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1980-12-31 - Orange Coast Pilot
\ IUlll YDll llllllll llllY PIPIR •• 1 , • r 01 1 '.-. • 1 • t 1 1 M 11 t Ii , 1 l '1111 OH AN C F COUNTY ('Al 1, .•<N it. ."> <.t-NI S Waiting for Reagan? • osta e issue unso ve -Dieadl,y new drug • in area SAN fo'RAN~SCO IAP> A deadly new illicit drug . described by authorities as worse than heroin. has account· ed for at least one dozen aeaths in California. including some fatalities in Orange County , Federal authorities say use of the synthetic narcotic called fen· tanyl may be increasing. ·•tt's one or·the scariest new dtugs on the mafket in a long time." drug agent Richard Dunagen commented. Orange County authorities dealing with the new illicit syn· thetic were unavailable to com- m en I today or e laboritte on Orange County deaths caused by rentanyl, Dunagan. of the San Jose of- fice of the Drug Enforcement Administration. compared fen- tany I lo a "Frankenstein's monster. A user's chances or surviving are minimal." The drug is sometimes sold on the street as "China White," an especially prized kind of heroin that comes from Southeast Asia. he said. However . il is "80 times more potent as any morphine on the market." raster-acting than China White, las ts twice a~ long and is difficult to trace in urinalysis. It is also djf(icult to cul, said Mark Hopkins of the Sandborn Clinic in Salinas. meaning some usu_Lare getting high concen- trations of it. Deaths have also been report- ed in Monterey, San Diego. Los Angeles and Riverside counties. as well as in Phoenix. DEA of. ficials said. Federal authorities believe the drug, developed several years dgo by a Mississippi pharmacologist looking for a narcotic alternative, is being made in an underground I a b o r a t o r y i n So u the r'n California. Dr• Darryl Inaba of the Haight Ashbury Drug Detox Project in San Francisco said any compe- lenl chemist can make the drug, a fact he called "ominous for drug users nationwide." A number or non-fatal over- doses have also been reported in the state, law offi cers say. The drug sells for as much as $600 a gram, six times the price of China While, they say. It is also powerful enough to over- come the "blocking" effects of methadone. a synthetic narcotic used as a s ubstitute for heroin in the treatment or addicts. (See DRUGS, Page AZ> Holiday help elates Irvine family of 7 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones of Irvine say that they and their five children have some good people to thank ror turning their holiday season rrom one of despair lo one of joy. They were due to be evicted from their Irvine home three days before Christmas. But an Orange County judge delayed the· eviction to the first of the year. Then David Timmons ol Newport Beach, who read a Dai· ly Pilot acc~of the family's plight, gave them -. turkey din- ner on Christmas Eve as well as $1 ,800 lo find a new place to Uve. The family wu more than S•.ooo behind in rent on their home at ~ Charleyville Circle. A combination of employment 1>TOblerm, legat entan11emenls .nd difficulty in 1etttn1 -welfare had led them lnto the pOOT ftnan. clal 1ituation. In addition to Ttmmon• • help, tbe famUtr RO•i¥e4-a~..........,- 1maller contribullon1 totalln1 about MO, Mn. Jonea Hid. Mr. and Mn. Jonea came to Oran11 Cwnty from Detroit, aevtral monthl a10 1n hopes ol ncaplftl vban bUtbt and ltart· int a ,,.. Ufe for themHlvn and their children. MISSION VIEJO HOPING TO REPEAT AS SWEEPSTAKES WINNER WITH 'SUMMERTIME' FLOAT IN ROSE PARADE Entry depicts leisurely boat ride through bayou with '!'ore than 10,000 roees and orchid• featured amo~g other flo~ers Coast ·plays rose parade roles By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of Ille O.lly "11•1 St•ff PASADENA -What do but- terflies caught along the Orange Coast and more than 1 million people have in common? The 92nd Tournament of Ros~s parade which unfolds here at 8:30 a .m. New Year's day. "The Great Outdoors" is the me of the parade which among its L20 entrants include ca fifth-year float entry from Mis· sion Viejo and a first·lime ap- pearance by the Edison High School marching band of Hunt- ington Beach. Beach fun ends year; more fog due New Year's Eve celebrants ran expect a light fog to dampen their holiday spirits tonight. otherwise it will be fair skies along the Orange Coast Thurs- day. Te mperatures are expected to s lip into the low 60s Thursday after unseasonably warm weather Tuesday sent coastal thermometers soaring to 83. Faded summer tans were re· newed Tuesday as more than 100,000 beachgoers flocked 'lo shores from San Cleme nte to Seal Beach. Lifeguards at Newport Beach reported about 50,000 s un- worshippers basking under the picture postcard skies. ••(t was a good s umme r crowd." said Newport Beach lifeguard Ray Garver. "lt looked like July." In Huntington Beach, about 15,000 persons were attracted lo the sands-of the city beach in Hun- tington Beach. ''There really were lols of peo- ple for a winter day." said a lifeguard spokeswoman. She said peak summer days normally at- tract crowds of about 28,000 to 30,C]OO. nowever coast residents can put away their suntan lotion for the rest of the week as cooler days along the coast are expect· ed. according to the National Weather Buteau. The dry warm winds that have pushed the fog front back to sea are weakening, a Weather Bureau spokesman said. As a result coastal residents can expect more mornings of continued fog, generally clear- ing by afternoon. AREA ECONOMY LOOKING ROSY The parade program cover features pictures of three hut- terflies !queen. dogface and silver spot> from the collection of Kenneth Denton or Laguna Beach. Denton says he caught the butterflies in Laguna , Newport Beach and Corona del Mar. said the temperature might get into the high 70s or low 80s Thurs- day. The record high for ·New Year's Day was 84 in 1898 Lows are forecast at ~6to52. Crowd estimates are always disputed, however, because mathematicians figure only 600,000 can s queeze into the vlewinit area and still breathe. Officials annually estimate more than I million line the 5,5_-mile parade route but Pasadena poli ce predict l.5 million may show up New Year's Day because warmer than usual weather is predicted. ::. wt! do know that 40 tons or trash 1s left by parade watchers, .. said John Mc Alister of the Pasadena police depart· ment. "And if that mess is left by a million people, then those The National Weather Service * * * * * * 120 entrants march at 8:30 PARADE UNE·UP 1. BASKIN·ROBBINS fCE CREAM "The Great Outdoors " 2 LAKE COUNTY CIND.) SHERIFF'S POSSE 3. PASADENA C ITY COLLEGE SWING CHOIR .. 4. EASTMAN KODAK CU., "Flightofthe~,rlQW Geese 5 COMPOSITE US MARINE CORPS BAND 6. MORGANS 7. AL MALAIKAll SHRINE TEMPLE . "A Windy Day" 8 KANTO GAKUlN HIGH BAND . Yokohama. Japan !I. UNION OIL ('0 . "Sunrise" 10. WH ITES cwestern attire! 11. CITY OF RENO, "High Sierra" 12. GRANO MARSHAL LORNE GREENE 13 ONTARIO MASSED LEGION PIPES ANO DRUMS 14. OCC IDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, "Like a Diamond in the Sky 15. CALIFORNIA HERITAGE RIDERS 16. AMERJCAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. "Nature's Engineers" 17. TOURNAMENT OF ROSES PRESIDENT MILLARD DAVIDSON . 18. THE BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELK. "If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?" 19. HARLINGEN HIGH SCHOOL BAND, Harlingen, Texas 20. CITY OF SIEJRRA MADRE, "The Old Fishin' Role" 21. ARABIANS 22. BAKERY. CONFECTIONERY AND TOBACCO WORKERS UNION. "Sweet Outdoors" ~ 23. MICHIGAN "WOLVERINES" BAND . 24. BIG TEN CONFERENCE, "Celebration of Champions" 2S. ATLANTIC RJCHFlELD CO .. "Bunin' Along" 26. PALOMINOS 27. CITY OF'SAN BERNARDINO, "The Wonder of Spring" 28. TOURNAMENT OF ROSES OFFlCIAL BAND 29. P~SAOENA TOURNAMENT OF ROSES AS- SOCIATION, Rose Queen and Court 30. BLACK & WHITE PfNTOS 31. CITY OF BURBANK, "Uninvited Guests" 32. WELSH PONIES 33. INTERNATIONAL H8USE OF PANCAKES. "Nature's Music'' 3-4. WORKING WESTERN I 35. CITY OF CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA. "Ca,gary Stampede, Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth" 36. ACADIANA HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND. Lllfayetfe,u. 37. CITY OF DUARTE, "The Bandage Gan1" 38. GALLOPING GOSSIPS (quarterhorae1) 1 39. FIESTA FLAMBEAU OF SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. Few ·-·· ol the nation -'oy ·'The Trails ol the Fiesta Flambeau'' -~ _, ~~-4D-EASADEN4-MA¥~*M·...wiip_-~~~ ~ 911 econora, as does 41. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON MARCHING BAND Or~ ~·~Uook 'Sl, .. a ,,. plon!~; PAC1FlC·10 CONFERENCE. "Conferences of Cham· pa1e special Daily Pilot 43. MEXICO, ''Mexlco-ltaFr1end,yOutdoon" m11ulne f0tualn1 on lhe ac· 44. BLACK ARABIANS compliabmenll ln Oran1e Cowl· U . LOWltY 'S FOODS/LAWRY'S CALIFO RNIA Ly durinl t• and the trends CENTER, "Rainbows of the Jun1le" rore1een ln 1•1. (See PA.aADE ROtJTE, Page AZ> ---·-· . \\ho attend should be ashamed of themselves "We already have recreational vehicles parked along Colorado Boulevard <the main parade rout e> and they will have to move ... Mc Alister said Tuesday "Those planning to drive here in recreational vehicles had bet- ter pack up the kids and head out as 5')0fl as they read this." he ·sa1d There 1s no parking on Colorado and side streets spaces were reportedly filling fasJ Tuesday afternoon Those risk· ing a tow are going to find it wilJ cost more to get their vehicle out of hock this time ''Since the T aylor Hote l burned down in 1978 and fire lanes were blocked by illegally parked cars. we·ve been work ing to devise some way to keep people from illegally parking." said McAlister ··we passed an ordin ance making it a $200 fin e plus towing c harges for anyone 1llegally parked ... McAlister said that because of the expected warm weather those with reserved parade seat- ing or hoping to squeeze into a s pot along the curb plan to be at thetr, viewing site no later than 7:30 a.m. He also ur~ed those dri ving to Pasadena to plan leaving the ir homes an hour e arlier than in past. cooler years . The re is s pace for 1.000 RVs at Brookside Park near the Rose Bowl downhill from where the parade turns off Orange Grove A venue for its long trek down Colorado. But McAllister said those spots at $10 apieee we re filling fast. He emphasized that for those hoping to park at Brookside their RVs must be s~lf-contalned units. All bus transportation from Orange County to the parade has been reserved, a check of bus agencies in the county revealed. The closest publi c bus transportation available is from Long Beach and seats must have. been reserved by 4 p .m . today Those who can still make it to the Long B e a c h Publi c Transportal.irui quarters at 1300 Garderua Ave., near Anaheim Street and Cherry Avenue. by 4 can pay $9.50 for a round·trip bus ticket to the parade, $10.50 for round trip ticket to the Rose Bowl or $15 if going to parade and game. There were no reserved parade seats left Tuesday. Game tickets are also sold out. although there are usually plen· ty available juat before-kickoff (2 p.m.) from scalpers or at race value ($20). Paclfic-10 champion Washington faces Bi1-10 wiMer <See &oSES, Pa1e AJ) __..t to be dimmed~ NEW YORK (AP) -The llahted g lobe traditionally· · lowered in Times Square-on New ' Yemr's Eve will be darkened fOf' ' one minute In hoftor or the 52 American hostaces In Jran before It ls dropped toni"ht. .. . .., ... __... , ...... : :'-;-:: .......... -........... --... -.. ==-=-~ =::::-::r..---------------------.. --------------------~ ... ~ ....... -....... Algerians e carrying respons.e ByTheAssociated Press I ran has signaled 1t will l'rm sider a new U.S. proposal for 1·ml ing the hostage deadloc·k. hut n · ports from Te hran today rnd1t·<it ed the crisis probably t:oulcl not Ii• resolved before Pres ident Cart•·: lea vesoffiC'e J an_ 20 Iran's main hostage ncgr1\1al<11 Behzad N;ibavi, said Tu~sd<1y 111 government would a cl.'ep\ ;i \ · S <'Ounterproposal on Tran'!. d1 mand for $24 billion 1f 1t "con\;1111 a kinCJ Of gu;ir anlee aN·ept anl1 I the Algerian government The Algerian mterm1•cl1<ir1" were to leave Wa!>hing1on t11r Algier!. today with the L ~ answer One L S ufftc·tal "' Washington ~aid 1t could end th1 424·dav-old crisis f(lr t-he ~.2 < ap ttves .:if the Iranians !•fl' \\tlhn1· and abletodo so ·· Ho...,ever, CBS :'llt>\\~ l l'J/{111,.d from Tehran that lre1n·-. 111lr·1 nal situation 1s making it inc rPa-.111).! h difftcult for its negotiators l•1 find a comprOml!>C wh1 C'h \\OtJid be acceptable to the Lin1tl·d St :it<\ and poltt1cally feas ibk for lhe Ira nian leadership He said despite the appar ent dr• sire or Iran s negotiator') lo re• solve the hostage problem-. "'' soon as poss ible. diplomatic 1111 servers in Tehran are not 011 llmistic that a solution t au Ii\· found before Jan 20, v. hen President-elect Reagan t akps of fH't' The Canadian Hro<1ck:J~lll11 Corp reported from Tehran thm "respected sources w1th1n ll••· .government believe that the SfJ vie! Union 1s responsible for th1· c ris is b ecau se th e peopl<' manipulating lhe s1lu1.11ton an• working 1n the inte rests ,,r Moscow .. CBC said that knowlcdgeuhl1 Iranian authorities said wh1>f'\ 1· set thcdemand of$24 btlhon "·' full)· aware that 1t would II<' 1111 possible for the 1.Jn1tt>d State"'" accept i t. In oth1•r "<>rrb. lht·: 1 ..., as a deli heratt! intt•nl ton t 11p11 vent resolution or the <'rll;t~ Even Iranian offl nal<; \H•rr• "shocked and surprisl'd Ii) tlll' demand. the 1 'BC 'a 11I atld1111 (See llOSTAGF:S. l'al((' \:!l Sea search called off OCEANSIDE 1J\P 1 Ttw · S Coast Guard ~a' s 11 11; Ml' pending its se a rch-for a I 1 · Davis veterinarian who \\:I~ • passenger aboard a I w 1n enitn pl ane that crashed off thfl l I>~•" of Oceanside Search \'esscls have faded t11 find the lone pa·ssen~er of th• plane. 1dent1fied a!> Or llur11 phre ) Kn1 1i:ht . 5 1 , 11 veterninarian for t horouithlm•cl horses at state race t r;(cks and horse ranch es and c h1<'f 111 equine medic me at l T l>a' ,., Or~~:wi ,:asl \\eat her Fog a nd low C'louds tonight and Thurs day morning. Mos tly s unny Thursday afternoon Y,ws tdnight 4.2 at the beaches. 52 inland. Highs Thursday in 60s. ; INSIDE TODA~ A tNm playmg lorn(' Of th' bcn btWwlbaU nt IM cotlftt'll at tht' rnot'!Vnl is rn our own back yard but hordl!J notic~ · ~e storitis. ~ 83, BS . .... --- ... " " ... . ".. . ' " ' " ' ... -.. ' ' ' ·~ '" ' .. ~ . ~ \ Israel says unrplanet I douned 2 Syrian jeta 'I t-;l .\\'I lsrnl lA I'' laruli warplaMllt at.Gt down two > r11u. MIO JJ hahl•r bomben tMA.1 •• • ~filbl over aautMm lAtt.anon. lhe luMI •U.tary eomaud NW. . Th" '"'<'So\ 1t!t made Min• were down~ over Lebaneae 101l fa\ LJnllo lo\(' I ur th~ l1raeh OOl'der town of MeluU1 after they tric-a w 1n11•t' 1•t l1rull pJ1uaa c.ooduC'tin& bombin& ra1d8 on. Pate .. tuU•n wuc<r n lh1 tH•"'b· a m1ht1u·y S1JOlu~.~m11n said. He said the> huell 11n r art i. 11 rt>t umccl 1u1Jt<ly lr••HWWI• ....... • tt t:lfu 1 l..t•ll1&fion \A I' 1 A hardhntdrttman newsp11per pre· c1IL'll'1l tn 11n L"'11'unia l lodu) th11t lh\I lJ111ted Stales, f~ustrated ov~r thr ho.,L• \' ,.n~•• ~oulJ aillernpt to1m ade Iran ors llr Internal dis· ~«-" ,,,, J t>l\tao t<aJ 10 ~uoted 111 full lb" ler14th ed1tor11l in the EUHt ne-" papttr alt{(ned 'i'llh thl' rruUtillll lslam1~.~epubUcan Party. h1L·h )&Jd ,1,wh t1t'l1011~ wt-n: '11ot far fel<'hed Ill view of the ele<'· '"'ll or ll.011<1ld Rcii.CtHI a3 l' 'i J.1fe31Jent '••••r.C ••l•a-e s N Dl t!GO < t\ 1~1 A man was set a(a re and burned over his entire bod\ on JOiHt ing path along Highway 94 today He was re· poi lt'd oea1 death . Poht·~ 3a1 d a Oa mmable bquld ~as poured on ~ohnme Lee \1tt>n~aux,35, before he was ton·he<l with a cigarette lig~ter ll \\a:. m•t 1mn'led1ately known 1r somebod) else set fire lo him 111 if 1ht.·1. 1111 t.·<au3~d It h1 ms1tlf. police sau.I ,.,...r.,,.111 PARADE ROUTE •••• Iii BLACK & WlllTE PINTOS ·17 l'ITY Of TORRANCE. "Four Seasons " tH lllBHING HIGH SCHOOL BAND. Hibbing. Minn. 49 UR Pl:YPPER CO . "Backyard Barbecue·· ~O BQUESTRlAN QUEENS .. 51 crtv Of PORTLAND, "The Gardens of Portland 52 ARCA UIA HIGH SCHOOL BAND. Arcadia, Calif. 53 l'ITY OF ARCADIA, "Spring Is In The Air" 54 LONE RAN GER & TONTO 55. ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS, "Outdoors At llom l'" . 56 CA RDOZO HIGH SCHOOL BAND, Washmg~on. D.C. . 57 CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE. "Going On A Pie· nit•" 58 MATCHED PAIRS 59 CITY O F GLENDALE. "Down The Nile" r.o SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY BAND 61 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL "Trails lo Happiness" 62 C RED°iT UNION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. "Sunshine Afternoon" 63 CA RROLLTON HIGH SCHOOL BAND, Carrollton. Ga. £i •1 CIT Y OF ST LOUIS, "Spring Thaw" 1 f\5. WESTE RN Al RLINES (Class E>. "Lions N'Tigers N' Bt!CJ rs, Oh My!" lili BROWN & WJllTE PINTOS li7 FARMERS INSU RANCE GROU P, "Islands of Hawaii" fill. MEA D S ENIOR lllGH BAND. Spokane, Wash. fi!.I S l'AN ISll ANDALUSIANS 70 O/\NK CH' AM ERICA, "Songs of the Wild" 71 FA NC Y PRANCERS 72 FLOtU STS' TRA NSWORLD DELI VERY AS · SO('l i\TION "Sundav an the Park" 7J LIBERALlllGll "THAT" BAND, Liberal, Kan. 71 AVON PRODUCTS, INC., "AutumnSplendor" 75. INOIAN GROUP 76 LOS ANGELES TIMES. "Headlines in Flowers" 77 1\AllMF.S SllRI NE MO NTED PATROL. Walt Fahye, marshal 78 llUNT JN C;TON SHERATON HOTEL. "What's For Lunrh''" . . 79 !::DISON lllGll BANU. llunlrng~on Beach, Cahf. H() t\MERICAN llONDA MOTOR CO .. INC .. "Air Show" Kl INYO NATIONAL FOREST PACK TRAINS !,( 2 C.'l'\"Y Of ALHAMBRA. "California Fiesta" K:J <'llARRO GROU P !M PROVINC E OF BRITISH COLU MBIA, CANADA. 'SuµN. Natur al" fl5 l>Ol'GLAS COUNTY HIGH BAND, Castle Rock, Colo Kl) CAL POLY UNIVERSITIES, "Snow Poke" K7 ROUGll RIDERS OF ROWLAND HEIGHTS K8. COMMUNITY OF MISSION VIEJO. "Summertime" K9 TENNESSEE WALKERS 90 NATI VE SONS AND N'\4:l,YEP0AuGttTERS, "The Ar· 11\'al" !H KAllUKU lllGll RAN D. Kahuku . Hawaii fl2 . RA ND, McNALLY & CO . "Tournament" 93. WILD WOMEN OF THE WEST 94 SQ ARE DANCERS OF AMERICA, "Bonanza" 95. CONNEMARA PONIES ~ SUNKI ST GROWERS. INC., "Festivals of Japan" 97 POWAY lllGH "EMERALD BRIGADE", Poway, Calif. 9R PHOVINCE OF ONTARIO. CANADA. "Yours to Dis· nlVt!r ~9 C'llARRO GROUP. 100 WINCHELL'S DONUT HOUSE. "The Beauty of rt All " 101. ARABIANS, Valerie Alland, mars hal 102. INTERNATIONAL LUTHERN l~YMEN'S LEAGUE. 'The Lord ls My Shepherd" l03. DEFIANC E lllGH BAND, Defiance, Ohio 104 ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA. "Once Upon a Time " 105. ENDURANCE RIDERS 106. CITY OF MONTEBELLO, "Heart of the High Countr y" 107 .• PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, CANADA , "It's Warmer In Quebec" 108. SALVATION ARMY TOURNAMENT OF ROSES BAND . 109. CITY OF DOWNEY, ''Nature's Fantasy" 110. TEXAS RANGER BELLES 111 CITY OF LONG BEACH, "A City Alive" 11 2. GLEN A. WILSON HIGH BAND, Hacienda Heights ll3. CITY OF LAKEWOOD. "The49er" ll4. CITY OF CARSON. "And There Were Roses" ll5. VA ULTERS 116. CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA, "Snipe Hunt al Calamine Camp" 117. LOS ANGELES ALL-DISTRICT BAND 118. CITY OF LOS ANGELES. "Gateway to the Pacific" 119 MERCED COUNTY SHERIFF'S POSSE 120.AVCOFINANCIALSERVICES, "MonarcboftheSea" . Thomas P~ Haley Publltllef Robert N. Weed Pr••l•nl M. Thomas K"NYll l «tlfor Thomas A. Mu r lne_ ~----...... ft!W' Ch•rlH H. Loos """'..,,' ~ Cdltor J . ·- , ........... J R0$D ••. •Wpa la U.. iTua RoM Bowl ..... CoorcUnators Travel. Aaahlim. ii provldh'I round\rlp ~ tr~Uon for lht pme only fl'Oln the Newporter Inn and Marriotl Hotel in Newport Beach , lhe R e11islry and Aarporter Inn, lrvlne, and South Coast Plaza Hotel. Costa Mesa Ex-mate held in ·slaying Carter asks kU on gaa WASHINGTON <APJ President Carter again wUl propose a . dime·•· 1allon gasoline tax de· ai1 ned to reduce American dependence on foreign oil, an adminiatr•· tion source says. Overdose fatal to SC teen Roundtrip bus tl<'kets at SIS are available to midnight by telephoning 937·0400, according to a spokesman. The buses will leave at 10 a.m . and depart for the Orange Coast 30 minutes after the game . T hose planning to drive to the game only should allow at least an hour from the lime they exit the freeway for the bowl until they are in their parking s pace. McAllister said Best travel ro utes lo the parade from the Orange Coast are Interstate 5 OT the 405 to the 605 to 210 and exit off 210 east of Lake Avenue. McAllis ter said. Those minus reserved seats who plan to wait until the pre· dawn hours Thursday to drive lo Pasadena and ~rapple for a spot s hould keep in mind that places ne a r parade's end are less <'rowded. The parade turns north from Colorado onto Sierra Madre A venue for a s hort march before dis persing lo the post-parade as· sembly area at Victory Park. Areas to be avoided unless sea ts are reserved are near the parade's formation on Orange Gr ove, Orange Grov e and Colorado where television crews ran sometimes crowd out spec· tator s and an y area a long Colorado west or Lake Arenue. • Those J?oing to the game only s hould t<Jke the northernmost ex it from the 2 10 . Arroyo Windsor. McAlliste r s aid. Mission Viejo, which won the parade's top Sweepstakes trophy this year a nd in t978 is 88th in line Thursday with a float , "Summertime " Ne arly 1,000 students from Laguna Hills , El Toro. Mission Viejo, Capistrano Valley and Silverado h igh schools have been working on the entry at Fiesta Floats in Temple City. The float-building firm was owned and operated by Vinton Ande rson of Laguna Beach until his death last February and now ha s son , Don of Brookline. Mass .. has taken the reins High winds in November blew d o wn the firm 's t e nts and destroyed framework of many of the 13 floats under construction but a spok'esman said Tuesday that all were expected to be fin ished for this morning's final judging. Gary McJilton will direct the 133-member Edison High band. 19th e ntrant in the parade. There are 22 bands, including one from Yokohama.Japan. There are 61 floats and 32 equestnan units and two other musical J?r oups . L es li e Kim Kawa i of Pasadena rs queen. Television and movies personality. Lome Greene. a former chairman of the National Wildlife Federa· lion. is gra nd mars hal. .... Man sought in rape try at Irvine Irvine police are continuing a search for the suspect in a rape al· tempt. Sgt. Leo Jones s aid an 18-year· old Irvine woman. walking Mon· day near Yale Avenue and Booth Circle. reported that a man on a small yellow motorcycle stopped, approached her and tried to tear off her clothes. He fled when two girls rode by in a car and looked his way, the woman said. Thesuspe,•t was described as 19 to 21. 5-feet. JO to 6 feet. JSO to 170 pounds , dark brown hair with pony tail. He was wearini.: a long-sleeved navy blueHkl Jatc ket, light redcor~ duroy pants and an orange or red motorcycle helmet with a tinted visor. Cyclist badly hurt in crash A 21 .year-0ld motorcyclist is in critical condition today and a second man-recovering from in- juries suffered when the pair cr astfed into a palm tree along Mesa Verde Drive in Costa Mesa. Leroy Smith was reported in critical condition al Fountain Valley Community Hospital and Robert Balch, 20. in fair cond~ion following the Tuesday nigh\ acci· dent. Police said that the two men were eastbound on Mesa :Verde Drive when their motorcycle crossed the center divider and hit the tree. -..Cat has rabie8 EL CENTRO (AP> -An Im· ptrtal County health offlclal say1 the first cHe of rabies baa been confirmed In a cat. ralsln1 to 1' the number of anlmala tefffttl)' confirmed to have contracted the contagious dlse-.e. ByO.\VIDKUTZM.\NN °' .. ~ ........... An Indiana man has apparently shot and killed his former wife in the front yard of her Anaheim home before shooting himself to death as the estranged co~le's 26-year·old daughter loo1te4· on; / pollcesald. 1' Anaheim homicide In· vestigators said the fatal RhOOt· lngs Tuesday lb front of Marjorie L BeckJehimer's home at 718 S. Philadelphia St. also resulted in the arrests of five neighbors who did not heed police requests to , step back from the scene. Mrs. Becklehimer , 49, was found dead by police officers and paramedics when they arrived at the home just before 5 p.m . Robert L. Becklehimer. 50, was found seriously wounded nearby. Police said he was taken to Anaheim Memor ial Hospital. where he died at5: lOp.m. According to inves tigators. Becklehimer had been visiting his family for the past 10 days, living in a camper parked in front of the home. Police said Mrs. Becklehimer, a~art of a long-standing proper. t}'. rights dispute arising from divorce proceedings 10 years earlier, obtained a court order earli er Tuesday requiring her ex· husband to go to a notary public ror the purpos e of transferring the deed for lhe Anaheim home to her BeckJehimer was ser ved with the court order at about 4 p.m Tues day. Mrs . Becklehimer. police said, had gone to pick up the couple's daughter from work at about the s ame time. When the woman returned to the home. Becklehimer confront· ed her in front of the home. The argument then lurned to gunfire . a police spokes man said, as the Indiana man apparently fired severaJ shots into his former wife. Police said their investigation showed Mrs. Becklehimer had made numerous attempts during the past JO years lo gel her ex· husband lo siJ.(n off his portion of the deed. Instead, they said, he moved to Indiana after the divorce. Police said the shootings drew a large crowd to the front lawn, re· suiting in the rive arrests. Among those arrested at the shooting scene were a juvenile and four adults. The adults were identified as Wi lliam Swiney, 20, 615 S . Philadelphia St .; Andre Fernandez . 49 , 715 S . Philadelphia St.; his daughter, Lupe,21,andson, Eu~ene, 18. A H>·year-old son of Feman· dez's also was taken into custody. They were all charged with in· terfering with a polioe officer. Swiney and the elder Fernandez a lso we re charged with assault- ing a police officer. The source, who asked not to be Identified, said Tuesday night that the tax proposaJ is "basically the same" as the Carter pro· posal Congress over· whelmi.ngly rejected June 6. Under that plan, a tax on imported petr oleum would be passed to con- sumers. HOSTAGES that senior Iranian authorities who s aw a report o r the parliamentary committee handl· ing the negotiations had expect· ed the hostages lo be home for Christmas; however, the terms were increased afte r the report left the committee. The Iranians want $10 billion of the money deposited in Algeria's Central Bank for the return of Ira· nian assets frozen in U.S. banks, $4 billion as a guarantee against other. unidentified assets and $10 billion as a guarantee against identification and recover y or the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 's property rn the United States. Y center · . - to get aid In separate actions recently. C ity C oun<'il m e mbe..rs 1n Ne wport Beac h and Irv ine a greed to help ba il o ut the Cinanicially troubled Orange Coast VMCA·s Crisis Center Newport Beach a greed to chip 1n $5.000, while I r v1n e ap propriated $3.000 for the center. which offers l o d gi ng a n d counseU ng for young persons V MCA orficials say the center <'Ur r ently 1s expe riencing a monthly shortfall of S3.391 They s ay coun<'1lmen in II untington Beach also will be asked to help out. Gold plated scrap 1tolen Gold plated scrap parts valued bet ween Sl, 100 and SJ .600 have bee n reported stolen from a Costa Mesa electrical firm. Offic ials from We s t e rn nigilal, 3128 Redhill Ave. told police that the scrap m etal taken Tuesday was being housed in drums located 1n a storage are a Duck lnmter killed OROVlLLE !AP> -A young duck hunter was accidentally shot and kHled by his brother in a r ice field near Richvale. Bulle County sheriff's offi ce rs said Tuesday. A J~year·old San Clemente woman. who lay in a coma for four days alter a drug overdise, died earl y today al San Clemente Gener•l Hospital. Karen Leigh Burt, whose lasl listed address was 220 Calle Aragon, was pronounced dead about 1;30 a.m . as a result of an overdose o f cocaine and barbiturates. Meanwhile, th e man who c a lled police to report the woman was unconscious in his house la.st Satur day was to be arraigned today in South Orange County Munic ipal Court on charges of forcible rape. Polic e s a y Robert Scott Marsh. 27, of 227 Ave. Victoria, raped a 34 -year·old woman in a frie nd's home just hours after Miss Burt was rushed to San Cleme nte General Hospital. Marsh was arr ested early Monday morning by police after barr icading h ims elf inside a friend's home at 252 Ave. Vic- toria , for five hours. Marsh. police allege. raped the older woman while James Steven Bayne, 25, of San Juan Capistrano held a gun to her he ad in a bathroom at 252 Ave Victoria Bayne was al s o to be ar raigned today on charges or as· sault with a deadly weapon. Po l ice earlie r thr s wee k dropped charges of attempted murder against Marsh. who al- legedly told his rape v1ct1m that -~~ was responsible-for-H1e-Burr· grrl 's drug overdose But 1nvest1 gators continue to seek more clues regarding the b1tarre weekend happenings I In a new development, police a rrested William Kent Smith 24. of the Ave. Victoria address T uesday night on charges or possessing stolen property Police, armed with a search w a rra nt , found a n electric typewriter rn the hom e where the rape allegedly took place T he typewriter was reported stolen from a methadone center an S<Jnta Ana LagWJaman injured in home blaze A La guna Beach man was be mg treated today for bums and s moke inhalation suffered in a fire that broke out this morning m a home at 691 Anita St. S1dnev Cook. 34. was taken lo South Coast Medical Center and transferred to the burn cente r at the UCI Medr<'al Center Bob Ford. another oc<'upant. escaped injury an the blaze. wh ich reportedly was rl1 s covered at about 7 a m Fire men we re investigating the cause of the fire. which they s ay apparently started in the lowe r portion or the home The estent or daage to the two· story structure was unknown this morning. Winter Sale Starts Stop By Now For Best Selection Drexel creates a classic chaise F tC'>h 1ntcrprn1<1tion ot .1 classic? It's ,1 Dre1el • specially as 1c, the case ot 1111., qr.icel11lly nropo11toned c1t,11c;e tonq11€' We know Yl1U will ;'ICjrPe I here .ire 1 !W mo1e Pleyan1 way~10 brnig c0t1)fon.1blo scaltnq inlo a t>eclrOQ111 w .111 Drexols own (l11;1h1y 1011clie<> 1n a ch01CC of lux11tl0\1'• lclllt•t •, 111•. I ie1114 ~llOwn <\<; 11<u1 al our l rael11t0na1 Cta• . .,,c ... coltcc1t0r1 De11gh1h1JI i --~---·----............. _ _...... __ -~ ",'96~-,..~-------..... --..,, ~ ... ______ ............,_.........._,_. ___ ---------------...... ~-...---- • • • ... • • • • ..-, a .._ " #It At ._,., ..., ;ia ._ ' 111_. .._ "" £lltl. A "-.. ~ • • ._ ' .. "" 4' ' ,. • .._, r«t. "" " • • • · ... ~.O.Cemt>er3 1 .1980 DAILY PtLOT ,Q • No co~test pleft resolves Anthony case 8)' t 'U•IUt.'I. IK'HUt.•t=HL ................. Oran1e Count)' Supcirvlaor Philip Anthony . whv unr~ C'lllmtod be wa • vlct1m of In vld l ous pront•utlon . today stands C-()n u:ted or • miade rueanor an <'Onnecu on with three yur old umval1en fuou launcienn, eh•rlt':\ Anthao) plt-aded no l'hOlt!b\ Tuuda)' 1n Onn1• County Superior 'ourt to ml1demeenor 1ll.,1allOM that h., railed to re· a>t•rt ct!rtal~ contributions made to his IW76 1upervl11orial cam· pa1a11 Jud&t! 'laude Owen1, who ac· eepttod th_, plH, fined Ant.bony ~.000 "1'hlb r ourt thmks he has lt-u 111cd hlb lt!i.soo.'' Judge Report cites bomb in cancer fatalities SA LT LAK E C'ITY t API I\ blue ribbon panel of sc1entJi.~ has concluded tha t expos ure to n1dioacuve fallout 1s the likely r e ason wh> can('~r ratu in southern Utah soared during at- m os pherH· atom 1t testing m Nevada. the Deseret News re- ported. ln a topyright story, the newspaper quoted from an un published repo rt by the In\ teragency Radiat10n Researc Committee that s aid the ex- cessively high rate of childhood cancer in sout he rn Utah "re- mains unexplained on grounds other than possible fallout ex- posure.' The study a lso concluded that the high cancer rate "should not be s ummarily attributed to quirks in analysis. s tudy design or sample size." During the 1950s and early 1960s , a numbe r of atomic bo mbs were exploded above ground in the Ne vada desert. Most of the fallout passed over southeastern Utah and the town of St. George. Studies conducted by University of Utah scientist Joseph l;. Lyon showed a highly a bnormal cancer rate among .residents ol the area during the testing period. Q Several hundred have joined a s uit against the government in a n attempt to obtain damages for what they contend are radia- tion eaused cancers. The panel quoted by the Deseret News was assigned the task of looking into the allegations and malting recommendations to the Carter administration Lyon found that in counties where fallout was heavy, the l e u k e m ia rate among youngsters rose from below the U.S. average before the test period to as much a s 2~ tim es the national average during test· 1n g, After the open -a ir tests were over. the rate fe ll back to normal. Three congressional commit· tees and a White House task force have given opinipns rang· ing from "proven to a moral certainly" to "in all probabili· ty'' that atomic test fallout was responsible for an inc reased number of cancer deaths in the state. DerenalJer at Huntington i'l Owtna aald in impoain1 the fine. In con1ideration of Anthony enterina a plea to the mi.Ide· meanor, the stale Attorney General's office dismiss• three felony conspiracy counts of which Anthon,y wu accused. Anthony ilnd former county superviaor Ralph Diedrich were accused of concealing the true source ol about $80,000 tbat was spent in 1976 political cam· S>al1ns, including Anthony's suc- cessful bid for office. Diedrich, who left office in Ju- ly 1979 after he was sentenced on an unrelated bribery conviction, faces a pre liminary hJtaring Monday before Owens for his al· leged role in the camp•ien funds laundering operation. , A plea or no contest is con- sidered tantamount to a plea of guilty. However, a no contest plea cannot be used against An- thony in any civil litigation that might arise. Owens accepted a request from defense attorney Thomas Crosby that Anthony not be barred from holding public bf- fice in the future. Deputy At- torney General J . Ric hard Haden did not object . Owens said he did not think it would be fair to impose such a ban since Anthony was entering a plea to a misdem eanor and not a felony charge. Owens said the crime or which the supervisor, who leaves office Monday. was accused was neither "the least grave nor the most grave ... " Speaking to reporters after the 15-minute court appearance, An· thony said the negotiated settle- ment was "a reasonable way to resolve this matter." He said. however. that he con- tinued to feel "some of the charges were greatly inflated in the first place.'' While sayinit he "didn't rel· lab'' pleadlnc iuilty to a mlade· mttnor, Anthony sajd he wanted to put behind both him and his family "the years of strain" the le1al difficulties had created. The deputy attomey 1eneral termed the aetUement "a fair sentence and a fair plea." Haden noted that Anthony will be called u a prosecution wit- ness during Diedricb's upcom· inl preliminary hearing. The charges against Anthony date back to 1977 when he and five others were Indicted by a county Grand Jury on multiple misdemeanor and felony counts in connection with alleged viola· lions of the Political Reform Act or 1974. The indictment was subsequen· ti)'. quashed by a superior court judge because not all jurors heard the same testimony. That de- cision was upheld by a state ap· peals court. ·Prosecutors, however, took a dirrerent tack, filing a criminal complaint containing exaclly the same charges against the defen· dants. When it appeared that statute of ·limitations problems might develop, prosecutors again went before the county Grand Jury and in December 1979 won new i.ndictments. The start of a pre liminary hearing into the sufficjency of the evidence against the defen dants was repeatedly delayed as both the defense and prosecution. wrangled over legal issues both before the Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino and the state Supreme Court. Attorneys for both Anthony and Diedrich had re peatedly claimed that their clients were unfairly being targeted for criminal prosecution. They con- tended most state elected of· ficials accused of similar crimes faced onJy civil sanctions . . ,. -~ Delly ,. ... ,._. llty II klY ... K ..... er K.neeboarder cuts swath across small wave on west side of Huntington Beach Pier . Surf was running at only 1·3 feet when this photo was made at 9:30 a .m. Tuesday and water temperature was about 59 degre~s. But the air temperature, ah, the air temperature -you'd have thought it was summer. Anyway, with school still out for the holidays, it was a good time to put a little mileage on that new board Santa left under the tree. Goat trapper sues Court settlement squabble sparks action By STEVE MITCHELL Animals was to release all Angeles a ttorney representing °'',. 