
SJC It Fwy s. in the
foathilla surrouaded by
be=dfiul ...Uve O.U "-Sycamores willa ~aar
.._.~ ....... A ....., ... aer1 ... .u. leiu:rely entertala.i.nf. Sele By Owner 5uper oPEN HOUSE 4 B 2 b = co•p•ex. Ca 1 location. panoramic livial rm wirrp:c. 1:t SIO,toODN
.,..., of oceaa 6 dt7. 3 dJnl aa rio. ••P dea, ~·-Park Mir. 21.'tba. ... dlD. ..._ rm. 2~ .... mt-19-Slot,000. Subject lo
Ba, •UOO. OwnrtAgt. -m,.400. at 9.~ 0 W.C
Charming 3 bdrm. 2 ba
near pnvate lake. ris-
tung, boating or swim or
play a little ~· Patio dedtinc w/lvly laodilcap-lns. Hl.ftY -Hun">' woe'\
1-.79-1111 VU ... flOa YOU ~-~-!!!!=------!.-
Nan.Ill 00.-.... from ~;;;~;;;;;;;;;~1· .. .._. ..... na. tb\a '•••c•l•t• J ~ """'d p8'\o ~1>•1"ilnng
bedroom. 2 bath home ll'"ISlASS..... • w a m m I n & P o o I •
• ....... ...-... ,k •. e , .............. ~
door dlnin~ & entertaln
menl. Partly f urn .
....-. Wkd.ys8:»5Pll.
213JD.313L By appt.
' . , ' .
n1 .S1Jf\J
644-0IOO By o.ner. Pnme Cost~ 2nd OR will take BEST Mesa area. 3 bdrm. 3 b•. CASH t.o exWma loan of-. SPYMASS..U. 3c:araanse.trl-level +. fer.~ ~·o.ooo call for aPIJl. ~..:_ -.-w-OO_D_B_R_JDG_E _ --
~leacll 1041
Mceltedllc"°'9 S8S.900 near So. Coast CONDO• ---------2 UO.Y MOW $199,SOO P\..z.a, l.3781 Olympic. 3 Brand new 3 br on the
Sbalr.e roof. 4 Bdrm. 2Y• Motivated seller bas Br. new paint. carpet, park. By owner Pnn on·
Ba. $133.500. Eastsade bought. another. TotaUy patio&. walks. landscap· ly . IU.500. 537~~ __
c.o.talle5a. upgraded, 4 BR. 2'h ba, ing. Agt. 546-7290 New Woodbndge 2 Br 2 ..,McC.de, Rltr. sail sly "Newporter" ------541-7729 Cuslm pool & spa, pror: By Owner. 3 Br, rum1ly Ba condo $91.500. 1125 ~~~~~~~~~! EZ care lndsrp'g, ex· rm, owner anx1~u ~. sqft.833-0763 : -tensive brick & wood. WT.950 Lowes t pnt<' in
... ..,... W.terfl'Ollt Koi pond & running Coll!&~ P~r~. 54~7240 Spanish Villa
4 Br, 21h Ba g.iant. Live stream.~sqftoflivng El\.':)ISIOE 3 BR 2 Ua.
at the beach for flat land spare + lrlple gar· Well compl remod 'd in e arth Tri-level Estate
New Modular T y pe
Homes. pvt c6mmunily.
2 bchs. 24 hr secunty,
s ub·lett1ng OK f'rom
s:l},900 Treasure Island
Mobile Home Pk. 30801
So C~l Hw)I . Lai:una
Bcac·h. RM I' 17 H I
-prices. Beat inOaUon. en-klcated on the Htll. Xlnt tones Lge cul rle ~ac lo\
joyappreclalioo. price, ter m s avail. Bi's. Ownr.agt Devin & t ...... me ~102,000 l''OR SALE Ocean cu·
BALBOA tSLAN 0 $8,500. C.O 642-6368 ~ .J REALTY 9.8750/o Interest nyon \'1e11.. 3bdrm 673-8700 EASTSIDE C.M. :. c c I u d ._. ti h o m c
RClaY,lorCo 0nve by 200 Broadway. Brand New'.'·'· SPACIOUS barkyard . ,_,.. asoa•""'-" redwood de<·k. hardwood
1kylaahi1 . Swed11b ---• . •reenhouae. beaul.
fir eplace. Jacu&sa. -· -· ·~ fr-t .. oaclll 11.ained &lafa. qualJty ap. Matt tbaa 11SO.OIO less d Bl -1 UV\ ......intrnenu and muc h dam a.y bome • the >'81 • tu. -4 • .--. .,.,. Miil HipJand. TarlMU mon-for DOJ.000. NU A welt Jo.cated noo· Real&on. 912~ aeent • \IWl Bdrm Ponamoolb .... __
Mdl. CALL QU lCK . Jam ,._-Millan, 646-832$
' l/4o/o ASSUMAIU
lst T U loan. Anxious owner IS willing to part
v.1th this bcaut1CuJ new
custom 3 Bedroom on great tl'r m::. fo'orcver
ocean <ind t'llY views.
llo.1So Coast H1way
in V1llal(c f"a1r
l.i\vt:NA UEAC:ll
Can 'l last at $349.000 .._..,. LM Opt
644-721 I Ocean view. Pool Bwlt
/Jn ~:CE~
nl\ILEY S.
on cyn 4 Bd +loll. 2 Ba.
Qll Tlm . 631-1.296
.. _ t .9%Lo.
3 Br . o c t>a n v1ev.
Rm.000 $19.000 dn Pnn
onh 497 ·5039
-W _... 640 5112 c orne r Or<in ~e & AUT HENTIC red l 1le !loors.modern k1tchcn 1 Ont.be1lhteew/aswcep----=·---~-__ Broadway This 13()(1 !>q ~ ing riew ol the golf crse. fl. cutae with 2 br, 2 ba is r..vo crowns f.pertacular m ore S 2 I 9 . o 0 0 I' A fl K I N G N O
ist.hisexcepc.ionallBR, R.ID.TOSll0,000 ooeofakand.Onbuslinc• executive hi.c 1cnda ' 714·756-tfi88 7M 5-19·70'J3 PflOBLEM Close to
2 811 condo.Xlnl cond& Bes t Ocean Vie w . Movc·in location . SP Ente r thru dra matic Brkcr C.Orp town. )'Cl very p v t
Jbr 2ba. Nanlur kc tl
model 0 W C w 10•; c1n
Bal :.t 12', 1906 Yal·ht
Mana $2$9,000
_.... Jasmine Creek, Plan V. .,..., 500 Call c;e 2 rai.sed entry' Pa~~ lhru Spac1ou.01 fJmaly hom~ or pri~approx 3br, 21,2ba, Owner Will ....... · ntury 1 m ai.s1ve d ouble door:. $149 500" l'Om fortable duplex SIOOOletowMkt Ca rr y at lO <ll• ~ Gold Coa st Heallori.. <i nd l lle t o .. OL D ' •• Hcam n·1hngs.hugcdm
Will ro<>pt'rall' ~ brk r
H11Chd1 c:..-.
Highly upgraded s .. •te
s&or)'. 2 br. 2 ba Caslta:r
nJe nr. new cpt & l'Stm. -
s hutters thruoul. Lge
Pill.low/spa. must see lo
appret'1al~ $90 ,000.
tgt' rambllnl>( ran1·h
how.t: in pcal·eful. t•x
elusive M1~s ion lhlb
C11lm ll!atun:~ ml'ludes t
oak flOOnn~ IO kltl'hl'll & ~
fm l~ r m. n l.'w 11lu:.h ~
crplg. ci:r:. m It' t 1 It'.
horse t'Orral. Jlr l'Ond. Ii
.terei. of common land,
pool. h:nm:-. l'rl:. & murl'
~.M 661 2311
Rt:al ~la\t• for a quick sale. Act W/$115,000mm dn. Call _548-_U_6B_ WORLD CllAR~1 or Wood. stucco & ~lOnl'. I 1ng ma:.SIVt.' rrplr
oow! C&ll979-5370 for appt. 6'10-1127 or U--v~...1-West mile h1l>(h l't'ilmgs '· ll:p BR. den, 3 baths. IJ:C II\ $276.500 --n-us .... rm w (rpl form.11 cl10
A SSI-0788_0wn.J Agt_ --d<>wn lo banque t &ILl"u r I --Viii-R.E.
LLS T'Af.E 2 story 415 Bdrms. 3 ro rm•I din i n ~ and rm Beautirul \ll'l4 11 .....,--~
1lte pnre & terms or·
Cered on this highly UP·
graded Seav1ew JBr
home are utterly ran
ta.st1c! This home has
nt.>W paint & cpts thruoul.
French drs leadmg out
~•de to a ne wl) pro
Ces::.1o nall> lndscpd
paradise Bnck Ooors m
the entry & lut. Man).
Man~ mort' xtra.' Clll
Jim Flanders for an appt
toda) f114 l 7~ 1107 dys.
17 1<1 I S iii 57 87
eve. wknd!. Pnn o n))
Exp~C:"' c~~:~~I! & ~.~ •••••••• ~?.~~!
ctw-m in th1!t Just h~ted NEW LISTl ... G .f 3Br, JBa home S289.500 f#"t C....Mna •024 baths, family rm. Crplt. kitchen + b r eakras t mts &l'anyon llurr) 497-1761
n£a1 ~ ....................... pool. By owner. Ope n nook . ll~e ram1ly room Mission Rl'alt} 194 OiJI •-Hi•s 1050 DoYtrShor•s.-Yi.w ~tvnS Hoose Sat I Sun 11-5 <1 t ..,. ... noor to c"ilino r"d b --r--BY OWNER
"'-"E l.858Samar0r 9797605 ...... ui ~ ,.. ~ START u1ld1ng )our ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ""' · bnck fll'eplace and wet dream house tomorrow. Leisure World. Gate 14 Overlooluntt Bay & Nile OllAMS 1MYESTOltS NOQUALlFYING bar.Th1s ht;>me hai.1tdl1 aU ctty&coastalperm1ls Panoramic view. 3rd Illes. all new design
Here's your chan~ to No loan rees. SIS.000 ra!ih including .. MOTii 1-:R are complete on this 2700 floor. V1ija Nucva. Zbr kitchen. rrpts, marble
live in a charming home is all you need to buy lhi~ IN LAW" quarters and sq Cl house. oce anv1ew 2ba, 5116·6879 A C. art Crpk. tale & wallppr.
OPEN SAT SUN I s POOL HOME I IS RUE MARSEILLt: Lvly S bdrm t•onverted lo
Reatty becllH•• 1. Lge ente rta1r.mcnt
640-Ql5 436·22fJI pal.lo. Super moll\ akd.
--_ --only S88.SOO S4f>·9491 l DOM"TLAIT
AM nekber do homes
like this. Lar1• 2"'6 Ba ~ w /a spl. and all
<tblt ia needed for superb tiftlc PLUS the advan-t.11tof a secluded 1 BR, l
Bl, income unit or In-law
nU"eal. A great p uy . Call
on an R-2 lot wbde you btfl 3Br. pool home m a master s uite Cit for a lol. near Woods Cove 7pm. Sparaous 4br. 3ba & Cam
build a second unit. College Pk. Agt. Abe kmg and queen. Great ~~~gt.~!?~4__ '---------nn. FabuJow. home for
Owner's very motivated. 556-9856 cul de sac location. cen-L.aifllM ~ I 052 ent.ertammg w /easy now
MWPT. HEIGHTS r~1wo 15a1m1m1
Older 2 br ho!-'se. lot REAL_ ~'!_AT~ __ ~
s.tbmit all orrers. Call tral air cond. + much OCEAN VIEW! •••••••••••••••• ••••••• rrom lrg gallery e ntry to
546-5880 ...... As-W. much more! Best or all. $1.$20,000. elec !(ate. Pnv .__..._ LOCM Uv . Com & din areas.
--. ~-. HERITAGE
Just fell out of escrow, a it is brand ne w and the road. Tenm!> court, pool , ~'alrway 1::1 Niguel Jbr, Protect ed U-s h aped
truiypaeousborncona financ ing 1s gre at' jar. wine cellar. sauna. $Z34.000. C\1tltom tlealty center patio. $319.000.
large Jot with alley ac Hurry . c all now'! gym, sec system . no.9777 Leasehold. Princ1pnls
cess. 3 8 r 2 Ba & com-~1111 library. maid qtrs, and ---only. Short escrow poss1-
SOXl~. rm to bwld In re· 3 Br pool home on lovely
ar AskinjC $122.700 or \.Tee lined :.'1recl. Will Jt v.111 exchange for condo qukk a t $72,000 Agl. ~f H06P 11rcu. Agt 556417f>
~~~~~~~~~l pletely renovated. As-more. 6000 sqft!' Prinl' lllATHTJJCIHG ble Call 642-5614. Work:
sumable $84,000 loan. ~ onl)'. Patrick.631-1266 OCEAHF«OMT 631·1~ IHVESTOllS F\ill price $125,000 Cull Spacious. quiet, unique 21_________ Assume low interest. OAK GLEN 55&2ill60 ~ • ~ yr old home w ts pa , WATaFIOMT Low On. Lovely home.
J1Me your advertlalng .SELECT Rf!;rpLJ"!fJ!f-, RE ... "'ORS atnum and bnck sun-Ext.ta 1_ corner du.plea Next to bch .. and bay. .._ eo ,.,._!List Dls tinc l ive new 2 L>f' ~"""" ""'' deck.Pvtstairalobeacb. ..-P e n . Pl Ow ner
• da bedroom, 2'L ba con -PROPERTIES · R I t in xlnt cood. Mooring mollvated ~bl 1 z e.917 y TI< -BY OWNER 3 bdrm. 2 ba. a re -e e g a n · avail. seectacwar view. ,_.y iaoMS IL Ta.
t'9 Qwifted aedloo ®!'!~!~'87.990. -TUITLllOCk charmer. ocean views. $1,broc1ooh.ooo;,A1i:J>r a p -Appt.only •• 000. I/Uc 1531
of tlala 11ew1 pape r . _.,_..,Ave,C.M. O-Polllt 1026 Garden borne prof de-walk to beach & sh-Op-P.I w-e....-r *Cote Realty ....,...
--Mi-6'134 ....................... corattd 3bdrM 2balh$ ping. sias.ooo. Open lle4=,l.I. & lnv~tmenl Of94SAT/SUM 1-5 ~~~-"£,,s. M.Al.lt4ITA bonus 0roem. 'cuslo~ ~ Sul 11
683· l0-A28n,:t8105~0 142· 141 "-MLS7n GiganUc 4 bdrm .• 2 ba. ~peclacular hilltop shuu.ers. parquet floors, .. .,m. a · · 1_.._. l0411~~~~_..~~~~~1 pbasbonwlroom bornel. 2012-3208 aq. n. pro r. I a n ds ca p e d ...:-.-0282:..-_:..; ______ ....,.... 1: Call for IMld.ress
11tot ltt#riplftg Worcl Gome wi#lt o Cltudle CcJle to Katina. Selva W/covered brick patio. ··-••••••••••••••••••• AarSSOOOO.W.. ..-OITllACH ~..,OAYl.ro&&M-----Rd & Calle b Prima Mwit see to appreciate! Br 281 dinin llAl.TY 675-1642
-ve:ra. $188,000 to rus.ooo. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 17 ca. 4 • c.o' .J::· •=•:. ... ~_:!:: &11-3MO;CMOOIBk1r. Q)'onRld&e J .V. ..6tl
...., .. ,_.,_.....,.._._ SUPERBTAXSHELTER llto.sPr .. rtitt S10.000down,.-.11Ml.21W l~ WE y S t L BR.AHDNEWDUPL'EX 551-6130 loan. S Br lg pool, la 2,IOOeq I\.+ prap beckyrd. EaslblUff area. I r I I I · .-.• · rm.ooo. "7-S038. Prill
l .:.c...~:.034 WE LOAN· This is ~=t~~°":o want 111-~-IOUM,$10.000cln,aa-( ....................... ClllR£ PAii the security of a gated •rea, paol 6 ..-~lolUllOOOsqfl, -m1ft 511 t n-auttrut trl-tevel, .. spa facilities &c a short distaMe to 8 lro:2\IJ a.000. N~ ~ 11~ ~ ~ •..a. 1 Pl .. Aliso Beach ln Laruna. 2 bedrooms ..-. Tl. · -··-~1to':: ~11-:! & 2~ baths, den &c attached 2 car PrtD • .-1112 ...... .,.. ....-,.,, ....... 2~Ba . Mtum1ble tlkt., garage. A great Investment,
o,..Satlln 1.s w.tl1 k>cat.ed to pa.-. SJ70 000
Qr by Qllll, Prtndpala acboola le communit1 ' '
call .... ftl.Om, ~·· OP"N HOUSS , ... _ ...... I040 ,:__•SUN 1-5. :Wl
IY1MlllA ---W.Deal'neW4 ...... ~ ... rib, ..
famrmlt--l d.111 MD.
Jtlllt "8ce,IJlc 1'2· !!!!.-_:.;;;=-.......:;--~==--
1' • c'\-,1 . '·
{ i I ' I I "''{ 4 'I , t l I\
LIDO PIOI D1 f ""--.... ,. ..... ~-...-..eau u for 1ppolatmeet. ,,. ...
lnv1tlDI 1at.d enlry,
laeds you lo charmina. OIWl1 decorac.d 4 Bdrm
bome. l"reDcla door•.
apea &o well laadlcaped
paUo &Ad pool alaed
yard. Cuetom plan baa ._ room and ramlly room. ... ._..... .ooa
1t«•P aod apacToua
roaaa. •1000 alMl YCN
aw11 the lano.
OPEN uousto:SUN 1-4
SouRhl after beaut1£u
Sandpoint 4 bdrm home
$121.500. Fin1tnc:in
avaa la ble w /s a m lender. Ask for Sl'Otti
Iara vane rs altar
SBR. 2BA home.
approx JS years old
$225.000 wtth $137.000
.aaaumable lst at soi:.
Owne r will carry 2nd.
IPl'Cl'ACULAJt VIJ:W "°' ,... cu.tom $8 181 +rm tor pool,
waatoQllallnedbuJ Mklac •.ooe. en• 111.-
. -
" OM..YfltLOT
CUSTOM ; lWWMOMI ~ 11,... a.• 14.n . »lt.11 holM r..ua,..~ I
lldrma. 4 batlu. I
Urep la cu. ln d oc>r _,um att toad '11&. SA· --~ .... °' wooa and ...... Redwood dec'lllftl, ... '*-............ Ma. ia ....Sfor--. For
!. ~ •
Ht 1\1 I I'"" ~~~---
a..--... ..... .......................
.......................... ~. ....................... . .................... . ~~~ ...... ~~.~ ...... f'= ......... =-~~ ... ~ ....... , ...... ---" ..... _ ... , .. _ ........... r ••••••• i-•~-11111111111----•u M ,... llOlllA•
...... u..-..... ...Uta 2br.
lbm •· Dtcl farp, A1
au• low lntereat fin
., SllKdn. hll 8 rlN1
PIO,OOC) Prln nly
~, ... __
......... =awau, New a h*OUIG a bath
AIJ.. .. bo .... lllttlOft LallH ~Oaly Co&r1tr1 Club. Coif 12...,.. l..t.a pool ... autlfully laadac:a~1 no main· .......... ...._..yara.
rifMr •ck Bay Pride ol -au~ Rd
Onlnbi.p. Only 11 t a o..t Hot Sori.Dll Ot'Oaa ftuny! PrinclpJta w..JTH:Stt
&ta<lttl BU ~~~~~~~
LMIDlOIDIAll ..._.., .....
MAllMOTIOIN T i me 1 bare to n TTY 76().q)J8
o..nct 6 all lnclwilve don1lnlum1 lo Utab 'a ttM', 2ba, frplc, bltloa,
&Nit deeda .,. a Jood nn.t 1ld...ort,Parlt.CI· po4 l , -o c•a·D view.
wiey to bQy property lO l.Y. Pri~ dunoa p.ritne llOOOllo "5-IOOO JZlZ' ....., mv~ day If the1• are un at ae..on •tart at ~. • ...................... . -... .,...,.9" h m11lar f l n anc1 n1 foe almp&e ownerabl.P. 2 WSI HOMESFO.RRENT •;:t:-*• 1100 ~ Hj~ ~:!11t:!t maUioda to you, why not ~1~2~~· :at"~r HAllOI YllW a or t Br. Priced from
......tMIOD .-.ooo down/ malle an •l>Po4.ntment to Mike, e11t l~ or Dao. eat &\II It¥ J ldnn. fam rm, .-.111&. r.ICd yard fr
••-••••••••••••••••••• day wllh one or our 1~ IMI. famlly .. a )'&rd aarai••· Fam l Hea •--------•• Hel••· Al\. N0·60t3, ..._peopleto talltthlnp •-------wJw---..... _.__6 ... pleaae . .tld• " peta ...... (lltl#, We'U beJp you un -.---r~111M--MOBlL.E HOME K ralDble IOme or tb• flOO IQ ft new lo& cabln. •. ct.. '8cld'd. -· Wltcome..... -or 8UY ·SEt.l.:Kt:NT 0 lllliim•Pt111rty 2000 ~IODl youmay have. l')opl. mod. kit. view. moat.b•&o-IDOntlt. Drtve ma'ft.,...no..!!!.:___
nNANC£ ..... -......... ........ One ol tbeee properties Walk to all1 as la.lie, fi.h by 1017 SaadcutJe, 6 ,_ t• V.-.Y 3234
......._ ..._ ~ V 0 W N E ll • S a n may be rtibt ror ~ 1 i,., hr. from Newport call UI f« dltA.U.. BU. : ..................... .
lsfauutf• C..tw Oemllnt.e •unit.a. &1.805 2un.11.a lll0,000 7l4/tll-4371 •1or121-9475 ~ -4 br. 2.,. ba. exec. home lo
CAU.US661·1021 owe+ mo~...!!!"-'IV41~· o .w c .lat o.tof"__;;;-~-Oxntonable 5 br. 3 ba. Greenbrooktract.JOOOaq
./LAii POttUT
Jw.l llliled 2 beaut iful
boa1':S undtt S:SS.0001 :t'-l
ton AC, 2 3Br. 2Ba. nicest put LD Orange County.
Ca ll t oda y•
fJ P9646-Jl349 J Bkr
· -...-. °" ·-Zwut.i S1S2.~ _.,. •550 fain rm.. Walk to eatboa ft o1 Uvmg apace t8IS lyroew ,. Jlrfy 6 H 35 d ~ ZUDl&s S330.500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Is land. Act. 844· ~ ys. _ _ .!~
3 8t owner's unit w tfrpk
6 l Hr l & unit 9W't It!!
l>Umable loan $179,000
full pnce
IRS 10-3& CAii.SiAD ..:..tllOO;__;__·.;..,mo...:._. -----tBr. 2ba. fam rm, M>lar
2wutl $80,000 Au ume VA loan . 3 Harbor View home. 3 br. btd. pool & r.pa, sec
Great starter? Bdrma, 2 baths. 8 yrs old. new crpt 6 paint, tetU'Ua. system. xlnt loc. S72S mo
41A'lit.s $249,500 tn,000 1.St. '758 PT/Tl. "swim. 900. 640-8811 Beverly, Agt. 67J..J788 or
o .w.c . 2nd owe 2nd w/15~ down. caan side 3 bciJ'm. 2 ba. 67S-3'11. ---- -€HIG€ 4uruts lJI0,000 Owner A1e nt $99.50-0 . beams, fpl., patio, S700 IW't•IHdl 3240 __ ..,...HOM€~ 7 unillo. W.C. lg ~.000 757.3433 Wayne -mo. ~5375 Eves.• Sun. -•••~•••••••••••••••
O.W.C.AITD CWofSW. eo.t..... 3224 HOMESFORRENT
12..uta 1625.500 ,...,.,., 2600 ....................... 3 or 4 br. Priced from
Buy oa ccatract ••••••••••••••••••••••• $4116 to~. f'ncd yard"
12 lmita S350.000 Uraent Must Sell ! 233 PltlMI MISA Y•DI g a ra I es. Fa m 11 1 es
New 1536 sq fl 1978 l333W.CoutHwy,NB Lancer. All extras. Jn 645-6646 '1be Groves". Shown by ---------
a&Jl)t. only. Call now for e y o W NE R . Lake
a ll details. <SJ6007 ) Elsinore, 5 bach unlt.s. +
m.MZl Bkr. 2 br bouae. $1,075 mo in·
GreatBuy acres or flat land nr. 3 BR. 2 ba, blln ltltch please . kids &c pe ts
15wlits $350.000 Colorado S pri 0 g s . w/dsbwsr. util room. wekome. Call 964·2566 or
I RS l 0 · 3 1 Se 11 e r S/.OOper acre. Prine. On· crpt as drpe. Formal dfo· &n-21!!.1. A_gt. _!l<?_f~.
motivated ly. ll'or info call 642.3047 Ing rm. "85. Ask for
'78 Skyline , l2'x44 ',
$l6,000. Call after 4.
S48·331J ---
come. $1'8,000. 20% dn, owe. 486-2980, aa1 -2122
l DOOR from OCEAN.
Unbelievably low LOW
PRICED at $425,000.
21 units $430,000
Great rental area
32 IA'lilS $1 .200. 000
Be creative-owe
16unita S600.000 askforSam Pele. 751-3191. SELECT Elejtanl 2 bdrm. fam. rm
CreaUvefinancin& -PROPERTIES. & den (1625/mo l Plu~h
l6units $600,000 ltmldws, ,_.,_, crptg, 211) ba \:~ar &
Take over 8.,.. eJUsting Gro•es 2700 KIDS,IPETS OK gJ~ S blks LO ocean
loa.n ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eastside darling duplex Dbl car pvt ~ar. fully
2 Br $415, l Br S375 ma1nl yd. Aclult11, n,,
6C2-2510or64&-4848 pet:. lnqwre at ~ 18th
St 714·96CHl331 NEW Deluxe 3Br. den. din
Beau~~x 52 ' °'W"~11~i.f* 36 LIDill Sl .935.000
S6 tmits Sl.950.000
lst user depreciation·
North San Diego County.
finest toe 8m1 Cro m
ocean, yr round stream.
lOyr old Va l en cias
744-0SSO, Res1d 744-6299
rm. liv rm, microwave.
2'hBa, dbl garage. S7SO
mo. 2567 Elden. Agl
4 bdrm & 2 bdrm (;ondo
JlunUngton C:Ontment.-1!1
No pets. carport $47!°> &
S32S lst last & dep
Keyweet (1972). 55~7777 MolliJe Home m Lagu11a ._ _______ _
llDI nicest 5-SUr Park.
h.15' encl porch, mlr·
tared doors, light wood
loteriors, 3~ Too a ir
toad. 2 apacious Br's
wi&ll ba +dressing area.
*8Jk In closets. All for
only 129.500. GfU.6638 ).
2706Harbor, Ste206-A
~ UMITs.c:.M.
Nem' new, 3 Br owners unit, 2 ba, frpl, 2-car
pr .. ~2 Br. 2 ba, units.
TSL lnvstmll 642· 1603
2 8drms each.
We have crown because
our clients have pro-
spered. Call for an ap-
pointment today.
10.-1'11 l :JO r .M.I MWPORT IEACH ---------1 Duplexes on Pe nio. & Nwpt Shrs avail. All Pn.. fompMIH OPIHHOUSE
UeautifuJ 74 Goldenwest , :Mxa>. 2 br. 2 ba. liv. rm.
din. rm. fam. rm. island
ldt. p&llab w /w carpet,
retn19, was~ ln-dd. TeUurect ext.
<;ustam red wood deck,
~tile ateps, Scenic
VIMJ, Prt4*1 to Mil at
--· JIUSTSEETHlS OD! P .P . EL Nido,
27703 Ortega Hwy. sp 83.
S.3. Cap. Sat/Sun. Call
Own your own lot & new
mobile home loo. Oela11!.
ca.11972-8421 dealer
'165 Majestic swing-out,
21 ·x 10', bit to code .
a menit ies. Present! y t.8 just hsted. Vim oui.
leased. Tum-key opera-areas HB. Assumable
lion. Property mg mt loans. No fees. Pnn only
avail. 87s-4912, BKR. please. Skip Bursoo, A((l. !181M313,MM381 RENTAL
From $39,900. Modular 28r, $10,000 chm, owner
TypeHomea, J'8ecarity. will carry. Owner will
I pyt beacbea. pool & aceept 2nd TD u dwn
pier. Treuare Isle Pk. paymeot. Full price
318>1 Pacific Cat Hwy, SJ,33.000. MS-«79 .
Laguna Och. R.M.P. uru· 2B Zb _08 000 (7tt)t!J&..~79 4-ts, r a.•• , . Sll,OOOyr income. OW
EASTSIDE finance. Pnn only. Agt.
Oarbng duplex Sl25.000. 631-4560 __ _
642·2S10 or_~--DELUX E OOVlNGTON
Plaza Shopping Center . 3 Oceamide 4 Br, 2 ba, ad-BR owners unit w1fplc,
jacent to Community etc. Call for details
College. 2 yrs old. 1r.t acre Search International
Pnme An ahe im co m·
mercial b uilding and
xtra lot. Net lease for
Newport Brh waterfront
commercial or residen-t111l $500,000 range. By
owner t 1SJS·S542
Exchange your llard To
Sell Rcntul Prop ror
Land profita bly & Tax
.. 'n.oe. fl3J 4560 Ai;:t·nt.
2900 •••••••••••••••••••••••
OONOO So. Cst. Villa!>
Beautll ~ator U nit.
2br, 2ba. $475.Chlld OK .
3br. 2ba, SS.SO. 641-8802
2 Br. newly decorated,
i.to ve1rer. W /D, child
OK, no pets. Avail 11/1.
$350 549-0362, 5.56-0002
<.:ondo3br. 1:it.ba. gar . di~·
hwar. Nr. OCC &-!!Chi~
SJ6..6H28. 557-0678
3 BR. 2ba, frplc. W's1ck,
Furn or unfurn. $4MS.
759-1734 or 631-09M.
WANTED TO BUY £ 'd d I D U p L E X N £ A R Like new ·S~ e con o OCEAN br + den/pt rm, gar.
""'-'--1-·1• Ont . Wri•-Frplc, pool, ldry' adJt.s. D:.U; ~-J,·w. B;~ nop«a. s.186NS752·S915.
St .. Box l:leO, Ad 11487. CHOIC E Meu Ve rde
o.taM.eu,CA.92626. Area, 4Br. fa m rm.
l '-\Ba, h'plc, 15 min Lo
..... bcb. la bacltyd. 9800 mo.
··-··················· CZ13) ~7572 dys, (714) ~7lll eves/wknds
••••••••••••••••••••••• Back Bay area condo l
llAoo l"-d 3106 sty, 3br. 21,-zba. balcony
••••••••••••••••••••••• den, frplc, bn ck pal.lo
IAYROHT ~ Ava1 121. S41H~
Bushard & Adam ... art-a
S57S 3 br, bonia rm :! ba
Avail 11 20 964 2119
• 2br. 2ba. frplc. dlx l'•m
do Pool . )ac. tt·nn1 ... l rt1'
~ l(ale Very d~1r:iuh•
loc Nr Bch lmmt:d 01.·
l'Upancy S.S2~Mo Cull
Sam 968·91!78 (JI J up lo
llPM wk527 7081
•Jbr. 2•'2ba, frpk , l ~ty
UPfUaded 1wnh.w . Vt•ry
desir11ule JO(-. Nr bl'h
l m med . oecupan<:y .
S600Mo C a ll Sa m
B-9678 <H > up lo llPM.
Old Town Zbr. lba, 1 mile
to beach. Rerurbllhed
Mr. ft.vet, 538-6Se5
frSb&rp 5 br, fam rm, din rm, breakfast rm. Nr.
park, tennls. bch t795.
mo 96IH968 aft 6pm ------
PARK PLACE Jbr. lb;i,
beau landcp, xtra xlnt
toe Nr )Chi.,, park. heh.
Avail 11 7 SS.SO 962-0691
2 Bdrm. 2 ba 10 super eves&wk.nds 3 BR Condo. S min frnm
localJon Avail now for ore an. P01J I. I c·n n1~. Wlllt.er rental.S79S tmo &silk Costa Mesa 3br, $400,mo 67:J 1000 lrg. lol w fruit tr ees. -
Salllbury RealtyS7~ Childre n & Pe ts O K . ......_ 3244
llAoo P1.-. .. a 3107 492-4288 .............. •• • ••••• •
~forSale 1200
tracl. Rented al S47S/mo. 752.2271
'811.000. $12,000 down, as-
sume $76,000 VA. No a...Aa1 F"-
-••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR + de n w t pool.
WINTER 2br. S46SMo. College Park. lncluds WAUllT VILLAGE •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1 qualify. Real Property Costa Mesa triplex, U4 £. BaJboa Blvd. ref rig, w /D , '705 mo. bl
3.Bdnn 2ba creek·side,
atra lfl yrd, lmnuc
cond. AMOc prtvilqea, -mto/yrty.~ ._.ID
F« ltlH WOOdbrld1e
C...2tM'. l~ ba, C/A/C bridt~. vacaot. S550.'
e-~ ' .. ·,, '
' I I y'
HAMPTON Pool. s pa . 5 bdrm,
C1A1C. lovely fa mily
home. cw-de-sac. '750. VAC.ANr!
.. ,,,.,., Condo .... l ,_......., _____ _
aJlp. •aut. "•l*loul a ._.~ 3U6
Bdrm+den. Fabulou.1 -·•••••••••••••••
vtftlMIO/moyrl¥11e. V1EW1 Monattb
Drive by Ul Vta Udo
Nord lee 2 Bdrm, 2 ba
widen • patio . .-rs1mo
Waterfront Homes
a...mit I, 2 Dr + den.
•...W"IJY decorated.
Adult commun i ty.
ClbbouM , pool. e tc . _, __ Teal Is Babcock
Watt I 1t• l2tl ....................... ~~~~~~~18", 1 IMI, ... "1DO. ~
depolit. Nk.'e back yar.d. ~LIZ Coronado, So. of
Bolaa , West of Beach
tlvd. an.saa. Shoreline
McmtCorp .•
Beaut. 2 Bdrm • den. L1e p atio , view .
SlJOOJmo lae. PreaU&e locatlon.
WalerlronlHomes C1d11 f Ju I
831-1400 U.k I t ·-3425
Newport Studio Condo. -•••••••••••••••••••
Nr. Hoaa Hospital. Pool. Deluxe 2 Br 2 Ba, frplc,
1pa, uuna. Sec urity. am ocean view, $42S .
Great 1round1. $400. 7»9'tlor844.f722
ZlJ/.fT7·'100l. _._ Fln Vly. Warner/Harbor,
MIWPOltT SHOltH 2 br. 1'"' ba, dbl gar.
S74.5. 3 BR, 2 ~-Yrly. Pool, jac "ieom.. Sm yd
Pool 6 tenll11 prtvgs. $425. 5'9-2t63.
873-8145or175-41111 H.B. 2br, Twnhse /Condo
Newport Het&hta 3Br-1 12llOllq. ft. l""ba. pOOI, nr
ba. fplc, lg yrd, bett Hel l/Altonquln <nr
nei&bborbood, walk to H.B.H. > Bch 1 ml. t.qO.
achls. ssso. 83l -3t9a. 1714 1547-8451, <7 14) S.Uy &M--Ollhves.
Harbor Vlew Hom ea, Woodbridge, new 2Br Iba,
Carmel model. 3br. pvt lab, pools, leania,
----------2ba,nlcely decorated. adulta, no pet.a, MIO mo. a..-. IMdt 3241 Nr. Anderson srammar _•_87 __ . -----
••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Mo· s 7b!l~m pool. 0 oh••...... 3600
Spa.rkllog 3 BR. 2 ba .. 1n _.,_.,,., ' ...,. ..._ ••••-•••••••••••••••••
Monarc h Ba Y Ma 11 . Npt Shores 3br. 2ba, i---------Vlew. pnv. beach. '950 Comm. pool. tennis, 2 Nice lq. S bdrm. duplex P~Allen RJlr 494-7578 btks to bch. Avail now. w/p-eat aundecll. CDM
De I u llf' 3 be ti r 00 m JlklOMo 7l4·~~Y!:,_ i.Call~~M0-17~~~~~~~~
1-'abulous v.h1te 111>a ter 2Bdrm Iba , lrg y rd, I·
\'ICW 1950 mo Stud IO, N~ H:·· •c .. c1 ... ......,mo .•• lwmh'-••d sensatlOflal ocean view Ava.i now 75&-89e8. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1300 mo Century 21
Newport U-nter. 640 5357
f'anta.\llc coastal view.
Split le\ el 3br. 1 'hba.
WOOd & g lass house
S875Mo Avail Nov 15.
49t ~ ~g~!ttt_ f!!~ -
4br 2ba , ranch s tyle
tvKne t'rt>k. enclos pvt
p..t.m. dbl p r. S750Mo
Av ail Now 494 -MS36
t:.dgewa_~ Rily
Ma gnificent 3 story
Townhou~e w 4Hdr m .
3706 ....................... lnt19ycnst
UPCraded 3 Br. dlrung
r m . $795. 499-511 1 t--•1••.,---·.----dysteves. ~ ~" • --------Very lar&e dpl¥ apt. 4
Sbr. + den, 3ba Bdrm. 3 IMI, laundry rm.
Waterfront SlOOOMo carport. <Boat moonng
__ 6'5-7mAO. pmaUM). WlDter -or
Weslc:hff aru 3 bdrm, 2 S12JOO yrty · A&ent 8'1$-333 l
bllth Wllb ruce yard. l&50.
Vacant, movt: ID now'
Jbr, 2ba , Avail Now.
Sl!IOOMo. Winte r. Yrly
AlliO avail 644·9Sl3
4Rth & fitm room in ex 1 .._....,_.'!":"'~==~'JI IAYROHT cllL'>1n.• V1ctona lkh J -
decks Wr!!uper b white • Jbr. 2ba , Avail Now
walt>r view s teps to -'600Mo Winter. Yrly Also be~ch. nsoo1mo 41M·9421 Wntdiffl..tty Avllll 644-%1.3
PAMOllAMA VIEW Odux stud io condo. l bllt lalloa P1•Mllla 3707
Lido V1lla1te & )hops ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. large view ll v1ng Pool. rer room , etc. room. view deck. No. sa g5 1 r e n t o r l s e .
Laguna. Sl.OOOino. 2 13 3 2 6 · 7 1 5 7 o r
l ee p 1o g r oo m s &
lat.cheoeUes. S75 wk &
up. Oceaolront. 67W740 ., ....
.......... l.ZIO .......................
br, 2 ba '-1se; Val.Ley view. fireplace . air
UJDd.. built ·lft lt:.llcben. 2
car gara ge . $525
moll~ase Call owner ·
642.01.38 Av:.11labl~ •m·
ea bayfrOat: p~r " £.acept1onall1 neat • no.t. S7'50 Mo. Wiater. demi. 2 bdrm. + dett 2 .... _ .... .__IUt be tn beautiful family _,;,;;;Ji y
ori e n t e d Ne wpo rt
nelchbor bood. Av ail BAY l'90Ml'AGE Yiew 2 man&b to moalh.. "50 mo. BR. ~ ,_._ Adlta..
As II: r o r M e a r I e n e Util pd. Ate. '560 wlnt.er.
644-9990 days, SSl-2888 303 E . Ed1e water
eves um -21!166 .
Cbarrruni Bayvie w l l"a
bdrm Mob1Je Komc on
Udo Perunsula. Perfect Br. 21,Ba. ram rm, l1v Bach pad. MOO mo w1lh
nn. Rolf course & tt!nn" p u r c ha s e o p t 1 o n .
cit> neigh borhood. •, m-0341
3252 .••.•..........•.......
2Br tnpiex w1wet bar " fl'Jlk, bUl from Pavilion.
OlU owner n 14 '82'7 -2260
3724 •••••••••••••••••••••••
acre. avatJ late Nov $875
mo 661·2395 BiG CANYON upgraded
---DOVER Model 2bd. 2 ba. ardm Condo, ale, frJ)<'. d e n, S1 250M o . d ys
pat io. 2br. No Pets . 732-GOl, eve5 " wknds
Children OK. SS25M o. 1113-3'27
LAND PACKACHS! Systems 1-729-3059 S5UOO down to 113 lit
' .,.,,. ~ th TD. Pride of ownenhJp.
____ 17_5"-_2_164. &Lut + S300 sec. Owner
New 5Br, 3ba, lease with transferred must rent.
o pt . O c e a p v I e w . David, 64&-32S5
2 Br, 2 ba, CI A!C, bnck
petio, vacant. SSOO. Aalt for llLS. m. 7281 •----------<keanlrom. 2bdrm. lbth.
Monarch Summit Condo frpl, S7SO yearly. S5SO
Zbdrm, den. 2bh, frpl. v.later. 63l-lm67s.te"ro
dub. pool, spa. lll50t mo.
Compar e befo re you
rent. Cus tom d esign
f eat.ures: Covered patio
& Ne w furniture .
SpeciCM• ldtcbeo wlth.in-
drred HP&in&, separate dlninc area, full length imrble pu.Uman in bath. mca-bedrooma. poof.
BBQ, •urrouoded with
plush land aca p l n 1 .
'•""" acres. , or ern 0-PcM.t n.-a..1 'ian Die go ounty. -•d ~"'!:' 3 8 yrs old. Bltns, pvt
Includes existin g golf 2 years UI • vwu .,r.i IM!liol. lplc la ownen un· Bdrm 2 bath unit +3 BR it. 1 ml to beach. Bkr. •'OUl"Se & aU facilities of 2 a. rental. Ocean view. -.e501; 91().5580 1amoua spa. Ready for t238.000. 1---------
.i e v e I o 1> m e n t . Ronson Realty • ~ :, "::~ 6,200,000.00. 714-m.6500 2' 00
, ...................... . '.84 a crea in City of 4-U, SJC..000. Sll.000 yr lo· New amall sprloklered
'JpJand. Wtll ta.lie 11or 12 oome. Prin only. 631-4S60 loduatrial Bui ldin11. ...it acre 4:Ustom lots . att. 1'llltiO. All-'98-1S80
0... Point duplex; 2 BR, ..... fw Wt 2200 . lACK HOWELL 2 ba., 1 BR, 1 ba.; 2 fpl, 3 •••••••••••••••••••••••
t.:all for ma pa.
644:ti56 ~~s:e• Allen, 2.3 ACIE LOT
.. ~~~~' ya ...... ... w. IJOO , .............•..•••.•.
W•csf; ... ...... """ mh JO' dock. Terms
1vall. Plt.500.00133-2650
J.11 AC. for 40
Wall! to new Alpha-Beta
Center $315,000 with
tenna avail.
.............. .....,,.,.,..,
Some back bay view,
f..u.tic area fOf' hUeJe
rMCh home + bam ai
stablea. Call Jim F1an-ders (714) 752-1107 dys;
(714 ) 581 -5787 eves,
Call Agent at 752-1332 Prime R-2 Loe. XJnt. loca-uuarcftl ~ 4 _ 1r.vES lion. No. e nd Laguna r. .. ,.., HOO ,,_.,. r--.,. Beach. Level. 2 bl.ks to
·••••••••••••••••••••• Dix owners unit, will ocean. 714-494-CMSB. WATaFtlOMT trade for R·3 land. Call ---
Newport Pier area. HoUI bWJder (714 ) 761-2604 or Laguna Beach. Ocean
+41&ora,on3lotal C213)SIN-9801 +C80)'00 view. '115,000.
IA&.IOA MIWPOIT Parlet,, m-1286
lM&.TY '7M 170 ==· . =l•I•:-~·--· DullL.. REALTORS fw 1700 TMe over low interest --------·•• .. ••••••••••••••••• lo9n, &Me over payment.a
LAZA 2 BR + den. 2
~. 2 car aar .. uaume
18,000 al t~. Owner
•/c•rry 2nd TD .
lot,500. Call Joe, at
IJ.....,..3 &dJ••aler
-'t12U•4H t•l
on auper 2 bedroom cll4l'ex In an eatab&bed
arM.. Awrox. '°Xl40 lot wllb privacy. Always
nlMd. ldeal LU break.
Owner will belp finance
quallfled buyer. Act
DOW ! SH,000. Call
R-2 Land
2.11 AC. for 40 C••• Walk to new AJpha·Bela
enter . $315,000 wltb
Call~ at 752-133.2
675-2164; (213)335 tlH a BR. 2 ba E /Side. 9&50. c.-.. w.r 3122 mo. gardener Incl. Call
••••••••••••••••••••••• Vi : &tS-77U0wn/Act.
OCEAN VJEW 2br w/1un· .Beautifully prHented 3
decll Is dbl gar. S550 mo. bdrm. 21-'J bth, ramUy rm
SD-Sllor875-7712. _ home ln lovely Eaat.side,
0-Polllf 1126 beautiful yard, With COV·
••••••••••••••••••••••• end pt!Uo, dbl. car gar.
Oceao Vie w elegantly ::Z..~Jeaone &3l·l2641
furn. S br, C ondo.
S850Mo . Alt. P e arl New Condo, 2bd.nn, 2~
Laba, ~5880 ~ d.inlq, •dea, Uvlng
~INdl 3141 rm, gar .. $575 /mo.
....................... ..;.87M471...;._...;._ _____ _
lAIUD8 fantasy, 2 Br 2 Ba. beautifw ocean vu,
walk to Vlctorla Bch,
frplc, parquet nr. much
more $750 m o . N o
c hi ldre n /pets . J a n
Martin. Dys 833·8383.
... wpoli IHch 31" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouse. 2bdrm, den,
F.Mslde, 3/B bouae, 2 car
1ar .• covered patio,
fenced ya r d . Be th
3bd.rm, 2btb, frpl, lrg
yard, gard Incl, S800
Leave messaee~-
3 Br l Ba, 00 pets, $400 +
S!OOsecwily deposit. Art
Lamb 6'5-7253 or 968-337 1
pool tbl, tennis crta, &c 2 BR, 2 Ba condo, air
pool. nr bch, immed. oc-oond., D/W, pool, clbhae,
cupancy , $750 /m o. sec.,Nr. s. Coast Ptaaa.
6682lt _ No pets . $47~ mo .
7U-91MM:iel aft IPll ...... Uwfw wllMd
-·•••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR, College Pk. Nu crpt, G l!UI _. lJOJ prdnr, children OK, no
....................... peta.'825rno.54e-tlt7
--------3 Br, ·~ ba home, frplc, VACANT
2 Bdrm. 2 Ba, seeurtty
pte, poof, bUna, S350mo.
Ask for Steve, aat.
illage Real lstat r
. •"' r= ·'' ......... ·<
all elec. kitcbeo, feaced
beck yd. '550. S30-8l72
tlter7 pm.
APllCI ....... ti ,....... ........... J206 ..... 2400 ...................... .
.._. Verde 3 br, l~ ba,
funUy rm. 2 frp&ca, quiet
cul-de-uc, Coed yd .
~oil. '80() mo. ht
• lul. Avail 11/1. o.,.
Mf.274t; eves 557..Q2'71
Oii PAIADlll
Ve 'r• now otrerln1 ,....,.... tl1M.sbutnj
fllllbninl"mt oa tbe bl1
111Dd ol BawaU. 1000
l• ... ft., •• ..,. •.
ltautlfull)' r~rnlabed.
>riCM bePI at .. 100. "ill>itt-alOO, a1k for
\Ulla, .a•• o.a. nt .. m.. .... .....................
-----------•-••••••••••••••••••••• IAYMOMT
W191.A'ft0te PA&.MSPllees 2 Bdrm, 2 ba In auper I tMH ....... Avail now f«
•--.. ,-... STIATll COleO wbUi' rental '115/mo. .. -llrlM New. 1.ldrm, up· ....._..__ D--••----Auume tiu ,ooo • _.... crp&, mirrored __ , _., •• ..._
~ =t !",!.~. Wardrobe lD drn1IDI C•htt-IHdl Jiii
-... ~.. ..... ............. doorl. --.. •••••••••••••••• ==· .... ~ ~=-~=~~ '=.!:!ce'!:~~i ~ 0.S.I . .,,. .. ch. to ... .._.. dub. now bdrm, l ~ btJI, tr,>I, lr1 ~-.~ Pr,~yri ........... u.. c.u rll'd. MWl.Y ct.corated,
-· """ ... -Oolfct: '9Dtmo ··-...... OI llM•IWPaleJ. .............. .... .
fW:llt.Ull --~--~~~---....... .......... ---------1Mely I+ Wtm.,luai. ?:::rJ:~a-.•!!!'.•'* ll1e1111otlt l••ldentlal Pallaacles above Dua ,.. •·•-, ._ tot.,.._ T 6 I. M fat • IUrlilor. MOO 1110. Pfo ... ....,...n..,...au. ,..... .....
3 Br, 2 ba, bu.ge back
l:!-a Avail. 12/1. ~75.
ll&ml. Ml-lat.
a ea. 2 be., alr•cond., nr. So. Cat. Pl•••: aec. ••.tH, pool, Jacuul, lllllY.tm.-..-
' ' I r ',
-.&!» Newport Heipu Hoos~ 2bdrma ups tairs ,
---------Garden home, aurded childrm OK. water paid.
HeritaceParUownhouse. '*· 3 tw. 2 ba: Pool. M00.59-•lt ·
~---' .1 fl
• I 11 If I
.,.. 2'M>a 1 m.11 spa, sauna, tams, pvt • • a Y rm. bMch, No peta/chl1dtta. OCEAN f"RONT. 28drm. diniQI rm, frpJc, comm. eo -...nl0· 161·1521S lBlb. DeWty dttoraLAed,
pool. Aeent 73l-4tll · · best view la Newport. ·--··s ....._ Yi9fe 1267 Yearty mo. Winter S550. ~·-••••••••••••••••••••••• 831 ·1135, 875·1343, 2BR, l \Iii ba. · · · · · · · · 1475 HOMES roR RENT fl15.4IS'IO
2BR.dm.2ba .... 9850 s or 4 Br. Pnced from 3BR,2ba ........... ~ te-11515. FDcd yard & NEWPO RT BEAC H 4BR.2~ba ........ S7SO 1 araaes. Famil i es TOWNHOUSE, custom
please, 1tld1 & pe ts dec:ot-. WaUt to bucb,
wek'Jome. Call 964.z586 or nWnl ocua view. 28drm. ~2971.Ac\. no fee. l "'aBtb. 2 c.ar gar111te.
patio, self clean oven,
di.sbwuher, garbage dis·
pcul, relrig, washer &
dryer. fireplace, cstm
draperies, rnirron " Im· ported tilea. Pool, aauna
Ii jacu u i. No pela.
$100/mo. Available Nov.
1. To apply call coUect
New Cond. 2br, den,
w/wet bar. 2~ba. 786
Tustin at 16th. IB:iOMo.
1 Bdrm fumiabed $3.SS
2 Bdrm furniabed M20
3aS Weat Wilaoo
f\am Bacbelors Adult:.
(Wy. ,,_, SDSlfo.
---~------&..Juu IMdt 3741 . ..................... .
Beaut. deeorat.ed, m aid
aervice, pool, ulil, SIS
Oceanfront C.ondo,2Br
40' wall of iJua to ocn.
pvt sta.lra to bcb, close to
town. Winter lse. By
owner (213) 790·0925,
(714 ) 497-4672
INN. Maid aerv., color
'IV. heated pool. Util.
(714 >494·5*. 985 No. a.tHwy.
2 BR, 1 ba, yrl)', rum .
or untum .... , .....• S500
2 BR, 1 ba, unfur11 ..
)'Ml1.y. .. • .. • • .. .. • S525
IBR,2ba.yrl¥ .••• "125
2 BR. 1 ba wntr, ..... $500
4 BR. I IMI. wntr .... t&50 a aa. 2 .... ote&Dl'roat,
)'Ml1r ..•.•• , • •• • • SI .Clo.>
I I lo-' '', .. . '
. "' .. •,_. '
... ... ........... • 't
¥.......... 4210 Oflct...... 4400 Ftk!!r· OctGW •• tt11 DAM.Y ftlLOT aJ . .................... ,. ....................... ----•. .._ ....... _ ... d .. __;_........ .................. .. ..... ~ ....................... ~ ............................................................... . !~.! .. '!~ ... !!~ ~.~ ..... ~!! :!.:e~~ ~-~~ ... ~~! •.:=.'i!:~C: •·:J..d .... • .-. Ou-htlroom c o •· ~•.nacmdo, ~ bl?uo -·'---..... ,• ~.....,.. •. .,.,., ... ,.uo. IJJOOI ....... ~ ........... a lllil. 4ll01Llftl' A... ~..:::. ~. Mp-..... .,......._ lota nr. INut bal' view . .SO
p==~ 1 "!_FIE£SU1111Dls T ~;:;:;:: ~,.~N~E .. E .. D-!!~ ~~if;.~
Lu-[ Coadomlaluaa. -or alnee .,.ce; la Sq. , _ » ..... _
OJ.,.....y l'lll'DWlecl. t9WPOITCIM'la l"t.Wmo. -w ns • Country Club SetU,01, ""·U __.,I,.,.. ......... -a Gnmdy Rltr 87$ .. ltl ~ Jlf.a.. htD ,....
OoU, Teonll available at ru -• '-"'• r1um -· ./MONEY NltleYtr ..... ••ltt Soedal Ratfl for our ~·::~r-JeC.Orp. NtwDort N~.tr Polit Otc. ct.t•,....--..
