HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-31 - Orange Coast Pilot_______ ....._. __ --~-----
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E~·chatnp ·Boho Olson
. .
Arrested in NB Theft ·
oug as Pro
· LEBANON, N .H. <AP) -
·:David Faulkner, a counselor al
:"Lebanon High School, opened
• the front door and said, "I knew
the great pumpkin bad been
T be re were 200 great
pgmpkins in fact -so many ~ were piled against his door that
' .a few rolled inside as Faulker
U ..... Ida Wa)' to waft
A 1'UDinJ to the Lebanon
senior cla!\s : Expect extra
homework. Faulkner's con·
vinced you're respons ible for his
pumpkin patch.
~Fo~erRing l~amp Held . ·!in Burglary
lj Carl "Bobo" Olson, world
··middleweight boxing champion ~·ln lbe 1950s, faces burglary
. · charges in Newport Beach today
after be was arrested .Monday ~ tiy police. ~ Olson was scheduled for ar·
~ raignment today.
~ The former fighter, now 50,
•; held the middleweight title from
''953 tQ 1955. He beat Sugar Ray
Rob.iwMJo .Jor the tiUe and then '•)J>fl lllwo years later to
Robinaoo via a knockout.
. Olaoll w,as arrested .Monday by
· Newport Be~h Detective Mike
8let.ala who was investigating
the theft of $3,000 worth or
Yaluables from an apartment in the complex where Olson lives.
Taken into custody on suspi·
· cioo of receiving stolen property
was Frederick Ybarra, 52, of
6305 15tb St., Newport Beach. He
waa arrested at Obon's apart·
meat at 3305 l5tb sL
1 Also. arrested on suspicion. or buratar'Y in c:oanection·-witb the-·
• eaae waa James Edward
I° .Carpenter, 19, of 2888 Bayabore
t 'l>rtve.NewportBeach. ~ Hietala said information link·
! ln1 the men. to the Oct. 24
11, Wl'sJa,rY, .,.. tteeloped during
'J,a la..,atioo..'.Gf u allefed
,, plot to bold up a store ill Fashion
':·.llland. . i.. Olson was held In Newport
Beaeb dtJ j.U in Ueu of $10,000 ~.,, l>all. Carpenter was held on
135,000 .... and Ybarra WU beld
•SZ.500bllll. AU tbree were to be arralped
-Wday at tlle-Harbor Judicial
. Dtatrict eo.n. Police Aid mdditlonal cbaraee ol parole Yiolatioa were expect· ,. t ed to be ft.led aplmt Ybarra.
Fate Awaits ------
Crtuh Prober
NEW YORK (AP) -Experts today said il was too soon to tell
whether the crash today of a West.em Airlines DC-10 jetliner al
Mexico City would cause additional problems for the manufac·
turer of the aircraft, McDonnell Douglas Corp.
'I'bf> plane, on a flight from Loa Anaeles, went out of control on
laodina and craabed lato· two buOdinp, Jdllint, maQY of ~
aboard. 11lle a.me ol the ttub wu not Jet knowD.. . ' .
on-the crash, said Raymond A. Deffrey, a spokesman at the com·
pany's St. Louis headquarters.
"We have no information outside the early press reports,"
Deffrey said.
But McDonnell Douglas, which has been in lhe process of re-
coveriJ)g from a 37-day growlding of its DC·lOS after an Americab
Airlines plane crashed .May 25, was being closely watched by Wall
Street analysts. Many of them said it was Impossible to assess
what the latest crash would mean to the company without knowing
what caused it.
THE CRASH IN MAY AT CBJCAGO O'Hare Airport killed 273
and was the worst aviation disaster in U.S. history. lt1toucbed off a
broad investigation of the DC-10 aircraft, which was grounded dur·
ti ing the inqui'ry. For a while. that was expected to deal a severe
> blow to McDbnnell Douglas. .
But Deffrey said there bad been no firm cancellatioos of the
DC· 10 craft.following the Chicago accident.
Value Line, a Wall Street investment survey, this month pre .
dieted a profitable future for the company, despite trouble5 wtth
the DC·lO.
McDONNELL STOCK, WRICH had traded as high aa $40 a share
la.st year, had also recovered fairly well. The stock, which was trad·
ing at $28.50 a share before the Chicago crash, fell sharply, but was
back up to $27 a share at the close of the New York Stock Exchange
Tbe stock did not immediately open for trading today, a com·
mon practice when news which may concern a company is rapidly
It opened about an hour and a ball late and was down l ~ to 23'% in
1 early trading.
mounting a multimillion dollar advertising campaign on the DC·lO
after the aircraft grounding was lifted. But in September, the firm
said ridership figures "showed the overwhelming majority or
paasengersdidn'tneed any usurances concerning lbe DC·lO. ''
Deffrey said today tbe company's advertlslng campaign had
been suspeqded during tbe period DC· lOs were grounded but re·
sumed afterwards "at about the same level."
Acet0ne Load Spil~
1Along HB Freeway
A scdbbound truck and trailer
containlDI 4,000 1allons of
acetone Oipped several limes
early ~. apilUn1 tbe flam.
mable· liqvtd alona tbe San
Die10 Freeway, in Hun~
Beacb.-· --· · I
·Hantinlton Beach ftre oftldal*.
diluted the •Pill wlth water
before-tbe ac:etA>ne coald reach
freewa1 storm draln1 near
New lad Street.
Califonla IBpway Patrol of.
ficera blocked off all IOUtbbound
lan• 'bet'tMD Beacb Bouievard
ud .......... 8tr9lt leUowial
tbe 1 :07 LID. a«icllat.
Offtelall said • MOCIDd trailer contabdltl IN'he_. nmelaed
att.aebed to tbe tnlek and ..,
' not dlltm'bed lnSlle acddlll&. The drlver of tb• ~fcJ
TranapGl'Ution Co. tnd, cM of
Torranee, wu unhQu.nd.
Plrea.a dumped more u..n
1,000 gallons or water on tbe
flammable liquid to reduce tbe chance of expto.ion. They said if
undiluted acetone btd reached a
storm drain lt could have been
Officials said odon from the
spill presented no basatda to
nearby reeldents and evacu.tion
wu DOl neeeeaary. The freeway
lanes remalnect cloeed for nelrly
three boun. I
Million!&t Mecea
Bl:IRVT, Lebanon (AP) -
About one mUtiart ~lem fll·
pim•coaVU'led=tArafat ID lalldl Arabia , ~
beaeechtna Allab to ''IH• JeruHlem from the Jewtab
1oke," tbe oftldal Sa.st~
., ... ,rtipCll1ed..
V~ n, llfQ. *· • SliCTIOlltS, ._ "AGIS
e oom
Seventy__,x P•effngera, 13 Crew Meruben Aboard IMated Flight From Loe Ange ...
19 Survive Jet Crash
Passenger Says ·Plane 'Popp~d Open'
backup Western Airlines oc.10 jetliner bound from
Los Angeles with 88 or 89
pers ons re ported a board
crashed while landing in fog.
and smog at the Mexico City
airport today, plowing 8"mto
two buildings. Red Cross of·
ricials said they bad re·
covered 63 bodies from the
Nineteen persons were report..
ed to have survived. The rate of ~Others was not immediately
1tno\ivn. ,
A Mexican aviation offlcial
sald the plane touched down on a
runway closed for repairs and
that lt ltruck a parktd truck and
killed its driver.
A witness said the crash
sounded like a clap ol tb..sir
and "lbere was a bl1 Oub Of
li&ht." Tbe pla-ne was de·
Pedro Jose, a aurvivfng
pasaenaer, said:
"It was a normal ruaht an Uie
way fl'J)1D IM An&elu up to
Meslco City airport. Around
three or four minutes befont we wen landlftl, tbere WU a lot of
f o• around th•Jlace and the a1qJbne IOft raUJed up
a btt ad about • bait a mtnuae late~lt Ult went fiat, Juat cru . plane popped rtcbt·
open I wu atcMmd two ~ t!u'ee bell6Dd tbe WU., 10 I
could ,out ...... tbe Pipe •re a lot ol ftre ucl a lot
of dead ...-. 1UPt after tbe Hetdellt ___ Meta ... r1Pl on
lap ol .e ...... ud tbe plane wueneWapm."
The me1naf act11rer of the alrcraft, •el>ollnell Dou1lu
Corp., bu beell ln tbe p~ ol
re.covering from a 37·day
grounding of its DC·lOs after an
American A irlines plane
crashed May 25 at Chicago's
O 'Hare Airport, killing 273
Western Lists
Of Jet Crash
a, Tiie A.u9ctated ....,
Here ii a partial list of 17 Pauencen and two crew mem·
bera who sunived today's crash
of a Weltem Airlines DC·lO jet at
Mexico City. Tile airline says
there may ~ additional aur4
Tbe informatbl wu supplied
b y .I W e a l e r n A i r I l n e s
spoaeewoman Linda Dozier in
Los An1eles, who sald the
tollowtnc were taken to two
Mexico Qty bolpita.la, Baltau.a
and Cmtro Medico: (
1. Kr. Hoocland
2. Pedro Ruis
3. II.Ila Dena Dura'Gd
4. Kr. Enrique Le&'oletta 5. Kr. Fratel ., . e. ,,__....,
1. Cat'IDID ltuo
8. Mr. R. llartinel I
t . Ill'. D. C..,.
10. o.llltel llonao
11. Pucb. SeoU ~. 'hGdDto Moreno 13. Raul Tavttaa
14 • .AleJaadroA.aibal
IS. WMlllarUael c .............. ...... ...... .
11. Donald BJebarda
11. Edward Valeneia
persons, the worst aviation dis-
aster in U.S. bi.story.
Some of the dead appeared to
be children. witnesses said. The
airline said the plane carried 76
passenger.sand a crew of 13.
An immigration official who
declined ., give bis name said
the plane"'was on fire before it
. landed, that lt bit the runway out
out of coatro1 and slammed into
a cement block buildinc about a
quarter of a mile from the
<See DC·••· Pase A2)
Coast •
Fair tonight through Tburaday wltb locally
guaty wlnda likely to COD·
tlnue. Not much tem-
perature change. Htgbs
Tburaday 88 at tbe
beaches, 19 inland, wttb
Iowa toniPlt 41 .... tbe
Th1r1'• a cllamp6ffahfJ>
,..,,. ........ .,,., -too
t01U "°'°"· 811 •torw. ,.,.,,..BJ.
I .
Al ~ Y PILOT §
RaM·pr~ntion Seminar Packed
BJ IOA.NNS aSftlal.M = tame to laear OfllMir' ............... ---,.,...... talk •bot& .....
"Every woman la a ,....Ual -.tu.., IOllld do '9,....
victim No oae la tmw. Riil IMIDMlwe from bee a ' .. ba·p·~!t·~ ~•rely " ¥MUiu.
ply,-,-" roee are au_, IUI>-..:.:_I •ave OM Gf&MN ,... ... a """ moou.. qo, ud UMrN wen
The lta\ement.a bl\ home Mon· alx MOD&e heN, •· h• obHrved
day. nllbt to a 1roup o( JOO peo. TIM Clift rtnce betwffft that
pie, nearl)'· all women, who , .. ,ion and MOQda1'1 b11 been
crowded a.to UMt audJtGri .. at the 1&.rtnc ol ... auJta oa 0r..,. _u,._0om __ 11_ .. __ pol_l_ce_1UUoa._ ........ :.-__ CountJ ._.. ln wblcb Ila bave
Monster 1'I ash
Dr. F~ankenste. in (left) an~his monster assistants carry
a coffin to the Frankenst n Castle in Eberstadt West
Ger[nany, during prepara ons for a Halloween horror
f esbval. The event traditi nally is a howling success
with U.S. soldiers and Germans. ·
40 on Bus Stranded
By Colorado Drifts
CAMP.O, Colo. (AP) -A Con·
tinentaJ Trailways bus carrying
a bout 40 passen gers wa s
st~anded in J.2..foot snowdrifts to-
day, and a convoy of snowplows
and four-wheel-drive vehicles
left this southeast Colorado
farmtown to rescue them.
The drifts were dumped on
Colorado's eastern plains ·by a
blizzard which roared out of the
Rockies on Tu.esday behind 50
mph winds. The winds combined
with wet snow and ice to knock
out power to about 5,000 persons
in the southeast part of the state.
Officer Perry Powell of the
Colorado State Patrol said CB
radio contact made w1t.p the bus
Tuesday night indicated that aU
the passengers were safe.
"As long as they stay in the
bus. they're nke and warm," he
said "Continental 's been
through this before and they
lcnow what to do."
The bus, believed en route
from Amarillo, Tena, to Denver
was one of several vehicles
marooned about four miles south ol Campo. '
"We've got vehicles, cara and
trucks north, south, eaat and
west of here that wertf stranded
last night," aaid Powell, who
was helping with rescue opera· lion~ centered ln Campo.
"We've got every available ~ece ol equipment we can get
our hands on tryiol to get out
there," Powell aald. "It's been a p~tty long ni&hl. but we'r e still
kicking away at it. It ffU just
getting so bad Jast night that we
couldn't hardJy get out of town."
The rescue crew included
about 25 sheriff's deputies, State
Patrol officers, highway crews
and volunteers, he said.
Powell said jt was hoped the
snowplows could free the bus
and clear the road back to
"We have churches that are
open, we have cares ready, w~
ba ve plenty of room here at the
Baca County Sheriff's depart·
ment. We'll be able to take care of
them." he said
Indians JI ow
To Continue
Ga8 Protest
Between 40 and .SO Jnd1ana ~
their support.era marched on tbe
proposed liquefied naturaJ f.._aa ,
terminal site at Point Concep.
ti on today, vowing to stay unW
tbey are a rrtsted or unttl
trenching operat.ion.s at the site
are halted.
"They're ~ady to at.ay unW
they're carted off, or until
they're J>ffjtty aure lbe trenching
wUl DOt ~." said Johnny
Flynn, spokesman for the Sant.a
Barbara Indian Cent.er.
............. ol ..... •tuctb
oecur.-.d 19 Ool&a ll•a.
MoadQ"1 in•oa -.w w
from all OMI tM Oraat• Ollit.
but prtmartb fl'Ola Coeta Miu.
TIM1 wn alJ a ... and ..&... Som~ wtth bUlbande and boy and· a few broupt ~ their bablet.
One YOUPC m•n who •ttow.d
UJ> loobd aJannlnllJ lib the
poUc• drawtaa ol lbe IUIJ*\.
He w8' ealled 11lde b1 chtAtc·
tlvtt wt.o dlitl'Mll.Y quuUoMd
h.lm before decldlftt he wua't
lb• m.., they',. kM*1n• for.
1 Freeman opeMCl hit Mlm.lnar
with a turn on rao• It wH
followed b1 a q&at•tlo~, i nd
answer INlk>G ln whlrh tnc1 1ub--
Jecl cbanltd from rape pNven
lion to the uaaolved Onn1•
Cout murder·rape raaM
The women wantod to know U
poUce had U\1'0ft6 ln <'Wllod)' Oo
they know who t.he •waptttt 1•1
Wbtt about ll•Jlowctlft 'f What ..u ...... wuneeoW!lbe
Ald"d by Oetoctlve I.Inda
GJesler. fl'reem•n did hi• t.t w
aaawer t.btilr concern•.
Tbcv aald they have no 1JUI·
peel ideoUtled or In C'UILod)'.
Ha lk1ween. Ultc other nlgbtll In
Costa Mesa recently. I~ going to
aee ae many policemen In lhr
netd U8 the departmonl can put
Defen se was the topic
Freeman had called the meetlni
to discuss.
"Home security is the amwer
to the alt.uaUoo we're deali.oa
with," the orncer told bla au-
lie showed them a 25-minute
fi Im and s pe nt a not her 45
minutes discuss1og locks and
burglar alarms.
As the rape film noted, dead-·
bolt locks are expensive, but
they're worth it. Jt also said,
"something as small as a 98-cent
window lock can save a woman
a lot or agony ...
Police in the four other
jurisdictions where the killer
has struclt are also emphasizing
the need for women to keep their
homes locked.
The suspect, who has struck
eight times since April 1 of this
year. apparently has gotten into
his victims' apartments through
unlocked dooni or windows.
Half the people at Monday's
seminar said they were apart·
ment dwellers. They were only
sliibtly more apprebemlve than
the women who live in houses.
Many stayed after the con·
clueloa ol the two-hour aesaklrl to
aak more qu.tloas or to cU.scua
the murders •IDOlll tbemselvea.
One young woman confessed
she wa.s waiting for two or three
others to leave so she'd have
company walking to her car.
"It's just so scary," comment·
e d another who said she
manages 40 apartment units
three blocks from the scene of
the lat.est murder.
Since that murder 10 days ago,
Freeman and his partner Sandi
Rose have been deluged with
calls· for meelidgs to form
Neighborhood Watch ora.anUa·
lions. to conduct seminars --Ind·
to look over bom~ and apart·
m ents t.o give a~ice on improv · ,
ing security ln tfttm.
Ms . Rose, a Pl>lice aide,
wasn't at the seminar. She came
in at 9:JO p.m. as it concluded.
"l' ve been running ·meetings
-'mostly Neijbborbood Watch
-slhce 7 tblS mornmg. J used-
to get 10 to 12 peoph:. Now I'm
getting 50. at a time.
"H's a shame that this is what
jt taket for ~pie to really ge
interested," sh\! sighed.
Freeman said he's seen tbe
reet oft.be murders reach d
than the womel'\ who have
attending bia serbinars.
•'The kids are awa of thl1
and they're frighten , too. It's
affected them and it' a very sad
thtn1 to see.''
* Police
SberUf'a deputy n:,uglu ~ J'
f uy conftrmed that a 1roup ot -'
T~ne (714)MMal1
ci .. elfled M¥•nt .... ld-M11
, ......... c-.....
fftft\-Or-~,_.'"' .... 1111
JndJana had moved on to the 1lt.e i30 miles west ol Sant.a Barbara Mesa a~ut5a.m.
l TbeY ran four guards ott and
t60t over one of their vebJci.,"
TUfaoy •aid. "We haven't Miit
any tnqie in. We're walUnc to
see what they're 1olftl to do."
Flynn saJd the Indlau were
setUn1 up makeabltt abelten
and Coakinl breakf aat.
The lndlana, who conalder the
elle owned by We•tera LNG Ter~ ~-. a ncncf burial irciJlad. b••• oeeupted. th• .,.. Cwtee ~. tor
two weeb ln KQ 11'11 Md tw
nine 1POOthl betWMD 11111 11'71 and Mardl mt.
eta police aald today
u lone u 10 days
b te8tl reveal whether
young woman wbo was
Monday 1n her 1araie
wH raped.
e 23-year-old vtctlm waa bit
ov the bead by an unaeea at·
ta ker. She awoke three houri
1 r, poKce 1ald. They Hid her
othet ,rere fa d.laarray but It
ould requtn teltt to dmnnine
II she bad beea 1exually ~·
Hulled. ,
Tbe victim didn 't . requlre
To Rlin
l'OfllMI' 00¥. lleldrtm TbomlCG
of New Hampabire, a •oeaJ
.. .... ol tbt eoulltl"y'•Jta-.eb CODHJ'V.Uv•, anaounc todaJ
M la naUna fOC' preeldeat OG a
third·puty ilcket beeauae nooe
of UM Republican comendln • '-'aeeepUble.
TbolDIOG, a leadial IUPPol't#
of former CaUforala Go•.
Ronald Rea1a.n la lb• lt'78
Republican nomlnatlon ftsbt.
told • newa conference be 11
leavtnc the GOP forever.
"I am uabQoy with all U.O..
wbo have sdtf &ced or have in-
d.teated they will 1urface 1n tbe
presidential waters," Tbomllon
Tbomlon said be WU formlq
a Constitution Party and would
try to set on tM ballot under Its
banner in all 50 states, alt.bough
'U1_ff~J>f~~ ... .. ,..,.,...
lnfonnlldon tncompl ... on Fate of Othera Aboard
' 1 'l'be ·tfiree-lerm Republtcan# ::
governor, who lost to Democrat ·
Hullh GaUen last year, said be
bad raised no money for his •
preaideotial race but expected to ~
get "numbers of millions of
dollars" from private contribu· •
lions and would not accept J
federal funds for ~s campaign. 7
l',..,.P~AJ .
terminal. Other witnesses said
the plane then crashed against
a bu1ldln1 under construction
and its roof rel! In
slum housing area beyond the
airport. A· witness said resident&
there suffered only light cuts
and bruises
----~-----------. WNliONER :.
WRED 1 BY AD A spokesman for the Mexican
Civil AeroQautks Adminalra·
Uon . who u\ed anonymity, said
tbe plane touc:b.ed down on a
runway that had beeo closed to
traffic for repairs.
Western offacials said the
black box which monitors au the
plane's moveme nb· had !>€en
retrived intact.
"We were all as leep We
.beard a terrible .oois.e ~d -1JAX· pl081on. People were shoutlnir
'run ~Q~ Y<Hlf' ~1-""" s ave
yourseU.' " said 41-year-old Ale
Jandro Aguay6 C~ballero
"MY. DaU~ ·Pilot c!usWed ad • • rh~3d-e mrlrl •U th e ftay lo
England "
"He's nymg into LAX next
week to.~et· my dueling pistols."
That"; the story told by the
successfuJ classified advertiser
who plc.ced lhJs ad in the Oatly
· The U-S Federal Aviation Ad
minastrallon and the U S Na·
tional Transportation Safety
Board sent representatives to
Mexico City to observe the ln-
vesllgation of the crash.
He and 15 other people live rn
a tenement by the airport where
p1~ces of the plane stru_ck • Pieces o f s m o ulderin g
wreckage lay atop soipe-or th{:
hous1:s in that block ·
Ortg Eni11 .. h duelin g
Pl'>l ol 't'I "i:n;irure
~t'rlf:'>, b..l urfr >.Xll XXXl( ,,
Parts or the plane were burled
hundreds of yards and struck a
Tb~ were no immediate re
ports of ca~ua lt1es among a ~rport ground c r e ws or
Jf you wa nt to reach that
right c ustomer with your
classified ad, t ry tbe Daily
Pilot Call 642-5618
A Tree for Robin
Classmates Honor Slain Coast Girl
Of• o.ety ~ .....
Some were ber claumat.. Others badn't
even known ber. Many wept TUelda.y wt.en
Robin Christine Samsoe's mother gently
patted the earth around a pine tree plante<µn
the 12-year-old's memory I ·
"SHE ALWAYS wanted to be a star."
whispered television actor Lew Saunders
"1 think now she's become a star "
He told the somber gathering or 400 at
Dwyer Middle School that the sturdy sap
piing would remind Huntington Beach stu·
dents ot the energetic blonde.
Saunden1 compare<t KOl:>ln to t.be ocean
and the white beach sand. He said he'd loved
hls young neighbor as if she'd been bis own
RE ASKED THE young students to touch
each other and close their eyes. Most cried.
Some bugged each other .
Robin disappeared almost rour mootba
ago after leaving a friend's house ju.st two
' blocks rrom the freshJy planted pine
· She was rushing home from the beach on
a friend's bicycle. apparently afraid she'd be
late for an afternoon ballet class.
THAT WAS ntE Jut Ume anyone saw
her alive.
A state forett employee dl.acovered her
body Jut July near a remote camprround in
the foothilh ,near SierTa Madnl. She bad been
kidnapped and murdered.
"We're IOlftl to take eare ol tbla tree,"
Dwyer Principal B:erna.rd Rodgers told stu·
dents and parents. "This is a spedaJ tree. It
will help us remember "
Rob1n '5 mother. Marianne Frazier
chok ed bar k tears and s miled at be;
daughter 's fnends
'111ANJC VO , ·• she 6aJd. "Than.It all of
Police det~llves, who'd spent two weeb
searcbmg for the young girl, stood silently
next to the students. .
As a student band began a slow-tempo
version of "Amenca the Beautiful," Robin's
friends. ramily and classmates took turns
adding shovels of dirt to the baae of the tree.
When Rodgers asked students to retu.m
to class. many remained behind and stared
at the tnie and clasped each other.
SAUNDERS, A reguJar on the telemion
series CHiPs, explained he proposed tbe liv·
Ing memonal lo students. "Tree Banks"
were made and placed in classrooms . The
needed money was raised In three days.
"'llu.s 1s the saddest and happiest day of
my...(ife," said one darlt·hai~ girl, wbo said
Robin was one or her best friends.
Anocber seventh grader said s he didn't
really know Robin but had beard much about
her. She s&Jd she would help take care or the
tree "forever "
''We Want Vou To
4' LoOk Better
For Less!''
We'r e not cbmplain-
ing about the high
price of glasses, we're
doing something i bout it.
~ There are a tot of places to buy
eyewear these days. You c~n go to a so called "fashion boutique" and
pay spectacular prices for 'famous
names, or you cpn c()me to Optical
Factory, and g._.,tht best possible
fashion looks in eyew ear at a down
to earth price.
As a rule, 'you only get what you
pay fb/ these days. Our selection is
large enough to please the most
finicky tastes, and yet our prices
start as tow as
S34 .SO Single Vision ·
S44 .SO Bifocal
SS4 .SO Trifocal
(Includes Fashion Frame, Stan-
dard Size Glass.Lenses and Case)
At these prices we'r e making a
spectacle of ourselves.
" So, If you want a spectacular look In eyewear fashion without pay ing a spec·
tacular prlc~. there~s really only Qne place to shoP ... Optical Factory. I We are yourl nelghborhood optical store. centrally located on East 17th
Street in Cost" M esa. Remember to ask vour eye doctor tor your prescrip·
tlon. W ith this in hand you can shOP. around tor the best in eyew ea r 1 at the
right price. ~
t"J . DPTll:AL FRCfiiRY C#/'<1: ""°'=-~ ,,..~ er,., .. "'!!l..mf .. ,,..'";;:';"'.:~, ... ,.., I!! fttlf-te•#l'111to11 ~rel ..,,,,. .. , .. ii _.,....,._
t-JP!!,.f. .. ,.~'1:.=1 ~;~ =·~" r1,:;::,..'t• j
Tbe ntne·moatlt qcqpaUea
ellded wtaen UM lndlaaa 6lddad
to honor I Superior Court Gl'clw
to evacuate. Tbat ord•r 1WJ •tandt.
PoUce Hid dial beeau.e UM
attack occnarr..s cSurtai IDOnlllal
daJUlbt boul'f'and la a 1arace
ad tieu... &be .tetlm ctadb't ..,, ........ bead lDJwiet t.be)'
don't bllkwe tbt tttack .. U..erct
to a lllill ol bluq.on murMn
ud ·~ m91'CMrs .._ tbe .,. ..
._.._2so E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa• HlllcJren Sq.,
642·4630 'WHkday1 9·5:30 Sat. 9-3
, . . , t 1
Oraqe €Bast
Fear s,,. •• Rape Class Att
Dally ~I ... ~-•Y ltlclWN K-let
Fear of Kiiter Who I• Stitt et Large Brought M•ny to Coate MeH Polle• He•dqu•rt•r• Tueaday Night
Of .. .,."" .....
They aave a rape aem.lDar i.D
Costa Kesa Tueaday nlebt and
200 people came. Six months aeo
a similar aeu1oa produced an
a udience of six.
The difference between the
earlier session and Tuesday's
has been the string of aaaaults
on Orange Coast women in
which six have been slain. Four
of the attacks occuried in Costa
The audience crowded into the
auditorium of Costa K esa Police
Statioci had come to bear Officer
Daren Freeman l.alk about rape
and what they could do to pro-
tect themselves. Most were
··Every woman is a potential
victim. No one is immune," the
audience was told. "La.st·minute
rescues rarely happen. Heroes
are in short supply."
Tuesday's session drew women
from all over the Orange Coast.
but primarily from Costa Mesa.
They were all ages and sizes.
Some came with husbands and
boyfriends and a few brouabt their babjes. .
One young man wbo mow.I .
up looked alarmin1ly like the
police drawtn1 of the suspect.
He waa called aside by c1etecp•
lives who dlscnietly questioned
him before decidlnl be wasn't
the rnaQAhey're looking for.
Freea:ban opened bis seminar
with a film on rape. It was
followed by a question and
anster session in which the sub-
jec~fhanged from rape preven-
tiqn to the unsolved Orange
Cdast murder-rape cases.
The women wanted to know if
police bad anyone in custody. Do
they know who the suspect is?
What about Halloween? Whal
self defense measures could be
Aided by Detective Linda
Giesler. Freeman did his best to
answer thelrconcems. .
They said they have no sus-
pect Jdentified or in custody.
Halloween, like other nights in
Costa Mesa recently, is goin&-to
see as manv oolicemen in the
<See RAPE, Page AZ> . ...,.
______ r ash 0 f ·
' Near Airport
l. Lone Dissent
On Land Deal
Of .. Deify ~-Staff
Orange County s upe r visor amas Riley denied today thaL
1otiationa for purehue of land
acent to Jobo Wayne Airport
uld ultimately mean in -
freased operabons at the
"I don't think there will be an
increase in the frequency of
operations, although there couJd
be more passengers loading and
Unloading," he said.
L Riley was the lone dissenter in
TUesday's board action in which
county General Services Agen·
cy 'GSA> staff was ordered to taw preliminary steps towa rd
buying 31 acres on the west side
of the airport runway in Costa
• "That land includes a 2.6 acre
i>lot on Airway A venue and 28
acres on Red Hill Avenue
between Baker Street a nd
Paularino Avenue.
The preliminary steps include
compliance with legal codes in -
volving the land acquisition's ef-
fect on Costa Mesa's general
But despite his objection to
Tuesday's action Riley said to-
day he didn't see the move as a
change in board policy.
"Thi.I action will not lncreue
ru1bt frequency or abandon our
noise abatement program or re-,
duce our pursuit and objective of
meeting noise standard,s," he
Supervisors gave GSA staff
the go-ahead to begin negotia-
tions over the stormy protests of
Riley. who is under constant
pressure from Newport Beach
residents to restrain any threat
or possibility of airport ex-
The airport is loc ated in
Riley's district.
The board approved the action
4-1 over Riley's dissent, after a
GSA report said owners of the 31
acres were going ahead with de-
velopment plans. ·
The other supervisors insisted
that Tuesday's move did oot
commit them to buying the land,
and that further delay wouJd in-
flate land values, pricing the
county out of the market.
<See AlllPORT, Page AZ>
Thalia 's .J ar~o-n elon
Thalia Simon, 7. of Costa Mesa, has a
ve ry special jack-o-lantern for Halloween.
It's cut from a wate rmelon. It came about
because her fathe r 's atleJnpt to grow
pumpkins was a bust. All he got we re
vanes. Then he tried watermelons. They
did n't taste very good. so Thalia's dad
gave up on the green thumb bit and came
up with th1~ compromise
• . N-M1 Scho~l Election Spi1ited
On Nov. 6, voters io tbe
Newport-Mesa school district
will select four people to fill
1eats on the seven-member
lebool board.
There are 13 candidates.
Here's a look at candidates in
Etee Area 3, which stretches
I upper Newport Bay from
er Shores to Santa Ana
Heights -and Area 6 -
Newport Heights and southeast
Costa Mesa. . • •
Candidates nm in the ~a in
,,bicb they live but are elected •1 all ctistriM vote~. Hopefuls in
--·-~D Bl' AD.
Trustee Areas 1 and 2 were pro-
filed Tuesday.
Au Bea1pre, 2361 A%Ure Ave.,
Santa Ana Heights. A clerk at
Newport Stationers, age 36, with
a son at Newport Harbor Hip
She has been president of the
Bay View and Kaiser PI'As, and
a member of several school dis·
trict citizens committees.
She said she decided to run out
of "sheer frustration at tryin& to
commwlicate with the board. I
think we now have a board that
unfortunately see ms to be ar-
rogant and uncaring."
She also criticized the closing
of schools due to declining
enrollment, with youngsters
then crowded into remaining
schools and larger classes .
Mrs. Beaupre also expressed
concern about the shifting of
s uccessful school programs,
such as McNally alternative
high school, to other locations,
with chaoses that may harm the
Among her goals would be to
increase citizen participation in
school boa.rd meetings.
Cltet Groskreutz, 2162 Rural
Lane. Cos ta Mesa Sporting
goods buyer. age 29, with three
young children including one in
Newport-Mesa kinder11?arten.
He 1'as been active in the Boy
Scol\ls and the Costa Mesa
Recreation Department s ports
programs for youngsters.
Improving teacher morale. r e-
ducing class size and increasing
parent participation are among
bis goals.
He said be wants good basic
education coupled with courses
such as drivers education to
Ex-champ fJeld in Theft ' '\ .
Carl "Bobo" Olson, world
middleweight boxine ch~
in \be 19508, faces bur1lari ·
cbar1es in Newport Beach today
after be •WU 8J'l'elted lloadaJ
by police.
OlSOD WU ubeduled for ar-
ralpmeat taday.
..,,_'l'he forar ftlbter. , now 50, •ld-tbe mlcldlewellltt tWe from
1111 to ... He ......... 881
&obi.man for tbe title ud 0.-
loa t lt two C::: later to
Robt-. Yi• • oat.
Olloawu ~.._.,by
Newport Beach ~ Jlite
Bletala wbo wM la.....,...,
the theft of 13,000 worth of
valuables from an apartment in
tbe cOIDPla wtae~ Olson lives.
Takm Into ' custOcly on suspi·
clon of ttceivlq stolen property
was Frederick Ybarra, 52, of
530515tb St., Newport Beach. He
• .. UTH.S at 0'-tn'• apart· meat at Dll Utb st.
A1lo ~pldon ol bar1luy ln wttb tbe
ca1e wu James Edward
Carpenter, lt, ot •Be,.._..
Drive, NewportBeac\.
Hietele NJd lnlormaUoa liak·
ln1 tbe m~n to tbe t>d! M
buuljlry was developed during
an 1n\.estlgaUon of an alleged
plot to bold up a at.ore in Fa.abioa
Olson wu beld in Newport
Beach city jail' lit .J1eu of $10,000
ball. Carpenter was beld on
S25.1.C!OO ball and Ybarra wu held
on "''500 bail.
All three were to be UTaigned
today at the Harbor Judicial
Dlltrict Court.
Police said additional cbarps
ol parole violation were expect·
· ed to be ftled a1atnat Ybarra.
teach young people sk:ills to live
1n the world.
"My age and my family size is
such that I have a vested in-
terest in what's happening with
the school board and the dis·
trict." Groskreutz said.
Ronald E. Price, 1327 Antipa
Way. Newport Beach. Self.
e mployed bus inessman an d
former teacher, age 46, one child
who graduated from Newport-
Mesa schools and one wbo at-
tends Newport Harbor ffiah.
He is a former facu lty
member at Saddleback 'Com-
munity College. .
·'The district ls not. doin1 buli·
ness in a busineulllte manner,"
Price said. "I'd like to bue a
feasibility study run by an in·
dependent outfit u to wbelber
we need the adtQlnistratioD we
have and the kinds of taebera we have. In tbe IMt year. that
board baa said 'no' to notbbll."
Price said be b elle•ea
teachers should be able to ...,.
as much as the 1uperlntmdalt if ~ are btlb1Y qualtfted, but la
"110 percent.a1almt unloaa."
"I don't bell•• prafn•ma•• would carry a unloG card," be
said .
Price allo uJd be belle,.. tbe
board lbould bave • .......... af.
fice and~ from tlilil ad-
minlatntioa to eDCOUl'8IW palllc communleation. •
Heseldi.wMmott....alo nm beew "I Nw ad....,._
(See a.acnoN, P ... Al)
6~3 Said
Dead in
backup Western Airlines
DC -10 jetll.ner bound from
Los Angeles with 88 or 89
people reported aboard
c rashed while landing in fog
and amo& at the Mexico City
airport today, plowing into
two buildings . Red Cross of·
ficials s aid they had re·
covered 63 bodies from the
The U S. consul said 19 sur-vivors. all mjured. were taken to
three hospitals. The fate of the
others was not known. Nor wa!t it
kn o wn h o w many
Americans were aboard. Many
of the names were Hispanic.
Crew member Eduardo Valen-
cia walked out of the crash with
minor mjuries
A Mexican aviation official
said the plane touched down on a
runway that was closed for re-
pairs and that it struck a parked
truck and killed its driver. It
was not known whether there
were any casualties in the
struck buildings •
The airport Is considered dif.
fi cult by pilots. with mountains .
n ea rby and with about one
million persons living in 20
blocks surrounding the field.
A witness s aid t he crash
sounded like a clap oT thunder
and "lhert)· was a big flash of
ligh t." T he plane was de-
molished and pieces flew onto nearby ho~ .
In Los Angeles, Linda Dozier,
director of public relations for
Western Airlines. said the ilJ.
fated plane was a backup
aircraft that was used because
. ,
(See ESCAPE, Pa1e AZ)
Co ast
Weathe r
Fair tonight through
Thursday with locally
1uaty winds llltely to ~
tin ue. Not much tem-
perature cban1e. Hi1bs
Thursday 68 at the
beaches, 76 inland, with
lows ton1gbt 47 along the
coast and 55 lnland.
Tlatr•'• G clMltnpiottllaip *"' ... *""' ..... "°' too well Jc .. o .... 8•• 1tor11,
..... ,,. 82.
CAMPO. Colo. (AP )
Snowplowt fCMIOt lUc>up ~
foot anowdrllu ' to rHcue
p ........ OD a atruded bul to-
day, but two.bodl• _.,..found
lo a car u Hartben combed
roads ~ b..trn of people
marooned bY a blllsard.
Tbe .,..._.." oo the Con·
tinental Trallwaya bull all were
in 1ood condition when they
were broulbl lo CaJQpO, F\re
Chief John Scbattoer said.
He said the two bodiea were
found ln a car near the bus.
Their ldenUlles were nol re·
leased lmmedlateb.
The bliaard roared out of the
Rockies on Tuesday with winds
of up lo 90 miles an bour, knock·
ing out electrical po•er to about
6 ,000 persona In southeast
Co lorado and nearly 8,000
p e r s ons i n the Oklahoma
Panhandle. Reports from
southeast Colorado al.lo indicat-
ed extensive livestock losses.
Sides cleared today, but most
roads ln the area remained
closed, communications were
out and authorities could not
provide any firm figures on how
many pec)ple were wailing for
One convoy of. snowplows
pushed south from Springfield at
dawn toward Campo and the
Trailwaya bus stranded on
Highway 287 south of Campo
near the Oklahoma border.
One plow made it through to
Campo and reached the bus late
this morning. Schaffner said. He
said farmers b ad mo unted
s coops on the front of their trac-1
tors to help clear the highway··
a nd reach the bus.
Officer Perry Powell of the
Colorado State Patrol said Tues-
day night that citizens band
radio contact with ~the bus had
lndicated all the passengers
were safe. "As long as they stay ln the
bus, they're nice and warm," he
said. "Continental'• been
through tbJs before and they
know what to do."
The bus, believed en route
from Amarillo, Texas. to Denver
was one of several vehicles
m a r ooned about four miles
south of Campo
Police A wait
I.ab Tests on
Mesa Victim
Costa Mesa police said loday
it may be as long as 10 days
before lab tests reveal whether
or not a young woman who was
aaaaulted Monday lo her garage
was also raped.
The 23-year-old victim was hit
over the bead by an unseen at·
tacker. She awoke three hours later. police 1aid. They aald her
clothes were ln disarray but lt
would require testa to determine
if she bad been sexually as·
The victim didn't r equire
Police said that because the
att.ck occurred durf.na mornlni
dayllaht hours and in a Marace
and because the victim didn't
suffer ~ bead injuries, they
don 't believe the attack 11 linked
t.o a aeries of bludteon murden
and attempted murders · in the
,,,. O·-C-o.llY ........ Wfli(ft IU-___ ,..._~~···"'°'Ca." P'*•<Nnt t-Y ,..._,•l•ocNl-.,t PVDh\f\td ~~ .,,,...,_ ,r ... f Mr Co.I•
Mo .. H-9H Cft,'tfW ......... 9 .. Clllf-
1••" v .i .. ,. It-. l~ -....kvtloc.. A """"'~~,..,,, ...... -~,.., ... ,,_
-··· ""....... PlllJlllNl'O ., .... ,, .. )JO W.~ 11 .. '4l'NI. (M•t .... w, Cetllotfll•..,.,.
·~ .. -.......... ,.,,,,_,_
Itek II.(.....,
Vl(O,.•nltleftf --.. ~ ,_ . ...,,.
T..._t A .........
Mot .... I ... ltitow
CMt ...... ~ • ._, ... "
A"l"•"' ~ii.t1 ... £4ll0t1
' ..
w-.11MU1 a.w ••t... were u.on • tbe pound. ii ... ,,._,'I uw a llt ol ftre Ill-wa1 a..-.......
~J.'!!.--· I ..... t Har a Tile ff wu era.a.
bepullli Jllll 4idD't opea 10 I Md to before lalldla1 • • • '-~
"'7 ...... Ge tl IO I& -ad time .. a ........... .... ~ ................. _......, ........ _ .. ....
~-:~·=·al ope8. llO fHl (NID
aro.d tM ..... "'" WN ....... .. Of tbe plaM
J ..... • • • ... ;,, :.ra. Ulat ....,,... .. llrtort ..
ltu4ID1 Ga *t .......,. tOmpletely tona Uf! "9re WU a _.!1Ma1 I ~ .. ~ • ol U,.. 19ouH rt1bt la froat of t1•• ,., ....... '°" ...... and I*>' ~ "" .............. IDCMor.
pit 1c:rumln1 ud fumplna. It OM ol tbl IMU of tbl plane
•11 • real problem. There were wu ~ on me 10 f Md to
1om e people tbtre, l uaume set til teat Olf. Aftu tbat I trted
.,._., NW A WM ... airport tbat ... °'9 fin,
Pleteb an ftn . . . ' · 1'be pdat cldD't wan • -... I beleYe lt probelO bit tbit
~~......;:...._ _____ ...:.,_ __ t_h_•t.:.-•..:.•;:..re:,_;;•;:,;l,...:.:;,;•d;::1~de;;;,;•;.;;d;;.:.• ...;taa:;;;;;.;.t lo "11 nw ..,_, bell. but tM
* * *
an)'t.blns ••. My,.._ II._ buUdinl befan land'e11 but I
• ·.be P'OMbb' bit_..... reallycouldn't t.ell ••
* * * * * *
com• oat ol tdlool who wu real· ~an,,....rtd fey 1'Ul lbe WU
DI \o do I am ver, ualulppy
at my chlktra are btlnt put
lrtto 110mt d aoea wttb tncompe·
t•nt t.eacben."
Mkllaet aawta, 2442 BrJtta.ny
Wooda Lane, Coela Meaa. A COD·
tract• mana1e r ror Rockwell ln·
ternaUonal, 28, "no cblldren
yet "
He cited a lack or economic
and financial backa rbwid b)'
(Urrent board membeJS raced
with a U7 million bud1et, and
said be believes he has tboee
skills. Also, Skawin said, "I don't
feel that some members of the
board have a real grasp of how
to work within the community
with re1ard to their aenaillvity
to the community. I think the
b oa rd , i n th e Ric h ard
E n gland case, took a
bureaucratic mentality "
Skawin al.so cited a need for
more quesllonlne of staff re-
ports and careful reading of con·
.. .., .....
• •
tM ortllnal plane that •• to
make the ruitrt needed rouUne
main~ Some ot dead appeared to
be children, witneues aald."l'M
airlln• said the plane c*"*1 78
pusen1en and a crew of 13.
Ao lmmJgration official •who
declined lo give hia naane" aald
t.be plane• was on fire before lt
landed, that It bit the runway out
out of cootrol and slammed l:nlo
a cement block bulldio1 about a
termlnal. Other witnesses said
the plane t.ben crubed agal.n.st
a build.ins under conatructioo
and lta roof fell in.
A spok,.man for the Mexican
Civil Aeronautics Adminiatra-
tlon, who asked anonymity, said
the plane touched down on a
runway that had been closed to
traffic for repairs
Wes tern officials sa id the
black box which morulors aU the
plane's movements had been
relrlved Intact
There w('rc no immediate re-
ports of ca'iua lt1 es a mong
airpo rt gro und c r e ws or
workers .
The US t-'ederal Av1at1on Ad-
ministration and the U.S Na-
} ;
Airline Releases
Survivors' Names
.,.~ ....
Rere ii a pardal Utt ol 11
puaeqen and two crew mem-
bers who •urvtved today's crash
of a Western AlrtiMI DC-10 jet at M.e-xl~ Citf. Tbe a.lrllne aaya
there may be additional 1ur.
v1von .
The informatiqn was auppUed
by Western Airlines
spokeswoman Llnda Dozier in
Loa Angeles, who said the
followins were taken to two
Mexico Cit y bolpltala, Balbuena
and Centro Medico:
1. Mr. Hoogland
2. Pedro Rall a. Miu Deoa Durand
'·Mr. Enrique Leaoreu.a 5. llr. Ftatea s. Tberen Ruo
7. Carmen Razo
8. Mr. R. Martinez
9. Mr. D. Canas•
10. Gabriel Moreno
11. Pandora Scott
12. Teodoro Moreno
13. Raul Tavttu
14. AlejudroAnibal
15. iRalael llartlnea
Crew members, nlaM aUea· ......
18. Donald Richards
17. Edward Valencia
•'This represents the last rea-
sonably feasible opportunity to
buy add1tional land," chairman
Philip Anthony said.
The ai rport's master plan has
played a central part in Riley's
ObJect1ons to conslderatioo of
the land purchase.
"The primary Issue of course
la the quality of education,'' he
s aid. "But that cannot be
divorced from proper fiscal
management. I think I've got
the fina~l al back.ground and
the contra ts background."
Barbu "B.J ." Skllllnl, 2124
Wi ndw a rd La ne , Newport
Beach. Appointed to the board
t wo years ago upon Marian
Bergeson's resignation, devotes
full-time to school board ac·
tlvilies. Age 42, two children
who are graduates of Newport
Har bor High.
• lion al Trans portation Saf-ety
Board sent representatives to
Mexico City to observe fhe in·
vest1 gallon of th<> crabh
Ai rpo rt manage r Ra ul
Regalado agreed, saying that
putting off purcbaae attempts
would ('limit our option.a and
nexibiUty of development of the
airport "
The staff report noted that $4 4
million in fed e r a l aviat ion
money was availa ble for the
land purchase. m add1lioo to
$1 09 million from the county's
T he fifth district s upervisor
con vinced a majority of the
board in June that any move
lowa rd a land buy would second·
guess the plan and dam age the
supervisors' credibility.
"If the pe rception by the
public 1s that the board will
change its mtod with the wind ,
tha t creates credibility prob·
lems,"' R1leysa1dloday.
"I've spent two years really
learning lhe business and I feel I
owe the district four more yea.rs
of my time," Mrs. Skilling said.
As for issues, "there's ooJy
one and that's the quality of the
education we're offering i our
children. That's the bottom
She cited as her goals workin1t
on graduation requirements and
minimum proficiency levels at
all grades.
Mrs. Skilling called coWlJe~ng
and guidance "inadequate at
th is time" and aaid more
counaelon are needed.
She ta al.lo concerned about
bilingual education, saying, "the
emphasis has to be on the giving
of the English language skill-; to
those children who don't have
"I feel I'm the only one of this
tr ustee area that bas the ex-
perience necessary to deal with
these problems. that has the
conta cts necessary lo be effec-
tive." Mrs. Sldlllng'said.
TERM. Incumbent Thomas Hen-
derson isn't running.
Todd llHa, 2401 Holly Lane,
Newport Beacb. Employed in in-
dustrial real ~tale, age 33, has
one young daughter and another
child "on the way."
He is a former teacher and
bas a masters degree In educa-
tion and an administrative
credential. He has coached in
the Harbor Area Baseball Pro·
gram for 16 years.
"I'd like to return somelbing
to the commuruly for ,II I've re·
ceived," be said. I
He cited as concem R,fpcal con.,
trol, the highest return for the
education dollar, teacher dignity
and morale, and basic educa·
tion, as well as improving com·
munication between the board
and parents, students, teachers
and the community.
"I believe I have sound judg-
ment," Hess said. "J understand
the problems of the students, the
teachen and administralon."
Geerp Lackey, 612 St. James
Pla(\e, Newport Beach. Seml·
retired sales representative with
four children , one r ece nt
Newport-Mesa graduate.
Active in formation of Corona
Boys Club, on CIHfh aven Home
Owners Association board of
directors, active in Citizens Ac·
tive to Restore Education, a
group that attempted to mount a
recall campaign against some
school board members t.bia year.
"I believe that t he school
board bas lost contact with the
people," Lackey sai~:
Lackey, who aald be declded
to run for the school board
because of h.ls anger over the
board's handling of the Richard
England case, said he has v1sit-
ed numerous district schools.
He said he would like to study
those where morale ls high as a
model for those where morale is
"I have the experience, my
success in business has Indicat-
ed that I can handle the business
problems,'' Lackey said. ''l also
have the desire to see that things
are done and done properly."
Roger C. Summers, 1663 Aliso
Ave., Cotita Mesa. General con·
tractor , 39, with four children ln
district schools and one of pre-
school age.
He is chaplain of the Newport
Beach Fire Department, bishop
of Newport Beach It Ward of
Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter-day Saints, and a n Ex -
plorer post adviser.
"Probably the most encom-
passing questions to face the
school board are declining
enrollment and inflation," Sum·
m ers sald.
S umm e r s, .w h o call e d
Ne wport-Mesa ''one of the best
districts in the state," said he
believes parents must get more
involved. ·
He said he would also li ke to
see "the teaching profession
given a bit more dignity," and
classes reduced lo as small a
size as potSsible .
"I'm used to giving my time
and it's something that is not
foreign lo me," Summers said
"I wa nt to see t hat those
children in the classroom get as
fair a shake as possible."
field aa the department can put the need for wome~ (o keep thei>
t.bere. homes locked. F
Defenae was the topic Tbe auapect, who bas strucll
Freeman bad called the meet.ins eight Umes since April l or lhi,. lod11C ..... "Home security ta the .... •wer year, apparently has gotten Into --his victims' apartments through lo the tltuation we're deaUna unlocked doors or windows. with," the otncer lold hla au-
dience. Half the people at Tuesday's
He a.bowed them a U.min~ seminar said they were apart·
fllm and spent another 45 ment dwellers. They w~re pniy
m inutes d1acui1tn1 lockl and ' allablly more appretremlve *"8n
bur1lar alaana _ • the women who live ln bouaea.
A• the rape ftitn not.ctr dead-bolt lock.a are expensive, but Many stayed after the con·
they're worth tt. It allo aaid, clualon of the two·hour aeaalon lo
"aomttblnl u amall u 1-..e.nt Ilk more que.tionJ or to diacuat
window lock C'llD aave a woman the mdrden amona tbemselvea .
• lot ol qoa,y ...
P It l One youn4 woman conftllled o ce n tbe four otbtr ahe 1"U waiUns for two or three ~t14'eUom where tbt killer other• lo lea ve ao ahe•d have
ltruck.,.. a1*> empb&aiJiq company •alklnl lo htr car . ..
Parts or the plane were hurled
hundreds or yard!. aod struck a
slum hotlbmg area beyond the
airport. A w1tnc~s !>aid residents
there suffered only light cuts
and bruise~
.. We we re all asleep We
heard a tern ble noise and an ex
plos1on People were shoutin~
'run for your Jiv es . s ave
yourself,' ··said 4l·year·old Ale
1a ndro Aguayo Ca ballero
He and 15 other ~ople live 1r1
a tenement hy the airport wher{'
pieces of lhe plane struck
P ieces o r s m o uld e ring
wreckage lay atop some of the
houses in that block.
Flight 605 is nonstop from Los
Angeles and is popularly lloown
as the ''Tecolote" or night-owl,
because Of the night flying. fl IS
also occasionally dubbed the
"Red Eye Special." Hugo Ponce , a watchman at
the a irport, said "1t was hom
ble." I
"I was 1n the lounge when a
noise like a big bolt of thunder
was heard. T)le airport hghb
sort of dimmed and all of a sud
den there was a bag flash of
light,'' he said
Defectors Irk
Carter Aide
d e n t C a rte r 's ca mpaign
manager says be hopes the ad·
min ist ration will fir e a ny
political appointee Jound to be
flirting with the c.rvnpaign of
Sen. Edward M. KeDJledy.
After watching twc) Carter ad-
ministration officials defect to
the Kennedy camp, Tim Kraft
s aid he lhmks loyally should
count in politics.
airport rund.. ~
Thal would buy · the 2 6 acre
plot on Airway Aventl\! and 11 or
the 28 acres on Red IU11 Avenue,
owned by Irvine Company.
Purchase of the land on Red
Hill Avenue 1s seen as operung
the ~1b1 hty of relocating th<>
11 1 rpor t 's no w.o verc ro wded
passenger terminal
The report did not advocate
the purchase of the remainder of
the Ir-vine Company land. wtu ch
wo uld cost an additional $9
The GSA report also did not
inc lude suggestions for use of
the land, deferrin1 t o the
airport's unfiDilbt d master
plan, scheduled for completion
by May U81.
Besid es a r g uing a bout
cred ibthly, Riley blasted the
GSA ~taH report as "woefull y
lat'king·• and wa ved a letter
from Newport Beach city at .
lomPy Denni!> O'Neill that urged
the board delay decision on the
m atkr anot.ht:r week
H (• f •H <' b u y 1 n g l h e I and .
:su pe r visors mus t still hold
public heanngs and complete an
f'nvl ronmental imp-ad re port,
Riley $a.ad
Russ Ships Collide
In Danieh Strait
Trash Fire
l AP ) -Two Soviet s hips
'tre ngthened for icebreaking
c·ol!Jded in a Oamsh strait today. l ~ One of lhem. ca rrying scientists
to an Anta rctic expedition, was
1n the wrong sea lane and caught
fi re after the collision, leaving
one dead, three missing and 95
A fi re that broke out Tuesday
In a Costa Mesa tra.sb compac-
tor smoldered all night before il
could be extinguished, firemen
sa id today.
They said the blaze broke out
at 5:30 p.m. In an elgbt-by-18-
foot trash compactor in a
pai;kiog lot at 1981 Placentia
Ave. Water poured lnlo the com-
pactor put out only the top part
of the fire and weighed down the
trash so the compactor couldn't
be moved and emptied until the
water leaked out. officials said.
The blue. of unknown origin,
wus extinguished at 9 a.m. to-
day Firemen estimated damage
at about $100.
rescued, officials said.
The Danish naval command
said the 9,243-ton Antarctic ex-
pedition ship Olenek and the
22 ,632·t on t_.nker General
ShkodWlOvich collided in rough
seas in the Great Beil, between Zealand and Fyn, Denmark's
two biggest islands. The st.rail
connects the Baltic and North
Ruling Intact
U S. Supreme Court has left in·
tact California court decisions
overturning Russell Little's COD·
v1ctlon in the L973 murder of
Oakla nd School Supe rmtendent
Marcus F oster
''We Want You To
Look Better
For Less!''
We'r e not complain·
Ing about the high
pr ice of glasses, we're
doing something about it .
Th ere are a lot of places to buy
eyewear these days. You can go to
a so called "f ashion boutique" and
pa y spec tacular prices for fam ous
names, or you can come to Optical
Factory, and get the best possible
fashion look s In eyewear at a down
to earth pr ice.
A s a r ule, you only get what you
pay for these days. Our selection is
large enough to please t he most
finicky tastes, and yet our prices
sta rt a s low as
S34.SO Single Vision
S44. so Bl focal
SS4 .SO Trlfocal
<Includes Fash ton Frame, Stan·
dard Size Glass Lenses and Case>
At these pr ices we'~;\making a
spectacle of ourselves ... "'S}
So, if you want a spectacular look in eyewear fashion without paying a spec-
tacular oricP, ther e's r eally only one place to shop ... Optical Factory.
We are your neighborhood optical store, centrally located on East 17th
Str eet in Costa Mesa. Remember to ask your eye doctor for your prescrlp·
tlon. With this In hand you can shop around for the best in eyewear at the
rigHt price.
--250 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa • HlllCJren Sq. I
VIS4' 642-4630..,• Weekdays 9-5:30 Sat. 9.3 Ill'.
A Tree for Robin
Classmates Honor Slain Coast Girl
Of U.. Oallr "I'°" Su H
Some were her classmates. Others had.n 't
even known her. Many wept Tuesday wheo
Robin Chris tine Samsoe's mother gently
patted the earth around a pine tree planted in
the 12-year-old's memory.
"We're·going to take care or Uus tree,"
Dwyer Principal Bernard Rodgers told stu-
dents and parents. "This ls a special tree. It
will help us remember "
"SUE ALWAYS wanted t.o be a star."
whispered television actor Lew Saunden1.
"l think now she's become a star."
Robin's mother, Ma rianne Frazier,
cho ked back tears a nd smiled at her
daughter's friends
"THANK YOU," she said. "Thank all of
you." He told the somber gathering of 400 at
Dwyer MlddJe School that the sturdy sap
piing would remind Huntingt.On Beach stu
dents of the energetic blonde.
Saunders compared Kobm to the ocean
and the whlte beach sand. He said he'd loved
his yotmg neighbor as if she'd been his own
Police detectives, who'd spent two weeks
searching for the young girl, stood silently
next to the students .
As a student band began a s low-tempo
version of "America the BeautifuJ," Robin's
friends. ramjly and classm~tes took turru.
adding shovels of djrt lo the base of the tree.
RE ASKED THE young students t.o touch
each other and close their eyes. Most cried.
Some hugged each other.
When Rodgers asked students to return
to class, many remained behind and stared
at the tree and clasped each other
Robin disappeared almost four monthi-
ago after leaving a friend's house just two
blocks from the freshly planted pine.·
She was rusrung home from the beach on
a friend's bicycle, app.arently afraid she'd be
late for an afternoon ballet class.
S AUNDERS, A regular on the television
series ClliPs, explained he proposed the Liv-
ing me morial to students . "Tree Banks "
were made and placed in classrooms. The
needed money was raised in three days
THAT WAS THE last time anyone saw
her alive.
"This is the saddes t and happiei.t day of
my hfe," said one dark-haired girl, who said
Robin was one of her best fnends.
Ar'Jother seventh grader sajd she didn 'l
really know Robin but had heard much about
her . She said she wouJd help take care of the
tree "forever."
A state forest employee discovered her
body last July near a remote campground in
the rO?thJUs near Sierra Mad.re. She had been
_.__..,...· i•!.~p_ped and murdered.
OH Claiel C'ritical ! . ·
Price Clafilps 'Foolish'
Ot the 0"41Y ,.li.t S\lltt
The United Stutes and Canada
are •·encouraging foolish energy
use" by artificially regulating
oil prices, the president of Union
Oil said Tuesd ay night in
Newport e.t:ach
Fred L. Hartley said dunng a
speech before the World Affain;
Council of Orange County that
the two North American nations
are the onJy countries in the
world that are trying to hold fuel
prices down through artiricial
lt wiU take a ~1rited, national
conservation errort and a "re-
a lis t ic regulatory climate,"
Hartley said, to decrease U.S.
de pendence on foreign oil im·
Hartley told council meJ1lber-s
that conserving the equivfJent of
present oil imports is an im-
possible dream, but that
"tremendous inroads can be
And reasonable regulation,
Hartley saW. doe.s not include
government control of oi l prices
or "windfalJ profit" t axes wtuch
cut into capital needed to de·
v e l o p alte rnative e ne r gy
Hartley said "inaction by
Congress has cost us precious
time," in the development of
energy technology such as oil
from s hale, coal gasification and
solar and expanded geothermal
It is inaction s uch as the
failure to Jessen restrictions like
the "Clean Air Act" that has de·
layed this ne w t ec hnology.
Hartley sald
According t.o HartJey. "Then.:
are no valid reasonb why en-
vironmental needs and energy
needs cannot be considered in a
give -and-lake manner and pro-
duce an adequate solution.'
Citing another case in which
he believes government inaction
has increased U.S. 01 1 depen·
dence, Hartley talked about the
Green Ri ver geological forma·
lions in Colorado. Utah and
Shale oil reserves 1n that re·
gion. es t imated to be many
times larger than known U.S. oil
reserves, cannot be ·utilized
because the government 1s not
issuing land leases, Hartley
"If the oil companie1\,,have nu
resourcei. (bhale lanai. I ... he
:.&11d, "then tht!y have no incen
t1ve to Ocvclup :s hale
'Spirits' Voices Arise
Called by Licensed Psychic to Laguna
Ol llW DallY ,.INC l lAlff
'rhe re ·s one wo man who
believes spirits of the dead ar-
rived in Laguna Beach two days
before Halloween.
Licensed English psychic
medium Freda Fell told about 80
listeners jammed into a Laruna
Beach restaurant Monday she
could hear the voices of their de-
ceased loved ones' splrits.
The · pre -Halloween ap-
pearance of the British lecturer
and p1ychic d e mons trator
brou(ht people from as far away
as Santa Monica to hear her tell
· strangers about their phyalcal
: "afntctlons, special dates In thelr ·1 Hvea and the undytnc love of
:, deadfnenda.
. Ma. Fell told one woman &hat
· the 1pirtt of her dead husband·
wanted her "to lose some
• Speaking to a 1tandin1-room-
only crowd at the Coast Inn, Ms.
Fell knocked ttle tradlt101tal
: Halloween vie• of the
• 1aperutural aa "1apersUtJoua
: ....... doMb1m.••
. Ucealld bJ I IOVtmment-run
• board fOf' medlum1, M1. l'ell
• &aid, "Tben'• aotbln• 1eua·
~ ........ ..,.. ... orbllnc,. .........
: k lllW exp&anaUOn to tbl
·audteaee aboUt cont.-ct wtth ~
. 1plrlta wu part. aclenuflc and
part 1plritual.
"1 . am deallnt wlth dlff erent
vibratory dimenatou " she eit·
pl1lned. She utd that wblle
bodlea dle, "lntelUaences
don It."
Tbe splrlta of loved onee, Ms.
t~c ll asserted. i.t1ll !.urround
the i r fam1l 1ci. t.1 nd rricnds
"Time doesn't mean anything,"
she said. •
Standing in rront or the crowd.
Ms . Fell said she waited until
s he picked up strong "vibra-
tions" and then began try mg to
tell an "extremely sens itive "
man about his "creative mind."
Some of her state me nts. or
guesses, about the m an were
correct, as he or his wife sitting
nearby agreed.
Ms. Fell told the man a spirit ·
told her he had a leg injury in
his past. Sure enough, the man ·
told Ms. Fell he took a fa ll while
playing with his pet dog a ~ar
But Ms. Fell wali wrong about
the man's ability to play a
musical instrumenl. She did ten
him correctly that his father
died In a hospital and April was
a special month. Hls daughter
was bomlnAprtl.
Tbe~e w•re both bita and
mJIMI. The audience would ap-:
plaud tbe woman who Hid she •
had peyc:blcpowen when •be aup-'
piled the correct l•formaUon ·
Plckin1 pqle at random. Ma.
Fell sild ahe heard 1p1rtta men·
tlon a variety of problems 8"d •
experiences aboUt the members ,
of the audience. '
t I tJ r
SA Teen
Held in
Five counts of r ape wer e
amoni 20 charges brought Tues-
day a&alnat 18-year-o ld Jon
Rowland of Santa Ana in connec·
tlon witb rape and burglary
cases over the past nJne mootba,
Santa Ana police said .
Rowland was arreated while
alleaedly prowllnt on a patio of
a Santa Ana ground noor apart·
ment Oct. 24. Investigator J oe
Gualdoni said the young man
was alle1edly involved in a
series of rapes and burglaries in
Santa Ana between Jan. 29 and
Oct. ~of t.bi.s year
Meantime, police in Costa
Mesa, directing a hunt for one or
m o r e person s wh o bave
bludgeooed six Orange County
women in the past two years, re·
iterated Tuesday night that
Rowland has not been linked to
those slayings in any way. ''He's
too young and hls hair is too
long," a Costa Mesa police
spokesman said lliSt week of the
s uspect in the Santa Anti npei.
Rowland was named in fivP
counts of rape, seven counts or
burglary. five counts of oral
copulation, one count of prowl
ing and two counts or bemg
armed while comm1tt111 g d
felony, Santa Ana Pollee Ca pl
J ohn Hean<-y said
"We've got our man," Heaney
said, "and we're helping Coi.ta
Mesa any way we Cd n in their
cuse "
Rowland w:i:; l>c111g held on
SS0,000 bor1d
Bid "Unjustified'
ATLANTA <AP> V1<'e Pr~1
dent Walter Morrdah· ... i11d Tut''>
day that Sc.•n Edw1.mJ Kennedy"<,
cha llenge to PrPs1dc nt Cartt:r
cannot be JUStif1cd and could
be come "30 h1ttc•r ;i nrl -.o
poisonout-." that i.I lh·puhhcan
would n1pture thP White flous1·
m 1980 "I thmk Ted 1!> going to
have a hard t1mt' muking th1
case that lhert' 1.., !>Orne fun
damental issue that 1usl1hes op
posin~ th~ president.'· Mondalt·
said in a Washini.,rton lunch in
terview reported in The Atlanta
M~e llp Artists
R ache le Mussolini. widow of
Italy's Fascist d ictator
Benito Mussolini. is dead of
a heart attack at 89. She had
survived her husband, who
was shot to death in 1945. by
34 years
To Begin
Third Party
WA S HINGTON 1 AJ>1 Former~ Meldnm Thom!lfm
of Nt-w Ha mp'>hire. a vocdl
leader of tl\e C'OUlltry 'i staunch
C'onservat1ves. C1nnounced t.odcsy
ht' I!> ruruung for president on d
third party ·ticket bt:cc.w.e nonf·
of the Rcpubl1t·an contender.. 1~
Thomson. a leadinR support.er
or formt r C dl,for n1a Co -.
HunJl1I Ht·<.1g <sr. 1r. thl· l9';'f.
Hepubl1<·an nomination f1~h1 .
t1ild .1 nt-~'i confrn·nce he 1·
lc:avin~ thl: GOP rorever
I <rn1 unhc.ppy with all tho ... 1·
who hJVt-!>urfaced or hd 11t· 1n
du:atl'd th<')' will ... urfacc-1r. th•·
prc~1dt.'nt1al Willer.,. · ThomMJn
Thom.-.on :..aid ht: wa:.. formm~
d Con:..t1tutwn Party C1nd would
try to Rel on lht· ballot under 1L'>
bannt>r in all 50 !>late .... although
"1t will bt-tough work ··
New Vote ....
Purchase of tbe new. speedier
vote countin1 machines was
formally approved Tuead~ by
Orange County s upervisors.
They agreed t.o the $1.S million
tontract for the Vallee Vote Tal-
ly system they chose Oct. 2 to
replace the 14-year-old Coleman-
Gyrex vote counting machines.
The new machines are t.o be
ready for the June. 1980,
primary electJon.
But officials from the county
General Services Agency told
supervtsors in a report that the
leHe-purchase s ystem they had
asked be investigated would add
S300.000 tn mterest cost.'I t.o the
purchase pnce or the machines.
ln addition. the report said,
cancellation of the contract
would result m a hefty financial
penalty under a lease-purchase
Supe rvisor E d ison Mille r
grumbled that the board hCld
been "locked m on Vallee" and·
thil t voting machine company
off1C1als ··had the upper hand"
when they upped the s takes for a
lease -purchase deal
··1·m concemed because there
wi ll be only 10 percent of the
µc1 y m1:n1 r c m .11n1ng on the
machineh after the tJunc) elcc:
t1on " Miller :..aid
lie :;aid that small remammg
p .. y m t'nl might not provide
enough leveraf:t-to ensure that
any PC'Phlem:. arising with the
mach1rlet. would ht! lC1ken care uf
' Thi• C'Ot\l r a r·t ..,, ti I I ack -.
"'li:n.ilure~ from Vallee'!. out pf
-.t ... t1· offklab but ... uperv1sor~
.Jpprovt'd th1· 1·011tract pending
tho~t· .,,gna lun.•.,
T h t· V ;, I r 1· c· ., y., t ., m w 1 11
replJ<·•· tht> prt:!>cnt broadshf'el
ba llot. with r<ird type ballou.,
rt-quiring only a foll pen ror
Tht· nt"w count1·r-. art-l'Xpect
ed ''' <'Ul l1m<' takt'n to tall y the
C'oun1 y· ... balloL ... from t~ cur
r ent It hour-. lo about four
hour-.. VC1ltec om c1al!i !>cud
Golden· West Collc:gt· rns metology s tudents
<trom lctl) Lorn ~tone. Newport B~ach.
Nanci Le uJJOl<l , H untington Beach and
Lee sa f<'ournier. Newport Beach s how off ~ume ot their make up talents which are ~
to bt cilsplayed ·today. The campus hosts
tin annual llallowt>en parade put on by
('os metolo~y studenb who put on their
best art work in honor of the season.
l lai J C Ill Ml'lllU f;S
Crr11/1ea Ct molog131 ACiS
II • reall11 rtlalwt!
For most of recorded histor y, man
has used barter as the primary
method of trading. The r1rst gold corn
was struck m 560 8 .C. Gold gradually
became the basic collateral or busi·
ness. The free exchange of gold
became a solid rock upon which to
establish business economy In 1934,
tt became illegal to exchange gold in
the United States. When tbl.s ban was
lifted in 19'15, Americans be1an ln-
vuting ln gold and gold Jewelry.
They quick ly learned that aold
values were heeded up · and up
Now, gold prices ~ave risen t.o a
general level of $W0 per ounce. ls
that too expeMlve? The answer Is ·
It's relative. When gold sold for ·$35
an ounce1 hot do1s were a nickel.
Now, iola. the bot doa. and a lot ot
other things are selling for 10 to 12
tlmea what they cost back lheq. You
can enjoy the beauty of gold Jewelry
and feel 100d\ about 1old'1 track te·
cord u an Investment. Now1 _you
can't really aay th1t about hot 'dofs,
can you?
_._~thepriceofa .
aazen roses you ca~ 91"8
a piece of gold.
Whgl 0 OOoulllul \U<pr•w IO tho mo<lt'Y /U.I
m•gh1 "°"" ..pent on '°"9-.icm\ I\ e '°' 0 ICJOI ®Id "''9"'
t h011\ ., • ..OHl"'ij\
Wto hove o g"'CJf c:oOec1o0n a' Korot Vold Je-11', ond -d
bit .-.Oppy IO i..tlp you po<.\ ~l"\Q OU! IOI m.t <XCOl '()O lC>n>•"Q
... -
c :-.: ;. ~.. •ball ~ ..... ~ Te•~~'~'
~ .... ldlM
Haunted Eyesore
UU.OWSSN WW ...... -You Jult Mver
mlDd all ..... It die Md C:'' 9llo an ,..,...s to be ............ 1 .... .. ,...., .... arouad
MN .. _. -..au",..... weio ~-deal wkb our
uuarallwl•• .... -pa... ...... ta.II .... ol all poMlble ~
tbat could ...... ..,... ........ wttlMMlt &.be '°" .... mulla~we--. Some ol tM Dlac9 needlu ,..... ... were eaUMd by
the 1ove~ ... matter ol rect. .
A CM& IN POINT can be found very QHr t.bal •linl
aupentructure oo Pacltlc Coaal Hl1hway known ••
Newport 8-y aridce· TM bricln la eocnina down 1ome day -"°'* Ullnk -ind 'MW, Vtia., beauUful apan wUJ carry
tralftc-aerou UHi bay. ,
Meuwblle, the 1tate has purchued 90me property
near the old bridp which will be Uled for the new brid1e.
ThiJ property just upcout of the brtd1e al Dover
Drive was cleand t.o make way for the project That l~, lf
Scenic Virta at Historical Londmmt for CftJI of Newport Beach
what they ~d can be called clearing. It's all dirt now. ex
cept for rock\s, junk and broken pieces or concrete.
TO FURTHER ENHANCE the Newport Beach
scenery, a chain link fence was Oung up around the site
and some big signs plastered on it, telling you what you
can't do there
The irony of this, you suppose, is that a state historical
marker stands at the edge of all this, attesting to the fact
that here, at this scenic vista, is the bay landing that
marks the origins or the city of Newport Beach.
Now there's a real Halloween horror story
No telling how long this ghastly eyesore will prevail
before the new bridge gets built.
Meanwhile. however, somebody ought to step forward
and fix the place up. Maybe it could be used .as a tem·
porary right-tum pocket for Dover Drive. At least that
would put the area t.o some public use.
IF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE could prevail. the state
could rent out the site to aome entrepreneurs who sell
roadside stuff like 1aloon mirrors, fake bearskin ruaa or cheap pottery.
Actually. the site is large enou1b that you could allow
a s mall carnival to pitch tent.a there. I'd rather look at a
couple or sideshow rreaks than what you see there now.
IN TRUTH, IF the new bridge is going to be a long
time in coming, the state might do well t.o allow some en-
te rprise on the site that would be a bit more permanent.
It seems like It might be a nice spot for a fish and bait
st.ore and an ice cream parlor.
Rock Singer Out of Jail
JUPITER, Fla. CAP) -David
Clayton-Thomas, lead singer for
the rock group Blood, Sweat and
Tears, has been released from
Palm Beach County Jail on
$10,000 bond on charges he sex-
ually assaulted a 20-year-old
woman, police said.
Hit by
Huodreda of people were or-
de re cl naeuated after an Hrtb• dike ruplurM to4ay, apUUaa torreota ol wat.r from a
reHrvolr ov•r a rural •':.:i
floo4l111 bocw and roads ., ...... tl'ala.
AUthOrtU11 aald up to 1,TOO
pec>ple Uvtac or camplftC lD low·
IYl.bl areu alona U .s. 441 ln
weatern Marthl Couat1 •:tre be· tna taken to Red C?ol• • tten. Two traln crewmen au ered
cull, but Uae were the only ln-
Jwie1 reported.
AT LEAST one farm family
w aa reseued by helicopter from
the top of their barn, and
another helicopter pkked up the
two train ~wnien from the top
of their et.randed en11De.
Authorities said 13 miles of
U.S. 441 along Lake Okeechobee
in soutbero Florida were under
"We've mov~ people out of
an area 20 milts 1001 and ~
mileJ wide on the northeast cor ner f Lake Okeechobee," said
Elli Waters, director of the
Okeechobee County Emergency
Operat.lons Center.
THE WATER gushed from a
600-foot-wtde breach In a dike
surrounding a 6,700-acre coollng-
w ater reservoir for a oew
F lorida P owe r & Light Co.
power plant between Indiantown
and Port Mayaca.
About 80 people, most of them
al a fishing camp, were evacuat-
ed soon alter the reservoir wall
collapsed early today, and
a uthorities said rising flood
waters forced the evacuaUon of
other residents in low-lying
"There are a lot of trailers on
the lake side or 441 and there's
water up to the top or some of
them and water up to the win-
dows of the others," said Red
Cross spokeswoman Anna
TUE FLOODED area was
primarily sug11r cane farms,
cattle ranches and fish camps.
Port Mayaca, three miles from
the reservoir, was spared from
flood waters by a large canal
Just north of the tiny town.
authorities said . But rescue
workers satd they feared the
canal wouJ4 overflow as the res-
e rvoir continued to empty.
''The reservoir had ·about 15
feet of water In it to start and
there's still about three reel left.
to come out," Watera 1aid at
He said It might be several
days before evacuees would be
allowed to return home and that
it would take weeks t o de -
termine damages.
SEVERAL CARS or a Florida
East Coast freight train derailed
when water rushed over the
tracks, Martin County sheriff's
Deputy Jessee Taylor said. Two
train crewmen we re plucked
Crom theit stranded engine by a
Coast Gbard helicopter, and
fl own tb M a rti n County
Memorial Hospital In Stuart for
treatment of minor cuts and
Gulf States · Drenched
Many Areas Without Light, Heat
Ml ~· li'cl'
'".,."' •• ~s
Alb<I"-)2 JO ·°' At1e111• ., •' S.ltlrnore St 3'
Boh e n .,
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Joan Ban 0'"'9 len. Edwllrd Kennedy •• President C.,ter'e Ion Chip Wetchea
Cambodia Aid Pushed .
' Carter, Kennedy Forces Join in Fund D rive
buttons boosted "Kennedy 1980"
a nd "Carter-Mondale," but
politics was oniy a side show as
Edward M. Kennedy and Chip
Carter Joined folk singer Joan
Baez 1n pleading ror money t.o
help end famine lo Cambodia.
"All of us know that with the
e xceptio n o r the J ewish
Holocaust of World War II. we
a re facing the greatest human
tragedy of our lifetime:· Ken-
nedy said. "We must shake the
world commumty t.o action."
"WE MUST find the means t.o
Hospital Sabotage
Charged in Georgia
MACON, Ga. <AP> -A medical techruc1an has been charged
with murder and aggravated usault ln the aUeged sabotage or life
support equipment in a Macon hospital's 10tens1ve care urut.
authonlles say
A bond hearing was scheduled today for Barbara J «:an
Williams. 41, or MacQn. who WU indicted Tuesda) by a Babb Coun
ty grand Jury on one count of inurder and 13 counts or aagravaled
assault Mrs WilJiams declined comment except to ~a y her lawyer had
told her not to discuss the case
Accord.mg to the 10d1ctmeot, the charges involved the alleged
sabotage between January and April or mtensave care rnorutors
and intravenow. eqwpment at lhe Medical Center of Central
Geor~1a The alleged incidents involved 13 patients in the hospital ~ 10
tens ive care unit, the mdsctment said.
The murder charge stemmed from the March 11 death or Den-
na~ Daruel. 28. of Macon. accordmg to the indictment
bluff our way in there with the
food and the do<:tors and the su~
pliea." aaid Ma. Baez, who
toured aeveral refugee camps in
Southeast Asia earlier this
month. She reports today on
what. sbe found to Kennedy's
aubcommittee on refu1eea.
"We're ready." said Chip
Carter of bis fathe r 's ad-
mlnUtration pledge to finance a
lhlrd of the world's efforts t.o
ease the lot or the starving and
nomeless. "We're getting a little
, radi cal about this," adde d
Carter "We n~ you to keep
oushing "
More than 300 guests paid $125
each t.o hear Ms. Baez sing and
ICennedy speak, and to mingle
with m ember s of Congress.
soc ialites and composer -
<'onducter Leonard Bernstein.
The total take was some $4-0,000.
charged with coordinating U S.
.. elier efforts ror the Wh ite
'-louse. :saJd if necessary a moun-
t a an of food will be piled on the
Cambodian border to increase
pressure on the Cambodian and
\'1etnamese -governments t.o ac
cept emergency aid.
"There's aolng to be a bliuard
or food and money." Bloomfield
It makes Cents to shop the
money-saving food specials
~dvertised in the Daily Pilot.
Start saving today.
and ask our
circillation department
for home delivery.
c-" Bl!Jd.get-pleas1ng advertised grocery
values -one more reason people all
along the Orange qoast save by reading the
, l
' .,
I . f
• l
1 .
Stay AU .....
PALmvanacAP>-h9 •21111111 _...-..\es tWt -. , .................... ....
..... .., I ltiM a ..... v..-....... MW a famll)
eapUve •••na~•llt Hd thn •••d !Mm ot a.-trom aav· tnp ~ tbe Dbl~. pollteuld~.
lnve1U1ator1 aalcl aamoe u ......... A. Opened hJ• door
&mday ..._ to ttrO .... wbo
clalmed to ta. out of 1u ud ln Medotbelp. . .
8AMMJll ~ "11 ~yeer.
old wife, Bette. were lled up
spread-eq)ed oo &be bed u the
intruders .. arched for tnOGey
and J~lry Their son, Stephen,
was alao bound and 1•11ed
when be interrupted the robbers'
search a few hours later
Police said the robbers prob
a bly inte nded to leave im·
medJa&ely.. alter ransacttng 1tw
house but were disappointed by
"They were apparently unhap·
PY with the amount of mooey
they found in the house. so when
they found the bank books, they
decided to s tay and go •r
more," said Palos Verdes police
dispatcher Bobbie Mccurdy
AFTER TAKING showers and
forcing Mrs. Ha mme r to Ci x
them a meal during the night,
lbe masked bandits drove the
woman to two savings and loan
offi ces and order e d he r to
withdraw $3,250 a fter they
threatened lo kill her husband Jf
she caUed pohce.
The bandits ret urned Mrs.
Hammer to her home, lied her
up again and fled. The Ham
mers called the pobce a fter their
son untied himseU
ACLU Cites
'White Pool'
American Civil L1bcrt1cs at
torney says t here is a large
enough supply or "untapped"
whites to s ubst a ntially d e
segregate city schools io a
properly designed plan
Mark Ro~cnbaum , a lawyer
for mlnority plainllHs in tbe
city's desegregation case, has
introduced evidence lnlo the
SupeTior Court hearing tha\
fewer than 13 percent or the
146,247 white students \n the
school d1Mr1ct Wl·rc involved in
the pr~cnl dc~cgrcgat1on plan
"WlllLE THEY <a ttorncyi. for
the board of education) a re
claiming they've exhausted the
supply of whit<· :-.lUdcntl> <:1nd no
more mandestory desegregat.10n
can be done." Rosenbaum said.
"in fact there are a s ignificant
n umber of while students who
have not been brought mto lhc
plan "
More than 85.000 while· pup1b
. attended schools that were 50
percent or more while but were
not included rn the plan, accoNJ
ing to Rosenbaum
Accordmg to evidence pre
sented by Ro~cnb1:1um. the pool
of white ~tudcnU. al:,u would m·
elude 16.861 pupils in 21 "cur
renlly integrated" Junior high
schools 'and 10,562 1n 38 "cur
rently jntegrated" elementary
.. cuaaENTLY INTE·
grated" schools u e those with
white enroUment.s between 50
percent and 70 percent. They are
exempted from the mandatory
,. busing program for grades four lo
The lawyer said white stu·
dents should be redistributed so
there is "somewhere a round ao
percent" in as ma'\Y schools as
possible /
But school board attorney
David T . Pelersoh said effecUve
desegregation required at least
SO percent whites in desegregat·
ed schools.
Bad Night
For Burglar .
COVINA (AP) -It wu Just oae of thole day1 fOf' a man wbo
police said fell tbrou&b t.be'rool
of a pharmacy ln a bur1lary at·
tempt and then tr!11ered a
allent alarm wblle tryln1 to kW
t.be ~alarm WU rilled to 8
bathroom door that the man ap.
p.rently oPIDld to .-k water to
wub down paio·klllinl dl'Qll be
obt•lM from a vault, aa.ta de-
a.ctift l>ave Mlltl.
Harry Gnbbl, •• ol lloeterey
Pan ... boobd iru.daJ tor lD· /
........ o( burllar1 wS ...
tUa to • loeel lllotp6tal ....... .... ltomedl ... pumped. lie
... allo tnatell for the euta and
bndMI ba suttencl ID Ute tall.
Anita WH a Fltght Attendant on the Hlf•cked Plane
Seattle Man Held
In Jet Hijacking
TIJUANA. Mexlco (AP> -A Seattle maintenance
man who believed a killer was stalking him was in custody
of Mexican poUce today after be hijacked a California
jetliner to Tijuana late Tuesday.
Authorities said J ohn Everett Gray told flight at-
tendants he had a bomb s hortly after Pacific Southwest
Airlines Flight 784 took off from Los Angeles International
Airportat 10:02p.m.
Noneoflhe l~personsa boardtheplanewereinJured.
GRAV, WHOM THE FBI said was 39 but Mexican
authorities described as 48, demanded to be taken to either
Mexico City or Venezuela, but then asked to get off the
plane when 1l stopped for refuel.mg at Tijuana Interna-
tional Airport, a Mexican airport official said.
~ Mexican judicial police had been alerted by San Diego
authorities and took Gray into custody without incident.
"He told me he was trying to get away fro'1 someone
who was going to kill him," said Luls Ser~yva. chief
of the Mexican equivalent to the Federal Aviation Ad·
"RE HAD NO WEAPONS or bomb wilh him," Sergio.
Leyva said.
"He seemed very quiet , very calm . He told us be bad
been in a prison hospital in California and bad ~n arrest-
ed four times -once for trying to commit robbery with a toy pistolin urn.
The U.S. Attorney's office-was to decide today whether
to extradite Gray, FBI s pokesman Roger Young said in
San Diego
"He told the stewardess be bad a bomb in bia pocket.
but that it was homemade and he wasn't sure it would
work/' Young said. "He said that if it did wort, though, It
would hurt a k>t o{ people.
"WE MA V BE DEALING with an emotionally dis·
turbed person he re," Young added. "He said be owed
some people some money and they were trying to get
Sergio-Leyva said Everett had only S6 in his wallet
when he was arrested at about 10:4!$ p.m.
"He said he never wanted to hurt anyone and kHl."
Ser gio-Leyva said. "He s aid he just wanted to get far away
-out of the country."
The PSA 727 or iginated m Sacra mento, airline
spokesman Duane ~~U!J.\bar said.
Strangler SUspeJt
Pleads Innocent
LOS ANGELES <AP> -Angelo Buono Jr .. the 45·year-old
automobile upholsterer Implicated by his cousin in the "Hillside
Strangler .. murders, pleaded innocent to cha rges stemming from the
sJayings ~JO young women in the Los Angeles Area.
The innocent pleas were entered Tuesday during a seven.minute
arraignment before Municipal
Judge Gabriel Gutierrez on 10
first-degree murder counts and
16 other felony charges includ·
i ng conspiracy to commit
murder, rape, kidnapping,
sodomy, pimping and pander·
ing, extortion, and oral copula·
Dressed in a dark suit and tie,
Buono stood silently throughout
the proceedings, fianked by four 1 of his six attorneys. He could re· ·
ceive the d eath sentence
because of "special
The dec\sion to pull Ole state's
most populous cgunty out of the
e mergency gasoJ1ne distribution
plan leaves N11t two San Fran·
cisco Bay a rea counties still
holding to the odd.even restric·
circumstances" alleged ln his · Elee•t•r C'r•sltes
case. He is being held without
bail in county jail. ,
Kr8C..tr•et 0~'"
Southern California Rapid
Transit Diltrtct mechanics have
given narrow approval to a De\V
three-year contract, thereby
endina tbe threat of a second ci·
ty but strike this fall.
1 Jn mail·in ballots counted
uesday, members of the
Amats•1nated Tran1lt Union
voted 47&-410 in favor of the
same pact wbJcb bad been re-
jected by a 296·114 In-person
vote Oct. 11.
ter nearly ball of the year
with the cban~ to buy la.eollM
only .ball ot the Ume. tbe Loi
An1ele1 County Board of
Supemeor1 bat VOWd S.t to Uk
Go•. Bdlnuad 0. Brown Jr. for
an l1nmectia&e ~ to tbe odd·
even plOUDe ia1el 1y1tem in
tbe couatJ.
Authorities are lnveatigatlne an
elevator accident that left seven
persons injured when-a runaway
car plunged seven Doors at the
historic U.S. Grant Hotel.
Six Loi Angeles women and an
18-year-old elevator operator
were injured when the elevator
s lipped and fell to the hotel's
basement Tuesday evenin1.
E'I~ 4'9reh te 8tWf•
complete lnveat\tatlon of the
Bunker Hill Towers fire that
claimed three Uva will belin
with public beartn1s Tbunct.y
In the wake of unanJmoua ap-
proval for tbe probe by UM Cit)'
CouncU. 1 .
Tbe probe wa• l'equeeted
Tueaday by Counellmaa Gilbert w. Llndtay' wbo •aid the COUii·
ell'• Police, l'lre and Public
Safety Committee will bold the I
public beann,. iDto tbe Konday
momlnc blue at the excl..tv.
downtown ._dentlal bJP·rtM.
' ~, t)
' 'tlliWo ... OatoW 31, 1111
equipment. Tb• 1blp'1 moet
lamOUI m'•kla for t.bl CIA WM an att.mpt to l"eCOftr put ol a
1unkeo a ... 1u 1ubmarlM ID
deep waters ot the Padftc.
Tb• former CIA lhlp Olomar Esp.._ may ea. COIR'..t.d laeo
tM wOl1d'I W.-drUl1QI lblp,
-caulpped to drtU to ........ "' 30,000 feet ta.low tbe Mabed iD
U,000 fMt of water.
Santa Fe Jatemat.loDal O>rp.
of 01'_,. aaid T\aelday It bu been awardld a U.S. 1ovem-
medt CGGtnd to pro.tde pre· Umlaarr won on eonvertlni the
1blp, wbleb bH no drlflln1
Tbe~rvernment Hid that m01t ablP9 cUDOt drill Tbe ,,,,,,... Of tbe ..,...,...._
below a s, root oc.u floor eoal&'aet wu deacrtbff by a.
depth. compaay 1poll•tman a1 A Santa Fe 1ublktlary 11· to ••1m.n." Tulal. coet ol CClllftl't·
provide engineerlnc aod Ina tbe 1bJp w11 Htlmated .
maa.aemmt support to tbe Na-_ wU.. at about tJO mllllm, .
Toke od"falltCICJe of our o•enfock! Cleariftc) CMlt old to Melke rOOlft for new •••
many below cost, many at half-price ... shop ftOW for Hl'fy Chrhlntas CJith.
s.,..,, ""' <-' wrop '* -~
LA MA.CHIME II.ENDER lto . . . . . .
LA rmn MA.CHIME UIY FOOD . . . . ..
• ..........•. 64.tt
............... 14.tt
.............. 46.tt .................... ,
.............. ''·''
OSTER KITCH&f CfHTER . .............. 15'.tt I 09.99
WESTIEHD QUICl<DRIP . . ......... l Ut 24.88
............... : ..... 1h PRICE
..... IJ.H If 11.88
CASE ICNIFI SITS ..... ..•.. : ..•... 1/i PRICE
.... "·''
. .... ·· ''·"
WHTIEHD B.ECTRIC FRYPAH . . . . . . .Jut 34.88
MIXED PAINT .................................................... 75' ~ .. 2.50 lfGll.
PRESTO-IURGER I . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
PRESTO WEE IAl<E .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
. · . ~· ...... I Sf"
.......... 1 4~1
............ ·•··· ... 10.tt
MR.~ ..................................... : ....... 14.lt I I .88
All EMPUtE PUSH IROOMS . . . . . . ........................ .1/2 PRICE
B.aC. ftUll" MilB/W AffU IAIB . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . ..... zt.tt
Cil llOIL a HILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . ••.••
TOSTMASTER OVEN IROILY 5235 . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .................. .
W~TTA PIZZA ..................................................... 14.•t
SALTON P£AHUT IUTTER MACHIME '82 • . . . • • . .. • .. ............. Ut
SALTON PEANUT IUTTH MA.CHIME '85 .. • • • .. . .. .. • ... • . ................ ..
PRESTP IURGER 0 I /rt I • . • . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . • . • . • • • . • • • • .•••••••.•••.
SUMIEAM CONEY ISi.AMO STEA.MY . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ....... · 1 · ... I o.tt
PRESTO IURGEI 05/Mll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • ••.
Pl ESTO t40T DOG-GER .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , ........•
GE FtlAI'« M IURGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .
HAMILTON IUCH OOUILE MAC . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ u .tt
PRESTO IUIGEI II . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ......................... "·"
DAIY DOt«IT . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11.ts
HA.MILTON IEACH UTTlE MAC ................................... ··'·"
GE ELECntc NEUMG WAHD ................................... u .H 19,88
HELLER DESIGMH GLASS OYEHW ARE .................................. 2 5 °/o OFF
COIMIMG Oise.MEit CASSIROU Cl', qt. 2', qtl . ... . • ••..•.......•.• 25°/o OFF
MUGS c~ 1ec11 •.•..•..•••.•••.•......•••••••..••.•••.•..••.•.•.•.•••.•••. 99c
FA.RIRW A.IE COffU MA.ICIR .............................................. Jt.•• 19.99
PICTutt! fl.AMES .............................................................. 1h PRICE
FA.llRWA.U FOOD PlOCISSotl ................................ " ....... Y2 PRICE
WISTme. qT. STIA.MH.CAMMSl ..................................... \US 8.88
, WESTIB«> ~OIMPOPPH 5526 .................................................. 8.88
WA.St41MG MA.CHlfltl ......................................•..................... 8.88
coa..-coaa&.1 cw...._ ,...._r ....................................... .112 PRICE
RIVAL caoca PlATl .......................................................... 4Ut 29.99
TatUMPH SA.LAO SPIHHBt ,_.. ,._, . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . • ......................... 3.88
ALL STAM.ff HAIDWA.lt ( .... ..., ....................................... :.1/2 PRICE
ALL 1aW1TH CAllHIT HA.1tDwA.1t1 ..............•.......................... 1/2 PRICE
A.LL LATIX SPIA y PA.INT ... ' ••••• ' ........... \ .................... .1h PRICE
EA6U DllTMASTlll At0184 DISSRTMAICR ............................ 1 us 8.88
ALL TEXASWA.11 ............................................................... .1/2 PRICE
LOTS, LOTS MORE! v. ... 1•11e11 U had-S... OM .. • 11111• ..._
, I ~ .,. . I'
Prop. 3 Reduces I Tax Bill Puzzle
Proposltlon 3 on th Nov. e ballot l a hoUNk plna
meM uro lh&t permits ~al lal on already enacted to 10
int o effect lo the 1•1.az tax year lt coven two point.a. For y~ara the procedut"ell used lo ua • proportl a.
and abliib tax ch1r1 hu bee1' lhoroJJChly conru11ng
to th nverag houa hofdtr 1
The so-called a&Hfled valuation i1 set al 25 percent or
full market valu~ -for example. $20.000 for a n $80.000
home. The tax collector tb<!n dJvld th ane sect valuaUon
bylOOandmultlpU thatbytMtaltrateperllOOoraa &eel
Under t.h revised procedure which voters will be
a ked lo approve. the 25 ~rttnt rauo would be eUmlnal·
ed a nd the property tax of 1 percent or full market value, a specifi ~ in Proposltlon 13, ppUe<J dareclly without tht>
confusin~ tnlt•nm . t<'ps
·~ 'l'o t•n,urv tlQult y for those quuUfy tng for vckruns fox
e:\l'1nµt1on .... tlw meusurt ubo 1r\cn•u1:1e tht• veterunl\ t•x
emption of Sl .000 of tls1w:-.~ed vulualion lo $4,000 of full
value . ont•t• lhl' 25 percent rat io II\ rcmovt-d
Nottun>( an Propos1taon 3 Wlll chungl' your ~Xtl>ltO~ tux
hatnhty rt ttwi, make tox billti mo1·e underst anduble
Thl· reforl' a YES vote on Prol)Ob1lion 31h re com mended
Unions Short ighted
Th~ dE>C'lin<' an n a tional product1v1ty the umount uf
goods and services produced for ea~h hour of paid work
ing time 1:-. u maJor contributor lo the inflation lhul 1!\
e roding our standard of living
Between 1947 ;m d 1967. productivity gr ew at a11
average annual rate of 3.1 percent. In t he next decade tl
s lowed t o 1.G pcrcen't u ycur In 1978 it er('W only 0.5 per·
cent , and in l hl' 12 month!\ c nd111g 111 Sl•ptembcr then· wa!\
a decline of 1.2 percent.
A tiny ri:w in the third '•uartcr of this .v1·ar 0.1 pc1 ·
cent was far from en ough.to offsl'l declsn1•s of :1 per('(.~nt
in th e first quarter and 2.2 percent in the Sl'<·ond q uarll•r
Econom bt!\ say inflation will conttnue to average 8 to
9 percent a yea r for :.10 indefinite 1.wnod unit'!-.!\ nat1on~I
productivity cun be improved This means continuing
high prices and u hurdcr life for wage earners.
Amazingly enough, in light <Jf th<•se focts. comt.:!'> i.l
union proposal to reduce the offi cial work week from 40
hour s to35hours
It does n 't take a mathcmt1tician to fi gur e tht1t fl'Wl'r
working hours will meim even lower prnduct1v1ty, ttn<I
perh aps even highe r pn<:es as ftrml'.i attempt to make u p
for regular ho urs lost n.v pilying ovt·rt1m1..• or hiring mort•
Thl' succe!\!'>ful u111un _.ffort Lo ru1se the minimum
Wi.l gc alrcud y has cost hundreds of thousands of working
hours for unski lled workl·rs whosl' employers c:ttnnol af
ford to ket•p th(lm on Lil inflated wage rat<!:., ~ .,
C utting the work Wl'<.'k would ma kt•' mat'fr.rs.. t>n·n
\\'<>r!->l' One mu!\I wondt•r wh<•n. or 1f union leader-\\111
st<:p baC'k t.o l'orls ickr lht· 1•ffl·c:l of tlwir dl·rnan<ls on lh1..·
n:it111n '!'i t•connrny as .1 \\hOl1· .111<1 llHI'-nn tlu• ,,,.11 twmg
of tlwtr m1..·mlw1 o..h1p
They Blew It
\Ve· all havt• :1 l1ll lc• t roublt· h.t1:1111·111g otrr d11·1·k li11ok-.
onn· in <.i while, but "lien thc. .. 11:.it1on !'> lourth lurgc::.t b<tnk
makes a $3.7 billion t.:rror. und follows up a week later b y
rinding <Jnothc·r S800 million error. it 's enough to make
an vone nc.•rvo11..,
· Tht• <.·rror!\ wt·n· ni:\<I•· hy \-lanufa<.'tur1·r ... llanovt'r
Trust Co of' '.'it"·A York in n •JJl)rlin).! to the f"l'<kral
H1 ·-.,·nc· \\h1d1 1n turn O\ 1•t t·st1mat1·d llw 1wtw11 s b:Jsi<'
rnont•y s uppl_\ "' lt whopping S.1 5 hilli1rn m the first thrcr
w1°t.'ks of <ktotwr
The bank hlan11•d ltlP loul·UP 011 .1 nt•w form being
llM'<I to report monl'y !->llpphl's t1J thl' h •cl . which in turn
rcµurts to lh<.• nation
ll was part1eult1 rly untimely. C'om1ng JU!\I v. hen the
Fed was taking ralher dramatic aclion to cool the ((oar
th&:1 t an excess of money was floating around. h~· r;.i1sing
interest rates <md tightening cred it
T here arc those who b<>licvt! t h1· inflated f1 gun•s on
the money s upply contnhuted lo th1· s lo<"k m<irket UP·
heaval that found miJny investor!'> M 0lling too cheaply for
fear the even tighter Fed controls m1i:ht be forthcoming.
Fed officials said investors s huuldn 't h ave "over
reacted" because preliminary money !-.upply fi~ure ...
often arc cor rected.
That's a ll well and good but 1t seems lo us a S4
billion error would be enough lo make anyone overreact.
The fact is both Manufacturer's llunovcr Trust and the
Fed blew it very badly.
At least they didn't use our bank"s excuse of blaming
It all on some computer
• Opinion~ e~pressed 1n the space above are !hose of the Daily Pilot
Other views expressed on this page are !hose ot their authors and
artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted Ad dress The Dally Pilot, P.O
Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (71 4) 642-4321
Boyd/Pidgin English
Orientals In t h e South
Pacific wanted t o learn
enough English to talk busi ·
neaa. but ~hen they said
bu.alnesa English, It sounded
D Jar
Notice the Santa Ana
School Board. which re·
centl y c ancele d Its
achool brenkf ast prort
1 r am , is upset a bou
"Playboy" bein1 sold
p ublic bulldlnaa. Let
the kida 10 hunfry. but
for be1ven'1 'uke c lean
up the ~rthouse!
c;. ""''l ... ,_. •• ,. -"'"'· "' ....... •11• .. -MHINflly ...... !flt .. .,...,. ti ""' .....-........... ~,.. ........ ........ ,e...o.ity~
like bidginess Englis h,
which later was corrupted by
whiles to pidgin Eng lish.
Consider this Shukespearian
quotation· "To be or not to
be, that is the question." in
Pidgin, it reads: ''Can do, no
can do. how fashions."
Catfish can predict earth·
quakes. Or so the scientists
new say. In fact, by wiggling
their barbels in some certain
manne r which the scientists
can interpret, those catfis h
reportedly predicted 17 out or
20 earthquakes in Japan dur-
ing 1977.
Q. What'• the purpose or
epaulet.a on a mllltary uni·
A. Can only tell you their
orlalnal purpose: to protect
shoulders from aword cuta.
ln the Ut.er1ry foot.note• la
the claim that Lewla Carroll,
the creator of ".Alice's Ad·
ventur.. ln Woaderland."
wrote .n •"er11• of more tbu IO ........ a WMk duriq
UM lutrt years of lall Ute.
I '
.. . ~. OcloW 31 . 1919
JackAod non
T"9fMI KMVtl ,....,
a..n.a ~mbkh1ed110r1e1 Pe.-ldllar
Cambodians Pawns of Politics
WA 'lll NOTON J 1mmy
Carter'it aanctimonloua sermons
on human rtahllf h•vC! become a
crut>I mockery to mllllona o r
CambodlWlll, who arc dying of
•lurvaLlon and dl11Hite -htiJr,-1 H puWl\I beln& 1ucrlf1ced n
the d udl>t chess &IUJH~ of big
loK>Wt•r pollUcs -
Despite USlfurtlllcc• frum the
Carter admlnl1tratJon that the
United Stattis
wo u Id &ive
food to Cam
bodlana "Ir
reapectave of
tht.'1r poht1c,.1l
uut honty,''
Offll'I Ul b
w1th1 n the
Slnk Oepurt
m1·nt h ave
d ti It bN at l' I y
sabotaged ltus humane policy
according to a wide ve1rlety of
"The• problt.!m hai. bl'en that
IH!O ple an l ower l eve l s .
i.pec1f1tall y iJl thl.! East Ash.an
tksk, have been doing nothing
but obstruc·tang efforu to aid Lhl·
Cambodian!>," one Cu pa tot H.111
source told our 1 l.'porll'r l~ucettc
Lagnado ...
burl'uucra~ have been blam1n~
lega l and ·con g r ession ul
1 oadblocks for thC'1r inaction
Bui thl• real rca~on , according to
our source:., 1s a deep-scuted an
ta Vietnam bias in the St ate.·
/\ppurcnlly it wa~ rt·un·d that
some relief i,upphes m11otht fall
into thl' hands of the V1ctna meSl'
invad('rs. he lping them solidify
Lhei r uuthority in Cam bod its
Hathcr thun run that n !'>k, our
calloU!; diplomats c:hosc not to
implement the massive food pm ·
gram needC'd to prevent lht·
virtual extinction or the Cambo
d1ao Pl'opll'
The anti·Vletnamc st' "Lill" in
the State Department was rt:
cently reflected in the !->hamefut
U S. vote to seal the infamou!'.
Pol Pot regime in the Unttl'd Na
t'l)ns , despitl• the evid<•nce
which we have been report.ins~
for more thun two yc:.irs that
1l wa s rci.pons 1ble for tht•
... 1aui.:hlt•r of m1llrons or C'ambo
d1an!-'<1111·1· 11 st•1'l.1·cl 1>t1v.cr 111
FOK R EASONS l)f ~lobul
'lr:.tt·g\. lite l r11t ed St<1t('-.
tk1·1n ... II 1mp<1rt.111t lt> JOIO tht·
t 'l\l lll''>I.' an ..,upp11rt uf Pol Pol
Earl Waters
and oppow tht• n \ .tl ~"' f'rnnwnl
:-.t'l up lly Sm·1t·l liat"k1·tl Vwt
r1amest' troop.., "It V.J'> 1111iro·
1mport<.10f'<' for us 111 g1v1• lh1· So
v1cts a d1plomttt1t· kick in thE· ass
than it wus for II!< tu fN·d th<' p<•o
pl(' ... c·ha 1g\·d11nl· I. nu~ ll·d~w.i bl•·
... ourtl'
It· s not a~ 1f t h1· h11r ror~ ol
('arnbod1a i. !'>larv1ng million'>
1·,1111<· ai,, any -.urpn-.1· Io 1>111
polH·) mak1·r -. Thi· ",t.111•
. l)cpartment lw!'oi known :-.rm·•· <rt
l1•as t March thul the unhappv
0l'OUntry wa '> f.1 c·1 n g a food
-.hortag(' or 1·a1 .• -.1rr1phu: propor
I !On!'>. accord in~ to ... ou r<·f>s in the
cll'partmenl and ('ongn•s'> In
11·lhg('nce reports 1nformN1 tht•
.1dmin1strnllon that onl) :> t•1 "'
pl'rcent of Cumbod1a'!-> arablt•
I.incl "'a& be in~ planll,11 la -.1
s 11nn~
THIS WAS c·onrir,plt:d hy
a secret CIA r~Hl'ft early
1\ ugust. which offc•rt'd the hur
rowing pr~:ia·t1on lh<1t a ... manv
J .., :i 5 m1l1111n people would
-.1arvl' to dt·ath J' ,1 n·-.ult '''
pour h,1rVl'SI~ nt"'ll l)l'r t·ml><·r
.11111 .l:11111a1 ~ OHll'r n·1111rts 1n
d1c·Jll•1I th;1t I' phu-. .111d m.1l.1 n.1 '''·n· ch•1·1111.1111w 11!1· 111111111 :111•111
Th1·r·1· :in· \ 11 lu:illy IHI <·l11lt.lrt ·r1
lllltll'I '."1. ,1111( f111 I \ l•I \ Iii! th
th1·rc· an· 111 dt·Jtli
But for l'11n i.1d1·rat111n 11f
d1pl11m.1tw gJme-.nwnst1111. ~h1·
(' Jrter adm1nislr at1on I'> e1p
pilf('nl b willing tu twiddle 1t.-.
th umb-. while th<' grcatc·s t
~1·noc1dal dba.'>ll'r :.ince ll1lll·r·.,
lfc1lotaust runs its s 1ckcn1ng
1·1rnr"t' In Southeast As1<1
l'o111not1· Hntwrt Oakl<'Y or
tht• S1,1tt· lh·partna·nt 's Ea..,l
,\.,1,111 bUrt'JU dt•n1l'"<l that hi'\ of
r1c1· hjd f:uled to 1mplemt·nt lhl·
p11t11·:-. 11( food aid to Camhod1:.i
·1 tw \'wtriamc-.<· woulcln t 11·1
u... d1:.lributc the r<·lll'f .. up
pl1c!I . hl· s~ud. a nd tht• pro~ram
W&i!'> hampered by strict monitor
1ng pnx·edure:. ioi.1i:.ted 1in b>
J Dl('IAL ABCt.: More th:in IOIJ
ft•tlc-rpl JUd~CS have ~1101' tr>
.,unny Flnndu ror a crni.h <·<11Jr..1·
1n c·onst'r"Jtnl' f•1·111u1m1C'!'>
l'tJllrtl'Sy of sume <tf lht• l11g~t· ... 1
1·orpor;1tl• fall· at-; that "'rll 1·vl·r
JPl>ear befon• them ,..., th:f<m
A <·on fadt•ntt:.el mf mo 1n th1·
S<•natc Ju<l1<·1e1r y C11mm1tt1.,..