0 •11' ~110151•11 claims against the trapper and the animal group, said there Goat trapper Jim Clapp is su-pay him $1 5.000 as "seed" never was an agreement ing the Fund for Animals for money until the job was done reached in U.S. District Court mor e than St million, claiming and the Navy paid him. Judge Robert M. Takasugi's the environmental group f~iled Clapp attorney Ken Kasdan. or courtroom Nov. 10. to abide by a court s ettlement Irvine, claims t he· environmen-regarding the fate of 3.500 San "If there had been a derinjtive Clemente Island goats. tat group "never came up with agreement, it would have been In a law suit filed this week in one penny" of the $lS,OOO. represented by a single docu· Los Angeles Superior Court . "Al the time. Cin November) ment which never existed," she Clapp and his wife Diane claim Jim needed som e liquidity," at· said. environmenta list C level and lorney Kasdan explained. "Fund Ellen Winterbottom, an Irvine Amory and h i s Fund for for Ani mals was to pay him attorney also representing Fund Burglars steal drugs San Clemente physician Glen M. Todd has told police someone broke into his office last week, taking drugs valued at $209. Police said the thieves entered the office at 224 Ave. Del Mar through a window, laking 5,000 amphetamine capsules. ...• Gem Talk By JC. HUMPHRIES Ct>rt1{1ed GemnloJ(ist, A(IS Animals group "failed to abide St5,000 and he was to return ror Animals, says the organiH· by terms·• allegedly agreed up· $7,500 of that when he completed tion has offered to take all or the In the spirit of the on in a settlement between the the contract.'· He said tbe goats to a ranch in Texas owned holiday season, I wish two battling groups Nov. 10. Fund for Animals "wants title to by the group. to pass along to you a The goat fracas began more t he goats and they want them ''We would pay all coats for l . than a year ago when San for free... feed and veterinarian care," nos ta ~IC poem on the Clemente housewives Georgett But Kasdan says Clapp needs Ms . Winterbottom said. ,"We right, m the hope that Konen and Kathy Martz con· to sell the goats on the mainland would neuter the animals and al· it will give you the vinced a federal judge to issue to raise cash to continue his low them to live out their same pleasure that it an injunction a gainst the U.S. animal programs. natural lives on the ranch." Navy's proposed slaughter of "He has to pay his employees. The attorney said her group has given.ta me. the island goats. so he can't just giy.e._ th~oats tried to work out an a1reement Grandfather clocks, The New York-based Fund for away. And he has lei'nltte to with Clapp, "but he 'woul4 not as well as similar fine Animals group joined the cause them." Ka!ldan said . give up title to the animals." mantel clocks, have shortly thereafter. and the Navy She termed Clapp's claim that f d d was preve nted from using To date. Clapp has sold or be is losing money on the Navy a Ce OW n the sharpshooters in helicopters to given away about 2,500 of the contract as "ludicrous and out-. ;challenge of plastics dispose of the feral goats. animals to ranchers throughout rageous.'' and modern design, Clapp, a veteran trapper who lhe state. The animals are bein1 "H• entered the a1reement {so that. to..-iay, such lDvenlecllhe Thermal activated Ul"ed as four-footed firebreaks with the Navy lmowinl it would • vu gates that capture wild animals and to clear fields . be $l4S,OOO," she said. 'clocks will, in fact, (called a Clapp Trapp) was Clapp expects to remove the "He Jmt wanted us to provide b e C O m e t r U e 1ranted a SH8,000 contract from· final 1 ooo or so animals from a place for the animals to 10 heirlooms tomorrow. ttie Navy to remove the goats the ialMct by Februaey, but h11 · where be could Pid~_!ll~m_ up__a!_4--~i.-al ~U1'-won~· from &be i11Md-----t"11mJrfteY"11Rf"UI anous ·~r.-IiJiure iii'oliie Oie sOi\i But b6Uer bickerjn1 ·over the actions have caused a two-and thelr off1PriD1 and do with derful customers, f1&e of the 1oata once they reach month delay in the transfer. them u be choM. whom we consider the maiDland sparked several "He wanted IOl't of a breeding fr1· ends thanks for a lawautta between Clap.-and the A spokesman for the Fund for tactory,"lbeuld. ' ' animal ll'GUP· Animals group calla Clap,P'• Sh• 1ald Fund for AtUmalt fine 1980, and best .. PHIL ANTHONY DISCUSSES PLEA OUTSIDE COURT Supervisor convicted In fund laundering case County TB cases rise dramatically Statistics released th1~ wet-k s how that there were 50 percent more cases of tuberculosis in Orange County in 1980 than there were in 1979 Through Nov 2t!. the county Health Depa rtment had detected 306 cases of tubercul os1'>, com- pared to 203 for the same· period in 1979. according to the report. ·'Tuberculosis in Ora nge Coun ty," in the most recent edition nf Physician's Bulletin T hrough Oct 31. 101 of the cases were a ttributed to In dochinese refugees resettling in t he county · !ll to His panic·s: 76 to Anglos, and 17 to other ethni c groups. A breakdown fo r cases detected bet ween Oct 31 and Nov. 28 wasn't contained an the report. The 306 cases detected dunn{! 1980 compares to 165 cases dur ing 1975 and 94 cases c..lunng 19fi9. according to the report. Slightly less than 1 percent of the estimated 50.000 Indochinese refugees now residing in Orange County have active tube rculosis. the report said. However . 50 percent of t he ne wly arriving refugees h<i\'e di&played positive reactions 10 tuberculin skin tests. A posit1\'e tes t does not mean a person has an active case of the disease. health officials s aid. "Tuberculos is is n ow rec- ognized as the principal public h e alth problem am o ng the refugees," the report ('On cluded. Tht• ..,l<tl l..,tl<".., ..,how that the average• age ftir Anglo:-. contract mg tuhen:ulo..,1 ~ <J\'<'r the past 11 yea r" htts Ix-en ancr t•as1ng, wl11le the avt>ragl' age fm ll1sp<JnH' and lndochant·'><' person.; alfl1c·t ed Y. llh the <11..,ea .... c• h<l~ l11·1·n dec-rc·a..,ing At·1·nrd1ng lo lhricpfrl 1n di \'ldll:.tl!< \\Ith the h1~hr•i-t n-.k ol (·ontrarlm~ lht• d1..,Pa..,1· lnf'luclc Foreign born pcrMm\ «11m ing from <'<1un1ric~ .,.. herf' the di~t'a:-.e 1s t't)mmon Sonall.\ and en1nom1e11lly d 1 s a d \ :1 n 1 a I! v rl · · :-. 1 n r e tuben•ulo~1 .. ,.., s till " d1..,c:.ist· of thl' poor The agt•d ropula1 ion · S 11 c· 1 a I I .\ II 1 '> p I a t· •· ti IH' r ., () n !> v. I I h a :-. .., " ,, I ~· t (' d med 1 ca I µ r 11 ti I l· m ., .., u 1'11 i1 ., alcoholis m He alth officials are rcM m mending that any person belong· ing to a high risk grou1> be evaluat- ed for tuberculosis during routine m edical exam mat ions .. Prompt reco~n1 tion a nd treatment of 1nd1\·1<1uals v.1t h tuberrulos1.., 1!1seaw \.\tll r<qnill) reduc·l lhl· tr~1 n•m1..,:.111n of tuben'ulos1:-. mfeclH>n lo su..,C'ep- tible md1nduals v. rthan the ('(')ffi mun1ty:· the report said Health Oeparlmt>nl •>ff1nals have stressed that tuberculosis now foun d 111 tht• lncfochinr•se popu lauon docs not <1pµca r 10 lie sprt>admg t1> the gen<•r:tl p11pula ti on I Hospital honored for energy saving Pacifi ca Communit.\ I ~:.pytal in Huntington Beach. whitlyha~ reduced its e lectric bi ll s b) $15.000 a year. recent!) recei\'t>d Southe rn Ca liforn ia Edison Company's Ene r gv :\1 anag.e ment Award. Bill Compton. Edison's area manager. said lhe hospital staff has conserved ener gy equivalent to 360 barrels of imported oil The hospital staff has been .,.. urk tn!! v. 11 h Ed 1s1J11 rPJ>r• .... ,.n t:it1n·~ 11\t•r lh<.' Pd'\ lhrl'•' 'f':1r.:; on an encrg.\ :-.a\'1ng µrogr 11n \ mnnJ! thl' ..,h·p~ taken \\f•rc· the apph1·;11 1on 11f sol<Jr tmtm~ 10 v.1ndO\\-; thl' n •mo' <ti nf 1m needt•d 11/.!hl u1g n •pl:11·1•1111·11t of outmodtod 11.,:hting un11 ~ Y.ttli hi~h l'ff1t•1f'nc~ larrq1~ .111d fix lure~ and m11d1 r1<•:Jf111n of Ila hosp ital"~ ll'1111)t'rat urP 1•1ont111 S) stem Winding the Clock When I was a little tad, my old grandfather said Thal nooe should wind the clock but he. and so at time tor bed He'd fumble fOf the curious key kept high upon th!! shelf And set aside that little task entirely for h1m,elf In time gundf1ther p1ssed 1w1y and so thnt duty fell Unto my tither who performed the weekl y custom well. He held that clocks were not to be by careless persons wound And he 1lone should turn the k~y or movl! the htnds around. I envied trim thlt little task and wished that I might be The one to be entrusted with the tu1ning of the key. But year by y11r the clock was his exclusive bit of care Until the day the angels came and smoothed his silver h•ir. Today the task is mint to do, like those who've gone befort , I 1m 1 j11lou1 guardian of that round and glassy door - And Until 1t my chamber dOOf God's messenger shall knock To me 1lone shall be rtMtfved the right to wind the dock. -;}~w-e"1,.r- MEMBfA AMERICAN GEM SQCI( l) 1823 Nf;WPOFH BLVD COSTA ME AA 33 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION @ BankAmenc1rd-Ma1ter Ch1rge PHONE s.48·340\ That d11eord •H alle1edlj lawault "apurlout," aad a wtll revtew the iawsult and de-wishes to you all for ~~~~th.~a~~· ··~~.·· ~rm~~~.~~~ L~1~•~1~·---~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .attQmey clalmlna the Fund for Marcelle Philpott· Brant, a Loi be takm bJ the lll'CanisaUoa . .... . ~ .. .-...-... ----...,,._...,..,,,. ---~ --------.. ---... ----......... -----...... -. • 4 .... -·-~ .................... ... Bacl llal1y advice l\Wt; 1· .. ;ss • UGH'r Oi';PT. You may wonder ,, ti\ I ~•' ll'ddin.: Lh 1-. 1Hct e on my desk about Mothers m~l Uul•I ~ I fll glud yvu iusked that I ht• rt'dl.On I w"" peru.sin& a piece on Mothers and 1' bit'' '' tha\ I had "rown weary or readin1 about p1llu~· , 1111H·-. und t hl' I n rn1an birnd1l:. holding our people, '14 hum >'t' all 'l~l'm w1lhng to now <'all The Hostaees, thus cit-hum.uuLtn 1 the m \ 11~ "'it) now thJl lhc old worn-out year is down to the I 1,t th111 1>a~c on the calendar, It was time to look for •Vlf1t:thtng piece.ant lo read 1 tn ed a n exchange newspaper but that didn't help. I ht' ri r-.1 :o.lury to greet tbe eye was "Water Heater ll .rn~t'r and the s econd wa:. he adlined, "Holidays Can Be l>JOl:t roll!> So mul·h for exchan ge good news. 8 \l 'K ro MOTHERS and Babies The piece I was , •• 1111~ Wl'llWd to be more targeted as advice lo parents il11HJI habtt'" FIKST Pll::('E OF ADVICE: "Baby's first shoes can 1111,k W tlt•r longer 1f you apply nail polish to the spots "l11ch gt·t sc uffed the most. l'llls m·w parf'nls, Is plainly bad advice. Don't take it l lc111 t J pply the na il polish. J ust slap new shoes on the little 11.o ltn · and let him or her scuff 'em up all he or she wants. II you kt:t•p those !>hoes looking good all the time', \ t•u II ..,ohc·1t rema rks from your friends like: "Oil. VOU'Vlo: STARTtD the child late into s hoes. have you'•" Or, "Wt•ll, I sec you could finally afford to get your baby nt'" shot's " Or. "Gee, it's Loo bad your Janie has n't started toddling ~ l't nu wear on the s hoes, I see . . " 1 1 "~ ... ..... ' ~-. l . "' -~ .a n r ,. 74 '1 'ff -'1 --~ £ -- c .1,J·1 Z ''~· . .. ~~ '>1 -, J -n ~>· ~.::<-/4"( .' .,. ~ .... ~~ ., ~ ~"'" "'"' "'.,.' ~;· rv stand directions may be worse than baby advice So rorgl'L 11 Let the kid scuff around on sandpaper. \'ou 'll llt' beltn off St:C'OND PIECE OF ADVICE: When you get baby the ~"' 1·t'l looking pink floral dress, be sure it has a bib front. Wll/\T l.""I THE WORLD for! You think the kid is going to .p1 111111111 1lwh1 h'' Youareanew p<1re nt.for s ure . Wht•n the kid spits up, 1t will be down the back of your 11• 1 k 1111l on the b11J The kid will chew the bib and s pit up 1·l .1•\ .. llC'rl' THIRD Pll::CE OF ADVICE: Most babies prefer to s l1•1 11 11n their s tomachs but some prefer their backs. 1>1 h1·1, ... 11·ep on their sides only and flatten their darlin' I if t 11• s kulls slig htly l>u not worry Baby will get over this by the time he or h .. 1s two yea~ or so . llOGWA~I ABOUT getting over it. My first son was a ht arl hunger lle 'd s no re there in the crib white trying to king Ins brains out. He failed, however, and ended up fair· I} smart !k 's 27 ye<1rs old now and still bangs his head ,1J1nC'l1rnes . aC'co rding to what his wife tells me . But now .hP c· an lnsc slt'C'P ins tead of me . !la ving thus assimilated aJI this bad advice about babies. I turned to the Do·it-Yoursetr section of this public:ation that told how to build a movable television stand One look at the drawing and I gave up the whole 1rl£•a It looked like it would tum out wors e than one of this pub lic·at1on's babies. l l sure 1s tough to find suitable reading material these cla)S ('ome to think Of it, what YOU just finished isn't too .., v. 1 fl. c•1the r T for 5 2 AP Wtrt0 .... 10 If you saw recent I ran films on tcle\ 1s 10n .. of···t::S. h ostages. and noticed many of tlwm \\l'f'l' \\ea ring iden- tical T -shirts, you can t re cl it Dr and :\I r:-Rohert Angerman of Merrillville, lqa Th<.'y st·nt supplies of s hirts bearing the head of a n Amenc·<J 11 eag ll' with the word "America " forming thl· body, last <'hn'>lmas und again this holiday Court approves Nevada 'escorts' CARSON CITY, Nev. lAP>- A Clark County ordina nce a imed a t outlawing con trovers ial escort ser vices viewed by som e critics as alleged fronts for Las Vegas prost itutes has been knoc ke d down by the Nevada Supreme Court The high court s aid th a t the ordinance violated terms of the US and Nevada con!'..Lttu l ions . because. ill>, <.1Jllh1gu1t1l·~ "a llow too much unbridled d1~ cr etion .. Justice /\I Gunder son, who wrote the unanimous opinion. added that "the impr ecision cif the la nguage of the ord1nanf l' pe rmits . and is like ly to en courage. a rbitrary a nd di s criminalory c11for<'cme nt " LAWYERS FOR 10 escort services urged the court lo O\ er turn a lower court r uling favoring the Clark County ordinance 1)ie busines ses includ<' Sw1ngin· , Suzy's. Escorts : French Quarter EsC'orts; Valley of the Dolls . Las Vegas Touch Escorts: Las Vegas Gi rls ln tern<1 t ional . Luc ky E s corts; Oui Girls ; Playgirl Escorts : Elega nt t::scorts. and Star Escorts The attorneys contended that escort businesses nourish 1n con vention towns like I.as Vega s a nd Reno . and are even u~c·d hy visiting "dignitan l's" and "am bassadors." THELAWVl::RSalsosaid that 1f Clark County thought the escort ser vices we re really promoting prostitution. t hen the count y should en force its sep arate or dinance against prostitution, Justice Gunder son s aid a n or· dinance "which either forbids or requires t he doin g of an act in terms so vague th at me n of com· mon in tclli~en c e mu s t neccssan l) gues:. at 1b mean· in~. and t11fft:'r as to its applica t 1on. violates tht• f1 r'>t <·ssent1al of Chit' pm!'l'"S. l ht• 11ot111n of fair 110t H·<· anrl warning · I It• ...... ct I Ill' o rdin<inc·c t·ould I'\ I 11 clt•lt I J;1v. :Jhldln).! l'llllC'n~ f 1 0 111 1·111111111'1 "'ht t h m u\ 111· ma~ n1it lw 1•n1·rt·d ll\ 1t1., pro , , , 111 n' I II t' 1 t· It u cl h l' <: n 11·..,111111111\ 11!.11 I hl· orl111rnn c1· \\Uttld -.1·1··111 111 a µp l\ lo :111~ c a s1· \\h t I I' ,t fl4'1 Oil .... h 11 t'll I IJ pro , 1111• .1 '' r '11•1· ,., 1•11 la"~ er~ or ha ll\...ill1 ·1 .., NATION I WEATFtER Poll has 'proor Year of 1980 didn't exist By J OHAllfNG T ULSA. Okla. CAP) -With 1981 heaving r apidly 1.1\lo view, disquieting rumor has il that 1980 never w.as, that il didn 'l happen Altho ugh experts re m ain skeptical, allegations aN! th't some person or per sons unknown did in some ma nner get us from one New Year 's Eve to the next without benefit of an intervening year. In an attempt to pin down these rumors . independent re· searchers. working feverishly to legitimize 1980 hefore 1981 take~ • over. have com e up with a disturbing amount of testimony in s up · port of the theory that there was no such year Item: While a large number of people ret:all New Yf'ar's Eve of 1979, quite a number of them are unable to remember the scores of any of the bowl games of Ne w Ye ar's Day, 1980 A s ignificant · number of t hose do not even recall New Year's Day itself, Item : Many of those polled could not reme m ber \\h<tl 1t>am won the Super Uowl nor the World Series of lmiO Ite m: :-.lo one questioned could remern her that Cimgrcss did a nything al all during 1980 Item: A s ignificant numbt!r of people refused to helt t-\'e that they h ad aged a year /\nd a wom 1:1n 1n Pas C1rlena 1n~1 sted that ::.he· had not aged a day since 1957 Ite m : Most people consider tt unthinkahlr th al an t'nt 1re year could have gone hy with n1> t hangc 1n the Amcr1n.in hostag"' s1tua ti on Item: Several people cited lhe fact th<1t not only rl1d tht·y still have 1979 Chrislma!> li ghts up. but the) arc also .,till paying 1979 Chris tmas bjlls a nd getting 1979 Chnstma:. cards 1n the m ail ~ ... Item: No fewe r tha n eight dozen relo ponders pointed out that had a full 12 monlhl> elapsed since 1979, they ('l)Uld cxµeC't their household mortgage principal to have dwindled <ind t•> have made a dent in the am ount owe d on lheir cars lle m : A woman 1n Minneapolis ins is ted that l!JS(J eould not have come and gone since her hu:.bC1nd had prom1sf'd f;uthfull) that he would gel the house painted and t he ga ra~t.' deaned dunng that year. • Item : A numbe r or other peoplf' observed that had 1980 aC'tual ly occurred they would no" be at least 30 pounds lighter. flucml in convers ational Frenc h . t apable of running t he Boston ~1 ara,thon or debt-free and <'Ons1dcrabl~ n t her <lcpend1ng on tht·ir personal l!l!O resp I ut1ons Conclusion: It 1~ not 1011 e arl) tu ..,t:.rt pn·µan11g p 1111if t hat l!Jttl 1:-not lx·ing forc·shortl'ned It has b(·t·n rt·c11mm1•n<led tha1 Wult1 ·r ('ronk1 le Ill' a rJJ>OIOtt·tl lht• la:-.k of t·~t<slJlt1.,hin..: t·<11 h dJ.\ Ii~ ;in nounc-ing Cooll m11rn1n~. \rn1·r11·an., 1 ht' 1-. '1.tri Ii .I 1 h1· 1 ~nil '· da,\ of l~l · If ~ ou c an't bell e\'(' Walter Cronk1tl' "h11 c·:sn ,.,,u ht'ltt•\ • • l GOURMET FOODS AND SPIRITS. Prices elfect1ve through Sunday Jan 10th Hurry• Some l1m1ted auant111es1 In the event of an f'""' the legal m1n1mum once will prf'va11 MUMM'S OTaA on CH AM,AGtft ,._,,1imrn ., 1s al ways the word ·~S17.7S 11 7!1() .. l IED TAG 99 T. no• MAGHUMS Burgundy Chablis Rh1nf' and Rose ..... ..., 54.59 1 6 (1ter IEO TAG 299 West '·remains sunny ,A.DUCCI 197' C HA•DOMHA Y Silver medal winner 1980 Orange County Fair •...t.rlw S6.00 '!IOML . ' 449 Ohio Valley, Appa/nchimu dne snow ' I .. 4'. ~unu11a,,, l'HIW h•ll uvt , ,,,_ Crfllttt L..1k•\ r<• )H')f'I 11nt1 In•· V1rq1n1.; mounla1n\ t u• \C1~1 w~ul• '"'" r•nQtJcJ from "'•'"'"qlt'W\ to norlhwtt\t .. rn Mon •,,n,. It Wli\ un\f'ct\On•t>tv rn1fd '" the "''""'" q odue\ And nor tf\ .. rn I '"'"' Ano 'llltttrmer 1n tf\t ~ 60\ .,,d /n, 1n th£ (flintral Plain\ f0<11•1 \ torN.A\t <~11..0 tor 'i.now to \rJr~,.d from the' UPP'' Greil LAke\ .. Q,on into thfi. O•uo V•tl•y Snow 1'Ufd With f .tln W10 f'Aoe<lf!d 0Wtf '1 •, fhf' \OVthr-f l\ A.l>o.,IMhtAn\ !.. '~ 'unny \k1tt-\ wefe Pf f"dlCl~O tor w.l. •l•w ["Qlond '"" Gulf Co.st •no ,,..,,, of ltw-Wf'\trt n h.tlf ot trw n•Uon I • m i>e•'olll.r,.1 In I"°' '°' "nd JO• """fl'"' fOftttM' for ,,... Gr~At LAtctt r e &.11M I~ nor1t~rn h<81f or the Ae> u•l•H "'•"' """ tf\fo l"IOt tn AUanll( ro~u• 1tat~' "'"''~ t~ eatrtmt ~'\.'\) , .... mmm CaHter11la nnrthtr" portion of Nt"• £nQl•nd ._ Fair ,,,..,... Nn. YNr's Dev In CO••l•I •nd ,,,._ -"""' of Oren99 Counly ScHT,. fo9 """9111 •nd _,., •1t•c•tf tc>r '•rnotrah.1r•~ ln tne '""' Cofut a l M'ftad w r 1 IQlll """•l>I• w ind\ mornl119 i...tomln<;i \OVlhwnl 6 lo 11 kr11>I• In dllerMon SfT\00111 U H We•lorty "•*I" l 10 S 1 .. 1 ~ lllQt\ CIOUCI~ 6!1't rwfw 1 •1r 1oi!•y Pelclly fOQ 1H w•top1nQ over \OYt~•r n co•t l•t ~,,,..,,In att.,-noon, D.ity ,.... Dtl•~ ttO..•••••. \t I I'' ~ ,, '., H "'1111 J I "''t """* .....-.,...........-_._._~ ........ IJ;lll I . ~. ,, .. '""'""" ., ... .,. ~·.., 4• ,, u •• ,., t. , .,. \ 't ' ' Ht t ,.,-"W ,;• .,,, Cy (l • n All ••• •; ti'"'.,., •. ,,,., .,..,,,,_ •' , .... , c......._,...,._, M 1 (Jotriqt1 t '"'"'t Alftf\ 641 ... U t ,..,.,,.~,, ••••••. , 1•·111 t~t ,, • I 'lltt 1'9'11• tM ..... 1111 A ,.,.._. h • C"41t .. ''-' f'flo«.ft .,, """" r •{"'\Htlf'N1 1'11nA "'°"t'fll ~•iff' I tQhnf t '"' 1f\1 N•Q1"" ft6 6'11 Tllur\d•y ne•r Ille llee clles OvernloM •o~ In Ille «>s. GOOlff """' neer the bM(lle\. HIQM lode'f' 72 lo IO -Ne• YH r't 0.y _, 60\ al 1'-bMt'-• to mid JOt 1111-•nac Nlounleln .,_•Ill bt 1w HW°""' Tllur'4ey. Local tutly • .,tffly •Inds 1S to 40 mpi, toutl'tlrn mou11lal11s dlmlnlllllflt _1, ,_,, Hltills i.411 d•Ytlnn.-. OeMrt -tetr ""'°""' T-.. 0. y H IQfll bOlll O.ys 6' to 7 S ""99' "'" .. Md&_..M ..... o .. •nt"'4 """' lfl .... Alll..._. Valley lo -e. ....., wWl1 Md In " .. th I-•• ,, •• r, .... , -•-i.t .., ._ ... nl9llU •nd mor11l1191 ler lfte SI nort,,.rn Md c.,.,, .. ,,.,..,_, 1.~u., ........ lfl "" ........ s.. ,.,_, •• •• , a,.., ... , ....... ....,. .... lflO C•nlrt l Valley flitMt ..,. _..... '"'°""' ,.,...,,.., """ ............ ,... """ .. --· .... llfttlle •• 19c•llY Ill .. C.0.W-tl • ....,, ~ , .. an.-....,, ......... _. °'"°' ·-~ '""..,, lftlN L... __________ ,. •1111 cllllly ~ • AlllNlnf ,. . .,_,.. AncllOr"' All_,,.• Atl.,lkOy Baltl_, "'""I"""" •1tmam ... ..,. ltlftale C:Nc ... 0.1-ll'lMll OeM« o ......... MATICHll LH Ve941, Lltlle Aou Loulwlllt Memonl\ Ml •mi M llw•ukoe Mpll·SI P Ntw Orltan• Ne• York Oki• Clly Omell• Pnll•dotllA PIU\bUrQll Pllend. Mtt Piiand, 0."e A•Dld Clly S.etue SI Louh SllOl<eN Tulw WHlllnQ1n CAL"O•NIA 10 )fl ... :M JI l4 \() 18 ,, .Q J1 1• •l 71 ~ ., •• 1'I ~1 H )2 36 ., 3' 37 1• JI 18 .0 .. ~ )I SJ .. " JI ., :M ., 11 n 4(1 ~ IAILEY'S 11\sH CREAM CUTTY SARIC SCOTCH RIO TAG ' 519 o~~ &~? -1~~ 1-------"'--------........ --------11 LllHTY SCHOOl CAI HHIT ICAHLUA '"°"'' CAMADIAH CLUI WHISICEY ru" 1 .... LOWll.aAU LIGHT & DA•· --·---- 899 839 ., I SAUV....c>H A rich d1s1mg1shed Cabernet that Is ready 10 dnnk ~~Sl.00 399 llD TAG MIUB LOI ~----~-----------~~~------..----------•1 •~-"'"··-·· ... ,...,., ,,. CALIFORNIA ( hrt-.W1t· Jlld .11·11 \ lie•-.-. 1~•:-.c· 1111 h11l1<Lt\ pl1<•l1tt.!l .1plt 011 IH l'il !>IUll 111 111 .... 1 Pt'l'"Oll:tl 1·1111l .11'1 \\Ith IH'\\ 1111111 q11 .1cl1 11pll'I .... l)uad ... lop Ill h11tllllll .ti I I l'.I( \ ~.1)1•11 \ ctll'l ll' \1111 R1·ht·1·1"1 I '11111• ;111cl '-'·" , \l1d1t·ll•· • 111 .11hc•cl 1(1 n·-.p 11 :111 11 Ad res1tlts in ne1'-' 11,if e :-;\N .JOSI·: 1 \1'1 \ ~·•· """ d1 ' or1·1·d hll'""''"" ,.,,., 1111' ,. tuul. 11111 ad I.1st \'aff'1tl10P.., J);" lhal lic•1.;;111 \\' .1nt1-<I . fl Id . \ \\ II I' • 1 l'la.., 1f11·d '\1•11 \\aft• flt• and S\11anm• .I ;11·1111..,, ~8 11111· ot 150 "111111·11 \\h11 '''"J>ond••d wc·n· 111an 11•d ~1111dn~ · 1 11t·\1·1 ,, "" '" '" ·d .111 ,111 Ii k 1· I hat hdon ... ;11r! I Ill' hnch· a r•·i.:istt 11•d 11111 ,1 "liu h 1d Ol'\ 1•1 hf'Pll marrwct · 1 ":rntl·d to , .. ,. "h;1t k1111l 111 p1•1 ... 1111 wn11ld ail\ 1·111..,1• fnr :1 \I ti•• \l.\'I~ ,,1.\ \~. 0\\ "'t.R 0 1· 1'.1t·tf1! 111111•1..,, 111 nt·arh~ IA>!'. 1;.1111 .... \\;1., 1li:i1 k111d •11 pc'r-;1111 "I lwl1t•\ I' IO :111\ 1•111 ... 111~. 111 '\aid I d11 It •• 1111 Ill Ill\ IJU..,lllt'"" . 1>111.lw ~Pt 1111' 1ol1o;c 1111111 o;or111'lioch 1•h 1·' 'l:o. I don I l.110\\ ·"'' h111h 1•l<;1 ""'' t11C't .1 \11fr this \la~ Ill' ..,aid ·1 "111tf'fl to htt1f\ tlw prnc·t·s~ ~I uao., 111<'1 h10., 111 ... 1 \I 1h· 111 l11gh "' ho<1l .111tl h1'- :-f'l·1111el 111 tht• •1rtJ<·<· ot tht• l;111H•r handllnJ.! 1110., 111 ·1~t· 1 M', -'\.1 arn~-m~111t 1·d a 1;!r1 "'"" dl\'Ol'tl' ~· /'l i1°'0.,lf1t•d :di II LJi~.-..¥11 .J ri"t' \lc,.,'T11't·~•\\ o., . -~~ \'El\ \\/1"1': l\,\\'/'E/1 <'1111JfJTOf¥'"' /l1P.\11J,.11t wllllc 111(1/1' .'>11 11 /out lfi7 pound' 11ori ',fm11kPr l.1kr' linllrt. ~em1 clr1.~s1cal mu.rn·. yrJ()d re~la11Hmls & um•t! 1n11·rps/m9 arU'I ertN1~11.· lrn• P/ \f'f'<fs 111 rllf'l'I \/Hit tlll/tll'lll I 1111/'/llJ •JI I II• /11 I 3fls (l'/J() ml'PI~ /W1tple f'fl~lllJ & u•/10 /rkP\ I•• 1•1111'1111111 ,\ at'! o.s lwsle.~.~ l<.r tl'/Ju /lltl'!I 111 /)(' 111111 /tPrl & v •/10 Irk"' pity~ wnl dOSPTIP 11 s Tiit-: J\U WENT O'\I T O l'R0)11S .. : lravt-1 h\ CorH·ordt' lo Paris. pt h atf' plane• lravt•I 10 lllf' C';irihhean anrt l'l·ntrul 1\rnertt·a wait'!' c;k11nJ.? :i11d win<! c;urftnJ.! rwar "\;in .lo""' tl111111 ~ tlt1• '-11rn11w1 anti in <'<tp11 k11 a1HI 1lw F1p '""'""" tl11r1ng tit•• '" 11 l!' r "l>1s1·0.,, pol & o!r u~o, ;1n• al tlic• 1111110111 of tlil' ll'it .. 1ti1· ad ,.,,1111111wct ·1r \1111 .,,.,1,1 pc•,...•111al 111 lo11nal m11 l•t 1111' tun: twlr1\1 I"'' h, P" "' t"on nw• 1 al lht• tw ... 1 '''"'""'"'"' '"u 1.111 th111I. nf \1;1<1 ... '-'>1•11 r,,1111d "'" n1 atll•1\ t11rrc·ll \lllh r ('J•frt·:-a tot .ti 11f I ill t l•• "'" 1tl• ,1 111•.•kP 11111 ';11 ul lht•111 1 nd ud111~· "'"·"""' ln1 ·11li' I ;tn..,\\1•1·1·11 and .olmut .1 '"'''~ l;i t•·t tw ~all l'd.· tlw Ill'\\ \lr'i \l<•<t.., ..,:1•d I Ii • 111 "' \\l'l·k ht• took 111t• l1• d111n1•1 Tht•n \l ·1.1.., t1111k Ii• 1 I•• \1.•1•111•11 ... tu•r • I•· po11dc1 Pd 111-., dt·1·1..,11>11 "I c;t ESS n \\,\S \HOl 'I tl111·1· \q·•·k., 111 a m1111th lit·fon.• I knt•\1 th,1l ..,h1• \\ '' ti"' "Ill \1;,·1•, .... lit' flt• pr OIJO)>t'<I :-.m 7 Ma~i... :-i11d titer c· ";1•.11 1 ,, d11ol 111 tltt· r • '"ll' II r I "l' ~1'1 g i r I<; I H' "'1•11 l flu I \\ l I h l'ht'11 \\ha\ ..,el S111an11r• ap.11 t I lhrnk 11 \\:t!-t tlw f;wt 1h.1t -.tw h;id 11•1 C'h dc!rcn. h:rcl m•n•r hi·t·n rnarr 1•·d h1 '"' '" \la.1· )><tltl 'Shl• had no had \ ilwc, t1ll'11ll 111,.,11111.., 111 :11 riages. · t~OR HER P1\RT. l1R~. ~1.\AS -;;1111 -;hr·1hd11 t kllll\\ tf it was "lo\'I' <tl f11·<;t s1~l1I. .. hut ""'' ·r1·;ill~ liked him ... a111I 1!1·1·1dl•d ..,11 .. 1,,,.., g11111g In mar r ~ hrm ~-. , MEDICAL TEAM NHDS VOLUNTEERS WITH DEPRESSION A Medical Research Team 1s studying the use of an anti-depressant medication. ll MJfl Fii TMS AmtY£1 STllT: VolunteefS must be between tho ages or 11Hi5 and eicperienc1ng depression (feehng sad 01 bllJI" fOf any n.eon) lor at least 4 weeks . VOLUMTIBS WILL RIECEfVIE A RIH bfl 9'1Sflyslcal exammal1on, EKG. tab tesls. mod1cation Ind visits with a pro fessional. !.MONDAY THRU FRIDAY letwe~ 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. " I w.dnesday. Dece111be1'..I 1 IY0t1 'B1tf prlres ol.,o rli111fJ Mexican wages to rise M 1<:\!('(1 <'ITV C/\l'I Mex e liminate the differences' in than·elegant Carmencita, T1grc 11 ·'" \Hlr k 1·r-. "'111 j.(l't higher salaries paid in the cities and in and Luchador brands to about 111 1111111u111 \\-oil:«'!'.> for 1981 but t~e countryside of any one re· nine cents a pa ck. Amer ican .it-.o ru1•t• c;11tf 1111•r ·a~es an prices gion brands made under license here "' 1111 trll," 1 1i.::u ellei-. and bus Corn lortillas. the staple of' will go to as high 75 cents. 1tJ11-.port<1 t11111 oll rnntrolled by m illions of poorer Mexica n The price of a bus ride an the \ltt• ~ 11H•1111111·11I families. will go from 4.20 pesos, capital will go from two pesos, Th,· 1lu1lv 1111111 111um wuge, ad about 18 cents, a kilogram lo 5.5 a bout nine cents, to 13 cents for 111" 11 ii .1111111.lf I.> U} tltt' labor pesos. about 24 cents . in Mexico a n old bus or 18 cents for a new 1111111 '" \\Ill 'aq from 135 City The increa se will be less bus. 111"'11' • ~· K, 1 to llO J)t'M>:o. 1$9 131 m areas with a lower minimum Generally, the Mexican gov I tw t11 ~·l11 1 1.111·:-. 11n• tor Mexrt·o wage and reach a high of 6.8 ernment controls prices of items < '1t' ll11· u1I I'' "dllt'tnl-( regions of pesos. about 29 cents. in Baja that use products it s ubsidizes l 111• c '"" < 11,1'>\ .111ct tht• hon.ler re California. I and announces increases at the 1 l!l"I" 111 H.11 .1 < altl1rrn1a and The Comme r ce Ministry, first of each year. Pnees for < tt1h11.1h11.1 \\ 111·1 t' c·ost ... hav1.• which announced the increases. other controlled items s uch as 11.,1•11 11111:-1 said rt paid nearly $350 million eggs. meat and m ilk were nosed I h1• l11\1t'"' rate:-an• in the in corn .avbsidies in 1980 to keep at various limes during 1980 I' 1111 1 ,. , .., , ..it, . .., of <•ax a c a . the price where it had been and On Jan I. 1980 the govern lJ•ll'• •·11111 111d <'litapa.., \.\1th a that there had not been an in· ment imposed a value-added tax t11~!h p1 1 1·1·11t;i~•1· 11f 'ul1)-itslcncc crease in two years. of io percent on most goods and !). n aut11 ti \\ 111 .I 1 •• S (' II ~ I I " Thu r1111111tf 11 (' • \\'U'-o ... tnl1•11 It'"" farmt''' .rntl 11llil•roo; Jt . .,., directly ~uring the two years. the gov-services 1wd 111 111ff.1t1"11 c-.,11111 atec1 at al ,~~m cnl d oubled i t s price The domestic· pump price of 11-.1-.1 .1 .• 1"',1·nt lhh yt-ar in i::u.arantees _lo corn farmers, the the top.grade, ~l ottane gasoline \lt•\11•11 ministry said. was increased 75 pe rcent to n,,. 11w11· ,.,, ., n ·pri•sl•nl raise~ Cigarette pril•es will go up 35 about SI 19 a gal lon 1n o I heatf•r p;cd '' • 1 1 • uf I 111v1 "'• II• .l'l l'l'lt'('llt and perl'cnt. Thi:-. will raise the les!>· \'em ber I Ill' ('<!Jiii :cl ,. .. (ll ---' _, ~.~ t ~~~ h "Nkl ~ .~'1\~\ ... ,·~· ·§8!- .. , ,~ ,_tDMl'S~, . .. )sk· ·1 . ;.: 1n ess · \ \ "~ -,: 'Franks ~, .. ,. ag e ... . ' --·-~ -, ....... I'' SAFE W A ~ 1f. (). ~~· ~ ·1 ll'c1;.r.9bell' s lom 1ato Soup ---.. ~ 1oc -fl :1 ~•·- ............. 1,yle Hair~ Spray 79c ........... o ••. ._., ll Saf eu·a~· Quality "''"' ! Ar rn Pol Hoast ... ~-I $148 Game Hens Co'"'"" ' . MNttll•(lflfrn\tr' Bl"ltteles<:. StP.ik s19s Beef Liver C)it(ecj f rotfl Oe'wostfd Cr O!>'i 811! 811t1sl ,,, .1t,tl ~,.,, $198 · Link Sausage ~•·nit\\ Po•• Sd•t,.av I ,h •11 ()f' r_.1me1 Johr• Cltuclt Short Hill;, s188 Chunk Bologna S<ott h81ly t:.: R-V·K• 770/ Sol• s149 s109 e "' "'o 49¢ ID s109 .I I I __ , S"f eu·ay Low P · ~Long Grain Rice ~Dennison's Ch11t t\ .. ~. , .. ~ Quaker Oats %..;? Grapefrwt Juice · , ~:S Scotch Buy Peaches .~ ., ,, .. I ,, 59c 79~ 78 f 79 ~ , .. , 1 -' ..:4 r -' ...... ·-1,1, ~ 1 ~Lucerne Buttermilk ~Lucerne Cottage Cheese °'"" ~7' 79 c $1 59 \AllW~•" • II /\111nu Pe cu 5 Delicious Aprlci; 1taltn11 Squash ., f. ., '••'>' I 000 ..,... Dr .. H•..,.,t IHCll Minneola Tangelos •o 35' l)flUn• P I'"' ~·, %"=~Cheddar Cheese .9_, · e. ·.,, Golden Bananas lb 28¢ .!':i:.a:·,, s299 No. 1 Rose Bushes ""'" s.ir.-1\'\ rah Sf l9 We've Given LOW PRICES a New Name ••• -"'""""'•""' 1.1,1"1"' ........... ~ll_;.."°" ................. ~&~I w..1 .. t ..... O-•ht'"°"'' •6J6 .... C....Hlth.y.L ......... • 14 ..._... t.y ...... hf"! L..- • !HI S.. ....... s.te A .. -..__ ill.t.11_~ ...... Dr .... 'Wtllllot, 1, • .,.. L II ' I'll U T I I "' 'J ~ I' ' I' ti ttt I •ttt •Alll I II I 11h1•• 11 I I ,.1 ' 1,, I qi • 'T ,. (. ,,. ( l!J I I .......... ,. ..o.,,.p,101° Editorial Pg_e ..................................................................... Thonwt p Haley I Pubhshtf ThOfN• K•vU IE .. tcw 8.lrb.1N KrtlblCh/Edltorlll PtQt Editor County must seek harbor fund use The Or1ar\1&t1 Counl y Board of Supervh6ora and the St ate l,.and omm lon •~at 1u&aerhHd1 over how accumulat· ed trust hm4 •I Ilana Po•n1 Harb<>r can be spent ~Dana Porn\ Harbor Tld~land Trust recelvff rev· enue from ftt alntt ~-once ioo rents m the hurbor. The ntone) 1 u.sed to JU•> o~rauonal expentes such as ad· mani trat1vt' ro.'t 1rnd nuuntemmce ol public facilities. The Stll'rlff Department Harbor Patrol also&ets a share. Kt>cam~e I h~rt< as a urplu& m the fund that is expe('\ed to ronllnu~ unlit at lt'U t 19'l>, the u~rvisors approprialed 'om~ of tht> morw) to ('owr operatmg deficits at Newport H arbor aind Sun-.ttl quattt Park . a well as other county' re t'rt'attonul proJe('t!> But tht> State Lcuu.h. 'omm1ss1on ·ays thas is illegal un· d l•r <itut.-tru~t laws T he t ommu;s1on maintains that the hrn .. hrrut funds ru1sed 10 Dana Po111t Harbor to projects in· .. 1tlt· that rnunty owned fac·ility Tht· l·ommission says it wm la~~ thl' coltnt~ w l'<>Url if su~1·v1sor~ s pend any of the'Dana Po int fun<.1~ on prOJt!l'b or~ogr·ams elsewhere. llo~l'\'l'r. attorneys fo1• the county -quoting the sam e l ru:.t la\\~ ront~nll thnt the mont!y ran be spent elsewhe re o long ~:, It goes to county f ar 11tties for recreational µu rpose~ The~l.' atto'illt!YS ~ay thl' eounty should stick lo its guns and Ci~hl it out in court if the state commission forces the issut- Dana f>oml lla rhor 1s 11n1qutt amon~ county rl'Crea. tional outlet~ in th{tl healthy income 1s dt>rived from res t a urants . re tail outltits and Sl'J'v1re facilities Ol\,roun ty • owned property It 1~ not a t all surµrisin~ that u surplus hal'I ' h<'en art·umulatt:'d If the Oantt Point trust has mor~ money than It needs it t•t:rtainly makes sense thul t he cx(•oss be ust·d for rc.