Ctlenta only. WHkly: ------'--'--Modera • eq ft ''°" ol • ...,. ...... .,..
Dt -..... laaat Um --. MMcn yrty Drl H .. , lltH uli 'ha t ... I br, l~ ba ••• a.. lhclM>. ~c. TllLNamt Ml·I~ ~---~=·-=-·IJA =-:.,~47.~~ IW'r'n /IWY9 • ...,,.,, ._ ftrrL I 81' ...,. --Vtra•lll•• Condo , Molltbly. aod WeMena 110014t-Ff olc. ztJO Avoa·C 21S/ POUND ; Nlce 7ellow
a.ala. ~orb o o d at --'-71-'100-1------1 e male .._ weartaa a .
• convenient to C2 sp. Office, shop, ret.aU Paul, MW•..W I.qi, ~: Docnhalqueat San Die10 lrwy, near & hobby. E 'side CM. camfTMO tallmtoCllA9lme10....
..... W. "'HJDl..tlU, •J 111'\....a. o.dt Nr So J 88 I~ a. twU.., nr P•dllchat.,..fac 1175 ~ OM nua. f'oel, • .,.. beacla. J Pc>Ctlt. apa. IDO ..... 175·0814 an
• ... Mo p&a. GMIT4. . l&alM, • &.nuUa. Adlta on IPm.
ft&.A ._... ty, oopM.a -.i1i11 a-8*m--l-ba-. -new--crp_lll_"_ C714 )12&ttll l'alrvlew/EI Ca mino. ue>Mo. 260·520aq.ft. PIOll... lnll
CATHEDRAL CANYON CM. 9 aq ft. 7»-iSOl _S.._T.Mt______ 2-t Ir Jrd 1D ..... air, b. MW l'f111la, fat l Bil, SZD 2 8Jl, DU. J*lnt. 1ar, paUo, $385.
a\0¥9 • dJbwbr Incl Puol. 1ar. fplf'.. tl'fta, mo.~. COUNTRYCLUB ..... l.Hec..ter Ground floor, high lratnc 547-1402
Eutbluff area. C~
75Z-111Z. Beward. • CMI 1arap1. Couple d.llta. no pota. IMZ·~ ~ J r.1 Bl',~. apa,
clul>.1ar . w/relna.1395.
lnCoataMesa eou.nl, 2 1tore1 avail. ArTaftJedby
3'-567Catbedral Newly remod. sbop'g Pnced below market. eo.t..._ &.o.t Lost: Siamese Cat V' 81abard " Tiki Cir ..
REWARD. 912-3419. •
pnl, Ch~ OK. No oreG-5251
LIFE" ..._ .. UUJ pd ext'91)( ---... ISM ltldln~lllS Walk w kb 2br, J ~ba,
-ttpta & df'Pll $3.SOMo
t bdrm Near rairv1ew • s»-•u °" 53U81M
Canyon Drive center louted at 2750 RedbW RJty, LidoOffc. ~~r:!r."1&2 Harbor Bl. has space 673-7:.xl _MONEY AVAILABLE
Desert Resort RJtw Inc. available ranglllg from cnu"ERCl*L any purpose, $10,000mln. YINM•ou.D flUN;
Social Act"11Uea DI· r.ctor•f'1 .. Sundey
Btuncll • 880'• •Pitt• ti••. Ptut muc:ll mote
fenn.a• Ffff Leuona (pro & pro sllop) • 2
HydromaS&age. sw.m-
m1ng •Goll 011v1ng
2 br nr ocn; dsbw11hr ~
yrty. c·•i>Pt only 311 ~
MlhSt~; no pet
~ •900 aq n.. ready for ""•• ._ Mr.1Urgrave9S1·3S35 Lost: Black, FemaJ•
NEW OCEANFRONT 1mmed. occupancy. Call 1100 sq ft , neighborftood Cockapoo,; "Cinder "
OONDO.MONTHLY. Paul S . Ka t z. Agl shopping center. near Mw1)-j.a.Trwt 56W,6JO.:i966 •
S'JS.SIC7. 213/~. Falrview1EI Camano. Deedt SOJS
Biker Sto¥e. r•Crt1. ---t11611c> 1164..., evea or Extra larae 2br. lba.
wtmdla cbildrm OK. Yard. Call -
~ 1115. frpk . rec
room Pool, Jacun1,
wklMd 1arqe1. Qu ar
• pd. Adults. no pets H3 Hamalto n , C M
l!bdrm. l bth. pool,
.cSulllt, no pt11.$, StSO/mo. 831.:D:J
---------• CM. 55t sq fl. 75&-9501 -••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND: 2 dop, l-wbil" .._.._._.._ir..._ 4JOO MIWPOITla""CH 11r........__~c Male Irish setter. 1· Near new .llU.a dlx Wwbu11
""' ta 31br, aba, frpk. bll1u , W/O , bkup .
r.kylltes. vaullt:d cell anp, fncd yd, lg patio,
dbl auch gau. etc $475.
__ _.... ""' . RETAJL.OPFICE. --~-y o. ,,_ .. _,_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pll.9h offil~ by Lado lsle --~ft W •ftwr All types of real estate ..W-. Fem. Vic.lie.a
Versailla, 1 Br. Newly re-
modeled. Sauna, spa,
pooi, exercise gym, $-475.
For appt. 675-4995.
Moving? Avo.d depo&ats & 4700lq. ft. Rent aJI or ,,,,_.. 9s1~ .area. lovestments since 1!M9. Verde area. 545-1701,
cul living expens es• ball. 43032:nd Sl. Call for -----S,.c.WD.g&. -~-~_ms ______ _
Professaonally s ince lse info. Sierra Realty Beaulifully Impr oved llldTDs Found: Lamp rn.eter.
l97L ~7920 _ Commercial Space. Sz & brown cue a maU Left
2 Bedrooms • f!ur ·
n1shed & Untu1111shed
6&Mtll HOUSEMATES ..wP<>ltTIUCH terms flelllble. Prime '42-2l71 S4S..0_6!_I~ At C.M. Police Dept:"
&32-4JJ4 -lOOOfl cheerful office N 8. area.~:..._ -Widow bas mooey for shrt _754-_5256 __ . ------
• Adult Lrvtng • No Pet5
l.arie l Bdrm ass. Qu.iet
bualdiQ& with beautiful
la.adscap1na. ADULTS
OVER 35. No pets . L.EEW ARO APTS., 202
Fullerton Ave. (I blk
East ol Newport Ave " 1 blkSo. of Bay). 631-0397
3 Br. 3 ba, Jge master, frplc, d /w, pal10, l!
garage=i. Near beach &
frwy. $475. 846·7345.
3 Br 2 e,,i. 2 car i:orage.
deck, Bal. Pen, yrly. new
cpts/pamt. $600. 675-6670
Rm. ma te wanted 3 suite avail. Upstairs unit OX)Sqft forbusoroffices, trm2nd TD's. no credit
bdrm . 2 blh., CdM in new bldg. 645-3323 stoneslhrow fromwaler. check.nopnlly,S20,000&
house, nons mo ke r & days 209 P alm, Balboa up F'or a ction call
Found: Jge. tan male doe.i
darlt muzzle; vie. Ulth •
Irvine, C.M. &4.5-0275eve · • Models Open oa1ly
9to 6.
N#.. or 631-MSO
Dnve by $425. avail now.
2 Br l Ba un rurn.
carport, 1234 W. Ualboa
W. $500 avail Uil. 2 Br 2
Ba lwn. garage. 1212 W
Balboa 81. tr interested
vegetarian pref , $250 --67>577• agent ~~-~! 1 __
Gerden A.,_rtmenta
mo .. nr bc:h 67~9SSO _ _ 6 Mo. R...t "°" -
..... port S..Ch/So.
1700 16th St
fOovc• .it 161hl
(714) 642-8170
.... poo't ~/No.
880 Irvine
1•1 lalh)
(71•> 645-0550
2 BR. I Ba, refng, lndry
nn. lads OK. no dogs
$325 mo. 831 ·9081
Spacious 2 br apls. Fami·
ly unit. Pool & Play·
ground. Sundance West
Apts . 1996 Map l e .
6t6-1486 or 642-1951
2 Br. 2 bi., S3110. Adults.
982-UIOO. ----------
2br . Twnhse/Cond o call Cor appl. J im or
1200iq. ft. l llzba, pool. Carolyn. 730-1222 ~gt.
Nr. Heil/Algonquin (nr.
Fem. toshr Npt tondo ful -
ly furn . avail now $275 + 's uW. 631-0815 Don
Roommate wanted 2 Br 2
Ba occanv1ew condo. S200 pr mo + util. Work
95.S-2542. home •93 3787 H.H .) Och lmi. $420. Lge. 3 Br. 2 ba. up~r ,
(71•>547·8451, (7 14 1 Walktobeacb.$600Mo .. l-"'tmtoshr3br,2bacondo
644-019.seves yrly. Agenl67S-Sl70 Nr So Cst Plaza, $22S
F'an\asllc opportunity
for~ hrm or co To oc
cupy lux office:> Ample
pa.dung. lul, sauna. conr
rm. priv. !>CC. spaces.
lmmed oc·c upancy.
S.125-$400 18080 He a ch
Blvd H 8 . 848-3097 or
---------New2Br,2Ba,fplc,bltns. s..11~ 3716 Westside CM. $385.
Duplex 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Spac. redec. 2 BR 2 Ba, Stacey dys 213-623-1108 WXUllOUS
qwet Near Civic center. Nwpt Isle . S525. Agt. evsZIJ-4744946 ~unvE SU119'1r:S
Dbl I ( I 67S-2897; 675-911 1 ~ 'J 11 s; me s garage, rp · Professional ma le seek:. Offi ces now av a ti 1 n ·-••••••••••••••••••• Adults. no pels. 979·l376 Near new Lrg patio. New Condo. 2br , :!bu. mature cu:.y go1nl( elegantly appomted Ex Blue Lagoon rental, ten-
ni.s. pool, pvt beach &
security. 2 Br 2 Ba.
bltins. No pets . $500.
661-JW. 2131242-7614
Beaut. 1 very lg bdrm. $495. 962·0819___ _ _ frplc, s t eps lo heh female share 2 bdrm l l><.'\JtJ ve Slult-i. n·ntrall)
pJWlh, laundry, immac . .,..._ 3144 /\du 1 t s. No pc l s ba. Cd M. ~vcs 673-4609 located near rrt·~·~;iy11
grounili. 1H26 Pomona. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714-675 57:fl Uarry court:. & thl· OrJni.;c
$325 mo. 8311~ ---2 BR condo, The Lakes. --p --b 2-.... --I ..... nr '·<·11, v-:.-C o u n l >' A ' r ll o r l Bach enthousc Jr I r. .,... ••a. .,.. " -F I l 1 d 2 Br. beam ce1bngs. cpls, rec rtr. et.c. SSSO. call art Pref fem non··mkr. 3 l't 1 11·" inr u c J stove & r efra g. Poul. ~ f ·-"' ff l *fl .... .-.~.'""'·patio, E.side, 7PM.213-431·3048____ $200mo. Cd M M lk" nu...,y ,. 1c1m reccp i.......i.._i.a.......1 ':'..1:: N . ..-""'67 O !>auna. club house The .. l io ns l l c I c Pho n (· --=.:...19° pets . .,..,,_ 1 · w 0 0 0 B R 1 0 G E llcautiful Ve rs;.11llcs ~ ho •••-•••••••••••••••••• .,..,...., s4 so M 0 . eves ca 11 -operator w grecL<> your
G.:.ard 3102 ----2BaESI'A]'::S COfNlnOOds-2Bpdr. 2 1 3 -548 -57 15 o r Prof e ssiona l male c~~lsandansl wecrs your
& ConiPany
VJ I.LAG£ f' \ lH
L~l'\;G AGE:'-TS
ft'Olft 140 Sq. Ft.
Ask for Joan
494-8057 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L.ge. 1-BR tn •-plex nr. So • """'· pro c • 213_547 1619 w t da ug ht er seek 1 n g c.....,;, a t'Omp etc 'ahf &
New 2br bltns g 1 Coasl Plaza. Patio. gar .. open Sal/Sun 10--4. 24 W. __ roommate for cabin lake Federal law libra r y, ---------• • ar, aun· adults, no pets. $.140 Mo Yale Loop, Irv. or call BAYFRONT !Br. with home w /far.eplacc an beaullfully decorated ----~ ~ cpt.s, drps, call Agt.833-9293 <213)476-8360 view porch, ss25 mo c .O.M. $300+ Bruce ronference rooms. photo e..t.stri .. Re.tail 4500
.._._ 7S9-1408or:>48·22S6. copy macbinei;, & the ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... 3106 2 BR 2 Ba, W/Sade. $285, HOUSE FOR LEASE 67S-3900 -finest 1n secretari al COSTA MESA
1.St/last + SUlO sec. No Woodbridge, beautiful Npt Terrace condo <2 >. 2 2h1rm. 2bth condo, noo-services 1-'0f' fu rther mro
·---••••••••••••••••• childrenorpets.642·9560 new 3 Br 3 Ba, avail. Br 2 Ba. frplc, close to s mkr, r esponsible . & a per!lonal tour ~l~,a~P=l~~ 2-Br-.-house garage small llPn/15on1,6mosC.1sell";,~roo. pool $.550. Dys 9M-06SO, Sl8S+Y:a uulll1es.661-6439 through the fat•1hlles.
· · • · • n Y· a .._...us eves/wknds 968-8388 S.J .C. please cont act Vortac ------working cpl. No Pets. yd. W/D hookup. No kids ---Assoc.. 1714 )955·2288 . ...,.. Wmhd 4600
21' · 4800 SQ. Cl 1~0
P1acenlla Ave <rear 1
~l ; 96S-SQ'l2 evea.
67S-O:M7 or pets. $37 5. 2208 C 3Br. lY:aBa Condo, Wood· <4br, 2ba, upper. Oishwa. 1 Female roommate wa nt· 1714 ~3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... , , ta 3107 Placentia.~~---~~!e_:._f!!!cpd. u_'!!~:desmo·. blk toocean. $6SOMo/Vr· ed, s hare condo near ----Diesatt lse/renl or house
'"""""' -.... " _.. ly tn' cl util •u«7573 a"' beach. $175 + Y:a elet '-'-·-r r 2 •-•••••••••••••••••• 1 Br, cpts, drapes, 559·8•5 1 Frank or · .-., .... ci>&1uu•.mg orun um -3 a aa-. ...._ ODl.y • .ot stove /ref rig, laundry S5Z45lllaftSpm. N Ho u 1 Inc. garage, pool, spa . ...... heclllHve bdrm w1end yd ror 2 £......._ adl<s. no peu. $240. ----~----• ear ag ..,,ospata . 3 98lM214eves. s.ites mature does-Have cood MHIJl,·or~ AvaiJU/1.557-4832 ....... .._. 3141 ~ 2""' .Ba~lc.dcpll.S, Fem. onl mok-Tbett lJJ a dlffer~nce• ref's fo r all of u a. ·-··-•••••-••••-• ........ pauo, ...-. a u Ls, hlldy, ~ er. J..arp suit.es C2lllO a.f.) 'm•l100. 12-4 pn{. ~ C: • 1 ....... II d 2 B 2 Ba ao peg. $550 mo.~· "°11-er.-'-~--!":; .. ~ r.::;1c11nf bl.-lY "'l'O· or,_, ·-o era r 1 2 bdrm No. La1una ... 172t ...,_.,,__...,...,_ -r ---------11111uuu ............ w/drapes, ep&a, b l·ln aero•• atreet from a.a. "•loea aeeretartal ..._ ._ • ._ID
Dlillllie ......... ,....., raqe. CICM!e to •Yer-beaeb, $450. 4N·ll02 W-tdff .. a.::-.? ba coo-_,,._ ~ • -·.... ILL ...... .:.0 ..... -... a balra•u )'lhill1. Child OK. No w? p do. lrpk. • W/I>, ll/P w/fUnltoabrZBr2ba ......... of..:&&..Wl • • .-•• .-;.... Call .left peU.tlJ0.657·7UO ' pool USO. S46·9S28 ; Apt. =o. Early AM, Bus iness Cenle r Dr, M>flessm~
Han--2 BR 2 Ba, ndec. &ower-~-:rd~:y."-bft:!: _1SS:_l_1'5 _______ 1 LalePM :~l-lniae.caU752-0234. c ...... aen ...... feaced ya.rd , quiet ...... mo. yrly. S.CI a ... 3876 Fem to •bare W/Nme. Office for lease. prime
I .. I.............. ... .. nail. 11/2. as. Ad I t a . 1·623. 3121 . -.. -·-····-···· .. •• 30+. Priv bdrm " bth. Npt Bc:b loctahOIL Direct·
hi •/fiaYftl/ "L re ........... , ........... .
TD S30,58J at 10' •. on
prune resident. all ml &
pnn <1cc.-rues. pay orr less
lhan 2 yr.., will sell for
S26.SOO ca ~h No fees
1714 ) 586-2950
Found: 6 mos. female Lat)
pup; v1c. Brookbunt &
Atlanta. H.B. 968-15.5'
Found . Puppy, Mesa
Verde North area.
54G-97S9 or 642-2233
Wanted!!' 2nd TD 1n I.arr: Male Doberman,
amount or $12,000 Call blk/tan. w/floppy ears,
81Uat673-7300 Agt old bllt llhr collar.
2 da~p;o~al, fund ~n; _642-_s.s8S ______ _
days No po1n l'> No LOST: Shellie 161n Fem .
balloon. fl0.000.$200,000 V 1 c . M a g n o Ii a Ct
2nd TO loans Lado Yorktown. REWARD
Newport Co 673 7595 24 968-(g!J hrs ---
2nd TD for Sale $$3,000.
llY, tnlereM 20'; cl1i.
CIJUnl ku) for $42 IOU 1 > r .... Ole c~ 114!>4 311i3
f'ft"'IOnClft I
Lost&Fo.d •....................•. • 5100 ..............•. , .. ~···
~I .iny 1lem or com
bm.auon ol 11cms '°'" S'lS or las ••lll • Penny l'nldler Ad. J a.-for z
--.ive4-)'ll. Eacb er Joe*'-.,.••,., dlll l,..,.. c:::Mr'dl9 .. ,
Not1 __ .........
~ ~ lnformtlfl)n
Mid &o J,llacr )our ad call
Wll>ely Marth
Fa1th -Facile
m S Wlf'E
No man ever laved long
enough to do a ll the
tJungs tuS WIFE waol!i
tum to do
Found · 2 Sh1h-T zu ·s.
~and le lndlanapoHs .
Taken lo OC Sheller
634-U>l "537 ·2273.
FOUND: Preuy red pup-
py. M. Vi c So. Cst
P1aza. Frt>e to gd homl'
~26. !119-J78S
Found in Lag. His. 2 J.. does-l Shep. Collie mix.
l Wt/gray pup . .m-e749.
.... 11ii ................... ...;
WANTSD: P-e• ... .. ..... !V<XN ... .... .. ........ Dec ...
Ju Stb. can Barr?
~KASSAGE B:»bJ ........ Lic ........,.~
Oa&eaU .. u. 4N-ml 2•t8a.1Be1111Pt.-All.141-1121 1"'5IOll S100P'REERENT m>+~util.CM MS-9115 Jy acrou from Poat Of. A aiJ ~ ... ~ 3 Br 2 ba rt tlo le fice, J.tOO aq It. 79' pr ft. a». v ,_..... . ._ .-"" Dlx 2br 2ba n•w crpts lbr, Ocean vi~. No Pe•·. • • P pa 2bdrm Condo In Hunt-,.~ -11 c pl or s ngl woman. • • '" • ,,._ ""' aarage. Lotaofgrus. 614 ......,.,
DOWS CaU SPOT FREE •o.lal• h'rw o,,.. ...... ~
.......... _,, .,_.. drps, bak, pool, rec rm, Adu.Its. 2l607 Solana Way. C 11 C .,,,,.5 ington Bcb, furnished. ,..,... ... nopets.v • ..--see. cntrl air, watr & gas a e ampana . .,.. · neat , M I F . J e ff BALBOA ISLAND
Qiarmhlg L" J Br 2ba, pd,NoPels.Nr.So.Cst. «·~ -Weekdays afte r 2Pm 963·1652wkn t , 871· St.oreoroffi~e.S400Mo. • Plaza. $450Mo. Bill : 3 Br. North End. l 'h pho ne 492·1567, or 0760wkdy Agenl.67S-S_11_0 __ new crpts/paint. Cplc, 2 13 -992 -47 2 1 o r blocks to beach S550 pr 496·5275. Anyt i m e --
patio. pr, No Kids. $700. 213-9111-4680 mo. uU1incl.494~ weekeod.5. _ ~ R...tal 4400 EXEC. SUITES s:~~ch. partially HEAil SHOPPING -Large--2-~~-ire-pla~;& s:msSp • !~ a large bunique ;;;·~;~·~;f~::~:;~;:: ~a~l ~~=~~~~:~~
furn. 2 min. walk to UW pd, no peu., Pool. Vlew. Near beach&. Boat ~~ v:!~.e:Jz ~c~~~ cpts. drps. /\1C. 17301 Baker Q>nter. Recept .. auna Cove beach. $260. 2br, l ba. 541-7689 Can Yo n . S 5 5 0 m o , _ c-M A l C Beach. 1"L R. Lse 8'2-2834 t'Ollfercnce room. phone 873-792. ---<494-0361. """'·""'"' ngr. P · · ----('Ove r age . Close to
---------11Bdrm, $265/mo, 2Bdr m. Senta Ana 3880 1or2 Rm Suites from S75. alJl)Ort. fme restaurants.
Deluxe 4br, 3ba. apt. all $32()/mo. 734 Shalimar Oelwc Cond0 2 bdrm. 2 ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 779 W. l9lh St. Call Tom SecrNartal ser v11·cs
elect.OceanView. !ie-1257,642-3307 ___ pool. 2 houses fro m Deautiful2br,2ba condo. 54().2200. ---avail Formoremfv.t·all $1.lOO. Mo. 673-e992 cx.-ean. Fantastic View. Dev at !119-2161 ---------i2Br. garage. yd, S400 mo. No ctuldren or pets. $495 close to Newport & S./\. Small office. Perfect for
2.br'. Iba. pool Adults No + clep. mo ~I Eves Frwy. Pool & sauna oot-answenng service. etc. Pets M25Mo. 645-4479 -· --..:_ __ -side door. $4.50/mo. Call Only S75 per mo 1102
---2 bdrm. Duplex, ocean 673-2891. West 17lh St. Santa Ana
64C).l208 2bdrm. 1 ba. New stove & view, walk to beach. F'or more mCo call Joe
eo.t.Mno 3124 drapes, 1nclds patio. shopping & bus. Frplc. At::!t.'%..~'::.':"d·tJM3e<1900 CRenan3~~eat;c!177.•071s1 o r
-··--••••••••••••••• Adulll. no pets. s:uo. 717 large. 5'.50 mo. 497..f104 -""'., ""-.., ,,...,..
CLN 2 Br upper cpts, W.18th. _B .. ~5-2_~ __
drps, bltns, submit lst, 2 bdrm. 1 ba. Duplex. at·
last, dep; chldrn. no t.ached garage, on !6th. pet ~. $335 . 752 B Pl. $375. Call 675-4315
Shalunar. &45·8922 or Eves
Oceanfront Furnished.
2 BR <Wlnter > $750/mo.
••••••••••••••••••••••• ~---d Vt"llaae Small Hade-Away Off1c~. "1G41WDI 6 Only SSO/per month. Va ·
New 1&2 bdrm luxury cant 325 No. Broadway,
adult apts in l• plans Santa Ana. Historical
SPACE. W Cst. Hwy •
Manners Mile 92Ssq. rt.
Ground noor ofhrc, 12''>
n.x 19h fl. w1Lh bath.
$UIS. ~ at 2333 E. Cst
Hwy, anqwrc Suite II.
CdM 675-5444
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
l.1c'd Cor 44 children.
Plus nlce 3 bedrm home
Hoom for expam11on.
Par1t Place.Inc 8'2-7461
Women's cloltun~ 'ho11
Excellent Balboa 11.lund
ltx•at1on. <;ood 2 ', • .,r
lease T option $3.),CJOCI
Iara vance realtor
613 JObl
Associate M F St-curtl)'
Alarms ,\ctave Stknl.
$1®~ Ml! 3180 -
lm'fttnw..t 0,, ovtwWty SO I 5 ..•••••................
~1157. ---------from $350. 2 b drm Bid~-For more mfo call __ _
2 BR Unfum1Shed. townhouses from ssoo + Sam Warren 558·6878 or Two Westt'lirr offu·t·~. Lntere1ted m ~taw Real llEiA VERDE home at 0-Poiilt 3126 f be h • ....J~ l ·s t.crl· lls Renata5S6 7707 rum. or unfum . Sl50 & !:);tale~ Contact Maui . ••••••••••••••••••••••• across rom ac . ...,.,.... eM 1 . wa a . ' !Utr Ori: Co 675-~7 mospbere 21'3 br dlx $4.50/mo. ponds! Gas for cooking & 2 r r f S175 S48 1927 apts, nopeta. ~lO:U l.rg newer 2 Br in luxury --healing paid. From San 1 x l 5 o Ice u rn . --. -----.._ • --5025 ....;.--~-----• duplex off Mala~a. A/C, St.ucUo, quainl with view, Diego Frwy drive North MacArthur Blvd View of Professional consulta nt ~-r "',,,__ LAMAMCHAArTS edsnbcl.b garh'Jdbll -ion~, $250/mo. on Beach to McFadden aarport.S450Mo.7S2·1747:. IP.H.O I would hke to •••••••••••••••••••••••
Larle. l.2W bd garden WS r. c I ren . --then West on McFadden Aif1lO"l Atta exec ores. share office W/attorncy. s-...u'!.LO ... s
apt.s. Adwts. Dahwbr, S375·637·709'7dys. We Have More, to Seawlnd Village. sign exposure on Bn1tol _CP_A._or_s!_me.7~-n69__ ,,...1"9nd A,, =-G:1 ~·I:~ $310. Bg 2 br, apl 8 , 2S091 P1ease Ask For m• 1893-5198. w/jntrl serv · 22S lO 1280 ExecutJve Office. Design 2nd Trust~ Loans on
_Pl_.fG. __ 9'13 __ : MS-__ S1_11 __ • ~~ala . owne r . C:t'7.24~7-~~·-:~ba:s: ~~r ~:·;r:=;~:. :;:~oa r.i:aro~e~~-. v1·~~d~': ~~mi::!f~:~r
2 Bclrma. 1 b ath ~t. l-W--... -.-._..---38--4-0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j pd. Adulls. $375 Mo. UI0-250-5SOaqtt.495-<4481 , Secy ser; .. p~one yourneeds!
Adlalta. SITS. mo. as ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 _...... 3150 _4M-85t __ 1 _______ 486-33l9 amwering u.~ o con· R.E. DEPT. pM&t.MZ-5078. ......,....~ ---------rermcerm.714·759-0215 SAMTIAGOIA.Hk ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROClllll 4000 Dix. 1·rm. Office adj. -'---· 1~ 4450 11•1832-5200
for a clean outlook on UAM-2All 835-3749 llfe
___ 646-_~----PREGNANT? Caring,,'
"-' & Fomd 5300 confideotJal ~ling"·
••••• •• •••• •• ••• ••••• •• referral. Abortion. adop-
--------.. Llon&keepuig. APCARE
Ca II :
Spiritual INdef'
JB15S (';I Camino Real ;
San Clemente: Fully lk.
For Appt. 492-7296 ---------
•SERVICE• La.t or Found a J>('l '.' Call Ani mal A:.!>t Stance Speciah zinJt in bus1·
~ali(Ue.537-2273,nofee. nessme n. residents -welcome.
t'ound °' lost a pet" Call 739 5248 24HRS Special Pals Hotline . • •
7141972-1235. 213 ~-7398 COVER GIRL
Found. Fem German • 953-0771 *
Sbephef'd. apx 24 h1. blk ·4 Hr Outca ll Service fare . Westminster -
IM7-8548 Pl E: LAW student need.i
S 1,CKK>. Will do anything LOST:l hyrold S1bcrian l 1 c f'd t . L
Husky ("Milka''), black, I l'J. 'p O~n ~x.e n3;_.8a."I'
grey, white & blue eyed. r B 92663 10 20. S7S reward for his -. .
return. Call 131.5100 MASSAGE ~J dys; or 546-7-463
eves. Vic. Paularino & • lGURE MODELS
College. CM. ESCORTS
LOST: Long haired all
gray male cat, E. C.M.
any info c all s•8·1305
OUTCAU. OML Y ' .,.,.. ........
6ll·Z140 eves --GOLDIN ~Ill CIMlfUVI• •DELUXE* Condo wilh view, 2 br. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Air por ler Hotel. No -----------Malt WI. Free. New cpl, ba, patio, balcony. Rec. Room w/kllchenctte leBR. 8»-3223. 9to 12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f ciliti. XJnt I •· For •· ffl Lo8t Irish Seller. Vic. ""-,eocl.•• ... •e.gauo. GARDOIAPT a es. oca .. on. $72week&up. store.o cespaceat u..-.-,,.•loans.maybe -.---S550 WI 3973 I•--------bl nunocuwn... Adams/Huntington St.
•FOXY LADY * " OtrrCALL ONLY pal kitchen w I ltns. • mo. · 548-9755 One ~asona e rates. arranged from s10.ooo. Sat. l0.20 Call 84.2·2S3S. Adalta, ao pets. Dbl sink 1 _ ..__. 31-52 ol a klnd. · 500 to 2700 S4 Ft. '"'-t -Jy amortl•".. ----iD blldl. 2 .............. ....._ ~.,........ Fem.F.V.kat&rec.pnv u """'"VEROEEf>R u,... • ...,,, .. · """• •972-1131•
1 BRS:WO • ,,._,,._, ••••••••••••••••••••••• $180Mo. ...a:;..;>APLAZA short term swan~. call FOUND: Blk & brn mut
ZIDEldeDA CM 3pools 2.br, 21Aiba, Condo, clean, 751-0748 PENTHOUSE M V rd E C M Mn. Arlenaull, broker. breed Fem. dog. Sm. AFrencb Delight '
aw. i::!.. ·F;P, =w.a =p~o~~~~ --r-~.-1s1-b:1-b-~-m-rro-k-~-tc-:Ci~ SUITE •1S2S __ e;_~_M_e_,_;_3_·_·_._f_~_~ __ your_ss_1_~~---• _e_s-t11-te_:~:1c:.:Bri:-'_to1::"::J-•_m:-bo ___ ree:,-·-· SF DI~;
Plllio.md pr Ad?tl No nlktoabqpplq. prefer female student Jtwta.-PNmSl75.MW0?4 17111 Geld1•••1t ttsapt._. 3169 2t30.875-lls:7 •
.. W ••••-••••••••••••••• •• ~ within the unl-•"J'lll:SEVILLE'' .,.... PAii NIWP()aT' Room share bath close
ar w/pr. Ad.Ju. new 847-6064 Bac b e lora, · l or 2 tobeacb. UWiDcl. ~do~ ~~~~ ;:r:•drps. bllnl, fncd IW1ri9•Gf• •cl• Bednloml6Townhouses $12511o.67S..149'7 Comider:
mt ~~:ncn From .... SO Emp&oyed pel'SO(I, t~e at· _.... Spectacular apa, lotal tractive rm in Mesa
263 Br C.O.ta SHARP, beach l, 2 & I recreation program, Verde. References. No
-.. ·=.~·b. All My frplc, dabwsr, gar• .,mapracram.1r.::,,1 cooking. 979-9656.
-·_ ...... Some -.No-.--. ~~ T.I::: --4100 w/frplc, eacl. 1ara1e. Lowty au adult, no pets, RUlalload. ··-••-••••••••••••••• a...idryrmorW/Dhook· ~Br apta. 6200 Ed-4t'44-ltl0 COSTAM~
••to'52S. inler. HB ...... 11. WlNTD RATES ,....... ta.l• .
· •N!'A.R s POINTS. 2 br. 1 OCWWIOMT S75 per week '*up. Color ar,a., ... watber, at• ba. • + '300clepoelt, 2 llr, .. W/otfttt». YrlJ. 'IV.561171.
2,400Sq. Ft.
Private Elevator
Wet Bar. Lounges
Panoramic Bay view
Covered Patio
Oeeoral« Amenities
AM about our
&151&2 kb dbl pr. No Peta. llidllak.Nopeta.C.UBob ftdc.Jarpr.Slmo. ~-.-~-.. -.-..... ---4-21-0-•
........ .....-llM7=.:.c.dlredto 19.Mpll Ma-1803 -................ ,~~~~~~~~~ 1'71. · e Ctttle • 'i. .... ............. iD 11. H.I. 11111 AC UL AT II: • ea.. far rmt. Ba1 Bear <lllca A retail llMJP •P9ce. =!IM M &oad .......-1 Bdrm 2 bA otJ• •: liDw turn. 210llaiD9Ll18.lolftce Hfh•. Wit• I ._. .. O.. ....._, PM.cbad' ...... • .-., pr cpl. Call POiio. l oMce SUDllo. l ......_. __ ·llle*'e a br, 2 119, frplc 2 c• ...._: "-' ~ • .._.,,_, •. 541-..... amce or 11«.,. apace
Prof, M-qe by St.eve,
Uc'd Tberap\at, N.B.
t :»9:30, Appl. Only. -.m1.
Y• c.. aew ....... ,._ .... Pl•.._ la_. MMOUS .......... _... pr. MIO. mo. Bef1 a ..... ,... ..... gua.t "°' 8eCf1J aboO 11>•ce
· ·~ · _._ Multi onl1. No ...... artlood. "'5/UIO TAHITI SIO. 'lbe Mlnl llatl,
._.,.. pla:Oalll>'ek.tlUlM. nt~ IH. Wattrfroat ....._lor2bteoiU.ap •1551.•WL DIN•A&am ......... .,.., SAs•t· .... -~ --... Wied ........ -el_. 4 c•111llll eftlaH ...... •••It•* ,..1._11 _. ...... Me.~" rcW .. ••• .... -....................... u •. = .. Seit.~· lllllillGl·._, aa baacla cm Tahh.I W\tb IM w a,U IAl 9*m. New Clelu.• ear, row bon, •••b .,.... =-~
,.._,...... towallouaH, tenal1 ~ ... 1e ~I w. 2 mad11I••· complete lllCU'nYllUm
11 n ,.u... Oera1•• camt..,._MCUlitJ .... = dwa&aln. bltu. kMdllD. e&c. For more '111l....-amcee • ,.,.;:· ....... • ..... ....__llelleiftle. le............... l9'o call MW n• • irlJfe..-tC.111«
• -A~-~· ~«"'51.-0 ....... ~·!•!!Ir!!·:______ e(O..M1t
".L' . I
-.. ~-····~~·,·~···-····-·-····-·······
··········'············ ~ ................ ~ ........................... , .......................... ! .......................................................................................... ~········· 'n n .. u1.. • ... r H nll1h 'tr f 1 *• r' 1 r •••II'"•...., l'"'•11,.1J•r1ilt ..... . nu...._--..._. • ..... t.... •a.U lll4MI ....... ~. atu _... • 9-MdMllllll...-vl". l1laod Laaduapla1. PIJ'l'IRSPA.1N11NG U1"Seq,. NB-Cll aru. Repair • Reroof. All' •• Tu Co. 11ja s . Oller ......., • .,i •II& O..•ll•Jlad Fr•• 1-llC.'...-.. ,..._ lrim a..&, .... IM.Dlq • 11t11:1t1 tpriaklen la· £11pr 'd. R•H Retu. r·m 1mab, price• '" t y pu. 1bI•1 • •• ·
...... m-ai "'911111111~0Ma -.111-Ha"t awa1 . Dave . *"' c.,.. X1lll work 1tallea • repaired, ,.. .. tit. Call Gene aaaU.m.aou roeubakt1·Hmpo-tar.
t •• • .. ... ra.WISU A••....... --.... -bf ..... 14oe1!.13Mlll 1ro1loa CODlrOI. m.oue -A1t.AHT1CPAINTJNG "'-... Ml·-Phi . ....................... : &!!" :" ,:•~ , .. , .................. , 1 1 11tl1S.•kc1 OAteYDUlmS =~k:bYrcs~·~ .u.rAJMTI.._ ~ Comm'J, QuaJlty •...;.A_..U...;•;;;;. .. ;..' -1------
• • ..__ ......_.__..,_., -.. ,._ ,,_ -ro 1 0 ,__ • ~u... .. 1 pru ••· 1 yr1 eap. ·-__ •-•••••••••••••••••••• Dr•;:cr,!••ParUaa ,_ -1., u -• ._. &.:ra.ICIAJll Pr1C.O --•••••••••••••••• Prof. E~ . .EU.U1b 1 • 1 Neattn-~s Uc a.led llllw 4a.,.1
w ---DD .,.. .,.eAt • ..,. rt•·,.. .. Ibale Ofl ""'-IMwlw roala\. -· y or ·•• y Uc'd/BODded. -.nu, Eid.1175 1n._.s _.,_ __ ~ till•) ..._,, Ill.cot .... ar-UJ* 'nam11bM, • ,.llabM. Ht'v. Vacante our -...n _,..,.,_
Uca. tk tmZN nM9 Npt Sch/Coeta Men. =· Steam carpet ---------1Prol. palnUAI. Ext" Int. PalaUa1. Int/Ext. Qlty lutalled. LlceaHd • ---------h-.au.catpetOt.,;tn -....... Ref• lot Pree Euro,...an Laodaca~r. nnm. Low rates. J"ree mat, work. Res/Indus. bo.sed.5'7·1Mt. M;• I a... eleu Alao qp. ht\ ~.c:.~ 11n1c1. ~ · · =•It. Fair price. ett. 53M780. 53M3l3 Free flit. Fred. Mt>-12S2
-.. 11•••••••••••••• ........ _._..., Wor .. f"lr ,...___,, .., .. .._ I' •.•1 ·--1..t0 I v-aJl .. , .... '•n&. .... _..._ -. ... , • .. ~ •·-· ...,a 1 -· Pal"'tln1. INT/EXT. Wal=perta1. • n .... '-',, ... -... -..-•••••••••••• •ta,.iUlq, Uc 'd, •.1 ~ mG1U11t imlt Ft• ~ IDOit •11-••••••••••••••••• Wtat a llEA1J.. Y CLEAN •• ..._. ~ ~are. H -. ,..._ ,..._ IQ--J'JH ._...._ ~. feotlai 6 root HOUSE! Call Gl~&h•m •~allty Land1capin1 Neat. booeit, rua., 12 by · Free est. Aver. CLABENCE'S 1V. %'1 yr1 pw. 18'aa&a welcome -----. .._Nojobt.oo1mJ.P1pa Glrl.rteeest.SU-5123 Comp. IOftaeape deaJsn )'Tl. exp. Llt"d. Dave coat pr roll SlO. Lie uper. Oay1, evu. .... C-./C• u... -····•·11• ......... aitt.Dl..aN -• lmtaJ••ioo. All work 9M-10&5. '3318.~ .tmda.'5.115+.157·10ll
0 > il S. '""' ---••••••:::::•A••ll••l•'I•:,• ~ ~f.::!.!'!~ Carn.otry , au1oory. Wou6dy-• .. you llt.eewoMlrLf wClalhll CUM· Free est. Green· Wallpeper bu&ia&, rut .......... T s.r.ice --• ,_ --~r--... w .,.... boua a dale Laodacapioa --..i~ ··-"l wor .. r -••••••••••••••••••••••• ,... _,,................ U.C'd Oclllra<tcw 1•1e __,orMl-Ollll chin&. palllUa& @le. Jlllllce'a Rac&edY Anni T.11-6276 ~·;\~2350 a . """' lJIAGES BY utE .................... , ..
hll••H or p•raoa1 I eo.corMt«iG ,_ .... lftl-.JB.S.lllO for rel • prof svc. --·sP""'"'ALISTS n-ee tnm.mina, topptog, ....tqeervl~t:•to --1 •-1• -115-25\4. t1 ll PE'} wc.C n!',, ~~u removal. Clean.up Ir
S -·Fri. • or meU war1I of all llll'da. •u-••H•••••••••••••• I •• ... •••••••••••••••••• ESSIAN ~~--bauJ away. J.W. Tree aenice. lateraated• blodfw.ua Free etl. U Ct! R /\Ill IC T 1 l. t<:: ••••11• .. •••••••••••••• ~ Reasoaabte ReUable Brickwort. Small joba. Cult.om Paintinl ....... ~ Sttvice,835-mS,ext234. ~ )TWup.551-0'r57,:W.S~l Klkben. btttbl, _,01.ry1. OCCSWdent.1 Toa~k. Houucleaolng. Call Newport, ea.ta Mesa" FreeEllt,Syrguar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.~ -----Your Uh: or mine. Trash, tree lrim. Oan Madoona~. lrvioe.8'15-3175eves. ""--'-.,._ l -...1478 , _ _, •DIVORCE BY MAU.• Calk cda ~ ~. ~·cal an .,..... Neid.patches ft ~xtures ..................... ..
P\u.,\oftnaJS70. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----Experieoced. Own trans. Brick, staoe, bk>c:llwork, ,._.y_.c.... AllllST. ltl-1439 FREEtrialleaaoo
AcUaaLepl.N25UIO JAOOBSOONCKETE ...... , Fasthaullng,resSt••up. Tboroulb cleaning by tile floors. concret e lnt/Ext. Free est. Lie "• 1 • 1 credeflUaled,readine. CONSTRUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yd & gar clnup&. Ftee tbeday. 836-4941 Plll>09 walk.a Fr~ eat n• •' -th French 8'7:MI013
Dri-•'""• ,• ..... wal .. ~ •· G·-·""""'' <'lea" u,.. & est. m4~ ,......._.;....., •l<O'>' • 13:191.Gur. Refs. Ted .... •••••••••••••••••••• ma ft .
• ,.._\IV .._ .. .. --·-.. .... -Ila 1etl""'9 .ruqo ....... ..-. 17HI047ora31·1088
(M time ttaftamusbip, pllblMl-77~ -}=~~ .. :~ George Uc 11dlm hg ....................... t1••t•FHC.... IW>PAlNTING ~~·~~rt ~.!:.~.~!.!.,, ... ..
framiaa,tlnlah.~odeJ· RG. Coiutru. Co, aen --------·•••••••••••••••••• Engineer, 58, reliable. (Wood ) Free Est. lntr. au, «llln&a. Ren· sewer louUDg. Top Hal W\ndowclealwll•Painl inc, rep11r. All work bide conlractor, com · Gardenan&. tree trim· Robin'• ~ouAecleaning noo·drnllr/smoller. ~ms ta1 reGOVJlloo apeciallal. Pl~.S3'7-3194 _ Ing. Reliable, dependa· ruar. 18 yra 1n aree. m'l /reald • SlH ·5383, m.ne. clean-up,• malllt. Srvc, for a lborOU&hlY Local re~. Bondable. · Small coinmerci.al JOba Free eA. ComtdltlleaJd. ble . contact Stuart
Lac'd. Mr. Palombo. 631-11258 ___ serv.Amle.~1! __ cleu~.540-0857 MZ-1204 ...... ,SertkH afterboun.892·2024 Hone"\ Reliable . Ml~ -..aI4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• q ------------------tDOCj Groa 1J I Comm 'l /Res ma 1 n · Call Saow·ffouleeleanlng. ~pendable. reliable Nw'lel Aide neat• clean. Paintioa. Res/Comml. BA/MC. 751·900' RESIDENTIAL• Stores.
CVSTOM INTERIOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• tenance. Cleanups it For a home that aparll.lea female would love to v~ miab&e. Xlnl. refs Serv1.o& CoulaJ comm. 8 •1i1•'-c.ar wax Ina. Quality
CARPENTRY Grooml~ -We Love landscaplog. Greg. ll.kesnow.979-0076. babysit your bo"\ue WI 1 drive .... a b op. Hilb t lit ---n...,, .. ...-.. ........ -..... ., ........
8Y .J11 642-8809 Beautif Peta. 25% dia· ....,,.....,..eves. ..... ....,_ c.a ..... k bl Llc'd . --------............. = _..,. ........ ""'(...... ... yra. es qua l)' ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............. -.. ~··• ..
coual with ad B»-Oall For Ex c e 11 e n c e In e Nov. Prefer houae oo 641).70f1 ~r ·.-!1'-. . Roof reptira, aJI types. Ted'a Wiodow Care. Prof. ~ & aoo woodwork· · Avilea Gardening. Trff boUleclean&nc: Cle1nln1 water. #580 C!O DaJly Wblll'i YourTraide? .-ve.-Guaranteed. B•C window cleaAlns. Ranbl
in1. Decks, fences, o....1 •lag trimming & re movals, Unlimited. ~216. PUal P .O. Box ueo Coat.a Slaper Day CSTll DRYWALL Comt:nlctloe. ~12 ntea. Reliable. &U-7813
cablDe&a, Free eat. Ben· _..................... yard malnta., aprinkler lleaa.CA13S211 'Ibll'aliUle\o~ •INT. PAJNTlNG
jamlo Mann 554· 1100, Espert Drestmaking Is 1 Ya t em• , I a w n a . Nie te.l'7 ir ••Un the Dilly PUot Qua.Uty W«k. :M bn. ...._ &11 ....
DarrelJ Mano831-M16 Alientiona. Calm work. cleanupa,646-N74. Help)'OW'lell\oa GARAGE SALE ads In Semc:e"'--thetcain ~ ~1271 Expert toofart, not SIAYllW
Lfl--ffapincNledlonor tbeDllilY Pilotbrtn1hap----r 1•111111.at.-U Trade )'Ollr old stuff ror Emi ............ 646-7322. Prof tree trl m /rem. QuUiraedHooelula PY rwuJt,s. To place your •+M•~pnit-amw nae Ht. paintlog. St.
Rei/Comm 'I window d I .. Guu, ... Ill.
..... Cl> • PRee! Don
a.1'715.ext l'h new 1oodlu with a Sell things fut with Dally Sprinkler Install/rep. mt.be DAILYl>ILOT drawln1 card, phone idea&Jty. For more in· Llc/lne. Try me. R . ~ IOGM9«b1'jt to aell?
Oau&rted ed. M2-S8'18 PiJot Want Ads. Cleanup, maint. 8'6-66IM HELP WANTED ADS 6'2-5118\oda.y! ..,_tioncalltcz.5178.. S6Dor.~S&U Oatl&fied ada it wdl.
P9.u •r ~350 HJfpW..._.. 7100 HJfpW..e.d 7100 HllpW..ted '1100 HllpW..e.d 7100 HllpW..e.d 7100 .•.....••..••.......... ....•.•................ ....................... ······················~ ............................................. .
Pri¥. party will buy I to 3
carat. cuh. N.8 . 548-4975 1be Nwpt Bcb otc of our .&. DROPOS SHllTTU IUS rapidly growing 2 ofc 30 ~ DttJY&
'1SU'708 or 548-5293
person CPA firm haa an Fashion Island ~have lood drivlnf, opening for a ataff 8C· d d II countant. Top level Clui.A r ecor & vall Ca ·
talary ft benerita offered A FI n :"E;J; o Pe a n driver's license. See Ken
w/some travel req. 1·2 CarnpbeU.
3 Americ1n, 1 United.
S200 caab. 67:J...3858
Designer Boutique is Atlos yrsoltecentaudit&tax seeking assistant
exper preferred. Send re· manager & additional ~MCHltt. swne to: Stegall. Parke. stalf. Salary open. 2929 Harbor Blvd.
Gupllll & Co. 3388 Via C. Ccrol 64._2652 COSTA MESA
udo, Ste 500· Newport 1---------BABYSITIER m .. -eded for Bch,Ca.92663 d
hf ..... Senlcn 5360 •••••••••••••••••••••••
BRASS KEY AccountinCJ Cleric
We arc M."Cktng a re ha blc CATERING TO YO UR person with an aptitude
SOC I AL A I-' FAIRS for numbers. lY1>1n~. & ~UISITE ESCORTS caiculawr :.k1lb to 1om
t~achers 2 yr ol 111 rl. /\PT MANA(';f-:R Mon-Thur, llulldays pd.
For 55 unit~ in CoMa SlJO w y. 846 487M JIU aft Mesa 1':xpcr'd couple tjpm
Wil e bkkpi.: exp
Hu!>band ma1nl 1•xp U:ibysitter for 5 mo old :1
Call 642·5-073 or <21 :1 1 d<lr> 1Jer week, Ii hr:-~r
~JS5l day. W Newport Call • 661-211 I * our Accounting Depart·
-menl. Some accounts re· T,...,.. 5450 ceivable experience -·••••••••••••••••• helpfUl. Enjoy e xcellent
---548-S.180 AROOT~CTURAL
SR. PRODUCTION Minimum 3 yrs e1.·
penence David Klages It
Assoc., Costa Mes a . ....... Ca .. H I company benefilll lndud·
641-0191 3 American, 1 Uoiled ing a free meal per clay.
GIOCMh. 173-:1158 Appl.y 9am·ooon, Mon· FH. Personnel. ,..._ .. _______ __
2 United half fare MARalOTI'HOTa ••
coupons, $50 Ca.lib /each. !m Newport Center Dr
642-5Sl8 t.lcwport Be acb. E.0 . E.
Dnvmg Costa Mes a to
Houston and return.i---------Leave 11/18179. arrive
back 11 /24179 Share ex-
penses. (213) 596-7414
~:.! •••••••••••••••••••••••
7005 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Clua.lcal guitar lnst. Tchr
w/BA. MM, 2yrs Spain. c.oncerta: Europe ft US
Call Bill 642·2715 $10br.
HllpW..eed 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Acctg .Okkpng
Register loday to work
on vanow. accounlmg &
bookkeeping a i.!>1gn·
ments. Work close lo
your home. Acctg clerks,
bookkeepers, accoun·
t.ants are needed lhruout
Orange County. Call us
for more Information.
RDbert Hain s
CIC~ 2333No Broadway
d)O, Coldwell Banker
8ldg., Sant.a Ana
C71 4ll3Mt0l
Career development op-L&.-11. $l OSO portwUty in smaJI, run _...
.cor porate or fl c e . Behind every successful
Airport/Irvine area. All man, there 'a a woman.
fM:ieUof Acc. and Bkkp. but s he has t o b e
Wlll train. 10-kcy a.nd cre1tlve. outgoing, &
llgbt t)'J)inl req. Develop with a magical touch on
in\o full·charge book· the typ\'writer. Group
lteeper wblle enjoying medical, life. disability.
.excellent c ompany tuition reimbursement.
!Jenef\ta. C1ll Dolly 540·6055.
CaU $40-SC13 C.oaslal Personnel A gen· -cy, 2790 Harbor, C.Y . ACCOUNTS rA Y AILI .:..Nev,.;;_er_a_f_ee ___ _
Q.111( Admln /Pror. Adlts. New po r l .a e a ~ h Signif. all. inc. p/t, f /L Mort.pp Firm bas 1m· o w n b u 11 • M k t ·
mediate ope1ling ror lead lng/Mngmt. l 'ntl /local.
dealt poalUon as Ac· $100 refund. Invest.
ClOUllU ~able Clerk. 2 55'7·Dl2
yn. e ence la heavy -------Pl~ or wUl consider ADVERTISING SALES
1 yr. nper. " 1 yr. ac· Experienced pref but
.counting classes. wlll train. Generous KDowl edae In EDP straight comm. Lag Bch would be desirable. We 41F1"'464.
/No Exper needed
IUxlg Term asi.1gnmenl
3848 CampWi Drive
ucrosa from
John Wayne AllllOrt l
Equal Oppor Employer
UtUe or No Experience
TopPay PaldWeeldy
Temporary Servicea
trvlne 762·6666
County growth requires
HOWARD Chevrolet
service ex panalon !
line mechanics needed!
Sll.<10/hr. GM exp. pre·
ferred. Pleasant working
condllons in Airport
romplex. No trans. work
required. See Service
Mer. HOWARD Che•rolet
Dove & QuaiJ Su.
Mon·l-'rt. C.M. area Yow home. s.8-M:W aft
needs Part Time
XJnt opportunity for a~
gTCS!.lVe per-wn
Apply at a.15 f'uh1on
~land. Newport lie,u·h
Bakery Sales. counter
help needed 5 day wk.
Musll\avecar ~·um
O:>rrunerclal bank Teller ~enee necessary ror
this fuJI time, permanent
position. Cou rtesy &
quality service to aaswmera a mUAt. We
have a very friendly 1t1lf &customen.
Good opportunity to
work In 1 chaUcngmg &
professional environ·
menl. Good aalary " benefits for qualified
Applicants should con·
1201 Dove Street, NB. F..Qual Oppor Employer
CAI WASH Barber styli.It to manage
part•tlme. 631-9577. Tues· "1, 9-6. Sat/ 9,5, evea.
ltnmedia&e employment
avail. For l.o~iew caJl
Bar Girl, nights. Buck· ~.
lo1ham Palace. Call C_AS_Kl_E_R_n_e_tld_e_d-. full
~9033orf96-~76 -time, day 1blft1. Er.
BARMAID. ATTRAC · penenced or will traln
TIV E Must be en Apply atSlandltrdShoes.
lhusuutJc. CALL646-9'J3S ~7 S . Brt6lOI, C M.
Bartender. Hamburger
Hamlet. 1545 Adams
Ave . C M Apply 1n
per..on between 2 !>
N•·wporter ln11 :-.oml· lnll
Guar + cum :rao ~.