<·:ills the seminars for judl(l•s "a
hra:wn :attempt b\ the Hu .. rne ... ..,
Houndtuhle ('rnv.d to infhJl·nt·1·
I hf• 1•nft1rf'flmf'nt Of IHtt ll rus t
'I h•· int t•ru:il nH·mo ;t1l1h
'. r'inantll\~ fur \t11· 11ro~ra1n
1 ••Ill • rr11Hl c·11n1 pan11• ltk1
)'r11("l1•1 & <;;a mlil•• I B \1 Jltd
1;l·n1·1 .,) Elc·t·trn· hn 1 lh1 rP
JO~ qUl'"l11111 about the t llllt .. 11(
Judges accept.mg, even Indirect·
ly. the hospit~lity of defendants
m federctl cases""
The courses are held al the
law und l'conom1c cente r or the
U n1ve rs1ty o r Mi a mi Law
Sc· hool Its fla rect o r , Henry
M annl'. d<'fondl'd lht• seminars
Pnthus1astically, and denied thal
:1 n ¥--Of hrs ~u esl lec t .,.rer:-.
"h1 ut1ht politics " 1
Mannt· claimf'<l th<.tt his ('Ourse
1s one in "po'>1t1V(! t•1·onom1cs."
and d•H's n ot fol l ow any
particular school or economic
thought But that's n<it what we
W<.'rt' told by :-.t•veral lci;al t:X·
perts whn a ttend e d the
sc m inurs They slud an a nt1-
rei;: u I atr1ry all1tude dominates
thP lectures, which stress so-
1•alh.•d ··rrc·c market " theon es
f.1 \ orc<I hy thl• g1 ts nt corpor<i·
11on-. that put up money for the
Thf.'y uli;o <>uggestl•1l that th ·
JUd~e!'> would he easier LO im·
press with :ml1 ·rc~ulatory hor ·
ror slont-s than exl)(!rts In the
f1<>l<I would l><'
Tht> compan1t•s listed an thu
84.'nate committee memo con
firmed to us thC:tt they SUPPOrl
\1 annp's (•t•nler lo lh1• lUnt.! or
h11111ln·1h of th11u !'>ands of
d•1l1Jr' Ttw1r -.poke ... mt>n 1n!'>1-.1
1·d that t ht• <·orporattnns h:ul 1111
c 11ntrol un·r the <:ont1·nt •1f tho
v1 ugrcJm.'> lhcy fund
New Judicial Posts Increase-Tax Burden
I 11 an Jppart•nt dfort to
hol-;ter ht~ 1·ampalgn tn·asury,
Gov Jt•rry Brown has aµproved
the m11sl monumt·ntal political
putronagc measure of a ll times
The bill, appropriately num-
bered SB 53. will <1dd 53 judges
to the state's judicial system.
The suspicion that Brown took
the action as a way to raiae
ca mpa ig n
fund s i s
by the.
knowl e d gf!
that he has
me t wit h
great dJfflcul·
ty in finding
supporters to
kick In ha rd
d o llar s i n
furtherance of his Presid ential
as pirations. Exactly what the
creation of so m any political
plums as are re presented by the
new judgeships will mean by
way of contribution cannot be
measured. But the costs to tax·
payers of such largesse has been
Art Hoppe
l'St1mall'<l It> 111 oil l1·a ... l $~10
million a ~··ar
That figure 1~ µro1.1dt•d bv
U11s /\nge>lcs Supt·rior Court
Judgl' W1ll1 um I\ Muont·ll who
vigorous ly oppo:-.cd the 1n
Munnell '!-> view cannot Ix• d1~
missed llghtly . A Ucmocrat, ht·
was appointed to the court by
Gov. Rrown a fter serving 12
years an the Assembly Whal"'
t here. he i:w rved as majority
leader a nd was a powerful
me mber of the Ways a nd Means
Com mlttee His budJtetary
knowled ge the refore as con
s1de rablC'.
SINCE GOING on the bench,
Munnell has been an ac tive
leader in the judicial system.
serving as presiding judge and
In the statewide judges' assotja.
tion as well
His assessment or the costs in·
e luded a ll the r amlf1cat1ons ~r
the new pos ts "i,uch a s a~
mlnistrators. clerks, reporten..
bailiffs and secretaries," which
he culculated "will be in lht.!
;1ri·.1 of $SO m1llwn ,1 "t'JI ' 111
,1d d1t11111 . nl'w t·o14rt h11 u.,, . ...,
"'hNt· rt'ttUirt·d . wilt CO!>t untold
n11 ll10n.'> morl'
'If, he said. "such JUd~e
:.hips a re necessary for thv
Jdm1nri.trat1on of jUs t1ct•, 11
"'nu Id bl· a jusllf1able expense··
Hut Munnell left no doubt th<1t
ht> believes the additional JU<4te~
are unnecessary and the ex·
pense ts unjustified
"T he Le~h,Jature enacted the
Manda tory A rbi tration Ac t
which bttamc effective July I.
1979. This slngle act is a lready
having a dram allc fi rst month
impact on reduc ing s uperior
court workJoads. ·' He added it
will be hailed as a m ajor reform
o f the courts "when it bas
become fully implemented."
M unneU also pointed out that
the July 1979 incr ease in
Jurisdiction of the municipal
courts 1s r esulting in less
s upe rior court filings a n d
further cited m easures pendlog
in the Le~islature to consolidate
s uperior and municipal court.s
as a plan which would further ar.
rt:cl '\Upenor coun. worklottdS.
For those reasons he said th<1t
actmn to add to thl· numbt•rs or
JUdJ(es should be at least dt-
ferred until the results of the re
forms havl' bl•en detl.!rmlned.
"IT IS CLEAR that once the
new JUd~eshl ps a re created.
judicial work will expand in ac·
cordance with Parkinson's Law
to fill t ime and space a lloted. A
decrease in the number or s uch
offices once c reated will be little
short of impossible."
.. An increase In the number of
s uperior court judges will also
m ean an increase in appellate
co urt requirements .•• he
Despite such logic from so
formidable a personage, a nd
notwithstanding hls own charges
that there were too many judges
a ud his pose as a fiscal con·
ser vati ve, Gov. Brown nonethe-
less blithely signed the bill ad·
ding the 53 ne w judges.
After all, wha t's more lmpor·
tant, his presidential ambitions.
or s aving the taxpayers' money?
A Rotten Trick to Play on Widows and Orphans
"Pssst. Mac! Wanna double
your money?" It was Milton
llaberdash, former salesman of
suede shoes and one ol the frnest
flim.nam art.Isla the old shell
gam e haa ever known.
"What is it this time, Mill?" I
asked, stepping lnto his dark al-
1 e y . "Th e
pigeon drop? \
The M ys ·
tertou s -)
Missln& Mex •
lea n M a n · 9 ,
ga n ese ~
Mine? Surely
you 're n ot
stlll peddling
s h ares In
Penn Cen .
ttal?" .
"I have.~e jealt," said Milt,
opentns *ack._Gladatone bes.
"Juat ca•t your peepers on
thete." I
There were bundle• of them ln
UO and ••oo denomlnallona.
"You b.:.iabeea coua~ U.S. Sa boadll" I "That'• a t.deral rap.•·
·'On m y mothe r 's grave,
they're the real McCoy," said
Milt. "I promised the judge I
would go s traJght. And I am now
a certified e mployee or the
Dep artment or the Treasury,
selling these bonds to widows,
orphans , n-ews pape rmen and
other poor unfortunates so they
will have a safe and luc rative
place lo keep their life savings.•·
·'And I can d o ub le m y
money?'' I asked suspiciously.
·•Guaranteed,·• said Mill, pull·
mg an lm~j?ssively engrayed
SlOO bond Trom a s tack. He
glan ced ne rvo us ly over his shoulde~"IbJs one I caft let you
have for 50 bucb on the apot."
WELL. I KNOW a good bu)'
when I sec one. So I ponied up
my tu t 50 bucks. Just lo make
sure, though, l showed It lbe
next day at tho omcc to Ed Helf
oer ln AccounUnl'.
"Ob. ll 'a aenuine all rl&ht," he
11ld. ··not dos. I 've doubled my
money," l said.
"In 11 year s," he said.
"That's when you can cash it in
for $100 -you should live so
"Well, I'm In no hurry," I
said . "It's rot my old age."
··And with double·digit lnfla·
lion," he s aid, "that UOO ln 11
years will be worth less than $32
in today's money. t .
"But I paid $50 for lt In toda.y'c;
m oney," I protes ted'. "Yo u
mean Hnberdash has s wtndled
me out or $18?"
"NO, YOU'LL have to wait
until 1980 before the swindle ls
co mpl e te ,•· h e s aid .
"Meanwhile, you'll be out 50
bucks .• And on lop of that, they'll
demand you pay taxes on the 50
bucks you didn't mike on your
~ buclc.'I." (.
"W alt a minute,·· I uld.
··Let the people know the
f acta. and the countn will be
I ale." A,,,.,,. Uncola
"H a b e rdasb tol d me the
Treasury Department was fork·
ing out more than 10 percent in·
terest these days."
"That'll to rich folks who can
a Uord $10,000 Treasury bills,"
he said "Widows, orphans and
newspapermen are lucky to get
half that on savings bonds."
THAT DID it..1 went down and
1>w ore o ut a warrant for
Haberdaah's arrest on cbar1es
of fraud, extortion and felonious
mo pery. U I can gel my money
b ack. I 'm goine to take Ed
Heffner'& advice and lnvett il
wtseJy in wine, women and song.
The. cop1 think 1 have an i.lr-
tight caae. But they're looltina
for "Mr. Big." And rl1bt1,y so.
Anyone who'd eonc:oct a 1cheme
lo •wind.le widows, orphans and
newapapennen out of tbelr life
savlnea ln order to spread 10
percent larpue 1mont hla fat
cat trtenda t. a dirty rat. And lf
they catdl bim, I booe tbeJ Mnd
UM Secretary ol UM TreUU?J up rorUfe.
·vi~t,na1n Vets '~plode'
-For years. th men m calm .
· Th• IOIMtblq MU Off the
1una U. &Mlr Macie. tM klat
"Mnt ,_.of Viet.Dam . briqin&
hell lbe1trawna "ol eombal ana '7i' ., \M Mtel'iq wwndl. lrol Mann . who WH • medte • Yllitnaln • .........,. Wd rr ,....... "-lat• al aunpolnt
ID a U.., dlNrcb in St . Albani. W. \11. ff• autrendered after
makin1 an oblfcene •t atement
on the 1'9dlo lo whkb he com
plained ol medical problems lbe
military bad lpored.
klleve the Vietnam veteri.ns
who explode to VlOlenUy are ~
actlne to delayed combat slre .
the h aunting return of the
O'lemorws and rears of combat
in Vietnam
"ThE>~e people are not crazy."
said Don Crawford, a Veterans
Admlnls tratio 11 official
"They've been traumatized by
war and need help to adjust.··
Little ls known· about tbe dE'
l ayed stress reacti o n
Researchers are just starting to
study the problem, and warn
that Mann will not be the lu~t
veteran to explode
or injury and death. In one cast,
a vet kept seeing decapitated
bodies after 10 years of no prf/
blems." said Malcolm Farmer.
War Trauma Triggers
Delayed R eaction
beed ol counaeUn11t 1 loc11 VA BOTH UGl!D..AT whit they
-----=-,-=-1r.:r--::wa1 the lndltference of
"We 're aolnt to have to Uvci America to the problems and ~Ith It lot years and ye1ra.'" anaulth ol Vtet.nam vela. Before
1aid Crawford. "tr we h•d atart· their outburltai they were quite
t!d dolna 10methln1 •bo'-lt At 10 ditterent, Lape le said.
1ura •10. lt mltht have tx.-en Mann, working as an am-
beUer. Now th probluma art: bulance paramedic, was "very,
<'omplu beyond our understand very upset about where he was
mg In life and what he wanted to
··We've made a national error do," Lapelle sald. Leach -a
that we're gomg to hkve to live former Chesaie employee -
wllh," Crawford said. •·was a pretty solid citizen
IN AN 1-;FFORT TO deul with without any problems." Leach ls
delayed stress and other chronic In an Ohio prison. Mann,
problems that trouble veteran.s, cba.rged with kidnapping, is at
Congress in Lbe s ummer Weston State Hospital for
authorized the VA to set up psychiatric tests.
Operation Outre ach. Undur Lap~Ue said Mann's "reac-
Crawford's direction, 71 counsel· Hons were quite normal.·•
1ng centers are being set up "We just don't know that
around the country. much about these explosions.
The program was proposed Maybe more contact with Mann
eight years ago. could have prevented it. But
Larry Laoelle. a VA voca· there was just no lime," be said.
tional counselor 1n Huntington.
dealt with Mann in a numbt-r of
veterans programs.
He also grew up with Ashby
Leach, the Vietnam vet from
Huntington who held 13 persons
hostage at the Cleveland head-
quarters of the Chei,ste Sys tem
railroad in 1976
fessor of psyl·hology at Purdue
University and a pioneer in the
study of delayed stress reaclion,
described the phenomenon as
the eruption of long.simmering
pressures and me mories.
.. Delayed s trei,s basically 1s
San Di._.Jfo lnt ... rnational
Miramar Airport Urged
Pete Wilson says he regards
Miramar Naval Air Station as
the best future site of San Diego
International Airport
The city's airport is downtown
at Lindbergh Field
BUT THE NAVY 1s against
su('h a plan
.. The greatest advantage 1s it~
size:· Wilson sai_~ Tue!>day of
the 22.000.acre b)lse m north
central San Diego: .. lt would be
even bigger than the Dallas· Fort
Worth Airport."
Lindbeq;ih Fteld is on 500
acres closed in by the occun and
s teep hills packed with homes or
bus iness buildings . Some
persons claim the location is
and the City Counci l favored re-
locating the municipal a irport at
Brown Field 1 ne<t r the Mt•x1can
border •
Hut the Federal /\ v1at1on Ad·
minis tra tion opposes Orown
Field because the area h as
mountains on two sides
The• Navy ha~ refused to dis·
cuss sharing 1ls Miramar field.
which I!> U.'>ed by JCt fighters
training for t:.ike offs and land
ings A i.poke..,wo man 5aid 1t
would ro!>l SJ b1lhon to relocate
the base
is dut.• Jan :ll from thJ: Com·
prehen~1vc Planning ~ganiza
There may be a referendum
vote on tht> primary b<.11lol next
Hot Hat!
L------Tencer roast beef. lots of cheese plus g reen ch1les
stuffed into a pastry shell and cooked 'till golden
brown' Don't wait to try this lunch o r late-night sandwich great'
Now! Special Savings
for c=p Dish Lovers! r
Bite into Deep Drsh pizza made the way
you want it. Cheesy. Thick crust. Fresh
toppi_(lgs At a deliciously low price.
Any way you top it,
Straw Hat can't be toppeCt.
---------------------------------------------Beef Lovers Special
Introductory Offer
pte .. Cheek your pertlclP1tlng · Str~ Hat Rettaurant f()( llflilabillty o1 offer
Offer exp1r• Nov.mbtr 14, 1GN
Umtt one COUPCJn "'~ ••c.'9otly
·~ Struw Hc1t . · ..
Deep Dish Lovers Special .
any larg~ Deep Dish pizza
Please check your partlclpaltng
Straw Hat Restaurant for ava1llbllity or offer
Ofle< uplrea NOYembe~·t 1G7G
Umlt one QOUJ>Ofl per cultomer
• a la~ only LA46
rs'/liifliM •• ___J
\ I
puttlng oll dealing with an ex·
tremely d!lficult period in Ule."
he aald.
Combat stress iJ not new but
Vietnam veterans faced mique
conditions in combat and at
home. Figley said . A
nightmarish guerrilla war in a
dlreateoln1 alien world ud the
nation11 l.ndlHerence wh-en-n.i....-,--
returned clouded their tninds
with reeUnga that have oever
been confronted. he said.
resen~. the feeling that they
gave part of their lives and de-
serve some recognition," Figley
said. ,"It you scratch any Viet-
nam veteran that boaWity will
come through."
Studies suggest that up to 8S
percent of Vietnam combat
veterllns are troubled by war
memories and a sense or "biller· •
ness and resentment over feel·
inglt of being used," Figley sajd.
Within that group, as many as
2,500 veterans may be teetering
on the edge of psychopathic
rage, Figley estimated.
ing or stress to the veteraru..
"Many of them are in their ~
now. which is · a very difficult
time when mos t people naturally
r c fll't't on thc•ir live!> and
achievement::..·· he said
The way ~oldiers entered and
left I Vietnam alone. rather than
an units where buddies could
lend t•mohonal support. al~o
contributed to the s tress. hl·
C an1bodia11s Sfart~ing .,.
A young me1lnoun !'-hC'd Cctmbochan boy 1s toweled out
..,1de <.1 field ho:-p1tt1 I ill .1 new refugee camp an Sa K ac\\,
Thailund 1-lundrl'd-. r>f -.t<i rvmg Cambodians are receiv
m~ nwd1cal C1~~1-.1 JOC'l· <.1fter fl eeing their war tom coun
untinlfton Beaeh
Wl• s1.·ll lrr .. r 11u.1h ty .rnd d1M11ntinul'fl
nwn·h.rntlh •' trom !-.ear' lt1.·t.11J Jntl
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Hard rubber wheels and 55· elas11c
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CHICAGO (Al') -A ._. • * .................... ...
... " llllfit;lll .., .. ,... =.:.'r!f .... ,... ...................... ......... -.; ...... ., ... .... , ............ , ... . .. .._. ...... , r • .., a Milft
"1do!W_,.la a lLwl .......
.................... a.i ........
·II may luok rul1l·ult)I;\ her<'. Madam. bu• on dry land and
1~ m~ m1lll'u I tJn ak4irc )'OU I cul 1.1u1h· an 1m~lrl8
l lj.!Urt•''
Misehie f Wanes
UnrulY Pupils
Taken t o 'Jail'
WINDSOR, N.C. (AP> -Troublemakers at
Bertie J unior High School often don't get sus·
pended. instead, they go to "jail." ·
When Betty J enk ins escorts her class to a
t1ma ll Army Quonset hut with thick-screened win
dows behind the school, students in nearby
classrooms jeer, "Hey jailbJrds."
the door is shut. Anyone contemplating breaks.
snoozing in cl~s or an early out can forget It .
Other than a brief lunch break in an otherwise
empty cafeteria and perhaps a chaperoned trip to
the bathroom. the ''jailbirds" remain confined
from 8:30 a.m. until school lets out at 3 p.m.
"J aile r" J enkins is watching over Bertie
J unior High 's problem !>tudents. Most have been
caught more lhun once culling class or smoking
After consultation with parents, who are al·
lowed to cbooee between the hut and suapenslon.
students are sent for a mlrumum three-day stay In
her "Alternate Adjustment Lab," where they must
complete homework assignment.:; sent by teachers
each day Through good conduct and partic1pat1on
in group projects, they earn pol.Ills J.hat assure
their release.
Jenkins, a form~r home economics teacher. "But
it doesn't bother me. No, J don't think it does. J 'm
more concerned a bout my students."
T he program was designed two years ago as
an a lternative to suspending students. After the
firs t year, suspensions were reduced by 40 per-
cent, school officials say. Last year, suspensions
were nearly halved.
Though the one-room hut wasn't intended
originally to simulate a jail, school officials say
they're not about todiscouragethe idea.
"Characterizing it as a jail cert.ainJy has bad a
psychological effect," said Larey Ivey, Bertie
achoo I superintendent. • ·. . . we don't want it to be
seen 88 any type of reward syst.e~ . . . "j
superintendent for the state Department of Public
Imtructi.on, says the approach is "an ingenious
way to help problem students."
"lf you let the student go home by stus~dlng
him , it's llkelurning a rabbit loose in a briar patch,"
be said. "At Bertie Junior lligh, It's a different situa-
tion. Wegiveittoprecommendations "
$175 each
' --· .._..
UlrtlJ to lie ol eoroear;r dil1M1 than l*>DM wbo a bttaln trom
aleMO&, tlae NPlll't ••fl· But es· aeur ... , aleobol prot•tt•
a11 aat lleart dlHIH 11 IOIMtlllDI tbe rwearehen cloll't now•eun .
Uonal HHrt ln1tlt ute wrott. H m• ... P'OUPI ..S .,. .._
..Wlth 11 mWloa aJeoboUa la ume aodo·economle back·
tb.ll eowmy we perbapt bave a 1rounc1. tfJMU'Cbtr Dr. WaJMr
mn11,. f« wbleb WI COUDtr1 Wiiiett Nici la a t1l1ph• tD·
la not 1• ,.... .. . &ervlfnr,
Tb• NNareben, a team ot He uld pnvloul ltudlel allo
Aa· e41tortal ••1• doctort 1ho1dd IOOk eauU0&11ly 1t lbe ,lad .. "
doetora at H•rvard Medical bave found 1om• medlelDal
School, eolleeted data o, • value ~· but did not Hy men wbo bad died of beut dll-. •bat e COIDllD••t wu eue and compared lt to data OD benefit al. Tbll atudy .. more
aa equal number of men in the • "ltroncly ladicat.el that aJeobDl
can 1.a-1111.
Dr. .P. CuteW of tbe Na·
8 oz. EACH • u.
Film or Balm _ LIQUID '-"..
. 3 oz. u. EA. MAl<E-UP 1 OL
• Long lasting colors
that cling
• KISSING KANES ! ,....;~~ Oelic1ous super flavored
t J J ~ stick gloss
,_.! 11~:· ~~1.99 a
Actually ellmtnates the
need lor pre-mo1stur 1ztnQ
special water in 011 sy~tern
3.75 1 oz. ~ZE
CUTEX ~ Neutrogena w1N TER eoNusEs
:-:~. "NATURAL SESAME SEED" 4 , C\ BODY Oil (8oz.)PLUS V
.. -1t..;;.,. (1 % oz.) BODY OIL IN 4 .. 50 CREME ENAMELS
---Assort ed
HAND CREAM (2 oz.) Colors ~ru~~> 4 2.4s :z$. l
REGUW '3.00 2. 0 A
2 OL Deep M1s1 Moisture Lotion
plus Pure Beauty Liquid
Make·Up(toz) 4.50
..,._ __ _.. ·'7,75 VlWE
~r:A~'UtS KRAZY NAILS HM ....,.All-U•l
Long nail tips that need never be
removed Contains· 16 nail tips.
orange wood slick. 1nstan1 nau
-----~u~& am<y bulter •5_50
Faberges Fabulous
So Fresh And
2 OL
HENNAS 8 oz. EA.
Put •fewword8
lo work tor you.
Ultra Rich
11 oz. llOTTl£
C1Pamv hp coior tna1 1as1s
w1tn c1,.amv \tee"' app111.at1on
In '>ll•ny '>11adf'S
2.75 EA.
OGtt:VIE ~
Enr1cnec ,.. th ''\ blP 1)+1, r•. 01
tC;()(]1l10ning Oil tc' rOIOt
lrP ite<l ~ 11t:JI <' 1rn.tqtd
t Ill
8 az. 3.50 ·. · ... .. .. .
For curls and
waves that look
an<l leel so
Lee Na i Is :~S:J>" •mf1CAL
Brush-on nails are easy lo
shape. are 1on9 rastrng and
they look bea ut1lul wru le Uiie=a.illalllll:llllHll~
your own nails orow oul
Gold tone pins 1n .a fine selection to choose from.
All perfect accenti for today's fashions
2.50 .3.00 4.99 ======;::;;:::;:::::;::;:=====~ ~PRO:;:;:-,CQ,f oiriQNEff NAIL ~l~AJI NAIL"
ASS'T, 29r;
IY COSMln:G Long beauttful nails with 1ust Activates fasl to thoroogt\ly sirokes 01 a brush' Adheres
... ::: ·ioo :.~::~: .. ~·:.:~&:OD ~ .......... ~~~~;--.,'-""
Hard As Nails
WITll llYl.OI
flGIT .... -~ .... 13· 5
·--CILOll • IA.
,,,,,, n
Reduces peeling & sputhno
01 nallS & lends to promote
nail growth
. ' , ..
·. ,.
I APID:L -SlJwt,..,. ,.., --OW1ll t.be
. nx app9al P'ord roadlter • wbJeb thll
Black Market Laetrile?
New]eney Cops Seize FplM Can£er Pill,a
ELJZ.AB!Tt11 N.J . CAP) -
Two million fue Laetrile pU1a
confl1catecl by Union County
aulhorlU. may ntpreeent letl
lba.o bait tht bolUI tablet.I oo
the black market, wam1 lbe
direct.or of a 1eaal Laet.rlh dll·
tr1buUon center .
"didn't want to 1et Involved.
"I believe lo what I'm dolll.f," Kaye said In a telephone In·
tervlew. "I believe L1&etrtle hu
merit In the treatment of cancer
and I want to keep pboay pllla
off t.be market. But theee 11en·
clet eeem to be interested only
in baruaing legal dlatrtbutors
and doctorl."
Tue1d1y hb poup hat Jurisd.ic·
tlon over the cue but re(X)m ·
mended that Kaye work wttb
Union County offlclala ••u a
matter or npedlency. -
"We had difficulty In gettJng
throutJi to our deputy att.omey
ceneral, IO rat.her than let lt ao.
I suuested be contact UnJon
County,'' Foley said.
Lester Math.I.I, a compliance
officer wttb the U.S. Food and
Drue Admlnlstratlon In East
• I
The best Investment In Y04X fut"911 '°'I
The tnt ~II OU inv.t1m9r'lt-tt. r..t II uP to~
&v ARx>lf ''" ~ onv 714/851 -1 015
800 I ....... ,.. Pl • !Mc. IOI& I M..WllO't klldl, CA 8leel>
Ore1 IC.a)'e1 pnwld nt of <.'yto
MetaboUet or Llnden, tald Tuea·
day the two Lon1 1111.nd, N.Y ..
men who aUesedly attempted loi
aell the pbony pllll claimed ~~I
bad S mtWoa unit• lo their
Welner aald, however, hll of. nee was searching for the
1ource ol the phony plllt.
Oranee. aald he told Kaye the .,.....:::::===============:::.-••wt: JlJ8T OONT know bow FDA doesn't engage ln un·
A11UUing Cad
Lives Again
HOLLYWOOD (AP) -They were a deucedly
odd couple : Brian Aherne, the utterly propt:r
English gentleman, and George Sanders, the
master or insult&
UNtON COUNTY A11i1taol
Prpaecutor Howard Welner said
thct p1lla were conllacated Fri·
day und the men, Stuard Nad·
boy, 3', of Huntington, N.Y., and
Wayne J . Ucker. 32, ot Coram,
N. Y., were arrC!lted as they at·
tempted to sell the pills ro~
'300.000 to Kaye, who was work-
ing with authorities In the buy.
The pair were charged with
atte mpted theft by deception
1md conspiracy and released on
$10,000 baH euch, Welner said.
The suspects may have di many tablets are sUll out tbeie. dercover buys.
penaed the pllls to others or "111EU WAS NO basis for
may bave told Kaye about t.b an lnvesUcaUoo from what he
5 million u part of a tales told us at the time.''
pltcb, to lndicate there was com· Since the state Legislature ap-
petltioo," the prosecutor said. proved the distribution of
Welne r said be contacted Laetrile in New Jersey, Kaye's
various regulatory agencies, but company bas been distributing
was i nformed they had no the controversial drug, which
Jurisdiction over the tablets. proponents say can control
"We don't know what sub-cancer. to patients and doctors.
stances are contained in the Laetrile is a substance denved
tablets, but it definitely Isn't from the chemical amygdalln
l!aetrile." Welner said. found in the pits of apricots,
CoUQty technicians a re testing peaches and bitter almonds.
the tablet.a, be added. The FDA has said the sub-
DON FOLEY, director of the
Drug Control Program In the
state Department or Health. said
stance bas not been proved safe
and effective as an anti·cancer
agent and had banned interstate
• A College Research Team is studying the use ot an
antt-aniclety medlcarlon
Volunteers must be females at least 18 years old.
taking 0<111 contraceptives and expenencino anxiety.
ohysfcat examin811on. tab tnts. medication and 1111111s
with a professional
Call (714) 752-7937
BETWEEN 8 A .M. and 5 P.M.
Yet for more t.Han 30 years they maintained a
friendahlp of sorts,• und that has led to Aherne's
book, "A Dreadfuf' Man" <Samon and Schuster ,
$9.95). Does the title sound harsh? No more than
the title of Sanders' autobiography, "Memoirs of a
Professional Cad."
l(A Y£ CHARGED Tuesday
that he Wormed several federal
and slate agencies when the two
s us pects approached him a
month ago, but the agencies
more succlpctly when accosted by Nigel Bruce
during World War II. Bruce, Dr. Wa~on to Basu
Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes and stout defender or
the British Empire, demanded to know why San·
ders refused to join the British HoUywood colony
In benefits for the war effort.
Sanders calmly replied, "Because I am a S-·.··
Aheme recalls: .. George was the most un·
popular man with the English colony that sprang
up here in the 19306. I met him during that time.
and I took a fancy to him. He continued to amuse
me for the rest of his lire."
j lthougb their careers often kept them apart. They
maintained a lively correspoo·
dence, and the letters, plus those
or Sanders' third wife , Benita
Hume, form the ha.sis of "A
Dreadful Man."
"I hadlmown Benita slightly
in Loodoo," Aheme remarked
during a visit here. "She was
young, pretty and witty, and she
completely captivated Londoo.
She came here and did the same
to Ronald Colman, the perennial u•o1.1u
bacbe&or. They bad a happy t'barriage for 20 years
Ronnie, who was very proper, "-'ouldn't have George
in the house."
Sanders had come to HoUywood to play a <'ad
in "Lloyds of London" < 1937) and continlkd lhc
role for years, achieving the Oscar""as supporting
actor m "All About Eve" (1950). Hts offscreen
performance seemed little dlffe_rent.
at a party without his first wtfe.
"Where's Susan?" Ahem<' asked. "Oh I can't
tiring her to an affair Jike this. :.he bores me,"
~a ndcr replied.
lier real name was Ebie; Sanders couldn'l
hland the name and so called her Susan ..
lie· was briefly married to Zsa Zsa Gabor,
l'Omplaininll afterward that she had discarded him
Her friends were shocked when the widow
Colman married Sanders, figuring that be was
after her money. That may have been true, but
they remamed a happy couple, as their letters lo
Aherne attest.
"His eccentricities were enchantln.g to her,"
said Aheme, "and her gaiety lifted his spirits. He
wrote me, 'My madness is cured.' "
author believes, .because people expected him to
behave like an F!nglishman: "He wasn't English
at all. He was born in Sl. Petersburg, the son or a
family at the court. He was educated in England
becauae that's where the Russian nobility sent
their sons. George was a Slav, and that accounted
for his dark nature ··
"George despised show business and claimed
he only did it for the money. He w as always in·
volved in schemes t.bat would make him rich and
thus free b1m from acting. I know. I invested in his
company to develop new inventions; it went
bankrupt." Lat.et' Sanden invested all of ~is and Benita's
money in a European venture t.bat proved to be a
swindle. 'lben she died a slow miserable dealb and
Sanders himself suffered a stroke. ~roke, forced to
work to survive, be was beset by his old enemy,
In Barcelona for a movie In 1972, he swallowed
sleeping pUla and lert a note: "I am committing
suicide because I am bot~. I feel I have lived long
enoup. J leave you all fri your sweet litUe cesspool
and I wish you luck.'' He was 65.
Toy Gets
Their Goat
Goat farmers were not
a m used when Kenner
Products Co ., the
toymaker, marketed
.. Gobbles," a plastic
goat that ale toy .
garbage, including Un
•'Thal degraded the
goat." said Marty Kane
of Kaneka's Kids Goat
Farm. "They don't eat
garbage. Th ey 're
finicky eaters. They're
brows ers. The y e at
leaves, grain ... Right
now, with the fallin g
le<ives, they go crazy "
Colerarn Towns hip, near
Cincinnati , said Kenner
·'knew 1t was a bad toy
;.ind they took it off the
ma rket."
Kenner s pokesman
Joe Mendelsohn lll said
.. G o bbl es" was
"dropped from our reg.
ular line but it is still
he in g mart<e ted b y
Sears "
"WE DID h ave some
C'onversation last year
with the goat assoc1a·
tioo. They thought it
made fun of goats. We
promised to include a
brochure with the toys
explaining the real facts
about goats," Me n ·
delsohn said.
"It was not very suc·
c e s sful. Mo s t toy s
aren't," he said.
Jazz Group
To Perform
The 18-member Sad-
dleback College Night
Jazz Ensembl e Is
scheduJed ta perform at
7 and 7:45 p.m . Thurs·
day on the center stage
of the new Mission Viejo
Mall. The event is free.
Under the direction of
Bill Kirk, the ensemble
features soloists, Don1.
Harve y a nd Paul
Carman on Sll!Ophones
and Rick BerlCely and
Charles Zevon on lrum·
'Booze' 'Proves Fatal
OSLO, Nonvay <AP> -One man died and 28 Fee Use OK'd ·
otben were hospitalized after drinkinc methyl LOS ANGEL~ (AP) alcobCll wbld! police believed wu sold to them _ Superior Court Judae from a BrUilian freighter drydocked in Krls-• Uwand. IOUlbern Norw1,y. Ricbar,d F.C. lJayden
Pollee arrmted one crew member and ques-has dttmissed a dvil
Uoned odlen, lncludlq the captain of the ship suit contesting t.be con· Qaltaala. A poUee spokesman aaid five barrels of stiluUonallty l>f special
tbe IMI were eoaflleated aboard the sblo--and in-fees impoeed by t.be city
v..U,.,... ...,. tr71De to ftDd out b'lrw much or Arcadia in the wake
metbaol WU IOld ln Kmtlana=::;and=::..· _______ o_f _P_ro_poe_l_U_on_13_. __ _
C.11142-1171. '
Put • ft• word•
to work for ou.
PLAZA~= ta~.:_
Leasing Executive Suites, offering:
Professional services for the
professional company executive,
in a setting with a manageable ~
number of units.
plut: Exercise & shower facili ties,
periodical library as well as all
the usual executive suite amenities.
There 11 a dlfferenct.
F0t 1nt0tn'lttl0n ltld llttftture:
714· 7!52-0234
2082 Mlchel50n, •21 ?, Irvine, CA 92715
2021 8uM011 Center, •213. Irvine. CA 92716
2610 E. (Hd . ' '
ShRplcfty. Vo 911111 l9ttwidl
McC•s Eaa••Sfocll .........
25c.up lo 5150
s100.s500 & up
All Zippers 25c
25c yd. & •low
1/2-l yd. pieces
eawy Falw"-& Knits
FIXTURES FIR SAU .. a.~ ..... UIJMtlMJ ~'I 500 ....._......,..,....,.. MWw; 1 ...,.
loft HeWfr, 4' Secffen,s 3 s ~ ~ T ..... Cb, C ...... lllt .... 40'
.. ,, ... ..,.......,,...'I 5°0 ~"'
-To Our Customers-we would Ike to personally Tham You for
yo1r palt onage over the past 16 yess •d especially for the won-
derful support you · have given us during our sale. Please stop by
one more time durillg These Final Three Days To Take Aclva111-.
Of The lncrecllble" Values That Remain -·The Abboffs. '
. I ,_
-------·· .. -. -·---
.r •
' I ,
I , :
' un
~nf JO
i l l ~
I ,.,,.., .. ~
Bualng Foe Win• Hla Point
Busing Ballot 'Clarified'
J'oie for Proposition 1 Meam 'Opposed'
SACUAMENTO <API Stlcret1uy ot Stale
March Fon1 Eu, reapondlnt to bu.1lna opponents'
complaint.a of bullot confusion, hu declared lhl a
vow tor Pn>potlUon l In the Nov. 6 e lecUon "II a
vote a11lnet court·orderud bualna or school
ct\lldren "
lier omctul atatemenl T.uesday had· been
1ou1ht by Sen Ahin Robbin¥, D·Van Nuyll, sponsor
or thu propoted con tllutlona) amendment, who ex·
preau'd fu•r that votera won't understand it is an
anti bUlin& meuaur"
IT 00£8 NOT SAY THAT THE me11ure
would stop 1tat.e courts from wslng broader atate
s ta ndards to iu ue bu1ln1 ordlers.
Robbins aaid be was worried that people read·
in1 the ballot aummary wouldn't understand that'
the meu ure was meant to stop busing. Opponent.I
contend it actually would have no effect on buain1
in Los Angeles, ita cbler target. because courts
have round deliberate segregation there, in viola·
llon of federa l sta ndards.
Ms. Eu took no position on the measure. but
her statement agreed with Robbins' position that a
vote for Proposition 1 is a vote against buslng.
T• B f'f•r11 .
Adm . Elmo R.
Zumwalt. Jr .•
former chJel of
n ava l orer •· lions, wil step
down at end of
year as chief
executive of-
fi ce r o l
Milwaukee firm
lo take part in
defense issues.
d11y that lhe official aummary or the measure that
wUI U(,>Vt'Ur on most ballots was misleading.
Thal summury, prepared b~ate Allomey
General George Oeukmejian's office, will appear
on punch-curd baUot.s In 42 counties with 87 per·
ct•1\l of the slate's populat\on.
"111E PROPONENTS OF PROPOSITION l -----------------
had indicated to me that a reading of the s horter
version of the ballot title and summary may con-
Condensed to fit the ballot space. it says
Proj)(>61tion I "provides that U.S. Consutulloh will
~overn pupil school a ssignment or pupil
tninsport aUon an California."
* * *
fuse the voters." she said.
"Lest there be doubt, the Intent or the prQpo·
nents of Proposition l is to limit court-ordered bus·
ing of school children In Califomla. A yes vote on
Proposition l is a vole against court-ordered bus·
Ing of school chlldren.
"The opponents o/.JJ>roposition I argue in the
ballot pamphlet that: ~mong other things. busing
1s one of the only tools we have to provide equal
-----Paid Polft1cal Advertiseme,,,----•
Prop~ 2 Funding Major educational opportunity." she noted.
ASKED WHY MS. EU DID NOT mention op·
ponents' argument that the measure would not
s top busing, her top aide. Michael Gagan. said she
was refemng only to "the most definite statement
of opponents" and was me1kang no Jl.ldgmenl about
Reelect Trustees
Larry Taylor Area 3
Harriett Walther Area 1
John Connolly Area 7
SACRAMENTO <AP> Supporters of a little·
pu blicized Nov. 6 ballot measure Lo boost certain
interest rates have raised six times as mu<'h
money as the b~ckers of the controversial anti
busing proposal.
The committee s upporting Propositaon 2.
financed almost entirely by businesses. reporll'd
t hat it raised $973,053. including $76,000 re<'c1ved
after the reporting period ended Oct. 22 , and $9,406
in non-monetary contributions. It reported spl'nd
ing $628.323 to urge voters to approve: the proposal.
THIS COMPARES WITII $155,755 raised by
Californians Against Forced Busing, the main
committee for P roposition l , an anti-busing
measurC"~nsored by state Sen. Alan Robbins. D·
Van Nuys. That committee reported spending
Election officials said .they did not know of any
com miltee opposihg Proposition 2.
Meanwhile. Howard Jarvis, chief force
behind last year's property-tax cut Proposition 13.
said be has decided to endorse Proposition 4, the
spending limit measure on the ballot. '-
E arlier, J arvis had surprised Propos ition 4
s upporte rs by saying he could not support it
because it was loo lengthy and complicated.
A spokesman with Butcher-Forde Consulting
or Irvine . Jarvis' political consult ing firm. said
Jarvis re read Proposition 4 over the weekend and
decided to endorse It.
Proposition 2 would eliminate the JO pcrc:cnl
interest-rate limit on some loans, :ind in other
cases allow the use of either the 10 pcrcl'nt hm1t or a floating rate based on interest rates charged
banks by the Federal Reserve Board. whichever
was higher
Chicken Feed
Stamp Buy Record
NEW YORK < /\ P) -/\n envelope bearing
three 1869 stamps cancelled with an imprint of a
"running chicken" was sold al auction for a record
S240.000 Three years ago. the same envelope sold
for $45.000.
The envelope lor cover ) was purchased Tues·
day by William Crowe. a S<tn f'ranclM'O starnp
ot what stamp collectors call a fancy cancel. It
w~1s whi ttled out of cork by John W. Hills. a
W<tterbury, Conn .. postmaster
On the envelope. which is addressed to "Pror
Wm H. Brewer, New Haven Ct." the running
chicken was stamped separately on three 1869
Benjamin Franklin one-cent stamps
"It's the running chickens lhat a re worth all
the money." said a spokes woman for the Sotheby
Parke Bernet Stamp Auction Co.
The $240.000 price tag is the largest ever paid
for a cancellation cover, the spokeswoman added
See 80 new rnodet mobile homes • Quality built
• Spedoua llvtng, up to 2100 sq. ft.
1980'• belt housing values!
DllCOYer the new wof1d of recreation vehicles
• Over 800 veraatile models
fr9n1 the F•nily C.mplng Industry.
Culently, the floating llmil would be 17 per· cent.
Mo. sourcl·s or consumer Joans banks , suv
rngs an loans and credit umons -arc already ex
'empt from the 10 percent limit.
\O percent limit has been outdated by innation and
has driven soml:' funds out of the California loun
market. This. they s ay. tends to drive up other in
tcres t rate:.
Voters re1ectcd two simllur measures in 1976
Among the financial supporters of Proposition
2 a re the Prudl'ntial Insurance Co . $25,015.
Union Bank. S25.000. Pacinc Gas & Electric Co ..
$25,000: Metropolitan Life ln~urancc Co . $25,000.
Bank-America Corp., $25,000; Southern Californ11.1
r;dison, $25.000: Aames Horpe Loan. $22.000, and
Sl·curity Pacifi c Corp . S30.000
the outcome or laws uits
Ms Eu'urged voters to ~ludy the ballot pam
phlels. which contain argumcnL'i from botn sides
Copies of the pamphlets wtll be al every poll·
ing place, and in placci. with the shorter ballot
titles. a longer title and summary will be posted in
voting booths
King Tut Bi g Dra w
SAN FRANCISCO I AP 1 A 'urvey estimate~
that visitors to the recent Kmg Tut display spent
$108 million during their stay in San Francisco.
The survey conducted by the M.H De Young
Memorial Museum showed that 63 percent or those
quc!>t1oncd ~aid lhl'Y came to San Francisco
primarily to St:l' lhl' Trt-a~ure:. l)f Tutankhamun.
"h1ch cm.led a four m1mth run at the museum an
lht.· foll.
anne klem 1vor~: soft wmter white
/ ' I, I / I
// .. /I
// // /// / , .. I /' . I ,,// I · /
' '1
I ~ -----__.,,...,.,
I '..
South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa 967-161 1
Vot~ for Incumbents No•. 6
Comm111ee for Reelection ot lhe lncumbenh
Margaret Sherman Cha1rper~on
31423 Coast Hwy . :33
So Laguna CA 92677
___ .,, __
Ivory the Anne Klein way.
The ~fter shade of winter
white. Luscious. rich and
versatile fo r holiday season.
And as the ultimate tailored
ivory suit for resort. Ivory
wool crepe single·breasted
blazer 232.00, and slim yoked
skirt 106.00. Crystal pleated
georgette suit b louse.with
stock tie is ivory polyester
georgette 122.00. Sizes 4. to
12, by Donna Karan and
Louis qell'Olio for
Anne Klein & Co.
South ·Coast Plaza.
,j American Designer Sportswear
1.magn1n ~' i .
Kenned'y's '_Ch ppaquiddick Covemp'-C~tigated ·
Callfor•I• a.,ublloan hH \MW Oil et lea Edward II
ltnr • •, ..._ I.be ffOUM I.bat
x-•·•.wsttmalal bid bad
.., cr1d•N......_ the ••maaJve
toYt""" ol Cba9paq11lddJtk .........
CaU/omia Solqn Angers Horae Democrats reetralat In ret.mn, t.o c6ll' ' memben ol Coasn-.
TIM lilllari but '1trolic speed>
Tueada1 by Rep. Robert K.
DoruD ~an lnu.nediate
objedion tr.. lW Democrat.a.
dnl et ~u.lddJek la far rrom bltlal a moot &Nue. Several Repu~ memben clUltered
aroUAd DDmm after b1I atate-
tn ent. Mott appHred to be
l1u1hlal at tM commotion bis
IPffCb caUMd.
··oNLYONa ••••£•ottbe Contl'ftl of the United States
hH ever netoUated by swim·
mini the Cb11ppaqulddfck chan·
n"l·" Doman ea.Id ln refeTence
to Kenoedy'a auto accident U\at
eoat the life of Mary Jo
ROlJll •AIOalT\' Ltt•d11r
Jhn Wrilhl, D·Teu1. ur1ed
llOUH memben to me r tralnt
in reremni to a.ny membt-r or
The tpettb came only ~Y
after Kennedy took tbe rarat
formal at~ toward runnJna ror
the nation's bi~t otrlce by an
nouncln.& lhe formation of an ex·
ploratory committee &PW ......
R9'). Robert Oornen
I l 1tppeared also to serve
notice lh•t lht: 10-yeu-old incl
"Only one member blll ever
made it across the channel and
it WMS oot a member of the Unit·
ed Statel Senate. It was th1& COO·
areasman right here, standing
before you, wbo, as an in·
ves t?ative reporter a week
Dolly Faees Sult
Biography Brings Libel Charge
Knoxville woman bas filed a $14
million libel s uit against Dolly
Parton and three people involved ln a
biography about the blonde country.
we$tem singer.
between her and Walker in 1971.
Walker, who h~ts a dally i,1evlslon
country music show. wus one or the
first to give Miss Parton recognJlion.
The s uit names Miss Parton as a
defendant because she "acqu1esced
and-or approved the contents of the
said book 'Dolly • "
Named as defendants were Miss
Parton; Knoxville grocer Cas
Walker; AJanna Nash of Nashville.
author of the book "Dolly": and
Ree d Books Inc . and Berkley
P"blishi ne Corr . th e book 'i> publishers.
c h a rges that the book quotes
malicious and untrue statements
made by Walker concerning a fight
WALKER AND MS. Nash could not
be reached for comment. Miss
Parton's attorney, Stanley Chemau
of Nashville, said the book was not
a n authorized biography, but
declined romment on the su.it until he
had seen it APW~
Dolly Parton The suit seeks a Jury trial and $3 5
million from each of the defendant:.
u••• Oc loDer JO, ,.,, In l..•s Veg••
ALEX I(. 8AKER, r-of $oulfl Nev..i•. D910WC1 .-of Vlrglni.
.....,..., CA. ,.._ .... , on Oc-Belck S.0.IMll'I, of Hunllng1on 8Hch,
1', "" Suntt....t by hi• wl .. "4r .. Ca. Funer .. .,,...,.,,...b •re pend.
•nd daughter A lleen Picken•. Ing •• P ierce 8rolher1 Smith • -NI Mnlk~ 1 :lOPM TIMl•ICMV. Mortu.ry, S»-4"9 Hovem~r 1. 1'1t •I Ille United WEATIU!IUtO~T
-1-b tO!ur(ChlnSoutnl..•ovn-01 HORRIS DEAN WEATHERHOLT
flclallng wm tie the Rev Thoma\ rttlden1 of San JUMI ColPl•tr•no, C.•
W•rmer, prlv•te ... 1om1>men1 Pecll1c Pened •w•y on October 30. 197'
View Memorl•I Perk Pe<1t1c View Survlveo b¥ Ill\ wife eartwre, '°"
Monuery dlrec1or1 o ougl•• •nd oaugnter Jonnller, S
W•IOHT Drotll41" •nd I \liter. Re<llilllon of In~
LAURENCE EVl:RE YT WRIGl'll. Holy Ro••ry will be on ThuncMly, Nciv
Jro 11ene"'''°" Calllornl•n OOrn in l a-•ml>u I, 197'1 ~I OIJPM at 1~ P<Klllt
Ar>Qele\ -°"'"""' ., .... Oclbt>c>r 18, V1Pw Monuarv CNPltl Mau oi Ctn•• 1979 Su,.Vl'lfld bf' JQ111nq ._,,,.,Muth 'on t1on Aurl•t wHf bf' on Fttd•y, Nov
I aurem e Wright, Jr Of IN> 1 .. m111 tmber 1 191'1 "! I OOPM •1111" PAClflt
rtomf". ,~ .. -woor-t IW•ch r,. dAVQhtP(\ Vl@W Mortuary CP\<tJ>111 .,.,.,,.m .. n1
t.•urpl U •f'nfl>\I F1fl'OIJ111.f Of N,.woort P.,( ·•u. View Mli-mof'11'tt Park PMlft(
Beech C• t~l~\1 t(,1tbl'rtl Ban~ ol v.-Mortu.;ryolre<1on
Wrlohlw111., ~""' Noni'\ C•lfOfln~
Holly ITl!omeU tCo< n OI I •gun•
8••ch, ca .• Ofanothlldrf!oft .Crf\ttn
Fledler, J•-• l•w>On Jr , l •url
l •w.on -Jennlle<,, LA.--\le1> gr•nOC lllldr.,.,, (tndy AobDI~ •nO
Vl<lll4 8-. nM<e lktty J . W-•rd
of Hono!Uk.I, Haw.it -t otller nlK ..
~ ... ~ ~1 _.,.,.._ Els ~ to .,...,r '-''-<1-llY Prl••le Inter· .D9., , .. .,
men! P.c:lfk V-lto\emot'l•t P•fl< ..::;;;.....,, • ~
P-.;lllC Vi<>w MortuA•y dlr.-c to"
AAL PH WAOE NI'. L SON rt\!Cltnl
of Co\t~ M~~•. (• tor t~ yt"er'
Servtc~' wfll bf' f'Mlh1 Oft Thur\Oo•
Ho•embef 1 '"" t>I f ort Ro-r•n• N•t,onal (•-t~ry .,_ O•~llO C •
S..rv1co u..-r ""' 111r~<11on ot 'lmll"
& Tuthill We•lcllll Crwpet, •~
8ETTV DUNC.AN, 1)<11\wd •••Yon
()( l<!bef l1, 19" S."'10\ P"ncllng ii
H•r?.or l..•wf'-Mount Oll•e Monuary ol
C.~I" Mew S.00.SS~
01 C0>l• MeM, Ca. PuM!tl •w•y on Oc lobu :>o. 1tn. S.rvtu• pending at
HU'bOr LA---· Ollve MOr1u•rv Of Coll• Mew, ~SS~.
LEWIS C. SEGEL.SON, rHldenl ol
Huntinoton8H<l'l.C• Oi.GaUdOentyon
French Labor Minister
Robe rt Boulln, 59 , a
leading contender for
premier and a target or
an alleged Riviera real
estate expos e , die~
Tuesday. Autho rities
s aid he apparently com-
mitted suicide .
t AP> -Rachel e
M ussoUni, 89-year -oJd
widow or Fascist Italian
dictator Benito
Neptune Societ y ~ Mussolini, died ofa heart
CRE,,.ATl()H BURIAL Al ~Ej attack Tuesday
fr'H ,-ffoflo England (AP) -Barnes
t<t IW't Gem 1a11r WalUa, 92, the British
scientist who invented
----------the "bouncing bomb" -
Cemat8f'/ MOrtUltfV
3500 PllC1f•c View Onve
Newport Beach
Laguna Beach
Laguna Hiiis
San Juan Capistrano
Mortuary• Cemetery
1625 Gisler Ave .
Costa Mesa
IA&.n.IBGHO ..
""BAL NOMI 646-2"24 CosraMesa
110 Broadway
Mortuary • CN1Mdon1
4'Z'1 E. 17th &t.
Coet• Mesa 646-4888•
,..Cl lllOTHlll
621 Main St
caOMAl "" ..... tfC)fl9
780t BolN Ave.
W.tmlntt« ~ .
designed to skJp across
the s urface of the water
-that d estroyed
Germany's Mobne and
Elder dams during
World War II. died Tues·
WORTH, Kan. (AP) -
Rel. Gen. William M.
Hoge, 85, whose unit
established, at Remagen
Bridge, the first Allied
bridgehead over the
Rhine River during the
World War II Battleoflbe
Bulge, died Monday.
CAP> -Loalae Mac·
Farlatlfl, 62, a form"'r
radio journalist and Ute
flrst women to be a
White House correspon-·
dent, died Sunday of a
heart attack. ..
Jaek NleWu Prffaker,
75, real estate e•pert for
Hyatt Corp., and other
Pritzker family holdincs,
died TUesday.
Owner Fined
SAN JOSE (AP) -Tbe owner of a defunct
Santa Clara electro.Dies
rtrm haa been fined
$2,000 and MlAWDced to
(5 da11 II\ jail In a plea-
bar1alnlnc deal lnvolv· laf an anon tire to col·
le t lnaurauce money.
Convlded wu '3-year·
old Ward All~ Binaham
of Loe Gatot. _ ..
R~agan to Stump . ~
In New Hampshire
• CONCORD, N.H. <AP> -Former California
Gov. Ronald Reagan will appear at a rally in New
Hampi.han· on Nov. 14 , one d ay a fte r he 1i.
scheduled to officially announce has candjdacy for
the Rc•public<.1n nomination for president
Hc<.1~;.m 's New llampsh1rc cumpaagn organlza
tton said Tue:.day the GOP front runner will attend
lht· l'ven1ng rally at the Manchester National
Guard armory as part or a favc ·day :.wing through
key prim:Jry i.tate:, ii
said Reaga ·:. initial appearance a:. an ofhc1al
candidate in t.be home of the na·
tion's earliest primary will be
brief. But"they added he will re-
turn to tour t.bc slate as he did
rn 1976 when he was trying to
defeat former President Ford
Two political sc1ent1sts at
th e U nivers ity o f New
Hampshire released a poll Mon·
day that showed Reag:J n re·
maining a strong front runner
HAGAN In a c r 0 w d e d field 0 f
Republican presidential hopefuls.
The poll showed Reagan was the favorite of 34
percent of 322 New Hampabire Republicans sur·
veyed who said they were likely to vole in the
primary. Ford rollowcd with 19 percent.
who they would vote for if Ford did not run in the
primary.· as he has indicated he will not, Reagan
gained six points, j umping to 40 percent.
Reagan's trip to New Hampshire fort.he rally
will follow his official announcement of candidacy,
planned for New York on Nov. 13. After the an·
nouncement, he w111 rty to Washington to address
the National Press Club.
On Nov. 14, Reagan will go to Bost.on before
traveling to New Ha mps hire.
Although Reagan has not officially announced
hi s candidacy, he formed an exploratory commit-
tee last March to promote his presidenltal aspira·
lions. ·
For the Record
Mr. ano Mrs. Terry JOhnftOfl, Hu"I
•nou>n Beech, boy Oct ... ,.
Mr and Mo Don.ltd Dobvn•, Foun
taln V•llbY, girt
0c .......
Mr •nd Mri J....,n Aliff\, lrvlM. oo,
~"·'"' Mr • nCI Mn c.tW1f le\ HOC11>4! ~ oun
lain V•ltev. bOY oo..r "· 1'7t Mr et!CI Mn 0.•kl Oulf.,, Le~t
Mr •nel Mn Joyce Coe Fou11l•1n
V•lley, Ql•I Oc~U.ltlt
Mr •nd M" JOl!n S-, Founl•tn
V•ller, Qtrl
AICl!erd CIWl<le• end N•n<Y c; .. ,.,
Founl•ln VIMte,, Olrl
Oc-.r ". 1'7t Mr •nel Mr1 R_,, 0e Armond,
Hun!l119ton llYCl'I, llO.,
Mr. e nd Mn folltptlen WOOCI, Hunt•
1ne1on Bffdt. 1>oy
Mr. end Mrs. J-MO, C.U
Mr. •nel Mn o-il) Herder, Hunt•
lnttOft 9NCJI, olrl
I •
after Sm. Kennedy d1d oot 1wtm
the cbaunel, I d)d and proved to
my aatl1tactlon ••• tbat a
muslve coverup, lnclud.tnl lbe
blockine ot an autopey Con MlQ
Kopechne). took place."
oedy 'a televised explanation
about the Incident a "patlaetic
lying speech."
And he sald, 'urbat covei-up
must end before there ii any
credibility to b1a campaip for
president ot the UnJted Stat.es."
Kennedy claimed In that
speech 10 yeara ago that he took
a wrong tum and went off the
bridge. He said be made sweral
a ttempts to dive to the sub·
m erged car an an effort to
rescue Miss Kopecbne but then,
11 s. Coast
Girls Vie for
Junior Miss
Eleven glrls will vie for the t.Jtle or South Coast Junior Miss in the
Nov. 15 contest to be held al 7:30
p .m . in the San Cle me nte Com·
The 1979 Junior Miss contest.
sponsored by the South Coast
J aycees, will include Juhe Cadra,
Mary Dimas. Jami Emley, Julie
Hampton, Lianne H a nson ,
Deborah Kazenelson, Thyra
Ladyman , Sandi Lanting, Coral
Sowl. Sandra Stiglbauer and
Gloria Yu
The girls will be judged on men.
tal alertness, poise, appea rance.
youth fitness and.an creative and
performmg arts and scholasl.Jc
This year's Judges are Charles
Caudel, Roy Steveni., Maxine
Maurice. Nancy Roberts and Lan
-da Mehalko
Advance llc~ets art' S2 SO for
C1du lts and $1 'itudenL'> t-•or more
mformation,call498 3817
Union Fined
Superior Court j udge fined the
San FranciRco Fcdt'rat1on of
Teachers $3,000 Tucsduy afl<•r
the union plc<.id<'d no contest to
r harges at disobeyed <i coun cJr
der to halt rts strike :.ig<i1nst the
city schools
in • daie, walked back to a pat•
ty a mile away to Ifft help.
BE MID RE AND two friends
went beck to the channel but the
rerry wu not running aind be
"Impulsively" dove Into the
water and awam to the other
side. Tbe accident waa not re·
ported unW Dine houris after it
Dornan's comments brought
an immediate response from
Rep. John Sei~rllog, D·Ohio.
who asked ror a ruling on
whether House rules prohiblted
members !rom verbally attack· '
ang other congressmen .
Wright, who was acting as
speaker of ~e House, replied
that tbe rules did prohibit s uch
attacks and urged members to
use "good taste" and proper
~~,..•JOO' ..... ~
Leon Trotsky. though dead
(or nearly 40 years. s ttll
haunts the government of
the Soviet Union. which con
s1dcrs him a non-person
N e x t Wed n e s day 1 s t h <·
IOOth ann1 \'er~a n· of hr s
htrth. but few exp<.·ct 1t lo
be markt:'d by an)lhtl1J!
morl' than a host1h: <H1Jclt·
tn the press.
8£18DUNG MID H ..ad
not a1k tbat DorDap •1 1tate-
men t1 be 1trtckea lrom tbe
Coofl'elllooal Beeord but Mid
he would demand aucb actloo ll
any future outbuntl occurred.
Several 'voices from the
RepubUcao llde were beard HY·
Ing, in what appeared to be
sarc asm, "oh, 10 ahead. Do lt
Rep. Edward Beard, D·R.J.,
luter took the noor to crtUcbe
Dornan's remarb, and aald the
con1reum&n should apolosiJe
for maltiDC bis stawmenta.
Dornan'• comments came
durlnc what is normally COO·
sidered • dull part of House pro-
ceedings -a tJate set a.side for
members to make short com·
menu about any subject that in·
tereats t.bem.
Clean:up Week
Planned for
Uiguna Beach
Remember that water beater
that broke earlier this summer
and ts now sitting ln Ute side
You'rcgot a chance to get rid of the ting bulk the week of
Nov.. S Laguna Beach holds
11.8 annual "Fall Cleanup Week"
in the Art Colooy.
Large, unwanted items that
normally cannot be picked up
with the reguJar household
trash , should be put oul at the
curb oo oonnal trash days Mon·
day through Nov. 9, according to
Laguna Beach officials .
C hpp1n.gs should be bundled
and lled, an<t no longer than four
fet-t ln length. Items such as old
refrtgerators, couches, chairs.
carpets. stoves and other bulky,
heavy appliances. s bould be
placed by the curb for pickup.
atellite OK
-.atelhte that wall study the earth's
maJ(nelJc: field and he lp update
C'Xplorat1on charts and maps wa~
luuncht.-d suc·cessfully Tuesday.
th•· "lational Aeronautics and
Space Adm1rustrat1on reported
T11e lo•IO•lnQ _ _., ••e "'"0
b4"ine-t\ ·~ OAON fNTEPPPl'lfS • Olvl~-
ol Oaon '""-"''°" *' M•t A•tn.i• ftoulf"v•ro ~,,,.JOO ,_,,..,port 8~ri
O•JA" ( ·"00'-'" n A ( ,\ltf4)rn1~
torpC>r<l6'•Un •(Ht MeC' 4 f'""'
Bouftv•ro ~1h lOC N~•Pfl' t ft•• .. "
C•l•fo r"•• 'f?tdl
Thi\ bv\I~\ 1\ <onelvt1f'<I bV,. UI'
Deon C OftlOf' •t •on
A f(h.ird A \/f>H'f
01t--<IOt, AOmlrt1\ttAft0f\
TIU• lot-ln<a --· ••t1 ..,,..., b&nl""S~ o~M PA•NT•NC' •... o o~ ...
OE llC.H\ '°" 14111 •t•""' """'""9'"" l\# .. " ( .. ._.,. •• .,,,..
( oAf"t M.An'.\i' ~ \t ft\ ~h...,-1 M\,lf\
t1nQH'M\ ~t'I C •I•'"""'".,,..... ...
lflo' (JipPf"tirt \It Utft '\tt .... I H..,r~
t1...0tOl'I ~" {•~1tf'l>.-n•••>M•
f ru• °"'',....'' " cone""' h•d or •
G•fW# •• CMl"\r•n.,... U
C,..,.-y ~f,U'
Tht~ ~t.t~t .,,.., ttt.d "'''" ttw CounlY CIH'tl ~Or-C"""1• on Ot ·-,. ,.,.,
MA»llSTAT ..... 'f •AM&STAT•M••T
'"" ...__ --,. _., -Tiie fol_,... ~-· •"' OOlnq -·· --.. M l')P O'I .. , .. A'>S'OC IATf '> TRll'f'Elf0111C A\50CIATE'>
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r. M "f"t1~,,.,.,.._.,. ••••'""" , • ..,. tr1p(i f·•·lt • ...OC.•"'' An•
.... ,., •• ,,.. l -t-41(.._• n~ ' _.,. 1 .. , ·~Id An-n1.-.. .....,"'I! Ar .....
..... to! .. .,..,., I'°'""'"'" -'A ' (A• le,,._,,. -r.h \
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ll'I•'\ \-t4'fW-r~t • ..,.. f•lfioO ••'" ,,_. 't///fln f Ht<ttt
(OVfl .. (ilor• Of ()r-(-h Oft 0t Vt(" P.,....,..nl '°""# n ,.,. 'ht\ ".,.,.,,....,., .. ,,, f1ff'litj w•lh If.
fhf\ \tdtfln-.nl "'4t" IHM w1fr\ tM
Counfy '''"" <14 Or..._ (oun1V °" <X !Ob.,, )6, 1•1'
ll'l)Ull irn~ (ovnlr r w•• '" 0r..._ '°""'~(In o
Publl\lle<I °"-C.M•I D•••• Poo• Publl•""' °"-roe••!'>•··· P11Q1 ·-·,., ,.,., 0<1 ll ondNO• I, ... 11, IU• •14'·,. Oct JI-Nov 1 °'/I •'1• •l~I,. FUS ....
llEGAN, OllUMMY, GAallE TT ~ftd KIMG
Cll-D. L.ert• A flr~I C...-41tJOfl
Alt•,..Y'<tflAw ... o .... .,. "61teJM-.A111110f fllaU
Utt MKAr1ttw 81wd .
New...n 8MCll. CA"""
f'M!\~ •-'
V•• AnQf'lln• Ortv~, HvnUl'IOIOl't
Beech. C..•llonil•"MI
Oon•IO ll Well•O. •t)I VI•
An~llfl• Or1w, Hunttnoton Bt«h,
C•lilomle .,._,
Tlllt OU\Jrw>l I\ <-t~ llY •n "'
Oon.IO II W•ll•O
Thi\ , .. leMe<\t we\ 111\00 W•tll ~
County Clertc ~Or-Counlv on Oc ,_,,., lt,.
PuDtl\-0.""0W Co."t 0d1ly P1101
Ocl J I'°"" -/, 14, )I, lt111 •161·1"
Ti.. fOf-"'9 ~ h ~ ""''-M~\ •\
8unv• Str••I. Newpor1 8euh.
C•ltfOf'nl• t21MO J•"-R ..... Jo.en M AttOre, 1•U
ufty • Street Newport 8••<"· C•hlornl•.,...,
Tt11t -i. <~DY •n If>· 01v-.1
J-11 ._.
ThtS •-t -~ llled Willi -C-v c1er11 °' Or-c--iv ... <>< '-"·'"' flltutt
PYbtllMO Or-C09U OIMly PtlOf, Ocl ,, ...., _ 1, 14, JI, ltJt 6167-111
l'tMm PWlllMd Ot'-. C.0.IC 0.lly PllOt,
Plif>lllNd Or..,._ (OIO\I O•lly Piiot, Oct. JI, ... -.1, 14, 21, 191' 6l6t-1t
°"')I, .... ltOY. 1, U, 11, 1'1' "st-"
A \,
I I .p
... l ty
Tl•e• Mirror
Media Holdings
Bring Hearing
HARTFORD, Conn <A Pl The Tlm11 Mirror
Co., oew own.r-ot The Hartford Courut, wlU otftr
accfft to ita cable t levl Ion operalk>na ln central C~t to any lnteretled nowipa.pert, HY• Robe tM&ru, ~mes Mirror president
JC t.eaun.d Tuuda.y before 1tate Dlvlslon of Public UllllU Co.nt.rol uuinaa on bit com-
pany's acquJalUon of the Courant an(I lta
ownership of ubl ltlc,,..,laJon · franchlaet in the
Hartford and Morid n arou
croea-ownerthlp would lead to dominance of the
newa media In central ConnetUttlflby Ttmu Mi r-
The division could rt.-qulre Time& Mirror to
divest ltaell of th two <"Ible franchtses
Four central Connecllcut newspapers are
parties to the c e because of their concerns about
possible Times Mirror domlnanct
"We are prepared to aaree to a policy of non
discriminatory access of all newspapers to the
Hart.ford cable 1ystem and the one ln Meriden,··
Erburu said
and the newspaper separately That's the way we
do it in other areas and that'!> the way we'll do it
here.•· he said.
Erburu said that when Times Mirror bought
the cable franchises in July 1978, it had no plans to
acquire the Coura.Dt:" He said that In 1976 there had
been some discussions between the Courant and
Times Mirror. but noted that the Hartford
newspaper was not for sale at that time.
'The Times Mirror president said his company
renewed its interest in the Courant in August 1978
when the ne"spaper's stockholders rejected a
purchase orfer by Capital Cities Communications
Inc. but indJcated they would be wi lling to seU at a
higher price.
Mi rror was agreed upon in June and the takeover
was completed this month.
Erburu emphas ized that Times Mirror
separates 1t!> cable and newspaper operations and
never viewed ownership or the Courant and the ca·
ble franchise:. as a way to dominate the media in
central Connecticut.
"WP never-went 'Ah ha, here's a chance to
monoJ>Qlize the media m Hartford, Connecticut',"
Erburu said
compete with the Hartford Courant, in my opi· nion.··
Times Mirror, based 1n Los Angeles. also owns
The Advocate of Stamford and Greenwich Time in
southwestern Connecticut, as well as the Los
Angeles Times, Newsday, the Dallas Times-
. ..
.. I • 1.
. -· · 1t' a ne Cotn Clied
r.1 ... .-. .. , .
Minnesota ...Qove. Al
Qule. back from a
Ads for Medal Modified
outheast A1lun
tour, said he was
told by some Cambo·
dlan refuaees that
Vletnamete Invaders were u1ln1 pol on
1a1. He 1ald he saw
akin bw-ns.
Phlladelpbla company accused or
lal11ly 1dv1rtl1lnf a &old-plated
John Wayne m• has a«l"Md to
modify tuture advtrtJMment.1 Of the
product. the U.S. Poetal Service said.
The company. American Treasury
Mint, had been cbar1ed wttb lmply-
ln1 that lt was coMected wttb the
U .8 . Mint and tbat the com·
memoratlve medals would increase
In value because they were part of a
"lrmlted ftrst edJtlon."
In a consent agreement signed by
the company and the Postal Service's
Consumer Protection Division,
Make your Thanksgiving Dinner
something exciting this year. J.ust
Imagine: your limo arrives al 6:30,
November 22nd, to take you and
yourfamlly to the beautiful Seacliff
Country Club in Huntington Beach.
You greet your guests (up to 25),
and start your Thanksgiving feast at
6:00. Everything is Included, ftom ·
champagne to the traditional
pumpkin pie. Even the tip.
You can win this Thanksgiving
Dinner Party. Simi>W fill out the
coupon below and deposit it in the
special box at any Seacliff Village
merchant no later than November
14th. Drawing November 15th. You
must be 18 years or older to enter .
I • I • I
i •
American TNllUI')' Mint ..,... to
ciltcontinue •ueh adverUMIDllltl.
In addWon, all futuN actwrtJle.
ment.I must apeelly that tbe medal Al
Cllt ln bronJe and electroplMed wtth
1old, a Poetll Service apoblmaa
Hid. ·
The Postal Serv"lce may detain
mail addreued to the company lf a
breach ol the aareement occun.
OIAMM COAST Ill. Y OM THI 1•1•]j .. j""i:. .... ~"'i("'1}'"'I lubmlt Yol#' ldN lor ....... c.m••to:
Comlca editor, o.11y Pl• .... '*· '°'11~ ....
Herald and the Daily Pilot. · ·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-
from 1
• 18" thru 34"
Roof kit s
are extra
This Franklin
stove can be used as a
stove or a fireplace and
is a good neater. Sizes
available from 18" to
34" fireboxes.
Conical fireplace 30",
38" and 45 .. diameter
models. Come In
matte, black and
various poroelaln
Adjustable from
24" to 31".
Available 38" to
48" width.
natunll ftnllh,
REG. sao.oo s1915
25" to 31" height up to 54" width
3" clearance from com-
bustible waH surface.
Available In 24" and 30"
diameters. Comes in black
and many porcelain col-
~ ... ~ ...
. ~ .
Old Stones Sun Cliart?
SToarnOLM. Sweden CAP)
-A mo.awnental preblltorlc •too• format.loo at tbe IOUtbeut
lip ol lw9den eoWd be • mlnl· a~---·· t un calendar. two Amtrican reMattbens Hy.
Dr. Vincent H. lhlmatrom
and J1mt1 T. Hart.er 1uq .. t
that tW lhi&>-•h•ped formation,
kaown u Ale's ai.n.r (Ale'•
ttont1). ta Hveral tbou11nd
rear• older than prevloualy
•. tboupt by mo•t arcbeoloctat..
aclenUflc ma1a*'n•, Malmstrom
and Harter aay lhal It "seems
po alble to conclude'' that lite
St~ne Ace (3000-lSOO B.C.) in·
habitants ot Sweden "bad begun
charting the movements of Ule
1un In stone."
The formation' ls about 200 feet
long and around 60 feet at its
widest. It consists of 58 upright
stone11. each weighing four to
five tons, lhat are believed to
hllVe been transported to the site
from places a :,, dist ant as 15
lhe toutbeaat.m comer of Skane
Province, overlooktn1 I.he BaJUc
Sea and Offertn1 an u.nobtt.ruct·
ed vlew or lh• horlion ln all
A tablet el'e()ted at the site by
the Swedlab Antiqullle1 Board
Indicates It could have been built
In the late Iron Age (400-1050
A.O.), wbJch Includes the Vlkln1
era. Stones were laid out In
shapes or s hips 1n those days to
commemorate dead kings, oot
no grave bas been found at the
Ale's stenar.
Thia fonnauon, according to
the U.S. researchers, appears to
be somethlng else.
MALM S TROM , A professor ·or geography a t
rl1l n1 1un at th• winter
aol1Uce." HYI thelr art.Ide ln
Fortknln1 och Frams t e1
(Research and Development)
"Whoever 'built the Ale 'a
atenar did so t,o commemorate
the extremet ot the solar year,
and thus it aeTVed u a giant
Malm1trom, who bas studied
Free Movie S lated
For Senior Citizens
"That Touch of Mink," star·
ring Cary Grant and Doria Day,
will be shown free to Laguna
Beach aenlor citizen.a Nov. 16. Dartmouth College in Hanover ,
N.H .. and Harter, a student The movie, one of a series or
there, say the nddle is solved by films presented by Laguna
"loud and c l ear '• archeo· Federal Savings and Loan A.I.·
astronomic evidence. social.ion and the Laauna Beach . . . . . "°" f;ouncil on Aging, begins al 2 The ship is aligned so that 1t.s "-p.m . 8t the South Coast Theater.
how pomts precisely to the set· For tick.els. contact the Council
ting s un at the summer solbtJce. on Aging Office at sts Forest while its i tem is oriented to tlw Ave .
th• 1u11 calendar of tbt ancient Mayan culture bl C..
tral America, arrivecJ ln ,...._
with Harter two moetbl • for euminaUon1 of prehl1tortc
lendmark.s, includlnl tbe Ale'•
Llsttnc aeveral fact.a lndlc•
ing the •tone·ablp is more tbaa
3,600 v eara oJd, tbe two ·
Americans su11est that It w11
"perhaps the Me1allthlc <Greek
for big stone) world's mott dia·
tanl caJeodrical outpost.''
"It wu. after all, durtn1 tbe
late Stone Age that similar
astronomically oriented •true·
turea were being erected by the
Megalithic peoples in En1land,
France and el&ewhere in AUan·
lie Europe," the article aoea on.
"There can be little doubt that
the origins oC the great mid·
s umme r a nd mid-winter
festivals of the Vikings hark
back in an unbroken tradition to
the calendrica1 celebrations or
the Megalithic period" which
fell dunng the late Stone Aae. it
Polanski af Premiere
T he famous Stonehenge, a
circular formation of huge up-
right stones on the Salisbury
plain in Willshire , England. ts
believed by many scientists to
be a prehistoric observatory for
sun worstuppcrs.
·~~-'!:ATl .. G '-'-•-"••ti ... !>! Uc 111•~1 l Film d.lreclor Roman Polanski , who has fled the United
States, was accompanied in Paris by German actress
Natassia Kinsk.i to a "60rld premiere of his film. "Tess.''
Polanski iB facing charges m the U S for his alleged
sexual involve ment Wlth an underaged {!1rl.
~ .. I(. TtmP!>t.n••I Your Door
u.~H ~.cw. NNf'""9-\.t VOtu' ., ••
THE ALE'S STENAR monu-•ua..._,,, ••
ment s tands on top of the sandy M•\\l()til Y•l.1049S-0401
J"1? C..-M '-"'-
l{)C).f f>Ot high Kuiseberga Hill '.:m'.__!~·=!>"=:"::o:=~Fr~·~-=··=-·~.._;,;;; .. ..:.J'
BY US THRU NOV. 7, 1979
c 110.20 EXPOSURE 67
Holidays ahead! Give G~t Cert1f1cates
... These handsome Gih Certificate' may be purchased at
any Hughes' or Hughes' El Rancho Mark•t for any omou,,t
you wish to give. Ask about VOLUME DISCOU~T
available on Gift Certificate purchases of $100 or more.
See your Hughes or HuQhes' El Rancho store manager or ...
CALL OUR GIFT PLAN D .. PT. AT (2l3) 227-1211
' • -
How you could
be affected by the
newtelephone rates
On ()t-trbn HI. 1979. rhe C.Morma PublK. Ubhtw., Comm1SS1on
.uuhnrvAtd PdC1fic fel'-'Phorw 10 revi-.e its rdl(> ~hedu~ for ll'ldny o f 11!>
t-~.t lln<J '>4!1'V\(.t"> The <.Mn9'-~ ~~ effecnw on October 30.
Intrastate Lotig Distance Rat~
l .iJOfJ d1'>ld11c.1 c.1ll· rrwh• WllHIN CAJ1frJOll4 n<MI have two nlw
r.111.., l) 'r't)•I 'l''t d1-.c111mt\ lnr pltnnmq rlunnq the 1"1X1rnng or at mqht
( ...,U11tg 111 rh~ '"" r11rl'J ('J 11 prnl cr.J'.>t..., ·~ti, k_..._., 1hcin dunnq rht-ddy
fli r1rn r, prn l -nr' rMlll'r h<.MI long you tdlk Night ( 11 pm 8 dlll)
. : ""d 1M·•+••r1d cnll., dr1t llJ f, 1~ .. thdn davwlb And myht rate. c1pply
,,JI d<'ly '-)und,iv ~l (~·r.,1c11 hc1nd~d lon<t J~l.drlek cdlb Within Cihfom1<1
will t-,.• 1 lldr•~·d 11"' ~>M'T rlu•·l1 did! r<Jll' plu_, cs$ 50 :.urchcsr~ for \
d '>11111011 ''' .,1,1t1•J11 c.:.all f'f,I ',CJ fvr ~n 10 ~n)
Extension and Special Phone Charges
Monthly r<J1L"'> f<X' PnllCl"-'>& '11l<J r nmlint-" f(•lephom• '>eh. Touch
I oq,•& t«k'µhtJOl '><.Jfl~ k1..')' 1t-lepho1w •'<IUIJmk nl <'lrto11<~n11nl't d'> 1A11•ll ,,.,
, "" n-.1u11 51..IVIC• l1ttw chdnged
Lifeline Service
The praent $2.50 "*and :Dail~ remain undlanged.
HoNever. the cost of each c.al1 owr the allowance has lncre.ased: the
3ht to 40th call now costs $10 each Every call over 40 costs $ 15
1>rewiring Service
Then• v.iU be d charge for installing telephorw winrnJ inside smgl11
family ~ dup~ trdCt.S apartment complexe-. dnd othet residentldl
cf..velhng:, pnor to occupancy. 1l1e 0061 of thlS seMc:e depend5 on th~ num~
of outkb .md )OCks mstal~ You may want to d~u~ prewinng with
your conlractor pnor to ~ or map-remodeling
Verificatjon/Inerrupt Service
' If a caller asks us to venfy a bu9} bne or interrupt a cooversaoon
in progress on calJs Within UilifornJa. there will be a $.25 charge UNLESS·
l ) the phone is out of order; 2) the caller tS ruabng from a public telephone. or
3) the call is to or from any publlc agency respons1~ for rendenng
emt!rgen<:y a5.'ilStaJ)Ce.
Key 1elephone Service
Key Telephone equipment chargt!s have changed In addibon, certain
rates hdve increased
Foreign Exchange~
~Pacific Telephone Foreign Exchange SeMc:e customers'
monthly ra res will increase. reflecting a new method of measunng mtleage.
Rates for busmesses with Foreign Exchange Service from Independent
Company Exchanges will Increase to the same level as for Paohc Telephone
Interstate Foreign Exchange SeMce rates have mcreased
Private Line Services
, These Private une Service rates have increased slightly: Teletype
SeMCe. Speoal Signaling/Remote Metering and Mobile Telephone Radio
Cll'CU1ts. Data SeMces rates have decreased slightly. while some \k>ice
Services ra tes have inaeased and some have decreased Telephone
Answenng Services and Secretarial SeTVices rates haven't changed.
Off Pwruses Extension Services-Non-private Branch Exchange
(KTS) rates have decreased slightly. Private Branch Exchange (PBX) rat~
have Increased
Other Changes
• One·Tlme Charges-Charges for seMCe connection and service or
equ~~t moves and changes haw been revised Al&o. there won't be
any~ for Installing Touch-Tone~ Princess• and Tr1mline• phones or
special TdCJch. Tone• bnes. These specific charges will oo d1SCUssed IMlen
~ plaoe an on:ler for service. In the meantime. using your PhoneCenter
Store '8 usually the ~-and lea.st expensive way to get new telephones or
· order new service.
• Cermln Base Rate Area and Special Rate Area mtes have changed.
Addltlonol rnformatSon wllf be included In your Notiember bf/I. Please
read It caneful/µ If you hove anv questions. please contact your service
.t r
~ '
I · 1 , I
·' ' I
t t, .-J
I NF· I eo.
I jn,.
\ tbe
ol c ~
tbe muc , .. ,....
~ Co~ ...
tee ti
Old Courthouse Closed
Building Declared Vrua/e in Earthquake
a,aoasayuam ..............
0r..,. ~ • ....,., ..... ~ tbe bla·
\ortc ~ lD Sula Aaa to dole tu doors
TueldQ after u -.iDMrlAI _.., -..d tt to M
u.naaft ln CMt of M eanhq.aaie. ~ called a ha.It to ~ to tM red
HDdtt.oM bQUdinc b)' the publlc liDd tok11lbout 10
county emp&Qyeea to tlnd new oftleea J aooa u
'"1'11818 VB a Y unJortunate, ··Board Cbalrman
Pbllip Anthony aald, "b\lt tbe altuatloll
will not ~ away. It la a ver, ~ public aafety ptobltm, I
However, Anthony ureed memben of bJs
torlcal .ocietlea not lo &Jve '*P bope for lhe
'""rvaUon ol the bwldlna that wu completed tn
Uoawon .
lAdJ Slaback, a member of the Orant• County
ffiatorical Commlllk>D, aald 1ta?.a encJ• are be-
lDI ubd I« aaalatuce ud to de Ul lDdepte·
Mat JltudJ of the bulWilll '• Mii . ''We .,. not crtticlafq &ayGIM, but ft belleft
we lbould let u ouUidt 1UadJ," be dlel&Nd.
R•l•ltb Nlctlea. a member of the Old Court.bouae MuHum Soelety, aald there . la a
po11lbWb' ot r.ceivlAI at.ate and fedel'al 1rants for
Private fUndlnt aho la be1DS uplond.
"It la a vtabJo muaeum ancf we bope to have lt
become a repoeltory for county biato.ry .'' she said.
THE OLD couaTll0\18B currently boUlel
three courtrooma, the Human Relatlou Com·
mlulon and tbe Hlatorical Commiasioo.
Plea in
Ao Anabelm bride,
who ldlled ber new
buaband wbli. ttwtv were
"f.l•Jlnl 1•m;;;1 wltb b 1 1un, baa pleaded iuilty to involuntary m an1Ja""9iter.
Dorothy Stella Hitey,
37, told Orange County
Superior Court Judie
M 1100 Fenton oo Mon-
d ay tbat she aimed wbat
abe belleved was an
empty piatol at her
buabaod. Ray Hisey, 27.
and pulled the trigger.
.. -------
~.Oc\ot:lerlt, 1'1'1
we Win Have lfnolcect Turkey•
(BJ Order OntJ)
J7H L COAST HWY .. C--.. .._.'"°"' '7J.Mll
MOnCI •••
U..0.,te ~ OUT.c;,.ITAft
~··· DIC. I, 191'
1"6t llACH &YD.• ....... ....,...TON llACH. PMOMI t4Ml1S
AllO Anaheim. Orange. RlnchO Mirage. La Habra. San Diego. Nor1h HollywOOd
"I want you to try to find a better solution," be
Tbe coet of brlnatnr t.be structure up to present·
day earthquake aafety standards ls estimated at $2 8
million. Another $2.2 million is needed for restora·
Built at o cost or $117,000, the old courtbouae
was once the alte for all Orange County govern·
m~nt offices
It bas been designated u a state historical
landmark and bas been placed on tbe national
reglsteroftustonc places.
Hisey was shot in the
b ack and dled 90~=:==:==:==:==:==:=:=:=::=::=:=:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=======~ minutes later at UCI
Ne• Co•rt Dlstrlet
Medical Center.
llved toeetber seven
years but were married
leas than 24 boun before
Patterson Bill Of( D ? 1 ~~ sbooling last April · ue Mrs. lll.sey first told e Anaheim police that an
intruder broke into their
"My checkbook
~.got washed
witli my jeans~
OI -o.lly ...... s .. tt
Rep. Jerry Patterson, D·Santa
Ana, says he expects passage
next year of his biU tA:> set up a
new federal court district for
Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino counties
Patterson's bill , HR 5697, is
based on a recommendation by
the Administrative Office of the
U.S. Courts that the new lri·
county district be carved out of
the existing district that covers
seven counties and stretches all
the way to San Luis Obispo.
U.S. court adminis trators
agreed with testimony offered at
bearings conducted by Patterson
in Santa Ana last April '6 the ef·
feet that the current central
California district is too large.
Patterson's bill calls for the
new district to have its head-
quarters in Santa Ana.
He said he expects con-
gressional he arings on his
measure to be conducted before
Dec 20 . *.
riet Wieder is to be the speaker
Thursday night when the
Amigos de Bolsa Chica gather at
the home of Huntington Beach
City Coun cilwoman Ruth Finley,
16161 Angler Lane. Tbe meeting
begins at 7:30 p.m. It ls open to
the public.
Mrs. Wieder, a former mayor
of Huntington Beach. is expect·
ed to offer her views on vanous
Motorcycle Crash
Victim Ide ntified
A 24-year-old man who died
when his motorcycle collided
head-on with a pick--up track on ~
Silverado Canyon Road in
Orange County's Santa Ana
Mountains has been identified as
Ronnie McRae of Anaheim.
California Highway Patrol of·
fic ers said he died instantly in
the Sunday crash when his
motorcycle crossed the center
line and collided with a truck
driven by Walter Bakonia. 31, of
Silverado Canyon . Bakonia
wasn't hurt, offi cers said
proPosals that' would affect the home, sbol her husband
future of the Bolsa Chica. and fled. But at the Anaheim police s~Uon,
she changed her stor y
and admitted !iring the
fatal shot.
Health. Education and Welfare
Casper Weinberger will be the
keynote speaker Friday when
about 1,000 women from the
South e>rn Division o r the
California Federation of
Republican Women get together
at the Disneyland Hotel in
Weinberger will speak to the
GOP ladies at a noon luncheon.
State Sen. Robert Nimmo, R-San
Luis Obispo, will receive the
group's "legislator of the year"
award. •••
PROPOSITION l, the anti·
busing initiative, will be debated
Monday night at Golden West
Coll ege in Huntington Beach.
Meet Topic
An orientation meet·
log ror county residents
interested In working
with young people and
adults on probation 1s
scheduled Thursday ut
the Orange County
Probation Department
in Orange.
Probation officials
said there is currently a
need for volunteers who
"No problem?
lf you have a problem with your checking account.
it's no problem for us to straighten it out. We have some
of the most modem systems in bank.mg. CALIFORNIA
So we can duplicate your last statement I
and give you an lnsta-Statement to bring
you up to date. FIRST B~~~ •
e c '* ,f .. , .• , ,., ......• .,10
Speakers will be Doris Allen,
co-founder of Orange County
Bus Bloc, and Heather Conwell
of Cah!omians Against Proposi·
lion 1.
can provide tutoring and hair styling· services L----------------------------
Drivers and chaperones .-----------------------------1
are also needed. · for recreational outings ( J
The meeting begins at ART HOPPE SA T/RIZES In the
The debate .is scheduled for
7:30 p.m. in the college's Forum
10 a.m. For additional -----------information, ca l ll._~_.:.._ ________________ _J ......
John HOR•m. one of the leadln!J sourC'CS
or fine dc.'>IRncr fashion~ In La Jolln and
San Diego ror over 1wcn1y years h as
opened a ma~nificcnt rK·w s1or(' In
r•Lo;hlon l!'>lanll. we lnvllc you 10 o new
ra-.hh 1n cxperl<'n<e with special
C<>lll'C 11nn-" ror women on 1hc ~o. Sul!
drc '"sin~ 1tict1 1c1k1 · you 10 1ht: Offi<'e. to a
t ommu1111y nw<·t1ng or a Sl)t'Clal
lurwh1·on ... wlw1hcr l1's i::I curCl'r or
s1:rvlct: to your < c 1mmun11y. we'd like, 10
ht ·Ip you make ye 1ur busy world c1
~I l(TI '°'S.
Lefl to rl~ht.
The c-lassic grey flannel suit by
BreC'kcnrl(~{'. Jc1C'kf't (5100) and easy
"kiri with sllt !->klrt and invericd plc..11
(552) Gr<"Y s1rlpt.·d poly satin blouse.
fi·l6. 536. .
Soft brown/ru.o;t/bC'l~e 1wrt·d Jack1•1
($160) and sllm skin (560) Oy JG. I look In
sizes 810 14. Hidden placket suit blouse ~
by Adelaar In rus1. 6·1~. 534.
Grey/burgundy tweed suit by
Austin Hiii. Easy Jacket (5102) and rront
sllt skirt (546) In sizes 6 10 16. Burgundy
polyes1er satin blouse by Adelaar, 6·16.
JO::H:N :E:OG.A..N \
•~>Jolla. 7636 Girard. 454·71:-11 • 111 Fashion tsland center. Newport Beach ... 64,._·7100
Pashton VHll<'Y 29 I· 7100
I ,.;
t •
1 · l
The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette.
Warning: The Surgeon General H1s Oetermilled
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
; .. ·.,,, ....
Kilp: 12 mg · 'tar; ~.8 mg nicotine av. per cigaJene. FTC Repon May'78 100' s: 12 mg' 't•: · 0.8 mg llicotine IV. per clgnttt.,b.Y FTC Method.
• I
_______ .._ __ -..------__ .,.. ----_,..., _____ ..,..__ ---------------------.
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INSIDE: \•Stocki
. \
NQ Su1-pris~, BU.t •••
Flanagan Is Cy Young Jrmner
BALTlMOR£ <AP > Mllte f'tana1H plckt.d
•P an elfedlvo cbana up d bv.ry. M.amed how fo
• de.I with the news m d1a .od WOUl\d up u lbe
American Leaau4f8 Cy Yount Award wfnner tor thett'Jlaeuon
The 21·)'Hr-old left h1ndtt. wtM> poelt'd a 23·t
record for Ba ltimore' I *'"° champions wu •
runaway wlnner ln the baltoUnt C'Oft<luc:t;J by I.he
Baseball Writers A8W<"1ahon ol America
t'LANAGAN rtte1ved 28 of 28 ftm·pl•~ votl'is.
with New York Yunkl'~ pttch r Tommy John and
Ron Ow dry. th~ 1978 w~mwr. haring the other
"I'll always loc:MI at the award as a te am
· thing," said Flanagan, the fifth On oles· pitcher 1n
11 years to win or share the pr~llg10~ a wa rd. ·
.. M~ybe I was the be:.t pitcher." Flanaun
said wbile noting the Onolee woo 108 games in reg
ula r and poatseaso n
play. "but I was also on
the bes t team ..
Flanagan. a native or Man chester . N H .
.who was Baltimore's
~eventh choice an the
June, l!r13 draft. ('redit fe d t e a mma te Scott
!McGregor with turning
,his season around by
leac1h in g h im u
I "IT CAME nal·
~ral rr om th e
fi rst time he showed me
o w to t h row it,''
lanagan said "In the FLANAGAN
riral haJI OI the le&I On, If J didn't have 8 good
curvetNtll, I 1ot beat. 8ut after I leamed lbe
chan1eup and threw m y 1Uder more. 1 became a
rour·plU:h p1tche r. The chute Mt u~ my whole a• me plan and put me over the bump.'
from July 9 on, Flana1an won 13 or his last 16
regul-r aeuon declalons. tumlna In a 2.23 earned
run a vera1e over 18 atarta. He flnlsbed fourth in
the AL with a 3 08 E RA
In addition to leading the mltjor leagues in v1c·
tor1es. he sh ared t he league lead with five
shutouts, was SfCOnd wltb 38 &tarts. and third with
190 11tr1keouts ard 26M'I innings pitched.
AS THE S EASON neared an e nd and
Flanagan was deluged with questions about the Cy
Young Award, he sou&hl advice from teammate
Jim Palmer , a Cy Young wiMer in 1973·1~·76.
"I was afraid to talk about it because I thought
I'd Jinx myself." F'la nagan said. "I didn't even
want lo say anything to Palmer . so J just hinted
a round about what procedure to r~Uow. He told me
not to worry
"J immy leads by e xample. I've had good
pitching coaches in George Bamberger and Ray
Mille r. and the experience of Palme~the field ...
Flanagan a lso came under th calming m
fluence of his father. Edwa rd Flana . a former
right-bander in the Hos ton Red Sox or anbation.
"THE HARDEST tHING about the World
Series was dealing with the press." Flanagan said
"( told my dad I had to answer the same question
·75 times."
"He told m~. 'I'm not worried ab-Out you
patching to the Pirate:.. so don't you worry about
the press·." Flanagan recalled
~----------~-~~ ---·---
Long, Tough Road, Bat Nat Loael9
Lakers Roll
Magic's Passed
Hi~ Test--Jabbar
1'11 IC\C:CI 1 \I'1 Ttw ~l <tl;!H'
!:-> h " IA. rk I> u t p rt I n (' h I l' (i ~II
:-.1.1rl1um JU~l rint• OIJ.!h l bt·fon·
11.dlov.l'r-n .... nit 11 "',,.., .in, thine
IJul a lrl:'al for tht· Chae a w• ·~-iull-.
"lf a\ing l:'.:.ir\ln 1 ~f J~ll
Johnh•lll on thi:-lt•am m(•a ils 1A.1·
<·an run our l t1-.t hn·ak IA.Ith
,L'rt•at l'fhC'1~nq · '>..tlc1 Lak(·r
C<t.tl·h .Jal·k '.\kK1nn1.•\ aflt•r
.JolJ.!1:-.on pr'Mlitdcd l \ p<1tn.h Tue"
da~ night t0\c<1d Los Angelt·:. tu
J 111 105 dec1s1on O\'er Ch1('ago.
11s fifth conse('uti\'e National
Bas ketball A~soc1auon triumph
rn .1n\ gJOH'" an l hl• "t l'1·onrl
qu.irtt•r ..,,,,cf Chu·ago ('o:ich
,Jprr\ Sloan "Wht•n IA.I' W>t 11
11111nl..., clo1A.n ,1\ hatr11mt'. Al'
... 111pp1·d runnan,I! our patt t·rn~ m
Jtw thtr<l qua rtt·r. tonk ~hob IA.t'
h.Jd nn hu ... 1m•..,..., tak1n~ and urat•
ll<'<ill~ forgot Jht1ut dcfrn:-t:
'\\ l' al"'-''" "l'l'm lo coml'
h,H' k but at ·.., a I" a~-. I oo lattll'
too lalt· .. ht• added
Tht.• L.iker... who built JlJ d
q7 711 lead lat e an the third
quarter. were unable lo :.cor0
for the f1n.t 3 15 or the final
quarter a-. former CCLA star
'The best part of his sia me '" r)a\ ad Grt•t>n1A.cl0d lat thf' fart• un
"'hen we re nuuuog. and lo\hen'-dtc"r Ch1cago v.e run. I don't think anyone can
~lop us." s aid Mc Kanney Let's LOS A.NGELt;S ma naged Just
ra"e at. he makes things happen 11 points m thl' final stanza a:.
out there ·· (; ref'n14ood 11nd ~uard Reggie
Ora nge Coast Colleg<: ·~ Mike Lansdon c right> l ead~ the
pack up the tough incline al Newport Beach 's Back Bay
course. where thl' South Coast Conference cross countr~
fina ls were r un Tuesday. Lansdon p laced th ird but. as a
team . OCC had to settle for fifth Tht· Or<ingc Co<i~t
wom e n's tt!um . however. grabbed top honor:-For !:>tor,·
a nd additional photos. sec Pa~c B£
Tll F. Bl'LLS. IA. ho-.l' coml·
bal'k effort r;.m out or i?a:. fall'
10 lht.· final quarter ...,hpp1..'<1 t<•
1 8 It "a:-. Jht•1r fourth con
"'l'('Ull\'C I0:-1-
• Jt !) not ea:,\ to find fault \'Ith
\.\h<it '-'l' do .1A.ron~ b1.•t•;..u ... t•
IA.t"n· go\len intu d1fflcull:-1n "0
Tht'Ul-led ... nulls ... urge that
trimmed thl· margin to e1~ht al
1"3 95 IA.Ith I ~7 rtrm aar11 n~
\\ ht.•n t'h1t'ag11 .., R ar ky Sobt'r:-;.
"h11 ...,t·on·'1 21 point~. hat hr:.
.,,•c·ond thrt.·t.· point ba-.kt'l of tht·
c.tmt• IA.1th I ~>!f li.'fl. lht.• Laker:.·
lt•ud IA..,.., do1A. n to IUH 103
I :Rams Won't Dwell on Negative Thoughts
But Lo~ ,\niH•le~ · .J am<i :JI
\.\'al kt•~ hat .1 JUmpt·r from the
t•ornt•r wit 27 1ccond:. ll'ft to ace
\ht.• IA.In I
.Johni.on scort'd 18 point:. an tht-
f1r:-t hair d!'> tht.· Laker:. took a
1;1 50 ll•acl !"orm Nt'<On a nd
KJrt't'm Abdul Jabb;ir dddcd 18 put It's Hard to Find Anything Positive About the Team's Last Three Games
<*le o .i1, I'!,.. S'-H
Reassurance. It's a com mod.l· I ty that's going ar ound Ra m
camp a lot these days
A team used to winning and
unaccustomed to losmg. owner
Georgia Rosenbloom is reassu.r·
ing coach Ray Mala vasi that his
job is secure; Rosenbloom is
also assuring the players that
things will get bette r. Malava.si
is reassuring Georgia th at
things will get better and telling
bia players to keep the spirit un·
W the team can get healthy.
doln1 their share, reassurtJ:w
themselves' and reassuring the
press that they 're not a bout to
atve up without a fight.
Now that all the confidence
building is over with, the Rams
hope to get back on the winning
"My philosophy has been to
aJways accentuate lbe positive,"
s aid Malavasi at his weekly
press breakfast Tuesday.
"Whe n 1 rirs t s tarted
coaching, l'd say for the firsl 10
vears. my philosophy was just
the opposite, I was as tough as I
could be and emphasized the
negative. But I've learned that if
you do dwell on the negative,
that's what players tend to re·
"1 fmd I get a lot more out of
my players using the other
technique. I've used both and
tbe Cirstooe works better."
IT'S llA&D TO FIND an)'tbing ...
Jimmy the Greek
positive about the Rams the last
three weeks. The offensive line
and defensive secondary are in a
shambles; the rookies a re mak-
ing r ookie mistakes ; the r e-
ce ivers are dropping passes.
and Pat Haden is taking an Wt·
merciful beating.
·•Let me tell you something
abo l.ll coaching ," explained
Malavasi. giving the press a
ouick less on. "Coach in g is nothing more than a constant
repe tition of techniqlles and
things to do.
"I might tell a i>layer 15 to 20
ti m es what to do during a
particular situation, and then
that particular situation comes
up and they don't do what I've
told them.
•'There are three reasons for
that One. inexperience Two.
lat'k ot concentratio n And
three is sometimes the coach.mg.
maybe tbe point isn 't getllog
But No. 3 was quickl y ruled
out when Ma lavas1 added. "I've
never questioned my ability as a
football coach I feel I have the
knowledge and the ability lo get
the job done ..
WJTH NO. 3 crossed out. that
left only No I or No. 2 n:. posM·
ble answers to the Ka ms ' prob·
le llfs . Ma la vasi ins is ts t he
players are ·givmg 100 percent.
so No 2 is scratched. leaving
No 1 as a logical choice
"We have to get we ll to
'>lrengthe n U ll , • • r c itt'rated
Malavas1 "llopcfully, we'll S(Ct
<•nou~h pt..-'Ople back lo help u-.
... oon"
l'nl1l that become:-... rC'aht \
~1 a lavas1 1s saddled ~•th pl <i~er"
1A.ho an.• ~1v,1ng tht•1r all but
maybe their all isn't enouf.lh
~alavas1 s topped short or "a~
1ng 1us1 what efl'icaencv has team
IA. a:. workm~ at ·
"l don't know ... he ..,aid a~ he
.... hook his head ... , really don't
know The players still feel the:-
('an wan and the ccraches believe
we can win "
MALAVASI said his team
went back lo basics last week.
inc luding a scrimmage With full
pads on Friday. somethm~ the
Ram coach eouldn't remember
ever doing in the pas't
Kings Solve
Bruin Defense
tht.• Ooston Rru1ns threw a
... mothering de fense a t Los
i\n~eles' most productive Imes.
11 came down tQ the Kings· last
lane o( offense
Steve .lensen. a member of the·
Kang~· tttird line. hit a 40·footer
with 8 27 remaining to salvage a
.i.4 tie Tuesday night
"O ur two bi ~ lines wer e
"herked very closely. Our line
<of Dean Hopkins and Syl Apps
and Jensen> came thro\Tgh with
kt•y goals." said J ensen .
J, ~ -'With Pittsburgh Next, 'Skins Need Miracle .-1 NEW YORK -It was a wasted weekend for the
l NFC East contenders. Fortunately for fans or the 1 Cowboys, Eagles and Redskins, no ground was lost ~ in wh•t fipres to be the most iotereslini race in the
aenlor conrerence. .
Tbe Redskins were stuane4 by lbe Saint.a, while
l tbe E8'1es were mauled by the Bengals. So, ipstead
, of capttalllinl on the Cowboys' !osato the Steelers,
both chabe remain a gam«i behind the leadertti. ·
NOW n 1.8 mE llEDSKINS who must take on
tbe cbampton St~lers. J oe Theismann -wbo was
mu1nd .:X what had been an ineffectJve Sa1nt de· fwe the Washtnston olfenae muat make
rMdy to wttbstand the at Hult.t of a revived Stffler
defense that bH HmilJ d the Broncos 1od
~wbon to ju.t 10 point.a ln six days' Ome. '
In order (or the-Skins to make a run it the
........ Joe 1'Mi1mann Is going to have to be pro·
tected and the auddtn1y poroua Redskin orrenalve
• ....
line is going to have to guarantee the aC1vances of
John Riggins.
On defense J ack Pardee and h.is staff must pre-
vent the Steelers from constructing a game plan to
take full advantaee of a sUddenly error· prone secon·
dary that bun 't functlonttd nearly as well as before.
And, unless lbe Redskin linebackers and front line
can abut down the lnalde count.en of Franco Harris
and Sid 'lbomton, Terry Bradshaw la 1oing to have
the Skin defense at his mercy Wh1D be swttcbe! to an
aerial attack where he can choOee bet~ffn Lynn
Swann, John Stallworth, Jim Smith, 'Bennie Cun·
runaham and Randy Grouman. Plttabur•h by 12.
golnt to be the lonaeat of weeka aa they make ready
for another engagement .,lth a member of the touah
AFC Central. Tbla Ume It wiU be the Browns. And,
unless the Ea1le1' pass defense put.a the pieces back
together a1aln1t Brian Sipe and his ftne crop of rr·
celveri, the Eagles could wind up \n the throes of a
three.game losing streak wh.1ch could be fatal lo
their post·season amb1l1ons. f>hiladelphia by 3
The Cowboys were physically mauled by the
Steelers and will find no consolation in Uus week's schedul~ Not with the revitalized and s treaking
Giants on the horizon. The Dallas comerbacks are1,
vulnerable to a strong.armed passing attack and
s uddenly the ,Olanta -4·0 •nder rookie Phil Simms
-find themselves· In possession of just s uch a
·weapon. It will be a weekend of still further
challenge for the three NFC East contenders. Dallas
by2. .
OTHER NFL GAMES: Atlanta 1 over Tampa
Ba)' New England 4 over Buffalo. San Diego 6 over
Kansas City. St. Lows s over Minnesota. BalU m~re 3
over Ci.noinnaU. Oakland 12 over San Francisco.
Seattle 2 over Los Angeles . Chicago 7 over Detroit.
N.V. Jets 4 over Oreen Bay. ~ver 6 over ~ew
Orleans. Ml am! 3ov~r Houston I Monday 1
COLLEGE f'OOTl..~L: Michigan 23 ove r
Wi11<'onsm, Clemson 5 ov~ake Foresl. Hiarvard 14
' over Bro'f". North Ca rolina 4 over Maryland. Twn·
nessee20over R91tgers. Pittsburgh 12over Syracuse.