>creu I ion al purpost•s t.'lsewhere. Supe1·viso1·s should fi1t1hl for this t'qu1tablc dis tnhulwn of morw~· that tec·hnlcully 1s owned hy all thC'<.'ounty 's taxpayers Free trade zone The highly s uccessful European Common Market started out shortly after World War 11 as the European coal and steel community, applying only to those commodities . Since th en it has e xpanded to wipe out trade barriers among most Western European countries. Now serious consideration is being g iven to the eventual creation of a Western Hemisphere common market to boost free trade on this side of the Atlantic. As a first step it has been proposed that a free trade zone extending 200 miles on either s ide of the United States·Mexico border be established. This. proponents believe. would attract industry to the border areas. and provid~ jobs on both s ides . Common m arkets for agr icultural products or energy r esources. for example. could be the firs t step in establishing suc h a Cree trade zor;i_~. -· ---·lfre: ultimate goal. shoUl""d the firs t s teps' p rove successful. would be inc lusion of a ll countries in this he mis phere at s ome future date. There is no doubt that the European Com mon Market has gr eatly benefited all participating countries by r e m oving tariffs and other artificial barrier s and expanding mar..kets for all ty pes of goods. 1l is perhap s not a dream to envision s uc h a cooperative venture between North America and Latin America. Trade can sometimes be a · more forceful weapon than milita r y might Medical opinions There's been a great deal of talk in recent times about "unnecessar y" s urgical procedures that boost medit<!I eosts for both patients and m edical insurers . So it was n ot surprising when Blue Cross and ·Blue S hie ld instituted a prog ram unde r wh ich patients are en· <:Ouraged to seek a second opinion when a physician ad- v ises eJective s ur ger y. The insurer p ays $50 for the second opinion. q'he theor y was that the move prob~bly would reduce the number of operations and. of course. hospital costs. It turns out to have had the reverse effect. A Blue Cross survey of 1.500 patients who sought second opinions (Qund that 70 percent of the m were ad- vised by the second p h ysician to proceed with the recom- mended s urgery. Of the remaining 30 percent. half were advised, following further diagnostic tests. lo have the surgery. Health officials say the results of the survey , which found more. rather than fewer. patients agreeing to elec · tive s urgery, were surprising. But Blue Cross officials took a philosophical stance. lf a second opinion will encourage ..... patient to go a head with a procedure that's really needed, it's fine with them , they said. But lt could be that the second opinion recom · m e ndation will become a little less enthusiastic in the future. • 0111n1ons expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invited. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone (714) 642-432 1. Boyd/Neighbors By L.M. BOYD Owner of a cam p for r ecreational vehicles left m any trees standing so lo divide his property into t>ri vate little sites. Pretty place. But he almost went broke. Next season he bulldozed down the whole Dear Gloorny Gus lt'a always ~ tnrill to help launc h a New Year, but a bit alarm· Ing when you realize that once launc h ed --~---t~'1't0 1'eHHing correct faulty steering. D.M. Schmeer and set the concrete pads with their hookups side by side as closely as possible. Business boomed thereafter. A noteworthy phenomenon, this: Campers say they want solitude in the distance of the great outdoors. l\ut where they actually congreg~te is crowded. What they seem lo want most is one another. Money experts say an or· dinary S20 bill can be folded about 4,000 times before it's ruined. Maybe. 1 ruin one just by unfolding it once. in· variably. Was !lboul 20 years a•o that higbway construction crews in Brillsh Columbia d iscovered a s tand of Douglas fir trees eaUmated to be 40,000 years old. In· credlble!'-tlllQ'tR!, ,,ut 't1I sclent!Qwho teated out tbe timber said they could anty surmise lbe trees bad been burled durtnf the last Ice Age, then revved acaln.Odd· fy , the wood was stlll usable H lumber. Rowland Evan8/Rohert Novak Haig braced for tough hearnigs su)..-mecommandero(NATO. W ASHJNGTON Oen. Alex· ander Hals is belna uraed by prominent aemators lo take the offensive ln his Senatu confirm•· lion hearings. uslntc Ule planned four days of eontrontatlon with W a teraate minde d l iber.I Democrats to exploit Ronald Rtiagan'11 clear national security mandate That advice to Haig shows how much more 11'1 at 11takc in hiis confir mation h ear ing s b e f or e a generall y dovish Senate Foreign Relu· lion5 Com· miltel' than 111legations of wrongdoi ng during the na lion al agony of Wukrgate Whut Is rcully ul tilukc 111 th1> blind horror mony llbcral l>t•mocrat1' shur•' for f•rc~ld~·nt· .. •lt•el Hea~an'R no non11ensc ne tlonul 11ct•urlty poli<'y. followln~ four yeal'!I of unn.'11lr•lned So vlt•t advanl't•ii Strapplntt llolg to the Wutcraate nu.11t for 100 public Andy Rooney IH hes la destlned to bumillat.e and weaken lrim <and also exact rcven1e ror the Republican al· tack on Paul Wamke's nomina· lion to head the arms control a1eency four years ago). Wound· ing Haig would undercut Reutc1ul't1 ability to use him to curry out the moJor revival or nollonoJ sccuri'y ht> has prom- ised BUT FOR HAIG. It will be no euy matter lo keep the hearings that star\ Jl,ln 9 ttlued \o what he ho,H.'6 to accompll11h in bulldJnl( l\mt•rlcu 's depleted strength In the world. That CJxplalns llialg'11 11urprl11c coup \n n 1mln11 up with Joseph C111irano, u 'lrominent Dl•mot•rtil with r e c oi<n iu ·d liberal credenlial11. lo defend him /\ better cholc(' would tlf' dlfflC'ult to find ft~1H•alating polltlc.·111 011tl pre/iii attacks ou flalg ha vt• que11tioned hill l'harat•ter. hlA honor and hi!! fll 11ess for secret ary of st 1t\e That aR11aull has dt>e,1ly un~ered the r areer Army orrlC'f•r wh11 won the f>lsl1 11guished Servil'f' l'roll!I In Vietnam and e1u1\Pd unenlmou11 J>r elr;e fro m l\m e rka's t'1011es t a llie11 as ~ ~ .. ~ 4 ~ ~ ... - ·~i~. say his rnends . wants to keep ftimsell on a light leash. He knows "he should not respond in kind to his critics, but 1nstead should stk k to hl!\ and Reagan's plans for a tou ghened. re vitalized foreign policy. BUT IF HIS critics. led by Senate Democratts~ Whip Alan C rans t o n and ;:,&n . Paul Tsongas, convert his confirma· lion hearing into a Watergate II, Haig will be Irresistibly pressed to test the theory that whatever it i1 a llure in the <.'a pita l. W 11tergate Is an •issue long since cll•ad and buried lhrouRhout the nlition. ft ea~an's tnrns itlon agents h<'lil'VC lhut uny Oemocrnti<' er fort lo revive-the horrors of W nh'ri.titlc would sicken voter~ ancl thttt lht' effort would hoom('rlJlll( nut Jf uig's cnt>m1cs from l hl' duyi; of Wuterl(uh • d111m that if lh•• lkmur ralx ploy lht• Wukrli!11 tc rurd tl1·ftly , ll ,.0111'1 JJul11ri7.t' lt1P 1·1111n1 ry 1111 11vf•r 11.culn fllllll 11tmn1itl y 11111 .. , 111• w11h tht• ltPU~llll tr1t111tll lllO 1111 yt~1·rr, ( )O!' ll ail! lnl l m11t (', 1•1111111111! '''' _...,,,,. 1,_,'. , ... > ' ~. i J --..... -· .... "-J .·· -.) tlmlsm over any showdown bet ween Haig and hla ad· ver s a ries, nylf privately : "Those senator11 are cotna to ~. on television with Hala. If lbey wan\ to take thal poHtical risk. so be it. Haig would 5laughter them " . 11.\IG WOULD no\ have been Re1&gan·s pick for secretary of state If Senate DemocraUc leader Robert Byrd hid not publicly warned that a Haig nomination would (ace deep trouble in the Senate. Against irnrh public pressure, Reagan, with Haig agre1.1in~. fell he had to nominate Haig At that time. Haig did not bc~in lo lmaRlnc wh ut his cntics hud in store ror him Now that ht• knows. he is workina full· tlml' on his l'ountcraU1ck with Scnnt~· Majority L<'adcr Howard Onk cr. the committee member who wi ll lt•uil hill cJ urensc l'n v ah'ly. lluh( Ill Htunned by whut h'' hull t.)(' 'II tPudlnW ;and l11•11r111J( uboul h1 m111:1' Alludln(( 111 1n111llc·ut1on1> that It was he wh11 11rrnn1<ed H1churcJ Nlxon'1o lllH1hm hy <i1•rnld t 'ord as lh•· vrlf·1· for N11<1111'k re111((111.1t1on, ll11IJ! rf'l'f'llll.v c•11nfl1INI lo an ul ly .. ,,,,..,. smyoru· think I would l'VN h11v1· w111 11ut 11f W 1111hinl(lon w rl hout i!""'~ 111t11 I h1· /!lammer 11 I 'If It 11·11 111 11rri1111(1• :wylhlna< llk1·lh11 I '"" IH NC 't: RVRO'S warr11n~. th1• 11 111~ 11ornmut11111 hu11 1•:st."1tlat1•d uncll'f Uw I h1c·k1 •nil1j( cloud ''' W uh·r1ieatt• tn\11 11 11tru1<1<lc with major 1mpl11:alion111 for Hc1tl(lln't1 prNudi'nl'y The unpuhllc1zt•rl fact that ~n F:dward M Ken ncdy strongly proposed Terry Le nt.ne r . a r>c m oc ral1 l' 10 ves t1gator on the Senate Watergate comm1ltce, to help pl'osecule Haig in the confirma· , lion hearings shows the depth of liberal faith that Watergate can be used to cripple. 1f not defeat. Al Hail? To Haag. that is a misreading of the national mood. a case he will be prepared to ma ke in the firs t great struggle between R c<.1ga n and the l ibera l Democrats. Spirit is Willing, hut muscles are weak The smartest people I've.ever known were always excessively interested in their own bodies. They were right. of course, but they were often a pain in the neck to other people . I re· member when someone accused the brilliant Eric Sevareid of be· ing a hypochondriac Eric just looked up slowly a nd said , "Hypochondriacs get sick too. you know." The only time my body al· tracts my attention. other than th ose times wh e n it 's sick. is when a muscle is so re from o veru se . That 's th e case today. The muscle in m y right thigh is sore because I was trying to do deep knee bends yesterday on one leg. It's a good feeling in a way because it re· minds me that I have muscles. I've never really known what to do about my muscles. I'd like to look and be more muscular Mailbox than r am, but t he re a re so many or them I never know which ones to try to build up. Those body·building people go after all or them. but that's a full·time job and they end up looking like freaks in their pe rfection. T he thing that's wrong with them is that they have developed those muscles with no intention of do ing a n ything with them except showing them off. THE MUSCLES that look best are the ones that have developed because of some natural activity the person engages in. not the ones built up by exercises de· signed for the purpose. J admire the muscular forearm of Billie Jean King and the biceps of the man who picks up our garbage twice a week. (I wish he didn't spill so much. but that's another matter.> I've often set out on some body·building program of my nwn hut, except for one three- yea r period when I was in school and did 100 pushups a day, it's ne ver lasted long. Each of us has good and bad body parts and one temptation with muscles is to work on the ones that are already your best I have strong shoulders and legs but weak feet and hands. but it's a lot more in· teresting to me lo work on my legs than my feel even though my leg muscleS-Wou ld be of a lot more use to me 1f I had the feet to go with them TWO YEARS AGO, I bought a 10-pound dumbtx>ll and started lifting iC to my shoulder JOC t imes wit h e ach h a nd t o strengthen my arm muscles. I brought it to the office and was doing it there, but someone stole the dumbbell about a year ago and I haven 't given those muscles any attention since. You really can't, that's the trou- ble. It's easy enough to say, "It only takes 15 minutes a day," but it takes more than that. It lakes having your mind more on your muscles than on your brain. I li ke natural exercise. I wfsh it was illegal for· people to build up m uscles deliberately because then they start beating you at whatever you 're doing a nd you have to start building yours. I ·think of jogging as a natural ex- er<.'1se. 1 hate doing it myself. a nd don 't , but 1 love to see others jogging. On the days when I drive into work in New 'l"ork City. I always see a hun· drt!d great -looking women trot- ting along the drive by the East Ri ver_ They look great not be<.'ause they are necessarily beautiful but because they look so ali ve and so determined to do the right thing. I'm moved by their muscles. THE REAL question is. how much time can we spend on our bodies ? We all know they're im· portant. but my feeling is we should use them and not fuss v.·ith them so much. I play tennis twice a week and usually run up any flight of stairs I'm faced with. but that's all the exercise I gel in a normal week. Any week I try to do one.legged knee bends is not normal for me. If I spent more time on my muscles. I'd look better. but I'd hav~ spent a lot less time writing, woodwork· ing . cooking, reading and nap· ping. Much as I yearn to look more muscular. it's not worth it. Resident figures aiq>ort owes hitn toll money TotheEdtlor: I was deeply impressed by your article pointing out that the flnan- cial contribution to Orange Coun - ty generated by J ohn Wayne Airport is estimated at $200 million per year. That works out to about $50,000 per year for each of fhe roughly 4,000 homes in .s ·Newport Heights and Westcliff areas which I estimate are severely impacted In terms of liv- ing discomfort ~nd reduced ap· preciat.ion in comparison to other areJls. · : This is nodHrerentfrom Orange County generating revenue by bulldlng a toll road through my backyard, and then not payln~ for it. The county owe11 $135 a day per home --but we receive nothing but ·discomfort. Where..._ th• equity? FREDRICJ. FORSTER .. , .. ::.:::•:.....-- To the Ed!ton ~ Your editorial entitled, "Hospital battle hurting resi· denta." appeartnc on Dec. 14, we feel merita some comments. It ls tnJe <hat Oran1e Coast res· ldenu have an availability or excellent medical services . However. in disagreement with your conclusion. it is because of the lack of foresight a nd ill· planning on the part or local gov· ernmental officials, the medical society amt consumer groups that our cobnty has over 25 hospitals rathe) than a reduced number of larger, regionally placed faciUties. This seems to be a si tuation un tq ue to Orange County when compared to other parts or t he United States. I - LONG BEACH Me m oria l Hospital's move into Orange County, we feel will s trengthen Sadd l eback Communit y Hospital's position. Because the maJol'ity ol ou.r patient1-..ar .. Medl<!are and therefore 75 per· cent at our operatin1 expenses are subject to govemment rules and reiuJations retardln1 reim· bursement, we hope to benefit 1">m !tAf' mllfqflnllt nj)i~ tbat Loni Beach Memo;.1 Hospital h as shown over the years. This problem Is unique to Sad· dleback Community Hospital, · insofar as the patient popula. Uon, other hottpilals in Oran1e County may have only 25·30 per· cent Medicare patients, and the bulk of their operating expense re imbursement is supplied by third party insurance carriers and not subject to the vagaries of ~ovemmental regulation. In reference to your article, Saddleback Community Hospital is not privately owned, but rather St non·pront community hos pilaJ which in its earlier days relied heav1Jy on the population in Leisure World and n.ow is ex· panding its health services to \ the communities of El Toro. Laguna Hills. Mission Viejo and Lake Forest. MARC A. MORIN, M.C. Chier or Starr HAROLD L. GANO "Executive D1recl0r Saddleback Community Hos1>1lal struction of high·rise buildinp. They work against nature,. be wrote. "by spoiling the scale of the landscape." They work against man himself. They work against society because they do not help the units of social im· portance -the family and the neighborhood -to function as it naturally must. DOXIADIS concluded tha\ high·rise buildings benefit only the few against the interests of, the many. Consistent with Doxiadis' wis dom is Oran1e County Supervisor Thomas Riley's non· support o( the hith·rlae hotel pn- posed for Treasure Island in South t..acuna. Supervllor Rl)ey ts to be-commended. He bu11111Cb support in UU. matter. TERRY TIMMINS ,,.,,._ ...... _ .,,.._ .. ~ _ _.llQ,cui_~ Jtn...JQd~'--41 Tothe Editor: TM rlflltl to~ wn.n eo ltl The famout &lobal city planner fPOCf or ...,,.._,, ,...,, &a NM• cAd. Conataatinoa Ooxiadlt publlsbed wnen of • awda or Ina 11111 '- a remarkable doc um en\ abortly ,._.. pr«fw't www:c. Al ltCWn ....., •· before hia death. He entitled it c.-..,_,.,. Giid ......, ....,.. ··confenionaafaCrlminal.'' ,,.,,...,....,., .. ..,.,,.,..,.~ His first crime, he wrote, waa •I n/ftdal '"'°" u oppat..a. that M bad advocatMI the~-Pwtrww61.Clle,_.1,_tl .., .... ••-' • ... •• ..-• •• • • • • ._ ._, A 4' .-~ • .._ NATfON Security adviser ,rappOO Hl .AOO t AP 1 Preaident arter'a na Uonal aecurl\y 1"Sv\¥er. lb•ani•w Bnn1nsld , 11 a ••u <'Ond r•t t h1nk"r .. •hole meddlln1 crt"aled chaos m the admtnlt tri. t 1on, a lorrne r State O~partlMf\t _.de •r• lloddln1 Carter 11 J. lf!bO f'r ved ai, prttu 1ec rt'tar ) to former Sec retan of tia\l' ('yrus \fan<'e, &1~. aid thf" most harmf\U as~ct or lhe I'd mm•stn&tlon "wa s tht p r e sld e ot 's almos t ~ 11lhd mcoosasteocy-·· AND ONE of the bag problems, Carter sitid, ~a s the p r e s id ent 's fa ilure to keep Brzezinski and others from dissent ing from policy dec1s1ons once formuJated Th e for mer pr e~~ secretary's views are set down in an artic le he wrote forlhe February is- s ue of Playboy magazine . Carter stepped down m Ju ly after Vance re - s igned in the wake of the ill-fated hostage rescue mission in Iran. Ca rter said his resignation was not based on any dif- fe r ences with Vance's s u cce s s o r , E dmund Muskie A s po kes man s aid Vance would have no Im- mediate comment a nd a s p o k e s m a n s a i d Brzezinski would not r espond. adding, "We don't comment on non- sense ... T H E PRESIDENT, Carter wrote . "would choose the Vance position one m onth and t he Brzezinski position the next. He could send State Departrpent officials out to sell the neutron bomb to our European allies. then public ly decide against its pi:Gductio11 while they were still out selling. Mu ch the same thing happened with the Oly mpic -boyco tt de : cision. announced shortly after our allies had bee n told it wasn 't in the car ds. ''Parti c ularl y troubleso m e.·~ th e former press secretar y wrote, "was the ambition of ... Brzezinski. . . H e a ppare ntly s aw himself as another Henry Kissinger. "WHILE HE h a d neither Kissinge r 's in- tellect nor his political savvy, he did share one important asset: i m - m ediate access to the president. .. Carter said his loyalty w~s w~h Vance in ad· mi\i i~ation infighting, ~d said Brzezins k i "never accepted a defeat as final or a policy as de· cided if it did not please him ." Bay•lde Pharmacy 1018 B ayalde Dr. Newport Beach 760.0111 P UBLIC NOTICE N·71WO PtCTITIOUI eUllNHS NAMW STATWMSMT Tiie loOOWino llertorl Is OOln9 bust· "•HH: IC Wt K IC OPV a 171, 1161 lrvl,,. Bl.cl. Tintl"• C.lifOf'"I• t:IMO Do"•ld D. Arrnstro,,9. 121ll- Plallfl0, Mlutan Viejo. C.lltor,,la t26't Tiiis 11us1 ..... Is Conducted by an In- dividual, Ooneld D. Arrnstron9 Tiiis ,.....,_, W~ filed wll" llW Cwnty O.f'\ ot Ou n91 County on O.C.mWr•.t• •u••ow H CltOW COM,. ... ., llllM.T_..A_, ........ , Cel"-"'I• tvll .,., ... , ,,_ Pllltllstled OrMQll Coast Dally P iiot. 0.t . 10.11. 2•. )I, t• 4n 4-tll I P UBLIC ·NOTICE 'ICTITIOUS eUSINHS MAMW STATUlll!MT Tiie loll-no l)eflOn Is dol"O b<ISI· ,..nas: ISLAND AUTO BODY & PAINT SHOP, t70t Pomona, Costa Mesa, C1lltoml1 .. 27 teelmena Kea .... 116 w JIM"" Slrftl, Casi. "'9u, Callrornfa '107 Tiii' bu$tneu ''conducted by an ln-d lvldual. Kal-KH.,.. Tlllt il....._,t wes ttleCI wltll t"• COllnty Clan of Or•noe Cou•Hy on 0.urnto.rJD,t• ~IUHS Publlllleel Or-Coast D•lly Pilot, O.t . lt, t•. Jen. 7, t4, lt, , .. , 5172-tO PUBUC NOTICE W9dneedey. December 31, 1980 * CWL v "LOT A1 CARTCR . ' No liquor, though Nutl.es still dancing LA MF.SA lAP> The Classic Cat still features ~ude male dancers on Wednesday night.s and nude couples on Saturdays but not with liquor in the house. There 's Coke now, at $1.2S a glass. The state's Alcoholic .Be verage Commission revoked tfte liquor -. license at the nightclub because or BRZEZtNi'ic'i'..;;:;;; rules relating to ;·conduct and enter- .. ta t nme nt on the premises." a s pokesman in Sacramento said. Appeals for three years have ended with the California Supreme Court refusing to listen. A ssis t a nt manag e r Jarr ie Dietschman says a few cus tomers have stayed away but others just changed their drinking habits from hard to sort. Optlou R etire d Army Lt . Gen. Daniel Graham s a ys mining waters around Ira n's principal oil dis· tritrntion center is one of several military options to win the rc- 1 e a se o f U .S. hos tages. WITH 51' A 1'1R BROS. PRICES EFFEC. 7 FULL DAYS, JAN. 1 · JAN .7, 1981 ltlfll AIAN • l VAfUfl t(S Stater B ros. Certified Beef STAna .. os. LUNCH MEATS &·VARIETIES • SLICED 8·0Z.PKG. 79c EA. LOW·LOW PRICES BEEr CHUCK•OAST BlAOE.CUT ,!,:.'.· RUMP ROAST BONE IN $I 6 9 LB SHASIA SOFT DRINK AY•ft.l.9Ll i"Sl0Af'S't10fH \.f .. \l*""I 0ft.t0Hl YI •Lt t; • lfACAltOHI SALAD "~' 39c 4LU • GUCU .. HR •ONION 49 SALAD H I c CAC...l YAlL(' • StlCl O IOO!lOC• • , s• SWt••CHllSI ... u TIVOLI • StlCCD IOOllOfR • 1 ff •01~ HAM 'H • SUCEO TO OR (II $ •• CM A•<-... ,,, I •U••tTOS ~::81 59c llEF • 8'AO(.CUt •11• ·~ls.H •\.CA"l •HO' •oc.t.C.llUl. •• 8, $199 59c u $WIF'I'$ • lllOWH 'H' SCllYI • C•CKSRAK L& GROUND•llF WHITING OllKllHAL lllr Oii .. APU ., .. llllr •CHUC!(• IONH£$$ ., .. eur • IOH£Lt'5 s1•• rAJ(!.H • •£SHR'"tl • $139 SAUSAOI ~~ u SllOU ..... •w l9 SRWMIAT OYSTDS •• WllSOH CllUWIED • 16-<ll -.o •13• eur. ROUND. -(LESS .,79 l lH • lARG( l ND s1•• :ruiiaoT FILLET , ~ s 1 •• MaATPllA,_S CA •OUNDS'nAK LI Rt••OAST t B IAll ... • 51.ICfD ., .. I Eff • AOUND • IONElESS •2•• BtH •CHUC•• IONUlS~ s1•• 'f • ..,~_,._., .. '!...~ .. s1•• s1•• •ULK•AC .. Le Tl•SRAK LI SllOULDS• HAaT '" TROUT ....... . ., .. •2•• ·1 MIRACLE WHIP s i 86 . PURINA CAT CHOW ORKllHAl I ·~· SS.94 ... oz GAINf S1URGE1S CMU:-t 11-0l 52.88 .. PfllNGLES •ORIGIN.Al STYLE wPOIATO CHIPS s 121 TOP CHOICE LIV£01ACOH I 11-0l s2.88 21' ~··OZ RICE MIX ~=~~~:;~g-SE ~-OZ 4SC • PfllSBUAY •REGULAR & BREAD .. FLOUR su 82c RAISIN BRAN '°s' f ~l sl.51 ' SCOTT . NAPKINS •s.sott•tOlCOHOMY ~· s1s1 • S TA TEA e~os ... REC DRIP II ELEC PERC 48·0Z '6 78 ·COFFEE s221 HERSHEY'S INSTANT I l>-Ol 16 ·0Z TEA BAGS =N I 52.69 s2.19 sz.59 s 14' DETERGENT ~g~£5i:t 1 H-Ol n -OZ CLING FREE =son~ I ~' S1.J2 • SOil & SfAIN REMOVER • llOUIO .. SHOUT • SCOTT •COL OAS & OE CORA TED .. SOFT 'N' PRETTY 4·ROll 9 5 c GLADE MIST ~~~.:~~~ I 1-0Z 7gc • STATEABROS •FORBATHROOM•WHITE PiNl<&YEllOW .. TOILET TISSUE 4·ROl· 77c It STAlIR BROS. $209 w CHEESE SllClO&W"APPtO llH)l ! iiiNGE JUICE w~t)Lf WM[A' \( l' A1\IP•f.., P( {. ' "U'tf \ e PILLSBURY ! PILLSlBUR Y $TOMATO ,,. FLOUR FLOUR ... SAUCE H I 99c ~·~ 94c ~ ,.,, 18c 0 UARl£RS ~ .. t .. 8 BLUE BONNET e LAUNDRY • GRAPE e MARGARINE .,. LIQUID ... JULY ,7oz 59c U OI $284 UOl s 1 1 • Beer A nd Wine Specials ~~~~~.F'. .... ······f ··············""."""' $139 ~~~'t~ .. ~ .... -.. ~-...... ' ...... ··' .. $ 20• ~~~~~::=~-\\'~: ....... , .......... : .. $229 Liquor Specials IAOll.Allll IN '101llSWll' .. ~IOllOllL.ICIHMOOtl fJ . . 11-01 · POTATOES :iEt!~,o I s~-0z 54c I TCOLIELAEJr BRO.!!~'". IAl!l. ""ll"'o SVNN• 57c m lUtON ~ PQWOlll Fllf SH ' 1 Ol VEG·All "°"lST•LEYEqu•-.u I ?M>z 75c TOMA TO SAUCE coHaa--• I u -0z 33c WORCESTERSHIRE ~:~~ .. , I ,~l 91c DRESSING ~~~:=: I Mil 7ZC . MUSTARD ~~~;.;~... I a•-OZ 75c IH)l &Be SHORTEIHIG -.ct!TU I 0 01 51.49 CGmD~U llASll twn . ..-.,,...",..ar I.OZ 46' YIElllA SAUSAGE l.... I REFRID BEAIS ~ .. -,,. ... I M~I 61' RED TACO SAUCE ==''" .,~,, 46' -s2•• _;\ {)he/ Boy -ar-dee _ • MINI RAVIOLI, ,._,...,,. BEEF RAVIOLI, BEEFARONI ftV!?'j & SPAG$E"' W•ME~T·B"I Ls '".. 1 sa ~=".-• ........... ... • • 40·0~ . .. EA ORANGES , • ...,. •>flrft '•I-" >ti, !L-.••( 25c L8 CABBAGE ... • ' If #flt ...... , • 12c s GRAPEFRUIT • ..... " •• t ... ~·· .. $119 STANDARD BARE ROOT ROSE BUSHES HASH BROWN POTATOES .. u··· & •~I 57 c .. MORTON DINNERS ~~' -~~ ~~: '° :: ' I•• S-Ar.'"'f•• '4\it(•'B• '' .... ! ., 66 ' ., , ., s221 e .. JENO-IS PIZZA CHlm-•t••t•u.., ._.,~•r.r JENO'S PIZZA :ou roon SNOW CRAB MEAT ....... H O WAFFLES 00-YflUl JUtlll90 O._ IUrffllfltlt.' ! ! " • ., ..... s 1 n .. ,, , s4 21 • ...,, s4n .. e ......... s11s .. •1<>1 69' • ···············~···~~-~~-~~--·~~~~-~~-~~~·~4-~~-~--~~-------~~----~-·~·······~·~···~-~-4~·-·~·-········-· .. ' .(i, ~ - for a limited t im e ... S'PECIAL SALE OUR OWN MAKE SUITS, TOPCOATS, SPORTWEAR, FURNISHINGS 11• DAILY PH.OT ~ w~. Decembef 31 1980 l 0,500 lllelahers KI8n declined in '7 Os, .. but 0 1 n upswing again By Tb.-Associated Press 'rhert-was a time w hen vou could le ll a Ku Klux K lansman by his p1~kup truc·k It had a gun rack . a CB l'Ud •o . a Confederate battle nag on the front and a Geor ge Wa llat·e bumper sticker on the back. . ar ound 1n the '60s hung up their robes because or lhey didn't sec much pros peel or SUt'l'CSS BiJ t now that the l1de of publit opinion has turned, the Klansman 1.s encour aged to be active ag a in becuusl' he t hinks his al•lions wi l l rece1vl' a sy m p ath e t ic ENTIRE STOCK OF OUR OWN MAKE SUITS 20o/o off ~ r.')/ .• 14 ' tu , .I(), now $276 to $324 Ouring t he civil ri,ghts movemenl of the 19fi0s. he prowled the back roads of lh<' South, Dynami te was his t•allinK 1·ard. raLor blade castrations his way of discouraging black men from messing with white women. responst' .. · . The ~Ian als<i is sµre11 ding out of , 1l s bust1on rn Di'tie 1-'or exumple· -T WO Mf:MBt-:RS OF tht' Ha r n shurg, Pa . polke de partment were re p rimanded this full for \\earing and 'iClhn~ KKK m1·dalhon!> while in SELECTED OWN MAKE SHIRTS -~ ' reg $2 I Io s:11 _, SELECTED OUTERWEAR 20o/o off now $20.25. to $23.25 Most rode under t he banner of the l 'n1ted Klan~ of America, a con· federation of s plinte r KKK factions oq~aruzt'd in 1961 by Imperial Wizard Ho bert Shelton. {he ha" k-faced rub ber worker from Tuscaloosa. Ala • "ho -.oon "as riding around an fnnc) Cont 1ne11tah and Cadillacs uniform 1 C.'l<JS~WS \\ l'rt' '>U"ijJClltJed r<Jr threl' tli.l)li at \\'1llwrn-. ('ullt•ge m W1lliamslo\'.11. ~fa~!-. 1n ~1rvcmber whl'n a t•rn-... \\<I'> hurnc-d 1war a <'am pus lmtld111~ ~11111 W\ nal hlat•k !>I udl•rtts ~o\ thn·atl·1llnJ.: phone ealls \ re~ ~ llHJto ··4 0"' now $80 to $324 ~ ~ ~ ,, I : I-I ~ ;~ '~ ~ ~ ~\ ~ WOOL TWEED SPORT JACKETS 20o/o off now $120 to $208 ODO TROUSERS 20% off rc:g . S37 tu$ 77 now $29.60 to $61 .60 SPORT and KNIT SHIRTS re~. $17.)01u S"7."'0 now $13.75 to $43.25 ENTIRE STOCK OF SWEATERS 20% off reg. $37.)0 to $160 now $29.75 to.$1 27.75 Also selected neckw eor, hose, luggage , robes, gloves, pojomos, handkerchiefs, toilet ries, hots, etc. I SfAlllSHID !tit 111.l 1967, T llE llousl' t'omrrnl\ce on l '11 \ lnl'l'lt·an AL'l1 \'.ilte~ estimated I<\ Ian 1m·mllt'r!'h1p al 17 .000. hul In thl'll ll <tfJIJl'iH't•d to lie dwindlin~ · Thl• µublH· had b et·11me fed UJJ \'rllh atrot·1llc!> lila m ed on Klansmera . 1f no! prn\'l'll to he t hl• work of the t\lan Thrt'l' t·1vil ri~hl '>. Y.or kl'r S \.\ l'r<' murdl.'rC'd fll•ar l'hilmll'lph1a. M 1ss . and b1u·11.'d h I' 11 l' a I h a II l' a r l h t• n d a 111 It I a c· k I l' a II l' r Ml'd gl'r Evt'rs was gunnl.'u down 111 .J ackso11. M rss l>t•t 1'1111 hOU'>t'\'.lrt• ~11£\.101'1 \'ll)fa I JU//0 was slarn <tt the lime· or I h1• St•lma man·h 111 ·\h1bama !-'our hla1·k girt-. di<·d in lht· homhtng or llw St\t1·1·nth Strel·l Ba ptist Church m H11 1n111glia111. Ala I\.\ l!Tl l tht· FBI e!l.\1 matl.'d then· "1·n• nu mun· than 1,5()0 a<·tl\·1· Ku t\ lu' "l:.in n-wmbcrs '\houl 1:10 pt'•>Jlll' 111dudtn~ 30 I<\ lan-.mrn 111 r11'1<·"· I urnt·d out for an Cktolwr rail\ 1n H1wk hannon. \\' \';.i lo ht' a r I mp l' ri L11 W 1 "' r c> Bl II '\\'1lk111s1111 s:.i\ ... 1'la11s n1cn arc l'cin <·<.'1 nl'll a b1111t tli1· t·11t1rc nation Kl:.insme11 k111m th1·11' ta"<t'" arl' going tu pay for ;irl1r111:1l1vt• ut·tion a11d cvt•ntuall) 1\ alltTh th1·1n l'\'f>n 1f lhl'l'I' 1.,n't ;1 d;111111 "\1·1.:ro 111 1111· Whol1• l'OUll\,\ Ill' fl/\\ 11 Tht·n· h;n 1• 111.'1°11 rl'p<·att'd 111 sla111·1·s of !-\Ian :11'\l\tl\ 1111 m1ltt;11·\ IJa ..,1•.; illld al1<1tird I S. "';ivy ship~ Fl\1' 111tl1far) p11l11·1·11h•11 Y.ere 11 a11...,f1 •1-r1•cl lrorn Fort \11111101:. \'a . lwl':iu ... 1• 1 hi'\ "••rt• I\ I\ I\ m •·mbers. TllE Jt 'STH'E U t :t'ART '1 EN1 a11111111111·1·cl lh1s 1111111th II ._..._..., Jn ', • ...,, 1gat1n).! 1·1 q-;s h111111n~~ ;it lQt: h•1111l·.., of hl.11·k... 111 1111·tl11minann\ "h1t1· 1w1).!hlio1111)(111'> t 0111\er..,11\ .~r \\'i1 ,f1t11gtu11 oflH i;JI.., 1tl'>'1 I f'JJ<;rlt·tf 1h.1t .11111 hla1·k hll'r:tl\11 •· 11r).!tnC ... 111 dt•fll'> \II 111111 fill' J\Jitfl \ IJlllh ( IJ/ fl' h.111 lil·t·n fow11l 111 dor1111t•1rl•"' ~ ~ ~1 Ar:/0.J /J.;1?~0:1 ~ Bt1t loda\ tht• Klan 1s 011 an up s\l lllJ.!. ''1th an 1•'-11mall'il 10.500 act1\l• m1·111h1.•1..., 111 \ anousorga11i1.at111n!-. a ncl an 1•-.11mr1IPd I00.000 S) mp:llh11cr.., as 111d 11·a1t·d h~ v11t1•s n •1·enlly gl\ "n pol1t1l'al l'a11d1datl's who art• a\'O\H'il Klansnwn<n11lnt•11 Na1.1s F1\1• 1\11 l<\lu"< l\lall'll•l'rl \\l'rt> Ill lf11 tl'd I ll S1•µlt•mlJl't \,, .1 frllE>r..il J.:rand 1111' 1111 1'11an..:1·' 111 ti.11.1..,..,1111! Iliac k Jlt'opli' 111 ;i ~•·nc· 111 ''"'"'tit!! lllt'ldt•flh Ill l>1·trnil ,Httf f(111111rf11 ~ \l1d1 ~· . c .Lcr1 .:-J fi'J 0 ) ~ ~ JM! rn s ~ · 00 o ~ ~ Wu rn 1 sh i n 9 ~ . l}ll" ts ~ · ~ h M ~ ~ ; \11 \\I·" I I I II " I IU I I I I)'> \'I 'I II .... ( \ 111 ''Iii! II ~ ~ l\'>IJI()'-. hi \'-I> '-l·\\11<11(! Ill\< ll"_:,,,,11 ~ ........ ~·..--··~··.Air'~·---··~. ,,e;,;r··..., ·--·--. ....,,. •...,-Y. Get more FUN out o f viewing footbal l w ith PAO fd.e every Satu rday in the Daily Pilat ; TIU-: ,\!\Tf·IH:•·AMATIO~ LPugue ol B'Nat ll'nth. wh1eh kt•t•ps l'los1• \\ :.ill'l1 on ultra n )!hl winµ org an1:r.:.i ll(lllS. lJliJllll'S 1111.., lt'Sllrg('lll'l' (lill'll) on 1•<·onon1ic· hunl ttml'!> • 11111 c1 r1•al Klansrn;.in 1s n•1t JUSt a d1!>g111sC'cl hltH' eollar Y.<ll kt·r who 1-, unhapp~ \\Ith aHirmalt\C action.· sa11I It \\111 Suall. cJ1rt·t·tor of the l1.•ag111"' faet finding department 'lh•'s a die hard r<H'ISl and a bigot l'\ul hl' thrl\ l'S in a ('hmale where thl•rc• 1s g1•neral d1scnntPnt \II th11sP "lan!'me11 who \'.t't <• 1::11\ 1'1...,1•11ll.11tc1 'JI a •·111111. i.:ua rri f1 om ~11111 li111rto11 . ,.,.,.,, pt•rhap~ 1s t~IJl<'al of ltll' l\la11:-rr1.i11 •1I l!l>iO lit• 1~ a h11rn a11rl r:.i1s1•d 1·1,flr1\'' I H'lll Yan kl·•• \\ h11 ''a.., 111!-I :tll\'<ltls tl«· st<tt t··s · ~ru11d dr ;i).!1111 :ll " S•·p \1•1111Jt•f \\l•Pk111cf rUlf\ ,111tf 1111 •'- IJUl'lllll)! lhal dri'\\ a "llf'IJI i-.1111-~fMJ "' 1,01)0 pc•oplc· 'I T ll E ST \R O F lht• ... 1111\\ \\:I' I \\'llk111..,011. lmp1·1 ial W11.11d 1111h1 In • '1'>lllh· Emp1n" K111ghb 11r •ht· t--.~" hca11quar1l'n·<I 111 l knhlirn Sprntl!s. 1 I.a lie 1s d<·M·nhed In l<\lan \\:1tch1'r" a.<. th<' most fnr Ir ta ni nf I hl' "'''era I n·1g11111~ "11.11 cl!> Li kt• his 11H·11t11c t•i.., otta110 !-.a\' lhl' K lan i... opt•r atrng ~1wrnlla t·am·,., m <'onm•1·l ll'11t v. h1•r., nwml>t'r'> ;1rt lc•ar111ng ,,, ,1111111 j.!1111' r111 ..,,.If d l'fl'll!-1' i>l'('Olt.1110 tlll' ..,,,,. of a 1(11111.111 (':J!h11lll' f.11h1·1 o111tl .. 1•1111"''·'''' niothc•r ..,;11cl 111 1111111.t '" 1111 l.1:111 :ifter t11..,1ng l:111h 111 .1 11111111 ... , "' righ t 1.1.1n~ ~roup .. tw 1111m·d Kl<111srm·11 and ollll'r 1.1d11·al 11gh1 wirtJH'IS l''>JHIU SlllJ.( '>11111lar "''"'' m f•nt s failt'd to win µ11bl1t· offH·e 1n I ht• fall t•lt-t•t1n11 !>. but ('1>!11·C'tl:d enough \ot1•o; to st;1rtlf' r1vtl n ghls 111 ganizHt10ns To m M t'l z g t' r . a t z y c a r o I d telcv1s wn n ·va1rman who is granrl wii.ard of tht• Ku Klux Kl an of Ca l ifornia, won thEo• Dc•n111t·rati1.· nom1n<1t1nn ror Congress in the 43rd clislrit'I i.lnd got ·15.fi23 votl'S in <l los· ing <•ffnrt a~atnst Republican tnc um· bent C'la1r BurJ,!«'lll'r tn the general elect1<m · MC'l7.J{l'r. \.\h111an on a platform of 1.1. hilt• supremat·~. tq.:htening laws aga111<;l alrt·n-. and -.upport 11f \.\Orkutl! cla!'s \\hll<'"· c;:wl ufter the eleelron, "This 1s Jll!>l anotht•r ..,tcv. another skir mish W1•rc gomg to e~pand oul from the Klan has.· \\l' h;1\'I' Wt> t·an ctn the· \'t·r~ :-amt• I hllll! 1n t•\'ery cnnJ! n •ssrorwl chsttirl .. . ( spri n ~ lluor ~ell i ng\. 1/.(ls/m11 "rnes1 ,cxcc lknl tl oor ~am ple~ at heave nl y ~"v in g~. . RB Ori g11wl Dc~i gn~ and fo111oust~ll l na111c. hralitb : .O ne of a kind and son1c o1 a kmd. D 1l lcrc nt \a1nplc~ in ditl~re nt store,. ~ • Fu rnit ure and accc,,oric' for ever y roon1 in .the..h9use . A nd we'll give you decorating service , deli ve ry and the fa mous '!7RB Furniture warrant y of qu alit y at no extra cost. *Early hird-. g~t n,,, d111 1ci:~ FURNITURE POI 20 YUH OIVINO YOU IVllY 0000 HAIOM TO COMI HOMI TO ti IUIHITUlf .. CMOlt CAllD P UBLIC.: NOTICE Plll\1.1(' NOTIC ·1-: FICTITIOUS flUSINESS FICTITIOUS 8USIN E_H l'IAMI[ STATEMENT NAMF STAlEMEHt Thi! ro11ow1nq (>f"t\(H'll\ ,.,,, tfOmu rhr toll0¥11!"0 IH'J~t"i"' ·''' 11n1•111 bu,11"1fl'\\ ,,,, h1l'\tnt\~ A\' MEOCfNl(R PllllAM/lf Y •9SO MIOWllAY llPf'll/INCf MuJ,...•lr 8tlrranl 4 PkW'Y, C,tt1 U')7 ''"'"" PHH• '41'140 M1rtw.4Y (tty fAl1tnu111• C•Hlorn1a '»7' n 6!\ WC>OdbttdQ'" p,,.,,,,ption f f'nfpr (n•Ao fh," VOr.41>0t lt.fft t "'' C.OfP 3 (.Ahlmnh\ (O(par.-.h~ 4q\O Atff't\Ufl :; I\ 1tunt1n<Jlf'fl ftPclf 11 8Arrilnc• P~w.,., \IP 107 I• v lf•f" C.ttl•t•1rn1Jt07~A8 C.•t1torr•uatt)7U c;r iruAn (f',,1vn1,,put 'bRt f 111 Thhbuvn~'\•'<ondlHt .. dO,...t •O' A"'""lH! =" •tvnt1nQftH' f\~A1h O()ta\10n ( Al1tor111a 9)f\Al8 W()f')()t>f•OQf' T "'' n\1\1tU!\ " 1 11r.dut tf'l'd tJv 'Prf"'\t r+a>'lon (_.o\r1 < "' (' h•t'>l\tnd AM w1l1 °"IOfP\ AN• lt>hn~"' t hPiW> ( t\ \11;01 •on• ~'"'it'Y t "'"-''"'""~fi't ...... ~, '•'M ._,,o ft.,.. fhl\ '''"~' Nit\ ffll"l(I '11tllP'I lht unty r ,,.,. ,, ~, ... II~ 'OU"'" r ,.,. ... mhtt t) '°"' ('lUnty ("f,i., .. Of Ur .. n()I ft\t,nly •fi Ort f>mbrr n tQl90 f"1U011 f'ubh'~ '"•"'liilll' (Mr..\ Oallv Pilot PuD•1,~0 MQO' (.c>a\I o., •• P•lot C>•• " '""' '"' ... II. '""' HI' 811 Cl<'f ll, 1""1 l•n I 14 )I 1'191 \I'll -•l PURI.I(' NOTIC'fo: ,.__-111-ll-DtPll CJw-~ ---tl TORO • 23641 £1 T"oro Blvd.• (114) H1·3303 SANTA ANA/TUSTIN• 1703 E. 17th St.• 543·8201 COSTA MESA• 3115 N. H~ Blvd.• 549·1761 WESTMINSTER• 15011 lkecb Blvd.•(714) 1198·9673 HUNTINGTON BEACH• 1M31 Beech Blvd.• 536·&501 ARTESIA• 11727 Soulh St.• 924-66112 SHOP 1 DAYS A WEEK • WEEKDAYS 10 UNTll 9 • SATURDAY 10 UNTIL 8 •SUNDAY 12:30 UNTIL ti NATroN • am1 D~MC.S '• SUNDAi ES )ohn<,On & lohn<;on BAN O·A IO Rr!llNO ['ii,....,.....,. I Pl.1't1c. or <;lteet Str111i;, 1 MfOIU"1 Sil£ :~·I nox or 10 1.27 John<.011 & Jolw.1111 Adhe siv e Pad s MEDIUM SIZE 1 5 3· BOX Of tO • co note BALLS Johnson & Johnson Cotton Bci ll s ~J·.·~·~ .r : •.• M£01l1M SIZF 119 BO~ Of b~ • ----· ------·z BE C ti lGtf POTENCY Vil AMIN S roll fif'llll T ~ > 60 lABl£1' 5 .29 Pe ars f OAM BAT-H W\Tll MOl\l\1lll/I .1. 011 '• I .... , 'ill 2.79 PABA PL US KIN MOIS1URl7ER I '\I',\ l'I I • I I I <ilf 4.99 PRE FLEX DEEP -DOWN Pain Relif'f Where You NePd II Most! 1.25 01. SIZE I c; 1.11 '""" .3.29 ep.t IN·HOME EJ\Rl Y PR EGNANCY TEST 8.95 f o r B es t 0 11 a I r t y a n d Selection of Handmade rugs from China. Persia. India & Ro r,n.a n i a a r Q a $.91' .D. '~------• pr ces ,,,_, • ......,,,,,,,_..