Beauty. Prec1s1on llalr
c utters n eeded for
fut.uiutic ulon near S. Coast Plaza. J oan a ~of leading balr de·
11gners, benl on pr o· iJ"f.IS6i ve, artiaU c 1 ly ltn &.
c.a1J M7-9631
Stylist & Ass i s tant
needed 1n young ag.
1ucM1lve ::.alon Robt•rt &
T<1ylor. 646-7197
N o c x p e r 1 " n < 1· nece:.!>ary Mui.L IJe
a v a tl<1b le da ys &
weekends Call ror a ppt
Beverage Controller
EJlpt>nence in hotel & re~taurant preferred.
Jlrs. 8::.J tD 5. Mon.·l''r1
Call for appt. 64~ 7358
Full-time, ne1t ap.
pearance . M a1ter
Blueprint. 234 f'l1cher.
Experienced bk.kpr /aecy
wan~. Familiar wl\b
marine lnduatry helpful.
1()()1( .....
Acct 's Payable. con.
structlon exper pre·
ferred. ~Davia: SC0-0500. _
Bookkeeper needed.
small growing office.
Tu alulls. secretariat
alal1s helpf uJ. Pronto Tu
Co. ~B E. Balboa Bl .
Balboa Cal 67J.S631
•o111&11pl•9/Clerk f\111 Ume, expcr. helpful
bul not nee. Many co
benefits. Apply 11t 1660
PlacetlUa, Cost a Mct1~
Opcnmr oow available
for fut time ass11tanl
mana&en oo 2Dd. Ii lrd.
abllL No experieoc. nee. We t.nin. Start $.1. tO t.o 14
per hour. Advancement
OIJPOll'\Uruty for mao11e
ment posiUooa to 1$~
per hour If qualified. FM
more lnlot'lna uon & tn ·
t.ervlew. 495-9!*JO or c a II
714 '537 4840 Will 1n
LerVl<'W on Saturday:. by
u1Wll Oppor Employer
C h e f • ti a m b u r f: t' r
llamlel. 154 ~ Adam1o
A\t , C M Appl) 1n
Ouldcure for t year old.
l1ghl h oUSt'WOrk
weekdays l-5pm. Meaa
Verde area. Call 641 ·1324
or 549-15112
U you are a teacher, or
cotlep educ rnaJ desir·
Ing part lime weekend employment w /1re1t
p1y, call SITTERS
Child Care/KcMaMkeeper
Mature women needed to
care for 2Khool 11e alrla
& do~ work. Wkdy1
2~. Must drive own
cu. Ref~ces.
oa.u> CARE·needed Im·
med. For school Bf'e
children. Mature. My
home or will consider
yours. Cox School area
f'.V OK lo bnng own
duJd. Call all 6.00 wkdys
Wark "'. W9t f..W. ohwotphere. Heed
HalpW91hd 7 100 HllpW..ttd 7100 HllpW..e.d 7100 ••..•.................. . ............................................ .
Securitle• proce11ing
derit few Fuhloa I.Aland 1ave1tmenl Firm .
Proc..-new lnYHl·
rnent.1 lnvolvm.1 bank de·
posit. & det3tled follow
up lnvestment OI bank·
ina experience helpful
CLERICAL lmuranr~ Co near OC
i\JJ'l)Ort Eiltry levtl pcr.1
!JOO l.J~ht l}'PlnK 3';' •,hr
wk. ~J mu ~ 84~
<imwinR Thnft & L(Jan '' loolunR for 1nd1nduab to
fill entry level clen c·al
po11uons Mu s t hll' eo eooci cmUI back1Vou.od &
l)'Jllnl akJlls. Pluaant
~•outcoin1 penionahty a must. Xlnt
bmef"IU 4' wor1WtC COO·
d1 . Sala r y c om m e n su r ate w l lh
QUallf1cat.toas, We.tern
thrift fl Loan, 2000
Harbor Rlvd. Co1ta
M~ ~3153
L'\ent al
llrromt-a ml'mlx-r of our
dynam1r '.°'t''Aµort l'\'n\ .. r
I-1n ... nn.d Firm T hf'
followin1oi pos1t1on:. .irt·
PrevlOWl ac<'OWltJn• ell
pencn<'t' or educ at.ton de.
a.MICA&. TRAINH nus ls an entry level
position 1n lbe mall.
micro-mm. & m e dept.
Prev\oua jOb bac:k1round
de1lrable but not re·
Cl'Sred. Lat. 2nd .•• 3rd. ahlfta a Valla~,
CAI ...
TllJ1 po91Uon involves
~ solvtoc relaUld
to 1eeurttlea trantac·
t10tU. Previous s tock
brokera1e firm ex· perimce deairable.
/\aliltant t.o the penon·
nel ~· Typing It com·
~cation slulla lmpor-
A:'6 P. offers excellent
working conditions. a
d\allenging environment
• good career & salary
Please apply daily or call
l.eabe Neal at.
llO Newport Center Or.
E .O.E.
Do )'OU IJke problem M>lv
ERK·1eneral ofc fll.
Ina, neat apfear11tee,
full time . ll e s\e r
•IM!Pftnt. 234 rtscber, c.111. s.o.ms. ----
~.detail work 1n a buay Ottll·typist. permanent
d.au processing environ-Pollhon, 50-e()wpm. 1d ·
ment We need someooe wonma cond & benefits,
lo b .. 1 an <' t' & rd 1 l lit.art -.so M.on-Fr1. 9am· ~ input & com 5pm m.Z270 puler reopi>rti. fnr this
1un1or poi.tt 11)n M ui.l
h~' ,. d..ot.1 pr11t f''"'"g
h.trl11;munc.I wm1· book
kt"l'PIOI( ..o<:rfJl.intin.: l'X
J>l'f'C'fl\t' & bf• Jbll' lo Ulll'
10 lte)' .tdd1ng m:.chme
Somt-n.1i.tomer C'ontAact
by phof:w Tues thnJ Sal.
CafJ penonnel for in·
2283 frurv~w Rd C.M.
:149 3091
U..t::RK ~anll-d for health
rood '>IOre full l!rnl', CX·
per pref1•rred !'>48 9537
Golf Club Storage &
Helper. mornings for
JM club 644-~
kta1l Waitress. ex-
per'd for Tllun-f'M.Sat
nita. Apply U·ZIMD· The Cb•let: Z'4S Harbor
81\ld. Coat.a .....
wwam... lluatbe~. ™· S&l. 81m. eftftiap. Please call fM appt.
6'5-735& .'
---------COMPANION Tu hvctn w "t'ml inv .. 11J wom.m C.,em·:al
Data Entry
Only Ille huusl·k~ptn~ &
me.Al rcqd Sal.try neJ(o
MU'>I h.ive car Call
before 9 30am lo aft
)PM 846-:lf79.846-6478
On )OU cn1oy talking •--------·
1A1lh romput~n., We nr~ •COOICS•
loobn& for M>meone wllh t:: X p t; R I E N C E D
t)'lXDC and 10 kf!y ex COOKS
Pft"lenct> lo enter data In· OYSTER BAR P~RSON to our co mput er
syatenu. Previous U · Needed immediately for
perience ISi help. <JC)ell1nC of ucit.tnc NEW
We offer excellent ~
l>tMfiU wb1cb include ........ u•• ..... oae ~ vacaUoa atte, _..,. _..,
six mont.ba. eleven pPt On Newport Bay
h olld1ya ln~lud i og
Olriatalaa week ofr and
paid 1roup laaurance be1ln1 day of hire.
AIMe apply In person •
AM lntemational, Inc.
211121 S. Daimler Sl.
P.O. Box 10547
Sant.a Ana, CA 92711
Excellent c ompany
beneOla • WOftlial C'OI\· dltioal. A~y In pfnon
lJJJW.C....Hwy .... ..,..... .....
OOKS needed im·
mediately ror new
resteurant. So. Coaat
Plua. Cell Don at
e4J.olll or SSJ-«02. ~uaJ Opportunity
Employer Mt F/H OuUr G11t. <2 ). Start ~~~~~~~~ S3..00 br. Call ror appt. ~·J
Initially part ·ume with
ruU lime potential. Hours
are Oexible. Mln. 2 yrs
office experience.· 50-60
wpm Xlnloppty. call for
appt. 752·8871.
• Q.al(TYPIST *
Min.~ wpm. 1cn. office
Skills. apply In penoo.
~Help F /t . Cameo
Cleaners, 1650 San
Migue l Or ., N .B .
~ter help dry clean· in8 plant. iu11 or part
Ume. Newport Beach.
fd« 8IMJd company paid ---------t>eneflLI & attractive Animal H0tpital needs
1\artla1 aaluy. For niatll attcf\dant Fri. &
..-. call our Peraonael SM. ru,bta. Call 631-1030:.
AUTOMOTIVE , ... ., •• Helper
Ol.tnt.lnglon Dch Of flce >
Knowled&e of bank
opentiona req. wilb a
mi nimum of 2 years bllDldD& experience. , ......
O:>mrnerclal contractor
needs strong. dcpenda.
ble bookkeeper to h11'1dle
A/P computerized PI R.
payment requesta " In· voicing. Conatructlon ex·
perlence prererred.
Salar y open . Send
ce.•r•l119 ••t9ol"CJ
peopl• to ouht
amtia•n ill ope•llllJ ---------cllwt• occo••h ..
2101DoveSt.. N.8 .
Aaou from 0 .C.Alrport_ Clftce et14CM51D ut ZOZ.. MlwerilM) Stnlce
E.0.E. PBX operators for a
AOC()lJNTANT, CPA or telephone anawering
CPA caodidat4 wlUt 2·3 aervlce experienced or
yrs publlc accountini ex· will train. Full time or I*'~ fOf pci. with part Ume &blf\A availa·
0r..,e Oo otnce 1m na· ble. Day1. afternoon· Ooaat CPA flrm to work IYminO °' pave yard.
in tu dept. Snd ...umc Mutt be able to worlt to: .._.. WiW •Co. eome weekendl. Tn>l.na i.o ~ St, Ste 105. 35 wpm. required. Many Nta,ort llacb, CA lllllO co. benefits avallable. .-------I PSeaM call Moo·Ftl. FMhioa ll1and area
C.0.t.a lleta area
£.0 .E .
Umqta• retaU nuratry Aputment
need• • 1h•:~ ~:; ••••I"' per1 .. eec1 pe 1 l llanqer ttHl went.td
varied booklll= n1 b-nclllllv• bl1h rite,
cMlll. 11111 a. • op. adulU only, ••t«front =:rea: .........,1.uumcompi.x.2 ::::;t: ......... llOG t.eclroom, hlfbly UP• din~ c m srlded •P•rtment le· *" • " thadtd, compttttlve ...,,, llnowled•• or
-laulcal tl•ctf'lcal ....... boollllltll>' ~ ... tr~••, •kllla.
eraoeat>le wUh ..:::~qu1llU11 .
WiM bperi...ce 1
Car preparatio n &
rubout. Cont.ac\ Rick •t
Ext. 360.
DuJenblP or replace-ment ~ uperteacf ~CIUGJenat
$1 .. ,..,
f'lll end part Ume teller
po.ition!l avallable. Bank
experience req. but will
oonslder bank related ex·
perience Cor trainee po11I·
Uon. Beneftta Include:
Pald vacal.lona, medical
.nd den\al plan. II re ln·
surance and pension
/\ manber of our person·
nel ttalf will be conduct. la& penona1 lntervlewt october 2:S and 26, lpm· =.-1bunday and f'ri,
Apply in penon ··••••SNh s.w. ....
6100Wamet Ave. R.B. 71~/14U1'75 E.0 .£.
J . Ray Cons\.rUCUon Co.
188 E. 17th St. Costa
Mesa. 921627. Altn: Pat
Kimmel ·
~ Store Help Wanted,
rttlme apply at B.
o.Jt.on. No. 5, Pubion
l.lland, NB.
Boolt1tore Personnel
needed, part time , permanent • temporary
ttollda)' po1Uloftl .
640-5.11J. Fuhloo Jal.
Cafeterl1 Einployeet,
4111 . salld exp er. .,..D(ul. Good benefits. Caa lot appt. '7al•J)OO. ':::,~lB&nlt"*IUlcw ~ext=.::; ... :;;;;.;..·~~~~-
Bank )'ellen, No(es • ~ Wllb
Collectlona Clerks ~ CJlllhnw..e.4 looklt••~for thelr ParttlCDt. .... • ES Toro Newport Beach. Saala .. _._. eoe&ac& _..,...v.1i.,.
Joaa Oore 4H ·llOO. Call.......,
11lh It .... pee.ct ••
clt1"9 l•b for th
,.,." who wHh
...... , .. of ....
ordht•ry. Yo• c .. ....... ~·· ... ..... C..tM
With 6 W\thout SH
*'IX Ofll.ATOR
•ACCT Cl.llKS •toa.1••s •ICIYPUMCH OPa
•••ALL.AIOI . ,.. .. _... .. ,
•PACl•I lAal •abort •m. boll· day • vacation P•J. pttalluUoo •••ll•·
Hurry I Immediate openings
WtLL learn various phases of store
operations. Lots or customer
contact .
Apply ln person 1.Spm Weekd•Yt or
12-4pm Saturday & Sunday
Cealit ...... Ctlf.
Equal Opportunity Employer M/P .. ............................... ,\
> •
la ..
l· e•
. .
Mllawat_j 7100 MllllWllll1• 1100 MllllW•1• 71to ........................................ t••••• ~ ................. .
OOl9Ul ~WAllTQ ,&o .,. ... ,, •• , ••••• O..\·llllllw' ~ .. =P)I}.-. ...... · 11-_ W~ ... .,. 1·'...,ciql ·!!!~1,eo
-------.... QC~ ..... _':• ....... :.?!!!il!!!!!~•!!!!•!!!:'·-1--_,:
--CUDIT .. Orf --. Pait u.m.. a;;: GIRL nBAY • 0 ..... 1
INV9'IOATOa ...-. Monlop' :>alr. Clf'ftt'9 ~--. ~ d•·
111111 p' 11 Ttal r0t u..t Ato&a.1.U..• ll .. f'1. ~tell .. l OP· .,.n....a loea la· >--~ .... umc~n•·
Y911At·•· ............ IDIUVD Ill• <MU~ ........ ~· CDllll f\aaaee· ... , .. , or Ml Umt. Rarbot" •· Call Wori -oaioD MOii·
mNll•I• co•pany ..a ..,....,._., J'\oi. 11\.k few Mr. 5'.oM. ~. A .. pa'd GiYlnt ,......S.f ll tel M»rJS
• I l"f ~ •tllll~ llllmpnal. D4 • ---------... ._....., , ~''" c.9.-CJ&. ... .,, -a::~· .. ~b:~,t\)O:. r.·~~·::
..... • • • • Driven for auto p u 7M,....\t p H I• a e e . .P l o De .......... llH l-4f0 ..;.;.~;.;...;;......;. ____ _
'rM .. •II Mr. a.la· O.UNUlrf GLAMOURJOB ...._ MA.RVKAY
Drivtt1G1rdt1nu. «>111 CQSMlnlCS
a.It ~· -~vy blnaUon pel"IOll Ila~ Neid O.-•u\}' Con11~l ...._ c-a_....ea. vaHd C.l'Jf nc O~ t.111&1 0ppoc-_, earn ~ U-. CNlll tMc.klaj, d rl v t n a r eo cord sh ~1the ru.t &row• ~1c~'ii°'8:-.~'ci Minamu.m •P 20 Apply,~ 1n1 (.'011mclh Cci We • P •nn 11av•r. 1 aa .. tra111'
-----.-----1 ~a, C.0.1• MCllU CALl..~7-0d6
CUB'IQOIAN • Urh~ra Chechr C1b ~-lt-St1rtc;-fr•ir1c•t• a.ur.d? CoU•I• •ha Good drtvlDf roc:ord OOl'ded for pt'lvtlt! dub
·dlm&l We Med a penoo lhture individu al for 1oterv14'1" c all toa.lpwldaCUSTOOlAL __.. dltdl9. ..... per ~k. -- -_M-_~_. --~
.... .a.-• ~0··-------·1 .... NP'-cbuttb. call DllYIRS
Fl'ed U l ·HIO Mon· Mm or wocneo 2S yra tr NI & put tl11\! All
_Pri..t..s. ________ _, older. Know the co .. t a r e as . Un I ro r m 11
aties. Net S1tt0 a wceker funusbed. Aaes Zl or
more. Oranac Coaal over Rel.Ired weieome
Yellow Cab. 1'1300 Ml No upenence nee /\pp
Herrmann. 1-'ountAi'I ly Universal Pro~c.-tion
Valley. (No or SlatQ' Sen1ce. \226 W. Mh
bet wn New hope k Street. Santa Ami. In
C.\odiaa1. Fu II U rne 0111, lleo .womeo,
C01t1 M•••·Newprt
Area. UA CW.. req'd.
~5114$11 "a.our.
CUSTODIAL E),clld) terv1ew hours 9--12 & \.4
2nd. ab.ift. opening for __ M_on_t.hru __ Fr_•·--_
responsible self starter. Drugstore Clerk. 13hrJ IWR DRESSER · The
Wqe scale from '5.30 to wk. afternoons. $3 h' ll.wr Handlers rn Npt
'5.90 per hour. 8% in· Driven lie req'd. cau Heh. is now mterv. for
crease e ffective Feb. 642-4104-.,xper. hair dress« &
Numerous benefits In -m1mi. Claentele prl!f.
dd'& fully paid medil'al B.ICTROHICS Good bene & greet Joe.
"dmtaJ. TICHMICIAH 642-84114. ROSAN INC. Growing electro-optica HaJr--s t-y-LLci-t.-be-a-u-ty_a_sJ 't.,
714/541-$533 R&D firm need& eleQ high fashion Newport
Newport Beach tJ:mics. enginee~ technl salon, good appearoocc
An Equal Opportunity oan with expenence 11 & license necessary
E ,_ er an a Io g & d 1 g 1 t al M th ,.. · d mpouy · circuitry . Excell~ on. ru .-ri .. goo hours 644. 7680 DellcatesHn Help. Some benefits. Call Toni K ---------
exp. References. Over ~77. Spectron 330
11S. Ph: 644-5619 _ Harbor, G-3, C.M __ ~
; Delivery·L.A.T1mes car
routes in C.M. If B.
3 -6am . $350-$4 00
mo.+bonus. Also need
Carrier Supervisor
546-4481 or 964-4982.
Delivery Truck Drivers
Aid.. Firewood has open·
ings for drivers &
be:lper.;, 18 lO ~yrs. Call
bdweeft 8 41 6, 6'6-2887 or
~,,, .. clerk
~r. .. "'-=: far rue dittk.. ti c.-.Uoto t ~· a&ary. cau_ ~-..-!!!. •=-=1_..11 .... __
CNIURANCE • Property
• ~U' AM<. i:Ji. per P.4tC min. 2 yra .
1*t11Glq bpln1. XlnL
-. Jaa.. lnaurance.
lrl Call Bobb6e Oodae.
7SiMJllO E 0 . E
Group neaUb tlalm1 ••· aml,oer, all lull Q-r Cl•
fd, Salary open. $&118'7 __ _
Ca.k '°' 11m local las aaeocy. _!100_1mo_._~1-'-~---
Now you can launch a
oew caret!r wb1le you
koq> your present Job! •
1-'arme r i. lns u rance
G~p will tram you &
poy you full comm1ss1ons
whilt: you lelll'll. BeCore
you know It yoo "ll be
making waves in a re·
warding hfe time pro
f esi.1on t:all Gene
Dll.lard Cor rull details.
8'18·5111 -------
2nd. 1oh1rt upcmng for
resJJ()l'IS1bJe self starter.
Wal(e scale• from $5.30 Lo
'5.90 per hour. 8% in·
cre1aso eHect 1 vc f''cb.
Numerous benefits in·
cld'g fully paid medical
'1141548·5533 Newport Beach
An t;qual Opportunity
MeclCal aurrtc:al butlMU Hllp W_.... 7100 ...._ .. 1.,. peraoe --·•••••••••
wltb PIHHot phooe v.t Ume paabjon avalla· ~\O handle •aritd ble ftJr RHUb Ch&b office dulle1, trHt lmtnlttor. txPfrieac:e la ~. tyolna. rwn1 ontw1ble. Call Canll or anct ,.,... .. ottic:e 11llu.. katbleeo •· 137'7 efficient Independent · ·
ProdueUon lraloee. ll•ul
Nf1. tnc., W15-llonrovla,
N'B. 84M001.
-~--~~--~---ti· AC H I N 1 ST ,
...ur. Ca.JI for appolot-
rnent M4-ooe5ot W-0053
expcr. Reply Clu11lted
AD •.S. Dally Pilot, PO
Bo.c 1*, C.Osta Meu,
---------~-~~~-OESIGNER. MECH ••M EN .WOMEN ·
ENO. for Haodl-00 pro-ailLDREN. Hollywood
duct dcve.lopmenu, mfg. is casting now, Act.ors.
Scran\Om El\1lneenn1. NEC . Eitceplional
Inc. 3650A CadaJUc Avt.1 • career preparation for
CM lm-6373 _ those wiShmg to brea.k
into mov1es 1co m · •MAC .. MIST• mercials. 778-1080 Sm
4-day40-hr.week ree Screen Art1»l Day or Night Shin Mgmnt
2101 Dove St. N. B. * MODElS *
Acro5S from O.C.Airport For ISCOlT &
MAIO -Nile wanted good
co bene. & salary. Apply
in person The Surf &
Sand Hotel, IS.SS So. Cst.
Hwy Lag. &h.
Maids, apply The lnn al
Laguna. 211 N. Coast
Hwy. Laguna Beach __ _
dyman t-\Jll·time. Apt.
malntenancl.'. bu1ld1n g
clean up. C.M .. Npt. Heh.
llJ'ea. Truck or van de·
sirable. Exper net'.
•661-2111 •
OAJLY PILOT route!\ In
So Laguna " San Clemente now a\a1lable
Alt.emoOn delivery Mon
day thru l-'r1day. morn
mg.'l Saturday & Sunday F:xcellenl earning:. rur
)ust a few hour'I or your
day Nominal cash tit·
pos it required. \:u II
6'2-4321. l\sk for Fosler
Part . .Ume, earn SZG0-$500
per week re1l1terlo1
~ '° help qualify the
Ubertarian Party for
valid .1 latu1 . Call .......
W\lh lotl or work to do " orders'° proceas we are In need of part time
employee1 to fill this
need . S tudents.
~wives -An ideal
part Ume work situation
Is beina tried in a pilot
program wilh our com·
p&ru". Come in & discuu your schedule with us &
boun you are avaUable
LO work. We will go over
tbeJC)b with you. Apply:
aM Briua Ave.
Costa Mesa 92626
Part ume on.call help for
busy ofc & res1denl1C1l
cleaning ser111ce_ Call
~·Good pay __ _
" ....,w.... 7llO ... 11111 ,. ... ..............................................
•~C 'el* •MMI•••• Aeroapace prod~eta
compuy Dettdt HI*'. p eraon lor DOD ·
deatruc:tlve &e1llo1, dlmerwMinal~
Plall U.. •• 'sp ,_ Ut•n, HMrie•ced
Orlll Cooka ._ llltd~ A liae. ...... wc:r11.,.u..t i operate• l••••lrlal , ~. Du • alCbt
tbUl9. WHkda11 • •
ulsnt. 'l'mUa/IW'Df ,
areaa. •Call f•llY. ·• 7JUM.mt. )
=u:!1. Send rt• ume to Edler In· da.mtl'le3. 2101 Dove St.,
Newport Beach, taMO •
Attou from O.C.Al~ a...ra
EA.RN UPTO 15% COM· Eve.nillp l
MISSION NET. l ·Can APPly In penon 9am· ·~
earn from $50K to siooK 11.am. or alter 3Pm. No ~
lltOlWllb. 2· Find out why phone calls. •
new lie. earn big US 252S2 La Pai Road
here. Come talk witb Lacuna KUia
the.m. 3-0ut produc -
1 1 1nexpen1 iv e
land/budget terms. 4·
Pre-sel appts galore.
S-f'\nd out why ·•we've
got t.be best thing goiog".
N.B. area_ Ask for Mr.
Howard. 95.S-3402
25252 La Paz Road
Laguna Hills
lmmed openul&I ror foll
& ~ time day & even·
111g sbilts. to $.5 hour. AP·
Real Est.ate
-ply in person 9am· ll~m
or after Jpm. No pbOne
GA&.a.E ----·---
Restaurant l Need 2 agents w Jgreat
potential w1lead1ng Real
Es tate Co Call Al Stellato ror con(1dent1al
111terview 963·56'1 I
P/f HB.P
wanted for lui;achtime )
help. Mon-f'ri . 2·5 days
wk Pay S3.25hr. Furn
uniform. train \ day ,
fleXJbie schedules. New
W1enerschn1tzel. 250
South Bnstol, C.M .. near
Redhill & Bnstol.
Exper people wanting up to~ llrs per wk. mostly
aft & eves & l wJtnd day
-Need people·orienled
mgr'! a:. hard-nosed
abwl qual.lty &c service
••• 27 •••
,.. ... ,,,.
t O· n .
>Od AU
JO •••
s .
•rk • :e .
Sandwich makers w1lh
lotchenexpenen~. Mon. •
thru Fri. 9 lo 4pm.
Pennanent job for the
nght person. Also net.'<i
Wwtress. short hours .
(corne r or 16th &
&ipenor > al Pomona c.osu. Meso
_Al\ ~Pm.:~~-84-4~ _
Meyt'rtiofs. pnmary sup·
plier oC Rood foods to the •
Irvine Corporate Com·
muruty nteds people for
simple food preparation.
No cxper1e n 1:e
necessary Part l1m11
morn1n1t & afternoon· •
shlft.s. Great Cor young •
homemakers & studenlS. '
St.art $3.15 hour. Call
m· es.
n i.
I lo
·1~ ••• ... ...
ck. tf:
I., J. -. •'9·
,u .. .,.
" H
>Wr Unl
• •••
1ng, Glen. 5.5'1·6232. 1,. and
•UD· ew!
.L .
ven •
ell! 000,
dal ••
••• .... Ml., ..
.... ~ .. °':"VN.OT ---~· ~~. ,,..,,~ .. tt1t -~~11.ln~u...?!.~ !:!!,f.11111111_.!!!! ~"•-••-•H•~ ~ .. :: .. ~ •• -.... ~?~ ..... ..!!!! ~=£.,= ta =-:~ W .l .~11•--• 11•--• 11•-· ........ ,.... --o.m..1ov-uo110-.ikordflHY ...... :--"~E::•l .............. _. v;i;. .......... ·-·-· ~ ............. _ ... -~w1 1 u11raa111• 1111tP111.aablt1w11ta eta••• c1b1oet • e11 A.e.roe• nr ,,.. a.11 t1. =Ui:e
11111 L.-...-..._. ' !!!:.a ......... ·-1 1 ~· ...., ...,. -.&dMI wra -.. 1111 r v• o.t. lillP J.Nlil, IU ••• SICUillY "bl.~:; ••• :!"a.':, rn--· 1--ANllfUINAU. c;;-=o ... ,a.a bl •• Ill• ultatl, a-. If
.. ~!'!~~~~' C~r·•· "••4• ~· °"1t! ~"''w'"i1l 'T9ARI•• VAR-OM-AN . 0.-'ftilr.-llM. ':.~.:~a!:·~ ......... •of• ~-.. ~·elect...... .. ..... ' ,._.,. ---·-p... '6_•._. -Pl """""''""•• . U1llW-mtd•Ave. ' m.tu.' . ~ '°811it ' • • ..................... •
-. ._ M 11 I k• fw .... fi9' • liM ,,......._ -.11•1ao. C.U ~ -t be bl-00 O:W> ..... 103 •(ll!!en Wl FWd.rt. ion ~ .... 1M ....._ ,.._
1fl1h,..f'ON'"t1M• __.,.,...,..~......: re.r appt. 11•• Jpm, .IOOd•'...... · ,......,.. -r-:::: ~· ........ ..._ ••·
• IWd ftp( 1111.U-: lll 1llulA. ..... -:-lcthe .... AaUarDan IM(' • lllHIOd Vl•Jo -DOGTllAINJNO WWa.llm TZ:IZZ" 4 !... '...iid·w U!:! ....... a ·w Ad
our Coit• M •• 1 chlw-... CM..ntriid 'llCllfAIY -.,.. •.au ---=-=•=pl~ at.dl1oc., ahow trala· draw;ra, 2 'cabioeta. ··':.c_ cUla -;!r;: -. Dell:r ....._ ••,.. r.-::• dl~,e~:-:~ ..... 0.0.WDI. (lyp. ............. .,. ... _,WANTED· Stoa -.-..ii lac.llf'OtMmclop. Your snD.Mt-1»1. ~ lW laJy ... : : c.&a .... Ca., =flcauo .. ..,.. ••· 101/ alaertltud) or .... _. be rim.War wilh ~ e week. Pleuant plac9arm1De. "'-"-....__ tlll -...i ,..i6 _ aa&laaU..J 1blll\ u . -WOl1l.&q coed. Appl.y lft JCllm ~ ~...,... -a"" --------I' .. -....a Mff.,.•a9'H ...... rrt,t;•$:.JO. VAt'11A proce11ln1 ll'l"IOft. PeonYaaver IMO A!n'IQUSIALE wb11e. ..U 61111 print N~I OH 80 a HOOD• .. I _,. -Om~ .a.o ~..--Mialmum tyrnpr NCa 1>11ceet11 Ave. Co•U .......... ......,..eble.S-1.att ~·UP b&W,TV'a, ............ ·-~--,.
:, =~.~e~':,~: llCllfAIY ::::Vol So. c.ur. Con· Meaa. ___ Lli•••· Hordwm. ':!t. ~~°!;..t~~: -&Al.£ ADUque s: ;cl::&::,:;:. DI•~.::=, 11 ~
WUI traha. Complel• A11l1hal to Mov&t 141-0IOO. nPIST ~:-=·~ ....._lllle.17J.I01'1 truok, 3. panel rm rele <Racq.et Clab toe, w/Oaella appr ...
.....,.._,Olll&.M'tPalril'9 '"*-••-----..a.-. -_, fl\&UUmeoo1.IUon . Mutt 1laa1 , c b l na and -dlvidet. aofa bed. ),Jn. ..,s. lladt muMr'J.f.. ~•SlW~ ----= ........ """"-~• ... •• ha IOOdlYoina ltill•to tunUture AKC Lab Puppiea. recllaer chair. miac. fiolall'I IMbellkdrW A
£.0.lt.llJr. UOaAdll&ri~. Mull ~:IUIY ~in o/.ep alrla otnce. sui.LI AN'S 'Yellblk. SJJO, Shotl. 6 daaln &Dd tables. re·,Cara1e Sale : H1hld vnlf:'u umta 4-wlal II A._.... o1 ar....., • be .,:mp•=~'(;' to Some ~mg bel~uJ. Ty pl na, ans werl n g 1Z17S. MalnvSanta Ana wbold. CaU 912~ ......,.,, 2TI Albert Pl. iterm.furu. cryatal. De1f, cart.I. 4 _.... spiDd.le •·
NortMr-9 Calli Ret•c!J ::..S WC:..)'. attr•= =::., ~ D· phones, t1Un1. making S1U1Swl lCMPll l'rwto Y• 1045 CllMN152 5c to ~ .:'21 Acacia, d r 111 pr•,. e 1. 2 _ '°""" Oo. A •ublktlary • weJl·aroomed. Call . -~ 's fl travel arrante· 541-4174 ·--••••••••••••••• ~ ..._.bed sioo. Dio Santa 751_,u,. llillermalic wl~·feed ., .~lU'Wd•~-cm>•sm 91el11rftellt . full lime, ment1. Sbortb•nd not ~Apao, mJ.2ynold. ADI t.bl. 2 lmt din f11. welden. .
Salal ~~~~~~~~~-Mr expert.~!''· Pfi ::':~at:-~Afrb ~~: SeUin& lit aet lldm Alex To 1ood home. no ltimlr'~ Crame SI. llen·a clotbln1. furn, •-or-..m MCIO.Y•AIMS ,,.. •. •eneral om. tt, o ice •, a II ~ """"ence. Call 9SS·lSSO Pres. wives, MIB, o.ld cllUdren.~ fZJ.3) Playboy mac. misc. ••=••11• ... -,
Plrttimu.aleaoppty for IOOCI frp1~1. excellent Mutey or a PP l ~~s.~ wicker baby bu11y. ~ R.etriever/Basenj1 a· Sol•. 1reen Ir b\ie bald. items. Sat. Ir Sun. --·-.. -•••• • ~hobdQl,ea.rn band'ltato-2U1Lana :55T-40> ---Odler Alu dolls• doU mix. pure while F . nan.Lloosepillowbck. ZlOCabrillo.Cll. L.UfM5.AMTA65 extra money . wbalo ._.,.UlrTY nPIST it.ems, old tin toys. 962· G ... r m a 0 x.lnl--" --146-6111 ,.._ -.J ... , .. _a bed ,... ---e.......&eeee---'. woridaa \DI Helli.DI al ::_ __ _:..I:· Gen off. It typ. -1961 "' ._.... -· _.. .-, n1uc· ' ' • U111111--~u lllDlllh-We.tchrr Plaaa. ll\I, ll bkkpc. phones Gate l\W'd. reU~r 11h1ft Accurate typist, good ofc SbepberdtBuenji mix, Girts twin bed set. rzss-mile. 241 Virsjnia Pl. s..t one cud for eacb
842·0972. Fuh 1 s I Call Blllf'1t..a1. Pnvat.e comm. Laicuna alolla,a~l~· Antique coin operator m. 2315DCG0ece Dr. c :M. w: a.ta Mesa.Sat.Sun lM. tac plua ODii apue. We MM030. Beacb area. Won Fri __ berrelstreetpianodated 491Wl19al\6. _ cl l'Wdbam via N'"8U ~Sale, everytbini returo permaaeatly r
------SICllTAIY ~rn.41t-857l ---Jal>. Good cood. S2SOO. Persian cat. rem. with or-.UForeat.56NIM2 II* Sat Oilly 1~3PM -*l attractive ~·
SALES . Help ..ell mens Small medical elect SICUllTYPATilOL TYPIST Calln4-981-791M breeder approval. asCau,;.y0r CM stnp • .....Uq air e faab10D1 ln Laauna roanuf. In c .M. near &llf'"•IS 8 d . ~ 7' Ida, ex.cellent condi· · 1.0. ~ •• ~ .PPre-Beacb. Exper. reqd. beach needs an ex--an some massive __ ttoa. t yr old $300. ~Sale: On Emenon vent._ u:•••=n! or a
Salary +comm. Apply at perlenced lady who 1s Openinp for 10 good peo-P.t n.. carved oak buffet $200. SM. Dachshund. loves 5t5ml3, 5t$-C3DO SL btwn 20th 6 21st St. penoaalilied tac endole
the Male Room, 236 willi.o&toworlltfor .. boss pie.Goodpay.Call P.clflc Skipper, a Xlntwoolwallhao&ia&s kids, good watchdoc. n__llf......1-IOSS offTUstio.Cll.548-1327. wallpaper, fabric or
Lquana Ave. Lacuna who want.a t.h.lngs done MOllLI a-.a.... :'l boot-f r o m 0 a x a c a . a.mt eves. -_,.. -·io.y Glo" .-per • we Buch. rt8bl-P\ohctlo9S.....ke ..__, Marimekllo framed •-................... Zen. 1t.ereo. GU rrnc. will back Ir trim your ---------IOOKICW illg •1•• ocahd panela. Tasteful odd· IOttem, 9 wks. l IOl.ld blk F.ut Bluff Super Sale! amq., much mi.le! 97~ '-· Or try two carda
., ... ....., FUU charoe, small offc, S4Mll6 ..... ..,.,. .._ ... ltas menta.67~ fem. 1 blktgrey Male. Aatique dental chair. Warburton Or. HB . becktobaclt. ~ • 2790H.ubor. C.M. • I ..... w•l•n 541MBS7 ada. reel cbr. H1 Fi 9113-75M. PRICES; J.C........,'S Computer being In· Suite207. E.O.E. ope 9 Bnd Oak antique table ~dbloveo.scadaof $2eaor3/tS ~,,OllT ••'"CH stalled Call· 645--0845 far a Typist with a $150. Good condition. Kittens part Siamese · l • * .... * s•·-.. -._,,... -. . . Sec'y"''-l Friday Prr. to e.-s-.. • anac ga ore. ., 41 _.,._,ea. ........ 111jgtl-,,,....... .,..ct 66-7491. weened & trained. c1in.a.glasa "more'SZ7 MUI.fl.FAMILY 6/9tap$1..» -• Now uhirtn&.::' full and Secret.ary, Prr. accurate work a~moons. 2·5pm. otss.,.. SfMelS Raya. on Vasta del.Oro lOormoresi.=ea. r
pmt .... tmu typlnc, filing. Some U · Litetypine "S.H., riling. '"'8'C" 10 I 0 • Vl.lta Prada. Fri. Sat ...... SALE "-'-T•• lncluded It a.STMASSALIS perience necessary . $4 hr. Costa Mes a . ..••••••••••••••••••••• Dobie Mlx, Fem puppy Cl\ly M . Nothing over Baby, kid Ii house bold ...,_NOCAJlO? 1 '°5ITIONS ~ ~-Wortc 4 .._,...per dcry, CASH PAID nets love. space & your DX> ltema. lamll9. atereo. etc. ad
Must be available tor TYPIST SEWING MAC HINE-5 clays o wHk typiftg Wsbr/dryra/Re frl gs, ume.uwks.673·7828. · Lou cl stuff! 1812 Port Draw~~~&:-
•-1-'-by No bt A edtorial warttini or not 9SHU33 --S S O 5 Tacprt pt N 8 Salur name, ....,QM>, ......,_. .. _ v. · P· llC8'110MIST 0 PE R A T 0 R S . copy °" • Adorable poppies. Mixed •• at / un 1 t o ; da MonJ ' · · · we1J make one card per 8 ~ii.I ..,,...... Monday Exp. u ,...,......,_,·t. 1~-MacG~cor Yachts. 1631 ._.. Ollk: typeMtthtg Used Refrigerators breed. ~I e. TV~~ ~;142 L_ yy.r-..._1 tq. Add~ each. ' M7'f ;• hlmd o1 fYl>ma~~+wi:'m. 't; Placentia, C.M. MU830. •c:ltm•. Wuben & Dryers SJ6.7479 •..-. rvme.w.rv•-,.._._ ,...., ~ Send cbect or mooey or· •
voices Ord & t BARGAINS.SERVICE --GARAGE SALE-The ***** derto: -E.O.E, 111/F ....... _ •-..!!! Fronquo es,. SILK SCBEENER·l yr &c•..t IM•fib in-BestApptia.nc:e538-09ll fWallue 1050 0 _ __._ Irv Alsa 1 N.OT~ k ~~~~~~~~~I ~vy ...--. ··to · exper, mulU-color tex· Alabama Ada --.. •••••••••••••••• """"""' • c~ cu ·SAT. ONLY, 8·3. Anti· -:: flee appearance. 'J'.op tile. Full-time Irvine c I • d e G r o ., r. & ms, HB. ~.rum. bshld items. qum. bossier cab .. desks, P.O. Box 15IO s.lea Lady rOf' jewelry
at.ore lo Coata Meaa.
~ore.ves, 5"-3270
salary• beoefits. Irvine locatioa. $40.2735 """'9/0...tal/Prof t Gl ... drwer MO ** I IUY * * misc. Sat 0 ct 27. tmb, bualdtDg sup. & c.osta Mesa,Ca. 92626
FWn. Mfr. CaU Karen. ~ IM'f-0871. '42.7681 Good used Funilture & 9AM·SPM t.oo&s. airless pamt com·
5t0-88IM. Small paychia trl c ~:ea-ORlwtll sell ............. nr•nn & roU top pn!MOr&CUo.pooltble. ~arcs I· boapltal In S. Orange 40·· O'Keefe & Merntt f y ..._-...-0 o U c I u b s pre 6 6 tllllt....., 1. 5'" 15 LADllS SICRIT ARY County aeekin1 Main· PIHM c• for or ou desk. cocbtoo. cages, .. • · Haodpa.lnted ceramics, 't F\alltlme6partUmefor Lar1e pla nning • tenance person · varioua ..._......_ lf!flDh tw..t older stove. port. MAS19SAUCTIOH aquviums. pictures. Porsche parts. CASH plaq~. nativity set.
l of couatry 'a finest landlcape architectural dutiee · plumbln& n -'7141645-1611 dlbwsbr w/butc.kr blk '46 IH6 & 1Jl-t'25 Lawn~: furn, games. ONLY, 391 La Perle LN. plates, much misc . -l d1Udnn'1 Bouc.iq&aea, Le firm in Irvine la aeeking perience pref. Pay com· top. avocado Sear s -l.ooAI. mi.&c items C.Jl. l&ems. Alic> special or-I
M81•ln. So. Cat Plau. • bri1ht. responsible memW'ate with 1kills. refrig. 18' school nag CASH PAID No Jun.la:. Sat/Sun 9-5. Le av 1 0 g C 0 u 0 try • den & colors doDe at re-O
59-8515 penon for aecretarial to Xlnl friJlge benefits. Call PACIFIC SKIPPER pole. SS-0321 Far Id used fum. anll· Bl Lartport Or. H.B. artllad.s & collectibles asouble c061.. 846-57•5 _
S_a_l_e_s_;_M_a_n_a_o_e_m_e_n_t_, admfnist.raUve assistant 496-5702 btwn 9am & Equal Opportunity Wasber•d.ryer qus•clrTV's91S7~ll3 Everytb.inc must go! Llke for sale. many imported eves. ;,
• poalUon in an interesting 4pm. Employer M IF S85 ea ~ 4 .....,.. 11·vm· .o rm ' t e m s ' o c I u d I n g :. Trainees P I t . f / t. field. Good typing. writ· ~5141 llftftr'I HOME ...... ..-~~ .. f t 2nd A & COPY MACHINE Dynamic, positive 18+. l.ng. organizational & in· _ IWUUU. swte '200. and many 0urru1 dure d Cved M uses any paper. "'1 _
Dev alt bus inc. ""7·3062. •--~• skills req'd. ~Cl.RA.., more bouaebotd items . .,.!snoe 0 r 0 • Pn 962 7033 ...., """""'""".... ••-m;a"' TYPIST ,,.ECEPT. Kenmore washer & elec 1'1 fttt-OUT SALE 1 Id .. _.. d .,,., ce. · · i. ----------1 Shorthand and word pro-Growing Orange County For busy real estate in· dryer. Good working -.LU& nc ~s. in. rm .. ----CASH PAID for gold. y ial M . cessor experience pre-based company seeks ag. vestment oHice in pro-oond.. Sl7S both. 644--0774. Dttorator furniture & refnge 2214 R~ers Or. lt.l'f. IESIDEMTS , ~I auit.enance ferred but not r eq 'd. gress1ve individual to as· acceuories. Cedar Glen C.M. Btwn Wilson &. silver. diamonds, rubies,: IMDOOR PLANTS Salary commensurate s um e stock r oom ~e;i-~at bldg .. near O.C. Trash rompactor tyr old. Townbomes. 2SM Elden Avocado. CiAIAGI SALE emeralda, sapphires. · 'biJ f 1 It ""'...,. • Uke N --f'r1 ·S•t·Su n. 10·6P M. 1814 Gold Exchange 11 with ab i Ii ti es. ~poos1 Illes o p c . 979;.533 Anyti_'me__ ew~968 Ave. Q:igta Mesa. 11lo6 Washer. dryer. aU' rond Hermo~a Vista Apts . 4112-8470Callfor appt. -We are looking for an
~g person to sell & maan'IUn indoor plants. 'f\al.I ._ part Ume posl·
Uoni 11vallable1
weeke11ita requlred.
F\ee9e lllDly ln person Moe*" J.1 a.s.
=~ 2301 San Jru..ui0 Hills Ro;\
CDM ~5800
Oris ..... MoMy?
Come to R.M. Abram!
Catalog -showroom. 1819
Newport Bl. C.M. Pit .
Flt any age wanted.
ne.ol full time. will lrain.
R.M. Abrahrrui Catalog
Showroom, 1819 Newport
Blvd, Costa Mesa. ---
Sales & Public Relations.
ExceUent profit poten-
tial. CaJI 848-3180
Sales-full & part·tlme for
belt.er grade shoe store.
Ad vancement opp .
Benefits. Good salary.
Pwaooality plus adults
to work wltb and
mativate klda. Over 21. In Lq\ma, Capistrano, Sea Clemente areas.
Elrt.250. Between l·SPM.
Aak For Andrea
714/97~5120...:_ _____ mg & stocking of parts datly.642-6734. 10.000 BTU's . elec lSJ63GoldenwH t.H H. 2 SECRETARY Olherh duties will include Waitress· Wanted. full Dix Gibson frost cleur Attrac sofa & loveseat typewnter Royal 660, --REM 0 DEL IN G
EXECUTIVE s lpping, rece1v1n g & time, apply El Matador. Cst S795. Sell S29S. other misc 831 ·1828. Dbl bed . w /wa lnut KITCHEN • general warehous ing Nwpt. Blvd. 2PM-5PM ~~~~ :M>x.5.9. xlnt. Sl2S 2!lLS22 Westmont Cir, SJC hdbrd. dres.wr. rug, apt Ash cabinets. gu bit 1n '· 645-4044 duties. Electronic com· ....,.._..,. Earthtones 2wks old. ---s11e W l>, llawa11a n OYm & coot top. S200 or •·
SECRETARY ponent knowled ge Waitress & Hostesses 9mo Old Refric-lreeur. ?~_co~_,eendSlt95bls Dover Shores, 141S San· shu'U. fLLU. sit~. books. best offer. 892-1832'·
Experienced with strong helpful. Minimum l year wanted FuU & Prr. Days 3Yr pd service contract, ,... """"' .. vo-.. uaeo, SaL 9AM to 4PM clothes. Im~. rocker, IGardenGrove ) tYJ?lng at shorthand experience. Good com· & Eves AvaU. Apply In 121115. 79-1.382. Also color portable. clollunc samples slit vw arts Sat Su 8-4 -•
Skills. full time career ~!~[onb::1~f~t;7.~:!~ person, no phone calls 83MI03. equip .. table o( t>Oau' suo~~. Npt . Seti. · Lynx H.at, Reasonable. • opportunity, Apply in E.OE. Jolly Rocer Rnuu.anot .._.,. IOIS t' ~ ume calored calleaaeL.ct.anddaen Fb:ISpcrtH.at..loprice.
penon to: Kr. F\aent.ea · · 400 So. Coast Hwy, 111u•-·-·-• ....... eafa, llllilt new SI.a. caU COlllllt«ew. ... plljs lliufdc. IDlf ~tllb9, BBQ. 94112 J. at Robert Bein. William Laguna. man.a_ t..aa ...... llltr'O ._ mlu. ltem1. 'nu ._
Frost&Assoc.1401 Quail Student wanted to read Wanted : Orum player PUBUCFURNITURE mucbmore. Qamtz.F.V.Sll&N rt'~=-~·.,_
St. Newport Beach. for vision impa ired ts.18 for punk band. Call ••••nnu* :.S setSl~~=-Hadingl.on Ra.rbcM-ADI· Mesa Verde Garace Sale. mdey, tetmi.s string-,
young man. 2 mghts per ror details Andrew ,..,., un cbr & ottoman-match ques. deco It em 8' gold soh. desks. Ing macb.ine "rac:q11ets. REAL ESTATE weekrrom 6-9. Good pay SJ3.11664. Steph83J..3895 ToMle 7:30PM SlSO Th9-I088 crystal. cameras aad dw.n. dupes. hnm.s. S'50toS400 54.5-1178. • D.R.EProcnsor. Cal167Ut74 _ ------Lovely bdrm sets . ------eqwp. fisbiog tacH . Je't''flr)'. frames, toys --"
Must be familiar with WAMTH> DRIVER 811DOU'e5, ctunas, tbls & Walnut tbl with leaves & scuba gear & misc Srt cnb. over 100 books •BENGAL TIGER
VA/FHA processing. Supervisor /Noon. An SUNDAY ONLY ctirs. sofas. occasional chrs. contemp rockinit l().2 ITI40 Edgewater In. c.iot.b.mg <men's XL ta1J SKI N• floor or wall
Minimum l yr expr . req. derson School. 1900 Port To deliver Daily P ilot chrs. rockers. Onenlal ch rs, day beds. i. m H.8 Ladles S.14. bo~ 8-20 J mount, 8'2". Pe rrert
Presley of So. Calif. Con-Seabourne. N.B. Mon bundle$ to rarners. Re· craft.s &furruture. lamJ)8 couch. lutctttm 3 et 22 -IU·Sl.50 Sat Sun IOAM· oond.. m>o. 714 :337-4014 . ~ct Bev. 540-0500 ~~ lS-l: 15· S3.40lhr qi.Ores van or large sta· pictures. PLUS LOTS OF Cover. Woodbnd.ce Irv. GARAGE SALE-Sat o,.y 4PM 1782 P1tca1m Or. 311"'548
...._ - - -------tJon wagon and a good <nHERNlCEJTEMS ~ 9-4. couch. gas dryl.'f'. CM 540-6218 E-s--t-a-te_S_a-le_:_C_h_r_o_m_er ~:RET ______ Talented Young man to dnving record Phone ••n••VE••VE ---etc. 1911 Ocean Way. SATURDAY•"t.lt&Sun .... ~·-e--~IOO· DAt.s,6 ~ ARIES train for precision instru-642 4321 d k f ~ ~ ~ ~· pane correc & Laguna Bcb fU .... ~ .. ....,.... .,... 'ew-rtCenter ment repa·1r lno elfic· -an as or We honor BorA. MC. lamp table. xlnt cond ------------·-Sm girls bike. bide-a · <:hrs. lmpa, mUJt itlass. T ·r----"' Harry Seeley or Don Cashier 's Checks &: 115. Gold Herculon Sofa Movanc sale, antiques. bed. sew1n1t ma ch colored glus, oa1t che:st.. ~c ~sl~~s for tronible cs l Must be reha· William.c;. Cash. NO PERSONAL furn., bikes • mis~ll. I w/call. furn. & mLSc 2315 ma.b& drooleaf tbl. &: so & w g ypmg • have manual dex· EQUAL CHECKS PLEASE• l25.5'4-0l38 -1415 W. Bay Ave .. fTaliclSCO Or. Newport forth. Oct.25·28th. ~'°'unicalions. No t.erity & excellent vision. OPPORTU NITY Food available. Items Sola 8' MS Newport Beach. SaL JM Beadl lO·SPM. 1423 Alpin e. ~ a.1i4, Top pay &. Longtra.i.nlng period. On· EMPLOYER . IUbjecttopresaJe. 2endtables, $40 H.B. Nr. Delaware &I
,_ ... _!.llpe>rered. ly seriously interested ..... ~or •ucn......... 546-302l6 o..nm, out Folta home. Guace S•le. Larxe 2· Ad a ms . Le ft 0 r f •nu.., en-noel Agency oeed apply. Call for lo· Warehouseman wanted _,_._.. "" ' ... ._bit ot -..1.;_ .,..,_,, _., ,.__,, __ _._ 488E17th,,ostaMesa terview appt. between with truck driving ex· ~NewportBlvdCM M.uatSell!Solabed ..-.-ev"'., ....... g r ......... y. -~ Delaware on Ames i Sl.e_Eit __ 642-1470 7-&AMonly.546-0606 perieoce. Call Pickwick s:D-1125 641-te1S .. ,_ Sat. l :30 to 4. l9J5t D'.NB.Sat!Suaallday. S3M309. •• -----p ,.....,. 57 AUJt.cood. Wacbesterl.ane.H.B . ._ ~~ aper,.,.....11 · '41.-4MZ • 4 dWJlt ol drawers less
--.... 1111-.--•I TEACHER WATER RESOURCES llcydet 1020 Werl·end Trailer. Delu Gtpat.ic Ganie Sale. than 1 yr old Cost ~a • SICll'T~s * Math inst. cred. Frr. ENGINEERING Career -··•-•••••••••••••••• ~ u mattr..."' bolt waterbed w/beatfl'. llodt Loal lf.udaon Dr. sdl for SIOea. 1 Eureka
LepJCorpR.E.UJC elem grades, CM. opportunities for U · Al BWI pupa. dbl rells. =~~l~rd. bea.y dut1 mattras. HimL Bc.b. M :30. Satur· dlx. ....-ister vac. 6mos-
C«pExSecAnahS:!.800 642-0Ul ~er I enc e d c iv 11 111.Ue, Fetmle. ......, headboard. Bt W '/: · day only. Funutu.re. ao· old COit Sia sell $100.tr
Ole Mge Lb Bc;Ji SlSlOc) tllgjneer&, Designers & ~2738 Waterbed with heater Man)' other tbinp. 11 UQms. clothing. games. m.1111 It
•Counselors TEACHER Draftsman background S hdded headboard SlOO Jobn412.cJ31. will $1 ea. M&QJ many .........__,_ . SalesOurOffice• PE, drill Inst elem mdesign ormasterplan-ears. 3·wbeeler . Ml-MZ2aft.5 ~rum.baby mbc. Chevy truck. El·~• Swam llem--
ApptOnlyt Free g rades, F /T . C .M. nmg or water systems. w/bask.et" cover. Good it.ems. I · Camino. C.maro auto benbipM .. Verde C.C.IO
UzReindersAgency 642-0tll 1DCluduig water supply. oand..9I0.673-7350. Cdfeetable.Oval habld. Sa~~~ pa rt s . Camper • ..,.OallMl-«n'O. ••
4020 Birch Est:ib '64 d I Gold leaf top ~ "'d doan/Windows i.r-..-eeacb o .... 01"" t'eacher •. Prr Preschool. sew~ge es gn. pu_mp ee.cbCruisers: RoUlast. 146-MZ2aller5. Ave YV. Busb~n•lr. . . ...... C .. 1• ........ _. ,_..,.., ~per d only. Costa stat10M & reservoirs. Excelsior Flreatone ~ ~·can 1 Uru't--' ~~~~~~~~~I Experience desired in re· Goodrich ' Hiawatha· -' ""'· la area.642-4050. port&specllication writ· Monarch. Schwinn. Boy~ :u::: ... ~~!_qiii O~ 3-P'amily Garce Sale. Hww 1060 67J.:llS8 ~ ---------1 TELEPHONE 1ng. ~aclht1es design, &ctrU.Frames.wheel.I. hdb tumiture,clotbbl.misc. ---.--.......... cabineta ai bltns' * SIClllTAlllS * OOLICITORS mappang , calculaUons & fmders.Oieap! 642.5882. =b rd St SO. IJllC2 Wa&ertMY LD. HB Arab Colt. Bay.~ "'lO old •ink. while metal, SIS.ad
C«J>Real Est:iteLegal Part'ime. Sun-Thurs. computer operations. Slturda.yfro-.IOAM. 1taJllon. SUOO 1.;..,, Room door, 30" wide,
way. A total profesnl ~-to per mo. Will sume & work samples &t:ier Cruiser. restored rrame. hdbrd. padded Nice furn.. ,&eoly misc. Share boardl.nt costs of sa.i1.m,, ldtdlen cabinet
Xlntstilllinevery s:»fjPM. Can earn Apply ln person with re-E.rly 40 's Fir estone Waterbed king sz. cstm • Grandha-Cr. CM. 5e-1175ews. ..," Old wooden tables.
s.a. Rep. w call on re· WellesleytypeSMJ( tr...... t be responsl-Mr. Fuentes, Robert tonrorigcood. Bestofler •idea. pedest.als, beater. Oct. 2'7, 2( Nov. 3. 4 beautiful super trained ~·IUD. Tllblelamps
ader ad business ac· •Counselors ble & ab to roUow In· Bein, William Prost & over'250. 673-7427 SlOO. dye 64S-5000 ext. lOAM·SPM Quarter Horse ror r e· • 1wa1 lamps. $5.00.
counta ror advertising. Sales Our Office• ~~·\t> N.B. area. Assoc. 1401 Quail St, Girl' \9" bl R 1 1 h a.eves. 640-1470 -·•··use &75-20l2 Wooden crates, $5.00.1. Mon thru Frt 9am·5pm. ApptOnJy/Free """''""' Newport Beach. s ue a e 8 -g Family: /OfO le I items! •-· l.Ag\lna,*'2193 .!...... Base+ Commlasion. UzRelnders Agency ----3-speed.gdcood.$50. FURN.ODenHousesale ~frombedsto thH .. HldCioodal061 -!llU
O>mpany benefit&. Wiii 4020Birch, Estab '64 T E L E P :i N E Welder. part lime. Exper. 846-700 everythlng muat go. ~car Sat. M 2331 •-••••••••••••••••••• Rheem boriaontal gasr-traiO. N'e1t appearance NewportBeach,833-8190 INTERVI ERS T.l .G . Alum & S .S .,.~ IOlS Sat~ 12-6. 24513 Los ' CM . a,J ft ..___ furucelikeaew$200.'75•
•llJClllapeWn1esaential. oeededforpubl 'opinion 642-3545. ...... AlJaoa Blvd. apt. 214 . ~.. · ":!!..~" '!'!~-· Suzuki TM 2&«>, xlnt. ~y Peboysaver. 1660 survey by oat\ --••••••••••••••••••••• r ... fti1Js 788-1382 i --•"'1WWnN pa.._u cand. S.00 '1»-055l
ti l•--------1 '---·-S"""ey r narlclyh Wandow washers needed PERS' .. "' "'t•-·. CF.. ..._. · Antiq~ fl m sc. 1818 '-'•e baclr.1round ._• · ID· cen • Ave .. Costa ..,.,..u ... • ~ • .,.._,.,_ uu" ru "'"'" " , New Ha mpshire, CM ,....,,. --.11 bl ~~· •! -.. SECRETARY firm In S.A. Da)ime ior ex,_._...g company· recistered. triple champ Couch. 9 off·wht, coat (Mella Verde> 751-41M3 •arte .. vo.ee ta e . J61 "Ida ol )'ellow tweed lie
work. $3.75 per hr.' 11 =gs up to you. rmtber. 838-9308 11200, aell $115. Pb Bltb ln load cond. q1ll.. almo.t new. Bell of.