Dartmouth 9 over Columbla, Tulane S over B'oslon
College. Penn State 20 over Miami' <Fla.>. Min ·
nesota. tndlana even. Princeton 8 over Penn
sylvaru a. Georgia Tech 13 over Duke. Ya le 1 over
Cornell. Georgta 9 over Virginia . West Vi rginia 3
over Vµoginia Tech. Notre Dame 17 over Navy.
Purdue 6 o ver Iowa . Mlch)gan State 20 over
Northwestern, Ohio State 20over Illinois, Louisian1t
State 7ove r Mlssissipp1, Kansas lover Kansas State.
Nebras ka 15over Missouri. Auburn l4over Florida.
1'exas A&M 14 o ve r Southern Methodist.
Ok lahoma 19over Okla homa State. Ala bama 2'over
Mississippi State. Iowa State 1 over Colorado, Air
Force l over Army. Texas ts over Texas Tech .
Houston 16 over Texas Christian. Arkansas 21 over
Rice. Stanlord ~ove1 Ariton .. State. Washinston 4
over Cah(Omia~uthern CaUfom 112t over Ariaoa•
Washington St ute 5 over Ore1on State, Soulh
Carollna $over North C~rohna State
DAILY PILOT w~. October 31, 1171
Did Micliigan Beat Indiana
On Wepl Backward Pa•?
• ...... APDb,11CMI
CHICAGO -811 Tift CollunllUooer WaJn• • Duke aaya b1a olftte la maktq a study of lb• t •
poulbllit.Y that a ru.M violadoa occurred durtn1
la1t SatW'dar'• lncllana·Mlcbltan 1ame.
Tbl nlM la cauesUon stat• that "a runner may hand or
paq the ball backward at any lime exc pt to throw the ball
illttnUonall.Y out of bounclt to toUervt time."
The 1ame waa Ued wtlb aix aeeoncla to play wh~
Mlcbl1an'1 Lawffl\ce R ld took a 1win1 p111 from John
Wutler and then hurled It out of boundl. 1toppln1 the clock.
On tbe nut play, Wan1ler threw a 46-yard touchdown
pus to Anlhol\)' Carter. glvlna Mlchi1an a 27·21 vlct.ory'.
O\Ake aald Tuesday the Bil Ten had received no formal
protest from Indiana Coach Lee Corao.
''Tbe conlerence office ii tollowlnl the normal proceduri!
Involved with any official's dedalon ln queatlon," aald Dllke.
"Tbe crew chief bas been contacted for the specifics of lbe
play. 1be observer's report ls in lbe mail. .
"Films of the game are being sent lo the office for re·
view. SUbsequent to the film review and study of the reports
from the coaches, crew chief and observer. we will pursue
the matter internally.''
Dllke added that nothing cowd or would be done about
the outcome of the contest. • -----Cl-•• ol f lw Daw -----
Maryland basketball Coach Lefty DrieaeU says ll 's
difficUll to tell the comm11nists from the capitalists
while drumming up interest in a game against the
Yugoslavian national team : "I thought communists
were supposed to share things. It didn't look like it with
the-. contrac t' t hey got. They look like the y're
Fatlter T oqltest Taclcler tor Glrl
SEATTLE -The toughest tackler Sarah [!]
Taylor had to get past to make the football team 4. •
was her father , Don. ·
"He said, 'No, no way. That's the stupidest
thing I've ever heard'," she recalled.
"Her dad was a Uttle negative at firs t -because he was
afraid she might get hurt.'' said her mother , Anne, "but he's
come around and now he's very proud of her."
The S-8, 146-pound sophomore plays on the junior varsity
at Lakeside, a pnvate school, andnas seen limited action In fo11r
varsity games . Her biggest play was catchln(. a two-
point conversion pass in a victory over LaConner.
Taylor and her coaches say· boys on the junior varsity
have been quicker to accept her than the varsity players J V
Coach Guy Ginell says the reason is that most of the younger
players haven't started dating while the older varsity players
tend to have a more traditional view of Qoy-girl relationships.
Sarah dates varsity co·captain Scott Grosse, who plays
noseguard and fullback.
In practices. Sarah is paired with other young players for
contact drills. It took eventhe young boys a while to get used
to blocking and tackling her.
"The first time 1 got nit, the guy said, 'I'm sorry'," Sarah
said. "I just started to laugh."
Crowds have been friendly. to<t At Omak. fans hollered,
··Put m the girl!"
Cart K'right Bits 32, K R~ose
The New York Knicks expected big things this m
season from BUI Cartwright and the 7-1 rookie
center from the University of San Francisco
doesn't look like he's going to disappoint them •
Cartwright scored 32 points. including 21 in the first half.
against Denver center Dan lssel Tuesday night. The dif-
ference was, Issel got more support from his teammates and
the Nuggets posted a 121·112 victory. David Thompson erupt·
ed for 17 of his 28 points in the second half to help Denver
score its second stra1Rht win . Randy Smith scored 30
points to help the Cleveland Cavaliers snap a fou r-game los
ing streak by beatinR the Houston Rockets, 124·112 Calvin
M\lrphy had 21 points to lead the Rockets, who haven't won in
five road outings this year . Len "Truck" Robinson's 23
points led a parade of eight Suns in double figures as Phoenix
blew out the sluggisb San Antonio Spurs. 142·109 George
Gervin. the NBA 's second-leading scorer. was held to 18
points, 12 below his season average.
Ca11adfetas S core L•t.e tar Tie
For 58 minutes, the Washington Capitals held Iii
the mighty Montreal Canadiens scoreless Tuesday '
night. But the defending Stanley Cup c;h8'.mpions
got on the scoreboard at 18: 10 on a goal by Bob
Gainey and, with 40 secondB to go, a goal by &ejeu Boele to
pull out a 2-2 tie ... Don La11rence converted Ed Kea's cen·
tering pass into his Jirst goal of the season at 5: 28 of the final
period to give the St. Lo11is Blues a 2·1 vi ctory over the Ed·
monton Oilers. It was the fi rst win in five games for the Blues
while Edmonton's winless string was extended to she games
... Keat Nilsson's breakaway goal in the first period a a
goal from the faceoff circle in the third period earned the
Atlanta Flames a 3·1 victory over the Colorado Rockies.
T•..,•• Prittnts IOC P r..,,•••I
TAIP EI, Taiwan -The Chinese Olympic . • Committee oo Taiwan bas decided to lodge a pro-
test with the International Olympic Committee
a1ainst a resolution calling on Taiwan to use a
new nae. anthem and name, a committee official said to-
• •
. The decision was mad~ Tuesday following an lm·
promptu meeting by all members of the committee, the of·
ficial aaid.
The proposal being protested was made by IOC's Ex-
ecutive Board during -a meeting in Nagoya, Japan last
The Olympic officials requested Taiwan to change its of·
ficial name from. the Republic of China, use another nag
other than that of Nationalist China -the bright sun on the
blue sky over the crimson ground' -while recognizing Pek·
ing as the Olympic Committee of China, with the nag, an-
them and name of the People's Republic of China.
Cla•r9e rs·C•lel• Ga•e Selfl O•t.
The San Diego Chargers say their ·Nov. 25 •
home NFL game with the Kansas City Chiefs ls a
sellout. Already sold out are games Nov. 18 with
Pittsburgh and Dec. 17 with Denver ... Veterart
race driver Wally Dalleabacb hasl been placed in charge of
1980 races sanctioned by the Champion.ship Auto Racing
Teams (CART). Tbe group has signed an agreement with
NBC to televis~ four races ... The Mi.salon Bay Marlin Club
reports that Cbi~ago Cubs outfielder Dave Klagmaa caught
the biggest marlin ever wei1hed al the club, 239 pounds.
Kinfm~ used a 50-pound test line from his own boat . . .
Wide receiver Keay Fraser of Northern Arizona Univenity
caught a touchdown pan Saturday in NAU's 16-7 win over
Northern Colorado. Upon retumiaa home , be found his place·
bad been burglariJed and ~ ln cash wes mllling. The
bur1ler ~tly tripped over t~ cord of an electric clock
at 8:47, the cord from tbe wall, almost the same Ume
be aeored the .
r.~ .... .., •• ,, ..
TV: Hone Racina -~ at Santa Anita, 7:30 p.m .,
aADIO: Buketball -Laker.· at Milwaukee, 8 p.m .•
JCLAC (510).
• •
Estancia's Future Is Now
... l f •w nevtr held mueb 1toell In lime machlnes. it's juat a Utt le
too far out to take aerioualy. But at Estancia High School , there
may JUlt be 10metb1Jl1 t.o ll.
Tbat'e beeaue the Ea1Jet appear to be In the mldat of the 1981
ae11on rtaht now u they eye lhelr sixth victory ln eight st.arts Fri·
day nlaht. ..
Afthoulh there were many returning starters from a 2· 7 1978
team.1 Estancia waa conaldered no better off for 1979, despite a
banarUl of promising players in camp.
With a squad of around SS, Estancia Coach
Ed Blanton seemed hard preued to list many
optlmlatlc Items about bia Eagles at a pre·
HHOD runch.
Yea, be had talent in hand with tight end·
defensive end Tony Camp and defensive tackle
Alan ~ana wasn't too sh•bby, either.
Obviously, things were not as bad as it
seemed. A tipoff to It came after Estancia's
opening game, a 35-0 loss to highly regarded
Edison, a game in which Kerwin Bell scored
four touchdowns.
Said Blanton: ''That Bell, he 's a pretty good
With that remark still embedded in my mind, consider the re·
action to BJanton's response prior to the Corona del Mar game last
week after a reminder that this particular game appeared critical
to CIF playoff consideratic>b:' -...
Cross Country
Dynasty Grows
For Pirates
OI t ... DAily ~1194 Staff
The home course was a disad·
vantage and the traditional pre·
race pep talk came a day too
early. But the Orange Coast
College women·s cross coWltry
team. a dynasty In the making,
proved that when you have
depth, heart and togetherness,
nothing else seems to matter.
··w e can't go any raster than
we're going. Every race we·ve
given it all we had," said Laura
Held after the Pirates won their
second straight Soutli Coast Con·
ference title Tuesday.
NOTHJNG SHORT of 100 per·
cent would have sufficed against
Giossmont. Led by tiny Lita
Wh iteman, the Griffins ~rabbed
three of the first four positions
and seemed to have the meet
locked up before most of the
OCC runners even caught sight
of the finish hne.
But Natalie Fernandez broke
up the Grossmont packing by
taking third in 20:39.6 and the
Pirates placed their entire five
in the top 10 to squeeze out the
team title by a s lim 34·37
··we v.erc kind of wornNJ.""
admittt-d Ta..-.nO\ Ferree. ~ho
finishl•d ~l'\'t•nth -.. We "antt'<I t0
st:.iy 1n u tight pack but we got
box('d in at the sl a rt and there
was no place to pass . Then we
got all stretched out und had a
hard time catching up."
Held and J ackie Little didn't
have any problems with their
gro uping. They virtually ran
stride for stride, hitting the tape
in a dead heat for ninth and
tenth place. Had they finished
behind Grossmont 's Kathy
Brownsberger. who was J2lh,
OCC's bid for an undef8F1ted
season would have ended.
"I DIDN'T know where we
were," Held admitted. "We were
just worrying about runnipg a
tough course.•'
The three-mile co\.U'Se near up-~ewport Ba.}'. wasn't only
io\11"Pl':'it was narrf>W. So m ucb so,
in f act, t hat h ead coach
Gordie Fltzel had to ·widen
several spots with a trector this
week ·just to meet the six-feet
wide t'eqwrement.
Fitzel was also so b11sy acting
as meet direct.or, he didn't have
time to talk with the women
before the race.
"I gave them my pitch yester -
day,'' he said. "I said 'Good luck
Neve rtheless, t'1tzel would
like to see a little tighter group-
ing when OCC competes in the
Southern California c ham·
pionships Nov. 10 at Mt. San An·
No Mob Ties,
Claims Raider
MIAMI (AP) -Oakla nd
Raider ~t.ar~ Ted Hendricks says
he h·as no ties with organized
crime -a charge that has
prompted a National Football
League investigation.
"I gave the NFL very clearcut
answers to their ql.leslions,"
Hendricks said Tuesday from
bis Orinda home. "I don't think
th ey'll be back to see me
a1ain." ,
Jack Danahy, NFL security
director, confirmed the Ieasue ls
lookinl into report.a that Hen·
drtcks hu been doln1 business
wltb persons who also have
frienda In organiied crime.
tonio College, the same course
they ran so well in "inning the
prestigious Ml. SAC Invitational
two weeks ago.
"WE DIDN'T run as well as
we did al Mt. SAC," he said.
"We had the team grouping but
we didn't have the individuals I
thought we'd have. It was good
packing, but not as tight as we
should have."
Dale Sprink, who placed fifth.
also thought it could have been
better. "We must have looked
a wful." she said "The whole
team was eating it.··
That might have been true for
the OCC men's squad. Despite
Mike Lansdon·s third-place
finish <21 :52 I ror four m1 les1 the
Pi rates were' a distant fifth in
the men·s team <;landings and
barely qualified for the SoCal
Grossmonrs Ri ck Rose won
the men's race in 21:48.2 but the
s tar of the s how m1ghl have
been wtyteman, who stands 5-2
and was running with a cold.
After cl~ing 19:5-4.5 for three
mHes.fshe was asked what she
could have done had she been
hl'a lthy
'"I wuuld ha\ l' run about 20
Sl'c ond ~ fa-..tl·r. ·· sh e .,:.id.
::.tnu ght fact•d "'I r:.in 50 tight
out thc•re I JUSt "anted to get 1L
over with ··
"We're not thinking playoffs," dead panned Blanton. "We're
thinking championship."
His club then went out and banded Coroea del Mar, oae of the
three pre-season favorit.ies for the Sea View League crown, a
21-7 drubblns.
With a aopbomore quarterback (Jim McCahlll> sophomore
fullback and kicker (Steve Kraiss> and sophomore receiver (Abel
Cachola>. the word was watch out (or Estancia In 1981.
With Irvine Hi&b next, Estancia bu already compiled a 5-2
record. includina DOO·league victories over Brea-Ollncla (Diotb in
the ClF Central Coolerence poll) and Buena Par~.
Estancia, thanks to a punishing ground attack and seemingly
no defensive holes. is rated No. 8 in the Central Conference with a
2-0 league mark.
Time machlr.e or not, It appears apparent that 1.981 has ar-
, rived for the Eagles. * * * AMONG THE SUNSET LEAGUE football schedule this week
is a game at Anaheim Stadium featuring two two-time losers-
Edison and Fountain Valley.
Losers? How often will you find a game pitting twd teams with
two l06ses at mldseason and l·l league reco\ods that will draw
12·14 ,000 people?
Among the fans Friday at Anaheim Stadium will be Los
Angeles Rams Coach Ray Malavasi, who bas p11l off tbe Rams'
road trip to Seattle a day in order to be present. 'iis son, Bill. is
one of Edison·s big guns at linebacker.
KEY SCORERS -Natalie Fernandez, Laura Hel.d and
Tawnny Feree close m on firush I.me for Orange Coast.
"We don't d l1cuH o'ff ln·
ve1tlgat1ooa publicly," Danahy
said. "l can tell you that the '
cotnmluloner ia aware of what
we're doinl."
. . ..., .... .,....., ..... ..._.
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. --. .. . : . ---. ------.....-.-".-...-...-..-.-
You'd Rather P
Pros Don't Draw
Of Ille o.lfr ..._. IU"
Pro tournaments don't come to
Orange County a ll that often, and
when ooe does conte up, you'd Uunk
a tenhis hotbed like this would tum
out in force
But it does n't happen. Appa rently.
Or ange County would rather play
tennis than watch it
Last weekend's Laguna Niguel
Classic. with a lop prize of $4 ,000,
dre w o nly 3 0 0
spe ctators on its
p e ak d ay , and
m a n y o f th e
m atches were wit·
nessed by fewer
than 20 fans.
True, the USTA-
Pe nn circuit isn't
m ajor league-no
Bo rgs or Connors
here~but it's still
1.EOHuo pro tennis and the
games of a Tom
Leonard. Charles Strode or J ohn
Austin can be a joy for any purist.
Maybe the weathe r was t oo
beautiful to watch someone else play
when you could get a court yourself • •
FOR THE R ECORD, Leonard won
the fifth · a nn ual classic with a 6·0,
1-6. 6-1 victory over Byron Bertriim
in the finals. ·
It was an uplifti ng victory for
Leonard. \\hO WtiS M.•e<IPd fi fth a nd a
surpris<' just to m ake the semifinals.
He reell•rl off a ('om·incing s1'rics or
servic~ a<•Ps to ovcrcon1c Hcrtram an
the third !>t>l
T he crowd got a bigger kick out of
the doublPs championship. where un-
seeded J Wlie Cha pman and Bruce
Foxworth kept coming back to beat
Larry Slo{anka and Matt Doyle 7-5.
7-5-that·s as close as they come.
Club is taking a long, hard look at
whether it wants lo continue hosting
the Pacific Southwest Seniors tourna-
ment each year
Last month club o\\ln«tl: George
Holstein asked the tennis &mmitlee
to consider the question, then got to
the heart of the matter when he had
general m anager Hank Barnboorn
ask the committee if it "would like to
take a more active role in helping to
organize and run the tournament."
In other words, if you want it, you
run it.
The committee res po nded by
agreeing that the tournament. pres-
tigious as it is. might need some
hard scrutiny.
Minutes of the m<>eting read.
"After a lengthy diSt:ussaon, at \Hts
decided to look at the general out
come of this year 's tournament and
have next year's committee take as a
primary goal for the year the evalua
lion of the PSW seniors tourna ment. ..
catcher Steve Yeager has confi rm.cd
he wilJ play in the Cornelia Connelly
Pro-Cele b rity tou rname nt this
weekend at that Anaheim all-girls
school. Other Dod~er and Angel
players are tent ativt•ly C'ntcred.
pe nding their confirmacfons Cclebs
in the draw include Tim Van Patt4'n,
Susan St. Jame~. Judy Norton-Taylor
and Pat Puccinelll ... Martina
Navratilova did a walk·on role as a
nurse for the daytime' ~on p opera All
My Children and will ha\'C a pr1mt·
time spot this season on ABC's Love
Boat series _ . . Anaheim Tennis
Club is hos ting the 16th a nnua l
Anaheim Invitational juniors touma
ment this weekend, with matches
also scheduled a t Pearson Pa rk and
v arious Ana he'im hi g h s chool
courts . . . Santiago Canyon Tennis
Club is prepar ing for itc; Sl.500
Orange County Men's 35 Invitational
Nov. 7-12. For information phone
.loba ee.denoa ~ 997-0682.
Howard L. Handy
No.I ... No.I
Golden West Co llege and Newport
Harbor tUgh have som ething in com-
mon this season.
Both ha ve o utstanding women's
volleyball teams and the records wj lJ
prove it. Newport Harbor is No. 1 in
CIF 4-A competition and has defeat·
ed both No. 2 Laguna Bea ch and No.
3 Corona del Mar t his year .
The Tars lost in the CIF semi-
finals a ye ar ago t o Lagu-na
Beach but figure lo be the favonte
this sea~n. "Laguna Beach concerns
me." Coach Charlie Brande says.
•'They are coming along well right
now and could be a big factor before
the season ends." This trio of Orange
Coast area schools has dominated the
playoffs for the put three years.
Up Golden West way, Coach Lou
Ann Te rhe g gen 's Rustlers have
taJcen up where Orange Coast left off
last yhr by winning the s tate cham-
pionship. The Rustlers are rated No.
1 this season in the s tate and are un-
defeated going into an eight-team
tourna ment at Santa Barbara this
Yet Te rhe ggen fee\$ the team
hasn't reached its full potenUal.
"I 've been really impressed by the
way we've been playing," she says.
"We're beginning to put everything
together, playing bette r defense~
becoming more aggressive.
"This team bas ctiaracter. It has
come from behind m ost of the season
but it has always won. This is nothing
I bave taught them." .
The front row or the R~tlers is
composed of Kim Eisenh art (6-3) and
freshmen Terr i Pressley, Gina
Howerton and Tamara Lauderdale .. au 6-1. Another J reshman, Johnette
Tarango, \a the s'l\t.er wblle the sbcth
starte r is team captaln Diana·
Going\irrto the week, the RusUers
bad -. ll-0 record and flaured to win
two more before the S.nta Barbara toumey oo Saturday and Sunday. • • • WHILE 8P EAIUNG OF TOP
volleyball teams ln ~ area, don't
overlook the UC lrvine eqµad.
Coach Shar Wallaader'i An~n allare flnt place ln the Southern
Calllornla AtbletJc ~iaUoo &land·
ings with a 5-1 record and a 13·5 over-
all mark going into this week's ac-
The Anteaters have one of the few
mother -daughter coach-player com·
binat1ons around. Lynn B"hfig, a
senior . is the coach's daughter and
formerly played at Laguna Beach
High • • •
Hawaii is rated No. 1 in AIAW
volleyball competition. il is playing
without the services of one of the pro·
spective stars of the future.
Cheryl Johnston, a graduate of
Corona del Mar High and CIF player
of the year, is enrolled at the isla nd
university but is s itting out this
season because of a kneecap inJury.
"There's a 90 percent chance she
will have to have surgery lo correct
tbe problem," her father, Robert
J ohnston , says.
The Islanders would be virtually
unbeatable if Cheryl we re in the
lineup but they couldn't be ranked
any higher tha n they are now. But
the future looks very bright for• t he
team it Cheryl remains in school
ther e and doesn't trans fer lo another
* * * FOOTNOO'ES -Kadi)' Jo Coaway
of Laguna Beach is a member of the
Chapman College volleyball team .
She bas woo most valullble pJayer
honors the past two years ... P1al1
DUtmer-Goodwla of Huntington
Beach continues to lead the USC
women's volleyball team attack. She
bad 29 kills in her last two matcMs
. • .Loog Beach City Collete defeated
El Camino to capture fint...pj\ce in
the first Saddleback Coltlge Invt·
tadonal volleyball tournament. Coach
Naacy lk!119ette'a Gauchos fln-
iabed third and are bidding to cap-
ture t.belr third straight Million Coo·
feren ce championship . . . Co1utte ~1e and ,..,. Bernell are lead-
ln1 the Golden West Colle1e fiekl boc~ex team thll 1ea10D. Beranek ta
tbe all-tlme leadinl scorer ln GWC
bi•tol'Y wtth '41 coals and bu bit u
th.la HatOD q the BuaUen have poat·
ed a s.o-1 record. /
Raees Go Auto111ated.
New Wagering Machines Come to OC Fall Fair
When the Orance County fall fai r \horou&hbred r1dn1 season 1eta under way al Los
Alamltoe Race Course next Wednesday, lbe rev·
olutionary nmaaver Tote wagering sy1tem will
be uJed throu1hout the meetln& that extends to
Nov. 22.
Tbe U -day meetln1 wlll have el1ht tborouptnd, two quamrMr'M and one appa'°°'a
race each r•cina day. 1be track wtU be open aix
days Ud cloled on Tuesdays. · •
Tbe •OOO.added Oraqe coa.t handica p will
higbUght opening d ay wltb tbe $50,000.added
Orange County HandJcap set for Nov. 18 d11ring the
m eeting that will see Sl.1 million ln pu.ne money
The TIM 300 m achlnea have been inat.alled
lbrougbout the clubhouse and grand.stand areu,
making the Orange County meeting the first fair in
California to take advantage of the new wagering
system. First post da ily Is at noon.
There will be five $S exactas and one $2 dally
double offered each day. The daily ~ouble will be
Tt\e new machines will enable bettors to make
all types of wagers (win, place. show. daily double
and exacta> al the same window with as m any as
four transactions beln!f recorded on the same
ticket. Ticiets can also ~ cashed at the same
oo the third and fourth races. .,
Among the top Jockeys expected are two
former national riding c hampions. Chris Mccar-
ron and Eddie De la houssaye. Among the ~
quarterhorse races is the first running of tt1 e
Sl90.000 F.d Burke Memoria l futurity on Nov. 17.
I 75 LITER I 7~ I ITl ~
6 4 5 9 15
Amaretto Di Saronno, 12 oL
Drambuie, ? 301
Gailiano, ) 1 Ol
Kahlua, .' 101
M.idori Melon. nu1.
Southern Comfort, 1 75 u rLR
Tia Maria, 2J Ol
0 E
11 .11
8.6 1
Hiram Walker Imperial, OOART 4.77
Kessler. 1 1surcR t t .12
Seagrams 7 Crown. 1 15 LITER 1 t .62
Ancient Age. QUARI
Early limes, au~.. . _ .
H. Walker Ten High, 1 75-UTCR .1.w. Harper. OUArff ...
Jim Beam, 1 7'> urcR .
9 .42
~.6 .09
RE.1 All
11 3.77
65.7 1
8 .15
I 1.33
8 .12
10 .49
5 .55
8 .89
6 .46
Christian B ros., 1 75·LrT[R I 1.4 1 64.56 J 0.76
E f, J, I L!rLR 7.04 76.79 6.40
Courvoisier V.S., 150 ""L I 2.54 141 .95 1 1 .83
Martel V.S.P.. 11.96 135.25 ~ \.28
Black Velvet,c~UAfH . 6.02· 68.13 ·· 5.68
Canadian Club, 1.1i;.urE.R 15.49 87.65 14.6 1
Canadian Mist, ouART 5.93 6~ 5.62
Seagrams V.O., 11s.w1 R 15.49 87.65 14.6 1
Beef eaters, 1 75 um<
Gilbey's, 1 1-, urt.R
Gordon. OU"-l<r
Seagram's, O<ll\Rr
Tanqueray, 1 1surL1<
81 16
62.6 1
Bacardi Lt. & Dk .• 1 75 urER I 0.42
Castillo Lt. f, Dk .• OUA1<T . 4.26
Myers Jamican. 750-''L 6.58
5896 ,_9.83
48.24 " ~-02 74.50 6.2 1
Ballentine. 1.75 LIT LR
Chival Regal, auARJ
Cluny, 1 75LfTLR
J f, B. OOART "
J ohnnie Walker Blk •• O<.JAR r
Lauders, 1 75·UTl:.R .
14.72 83.89
14.83 167.85
12.05 68.17
9.59 108.60
1 2.97 146.88
1 l .20 • 63.39
Cuervo White, O<JART .6.34 71 .66
Don Emillo Wh. f, Gold, 1 75 L TR 8. 7 I 49.29
Sauza Gold, OOART ........ 7.20 81.37 -
Crown Russe. OOART .4 .22 47.75
Kamchatka. 1 75-UTER 7.92 44.7~
Popov. 1.1s.UTER ..... 6.99 41 .83
Smirnoff. QUART • . .. .•. • 5.68 64.26
Stolechnaya. OOART . . • •• 9.94 11 2.48
84:6 10.75
CASEOf &50.72 1CASEOF 12 122.91
11 .37
12 .24
6 .79
Barton f, Guester
Cotes Du Phone. 1'10 '"L
Wente Blanc De Blanc. '~·"'L
Freemark Abbey
Pinot Noir 1972. '>'' "''
Krug Grey Riesling
Kenwood Pinot Noir, 1~1 ~L
Johannisberg Riesling
Bealieu Vineyards, 1':JJ "'l
Barengo, '':>'''-'l
Cresta Blanca. ,.,. ··'L
Robert Mondavi, 1"11 ""L
Santa Barbara. 1':'ll ML
Wente, N1 M.1 •
Simi, 1?1 '"'
4 04
35 20
4 .34
(JI<' 'WHtl£
2 HXJl'!<.l
Gamay Beaujolais
AJmaden ....... i
Beaulieu, .. .,,
Charles Krug. -...
Monterey, ..
R.Mondavi, ....
Parduci, ....
Ch ardonnay
Beringer. 1~ "'L
Christian Bros .• 1-,.,1 '11
Fetzer. '"'J '\L
Giumarra, N1 ~'L
Monterey .. ,..1 '"
Christian Bros ..
Louis Martini.
Charte.s Krug. ,~
lnglenoo~ 1~
Monterey. ,'»#-
R. Mond..t, 1»"-
2 73
2 42
3 13
3 .49
2 58
3 .19
29 70
57 20
3 1 60
34.7 1
2 .20
3.1 7
4 .40
2 .64
4 .77
We Now Offer a Limited Selection of National
Brand Grocery" Items.
• 1"10\/!111\BER 7
10 ~TO &Pfl\
CotogM Grenet ,,,. , .. ~ ..... ...._. ...
,~ ........... .
G<lM .,_....,. dl!I K•••n ("~ref\ • J '"' NI<-~"*-*' ~ ~· • t. • ._ •) ,.,.... altw *4 ,._ l.y-I > • I ....
MMt'lt 09f J ...... l'lltei 6A 1• p .,.el \IOlll
.... DoulMI .... _' , .. ,.
Hlah k.Mol WOIMft (.._.,.11.alt-• ~ o·-· Ill .... ()eMfrle .... -.. H•l-.n "4, IOlll Iv 111\hft Ml, MeV•t
IEI won .... !oil .,._ -.... fltl<trt ll) _,,, ... ,..,,,
M<L..q,llfl-ln..n ([I O.f r.-.c-
...i, oet. Gei»t.&o.<1'11.n I> I Clotf. ,.,,....,_
Sllll>M • '. c:..m.ron-OtlcrHI c EI won •O
M , .. J.~~Cl lllwon6-l,6 1 •J
" .......... ~''·'--'' $ ....... No~ CHBI def S<-•lcler . '·.,.. Ruo m"" .. 1. ltlQll IHBI won 11\1 Otl~ll. io.t , ... :r.rlOf IHBI .,., M•llotto , .. , oet F•llh
"'· Solomon IHBI IOI! M . '"°" 1 S ....... ,, CHBI .,., Lot1 .... <Mf. crow .. v .. ,. Cll•llM
IHBI won .. , ... ,; a ....... CH 8) oel. hub
.. , cfff Wll\Of\ 6-0, Stinker IHBI won ...
"'° ~
Hartlen McAlll~t•r lttl!l Clot 'orbol•
Turn•r • 1 IO\t ,,, Flli\On H,pburn & 1
O•mpmdn fAvlor OHH IC'Ht .. b , •••
l(•mptntr l unOQUl\I ltifU M f Mr Flrov
SC1<'1'r 1> I <loot Huie hon• Mt Mll•ln f> 7 (•tw-
Horion ltilll IO\t s I , .. ~ .. uv l~\CY IHAI
df'f ._.<t, r1\ \l~t • J_ 1u t lo Han~" 5n1m st E voM s .• uq•t .. a •Hiit to\I t 6 l ~
Htn\l~y V~n Ot>t"''""' llH!J IO\I 10 HOM
Hl'>ltm.\o f--(, W'"' b'I Ot·f.tu•I U•nm\ltr 01\\
IH81 won Tb, l>ydf•IAult
Co,..,,. O•I Md t 11, Ulri•t,.llY •
M arfl\.-v fUJ IO\I tu R1l'dnt , 4 dt't ••oMt
I~ IO't1 lo f.tM.-11 1 6 J.1 ,..,, fUt WQtl.) f> J
b.0 S.Q•llU1 11 .. tt I 1 ~ ~I
Oo .. bl" P•ndd L ,,.,,.. flJ• n. t Pnrtf'rtu,10
(,OOf1N W'Jy b I 1(1·,t t(I (. ttttf"-f U,fitlwm 1 4 ln\t
10 tt"'""''n I c.,,-d ~ 1 (otinoUy l~rlh r tUl
10 t 1 t (J t ) 1 0 ()(Hin\ II t>tllt •• n lo\t 4 t•
1 tJ W(l(\1 11
L•gun. 8.,.<., 17, \•" Clemeftlt •
W llf th I lo• t H.1 t41,ll '1 ~ tj--f ( ! U I>'
& 4 flt f .... f nny h· ) H1fll¥'1fl i l n I ltt-,f 0 fl
.... on #; J IQ\t c, , H wth ,,..,. l fU I •.I I ,
°I •.• b
l(r,•.t.,.r t-4~n\•·n It h1 Jpt Hrun .-111._
Stttpn ... ,. '• "/, Ot-f ~h r.t•n 1 \1v ~ti t fld I '''
,.,.. • ,., .. ,,...}ft t)J Wt t11• w .... rtth .. HI ....... ,
6) 64 ., (OUhfJ\f1' 1'1 'l.8; #Of1ft},t I
~. 0
Newport 11.obOr 1• M.arin• 1l
"'(#W1'f1 fM lt·f f MVI f j , dt t ~"'"'"
t 1 l:nl•1..v INt tr1•I j t,_ <4 ~. ( 1'9u\ fM i 111\f
ft I 'lt 1 t t ttf f ~ .. r.r ti'> 4 f rn it..\I If f
t ti t I , C,,. t IM 1 t:WI 1•1llf 11 J t1t I
I'"'• rr1ot01 I'• (,,.' 'C,_.) 10,t J 1.t .,,,, 1 4
l r•n tM\ o. • f t1 "1' 1 4 11f•f H"" ti J
NQUyPn fM t >NfJn t. I '· \ •
fl1l09 ... mfH,.,,, •. , NI I h1· t to w~ut.• Rti ··'"'"'
t -1 lo't to PA,hH '1'hilil> ,,., O• Ny•w "'
Hdrt IM f,Q'I r. 1 ,. f\l\IN'I• (•'\.-y tM J h 1
to ~m11n A ndf• w \ .J &. 1,,-.1 to IC unn tc: ,.n,.,,
H . l•~Vu IMJ 10\1 l 6 ... on , • ""'' M<C•tlum IMt IO\t to Ot>ru-Fro•• 7 I>. ""'
Cl)lll\on '>load"'" 16 M•l~n"'" M<l>*••n IMI 10\1 I• SI l..oodr.<h l d"""""4n IMl
Ir, t tu M11t M.u,,, I 1 ll, '" 1 J·pck 1-tc;mm•
I t 'iUff• • • M(AXJy ~ M J I .t ) ti \ 1
Fownt••" Vttlh-y 1', Wt\tmfn\ttr 11
M 1 t U ./ I •t I ·'•ti•' f 'f. rl1 f It' 11 1•
I •, I rt "' h ff V ~ that 1111 I '· My J h'I I 'ti'
,,, f I ~f.1ft t,, J C"W"•I f 11 r I• t) (•t 11"11
,, './J Wl•H 6 -'J. (; 1 ltlrlJfl t~ \If IJ .. t ttrtJ'#llfl
6 0. d· I \Ju t.O hONN' ,. ·~· Jlt)lln t• v ""'"
,, '··" 0 f , .. ..,, (f VI (J1' MP-Uk-'"· 0.-1
P4'y"P6 0 ( tJrt_,I'\ Ir VI 'fl•1Hlnf) ' I, 0
Hood ftttlf'1rO ,,.VJ 1,,,, to fh•·'-
Rt>\.-n• u•~ I ' to-' t11 VtJlttu"' 1n Hu·..io•1n
1 t., 8r-1JNn H'.)l\pl'>n t r \If'"'' 1 fJ Oh I u1w 1 ta i<v• """ tf \/) to'\l 1o H;•m f10Qt1tn "J b, ,._.,
Oqawa Cv<•1.\n..t '-l \llv•r k•rn.t\ tf V•
io,1 1·6, l h, UUv.>tf••r J.H1yn.,w11 fr VI lr1•,1 ta
Mt.tr""" ~y1m l tJ. ,,_, M 1trtlfll'/ Mr<,r••
t. ? • Lona l ,,, .. f ""'"" '• l. •o\t ~ 1, \U·dr n•
l Alnmf'nlCJI tf \I I ant MU...tff• Ma.0. b l rS.•I
V#Jllf WflrtJ '1 M.ltrf)On O••n ff VI 'Nttl'I
• J. lO\I l 6
Hollywood Park
COlh ot lt-nlll"' ..... .,.., mMtlftill
Ftr\I ,.,~ Je•n Cllanc .. IL•O•yl 11 oo.
8 80, 1> 70, 1mprtuou~ w .... 18U<lwavl •• &O
13 00. M•>l•r Pltillp IHouYI U 60
s econd race Oan1 ' M•o•t llyrtl
IGoudr•~• J 40 , IO , ~ CO..-\ c .........
I B1cltf0fd) ·~ '°· • 00. P•lnttO 801 IT od<ll
• 70 TnlrCI rltU Roy"I V4'Cet1on l(AIO"I 1' IO
11.10, t.60, Almllr'> M~•< IParltwrl l 60,
3 00; ~"""'' 0 10Mn ti•llY IA•tcl!forCI)
3 00 ,3 E~<Kla I~ ll tH•CI '40J IO
Fourth r&ce loc.11 Slwirllf CP•rlte1 I • M
3 40, 2 IO Ttt•s•u\ I Dennis) 1 •O • JO
Sp•rkt•no SQewd IV<1ll~n<1•nOllA"'I . II()
1'1111! ••-Cool c,,.y lflAY~"' • •o. 110.
• 10 VO\lnQ NPV I'"""' • 00. I~ 60. p~, ......
<Gouoruul S •O U C Oct• I I·•> o••O
Sl•lll r«e Cf\am-e Prlnr• CPMl.,I
14 00 S 00 S 00, Str Jim ITOCICll q IO 6 10
Tit;;,: trl"11Gouel<t6ulS60 '3 E••<I• I• II
1><1ld •Ht 10.
S.ventll rb<• Sollrltle ArQO t.Annll) tt :IO, n 10, 'IO, Alt TMI JftJt I Tl\llf'r! 160, S llO,
MY l •tll• RO# CSherrl'ftl •IO.
E lghth rac~ OlrKt (;Gld I Peril•• I 1 00
J IO, 2 10, SVCll6r IOnomerl 3 60, 2 40,
liltlbltly Fiiiy IG<><"dOt>t 1 10. U E-6<1'1 IHI
QAld~IO. Nlntl! r6Ce Blutqum Suro11~ !Perktrl
S IO. 4 00, J :Ill, Usl>of\ l.O IL OnQO) UO,
>.to; C..r-ro 10ono..,..r) 3.•0
Tentlt race Ml•ltr F•lliKY (Anclenon>
4 60, ,..,, 1 IO; .-y ()uy IWotlnl 7 IO,
5 10; Oenf«d Co.-n.r) 4 10 Sl f!u c:ui (Hl peld~10 All~• S,111
NHL ~C.......-Ce
NY Ila,......
St. LOlllt
Cllk ft90
w 111111.-. ~",_ ... ( .. OIMo
' I s • . , • • l •
Pit 0' OA
I II a. JO
I t 21 Q
I t 0 )j
' 7 ... .... vai.OMei..
• I 7 10 , . , .
I 4 1 I
I S 1 1
I S 4 • 1 • t • ..... ~. ~•01¥lflell
• I 1 1J
• t I 11
S ' I It • 4 I t J 4 I 1
J6 " ,. " tt ,,
" ,.
» a
ti ••
*1 " IS l4 aa u .. • u u
t0nte 4, lruln• 4
1(.,. ..........
I I • A
t I I • ,I ..........
I a o•IM, kltffl.,•11 I 1119'11-. ltM
mol\41 II JI J LO• At>Qttt•, e>1onne 10
11 nl•• 01~1 u ,., J LH A,...,, ..
H•pl<lft\ I IJ•nMnl It S6 "•"•llln
lltUOfl DtllCll, ,., •• ., l>Y M( Nol>, • JO;
M< Crlf'\n-. IMlOft I " ..... ~ LA. ' ~.
M4 '"""-00.ton .. 0 hCN'd ..... IMI
4 let ......_~ t.otclMP t CCiorlflel 1. u . i
.. ,ton, ""''" I CS.corct, O'Atlllf) II )I
l'•,,.lllH H•l•••ll. LA. } 01, Jon•l-.· ll~t-. q ''· T_.,.."'9r1M
• Botton, MoOOl<lton 3 lll•l•lle Jon.1...,.1
0 st, 1 8o6ton, -..rc.oll• t CMllltr I • ti •
Lo• AnvelH, J•nMn J (APClt, Hoplllfl•I I I JI. PeMll'-t None
'll>Oh on _, -Bo\lon 4, to 11 1S. lo•
Anqelf\ 11·1"19
C.o.I••• -l!loslon, Ciilllert, ll•leno.,. LO\
At\Q•IH, Gr-Mt A t,~
-(_ > .
[Hferfl C°"lerft><e
All•ntl' Ol•htOft w l Pel+ Phll,.Oel~e I 0 I 000 llo\lon .. 2
Nfl'w Vor .. \ s Wo1>1nqton 1 )
Ufiw J~r\/'y , 6 Centr•I OIVh-S•n Antonio s
_.111111n1~ )
r' .. "'·•t • lnd1AO• • 6
(.lt•Ytol6n<J J 1 Mou,•on 7 6
Wetttrn COltter•n<O
M1dw•tt 01vl\1on Mttwnu..,,• 8 • ' .,,,n..,...., C•tt • r111ri100 ' U t;01 ' 01·nv1>' ' P•ctllC Dl'tt"on
J.'n/tlMlfJ ' L•ller~ I
Phr ... n 1.1 I
'·t1t'1•n \1_,1, • '>I •t It II • •.,.,,Ou oi> • Tue\d.ty 'Sc or•\
lAiP.f!'f\t1t r n1r,,rti•10'\
r 11 "'I 1· ' 4 H• .· lt1f' 1 1
f It f •l'I 1 It '•••;tit ,, , .. 117
f1r11.1<1 f • I• ',.tr· Af'Unf11I 1 I
T""t9flt'I Cem ..
l411ktr\~t M·'"'"I'"'"
) t d t I• •ot -'·ti t..I 1• '·•
,.,, ••• , "' •• ,.,,,.. h, .. f
t I• .t l.•r~ 1t //t '''"°"'''' ~"'""' .... htO .. dl .. .~1tlKnn•1t•f1f1
Pi 111-tltd~t (,#,, tt·• t.tl••
, ,. (l yl•, ·•' ,..,.,.. ~'. l•'' Anton11')4tl ·.,,. f >, "''
8 ..
' ' • \
' ~
Lake rs 111 . Bulle 1 OS
\00 ,..
\00 ...
~ft~ ...
~"' ... ...
• )' ..
LOS ANGE.LE~ ( htH~-\. U Wd il1 Lt
bMu JA~r II f J ,, .,n 1• N1u.·t' t.,
Ho1Jyo#O'>d 11, (<-•f,,., 11) f u<t1 J, Hl')ll,•f11J fJ
.... , .. 11 l(Jf .. l\41.1~?1111
CHICAGO V•••n .... r,od 1• M1t't 11;
A'Ntt• ., • 'M:lhf•r\ 14 t P\11 ''' tl f w ''•'II' ~
Ldnd\Ot "'' 4 ~'" IU Jonn..onl. l:i~hote
A lol•I• U I\ IO 10'>
Sc.or• by Ooulr1trl
Lo; Ano .. 1... JI 19 :r.. u Ill
Ctw •H.Jb 7& 7• 11; 11 to•,
Yr.ti• C;')•nl ,,..,,,\ ~hlor• .. I f nul .. fl n•.1'
.,. ,,,. T111.,1 tr,.,1 I• "~1,,1 1 ("''"'"'
1'~ f1 f l11tlt ~I L f1,«"Uf1 (0>"'" 'll,,.,.,.,, ., ' .,
College Eahtbltlon
Al.A IS • .AIU>., P•<lll< ii
/\IA f'0t;-'V~ '.t H<tll II\ \CPMll U (\t f '1 ,,. t•'·'"'·+" l f-rrr t 4 ~~i.tn 11 JM:.,•.on HJ l 11o1¥v•, J '\tr>,tn ., rot·''' 31 n )J A\
I ltJ , t•"' 1tH r.olc'tt'n I Stlfil'1t0f'I •
t~,11/H •, t' Jol1t1w;n t.1. l\nfjprM>n 13 Wnt•t•I• r
t NH f)r1t1f1t1Qf'I ). M O\t '\ 1 f OIAI
JfJ I« fl '
1•.11tll<nf• Al/\ 48 lO
JC CroH Country
,., ~ .. I' • .,__,I
, RO\f' t(,ro<.""""" 71 411 2;, Ptret "o
1"•1-d I 11 ~'I l l•n'°"" IO"'"Of' eo,.,t Coll•<!"> 11 S1 I. 4 ~18mblln IGrO\\monll
11 SI>~ \ 8' navlOtt IMI \,ACI 11 00 0 • ~•ndo•u (Ciro.smontl ~2 · tl 1, 1
Mc:Cortf'itek IC:.rn\\m"'1ll n IA I>, I K•H•r
1r.rou m""t1 71 "1, 'I Poolf'n\kl IGro\ ... monl l n 1q I 10 l'ollnuft IC•rrltO\I
17·30 l 01..,.r Or~ Co.11\I run""" 1•
Mete all 11 OS 7 71 SprleH•f 7l Ol. I, lO
!>moot 13·10 • 31 RlnQer 23 0 .1. 41 Lotta
1l SS1. 0 M<C..1J stt
Team \Cor~ I . Gro•\m<>nt 16, 1 Mt S..n
Antonio Cottege 17. 3 Santa An• '4 ~
Fullet1on 101 , S Or""Of' CO<l\t IOI • !..&n
Ol•QO Mne 1•: t. CPrrllos 1116 W-CtltrMmllHI
I Wh1tem<1n ICirO\\MOnl I " $4 \ 1
Rodrlguu IGroHmonl l 20 tl 1, l
~•rna-z IOrllftQ" Co.t\I) 10 l9 ~; • Stat ron ((,roumonO :Ill. SQ 3 S Sprink !Or8nQI'
COUii 71 113 1: 6 Cerroll ISO M""') 1t ti 0
I FerrH IOr.tnQO (oa\I I 71 16.3; 9 Smtih
I Ml SACI 2t 19.,; ' Hele! 10.dnQf' Co.t•tl
11 •• >. 10 Liii .. !Oran~ Coull t t "1
Otn•r Orenoe Coa\t 1unn•"' 16 Maritn
17•JO 9. H. Mor.,.,. 7l IS I
•Team S<ore' I Or;inge Coast H , 1
Gronmont 31, 3. Mt S•n .Antonio Coll•Ql'
tS, • SM> Oleeo fMu too. S. l'ull•rton us.
4, C.rrllos I,.
Cll' .. ATeplO
1. f--Oetts. l . C--.. , Mar; J
U11lwertlty1 •• Ce!lla INN; \. Foolhlll, ..
Pelo' Verde&; I . VIiia P•rlt; t . S•nl•
e.,~, •. '· °" Pueblo6; 10 AOOll••· Cll' )..A Tot 10
t. Ouaru Hiii, ,, MIHIOtt V .. lo; >. Et
Dor-; •. Arrovo Cir•n<M. s. 8utn.t Par1<,
t o B•rtt-, 7. MellH~Del; I. Ullfeftd; 9.
W•tnut, IO. llurrOUQ1t1 8urCNnltl.
Women'• Cr n Country CU14·A .. 11
1, 1.i-1 2. Pe!CK V•rdls; J . U11tv.,tlty:
4 C•r-•1 ~·: s. ,._.."' V•llo; •· New1>11rv Pull; 1. ,.ootl!lll. I 5•ftl•
8orNr•; •• Dos P-lot; 10. C•t• .......
Ctl'J.AT .. 1t
1. S.111¥1; l. c.tlltlr-V•l .. r ; I. LA911M
1Htll7 4 liUter Of!: S Bltll09 Am•I, '
Cl!lno : 7. San Luis Obl•PO; 1. Arroyo
Gr•lld•: •. DMI• Hiii•: 10 Ou<oru Hiii.
,,,_ NMYWt .,_.. ._, ·-
' ~ UK11,,.._AtlMM
W•llllllf'Oll J~ -Celltoml• lten,.,.6-Arl-lt. "'·~Sc.·-°'""' St. Al9'M,... ttowr Mlltll ..... 11.
Nfbf9'Q 14~-Ml-I t i.m11111 •ovww ... ,_....
··-ft u-.. .,.,.," ., .. "'C ..... IN > IWf AUt'Yl<IN ft-•-"·-""*'' ""'.....,..,. .,_, "'~-'vi.-''"' ... tell c:.I .... PeMlt ·~-Mi.Mt (IJCe I
IA!tl-1-Ml-WIU 0MfOI• TKll I),,,_, DIA• O_t .. I .... , \ll•tlllt..
WHI Vlr9'fll• ~ -Vhtfnl• h clt Noire 0.....1•-.,,.,, "'···-·-· OltlO SI ... t0 IYer IHI/IOI•
l \U 'llt-Mh\ININI ICal\.-•t..t.K-••-A llllvrn 111.-t owr 1"19rl4M
h••• 4&M t• owr SMU O•l•home tOo.,.r Olllt-$C
I owe St t -C-MO
All I t><te I°"'' AfMY fe••• 141-.0""r h••t Te<fl "°"''°"'~rev 4n.•n-tle.,.. Ilk•
~lllCMOlln.tiOV.,NO C.,oll,..SL
\Htt .. l \.'lowr ••-
O.n•••1t •"ro•11 -0<~""' Ntw e._.nc1 So.,., a1111•io
Oollt17\o'lowr NYO ...... lt Plllt.oetoN• 31'1 owr C .. wleftd
S.n ro'eqo•o .. r K•ll\4Ui:1ty
St Lo.ii\ S over Mt"""°4•
Btltl.,_• 2~> over Clnefnnotl
NY J•ts 4 -·Cir"" lley Mltml 3\l>ovtr Houston
.All•nl.• I owr T-Bev
Pltt9bUrvfl 10'" over W••nlnoton
0•-l•nd 10YI -• s.n Fr-•"o
Women'• Volleyball coueG1
Cal 51•1• Nor1hr'IOOe clef. UC frvln• ls.ti .
l)·ll, U.f
C.olO•n w .. ,, ci.1 lo\ A19IP\ CC I)\,
U •. IS-4 HIGH SCHOOL ><unllnoton f'•f><l!cltl r C11\0ft t\ I I\•
Nf'wpt}f"t HMM, O~f M ht1tM t\" 1\ fl
Wf'\trntn\ter ctd t ovn1a1n V41ttty • \\
If> .. ·~ 10
Cll' .. ATeptO
I Newpor1 Hart.or; 1 uoun• 8H<I!; I
Corona cltl ~· • ~"'" 1 ~ s M•i.• Ott. 6 ButtOUQh' 1111 I \I Jovpn, I . Hum
•noton Boo , ~ Mira to•I• 10 '>•n
CIFJ A fop 10
1 Arc &111,.. 1 r,""' l P•k>\ VtrOt\ 4
\t'\nto111 An d \ < "'""'"' S t. (utv.-r (tty I
I O<>lltlll, 8 !;o'.tn Cl'"bt ll'I, 9 l(fMf'OY 10
~ • • .. "
Cy Young Balloting
AfTlttK 6f' Le.,MJW
1'1 1..0 l rO Ph
J-'""·~'1"'"' ' 0 0 11 .. 1A 1 0 '"' J .t\n , ·".Pf'\ I .. • " (.1u11J,., v"n•••·-. I 1 I/ 'A ...... ,, ... .... " I ,,,.,.,,,,,,11 '""'"' " I
K l'.,r,,\" .1n fw1n 0 I 1 '· l t •• t'-•t'• "rd '°• Q 0
I <1r>e1 'lfff t\ 0 0
Cv Young Winners
1\11'1 M • .,,. • t,.r,ttq•n J ... u.,, ·Jf"
t ''' Urtt (,u•tlt'tf ''• ;,,.fr1r•
1'1'1& f~ J:lf'JIOW( f;,,1t1l"'O' .. ttll A""r •v ty1• "''N"",..,,
14'/\ U'\ p,.,rn.-r ''ftlt•""O,-•
1 ,,,. tH .,,, Hunl,., 0 "9• ll'tnd """-\')
1YJl J1m r1,un·u , H1tH1r•"H)'" ~
•~n V•r">t<1 p,.,,., c ·~ •t•1tno
1911 -Vtdtt ll•..e. Oakland
1'110 Jim P.t,.-y, Mlntlif"'-Ota
1'6tf M1•t1 (~ll•r 81'1h,.,~f' t1t• O--nnv Mr L,.in O,.trO•I
1'tA °"""'v N r l ••" C>£tro•l
1u 1 J+mt.t.1'Ui,Q fin·ton
11'1, t CJf"~lf" < ,,~"' .. t n A~ h '
I t' ~,..,,._, t .,, t 14 "'y.,,-.,
l«f\fl t ,.,,.,. -Nynr. r "''-tao
1 ' " • t ' ·' h • ~ •• w ,,.., •
~. r l I f rt.f'I' • ,., 1 HJI. (,f\f .. , 11•; I inn ,.,.,._
H••fl1 ,,,,,, th• Am,,.rir4n 8''" "'"''''" .. ' h·.1u ,.
Scon by 0...rt•n
CllrV\ 0 0 0 0 0
~addl•t>.>< • ) 4 2 I II S4<JOl•bM~ s.<orot>q (,roo~ •· Bora •.
(t>Ot-) M1lo'"~h, 041rr 1. \IAlttn<•
£n1 LI( 0 I 0 I 7
C,Oidf'n WO\t ' I J J 71
C,01ottri We\t \tOrinQ Burdette l~ Hollm•n J littmttton J z.,n.erv 7. w ... 1..-~
1. Moorhouse 24 PtckfO<d 1, H•n\on, Whit•,
Wll'°" SO<M'tl!
Seo,. by O...rt•n
Or•no• (o.o\l l • J t.-16 r_,ro\-..m0<11 4 ? l l 11
Or4H'IC)" C°"'•,f '\l"otif''H'J At11'0" , Vern),
1. F•on l . ll«•u•" (•r1011 cor""" 1 ,....,..
I N•-.-t H•-· J Sunnv Hiii\, l LB
Wll\Otl, • LO\ Alto\ s. l'O<lnt•ln Valley, 6 N~"'""'" Par•, I Fooll>oll • S•ntt B•tb<t••.
I El Oo<.00 7 R1wr\ldP POiy J MIUIOft
Votlo •• Fooll>lll. s VlllftP4r1<,b Cal>rlllO I
Avl4110n,I SenteF• q CruuntaV•ll*•· 10
Men'• Soccer
JUNIOR COLLl!GI! ~ Wefl >. ~ ... ,
Golden WHt worlno· MeCltovltl!, "oneuo,
H41ttlme Goldeft Wttt 2·1
Tueldey'a Trantactlon1
IAHIALL ......... L....-
CHI CAGO CUBS -Slon•d Lynn Mc:Gloti.n, pl!Ol9r, to • tiw-ve•r ,_
lrKI. POOT I ALL ....._.,, ..... L...-
Ciltl!IN llAY PACICeRS -lttltltH
Stewt ()OOm, lll<ll retumer. A.,._ J«wl
Clwlfteltor, llQl'fl end. "'""J-• ltemwy, cteftfttlw end.
.... _.-.--._ -.. ·-.. --........
A Sweep
For Area
Saddleback Colle1e•1
water polo team
couldn't have picked a
better way to break ln
lll new pool Tuesday.
With Eric Grooe lead·
lna the way with slx
aoah. the Gauct.o. con·
nected on 18 of 20 shou
on goal to bury Citrus,
Steve Marksbury reg-.
lstered nine saves lr\
the net for Saddleback.
which practiced ln the
pool ror the first time
Monday. The Gauchos
are now 1.3-7 on the year
and 3-3 ln Miaslon· Con -
ference play.
Golden West mowed
down another opponent
Tuesday, bombing visit-
ing East LA 21·2. J eff
Burdette, Dan Horrman
and Rick Hamilton, who
normally don't see too
much actio n , eac h
scored three goals for
the Rustlers, who a re
14-1 oo the year.
Si nce the Rustlers ' on-
ly loss came to the USC
fres hme n, they have
now won 37 consecutive
games against two.year
A Riglat to tlae Jaw 42.89 ..._.,1. ftltl llCil Colorado's !\l ike· Christie I right) takes a punch tn the ftr!>l pe riod ~
from Atlanta's Ken Houston Tuesday . Christie went dov.n . but not 495-6141
out. ~CJ foul v.<.ss c<illed. -·-.,, · " .. , ...
N F:W \'ORK I /\P )
.J o.., e p h Coop e r . t h e
m.1r~hmallow ~alesman
al 1111' t'l'Olt•r of Billy
:O.Llrltn':. firing, said
1 11 t· s d av l h C' (o r m c r
N t• w Vo r k Y a n k c es
managl'r threatened
h 1 m . t h c n ~ u l' k <· r
pund1ld him l<t..,l IAt't·k
In his first interview
..,101·t• the 111c1dt•nt la::.t
W t•dnC'sday. C<>op<>r told
Intense ONE WEEKEND Real Estate License
·Seminar. Expert professional instruction. finest
materials available. PRO VEN EFFECTIVE' 9·00AM
to 6·00PM Saturday and Sunday Continental
breakfast included
NOVEMBER 10 & 11
lecrott .,._ Jdla w..,... ·~· ~Seminars
17141 644-1094
The Asso('iatt•d Press he --------------------------------
anct a bu...,1n<·ss associat e
encounlcrt·d Martin tn
the bar of the L'Hotel de
France in Bloomington,
"W~ talked lo him
a hout his JOb a nrl IA hat
t ht• futurC' lookt•d like .
and :.o forth." Coopt·r
said "Tht·n I math.• a
Matcment to 01lly that I
thought 1t wus a good
c· h o 1 c <' p 1 c k i n g D 1 c k
Willia ms of Montreal as
manugel' or the year.
although I thought Earl
Weavt•r <of Baltimore>
did a good job too.
.. Billy said . 'They were both -holes, and
you• re an -hole too for
saying it."
Cooper said he ig·
nored the remarlr, and
Marlin then asked
Cooper what he did ror a
li ving.
"I told him I was in
sa le s with
mars hmallows," Cooper
said "They thought It
was a big joke, as ev-
"Then Martin m en·
tioned that he thought it
was a bad choice that
Williams was manager
of the year, and he said
he wanted to go outside
and 'whip your-.'
"People were always
coming up and asking
him for his autograph,
and we forgot about it
for a while. He finally
came back to me. and
he said. 'Tell you what.
Joe, here Is $500 to your
oenny I can knock you
on your-. It wasflve $100
bllls .
"I still didn't say too
much, but he was harass-
ing me, but Ume comes
when pr lee
comes into focus. I put a
penny on bis $500 and
said, 'Let'sgo.'
"I assume all or bis
fights have been sucker
AIA Rolls
AZUSA~Tlm Hall
scored 18 pol.nu to lead
a balanced scoring al·
~ack that paced Athletes
In Action to an 85·51 ex-
hlblUoo basketball vie·
tory over Aluaa·Paclflc
here Tuesday.
Steve Schall, Marvin
Delp'!z Kevin Heenan
a nd uerrlck Jackson
alto scored ln double
flaurea for AJA, which
•Ill carry a 2.0 record
Into Friday'• 1ame at •Fresno StaUi.
LIS!ell;.to me on
K-WAVE, FM 108
Watch for m• on
KTTV·Channel 11
KHJ·TV·Channel 9
Come up to the Top
to NEW K·WAVE, FM 108
Enjoy great music ...
WIN big prizes!
We're trying to decide on a name for our new Pelican mascot.
Cast your vote and you may WIN I
ht Prize: WIN 1 pair of "hit 'n hef'' MOPEDS!
Have fun, save money with the lamous GrycnBr Moped.
2nd-3fd Prt.te1: WIN 1 wac:atlon fCH two In LA PAZ, Mexico. lnclucJes flight from
L.A. via Aeromexlco. plus double room for 3 nights at the famous Los Arcos
4th-15th-8th-7th Pr1u.: Dinn« IOf four at f1b4.llou1 rettauranta. Your choice of
Crown House. Laguna Niguel; Ivy House. Laguna Beach; Bayahore House, El
Toro. C"'I ""'''· .. 1 .. t•• •ncl 0111u11y ••11• l
K-WAVE "Won-on" .. fOf your T ehlrt to the fits! 1000 ent1ants requesting
The thrM namn undef con11deratton for our mHcot ere broadcaat on
K·WAVE .. ch hour.
t. Tune FM 108 and choose the name you think moat lflling. 2. Write It in
the blank below. 3. Mail It to K·WAVE 1t·the-Beach, San Clemente, CA 92672
II you want one or mofe of the K·WAVE eouvenlrt llated m k them with an "X"
and eM'°9e • Nff.edclrMNd 1temp9d 4d Inch tlftifetope
A drewlnQ will be held end ptlzea awarded In the Ofdeftr . n.
r---------M~:;,;~~:c:1:-::.:: --------:
I Pelican I
""'9 llnd lllt lollowklO ~ I-ol ellltgt (NII edc:lr.....S tllft!C*I tft<rtlope 11 41ftCIOMd), n llOftoOfl IOQO C W1fld......a OK9t l I Buml)tt tllcil41f
I Neme~------------------------
Street AddfN•---------------------
f I
I Clty . Phone ( L----------------___ liJ -._, --/ flllf._ _,be~ lly Oecelllber I, '911, W"-1 •Ill be ~ OtoelMtr I and I, 1fft,
1.IC>enMO C.lllornle °""'9 Ol\IY. ~ of K·WAVI Of llt *'*11Mtt not etlflbll l'f"9 1104
,....,..,, tdtCMI\.~ ................. ,.
Business Wldl .... Oc1obet 31, 1971 OM. y rtLO'r ..
Short Week Push Revived I
Bill Would Spread Hours to Eaae Unemp~nl Discount Offered
CLEVELAND (AP> -~new airllne la
offering ODe·WIY fil1hta between Cleveland
and Chlcaao tb1I Saturday and SUnday for S3
WABHlNGTON <AP) -l"or two 1meratlonl
of American workert, lbe «>-hour won wffk baa bfftt a fad of Uf 8'\lt ~m about hlp un·
employment l• rovl.tn1 a clrlv. in 0.,NM to cu&
Lbe le1al work ""·eek to SS houri
~laUon lntrocl~ by -... Jcahn Coayen.
D·Mich., to ahorten workiq tJme drew lon•·tlme
labor and bl.L1lDl'tl advenari" black lMo \ht fray
durln1 House heari8'1 Olli thl bill tAla put week.
Tht'l Idea bthiod Cocuittt' bUI le'°" Americau
t.o ahare work when theNS aren't enouala Jobs to Co
LAJIOll UNION AND otht"r proponents say
the measure would create mUllo of new jobs and
relieve the nation ol a bua• toclal burden that
comes from carrym, ala mJllloo une mployed peo·
p\e on Its shoulders.
Not so, counter the Chamber of Commerce and
other employer 1roups. They eont.e!'1 lbal workers
would never go alone with a ~hour work week un
less they were 1uaranteed 40 hours or pay. Tbat
would send labor costs soanng, contnbute to lnfla·
tion and ultimately res ult ln fewer jobs, the oppo·
nents argue. Opponents also say tbe legislallon would not
help solve I.he problems or two major groups or
jobless Americans -teen-agers who lack basic
job skills. and women homemakers who are
seeking part·llme work.
Annual Yield'
Annual Rate
Sl0.000 Minimum. 6 month term.
Rates effective weekly Thursday through
following Wednesday.
• Elle<::llve annual yield ouumos that puoclpal
and interest were lo be Invested for one year at
the annual rate. Annual rate ls sub1ect to change
at renewal
You ~ill receive $101.61 EACH MONTH
Rates 1ub1ect to change at renewal baaed on
cunenl Treasury Bill dlllCOunl rate Even on early
withdrawal, you never earn lesa than 6%
Subject to availab1lity
Lc.trqer certd1catC'S iWcltlable al h1qht;r y1rlds
• fnclud1nq THRIFT BY MAJLI Cornpli:lc 1nlorma
llqn turn1 ... hed upon 10quest
Serving ColUorniam fol' oyer a quarter of a
century. Statewide offices with assell o ver
Co.ta Mua. 2000 Harbor Blvd.. CA 1714) 64s-31S3
Long Beach. 4501 PocWc Coaat Hlghway. CA (Zl3) 49~301
A vo1loble lo CaJ.J/orruo ReSJdents only
CONTEU. WllO rtp.....,ta • Ott.roll dlltrict
wtth trlldlUonatll b1tb un~mploym.at, wanta tbt
Pair Laboe' Studardl Act \aa>eeded to redue. t.h•
le1al ''aonnal" work week from 40 boun to ST~ l.n
1111 and II In im. E1eeaa houra ol work would
have to be paid al overtime ratee. The blfl al.lo would lncreue the overtJme rate
tron\ Ume•1nd·•·half to dou\>le llme, and bar
e mployeni from aa1l1ntn1 mandatory overtime ell·
cept ln "emersencies."
The blU la dealp\.'<1 to make lt more attrac:Uve
economically for employers to lncreue t.belr work
force• than to schedule overtime.
COQJl'ftl has not alttired the lecal work week
since tt paued tbe Fair Labor Sta.Dda.rct. Act in
1938. durina the depth of the Great Depression.
The law reduced tbe work week rrom 48 :e to 40
houri. atabllabed a 30-cents·an-hour lnimum
wa1e and ordered Ume-and·a-ball for ov me.
Today. t.be law, wblch bas been amended re·
pealedly to increase t t\e minimum wa,e, covers 57
million wage earners -about 60 percent of the
U.S work rorce.
SVPPORTEa8 OF THE Conyers bill say the
1938 law is a perfect illustration of a work-sharing
policy that helped reduce soaring unemployment.
Again the opponents disagree. Mamifacturers
voluntarily reduced the work week to le~s lban 40
hours during the 19308, making government in·
tervention unnecessary, according to tbe Chamber
of Commerce.
The drive toward shorter working time is
almost as old as the nation ttselr. As far back as
the 1790s, workers were fighting to reduce their
work day. which usually lasled from s un-up to sun·
AppH•11~e f'lr•t• DetaUed
DEAR PAT: My wtre and I are senior citlzens
so we spend a lot of time together talking. We've
decided to ask you to settle a long-standing dis·
agreement. She claims tbe first small electric ap·
pliance was an iron. l say it was a toaster. Tbe
reason l 'm so sure is that my mother often talked or
how proud she was to own the "first" appliance of
this type ever offered fo r sale. My wife is just as sure
that her mother said the same th.mg about an iron.
G.F .. tc>ronadel Mar
Your wire. Eul Rlchardsoa, a part·tlme
meter reader for a CaWonlla eleetrie compuy.
lnvea&ed the ~ amall eleetrtc applluce, wklclt
came CO be lalowa u "tlae tr. wWa a Mt polaL"
Tllla lmp6red IWpoba& u the aame cMH9 for th
comp .. y IM! formed le prod9ee I&. Eledrtfled. col·
feemabn ud cou&en flnt a11Peared alMMlt lilt.
Tile UaJnnal Co. predHed OM el Ute ftnt
tou&en. Comblaatloa cotteemaker-toaat.er ap·
ptlaaees lite• appeared -a•••I tlaem Ute Ar•..,_. Pere-0.Teuter .... a retaU Jldee f/11
SU.IS. ftM dktll'l laelMe Ute Cllftee•.Uer aUld· memt dial Mid for $3.51.
OM of &Jae IMR peptdar of all appJluees waa
crea&ecl by a• aclnrtlalnl mu aamed L. R.
Hamlboe ud a mecltuJc named C'lles&er Beach.
They developed a aonl, amaD eledrle mixer ..
the early lJltl. The motor waa lat.er adapted to a
variety of m.lxen aad appUaaees ucl the Ramlltoa
Beach C.O. started ln tlae small appUuce baataeaa.
Tbele developmeata led to &be electric elS
beat.er offered by l>qrmeyer la ltz8 for ht. The
Waring Blendor named after a popular musician or
tbeera~bttame populardurlngtbe 19305. It was lo·
vented by Stephen J. Poplawski of Racltne. Wlsc., ln
1915 and was first produced In 1932 by a predecessor
of the Oster Corp. The electric frypao was flrst made
by Westinghouse In 1911, then reintroduced by Na·
tlonal Presto andSanbeam 4Zyears lat.er with the de·
velopmeolof auC.Omallc te mperature controls.
The contpopper dates back to t1le flut
Tballbglvblg. H waa electrified la llt7and1alaed
popalutty In &Jae lt7tl, wtt.b more t.ban 4 mJWoa
anJta IOld ba lt73. Sahota IK ... trochteed aa elee·
trlc wannlag tray ln IMS ud la 115& Udleo la·
trodaced t.be electric caa opeaer. The •arldJ of
COday•a 1mall a.PPllancea probably woa.ld lane
aatoalaW you r;Jareata -aad may evea amaae
down or-u aom• put it -from "can see to can't .~ ...
At wt we.ll'1 heartn11. Dr. PbiUp S. Foner. a
labor blltortu and former blttory proteuor from
Lincoln Unlvenlty ln Ptnnaylvanla, Hid ar1u·
menu over the lenstb ol tbe .-ork week have been
replayed ln thlJ country •Ince 1791, when carpen·
ten lo Phlladelpbja went on •trike for a 10.bour
HOWEVEa, A NEW queaUon aurfaced at the
hearinc that had not been aaked in past stru11lea
over abortening work time. Do today's workers
want aborter boun, or are they comfortable· with
the .0-bour week'!
LaboT Departrn.ent ataUst.ica show a steady
decline in workin1 hours dwing the 19th Century.
The marketing gimmick •• lietianed ~
attract customers to the new Midway
Airlines. based in Chicago and also servln1
Detroit and Kansas City.
Lee Pitt, a spokesman for Midway,
aa1d the CM\ Aeronautics Board approved
the plan to reduce the price of a one·way
ticket from lbe normal $33 to 33 cent.a. Pill
said each DC·9 jet can seat 83 passengers.
"There are rules. You can only get a one·
way ticket and only one to a cust.onrer.
Tickets go on lt81e one hour before each
mght, and there are four flights each or tbe
a trend that coatiDued lnt.o the 20th Century. The ...
average full-time writers' week conalsted or near· ~~~~~=============~~~
two days." Pitt said.
ly 60 how's ln 1900 and rell t.o about 40 boW"S by
During th~ past 40 yean, howev• despite a
very sharp rise in wages and productivity, an
average full-time worker continues to put in a 40
t\our week.
Many economists conclude that modern
workers apparently have opted for higher weekly
wages over mQre ldJe Ume. Right after World War
II. workers put a priority on hJgher wages because
o( a pent-up demand for consumer goods and
services to "keep up with the Joneses," the
economists suggest.
More recently, workers have traded leisure for
higher wages to keep up with innation. say the
"Got a problem? Then wnte to Pat Dunn Pat will
cut red tape, getting the On.tWt'T& and ocllOll you need
lo :10lve mequthes m government and business Moll
your QUt'Stums to Pat Dunn. At Your .~u. Orarigt>
Coast Dculy Pllot. P 0 Boz 15(;0. Costa Mesa. CA
92626. A& many letters as pos!!ble will ~ answered.
but phoned mquanes or letters not mcludmg the
reader's full name. oddreu and bu.sineM hours· phone
number cannot be considered T Ins column appears da1·
ly except Sundays "
Geeena•~t De•~rH1es ~""" f'eod
DEAR PAT: ls there any "official" govern·
ment definition of junk rood? I'm curious about
this because my teen.agers and1 I o~n disagree
about which foods do and don't tall into this
W.M .. Huntington Beach
Tbe following Agrlcaltan Departmeat deflal·
lion lays It on the line. "Food.a ...faU lDlo the
category of those wit.b mlalmam aa61Uoaal value
if oae serving or a portloe WW. l~uJortes ~·
talns less Utaa 5 percent of tM recommetlded dally
alJowuee of uy oae of elP& bask alltr1Hl3.''
Maay foods provide e110t1p labella1 laformaUoe lo
settle yoar arpmeata •lite spat U yoe maklt tlte
Agrlcllltve Deparlmeat•a reqalremeata co lite
nutr1Ueu.l laformaUoe listed oa dte food package.
B.-e Pr•fft Mlzefl fflt• IJ11las
DEAR PAT: I'm confused about a couple of
tu matt.en. I own a four·unlt rental buildinl and I
U ve in one ol the unit.. 1 'm aolal to sell t.b1a build·
ing and can't aeem to find out ii I can defer pa)'·
ment rA the tax on the 1aln. Abo, wbat'a the max·
imum FJCA tax for tm? J .J .. Corona del Mar
1:&8 11)'11 YH •eed CO apportJoa tile 1alD
betweea your penoaal Uvtag qurten aad &be
tllrft l'f.'lltal alts. 'nerefoft, oee-fovtll of t.be
salea price 111 • attrtbatable to your personal res·
ldeoce. U yoa bay another personal residence which
costs more t.ban your part of the adjuted sales prtce.
you mi'ydeferlt.
The mas.imam amout of tuet aabjed to
FICA <Federal luaruce CoatrtbaUou Act> in
1971 111 szz.•. 'l1le mu.Imam dollar amoaat lo be
wtthbeld 1.1 s1.m.11.
Sca11tw Prices 011 Ll11gerfe"!
DEAR PAT: Someone told me you'd previous·
ly published the name or a store in Los An.Leles
that !peelallzes In discontinued lines of lingerie.
P.R., Costa Mesa
M. Lobocla Roelery Co., ZI% E. Nla .. St.. Loe
Angeles. la the a&ore 7oe're ..-me for. Yot1 eu
cheek cm the nallabUlty of Ute Item '" wut by
pboatai (Zll) IZZ-tl41.
From The Leader
Competitive Pricing
Superb Service
_ J~.,ES R. URQUMA~T Ill
Attorney et Law
A . YES. Indeed . a one man corporation is
alm ost the ideal s1tuat1on. All of the lax
sheltered corporate contributions are for the
beneht of the owner For lhe all inclusive price
of Sl.850 my law office, If you have leas lban ten
employees. will give your corporation a tax
sheltered and I R S. qualified pension plan that
1s right for you . This all inclusive price breaks
down to S350 ln costs <which we turn around and
pay to the plan adm1nrstrator1 and Sl,500 in
attorney's fee..
A . NO. Tbe non·tax advantages or incorporating
accrue immediately to any ktnd of business.
The tax advantages. however. do not come into
full operation until the business has a rair
amount of profits remaining after all operating
and expenses are p aid My law office will
incorporate your existing or p!aMed business
for the all inclusive pnce of $S80. This breaks
down to $2.50 an attorney's fees and S330 in costs.
We tum around and pay out costs as follows :
Franchise Tax Board. S200: Secretary or State,
$70 : Corpo rations Comm1ss1oner. $25 ;
CorporatJon Minute Book, Stock and Sea), $35.
An average incorporation takes 14 days ; even
faster 1f payment is by cash or cashier's chec:k .
For further information concerning any
o f the above. or lo schedule an
appointment. contact me at James R.
Urquhart 111 . A Professional Law
Corporation. 1300 Dove Street. Second
Floor. Newport Beach. Califorrua 92660
(714) 752·5544.
------~-------Oil Production Hiked
DIAMONDS MEXICO CITY (AP) -Mexico raised Its
crude oil production to J.7 million barrels a day ef·
recllve this week, the government-owned oil
monopoly Pemex has announced.
''l'M 1101 GOlllG TO MISS
Al •• • n .. lllfM _..ca MflM lty ... U.S.G.S.
1""'9H S ... •• ult .. , .. S.. flee) , .. ., ... r
c ... w •. a.ttr e.-~ ........
' F
WS1 ws, 0
t 0
WS1 H vvs, F.
VSt E .. 0 vs, F
' WM H
A~ cit~ .. only 1 i>trflill atltetlon of our 1nventOtY of oemltontt end
are avlllabl• aubject to priOr ule. I
For turttitr detll*' lnfotmetlon on~ buvtno end Mlllng procedu,.. e>leaM
Mitt Of call todty.
:........ C7t4111Mlll
P. '!lf'f&Clt & COMPANY .... ~ ....... -................
..... IM!' ....... C& ""'
• ..
Production had been at just over 1.6 mllllon
barrels. Dally production pass~ one million bar·
rels a day in February 1977. I
Pemex credited the increase with tbe develop·
ment of olrshore wells in the Bay of Campeche and
with the development or oilfields in lbe southern
states or Tabasco and Chiap= •
Mexico bas a goal.oC re bing a dally produc·
Uon or 2.S million barrels in 1 .
·1 can relax outside ol home and olhce knowing that rm not going 10 miss dehvenng c1
baby ~hen I'm 'between locar1ons· .. ·Eugene R Sollman. M O . Canoga Park '
Wllefl I Of!' llilOJ'(l 5() ~ from !Te
OITU ~roO Cll1 be r1lUl!Jd IO ano!l1er
~ naw Illa loul10n. MSwf!f
P;itjll ~ nit IO tlS higlle5t deQr9I! And
"""' my bu'...,..s 4 l\I008!IS ~
OJlly I 0 Ile I05l #'lhCM 41
JOIW> s ~AOOCle (~S Int ~
''MN wmt llADIOI II Tit(
fllOCI( ..
1 • ~r llft'!IQ ~ ao "°" on me ~IOS"'t'/Oll.Wt~
!by A CurrtJe1,J!lo
AC&ll Al ~I Refngl!r-S
''lllY NIEll MD I Ml rMTIOS ''
My 1111'.intn OUS 111 -to lllll
Pl"* lftlQ ,,.,. ,. all "'"" 15 '
ll\ISI ~ PilgleMUttsf!llS My
Pi1gDr .ind I 11'8 p.y1\'WI lb 5a1¥Y .. '21
• rTIOlilll I he rtsl IS rnnel ' .
-<Ii c Wuf'pl!y
H C ~1)111 f'VnOlnO !Miii M
A.\dD'IYdle~I OIJel.111111} '"JIWlvt Ml QllU ~111 I e;.1n ~do OM ~~1,lf'()sw<!~l"'°'r,>1111 lllr.<Ul
...,... .inyQlls l\M ~"'
-OrJrOOtl 8 Wfotl
. ._ KAVf GUIED .ccouins ' .
Ans-PaQP! I\)\ prO\l'IOeO us~
(#1,!Q _., tJJI "*',,Ille "* \\IJ
...... ~ oltUIUllS 111 '*'1' allie IO
Qll IO~Qel'ICY <:alb lllCI ~QJI
CV~ Qll'(\ Sllw:itw!llll....., llM
I Of1ICleln
• l.Os ..,,.i \
"lMl OllE Tlllll TMAT IETI Mi
I l!IMl " •
111 INf l$Qll yGllt ~ llOln cilnls
•• yQjf' llllCllllaa Ot-. ""'10 ..... ~
mt .10M1 from Ol'*S IS N my c:.alls Of!'
C«Wy ~I AUi Esl.lll. ~
AttswfK Page can alel1 you to lf11>0l1anl l)hOne calls. too-24 hQurs a 1J1Y In Los AngNs, Orange. RMlf·
SlOe. Sao 8emafdill0 and pa!1s ~ Vtntur a counltes t 11e111 • s no llfnjl IO l1le 11\11llbef at · bee0 • · you can
receive and no 81C1ra P'lOnt etwoos OI ~ equ1pm1111 10 1nirat1 WT!ln someone wan1 s you. llley jUst
dl.ll n· as my as ltlal' Cati us iooav··IClll·"'8-·tor .-tl'le 08lalftl l
fU~Sl\IER Milt
In I.II~ County 462-PAGE In Orange County 731-7777
• ....... 1-800-252·9161 Or Cll dl1111k1 lar .. .,._,...,. _. ;. • ......... e....-
GenM L. ........ of 0... ......... Mn
named .... ,., maoa1e r ot COMumer H r vlu
operaUGM ot .. IWa c.,.-*'"· ......... ..,..of La .... 8eHbhu .... ap•
-*nt.ci olfteoe •••1•r ot UM Lacuna Mnlc• oftlce lor the A•••Mill• C1Mfllt1 ••1m~ ac· t orcll., '° Rolaod R R'11y, dinctol' ol dllUicl otnce
o,.ratloa9 ·
A• .... haa '7.",:..r::~ldool of atte,. .... ,...... newly rormcd
dlvlaloo ol RJrhard E JUaler and Auodat loot·
d ln Irvine.
Jack D • ....._ hu bfffl n1med vice pr Id nt
or development for J.a.a . Grtmu. • Co.. an
lrvine·baed &boppln& center dclvelopm nl rt rm
...... a. Blutey of lluntinaton 84'ach, haa
beeo named we.Ulm area saJ manaaer, Tealllne
Product.t, for the Tnt Sy tenu Group or .. a ir·
tllJJd ca .. ra flld lutnqseat (',.orporatlue.
Bolt a,..aer has been named duecwr of
public relat onb and ucl vt-rtlsing of The Pre11lty
Compaalel, a publicly owned bomebu1ldin1 firm
based ln Newport Beach.
&oben E . Morgu ha1; JOtned the board of
directors of &alldard·Padfic Corp. of Costa Men
Balboa resident a. James Someri. h1ts been
a ppointed a sales manager in the Newport Beach
orrice of Coldwell Baaker Commercial Brokerage
Daftl A. Ji..._ of Laiuna Niguel, bu been
named executive vice prea1dent of The McCarthy
Company. The McCartby Company is a hous ing
developer baaed in Santa Ana.
Before joining McCartby, Johnson was ex
ecutive vice president or Palomar Development
Company, a residential home builder in San
Clemente. Jobrulon and his wife, Sharyn, reside lo
Laguna Niguel
A Costa Mesa real estate broker bas been
featured in the July Issue of "US" magazine. &lcll
BJera waa named by lhe magazine as being
among the top ~ Americans unde~ 35. Byen , 29,
started a real estate business in Costa Mesa lbal
haa grown to a net worth In excess or SlO million
0.. S. Sclt•m•lle has been promoted to direc-tor or manufacturing for MSI Data Corporation.
MSI. based in Costa Mesa. manufactures port.able
data entry terminals. Schumake formerly was
dlrector of quality assurance for MSI. In his new
pos t . he wiU succee d Murray Robinson. who re-
cently was named vice president of operatlorui .
Albert K Guerrieri or El Toro has been up-
pointed regional vice president for the Central
Region of Imperial Bau, Bernard G. LeBe'liu. ex·
ecutive vice preside nt. a nnounced
Ewt111, Creatla and Bro .. , a brokerage firm II'
Newport Beach. has been formed by Kae A. Ew·
las, James K. Creath and David M. Browa.
Mission Viejo Resident, Jolm Lowe, has been
appointed vice president, corporate developm ent.
for~ 21 Real Estate CorporaUoo'a Irvine of·
Chryslera Awalt New Owners H Company Rounders
Chrysler Aid Eyed
KANSAS <.:rrY. Mo <AP> The
Cn1 tc:d Auto Workt'r!) union 1s start in" today 1<1 !>t>ll LO rductunt mem
hl'rh an unprt'N•dt·ntcd <.'onlract
a inwd al lll'lping lh1· fanunc1all)'
troubled Chry'>lt-r Corp !>lay ufloat.
O(fu:cr-. from JR4 IQcals 1n tht-
1l;n1tt>d St<ilt'h and ('anl.lda were ~
lllJ.: ai.kt·d t1> rN·ummcnd rat1ficallun
of a contrat'I th<it, for the firi,t t1mt·
t>lnl'l' tht: 1nit1al nl.llH>O(J) agrc:c:mc:nti.
42 years ngo. u1ves on'· of the Ulg
Three carmakt•rs a hreak
In Wu.,h1ngton s upportrrs ,,r
ft>dcrl.11 loan guarant t•t•s for tht•
Chr yhlcr Corp s a\ lht•y (·X~·l.'l th,.
Curtn /jdmin1:-.trulwn to s hortly un
nounn• i,upport for the plan
Treasury S1·t·n ·tary G W1ll1UJTI
M 1 11 c r . 1 n a n 1 n l (• r v 1 t· w w 1 t h
Wahhingt<in Pol.l t·d1lor., pubhhhcd
today. M.•t•med to b-.ck u11 that op
t1m1 !>m
Tunes Earnings Up
LOS AN<a:LES 1APJ T1me1o. Mirror Lu
ha., rcporll·tt third quarter t•arning!) of $4 2 '>
mal lwn or SI 2:; a sh;ir<'. up from $:JJ.:1 million ur
91 t'f'llh ,, sl1.an· in lht· tp1rd quartc:r of 1978
llt·ven11C's for the: 12 week quarter endtd Oct
7 \\1 ·n· $410 H rrnllwn. T11nc:., Mirror Cha1rmu11
Franklin l\1ur phy h<11d . up fri,ni $352 m1ll1on 10 thl•
pr 1or ) b •l
·111111 -. :\1trror puhh!>hl·'> lht· l.11-. Angeli·.,
'I 1111t•s tht· Long blund. ~ Y . nt:\\'>)lapt:r ~cws
dJ \. the· l>:.illas '1'1mes ·ll1•rald the• Hartford.
C'onn . l'ouranl .ind th1· l>CJll} f'llot. It aho ha!) in
tcrests Ln book publuihmg. forest products and
J;Wt' r~ ,
. ~
.This is the ~w S~Offrom
Sperry Remington. Looks a lot li ke
the Selectric: but Jooks aren't
It performs like no other
typewriter available. Yes, better .
than the Correcting Selectric II~ Tht•
SRIOl has all the features of the
Selectric syste m plus improvement!:!
like repeating "X", J>eriod, and
touch control.
And since it's le s likely to
go on th_! fri tz, you're less likely to
Jose critical busine s hours in down
time. But don't take our word
Jor it. Take the QTM Challenge
and see for yourself. Comt? see u
or we'll come to you fbr a fr •
demon trJtion.
ca~h, credit, charge,
lea~c. O r, with our unmatched
Rental/Purchase Option, we'll
apply the entiie first month's rent
toward the purchase price .
And not unl y do we
guarantee fmmediate delivery, our
service contract is the sweetest in
the county.
No better t!me to move up
to a better typewriter. So 'ii_e the
QTM Chall enge and move-,,.P to
Quellcv 1 Vf)l!Wfrter MtlnteNl!Cf'
17942-C Skypark Clrde
Irvine, CA 9'2714 (714). 9'7-1195
Hours : a30·5:30, M-F~
.._ .. iS.4
Great Grape Harve•t Touted
PARJ.8 (AP> -Bacchue amUed Oft
bl• \emptre thlt year. the wine H · perta U)' . P'rom Bcwdeaux to tbe Motel to
TUICanf, the riibt blend ol raiD and
tun attbe riiht Umea bas produced•
1rape barvett that la aome reCiOfta la
bela• touted u one of tbe premier
vlGt•f• ol reeent tlmea.
"A l the elements have come
:tQCether to make a veat harvest ...
aald one vintner ln Beaune, ln the
heart ol France's famed Burpndy
THI! MD NEWS la that prices will
probably rile wit.b the quality.
In Epemay, France, tbe Cham-
pa1ne Proclucen' Alaocl1Uon aald lu
harvest would be the btcaest in bis·
tory and ol .. exceptionaJ quality.·•
Prices for lhe estimated 45 million
gallons to be shipped around the
world wUI probably be 10 to 15 per.
cent higher than Ju t year. lbe as·
aociaUon said.
Vlnlnel"I from the Bordeaux region
of AOuthwest France al.Jo are speak·
Ing of one of the best crops in years
and prices averaging 15 percent
KARL-LUDWIG Bleser of the
German Wine Growers' CooperaU•es
said in Bonn that average prices are
likely to lncrea.t1e slightly with the
gre ater availability of high.quality
German wines .
Despite this. t'l"uP oenophiles -
those who will i.lake their t.h1rst at
any prict-have much to look
forward lo
The v1ntnl'r" tn lhf' Burgundian
ct>nlt.'r of D1Jon 'ia1d this year 's ~rapes. now · bcmg turned into the
rich. smooth wtO(' often called "red
gold ... havt-a partir ularly nrm and
dt'eply rolorc·d "ktn th1Jt 1s a forprun.
nt'r or a rint' vantage, pt:rhaps one or
thr C('lllury's hcsl
Although h1t1lblorm~ tn late !->pnnl(
<ind early summn damaged somt· of
tht' crop. July brought plersty Q( \Wl
and htllc min
"Tll£ VlllioTAGE Vt.:AR bhould bt-
one of buperb quality that 14111 aiw
w•ll.'' Mid the Beaune expert. I
T,he "•w BeauJolal1" Js tJCpe~
in a few day1 fn Part• and hH :
already become. •• it, does every
year at um ume. one or the maJn ,
topics of cafe converaatlon. ;
011 Deal
Or Bane?
JUNEAU. Alaska IAP> -
Backers ol the Beaufort Sea oil
and gu lease sale call it the big·
gest oU bonanza since Prudhoe
Bay. but other Alaskans say it
may be an e nviro nme ntal
tragedy ln lhe making.
The Dec. H sale, ·announced
Friday by Interior Secretary
Cecil Andrus and Gov. J ay.
Hammond. will be the firs t
federal·state offshore lease sale
since the 1950s. Jt wlll come 10
years after AJub reaped a $900
milUon cash bonanza on leases
for Prudhoe Bay -which is ex·
peeled t.o yield billlons·of dollars
to the s tale before it 1s e x·
haus ted.
The hair million submerged
acres that will be up for oil in·
dustry bid lie off Alaska's North
Slope in lhe 1ce·choked Arctic
Ocean. Geologists say the land
may yield up to I 25 ·billion bar·
rels of oil and up to 3 125 trillion
cubic feet of n atural gas
The expected declme in the
1990 of production m Prudhoe
Ray. wht·re the gia nt A laii kan
p1~hn{· begins, was one rea~n
the stale was eager to reach
al(r eem<•n t w it h Andru" o n
1crmi. or the salt•
C)\'•·r l 'lu· (:ounh·r
MASO Uttiftqi.
' I •
~· ,.., 11n ll•<om ... u le.Alt Jt..,ttl II U 1' '1 $Mee: P., I 00 NL $a.rra Gl ti l1 NL SM•m 0 n • NL Sloma FUii$
I . ' I
tap11 ti II 11.14 ~, t4M flM • 1
TU Mod It 4S 11"6 ' I
T ..... O'I ''' 6A6 Tmpt W t4.04 1~.)4 Temp Inv 1.00 NL • f rl'l Cap 7 .u ,.,, •
'"" ,,.. 1.71 '47
w ednetida1'•
Clo.U., Prt ea
People'1 Republic ot Cblu ii buytnc
hundred• of adTanced micro· coca,._. f1om a company Mr-e ..
part qf lb• ChJneae'1 a tempt to
crute 'i modem lnduatrial IOdetJ.
............ --=-
·~•'I· 0..tcbf>r 31, 1979 N D.All Y P UH 117
Coke Expanas· I
Into New Areas
" 81M&TONMOS&OWl'l'Z /
"Coca-COt. .. and "Coke" are probably tbe mOll well·
known trademarb ln the world. They tbef'efore bave Im·
menae value to the Coca·Cola Company ot Atlanta, wbJcb
,-uarda tbem iealoualy.
operaiora who aerve
another cola drink when
customers order a coke
runt.be rilk of incurring
the legal wrath or the
c<Smpany. Coca-Cola
saya that lf customers
order .a Coke, they shouJd either be served a Coca-Cola or lo·
formedtbatooly anotherbrandofcolaisavailable.
Before long, however, you will be seeinc these famous
trademarks used on a wide variety of other products.
Coca-Cola and Coke m ay be pressed into service to sell
toys, jewelry, sneakers, T-shirts and other clothing Items.
Who knows, there may even be a jeans llne with the Coca·
Cola name?
NONE OF TKE companies which manufacture Coca·
Cola or Coke brand name products will be prosecuted by the Coca·Cola Company. 'l
They won't because they"'Will be making these pro-
ducts under license from the Coca·Cola Company. The
world's largest sort drink producer bas decided that Its
brand names are so valuable that they ought to be out
there making money on their own.
So Coca·Cola has set up a licensing department and
has invited other companies to submit applications for use
of its trademarks ·
Even the company's patented contour bottle will be
available for lkense. Naturally, since ifs the Coca-Cola
Company, the hcense will be restricted to "'those manufac·
turers whose products are compatible with the image or
the trademarked product and the soft drink in1ustry."
THIS MtJST MEAN that 1t will be i>\>intless for
pharmaceutical n:ianufacturers to apply for a license even
though Coca-Cola was originally promoted as a patent
medicine Early advertising, before the turn of the cen
tury, described Coca.Cola as a "brain tonic and nerve
!'ll1mulant" whose properties would help lo relieve
"Headaches. m·uralgia. hystena and melancholia "
But thal w6' · today when Coke wants simply to
partner with the likes of cOonald 's and Walt Dis ney.
C:oca·Cola 's entry int the licensing business is part of •
the modem phenomenon of :.elting your name 1f it's well
known Calvin Klein Jeans sold $75 million last year.
Hali.ton products rack up millions for the food·and-liq uor
con~lomerate. Nort<>n Simon Inc ; American Cyanamid, a
chemical com pan}. 1s buying the Geoffrey Beene
I rademark bus mes~. Jnd designer John Weitz recently
mdde this p1lc:h to manufacturers . "His name sell~
m1ll1ons in f:.lsh1on, furniture, cigars
ll certain!~ cun l><·ll mllhons of toasters, refrigerator!>.
\ .Jcuum cleaner::.. lamp~. flat ware-what have you."
WATCJONG ALJ, T HIS nonsense. Coca·Cola fi gured
.. H these dc::.ignt•r-. ('<trt make out like bandits. think ()f
"'hal we could do "'1th our trademarks. which arc r1 ..
cognu:ed around lhl' world
Some Stocks Gain,
But Rally Subsides
NEW YORK (AP> -Bluechip stocks turned
downward today after Tuesday'$ sharp rally played itself
Gainers tra.Ued losers 7-6 in the tally or New York Stock '
Exchange-listed issues.
And the Dow Jones average of 30 big-name industrials, up
15.19 points oo Tusday, dropped back 8.11to815. 70 today.
Analysts viewed Tuesday's upsurge as primarily •
technical rally ·rather lhan a response to any particular positive news. ,,,
In foreign·exchange markets today, lhe dollar was,
mixed. while gold prices rose sligbUy .
McDonnell Douglas rell 1~to2511.t after a delayed opeo-~
1ng . A Western Airlines DC· 10 jet cras hed in Mexico City to-,
day. killing at least 63 people .
. fii10.-k11 In ThP Doic'Jot1t-s:lt·Prap11
.llO•af\UCI O<t<U-VM .... ~
fol•I I\\.-. ,..,. luO"-
Ne• t0-'
Pre• fod•Y cl.ty ... 114• ,,, )It
4:1'1 ltl ,.,. , .. ,
10 • ., .,
NV 5too w1e~ 11.1IO,OOO 7',9'0,000 Jl ... ,000
• lt,470,0lll • ll0;4JO,ODO
20.760,000 '·"'·"2.m •.m,1.0.oao 4,llU'°,000
W" .. T 4''-\Ell Oto!
NEW YOlllC IAP) "~'I' & H«.....,
flltw Yon. sll-·16 * flOltlllard illYtr .,, •00, lal>rl<attO '" .,.
, . .
""'°" Tl-. I 1 • llilr Tfi 1 ........... ,........,_ .............. ~ ...... ....... ~ ...... -·. ............
• 1NI f//N11/1'1 ....
............. out
In N lleall.-0 IO loclll IOI U"O.. ,_..., ...,OflU
.1~ McDh1t11 ov••• ..... . .,,...,. ""..,.
""'N'JIOO ~lnal9NfyN1p41
"'-poliCie Clllll:ll MCI _.Ill a
Qll'IQ lllaf •• NIQNIOr• llOOdl .,.,, .-Hf\ ~
.._~ .....
-~IMY GI.-IO«> I(~ e uamllCAH
Cllft!PlllOn 18
MCNlwa uo ~
~~WllllW • Their Hero
tu. audolor •• '"" "'-" wtlO 1ned 10 alt~ her 3 I ....-i•
••UMWCY When ROy fMu-to
9"14'rtaln al ii lludlO .,_,ly,
lvc:y 9CXl41Cll• In N& plillc.•
Todd Bridges (left) and Gary Coleman
meet ex·heavy~eight ~xing champion
Muhammad Ali on tomght's episode of
''OifC'r ent St rokes" at 9 o'clock on
NBC, Channel 4.
G.-1 Albert• Hunte< GP 0\11:1' EAIY
0.-1 Bob K-"•n
~ ~ end R.iph
~1 of '~' hOtul room to MmCllft Iha ntght
Ille 1n Chtcllgo 0 MCNEW& 0 CJ) JOt<P'8 WILD tD M 'A'8'H
While on le.Ive 1n TQ«yn
Hen<y ~ 1nf1tu<>Hl0
Wllh • -I younQ lhing
lresh lrom IM 'ilelO'>
Grady 1nv111' cousrn
Emma 10 1"41 Sanford~
hOl)onO 1h81 tttlfl w1tt do '""
coo•uno ono clttanmo
PJ11te aplnnfng, last11at
l1tlk0t, lll•Ul)I, pole YO\llt
ovor ltucit
(dtlh I 8nl1QU4l IQC.klfl 1~
(I) ()000 TIMES
TIW! lamoly u-10 con·
v on<A Ji1""'5 lhlll he !.houkl
""" I\ <k>C.10r IO< hl1 IWlltO
Chann.-1 Li•• ing•
fJ KNXT tCBS) Lo"I Anriptr D KNBC (NBC) LO'> Anqu1,.
8 KTLA find 1 LO"I Ang1•h1 ,
D KABC· rv (ABC) Los Art'l!til''
()) KFMB (CBS) 5drt Diego B KHJ· TV (Ind) LO'> An1J1.4ft .. ,
~ KCST (ABCl San 01t•Q<•
tD KITV (JncJ I Lo» AnqHll1"
Q) KCOP TV Proo ) l ri., Ang .. 11 .. .,
fD KCET rv (PH5J Lo., Anr1 .. 1•·
W KOCE TV !PBSJ Huro11tHjtr1n b<,,,, t1
"fllfOll C~t)( SIO•lf}W
. 0 YOUll'I An() Bot1uly'
• K11lhtyn W ttlk vr lflH1
MrCh/.Kll Mu1phy 8'0I "'''
lurod 111 Chflevof a llOIY
llbOul a m1ddl;, ugut:I
11••'<'.ultY8 1 \truQglt< lt'I
ff'Gllplurn 1110 gl<lfy of hr•
LOii~ yt'Af\ 6 P.M MA()AZJHE
P IA YISll~ llw.-l\•ltiiWl•t
E11.,,-,1 Ranch whr<h ,,.., r,,.,
r.c,th mfY• Md worrnin th••
ftl(if~ Of ll'Mi lrlldV fl'K'fll ,,
c;o uplll who '6<1• thu
C'.>ftte<il~ ol :>'>() b111H no FAMllY FEUD
8:00 0 ltJ 8U08 8UHNY'8
lhh ~ rJtlblt m1ttrh
t-t~ ""''~ i\lld ot1iltf!lf*•, wf'tn
Wll'.h HU11tl 1n " WtlcJ f.om
Pftl hOf'l lo M..1rt• 1n110<.er1t
tt1<.tr Ot trttAI••'"
Afl ·<11f1t..tdl witch H wnl
1YuU,,•JUrn lhH Ot 1w~-. ot
t.1muut. • h-tllywr">O ''~'"'
tl1tS d tHQh ,,,_, to lh<H-\I
nomo .u•t ff',1,11roc1 m tJ
~IJt\(i1,ll H11HUM\~ttn
,.OHo• IO• away II>•
""CllfO Ut of lyM I
llane» 0ouo llUI !Ny ~·1
nollC• lYf'I' ~ llftCOn·
• ICl°'a lft a Ii.let ,_by •at ltGHTll IHOUOH
HiCtlOIM d9Cldel to drOP
°'11 °' MlhOOI allet a i.aicn-
• r~ him IOI not
mHtlng Ill• 8••dlOt0
ICihollllfC llanOatOI.
• MOYll
• •111 "Th41 Olcar" (198'1
,s 1ao11an Boyd, Elke
Jommer. An 01oar
rlOmlnM'• rtea to i-le
tac4111ed bV "'-~. lltld
IOHMf lrletldl j2 hft I
• CMOL -....TT AHO,.....
Sktll · Slrlctty l:or n..
8rtdl ." "Fun In A
0-1.tplOfa,'' "The CNiM " ., MOW
• • • "The Counl Of
Monte CrlelO ' ( 11171) Aicn-
t;rd Chamberlatn, Tony
Curl.. A man ~UV
""Pl ieoned IOI a Ctlme 11•1
hv d•d nol commit.
u101oe1 and 1eek1
r8Y8n9'f on '"°" wt>O
-• rnponllt>le 12 "'' I flil GREAT
The lovable rag doll• Rag-
gedy Ann lllld Anoy Ml out
to lln<l a HallowMn pump-
~ 1n fOf a lonely urne boy
wlfh I &l•lcl &uni
~111i. 0°" au out 10 help
OKW'S IOOfl!lll')' reo&p-
1\,lfll her boyh1ond
M•khUJI 81ryshn1kpv ond
p1111Qpols ol lhf.I Now Yofl•
Lily !iJllol perlOfm • Four
1,1top1n Dance•. '
H&rl<,quindd<l " ·Rubles"
''"" 'lnr11ntf>\ln" lf'I '"" fa'1 Room ot the Whtla
H (Mt't('
t-oo f) It ) MOVIE
1 htJ l wo WOtldl Ot Jen-
"'" Looan (Prttm111r11)
I rt>o:IS•lt Waqn;,r Marc
• .trrgur Att('f movong "'10 a
voe 1ornm rrn.nsoon with a .. ,,,,r,., htlilOfy ii young
••11111 ti lriVl~POf'IOO 11110 Ille
P"'' lo ...ive lh• ~fl! ol 11
lnrmet 1nha1>1111111 ol lhll
hl)U ...
Julhro Simpson IWhrlman
M1lyUJ d•'.CO•&•~ fill ()Id Wiii
1moor whtO" Arnotd and
Woll•~ would "'henl mofltiy
und ~le•ms 10 t>e 1m1 00y~·
Ortly 1ulflllVA (Pj4•1 IOI 21
HomO~J"U111 TOO' h{<fS
ff ri\ fJOt•'\ .,nt:Sttt<..OYftf as a
KCOP m 8:00 -"The Count or
Monte Crtsto." Richard Chamberlain
playtJ the title role in this latest version
or the Alexander Dumas classic with
Tony Curtis .
KOCE fl 8:30 -At the White House.
Ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov heads a
!'le~ York City Ballet company perform·
mg an_t-'!e East Room .
C~8 9:00 -"The Two Worlds of
Jennie Logan." Lindsay Wagner stura as
a woman who moves backward In time to
help the former occupant or her Victorian
mansion in this n~w TVtllOvie (see photo
or-wwna1e 10 laat'n WhO
lorced • moo.I ~
into \al&tng ,,.,.. Kl an
armed fObbefy
"'Count Ofacu" Lou••
Jourdan 00' Ir t1V9 0. IOCUll
Ill.~ P'-1•110n ol
the IMIOUI tale (A)
9:30 0 HEUO, LAMY
Leuy r901et1 hl\ltng IOIO
Rulhla 10 1hed ..., tomooy
mage •no grow up ~
alMI 111111 10 faturn on time
lrom •Olla (Pert 1 ol 21
8 TAl..68 M Tl*
""41111 From T"8 Soulh" A
mon darea 4WIOlhaf m.,, to
""" lhft '°"' of hlll lltlltt fin get eou•nal the pou11blllty
Uf Wlf\fllng 1111 l!AP4Jfll'Yft
MOd4!<n J9U QuAtl"t I
Juoffltllld Siring OuatlP1 1n
COflC6tl' ,~ D 8E.8T Ol 8"TIM>AY
C,11gme1111 1n~lud1no ..
Elot.• Henry mont)ll>Q>"'
ChAvy C1111" • C..111.,10
r Ot<I JOlln ti61u'il'lt Wld .,..,
'>u.rnot ftlf •.WOtnaman atnd
rnu•IG l10tn fh<J f1t61rd &111
..... , ... ec1
··= Oen la i.ecs In IJl'OIKI •
be"Y ol NlfWIO '-11'°"'
hom • 08"0 of ~ -.. • ....,,
•omen In • htd@'WI
• *IH'T QAU.lfrf
=lih-::~ MAl<l Ml LAUOW wov. ..... ,...., °"" w .. ,. ft"!
Cryllal ~ I l01r11
Tony llotu11nt• •iu11
I< and all
Gt M "A08 "H
t !:JO 8 (() 8LACI< SHUP
WOttd Wlfl II lty"'O ttt"
P8CJ9V 8tl'flnQI'•" l~•..,_f
CA>t'ttad) l!Mtn\ ttuol ,... oµt
•• litt<"All I•• tt4 '"~"""
·--r)f ,,,., Qf'AICJ ' uoortll0d<11 r.,..._~'<I
Hf.1\I Jr>hnny < .... , V>''
f>U<11' Wa/11 lllltf?-
1 Ola f elane J•m"'
WO()Ch (Mt> f t)t t:I
100fW A wurl'l~H RK.KE'TS
•• ..OW~f .. ..__ CelllM'' ,, ..
WlllllMt, Mict\llle LM.
Otclr 0111111tt. l.,b1ra ...--..") .~ .... .GIT .....
-~NliO ....
'~. 1WIUIHT zoHI • ..-oN-
.. Oll•LI
tt!tO. MOVll • ••J, "Affllr In 11~"""
( 11571 Jahn c ...... ,, .....