__._.,,..,.. _,_, _____ - ---·~ --------·----------.. -- - ---------... --.... -------·. _ ... -.. _ ..... , _____ ¥ ........... ~~jllll. .......... ._ .. . ~ .. \ ' .... ft .. NATION A'1 w,,-.p,..lo STIRS OUTCRY Richard Neely Re11iarks • (•,1us11ig "f m ·or., l II \l<I E!-.111'\ \\ \ :J I \ I' ' I II •• \ 11fl00L.lfll'd t.tlk 11111·nd•"I J ' ,t 1'11111 ''' Oii fUtit• 1,d t•lhil':->. We ... 1 \ 11 g 1111a ' th it•f flhl 11 I' :111 \ l 'l'cl m.1 g 1,t 1o1l1·' 111 'll'PI l'll-.11 0 1 1111w111,h1111· .ind I.\ ) I ol I o I lf j.! 11 1--d I\ d ' I .1 \ 1, 11 t 11 I I h I' \\ h111 l'/11111 .... • "'"lllt''' \\ l''I \II ~·1111 ,1 I lalf•f .l u ... 111·1· H 1l'lh11d 'IJ,.1·1.' , a rl\ ll't' ~ ,,, 1111h1'111·\ .1 hi!· . '·~"' till' jll 1 'ld l'lll ol lht• '1:i11· rna.,~1 ... t1<11t·' .I ''.'>I II I .I 111111 1)1 ht·I lllolj..l 'l r :ilt"' ~ 1·rt> ,IJ111·\..1•tl .111d · ;1µµallt •il t.~ \;p1•h . 1·•1mn1t•111 ... 11111 "Ill' 1u<lg< 1u't ,;.1111 I ti:.i ' H1t·hanl "l<•cl\ ' Ill~ R q181.JM, talk r1•1·1'nrh lwfon· ·• l!r1111p 11 I m .1 f.! 1 .., I r a t , · ._ " a ' \trlt'll\apt'lf h ~ \hl' !-.11pn·mc· Court for U't· a" 3 t I JIO!Oj.! Jltl llCI 111d1c1al •·thtl'' 1'a11l Daugh1·rl ~. pn•s 1 II t.· n I 11 I t h 1• 1; t a I l' ma$!rStrntes' :issoc1a lion. hac1 urgl'rl lht• !>t:.111 • Suprl'm<' Court to offer a "nut!> an<I bolt... cours1· CIO J UclH·rnl l·th1e ... Hut '\\hat \\1• !!Ill I rnm ''hat I undt·r'' >111tl ",,.., "1nw1h111i.: q11111 d1I f<•l'l'lll ht ,,11d .1ll 1•r 1111· I ll lflllli Ill' \\t'I I' 111.c<ll' p11lil!1 .\T 0'\it: 1>111111 dun1111. his talk . '.\l•(·I~ .1tl\ 1:-.ecl th<' ma ~'t"I rat•·.., ai.:;.irn'I t'lll!i.il~IOi: lO -.1•'\U,ll Ill ten our-.1• "1th 1:1 \1·;11 Ol d ).!II b 11 c· .t I 'o a d \ r " t· d lllit f.!"I r .tit ' 11111 to he· "in the•\\ h111 i'h<11t,•· l11i-r 111''' •It 111·1p11·111 har . t h.11 ;111 1111ii11orl d1·n 1111 lht '-,lft nl di II ~ tlw <11111k111c 111 11111011•,h1111· and 1h1• c1·11••r.1111111 111 pr "'I 1111111111 f\ olrl,1\\ h I C 1111 11 1 \ !\1 .1 1! 1' I r <• r I' I 1 Ii \ I I 1 ' I ; .i I .., 11 n .., a 11 I . I If' '' • 1 •• 'hlH 1\1 d 11\ lh1• 11• 111 •t r1 .... 111•1 h 11.1111•·\ :int1lht·r )\ ,1 II l \\ lJ ,, I II ll 11 1 \ m.1g1 ... 11:1l1· ..... 11 I h•· \\a·.., . :IJl)l.llll·tl "I (',\S'T l1 l'l tl'\1• tlll'rt:.., •' m.rn up lh1·n· \\ho tnndurb h11nself 111 sut'h a I ;10.,h1nn. · 1';111ft•\ .... 11d n au g ht r t \ s a1tl mag1str.H1·' "h" phon!'cl him art1•r lht· tra1111ng Sl•Ss1on t·ornpla11wr1 that Nf.'cly '~ langua f,!t• wa:-. ol ft•flSIVl' l o "gowl C'IHI ... llan p 1'11ph· • 'THE EARL'S ~\N91NG.;4(A flNG SOier Vht•t f1••t'"il '-ti l ''• ,. ,,. • .,. "' " ... '-L"'• •'' ..ti ~· ,,,. ""'"' .. ''-'""'. • ..... COSTA wu641 -1289 'nt N•_,.,.,, •t•G MISSIOO. Vlt:Jo495-Q401 ,..,, C..""'"O Ce pftlr•""O tSel"t 0.,.0 Frwy et Aw•'l' ~-.. .. , ~ PllBUC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEME NT l nt' iooo.,,.1f\Q fW''"°" h c.to1nq nu• 1 n'"'~ '" Y'UtAIP« MAI rRf ss '~"'> Ntwoort Alvd (~ta Mfl\A Ct1l1forn1" '"" John G L...,.P l\111 ""••II"' I\, Y'ut •iP• (ltlifOrf'llA ~'~ T h1' bu,,,..,.,, '' condut ,,.d bv An tn 01v1dual Jonnc; L"«• fr'U\ st•lf'mH\I Wd\ fllf'ld w 1lh t~ Coul\lv (.I••• ot Or•no• CDuntv on O.c11mber '1'I 1"90 "st•tJ Pu~lt\...0 0.a"9l' (O.O•I 0~•11 PllOI ~'*·JM 1 u 11, 14191 sn• '° PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITloUs a USIMISS NAMI STATIMI NT '"' tot-•n<t --Is c101n9 Dll•I ... ".~ ... ' Wedncrsday, December 3 1, 1980 * OAll..Y PILOT A• Ho•tl•• ~ .. ,.~t best thlnl( Plan aP,proved ,1 I OAKLAND CAPI A La k of snow doesn't halt ski partj ·$76-milUon plan to re duce we t-weather ru w sewage flows into San Franl'isco Bay has won approval of the East Bay Municipal Utility Dis trict directors. But the planned equipment may not be ins ta lle d a n ytim e soon because of l'Ulbucks in (ccle ral <.tnd :-,t al c funds I I Auto & Homeown.;s , Quotes By Phone \\lfi•.tlFtt Hr1 ti.h 1·111urnbu1 ( P 1 ~ lwrt 'nu~ tur 1w.t to mush on lht- 1111111111.1111 111111•!» 111 t h1 ... 1 'i111ud11w 11rov llH 1 \•llh' k11•1., ,,,,, 11ft·d tu tu1·11 to the Ill I 1 ... ~1 11111\ II\ l>t·111l111.i d how:. 11111 •b ., lu11.,: 1111\: for 111t•tl oult1cJt> lht· 1. ""'' .u11111111111\\ ~ hquot 'ton .. llw pull•111i.it 1 u h11111·r' "'1•11• told that i.tore SAVE so ~ 7-UP rn <ina~cr 1Jcnn1 ~ L e marc h e wus :.t rand~ at h1i. home in nearb> Pcm hcrLOn hy Ooodwalel"!'i which ravaged mu<"ll of the area No onl.' ebe l'Oultf open the locked '\\On .• W1thm minutes, the skiers tl')()k UJJ a toll~ct1on. chartered a helicopter and SAVE&ee WITH PURCHASE Of 2 SPILL-MATE <ient tl off to fetch ~marche His arrival was met with cheers Once sales were completed. celebra lions began. And tht!y went on . and 11n and on 'I After spending two dayslw1lh the µa r ty ing skiers. Lem ar che was a ble to re• t urn home F.UMHS INSURA .. Cl GROU, 541-5554 or l lS-107 t t t • HoriMlr • Co1to M••• SPECIAL! GILLETTE FOAMY REGULAR or SUGAR FREE PAPER TOWELS SHAVE CRUM • SPECIAL! v '-l<V{1NERS cove. c•fd~DEJI C·H·B Nf W EP~~LAND STYlf CLAM CHOWDER 15,,.CAN 59c SPECIAL! ecorn muffin mix CI NCH CORN MUFFIN MIX 11 I .HI I - ··1111.11<1111 1• 8', or. BOX LAURA SCUO~R'S POTATO CHIPS 1·1 • H0·11.i1,11 ~1vi. H "' 1 ·• '• 'i I • fl'i'' 1/j •Ill 1 I 1. ' • I . . ~ (, ... ....._T_W_l_N_P_A_K __ YOUR CHOICE 7 9£ SAVE30~ WITH PURCHASE OF 5 PE TUNA CAT FOOD A ''•·t! I I I 6 oz. CANS ., . •, I ,1 32 oz . 1101.1.21 ~ ~ •. n J I .. - • -.A. I I I OPEN NEW YEAR 'S DAY JAN. 1st . ·1 0:00 AM TO 7 :00 P M ... ' ORTHERN ELECTRIC QUARTZ HEATER ... AD PRICES PREVAIL: WED. DEC. 3 tat. THAU SAT. JAN. 3rd. LARGE & STURDY FOOTLOCKER • l • , ~ • f • > ''~ ,", I '•I " ill• I YOUR CHOICE 2.59 EA , '. ... .. ~-. ' :t • t I • .. .. . .. '., ~.14.15 Andre ' Champagne :., • ~~~'" 1~9 .. ~~~Miller 's "Lite " u.1401 STP .ti GAS TREATMENT '. SPECIAL! CILl:£TlE "BRONZE" RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT '"' 1.39 111 SAVE 70c OIL o OLAY YOUTH FO' YOUR SKIN . "2.99 SPECIAL! 96 1 ABS 1.99 PEPTO - BISMOL • ., 1.29 . :;,.:. r------------. BICYCLE' PLAYING CARDS QQ~, ~~'EC~NS 199 PAK Of 6 • BOUNCE FABRIC SOFTENER Mat.c·~ 1 lothP<, .,olfl·r t. < 0011111~ ''"11r r1t·r1ric11y '85"EETS 1.99 SAVE20c PUREX kUCll l!t I I ' I .. . . YOUR CHOIC£ ., I t J t age PAK CAMP HO· ~~~~TDK ~HE~.~our.~.~.~ ~ .. ,.,,, 60 min. CASSETIE TAPE t:·1.rr11 .' ,... "'"' ( ur~ G1~c~ vou 1.lnl 111001 1eh~tlh• pelloort.~•· 1• •DC-60-Ul 2.49 .23 oz. TUBE 1.19 SAVE•1.so DIETAC DIET AID...cAPSUlES "°"' COftTAC EXCEDRIN .1~. (}201.1.19 bcedri!} I r Excedrin... w~ni lj,j'P!IA!IM h'Dl!!M BUTANE LIGHTER NEO: SYNEPHRINE SPRAY j TABLETS l!t)"I 1 fl ~) t f1 I ft ' I lOO's 1.99 !Sml.1.29 '"-~~-;::::::::::~~~~~ S~ECIAL! SAVE 5 1.00 ROBITUSStN D., COUGH FORMULA ...,_ __ .. .,Ill ,,. ... "'"'· ~•llM'lr""r.n ' 'OU~TAI~ VALL EV REAu,-,v~, -1·t-tlllll"~"~,---· Celff~nla '71GI Gene A Blanco. 17Sl1 M••d Slretl, l'Ovlllatn Vallo, Callfornlio "'°' Tiiis llutll\9'1 It <onOV<ltcl b1 ell 1n •t~l-1 A. O..WA.81llft<O ,~ 1411-1 '""' filed wllll 1119 c-1y C<••• ot 01M1~ C:oumy 011 o.c ...... , •• , .. ,,, .... • P11•11"""' Or ..... C:0.'1 Oell1 Piiot ~. 10. 17, "·''· "'° ~ I '\ SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK I QOOAMT09 :lO PMMONOAYTMRlJc;ATlJROAY • Q 00 AM T O 7 00 P M SUNDAY 8 01. fl TO .. O -24371 "ocllfleld Aoect MIS ION VIEJO -25272 Mertu•ftte ~· SANTA AN~ -3111 South Bnttol Street HUNT. BEACH -Ad•"'9 I 8roollflunt-lpftnf4'•le I fdlneer-BHCfl I O•rtlefd NE~T -1020 lr•lne, ... tc"" ~ ... ,OUNTAIN VAL\.l'Y -Metfto"• I Wamer IAVINl -Culver Or.• Watnllt ... •l •ft ,r •• ,::. ... ,. ..... ,. -41 •• --.. ..-.... ...---------~.-.... .....-...---..------..... -• -... -.. ---........................ .., --•• -.,~,.. ~.,,. ...... ·-I Al• DM.Y "-OT * WA ft),~3\,,lm TeleiUIOn TONIGHTS LATEST LISTiNOS ~ .... ~ .. ft ..... 111 ... I d1 .... .. ,u:-:... ................. .,. .. ... ,,.... """""9ftt MCI ............ ,._ f OICie .... .._,......... ........... l ftDTMI..,_. ······" .,. ~ ,...... ._ ..... ., ..... '°'_.. _..,, .,.,. a ...... IO ............. • IUICT19C ~Nit ;LDO , ...,. ..., tor-~ n•at T II• c;11., 1elf\a11c "'-~--,_ OI tf'9 ,__ ~· .,.. ~ 1-111 1 .... ~IMM l(lQ a c-t~-Of Slla ,,.n_.y a Tiit.. Mova ,_IJ. f rOfO\ Pitt•ouehkt ,I'== Heading 1eesf -~ ~MO<. 1(0TTa 0... ,_ ~"'""'*' Dy I.Ar WOOdlnan 81\Ct ha& to go b•lo•• tn• f eec ner '• ~ 8oatd lor tormlll dlarges Jill Eiken~rry and Ke vin Dobson slar in ··orphan Train." a CBS rebroadcast about New York1social worker who leads orphans from slums to nation's West. lt airs at 8 tonight on Channel 2 • C**CAWTT OuMt: Douglu laigll esnoo-"Aece car Famll)'" St-· .,..,. Nancy J-taue "*' two ~1•• to t"- plta II IN Lagune S.C. racetrac;tc, e mlaalta ~In WNte Sanda. NM. le wllnMMd. (R) Cll u•A•a•H TM doctors conaplre IO ,...,. • gung-no COionei .._ rnlMery uplolls are making tM hoapltal bualat ltlen '**· O~tM.L.P A drug "'**, a photogra· ~ wflO..,,.. _,Into e .. tor --pur-poa. and a man wflO I A9C..wl JOKaff• WIU> • M"A•a•H Father Mulcahy tek .. ~ pa8Md owr tor e PfomDlion pMoeopl\ICally untM he '-'9 of Ille rapld achlltll08t'n8nl ~ by • ,_.~·-pilot. • OW1'1A8Y 0.-11· )an al"Olf 8uddy Greco, neurologlal Or Nell Raakln, Chef Narlll 0.vld e MACHEL I L.EHNI' MPORT Cl) TIC TAC OOUOH 9 MSWOIW'AN Gueat1: Anne Murray, JNnnN Burnler. Juliet Miiia, Muwell Caulfleld. ~ to be -'--CllrlSI -"'-' "'* 12th pracinc1, 1•1C..NIW9 N9C..w9 7:30 9 I ON THE TOWN II FMM.Y f'EUO 8 IHANANA ~°"Ye AGAIN Pottle wenglaa AldVe en Invitation to Illa first ti.ch· elc>r pany. . Della ReeM brings some aout lo roctc-and-roll 8 HOUYWOOO llQUAAE8 D FACE THE MUSIC C'Jaa1111rl l..Jst 1119• 9 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 8 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles • KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles 8 KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles (I) KFMB (CBS) ~an Diego 8 KHJ·TV (Ind.) Los Angeles 0 KCST (ABC) Sa n· Diego e KTIV (Ind ) Los Angeles • KCOP-TV (ln<l ) Los Angele s • KCET-TV (PBS) Los Angeles e KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntmgton Beach 8) ALL 1H THE fAMll Y Edith 1 eagerneu 10 per- form with Stephani. at e schOOI ~t Nieves ,,., without • vorce and Stepnerue 111tona on the ~lllght • MACNEll / lEHAER RIJ'OAT Cl> ,_,MATING SPECTACULAR Members ot the 1980 U S Olympie Figure Skating Team joln the Gen- F!Qur• Sllallno Ck.tb IOf an hour-long Hlravegania on lo• IHturlng Lise Merla Allen and Scott Hemllton Cl) P .M. MAGAZINE L'OO 8 (J) MOVIE * • • "Orphan Train" ( 1979) Jiii Elkenbefry, l<e;,. on Dobson. A 191h-century aoclat worker end a phOto- gr•ptlet become Involved wllh orphans t>etno trans- ported from the 1tums of New York 10 new ho s tn the Mid-SI (R) G REAL PE Fe•lured terv-woth en Oly IC hopeful: a 11ISll to a private mllitery eced• my, a pnson rodeo, a bel- lybutton whltller (R) D MOVIE •*'It "Countdown ' j 1968) Roberl Duvall, - Jemes Caan An Amenca n astronaut lands Of1 11111 moon only 10 d•SCOYer II demoltsl\ed Russo an spa<:eeral1 already there D ®l EIGHTIS ENOUGH TMWwy'I ..... .,..,.... .. 1*1Y .. ~-· pectMly • .,,,,. Into • lllilcl ;"~ • • • ""'1 f r*'4 Rdca" (ft4J) ~ McOowal • Pr ... Oll Foatet An ldNtlla- 'IC "°Y~•~of ,,lendefllp with • "°' .. t~t 100 wild 'O t-i :::·QINI * *•'Ao "SUllllM Al Catn· pobello'' ( 1960) "-"' Bel· a-y, a,., a-r~ Cllfllcult yMt• ot 1t21 10 t924 In~ llfla OI Ftlnklln Delano ~ -IU• ~ altecl .. Americ- • ttTONIGHT "Ptolllaa Of P<>w«" 0-t L A. fem. ~I., Claire s~. UO. CAAOL 8UMIT'T AHO,..... a-11 Alan l<lng, l4ltl• hvlllonl • t_,IKATIHQ PICTACUl.AR Membatl ot 1"41 1980 U S Olympie F19ure Skellng Teem lOln 11\e "G~ Ftour• Sullno Clvb t0< en llOur-long Httav11gana on ic. INturing Liu Merle Allen and Scott Hemlllon G ARTHU.. FtEOUR "Jull Cell M• M-tro" A b1ogr1ph1c;el poman ol 1"9 Bolton Pops' conductor 11 pre141t1ted IR) t:oO G OIFF'AENT STAOl<U w11111 fells In love tor th• , Ural time I nd lnventa ·-Cf.I"' lo Ofll •w•y to be wllh NI gltl 8 9 TAXI All., betng sllot et during an 111amp1ed robbery, _.,,_. quits hit cebble job and becomes • waot., In • SllObbllh rnt11Utant tR) m MERV OAlfflN Guella Ann• Murrey, JHnn+ne Sur nlef. Juliet Miiis, Me•....ell Ceutlield. Ro bert Clery. Leonard Pet~ 8:30 G THE FACTS CW LIFE The girts resorl to ahoplfl1· •no to get • pr._,, tor Mrs Garrett's tw1hdey -..,9 SOAP JodMI end Mery Ch1ndlef treck Carol to e wild West· 1<n ber, end J111lca, stlll • captive on e Caribbean rsllnd. devises e pten 10 help Vlldez flll ARTHUR REDLER "Jull Cell Me M-tro" A blograpl\ICal portrell ot the Boston Pops· conductor is preMnted.{R) ~ SPORTS AMERICA "USTA Clay Court Tennis Chemp1onshtp1" 1~D l<INO ORANGE JAMllOREE PARADE Erin Gray and Joe Gara· giola are hosts tor the 4 7th annual ed11ton ot thos pa rade. to be telecast horn Miami, ft0<1da UDQ) NEWS D ®l VEGAS New year stomps in with jazz NEW YORK CAP> - For the fourth con- secutive year, National Public Radio's "Jazz Alive!" progr am will greet the New Yea r with a lengthy a nd live l y celebration. This year's special. b roadcast li ve and in stereo by satellite, will begin in New York, slop TUBE TOPPERS KOOP • 8:00 -'"Sunrise at Cam- pobello." Classic film with Ralph Bellamy and Greer Garson tracina 19'l1·Z4 years in llf e of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. ' KABC G 11 :30 -It's "New Year's ·Rockin' Eve" with Dick Clark, Greg Evigan, Charlene Tilton and Barry Manilow. KOOP m H : 30 -If you 'd rather enter the new year quietly with an old friend like The Duke, try •'The Star Packer," a 1934 Western starring John Wayne. 1CUO. NEWS • INOEPENDEHT NETWONC NEWS flD UNTIL I OET CAUGHT The paychologlcal. soclel, teo•I •nd ju<loc;lal aspects ol the d•unkan drMng problem 1n Arnetlee are eumlned through 1nt1<· vtawa with lemllles of vie· ttms. •tlorneys and ju<lgn Narreted by Ooc;k Cavett (RI 6ti) VIRGIL THOMPSON. COMP08EA Interviews wtth friend•. co. work era end admtrers hrghlighl e tltm porlr•ll ot 1"41 dllllngulahe<I Am«I· cen composer wtoo ceta- bf ated his &4th blrthdey In No119ff!bat _ {RI 11:00 9 8 8 (I) QI NEWS 8 9UCK AOGl'M "T0tnorrow'1 World" D NEW\. YWID GAME • M0 A•S•H Hol Lipa end Frink chal· 1enQ1 Henry's Illness to commend by reporting the actlvltleS of the 4077th to 1"41Armyt>fUI. Q) <>HE STEP KYOHO "I Saw You Tomorrow" A U S Foretgn Service ag41nt In France rs Invited to spend 'ha weekend at the JOHN DARLING hOUM Of a wealthy Atnerl· can t t~ 8 Cll HAJlfl'V Hl'W YIN'.AMINCA Tl\9 eirlval ol t"41 New Y .. r .. hlglllicl!'lad el ... ,Iva toutton1 around tf\41 u s by Paul Anlte, l .. Brown end The Band ol Renown. Bobby Vinton, Catherine Bach. Mlcltay Glliay end Lecy J Delton. D TONIGHT Holl Johnny Carson Gunta. Thi Sah1r1 Gtrls. M1url4ltl Murphy, Menllet· ten Tran1t .. •eua<~ "Tr~y On Seturn" 8 QI DCC CLAM'S NeW~8 AOCKIN' EVE 1111 Ho111 Greg Evtgen Ind Char1ene n ton )Din Oiek Clerk and his"""" Ch••- 1.. Danlett, Biiiy Prnton llnO Syreete, Ambroala. end S.Cry Menilow to wet· COMe in Iha New Year D OUNaMOf(E A lout termer jolna a i><n· M and i1 cr1tlc1iad end punlahed tor 111oot1no en outlaw '" the back • 1-tOGAH'S H£AOU An ttetten agent goes arong with a danng plln to pho- togr eph a Nazi 1n1t1t1at10n 1l:008 MOC~ "The Enemy'• Stronghold" • YOU K'f YOU" UPI Sudd)' He Gkatt mHll Playt>oy'• Playmate ot the YMr, an lndlen tom.,.._.. thrower and e pigeon r-11:21• Mia(~ ''The Sky Petrol" 12-.30 II TOMC>M>W Guuta: euthor Siuda Terkel; New York weat"41r· man Storm Field: Marla Valenta. loundaf I pteal· c:tent of tf\41 C4ltltet IOI Hollltlc Hallllh (RI "THfFal "The 1..eG1n4 01 Jobll Alm" . .......,..: MP08llll.E -~ NflWOMNIWI 12:80 • lllCa< AOOEM "Tlla Ptlantom Pt-" , •• NIWt 8 MOVIE ••'h "Beecn Btanlo.llt Bin· go" ( 1H5) Frenk .. A11alon. Al'tiette Fun1C91lo. Skydiv· Ing and kldnaoplng are part of 1119 tun and lrOllC lor the twn-age tieacn Mt • MOYll • * • "Jul! For You" (19S2) B1no Crosby. Jane Wyman A tem0u1 thaatrl· cat producer struggles to hnd time tor hll two 1141t1· or=: • * * "Flnien's Relnbow" t 1968) Fred Astaire, P .. tuta Clarlt An lrlSIOmen and his daught., tr•,... lrom their native land to 1119 United SlatM with a tep<achaun ontl'lairtrell 1:111 D 9lJO< AOOEM "The Unknown Com· mend" 1:30 8 THE LONE RANGER "The Scnoot Story" I ... **14 .. ~ Of Glmry'' 11M4) Tlflllf• T ...... we, °'9fOfY '9c*, The llllo Ml~ l'ISllllMM <Mine Wond Ww M ttlilil to hdd Mell !tie ln¥9Cllnf Null. 1:M. MOW • .... "Night Md o.y· ( , .... , Cary Giant, , .... Ardan TM Ille Of Cole POt1er pr~ to1M Of I~ OfMleal lfl\ltic In "-an 1119tory. 1:40. MICK "DCllMI "Pr\inl1 .... U.o-" ···= * • "Mr l(lngetr ... 't Wlll" {1t71) JOlln Suon, Tlppl Hedren. A man and hi• Wvll• Mt up e gilne Pf• -In Alrlca, °"')' to ha\19 Brltlah and ltallati ermlee fight over Ille wllerholee on their prop- erty 2:G18 9lJCK ~ ·'Aec.p Chapter" ,2:108NlWI 2:30. 9UCt< AOOl.l'lll "8odlee Without Minda" • NlWI s• • MJa( 9'0CMM "&rotten Barrier•" S;108) MOVlf • * • "The Bid Seed" { t9S6) Mency Ketty, Pally McCormack A -IM 11 lnctoan11 lorcea e moth9< lo realize that 119' 6-year. old deught., I• a COid· bk>oded murder ... s~ e eua< M>OEM "A PrlnCla In Bondage" S:ND MOYlf *ft* "For..,.. And A Day" ( 111431 Ray M111ano. Ida Lupino Several geNr· •t•ons ol • lemlly aul'Yiva throuoh llmn ol J.r t1nd oeac:e 4:00 8 8'.oc ROOEM "Ww Of The Pl-ia" 4:308 MOVIE • • 01\ "Roch11h1p X-M" (1951) LIOyd Brldgaa. 0.. Musen A mlagulded spaceship land• on Man instead of the moon by Armstrong a Batluk --~....,.~~-· Sevareid on special NEW YO R K <AP I -Eri c Sevareid. the longtime CBS com men· ta tor . will emerge from retirement next month to narrate a three-hour special on the late Winston Churchill. During C hurc hill 's heyda y . Sevareid. along with the late Edward R. Murrow. was in London reporting on World War II The program . "Churchill and .t.Qe Gene rals." will feature Timothy West as the prime ministe r -------~over in Detroit and .Join the stars You'll be able to ring in the new year with the stars if you watch "Happy New Year, America," to be broadcast Li ve from 11 :30 tonight to 1 a.m. on CBS (Channel 2). Participating will be from lef~) Paul Anka, Catherine Bach and aobby Vinton. PUBLIC NOTICE •tCTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATaMENT Tiie fOllowlftQ peuon h doing Dusi· MHH: TH E OFFI CE . W O R D PROCESSING CENTER, nn s E er ls lot, Suite 102, Sa nt• Ana, Cattf«nla .in1 Jntle E. Cerre.co, 131 Robln1- Ple,e, Co.le Me~. C•lllornl• '262Z --rtl1'~lneu ll conclu<ted by en 1 ... dtvld11a1. Jetllle E Cerrau o Tlllt Jlfl-1 wes 111.ci wltn ,,,. C-ty Ci.rto of Ora1199 COunl'Y O'I 0.ceff!Olr JD, ,,., "'2566 P11blkllla Ore(l9t Coatt Oeily Piiot, o.t Jl. t•. JM. 7, 14, JI, 1 .. 1 Sl77.t() PUBLIC NOTICE H·1MM fltCTITIOUI •USINESS HAM« STATUlllNT Tiit loltowlftt pe"o'" ••• dOlng ~'""'"' FITNESS LEAStNO. 11103 Silt PMll Soulll Suite E, Irvine. C•lllor nl• '111' I Tre,..ten Mor.._ Corooretlon, •w~e;-•llon Tiils llullllftt It conducted by a bllsl· ,.•ntr119I. Tr-re~ _,eaoe eoro. lllll 11•-' was llltd wlln tM c-ty Clerk of O••nve co .. nty on Oe<...., .. , ... , .. ,..,.,, fll!Wlt"'" Or'-Coast Oally Pllol, l>e<. )I, t•, J et1. !• U, 71. 1 .. 1 Sl .. .t() . __ P_\J_B_U_C_N_OT--IC_E __ I PUBLIC NOTICE ------------•ICTITIOUS aUSINISS H_. STATIMINT Tne fOll-lllO .,.,..,n, .,. doing IMISlnest•. · KOTTLER LABORATORIES, 1140 LOQell, COii• MHA. Cellfornle t2'27 Abr.,..,,, IColllet, 1'10-717 Park N•w-1. ~ llekh, C•lllornle '2..0 Den 1Co1ttu. 141' Dory_Drltt, H"nllfllllon 9M<h, C.lllornl• '2Mt Thll butlneu I\ <Oflducted by • llmlltHI pen .. r'\hlp, o.nt.i KOltllt( Tilll 'll•tmtrft WM nttd wtlfi '"' co .... ty Clull of Oren99 Couni, on P UBLIC NOTICE P:ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The ro11ow1119 11ersolll ••• aoong busrneu n RlllEAStDE LEASING, L TO . 71S Riverside, N•wl)Of'I Beach, Calilornle 92643 Rl<11ard A. M•llQtr 401 62n<I Strut, Newport Bu ch, C•lllornl• .,..) John Hall, Crestline, Calllornla This bustneu fl conauct•d by • ~,,.,, •• par1ne,..llip R, A.MPtzoer Tiii~ , .. ,_, WM "'"' Wtll\ ,,,. County Clf'fll' of Oranqe Courily 011 NovemWl•.1•. 1'1 ... 7t O.cern1>41r "· 1'90. FUUIO P"bllllled Or-C<N1t Daily Pilot, Publl\htd Ore<>GI Co.t\I D•lly Piiot, OK. 10, 17, JA, ll, 1'90 ••St-& 0.< JI, 1•, JM. 7. U. 71, 1 .. t SIOS 90 P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ~ICTITIOUS IUSINHS CIO~ - - -.. AMI STATllMI NT ~ICTITI •USINESS Troe '°'~"'1 -soro "dol119 bu•~ NAMESTATEMI NT MU.,, Tiie ,.,,_,no --I\ dOlng bv\I BALLOONS FOR HIG'fER JS°" .-.u •I Wntml,,ster Avenue, Colle Moe. PACIFIC ENTERPRISES CO. C•llfornla'7t21 SU ll•dlends Avenu•, Newoorl T o,. t rt 1 • c 0 0 p e r, 1 s •, Buell, C•lllornle '1t4J Wettmlntt.r Ave,,..., Coste Meta, Cr•io F Riley, SH Redl•nds Callfornle 9-21 Ann..a, N•-•t lkt<ll, Carllornl• Tiit• _.,,.,.Is conclllctld t>y an 111. tMJ dlYlclll•I. This ~"ft> ls cond\Kted by •n In· Toni eoo.i-r dlvlduer. Tlll1 ttel--llttcl with th• Creft F lllley (Ollflty Clan of 0r•"9t county on Tiiis 1te1......,1 wes 111..:1 with tlle oeomw,. '"° COtlnly Cl••• ot Ort n9t Ce1<1nly °" . "1141' Oe<em1>41r "'· 1eeo """"-Orenoe Cotti Dally Piiot l'tU4•> o.c. st, 1•. Jan. 1. 1•. ti, 1 .. t " .. ..; P"bllihtd Oranoe Coatt Deity Piiot, O.c )t, ,...,, Jen. 7, u . 71, , .. , Sllt·IO PUBLIC NoTICE -__. _.... -- Turn your unusables into usable casb.~1 - DailyPHot classified 642·5671. Chicago and wind up in San Francisco, as it has for three years. The an· nual s pecial began in 1977 with live pickups from the New York jazz clubs, and has kept ex· panding. "WE'VE P ULLE D out all the stops this New Year's Eve to throw the bes t jazz broadr ast ever.'' said producer Tim Owe ns . The program opens at 9 : 30 p.m. and ends at 5 a .m. The evening promises to be a memorable -o~. casion. The performing artist s include s ax - ophonist Mike Brecker a nd trumpete r Randy Brecker, playing al New York's Seventh Avenue South: tenor saxophonist Hou ston Person and s in ger Etta Jones al Detroil 's Du mm y Geor ge 's ; baritone Johnny Hartman and trumpeter Clark Ter ry at Chicago's Ric k 's Cafe Americain. NOW PLAYING UA CITY CINEMA Orange 634·3911 EDWAROI' llUITOl Santa Ana 540·7444 UA CINEMAS Westminster 893-0546 EDWA .. 01' WOODllUOGE Irvine 551 ·0655 EDWA .. DS' FOUNTAIN WALLEY Fountain \/alley 839-1500 STADIUM DfllYE·IN Orange 639·8700 P•CIFtC S Hl·WAY JI D"IVE·IM Wes1mrn~ter 891-3693 P UBLIC NOTICE ~tCTrTIOUS 11.lSINISS NAME STATl°MENT Th• lollowln9 ""''°nl u L441Ao bu\tness •1·' D TM. ENTE RPRISES, 11101 Redondo Clrc ... Suite T, 'fUfttinQton BH<h, C•lllornle ,,._,. MichHI Yelenll. 1116 Frorld•. Huntl119ton Beecn. C•lltornle '2•• Deni<ll MerQUll, 1516 Frorlda. Hun· cl11910fl &each, C•lltornla •1•• This bUalneu '' <Oflducted by • gen.rel pert,...\IMo. 0..lalMerquls Tiiis stal-1 was llltd wltll IM County Cl•rll of Or•n~ County o" o.urnl>tf ,., 1'90, r:u2 .. P\lllll-Or-Coest Dally Pllol. o.t. JI, te. Jan. 7, It, 11, t .. 1 Stt7-& "I •, . '.!_Moll~'- EIL DIAMOND"" CMJRENCE OLIVIER .. tHE JAZZ SINGER .. " A. IL~IU WDl.11 Pl!QOU<. !ION LUCIE ARNAZ . CATLIN ADAMS . Fl!AN 1¥N AJAYl .1. Hl ~'flllll flA"HI • '"'""', '" SH PlilN H FUl!~MAN Bov o ,.,,, "''" "· SAM50N llAPHAHSON ·t ji • " H .................. Nlll ~A,v.()NQ ' ...... " ..... ~. P '•" 1IR~lllDtR 1 .... ~1 .!lltHAROHll\\tlll! 1 11'11(A0 t ... --IOOI>.. ~_.!.".._ PG Hill! .... '4JOMltl SIMil\llD -<>-.. "• --·••• -._. ,., w•-1• • -~~ [ "' • • I •f •[' i'"'ll\ •• ,, A THE SAN Francisco segment. representing P UBLIC NOTICE NOW •HDWINCI ------- the last three hours of EDWARDS CINEMA ,.111.,10j11111• Plli:_T CITY CENTER the Keystone Korner's "cT1Trouuui1Nns J~mm ORANGE a nnual Holiday Jan Th• ,:::~~T:!'!!~".~e do1110 ~OSTA MESA DOLBY 714 634 928 Festival, will reature M IMUft (714) 546-3102 STEREO ( ) -2 saxophonist Sonny Stilt, PllOFEx, a n 'ltd 'fill Avenw, NO PASSES ACCEPTEO CURING THIS ENGAGEll.llENT gui~ri~ Ke~y Butt~I. ~:~~~::• •~. ast• M•'··~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= pianist Red Garland and Jowol\ Jao ....... 1'°' N F1owe•1 -----------s ax op ho n ls t De xter . ~~1. ,..,._ F, s.nte An•. Cf ltlornl• PUILIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Gordon . Trumpeter St•""' "· r<em111,111, ion •1CTmou1auSUlHI l. •tCTtnout.vttltfll Woody Shaw wlll be a 01-"· ww1an v1e1o,c11tltorftl•.,_..1 NAMatUHMINT .. .,...ITATlfd .. T special guest. ~!!, =~ conctv<1ec1 by • rroe ,.._.,.. ..,._, 1' dol119 bll.SI· ,.. ... ._.... ...,.,.,. 11 dtl11t -···· l ddi ' l th $llnMV A l(amlntlll tlffl et. ntU H . • n a tion 0 e Tiii• ''•*"""' WI\ flltd with ~ GAltOEN SEllVICE -Mt ICE SEASCA" au1LOEIU, fJO NI« taJented --rformers, the C01111ty ,, .... of Or•• County Ofl GA It ONEii, '°'"' E ••• , A ... n-. L-.,,., ~ llN<ll, C•llfo(f\I• -.... _, llecll, Galltonll•.,... tlt6J P\JBUC NOTICE ~'ftCIUIWll••• ...... IT•tS•Nt Tiie ....... flt --· a,. del"'I WWMH•. T J D«SIOMI, rt•..__,.,~. H*"'8tt ltNdl. C»11'erlll• .... J-L. ...,....., .,. '---New Year's Eve b•sh O.um• 19• '"°· Mt<Nfl ~ O..d!!tc. r,v....E. ...._ • at 1 4--,, IJJ,U.S'--....~ ,.,,. -.7<. __, t t. ___.vW'IL I t'S. N ff -w4u-h~ome --.-i".,.-1 1'111>1 c>"..; eo.;i01i1, •11et,, ... ., ........... , .. ••0• •H • •11•, ..._, ... 11. Celltorn4•...., u11.,. "*'-Ill. 1111 ~· in.,..,•ia"'....i hos•·.. mus•-o.c '' 1-Jan 1 u " 1 .. 1 ,,,.... ,.....,,,,..,.., • T111, ~ ~ <lfldllt*' ., an'" ~ . ..._.'-di. cat....,.. .... e• IJCU Lit • ' ' -· • ' ' ' Tlllt ~I 11 <_..,by an f.,; ........ ._ Tllll .._._ h ~tM ff a cian-composer-author dl•~;..-1e .... o.~ Tllh =::'':!i.tt..,. 91111 .... ...-..=~...ita Ben Slclran in New York T111, 1181~ -"'" w11t1"" c_,, c~• .. Or••,_,.,. "'" _....,.. -..... .-.. end AJ Pryor, mualcal Call 142-56TI. cavntv c..,._ .. °'""' Cevl'l'ly t11 DI<•"*'"·••· ,_,., °"' .. 0r-.. ~ ... d1 t.or~ WBGO FM i Put• raw word1 o.c.....,a, t• ., .... ~'-. rec "' · n to work tor ou. .,._, ...,..,""" 0r..., ''"' o.n., Pltot. Newark, N . J . . i n ,_.,.,... 0r-. c-we 0a11v Pti.t, °"'· ''· t• J ... '· u, "· .. ., .,.,. Detroit. o.c ''· ,..,, J111 '· 14. 21, 1"' '7V• ' -.. .. "" .. , ....... .. ,. . ---------. ----···---· .-' 111• ... ..... ' .. ~ •• ¥1 I ... A "''V' I ROBERT DE NIRO "RAGING BULL" t,.c • ..r .. ~. • • ,,,,.,, !>•• o.,.., ~;A «'41. v.. i' R .~:~~,~·~~· .. Un1lt:d Arl•SHl ---NOW SHOWING ctSU •11 llU11111"1011 8lACK 141SSIDll YlllO iAllU AHt Bnstol £ dwartl '" 540 7444 114~. iU ~· t 't 1\lv•"Xnflllllll"l~lll.l ll · l ,ll'l'W \IMI'-·Ill \llU( 1 '-ll{\lt,111 (ll1MH'!IA1'1°'M ,,.. IUI I ( ''' 11 1~ .. , , ..... , •.•• .,.,''""I \\II• I It \It! \ ,, \\uuu1tn1ft" '4.ln.n.tt•H'•••\u.n\t'\'\.l\t "-f(\( \ H.'"'''••ll11 1-."'' l~1t'\ll01lh\ttK"I · \\111"1"\ \'11\1 II\• ,1•u•l1•i.•1 \( II' I t .Hlll\ \11 I"' ~ I ~ C ~I "'"' ~1 111 tlA,.iAM AOOll f°D~ISflltCTIO t~ ~ '"'::.;;.·.~ .':' "".~":: • · v •• v O ..-11 United Artists ,~) ( lf'J*"fwt•'• 1~0\.1 .mhH ----N'dW SHOWING---- MU ,... com •USA ll IORO OONCI Buena Park DrivP In Hur r 1 ~ r· \1~0•,11 • l'c\1 • ·• 17141821 4070 (11 41 bll 1111\ 14 'iKI 'IHKt\ WUIMlllSllR Cinema w,\I ""'° PAgs( C"a AC;I ""P1 U. 'It: l Gridiron to spotlight Rams ouner 1tage company sparkplug 8y JACKIE HYMAN I OS ANGELES <AP> Lo ll with the Rams, charges that she calls "Wlkind. unsportsmanlike and ungenUemanly." ··1 was about ready to scalp somebody for what they've been doing, .. she said. "Scalping the muckrakers who smear innocent people is mQre to the point." FRENCH MOVIE With ENGLISH SUB-TITLES • 1n ~hl·rt-production com 6)JflJt:~ i'OP u51 like s urfers after a 'torm, 1-~mvress Productions JJ11wa1'> to l>t> riding the cr~st of ,, WJ\l', t.amycd by a powerful f111.i 11t1.d li.1~e , a four play con t1 iH l wllh Washington's John F. l\l·t111 l'd } Cent e r f o r the t•t·~formm" Arts and a stellar 11111AH 1ratt• of founders But her face lights up with a s mile as she discu sses he r earlier career, si nging in such operas as Mozart's "T he Magic Flute" and in Rodgers and Ha mmers tein,.musicals . MANN THEATRES '°\\IUl•t , ,, '~~~ .. 'A BA>SIOI Nii or 40'1 ANO 68~ "illNI l OW( A 5'6·2711 t'h.11nnan and chief executive I" odun•r of Empress i!> Georgia F11111 t •l'rt.' owne r of t he Los \111-tt"le:. H<1m1t <.tnd former star u r l1g h\ uµcrui. and mus icals. lo'.\1°<'u\1w in l'hargc of produc tuin 1:. her husband. two-tim e 1':111111> Award w1nn1ng com · pn~t·r Oommil' • F'tonttere , while \t•l1·1an Univers al Stud ios 'rttt·r µrodu1·er dirct'\Or Leslie "It'' t·n~ 1s director of c reative i(f;11rs KEZY 1190AM·Mt:M & So. Coeet Plu• Th11tre preMnts Frldey & Seturdly Will "1he return to the s tage, as her p artners urge"! • MIDNIGHT MOVIES • "I FEEL THAT I'm -;ort of rate d lo do it, especially since m y voice is gelling better." said Mrs . -Frontiere, who has a four- octave range that s he sa ys h<1s gained strength 1n the often· difficult middle regrstN "'SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS"' "LAIDES & GENTLEMEN: ........ _ THE ROLLING STONES" Ut-:SPITE A BUSINESS-like .tpproad1 to produ·cing plays "h11·h l::mpresi. also win video laJ•l' tor hom e viewing and 1>0:-.,ibl) µrodut·e feature films • 1s \\ell the pa rlners c I early h;" <' a pt•rsonal. 1·r eative in lt>rest 1n their c·ompany · · t want lo do things differently. to do -.omethin~ that m ight be l>LJrtlmg on the s tage," said \Ir-. Front1ert•. relaxing at her 1 am bllng, t:lt•gant but tomforta hl1• Bel Air home ... That doesn't ' mt'an I want to rto a music al in lilt• OUUl'. but I think you can get awa \' from the <1ld form s ." !'or t•xa mplc . ..!>h.e said. in · lk tlw Ruth." a mus ical by Stt·\ t•n:. and f rontier"' schNlulcd for l'rodul'lt011 at the Kennedy 1 < ' c · n t t• r n c· x t f a I I . I a s e r lt•1·hnolog_, will be• used lo m:ikt' .1 hall appear tu head straight fot the ilUtltl'mT. while the use of 111irr11r:. nin make an a ctor seem 111 a p1a·;.ir and rh~appear on -;tagl• Al.TllOlJG ll THE COM · pan) ·s formation was only an· nouncect in mid·SC pt cm bcr. its firl>L produ<"tion, .. A Partridge 1n a Pt-ar Tree." opened in time for the holiday!-a t Key Cente r. ;\ romJnt1c comedy written by Stcn•ns and directed hy Philip Abbott. it stars James Mason. and hi:. wife. Clarissa Kaye. After about si x weeks in Was hington . 1t will tour Sc<1ttlt'. l>e1ner Kans<t:. Cil v. Mo . Min· neapolis . P1lls burgh and Fort l.audenl<ilc. Fla Nl'xl will C"omc t wo more scripts by Stevens. wh o ha s wo rk e d on !>u c h tel1·visum shows as .. Battlcs\ar Galaetwa·· Jntl "Nam e of the C ame"' whi le storing up a bac klog uf s tage pla}S Then 1 comes "Raw Ruth .. The musical fulftlls 11 desire by Frontiere. former head of A,. WlrepllOt .. HEADS TRIUMVIRATE Georgia Frontlere But s he sai d ~he vrnba hl y would only perform for a good cause. s uch as to raise mom•\· for charity. · However s ut·h plan-; arl· m the future. In the m c·antrmt·, she said . the Ram s t·om<' fir!>I with her . Empress Produttions hudgets l avi s hl y $25 0 .00U for ·· Partndg.e in <.t Pear Trel·." half c o min g fro m the Kennedy Cenler and half from Emprei.5 and which draws on Steven:. and Frontiere':-considerahl<' c•x pertise "I WOU l.D SAY Uuminll· and I between us have rlonr• 200 to 3011 shows." said Stenos who with Paramount Pictures' music de · __ Froplicre headed a produc-lllin partmcnt, to break C1way from eomµany C"alled U:.iystar ..,t·\·t-ral FRONTIER( STEVEN~ m ovie and television composing years :.igo. hul l<J c·kNI th<' f11 m and "do what I wan\ \o do ·· finand:.il hasi ~ ~l ro., Frn1it11·1" ALSO, STEVENS s aid, the sports r t'lated suhjec t matter w as chosen with an eye to Mrs. F rontiere·s involvcm enl whi('h the Rams and her often hostile tre atment by the press "In a sense. it's Cl defensive pos ture because of the amount of c riti c is m o f G e org ia ,·· Stevens said. '"It ·s like a step from sports into theater, so th(•y won't gel <.1fte r you so hard But it's also very good mat<' rial." lier treatme nt by the press after she inherited the Rams on the dl0 ath of her previous husband. Carroll Rosenbloom, is a painful top1 e for Mrs. Fron- lrere. ··I s ure had a lot of friends for 20 years while I was an owner·s wife, as long as I stayed in my place.·· noted the attractive . youthful-looking blonde, but he r tone of voice was malter of.fact. not bill<'r MOST REl 'ENTLY, she 's been hit with allegations of lic ket-s calping in connection providl•d Thl' com van~ h;.io., ;.i h11'<1<J-.t al basis. growing not on!~ fr11m 1h1· rront1erc StC\ t•n!-a-.o.,01·1a1111n bul a lso from Stt•ven:. l()ngllmt· fr1 endsh1p \\1\h R11gn I. Stevens. chairm an of the Ken nedy Center board of trustet•.., a nd a former productr <Jf 1.el>ll" Stevens· plays in Nt•\\ York D espite their s hared 1a ... 1 name. the two ml'n <Jrt• 1111 relalt·d The c ompany rlt't"ldc·d 10 bypas~ tht' tradit1omil '\'c·\\ Yor k run allho~h some or the pro- cJutt1ons m.i'' tour there· lat1:r and scl up ~ national :-.uh:.c-r1p lion tour "Thb one < • l'artndge· 1 nght now is in the hlack <slread~ · l'X plained Stevens "There v.a~ a time v.hen ther e \\a~ Hroadwa\ a nd then then· was lhe !>ticks But toda v t h t· thc•ate1-, o n Broadwa~· }1rl' oldc•r and cn·<1k1l'r than anyv. lwn• 1+,t·. and tht• ec111n try 1s unirit·d and homogen11ed hr television What nO\\ qualifies a critic tn New York City to be the· arbiter of national taste "' The Power Behind The Throne JANL I II\ OOLL.Y f-ONl>A I 0\11 I'\ PA~TON '''I II) 11\ I ' . A saunr CO.UT ~ Cl .. & "'TRIBUTE' J.S TERRIFIC:' NOW PLAYING fl'llllll SOUTH COAST CINIDOME 0"'•co s-, sa.n ' '1 llt , 'lJG 1 v., 01anof "l4 't 1 1n;n1w1:Lt ., o-.~~ EDWARDS" CINEMA WlST UA MOYIES lllff:Olll OlllU·lll W• '"'"''t' o'11 J91'> 8r~a q'IC) 402? tluena Park d?l 4010 IOWllRDS' SADOllHCll MllllDtl Dlllfl·lll I rnro '>R• ~l!aO !idn Ju•n CaP•Sltano 493 4~4~ llCI P'~llll ACCfP'TID FINI TNll nuM•llfT ~1n1ide Move•' ta a rarity to be welcomed ..• the ftlm Is an intimate larger-than-life poetic drama ... a me11age of hope and the triumph of dream1 over reality!' LOS f,NQELES TIMES, Charles Chemplin I T " "LITTlE MISS MARKER" (G) CHILDREN'S PRICES "BLUES BROTHERS" "AIRPLANE" (PG) "CHEECH & CHONG"" (R r --. ..J JACK LEMMON Tbt'rt' :v o /<11 mon• to l1t'l"J1. a fatbt-r. lba11j11st bm•iug ti SOil. R<)BBY BE~S()7' WI I "PR!VATE BENJAMIN'" "G0008YE GIRL'" (PG) l -. ::::i ' "flASf1 GORDON" "'BUCK ROGERS" LEE REMICK (PG) .___ ~~~~~ .... "THE ELEPHANT MAN" "ESCAPE TO ALCATRAZ" (R' "EVERY WHICH WAY YOU CAN" "HONEYSUCKLE ROH" PG # LAWRENCE Tl ~MA:\ .,..1 D1\\"ll> I O~TEK '"' .. " iJOEI. R. Ml(.llAEI~'· GARTll 11 D R.\111\~~' "''"'"''"' I ~{~II (I \I(~ ..... "TRIRlif."" """".jOll\ \IARl.I~\ ~l\1 1 \HK \II• 11 \U <i-AR\fTT .,,d !COLLEEN DEWH URST] 6" ...... _ ....... .-..n, c...-•· ... ·-""'' .... "'tt•P'""' RER.'llAIU> SLAUE 11>'"'''"' h""'" ,,, 1~ •• 1 ..... 1 .. , ''" "''' ,., \l(llflll\ t.!Yl'TI ll-:11 l\l'CUll'< l'ml•HTf' TllE Tl 'RMA"\·fOSTtK \I 1\111\" ''"' Hl\11 \l(ll ~ llKll111T .... .... can •sa 11sM1Sn1 Anaheim Or In Broo~llursl loge South Cont Plan UA twin 879 mo 17'644b ~•6 2111 893 uos NO•-• ~D..IOOll'CJr>...e-MmNT• J t'To1t111.l'<l ~·JOEL fJ MICllAF.l.S ... 1 t;ARTIJ II ORK61\~1\) 1...-"'"''i., ttOH t'.L \R~ "Wt Still ll:tvt Time"._.._ ... RARln \IASll.0'1 '•·•tl••Ad '111•• "'II \1(1() \I \\llO\\ JACK FELOMA~ illd Hl<rt:t-: Sl SSM ~ """' t.