SALl'SWOllAN -Attrac· Pedflc Slllr. ffte 56i&-1321 bfr SPM & ~ _ ~ian kittens. champ m4lllJ8 KaiDoft etec dryer. $50. 541-0'1'12. l•mat. 7»0120
Uve-. ~wear. Part· ...... •':lOc boot-for Judy YACHT SA&ISMAM sired. 1boU. reg, aome ~ dtk • chr, dbl 5 "~ e a 0 t 1que 5 ' Refrl~. Fn»t free, IJDO + yards med IOld ::f Laf~1::,N6:,:Jc':,· a., •I .... ~ ... d Telephone Sales. adv. Newport Dealer for C&C adltsSt&-9185 drwer w/mlmlt. naut !l:'!.~~u'U>:. ~Y~::z'z :a S.:::::· Id cond. tweed 1ba1 carpet.
la Ml.,.,. ...... INts Gf'OW1nl Publ co. seek· Va c ~ts . E r I c s o n • ft.-" 1040 dbl ~. am naut Imp. ji;.T; Elena. Irvine · • ._
s.a.trw tor deslllli.111 •I .... I in& exper ctoeen, com· eishers. Trawlers . ....,. boys ~IP bllle Schwinn JI • 1070 1 ........ Ir bulldlq of ulllnl open ng mlalion +draw. Great lines, 0 ood pay. Call •••-•••••••••••••••••• -.•unia.t&Z.2177 lb up er a Fam i I y !., !»-Wool. Hud loomed
....... w.. .. &. ~ .. -l ....._ • :-:::•:z.;to --r .. ~ Pu -'1 --················ ~~---. apri ...... -_ ..._ • ~ tema. _. ...... POtenUal. 835·3861 or lew645-0222. ~""" ps. A.KC. P'Umlture. all types. --~-
Salll•I experience .... --··-mad 83M559 y~ Ownpalre. M/f'. Pet• -., round chrome base 1\:JolllrroU away galore. WeddiDI Mt ~ct pd lllOO • .$100.141-eOk w-bllllful.C.ll541·S.O ..._...,. · ~MAN · Contractors ab ow . pvt pt y . llau top codrtaU t bl '7~ Weldinl and air sets. new. •1sca1b. Oespl Fors.le· AnUq brs ite
----" loft ell• • Temporary-Prr Mu h I y h 0 u se . 2Ll/97·1.M5al\&pm. mGl'1 -Motorcycle. almoet new. 54M474.'73-4035 p&ir walnut. ';o~abl!
--. INW 1'lt IH --a AllTHOllUTIOH ec lcally minded. a&zuld l750 alao parts. t;newnt.er D-:..-i ....... -per pnf.-red, full time, , ,,..ne. . .....,..,.... a -'"TORS good ~ving record. AKCGldn Retriev~rpupe. SolidOUendtbl 135. lllr· .......... _1 -'rplane parta. ·~..._.. L Pff.Gl·1M2 • , .. 2,....n· _._ ~·U~l-7471 ffunten. wtr doaa. IO nnd plant 1tand ... -., Diamond Ii Jewelry Cl). Several tbl Imps.er' .. <••• .._ ........_ Matter Cbar1e·Vls.• 1~ C hamp Pedl1ree. mGl'1 Holpitalbedw/2motors. certUlcaUon • •P· Dbl. bed w/boollc1ae • SllCRETARY I ,._ ~ • •1r-w center ln 1n1ne bu tem· Youth nselors 411.-i BHUll. ICMlDd • audio praiMll while It bdbrd. Aod 10 rortb.:
RECBPTIONlST -Due 111111 •f 41 wp•. PJIVl airi3tma1 oPen· Part Tim evenings . · K1q 1l1e headbotrd fl equip. OIUedJblea •lots Fully ~qw p;:i ~!b; 11aun .. 9u.o. 1m Alplne ••
to ow arwt.b. we Deed Slluill•• •sJNMe blCI ror Prr operaton Outeoina ad~orking AKCCock.erF.lmos. UlllUlw.•. more. uos ~~-n•.:.. et llUlt ~ prlcl.QC. H.B. Nr. Adams a • a.llYIGlll wtUa pod W.t fit•r· bfe1°1n1Novl1t.Startat wlth)'()Uth.0 21.0wn $100. IC'7·LS10Aft.5'.ll. 1'1apblp, olf .-penor. Gradute Oemolollat Dllawart left Amm off:r-wa ...... *ilia I• ow s:s.10 br. all bn avail, 7 trwportaUon. 50 hr 16-1112 ar Hoq Holpltal. a to 4. G.l.A. Newport eb Dll.lwart. ltO
Ollla ... aftlN. Mutt liul111t ....... dQs/wk. Wlll lraln. on IWl.f.tPM . ' . Lab m1Jl ~ftailbcleel.3Xlft. s.&l&llA. Gemolocical Lab. ForAMsted ----a&les--of-U-ed-~1··· ...... ..,.,,.ecewa... I cl • VidlO~unill. CALLANDR ~ -.a lov~ M0-21fr mn p..., Phlto. San llllltalll....,. -'-'...-........ -... A._ ! =•:~:.~:•a•;1:1~ • • • • r • •.r. ADDUc1tlou Accepted ~· Ht250. M. C:. ... ~ .... Ill ... :-bl 4' Juan Cap. Sat Oaly. ~-lie --~.
I ••• II lnehada: .......... /hlttll/P,. t 11®-·P'r', tam·lpm • ~td-lopta • IWril-IMMabold i&ema. • -d i'"'" • Mii t •llw ~ Adarlble PUPPlel. Mom· ram•· Qa1I MM:iN Qftal -1 .. rtaa. 1 hrat ~ua AirUw 50fJC. A:LUW .. IM~ • M :--. ...................... mDollki.DiwcJ1ware· •• 1 dta8IOll41e, J"' llrarat dltC!OUql eotapooe for it ,.,,,.. to ••141t ..... alfw T,1111lln • .... , IH moHd. De.wormed . -~ _.,..__ ...... _1 .... ...,. tale. Sat A _IMl.WMMf75 ...._ ~).~ • "''91:;.~I _::r~~ w_ •lw'!11fft1 ..... .t T1 •ndlen --....................... 1117 •-- -,._...., Slan, t to S. MHl':fa r........ 014~Ml-161 I -~oi-~1ne.L ~'"°w~OI' ~ GldD lmtner lit· =:,rt· 115 each. ~T~&e'b. ~~.. .. ... :....... s~~!-~c~~ "T
&ilrAIY ..,... .. .._. E.O.&. lllrfll l ... laa&epal I :S, ~-=·call 4~ Drml bedroom TooJ1 m.aeb more. ~Od.17 tila. --p~n ...,., ,.,...., ...-ru1 'lbw ...._ °""" ... ANnqu ~•°" ...._ •· Twta ..,,C7 ..,bn •.., • er.,.-u.. a.r-. _.OI -... ..._.. lmNewpoltlhdCll Oldr.-..., llmo. __..,_. • .._. ll&nlla. ........._ • ._ ,_...g._ ...... L*W.. -oT t =·· Cell: Cllaek . ziMr•'ii' = ... ~ r:1· Appl' .... + do11\e IC!• tu 1t11dflnbre.JIM of alee. It•••· Hat ICAMATAPIAIU '-.-.r. l'IU-Ubc I c a ...... ~ ' •C a::~.;1.tJ_1:u a!..Af!!.~.=m : ... SISO. Call 11:.:~~· C.•. C all ::ri:-.~:~~:: -~=--"tt' ==-~r Pl1•ouUa. l
.! ~ '~--. ~ -'! . \ ' / -.. . ' '
. ,_o --'-~--"'-. '-""f ..-.j. ~ ·~ .. ·--f..':• ..... 4 4JJI ••• -• , • -• # ............. ----.............. -9-....... ~ • ~ ... -,.... .... •• .... --... , ..... ,... r. .... ·'· " "' ... .,, ............ •
. .
... ·-........... § ............................... }. .................. _ .................. _ -.................. .../111 .. • .......................... --···-·······
aw ... ,.._, .u ...... ., ., •n • a.MMC etm1 ......... ~............. "' DAflllit WANTED!
'"' .._w ... ~ ''"
-. ~ ..,. a t9m) ..... • ~ -17' aU va...law UHi' • n&&IALL. ...., aic* PS~ ud Late mo4tl To1ot ... '-M·cane4 NnJ • DllW1IHJll :dJ ~ •t l " asi.r.co"TAINED. Sbell. • ...-. atereo vat~. Plctum-a,Vau. =.-.,........ . •a • .._.,,.,....., :::.ru•ld ..... OIU ._I : ......... llr*• Cll9 'ftmlt OVbtP ...,_ uw. l , I~ Off er . J U<Wl> • '1 ...._ na •/lltr' ,... ..._. .. _.... ....... .!!:~~~!!!!!!._Ii-~-.... ~--Pttl
......... -. iMl or. *•--••:• Die's RV Sales '°'WITMAN fr. let &Ut .. Herart YAaAllA ._..._""" ,..':a_~..... Weltaadbehlnd YOUIW...,
°'*"8nt NLaU •al• =-....... u-._ 1 .... H ... =1 1 .. ....a.-t _1 •alJ '· ._W••W• Avt. ... •1& Oftr. A•d .-, MJ.1111 · -• •·• •• h. ,.,. ....... '"' laW• ,, .. ., .... le.a:...... . ...,,, •n11 .. .,.,
..... c..iOlilkr7Cbab W.111t10r-.ct .... lft 1._~~~--· ONEOWNERS t b' a. .._ ..._ ~ a• r--= lt11DATSUM 11 •· 4'111••· .... • .. 11a1ebk ol· 'L,. __. 16• 'TY KQGoww 11' mlDlt LOl•I• P9CICUP _....,.,,..., ftr. P .P . Hl0 117J, __.. 8 ). M ... ,,_.., dull ,,_ 08t aa. air eoodl·
..... Cl.OTHINO -·--------•• ~ ......_.__ ...... ,:.rabrtc.. timima. OlMl'll). ~~~:t:· _ ........ ""'·-·~..:~.~ =:_1111~ o1 ceo:: OMLYS47H Mine~.::dio• Hd .....-c:i-a.. m-Jm -. MIWPOlfDATSUM
-----.... Ub m.JS1I •Dcw-e.,... -ao. ·~ Uta.151$ "JS. "71 8ubble top van NEWPORT BEACH ~briar i... C.11.... '"' ...... to60 uaveulooa (8 ). 133-1100
-..i -·-············· _ ............................. aelf-eoo.t. dub
...., ..... Me •·•. '41, Luiltfs 1'. 3Sft, vara llir. new fallrica Ir Urea. '79 TGJOTA .. , dal~ ,....1-* ......... SllD. hutl, allp In N 8, .lmmllC.Cbok9otcolon.
1a&u7 1.a .. llower. m.-a.. bent llul. $4000 • .-..-o. l'W CAB =.;•1 litU.. &115. %vt .... IOt4 -.1111. '75-'19Four.star 19·.20· """"
· ' ~:' ......... -.... catALOCK 17 mima (3). New Porter NlfTftll •.• Dill 0' Lawa froaf ...._,...__.,eldiatiotf hit ftOer&1au eNl.&in1 mlais 20'·22' (3). All ~IUWI
tllro• mower. SH. c:Mia w /C9&.m decofator culler. Profeaaionally equipped with das h & Extra looa wbeeJ base. 4
...,., bq Ir cart. $UO. 6'2·1470 Olli.om-bullt. Teak Is oak rm air, cruiae cooltol, cylinder, 5 speed, air ~.'*6Z2teves. interior. Loaded witb new "19 fabrics & Una. conditioadJnc.1 4 hbuck1et POWla •••we., sear indudin1 diesel, Be au t if u l con d . seats. ua w ee s · ....._ Sdnriml Exercycle, bile windvanelrretrtaerator. .-o.sio.soo. Cboi~ of lAededwtt.bextras. 7,531
Udfie9 hill '-llb white new. $100. Re ad '1 t o c r u i s e colon. miles. Cl.505431 >
lcYDa COiii, $1510. Worn Call546-4070. aQY'Wbere, tl0.000/ offer. ~ & SAVE
onee .... .,.. Like new. PIUa Berl lroaa & Woods. Cl141 •-2970. Private .,._$2.000 down oa ap· ~
Uk c 11 party proved credit. 30 da.y Wl· ~H"A ... A ~_ .. ,_, aoes• e new. $75. a . limi.ied ....... •lrlabor. ~I M ,.. .. _.,,......, " • 133-1.501 Mei Craft Naples sabot. ..--
Al.low .. the oppottwltty
to coaaider tbe purcb.ue
or tr.de-in ol your cJean
FWlcbe. Qeck with Ua
Don 'l trade • lell us YOW' used Mercedes Benz.
Call us to find out what your MBZ's really worth.
Mission Viejo lmporU
..._ ... arbd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Part Dr., 11. . ... d I DATSUN s.t. lCM. Sun. 2·4. C• d ractng eqwppe • ess B 6446 Mr. l.is$ner --• •I tban 1 yr old $750. ff d October 27·28, Hrs 9·5 S40-C728 15092 arvar Ave., 310lE.1'1tbStreet 9701 W.. Allllltk C... BUY. SELL, TRADE Irvine Sant.a Ana 558-7811 ••••••••••••••••••• ••••
'125/Bnl 540-8449 futuring weapons anti· Catalina 30. Mi.nt cood. SAVE GAS : lo gas m1
queaodmodem. war re· F\illy equipped. Private 1978 Toyota SR5 P U. w /thls '66 Toyota St•tNees Steel waterless cookware still in the box.
lies from a II eras, party. 831-98; 759-7368 RENT 22 ft luxury motor w/dlx shell. 20.000 mi. Qirona! White4-door, re·
coins/aold & .silver, in· home; sleeps 6; self. like oew 5 yr/50K wmty ally xlnt cond. gd body.
dian art.ilacls &jewelry. Antique Gaff ricged LZ' ~ptWk. + 8< m1. avail.$4900.5.Se-~l w /new brks -t r ans -
Plus thou.sands of other Cape Cod Catboat. Circa ....,..,,_. w1nog -ball·clutch. I
'712 ... .......................
s.lm.S.W.LeaaiAa 1aiwc.r..r.-.
RoUa loyce BllW
Newport Beadl ~
77..W l2119
Amomatic, topaa with
stereo, eir coedttkla.i.na. br milel . ..,. JA >
lll-2040 4tMt49
150N. Beach Blvd.
<S Iii No. ol SA Pwy )
lllOP •OOllPAa&
Ii A 5' W I C I( [) f. T ', U ~~
8JI •ll',·i'IJ i\/C,
Im DATSUN , ..
5 tpeld traaa .• a1r coecl •• ....., as • locaJ, oae
C*lllS' • YerJ cleaa car. tllllQ.U
llACM IMl'OatS
'Tl...._CVCC ''=-==" '7iC6•1e, auto lr•H.
lo/ml, Jtlatcaed. .. .... .,.
'11 Honda Civic '4p, a1r,
.. Dote Street -..2042 NEWPORT BEACH
7u.oto0 ....... '710 ---------...................... .
9lper Sick Pickup aod XJllA. XJ12Ls
SbeU. 4 speed, stereo &XJSCoupea
cwett.. polished map. llOlt colors available for
Dynamite! ClC.Zl > immediate delivery .
7800W•minster Ave.
in Westminster
-~· ~7880 •DATSUMS• L-. W.c:ffola
OfAI .......
-~, ·-~ ....... ._-
2912S Harbor Blvd.
11\W SJ6L. '76, super
oood.., 20K ml,' snrf, drk
trn, dys 631-0660. eves
497 -1072 "'75.
i2 XJ6, bllt/red int., ru.os United Airline discount
coupons for sale "5eacb. Items too numerous to UlllZ. fully restored. Cust. '61 Ford ~k. pickup, never got my we, 50 bu
12 ). 644-S727 mention. Come to the trlr. Real character '711 4-Star 2lft Like New, new eng .. new tires. $'950. not been driven. $895. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
. Orange County Fair boat, and ereat sailer. allxtras.lomi. Ca11Paul.64S..9tts Call eves /wknd s .
~HARBOR BLVD. well, bi ml, $4000.
S40-6410S40-021l (7 14)639·1181 d ys.
REMODEL-sinks. lavs, Grounds, enter gate 3. Mustsee.963-5803 837-6781 '6l~tonFon1.autotran. .... ~.orl-493-759'l. toilets. Some prewar art Ariington Dr c M deco fixtures. Good gas " · · Hobie 16 wttrlr & equip. '64 Ford van, runs good, runs great. sacnficl' Affala.90 9705
range. Desks. furn. de· TY, llAl&lo. SllOO/ OBO 759-0630 aft. l2 nu battery. good tires. $700. 96&-0018 ••••••••••• ••••• •• ••• ••
roratoc items. $.15 tops. MA. ShtoM 1091 noon. SlD>. 646-3182. ALFA IOMEO
Ever ytina goes this -•••••••••~••••••••••• 1be sharpest, cleanest ~ TraYel 9170 71 KMy Van, A/C. PS.
wtnd. 138 Topaz. Bal Beautiful 2S RCA color Jslander 36 available. ·-••••••••••••••••••• PB. auto trans. 12' cargo Isle.~----T.V. $124. 2 Yr. Warr. 1llis beautiful one-owner Travel Ez 28' & 10x20 :.ri~:·= $4,lOO
Demo Sale Jn Progress
5".IMT YILOCE Upright practice piano, (1)-ee Del. 6t&-l786 boat ls com pl e t e l Y Cabana. Sell or trade. for
perf. cood.. reasonable. 2 25" COLOR TV $1Z3.. .pped W!th full. cruis· RV. N6-4130
United Air Lines Yz pr. 2'Vr Warranty Free Del. ang_ gear !ncludin ~ 4·
tkket.s $50 each. Anti· 64Z·53t0 cylinder diesel engine.
'63 <l>evy. 6 cylo, "'2too. Sunroof , a ir cond ..
rebll eng., xlnl cond . AM/FM stereo casset.e" '7S Comfort, xlnt cond. Sl.200. 64S-0820 Mt 4 only l.SOO auJes. <5121 >
que·llke wall display · roller furling jib, wheel
cabinet SS>. 675-3003 Frei&)a damaged 25" col· ~·VHF, OF, teak
8'x30', fully self con---- -tai.ned. 642·1503. i6 Ford Courier ; good SlO.OOO.
Uke new green sbag area nc 16116' w/pad sso. 75
Prof' furn movers pads.
S!Oall. 7S&-0431.
or console, below dealer mtertor, full covers. tr
cost. save $220. 2 yr you are look1?g for
auarant.ee. E-Z terms. something special you
Garden Grove Appliance must see this boat.
mpg, new tires. ate .
19t1 classic trailer, $475. 33..<XX> rru. t .o.p 838-8081
Student fixer-uppe r . or548-3609eve.
6t&-OQ3, 641-8378
537-6333 $52,950 will cons ider T,......_ Utllty 9110
smaller boat in trade. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PATIO.POOL HEATER, Sarusu.i Amp & Sanyo Phone mOS48-S830 free staodiog, gas-rlred, casa .. Garrard trntbl, · 3 rail trailer. xlnt rood.
radiant Sunglo Mfg. 5000 Pioneer spkrs. $400 takes 14ft FlberaJaa Sailboat, k e Pt i n g a r a g e ·
50.000 81'0, port. Xlnl all. 9&IMG37 perfect coad. SMM>or Best $331/080644-8609Steve
cond $13S. 8"-26U. ZZllZ llarub Receiver• 2 mer. 613-3547. """'° S. +ke, P.ts ~l!'AtateSaJe 3. way 1 p eat e rs, atl'iverTrimaran, laAca1181Ms 9400
Oct. 27tb. JO..fpm. J-. ute new. 114rd· ~ eoaiplet.e. •-••••••••••••••••••••
JmlBaupsAve. ~ ..... Will uatllee. mcmorm-831. MIW s.taAu.~ 1175 .al. After t :3DPJI ...... --/ PAllTSlllSBRVJCE Ara.c. Qntpbie Art Sup. ..... ...~ tDm
fl!!-6JllMtoJ:qaap. Jl"coa.otl~--=:;:1,:t:
'71 GMC Sprant, full
power. air. xlnl cond.
$2000 firm 557 -8670
'71 Oievy Pick Up· 350
eng. Good cond. $1500 or best oiler. Call 494-8781
71 Dataun Pickup, macs.
sbllll,4apd. A/C, All/Fii ~tuQO. 714mO-lH3
'7.J J>od1e ~tOD 318, .-O.p/a, p/b, U. new .............. a.IDt. ·---
848 Dove Strttt
'76 Alfetta 4-dr. ai r.
2LK.au. S-yr warranty
$UOO. 963-3819
2 to choose from .
CIOJ.718>. Priced from
llACH•IF&XIS .. .,.... ....
7Sz.o900 '& .. M.&:-J:..: 1na.:=.~· m.m.,.":i::=m e..~--=t.c~~ llOl'OMJLAtr 1r•allD•....U.• MDIM•AClr .... 917..0 ... 9707
• tF*I tin OOLOBTV-. Jar1t•AiJboat flOD ....................... ..... ................. .
llAT'l'll&Sll AND -.un. Bob. ID-1.Ml ZMOS. llaln, Santa Ana
BQXSPJUNGS .......... Sift moorin£ 28ft boat. AUbeOonerofW&meT
RecWar ai.ze, uaed but • 0 'e "" Npt.. Bc:b. Seu ~.ooo. 546-7070
'74 Cbny 6 w/manual "TS Audl 4-dr, SWlroof,
traaa. r ear mae1. air llUnlo. dnt'. coad. $1.17S. sbb, nu cltcb/trlr bit.ch. 6'2-2Mt.7-.35l.5
dean. Suitable for ren· •••-•••••••••••••••••• tr a d e R . V . f> . P .
Mst sell mt ofr 960-74.SS -..W or S36-5838. 9712
tal. $20 each. Mesa Gm1 4 9010 2138'24445 .._fwS.
Verde.CM. 540-5721 •-•••••••••••••••••••• ---------• ••••-••••••••••••••••
"• c I •am '711 AYOO 10' DiD&Y. 2 hp ~Speed & 9010 •• Su zuki OB . With .-r W-..t 1011 "Everything·'. <New -•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.••••••••• cond. > $975 /0ffer. '76JetSki400c:c
Record · collectaons, any 645-6456 good CODC1. $1100.
quantity, lrg. or small, in ---------673-0983
good cood. Top $ paid ...... tt•tu•c•/
Call 714/754-7705 from s.r.ice f020 S:~m-U:OOpm ....................... Tt f a talloA ......•..•.•......... ._. . -Boat Maintenance & Carpeting /used ny l~n restoration. Reliable & fi\Mh, 160 sq yards. Shd· honest work. al reasona-
ang door dra~ & 2 f'.Ods. ble rates. Call 645· '67BeachDeboft#,ir&aper ~hn'!!,nn girls bike. _'1_'83ev __ es_. ______ clean. IFR M\ht Sell ~,.,...,, 11~110,894·3119
Ailuuft 9110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _____ _.. ............
... ,.... 9010 Cm f Ii s. 5*/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... 9120 •••••••••••••••••••••••
The price of items advertised by vehicle
dealers 1n the vehicle
classified advertising
colwnn.s does not include
any applicable ta'xes ,
li~nse. transfer fees.
~charges, fees for
air poUut.ion control de·
vice ettillicauons or de·
aler documentary pre·
paration charges unless
otberwiae speciJied by
the advertiser. Dm"WAMTID
~for gardening.
Can pkkup. Mesa Verde •ZODIAC* WAHTEO t 1 .. 11/
area, CM. 540·5721 PORT·A·MARINE Shell for 1978 Ford Cliluks 9520
• eves~~/~.tmc~~da~. ~~~~ INFLATABLE BOA TS Rancbero Call 751-8967 •••• .. ••••••••••••••• •• = 292SCollege.CostaMesa . --'62T·BirdHT. AlJorigmaJ MJ11ic111 ffi4 )540-2070 Ford '71 TustuJ C~~m 4' reconditioned. Im·
' '
..&. 1011 ~·,!!ceUent condJUon. mac!-. NB. 548-4975 I ±UM» Boal trailer 20 ' needs _......., _,., •••••••••••• ~.. •• • • •••• .--a.. ea\ t ~-....,... '56 Porsche Speedster
'78 Ford 'hT. van w/air.
long body. h vy duty
trailer hitch, 351 V-8 slk
shift. 15K m i. $4500.
'78 Dodge Van Custom Q>nv. air. 6000 miles.
Take over payme nts.
Ask for Alan Ca~siano at
557·9051. a rl S.30pm,
1979 CHffROLET
With plush carpet, panel-
ing, icebox. wetbar. 2 Captain 's c hairs,
breakfast nook, 350V8,
Ult wheel, chrome bum-
pers & gnUe Sl~ps 4 '
HOWARD Chevrof~t
Dove "Quail Sts
llJ.0555 ~siuCello 642-5849 ..._lard..._ 9140 Or iginal. 356 A eng. ~18 Swan __ AD_F_,_Uk_e_oe_w_S_l_SO_. ••••:;;;:-;;,••••• reblt. Xlnt cond. $14.ooo '77 Dodge B-200, P IS.
NewBarienllOAwinch 400mi*~"" o r best offer . Call P/B, A/C. C B, T IG. ~)laody Sax, Buescher -645-7481 l!..U!7• ... ~· 213/T12·Sl74. stereo, c rui s e . bay nidr.el plated, Xlnt Cond. ••v. ____ .._. __ .rlV----1 ...,.A r--N wndos, cstm inter, 36gal.
$135.4146-76G. INh,,POWtr 9040 Gotta ca r f or m y mu""""'""' oengane, reg 1as. new tires &
• •·--••••••••••••••••• Birtbday·must sell '78 ootrans=: $:500. brkes, trans ovhauld, °'fi .. ,__J11 .... • •1085 22' NA olfsbore. 22S bp Bat.avus Moped. SOcc. --------1 Ptt.111.5.800/080~-5287
0 0 OllC1/0 , trlr. xtraa. Xlnl cond. $350. Call ~(bevy PU, wide win·
--·••••••••••••••• 552-811CM 552"182,aallforBryan. dow all ori & J;lflol.em'--9510
De.k 72x36IO, file ----------------1 •' oo"' DU en3. ~
eabioetl. jeweler type •30' Sea-Ray Weekeoder. PUcll llaxi.sport Moped, pmnt. sn . 552-0064 •••••••••••••••••••••••
aboW cues. cane back 1 m m a c . c o n d . Silver aod Black. 900mi. '58 ll:BZ 220-S, very clean CONflDENTIAU y ctn. mlac this, & sec. Professionally main· tW!fl U1 J uoe. $500/080 cw • btf1 wood dash, gd
c bn. dy 7S9·0226, tained. Many extras. '1S1·51'l&,M&-10t3eves. cna. new clutch at trans. WeL.e9MfwLH1 ~235'1 Two '54 Crusaders. very p ....A. _,, s..274$. c.I StallY OML Y lo bra Owner mual aeU 2 101 euceot mo,,....... 761 ll2 A,,. Secretarial Desk. juill re-purchUect other boat'. 1ood condltloo, $250 Sf~~· ·
·I .,..
tsned from rent.al. new SD.000/080. Clam-5pm) eacb.~701 "'..-_W__..__. 9 to
-DOW $195. AJ 56&111',aftl.~7822. ·--·•-••••••••••••• ---5 I I f d ... I • I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• eel on o u se . . ::1:•:• Concept I $2200-080. lelCft!WY cbn $29.50 ~~ Inc. Cuddy ----r-tlSO Mon! Sporta car tban WEPAYTQPOOLLAR
-..Uniqueone.<>f·•·kind, with trailer. Fully ....................... &mebo!llY· 1 ot a k'i.nd. fartopused cars·forelgn.
claw fcded maboCany equiPDed. 2Z5011C 1/0 . 1.t'12 HONDA. CR us. W\de new tlrel. 552-7934. dom-.tics or clualca. If palt.Mn de•k. $16SO. Alkln1 $10,500. Mut VWJ lllOd .a.ape. *'°°· '7211id&et. like new. yaur car is ntra cie..,.
)lcJlallm DMk of c.o.ta 111111. call 5tM070 CllJ· see 111 FIRST!
...... 1800 N••POJ' 1.odlae older MX' i~· M"70r•·21'74 4......... 9150 Blvd. Costa lleaa. __. __.. "'• ... •••••••••••••••••••41 IOt4SO -......-. w/rww ere 'T1 y_,.. 5Df!T, Xt.ra '10 Laod Cruiser. only '~HP. $1000 firm . tn. ..,n:t, Uitiia. Xlnt 70,000 mllu. $UOO IWll --•fUPll cand. t:uOD . ._2073. 56alltoreG·ltOO. ......................
PSlllAllf mu-. Cl'A 2A'SIAIAY, Pl '72 Y__.. • f:nduro. it Ford U4 Raaiet 4-ep, ~ ':'.r:i daam S12,0IO 730-JOZT ... or tnde for VW. apllt wlodow. AM/Fii
...... RS..RayWe*eader, t'IM1Jlar-..... .....,cw.-.-..
'Lrl renlle llolueca 'W/tr)r • dry atorate VDPA USoaly l.D..mi. Jtilp MUI..,. (1Pe 4x4,
Coe a too, lr1 ut . ..-celD DMa Pai111. OD· ~ cmcL '"5. \... bi& iu., kJl, ytl/blk, ~iroaeapa,ao Ir JJS i.nr. m 011c1 --rallttow bar llh• rim.
.... .. bome OlllJ 1111111111 W/UI m. IDe '75 ff cl C8200T Sl,750/ OBO. Brett lilill Vll.P • ADI' radlo1. =oa ....!., __. -· m.ua = .... PYt PtJ. --. -----aGlllalltr arct A.,_ !WJ!· --· · 'T1 ,_,. J'.ao R.utebs, _.,....._ ,... ... ., .. a• Pl/Pl, A/C, camper _.Olll•F ............ ._...... -._..... U.ll. 1111 •I, $1100. . =~....... .._ ...,,. ........ • ... ,.., ...... :;ar.:4 Tl-,-,----.... --;
#I hi 0.....,. c.-,
~Harbor Blvd
( HE'dHll El
' \ \ .
',4;. i 100 ..... llUJlllll~H· ..... tnlUlr ...... .....-11 F ..... , ...................... .
llO-oa11r. au ar• .. ,..,.,.. fl60 i.ca..r..._•Vl.cb ----------_.,... .... 111.-. ....................... .... Al pwrd ..... . --.m.iii .. ,_AnW, •·,Mk a/c,.X.. C!Olld. OdU... CulllDYourC.r? •. a.na cc .• -.,., . .....,,=, ... .._,, ntrs!a•·--cmmw
lmf. Q..;_..,, •tw ..... ~. • roN JlmdMro, -PAvnoPDOLLAa
_.,, YID", ...... -ftAD D4 ... S. VI, Good ml. Nteda l'br~~ t:"1' !'M-'rir'-. _..-....-. ~l090. Cd .a >--_aw _____ .,_, __
SA"TA """ 835-3171
i2 2002tia SIR t99'2G BV )
T.l 3l02tii 4 sp (289G MC >
71J20i45pd. st <670SPV l
7153>i4spd StR (0179 >
71 SD.A Lu.xus ~zc >"
'783204sp, CZ39UKH >
'78320i.A A/C <819WDA >
'78633cslA S/ R <0062 l
OfHEW 1979
ALSO 633CS1 's
Call today . We also may
have that pre-owned
BMW you are looking
131-2040 495-494'
200'l 2 door. Automatic.
power steering, alr con·
dltionln& and more.
Clean cood1bon thrvout.
7lllOWMtmtoater Ave .
in Wellm.lnater m. 7S51 631-79>
4 apeed. Suorool, air COfl•
dillonl ng , s tereo
cauette. Excellent.
'67 aoocs w l2000ZTl eng.
RaitoP. AJI rblt, red.
mae wbl.s. ss-s. 759-0209_
'711 BlllW l20a sunroof. a1.r
caad. xJnt. cood
'7 2 BMW 200 2,
f m./caueu.e. Burgundy.
staoda.rd tr an~ S38SO.
Call 548·4606 or e ves
"723.0CSL. Blu/BU1 Rare
rac. ong. 1036. Offer
CGpri 9715 . ..................... .
V6, 4 speed traos . &
stereo. Excelleot coodJ.
tJan. <Sl4KXW ).
•DD+eareet NEWPOllT BEACH . tQ.IJeO
.,..... 9720 •••••••••••••••••••••••
74 B-210
4 cylinder. 4 s peed .
AM/FM. lunage rack.
new wbitewall tires,
47,801 miles l owner .
very, very ruc:e. "I of a
Kand '"' 12 mo 112.000
mile service contract
avallable. «778LJU >
3!01 E. 17th Street
Sanh Ana SS8-7811
With air cond.. ma gs 4'
shade lat. This car is 1m -
maC'Ulate! U91SQP ).
6 cylinder. aulomaUc,
air ClllDdlUonina. AM I Fii
ster.c>, steel radials.
Nm.AD map. Extra nice
veblcle. YttY clean. 12 mo. /12.000 mile service
contract available. DWKL> -SANTAANA
3ll01 J:. ntb S&reet
Seat.a Au 551-7111
IZl•XCOUPI ....,.. .. , for mUta1e?
,,. ...... 5 ..... .._. ....... ~
, ... , Q,IMC8).
OMLYPftt MIWPOllt DATSUN ...........
-finS878 eves & wk:nds. 72DATSUH
Ruor Sharp ''Z" Car
Automatic. air cood.ihon·
1ng, stereo. runs and
look s dynamite !
moGAM >
'79 XJ6L. lmmac. Ork
green. Low mileage.
Sl.8,400. Ca.11675·7570
'f>1 Sedan: :MO-Rare. Im·
mac. 70.000 ong. miles sam. Call 675-3918 aft
YOUSWAGIM 1SIOWeslnuo5ter Ave. i2 Jag, yellow, XJ6• xlnl
in WeslmUlster co n d 1 ~! .. o Lan. Be$ 5h70 O -~l 638-7880 TI4/831·1....... g .
197IOATSUH--Very clean Jag XJ6, 00,<XX> ma .. see to apprec. ZOOSX COUPE ~ 673-1439
Automallc trans .. air
rood.. AM /FM stereo " low miles. <&JOUJ D).
Mow a.tr $49'5 ... ...
.... ~.r" Zl50~Bl .. C.M.
Wbd.e ed.erior. 4 speed trans.. aar cood.. sureo
"rac:k. alk5PS>. =Sl•ff ...rDATSUN
•Dove Street
UJ.1300 -----74 a.,.26Qz. 24.000 m1 . 1
owner Met green. mags,
air, clea n . S4800.
6 4 2 -5 00 2; ev s,
'74 8210 Hatchback. 1
owner, lo/rru. lllnt cond . S2!!m. Ca u 557 .5979
'711 Datsun Kmg Cab dlx .
sheil. loaded. 17 ,000 m I . ss:.m. 492·2839
9723 •••••••••••••••••••••••
i3 l6S GT4/2+2. Same
body as oew 400 model. Au, leather, pwr steer.
Inc Ir brakes. Etc. 4 pass.
Luxury & performance.
7235. Dealer 642-0EB6
9725 .. •.•••....•..•..•.....
'711 Xl!I. cocoa bm. wht
Lal.. convert hrdtop. 4·
spd. AM/FM 8-t.rk, ZOK .
mi, $8150. Sharp I
e3402 aft 6: 30 at wlmds.
...... 9727 . ..................... .
Ol..t.Mel COAST
SID Harbor Blvd.
,. aftc ........ -r.·
'1JIM or '"' of er --
'78 XJ6. 4 dr.; 6.600 mi
C,ompany car driven by
exec. wbo left company.
8.lrgundy Mth tan inter
Call Moo. tbru Fr• .. 9 lo
'74~ ...... Healey COii•.
Y•l /t••· 1lacllal1. C-.....,. Ski rack.
Alls'&SW.. .........
•• •·Gnat MPG. 11 .•••.1oao.a ... ........
.._ .... t7J4 ...................... ,
All models.~!
i9 Mazada R.X7 8Kmi.
S48-77M days
ask for David
'76 Mazda Mizer. pwr stereo, pwr bru. Xlnt
cond. $1985. SSl-1220 .
Macc•1 .... 9740 •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 door sed an with
automatic, power steer.
ing, air condit1onine.
stereo. Original and
sharp! OJ.llZJ)
VOUSWA .. at
1800Westminater Ave.
in West.miiister
8ID-7561 638-7880
Wbit.e/bhae, electric SUD· rm. CUM!Ue, like new!
C78Zl7 > 1 yr. /12.,000 mile
'T7G>SL.ery lo/ml Fial·
ly equip. 2 tops. Whlte
w/blk ~. -.stU
ate ·n 450 s EL.
aUvw/lllk. oooe cleaner •
not • acratcb, driv•n
12.<ID ml. by• old''*'
dLlddy. SZ7,000. NO--ewa.
..,. .... llOI>, "''' .,.. ..... mt.., .....
........ mial CODd., .... ,.,,,.,.....
.a&IOM.YPM.OT Frld!y.Ocrobet•,11'1'1 ......... •rW ................ ......l.1rW ....... lrted ...... UM4 ;j'" ...... ~...... ...... ... •• .... Amlile. I 11 w ·····:.:.:::..·······,··,· .. ••• !:e·················;;;; Y.::::··········;.;•i ~-;···········,···l~ ·1!'¥·······~....... . ............... _. ..
-.. -............. • ...................... ············-·--··· •••• -.-•••••••• ~..... . ........... -".. 1.. , , • • ... .. .... '741 ,_ ill• ,, .. __ , __ .................. ~ ................. . A:r .... 1! .• !. ....... -.. :;;1 .... , ............... •1 u11t1 u.s.a. •m'O?O'f• 'JI 11YITA 71 ~n11TA ,
.... ·---...... '74P091C.. ~ IOY • c:::~· ....... •1
II 1972 1
h .......... <'WI. ... CMYll ll~LIK& N'rli mur.... CBJCAIT D1-Aftl .. ·~ '9!
..... P.P. m.m ... v.., .. u...... -.U·IOYU ~). I ......... , ... ,..,, ~tie •r11•.... JlllW" ~ 11 t -t¥& jW I......... =::.n,'C. Mlw-IMfl All/Fii 1&.erH, llff 181.A.ll/N.._ta,. • 110 • :reNI • •-. • * ..,. _,.. ... ,.1111a .. ••••· ......,. .. , ....._,..., .._.. ~· NIAJ ..... eowws. ·~ ~ l RlllO OD1.-.111,, .. _ ---.. ,,... pa' Alli#.. Oltllllilll •WD) CLOll ...._._!_.... ... ~ ....... Great Drh• ... Yo."N ~ (1..31~08) (14324-71PNZ) ~ \ -A.l Ob-,..... .... DWNOA'n ___,........., ......... .VB&> 1J Bu1 t" (411TRA> U '128 I I ........... ........... ... t760 DlllllrWll.,C.M. mo.tu.m ..... Ml"Vlce m:.,/IJ.000 mUe .-.la • '58 •
I .... ,........ -·•••••••••••• .. • MW7M CIGl!llndan.U•llle. ciamnctav.uaa... u-a. I m1'1Uft -• ' · rtuAwe. SAAi $4S ~ll Montt1 _,,,,.,
I 2 ACIE I r...-: .. .:.•11t t ·~,. o.mos.a.i.~ a:~·~~·c:.=: SllTAANA Miw ..• '179Dn. •4579. I USED I 8 I u • I b I u e -~.m..a.-.a 7tlAAI '72 Corolla. alat. cond. IAftllll •1.:'7G I • C!om pllmmt9CI bJ all d~ nllM U,000 mt 11mO need• ea1 work , ,,._.. DA• !/!.,,.~
I CAR optloM. ... tJum MO .. .-. ... 111e Wllb AM/PM Stereo -lblltoftw.ta.tllZ JllOU!.lnbStnet 3ll01£.lnb!tnet ~'61ior1: :..:::~-"= I .,, .... • '" n ... , ... ,.lll8C, 1e1.u.1mm•c .• ~). ... • lo• mu ... 'Tl Corolla Sportt,r.· s.taAna -.mi &llUAu -.1111 .°"°"""' -•110 '*'-" ........... ,. ...
I cones. tSlJT). l • It • 0 v • r I 0 ••• ' ...... m APff • 1712 °""'* APA " 11 JS. Ollallllll
F•"•un I 'T11419 213 /IJ1 I •• I 0 r io.• mJ . air, AM/ • 4 1976 TOYOTA 1m TOYOTA P'IOt. '2297 .... "11111 I ""' I 114-"' .... ,..... llACH IMPOITS lpdSIQO. S.0-7'73 CIUCACOWI a..TIACI COUPI
I . ·. .. Brown/bamboo, poW~r a aa ....... •100. 'IJ ~RTve Streets-'CH 7.1 Celica. nma lood. xlnt Sl.mMrd trMI .• e....ue s IPeed trpal .• air coed. I • I wlndowa. IUD root. etc '711D.W/•WO n•w"'-' c.n mllea1e. Sl,000 cash. lalow.U.. -1tPC). • I ow m l I e 1 •
I Amlll l.~s than !S.000 miles. ' 11i.ot00 &J3..M27 .... 0., S4 ltl &r .OC1'711). wu.. I Ask for 41 mo. lease n~-.A/C,AM/Plhtr was, vel)' clean runa '7& Toyota Corona 4 dr .._.. 1le MowO.,SIJtl I I quote. •2Zl6> tape. W'f~bed maf! aooct. 4 1p, 25.30mp1. wan. AC, A.11/Flhtereo, ..... /I•• Ill .. •
I "11MOCD :.= ,.,._airu. -...aft.JJ>m. 4 spd. SS.000 mJ, $3500. mC>Harborll .. C.M. ...../1 Ill '111VWO'JA I 111,"I · ~ 9762 PP.MO-not '41-1700 2150Hart.Bl.,C.M. I I :flt. ~hae/bJue, S cyl, "T1 Tarp, blllltaD. heal ....................... '71 Caron.a, 4 door Dix, SAVE GAS! •• Co.rona, '4M700
DAILY PILOT I .... -~ tmm> oftr., llMllt Mll 54'MK1, 76SUIAIU ~pd. All/Fii atereo, ,...uy ll1Dt coad, w/oew
Chrome whMts, air I 77 6.t _.... "IC -1u ·-• "''-t ......_ -'-~-b CN -,,._,,_ lo . l oond .. 5 apeed, $17 .. LISS [LSportCoupe.Sapeed, " 'VMAI ..__..,AA&& ... ~ -et.c. ever •• ~. au, cs m l•t•r•o a •hell • "JO Ill ll1nt Coad. llaoy r8dM> and healer. &per Olod. IM my be, so hu DOl lot .. wbla. SOOO. Dy (1L~) · (l.ESS> than new '79 ana. A Cla.uic. •.too. iharp condition . ~1..QIZl been driven ). 8tl1 white ~.Nts.52-3644.
I •-I equlppe~ with sliver ~U mu>FX> -4-door. Sl95 Bar1alo. -· met. painl. &unroof, Slt95 eves/wtnds Sta~ or '74 Cor o n a Wa gen . I $5295 I cassette stereo, leather. '78 912E, alloys, A/C. IOI-.......... calll-4183-7582. AM/FM. A/C, P /B, 1"8·
b I I I I " .. /Fii I Seb · "11 ~ For CJ lfed Ad Pie rack ••• 500 645-7276 I a so ute y pr a t ne n... • c eaa. n og v-.,SW"'... ass I MOVlNG MUST SELL I l'On d . Wi 11 not be IJ"D, Camel tot .. P.P. -,.. ACTION • _...,.,,. ._ ,._U GT s
• d Ii d I ~40 7alOW tminster A ~all raa enc. clutch, tires 4'I ~. '0 ~ ca • I. I up cate n 1980. , . es . ve. '-' a belt. 2 IU Laolal, 2nd spd. am/fro a.tr, Eves * 9IDM. * . '11791 '63 Calli. Ponc:be 356 B • .,_.,:lwest.mma~78IO Owly Pilot ownr, 42 mpt, lo all. 8Jll85 7»ll05. ISIJ5 I 7' PIRO I 77 6.9 ~. llW. rust. must A£-~R 080 pp 4lt400' '74 Corolla UOOcc. needs SlJ,495 sell. $1,IOO. ll.S-472·1980 U.ve something you want ,,_ ""'" · · I HATCHBACI<. auto. I Silver/bladl faatefil ~ to sell? Classified ada do aa.ified Ads, your one-valve job but still get.a
Family Want Ads
3 lines, 2 days, $5.55
·For only SS.SS any private party
may place an ad to sell any artkle
of personal property any two days
In a row.
I tran1.. radio & runs ducUoo ... in wcwld a..tnect Adi 642-5878 il well. 642·5678. stop lhopptn1 center. 2'JDPI. 540--4728
I great! <:ii I (1179). 76 2IO ~-~·-··-~ ~.~."! ••••••• !~ ~.~."! ••••••• ~ ~.~!"! ••••••• !~ ~-~~."! ••••••• !~ ~.~!~ ..•••.. !~ ~.~ ....... !~
I S I 799 I Maple :!1~!~:.mboo,
I stereo, cnalse control, • I low mllea -lnflalion
I 73 vw bedp. CBll12)
IUG I 71230 I New eno+ne. clutch. I St,ffS
I bfakeS. etc. LO()t(a & While/black, 4 cyl. au
runs Ilk• new. I economy, Jo mt., s uperb
I <630GVf>L. I oaod. tbruoul "'" > _, 764IOSI
I I n7."1
I s2995 I 111aan brown/bamboo. stereo, cruise control,
I low miles. very. very
71 -.ftft I clelm.. ((140 > I ""'," I 'lbe Blllt ror Tbe ~ .. t s Auto. tran1 .. air llltCMI I cond.. only 20.000 I , ... OlllTVla-·
m i le s . rad io. ....,
(303TS~ I -------1 s319s I
I • I I 76CAPR1 I
16 cyt. eng.. .. se>eed.
air cond. & stereo I
28'1'01 M~le Pkwy. ~ion Viejo 831-1740
San Diego Frwy .. Avery
New/Used Cars
Leasing Specialists
Offer Rood t.al 10/29/79 I tape. (1::1
I 1.. '1•2 I '4199 1-···;;:·;;;;·······
I I • I ........ .
77-· jn 9&oCk .......... .. 1 ,.:.v.;.~·~ I deli..,., .. us before
---youblQr 15 speed. Ol'9llt stereo I TODAY!!!
I & tape. special 8au~erf ......... ~ wheels. (4'7'0SPV) I ~ ~
II s49LOC*!99 11 ~!_._.i .... , .... ~,..__
2925 Harbor Blvd I • I COSTA MESA
I 77 DATSUN I 979-2500
116 cyt. ~ speed. I ~ ........•.... !?~~
ai r cond .. stereo, I M.w 1979
s poked wheels. ~.
(029SMU) I _.,
I LOOK! llore people buy the
I $7450 II MGB convertible than
all)' other convertible! See US before you buy I • I TODAY!!!
I ~OT&A I • I .._,.. ~r;\
I CAAi& I ~t
5 ~stereo .• .,. I ---~
I & onty 21.000 mllea. 211125Harbor Blvd.
(1K77541) I <XJ6TAllESA I '4999 I ~ 979-zso:7 ..
I I ...................... .
• '71 llant.a, racina nues,
•,· '19GJIONA I ~:~·ll~b:l.~
mMC) I smo~ orr. • tm
14 DOOR. uo. trena.. cbs. 53M73I ev•
pc>wer steering .. •Ir I "11 Opel GT. minl cood. lr:!;.~7~im• 1 Newtirell, bett. 92800/bsl I l.OOll I _otr_.113-_™8 ___ _
I $6039 I. , j •• . 9741 .......................
1 °7~eas
COWi DE Vl1E 614 S.AM I While on white & like I SaanMJI, i.atber, alloy
I new. Fully loaded! wheel• II low miles. (935N~ I ->.SAV&NOWlt!
I ss39s I
I • I I BILL ,,. --.---,1-so
I MAXEY I ;·;;;:;:.;~;::~·: I I a.ct. aoo mu •• 11ut
I TOYOTA I ~~~.>'•
I I '!!=. ~.~"::.~!~!~ I 1•1 I ::11;.owaer. $4211.
I I ,.mac: 1.ow m1. rr •.
llEACH BLJ e:t5,~:t 11 ,.._. ..... , ... LS:&M wlwe.
I .................... llmpt. .........