Ritymond 9ut1
• MCMI It•·~ "rh41 9lg RllOW
j 19111) Flt'-WtlHIWM,
au.t ""*'' Ht'"'* IH1 8 1f~ MIWTTA f!M"'"" ~ " " P<'" "Vf"'.t'~ .,...,,, .,, ""'*"' ,,, '"'"•" .. "' ... " .... .-.~-· l>et'f '""I IA'}
1140. fl 1 HAWM Nilf-0 "' __ ,,...,." _,,... -~
~ •onQ .. ,.,,_,.,,..,
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t•O T~ '~-~ ,..., e;.....,..,..._ p-()r-Ar• , .~ .. ,
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IM IA~W"""" T-• MOvlr
• • .\. Ill• t,10Qt·1•" ,,,,.,,, ,_ ,.,r .... r ... -..
"''""' fO TOllf~
I W fD THf l.OMO ~>1
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WOVrt • • 'Nit ,,_,, U M;#'
(Jit'A...,. f ,..,, ft~, 1 r,_, •
At\dU1 ., ~ '¥1 .-f ... • ~
2:05 8 ~
2 108 wow. . . ,,,,,,, ~ ,.,,.._
t , .. , JoM CetfOll, .....
.. ... fltOVW
• • • .,.. ·~•flt Of
Molll4WllM" I IMO 'Noh-
ltd Wldmerll, JM&
.... MCMI
• • "TM llletl "'-''' ( .• ,., '°'"' l<ltlcifl ....... an Mer1n
i=T ~ .... , ... uo MOVtl • • • Oootf Of 7l'll'lll'
I '9'59L (,!lfVl~t Moet• . ,....,.... .......
tt0D MOYll
I It 'It I h • (,to1J4•d .,,..,,..., ''"',, .... " ~ lt-~d
• MOYie . .... ,.... ,.,. ~
IM ._.,_ I ~ I/ ,...., I,.,,. F.-,n ~ .. ,.. '
Wfl'dlH'•d•w•• a,.,,,,lfU' ,,,,..,..,.
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" ,, .. ,.,_ ,.' •r / .,,,,,_,,,; I .. _ .. ......_
CBS Fights Back: Se~in Top 10
' ~ ·Co1nforting
Alan Feinstein helps Lindsay Wagner after
~ .of her spells in the TV movie "The Two
Worlds of J ennie Logan" tonight at 9 on
C BS, Channel 2
'Street Scene' Set
Friday ~n KOCE
The Ne~ York City Opera's critically ac-
claimed production of Kurt Weill's 1947 English·
language opera "Street Scene" airs Friday at 9
p.m . on KOCE·TV, Channel 50.
The "Live From Lincoln Center" production
will feature Elleen Schauler, Cathe rine Malfitano,
William Chapman, Alan K ays and Harlan Foss lo the
principal r oles. J ohn Mauceri will conduct.
"Street Scene" is a dramatic opera that
follows the destinies of a family set aaainat tbe
background of busiling New York City tenement
life during the Great De pression.
The opera features lbe dance numbeT "Moon·
faced , S t arr y-eyed," a wildly jazzy duet
performed by Broowyn Thomas and Reed Jones.
Amojcan .a.dents go to~···
The,_. thev m.dv the mew daey learn. ·-_.....,,,._......,._........, ________ _
, '
NEW YOHK IAP> <.;~· "00 Minutes" made
television history of sorts in the week ending Nov.
26. 197R. ut the first news magazine lo win a week's
ratings ra~c The CBS News program went on to
its hl'~t ~cusrm t'Vt.'r. und f1 gurt''i from the A c~
N1clsf'n Compunv for tht• w1•t>k ending Ort :!8 ~how
··60 M 1nulC'i. ".back 1n frr:-.l 1>1:.ice onct• more
Thi• progrnrn wa'r llOC' of i.C'v('n CBS ~hows 1n
Ntebt·n·-. Top llJ. and UI\• ht•a vy rcpn::.l·ntatton at
the top contnhutC'd to the nt·tw<1rk ·~ 101tial fi rs t·
place finish or the 1979.H() TV M'UMJO
It wai. wclcoml· new~ for <.:BS' progrum mcrs,
who llad cndurc·d u four wcPk mn 1n last place dur·
tn j.( tht• curly purl Of the :-.ca!>Otl
CBS' RATING fo'Otl Tiit: week was 19.3. with
ABC M'COOd al IS 4 und NBC third at 17.8. The
network~ suy that ml!ans in an ;ivcrage prime·
time minute during the wel'k. rn 3 percent of the
homes in th<> country w1lh TV w<>rc tunt:d to CBS.
For NRC. which began the season with a bang,
winnin~ the ratings r ace twice in the first four
weeks, it wai. the second No. 3 f1ms h in a row.
NBC. noncthc·less, conlinut.'CI lo score points with
series like "Quincy, M.E ,"and "Little House on
the Pra1r1c." maktnK the race al least com ·
NBC's news magazine. "Pnme Time Sunday,"
was pos1t1oned in s ha rp contrast to "60 Minutes"
-66th of 66 programs ranked. The s how has strug·
gled since 1t went on the air in June
JN ADDmON TO "60 Minutes, .• CBS listed
the runner·up and third.place programs. "One
Day al a Time" and "Alice." ABC's "Three's
Company" was fourth
The rating for "60 Minutes" was 30.9. Nielsen
says that means of aU t.be homes across the coun-
try with telev!sioo, 30.9 percent saw at leaat part
Your. team · scores .
l·PiflHiD ~1 , t
of the Sunday cvf!nmg ncwsmugaz1nc. ·
The ave rage rating ror "60 Minute!." last
season was 25.5, and CBS researchers said the
s how's average rating !\O far this season is 22 per
cent hiJ!hl'r than la~t ycor·.., averagt·
'.':cw <>crw!.. m1•anwh1lc. contmut'd lo struggh·
1n Ull' raltn)!'i. ~1th 11nl) thrt'l' amon~ tht• fir,t 30
pro~ramh li'ikd ,\BC ., l1.1rt to ll<.1rt 15t h
"Trapp<:r John. M r> Oii rm .. ;'\:1) 24. <Jnd "Tht·
M isadvcnlun·-. uf ShNtff Lobo" 29th
the bottom ftvt• in lht• rut mgs included a CBS mov
ie. "Mind ovc•r Murder," U2nd. followed by ABC's
"Dctecllvf' School," "(;al1forma Fever " on CBS
and a movie, "The Bible In the Beginning," on
The wet'k's Top 10 shows.
"60 Minutes," wtth a rating of 30.9 represent·
ing 23.6 million home~. "One Day ut a Time." 30 6
or 23.3 million. and "Ahce." 30.2 and 23 m1llton. all
CBS; "Three's Company," 29.3 or 22.4 million.
ABC; "The J efrersons," 27.S or 21 million. and
"Dallas." 26.3 or 20 1 million. both CBS: "Taxt."
26.2 or 20 mt Ilion. ABC : "M·A-S.H," 25 4 or 19 4
million. CBS. "Mork and Mindy." 25.2 or 19 2
'· ·i'
mtlhon. ABC . .inti · An;h1c Uunkcr·l> Place.'' ZS or
19 1 mlllJon. ens
THE NEXT rn .,how..,
~OVll' "And l\,1hv Mak•·.., Stx." NBC. and
l>ukP'> of llM1arr! ·('BS Ill' ··E1~ht 1-; Enough ··
\l~C . · Qurnq ~1 ~: · '\ B< •• 11111 l1 .1rt 1•1 If art."
\IH l1•· "l.1lllt· llrn1-.•· on th•· J•ra1rw. NBC'.
llapJJ!-D.".., . Jnc! C"h.1rl1c-., 1\1l,1!1 h. both ABC.
and ·Fat i\lbl•rt'., 11.dln"'-l'l'n !'>pt:c·1JI." CUS. and
"AnRll'. .. ARC. t11·
~~------,-------------.;.._---..~E~N~T~E~R~T~A~IN~M.::.::.E~NT.;._'~M~O~V~IE;...:..:R~EV~l~E~W=--------~--~~"'":""'---------------------------------.,._OAl_L_v_""° __ ~ __ .. __
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Wl .. I COllll DY to 001 '' en
10" '°'~ wrocan
1:4W:ff. I Oi 11 •
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llJ ~JI ~~80
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494 ,.,,.
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IJtaMJl__.1-..,-..,>0 A 10.JO
Al ,_,,_J.cl --· ...... len•"ro AN~ JUSflCI '01 All111
1:00 l IS Stiel • &100 lo 10.U
...... ~ .... , .......................... , ..
WHIN A 5TltA~.011 CAlLS(t l 12r»e2-., ... ,,..,.,A IO!OO
Al -1-J.<I ·-·-· ....... ,. ANO JUSTlct fOtl Alltl l
ll1l0 •>M e t•>t • l rto A lti>t
•k-" Mc.0.-.tl • 0.•'4 ¥iorNif
"OaACUU" Cal
"<>MOM FfRD" t RI _,._,_ .. .,.,,, __ .,,........>w:••
"UFf Of' •tAM"
'JJlack Stallion' Superb
I 8y HA&LES •VW£
, ....... .,...... . ...,..,
"Tht! lilark • talUon," th Franrls Coppola
ore ental1nn for Unltc•d Art.I ti relcu~. start.a al
1uch a mind blow1na pe.k or beauty and tu ah adv en
ture!! that 1\ cames thu vi wer nahl atona to the
end ol the picture• • It.a alrnott m am rlilna hold 1n Uu• tale or 11
boy and " mu1&niflc~·nt stallion 11' atenerated by the lmaaln•Uvc dlree\lon of CMrroll Ballard. two·time
01car nomln<•e for hi• shol"ll 1and documentary
fllni1. whose firs t ven
ture into rntures this IS,
1md the photography of
('11 le>b Ocschanel . a
'41turd of tbe camera.
Waltur Furlu) ·., hool., · The Black Stallion,"
whld ' bt•c1t me un 10tcrn1thonal success and
3puwned numerou' M'<1ud~. the fllm stars KeUy
Rl·no Ub chc boy. <i 1t-ul rand. Mickey Rooney as an
a~111a.t bo~ • tr1Uncr, .md Ten Garr as the boy·s
'Lady' lleturns
R erun a Hit in London
LONDON (AP> Twenty-one years alter
Eliza Doolittle first strai)ih\ened out her A's to the
delight of Proft•:..i,or H1gg10~. "My Fair Lady"
has reopened in London to nivt-n<•t1ct-s
"My to·alr L11.dy is back in business -
blockbusting business if my guess is right," wrote
J ack Tinker in the Ouily r.11til.
"Only the most hardened cynic could ignore
the rapture which greeted Ute return of this falrest
or musicals last night m the West End." he said .
The British cast . including 25-year-old dis·
covery Llz Robert.sop as Eliza and Tony Britton as
Higgins, won a standing ovation from a glittering
fir!.t-night audience at the Adelphi Theater.
"There is little doubt tn my mind that My Fair
Lady is the bes l musical there has ~en since I
be~an going to the theater ." .-,:ud vet~ran Finan·
cial Times critic R A. Young. It will "run for years
and years if there is any jusllce," be saiJ .
'"'=~ '"""' .... ~ ..... '"J ' .. i ,.,~, ~fft • ••••••• • • ',. ....... ,_ 04,..., ...... ' ...... ' " ............ ~ . St•.....,· ...... o.i:;~e;:·=---Williiiio.
~~ .. ~11Fl~9:t:;~f=·~ Jo1111 •UC:~ l(r . .-v:I\ I ·-1 -1•m--. .-u•--.1•
Reno is on a cruise ship with his rather olf the
"'ortb 6\rrican coast when a sudden, devutaUna
-.;hipboard fire plunges hlm iot.o the turbulent sea
and the handM>me coal-black Arabia n horse with
htm. Miraculously . the boy is saved bY. tb.e horse
and they wind upon a wild, desertedislan(t
The island sequences are idyllic and fascinat·
mg as the boy tries to tame lhe almost wild steed.
Their frolicking in the water when be does so is
WHEN THE BOY IS menaced by a cobra. it 1"
the horse, with flas hing hooves. who smashes lhe
reptile. Eventually. the boy 1s picked up by a pass-
ing fishing boat and the horse is left stranded on
the island. but not for long. It swims out lO the
boat. Al the boy's home. the horse breaks loose
and "inds up on Rooney's farm.
The film s hifts gears and bec<Jmes a classical
horse racing tale whercm the bor..e and his young
rider. a "mystery·· JOCkey. "in a match race
against two of America's fa-.tCl>l steedl> .
The film. which hai. univl'rsal appeal, for 1t in-
trigues children and adultl> alike. Jlas been
beautifully dise<.'ted by Ballard He has been aided
immcasurubl) by Ocsc hanel's magical image
THE S'fORV IS SO vivid!~ photographed that
it is ltkt' lookin~ al a landscape in air whose purily
is such that it makes ever) thin!{ sparkle and
virtt.:ally burn~ into one '!-> brain \l.tth an intensity
lhal is :-.tart ling
lleno's performanN• ha-. a naturalness that 1s
mo!-.l "i nning It '" <J'S 1f hi· 1!'> living the purl Al
trn1e•s hl' and thL· hor::.l· <.1l>!)urm· an ulmo~t my:-.l1cal
Rooney g1q·~ <mt· of h .... bc~t µl'rformdnce-. in
rcct>nt time•-. II·· '" rt• .... tra1n1..><l ..ind credible as he
becom~~ al11 10 .. 1 ..i .,urr •Jgatt· father lo lhl' boy Terr
Garr. a~ t111· rn"lht·r '' <Jc.Jc:qu\Jt•· in d rathu
cunou.-;I) °"rtltt•n pJrt
) )') -:>_ ) ) ") ) ") ) )-) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ') ) ) )
)) It's like getting a )
~ Video Recorcler'Freel ~
Thot's n 9ht! Whtn you oqrtt to r•'-• •kko Cot .... t mo•IH with Ill for S9 "5 )
"HALlOWEfH" 1 R)
) ' t och, lhe" •i~o r-rcord~r ;, yowt cl -utro cotl1
J TWO Rl~!~~~~~.~~~~,.2.~SfTTIS SAVE $1095 ~
"YOU ... G
,. <4 .... • • , •• -I
0 ,,,,., DAILY .
11 JO
Come In Costume -Get In Fr••
Make Up A Party
One Performance -7 P.M. Wed.
I H I•' l"f• ... , 41I1 ' I '"'' ''~''"''"""" .. ,,,,,,h ... ,,, "" '''""" ,,,.,, ..... ; "'"' , ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,."'''lilt .. ,,,
1# lllf .... H O. '"'
SMOlt crmfHS s 1.00
SUH. MATI .. HS 2 ,.M.
"10" (R)
STRDIUm r:scAeen
53y lAFiO CJ DR I VE -In
K.lt•ll• .... ,
"UP IN SMC>t(E" (R)
ALL DIUVl•INS o~ ... 61Jtr..M.~Y
Cnllo Unoer \.t.[tM U111en • f(ldct!e "11yjrour>O
~ · ~dw~rds
WCWPOJlT 0 Ollln'lllt
Newport Beech M4-47eC)
OAllT 11'0 • 4 00 7 00 10 00
CO MPI f X '
ORANGE 6J4·255J •• "'" "'"° r•1 I 00 ,.. 700 10• Soll llH JOO UI ·Ht· IUO
rust~ ~r-rtl> ouit"'lii.o hd t\1 at.tut"
For f\Jm>er 1nlormatl011 call En!ef11tnment Holhne 714-SJH.REE
~TARTS TODA'\' ~ 1:.ch~1rds CINEMA CENTER c1nc1 Mh•
.... ,._, 1:)9 6 t •)t,. ffl t.)t • t.)t 6 1Ut ,.
Sll·S1111 I ,, • ' 3' • 1.H • I 30 6 10 M
''THE (R1
"'LUNA '(R\
,f AN CO•H•lfll'f 1:00, 1:00,
,1.,,c-•• io·oo
.J0,000 ,.. ~... S•ll!Wn
/nCTCOR 2.00.•·oo. ,, 6 oo •• 00.
J .:: . TtiEC)NKlN FIEUJ ~,
... ' .. "'-'
. .. "" ... "' , ... ~ .,
'' l'\l '''I ~tR~
o.-..... , .. ;!. ... , ,, ..
CALLI" c•"
C'Nt ,...
''AVALANCHI ........
~.0o..-a1. '"'
On Broadway
NEW YOJtK <AP>'-Miry ~a.r Moo,.. wu
Oil BroedwlY ~ wtek for the dotlnl ol a ptay
tllat 'a be6Di ,..wsiftH 10 IM Clft liar in It
"WliioM Ute It It Anyway," a pJa)' about 1
"ulptor who is p1raly1H from tM n~ down.
\ dOled Saturday n.l1ht' ., thf TtalalJ•r Theater
Tom ConU, •ho toacM bll lroadway acUq di· '* u \ht atulptor. "°" a 'tony award for .-P.rform.nre1 but I luvina the producUon lo
make h1I Broadway dl~ctlna debut with "La•t.
Uch." 1 new play by fo"ran.k G llroy P ......._
"Whoa L Ufe" 11 behtl rewritten to allow a MAftY TYL!ft MOORI TO PLAY lftOAOWAY
woman' to play th part ~ the culptor With Tom Conti. Whom She'H Replece ~~~_...,_~~__:._~~~~...:..._~~~~~~~
,....._, potll, fClpl ~•. -rlppw
pin cuahlofl/~. •lothc, lttltnble:
ieH·lhreodong ~le, & •nv. mony more l
llG. J.49
GAIMUfT IAGS ---..--.· 24'
~+--! 2 .4912 POCllT
llG. 1.19 DIESS
''°'"' llG. 1.39 SUrT
' 3t0tH'
,.;;._..;._:~l·r ........ ~
Sill FOi
Super Hlectoon of the mott populor t lyl
•• who'•· block ouor red pollels or
leorher look ond more for foll opporel
"'"O<l•vely gof! bo .. d dtt<C.•001td po\oef\ w1lh W thee I\ & 30 envwlopet 10 no1e1 plv•
IOn<>teenvelopet oobo• ln6ttyletl
Pair Reuniied
In New Movie
HOLLYWOOD CAP> -WaJter Matt.hau and
Glenda Jackaon. are reunited in "Hopscotch," an
lnlernaUonal 8py caper now in production 1n
Europe. •
They previously slarTed tn "House Calla." The
ftlm alao 1tat1 Ned Beatty. Sam Wateraon and
Herbert Lorn. Ronald Neame 111 directln1 from a
screenplay by Bri.lln Garfield and Bryarr Forbes
lrom the book by Garfield.
Matthau plays a former CIA agent whose
threat to write a book exposing the agency makes
him a target of numeroua intelligence organiza
lions throughout lhe world. Miss Jack.son 11 a
former CIA agent who agrees to act as hls decoy.
cos1.10 24-HR . DIGITAL SOlD
st s33
TWIN ,.s45
~~' 8'' .,...
fle<trlc olorm "'''" bog l1ghl•d ,,.,,,_o1. ON! b<-,,,,,_ (0 ..
99 1U::111 99
ouorlmen l of
delK10U\ r9d ond .i,.,,.,,.,,.r white loble w.119\
with uleolon
·1·· -·~ ...... .
vo•y•n9 1n 1he
•totft Mok• Ol"t meol1~1ol!
REG. 3.19
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Chotce ol lur
gundy, Rhine
Chcblit, Ro\e
:JO -lfhl quo·
"tvmo•orou. 3c
llG. att rr.
233 f. 17th St. 2300 HarW at·Whln
f , •
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IEG. 10.'9 I" 1.75""
llG.l .99 799 1.75 littr
IOXOf1M 69C ~ve 50C l\OWI
\ 1ABLE ' '~LAMPS . 6'' IEG. 1.99
Ch<ome loo!< bond.
molded ColOfed boll
boH, while •hod•
I pc 1klrted olu l19ht.,•19ht w11h 12"
monvm \pool 0 <1d • aJG.
tprtng looded drog 17, tt
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SIZI t• S60 llMG
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with wO••,, r vlon Not ott potte,,,, in 011 ''°'•' io 'hoo 90,1, •o< b,a,1 ••'.c: '•O"
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1,.. woter-whtle C SOUDWMt~
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tUfTIHGTON IEAOf a TOIO 9161 .~ at 8'oeldlnt e Ton at lockfWd
., lt1Dlft OL90N
--.-.~-Slbee tbe mld·l800I San l"randlco hu been the apot of a mutb·belo\'ed lnatltutJon, lbe
GblrardtlUC'bocolate Factory.
Now, tbat aame oame and matte ta natl•·
bl• ln a new form lhl'OUlbout tbe Weal. It la
GhirU'dtW Chocolate Llquwn, the bralnchlld of
• C0tta lleaa l'fticknt, Stan Zack.
Zack, praldeot ol 211\ Century Ltd .• ls the
creator ol many new liquor and wine products
betides GbirardeW.
He bu been in this bua1ftesa for many years. rorsaking a ca~r Ln journ1Usm to
follow Ln the footsteps of bls father.
Zack presented the idea for the new liqueur
to Golden Grain, tbe parent company of
Gblra.nlelli, a lltUe more than two years ago.
After receivlna tbe 10-abead be worked
with a San Francisco navor chemist to c6me up
with exactly the right blend of the famous
The formula was approved six mont.b5 ago
and now the product ls on lbe market. There are
four navors -amaretto, strawberry, coffee and
mint-and more will be added.
"It will only be sold west of Colorado,"
Zack said. "It's definitely a Western product.
It's a California-related name."
He said people are surprised to find it's a
new product because they associate it with the
San Francisco candy facility. "They assume it's
been around a long time."
women, Zack believes, because "women have a
sweet tooth and they like color. They don't like
the taste of liquor. They want it to taste nice."
It also can be mixed with other products for
rancy drinks or desserts, suitable for parties or
afternoon gatherings, he noted, and a recipe
book comee wtth the lar1er bottles.
Zack allo bu developed a Western-themed
liquor product \called L*~ dd a line of wine
cockt--"8 called Sundance. · Here are aomo recipes .uaing the new
OhtrardeW Uqueun. .
~ ounce chocolate coffee liqueur
Ir\ ounce brandy Jcupbotcoffee
In cup or at.em.med glass, stir ingredient&
to1ether. Garniab wllh wh.ipped~cream and
shaved chocolate. • ·
2 bars (4 ounces each) s emi-sweet
2 tablespooos warm water
1 cup whipping cream
~cup sugar v, cup chocolate strawberry liqueur
'i-'J cup sour cream
6 whole strawberries ('opUonaJ)
In top of double boiler, melt brokec
chocolate with water over hot, not boiling
water, stirring until smooth. (Or microwave 3
minutes, stirring frequently .)
Whip cream with sugar and salt. Add
cbocohite and chocolal~ strawberry liqueur,
beating at low speed until smooth. Fold in sour
cream. Spoon into serting dishes. Place one
strawberry on top. Chlll..&rves 6. .
4 ounces chocolate strawberry liqueur
1 cupvanma ice cream
Pour lh ounce liqueur in bottom of parfait
glass. Spoon in portion or ice cream. Repeat
alternately unW filled. Freeze until serving
The alcohol in the liqueur will keep the ice
c ream al eating consistency
Costa Mesa resident Stan Zack is president of 21st Century Ltd. and co-creator of
Ghirardelli Chocolate Liqueurs.
Yogurt St~eped in Lore,
Says Businesswo•nan
I When the Johnston ramily sold its frozen pie
business in 1959 to a conglomerate, some of the
memben decided it was time to retire.
One industrious J~hnston bad other ideas,
howt!ver. He bought a !yogurt company much to
the amazement or his brothers and uncles.
There was one problem with the new pro-
duct, said Conky Johnston, now president of the
company. "ll just didn't taste good."
Since the family bad a lot of experience
with fruits in their pie business they decided to
add fruit to the aour yogurt.
''It tasted good," Mrs. Johnston sato. "Then
they got us-my husband and I, in on it.
Seven years ago the yogurt company was sold
to another conglomerate and all the Johnstons
bailed out except Conky.
It is one of the leading yogurt companies to-
day, with 17 flavors on the market.
CONKY JOHNSTON attributes much of tl'le
success of both the pie and yogurt companies to
the Johnston men. "They have vision. I just
followed well," she said.
Her husband, Earl, is the SOD or one or the
yogurt company owners.
Mrs. Johnston, in Newport Beach for in·
terviews, talked about yogurt and bow sbe got
into the family and business.
Originally from Texas, she is or German
and Swedish heritage and most resembles her
Scandinavian ancestors.
Her name, Conky, "doesn't mean a tJU.ng,"
she said. "It's a nickname." She explained that
in Texas people were usually given nicknames
totally unrelated to their given names, sucb as
Chick, Rlb and Socka. Merle is her real name.
Moving into the yogurt business was easy
for her, she said, because "my parents bad a
market and we always worked."
It was her idea to take yogurt into
eupermarketa and offer samples to encourage
people to t.aate the dairy product for the flnt lime.
Nest she was taken on a sales call with one
of the Jobnatons and the next lime she went
"I Jult kept Jumping in over my bead. I kept l~. "lbesald.
TOE YOGuaT company is COOtlilµally de-
veJo new products, wblcb she sayls is half
tbe bl bavinl a amaU operatioo.
ogurt 1a "a fun, healthtul food," she sald.
la blab in protein and low in fat witb fidal culturel .••
It ii steeped in blltory as well. According to
Mn. JobNtoa, the worth of a Persian woman in
ancient times wu measured by bow much
yo1wt ber dowry would buy, and Eut Incllana
Gengbla Khan uaed It to preserve meat
wblle traveliq, Abe added, and Emperor Fran·
eta I claimed ll ••ved hla1f e.
1 (1\4 ounce) can cruabed pineapple
2 (8 ounce) carton.a Pina Colacla YOIQl't
~ ::r..=n• cream at.a boeey
(8ee YOGuaT, PapC4)
..hA f -
S quaring off for the Cookout King Contest are Dick Giese of Anaheim and his son
David, dockmaster at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Dick won the crown in 1977 but
lost it in 1
978 to Davif. '
Cqokout Comi~g
With the' popularity of outdoor cooking a
year.round activity in the southland, the~ Oge
County Fall Fair will present its ehird ual
Cookout King Contest Saturday. Nov. 17 he
Fall Fair is slated Nov. 7 through 22 at Los
Alamitos Race Course
Competition IS open to au teen-agers, male
and female and lo a ll males. 20 years and older
Registrations arc being taken by Lyn Baum al
The roUowing recipes are those or the reign-
ing Cookout King David Geise, dockmaster at
the Newport Harbor Yacht <.;tub, wbO Wl1J l>e VY·
ing to retain his title
1 tablespoon nour
1 tablespoon dry mustard
1 teasooon Rround JZln~er <SffC~KOUT,PageCZ)
Listen to Martin Sloan and you can save more than Sl.000 a year on your food -bill.
He has the coupon business figured out. And he 'll share with you his hints and ad-
vice on getting the most mileage out or coupon and refund offers in his twice-
weekly column in the Daily Pilot. Each column \\'ill be accompanied by a list of
current suggested coupon offers for you to clip and save -conveniently sized so
you can paste or tape them to a 3-by-5 card and collect them regularly. The col·
umn will appear each Wednesday and Sunday.
Collect Reft1nd Reward
I can save you 50 percent and more on
many of the supermarket it.ems you and
your famJly use every day!
It sounds amazing, but it's true. ·
I've developed the most successful
system for keeping t.nack of the thousands
of manufacturers' refund offers that most
shoppers never bear about.
I have the best system for organizing all
the cash -off coupons you find 1n
newspapers lilte this one.
My system gives me double discounts
that save me 40 percent to 60 percent on
products like Pillsbury biscuits. Hawaiis..n
Punch, Wilson Hams and Mellow Roast
I also get triple discounts that have ac ..
tually saved me 80 ~rcent to 90 percent on
products such aa Kraft Mayonnaise, Ragu
Spagbetli Sauce, Soup Starter, Cheerios
and Charmin Tissue.
Super-smart shopping is what l call it,
and I'm going to help you do it too!
Row ii it all possible?
This year the blg manufacturers of food
and bouaebold products will distribute
more than 80 billion casb-<>ff coup0ns.
They will a1ao mate more than 7,000 re·
fund olfen.
I have the system that will let you find,
organiJe and use these big mooey-saving
Let's start with refund.lnl.
Imagine this: After Sunday dinner, a
man wal.ts into your k:l1cben. He potes
around your gubage.
He pulla ~ label off an empty Ubby's
tomato Juice can and hands you so cents.
He rips the side off a box ol Birda Eye I
frozen Vt-get.ables and gives you 75 cents.
He's not done . He finds a Butterball
turke~· label and bands you two crisp
dollar bills. He grins when he pulls out
that a Lee package and gives you
another 75 cents. Fantastic?
Not really, because that's what refund·
iog 1s all about. You try the product and
send the manufacturer a proof or
purchase. The manufacturer sends you
back a refund.
Ao experienced refunder can save more
than $1.000 a year. I've done it for the last
tbcee years. It's easy when you know the
Unfortunately. most showers miss out
on these savings because t.J>e refund fon:m
advertising them quickly disappear from
supermarket shelves.
Did you bear about tbe "$t Worth of
Free Groceries" refund from Dow? l got
You probably also missed· the S3 "It
Pays to Be Finlcky" offer from Hunts.
If you have been throwing away the box
tops and labels that would have entiUed
you to these blg refu.nda, weep now. You
threw away a handful of dollar blllal
But don't cry for Jong. From now on I'm
going to belp you keep track ol terrific re-
fund offers like these. Each montb the re·
fund offers in my "CUp 'n nle" lilt& will
add up to aJ.moet S200 worth ol'mcJDey·in·
lhe·bank opportUIUtlea.
So atop fretting about rising food prices.
I'm going to help you brina them way
Super-smart abopplng ii an adventure
and a challmge. You ·u enjoy tbe tun!
. I .
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CH•X STATIONl!ltV O"'l!lt, ... 0 . e. ll'l...al, 844Wvllllt, tn. 62m. """· ......... IM_,_, Mllrftl ..... cw •WtloMrf. s.N ellM Ole• c-.i ""'9Hf~ ..... ._ _ , ........ ,.,. .........
..._ ................ dleractlnaN-"" PrlMC'Mrlyl llqllf9IJ#l.JI, ·-·
HUGOIU .. ,. •• Oi',l!lt, P.O .... ..,., St. .... Mllw\. SJ•• lueo. tt..i ...... ..data ...... Nwlllll~t< ... 1y..-.1"""'1C...._.._..O._..... l_.,...OK,Jt. 1'79,
HUftG"Y .J1tC3 ~l(S MllC t. Ga.C>Ut OltlOO\.I l'AMCAU IYltUI' ltSl'\*O °"'·" ... ~. ,...,..... .. , #11111. is.. lt£0. -.otlw 7Soaftt l'WfllM, s.N -._ e. fnll'll......, Utti
l'aoic:MI• Miii. , ......... w 1.....,.r. PNS ...S"" wlllt _. "Ne Of1p 5"11r' ,,_ ,_ ._. flf lMly l W.011•rfOt .... ~StfW.•_..,....-.tt,Ha
cicirUOOO'S1 110 v•u.A TU•• soacs ~e•. l'.o • ._ .,11. tt ...... lllllM. "'"· ....... I "-<•M fl'w ....... 111 'I'..._ T.-SeclCI. ,_._••I.,~,._ ..... ,,_ ic.....-1 S..., c:.-.t ,.. ........ .,.,fc-...•_,...J_.,,.. I
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( ......... cu ... WVtt Jolb Ucl plaN ln eeparat. bowl. POl'ATOMLADAIAGms •••·M llOVND ~ w.ru A ~ • d ... Md to "*8 tM miracle wblp, llUllW'CI ....t 2 PoUDdll potatoet l LA N
l I ......... daJ .. (a ••s ) alr .. 11 etlJ.~U udp.laNbHp-·=•-..a l dDN..,.. ja1 teu..-1 wllltM. Oanllb wlth l IDldtum lbeoakle a T:' ==::.:--. \ pQrtilawlMrW weaA!l. =:--...... ..-tUt Ml-.. t•derilld a,._. ...-• roea (timed, roUM ud v. cup~ milk oveftUtbl ta Bar·B-Q Sauc. A La Klq. Remove ded> ODU1 llAW A LA ANADJ• 1 teupoon vtae•ar en.., uuce ud place oa low beat from 10 to 15
.._. 1 Mell medimD llMd cabb81e 1 ta~poon mu.ta.rd mlD..._. Place lobew talla cm ft.re ud Mite
111-11 ju' CWT.atjllb 1 ~miracle wlllp ~toes wbScb .._.,. ._ pre-cut to wiUI Nuc:e for ,I to 7 mlau&M and ..,... bat.
I f.wl JD llM ..... JWct '4 ~ m1a prefft'Nd utiDa .... ~ oaloD and add to Lo ..... ta1Ja abouJd be eoot9CI ta ebelL l~ae~..-. tt .. 11oa.v1Qe1ar cool Po*etota. Ills y. Cut up 3 cooked l'Oa&WALAOIANG•COVNTY
....._ .... A LA coeTA •a& 1 tablelpooo mu.lard eacs and mhr wttb lt. M miracle wbJp wt.th 3 pounds tide of pork rtb9
1-...,. milk and add vtne1ar and muatard. Put lo Cut rtb9 2 per tervlni and mattnate in Bar·
1t1•l11111• • ..,_...., Sb.red o•bb• (llaw lttle>. Ila.kt m.bctun blender at b1tb 1.,..CS. Add to pctatoet approx. B·Q Sauce A La K.ln1 ovel"Dllbt. Place ribl on
l *•-'•119 wt.Al ol inlr:~le , ala, W...ar ud mutud. lmately 1 hour befon Nrvtai to PNVIDt water-low tire and cook from 21 to 30 mlnutes. Tum
loO ..,. uaUl done t1ppro1. 20 lo 2' Blend ad mh WIUa llaw. Gamilb ma trocn qccurrtDI. Garn!ih top wtu. allced frequently and bute wltb uuce. Serve from mhaut.>. 01Jo1 ud peel. CVt In lialt Jeosthwile wltb ~ Ml'Y•· ,111 and paprika. 11111 bot ud ba1t.e wttb 11uc1.
YOftS ' 2,000,000 Savory
Our ....... fouad t.bll
•Ucouaty uvory.
1 tbla Ilk• blcon,
1 medlum-alled red
Olllon, lllc:.d thla O cup) ~ teupoon mlilced car Uc
• • cups shredded red
c abba1e (about ~
l cup chopped cored
VI cup apple Juice or
apple cider 1
3 tablUPODDf-. red
wine vine1ar \ I v, teaspoon salt
Few grains or pep
1 bay leaf
Pul bacon, onion and
garlic Into a large ,
heavy saucepan. Cover
and cook 10 minutes
over moderate heat until
onion is lender Add re-
maining lngredfonta and I
toss to mix well. Cover I
and cook 15 t o 20
minutes over moderate 1 ly low heat until Clllb·
bage is tender . checking
orten and adding a little
wa te r if pan l'leems too
dry or if moiste r con
s istency is preferred.
M akes 4 servi ngs f'rom
"The AHC'~ of Owbetit•
Cook mg and 01ning,'' by
Jane Jlelsel, fl D and
Elizabeth L<1nsmg IJJcll
Ivy I
Toma toe
Ri c h , r ipe r e d
t o m aloes -lhcy're
bursting oul all over the
place and you really
should take advantage
of tltem.
With versatility. they
may be ust.>d 1n recipes
ranging from soups and
quiches to reli s.hes and
And these chee1e-:
stu ffe d t oma t oe s
seasoned with boor are
sure to be a hit. Juicy
kernels of corn, cheddar
cbeese and onions are
stuffed lnto a big juicy
tomato, then seasoned
with beer.
The mellow brew truly
enhances the taste or
t b e s e s u c-c u l e o t
tomatoes while st the
same time adding lts
own special flavoring.
12 me dium 1lie
fresh, rtpe tomatoes
Sall and pepper
l can (12 ounces)
whole kernel corn,
1 1mall onion,
2 catJ>S (8 ounces)
grated abarp cheddar
3 · cup• 1ort bread
2 cupebeer
Slice tops from
tomatoea. Scoop oqt
Culp. luvtnl a shell 'h
ncb thick. Sprinkle lJi.
alde wttb 11Jt ud "l>ePr
per. chop pulp and press
out e~ Ucpd. A~d com. • c~e and
bread be and mix
well. Spo0n mixture lnto
tomato abellf. Place
filled tomatoes ln a well
1reated aba1Jow baklnl pan. Spoon beer evenly
over the top1 of the
tomatoel. Bake at 850 F.
tor 20 to 25 minutes or
until lops are lightly
brown. ,.Yield: 12 serv-
Ii& ~:,r:~s ~ 4 I# f
STEAKS ,., . ,,.,
II I' I f
I 011"' 1"!11 t ,.,
Brei Portcmou!>c St~ks ... 2 sa I •I f •r• I I,..-, ft ·flt• .. '" )89 ,.,tl,.•111 Boneless S tewing Bed Rb.Pone Loin Chopt
~ '. , .. .. I • • , I • '" .... 1•1• •• '"'' f l'tllill'IJ' lkcf Cu~ Steciks " 2 68 Pork Shoulder Roast ".78 Loin P<>fl< Chops
I <' f/I !If •
Honelesio Family Steclks
t I f I o t• I ~ ff
F1esh t3cefBri'lket
' •I .....
'1hUfll lA• !".Nil
(t..rl\tJ• HJ I f(IW'\t;
MJ<l't(l "° fTU'. Kraft lt.allan Dressing
I l<JU<.t (.>11 64 Ubby Chunk Mixed Fruit •
~ °"' l'l(f 1")f CJJT 27 Del Monte Orttn Beans •
46<~ llOTI\LOOJ<l! '~t Cranberry Coc:ktaA
Campbda v.a Juice
1'-0tl<P.CJol< ·~'"""'" Whole Kemd Com
~htWatchen Margarine .59
~ T::"'BaQI 112
220troa; JAA PROCl:ssEl> 5Wl£l \llulc PlckJe.a
~ K.''§>YCrac:kt11
~&:k.~VMVQ .59
IOOZ. ,,70
c .... ~ ..... 11• .......... °'9111 ..... "
If .... ....
lftl .... alp' etl/
,,. ]89 IJJ•'Yt ""-"ll"ti ttlN tl ... ]29 ....... " '"..., t ,., "':J Pone Butt Roast Pone Loin Chopt
HAt IW\ """'"''··~-'" J79 Pork Lori Roast •D J39 Fresh Turicey Orumttlc.ks
• 11 ' "t '" r f• i • ...,_ ljW'•h ii l(t
MEAT ,,..,...,
t "'' '
r.~C,Jtf-' I«,,..., ,. .... ,,,.,"Ji, Vl"'JI!)
4 MOU. •H:NOL .riu>. Tokt Tlnue
Ill .29
UI .29
Ul .17
·.~ (JV1
" •. "'(,t ....
dl1)<Fo{J IWJlll 1
...... , OltlJ)'\()lf
I l{)ll«J f'IQJJ)f C, tOOfY
Aq&.611 Fresh TooOveate
1• Ol."I([ 110 ITU
Signal Mouthwash
IOOl~~Q llfSC ftllUI 83 Aqua Net Hair Spray vi.,..""'•
$()1 r<cr llC7TTU \lldaJ Sassoon St.npoo
I ~Oii< ( 11011 <7'1 t<f'C 1nc.ic Secret AntJ Penpfrant
60I SCV<Tf.ll ~ (O'OTOwtO 88 Wond~S~nLOOOn •
HJtl<Ct llfJ"1.t \JCllJ!D(IAD'~ 229 Cotytenol For Chlidren
49 •l'M:JI .... • BatOews
u~~ l!A )49
Aas~~Tio: ' eu. J 29
~~~'W.63 ~~ ]39
i:t:.~ C9ke 1t4
~~Shell .55
~chlckener.. 11 ~
V:.1.m~ro«Jll )59
~B:r° .79
____ _..
IOffJLl<ft f.''IA..AAIJ.L
r<lu..it.'> ·~~
I )()IC,.. 1 fifrtil P,.C.• '"111'9 n '
,AJ-lJ '~.vol"
··~ t '"' , .. ~, , • 'Ill'. f 41• '
"'•~1 <>.,.,,,. ,....,,,~ .....
Qf'f T't IKJTI ,,.
~dne'• 9c:oclch 1549
STEAKS .. 189
STEAKS IAl!U~ ~(J./f
i.e 159 , L::ii~~k• . .. 3 7 9 p ()(JI'«. J/.WtO •1<.11 ... Plnata Com Dogs
l!A 209
l!A 3 19
'R~::i_?!,.,_l!!ft.._._ ... 2 29 •Zoor<l'"'°"'°' ]29 ...., .,.....,,..... .-~ ... Jones Dairy Fsm Seu~ e...
~~~tteredf'lshfllet t,85 P::ti&~~ tA .69
v::c:no._. • l vo~~~~~EN .
~~---.:?'._ ...... ~:~-~~:v--~~~Y!XJ
KRAFT mD10l ~~ ~~ CHaa!r'OOO
l~PKO. IS ec>cr, 2.09 200z. ............. " ............... : lltH ..... -.. lltl.,.... .......... '"""• , I nu¥ p I••,.._. •no ••n•nc• Rd.
Diet Conflict Solved
If one member ol the fam.11,y LI placed on a
1U1ct IPldal diet re1tme that co.llicta wtt.11 lbe
needt Md lute& or lM otben. don't despair.
You can pnpare ex~ poJ'Uona ot diet food and but them In )'(Mlr qie freaw, tp depend on
lor more harried occ 1k>nl
5oul)t and IAucet ..aay be ~ into tee
cube tr1111 &Dd l.bea 1tored tn pluUc IMIO for
euy wltllldrawal. 11Hvy aJwninwn TV d.IMtr
tra)'a cu M recyca.d Into 1pedal dltt use by
arraJ\linl them at and vqetable portlona and
overwr-"at ••lb alum1nwn foU. Marlt tbete meall with the lnar-.ctt~nt.s and date so they won't set Mt ln the tfteaer.
Siqle portions nn also ht stored in boJl·Jn·
lbe·bq plastic poucht-a. Electric sea.linK ap·
pllancea ant available in the houseware deparl·
meot ol mosl dt,p&rtmt'nl atores. alCJllC with •
s upply of pouchM lo aet ta.rted The se•ler
ldcka the food Into the pouch so the contents will
r+nu aln alNi&ht durin.i the freatn1 period and
fdr reheaUna. To heat. JU.St drop the baa or
several ba'Js Into boiling water until -hot. u n
bags out with tongi.. slit below the sealed Une.
and pour mto a en •mg dish
Batter breads m1ay be baked m muffin tins.
preferably lined with rtuted paper cups made
for t his purpose Store m plastic bags to be able
to reach muffins easily Bake several kinds so
there is a vanely at band when you need It.
Once you aet the knack of stockmg up your
freezer bank with s pecial diet food, you'll be
able to cook and coast with ease. The bette r pre
pared you are to cope with a special diet, the
more likely 1t 1s tha t you'll be able tQ follow it
The d1el may or m ay not be a matter of life and
death. but it's often a matter of com fort and re-
Nordic 001elet
Sunday Tre at
~Overy Look to your treeae r to help you succeed
wtlh a 1.,ecial diet pre11cr1pc.lon. Here are tome
aal\.f recipes thal are well awted to freetin&
und re-heaUn" In alntl purtiona.
•,. pound lf'an a round beef
~ pound around veal
11 applo. 1rated·
I cu, ll~htly Maten
J' te poon cJnnumon
• • tcuspoon nut me&
.... ..
.. wt•ll ah.aped areen peppen
2 CUPI tomato Juice (low-sodium pack >
2 ta blespoons arated onion
l kupoon brown suaar
l Utb!c"Spoon le mon juice
Comblnu beef and veal; add gral.ed apple,
Diei •
By June Roth
e&g, cmnamon and nutmeg. Mix . Cut green
peppers in half. remove membranes and seeds,
and wash well. Lightly stuff pepper baJves with
meat mixture Place peppers in a flat baking
dish . Com bine tom11to juice (substitute pureed
rresh tomatoes. lf desired), onion, sugar, and
lemon ju .ice. Pour over and around peppers.
Co ver dish lightly with foil. Bake in a 350 degree
oven for 1 hour. Ma kes8servings.
I pound beef stew meat, cut in chunks
4 fresh tomatoes. c ut in quarters
I teaspoon chih powder
I teaspoon curry powder
2 onions. sliced thin
I yellow turnip. diced
J grC(!n pepper . trim med and diced
t grated carrot
1 cup water o r red wine
If you are looking for
so mething just a little
different for a perfect
S un day mo r n in g
breakfa st or brunc h .
then offer your family or
friends this d elicious
tas ting Nordic delight.
2 tablespoons butter Place beef chunks in a heavy Dutch oven.
or m argarine Add tomatoes. c·h1h powder and curry powder
1 ~ cup sliced green Mix well. mashmg tom at.o pieces as you work.
onion Add 001on. turnip, green pepper and grated car·
5 eggs rot : mix through Add water or wine. Cover •.a cup water lightly and bah 1n a 350-degree oven for H2
1 teaspoon salt hours Makes 4 M•n ·mg!o.
l cup I 4 oun ces> I pound kan ground beef
s h red de d Jar Is berg I egg
Cheese 1 .1 cup un~ea!)oned bread crumb~
Jn large skillet. brown 1 " teaspoon pepJ>cr
< -z a: 0 u.. ~ u u..
< z -...
Sale ends Nov. 11
As seen on T. V .!
For Creat ive H ome Decuratiny
South Coast Plaza Village
384-0 So. Plaza Dr .• Santa Ana
Easy to prepare a nd
nutritious too ; the ma in
ingredient is J a rlsberg,
a Norwegian cheese.
Ble nded together with
s trips of sala mi. green
onion s and eggs,
tastew1sc this combma·
tion is ha rd to beat
s a l ami in butter and 1 , teaspoon oregano
cook oruon until translu-2 tomatOt'S
cent. 1 2 cup low-socllum cranberry sauce -~~RUG CRAFTERS ~\SPINN ERIN -i..~-~-~-)-l·----
Here is t he recipe as
dc v<•lope d in t h e
Nors(•l;rnd Fi<>ods Tes t
I cup hard sala mi,
cul intostrips
Beat eggs, waler. salt Juice of • 2 h.•mon
a n d pepper u n ti I 3 lablcsµoons cooking oil
s n:io o t h . P our i nto Combint• ground beef with egg. bread
s killet. Cook over low crumbs. pt·ppcr , und oregano. Place the
heat until set. Sprinkle tomatoes m ;rn l'lt·c·tric blcndf.•r and puree. Add
cheese generous ly o~r cranberry :.aucl' and lemon juice to the tomato
The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Co ast
s urface of omelet. Cov pu ree; blend together . Form meatballs, a bout
a nd cook until chees 1s I-inch diameter. and brown in hot oil. Pour off DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS
melted and omelet is excess oil. Add tomato-cranberry ntixture . Cov-'
purred . Ma kes 4 to 6 er and simmer for 45 minutes. Makes 4 serv-
You Can Sell It, Find It,
Trade It With a Want Ad (64~567s ) One Call Service
Fast Credit Approval servings . in~s
~· 3 your grandma was a girl, the harvest
was a time for celebrating nature's
boun y. A time of giving thanks. At Berrenda
Mesa Farms, world's largest almond grower.
we've just finished our biggest almond harvest
ever! And we'd like to invite you to share
some for free.
They're fresh .. Nal waJ. Nutritious. Delicious.
And you11 find them in aJI of our Harvest Barn
stores; inclqtling our new stores in Irvine's
\\bodbridge Center and the Mission Viejo Mall.
You'll like The Harvest Barn . It has a tum·of • th~·century country store atmosphere where
you'll get the kind of servi<;e that your grandma
took for granted. We11 even give you some
mouth-watering recipes for an old-fashioned
}'hanksgiving feast when you come in.
CornS. Step into The Harvest Barn. And step
into the wonderful way things used to be.
For a healthier Than~virlg:
Instead of greasy. ''empty" snack fc>oq5 .
snack on nutritious in-shell aJmonds, •
regulaJ\ly $1.19 a pound, now on sale for .99t.
(5 lb. limit per customer).
The HMVest Barn Is a part of 6errenda Mesa Farms. world's largest almond grower.
, Mission Vtejo Mall: Open~ 1·~Mon.-Fri.10 am-9pm.Sal10am-6pm.5'¥1.12 pm:Spm /Fullerton ~ore now open: 325 S. Hale Ave.• Moo.·Sal 9 am-6pm
~---------------~~ ~-~~l~:~~~dw~in~~·~on.·~.9 ~~pm.~n.12pm·S ~,'-----------~-~~~~
. ' I
j -
' I
Barbecue aeuon lln•t
over yet. a nd wltb
today's gas grills, out·
door bul>ecuing has
become a' year-round
•a)' of cooking -even
<Ml brisk days.
Kebobs and Kraut
salad are a great com-
bination to serve at your aext bar~ue. The cr isp, piquant
kraut salad and b eer
kebobs have a common
denominator, beer. '1d-ding a light and ta gy
Advance preparations
'allow lime for flavors or
lhe peppery kraut salad
to blend, and ror the
navon of the zippy beer
mar inade to penetrate
the meat.
t hr ead i ng of th e
skewers, the broiling of
the kebobs and your
meat and vegetables are
S erve with kraut
s a la d, hot butte r e d
ga rlic bread, and mugs
of cold beer.
•,. cup salad oil
'• cup lemon juice
l cup beer
2 clo ves c rush e d
I teaspoon salt
l bay leaf
'• teaspoon pepper
1n t e aspoon dry
~ teaspoon crushed
basil leaves
1 • 7 teaspoon crushed
orega no leaves
Blend all ingre-
t ~ pounds flank I
Beer Marinade
1 large green pep-
per. parboiled
12 cherry tomatoes
12 medium mush
room halves
12 s mall white '
onions, parboiled
Cut flank steak
1c r o1swl1e) on th e
dlagonal into 1-lnch
wide strips. (There
should be about 12 IOOd
strips) Place meat and
m arinade in a bowl and
chill overnight. Cut
gr een pepper lnto 2
s q ua res . For each
kebobL .tbread meat
alternatety with 1 •reen pepper square, 1 cherry
tomato. 1 mushroom
half and 1 onion on.
skewer. Broll 8 to 8 in·
cbes from IOW'Ce of beat
for about 2 to 3 IJlinutea
on each aide, or u.at11
meat ii f:A detlred done-
n es a . Brush wltb
marinade before turn-
2 ea10lkl 11' cup Alad oU
\-ii cup beer
1 dove ••rile,
11' teMPOOD 1alt ~ teelPGGD paprika
~ teMpOOD pepper
1 a~ eup1 drained
siuertraut ~ Chopped parsley,
o Uonal
Croutooa, optional
lend I/• pup salad oU.
Te>i make kraut salad,
be*it ea ~until well blended. G ally beat
ln oU, a i dropl at a
Um~. Slowly stir ln beer
aDd add garlic, salt,
paprika and pepper.
Toll wUh kraut and
elatll. Sprinkle with
claopped paraley and
croutom, u dellred. ,,., ......... "
· on top of th• \
scene, f rld•Y•
In the
"'-· H•m salad MVer lut·
eel IOIC)Od.
mayonnmM p&lr up for
tbe 1mootb, creamy
.. .. FOOD
2ftlll~Ne Liaw •
C'OCOGlll Md melUd butter .... , .. u. Tum
lat. •'-' fo&l PtJlll U ·b.4* iMp>, Md p,..1
•••lalt eklle and ltottom to form a •beU. Bake In moderat. oven <llO d•1rtea> 10 mb.ut.H W\·
UI rim Ja Uiblly browned. Cool. After tUuQ haa
thllJed audlc'-tq to 9'oW IU abape, NlnOVe
aad .,._ llll&o u.9 cooi.d IW, beapln1 It hJ1h.
Retunt .. LO free•r UDl.11 ~ty ,~MD.
0.Corate p&e with a UtU• eddlt.loaal coeoout and
haU lllHI ftelh Ume, ti dllind. Let 1taod In
refrt1era&or 100 to 11 mlDUl&el belo,.. cutU01.
MakH 1 ("IDeh> p&e, Mrvtnll IU.Uow pie la
preferred. f'Wiaa MM not 1-e f?OMD before tuml.., Wo tM lar1er llMU. 1
Thal'a Wb•t t!My 'll be
11yln1 afi.r tbt llnt
bite ot Mandarin Ham
Sa la d . Thia deluxe
veralon, flt for a party
or dre11ed up famlly
meal, comblMI at.ripe of
h• m with pineapple
cbunlll and ma.11darln
oran1t Ml!Mftla.
Mln l•ture
ma r a bmallow• and
cooked rice add navor
and ttlllure lnterHt
whUt IOW' cream aod
ror ~ and eoa-ven)toee. make this
summer u1ad a boaua
follow-up for • Sunday
bam, ~ tbe Na· Uonal ve Stock and
Meal Boerd.
Tbere .,. a v artety of
ham• to ehoole from ln-
cludtn1 boae-ln, seml·
boneleu.i.. boMlua and canoed. ur buy a "fully-
cooked" ham aJlee aod
• llANMllDI llAllMLAD
I CUP9 tJdD 1lrip9
cooked It.am
l ea Cl.I~ ouneee>
plDeapple cbupka
1 eaa Ul OUDCff)
mandarin oraa1e1, draiAed
1~ cupa miDJatun
manbmallon 1 cup dairy aour
.,. CuP mayonn1lu
Tout.d eoeaeal, ti
1>1"alll ~-~ .... Hrvlq ulce. ~
plneapp e . with man•
darln oran1•• aad marabmallow1. Com-
bine ~ cup ploeapple Juice with 10Ur cream, mayoanalae and rlce.
Tota tOletber all tacre·
dJenta. Serve in iettuee
cup1. Sprinkle with
toasted coconut, ll de·
aired. a Al'Vinca·
. . ..-
I -If you like •em frozen,
YOU'il IOve •em FRESH!
n soN C0111111',1; I C.l?AO( A ]!'> l!t:.1~
• 'f t
I '
,, 'I '. ··' •1 ,,
.. . ....
• I l "f .\
• f ••• .. If "• •
,, ' .,,
r_ucky has FRESH Cornish Game Hens!
Now. the y're not something you see very
often , because no matter where you shop.
game he ns are usually found
o nly In th e freezer case. But th is --~
wee k. Lucky has fresh Cornish t ~
Game Hens at low discount f. _ .. ._ ...... -·~~· ..
prices! Fresh fro m Tyson . ... .. -....... -..,:
Farms. Lucky's Cornish Game
He ns are USDA Grade A
a nd at 25 -32 ounces
each . they're btg enough to • serve two!
Cl1AOC P. S TO 7 l BS
.79 18
L0 ZAC~V. YOUN<. 10 1'>l0!> lO :>OPPY c AL rr Cl?OWN s '• l r " ll!
Look to Lucky for Lower Prices overall.
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~-
Fresh Meats
CROSS RIB ROAST 1 ""I•' 80"•.Al tt• r~ "If.•
Wlf.ll V. ~OfoOtD BKf l'OU'<O
'" 1 .89
"1 .89
.. 1 .98
BONELESS RUMP ROAST 1 89 -CUI ~08tfl l>OVNO ll •
D()t,( l4 !6 IOl<OtO lff, 1e 1.98
foOllN OtfllOSTIO
><lll5totfl( AU vuitr•n
11 1.68
11 1.88
ll<HH ltSH • , ...
tttCH S "'fSH
If .64 '
11 1.05
lhCMSNltlH WllHl!lf1,a!'T~D
ta 1.68
lACM 1.09 ~ISOl UtAJl'•rOl
• W£0LAOlY
canned & Packaged
LAO( L[[ ll> Ol Cf•'ll
LAOf lf ! .33 11 Ol \A ..
canned & Packaged
f'MAZOLA b CORN Oil 239
.:s Ol All
.' Ol BOX
OKETCHUP .79 noz Bil
b DIAMOND WALNU!~, .,.r, 1 . S9
L ~~.~SCHINO CHE~~~ .••• 97
. A ~!~~1~1~~~!~\4rz o.r.1.37
l' PRUNE JUICE 89 6 •.uw.wur fCOI en .
! NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT1 75 'IOl!DflW 1tl ?I ~ ,
J VAl>!lf.f\ 11 Ol ICY ,
l .. O'Hll M Ol an •
L LADY LEE PEARS 53 160/ ~.
6 1.M)y LU \IJCIO 1601 CAI< ,33
C"AM\l"rU 35 Dl'MIOt.t 1111"1.I 1101 ~.
!~~ ~ONTE PE~S 1701 CAH.43
li&O'll.U • • • 11 Ol IOI • l'J
• 1101 ~.
l'OSl • 1' 01 '°' .
L ~NATIO~ ~IX •?Ol IOK 1 .25
r STUFF-N·SUCH 65 't lil!IQl kif l 6 Ol 80W ,
These prices not eff«tlvt In sanu 8at1>ara ana san Luts Obltc>O counaes.
DRESSING IT AllAN !>AlAO .99 ltJ Ol fill
f.~~~,fOCKTAIL ., . r.,. .51
L ~~!oJUICE ... I • 1. 62
b SMUCKER'S PRESERVES 1 119 ~"·-"" 11 01 .... .'+
L OfAMOND PECANS 1 99 •OOl Po:<; ,
Oh "'°"It O'll 1'01 ~.83
VIVA 11-i. l"UIO • ' I 01 tn •
b IO' ' Ol ""' • '+
""'" \ ' t\ 01 ""'.
'"""""'" 6'10t en •
r KRISPY CRACKERS 63 b~ . ••Otto•.
. 1t 01 ""' •
Liquor & Wine
L PAUL MASSON WINE ~="~ ·H ITllll\ 3.19
rMATEUSWINE ' 3 19 ~WMll O-'O".c l~OI •n •
A LUCIC'< BRANDY 7 ggq IONOOf 1 ~ll9 en •
r CABIN STILL BOURBON 8 99 6 '° lllOOI , "I 19 ti\ •
what discount ........
Q \/ARIEl ll'>
i LADY LEE DIPS ..... -..w:r"'
.99 1601 PllC
.55 &Ol 1-V~
I .,.G,39
L~~.~ELLACHE~ .... 1 .99
000-0T•••PY<,.Jo.IJ ~C,)\jl'( 2 119 PAllr()C)IO M (;MI .. ,'+
t HORMEL KOlBASE 1 69 6 110l owe. •
' PEPPERONI PEPKINS 115 ~ "~' \Ol ""G •
1 WPGON MASTER MEATS "9 ~ •v""ni\ l'>Ol ~ ,'+
r ITALIAN SALAMI 1 39 6 MM1CO IQO !OJClO \ Ol Po<; •
Household & Pet
t HEFTY TRASH BAGS 1 09 6 JV\flC WC."• 10CT Piii: ,
r PAPER PLATES 1 69 b It'll.a 1'-0CI ~ •
r VILLA FOAM CUPS 59 b \1(1 ....
L ~LEE OIAPE~Cl "'4.39
r KLEENEX T1SSUE 59 6 IOIJ1'0Ul f AOM 1 n C1 IOI ,
t LUX DETERGENT 1 24 6 \IQUIO U Ol l'I. •
~flCENT etot IOll 1.29
oatrv & Frozen
!~Y .. ~~ .. l0019A4.49
r MINUTE MAID JUICE 1 "2 6 ()eAHGl M Ol C.fN , '+
rSA&.UTO PARTY PtZZA 2 75 6 ,..,01,... •
r AUNT JEMIMA WAFflES 63 6 (C)Ulmrf 10 Ol HG ,
r lEMON COCONUT CAKE 1 09 0 ltl'l'lll()(iU """" 12 01 PllG •
Dairy & Frozen
J ~~~!~H Fil~ .••. 1. 75
• OR'E-40A POTATOES 79 I!, ,...-r_,. e~ 14 I ~"'· •
r TREE TOP APP\.E ODER 99 b "01 <•'<.
r NUCOA MARGARINE 71 o ..._.., •ttOl (t" •
• LITTLE EA~ COB CORN 93 ) .U•" 8Ct t>wG .
Health & Beauty Aids
bllSTERtNE 177 MOUTHWASH 32oz en
AEff6QENTTAB~°'~2.1 9
l ~ n BLADES Pl(; ~.1. 79
~ .24
"""' .o~
.19 l 8
°"' -llft'llPITl()ftl'QO<vQ\UI "'!ff'\ fftfl'Wontfi"'l?~f'f'*'f't•~·•r >ft\ ~.,,, ()(tl't()('f \(Jn'"'" ,_,, "'""'"°"'b~ •1~
LoWer Prices
~ ..... ~ . .,..,. ~=... . .....,. ........ , ...... ., "'"""'""""' ~~AWIMI ~-.... ' .... 11 ~M>M AU.A ,Al
., ........
• 1"' llAftUA AW.
IAJffAANA ...,,......,. ~........ OM .... LA lllltAM ~CllfTltl .... I . OWllM AftMll hit to ~·TllUt STO..H ONN
DAILY t A.M. ........ ._, .. _.,, __ AWMUI .. ., .. ,.
1'*" WR I 11 1'1 hllllT
..:~· . ,. ;. . ..
l. ,'
I >
, .
; • a ' ...... I
1-w·f*t 'Nihblers'
Olive oil ii fatt••nc ~ke, amt0...-ed, ID a 1)' with pan Jwet11. To LOW·f'AT SPANISH llquJd Cfromjar) except olives. in food
· · ·but oil,. aree•t. p ellleated 'OO·d•&r•• Hrve, apoon cbuoky CBIUI AND OLIVE Optional: •mall blender or food pro·
Deaplle their un· ~t~.• D for 50 to 10 ve1etabJe sauce over IPaSAD clove peeled 1rarlic ce11or. using the small
deMJ"fM t~ lmaae. llLUl\MI. mil ~~ ll cb1ck• Jlltce1 <d.Llcard 1 eup plaln low.fat v, cup finely minced btade. Cover and ·blend
By Barbara Gibbon•
oUvu an relaUHllJ 'IOw Wet ..S moat of tbe U· bey &Ml). Mpea four pot cbtele (uncreatned Spanlah stuffed 1reen smooth. Fold ln chopped ha ca&ori•, compared quid baa .. ueorated. anvlnp, 2IO calorlea cott11e ~> ollvea olives. Chill. About 1s w1tb tM other .aub Bute ddtbD rrequ.nt· Hth. i tableepoona oUve Combine ingredlenu, calories per tablespoon.
and lllbbl• tbat.t .. ,~~----~----~--~--------_..~---------J--~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------tlNm ~ OD ap.
1 peUaertrQa.
Ottv•. lrete or black,
avera1• only fiv e calorl• ..,._., A NIIMI·
alae cubt ol chMM cu
come ~lot• to 100
.calorl• . n .... are some ol our f avortte
ways to UH them ·
OOCll .'
l turkey tb.ICb. frab or defroaled ( aboul 1
l larp oo.ioo. finely
1 cup ~liced
muabrooma, freab or canned
l ball pepper. pre
ferably red. seeded
lhinly sliced
4 vln ~·rlp e
tomatoes, peeled and
or 16·o~ce c an tomatoes, crus ed 1
6 Spanis stuffed
g reen olive , thinly
2 tables ns ollv
liquid (from ja )
2 tabl espoon
she rry. or other wh ite
llA1UllAl CHUSl
Not a big cheese,
just a better one.
All our cheese 11 made In the heart of America's dairyland Where
rn1lk 1s rich and frnh. And c:heesemaklng an art. Wtten you want the
finest cttoose, remember our quality. @ • It's making a name for us q!p Sargento
Running• ein
salt (or garli<' salt)-----:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~
pepper to taste
Brown the turkey
thigh skin-side up under
the broiler, unlll skin is
golden-crisp and well.
rendered of fat. Tum to
brown evenly Drain and
discard fal.
Combine with rem8ln
ing ingredients in a
heavy non-sllck Dutch
oven or casserole. Cover
and bake at 350 degrees
for 1 and one-half hours
until tender. Baste oc
casionally with par
jui<'es Slice turkey
meat and serve wl_th the
pan sauce. Makes four
servings. about 300
calories each.
4 eggs, lig htly
1 onion, peeled
1 cold cooked potato
peeled, diced
1 small bell pepper
seeded. minced
2 firm vlne-rlpe
tomatoes, peeled. diced
1 slice lean cooked (boiled) ham, diced
4 Spanish stuffed
green olives, thinly
salt (or garlic salt)
pepper, to taste
Beat eggs until fluffy •
fold m remaining ingre
Use a 11killet or omelet
pan th.at do be slipped
under the broiler, one
with a metal (n ot
plastic) handle or with a
r emovable handle.
Spr ay skillel well with
cooking spray for no-fat
frying, until slick. Heat
over moderate flame.
Add egg mixture, Ult
and rotate the pan to
coo k evenly ; use a
spatula to lift egg mix·
ture so uncooked portion
runs underneath. When
mixture is nearly set,
clip the skillet under a
preheated broiler, just
until top of fiat omelet is
lightly browned. Cut in ·
four wedges to serve.
Makes four wedges,
about 175 calories each;
two meal-mze servings,
about 3SO'calories each.
2 pounda cut-up fry.
Ing chicken pieces
1 onion, peeled.
halved, thinly sliced
1 bell pepper,
seeded. thinly sliced v •. pound fre s h
mushrooms, thinly
8 medium Spanish
(Stuffed areen) olives,
16-ounce can stewed
tomatoes, broken up
well "" ~-cup dry sherry
3 cloves 1tarUc, fine.
\y chopped
Salt, pepper, to'tute
Optional: •mal\ Ny leaf _,
Arran1e cblcken
piece• lktn-alde tip on
broiler tray. Slip under
broiler UDtU akin ll crllp
aod •ell·rmdered ol fat.
DralD -dllcard fat. 'Arran1e onion, bell pepper, mmbrooml and
oll"9 ID tbe bottom of aa o....-oof ew1ro&e. Pat tbe eldeUb pieces on top of the nptablel,
akin-aide up, tn a liqle
Combine tomatoea1 wtne md aeuonm,a ana
pour oY•r cblekea
Now you get more of everything you
love Bran'nola for. .
With the bountiful new breads nladc
in Bran'nola's famous family~ize pan, there,s
more sandwich for your appetite. More taste
for your bud.5. More goodness for your body.
Try our Heany Wheat, filled with
tender wheat nuggets. Tangy new Bran,nola
Yogurt Bran'nola 100, made with 100% stone
ground whole wheat flour. Or Golden Sesame,
made with creamery ~er and topped with
toasted sesame seeds.
Of course, all the bountiful breads are
made with extra bran. And bran never~
so good.
So now, no matrer what you have a
taste for, Bran'nola has a taste for you. And
e\'eryone in your famil y.
---~---~~~-------~ \ L~,
I c
foods s poi l r apidl y,
particularly poultry,
eggs and shellfish <or
products made with
these, such as mayon-
Try to avold using
these foods on very
war m days or when you
know the lunch wall have
a long. warm wait
before it's eaten.
And ir a child brings a
rood item that might
spoil back home again,
don 'l pac k it for a
second time. Food
poisoning is a serious
matter; don 't take un-
necessary risks!
When packing lunch
for a child, start with
the types of food the
child enjoys, and lhen
vary the menu from day
to day so he doesn't tire
( or his favorites.
......... a......11,,111
Mei nor
Frozen ---.
'::-lb. -.1
Added lb.
Utilize all the
possibiliti es :
sa ndwiches , chilled
items and vacuum -
packed hot foods.
Use your imagination
in packing tbe lunch:
cut sandwiches in un-
-USDA Claoi.c(J Bulk B eef-
r1J1.11c '·"' ANI 'fl'Mpp#d.-Snu./MUMt l.WJm""'H#·I
Whole Boneless Whole Boneless
Cross Rib Rouncl Tip
Grapes: 5..~ $159 ~~ $199 a._.. (1-11 lb. •n•) lb. (t .. ,,..._.,,., lb.
No Fuss --~'
. somaimes, W1th the ~) ~!~..!!.~'.'. .. ~!~~'.'. .. s 139
r~;:~t:'h~J~~ke:::; (::)~!~~!!.~ .. ~!~~.~ ........... s129 com~• a bit earlier than ..
::~: ~:ie·ua1:ea d~ft0~( Sllcecl Bacon I Beef Liver
brif bt.ening. Take 1reen I
s a ads out or the Sm*-A-•·tb. 99c sticied, """ 99c
doldruml by tossing in a ..._ ..,.. "--· ~ tt.. handful or two of table ~~~~~~~~~:------~;....;;..;;.. .... ,,
grapes. Or perk up your Bakery Selection! ' Frown l'ooda! favorite rice pUaf by ad-
ding halved anc1 aeec1ec1 Crushed Wheat
grapes . . . areat with B _..,..
poultry or Iambi Tr1 Na.
cooked Bnmell sprout.a, i
t.otsed ..ttb fresh 1rapes Mrl.. !!_~·2 $ · and 1moth ed ln a n.-.
smooth wblt aa al an ~ utra-soedal ve1 ble. ~ :::-.
Fretb iable grapes dd ~=:::::;;~===::;;::::~
2 .. 1SALE
::e:;.u'b to family " y ta• n
• I
· 8.-.Ccoll
HealJh & Beallly AUis!
Llsterl .. •
Al111Mptk ' si19 .,..,...,.
~ ttn. . t::::;;:;;' ...... • •
=~99e: ,.,
Orange Juic., ~en
6-oz. Can
Pure Vegetable
3 -lb.
~ Scotch luy
32-oz. Size
Safeway Specials!
6 n!1 c-
Ice Creal!'
(AhR-%-i ~ $) 39
Del Monte
a.-~ 39c ..... iliPiii' .... i . c-
Monterey Jack
.... ..., .... $199 ~Ii-!
Cranberry Juice =-....... ~ :::·$119
./ ...........
• :::·59c
.. . fll•
=s229 ~.24&,t. \ ~ .. ,. .
· Sahway
Color •II•\
. 115mm \ ~ 40QASA $199 ~: ~Mliqt.
~ ...
Mn. Wright's
24-ox. ~
Keg O' Ketchup
32~oz. Bottle c
Betty Crocker
Podcoge ---
Look .........
Tiiis Weeks
Two Freshly Remodeled
Sof9way Stores With
Completely New Looks.
• 175 Fairview
at Hw. 101
• 3030 Del Rosa Ave.
at Lynnwood
Bathroom Tissue 4-roll Package
A Stoclc-up Buy
" 612-oz.
Liquor--, Wine And Champagne
"'-tffecf1 ... !ft~ SuN GjL Ne~ ... ._ el 20 Ge&t.M .... ~ '-......
Maison Blanc
•Cold Duck 750..mf.
It's Sa~eway For The Pick of The Crop!
c ....
Premium Russet 25 ~1111n In C Yellow Onions
U ~ ,_ I
!;!a! ~.einach ~~~35c Juice Oranges
w .... 4 :C99c
Dried Apricots $149
·Sc9lcll 11w I.at .-,
~13~• In Our Flower S hop! ~ . ·
Tha1ks1iving Cactus 4 ·""" 99c · ~...., l1111b -.... _ ... ~--'
6-IACh Munis:..':.... .. $399
Floral Bouquets 1: .-. • •249
• ........ -.............. c .......
............. ~..... ~ •• ,. ........ ~µz;tL9jm..... .14 ....... .., ......... &...-~ .............. Le ..........
........ M1pd1,ll .. .,...... •1441'1C... ..... W.......... • .................. ._ •
' 1 ~ ... I
I .,
. ~_...._.. .. __
... ~. gr-...,.--....:,.-.~-..... l\o.-.. ......... ~-
FOOD ~. 0c100er s1.1m
Ice Everybody's Favorite Dessert
lee Crum. . . cree11a1 aamt..r1, a
Pol"*-a bate lt! Ob, ••cret ._. kaowo b1
DOt beuUM ol ..., lack profH•'"•I c1Mf1, by
ol affectic>G. but becaute ...._ •eu••• to crua. U..1~ IOOft M Mt of •ulli.a, ••• 4H••rt ~ ll tbelr www ••1• ~ n.r..,. a few. =..~-~cU:-n •c• ca•A• IDSAI
Combtne " cup honey wU.b ~ cup cbunlry
pea.nut builer. AJt.rDate mbt..,.. wttb cbocolate
lee e"am ID parf alt ......
lee cream. Serve warm
over vaallla Ice cream. Oena&lb wlUl peanuts.
C\&t &c. cream bar lDto ~·inc~. Spoon ID·
crea m between two
touted waffla.
Pete r Heerln1 with
chocolate tee cream in COUPE CllAllLICS Drambuie fOI' u to JO
parfait &)asset. l plot Vallllla lee nitaui.. .Place lpooal\&)
Pour Cre me d e Cream of Ice cream la eaeb
Me11the over mandarin .A.aortment ot fruit& ...... o.er eacb 1aJW
orange sections. Top s ucb as raspberries,. Of Ice cream 9PG08 --.
wlt.b a scoop of vanilla atrawberrin, blueber· fruit a.ad cover wltb
8pooa benaH aUc•. to a deuert d.llb, froaen mlJCed fruit lee creMO. a.notber layer. Top eaei.
_, .0.<mi.DaSN
Tr1ln1 to flad 10· Pov C"lliUed apricot
freeb~ud top wtda wbtlPed cream, <thawed). Serve over
sr•ea .&::pea Into toasted silvered Strawberry Jee Cream.
Combine peach slices.
froseo red rupberriea
rtn~ t beavy cream · ~cup Drambuie
dttHrt with wbtpped
cream and a cberry with
m._. Mio .._'t •• Md.an Of# maodaria
nu!Mly low •~ cnam oran1• 1ectlona. Top ta u dtmeult u tllidlnc Ith v--•n
... m . ToJ> wttb oraa,.lce.
Comb1oe cbopped
almoeda and a marueNno cherry.
Scoop extra lar1e
Banana allces wtt.b Tia <thawed), brown auaar 4 Karueblnq.. cber-t b e 1 t •..:a.tu p .
Marta. Re1rt19rate 30 and pint champaJne. rt ea Strawberry, ::grt1
minutes. A ternate Serve over plneappJe or Cut fruit Into amaU or nut may be lD IU ltatiOaa pvtq ewar W a acoop ol uuul
dl1be1 th••• d•1• _t_ce_C.....~~-·--~~~~--------~~~~----------------------------------...;,_----------------------------------------------------peanug and pl.Happl• H nlq of vanllla ice layers of bananas wt~ oran1e lee. cubes and marinate in place ol cherry on top.
Americ .. ~ C'OO·
1ume more thu three
ud a ba.W bWioe qu.arta
• )'Ul' end oe&rl.y left
perceat ol the popul•·
Uoa Mt lt every da.y of
lbelrUV.. ·
n • QUICK and euy
lo 1ene, h fahly
ffOOOllllcal and certain· b deUclcM.w.
C001u.era reeoculle it aa an lmportant buic. n.atrl~ food lD the fun
eate1or1 wltbout the
many drawbacu ol junk
Manulacturen , h~·
lot customer demand,
are DOW offerinl frozen
treats of ice milk ,
aherberts and "Yogurt
on a stick'' for the diet
Many of us belle· e
that Ice crea m ls an
Am&rican institution,
and why not?
Here is an industry
that generates over two
billion dolla rf r etail
yearly in th~ United
The earUest form of
ice cream was served in
China as far back as
3,000 years ago when it
was discovered by acci-
And while you may re-
member Nero only as an
ardent fiddler , during
times of stress his
greates t r e laxati on
came from consuming
magnificent dishes of
snow, navored with nee
tar. fruit pulp and honey
brought by fast runners
from the Appennlnes.
troduced "water ices"
to the West on his return
from the Orient, ~nd
Cathe rine De Medi i's
famed Flore nce c efs
s tarted a new fad when
they added ice cream to
the cou rt menu In
France, about 1533.
French gourme~. dur-
ing the Napoleonic era,
cre ated the "coupe"
(pronounced koo-pay)
A coupe was and is a
splendid dessert of ice
cream aerved in cham-
pagne gl.aaaes with fruit
purees and whipped
cream, doused wtlh cor -
dials. Napoleon loved a
con coction of cherries
jubilee flamed with his
favorite cognac a nd
poured over vanilla ice
cr eam.
ne l, "coupe Charles"
was extremely popular.
Na m e d after Bonnie
Prin ce Charles of
SCoUan4. this particular
version 1~eatured liqueur
with frflil and whipped
The fJ.J"Sl reference to
Ice cream in this coun-
try came long before the
Revolution when a din-
ner ~t of Maryland 's
· · Governor Bladen com-
men~ on the "curious
dtlite.rt. of ice cream
with strawbenies and
milk as most delicious".
Oth e r not a bl e
Americans in our early
h latory who becam e
fans of this novel frozen
treat included Geor ge
W a a bington , Dolly
Madison, Thomas Jef-
ferson and Alexander
Hamilton. Jefferson col-
lected numerous recipes
for ice cream, including
one that numbered 18
ateps in preparing, the
dessert we know today
u Baked Alaska.
To Nancy Johnson
goes the credit for In·
venting the band-
cranked freezer, back lD
t.Me. Copies ot tJlil ap-
paratus can •till be
toad lD antique shops.
WHAT GOES better
with tee cream than the
cone? Thia 1ucce11fuJ
m arrla1e waa con·
•umated aeddesltally lo
1904 at the Loulalua
PVebale l!x:pMltlGG tn
St .. Loaill. Wlte an Ice tream. WDdor r.. out of =·~ .... ~ ., .,.. • water uwnd
........... a eeoop of
le. enmm •top.
....... to Bded
A1Mb -from 8-dae to Snlmo PiH, Ice
er••• remain• II• .............
~MltioaaUJ. tbe ln·
••atift bouewtf• la -~ m .... lD·
"0-.-Dlll -·' MIAT r FRANKS
ROAST .. 99 4
'O'lft i>.out Ol M
.... • ..... ,Ollll ......
,., .. _.,.." o• ... ,,...
wet"<J4IO!le("'41• tGU•MtitfftO
fQpt,fA\.I •UV Ulll '°""*,...' W..t •l "*IMtUU fMf\l'l'lllUf U
deli. ~ Wt Nt \lMYt
IHt Af(.ltl 111
llMfl<>a••v\.f '-Alf' ff)
C.OMtilt M( ••l
----------------" DI All M\OJI'
LB. $ 1••79 LB 39c EA.'
0SCAJIMA'fCA•5UClO• lVAAtfltf' 99c Wf'Ot~\ll!) BOlOGNA •-0 ...... c , ..
_, •SllCt.O 99c
PEPPERONI '01 ""'· I ..
'•"-'•' .. """ 99c SU<ED IACOll ·:· .'·~ • ,.
OSCAU•.uc•. sun 0 •• VA•M IM·. $14 9
BOLOGNA :.!~' , " POil' tlNlS'fVl I 18 $1 7 9
iivoi.i.itAM~~~. "s l 5 9 HAM SLICIS 1• $1 " t• • lili •OJ '"
rllCStH llOLl H BITS O' SHRIMP ~~' •tf••lo •?fC'
t+C)iAMtl •AfGOfltB(ff $1'' Yf~tt<ilERSP~~ '"
OSCAll MAYlA s 1 s9 r1tt9',ll01r'N
(A $119
Ill $1 69
l B $2 49
•B s3•a
POT ROAST .. , • $1 39 7••· ROAST • s 1 •• Slioeia:H.t .......
.. s11•
•d $1••
II $1"
.~ s2•• SLICED BACON ~!~ r ..
'Plf5tt J"Oltff r"[Nf(R Cul
UAN°GROUND BEEF " $, •• iiiOUiHlt' ... n • s 1 •• itiia "snAK
SLICED BACON ~~.'.'' , • HALIBUT STEAKS s'TIW'M.aT .• $1 •• iHiiiioasT .• s2•• CU•ID SRAK 8 s27•
&-OZ 60c SPLIT PEA SOUP ... ,, .• '.. • "" 39c .... . NECTAR ~:.: .. ~, ................ ~ ... -.... s111 s 39 .,, .,,. '-"' ~.... :: .... '"JI • 1 NECTAR ~~:z:ftrRll• e ~mo/ sl.19 zs.~ss. GRAPE DRINK w11 H.,,, .... ~ ••01 55c $279 FRUIT DRINKS ~:'.'e';",'.'~ ... oc OA • 79c fl't lPH .l ll'UHC'H .. wr.-01 84-0Z.
I iiissiNG .
I BcaAAsr R SOAP 46c ,1a :STATER BROS., ...... ,,,.q ........ ,. 79c 1 ., DONUTS 11A1 WWf<ll l>fJHf''"~"' • . • . • . . • . . S-OZ. ,,,,. ,,, Jl.e\! I " ... )/ ._ ...
'Do•-ISH LIQUID 96C KING COLA A11.0P\<•" ! ~ ....... sl.29
l ARGt • r t.11tt •RI Ii 11()¥(' 25cl8
J.A~" • S()(l()('..Jtf f N Hf AlJ •
.. . .. , .. ,. ....
It tt1• ... • • . '*'"I• f'A O t
PEARS " .. ' ' . , ... ,, .... -.
•W 1f • •tf ••I fll Y• fh , ..
·•~•II•• ot ,_,, ..
···· · ........ n-0z · KRAUT Yff!I~\ 6 n.,: 73c
t :J,,.BROUICSOFTEllNEAc•Sl-iEEETS s 191 STEAK SAUCE .' .. • . . : sl.27 POTHOS . EA $ 3 99
• • •• , .. *CT MUSTARD ~;~~" .. ! . : 29c. POLES ~:~.'~:cir .......
I SCOTT •WttfTE OR ASSORTEO COlORS 34 ::=================Ill=:::: TISSUE .. ;' . . ..... 1-AoLL c ~!: ~~'AcS~oA ::~:~:~:.~ow""". $123 ."'J.:l'{~ Beer & Wine Specials
l(iiiCKEN ..... ~ 32·0Z
52°9 OLIVE OIL PO_,... • •. sl.06 lUCK~~'GER .• :. ~!!.~'--"~.
11f ·p£ANUT i;unER
21-0Z. ' '
Slll'UIMOIST ,,v .. 11.,.H>z 79c Oii PCXIHO CAJll
JAM OR JELLY ;~~~"~": ... ! •to( 59c sjo• s2·1. RAVIOLI ~~~:,0~::,~:· ~ ••• ., .. &r
MEOW MIX ~:·zt ....... o~ ...... ! ·•~\ s3_45
DOG FOOD u&MO ~m s10.44
1 ,
' ,
l I
PRICES EFFIC. • ::.·-'{(-;:,·.::r=-. --1:--·~-l:c~~c: 7FUlLDAYS, ~--=--~,~~ NOV. 1 · : .. " ·:::-_ n:iit'C;:. .............................. ~::.t:'t.. ... NOV.7, 1979
• ,
G OAl.YPll.OT W.ctn11 ... Octobef 31, tm
Budget Stret~h
....... tbe budlet 1D u.. ...... da)'l l&k .. •lot
of lt.r9'dala1 10 e¥i rJ tri~ ,_ .... to ,..... ,..
Moat marhta ••• ·=·-ooMa .... m• pound '-'IO • lot' by ......• 1 prcMl.D meat .........
An eatra atretee.l•1'
t.bere, too, ii tbe autri
Uonal bocetlJwlw.-Ptflbl• Proa.bi MllPPbel.
W1Ule JOU'N tlllDktq
or 1udrtU...t ~-the problema or the dhur
A lbslln, bamburaer
com• olf the snll. landl
oo a bun and juat kM>k
in1 at It makes you feel
Whal to 1llp under
lbat paUy"
FLOAT IT on a .. raft "
a pa.le tteen, Crtfp
and crunt1>y raft of
. 1ceber1 lettuce that fills
In the gapa lo your
mineral requirements
for 1ood health. A raft Is
dellcl~ and aatiafylng,
and li a dollar aaver,
too. With lettuce an ex-
cellent buy ln the sum-
mer market, you can cut four 1eneroua in.ch-thick
1 rafta from a slnele head
of iceberg for leaa than
· the cost of a ba1 or ham.
Take time to protect
your valuable lettuce
heads by giving the m
prompt attention when
you carry them home
from market. Aa soon aa
yo u un load th e
groceries, core the bead,
rinae under running
water a nd drai n
thoroughly then store in
a plastic bag in your
THERE'S a trick to
coring without a knife
Hold the head core
down. Whack it against
the kitchen counter, lift
and twist out the core
with your fingers. Thul
core-end, ;dong with the
rounc;led top or the head
will be left-overs when
you cut your rafts, so
store them in a plastic
bag to use another time.
c hunked into salads,
s hredded to dress tacos
or for sandwiches.
T reat Hamburger
Iceberg· Rafts just as
you would a r egular
hamburger sandwich
Spread mayonnaise and
mutant oo the lettuce,
lay on tbe bambur1er
patty and dreaa the top
with a spicy catsup
dressing. Add onions,
~reen 9r chopped, and
serve with cold or hot
Try the raft" with
slo ppy JOCS and ch1J1 con
came, too The contrast
between the chilled, de-
licately-flavored lclluco
<in d t h e br ig htl y
seasoned and sauced
beef is an always startl-
ing and delicious sur-
1 large bead iceberg
M ust.ard Spread
Tomato Dreulng
'h cup textured aoy
protein meat extender
~cup water
'h pound ground
1 teaspoon salt
~ teaspoon onion
Sliced 1reen onion
for earnlab
Core , rin se and
thoroughly d rain let-
tuce; refrigerate In dis-
posable plutic ba1 or
pluUc criJper. Prepare
Mustard Spread and
Tomato Dreealn1. Com-
bine textured soy protein
and water and allow to
atand 5 mJnutea ... Add
ground beer, sail and
oolon _powder, and mix
well. Sbape into .C patties
.C-lncbes In d1ameter
Mexican Chlckeii Is
perfect for a change-or.
pace picnic. Wash 2·3
pounds chicken le1a and win•: shake ort eiceaa
water. Dip cblcken In 1
cup milk and place, a
few pjecel • a time ID a Jar1• pla1Uc bac nued with coaUn1 mb·
lute of 1 packa1e ( 1 v. ounce) taco 1eatoDln1
mis and 'Al cup ftne dry
bread crumbt. ,all• to coat t.borouPIY. ake in
1rea1ed pan t JSO de1reea tor 45 lo IO milt.._,~..,.eraJ umee . ..,..fourtosl•.
pan·rry or barbecue lo
"-ind ..... ol don4t ...a. Ca& Wtuce h .. d c,_.._ lat.o lncb·lhlck
1Uni1 to mate 4 raftl
Co•er with Muatard na4. Top with a hot mHt pauy. OaroJ1h
with 1HH!d 1reen on.ion aod MtVe with Tomato
Ore11lq. Mak• • aerv
MllftA&D Pa&AD
M hr liDlet.her '4 eup
real mayonnahe. l
tablespoon /repared
m u1tard an 2 tab••· spoon1 chopped dlll
pick I•
In 1 small Jar, com·
bin• " cup cauup, ~
cup 1arUc n1v~ "9d
wlne vlne1ar. I tablet·
poon1 com oU. and .,.,
tea1poon celery me•d.
Cover and abako well to
blend. Shake acaJn JU1t
beror• u1in1. llakea
about 1 rup dreaaln1.
r \ -
ON JUNE 24, 1971, MAHlT HSllT SlASHfD llQUOI
ptj(ls 1 S % TO 25 •" AND MAUil USllT HAS MAIN-
,p J
btJli r
·rafts '
of buns.
AOYftTISlD ITIM AYAllAIH.ITY GUAUlfTlll IM•~'"" f tfflll' I l fQUll l L/f(Jtlf ir1&1,)11t tY•t>tl4) H)'V ,All
1" \t()t ••••n "' '" 11<>-t ,,,..,, •\ -.ur1ht~tt "'lHr, 111 '"'''• ti0 If M M t lit !JI I 01 •-•1•1t1t+UO1Uw wt •~I ,,.tt lf .,., ,,.,, f-<.1111 '". ,,,. ..... ,'"111 ..... ,,,,,,,~. , .. , ""'.
..tt lltr, ta t UIW ... ta l fll·l!tt , • f• i ~"'.t i !Kf
tQO!fl JI tHllll U IHI ll,.l !tfi ffl ... .,. e1I"''" ti ~1
Ml....m'f~-•wa ft tlMal •,.. 1&1U•ca·•eu&m.
PIKlS tfftCTIYt tfto.L OCl . l I n.lt Tiii .. NOY. •. h 7t •
. ..... ... .. • .
. ,
' ~
I ·' .
. • . • ' I I
. ..
by CIWlll M. Sc .... 1
RAT, Wl.lO !QI, MA'AM?
1 by Tom Batiuk
(I.) &.W\PKIN
................. _
"Mam-.duk~ doeen't need a c:oetume ...
eYeryOne lfreecty thinks he'a a monster!"
Now, DoN1T FLY ·::u.o:::.:.-·---
OFF TH~ l\ANl>Lf,
~mt ........... ,-,,,_ ...
LORD P.·· l 1VE
by Bil Keane
"It's an 1.0 .U. from Mrs. Powell. She ran out
of candy."
by Lynn JOflnston
by Jeff MacNelly
~I I i------~------~---""-~~9~
l-4eL.L.0, MSZ:. ~ICIMMIS.
TitlOc:' ~ -rrl!JCT" ?
by Harold Le Doux
l ~HOUt.D LH/ 5AY THAT, CUC!{'
OH, THANt<5--·
, .. ___ "t'OU,
by Emit Btnllmilltr
'-n.11 .............. "
by Kevin Fagan
by George Lemont
THIS ONe's -rHe: 1-1ousa ,
K I c:>c:>O .'
ACROSS 52Twice UNITED Feal\ire Synd.cate
Tuesdays Puztle SolY9d I YllOOef 55 MU1eo
6 Strlqll Pre-Z *OtOS
Ii• i .~ W•nd oepos.1 I• " A I' I -,. 11 ll I Y A I 0
10 11.1111111 tamoly ;._,60 Greeil lelllll'S
14 Pruit style 61 Aevll8
'O l '" -l ll (A I [ W [ I
u • a lu t -LIA Iv A I A H l
0 I A I l h -D It P 0 I I 1 I 15 CentOf 62 lnciOent
TS ()tied and -63 Balance
17 Pleywlq Ilg· 64 Bhnlt.s
10 l lll0-1 'II I T I I
l 'l I' •(T l•• '" • •-
A 0 I 0 1 -1 U I II 1-1 I T
• I 11 I I l (U ' I I 110 0 I I ure 65 "'""""~ 18 Cott\l(e
20 flog
21 Chilled
23 HIQh crest
24 Chu<ch area
26 Titular
30 t.awgrvt'f
31 ()uld,
32 Small well
36 Zodiac sign
37 9tg
38 -Baba
39 Ouee!1
Mery' s beflh
.... SadWO<d
45 Fondle
4e Eur~an
61 SMl\81
1 Caniey-
:' Fott.d&nce
J Effluence
4 FloweO
5 Desognate
6 Pigll'ent
' I r;• S I Y l I II I I
A II D 1 -1 D A II
1 1 4W fll01 1ll l•
I I • l 0 ' 1111 I A • I
A C 0 I I I I 'I t I II g II '
•lH S I D A TJl tltOI
7 Hpay 27 Fetid Of llll
8 Numenc pr&-28 Comdor 45 Conta1otf
11~ 29 M8'ganne 46 Ottice gadget
9 Pronoun 30 Sit 47 Act It up
10 lobe pen-32 Loose 48 Nunemeld5
dallt 33 Pub ptoduet · 49 Coiris
1 t Lust8f 2 'MO'ds 5 t Teaae
12 SMd COlllOQ 34 Building 53 Negative
13 F0<d's lotty wings contraction
19 -and 35 Cravats 54 Macti II
Pythtas 37 Aniou. e g. planes
22 Chart. Acc11. 40 Pluck111t 56 JUl1iOf
25 Bulganen 4 1 Mild Leaguer
C0111 42 Fought 57 Htrem room
26 Girl's name 43 Ending'°' an 59 Eggs
ANA.LYSIB OP 11.JND MJANCSl/aftAJNBD EAaNING , .... 1.,. Ftaad ••• ..., F.=u. .....
' l'UND TrUlfen .,,..... . E ....... • ...... llA!ANCU •• (Out) ( < .,; xhlblt .. a"> AdJutmelSI ,_.,1171
t .... Jal a 1m
01 General 5,211,510 I < l,192,SOO> 1113,883,083) $( 5,880,65'7)
CM ~~ 280.m •1s.ooo ( 651,878) ( 189,898) 107,215
,08 l,MA ,1~ ( 13l,Ml) 1,112,8"
07 Equlpmmt Replacement 238,009 ~.ooo 203,242 ( 102,227)• ( 463,0S9) 236,965•
08 SeJf·lnAlnnce 32,249 435 ,000 76.'S, 112 ( 663,185) ( 433,053) 136,123
• 111~ Ou Tu Str. lm~. . 2101.1 2e0,074) 532,3.16 ( 430,442) 258,901 100.721
12 Ou Tu SU-. tmprov • .S.C. 210'1.5 7,500) 7,500 • 0 .
l3 =OuTu~ . .aec.a1oe 265,219) 645,367 33,653) 33o,000) 16,495
23 fiblcJe Partial Ho. l·lmprovem~nt 4,875 I~ 25 5,056
24 Vebkle Putiq Dtltriet No.1-Acqwmllon 5,892 JM 51 6,257
25 Vehicle Parkilq Dlltrtet No. 2·f mprovem~nt 2,232 127 l 2,360
216 Vehicle~-Dlltrtct No. 2·Acqula1Uon 7,208 254 3 7,465
27 t .andlcape AIMNment Dlltrlct 4,71 1 4,711
41 t97• Opela Space Bond Debt Service ~.225 271,797 263,487) 12.8) 43,407
51 Tndfie Safet1 575,381 "6.m 180,259) 24,991 976,508
52 Water Acreaae Fees 6 Improvements 12,959 17,900 4,711 ) 26,208
~ Oolf Cou.ne 354,551 ) 778,53 1 705.~)· &48,691 367,088•
61 197• Open Space AcquislUon & Development 221,063 20,989 ~229) 285,125 182,948
81 Anti·Recesslon-FiscaJ Assistance 26,433 11 .590 38,032) • 0 •
82 Federal Revenue Sharlna Tru.lt Fund • · 8 · · 210,695 478,787 1.266.338 950,422) 2 ,447 1,0<n,845
85 Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund ''E'' 45,377 478,787) 433,410 . 0 .
86 Comprehensive Empk>ymeot Training Act ll6,978 71 ,496 188,474) 0 .
87 <.;ommunity Development Act ( 374,661 ) 311,000 ( 558,499) ( 47,657) ( 669,817)
TOTAL-CITY OF COb"TA MESA $ 7,103.399 $ ·O $24, 167 .458 $(21.109,503) $( 5,670,8(17 ) $4,490,547
Commmlity Redev. Agcy-Tax Increment Fund $ 809,561 s
Community Redev. Aecy-Redev. Project Fund ( 411 ,66S)
GUtl!a&L PUNO ........ u
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1.460.979 ( 511 ,912l 464,181 1,001,583
1,694.446 $( 11354,266 ) $ 408.190 $1,146,266
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A&IEI (March 21·AprU It): Popularity In· creau.; 8'Pirationl that aeemed out of reacb
can now become realities. Accept aodal lnvtta-
Uon. You coWd make •aluable contact leadblc to sreater financial and emotk>Nl atabWty.
Gemlnl, Sqittarius penoaa f1lun proml.DeDUy.
TAVSVS (Aprll 20-May 20): C1aDdelUne
conf erenee couJd be on a1enda. You 1a1n acceu to conlldentlal data. What appean to be a ._
feat could boomerang in your favor. Know lt, be
specific and confident. Keep pard up -
aomeooemay be mlarepreNlltingf acta.
GEJllNI (May 2l·June 2Q): Valuable ~
rormatioo ean be hnparted t.lu'dUCb good otrleea
of a fdend. Means capitalize on element.a or
penuuivenesa, constructive influences. You re-
ceive call or meuage which adds up to ex·
cellent "money news." You m1gbt. win a COD·
CANCEll (June 21-July 22): Gain coopera-
tion of family member in buslneas enterprise.
Acce nt on ambition, investment, reput.aUon,
opening lines or communication with pro-
reuional superior. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio
persons figure ln scenario. You receive gift "for
the tiome." ,
LEO CJuJy 23-Aug. 22): Separate fact from
illmion. Elements of romance, creativity and
dreams are present. Be ready for change,
travel and a variety of unusual sensations. You
have chance to express views ln a dynamic,
meaningf'ul manner. Young person becomes an
VISGO (Aug. 23-Sept . 22): Accent on basic
security, flnanclal status or partner, mate or
close auociate. Accept added responsibility,
but lnailt on a "fair percentage." Capricorn,
Cancel' natives Ogure prominently -and so
does the number 8. You'll solve a mystery.
UBllA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): F\niah what you
start, check legal documents. Make concessions
to those who mean much to you, including
partner or mate Be aware of public relatious,
your own ab1hty to inspire confidence and love.
Be aggres.'l1ve In defense or principles. .
SCORPIO «>ct. 23-Nov. 21): Find ~w ways
or perfonrung basic task. Be an inhovator.
Create your own traditions. One who depends
upon you should be made to ··see the ligbl" You
recei vc opt.Jmistlc report regarding health.
Ma mt a an gains. re'>1St temptation to be a
"backslider "
SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22·0ec 21). Obt.ain
valuable tunt by studying Leo message. Be
onalyt1caJ. piece together bits of information.
Ry bemg a "good detective" you wlll come up
with complete !>tory. Helauonsh.lp intensifies -
accept emot.Jooal rcspons1btlity, move toward
greater degr~· or maturity.
CAPRICORN <Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Move
within available spacf' -by working with
matenal al hand. you elevate PQ61tioo. Gemini,
Vi rgo. Sag1ttanus nativ~ figure in exciting
!)Cenan o. Expand hon zonli. shake off any ten·
deocy to b<> morh1d. Social 0ClJv1ty accelerates
1( you arP rt'«'pll ve.
AQUARIUS (Jun. 20·.Feb 18>: Check files.
Matenal you have been seeking is closer than
o riginally anticipated. Be versatile wttbout
scallenng forces. Relative seeks your approval.
Be frank while avoiding "cruel assesameoL ..
Telephone call might lead to short journey.
P~ (Feb. 19-llarcb 20): By making
proper inquiries, you gain access to needed
material. Don't be afraid to ask questioo.s.
Doors open. answers come "marching in." Money s1tuat1on shows marked improvement.
Anes. Genuru nativt:s figure prominently.
Class Set
A series or gourmet cooting demonstrations
has been planned to raise funds for a cookbook
proJect rt"C'eOUy initiated by the Affiliates of the
L:uwnii Beach Museum of Art.
Th<' first demonstration will lake place al
10 JO a m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, at CafeCampari in
Promontory Point, Newport Beach.
Kay P astorius. proprietor of the School
of International Cuisine in Laguna Beach, will
instruct the class .
She will prepare Fried Wonton, Pork
Dimsum. Clunese Cbjcken Sa.lad and Hunan
Style Fish
Mrs. Pastorius, an avid partygiver, believes
that ... advance planning makes it possible for
the hostess to enjoy her own party.''
She studied cooking techniques while living
lo Sweden and traveling throughout Europe and
teaches at several places in the Harbor Area.
,.Reservations may be made by sending
checks for SlO to Museum Art Affiliates. c/o
2885 Rounsevel Terrace, Laguna Beach, or by
In thla day of divorce, t.nflation, aasc>line
crunches and uncertainty it ls difflcult for some
people to sustalD intimate relatiombips.
All tbe .. ycbok>gic:al atttsaes presented by
these problems undermine the ablllty to relate
The problems and pouibtlities ol intimacy
will be explored ln a two-day ~mlnar at UCI.
sponaored by Univenity Extension, Friday
eveni.OI. Nov. 2, and all day Saturday, Nov. 3.
Participants will be Carl Faber, Eddie Arkin, Marcia Sellpoa, Pat Hlltoa, Rollo May.
Peter Marin, Gail Steveuan and Carol Elllsoo
Tbe lelDl.Dar will cooelade wltb a coaeert by
Dr. Faber and composer Eddie~. For furtber tnfonnallon call UCI Extension,
All In the
141 4121
A"T AUC110H -nne palntlngs will be soJd du.ring an auction sponsored by tbe Woman's
Auxlllary of the Arthritis Foundation of Orange County at the Newporter Inn Sunday, Nov. 4,
at 4 p.m. Making choice a.re Mrs. Anthony Bohan (left) and Mrs. Nicholas Vafiadis. Reserva·
lions: 547·5591.
Ensemble al 10:30 a .m .
Friday, Nov. 2, in the
Balboa Pavilion . The
life and music of Cole
Porter will be featured.
Tic kets : 673-6631 or
979"8466. b
a fas hi on sem inar
sponsored by Medellas
<Medical, Dental, Legal
L a dies' Societ y o f
Orange County), wlll be
held Thursday. Nov. 1,
In the South Coast Plaza
Uence Wright ch apte r,
wi 11 meet at 12 noon
Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the
Hotel Laguna, Laguna
Second Annual Sym.
poslum, a total health
program for li ving, wlll
be held from 2:45 to 9
p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3,
in C rawford Hall ,
University of Calirom la,
Irvine. Exercise. fitness
and nutrition will be dis·
. c u s sed Inform ation:
s;J3-7708 •
P R 0 J E C T , Hotel. Cofee hour begins
THANKSGIVING, a at 10:30 a.m. and lunch
county· wi de project to is at 11 :30 a.m. Informa-
benefit blind and sight-tion: 87\.6905.
BOUTIQUE, sponsored
b y We s t mi n s t e r
Nursery School, will be
held from 10 a .m. to 3
p m . Saturday, Nov. 3,
In Mile Square Pa rk
Recreation Center .
storybook the me for the
Cinde r ella Guild of
Newport Be a c h pre-
h o liday benefit f o r
Children's Hospital of
Or a"ge County, to be
held from 11 a.m. to 4
p. m. Tuesday. Nov. 6. in
the Ba hia Corinthian
Yacht Club. Corona del
Ma r . Information :
C h i ldren s Hospi ta l.
558·2462, extention 277
GROUNDS will b e
transformed into an in·
ternallonal marketplace
Nov. 7-9 as Christmas
Company, sponsored by
the Ne wport Ha rbor
Ju n i o r Lea1ue ,
celeMateS the lntem a·
tlonal Year of the Child.
A gala opening nlcht
party wUI be held Tues·
day, Nov. 8 from 7 to lJ
p . m . Ticket Infor m a·
li o n Lea g ue bead ·
quart.era. 640-l4!i0
Shopping hours are
from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m .
Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Nov. 7 and 8. and 10 a.m ~ to 5 p.m. Friday,
Nov 9
CLUB will meet at 11:30
a.m. Monday Nov. 5 and
Monda)' Nov. 19, in the
Ma rriott Hotel, Newport
•.Cent er. Infor m a tion :
Mary Jank, 631-1094.
CLUB of Phi Beta Phi
· wlll hold their second
: c on cert by Guy a nd
• Phy llis Halferty a nd
impaired children at the
Services for t he Blind
pre·school in Santa Ana.
will run from Nov. 1
through Nov. 24. More
than 50 county organiza.
lions will be collecting
old clothes, boo k s,
furniture and other dis·
cards which will go to
the Se r vices for the
Bllnd's thrift store. In·
f o rmat io n : R oy
Madigan. 541·3354.
meet at 10:30 a.m. Wed·
nesday, Nov. 7, in Glen·
d a le Feder al Savings
a nd Loan communit y
room, Newport Beach.
will be held by the
Lutheran High School
auxiliary from 10 a .m .
to l p.m. Saturday, Nov
3, at the school. In·
formation : Lint-la
Bagby, 525-8808.
presented by the Little
Mermaid Guild of Hunt·
ington Beach at 6 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 3, in the
MarriotpHotel, Newport
Bea ch \
BOUTIQUE will be held
from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m .
Friday, Nov. 2 and from
9 a .m . to 4 p.m . Satur-
d a y . Nov. 3, in th e
Colony clubhouse. 3611
South Mall, Ir vine.
F ea ture d w ill b e
handcrafted gifts, home
d e cora t ions, bake d
goods and plants .
, . Office Booze
Out of Place
~ Dear Ann Landers: My husband and his as·
• sislanl have fallen into the habit of having
cocktails in the office at cl<>5inl time. Their
secretaries join them. My husband never kept
liquor in his omce when he was in business
sponsored by Southern
Orange County Alumni
Panhellenic Association,
will be held at 7. 30 p. m.
Thursday, Nov. l, In the A C HRISTMAS
Miss ion V1eJo home of CRAFT AUCTION will
Pat Sha rr. Reser vAoa-· ..... b~e h e I d b y t b e
lio n s : Pat Shar r, Newco mers C lub o f
581-2052 or Ma ureen NewportBeachatlOa.m.
Mayer. 768-3499 Wednesday, Nov. 7, in the
MOOSE, Cost a Mesa
Chapter 1158, will honor
their li brary chairman
Cathy Bartley with an
enroll ment meeting at 8
p .m . Thursday, Nov 1,
in the Moos e hall. A
Christmas baza<Jr will
be held from 10 a .m. to 3
p.m . Saturday. Nov. 3,
in the lodge. That night a
dinner will be held from
6 to8 p.m ..
discussed at the9:30 a.m.