\ Kl::~ \lA~NFIEKf. t~f:1t=== CHAPMAN AV{ •t S A fWV ORANGE 634 2S!IJ . .. -, .,.. ,,. ·-.. ---------.. ,,.. . -... -. --.. ·,------........ --... --· ... ,. ,,_ . .. ... .. ••• ;\II DAil\ ••1u11 '"''" ----~~----· r L They~re 1inging, swing ing and everythinging! ' Belich Boys still on top F orun1 party tonight ma.-ks 20th year NOWeHOWINO ceuu m 111 t I U lilll lhll 1 IH • 11 l • •• ..:c I A l\ llOl.1.YWOOl> CA 1'1 With ~ \ l'•tr' of 'urhn~ ffiUblt' under tlw11 ho.int... lhc Bcac.h Boy:. ha\ 1• 11dd1•n m1c of lhc hm"el>t ix11rnlj1 wu\l''> 111 rot•k 11'roll ht!> hH \ • .11111 (111011) HOl tlll'tr '>l:Jr on llulh \\11twl B11uh.•\ urd \ .:.tJ,1 vth JIH11\ ,.,.,," > New \ 1·.i1 ., f:, ,. h<•:.h (!> pl.rnncd lollljolhl jl lht• f<'or urn 111 ~ub u1 h rn ln~ll'\\ood It "a:. on NE'w \ l' al ' t-:\1• ttlfi() thJl lhl' group 111.Hh· 11:> tlt!hut in Long Heath as ttu· Pt•wlll'lorws. Wl'<.1rin~ C'Utoffs .111cl ':1rnlah sun blt•<J<·hed hair J iit! 'iUt1la11 lnllml 1·1n:1R BRONZE '>l<.1r was µl1.H•1·tl Tu1·sdu) at Sunset a nd \ 11w JU:.I nuh1dc.-"hal used lo h1· :\lu.,.1· ('tl\. a llo llywood IJ11tl n1.1rk 1;he lloll)wood l'hamh<'r nf l'ommcrC'e has com mt'nH>rate<I more than 2,500 f1J m . lt·ll'\ 1!.ron and re(•ording ;irl tl.l:. \\1th tht• 18-1nch diameter st<tf'l> 1m1 .. dantt·d on sidewalk s .ilong I lully\\l>O<.l Boulevard and ;ilon ~ \'int• Strel'l .. I ll1111k 11 • .... 1 tr1 hult' in their own home town that they have a st:.ir ulong with thL• g n •ats in "the· bus111css," said fki.ldl Boys' rnani.lgcr Jerry Sch11l1ng "It's extn•mt•ly upprnpraatl' .. Tht.•tr ·musar L'Ould only have conH• out 11f th<.• surf. sun and s :Jnc1 e ult 111r of Southern Caltfornw 1n tht• 1950!> i.lnd l!JfiOs TOTAL SALES OF their rct· cords apµroac·h 70 million, and tht• flt•.ich Roys j ust f1n isht·cl a tour of J.:urnpt• and .Japan "Wc'rt> JUSl l11tting a rl'al µcak and I m gl;1d. ·· St.·hallang saall "I \\ anlt:tf 1t lo happt•n th1~ Wa) for tht·ir 2(Jth a11111n•rsar} ·· lh•sp1tt• n 111t1nual internal th~ !JUI••!>. Brr:.111 Wilson's nervous breakdo" n in 19o·I ;J nd the _;--~ ... ~; ••• \ . . . .. ,..;.....,.., .. ONE OF ORIGINALS Glen Campbell <'ha ni.eing ITIUS ll'lt l laSlCS of lhl' 1970s. thl· Bt'a th Bo°"' rontinue t o represent a c.>i let l1on of California ffil)mcnts and fascina t ion!> ~fld moo<l!> "The Be<tth Boys' music will conl anuc to last , · Sthilling said "Thl'y ve gont• t hrough so muth Yt·t t ht'~"re sltll around and sell ang out 'concerts <1nd selling rec orlls I IT Al.L B E (;AN wtwn Bri<tn Wtbon and <·ou:.in Mike Love, who would s111);( 1<.:vt•rly Brothers hit:. a s lh<'~ dri>ve home together fro m }Outh ni g ht s at a nc·1ghhorhood t hureh . recruited Wilson's kul brothers Carl and Dennis and high SC'hool huddy Al Jardtnt' Co ht>llJ em ul<ite the DAILY I 00 J 00. ~ ()() 7 00 9 oo. 10 !>O NEILDIAMOHD LAURENCE OU\.'.lf DAILY I 30 3 4'; 6 00 8 IS. 10 JO edwards M1\ .wH rn 1~ 111•1 ,:·w•::·:,:,:;:_. 495 6220 ... ,. , ..... ,., .. edwards HUNTING WH ti• M •f f U I\ H f 941 0111 edwards SAOOLEBACK PLAZA ~· ~o'i:.~11.0 T:mo 581 -5880 , edwards BRISTOL CINEMA ... ,H">l ., ..... c AllfHUr S40 1444 edwards CIN[MA WlST .~'.:~~·.·:.:·,· .. 891-3935 (,lNI I RICHAHI) Wll OER '' l'RYO R S't111l CllAZV • edwards WOODBRIDGE ' ........ \ .. \. ,_,, QI.IL Y t 10 3 .i~ ll"l10 8 :>O tO l~ EOWAROS CIN£MA !PG) edwards CINEMA C[NT[R j t-t•lltAOl•l •O•M\ rn«.r .......... MlS" \o'UOlCfNTU '" 4 141 edwards CINEMA WlST .;-~:~-;;:•;·.~. 891-3935 edwartls Ml)~IOli VII 10 MAll .:··-~·:.~. ··:~ :.: 495 6220 e wards WOODBRIDGE ':.~:; .. ·.;~ ~ ..... :::· 551-0655 d Agatha Christie's • The !PG) Mirror Cr~kf/ -edwards CIN[MA VIEJO J l MISS!~~ ·Y-1~'1'";,•' •Ol• ;;~•no Four Freshman. Or iginal sidemen for the group in<'luded Glen Ca m pbell. who left the group in 1965, and Dary l Dragon of "T he Captain and Tennille." Their first biij hit was called s imply "Surfin, ' and when il reached No. 10 in the local ch arts t he Beach Boys were off and.roll- ing with h.it after hit through a de- cade of surfboards and nashy cars. There was "Surfin' Safari" a n d Chuc k Berry's "Surfin' USA," followed by ··s urfer G,itl " and "Little Deuce Coupe .. Then came "Fu n Fun Fun ." "California Girls." "llelp Me, Rhonda .. and "Good Vibr a- tions." their biggest hit ever "I SEE US as a contempornry folk group," !>~.11d Love, who at 19 was the oltle~l of tht• fi v(J when the group was for med "l like to think that our musw wi ll still be prl'SPrved 200 year!> from now. on holograms or whatever :· he s aid "I think \H· provide an essent1<1I scrv1t·e as long as we have .., good timl· doing il. we're go1n_g to contimu· to provide it ·· Afte r tonight 's con c ert frie nds <ind acquaintant•co; of thl• past 20 years will celebrate lh(• anniversar y at a private part} 'Brainstonn' set HOLLYWOOD <AP) Sµecaal effects expert Doui.:lc.i. Truf:!lfilill will direct "Brarnstorm ." <10 a r lion-adventure him for MC;M , to be filmed this summer fo North Carolina Trumbull w:.-; drrecto r of spec1<.1I photographic erferts for such sl'icnce fiction thrallcrs a!> ··2001 A Space Odyssc~ and "The Androm eda Stra111 PC: , ... , " """"'• DAILY 1.00, 3 15 5 30 7·45, 10 00 • edwards CIN[MA WEST .;'!'.;.';',·:;·.~. 891-3935 1edwards SAOOLEBACk PLAZA (l'T !o'c~D T:.c 581 ·5880 --- ~-j SAM J JONES Mfl ODY ANDERSON f/l/IH CU/Ill§// DAil • I 30 l •\ 5 00 I IS 10 IS .. t ENTERTAINMENT I ... <11 ...... {..Ot 0 1( ... ,..,.,,. SCFM& LIKE OLD TIMES IC lflO I •\••\ ,00 ''' '°'1 • • • ""0' I.I•• .. 0 ( U li\ 'f .. ..0'1111 \ "' •• ,, .. 000 j.,., ANY W HICH WAY YOU CAN (PG) "4.1-' 11\\Kl •OO tOt~ ,,.-A• " ,.,.. ll.IA., .,,.0 t ••H ' !ltMO-..· .. e~1 • frll• ,a,"'(· &Oot•I• A CHANGE OF SEASONS ' I 4' • l\ t •\ ., • .i .. ..i-... t • " 1 ', .. ti r • •\' \..Ow 6,~t1~~!~:;;~~~a~-.~~4~;:~ POPEYE (PGJ ' . ~~~:i ~~}#k-:i l r,1•ru ll1ldor and R1ct1arct P'yor ·.'; . STIR CRAZY {R) " I I f., .!u !I OC 10 j() • ,,,, -Nt.,l' t Tctm' POPOE 1PG) OGR 4~t1r Robert Oe Niro RAGING BULL (A) • ' 11 I JO 6 00 8 lO 10 45 ,, .... ,, ....... '• .,, ",,, ... Go10•t t1Jwn ~c.n.MS Lll<E OLD TIME I ~-J (PG) • • I S )I) ' I~ 10 00 • I .. ~· •. 1 STIR c qAzY (R) 1 , ll. ~ 1(1 Q 00 •' ~ •• .,, V°•"dt s E Vf:l "'" .,. '\ 'c -. .,.., 2 ~-1 ;.,~·~· r rn••t "'·"l" •Goldie Haw n SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES (PG) J vfJ 4 00 6 I!> 8 30 miM • ... (I AN \•'.., 1• ~oo= 5 • 'WI s.,.. ""'"'•' • & 00 s-.-Si.rt 6 ·~ t."I ~Oltl.I C.Hll OH(t;Ul;OIA tlfAll' RAGING BULL CHOIR BOYS 1R ••, '"'°" ~· J Plu• THE BlUE l ACOON (R) f3 l q 98S0 THE CLEC TRIC HORSE MAN (PG ;, t " •,iy ..._ f""ti<.Y., 61 ~ tOUt O•t11 AM Portlbt STIR CRAZY" tRI ·useo CARS' l ............ ··~·'"55 1 0655 I ....... ... edwards • WOODBRIDG£ L ·:::;;-::~·".!·"= ~::'" 551 -065~; 1..· -0 edw•ds CINEMA WEST .:-:-.:.::.:. 891-3935 ,~war~~.~P.~~~~~s~. PLAZAj e. 1010 u 1.u,!!) 1-edwatds BRIS·TOl CINEMA ) ll•"Ol At w4(~1H4UI .S.'4-1441 edwards WESTBROOK Wt\1,.1 .. Sti.Al U OO•HUISI GUOf HG I O\o'E SJO.H OI 1ftd F!ATUM "' rAU!~ ~11s- e~!~!~~.~t~!~c~F!'!J~ .. R 'A YIRDtClffnl t1t-4l41 .,., .... , •u.•\ .... 10.0111 • ) f edwards BRISTOt CINEMA T ..... ,Ol • ' MAC••tHUI 540-141• AHTHOHV t<Ol'lllHS JOHN HUAT A-€ 8AHCt!Of" r ( e~!!~~~~.~t~H1~E~~rf!I Mf~ ... VflOfCfHTH ,,,.~s,_!J edwards WESTBROOK -............ 530 4401 •'l•OOll~t\t .., . G>!;!~t0"..L- Q GI~ M OHER ~ OOONCWHAl\T • MADCLINE KAHN AllY t:iO: 3:)0, 5;30 1:30, t:IO 100 rt .. IUAE .. r WOOOtl'llOG£ B&nlr BEYOND THE SIARS ~~~~.~~::~~]~~~~~~~ls J l'f>d f'fAT\lll~A~,-'V"l"l:!"I' "AIRPLANE" edwards FOUNTAIN VALLEY tlOOtlHVl \T At e ttitefff FOllttlAll .. &U.U t l'-1\ .. _ .... .._ __ .-.,._ -~ .. \IOl~f-A ___ _ "URBAN COWBOY" I' NO AM l dt R•O•t) W1tt1 l~n1l1tw1 .... "''".,~,·no 'rout v.n AM Port• , -!SEEMS LIKE OLD TIME ~!~IM -. I THE MAINPtEVENT (PG) '' N()AM C11tt F(4(J1o iN11n 1qml10t' Atlf'l'\'t'9'., 8'1f'\Q 'OU.t 0-n AM Po~ I Sh11ley Maclain•• Bo Oerelt A CHANGE OF SEASON u~ THE l AST MARRIED --9\ COUPLE IN AMERICA (RI "''" '-"' ~ -."I '"n''°'" t.U•t'llQ •CNf v wn AM ....on•OI m;m .·· ... :. ·~~. 1 i~l~I ~ ~ -. : .. : .. I "'-""' ....... -~, ... \I. •--.. •• t. STIR CRAZY" 1R1 USED CARS I Yam What I Yam' POPEYE(PG) Plu• THE HUNTER (PG) STIR CRAZY (A) Plua USED CARS (A) -,, ----·------------------------·-------------.. --.............. ----.. , -. •C• ... ,-.,..r.·.A • •• .._._,.~ .......... ._ • ..,...,_... •• .,.._..,,,,,,. .............. ~ ••••••• ...,.._ ............. ~ • ••• - DEC. 31, 1980 * BUSINESS B6 SINGLES CALENDAR B2 Doug France claims there's a pro~lem. General Manager Don Klosterinan says the 1 ... -players' excuses are nonsense. Who's right? · For answer, see John Sevano's column, B3. . ------- DlllW Piiot ........ ( ..., AuUI• ""' Larry Shay put a sparkle into the Great Depression with his song .. When You 're Sm1Ling 1 The Whole World Smzles With You J ... The 83-year-old Newport B each pianist and composer has more than 350 tunes to his name_ a spot in the Songwriter's Hall of F'ame and the honor of having his songs recorded by some of the giants in the music industry _ .- Oldies hut goodies play on I • .::, ~· I :.. • , , • & ~ ii=! II f ' ..--- By J Ot:L C. DON Of tM 0.111~ Ptlot SUH For a callin..: l'&rd. l.<1rry Shay presents a 9 hv 12 inch mul>1t hook 30 of the more mc morahle tunes he'" eompos£'d during the pas t six dN'<Hle~ I ht·\ ..1r1_• llw -.1it1l·nn~ little ditties Qf the Pruh1b1llun Na and cheerful t·o mforters for a natwn reeling in lht' D<'pression F ir s t intr odul"t>d in mus ic halls and vaudC\'1\lc shows. th<' -.ongs would later be car- ried over the air"' a vei. by $angers such as Al J olson. Eddie Cantor and Sophie Tucker. Evt•n today Shay·~ ~ongs continue to be re- rel·orded on the lat<'"t in multi-t rack studio t>qu1pm<'nt Tiit-. '11.\.\.PORT f\EA('H composer !Jotr hap ... I.., hi,•<,\ knll\.\11 ror the popular "When You rt• Sm1llni.: 1Th1· Whol<• World Smiles With You I ' hut hi., fu \ orll<'" include "Kentucky, Sure_ a1. 't ou'rc Burn. l11 ghways are Uappy Wa,., · · Tlw Wh1stlm Wind." "It Takes So Lon lo{ To S<•} ';hodb\ I' clnd . c;et Out and Under th1·~~n \r 1•) n· IJ(.lf't of .... rn11su:al repertoire of 'm on•) wri 3511 p11h h -.h1·d -.ong.., \ ~tt.•p 111111 a i11 ..,t 11 .rnd 'nu may hear one of ShH\ ·.., 1unf''> fl,1\orNI v.1Lh a pounding bass druin. a fc·"' "'h1~111· ... and a Donna Sommer l'lont· Pl'horng th1· lyr It'" <Ir you m11-:hl lw .,1tt1n~ 1n a. doctor's offi ce and 1·ull·h a Mun1k r('ndit1on of "This Holy LoH'" or ·1-:,cr,v ).\hf'rt• You Go · In a sl>t'nllnl.! I, . ..,., r<"verent tone. his songs havr l'wt•n homo1~t·n11 •d into peppy, shortened H•r:-1011:-111 '.'>I'll <1 lt·('l r11 .,h;ner.., and Rasoline. S llA \' DOt:S~'T ~ct·m to mind. ,\f\N all. evn v 11m(' one of his tunes is re- done. remixed or ,;c•rforml'd. he receives a nice royal(\ ('OUrft.oSY nf lhe SUpe r v1Sion Of t he American 1\<,SO("ldl10n of Composers, Authors and Publishers W11 h worldwide distribution of h1i. old time standards. Shay is en1oy1n g a com - fortable semi retirement m h1.5_ borne on the tip of the5tlalhna Pe nin..,ula ~ lle's esµ<>t'lally proud or hts electron lo the Songwriter-s liall of Fame, although some . per ons mi~ht ~;iy his turll>s are hokey -or gush mg with <;t>nl 1menla lt\y "A lot ciT song v. rile rs raTI l e m ol dies but goodlcr-. sa)" thf' 8.'\ year·old Shay. rising from hi:-chair ·But a lot of writers dream of having. songs hket hosc th.it h ve onandon "A friend said. ·Don't let them use your songs as commercials. --they'll kill them .' " he recalls_ "I said to heck they will. they (com- mercials) will keep them alive." His songs also live on through the in- numerable "'retecordings by such stars as Nat King Cole. Judy Garland. Dean Martin, Andy Williams, P~rry Como, Louis Ar mstrong and Frank Sinatra. Shay cootinues to compose on his 1913 Steinway, purc hased when the piano was 15 years old. Many of his songs of late have taken on a religious flavor. But Shay hasn't. given up the lighter tunes . "I write silly songs, I write ballads," says the white-haired pianist. "I try not to be in one groove when I'm writing. I think that it 's a bet- ter way to write. l did some country westem and some novelty songs . "If you're a professional. you can write anything." SHAY SA VS HIS talent was• horn out of piano lessons he received as a child Raised in Chicago. he was trained by his father to be a printer. Shay, how~ver. shirked his journeyman status for a career at the helm of 88 keys. "When I left the pr inting trade." he recalls. "my father said 'That kid doesn't know a good thing when he has it.' " A few years later. Shay says his father re- canted and loved to tell people, "That's my boy who wrote those hit songs." After World War I Army service. Shay at· tended the Bush Conser vatory of Music in Chi cago for a year before joining a music publishing firm. demonstrating songs and help- ing singers learn new tunes. H E REALIZED there was a lucrative in· com e to be made in song writing But he knew he couldn't sell his songs without the aid of established lyricists. With contacts established-througti the music publisher. Shay team ed up with well·known write rs of the day including Joe Goodwin. Ha'ten Gillespie.and Charles..'Iobias_ By the late '20s, Sha·y was established . "In the early days, we-didn't sell records." he says. "We sold shee t music at 25 cents a copy ·· A major record company offered Shay the t -~t \\'h"n You'r" Smiling· [ --"Tl11~ TTo1y .Cln' ,~ 6( Th.-\.\'bolt-World Sm1I~~ W11b You ...... , \\-\~ ~ ., ·.·. " ..... . .. , •' •• 11 '• ''' ~ }\... G . ~v .4"4..-I,_.,.,., ~ .... , , \~J~~~~\-tr'I:\\ \he f« -<>-~~.-~~,n~\bC 'J \ G,.\l> ~ ' . ·•' •"" ~""""'~~·' f,n •"' ,.,~.s • ~. . A \I ~·'~ • • t( •:'.":Ji • t •I~• ~-;;;i~ • 1. •If:, t,i;i .,. ,: ~::,, l ,. "'' . ·:. ... . \ • r • J ,#. ~ ! I '). f , I • I '. I • I '" I I l. i ; i J i ; l '.I e ' 'j, \· 1 \ ,~~~:·,, :,;. \• ~ t \• , , ; · ; • • \\ (.'/ I I • t l t ) •# •' • •' I 'li.t.-.e• ..,. ..,. l•.-1111 y lp e· ~ l :i . \l:t. '1.. ·, \•, \ • I~: J I '' J:; --i.: : 'fl: a.i ::f~ • -ti f'j • f~1 \ -..i ... \ I I • ~ • I • ,. • " J 4 \ .. :·: \· .. e'"·1 • x' li:>.--1 ,,,-I·· 1 .,.,j ~J ·i Ji :1 ' -'f.i 1 i·;. . ---•• ~ ''~1~_>1• ;,·;_ :.1·; •. ~,_..~\ 1 · .. \ •1 ~,\· .... J> ~' ~· ! \I ~··(• •• 1,·· ... r,'.-1~.: .. · 1·:,·-·~·· J~·7·~·-~·>·!, j~~·- ' • • J ''. ~~ I \ I • • • • • • I t -• ,.,, • . • .·\ \., _ ,· ~ • 11 '.) ••• , • , I • ) • ; 1 • , ~ , J ~ -::: ; ; , . 1 1 r i , ,, -' ~ \ ., • J • • -----• -; '. \\~'? !. :t S t I ~ ,_: -\ • \' • I • , • " '. • .,. ., __ .. ,., " • ,,,. \~I : I !; " ':. ~ • ;:;:' ,\ •, (I ~~· i I ";•:~ .~ d:• ~' :t , ... ,·,, it11i• ~, ,-li-~ I. 1\-) • I • ~~ \ •. ·-• -.• • • • ·• • • . J • • I , X.. J • " • • '\\' • I '• l • -':Y \ • 11 :.> ·' ,, I : , ! '! i " I I· I • I Ii ' ~ ) ~) ~ J ~ ) 1 l-• • \ •• ~ $ ~ :.·· \'J ~ ... \ ,, , ·, ; • ; • • ,, • • • • \\ ~ i'><' : e \ I \ I • • ' ~ I •. . . '·• • -• .. .. ,., . n. ~; • ., I I \. I •• • Q ·, \~ l ,. • • I'~;· i • l • (' -:l ii • • ~ ,,.., " ~~lo· -1' . . I\') •• , • . ~f;l I • • • • 1-' ": :\ • ' • .; ... • ~ i: ' • t '\~ ) I ; • , lj -J • • I i • I I I. I "' j ~ ~ ~ ,~ i ~ l I • \ t¥ t :~ • \\' , . • ' ~ • • -• -• • --• ~ :. I • I > I " " -.f ' ' \\~ ~ • ·•. I \ •.I : I ~9 i, ~ "1 J ·~ j, • • •..• T' --.~'. .. --j ii-=-& 11,-, ,I\»'. i •• •• ·'.: ··;.-.·:. ·.\·-:··~: • .,·. ,. : 1/l ~~·,:;;}YJ:,:•ii •ll:•!~~~ •. ~t.11~: 1~~1 ~ t ", .... . • .q\.I .. l '.)~•.J.i1 ~l ~i J i<1~1 ~·~,. j~ I' l'J<>!• ~ " , , , '\ .. :. :. ~ • : ~ ' ~ • J • • ; .; ... J • . • ; -\'V: ·. ·: ·. I:.:: I . • t-~~ ~ \1-~':>" and on opportunity to start his own big band. but the composer shunned life on the road. "I TURNED THEM down nat: it wasn't for me.'' he says. "I j ust wanted a· home life and one wife. Some of those guys had many wives and they lived out of a suitcase.'' _ Bat Shay did do a bit of cross-country job hopping. During the '30s, he was a mus1cal director for 'MGM strrdtos 1n HOll S'woOO. Uler~e went tO Ne w York City to take the ~,!!ion as progr.am direclor Tor"Nl:JC radio. He returned to Southern California in 1942. •ettling in Ne wport Beach 25 years ago. He still composes and is writing his own lyrics. Shay says his inspiration comes from the sailboats that pass through Newport Ha rbor. a piece of scripture or from Doris. his wife of S2 years WITII A SUDDEN gust olet>ergy. Shay will hop on the piano bench and audition a new tune. He loves lo play new recordings of his oldies as we\) as taP.!:s of tiis mor~ recent arr-anaements. - "Wlien I was younger I didn't bot.her about collectirJg re_cords." he.says.~ in the last 10 years I colle<:t anything that comes out. . " -• · 1 guess it didn't occur to a kid when he was writing songs that he'd want to keep them as mementos." Down to the sea with paints By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Of -D•·•• .. u., s~ The Newport Beach bus inessman was' having a love affair and didn't care who knew. No photographs of ht~ wife and c hildren graced his office. but a wate rcolor of his true love hung besidt' his desk. Often. duting long m eetings, he'd glance across and wi sh he could be with her ''BOAT bWNEllS have tremendous feelings for their yachts -their emo- tions run high," says Geor gia Mahoney. She h!!.Wf\td..hlttes_wiJ.h utist. a.al ~r to form ·Newport House and Yacht Port.tails. , "Our watercolors of homes and yachts in the area may become fami· ly helrlooms ju.st like paintings of fami- ly members," she enthuses. A1 the aaJes ball of the team, her bub- bly per90nallty is ln contrast to her parteer.-• Fleiche.r is a tall, quiet man al JO wbo has studied art at Cal Slate F\tllerton and Orange Coast Collece, where he won a student competition. ''Many wives. commissioned us to do paintings of their husband's boats for Christmas, and grown children ordered home and boat paintings for their IN 11'18, HIS watercolor of the Bf.lboa parents," Mrs. Mahoney says _ Fun ·Zone look first place In the Personalized stationery with a pen- Newport. Beaf b Art Festival, and he bas and-ink.drawing or a home or boat also displayed hls\WOrit in Pasadena and the can be ordered at a cost of S250 for 500 state ol Washington. • sheets with envelopes . but the cost "I like. watercolor as a medium drops for additional orders ·after lhe in· because it's spontaneous and clean-itial artwodt is done, she aays. looltinR.'' he says. "In oil paints, lbe "Even our business cards were so artist can correct errors later, but popular that we've had requests to de· with watercolors, the paint aoes down sign company logos, .. !lhe adds. ind that's il." Fleicber can paint from phototl'apbs , --ef"-et the Kette bwt padeis tu-.e-u.e -'WB'\CE-DeNE-• nambea d~basts'. realilemforaccuratecolorduplic.UC.. some houses and recently were .. uted He lmda action to boat1ftc pktarel by about portnyinC an anUque car. Mn. portrayiq the yacht in opm waler, Mabcmey says. . . complete with waves and ... spray, Their moat r ecent commauaon, even t.houlh tbe boat 11 in dod. though bu opened • whole new field. ·•A client •ants a p icture. of bil TBS ACftJAL wateftolon are abcU printe airp&w," f'leicber u,s. "lt's io.b1-u me11ea. alt~ •llWnl llliap t.be ftnt _,.._ I'" dGMt '° ru enjoy the Clim-Panl to •bJ-M indMa. IDd the c~e.'' the ~ii $llO maframed. Their new business is tatin1 off. ~ewport Beach artir.t Phil F'leicherpaints boats and homes for posterity. ·---+ • , , ,. , ·' , ,. ,.. , ,,. "' ,_,. ••• ,. , .......... " -:' .... # • .,.. ............. -,.,. ••• ,.. ,,. .. ---""' --•• • • .. ·-• "*..,. • .. .. .. -·-....... -• • ... --• .. ...... ..-.. ~ ,,n ,. , •• ,.,., ........ , ._,_..._... ........ , .... ._, ..................... ·---······ ................ ~_,-......... ,ill\ .. • ~ILY PILOT ~ °"'*'*-31,, •ITH rou .. • CL a ol Oran1 C:ounl) ~111 mttl rot IL#leh •t noon 'unday In 8-nta Ana Fe1r mor 1nform•llon n ll 1.uc1nda Prt1wlll a l •• :t.2111 PATI «'t; "Ml<.HT t 'HAP t.a u f the l>1u.11thl«"!'7of tbL .\mrril •n ftti\loluuun v.111 nH~lll at ouon T\WsJa al th~ Hotd L4tJWlll \n l~iiuna Bu h CaHMI VI IClt mformlltl<Ml AN l U lll iN't'E Uardtm (.'h.11.l ~ill tnttel ¥l 1 30 P "' M•l Wt-do~it1•) lo lh~ S~rn Clemente <'lubboulie ~ ktt '4111 be Jiimu KJrk . rosanan for Re• ,. lllll l'emeu~n to Wh1tt1(!r Call 41118 :.tilMI for informal ion C\'at-. P~R \l.l ~I,., t Ol l-'ATIO -.111 m".i' at 7 3U ~ m '"'"' \\ t"1 tr1 .... d u ) !Al Southt-n\ t'&l1fomu1 l\tllt-'t" 1n l l• .. t• \l~·'.i L'all ~ 3453 for mformu lion '-E"PORI 1L\R8VRP Ht:U.t: IC'w1llmt:et I t lo .i m \\ •·dn rMh•> 1n the Glem.lale fo'ederal s.,, 111~' m "1ewp<1rt Heach The i.iru~ram will be prest"nte<l b nw1 n ci11 Pit-hi St-r' ice foreign ex t>han;estudents THt: •:W('(ntt-;R'S ('LLB or Newpurl Heach w ill 111~-et .ii 11 .:JO a m nex t Wednesday al M anan.t Rt!-.taurnnt 1n Newport Beach "Myths About f'emul~ Sexuahty" will be the program topic presented by Shirley Lampert, H marriage and fum1lv <'ounM•lor Call f.l.10 0294 for reser va t1ons Cluh ColendJJr runs each Wedneadoy 1n rhe Dolly l'llot a1"1 nmtarns 11ot1ces o/ 100men 's and serVtC'e club meplmgs ond f't1enls open 111 the pubhc for the f ollow1119 week Send notices tu Club Caleridar. Daily Ptlol, I' 0 Bor 1500. Cosro Mesa. CA 92626 Include your nome and phmw mm1ber Notices mtlSI be rn our hands thrt>e weeks m odvar1ce of an event l'1r tures art limited lo mn10r Jund-raisers open to the puhl1c ORANGE COAST SI NGLES will have a New Year's ~ve party at H p m . today in Huntington Beach. I\ foot ball party will be he ld at I p.m T hur sday in Huntington Bce1ch For information. ('a 11 Ann al 751 ·0:.!91 . SOL'TllCOAST JEWISH \'OUTJI will have a New Ye<1r~ f:w party at !I p m today in the city Qf Oran~e. For informal ion. c-all l.aurie at !Jf\3·5010 BIG RAND SIN<a.F:S will he1ve a New Yea r 's Eve dance' at 9 p m to<lay 1n 1\naheim For 1nforma . lton . c·all52S 7f.5i UUTIJOOR SINGLES v.dl have a t.IOllUl'k dinner and New Ye ar's ~\le purty <tl 10 .30 pm today in G~1rc1en (;ri)vf• For 1nfc11 matwn. call Rick al 636-~998 " WAGONMASTF:R S nf the Ad vanced Health Center will s ponsor i:I Lac; Vegas night at8 p.m . to n1~hl in N<>w port B~ac•h WagonMas ters 1s <1n alumni i;rouµ from the center's alcohol pro· ~mm f or inform<Jtiun. c·aJI 975-0700. PARENTS WIT llOL'T PARTNERS will have a New Year'> Evl' part~ at 9 p m today 1n Costa '.\l e<;a For informal ion . c<t II 546·5788 SENIOR SOCIAi, <.:I.UH, sponsor~d by Temple Reth David of Orange C•1unty , will meet al 8 pm Saturday lit the· Wt>stmmstcr temple f or 1n format11m <'<111 l11l1h.1 ut 995 7833 S IERRA SINGLES of Orange County will have a potlutk dinner anti general meelln~ al 7 p m . Mon. d ay in Tustin fo~or information. call Ann a t 552-0578 Singles Calendar runs each Wednesday ond con· rains mfornwtwn rm discussion groups, parties and evenu npen to the public m the Orange C003t area Se nd notices tn Singles Calendar . Daily Pilot , P .0 Box 1560, Costa Mesn. C.-1 92626 Include your name and telephone number Notices must be rece1wd two weeks m advance of an event THURSDAY, JAN. I By SYDNF.V OMARR ARIES (Mar 2f·Apr 191: •Roadblocks exist -in literal a nd psycholog1cal sense. to'ocus on financin~. credit ratin~. payments and loans . T?\URUS (Apr 20-May 20 >: Study Aries m essage find reasons, gg after. date which clari11e!f legal affair s. Someone is attempting to r eveal valuable data GEMINI CMay 21·June 201 Focus on famt· ly relations hips, home decorating, concessions to loved ones . Y<1u'll be asked to revise or re· view materials . CANCER <June 21 J u ly 22>: Emphasize creativity lhis can be your s pecial, power· p lay day. Capricorn . Tau rus. Vir go natives figure prominently LEO (July 23·J\ug . 22>. Gel accounting from one who has experience and separates fact fro m fa nta sy Obtain c larification of stock -at- hand. VIRGO IAug. 23-Sept. 22). Let go of past ·'sc ripting." Create your own future you will be relieved or unnecessary burden. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0 ct . 22): Good news re· ce.i.ved in com1e~Hon with fresh starts, in come , locating lost a tftt'l!es and adding to personal possessions. SCORPIO COct. 23·Nov. 21 1: Circum s tances twist and tum -to your advantage. Get off sidelines and into direct compeUtion. SAGITl'AalllS <Nov. 22-0tt. 21)~ tntellec· tual curi081ly is activated '"7 you can ask right questions and get valid responses~ Confidential d ata is disclosed. CAPRICORN <Dec .. 22-Jan. 19): Valuable hints can be obt ained by readin1 Scorpio and Si1'Jtllll'ltU nren4es. EmP'f oncrsr~;- romantic lncUnaUons. 1'QUA.,US (Jan. 20-f'eb. 18); Communica· tlon Improves ln connttUon with auperton, authority figu res. You di•~er way1 to cope. PISCES <Feb. 19-Mar. 30): Acquiesce to special reqtlffl by family member -focua on long-ran1e plans, derl,ne ltnna, elartfy ablt~ad le1at nuances. • ... -• •--4 Surgery can help MU•tONl. CIOU,rT ~ T•a ....... .,_. tOU.,M Hut•• co .. nJOICUU. leOTICaCM'TllutT••'ISM.a llO'hC8 .. OtlTitlCT .... 1*1 MIU ......... PUBUC NOTIC~ --PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE DEA it AN N LANDERS The leller r rom '· ecd llt'lp In C levttland' N>Uld have -b ee n w ritte n b)' me I have the same prob l em . o nly m y hlUband's impotence 111 due to dhtbett'b l am not .>t'l SO yea r'l uhJ My hush.and 1s only 52. He has had to take ins uttn for a ) car no w Since tha t llm l' he has not ~en n blc to huvc un t'rcN1on \nlil then I h ,ad more .. c,. tha n l 1·t>uld handlf' It 1s ver depressing to t hink that rny sex life 1s uv\•r I I\' I!> the ~st hu ~band 11 w1r~ could hope for "ould do anything for ml'. a good µrov1 der anti a won derful Cathe r I have no 1ntent1on or cheatmg. on him He is much too ~ood for thut Is there anything that can be done" Stoic 1s ont! of the m ost !.atifying thmgs in life when you love your husband as I c.Jo. 1 am sun.• this pro b lcm is shJred b) many other wives response would be greatly ap- preciated ALSO NEED llEl.P IN CONN 0 EAR Al.SO : Male impotence caused b y diabetic medication can be r e medied by surgery, jus t· as Impot e n ce caused by other ractor li. I d e alt with this problem in this s pact' sever al week s ago. Pe rhaps you missed it. There are two ty pes of penile implants that have proven e ffective. They both involve sur· ~ic al procedures. The resulls have been ex· celle nl in the majority or ca:i;es. 1-·or more in· rormation write to Or. Da v id C'. L'tz. ~ay o C lini c. R och este r , ~-;'~ emars i. II CUSTOM FRAMING Open 6 Days A Week Mon.· Fri. 9-6 Sat. 10-..4 1803 NewPOrt Blvd. ' C?Mesa ~~ ~11 P UBLIC NOTICF. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST4Tf.ME"T r,,.~ •ot1ow1nq a.,"""' ' doinQ "'"' nf'I'\'\ "~ (Alll'OR NIA I Ni:O ME PROPERTIES 1100 Quall Sv•I" 100 tiewpcm Bea<"· C•fllorn11 '1660 I Edward M 1111.\\l•r~M J• . 111~3 r •ho~ L.at"le L~li:~ F-t»tf'\t Cdllfotn•• <>7&)0 f"-1\ bu~"'"'~ I\ condu<f-.O Dy 6n '"' 01..,1dua1 Ed•drO M M A\ff'f'\On Jr f f'tl\ itAf~t Wi8-\ ftllfld ..,,,,, ,,,... Cout"lt; Clirr"' of Or1tnQt11 r .. ountv o,, Novtmb er 10 I~ 1'14-Publl\JW'd Or•"O" C.OA1I 0Alfy P1101 ()o( 10 II. 14 11 I-.~ ..... Pl'BUC' NOTJCt: FICTITIOUS IUSINE SS N•ME UATEMEMT T nto tot1ow 1nq o.rU>n 1\ cto1no hu\• ru•\\ n\ J L WOAIC S • .,~, v,.ro-M At Hun tU\Qlon &ac n <..•Htornut fl1t>-46 Judy Mari_. l ,.• ~8&1 V,.rd#* M .. r } .-.:vnhnqton e~tt(t\ c .. 1.tnrnld Q1&<6& UH\ bY\tn~\. I\ "Gnduct .. d by"'" 1n Chv1<1uat JUO't M titrlf'> lt"d 1hl\ S-f.Jtf'~nt W(f\ l1lfllid Wlftf '"'"'° Countv Clfll'rk ot Ort1nQ~ Cnunlv on O~t•mrwr 10 ''* Minn •• Dr. f '. Braatley ~ou, 81ylur College of M f'dldnt>, H o u s ton, Tes., or Dr. J~ Kauffman , UC LA M~d lc al Cente r . l,05 Ang~le5, Calif. They ar~ all exptrts ln this field. DEAR ANN LA N DER S Your .rns w en to "Two·Faced" ~ur pri se c.J m e . Y o u looked down your nose :n .I a c k . w h o was a "s wtti·h·hlller " and had no co mment for .Jill, "ho we1s cheating on her r1 un ce Wllh his best friend. Why s hould Jack con· fess LO J ill a nd not J ill to Jack " Oo you think her relat1onsh1p wilt s top with ··Two-Faced" after s he gets married'> I don't . Jt is obvious that they are all sick and the best thing for everyon e involved wo uld be to co ntinue the game or "mtxed doubles " until s o m eone gets c a u ght l\nd then what will hap· pen') Nothing. The three will live happily ever y lifte r. I know whal l'm talking about because I 've made lhe scene . Si~n m e OY VEY IN AK RON DEAR VEV : Vou sound like an authority on this sort of thing, and I a m not. So I 'll take yo ur word on it. MeapwhUe <back al the ran~). I re pe at the original advice. Jack (th e s witc h -hitte r ) s ho uld t ell Jill before they marry that he bas a te ndency t o go both \U) s. H she s till wants IO marry him, sh e can 't .. a y shf' wa'in 't warned. D E A R A N N COU•TY O!A~ .. ·.:. t'IAT8 OP Oft J_., 14, 1•1, M 11 :•e'<leell ..0.,ICI IS Malll8V Gl'ltlN .. '"' -~ .. a.lfl.,M .. 5'11tl>'""' .... '_. ..... c;,.....,.. fll ElllKA 81[1110&.IN ... LANDERS: Instead of ••c-.....,.-.....,, -.0r-c:..wvc-t...,...•-•••" c1.-. ... ,. •11• '-'""urv, t . i...-. ...... ~..,, ....... -....... -· ~ ~ ,.,_.._, .... ......_ ....... .,. s ugges. mi a cover ·up l"LA11i1T1,.11· ICAZAlf.JIAN a1tos. . ......,.,. itwrnertv ...,.,, ........ , .... .,..._ ...... .......,, .. a<11. cosm etic for people who l"C ..--_CALt~HIAGOltPOltATION "' ... CllY"' ._. AM, Colllfw~. c-.ty "'Ot .... --.. CM#mr ...... b i !httl· d co• .... 1t.&TI<* LOJ 4HGl:LES .,,.,1.1 i11NO -..1 •-.....,,.....,I•.....,.._ .. • ve uns I Y re 01:,t:NOAHT· M0111•is "'-•E•T AHTllACJ Wi'POlt•TrOH, .. _... .,... .. JAM«s •· -1.vNOA s. bl rLbmarks o n their ICAIHltMAN, INOIVICIUALLY -.. ..,. .. T~. lllldil+' ......... •itOMl.EY, .,,_.._ •. -"""' races w .... y dldn 't vou 001!$ 1.)CJC. IMIWI• trvtt ..... .., AUSTIN J. LEAHV, ... -· ecldrtte It UIO 111 .... ~.Santa • 11 ., ..,,,,,v.I """''"'.., -· -;ecorded ,,_.., I, A"•· Co11t1h ot Or•n .. , \tatt Git !lu ggest the laser beam? u.s. .,.... • .._ 1w , •• ,,.,,_, Ho. •2, 1 .. eo. c..111or"'•· While this remarkable •0T1ca1 Y• llltw .._ -· n. 1JJt4, P• mot Offkla1 lltecorci. °" T11e ~• 10 .,. t'-'""" " <..,. ~--..,....,.. .. ._. 0r.,... ~. c.111or ..... 91,..,. 10 lac e1tt1 •• ••• Fullt•" ••IA11d. method does not com· ,_ ..... ...,.. ..._ -,...... -u-..., ·--· 111 ,,. •••or of H•wi>0r• .. «"4_.Y of o,..,, "'lelely "e rase" the port· .....,. • ..,._ -.. .,. ......--. "o • E 11 T o s 1 •LE v • "d s1autc;etlforftl•. >' ....... M411G411ET A SllLEY, l\u•ti.ltd S.ltlp.-~i.•tcrlMcl l"~ wine birthmark. it can 11 -w1"' "..--..,,,u.,. .... .,. •"•· " 101 .. 1 ...,...,u, .,, un· .. 411 ... '" 1rede. """'"'· ..,._ make a dramatic dlf· •11orrw'"'""•lfttltter.,..._c1o ••·1-su•" '"'••ttt : JOSEPH"· """'•""9DOd•hlotll\eldr11e1e-'te f S 8 0 F \o pro"'P\ly to 1iw.1 yo11r wrlU•" CO•HEn. • merrlef m .... n to M 1111\lntit "-• c-ci.-rt "'4 e r e Dee , -• • rt-M,11 .. y,JNr'fbtfl .... onthnt. u"dlwldtd U.U~ lnltrtslj end l•UftclrY artd lot•ltd el ... FeVlloft CONNECTICUT AVllOI "--• tl4lt *"•UU1. UIVI HG G. COHl!M ef\d CAAAIE l\let\4, Newp0rt 8uclt, Co"nty of DEAR S.B.: I coasalt· ed witb two top-notch dermatologists, ••d they boda said Ute laser b ea m works well In som e cases and aot so w ell iD others, depeod· Ing OD the dens ity or the birthmark.a. Anyone who is in· t e rested should see a skin specialist or call tbe n ear est m e dical school for details. Ill~.-..,.....-...«*• UL COHIEH.'Truttw•of Ille frvl119 G. -or..,..,S...eol CeHtornl• ''" •••1-1• • .. , .. , -'u•. Carrie C-,.,. .. v1,.... Tr.m ,..,... lM Dltl-,,.... ... , wlll IM COl\M.wtl ,_.... ...,. • • dl6L LM te .. -nl, citied ?·a.la. at 10 a.i -iv!-l'fleled OI\ or -'!er ow ltll\ o1 J-.,. _........... II II~ ......... ; •II e\ ,....,.,,I" COM• 1'91, el ... Fa\111 ... I\,_, ....._,. SI UJl«I ..... WlkllM ti e ... •lo * "'°"• "' ,... ..... Gf llrtkl>Of <,.l.oln Cit>-Steel\, Counly of Or.,.ee. St61e .i "" • .,._ "' "It """10 . ...,.rle 119a1ion, _.,.eo "''""'" l\Otitt ot Callfor11i.. lleCtrlo 111,,...,lellrnt"lt, cit ol• •lllcll ••• recorded s.¢...,twr 12. TM Int dtl• for 11111>9 ClelMJ It "'•"''•· "' r-'• •Krlla, " ~Y 1'90. et lnttrwntftl loto. 1'2'0, l~Booll Je11u•ry 1', 1'11. •l9u"•· ,.._ _ •evlslrede • tltmpo, l>l•O, Peo-JSI of .. ,d Ofllelal Soter et •-n to lllt Tr..,stertft, I TO THE OEl'ENDAHT 4 clvll llecort1s. •II 11u11rws1 ,..,,.., _ e<ICl<Hk\ ust4 eomp1•lnl lie• llt•" llf•d by lllt LOS 4HGELES TITLE 4HD Dy TreMl.,orlorlN lltr .. yHrs1..i pl•l"llH 6g91ftsl.,..., ff you wl.io lode· AISTR4CT CORPOAATIOH, 1"11· p•\I er•· ltfMI INI '-''· you mvst, wllhlfl JO 1tlt1Hlecl MT•~ .... wlll Mii -1 put>lle Clow" Clt-r• -Ulundry, ... 0.Y• eflw tlUl-. I•..,...."" .u<tlon Ip Ult lllef>Kl 111-r lor cWI, Fulllo" l•l•nd. Hewporl Be•ell. you, lflt •1111 111 .. court • w•ltlen P09Clle 1,, 1-ul ,,_Y Gf 111t u111t.,. C•lllor,,I•. rtSl)Ol'M lo 9lt <OMP!al.,I. Uftln s you Sl•I•• •I'll h llnw Gf ••· wlll!Oul O•t..i O.Cemtitr 2'. 1'90. do to. -.._...,., wlll .. _..._on ••rreaty u lo lllle, POU...lon or -J•nws A. Bromley epplfcell«t of ,,,. plal.,1111, end lltl\ cumbr-&, llW lnl.,osl COftftYl'd lo Lynda S B•-l•y court ,,...Y •-• a ,............,, ..-1n11 •ftd now f\eld !IV tald IN\I .. under Traru.ter•' you for the r•lf .. .,..,,_d '" ... ..Id -ol lrut"I. In Md lo tllt folio• JAMIS R. ••OMLEY eomo1e1n1. wlllc" coul<I r•wll '" '"' Cle\<rl-_,y, localed in Ille 141' a1-i.-9er,.1 s11,.,.n1 01 ••ve1, 1.-1119 ol COUftlY ol Oreft9t. Stele Of Celllornl•. S.w A1111.C... t21tt "'°"'' or ,.._,.,or Ol11tr •• ,... •• IO·•ll . """'"""' 0r-. , ... ,1 Oally PllOI q~ted 1n-eomco1e1"1 · Tll• ~llffslerly 11 7l tffl of O..c JI, l'llO s~ DATED -.-••• "" Loh I -2. of Trec1 HO l'lt, • - CONFIDENT •.. L to J-R. H•rrlt, mep rec..-;,.Booli 21. p-17 of " o.rll Mhu11aneou1 Map" Rtcortl• ol PUBLIC NOTICE Lost the CUppla&, Darn By c Allltt•r. Ora119e eo....tv. c.111ornl• I P •-OK °'"""' Pr_,,., ,,_. commonly wnown &, R:atte Repeat: . , MILLt:•&GOLOSMtTM .. ttlS s,,,.,. A,.. A••,. .... co1•• but bug oa to tJais oae. ,.._,.., .. , '--• ....... c.a111w..ie Tb -..l-rfuJ L f ttllf v-. ...... •• T,,. unc»nioo-T,.,.1" dhclalms e ~ booa Or l:!OCIM,~atlll• . Mly 11.otllty lor eny '"'Orflttl,.es1 o1 women of all a1es I re· IJU) .... .., , ... w-~. -_,, cornrnon _...._.... 1 .... _ I """•..,. ter ,.. .. .,... .,..,_,...,.. 11.,.Y. \hOw<> .,.,.,,. COmme~ as an Ul>a Publf.,_, 0r*'99 Coa\I O•lty Pilol. l'or lhe l>U'llOMI of POl"9 obf1941. holiday gift Is "MO· Oec 11.2•.ll,l'llO,Ja.1 1,1•1 ios.-t0 1ior.u<ttvrfldby .. ldO...Oot Trus1,1n. men&s to Remember"''--------------,·· tf~1>9 lttt, etwrQK end e•c>eMH of PUBLIC NOTICE 1"" Tr~tee, .., •• "< ... " •n1. unMr by Candida Land. Wrtt~ ,,_ ••-ot '"' .. ,., o...o of T'"''· In· Thomas More Press, ZZ5 lernl Iller-. -$11,000 00 In unpeld M·11W4 prl..Cipel Of !ht l\Ole \t<U•ed by 1•1d W. Raroa, ChJca10, fl. F•CT•Tlous 1us1M1ss ~ ... of Trust, .,,,, ,,.,.r .. 1 111.,...,n Unols tMIO. Send SIZ.t5 MA.Ma STUl:lllWMT hom Ju.ly 1. ,.., _. IS'-"" .,,.,um H I Tll• lolfowlr>Q per'°"' ere doln9 '" wld "°'" enc:1by 1ew P'OWIO.O. plu1 p us $1 for gtrt-wrapptn1 bu~lne» ., (0\1\ -... .,..,...,, ., 1..-11me ot ,,.,. and bandJlag. ICAlot·OO CENTER, .. IO·B 0\lo 111411 Pul>ftOlton ol lhll Nol1eP lor Clr<le, e.