Take the
0 Mission
SALES • SERVICE 28701 NUrguerite
~1sston V1ep
0 o\. ~o O"" e SALES
i4,0101t.: ~=::::
831-2880 ·=J.~r:.: 495-1210
. .
...... UMd ......_ UMd ....._ UIM F!!!r. Octollef-. tt1t rJALY N.OT ...
"" C = H tl C ·11 fftl C ·11 "" Alltot.UM4 ....._UIH ....._UIH ................................................................................................................................................................
m ._ ....._ W. '-..a.:XlltOiilid "Ill El Dondo Coav•rtl· "ll&edudsVW.: Wblte C • "'1 C • "'1 Qeuu•I ... ..-:-...-..-. 1t.a.AJ11n.A1v·:rc~ •m=•c 111e.ft..el:r::::.loeded w1b1ut Int. P owe r .-................................ -.............. ,_ ..... ;~
--&-. sea INM+,_ or A -oww Ht tbat ll wllh eqWj)ftlHt, U • lAeded. l'antuUc oood. tt7t CAMAIO =: .=-:::o ~ ltnClll»Wn 'tf PMTIACK •1111• I. --.. , ..... ....,., ..... low Mllent coadiUoa. Bealol· Ultlmate care, low 18L141TTA ~ . tM&.•ci.Mlld a ..... --.-.080. ••Ill.mi. ___ ...... Cl'lllWO>. rw.*-011'7 mil•••· $Ut5. Ca ll Wbl&a W/blue ia&erior. e a.,........... ...
... ,. MUIT .. tt '11 SeYWe AM/FM tape 714/ID·IOZ'l . Mr. Bell lw thaa 11.• mlln. 71 .... ·-._ ... C P ttll •ACNl•l-0 amf, auj,wr, Jo mJ, Im· ~W::~ Beach. Mon· Sharp, abarp ear l brn/ut, •••I/lat, ._--·a.._.. 'ft Statloa ••yo•. ttlll111HHHH•H•H•arll0!!8'1:1TS aacec.d-7 .. 1117 . • -QUWK.P), ... ml, eleu ....... art ~Q). ---:-". =:rr.t.. ~Ir~ "11 OM C.... DeVIUe, Nl:WPOIT ll:ACH '11 adr D'!!le&uce. f\iel 'T1 Sedan de VIUe. orig. OMLY S6tH It wbolela&e ..,_/olfw. ONLY IJ7ff • • -.m-~ ......._ All/Fiii 1 trk, Ju.otOO Injection l burglar ownr. Sunroof, lo1ded, HOWAIDC•nr•t 53&-231. MOWAmQiw91il , • tMl""' Nat ...a.. a.IDt alll'llL llOOO. 675-1811. I.Ille over lae cir wt.U aell °"'96 QuallSU. ,, Camero, 1 cyl, aun Dowe6Q91Ua. S:
-.,....., ........ •1• cmd. a.ooo. MMell alt ,. ,,llltWood Brouaha m '78 Seville blll:/blll:. am· !!~~=-•le, NEWP<>8.,..8'!.5
1EACH1· roof, R/AC, lm m1c. NnPOft8&ACH •• COll'Allll.\ •e• ur ... ~rakH , ... I A d d i XI t d N .,...., . . ·-cond. Owner leavln1 llJ.HU , • ..._ _,a " o . con . mac. every option. ew '3900 trl tn;ZIOO 1 111 '7JCADILAC .. .,.. -..01 u k for tirel 6 brll:es. $11.300. ttl7 Tl Ca1111ro Berli.nett.a, T· country. rm. "11 a.veu., Ult eoad, •
._ ._... Dll Dehui•. '° ~..r: de VIiie w ltb Charita MA.lat Sell. m.3ZZ2 ....................... top, dark met. blue. Sad· -..ma ltc.. All/I'll cw lteno. • .,,.,..... •i. IOk m l. 5 yr ectua1 WOWDOtr '71 C p e d e Vall e . '78 Seville, w/sunroof. ~~;i:otloaidedPTB~ =··~1·0:;~· Clw;;•I ttZO 30.000ml.,likeDl'W • .-0. '!!._ -~· $TIOO/offer. ~-~ U.. 'fY1lo· D 'El e 1 a n c e. ti It doth int., AM/FM tape, llteer'inC. wiw·t>eef A.Ir &tl).5'191~~rr~· . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ftrm.....,. : V..,~,_coupe. -""-•pea · telescop ic aleer., F ull power , lo /ml Cb 1 b. 1 · ' lt7'Deit0 • ... ____. ........._.. •• ........._., ........ _. <MIGIR) rome w re w ee s. 1971.,..~LIT 1'71""~·-.. _ --.... ~ ,,..__ ca-.. --AM I F M a t e r e o ; 75-186'7 Lo/ml • ...,..,..... -__ ., ... _ ca•••••.....,.I! __ ,,_,_, ~
., ... H aeet&e. Low -.,. ~"'1. -or Ultl cabrioWroot. Pwr. door ·-·--c;.w•IOLT OD ca::::-c:-pn ces, MOMTIC-.0 • ::V!> ••• slaarpl ~1111' ...... •~older VW IOIWITHAM locb. ille oew! Ong. i9 Seville silver grey, ·11 Cam1ro. SS. 1uto, 1 1.-bl·-w/ma•_ .. ,_., llaateCarloa, Malibu& Is Baby bloe w/matcbing -·~-·-• --most xt ras. 16K mi. A/C pb good~.. ........,. -"'~• ,_. ....... _ •--"--• • YOLISWA... owmr.-..... ·Pl. • ......... interior. Tbis o oe 'a Novu. Drastic reduc· --.&Al"'F ......... ,11.1ce· ..... ... 9772 -·--·--·-•v-. ~."9'7·2993aft 8. $1800or best o rrer t-...L...I &. .. __ 1-· tbao tioaa! 11 ecpapped. priced to -== ,_ __ ....,."... '76CDV,fu1Jpower,cabro _ _.. ~ • .._ -_ _.,,•'UCL) ---•••••••••••••• lAW•m•nater -..1 .... ori 71 ~de Ville: Gold v•........., 12..000 miles! (S11313). tt.unu."""'W.".! """"· & • Ya&a .... v....vo •1551 631-1880 •v.a,u.aenu. gowner, hi -.... 995 .,.. • .,....., OMLYS47'5 9._.., lo/nu, ,,..640-M27. Wl1h w ~ top. A real 111 Carmro, gu aavaoc --Y S5 HOWAID ca. •t . o-eam puff. Only 58,000 D> cu.in. vs. clean, AC. HOWAID ca.wraNt" -
19 Harbor Blvd.
'46-tlOl 540-9467
164E fuel·inJed.ed 4 door
aed&n. t'UU power. air
coadllloniag, sunroof,
maroon fio lsb a nd
maroon leather both io
--------• A·l coadition. <6MHWS)
Spitfire Eoads ter in
sharp coadltion. Low
mileage. See to a p.
preciate. C3:50TKV >
'7900Westminster Ave.
in West.minster -.m1 638-7880 SHH
7800 WestmiDster Ave. YOL YO
UJ Westminster EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO ~7$1 638-7880 J..arsest Volvo Dealer
10 Oranse County!
'72TR6 good cond. BUY or LEASE
P.P. Best Offer . DIRECT
~;;:;;~: •.. ~,
675-8555 2025 s Manchester
~:ll:w1191a 9770 Anaheim 750-2011 .......................
VW Ha . d •~·bl 11 ·es. 1425, 4 cyl, 4 spd, • vin ... .,... e se · o'drive great m pg ·s 1ng your car" Try us Top • ... _ r dollar . Paid (or or Not! +mon:, S2000/u:ot or r
Bring your car to J im 8-llam, 6-9pm 67S-56'7l
Marino Volks wagen,
11711 Beach Blvd .• Hunt-...._ UMCI
lnl&cn Beach · Alli: ror ..... •••••••••••••••••• FrWlll llarioo or Tom 8 ,. tto I
Sharp 7 paasenaer . 4
speed, loob and runs
d;yDamite! Gll.lPZF )
19 Weslmimter Ave
.. ..wfOllTI
4 door alllomatic. Like new, low miles.
D ... AHCI
Fully eq u i p p e d .
Brown /beice interior.
$1000 Under Wholesale.
inWestminater 74MUSTAHG
• 1551 63&-7880 4 speed. air condiUooinc,
,4 VW &aper Beetle, bllt, power steering. Very
oew cltcb /brka, great clea.
cimld. ...,. MS-n40 aft
9awoof 2 door. 4 speed.
s tereo and m o r e .
Wbite /r ed anterior .
'l811DWestmlnstu Ave.
bJ W.unioster
Automatic, air conditioo-inl. power-steeri.og, low
mil& Excellent coodi·
77 lcrflaer 26'
law hours. Equipped.
s1,• ..........
4Cr731.alSt., N.8. sn.orro 675-5861
-1551 631-1880 '!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~
•"11 Supa-Beetle sorr, atr. radials, yel, cln,
4 door DelWle .a1t1on
WllllD-4 speed aod air
cwwltkmin1. Cleao and
,,_INtll 017RXH ) .. SJttl
WWw•heefer Ave. ....... -1Sll m-790
9905 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sharp "X" series. 8
cyllnder, 4 apeed, air
coadiUonJng, and roof
radt. All ori&l.oal aod
V«Y nice. CllZRDW )
$2795 v':=:=. '1'lllO W..tminater Ave .
bJ •••""ter -1551 ... ,.,
•J•fttin. beautiful, new stereo mc1 ti.res, best or. term~.
111 f1eetwood Broqbam,
xJnt opportunity, shrt term lease or b u y .
loaded . l o /m i. PP
Mutt ~II 'Tl Coupe de miles. Power windows. PS/PB, till wbl, AM/ FM . Do¥dr Qu.a.IJ Sts Dove A Quail Sts. -
Wle. Ori{: Owner. Low seals, door locks. lalt a uto trans , lo ma . NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORTBEACH
aulage. oaded. Xlot wbeel, aJJ leather ant metallic brwn·tan ant. llJ:4555 lll-0555 ·
cond. Hm 538--0940, Office ~ Call 714/644-0345 lilOO/best ofr 7S2-8952 9111~. aft5pm. dys, '752-«l61eves1wlmds Want Ads Call 64.2-5678 a..lftedAds 642-5t1'8
......_ M.w tlOO ..._., H•w 9100 AiltM, N•w HOO Allto1, New HOO A.wtos, H•w HOO Alltos. H•w 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••
ALL NEW 1980 200SX
See and Drive the most exciting new line of Datsuns
ever! Every model with even more SMIL EAGE for
demanding drivers.
CALl 558-7811
THAM fflll!
I 2 Mo./ 12,000 M~ Senk~ Ca.trod
AYailable On Most Used ~s
1972 DOD&E
V·8. auto air C0'1d . power
sreenng. radio. wh1lewall tires.
Landau 10(> Cream putt • "!hat
l'"le old lady scar · (055GOP)
1976 TOYOTA 4x4
.. cyl ... speed, AM/FM radio
~ C B . roof bar 4 wheel drive
& IOCkHlQ hubs. 1ump seats.
tach Only 29 068 miles. .. A
01amolld1'" (723SVZl
1971 CHEVY c...._.ao
V·8. auto , air co,,d .. POwer
steering & brakes. AM/FM
stereo. cruise. whitewall tires.
bright yellow and "dead
shar p ·· 14.54 5 mile s.
V-8, auto.. tir cond.. QOwer
steering. power w indows.
electric sliding roof. tilt. Cf\Me,
vinyt roof. One owner. White.
Fantastic buy! (oeeAFO).
1974 OPB.
4 cyl 4 soeed. radio. new
whtlewall !Ires bucket seats
Brighi red and road ready.
Gas·Save<i I 116MIO)
Brand new long-wtleel base .
heavy duty truck 4 cyl . 4
speed bucker sears. wt11tewall
fires heavy duty sreo bumper
5 speed, air cond . AM/FM
st ereo. rad ii t ires. v inyl
interior. (881 TCO).
5 SQeed. elr conditioning, steel radial tires. tachometer.
17,029 mi~ C573UNSJ.
. :
• • • t
• .
., . . .
r ,. .. . .. .. .. t; .
t .
i • , ...
•Jf DAILY PILOT ftusai, Oetober a, tt1'1
A nc.-w. e"<'1l1n11. p11ltt>\1t10011I foot
ha II m i;.mnt• i.ec lion hrin"111.i 1.1u 1
rt•Jdcr:. the most 1n\t'teiilln1C. <'Um
µ rehens1 vt• un<I ,1ut ho1 ll utl \ l"
r()unduµ ot m11h.'ri;d un the pro
games to be H~le\ ,.,l.d eiwh "'~kend
for 20weeb
Player profiles. :.coulmg reportt..
p1tture~. pred1ct1oni.. the point
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\\at t h for everything to enal>le
readers to get the most enjt)yment
out of their pro football watchrnK.
Don'\ miss out on thas chanc.: to
h ave all the football racta at your
Advert!_. _, IM!y apece &n lllle -
lion. FOf ""°""•tlon end m" cal •
Cl••.-.ct fld.vl-DAILY PILOT 642-5678
...... UMtl ..._,UM4 ..._,UM4 Ute4 .._ ...... ... . ............. . .......................................... _. -·······---··---~_.... ... .....
catn•• ttao C:..1• ttJI Cculfll ftll..... "II 0 buH1 .......................................................................................................... -:.._111111eeara. A1c .pwr '71CHIYll.ll ,.,,_.~..,.. 1mwe1 oe. a.u... eur ...
.... ':i~.V top 0.-....._,0..,., · ~·... ..._ ...... IMH
. .,. ~ .... ~...... ·--~ ._ Xlmt ..... ~ ...
1tna•10UT a .. to ••Predate. C ttJJ ~~=· ...,.... .. _.. CalJ .._ ... c--a.w> a . •---._.... a"' ... _................ a• at • • -• ' ' a . --------• 1pe9d trua •• pwr IOIWl'IMAM •0.. ...... -.9,tw. SACRIPICE. C'71GVOK> tma&m
....... alt eoM. .. a.a VG&UWAW L~&'-Ofr. • Sl400 WAtllMe ::..~==)llaarp. 191W '1wAve. .I. 11•6S.. Pfitel A l••~•d OM.YUttl t.W , '<• '10 ...... NIMdlt eo1. 'he• • .__, a li!fii' a ~r A9d
MOWAaa.t•r•t •18'1 ... ,.. block. •• e.rla. runt We.t»or BMC a • C nia a c hal Oew•Qllella. .......... nJve •Grit. o.u-. S..5UO famil1esl ~YX>.
Nt:W'POll'r BEACH '7J CllTSlfl ...... ...._..,_ '-"I ff40 OM.Y U1tl
Miii ..._ ttll --................ HOWAID Clu" 1111 .-.~"'"'"'.'."C-bev ...... eileir.::..;WalOfl. l'\ll\I -~;:;..-•••••••••••• ~--~·QuU ...
1ood. •1080 .w-lk. air ew llMkMI· "71 DOG•I N'ft'POrr BUCH MM>1n a. •. ,. •• , a\ffriaa. ~ Bou.le 4 door IJJ.Olll
... ~ _ power bralr••· ateel _._, Loaded a.ed nmt """"'" • ~ ........ 1 -..,,,, __ .,.. __ , ..... U,..'-.wtDrive '"'8'!~) ~. --v--•·
WONTICAaO Tbh Steal!'· t 2 Sl4tS autrw, brb, air, mllr. wt.Mew/Wtol4t~• mo.!1Z.GIO mile aervaee IOI tra, t. dee. willdowa, _..le •i.nyl \op. lAw coatract available. WITHAM r.clio, &rt traup. for ...... lo.-s •/-t .aAJl) YOU.SW••.. •s ! Caeh. Prt Pty. =A>~o· to •0 1 $111& ,_lnw==:ve.-~Supreme
OM.Y $4Jtl ~una .... •7'551 631--,.. letoo--l .. _.,....,,,_ Lo/mi, .&lot cood, PB,
HOWAIDC:..•w•t ~· M 19 0llC( ..... __ c-,.... PS.A/C.~--
no.e•QUalla.. .ftllll ... tt57
HEWPORTBEACH ..... ..ca "ll&Granada,4clr,viaylrf, -················· IJUlll amE.lTI.bStreet UPE All/FM stereo, A/C. lo l'7IPOllD
'M Nova bu DO-•. But SlmaAna SSS-7811 Hatchback. 4 speed, air mi, nu brb. V8, gd mpg. PlffOIUNAIOVr
lllOCI a.. It t~ SlOO "18 Volare. Wacoo A/C, c00d.Jhonin1. AM/FM, =s.~~-sacrifitt! Automatic trana .. air
•Mil for paJ'U. lll-SD'l am/fm. $4.500. las than 8000 m1lea . cmd. It llO'NI" Reerlnc.
9a-5la C ream Puff l 2 71 M.avenck. 6 cyl, r eg. Excellent condilion. "18 Nova. VS. A/C, 14.000 ,.__.,,_ mo./12.000 mile service gas, 2 dr. bucket seau. anT.JH}.
ml, dnt cood. S5299. _-........._ 9932 contract available . ~. radJo, ong ownr. ~Y e:2 _.H 951.oi. ---·••••••••••••••• 487~> Clean. SlOOO or best. vw.. ._. ..
'73Mon.te Carlo. OrilinaJ *COb'ITTISf!! "VE•. -...eves .... ~~TSUM We have an exceUeot .fR _,...~ ~ owner, cood cood. uhc'kmolCorvetteare· ~&UTA ANA ii Font Stn Wgn. great NEWPORTBl!ACH DO/belt ra10Pabk of. ~ for immediate de· ..WI for........., or movmg. llJ.1100 rer. SSM7Cf Uwry! See us -/OBO. $62-9767
'74 Nova hat.bd. 1 ownr. TODAY!!! IAJSUN '71 .. ...._,Cr .. ~g "76 JOttD
llmJ>S, v ... mint. full HOWAID Clw•roa.t 21J01 E. lTthStret:t perfect, oda other bt:tp. PIMTO
pwr, s.b. radt, Sl.795. Dove &Q'llail St.s. Sant. Ana 558-7811 Slaio. d44-T74.3 OMUtUe Ruulloat ..-
a.mi NEWPORT BEACH .._tk _.air c.di· a. ... 9'JS IJl-0555 "12 Cbarcer. loob • runs U..C-. 9945 tm. v_., dea. a ,• :::?.7-.............. ---800d. new pa.int It vinyl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ....... <lUlal)
'76 Cord b h l i8 Silver Anruve--ar.. top, SUOO. ~ '71 VenaUJes. 24.000 mt. SZ6fl o a, w 1 e on ·.. ·.,. U.. white. lst orler over mlnl cood, SHOW CAR, SELL id.le iUma wtt.b z cmd.. xtru. •.ooo. IOIWITMAM
$2500. takes Paul must see, S .OOOml. DiallyPUotetasaafiedAd. ~-551-0594 TOIMSW..at
97NS33 Sll.950. PP. 646-97911 642.S171. '78 u.caln 4 dr Town Cu . 1mfW•mlftlter Av..
...... W.w 9IOO ....._Mew 9100 .. ..__ w-w _ _: lo. lo ml. bu every op bl W•-.1.,._
--nw ..,,_,, tam iDcludioa moon roof. .,_ '7551 &a-790 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• bit, $1500 PP Lou
m.$4'73 mom or eve '73 Pin&o. UDt coad.. 4 .... air-<IODd. Bl\Ae.
o.llwAMM . WODr
.Avallableaa lleet Can
• lt76CA"ll+C
OnP owner car with
leatbier lab, Cabriolet
top , crul1e control.
AM I fo'M 1tereo, full
power. tilt wheel & low
mlJes. C074RKQ> '
• 1'77CM11 AC
Pull power, dlt wheel
AM_I PM stereo radio: cnme contn>!I It Jeetber
.seat.. < 4llSI' JG•
$6795 . •
CO•&•¥UI AA90.,. ,..,n ,....,, ,.._, a1r.
lut .. n bl&erior, apUt
power ...... -tape, low
mUee. c l'JSl'ZlJl
tt77C ... LAC
'75 Mart JV. gold. moon
rool, ou tir es, a slung ...,_ ~'l700. 956--0368 ------Mwcwr ttso .......................
l&-18 Auto<:enter Dr
SDFwy-l.ak.e Purest nit
a.aabMt. Jet black
e.e.ty. ' ..-ed. •ter'eo _.nap. -.t0P)
·st .. S
YOl.KSWA ...
790 WeAmialter Ave. iD WettmulstU
Fun power. leatber in.
tenor, ltereo I.ape, wire
wheet coven and all or
the Sevllle toxurl~a . t077SPll.
:~~~: Corolla Tercel
CLISE -llrl• ALL '79' 11• STOCKI
COM>U..A UFTaACa OILUXE An exeeotlonally ~ cw w/tees
than 20.000 mil•. 5 ~ trene..
eir oond.. radio 4 radial tires.
(827WRP). ,5199 EAat.aUS
Ml IPORT COUPE Deep metallic copper. 5 speed
trans.. flsed feodenl. air cond ..
stereo w/tape a rallye wheetS.
~=.=•37" 1976TOYOTA
LAHDCRUllER WAGOM 4 speed trans .. Warn hubs
w/good on/ott roed tires. chrome
Wheels & lt8'90 taoe. (843SRXI
Silver w/btad< Interior. 4 speed
trans. w/overdrlve. 1lr cond ..
factory 'NO wheefs a AM/FM.
Beeutlfutl (071WON).
ld.UG'S $
Good gas mileage from tl'lla
fueHnlected. 4 •peed trant.
model. Fun to drMf (le1VEY).
1979TOYOTA -~ Hard to find coPC>er" met8111c short
wheel base. S apeed trans .
bucket seats. AM/FM & less than
7,000 mi~r.o6511l. ~~PllCl 163M
A very clean car with deep
copper metallic exterior. stereo
w ith tape end new t i res
CEL.ICA COUPE A nice. inexpensive & economical
car w/automatic trans . stereo
tape & vinyt roof Lool<s & runs
very welll (71 tMVBl.
A o retty car with aulomal1c
1ranamiasion. l>OW'8f steering and
~unroof. (936KMS).
4 speed trans.. rallye wheels.
radial tires, •tereo I 1hadow
Pretty metallic blU9 e>eterlor
5 soeed trans .. air cond .. AM/FM
s1ereo. ratlye wheels 6 less than
13.000 mite.. (8e5704).
...... us •ssM SALl ... CI
Canary yellow with 5 speed tr1ns..
an cond.. stereo tape & rallye
wheels A ver y nice earl
(718PPTJ • ~~=·39"
Deep metatltc green extenor. 4
speed trans . vlny1 roof & stereo
tape A OOOd car! 1780KFV)
6 cylinde r engine. air
conditioning and pawer steenno
A good A clean cat1 (951HGGJ.
IAIUICn '35ft S4UftllCI
5 speed trans , ltereo w/tape. air
cond .. POwer ateerlng. oower
windows & beeuttful blue vetour
""~"" Long wtleel baM. Yellow wfNddt.
tnl . 5 SP4ted. AMIFM. chrom9
Tacoma w heel• & morel
~~~1~ s5299 SALllWCI
Eauipment inc ludes a ir
condrtroning, stereo and mags A
clean. good car' 1858NOS)
EA•Ll&s S••ft SAUNICE ..
CORONA WAGON White With blue interior 4 speed
trans air cond1tion1no & new
radial tires Cl>68Ul Y)
1978 SU Al
With air cond . roll bar. stereo
w/tape & eQuahzer. gnlle ouero.
white spoke wheels & under
28.000 mies. (01 1552) .
IAILlm'S $59"
Automatic traM .. elr oooditlonlng.
mags and stereo A super clean ZI
int. (923PHX)
fllCI •3999 :=: '''"
CMTCOUPE v..a. •mlomat.lc, po•er steeriAC. bur ket aut.s.
rally wt.el covers, low
lll!Um. S.... dean aad
8bsp. 'T-Dnve nu.
One! " C5W'1UI >
3XJI F... 17tb Str~t
Santa Ana 558 7811
'71 Marquis wagn . 9
paumger. J>S,PB. Arc .
utt wbl & f>.way St'at 70k
rm, marvelous cood. see
6 dnve to •PPrtt1ate
ll.486 4912.721&
'72 MettW7 Broucham,
915.000 IDI, hie eog. AC,
PW fr seat.. IOOCt cond . ...............
•••• u ttlJ .......................
• tpeed, TllX radial• w /ma11. atereo • wool. '"CW12* >.
F O ~D
.'I)'•• • • ,", ... 1t 'li.1 t I "' :)
<'''TA M f \.:. l l .' U()J('
W ~ • 4spd. in· '8ior lll1nor work. sum. M2·mT.
W llusl. relllt 351 enc. Nu
tba fl ractiator. gd int fl
body. $1900. MM437
'86 RTK882 One Owner.
Mwrt see to appreciate.
'86 V8 New trans. tires.
pn1.. ahock.s. Very clean!
l2400. QA II Bob ~ SS60.
66 Mu.tans. orig ownr.
JU.-cooci. Best orr over
SLIOO. Stt-0061
1179 Turbo Mus tang <Demo> 4 cylinder. A/C.
leather interior. mac wbeela, caaaelte deck,
llJllP llebt. Lo/mi. Beat an.r. c.ll Patti l'JS-2911 ...........
"JO ""st•DI Macb I 351
-., NI cu. 61Kmi, xlol cmd.1 owner. ...., "2-mo
"14•*•11.1UGbla.6 cyl, PS. PB. euto, . AC, 42,000
mi. oril own.r. R'100/bsl
ofr. <714 > 751.-.0 aft
CC' H1 9'H .......................
c ••• , .. ·-0..... ,,._ .. IOllded
.......... P'Nl
H&WIOlft' B&ACH ......
~7Si5J 631-'lm
...,.auA 9960
Has all c1' ~ Cadlllac luxury~ al'd low
miles < 10'7UKV) ................•..•.•• $9895
• 74 Plymouth wai;too. Air.
rad>o. 318 mg1ne Real
good cond1t1on $2000.
OVER 100
'1'0 SELECT P'ROlf
ig Pl1maut.b Cran Fury
Wacon. PS. P W, PB.
Alt/Pll stereo. AC. AU
t!ldnl ........ u. suoo.
CaJI 11•·U 7 ·M49 aft fJ ·JtPlll
'ft Ve&are. 2 door. • c;P I , Pl .. PIS. atr. --. ............ IQlllSGO. Call.....,.
A.lltM, UMd
'61CAl"'lAC S 1899 "-llTWOOO ,..,. . 1 ••
Has an ol lhe Cadillac luxuries end la 1n
e111Cetlent condition! CWIO 0021
"7JMaC•Y S 1999 MAIQUIS •tatM. CPI.
Full cower factory air cond . som seats. Landau toP 1111 wheel I tn e11ceflent condition!
'74 M9CUIY s2999 COUG~Xl7 ........ ..
fQu1pment includes 6-way power telt. lln<tlU
top. power steering. power brakes. fact°')' air
cond & low low miles' {930t(EI)
'76AliC s2999 SPO•TAIOUT DL ..•.••
6 cyl automalic trans cower steering &
brakes tilt wheel AM •FM stereo & low low
m1IPS In P•Cf'llent conditton• 1734811)
'74 CHEVltOUT s3499 C.4Mil0 LT •. ,. •••...
Auloma11c 1ransm1ss1on . oower steerina &
brakes air oondllloning. ltll whee4 & rallye
wheels A SuPer sharo C8fl (012KY0l
~tr. .. 1 1 1 ••••• 1 1 1 ••
5 3 9 9 9
Full power rectory air cono. and lendeu top.
ONLY 36 000 low milel -In LU<E NEW
condition' (823POl.I
·n OLDS CUTI.ASS s3 999 sur•IMEsmAN ..... .
Full power factory air cond .. AMIFM a-.o
wttape. tilt wheel & crulM control. Sf\erol (336RSC)
'77 POIO s~999 GaAMADA..-.CN. •• _,
Full PQWer. factory air c:ond . AM/FM...,_,
and In l.IKE NEW oondltiOnl (813AK8)
.... ., ....... -...
---~ M-1• ......... UNOCM• llllC*IY 76 ft. YMount
"" .......................
71"*"AC ....
Chpe. Automatic,
..,......_.,,alrcoa· ........ wt powtt will·
dowa. 75,000 m iles.
Dynamite cond1lion! 077Cl'E)
1'DOWeltmimter Avei.
ln ••tmlmt.er •m1 m.1880 ..
DAILY PILOT .,. I .......................
CAMI.AO, IMC. ............
Dutter 6 cylind e r .
Auklmatic, power 1teer· ills, air condltlonlng.
33,0llO lldual miles. See
t.o...,-eciat.e. C265XKE >
'1lllO Weat.mimter Ave. in Watminster
'72Salari Wagon
BeatOfrer • 962.1347
" a • '11 J1\rebi.rd Eepnt. Style =
with lood mpa. Low •
miJ.,e " xtraa. $MSO. .. M>-7912. !
We Make It
Simple For You
m.7551 638· 1880
'72 Gra nd Prix. lo
is Scamp, 46k ml, needs mileage, bes t o trer
0 ~ At Orange County's
80IDe wort, Must Sell _M&-_7197 ____ _
t5f)O. 6«2-MJB. am 's. "73 Firebtrd $2,500. Blk ta.
,.._ 9965 quer, Cr eger rims. ••••••••••••••••••• •••• _6'2-_2171 ____ _
Coupe wit.b ooly 24 ,000
IDies. Loaded with ex-tras. C833TCI )
'11 La Mans p/s. p/b, a c.
AM/FM stereo, lo/m1,
x.lnt. cond. Will take low
book. Call 551-6789 a rt t
5::1> PM. wkdys. all day =i
wtnds. c:!
"79 Bl H 'k II f'.G \
7tm Westminster Ave.
n lubitd 9970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f (1 56URE) WAS M99S
~ ~~~~E 5 6295 in Westminster
m. 7561 6:11-7880
'79 Firebird E1p1rlt,
9000mi, A/C, T -top,
AM/FM 8-track. $7700.
Days : 551-2965. Xlnt
'87 xlnl. cond. Mint inter
Good body. Eng IS SOiid.
All xtras . $1,000/0 80
~ --------(124735) \tAH 812. ... j '79 RIVIERA Tl'RBO
'78 Ford T ·B1rd Low SALE~ 11 a~o
miles. Must i.ell $3700. PRICC t11 ....
Call Coastal Av1at1on f "7a Bl'lf'" Rt:GA I.LTD.
846-8449. ,2 !994UXM) WAH H•S
!!?! ............. !!?.~ ~ ~~~~E S6395 '78 Grand PrLx LJ. 31.000 ~'-mi, full pwr , Michelin
tires, tan w /ve lour lhlsual Cars. Classics. Antiques, Race, & One of a kind! buckets. "195-89M632 '7JH.atchback, w1xlrai. " S750/0BU : '11 Bl If k S k \ (,.\RIK
................................................................... -1 d.ys,S36-4739 evcs __ _
846-Qlil C1Q (706SWTJ 1' /\S 8,.595 ~ ~~~~E 8 3995 ~ -0
= • c: It ..
'k R•:f> \I. Tl' II BO-;t:
(726WPA) WAS .... $ i
0 ·~~~~E 5 7995 :
"78 Bl If'" RtJGA I.
(022WGU) .. AS •M95
~~~~E 5 5 995
(968TZn WAS 855 ..
~ALE s4995 PRKE
' :t ff\ I(' . /\I,
!585GIUI tt'AS •zns
f I
f 0 ;z
f c: ~ .,
SALE s2595 f PR l<.t: • e
'7 f •. \ ' •: (' \ R 1,0 ~
1218VPYJ 1' \~ M99S
Si\ Lt:
Oro"r Count.Yi
# I Baklr l#ekr
f c: ., .,
= • c: " .,
~ 0 -0 .,
"" = • c: ., .,
---· ---~·------.....
UP $
ON 1979 & 1980 DATSUNS
1979's 1979's 1979's 1980's 1980's 1980's
(11) 1111 PICllPS (17 1171211 Zl's Cl (23) 1919 210
Short bed. ~ong bed & king Coupes & 2+2's (Black on -HB. a ST A. WONS.
cabs. •Pay window sticker ly). •Pay window sticker •Pay window sticker price & price & you will receive price & you will receive you will receive
1980 PICKUPS 1980 210
Short bed. long beds & king cabs. ·Pay All MODELS
window sticker price & you will receive •pay window sticker price & you wilt rec8Mt
83501EiATE -J s 1_2881JEIATE S400REBATE -_,,..,-" $2Q0REBATE
(12) 111111r1 (4) 1171111'• (2) 1171211 SI
2 DR. I& a STA. WON. 2 DR. HT. a STA. WON. AUTO.CNS.
•Pay window sticker price & •Pay window sticker price & •Pay window sticker price &
you will receive you will receive you will receive
1980 510
•Pay window sticker price & you will reoeive •Pay window stick• price & you wiM receive
FOOTHILL DATSUN. INC. ARCADIA DATSUN, INC. '77 DATSUN MOON DATSUN WALLY TUCKER MIDGET ADSTR. RABBIT 1108DN. TRI-VALLEY DATSUN, INC. DATSUN, INC. 4 apd .. AM-FM stereo t11P9, 7,000 m ..... near 4' apd., AM-FM ..,_, uipe, eunroof, dlen. Auto. tJ'W.. *~~AM-FM new. (898XNS) (3718PN) ...,.,~top.( ) LONG BEACH DATSUN BALDWIN DATSUN s4995 83795 s4995 DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS CANOGA DATSUN IMPERIAL DATSUN, INC. COSTA MESA DATSUN '78 TRIUMPH '75VW '77 280 z UNIVERSAL CITY CULVER CITY DATSUN DATSUN, INC. DOWNEY DATSUN, INC. TR-7 CPE. RABBIT 2+2 NEWPORT DATSUN 5 spcl .. air cond., AM-FM t1ereo CUMtt• .... p. • 1pd .. Bleupunkt radio, low mu ... sharp. Auto. trane., air cqnd., AM-FM • .,eo • .,.. BREA DA TS.UN (388VNO) (24'5MC8) mtige, rMt lhede. ( 52SSYE)
MILLER IMPORTS, INC. -·~ .. -oond .. low, low mies, .. .,. ... 4 tpd., AM-FM ...., ..... elr cond .. mega. HARBOR 5 epd., G.T. ltftbeek. elr cond., AM·FM .-.0 ( VNP) (734WZX)
TORRANOE DATSUN t11P9, IMO'· ( 88TTYR) DATSUN, s5495 8 3795 s5995 • -llM9CAL INC. SUN DATSUN MIJOIEPlll·
....... -............... --.. ~--.....,.,..._.. .. ....., •• -• -..... ··-·-... -........... •11·• ••••••
--I J
. -................. __ ............................. __ -
• •
~.October 28, 1971
1980 ·--·· 1980 PHOENIX
4 cytinder. atendatd trammlulon. • cytlnder standard transm1ss1on
~ CIT~ .... ,~.,. HWY
Bucket Seats
Two Tone Paint
Auto Trans
Air Cond
Cruise Control
Tinted Glass
Gauges & Oock
SPort M1rro<s
Power Door Locks
Power WtndOws
Tilt Wheel
Wire Wheel Covers
AM/FM Stereo
And Much More•
Auto Trans
Air Cond
Tinted Glass
Power Disc Brakes
Power Steenng
Power Window-.
Wire Wheel Covers
AM/FM Stereo
And Much More•
2D3SH9B 120338
B()B LONGPRE'S $6861
1979 •RA• LIMAm SEDAll
EqUtflP9 wmt:
~Too ,....,._
Aif Cond Crulae Control
Tilt Wheel
Tinted Glass
' 59039
Cordova Top
6<MO Noechbeci< SMta
Body Side Mtdgs
Auto. Trans
Air Cond
Tiii Wheel
SPort Mirrors
Power Oise Brakes
Power Steering
Power Windows
And Much More'
'73 The ""',.~c~:,J~· This is $
your opportunity to own
one of the most p0pular
car s ever l o s weep
America Complete with 4
speed trans. and AM/FM
stereo. Good economical
Cruise Control
Tinted Glass
SPort Mim:l(S
Power Steering
Power Oise Brakes Power Windows
Wire Wheel Covers
He r e w e ha ve an
extrao rdinary piece ofs
mach10efY for yaur driving 369 pleasure EQuipped with a
thrifty V-6 engine and gas
miser 5 speed 1ransm1ss1on
-taclOf'Y air cond .. rallye
wheels -hit wheel and is
just the car you should
own It's an evening mist
green ~awk Hatchback
A must to see.
( r #537 20)
For those ol you who prefer
a sporty type car here is the
76 ~1~:b1:cfrFcir~~la ~.t~9:i5449 eno 1n e automa t ic
tra nsmission AM ·FM
stereo with t3'>8 deck lor
your hstentnQ en1oyment
power steering. power
windows. rallye wheels and
1111 wheel all add up lo
not hing but great driving
lea sure
( 114EHA)
~.e~~~sF~r~~cr~~'~u~~$5695 ebony Sunblrd with gas
miser V~ engine and 4
s peed transmlas i o n .
AM-FM stereo radio. ebony
vinyl toP and factory air
cond. for your enjoyment.
Hurry on this one -only haa 3700 miles.
This IS a hard to finds
Hornet wagon with e 6 cyl. h umming bird ye l low 2495
engine & a u t o matic
transmission that will get
you and the kids to and
from the store and school
with EASE. EQu1pped Wlth
power steering. factory air
cond and a roof rack.
,7. 2 ~~~·b~;o~:"ca;o~~~ ig~~$ 9
·to see 1h1s one• This is a 4 12 d oor sedan M ercurv Marquis with enough elbow
room tor the whole lam11y
plus au1oma11c trans .
factory air oond . v1ny1 top.
power steering. and even
p0wer wtndowS
CARS •••
•Used. Low.Mileage
•Factory W•r•ty
VS, automatic transmission. air conditioning, power
steering, pe>wer brakes. vinyl top, custom moldings.
radio. radlaJ wsw tires & morel (767WVL).
va. automatic transmission. air conditioning.
power steering, power brakes. two-tone
paint. radio. custom moldings. rad ial wsw
tires & more! (250WXN).
Monday Thru Friday 7:30am to 5:30 p
Saturday Sam to Spm
va . automatic transmission . air
conditioning. power steering, power
brakes. padded tap, AM/FM radio. radial
wsw tires & morel (086WVL).
va. automatic tran smission. air
conditioning, power steering. power
brakes. AM/FM radio. vinyl tap. wsw glass
belted tires & morel (203WVL).
va . automatic trans mi ssion . air
condit ioning, power steering, power
brakes.power windows. AM/FM stereo
c r uise control . w sw tires & more'r
Coupe. VI. autometlc trans., air conditioning,
power -.rtng, power brakes. vinyl top, radio.
c1.19tom mokflngs, wsw tires & morel (031UZW).
PICllW wmt CAMPll
This one has a nice. eelf contained
camper. VB. 3 speed trans.. air cones ..
power~ r.dlo & morel (N26830).
1975 FIAT 124
Eau l pment Include• 6 speed
tranemlaion. radio a.nd Maler. Thie one
ls In excellent condition! (848NJT).
Vil, eutometlc ttane .• air cond., pwr.
steering & brlike9. pWr. wlndowe & IOllt
eeat. tilt wheel, Cabrtolet vinyl top &
much moNf (41S1POT).
•3395 ,
1977 CHIYSLll
VS. automatic t,.ns.. air cond.. pwr.
1teerlng I tnkel. AM/FM .-.o I
tract(. S>Wr. wtndows I eollt eeat cruise
tilt I muctt. much morel ( 1548M). ·
4114 fOWll WMOM V8, •UfOmltlc: hnl.. ~ ~
power brlllcel. bueMt ................
window, r8dio I mew.I (1R911S1).
w .. rBe•e&e••
Dally New•paper
Dispute Appeal Likely
arW'nTMUSa ... ..., .....
TM Wtle ~y e Huatial'on
.... da ............ ....,to
owerturD a lt73 land trade
,.,...... bavolvlq tbe Bola• Dice ,...,..., appears to be
...... for aD appeal.a court.
David Culbert, president ol
~ Aau,o. de Bolaa Chica, aaid
Jeday tM Cll'lanilation will ap-
peal a ruliq Tbunday that tbe
IJ"OUP'• $1 ..... to tbe l&Dd tJl·
cbuae w nm put tbe 1tU111e
of UmJtatianl de9dl.lne.
Wit.bout n&1ln& on the merita ot
tbe caae, Oran1e Cou~ty
Superl« Court Judie Oretta
Sean a .. ••hwl ar1umeota by
the Sipal Landmark Co .• owner
of much of the land lo the area
along Pacinc Cout IIlgbway ad·
Jacent to the City of Huntington
Tbe Judae'a deciaion means
that the cue can be taken to an
appeals court without 1on1 de·
laya, says Lynda Martyn, one of
four attorneys retained by the
400-member Amiaos aroup.
A trial on a second point or
dispute Involving the dumping
and flll.iq operations In parts of
the 1,800 acres of marshland will
be held in Orange County, Ms.
Martyn said.
The Amia<>s group claima that
the state was s hortchanged
when it received 300 acres or the
marabla.nd with the rest of the
property going to Signal
Landmark ownership.
Carlsberg said much or the
area was either tidelands or sub-
merged lands and rightfully
belongs to the state, not Signal
Another provision in the
·:~ocaine Ring Broken
Huntington Men Caught • in Crackdown
' Ol-Delty ...... ,..., ~ A .. top rank" international
-drug r:tng that federal pros·
ecutors said was led by a
ormer Laguna Beach man and
volved bringing an estimated . s million worth or pure co·
aine into the United States has
a broken by a series or key
Boost for
\Prime Rate
Samuel Cut.komp, formerly of
Laguna Beach, was named as.the
ringleader or the cocaane
operauon uiat mcluded bringing
4-00 pounds of the drug into the
country in book bindings, scuba
tanks and even use or a foreign
diplomat, fe4f;ral agents said lo·
Cutkomp, 53, wbo bad ad·
dresses in Laguna Niguel and
Laguna Beach before moving lo
a $1.2 million lakefront house in
Tahoe, Calif., in 1977. is being
held in Reno with bail set at
The elaborate drug smuggling
operation also included couriers
and dealer s in Huntington
Beach, El Toro and Santa Ana.
according to Steve Swanson,
agent in charge of the Federal
Drug Enforcement agency 10
Those residents were named
among 20 suspects in a Reno
Federal Grand Jury· indictment
unsealed in that Nevada city
Wednesday .
Arrested were Gerald Taylor
and Edward Barban. of Hunt-
ington Beach: Robert and Mary
<Stt COCAINE, Page AZ)
Seareh Goes On
Killer's 7th Victim,
Girl, 17, Buried
BJ JOANNE a&YNOLD6 °' .. ...., ........ Seven&een·year·oJd Debra
the murderer·rapiat.
NEW YORK (AP) -Citibank,
111• nation'• aecond-lar1est :Jmk, ,.... its prime Jmdinl pl/I ...,. to a record ~ ,...
. i'TL. &,"a..'S..ft r ........... na. to 15 .,...
eat, from 14'At percent.
~ .......... .....-...
17 -l'r•••~•, Ila• aot
Sea'---=~~ :I:'.....,. -~ ~ ln their apartments, was burled to-
One ma. .l• W. Bowlud. JI. ol au&a Au..,. arr• ... ~ ==es:•ca.~~ .. We a pretty i::floolc at
_ ... _ ... mer. ...
c. Tiie prime lendlng rate la •ed by bub to most credlt-
ortbJ corporate customers,
th other busineaaes paying
ell IDOft.
It does not direcUy affect con·
amel· loans, whose rates are
ess volatile than business loan
at.ea and in many cases are
mited by slate law. But it is
n as an Indicator of credit
l'COnditioos generally.
• Many banks make loans to
u.men and borne buyers at
ta below the prime rate, but
.ome banks. racing high interest f rates on the money they acquire
for lending, have cul back con-
L11umer loan and mortgage busl·
~s. The Federal Reserve Board in
lrecent weeks has drastically
•tl&btened credit, in an effort to
'fltht inflation by holding down the 1rowth of the money supply.
~ The Federal Reserve an-
~nced Thursday it made a
.major error in its money supply
lealc:ulationl early this month.
l'°me analysts said the Federal ~rve 's most recent tighten· ttaa move midlt have ·been in· t (See nDIE, Page AZ>
!t Mrs. Marion, • IJ.IB Pioneer,
Templer Dies
British Field-Marshal Sir
Gerald Templer, who led the
ca mpaign to crush com-
munism in Malaya in the
1950's, died Thursday at his
London home. He was 81.
Coast Route
Oeanup Eyed
In Huntington
Huntington Beach city of-
ficials, prompted by complaints
that Pacifi.-Goast Highway bas
become "a filthy mess," are re-
negotiating a contract with
CalTrans for maintenance of the
state coastal route.
Due to insufficient funds, city
crews are unable to properly
clean and maintain the coast
highway, according to City
Engineer Don Kiser.
"It's· become a cluttered
mess," said Kiser, who beads up
work crews contracted by the
state for maintenance. "I could
fill up eight dump trucks right
now with no problem."
According to a 1970 CaJTrana
agreement, the city ls reim·
buned "2,000 to maintain and
repair Pacific Coast Highway
and Beach Boulevard. a state
CalTrana, Kiser aaid, does not
pay the city for lta work on
highway landacapint. He main·
taina the city needs funda to beef
up work cnwt.
''Tbe beacbaoen come down
here ...a jmt heave trub all
over tbe place," be aaaerted.
"We do all ol the wort for Ge
st.ate 8Dd tt.'a a borTendoua job."
Jayeetl=. Mid &My .... DO
cloMr to Mr da"'° Uaan they were _..., the Mrles or ldll·
ln1a and attacks started more
than two years •Jto. Six women and an unborn in·
fant are dead as a result of at·
tacks dating back to August,
1977. Three women have sur·
vived. The accelerating attacks,
including eight since March of
this year , have occurred in
Costa Mesa. Newport Beach.
Tustin, Irvine and Santa Ana
Police have a drawing or the
suspect seen al the scene of one
of the Costa Mesa assaults, but
so far. they're unable to put a
name to the race.
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
said two suspects we re con·
sidered and rejected this week
by detectives who are seeking
Roaring '20s
Night Slated
Huntington Beach and Foun·
lain Valley paramedics will
benefit from a "Roaring '20s
Night" Saturday in Huntington
Beach. Sponsored by the Huntington
Beach-Fountain Valley Board of
Realtors, the $20 admission ree
will include chips for Las Vegas-
atyle games and dinner.
A grand·prize trip for two to
Hawaii will highlight the event
held indoors at the shopping
center, located at 2201 Main
him, but be doem't a~ to be
tb• oae we'N loolUDI fw," c ......... However. Bowlmad baa been
cbaraecl with rape aDd bur'1ar'J
in coonec:tion with a series of
eig ht sex ual assaults in
southwest Santa Ana.
"It doesn't make sense that
he'd be raping women in Santa
Ana and killing and raping them
in our cities," Calnon observed.
Calnon said detectives spent
Thursday in Huntington Beach,
investigating a man in custody
there, but, like Rowland, the
Huntington Beach sus pect was
ruled out.
Police have been given hun·
dreds or leads to pursue by resi·
dents who've seen the picture or
the suspect and phoned in in·
The volume or calls and leads
has created a Cull-lime job in
keeping the tips categorized so
that the wild accusations don't
gel confused with more solid in·
Calnon said his department is
going to try today to com·
puterize the information it has
received for easier categorizing
and retrieval.
·'The computer people say
they can do it. so we're going lo
give it a try ," he s aid .
"Anything's worth trying."
Investigators from five agen·
cies are hunting the man they
say is responsible for a total of
nine assaults.
The attacks have occurr~
between the hours or 11 p.m. and
4 a .m ., generally on weekends.
The victims all lived In apart·
ments with ground noor entries
that weren't clearly visible from
<See VICftM, Page ~Z>
What Cops?
40 Mi88 Motel Holdup
If you've 1ot 40 off-duty police oftl~n staytn1 in your
motel, you oueht to be safe -riabt7 Wrona.
AN OllED bancllt made olf Tbunda1 Dilht with tM0
from tbe olftc. of the Costa Men llm. DOS Barbor Blvd., de9plt.e the f.et tbat 40 olf-du&J ollken .... ...,.. tlMn.
NOM ol them beard or aaw m1tlUI 1uap6doas at t.M
time, c.o.ta 11 .. poUee au• todaJ.
INYDl'IGA'IOU l&ID TD ,_mu eat.red at
aboat 1:• p.m., uked c~ PbUip J'rildman, JI, ot 'hlt1a
for n_. far • dollar 11111. &Mm ,..,... ... a p6ltol ud eluMd Ollt tlllt c ... rec'nw.,... ,......, No car •• .... fte ......._ Mia ........... tlae atat.e, ..,. ID
towa ID ..... a &Wins• ..U .... CJ COlltrol b*I t'CIO-:m llr a. c.ta ~ Pola n.putmtet, oftleen
• (
agreement calls for 230 addl·
tiooal aerea to be returned to
state ownenbip if the state cuta
a navtpble ctwme1 to the ~
for a marina development.
The Amigos oppose the
marina concept. Sianal bu developed 900 res-
idences along the marshland
bluffs and another 1,700 homes
are planned.
Carlberl auerts that wetlands
have rapidly disappeared and
that the Bolsa Chica is one of the
rew remaining areaa of its kind.
He said that it is a resting
point for thousands or migrating
wild birds and is important for
other ecological reuons.
More than $3 million was al·
located by the state to buy up to
900 acres or the marshlands.
However, negotiations have
been marked by disagreement
over the value or the land.
Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr. seems to be tasting the re-
mains of a le mon-coconut pie thrown at his face Thurs·
day before he gave a s peech al New York's Cooper
Union. "Campaigning ," he remarked . "1s not a. piece of
Texaco Reports
211% Income Rise
NEW YORK !AP )-Texaco
Inc , the nauon's third-largest
oil company. today reported its
earnings more than tripled in
the third quarter from the same
period last year. The increase
was the biggest announced by
one of the oil companies.
Texaco. based in White Plains.
N Y.. said earnings mcreased
211 perce nt in the July·
September period, from $197. l
million. or 72 cents a share, to
On Issues Set
In Huntington
A day-long "lssues Workshop"
on the Huntington Beach Local
Coastal Program Is scheduled
Saturday in the City's Civic
Center Cafeteria.
The public is encouraged to at·
tend and participate in dis·
cuulons by the Local Coastal
Program Citiiea Advisory Com·
mlttee beginnin1at9:30 a.m.
At the momldg session, the
committee will review lntorma·
lion on e nvironmentally
~Uve areas. TbeM areu ln·
chade die Bolla Chica and Sud.a
Ana Riftr Manb.
Du.rlQs tbe afternoon Ml9fion,
be1lnnln1 at 1 p , m .. tbe
cap acltlea and problem• of
public works 91stems and
faeuttln will be dl1cu11ed.
Public ~reattoaal facUltles
a~b M bMcbea allo wUI be dll·
,,.., ~ Ad.-.., Commit-
tee bell9I clneloo poUcy for the
Coaaul Slemeftt of the Huat-lnctoe S..Cb General Plan .
$612.2 million, or $2.25 a share.
This year's figures included a
one-time gam of $103.2 million,
or 38 cents a share. from a re-
q u1 red tax carry forward of
foreign operating losses and tax
credits rrom previous years.
Texaco's sales in the period
were $10.25 billion. up from $7.04
billion io las t year 's third
Texaco attributed most of the
earnings gain to operations
overseas. where a lack or price
controls allow oil companies to
pass through higher crude oil
costs more quickly than they
can in the United States.
Exxon. the industry giant, this
' week reported a 118 percent in·
crease in its third quarte.r prof.
Mostly sunny Saturday.
Lows toniibt in 508. Highs
Saturday 70 at beaches
and 75 lnland.
All Ow uiorld'• o 1toge,
e.,,edGUf Oft HoUowen. For
MtoUa • Or'CMQf eo..tw'• SholcelpfGNa trotapt and
hountld ,_.,,, ... PQOe Cl.
.... x
At\'_..,._ A1 AM Lo.-.. ..
L.M ... ~ M ....._ CM .................... u ~ Al ........... M =-~== :: ~ CH ftl l -CN.• °'.:t•c a• ...... ,.... .,.
: .. , I «;1'~ =:...... ~ ~ • .,.,,....... c• .._.,.._ M ne.n CM "-·~ ...... M l.WF'JI Cl---M
I .
I .
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Killed by
ff is take
DALLAS <AP) -The two
-01lce offlcen thoqbt it wu the
unmao tbey saw nmolnl from
be area where three people
1ere belq held tio.ta1e. The
un they abot to deatlt wu one
f the bostqea, authorities aald.
Police Cb.lei Glen Kint called
t a tragic cue ot mistaken iden-
.ty and placed the two offtcers
n indefinite leave for their own ood.
King said the officers spotted
man who "began to run in a
roucb," ~ twice called for
im to atop.
"He failed to do so and from a
istance of approximately 75
~et they fired on him," King
·•Because of the traumatic
ature of this, because the iMo-
?nt person's life was lost in it
nd because of the effect this
kely will have on their mental
:ld emotional conditions, I am
acing them on leave . . . to be
Jre everything is in order as
r as lbey are personally con-
?rned," King said.
Lee Douglas Page, 39, died of
msbot wounds t.ryin1 to escape
s captor.