We dnes d ay, No v . 7,
meeting of the National
Co un ci l o f J e wis h
Women. Jlarbord Vista
section, in the Shir Ha-
Ma 'Alot Harbor Reform
Temple. Newport Beach.
Information: Pat Stein-
berg, 7?9·1758 or Ann
Ba rton chapte r, will
meet at 10 a .m. Satur-
day. Nov. 3, In the
Newland Ho use
museum. Beach and
Ada m s. Huntington
Beac h . All are e n ·
couraged to dress in col·
onial costumes.
Jas min e Cree k
Clubhouse. Information:
Mrs . J o hn Kr use,
of 1.0.I. <International
Orpans, Inc.) will meet
at 9:30 a.ro . Thursday,
Nov . 1, in t he Irvine
Country Club for a n all-
d a y b us tr ip t o
Ch ildre n 's Village,
CLASSES will begin at 7
p.m . Wednesday, Nov.
7 , in Community
Presby t e rian Chu rch
nursery school, Laguna
Bea c h . Information:
J a n, 494-5548.
for the Orange Coun ty
Medical Auxiliary will
be celebrated Wednes-
day, Nov. 7, at Club 33.
Di s n ey la n d wi t h a
l unc h eon h ono r i n g
charter me m bers and
past presidents.
wil l hold a fashion bou·
tique·luncheon at 12:30
p m . Saturday, Nov. 3,
in the Santa Ana Elks
are your views on liquor in offices? -Stranger
Alter 25 Years
DEA.8 ZS YEARS: My view on Uqaor In of.
nces ll IJmpl)' tbat it doesn't belong there. Of.
nces ~re for work, and Uquor ls for recrHtion.
When yoa l&al1 to mill the two, yoa're bound to
1et Jess work and more re~reatloo.
Coclrtalllng with secretaries is a bummer. It
cu also lead to a heek of a lot less wort aDd a great
deal more recreation.
•••ti Harbor Lites
I 0-6...., hr lilld. S..,
1111"""9"•& C....Mete
'41-7J I
Some Time .
For Mom
llo.t peopae would aaree that • 1ood mother
hu to ~ enoulb Ume with her children. but then'• a lot of ~troven1 about what COD·
atitutes "enou&b" time. J'lnd1oi time for anything>is a big problem
for am,se pannta, and many~ them feel con· m " ,,.. n&th of 0 JO.port HNI on the mgle
pornt ~ Ellen SUQCJ1"m41t, o tOrillr who hot• in MUl Voll!JI.
fUMd about W'betber or oot tbey're oeglectina
their kidl u they try their beai to take care of
all tbe thlnp they must 1~ ln the COW'le
of• busy day.
Ou the other band, even the D>M well·
meanlne mother doesn't want to spend all ber
free time with her cblldreD.
mother is bow to come to terma with tbe re-
alities of he r situation aod t.be llmJted time
a'(ailable to her, and lben to work out a prac-
tical aohllioo that wiU allow ber to live her'
chiJdreo the attention they truly need, without
acceptlnc the idea that abe bu to spend every
free watt.nc moment wtth her ldda.
How can a sln&le mother apeod eooutb lime
with her children when she alnady feels pulled
in counUess different directions?
How can she expect to enjoy even the UWe
time she does have to spend with lbem, if she's
tired and bas so many other things on her
And how can she avoid the coo.st.ant lrrit.a·
tlGn that lbeir pleas for attenUoo may cauae?
An excellent solution to all these quesUona
is to ,..set aside a particular part of every day to
speria"'with the chlldren, and then strictly
adhere to that program. ....
While this may seem difficult at first. the
advantage ln arranging for some regular times
on a dally basts 111 that the children will aet in
the habit ol counting on it and they wtll begin to
make their demands conform to the routine
Even thirty or forty minutes of undivided,
regular attention will go a long way toward
meeting thei r needs
THE IMPQRTANT PAtT of this is lo aban-
don yourself completely to them dunng lbeir
special time. Ta ke the telephone off the book,
resist tbe temptation to try to get anything else
. done al the same time. and focus oo the kjda.
Make a strong effort to put everything else
out or your mind.
This may turn their special time into a
particularly relaxing part of your day as well. if
you are determined to free your mind from
ot her problems or concerns.
This is their exclusive time with you, and
for il to work, you must show your cbildren lbat
they are guaranteed your undivided attention.
Then leave the rest up to them.
They'll fi gure out what lbey want to do with
you or wh at they have to talk about.
The main thlng is that they wtll get uaed to
h aving you to themselves for part of every day_.
and they wiU look forward to that. Knowing that
this is scheduled will go a loog way toward
making you reel satisfied lbat you are heplng
in touch with your kids.
the right time of day for you, when you're not too tired to deal po,ltively witb the children.
Some mothers can hold off making dinner and
give the cbildren their special time u soon as
they &et home from work. Otbers prefer to
make it a pre·bedtime ritual.
You may even try wak:inl everyone iD the
house Corty minutes early and having special
time first thing in the morning. Once you do find
the best time for your famj)y, remember to
slick to It rigidly
In a short ti m.e. you will begin to see re-
sults. The children wiU become less demanding
and you will feel comfortable telling them to
bring the subject up during special time. You will
be able to keep in touch with their daily lives and
You will also avoid those conflicts that
come about from short-changing them on the time
they hav~ your undivided ait.ention.
ethnic dinner party at Ii p.m., Saturday. Nov 3. in
Huntington lleach. lnformation1 Ron.at645·3988 645-3988.
TEMPLE E ILAT SINGLES will sponsor a
discussion lilied "Fr~dom Choices for /against
Commitment" at Rpm. Thursday, Nov. l. m El
Toro. Information : Annette. at 837 ·2686.
MAN-WOMAN INSTITUTE is s ponsoring a
lecture by Emily Coleman at 9 a .m. Saturday
No v. 3. ln Newport Beach. Information : Keith, at (213) 828-8949.
BALBOA SKI CLU B will have a TGIF at 6
p.m . Friday, Nov. 2 in Newport Beacb. In-
formation : Wayne. at 645·7!119.
OUALt .. A,,,.eeNOe ·~····
.shoe sale
regular 11.99 to 13.99
regular 14.99 to 17.99
regular 18.99 & up
• Select group1. all from reguler etockt
• Big choices! But 1IHa are lncompletel
at e~cltlng reductions
~l'~J IC.LANO • &-.a P~ Center CO""""" ... '° ~.rt> ( mv Plom •~"'QI.,,. Cl!!t>•~· y.,.°"'" y,. <' W>r,;I • 1°'11,,.., H.14. M,.. • ,,;.,.,. rl ~
(W1'V)O T~. ( ·~ Pio,,., ')(v+. • W~eo I.I~
Why The Precision Haircut·
Might Be Right For You.
If you hate the way your haircut disappears the day·
after. come to Command Performance where we
spec1al1ze 1n the prec1:;ion haircut.
Precision haircutting Is our technique for cut-
tlnQ the hair in harmony with the way 1t grows. So.
as 1t grows. 1t doesn't rose its shape. And because
the hair is cut to fall naturally, you don't have to
keep fussing with it Usually a shake of the head
does it.
The precision haircut with shampoo and blow·
dry costs 1us1 sixteen dollars for guys and gals. We
also offer permanent waves, coloring. frosting and
conditioning No appointment is needed, just
come in. And you II see that precision is right for
you. n.cf:cD
C.omllfand Perf'orman.J
.,.,.,,....,.,.~ ...... ,.. ......... (.,..,..,
149 RIVERSIDE·(Next To Newport Beach Poat Ottlc.)
Behind le. Sk•tlf't9 Rink (Harbor & Adema) MCMf53 _
( L. ~1. Ren l> ) Tnlonns and
~==== (JACK r\NOt:H-~ON) Reveals DAILY PILOT
A•• £a•der• of Costa Mesa, Inc. • the total fitness center
&Jone, but now that be bu this young man in
with him, things have changed.
1 We Uve lP a small community where gouip
travels fut. I don't thlnk aJU'th1nl Improper is
gotn1 on wtth these young women, but it would
not IOUDd very 1oocl ii the word got aroond that
~ .. -they were liWna around drintina after office
I bate to make an Issue ol. lt, Ann, but C.11142-1171.
Put • fe)ll word• to work for ou. perbape 'ii you print my letter and offer a few
i comm.U.11 mllbt belp. Pleue tell me: What ~ ~--~~----~--~------~~~~~~~----------~~--~ l -·-~ ----... -~----~ 1 .. . ·'' . -.... .,
' FRANCI~~ORR • ! ._,fire staticrery cora1a del mar --... • J
FOR ONLY '89°0
Nautilus of Costa Mesa is a ne w co·ed facility featuring a
complete line of Nautilus equipment. the finest inf itness
·A typical Nautilus workou t takes only 30 minutes¥€'
Nautilus will put you in the best shape of yolir life!
I •
Call tOday (714) 957-6226
Conveniently located "
in the new Stone Mill Business
Park on Red Hill Ave .. near Bristol St .
2915 Red Hill /we., Bldg. 1030. Costa Mesa. CA (714) 957~6226
.... ...,a.ua ....
~ = ...... •1••
Beet'orooUoln 120&. Pkt
De11mt CM111 '1 n
Rondele ' oa. pq. A.-on.d navor1 . Sli9' Cacitlil 99e
Lucco ln 'oz. 11-t-lnd. terVinp
.. a.ese., s1 n
Big 16 oz. jar "1f quali\y dreNing
Salad Dressing •• nc
Bob's famous 1000 lale-8 oz. jar
Liquor Dep 't
EaltJ Tims ..... ss••
Quart eiu in etraight whiskey
LS~ s239 . .......,
Last Week Of Sale'
~ij '"'j4~
Frozen Foods
Ormge Juice .... 49c
6m. car concentrate -Minute Me1d
Waffles:.. ..... 65•
Aleort.ed varietiee in 10 ot. pkg.
Eclairs almATt ~ ••• a,.
Delicioua treet from Rich'11-A f'Yt. pkg
,..... .... 211 ..... .., ...................................... .
...... 111 , ... ...., ......... ,., ....... a ... .,.
C.lle1 of Pork -·· .............. 12'! LMn for Sweet'n Sow Chop Su.y, Chow Mm
Pork Loin IN1t =:' .............. 11 '!
So dtl clout, eo navorful Fneh Eatwrn Pork
Pork Loin Roast r ............... • 11! Bonel ... loln cut ol apd b..t .
.. Ytlt .......... ..
The heart ot lbe loin .•. Fre1h. IMO" tuty
._.Pork Loi• INll .. m .............. '21! Lean does not nceed 22% Cat.
Loin CIU ..• makeet a fint m\ie.erie rout Chapped Stea •• 121! .
Lean bNf.;:..oo. not nceed \6% fat
Part lnin Raad LOllEm
3 TO 4 ll. AVG. II!
Hoa11t Ofll' 1.<1 a golden goodneee thie week and eee how your folk& will relish every morsel! Here's pork al it.8 befll. Armour'11 "Ven l>ei;t "
Sausage ftllm mu. ':•14!
SLlca 99c ~
El Rancho•• thicker "Ranch atyle."
P k S El Rancho's mild or hot . No nitrite or ausage cuFASlllD •••••••••••••• 99t • ......._...& •1,,
Our freah pork and rme aeuoninp ... 110 delicious Ill G'WU.-al n. __.S • • • L b Sh k S 1 Pork. veal. &eeeonmg no nitritet. u!'!'c"°'"' ~. d! ... ~n -' ' ' ' · · ' · · · · · ' '! Clld Steak .... 111!
Beef Roast :mss .................... 124!
U.8.D.A. Choice !)('('I ... 11houlder clod chuck cut
fre1h Spare Bibi ~'t:t ........... 11!
Finger lickin treat! Fret1h Eastern gram-fed pork, with eo much mee1v J{Mdne11i. to i.eti.~fy the hua,gry horde' Arm<JUr'11 "Vf'ri~t ·
Pork Loin Chops IQIJISS l.Oll •••••••••• '2'' ..
f''lovor(ul lr~h i-;a .. tt.'m Pork trimmed for more \Ul u1·
Pork Loin Chops snmD u. •••••••••••• s 1 '!
Frl'flh i::a11tcm pork 11tuffed with l)read dreiwiing. buttt'r. ~
Pork Loin Chops na an u• ••••••••••• s 17!
Lc1m un1l l,1"t v In· h r-:a .. tnn pork excl'llt•nt for hak1mc. BB<l
Park lnin ChopsCOTfJQIT 1lll
They II be 80 dehcioll8 broiled. because you get tendem ees. Oavor and 88t~foction from our Eastern grain-fed pork. Annour'11 "Vera~t ..
Super Fresh Pro'duce
IBPileti PHBPlum ... II!
Sweet.and Juicy from Lake County' Put them ou1 ... and watch them du>appear
Ribier Grapes .•.. 39~ Napa •••.•.....•.• 15f Brown Onions .... 12f
Black·ezlre fency·Oavorful In our Onenl.81 section Flavorful mild for many uses.
Tasty from
Hawaii 191
Centu cut . tJ.S.D.A. choice beef.
l.ar11e meaty frying chtckena. Fl'1l8h
<.rede 'A' (wit.h itibletAI
HALIBUT $ 3 ft,
'!nnnem Frozen. defroJ1t.ed
Sole Fillets ....•. '31~
Fresh F.ngl1ab Sole delic10U8
Red Snapper •MK 121!
F~h fillets to bake. bmil or fry
Mali Mah• '1'' 1....... •
'l'rop1caJ faab fillet.A Prozen-difl'Oeted
Hom emaker Values
Shampoo u ..... '1"
6 en ('oncenlrate or 16 c1i. L1qu1d
-Concitioner ..••• 11"
Heed 16 oz. for good hair care
Co.,a QueefJ'°:SJH
Mery Anne Haye1J·Author
· RIDYnAI t£~~ sa••
200cmtl**• 581/) ORANGE IJICE ........
ltlf ... ......... s11•
.. al. .. ·1• ·-u s1•• ....a-••••••• Your chnice in 2 lit.er bottles s-•=,n .. 2~ 1 ~ oz. Pkg. Original or Rich & Truck
IMllJ Beans ...• 29~
16 oe. Duk red from Sprinifield
Sprin&field brand 4 5 c in 28 OL can
Seaoned Salt ... 99c
8 oz. Lawry's brand
Bathns ....... w
Soft'n Pretty 4 Pll. Aaat. WbitA or Print.I
.......... .........
S2alm' 99c
=~65c .
Prices in effect Thurs .. No'. 1
through Wed • Nov 7. 1979
Open daily 8 to 10.Sundev 9 to 9
No aales to dealen1
ilt*icetflllite ~ ...w =Mc: s1 3•
C,cle Dog Food .• 37C
14 oz. Cana in ueorted V arieti1tt1
............. _ fPI. •1•• ...... ,,.,.. • 12 Gl. ••
Cans of reguler-light-diet or Aspen
Cookies :lo~v .... 89e Cup o' lloodles •• 69C
Choe. Chip/Macaroorui/Sugar or OalmeaJ 2/1.2 oz. pkg. twin pack-AMt. varieties
Tea RMs =· ... 69C Bowl Cluner .. 49C
16 count~ ueorted variet.1ee Clean1-diainfect.1Sprincfielda9 oa. •
14 oa. Comet.-Jnc. 16' olf
.... ,... ... _ ....
Wet!Mf Md ~utn
IHMM>llf Mall I
._... 9M Mu t A .. 11 :uo W. CMfMe 19". ''•·'*''end ""ftllfttton
11t...,..C."9fl 11.ofOt,....oveJ lloutt\eH\COfMfl
2727 Newpoft 8t.d n s• E"WWllH Of
IOn tt\e Pemn1ula 1" I E111Muff VIiiage Ce"le1 I
........................... \ .
• • ~,,t..• :. . \ ·: -=-"Y-· ::, ... --L -
GIVE GIFT CERTIFICATES ""-'* • .. ..._., 9'ft ., ...... ...., ~,.,,.._, ot-ony Hu9h•t II lanch.,...,... fw any
......,... yw with .. , .... Alli.....,. eur YeMM Dltceunh ovoUabt. on Gift Cet1ff5ellt• purcha ..
.. ef '100 • ...... Gift c..t""-... N~''"'•I• ttt any Huthet .. Huth"' " lancfte Mat .. t.
IM'9U'Mllrt&etman•1••-"..,,fllt ,.." ~t. at 221.a211
' v
. .
-.!--,..........._-~Jhe ~•t llarketpl•c•on the Orange Coast
You Can Sell It, Flncl It, [ 8 4 ft aa..G~l -One Call Service
Trade It With • Want Ad ~ •..v1u Fast Credit .Approval
P ti t I 'a tidier.
All fM) estate lldvcrUal'd
In Wa nc'Wlpaper ta aub-*1 kl U. t.__al Pair
lloulnl Act of lH8
wbKia 11111k• It t!Maal to
ad~ertlu "anr prt'
ft"renl'e, Umltat1on. or
dilcnmb\at.loo bH~ on
nKe, tolor, l'CIJa&IOO, lilt' XI
er natklnal ori1rn. or an UJUmUon to make an)
web preleren<.'e. hm1t.a
Uoa. or dlacnnunauoo. · ·
This newspaper will not taiow1o~ly accept an)
a dvertising for rea\
est.Me wblcb LS m viola· tionoft.he law.
allOllS: Achet'fiHN1 ..W cMcli ..ar ads
My. ... report .,..
........... Cllhfy. The
DAil Y PILOT os.-s
Wlilty for tt. first ift..
correct illllft'fioft Oftly.
1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••
WESTCLIFf<' WINNER 4' bdrm s~lt!
~tory with l~c pool. scp bdrm & bath.
1 m m 1H·u latt· t•ond ition , deli~htful
nelghborhood A::.kin~ S2.59.500
GRf:AT GREENBRtf':R 2 bdrm.
pi<'ture~qul· golf c•our se view. never
O\'l'up1ed and anx1ou'>. s220.ooo.
N l!:W HOM ES ON I.I 00 -2 new
hom es on Lido Isle. 2 e:tnd 3 bdrms.
beautiful appointments. gourme t
kitchens. paneled dens with frplces.
!orated near te nnis: playhouse. yacht
elub a nd playground.
A GOOD START Starter home. 2
hdrm. 2 bath~. n<•utral tones. all
recreational facilit 1rs. in Newport
13cach. SI00.000.
LIDO, 5 BEDROOM Could lie G
bdrms. flowing floor pl an. sola rium.
01.cr 4000 sq. fl. and heart of Lido Is le
location. Asking S595,000
\\ I , I ·
! ~ l '.. 1 I t I ! : . \ : , . I '. 1 ·It;
A real storybook home with a Countrv
f<'rench touch. The front courtyard
offers a warm welcome with an a rrav
of colorful flowers & lattice covered
red brick patio. Prof ess1onally
decorated in beat.t1ful colors. 4
Bedrms. fam rm. formal dinin~ & 21,.,
baths. 3-Car finished garage -· even
with fluorescent li~hting. S495.000.
21 I I S-JooqMi1t Hih Rood
HEWPOttT CENTER, H.I . 644.4' I 0
Our lovely new custom, view home for
a smaller home or lot in Corona del
Mar. Enjoy the 180 clej{. view towards
Catalin a. 3 bdrms .. library. dinin_g , 3
baths . Lots of wood. s hingles. glass &
decks. Portofino Laguna looks & lives
just like the Riviera. $329,000.
IEACHUMITS U~lf)UI: fi()Mf:§ ... ~~ ~ de/ Jfkut
Four .,!~5~".:iy pays A EAL TORS·. 675·6000 lm!.lf' t17J ~
for it.sell. AJJ 2 Bctnns. 2443 l:ast Coast Highway. Corona del Maf if'!t~LJJuieo 673-8494
comer lot and assumable -::'/ ~~ ~11 Day-or Night., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____!~~~
OPfNllfQ•lf\UNff'"'''· I • ---------~-------.. 1 I•• ~nl I 00/o
Pool + RV Acceu
Spac1oos 4 Bdrm, 2 ha
model w/fresh paint & new crpl. Convenient lo
shoppmg, recreation &
schools. 1bi.s home oCfer:.
comfort.able family lav-
mg wtgreal pot.enual for ruwre appreciation. For
details. call 751-3191
WITH PIER & SUP 4 Owner will curry financ 'J mg on this Easl$1de. 4
3 Bdrm .• sunny kitchen.
formal laving room .
bl"lck fpl<', RV access. sparkling free form pool,
gas BBQ. low m aanl.
grounds. Rl'<hJCed to only
$94.950. Call for appt.
341 Boy~odf' DrovP, N. B '-bl) b 161
IPROPERTIES. l..a~t!eA!,::;:~ ate
FIXER'S 1 ~able. Prof. Agt can DELIGHT ~ve you uxrs or $$$sell·
bd .• 2 ba. pride of
ownership home. Quiet
Cul de Sac. new paint,
heavy shake roof, ram.
rm. Low maintenance
yard. $129.900. Ask for
()fl,, '11". • ., • ,.., • .. ,
80HOMES ·to ON.
831-5102 Bkr.
1bl.s ls It! YOU FIX IT! ! mg or buymg your home.
All this 3Bdrm home No obligation. Call
needs ls TLC and Im-_613-43 __ U_Ai1 ____ . ---~1
aainatJon. Seller will --------•
Versailles pent.bowie. uJ.
tra delux e & im -
rmcul.at.e! 2 Bdrms., 2
baths; frplc. + com-
munity a me n ill es. -K···~-0·~--·sc-·IN-E
S2l0.000! Your Jack O' Lantern
help fi nance, m aybe
complet.ely! Don't delay,
oPf'·"·~· ,,, ,,~,,,.. ,.
1ben this is for you. 2 BR
c.ondo w/all the goodies.
Prime Oraoge County
locauon: Offered at only
s:i6,000. SW-3666
, •NIN!lc1l1
Real Estcrte. Inc.
No we are not-a pnce
that is hard to find for
this c harming and
d>eeey 2 br condo with a
large patio aod com ·
m&mity pool. Also. seller
wUl. help finance. Act.
oowl !n9-S370 I
RIDUCID $4000.
Reduced for fast sale!
Owner anxious and
sacnficing this lovely
home. Clean as a whis·
Ue! ! Features 4 bedrms. l~ bath, 22 fl. game room. park like grounds.
Offered at only '102.900.
call now 963-7881
()l'fN 1119 •II\IU'<101<1 "''•I'
8)1 owner. lovely 2Br 28&
Condo, Garden Villa
Prime Joe. Leisure Wor
IApna Hilla. 511 41182.
Spacious J Bdrm
air cond .. San ·
Lula ftey model
u p '1 r • d e d
thru out .
Po el tlv e l y
Pristine. SJ8$,000.
RIDUCID $7,500
Really an outstanding
buy! 3 Bdrms .. family
lalaoo lay Prop. will really light up in
Realtors frontdtbisl Bdrm Mesa
Waiting for sbme fixing.
pri me Eas tslde, 2
bednn. R-2 lot. Owner
desDerate ! CaJI 646-7171 • 675-7060 * Verde beauty. Inside
room. pool, partial ocean ~~~~~~~~~
view. Extra !urge lot. --------• Pnmc Newport Bt'ach
location. Now only
17141 673-4400
12u1 ua.2121
Corona del Mar: a
charmer . Shake roof.
brick rireplace, raised
A l>1\Non or hearth, wood beamed
llarbor ln\'l•Mml•nt C"o. cclllngs, three bedrooms
__ _ & den plus two baths:
zoned R-2 to add income
2 STORY wlit. Just $184.000
Shake roof. 4 Bdrm, 21 • COLE OF MEWPORT
Ba. $133,500. Easts1dc REALTORS
Costa Mesa. 1 675-5511 Roy McCanh, Rltr.
548-7729 _ Sell idle items M2-S678
4 bedroom Sandpiper with
spectacular canyon & ocean views.
plus large exciting pool & private
yard. Formal dining. separate
f a mily room & 3 car garage.
$317.500 land included
~ 644-9060
r'V-1U "' ?· ' ' ·~ f '• '
you ·11 wonder witch is
better, tbe customized
decor or the double brick
fireplaces. The l)Ule
goblins will love lbis
beaut.ifully planted yard
with big covered patio. --~--L•1•5•T•1 .... •G--
Sbake roof home with no ....,...,.,, ""
ghosts! Just listed for DUPLEX
Sl05.000 ~-no spookin'! 13 Bdrms. up, 2 bdrms.
Call 546-4141 down; good condition ;
•A super location, steps
lo be ach. w1lb golf
course, r estaurant and
coclttaiJ lounge. Spacious
1 BR mobile home with
large add oo LR or make
2nd Bdrm.
•2 BR mobile home
bargain, pool and spa al
$13.500. Ask us!
new carpets 2 Car park
1ng. Steps to be a ch!
$225,500 Lnduding land•
· associated
lUl' W 8olboo b11 lh&t
Sharp 2 BR townhome.
converuenl to So. Coast
Plaza. Private pabo for
leisurely entertalninf:
Gated complex. Call
OLSON .. ... . . ..
•·c--c_.. 400lU:ftJ. JOI~ C.Mj' a. ;-:~ 1-------------Redhill 0-~ Re.-tlty
......... ss,,ooo
Retired or starter b.ome
in Lone Bcb. 2 br + den.
Assume 10~%. S28,000
lilt at fl77 .. S20.000 dn. No need to qllallfy. Glossy
brdwd nrs. new paint "
In "out, new kJtcben flr.
Pat, C-21 Alt.96M3'70.
I 1<11 • t<t·.1 ll \ l lll 1u·
, •1 •1111 . . .... ' ''"'
Financing poss.
Newport Crest 3 bdrm .. 3
baths. w/ocean view.
111111 ILlllS CD.
POllYll YllW
1 Lovely One Story Modem Home Overlooltin11
The Blue Paclric. WATCH THE WAVES
ROLL OVER THE ROCKS . .Pour bedrooms
Plll,s Oen & Huge LlvlnJ! Room. F\111 Securltv
System. One of Our Flnee~ OHerln•s. C11il
For ~ntment. '925.000.
631·1• II I DOYll DllYI
' J.
ch Realty
HEICMfTS. Gi•• yow c...._ a thrill of
Hleir li•H ltt this 6 ~ CaMOf'lff s,-.. i.e... HotWt ..,,,..,ect • tWs 7 I I
of • oc:n. IOMd A· I. F....& J C.-
garocp. $475,000.
Gttal Back Bay location
This big $ bedroom home
features a huge family /
duwig rm addition big
enough for your pool la·
ble. Perfect for the b11
family and the pnce ts
ngbt at Sl 18.500
See Spyglasi.. EastbluH
& Irvine from this dl•
serted 2·st.ory estatt-'' Bdrm on ~,acre of
woodsy lot. huge spark!
1ng pool, long esl11te
dnveway to expanded
2·car garage. $169,9$0
$104.900 OianJuoa 2 Story garden
home . Cobblestone
streeu. gourmet lutchen.
huge mast.er i.wte. cov
ered pabo. too' Call now
~7171 ... ·.
2 blks t.o ~ach Cit v &
Coastal Comm1~-.1on
says duplexes po1>~1blc·
Owner may ~ubordmalt•
t.o a construction ln.rn
Call no-. before 1l ' litiJnt"
tilii1'H1 ~=:~~~~ES
Excellent 4 bedrm 2'•
batb Sandpoante pool
home nr South Co.t"t
Plaza Brand new plui.h
~ and water healer
too' One year homt' pro
tect1on plan included'
flexibte terms 111cldg \"A
or take over eluslln~ S.S TO llACH loans. Full pncl' JU M
$139,900 SUS.000 Hurry. take ad
Qiarming 3 bedrm. bnclt vanta1te. call 752· l 700
patios. Lots or wood and • '· , . • • ~r;:'~J!:!:. [ ~ lfJIHI re.Bill 5•== Beach. Toully secluded
Large 3 Bdrm home in
great Easts1de locauon
~1 BR uruts add to 111
CARRY FINANCING nus ts a must sec al
SlS0.000. For details call
•'-.,,,~ HERITAGE
41R • $78,900
with formdl entry to
huge farruly sited laving
rm Country s t y led
kitchen with lge. dminJ?
area Generous s ized
bdrms . with separate
m>lr. SUl\C :"leeds a h\lll'
TLC & paint. Owner
ANXIOUS' f'lrst Lo call
ge t s thi s great
BARGAIN: Hurry' Call
848-2262 Shoreline Assoc
*. * G.Alettdorl
2360Harbor Bl vd
Costa Mesa
You art! lhe winner of
Two Fne Tick.ts
(SS().00 value), to
Motocross RH11
Anaheim Stadium Nov. 17th, 1979
TicJcet.s may be claimed
by calling 00·5678, ext. m •••
Get GREEN cash
for WHITE elephanta
Wi1.h a ClassUied Ad
Ca.II MZ·S678
grounds W/walls & lTttS
4 BR. Fam. Rm. Formal
Om. Lge sep mstr wing
off indoor .:;,rden
atnum Wetbar Fpl<'
Heavy beami. 3 patio-.
Red ute roof So un1qul' &
different mu:.t scl' Cull
Gorgeous t:uMs1de .M t'!W
custom bwlt 3 bedrm OR
2 bedrm ~ den homt> •
Gated entry court ~ ard
for pnvaey l"em l(rollo.
2 pat.10t-. lob of stor.Jl!l'.
su-p. to Ne~port & BJck
Bay' Seto 1h1s ~•nm·r .
nQW'' Call 752 1700
( ~1 'If ../ 0 I ,,
2-sty 4 lrn + den. Pool
Teorus t'am.ily sired dan
ing. Fplc Huge m:.l r
retreat Near beach &
publi c golf A steal J t
$85,000. Ca II 963-0902.
Lag\ma Beach Cottage Privacy with white
water v i ew . 3
Bdrm+fam1ly rm and
we\ bar Just reduced
and r eady fo r new
owner. Owner will help
fina nce. Call Now .
()-1,4 r J • .t llJ't • I •• I
macnab I Irvine
3BR & family rm Deane ho me near
comm. pool & tennis. Neat, fresh.
easy·t..Q -m a intain ya rd. Wood
b ea~ celling & cl erestory
w i ndows f or a light/t1right
a tmos phere! $143.500. Julie Van
Wieren 752 1414. <L·87 )
642-1235 644-6200
901 Oo~r Ori..,. Hert>or Vlt• C.nttr
Irvine •I C•TJIU' V•lltY CAnltr
7J2·1414 •
.... '
You "ll b1-thorou~h ly
charmed by lht-m \!1!1in1-t
al wood. bnck & !!la'>' of
I.his beJullful homl• t an
COmt:' Cull u:. rnr more
~~::-=:;~21 ~ ~~~~~~.!~.'-~
Newport C...tff ;srQM WOOD & "las:.
4>40.5357 duplu on lbe l'ah~adc~ Lar.i:e low ma1nl
yard ~me ocean view
Home +income or
UYROHT-SUP $178.000.
Ab50lute perfection Jnd LOIJlllMI VillocJe I .E.
decorator coordulat.ed 1n 497-l761
and out Immaculate
"'pnde or ownership· CorcMo det Mer I 022
bocne w1th staJned ~lass •••••••••••••••••••••••
entry doors. Me111cao °""'9f' Wll ""-ce
Ule. wood a.nd ~Jass Ex· No qualifying req"d. u rc
cept.aOOa.1 2 story. 4 Bdrm I.Ill. Small down. Ocean
home with spacious view,~· Builton cyn. 4
mas\tr suite with Bd.C..llT1m631·1266
fireplace A quiet pnvate
locaUon witb Jarae pa&JO
and balcon y . Well
groomed greenery and REALTORS VIEW by day or rught' --------
Your boat can be parked Cod9 W.SO I 024
o ut side th e dour ••••••••••••••••••••••••
1975.000 FEE
Rt.AL t_...,lATL
Baioo.i 1~1.ina
6 73-6900
Y vur friend-. and ne1~hlX>" u~c l'.la:.~1hl'tl
"' h • · n t h c \ h J \" l" -.omt'lh1nl! tu -.ell Tht•) II
lt:l I \OU ho°" °"\.'II ll
Owner will carry the
fi.nanc111g at 100,.,<;;, with
S20.00) down on this 2
Bdrm home localed on
an R·2 IOl Hurry on this
one. 1\ won't last '.'. Call
"'orkt"d fur thl'm ' ~~-~~~~--
I 002 GeMrat 1002 . ............................................ .
Exceptional shingl•d and shutt•.-.d
resldeftc• wltft mo«Jltetic c&rb appHI.
C oMptehty r....odeled and r-.dKonrt.d
insi• Giid out i1t coordi1t~ CJOOd tast..
Spacious li•i'"J room, fonnol dlnin9
room Giid lar? family~ Gowmet
kitchen. Thl"H b•d1"oom1 includln9
ltHISt•r ~ with jacuul and VIEW of
oc•on Giid HC)hh from Uppet" dKk Oltd '"'*°°""" ne fittest in ~ and dfloil
ht a c••-.... Mtwport l.ach tocoffon.
$375.000 FIE.
Lt~>\.\ < 11.1 ... 1 I l1qlmo1,
:'\o'\\JkHI B•'cll II
SlllC & '1Nlt FEELINGS
C H S T S N E R 0 J S J H H A T E T S
S 0 M H 0 N P A S S I 0 H S A T V Y 0
T S E H Y 0 D T E M S T E E F S T S S
E H C U 0 T H N t T W 0 E 0 Y T E P M
0 T H S A I J 0 A C T R S M Y R I M U
N A S E l T l L l B I T P E C S 0 S E
U H 0 W R R G L A 0 Y A S E L P N E S
T L E A R l E 0 Y l T 0 Z L A 0 Y H H
I G E T A E T H T H 0 E B T I A S T I
C H T T F M M S I L ~ R H T R A M l T
H T H T A 0 H E I A E Y 0 P A R S H S
k H E T Y A S R 0 R 0 M W C A 0 E E L
A Nlf E E L l N G SJE A R W M 0 I H 0
M 0 W V S U S C E P T l H P A R T T S
S M 0 E Y K E T P S A T H I S R M S E
. ...... . . ........ --« dllaaNIY. tlfWj .. encl llaa ,, In. ~
Ttildl EmotiOM Atdot .a
MM . """"'*''* Wlflftdl .c Stir ....,_ ......_ tJ
Mitt S..tibllltiel CGNW!ty Q
s.t'9n ~ .........
T OIWrOW! CufWty
. .
• J
•• -DM.Y"-OT *·
• f
....... ,.o..w11, 1171
,,, .... ,
DtlMaTIUOU. 0.L OUl!ltCIO &
LOV•JOY J ............ '--0.. .............. , ..
.., .... ,...Sllrwts..-1•
&.MA ...... ~_,,
P'*41"*1 ()rar199 (OHi Dally Pl
Ocl. 24, )\, "°" 1. 14, 1'1~ '°21·1
Tiie lollOwlnQ Pllf'\On I\ 00•~0 ll<lll u•• PJ 's SHOESl-H NE COMPA!j Y
404 Herllor Bl•tl NO 10 .. Co\I•
Mew. C•lll'O'l\•A '1'1'1~ PUISUC NOTICE PAU Y RQIN'Yl<llO, 1~14 Hel"llor
_ lll•d , NO IV<, IO.l• IW!w , O lilor"'•
t "'' b\n,ifw-'\\. ,,, t~ttd b" en '" 1¥ldu•t _
Patsy R°""'•l>U<Q
Thi\. it.~t ..,., f•lf'd -nn ,,.. o""'" c~.,. o.~ c.,..,,w"" <><· -·11.1m P'l14UJ
P\IOll"'9d Or.,_ CoH1 0.lly PllOI,
1.17,14,)1--1, 19" ~
A s s
I = =..1. ,..,,
:::" mJ 1-a -u.a.•·· ~~ , 19
t'-llWI V1,ln' ......... lot .. ·= . ,... . . ...
~J:' , .. ... , .. W ·· HJt1 .... ·-"'-lllN 1111• lllllll
ltM .. !(Iii.I F.hA!oaCi~"4~ .......... • 11.M ..... :·.w.. .lu.4
• Ii/JO uman .,,....,.,~···. • • IV) ~.,--e=y fC#'y,.. _,., l'r=-'1 =. ... oo=r.~J ~~a ·~ 1 l,.aU , ..... ~leH-T1rl'r'll• IA-a.o.rrt .-t Ot~o Co h<lll ~.,~~· ... _._ ,,..,.." 1,,., .....
.... flll.olr ···"-· ic...it..~•-IOOALS
"°"'"' "'"""-::::: ~:.:::·t:'I C~v•••~t11ffil l-..-..,1111wm1 tar T•'*-l"wr• y.,..,,,..... lft' ~-"''" '~-l~( "'4• Fiim A,p4\l ft(Yi.tft 1'~ •"rnur t "' "-'" Rou«l 6 S...rd
l\tllol· ""'"'' u.....i ....,.,.. "'11'1"'""' JC ....... 1. \.-f"•h•~ h'°IM"ir.
NfOfM•I• "' W°l•ffl'•
G .. r,._... ''" kt._ Ollol't' k•nllo) ._1rwuk•-M1itl
Ind<• tn•I krntal ...,, ... ,.,.
Kf>f .. •f·"-•nh"'I 'Mlto4 kHtl:.J•
"""~" 'IJ.'1:'°'•. tka.r.•Df"\•-.•M..,\ : ~~ :: ;::: '-."'!':::.?
'''"""' \t; '"•" \l.-WW\ ~ ."'' d· M·--41.+•'-1f• ANNOUNCEMENTS.
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Vloc,.,. um .. ""'.-H• "' Tta.1l~n .. 'ff.i1rtr-'
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Going Into
At requited by law.
new bue\n•••••
ueln9 • fllctltloue
Bualn"' N•IM mu11
reglater thet n•m•
with tM County c:Mrk.
fof '°""' end tutthet lnformadon.
~ ...... , ...
5 BR + .,deo + Yamlly I W' --IHch I 040 Rm+ Fonnal dining +3 •••••••••••••••••••••••
car aarage + 2 pati06 + Lo.._ ...... °"
balcon y and o ther AialllQe 1st & 2nd TD'll
iuntn!Uea. Aaldn& only w/flalble down. Seller
P .000. to CarT)' back balance & SCOTT RIAi.TY 3rd TD. Previous model.
536-7513 h.igb.l y upgraded Prof ~g. 18:iO sq.ft. ~ bli.
to ocean. BKR. 760·9501 .
01st1nctive new 2
bedroom, 2''2 ba con ·
domllliwns. S97 .990
2518 Elden Ave, C.M.
fi42.6734 ----
Rust.le J bdrm.1 ba with
rlrt:placc. <'ncloscd
garage 50xli5' R·2 trl ""ex lot 436 Hamilton.
(.)> not d1itturb t.enan~.
Mu."lt clos;.• in ·79 Prin·
cipal.'> only SY.>.000
~5041 or631 ·3520
:I bedroom fam1lv room
Ill Pt'e'>ll"u'u.' f~c1SL'i1dc
area T rt-v lined 'trt't't
-.1th l11w 1nterci.t c1 i.
'umablc loan Offered :it
11nl y $136.'100 Col l
.. . . ~
'Nhelan Reol htote Inc.
:! IJ) 4 ~ Hdrm' ·1 bJth ..
CdJll rm. frpk. pool U>
~'llt'r Ir.:.. i'illl5
\"4m•r 11.111 'c1rn JmJIH 1n~ 1111 tlu~ L1~li.1fk. 1
lid :! IJJ !HI ~l' u f
c.IWflerstup ho!lll.' l,Jwcl
UJ.l di.· SiH' rlt'\l ildllll
hea "Y 'lhJ.k(' rroo( (;1m
rm Lo\I. m.11nl1·11Jn• t>
} ard St2!1 WO hk lor
BY OV."NEH Open House
11 S Sat&Sun 3S9 Pnn
ret(ln [)r Lo\l(">t pnce in
Colle~t' Park S97 ''~"
From this su~r near
new 4br, 2\'tba home
w/lo.rae ram rm. " frm
di.rung rm
Part Place.lnc.842-7561
Brand new, 3 bedrm. 31,,
bath. + family rm :!
Story w , cus to m :;un
dock. J ust block:! Crom
beach $25,000 down &
Lake over cX&.'tltng 11 ·
Lr,t TI> Broker. 831 2227
4BR +Pool
Very pn Htlt' t·nd of th"
c ul d e ·.:.ir lotJlH>n
SJt19.SOfl T J k <' ,,.,.,.,
S..lOJ loJn'-!\on Ort. R t' J I I': I J I ,.
!Jt>:J ISJ.7
fniM 1044
100 0 l..oaft
Lw }our pn:~t·nl hom1·
f'qllll} to take O\ e r 10' •
lo.al. LaXl' O\ t:r JIJ) rn1:11t ..
oo 3 bedroom 1•nd un11
,11•ro-._~ (rom Y.tHidl>lnt•
I' .irk A pp rm. 11\SO <1 It
n( <;.trt·fr,.. lt\1111' 11.t!h
f11r mJl cl in 111 ~ I J m ti)
rtJ1•m.. 11n ·pf.11.. l'r"' .1l1'
1'0\erl'd IJdlh• t '11minun1
1~ µtll'I! II urn · SI l'J ·1~1
(....JJ~ IS451
TAR8Bl. -·
3 Br $125.000 5 Br
$19.'.>.ooo a. ... ~um•· '• '
~Ill L.' b44 tM i
CONJ:>O• Braod new 3 br on \he
park. By owner. Pri.o. on·
ly 18UOO. UT·8231.
CfllEGE PAii
Beaullful \M·level, 4
bedroom Bertieley Plan
In prullgfou.s College
Parle. Assumable ~·%
ideally located to park.
schools & community
SAT & SUN 1-5. 3521
Assumable 9''•% loan on
this m agn1ricent '1
bedroom Willow Plan.
laritei.t hom e i n
Creekb1dt>. Ol-coi.»or ap·
pointmenlc; throughtout,
o·nlral arr & pr•>
rei.stonally landscaped
yard 37 Redha wk
RE Al •Y
551 3000
\'1~w location in e"
clus111t> Rancho San J oa
quin. :S bedroom formal
di.rung. many upgradl!!i
:--;et_'(! qwck i.alo.: l'nn:.J
ril!,hl dl $11k.500 with ,. .•
:.urrwl>I~ loc1n
SYCAMORE GLEN Softty Stirring! Stuffed Petal Tree
FabuJCIU.1'. larJ:e J bd. :: ·
l>u Quaht) to"' nhom1·
condominium:-Onl> :ot
.1\ ail able. SlO'J.990 .M30
Sant.a Ana AH' 00 6734
3 Bdrm. family room
lotcbcn. formal d1nm11.
s pa. 10 No rth M t!'sa
Verde Ma n y m :in)
custom features Like.
real tile floors. custom
drapes . n ear nt.>~
carpets. lo9 of lint' d1" bwasber and et<'. Pnced
modttaidy al $114.500
---:.~» HERITAGE
By Owner. No. Costa
Mesa. Spacious 3. 4, or
SBr 2Ba. new green tnee kitchen. pools11e
yn!, assume 7SK4'1oan ..
Open Sat tSuo 10·6.
119.:iOO. 1390 Garlmgford .
OPEN HOUSE. 4 Br. 2 bn.
Uving rm w/frpk . lrg
dining rm. sep den. •i.soo. m-1989
3 :Yn~~~ft.
tyrs new~ best E}slde lo«.
$135,000. Existing a s·
1uQ'lable loan Great
home, even better terms.
WW co-operate. Realtor :
642·1Mt ......... , ...
4 Br 2~ 8li Meaa Woods
3IOO sq ft home. family
rm. formal dining +
!Olar heated pool.
20% DOWN
Owner will carry
~ tor one year •t
IKbMNat. payable'~' ar more per month. Two on a \ol. Only sioo.ooo.
r ct-I htt dflte!CM.l\IY lree. 111 a
(011 dtt\~ rhal \hi\ up 1nle1rsl
wllere\'fl JOii go I ull lttVeS
l>klused •"11 mcw111a ~rt fOt
~~ wool blenO$
Punteo Patltrn 9761 M1~
S11ts·ll 10 12 14 lb 18 20
Sotf 12 tbUll J41 ta•~ l J 8
y11ch &O inch lal>ltc;
s.-4 SI.SO I• •" ,,nn. ~ * ...... ,....,,...,
flnl·dm 1iflllff, Mt14tlta.
MMWI lllMtltl
Pattern Dept. 4.42
Delly Piiot
tu W8t 18'11 SL. .._ , ... 11 1•u. rrmt •Ml!~ MIDllW, ztr, sin • sm.t Mill CUT ClOTlilNG COSTS with our
AlOG . sew ' ntW •MO l'OM lot !tu S$$. hM SI ~
PICttrft coupon ~m=--'t' ' ... m....,..·~ . .-~~ .. a.se •!M*W• l ..... l.JI ............ ...,.$1.JI m .......... $1.JI
.... -....... -........... , ....... ..,, ...... , .. ' .......................... ..., ...... --..., .......... -~ ---------. ---... _. ----...-.-~ ...... -..... ,_ ,. -.. -. " -.. •
............ ,., Olw ........ --~ ............••.••.••... t'1u111._S. ......_..,.,. ......_,_s. "-"llwW. n.. loto .... -................. 0191r._. • ..,. a.....,.,. "f 'tr•
...................... ...................... . ............•...•............................ ··•·········•·····••··· ~ ........... !~~ ~~ .... !~ ~ ... !!!! ~.,.~.~~ ... !!!! •. •••c... a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...................
.~ by • ..,.\ Prh· ------
et,al1 o•lf ' e11e. .... ..... ~~ •..... !~~~ SACIFICE
LIMwt Wortd. Cale 14
Puoramle wt••· Jrd floor, VW. Nun•. lbr lb&.~ A/C aft ,tta ..
• oe wAch JF"•••b•ll --~ 4 ....... l\.i ba •
811 C 11t\,von 1'o~nhou l• llPllrt<k'<f. m.11nv
11mf'nlll Ind .ttt'•·urily. :! Hr ckrl. D1R. 31.,
h•,h•, !)004. ll'f\1\11 Wiii <'l1rry 2'.n<I SlT'D.~
Prlnc-lpal• only. A111um•ble Loup.
.. t--. A.....--L...-..... 1012
... ft ol ..... IPll" ·······-········· ••••• C4 JI ).tJa. I 144
lMa al..,..... P.UO.. . • th l.-
)uall 1 aadaea P'"•· ,.,...., Cl NIMl abr. ~l\M!M~ ---Oa\Om Beatty
................................ ..,.,..,,,
IOH •••••••••••••••••••••••
1041 ....................... ._ _____ _.Ml.,....lffdt 10'9 I
New Modulat Type
Homes. pvt commurut)'.
2 bcba, :M br secunty,
sub-letting OK. fo'rom
D .9b0. Tn!asure Island
Mobile Home Pk, 30801
So. Csl Rwy, Laguna
Beach. R.M.P (714 )
CUSTOM "-wportHgtt..
fo'ixer at un incredibly
'llus home stands out
wlitsownlodlviduallty & cstm features on endur·
log elegance. L ui-.h
landscaping w /garden Mtwpori leach
view kitchen & fmly rm. Very unique remodcll'tl 3
'Tbis spacious & elegant Br 3 Ba + f a m II y ~~~~~~~~~! cs\Jn home is ao enter· $169.500 Hill or Linc.la ----tainer ·s paradise w.1a Oef feney 63 1 ·0~U44 .
w a rm & w e I c o m e 646-5096 . STOP livability. ~n't miss.this ~-RT-SHORr.S
THE WORLD very special oHenng. ~"~ ~ 646--7711 Exclusive listing, 2 br +
HERE'S A PLACE TO den. lmmac. Just tuned.
GET OFF & see t he $112,500. Call for appt to
value 111 Ous slrikmg con· see.
temporary bom e with OCEAHFROHT
low rooflines & deta1loo ·--------•I New listing 3 br ~ l hr archilecture o f wood, Only 3 yrs nev. Askin..:
stucco & Palos Verdes •NO 9UALIFYIMG * $575,000. Creat.Jve fmant:
stone. Sprawlmg 4 80 & Only Sl0.000, talte over mg avail. For appl 10
DEN floor plan serviced fantastic option on 3 BR see. Peggy Brom1>. Hltr
b y 3 8 A T ll S . exec. home. Won 'l last. 645-1531. Ninfa Jan 1~.
( R E C E N T L Y Owner. 541-0210 IHl?-8850
REDECORATED). 1s ~~~~~~~~1
locate d high above l'"Q( l'"Y EST:-TE -$12,500 Lag\ma's famoo Riviera "" "" "" OW'' Co a s t I i n *' w 1 l h Pvt' 2.8 acre esta&e w /lg Down pay m«.>nt "
OlITSTANDING VIEW house. 2 guest houses. 16 ~w mootblyh payment!\
0 F SA O O L E BA c K stall horse barn. huge S arp. pent. ousl' <·on
M 0 U N T A I N S & ndmg nnk. pvt ore. a domiruum f,asy quahfy
VALLEY BELOW. groom's room, magrufi lllg.~~~kkr
Spacious living room cent view o( the B~ck f.orlhe
.(approx 28ft long 1 with Bay, lush landscapm~ Di • ._........ ~ O O B EA M E O abounds. Contact Jim scruN ....... ..,
CEILING & CENTEH f'landers agt. <7 14 I f.c:sNly-.
F'IREPLACE SET IN 752-11 07 dys ; 1714 ) Don'tmiss thJs beuutiful
WALL OF GLASS, opens 581·5787 eves. wknds. 4 bedroom home with ap
to paUo area Gulley· prox. 3137 sq.fl. Entry.
:;tylekltchen with huiltm dining room. family
range. oven, d1 shwashn BIG CANYON room. 2 firepl acc'
& laundry area with Freshly pamted m and
washer, dryer (ALL Spectacular golf course out. Set on '• acre with r .... ESS THAN 1 YEAR est.ate. 6600 sq.ft. 4 lo 6 covered pa ti o ,
OLD): opens to den/· &Inns. 5"'2 baths. Pool spnnklers. Frwt trees.
fonnaJ dining room This and spa. Sl.395.000. green house and more' ::i:'~t;'me 1s ha rd Jll STARNES CO. ~~ $274,500. Call
Sl~~r:ce 640-5]11 TllftllRL.
9155.CstHwy, Laguna
..... ,4-0111
$1,520,000. E c gate OCIAMf t W!
Priv road, T court,
pool, jac.. wt e cellar.
sauna. gym. se . system,
hbrary. maid qtrs , and
more. 6000 sqft' ' Pnnc.
only. Patrick, 631· 1266
Breathtaking ocean view
frorn Ile'# 3 8 R. 2 •;, Aa ,
co nt e mp orary .
Feature:-.: s unken con
versat1on area with
ftteplace, master swte
w/spa. Glass and oak
thruout and much mor
10 this perfect paradise
don osen
4 Bedrm, 2 bath . 3
bedrm, 2 bath, ocean &
bay view. $310,000.
I \l.H4t>
I (714) 673-6210 I
Hartlor View HCMms s Br, 3 Ba. 2-sty. trpl
Pra.ge. assumable loan.
fee simple land. $239.500.
Bkr. MC>-5112
HsborView Ho..s As.wa. 91/2% Loan
No new lst TD req Seller
will help finance 4 Br.
21.7 Ba, fam rm, 2 frplcs.
2-sty. Upgraded to 1n
elude spa. skylJte. t·stm
shutters thr uout. 1-'r
doors island kit. Xlnt de
cor. Acroi;s from grnbll.
1 bUt to comm. pool, walk
to schools. Fee :-.1mplc
land $239.500
-RCT~JorCo 640-5112 --------
Sacrifice! Assume 9.6''f
Nice 4 bd. 3 ba. owe 2nd
Patrick 631·1266
N.sw "W ESTC LJfo' F
CAPR.1'' Ooadoll WaJk to
•bopplna . bankic ,
re1ta u ra ot s &
trl1\Sportat1on. Only 2
Ulllt.11 left. l Br .l.000; 2
81" tBl,500. Hurry! Best
btl)' in Newport! C:afl
Wntclff llfflty
3 BR, 2 Ba, dJruog area.
bltn s. c pts. drps,
lodscpd. Added patio.
parttally e n cl. Has
~ramie tile floor and de·
corative wrought iron
suppons. Quiet street
Vucant. Proba t e
$150.000. Call to :.ec
owr; at 10°10
0 w n e r m u s t ~ 1· I '.
t:;ru.tbluff 4 Brdm Lusk
Sl64,900 Prin onl)
1076 .......................
Soper ocean '1ev. fr111n
luxury condo 3 br. '..! ha.
~ume 1st T.O .11 :>• ,•,
$l59.000 1714 149'.! i;:i.i6
1080 ...•..•................
By owner 2 br adult condo
1n model home cond1t1on.
Walk to So (;o11sl Plaza
J o hn 531 400U .,J}ays.
s.56-4818 wknds & t•ws
LOW lntffest
LOW Payments °".,..,. .. Assume the ex1slrng low
interest loan, l<lke over
payments on :.uper 2
Bedroom duplex m de
strable Santa /\na area
1-\pprox. 50xl40 lot with
privacy. Always rented
for ideal lax break .
Owner will help fin1tnc1•
qualified buyer. Act to
day ! $88.000 C all
TAR8B.l. -· 411 Fil 1112°/o
$parttling 38drm l"-tba.
Ill nice area SA, brk fplc.
lrg liv rrn. gd s ize
kitchen. lrg pvt bar k yrd
wtcovered patio. 583.950
Call Randy · 540·1720
Tarbell RJt~
Sunset •och I 088 •••••••••••••••••••••••
50 I!. 2H/\ hom t-.
approx 15 'C'ilrs old
S2'.!S.OOO Wtlh Sl37.000
~1ssumahlr l~t at 9' ·
O-..n<r will t'arrv 2nd •
T.atitt 1090
....._Ten. ...
OOWAN HOTS Rambl· IQ& raacb daianed for
Jlllft1 lft&ef'tN I Cd ~ 1
BR 3~ Ba or 4 BR +
maldl rm + ba. or rec
nn for 1ame111. pool tab\e. . *· Or .ep. awt.41 w Iba tor mom. 11/10 acre.
aecluded w /pool, corrals
js r unoln1 atream !
t2'74.~. Owner financ· lQI. Call DotUe Brown
Southland ReaJtor11
S44-1..0 ot 544-3281
Ollet' ..........
······················~ ..........
,_We 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
WHYRIMT7 Own your own lot 6 a
new mobile home too
Details ca II 972-842 l
Tortoi.se MobHe Homes.
Just listed 2 beaut1ful
homes under SJS.000! 31,,
lOOAC.23Br, 2.Ba, mcest
park m Orange County
C all t o d ay•
(.Jf'964&.Jl349 l Tortoise
Mobile Homes. 972·8421
OOUHOUSE szo.soo.
Obi wide Angelus. 1967.
perfect cond. Just li),tt!d.
HURRY!! (f'CM71·72 )
Mobi&e Ho.-Store
WECA.Rl !!!!
Let us dt~cuss Mobile
IJsungs with you. It may
be tht> an.~-..er lo your
hous ing need'\ Our
rowteous fncndly :.tutr
would be happy t.o h:H l'
you t'Ome 1n & tJlk about
1t No h1gh prt!l>l>ure Nu
TRY L'S ''
Mobile Ho.. Stor~
1112 N. Harbor. S \
.68 1-1 c>t'l v. ood tn Bt fl
H.B. park. Rent Sl25 mo
~ f\Jll dcla1l-. call
972-8-121 Torto1i.c Mobile
DBL WIDE $20, 950.
Central Orange County ,
3>'xSS, Lake Wood, 3Br.
2Ba. IDJ7540-64 > .
CentraJ Oran~e County,
1972 Goldenwest 24x48.
central air, c-p l s .
UG5662-6.1 I
.Anaheim 5 Star Pk.
24x50 v.ith w et bar,
Fashion Manor 'll9. Just
listed ' St'c tl firs t !
<G P41J6.. 7 ).
~Wide SI 6,900
Garden Grove <:ulle, in
eludes washe r 1d rycr,
li s t e d th i s w et•k
Blltmore ICH3124.6J /.
Family Park
$16,500. Single wide 2Ur.
Magnolia 1964 mclude-.
washer, fenced yard
Clean&neat. (JMS3l-'1
Santo Ana
5~7070 401GLENNEYRE
The price & terms of·
fered on this highly up·
gr aded Seayie_w 3JJ
holfte are utl.e.rly fan·
tasllc! This home has new paint & cpts thruout.
i''rench drs learung out·
side to a newly pro·
fessionally lndscpd
paradise. Brick floors in
the entry & kit. Many,
Many more xtras. Call
J im Flanders for an appt
today. <714 > 752-1107 dys.
(714 ) 58 1 ·5787
eves/wtmds. Prin only.
....................... ~~~~~~~~~
Extra lge comer duplex
in xlnt cond. Mooring
avail. Spectacular view.
Appt. only $6115,QOO. •
2 massive frplcs w /3rd in
Romantic mstr ste. View
from almost every rm
overlooldng ocn. Fashion
Isle, Catalina Island,
Mts. 4Br , 3 1h B a
w /elegant features &
appt. Priced to sell
$450,000. Prin only.
'78 Sk yline , l2'x44 '.
$16,000. Call after 4.
Exclusive adult park.
2br, best buy in Npt. Bch.
$36,000. Agt. 714·960-3900
~ '100 .................................................................... . ....................... ......,.,,,,rty 2000 ..... ,,,,.,.., zooo aa ....................... .................•..... .... ................. . UVllNllYM
New UM 1q rt 1978 ,.:ua~r~ ~~ .. ~~ ~ &dl, 2 ba.. (rpl, a.car
11111t. oaly. C.U now tor 11!::!.HBr,lba,unita.
a u cl•t•lla. 1SJ11001 1 _.,_lliL_lawtnda ___ eo __ ia __
ToN6M MobUe Homa 11 DILUXi UNITS
flNANCE ..... ..... ,.....
... wtluaC.......
CALL US 661-1021
llOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ww .....
wtth 30 ' dock. Terms
av ad. S319.~.oo 833-2650
9"dPr..,.ny 1350 •••••••••••••••••••••••
North San Diego County,
finest loc 8m1 from
ocean. yr round stream.
10)'r old Valencias
744-0550, Re:s1d 744-0299.
C....rcim ,. Cf14irty 1600 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Excelle nt Penins ula
Polnl location near the
F e rry e n tran c e
Redecorated m and out
with l1m1tle 1>s
J)06S1bllJlJes 2 i.tory with
4 uruts mcluchog roor top
pjlUO ~1th fabukluli \ 1ew
Can be ··whitt you
will" i.ton..,,, <1H1ce' or
a pt:. Su b mll your
cn •at1Vl' f 1 0<1n t·1n ~
Hlilltxa; 0 TO S1 It 000
'-'\11...,1\1 'H'
l<t 1\1 I ...,1,\11
0.rt> I 1\1 tf••l
I f-/J 6900
Condon1iniums fT own· ~s foto sm• I 700 ..••••••••....•........
Wr"re now o fferrn~
wawrlronl t1mt• .,hann~
n1ndom1mum!> on th1· hii.t
1~l;;tnd or lluw;rn lliOO
plu~ i.q ft . i;Jl·••r>' fl
Oeauurully furn1),h1•d
Pncc.•s bei:m at SIHllO
11!()1 >364·2000, a ~k fu r
!'it1ke. ext 1% or Uan. t•xt
Palm Springs, .M 1s,1on
IWlsTenmscondo. 2 HR,
2 ba $132 .000 Opt• n
Sat/Sun 2 5 ~ fo'ore~t
HilL"I North. 213 700 671\
1800 ...•..••...............
That you can get first
UM?rngbts oo. near main bosmess (Stock brokers
& large banks > d1stn Cl of Santa Ana, all are rent
ed. Ca II for deuu ls
Park l'lacc.lnc 842 74til ""°"" Pr.,.ty 2000 ....•....•.....•.......
3 Br owners urut w /frplc
&l Br I Ba unit 9'"'' as·
sumable loan. $179.900
full pnce.
Unbelievably low LOW
PRlCED al $425.000
Owner wtll trade
Wotid •HI Estat.
Excellent Npt Bch loca
tion. 2 bl.ks from lloag
Ho8pital. All well ma an
la1ned. Owne r h as
purchased new property
& is ready to go. Price re·
duced to $799.900
z Bdrma each.
Duplexes on Penin. &
Nwpt Shrs avail. All
amenities. Presently
leued. Tum-key oper• · lion. Proper-ty mgmt. av81.I. 815-4912, BKR.
From $39,900. Modular
Type Homes, 24 security.
3 pvt beaches. pool &
pier. Treasure Isle Pk.
:Q!01 Pacific Cst l:lwy,
Laguna Bch. R.M.P.
Darling duplex $125,000
642-2510 or 646-4848
20 .. ~lff
Management available
Principals only. Agt
2.88 AC. for 40
WalJc to n1•w Alpha.Beta
Cente r S315,000 w1th
Call Agen_t ~l 7~ 1332
C.00tract & aJI IOdU!>l\'t'
lrUSl ~ are .i good
way to buy property to
day If the!>t' dre un
familiar finan c·tn ~
met.hod.., tu you. v.hy not
mikt-an appointment to
day with ont· 11f our
~esPl'Ofllt· to lJlk thmR~
over Wt''ll helµ }OU un
!>Cra mble -.ume of t he
Q~l.lOn!o }OU ma~ ha"t:
(Ille of these propert1e-.
rray bt· rif;:tlt for you
l! Wlll:. $110 000
(J \\ C Isl
l! urut--. SJ j2 50u
2 WUl!> $230 500
l fL ... 10 :SI
2 Wllt:. SliO.OOU
Costa Meaa l riplex, C:.-.. M9' JZ22 151~ ~ to 11~ 1st ••••••••••••••••••••••• TD. Pride of ownen1bip. I 8 r,rs old. Rltns, pvt tbr, 2ba, frp. le, bit na, ~.fpk ioowneni un-pool. ocean view •
it. J ml to beach. Bltr. SlOOOMo. 815-8550
.,.9501; l&C).5580 O>mfortable s br, 3 ba.,
fam rm. Walk to Balboa
Island. Agt, 844-1~635.
OHL Y 300/o DOWN
Low Interest Loans
POll.lll ve Cash F1ow
Owner/ Broker
[7 I 4 •41-2000
Pnncipals Only
0--'s Ho...Uke
Ch>lce loc only 1.6 m1 t.o
beach Own urul has 3
bdnns . 2 ba . fireplc .
pvt. pauo 3 Rental units
proVlde xlnt income. A
young bldg in a ctive
growth area. $245.000
Wesley M. Taytor Co.
Rea.It.ors 644-4910
l'B untt ha s IBr
runushed. walk to bch &
4 Br. Ocean view, pool.
$1000. mo. Call T im
SngJ sty 3 Bdrm, fam rm.
l ~• Ba , huge yard
wtwater, gardener & as
l!OC. dues inch.Id 'd. $99S
imme d . occupancy
Onve by 1017 Sandcasth;
&call us for details.
wwn E·Z to k~p rented. -XJnt t.ax shelter 498-1774. Costa MHa 3224
\92 7662 •••••••••••••••••••••••
6 )h:trp. up£rJd ed
£arden type uniti. with a
"',JI Pvt pat1~, .l(arai.et·.
p;uiu~ 'pare und laun
dry area w eat:h unit 2
UJlll!i tJ>wnhou.'>l' l y l>C'. 2
"' f pll' s A!.b UffiJblP
loan!., low down. ow11cr
w hl-tp fmanrt-Call to
NEW Deluxe 3Br. den, din nn. hv rm. microwav1•
2•,Ba. dbl garage. $750
mo 2567 Elden. Ag\
3 BR, 2ba, ffl>IC'. w ·s1d1·
f\.lrn or unfurti. ~:..
~ 1734 or63J-09:W
uke new E side t•ondo I
br + den tRSl r m. gar
f'rplc. pool, ldry, adlb
oo J>ct.!. $395 ~S]~.:~l~
Back Bay area condo 2
c;ty. Jbr. 2'2ba, balcony
den, frplc, bn ck pat111
$59.5 Ava1 12·1. 54fH251$
l'Vl~&wknds .
Gr1·at start(•r' ~~ 4 W\IU. ~ $'l4!1 500 o we.: tnd 2100
2 BR. 2 Ba condo, air
cood .. Dt W. pool. clbhse,
'let' . Nr. S. Coas t Plaza.
No pets . $475 mo
4 Wl.ILS SUt0.000 •••••••••••••••••••••••
O W<.: lg Znd Nt.-w s mall i.pnnklered
7un1ts $425,000 Industrial Bu1ld1n~i..
0 W C AITU 1\&slln Af{t 498 l~
12 WIJB~v on l'OOlr~.500 Loh for S. 2200
J •••••••••••••••••••••••
3 BR. 2 ba .. atr·cond., nr
So Cst. Plaza; sec
gates, pool. jacu :r:z1 , 12 wuu. $350. 000
Great Buy
!51m1ts $350. 000
IRS 10 31 Sellt!r
l6 uruts Sl600 .000
Creative financ•nR
16 tlrut.:. Sl600. 000
Take over 8~ e.xul.lng
21 uruts $430 .ooo Great rental area
l'l uruts SI .200 .000
Be creallve.OWC
36 uruts $1, 935.000 I RS1~31
56urut:. $1.950.000
bl user deprct·1at111n
OWC2nd •
Wt> have grown becau"c
our l'ltcnls h.H e pr11
:-.pcred Call for an ap·
pomtl?Wnl toda~
752· 19'.!U
-----... -Priint~aes
18 JUSl listed. \ :mous
areas HB As!>umable
loans No fet>S. Pnn onJy
please Slop Burson. Agt
91IM393, 84().QS I --- --
It ·s a fact that property
oo or near the water ap·
precaatesfasterthan any
other klnd. How about
12 Units on tbe waler
w1approx. 180' beat·h
front. s1 .200.ooo. 15';
down payment
61 Uruts 5 min drive.
Pr ice Prid c •o f
ownershlp. $2.225. 000.
2.3 ACRE LOT lndry. ~ ~~ ----
t Br. frplc. pvt, sml yrd,
... ..,... &Mc.h m> uUl incl. Sgl ado.It Hone~ prefe rred. No d ogs.
Some back bay view. 642·2790 __
fantasur arl'a for hu~e KEEP A HORSE! Cute =tes~I j1~.:_ ::~cli: Bay,~ mo.
den me, 152.1101 dys; ---
1714 ) 581 ·5787 eves. 28r,2t.,bHns,2cargar .
wtalds pvt yrd.. No pets. $U5. Pnrnen-:zt:; ~~. 957-~ 6'2-_126~1 __ _
lion No end Laiiuna Brand ritw Laurel Pojnl
81."acb Level 2 bllr..s LO Condo. 3 br, 2~ ba.
ocean 714·$~ AiC/A. 2 car gar. W/OP· nr Comm pool. jacuzzi &
bbq. $725 mo Avail.
II 15 <7l 4 .18'1 I -8225.
L<t1:una Be.ic-h Ocl'an
+canyon view $115,000
Patnrk. 631 1266 I :i~-~ 1--~---.lbr. 2ba. lg patio, frml
trees. wlk to shopping
$)5()Mo. <213 l 887-1792
Rfo::ALTORS ------Woods1de Vi llage; 2 BR, 2
Nt>w p or t li e a c-h ba lmmac .. w /up·
waterfront lot w / pier grades; incl. gas, pools.
Jnd shp 673 3747 or spa.yard.ate $4SOQJ'of.
~-_ _ fer_Agt~5·~----
...._..,.., Dfl«t, 3 BR. CoUege Pk. Nu Cfl>l, Resort 2400 gardnr. children OK, no
••••••••••••••• •••••••• ~ $62SO'lo. 546--4147
New 2 bedroom 2 bath
home M11.s1on L.tkes
Country Club. Golf-
teruus·pool. Beuut1fully
landscaped. no ma111 ·
t.enaoce yard.
9EBO Clubhou:ie Rd
Desert Hot Spnngs
Beaut. 3 Br. 21h ba. famil)•
rm hom e 1n l ovely
Easts1de Beaut. yard
wtcovered patio. dbl car
gar. sms. A.gt. Jeanne
63H266 & 552· 7367 ----Lrge. 3 Br coodo. Spit.
level, encl. gar 2 patios
pool, Jacuzzi. children
o.k. Nr South Coas t
Plaza. $540. eves. & ---------wknds 962-7802. Sldtf's Pcrodlw
Ti m e -s hare con ·
domin1ums in Utah 's fmest ski resort, Park Ct·
ty. Prices during prime
2br, lba, gar, fncd yard
or. bus stop. $425Mo.
l st ,lasl&dep. 548 ·2871
aft. 6.
ski season start at $5500. o..arow 3226
fee simple ownership. 2 •••••••••••••••••• ••••. *Cote Realty
& Investment
..... $5000 Dowll
4 Br, 2 Ba, dloing rm.
Qastom design, 4Bdrm.
:Jba, study, fplc, loads of
xlru , in Bay Knolls
This large 3,000 sq.fl
plus home features. 5
Bdr ms, 4 baths, 2
fireplaces. i ndoor
atrillm. air cond'ng. Ex-
tensive use of wood and
glass. RedWood decking. new decor thruout. And.
is wned for horses. For
more info call, 546-5880.
E Morro Bay; panoraauc
ocean view: almost 1400
sq. ft., 2 BR, 2 ba .. lg.
sundeek; many extras .
Xlnl fanaoc. avaU. Call __.._... ... €.UIG€
fast. Paul agt. 152-1700 .,. ·-+--+-HOl"I€~
10 Condos across from
beach. Owner will
f i nance at 9~~'fri
Sll.S,000. +up.
10 Units s mas hin g whitewater pier view .
t~1~2~~·!s~a~~ 0-Pt.HartlO. .
Mike. ext 19.S or Dan ext 3br, 2ba, ~. ft. Ill·
Ul8 ' cl\des W /0 . blUn range
' " Qven. microwave &
OWMa J.V.Co.,631-0900
MAY taP 01t1tom Home. 3 bdrm. z.
f!A&D« a Bedroom. 2 bth. 2 frpl, ~ blck from
Ba&b bome with large bcb. $275,000. Days
famltyroom. $l31.600 754·11.U, Eves. aft. 6
• MS-1JJ7
--~---~--WM So. Coat Hi way ~old, Newport i:o=L~ 'Ha. farm house. 2 Sly, 3
497-2457 br,2ba,$la),000.6'5-l'46
L.,...._. I041 .......................
C£I Coldwell Banker
Beautiful custom built 8 bdrm., 7
bath home. 50' pool, room for tennis
court. larae private grounds with
lush Jandseaping. Truly one of a
kind. ~.ooo.
area I~~~~~~~
Principals Only. Maw-rt IHdl I 06'
SZl0,000 5"8·1815 •••• :;;; ••••••••••••••••
Pete Barrett
Large e ntry leads to s pacious
step-down living rQOm and formal
dining room with walls of French
doors. 4 roomy bdrms with lots of
closets, separate den/ f amity room
off k·itchen. Planked floors. new
carpets, quality features, J)OOI sized
yard. $224,000.
ASK US'._. ow IHHM w.,...ty
,,... ..... co. .... ...,.,. ..........
' .
LocatAM in SborecUfts
Country Club Park. A
beautiful 2"x114 Viking
Home, w tevef'}'thi.ng 10-
cl uded. Ocean view.
above Dtrella Golf &
Country C lub, S an
Beau&ilul 3'll52 Keywest
(1972). Mobile Home in
Laguna Hilll. nkest 5·
star Park. 7x1S encl Pol'Ch. mlrrond doora.
ligl\l wood iotertora,
3~Too air " cond . 2 ~ Br's with ba +
dre9aing area, walk In
c\oaet•t.·_A_ll ror ooly .,500. OW·-).
2'lOS Harbor'• St.e 20S· A
140-lfJ7 )
StWnl an)'\blq wit.b a
OIUy Pilot C&e.ssllied Ad
11 a 1hnpe ma 'ter . JUlt call 842-5671.
3333 W. Coast Hwy, NB
4-plaes. MpntavaU.
All. 536-3698
Principals Onb'.
White Wit.er Realty.Inc.
Sao Clemente
8Q2So. Pacific.
Tltat Intriguing Word Go,,,. with o Chudle
-----..... .,. QAY I. POUM
• ._.,.... ..,_, o(' !lie -~--'-ttfO..ei.d ~ ti.. low 10 f-lout ~ WOtdl I ROTHER I I' r I I I
• 1 1 r 1 . i
I y o l 9 E 11 llcMtowetchttle~ · Award• on TV. It'• 10 . I I I r ~ dretMtle. TIM Winnen t'<*'fl!G
their Otoart. Th• loHrl I L U T 14 U T I ~ tt1e1r-
1ow, .... l,._J.,.7 .... ,--.-1-1 -t • ~ :eh~":/ '-""'-"""" __ ,,__ _ _, "°".,.... ,_ ........ J-.......
• :'imrntstnt•$ r r r r r r r 1
I ~ft=~ tffltH TO I . L I I ~ I I l -1
.c .......... ,, ..
800 sq. ft. new log cabU\. trash compactor, m str
Frpl. mod. kil. view, suite is furn. $895Mo.
Walk to ski & lake, fish Agt. Ask for Mary. t ~ hr. from Newport •1887
714/fl81-43'71&/or828·9475 8-li-_..----l2l2 ......... . ..................... .
bcll• 11 2100 HOM~FORRENT
••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 or 4 Br. Priced from Eltcbqe >'OW' lbrd To ,_..._ Fncd yard &
Sell Rental Prop. for garages. Families
Land pro(ita~ Tax please, kids ft pets
Free. 631-4560 ~t. welcome. Call 9"-Zlf6 or -man. Afl. no fee.
.... • .......... 1240 .............................................. ....... ,. ..... .......................
..... ,. I ... , 1107 ... .•.................•
z Br. 1 be home, tuJb'
turn., aveu. lmmed.
Wloter . uoo mo.
...... lt41 .......................
• Bdrm.. l~ bJtb home in So. Hllntiqtoa Beach.
In tbe Ediloa Higll Dis•
trid. Extra clean, new
l>aint Is carp ets .
Sll5/mo. which includes ~ Call Rictat
646-f JOJ t62-H24
Llpna faalMf, I ~ I .__ 2 bdrm, tam. rm
Ba. bMadu1 ~vu ·--/lllO). Pluab walk &o Vidor.la kb' c:rpta. 2~ ba cedar •
frpk_. i*'quet or. macti ..... • bib to oeeao. more $700 mo. No Diil tw P'l pl', blll1
cblldr4•/ pet•. Ju m.AM. 1d-~8m·S::-=~ .. f:a..UU, ~..-.
a..atul~ br ... aee. I br, am beac.Ja, ....... ........ ...,.. a
, ..
..... 4
................. •·· ~,.....,,. ;11 s;:,;;;.;............ W!dnelf!r, Oct• f!, 'S,~
".~ .................................. ~~ _,... ,,,, ... . ........... .. v ·. ...... .... l hzlta .... -.utll pd. a..,., a b tb .................................... -....... ,_.._. 4JN .. -•••••••• .. ....
: ....... port BJvd, Adulll. irJs. :,0 . ~:i a P. dtu. brtpt, wltb Ml 9Cfi...... llff ....................... Nlwlllt NeM-Pwll Oft.
-.-.0147 ._..,__, ~· llJO/mo ••••'-.. •••••••••••••••Double Sp•r•. E18ld• ............ ft.._.ol
lk d , ....... 1740 . --l.M. J Br. 2 b1 Uppt'r ; a.taae.:. .• ft\O tilt -A\f..C .nll ....................... 9Um"f UVIM6 I k M , ...... Jl.e *a&ar to beech. .ioc> Mo , m-1'7.J.!.___ ..,._. _
M.l'I....., ~Wl.~•.Mewcpt. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• yr1y.Alentr7~1t70 tc. &lora-o.ly QJ,.,.1• cz-omci. ~~l -........... D -.-.4Dtl. 1ara1• paUo --· ..... ~ ' -r-' ' -a.t.Uwlat! ..... t kJk ... n wi blln.t BAVYAONT tBr . wit h 115 J 111.h Pl1ct. C lit. 6 bobby. f!'•I C . ~ pertl·MM 1\lr· ~~.no-· Dbl alnk *ftnllY(* !,!!:_rorch. ans mo . afterU am. ~.!!!-HO·UOaq .ft. t oulMlla11. Ttrratcd ......... ....-811U.UA w1......u .,...., ... pool. ..... 1u bbq. 1t8A SMI' l' lMnl an . eSinlJe, Harbor· Ada ma. ~parkl11"1 fountaloa Z3ZU)cl•Ave,C.M. ...,. N"I. Pv~·-~~~u u1.1d10 ~~-· 9tor•i• only. l'""COtft•~=-~--
., p . C 0 It I f 0 0 m. M2•780!$ WINW,_, I Uarded lil8l.e: -·
e>rm41f'7 = • -·--&pau \I dloln1 area: -z ... A .... ....a.. r ec. facll. UH mo. Office•.........,. n1 ~eoter. aear
---wall·fn tloeeu. home. 21lr, 1\1\be Twnhl. F1p . -r MM1a1M0t&48 2316 -4400 P'• rvltwt EI C•mloo. 1"-'-~•"""'raONT I Br. UP· Ike kilthen • t'abl1Mt1. pat.lo, toel car. AdJt.a No !j)OOlt ••••••••••••••••••••••• CM.Weqft. f .... l unk wtln lltY •un Wi lk to Hunllni t on PU.From13'7S.~>4074 Covcndcarport Penlnaula. l '-'t blks to 1230 UP. Offlce·•lore. , k +but• lod' aty c.ia.tr. pilltioapta .. SBQ'a beach. 21.ir lbit. <'oiy. ('pl3, drpe. AtC. l7301 llJOlqftforbutorolflC*.
at to d ee II , 1 pa . l e.droomfum ~ 'THE SEVILLE" ~tofwy1 6~ba New palnt-crpta·d rp11 • Beacb. H.B. Lle.6'2·2134 aton.tbrowfron1water. '*7t, mlcruwave, TownhuuMturn ~ 2br w11ar. Adlla, nf.'w walktoabopplna .wve ~rtfrig.Gar.yrly. -208 Palm, B•lbo•. c,,.u 41 drpa • 1ar AduJta, no peg rrpta • drpe, bllnl. fnrd I 7111 ••l•1n.-•tt •· D•Yt 1-.0940 Eves I or 2 Rm Su.ltea from f15, f75..-m•
iodd'Lllnmo.yray uuuues •"flt' yd, w1terpd. ••uo. •W.,.., 87&-lD m w. 19UI St c.11 Tom --------. JllJ "B" Sant. An1 PIO 147 S40-23l0 a..fl'-t Preflh Jl£m 1£Al.TY 1.AQUlHTA UERMOSA -6064 ()otveby SW . .,vaJI now. c..1119s-.t
<'.*. DO pita. -roo, Rl&req 1 ,).)MS.
u1211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk 2 '3 Br. near""'· Coste 2 Hr I 88. l'll'pOrt. 1234 1 MO fl(( 1ruy Retail or olfire SPIH'c ___ 6_7_M_670 W ol Bt•ch, a blk& S. of Meu. Huot. Br h All W Bltlboa RI <:all for ut available for lmmecllite
J bdrm. l.ba •• ,.,. '"'* l anl •. 11 ... ptace. Nur
.. ·-c~ ~.... bltns. palio-yllrO Somt appt J im Of c~rolyn DIC. sums ottup.ncy in h1uh tram (' ~~ ~ ... 7 w/frplc. encl gana ... SllAJ\P .... " 1 .. 6 , 00 IZ'a•Kt .--ITC'....,... ..,. lDw1Y l 1toey end un.lt '"5441 l~rmor W/Dbook· • urac: , .. .1 ,,_....,'""" ,_...,_ center. at MaanoU• 41
w/3 bdrml .• lbaUw New ~•oce. 3749 IC).S:UOto~ :!;!~=-::0~* Vtrlall~ f'tt1lhouk lbr. P'Ullservice Prom ~ Werner •n Founuln ~ ~ yutyl Pool Just ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'ISLM&ml 642 lf.03 b«c ICloll.. ft~(' (HI ~.~~fig Corp ~~~=-~ ~.~: 11l~s away. l mmt•d Beaut decoruttd miud LoYt>ly all adult. no Pf'h lrlJ>Mo ~ 7~73 al(t C • lllr. Zbll, t~. db Con oe»•twtilon. ~Mo. service i>ool utal -< 28c, au utll pd. no Pt'~. 1.2.:l br •WI moo FA 12 ic I!'. o rt• cl' f urn -all 17 14 >964·2$66 o r
Eb.,. A Slat..-• ltWI OK. 714 m"294 .
dD. Poo6,Jac.&eu11 trta. t .. apallNd lHf w.lilyM. T.,....Co. wk amr · ...., smduJdOK. rdnl(.d /w. l,.r,HB IM6-081t S.O.....t. l87' MacArtburlilvd Vaew of 973-29'7I Agent.
Ser ... ~. Very de1ureble ••••••••••••••••••••••• Realtort _644 4910 ~ ..:...1~ Wallacf', Mier ---••••••••••••••••••••••• _wrport_~Mo 752 1747
lc)C Nr. 8th tmmed oc: NO FEE' Apt. ,, Condo LAGUNA Jj(o;A(;JI MTR _ .. _·~~-l .. a Bdrm ,...,.., cklulf• JIOO l'KY.Y. Rt;NT ~........ 4100 ~ot)'. _,Mo. Call rentala. Villa Rent11l1 _..._ l'NN Maid serv , color townhoua•• · t•nn1 • l ffl' l 1>11. 1>V1 p11t10 & Airport Area extt ofcs. ••••••••••••••••• .. ••••
"'---QI --.... 1210 1V h 2 h\.lltt' br In I U""r IO<'u --r1l ,, .. , I ....• .1 ~ dllm --·· ) up lo v·-~ BkT. • e11ted pvol Utll ,,.. ......... •pti. N('\I tly. """' ..... •P "'-v• •rnn 1114 Slgrl eirposure on Bn s tol Sq. t'l. inch&at.n al
UPM. -'d2'7·1091 --••••••••••••••••••••••• <714 >494·S2{M 98:i No I.Ion. redwood bt'um •·•·11 t..mrh, DOI Jleill• Cln Ir C:1llr c:a mv.in,1 "44S w ,Jntr1 aerv ~ to 1280 ts few leue. 30' sq. fl. Ne*JIOI"\ Studio Condo Exclusive So. C!ll VtllH ~lJlwy '"Ill· bulllin kitdwn US>6'T7lor7f;l2.0I(} Wrrk1J..,y , .tft1•r l pm -.qft F'Toml17S5577010 iuoas$pnnldered.Hunl .
lkill ,_ Nr.Hoaglbpital,Pool, 2er.2Ba.areat rerr1icll, ~mo.Noa><U lnou1r1• 11h•1n•· 111.e 1:;r.1 "' Br h . A vail Dee •• J llwl n 1142 apa, u una . Security. !lt!Cwily, aveil ammcd Modern Dix l'cnlbouse. !'al W W1l110n ~ M-t.11 ..,,., 2'ba, •h-1111 rqik 4114 •,,o ·• Any 11 m ., tUK LEA.SE So l.111guna M'7·8e64
•-•••••••••••••••••••• Great grounds. $400. Call _ temo. 768 9411 28drm 2ba, hld 1>001 , ---ICAT, No P11t11 W/U hk11 _.,., 1111~ LOO-~~ sq fl 4~-+Vil, ------~· h it • lr1 home avail ColMct 11.3/477-7001. ----~ad ser vkc. <.'Olor TV, .. MVESdA '! ... IS ~M11 '162 H 74 Gaf. :.ifrt ... f 491;-JJUI Mr. OrQ. Co. Aif'9ort 2JJJ212-ll3G dyi., . -3br. Iba, f1am rm w/frplc, all linen & utensal i.. ;"OU ere r.a st S11111· ... r, "' ·• l.H~W 11n111u1· New5,980 tt.n. ft. indl bldg
:n.3/582 eves. • . HIWPOITSHOltJS $(100Mo. Open Ou1Jy weekly o r month lo Bachelor. 1&2 l1r llfll" W11lk ll1 l;c h "!Jr. 1• ... 1111 •..,11111-h itylr l br. ·•Pl OIK I rm Offret· a dJ w/288 o;q--:' ft. olfic~.
IKS. J UR. 2 ba. Yrly. betwn 5 5:30PM, 2461 month. aoo:1. Rel'f lnn, from $3()() Pool. JtH'Ulli, t rl)t• Ar ilq~ J.l:lllM 11 fJ('fl:.ANvww a.i 2 fo:nt'inu Aarporll·r lloll'I No f'ronl.!lonidnt ~t.Olccan
2 B.<!.d.1'.1 . 2~ IJ alh PooJ & tennis. prlvgs. Zenith St. S.A. call $ZZ27 pvt p ulloi. c;111ul(n 3..1ll l .. 13 1•1 tl'ltl~ 111 "-'Mnv,r Apt<.: lewse MJ332'l3.!lto l2 bcexpanded ~. 1760 sq ft, 2 IJTS.814Sor61S...wl6 750-0671 -lllvaal. Adult'I, aw IM" i' lllt I' 1• Of CM gaTage, near beach. Htwport leach 3769 2650Jwlu l\v(!, Mii ZH I · • '11 lwnhrw . •H s.ta AM 3880 'THE" Ntw Cl & Witte
C a ll a f t 6P M ,Nlcetri·plexinresidential SOlllhL09U"a 1216 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --lwH•h i' vo•rli1, ~1101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UECUTIVESUITE l.IOOSq.ftflnished ofcs
714/9117-5490 Point a r ea. t blk to •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 1'ownhou3e 2 hr. 11, 1111. '11111111• & 1t·nnl11 A•lll" •111 llrut.JtJful ., hr 2 ba rr>1HJo fo'ull ~rviee omcei. Air
·ond. 1,700 sq . fl
....._, -----beach. 3 bdrm . 2 ba. 2 n E o R o o M THE gar. Adll11 no ,....," S:llll• ly, nupiVi WO l>WI d~IM' lo N1•wp11rt & ~A 111 Newport CenlN w1lse Nr. John Wayne
3244 y ea r I y $62 5 . Ca II BUNGAI..OW IN SOU'fll m Wll~-S4H r.1~ IUCHWOOO .. i-wy Pool "~aun.i out ""° 5470 Airport. ll.300 Per mo.
••••••••••••••••••••••• m_ZtlJ_. ----I .. GUNA. SatualA .. on... ''G ... I. ,.~ •AUi w-'--.... T.-.A-Co. WWJted : 48drm 3ba or,._ _________
wn ""' "" OOD HEWIREB> Ans. z fir z bu. SJlfll Adult" ,;;'.,;~,.., ,,...,., mo t:all ..._.," ...,,_
aJ<jrm +den home an•· ~~~:S';:~l~ve~l:'a~!~~ 83ehelor fl'7S trvk . 11•1 ·~ 11"'' r 1•11/h1:2r~~d .et R.:al!OD &U-t9lO
ockp G I en o t THI ILUFfS Kitchen, IJVtng room & 2 LI FE'' roo,~_,_Pool. J11ru111 :.!l1 r , ·1 14 11 h "' 1 "11,111 4>floro ?~!~""d'lh3ed900 mrll'>!Jht-rt'. coov1..nwn1 10
ruvcrs ly ark. Must Spacious•comfortable 4 car garage Wulk ltJ enc"""" .inru~c·\ C:u'I & l'U N1 fl I' 1 I ~-San OteK'' frw y, Ol'Jr be cl06e to Univ. High. Br, 3 ba . "poolside" beach oveT foot bnd"e YE AR· ROUND FUN. WlT pd Adult,., n11 l'l°l" N 11 I I . w ''"" ••••••••• ••••••• ••• •••• Fairvie w / L'I Ca mJno
0 .u·J I""' ,_._ .. ___ A ·1 " 393 JI .. m l It 11 n , (" ... r •·• '' .l(IJllllUHI 111' "'
___ .......,._ ...., ...,...u,.,.,..,. vaa ·now at Long term lease avu1lu Sot•ul ,Ac l1v111u O• 1~11 u ,., II JI 1 lit h 1 m1 J.<1.!0 {',._.,,,,; d CM S6f i,q fl 759-9501
WOODBRIDGE HOM ..: 900/mo. ble to quahhed purty 1ct1or • r1oe suno.iv 11 14 ,:,41 1q;, 1• 1j 11 1 ~n Village
.. ... . .
Gt-.at uttte Cftlhr J~m 2ba c reek·sidc. "'50 per month Conlal'l Brunell • UBO s • P..ar VIUA MEDER A fM oll~ l'' ,., New 1"2 bdrm luxury
xlra lrg yrd. lmmlic David Reld&Assocaull'l> ll<ll••Pf~muthrnoH• ltdult apt.~ in 14 pl;inio. cond. AllSOC pnvifeaei., lllc.714·731-5161 GREATRECREATION· <!hr, 2ba. new cr}llh. KJ!> 1 Bil 2' liJ form <lin fro m sJ:.1; .! bdrm ~mo
" Jr,nnl\•Frno Lo)\011• stove & d shwhr tn<•I lpk. U W. W U hkup t11v.nh11u.~ from S500 +
___ IY_,._y_._~_ ~-SOtrfH LAGUNA llOM !:: (pro & pro :.hop)• 2 Encl ~aral(es Gou(>l1· IX•lHI 11111 .:Jr !JM ~11 ~. tA:Orui.. v. ah.-rlJll'
Oran8etl'eoe Condo 2 br, oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Spacioui. 4 br home Hl'J,1llll Ctut><.•S.1un.1 • pref C:haldrt>n OK N11 pooc:1i.' (i.-s f1Jr cook1n1o: dt AIC, on i.tream $450. -w '2nd 6ly furn rm & wt·l Hydromil ,'>Jgc ·Swim Pets. $400 Ul1l pd exr1•pl lk h :t hlh :• hr I ' h.J hc-UmK !>·•Ill ~'rom ~Jn ~1'~ty 7s91985 Uag Canyon-
Br, J Ba bclr. 2 Car 1iar w a ulo m1nq •Goll O"v""I !:!et'_'?24_l':lden645 196~ IMl10 l:Jr rm P4'\• kuh lJlet.:•J f'rw> drt\•· :-.Oonh
• de M..rol upener. Xlnl \ICW o( Hang" S'r7S r..cs 111112 00 ltf-dt h to iM• LJdd"cl I ""--T bd + n. ....., ail\ lwnhme Aliso Stale nl•ach lu 2 All, 1 lia. rein~. lndr} ,. ' n ""' ern1ce-a 2 rm. Oar, frplc. pool. spa. ten· u BEAUTIFUL APART· nn. ktd.'o Of\. 110 du"• ln'iM 3144 Uwn Y.1 .... l on \h t-.1<11h·n
L'OtKk>. cloe>e Lo s hopping m.'> + xlTas. Avail now wluch there as d1rt:f·t a l' ME HTS. ~'"U't .,, 1 & S32S mo S3l·IA!8I ... ~ •••••••••• ••• •• •••.. •• • 111 ..,.,,,"" 11111 \ .t I J i.:,.
&l"\"C anm $425 675·41141 (' 1 ~by foot bndl(c. "'rwt ~ fjo tJ11iv m-. • I •u r.J4 fCIJ :.1:1M · --· •-I 11 > 955· 105S. 675 5~>35 tr"'"", gurdun•., & lawit :! Bit \'01\00 Thi· LJkl'' ~ , ., '"""'t,J & Urofl1t111 .11 .. 11 Spllc10u5 2 br :tpb ,. :11111 :? bdrm, 1112 h11., New con· t·ves met.tculously mu1nluanc·il • Aclult l tv111o • r1u I'• 1. I r•-t· t1r I'll' ~ c .di •• fl 1 •• i;un.1 I Hit 1tp1 W.ilk
to IJll!IH h & -.111,fll'o ut 1 I
pd A<Ju I h S.37 I M ,,
do I mm a "O ---l I y urul Pool & l'lll\ 71'\f. 213 431 3(1414 ""'."' •• 'ITlO c · "' !> i. · Sbr, den, 3b11, Wa t.crlronl, a owner cxpen.'le. .onll ' MrJcl•·h Upo 11 1t.111v ground Sunclan1·l' Wt·~t ,.,,., 1 w k term leai;e uvu1I $1 IOCJ !J 10 h I' A Jt K f( ..: A I. T y comm. poo . tcnms , al per month to qu:illfit·d A pts . I 996 M J 1> I•· 384'8
ln (;&.;l.ol M~iol
Nt>wly re m od '>hop ~
cmler localed at 27~
ll.trbor lll. ha•, :!!Par•·
avall.Jblr rang1n~ from
•!l!lO VI fl lt'WdY for
•ll'llllt'd lit'rup:int y CJll
l'.i ul !-K J t ( ARI
ZlJ 4b4·4.$..'»(
IOOOft l'hl·Hf ul o llan·
-.uitc• .i~ttil t V>l.&tr" un11
111 n1:v. hltlg 645 JJ;i::
CMltldmtri ..
fl2t. '\q fl ~oned MG.
.. utable ror lae ma nut.,, ..
tunni: Of" o((i('e 11pat>e
Lo<'aled en 1ndus l ra al
romplex St>e this tod11y
Tt4 8.34· 9393 -----4600 . .............••••.....
Sm hm ur .,pt w lyrd for
lady w/2 sm poodle:..
de-.1>' Le ila . 5o48-M62
551·5000 lA>lX'can. $1000 mo/ unnl purty. Contac•l Uuv11I Oakwood fM-14116urM2 19:il
-.. L· l~,64.>75_!3 Af!!_._ Heid & A.-.iml'rnlcs, l11l' Garden Apartments Nl'.v 2 1Jr.2 J~1.fpk, 111111 .... ·······•············•·· 4'000 LUXURIOUS
ltelp New owner raasm i;
r1•nl '>kY h1flh tte s p .
w•Jrlung mom w 14yr old
Ot'«1'1 I 2Hr an ">ale. qwct
af4•J near bu-. Prd
"""''~ S Uelux s tud11> condo. 1 blk 714-7315161 Newport Beach/So.' Wl''>htdc CM ~:i>1 ..
• ~UH. l "°' ba. · · . $175 Lido Village & s ho ps . 1 t<MJ 11,1h ~1 AduJL-, no peL-, !J7!J :m1,
3 UR.2ba.. ~~51725 1'0111 . re1: ro.,m. •·le Westmittster 3298 ''' '"" ,111 u .. 4 BH,21':l ba S'T~ $395 /ren t or 1.,1, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,114 11.42111 1" llt·aul I very lg bdrm
•l8R.2',b11,NIJ .S975 2 13 ·326 ·7157 o r :J Br,2 ba.SS25 mo.$250 plu.-.h laundry, 1mntJ1'
3 BR. 2 bu . ~ 714~2 deposit. Ntcl' back yard Newport Beach/No. .:roonds 1821i l'omonJ
Slin Juan Cup1i,,trano 151.32 Coronado. So of llOO lrv0m· $325 mo. 8J8 H086
DIG CANYO~ upitrndcd Bolsa, Wei.l of ~ach •' "11
OOVl::R Model 2bd, 2 ba, Wwd. IWHiJ63. Shoreline 1114 1 b4!l 0~!,,U HEAR SHOPPING
d e o , 11250Mo . dy i. Mgmt.Corp. -·---------J UlJJ pd, no pet!>, Pool ~. eves & wknds -----2tlr, l ba. 541S·768'J 1133-2427 c dJ h I ...
Npt Ten-ace condo. 2 Hr
~1 2 Ba, frpk . close lo
puol s:>.'IO. Dy:. 955-0650,
cves/wknds 9611 8388 ------
0Cto;AN FRONT. 28drm.
18th, newly deco rated ,
WOODIRIDGE best view in Newport. Yearly S750, Winter $550.
3 UR. 2.,., ba .. Jo'R, cloi.e 631 1735, 675·8343 ,
lo pool, lake. school:.. 675-6670
165 0 M o . A ssoe. ---------
IJl'1vileges. 644·2046 Qean 4Br. F /R, frm din
3br .. _... F rm. spac. single slory · ....... ~c. \ally carpet· home. Rent or lse. S700 ed. Blllrui, rrplc, fncd ba c 00-9567· 54:>.-0095 .
yrd, gardene r. S526Mo. -'
_M_l-&184_· -· ------•w•.-,...--D•.-., ,.•SE-•
WOODBRIDGE. Exec. Ants -
livtng 2br + den. 2 bu, Olt LEASI °"10t4
A.IC. frplc, microware, Pro m i ne nt Newport
lge yd, 2 car gar + lake, Beach (amHy h ave sold
tennus, poo4a • jac. ~ their Dover S ho r es
mo. Yrly Ille. 55&-9062. home. Need min. J bdrm. +maids, over 4500 sq. Ct.
Ne wp o r t or Or ange
Coastal home. 1·2 yra. or
more . 7 figure credit.
Call 778-6600 ext. 1485
Orangetree 1 bdrm. Con· m, upgaded. pool. ten·
nla . No p ets . 1375 .
BlJ1 38r, 28a Condo in ~ys. 64S-61S6 eves
,.,.shed 3400 .......................
3Bdrm al Rroadmoor
Homer.. ll unlinJ(l on
fl.arbour 213 282 I 13G
d)"i, 213/502 J5M (•Ye'>
2 BR. l ba, yrly, fum. 2 bdrm. I ba Duplex . at
or un!urn. . . . • . . $500 tached garnge, on 16th
2 BR, l ba, unfurn . Pl $37S Call 67S 4Jt:i
yearly s.'I~• J::v<-s.
3 BR.2ba yrly SS25 -----
:! UR. 1 ba wnlr .. $500 2 bdrm I ba. New i.tuvt' & ----CondomilliURK
4 RR. 2ba wnlr . $550 drapl'..,, 1n<:ld., l>Jl111
3 lilt. 2 bu, occ:mlrunl. ~~~~ ~ ~~1~0 717
yearly $1 ,000 ----·----
2br.' 2ba , new t•rpb.
14'25 ••••••••••••••••••••••••
OIJt 2br, 2ba, fplr<:. m1n1
ocn vaew. S42S. 2218
Pac1!ie,CM. 759·9448 or
~L U. 2br. Twnmict<.:ondo
Wl!lq. ft .11"2ba. pool. nr
BPc.'I< (II', w £tu TOllS
101', W tiulb,,'l b' r Jt , •
Heil 1Algon qu1n 1nr d H. B.H. l Bch 1 mi.. $420 3 Br uplex, 1800 sq. fl. On
(714 )547-845I <7l'1 > the bay. 3 short blks to
644-0195 eves ' ocean beach. S7SO lease
-----·---Inc. ul1l. <1(110 Raver Ave
Near new 2bdrm .. 2 bu Do no disturb t enant
lwnble.,fn>l .• Z.cucncl. Uravt! by then call
gar. No pel8 SSOO/mo _548-_78_13_. ____ _
S46-91.34. 5pMclous beautifully Curn
LEA.5Ew/0 PTION lo buy apt. Overlooking WUlf'r
brand new condo. 2 br. J ~mo. 675-987'7.
drps, bale, pool, rt-c rm. sec, cntrl air. watr & JUI'>
pd, No Pl'lS. Nr. So Csl
Plaza. S4SOMo . 8 111
2 13 ·992 -47 2 1 or
213-981-4680. Qlll collcti
3br. 2ba, 0 .C.C. arc:•
1''amily Unil. $425Mo
Avail. Nov I. 641-8657
E-slde 2br, 1 ba, yard.
Very clean. Adults No
Pel.ti. $380Mo. 646-0505
New 2 br. 2.,., ba duplex
1650 !>Q. ft. Huge )ard,
dbl garage, frplc, bltn'>
Z51>. 673-6336. 642 9686 ba, Npt Bch. S750/mo ._ 2 8 2 88---0ill 64S-0638 _.,., r . 1u1r 11 JC<'. 1 Br _, G · 1212 W Bulboa 81. If m· . stove, Tg ng. 'as pd
WOOOBRIDCJ::. ll BR. 2'h terested call ror appt. Adults, nu ~ltoi. Hd :.
Ba, '875 mo. 714-M0·2360 Jam or Carolyn. 730-1222 ~--
!'Js>.ll'IW.'> 4Ur N L.11(unJ
1)('11 "dt· hv.), hllll'
qu11'l , $41,11 m u )rh
,\ti I l ' I 1, J. l J !I .! i
I !f(', llY.~I
l'.Aolux Condo :! bflrm :! h.1
puol 2 hou"''' from ocean Fanla,111: 'wv.
No children or pcL' $17:i
mo O .6f.S.633 I . 951 71011 -----Mtwport leoch 3869 ......••...............
Buch e lo r ,, I or ;-
lk'\truom-. & 'fownhou:.t·'
fo'r11m pj!I :A>
S~t·l.tcular .. p.1 I ol.11
rel·rea l 11111 IHO)l r a 111
-,111·1al pro11rum 7 Jl'JOb. H
l(°fllillj courts At Fuithaon
IJ1land. Jumborc1· & SJn
Joaqwn 11111" Jtoucl
Jlir. 2bll w 1of(1ee Yrly
l''rplc, 3 l'Ur l'.(Ur. $]000
TSL Mum!_ 6"2·1603
2 Br. 2 ba cor>do, "'1 blk to
beach, 2 car gar. uuto op
nr Beaut buy \ ll'W SOSO
TSL Mg!"l 64~1~
tipacaous 3 lidrm. l! ba.
balrony. Patc hed beam
ceillnJCS Near beach &
acl'OM from watt'r Qwet
n1111(hborhood $1i75 mo
yrly l't' W .Ht•rf ront
HonJ(> 631 1400 Univ Pk Ten ace, 2 car1 ~·~--~~enda~~·~~~~~ garage, frplr, wet bar.I·
eommwuty PoOI " J•c. Owm. bayview l'n br
Sbop8, achh1, 1585 mo. mob. hm on Lido Pen.
wkdya, 9-7PM A... I Br .,. __ ,_,.. II ·-....,...,we. sma bul I Dedroom. I bulh. )'CJrl)
Ml·Z1'76 Pe r f b a c b pa d .
~ Uttfunl 3600 Oceanfront dlx 2br. 2ba. coiy w/lols of neat wood or mo $350 m tJ AJ:I
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • um.a I J an. 15th. SOOO Mo $265. 835-8544 · . ff73-IM! 10 ---Jb 3b . h MOO/mo.. w /purch opt. r. ll. patio ome. 67S.1.341 eva 898-21691 dy · =:. ~-~ =~ ~: Ask for Pauiy. s.
2 bdrm, p,., ba. patio. 2 714·752·9466,673~1 Spacious 28drm , vool. 1., l:llock lo l.icUl'h 3 br. 2
story. carport, storage U DO Studio Buch Qui l $32.S. adults. no pets. <t23 ba. downsta1ri;, blln i.
Jo 'Stiec. UIO, ocean view. 3br
Olndo. Front prime unit.
W/D, stove, D/W, $350. U. U II i · e W Bay ftAQ·9S16 frplc ~ t10 "u *"""' $150 dpsL Excel~ef. on· gen em1n. l it ~11. . ,,,,., • • u .,. .. rlll l(l' . .,,.,.,.,
ly. m 4 l64S-9839. __ S300ft!.~!75-~ Adult 2Br , open beam 1Z7'4 St 640 6140
J.omy Jarte s bedroom
family home, central •Ir,
pool /spa, cul·de -sac
loe1tlon, l resb palnl .
Year leHe f750. m o.
Ranch Realty. 551 ·2000.