-Pan., C.llfornl• ~IUI \110 lO plu• ad•lln C.•• 10 date tor l•I• S.lfl1o Cor _.,lon. • C•llfor,.•• lllOM) withl"tcor.-11.,.reon 'orPOr•IH>•" ·"~B 0.•o Clr<I•, a...,.,. o •• .., SePltml»• IS .••. Perk, c;.tltornl• «>t21 Los..,.. .. T11i. This OUSlt>eS• •• <Oft<lu<led Dr • cor .,..,AllOSlrec1Corpora11or. CIO<•tlo" ...OSll"'lld Tr~,.,. 8'P1;o S.lfl1o Corp Gtot119 l.. AMrlnofl, J-UIM•r, PrPJIOHll PrelOHll 1:11 W.SI F1"t ~t , Thf1 si.t....,.nt wa• lllOCI wllh llw Sult• 20t Cou,.ly Cl••k 01 Or•"119 County on ux 4-le\ (4 <IOlll7 Mo••m""" 12. ,.., KMEINMAN AMO l lLL 1-c;....., ~-E4rt, s.llt 1112 LnA ....... CA_, ll'Utl• Publl>-0r""91 Cool>I D•ll~ PilOI, Oe< 10, 17,14,JI. '"° 4 .... IO P UBLIC NOTICE T•• l)tll oZ1 ll .. LOS 4NGELES TITLE 4NO 4aST•ACT CO•POllATION IH W. l!lt SC-1, LHA ........ u .. n Publl•htd Or-C.0.•I D•Hv Pllol Ott h JI t'llO. Jan 1, 1991 SOCl6·IO P t;BLJC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •usrNEH t . ..--E ST4TEMl:NT T"t IOllOWl"9 jMrSOftl •re dOlnQ bu\fnni in HUGHES VISALIA l TO . Tw~ CorpO••• Plau, Sull• UO. N...,porl B .. c,,, C•lll°'"'• 91tt0 HU GHES INV ES TMENT S. • II'""'•' P6rtnership. T-Corpor•le Pie,., Su II• 2SO, N•wPOrl Btac ... Cellforni. 9M40 Myrll• Gro111k•. SOS Soulll Ct11now111, V1wt1a, Cahtorn1• •nn lht\ Dul!M\\ I\ eot10U(led D• • llm•l•d 1)6rtne~lp HU011H 1n ... 1tmenh Go-ntr.i P•r1rttr WllllamHUllM>. Jr . Par1Mr Tnl~ >l•temenl '"''°' Ille<! wllh '"' Counly Cluk of Or•n9f Cou"IY 0<1 O.ombtr lt>, 1.0 L4WO"FIClS 4GlillW, Milt.ER & C4•LSOM S.llt7--T-*9M6C,..,_alM .. Newper1 IM<ll, C.llf9f'flle ·-fl' UJ11l . P"bll\IW<I O..r-ve C011\f D•llY Pilot, Ott )t, 11111>. J«t I 14. lt. '"' St ... I(, P UBLIC NOTICE fl'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAMl ST4TEMlHT T no •ol1ow1nQ Pfr'\On\ a,re oolna bU\•nt \\ •\ ALLEN STl:VENS STUDIO, ltlS 0<f•!'I Way, L4QU~ 8e-4'<.h C.•htornti 9l&S1 II 's not always e<U1J t r ecognu.e love. especially the /1rst time around. At.• quaml yourself with th gutdelmes R.ead Ann Lan ders' booklet, "Love or Se and I/ow to Tell the Dt/ /erence." F'OT a copy, ma1 50 cents and a long , self addressed envelope wit your request to Ann I.an der s, PO Box 11995 C:h1ca90 llhnms 60611 l'ICTITI IU IMESS FICT ITIOUS •uSllllESS R•Q•Nl<I louva1" All•n, Tru,I•• N-1[ nA EMEllT NAME ST4TEMINT ot '"" R091,,.IO lOU•••n All~n Tru" r"e f041CMU'M) ptfSC)n j\ OOtnq bU\1 Tn~ fotfO'IJltl"Q pPr\Qn\ ,are 001no uno.r Tru\' AQf~1.d•1td 0t10C>4!r HOW TO MEET SINGLES n~\\ 4, Du'1nf'Ss a'i 1 I, t'ilO, 1(fJS <><••ri W•'r l d9un• DOLL BAG!; HANOMAOE BY WESTMINSTE'l PROPER TIES BH<h. Caltlo• .. 1a•l1>\I ESTHER. Ill L•bur"""' u ,... Fou" JOI la Joi!• N••PO•I BfHI\ £•1• Byron Wtb~lfr f •u\lf'<' 01 o .. Howcrd s..,...,-.&w~ Ttr.do4.._._...,tc._.. TIU' SOMfTHUol~ MIW attet1d ..... wwblMip • Moybe •I> nul ""°"" ll>C> "11()<11 M1;ne ft i ~ftl' to '""' tlrt nom1t and v•v• up• Or COV"'11 ~ c;;1nt .. n ,,111"lhl ~.;re 1n lrwt <I•- SO COMITO OUI SYMPOSIUM OM 't40W TO MHT ~NGUS' 11 !> GREA! IO BE IMTH ANO 00 IHtlotOS WITH A SPECIAi P(R~ '""" Q•-.. -Advanced .... "" CAKite< 1300 Br·•~ N-1 &>acn C. Pre,•nht<I by O••n Howatd o' DE A.frill ,.OWAF!DSUCCESS SEMINARS tnvtt\IMftnf 1n vovr-M·1,11t t\flOOtne-u 't$ 00 °" Jtnu""' 1~ 11181 • 600 P ftl IO ( 00 PM Fo, ,. .. ~,~caH&Jl-33~ t••n '1".illn, ~hfotni•91108 (1h,Orn1•~'6ol lrtif' Erle Bvron Wtb\ifr Tru .. 1 Aqrtt E>l hu ScaroorouQll 111 B<1tDil•a M•lloy H S..•H•O~ mt "I d41oo 0«---1t ••ao t•H L•bw nu"' L•M Fov,,·t•tn V•tlty Ora.t~ N~.woort 8~•cn C•h •orn1• Oct>•"' Wav C.QVl'\f &!«l't C111tforn1i> C•h•orn•ll9'70I '1 .. l 91&)1 '"•" bU\lflPU I\ concN<t~ b y '"'" W ilm.t C•tnPbf'lf 10)10 P'!•cn rn., tJU\.,"W"\'-1\ c ondun~o O'J ,. dtvidu•t L•nf' Hunt1nq10"' S.•ct't C•ll'orni• Q_."4!rait p.arttWr\l\tP E"lte!' Sc••-OU11" l "1&46 • Erie 8trnn Wet>o.ltr T"t> \lalemertl '""' 111.0 ••lh llW MOiiy Vt\Oln, ••I Plumo.r St•ttl Req1,..ld l Allfn County Clerk or or .... ~ Counl r o" Al)l e. (O\la Me .. C•••lor,.la 92&17 J "" •lat•"""'' was '""° "'"" "'" Oeommr 9, '"° Mt• l•tn 10110 Pu<ll L•n.i Cou"tY Cf••• ol Or•11Qe Counly on FtStllt2 Hu"''nllf"" &Pa<I\ C••1lorn1• '11&46 O.Oomtwr 16. l'llO Pt1blf\l"ll!d «:>-Coall O•••r Ptlol l#o a• Mo•Q•" t&O\ Co• oanO•r 14U•WIT1, REME•. MacDONALD O.c 17 14 lt. ftlll. Jen 1. "" SO)J..90 Ort•f 4pt B Co-I• Mew Callro•,.1• •M Ml•OE PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS auSIMlSS llAMI: STUl:Ml:ltT fl'le fotlowl"9 .,..._, t> doi"9 Dull· .....~ TOP NOTCH DIESEL SEllVICE I s..l I !>.llcar> lMW. H""' I "910t1 k•<" Callfor,.I•._ G•le Holl>berQotn, 15431 P•ilcan La,.., Hunti"910t1 Bo ch. C•lffor,.I• "'47 Tlll1 bo'51,...u I\ conouctl!d by •n '" dlvldu.I .,.,. 4 l!'re1-. ...... 1cer-ai1M T "'~ t>u\•nt\\ •\ conO\lc '"'° o• • Att••"' ... Lolw QtM••I p;trttW<\h•P I ~ .. _ _,~ Or•V•. B-•• -llov Stllle IS" Tf\t\ \IMf!'nWl'lt "'''° t11t0 •itn t~t N•w .. rt lieiA<h, t~titof"ft., ,.,... Cou,.tY Cltr• or Ot41"9f Coun1 t o" F1SUU O.Octm°"''· t.O Pub"•,_., Or.,. C.oa•t Oa11, P•lol. FUl ... 7 0•< 11 tQIO J¥t I I• )I IOtl S1'SIO Puofl "'""' Or-, ... ,. D••I• PtlOI 0.< 11 1• ll t'llQ J,,,. I t"9t SOS~IO PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIClOF OEFAUl.T .-------------Gelt--9fn N·n.M FICTITIOUS aUSllillSS ,._. UATll-MT ll'tf" toUowi4n4i1 Ptt\O'U .,.~ d Oll'tQ bU\,M\SM N4NCY E SHAW •• >ub\tltuteo tru\ttt.....,. ,,,_., Ct>r-.in ~ ol tru\t •••tutod bt WILLI AM C WARMINGTON Ill u lrullor . lo D4V ID H WALl.>CE -BARBARA N WALl.>CE. ,,.._ •"4 wife H PVBLIC NOTICE FICTl'TIOUS BUSINES~ N•ME STATEME NT rtt,-toflow1nq p•H\.On\ a rr an1no OV\in"'\' <t~ APOLLO STEEL QUlE OtE CO. 1'4( '311 l<r""'" 11 ... ....., Sull• (, W~\tl'll"'"'"'' (dih•o"n'" tJl-.8) Apnllc. ~,,.., Rufp 01t Compant. ,,,,,. -4 (dl1forn4a rorporallOt'I Thi\ bv~tf\~'\. t\ COt'ldllCfe<I by d <Ot par~oon Aao1•0 SIMI Rulf' Oot Co. I~ C:,.lhw,O l"l\t>trrv SEC11El4RV P UBLIC NOTICE ""'"" l'IC'flTIOUI aUStNl:SS N-11 STATllMaNT Tne lollowln9 ""'"""' ere dOl"9 bu\IM\>8. 0 114NGE COUNTY S"'NDING. 1lt• Jrrit Parker • 1't , Or~ftQ•, C•"'°'"'• ,,.., E_... Erml. lOt A....,MS. F••o, Ane,,.lm, Cellfoml• tJI07 C•Uwrl,. L Ernst. M AWflkle Fero, A-Im, C.ttfomle t1'01 This llllslneu I• coruluct..i Dy • 119"4!r•f _.,.rsl'llp. ~rd Ernst Tllh .-._. ••> "'"" wll" '"" C.,_ty Cl•rll of Ofenqe CoUf11t o" o.c ........ 1. "'° Law~ JOttll I". IUl~LLO. IMC. ,.,.., -------,.... -..-...... 1_. ..... _ M........,. _., CAf»O ,._ PtA>ll-Or .. Coe•I Delly f'llol, Otc 10, 11, 14. ll, ,_ -- PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS aUllN.lSS ..... ITATaMllNT 1'7J ~A STllEEl, l» E41\I "'" Slrwl. C.ona ,._w, c.1otorn<• D•"lel Glfllerl. J7n 0•--A-. t..os A1em11,.., C.llfome «inQ Sld,.ey JecoD•. J24& Fedtr•• "I .. ,..,.. Los 4f191'1tS. C•lllor,.1• -Tllh ""'I""" I• eonctucl•d D• • llmlt.O~p Oar>lel Gtll»rt Tllll ot.t-..., IHfld with 11\e COUftlt Ci.rt ot °'•"~ Co11ntr o" o.c ..... i.r •. ,.., MAllC PAUL JACO.S, l:SO "-AVITT, ltlMO & POOM•l:aG ... ~.._ ........ LM ,....._, CMltenli4 ._, '°'nt ten.ent.\, ~ t.fwfkl•rt•t . d•lf'CI 6ftd UKUlecl 5-ol•-lO. 1'11, -rKOrdPd Oc-l , 1'71" '"•lrumtflf No lllJ. 8ooll '""· p-THI , ol 11<1•1 rKorltS « llW County 11.corclt<. Oranoe Cou"h , C•1lfornla. l\e••bv Ol•U nolkt INI 41 llrN<" of ll>e ol>-1.llon, for _,.,. Wld -of lru11 " w curfty, Ms occvrreo. nw ~tut• Of , .......... ,, l»l"V .... ",.lo 1 P•y lo .,. -•k•erlft '"" Pf'•"· Clp•I ..... acc"'8CI , ..... HI dw • ..., P9Y•bl• lo Wtto -lclerw• "" No• emlMr J. 1.0 -Oectmber J. ••. . ..., , To MV -..... Ille ••w ...,, .. F112S.0 ''°''\ \t.lf~t W4'\ fll~ WUh ttw Put>ft'\.'W'd Or.-"'Qlf Co..t\t Odity P11n1 Cou"''• Ct""r11. ot Or•nCJf" Courtty on ~l lt IQ!IO J""' I I• 11 Iott ~I I~ llO ()~(•mM< )Q 1'181) FUl54) Ce-IN L. Erntl Tiie fOf'-1"9 --'' cloll\O ....... "'" ... Fl-PUOll-Or-C.0.11 0.lly Pll04. Dec 10. 11. 24, JI, I-... _ In lllt ll•mGf S2JOOO""' 1Kerwd .. ,. L"•rttt -lnt~I. 11 any, -...S peyalll• lo n.. Ir.,,.. COmpany, •"le" .......... ,,..-... ......,., '· ,.., P UBLIC NOTICt; ""'\ •\ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N4Mf. ST•TEllllEHT SHIOMGR f N PAITfQN l\N U l'OUNORY. t;A w l/lh Slr<'et unit ''· (O\la Mltw 1 Ca••torn4~ tf?.&?7 Fran<.1\ w Stromqr-f"n 8lt p,,,,,. PloH, CcxlA _,,. Cdlllnrn1a '1•17 rtu, bYt,,1~' '' fMthx..tr1d bv &n 1n OtVldU.11 rra<><I\ w ~11omore" ft\1\ statMnent "'*' tHl'.'d w11n trw-Cou,.ty Ctrr' o• Ot•"QO Cou,.1y t>n D«cf'mbl"r ~ 1W> Ft Ult• Publ.-tw<I 0rl>IY]CI C')OO\I 0Aol'f Piiot o~c g, "°· '"" ' I•. )I '""' SU• P UBUC NOTICF; FICTITIOUS IUSIHESS NAME STATE,..ENT Th• t0Uow1nq °"''"'°" 1\ ®•"Q Ou\• l"l*\~M • FOLDE R RfPAIP SERVICf ISSJI Gr.,Mm ~\ro1 llunl•f'QfOll Buch, CafllornlA 9U, .. RoMld E Ev.,~fl 11107 Won ltrqr~~n On"'•· Hunt1n~fon Hfl'Atn :•ttfor"I" 9'/&AI '"'' t:M.ls.lr.-\\ I\ tOl1dut lfllid b~ ~n +n 11vldU4'1 Ron.tto [ [ wtfOn T"ls ttlal~t ..,,, fllf'O .-1tn 1~ County Cler~ ol Oro"GI' County M ~cemt>tr ~. l"llO FISUM Publl•hed Or-C<M!\I Oelly Pllo1. 0..e 11, 1.0, J.,, 7 14 n, 1991 u10 "° PUBLIC NOTIC F. "CTIT10US IUSINUS N-1: STATl:Ml:NT T,,. followlr>t ptrtoM •rt ""'"' blltlMU••· PAllCIEL l6 JOI NT VENTURE 1oi Jetml,. 0.... Ort ... CorOM otl Mer, C<ollforllle tk2S 41M F ~~. 103 Ja•mlM Cretll Drive, Coro"• d•I """· cam .. "'' m15 Publt\IW'd /Jf"d~ '°"'' Daily PilOf, 0.< )I 1'«) J"*' I u 11, lll!lt ~208·80 PUBLIC NOTICE N·l'Ht1 FICTlllOUS aU\INl.SS NAME STATEMENT lht? tc..now tno Pl"•\Of'\ .,, Oo,no bu\ in-,,\ 41\ B4V ST REET PARTNERS>ilP. Jlb E 1111\ SlrHI Co\la Mu•. c.1110,,,., Oa"'"' Glllletl. 3'11 Or .-not""°" Avenue Lo• Al•m1to<. C•lllor,.la '4no S1d"•V Jacob• J7•~ f'•dtral """"~·LO\ Anoefe\. C.llfor"I" .00.. Utt\ bu\H,rf\\ I\ conducted by ~ t1m1t,..d ptr1,.f"\,up Q,<trwet Gift.rt rhl\ \tatHne-1'\t w1" fllf!'ld .,iU"I the Counlv Cl~r-01 Oranc;it C.ounfy on Ott ern.c>et 4, J 'llO 'LjlVITT. II.ING & F~ll!ll.G fl;lar< P 1ulJac-.1:94. *•C-ort~f.11•.•* LttA-19',C.ll_a_I Tllll .,._,,. W6$ lllfCI "'"" "" Cou"'y Cler-or 0r•"99 County on O.cemller •. l'llO .. ,_, P"bll,_ Or-Coa•I Oally Piiot, 0.c 10, 17, 14, JI. l'llO 4·7~ PUBLIC NOTICE ,ICTlllOUS •USINlSS NAME ST4TEMENT f ht toUow~nQ pet\Ons are do•no bvfimt\'\'" THE LAGUNA COLLEC TION I •IC 760 Forul AvtnuP, l•9un• BU<h, C•llfornle•?t)I o....na 4 Reim.,~. l•I Cor•f Bo, l•-M19u<tl, C•llfor"'• •1.i 1 Mary .... VllH , )JMA AfNJf'r Orl\re O•n• Point. Uflfoml• •76~ Tllh bu-'~' I\ eOflClllCIMI DY a CO< par,.Hort "'ary A. Vllu ICC EHTEllPIUSES. m Aile Vls-16, Plac.,.t•, c..r1ton.1e m 10 • lrvln c. a..-. ,,., .. ..-. Orlwt, Ne-I lk•cll. C•fffornle ttt6l 'l'l>ls bull""" h con<lueted by • llrnli.cl _,,.""IP. .,,,. .. c. Olot- Tllll --wu lltecl •1111 IN C-ly ~ of 0r.,... County on De< ...... , •• , •• UIW Ol'l'ic.~ Wlna• ANO MA•PCM.I: --""'1 ,._.., ... .... .,. .. ._, CMW Drl ... . Stolle, .. ........,....,..,CA_ FISllll Pul>lf-0reft9t CHI! Deify Pll04, O.c 10. 11. 24, lt. 1• _., P UBLIC NOTICE I bf~ Wlll'nwftl ••• flfC!d •flll Ille Cou"'y Cler~ or Or•nQe Cou11ly on • Oeomb!tr JO, '"° _..,,.., "ICTITIOUS ausrNUS NAMI: ITATl:MllllT "'""" Puol••""" Or-Coa11 D•lly Piiot, Tl'le foOo.lftO pe<-11 cloll\9 ""'' fteH •S Fl_, On 11, 14'0, J"" 1, U, 11, 1'91 S,.,._., C4'E U.S A .. MIO Wei-••O, Tu1t1n, c.tllorr\I• ,,_ Publ"""" Or•nqp Co.to D•ll• Piiot. °"' 10 ti l•. 31 ,...., •'71 90 PURI.I(' NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHESS "AME STAT EMENl '"" followmq ""r"°" " d<>lnQ llv\I n_.\\ 11\ O ll AS AR AE R 14l PHO fOG RAPHV, llo• ~···· Hu"' '"010'1 E\f.jO(I\ C•llfnrnla q76"6 11101 S•lu()a C•rc•~. Hunl1noltH1 B&ACh C•lllo•nl• ., ... Ptl~r P.-UI 11;••111. l:l<IJ &184. Hunl tllqlC>f\ S.<1<.,, C•hlot nl• '11•"6. 11101 S1tlud• Ctr t f4f, tofununoron B~•< h, C•tttOff\la~,... Thi\ b<W"""\ Is <-11"(1 D .. a" In d1vtdu•I P,.lfr p O(•rQI TPll\ ""'"""'n' "'"' 111..cl w•lh the Cou,.fy Clor• ol Ordnll<' Cov~ty O" Dcoumt>oor JO, "'O FIUU• Publl\"'41 Or-COUI O•llY Piiot. 0..< ll, 1.0, JM\ I 14 lt, 1'91 S115-IO P UBUl' NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINl:SS MAMI: ST4Tl:MaNT Tr•• IOlfowlr>Q ptnon I> dol"9 DUSI M\\•S 111 C•flfornl• Min T•l..,I • Bea11h p.._-UI Callforllle Ml>\ Pe Ille Ill C•Utonll• MIH p,... Tffft 141 C•lllornle Ml" ISi Celltomle Ml> Tftn (al c..rlfwl\I• MIM Modtl of T Yu•. ISlS Superior, N--1 lttcl>, Celllornl• '*3 OOft9 S9m Im, S41 411oft, e ti, ~ •• 4,.., Celifonll• '2105 Tiii• °"'"" Is,_,.., llY ... In· tllvlduel. """"~'"' Tiiis ste .......... I ... Ill• '""" Ille C°""IY Ci.rt> ot o....,.. c-, .,. Oteemller •. ltlll 1'1 ... l"tA>lf-Or .... C:..tT o.11'( Pllet, 0tc 10, 17, M. JI, 1• ~ PUBLIC NOTICE Dorothy '-r•n•. • • t.•l>Clfall, Mew_.i BM<ll, C.lifomle •Ml NOTICI: 01' 'Tnlt bUMMH It t.Ollduclecl by ... In· PV•UC Ml:41111110 dlwlcluel. A Pllbll< -lftO wtll be f'Wlcl .., 0orot"Y SN-Mortcley, J--, 12, I'll, •I 1 pm I" Tl\11 st-~ fll.O •1111 Ille lllt lullcll119 8 Conftr"4Me "°°"'· Dlt· COU,.ly Cle•• of Ore"9t Count, on lrlel Edu<•ll o" C•"l•r. IOH I Oteel'fllltr t. ,..,, Yot•to-4-, Huntl"Qfon .. aclt, 1!'1111 .. to r.,.I_ Ille £SE4, Tiiie VII COft Pullll•lttd 0r"'99 Coett Deify l"llOI, 11-llofl .... lc.941on tor Urnl._., artd Dec. 10, 11. 2•. lt, •• C17-IO Hon £n11ll•ll S9f0 1"9 •lu""'' et ' ---J'\l•nll-NntM fltrlt"9f ~ IN P UBUC NOTICE It'll/II K-~ ... ,., Ille " ............ hatltU-H""Sc,._019'1 kt. _.._ _______ ....., __ --r ""4111"'"' C>-CoHI O.Hy l"lfot P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTl'10U$ aUSlllllSS NAME STATIMllllT Tiie loll-lr>t IM'"°"' ••• <101"9 """"-"41 SOLAR WEST, 17771 Ar~11T'Oft9 Aw-. Irvine, C.•1-• 92114 "lmte<J\ Cor-•letn. • C.liforN• corpor•lletn. inn ,.,_ ... _ Aw ...... '" 1,... c.atlfoml a '2714 Dl•I•""' « ollrnl..:'1 °"--''""· 11111 Atm\trono Av•nu•. Irvine, C.lllo•r>ia'71U Tiii> bu>lness ii conouct..i Dy •. cor· _., ...... R Pwte", ~----· Thlt 1-"'" ftfod will! Ille Co""" Cl .. , 01 Or •"OOI Count, on 0.<tml»r I. 1'90 ..., .... ,._.,.,.. or.,. c:.." 0et1., l"lttt, Dec. II. 11, ... JI, t• _,.. PUBUC NOTICE By r<te1etn ot 1,,. lor4t001,.11, 1"" lltMllelwlft .... dfr.cteo 1... lllb-\lllut.cl lf'l$W 10 Clt<I.,.., entl IN womt I> lltreby <11<1ertc1, ,,., -In· O.tltedneu, -ell """' MCurf'CI ..., Ml<I wMtltutecl '"'''" ,,......, .-1, 10 Mii, or e-to I» told, I,,. '""' pr-rty lo wusty 1"81 oot ... llol' O•ttcl; ~ t7. 1- ..._.." E -S..llMed Trvst" PllOll"'"' Or-C..•I o.lly PllOt 0.C 24, lt. t'llO, Jen. 7, nit SIU·• PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICT1nous •U.•N•IS llloMtlalTATaMaNT TIW ... _.... --I• _,.. ""'' IWHH' L VF OEL T4CO •tH , ,.,. ""'''"" A ... ,. ... , Ftu111a1 .. "'"'"'·"" ....... "* Lyle V1rlc9M Fl-y. , .. S. ... ltt, c....,.. --. Cel""""'• ftUS Tllls lloll'-It c..-.CIW .,, M .... ., .. , ..... l.yltV. ,,.,...., "'"....._.._ ..... __ C-h Cleft .. Or...., C-y • o.c ..... ,"9 ,., .... ,._._«>-.QM.a Deity ..... OM I0,11 .... rt."9 ...... .Jt._..., L JIH'vlt, .._,,.."''-· Rural "°"'' l. Roul\Cllllll, '111011\lt . H141 l'ICTITIOUS aUSIMESS NAMll ST4Tl:MEllT NaLIC MOftCa 0-. 11.1.. rnMa 1-,~-----------NOTICE IS Hf:REtY GIVE N llWI a pullllc '-tl"I #Ill• lltld lly tlle City C-Cll "'ttw City .. lrvll'lt Ol\'1'-.,., Ja_., Q, 1"1 .. "--.. 1:JO • PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Tlllt bvtll'ltU I\ (01\tlUCI"' l>f • ..... ,.. jlllt1Ml"\lllp .....L.J,111, Tlllt ,. .. _. -m.., wllll 1i. c;_,, ci.r .. Of Dftl\91 CO\Hl1Y on _DK--ti!!'! ~11 .... P-*1""" C> .... ON•1 o.llf PllOC, °"· 1<1, 11,t•,>1, 1• ..,... c.n 10-sue. Put a few word• to wo1k for ou. Tl•• followf"ll Hrto"I •r• 001119 ou•ln•n •• \TU OEMT WOlltLO ttOLl04YS, 10> JOln St~e-1. Sult• 210, folewPO•I ll••c11. C••flornl• tt..l ~~ ....... '"'"" NtwPDn l!IMc.11. C•lftornl• '"'' O•vlel G•b''°" ( FSCI, '· llut ~1(1\lllHI""•• P•r11, "'•f'\Ce 7)0Cll Tl>I\ _._,I\ COl'CIU<ted b' ell VII· lllfO•llOfa\.0 •MOClellOI\ ...... , lltefl e o•r11••f'\lllp JOI \'ft Wlt'(ftt TltlJ •l•l-1 Wft 111..0 "''"' lltir County. Clerk ol 0.envt Cou,.ly on 0-urnbtr JD,•• '"ltt' l"Ul>llll'led Or-C«NUI D•llv Piiot Diie 11, IM,Jtl'I I, 14, JI, 1 .. 1 J,17190 . "" .... , . ,,; .. . . . ..... • ,,.,,. or ., -_..,_ " _,,.... l'IC'ftT10•1S !Nt•••n 111 IN 1.-.W. CllV c:.unc11 C~. •AMa UATU .. IO "'°" J......,... ._., • ., •. lnolM, Tiie ............ _._ Is ~ llwtl· c.llfenlle. .. ,_, lllt v.ut.... .. ...u., ' Peo«9Ttt1•"'Wlil'C"ltW*"°'"t-~nl",~ ... 06lln.'1-COM EASEMUfT Ill Lot • "'9tl ........ "ANV, ,_, ~ Otelt °'1 ... , Mlt " ..... • ,.._ _..., lfl loell •It. Jll,CMUt_..,Gll ......... nta INt" *4, MllQll--. ,.. J-W.T....,Jr .WC~ , ..... or .. o.-y, c.tlfofftl•, 111 c ... ,,. oi-. ..... c.tlMrftlettAJ KC~ wl4ll ........... Mo. lMt, Tlllt .... ,_, It <--.CtH .,, a ....,... ......... u. t• "7 IN CllY 1111'11_..,_, .._ C•u11tll '' tllt Chy al lr•I.,., J-W. T,..._, c..tlfenlle "'" ......... -,..... .... -"-Y C. --~ c;-ty ('9rtl .. 0Hf191 ( ..... ..i Qty~ --OK--. .. ,,.. Clf\tof ln>l19 PuWltlltd or-. Oletl Dall;t ~ De<-It, ,..: •• '· ,., -,.. ... -....... ~.... • • fl .... ~ ......... .,,,,_. • • • • • • • • • • .. " • • • • • • • .,,,,. -• • • • • • .... " ' •••• ... The high road Wedneedey, O.C•mber 3l, 1980 s twlYfltl.OT D John Sevano Klosterman hitter ll was pitch dark and the ride seemed tJndles!l. The only noises that cQwd be heard were that or the bus engine aNd the radio, whose volume kept darting in and out depending on where the mountains wc..•re situated. which m oved l ike a s l ow-m ov 1ng locomotive along hiqhway 14, was Doug France. the team's player r epresentative and one of the unofficial leaders. • Somehow, in that setting, he didn't look as ominous and hulking and mean as he usually does on a football field. Instead, he a ppeared gentle. approachable and mild· mannered. "I'll t ell you something," he s aid break· ing his sile nce. "There's something wrong with this team that nobody knows about . not even t he players. "I don't know what it is ~ I've even told the coaches there 's problems. that som e Lhing·s not rig ht Maybe it's the money. who knows'?" ' Only u few hours earlier the Rams had been clobbered by the Dallas Cowboys, 34· l3 Now, as if to add insult to injury, the team was being ro rced to ride from Palmdale to the Los Angeles International Airport. after its DC·8 charter plane was fon·ed to divert from its original destina· t1on due to heavv fog. France sat calmly in his seat, sipping on a beer He was stanng s traight ahead, but you knew he wasn't s eeing anything. "There's no way this te am should have lost today," I ~aid to him amid whispers and other s mall talk m t he bus. "Dallas isn 't a better football te am than you are ·· It's the "who knows?" part that the Rams will hope to answer 1n the weeks. or months . to come There's no question the 1980 Rams missed an ingredient the 1979 team possessed T he 11 ~ hour bus ride from Air Force Flat No 42 <mother hom e of the Bl· b<>mbers1 to l.J\X was giving the players µlent} of time to reflect on their recent OC· currence and the season's past. lie nodded hb head in agreement. ··what do you think 1t 1s then, Doug . • I pursuetl "What do you t hink happened.," lie could only shake his head He was as bewildered as the rest Was it money·1 Wa s 1t unity, or lack or 11 1t ·~ Was 1t or(tar11zat1on? Was it m anage· m ent'! Was it the players. all of them or just a few? W a~ 1t Johnnie Johnson's rn ent '> Was 1t the players. a ll 01 them or Was 1t \9 new fa ce s·> The excuse!>. thl· reasons. could be end Seated m front of one of the three buses, cs.-.-Sf>:VANO, Page 84) Barons outscore Servile · By ROGER CARLSON Oii .. O•lly Pilol Sl•ll Jeff llughes. a 6·2 Junior. con - nl'('tt.•d on JO of 14 from the field. Frank Luongo blocked five shots :.ind pla~ed to his pot entia l in the 'l't·on<I half, Jl'ff Chr istensen \\a:-. named the tourne y's most \ aluahle µIC1yer a nd Emile ll arry s parkll'd with a brilliant floor game J\ n y th"'~ l' b. c ., If there· s more. the Sunset Lea gue may not lw n •adv for 1t ( ·oaeh Dave Brown ·s Fountain Va ll<') lll g h Baro n s over µowe rt'<I Servite. 76·65. Tuesda y n1i,:ht to t·apture the 16th annual Or<inge Opt1m1 s t Invitational hai.ketball c hampions hip al Chapman College be fore 1,200 as Serv ile s aw its nine-game win· ning s treak snapped by the po- tent. Barons. ... :"l'hcy can't play much better than that, .. said Servile Coach Larry Walker a s he surveyed ~· the wreckage. Brown agreed. It'~ in the .works Late shot gives UCI crown Special lo the Oaily Pilol Hll.LINC:S, Mont Things were looking bleak for Coad1 Hill Mulligan and h1:-. l/C lr\'tne basketball team Not onl) had top ">«orer Kevin ~agee fouled out of the Anteaters' thamp1011~h1p confrcmtat1on with Montana in thr• KOA C:lass1t· 49 secondl> into overtime, but tc•<Jmmate Randy Wh1eldon had alread) exited the conte'>l dunn~ regulation pla; So what hapµcne<l " GRA1'"T T/\ \'LOR RE Pl.A('E D 'IA<. .. t.t: and µrompll~ SC'orctl on a t lutc·h re' cr-;e l a~ up and Jason Works !>Cored <1n a 15 foot 1ump i.hot "1th one second ll•fl. al> the Anteate rl> l.<:ored a 65 63 O\'Crt1 me \'ICt<ir) "We s howed a lot of character tonight . prais ed an ecstatic M11lli~an following the heart stopping v1t·tor} at the t n1veri.1l) of Montana It was the :O.('t ontl lllg "'" 1n a ro~ for the Anteaters, \\'ho knm·kNl off 12th ranked Texa!> A&M the pn:v1ou~ n11.~ht hy an~ 1mpress1ve 91 74 score "I'm re all) f.Jroud of the wa; t he kids hunJ! in there tonii.:ht without Wh1eldon and Mag ee ... con tinued Mulli~an . whose t eam "r eturns to sunny California for the ~tart of a four ~ame homestand beginnin i:: Saturday But UCI got HI points apic<'c from Hainer Wulf anti frPshman Ben Mc Don:.ild (IS lht> Ante :.ilers' own hrand of dt·ltbC>r<.ltl' offt>nse The 1\ntca\t•r-; ha<I to h<1un1·<· hack from a 3•1 ~K halftime dt>f1c 1t 11~ hitting for e11!hl s traight 1x>1nt~ in JUSt nver thn:<' m1nutt•'\ lo take a '16 45 lead t'RO:tt T H ERt: T llE GA:ttE S£t:SA\\ ED right up until the end In fact 1l tt><Jk tv.o free throw., h~ :\tagl.'t· ~11h thret' St·ronds remainin~ tCJ get the :\ntc·atN'> 1•\ ,.n and .,end the ga m<· 1nt11 '" t•rt1 mc: Thing:-. n111hl n;.i\ e lwen d1ffc1 ""t 1f \t<lntcina .., Craig Zanon. v. hu "o'> k for :i from tht' free lhro~ line had mddc• th<.it ninth frt't-tl1rov. ~1th 35 -.c1·onc1:. left Ill':> f1ro.,t c·harlt) loss tied the ~ame hut thl' seti>nd uni· m1i.-.e<l, l C'I i.:1 1t the ha ll and t'V entuall} notched the s('nr(' 110 ~agee.; fr .. 1· throws The overum • 1.1t:r111!1 \\as dl'>O J l>C1ek ond fo rth affair '.I.Ith \'C'I " \ld J011alrl l a,IM dnll Ke\in Fuller pro\'tchn g kr·~ ha:-;k<.•ts But 1n the end it v. a s W1irkl> 15 foot shot that :-.ailed C'lcan1 ~· through lh1• ba~kf't to silence the µa rtis an :\1ont:-ma fan:-; a11tl J.(IH I 1 I \\tn No f. on thl' ~car IT WAS AU;o Tiit: ANTEATERS' second straight on the road. a fartor which should certain· ly buoy the team's c6nf1dcr11•e while away from Crawford llall Allanla 's L'harlic Cnss < 11 > whu stands only 5·B. goes high to block a s hot h) Delro1l s Keith llerron in ;\;BA action Tuesday night al Atlanta T he ll<Jwk -; \\On 96-89 "Yfs. 1t was our bes t game of the year," s aid Brown, who saw his C'lub race to its seventh s t ra 1ght victory and secon a straight tourname nt title "WE KNEW RF.FOR E THI:: GA)'l l:: that ~e would have to play with patience. We knew there was no reason to extend ourselvei. defensive!; against the deliberate kind of ball the) play.· Mulligan s aid Indeed. t hr• Anteatno.., were pa llE>nt Whteldon who was namt.-<l th<' tournament .M \'P. scored It! points before fo uling out with 17 seconds left 1n reg ulation play, while Magee added 15, far below his usual JO-plus performances J oining Wh1cldon on the all tournament team we re Magee. Montana :-; Man Glass and Craig Zanon. and Eastern :\tontana·s Calvin Weinberg In the bcillle for thlrd place T exas A&:\1 took 1t on the ct11n ..i1win l11..,1n 1.; 1n· 1-:a'>IE-rn \lllnt an ~ 39-38 1n e1\'t'r11 me Jazzy outco~e Lakers miss magic feeling SALT I.AKI.': CITY <i\l'l Utah Coar h Tori1 N 1 :-.sci I kc-s thoughts turned to the< '<intincntal League 11fter his tN1rn heal the Los Angeles 1.a kcrs 110 too in .NBA actionTuc>sday ni ~ht ll was ((om BtllinW' of thC' <'on tinenlal Le11guc that th•· J au. r<• l'enlly acquired R1t'ky <;n•c•n and Jeff Wilkins 1\ "Theh1gfella <Wdk1n:-.1 µla\'l'O well RiC'ky <;reen <lid a ht•tk of a job for us early and Hon Ho<Jne came in and playe<I J.!rf'at, ·· Nissalke Said~ "l'O Ml.iCR rather hrinl! in guys like Green a nd Wilk in~ fmm the Continental League than most college players. het·au:-.c thr rom petition in the Continental t,eaj!uc is better.·· he said Lakers Coach Paul Wcs lhcacl a greed thaJ "Ricky Gr~en playf'd well for them. Wilkins seems to he enthusiastic and hard-working I haven't had a chance to study him s much, but he does s hoot the hall I well and is a help to them ·' Wilkins st:ored six points and blocked four shots. inc luding two by Jabbar, and Green s cored 10 points and had fi ve assists, all in the first half. BUT IT WAS Adrian Oa nlley and Darrell Griffith who powered the J an to the victory after the team lost n orits last 20games w h 1 h• r<iokw <; ri fflt h c;corcd 25 po int!::. · /\ O i Danllt·y 1 ~ ~·:-. JU:-.t tf'rnf1 c for 11-. again lon1).!hl ," N1:-.sa lke .... a id ... W<· arc J.!lllnl.! to havC' som(' J.!110<1 h:.iskl'thall twrf' · Ttw Lcikt•r:-. foll lhl' loss of \1 a g1r ,Johnson . out with a knef' in 1ury ;,ind not cxpt·1·h•1I hac·k untd l'••hruan "/\T TUn:s. \H' arc d1fforent "1tho11\ ~ag11· .Johno;;nn I If' 1s an arti:--1 I It' make:. t hsnl!,s happen )OU 111i.tdon't 5N·~1tl111ut \.1agH· · W <•st ht•a<l sai<I The Laker:-. \H'rl' lc1I hy l\art>em .l\l>dul Jabha r '-'1th :m points anrl .Jamaal Wilkf'" .ind Norm Nixon with !!leach 'I he .Jau l!r<1l1llt•ll a :12 27 lead .ind s ta) cd on top most of lhf• way Wilkes S<'Ored fi ve s traight points al 1 !hi in the th1 rcl guarter to g1 ve the Lakt·rs a 70 fi!'1 lead Rut Boonl' a n<I l\<·n Poquette sn Jred at 2 .'12 and the J aa went aheac171 70 TH£ UTAH !f-F:t\-M tnt·re&!ied ·the lead in the fourth quarter, despite Poq1wttr 01r king up hi s s ixth foul with 30 ser omls left in the third quarte r •10rhey (the offlc1a ls1 don't like me. Th~L's what I'm he~inning to fcel-::5' Poquette said 'It's a h1g win This is the first tim e we'v<' beaten the Lakers sm ce we·v~een here (in Utah)," Nissalke said. · · Whl'n Luongo becomes a power ins1Je like tonight. then we're tough. because we have a ll the other parts " Hughes slzzled with 18 first half points and finished with 26 µoiiii.s. Harry protected the ball well and penetrated Servite's de· fense . in addition to netting 12 points. Luongo finis hed with 13 points and fi ve blocked shots anfl Christensen. well, he was hus y doing his thing to complete the 1mpress1ve outinl! He scored I <1 µmnts Harry anti Hughes were also a n·ordt'd all-tourney honors. as was Scrvite's Scott Sinek. John <:onzalcs and Steve Witt Brown. now in his 12th year w11 h thl' narons. saw his 200th victory as oµposcd to 93 losses and 11 wa!> a hrceze. although the gam e wa~ as close as predicted cl11 rinJ.! the C'arly ~oing before the Baroni.. now R J. broke from a 27 2fi to lead, t11 expand it to 37·28 al halftime It ~al> 66 49 with 4 : 43 left before Servile put on a mild rat. I~ to C'ut the margin to 11 . In other gamt's at the Orange tourney. Lakewood 46, Merine 45 Roger Weninger is bac k in the Manna lineup with a patched up ankle. but 1t wasn't enough to stop Lakewood, which held off a late Viking surge._: _ Marina could net only 19 of 62 ~ from the field. and seemed to be 0-for as many as it took when within striking range. The final blow came when Burl Lalk rebounded with ·nine SN'onds left, only to see the Vikes throw the ball away with tim e running out. LT I return!. lo a ction SatunJa) night al 7 30 when the An1eaterl> ent er lo1 n Portland State Canadiens make 111.ove on Kings ~ :\1 ,, ',. H E \ I. f \ p I fl' n ... t' nl a n s l' r I! l' '-> ... \' a r<.I )> fourth 1!0;11 of •hi· -.p(ll.,•)11 anrl 100lh of h1:. «art>~·r 111 -.r•1·onds in Ill \he· third pt>nnd hroke a "con· IC'~~ tie ;.iml lcrl thP '\tnn treal fanat.ht•no., 111 :1 4 0 \'ll'\Of\ 0\ t'f lht> Loo., ,\nl!t•lc:-. Kin~:-1n ·a Na t 111n ,1 I llnck c•' l.e a~ ut• g a mt• Tul'c;da~ nig ht· Y\ on l.timh1•r1 l!nt h1.; lllth and lllh gnah of l hl' .... vason and ~lark \:ap1t'r '•"ir"'d h1" 15th to C'Om pll11l• tht• ..,(',lfllll! 1\ftt•r l<c1kinl! :i P<l'" from left "1ngt•r Ho h \:aint'~ Savard mewed in from the right point an.d t.hrcctl'<l a harmlc~ looking har khand at rwtmincier ~1ano Lessard The puc·k ..,tru<'k Lessard on the left fon .. 1rm. bounced off the goal post tri<r droppPd Into tile- net. bringing the I a rgcst ('rowd of lhe st.•ason. IR.tl<t2, to it feet Second~ l<•ll'f. Kings' right winger Miki' Mu rphy s cored what nppcured to ,~ the tying !!Oa I. but refc>rel' Ron Rirks ruled the play offside The Jazz is now 16·23 and the Lakers26· 15. Dantley tallied 34 points and had a Rame-hiRh 16 rebounds . Westhead said lhe team had trouble getting to Utah. but that wasn ·1 the cause of the toss Weninger hit a pair in the lat- ter stages lo get Marina within a point and finished with 14 points. A11-toumey honors went to Wen- ( See BA RONS, Pa.ce 84) r ;.'NGS' JIM FOX (LEFT) BATILES CANADld-FOR PUCK . LC'ssard fared 26 s hots. while rookie Rick Wamsley stopped 23 drives e n route to his first NHL s hut out 1n h is fo urth .ap pcaranC'C' Van Divier quietly makes his prese~ce known \ By CUllT·SEEDEN Ol llW O•llY f'li.l SIMI He probably won't draw a lot of atlen· lion Thursday when the University or Michigan and University or Was hington get together for the 67th Rose Bowl in ~asadena. but Randy Van Divier will be quietly makin g his presence known. plains . From my parents' standpoint. my job is to go out there and not get hurt. ··And my coaches just want me to go out there and keep doing what I've been doing and not make any silly mis· takes," he adds. Van Divier has certainly responded to his coaches' wishes. • who move the ball. rr we block well. year!:. you can really grow. I think m )' things will g_osmoolhly . personality has changed The first time:. An easy-going. likable player. van I was just along for the r ide, and now it's Dlvler played his high school ball at diHerent," he explains. Anaheim fli~h back in 1975·76·77, facing A speech communications m ajor. Van teams like Huntington Beac h and Divier was married In August and that Westminster. too. has helped h1m learn more about Wh th .I k. d ed t th responslbiUty. en e us ies a vane o e .. At least now. I can s hare all lhe fun Rose Bowl In 1978, he was just a I have with som eone. he Sl.)'5 of Ids ) Al 6·0, .276, Van Di vier is one of the biggest m embers of the Washington team , clearly representing the school's A team captain making his second ap· pearance in the Rose Bowl, Van Divier ,is....almos&...a-cinch-to~4R NFL club -no doubt in the early rounds -and he doesn't deny he's plan- ning a IOOd show for the scout.a who will be nestled among the 105,000 ln atten· dance. rreshman. and adm ittedly homesick for wire Laura. "I ran share the exclllng Anaheim. .-;;;.....-•1 -tt.,..as,.ttii!"flm· ctmIT,lia ever--e-n---~o·"iif'ents 1lleU'le"Rl>SE1J6'tt>TWTl~ nickname , Huskies . • tirl'San-orrens1veTac e. you -won~ see him snagging passes In the end sone or breaking away for a long touchdown run. And while he isn't sour about the absence of glam our In hla role f9r Washington, Van Dlvler Is certainly philosophical about his job. "I( I were Tom Fllck (Wuhinttoft QB), everyone would be lookinf for me to throw a )Qt of ~ecep{lon.,,' he ex· "I tcilually like playing on the of· renslve line." he says convincinaly. ''because lt's a team within a teem We communicate well from one tackle to the other. We fee l we're the people .,, a way rrom home for a long period of well as those other moments llke Nav)' Ume 50 1 was really tooklng forward to and Oregon," he sa_ys or the Huskies' the trir," Van DMer explains ... At that only t~osses ol 1980. ll · t 1 · .... · I Most the season. V~n Divier and me, was JU5 p aylng.on u1e spec1a ty his line ates have been ,.._ninl holes teams. r kept thinking this will be fun. ..._.. going to Disneyland and seeing m y old for gu.ys e Kyle Stevens (ltl carries, girlfriend. 718 yard • seven TDsl and Toussaint ''8ul this year, l'm a starter and a Tyler O.tt c1rries,896yards'. lOTDsl . captaln, and I think it's ~aJ important' they've alSQ provided adequate pro- lhal I play a s well as I can. In t"ree (See 11\JSKIES. Pagt M l . ~ ... . --·-.. , . ,,,. ,. . . ... ,. , . .. ._ .. .. . . ('..... . . . , . . . . .), .. -...... ----.. , . . . . . . . . . . .... • ·"~.............,. ••• .,,,. '*"""'--.......... .,,,,,. ............. ,. ................................... . I .., DAii. Y l'tll) I w.~~lt 1• <-' 1 1 b (d)[j 'it §) r.o l[/'(~ ~©,)[K\ ' A ca,.. ret>O" from tM wand of eport1 etlge in tl1~ jok~ cle11artn1e11t t rom I' c:U1t1,a&~-.n Ml \Ml l''lond.; Slak C'<>itt:h Bobby ~wden t.iro,ecu i. ,••nuua. 1 mt-6'" u11 the s1d •line dunng mitt-at> ft1o.11bjtll g111111"• kiut the ~rnlnol~ c.:hi~f in) troduct-d -,pun., ~ 11tc•h nd opf)01)111ai t~am CIAP" '"Jn' l .... 11Jffl'ft•11\ '1tlt· or hu. ~r~onahl)' at a luncheon here 1 m 110\ '"') 101> w~ were !S\'&1 e<t in lhtl llt~t Orange Bowl •.ln\e Bo.,..d\'tl ... aid a~ he scanned the l'rowd Monday "But "'e v.ert-tht-uuh t<:um 111 the nation U\111" Kaopec latc for the 111 t:~hl)lt' ffih ll • Bowden wt1:-JU :o.t i,:cuin~ :.tarted. ·We do ht1Vt:> one µluyer who won't be "·.:1n·<I Thur~day night That's Regging lll·rririK our great linebacker," Bowd en s~wl. µau!>111g drectively "He does n't kri11v. the rnt•a 11111g of t he word 'feur · In f:H'I. I JUlit s aw his grade:., and he doesn't know the me<.1nin~ uf a lot of words " Okl:ihoma CoaC'h B1trry Switzer was dearly outdasscd 1n the one liper de part- rnenl eowoo "l don't hi.Ive m y at•t together like Saint Bobb). "s .... 1t2er '\art.I ~w1txu. head of th<.· nation's fourth·ranked college foot· ,hall team , can take solace in the Sooners' work on the foot- ball field FSU. IO 1 dnd No :!, Lukes on Oklahoma. ~-2. Thursday in the Orange Bowl, a n •match of the 1980 Miami c lassic. Okla hom a features as it has for several year s -an C1wesome wishbone offen:.e, a ground-gaining m achine that is a lmost unstoppable when it 1s working a ccording to the play book Florida State fielded an unbeaten 1979 team dubbed ''The Flying High Circu s " because of the passing of Wally Woodham and Jim my Jordan. This year it's a more balanced leam, mixing power s weeps With receptions by Sophomore split end Bardis J ohnson, FSU's game-breake r. In the 1980 Orange Bowl, Oklahoma, led by the running of quarterback J C Watts. whipped FSU 24-7. Quot~ oft~ da11 M1(•h1gan Coa1·h Bo Sc.-he mbec hler on the Hose Bowl· "I ran certainly understand why the Pac-10 wants 10 k<'<'P us C'omm g out here Some of m y worst momi>nts havt• lwe n out here " I T.