Police said the gunman, who
trrendered after Page was
lied , bad abducted his wife and
child from bis mother-in-law's
>me about 8 a.m . The mother-
1-l a w called police, who
dlowed the gunman as he
arched his family down the
reel at gunpoint.
Page~happened to be getting
. to his car when the group ap-
roached. Police said the gun-
. an pointed his pistol at Page
rid ordered him to drive them
'il/86 ,.... Ute ...... w-. .. ~ftHI' ................... .
U' .... c:::' ftNd •• bl•. P.,. the ear aerma
ae street into a oel,..bor'• front ard and leaped out in a dari.ne
;cape attempt. Police said
age had run about 35 feet when
? was bit in the head, leg and
.ittocks by gunfire from of-
cers Randall Jackson, 35, and
ames Brigdon, 32.
King said he plans to visit
age's widow and their two
>ns, aged 13 and 9, to express
ie police department's aym-
"It was a v ery tragic thing,"
ing aaid. "We all feel very bad·
, about it."
Larry Butler, 24, waa taken ln-
> custody after th• lacldent. He ·u not charged lmmedlately.
Driver Killed
In Sma shup
One man wu killed lutantly
and another wu erltlcally in·
ured 'lbunday when tbe driver
oat control of bls car and
!areeoed acn>a four lanes of
.he Rivenide ,.....way in Yorba
:..inda and amubed into a tuanl
rail, bJpway patrolmen uicl.
The dead man wa1 ldeatifled
a.a Michael Paige, 22, of Perris.
He was the driver of the car.
The paaaencer, Philip
Del1ado, 19, also of Perris, was
taken to Canyon General
Hospital with major injuries
a fter the 7 p.m . one-car acci-
dent, officen said.
lite Or_C_ o.I,,, Pl•.--.. ,,._ ........... --... ··--....... °'_ ( .. '° Pvlll-..~ '""°'" ..... , ....... ,
............. _., """""' ,, ... , ... C..le
JM,.. H--........ -..... ,,_ l .... Vellrt.IN-l __ ,.,...,. .. (_I A ••"'O••·-.-..,. ........ --~ .. -,,..,..,.,. ,,,. """'""" -'INl!oe -.. et m W9•1 l••Sl-.c...-.~.,_ ·-"""' Prniot"'..,......,.,_ Jae•• c-. Vl(tPr-l •fW~el--
~· .... ..... ,,.... .. ....,_ ............ -
OW-.M '--._P •• ... ,_ ................. ----"""°'_<;-. ..... .... ~'9ft:C,.~--....... ~ •. o .... _,., ....
OMDet . ~...,., ..,, ,...cee.-.. ......., OllM ..... , ....... , ....
Tiiie t•Pfb of mort1a11 ...., .. ~.., ........
....... ,., .... P'ede.ra.I Home
Leu ... ...,. repla.U..
-Lower tll•• mt•tmum
amount of l'DOM)' lhrift IMtltu.
Uoaa muat kHp In rHerve,
tbenb1 frMlD.I -.p to •·• bUUon that cam be made available for mortcaaea.
-Olve aavtnp ud loan U ·
1oclaUona perarlUlon to IJ't:MIY
expand their bort'OWIDI from ·
··outakSe IOW'Cet,'' 1tartln1 ln eo
Dellyl"t ..............
Tu Cutter J•rvla
J arvis Tells
Lagunans of
13's Bene/ its
Of -Delly ~ .... 5'"9
Howard Jarvis, the infatigable
76-year-old tax foe addressed a
roomful of Laguna Beach re·
al tors today. telling them his
successful Proposition 13 in-
itiative created 562,800 new jobs
in California in the past year.
In an address peppered with
anecdotes at the El Niguel Coun-
try Club this morning, the folksy
tax-cut advocate outlined his
view of the effects of his propqsi-
tion on California taxpayers.
And he wasn't the least bit
humble about pointing out the
benefits be says the new law
... _.. • 1....-eome_~ to ...... .., .......... _ ...
•year ta tasee," lantlt told ...
100 realton this mornin1.
"He 1aid that as a result be
was hiring eight more people on
his farm."
Most of the more than a half
million new jobs were given to
lower -income citizens, Jarvis
said, "and that means a reduc·
lion in the welfare appropria·
Other benefits of 13 outlined
by Jarvis included:
-An economy that ls growing
twice aa faat as other states
-No recession in California, although other states are begin-
n ln1 to feel the effects of infla·
lion ·
-An inflation rate that ia 1 percent less than other stat.es
-More than 100,000 fewer
public employees now than before
Prop. U . "About 75,000 of thme
ettber retired or quit, and oaly
25,000 blld to be cut from clly and
1tate budgets," be aaid.
-No real cut in eaaential
aervlcee, "or at leaat that'• what
the governor tells me."
And while be'a pleased with
the resulta ot bis ts-year cam-
paign to cut property taxes, the
tireless former newspaper
publiaber aaya he's not throuib
"We've got an '8 billion sur-
plus in the state this year," he
s miled. "So I've got another
He says he's collected 600,000
signatures for bis new effort,
which be say1 will cut personal
income taxes to the state by so
percent, eliminate the business
inventory tax, and Index income
tax rates.
He says be needs 1.5 million
signatures by the end of No-
vember to get bis new tax pri>p.
oaltion on the ballot, addinc 1.5
milllon aipatures "means three
million votes."
the 1treet .
Police have repeatedly
warned residents of the a.reaa
where the killer baa struck to
keep their doon and wlDdowl
locked because tbere 11 no
evidence tbe 11-yer brew 1Dto
lb• apartment..
Pollet theor ise be 1•t1 ln
tbrou ... u ualoeked door or
window lllld ~ b1a Yle-
tlma • tllllJ ... ......, ba bed.
N•iabborllooda wltla beavy
tOGCliiltrildW ol apal'tmelliU ln LIM .,.._ la "9llch tbe killer bu atnek Mw ..._ ......... fw
~ pe&roll °"" u.. . . .
la • ,...._. move, ua. ~
lmum aJlowabl• latereet 'Oil
1tn1te.famll¥ home mo~ tnaured by the Federal
AdmlnlltraUoo WU ra!Md I
point w a r«Ol'd u., .,.rcent.
<Story, P81• 83) ·
And the Aartcutlurt ~
menl aaid today lt wlU boolt
baale lou raa. by 1 percental•
point, elfectlvtt Nov. 1.
,,,..._p ..,AJ
Taylor of El Toro and Daniel
Bray of Santa Ana. s wan.son 1ald that Cutkomp
hatched the or1ani1ation in late
1974 when be traveled to South
America and was introduced to
a major cocaine dealer in Uma,
Pe ru.. 1 "Culkomp had fema e cour·
lers transport money a.nd co-
caine from Lima to the United
States," Swanaon saJJ today.
The former La1una tie~cb
m a n apparently had three
methods of transporting money
and drugs. Swanson said, includ-
ing se~g cocaine in book bind-
ings, using scuba equipment and
a diplomatic courier from Costa
Swanson said women would
fl y lo Lima with $100,000 to
$200,000 in cash and meet with
Culkomp and lhe alleged drua dealer F.dward Portugal Sala.iar.
After turning over u1e money,
the women would take cocaine,
sealed in bindings or large
books, and fly from Lima to
Mexico City.
The women would then pro-
c e ed to Tijuana where they
would be met by another group
of couriers who would carry lhe
drug·filled books across the
border into San Diego posing as
The books were then brought
to Laguna Beach, Swanson said,
with some of the drugs distribut-
ed in the Art Colony and some
t r ansported to Tahoe city for
dis tribution.
A seco n d met h od of
transportation involved filling
empty scuba diving tanks with
25 pounds or lhe drug, which was
taken up lo Belize. South
America. then lo New Orleans.
S wanson said the former
Laguna Beach man also used
the f o rme r Cos ta Ri c an
ag r icultural envoy, Rodolfo
A ray a -Porroe, 37, lo transport
up to • ......... of cocaine at a Um• to lllaml alld otber U.S.
A11lstant U .S. Attorney Lee Lutfy from Reno said 20 persons
were named in a Reno Grand
J ur y indictment Wednesday and
12 of those suspects have been
arrested lo date.
He said indictments will be
so u ght "in the next t hree
months" against. 20 lo 30 other
s us pects in the elaborate drug
s mu11.ling caae. Swanson said some Oranee
County rea.ldents will be .named
In future Indictments but be
would not release their names.
The eovemment became aua-
plclous of Cutkomp in 1975, of.
ficlala said, when It waa dis-
covered he wu making twice·
monthly tri.,_ to Peru, fiytng
fl.rat clau, altbousb be bad no
apparent income.
Tbe IOftl"DmeDl eaqht up to
Cutkomp in July when be WU
indicted on c:onsplracy to import
and distribute cocaine. He ls .UU
in prlaon with ball set at $500,000.
F ,.._P.,.eAJ
PWME •••
nuenced by that raise informa-
tion, but the Federal Reaerve
did not indicate whether it
believed it acted too strongly.
Citibank's decision apparently
indicated it believed the Federal
Reserve will not move to rela.x
credit, although the bank issued
no explanation of lts action.
Today's boost in the prime to
15"4 percent was the fourth in-
crease in four weeks. Sept. 28,
major banks raised the base
lending rate from 13"4 to 131Ai
percent. This stood ~l Oct. 9
shortly after the Fed s latest
· credit·lightes;Unc plan wu an·
nounced, when the prime
jumped an unprecedented one
percentage point to HIAI percent.
Tuesday and Wednesday, the na·
lion's top bankl, except for
Citibank, went to 15 percent.
The Federal Reserve reJeued
fl1ures Tburaday 1howlne the
previous week's report ot the
basic money supply was S3
billloo too hilb.
"The aumtantlal cauae ot the
revtaion wu reportJ.nc erron by
a lar1e money eea&.er bank " a
Federal Reserve apokia.;.an
A week a10, lt report.cl UM
baalc money aupply roM a R1m-
nln1 f,2.t bUUon in the net
IDded Oct. 10. The .... dQ. tbt
Federal Re11rv1 tt1bten1d
credit, drt"::f.~•ntt ,.._. But OD Tb , tilt ....,._
Raern M6d the,...." .. •·
tuall1 cmlJ 1 madelt • mlllloft for that wetlt.
S. Africans
Deny B lmt
South Africa <AP> -
South Africa denied today l! .S. intelligence su11es·
t1 ons that it set off a
nuclear device. saying the
report verged on science
In Waabington, a senior
American defense ofriclal
appeared to step back
from those suggestions by
saying "the re is no In·
dependent evidence that
would link a particular
country" with lhe s uspect-
ed explosion more than a
month ago.
Or. J . Wy n and d e
Villiers, president of South
Africa's Atomic Energy
Board, said the report In·
dicating South Afri ca
might be on the brink of
joining six nations in the
wo rld's known atomic
arms club was "complete
Comest Set
Little goblins and ghouls can
get into the Halloween spirit
Saturday at a costume contest
and monster mash sponsored by
the City or Fountain Valley.
The devilishly run event ls
open 'lO chi ldren 12 years old and
under. at the City's Recreation
Center . 16400 Brookhursl. from
l-4 pm.
Festivities will include the
great pumpkin. hunt. the ghost ring toss, the mons ter mash
dance contest. the witeb"' bftw
chug-a-lug, Dracula'• relay, the
pumpkin walk and pumpkin
carvina contest fo r wh ich
partldpaDta must brinl thelr
own carved pumpk.ln.
For additlonal lnfo rmatlon,
call 839-88U.
Detective Killed
sheriff's detective was s hot to
death while on a stakeout ln lhe
home of a woman who reported
receiving lewd telephone calls,
offlcials report.
U0 lolill IMOtiatloM, Hlqe U
mortca11 moae1 baa au but -=-. .....................
depotltl, Wbic:b Qey uae to make
mort1aae.. to Gtber lnaUtutiou and lnvatmenta otferin1 better
retuma, auch u money·marktt
mutual f\mdJ.
~n addltlon . morlca1e
bankers, who write mo.t eov·
ernment-backed mort1a1ea.
have bad trouble flndiq in-
velton f~ mortaa191 cafTJing tnterett rat. lower tban other
available investments.
Ciitic Cop
Oeare d o f
state appeals court bas over·
turned the contempt-of-court
conviction ot a policeman who
used a parple crayoo to expresa
bis low opinion of JudPI md
Juries on a questionnaire Mnt to him u a IJl"OSPeCtive Jearor.
The 3rd District Court of AP.
peal in Sacramento said Tbura·
day that Superior Court Judge
Frances Newell Carr was wrong
in sentencl.ng Sacramento police
officer J im Uster lo two days in
jail a nda $100ftne.
Tbe judge found that wt.er
failed lo obey tbe lawful order
and processes of the court by re ·
fuaing to complete two Jury
queatioonairell properly.
The appeals court said the
quesliONla.ires were not orders
or processes of the court.
Justice Robe.rt Puglia. who
wrote the appeals court opuuon.
said nothing could be purushed
as cont.empt of court unless 1t
happened in the immediate
presence of t.be court while in
session and in such a manner as lo
interfere with its proceedings.
On ooe questionnaire Jan 19.
Lister worte "Nooe or your busa·
ness" to questions regarding his
occupation, and denounced "In·
competent 1udges. bleeding
heart Judges. 1rrespons 1ble
1udges." lie called the question·
na1 re "j unk mail."
Wben a aecood questioonaire
waa .eat to blm wit.b a w&nliA&
that ... would ... fOUDd ...... tempt foe f.alllns to ftD lt Ollll.
Lister identified himself as •
police officer.
But in another letter he asked
lo be exempted from 1ury
-;erv1 ce because he felt .. anyone
who 1s on tnal as obnous ly gwl·
ty of so met.ht nil" · •
Las ter. 29. a policeman for
three years. saJd Thursday that
he bad done "exactly what the
Constitution guarantees me the
right to do. and that ·s to state my
Home ......... bperU aai.d ta..
FHA celllaa lncrta .. 1laoal4 ••.~II II'*~ W r ••rl .. p .. .. .. mort1..-to ln•M&an.
And, even if mo.qaee money
ll available, many people wUl -
ftod lt out of Uaeir riacft at tbe •
bl1her intere1t ratea. Th•
monthl)' payment on a NC),000
mortga1e with a 3().yeat t#ln
carrying a 10.5 percent Interest
rate wu $458. Tbat payment on
the same loan with an toterett
rate ot 11.5 percent inte1e1i eoea
lo $496.
Hairy l 11ue
coe d kicked off a
m arching s quad at
Atwater High Scbool for
refusing to cut her nearly
waist-length hair bu been
ordered reinstated.
Re moving Dawnella
G ll:zenan was arbitrary
because the acbool district
bad no proper educational
purpoae ln dictatln1 the
length of her hair, Deputy
County Counsel Doris
Lacy said Thursday.
Members of the squad,
wbo J>recede the marching
baod with aicna beartnc
letters that identify the
school, were required to
have shoulder-length hair
lo present a uniform ap-
pearance ln competlUon.
Bomb Hoax
Stanles J et
Flight Crew
passenger aboard a Western
Airlines flight bound for Hawaii
stoo<i up lD the aisle of the jet'
and announced that a bomb w~
about to explode. federal of-
f1c1als srud.
T heo man w as quickly
res t rained T hursd ay by the
flight crew and his announce
ment proved lo be a hoax, sajn
Bob Groth. ctuef of lhe Federal
Avaattoo Admirustration's civil
aviation security d i vision in
l:loooh.&lu .
f'1'I .._...,A...-Glee Youns
s•ld • mu ldent1fted only u
St anley Santos was arrested
after n1~t 571 from San Fran-
cisco landed in Hawaii.
\'oung a aid San tos was
charged wtlh "crime aboard an
ai rcraft ... saying the specific
charge would be established later
Groth said there were 196 passengers aboard the flight
wh i<'h was about halfway l~
Hono lulu when the incident occurred.
at a ny Store but RALPHS
When you shop furniture you l!l {!1 l!J
may have to go to many stores
just to do one room. but not at RALPHS because.
We have 12 Specialty Stores in One!
I -
... I • LAMP •
: .. GALLEKY ~ ..,..._,="""'·
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I '-' • : \ -i!.
: DOOR '
I ,
' ' < • '
'. t
' '
VOL 11, NO. 299, • seqtoNS, 50 PAGES
For11m Nixed by Candidates
Prime Rates
Raised Again
.NEW YORK (AP> -Citibank
tbe nation's second·largest
bank, railed its prime lending
rate ~ to a rtt0rd 151/4 per-
The bank leaped past otber
major banks, which earlier in
the week raised rates to 15 per-
c~ n t. from 14~ percent.
CaUbant. which normally acts
only on Fridays, had nol
·matched that increase.
The prime lending rate is
_ .... _ ...
•au IN N1GUB.
Tu Cutter Jarvi•
Jarvis Tells
" ~ 13 Benefits
Of -o.lly Pile! SI.It!
Howard Jarvis. the infatigable
76-year-old tax foe addressed a
roomful of Laguna Beach re-
altors today, telling them his
successful Proposition 13 in-
itiative created 562,800 new jobs
ln California in the past year.
In an address peppered with
anecdotes at the El Niguel Coun-
try Club th.is morning, the folksy
tax-cul advocate outlined his
view ol the effects of hls proposi·
1Uon on California taxpayers.
And be wasn't the least bit
humble about pointing out the
beneflts be says the new law
"I bad a farmer come up to
me and say I s._ved him $50,000
a year in taxes, "f Jarvis told Lbe
100 realton this morning.
''He said that as a result be 1'•• birtng eight more people on
IS1I farm."
charged by banb to most credit-
worthy corporate customers,
with other businesses paying
even more .
It does not directly affect con-
s ume•· loans, whose rates are
le~~ volatile than business loan
rates and in many cases are
limited by state law. But it is
seen as an indicator of credit
conditions generally.
Many banks make loans to
consumers and home buyers at
rates below the prime rate, but
some banks, facing high interest
rates on the money they acquire
for lending, have cut back con·
s umer loan and mortgage busi·
The Federal Reserve Board in recent weeks bas drastically
tightened credit, in an effort to
fight inflation by holding down
the growth or the money s upply.
The Federal Reser ve an·
nounced Thursday it made a
major error in its money supply
calculations early this month.
Some analysts said the Federal
Reserve ·s most recent tighten-
ing move might have been in-
nuenced by that false informa·
lion, but the Federal Reserve
did not indicate whether it
believed tt acted too strongly.
Citibank's decision apparently
indicated lt believed the Federal
Reserve will not move to relax
credit, altboup the bank 1uued
DO expluatloa ol ita acUoG. T~ .. -.& m .._ prime to 15'4.....--... ~-CNaM ID ~..-.. Sept. 2111. =banks nl9ll the base I rate flOl9 av. &o u~ "1'11111 ........... Oet. .. •bortb an. U.. Ped'• las.t
credit.tlllb'••n1 pl8a wa an· nounced, when the prime
j umped ao unprecedented ooe
percentage point to 14~ percent.
Tuesday and Wednesday, the na-
tion's top banks, except for
Citibank, went to JS percent.
The Federal Reserve released
figures Thursday showing the
previous week's report of the
basic money supply was $3
billion too high ..
"The substantial cause of the
revision was reporting errors by
a large money center bank," a
Federal Reserve s pokesman
A week ago, it reported the
basic money supply rose a slun-
ni ng $2.8 billion in the week
ended Oct. 10. The same day, the
F e deral Reserve lightened
credit, driving up interest rates.
But on Thursday, the Federal
Reserve said the gain was ac·
tually only a modest $500 million
for that week. It said the basic
money supply for lbe week
ended Oct. 17 declined $700
million, completely offsetting
the previous week's gains.
Interest rates o n bond
m'arkets dropped late Thursday
after the report, although trad·
ing was brief.
Debra Senior, She Others, Dead and Police Don't Know Why, or by Whoae Hands
Slain Girl Buried
Coast Police Still Stymied on Killer
Of-Delly ~lie! Swtt
Seventeen-year-old Debra
Senior. the seventh victim or
what police believe is a tiller
who preys on women alone in
their apartmenta, wu buried to-
vived. The accelerating attacks.
including eight since March or
this year, have occurred in
Costa Mesa, Newport Beach.
Tustin, Irvine and Santa Ana
Police hue a drawtnc ol tbe •ua~ Men at tbe seene ol c.. ol ..... _ulta,-.&
so v.'C-re unable to pat a
name to the face.
la~-.Sdfnareno cber to I tier llQw Gum they were when the series of kill·
inp and auack.a ata.rted more
tbaD two,._. qo. sax women and an anbom lo· fant are dead as a ..-ull of at.
tacks dating back to A~t.
1977. Three women ba ve sur-
Lt. Jack Calnoo ol Costa .....
•aJd two ampeeta were eoe·
atdered and ,..,_... tbla WMk
by detec:Uvea wbo are H 1Hna
the murderer-rapist.
One man, Jon W. Rowland. 18.
What Cops?
40 Miss Motel Holdup
If you've gol 40 off.duty police officers staying in your
motel, you ought to be safe -right?
AN ARMED bandit made off Thursday night with $440
from the office of the Costa Mesa Inn, 3205 Harbor Blvd.,
despite the fact that 40 off-duty officers were slaying there.
None or them beard or saw anything suspicious at I.he
time, Costa Mesa police said today.
INVESTIGATORS SAID TOE gunman entered at
about 8:30 p.m., asked clerk Philip Friedman, 23, of Tustin
for change for a dollar bill, then produced a pistol and
cleaned out the cash register before fleeing. No car was
The policemen, from throughout the slate. were in
town to attend a seminar on delinquency control being con·
ducted by the Costa Mesa Police Department. officers
of Santa Ana. wa8 arrested early
Wednesday morning in an apart-
ment complex lo that city. ··we bad a pretty aood look at
him, but be doem't appear to be
the one we're looiln1 for."
Calnoeuld. How••· &ow'-d a.. "-' ,,, .............. $ ,
.. ewttMa ..... a ..... "' eig ht sexual assaults ln
southw..tS...Aaa. ''lt __ 't ____ .._ be'd•=· .......... Aaa-.1 ....t~tt.em in our cttMa. •• ~ obeel "9d.
Calnon said detectives apeat
Thursday in Huntington Beacb.
investigating a man in custody
there, but, like Rowland. the
Huntington Beach s uspect was
ruJed out.
Police have been given hun·
dreds of leads to pursue by resi-
dents who've seen the picture of
the suspect and phoned an m-
f orm allon
The volume or calls and leads
<Sff VICTIM. Pag~ ~%)
U.S. Plans
Gold Auction;
Price Drops
Treasury's surprise announce·
ment that it will auction 1.25
million ounces or gold Nov. l
sent the pnce of bullion plum-
meting by as much as Sl7 .SO in
Europe today. Tbe dollar rose.
• Moel ol the more than a half
million new jobs were given to
lower-lncome citizens, Jarvis
Mid, "and that means a reduc·
don in the welfare appropria·
Supreme Court Assailed
.. People were expecting there
wouldn't be any auctions for a
while. and now we have more
gold coming onto the market."
said a dealer at Samuel Mon-
tagu Ltd .• one of the big five
London bullion merchants.
Gold opened in London at
$374.SO an ounce. down $17.SO
from $392.00 Thursday. The af.
temoon futlng was $375.
Other benefits of 13 outlined
ly Jarl\11.Dcluded:
• -An economy that is growing
twice • fMt u other states
-No reeeuioo in California, altbou.lb other stat.es are begin·
alq to feel the effects of infla·
tloa ·: -An inflation rate that is 1
_pereeat ._.than other stat.ea
-More than 100,000 fewer
bUcemloYeet now than before • I.I. -.. About 15,000 ol tbole
c.ll:MI' ndnd or quit, and only
•Wk> be alt from city and
' ........... aald. -No real cut ln essential ~. "or at leut that's what
.... ..,...,...te11ame.''
• A8d wblle be'• pleued witb :69 r.da of Ida J.5.year cam· *'* lo -property tu•, tbe trel ... former aew1paper
............ ..,. ..... DOt tbroUlb
.... , .. IO& • '8 MWon IW'·
......... tldl 1M"·" be
''ID I'•• 1ot uotber .......
Deukmejian Raps Activism in Newport Talk
oi .. °""' "" ..... In a speech in Newport Beach
Thunday night, California At·
torney General Geor1e Deukme·
jlan said the state Supreme
Court ia IUiltY of clo111D1 the
justice system and indulles in
"trlvlalisation" of tbe state
Deukmejian spoke at a dinner
meelinl ot tbe Oranse County
Bar Auoctlltloa at the Marriott
Hotel. '
The court t'Yltem ia cloued,
Deuk.mejian aald, beca ... Of the
"appellMe aJl!idrOme." Tbla is a
coQclitloD, be said, that lncreuee
tbe number of court trials
became eoaYietiooa are Oft?·
turned on r-a1 . Deut~ blamed tbe •YD·
drome oa ••Jacllctal acUYi1m
. . . . cbanliq .. ubjMU" IU8d·
udl ol law .. .Mew·fomd --• tl t a tl o • a 1 r ll ll ti for
erlmlaala ••• a• Uae 117· ll*ldms Qwt for enon 1'J tlae Su'-"-eo.t." .
Aleo ·d•d .......... ecMttW IM taparen ~.
Deukmejian said, is the retroac·
live application of high court
rulings to past convictions.
"It's like changing the rules of
a game after it bas s tarted ...
usually in the favor of the
criminal," Deukmejian said.
Deukmejian said bis office
estimated an additional 3,000
trials will be made necessary by
retroactive rulings and wtU coet
at least *5C> million.
Still on the subject or c00ra
workloads placed on the justice
1y1tem, Deukmejian talked
about the People vs. Wendy.
Jn that cue~ Deuk.mejian said,
the atate SWreme Court ruled tr
a defenae lawyer cannot find
1rou.ndl b1a client cu •Ppeal on,
then it ii the court'• duty to re-
view the ease for arounda to ap-
The nalial ... banded down
delplte tbe fact tbat the coart
ltMlf, tbe State Bar ancl the At· torn., GeDeral'• omce all ba"
bMD tr7lDI for yean to eue
court Woriloedl. Deulun~lan •aid.
Shah to Stay
Year in U.S.?
NEW YORK CAP) -The de-
posed shah of Iran, marking bis
60tb birthday today, took "with
style" the news that cancer is
spreading through bis body, say
doctors who are recommending
be sta,y ln the United States for
up to a year for treatment.
"There is some potential for
recovery," said Dr. Hlbbud
Williama, pbysician·ln·eb.arte at
New York Ho1pltal·Cornell
Medical Center, where Sbab
llobammed Besa Pablavi 11
restlftl under CUlrd lo a .... a.
day· room followlnl removal ot
bl• 1aU.tudder . Docton Ont diapoMd lymph
cancer ln tbe former l(anian
ruler ali yean aao-But the aur·
1ery Wednelday eoanrmed a
dltferent fonD ol cancer tbat II
tprHdlDI but doel not lDYOlve otbeforpm.
Of -Deify~ SUft
Suppose they held a can·
didales night and nobody came?
That's what happened in
Irvine Thursday night when a
televised forum sponsored by
the Irvine World News and
c hamber of commerce drew
neither candidates nor spec·
ta tors to City Hall.
Instead , most o f the can·
didates and a crowd of about 6S
attended another candidates
forum sponsored by the citizens
g roup Irvine Tomorrow at
Uni versity Community Park.
The two events had been
scheduled on the same njght and
at about the same time or the
But since the candidates said
they bad accepted invitations to
the Irvine Tomorrow e vent long
before receiving mailgrams this
week for the second campaign
forum , they stuck by thei r first
Lou Fridhandler, chairman of
Irvine Tomorrow said he was
'"very gratified" at the turnout
ror bis group's event but still in-
dicated he believes the schedul-
ing conflict was the result of a
·'strong feeling of antipathy" the
established powers in the city
feel~ organization.
Fri WU referriq to
recent action.a by hla 1roup,
parU~ ID a cue lnWGl•biC public repreMDtatioo oa U.. lniM aaad ...... Dlmtd.. ......................... ' ........... -. .. dlllllS -...,,... c .... , .... for 1ancbwbd" In the water dis·
Uict as well u owner of tbe
World News a.d * cable TV .,..... ..... ~.
·~ ............... ...
appear," M said.
Six C911dk'MN spoke at the
campaip forum lo the park's muJU-puf1)08e room. They were
Rita Gallaher. who bad indicat-
ed e arlier Thurs day s h e
wouldn"t attend either event.
John Nakaoka Gordon Getcbel,
Jim Manning, Caryl Cohn and
Harold Maltz.
Incumbent trustee Elizabeth
S1coli and candidate Kathy
Larkan were both ill and could
not attend. Two others seeking
e l ec tion Nov . 6 , Gary
Ras m ussen and Martha Carter,
atte nded neither event.
In the council chambers at Ci-
ty Hall. it was a different scene
Placards with the names or
the candidates were laid out on a
table and a cable television
technician adjusted the cameras
and lighl.l.ng.
World News co-publishe r
George McDonald sat in the
front row or seats. He was joined
by two other rep0rters and olan-
n an g commissione r Larry
The mailgram that had been
sent out announcing the forum
which candidates received
Wednesday (24 hours before
it was to be h eld),
told the school board
hopefuls to be in the council
chambers by 7 p.m. for a "pre-
production briefmg." By 7:15,
when no one bad arrived,
McDonald said an announce·
menl would be made at 7:30 tell·
ing cable TV viewers the forum
(See FORUMS, Page AU
~ • .
I l
l ___ __._.
... 1
Tomorrow Taba Getche4 Sicoli, Cohn
8ehoo1 boud uadldatH
Gordon o.tct~I. ltilaabet.b Sh~ou
and Caryl Cobo won t.be ndone-
mnt al the t1Uaeu 1rwp lrvlDI
Tomonow Tb..._, .._t.
Mem'*" ot \M orauh.-made tbllr todonem,.ll • tM baala or maJont1 vote after
hearlna presenlllUooa from lb
of 10 candldat a runnln1 fol'
three ... ta oo &be board Nov.&.
Delay S.•1•t
O.tdlill -4 Seoll. aa hleum·
bent ~ dkl not appear beeaute
ol UlMll, ...... eodorNd on the
nnt ....... Mn. Cobn WU en·
dor'Md -• UUrd ballot. Aleo .......n.. at Tbanday'•
ea•palan forum were ean·
dldatn John Nalrlolrl, Alta
Gallaher, Jim lhnnln1 and
HaroJd MaJll
• For Oetchel, lrvlnc Tomor·
State Ruling Eyed
On Fair's Theater
Oranee County Fair Board
members aald Thursday they
will wait for a state attorney
general's oplnJon before decid·
ing whether or not to grant a de·
veloper's request to delay COD·
structioo oo a planned 8,000..seat
amphitheater at the Costa Mesa
Fair Board members said
they want the attorney general's
office, which acts as their at·
torney, to consider tbelr liability
,.lguel'• Smith
Smi.i. Quits
As Chief of
Niguel Avco
Architect J ames W. Smith an-
nounced this week that he is re-
s igning as vice president and
general manager of Avco Com-
munity Developers, Inc. 's
Laguna Niguel division to form
-his own Orange County develop-
ment firm.
Smith a resident of Laguna
Niguel, said b.ia reaienaUon la ef.
fective Dec. 1.
A graduate of the Unlveralty
of Southern California, Smltb
has woned at Avco slnce 1B74
and was name d 1eneral
manaeer of tbe La1una Nlpel
dlviaion In um.
His work bas i nvolved
superviain& major development
ventures and handlln1 public re-
latlou with 1ovemnient, com-
• m unity and s pecial Interest
Tot Dies in Fire
TlJUANA1 Mesleo <AP) -
Tbe body or a 4-year-old lb'l,
tdentifted u u.e daupter of a
convict, WM found in ubee .tter . a fire pated a worabop in 'n· Juana'~ La Mesa State Peniten·
Uary. Offldala aald she dJed in a
restroom after being separated
from her mother u prlaonera
and vi.Aton ned from tbe fire.
'l'M Of •"90 c:o..\I DllllY "lot .. 11~ _,,I<~ 1-.~
"' ..... --"'-··-·-... '""°'-(-• ~Ol-..e~ s.p...,...,,,,.,.....,.
ovbU\o""M .......,,., ~ ''wt.a' 1-it ~14
-.... .._. ...... -""" ... -~11'•••nYelt•Y.lrvtM~~ .. tKh/Soutf'tC .. a A
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CMfMM.'-~~.-4'1i_.eMMI ....... ~
a111•••M¥.,....,.MNl?I -.... ~ .....
m connection wtlb lbe request
by Performing Arts Associates.
They said they will take the
matter up again at their Nov. H
Spokesmen for Performing
Arts Associates s aid their
backen want construction de·
layed until a fter litigation
bet ween the Fair Board and lbe
city of Costa Mesa Is resolved.
The amphitheater ls presently
scheduled \o start construction
in m ld-Decem ber. If the
post;.»onement ls grant ed, It
coul<l delay the structure in·
definitely. Coat is estimated at l5.5
million for the amphitheater,
which would be built on the fair·
grounds under a contract that
would allow the developers to
use it for major concerts and
performances. Fair officials
could use it during the regular
Orange County Fair.
The city is suing the fair and
seeking to halt work on Its
master plan, including construc-
tion of the amphitheater. until
the plan has been submitted
through regular city planning
Fair board member s hold
that, although the fairgrounds is
located within the city. it is state
property and not subject to local
control. Although willing to d.Js-
cuss the plans with city offi cials
informally. they have refused to
s ubmit plans for formal ap-
City officials charge that,
because the redevelopment will
affect traffic , emergency
service. aDd public: WGl"ka..,... .. c... ....................
J.et to~ pl-=~&Wdm•. An Oras• y S..pertor
Court Judie ruled ID Au1uat in the falr board's favor . That de-
cl1ton haa been appealed by the
city to lbe Fourth District Court
of Appeal in San Bernardino.
bad been canceled.
M cDon ald attributed the~
scheduling conflict to a lack of
communication between the
citizens group and the spomon
o f b is forum, the weekly
newspaper and chamber of com
However, the World News had
carried an Item Oct. 18 announc·
ing the time and place for the
Irvine Tomorrow c a ndidate•
nlgbt. A week earlier, the paper on
lta front page bad stated tbe
pubUcatlon and chamber would
1ponlOI' te1eviaed forum• from
Clty Hall. But DO dates or times
were oven.
Hoffmall, 1 chamber offtdal,
alao 1ald hl1 or1anlaatlon'1
new1letter bad carrted an an·
nounceDMIDl. but he couldn't ft·
call for certain 11 a date wu
A check ot the application wttb
the city to use the·councll cham-
bers Thursday nlgbt lndJcated
Community Cablevlalon Inc. had
applied to reserve lbe facility on
Sept. 2.5.
That request was approved by
the city on Oct. 4 The application
alJM> asked for use of tbe cham-
bers on Oct. ao. McDonald said
that night will be devoted to
hearing candidates for the Sad·
dleback Community Colleee and
Irvi ne Ranch Water Dlatrict
board races.
Tbe conruct in times for the
two campaign event.I bad upset
several al the candldat.ea . Rita Gallaber bad said earlier
Thursday that lt was unfair
"politically and morally" fOI' the
candldatel to be put in a poalUon
of bavtnt to choose between
McDonald Mid he made an ef.
fort to won out ... ui.raUon in
acbedaMI tar tbe two fonnna IO
boda oould r.-· lln. o~allo bad •aid
th• eandldatea were betnt used
., pawm m • battle ot m wtll
betwMD lrvtDt Tomorrow, an
eDviroammtally oriented fl'OUP
whleb 1uete11fully f ou1bt for
publieb' MMcl NPS"eHntation
on the IRWD board, and tbe
lntne Oompay.
lntM Tomoraow videotaped
Its undidatel nllht Thurtday
for pcllllble alrlftl over cable
ChallMI 111 IOIDt future d ate.
row'• backl~mew be baa woo
aupport on th tndl of the
poll Uc al apectrum.
He wu endorsed by lrvlae
Quorwn alter a caodidawa nllbl
laal ...a. lrvt.ne Quorwn la a
Hlf·dHcrlbtd non·parlluo,
polltlcal •ctlon IJ'OUP which baa
H objectives leu aovemment
interference! and more efficiency ln tax •~ppot\ed lnaUluUoDJ.
Irvine Tomorrow is an en-
vironmentally orleoted liberal
ortanbatloo which baa fot&lbt
landowner domination of the
lrvlne Ranch Water District
Irvine Quorum backed only
Getchel aft.er polllna lt.1 mem·
Irwin Alber, a spokesman for
lrvlne Tomorrow, said his IJ"OUP
will work u actively as poulble
ln assist.in& the campalps ot the
candidates It has endorsed.
lnc., the oaU.'1 \blrd·larl•l
oU company, todaJ ""rted it.a
eanPnis more than tripled la
the third quarter trom tbe ume
period wt year. The lncreaae
waa the bleent announced by
one of the oU companies.
Texaco, baaed in White Plains.
N.Y ., said earniDC1 lncreued
211 percent lo the July·
September period, from '1t'J.l
millloa, or 12 C...U a there. to
$612.2 millioa, or t:2.2S a abare.
This year's figures Included a
one-time gain ol $1°'1.2 million,
or 38 cent.I a abare, from a re·
quir ed tax carry forward ot
foreign oper"atln& lolMa and tu
credits from previom yean.
VICTIM •.. Be Was a Bad Bog
lfexaco's sales in the period
were tl0."5 billion, up from $'1.06
billion In last year'• third
Texaco attributed most of t.be
earnlnss gain to operations
overHu, where a lack of price
controls allow oU companlea to
paas th.rou«h hldler crude oil
costs more quickly than they can in the United St.atn.
has created a full·Ume job in
keeping the Ups categorized so
that the wild accusations don't
gel confused wtlb more solid in·
Calnon said bis department is
going to try today to com·
puterize lbe information lt bu
received for easier cateeortzt.ng
and retrieval.
''The computer people say
lbey can do it, so we're goina to
give lt a try," he said.
"Anything's worth trying."
Investigators from five agen-
cies are hunting the man they
say is responsible for a total of
nine assaults.
The attacks have occur1'ed
between the hours of 11 p.m . and
4 a .m .. generally on weekends.
The victims all lived in apart-
ments with ground floor entries
that weren't clearly visible from
the s treet.
P o lice ha ve r epeat edl y
warned residents of the areas
where the killer bas struck to
keep their doors and windows
locked because there is no
evidence the slayer breaks into
the apartments.
P olice theor ize he gets in
through an unlocked door or
window and bludgeons his vic·
tims as they are asleep in bed.
Neighborhoods with heavy
COGC ........ ol apartmeata in &be .,.... ID_...... 0.. ldlMr laM
atnae1r 1aaw -.. t.arptec1 rw special poUee pat.rola ov_. tbe
inventory tax, and index income
tax rates.
He says he needs 1.5 million
signatures by the end of No ·
vember to get hla new tax prop-
osition on lbe ballot, adding 1.5
million slcnatures "meana three
He said bis new tax reduction
acheme, when tied to lbe effects
of Prop. 13, would "bring
California down to tbe mJddle
range of taxes collected per
capita in the United Stat.ea.••
By cutttna CalifomJa personal
income ta•es by 50 percent,
J arvil claim.a the state would
collect only 10 percent leas than
lt does now.
And, be aaya, at least half that
amount can be made up by ual.n1
the 1t.atA1'1 huge aurplua.
"And lf you don't believe the
government can cut spend.lna by
5 percent, then you sbouJd.o't
support thla plan," he 1aid.
He said lbe proposal also al·
lows for "index.log" lbe Income
tax rat.es, which means inflation
aJone cannot drag a taxpayer in·
to a hJper tax bracket.
The propoaal also eliminates
the business In ventor y tax ,
"wh\ch has businesses shuttling
all their in ventory to Arizona in
March so they don't bave to pay
taxes on them."
His balJol measure wouJd cut
the amount of money 1olns to
Sacramento, be said , adding, "If
you want to cut the budeet you
don't give the state money ln the
fin t place.
"Because it becomes com·
post, .. he quipped.
J arvia said voter a pproval of
the ballot will •'probably mean a
couple of hundred thousand new
(private) Jobe in the state."
At tbe cooclualon of hiJ talk
before the realton, the 1rlnning
Jarvi• mentioned lhal "be just
happened to have aome petitJon
forms, .. for ll1Jl8turea.
Femini•la Revolt
BILBAO, 8paln <AP) -The
trial of 11 8pan11h women ac·
cUMd of bavlnl or performlne
aborllona wa1 1u11>9nded In·
definitely today followtDa violent
demomtnUoal by f .. W. ID
Madrid. Two deftndanta f.o.d
to ap))9ar tn court and tlMlr
tawyera conWMecl tbt Jud.1• to
a void lurUaer eonlroatatlopa
betwffll the femln11ll and cl.ab-
1wln&ln1 polic. '
Bound to a wooden frame. a Pakistani winces uner the
lash . He was amoni 27 men convicted of patronizing
prostitutes. Twenty-one were sentenced to one-year jail
terms and 1.5 lashes and six others to six months and five
Saddlehack Race Heats
The means to fund one of. th~
state's fastest growing com-
munity colleges was addressed
by most of the 10 candidates run-
ning for the Board of Trustees at
·a Thursday night public forum
in Sao Clemente.
Four of the 14 Saddleback C~mmunity College board can-didates whose names will ap.
pear on the Nov 6 ballot were
absent from the Th ursday
Dave Baker of Irvine. one of
the 14 names on the ballot, saJd
today he has dropped his cam-
paign and thrown his support to
Trustee Area 6 caodJdate Robert
L. Moore, a communications
Trustee Area 6, located in
Irvine when· the college has a
new norlhl'rn campus. H
perhaps the scene of the hottei.t
race in the college board elec-
Uoo. lforrl•• 8r•adt, former ~Mwi'9••·-~ 4ld not nm tor n-eleeUoe
four caodldat.es Bled to succeed her .
Jacques Warshauer, a teacher
a nd corporate finance ch1er. i.aid
his expencnce as a "fi scal ron
l>e r vat 1\c ' and educator
qualifies tum for the board post
Warshauer, who teaches one
class now at UC Irvine, 11> a
fo rmer Wes t Covina n1f1ed
School Board member. said he
will "fight more tnterunve use"
of school facilities unless it ls
paid for by those groups in-
volved. But Dr. Bert R ivas, a
Unive rsity of California ad·
ministrator, s aid he says be
wants to make school racillues
more available to u.es for a
minimal fee or at no cost.
Rivas said he wants to look in-
to other areas of the college
budget for cuts. Trustee Area 6 candidate·
Moore srud he supported Prop
13 and Prop 4, tax l.Jmitauon
and spending measures but con·
s1der11 education to be one of the
""essential" government
ser vices along with police and
hre protection
Moore swd he favors a "self-
supportJn~" college community
M~n1ces progr am but adrrutted
"there are going to be a few lean
· Glen Woodmansee. a private
attorney, said Prop 13 and Prop.
•• ta.. ................ ~ to ..,..,, o•ed.'r,,...,a cotte,• 111 ""• ~ ... wiU oree tn.t.ees to "erplon
limits and Uda oo adminlstrdive
costs "
It would be "a drasllc mis·
take" to C'Ut the rolle~e·s elderly
".'ducallon and vOC'allonal tr&lll
1ng programi., Woodmansee
lnbumbents Larry Taylor.
Harnet S Walther and Jobn C.
Connolly defended tbe coUe1e
board 's bandUog of financlaJ
problems f acinl the acbool.
Mra. Walther, of the TUltin
rruatee Area l , and Connolly, of
the Ml.ulon Viejo Trult.ee Area
7. were both appointed last year
to fill vacancies on lhe board.
Mrs. Walther'• cballen1er
John V. Lynch was ab&eot.
Taylor's challenger teacher
Bill Svendsen in the Laguna
Beach Trustee Area 3 pointed to
the college's community
services program a1 one area
wbere '"we could t ighten our
belt" and "cut (al."
Svendsen said, "We can't
count on Sacramento for more
funds "
Conno lly said the college
should seek "alternative funding
sources from private lnterests."
He encouraged lhe purchase of
p r o pert y for the college's
northern campus .
G'-A. Burcbett. one or C.oo· aolly'a cb•lleacere, aald the
flnancLaJ pJ"Oblem1 facln1 the
college "are oot aa acute as peo-
ple m ake the m out to be '·
becau~., or anllc1pated revenues
from n<'~ huusing to be bwlt in
the a re<J
Da vid Biggs. a university stu-
dent challenging Connolly. said a
park mg fee and effort to make the
college library self-supporting
would be a step toward sol vlng the
financial woes in lbe future.
at a ny Store but RALPHS
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Carter •d•lal1trallo• lllH
moved• •••al INeu '° ... ti.e••fr wtdilW&qeW7
cruact.. lllil .a ... eq 11 fll hu1JMr 'larrhc ~ ...._
A ,.._... GIBcW •bo ,...,_.
forawMlit, .. -.edaflcJeo._..
era HA IBM• lood OD commit·
meata. But who II aolna to bot· row at the raa. the)''ll ba~ to
Trumen Cempbell
Pre sidency
like ly
For GOP?
The Republican Party bas a
"real opportunity" lo win the
presidency in the Novem ber,
1980, election, the GOP's slate
chairman said Thursday in San·
ta Ana.
"We may not even bave to
meatlon Chap~aqulddick ," Campbell qalpped before about
100 m emben of the C.O..CU of
Republican Women at the Sid·
dleback Inn.
"1 t.hink Jimmy is going to do
it for us. He's already indicated
tbal would be the tenor or the
Democratic nomination cam·
Campbell refused to reveal bis
favorile for the Republican
nomination in the presidential
"I 'm comfortable with
anyone. We can do it if we can
keep our act together and re·
main unified."
But, the Fresno resident said,
RepubHcans across the state
have a larger task than winning
the presidency. That job is to
elect Republicans to the state
legislature and Congress, he
Campbell said the party's
popularity was al an all time
high, and that th' job or sup
porters is to "broaden the base"
of GOP voters by waging a
grassr:oots campaign.
•'We're going out and talking
to people and telling them what
we believe in, such as limited
government, less government
regulation and lower taxes," the
GOP chairman sald.
Tiie H•PIJ of mort1•1• ....,. ...... ~ '° ....,.. u • ...,. .. fll ......_ 1'..,aJ Home
LoH am Boa.rd re1waUon1
-Lower tll• mini mum
amouat cl mone1 thrift lntt.ltu.
tloat m\l•t keep. in rHerve,
thereby freeinC up to .... billion
that caft be made available for
-Give 11vtna1 and loan aa·
90t'laUona permfulon to 1reaUy
eipHd lheJr borrowlna from "outaide IOUl'Cel," 1tarttn1 ln eo
By Cops
DALLAS <AP> -The two
police officers thought it was the
gunman they saw running from
the area where three people
were being held hostage. The
man they shot to death was one
of the hostages, authorities said.
Police. Cbie.r Glen King called it a tragtc case or mistaken iden·
tity and placed the two ·officers
on indefinite leave for their own
King said the officers spotted
a man who .. began to run in a
crouch," and twice caJled for
him to stop.
"He failed lo do so and from a
distance of approximately 7-5
feet they fired on him," King
··Because of the traumatic
nature of this, because the iMO·
cent person's life was lost in it
and because of the effect this
likely will have on their mental
and emotional conditions, I am
placing them on leave . . . to be
sure everything is in order as
far as they are personally con·
cerned," King said.
Lee Douglas Page, 39, died of
gunshot wounds trying to escape
his captor.
Police said the gunman, who
s urre ndered a fter Page was
killed, bad abducted his wife and
a child from bis motber·in·law's
home about 8 a .m. The mother·
in -Ja w calle d police, who followed the a unman .. he maret.d Ida tamtJ,. .,._ the
street at ....,.,em.
OC Attorneys
Taking LA's
Strangle Case
Tuesday arraignment d ate is ex·
peeled for Angelo Buono Jr.
following a request from a team
of six Orange County attorneys
who have taken over the defense
of the Glendale man charged in
the 10 ""Hillside Str angler"
New chief defense attorney
Terry Giles of Tustin hinted that
he will not seek to transfer the
trial of Buono outside of Los
Angeles, a move that was sug-
gested by Buono's first attorney,
Ron Bain.
•·My first inclination is lo say
that we won't file for a change of
ve nue because where in the
world would you take the trial
where there hasn 't been an
awful lot of publicity," GiJes
Arraignment had originally
been ~Nov. S for the 45·year·
old automobile upholsterer. but
Giles requested an earlier hear·
ing ''to expedite matters and gel
the process started so that we
can receive the thousands of
pages or reports that t he pros-
ecution has on the case."
Divorce, Mexican
Uving Examined
Readers who remember to
tum t.belr clocks BACK Satw ·
day oipt will have a n extra
hour to read t beae featured
1torle1 in Sunday's Daily Pilot.
DIVoacE PASTY? -Sure,
aaya Swedlab Yenta S uaan
Olson. Sbe tb.inb people lboUI
celebrate aew bellnnlnp -and
praetlcally a nytbl DI elae.
Swecliab Y..a will be bapn to
• ha ndle all arran1ement1. In
You/Yc:Mr )(oaey.
WllOf JO: NEaVOVSf!! -
Not Don Knotts who'll probably
be t )'inc TV f am in knot.a aa
Ralpb PurJey, newest nemeais to
any aemblaace ol 181lit)> in tbe
Santa llonlca apartment house
made famoaa oo "Tline'• Com-
pany." 1be vete. ran comedian
brin11 bis banty rooster imace
to the role of landlord.
InereaalnC divorce ratet; faWng mam ..-. Doten't anyone atay bl&eW my more? Ellie and Ike
Collini pr o•lde 1 poalUve auww from tbe bome tbef've
1bar ed for '71 yean In Weit
daya 11loM IOUtttll ~d In·
clud •~h tblap u commercial
bankl and mortaaae·backed
In • rehat.ed move, the mu-
1 mum allowable Interest on
alntle·f•mll.1 home mort1a1e1
Insured by the Federal ffoWllng
Admlnllt.r1Uoo wu ralaed a full
point to a reeord 11.s percent.
<Story, Pa1e 83>
And Lbe AtncuJture Depart·
ment 1a1d today It wlU boost
bu!c loan ra* by l percentage polnl, effec:Uve Nov. 1.
Fann tuJ eat.ate loans, ror ex·
ample, wtU bear Interest or 10
percent, compared with the 9
percent rate lo etrect.
Interest rates on non-rederally
lnaured mort111es. oow at 14
percent ln some at.ates, may In·
crease before turning around,
said several housing an•lyats.
Arter the fi111t or the year, one
said, "I t.b1nk we·wm start see·
ing interest rates come down.''
T he action by HUD and the
bank board, which regulates the
natinn 's 4.000 federal savln1s
ano loan auociations, came u
mort1a1e money bas all but
dried up.
Savi.op and loana are lo.i.ftl
deposit.a, which they uae to make
mortgages, to other lmUtUtions
and investments offering better
returns, such as money-market
mutual flmda.
In a dditio n , mortgage
bank-ers, who write most gov·
e rnment·backed mortgages,
have had trouble finding in·
vestors for mortgages carrying
interest rates lower than other
available investments.
tiOme ~ espera Atll u.e·
'HA celUni increase lbcNld
make lt aomewbat eaa. for
morteaae ba nlsere t o Hll
mort1.,.. to Inv.eon.
And, even tf mortaqe mcmey
la avaUabl•......111116a)' people will
flnd It out ol\beir reach at the
higher interest rates. Tbe mont~y payment on a $50,000
mortgqe with a 30-yeal' term
carrylng • 10.5 percent interest
rate was $458. That payment on
the same loan with an interest
rate of 11.5 percent lntereat goes
lo $496.
Deadliae Past?
Bolsa Chica
Appeal Likely
A aherman Wrecks CraJt, Loses Motor to Thieves
Lobster FisherDlan
Loses Boat, Motor
aald . "I was platutlng to do it
full-time until the end or lobster
Before his 18-foot lobllter boa-. season and 1·ve &at 75 traps out
at:naek a reef off llou Sb'eet in there between San Clemente
L••un• Beach la at Friday. pier aDd north i.a,u.na. •'
Jam .......... Roberta had ""8 -.. -. Roberta says he's olfert.nc • plans. smaU reward ror the retum or Two days before be told his the motor. but admits with a
boss at the Laguna Hills mat· shrug that "I'm pretty well tress company that be wanted to st rapped." take six months off work to set his 75 lobster traps and try to He 's asking anyone who might
take his Jiving from the sea. have witnessed the theft some
But that was before he heard time between 1 p.m. last Friday
the SOWld of splintering wood and early Saturday morning-lo
and saw water coming into the give him a call.
bottom of his new boat. You can reach Roberts by
He opened the throttle on his _c_a_ll_in_g_493_·098_7_
new Mercury 85 engine and sped
toward Moss Street beach as
fast as the water-heavy vessel
would travel.
DI U.. o.Hly .. It.I St.Ill
The battle by a Huntington
Beach environmental group to
overturn a 1973 land t r ade
agreement involving lhe Bolsa
Chica wetlands appears to be
headed for an appeals court
David Carlberg, president of
the Amigos de Bolsa Chica, said
today lhe organization wall ap·
peal a ruling Thursday that the
Coast Route
Oeanup Eyed
In Huntingt o n
II untangton Beach city of
f1c1al~. prompted by complainL'
that Pacific Coast Highway ha!>
become "a filthy mess." are re
negot1at1ng a contrac t wi th
CalTrans for maintenance of the
s tate coastal route
Due to insufficient funds. city
crews are unable to properly
clean and maintain the coast
highway, according . to City
Engineer Don Kiser
"lt's become a clutte r ed
mess," said Kiser, who beads up
work crews contracted by the
state for maint.errance ... 1 cou.ld
fill up eight dump trucks right
DOW with DO problem." Accordiac to a 19'70 CalTrMla •1reemmt, U.. cll7 la niJD. bwlled ea.-to ............