SpotJe111. Tennis, pool.
jac:, lle548·78J3.AM
s.ehl.ogMM 3786 clp. lots of wood. no Becllelor 11tovt' & rf'fng.
lp a twllh Furftllhed ....................... pet.ti, $33!). 673"8803 t:vc:.. V c rs u 1 11 e ... C 11 n d o ,
••••••••••••••••••••••• Blue Lagoon rentul, tc•n 12251 Br dplx, I adult non guarded cnt. rce foe'. $37~ WATaFllOHT .._,...... 3706 nh;, pool, pvl beach lv. smoker; aafc. qui et mo .. lt11.' 675 0614 ufl
Modem 2-•lY 4 Br 3 lJa ••••••••••••••••••••••• security. 2 Br 2 H:1. clean. prev rel req, no BPm __ _
home, 2 frplc's , lg deck, 2 Br w/frplc, winter. $400. blllns. No pets . 1600. petsc 954 W 17th 5411-0358
o n the can a l In W. f!A"niahed.Adlts,nopets . 661-~.213/242·7614
Newport. Avail. Im · 675-9229. ----
medlalely. llOO n)O yr • l Rh romd lncl. i.t I: lut • ..._ ,,......,. 3707 rlfl.,..,:,.. .. d
&aide, cozy 2br. 1 ho. :l
frplc, r rt yrd. New decor m>M9:..,~
2 br 11lUdio w trrplc. pvt
patio. Yrly rental SSSO mo. 315 E. 8 .-y Coll
dept. Call fJ45..664I ••••• •• • •••• • • • • • •. • • •• WUIT SQIAIE ~-fR€HfG€ s~~.':r~'!~: ;;;;:; .......... iio:i
2 bidauow, 2 batb coodo. •HOM€~ up. Oceanfronl.1115-8140 ...................... .
f}ldoeed prace. Super New 2 br, bllnl, l(ar. laun·
~prlv . patio. on
Clearbrook Lo. Adull11
No Peta. $2SOMo Call
eves, 714·34&-al29
W!.Sl'CU t•t• condo, new
1ntA!ri~1 Adulls. no peti,
2 J\r ~ t Br $400 mo
J~nm w k1td11•11••lt••
$7;! 14 f•t•k ~ I.JI>
~ lfl~'i
Hoomm.1l1• In ,h.1r1· ,
Wrm huml:' 1n S..11 JuJ1
l".1pi1 $100 m o "PIH ut1b
al lo ~ )I"> old :>.on
-.mailer Sle~c 493 l2bO
ltuum l11r M fo If Ii
houc..... "" & h.11h rin\
SlOO Call K47 5111:1
Yacatioft R....tals 4'250 . ••••.••......•..•.•..•
Houo.e for rent. H1 ll lk•" r
Oly .. 1ps to , hn\'n' furn
125 ntl•·ly pr t·pl L'..i II
llfler.2._P m WI l~
Modem I or 2 br \"Ollu~··
M twaeh on Taiuta w1Lh
rur rnw boat. wa:.h
m J c·h•n•· ••1mpl1•I•·
lut<:hen. 1•11' Fl)r mor•·
Ullo call m 2d>!I e\ el> &
f\Jm house for n•nt on
Parter stnp. Colorado
River. JBr :.!Bu . sip. H
Redut'ed Wanter Hale~
714159-1208, 2l3·380_2S22
..... to Sher. 4100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
To 11hare 2 Bdrm JPl
has pool. J8CUZZI " di!> hwasher Rent SllH SO
Contact Abel 11l 645·9116
aller ~pm and1or Mon
AN D .. ·r1 day.., .11
MoVJng"' A\'Otd depo:.1ls ~
l'Ul ltv1n1t l•xpcn:w~ ·
ProCcst1 1011Jlly :.11tt't' um
Prolcssionul m.t1 le '>Cck:-.
malurl' easy i:oan i<
femile shnrt• 2 bdrm 2
ba CdM Evl~ 673 460'J
2 ~·Iba, nr bch. \W
J're( J e m non ~mk r
S200mo Cd M ~1 1 k ,. ,......., Acroea from SID W. Cout Hwy, N'8 28r trtpln w /Wet bar & dry rm, cpta, drps, call J*'k 6 pool. Veer leaae. 64'"""' ltplc. bit from PavUJon. 9*589. TOWMHOUSI -. mo. Rueb Realty, Oill owner (714)127·~ -Spadoul 2 br. ,.,., bath,
F.astbluft 2 br. 2"" ba. MIMB
Sl-3000 Blulfe Condo, 1 level , --.... ,, 1 ~.es 3107 family rm, fi repl1ce
• · compect. 3 br. redec. Oceanfront 1 Br. patio, •H .. •••••••••••••••••• J u 1 t re m ode I e d
rrplc. Qwet & secluded Rmmt wanled. resv M '"" $$2~ mo 640 5296 or lJ> shr btJl Concfo. 3Br
r75-7Sl2, u k for Ann. _ 3Ba. dbl 14ar. Dana Pt .._..... 3241 ~· patio. Nr. ever· wahr/dryr, 11tll incl, IM lllt. wtnttr oa.Jy. 404 Ganlefter It water incl ~•••••••••••••••••• )'thini! '8SO. 675-08.12. adults, .,o. &u4123 • E. a.rbo,.. •mo. M2-MM C H ANNE L Jo' R 0 NT s:m+ut.I 640-5650 Day•
W!SIDETIE 3 BR I Ba , ~Kathy Ma1olflcent 2 atory l!llstbh#f apvt-·-,,,8 eor.. .. M9' 3722 IMW1Jt;or2l3·318.ft88 Towuoue wttBdrm, d • "..,... .._ r, • -48lb 6 fam room In ex· en. 2~ba, v e ry pvt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 122$ I Br. 1210 Bach. c:Mlve Vldorta, 8dL 3 •/View, lr'I bar k yrd, Condo on tbe water . Reep. •dults. No pet~.
detU w/euptrb wblt• new c:rpll•dtpt·palot, Newport 81ach11 flnest. UUl pd 108 E Bay Avt-,
•ai.r •I.,, itept to 2·car tar, • boet Sl200 mo. Yrly Jse. apt t. ._. SUOO/mo....em =~v!';,~.~~Yi e42-4'113W!!JI· C:------.. -..... --31-2-2
,JIAlrl'SD! Houle to rtftt C..Mttl 3724 .......... , ........... .
M. Grad &u n pt lo
1 Br, stove • refril(. c,ts r & --• aoo. Ur.ii Incl. pie· balron,y · Yl'IY '750 F U> 'share cottage :style -... Call873-2113 hie f d Adulta, no pet.a. 6'4-4311.2 1p, Y • 10th St. II 8
-Nice \rl plcidn resadenllal SLSO mo 538-~34 __
2 Br. 1~ ba studio tyl)(•, folnt area I b!k to 'Nice 2br, 2ba CdM Mme.
pvt PAUo. blt.ns, newlr. beach. 3 bdrm. ;: ba. ea. Pt ·30 Avail ~·0~r~·t:r-Mf:l°e'. ~~~.y SUS Ca 11 Nov.u . 4 •
N .mo:-..oes. in ltloaarcb l•Ji.:' ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• ~ 2 bdrtn .• .J ba, BAYl'&OHT Condo. t Br 1 be pl fun frplc .. D Uo. 9dOO I ~_..~=-·-hat ellp. Bent. • =•· 'C::i.; noa· cPrtJLiCARTfN Y· °'Cl6H. Zbdrm. 1 ~ bth, 2
car ...... t71. paUo and
1ld• yar , l1 und r y
hookup. •+an• hast.
* * * ebr immed ln UC arl!11. M. INM M1t we>1up. M'uaae uni Swan Dr. ror Horry . Rm "22.
Colla Meta -~-·3'_3_1 ___ _
Vo._. UM winner 01 RellpoNible roommate . to
, .• _ ... ' JJH •et'-l ·Mrm +den. ..-..... 2111 Rallllllt'At· 6"·7a3 -.--........_view,,_ mo. ..-.................. rrt7 a.I. With boot 1Up CASA DI OIO c.e. Mela 3124 --·
Oft t<'l'' n11.. ·" 4 ti 111
..!•'l.:Jnll\ .1ppi11nl•'f'I '""
•'(Ull••· "'llJ1l1 ... '"nlr.111\
( '.1 J 4!1 64:.!7 t-:\ C>o
.,.,knd. ..
l1x,1l•ot1 m.ir ''""""'·')' ~ hl'<lr1111111 h•1u :-.. nrnri-~ tho Clr.1ni·• ..nludt:tl y.trd. lur pru
\ • 1, n 1 -. ,\ 1 r IJ o r 1 Ct"l>.'>IOndl l'Ouplc in Cu:.l-.1
F Jr ii 1 l 11·., an r I u d ,. , M t· "• "' r l' u N n n
lnt'f'ldly effmcnt rt'\ c 11 1tnnJc1•r-. Chnstiun. I.kt·
t 1 •• n :. t / t ,. I l' p h n 11 ,. I Ui> to S37S. Mani mum I
operator whoareet• )our Y••ar le a i.e Call artcr
l llenb and answe~ )'nur I) JOPM 548·\546
t.lll'> • .irom pll'tc•CaltC & ~
f't'der al law ltbra ry
be:tut1fully l1t>ror.1l1 d a..tah 4650
("Ufl.h-renet• ruom.:i. 1Jhulu •••••• ••• • • •••• • •• •••••
1 opy m JC'h•nl'' & th•· Share Offlei! Space, )'Our
ltnt''l an "'1rt'l.1r1.it ,hail UIO' nr Talbert u11
"''""'' ~"' 1unhc1 1111•1 Aril~7 511!.orlS4l 41til
,\ 1 t~ • t t t .• t I'' u r
thr11u~h lh• 1.11 111111•,
111~ "l>l' cont Jc•l \, url .• 1
·'''"' 1i l ·l l!J5j .!:!llH rn • ~.65 lOOCJ
rtma b4teuth•e
Thert> 1' a d1Herenrt>'
L.iriw 'w ll'~ 1260 ~ r 1
prov 1d1n~ hig hl y pro
re~-11on.il 'lt'C'rl'twriul
-.ervaCt' with a ma naaea
bll' numbt-r of unit' 20'.!t
8u~1n.-~i. C1•nll•r Dr.
Irvine cull ;52 O'~
Ston.> or om ce S400 Mo
__ AR_!fl~ b75 111 iU
on·1ct: OR RENTAi.
SPACE. W C~l ltwy
Manners Milt> !f.!St.q fl
l::M.'Cul> \ P OCfte11. 0\!MJ(n
Pluu, 2ti.5 di?,.. \ 11 w of
II« for lt'll't' lndcl'
Sl'<'Y 't'r v phon ..
,answt>nng It ust' of • on
lerenct-rm 714 7511·0215
AJrport eo...l•x
lndw.tnal areu of Or Cly
a1rwrt lltH !l n . local ('Q
at l!MIOI Skypark Car, stt•
M. In lrvtne ~ mo
~71~ ----New Offar•· -.p JC't> fM
teusc 800 to 1000 ~q. ft fil~
'>Q ft 81'08b Spnnklen•d
Hunt Bch /\Vllll DC<' I
tl4 J.!19.~4
U.appiness ti. hJvlnl yo11r
plaC<' of b u ... 1n~:i11 &l
liaker Ccntrr Rttept .
conlerence room. phone
r~verJgt' Clost-to
all1M>rt. fine reslauranu
Secrela••J I s erv•<'t'll
vaal For mor • tnfl), ull
Bev Ul 979-2181
I &tall shop s pace 9IO
Mo. 210 Main & .. H.B.
The k lnJ M 111 9'0· l558.
4450 •••••••••••••••••••••••
For atott tr of lire 1pare a l
f'NIOGll.bl• ratea.
IOO to 2700 S. ...
PLAZA 1~ lfe!ja Verde£. C M
. ...••.•..••.•••.•..•.. .....,.
0,• IM ftMlty SOOS •••••••••••••••••••••••
1t•O •t 11
ht Hu,--.•"'f,t.,. y,.,
••• toftry, ,,~ ....... ......
111•1 "s.nr•
Ass«>caatc M IF' Security
AJarms Acl1ve·S ilcnl.
SllXX>-SSOOO 1Mi8·3l80.
Llr'd for 4.4 children
Plus ruc-e Jbdrm home
Can be purch usccl on
'dnt ronlract at 10'. 111
!'ark Plare, Inc 842 7461
* * • l .Dtcbon
107 Parrot Ln
t'ouotaJn Valley
You are tbe winner of
Two FrH nu.ts
i~.00 value>. tu
MofoctoH fMd•
Anaheim Sludium
Nov 17th. 197!1
1,Ck\'L' may be cla1m c1I
by Call.mg 642.:J61IJ. Cl<l m • • •
Ulln·<>P Game Centcr11
Amencas rwite.l grow·
U1C bwnneu. Turn-kc)',
r eady-lO·go operalaon,
and . lop aam(• 1.'Qupm'1,
le.ised locauon 1n II u.
We au'-ply dccoratlnl(.
r arpet a. slan ft stirv1 cc
warranty. Compll•l c
tra1n1na avail No
fritn c h••e fee nor
ro)'aJUe&, &Z.$00. $1U OU
do wn Ca ll D lc k
M e D o n a ld at :
2U ·U 4 ·49H . O r
2.LMt7 ·3168. ......... °''' ...... , 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ea.m 31%·45'4. Dtltal111,
C•ll Mr. Thornton: ~lorW....U
~ .. "-' ..••••••••••.•••••••• lj llH
I II', JM..._.; Valle7 ••'boetllflO,ino. ALLUTILITIDPAID ........ •••••••••••••••
..... flr1,1>11et, air LAIOS I bdrm + dtn. Compare. before rou LAMAMCHA Al'TS
,...,, ......,. ~I .. .., ••all. '1JOO mo. reat. Caetom dH!l_• "-It. 1µ.a bd ,.,.0
Nl.celrtllt. l i,t Ba. encl lar. ,......,......, MD, 1785
Twe"" Tl.twh Mare 3 bdrm hc>usr with
IJIO.•val1M).to l Ni ce loc1 t ton . PIMllT.aL S~LOAMS C•..C• 714..-.11251 Mpm Newport Blvd, C M. ud ·~ar 1ara1e. •• I rrt:rlll. r..aarr: Pool 6 I~. _,q, Adultt. o.a.wa.r. ' m/IMM. CiU 0..-t CllAllllM1 I bdrm. 2 ,c.!.!.~, 1•"1!:._~ ... •• ...., IDIJ pr, ... bbq. ••• A¥ ..... m; .......... pool.a.ala -UH, IU-'•--ff Pool, OM Pd. n1 Scott
, 1 ·!•!Ir· . 6..._ ,_-. ...... ~a1r l.Y rea-.. Pl ... .,,: •au =, ~ . .,. ............... ;:-=-·-al ltl Mtii. . 1 ree.._.
.....,.. 611•1....._ M1k1 1our abopglnt ---1 ,.. hbd --. ...... b ...... the .,, .. ... ...,..-'117 ••· wsa-. ..a.mi PUota M.inectAda. ' , .. ..
Aubsim. tnl lat • IHt + ....... "2-l7JI, .....
1-l BB upper, lsltcb blLDl.t• DtW, melurt :::;no.J*a. MMN4
• ... ,......... •• cWly uamc count a.In.~ Lowon
AMhMmltadlum ,.,,_ wuc.d to stir 2 Br me.ana volume ulH! :'::':.~' No¥ l'hb im llll wtume. Call Dana uoo • 4lllO ICI ft H iii. r-.. .,..
11ds4U m., b. claimed Ma· .. <Cdtta Metal llMO&l,A<OWDef. r'i, ..... ! ~ Clllint M2·N78, t xt • tov.,fbome In roun· ll:U. kllct lterna wlth • ~ ....
• • • ~ :~ W/tlderl~ ~Cl...medAd. TW-..-
• '·
' ___ ., __
Iii r••:t tf•..., .............................................
anc. • ~ ma!nt For ltac•Hent1• In R......,.ble, • reliable. llouMCJe..U..: Cleaain1 r:.~h /CCNlta Meu Ub&hnl&ed. Ml-IT•.
£ntineer. SI. reliable. Brick Stept. plantera.
non·drnllr /•molter. walll, ~ wn •re·
LouJ refa. Bo.,..able. pMrw.11J.ia•a1-tat4
..... ' c-.t,!Cwnte ,. •••/Tie ~ .... : ........................................................ .
WW bMnlt from T A.M Qomenl -~of all k.lndA. c E R A .. I c_ T I L
IPM. ~a CD09 lo & tlAcx'haUa. Fr l IS IUtO-, bat.ha. nt.1')1
Part time at•tu'11 adll
•Ya.LI tot' •al•, uahler.
bookkMP ••· cook ln11 . tn&ttt.a.loer, Moo. Tue,
Wed. Sat. Ulltll tPM. mat
1.0 caIT ~S.110'7 ' 77 )Tl.blllQ'Mm.Mon ""I )'tSb:p «57,.U.-WI Your tllo or m ln o.
._ Ct'~nt 'WOl'k-AU type• •31119 ~.., tCultarts t avail for • t 1 larric4t lJc'd c.:.tac.tor U80L~ ,_ "'• • a1f otrwiloN. re.aa rates
··--·-·••••••••••• or~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!:rtc 78().,tz74 ____ _
C .. swt• Let Liii hand •lt1~ or rt' If ... II
f1n11h your aottq Ul'• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••• • ••• ••• Plano F\nt' Furnuurll! c l
2414 Npt. Blvd C M . ;~1~.y i>a:::J::.nt~fc :
•DIVORCE 8Y MAJL • ,.... to flDal ..,.
Mtkla[.qal tu $JOO R.G ow.tr eo. ~ blda
C.., 1 t• c ~ l'I t r • r t o r , co m
••••••••••••••••••••••• m I re1>ld , 631 53113,
&ti 2122 dryw1&ll. ~tt-Small &
Alice'• HOUMclHDln1.
RMIOHb&e. rtliabJe •
Nfa.m.~ • .....,.
Alic• ·1 HouHaleanlna. Rolon•~•. rtllable " .... '7J.1*. 14Mtfl
Prof. E;sp. £1t1h1h ,,.Ids, wkly or bl-wkly
aer v . Vuca nta o ur
apecWty. Sfe'km carpet
cle.aniQI. &11. ln11. Free
Would you like help with
your bQU1ework? CaJI
Janice's Raagedy Anos
tor rel " prof s vc.
.... !tick, ttooe. bAkwrti. tile
Dependable. r eliable n rs, concrete paUoa.
female would love to wlb, Ptff ut. Jobn bab~•lt your ho u ae _ ... ~l.:il3-.;;.;~~~~~-~--and '*-· f!lfec· ....... _. -tlve Nov, ~er hou.te on 7 / • .,.,.... water. #,_. C!O OaUy ••••••••••••••••••••••• PUot P.O. Box U60 Coela PE.~RS PAlNTlNG Ma&.CA921836 EJCpr d. Reas Ratel r.-ee Est. Call Oene
P\oe elll. paJntln1. St. Roaf repllrl. all typn,
Uc/Ina. Try me. R. Guarantee d . BllC•
Sinor. 8ll45e Coftltnlcf.lon, S48·~11
ATLANTJC PAJNTJNG Repair °' rerool. Quel Rn. Comm 'I. Q\lality .n. Gu.at. Proud Bro.
Wortc, Uc Bonded lnaur RoollqCo6'5-717t
552"°'58 I 1#11 .. lnt •••••••••••••••••••••••
_._.,. _______ . .,. ....
-WaUpaperinJi. all lunds •"••••••••••••••••• •••
, by Norm. r.-ee est. Aver. Sl(YUTIS lllaod Landacapang.
Int/Ext, sprinklers ln-
al •lled ,,. rep a ire d ,
..a.&. ,AIMTIHG
Neat 673-5576 COtll pr roll SlO. Lie Installed. t..1ce naed 6
lfD8. &f.$.-OllllO bonded. M7 -5443. Ext..$475 lntS375
T••I••••.,.... •••••••••••••••••••••••
eros 1 on con l r o I , INTERIOR PAINTING ~h. brick• ce· Prot. painting. Ext " Int. Qualitymakestbe
meal work. yrd ctn-ups It ll3'T1835. Low rata. Free difference. 2A hrs.
pruo.ln&. 18 yra ~xp. w-t.5t-.53M7---'80_.;_536-4383_;,.. ___ 1 Rlch 640-7271 a.ARENCE'S TV. 27 yni Lu:'d/Bonded~ 968·1711. Painting. lNT/E XT uper. Days . eves. 64&-4871 Reeldentlal &commerdal wtmdl.~.95 • ~7·1096
cu~ Old ~ craAamllA.-ihlp, •· •••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ,,........,firulh.~t'I ~ ' 1 Cudenlna. tree trim
101. repair All work ••••••••••••••••••••••• mma. cle"1l·up. & mumt ruar 11 yrs 10 ar\.'ll Expert Ores malunit & ~ Arrue 548-MU
larg!'. Job:! J 8 646-9990 Res & Comm 'l clning, put
Olrpenlr)'. fencmg & roof our over )() yn eitper lO
IJli. N-O)Obtoosml. Pupu work. AB Cleanin g
Ollr6Jt ~ ~7
Neat. honest. rea.11., 12 ~-<ft . -
European Landscaper. yrs. exp. LJo'd. Dave _.,ting. Free est. Reas. y,... s.r.tu
Top work. Fair price. _964-__ 100 __ . ------rates 675-9591.biJ.-0737 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Refs. 646-4871 dys eves. Wallpaper hanging, fa.i.t Frank Demato Paintinit Tree. shrub. prumng & re·
Lic'd . Mr . Palombu Alteratioos Ci>lm "ork ~--__ Enu 4i Hb1& 's. 641). 7:tl.2 Aviles Gardenln.i Tree
tnm.rnJng & romovul.s.
yard malnt.s., spnnklcr
s y s tems , Jawn i.,
c~anups, 646-8474
~--------......, Want a REALLY CLEAN •Quahl y Landscap1ng.
••• .. •••••••••••••••••• HOUSE? Call Gingham Comp. soft.scape design
SCJ'Vlce. quality work. Le Co lnt1Ext. Cus to m moval. yd d e anup:..
Papier, 714.SJG.2350 work. 714/64\-8687 ha u II n g . H8 · ;n 4 5 . IM8-1413J1m
CUSTOM INTERJOR DryWGI OCC Student I Ton truck Girl. Free est. 645-5123 & installation. All work
Trash. tree trim Dan -guar. Free est. Gr~n-Ext t ln t P a 1nl &
wallpaper Qua l work.
reas. f ree est. Stev('
............ ,
••••••••••••••••••••••• T-.;ftilJ
CARPENTR'l •••••••••••••••••••••••
By Ja.y 642-81JO'J Wt! do 1t all M~a1 studs
64.2-3224 llousecleanmg per day. ~a l e Land scapi n g
°"'1l transportation. Call 731-Wll
CAl.l.. 642-0244
f'REE tnal lesson
credenlia1ed. reading.
math & French. 673-60l.3 Father & son woodwo;k Comm Res Ind f'rt>c
1ne. Decks. l e n r<''>. ei.t 751·8832
cabinets. Free est . Ben-jamin Mann 554-1100. llectriedl DarTell Mann 831-8416 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
c.p.t Sertk~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
nght·free estimate on
large or sma II Jobs
Lac. •337254 673-0359 We Care Carpet Cleaner<;,
Steam clean. Also up-
holstery. Wo r k guar. Tr.1velers Elet.'tnc &Sons
Truck mount unit. fo'r ee Commerci&l a n d n·
est. reas rat.es. 645-3716 s1dcntia1 mainH•n,, c·e .
e t c 71"/642 1503 M a k e t h o s c g o o d ucensed and msun.'<l ~d 1lems you're -------
not using available to Hig h quality rei-.1com
some other family by ad-, m tind. wiring ut lowest
vert.isingthemforsalem CClst. Tom ur Joel.
Qassified. Ccl ll 642·5678 642-4521
Avtlcs Gardening. Tree
trlmmlog & removals,
yllJ'd maints .. sprinkl'-!r
syst e m !.. luwn:..
de.1nups. 6"6-847"
Co ~m ·1 -Res-main
lenance Cleanup:. &
landscaping. Greg.
642.9006 ('VeS.
Hauling . cleanups ,
driveway rem ovals.
trimlTl.Ulg 55Hl271
a.. Up Yow Act!
Reliable. compe t ent
haulini: man. Dump
truck $:15 l oad .
71""548-4700 CM.
Landscaping, tree trim-HouMcl•anincJ
nung. <'leun-up:;. haul •••••••••• •••••••• ••• • •
mg. sod, rotoull. Dave Robin'!> Jlou:.C'clean1ng
5JIHD76 S. vc, for u lhorou~hly
~llllble garden service.
Mo win g, edgi n 1L
cleanups maintenance.
Rsnbl. 552·0105
clean hou...,<' 540-0857
Call Snow llouseclcanin~
For a h<lml' that s parkll's
lJkt>snow. U7Y-OOiG.
.. ~....._ ...... la._~.;_;:,_204_9____ LodlMlfttl-----
I-ekeeping, personal,
reliable, exper1t-nced.
rel. avail. Nancy 615-f"l8
•Exper 'd . good r e ·
fere nc es. thoroOgh
rlea ning. 546-8 096.
The Pe r sonal Toorh
Clt'arung. Complr•tc pro-
fl'SSLonals. Rsnbl ra ti:s
Guar wo rkman:.h ip
Reasonable. own trans.
reliable. ~rmanent &
!(nod work 642·6101. aft
I>: :J1646-ti 11!6
Sec uri t y ln 1>t 11 ll <'d
w1dcadbolts & window
l oc k s . Good
workmans hip ut low
rates. Call ;inyl1me
641-83711 .
Bnckwork Small jobs.
~wport, ~t<1 Me1'a &
lrvinc. 675-3175 eve~
Custom Painting
Fret-F.st, 3 yr guar
Otuck F,,;sian !162·1478
• #CllW Yow Ccntt.
lnl Ext Free e!ll L1 c
;32l)88t Guar. Refs Ted
Intr. c-xtr. ce11.Jngs Roll'
Lal reno\ at1on spectalL"l
Small commerr1ul JOlb
aftt>r hours tl92-2024 -JL:o' e -.omethm.I! \ ou .... ;inr
tll t;d) ., <.:lus:.1 r1Cd adl\ do
n \lo ell 1~12 51i7H.
••••••••••••••••••••••• WIRdowC~
Neal patches 6 textu rt'ff ••••••••••••• ••• • •• • •• •
FIHEST. 89l·14l9 RESIDENTIAL & Store11
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
f'"ee est Comm'l1Res1d
Honest R t.>l 1abl ~
BA ~C 751-9004 __.. __ ----
Independent dram clean
1ng ~-50 up Rei.ult:.
guar 7 dy;. ~~--
'The l~u..~t draw tn tht•
West c1 Oa1ty Pilot
l1a:;.'ltllt'll ,\11 1;.12 51iil1
Car waxing Quality
wor1c 642.M4!J & &45-7972
Ted·., Window Ct re Prof.
wmdQw deanmi: Rsnbl
rale!I RelJable 642-7893
Prof wmdow r ll'anini.:. Sausraruoo ituaranteed.
R....nbl Insured 552 0105
People who nl't.-d pC'ople
.,hould alway, rheck tht"
Serv1rc Dtrectory in lht'
~.~.~~ .... ~?.~~ ~.~!'!~ ... ~!_~~ lost&Fomd 5300 PenoMlls 5350 Sod~Clubs 5400 HetpWanted 7100 HetpW..t.d 7100 HetpWantHJ 71 00 ~Want~ 71 00 ...............•....... .....................•. ...••......•..•.•.•..•• ...•..•••.••........... .....•••.•.•.•......... . ........................................•.•..
_ v"NEED
2nd & 3rd TD loans
Arrunged by
Coast Home Loans
llomeowner loans.may be
arranged from SllJ.000.
~II ;.my Hem or com
UIO JllOn of 1ll'm:. for S7:,
ur le"" w11 h J l't·nny
1'1 1c:her All :i Im{.., for l
t• n:.ec:uttn• da)'> 1-:a•·h
.i•ldJ11onal Jin,· h "'' for thc :!tla}~ ChJr):t• 11 '
NoC'11mm1·r1•1J I a1h
for mor•• 111lorrn.1111111
.ond tu phsl't' )llUr ,HI• .111
interest only. amortized. 642 5678
short term swing, rall '-----·---.....J
Mrs. Arsenault, t>rok<'r.
about your reul estate
loan needs 851-1360
2nd TDs swmgs 673-3833 --
MllMyWanted 5030 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Need tl!Sk. less than lyr
Pay 36·45'.-. f ully
secured. Outstandini; 1•f
fe r . Mr Tho r nton
642-m91 or645·4462
Looldng for artists in un-
usual & specialu.ed art
media to demonstrute &
display their talenLc; at
large art festival m Whit-
llt>r. Fl!b. 22 lo 24th. 1£ in
t.erestcd call 213-007-0740
Tremor -Pau.w
Glove Tumult -
Lo6t or F'ound a pet" C.:ull
Animal As :.1:.tlln\·t·
I..cai.'\Je. 5:11-2273. no fl·t•
found or lost u pet? (.;Jll
Special Pals Hollin\'.
714 !112 L23S. 213 258-73!11'.l
Found F e m . German
Shepherd. apx 24 .. h1. blk
fac e . Westmin s t er
Lost: Black . Female
Cockapoo.: "Cinder"
54.5-8686. 63(}-5966
Losl: English S prinitcr
Spaniel. 6mo. old , AKC,
brwn/wht, Brookhurs\ &
Gurfleld. H.B. 963·8536
Mesa Dr .. CM.NH
64.5·2447 I love to watc h t he
MDI f9¥1, TN$t Acadt!my Award.'> on TV Los l vi c. Harbor · & 0... 5035 It 's :.o dramatic. The II a m 1 It o n . gray
.. ••••••••••••••••••••• winners holding their cockattel. \'cry t;imc.
~ MhJ. Co. Oscars. The losers hold· talk~ Reward <.:all !''red
A1J types of real estate 1ng lhe1rTEM IJERS.;___ 640-9741or532-1641
investments since 1949. , ~t & r.-.-.... 5300 , _ f Pi 8 u v v C-..lall•"--in ~ rvunu UJO>t. . t u . IC. IC ~nd ,:o;' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l o r i a & P o m o n a
fo'OUND: Black, grey 4i Reward. 642-1988
642-21 71 545-0611 white Tabby K1ltcit.
Spiritual R~r
181SS. El Cammo Reul
San Clemente. Fully he
For A£_pl.~92· 7~
Spec1aliiang in bus 1
nessmt-n. rei.1 dent:.
739-5248 24HRS.
* 95~0778 *
24 I Ir Outcalt Service
Cert. Ma:.seu!>e
Housccalls by Appl
PRE LAW student need:.
S!S.<XXI. Will do anytJung
Legal. Conf1dent1al
OVM. P.O. Box 3242.
N.B. 92663.
OPEN 24 hrs DAI I. Y
95J-!ll2() 8.16-0} 1).1
A French De!Jght
$3-9820 836·01~
Widow has money for sh,."; Pl eye call S47·2119--
trm 2nd TO's, no credit FOUND· Blk F'em . 8mos
check. no pnlty, $20,000 & old Dobie & Germ Shep.
up. For 11clion call V 1 c H a rbor· &
Found: Bicycle.
In Costa Mesa. ESCORTS
agent: oiJ.7311. WtJson.675-2509
Nwpt Pacific Funding.
rot.'ND: 2 packagci. 1n
gift wrapping on Wilson,
C.l\t . Owner ide ntify
549-352A aft 5pm.
5'18-6679 after 3pm. 6"2 1571 ••
Found: 10·23 Grey Poodle Prof MW>Sage by Steve.
mix, Fem . r ecently Lic'd Therapist. N R
gnx>ml'<f.534·3561 4 .30-!J 30, Aµpl. Only
FOUND. MaJa BasenJ1. 548'2817
Great Company
\'IC Santa Ana llgti.
Found : D oberm an
2 day approval. fund in 7 Pinscher . 21st & PCH.
days. No points. No Hunt Bch. CallSJG.0'739
balloon. SJ0.000-$200.000 -
2nd TD l oans . Lido LOST 10..JOC M. M. black
Newport Co. 673·7595 24 Lab. XXXXXXXXX
Found : Springer Spaniel
Vic Bolsa Chica Rd 24Hrs. 641 -0180
1().23. 968-7800 MC/Vl_S_A __
hrs. LOVED. 536-7105
•••••••••••••• •• •• • ••• • Pnv. party will buy l lo 3
WANTED : Fem a le to carat.cash. N B.548-4975
$10,000 to $250, 000
Call Bob Willia ms-Agent
731-mt or 96(H957
On Mesa Verde Home ~. Will Discount.
Age,nl: S41--0800
-share expenses of 2 week
Lost: Wh\ Cockapoo. M.. stay in Tahiti, Dec 22 lu
ans. to "Bu!Cy". Please J an 5th. Call Ba rry
call 892-51.38 . 97!HOl7
l o..teoll•
last: Siberian Husky, 8
mo. old fem .• ans -to
"Sam '-' Call 548-1249 -llAM·2AM 835-3749
Found: Black Lab male.
wearing red bandaoa.
Black long haired Lab
male. Yellow Lab (nale.
Newport Beach Animal
Shelter. 631-1030.
conr.adential counseling &
refmal. Abortion. adop-
tion &c keeping. • 'APCARE 547-2563
Eaeorh & Modets
75'2-8708 or MS-5293
-24Hours -
MA SSAGE w i th a
personal touch. Com e to
the Olympus Health Spa.
~ Pacific Cst Hwy.
N.8. Beautiful girls to
serve you. 10A M-4AM.
llESC'ORTS OUTCALt'tMLY Days.•• ......
"J~CK" the Ripper.
.• '61-2111 •
Are ~ • bullw men ~--CID a bualnesa trip! 'travelln1, convention-.
or nd • rep for tr•ctt lbow? ar.nda -..9908
Of your cho1rc fro lT\open
minded c.-ouples to poten·
tial marnaite partneri.
fast & safe throui.:b So
Calif's largest & most un
tque Dal. Serv IOO(fs of
proCs from doc1or:-. to ex
ec:;. Womt-n JOm free PM
Dal. Serv. 17l4 >636·7572
Trav.t 5450 •.......•..........•...
I will pay your 1.w i. for a
dally nde btwn ~'l.n \'ly &
S Pa.~adcnu !)6:!-1009
Fo r sale . 5 Amt•r1 can
A1rline ':: fun• couponi-.
$rlO e11. 640 265U &= ...... -att .. ":! . .....................•
lllltnlcffoll 7005 .......•...•..•........
Oassical guitar inst. Tcllr
wtBA. MM. ;?yrs Spain
Concerts: Europe & l.JS
Call Bill 642·27 l.5 $!Ohr.
Joba w-.ca. 101 s
ACCOU1'<'T.\:\'T ~t·\lo'J'lOrt
Hearh. Sm all natmnal
C P A fo' 1 r m , l' 1• k !-
cert 1r1 cd ur cand1datt·
v.1lh 2-4 yrs CXJ)t:rll'nC('
cit.her tax or .:l·m·rnl a1·
counting. Wr.rl. 1n
!>Umulallng & dcma nd
in~ work cnvironml;!nt
Send resume tn Ll'l>ln
Witte & Co 1n1 Oovt• ~t
SI.lite 105. N.B. 92bl.ill
,\dmin Prof A<llt'
S.gru( alt IO(' JI t I t
Own bui-. M l\t
mg :i1m:mt. I ntl loi·al
SIOO refund. 1n~'''l
557 ~
If you 're younJt, conh
dent & ha ve the ab11Jty to
trunk qwckly and a rc
looklng for a gcnerou,; in
come Call now $40-4023
ttwn9&l. Mr. Stone.
AltlWftWMJ s.r.lc•
PBX;/fer ator!I for a te le p ne ans wering
servi< <' experienced or
•••••••••••••• ••••••••• wtll train. Full tame or
SecretariaJ'work. eves & part Ume shifts a\a1la-
weekends. Ro:w Marie. ble. Days, afte rnoon·
642-2427. ext 265 evenings or graH· ~ nrd ----------Must be able to v.•ork
Tra ve Ii n Ii!. Co m Pa some weekends. T~pini;e
ruoo /Secretary Position 3S wpm. reqwred. Many
_w_a n_tcd_· _. E_lla_· _4~t-21il:W . <·o. benefits uv111lablc
Orange . County mCj!r 11(
electro mt.><:han1ral pru
duct.-. L' '('l•kJOA lralOt'\''
for da) i.tuft to a~semt>lt
t'lt't1 rornc i.~1tchl':> & dti.
plays Apply m per:.on
Molter SpKialitles
1640 ;\lonro\la, C ~I
6"2 2AZ1
1-.: CJ E.
l.i:;idmR 0 C ekct run11'
mnru ('(o ha:-. lhl' folio ....
mg requir1•m1·ntt.
Preclsioft Au~~,.
Wtll ~'>t'mble P C LI d ,
lrom .i..:. y DWG s or
:.chemall<'' Must knov.
resistor color <'Od•·:-. :it 1 I
cn<'OdtnR 11( capal'llOr:..
wire rouUne & cable a:-.
:-.embly. A:.sernbly ol
coo.nectors & cnmpmg
<-o nn ertor p in :.
Knowled l!e of NASA
Soldering Ability t o
Bakt-ry Salt!s. f·ounlvr
hl>lp ~ed !"! day wk
Mw;t have t•ar 53'i 9595
Banlong Opportunity
Cdif. 1st._. has i•
11Wdiat• opetMIUJl ill
OtH" N~wport /H.,ftt·
&p.t-. pmefnd. bvt
will trai11 indi•idtlal
..,, /ttff"Y cashifl' n ·
per. If hired we witl
M9d you to ow tr•
inCJ ceftt•r o ft full
.....,,o .... pm
Wed. thrv Friday
2001 Midleholt Dr.
-.. air,.ori I
""-· C4111f.
learn wave solde ring lm-2606ext. 1380 ;:.:i=m s y rs . ex CALIFORNIA
............ /Solder..,. FIRST BANK Must have a minimum of
I yr ... :-.ol d~ran~ •. , EOE. MtF
pertence w~~ be r ... Banking
qwred to w1ri?. 'l.oldt'r. Southwe5t Bank reqwre!I as~e!l'bl~ & .£oui· h up Bank Teller:.. Noles &
PCQ ~-Some trainin1-: Collert1ons Clerk · &
P•·rmanent. part t11n1'.
hghl typing, Will """ .,1der Trainee l:all for
Mutual Savini.:' & J,o;in
<.:omn;i 1frl 1\1 a r
Mr <.:onopa:-.t fi7$ .)1)111
l:;qual Opi>or 1-;mplyr
liANl<lM i
t:olumb1a Saving:-., a proi
l{n -s:-.1vp organ~l>(tn
ti....., l(TOwth Op!)OrtUOltll.''>
avwlablr m 1ts Anaheim
adrrun1slrat1ve ofr1cei.
1llew pos1tmn:. orft·r a
~utiful work environ·
ment. l09 salary a nd out-
litandJnl benefits includ
ing den\al. company
peJd career apparel and
free parionR Typmg of
35 wpm a nd gootf
C'Ulltomer relabOfUI skills
are req1.1red. Six months
S &L o r banking ex·
penen<'f' 1s preferred.
bul '"'' .. 111 train the right person ~·or an 1nterv1t!w
appmntnrent. please call
Mr., M ait w cl l jj l
Hetp Wanted 71 00 Please call Mon 1-'n
••••••••••••• •• •• •• •... Fashion Is land a rl'a Cana Me:.a art'a
pQ61.lloo.s avail abo Aµ Hookket>pcr for t heir
pl) a t . • MIS..'>100 \'ll'JO de t:t Tom COU.titiia Sa•incJs
Molter Spe<u1ttitt branche. Plca.-.e t·ontJct and&.o.. AssociatiCMt ACCOUNTANT · Orange
CPA firm ha:. opeomR
for rollcge grdd. Mus t be
CPA candidH\c Salary
AJrport area
Call 543-4230 1640 Monrovia Joan Gore 494 l)tiOO l:;quaJ Opportunity
Cot.ta Mesa. 9'..!627 E O E Employer M 1 t ' :ir F E OE
open. 71Hi34·87~7 or send(•--------• __ 11-1~-24-~L _;~~.------.-;.-.-.--'·--------· I Barber Stylist to ~n-a~c
I part·t1me 631 9577 Tues rc!>ume to Gaugler & APROPO. S 1·---------W1egel I Caty Blvd Wei.t. Assembly ~ 901. Orange. CA Fashion Island
Accounting Clerk for bu11y
wr cond. firm. Must be
able t.o handle complete
acct rec.. billings and
rrm.c. office work, type
ssv.pm ~-554 1 C.M.
Oro1t9• C.oHty is
IDD i ~ AMI to ...
ROll9RT llRLF'9 accounlen'5
There a re many new
A F1n ~opea n
Des igne r Boul1e1ue is
seek1n1i: ai.~1 s tant
manager & additional
staff Salary opcon
C4 C.-ol 644-2652
for 55 units in Costa
Mesa. Exper 'd couple
Wife blt kp ft e xp
Husband maint. exp
Call 6"2·5073 or (213 l
We a r e seek ing in·
dJvidual.s for our Proehl<'·
t>on Department We will
tra in the ri1tht an·
d1v111uals m the m1cro-
eleClrorucs mdustry .
ARCJilTECTURAL SR. PRODUCTION Comprehe nsiv<' com -
Mln1mum 3 y r s ex-P8l\Y benefits including
penence David Klages & rmjor medical and den-
Assoc .. Costa Mesa tal. For tmmedrnte ron· &U-0191 saderallon call or a pply
PACKAGING. will train,
full ume. Irvine location.
Sl. hr. 540-2735
firms moving Into the l•---------1 Oran'e County are a Sierracln/ Trans,mask bringing ,about on In·
creasing demand for ex-
perienced Accounting
and Dal• Processing personnel.
Ta Acc~•twl1
Sr • .Mcnntwl1
MU llN;CM\I ......... ..,,
you are not awart of
Ule bment• of worltla•
~al)' -SJVe U.S . a
ca.LI or vi.lit WI •l our new
loc.a&Jon. We will be -hap·
PY to dUM!UA It with you. We are loc•&ed la the;
BUILDING 8'liW fM zsaa Ho. Broedway
s.t•Ana 17141NMIOJ
Pree PaJ1ttat
*50* ASSIMILlllS
flop Wages
./No Exper needed 'lAlnl Term assignment
'•'9 t '' to• I
3MI C.mpua Drive
(acroaa from
Jobri'Wa)'l'le..Airport >
£qual Oppor Employer
3952Cam~ Drive
Newport Beach, Ca
C7 I 4 I 54CMOIO
F.qual Opportunity
EmplO)'er M IP /H
Attendant to usist di•·
abled h1.111band whlle wile
wtll"k.I. M hrs per day,
Man-Fri. Salary " hn , negotiable. Live In or °"'-81M2152.
Dealenh.lp or replace.
mmt parta eaperieoce
reqW.red. can Glen at
'The L<tgUlla N1gut'I ()(
flCt.' of San D1ej!o Feder al
Sa-.mgs & Loan has d
Part Time Teller pos 1·
t1on available Apph·
t'ants must be ;iva1lable
for S days full lim e train-
mg in San Diego. have
previous castuering ex-
peneti«>. be able to type
accurately, use IO·key
adding machine and be
customer oneoted.
interviews scheduled by
a ppointme n t only .
Please coot.act
Equal Opportunity
Employer M IF /H
Related experieonce r e -
Qlired. Ap~y at closest 8ranch.
S.A./0>9ta Mesa
Mr Hiar.eaa• 979-8800
f'r1. 9-6, Sat I 9-5 t!VeS.
liJl J02R -----
Bar Girl, n1 ~hts Bur k
1n~ham P a lac·p <.:a ll
496-!WJ or 4!lfl·5471i
T I VE Mu<;t l>t:' en -
th~IJ!.Sl.ic C~LL~6 ~
Banender Personabty +
Apply 130 E 17th St
C. M 646-3664'
~er Inn some ro1r
Guar + com. 540~.
~ V1a Lido, N B.
Space l.O lease for hair
stylist & other rel:ited
services. 673-1970
St ylist & A l~1 st a nt
needed in y~tn it ag·
gressive salon Robert &
Taylor. 646-719'7
No ex p er i e n ce
necessary Mus t be
avu 1labl e days &
weekends. Call ror appt.
Beverage Controller
Experi-ence 1n hotel &
restauranl prere rr ed.
lh. 1:1.~ to 5 Mon.-Fri.
Cllll for Bppt &4~ 7358
Full-lime. n«-a l UP.·
pearan ce . M aste-r
Bluepnnt. 234 Fischer.
C.M. 540-9373
ASSlt41LlaS •
~ cla1ly 8 \0 4. or c&ll
fOf' .ppt. LeFlell Mf .. Q).Jibrine deDt. ~, ...
••.Jt.lt r.ol:. '•
IOGllC•• .._ udilb.ed wuu f\IJJ
c lur1• p t r 10• t ~book.I lrvl
a rH. Nice b ou T UG.IDD. Call Jeri L.ynn, ••a. SneUlaa •Snell lnl ol Newport Bearh
A&tot'Y, 4MO Ca m pua
A/P SllO
............. ,, .. .. -:z::re · NHllll ..... .. .... . , .. , ....... .. .... ,. .. ....... ......... .
ftllll•W..-M e11 ..
...... felt fer tllle ,., .......... .. ... ' ..... ..
er41•9f'f· Ye• c•• ........ ....., .. ........ c-,.
IOCMJJ..4J4 I .,,._,.,__.._awe• S..--.lc:H ...
l:h r1a t la n Co mp,
n1on1 ltouaekeeper for
t!ldt!r ly wom an C M
L iv e Jn. C ar p ref
FllCLEll ~m •::.r..· .. t ... ........... .
.... .. .. ,.,,. 1'
llllt• fer f lll•t ••4' .....-.................. s.. ..... ..
,....... ......... lleO~CM
...... ......... W .:.O.E
.. ,. .. ,.._ Y• w• --'--• t I • o.tlHypt1l. perman.nt ...,..., w • • I ..,. pc»!Uoo. ao towpm. ad
C ..... ~ .... ,..~.... efflct wurtdnl cond • blfMfltl,
'-llM et .... t..e. a&att "60, ~ frl,t•m· •••·C•ah M••• lpa\.,,.mo_. __
~. a.ERK TYPIST, lmmcd
~ ln c:ooatructlon o. ...... , s,ertl•t ~ major developer. 1d
.... c.e ..._ ,_ • oo beMf'lta. Od typin1
C df ltfflH 1twtl119 ~· UU.01 eJll ·-
......, _.. wtst 11"'1 Goll Club S to taae fr ..._...., ,.. ... Hll 11-lper. m ornlnaia for
.._ ._..___1_ pvt club M4 :wo4 ...... -_..,...-....... ---••Ltw•. ~lece student to traln
~!~!.~ ........ c. 92704
r7 141H7·tlll
Equal Opp Em pl y r m 1r
aor Wlcin1 tr pon1on con
trol .,,e adble s chedult'
approx 7 hn d&ly Sun
thru Thu~ XJnl 1tartlna
pay J.or1 s Kitc he n.
979 0747 aft tOA M ror
Great beoettt.a locl\ldlnJiC
dental a nd Ch n s tmai.
boftu,a. offere d to In
dlvidu.aJ w1lb ll1bl book
keep&ng uperleoce. Call
Ml·llMl Dralle Persun
nel, 4121 Westerly Pl are,
Ste 102. Newport liu cb
100% free to aJ!phcanl •;. 11r /Oeshp,., O.ERJCAL
Career opp ortu nity TB.1.HS-Wll TrM
available to taJenled in· Please see our ud toda y
dlvidulll with mght con· under &nltinii. Colum
t.rol &storm design back· bla Savings.
F/llme. Apply ~tween
3pm·5pm , Mo n thru
Thu rs . Coco's , 4647
MacArthur Bl, Npl Be~-
Book Store Jlelp Wa nted,
f /lime apply a t 8
Dalton, No. S, Fashion
b land, NB.
Brick.layers helpc>r. full
lime. Must ha ve o wn
t ra ns .• d e p e nd a b le
iJ'OWV1. Apply in person~~~~~~~~~ with r esume & wo rk ' ---
Now Interviewing for
675-3175 ;
samples to Mr l''uenles ---------al Robert Bein, Wilham Oen cal
N o e xp e ri e n ce
ne<'essary. Jo'ull lim e.
permanent poe1t1on. Ex
cellent benefits Apply in
persoo or call IUSIMESSIS
We need good help
•Assem blers
1 •OH1ce
Experienced & tr a inees
M.acCregor Yat'h~. 1631
Placenlia. Costa Mesa.
Cafeteria Emp loyees,
da ys , s a lad exp e r
helpful Good b<>nefils
Call for appt. 731·5100.
experienced from ers. 4 714-493-7435
Carpet Cleaner. Mus t be
experienced with truck
Unit Good benefits NII.
""OIJl & Assoc. 14-0 l Qua i I
St. Newport Beach.
Oeaning Helper, AM on-
1 y , $4 .5 0 p e r h r .
Brookhurst & Atlanta
Loe 968-:M54 or 536-671!0.
Securities p r ocessing
den for Fashion Isla nd
I nves t m e nt F i rm .
Processes new In vest
rnents involving bank de·
posita 4' detailed folJow
up. Investment or bank
ang expenence helpful
Insurance Co. near ()('
Airport fl}ltry level pos 1
twn U 1tht typin~. :n•"Jhr
wk, $550mo. 833-MSO
· O encal CA.I WA.SH 1 ResponKlble person to CA.S .. IYt • learn oHit·e i.upply bus1
lmmedlate employm e nt nt·!>~ Challl·n111 ng &
avail. i''or inlerVlew 1·all J>l•·lli.a nt "'''rk lk:ar h
&44-MSO ~at.Jonl'r,, 4U4!tl t. :unµu:-
CA.5Hl ER need ed. ful I
tame . day ah1fti.. ,.;,.
perienced or will t ra in
Apply at St andard Shoes.
3077 S. Brist ol, C .M
l>r N B
Gro-.'Ulg Thnft & Lo.tn 1i.
loolung for 1nd1"1duJ b tu
fill entry level clt>m·al
pos1t1o na. Must have
good matb background &
typana alulJs. Plea sant
appearance & out gomJ(
penoruwty a must. Xlnt
henef'its & workin2 r•1n
d 11 S a l ar y 'o m
m •· ri i. u r a t e w 1 I h
flW1hf1catioru. w .. 1.1t n n
T hrift & Lo an . ~1io11
lla r bnr n t vd cu~t il
Me.a 645 3lS3.
C1erical he lp f.'art/full
l im e f''le x .1bl1> hri.
Collt'ge 11tuden t s OK
7t4/646 lf!Z)
()penanl(s no w 11va1lubh· ror full limo i.s11111ln nt
managens on 2'nd & 3rd
shift. N<> experience nee
We train. Start S3 10 to S4
per hour Advi.ncemrnl
OIJl)Ortuni l y for ma nag c
menl pos1Liof\ll to ~ 50 ---------1 per hour lf quuhf1ed l''or <.'Lt:RICAI.
more lnforma Lion & In
lervlew. 4~·9950 or c all
714/537·4840. Will In
terview on Saturdays by
appoint.me nt.
Equal Oppor Employe r
<luldcare for l year o ld.
l ig ht h o u 11e work
weekdays I 5pm. Mes a
Verde area. Call Ml l324
per mo. ""ee rm" bd, 1
yr. experience, complete
care (or 3 yr. old d1Ud,
lff to me111ls, clothes.
IDIUJMn tr behavior, a c·
company child to school
• other act lvl Uu
Generally meet child ·a
~· an1wer phone tr 4loor' bell. T ake ad to
-..eareat Employm e nt
·Devel opme nt De p t.
S>QT .. 301.67'J.IOIO. Ad
by employe r.
Wllh "Without Sii
Lona "ahort l.4!Tm. holl ·
day & vacation pay.
llo8pilalliallon ahll• .
,,,._..,.,, •• ,.,,, •••• , •• t .
L 14M741
U YoU 're not readln1 lhe !Ml <:amput Dr1 ve
,Dttle ads In Clu s lficd1 (Aeroq from aou·re miaaing a lot or John Wlll)'lle Airport>
• 'llewly Information 1111 Equal ()ppor l:mplofer
W l • eome great buy1.4~~~~~~~~!"'l
Hurry! Immediate openlnfa
WILL learn various phaaea c4 store
oper ations. L ots of customer contact.
Apply tn person 1·8pm Weekdays or
tMpm Saturday le Sunday
Fml.' •.. JiM ...... IW
C.-...... Clll.
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F'
AHt &p.ditor
Seekmg mdt'v1du3l with
clenc al experience ond
som e keypunc h Hl J:h
s chool g raduate with
math background. Ex
eel.lent opportwut y
Compre he nsive c om
pany benefit!> including
major medical and d c•n
taJ For 1mmcd1a lc rpn
s1dera uon. call or uppl)'
JOO M111s1on Vu.•Jo
Mall Dnve
Equal Oppor l'~mployer
Cook/rught, exp . natural
r oods res t a urant.
Mathers Kitchen. 1750 S
Coa!Jl llwy, L B 497 3730
Oppty for permanent
full lJml' pos1t1on work
lfllt m bU.'IY xerox pholo-
l'llPY bu111nt'11S. 1-;xper
h<'lprul Thl' Copy Sl op
751 1060
\ '01111ll'r hl'lp. m aturt,
"llTW llt'WIJll( knowh•d lo(t• $ierracin Transm~sk n •q SJ to llr. C u l l
lr73 31412
~nuupu .. l>r"r
:-0.t'WllOr\ flc•11 r h \' •\
'71 41 540.6010
t-:..1u•I \ ~l'l"'r1 umt \
1-'.mvlt•H'r M • II
0.t:RK )-.ntr) l<"\ .-1
po 1t1on 1'1 u.-.-~> 1n
YOlcel, usat • an vu.ot
&ng duUes. light I\ P'Jl~
handle mail ~7639 A
K.end.a vu In E 0 E
(.1..ERK general ofr f1I
1n2 n eat a pJ*aranl'•'
I u l l t 1 m ,. M tt 'I t ,. r
Hlu.11>nnl, 2.34 f'1111 hn.
C M ~!m3.
Min 50 wpm ge n f)Hl<'P
Slulls, apply tn perllOn
t-;ou:R IN DU~'Tlll Y.S
21111 Dove St. N H
A1·r0811 from 0 C A1rpt1rt
l'oontn lll'lp I" T Will
lrum ('nm•~• <.'lt•Onl'I'.
Nr\01••ft l~·11rh !>44 (~13
\ '1111111t·r 111•1µ for l>r y
t11•mlt'r ( i1ttiJ l\r~ < ioo<l
,._~ Hill 6' l't1'l t1rn,·
\"<ll..l'l.I:: WANTt:;U to
hdp llliUUl&e i.m bUSI·
nl'b5 part ume. Must be
walling to learn 6'2·2247
Cui1tod1ans. F u ll t ime
l><r y.,, M en Wo mf'n,
C1t'l t11 M1"1a N P wprt
Area IJ S ('1t111•n rNJ d
< :n II ~.12 flMll S4 hour
Night CU11lod13n nPP1ll'<I
liy llwitlngton Bt-ar h Ci·
ty &:hnt>I Ol"t S-117 $1142
d P p c nd1 n l( o n ex
1>t·n cncc 7" 141h St
llunt lk'h Ca II 531i·93:.!'J
At the bank where your
talent pays off ....
1,r•111111y 1'111 1111 N111tnr1.1I 11.rir• 1 "1·k1n11
Ct1 ... r k f'rrn r·• •,11111 l'111fo • 11111.11 It• p.1t1111(l.1h•
111 1111• f'1t>v1•topf111•11I 111111 1111ph 1111·1•t,1l11111 111 .t
• tit11 111 1111 ,111 ( .111 f ~ 1'1111 t '·\llt'I '1V',lt m
1111r1t•1 IHM C:I'( '' 11•.11111 11\'lO Mlf II fl1•,1f'11 r
!.ortrr\ All 1111•.rlfflf1't ''"' r ,.,, 1•ll1•11t 11nt1•n1 .. 11
"" H(lvllfll 1'1111'111 HI ii l1t(llltl'f ,., p.111111110 ,)rNl
It" w 11tl 11<, 1111• fJPfl'lllt1r11ty 111 •,fllv1· I r>fllf)ft••
p1ohl1qp· '11'.tl•v••ly r no· f'l1vlllllllll••llt
HH l11tff'<, lh1,1I 111·11 •. 11n<lt•1 MV!i 1•,Q·<;Pf
VSf\M ancl IM', -
R1•1.11111r<, ,, m111111111111 of ii y1•,u<.rxp1•111•ncew111!
i1om .. Cnrrk Prnc ''"''"'' h.1ckQ1011nd
RPsrions1b1hltr\ 1111 l111lr• p111lf'< I p111nn1nq
sysh'n•'t .tnaly~·~ 111111 <lP<i•11n 11o< 11mf'nl11t1on
rO<J1n~ ;in<1 f'1Pvl'IOtl•flQ 1nfMJr,11e o tf'SI plnns
Tnl' nos11to n rtQ1rn1•'l .l ~Hong hA<;kq1011n11 1n
BAl 11s w1111 111 0000 commun1ca1ton a oo use1
1ntcfl11cr "'"'"" pt11s ,.·,f)ftrionco 1n M v o l the
tollow1ng AI PA!> CPCS SOllwBre 011lk r 111ng
POD F10111 AnAlyS•S or 1890 SCI tnnguaqe
AeQ111rfl11 11 m1n1m11m of 2 y1•11r~ proq111mm1ng
l'•fM>rtence with hrnvv empn1111s on BAL SCI
111ng1111gt> C'llPfrtPncP 11 h1gti1y des1111ble
Posiroon respons1 b1lrtofl'I 1nr1110!.' p1og111m
dl'S1gn C'Od1nn rnh•O•lllNI lestmg 11nd
eollwM! documM IAtion
0 11"hf1Pd r "nrtrl1All'S pr Pnse sY'n(1
rH11ml' 1nclud1ng &11f111y n1sto1v 10 •
AD' I Mptopttnt Dtvtlton
,,, No. INnd ""· ~.CAt1201
-=uNTY MC..c UM(
. -,,,..,,.,...... ---~, .. , . ,
s.rtint Goads 3!00~ .... ood s.e. .... Ca '2704
Equal()pp E mplyr m t r
Day help needed full or
part lime Apply 4! to ~
McDonald 's, 20362 Ue 11ch
Blvd.Hunt. lkh.
$850Mo. IWR ORESSl':k T ht'
r ---------~ ln!lustnnl I
I f y ou don 't I
wa nt to work
f ull time, don't.
T"m 11 o r a r v
a 11" I I! n m " n t ~
a va llahlr fnr a dav
w1•1'1( month o ~
18 or over . own Lri1n,. ---------1
Dut1et1 to mrludt> i-:x
lendln2 1nvo1cea. typing
N>rrespondt:nCt'. handl
1na phones. & r ect-pllon
klbby Must be attrac
l.JVt'. WIKood personalit y
I MX1 ht'rw & good potc>n
t111I w l(fllWlOg C<>
l l<tir Handle rs m Npt
Bch 1.~ now 1nterv for
exper hJ1r dre:.i.er &
man1 Cllt>nl(•I\' prP(
Good bene & 1trc·al 10<'
S&2 H484 N u r11 p e r1 e nt'l'
n••f'f''"Jrv Top 1>a.1o
p.nrt v:iration' 4 30 9pm. Mon 1-·r 1
5310811 l'a ll bt -..n J!I
l.>t:llvery 1'1T1m l' A M
L.A. Times SIUO p1·r
week J.11guna lical·h
Frwy Auto. 26242 A' t·r>
DEUY ERY · Earlv /\ \1
auto route . Wa ll Stn ·Pt
Joumc l 5 day "-Cf•k . Sm
car reqd 89'.! 6566
Dental ffrt·l'plloni.,l for
plca'lanl 2 1lt>1't11r 0 H 1t·1·
Irv. 552 4711
0 R T 11 0 ll 0 N T l ('
('llAJHSJD .. : /\SSl'\1'
It U !\ p r d A Ill> I y
~.16-517(). 7~ OH>l2
11 1': "1 T f\ I, It I''. <' .. : I'
I I 0 N I~ 'I p 11 r t t 1 rrll'
111..-Clt<el lo ,J!ISISl full 111111
rl"<'l'pt A'lk for C.irlJ
F\ill Ume cha1.r11de. X
ray lie. r eqd. R D.A
p ref. Be ne ofh~red
Sa lary open wk d ays
642-MSO. e vt:s&wk ndi.
l~I Bu.,IOMS /\!'11\1,I
CJq>t:r d, 1-· V area
exper'd Progrt-MlllH! So
Lag u na o f <' U r
Petersen, 49!1 4545 or
Dent.al Aas1stant, 1·xpn·11
1cludei. 2 eve11 & Sal /\ M
C M. 646-24 t I ask for
Joyce ------
MWJt be familiar w ith
mad ne shop t.o design &
draw cutting tools. s mall
dies & machine part.'I for
liCn?W mar bJne & M C
lalh ea. S a lary com
mens urate w ith e x
perien ce N u mt>rou ~
benef1L11 locld . fuJly p111d
medical & dental for both
you & your dependa nt:i
Newport Bearh
All Equal Opportun1Ly
Excellent car e e r op
portunlty to work in the
'Internatio nal h e ird•
quarters In 11 compa ny
deall.n1 in energy felaled
product.a tr services. In·
d lv l du a l m ust b e
lmowl~Hble"tn m.achrn ro,-. Hbrica t ing o r
hardware. 5 Years ex·
p e rlence 1n e le c t r o
meclwllcal design, will
check en110eenn& draw
l n g s r e la t in g t o
mechanism involving op·
t I c . m a ' n~ t 1 c & l)'r'OICOliic 1yiitems. We
olfef' excellent be11ef1Ls,
wa1es • a creative en
v-aro nmenl . C onta c t
Per sonnel 557·9051
J:lomemakera. We nffd
'9opl't availa ble 4·8
boun per day to help our
e&derly cltiltft.I prepare
n-11. run erranda " do Ullst bouaekeepin,. Call
tor Information Upjohn
llH ltbcart Services,
DONUT SHOP. arter·
noont.walal lhlft P rr. No e xp e r liln ce
MC 11 Hey. Pnter over z. Appl)' ln ""°"' llM ~vd.C.M
f';J.f';C THONl<'
t'.l>mpunv Im .all'fl n1·Jr
0(·1·an n1•.-1h full 11rn1·
·1 r u 1 n ._.I'" I '' r m n I i•
dJ\'IXIOfl f' • .irn \O hlh• )'1111
l1·arn MJ11y lw nf"fll"
t.:ull 1"5 ~l2
fln JWn lntl'rpuc1f1r lnr
lWJ t~ Mt f''adden A\'t'
(.Ill lnr 1nt t>r v1r w
!173 2tTT1
:~:i:~E~~. T;l~r W• ftHd:
l'e r m.inc>nt pJ rt 11m1·
p()!.1l1ori a., pn vale srhool
Rega.strar JO h~ week
days & evenings Vaca
uon & Ills Resumes ac
cepted. lmmcdiate start
So Coast Pina area of
Santa Ana Ca II Anthon)
~hools. !17~ ~
l-AJl II' ~En I \ 'IC'
t'1tv or l.aaunJ IM-.it h
SI 114 S14GIJ mt> 1-.~p in
< """' in n·i-1,11 r 1n1'
"'1••·k &. l l.al l1•\0 1•1•n
I 0'1klf'" & punt•h 1( )OU
rt'JU~ler on Oct 3151
'I Ii
fl 111.
~Sf! "-\20
R3.\ 21\2:!
\1 ...
11ll( owrhaui... tunl' u11.., ~~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!! Iv l.lr.1k1· Jiii/\ J mu..,l =
1>1.11eno\1• & muk1• rn.J)ur
& 1ru11or rt•p111r-. tu .ill < ·1
ty 'i't!IUt·als. ind bu~i.1~ ...
& tr111·k ~ /\pply 505
Ff>n •'t i\ \I' l.J guna
llea1·h IJ1·(11rt• Nov 2U
E OF: /\A
F>loort Model. f''em
lrllIISport a t1on
M.2 1571
Gt'fl I Hell>t'r lor Plw.uc~
menuf <'<>. l'\111 or P T n11
l'X:per nt'<'C'llsary Call for
appt !15.3 ~
t;t'n I J o b Oppt y ror
women JO~GS. For Info
(' u 11 R 1 t ll K y s l' f k a
~42 f;HO or 542 3577
Gt>n I Offr Rect>pt Girl
1-'nday. near QC Airport
Out•~ inr l hte t)pml(. fi~ phones. No S H
Hai.r 'ltyh!!l. bt-auty J.,, t
high fJ Sh1on N1•wpofl
~on. 1<<..od dPJ>\.'dr Jnl ,.
& lirf'n\I.' net'f'''·ar~
Mon thru t•ri . 1:11•1\l
hour.; 1;44 7&1()
llAfWW I\ R fo: C'I. .. It II.
Apply 1n pt'r)•lll. 1<11111
Hard..,.iri· 1024 lr\'1n ..
1\\,. '"°'''t~hH f'IJtJ ,
~ tt
~lt>aJlh foud \lOH' nl'e<b
clerk, full lime Exper
prd <All S48 11537
liobtt',.. & w 3 llrt'"'''
Wa nted f'ul l ur P T
!Fd)'l> & f:\l'' /\\:ul /\pp
I> in pt·rwn. no phon•·
Jolly Rol(t-r H<:!'tt
4 011 !'! Cu.i ... t ll w \
H 11 t" I 1-. X E ('
HOL~ El\ F: t-.1' .. : It ~a n
Clem .. nte I nn 12\ W
'.vf'n1da t::.pland 1Jn
San Clem
HO US E C L EAN£ R !-.
5'-$4 50 hr + 8onU5 Will
lral.n Fu.11 • p rr Adv an
cement Op ply Mu1t
Have transporta Uon.
... 7090
Hc~~·leanen. S4 SS ~r
hr pa.id vacation Full &
P T W ,. f' k d a > ~ t• r
wknds ~·4 lfJti
n1•\ 1·r ;, 11·1·
SHlr~ CU<S
f '.ti I 111
f urr11•ln l otl•\
ln1n ..
l ]J.1441
''llr.! lltJ'•n··--
' · .. nlPr IJri \,. ....... , •• :!!Ill
llu11t1nL!l1tn fl••d• h
147·l 4'i
><11'!7 \4..1rrwr \\•'
~..tnta An.1
t5J..O ll 0
71'i "J .\fain
f r n II& R Ah>t:lt
La,iuna N1iruel
l ll.OS42
715 N Main
fl n ll&R Rl0< k
0 Hiff•
I-lflf,Jf <)flriorttfflll \
liousPkeepc>r bab) "tltt<'r .. mpfll\ • r 111 (
~ 9 t.o !> Mon thru "'-----------' I' r I J S t' h 0 fJ l d I( l' _
children ln1nl' J rl'll
Own 1·ar Ret~ SJ2!i \0 k
~ beod 1t~ CJ ll KJ.1 OJ 15
llooM'kttper hvt' In "'
ttt Kid!>. !I. 11. 14 N H ~3361 •
' lb.lseJl~per for Sunday
& Monday only F'lex1bll'
hrs, lovely atm05phere &
exceJJent work1nl( cood1
lJon5 m So Laguna Call
Dectrorucs co n~ Jst •
.t.rt.lcle tnS~l.'lor. Use 11 II
1ns peN 1on hand tooh
l'Omparat.or. knowled~1
'' Y14 5 desired Min ~ yrs recent e xper. Onl>
qwihht..od pe~ons net.'<!
a pply Xlnt. wor k1n f'
rond & benefit~ Com•· 11
or call
1-· F. WeaH'r. 3839 Birch. llou sek e e pt r wa ntt>cJ ...._~~1..MJ..,,. ThlJI dynamw company N B s.56-8550 ,,_....,.. -..--.....
ol( ( ------2dys wk. l::xp & good 1640 Monrovia c u u. enng you ;, ulurt• · "' without worm.'!> tr )'Ou l GIRL FRIDAY General worker. rer Own c.u 642.2$27
hJt"e t'flrrow cxpeneni·i· 1l nce wo~k P\Jll + pan 6'4·Ul4laft 4pm E o E
thl•y v.1ll train you 111 th•• lime E x c t'llent o p HOL'SEKE EPE R t MAID ln5ta1Jer , Ptr. needed for
1· 11 111 p l ex wor ld 11 r portwuty to get office n wanted Best p ay & fr metal partrt1on installa ·
financC' Grow n1p1dly & penence Typing " must inge bene an Npl Br h QC XI
nam t~~e your l t"rlln " Call before noon .Mon llOos in area. nt • _,. u "' f''n It r M Sto P r I v r m . e t c pay Should have tools & ,1 l ary f'anta s t 11· !AS or r ne 714 7S&-LSl5 4)k for Lu trans p Ca ll 9am·l 2.
bent'f1ts C11ll S5t 9041 ~3475 Vonoe 642 9937
l>rake Persunl)el. 4121 Gtrl F'r1day, full ume. no lr------------------.;..;o...
Wester ly Pl. St e 102 exper neceu. lo pay.
Newport Beach 100' • hard wor k. miser a ble
Ft-t•pa1d work1na r o nd, great
C:llALLENO E C<1up lt>
wanted to man aae small
bus iness, pa rt t im e
Must be a m bitiou s &
willing to le arn Cal l
549 7~. ----
bee.ff•• Sec ..,
llus1nest1 compote r l.'O. in
Ui.guna IDs requires J
sec y w 1o ut s t and1n11
lkil1s & enlt'rpnslng a t
t1t ude . Xl nl salary .
beneflla & ruture. Ca llf
8ulluleSs System s, Bob
Grote. 581·~
f'abrtcator & Ins ta ller .
F\Jll t ime for sign &
mi1lbox ro ~
Paid Weekly No Fee
Tt1 ... eraoy s.r.fcH
111111 Bullneu Ctr Dr
lrvtne 752 ...
E.0.£. M/F
ruture Apply 776 W 19th
St, Costa Me:ia -----
Needs Bea uty Consul·
tant.,, Oppor to cam top a ·s w/lhe ra.,teat grow
Ing Cosme t ic Co . We
earn extra •
dollars in
CALL 957 ·0496 Ev=~!~u~!PIC your spare
can be run work Not dul~ Im e a or routine. Your good
work 15 appreciated by •
art.l.SL'i St.a.rt al 13.50 br. M '
l'iex.able sclledW.e. Check e rvy n s 1t out Ca ll Lerry at
751.Ql6, IO South Coul
f\ill time poaltlou
Irvine • Aoabeim. TOf
salary. IQc reue In 90
dQs. Benieftu. Uniform
allonDce ol PIO/year.
11\Jll • P•rl Ume. All
a r eaa . U n i f or m s
furnis hed. Alts 21 or
OYW. R.eUred weltotne .
No eitoerteftce nee. App·
lY UnlveraaJ Protection
Ser vice, 1228 W. $th
Strtoet, Santa Ana. In·
wvtew hours t-12 ft 1-4
Man thna Fri •
applications are now being
accepted at all Mervyn's stores
rt time openings. days and eve-
nings. arc available 1n sales and
stock work during the Ch ristmas sea -
son .. Stop by our Credit Off ice and ltll
out an app11cat1on fo r employment.
No expe11ence is required. and there
are many flexi ble work schedules
a v a1tab10
Mervyn'1 l1 very proud to be 1n'
Equal Opportunity Employer
--·------· . "' .. --..... ·--.
tw.'WmtM . 7100 ~ .................. .
~:'!.~ ... ~ ... ..?! ..... -~~ ..... ?!!! ~~-~ ... ~ ....• ?!~ I ·~ •DIATI
~~~~mp. MAJDs neecW, 1 t••· 0:..!..'1;,~~~ PAITTIMI ~Tab al 1H»rny. l h1U-tlme. i.·~ .... Actor. QP8.11111.M!l. lweM~. A 1oea1 So.. ....... a .-UC• Actr uu1 NO EXP 'W~
Qilil. '-dh.,. clWo .. MAIHT'IMA.NCS Hao Nl:C &auptlonal =-:..'T:=--· LA. bu-4 S61. hu ID
• l•ternte4 l• llealt ..._.. ruu ume. A'Pt C1Y't11r ~tJoo for D.a..11y N.OT -1 ... ln Or ...... Coun·
_...~ .. Qi ~·ee bwldlnt ._ w '° bft•' ,... - -ln ~•ad*' *-&tJ.CM ~.Npt.8dL loto •o• tt /l'Oftl· to,,.,, ..n.n lo San ty for• mature In·
liJ'fJIW wb a IJ'OWIAI ClO ..... 'l'tilel or vu «N awttl&U lTl·IOIO Sm J"*L C:.lbcruo Ueat'h, clvldual ••th recent ex· ~ISS•.mt ilrablt. I.aper D«'t IH. Screen Arllat DUl& "Polet , Sa n l*imcelnlaborlaw,ln· ~---Loe. ...._ ..... . Cltmealt aru Mu1t t • r v I • w In I • n d
Tiie Place r or ~ Mftll9ll have 1ood drivlaa re aftlrmatlv• action
&vW')'bcMl,y. MAlNT. WOMER 111 * .....-.... * cord, lar1e 1Utlon l\idellna. Selected ap "'•u _,, 1 ----......... -va .. u l 1fllcant will aulat ....._.,nk d~rt ._, .. ---" ,.. llCOIT a W&IC>fl -... u our 1 Jranc , __ ,.la ,..,._. ~llJN/mo t:xp.. ln CA_I ill&• •vtct P•Y + m l lua• •I· tervle~'fnll\1.·-~·~~~Y~~ ~-....-... dfe.. ~. IM1181• lowaou CaU H•rry llllD V.U., haa opalna lllt • ln\c.&l.tio. 1,-.wcna •Ml .. Jll I • s.&eyat couaelln1. ex t In ·
for ru. ct.tL. Earelkftt ne~•u•ry RequlrH 641•4)21. t•rvtew1, and 1ome
1111.,...tttmsn& • u.lary lkUia bl u.ee ot varloua MOOlls.alCOITI dericaJ dutJea. Mu1t be
C&U ~ Ml-llll. ocmtr ' coauu. equip • Allr'ldJ¥e (eftUllN Olli)'. p ART TI .. E at t r ' w 11) I 0 I l 0 ,tr. v e I ,__, ·-.... m-'--•"P __ ... ..... .. -aMltlvat.ed fmt ofc ailrl (mlleaae pa d > a nd INSUUNCS • ~ ._ ..... _ U1 ...... .. -·• +. -· l. aperxl ooe day per week ti~\)' At&U.t Ex AilPIY JOI Fons& A~e ' ~tl'.. ~:f:s t!! in our L.A. rmln oltlce. t: net" min. 2 yn l.Alwoa .. acb bt'fort' N'll StA "'"• Th.La la a.o excellent op-
1 ... u.~ .......... 1 . v1nt Nov.• im. dye.&MO It f I -.. ...,.,.... " •o IA.. ~fta IOUTI portuo y or an n· btooe. J ........ IJl&W'ance, ic. "· .....,,_. Part·timelndept&tores l2 divictu.al with alx monlhs
lrv. Call 8obbM Dodie. ~ DAILY PILOT rout.ea ln hr• p e r wk $ 8 h r to one year experience. ~E.0.g STATE OY So La1un• Is Slln (T1UlllfM4218 We olfer an attractive
CAUFORNlA Clecoenle now avafiable ..... ~ .... saJa"' o( around l.NSUllANCE MemoM delivery Woo Part-time, earn S!OO-$.'IOO $.i2K.""looo ~wt.h poten· S M S I 0 0 I . ~S~R.f!'TtON day Uv\a Fr\day, morn IK'r week r egistering tial and outstanding ... /SICRIT A.It Toll Brldae Service and inil &atunt.y ft SUnday · votcr.1 to help qualify the benef'its package. Pie use
Nwpt Bch lnJ Atency Mair:aman~ Worker II Ex<.-.lltnt eamlna• fo r Llbertanan Party for s ubmit r esume with
bM lmmed openinl for Sala.ry I.I $1.290 to Jl .4 l.S Jw.t a fflW hours ol your v :a Ii d s lat us Ca t I salary history 10 con-
penoo w/e.xper ft aood per monLb Will he 1ac day Nominal cash de-llM-1908. lldenceto:
11111111 Great t1n vl ron ~ 11ppliullons uo posit required. Ca ll PAJtT T•uE Boxf605
mt:ftt. pay 6 benefits lil November 7, 1979. For 6'2..:121. Alk for Foster ...,... c/o'The Daily Pilot, P.O
Call Dick Crowell (714 ) ft.11'\ber information call Ouellet. MAHUfACTURING-&x 1560. Costa Mesa.
557-&34 Ouu-Joue Coeulicb <213 > MUISI AIDIS With k>t.i of work to do & CA. 926216. ~lll02 .. E.O.E. orders to process we are F.qual Opportunity INSURANCE l'\l1l time and part tJme. In need or part time Employer
Group Health ClaJms ex ---------1 CerhCicalion c lasse!l employees to fill this ~~~~~~~~~ amiotr.a.tleastlyru-MAIM'T&tAMCE avail. w / Spanis h / need . S tudent s , -
per, SaM.ty open. • Restaurant chain needs English. t555 Superior housewives . An ideal
549-1767 1 n d Iv id u a t w l th Ave. NB _ part time work situation
Insurance knowledge ol restaurant NURSESAJDES, 7·3, 3·11. is being tn~ 11\ a !01mlot
equipment. Experienced experienced or trainees progTam Wlu• our " . TYPIST /G• Ill electrical & plumbin.i Mesa Verde Conv. llosp. pany. Come In & discuss
OfcClertl repair. Good benefits. 661 Center Dr. C.M. )'Our schedule with us &
for sm local irui agency. Company truc k pro· E.O.E hours you are available
S7001mo. 540-1005. \'lded. Apply at: t.o work. We will go over n..--c.--... Nurstng/Aide Retirem·t lhejobwilhyou. Apply· lnsuran('e _...._..,.. _,,, comm, ll:JOs>m·7:30am.
Now )'OU can launch a R~ Servlu s Fri/Sat nt P /t . Pleas. at·
new career while you 2601 Daimler Street mlllip, NB631·3555.
keep your present job! ·-San-•ta•An••a•.•546--0348--•I Farmers I n s ura nee NURSING A.5S1STAN1'S
Group will train you & Management Train ee We are taking appUca-
pay you full commissions needed with background lions for posauons m our
while you learn. Before nurse tralning program
You know it you'll be ingourmetcookwarean· Housewives OK . All d tor specimen house ·r c rmking waves in a r e-plants. We are looking sh1 ls open. ontact
warding life lime pro-Dolores Brindle. 8382 for an experienced retail 1 fession . Ca ll Gene llSSOCJate who isseeking Newman Ave ., 1.B.
Dillard for full details. a career with a fast 842-5551
848-5lll. _ _ __ growing retail chain. N_W'll_in_g_P_os_·-iti-o-ns-availa·
Call 645-8777 Newport ll'e for RN'S. LPT's &
Beach l..VN's -All shifts at JANITOR
Res po nsible man /
women needed· full time
Mon.Fri. Experienced.
$5.00/Hr. !n9-~ ----
Expenenced only. 40 hr.
wt-"Ck. Company benefits.
Call weekdays IOum to
5pm. Ask for George
540-0066. ----------
Part time Sat/SUn only.
6am to 2:30pm. Mature
woman prererred. Xlnl
benefits & working cond.
Bayview Conv. Hosp. :ms Thurin. Costa Mesa.
Manicurist wanted for Capistrano by the Sea
Balboa Penninsula Hospttal overlooking the
Salon. Dee's S!!lon harbor in Dana Point
6'73-5770 Apply between 9am-4pm. Mon lhru f'ri. 400.5702
Manuf acturtng
TRAIHEES r---------, Office
We have a ''ariel v
o f 1ntcr es t1n ~
a ssij.!nml•nl s
av;iilablc Work
long & s hort term
t cmpora r )'
a~signml•nts that
fit your schedule
All office s kills
265 Briggs Ave.
Costa M csa 92626 1-;o E
Part Ume, llclp! pt-lame
eves & Sal A M. As~1:-.l
w/\Jckel sal~ tosportmi;
eve nts . $3·$6+ hr
Part lime on-call help fnr
busy ofc & resadenllal
clea(l1n~ service. Call
~9866. G~ pay __
Adults with ouLStanding.
attractive pcrsonaht1e5
who enjby working with
lod'S. Over 21 Start al
$3.SO per hour Phone
642 ·4321 , Ext 250
Jim LOIM) & Au ociatu
Youth COUltMlors
Petition Circulator
Set upur own hours. Eit·
tra cub worlong full or
Ptr. You earn f1 to $10
per hr. Must be 18 or
older. Call for immediate
job. 549-8730. Mon. Fri
9-S. S.Sl-440'7 wknds.
Photo F1n1sh1ng, part
lime ('Ustomer service
person ror Orange Coun·
ly photo rinishing plant.
Hrs. l2 noon to 5.30pm.
Mon. thnJ Frt 549-7366
Photo finish.mg, print cut-
ter for 01Jdnighl to Sam
shift. Oranl(t! County
plant an Coota Mes a •:x-
perience preferred but
will tram Larry 549· 1361) ----Plant MaU\lenance Part
t.une '3 dy wk . Veh1dt!
s upplied. Start immed
Good pay 615·5657 &
leave message:_ _ _ .
Plasuc Mixer Operator to
m1x adhesives. coatan~s
& :iealanti. Per mahlc
Pla!>llC!> Corp 1537
Monrovia Ave N B
f'CYITEHS Nt.'Cded 1-'ull
& part·t1mc. Must be ,.x
per. 645-8835
PRE-SCHOOL AIDE Lrvme. Exp preC"d Cull
Artist part tune. Fra &
Sat. Expe rience pre ·
ferred. Apply Pen·
ny5aver, 1660 Placentia.
!."!t~== ..... ?!.~~ * OM.YPflOT
R E A. L & S T A. T Mltp W_.... 7100 Hllp w.ta• 71 M
8ALlaMAN WAH'l'E -•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••·--·•••••••
EA.RN UP TO lK COM· 8-&awant SALE&lllAN AO lll&NT
MJ8810N N&T. l•Cao -TACO, SALES -ran extra~ for earn from eOK \o 11001' ZltZlri2 La Pu Road ~ •• Plalble bn. .....aq. 2-Ftnd out why Lquna IOU. Tr ...... lath*'d. For
oew llc. um bl1 ,lit lmmed opentn11 for full Coanli ~allm.1.174.
here. Collle talk with • put Ume da)' • even· nator them. 3°0ur produc · qtbUla,t.o•tM>ur: Ap· SAle9 Rip, to eaJl oo ..-..
t I I n • x P e n • I v c pl.)' In pereon 9am·llaro ader ad butlneu ac· Jand/bud•et ter0>1. 4· or ~ apm, No pboae lm."*1lat. opportunity counta few advtt'\ltina.
Pr•·Mt appta. c•lore. calla for~ lOdividuaJ Mon tllru Prt fam·5Pm. $-Jl1nd out why "we've wbo I.I dttall-orltnl9Cl 8aH r Comm.l1doa'. -U»beatt.hinl iPna" 8-auraat and eQJoYa wcrilol with ConlomlY -.na.. Wm
N.8. "ire&. Ask for Mr. Mey~rimary 1up· peopAe. Dutlet wDI tn• tnift. "-t •PPNrQCe ffoward\-.:WOZ gijerof fooda lO the c 1 ude e U It 0 I'll er •IOOde.....,tial . lrvt.ne rporale Com· ~ contact, pre· APPl1 aver. 1880
IHI ..... SIMI munity needa peGt>le for pe.raUoa of quotations Placentia ve .• Co1ta
Openlnt for u censed li.mple food preparation. and Ales orde,.. Seled.· ~-I N 6 e x p e r \ e n c e ed candidate wlll t\ave -------u e1people, locally neceaaary. Put lime l(lOd spe{llna ud 1ram· 5-.ie. ' owned, with naUonal re-. •. ft 1 ~ --•-or w ma rerraJ ayat.em Excellent ~rn1ng • a erhQP.P mar sldUa. 2·S yea.rs n· ~--man o n .. · shifts. Great ror young aide sales ex~rtence lull or part time. Ex-
wora1na condtllons. bomemallen asatudeat.a and abW-to work well = snfen-ed. App· Earn JOO% commlaslon . St h C 1· •.1 ,_ ..... r U' For cOftfidential app't. art $3.lS our a I in pre.sure altuatloiu. ... person.""" or mr. call 759.0226. Execu-Glen.~7-G2. Recent e.itperience pre-Cannon. HemphUI 's
System11 Realtors Restaunnt h:.-red. Sboes. 5t Fashion bland.
f\&U time Mon-Fri. 3S
br.s. per w~k. MuBl be
personable, w e ll eroomed, enjoy meeting
the public. No typing,
pbooe experience pre
lerred. Full co. benefila
Apply Penn.ysaver. 16&0
Placentia Ave. Costa
HELPER-needed 1m
· WAfftl:S"S We '"'er excellent salary .,_._ Over 18 yn. Apply 10 antJ beoefita including .---
~. Doo Marcet.. 547 ccmpany paid benetlts
W.:l9thSt, Costa Mesa. includini company paid
Part Ume 9-2. Mon·Frl.
Xl.n1 working cond. Full
club membership. Ex
per. not nee. l>rerer
mature woman. 1rvine
Qubhouse. 754-7500 art
l::J> Jack
deotal, medical. and life
insurance. For interview cxnact Employment Of·
..._,S YOU
med, perm part-lime., ________ _ 3131 West Segerstrom
::,anta Ana, Ca
To fill avalanche of Or·
d e rs from mar ine.
motorcycle, s porting IOOds. mot« •ports, re-
tallen. Great oppty but. we are very selective &
want confident wioner
l)1le8 only. We train ex-
pertly. Visit us fl see. CaU ..... St.one 54C)-4823,
Mon-Fri. 12·5PM. Ltghl
typing & car req $3.50
hr, student OK. Deanna
S49-M88 for appt
Recept1onist 1Genera I
o r e. Newpo rt Bft!ll
How's 8 t.o 5. 549-7!n l.
Call between 9am & 12.
Between 2·4. Ask for
Mere 557-7740 Salary
open. nex1ble hrs. Gen ·1
olfc & phones _
•R.taptioNst /SoAH •
SHARP lady for busy
front desk ' Phones. h.:ht
typing, poople oricntt.'<1
Busy print shop 110<1 E
17th St. S A. 547 ·5674
Receptionist /
Mature. s"harp person, ~1tpenen('ed as Re<•ep
t1orust. Ilea' y phont·s.
type S0 wpm . IRVOICCl>,
quotations. order!'! fo'ronl
office appearance Top
salary & benefits. Irvine
F\Jm. Mfr Call Karen.
needed. No experience
necessary. 1...Jg.ht typing
& telephone work Cull
631-4310 or apply at IOIS
W. 18th Street. Co!>ta
Mesa. Ask for Lynn.
Recept1onlst 1Full \lme .
$3.00 hr slarting. Good
appearance. 752-0lll>i.
Nr. 0 .C. Airport.
lmmediat.e optrungs 10 our famJly reSlllurant
We require no previous
experience. J oan our
rnend.ly team Come!>~ us today betweeo 2 4pm
~-19ft T t"CliMff D l'h Ma ,hi ne
CarloU:.. LagUlla lhlls
An Equul Oppor F.mplyr
Fargo Sandwich Shop
... Sales
E 0 E m lf/h Wanted young men who --···------•!will gel aJoog well with ---------· women . Ca ll Mr
Need quallfied people for
a pioneer Art Co .. an OC.
Oare for design essen .
full part lime • wall lraan
~ngt pas . avail Call
Kan'fl 848-9378 J 7pm
Pan·Llme saJes oppty ror
Chris tmas Holidays.
ea rn extra m oney
w OcAJble hrs. We will
train . no e1t p e r
nece°'sary We-;tl'11ff
Ptaz.a 642-0972. Fashivn
l.'lie &t(HiOOO --------
Thompson~. 9-1.
Sf.AMSTRESS needed for
a sport wear jacket mf~.
Costa Mesa. Call 64S-OS45
Co,.porate Head·
~t .. s
Stale wide 1nvestmenl
..ervices firm Faishwn
Island. Busy, active.
challenging, d1v~rs1f1ed duues. Good slulL'I, <typ
1ng/ s hott·h a nd I ur
ganizat1onal 1tb1Jit1es
640-01.ZJ M-1')'1 9·00.5.30
f!C('d'i lll'll\'e WOlllltn JO+ 1---------Secretary I Reception 1st Ir
you have the followm~
skllls and a strong pa:sl
work ~xpencnr1• as a
secretary I recepllonast
pie~ i.ubmit your rt!
sume Type 60wpm ac
c uratcly a nd take
shorthand prnficaen\ly
Irvine area E.0 .E. M !".
Reply Box 633 CtO Ollaly
Pllol PO Box LS60, Costa
M~a. (;A 9262'7
w.past restaurant ex per
Will train No h~avv
<·1.l0kln1t 9/\M 2P!tt Nu
~al ~un or ho Ilda.> ...
PJad \dt:al1on !-'r el'
parking H t:LI> YOU R
Apply ~ewPort·Mc:-.a In
dustnal Purk t·ornt-r
16th & Superior J t
l'omona. CM . fo'•ir 1n
ten1ew 631 304 2 ,
631 3040 Aft 5 call
Sow tunng for lull end
part Lime
a.i1t.11 TrH Lot
Apply an person. Monday
thru f'r1day at
24 FoshiOft l s&Cllld
Sales Lady for Jewelry
s tore 10 Costa Mesa
~Jt02oreves. 548·32'10
Saleslady, Mon & Wed &
f'r1 Women's apparel
shop. Lido Village. Call
Oat.sun hru. an lmmed
aperung for a secret.ar)
to work in the L.A
~on.al offc. Req's typ
ang 50wpm & S II
80wpm + l y r r ecent
secr e tarial e xpe r
Dats un offe r s xlnt
beoe6ts & working cond.
mcl 7~ workday, Upd 673-5608 -holidays, retirement
Sales: Wan ag~me nt plan It co. pd L ifl.'. Laboratory Resulu Cleric
Mun.fo)'i. Will train. $3 17
w sl.Art. Ask ror Gordon.
MachiM Operators
Newly increased starting
wage & shift bonus pre-
m1ums adds further in·
cenl.Jve to joUl our stable
& slJll Jfrllwing plasucs
rompany an the Irvine In
dus tr ial Complex.
TtaUle<.>s or experienced
m o ldin g m ac h i n e
oPCrat.ors needed on all
shills. Complete benefit
package paid by com·
pany including majo,.
Medical, Dental & Life Ins. Apply: * Typhh ·~ • Wof'dProc
hourly & s alary payrolls
thru quarterly returns.
Must have payroll tax
experience. Custom
Weave Carpets. 18480
Pacific Street, Fountain
Costa Mesa. Recept.ionat typist Must
Now hmng for full & part
timeoperung.s at location
near O.C.Aarport Val')'
mg days & hours· ld~al
supplementaJ income for
housewives & students.
Our ~ive growing
co. olfers opportun1ues
Car advancement based
on your Job
performance. Pleasant working cood. Must be 18
&over. Apply in peri;on
Trainees p /t. f I t. Medical&Dentallns.
D)'namJC, posat..ive 18 +. Ulll3Suanower
Landscaping Interior
plant maintenance, ex· perience helorul. Full
IJme. 494-01611 ,
• * * LarryWwd
Laguna Beacb
\'ou are the wanner or
265 Briggs Ave.
Costa Mesa 92626 E.O.E.
Mechanical Assembler.
Sc1ent1fic Instruments.
Must be mechan\cally in
clined. depe ndable &
conscientious. 540-0398
Co!lta Mesa.
($50.00 valu ). lo •M~hanlcal lnspec-Two forff ~kets
Coco-C tor•
Motocross Rftals 4-day 40-hr. week
Nov. 17th, 1979 2101 Dove St. N.B.
Tickets may be claimed Across from O.C.Airport
by calling 642-5678, ext .• ---------•
272 *** I
No Fee To Applicant
Specializing In
The Legal Field
• mary hickle agency
1'10NewportClr Or Nb
Ste Z4S 640-2920
C.Ome join us & work in
the international cor·
porate headquarters in a
company dealing with
energy related products
&services. Experience a
challenge of designing
devices involving optics,
magnetic & iYJ'OllCopic rnecbanism. Designs will
involve macfiined com·
*Acct a.ts
T o p pay. pa id
\ acalions, rcforral.
bonuses. Never a
f cc
~EAV IC" Eo!='
C:all or
Come: In Toda}
lll-1'4'4 1
2102 Ruo;iness
Center Or1\e
Suite 2(MJ
lluntington Beach
8907 Wamrr Aw lt215 '
Laituna Nil:tucl
27957 Cabot Road
Santa /\na
715N. Main
<Jn H&R Block
Experience preferred.
Hrs. must be flexible.
Please call for appt.
PBX Operator. WiU train
FUlJ time. 7am·3:30pm
Part time 7am · 2:30pm
S at /S un . on l y
Newporter Inn. 644·1700
Carol Cnder . E.O. E
Earn while you learn.
·Telephone Answering
Service ru11 time/part
lime. Varied s hifts •
Days, afternoon or even·
lngs. Locations in:
Ideal for students &
housewives. Many co
benefits including paid
vacations . Typing
35wpm ... E .O.E. Call
543-4230 Mon. thru Fri.
-•MTI ... G be a people person.
ir1U " R es p o n•ible & a Help wanted in web-selfstarter. Mo n /Fri
offset press room. Ex· 548-3467. Susan.
perienced & trainees. ------.-Minimum age 20. Apply .-.-.-..-.----.-.
P e nn ys a ver , 1660 RICEPT/JYPIST
Placentia, C M. Great progressjve com
PJinl.lng --pany has opportunity for
per900 to handle all vas·
itors & phones for a
small office in garden
hke selling. Gro wth
Irvine Personnel Agency
488E17th, Costa Mesa
Ste 224 642· 1470
ZJOOS.E Bristol
Santa Ana Heights
<Next to Mc Doria Ids J
Rest.au rant
Meyerho f ·s 1 n Soul h
Coo.st Village has 1mmed
opt'n.lngs for rot.mtl'r hel p
weekdays & wct>kend:-.
Call. Dan at 540-SG44
Dev alt bus inc. 557·3!062. Colta Mella, Ca ••
Opening ror J career
minded person to stan as
district m1tr 1n So.
Orange County area .
Good earrungi. whale you
learn our bus 1nt'SS
Ph o n e f or app t
I 493-6'rn
Small m edical e lect.
manuf. an C M nt!ar
beach needs an e\
penenced lady who 1!>
will.J.ng to work for a bos~
who wants things dont·
l'UU charge. small offC'.
Computer being in MHd Extra stalled .. Call: 645·0845
OwistMas MoMy?
F\Jll time experienced
press person to operate
the Daily P ilot's new
Hamadas tar 600 11 " x n ·· d uplicator flours
8.:Jl-5 30. Monday lhru
Friday. Clean shop, ex
rellent benefits. For In·
tervicw please call ;
64Z--4321. c ll t 27i
O>me to RM. Abra ms SECRETARY Ad -~,---------CataJ~ Showroom. 1819 rruruslratjve As~ist an\ Restaurant New1JOf1 Bl. C M I'll. Must be PROFJCIKNT
330 W. Bay Street
Costa Mesa
F.qual Opparturuty
Employ~r ----
Pnnl Shop-gen ore. neot.
seJl-starter. Apply 3420
E . Cst Hw y, C dM .
675·2133 dys, 551 5619
Fee prud. Lots of action'
Beautiful officl.'. Nit'c
boss. Ught typing. ~
plus benefits. Also fee
jobs. Call J en Lynn.
540-5001. Snelling &Snell·
ing oC Newport Beach
Agency, '340Campus..:_
For busy Laguna Beach
Real Estate offke. Xlnl
comml&Slons. Must h•ve
llcen11c Ask for Ruth
~ ed in shorthand & typani: FOOD PROD. ~ ~Y age want -Xlnt opportunity to learn
SUft&VISOR SAl..ESPEOPLt::. rull ronstruct1on Airport
Duues Incl planrung & time. part lime RM area . Call 549-8565
schedu.l.ang prod & de ,\ b r a m s C a l J I o j( wee«days
\Ivery of food to local cor Showroom. 18L9 Newport
poraU! commurutt & our Blvd .. <H..la Mesa S E C R ~ T A R Y
own r estaurants. Need MARKETING & SALES
bright. detail·o ril'nted SALES PERSONS C.ompany sells to hotel:-.
peraon who manages PersonalJly plus adults nauonally, JOb consists
people well & wan~ lo t o w o rk with a n d of setting up appls.
work 5.., days motivate It.ids. Over 21 luncheons, sending out
Relatively lonn hrs direct mail & invitations .. ln I..ao11nll, Capistrano. l I h w t w1great people & pro· San Cle~~teareas · o unc eons. an ~
dutts that have u superb personable woman that
reputation . Call'-for PA.RTTIME wants to gel into selling ~ys inlef'views. EYEMtMGS & would like to travel.
Ulet.lme-OpportunUy. Be
your own boss. Work
your own hours. 535-5122
ponents u sing high Equal Opportunity
strength steel. We offer E mployer M/F J PERMAN ENT· FULL·
TIME , light factory 'Ml«'k, SJ.SO hr. start. Call
for appt. 957--0681
._.,. .... .o.A_.... ..._,.eritof'•/lrviw p~ This 1s a newly created P tr Help wonted 2-3hrs a Niii"'' ~ ""9 '""' 1 ~ position & will not be
day, wknds & Holidays ReaJ EatateUcenseefor 557-6232 64.2-432Jor494·9466 replacing presen-t excellentbenefils, wages L---------
& a creative environ· off. Gd Pay. 'Contact active Newport orrice. ..Ukfor Mr. Roe-Orf Ext. 250. Betw~n l·5PM. secretary. Call 642·7840
Paula at Wienerschnitzel Guaranteed monthly in· ~~~~~~~~~ Ask For Andrea Mrs. Gillespie.
Trader. Ask for Mercy.
493·2603 or apply in
person mornings.
ment which will provide ORDER DESK you great personal
satisfaction. We want the
best. BSME degree re· cpared. Coota~ Peraoo·
net. ~7-9051. E.O.E.
al Bristol & Redhill. CM come plus commissions. jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil raSONNB. 957·0717 Call: Alice. Waterlroot •Retail-•.------•
Mw tf I 5Mp
Productioatraioee, Maull~~~~~~~~
Mfg, Inc .• 1585 Monrovia,
NB. MJ.«IOl,
•MAC ... IST•
..., 40-hr. Wffk
• Da.y ar Night Shift
Acr'Ola trom O.C.Alrport
lll. • 2Dd. Sh.ltt
TIONIST. Mature, neat
appearallce, good typ.
Ing. 20 Hrs /wk. Plust\
Npt 8cb olc .. good pay.
Write reeume t.o: P .o.
Box 4137, Irvine, CA 92718 .
tt1•u11&• Typht
Exp e r'i enc e d .
Pblebotomy desirable
but not nece11ar1 . · TOOL & Dll Beneftta. 541-8Mf.
• lit. Shill llEDICAL~ OFC
lmlnedi•te openJno for RF.c&PTI "Jiu ~lled journeymen, SO aper. Cluaiftecl bou.r wort week,• n · AD Nl5, D Y Pilot, PO
lmlive beaeflt PtCUI•· 8DJl U80, Coe\a II.eta, •a IM'1 Kalt well over -~~•-•-•-----
llO S-br. lllllca1 aurslcal bmloeu
Expanding product Une
baa aeneraled lhl.s hn· mediate opening with op.
portunitiea for advance·
menl. Familiarity with
aer ospace fasteners
would be helpluJ. Salary
l'OIDIDeQlurate with ex-
perience • knowledge -o tbe lDduary.
n 4 /541-$533
Newport Beach
An Equal Opportunity
AL. Varied p reaaure
posit.ioa. Accurate. fut
lYP'n1. Order desk as
,.aer al office dutle1.
lllnl-computer e•· ~ de91nd, but nol ...mlal. Salary range -.suoo. R.elume to:
PIDoo Umlted. P .O. Box mD. ln\De. CA. mu. ...a mature penon
wJtb pleaunt pbone
..... to bandle ••ned p • lt'I" TIME ofll ce dutlH, 1reet ~·
COUHS&OI Hornes, 631·1400
.ttabllsbed Personnel P/Ume <5 > assocs for ~~~~~~~~~ ROllMSOM'S Pers onne l . Mgmnt, -For
1ency deslre;s e>x· M · M b --------~ perienced Personnel kl g . ust e a m· Bauuraa C .. ISTMAS
eo..n.dor. Management biUous " enjoy people. HOS11SSIS fUlJ It Part Time
Potential. CaU Rita. Incopen. 1188-se:JO. W'"'-•Sls Temporary Poelllorui ~CoaltaJPerson· ~c tol• -·~ In net Aamcy. 2790 Harbor, *...-. .,an FAST FOOD SAUS waAPPHS
C.M. Never a fee. * MAMAGB * FUU 6 Part Time • STOCI( CLBICAL Aero1pace products APPly lnpenon CllDfT ~ compa.QY needa exper. HATE P10ft.11 p e ra on for non · .&.I_ -F.am Ch.riatmas money
Do you hate people! ddie.:_.tr~l~--!!!.t,lonnl,.: R· •. Wl9 ... It use your Immediate Would you rather fight 1111tr-•1 • discount. Apply Penoo·
\ban switch? If&<>, please woddQI to IUL-Q1151A , nel Dept.
don't call us, we are procedure•. Send re-Newport Beach
seekinl a very blight, 1 u m e to E d ler I n · M4-24 I 4 West.m.imter
creative. understanding ~~.!..~St.. • # 16 r "• 1.,_ Cerritos Coumelor for our newly • ._..._.""" ~ ... -Equal 0ppor Employer
opened office ln the Sad· Amm from O.C.Atrport ... .,.,.. leecJt
dleback Valley. Thi.a Is a
aowicl floor opportunity Re.a Eat.ate fort.be~penon. OPP01TUNm1s
.. dd , .. .......
Need 2 81entf W /If Ht
POtmUal • /leaclln1 Real taut• Co. Call Al
Stellato ror oonfidenUat
~ Walkt!r t: l trn
•nsTAUIAMT• s.il Deal.ID baa open.lnp
hU tlme openinc• tor for C\IU«'I, bandworkers
mature, experienced IDClaealDIU'euel. Tues.· G r I I I C o o k a Frl.~80 ~~~~-~~-~ Salad/Sandwich & line SALES CLERK part -.wn ror company that ~'-• operatea lndu1lrlal \Ullllll.AP{)f'Ox.25bra.per
CllllkJIDa, = fWDI EVIMM&S __ ....;;...-:..--..---• ~::a'ta .. ,ce,.:l Adlalla • .,.....Un1, m1Z El TOC'O Rd ......... --a .. n. lml t ....... .. llttnld.I" penoaallU.. o.-.n,.Tree Plau Real Dt.a'9 -~ a ..W. CIU for &PDObat· we._, wartdnl 'tttt.b fll-1711 w ....... unll~ <we
cafemi•. 0 81 It nllht week. Tobacccnlata Inc ..
1hUt1. Weekday• • r.biOD lllaDd. N.B.
Wlt~/lrvtne SU..-1\aU Ume, Hai.ton
areat. ~111\P•UY . Bouti~e, So. Cout 114 94 mi. PWa. \n destper
~ ...,..nt. op salary + D& TACO comm. hr appt call
Lquna. I ll N. Co••t ..!•!•!•!.! ... !!!:-!!!!!111'!,!al-GOU!!!!!._I 11M11. 0..-al. aart at NSVD A n:E KOC wW tnAn >: new or ex per.
..... 11111;.;,;;:.'1.-• L_,,.....=;;._ .. _.e_~--1 ...... •• per boGr. Pboee lh: ...... for ne• H·
g,_•,.ootracUQtbe ...,.._.flceeedl U l ·U U, &xl HO.._,.. who ra~ ...... adlvelmneol·
lale ldl ID Clmined. Jhup&lo a lal wltb U I W&Dll .. Plll. • ~ ftnl n;;:bau mua1er.
,_.,. .... • lot of ••Uni tru 1cribln1 ._. w ' t N lft c:r-tftel. YoUf 8eclliUI tt.al\1 for con·
..... , 111,_aUoa •• Ilda. niq. cau -.1112 ~ ty ad be tbert? To place fld eatlll Interview. ..... _.,_....,., ,_.,.) Pl"ad,caQMa-58'78 111.-u
... : I
P /f. ASST ....a lb&t io.a. 54MMO.
£vealnc1 SAt.18 IUll • Nrt Um•.
Appl)' tn l>@noo t a m · ll*•top peraar.c.u u.am, or al'ttt 11\nl. No tllwn i •t.111.-U.
plolecalla. • StUwDIA81Cr a:mt..PuBoad ll'uDm&
Lquna HUia a.alfted Adi 10.-n
• ,
%ALIS JIWB.llS 01 i US:
• Good Starting Salary +
Commiaslol'I & Incentives
• Prom Sharing Plan
• Stoel( QJition Plan
• Medical I Hospital Insurance
• Company P81d Group Insurance
• Credit Union
• Paid Vacations
• Paid CNeftlrrie
• Paid Hofidey9
• P~d Sk:ti. L4MIYe
• Management School I Training Program
•Unlimited CWetr Opportunities tor Swift
£"'..J.. YOU 9UAUPY If: ~ .~~tloua
• You .,. Career Or1ent9d
•You .. Otpendable & Bondltl4e
(Alto Ooenlno• tot Part Time Experienc9d $a1eepeOp1e al'ld Offloe P9rlonMf) , •. ,
Ae>plloenta for ZAL.ES JEWEl.ERS' new 1ltofe
In ttM new MISSION VIEJO MALL .. Mt. O.JCter Wooda 8t ZAlES ln the Or'lrQI Melt
on Tu1tln Ave. In O reno• or cell for ~ntment.
(()Ill ~Mn 10AM 1 IPMl
I •
MllaW .,. JIM .... I , ... . .. --.i.t ....................................... . ~ .. y .. -1141 . Wed!l!ld!f. Oetobilr 31. tt1'1 ••;; .....••.........•.. ...... , .. ,,.. .. ,...,, ..... -_____ _
beeMt l11Hll Hrwlce • Amual Alldque aale
Adorable blll • oran1e '8 dfae ~IOIO Jew'61, , H10 .. aw-. llitleft. 7wu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·••••••••••••••••••• • .. ----. .. ·-•-•!iiii~iililliiiillili!!li~illll~im-•I 1.a-. ..... l'rt. &am •11tow "o v. 1 a.