-a .. ,....dll •• htol ... n •ftlr Michigan and Washington went through light Ell pracllces Tuesday, with the Wolverlnes, cham· ••• plon11 of U'e Big Ten Conference, i tlll favored to break their post.season droucht in the Rose Bowl New Year's Day . . . The Pittsburgh P anthers, triumpha n t In tbe C ator Bowl, must n ow wait untll New Year's Day to see whether lheir hopes of becomin g the nation's top college rootball team will be realized . No. 3 Pitt is 11 ·1 and has a shot or al lhe naUon al title if Notre Dame beats Georgia in the Sugar Bowl . . . Even if top·ranked Georgia cinches the na· tlonal cha mpionship with a win over the Irish, the second- ranked Florida State Seminoles say they won't lack in cen- tive in their Orange Bowl match with Oklahoma Thursday Virgin ia Tech. making its first bowl appearance In • chool history , guns for its first triumph ill post-season play Friday against No. 20 Miami of Florida in the Peach Bowl C'•rtte,..... .,,.,.,,. "•w,,. "'«"' .,.. BUI Cartwright scored seven of his 21 points tn m the final five minutes. including the game-winning free throws with 35 seconds to play. to lead the New York Knicks to a 100-98 National Basketball Association vi<'tory over the Dallas Mavericks Houston's Moses Malone scored 30 points and Rudy Tom- janovieh added 25 a s the Rockets broke San Diego's six-gam e winning streak. 104·98 . . . Reserve forward Punis Short sank a 22·foot jump shot with seconds left to give Golden State a 106 104 c·o rne·from behind victory over Kansai> City Reggie Theus scored 20 points. including five down the stretch , 1n leading Chicago to its sixth consec·utive triumph, a l~l 110 decision over injury.rid dled New J er~cy San Antonio's Mark Olberding popped in an eight-foot jump shot with ont> second left to rap a 102· 100 come·from behind victory over serappy Scuttle Marq_1:1es Johnson scored 14 of h1~ gamP curw••GHT hi~h 32 points in the first quarter to i!1ve Mi lwaukee a lead it never lost while racing past Washmi,:wn. 115·94 . . . John Drew led a third quarter surge that broke open a close gam e and sent Atlanta to a 96-89 v1etory over De troit . . . Newly acquired BUly MeKiaDey a ccounted for three strai~ht baskets late in the fourth quarter as Denv~r held off a determined bid by Indiana and posted a 127-l10v1clory BIU•f"fl laluo Ian• la Ros.-Boeri Bus trans portation to and from the Rose Bowl [il in Pasadena for Thurs day's game is being orrered 4• • at a cost of S15 per pe rson. Buses will arrive al various hotels in the Orange Coast area at 10 a .m . Those hotels include South Coast Plaza, Marriott, Newporter lnn a n d Airporter Inn Those riding the bus must have tickets to the game and reser vations for the bus tra nsportation must be made 1n Cid vance by C'alling 771-7600 or stoppin~ by in person at one of the holels. -. -. SPORTS BREAK I BAS~BALL /flf••net• ..... r~ •• r1...- t•apped a str1n~ of four power play goals by Min-, Gordie l\ot~r\!11 goal 1:1t 7:0'J uf lh'1 thlru period ~ ncsota and <:urr1ed the North Star~ to a 6·5 Na- tional Hockey Lca~ue v•<"tO!;.Y ov~r Ph1lt1dclphla Tuesday night ·'fhP North Stars. ehminatc<I hy lhe l"lyers in last year's Stanley C'uµ s emifinals. wer~ surt·~ssflJI on four of seven pQwer pluy .:oalb In other i.:ame ..... Ed Johaaa.~ scored tw1<·e w/11IP Oon Malon .. y tlrillt>d 111 two third period score:., wrlu<hng lln l'rnlJl) rH·t ~o:.I , tt1 hrnd the·~w York Rang('r:. lo a 6 :1 v1t•tory over (~uel>e< Former King Butch ~ring 'l'urt-d th1 l'f' gouls und Andf'r 'I Kallur added a pair of goals and two 3bblhb ui. the N1·w York Islanders ex· tended their uollefeat(!d :.trcak to IQ with an easy li·3 victory over th .. Colorado Rof•ka·~ Wayne Babych slammed in t hree goals to help Sl l..ou1~ rel~hrate its first home sellout in more than 1l' ~ yeur:-. "11 h i. 5 J triumph ovtr Toronto Rug~cd right w1n1-:cr WI Ille f>h•tt '><'on·<I I hrec goal~ to lead Calgary to <1 5 '.l v1<.:tOI) OVPr l·;drncmlun 1r1 a pf'nalty riddled game Pt•rulov l ra ,.ar i.<·ort·d with I I .,1·1·r1n1h remain 1ng tn g1\f' V:.tn<'OU\'t>r ;r 'i :i 1w Y.ltli W11st1111~.t<on µl <rn ... 111 In to r1· :-1~11 frt•1• .r~1·n1 Bill ( :t\tro, llrt•lf l'lw Mtf,, .1ukl ,. llrt·Y. ,., , .1\ 1111 \ h,1\ 1111 ii ~•> I 'ihort rt•lio•f pll l'lwr C'~-.t r o ".:.7 w.1 1·l11•'•'t1 ti> "'" learn:-111 1ia.,1•li:oll ' 11· •·111 1' tf1 aft 1,11t h,,.., not r1•t11 he<I 11111lr:t<·I .1~·n·1 n1111t ... th Jll 11f 11 ... 111 ~u l'h;11 i.:1·-. Y.rll lw frl•·d .i1·;w1"t \11.;...,111ir1 11,1 )"•to; II ,1 a1 Stt-i.t• Slil'anovi<'h for fuh1·h IPIJ(ll llllJ.: 1ti,11 h• y, • ··~1111 Ii\' .1 gun m.Ht Bomw t 'ou111y tJ111'>1•1·ut11r .J1w \1 11 .. •·h .111! -,u11Jn•>v1t'h lwh.H·d his <';cm.1· h> 11•1 r J1·1111~· h1• 1111~'1 11 11 '>tri1 \ .11111 ;11trn11 llnJ.: Sunda~ that 111 .111 11!1·11\alh ... 11111 111111 c·lf Boxer J\aron f>r)or'-. m.111,c1•1·1 I 1111·11111.111 r•" I .1111 anl1•1H Budd) L;,i Rni.a, ..,;w l I ll\'\da \ that l't '"t 1ff·n1•·d lw 11·r·1·11 tl) mnrr1cd lh1• "oman "1111 ,hot h1111 l'r"'' I h•· W•illd ll•1J<1n~ A!->SflC'la tton 1Un1111 y,1 ·111·1 Y.1'11.!lrt c ti.1ni1•11111 y, , 1d••.J 1·d from a C'1n <·1n11 ~111 h11!>111t.ll .11111 ""ft• 111 11 • '""' d 1n 111 ... <tlJdonwn anti right forp;irm "h1•11 a """'''" .li•1l 111111 rl1Jr11lJ,!" dr1nw!->t1•' arg 1J rTil'llt 1 h1· Y.•111111t• '' • r• '• 11101 I• ti''' It. rr1111111 T .. lr-ririo". rodiu r OllOWlntJ ,,,,. lt)t· IC-IJ '00'' I·' Ill ... ,, I J lcm1qht Ratings arr . ''X(I 11111: ' •• ./I( •II "''' I II" • ,,,., • fOrQf'I 11 fLl} 5p.m .,C hannel l3' • , BLUEBONN ET BOWL ti rlh 1 "'' Announcer., Pl, ,r ,,11 '"'"''°' 1 RAO•O • rr • I a wr<>nce SEVANO ... Roger Carl~on ... . less The an-.wt•r!>, how<:v(•t will be cvl'n mun• chfflC'ult lo oht<.11n Whether both .... 11.11·-. "ant t•1 ;111 mil it or not. thf'fe :-.ct·m..., to he a definite brl'eth ~row1n~ hf'lw1•1·n management and the 11la ycr!. The playt•rs. on the one s 11le took great tlcht::ht 1n blam1n~ ownt•rsh1p fr>r the learn .., woC!> 1n 1980 The frrmt ofri n·. on th<• other. preferrc:d to n ·m<11n <,llenl on all c·hargt'..., not wanlmi: l<J ro<:k an o.ilrt•1td) fro.igil,. boat ;Jl lht· t1m1• Now tho.it !ht· ...,1·a-.1in '> done. howt·ver. that h..r-. < h<i nged G <· n t• r a 1 M a n <1 g <· r f) o n Klos terman 1s '>ltk ;u1d tired ol the whine!-> l:tnd wh1 m pl•r-. or his pampered t•h1ltln·n A-. far a-; he's l'oncernt•d c v1·ry unhatJIJY player will he a ('(·omrnrnlatt·d 1f he comes in ,ind rrquc~ts a l> much ·•Nobody ha-; ever rume in l" me on a formal ba!.1S and aired th e ir C'Omp la1n l !>. ~aid Klosterman by phone Tuesda} "If things t:Cln 't be worked out. and they s11ll want to leave, then I'll make every dfl>rl tu let them go "Maybe som e of thei.e players have been around he re too lonJ<!, they don't realize what it's like to be elsewhere They should &sk Lydell Mitc hell and Gre~ Ho rton . .They know. and they've both comm<:nted on how 111c·c • things a re around here "Maybe the writPrs s hould gCJ elsewhere. too, so they can see how some of t he other players are treated." If 1t sounds like Klo!.tcrman 1s -bitter. -it'~ be~aust> he rs All season l on g he . and owne r Georgia Frontiere have been made targets by the press and the players They have been painted as villains in this sccnarw. a nd its type -casting Klosterman thinks is pure poppycock "To say we're to blame for what's happened this season is an erl'oneous statem ent and one that is easy lo say. lt 's a copout ··Did you notice there was no griping the past couple of weeks when we beat Dallas and Allan ta. But. then. what did you ex· pect them to say Sunday? Now that we lost they can 'l s ay we just had a bad game. Instead, ~hey have to hav~ a reason. and who's going to want to admit they just got their bu\l!I beat'>" The Rams offered a variety of renons for Sunday's loss and frustrating season ranging from the walkouts. lo the holdouts. to the problems in h aving negotia- tions handled during the season, to h aving too many ( 19> new faces on the squad. Klosterma n sco((ed at thei1e ----e·h•f'te&t - -"I appreciate their Input." he said sirt'cerely concernl."'~ the players' remarks. "but our de - cisions are predicated on years of assessinai talent and putting teams lo(Jether. "The fact remains m-..y ~ ple felt we had the mos t talented team ln the NFL this year. It certainly w11n 't a 1horta1e ol personnel. t - Resoln~ions: no toads, hell ~ f.1 ancers W1th·1!l11 a11proach1ng m the next few tiour~ the time has <·ome to take stock of lhings, sec where we 're going wrong E s tancia H igh basketball coach Larry Sunderman: To keep a blood pressure reading some where t>elow 200 over up during his t eam's games (or at least g1vethat impression ). belly danC'(!r'> ';mtl 111 • 111p '"''''' 11 ,, peri'icope in th1• hal'k)o arc\ .1di1i• 1111 t f ountam Valley s pr a«tH \'' l(. I I' IHll r .... 1111· tr''' I I t'llj!I h and set a few goals resolutions. The~c a rl' always run lo do !for the writer>. tu poke a little fun So to keep it .!>lra1ght we'll hegin with this writer to lose 40 p.1unds <again). No". to lhe real m eat of the issue. Costa Mesa llig h football coach Tom French : To k1s~ no mor e toads. C It's a d1o;gusting hab1lJ f ormer Mater Oei High basketball coa c h J e r ry Tardie: To resume ('0;.1ehing duties lthe next few classes a re a lot more promis ing/. Irvine fligh 's adm inistration: To R EALLY back the footba ll coach (like it is done al University lligh J. University Hig h football coach Ted Mullen: To avoid seven losses in one season (something the Trojans have not done for the past five years). F ounta111 \1;11lt·~ lll)'h focolli.1ll 1•11 .. t Mike Milne r : 'l o H~.t\11 't 1.11i.' Rl!:Al.l.Y lovt•, IU•:1\l.l Y ''"l"' 1 1 11 bt' <lone and 1·v1>r~onc • kn••Y. .d111 , , ha Vl' ln heal I 11 do It 1 H untington kt•:Jt•h ha,k1·tli;rl1 , • ,, 1 Roy Miller: Tu bring h.11 k fr n rti '11• gr ave· the llunt1ngt1111 f11•;i1 Ir 111 111 .. t1onal baskcll,all tournam1•nt '.rn•l • ,., 11 aC'C'Ordmg to lfoyl•~) •• I I \1 """'"" t Ir"" fll I llllld t I • ",, I , <I ;• ... 11111lt1ph· ht .. Jd t ,,,, I • k•·l 11.111 <ildr HI· \I I \ J.!H fol I. If• 1·11rlfl 1' I It'-. ~1 ,., I Ill • n,11 h L>un 111111 1t .. 1c11t• L'.11n t .. , tl • n '"""' !11111 non 1 l•n111 11 .1t111 l.arn II II 11 1111 1u1•~t (111' an , 11111. 1 11 ""11.11 J d1fft•rN1r1· ,ri,111• "'1111 111 •·ulhu ... ia!'.m for I l•lllllll"''"'ll'I CJ F Commissioner Ray Plulko: To s m ile. at least once a month. San Clem ente High football coach Al· lie Scharf: To pass the ball. in a forward manner. at least 10 times a game !San Clemente produ~ Bill Kin- ney of the Kans as City Chiefs might be avail able for consultation >. Laguna Beach's Darrell McKibban: 'to work ha rde r al the Artis t s · Christmas bas ketball tournament <as tournament director.'¥'fcKibban doubles as s weeper, score kee pe r , r eporter. manager. fixlt man and towel man. There must be something e lse for him to do>. Wt•st1111ns t1·r l11 gh l1101h.dl ''"''I Ba r ry Waters . To s1op -;h1,v111'i l)1.11 game plan down the fn)nt 11f h1~ pa111' t it lu-0ks like he'!-> s till !!<>I pok••r •111 hr-. mind W1th thOS(" loose n trtb hanj!inl! 11111 like that) · Corona dcl Mar l11gh ba:-.ehall 1·11.wlt Tom Tra11:e r : T1J m :J1nt a111 '11 .ttn p1ons h1p"l orm 'o11 tht-rh..rrno11 d ,,.,,.n one 1s always ~ayin~ Tra~t-1 h.1~ ,1t: thetalenland is u !->hoo in1 h1-.-.µnnl! II, ·kl'lli.ill I" •\Pl• 111 • 111/l lf'I,;!" 11 ... , 1 1 •• 1 JI m t•attn!.on: J'o ,,,. 1111 the less •t •• "''•rri1· of H>Ur friends 1t1111.1• 1· \11•' •111Jll 1111 I \ 1•• 1•..,..., flt)!h. i.et for Marina High bas ketball coach Steve Po povleh: To maint ain h is schedules better at all levels (wife Sherry re fused lo give birth to Marc until Christmas even· 10~) Newpor t Harbor Hig h bas ke tball coach J erry DeBusk: To accomplish the complete coaching effort I in cluding get- ting the point across that players must not only show up for the bus. but with their s hoes and uniform). Edison Hi~h football coach Bill Workman : To slop this infatuation with .Newport-Mesa Scho•1l U1:.tn1·1 1 11 listen. JUSl onl'C. to tht· <'nmmun11~ rnd find some solut1oni. mi.tt·ad of 1•x1·1J:-•·'> Edison lfi ~h ass is lC!nl foothall 1·11•1t·h ol11I '. 111 1h1 ...,1111•.1 t 1 ... :c~1H' 1n S<'p- t··11.t11•1 1 11111 tn•lf'<l l'fforr... to switch .u 11. 111 1•.111 \ 11 "' 111 •II• ~:mpire I .('ague • 11 \ '"' tl11ri I tt.u1)1 I It t'.lrl \ 11'\I. (',In t'Om · 1 1 tr 111 l11••'li.tll 1 h1•1·k With \\-1• • 111or1 11·1, BARONS ... inger and Ri ck Smith. Mater Del 60, MeH 56 All tournament c ho1('~ Ron Tarbell connected on 1l Three: point play in the -waning se('onds lo send the ~ame into overtime. the n Mate r Oei jumped to a q111 C'k le ad and held off t he M us tC1ngs to c lai111 the consola- tion champions hip. Ken Bardsley. a n a ll-tourney choice. and Roger Lackey each contributed 17 points to t he Costa Mesa cause. S•nt• Cl•r• 45, Newport 42 Santa Cla ra's d eliber ate of- fense soured Ne wport Harbor's quir k-trigger offense. although fl·8 Rick Ci accio netted 15 points and a ll-tournament honors for the Sailors in t he fi fth place game . Tf\e l oss c\rops Newport Harbor 's recoro to 5.3 as they await Friday's 3:30 d uel with University in the firs t round of the Canyon Invita tional. Flick's f ether m111t 1tay behind ' . --nAShSSNA-·MP..> "fom Flick 's father wiU have to stay_' home from the Rose Bowl an<t will miss t'itting in the stand.a to see his Univer sity of Washington quarterback son play against Michigan . • Lyle Flick, 59, a professiCJl\.•I p ilot from Bellevue, Wash., was critically injured in a light plane crash at Boeing Field In Seattle on July 20," ' Area teams riding high H u ntingto n Beac h lligh 's Oilers haye powered th.cir w~ _ into the cha mpionship finals of 'the Brea Invitationa l following a 13· 7 L victory over hos t Brea· Olinda High Tuesday night the Oilers go for the gold Friday nighl at 8 : 15 agains t Sonora. And Ocean View Hig h 's Seahawks upped their record to 10-2 with a conquest of Compton to claim the Villa Park lnvita· tional cha mpionship, while San Cle mente con tinues to impress. upping its basketball r ecord to 10· J and Edison re turns from Palo Alto with a 2-1 record in the St. F rancis Tournament. He re is a look al each : Huntington n , Br•• 71 • Scott Becke r and Bob Reider ca m e up with season high performances. scoring 23 ·and 17 polnls respectively to pace lhe Oilers. now 7-2 on the season. . Reider added 10 rebounds and Becker and Bob Thompson con· trlbul-ed eight and seven assists respectively as the Oilers ' nuid U l .b.reak.,..keP,t Bce.a·OJlo.da..on its heela. J • Becker's free throw w ith three seconds left put the Oiler s up by two points, then HB survived a last-second attempt from the field by the WUdcal'J. IC 71, La Quinta 74 ' Following the Triton& of San Clemente are now 10· l followtna tl(a-eir vir tory over t he .John R~gers·I~ M.Wt·i;. Next on tap for Coa('h Rich Skelton's crew iS a Friday even ing contest against Madison in th e championship semifinals of the Chula Vista Tournament iames Ifill ne tted 30 points a nd John Eddo kicked 1n with 11, ·to offset Rogers' 36 J e rry Rorlln and J ack Stevenson contributed 10 rebounds apiece lo the win ners ' cause. La Quinta earn<' out pr essing, but the tartic couldn't slow down th e Tritons. Edl90n 75, LOI Alto• 54 Rick DiBernardo connected for a career -high 29 points lo pace Edison to its viC'lory In lhe consolation champions hip rinals of the St. Francis (P alo AJtol tDurney. R ichard C hang , anothe r j u nior. a dded 15 points before spra1ntn~ 111~ 1111k I•• alld 1111~;;1111 lhr fourth r111;1rll'r• 'I h\' l 'h,11 ~t·r c•\pl1111t •t .1 111111 fnrl<1l1l1• nuw p111nl l1111rl r111;11t1 1 mar).!tn with :t :.!t. point ft1111th lll"l'lhll . ·-f'lw '11 tun Ill'" ( ""'II B.1rr \ Ll'1~h ·~ lt•i1rn ·-. rl'1 1irrl 111 1 I Y.lth I hP nt.•xl Vf'l]lllt't' .J "" 'I ·•l!Jll1'd \ l'>ltlrlj! ('oSliJ ~f•.,;1 Ocean View 53. Compton 47 The SPnhawk-. hall lo ~t·I orr the floor 1n ;1 hurn to (l\C'rtakl' Compton. which 1,1µped to a 20 ll ftr,\ quart er ~Van tind rnu1n tarnl'rl a 37 31 lratl thrno~h th1('(• quart<'rs ' Wa yne CarlMHl<'1 l f'cl thl' Ocean Y1e~ !'.ur~r w1~ ~ i>po1111~ as Oc•can View a v(•ng1•d ;i ~!l 51' loss to Compton 111 t h1· ~.rn Dim a s Tournament Carlan<ler's sronnJ.! 0\1•ro1:1• lhroul(h a cl07C'n j.(fl lf'lf>S IS nO\\ HI 33 3 ·-·-···--.. ···------ • ...__.__ .... _.. .. ..,,,.__,._ • '9 .................... -........................... .-. ...... ., ....... .,,. • .. r UC IRVtNE I BASKETBALL ~y.Oecemt>er 31 , 1980 twl.YPILOT ' PHU TES NAP Girls' tourney UCl's greatest moment STREAK, 61-59 Edison triumphs Fill oeer Tesaa Al-M con 'a be matched BARSTOW Orange Coast College broke a rour-game los ing streak and managed to take third place in the Bars tow basketball tournament Tuesday night with a 61 49 victory over the UCLA JV team a__. YANG __ .._ ......... U • Srvmti' 1wm•n1 l l l4 v1cuwy over lai.· ran•....t Ti M .._.1 w•ll """"*btwll)I IO do•n al lea t lu lh•• ~ .-the 1r•-*t acblf'¥ ment m thtt nteat•n' L5·yHr bulletbaU h1 lorv ThU'e nu\ 1u1ulh11r 1u·1·ump!bh._n~nl mat even r.o m 1.·~ F'ur .. mamber o/ nut-..nll th¥ wan wu 1mpunant. 1 •l 1iavt! lbt1 ntt!•ter playen 11 PllYCho&o&ieal Utt 'l<J loo1i14'r do thf' hi.VI lo ffMll Uh 11 a.econd diviaion choul tu u vrov~d to Mulh1&1U'\, .tt.hou&b be said be bellt1.~t"ti 1\ all iollooK. lh tat hct•oultl coach allbe ma.Jor cnU~ti hl\ el. c 1 1hhu w\)n \16!1 ~ for U 'l 1n the area of fuh.1.re rttrwUn~ C IRYINE REPOIU \tulhg.m hcAbO t Deen .-t UCI a year yel and .ik~ud~ h1!> prel:ience hab c h1m&ed the program drasuc.a.LI >' • • • Whal wa:. Mulligan's reacuon the day AlilER his t~am wh1p~d Tex<ts A&M ''It was so good to win but what I.he hell." Ho. hum. Another game, another win. . . .. ing tie Yulli~an did some more shuffling and chang- a~ainst lhe Aggies. although it was very sub- Firsl, he mserted Ranier Wulf as the starting forward for Grant Taylor. And second, he almost wenl exclusively with five players. which is in sharp contrast to his previous philosophy or using eight or more, preferably 10. Mulli~an said Wulf will r~main in his starting t·apac1ty, despite the fact he feels he can help the learn more commg off the bench. And he will go with a basic seven·man rotation. plus two, depend- ing on the compelltion or course, with the way things have been go- ing, that rould change again by the end of the week .. .. • Mulligan said Santa Claus did grant him his wish of gelling a defe nse for Christmas. . .. .. Mulligan also said that just because the l-3-l .wne was successful against the Aggies. doesn't mean he's-abandoned the pressure man-to-man au together t "It will depend on the circumstances and who we're playing." hesa1d. . .. .. ~·c .lrvme will now have the advantage of playing its next four games at home. including the Anteaters' first t.wo in PCAA action against Cal St ate Fullerton <Jan. l5 I and UC Santa Barbara <Jan. l7l . Basketball scores College ••~ -0~1.-...51 ~·. ,_., "'~" USIU ~\. U>nQ !Meth Sl •• A•corr> 'ii 17 L°"9hi.nd10 111\ordl \l llr>lord 11 W•\.< S-rtor •• N fttu. SI _., C<tn>er"on It lllllttl SW B4">il•t Mluouro llO H~y,.,.t<I Joo O"'•hOnw City tOt, Kent SI H C,I H !...,v.,nlhl AeclliH A rt1on1t 14 Gr"nd CAnvon IJO 10•,..o St I• Ut•n St !>'I CotorMJOtil> Ct\.\om•nMI --·· t\HttO\,lt\ b-4, Nf0f4}\iii;ll 61 Ml-I 10-..• 94.. N ltw"' \l K' '''" .. ' l07, Rollin, 11 M•c n1c.Mn es. 0.1ro11 MJ ConconMll llO, Oo\ylan II '>MU bl C.c><,..,.11 •? 0 ,.,tQ S1 10, W 1trq1n1_.. 11/ l / 111 I S lllH'Ol'\flO, \l,blJMri-1\0\q 1: ... , P1t1 11, Ront'rt MOt',1\t1l S..IOr> HAii 40, SI P,.tf'r ' JI Vf'rmont 11 Centr <>I Con~ 10 MOhHltbl , c;, r ,ftn( l,, N V' 1 Iona Irr Fl• SOu1rv-rn NI: _,.. .C~ntt.JC.kV 100 Ml111M ~· V1rq,n•• ~l, Jamf'\ M.adt\On 1 WAkf' For~t 8J Oav•d'°n 10 G•or<i••I>~. Gf'O•ll•• T1><n H r1ouoan . e 1,.,,,, s' ,. Mtad T"'" Ill r""ne'\ft 'it w Mt-motu\St ., Mf"IUtPP1&• LSU 91 SI F•orw.I\ P~ l>I Gf'O WMn1,.qtDr\ 80, 0,.., Me'°" Ill TOUllNAME NTS KOA ClllUOC UC l fYtnP &\, Mont•M &J ''"'U E Mc>m•M .19 ff' .. \ A&M JI tot I 11,..1,nl Y >Y-tO aHIC N•'tAOA ,~ .. V~\ I\ Ml\\IUIOOI ,,_ •1 PortlM><I 73. HOIV <."rO\\/O 11noro1 U>-!My O••>I< Minn~uo II> Norin CMol•r>• Ml cursn Louosvollt 1'. USC $0 (lttltCI) ti"' Cih CIM•I< 1011 ... St."· Fall"lleld .. w .. 1 I Brown Ill, E CArollN 19 (tnl•OI --· E Kef)tuuy n. N~IVY I~ (OU (thlrOl C-lk ... Cle111c Connecticut 84, 'N t<Mtucky SI <llr$tl SI. \..OU1' 1>1, Amty Stf Ctlllrdl ~11ee1 .... 1c OePaut 8i, San Olf'90 St. 114 Gt<>ro-t-1', US.lie "3 llt\i•dl .. ---..a-1c HE Louotlef\• 12. Hou1ton 8•1111\1 SI l'u>tln Pt'4•V 80, Hlco•h St •1 (thordl Wi1 I ii oC!Mek ..... a lrmi ........... '°· s. MIUllllPOi IS lllrsll itlo "3. w.-.-<.,.,rOI •-CM-0-k fot-10, Air Force U 111"11 A..eurn6.J. Cat-• SS cm t•dl __ ... f __ Evemvllta ... ~lne n 111,,11 Al"On ... NorHNeste<n SI 10 llhlrd) '-'*tel-'< .,._ fMolcico 101 •......... un ....... .,, ll TCU S7, JCf"* Olrio •I (lhl•dl Clljlll90-0..-T•nn.·O..C'-ltO, ,_.,._,.. SI COil !flml SE L--II, G• Sotut'-" 17 (llllrdl ......-a-1e SI • ._,..,.. 70, c-.1.1u• u lllnll 5*'• •. NI ... •• .. ltlllrdl ~~ 8Hl'"1 C•ll. ". V•nct•rDlll n (!Intl P-St .... T--TKtl 11 "'""'' CltkeT_., Wn111~r •l. Chico SI Ml Cltr~ll Ala Fatrbank,. 11. Rf'dtand~ t.1 tthlfO• E W iUh>nqtDr\ 11 &, E Or,,_ • 1 ft1ftht 5 Ort!qOr\ •9 Clar~mont-M.-•• r, ... vfntF'I• C-C-ryT-Y '>oulnern utan 10. C..I Poly ISLOl .. , ,,,,\ti (.di Lutl'lltrltn q), San Oo~O &q (tnnOl Junior college TOUANAMfi.NTS .... _ Qr.,n11r Co41\I &I, UCLA J V• 19 11n .. <1l S..UA-. °"',...._,.." E I C.moM •I. C•O"''' q 'l'MrdPl&ll Ottr>1tr<1 J4, San18 A"" 69 c-....i-a.a....,.•lli• Full~non~. Oo••e IUlahl 11 s..~~ °"' ........... It 10 '4...-rt Southwestrrn /5 tot I TIWrd Place V,onrnom t.1 tm.,..r1at \faHe-v Mt c--~·Gl•nda•• (Ant t Q6. e.-."'°\ll•IO 1e --<-CrrrttOS ti. l.A Pt@fe@" Lo\ A._i~ CC 1.1, LA MiHIDn .. Canyons60, LA Valley S. (otl High ICl!OOI TOUllN.-NTS Or-Four>1e1n va11.., 16, S«v1te 6S llir~ll L•ke-•.Mertn•4j Uhirdl S•nt• Cl•• 41. ~ HarllOr 11 (liflhl M•t"' 0.1 loO, C0>ta """'"'° S. loll !w.,.ntl'll 1(-• LB W11-. •. 1<.tl1'11• .. /fi"tl Oom1nQun .,.,s.m• ,..,. Valleys. (tnfrdl Bl•noti -.11JC1merr 62. Bttwrly Hlll•Hllllfll \.Mt-• La H-allJ.L.as.m.77 lllr'$1l Sance AnaM, Cllllfomla 3'~thlrdl ,,...., .. _ O<e•nVfewSJ.c.om.ton•7 (lfrstl Rot11"9 HClls ID, LM Ami-., lthlrdl Gt-••· VlllaP-•$ IJll911 ' ,.S::,.· rusttna . rc--'Y .. WHtminsttorjf, ... WOGr .... S. .... 0 41 , ........... s...ora , .. 5'1MyHlll"6 Huntt,....e.ac11n .11ree,-011nc1a 11 c 01• ...,, ........ Pom-... Ml-V'-lo" Et ToroSJ.AltaL_ .. ..... ,... ........... Troy 15, ,.....,.....56 s. .. ~-llkaSJ Cllllltl¥tllllY'W ••••• _ ........... s...c.......,..1'.u~•7• c.1 • ..._v .. 1.,. a. s.. ~ n ...,.,_ Torr-.• OW..HlllsUltlllrdl ................. TOU ...... WTI ....... 0 ..... , Edl-.. ,lhlllKt.• "*41••·· "-'.,...,....,, ... ..,. ... )Ir •. . . How &ood i.a Kevin llatee! WeU, the M po1atman baa aone up against some pretty formidable oppolition in the Uniftrsi- ty of San Franciaco, Nevada-las Vegas and Teus AllM. and he's more than held b.is own against each. • The best confrontation is yet to come, however. when he and University of Pacific's Ron CornellWI buu heads. • • • For~ interested in the women's basketball team. Dean Andrea's squad (8-4) resumes play Saturday (5 p.m.) at home against Army. The Pirates, 8-5. got 20 points from Chris Beasley ant.I 12 from freshman guard Jeff Thoma1> Beasley was particularly im pressive. hittin~ R-of 10 from the field and 4 for 4 from the free throw line Brian Maravwh l<:d lhl· Buts in rebounds with s 1•\ l'n Three players scorett in double fig ures Tuesday night to lead Edison High lo a 49-46 victory over Estancia and the title of the Eagles· own girls' basketball tournament. Sue Randall a nd Shannon Mayer scored 12 points apiece and Lisa Sandviken added 11 as the Chargers came from a four· IJOi nt fourth quarter deficit to win by three. Estancia <8·3> led by one. 16·45 . with less than a minute to play Rut back·to·back huckelS by Randa!! and Sandviten gave Edison (9-1) the win and lbe tournament championship. Mayer was named the touma- m en t 's most valuable player whi le Randall received all- tournament honors. Estancia's Cara Francy led all scorers with 21 points and was a l so n a m e d to the all - tourn ament t eam . Vickie Simpson ( 11 > and Shar Bilyeu ( 10 > a lso scored in double rigures for the Eagles. Where a man belongs. . . .. ' I Low tar. Camel taste. . tar. ·sm• 8 mg. "r1r". 0.7 mg. 111conne tN. per cigwene bv FTC merhod. • ·' -'"' JS , ~···-·--···"'······ ... , ..... Warmngr lhe Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. / - ... ,, .. ,,-"•••• -OAll. Y Pll.01 w.dl I OIW. 0.0..tti9 31 ,.., FORTHERECORO /BU~NESS MaA •r \ll •II C:O-f I ar MCI -•OtvK._ -----• W!, •• c t\ t•" w I. .... .. ' " '. •• •• .. ,t "'° &JI ... ... •• • • C\lo••• U•• t I• I .. !f\I I II I• r.cthlL U.••\196 ti • ~"' !\I•• .""* t ... ... ... p .. . W••t • •• ll .. .. f 4U ~ll" CO .. fldtUoCE ''"'-'"'On·••._ ~ ... •• • ' 11• • .. ,, ' llJ Ii JI t /I IU /~ 1 Wlf' .. , ' Sc'"' H I j l .... ,., IOU N""" r r1 • ~1•1 lJ•ll•\ !fl -'l'•M• '11 l,)t'llOll ., Y.1 .,..'°',_.,... ll'> W•'"""0101l~' \cit" At\fOf"IH) 10) "woltlt 100 tt'f u ... n ~fJtr tDt.i 11e.1n\.t\ C•I., 10.f (.f'Hf .A')t> l 1 \ Nf''filj ltf "'°V 110 •tfJU ... ltl'I 1()4 \df\ 0 tPQO l'f. (ll'nv .. t l}J 1 r"11dn• t 10 .,.,,,,an tt• ..... tl0t"'11a '11 I 11 tf•11CJ IOQ, Ptlll41delph•• ION T9ftitl'I'• Gamt\ N V Q•mt'\ \t ,_.<Nhtd n ... ,.,...,., o-•• U\df\ •t t10U\\Of\ n .. ,,\J., At Poro.,-,a Roqf)I\ ~t Cidn 01roo Jau 110. Lakers 100 '"' .. , .. , •o II\ I\ 1 I .... 11 LOS AHGELES CMN• tO Wtl~<' I• J•bO•t Jl '"'''•' N,con l'f, Cooott l 8tewt1 1 1 «ttdW>''Ot",-). Jora.n • fot4'1\ .0 10 lO 100 UTAH O..tnti,., J" PoQU4'tlt' '" w11~1n\ b C:,r•~n tO Gr1ff1lh 1) 9, 1\IOw I 80oM 11 l ot•I\ .,10M t10 Scot•.,., Ov..lr'ten l QS An9"1"' /I 11 11 7) 100 U1•1' H 11 10 11 110 foulfo<I 0ut P'oQut"ttt-rot .. , •Ooh Lo\. ArKlf"t~ H llt~n 14 A t7.'"l COLLEGE UC Irvine 65, Montana 63 MONTANA GI•\\ 10 8rdnoon l l•n6r• 1'0 Oop 1 c;,,. .. ,. ? ~I ••Q • ttmQht .1 I f4f'4')Mn 18 \JC IRVtH E Wh1•ddon l lJ Wulf 10 ~' Oot1alrt 10 MdQlfl• I\ J-ull .. , & 1,,.1,,, • w '"-'I t•dftn~l'\1 H t1lff1rnf" -VO•,. AAC>nt.m1• J• 78 ~"'Y1Jl(f f1•Y\ \ OfP \i \I 'rJhll f11yl Mith111ll,(I f \Jt If "11"1-t' Hi f 11Ul,·1111vt Wh1• l1Jllll M,u,_.,. lJC ''"'n"' JUNIOR COLLEGE OCC Gt, UCLA JVs 59 1J ( l A "111oti1 ) ti \lH •M• I} WOOO._ J f\ "' "'. ' • r .\' -· , "' I • _.._I I\' J \IJHPrtdn llrf U.,.111,.,.t I ORA"CCE COAST "'' •" n 81"d\t .. ., XI 'tl•I.,,, I\ ~'O''"fl l lt ~ Mt"'wi n ~ f 1f1ft'l.fjh ... R,,,. ... J t nf '"I\ J H~tUt"N•\.ft,•• H ll 1 \.H f ,.,,, I( I A I (lf,w1q,. (,.._ot f l tl~t HI ,, ft n. lit I A t HIGH SCHOOL Founlain V11lley 76. Servile 65 '"OUHlAflf VALLEY V•tt-'"V"•• > •t"Qr'I•\ 16 M.trrv 17 ._.ttrt•t • (r.r1,IM~ • '.JOnqo '1 SE AVfT E \1n•1> /I 9,.u_.ttfll'1n t (11Kian.-n J ~..a tt f"AfUttl,\ I lu"OH':-' ...,,,, '• S<Mf" b¥ 0u.u1•n F-• .,,.,d .... ../.t ,, 114 Jfl 1'1) ,. lb ~ ... , " t I )0 ft\ f·.Jtft '>u' -#11/f ftt V•flf', II '>-ryt• 1'vh1 .,1 I t•,..orw u ~., ... ,,. Lekewood 46, Marin• 45 MAR rHA W1-n n<l"' • ' 80,Mnn1 .. L•l(,E\111000 U-t1tN"11 f CJ'tl•'l 11 N••l~,Pn • P,,w;.rt.f I r~t"I •ti• lo\,, M ur"f'\yij ""-Df'• by O.,,~rt•n ~_.,.,-., t\ t) 11 t1 .o I fiiof'w rl':i.,I If' IC. I) I .W. l 'ti)t fQu\ M At.f\" 11 ,o,,..,..th+() \I , <.ntll'(J CIUt f'o4.;r .. Mater Oe1 6<>. Co•t• Mesa 56 COHA MESA M<Y•• H Jon•• J l.d<••Y '1 p ,.11\t'IN •dH \, Q,H(J\l,.fl'f 1/ J'.' ) R 1\tiflCWfQt'f l MATEll OEI I, fd'~ll 7& Molo\, Pno•wvtJ J••<~tion) T11t llP111 W1l11 ... m\t) ~or• llY ~""°' (O\tA M#U ,, 1• ' I& ' ~ M"t•r Oo-1 l/ 10 1' 11 I ..0 t <'lat tout\ (rr.1• M•'\.• '' M&tt>t O'f' tb Ff>\llflod out Afof1\ fM Affl' Ot-1\ Sant• Clara 45. Newport 42 NEWl"OR T HAll80 11 N•lll-\ ti Mot 'Ofl ' { Vfll'f'f\itf'1 \ Q p .. ,,., \On ' S.lU'fbr,.., 1 (Mtr •O t\ SANTA Cl.ARA Ou.rot I Tr.om..- VArtUI, l a·.,...,.( .. , fOfff"\ I l •ub.ttt\f'f 1. (.olt,i.rnH Boo 1 ~ ... "' Ov•rt•n Ntw U")rf Hctrbl)f' 1 • • l} tO ~ s ...... (l•r• 11 ll • ,, ~· Tottt• tout\ N~wr111,,t tt .. ,oor u S.tnt• Cl•r• '1 ~out"'d out rvf'r~tl 4N~woort ~Atbort Huntington 73, Bre•·Ollnd• 11 HUNTIHGTOfl IEACH 8ob Tl'IOm~ t., 8~c.1trr ?3 l1UW f, l(nd()O t. Rt1<ktt' 11 McA t11\ttr 4 rurMr & fhlt Tnomo~0'1 • llREA·Ot.IHOA (ott-v i. M•l•n"'°1 ), LArU~ 11, Moo•-• Ol"'h 1 W~ton 1. ("•ltln 1 Tllom"' 11 se-........ ~'19" 1-'unllnqton 6ucn 10 10 U 11 ll Dru Oltr"t.> 18 I) I) U 71 lot•t foul\ Hunhnqton &•t " 13, 8ru Ol•ndd 17 f°'lted ou.t ,L.~. Tu•JlCf (H""4_._ •nQton IH«nf.'r l'IOm•• "~'"" Ohl'll•f - Edlton 75, Loa Atto1 54 EOISON SI•°"""' 4 M 01fkorn•rdo 1, Gouo,,. •. llO<Na 1, v-'"'"" •. Ch•nq •> 841ronf' 4, P OIBf'rMrOO rt, 8•qhont \ MoorP' \.OS A\. TOS Jon.~ 1 ll\Hlle I 8Ur10fl >. ( .. tin 71. F<»f'Ciltt I, M.tr~t • McOu mott • Hantev 7 Sl••-1' D•lton• k ... ,,o.. ....... Ed•""' I• I) 11 7' H l <KAllO'\ u 1 ti u 1' Tot•• '°"" Edt\On II lo• AHO• " llOVltd OUI -· fEdi'IO<'f S•n Clemente 71, La Quint• 74 LA OUUtTA llCW,Ort •. llr..,.o ' HUllW.00 •• 0. .... 1 ... t• •. ftOll•r ll, Mu.r•v > SAN Cl.El'll!ftTI llo<ltn I. C°"•f,.r u Eclde U , """""""° •, Hiii JO Slot'""" 1, r••• • s ..... ..,_.-n L• Outnt• 16 I' 10 11 1• ~n c~"'""• ,. 11 1l 10 71 T ol.tl loult \..t Quinta I•. S... (tern ""• I), """1.clc"'4 M4trray fl • Quintal . 9orll11 (5.tn Clt,..,..•1 Oc••n View 53, Cofftt»ton 47 OCEAN VIEW CMt-• 14. U1 .. ll(tl 1, ,.~,,.,,,Sin.tit $, o.•·-· 1, o • .,,., L•lbfr•ICI• COMf'tOll CM-• I 0.•" II .... te ll t -·-14, -· t llltt•ll•ld t ,.,.._ .. T11&,ot .....,, ••Av .... II (04'111'"'1 ti ~.-;1.a..,. O.wt\ tC.e(•IUI •I HtQH SCHOOL wO•N P:oyot•n Ville~~. Marine ~ ._ •• ,._. {>tlh~m 10 -., r • I\ 9Wtrt\ I ....,,.., t (.t-I .. OUNl AIM VALll'f ""'' '"""'"' H ••• ._, f {,ll\_~tq t °"6•1' ,. for-I• Ar•·-, ......... "'I' \ .. n1t10-•\en ~.,.,.. , .. ,, '• ~ , ~·-••i111 v.,11 • .,. '' '' '• 10 •> t•\•t t-uw'\ ._,..,_" .. U t v\io\•••1 \IAU•V t 'vvt.V uaA A4.lltlllt Edlao" •t. £•t•nc1a 46 I O t,ON ._ \4V-• I M4111ultu '\•H.J~ lileu M~I t/ ~-t'I I/ '•rwbr . '"'"' ' l\fAN(1.a U t•v '' t , .. n,, ti ttw•;r-• l"tyf+4'1d \' 61,,.tfl I tl~wlM1d t \1-.ttt' ... ""°'• ., O\Htittt't\ ti ... • ,. 1• f (/lft fc.ut .. •ou,.lW\ ~ NHL WAI.ES COflFl!REHCE Norrlt OMtlon " .. . .. !(, .... MOf\h~41 Harttotd P1tl\buro11 o.1ru11 w l n •o JQ I) t I ., f GF GA 1'11 ' I~ I?\ -0 • I\. 10'< ·~ 8 .... 11) .... " 18 . " I I JI I.ii ~~ I I .. I IO 1\ AO"m' 0 1•1\U)f'I Bult•IO M1'ln~\Oh1 to,on•o Bo\ton Outtbt< HI d q I 0 IOi O II ~ If IJ\ tt I t4 t t \. \ IU t•t )t I/ " I 111 ti• JI IU 1d i 111 l\l It CAMP8ELl.CONl'EREHCE .. ~fl(ll 01¥1\IOft N V fS14~'' 1• I 118 1.1 \ti Phlla04>100\t" H ~ I</ 101 \) (tt1Qt1HV 16 t} 111 11' t0 W•~n1nql0f1 t 1 t1 l' l~ \)) )" NV RdnQr'"r\ l) 1q \ I H 1\I JI Smy1tw OtVl\IOft V'AntO\.l,,;""r c ruc•qo Coto••<IO H • \ l•l 111 \1 11 11 •o au ,,.~ ;_. ,, JC 0 , ... ti/ JO fomon1on t/ 1~ • 118 '"' 10 .. /I f, 11f lti 11 } }I f(')9 ik) JI T~\d•Y \ 5(-orrt Mon•t-•I ... K.,,., 0 NY Rdn9"'' fl.. Qutti~t I NY l\'~''q· C.01m"® J M 1nnna(.tt> P'"'~'Oh·" '' Lo"'' !t rorontu 1 (..tlrJ•rv c; Edrno,,lon l Wd\h1n<1ton l. VdntOUV('t ' TOfttofrlC't C.tmet tt1,,.ut 6utt•to P1U,bvrgri dol 0.tron ColOrM"Jt> ttt N,.w (or i. i:>..tno"'•" 9,..,ton ..tt Lh•t.\QO W tt\h •l'Qtonat W H'Hf•O"'Q Canadiens 4, Kings 0 !.<ore bV P•nod\ F1nt PeriOd 'I 1) IJ I) ) . . NtmP ~l'\dlt11<' 'fi*""'' l A 1 \• tiO•J~"' Ml')n "H N t n.-P•'\•ft1f'\ N _.11\ l I\ , I V\ .. A,,t\\A,q .al) TtrMrd Per.Od l Montr~•f ~YJllO 4 1G,t1~~! ll(J l M ont,.•4U N.os;'tf'< \\ •Shutt \.rtvt1'01 tQ )I ) IYOl\lr~•t L.tmo~rl I,) 'Rt\ .. DtOwQh I rPmbl.t"f'• IJ )l .e Mclnlr,..ttt l .ambflt1 , t # R,'\f'f>l"°'4\ Trt"rnl>'ay 11 11 p,.,.a1t1f"\ &ol.duo t A 1 t>\ r 'f"mnl•'t' M IJn I 0~ ~not'"" Qtt'd' t'"'"''' a n 1• C.'l.th..... l,.f)") ,,,.., N.tl"f""'"'" 4 lntern•tional funior tourney f~I l"o<1 W••ho~on, N Y I S.Cond "°""" S1roqln 1•0•• •11 Chi" G.tt~, Ql!ot '""' e,,,.,t_...,. "Q t. t JOo40 l w•t\lth ~f t-10\' 1j1n\,,,..rq to •' Aotwrt (•IOl'\d Of*f T "'' >und "''" t> ;> tt 1 111oy, !'I AnOrP , .. ,.blclrv~('JPf • ,.,, ~ .. "°, ~ J ~O Mf'ntJ\r-lu" '1tt-t Gut (t)rv-n ti 0 ' t ,:: ... ,_... M oor• ,,.,.. t-idrr1 o ... M 'lH *' b J • 1 M 1C hft.,I P 111'-'t•ll'><Jflf Och I U1• t I\ f ~ 1 (llo'(\ "' FO NctQll'I ()lot (,.ctr.,-l\olull.-1 ~' • 1 ;ohn I "'" 6'1'-f &@orrMrOO PMJ1 ''"' t; 4 fl • J(J.l'\n S< l'\milt Jr ~f o,.n,., .)01,,..,..,.,.,, ) • ~) ",, thy• Ill C<d•q v .. ntM ,Pl I,.,...,., • ;tmn.-• I f) 0 ") )Oc0 1m N,..1ron-· ~f Aoerrto C'IMW'M• • o ~ 1 JPM"t l w Cot.110 °"'' .,,,.M,.v Sh~-• l f») fl)rn 1t1~tt Clf'I n~"•f1 Pett"' ~ 1 6 f Australian Open \1t ,_."°'",_• Av.,1r•h•) '"'"' q-s1,,.1~ 1(1m Warw1c• d"'1 Vi<tOf' Am.t'J'di, •) & J. & l Gu111,.,mo Vtl'1\ dief .,-,.,,." Cm,rtn It I 6 4. •·• o. 1 JoM Sadro O .. t Phtt 0-nt / ) t. l, • 1, I\ 8111 \cdlltOn c>t 8r11d Q,,....,.,.,,· 6 ), • 6,. 4 4. Sant• Anita TUllS04T'S •ll\U\.TS , .. ._ .. ., ... , 1--.-.• _ ..... , F1"1 r«• s...-n Lllr• (S-m•U•J 'Ill 4 ,' >0, 6 IO Pr~""f• fM.tll~rlrtll, S «I, l .0 S-r I~ (V•l.,,NPl•I. l 10 S~t o"d r•t e V•rHy \ A:eQve\t (Vald••iHol, I)•«> .• «>. IJ IO SI•- ' Oel•lto<l•wnl. 1• 40. I 40, Summ•rf•ll f M<.Carront. • 10 n 0•>4~ eo..btc t2 41 °""' u .1 1•.,, TllirCI ,... P~to·• (~m.-••1. U eo. 1 ?O. • •O. Sp•n.,h Ha r lem fV•l•nru•l•I. l 60, loo, 'leo•• Sport .111awleyl, l.60 Fourtl\ race Udy Gall<tel• tLlpfWtml. • 10, IS 21. 1 llO, Golelon Reb lllA.t,..rlnll. •loll, t •. MOit~ Tov 10.1.._ .. ~,,.1 . l.OO Fifth r•c~ f conorruc. Ad.,•ntvt• I Oel•-Y•I. 13.10. 1 00, S.loll, Gt«la• I H•wleyl, 2.60 1 •O. Tim• IO T•ftOO I M•l9erinil, l 10 U ••.t<I• f U 31 paid ''"00 t Sf •tll rac e t A llO lll Sun••f (0.1~.,.l. t .-00 4 41),) ..,, 0..r A-11141 (VolOftruelol. UO, 300. 1-W MoMtf'll IOllvorl'tl. Hl.411. ,..,....r.p•2 'wwntn r<l(o ~Mlly t IOfOI, IQO '«I ) tO S.--flta.,.hlyl, • t0 ) «I tWI ,, •• f P"'Ca• I J 111 u ••a{I.. II ., _..., ,,,. '° 0 ll'tO. ~• I• e I 11 • II ""'° ll l'IO 00 to 11 ,.,nrul\(j ti.>•I• (f<MH --..1 l? PIO !..• -~'°'•"''""""' UI w It) 1)1 "''""'"9 ltt••U llM .. -.. ,) t: 10f'1" t•• t#\'<11•1\( •bt• f>oO'e'Y t(OtGef"O~ • IJO •• llO, • 60 ()e~ato lltOfl•Ml I loll I .0 MolMfy fC.••t•tWoCUI, l to Htnlll .... H•ll•• Wtl IH ... •leWI , lO I 00, J 10, tl11f• A<Mlt I V•leMuelal, 4 40, 4 .0 l V<<'Oll II tplwirnl I lO '\•••<lot 1 ll ~I 00-•0 ,, .. '° All••-<• » 171 Lo• Al•mlto• TUESOAV'S II HULTS 1Jht•-v'tv.M1..-.. ..,_,,,_., f tr<! ••U l>Op\ 8•111" C~IOMIMI 11 IO, J 4'J l «> CN"9l'l IC•rOOt•l. 1 tO 1 .a lt~tnu'Q huci.. <8h•1v1n~J '.0 11 •• •• '" Ct II P•tlO U• loO ~-,..,. Doll• 0 e.tJ 16 .. •0I, ".0 oOO lloll ~· f tmtl' 1Myl .. \I JIO 1 00 Cf-.,h•t\ C)oo tCr•eoetl >~10 fhuO r«• Juh .. l •,.. C(lt'H~ ... • 1• 00 I 10 ~ 00 C."'''°'"'" Conetpl '"••ti • 10 1 IO Mo\~ '"""°" H•.cl llrl>O" I l lO U '° ••C. t• 0 ., CM•O ''0 10 fourth r•l• '"* ~O••f'fHhe-QJOrt t AfJ•P' f .. .0 l .. 0 1 •O Pttrnf' Hf'n~p 18 1t'•ft'l\I 10 ~ .. &Yll•O"' f'ov IW4;dl 1 IO Fol l" 1au Bal 8o MAln IH&ttl. ~ «l l 00 I IO Al 8oy I 81t•tn\J • 10 J 10 SO• V•l•nttM lllAYl•Y I • 10 H "'""• II •I CWtCl \11 llJ Si •I" r.c.'" Con P'°'"''° •Cl•t '~J •60 • tO J lO H••IY<loo t l n...i•oroJ • tlO. ) 00 Go Oh lo,. 1601 .. 1. • 00 S•w•ntn '«"' f n. O."\l.t-; ... ,. fH•r1J 1 00, ) 10 I ol) f:A\Y ~ltd\ 1\.M.,<11, I II) • '° F ••tut• fhh •cr .. •~0"'' I '60 u 'IA&C td ·~ &l D<l•d "" ?O \1 Pio ~ .. 11 l •I l \I ll"'o \UO 60 lo 1' •1nn1ng ti<~•t\ U1v .. "°'""...+ \l Pie~ St• 40nWh•hOf' JMH.1 S1¥80 to \J') ""'''"'•"O 11ckeh t •ourhC)t~> £ 1gn1n ,,., .. !.'"""'"' 