~ Padfte Coat llilh'a.J' and Beach Boulevard. a state tµgbway. ca.rm.., KiMI" aaJd. cto.. DOt
pay the clty for its work oa
b11bway laDdllcapine. Re malD·
t•iaa the cit)' needs rwac1a to beef up work crews.
''Tbe beacb8oers come down
here and just heave trash all
over the place." be asserted.
"We do jiU of the work for the
stale an<fit's a horrendous job ··
Mayor Don Mac Allister re-
ported he contacted CalTrans
representatives after a recent
barrage or {'ltazen complaints
and urged them to revise the
When he reached the rocky
~hore, two nearby residents
helped him s alvage his gear,
and the trio lugged the shiny
black moto r to a private
staircase where he strapped the
$2,000 piece of machinery to a
He left the beach with the rest
of his belongings, returning the
next morning with friends to
pick up the motor.
·PRESE NT ~ .,, )...; ,; .
.l..d ~ ~~
It's TiU1c
Fall Laurn
It was gone.
"It must have taken a whole
tribe to get that thing off the
beach and up to the street."
Roberts said. "Either that or a
couple or gorillas."
,. ~1 .. .'.,~.t'f.~'i j
~~" ,. Greener Lown \. 1
group's challenge to the land ex-
change had run past the statute
of limitations deadJine.
Without ruling on the merits of
the case. Orange County
Superior Co urt Judge Orella
Sea rs sustained arguments by
the Signal Landmark Co .. owner
of much of the land in the area
along Pacific Coast Highway ad·
Jacent to the City of Huntington Beach
The Judgc·s dec1s1on means
that the case can be taken to an
apµeals court without long de-
lays. says Lynda Martyn, one or
fou r att.omeys retained by the
400 member Amigos group
A lnal nn a second point of
di spute in volving the dumping
and f1llin~ operataons an parts of
lh<.' 1.600 acres of marshland will
b... held an Orange County. Ms
~1 a rt yn 'aid
Thi.' Amigos group claims that
the -;tale was s hortchanged
Y. hen 1t received 300 acres of the
marshland wtth the rest of the
property going to Signal
Landmark ownership.
Carlsberg said much of the
area was either tidelands or sub-
merged lands and rightfully
belongs to the state, not SiJDal
Landmark. ,....,
Another p rov is ion in t be
agreement calls for 230 addi·
Uonal acres to be returned to
atate owuerablp if tbe state cul.I
aaari...,._* Me•totbew ror .www ...... n ......
T ia• A•l•o• oppose tb• muteaeoanM-·
Stgnal bM developed 900 res·
1dences aJong tbe marshland
bluff• and aaotber 1,100 bome9 are p......._
Carl ... ....u t.ut .-1.+
b.ave r.pdly disappeared and
tbat the Bolsa Chic.a ia one ol the
rew ~ma•ntns areaa ol its kind.
He said th.at it is a resting
point for thousands or migrating
wild birds and ls important for
other ecological reasons .
More than $3 million was aJ.
located by the state to buy up to
900 acres or the marshlands.
However. negoti ations have
been marked by disagreement
over the value of the land.
~Warren's A-34
Ille best bluegross
lor Sllody oreos -
10 strong pef101mer
t 1 /In sun 1001
• I lb size
Reg '595
Halloween Croton
Multl·COIOIOO lolloge
11<>use plonl w11t1
loll wiop ond co10
IOI l\ollQoy glvmg
6 Pol Size
Reg '699
SALE PRICE 54.49 So the SO·year-old former San
Francisco comme rcial fis h·
erman finds himself without a
boat (it was dashed to pieces in
the surfline) and without a
. '\~~
.... · · Better Growth ...
With Topper ,. ~ St. Augustine Grass
An ••••' see~· cov::no muir.n lor ouuomg new 1owns ~.t •'"'""'~ "'' ""'!~~~~~ He figures his loss at $5,000,
but says he could start over
again if he could recover the
new motor.
''It was only my second trip
out alone to set traps," the
sandy-haired mattress salesman
Driver Killed
In Smashup
One man was killed inatanUy
and another was critically in·
jured Thursday when the driver
lost control or bts ca r and
careened acrou four lanes of,
the Rlvenlde Freeway in Yorba
Linda and smashed into a guard
raU1 hlpway patrolmen 1a1d. ·
Tne dud man was identified
aa Micheel Paiae. 22, of Perris.
He wu tbe driver of the car.
T h e p auen aer, Philip
Delaado, lt, allo of Perrlt, wu
take n to Can yon General
HoapltaJ with major injuries
afttt tbe 1 p.m. oae--car accl·
dent, alftC*rl aald.
•• t
or renovating e1us1mg lawns Use in llower bec1s $ 3 49 Reg ., 99
3 cu Ft Size Reg '4 39 SALE PRICE • .... --~------...... ~~~--------·· INSTANT LAWN SSQuoreft.Ralls SALEPRICE'3.99
roll out the grtffln carper , 99 sod from DICHONDRA 1. Roll
• -·· •te•"' 0 "'•'"' HYBRID BERMUDA or cal-turf 'l S9 STOLONS ALSO AVAILABLf BLUEGRASS • Ron
Moss Basket Planting Demonstration
Sat. & Sun., Oct. 27-28, 1 P.M.
Fountain Valley Looatlon Only
11'. CllOOSe !Tom ,V King Sile. Roggll,
Super Rolnt>ow.
,. Of Sonto Anno t.h
Pony Poctv'6 Reg.99'
~A~ ;;
111r t.n ~
I WY X t.LLI~ g. '
0,.,..,.. w .... 7 -• ',...
....... 21 ......
11420 llOOllHUll r ,,
VIS4'. IH_. .............. S.. ..... ,..,I
IALa PllllCll GOOO TIMU 1cntnt
All ltetM UMMd To ltoc* CM HeM
Of'9t 7 DAYS
. 4'•• ~·.:~ ~ .. tl•tl Prices Jump
I.I Percent
Solala. IWfv Oftd Sclanul• · All TO{lf'Uwr /or a Good CO¥N
tumlnariel ~our Orance Cout reJion and all or tbe coun-
ty tumed out at the $100 a plate affair.
. Paul Salata. that man of wu and machinetWl·like pat·
ter. wbo founded Irrelevant Week, served aa master of
ceremoales. He bad some UtUe Jibes for almost all of the
civic light.I who served as model.a o:r ln other roles.
POUEa STATE SENATOa Jimmy Wbetmore. for
eJlample provided the piano cbords u models paraded.
Thia 'prompted Salata to quip, "Ju.at look at Jimmy's
coat. folk.I -it's all he's got to show for 14 years in the
senate." Costa Mesa Councilman and jewelry store en-
trepreneur Dom RaclU got Salata's acknowledgement
from tbe audience like this: "Dom, about your 10 r,rcent
off sale-the tut part of it waa really crummy ... '
Model Tlm Heidinger, a Newport Beach planning com-
missioner, wae introduced aa. "A man in there fi&htinl for
you 8'alnlt the forces of the ~ay Nui Youth for No·
GESIL .\JLLES, READ MAN of Ambrosia 's
Reat.urant in Newport Beach, was sinaled out by Salata
aa "the moet likely ... to be able to fmd another job."
Whatever that means
Maybe be explained it later when be introduced one
group of model like this: "We have here, folks, a bunch
that includes one politician and a couple of guys with real
jobs ... •·
Political acUvlst Tom t"uentes was balled on thP
modeling ramp as "a local priest turned lobbyist. .. "·
COUNTY SUPERVISORS Tom Riley, Phil Anthony
aud Ralph Clark got treated a bit better. But not much.
And Air Cal chier Bob Clifford, who kicked orr the model-
ing parade. was lauded by Salata ror bis "on-time and no-
bumping record. . . "Sure.
Natty John G. Schmitz. the noted slate senator. was
brought oo stage ts "the man who once ran for president
and lf we all knew what we were really gettlnJ -would be .. . · in \he end, everybody bad a lot of fun the 1ood sisters
got some money for their good cause, and maybe a couple
of us miibt ao out and buy a pair of new pants.
What more can you uk?
Garbage Piles Up;
Hawaii Schools Shut
public schools in Hawaii were
ordered closed starting today
and will r emain s hut until
garbage that has piled up during
a five-day strike by about 8,000
public workers can be cleaned
up, offidala said.
Sebool &uJt. Cbarlea Clark an-
. nouaced tbe shutdown after the
ai..te Department of Health or-
dered tbe Department of Educa-
tlon to clean up the schools by
this alternoon. The shutdown al-
fects ,about 167.000 students at
230 schools
The order also followed a pro-
test over unsanitary conditionJ
during which about 1.600 stu·
dents -who expressed sym-
pathy for the striking state
~orken -linked arms to pre-
vent 1!iO teachers from croesin&
a picket line.
Pu1btd by bl1ber prtc•• for
food, fuel and boutlll•, con·
IUIDt.f priMt l.Derebed 1.1 per-
~nt IA Slptember u 1Dllatloo
contlDued above a 1J pel'ffDt an-
nuel rm. the 10vernmut said
At the same Ume, lt reported
lll•l t.be purcbasln• power or
wortera' paycbecta declined
another 0.7 percent during the
probation for a 1971 subway rob-
bery bu been charged with six
of the robberies that left a dolen
people -their throats cut -
bleeding on city subway plat·
forms, police say.
The man waa arrested early
Thursday after one of ~ 12
alaablna vlcUma died. Police
Sgt. Larry Williama aald James
E. Ford, 24, WU charted with
alx counta ol armed robbeey but
wH not charaed in the alaYinl.
Police apprehended Ford
several boura after Joseph
Ardell, M, WU found dyj.q OD a
subway platform. Police-said
Ford, who remal.Ded in custody
Tbunday night. wu cal'l')'inl a
fold-up knife wtth a 4·lneb blade, a.wristwatch and cub, all blood-
1t.lned, and bis clot.bin~ wu
splattered with blood.
ARDELL'S Tll&OAT was slit
while be wu waiting for a sub-
way late Wednesday in the latest
of a dozen attacks in three
wee ts
A transit ticket agent said two
couples carrying suitcases and
believed to be from out of town
told her Ardell was lying bleed-
ing on the platform. The couples
left before police arrived.
Police said Ardell was the first
to dje rrom an assault by what
some are calling the "Subway
Slaabers." but homicide detec-
U ves refused to comment on whether there ia more than one
suapect or if they believe the at-
tacks are related.
THE VICl'lll8 were stabbed
in robber')' atWDpta during late-
evenin& or early-morning hours
in the subway tunnels. All the at-
tacks were in the Loop area or
Near North Side. Police have
stepped up their patrols or the
subways and have begun using
All the victims' throats were
cut. and some were robbed or
cash and other items. Two or the
victims. men In their 40s, were
lert in aertows condition.
Police Commander Paul
McLaughlin, who believes the
attacks are related and the work
of two people, said it wu un·
clear if anyt.hin1 waa taken from
"Whoever did this baa to be to-
aane. This poor 1uy couldn't
have bad $5 on him."
McLauthlln sald.
Snowfall Scattered
Skies Clearing in Many Other Areas
HI U l"rC ., 4J
.. 4)
JS s:I ... ·'" J4 »
7t "° 4S » !a ,,
44 u .u
llO ... 11 ., ,., .,
,. tJ '1 U .OS u 41 ., 1j ,. ,.
" tJ 11 47
~ 4l .... " ... 1S 63 ... ,,. ,, ., .. ..
42 21
4j • .. ,.
7J ., " .. .. ..
" 41 SJ Jll " .. " n ... t.I SI ., t7
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• JS 'O ,, ....
'O 76
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11 41
11 S4
IS •7 .. 7J .o.J '* ,. .u 1' •...
.. " .)t ea ,.
lflelr CIOCU ~f et t •.m. end -tM 1111 of P.clflc 0.yllgllt Time ~
ti• monlt\$. Tiie 111011 lem,,.r1111re In Los
Aftlele• aMo.lld be In, ... mlG 1111
Tiie bffe"" INI v1lleya wlll lie
""'"Y •llO • 11111• coot~. wllll nlot11
In IM mkl 70l
1!11011'".in ••NS .. 111 , .. <11 lllQ"-ot M 10 u . end tttt t'lf9'1ttlme merc11ry
tllould hOwr In IN mld·JC>s to m ld-AOt rtnoe.
Th• ~ wlll hew Wll'IY 1111C1 cool wntlltr llle upper csuuta
al\01110 1111 Ill• 701, will\ ,llQl\lly
wermer reecl411Q' UPI< 1.0 tor lllt 1-••d•Mm
HIOlll •I llff<llet 10, lnl-7J. O...rnleflt ,_In mic..-. Weter U.
lltlll 111rl!Mll• •l,.da •HI to
Mf'lflwe\t n to 11 lmots ,.,_Y If.
'--· WelWiy ,..,..,, 1 lo,, .. ,.
S••,Jl .. •,Tltle•
TOCMY St<-low e:1t1.1n. 0.6 !.ATU•OAY
fll,..1 tow S:sia.m. >.•
"'"' l\ltll 11• ··"'· t •• St<tfld ,_ •. S1 p,,.,. • ..
IK9NMl't t:.,p.m. t.s
S-rf• 1:W D.lft , MIU:OI p.m,
"'-,._ 11:17 • "'·· Wis t itt 0"'
~•rlRqeri ,_ ................ :
,_., A.., ... "9i,M In l•t. Mal ·
lftlllft'I Mltllt 111 ftet. Perle• 111
tK9Mt. . .......
I t 10
t • 10 ~ • 10
• • 10
month IDd waa down by 4.4 per·
cent from a year earlier.
TBER& W A8 DOlhinl in the
September price report to in·
dlcate 8llY f mprovement lD the
nation'• bllbly dllturbln1 rate ol
lofiation. It matched Aucuat's
1.1 percent tocruae and wu the
nloth month tbia year that prices
have iDcreaaed by about l per-
cent. ·
Overall food prices. lnchading
restaurant meals, climbed 0.9
percent duri.nl September. the
biHetl iDcreue in five months.
and crocerY atore prices were
up 1.1 percent. Food prices bad
shown liUle or no increase in the
previoua tbtM months.
Fuel prices roee sharply •lain
durinc the month. wlth bome
beating oil up 5.6 percent and
gaaoline prices advanclftl 3.1
percent to a national aver.,e or
99.8 cents a gallon for all lypee.
TBE OVl!UU. cost of bou-
ing roee another 1.2 pe-rcent.
with home mortcaae flnanclng ur 1.8 percent, partly the nraull
o covenunent efforts to slow
the ecooomy by tncreuiq ln·
tereat rat.es.
However. even larger in·
creues in mort1a1e coat.I prob-
ably lie abead. beca~ae the
latest actions by the lt'ederat
Reserve Board t.o puab interest
rates to record levelJ will not
show up in the Consumer Price
l.ndex for another month or two.
said Patrick Jackman. a ~bor
Department analyst.
Jackman said consumer
prices bave increased at a 13.2
. percent annual rate dwinl the
ftnt n1De moat.bl of im. me.at\·
inc that if the same trend coo·
tlnuea tbrou&h December. that
would be the total increue for
the year.
IT WOULD BE the highest In·
nauon for any year since 1946.
when prices were up 18.2 per·
cent after the government lifted
wartime price controls .
The Labor Department said
its Consumer Price lndex stood
in September at 223.4 of the 1967
average of 100, meaning that
goods and services priced at
1100 ln 1967 had risen In cost t.o
$223.40 last month.
Pricea Ud Increased 12.1 per·
cent In the 12-monlb period end·
mg in September.
Demonic: Splrtta or PolttlQl Otrty Trtdt? .. -.
Miami School Goes; ·. .
Wild;.Cause Probe~
MIAMl lAP) -Police aay It was hysteria brought OD by a.
bypnoeia demoostraUoa. Some student.I aay It wu demons. A ·
acbool olficial calla it a political dirty trick : Whatever It was. poliee say something sent student.a and":
teacben rampqiog throup a military school in Miami's UtUe..;
Havana aecUm Tbunday. 1muhln1 window1, nppini a door fru:n':
its frame and screamin& they were poe1a1ed by aplrit.s.
"4T8E WHOLE SCHOOL went berserk." police officer Harry :
CunniU said. "Teacben and students were runnin& around tearing·.
th1D up." ~ ftre Department spokesman Dan LeMay aaid a number of atu-:
dents collapHC! from hysteria and "flaked out all over the place." .
Police called to rest.ore order at the school found "people yell··:
in& and ac~ing they were possessed ... Cu:nnill said . He aaid the .
events followed a lOt.b gTade science demooatraUoo or hypnosis.
and students told firemen there had been a recent class on the •
Ldl.A V SAID RESCUEBS were dispatched to the school arter
the fire department received a report of an unconscious child.
"Some other kids said somettung su~rnatural had possessed
him ." he said
"I saw three girls. They had rarnled. · · said ont: young student
'There was some screaming about 'bloody Mary· and more scream·
Authorities say none or the 300 students at Miami Aerospace
Academy, some of lbem from South Ameriu. waa seriously hurt.
LeMay said one f.ren&led younpier wu treated for cut.s auffered
when be~• wfDdow. ·
·'It seems they we~ induced by tbe atght of others who
became hyslencal --1t was hke a domino erfect. .. he s aid
Saving up to 90 percent on some super
market items, Daily PUot readers could add
more than $1 ,000 per year to their bank
accounts with hints from a new column -
The Supermarket Shopper.
The column -written by Martin Sloane,
recipient of a law degree from New York
University, former head of his own
marketing and sales consulting firm, and
founding president of the American Coupon
Club -reveals "secret weapons" for
f lghtfng food price Inflation.
Don't miss the savings of The
Supermarket Shopper, a new column
coming each Wednesday and Sunday in the
Dally Pilot.
. .
I ' 1 • • • . • • i • '
. .
ill •
lie 1t'as a Bad Bo9
Bound to a wooden frame, a Pakistani winces uner the
lash. He was amon~ 27 men convicted of patronizing
prostitutes. Twenty-one were sentenced to one-year jail
terms and ts lashes and six others to six months and five
~Killer's 7th Victim,
: Girl,, 17, Buried
tnvWiec Mid tbe7 are DO closer to her slayer than
tbey were when the aeries of kill·
iap and attacks started more
tban two years ago.
Six women and an unborn in·
fant arc dead as a resuJt of at·
tacks dating back to August,
1977. Three women have sur·
vived. 1be accelerating attacks,
including eight sin<,.-e March of
this year, have occurred in
,Costa Mesa, Newport Beach,
Tustin, Irvine and Santa Ana
Police have a drawing of the
suspect seen at the scene of one 91 the Costa Mesa assaults, but
iso far, they're unable to put a
name to the face.
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa
aaid two suspects were con·
sidered and rejected this week
by detectives who are seeking
the mdrderer-rapisL
One man. Jon W. Rowland, 18,
of Sallta Ana, wu 8.1Tested early
Wednesday morning in an apart·
meat complex in that city.
"We had a pretty good look at bim. but be doesn't appear to be
tbe one we're looking for."
Catnon Hid.
However, Rowland bas ~n
ebarsed with rape and burglary
in coanection with a series or
el1bt sexual assaults in
.outbwelt Santa Ana.
"It doeln't make sense that
be'd be raplq women in Santa
AD• and ldll1Da and raping them
la our dtiel," Calnon oblerved.
CaJ.m said detecUves spent
Tlnanclay 1D Huntinaton Beach, baY•dl"'na a man in cu&tody
Uaere, but, like Rowland. the
Hairy Issue
R•'t. ••• z ,,
Pollre .... hem 11.-......
dreda ot leads to punue b¥ rai·
deDta .... " -die .... fl6 u. a:• ..... 1111 .. ... ronn
Tbe wlume ol can. and ......
bu created a full-time Job ln
keeping tbe tips categorised so
that the wild accusations doa't
get confused with more solid in·
Calooo said bis department is
going to try today to com·
puterize the information it has
received for easier categorizing
and retrieval.
·'The computer people say
they can do it, so we're going to
g ive it a try," be said .
"Anything's worth trying.''
Investigators from five agen·
cies are hunting the man they
say is responsible for a total of
nine assauJts.
The attacks have occurred
be.tween the hours of 11 p.m. and
4 a.m ., generally on weekends.
The victims all lived in apart·
ments with ground floor entries
that weren't clearly visible from
the streeL
Police have repeatedly
warned residents of the areas
where the killer has struck to
keep their doors anawi.odows
locked because there is no
evidence the slayer breaks into
the apartments.
Police theorize he gets in
through an unlocked door or
<See VJCl'DI, Page A!)
U.S. Plans
Gold Auction;
Price Drops
Treasury's surprise announce-
ment that it· will auction 1.25
million ounces of sold Nov. 1
seat tbe price of bullion plum·
meting by a much u $17.50 in
Europe today. The dollar roee.
"People were expec:Uq there
wouldn't be any ·~ for a
while, and now we bave more
gold comin& CGIO tbe market,"
said a dealer at Samuel lfoo·
ta•u Lid., ooe of tJM WI ftYe
LoGdon baDloD merehaatl.
Gold opeaed 1D LoDctoa at '37•.ao an oaaee, down *1'7 .50 from .... 11lm'IC1ay. The ,,.
...... ftlllnl ... Wll.
In zmtdl, tbe opllllDa price
WU .... down llJ.SO, and
aold i.... tnded at."''· Tbla eompuecl whit ..... all·
tlme DeMol9M'.00 .. __..,
bit la lmkb tn•• Jlllt .. ...,.
8'f;.. 11111111 ...... ....
cJanr la I t• M .. ..
cim~•·Ull· .. ~ ....... ~ *··-,.. .. ··= ::;.t:=: •.
'1°••rB .. ete••
Bally New11paper
e ·Rate Jumps If
f Citibank Hike Hits Record 15%%
NEW YORK <AP> -Citibank,
the nation '• second-largest
bank, railed its prime lending
rate today to a record 15'>'4 per·
The bank leaped past other
major banks, which earlier in
the week raised rates to 15 per·
cent, from 14 ~ percent.
Citibank, which normally acts
only on Fridays, had not
matched that increase.
The prime lending rate is
cbarsed by bank.a to most credit·
worthy corporate customers,
with other businesses paying
even more.
It does not dlrecUy a/feel coo· ·
sume1· loans. whose rates are
lest volatile than business loan
rat.es and in many cases are
limited by state law. But it is
seen u an indicator of credit
conditions generally.
Many banks make loans to
consumers aod home buyen at
rates below the prime rate, but
some banks, facing high interest
rates on the money they acquire
for lending, have cut back COO·
sumer loan and mortgage bu5i·
The Federal Rfterve Board in recent weeks has drastically
11..,,e C'oeaiae Raid
2nd Laguna Drug
Figure to Give Up
Federal drug officials say a
second Laguna Beach man will
be surrendering to federal
authorities in the near future in
connection with a cocaine ring
that agents say brought $72.5
million worth of drugs into the
United St.ates.
William Von Sultzer, who once
operated the old Orphanage
reatauranl and night club in
Lapna Beach, has agreed to
tum himlelf In to federal of.
flclala m tbe near future. ac-eol'dlq to ,....,... Dna& ll:D-
fore•••Dt ••••& Stepben .... . .. .... ,,,,_•au. .. _ .......... ..
female couriers for the drug
·runs to the United States.
He said agents have seized
about SO pounds of the drug in
various locations In the United
States, saying another · '20 to 30
suspects will be indicted In the
case in the next three montN."
Several of those who will be
arrested are from Orange Coun·
ty, be said.
The arrest of 12 of the drug
smuuJinc auapecta cwmlutes a two year lnveaU.aUoa by
federal aad loeal •tfldala. ..._ .....
Uehtened C'l"edlt, in an effort to
ftpt inflation by holding down
the 1rvwth ol the money supply.
Tbe Federal Reserve an·
nounced Tbunday it made a
major error in its money supply
calculations early this month.
Some analysts said the Federal
Reserve ·s most recent tighten·
ing move miibt ba ve been in·
nuenced by that false lnfonna·
lion, but the Federal Reserve
did not indicate whether it
believed it acted too strongly.
Citibulc's decllion apparently
indicated it believed the Federal
Reserve will not move to relax
cuued t»' 1urrender· with Von 5ulber'•&;::11Manda>'· TIMI& two ,....... La.-,,, •• ~
ed Oil a;IS.. ~...,part of
an elabonlte dru& rtnc. wbic:b
broucbt more tbao 400 pounds of
pure cocaine into tbe United
States from Lima, Peru.
Texaco ReP!!,rtll
21lo/o Income Rise
Federal agents arrested
Samuel Cutkomp, a former
Laguna Beach man who oow
lives in Tahoe City. Calif., in
Culkomp ramains in custody
in Reno with bail set at $500,000.
Federal agents claim
Culkomp, 53, was the ringleader
of the international drug ring,
and said Von SuJtzer. "was his
right hand man."
The drug operation involved
couriers and dealers in Hunt·
ingtpn Beach, El Toro and Santa
Ana, as well as other parts of the
country. · Na med among 20 suspects in a
Reno Federal Court Jury indict-
ment this week. along with
Cutkomp and Von Sultzer, were
Gerald Taylor and Edward
Barban, both of Huntington
Beach, Robert and Mary Taylor
or El Toro, and Daniel Bray of
Santa Ana.
Agent.a say more than 400
pounds of cocaine was brought
into the county concealed in
book bindings, scuba diving
tanks and even through a former
Costa RJcan agricultural envoy.
They aa.ld CUtkomp and Von
Sultzer set up drug deals in the
United Stat.es and Peru, funnel·
Ing much of the drugs through
MeJtlco and tbeo to the United
State• by means of Tijuana,
Miami, New Orleans and other
U.S. portsofentry.
Aaent Swanson said Von
Sultzer financed mucb of the
dru1 operation and recruited
Inc., lbe nation's third·largest
oil company. today reported its
earnings JMre than tripled in
the third quarter from the same
period last year. The increase
was the biggest announced by
one of the oil companies.
Texaco, based ill White Plains,
N . Y ., said earnings Increased
2 11 perce nt in th e July ·
September period, from $197.l
million, or 72 cents a share, to
$612.2 million, or $2.25 a share.
This year's figures Included a
one-time gain of $103.2 million,
or 38 cents a share. from a re·
quired tax carry forward or
foreign operating losses and lax
credits from previous years.
Texaco's sales in the period
were $10.25 billion. up from $7.04
billion in last year's third
Texaco attributed most of the
earnings gain lo operations
overseas, where a lack of price
controls allow oil companies to
pds through higher crude oil
costs more quickly than they
can in the United States. Exxon. the lnduatry giant, this
week reported a 118 percent ill·
crease in its third quarter prof·
it• and No. 2 Mobil said its
earnings surged 131 percent,
both largely because or foreign
The higher profita are addinc
What Cops?
40 Miss Motel Holdup
If you've tot 40 off-duty police olllcen ataytnc in your
motel, )'OU oucbt to be sate -rtpt?
AN AallED bandit made off Tbanday nlPt with ~
trom tbe oftlee ol tbe Coeta lleu Ian, DOS Barbor 81..t.,
de9plt.e tbe fllet tUt 40 off-duly ameen were ltaytq tbere.
Noae ol tbem beard or ... w anytblq auaplcioul at tbe
time, Colla., .. poUee aald toda)'.
INVanGATOU SAID TBS tunman nt.Nd at
about I :• p.m., uted clerk Pbllip f'riedman, za, ofTultln
for dumlt far a dollar blll, tlMn produeed a pJatol and
cleaned ou& Git eMb ,...._.. before neelq. No car wu ...... Thi=--· from tbr'oaPout tbe ltaY were In .... tD a 11ztner GD~ eontrol ~ eoll· ...... llr a. 011&a .... Polee ~Giflcen .....
fuel to the debate over the ad·
mlnlstrataon·s proposed
"windfall'· profits tax.
President Carter on Thursday
cited surging oil company prof·
its as an argument for con·
gressional approval of his pro-
posal to lax revenues resulting
from the government ·s decision
to dereli?Ulate domestic crude oil.
Pay Talks
Teacher leaders plan to meet
Monday to decide whether to
concur with Capistrano Unified
School District negotiators in
calling for a state mediator in an
attempt to break up stalled pay
CUSD Superintendent Jerry
Thornsley and teacher group
president Stefanie Seach said
last Monday 's negotiation
session failed to bring a resolu·
Uon to the pay dispute.
Thornsley said district.
neeotiators have upped their
pay offer to the teacben Crom 7
Teacben have been seelcinl
an 11.5 percent pay boost. Mias
Seacb said teachers are stand·
ing ftrm on their pay demand
and contract provisions for bind·
ing arbitration.
··we may Just declare im·
passe" lf the next round of pay
talks with teachers provea fruit·
leas, Tbomlley said.
Mias Seach said district
negotiators want agreement
with t.eacben oo the declaration
of impasse.
Under state law, when one or
both sides of t~e public
employee nesotialins table
declares im,paue, state olftdab
appoint a mediator to sit down
with tbe teaeben aod diltrlet
aida to try and hammer oat a
settlement. A _. medlator bu alrudJ
been called tato pay i.1b wtth
representatives for TSO CUSD
non·te•ddni employeea. Tbe cuatOdiua, clerkl and
other W'Oftftl npNHGted by
California 9tJte Employeet Al·
10ClatloD have been demandlna
a t perc.t pq bike but dlltrtct
offtclall have ortencl a 1 percent
1'boftlUe1 aaad \be mtc11ator met wtt.b DOD-teadU"' employee
l'"P ....,Uaton and dlltrlct i6del for tbe flqt tlme Wednel· day. .
credlt. although the bank I.slued
no explana&o «its acUon.
Today's boost in tbe prime to
15114 perunt WU the fourth in·
crease in four weeks. Sept. 28,
major banks raised the base
lending rate from 13'>'4 to 13~
percent. 'lb.is stood until Oct. 9,
shortly after the Fed's Jatest
credit-tightening pJan was an-
nounced, when the prime
jumped an unprecedented one
percentage point to 14~ percent.
Tuesday and Wednesday, the na·
lion's top banks, except for
Citibank, went to 15 percent.
<See PRIME, Page A%)
Tax Foe
By STEVE MITCHELL Of ... o..ly ...... , ....
Howard J arvis, the infatigable
76·year-old tax foe addressed a
roomfuJ of Laguna Beach re·
altors today, telling them bis
s uccessful Proposition 13 in·
1tiative created 562,800 new jobs
m California ill the past year.
Jn an address peppered with
anecdotes at tbe El Niguel Coun·
try Club this momin_g, the folksy
lax-cut ldvocat.e outll.Decl hla
view ol tlaie efteda of ball PIODC*· -...:~·i-:t::g.c .. t::ill .= .. a I' ··r had a farmer come 111> to
me a.rad aay 1 aaved him $50,000 • y.ar ......... ,.,.. told tbe
MICTlbH .......... . .............. ..._ ..
wu w.-. ..,._ mon people oa
bis rirm.. """7'
lfoR ol tbe more than a ball
million new jobs we~ given to
lower-income citizens, Jarvis
said, "and that means a reduc·
tion in the welfare appropria·
uons ."
Other benefits of 13 outlioed
by J arv1s included·
-An e«>nomy tbat is growing
twice as fast as other states
-No recession ill California.
although other stales are begin·
nmg to feel the effects of infla-
-An inflation rate that is 1
percent less than other states
More than 100.000 fewer
public employees now than before
Prop. 13. "About 75,000 of those
either retired or quit, and only
25,000 bad to be cut from city and
state budgets,·· he said.
-No real cut in essential
services. •·or at least that's what
the governor tells me."
And whi.le he's pleased with
the results of his 15-year cam·
paign to cut property laxes, the
t i reless former newspaper
publisher says he's not lb.rough
"We've got an S8 billion Sur·
plus In the state this year," he
smiled. "So I 've got another
He says he's collected 600,000
signatures for bis new effort, 1 which be says will cut personal
income taxes to the state by 50
percent. eliminate tbe bu.slness
inventory tax, and index income t
tax rates. t
He says he needs l .S million \
signatures by the end of No-1 vember to• b1a new tall Pl"OP· '
<See JARVIS. Pase AZ> ~
MoaUy sunny Saturday.
Lows tooicbt in 50s. Hichs
Saturday 70 at beaches
and 75 lnlud,
~ • I
AU tlw 100rld'1 o ttogc,
e~ °" HoUoloMt. For
cktoUa Oii ar.,. eo.t,'• j S1'aUtplOf'IGA lf'OllJ"t oftd ~~, ... PQoeCI. .....
AtY-llMce Al--~ II ~-:.-~ M....... CM t .... ..._..._.. Ill == 0t-'4=~ = c-kt C1• ...... • ClllM. atl'll ... CN.• ~ ......... ....., ..
t;;w;... ""-: =--= ::::::z. -= ,...... &': -. ......, ... .... . e-..........
. .
' ~ • • . . . . . . ,.. .
~ • ' ..
• ..
Frtftv. OstoMt & Jm t
U.S. Acts ~o Relieve Mongage Pineli
Carter admlaialraUoa ~ .. ....................... _
the DIUonwlde mont ... 11f1011eY
crunch, but al lbe Upellll ol
further t.oo.t.iQ1 r.ord lnterelt
ra1a -Lower tll• m l Dlauun
amo\mt ol IDOMY Ulrill wUtu.
Uona mu1t llHp ln rHtrve.
thereby fl"M'ina up to 91.4 b&Won
that un bl made avaUable for
-Give NVinp and k>an II·
aodatJom pennlaJoa to ,,...uy
~spaad LMJr bol'l'owln• from · ·'O.ta1c1e IOUl'e9, .. •t.arUaa lD .,
daya. ,,_.. IJOW:"9 could lD·
elude_. IMqa u eommerdal
ltaDlla ud mort1a•• ·backed .....
ID • l"llMtd move. u.. IDU·
lmum allowable lnlerHt on
1ln1te.famUy bomt mort1qt1
lnaur9d by the Federal Houaln1
Admln.lattaUoo wu railed a full
polnt to a record 11.5 percent.
(Story, Pa1• 83>
And tbe Acricultu.re Depart·
meat a&ld today It wUl t.oo.t
buJc lou ra._ by 1 percent.tie
point, effective Nov. 1.
Farm ru1 ... -. loanl, for U·
ampM, .W bear lDteNlt ol 10
percent. compared with tbe t
percnt rite ID elf eet.
lntereet ratet on non·federally lneurtd morta•c••· now •t 1' percent ln eome atatea, m•Y lD·
creaae before turoJn1 aJ'OUDd.
Hid aenral boualn1 analyatl.
After the nrtt "' u. year. one aald, "I think we'wtll am see·
lnl interelt rate. eome down."
The act.Joa by HUD and the
bank board. wb.lcb re•ul•tes the natln.,•1 4.000 federal aaviQJJ
uo loan UIOdaUom, Hme u
mort1ac• money baa all but drMdup.
Sa vlnp ud loam are IMlnC
dePotlta, wbldl they uae to make
mortaa1t1. to other ln.ttituUona
and inv11tmenta otferlq better
returna, 1ucb u money.market
mutual flmda.
In additlon. m o rt1a1e
banken. wbo •rite mo.t aov·
ernment·baclted mort1acea,
have bad troub~ flnclln1 ln·
vest.on for mortpces calT)'lq
interett rata lower than otber'
av~Uable lnveetllMIDU. •
&>me houtlol expwU lakt die
P'HA ceUIDI lnere ... •llouJd
m ake It aomewbat euler for
mortgase banllera to aell
mortca1ea Lo lovetton.
And, even lf mort•a.se mODe)'
la available, many people will
find It out of their reach at tbe
hi1her interest ntea. The
monthly payment on a $50,000
mort1ase with a 30-year c.rm
carryinl a 10.5 percent lnt.relt
rate wu $458. That payment oa
the same loan wltb u lnterellt
rate of 11.5 percent !Dtarnt loel
to $491 .
JARVIS .•. It's a Two-man Race
o.lUoa cm tbe baJlot. addl"I 1.5 mUUoa ilpatW'el "mHAI three
mlllioa-..'· But Five Candidates on C VSD Ballot
He aald b1a new t.aa redueUon
scheme, when Ued tot.be effecta
of Prop. 13, would "brln1
California down to tbe middle
raoae or· tax ea collected pe'
capita in the United State.."
By cuttint CalifomJa penonaJ
income tacXes by 50 percent,
J arvla clabm UM atate would
collect only 10 percent leas than
And, be says, at least half that
amount cu be made up by ua1nc
the state'• buie surplua.
"And if you don't believe the
government can cut spendlni by
5 percent. then you shouldn't s upport th.is plan," be saJd.
He said the proposal alao aJ.
lows for "indexiDI" the income
tax rat.es, whlcb meana inflation
alone cannot drag a taxpayer in·
to a higher tax bracket.
The propoeal alao eliminates
the bu1ine11 Inventory tax,
·'which bas bustneues shuttling
aU their inventory to Arizona in
March so they don't have to pay
taxes on them."
His ballot measure would cut
the amount or money goin• to
Sacramento, be said, addlna. "U
you want to cut the budget you
don't give the state money in the
first place.
"Because it becomes com
post," be quipped.
Jarvis said voter approval of
the baUot will ''probably mean a
couple of hundred thousand new
(private) jobs in the state."
At lhe conclusion of hia talk
before the reaJtora, the grinning
J arvl• mentioned that "be Just
happened to have llOlft• pet.Woo forms:· for alpatane.
To1 Diee in Fire
rllUANA If .... (Al') -fte body 'OI a .C-year-old ,Srt,
ldentlfted u the d.u&Jtter of a
convict, was found in ubes after
a fire gutted a workshop in Ti·
juaoa's La Mesa State Peniten-
tiary. Officials said she died in a
restroom after being separated
from her mother as prisoners
and visitors fled from the fire
Nouel'• 8mtth
Smith Quits
As Chief of
Niguel Avco
Architect James W. Smith an·
nounced thia week that he ls re·
signing as vice president and
general manager of Avco Com-
m unity Developers, Inc . 's
Laguna Niguel division to form
his own Orange County develop-
ment firm.
Smith a resident of Laguna
Niguel, Aid bia realgnaUon is er·
fectlve Dec. 1.
A graduate of the University
of Southern California, Smith
baa wortred at Avco alnee 19'14
and was named seaeral manager of the La1UJ1a Nlpl
dJvillon in wn.
His work bas involved
supervising major development
ventures and handling public re·
lations with government, com-
munity and special Interest
Even though four Capistrano
Uoilled School Dlstrict trustee
aeata were up for grabe when ru-
ln1 for the offices opened In
Au1uat, voten really only bave
one choice to make in the Nov. a
About 45 clthenl leamed at a
Tburaday nl&bt forum that in-
cumbent Trultff Ted Kopp and
challenger Angus Smith are nm-
ninl the only cootested race in
the upcoming elecUon.
Tbe names of Fred H. Slnaaelt,
Mark A. Morales and Richard
E. Weakland will appear on the
Nov. 6 school board electlon
ballot. But all three of these men
have indica~that they are no
longer active candidates.
Incumeot Edward Weatberc is
expected to have no trouble win·
runs re-elect.loo to a thlrd tenn
since Morales and Weakland no
loncer oppoae bim. Dr.
Westbers. a denUat, wu tint elected ln a special electioo in
Charles M . Ward, a local
public relations man, ls ln effect
unopposed now in tbe CUSD
Trustee Area 2 since bis only op-
ponent, Fred Sinase~. became a
paper opponent, indicating be
does not have the time to cam·
paign for the office.
Trustee Sarah June Lipp, who
has represented Area 2 for the
past 41h years, decided not to
run for re-election.
School board president George
White bas been appointed to his
trustee poet because no ooe filed
candidacy papen to oppoM bis
bid for a third term. "l wanted to be a candidate
but lt just wun't to be," said
White who lamented the fact
tbat tbe CUSD board election
ha so few c1t.al._.era.
Even tbou1b WhJte•a name
won't appear on the ballot. be
spoke to tbe forum crowd as
m ucb as Kopp and Smith.
Whltecriticued the current dis·
trict election system that requires
trustees l o repr ese nt
designated areas but has them
chosen by votes from au 49,883 re·
Saddlehack Race Heats
Candidates Address Funding Issue
Tbe means to fund one of tbe
tJtate's fastest growing com-
munity colleges was addressed
by most of the 10 candidates nm·
nine for the Board of Truatees at
a Tbunday night public rorum
in San Clemente.
Four of the 1' Saddlebacll
Community CoUese board can·
didates whose names will ap-
pear on lhe Nov. 6 ballot were
absent from the Thursday
Dave Baker of Irvine, one of
the 14 names on the ballot, said
today be bu dropped bis cam·
'J)ai1t1 and thrown bis support to
lfruatee Area a candidate Robert
L . Moore, a communications
Trustee Area 6, located In
Irvine where the colle1e bu a
new northern campus, ls
perhaps the scene of the hottest
Tlw 0<-C-1 Detty Piiot, wll" Wiii<" It,.,..
"'----· ••PIAlfl"'HDYllwOf-C-1 -"""'9C-"'1*$Mtt-•• -1--· """""" ,,_, .... c-i. Me'4t, Hrwpot'f liM<ttt HUftfl~Oft k.cf'l1r°'-"'
1a19 Yall•Y, tnlftt. ~ 9"< .. /So"t~ CN\l '° .,...,. ,..-..,.1i.o.1t,...,.i.,,.. s.tv<d•••--.,. ,._ ___ ..,.. ... O'.,,. lt•I UI
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(jffte liltM -~ lftlt<Wt _.....,._,,, ,,.,,~~·
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a •• ..., uv ...... 14M171 ............ , ........ . ,.,., .... ...... ,_ ... ~ .....
~oe ""o;:., cc::::..~ ~:.=r:a~~~\:1:=..,
race ln the colleae board elec·
N o rrisa Brandt, for m er
T rustee Area a represent.alive,
did not nm for re-election and
four candidates filed to succeed
ber. Jacques Warshauer , a teacher
and corporate finance chief, a'ald
his experience u a "fiacaJ con·
servatlve" and educator
qualifies blm for the board poet.
Warshauer, who teaches one
claaa now at UC Irvine, la a
former West Covina Unllled
School Board member, 1aid be
wiU "fight more intensive use"
of school facWUes unleaa it la
paid for by those groups In·
volved. But Dr. Bert Rivas, a
Unlverslty of California ad·
mlnlatrator, aaJd be says he
wanta to make school facilities
more available to uses for a
mlnlmaJ fee or at no coet.
Rlvu said he wants to look in·
to other areu of the college
budget for cuts.
Trustee Area a candidate
Moore aald be supported Prop.
13 and Prop. 4, tax limitation
and spending meuures but COO·
alders education to be one of the
• •e11ential'' government
services alcxlg with police and
fire prot.ectlon.
Meetings Set
For Parents
Marco Fonter Junior High
Sebool PrlnclpaJ Klcbael Cut.on
baa planntd a aer1• of lnfonnal
cottee nw«•n1 at bomet In tbe
area =DI Tbunday. The mMt.(q for parent&
lnter-.cl ta dSaeuallDI acMol problea. ad Giber coaunua.lty
topiCI wtll be IMtlcl at the Sen Juan ~ hme of Nan
Owea, '1402 Apacac. Road, at
Sebool oftldala bave Invited
all iDterwt.ed parenta to alttad.
J'or more Information, ealJ
Moore said be ravora a "self·
support:tni" coUe1e community
services proeram but admitted
•'there are lolnl to be a few lean
Glen Woodman.tee, a prtvate
attorney aald Prop. 13 and Prop.
4, the latter be Wei be upeeta to
be 1pproved by voters, will force
colle1e spending conatralnta
that will foTce t.ruat.eea to "ex-
plore limits and lida on ad·
m inisltative coetl."
It would be "a drastic mil·
take" to cut tbe colle1e's elderly
educatioo and vocaUonal train·
Ing programs, Woodmanaee
Inbumbents Larry Taylor.
Harriet S. Walther and John C.
Connolly defended the colleae
board's handling of financial
problems facing the school.
Mrs. Walther, of the TuaUn
rruatee Area l , and Connolly, ol
the Mi.Ilion Viejo Trustee Area
7, were both appointed lut year
to rm vacancies on the board.
Mra. Walther'• challeo1er
John V. Lynch wu absent.
Taylor'• cballen1er teacher
Bill Svendsen In the Laguna
Beach Tnwtee Area 3 J>Oint.ed to
the college 's community
services program u one area
where "we could ti1hten our
belt" and''cutfat."
Svendsen said , •'We can't
count oo Sacramento for more
Connolly said the colle1e
should seek "aJtemative funcll.q
aources from private intererta."
He encourafed the purchase ol
property or tbe colle1e'1
northern campua.
Glenn A. Burchett, one of Con·
nouy•a cballen1era, aald the
financial problems f aclna t.bt
colleae "are not as acute u peo-
ple make tbem out to k "
becaUM ol mUclpat.d renn-
from new boualna to be built lD
the •rea. David 81111, a unlveratty ltu-
dent cb•"•liDI CoDDOlly. aak1 a
parklna f•Md eftort&o mab dM
coll•J• libraey Mlf ·aupponbll
woul beuteptowardaolvinfdM
flDuclal WOii lD tbefuture.
glstered voters in the bll district.
White admitted that thla givee
incumbents a tremendous advan·
ta1e and discourages moat
Remarb by the only reaJ con·
teat.anta in the CUSD board elec·
Uon. Kopp and Smith. were low
key Thursday night .
Kopp aald his experience and
efforu "to bring a dlrferent
point of vlew" to the board
qualifies him for another term.
Kopp was first elected In 1975.
Smith, SO, an englneerln1
mana1er, told the crowd he
wanted "to see that lrida 1et a
firat·rate educatiOft" and would
do hi• beat iJl dolnc "something
In the WIY ol aecurin1 fWldl" to
continue tbe dbtrict'a prosrama.
Smith. a local realdent a1nce
19M, bu served seven yean •
a direct.or and treaaunr for tbe
Dana Point Sanitary Dlatrid
and nine yean u a dindor.
auditor and put cbaJ.rmu ol tbe
South East Reoonat ~lam•· lion Authority.
Kopp, 45. a ceneral building
contractor. haa lived In the area
since 1967.
The Federal Re.ei-ve rel.eased
fl1urea Tbunday abowlnc the
previous weell 's report of the
basic money s upply was $3
billion too bip.
"Tbe aubstanUal cau.&e ol the
revision wu reportin1 errors by
a large mooey center bank," a
Federal Reserve apokesman
A week ago, it reported tbe
basic money supply rose a stun·
ning $2.8 billion in the week
ended Oct. 10. The same day, the
F ederal Reser ve lightened
credit, driving up Interest rates.
But on Thursday, the Federal
Reserve said lhe gain wu ac·
tually only a modal SSOO million
for lhat week. Jt said tbe buic
money supply for the week
ended Oet. 17 declined '700 million, completely offaetUna
BomN Exlode
TEL AVIV, Israel <AP>
Two small bombs exploded in
Israel today, ooe day alter a
military court sentenced two
Palestiruans to life Imprison-
ment for the bloodiest terror
raid in l s rael 's history .
Autborit.Jes said a police demoli·
lion expert was slightly injured
when a bomb exploded aboard a
bus lo Tel Aviv's central bus sta-
tion. Israeli state radio said the
officer dropped the bomb as be
was removing it from the bus.
t.be previous week·s 1alna.
Interest r ates on bond
markets dropped late Thursday
afte r the report, althou&b trad-
ing wu brief. The New York
Stoek Excban1e had c losed
before tht money supply nrurea
were relea.aed
The longest·te rm Treasury
bond. which matures 1n 2009,
dropped to an interest rate of
10 26 percent late Thursday.
com pared to a record 10 JS pt:r-
cent Wednesda)
The basic money supply,
kno~n as Ml, include!> cash and
funds m che-clnng accounls. ln
the week ended Oct 17. that
ugure was at a seasonally ad·
justed 1371.$ bilhoo. lhe PedecaJ
Reaene a.aid. Errors in the weekly money
supply numbers are not uncom·
moa, but tbe aUe ol lbe OM re-
po~ ,,..,..., w .. --ua.L
In adcltticm. at e..._ at a time when botb tbe FederaJ Raene
and the fln.anciaJ market.a were
closely following the figures .to
see whether further movea we re
needed to tJghten credit.
The Federal Reserve al.so re·
"vised downward by $700 mtlhon
1t.s eatJmate of M 1 1n the week
ended Oct. 3 and issued re·
vlaions for M2 data for both the
Oct 3 and Oct 10 report.JDg
weeks. M2 includes all elements
of Ml plus money in most sav·
ings acCOWJts.
British Field-Marshal Sir
Gerald Templer. who led the
campaign to c rus h com.
munism ln Malaya in the
1950's, died Thursday at his
London home. He was 81.
w1ndow and bludgeons his vic-
tim.is ab they are asleep in bed.
Ne1J(hbor hoods .with hea vy
l"OnCt.'OlratlvnS of apartmen~ In
th1· areas in whu:h the killer h<is
blruck have been targeWd for
special police patrols over the r
Cullu>mp wu arnsted lD Jul~
after acenta 1ald be alte1ed11 re· ceived $100.000 fro m an un·
dercover narcotics officer to
facilitate sale of 100 kilogrami.
of coca.me
Detective Killed
shentf's detccti.ve was shot to
death wh.Jle on a stakeout 1n the
home ol a woman who reported
rece1vmg lewd telephone calls,
offi cials report.
. -----------------
' I
:,. . .
' . ..
' ,'
at any Store but RALPHS
When you shop furniture you
may have to go to many stores
just to do one room, but not at RALPHS because ...
We have 12 S ciaky Stores in One!
-----------~----------____ ; __ , ... ------------~----
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Cities Mull Cutbacks
O/fidala. E,., E/f ecta of Prop. 4
BJ JAC"IJE RY•AN Oii_ .............
ProPo1JUon 4 °" UM Not , I ballot. wbk h would Um t speed· lnc by at.ale and 1ot'al 1ov m
ment, will moan furth r cvt
backs ln dcy HrVICH but pro-
bably woo'\ have • devaa\aUAI tttect, the mayora of Co ta .....
••d Wewp>n Buch uy
Coata lleaa'1 Ed McP'artand
aad Newport'• Paul Ryckoff
•poke Th~ay ., a breakfut
(DetUna ol ~ N"wport Harbor
:O•ta MeH Soard ol Realton at
:.he Coeta Men Ooll and Coun
ry Club
bHo cutback.I since PtopoaiUoo
13, the Jarvi1·GMn n m1taaUve,
p11aed lu t year. but lhat these
bave resulted in only minor
complaint.a pnmar1ly about
reduced trash pickup lo Newport
Beach and reduced parb main·
tenance lo Co!lt.a Meaa.
,...., aMdawct procrama and
U.. ln.ltJatJ~ would bav• no lm·
patt °" C.O.ta M•a fOf' about Un·ff yean bffauae lh4 ctty'a
11llmaled oeeda probabl)'
wouldn't n ceed lb• anaouat it
woWd be allowed
However. he aald . "By the
mid l"°' we wttl bave to rut
other budaeted aervtcea or Gt.Mr
source. ol fw.dlnt wUl have to
bt found ..
He cl~ the propoaed dt vt1lop
m~nt of the 115 acre Sakloka
f arm• property ln Coatl M a,
which would lnclude alanlficul
a mount.a 9' lndW1lria1 a nd com·
m erclal d evelopme nt tha t
wouldn't increase population,
but would require expanded
services. such as a new fire ist1A
CofC 'Mixer' Set
own asancu. •ueb 11 e:,t:~u:,~it·~~ !tl~~J':/.
Mc Yarlud COOCI .
A )'ckotf noted tbat Newport
Beach haa alre.ct1 cut Ila budpt
· '2.1 mllllon line• Propo•dtiOft 13
paaHd .•
Tbe culbaek• have been
achieved ~ hhi.n1 rreesea.
reduced trNh plclruPf, eUmiAa·
lion ot a branch library. cuta in
r ecr e ation pro1ram1 and
poalponemenl of aome public
work• proJeets.
l\yckolf aald he ls concemed
about aettin1 ertortltea for the runc1a that would be rwtber re-
duced -.mder P~iUoa 4.
FOa ESA•PLE, he aald,
public outcry frequently reaulta
from c~backs in popular, visi·
ble 11erv1ces, but cull ln basic
malntenance "would be placina an additional burden on the
''It seems to me that cities
should cooalder across-the-board
cuts In all a reas except basic
ones such as sewers and water.•·
.... Octobtt .. '"'
Rerord Setter
Propo1•tlon • would aet l!rfS..'19
as the base year. Af\ertbat, at.ate,
county. city and olher CaWoruia
sovemment.al agencies would be
limited to increases in approplia·
t.tons tied to mes in lhecost ofUv·
ing and in populatJon.
Certain exceptions would be
made for repayment of bonds,
user fees, revenue sharing
S an Clemente Chamber o(
Com m e'r c e o ff I c i a Is have
sc h edu l ed a Tues d ay
"Halloween mixer" cocktail
party for local busmessmen to
meet The mixer will be held at
the f''umiture Gallery, 213 Ave.
Dc.>I Mar, from 5 16 to 7:01 pm.