~ ........ '/ ... , ~ .......... , lJ. l.llebot.Ml·l ~ ••llUY••
~ 'ft. old C.tico \0 a Good UMC1 PVnUture 6 '*;;.Jf7a =:. ;<: I wUl NII -Wit. ~~!.,.~~ R t t a I I C I e r II 1 _,, .,...,,., ~um. lllO Stan --'-""'·---...... ,ark.
POR WJUllff Drum player
.. JI ... pun& bud Cell Rare ldlaoo erUader 'GI.I.OM• CllTWICAT9 POlft'IONt for de&alla. Andrew llhoao1npll, i brau
Sor._ klta.. Orty 6 MMTlllAUCTIOM
blll 1U19 w Jwht Bo• ,., HH & IJJ.9621
tnlMd. II ...... CASH PAID -
aact rem ldllen tiwlal. ror Id med furn. aaU· ._. .... -.... hon. muy recordln1
L ibrarian -Hem et Juolor Hl1h WAM'f9~ -;i::::e· •or offer llbx trained • wtllMd. ciu-6clrTV'1 M74W ~T School MaAY ONLY --SoeecbSped aU1l To deti. Yer 0&11'/ Piiot • White. Iona h eir e d
BlUniual Reeource Teacben llYldlee '° canien. R•· *"'-" 10 I 0 Aqora Cat. Loveable Tltle VI I Biling ua l Re1ource .,,.. Yu or lar1• au. ... •••••••••••··~··•••• home.Mf.ll:M
Srwodalllt don ••aon and a Jood CASH PAlD ,_ ..... ~ Cithln1 '•"Ord P6one W1br/dryr1/fte frl11. 8lUn1ual Resource Teacher <Tille M2·tHI a"ftd u lt for work!QCornoU5741W _ u;.;;•;:;;;:;•C::;;~
Vil) tl.llrrj Affley o r Von ............ .J... chair. lablt • lam1>1.
Le1mlng Handicapped Teacher WW1111111 W:t:."lih!t'::: hoo occasional thalrt s pt" ct • I Ed u c a ll 0 n R e I 0 u r c e OPPOEQUALNITY BAROAtNS<SERVJC E ~ aad • box 1pr.
Speclallst.8 !Mo~E.R BettAppUucuas..oeu tng. •hat H JI. lnu .
vere DIM>rder Lang ua1e Teach.er Alabaml •Adiam1, Hit per:wave. tU-0387 __
W~. full limo, Stan waaber '85. Hot· MOVI NG-G .E Refrl~
Appropriate 0ttdentl1ll requir ed tor =:-ft~:ifi~~:<!t ~~:J..a~{i;r soo ~'!:.=era:~.":':~
all positions Hwy ,NB. -old Eure k a vac uu m
Decorator fumlture • ~C980ri•. c.ectar Glen 1'ownhot'oee. 2554 Elden
Ave. Costa MeH. 11 to 8
dal.ly. 842-6734 ----Attra(' aof• 4c lovetHl
<.:al 1795 Se ll 1295.
Earth\One1 2wb old
Wooden coffee endtbls
25" ~ coneole Sl.95.
Al10 color po rtable .
opportunll lea for ex
pc r lence d C1v1I
tll&inttrg, Des1eners &
Draltsman background
in design or master plan nln8 of water systems
........... c.d. cl~.-> 67S-7331 Be~ul wbt HAITIAN
llO 648-5143 1979 Conte mporar y 7 CO'M'ON sofa • lov
ApphcaUon torm.s may be! obta ined by
writing or calling -
Mr ..... Z......,, DINdw flf r..11•11
._., ..... SCHOOl DtSfttcT
JJIO Wett Utll• A..-
...,_.,CA t234l
Tellpllara: C714t Hl-2171
Oppo r t u n 1 t y I Affirmt1 t 1 v e
A c tion E mployer
Snack Ba r Attendant needed for private club.
Fo r inte rvie w cull
Tow Truck Drwcrs l.'X
per'd. Top p uy Apply
G&W T o wi n g , HO U
Ohms W~. ~ M 642 1252
Used Elect. Dryers. M anr cou c h • m u ll H 11 .,._t W /loole plllow1. 3
lo ch o o s e f r o m Sacrifice $350. 4!M :.H.36 mo new flt1 6224
Delivered and guaran· aft6pm Uenl.ab modrn dJn tble It 4
lied . Only S99 9S u Dlue velvet sofa ilSO chn , walnut f1 n111h .
Davls8rown646-l&84 beauUful wood dreHcr <U"rnd w/luf 63 'oval
w/hllk'b "Bkkc:ase l17S ~P tbleoz' .... '.J~leMnd"ICt~ &nCllJding water supply, .,.._.._
i.ewaae deaian. pump -;-. 1020
1tallon1 4s reacrvo1rs •••••••••••••••••••••••
t:llpenence desired in rf' pun 4s apec1f1callon wnt
3C" Boys Schwinn Var!il
ty, 10.spd. Good cond
ana. facalltles design
mappuia, ci.lcullltloos & CGh
compute r operations
Apply In person with re •••••••••••••••••••• • ••
sume & work sam ples Pure Bred Burm1:se Kit·
Mr. Fuentes. Robert lens, Champion lines.
Bein, WllUam ft'ro:st & loVUlg, intelligent, pre·
Auoc. 1•01 Qua il St stig iou s pl'ts 714 1
Newport Dea~h. _ 63.S-m5or6S7 3550.
Exe-cycle Bake l20. Bm "'" "• lthrchr rechnl'r 175 76 'IJJO $S7 19&2
Uphol roc k u HO
Sela, 2 chn. 31\ lonl( rw1
11tools. lge corr~ lhl. It
l>QUW"e tbl. wood w ala11a
tops. Cuual L1v1 n i;.
Pillow Type f'urnaturc
St't $450 ~4071
Kina 11i WAier hed.
w huter 1250 Ca I I
Pal.lo rum1ture. tJt'11k ~c:t .
-Gcr_,.W. 8055 ....•...•..............
• SICUT Aiits •
1be company has had
I.he besl month an hlal<>ry
Mild Kuen Elder as doing
SH.430 a: we've 1 ot I
more day 41 11he Is $5,736
ah e ad o r L i:t tu k e •--------
home! ! ! • ! • ! STOCIC CLHK
Tr · Welder. p11rt tlffil.'. ex lilDOOa, no expt"ric:m·" per 1 enc e d . T . I . ti nec~a.ry. Munulac·Lure ul um1num . nd S S
DoCJ1 ..,. lo .. o
2 sturdy wooden pasntc'tl
dO'lks JOx60 S20 & $25 1•a
!J • loolle p1 llpw sofo. IC'IOd
cond btJt n&da clc.mini: IOO. Dbl ~llnlng 1)1rlln1•
*al ~ 2IOll9 St11tt• A v<·
Multi family Saturday
!Ml'M 1620 Warw1rk Ln.
Nwpt lkh •Cou.ruselori. Growing Orange Counly
S..le11 Our ()(flee• bued company seeks ag.
of optical components 642-~ u ·
1 OOAM·3.30PM :.! Sal11 '
per mo overtime S3 50
hr. Located t: M. 646 0206
Oiamp sire. Mt t' l'el &
s h ow . Pv t ply
WELOERtMACllNIST 40 Z13 fD7·134S art 6 pm Appt Only t F'n-e g:reuAve 1nd1v1dual to as-
Liz Reioden Agen<'Y s Ll.m e s t ock roo m __ _
«l2!08'rcb, Elltab '64 reiponsiblhties of pick· T RAINEE YA KUMAN
Newport Beach. 833-81!10 1na 41 :>locking of part:.. rentlil yd, must be m
Other dul.les wall include telligent. good "' /J>('<>Pll•,
sh1pp1ng, receiving .. & mech, Mii.i.aon VicJO general wa r ehoui.1ng area.S3I 2313 dw es Electronic com-
po n e nt kno wl edge TYPl!>'T WANTED 3llJ5
hdpftA M1rumum I year days a wc.oek. Plc:ti.Jnl
h<JUrs per week. Must ---
h.ave Stick & MIG i·xp AKCGldn Retnever pup-.
l\pply LuRunu t::tchml( Hunte rs. wtr do~s. JKJ
l"ress <.:o. 1999 s <.:oai.t <.:Ji a m P Ped 1 R r c e
llwy, L.11<unu Bearh 493-6861_
Woman Lo prepare even
IOJ( nwal• for widower
3 4 days per v. t·l'k
610-9116 <.:oronu d el Mar
Pit Bull pupi., dbl reg1i.
Ma.I e. t 'e ma II'
AK C Lub P upp1t''o
Yel1blk Sl50 Sholl. f;
M0\'101( S•ll• Mu o,1
Sdcnf1l't' almo-.t lll'W I'll
11 u a I 1 t y d t· 1· 11 1
t'Oordanuted l!<()fa l(a n11·
l b I • 4 t' h r .., t 11 1• 1 ,, ..,
armehr For appt to "''
plea:.Hall !Wi 2140
Houutdd Gooch 806 5 ....................•..
~a H ft brown. i:old &
ora.nl(l' nfJwered pattern
be1g(' bal'kl(round S91l.
l.trJ:I' c orrrf' l.iblc· S2J
ftlth IO J(uod l'Ond C .. 11
1010 •••••••••••••••••••••••
.Handpa.lnted cera mics.
9Dtadl -.mu1uP11:_
S::.'"' op a.Ir a.w...-.
MMc.ftlnl aoUd walDut 17"
~ YI llllltrOr 6 40''
dmc. SUO. Matdl'f IOUd walnut coffee tbl 6 2 end
tbla D>. 25" Heathkit col· orTV, ldntcond bltn 175. Mi-s:m.
plaques. nat1v1ly set. '4tul••-
p latea. muc h m 11c. W..e.4 IOll
lletnl. A1lo 1pec1ial or· ••••••••••••••••••••••• den• colon done al r•· Record collectlona aay
Ullf'lable-co.t. 8'&-5745 quan&!ty, Ire. or ~. tn ~es .. cond. TOP S pa.Id.
CO PY MACHJNE Call 7H~.10am \0 Uaee any paper. •,; lOpm., u k for Vito. _
Pnce 96!'7033.:. Carpet1ag /used nylon
PATIO.POOL HEATER. pluah. 180sq yardl. SUd·
free standJng «H·fired inc door drapes & 2 rods.
racbant Suogl~ Mfg 5000 Schwinn girls bike .
SO.IXM> BTU. port. Xlnt _97S-04'17 _______ _
cond ll~~ts __ Wlllltbd to purchas.: WW
MATTRESS AND 11 souvenirs . Me dals,
BOXSPRINCS i.w c>r d s, h c lm e ~s .
Regul ar me. used but t'lc IEspeclally looklr'g dc~ Suitable for ren for German item s). Pnv.
t al S20 eal·h Mesa collect o r . 5Sl ·446•
Vl.'f'de. CM S40-572 I ~yt.ame_. __ _
Urult.:od Airline:. 5'n 01i. 1-----lm!I ___ _
(•ount Cou pon~. S50 IMITWAMTID
each t4 1 536-00W Suitable ror gardening.
<:an pickup. Mesa Verde
Two Apter 1can i\1rllnt' ari>u . CM . s •O·S721
d1 i;<'ount l'Oupon ' evestwknds ~ch 675 7763 ------Amenran Airline. ,.., Ian: Want to buy tongue and
l.'OUpOn $4.S l(rOOvt> cedar lumbe r
iSI JIB+. ~
vw Hwl LUl!l(al(c ttJl"k
l-'t1v Party Selling ever-
y th 1 n R to ou t r1t a
l~auulfuJ orr.ce. Xerox
lelt'f'OPler. IBM selectn c•
l nll1 tJ ,\erhnl'
tfJUPQn. ~
~ '""' II typewnters. portable c·lect typewnter , Victor
K4i :wo c·alcul•tor:.. walnut m
• · laJd .et' d.'k & credenz;i.
Relitaurant design firm expenence Good rom worlong cond. Apply in
necds Equi p ment pany beneri t s . <.:all per.,(JO,Pennyi.aver.IOOJ
Coordmator ror J!row14ilg Perlionnel , 5S7-!1051. Placentia Ave Coi.la
rei.t.auranl chitm Outaei. E.O E Mcsu Y ACKT SALIESMAH
Ncwport Oe<1ler fur C&C
Yar h t :., £r 1c11on .
Sportf1shera. Trawler-..
lop Im<.-;. g11Qd pay <.:all
ror 1nterv11.·w 64!HYl22.
wct.'k.-.o~ Call96<! 04!16 \lu.-.1 i.dl :! <111rJ, I 1·hr
AKC Bassett Hound mdlt· l'ofh..'I.· & l.'nd thl h•·d &.
8070 ( .• I• I t r ... n ,, II u I .. <!.!J~ dl''ok . 3UJVTzrn-.
I .ind •·•lw 1t1Jtl'r1 ... 1., ~J:lil•·-.. c·hr"'J.. f il1~ ••...........•.........
enc ordering rurruture.1---------
nxturei. & eqwp from Typ1:.t, 60 wpm. mten·:-.t Stylist for b usy i.hop. ..... rr d t
l<lmo w /paperi. s7~ n •fni: Cheap 75-11,11::.
s.&5-4619 alter ti pm
.111· II; 1h1· hJI! 'h•nd •l"'Ql,111Wtli, bookcaiws, end
IJU1 liPf' 111 t rurk ll1a1l 1bl-.. rarpeL p Nltl'clors.
l<11'I l1tk. liur11un1h 1 rn t."t(' 714 fl75 57Jfi,-M9 71 54
•Jo·r.. 11>.J~h•"l.I • on1 r•·•• &>
lo pe CI f I Ca I I 0 n Ii & mg vant:'U 0 ll'C U IC!. Mu s t b c e" · X l nt :,alary . Call coordmating Job:. from pen enced 10.0 Ba yside Soundcraftsmen Aud 10,
i.1.att Lo fina h Past ex-Or 675 J:tiS. 1>er definite p lus Wall <714 ~6193.
train rifdlt pcri.on t:x Talented Young man to TYPI T
cellent mt.'tl1cul. dental lram ror prec1i.1on mi>lru s pockage ment n:p<u r (no cli·t·· 1'\111 time po:,1taon Mus t
t.roruc·s J Mus t be r eha h<1ve good typinl( s k1ll11 to
ble, have manual r!t•x work in one girl uHlt•t"
YAHO MAN -Conlractori.
s u µp ly hou:.t:
~lct'hun1cally m1nclt·d .
~uud dr iving rl'C'Ord
tull t1ml' 11:11 1<111
Youth Counselor..,
t•em Mm Dal>l'huncl l'up
py, AKC Brown. h ty
d11>p, All !'!hot:. Sltl~
AK<..: Kee:o;houncll'vpp11·'
Like Tl't.ld y lW a ri. SI 7:>
Call IW7 76811. 531 7058 afl
6 0r-.county
Rftt.....t S.rvlce•
2601 Oa1 rn ll•r Stret·L
S A 546·03411
l!:qual Oppc>r Employer
l.('nty & exc~llent v1s1rin Ty P 1 n g · a n :. we re n K
J..ong training period On· phones. filing. m akrnl(
ly M!noui>ly inlerc::.ted appt 'i. & travel urranl(l'
need apply. Call ror in menls Shorthand nut neces-.ary. Salary com tnvww appt between m ensur ate wllh 1·x
Par t Time even1ni:11
(JutgOlllg adult. workinJ; 1
wit.h youth Over 21 Ov. n
Lran-,portat1on S3 su hr
AKC J ttlSI I s 1-:1wn :1t
!llA 1113
Secu ri ty Guard
M1n 1mum I yr ex
perie n ce 1n pol 1l'e,
military or other sccun-
ty work. PleaBe call for
appt. ~ 73S8
7 9AM only S46·060fi i:ienence Call 955· 1550 1iuut 6-91'M '{"'"
CALL AN[)flt-:A
642-4321, t'Xt 250. I 5PM
Top Newport Beach aJll
complex. All bcnef1ll>
l'\11J lime & 'lom1• part
Math inst, cred, 1-·/T,
elem grade&, C M .
P E.-drall in st elem
Arade•, Y 1T , c; M
Gt2041 I
lime PleaM-rall 644·1900 Tearhers for prc-st:huol
ror mformat1on needed. hrs. to mL't:t your
:,c,:hed ule 5.56-2676
TYPIST Bnght young
gaJ with xlnt typing skill
to handle van t't y of jobs. Milt t di
N o e x p e r i e n c e ' • -M neces·sa r y . Good •••••••••••••••••••••••
benefits. Newport Ucuch w.,..u 10~5
area H.1J .. J3J3 ••••••• .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Suaned li(lusi. windo w.
Typ1i.t /Word l'roi·ei.,,11r "Io(' k s . m 1 r r or.., .
Part lime Nat Co look flresaeen, s1lvt·r. m11,t'
mg for typist. 20hri. wk 1:151 04UJ
IM O fl'mal l' 'i hllt "I
Show quality 4911 34Jli
Pureb r ed Golde n
Retnever pUJ>!>, only 2
left, 6Wks old MO-700 I
Free to Yo. 1045 ..........•............
Fem I.ah Hu:-.k> m1'< pup
py, appnc 4mos. to J,lood
home Call 6pm !Jpm
Sparu:.h ~tylt• mH1•1• & 1·110
table S7::. ~mukc'll i.:la''
to11. very i:ood 1·•>1111
Thur' & Fri uni>
fA2 ~~m
.1n1l '''Pt r rnl k a:ir ~r.-tanal Uesk, JU:.t re
h11lrop•m11 i.:mwml( H#I turrieG lrom rt>nta l, ne\\'
I .1m10f1 Ot••• ,,.,,. ~1.iurt•-. ~ !'iO now $1!15 /\bu
\.rn ( "lt•rr11·nt1· l!I:! :.11,:1 "1· It' l' I 111 n o f u i. c 11
( ;?(/" ,.. ~ ~-·---. ..:..:;;r-<-1
; . ' I i.·:+ • .: •• :-.-J
\'ou t an h<' a
WINNER I I ·-t· _,, \.~-./ '~ I,_
.Just hy sending u~ your n a mt• a nd :
addn•s!') and b\· wa tching for vour :
n ame in the c lassified ad~ oi Uw l
Daily Pilot.
\\'an lH'kl'l-. to lh1· 1•1r1 u ... ,11 1 J .1mu,cm1·nt .11t r.11
l111n' •JI -.pml1111! 1·\1·nt-. .Ju-.1 1111 out th1-. 1·11u1w111 Jltd:
111.11l 1t lud.1 \ t11 lhl •
:~ (; ::: ~
('las!'.ifil'c1 l>t'partmf'nl. Vail) l'ilot
330 W. Bay Strl"l'l, Co~ta )1 l'!'.a. C\ 926:!6 .~ = -" :;;-'.F. :.... ....
-.et•rt-tJry l"hri. S29 50 &
up L'neQUl' onc-0f a-11111'1.
!"law fo11tcd muhu.:au y
p&rt nf'r~ llebk Sl6~o
~k~ahitn Ocbk or <.:osL;i
~l·i.d 11100 Nt•wporl
Hl"d Cui.t a M t:i.a
M2 K45(J
Brotht r Type write r:..
Sf>wtnic machines, Canon
968 1777
Ofr1~.-chair. H1 1(hback
uph<Jlstt-rro rockt·r
ni f).i6 5143
P'iCRK Ir °"Jan• 8090 •..••..••....•.....•...
Openlnr<s ror JO 1<o<ld Pl.'<>
pie. liood pay. Call
~ion Sef°Yiu
2790 liarbor. C.M.
Su1tezcn. E.o .t;
Te11cher. P ff' Presl·hool
Ex per d only. Cusla
M<::1a area 642·40SO
Teachcr/Preschoo~. II
time , ex p e ri e ·cd
T fo~AC H E R Ass is t
net.oded for K thru JM
grades. 1-:xper. rl'qd
c;11Qd starling 1>.ilary
PenodJc tnl'reiH.ei. Lo•·
Newport Beac·h <.:a ll
J e a n Y o u n g b I 11 o ti
752·51.31 EOE mif
l'll::<..:~PT I ON I S T
Orange CP A rerm hat>
opening, cxpcn ence pre·
ren-ed S11l;iry open. Call
Win Tickets
Worth '50
••••IOO :o; or N t:W &
l 'SEO pianos & ori.:anl>
ftll up. Deu~er 75_!:!.l~l
Old Tune Shakeys player
piano. xlot cond Rolb in·
dd Ml·6b70 nft S JO
t;pnahl prnct1ce piano. Perl cond. reuli-Onablc
S750 ~s.;.i33 aft Spm:_ _
Grand Piano. s·s··. Early
1900 '11 Weber . Beatirul ~ ...quarc buck. SJSOO.
Seeby Appt
TUEPHONE l\ccuratc typu1t. good ufr
SOLICITORS slolls. salary open.
Part tame. Sun-Thurs . ___ 549·1767
tmmediale openings for 5:30 to9:30PM. Can earn1 ________ _
on-call. part time a nd S«lO to S700 per mo. Wall
fulJ.t.une positions in our lrain. Must be respons1
new facility in Orange ble & able to follow in
~ <:owrty. Previous aecuri 6tluctions. In N.8. areu
... ty or related expen ence _9155-_3402 ______ _
., is pref erred, but not ~e-T E L E p H O N I::
..,, quired. For full detu_als I NT BR V I E W E R S : and conalderallon, we in· needed f bl" . vite you to c all or apply or pu 1c opinion :• an penon. 9:3C).lt :30am . survey by nation ally • 2-._,m, Monday through known survey research j. Fri~ firm In S.A. Daytim e --· ~k. $3.75 per tv . ...Call
Darlene Howe ~J.321 blr 5PM "& ask for Judy
Recjster Todtry
ll MPOl!All'V Pl llSONNH SI ll'lllCl S
3723 lirch Sfn•t
Mewporl .. ech .. ..
~ .. .. f'..ta Ha I Telephone Sales. adv.1 ________ _ ~ u;r W 8J Growing Publ co. seek· -r..-:.t.s -.. u.a... s•-I Ing exper cl06ers. com-• Tl"" ,.._ ml$ RC mlaalon +draw. Gre at TYPIST to StOO
1600N Kraemer poleotlal. 835-3861 o r Well known naUooal firm ~ Aubelm, CA &'IMli68. will train you In lhe :f ('114 )533·!002 w o r Id of Word
• Proccaaon. Elegant ft j Equal Opportunity The Register Newspaper friendly work.Ing condl·
·• t:mployer MW has openinp for morn· tJonl + excellent com-~ ~~~~~~~~-l Ing fr eve auto routes in pany benellt1. Driake
_1 ~ l..qlma Bch, Dana pt. " Penonnel. 85l·ll0tl. 4121 !t SHIPPING CLERK · Full Capiatruo Bcb. Call Mr. Wtlterly Plau, SU 102,
•4 or parl·tlme . Matur nwt..y95Mll.3. Newport Beach. 100%
:• woman pref. Call Shelby~~~~~~~ Fee paid. •• ERi Laba, Npl. Bc h. -::: I~~~~~~~~
SMIOO TOOL Wailers Is Waltreaae1
need e d part time,
ltmehea only. 5 days per
week. Privlle Clu b.
..... stl)C
: S b lppin1 /R ece1v1ng J Trainee. One of lh
• 1..._ ...,Ueni of com·
• puter perl pherala I i lnine, near Ftwy. n ~ arable penon wanlln
; ptrmanenl Job. Wl t train \0 do aome pre·
• tlll90 loapec:tlng. Cal
• Ol.1d19-..0l.
Muat be famiUar with
macbine lhop lo deslsn 4c
draw cutt1og tool.I, amall WaitrelJa " Ho1te11ea
dMa, •machine para for wmted.tll fr P tr, Day1 acrew maeblne It M.C. Is Evet nil. Apply In
lathes. Salary com. penon, phone calla.
menaurate with ex-Jolly Boler Rataurant
perlence. Numeroua •OO So. Cout Hwy ,
beneftta lncld. fully peld _Lacuna-=--·-----medicaJ •dent.alfor bot.h -:-7o., -
Produced by
Stadium Motors ports Corp.
106FM KW EST ~nounces
Speed Weekend West
Tickets available at Ticketron,
Mutual Agencies and Anaheim
Convention Center Box Office.
For more Speed Weekend In·
formation Call (714) 752-0503.
~tey Sptnet, 19SO. ~
Good conclit1on.
1091 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Beaut.afuJ 25" RCA color
TV Sl18 2 Yr . Warr
Free Del 646-17116
St'veral be aut. color
TV 's. All Saw.i & models war 642·5340 f'rt.oe Oel
2 motchmg com er stereo
speakers, 32" high, $40 .
531 8006 alter 2: 30
TV 19" Color. sharp p1l'·
ture, Uke new. SJ.25. Must
sell 842-46t2aft 5. ----lollh&.~ .......... ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
9010 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Boat Mal nte oence &
rest.oration. Reliable &
hone6l work. et reusona·
ble rates. Call 60-
po rl Ha r bor U n ·
T Maintenance
. ln water hull clean·
and tept.lra. S81 ·8191 .............
., '; .t tOJO .......................
• We bavt a f11ll \Im
• permanent po1JUon Im·
)'Odi10Ufdependant.1. Wa!Un1waltNUet, •PP·
I y be l W te D 2 . tp m • liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii;iiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
'114 /M-1111
Newpott Maeb
Stavro's Rt1t1urant.
'Manne en1lne by Stitr
Marine.. 1mell block
Chovy v.a w /quall\y
lranam1.ulon, forward,
neuual, revtrte, cxtru
tienff•l.Or •complete In· ltr\l.menta. 15aO/blt olr .. m.ee10
• 1m11...a1 available f ., .-pert.,,etd caabJe
In our qua lily men ' c....-. JtGre. Eaffllen t Hlary and compu a..ntt. Apply ln
lo Mr. Crook•,
1 rMbloa lllud Newpo
BleCb. l()lP,
. a...medMI .. ..
wt. ~ call ca...!fted ioplac.ie-.iact.roa'r9u·
1Uttd or a rrlendly .. looat and hell ID
..... 10W' act ror belt :=-•· Oall Now t
. . •
-W.CoutKwy, N'.8.
..... -~· . I • •
-. ··--.... ...._ ..... __ .-___ ..._
·, . -... ... -. . '
lUDOtNOA. 500'. Lu(f 47ft za.
-• l'fl.SMO
A"91\ ....... 8Urvlval,
4•aan JledCHlt, Dew -•n.aot11t11100. ~ •ma
·--_,....,,. ~-------_..._.. -. .. ~ ·-------
.,.,...,_, Ootoblr at. tt11 ......... rtH ................ .. •• ,.,.rtld ..................................................................... ~.OctoC.3 1 , 19l8 " c "*I tA I ... .. "u at a. tu• IWW t11J M t7JI ~ t7IO ...._,l.,ort.d ~.UIH ..._UM4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... • •••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... -a· ... .., W1 'ems..--··•••••••••••••••••• ·-··•••••••••••••••
I • m a ~ . c o a d WANTll n Ma..t1 Slher blue ~ .. a ... u1 ••ln Nhell for lt'TI • ord • W'l\M IUlr l..., f\&U ~. •••1 extr .. IMdlceC.UY11.-r l•a•hd llkorl J ,,_~~ , . ..., - -• •.600 en a uu '-»air,. o..., mw.i ..u. t \t Dr• a•• r . •n4l ..-11M 11th r boat' ,..,..,. ,Mdlll.a.. •lat ----
$,,,.ow.._Y .........
131·~171 -...olO. i&em 5'1• ,...__,CallS-nat • lloml Manon hard
• -'lt.l40 tm '21 ~. Ut•ft. Nll· :'J~o:,;rtabi. SJ.M
lA:ldlM olidtr N~ 1 1u1-. Cllfltaln.. w •hower .,. ~ IODll ......_ w ,,._. Nett .. ,. -DrhH tllO
., HP. t 1000 fir• -·-····••••••••••••••••
-...aw.. '1t:!l::'1 '''° ~pn~~:Jo~~nr:.4.~~ 14'11AUf .. M•••••••••••t••••••••• ... IC ... ~ fCS:M • 1111 HONDA. CR JU. -' m.• T»ztl? Ytr/ IDOd hape '*· New J p Whitt•o tM11rl
S.w .. t• r 0111.1 Top BlM.'k. MaJleoffl.lr .., "'-".,.I. .._.m Or .n 21'14 Mt' ll300
lt1J ...... .... ,-J,
rr.w.. ,,_. °'9NJ Lo. w
Huwa......,..VHl'A P
0 S-Oulriapa.
a 11uda c a aooT , TMlla
..,_.,al .. aond. toOCl tHO <llll1 ~..-:3 t •••••••••••••••••••••••
ID71f Tuyo111 SJU f'U. 11 "*" a11k1 3)(' 11<111d .,. dl.l w ll. 20,000 ml, rood ,$.\'I() \•all 14ft 5 (1r lll&e .,.._ 6 yr150K wrnty ~ tllll M52 I 001 :M52 avail ._, W-1341
N ll. 0'8.., D)-.H 121 lm Yamaha 1?5'1,
- -IJ'lOfor boUl r-------· 0 8 ,...,,..,., ill or <*t ot 81M?f3 9MC '11-V• TC* 1111..,, ~aet"YI~ fltCIUf'I
&tS-1'TS Jlonda CB 1&0f'. 1976. Wtt.h dtfu11eshell'
Ulf\. ~ ...__ ma.t Mil. ll2:iO llooda, l>\&Uy 4'Ql.iPOed with uoly
,_ -t us Oldl CB 4001>', 11ns. S750 22.000 nulea Sa<"rHl<·t 8tril ,. a Oft tandem ...,. price for QUJ ck llllllt' tr~ 141....a -----CZ311i1B) . 12' Rickman Dirt H1k~ 13'• Whaler 2~ h p MuMSeU 11'> JIM S&.IMOHS ~ teak contolc-• g)..'872 IMPOITS
lnllnunent.» NH S2l00 Uf70HA.R80R BLVD
ruh flt rn • lfo v. 11 rd 14 Mow <.;uw l'D Modtl <.:OSTA MESA
64.'5-&0I SfO """ dreas A:.ll:ang IJ•t•oo ....... fr....t• -0 11000 or make oiler can, ____ ,_~ __ _
--. --..."6 u.lt'2!'9PM 848 5.586 ,-•••••••••••••••••••••••
49. L&Mtera UI, 2$rt, varn SwukJ DR 370. '711 model.
h u 11 , s I 1 p I n N B , ndden 4 Umes. SilOO or
beautiful. S4000 trade Tl_!~ •a>10. '79 S.P. 370 Suzuki. lo
CltEAlOCIC J7 mlle1. 1145-0 or offer.
fo'ast fiber1lu1 crws1ni: iTl~.:-
culter Professional!) Motor...._,, Sale/
custom built. '\'.eak & ouk a.t/Storog. 9160
interior. Loaded w1lh n••••••••••••••••••••••
gear including. d1l':.cl, !<ENT 23· i''IR~U,\l.L.
Wtndvane & refngcrulor SELF-CONT Al~ E O,
Re ad Y to c r u 1st• RF.ASONABLE645 2283
'Tl OatBun Pickup. rrui(li;.
sheU,411pd, AtC. AM fM
ca88 ~. 714/77(J.1743
'Tl El Camino SS, loodcd.
w /shell $4llO() l:'-12. 0048.
'63 f'ord I Ton Pick Up,
<.:amJ)l'r shell, $850 or of·
rt•r Run.'< ;ood fl.48·2139
'64 Dodgt• ti 1m·k up . i\ I
mech $675 :>4H 10314.
$48-5.274. 731 4724 anywhere. IB0.000/ orrer.
1714) 898-2970. Pr1 vatc
party. -
The s harpest, cleunei.l
l'llandt>r 36 ava1h1bk
RENT 22 ft luxury mot.or '65 El Cammo, 3 !.pd rol
homl·. i.lcl!p1> 6 . lt elf shift. runs i.:n•at. SH!JO
n.int $254.1 Wk + 8· m1 ms.2100 l'ves & wknd~ ~
1lu.a beautiful one-owner Trailen, Tra•ef 9170
IJoat 11 completely •••••••••••••••••••••••
equipped with full crw:. i5 ColJ)fort. "<Int rond.
1ng gear 1ncludin.: 4 ll'x30 '. rully ~wtr con
cylinder diesel eo~anc. Lrunt.-d 64.2 1503
miler furling jib, wheel
steering VHF OF tt•:ik l!M7 cla.-,s1c lr;.11ler. S475.
interior.' full ~ve~1> ir Student f1Hr -upper
you are looking for 64&-0623,641-837!l
!>omething special you 'TI OH•al 15' lnivel trlr mutt see this hn at G .1 552,950 will l'On1>1dt•r OOu cund SHOO
'>mailer bout 1n lrude 714-64.5-24-44,!>57·555•
Phone 1714 )548·~930 Auto S.,.•lu , rarb
:n't PiverTrirnuran.
75'. \:omph•k
633-623S or 633 383'3
30' Creaor .vuwl. n1•w
"atls, dtnJ(y. U B, f J.:
• over wood, mu"t :wll.
S1.50() I() 80 1138. !M)O IJ r
~3158, Van <.:.amp
& Acussories 9400 ....•.••..••.••.•.•....
PAHTS &s 1-;u v1c1-:
'75 Ford p u , ,., µl or1·1
pk~. low milt•:i1.w . .,h1•ll .
exeel cond , 581 1315 art I
VC1111 9570
•·•····•···•··········· * IR.AMD HEW
With plu.sh Cill"pCt. JJdrt1•I
111~. ll't'box. wt•tlrnr. :!
C•q>ta1n ·, <'hairs.
breukr Jl>t nook. 35-0VK.
LI.It whed. chromt• hum
per.. & ~rllll' SI CCJ>:\ <I'
0 816 ).
OMLY $8495
Oove & Quail Sts
NJ:o:WPOHT til':M.:11
flft II' I"°"' II otwtMG "-"MM
"72 3002\h S R lva2G 8 V l
"1UllmlJU IP <28GG MC >
T7 m 41pd. at f670SPV I
T7 .. 4lpcl81R 10179)
T7 UlliA WXUI Ul86SZC)
"11•41p, CJlDUKH I
"7lmA.41C llUVWOA) "JIUkai.A S, H (()()62 I a...
OPNIW 1979
Al.'i0833t'~1 "
Ca.II today We also may
h•v1· that pre owned BMW you are lookmg
IJl-2040 495.4949
&I~ Servll'l' Lt•ai.1n~
Rov Can~r.lnc.
Rolls f\oyce UM W
Nt•wport lleach f'40·G444
850 "oJ Ut•11c·h HI\ ti
LJ\ lL\l:Ht \
15 MJ. No of <;A J'~} 1
1714 )522-5333
Sunday by 1\ppt
7.!3 Ol'SL Hlu Rik H:irt·
foc: llrllt 11)36 orrer
* • •
Michael Gabriel
40 I 62T\ll St.
N~wport Beach
Yw are thl' wi11n~r or
Two Free Tlckeh
1$50 00 value 1. lo
Motocross Finols
Anaheim Stud1um
Nov 17th, mW
Tickc-t.i; may be rl;itmt'<l
by Callin.: G42 Sli1k, 1·'(t
it Xlt, COt'Ot bnl. wbt
.... -V«t htdtop, 4·
..... Alll/f'll """'· -. ml. HUO. Sharp l
'a flLIC. lo/in!, 1mmac ..
tell• over lcll•~· 2U 1&21 ·tt88 o r 211/aMlm.
Y•w I 9710 a.; .... ffJI '-•••••• .. ••••••••••••••• f IMI•.. fflJ i1 ~· ... __ k -"'!-"· •••••••••••••••••••••••
CODd. ~ , r.u &111. Id • a,.., t JlllM wp. I.all
... aftf:~~· it tU IC: Low ml. Pn .
Air. lutber. Etc
IZUOO/otfer. Mint eond
0..-aler l23YKD. 142-0fMJ
m..., pwr, 1lat coed .... -...a&IPM .
f 727 '71 Rabbit ONlel DelUKf' .
lo ml. SO.OOOm 1. 5yr , 1ruaran&.ee. f1.900toffcr .
·aau XJnt C()l)d.
913 31711 ---'98 Porsche CCarrera 1
IDUlly reblt 4'c recoed 1n
11de & out Mocha brn.
drk tan interior. Ao ab8olute pnie Mu•t Seit.
Moving lo Athen11 .
Grtt•cc $14 .900
714·1W«.HIOO Mike Dt>r·
nt·k .
"18 !lU SC Turga, lndw roo. s spd, p 7''1. loaded.
beautiful 126.500 7SI 3Wfl
Yot.o 9772 •••••••••••••••••••••••
l!lf.6 Harbor lilvd .
COSTA M~A ~tJOJ 540-9467
'71 Sliver Annlve~ery.
.-cond. SHOW CAR.
mutt ue. s.ooo ml,
.,!;850. PP. ~me
lt1 f O DORf
I roRO I ,IJ ,1 ! .. ti •
I ''-( /\ ~. I '. I
"78 Be1ae w Hh b c>lge
IHther Int Loaded.
LH H mu ., .12. 22 or
purthaH Sll,000. Mut\ --
ldJ! ,...-« 8a-16'7l, i4 Mlll&anl U, New palnl.
18 C«vecte Conv ., ex-AM/FM atAtreo S.l.rack • eel. cond. Must 1t1I\. A/C, PS, PB, xlnt coed.
9000. •cu.in. ~71'2 .-0/0B. _.3.1
"19 Veottc : Yellow. Out of
Stilt! AJI opt ion". 3SO
auto $13,250. C'ull
639·1313 days, !J74·005'J
2850 Harbor Blvd (.'OST A MESA
1978 Hund.a Acrord. uuto
cruse control. xlnl cond
22.000 miles $6300
rT14 1M5.3734 bwt.n ij.5
"7U 911T. with ull fact '76
Turbo Carrer<1 body, lthr
tilt Compl prof \JPd4ltl' lndla red w blk. lihr
$17,900 UfW 4!12 47HO
Ask for Ua\ r 4116 4162
OltANGI COUNTY -~_ve:s_._ -- -
--rtT..t. .......
(Demo) 4 eylloder. A/t .
leather interior. mag
wheeLI. caHette deck.
map Uibt, Lo/D\J. Be1>t
'77 llonda C.:VCl'
5 speed, good cond
s.w>O. 64S-Sl99
·•····················· '71 Jaguar XJG fl11o:h
maJeage, 111 good t•ond
s:Ml675-.. J -------k........ Gthla 9734 .....••••......•...•...
tOf VW RAlllTS!
All models & 1·0 '" •
llt..:NTIN<.;TON Ufo:,\l'll
9'40 CaJI 87~2919 VOLVO EXCLUSlV ELY VOL VO ••••••• •• • • • • • • • •• •• •• •
WR~t Volvo Deull·r .. PH IL mOranJ(eCount)'' 1 ·ONG lJUY or LEASE '-!
79 Mwit1m1. 4 cyl, 4 spd
rad10. 3 door. $4950 or
makeolfer. 771.0.58
Runscruton any 1u.
-------Oldl•ble ff SS
~.soo ea11 61u.s10 ------laltloyc• 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'l DEAUR IN U.S.A
2025 s Manchester
Anaheim 750-2011
~tlrs~REORC£ ~-~••••••••••• '* V Gwr• 41901 ... ~;:'.~~ •..••••.........•..•..•
,._ __ _............ '74 Pl~roouth wagon. 3tH
Cl0Sf0 SUNOAYS erig, has class-A hitch & --dee plug in for trlr vaca· Toyoto 9765 lionapec1al S47-JL82. •••••••••••••••••••••••
'74 COrolla, H•ry ltOOd
''ond, 21.000mi. $1900
IJ40.1874 aft 6pm
·77 (;orollo. llkw n•·v.
AM Jo~ H trur k, rud1.il ures $2900.1173 2306
lrand Hew Car
............ l•• ~a....,, .... , ........ .._ ... c,.....,. ,....._
Granada Ghia xtru
'79 Olds 98 RegeMY lllt•
blue ... ~ully Loaded
fUOOM1. 99.500. 960·354S
Tl Cutlur; Soprem•· .
<JUlO, A/C, v t.op, PS, PH.
lo1rru. your choice wht or
brwn. $3B!k5. 552· 7494 ur
ongownr. well kept. 65K '72 Cutlass Supreme. AC.
nu S2300. 673-9479 PS. PB. gre11t cood... rea,:
'72 ford Stn Wgn. Rreat gas. Sll.5'). 646-S332
for camping or movmg. 'Tl Olds CuUasi; Suprcmc:
8501080.552-9787 loade d. Xlnt eond
---$4.100 963-~ Movinl( Mu-.t So·ll 77
Cous<ar X R7 Xlnt Oinct.
many 'Clrct!. tak1• 111rt•r
p;.iyrrM·nL ... l'<.111 Jrtt·r ..
~ Ol:.t~,
ifi Olds 98. t dr, hurdtoµ.
de:in. P~lr. AM /YM.
•&Mcn&.:::~11~. """° tt57
~hM 9740 Tri.... 9767
I.'> a fuw aut.omubile from
uur Qu;Jhty Jane of pr<'
'10\.lbl) own(;-d L1nroln.-,
itnd Mercury<; Yo u re
-;urt• to find th<1t ~J)t'c1al
hke new l'ar vou 'e t>P-en
luoJlctnl( for .Jt a pncl'
)oolJ Wu:
i2 Pinto Runabout. <>rii.: •••••••••••••••• •• • •• ••
uwnt•r. In au A \1 I"~ '7J l'tnto. xlnt c·ond.. 1 ra ... ~ Gd cond S950 ,pd . air-rood. Bluc .•••..•..•••...........••••...•.••••..........
·b7 2.5(t;L. n,·~ PJlnt. mint
n rncl ll1un !11>2 t l ti I
78 M BZ 3000. bt-1j.'1·
~ ham buo int li l\1111
l11.11lt•ol 1n m m l nmll ,
SJ~.> J BO Pl' i:,!J ll524
i'I SPITFIHF: IS011 111111·
'\'lid \.'t1 ... ,1 "a'>'. hard
& "l(t lOIJI>, hr 1 • .1r l'CJ\
•·r. lugg ral·k., &. rn11r ..
Like new. r1·J I h.u JI •
$S.!15U bc•\I H t r1 r
714 525 111~1
We Promise!
JoMSOft & Sota
~ l!Jrbur Bl\ ri
o~w M t-:-J ::.w :;i .. 111
I .t/) !OX) ij4()..54()4
tll 1' R1rd oni.:. lull pwr. 74 Hunabout. prnp:rn1· ,\ <.. W1l1 tJk•· tr,jn-.1·;,ir powt-red. S1200orbesl1tf
;c.tr3d .. 1.(l i 281i fer 631·5843
9945 ···•···••·••·······•··· ~ ,,,0 ....•..............•...
"7645a)E lo rn1
·71, TH7 \ 11·tor) 1·1J11 lliidc
a11w n11 \ ( \\I f'\I 9910
7K l.Jn<'<1ln 1 t.lr Town C,1r. lo. 111 nu. hJ,., ,., l'I'} •>IJ
uon 1Mludanrot moon roof.
blk, s11:.oo l'I' Luu
tif~5"13 mom 01" "' •·
i'fi l'l)mouth Gran l'\try
Wa1wn. PS. l'W. I'll
A~I fo"M :.tc-reo. AC All
t•xtr"ru. ~ Ul>t wll $15(Jll
t' a 11 714 7 37 ·Ii 11 !I u 11
Ii :l.IPM
541< 251'1#1 t'~''· Ol't'tl, Plll:l fh' ~11r),,
Aruuou.-. ~'WI> :Jt.U I :S:! I
1.Jke new ·w ~J> l.'1 g .. 1 VatluwOCJeft 9770
tank Su nroof CJlt •••-•••••••••••••••••• tlJ3..Ql ext J.W
'fi6~D. mech .. hotl), in
tl•rior res tored. A C.
P B. 644 ·8549
'7f> Merc~le:s Joo.o blul'.
Xlnt Cont.I. loucll•d. 'tr1.t
lunk $12.000 fi44 Jf;H7
VV.' llBVIOI( lr<>ublt• ~I'll
mg your c:ar" Try u~ Top
dollar Po1d for '" ,'l;ot •
IJnn~ your rnr tu Jim
Marino Volki.~ agl'n.
111711 llearh lllvd . Hunt
ml(loo Ht'11e·h Ask for
t°l'":ink Munuu or Tum
i11 l.ot."~bndull 1•"' 1 \ I
Pt'f1t-ct CUtl!I lk·'l ( lft••r
C-tlac 9915
-n. \lark IV. xold m c1w1
roof . nu ttrt'!> ai.IC1ni:
~ '"'° ::mxi '1~0368
'78 fleet wood HrOUl(ham 77 l.JOf'f1ln \''"Jilli~ rut
Lo<1ded • XI nt r und ly lomlt·d Onl}' '•K 1111
91. 750. 569-fil() I ct:, k for $7 .SOO &l2 flJ!Yl
'7G Sedan de Ville Whitt>
w blue 1n·t P •Jw t>r ,
l..<>;.1ded l>'anlasUt• COO(! ·~ MBZ :!20S. paint I yr.
-,iJIJt!r c1md. bt·'l olrl·r
Dun Emerson 003-0flJG
·111 Con vt w lo t mi L'll1mate rare low
M .... m1la"e SS9!1!'> l J 11
'Tl Llncnln Town (;11 r , nt-w
llrei.. loadl'd. ~ t ,OOU
rrule.. As kmR $7000 or
make offer Call after
9PM 84K-5.596
Ucluxe Columbia 31i. Wh)
hear 100~ of the ex-
penses or a '11xur1oui.
oo.t when you haven't
I.he time to sail every
day? Why pe>stpone your
Open 7a.m . 'til tip m
Monday thru f'r1day
(.;IOKt!J &il. & Sun
Effoct1ve Mon. !1124 79
zatOS. Main. Santa Ana
At the Comer of Warner
'7IS ~'ord ''JT van w air.
long bo<.ly . h\y duty
trailer tutch, :151 v H ~tk
shift. 15K m1 S4J00
* • • A 'f';TJ ~tl·reo l'JS'j 714 Kll-9021. Mr lk ll
'ill 2400, /\ C. 11 unrn .. f , 714 5S2 ll9IJI Nev.port Beacb Mon C.-J 9715 1>t1ck, 8SOO mi. white. '64 vw Con en Ca h f'n 9w4
Mlwcwr 9'50 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sev<'n 1977 Pl}'muuth
~\1ry Suburban 4 door . .!
lo(•at 'tat11>n wugcms Al I
,,, ... aut.ornatiC', <11r cond root racks, PS. PU: mat.1
have power window:.. AM F~ stereo radio:..
'>Oflle have speed conlrol M!J~ages run from 60,00o
tu 67.000. Priced from
Im to S12'7S below Blu1·
Book wholesale pric ..
1'beMl wagooa are priet.'d
around Sl500 eKh. Coo
ranuty·s enjoyment of a Tow bar. •
rully equipped larger heavy duty. S30.
l>Wlbolit'' Here's an op 531-3986After 2:30
portuolty to Jorn 3 famiUe~ 1n their lon1t RA~JA~S·4 Braud ou
.,landing, hurmonioui. Bf {,011dri c h T A
love a ffu1r ~ ;i H:id1ul :.. I LRSO
marvcloui. -.uilhuat t~ E lmo l4 1 2 <:itch .
$10,000. <OnJy $75t mn for w nms. SBl 545-0891
thelolty.~1'71~ >M9 9988 ...,.for s•
16. V Ca I ••••••••••••••••••••••• enture l W /lfill t•r IMPORTAN1''
1976 SBSO. Good cond •NOTJ<.: ET< 6~7651 lvmsg. R~:AD~RSA~lJ
19'73 Dodge Van I' S.
P/8, clean. Sl79S. <.:a ll
Jim 644-0071; 499 2658
..._.W-.d 95to •••••••••••••••••••••••
for top US(.>c:I can1-foreii<n.
OOITl(..,.t1c"l> or dasslrs If
yuur l'ar 1.s t·xtra dt•:in,
see us t"I ~"1"
.,.. su,.; /\DVl':RTIS!o:HS Docks 9070 The PrlCl' or 11l•m" •
PI '"en-. c_..,
2925 Harbor Blvd.
Ca-.IA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• udvert1secl hy v1·h1l'lt·
SUPS AV AILAILE dcul11rs in the vehicle
YAC Ne"""'rl 646_0551 classif1t1d advertising -.--colwnns does not include
&at alip wanted to uc
commodate JG' Sailboat
an Newport 11rea. l'ltase
c:ontact J.L. Golfoh al
Sllpt1 Avail Call
Judy or Harvey
any applicable taxes,
llceruie. transfer hws.
finance charges. rces for
air pollution control dl'·
vice certi!acauons or d1:·
aJer documentary pre·
paratJon charges unll.~=
otherw1se specified by
the advertiser
!bat Duck avail <sai l) in JvM.-1/ _
t•xchange for sailing CICatkt 9520
u me. Open to Ideas. •••••••••••••••••••••••
~7499 '!i6 Poracbe Speedster. IMh. 5pHcl & Original. 3S6 A eng. SW ,080 reblt. XJnt cond.. Sl4.000
or best olfer . Call ••••••••••••••• •••• ••• • 2U/T12·Sl74.
18' Tahiti Skj Boal. 455 --
Olda, Berkeley jet. trlr 'm Corvair 110. new conv
s:oio. 213-~2522. top, good tires. brues .
flla u . Good m cch Oatllified Ads. your one 85KmL $Z.500 t O BO
.st.op ahopplng center. 642-__ 7628 ____ _
MleLe•... tSIO ....... , 9510 ....................... . •.......•.............
979-2500 ---
'".;""·"'"'' 1• .•. \ ' '~I \ ~ ~-" \
Can'tSell Your Car?
ForCleao Used lmporta
CaU Make or Ooo
Late model Toyotas,
Volv08, Pickups & Varu1.
~·. ·===========~ I PAY OMLY I PORSCHE'S
I FIRST MOMTH I WANTED I PAYMENT I Allow .. u.e opportunity I I to oonaider lbe purchase * or lnde-ID ol your clean I I Ptncbe. Cbeck with Ua MO~ OI LAIT MONTH 'lbdayt I WI TAii AMY TIADi I I ••HM1oa..on 1 I PHOI• CllDIT .,,,.OYAL I
~:.."'.'9 .~!.-:-=i:.~ I . ..,, .........
'119wo. I
Dan\ trade · Mil ua your
uted Merced•• &na. Call U1 CO ftnd 9'1l Whit ~ llU't realty wort.b.
MitllODV~llDP6rU . 111·1740
••••••••••••• •• •••••••• ~ue tnt .. Sl8.750 A'lk ror v or -• --trade ror 69 or ol~r vw .... ....,_ D'Elea.•AAM L'·~1 '76 Vs. 4 apd, s nrf. Mr. C-Oats. 714·546-4141 "cash847S4S7 •0 ""' .. ~ .... r u .. AM/FM cai.i.elle. PS. d)"S,~·964 7444c\'es. • · -1nJect1on • bur l(la r
fleet Administrator.
Oranj(e C-03111
DluJy Pl1ot
___142:43:21. Ext. 2JO
wht1blk. blk c hrome, '74 &Mc. Forest gm. New alarm. .->OO. 67~18. ... """ml M t II 13700 450 SL Mercedes lfr76. --relfl u~. Excell•nt IA y R.AOllOI
~L8AIUCenter Dr.
.... . ......, . ~ us ff' . . Beaut. cond. 43 ,000 ~ $3.oOOOr bst. Lo ml '79 SevlUt' sllvtr grey, 6'7~1579 rrules.S23.000.64Q.5536 '*83oo. most xtras t6Kma
0.... 9720 -------S13.500 497.2993 alt..!:__
••••••••••• •••••••••••• '70 M BZ 600. CulltOtn '79 VW l'11nvt•M able. ull
SDF'W)'·Lab Porest eKlt
t'6S ......••..•...•........
• '...RGE p;i1nt. ~uornor. 37,000 wtute. t'u'~ µla)cr, <'llll
-mllt'S. c;1l1 fo42 0006 Al 1>75 1Hl8 ,\I ,.. betwet.·n
ii t:ouix• de Valle Gold
.,.,th "'h1t1· top \ r .. Jt
rream puff I IOI) ~.WI
m1le-Po ... l!r v. andov. '·
st-ah. door locks, t lit
~I . Jtl it'H(ht'r IOI
$1005 Call 1 l<I 644 UJ..I.'.>
.Aft !>pm_
Olr Loven. 67 Gro. Ukt·
l'll'W all over. must sec.
Sl500 ~1724 SJ!LICTIOM Of ~llam AU MODELS 7!} ~1t'fC'Cd C'> 301JS O. 71 \t Jr11u1 ~ ~ JJ(n. !I
~l·r. I'S PB. A ('
ult wh1 & 6-way ~l'Ot 70k
m1 1T1.1n ,.,oo, c·Ofl<.1. "t"'
.S. dn•t' to Jpprt'UJt1·
S1495 492 7296
.SHOP&COMPAJtE 111 l ver b I uc . ~ n rf . 'tJi \.'W St1u..in·back. Goud c~tte. xLra tunk~. l'I' cond Slll~ 1''1rm
73 Formula 400 t'lrcbinJ
Blk on bUt. w/rt.op. Vcrv
d~ 645--0883 eve>:.. BARWICK DATSUN
-..., ! 1 ri.111 f .IJJJ" f I ,lfll•
8 3 1-1375 493.3375
LG"Cp Seledion . Of A.II ..,..,
540.64 I 0 540.021 l
1978 Dats un 8 2 10
Honeybee. 37.000 m1les.
Mech. x lnt. $2250. -...m.
Red Dutsun 260·Z '741'1
w/:iunroof. AM /FM cass.
AtC. Mint cond. Ona.
owner.P.P. S8Kml. Ask·
171 l 407 .t I !fl 64S 15C/7
Tl :uJIJ, xlnt l"<md .... un 73412 Wai:on, Sl400. Good
r oof . c xtr;.1s, M .q1l1· <'()lld, .iood Ra11 saver 14 C-Oupe U..· \'1llt'. Xlnt i2 Mt'«'ll.r) Broui<ham,
yellow 11laml>00 int ~.;.22J2. t'Und, all pwr. AM FM. 9S.C.OO rru , bii: eng, AC.
I '72 POllfioc
~ll'W t.Jres. just had .1
lunt• up. N~ !tlartt-r
$f7~ a.., IS. 846-5745 afl
4~11734 L<•avanit tuwu Mu11t ~II Sil< rru . S2500 1;.12 1>124 PW & M"aL ... l!ood rond.
MG 9742 'H Bug, l!lnl cond. um C-OuPt' I.>t>V1lk. xlnl ml tM ·'4124 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 64&-490ft ( 'Olld.. $6500 (' j II DI (.' k
!If;! 8847; t'VC1\ ~ 3(23 'Tl Mooa.rt'h 4-tl r . 6 ryl.
3lK Ol"IR ma, xlnt t'Ond.
Mu1>t :.1·11. b1·-.t ofr
i4 Grand Satan Waf(un
All xt ra~. l ow ner .
\f OV ING MUS 1 s ,\ l' H 11'' I c E $I 9 ~II
Part.inR '64 MG M 1d)tct good sheet melal & run 7!l VW Convert wbtll• on ning llcar. 55!J-8300 wh1te, 3,000 m1 , SISlOO.
PP.8»mr. MGI 9744 - -
••••••••••••••••••••••• i1411, new brks tunt' up,
'67 M<.;B-GT rebll eng.
Oltome Wlrt-!i, S1 ,500.
new JOUlls. l(ood cond. ~ seU, S1 !199 or t>e:.t d(er.~
r~ 9750 76"'1 S c 1rurco Dix
••••••••••••••••••••••• Loaded. Stick Slereu :.>Km.I $4.500 675 ~I
Tl l.'Pc De Vil. All elec •
CB. leulhc r
13.<n> mile-; Wire s car ~. 714 K32 lli'OO 7 1 ~arqw11 C I' . !I pa:.l> ------..,~n. P~ PlSt PW I PL, Movini:t M ust S\!ll '71
71 Seville. fully load<.-d A C, Gd 1•ng, rblt tran11. f'lreb1rd E6pn t AuL11
1''1-eaust gold Leather. new rubber . StlOO PS PH, A/C l mmJ•
Moon ~ Wire whl~ ~ 7219 :w0J C.11 ~
S9790 r I' 9tl3 090<! A.utol, Ui..d ~ UMCI ~ """ ·•·••·················· ···•·••••··•••···••···· Ccaouo 9917 '64 JS6C, x.lnt cond, enll &
d utch reblL 12.000 ma
ago. S'S()(). SS&-~-11> __ -
$1200 '69 Squarebark. •••••••••••••••••••••••
~on~ en.R. xlnl ·73 Camaro, V-8. p /!>,
Aaltos,UMCI cood , 666-l 5JV,SS9 ..iuto.. ~t brakes &
l827Dana urei. S2500 968-S?!rl
78Camaro Sport Cpc. AC.
PS. PB. t i lt w h l.
AM FM. dean. lo ma.
brown rnet.. Take over
Ille. Dys, 752-8952; Evs,
wtalds.7si.6067 ----'920 •••••••••••••••••••••••
on Camaros, Capnces.
Monte Carlos, Malibus &
Novas. Drastic reduc· tlons!
"'' I • • ' It
' ~ ,~
197 6 C-ADll.UC SALE cou" Df VIUE .........••. PRICIO!
On,.. owner car w11h 1c1Afhf'r wfll'> Cabnolf'I
too cn11sP con1ro1 A~ 'F"'4 'lf'l-f'f'O lull C>Owf"r.
hit whf>f'I-' lnw IT'llP'I '074Rl<0'
1977 CAl>tUAC $ 6 7 9 5 COU"HWU.1 ..•.....
I n fl S 4 • 8 O 0 I 0 B 0 _ .. _____ ..., _______ .., .... .._.
'.i4b 1100
full DOwef lllt whN>I At.I F~ !ilPMO rootO
cruise control & leatl'M>f seats ••9ST JG:
714·644·5534. eves .
"74 8210". Good cood.
'70$10 0..ua 4·1P 30mpg,
new au ernatot, re-ft Is clutch. Sl.050.
'73 31().Z AM/FM 8 t.rack, "•P· xlnl;-mech cond . 11.eoo. m .5547
T7 31JZ 2+2, IUVet' & •pd,
W/Dunlop wire•. AIC.
AM /Piii , lo•de4. 1'7'50/080 '46'°"'4 or ~
i:c,~AIOUT Dl ....... s 29 9 9
8 cyf . automatic Irani • oower tteenno a
brakes. tilt wheel. AM/FM stereo a tow. low
miles In Et)!cellent condition' t7348t 11
~~~ ............... 53999
f:\111 power llC10f\' air cones ano LA"oau 109.
ONL V 36.000 low mlfea -I~ LIKE NEW condition• (823POLJ
'17 OLDS CUTLASS S 3 9 9 9 SUPllMI •M4 ....•.
F"'f Po'#W. factory air eond .. AM'fl'.M ttweo
wJt•P•· tilt wtteer & cruise control. Sl\erpl (33eASC).
' j· '
~ •• ..-... p _ . ......,.. • ... ..... • ···1
'11 Nova; VI. A/C, 14,000 "COUN DI ¥9'.U ia t. 8 8 9 5 ml, aJnt cood. SUH. ~
117-0111 ASTRO IOOf •••••.•
"73 llalllLe Carlo. Oril)nal F 1111 O<>wi'r t&etOl'V air •~athPr ll'llf'f'lOf soltt
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.. \ •
Aromd flve nunutes before
* * *
rucbbaa tbe Muko Ctt,y Alrport,
lbe plueln.d to late the nmway.
but ther• waa a lot of fo1.
So ... my_... la tbat lbe pilot
didn't eee the runway very aood
At tlnt lbe airplane rattled a
bit before t.akinl the runw~.
After that, around a half a
minute after that. it juat criahed
into the IJ"OUDd.
* * *
When l ftnal.ly knew wtlat was
bappenlal, I saw a lot of fire in·
aide t.be plane. I dido 't hear an
exploaloo. but t,bere was ftre.
The seats }#ere thrown all
around the place. There were
people asking for help, and peo-
ple screamin1 and jumpl.ng. It
was a real problem. There were
some people there, l assume
that were already dead, that
* * *
were tb.rowo oo lbe CJ'OUDd. It
wu a mesa over there.
The airplane was cracked
ope n . Around 200 feet from
where lbe body or the plane
crashed. there was a motor.
One of the seats of the plane
was prsatng on me so I bad to
gel the seat off. After that I tried
to pull my safety belt. but lbe
* * *
belt Jtat didn't open so I bad to
pull very hard oo it so it would
open. Once the belt eot o~ I
just walf.ed . . . and I ifas
stan~ on the runway.
When 1 finally eot out of the
plane, I aaw that it was com·
pletely on fire . . .
Tbe ptJot didn't warn us about
anything ... My guess is that
... be probably bit something
* * *
before landlq . . . because
there wu a bowie and a fence
completely broken up. Tbe fence
that aurroundl the airport was
compl•ly tom up. Tbere was a
house right In front of tbe
airport that was on fire.
I believe it probably , bit the
building before landing, but I
reallycouldn'ttell ...
* * *
_ras of 'et
' . o.lty~~~.._,..'9
At Huntington Be1teh'• Dwyer School, • Uvlr19 Memortal to De•d Girt
A Tree for Robin
Classma tes Honor Slain Coast Girl
By STEVE MARBLE 0t-o.11,,..._.s..,..
Some were her classmates. Others hadn't . "We'r~ going to take care of this tree," eve~ kno~ h~r. Many w~pt Tuesday when Dwyer Principal Bernard Rodgers told stu·
Rohm Chnsllne Samsoe _s mother gent~y dents and parents. "This is a special tree. It
patted thee~ around a pine tree planted rn will help us remember."
the 12-year-old s memory. Robin's mother. Marianne Frazier,
.. SHE ALWAYS wanted to be a star,"
whispered te levision actor Lew Saunders.
"I think now she's~ a star." ~
ch oked back tear s and s miled at her
daughter's friends
He told the somber gathering of 400 at
Dwyer Middle School that the sturdy sap
pling would remind Huntington l}l!ach stu
dents of the energetic blonde.
"TRANK YOU," she said. "Thank all of
Police detectives. who'd spent two weeks
searching for the young girl, stood silently
next to the students.
Sawiders compared .Kobm to the ocean
and the white beach sand. He said he'd loved
his young neighbor as if she'd been his own
As a student band began a slow-tempo
version or .. America the Beautiful," Robin's
friends, family and class mat.es took •turns
adding shovels of dirt to the base of the tree.
HE ASKED THE young students to touch
each other and close their eyes. Most cried.
Some bugged each other.
When Rodgers asked students to return
to class, many remained behind and stared
at the t.tte and clasped each other.
Robin disappeared almost four months
ago after leaving a friend's house just two
blocks from the freshly planted pine.
SAUNDERS, A regular on the television
series CHiPs, explalned he proposed the liv-
ing memorial to sfudents. "Tree Banks''
were made and placed in classrooms . Tht
needed money was raised in three days.
She was rushing home from the beach on
a friend's bicycle. apparently afraid she'd be
late for an afternoon ballet class.
THAT WAS THE last time anyone saw
her alive.
"Tb.is is the saddest and happiest day of
my life," said one dark-haired girl, who said
Robin was one of her best friends.
·A state forest employee discovered her
body last July near a remote campground in
the foot.b.ills near Sierra Mad.re. She bad been
kidnapped and murdered.
Another seventh grader said she didn't
rew ly know Robin but had heard much about
her. Sbe said she would help take care of the
tree "forever ."
B Woman
uml,Ro bbed
In Baba Clai ea
I.and Swae. to End
Lagoon Bickering?
A land swap proposal that
could end years of controveny o v e r t h e B o 1 s a C bl\ c a
marablanda and preserve it as a
wildlife habftat is being coo·
sldered by Signal Landmark
Inc., owners of the salt-water
. Slanal Landmark officials con·
firmed today they are "seriously
looking at" a land swap aaree-
men t recenUy offered by
California Gov . Edmund
Brown's oftlce.
The state reporWdly baa rA·
fend Sip.al tta choice of It.ate
1urph• lad in trade for the tOO
urea II Bolla Cbica manblaod
in HUJltialtoa acb It owns. ·
!f/ayne ark, SUnal.
epoknm~t. wa , bowever,
hi• nna mu to build at
Bolaa Odea. He a 1111 lmd
••r"ment DYea Sl ute rl1bt to tbe prope~f wblc:h borden Padftc Cout ff11hway.
Aml8ol cla 8ollla a.lea, a ccm·
eervatlOa sroup ar'1DC com~
preservation of the lagoon, has
challenged tbe 1973 a1reement.
State officials reportedly
made the land swap offer to
Signal to insure Bolla Chica is
preserved and to avoid a lenatbY
te1al battle between Slpal and
., conservation groups.
Clark said the state bas of.
fered bis firm surplus land near
Cblna Lake, other desett proper~
ty and state surplus land acUa·
cent to Fairview State H,e,pitaJ,
where a Costa Mesa 10U ~
exlete. · ' He said Sipal c~den the
state-oftered property to have
"heavy conatraint.e" and m~
not be a fair •••P for t.be'Bolaa Cbicaacnqe~ •·we are enluaUq tlMH tur·
pla I .. and wW actuaUJ look
at them," Clart 1ald. ff• main·
taint that local 1roup1 1bould
not cODlider tlda tM -ol u.e Bouaadcafttbt. •
Lat Tbunday, an Amltcl9 cle
63 Said
Dead in
backup West e rn Airlines
DC·lO jetliner bound from
Los Angeles with 88 or 89 '
people reported aboard
crashed while landing in fog
and smog at the Mexico City
airport today. plowing into
two buildings. Red Cross of-
ficials said they had re-
covered 63 bodies from the
The U.S. consul said 19 sW--
vivors. all injured, were taken to
three ho8pitals. The fate of lbe
others was not known. Nor was it
known b ow many
Americans were aboard. Many
of the names were Hispanic.
Crew member Eduardo Valen-
cia walked out of the crash with
minor injuries.
A Mexican ariatlon Gfficial
said tbe plw t.oGcbecl down on a
runw~ tliat wu closed for re-
pairs and that it struck a parked
truck and killed its driver. It
was not known whether there
were any casualties in the
s truck buildings.
The airport is considered dif ·
ficult by pilots. with mounUll.ns
nearby and with about one
million persens living in 20
bl()(ks surrounding the field.
Airline Releases
A witness said the crash
sounded like a clap of thunder
and "there was a big flash of
light " The plane was de·
molished and pieces new onto
nearby houses.
In Lo5 Angeles, Linda Dozier.
director of public relations ror
Western Airlines. said the· iU ·
rated plane was a backup
aircraft that was used because
the original plane that was to
make the flight needed routine
Some of the dead appeared to
be children, witnesses said. The
airline said the e_lane carried 76
passengers and a crew of 13.
An immigration official who
declined to give hi& name said
the plane was on fire before it
landed. that it hit the runway out
out of coot.rot and slammed into
a cement block building about a
quarter of a mile from the
terminal. Other witnesses said
the plane then era.shed against
a building under construction
and its roof fell in.
A s pokesman for the Mexican
Civil Aeronautics Administra-
tion, who asked anonymity. said
the plane touched down on a
runway that bad been closed to
tramc for repairs.
Western officials said the
black box wbicb monitors all the
plane's movements bad been
retrived intact.
There were oo immediate re-
ports of casualties amdng
airport groilnd crews or
. worlten.
WJlED BY • .4.D
"lly Daily Pilot cluaified ad
reached a man all die way in
"He's Oyln1 into LAX neit
week to eee my duelln1 platob.''
Tbat'• the etory told by the
1ueeellful dualfted ad'fertiler
who placed tJd.I ad lit-tbe Dally Pilot: L
Ort1 En1ll1h duelln1 plttol set. 1l1nature seriea, bit ottr xu-uu
lf you want to r .. cb tbat
rt1bt cu1tomer wltl\ your
cla,.lfted ad, try tbe Dally
Pilot. Call MUrr8.
' Survivors' N ames
By 1be Asaoclated Press
Here is a part.Jal h s t of 17
passengers and two crew mem·
hers wbo survived today's crash
of a Western Airlines DC 10 Jel at
Mexico C1tv Th~ a1rlrne says
HB Officials
Beat Spill
To Drain
A southbound truck aP.d trailer
containang 4,000 pllons of
acetone nipped several times
early today. spilling the flam·
mable liquid along the San
Diego Freeway in Huntington
Bea eh.
Huntington Beach fire officials
diluted the spill with wa ter
before the acetone could reach
freeway storm drains near
Newland Street.
California Highway Patrol of-
ficers block.ed off all southbound
lanea between Beacb Boulevard
and l(aanoUa Street roUo,rutg
tbe 2:07 a .m. accident.
Officials said a second trailer
containing methanol remained
attached to the truck anct was
not disturbed in Ule accident.
The driver or the B&J
Transportation Co. truck, out of
Torred, WU uni.Jtjured.
Firemen dumped more than
1,000 ,anons o( water on the ·
c" flammable liquid to reduce the
chance of explosion. Tbey aald lf
undiluted acetone had reacbed a
storm drain it could have bMll
ipited. .
Oftidala said odors from tbe
spill presented no hasardf to
nearby lleSkienta 'and evtc..ation
WU no( MceaU')'. The fref'way
lanes remalnecfcloaed for nearly
Ulree houri.
Gao Yu-eel at Shop
adult boobtore wu bit by eeven .aa.calU• ahap and two arl'OWI
t1Hd h'Om a pualQc car 8fter ctunu complained a~ tbe
store at a City Council meetms,
autbortUel Mid. Police aald DO
OH WU ~ured.
ther e may be additional sur-
The 1nformat1on was suppl.led
bv We ::.te rn A1rl1n es
spokeswoman Linda Oo21er m
Los Angeles. who ::.aid the
followmg were taken to two
Mexico City hospitals. Balbuena
and Centro Medico:
1. Mr Hoogland
2 Pedro Rwz
3. MJss Dena Durand
4 Mr Ennque Legoretta
5. Mr Frates
6 Theresa Razo
7. Carmen Razo
8. Mr. R. Martinez
9. Mr. 0 . Canaga
10. Gabnel Moreno
11. Pandora Scott
12. Teodoro Moreno
13. Raul Tav;tas
14. AlejandroAnibal
15. Rafael Martinez
Crew members, rugb\ auets·
. 16. Dooald Richards
17. Edward Valencia
a t h er
Fair \onight through Thursday with locally
gysty ~ likely to con-
tl nu e . Not much tem·
perature chtng&. Highs
Thur.'lday 68 at tbe
beaches, 76 inland. with
lows tonight 47 along the
cout and 55 inland.
There'• o cllo"'P'°"IMP
team fft cmm tr.at'• llOC too
w•U lcnot.Oft. Su 1tor11 ,
pltotoa, Poot m.
.... s
Allftl'.,,.. • ...... ....... .. ~ 1 .. =~-~ . ..':..:: ~.r.~l
=:ra. ~--..
Made lfp A rtbts
Golden Wes t CoJJese cosmetology studt!ntb
(from. left) Lorri Stone, Newport Beach.
Nanci LeoPold, Huntington Beach and
Leesa Fournier, Newport Beach show off
some of their m ake up talents which are
to be disµlayed today The campus hosts
an annual Halloween parade put on by
<·usmetology students who put on their
beM art work in honor of the season.
BJ IOANNE aSYNOLD8 Of .. Detty ,..... Hill ••~very woman la a· pcMat1a1
vlctlm. No ooe l• hnmune. · 'L .. t ·mlnute reacuea rarely
happen. u.roes .... tn abort 1up. ply." .•
The atat.emente bit home 1'ue9·
day ru,bt to a IJ"OUP or 200 peo-
ple, netrly all women, who
crowded into t.be auditorium at
the Costa MeH police atatioll.
They came to hear Officer
Darell Freeman talk about rape
and what they could do to pre-
vent tbetmelvea rrom btcomln&
"I r ave one ot these aeuklas a
few months •10. and there were
six people here,'' he obeerved.
The difference between that
session and Tuesday's has been
the string of assault.a oo Oranae
County women ill which alx bave
been slain. Four of thOM attacks
occurred in Costa Mesa.
Tuesday's session drew women
from all over the Orange Cout,
Held in NB
Candidates Grilled ' but primarily from Costa Mae.
They were all ages and slt.es.
Some came with husbands and
boyfriends and a few bro\A&ht
their ba bies
Carl "Bobo" Olson , world
middleweight box.ing champion
in the 1950s, races burglary
charges in Newport Beach today
after he was arrested Monday
by police
Olson was scheduled for a r
raignment today.
The former fighter, now 50,
held lhe middleweight title from
1953 to l..955. He beat Sugar Ray
Robinson for tbe Ulle and then
lost It two y e ars later to
Robinson via a knockout
Olson was a rrested Monday by
Newport Beach Detective Mike
Hietala who was investigating
the theft of $3,000 worth of
valuables from an apartment in
the complex whe re Olson Lives.
Taken int.o custody on suspi.
cion of receiving stolen property
was Frederick Ybarra, 52, of
5305 15th St .• Newport Beach He
was arrested al Olson's apart·
ment at 3305 15th st.
Also arrested on suspicion of
burglary in connection with the
c a s e was J ames Edward
,Carpenter, 19, of 2888 Baysbore
Drive, Newport Beach
Rolsa Chica lawsuit against the
state and Signal was d1 s m1ssed
A m 1 gos r Pl> r f's e n ta l 1 v c s .
however, s<.1id they would iippeal
the ruling Clark said he's worried the an·
nouncement of the land swap
prop osa l might ca u se
"psychological problems" wilh
county agencies that are cur·
r ently starting land uses for
Bolsa Chica.
"I just hope people don't
throw up their arms and say
• well that's it ' because we st1ll
intend to live by the 1973 agree-
m ent and build on that land."
Clark said.
He est im ated it would be
several weeks before Signal
com pletes its s tudy of the state
Free Ski Lessons
Set at GW Colleg~
A free four-week workshop on
staying in shape for snow skiing
will start Saturday at Golden
West College ln Huntington
Beach. The workshop will be conduct-
ed in Recreation Education 211
from 10 a.m. t.o noon on con-
secutive Saturdays. Registration
is on a first-come, ·first-served
basis at the door. For additional
information, call 892-7711, ex-
tension 502.
fN Of....-c.a... a.tty Pt ... W0ft-"KP1•\C~ ............ _ ... _,,,....,._ .. ,, ... o._ c-• """'-C-t s..,..1•11oc111onu••
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p""*"' •ftl "'*'...., , .... c.wwr .,, ............. -0.-·~
'r-•A ~ ' Me ......... ...
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A\v\le<ll'°"'_. ... ,.'°" ·-·-""'"°'··~·1:4• Hllnttnaton .. ..,. Office IJ1ffMK~ .......... MtlllftQAflOIUI' I' 0._,,.,_
Otf!Ht ~= •m::-"~~;:ro
TliltJtllll '".,....,
Q ••• A* ..... ......,.
On School Closing
The prospects of closing
neighborhood schools In the
Huntington Beach Cit y (elemen-
tar y) School District appears to
be the question voters are hop·
ing five board or trustee can·
didates will answer .
The hopefuls, vying ror two
board seats in I.he Nov. 6 elec·
J .. lion , agreed
.e-the district is
pl ayi n g a
waiting game
and that it's
too e arly lo
predic t the
d amage the
annual loss of
400 s tudents
wi ll have.
HOUOHTON Incumbe nt
Norma Vander Molen, seeking a
second board ter m, predicted
school closure "is probably in-
evitable" and said it will b<: a
serious topic in the next year
Candidates Gary Nelson and
Thomas HoughlA>n, both denUsL'>
a nd members of the district's
declining e nroUment committee,
re ported current trus tees are
pushing for closure wh1le igoor·
ing other alternatives.
Hopefuls Charles (C.B .>
Wright, a high school Instructor,
and Richard Brewer, a com
puter system :. consultant .
agreed the district w<is taking a
good approat•h m sc>ckang pubhc
reaction befor <' malona a ti<·
cis1on on closinl( sch~1ls.
T he llunt1ngtnn Hea1·h City
<e lPmcntciry) school district C'n
compasses t he area of Hunt
ington Beach sout h of Elli!'.
A venue. The re arc 13 schools 10
the district with <i total enroll
ment of 7,110.
All candidates h ave "had
child ren who attended district
s.cbools and all , with the cxcep
taon of Bre wer, have lived an
Huntington Beach more than HJ
years . Brewer has resided 1n
.Jiuntington Be a c h for four
Wright, 31, is an English and
Latin teacher at Ma nna lhgh
School in Hunllngton Beach. lfp
said be is a past president of a
teacher's association and went
on strike early this year Wlth
fe llow teachers but insists these
facts do not present a conflict
for serving as an electtd trustee
He maintained he will urge
teache rs be granted binding
a rb itr ation o n contr a c t
grievance matters.
Wright, endorsed by the Hunt-
ington Beach City Teachers As·
soclaUon, said hls experience 11s
a teacher and an association
leader provides him with an un·
derstanding of school flnancinK
and the need for quallly educa·
tloo. Mra. Vuder Molen, 45, has
served as a trustee for four
years and currently is chairman
of the Huntington Beach Parks
and Recreation Commlaslon.
She is alllo a girl scout leader
and a member or several PTA
·She suggested board members
s hould encoura1e st\Jdenta and
teachers to r emain In the
classroom and 'that Wrl1bt's
record would present "a conlllct
of interest." .
Sbe said her experience u a
' truatee weight ln her favor and
rnalntaina that a new trustee
must study for at least a )'ear t.o
gain the knowledge bla col·
leagues have.
Brewer. 38, said too much
money ii spent ln non·teachina
areas and suggested flnanclal
c ull could be made tn ad·
"Tbe district la altove the
state aver••• on 1dmln11tr.tlve expeuet w6en you fl•un lt per
pupil," bl cb.ar•ed· "We lbould
put tbe mone1 back In tbe ea ... room ....,. tt beklap."
Be wouldn't .. y lllldl1 wMN
tM euta sbould be made.
Brewer 1aJd be alto faYOrt
btndlna arbltratioa ror t.acbln.
Be ebarJed current trustee•
811l'Wlll YANOlll MOlUi
a ren't responsive to teachers
Nelson. 38, has served as the
chairman ror the district 's
declining <'nrollmenl committee
He claimed clostng a school will
trim only $90,000 from the dis·
trict 's $13 million bud.get.
He s uggested neighborhood
schools could remain open if va·
c ant cla:.srooms were leased
School closurt!, he said . 1s hls
l:1!>t choice for !>Ol ving the dee tin
111g enroll ment crunch
Nelson is also being endorsed
by the district's teachers .
lfough&oo, 45, s md he and den-
tal colleague Nelson decided to
r un whlle serving together on
t he declining (•nrollment com·
lie ussc rtc d e nro llme nt
alternatives such as leasing
classrooms or movin g the dis-
tncl headquarters int-0 an eXJst
1ng school could solve the
dwindling stude nt population
I Jc said he would like to en-
coura~e parents to take a more
active role in school affairs
·'Too often par ents blame
schools for doing a bum job an
education but refuse to get in
volved . Parents have to take
part of the bla me."
All candidates are against
busmg outside the district boun·
da ries and would fight the con
troversial voucher plan.
To Begin
'Third Party
Former Gov. Meldrlm Thomson
of New Hampshire, a vocal
leader of the country's staunch
conservatives, announced today
he la running for president oo a
thlrd·parlY ticket because none
of the RA!publlcan contenders is
Tbomaoo, a leading s upporter
o r former California Gov.
Ronald Reasan in the 1976
Republican nom ination fight,
told a newa conference be ll
leavln1 the GOP forever.
"I am unhappy with all those
who have surfaced or have ln·
dlcaled they will surface ln the
presldeoUal watera," Thomson
Tbo"80fl 1aid he wH forming
• CodU.tuUon Party and would
try to p\ oa the ballot un~r lta
banner ln all 50 1tate11 altboulh
"lt will be lOUlb work. •
Tbe tbrM·t•rm llepubllcan
Eovernor, wbo lolt to Democrat
uib Oallea last year, said b• . acJ ralted no mon11 ror bll
pr"ldentlal race but ••oecttd to 1•t "nasnbers of mtruoea of
doUare" from prtvat. contrlbu·
tlon1 and would not accept
federal tundl tOf' b1I campa.lp..
One young man who s howed
up looked ala rmingly like the
police drawing of the suspect.
He was called aside by detec·
lives who <fucreetl,y ~ueJlioned
him before deciding -h, wasn't
the man they're looking for.
Freeman opened bis seminar
with a film on rape. It was
followed by a ques t ion and
answer ses.<iion in which the sub-
Ject changed from rape preven·
l ion to the unsolved Orange
Coast murder rape cases
The women wanted to know lf
police had anyone 1n custody Do
they know who the suspect 1s"
Whal about fl a lloween? Wh at
self defense meW1ures could be
taken ?
Aided by Detecti ve Landa
Giesler, Freeman djd his best to
ans wer their concerns.
They said they have no swi-
pect Identified or in custody
Halloween, like othe r nights in
Costa Mesa recently, is going to
sec as many policemen 1n lhl·
field as the department can put
U c f t· n s " w a s t h e t o JJ 1 c
Freeman had t•allcd the meetuig
lo diS<.'ill>S.
"Home sc<.'urity is the answer
lo the s1tuat1on we 're dealmR
with," the oHtcer told bu. a u·
He showed them a ~·minute
f ilm a nd spent another 45
minutes discussing lf)ck!, <ind
burglar al:irms
As the rape him noted, dead
boll locks arc expensive. but
they're worth 1t It also said.
"somt•thlng as sma ll as a 98-cent
wmdow lock can save a woman
a lot of agony '.'
P o l ice in the four other
j ur1sd1ct1ons wh1>re the killer
has struck are also empbasmng
the need for women to keep their
homes locked.
The sW>pect, who has s truck
eil-{ht times sincf' April 1 of lhls
year. apparently has gotten into
his victims' apartments through
unlocked doors or windows.
Half the people at T uesday's
seminar s aid they we re apart·
ment dwellers. They were only
slightly more apprehens ive than
the women who live an house:.
Many stayed a fter the con·
clusion of the two hour session to
ask more q uestions or to discuss
the murders among themselves
One younR woman confegsed
she was waiting for two or three
others to leave so she'd have
company walking t.o her car.
Darth tlae Dragon
Darth Rimmer . 2. of Huntington Beach was the witc:he~
<:ho1ce for grand prm .· winner <Jt M~nday's costum~
parade. s~onsored b y the tiunt1ngton Beach Junior
Wom en'> Club at Huntington CC'ntcr Darth's mom J )j ~~~e his dragon ~u11 . for "-htch h(• won a $25 s'av~n:~
40 on Bus Stranded
By Colorado Drifts
CAMPO . Colo t AP A C'on
tme ntal Tnulways bus carrymjt
a b o ut 40 p ass e n ger'! W ii '
s tranded in 12-foot snowdnfu to
day and a comoy of ... nowplo .......
and four v.hf't'I driH· .,Ph11 It·
lrft this .. oulhf'c1 'i t (11IMJd«J
farmtov.11 lo n·-.< Ut> thf'm
Th.-dnfL-. v.t•rl' dumped on
Color;:id<>" c;;),lt•m plain .. b> ..i
blizzard v.·h1ch rrw rf'd out of the
Hock1es on Tuf'~Q.d.> bt:hind ~
mph wmd.s Thl' W\nd)o. ~·ombincd
with wet sno" and ice 10 kn<><:k
out power "to ..1bout 5 000 pe~on.-.
in the southea~t part of the sta te
Officer Perry Powe ll or tht'
Colorado Sta t(' P atrol said CB
Bandit GPtS S 35
At Vall~~· Mark~r
A bandit who threatened a
clerk wtlh a fender Jack c:.caped
with about S35 m cas h from tht'
Stop N Go Ma rket a t 16040
Newhope St in Fountam Valley
e arly Tuesday
The clerk said the red hwred
man entered the markel at 12 lO
a.m . and demanded cash The
assailant. dcscnbed as about 30
years old and of med.tum height
and build, fled on foot
r1c110 contact mad1• with t hr nu<>
Tuesday ni~ht indicated that all
lhe pai.scngcr.. we re '>afc
.. As ton~ a~ they -.Lav 1n the
hu~ th1•V r•· "'' 1· anti v. a rm lie
'•lt d (Hill 1111'111 ,fl 0., b1•t•n
thr1111~h lh1' 111 for" and th1·y
know v.hal to do ..
1 he· bu-. b••Jipvcd en ro1Jt 1•
from Amanllo. Tex;is, to Dem 1·r
W d' ont• of '>t·v1•ral veh1C'lt•-.
m a r oonl.'d a boul rou r mile~
-.oul h of Camr)()
.. We· ve ~()l vehicles cari. imd
truck!> north. -.o uth. east and
wrst of ht-re that were stranded
last night." said Powell . who
wa!'> helping with rescue opcni·
11on~ centered in Campo.
"We've ~ot 1•vcry availahle
piece of equipment wP c<.1 n gl't
our handc; on tryin~ to get 11ut
the re." Powell ">aid ''It's b<'t'n a
prt>lly long ntRht . but we'rp still
ktcking away al 1t It was Jus t
~etllng so b<.1d lal>l ni ght that we
<.'ou ldn 't hardly J.:t'l out of town "
The rescue t•rew included
about 25 'ihenff''> deputies. State
P.itrol offl cerl>. highway crcwl>
and volunteers. he said
Powell said 1t wa'> hoped lhc
c;nowplowl' could free the bus
and cle;.i r the r oad back to
''We Want You To
Look Better
For Less!''
We'renot complain·
ing about the high
price of glasses, we're
doing som ething about it. .
There are a tot of places to buy
ey ewear these days. You can go to
a so called "fashion boutiQue" and
pay spect acular p rices for famous
names, or you can come to Optical
Factory, and get the best possible
f ashion' looks In evewear at a down
to earth price.
A r; a rule, you only get what you
pay for these day s. Our selection is
large enougn to please the most
finicky tastes. and yet our prices
start as low as
U4.50 Single Vision
S44.SO Bifocal
SS4.SO Trifocal
CI ncludes Fashion Frame~ Stan·
dard Size Glass Lenses and Case)
A t these prices we'r e making a
spec tacle of our selves.
So, If you w ant a spectacular look in eyewear fashion w ithout pay ing a spec ·
tacular pr ice. there's really only one place to shop ... Optical Factory.
w e are your neighborhood optKal store, centrally loc~ted on East 17th
Street in Costa M esa. Rem~YYiber to ask your eye doctor'1or your prescrip-
tion. With this In hand you can shop around tor the best in eyewea r at the
r ight price.
~ PTll:AL ~Al~f~~RY
1250 E. 17th'Street, Costa Mesa·• HIHeJrcn Sq.
VIS4' 642-4630 • Weekdays 9-5:30 sat. 9.3 11-< ~
7 .
Sdrri1'or Walked E'rorn Flaming DC•l 0
Around five minutes before
* * *
reacb.IDlthe MexieoClty Alr1*t.
the plane tried lotake lhe runway.
bul there was a lot of to1.
So. . my Juell ll that the pOot didn't see the runway very lood
und het.nedtolandQyway~
Al first the airplane rattled a
bll before taking the runway.
Afte r that, around a half a
minute after that, it juat craabed
LDlo the '1'0UDd
* * *
Daalia's 8ack-o-Meloa
When l Onally knew wbat was
happenlns, I aaw a lot of fire in·
aJde lbe plane. I didn't bear an
expk>eion, but there was fire.
The seats were thrown all
around the place. There were
people asking for help, and peo-
ple screaming and jumpin&. It
was a real problem. There were
some people there, 1 assume
that were already dead, that
* * *
T halia Simon. 7. of Costa Mesa, has a
very special jack-o-lantem for Halloween.
It's cut from a watermelon. It came about
because her father's attempt to grow
pumpkins was a bust. AJI he got were
vines. Then he tried watermelons. They
didn't taste very good. so Thalia's dad
gave up on the green thumb bit and came
up with this compromise.
CM Se1ninar Draws 200
String of Rapes Boosts Turnout
Of tM D.tl\I l'llet S~ff
They gave a rape seminar in
Costa Mesa Tuesday night and
200 people came. Six months ago
a similar session produced an
audience of six.
The difference between the
earlier session and Tuesday's
has been the string of assaults
on Orange Coast women in
which six have been slain. Four
of the attacks occurred in Costa
The audience crowded into the
auditorium of Costa Mesa Police
StaUon bad come to hear Officer
Darell Freeman talk about rape
and what they could do to pro-
tect themselves . Mos t were
Tuesday's session drew women
from all over the Orange Coast,
but primarily from Costa Mesa.
They .. were all ages and sizes.
Some 11Came with husbands and
boyfriends and a few brought
their babies. One young man who showed
up looked alarmingly like the
police drawing of the suspect.
He was called aside by dete<:-
tives who discreetly questioned
him before deciding he wasn't
the man they're lookin~ for.
Freeman opened his seminar
with a film on rape. It was
followed by a question and
answer session in which the sub·
ject changed from rape preven·
tion to the unsolved Orange
Coast murder-rape cases.
The women wanted to know if
police had anyone in custody. Do
they know who the s uspect is?
What about Halloween? What
self defense measures could be
Aided by Detective Linda
Giesler. Freeman did bis best to
(See RAPE , Page AZ)
were thrown oo the ground. Jt
was a mess over there.
The airplane was cracked
open. Around 200 feet from
wbere the body of lbe plane
crubed. there was a motor.
One of lbe seats of the plane
was pressing on me so I bad to
get the seat off. After that I tried
to oull my safety belt, but tbe
* * *
belt just didn'"open 10 t bad lo
pull very bard oo it so it would
open. Once tbe belt got open, I
just walked ... and I was
standing on the runway.
When I finally got out of the
plane, I saw that it was com-
pletely on fire ...
The pilot didn't warn us about
anything . . . My guess ia that
• • • be probably bit something
* * *
before landing . . . because
there was a house and a fence
completely broken up. The fence
that surrounds tbe airport wu
completely torn up. There was a
house right in front or the
airport that was on fire.
I believe it probably hit tbe
building before landing, but l
reallycouldn't tell ...
* * *
_rash of et
63 Said
Dead in
backup Western Airlines
DC· 10 jetliner bound from
Los An geles with 88 or 89
people r eported a boa rd
crashed while landing in fog
and smog at the Mexico City
airport today. plowing mto
two buildings. Red Cross of·
fi cials said they had re-
covered 63 bodies from the
The U.S. consul said 19 sur-vivors, all injured. were taken w
th.ree hospitals. The fate of the
others was not known. Nor was it
known h o w many
Americans were aboard. Many
of the names were Hispanic. Crew member Eduardo Valen-
cia walked out of the crash with
minor injuries.
A Mexican aviation official
sald the plane touched down on a
runway that was closed for re-
pairs and that it struck a parked
truck and kiUed its driver. It
was not known whether there
were any casua lt ies in the
struck buildings.
The airport is considered dJf.
fi cult by pilots, with mountains
nearby and with a bout one
million persons living in 20
blocks surrounding the field.
A witness said the crash
sounded like a clap of thunder
and "there was a big flash of
light." The plane was de·
molished and pieces flew onto nearby houses.
<See ESCAP E, Page A2)
* * * Western Lists
Of Jet Crash
By Tbe A..ssoc:lated Press
Here is a partial list of 17
passengers and two crew mem-
bers who survived today's crash
of a Western Airlines OC· 10 jet at
Me xico City. The airUne says
there may be additional sur-
Information Incomplete on Fate of Others Aboard
Ex-boxing Champ
Faces Burglary Rlip
Carl "Bobo" Olson. world
m1ddlewe1ght boxmg champion
in the 1950s. races burglary
charges in Ne wport Beach today
after he was arrested Monday
by police.
Olson was scheduled for ar·
ra1gnment today
The former fighter, now 50.
held the middleweight title from
1953 to 1955. He beat Sugar Ray
Robinson (or the title and then
losl 1t two yea rs later to
Robinson via a knockout
Olson was an ested Monday by
Newport Beach Detective Mike
Hi etala who was investigating
the theft of $3,000 worth of
valuable!' from an apartment m
the complex where Olson hvci-.
Taken lnto custody on susp1·
c1on of receivmg stolen property
was Freden ck Ybarra. 52. of
5305 tSth St . Newport Beach He
was arrested at Olson's apart·
ment at 3305 15th st
Also arrested on susp1c1on of
burglary in connection with tht-
case wa s Ja me s Edward
Ca rpenter. 19, of 2888 Bayshore
Dn ve.NewportBeach.
llletala said information link·
ing the men to the Oct 24
burglary was developed during
an investigation of an alleged
plot to hold up a store m Fashion
· It's Radloaetive The information was supplied
b y Western Airlin es
spokeswoman Linda Dozier in
Los Angeles. who said the
following were taken to two
Mexico City hospitals, Balbuena
and Centro Medico:
Explains Vote
On Airport
Olson was bpld an Newport
Beach city jail m lieu of $10.000
bail. Carpente r was held on
$25,000 bail and Ybarra was held
OD $2,500 bail.
. ' I
Irvine Stuck With Waste
in San Francisco said both the
Nevada and Richland, Wash.,
disposal grounds have been shut
down because or waste packag-
ing problems and discovery of
stee l drums outside one of the
NRC spokesman Jim Hancbetl
said the Washington site was
closed down a month ago1_ by
Gov. Dixy Lee Ray and"\1-fte
Nevada site was padlocked a
week ago.
Baietti said storage. of the low-
level waste -items such as
isotopes used in research and
lab materials contaminated with
radioactivity -poses no haunt
to the public health and safety.
David Faulkner, a co~elor at
Lebanon Higb School, opened
the front door and said, "I knew
the great pumpkin bad been
He said his company collects
the materials from about 100
medical and industrial establish·
menu ln a three-county area
and then eventually ships the
waste to the disposal sites for
_. ... burial.
There were 200 treat
pumpklna in fact -so many
were piled a1ainat bil door that
a few J'Olled lulde aa Faulker wu making bil w11 to work
A warnln1 to the Lebanon
tealor cla11: EJCpeet extra
homework. Faulkner'• con·
vhaeed :roa'N ,....,.... .. for hll
pumpkin pet.eh.
I .
One of ICN's customers is UC
Irvine. A spokesman for the UCI
inecllcal ceoter Jn the city of
Oran1e said the shutdown of the
dlaposal sites bu not created
a ny problems with nuclear-
related medical functions.
Dr. Leroy Price said very lit-
tle low-level radloactlve ••tala
produced at tbe medical etater"
and he didn't utlc:lp1te any
prob.lema arl1lo1 from a
prlloqed dolure of the dilpou1
al tea.
Howuer, offtclala at other
JDedlcal centers ln Soutbern
(lie WAITS, p.,_ AJ)
1. Mr. HOogland
2. Pedro.Ruiz
3. Miss Dena Durand
4. Mr. Enrique Legoretta
S. Mr. Frates
6. Theresa Razo
7. Carmen Razo
8. Mr. R. Martiner
9. Mr. D. Canaga
10. Gabriel MoTeno
11. Pandora Scott
12. Teodoro Moreno
13. Raul Tavitas
14. AlejanclroAnlbal
15.JlafaelMartinez ....
Crew me•lten, fll<t aaeB"·
16. Donald Richards
17. FAward Valencia
Condos Frozen
LOS ANGEL~ (AP> -Cou.n·
ty Board of Supervisors
c h airman Kenneth Hahn
threatened to have sberlff's
depuilea remove 40 protestinl te· qutl from a wlatlle meettnc of ._. bMrd tbateaded ID a yotefQr a
tbree·week moratorium cm coo-
domlnham CCIDHrDoGI. .
" 'i
OI .. D.il~ I'*' Slaff
Orange County supervisor
Thomas Riley denied .today that
negotiaUona for purchase of land
adjacent to John Wayne Airport
would ultimately mean in·
creased ope rations al the
"I don't think there will be an
increase In the frequency of
operations, allbou&b there could
be more passengers loadin& and
unloadinc." he said.
Riley was the lone dissenter in
Tuesday's boa.rd action ln which
county General Services Agen-
cy (GSA> slaff was ordered to
take preliminary steps towan1
buying 31-acres oa the west aide
of the airport nmway in Colt.a
That land includes a 2.6 acre
plot on Airway Avenue and 28
acres on Re d Hilt Avenue
between Baker Street and
Paularlno Avenue.
The preliminary a\eps lDelude
compliance witb te1al eocMI bl·
volvine the \and acquialtion'a ef.
feet on C:O.ta lies•'• ceneral
But delptte bll obj~ to
TuesdQ's aeUon Riley said to-
d•y bl didn't eee tbe move u a
<leeAmPOST,P ... AJ)
All three were to be arraigned
today at t~e Harbor Judicial
District Court.
Or :~ec.j,:as l
Fair tonight through
Thursday with locally
gusty winds likely to con·
tinue . Not much tem-
perature change. Highs
'Thursday 68 at the
beaches, 76 inland, wttb
Iowa tonight 47 along the
coast and 55 inland.
Thtrt'• o cltcunpfoft1llip
ttom in toua tltol'1 not too
well knot0ft. See 1tor11 .
photos. Page BJ. ....
j • •
.. ,
' Ted Backed
In ·Cmi/omia
LOI AHOILQ P) -CelMaa&a Opanr•-. ='=~~1'.=: ldeaUal nomln&Uoft b1 •
better tb•n l ·l •aril• onrPr~C....Md
S.J 0\W Goy, ~-0 , Jko~Jr.,K~toa 1-"-l•n-'911 ... •r. Ol .. er rH•ll• la a
•t•tewtdt ........ Poll of l ,la .... Mt .... Oel
15 aad Oct. 11 ..... Lbal
Nllll#ed \IO&en' Clft•ioal ot Can. ud Browa ba4
tureed aromd alaee ()e..
lobtr lf'll. the '118MI Mid,
Carter, wt.o bad 1 a
perceot favorable ratiq
lo tb• poU a year llO, dropped to 31 pereeat
f1vorabie. aro.n, -.Jo1·
Int • IJ percent favorable
lmprtt.lion l&at Oetober, dropped to 43 p•r~ent
favorabie . imprenlon lbla
month amon1 hie ltome ala~·• te&Utered "°""'· lbe poll abowed
C AM•O. Colo (AP) -...,,.,..... fCNOl ~ 11-
feot Ho••rllt1 \o tHoue s:---n cm a ltrwMd '*'to-1. W two...._..,.,_...
la a .., • ...,..n oo-.. ......... , .......... ., ...... ...... ..,., ........ .
fte !......,.,.. Oft ..... Ccia
Uaeetal Tta1.ltra11 bua all ..... -1.otd HDdiU.O w~en lbey ._.. ..._.t to C.mpo. PtN Qlllf ,,_ ~...,,..,. HJd.
Ht MW OM two bodl•..,.
fouad ln • car near the M
Ttlelr ldeaUtlea were not re
leued lmmtdJately
The blluard roared out ol lhe
Roell•• oo T\M!Sday wllb wlndl
of ._.P to 90 mll• ao hollr. knock·
11\I out eleetrital power to about
5 ,000 peuona In 1outtteut
Colorado ~nd nearly 8,000
pereona In the Oklahoma
Panhandle R~po rt• f rom
aoutbeut (;olorado i.lso lndk•t
ed extensive livestock losses.
.............. 1.Miit1lilllt
ro•d• In the an• remau..d clo1td, coa:unwutlon1 were
out Hd a11thor1Ue1 t0uld not
provide -tlrm n1u,.. on how · D>aay PIOfle w•n wantna tor
MlJ> Ou cono1 of eaowplow1
pu.hed eouU> from Sprfn1fteld •l
dawn toward Campo and the
T rallwaya but atraoded on
ff l1hway 2t7 t0ulh of Campo
near t.be Oklahoma border.
Ont p\ow made 1t th.roueh to
Campo and r.acbed the bu.a late
thl• momiq, Sch11tner aaJd. He
uld farmera had mounted
•coop• on tlMt front of \betr trac·
tort to help c&ear lbe hlpway
•nd reach the bu.
Olllaer Perry Powell of tbe
Color.do &.le Patrol said Tues
d1&)' nlght that clti&en1 band
radio contact with the bus had
Indicated all the pauengan
Wl're sate
.. A1 IOOK •• they l lMY in the
...... U.,'N..,. Md werm," ht
uld. ·•conUautal'1 bHn
tbrcrup thl1 before and they
know what to do."
The bu.a, beUeved en rout.
from Amarillo, Tnu to Deattr
waa one of Hverai v•blele1
maroonad about lour mll••
aouth o1 cvnpo.
"We've -lot vl'hlclea, cert and
truckt aorth, t0utb, eHt and
wett C'JI htrt that were 1ttaaded
lllt olOt." Hid PowtU , 'Wbo
w11 belptn1 wtth reecu. opet'a·
l1001 centered ln Campo.
"We've •ot every available
piece ot equipment we can 1et
our handa on trylo1 to set out
there." Powell Hid. "It'• been a
pretty Ions nJ~t. but"'we'r e ltilJ
kicking •w•y at It. It wu ju.st
icetUng 110 b•d lu t nhcht that we
couldn't hardly get out ot town ...
T he rescue crew Included
about 2S sherirr's deputies. Slate
Patrol officers. highway crews
•nd volunlt-t•ns , he said.
A!TIRI~ -9Rt!FL Y Polci Lt ....... ,
Retired Mesa
Cop to Take
Irvine Post
Calllon&a U.. expr11Hd u.e ,.., tlllir auclMr medlelDt dt-
p...un.t could bt ekud .._ =-=~tt.l•n•~•· aaa.a.t Mid If tw or tine *-8 ea't bl re.oyect
eertlla l'tleardl, lodmtrill
ed•teticleal tltablWa.....a., lt
woul4 .O~eurtall tbetr operedoal.
He Hld at aee at
bolpkala Md -la at • P'ftDhan. · v .
BaletU aald the H·••lloa
clrum1 JCN pleb up from hi ,
cuatomen are kept at the Irvine
raclUtJ owdoon .uJ a s&cnifl·
cant ~ YOlUJDe la aeerued
for 1bipmeat to burial altel. n.e
atora•• area la loehd and aeoure, be 111d.
Sloce aome of the traM la ln
IJquJd form , be •aJd. 1rouod com
COM are used to at.orb it for
stora1e and ahJpm4Jnt. Tb1s la
known u ablorbed UquJd waste
and it preventA · leaka1e. The
users them.elves do UUa before
the waate ia pfcked up, be aaid.
Two Ailing Jets Land Safely On Nov. 2. Lt. R.M. "Mlke"
Healey will retire after 25 yean
on the Chila Mesa police force
On Nov ~. h >'JI sta rt a ne w JOb
with the Irvine Police Oepart-
Of the 10 000 l!Ublc feet of
w aste beln1 kept In Irvine
BaietU said about 8,000 cubi~
feet Is matertal picked up rrom
ICN customers. The remaJning
waste is that generated from
JCN's own operaUons .
Raietti s1ud his company can
keep the waste on band for about
three or four months before the
s to r age situati on becomes
serious. 81 fte AlllOda&ed Preu
Two DC·lO jetliners developed
en1lne problem& shortly after
takeoff from Weit Cout airportl
within a 24-bou.r period and both
turned back and landed safely,
officials said.
* * -* .
On Tuesday night, one of the three en&inea on a Northweet
Alrlinea fic.10 bound from Seat·
tie to Fairbanks, Alaska, had to
be s hut down, forcing the plane
to return to Seattle·Tacoma In·
t.ernaUonal Ai,oo rt. F ederal . * * *
l'r .. Pa,,e A I
Jn lAJ6 Anaeles, Linda Do11er ,
direct.or o( public relations tor
Weste rn Airlines, said the 111·
fated plane was a backup
aircraft that was ui.ed because
lhe original plane that was l.ll
make the flJght needed routine
maintenance Some of the riead appeared to
be children. witnesses said The
:1irline said the plane carried 76
passengers and a crew of 13.
An Immigration official who
declined to g1ve his name su1d
the plane was on fire before It
landed, that it bU the runway out
out of control and alammed Into
a cement block buildlng about a
quarter of a mtle from the
terminal. Other witnesses sal<I
the plane then c rashed against
a building under cons truction
and i&a root I ell in.
A 1polteeman for tho Mexican
ClvU Aeronautics Adminlstra
lion, who a11ked anonyrn1t y, <,aid
tbe plane touch1·d dow11 ,,n .1
runway that h<1d lwcn 1'111,1 .. J l11
traffic ror repairs
Western uff1c 1als said the
black box which monitors all tht:
plant"s moven1t-nls had lJcen
retr1ved intlict
'I here wt:n• no 1mmcd1 att-rt:
ports of c asualties e1 m ong
airport ground c r e w s or
The U.S. Feder al Aviation Ad·
mimstration and the US N1t·
tion<il Tra nbp(Jrtut1on Safety
fh)a r d sc·nt rcpn·senllHJ ves to
M<,x11·<J City In 1Jbserve the in·
vt·M1i., .. t1rm ,,f th .. nash
l'.irt'\ or th« µlune were hurled
hunrl11•\b 11( )'unh 11nd "truck u
slurr1 hfl11 .. 111R dreu bt'yond the
a1rpiut . A w1tnci;i. !Said residents
there t.u!fcr\!d only light cuts
and bruise1>
"We were a ll asleep. We
heard a terrible noise and an ex·
plosion People were shouting
'run for your 11 ves. .save
yourseU, · " said 41 year-old Ale·
jandro Aguayo Caballero.