••Enough can be done with -the
funds that would be available,
making the necessary cuta. to
move for ward in a reasonable
manner." RyckoH said.
The ~ Ccnt.ury painting .. Iceber gs" by
F reden c Edwm Church ts auctioned off in
New York t.o an unidentified collector for
S2 5 miU1on The bid wa s the most ever
paid at auction for a painting by a n
Am e rican.
Dakota State Officials . ,. , -
Fined for GaJJJhling
WINNER, S .D . CAP> -South
D a kota's a ttorney gener al a nd
treasurer, caught gambling in the
backroom of a small·town bar, have
pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and
paid a $100 fine in a scandal some
newspapers have dubbed "Win
nergate. ''
T he incident occurred wht:n r<'
port.a for The Associated Press and
KSFY·TV in Sioux Falls surpnscd
Attorney Orneral Mark Meh:rhcnry
playing blackjack and Treasurer
David Volk rolling craps in a casino
al the back of a bar in Winner.
T he town is situat.c:d ln south
Missile Plan
No Bother,
Nevada Told
l"resh from a meeting with the gov·
ernor of Utah, top military brass
have told Nevada Gov. Bob Uat lhal
the $33 billloo MX misaUe system
won't erode the quality of life ln the
two stat.es.
Aft.er meeting with Air Force Chief
of Slaff Lucius Allen, List announced
Thursday a btstate program to cb~k
Air Force data on the MX plan.
UTAH GOV. SCOTI' Malheeoo met
Wednesday with Allen to talk about
tbe system which would involve 200
miulles, e•cb on lta own "race
track," over an area of 24,000 square
mllea ol Utah and Nevada deeert.
Mat.be9oD laid "we don't have the
facts" and mmounced tbat hll top u · aiatanta woakl won wttb Llll'a aides on a ~ to probe social and
ecoeomle llDpKta ol tbe 1y1tem.
The mJ..U-would be aeattered
amOftl 4,800 miaU. allol ID tbe area
•bout ftve Ume1 UM abe ol Cclnnec· ticut. Allen uid only a fraction ol
tbat land -about 251quare mll• -
.ould be IOtally cloeed off to public
LIST IAID TR& bl1tate effort
would be f\anded by '400,000 from the
Pour Cornen Reponal Commluloo
plut another tt.5 million In federal mon•y. Tb• Nev8Cla penaor aald the Im·
patt ttudl• woaJd Nip ln detennln·
lnl bow aldl IDOIM"I will be needed
to prcwlAll ICbooll. poUce and other ...-.a-lD .,.... ol boom lrowtb re· ..,...,,.._ Q CGDIU'ucUaa.
oma. -·•et .. project CCMald ..... ...., .. Ul,000 to ll0,000
central South Da.)tota about 100 miles
south of the state capital, Pierre.
"Are you on duly?" the attorney
gener al a11ked the reporters, whr
were checking reports of widespread
gam bli ng in Winner on the opening
weekend or the p heasant·hunting
St ate law forbids "gambling in any
form with cards. dice or other imple-
ments " Meierhenry told reporters lbat he
was off duty, then ordered the bar
closed and promised to sign a misde·
meanor complaant agaanst the owner
But lb.is week, Meierhenry said he
wouldn't sign the complaint "for ob-
vious reasons.··
he turned over tus information to
State's Attorney Tom Tobin, who tn·
ilially told reporters he didn't have
e nough inlormation to launch a gambl·
ing investigation . By midweek, Tobin
left word with his secretary that he
wouJdn't talktothe news media.
O n W e dn es da y e v e n i ng .
M~ierhenry and Volk drove back to
Winner, signed complaints again.st
the mselves, pleaded g uilty to the
misdemeanor and each paid a $100
fine plus costs.
"We weren 't s ure what action
would be ta.ken down there," said
Volk. "When It appeared that nothing
would be done, we decided to sign the
complaint agalnat ourseJves.
fell we should pay for ll," he said.
Melerhe nry said the action
saUafied b1a con.science, but added
that tbe matter would be •·an em bar·
rassmenl to me and my family for
many yean to come."
) Psychic ·sets
Laguna Talk
E111U1b medlum Freda Fell la
1cbeduled to d11cu11 and dem·
onatrate ber psychic powen al a
Monday n.l&bt dinner al a Lacuna
BHcb resta\ll'ant.
Tbe dinner will be held at the Cout
Inn, 1401 Coul HJ1hway. Cocktail•
wlll be aerved at 7 p.m. with dinner
at 8 p.m. and the lecture at 9 p.m.
AdmluiCJn and the meal 11 $15.
,/ All Area. Rugs
20-400/o off
Every rug In Pier 1 stock.
Chinese, Oriental, & Indian.
Wools, cottons, blends too.
Sizes from 2'x3 ' to 6 'x9'.
Values from $10.99 to 239.99.
Sale price• good through ~ovember 1.
The "ent la 1pon1ored by pro.
ducen GI tbe "PtyehJc Phenomena Auge avallabl• •• 111 Pier t •torH except thoM In tneloHd m1111.
;bo::~·~!:.:.•i:.0~. t~~~~= SHOP MONDAVn1aU8ATt1aDAY J ...
producers plan to open an office ln StJN. II 'TIL I
LapnaBeach. ANAHEIM -509 East Katella Avenue, 772·2472
lln. l'ell, a Uc.naect medium m COSTA MESA -2110 Harbor Boulevard, 540·735'1 ... a 1 'Ont wltldn • few yean lD
• .. wM4lla U. fewer U.. •.ooo ..... '" l heraauve ll!nlland, la a worldlectuNt GARDEN GROVE -18081 Harbor Boulevard, 88&·2481 oatbe1~olPffCMCP9Wtr· ,_,,_..__.;;;;;_ __ _.;. ______________ ~~-----------------------------------------------------'
• '. \. \ 1
Want.e.t: Psyelde to Fbld ·.Jeetie .1 .. es
LllSRTY , Mo . <AP> -··w AJfl"&D: o.,... P11ei. '° co.· tact, ... , ................ ..
lJ, APPlr (liar eo.&, Pana ~ m-.·tA.\J, Mo.'' , ... ~ ..... De•• Mita M'I ........... _.. .... to ... • "':?:• fernt hfl .... from &Mc..,,,. moet .., ...... . ··n,......., .......... ...._ to ................ .... ............. ~.:· o. • ..,.. 0 ....................... ...
New Law
Hits Sect
At O'Hare
CHICAGO <AP> -Memben of the Hare
Krishna sect and other
religious eroups may
find It harder to solicit
funda at O'Hare lnt.ema·
tional Airport under a
new city ordinance.
Money transactions
will be limited to des·
lgnated areas of the
airport terminal under an ordinance passed by
the Clly Council.
The new code was
adopted after sharp de·
bau oo wbetheT lt would
violate the eomUtuUooal
rl1bu of retl1lous
,,....., -freedom of apeeela
<AP> New evidence
confirms that jogging is
good for mental health,
a researcher aays.
David McNaughton,
director of the Unlvenl·
ty of Wl1conaln·Stout
COUDHlinl center. •a.Id a study la perhaps the
flnt that used aclentlfic
lnatnunenta and teat.a to
prove that runnlnl can relieve anxiety, reduce
emoUonal stre11 and
combat depreuloo.
He conducted tbe
study amon1 student
volunteen who bad bla·
tortes of emotional
Say 'No'
Fund·ralain1 efforta for
tbe Vietnamese boat people wm apparently
bav• to 1et by witbOut
belp from the Beatles.
Ea-Beatie Paul
MeCartney daabed tpeculatlon about a
dw1ty cooeert wbea be
told reporters: ··we all
talked tosetber, but the
BeaU. Wll1 not be aet· Una tofet.bel' .. alft ...
1'be)' broke up in 1971
tiUt tut played to1ether
la 119.
(AP) -TM federal 1ov-
eramtlll nporta that lt
wlll llaance tbe eon-
ttrueUOD of • pubUc llo•1IDI project to ,.,a.ee tbe d4Mriorated
.. alt Triuate Court
d•••lopmeat ID tbla
la ...................... ...
, .... Oli&la• .... Neil ... .., ,.,..
lie'• hr'r'wc • ..... , .-... tra~ ...ial aMUU. wt.o •••tit be able &o eoetact .la ... ~·"'* ..... ~ ...... ubla ..... s. ...... ,. Mo., wMN
, .......... Jltf.
... ...... IAICelEeful, 80 ... ,., ......
wOH dli.t be'I OD tM loolDout for
... ... ID ta. eoetaet buliw1. It
1980 Ford F· 100/150 With etandMd 4 9l (300 CID) Six and optlonel
WPMdew«c:lflYe lraneml~ end~·lr\OaeaduOed
.... ...... ,a. II• ..... Ford'a new
F-150 has the beet EPA e1t1mete among 4x4
plckupe with \f.8'a: 14 mpg EPA estimate.
.. ••• NOi' ltlaS wfaat we could eom• . .., wttb tlaM would u" uy
cnctlbUlt1, but •• ~ lt would
be IUD to pt a troUP ot people wttb
,.ycbic ..,...n out at tbie farm and
... wblit u., could come up wttb, ••
Perry aalcl .
TM paycblc Idea wu lnlplred bJ a ~call to Jaek Wymore, owner ot °" ,.,.,.._._...
ibe J .... James Bank ll\lle\lln lo Mr. WlllJam II. Al~"'· CSO ec.obef JO.,.,.
Liberty, holn a Calllornla woman ,...'l'Ofll.._Yolll atliOOPlft.
!a1t January. She told Wymore she'd ,.. Mlle•~ OiWC-~
reeelved a me11•1• from Frank and L------------------J .... Jame1.
.. .._I
950 HWY.
LW9 8'yleeld4' ~with etetldatd t~ tat* '*"9o0tl0nli ti-gllf llri
10t.i 38~ MultillfY ti., MPG .. ..._ lor "*'-.. tenge
' i
' 1
Citibank Bikes Interest to 151/4% ..
,. .. YOaK CAP) -Qtlbult. thartM b}' .._...to llll09l credit·
tile ••tt .. ·a aeeoed·I=.: wort\)' eorporate euatomera. ..U. ,.... ha prime wltb other bullDH•H pa~
aiae ...., to a reeonl 15~ per-en• man. eam. ltcto.aot~coo· n. '-*..._put CJtber-aume•· kMlal, wbole ratea a.re ~ INmb. wlUeb earUer In leH volatili than butiness loan a. .,.. niMd ratel to 1S per· rates and ln many caaes are
teat, froa u" percent. limited by atate law. But it is au._., ~ oonnally acts een aa an lodicat.or of creel.it
ealy 011 Fridays, bad not · condlUona 1eoerally.
mattt.ltMllnneue. Many banb make loans lo
ratet below tbe prtme rate, but
tom• bub, faclna hilb laterest
ram oa the mooey they acquire
for ltDdiDC, have cut back COD·
aumer k>an and mortsa1e busJ.
The Federal Reserve Board in
recent weeks bas drastically
t.ifbteoed credit, in an effort lo
fight inllatioo by holding down
the growth of the money supply.
The Federal Reserve an·
nounced Thursday it made a
ioajor error~ its money supply
calculaUooa early this month.
Some analysts said tbe Federal
Reserve 'a most recent tiehten·
ing move might have been in·
nuenced by that false infonna.
lion, but the Federal Reserve
did · not indicate whether it
believed it acted too strongly.
Citibank's decision apparenUy
inmcated it believed the Federal
Reserve will not move to relax
credit. although the bank isaued
no ~tion of its action. lion '1 top banks, excep: ~ Today's boost lD the prime to Cllll>Mk, ..a t.o 15 pereenL
15\4 percent was the fourth la-.
crease in four weeks. Sept. 28, Tbe Federal BeMrve releMed
major bank.a raiaed the baae figurea Tbunday abowin• tbe
lending rate from 13y, to 13y, previous week'a report ot tbe
percent. 1bi.s stood until Oct. 9, basic money supply was $3
shortly after the Fed's lat.est billion too bl(Cb.
credit·tilbJ,ening plan wu an. "The substantial cause of the
nounced. wh~n the prime r evision wu reporting errors by
jumped an unprecedented one a large mooey center bank," a
percentage point to 14YJ percenL Federal Reserve spokesman Tuesday and Wednesday, the na· said. ) T•• pn.,. lendlDI rate Is consumers uc1 home buyers at
M11rderer's 7th V .. 1ct1m Buried
llftdltl Cra.:11
Carrie Lang, a seventh grader at Newport Beach's
Ensign School, went crazy today with her costume
for the school's "Crazy Day." Students and some
faculty members eschewed normal school attire
a nd tried to see who could come up with the
wierdest combination of clothing and accessories in
observance of the a nnual event. We vote for Carrie.
Man. Dies of Burns
From August Blaze
oe .. Detty ...... Staff
One of two men burned in a
Costa Mesa plastics plant flash
fire in Au«iust died Thursday, an Orange County Coroner's Of.
flee spokesman aaid today.
George E. Seaman, 57, of Orante, died shortly before 1
p.m . at UC Irvine Medical
Center barn unit, where he bas bMn aiace tbe Aug. 22 fire al
Jlfarmeo llateriala Inc., 600 Vic·
tGria St.
Seaman, a production
.apervt.or at Narmco for 31 )lean, wu burned over 60 per·
tat ot bil body.
· Shah to Stay
Year in U.S.?
A seeood fire victim, Larry C.
Cercone, 34. of ,Stanton, re·
covered sufficiently lo be re·
leased from the hospital, a
medical center spokeswoman
s aid.
(See MAN, Pace AZ)
Jarvis Tells
lagunans of
13's Benefits
By STEVE MJT'CllELL Ot•DlllY ..........
Howard Jarvis, the infali1able
76-year--Old tax foe addretaed a
rooa\ful of Laft:!-~a Beach realt.ora today, te tbem bis
aucce11ful Propoaltloa 13 in·
ltiaUve created !G,800 new Jobi
in Califonliala tbepatt 1ear.
lD an addrW .,.pperec1 wtt.ll
anecdotes at tbe El Nipel Cowl·
try Club tbb IDOl'Diq, th• folby
tax-cut advocate outllDecl bl.a
view ot tbe effeeta of b1I Pl'CJPOl1· tioa on Callfornla tupayera.
And be WMD't tbe leut bk
bumble •boat PCJlinffnf out tbe
beneftta be 1an die new law created.
·'I au.ct a farmer come \IP to
me and .., l taYed blm •.a
a year la taul," Jantl told ..
100 ,......,.tbla mondq.
.. Be--Mii\tlaat u • I-at be
WU hi.ta. ..... 1DON ..... • biafft,
... ot tbe ..... tba ....
mlW. new jolll nn II,. to
• lower-&Deome ctU.U, JU'ril aald ....... tbet ........... . c ... ,...., .... .u,
~ ~
Seventeen-year·old Debra
Seni<Sr, the seventh victim or
what police believe is a killer
who preys on women alone in
their apartments, was buried to-
Investigators said they are no
closer to finding her slayer than
they were when the series or kill·
ings and attacks started more
than two years ago.
Six women and an unborn in·
rant are dead aa a result of at-
tacks datibg back to August,
1977. Three women have aur·
vtved. The aceeleratins attacks,
lDcludlq cUbt al.nee March ol
Ulla year, laave occured ill
eo.ta ..... Newport 8eeclL, ...............
Police have a drawing of the
suspect seen al the aeeae ol one al ... ea.ta .... _ ...... bat nnsl•• ll• ............ -
SO far, tt.J'N _..,.. to put a
name lo the face.
Lt. Jack Calnon of Costa Mesa said two suspects were con·
sidered and rejected this week
by detectives who are seeking
the murderer·rapisl.
COsta Mesa Jngh School students Umber up
for Earl Trelchel's self defense class. a
new physic.al education course that also is
helping some yoaqpten become better
musicians. To fiDd out bow, see today's
Featuring section. Page Bl.
One man, Joo W. Rowland. 18.
of Santa Ana, was arrested early
Wednesday morning in an apart·
ment complex in that city.
Supreme Co11rt Assailed
"We had a pretty good look at
him, but be doesn't appear to be
the one we're looking ror,"
Calnoo said. Deukmejian Raps Activism iri Newport Talk
However. Rowland bas been
charged with rape and burglary
in connection with a series of
eight sexual a s saults in
southwest Santa Ana.
"It doesn't make sense that
he'd be raping women in Santa
Ana and killing and raping them
in our cities," Calnon observed.
• OI \tie o.lly l"IMC Sl.ltf
In a speech in Newport Beach
Thursday night. California At·
tomey General George Deukme·
j i an s aid the state Supreme
Court is guilty of clogging the
justice system and indulges in
"trivialization'' of the slate
Deukmejaan spoke at a dumer
meeting of the Orange County
Bar Assoc1auon at the Marnott
The court system 1s clogged.
DeukmeJ1an sa.id. because of the
"appellate syndrome." This is a
cond1lton . he said, that increases
the number of court trials
because convictions are over· Calnon said detectives spent
Thursday in Huntington Beach.
investigating a man in custody
there, but, like Rowland. the
Huntingtoo Beach suspect' was
ruled out.
Police have been given huo·
dreds of leads to pursue by resi-
dents who've seen the picture of
the suspect and phoned in in·
Texaco Reports
211 o/o Profits Rise
The volume of calls and leads
has created a full·time job in
keeping the tips categoriud so
that the wild accusations don't
get confmed with more solid in·
formation. ·
Calnon said bis department is
going to try today lo com·
puterize the information it has
received for easier categorizing
and retrieval.
<See VICl'DI, Pase AZ>
NEW YORK <AP>-Texaco
Inc., the nation's third· largest
oi 1 company, today reported its
earnings more than tripled in
the third quarter from the same
period last year. The increase
was the blggest announced by
one of the oil companies.
Texaco, based in White Plains.
N. Y.. said earnings increased
211 percent in the July·
Wh.at Cops?
40 Mias Motel Holdup
If you've 1ot 40 off.duty poUce officers stayiq in your
motel, you ouaht lO be safe -right?
AN A&llED bandit made otf TbUJ'llday Dilbt wltb Mt0
from the aftlee ol the Coeta Meaa Inn, 311115 Harbor Blvd.,
despite the feet tbat 40 olf-duty olftcen wen ataJlal there.
Nooe of tbem beard or aaw uayt.bl.Df swpicJoul at tbe
Ume, Cotta llwa police said today.
IN'Yal'IGA'l'OU MID TD lllDIDaD eat.red at
about I :• p.m., uk.cl elen PbWp "1edman, 21, ot Tult1D
for dumle tor a dollar bW, tbeD proclueed a plltol Ud
eleaaed oat tM eaab ,...,.... before Oeela1. No tar •8' .....
Tiie ,......_, from lbrouCboat the ate, wen 1n
towa tlO llu.d a MPl'M' • deliaqaeDc:J coatrol belDI eoD· duated bJ a.. o.&a ... Po&lee Departmeat, olfteera
September period. from Sl97 1
million. or 72 cents a share, lo
$612.2 million. or $2.25 a share.
This year's figures included a
one·time gain of $103.2 million,
or 38 cents a share, from a re-
quired tax carry forward of
foreign operating losses and lax
cremls from previous years.
Texaco's sales in the period
were $10.25 billion. up from $7.04
billion in last year's third
Texaco attributed moat of the
earnings gain to operations
overseas, where a lack of price
controls allow oll companies to
pass tbrouah higher crude oil
costa more quickly than they
can in the United Slates. Euoo, the ind1'alrY giant. this
week reported a 118 percent ln·
crease in Its third quarter PfOf·
ill and No. 2 llobU said its
earainis sur1ed 131 percent.
both tarcely because of forelen
caperatiom. ,
PnUdlllt Carter on Tbunclay
cit.eel 1\ll'1inl oil company PfOf·
lts as an ar1ument for con·
ireaalonal approval of bis pro-
poeal to tu revenues reawtln&
fTom tbe ~t'I dedUoo
to deretnal* domeM.lc crude oll
But barlet J . DlBona, the
prealdeat of the American Petroleum laltitlM, an oll In·
dultrJ lobbJtDI lfCMIP, laid tbe
Jars• thlrd·q_uarter proflt ln·
CN ... piolt8d by oll COIDpamet
repreMal a recovery from .,....
vioua dlpreald earniqs.
tu med on appeal.
Oe ukmeJtan blamed the syn·
d rome on "jud1c1al activis m
.. changing-subject ive stand·
ards of law ... New-found con·
s t 1t ut1 o nal right s for
c riminals ... and the rly·
speckmg quest for errors by the
Supreme Court."
Also clogging the courts and
costing the ta~payers dearly,
~ukmejian saJd, is the retroac·
t1 v~ application of high court
rulings lo past convictions.
"It's like changing the rules of
a game after it bas started ...
usually in the favor of the
cnmlnal ... Deukmejian sald.
Oeukmejian sajd bis b ffice
estimated an additional 3,000
trials will be made necessary by ,
retroactive rulings and will cost
at least $.'50 million.
Still on the subject of extra •
workloads placed on the Justice ~
s yst em. Deukmejian talked
about the People vs. Wendy. I
In that case, Deutmejian said.
the state Supreme Court ruled lf
a defense lawyer cannot find f
grounds bis client can appeal on. 1.
<See COtTaTS. Pase AZ>
Mostly sunny Saturday.
Lowa tonight in SOI. Highs
Saturday 70 al beaches
and 7S inland.
All tlN tOOrid't o ·~,
'~ °" Holloeomt. For
.,.,. ... ar.,. ~·· S1'ake.,,_NOtt t~ oftd hauni«! ,._,,, tH,.. CI.
llltlez ,...,..,..,.,. AJ ,._.......,. a Ult..... u-.... CM ....... .......... ,.... .,
~ ............. M a--.. l>'•tt =O..., At a-.. CH ....... DI
Ou• • C'tt n .. CM.• .......................... .................. .._.,. Ct.ti ...........
............. ~ C1I ~ .,..._. CM ......... ...... "" ....Uhl.... (4......... ""
l •
Fair Theater l11ue in Hold
To Rise?
then 1l 11 the court's duty t.o re
view the can ror srounds to MP
The ru1tnc wu banded down
despite tbe fact that the court
itself, \he State Bar and the At-
torney General's Office all have
been t.ryinc for years to eaae
court workloads, Deukmejtan
S. Afrream
Deny Bloat
Soutb Africa (AP> -
South Africa dented toclay
U.S. toteWgeace IUHe•·
tlon• that it set off a
auclear device, aaYina the
report verged on science
In Wuhlngton, a senior
American defenH offlclal
appeared to step back
from those suggestions by
saying "there is no In-
de pendent evidence that
would link a partic ular
country" with the suspect·
ed explosion more than a
month ago.
Dr. J . Wynand de
V1Wers, prealdeot.ot South
Africa'• Atomle Ener1y
Board, uid U.. report i•
dlcaUa1 So•t.9' Afrtoa
mlpt be CID U. br\Q of
JolnlnK alx nations ln the
world's known atomic
arms club waa "complete
Oruc• County Fair Board memben ..W Tltllnday IJMy
wlU w1ltt for a state altonlity
,,..._ opbllioe before dedd
~ or not '° 1raftt a de
1 requ.t '° ct.lay con· alnctlon on a plat-' 1,000...at
amphiUwaater al \be Coat.a Meaa
t al r1i"OUIWl9
ralr Board mtmbere uld
they want cJw attome11eneral'•
olflce, which ·~ta u tMir at·
IOr'MJ, t.o CCIOISditf tbelr llabWty
ln c<NIMdlon wtth the reqUMl
by Ptrformlol Arla Aaaoelatet.
They aaid they wUI take the
matter up 11a!D al their Nov. t•
Spoketmen tor Performina
Arts Auoclatea uld their
backers want coOJttuctloa de·
layed until arltr Utl••lloo
between the Fair 8o1rd and the
city ot C.O.ta Mesa la re80lved.
The amphit.beat.er u1 preaiently
sebtd\l.led lO It.art CONlructlon
lD mid-December . It th•
pottponemtnl I• cranted, lt
could delay t.he •tructure In·
Cott It eatlmated at $5.5
mUUon tor tb• amphitheater.
which would be buUt oa the fair·
1rouncla under a contract that
would allow the developen to
UH It for major concerta and
performaoces. Pair offlclala
could UN it dwin1 the re1war
Oran1e Cow\ty Falr.
The clty ls auin& the fair and
1eekln1 to bait work on lta
maater plan, lncludint cone.true·
Uon of the ampbJtbeat,er, u.otll
the plan bas been submitted
tbrouah regular city planning
F1lr board members bold
that, alt.boUCh the fairaroundl is
located within the city. lt fs state
property and not subject to local
lion In the welfare appropna·
Other benefit.a of 13 outlined
by J arvll lncluded:
-An economy that 11 1rowin1 twice M fut Mother 1tatea
-No reee.1ioa Jn Calllornla,
altboqh other atat.M are belin·
nto1 to feel the effect.I of lofla.
-An inllatioo rate that 11 l
percent 1 .. than other 1tatel ·
-More than 100,000 fewer
U.S~ Plans
Gold Auction;
Price Drops
Treasury's surprise announce-
ment that it will auction 1.25
million ounces or gold Nov. l
sent the price of bulllon plum·
meting by as much as $17.50 in
Europe today. The dollar rose
"People were expecting there
wouldn't be any auctions for a
while, mid now we bave more
•old c:omt.q onto tbe market,••
.. ld a dear. at S.mael llon·
ta111 u... oee al tbe bl1 nve
London bullion merchants.
Gold opened in London at
$374.50 an ounce, down $17.50
l rom SWJ.00 Thursday. The aJ.
t4'rnoon fixing WH 1375.
public employees now than before
Prop. 13. "About 75,000 of thoee
either retired or quit, and only
2$,000 bad to be cut from city and
1tate budceta. ''be aaJd.
-No real c ut ln e11entlal
aervlcee, ''Of' at leut lbat'• what
the eovemor tella me."
And while he'• plea1ed with
the retultl of ~ U-year cam·
paitn to cut property taz•. tbe Urelen former newapapu
publlaber la)'I be'I Got tiroUcb
"We've tot an • bUlloa 1ur-
plua ln the state U'1I year," he
smiled. "So I've cot another
He 1,.y1 he'• collected eoo.ooo
signatures tor hJa new effort,
which he aaya wUI cut penooal
income tax.es to the state by 50
percent. eliminate the buaineas
inventory tu, and index income
tax rates.
He says he needs 1.5 mlWon
signatures by the end of No·
vem ber to !let tus new tax prop-
osition on the ballot, adding l 5
million signatures "means three
million voles."
He said his new tax reduction
scheme, when Ued Lo the effects
ot Prop. 13, would ·'brine CaUlomia down to tbe mlddJe
ran1e of taxe1 collected per cap( ta lo the United Stat.et."
By cutilnl Calltornla penional
income taxes by 50 percent,
Jarv1• clatm. the 1tate -ou1d
collect onJ1 to percent Jeaa than
it does now.
And, he says, at leut ball that
amount can be made up by using
the state's huge surplus
Cercone, a group leader in
process engineering who had
worked at Narmco for two
years, was burned over 40 per·
cent of his body
Costa Mesa Fire Marshal
Rusa Henderson sald today the
cause of the fire, which resulted
in about ~.ooo d&D)age Lo the
building, baa never been fully
explained, alt.bough Narmco bU
conducted research into the mix·
ing process that resulted Jn the
"It appean t.&at one of the
gaaea that was titven off could
have been exploelve, but there
would have had Lo be aomethlDi
t here to Ignite tt and there
shouldn't have been," Hen·
deraon said. •
The fare broke out ln a mlx1q
building equipped wlth
sprinklers and exploslon,proof
electrtcal equipment, Henderson
said. Narmco, a dlvlllon of
Celanese Corp., t. invoJved ln
pla1Uc1 research and develop.
· Henderson later told City
CouncU membert he bad found a
number d code vloutloOJ at the
He said in a report in Sep.
tember that the plant J>Med an
extreme dan8er Lo Ill employees
and to firemen and 1 serious
. -
OMMe Cit!•-• NI wtA kl'..,_. "-"-It *'Me CM",......,., ............. 9M<JI ,,,,, '""' ...........
, ....... (71 .. .....
a. ..... ,,.,,,..-. .... .....,.
,,.,,. ... 0.-... .....
~ .. ~r=-=e :.=.=::... -··· ,..,._ ........
threat to those who live In the
adJoining residential area.
Among the violations cited
were the storage of large con-
tainers of dangerous chemicals
within ~ feet of the property
line, near homn; l.he at.orage of
c hemicals near llammable
materials that, ln the event of an earthquake or fire, could inlx
a nd cauae an explosion; and
chemicals labeled in a secret
code ao that firemen wouldn't
know what &hey were dealt.De
with ln an emer1ency.
However. Henderson also
pointed out that, because the
plant baa been declared a DOG·
confonnlng use ln the clty. no
major building Improvements
are allowed, thus restricting
Narmco dficlala in alt.empt.a to
remedy the situatioo.
Allhoueb officials plan Lo cloee
down the plant by 1883 and move
to Anaheim, aeicbbora have pro·
teated that they don't want to
wall that lonJt. Henderson aald today that
Narmco olflclala, ln cooperaUoo
wltb the flre department, have
moved ahead wltb safety
me11urea and in some cases
hive exceeded fire code require·
Currently, he said, Nannco la
attempting to win city
permluk>o Lo install a roof with
1prlnklen over aome dangeroua
chemical conta.lnera stored out·
ff endenon 1ald the olflclall at
N ar m co ba ve b een very
cooperative in meeting clty re-
Health Clinic
aaim Denied
health Cllftctall have refUMCI to
pay more tbaD SU,000 in clalma. nw by a defmet naral Maltb
cllnle la Blttbe tbat apat t111.ooo
over • two-)'eU' period .ttMut
treatlq • paUMlt or blriq •doc· wr.
Tiie NjecUoe ot UM. Cla&ma
cobldclll wWl u lav..U~
~hl~=-=~-=~l txpffd.lt_.. bJ La Cuna cle A&Uaa~-~-~ ·:°ls:~ .. u.s.t=d:i:
f'arSQ WCll'bn ol America or-
"And if you don't believe the
government can cut spending hy
5 percent, then you shouldn't
support Uus plan," he: said.
He said the proposal also al·
lows for "indexing" the Income
tax rat.es, which means in!laUon
alone cannot drag a taxpayer in·
Lo a higher tu bracket.
The proposaJ also eliminates
the bu11ineu inventory tax,
"which ha.a businesses shuttling
all their lnvent.ory to Arizona in
March ao they don't have to pay
laxes on them."
H1a ballot meuure would cut
the alDOUDt ot money 1oln1 lo
Sacumento. be aaid, addlng, "U
you want to cut the budtet you
don't ldve the state mo~y ln the
flrat place.
"Because it becomes com-
post," he quipped.
Jarvis said voter approval of
the ballot wtU "probably mean a
couple d hundred thousand new
(private) Jobs in the state."
At the conclusion of his ta1lt
before the reaJLons, the grinning
Jarvis menUooed that "he Just
happened to have some peUUon
form a," for signatures.
Bomb Hoax
Startles Jet
Flight Crew
pa11en1er aboard a Western
Atrllnea nilht bound ror Hawall
stood up tn the aisle ot the Jet
and ~ that a bomb wu
about to explode, federal of.
flcial• old.
Tbe m a n was quJcldy
restrained Thurad&y by the
ru1ht crew and hLI •.nnounc.
ment proved to be a hon, aa1'1
Bob Groth, cbJel of the Federal
Aviation AdminiatraUon'1 ctvtJ
aviation security dlvlalon ln
FBI 8peelal A•ent Olea Younc
1aid a man ideDWled OD11 u
Stanle1 8a11to1 WH anffted
after flllllt 571 from Su l'ru·
claco landed tn HawaU.
Youns uld Santo• waa
ebar11d wttb "crtme aboard u
aircraft," 11yln1 lb• apecltle
cbar1• would be e1tabH1bed
G roUI aaic1 lbere were 1M
pa11...-n aboard tbe ~.
wblela wu abftl MUwaJ to Honolulu wben lb• lnetdut
oeeurnd .
conttof. Althoueh wllllnf to db·
cwi• the plane with city oftlclala
Informally, they have retuaed to
tubmlt plane for formal ap. prov al.
CHy orflclala cbarre tbatil
becauae the redevelopmeet wt
affect traffic , em ercency
service. and public works needs
In Cotu Meta, It should be 1ub-
Ject to city plannJna procedute1.
An Orance County Superior
Court Judie ruled In Aua.uat ln
the fair board'• favor. That de·
cl1lon bu been appealed b)' the
city to the Fourth District Court
of Appeal Jn San Bernardino.
Hairy Issue
coed kicked off a
marcbln1 squad at
Atwater Kiah School for
refusing t.o cut her nearly
walat·leogth haJr has been
ordered reinstated.
Removing Dawnella
Gllzenan was arbttrary
because the scbool district
had no proper educational
purpose in dictating the
lenath of her hair, ~put.y
County Counsel Dorla
Lacy •flld Thursday.
Memberw ot the squad,
who precede the marcbln&
band with sip bearing
lettert that identlfy the
school, were required t.o
have ahoulder-leneth hair
to present a uniform ap-
pearance in compeUUon.
·'The computer people say
they can do at, so we're gomg w
give It a try ," he !!&Id
"Anythmg's worth trying "
lnvcst1gutor1> from fi ve ugen
c1e11 are hunting the man thP)
stsy 1s resporu.1ble for a total of
nine assault5 Th~ attacks have occurred
bet ween the hours of 11 p. m . and
4 a.m .• generaJJy on weekends.
The victims all Lived in apart·
menu with around noor eolrles that weren't clearly visible from
the s treet.
Police have r epeatedly
warned realdentl' ot the areu
where the ~r hu at.ruck to
keep their doora and windows
locked because there la no
evidence the slayer breaks lnto
the apartments.
P olice theorize he gets 1n
throu1th an unlocked door or
window and bludgt'Ons his VlC
tims as they a re asleep in bed.
Neighborhoods with heavy
concentrations or apartments in
the areas In which the killer ha1>
struck have been targeted for
special poUce patrob over the
Smith Quits
Post With
Niguel Avco
Architect James W. Smith an·
nounced th1a week that be la re-
signing as vice president and
general manager of Avco Com·
munlly Developers, lnc.'1
Laguna Niguel division to form
has own Orao&e County develop-
ment firm.
Smith a resident of Laguna
Ni1uel. aaid his reslgnauoo l• ef.
fective Dec. 1.
A eraduate of the University
of Southern California, Smith
has worked at Avco since 1974
and waa named general
mana1er of the La1una Nl1uel
dlviaioa in 1971.
Hla work baa involved
supervlaint major development
venture. and b.andllng public re-
laUona with government. co m·
munlty and special Interest
Point Gets
A 'Fountain'
A fountain was addt>d to t.he
a menit1es of the Promontory
Point apartment complex In
Newport Beach late Tbu.nday
nilht. J>ouce •aid t.he water spout erup&ed at abcMat 11 :45 p.m.
when a rt re byd r• nt was
k~ked over by a car dnven by
Mltabolfa&l A.let.ah.a, 55. of ....
PromoalOry PcUt. Ori•• w-.. Plremm ~ckl7 stemmed \be
flow of water. Police sa'd
Aletaha wasn't hurt in the ll'U.I·
Schools Closed
th1in 2.000 chanting leacheri. and
their s upporters marcb·ed in
downtown CindnnatJ dunng th.us
morning's rush hour to dem·
on5trate con cern over the
public scboola' mooey problems.
at any Store but RA,...PHS
When you shop furniture you
may have to go to many stor es
Federal drua onlciala say I
Mcond Lal\IM Beaeb man wUJ
be 1urrenderln1 to federal
autbortUet lo the near future lo
conneetklD with • toealM rlnf
lhlt •leGU IAY broupt fT2 .S mllUoa worth d dru,. lllto the
Uniwel StatAll.
Wt1Uam Von Sultzer, who once
operated the old Orphaoa1e
reataurant and nlpt club ln
Lacuna Beach, hH a1reed t.o
tvm blmiM., in to ,..,._. d ·
flc•all tn U.. ..... fut.-.. &C·
cordln• to Pedtral Otu• EA·
forcemeet ••ent Stephen
Ht faces '1~~1000 ball,
S•aDIOD said, aOCWll he dia·
cutaed the 1urrender with Von
Sultzer's attorney Tburlday.
That wU1 make two former
Laguna Beach resMSant.I arret1t·
ed on au1pidon of beinl part of
an elaboralA! drua rinf, which
brought more U..O 400 Pounds ot
pure cocaine iat.o UM United
Statea from Liana, Pena ..
Federal aeeaU arres ted
Sa moel Cutllomp, a former
Laguna Beacb man who now
lives lo Tahoe City, Calif., in
Cutkomp ramainl in custody
to Reno with ball Mt at $:500,000.
Feder•I agents claim
c.tkomp. 51, wu the rin&leader
of the lntemat.lonal dru1 ring,
and •aid Von Sultzer, "wu hia
right band man."
Tbe dru1 operation Involved
courters and' dealert ln Hunt·
inaton Beach, El Toro and Santa
Ana, aa weU as oUler parts of the
country. .
Named amoa.c JO auapecta in 1
Reno Federal Court Jury lodlct·
meot th1a week, ~long with
Cutkomp and Von Sultzer. were
Gerald Taylor and Edward
Barbar!, both of Huntington
Beach, Robert and Mary Taylor
of El Toro. and Daniel Bray of
Santa Ana
Agents aay more than 400
pounds of cocaine was brought
into tbe oounty concealed tn
book b1nd10g1, scuba diving
tanks and even through a former
Costa R1can agncultural envoy.
They stud Cutkomp and Von
Sul!zer set up drug deals in the
I.J otted Slates and Peru, funnPI·
ing much of the: drugs throuRh
Mexico and then to the Urutcd
States by means of Tajuana,
Miami. New OrleaAS and other u.s. poru ol entry.
Agent Swansoo said Von
Sultzer financed much ot the
dru1 operation and recruited
a.male ~ for U.. drq ,,.. \otM U.n.d ...
Re aald a&enta have Mbed
about ~ pounds of the drug l.n
varloua locations io the United
StateM. itaymg another "20 l<J JO
suspecU> ~111 ht: indwted in the
t'J'>l' an th1· next lhrt!t" months '
Se\ t"ral of thcr..e who will be
r1rr~sled are from Oranwe Coun-
ty. be stud
The arrest of 12 of the drug
smuggling s~pects culmmatea
a two year Investigation by
federal and local officials,
Swansoo said.
just to do one room, but not at RALPHS because ...
We have 12 Speciaky Stores in One!
l ~
l .
' ' ' • 1
CONTt-:Ml>ORi\ftV :""'
n ·:N1'1'.1t .,
u :ATm:R
_..,. __ ..., ___ _
Union C~pitalisDl
Worhe1' Plan to Buy Clo•ed Plant
..... '° .... -tbrowtq &Mm .U•ol-. 0o.. a Glflldall _. t.
• 1"0DI •HrJo••·" aalcl Blll eoe-.-.. a cwaltut ....., ..... ...an .... -.. ...,,..... "* ~· "lt't DOt COID• mulam. ID ov plu, ...._,. .................. ~
Will ~l &ie -.COD••J of Mc~1 J 11'. .._.. ..._tloY· meat•eun.dye.a"reet. boclJ'1ae.......,. ...
Tb• powerful Ualtell ~,...._.al America laltlal-
ly balbd al ..... ..,..,. ...... ·~ pwl.CJeOftl\' II that
cap&......., bat to be IPrud M 1.Dto f ld.Gr'J onanlalp.
Tb• USW.,..... to mate IGl'e
UM won.. dia't follft tbelr fo.rmer ....,,_ -Port Pitt Aid to Savers? S...l CllUDl-down the dhlD. Poa--tal bKkers ol UM p&-.
1ueb • ... and local oftldala,
worried that tbe labor t.roubMI
that doled tbe plant milbt Oare anew. B ill Would H ik e l n tereat
WASBINOTON (AP) -WIUa loOaUon draialnc
m llltee ol dol1an dally from tbe actual nhae of IDCJMY
Mid ID ....... accou.nta1 tbe S..te la eouklertna le&ial•·
tiola to tad federal Um.tu on tM tntenet banb can pay .. ..,..
But Larry Weigand, a federal
Economlc Development Ad·
miDJ.atraUoa ftn&Dcial aubst..
noted, '"lbe shutdown wu hued
to a l.,..e utenl oo a lack ol
ability to necotl•te a contract.
lo lbla particular case, a
wol'ller-owned. company lends a
lot more credibility than a new
private owner, because it avoida
lbe basic labor-mana1ement ,
Tbe Cal1« ~ calla tbe ceillnp, wbich
ban omt Nven an estimated "2 bll.Hon 1n buyin8 power
liDee u., a~ dlal.neemhe for aavtna.
Tbe bW would beneftt elpeC!ally thole avers wboee
money la l4 pa8boot aecomta, and the lt out of 20 who
caaaot r81le the '10,000 DeeHHI')' in most HNI to earn an
illterelt rate tbat la anywhere near tbe rate of inflation..
problem.'' \
THE 8llAU,M VE& provtaiom are part of a bW to
o.ertaal tbe way banka, credlt union.I, and savinp and
.Joan uaodationa do buaineu. One major section -
a!Nacly pueed by tM Home -would allow aucb lnatitu·
ti~ to oil• ...,.....paytq cbectt.ng aceounta.
-()slpomieuta led by Sen. Robert Morgan, D·N.C., view
the bill M a th;eat to aavinp and loan uaoclationa, which
ban J1IV9ided tbe financinl for at leut 80 percent of the
bomea l4 America.
IN TBE NEW foundry ,
workers would be both labor and
Contract negotiations pro·
bably would alao be amoolber.
Tbe Senate opened debate oa the bill Wednesday b11l
baa set no date for a final vote.
"Workers are not aa interest-
ed in wages, because what they
don't get in wages, they get in
<tividends," said Ron Garmey,
head of the Allegheny County
economic development division. Under the present law, known as RegulaUon Q, the
federal ~ent limita Uae amount of interest savinp
lnatitutiooa may pay oo various lypea of aceounts. The
most common a«OU.Dt, the passbook, may eam no more
The workers' plan is to buy the
73-year-old plant from its owner,
Condec Inc. of Old Greenwich,
Conn., for S&S million, set up an
e mployee-owned company -
called McKeesport Steel Casting
Co. -and rejoin the USW.
· than 5V. percent in a commerdal bank and no more than
5'At percent in a savings and loan aaaociatioo.
as,ooo New OC Jobs Predicted
86£ •.e•l11 Qramn•
'Saa IJi19o Federal Savtnp and Loan Auocia-
tioe ta. bn*en ground for the construct:lon of a
Jarcer, permanent facility near the hlteraedion of
Cabot ...t La Pu Boada.
Projeet architect.a estimate a completion dale
~ Marda. 18IO for the two-story savings facility.
The 111.iasion Viejo office will feature an ex·
t.erior of redwood and white stucco with blue Ule
trim. A rock fountain with wat.erfall will be con-
atnlcted in ft'Ont or the branch and landscaping
will be planned in keeping with the "woodsy"
Nete l{oll Beflfl9 .. rin-s ·
The Koll Company, a West Coasl general con·
tractor and real estate developer, has relocated its
beadquarters to Koll Center Newport. The new or·
ftce ltl'Ueture, deaigned by Langdon & Wilson, is a
two-story brick and glass facility containing 26,000
aquare feet.
GI, FHA Loan
Bate Up. t o l l I/2%
WASIUNGTON <AP) -The maximum in· terut rate on home mortgages insured by the
Federal }lousing adminiatntion and the Vetel"am
Adm1niltradon wu raised a full percentage Point
to a reeonl 11.5 pereent today.
TM lncrwe WU the aecood announced by the ~ol llouslnl and Urban Development in
....... maath.
BUD al8o aaid Thursday the maximum rate oo
mortpfe9 for multi-family units wu railed ht>m
10 "l'Clat to 11 percent today.
HUD Seeretary llooa Landrieu termed both
IAerealla ''aa.olulely enential to help uaure that
,.._._ lmUrecl mortcase wy remaina avail•·
ble bolll to tbe bomebu;ylq public and to boGslq ~. evm thoQb at a bl8bel' coet."
Frmn The L•dlr
Comp«ttJve Pricing
SUpllrb &lrvlotl
~OMN1GE~.M ~~tm~t!lJ®~
C.•lltftld ....... .
Cuoltaiidloll "' ..... --Lacma mu. Brwb of Bank of Jrvtne is now under way and tbe open· ~~ tbe new facility ii expected b~ M arch 1.
Bmk ~ lntne ew1eatb' operm. two ~
in lniae. one on Caher Drtft at tbe Santa Ana
FreewQ, tbe otber located oa Barranca at Lake.
Tire 8 teres ..... ,
Security/Cal, Inc., parent company of 12
Security Tire Stores in Orange County, bas
purchased all operating companies of T.W.
Trainer, Inc. Trainer operates 19 Trainer Tire
Stores throughout Southern California, as weU as
Trayton Marketing Company, a wholesale tire dis·
Ezpaaftele V•dn-tt'q
Tropitone Furniture Company. Inc., bas
broken ground for a western regional manuract11r-
ing and distribution facility in Irvine Industrial
Complex-East (IIC-Eu l ).
Tbe new facility will be more than twice the
space the firm occupies in Irvine Industrial.
Complex-Airport, according to Harry M. Jaquiss,
vice president.
Tropitone bas purchased two a<ljaceot parcels
totalling 9.3 acres at the comer of !(uirland.s
Parkway and Marconi in DC-East for conat.ruction
of a 200,000-square-foot building. Brokers for the
Sl.9 million transaction were Jerrold Cole and
Jobn Glasamoyer of Coldwell Banker Commercial
Brokerage Company, Newport Beach.
T•e• JJ •meters Ad~
Temp.Stlk Corp., of Lafuna Hills, inventors
a nd developers of a new line of human tem-
perature mooltorl4e devices, bu developed a
patentecl'three·aeeond electron.le thermometer thal
gives ao actual rather than a predictive tem·
perature readinc as do other eleclronic
thermometers, accordlne to president Jake H&JP·
lnatead of the widely accepted tbermiJtor
principle now uttllr.ed in elec:troalc thermometers.
Temp-Slit bu applied miniaturisation. to tbe
thermCH:QUple principle, cruttnc a b1CblY MDlitive
thermometer that stves an almost iaatantaneou re·
"-· OllMlet. ,.,..
A 36-foot deck section for an offshore drill·
iog and production platform awaits
transfer to an oceangoing barge at Kaiser
Steel in Vallejo. The structure is one of two
decks which, when combined, serve as
home base for 011 drilling crews and equip-
ment.. The platform will be taken to a site
just off Santa Barbara.
Jurisdiction Disputed
Tahoe.Seroice Question Put to P VC
SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -Tbe Callforrua
Supreme Court, having beard oral arguments last
May on jurisdiction over air serv,ce to Lake
Tahoe, aaked the state Public Utilities Com-
mission to determine if the w ue ii moot since
·airlines have abandoned the service. 'fbe CalllomJa Tahoe ~gional Planning A1en·
c:y has claimed concurrent juriadictJon wilb the
PUC over air passenger travel to the Tahoe Valley
Airport and also asserted an envitoomeotal 1m·
pact report on the service was inadequate.
THE COURT SAID Pacific Southwest Airlines
ceased Tahoe service May l and Air Califorrua
planned to discontinue service Nov, 8.
Dunng arguments, CTRPA attorney E. Robert
Wright said airlines seeking state certifications
should have to get permlss100 from botb agencies.
Air Caltrornia attorney Robert Barnett said
CTRPA was a planning agency, not a regulatory
Over Th~ Counter
JO )I"> = :!.-lfp• ••d o • .,...
::"".. NEW YCMtK (IU'I -Tlw IOllOw"'9 lite
ev. "'°""' .,. 0-. -c-IO '1 -ks -WWT-.,._. --W 22\lo 2A .,.. -....... .,.. --... '"'-U\4 I:'-..,' of..,_.. --et.,,.._ ~--~-=-.. --~' ......... -... -="'c-...=.::; -' =-::::=g_ ... ~. tP = ' -~ Uf ~ .. ~ I o;;;;r ~ + '-Vo 11.0 M 1\fi , 1 1"1on• 1 • ~ VP 13 I ~ 1111'1 4 f<IMloMC SV> • I Up 22.2
... TW. S ==:. ~ : ·~ ~ :tJ a:: ,f: J CMSNV I • t !# tU zw, M I UWOIMl!t 4 + ~ ~ IU "~ "~ .: =~ !v. : : :: :8 4
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"'-FlCnlLI l•rov"' C.C>v~6f ,_"" z-. 1-.Fo"
ZOft<l"" IEM SA ,.,,, .... e,.
Crnl>V<ut l_, .....
Tri Am
Ou•llt!t G..,s.,n,
A•m-1 Trn""9't a-11 .... M..,tor
C-rn , .... u wt
MulllFQI SllC l.C. s .... .._
Con•lr WnOllSI>
L•\I Cho l>u 11 • ()fl ,, 0
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• 1°. Otl "' .... 1'" ()ff "' s•. 111. Oft 11 s s • "' Oii 10.• ,... '" Ofl 10 ' 11 • '• Oft 10.0 I • ' • Oii 10.0
,. • t f Oft 100
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'"' •,, Otf LO
.. ,,..., ..
a.a.. Prieea
• r
A• the receetlon of im deepeu lnto tbe •lump ot till
1980s and 1Acrealn1 mUllonl ot youq, embttioul mea Mil
women leek jot. ln a Ulbt market, tbe elwa11 ..-
que1Uon wW take on even .,..ater •tpdllcuce:
What wtU be tb• bot new careen ol tbe f\atunT
Tbe bot one11 wtJI be In tbe ar.a ot ~cal ad-
vances. expert.a tn employment airee -ud .not om, fclr
career~tered youniaten but abo for people.orteaf.ed
The three executive
careen loomln1 up fnt.
according to executive
.recruiter Herbert
Halbrec ht , h ead -
quartered ln Stanford, Conn .,.,.:
(l.) Management tnformation 111tem1 OllS) ea-
(2.) Huma.o te10urce1 ex.ecutivei;
(3. > Loghtlca executJves (tboee w1t.b extemlve lkllla in
dJstributJon of 100«b and services).
Jn simple ~rma. these poelUooa will require a com-
blnalioa of technical and mana1ertal 1ldl11. And to r.acb
the upper leveb. you wUl need either desreea ln or ez.
t ensive study in both bualneH admlnlalratlon and
t~chnical or science field.a -lncludlng data proceaalnc,
paycboloo and other aocial adeocea.
Bll'l' Cdl!Ea opportun1Ues will hardly be Umlted to
tbe executive suite. AIJ an otflce employee, you'U find new
prestige, biper compensation and more power aa a result
of offlce automation, tn the opinion of Dr. James CarUale,
prealdent of Office of The Future, Inc., Gutt.enber1, N .J .
''AdmlnJalraUve managers. who will moat likely rtae
through the office ranks, will be required in lhe automated
office," aaya Dr. Car lisle.
As an administrative manager, you will direct the UN
of electronic maJl terminals and the sopbJsUcated array ot
Information processing systems whlcb will serve u tbe in·
telUgence lifeline of an organization. be add.a.
You ''will m08l likely do for prof'es11lonals add middle
managers what admlniatratlve support ualatanta no• do
for principals: scheduling, monitoriDI, coordlnatin1.
budgeting, reporting and organWn1. all at the touch of a
IF YOU AIU! A stay-at.-borM. dlaabled. or an elderly person. you, too, will be called upon to serve in new career
opportunities u office automation opena the ~ties
of ln·bouse wort stations. In this respect, work1n1 wives
will lake on a new dimens ion
Far·fetched? Not at aJl. lt'a aln!ady happening. In·
creasln« numbers of banks and Insurance companies are
expenmenung even now with tn·home computer terminals
hnked directly into an organization's main computer bank.
If you are an adult olherw1se shut out of the main
labor market . you will be ablf' to "type" reports elec·
tronlcally. receive and send correApondence, do research
and hie with the aid of t hese easily handled terminals.
AND BUSI NESS <·1m">ullant1; also will find new jobs de-
vt·loping as organ11allon~ IJecomc more and more complex:
a111i fa~l chanitin~ Hut your work will change as well.
Prices Record
Motkst Advance
NEW YORK <AP> Stock prices posted a moderate
lain today oo word that some recent bad news on the
money supply bad resulted from a clerical error.
The Dow Jones average of 30 lndustriala, wblcb cio.ed ~u~aday at its lowest level of the year, rose 3.84 polnta to
Gamers held an 8·S lead over lose rs an the llJ,e·
afte rnoon tally of New York Stock Excb.aoge·list.ed issues .
... , oc-1.:s In Thf9
.'ipt1ll191t1 HI w .. """'"'"'' .-. ... , Dow·JON•ou• U OCl<l
NfW TOP .. 1AP) \Aln. o O"" P"' o °"""' '11Qh l -C-ChQ •"Cl ... , ,....,. al -... ._ .. mo.• '""'"" 'IO If\!) • 10 tll .. .,, 61 '°' )0. , ... Nt • von \IO'• f .,,,_ .. , ... , >n r." 7719' no u ,,. " m u. 1'"'
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P.c G&E J•l 100 tt•"' • '•
A.wrfran L,.ad,.r•
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•o··~ooo 0.<11~ u ... ,. • ._,
T01•1 I•-"*"' 1'10ht fillt w IOW\
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