He and lS other pe<>ple live In
a tenement by the a irport where
pieces of 1 he plune !!truck
P 1 ft r e s '' f s m o u I d c r 1 n g wrcckaai.., lay atop som e of the
house• Sn that block.
Fllght 605 l!I nonstop fro m Los
Ang..,leb and 1s popularly kn<Hrn
J !'t th t• '"I t l'Ol<il•"' r,r nl~ht 11wl,
IJl'c 111,1 1,f II•• r•1)!'hl rl ~ 1111: It I'>
iil'-'1 II( I' f ,lftli di)' d1Jl1l11 d fh l·
"H•·cl LYl' 'l''' , 1:d
Hugo Pone·<·. a watr hman i.t
the 111rport, said "1t was horn.
IJIP " •
. , ·;i Wtfit !n. -Ui-·lou'ngt• wh~n a
noise like il ~~1h' of lhunder
was heard. The'' airport lights
sort of dimm•·d and a ll of a i.ud
1h·n ltw re W J s a bi g fl<Jsh 11(
light." ht: said
Snoiv, Ice Sweep
Across the Plains
By The Alsoclated Press
A blustery, snow·laden i;t.orm
sent an icy prelude to winter
lhrough portions of the cenlral
and southern Plains, k illing
eight p e r son s , st r a nding
motorists, knocking out power
aod sending some Texas resi-
dents \.0 shelters to keep warm.
BUuard warnings we re in ef·
feel today across western
Kansas aod west·central
Nebraska, and travelers ad-
vitoriea were posted for the Tex.
aa Panhandle, northeast New
Mexico and the mountains and
footbllla of Colorado, the Na·
tional Weather Service said.
Two persons were killed Tues·
day when a tornado spawned by
,..._ ~~ C:.oit\t 0.ll'f p, ... •tl"• .. ,t._ ~tom
-............... ··--....... o._ c .. u ...... """""'~· s...r ......... ~.·~
"""'",_.. -·· l"'OW\lfl I'.; .. , IO• "'"I• Mow. H--~ -lfAo;oro ....,~,......., ,.,,. ~ •• ....,, •rv,,. . ._......... ftillcttt-.1rt( .... •
~•"OJ•,.....-....,.,*'.,~"'-~w .. ,. enct ~~· f ............ """''"""' ............. ... ,, •• , ...... Cft''4-. ( •ll•eni1 • .,.,. .... ,,._
~~ ....... "-"·~
14K•• Cw1ty Vl(•'"'°'*"'"""OIM<M~
~·--...... ,_ ... ...._
M9 .......... ....
awtoo•i... ... -~-ll'~llff .... ,... ....... ......
t he s torm sma ~hed a mobile
home 1n a rural community near
Ardmore, Okla
Sa x other people died in traffic acciden~. including o man and
woman struck by a car when
they stopped lo help a vehicle
stalled tn a snow filled ditch in
the TeX<!!> Panhandle.
More than a dozen cars and
t rucks wer e reported slnmded
In sout heast Color ado, a nd
Kansas Highway Patrol officers
r e!lcued motor ists i.tuc k on
highways in the southwei.t part
of that i.tatc. .
T<:xas Ue part.ment or Public
Safety pa trolme n s aid more
than 400 autos and trucks were
abandoned along Interstate 40
between Amarillo and Tucwn·
"We got every road you can
tbJnk of cloeed," said Colorado
State Patrolman Perry Powell
at Campo. ''We cot cars' truclts,
buses and everything elae just
stranded aJl over the place. We
are just trytne lo get to them
and get the people ln here ."
Meanwhile, nearly two dozen
people were lnjured aa tomadoe
and hllh wind.a, tome up to 70
mUea an hour, luhed part.a ot
Texu, Oklahoma and Ml110W1.
The Oklahoma HJ1hway Patrol
identlfted tM tornado victims &1
'I'ereu Carroll, $9, of rural
Ardmona and lbnmie Lee Bob,
41, of Ardmore, who waa Marly
decaplteted by piec.. of. the
mobile home &1 be 1ot out ol b1a truck.
Ruling Intact
U.S. Sul>reme Court bu left in·
tact CalifomJe court declalonl
OVtrtumin• Ra.MU Uttl1'1 con·
•icUOD m tJM ma murder of
Oaklt.Dd lcbool luperiatedent
Jhreu Poiter.
Aviation Adminis tration
spokesman Ken Shake said.
Northwest F1ight No. 89 wa!'I a
few minutes out of Seattle and
flying in the vicinHy of Victoria,
Britis h Columbia, when an lo·
dlcator light warned o f a
mechanical malfunction involv
1 ng a compressor on the engme
s aid Brent Bas kfl eld , ~
Northwest apakesman. He said
the engine was shut down and,
e1Her the plane landttd, it was re
moved and was being inspected
The plane carried about 72
passcngcn. <Jnd a crew of eight,
Daskf1eld said
T u e~day morninu. a Con
tlnenll Alrhnel'I OC·IO turned
back to Lo~ Angc·les lntem a
tfonal Airport 4-0 minutes after
beginning a flight to Chicago.
Conllnental spokesman Bruce
Plowman said the pilot shut
down one of the en gines becau.se
of a problem with a turbine
hlude. Plowman termed It "a re·
lallvely common occurrence
"A blade eithe r cracks or
comes loose," he said. ..There
arc a number or blades Jn the
turbine and 1f one comes loose, it
ran damage the others "
Plo wman said the plane was
rep<!tn.oJ and put bar k in service
thitl aftt-moon
mf•nl a!> a c1vtl1an
Healey has been 11elect.ed as
Irvine·-. fi rst me1nai:er o(polH:e
loot:r v1rc<,. an whic h h e will
supervt~<' recordb, com muniea-
l1 ons and l£•t·hn1C'al i.er v1ces,
~uch ru. prnp(•rty and the \ch1clt
ll't> part or a trend 1n pohre
dc•partm(•nti. to hire c1v11tan-. for
!.upport posltt<ms, He<i ley i.cs1d.
Ill-. present JOb as Co-.ta ~t.-sa
rt.'<'ord~ hure<1u commander will
bt• filled by Lt John Regan
The la.'\t load of waste was
sent to Beatty, Nev., by JCN a
m on t h ago T he state and
f e d e r a l De partme nt o f
Trans portation r egulate the
shipment of radioactive waste
Ba1etl.J suggested abandoned
m ilitary facilities could be used
for stor age as a temporary 'lolu
Hanc hett. said a m et!ling is
scheduled next wee k betwe1·n
the governor of Was hington and
the chairman of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission to try to
resolve the situation.
f'ro• Pag~ A J
Costa Me s a Poli c e Chier
R o ~e r Nt•th, who dl'scribes
Healt!y a-. "a completely dtd·
1catcd officer." said one or
lftalt.-y s most ~1gn1 f1cant con-
tnl.Jutwn" In f t>sta Mesa CIMne
14! )l'ar~ .1~0 v.ht·n he sen ·l>d·.""
poh1·1· 111111;00 111 lht· a rr hitccL'>
v.1111 '11·i.1~nt·d t hl' pn·'>t:nl p<iltce
... tJlllJO
If no solution to the pr oblem 1s
reached . he said t he reden1I
Department or Energy can lH'
cept some or the low-level com
m erc tal wai.te and dispose of 1t
at govemml'nl fac1 ht1e'1 AIRPORT LAND ...
Hl·<'l'lltl v. l h •<d•·} hes., ~erH.:d
"'" po It Cl' IJrt>Jt'<'I d1 n •ctr1r f1,r a
romvutl'r ~}'t1·m kn11v.n a!>
l'll U S C/\D, v.t11 ch -.ta 11th for
P ol 1 L'l' On I.inc Inform .tllon
S' "tern ('ornpul•·r ,\-.-.1sted 01s·
p ill l'h
The Beatty and Ri chland d"
poo;11I grounds are b<ith owr11•d
and operatt'd by the same l't1m
pany, Nuclear Ene rgy Co .
whic h, he said, 1i. dfo'-t1vely 11ul
or business a t the moment
change in board policy
"This aclum will not increa&e
flight frequency or abandon our
noise abatement progr am or re
duce our pursuit and objective of
meeting noise standards," he
Super visors gave GSA staff
the go·ahead to begin negotia·
t1ons over the stormy protests of
£l1 ley. who 1s under cons tant
"rui.ur1· from N\!wport li~ach
residents to rMtrain any lbrut
or poHlblUty of airport ex-
Tht> u1rport 1s located In
Htlcy's dbtnct
The board approvt>d tht• anion
4 I o>er Hiley:-. 1111-i.t.nl. ;,fter 11
G!.A n1'11ri s111d owneri. or the JI
e1cres were going ahead with de
velopment plans.
Th" other supervisors insisted
that Tuesday's move did not
commit them to buying the land.
and that furthe r delay would in
fl ate land valut!s , pricing the
county out of the market.
"This represents the la/it rea·
sonably fe11111ble opportunity to
buy ad<t1t1onul l:,nd." cha1rm<Ln
Ph 1 lip Anthony said
Ai rport rnanal(e r Haul
Ri·f(alarto uJ{r,•ed, '>ay1n1< thut
putting off 1•urcha::;t allcmpts
w1 ul1I 'l1m1 t 011r 11ot1nns sm<i
fl1·x 1!.d1 1., CJf 1'1·v•·lop1nl nt ,,f llw
a1 q .1•11t "
thl' 28 acres on Red Hall Avenue.
owned hy Irvine Company
l'urchase or the land on R<·d
11111 Avt•nue 1s seen as opening
lht· 1>o:ss1b11Jly of relocating the
airport 's no w-overcr owded
pas~enger terminal
The re port did not advocate
thl· purrhase or the re mainder or
lht• I rVlnc \.-0mpany land, which
would <'Os t un additional $9
The GSA report also did not
inc lude 11ututel!tions for use of
th{• land, deferring to the
a1 rpo rt 's unfinishe d maste r
plii n . l>l'ht><lul,.d ror compleuon
h> Ma} 1~1
'J hl' u1rport'<, ma-.tPr plan hai.
pl&ytd a ccntrnl p<1 rt 1n Haley·~
oh1 ect11ms to t•o11~Hlcrat1Un of
lh~· land Jiiin h a .,1·
. 'I he f1 (L)1 d1~lrt('t s up1·rv1sor
l'On VllH't'ff U f:l iJJOrlt} of lh1•
board in J unt• that any movt>
toward a l&md buy '4ould second
RUess the plan and duma~e the
i.upervtsors' cred1b1llty.
"Jr the perception by the
puhllr is that lllf' !)(iard will '
rh•1n 1.1c 11~ mind with the wind,
l hal r ri-.1lt's rred1b1lity p rob·
lerns," Hllt'y,a1dtoday
It v.111 allnv. CJff1ce rs to rheck
<iul t raffle warranl-. and other
lnformat1on tn seconds through
a <·om pult'r terminal 1n their
c·ar" e1nd \JSt' a computer to
spt·t-'1 up cilspall'h1ng
Uuring his ) ear~ al Costa
Me,a. Healey also has been m
charg• of traanang, community
rt·l~1 tions. crime prevention and
liud~·t·ltni.t. a i. wt-U as serving as
•• 1•.1Ir111 v. .itch c•t.1m ma n<l <· r
II•· •t.1rtl'd 11111 "' .. J,>Ohct•
1•l111to~·1 .11•twr l'h11t11).lrJµh~ rt•
r11a1u, 11rll' 11( h1 .. h•1bh11·" ,Jlonj(
v.1th -.1111,111· 11Jlll'tng J nd clt1$(
i.:inr :1 ,r0111r1111~ d1tnr1· th.it <·c<n
t.1 · u'•·d 111 "111111t• cl:1n1·1ng
\ 1111l11g I k .d1·\ ' horior" v. J '>
lw111g C'ho. en J!Hi!:J Off1n•r uf the
Y car b) his frllow ofhrcri:.
ll1··,., n11 tiv(• C1Jsta Ml's an and
ht• and 111 " w•fl.', P;itty had lhl·
flrsl chJld born to a Costa Mes;i
p11hr 1' off1cc•r . their dauJ:hler
L1nd,1 Youn~ Tht•) al-.o havt-"
son. Jon
f'r•• Pa~AJ
RAPE • • •
aMwer their concem,S
They srud they have no sus
pect 1denllhed or an custody.
Hallov.een, like other nights in
Costa Mesa recently, Is going to
see as. naany pallcemen in the
r1eld as the department can put
0 l' re n 'It• W ll S l h e~O p I (' rr('1'man hud t'311t>d lhl' m ltnj(
to dist uss
·Homl' .,t>cunty 1s the a·m1 1:r
to the !>llUatton we're dealan·~
\lollh ... the officer told bJs uu
tie showed them a 25-mmute
fi Im and s p ent anothe r 45
minutes d1scubs1ng locks .and
burglar alarms
As the rnpe Ctlm noted, dead-
bolt locks are expen!)1ve, but
thl'y're worth It. ft also said,
· ·someUung as small as a 98·cent
window lock can save a woman
a lot of agony.'·
B l's 1'1es argu1n" about
rr•·d1b1llty . Rtley blasted the
<iSA s t.1H report as "W<*fully
laek 1n~" an<l wand a letter
from Newpm1 Reach city at·
torney Dennis O'Neill that urged The staff report noted lhBt $4 4 the board delay dec1s1on on the
million in fod~rn l aviation matter anothrr week.
llealer sa id he has i;cood :eel
ini.:' about Cui.la Ml·'ia but 1i.
I c, o k 1 n ~ f o r w a r d l o n 1· -N
t'hJllt>nl(cs 1n Irvine
.. I relate 11 to the woy Costa
M ('S a u~ed lo bl',· he sa id
"The re 's tremendous growth
«snd a lot or challenges, and I
ni•t•d chullen"es In Costa Mesa.
we don't have the gro wing pains we USl>d to ..
Pohce 1n the fou r othe r
JUrtsd1 ct1ons where the killer
has struck are also emphasizing
the need for women to keep their
horn es lCX'ked m oney was .a va~lable fo r the • Bef o r e buy ing the land,
land purchase. in addition to • '!lupervisor s must still hold
$1 09 mJIUon from the county's public hearings and complete an
The s wipect , who has struck
eight times since April 1 of this
year, apparently has gotten into
his victims' apartments through
unlocked doors or windows .
airport fund. envlronrQental impact report,
That wouid buy the 2.6 acre Riley sa.id
plot on Afrw,11y Avenue and 11 of ----------------------------------------''We Want You To Defectors Irk
Carter Aide
dent Carte r 's ca mpa ig n
manager says he hopes the ad-
m 1 n is tratlon will Cire any
political appointee found to be
flirting with the campaign o(
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy~
After watching two Cart.er ad
minlstraUon oftl~ detect to
the Kennedy camp, Tim Kraft
said he thJnka loyalty s hould
count in paliUcs.
•:My Dally Pllot CIH1lned •d
reached a man all the way ln
En land." '~He's nytn1 into LAX next
week to see my dueUn1 plt toll."
Tbet'• the atory lold by the
l\lCce11ful cla.ullled a.dvertiaer
who placed thJJ ad in the Daily
Orl1 !n1llth duelln1
platoJ .. t. 1l1natura
Hrlet, bat ottr Klll•UU
U you wut to nacll t111t
rt1bt euatomer wlUa 7our ~la111fted ad, lrJ tu DallJ
Pilot. eau ea.am.
Look Better
For Less!''
We're not compl~Jn·
ingaboutthe h1gh
price of glasses, we're
doing something about it.
-lThere a1e a lot of places to buy
1 eyeweaf these days. You can go to
a so called "fashion boutique" and
~ pay spectacular prices for famous
na m es, or you can come to Optical
Factory, and get the best possible
f ash Ion looks in eyewear at a down
to earth price. ,
·"As a rul~. you only get what vou
pa'f for these days. Our selection is
large enough to please the m ost
finicky tastes, and , yet our prices
start as low as
S34.SO Single Vision
SS4.50 Trifocal
<Includes Fashion Fram,, Stan·
dard Size Glass Lenses and Case)
At these prices we;. re making a
spectacle of oursel\t.8.
• ' ' .. So. if you w ant a spectacular took In eyewear fashion without paylr.>9 a spec·
tacular prlcP, there's really only one place to shop ... Optical Factory.
we are your neighborhood optical store, centrally located on East 17th
Street In Costa M esa. Remem~o ask your eye doc tor for your prescr lp·
t ion. With this In hand you can shop around for the best In eyewear at the
r ight price.
1:1r11:AL. F-Al:TIJRY
.... 2so E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa • HlllCJnn Sq •.
MIA' 642·4630 • W ... day1 9-5:30 Sat. 9.3 (
-----.... -------
. "-'_,._.__ ........
Cloaiq Prlee1
.. , 0...
k -11
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4"fr1 1J t.·~ l@.~i1~·~ fa I.It J L;"" !fdj t ·; ,._,:.:
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Alli.Cl\ IM J •16 .. " • '°' All•A" ... I l 14~ \lo Altlfl~r .n. • • ,.14-\.'I
flk .. t • • m ~I ' Al'l\15"Q I 1 J1 •Ill .....
Am.M l IM 1 t0t -+ .. Amea pt J , 10 Sl llo • ell All'KOfOIA t 2ti 12\lt + \\ Amrc:e I.JI 6 t• t5'Q, A .... o 1.4111 •llM ~+\.II A~lpf 150.. I •14-~ """"I' .... , •1s ..__ v. """","" . . ., '"'· .... ""''of •. ,... 21 ov.-~ aa.i.r I.JO 1 Ito t• + -,..,.... s • n ., + v. ~=::= t~:: ,: ~~~.~ ..... pf 2.67 •• ., 31~ ....
Alldut UO 1 111. 1"4>-1
A81dM .l'D • I I~+ Vo Ameen 2.-s 100 ~·"' ACen pt I.IS .. t ltv.-'A
Ac.ntry H ' ~ Vt ACyan tAO t _, 30 -~ AmDlsll . . S6 I~+ ~ AOT 1.1' 1 U I~• Vt AEIP• 2.22 • ion llt't-Vt :~:.:r. .~ ~ It~ ~!,\: (!
AG18d :le., 42 I~ "" AG..Cv 1.... 1• 1tV•+ ~ AG11ln1 I S 421 3'V. ••.. Afoferlllf A 1 2 11"'--~ AmHolst 1.11 • 107J lO'll-U• Al4-IAO 11 1001 t1V• • Vt AHome pf 2 •• I 121"4-114 ""'"'KC> . ., n n 1 n~ ''• Amlnvt .«> • lSJ I~+ ~ AMI .80 t 101 ~+ "" •NII •I . . 3 2411> •.••• AmMotu .01• l 13' 1 -V. H•IR J.10 I 113 •IV.-1 ASLl'I n.IDtl 3 13 ?lt't-V. ASllip .lllitf4 6 13V.+ ~
.6.SIMld l 6 211. 50'h+-ll/o
ASlerll .32 I M 7-"9 AmStr .IO • •s ~ + v. AmSlt pf , $ S~+ YI
ATT S 7 2011 S:IV•-~ ATT pl 4 .. t SS-'h ATT pf J.64 .. U 19'11 •••..
ATT pf 3.14 •• .. ~ • 14
'""'•tWll .ft • t 111't-V. A Wilt pf l.'3 •• 1100 1. , .. , AW• 5Pf 1.25 .. 1100 11 , .. , •-•on 1.10 s 6 16'h •.• AMHO .4111 4 12 11~ ., ,__,.,. 1.IO • ll ~. VJ
Amfac !JO S 21 2114 .... AMPln< .16 II 155 ~-v. Atnpe:o ,60 I 50 !IV.• V. Al'l\pea .~ 10 m ,..,.,_ 1.1o AmrepCp 6 19 ..VO ..... Amstar US 1 SS 11\.\--Vt Am$1ecl 2.10 6 ., l~ +IV. Anel09 \ IS 210 20 + ~
An<llol' sl.20 S 35 Ul'o + "'-AllCl•Y 1.U • M ~ \.'t ~::¥:~~~· :~ : ~ '~"" • :Z .ao . . u m A~lle s . .i 1' '12 21'111..... a. 2 ... 5 x1•2l 2l~· . ApldOl9 & 101 •14-v, S • , 10 • Vo '•
Apk!Olg pl I • • I ,..,,_ V. l·5 6 91 7• ..
ApplMg t 4t. IV.-\4 • • • ~ fiV• -'•'o ""•I• 1.17 6 161 22'tt+ IV. I. t l e:-tl°
Arnt pt 2." • . 1 26\IJ + "' 10 , t 1 = nZ ArcllrO •• II 1•1 U V.+ 14 OMPw i 3' • .6 415 19-llo-' 'It :~f::~ .I~: 21: 1~r::.:·~ CllPwpli16 .. d0d32 -1V,
ArkBSI 60b'3 10 1•.t.-111 CnPw pt•.50 .. l50 31th .... ArlllGs l .10 9 46 4614 • v, CnPw pfl.4S .• 1120 U 'h t l°" Ar ..... Rty , . 107 2~-Vt CnP., pd.SO .. 10 2014 + v. Arm•d& b 2t ·~-Vo C"Pw pr2.23 . . I 11 + V.
"'mco uo s 3'IO 2~+ v. ~11r~ ·3 JJ 1~ ~
Arm pf 1. 10 . . 2S lO\.'t-"' ConlCoP ' J4 SY>+ 14 ArmCk 1.10 to 91 15,,._ "• CllllCorP 2 S IOI tsV.-V. ~~~ l.~ ; ': ~~"°".: ~ CllllGrsi 2,«1 1 12'9 ~ Vt
Arrow'l 10r 6 ,,. 25 \<I ~tGp pf 2 • • 112 20Vt •• , •.
•rv1n · 1 • 110 12v.~ .. : "'?R1pft:·s ~ ;l"'~·~ ~~~.r ~ '.j 94~ l~'ft:.::;,..; onlT•I 1.3& 1 120 IS • , .,
A\111011 , 2 , 127 ll\I'> • \I.. CllO•I• .«I 1 n• 44\lo-"" Asc!DG 1 lO & 1S7 17~ Conwd I.to 1 3 2tV. • 14
"'"1°". 1·20 s 211 ""' .·;,, ~=Pn" ·~~~ 1~ ~ ~""'-~ ~lfl/~H~. ~ 4t !~""° .:_,"' Coopl pf 2.tO .. 10 ~ \.'t
AllAICll 7 80 • 667 12~-'h COC)jll•b .to ' 31S 21"'-• ~
AllA< pf >.1S . 1190 41 , . ~=~ -~ : .: :~~·.: · i4
AU Ac pf 2.80.. 12 86Y,-"' eopp.,o 1::16 • 3 11"--.,. ~~1:,'&f. .M 11 ~ .~ :. :;. Cotdur• M t m S'lo-v.
AvcoCp 1 20 l SIJ 20'1•-V. ~~~::;' s d: : 1~ ~v.:..: '.4 Avco pt 3.'° · 2 '11h + ~ CorrBlll l.lt 9 7 26~ •. Avco Pl •.20 . I 53 ..... C-les 111 11 22 + •1, Avery .60 1 '6 17¥..-Yt CoxBckt .75 10 4' 61 '-+ V. l'vnet ,ID & 3.S2 211'>-V. C••l9 .U 30 46 '"' + V. Avon 2.llO 10 Soll •1~1 Cr•M l.411b ' 10 JI~-v. Aydin II '1 17 ••• ·. CredtF .44 4 '8 1'1' •.••
-a-e -CrocllH 7 J St 77'11 ''-BAii l iq S2c · · S 10'.'1. • • • • CrCllN pf2.ll .. IS 23!/, :!c:o .so.·• 1}; 1~ lZ C•mpl( 1.0. s t. '""'-'" Bor1n1 .6016 u1 .. .,, .. v. ~~11~111 1·31 : 1~ ru: ~:
B•ldwU 1.20 6 10 31 ..... Crwlel 2.10 6 1"4 3f>Vt-"
Bl<IU pt 1.01> • • 2 •SV. ·" • · ~r""'F 2 S2 S H •1~ V. BallCp IA! s • 22~..... 11lbto ·~ • '" 8•11y_Mf s.I021 •16S 30\.'o-1~ .... .. ' , ......... B•llGE 2M 6 )43 21~ YI Cum En UO 4 Jel '91/• .+ V.
B fB ~ _ CunnOr9 .40 7 2 10 • "' •"t. • . .-· · ..,,,., 4Jq.-~ Curr Inc I.to • S9 ~ • v. ==~~ :: ~ ~ n~~ :Z CurtW .IO 1 tn W J>-~ 8•"9Pnt .IO • •7 22 , ~ Cyclp' .• l 2S 20 ••••.
B•nP Pl 7 2 31 • 2loll OPF -°3°2• 1~ BllNY 2.n 4 ,. 33V.-V• O•rno11 20.. " ..•..
BICotll• 1.16 ' t 13Vt •.•.. D111Rlv ' 1 4 SI 1:"':..:·i~
BnllAm 1.32 6 8'1 2W. ... •. Oa"eCp 1.52 6 96 2111/H V.
Bank Tr J.30 ' 112 311 -\lo O•nlel 2611 9 tt 17~ + '" BICTr pf 2.50 .. 10 231" + V. O.rtlnd i.-6 213 43 + \14 11-r .U 7 SI I + V• Oitrtpf l 1 43 y, e.rber uo 12 f2 53"' + "' o.t.Ge11 ii 2372 so~ n .. e.e rdC~R • ~ ? m, ',!!'!~ "" §!'-'fer z 13 257 «l't,-+ ~ ••11 -• 1 ._ v. •vco S.O , " tl,..+ .,.
l::c11 ,'4 , ~ =~ ~ ytMO '1.-6 9' «>Vt + V•
8eitl'T"' .)1114 271 4514-I/• gf.r!PI.. j.,. I 0 15\lf + Ill S.yCOIP Sl ~+ ""' 0 •\.pt 1A .• ZIO .. Vt-1\lt B•ySIC) 2 ., 6S tlY,-~ OPL pf t2.Jll ,. f: 107!.H 114
8WllC'9 .a 6 • ll'lt• l.1t ~lmP l:I ~ 11 ~:..:."i.\ =~, ,J : ~~ == ~ Oe ...... ~ 6 ,., 3Mlt-~
8Ntpf UI.. ,, GI/•+"' R!I~'· H t ~.: ~ ... ,,, .JI,. .. 27"'"'" ~.. t • 2t 1'""• ..... -· ...... ,, ..... , ., .. , ... 8"<11 111 .. Jnlo-~ ., .. 10 52 J7Yt+ \4
8"er 14 I.a 10 --t I 11 I • V• ... co~ ... 1 121 ,.._. "' eci IAO f -It~ "' ~ IAO 4 f ,,._. l't e.-f U11 6 '9 .._H .-6 2 6\lt..... EM t.lll .• d60d7J .:.:·u ::m::r ..:11 ~ ~-; ~ e ~ 1.tS :: llOO to +t
ti!Clf t aUt " 21 ~+ V. "e US .. 4 11~'."i' ..... II tAI t 1,... 27"'"" 11.i t, t.7S • 1 21i,t ,.. ...... , ... ' ..... "' ...:r"f·· ~ ~~ ...... ~ ....e<» tlltt u -v. .-t 5l' pt...... t ~..... !Or,, .... di 1+"'+';t
jllfJJS .. 2 22 .. '14
:t11 .~' t~ ==~ ':I ,I !!! im+"ti. • ,.,. •1~1\lf ::r,-! 't 1t mt.:·" :at '" i1Y4-~ II • 15 •'---Vt ..... UJ 3'4o .....
' f '° ~::::::
I ':If fi J: 'v.'~. ij ", ·.~~ ~ ~i iif~~·~ .~ ~·i !!=~ • 1 _.., .... w: .....
" !ft 7 :&
:.:.·ij _,
+ tt
I . ,
~J. Octot»r 31, 1979 N , Oi\IL Y Ptl()T 8J
COke Expan<bf
Into New A.r~as .
"Coca.COia" and .. Coke".,.. probeblY the m01t weU-
liown trademaru in the world. They t.berefo.re have Im· mense value to the Coca.cola Company or Atlanta, wblq
tiaards them iealously.
operators who serve
another cola drink when
Cutt.omen order a coke
run the risk of iJlcurring
the legal wrath of the
cdmpany. Coca·Cola
saya that if customers
order a Coke, they should either be served a Coca·Cola or ln·
Before long, however, you will be seeing these famous
trademarks used on a wJde variety or other producta.
Coca-Cola and Coke may be pressed into service to sell
toys, jewelry, sneakers. T·Sbillls' and other clothing itema.
Who knows, there may even be a jeans Une with the Coca·
Cola name?
NONE OF THE companies wh1ch manufacture Coca· -
Cola or Coke brand name products will be prosecuted by
lhe Coca·ColaCompany.
They won't because they will be making these pro-
ducts under license from the Coca-Cola Company. The
world's largest soft drink producer has decided that its
brand names are so valuable that they ought to be out
there making money on their own .
So Coca-Cola has set up a licensing department and
has invited other eompa ni es to submit applications for use
or its trademarks .
E ven the company's patented contour bottle will be
available for license. Naturally, since it's the Coca·Cola
Company, the license will be restricted to"'lhose manufac·
turers whose products are compatible with the image of
t~e trademarked product and the soft drink industry."
THIS MUST MEAN that it will be pointless for
pharmaceutical manufacturers to apply for a license even
though Coca-Cola was originally promoted as a patent
medicine Ea rly advertising, before the turn of the cen·
tury, described Coca·Cola as a "brain tonic and nerve
-;t1mulant" whose properties would help to reli eye
.. Ht>adaches. neuralgia. hystena 11nd melancholia."
Hut that won't do today when Coke wants srmply to
partner with the likes of McDonald's and Walt Disney.
Coca·O>la 's entry into the licensing business is part of
the modem phenomenon of sell.mg your name if it's well
known. Ca lvin Klein jeans sold $75 million last year:
Halston products rack up millions for the food-and.liquor
conglomerate, Norton Simon Inc.; American Cyanamid, a
ch ... m1cal company. I'> buying the Geoffrey Beene
t rude mark bussnc!-:.. and designer John Weitz recently
rn<1de this pitch lo manufacturers : "His name sells
mil lion~ in fashi on , furniture. cigars
It certainly can !>ell millions of toasters, refrigeratori..
v Jc·uum cleant'rs. lamps, flatware-what have you."
WATfHl~G ALL T HIS Mnsense. Coca·Cola figured :
If thest• designer:-('<In make out like bandits. think or
what we could do w1\h our trademarks. which are re· c·ognized around the wurld ..
Some Stocks Gain, .
But Rally Subsides
NEW YORK <AP> -Bluechip stoclts turned
downward to<ay afU!r Tuesday's sbarp rally played itseU
out. ·
Gainers trailed losers Hi in the tally of New York Stock.
Exchange-listed issues.
And the Dow Jones average of 30 big·name industrials, up
15.19 points on Tusday, dropped back 8.1lto815. 70 today.
Analysts viewed Tuesday's upsurge as primarily a
technical r ally rather than a response to any particular
positive news.
In foreign-exchange markets today, the dollar was
mixed. while gold prices rose slightly.
McDonnell Douglas fell t:V.. to 2514 after a delayed open·
1ng. A Western Airlines DC·lO jet crashed in Mexico City l9-
day. killing at least 63 people.
.'itoeok11 In Th4> DolL'Jor1es1l t"t-IWF•-
!itpotlight NEW YQ~l(f .. PI FIMI Oow•Jone' ••11•
)Q '"0 lO f rn
15 Ult
•S S" ll\CIU~ ,,.."~
Ulll• ts Sta
()pen H•Qh LOW Clo... CllQ tn.11 nu11an.•11s.1e>-1.11 2ll n l:M ,, no.•2 231 •3-o •3
100 .... 100.'1 ""·" 100.00-o.~ * 00 ,., :J3 2111.62 283.71-1.1}
... ew VORK c .. PI
AO'f'aM.ed ~Cllll.-1
Un<ll•noecl To1'11\Wh N•• hooll• ,,.,,.,W fOWW\.
ADl>•Oll '"'"' total Prt:vtou' day Wok 990 Month •QO vur tt90 Two yMn 990 JAn I to dill.• 1'71 to date 1'11 10 ....
l ,211,JOO
697.300 790,lOO 3,l>•S,'IOO
Prev rooav O.y .... 114t 181 349 •l• 367 187• 1a.1
10 9 ., .,
NY scoc~ ... 1., 11,110,000
11.lto,OOO 11,AIO,QOO 36,470,000 JO ... J0.000 10,7t0,000 6,1'1,9S1,12S 6.112,lto,OOO •,326,2'!0,000
W"AT •M£JI 010
,_,EW YORK ll'PI
WM~. Oc«>bet St, tt 7'
-h••-.. ,,~~:D
HUTCH n...,._.......,. .. ,,_..,. .. '°""" .,.
--··--~ ·~ ~ llNl't ......... .
l ~lllUI ... ....
• lMa eMD't IUMCIM .._.,.,MO....__...,.
In IM .,_.~o to loClll liur
Ufo. ,.,... Mt~I
Jem.-Mc:0.~111 !JVHI
• l'TMS1't a. MN
""'NOllOO oi-.tlan Ill • lllMll't l*Cla
IM pollOe ca!Cll UO wM e
Qfll'O tlWll Old>• '-ClflOC>t. ~..,....,.,_.,
0.-. lob~
.... 8Ydltor .. , ... -..too
l•leel to att8dl ,_ 3 I ~·
When ~'/ t""-to
en1en.in e1 • 11VOIO pw1y.
Lucy eccept• In I* ~
Todd Bridges (leftJ and Gary Coleman
meet ex-heavyweight boxing champwn
Muhammad Ali on tonight's (•p1sodc.: of
.. D1ff'renl Strokes" at 9 n'd o<'k on
NBC, Channel 4.
Guell Alben• Hwll .. ID OYIR IAIY Q.,.,. 8ob K8"hllf> 7:001:v: NeCNIWS
Richie, Pot... ano Rall>"
IONk 001 of ti-hot!M
room 10 Mmpltt thlt night·
Ille In ChtcaQO
While on "'3ve 1n Tcwyo
Henry l>t!c.om&~ tnlatu.1100
""'h a swl!'lt young 11>1nq
trm.h trom '"" Stdlfo$
GteOy 1ovtl"\o C.Ou,1n
Fmma 10 IMI S1u1tord\
llOptnq lhal ""' WIH 00 .,,.,
c.oolonq an<! c.1ttun1n<,1
Plote sp1nn1ng, laateat
tallle<, Sil""!>•. pole v.wtl
ovl!f lru<:J\
Ed•lh ., antique IOc.kel ••
Tf'HJ tam~y ,,_ 10 c.on.
v1n<.1t James lhal he should
_, a doGtor IOI ht• tttl&d·
de.fun ond emollonat
Chann~I Lb• ings
1J KN.<T /CBS) LO'> Anq••to•• D KNBCtNBC) LO'> Anq .. 1". 0 KTLA (lnCI J Loo, Anq1•lt1
U KAAC rv (ABC) LO'> An•J"'"'·
fl) to>.FMH ICBSI San 01oqc;
0 KIU TV (lnCI) LO'l Anqt It• J
\\0, KCSl (ABC) Sf\ 0111rio
G) KTTV (lnCJ I Le, Anqt•t .. ,
Q) KCOP TV (lnrJ) Lv'> Anri ... ti·"
EI!) KCf T TV I PB ! Lo•, /\n1J1•l1•
'1!> KOCl rv IPBSJ Hun11nr11rm Uf.,1(.1t
f1i) Ml.CHEil I LEHRER
l1>ruo Ctl&OVe• Stnnos
0 Youth An<l llomu1yt"
Kath ryn W11l k•ll .,nd
MK.h aul Mui!>"y urn lt101
lutec:I 1n Ct"'6vl11 ~ \10• v
a bout .:i m1dl.ll11 llQf•ll
c ifK.UllVfl ~ •llllljljllt In
rec.apturn tho otort ol ""
c.ollcQ6 Yo.1''
P M vis.ts 1rw. 1< oh11n.t
Stunt R._u"M:n wtn<n 1.-t1'-f1u-..
bo1h ~' an() .... ~u ''••'
trtCks ol lt>fl rrado "'''"t ,,
couptA who flt•• th11
PlltAnlto OI :>'>O btrd;
8:00 t) (f) BUGS BUNNY'S
Ttw; '"rtoon t3bl>tt mt11th
r~ wne. ttnd Ubthtlft'\ w1tn
Wilch Hwur 1n J w 1l(I r.om
p.i111100 10 scom 1nnuvin1
trick o r trka hH~
M.1ttowooo tRI 0 AEALPEOPU
Au off1<.ml Wll(.h •• WfU
ITtU~tUm '"e Qf1IYfl~ ()f
r •• muu' M<tllywootJ "111.,
and t.1 n1qt1. t1~f) lunur11I
hwrn· 1.1011 fan11H•~d 111 J
.,.,..1~c1.1I H;.tll,,w•1~n
• l'!WrlM:blu kOOKH
Polle• low •••t lh•
WfllC ... d CM of lVn<' I
Ii.nee l)oug, Dul tfMV OOl'I I
noUC• L ~ lylf10 uncon-
llt-111. 11411(1 t*"lby
•lfl llGtfT• IHOUOH
NICtlOIH dec>dN lo dfOO
00 I OI Kl!Ool •tier e 14NICll•
• t""®6H twn tqt not
MHllnQ the ffr•dlord
lol.hOIUllO lla/ldMdl G MOVll
• • '1t "Ttle Oecat" ( llMl81
6 1tpntn Boyd, Elk•
$ot11n1er An Otear ''°'"It-1 ,. .. to 1-" (~by 1111 ltitnd• and
tor,,... lrl400d• (2 "'' t ·CAAOL~ AHORWH08
s i.111 s u 1e11y F°' T,,.
611 d• • Fun In A
Clrngtlore The CllMM "
*I* The Count 0 1
Monht Crrsto ( t9761 RIOl\-
Jrd Charl'lt>erlatn, Tooy
CUflte A man uniuetly
1tnptl4IOtleO l()f a Cf.,.,.. INt
h• did nol commll. ••t•P•• and •••"•
t •v--oe on those wtlO
wtw• •~ble 12 n.1 I ID GREAT
e;30 IJ (I) THE PUMflt(IN
Th!t IOvable •ag oolls R-o·
~y Ann Mild A(l(Jy Mil 001
10 ltncJ a HAJlowe<"lfl Pun'IP·
kin IOf D tonely hlllO bOy
w1lh • alrlc;I llunl
G) l'HE 000 COUPLE
~ell• Qoetl au 001 lo netp
O!Kot • i.ocrolory 1ec11p·
turu nor boyfnenct
M1llhBll 811ry,.hrltllov and p11nctp{)!s ot tho New Yrnk
C•ly UallPI ~rl0<m 'Four
C t1op111 Oanr.os.
HHrl••'lwn.•tf•~ Ru~
.wc1 t tt1t•'1tt·Uu 1n tt"4-
r ·"I Hr;um ot ""' Wh4W
H.:-x,• ••
91>0 0 81 MOVIE
lhu l wc, WorlO\ 0 1 J<-0
fuu l OOttU (i.-rtJmttHet)
l rnd'J 1 w .. gnf't M.irr
.eng4}1 Aflt•t mnv109 into ..,
v.c..totuu1 man ..... on 'NUil e
t.v ",., n1~101y a youno
"w11., •S lrBn\p<)ttod 1n10 lhe
'-"''' lo ..avo; thu Illa of d
lnn,,.J< tnh.,bl!lllll OI Ille
0 OIFFRENT STROt<£8 J""'"' <;1mpi.<>n (1Nhtlm,1n
Mayo) d1.c.ovt!f• an old will
unrlflf which AtnolO and
Wtll•R would 1noo111 monuy
und c.touns 10 b<t the boy~
nnty m1.,11v,. 1Pa1t 1 ot 21
Homf11.e" J·ll 1 ..... ,, tt{K~ 0 ftO CHARLIE'S
.,;.,.. ,,,_,.,"\ unt:J•1rrow·r •• , a
KCOP e 8:® ..:_ ''The Count of
Monte Cristo." Richard Chamberlam
plays the UtJe role In this lat.est version
of the Alexander Dumas classic with
Tony Curtis.
KOCE 8 8: 30 -Al the White Ho1,1se.
Ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov heads a
New York City Ballet company perform·
ing in the East Room.
CBS 8 9:00 "The Two Worlds of
J e nnie Logan." LinclsCQ' Wagner stars as
a woman who moves backward in time to
help the former o~upant or her Victorian
mansion in this new TV movie (see photo
Pf-1nma1e 10 ...,n wno
fOfoad • moClel l>'•--
tnto 18111nQ pa<I 1n 80
wmed rOC>bery
"Count O.acut• ' loo••
Joufdan po<treys 0.Kola
Ml a~ p<-l&llOO ol
the lamou• 1a11 IAI
t:ao D HELLO, LAM'!'
Larry reg1e1a havtng IOIO
Ruin.. 10 •ned i-1omooy '"'•and or-UC> wnen She raua 10 return on 11ma
•rom a date (P.,l t or 21
"Man From The Soutn A
mon d&rlt!I another mr;on to
111il< lht 1<>5• or ht• 1i111e hn oer 90a.n91 ,,,. PQMttt>1t11y
ol w1nn1ng an t1•Pfln1tvo
Mod6fn Jou Ouortttt I
Jutlhiord 5111110 O\HlrtOI tn
'3flQm••nla 1nctud•nQ u
B""~ Hl·nty morlOl<JQ•.H'
(;h11~y Chase ' '•"' .• 11.1
Ff)ld JOhn BMu .. n. IOO ""'
.$.tmUrBI "tWOfC:h~mltO onO
mui.te ••om Tilt! &..no "''' htcilurt?d __ ....,..
80NIWS 8 9 vm.t.a
OM is hired to prolec:t a
bevy ol bal""'O beautMMI
trom a gang ol k..,1 wno
ere piMV1tng 10 UM 11>8
wom•n on a h1daou1
10:.30 I •l(lr.:::ow
11.00 • '1J) NEWS
f) MOVIE * • * "Tiie Bud Wltll Thtl
C•yatal ~.. ( t970J
Tony Mu1ant1, S uzy
Keno all
G) M•A•e•H
t t :30 IJ (J) lkAQC 8HEE.P
World WW II lty1ng UCA!
p 8'>PY Boylrlglon (Robel I
(,onradl learn• that 114• unn
•• •bout 10 be •ea~
~Mt ol IM O'OUI> ~
un<><lnocl<» '""' bending 0 TOHIOKT
Ho 11 Johnn f C•lf~''"
1,u.,..IJ Wr.•lt L"ll"""'
I nl.t f at an• Jamt:t.
W•"..cl~ O..n f r,.o
1~ A W(U.•f'lf-OWN Po.ACK£ TS
• CBS -Fights Back: Seven
' Co111forf i11g
Alan Feinstein.help:, Land~<JY \.\-agnc.:r aftc.:r
one of her s pell!!\ in tht> TV movu.• '"The Two
Worlds of Jc~c Log;.m " tonight at 9 on
CBS. Channel ~ :
I 'Street Scene' Set
Friday on KOCE
The Ne<A York City Opera's cntically ac·
claimed production of Kurt Weill's l947 English·
language opera '"Street Scene" airs Friday al 9
ir.-m. on KOCE-TV. Channel 50.
The "Llve F_som Lincoln Center" production
will feature E1~n Schauler, Catherine Maltltano,
William Chapman, Alan Kays and Harlan Foss in the
principal roles. John Mauceri will conduct.
"Street Scene" is a dramatic opera that
follows lhe destinies or a family set against the
background or buslllng New York City tene ment
life during Ute Great Depression.,
The opera features the dance number ''Moon·
faced, Starry-eyed," a wildly jazzy duet
performed by Bronwyn Thomas and Reed Jones
American Mudaats go to Parts ... ..
The la. they «udy the more they leam.
NEW YORK !AP) CHS' "tlO Manule!>" made
television history or sorts in the week ending Nov.
26. 1978. as the firs t nt•wsmagazme to win a week's
ratings rare The CBS New~ progrnm went on to
its best "<'a ... on l•vcr . and ra gurt:s from the AC.
Nielsc·n Comµ:.iny for the• wN•k cndan~ <kt 28 !>how
"GO M mutt's ' back rn fa rM plaef"' rinct• m ore
Thi· program wa:-. <1111· or M'\'t'n ('BS ~hO\!.S an
N1l'bl'n '!-. Top 10. J 11d lht· IH'a \ ~ rr·pn·.,..nt <.illlm C:st
the lo)J contrihut<•d to the nf.'twork ·!-i an 1t1al first
place rmi!-ih of tht· 197!1-f!O TV M'ason
ll was wclcoml' nt•w<i for CBS' pro~r:.imm~·rs,
who hcid cndun:d a four wN·k run in l<.tst place dur·
mg the curly part of tht: season
CBS' Ri\T1NG t 'OR THF. Wt>\'k wa!> 1~ 3, with
ABC second at 18.1 and NBC thirct at 17.8. The
networks say that means in an uverage prime·
time minute during the week. 19 3 percent or the
homes an the country with TV were tuned to CBS
F'or NBC, which began the season with a bang,
winning the ratings race twice m the first four
weeks, 1l was the i-,ccond No 3 finish an a row.
NBC. nonetheless, continued to score potnL'> with
series lake "Quincy, M E ... and "Little House on
the Prame," making the race at least com·
NBC's newsmagazane, "Pnmc Time Sunday,"
was pos1t1oned an sharp contrast to "60 Minutes"
-66th or 66 programs r anked. The show has strug·
gled since it went on the air In June
IN ADDITION TO "60 Minutes." CBS listed
the runner-up and third-place programs. "One
Day at a Time" and "Alice." ABC's "Three's
Company" was fourth
The rating for "60 Minutes" was 30.9. Nielsen
says that means or all the homes across the coun·
try wlth televlsion1 30.9 percent saw at least part
.. SAYH C t7t-4141
Your team scores
AGAIN 1.£,M11.a .
of thl' Sunday evening m.·v.sm<.tga2ml·
The average rating for .. 60 Minutes .. l~t
season was 25.5. and CBS researchers said the
show's average rating "u far th1i. w ason •~ Z2 per
Cl'nt haghrr than la-.t H':tr" .t\f•ra..:t•
New "l'rll'" m1·an\!. ha"" continued lo "' rui.:glt
in tht.· rating._, \I.It h •ml\ 1hri·1• amon~ th•· r1r "t JH
prog ram" ltsti'cl \IW .., ll,111 to ll<tr1 15th
"Trapp<•r John. M I> · 1111 <'U~ '\11 24. aotl T hi·
;\t 1l>ad11cnturb of Shn 1H Lo ho . 2'.lth
I N ADDITJO~ TO "PfUMt: Tamt> Sunda\.
th<' bottom five in lh<' rating.., 1ndudt-U a CBS mo'
IC', '"Mind OVt'r Mur<frr." fi2nd, rollowed by ABC' ...
"Di'tcclivt.• School." "("altfomta f''evf.'r" on CBS
and a movie, "Thl' Bi hit· In th1· Beginning ... on
The W('Ck's TfJp JO sh11w<i
"60 Minutes ," with a rating or 30.9 represent
ing 23.6 million hom<•s. "Onl' 0<.1y al a Timl'." 30 fi
or 23.3 million. and "Ah ct•," :«1.2 and 23 milllon. all ens. "Thre4.•'s Company." 29 3 or 22 4 mallion.
ABC. "The Jcffcr!>ons ... 27 s or 21 ma Ilion. and
"Dallas," 26 3 or 20 I million, both CBS. "Taxi,"
26 2 or 20 million. AHC:. "M A·S II.'" 25 4 or 19 4
million. CBS, "Mork and Mindy," 25 2 or 19 2
')\NC..IN(, 11 .. \. '< <.)~ the c~ 0~ · unlQIU> g1/t "'..,~
642·2697 ---_ ... __ ..,_
C.11 142• H11.
P\at • tewworct• to work for u.
. ,,.,,.""" ..... .,....,.. .. ,.,. ,., ..
' .
e O (CM_,.T ·~ .. ()--" PllUI W._, Miet*e Lee
Odl ~lltt, ••1ba1a ,.._..I"> •H09Nt•~ • QSJllWW'r
• cwnoim>Aec ..
t~. 1WIUllHTZ0.
-~ IWOll*Jl ·-
t~· uov.-• *"~ "All ... Ill H8¥"1\I"
( 19571 JOtln c ....... , ...
~°"'' ~.~lie Big Sllow"
( 196 II Ealh41t W11Uatnt1.
Oliff RoC>elUon
Outlt Albet'I• Hunter
12!S'7 8 OJ) SAAETT A
6atetla poeee u • PfO-
ac>eCIN• ctienl tn Older IO
1ma•n • bla.ctt -ma1k11
Daby ring (RI
12:40 IJ (I) HAWAII FlVE-0
A ~tut ,,..C>oft-"'1UQ·
gt;ng rlnQ •• j80Patd1z0d
..,,,.,., one memb&f deCiOM
to ·~ onlormallOfl
on , .... O*'Q '°' " delC>e' • attlly needfld h• IRI
t:OO O T~
0.-1• Ow'8 S.mmon1
Peter Ctt... AC4I Frei'! .....
and Paul Stanley of lhe
rock group KISS
The MtalOflUM T~
• • •., 'Iha Captu•"
(tflSll L-Ayres. rer9"
1:ao 8j THE LONG SEARCH 1:461 NEWS 1:eo HEWS
• • , T""" f;.n MrHt<>n
Q<-,11,., C.•.tO I 1(0661 Oan ..
~f'\O, .. .,, tiraa Harrr•
2"06 0 HEWS
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1o•JI I
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Cftf...irtn uoe MCM1 • **1°' "Halla Of
Motlte:runlt" 11t5t1 ~
erd Wtdm••• J•cli p...,_
t-MeMCWW • • "Tiie lllacll Room'.
I 1935) Bolla KMIOff, '4WO.
en Ma1th •=T ~-~ :a= * I "GllOtt Of lO<'ro"
f 196111 Clayton Moot.i.
Pll/'llflla Blail:•
• • 11, .. file CIOUdfd
Yellow .. 1111&1) Jaen
StMntOn1. hl!'X>f HowWd
• • 1ot Tl'Ht F-8ellllld
Tn.. M.... PIM I) Plalef
l 0t•• EW!lyn Kayee
Daylh•f» Mo"•~•
&:00 0 • • . Singing Cowboy
f lf/361 Get1e Autry. l.0<5
12:00 0 • • '·• V&nkll8
8ucca,,.,... · ( 19621 Jell
(,hltf\O~ Scott Br~y An
A..-ican ah•O MJI• out ,.,
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I I hr 'lOm1n I
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Lag11na/.South Coast Ye•rBe•e••••
Dally Ne••••per
. VOL 72, NO. 304, ~SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA '"> WEONESqAY., OCTOBER 31 , 1979 FIFTEEN CENTS s.rmvor ·walked Frmn·Flaming•C~1 o
IDITOA'S-= -,..,._ 61 o finll.,.,_ br P..tro Rm o/ C~ Jtko. °"!' O/ U.. _,...,,,.
Of CMI ........ (1G8'a Of G .........
At,..,. DC·lt t. Mako c.tw. AP
Ado ... ,.. .... 1t• -••&.plilow al g1 c.to Hfldltt:o Ho.ptllol • Jlnb a., ..,. ,., .. toaa Jor
Around Ove ml.nut.ea before .• * *
Bia load
Stranded :
In Snow
CAMPO, Colo. (AP) -A Con·
tinental Trailways bus carrying
a bout 40 passenge r s was
stranded in 12-foot snowdrifts to-
day, and a convoy of snowplows
and four-wbeel·drive vehicles
left this southeast Colorado
farmtown to rescue them.
The drifts were dumped on
Colorado's eastern plains b)" a
blizzard which roared out or the
Rockies on Tuesday behind 50
mph winds. The winds combined
with wet snow and ice to knock
out power to about S,000 persons
in the southeast part of the state.
Officer Perry Powell or the
Colorado St.ate Patrol said CB
radio contact made with the bus
Tuesday night indicated that all
the PUMlllen were safe.
".U long as they stay in the
baa, they're nice and warm," be
s aid. "Continental 's been
throu&h this before and they
bow what to do.'•
' The bus, believed en route
\ from Amarillo, Texas, to Denver
was one of several vehicles
marooned a bout four miles
south of Campc>.
"We've got vehicles, cars and
trucks north, south, east and
west of here that were stranded
las~ night," said Powell.
·Laguna Man
Identified as
Drown Victim
The remains of a dead man
found floating off the South
Laguna coast Oct. 16 have been
positively identified as those of
Carl William Crow, 42, of
Laguna Beach.
Orange County Coroner's Of.
fice investigators indicated to-
day that the apparent drowning
victim was identified through
fingerprints and dental records.
A Pacific View Mortuary
s pokesman s aid memorial
senices for Mr. Crow were held
in Newport Beach Saturday.
Mr. Crow, of 2713~ Victoria
Drive, bol'l"owed scuba gear
, from friends and went diving in
, the ocean near his home Oct. 15.
He waa last seen that morning,
· investigators said.
.. Boaten spotted the body noat· inc in the ocean about 100 yards
off Victoria Beach at 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 16. Lifeguards pulled the
· body ashore.
' Mr. Crow. a native or Corpus
. Crilti, Tex., is survived by bis
r mother. Maurine Smallwood and
sister, Norma Steinman, both of
Hls remains wm be fl.own
back to Tex:u later this week1 mortuary officials said.
.... ,. IMUy PUot classified ad
ruelaed a man all the way ln Snalaad ...
• "ffe'a flylaa Into LAX next
· wek to -my duelin1 platola. ''
That'• tbe a&ory told by the
l acceutul clU1Ulecl. aaYertlaer
' wlao placed thl• ad in the Daily PUot :
Orlt &n1ll1b d1.1elln1 Pl•lol aet, 1l,oat4are ~llllolfrXU•UU
U JOU wut to nacb &bat
rt1lat caa&omer wlt-.i Jour ~ ad, \l'J ~e Da111 Clll ....... ~
. .
reacblnlt.he MexkoCity Atrport,
the plane tried to take the runway,,
but thue waa • lot of fo1.
So .m.y cueaa la that the pilot
dJdn't tee the runway very aood
At first I.be airplane rattled a
bit before taklq the runway.
Alter tbat, around a half a
mtril,lle wr that, it Just era.abed
anto the ground
*. * *
When I fln.Uy knew what wu
bappenlna. I saw a lot of fire in·
•Ide the plane. 1 didn't hear an
explosloo, but there was fire.
The seats were thrown all
arodlfd the place. There were
~le askine for help, and peo-
ple screaming and jumping. It
was a real problem. There were
some people there, I ass ume
lbat were already dead, that
* * *
were thrown ·on the ground. It
was a meu over there. '
The airplane was cracked
open. Around 200 feet from
where the body of the plane
crashed, there was a motor.
One of the seats of the plane
was pressing on me so 1 had to
get the seat off. Alter that I tried
to oull my safety bell, but the
* * *
bell just didn't open so I had to
puJl very bard on It so it would
open. Once tbe belt got open, l
just walked . . . and I was
standing on the runway.
When I finally got out of the
plane, I saw that it was com·
pletely oo flJ'e . . .
The pilot didn't warn us about
anything . . . My guess is that
. . be probably hit something
* * *
before landlne . . . because
there wu a bouae and a fence
completely broten up. Tile fetM?e
that surround.a the airport wu
completely tom up. There waa a
house right in front of the
airport lbat was on fire.
I believe It probably bit the
building before landlng, but l
reallycouldn't tell.
* * *
_rash of et
Dally Pl ... UaH -
Daunting Sight
Motorists driving along Coast Highway ~~uth of Laguna
Beach may do a double take at the sight of this gigantic
witch with he r boiling pot. It's a Halloween creation of
Martin Underwood, who's shown adjusting the kmg-size
Ex-boxing Champ
_Faces Burglary Rap
Carl "Bobo" Olson, world
middleweight boxing champion
in the 1950s, faces burglary
charges in Newport Beach today
after be was arrested Monday
by police.
Olson was scheduled for ar-
raignment today.
The former fighter, now SO,
held the middleweight UUe from
1953 to 1955. He beat Suc_ar Ray
Robin.son for the title and then
lost it two yean later to
Roblnaon via a knockout.
OIMIO was arrested Monday by .
Newport. Beach Detective Mike
Hietala who was lnvesti1atlng
the theft of $3,000 worth of
valuables from an apartment in
the complex where Olaon lives.
Taken into custody on •uspl-
cion of receiving stolen property
was Frederick Ybarra, ~. of
5305 ~St., Newport Beach. He
was arn!l8ted a.., Olson's apart·
ment at 3305 1Stb st.
Alto arrested on suspicion of
burllary ln connecUoa wtta*
caae waa Jame• Edward
Carpenter, 19, of .. BaJlbore
Drin. Ne..ne..eh. HJetala uJd 1DlormatJoa link·
ta• tbe mea t,o tbe Oct. 24 burt=-:~= u ol aa
plot to .11P a store ID !'uldioa
Island Olson was held in Newport
Beach city jail in Heu of $10,000
bail. Carpenter was held on
$25,000 bail and Ybarra was held
on $2,500 bail.
All three were to be arraigned
today at the Harbor J udicial
· District Court.
Police said additional charges
of parole violation were expect·
ed to be filed against Ybarra.
LEBANON, N.ll. <AP >
David Faulkner, a counselor at
Lebanon Hlgb School, opened
the front door and said, "I knew
the great pumpkin bad been
There were 200 areal
pumpkins ln fact -so many
were piled a1ainst bis door that
a few rolled Inside u Faulker
was makinl h1I way to work
A warning to the-Lebanon
senior claaa: Expect extra
bbmewort. Faulkner'• con-
•illced 10U're reaponaible fOI' bll
pumpkin petdl.
• #
63 Said
Dead in
Mexico .
backup Western Airlines
DC-10 jetliner bound from
Los Ange les with 88 or 89
people reported a board
crashed while landing in fog
and smog at the Mexico City
airport today, plowing into
two buildings. Red Cross of.
ficials said they h ad r e·
covered 63 bodies from the
The U.S. consul said 19 sur· vivors. all injured, were taken to
three hospitals. The fate of the
others was not known. Nor was it
kn o wn h ow m a n y
Americans were aboard. Many
of the names were mspanic.
Crew member Eduardo Valen·
cla walked out of the crash with
minor injuries.
A Mexican aviation 0Cflc1al
said I.be plane touched down on a
runway that was ckleed for re· pairs and that it struck a parked
truck and killed its driver ft
was not known whether there
wer e any casualties in the
struck buildings The airport is considered dJf.
ficult by pilots. with mount.ams
nearby . and with about one
million persons li ving in 20
blocks surrounding the fi eld
A witness said the c rash
sounded like a clap of thunder
and "th~re was a big flash of
light." The plane was de ·
,.iolished and pieces new onto
r'\earby houses.
lo Los Angeles, Linda Dozter.
director of public relations for
Western Airlines. said the ill·
fated plane was a backup
aircraft that was used because
lhe original plane that was lo
make the fight needed rout.me
maintenance Some of the dead appeared to
be children, wi!nesses said. The
airline said the plane carried 76
passengers and a crew of 13
An immigration official who
declined to give his name swd
<See ESCAPE, Page AZ)
* * *
Western Lists
Of Jet Crash
By 1be Auodated Press
Here is a partial list of 17
passengers and two crew mem·
bers who survived today's crash
of a Western Airlines DC·lO jet at
Mexico City. The airline says
there may be additional sur·
The information was supplied
b y W es tern Airline s
spokeswoman Linda Doller in
Los Angeles, who said the
following were taken to . two
Mexico City hospitals. Balbuena
and Centro Medico: . .
l. Mr. Hoostand
2. Pedro Ruiz
3. Miss Dena Durand
4. Mr. Enrique Legoretta s. Mr. Frat~
8. Theresa Raso
7. Carmen Raw
8. Mr. R. Martinez
9. Mr. D. Canaga
10. Gabriel Moreno
'11. Pandora Scott
12. Teodoro •oreno
13. a.a1 Tavltu
14. AletllldroAnlbal 11.B.ataelllartlM1
CNW ....... "°" .,..
..... r
11. I>Gaald 1Ucblrdl
17. ~ Valeneia
lnfonndon lncompMl9 on Fet9 of Otttera Aboard
Finances Key Topic
In LB School Race
OI n. Dally PllM \Utl
Five candidates arc seektng
two seats on the Laguna Beach
Unified School Dislra ct Tuesday
ui a ca1')paiin hlghlJghted with
concerns for fulure financrng for
the once-wealthy district
The lwo four -year board seats
are currently held by incum
bents Or Ronald Chilcote and
realtor Harry Bit.bell. wbo are
both seeking re-election. Their
opponents are Michael Onorato.
Mars ha Palmer and Bruce Hop-
Topping the list oC concerns
for the small Laguna Beach dis·
tn ct are future financing prob-
lem s that face the dis tricl.
which has cut St million in ex-
penses in the past two years.
Collective bargaining between
the distnct and th~ teachers is
a nother concern or the can·
didates. Only last June. the dis·
trict setlled salar.y disputes with
teachers, and negotiations are
currently under way Cor a salary
package for the current year.
t\nd pla~s where cuts can be
m ade in current programs is
another concern of the can·•
didates, who all say they will
steer clear of slicing anythin«
from the budget that would af.
feet the education of Laguna
Beach's children.
Responses from the individual
candidates follow :
HADY BITBEU, a 42·year·
old sales manager and vice pres·
ldent ol a real estate firm in
South Lquna, is a 14-year South
La1una resident. He bas
e hlldren In Laguna Beach
schools and ls a former pniai·
dent of the Lal\lll& Beach school
board, former director of the
Lasuna Beach Chamber of Com-
merce, and past president ol the
L~1una Beach Jaycees.
He aays -., believes a tut
force appointed by the board
will "come back with some direction" on bow to handle the
flaanclal woes faced by the
once-wealthy acbool diltrict.
"Jt ,,ould be premature to comment (Oil ftDucel) Won
the tut fClfte returDI wttb tlleir
recoinmendatiou," Bltbelt II.Id.
Ancl wblle be 1a11 bla
prtorttiel Ue wttb bulc educa·
lion . 8 1thell said things lhat
might have to be considered in
d ude haVJng parents pay for
transportation. increasing clas!>
sizes. and attempttnf,! to gel
~c holarstup donors to contribulf>
to s pecial school program :-.
rather than ~1ve money to
~raduatin~ seniors
"Thal statement won't make
me very popular with the
seniors," B1thell admitted, "but
we must find alternative forms
oC fundJng for the district."
He said t he Ideal solution
would be to come up w'th
alternative forms or financing
and retain current programs.
"We've pretty well ~ut back as
Car as we can ," he said. "And
anything from th.ls pc>int on is
going to start affecting the
educatioo of the students. We'll
probably get a lot of ne.sative
feedback from the community.
but you can't make everybody
He said the district is "stuck
with collective bargaining,•·
<See SCHOOL, Page ~2>
Weath er
Fair tonight through
Thurs day with locally
gusty winds likely to con·
tinue . Not much tern·
perature change. Highs
Thursday 68 at the
beaches, 76 inland, with
lows tonipt 47 alon1 tbe
coast and SS inland.
Thtrt'• a chomptofHh~
teom in town that'• not t
well known. S•e ator .
photo•. Paoe 82.
l•ax .,.,_ltn!U •• • .... ..,... ••
L.M,a..-M ------., t:t~:. ~...... ... .. At ...... r.-.. ~ D .. ,. ............. M c-M• Ct o.....c--r ,.,. crewwa• Ct ,..... ...._, .. cw .... ...... ""...... .,'4 .................... .,
.... I •• ,. .......... •
....,.... tlt-n ,,...,.,. •• ._, CM.II....., M •:. cw........ .. .... Ct
.---..p-...... 1/f' __________ ...._,,,_...._. _______________ _ ...
Lt8Q ~·October II, 111'1 , .... ~ .......
tM pl-. ... OD fin ....... II lwW.tWkW&tMrW.w~• . ., ............ ...
&N--~ ............ .
quarter ot a mile from Ule
Lennlul. OU.-wltr: ..... .....
t.M plw .._ cnd1M •1•hlt
• bWlcllq ...... toe•trueUoa ud ttaftci I.at ..
A •poli•IDD far U.. .. ..._
Cl•ll Aer9auUct Aclmial8tn• ... .., .... ....,mk7,aalcl
_. plue tooee.t clotr1I oe a
nm•ay that hid beea do1ed to
trafflt far ntJ*ir1.
WHtun ofliel1l1 uld the
black boll ..Ucll moatton aD U..
plane'• movement• bid bea retrhed lnt.Ht. 'fbtre .._. no lmmecllat.e re·
Spooka Thief
who robbed an Oakl&Od bank 1ot
• aurpriae when be opened a
packet ol $1.18 he tot ln the heist,
police a&ld.
Oftklal1 Hld the man de
manded money from a teller at
the City Federal Savtnp and
Loan Company on Tueaday al
temoon, and was given a packet of bills.
The robber then walked to a
restaurant up the street, aat
down and tore the wrapper off
the money.
poru of HHalll11 ••0•1 at~t arou•• n·••• or
!l'M U.1. ~ Ariaaa. A.-. mhl .,...._ _. .. U.1. Na•
u-.1 ll'r•••""8U.. laletr
loud .-repre1•1aliv• to ...... Ot1 lo .............
... ..... ol Ulll Ulllla.
Pana cl ta. plant were hurled
b ....... ti y ... ucl 1tr.ll a 1111• ._,.....,.. M10M U..
alr'part. A wttw laid rwlcllDta
...... •utt,red only UJbl Cuti
aod bndtet ··we were all HIHp. We
beard a terrible oolse &od an n
pla.ton. P.opa. .,,,.. lhou&inc
run for 1our llv .. : .. uve
JOUnelf,' "•&ld 41-year-old Ale·
Jandro AIU&.YO Caballero.
He and 15 otbet' people live In
a tenement by the airport where
plec a ol the plane struck.
Pieces of 11m o ulderto1
wr•ch1e lay atop Mme of ~ houses in that block
FUght M5 Is oorutop from Los
An&eles and ts popuJarly known aa the "Tecolote" or night-owl,
because of the rught Oymi It ui
1110 occas1onally dubbed the
"Red Eye Special "
Hugo Ponce, a watchman at
the airport, said "It was born·
ble "
'·I wai. in the loun ge when a
noise like a big bolt of thunder
was heard The airport lights
sort of dimmed and all of a sud·
den there was a big naah of
light," he saJd.
,. ..........
Campaifpi Start
Near, Say8 Brown
Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. aays be
will make bis campai~ for pres·
ident official •·very. very soon"
and that President Carter, not
U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy, will
be his ch.ief target. Brown also
told an impromptu news con-
ference Tuesday that it is not
true that his campaign for the
De mocratic nomination bas run
into fund-raising trouble .
Fr .. PGfle Al
r.e••••••• •w 280 Hear
R~an Backer Seminar
• To Enter Race· On Rape
Former Gov. lleldrlm Tbomloa
of Hew Hamp1blre, a •oeal
leader of the COUllU'J'• .tamcb conMnaUvee, announced today
he l1 nmnln1 tor president on a
tblrd·party ticket becaUH oou
of the ftePUbllcan contenders LI
TbomlOO, a leadin1 auppcll'ter
of former Callforala Gov.
Ronald Reaian In the 1176
Republican nomlnaUoa fl1bt.
told a news conference be 1J
leavina the GOP forever.
"I am unhappy wit.b all t.boM
who have 1urfaced or have ln·
dk ated t.bey wt11 s urface in t.be
presldent.laJ waters," Thom.son
s aid.
Thomson said he wu forming
a Coru1titutioo Party and woWd
try to get oo the ballot under Its
banner in all SO stat.es, alt.bough
"lt will be tou&b work."
The three·term Re publican
governor. who lost to Democrat
Huizh Gallen last year, said he had raised no money for tu s
presidential race but e xpected to
ge l "numbers or millions of
dollars''. from private conlribu-
tloaa and would not accept
federal,... for bl.I camp.alp.
"Mlllioi. ol AmerteU1 bave
loat confldmee In U. ability di
either ol the two major poUUul
parties to resoJn the awesome
problems facin1 our aaUon,"
TbOIUOD l aid In bl.I aanounce-
ment IPeeeh.
"lo 'tact, both parties are
equally IUllly ol Che crtae. that
presently face u s oa our
domestic and loteraatlonal front.a. I, therefore, will leek the
presidential nomination under
an alternative party," be said.
Thomson aaid bia campalgn
c ha i rman would be Rufus
Shackelford. a Wauchula, Fla.,
produce farmer who wu unW
r ecently chairman of the
American Party.
., IO.UINS •S'YNOl.m ................ 0 Svery woman II a J*tat111 YieUm. No cm 11 lmm ...
.. Lut·ml.Dut. reeeu. rarel1
bapnen. Heroee an ID allort •• ply,,.,-
Tbe 1t.etement1 Jail boDM Tuea-
day ntcht to a IJ'OUP of 200 peo.
pie, nearly all women. who
crowded lldo t.be auditorium at
t.be Cotta .... police 1tat1on.
They came to bear Officer
Darell P'rMman talk about rape
and what t.bey could do to pre..
vent dmnaeJves fn>m becom1na
"I aave ine of these MNicne a
fett months qo, and there were
•hr people here," he ot.erved.
The difference between that
session and Tuesday's bu been
the string of assault.a OD Orange
County women ln wbJch slz have
been aJain. Pour of those attacks
Thomson. S1 , waa the only occurred in Costa Mesa.
Republican to serve t.bree oon-Tuesday's aeaslon drew women
secuUve terma as governor of from aJI over the Orange Coast
Ne w Hampshire. However, he ... but primarily from Costa Mesa'.
had deserted the party once They were all ages and sizes.
before. running uns uccessfull y Some came with husbands and
for governor in 1970 as the boyfriends and a few brought
American Independent Party their babies.
candidate after losing in the
GOP primary.
One young man who showed
up looked alarmingly like the
police drawing of the suspect.
He was called aside by detee-
t1ves who discreetly questioned
him before deciding be waan'l
the man they're loolcinjt for .
terming It a alow proceaa of
neaouauoo. Blthell aaya there la
currently noth1n1 .tn the budiet
for salary lncreuea, and aaJd
step pay lncreues alone amount
to '50,000.
He aaid It will take two to
three more years "to get away
from the squeeze-factor ln the
Serrano· Priest declalon," and
s aid that unless the dlatrtcl goes
to muJU-year contracts, "It will
take time to form a contract."
also seeking a second four-year
term on the board, Is a 44-year·
old professor or political science
at UC Rlvenilde.
He received his masters 1 degree trom Stanford University
as well as his doctorate, and a
bachelor's degree from
Dartmouth College.
He saJd that if he Is re-elected.
he will look to the priorities in
the bud1et. "We have been
working on the district's finan·
c1al problems and have had to
c:ul SJ m1lhon over the paM two
years," he said
"We ha ve done this by m1tlung
l'Uts in personnel and programs.
and there will b<> a need lo make
additional cuts in the budwet "
But Chilcote aaid he would
look t-0 non·personnel areas for
future cuts.
He said he would consider
combining atat.c money availa-
ble for bus transportation along
with parent fees in order to
maintain that service. And he
said he would advocate working
toward self-supporting athletic
programs ln the small district.
Chilcote s aid another ap·
proach would be to find ways in
which parents might contribute
to school Lexla and supplies, and
said he would look "for some
kind of ararangement with Sad·
dleback Community College so
that the college might assume
reapooalbility for some of our
advanced academic courses.
He aald be would initiate a de·
tailed propoeal for implementa·
tlon of an educational founda-
tion, which would be non-profit
and tax exempt, to solicit funda
through private beque1ta, dona·
lions fro~ foundations, 1ovem·
ment agencies and fund-ralaera,
''with the Intent of providin1
s upport to areas of our cur•
Chilcote aaya that teacher col·
lecti ve barialninl bu been 1ood
, ... 0< .... C-Deity~ ......... ..,I( .........
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' .
Herry Btthell
for the district, "in that 1t ha:,,
hdped improve c·ommumcatwn!>
and to resolve disagreements
between the adm1rustralion and
He !>aid that the distr ict now
has gu1delmc:,, that "m ake 1t
clear what our financial expec·
tations will be," saying, "We
should be able to deal with ques·
tions of salaries and pnonlies
immediately rather than waiting
until the end or the year and al·
lowing frustrations t.o emerge.''
But he added, he would prefer
salary problems be resolved at
the state level rather than local-
ly, saying all other problems of
negotiations be settled at the
local level
year-old founder of the ptlllan-
thropic Kalos Kagathos Founda-
tion a.nd a school board critic,
s ays financial problems in the
district might be self·correctin1
in the future.
"The problems of declining
stude nt enrollment (and thus
less state income) are short·
term and modes t in number.
With continual faculty attrition,
increasing populations (near
Laguna Beach) and new de-
velopment which raises student
enrollment. thls all Insures a·
level of district income that can
now, on average, be projected
one or two years ahead, thus al-
lowtn1 for effective anticipation
or school finances."
He saya collective baraainlng
has worked to the benelit of the
school administration and facul·
ty "by providing both sides with
an enlightened exchange of in·
He suggest.a teachers receive
two and three year contract.a
W"ith the dlstrict, with a aet of
goals and evaluations which
would be conaidered by the dia·
trict at the end of the contract
Hopping said be would con·
alder reducln& 1rounch main·
ten1nce, enern expenditures,
bu1tn•. ind substltutlon of
teacb.lni prtnclpala for two of
the three elementary acboola
where enrollment avera1es about 580 lludenta. . _
Otber cuta M would comlder
lncJude bavto1 parentl ·pa1 tor
materlala now 1uppliecl by th
cttatrlct, cuttlna admlntatratln'
1alarl•, ad contract for dis·
trlcttente.. ,
A fourtlli tanclldatle 11ek:tn1 election ,......., la Cal State
P'uJlerton admlnhtrator
•tCllAZL ONOUTO. 1'be 4l-
19ar-* edueator reeel•ed b.11
doctorate In bl1tor1 from
Oto.......,UniYenttJ and II an offteW ID MYenl commantt1 and
Ronald Chllcot•
church orgamzations.
Onorato said he would take &
long term look at budget con
s1deral..lons such as salanes for
s taff , t each e r s and a d ·
mlnistrators which comprise 85
pe rcent of the district's budget.
And. alter reviewing the long-
term cost.s of transportation. the
cost of grounds maintenance
and programs. he would "con-
s ult with community groups to
s ee whic h are as c ould be
trimmed, or put some high
Achoo! programs in a cyclical
pattern" for cost savings.
He said he wo uld review the
property deeds for land owned
by the district m the Top of the
World neighborhood, "to see
whe ther som e o f that land
s hould be sold off ·'
And he said he would set up an
education foundation that would
have the responsibility of finding
funds from the community,
private foundatJons and govern·
ment grants.
Onorato said he would a lso
look into "a joint-powe rs agree.
m ent with neighboring school
district.s and the City of Laguna
He aald the collective bargain-
ing process should be more open
to the community, and that the
"general substance of what is
going on in the clos ed-door
negotiations should be explained
to the community."
"In view of the confrontation
that reaulU!d last school year
between the board and the
teachers, I would begln a proc·
e11 now to be as open and
forthcom.lng u poesible re1ard-
ln1 the lon.1-term financial pic-
He said he would involve the
communJty ln undliratandlng tbe
complexltles of collective
bar1ainlng and the cost of
KA&81(A PAL•Ea. a 3•·
year-old Ol:ean View School Dia·
trlct teacher. aaya 1be would
stress community Involvement
to solve problem ln the tive-
1chool dlslrtct.
She boldl a muten deiree ln
educaUon and bu tau1bt school
for 12 years, the lut 10 in Ht.mt·
lngtoA Beach. Mn. Palmer said
all factiona of t.M 1cbool, from
p treJlt• to admlnl1tratort,
''mu1t 4>rainatorm to1ether to
•olve-thete 'problems ln a
benefldal manner to everyone.''
Sbe aaid that before 1be "'1ld
con1ldet cuW.n1 any educat1ona.l
pro1ram1, "l would 1eek
alternative meua of flnanclllt,"
1ut1•Unl fund·rallen, foun(la.
tl0tt_1upport ud iranta from the
10Vinunent u examples.
Mra. Palmer sees t.he main
Freeman opened his seminar
with a film on rape. It was
fol lowed by a question and
answer session in which the s ub-
Ject changed from rape preven.
t1 on to the unsolved Orange Coast murder-rape cases.
Man Attacked
In Clemente
A 27 year-old San Clemente
ma n wu struck in the back with
a metal pipe during a brawl in
front of a downtown home Tues-
d ay night in which two men
wer e arrested then la te r re·
J ohn Thomas Copob1anro. of
115 Cap1!!trano Lane. was treat·
e d and re le a sed fro m San
C lemente Gene ral Hospital
shortly al'U!r the 7 p.m . fight that
erupted near 818 Ave Victoria.
Bruce Hoppfng
Police did not release details
OD tbe cause of the brawl. But
police records indicate two M·
year-old men were picked up ott
assault charges but late r
rl~ared in connect.ion with the
problem with collective bargain·
mg, "is Lhe tension and pressure
1t brings at the end of the school
year to teachers and their stu·
dents ··
She suggests mulll·year con·
tracts as ~ solution to that
pro blem , adding the district
would then not have the recun1n1
problem every year of setWng
pay dlaputes."
And. she said, if ~achers and
admlniatrat.ors would be more
open with each other, we
wouldn't have all the problems."
She aaid the distrust between the
parties, with •'the teachen feel-
ing the admlnJstraUon la not tell·
ing them everything, and vice
versa .should beellmanated."
~ ......... -
Teen Injured ·-.:-~
A .... • ''l-r" .. In Accident ·.~ ....
Laguna Beach resident Laura
Martmson. 17, esc<1ped serious
1nJury when her auto was
broadalded by a passing vehicle , ...
m a Tuesday morning smashup
m Laruna Niguel
California HJghway Patrol Of.
fleer Ted Burgoon reported that
Miu Martinson was making <1
left turn on Camino Capistrano
near Avery Parkway at ll:30
a m . when an auto attempting t.o
pass her struck Lhe side of her
Mrs. Palmer i.aid s he wolild
consider having parent!! pay for
t ran s p o r ta t ion o f t hei r
youngsters, · 'ucept for those
who cannot afford to pay," and
said tf cull wouJd have to be made.
she would go for non·easenual
programs, cuts in capital outlay.
such as making equipment last
Mershe Pelmer
M 1ss Martinson was treated
and released from Mission Com·
munity Hospital later Tuesday.
The driver of the other auto was
not held. The accident ls still un·
der investigation.
''We Want You To
Look Better
For Less!''
We'r e not complain·
price of glasses, we'r e
doing something about it.
As a rule, y~ only get what you_,
pay for these pays. Our selec tion is
large enoughj to please the most
f inlcky ta ste~. and yet our prices
j llire are f lot of places to buy
eyewear these days. You can go to
a so cal1ed "fashion boutiQue" and
pa y spectacular prices for famous
names, or you can come to Optical
Factory, and get the best poss ible
fashion looks in eyewear at a down
to earth price.
start as low as ....
S34.SO Single Vl!lon
S44.SO Bifocal
SS4 .~ Trifocal
(Includes Fashion Frame, Stan-
dard Size Glass Lenses and Case)
At these price s we're making a
spectacle of oursel ves.
,So , if you want a s~ctacular look In ey~wear fashion without paying a spec·
tacular orlcP, there's really only one place to shop ... Optic•I Factory.
We are your neighborhood optical store, centrally located on East 17th
Street In Costa Mesa. Remember to ask your eye doctor for your prescr ip-
tion. With this in hand you can shop around for the best In eyewear at the
right price.
.. _250 E. 17th Strief, Costa Mesa • Hlllgre11 Sq.f
VISA' ~ 9 3 r 642-4630 • Wffk~ays 9-5:30 Sat. •
..... (
. • . .
DALE FAHRNEY'S VILLA IN LAGUNA BEACH ONE STOP ON COAST CHARM HOUSE TOUR CfJ ... I Artwortl, Mllrtlle flfeplace, 11th C.ntury Andiron• Accent LIYlnt 1'oom
'Charming' Homes Ejed
Six Examples of Elegance on Coast Tour
OI tlle o.itr l"lleot S\tff
Have the latest home loan in
terest rates given you the jit-
Put your nerves at ease from l
to S p.m . Sunday by absorbing
the hist oric and futuristic
elegance to be found along the
Charm House tour, sponsored
for the filth year by Village
Laguna. -
"The six homeA selected for
viewing, whether SO years old or
just completed, s pacious or
cozy, reflect the warmth, beauty
and regard for the environment
that comprise the character of
Laguna Beach," a spokesman
said. T ickets are $7 and shuttle
buses will depart from the
Festival of Arts parting lot, 605
Laguna Canyon Road. Tbe S,000 square fool, Mediter-
ranean villa or interior designer
Dale Fahrney is a tour in itself
with stairways, museum
artilacts, stairways, individual-
ly themed rooms, stairways,
secluded plantsca pin gs,
stairways a nd etched glass
shower doors. Built in the 1920s as <1 vacation
'Spirits' Arise
Called by Psychic to Laguna
O•llr Pl191 Sutt PMI•
Psychic Freda Fell
Brothers Stabbed
brothers serving time at San
Quentin Prison have been
stabbtd by a third inmate in full
view of guards. Authorities said
Thomas Chavez dropped a foot·
long handmade "knife when
guards fired a wahtlng shot to
break uvthe attack Tuesday.
Ted Backed
In Calif omia
Callfonda Democrats sup-
port Sen. Edward '-· Keo· oedy for the party a pres-
idential nomination b~ 8
better than 2·1 mar1in
over President Carter and
5-1 over Gov. F.dmuncl G.
Brown Jr., accordlnl to a
Loa ADaelea nm .. poll to-
Of Ule OMIY Pilot Slalf
'l'bere·s one woman who
believes spirits of the dead ar-
rived ln Laguna Beach two days
before Halloween .
Licensed Englis h psychi c
medium Freda Fell told about 80
listeners jammed into a Laguna
Beach restaurant Monday she
could bear the voices of their de·
ceased loved ones' spirits.
The pre-Hallowee n ap-
pearance or· the British lecturer ..
a nd psychic demonstrator
brought people from as Car away
as Santa Monica to hear her teH
str a ngers about their physical
afflictions, special dates in their
Jives and the undying love of
dead friends.
Ms. Fell told one woman that
the spirit of her dead husb<1ncl
wanted he r "to lose !.O rn e
Speaking to a standing-room-
only crowd al the Coast Ion, Ms
Fell knocked the traditional
Halloween vi e w of the
supernatural as "superstitious
... sensationalism."
Licensed by a government-run
board for mediums. Ms. Fell
said, "There's nothing sensa·
tional about dying ... or being re·
Her brief explanation to the
audience about contact with the
spirits was part scientific and
part spiritual.
"I am dealing with different
vibratory dimensions," she ex-
plained. She said that while
bodies die, "Inte lli gences
The spirits of loved ones, Ms.
Fell asserted, still s urround
t he lr families and frlentls.
"Titne dOesn't mean anything,"
she said.
Standing in front of the crowd,
Ms. Fell said she waited until
s he picked up strong "vibra-
tions" and theo began trying to
tell an "ext.remely sensitive"
man about his "creative mind." Some. of her statements, or
guesses, about the man. were
correct, as be or his wile sitting
nearby agreed.
compound (or the Cannon Elec-
tric Co., the house is full of sur·
Carpeting in the lodge-like liv-
ing room covers the original
shuffleboard courts ; the master
bedroom was the meeting place
for the boBTd of directors. and
the breakfast nook <now out-
fitted a la Palm Spring:>). was
once a sandbox.
Cormandel screens and 18th
century French andirons are but
two of the antiques and chan·
deliers used with an abandon
that only a professional dee·
orator or millionaire could af-
As if there weren't enougb vis-
ual excitement inside this full
security house, each room bas
an ocean view.
Fahrney has spent four years
redoing and connecting the
various rooms, taking out the
"yellow and wicker period" of a
previous owner and stripping off
wallpaper and paint to uncover
and accentuate original paneling
and molding.
He adullta the size and lavish-
ness of the place are best used
by 100 people at a time, such as
when he opens the house for
charity fund-rajsers.
"l practically live in the
bedroom." he says or the 30 x 30
master suite with Roman brass
poster bed, fireplace, Oriental
carpet, desk, television, two
baths a nd a djoining dining
"I like the combination of Old
World meUowness with modem
gadgetry lucked away."
The marble fireplace, lustrous
woodwork, objets d'art and up-
holstery i.J\ the top level living
roo m are r eminiscent of
Hearst's San Simeon. In what
used t.o be cupboards for shuf-
fleboard sticks and other game
paraphernalia, Fahrney has m-
stalled a sowid system and wet
For an. immediate contrast,
therejl the contemporary and ef-
ficient Teepee House with its
sola r heatrng a nd cooling
system , originally designed by
Bob Rider for dis play at the
Sawdust Festival.
Still situated on a 250-ton bed
of rock which can collect and re-
ta in the s un 's bea t , the
structure is now a functioning
residence. Other points or in-
terest are the lack or right
angles, the spiral staircase and
Spanish tiled spa.
A look at Laguna housing,
especially this year. would not
be complete without an example
from Bluebird Canyon.
Arcftltect Frank Bower de-
signed the Hutchlruion hideaway
that clings to the steep slopes.
soars into the canyon space and
contains a collection of antiques
and stained glus.
And in an art colony what
could be more appropriate than
a home that d oubles as a
penooal gallery?
Architects Ostrander and
Kls hlyama provided the
dramaUc, redwood backdrop for
the eclectic collection or Joie
and Becky Jones and hillside
. .. Other result• in a
statewkle t.lepbone poll of i .ue lldultl betweeD Oct. 1.5 aod Oct. 21 lbowed that ~ wten' opiDSoDS ot caner m Brown bad
tuned around 1lnce Oc·
t.ober im, \be 11mea said •
Ma. Fell told the man a spirit
told her be 6ad a leg injury in
bis past. Sure e.n~u h, the man
told Ms. Fell he a fall while
playing with his pe1 clog a year
ago • But Ila. fell was wro11g about
the man'1f ablUty to pl'ay a
musical iDltrument. 'She did tell
him correctly tbat bls father
died ln a boepltal aDd April was
a special mo11th. Hla daughter
waabonlJDApril.' .I'
Summing up the diversity, the
tut two st.ops are juat down the
lane from each other. . • . . . . • . . . . • Carter, ~ bad a 12 r:rcellt favorable ratln1
t.be poll a• 3ear a10,
4ropped to n percent ,........., Browa, ....,,_
Ill& a• _.::n• fatWable
wa,r • ·-lalt October. ,...,.,.. to•• perent ~ ,_....._ W•••'-Uda ••" ................. ....... ~.can. IM"8••"'
• Tbere were botb blta and
m'9MI. TM audience woWd ap-
plaud tbe woman wbo aald abe
had J)eyeblc powera when 1be1up-
plled t.be corrett lnformatlon
Plcldnl people at random, Ms.
rell ~the beard aplrttl men·
Uon a variety of problem• and e~ about the members
of the audience.
The Richard Schwansteins'
Spanish hacienda full of indoor
patloa, hideaways and Hai~
art, po6nt.I up · the romance °'
early Calllomia 1tyl:J:!e .
Offerlno at the uaic Box
house ol t:u.ubetb Id will
appeal to three aente1: sl~t.
IOUDd and tute. Vllito~ may
U1ten to tbe uti1try of tbe
owner-planllt and umple
refrealuQenta .
Vt0. Lapma ia a DOD·proftt
corporaUOD dedicated to pre.. aervlnc and enbanclnl t~e
vllla1e 1tJOOlpbtre.
St .Teen
Hel,d in
Fin eoaet1 of rape were
• .,, ... ebarl .. broqbt Tuel-
d•J •l•lut ll-year-old Jon
Rowland ol Sant. Alla lo comec·
tlon with rape and buralary
CUel Ofel' the pal nlDe IDCIDtba,
Santa Ana pollee aald.
Rowlad was arrested while
aUetedl1 prowllna on a patio ot
a Santa Ana JroUDd noor apart-
ment Oct. Z4. InvesU1ator Joe
Gualdoal aaid ~ouna man was allegedly l lved in a
series ol rapes urglutes in
Santa Ana between Jan. 29 and
Oct. 15 ol t.t;a.ia year. Meantime, police in Costa
Mesa, directinl a bunt for one or
more pe r sons who have
bludgeoned aix Oranae County
women in the past two years, re·
iterated Tuesday night that
Rowland bas not been linked to
those slayings in any way. "He's
too young and bis hair is too
Jong," a Costa Mesa police
s pokesman said lut week of the
s uspect ln the Santa Ana rapes.
Rowland was named in five
counts of rape, seven counts of
burglary, rive counts or oral
copulation, one count of prowl·
ing and two counts of being
a rmed while committing a
felony, Santa Ana Police Capt.
John Heaney said.
"We've got our man," Heaney
said, "and we're helping Costa
Mesa any way we can in their
Rowland was being held on
S!H.'000 bond.
Tomato Price
Blamed on
Shut Farms
SACRAMENTO <AP) If the price or tomatoes sports to rec
ord heights, it's because traces
of a pesticide were round on
farm s in San Otego County
where most of the country's
winter pole tomatoes grow.
Authorities said Tuesday that
the last of the six big Orlhene·
tainted farms bas been closed.
"It's under control. We've got
those fields that used the
material.I abut down," said Rex Magee, chief of pes ticide en·
forcemenl in the state Food and
Agriculture Department.
The shutdowns, after tbe peak
of tbe harvest but before Mex-
ican-grown tomatoes hit the
markets, caused shipping point
prices t.o peak Monday at $8 for
20 pounds. more than double the
$3.50 price or Oct 18, sa1d Jim
Valladares or the department's
Los Angeles Market New~
Bureau. •
Prices droppt.."<I s lightly Tues·
day to between $6 and $7 , but are
expected to 're main high for
another six weeks until more
Mexican tom atoes arrive.
Valladares said.
Magee said the closed fields
represented the bulk of crop m
San Diego County. where 60 to 70
percent of the natiun's wmtcr
tomatoes are grown. He said the
size of the affected fi elds ranged
op to 1,000 acres.
Another 34 tomato farms were
ins pected and given clean bills
of health, leaving posiubly only a
few "very, very small" growers
to be inspected, Magee said
About 200.000 pounds or pole
tomatoes grown near Oceanside
were declared unmarketabl~
after the Ort.hene residue was
found Oct. 18 by inspectors or
the U.S. Food and Drug Ad·
Rachele Mussolini, widow or
Italy's Fascist dictator
Benito Mussolini, is dead of
a heart au.a~ at 89. She had
survived he'r.:· hush.and, who
was shot to death in 1945. by
34 years
Snow, Ice
By Tbe Associated PrHS
A blustery, snow·laden storm
sent an icy prelude to winter
through portions of the central
and southern Plains. killing
e 1gbt person s. s tranding
motorists, knocking out power
and sending some Texas resi-
dents to shelters to keep warm
Blizurd warnings were Ul ef·
feel t oday a cross wes tern
Kansas a nd wes t -central
Nebraska, and t ravelers ad·
v1sories were posted for the Tex
as Panhandle. northeast New
Mexico and the mountams and
foothills of Colorado. the Na
t1onal Weather Service said
Two persons were killed Tues
day wbell a tornado spawned by
the storm smashed a mobile
home in a rural community near
Ardmore, Okla.
Six other people died in traffic
acctidents, including a man and
woinan struck by a car when
they stopped to help a vehicle
stalled in a snow-filled ditch in
the Texas Panhandle .
More than a do2.en cus and
trucka were reported stranded
in southeast Colorado . and
Kansas Highway Patrol officers
rescued motorists stuck on
tugbways in the southwest part
or that state
Texas Qepartment or Pubbc
Safety pa~olmen said more
than 400 autos and trucks were
abandoned along Interstate 40
between Amarillo and Tucum·
can, N.M
"We got every road you can
think of closed.·· said Colorado
Stale Patrolman Pe rry Powell
at Campo ··we got cars' trucks,
buses and everythmg else lUSl
stranded all over the place We
are JUSt trying to get to them
and get the people in here · ·
Meanwtule. nearly two dozen
peopl e were injured as tomadO!-
aod tugh winds . some up to 70
miles an hour. lashed parts of
Texas. Oklahoma and M1ssoun The Oklahoma Highway Patrol
identified the tornado v1cllms as
Teresa Carroll. 59. or rural
Ardmore and Jimmie Lee Bob,
41 . of Ardmore. who was nearly
decapitated by pieces or the
mobile home as he got out of his
811 J C llUMPllUU:S
Cen1/1~ Gtmolog111, ACS
. • 11'1 rt0U11 rtla.trw
For most or recorded history, man
bas used barter as the primary
method of trading. The first gold coin
was struck in 580 B.C Gold gradually
became the basic collateral of busi-
ness . The free' ·exchange or aold
became a solid rock upon which to
establl!b business economy. In 1934,
it became illesal to exchange gold in
the United Slates. When. tbls ban was
lifted in 1975, Americana began in-
vesting in gold and 1old jewelry.
They quickly learned that gold
values were headed up -and up.
Now, gold prices have risen to a
general level of $400 per oun~. la
that too expenalve? 'f!le answer_ la ·
it'• relaUve. When gold ..1()1d for $3S
an ounce, bot dogs were a nJckel.
Now. Sold, the bot do&, and a lot of
other things are sellin1 for 10 to 12
Umes whal they cost back then. You
can enjoy the beauty of 1old jewelry
and feel IOOd about 1old'1 track ,..
cord u an ipvestment. Now, you
cU·'t Nall.Y HY that about bot dop,
can you?
' •
New Vote
Ma~hine 1
Purdlale ol tbe new, 1peedier
vote eounun, machines wu
fo,mally approved Tueeday by
Oran .. Coullty I UP«tnillorl.
Tbey •tned to tbe •1.5 mllUon
contract for tbe Valtec Vote TaJ.
1y system they cboee Oct. 2 td
replace the 14-year-old Coleman-
Gyrex vote coun~ macblnes.
The new machlnea are to be
ready for the June, 1980,
primary election.
But officials from the county
General Services Agency told
supervison in a report that the
lease-purchase system they bad
asked be investigated would add
$300,000 in interest costs to t.he
purchase price or the machines.
In addition, the report said.
cancellation of the contract
would result ln a hefty financial
penalty under a lease-purchase
Super visor Edison Miller
grumbled that the board had
been "locked in on Vallee" and
t hat voting machine company
officials "had the upper band"
when they upped the stakes for a
lease-purchase deal.
··1·m concerned because there
will be only 10 percent ot.-.the
payment r e maining on the
machmet; after the (June> elec-
tion,·· M.Jller said.
He swd that small remam.ing
payment might not provide
enough leverage to ensure that
any problems ansing with the
machines would be taken care of
The contract s till lacks
signature:, from Valtec's out·pf-
state officials, but supervisors
approved the contr<1ct pend.ing
those signatures
The Vallee sy~lem wdl
replace the present broadsheet
ballots with card-type ballot!>,
requ1nng only a felt pen for
New Nuclear
Plan Headed
For Congress
president'& commission on
Three Mile Island, following up
On lls broad tndJctment or the
nuclear mdustry and its reg-~ton, faces the tuk ol sell-
1 og its recommendations to
Congress and tbe White House.
Comm1ss1on chairman John
G. Kemeny and several other
panel members tesllfied today
before two congress1onaJ com·
m1ttees that will decide what ac·
lion to ta.1t e on the group's find
Among 1Lo; recommendations.
the panel called for abolishing
thl' J';uclear Regulatory Com
m1~s1on and replacing it with an
t'XCC UtlVe agency he<1ded bw
sinJ?le administrator. Current! .
the five ·member body m -t
make all major decisions b ~
maJonty volt·
.. The NRC 1s a headless agen-
C), •· declared Arizona Go v.
Bruce Babbitt in summing up
the panel'~ t•ntJc1sm. "/\ debat·
ing society 1~ no way to run the :,hip .
The romm1s!itOn also s aid
fulu re a tomic powe r plants
should be located in remote
a r<'as . t'X1stin~ plants near
populated areas should be re·
quired to ha ve special safetf
considerations. and no future
plant should be built or licensed
without a federally approved
s tate or local emergency plan.
FIDrida Q flit .by "~~ fi'J ~_J! ....,..... r IUUU&r&g
Haun~ Eyesore
Scemc Vuta at Hirtoncol Landmark for City of Newport B~och
what they did can.be called clearing. It's all dirt now. t•x
eept for rocks. Junk and broken pieces or concrete
TO FURTHER ENHANCE the Ne wport Reac h
scenery. a chain hnk fence was Oung up around the sate
and some big s igns plastered on 1t, telling you what you
can't do there
The irony or this, you suppose, IS that 8 state h1stor1c8l
marker stands at the edge of all this, attesting to tha fact
that here. al this s cenic vista, Is the bay hmdtnK thut
. marh the on~ins of the city of Newport Be ach
Now there's a real Halloween horror story
No telling how long this ghastly eyesore will prevail
before the new bridge gets built
Meanwhile, however, somebody ought to step forward
and fix the place up. Maybe it could be used as a tem-
porary light-turn pocket for Dover Drive. At least that
would put the area to some public use.
IP PIUVATE ENTERP RISE could prevail, the slate
could rent out the site to some entrepreneurs who sell
roadside stuff like s aloon mirrors, fake bearskin rugs or
cheap pottery
Actually, the s ite Is large Pnoul(h thut you could allow
a small carnival to pitch tenL'> lht•rt' I'd ralht·r look al a
rouple of 111deshow freaks than whul you M'C there now
IN TRUTH, IF the new hridge is going lo be a long
time in comrng, the slate might do well to allow some en
terprise on the site that wouJd b<> a bit more permanent
It seems hke 1t might be a nice spot for a fi~h and bait
More and an ice cream parlor •
Rock Singer Out of Jail
Jl!PlTER. f'ln CAP l -David
Clayton-Thomas. lend singer for
the rock group Blood. Sweat and
Tears, has been released from
Palm Oeach County Jail on
$10,000 bond on t'harJ(C!I> he Rex
ually ahsiwlted u 20 year-old
woman. poltce 1uud
AT Ll"A&T ooc farm · famlb
wH reteued bf helicopter from
the t op of their barn. and
anotber heUcopter picked up \.be
two train crewmen from the top
of their stranded enainc.
AuthOrlUea sald 13 mllee of
l/ S 441 alonic Laius Okeechobee
In southern Flortd1& were under
"We've moved P«>PI• out of
un art-u 20 mllea. Iona and~
mlhls wide on Uw northeut cor
nl'r of Lake Okeechobee," aatd
Ellie Waters, director of \ht
Okuechobee County Emer1uncy
OperaUona Center.
THE WATE& J(u1hed from Iii
t>OO root witfo breach In u dlke
s urrounding a 6,700-acre cooUna
.. utter reservoir for· Ii new
l"lorlda Power & Liahl Co
puwer plunt belwctln Indiantown
und Port Mayaca.
A bout 80 ~·oph·. mottl of them
ut u fllthlng eamp, wure evacuat-
ed 11oon llf'tcr the rc•crvolr wall
collapaed early today, and
llltlhorll1t·11 said r1111ng rlood
wat1·r.. fort~l'd tht· 1·vuru1&llon of
otht•r re111dcnt11 In low-lylnK
"Thun_· art• u lot of-tnllM11 on
1111' lnke aide of 44J und there'"
w.1h•r 111} to tho top of 11orne of
tht•m 1111d wut«r 111> lo tht• win
llows of the utht•r11," suld .Rf'd
('ross spokM1womun Anna
HJ ulluson ~
Tll •: 1-'LO n•:o urea we~
prtntJrlly SU cane farmll,
c·11ttlt• rnm:htttl d fish camp!!
Po rt Muyaca, thre4' miles from
lht• rest'rvoir. wu11 spared from
flood walt·rs by a larl(c canal
JU!> t north of the tiny town.
authorities said. But rescue
wo rkers said they feared the
canal would overflow as the res·
crvo1r continued to empty.
"The reservoir had ·about 15
feet of water in it to start and
there's still about three feet left
to come out," Waters said at
mut day
lie 11111d 1t m11(hl he 11everal
day11 bl•for1• l'V8C'Uf'('ll Wt)Uld b4·
oll11w1'<I Lo return home and that
11 woul11 t11kf' wcck11 l o de
tnminl' dtunag1•11
SEVEltAJ. CARS or a Florida
1-:a~t Coa111 freight truln derailed
wltcn water ru11hcd o ve r the
trurks. Martin County 11heriff'11
Dt>1>0ly Jt>!IRe<' Tuylor said. Two
rrul11 1·n ·wrncn were plucked
from tht'lr 11lrandcd engine by 8
('ounl Guard he licopte r . and
flown to M ortin Co unty
~frmunal llo11p1tul in Stuart for
tr1•f1lm<'nl of minor cuts and
11r ratC'hf''I
Gulf States Drenched
Many A re as Without Light, Heal
••llll'Nllt .....
er-own'"'''" lWfl•kl """'•"'"' Cllk~
CllKli>n•tt Cltnl•M Doti·"' Wiii Oen•tt
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wull\•• tefVkt Yid.
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JMn 8w Greeta left. Edwllrd ~Medy aa Pt'Hlderit Certer'a Ion Chip Wmtchn
Cambodia Aid Pushed
Carter, Kennedy Forces Join in Fund Drive
button.a boocJled "Kcnnc<ly 1980"
a11<1 "Carter Mondale,'· but
pollllca wa» only u 1ude show u
EdwMrd M. K.-nnedy and Chip
Cartf'r joined folk singer Joan
Baez In pleading for money to
help end famine In Cambodia.
"All ol us know that with the
ex c eption of the Jewi s h
Holocaust of World War ll. we
are facmg the greatest human
tragedy o( our lifellme." Ken-
nedy !18.ld "We must shake the
world community to actJon "
"WE MUST fl.nd the mearui to
Hospital Sabotage
Charged in Georgia
MACON, Gu (AP I A medical technician has been charged
with murder and ltlU(ravated as11ault an the alleged s abotage of hf~
:rnv1'°rt equ1pmcmt In u Macon h<>ltpttal's 1ntens1ve care unit.
uulhonUt.'fl say
A bo111I h1•11r1ni.: wa'I acht-dul~d t1><iay for Barbaru Jt·un
WI llhun.li, 41 , of Mul'on , who ww. ind1C"l1·d Tuesday by 4 81bb Coun
ly grand jury on one count of murder und JJ counts of aggrav1JL1·d
Mn WlllJam!f declined comment 1·xrf•pt to say her lawyer had
told he r not to dl11cu.•u1 the case
Accord.mg tn the indictment, the chlllrgf·~ involved l.ht: alleged
sabotage belwet:n January and Apnl of rntensive care monitor11
und lntravt!oou.a equipment at the Medic al Center of Central
Georgia. . The alteced Ulcldent..s involved 13 patients in the boep1U1l s tn·
tensive care unit, the Indictment sa.ad
The murder char1e stemmed from the March 11 death of Den-
nis Daniel, 28, of Macon, according to the indictment
hluff our way tn ther(' with the
fOOd and the doctors and tht: 11 up
piles." s ald M s Ban, wl)o
toured several refuRct: t·a.mp-s in
S.utheast As i a curlie r lh1:.
month She report!\ toduy on
what Sht' found to Kt•nnt.-'dy's
s ubcommtltee on rcCuget'S
"We're ready," s u1d Chap
Ca rter of h1 !> f11thn's ad-
mao1stral!oo pl~~e to C1na.n<:e a
lhtrd or the world ~ t'ffo~ lo
t.'a8e the lot or the sturv1ng and
nomel~. ··We're getting a llltle
radical about th1-.. · a-dded
Ca rter ··w e need you to keep
o ush1n..: ··
Mort· than JOO g ut.•'>l:> paid $125
<'Jt"h to ht•Jr M-. HJt>l -.ing and
'<l·nnl-dy speak, and to mingle
with membt'rS of Congre.,.~.
., o ,. 1 a I t t e ~ d n rt <' o m p '' ~ e r
r on d u1·t1·r l.t•onJ rrt R" rn<;,le1n
Thl' tot<.tl t.i.kc "" a:. w me $40 OOJ
c harged with coordmalln¥. I '-;
'"1•llt-f •·ffo rl-. for th•• 'W h it ..
•touse, satd 1f nect'-..,Jr) J moun
tarn o( food will ~ pllt'd on the
Cambodlan border to 11\C~
preHure on the Cam bodian and
V1etpamese governments to ac·
cept emergency a.id
"There's goa.ng to be a buzzard
of food and money," Bloomfield
It makes Cents to shop the
money.-saving food specials
advertised in the Daily Pilot.
Start saving today.
Call 642-4321
and ask our
circulation department
for !fJme delivery.
Budge,.pless1ng advertised grocery
values -one more reason people all
along the Orange Coast save by reading the . '
) ..
. DAILY p:ltoi~-