't141 Cl'ltt 11, l(h .. oll lO IO H>C '00 On Ro<~¥11• IM 1ft '""" 11 t0 '80 M1 B-'" IC••~,, I /JO Ntn1hF*f'I fou ~Not •MtfllW•tll ~._, I 10 I OU Rt tr. Aobb•I 1ttdt 11 ~ 80 'llO fhf' r •"lOU' ()ni• I PM>••t-...1 Q 00 i 1 ff•.t fA ti bl P<Otd~OO A ll~nd.tn< • o n. HIGH SCHOOL All-CIF 01vl•lon II f:tn1 Tt..m OtfMJ• Pot P••tH. W: .... I .... f W1~. lf\t't\'t \ 1\ E tHHlulr 1 ,.1..1rr1·~"' ~ ~ f St.,lt-., l ti'\ AIAm1fo--. 11' I WI Cl \I\ r,, 11\ \I It\ 4'I F 'N"1U1t11 H--h ,,,.,~ f W•I k 'A f"'l)h ~' ~;-'! I I v t11 ti M~1H ~I r fV,1,.lJ f'"'''""•J"' 1'i • (.1 St :tf">ft I .t ,,.n....O 1 (, (\1M.\H•1 W1tr•r '' ( .,.,,.nnttr'I ~,. l "'' I •hi' C\t.· ~ I f1 " •'~•1U\ ••.-,,nn1 t4+1 ,. R CJt•r t '' • l t\ r•-.1., t. I ti ~< oll tyn""'""' • u ft (\fnnin.l\~"1 '-mh• ""''n / • fi r. (l.'t• h•1r (11.ci,, \ • r H l1r1ff1f' Mdf1•,111 h Arth-.in Mu1t "' Wf'1f'' AH t•1•1 I,, • u F1f\t '••m lHt•nu (ll Hvrq.-1 f 1 MtO•r•.,, Ill 1.ttil"'"ly"IN•~U ,., UL litn1t.h ~ l.m"-' tit\•·~ "'I Ol U1vt1 "'· ~1•~ Dl "'~''' , ,.. ..... ,.1 l 8 Ro.;Ow.t'r I 'mt,,., ~ H ht1ttn I .,. . ..,tOt--f'., u \J\'M"f f ... ~.,. o r •"' r 1 ~ ,.,., i Ei '"'' 111 Mwr I. f\ r tl'flOf l ( f4f I {J6 (,4J'\Yf .,,; .. ,., fOff .. \!I o1J P,,, "·\A v .. 11,., 0 8 M tl'f\ P.t!O' y.,,.Ot'"\ 08 P•o• Nfo.-t)ury P1t1• L t . ' , I • . ' •• 0 ' • l •I •II ) 10 /Iii\ •• 1/'J )t lb j ,, ,,, IM" ' 1tl'. )' fR"t .,, l~f' \t I\~ "" .,. '. ~' ,. .. /0\ " ,.,. ~, 1v7 f,,, llo\I Sr II\ St 18\ .,, 1¥/ ..,... "' St 186 <;r II~ S< 100 y CIA ''"'"• 1n' M 1ll1lltt'· Punt•r lur-rwtr WMU<tlt.r .. 1 \• 160 •I 700 .,, .,, \f'(Oftd lf'4m Ottt'n\• ,,,..,,, •Q"' F ic tnt no "0 11,.. " ,..,.,.,. •"'" '"' .. '' ... u '' tr(I ,,, ~· f\l,,llfJI-h ,,.fl r.1,..nn.1,. <<\OOH P,,Q' ""''"' hrott IJ•""'tn ' ... " '"" ~· ,..., )\)•1 \I f , ti•• . ., t.tr 1q \to t, ii'"·•'' l""' Pu••frlt ,, • II' \.I r, \n.-.r p r 1 M-'1"'"'·' ' 1 •~• \' t wr~\ (r,mfJtl"lll , 1 1'11 -,, B f "''""' An14n.o1j r r, l '~' Sr 11 tt•u~ l,.1,m,....Jd 'HJ 117 \r tt l 11'1"41• AYHf1f)t1 \ to !/\ ~, b Hr''•'"·-'"'°''"' k~rbdr" •. • 1~ \r fl l<rc ~in. ~.,..t" M<>'lt' ti f, l 18\ St 0 Wttll Gl•nd·r•t-,, I tUJ \f l •"""• (lr!wnv'f \ tO II\\ Jr $.e<of'\d fe•m,O•t•"" IJl 01 '':uun• t , Ul•n<Jf'f tf 1"1 "\• (ut,,•rt1 CJQ, ~fll'.fHO\ h I 1)\ it;., 01 Dl Ot l 8 111 IA I B I ll I fl 08 08 08 08 oe 0 8 (•' f."fl'f"W> Qu.11 II I h i! fJ J ll'. St .,. "'"'""''" w"'"''"· , 4 1\JO s. f luth ,WojtfrO A& }•\ fH yttn ttttrl ~ l 1.lO \I G.o"'"''~ t t f.t6'N: ho 1• • 70• < t Atf1lat< ""It r, "°"'" t 11 tql') \r PttVA t..ftPoly ,,(I 11f\ v t r;rrn1 r~c.41ftd o.,,, \ -• te\ "" k •fWW""t' ~n MArc.,... C.4t'~'f-'. ,....., .... p" Tud111r l .,.,.woad Ntlf'\ ~I•_,,, C,tHf\ ~ ... ,.,,MA l #• h L,,,.,.._ Howanl'. SI O J1Q ,., II~ St Plt1Yt' Of t,,_, V••r Po•v ·~ 11) llO .. , ••> Boys' soccer HIGH SCHOOL H-1...-.. .-:It TH"'•' (M-~lttp R..,nd '>•ddl-~ ), ll~l•nt •• 11 F trtl I (<101\ttl'lno V •fl"" ), MAttnA f I n1 -j ftlfnll .• Huf\f•f'WJ,on SfiMt'i l rDunt,.,n Vl'\H•" lftt1hl c ............. 110111•• A lf'f'l'\Af'\l ._ C:,.c11,a-in (,to¥"' ) 8 1111 Gdrt,,.M1. Wl"\;ff"\1n,1.-t 1 C rot,.\'\ t °'""" Vt .. w 0 'Misc. Tue9day'1 tren1actton1 aAStl E TaAU. _...... ......... ",._,..,,... Jr s. s. "' s. i 8 OEN'1Ell HUG<iETS ~Q!'tCI K•ft H•- -rd, llVOllQIO ~ ..... I~ ..... SOCCER ,...,_ ,_ 5«< .. u..- BUFl'AlO S'fALllO..,S A""°""'HI '"" ,..,<!"•!Ian of S.l 0.ROM, .... ad tlM(fo COU.t;Oll O.PAUl N-vlnu nt B•"aCl"• Mt ,,,. atlllell< dlr.ctor lAl'AYETTE lfamtd 11111 ll~'IO - .... .,.11 (Mith N ORfH EASTE RH N~,.,.cl P•ul p-i..a.--.-1' ·HUSKIESrllANDY-VANi>MER· • • • tection for Flick who compl«.S 188of 280for IS touchdowns. Guys lite Flick. Tyler and Stnem may be rrabbtnC all tbe lllHdUnes t.beH days, IMlt VID 'DIYl•r lake's pride In hi• specialty. ·"I\ doesn't botber m, not be- b\1 ln the limeUPt. I feel my .-aUan •• otremift tackle is a key one. we:re all proud al what we do and we feel we work our butts oa." he adds "People don't seem lo reall.te we've won lwo Rose Bowlit and a Sun Bowl in the last four years," V•n Divier says "We 're more than Just Lh•l U ute school up in Lhe norlhwbt .. '' • \ ~owhow paying om By JOHN ('UNN1•··· A,. .......... _,,,, N EW YORK Dunnu an tnter view in the mid J OO(~. J l't•tt•r Crll<'<' commented that the greot U . PXJ><•rtablt• w1" management knowhow At tlw lime. Amf•ric·on~ still were considered the ~h urpest bus1n1•:.s pt·o11lc J\ few da.\., Jgo, :-11t't1k1ni: uff the record, the cht11rrnan or a I !'\ n,1tur.1I rt-<>ourC'e~ <'ompany re· latt:'1 that lw had 1u~1 n ·I urn1·d fMm .Jaµan, where a lw11kt>1 rh.1 .. 11 ... t·d 111111 lur 't\m1·nrci s wasteful huo;1ne:.~ pr.11 t1• ,., 111• Lii· ti c d lft• Iii\• 1 lt1tl1 ('h1ld s aid thc- hut ~wart-1·hJ1rmJ11 '-llll ,, •'•·ti .11 "'h.11 ha11pt•n1•1t th.ti \n11 11t .111 ~ 1111 11111~•1•1 --~-------~ JI U ' '-{' ' ., t II • ,1 t· ti I 11 I I II II knn"' h11\\ \\'h 1• 1t111 h ll/ 111 \'t'}ll ttw Lt< ( tc 11\ 111 lu f ,., O~l\IH'<I Wh.it ltJ!•I" f •"I 111 1 lw 111 ;;. ~ tt'rim ,.., ... trll tj(·I• •I• d hut 11111· assvmµtwn c\ 1 t..11 1 tw t l'' p1ents of lh< ):r • •• r '''1•••rtalil1· Jap an alld .. 111111" J1t•1·1<flly learnl•d wt•ll \I 1 • 1tw lt•a!'hcr for.got CH d1tl11 t ' •f ,. CVHHIF~ /\MERI<'\~~ "''H'A'UERU> IN the 1970!.. 110111t•<1l h a di'< ..idt• ltrnl , .. uf11·rr ~ssoc1ated with t·11n ... ·r' ,1111111 1:11, t'f orrwnl ~n·w. management t1J111(d h111 1•a111·•a111·. n :-.k w;i!o. avoided. debt en n>11t .tJ.;1·1I ' o111 111111·n ... m Hnd 1t.!-. instant JOY!. wPre ,,1111 t1f11•tl ~11i1. 1•1 1dtll'l1v1l; shri veled 1,11011 m ... 11 t. • 11w111 lt•f hu!gut-.., 1Ao1·r1· 1~nored or 111;11f. flfll"' 1hf1I ht I ,IU.._,, or IJH vof: ilt• 1•ronorrl\ Shurl 1 .. r 111 i.:11:11-. 111 ... 1mt p;11 .u111111111 quwk pnil 11~ "1•11• 11t-m.m'11·d II\ .111:t h -.h 11)\·,...,1111 .., ,rnd the I 11.111111,11 nf tht· '"' 1r•I • th11u11.h -.1u h 1,r11hh "'l'rt' kn•r1~n It h• .1\ "" 1 ,,,,.,,,,. uf tlu fulurt 11111 11<11 I '. I\, fllll).! .... 1!t '""' Ill r111ho<h llll!. Ml I r ••\t'll S.1\• I II "•'Ill 1 l h1· Jh1l1t) of 1\rr11 rt• .111 111 l.ic c '11• I• ,. \"'-.1r11I ma\ ht· rt-hu1ld after years of avoidlng reality lHle rthe 'JIOlll l'D/Mlnc the hound of heaven Consider : -ThrDughout the countcy vo&en ihaW! insitrted on spending cutbao6H1 or a Mtter .ac.coun&lne ·of how their money is spent. Jipendine tdflc~. even It it means fewer aervieeti, Jle9m5 11> the the ·new demand . -After years of being C1tU8hed bet.ween the two giants -big government and 'hie ind.uBttY - small business , the job cnator. is pining muscle. -Workers and industry finall,y Jl1"e reeCJi1tlz· mg they are in busineti.s t.oeettter, and that bpth their fortunes Jlf~ bleak unle56 •they can raise JJTO· ductivity ~i 11IE •YTll Of' DE millmium 1la.s 'been set to rest, at least in regard \0 the preeent 1ime. . Consumerism , which had come lo mean the customer should be served no matt.er ~he cost. is being diminished by a realiution that he cannot be served unless he produces first People know there 1s no comucop1a. Dozens of problemi; that the nation once re· fused to recognize are not only recognized now'but are on the way to being resolved. tT WAS, FOB EX-'JllPLE, only o decede ago that Americans believed they could draw on a lim1tles~ supply of energy. When the bad ne.ws eame they refu11ed t o believe . Automakers built big ears. the publi<' tx1ught them. People now are facing up to the sltlllltion. CaTs are s maller. houses too. s o that they wUJ use less energy Old wells are berng reactivated and new gas and oil wells drilled And so much retteBrch is undt.'r w11 y on ne \\ i.ources of power thHt hreakthroughs can be..· expected In s ummary II you compare the attitudes to· rlci) with th.«i: unrea)Js t1c dreams of 1970 or 1971 you ··omt-ii\lla) with the focllng that tht-old knowho\\ 11> read) for u workout. no"' thal it's de aling with re a ht) . ' ~ h 1•r 'l'lu· ( :ount.-.r NASO Listinq~ ·.1;1• ... ,, 1 Al 11 1 11 A 1-.A. /tit jl ., A•J•Ji ,,.,,, AO.., .. u J\lllfl.t• /J lot~"' r A f'rAl1 , A l1,1,t111 Allfl•R """' :;.~-~J "' A(,1"""'1 AlnlC.p AM1rro" ANattn'\ .&Ov•u 11.A•~Q AWeldnq Ami,.,, An...a11t· AnQ'>A Ar><,1•G· Ant.,Cr ApldM I Aro.-,.Jr,,,, A"14Ct l.t Attt; .1 I ~ti '"~ ft.t,rih t. Q.,\tyDf1 tt ., ..... f 9_,-.u R\ e .. ,., , F.i1t't'M" fl•"''~ t;i,.1,11rP11 '"'"'''•' Ht>•t1. 1r1 H1••MtJI h r,orn b1frf .,1 t R11trtu h ..... , ..... fl°""'·•' l #t Ht .,~ ,.,, A'" •• ,.. t-iut1~' 8+1tMVI' ( ........ (~.~+,{, (."· '4'" .. : =~~;~· • utl'AH ( 11r•( I ~:~';?.',,( ( rr rr t t , ... , ••• t rm ,. .. ~ .. ,......\JU C"uCb (. r ~ 1r I) (llJ .. ,(\l.o) I 1• .. , ... 41• oft" ti._ (>111(.,n ,, 0..111>0 1 (u•A•inh o.,, ,,~ f-·UJ01rt I ''"VI''• ' , , ... '"' ....... , t I Mttft• l • ,.,,, tlN "' f ,..,.., • ., f ,,,.,,. ., .. , ,,..,,,,,,,, ,, . ... ... ... ", '"" ·1 .. ,. .. ,,."' f M 1• r,f ltlf, .. '"d ''l'''"'I ~ lf1l1 • f n• ~l"l,,.,u, ,H1H•'IN,h .,.,,., ·" ' llh'4 ... ,,, ,.,, ,,,. '"' .. , ~ ,.,.,. t.t ' l 'h~t•f'•M • , ~ ... .,, n1 ,, .......... , I " Iii II • tt"•" • •• fl ,....., .• " ,, rtf . 4f'TI ' ....... .,..,,, 'JJ ~ "'v",.. ~rmO•I ,. ,. '" ...... .. 1' I\ , I\ '" u. ,, )t ' ". 1.i'-.. • nQ'"' l"tuotC cnal)f'V l"'r•tO\ \ t<.uh,,., \ l Af'lt "''" \ t1ttdA11• .,,, . '° • ,.,,.,.., ft '"'-• I lft"'ll I • l ,,, y• JC I'"'''" ) I n h, I t,J•J•tff' M(1r I • f t MC.,I lu ~·"'"' Mrtu1 •Pl ,,,,,, • .,,$1 M •1rP 1 j '""••''"'' ">·•'•"" I • ,,.. •'M.itlUl ft t MAyt Pt -., M MflfnO•I 11 fl Mt form n " 11 11 U 1. \~ "' \. ,,, t ,..\, ,.., IO'• '°'"" J'l n • t' )6 t ' • )J ,, ' 1~·· 1• 1011 11 4 J 3' 11'·• 1" It It> 1 ~' ~·, 18 ... 1'l • n n l\ l' . \l-1l'• J? .... ' , ~. 1. •• I I I~ I) \l' I .,. ~\., n~ • "' ~ _ ... 11. " tu, .. ~·' > )S· :IS .. " " t )1•. ,, .. . q .. ... .. ·~ II .... l. I ' 1• ... , ..... ... ., ., 611 '"' "" . . .. 11 1l .... "'. . . ' ]I)• JI • l}ps-..wl•··-- NF W YMtt tAPJ ..,._, f.oUo.lf\9 tn l U\OW\ n.-0¥t'r tfWoo ow·nt'' "oc" • .,., ••rr.nh. tNt .. ._. .,,..,. u:p Ill~ moll '""° -,,... ....,., _ _. "" Pf"''"'"' Ol t~ rf(Nr'U,..\\ Of YOIUfTH• 'or T ...,.'\IJ.ttr . N,,_ l e1AmRv MtdC-1 0 •11..0tMn U tnUh un C.pt;T> wt ~ Cf'\f&ut,. 1 l ff\CO • l •,ollll> ' C..ol'""' 10 Un lfUW ll OH•Enii I) '44ttnF1n ll 2-nl'I< 14 Or.-w"" , (...,.. .. ....,, ·~ '"''°'•" '. ')( 1@• • ti ,,,,.....,, t• Alon~ 10 ti•rll tr ?• 1nt01~ ....., 1' l(M~ tnr:I 1.l •"'W'R#' )4 Mt"'°' un 71 AC.MA J 10 O•twn 11 l UW R oll Ul".S l.'8\1 l• .. J le 1'· J .. \' '"" I 1 .. .. q 1t ' .. ,, V• )';r lJC l), Vt> 111<. UCJ 11 ~ UD l/ b Up P O VI> IV> ~ , , .. .. UP IU UD Ul 8 ~ .... ,., . tr • • 7 ,.. . ' .... ·~ ' 1 .. ,. ..• ' . "' .. Ull IS J Uc t44' uo uo 1 . ) UU 14 I Ul' ll"' Ut"" \J, Vt IJ U1 'lC Ill 17• IJL 1) ut L Ut 1> I lJO 1.' •· u" 12, .. 11r 11 r Ur tt ' ..,. llu n ' '· VP II l ll • M1. f ,trl t • ,,.,.. (Ju;., •PC."N•t Abh I u '"' P "• :~J:.'vw 11 • Mdld( ~'' \II.'• \M.._ Miatq,. .• 4•, ,. -, ..... 1\' I Mtdl"•~ ll 111. -..i1t11p1 ~' l'T M t'\Vt(. ll+• 10'-• M r.! .. , '• 1;. Mtntlo' \M, ,-. IM ·1f•1f((t ' /4 ·~ Mn""'"'''•t -...,1M1,u'1•• \1"' Jh''• M t)r -.n fn f t" Motllutl • I ''II' I 4 • Mu •ll,., ''•'\I((. ~fJt.•< 0 ~'*"'"' ~. • nc. • I ... I N (,tt ~ .. ~ l~~~T~ 4U • ... "-'>f ')I "'" OJ"l,; ,. ,,_.wtfff•' /l,. .1 '"i#\IP MlJTl1AL FlJNDS .......... -• •t -.:... -LA\! ,,~. tl l ' ' ' 1 ''· ,~. J • ~ 7'·. , .. 14. ) ... 71. If , .. 'l1 ~. ~ e l7 . ,. , .... •.. '1!. 7•. I Pel OH n.,. 011 MJ 011 11) Off 11 ~ \.. Ott u ' \. Off 11 t '· 011 •o.o '• 0 11 IO.O .. Oft "·' '-Oft •.• 011 .. ' \. 011 <Ii I ~ Oft ... ~ \ .. Ott 8 1 '· I i.. 1 Off &.J 011 -ll.J Otl • j Ott 1l.J 1 .. Oii 18 l .. , . .., Ott 7 I Olr 17 Oil 1.~ Ofl , .. \. .. OU 1..t t. Off 1 J £.,..\, '"': ..... , .. ,,.--,., .... ,. ........... ..,,...., ~ ....... ..-.-. ..... -~ ...... , ......... ,, ................. ~ .. -.......... ,. BUSINESS I STOCKS Tue...tay'• Cloein. Pric~• ' NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS Gl.6~1'-iottl'-w~ ..... iw. Yt<k ~•\ l'eclflc, l"aw1 ......._ Otlr4"1 -ClMiftMll tl.t<t. ~-,__ ............ IA,ttecleflOl> .. llthitille•ONien-•'1•11"'11 .... ...... ... w... ,..., ~ .... s... ... -.I .. Jt ~ • l'f~(-11.., Pl""'{~ I~ ~1""0" <~ Pl .... (W ("Cl • • H .. H ,,... • §"'1111 Pl 1 I JI , -" 1.•r.Y'• .. • tJ f4 • \'> OllE pt 10,. •IOO ., •I S.IMll • I ill IV. -"' M ii \ ,: '~ ,~'''°' .. ll.f" • IJ>9 '• "*' t•' .. W•• • .. 11, LJ .mkt .021 tll -~ "OllP pt I Ot 11» k S.mllot '1i •'-V. ·-~ ,, • n111o. ... I I ... ·~ •• ,.,,. ' )~ ) I " ~. ..... L "'HI ' 6 u Jfll.. w. °""' ptGl 21 10 Ullo •.... s.lwM9 Ml ltll'• + l\lt "''" ...... r:"' "' ~It ,_, •111 ,. jl , ••• ,,,. L10~£1111111U • ... )V.tlftOllP pt(.1.to 11•d v.-111so1e0. IAOll .. ""'' .... A• IMI ti ) 1n. J • ' I •I... I•• 16 t .. ll\• I $ol I Zl 2t , ¥t LlftCPI I t2 n IP. Olll" pfA 14 dO 100 SJvMA 1 '11?) 10 ltlH, .... :R I 6 1i. ~·· ... 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"' GAtnv ? 12• ~I 17 , , "' KLM )4 u 77 "' HalFG 7 10 I l1 lt:V. • • pc.a DI J &S II lit , • " hE l pl 7 81 81 7J" ' 1 .. .. B•rt>rO I ~ 11 l'I ... , • ' CntGp Pf 2 t "" I GA"'O' ... 70 la} so ..... K m~rl 91 a :W.11 ,,., IHFG Pl 7 30 4 ,..... RLC 6, .. 117 lo•,. ' T••Gf I 64 9 16S "°"' :••d~A 1" ~ ~.;. !! CnlGp PU 50 17 J2l, .. Gn8t\h IO 4 ~ n ' l(aluAI , ., t Ill 7J "'N•IGvp 1"' " ICM 1~ RTE '° .. 11'1 1"'• '" T~•lnd 90C> • H l1 ==~¥s I~ 1? ~~ ~~. ~ ~~J!'~~ : ~ i :~ ~~ I • gg~f~ .. n :~ ,~~ ;r:. ,!; ~!:t~t : : ,: .~ H~. : ~~r~. ! :! ::! ~~: ~ =:~:~· ·~ :~ T~ ·~::. ~ m~J: ~ H ~ 'H~ :·: ::~·~ , ,. ~~ '1 6:~ · ... ~~~:· · ~ • '":cl !: ~r;,~~ , ~ : ~ ~·~ • ~::~·I : II :T: l~~ · ~ ~~~!~~ .. s:o~· ~~ ~~ · ~ =:gr';;.,'°; a 3~; HE· .... ~:~~< -:' ,. Jr; ~~ :ui~v ... :: ':. s~ ~: • : Cook Un 1} so 161 • , • I . G"Glh u lOe 10 .. 20 ..... ICClyPL , 18 s '"" ..,.. • .. NI Pr•" I 50A 0 .. ,. ,. • 7 • Rob• I 60 • "''. Tt•Utll I 16 .,, II .. .. e!~SIG 1 n • 8 ,,~. I. COO!>•' I°' 13 , ... St '" GnHo\I 90 l 10 17 . KCPL pl4 :» rSO JI •• Nl~m1 . .. , .. ., '• Aaymdlnl I,, ,. " .... feas9ll 160 111 s•. '• Bayuk ' :n • I ·~. '. Coop\. al> 60 8 11' 33 • " Gntnst I ll \' '12 ... \, KCPI. P!l 1.0 13 15 '. • NISvln 1 31 • JO 20\> .... R•ytlln J «> I• ~ 109 ... ··~ TuQJI pt J , •s 8H fl' 1 I SO 2S • Coo~lR ~ • 41 761» • G"Mlll~ I '8 1 7111 76111 ICCPL pt7 lJ 11 16 • N~t.11no I 7• 11 U S I):\,. 11• Ru081 90 16 2ft4 ~J 1 , T .. 11 Ind IS\ ) .. , '• ::::~1 j ~ 1 5~ : •; ~ ~,;;' .. ~d1 1 1 1.~ 91 ,l: ~~~: g~~: p,71"n 1~ j~. ! . ;! ~~~1;, 1 ~ ,~ ·~ ~; 1! ~!l'f~~ 1 ,•. ·~~ '!,,' ·~ =:~eP~,".:~ ;~ u l. ~ .... '": i:::~;1 ~: 1i ~~' '" 4'o .... ,. ts .,., GMot pl ~ I .,,, lt•nGE 1 °" & ,.. .. ...... Nalom~. I ·~ -.... RllAtf 1 He I " 1\41 " Te11• pf I Cl i 1• • ~.:o ~ n ~~ u~~I Yo Cordur• n 19 SJ .~. GHulr n lb 14 741,. '• K•nHb I 4llb IJ 'lft 31 I " Nalom pl 4 IS •ltlo • ..... Aec4nEQ n 70 J11 I&'•• '• l hermEI n ll 1n JO~ .. Belter 10 2» 7t • ~~ c,0or,•n!.,ni2 !•2 .!.41 ""' • GnPorl I ) •• 21'• 1. ltanPLI 1Q.I s I? 16~ •• , H•vPw 11110 S4 I?~. "'R•cJmn 2011 JJS l\o• '" T/\fokots 111 llt ,. p I l v •• • ... S9&11 '"' GPU 917:iq s "' ltaPL pl1 '7 ' ""' ......... p Pl I 60 lSSO """ '"' Att<eCP 60 1 .lJ • t ... TllmBtl 1,, 17 S9 so ::~ .. 1 :: j 'k ~~ . I lo Correl-I 12 q ll n GcDA• I «> ,, S4 ... K•Pt. pt) 73 13 16~. "' MoP pl 1 ,. '!SO 11:" "" ltt •V\8 (20 • l-""' 14 Tlloml• -6 «> 11 B•llHOW ... 1n 1'I J l' • Cowles I 11 ·~ 1'' 1 • ~ll.ir -u "16 ..... 'lo l(fl'flnd -• -·~ .. ~. "' "'eEvP "'! '5 I ~I'). ~ AelchCll 411 • St ""' ,,, Thrllly 17 I 700 10•, h lOnil 1rT IOf 14 _ ~. Co118r l 1116 I SSll• • \, GnSIQllll "8 11 IU 44 ..... K•ly J14 1 * 1• »v. 1 14 nQEI dO 14 "' AelGp ) • lfl 10\oo Tt C•ro n110 4 11 1S'-• • BelCd Q I 80 • ] ...... Cr•To 06i I "° s GnSlotel ... • n , ••. .,. ltaulBr " • Slt II.. • NEnGE In ~ 19 14\, ., AelC. pl "" , ...... '• Ttd*''' n •• ,. .... ' • llemls I 60 9 9 711J\ Crane 1 60tl I 171 O \,' '• GTE 111 9 02t 11 • • Kavt pt I 50 1 lJ\\ HEMu~I 10 31 1S7 ti\.'>• .... Relln pl 1 61 14 n ... Ttoerlnl 90 I US 21 ' Bendix J I 1• Jl\li 1 •, Cr•Vc' SI IJJll u.U •?" GTE pl 2 SO \ ,..... \tt ICttne tO & ll 711> '> HEnP t2 I& tJ 73\41 '-AepAlt 10 29A S~ Tlm•ln '18011 291 u67'•, 8eftd•sf t04 17'7>1t•''-'c'ed1F 50• 14 lli••'•GTEpl7'8 SI ....... Keller lOMJO? ..... N~SE 188s'~!~" ,,R•pCp 606 .,,..,,. '>Timlpl&I SI 71Su••'•• 9..,1Cp 7 1 I~ 11"1 ,, c'reclll_! !'12 IS ~ ~ '> •, ~,.,• GTFI pl 110 rlOO II '• IC"llOf19 1 «I I IOZ. 191, • '" 14 S Pl l 1 '""' • '> RepFnS I 6 11 \1 , '• Tlm11M I 17 10 67 41 ..., JD JO " -· • 9 ,. ,. GTtre I 5010 19 111" ,,_ ltellwd Cl 6 SI 4 '> '"' NV!> !If a lO 1110 S9 1 AepNllfl «I 1'" '"' Tlm'n la I 11 14"' •• s * £W&. y fltl.01" Scott 'adpecl' . P&G hatters paper firm By MILTON MOSKOWITZ Brown Jordan IS probably the Tiffany or the outdoor furniture bus iness You may have seen its stuff an a store or on a patio The chairs are made of welded, tubular alummum laced walh strong vinyl They're durable Can all Money Tree kinds of weather). at tra c tive and com· fortable They're also very e xpensive -SlOO and up for a simple chair Brown ·J ordan has moved upward s teaddy since tts founding In 1945 Its first product was wrought iron furniture But at really began to take off m 1969 Tha t was the year 1t was acquired by Scott Paper or Ph1ladelph1a Sales have increased by SIX times an the past decade It s nice to have a rich Poppa But while Brown Jordan has been doing rather well , Poppa nas been a1hng You see Scott used the profits from toilet paper and paper towels to buy Brown Jordan -and othe r companies However Scott apparently took ats eyes off the main business And mighty ffrocler & Garn ble ( P&G> came from nowhere to swat them Scott has been playing a catchup game ever since THERE ARE BASICALLY two kinds of companies 1n the paper industry One 1s the giant that owns vast forest lands and r uns the lim ber through lts m11ls lo produce lumber plywood nt:wspnnt cartons and other packages For examples lnlt:rnataonal Paper, Weyerhaeuser and Ge<lrg1a Pac1f1c The other kind also owns forest lands but at converts wood into hrand na me consumer products toilet tis s ue paper towels facial tissues napkins disposable diapers In this camp are Scott Paper and Kim berly Clark maker of the Kleenex and Kotex brands They spend a big bundle on advertising PROCTER & GAMBLE, whose prowess in soaps de tergents toothpastes shampoos and advertising in general 1s awesome entered the paper business m 1957 by acqu1r mg Cha1rmm Paper Mills in Wtsconsm P&G s0<>n figured out that the way to shred Scott was to develop a soft and sq uishy Charmin toilet tissue P&G did and they made Charmin the No I brand P&G then performed a s1m1lar miracle with Bounty paper towels Result Scott Pa~r found itself on the ropes 1n a ma rket 1t had dominated for at le ast a quarter of a century .'tfo("f.:. In Tltr .-.pofllgltf .. 1_,rfran L,-adrr• NEW VOAIC IAP I Sat.. lul'\ :~~~~1lt~M'Tt~ ~t ,,_ .::n;.W>\' lfac:tjnQ rwhonaflv d' MO#' r th•.n '' Syntu Coop 771 400 n HouO IM 708 JOO )?J c;ttC•n Q , •n 100 ••,\6 V•rnllr" s tb 1 JO() '/O W•"9 B \ 161) JOO '°" Cornrnarelnt ~ t!li& SOO 4ca. Aanoe'°•I \ IU 9Q) •• Cllamp HO 10 700 I ' OomePel• Q 111100 .0 Solliron 101 100 .,,.. l P• a11d Doarn• NEW VORK (illPI T~ 10110 .. n9 '"' \llows Ille New •°"• $10<• E•chan90 ~•o<.9'\ and WAffMh that h•v• 90M 6'P t~ mo\t Mid oown ,,.... most 04\.ed on r:,rcP~~i'~ r~HllP-'\" 01 'f'Olum. .. No 'fltur1hf"l ,,._,,,.,9 btlO• \1 4re-1nC\ uoeo Nl"f •r'ld Pf"'<tn1M1P <h.dnQt\ arr,,_ .J ftftPnt,. bt'IWt"l'" IN.• ort-vtOV) (10\ nQ prtteaf"d TW\(14~ ~Prtt• Na~ 1 AAA Cp \ 1 TRE Co-p ! g!~'~ S 0uQLI 1 l()olA ti Cont-. rLtn 1 ConlCOllC> P' I T~•lt Ind • M"rffillh C.p 10 S111•nS.' n ti PSEC. • 0801 11 h1K""1(P 13 CCI Corp :: 8~fllo~~ 16 NalEOU<CP 11 ~alffiAor Ul"S L.t\I 1J "'" IS 11 ,,, ... 10• ... l • S• •• 19 • 10 .... 10> ., ... 19 '''• ll OOWHS Pct ,. Up Uo Uo UD t•, VP t UP Up u~ Ur Up Uo . •• ,. I • '• Up Uo Up Up 7 • 1 . I Up I • Up 11 I 1q' ". I/ I •I• 10 l 10 0 6 I 3 s 8 7 , . 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Pfk • ltr.....-I lroy 01 SOtl 00 ott '70 00 Mepte "'9f I lrov 01 '617 00 Oii 17• 00 Mnl<.., lO ~!ii> I 1 troy 01 \7'1 00 Off i 1s oo A111trt•11 100 uo..,n _,, VOY 01 'Sil 00 Oii ''~ 00 Souru O.•• ,,.,..,. ... t<EW YORIC tAP) 0.t lO Aaw•n<f'd Otct Md Uncri1nQt<1 Tot•t •huit~ Nf"'#ll t\l.QM N•llflf low~ WHAT l<>OI~ 111 Its .,. 10'/0 )II IS .aMEX 010 NEW YOAIC IAPI 0.< JO fndo ~J 111 H I "'' 19 tf.-fab f~oo Pr•v 4 •1 SSI 1117 3"' 10•~ St •s Pr~i.t rt~~ J91 24J Ill u • co,,., II'-to • <ton '' /1 oouno U S ot\tin•t Qin\ L•U JO Ct'nli • - ZIA<"' :r 41 &... c~nts • oouru' ~""''"" r,,. 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ANY pt 7 17 1J 16 • 11 ToclSI\ wl 7 .,,. " I • ~1 t "" 8-1 :;f 1 JO 1VO 11'4 Crmplt 110 S 6 19~ 't• Gen1\ 11 190 8 176 12 • t , l(el\t\CI I 00 11 \11S 76''°" Newllt ll >60 ll 1 1'"'' 'ti RNV plAJ IJ 16 17 I To•llelm JO 11 SI lll"-1 1 Unt:I Pt & ~ tl)O d • 1"' Var ian H 10 <IS 71 WnCoNA) 14 1S 110 S6 ... 8-'f\ I 11') 9\0 ..... ''°""'" I lj Ill »Y>. ,., Gil pf I.. I 1'I KyUtil 2 17 t Ill IS>\ •• ,., H•wmt I «la ) S03 cs-. .... A•pSll , II ,,. UV•-... Toi Edis 210 6 .,.. " • ~ Un El plL. I •170 SSI. V•ro "° 8 Ut 10 • 1, WP•< I 73 1i. ] 14 cs h rlie• 10 121 s..... 1 Cr-..nCk 6 S. 11i. ~. O.nvPI I IM II .... 1•'• l(errGls .,_ S m ''I •, Mt wpr-'ll a 211 71"'' ... AepTta I Cl I Jt Jl'lt, If; TolEO pl) :Ill S 16'• Unfl pl 1 IJ l! U°' • l/ .. co I JD U US ti .. WUnlon 1 C) u 160 7•''o BfftN H 10 111 10 • "' CrwZ.I 1 JO ' ~ .,~ .... 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'"' 13 . , -· .... ·~ T ... • 'JI w uttpl2S6 • l isFS • n 1011>-ll'o CuMEn I IO Ill JO~ • G•Pw pit IS JD 11\.'t l(fplrq ti 1' ltl JlV, Nl•MPl S 1S 1«> :Ill 11) Rnham 60 f 4' 111'; TO$CO n I 1089 J1 ._ UnlroVtl UI S~ VeEPw 1 "° 6 10t 101) • WHIQEll "° 4 '1• ~·" lll•dDr 16 I S17 11'.'lo .,, CunOro «1 11 ... ~ Ge Pwpl7IO 11• ss ..... , ... 1(100. 2 s 114 cs • ~ Hl•Mr l .. ,0 ISi>.. I Runro 104 . SJ ,.,,. ,. To ......... 161 ·~· Unlryal,;t dHO 1111 • \, V•EP pl s 110 lS • ~ W\IV•< .... I Ill ,.~ •• BlllHP nl .. 1 31 UYI • ... Curr Inc 110 l3 I'"' Ge Pw llfl 11 1aG S1 .... Kid 11rB 4 J S7 HIMp 10.0 150 IJ I Ae1nln '"° 1 M6 t~ .... ToyAU> s IS SI ,.,,, .. UnBrn<I Ot 6 ltl 16'""' "< l/aEP 11'!1 n 1110 SJ 1.1 , W•v+•llll ltll 11 Jll lt ,. t, Bl•ltJI\ I 6 .. ""' • CurtW 1 ' '" «I'll! Geosrt' n 0 ~ ... ltld Pf.(. t • S7 11 Nl•MJll 1 n .,., SI"-.... Aeyln pl11S 1 113 1 ~ lrocor \ "',. 11 )6\\ ., U8rd pr 110 JI 131, V•EP .,,.... llJO Sf ,• Iii Weyr pl,., s 0 .. I lllful.' 1 ' u 14~ Cur1WA 1 l so•n G<erbPO 1,. I •l ,. !tldde'IKI M 7 JW .. "' Nl•QS!I ,. SI ,.... •I• AOln oft \0 II 0 .... Tr•nt 170 • l& n J4 unE"""' Sl I IOI.,,,._ lit V•EP .... 61) 160.0h I') Wh .. ll' I eo 11 ,, S?~ l l<llHll I 1' 11 40 2'1'-.. Cyc'°" I• ., Jt\ > G.r!IS< I 12 II IU 1.S l<lmllCI no I '7 Sl'-• V. NICOii U I I U ~ "" AeyMll 2 IO 4 m JS t;, lr•nUI\ 160 II) 11 S?'\ UnGflY 14 I .. 1'01o~ •'e VaEP pl't 1J L$ •7''>-,., WMIF J1441) 11 .... , ,; lhtel , .. 5 121 ,. -C>-0 -Gttly 1 ' ·~ '1 •I l(lft90r 90 11 20l I~ '"' NolJIAI n 16 1S 71 W • .. k llCo I JO 10 ~ It .. -~-TW Corp 4t6 11.. '" Ulilvm 7 '8 S 111 II~• "' V•Erz2 t0 JO 20 -°' WhftlF ot 1 t 51 , '• IGOl•Br IU iv. OMG )Q lto. I'll C.llyf \ 10 I "'" ltlruh , lJ 13 ,. J7~ HorlWn 210 • Ill .., .... I'll t llM•r I J110 603 :111"1.. .. TW Cp WI >S ..... Uflltl of l '7 n Ullo-VI V•E JI n 1•10 n .. WhftlPll \ 7J n • . • ... ,,,. ti .. I .a ~ •... OPI" t 112 • Glaftl •• sv. 1Cn9'11Rd IO 10 34 11..... ..... Hofllft IOI 11 n •-. "' RleQtlT I., s ., 11"4. l ,. TWC pf ' 11 1•4 ~ Ut•w pf 710 •lSO Ult) • .,, V•E flf1 lll l lDI"' WhelPll pl s dlO JJ• •.I t l olMC I IS 1 ~ ,._.._ ,. De mon 2011 l'I II 'It Gt1>rF11 60 1'1 ,.,,_ v. 1(-r n CIJI at u ...-, \'It Norri• 16011 tO 76\1> h Rloc;r•n 1 1 UJ •'--1''°" TWC pt 190 111 11... "' uunn•11 1t1t1no,,.. ttn 111 1? ~\~ -1:,'. V11e11£1•P•"', 1.~ -'111! s11t , '"• ww11,,11r1,1p1 11 ! 61 1~ !!!~ '• IOrdtft I tO • 21' ~· ·~ OanAlv I 12 t .. ,.,,__ "' GjclL-.. I I .. 311\'J' ~ ltOllmr' C>lO * )~ VI NACo•I ,, • ¥1 J.t • , ... AloGr pf ., Sit )tlJ •• "' TWC pf 2.66 11 1)>,r, •• .., , ... • '" " .... •• < ..,, -··-aor.w t .. I JM °"'. H'lt O•n•C.P 1 tO 10 '2! 21... G flHlll ., )S •••• • • I(_, I., 10 IJI 1S .. HoAMto • )1'0 ... AllOIAld JS 11 lt1 J1 • 1 ,, ... ,m I ll ,.. ,..,, UJerllk 111• • ,. IOt.. .... l/O!'M dto ltlll l:U "" WllltC. PIA J I u 1., " ...,,,.... JO ... ,_ Oanlal -" .,·~ Sl -"' ~l,!!,!!1• I .., m 11'-. ,. • lt-•pf t tlOO JJ ,.,, HoAPhf I IO 7 l3 ,,,, • ,.. ROC>\ ..... I., • J1 II\.'> .. Trenlnc 1 °' 61 u... 'It UnMNI n llS t~ Vt1IC lft< .. 10 I"" Wllilla 1 "° 1 ,,,. ,. " ... Ed LIO • M 21" ,,.. O•rtl( n l lfli 6 • • '211.t • " u ·-• 44 74' flit , ltroelllr lff ~, I/. MoellUI I 10 I 112'1 8 OOlWI 1.lll 6 SI tl'h • , .. Tr1nuo 1 64 1J 4J S1'•, ~ UllP~Mft J7 'II d • ~ '" VvlcnM 7 11 41 ,._ Wk u s 104 U2 lllo> V. ttosl pt I• ,_, 1J Oa t.Cl' 13 Jll 66'h I GleetW IO S I• IJ v, ICr-r I S2 I 14' ,I.. MCtlf>L 10 II ll ll"'° • OO&n$ .,. • tit lllloo, " Tren1c0pf)11 6 M.,, UnA-10 I II 11 4'"' _ -_ !Wltoldl 44 IOI t'" ... f"' Ill \ • IV'I-,,. 0 •\1'er JOJ7 111 17~ GIObM . 1073 4IO ,, ..... _._ l(ulll"' ..,,,. JI nu ,, HlndPS IJO I )43 ".. ocllG In • tit 11 ... -~ Tr•Mcn 10 II ., s... USFoS I~ JI ,,. ·-WICOR 2CM • • "~ ·~ Wllll•m• 110 • ,. ""' \• ... l. p 1 • 3' '"' Oelpnt t 1' ti Ill • 'h GldHllO 1' :IOI 13'h Kyoto llr 11 11 lt\lo, .. MoSIPw J C2 1 «IO 71" ocllTI I .. I 71 101/o TrGP II( t tS 1'° S4 US4 1f °'9 IJO 16\lt ~ W t0 1 flO JO-.• t. Wllshr() 161 1' jl U '• I l •M IPI "°' .. II •V'I , .. Deyo 'lllb • ,. II~-v. GldWF' JI • ••S U\'t " lty\Of • • ,. 10"" ,,, Hor Tel 9 I "° ': ocllwl ,, "°" 1•15 ""~ .ZI' TrGP "Ut re "'3"1 I ~~::~ ... ~: s i: ~j .• ~: w~.,.llO~ .. ! )J .... '\.. Wll\0• , ., I ti 11• .. l ri.st t 11j 1 2J11 71._ "" O.ylHd l I IOn ~ V, Gclflcll I St I H1 ll-'6 t '--L 141"9ale, UO V. '" klnl Pl• IS I u1U •t TrGI" pl 1 jO It 111"• ft us~•-l _ 6 ?.-~)) \o WKll p12 t0 s e1~ I Wtnft090 t• )It J'>-'• I ltlttM 11112 Sii •911+ 'A 0 •.,,l"L. I 74 • 1'1 ll>tlt-\.\ GMllYr I JO 6 ......... '' ~F! ri 11' IJ 11• 7... It Horfr• .to 10 101 tll91o +Ult at11l t11f I JS l l6V. + flAo Tr..SOll C) 1 100 ev. .... u,~, -Wk lllll' JO SI S~ WlftlffJ 17• '° s 1erttf'et1l; s -Jlt\'" v. 01"1. pl 1 • dO lff -.1 GordJw 16 4 'll """ • It '""'"' jC) 10 s-. MwltAlrl •, ... I U\to • "' ollmH 711 t SI •'-, '"" TAll11y ' .. 1 '> USGy Jiii 1.IO I 1111> I lt lu WhlE!' UJ 6 Sl 11 '4' I 9111-01 '. • • '""' Ol"L .. n '° t lJO ti Oovld 1 n • 41' 1~ "" \.ITC I • 11.\1,-.,, Nwtlcp I. • SS ""'. .. Ollrlncl ,., UV.+ \,. Treftwy 1 IO • •• U.\lo ... U5Hom ... 0 1 JD I W•:-.kllt GI IO 1• "~ ... w11e "'.... -.,,.,. \' 91lyU0 lA t M 11 • "' Dtere I ti IS t '6 tl\t) 1-.i Goll14 WI t 24-LLC.Cp If J NwstE I 110 IM )I'll.• .\lo Olilllt • 1) lt.J U ... , t,lt Trevlri 1 • t 7T1 Jl.>lt ~ll~-: I~ '2t~ ,:,, ""=~11?11' I 1' !: ~ •1>t-v. WISE pf I 7' tUO " , " aaU,'111.0 ' 11\'t-'-O.lml" I e • 9' 11~ .... Id !IAl JS > 1.--'It L.L.CCp pf t 11 -t, MwEflt "2 13 " 11-.4 .. olm 1 C> 1" 17\11-1.... TrlCOll 1.12tt 111 1• t ,.. Un=I -... ti .. UV>• , .. WllHC!1 t1112 Id 1'~, .. Wl.0" I SS 1 II'-·-t • • JS ~-llfo Delle& 1 a 11 M '8 Gr K • 2 llO • Ill S7t,lt V. LTV 4 8* 1'14 • V'1 HwtlN 1.a e e1 •111-"" Ol\tOn ·~ 114-''-. :JC11 P4 1 JO '«»'--1'1> ft .,... --....If' t • 1t '° ~ WIW~L. I" • O • e l.• J • IMt+ ~ Oellfl!'e .. 13 -1/) rllM 1 11 t ~"" L.l V pt s t 511 , Hw\l" .. UI• IU *""' 'llt ot11r ta d t 11\t-~ r1So111 I 111 l.\I, U 1• f" 0 ,...~, 1.. ..... • Jt "'Witcl"S I D• " mt• _, ..... u \G ~"" tlel•C n I.Kl• , ... SJ\lt "' r eftlfvl I s 11 11 l.TV Pll s I~ • .,. Hwtl" pl 2 » I ,.~ "" °'"' '1 10 , .. 11\'t-... Trlelnd .., • 1J 111'1-.... u Slftl I.ell 54 24 '• W••Mu ' .... m Jtlo ,,. Wik• I! , .. ,._ • • ,, "'Il l'+"" O...Mt1 1 .. 1 II Ill.It+ ..... .,or IO l1 "12 LOWlt'll 111111 ., ,, • v. N•MLI 1,0612 u .... _.,,, Ollt MO""'·'~ Trt•Pc IU Jt I• ... USTOIK , •• ,. " We!Uflll : I I ''" WlltrAs '1• ti\~ ,, .,,.. "". 11 t7"' Oefwly• .. • -,,.._ "' A!l"c lffJ 5 Le<~ ,, .. 1 • , ...... Hw"W I ... 1,S? " • "' _.,, llfl_M 1 """· '~ Trltfttrl" .. ,, •> I,_ "' \lflTK I\ 1.• • m '°". lw ""·'~,!.' m ,, .... , .. 'lft!VfW 1 •l II\• •• ~ In llf ti..,._ .. C>Mt~y • 11 • IHh "' Ullll • 1; S6 ...... ,.. Lettlk\ JO 1111 1*-1 .. "•"'"' 1•11 .......... "" c CM 1'°410 '" I,_. Trl<o •n " ... _ 14 ~l~=rpt ffi .: ~,, •1 ::~~. 1! • IS'--\'I :.t· :'! ,. ,.,.,.._."' Ir •tt J1t twt+ v. 0.Soto 1 S e I,._ .. Hltft 2.JOe I 1 U\t-14 L-11' I 1 O 17""• ""MofSlm I OI •>" I"'-I'll oylO ... J 4tt '8yt-1 Trl"'h•t C>10 IU U"'-14 u•ITt I"" 1 ~ 71 I\ Writ(."'' 1 U U! n , ...., --...:;.,••~ 1: 1• >t •,. "'. I • • " • .,, ~Ed ... 1 .a II IN•N• I . • 1• .,_. .. l.olL•"•lt•r ~ ~ t,4, II ~-... H~or .. • C> ~. "" "'*'"' 1.m 10 • t•" T~t£P I n • ,.. It"'-... " --· w llCm .. " ,. " --·" , II' """ • .. ,.. • " ,,.. Ol'llE M • n """ • v. tW"'" I • "7t flt/)--. c.., _ es Ith. "' -~ -vttTOfl • • 1tJ 1• -.. TCroa ., 90e u c n UftlT ""' • 1 .,,._ ""w' 1. 111 10 "° '"~ -W.t• ,_ • • M'4. '-' "llt !! ,,.... o.tlE ,.. --.. Y'.11 I s Ot It -.... LH rfl 1 IUI -it\\-.,&:..' ~10},;; 11~~\4 , ..... 1m 10 "tt-· .... TwiftOt 110 . 11 ''"' ~~:~ ~ ~! ~t· :w:~.hJ .... !!.!!• "=~!.'..... tt ·----1• 11 'l • + , .. O..IE 1 e n• '° •I_,. Y'.!1 wt ~ I~ II. ~" t 1A ' ~ ,.-. • ~ •:..1.AD 'i t ,_.,. 1*•1 1.-. t I_!!, tt_h ,,.. o':f: ,.,., 2-m: •I\ ~,.._ ,,..,__:=• i IDJ ... -ra;-.-w{..,,r-~ ;-M ,_.,___,.~, ~··~ ~~~ ty .-'~~ f" ftl ~: • ~ '"""u o. tll ,....., ...., _....,. -TY"lllfl • 17 JU 41 n .. Uft~ 1 •11 JI ~-'• ltl II~~ ~..,,3 ,. t "" ~: ~ I tJ! : ~ ~ • -I I .11S tt ,._ , I'll 1 4 II t l4 71'4 • Vt L .. l"i.I S2 I tt tt O«IP' "1M I• I '-~ U 2• l~ "° -~ -{ll~l"'E ~ 1! = =' t'l =:.~ : U •I ,. , 1• W•IY ,.. it'-• '91 ,:;;· .:,~ "'l~;~.'4frfs~:1~ "":tf:L~t :;:•"""t.=.t,,. 1Vv1l i:.' .. gr~~f!·~., r.::-..~s,.: ~,;~ir."~tlat 1~10 '1 ~-"' "'"'"'"' "" _ _,.w.~io.ao • 1 ... ,.w-• ••I\"-"' .... i --16 " I It Jtl ft --""" t '' • m It .._, t .JD e ,.. !l"'-• '6o m ...... »t 1' -111o 12T« 7?:i: : ~:UGI pt H dtO t1 --. lfi'"rd,. I ~ ~Vt ... :: ... u!".; l 1~-1• __ ,._ 1 1~ ~: : ... ! '.m .: . , .. ~ u: i =!..""' ~· .... • : 1"· ~ ,d. ~ 1t ', n ~:-,,. :..:11 ... ,. 147 ~· -~=iT T: • •;r ,._._: ', .. ,'...... u, !',"' == 1 r ~ 1 _ ~ !r:~ i:: '= ., · ... ' .... , ~. '41 I:,, .. ; j ' ,..... wofi '·! • ltU .... 1 t=::: • 7 .. •Yi ... J.• n'n " • 1" l!.T'.-1"" ' 0 • 11'-• " UN'"" Ill ,.. 11:: ... .. , • -' ,. I" ll1 1~ ,.._.._ :t!_'_ ~ -·• .. ,_=.:.~ =t l-: ,n l!!,49 "~1~'",1 21 tz ~,."«:1" 14 '7~ :::': ~~ !~ te~i t1S•l:IMlliE::•~~"" .~,,!!;:'=~ut lllW~'W-1~1•-"W.l:t,_ ,J n Mi..'"1;-B1:,t 1%l rr=:: Ullftlt l.a.C;;,C._. II~+ .... ~t. IA,~ a~-~ fur1e S .., ~ \6 L:;;111 Tit t ,,; ~!~Of! fll(e.• •t; S. -t ft t "" '64 \6-~ u~ ti Sm •;; VFCp J • 11 11'-• \O Wftt()o n e tt .. Jl\\olw l., • 6 1' ,._ I~ 1 aa J"' 1,. ~+I" •is 4' ""' "":! di ., tYt l••lt1fl '-": 1 • ~ • .,_ °"J•"" 1 • » '"" ~JILi" 1 • • 11 ..,, uitCM. ., s .. ._ '" V•l'l•t ;; 10 l1> .,. w""' tU • 111t •1..-'" l•t Ii 'J n. '"• I .. .-. 4 ._, 11 M .-.+ ''°" OulfUld 1 1 • ,. ...... V. l8P 1'0 t 1'J ,,_. \\ 0.. ......... tt0" -"' 111"111,.1•2 4t ,.!.t' "'Uft~P ifii _j JM 4~ °'v~·0~n •!411• Jf1 1 1!""' 1~=~~--= 4 ; m:. ~ 1::.~,-::I 12. ?'"'' 1' ..... " ' • It'-O\lltetl ' • u ""' ~ • "" "" It .,.. Oii &If IO . mo "' .. 2 ' • ,, --· ...., u1111et ..N 'J l9S IO •• ~ ... I ' • .. • .. • • .. • • • .. • • .. .. ... • • 4 • -DAILY PILO f soars . Global infliition ::-.. \ t' RA ('1 ·o t AP 1 Annual double dhcll wf"o~lh 1n \h ~ .rid mont) lll>fl)', now llmatt'd 111 3 \nlhoo, fU1lbllu~'' to fuce •'UrlJ rnflahon tn ..) Sl •tes money iJupply accounta ror 18 percenl or all fund un.mt<tlately trans ferable, he said . A BERS---.. (714 1 ">40-0IOll DXBSBLS in -.10< k 1\.I I. ~ 1< II )l.L<.; CADILLAC PUBUC NOTICE .:;;r ...,,.. ..oTtC:a °" SALa o~ •••L ll'ttOl"a •TY AT NIVATa SALa _ ....... IN TNa 5U~a•ICMt C:OU•T 0, TN• ITATa CW CAU,OllNIA ,0. THE COUlllTY 0, otlMfOE 111 lh• M•ll•r ol ,,.. E't•I• ol LEOTA M YAGEA, oec .. -NOTICE IS HEAE8Y GIVEN U"'I BUSINESS PVBUC NOTICE P\JBUC NOTICE eeoT1e«~t•unu•u•t.e NOTICE OF DEATH OF 011 J.,,...,, u. ""· .:-~i·'::·~.'!'. ALalNA PALA ANO OF STAN·SH•W COltPORATION,. ~E TITION TO AO - C•fllorftl• corporall°" •' duly •P. MINISTER ESTATE NO. llJOllll•O Tl'W .. -•1111 ""'-"' 10 A· 107090. DH<I of Trutl ...Conled J-"· '"°· T 0 "' I I h e j r s ' u ''"' -ltm, '" -,,.,., ,..,. .. 111• o1 ow1t1a1RKo<lft 111 ,.,. ottk• 01 b e n e f ic laries, c r e ditors ,,. c_, A«orci.r' o• Or41\0& '"""' and c ontingent c redit o r s of "\ \ a rat of \~ • u N\l Rob.:r\ ll~llcr a Bank of me-rte• N:<11\~ nt1t, ha H •ll Hl'll ·r ,.ut 1n ·" '"'"'" to \t1t• lu1n~ that l11t• ~m kl m11n('\ u1111h llWn.'a t•cl h) 10 4 ·~ H l'IJl Ill I UiltO iUH.I h • mu.rt> U11n douhtt"il uu v IV74 I ht l '01lt'd 1'ht-growth m money supplies "greatly exceeds lhl' potcntlitl for world production increases and 1.·11ui;e1> w1abuted 1nflation ary pressures," Heller , .. ,d '"" u11oeo19M0 wlll Mil •' Pn,,.le , .. , •• lo I ... IMV'-•1 -bl!SI bi-r, .. --!!i!~~iif!r!!~'!ii~----lli' '"bJocl lo conllrm•llon 01 •••O COLL 0 s ~""°' eo..<"\, Cll\ Of •• , •• , ... Slh a.y If, St••• o1 C•lllorl'll• A I p ExEc.urEo ev Ml< .... • A lb na ala and persons Ct•mme Jt. Md Glori• A C••mme, WhO mar. be Otherwise in- hu\b•n<I -wlle n 101n1 tenenh, win teres ted in the will a nd/Or "'" •I Ollllllt ...c:llCll\ lo 11/0flesl bl-r t t lthou.ih 19(1() hrought no end lo world inflation, World c<'onom1c performance indicators also 1o1h~\w th.tl 1mbulances in world trade and financial mu1 keh .i.re bclo~ their 1974 peaks," He lle r said . ~NER of J•,..,.,Y, Itel •• ,.,. olllo of J '-"" l AAAY 8ALl..AA0, Allo<""Y •I L•w. IOf•coh lpev.c>le •I lime of ult' 111 E'S a e : •••1111 -v o1 1i.. un11eo Sl••••I •' A petit ion has been filed "" 1ron1 entr•nte 01 St•n Sll•w by Theodore Pala in the Rare Coln• & Sgmps su11t ,oo, ''°° "' "••bo• 111•0 FullttlCll\, '-'Ir of 0<"'99. SC••• o1 C.••P<!l•llCll\, 1ou1eo •' n1s E 11111 S C t f O s''"'· S.M• An• t •i1tornt• •1111 •" uperror our o range. di on rate hikt> OK'd GOLD & SILV£A l •lllo1111a, an ti. t10hl, 1111• AMI 1n •IQM, """ •n<I 1nle<9\I con-.ye<I 10 County r equesting thal •n<I no• ""'<I b'f ii""°"' \Aid OHO o• Theodore Pala be appoint-1'"'' In,,. Pf°""''Y , .. .,.,..,in ••1d ed a s. personal repr es.en· l:lob<•I influt100 dip.ped lo 9 7 percent in 1978, but ,.~, l''Mve vx1nms100 of the world money supply in tht t..ill' l!flOl. ll•d to another outburs t of double· cl1.:1t 111flat1un, Heller said ..... _ f lfte\I ol WIO Ot<U \eel •I IM ltmt OI r•,_a or 12-30-IO "'•'" •n<I •II lht r101>1. ""' ..,.a 1n "'' ,. fl \~t 't !'t( ll \I' 1111 l'uhhi· -CIHe ...... i::-C• ·~1/0 ltt•\l. lhet t ... e\l•I• ol ""<I <W<H...,0 W.i • ~1uo :~~.:!~';!...,~r,;::·o~'·: :;.,,~;n ~~ cov~•;, ~';' ~·;~~:~;1i;'3;'., '"°"" ta ti ve to adminis te r the Oii . m•p rec°'<le<I '"Boo• •l Pag .. eslale of Albina Pala (un- u •11<1 •sof Mlw.~ll•oeov• M•P•.1n ,,.. der the" Ind epend ent Ad· :!'..~;.01 the ,_,, retO•O.• o• ~111 m1n1s trat1on o f Es.t a les l llh\lt' C \tn\11\ll>l>Olttll ht11> 1•11111>\ '"' ~II ii\ \'I <\~l 2 ~ pt·r ~i-nt rieat.-Uh I•,, f,,, .,..rnlht·1 11 < ahfuro1d t:,h"in .. ,. 'll .. h•ll\•·• t(,, U9f:" ..-.d\ M•ole lt.., IOOCor~\ ~p·- ·=: ~~.: 111•1 OI ~10 Oe<H..0, el IM lime of dt 1,. • 1,.1 • •Ill, 1n -lo 4111 IM '"'•In rt•I oro 1111' lltl,_ oe•I• •11 ... ...., 1n lht C.ounlY 01 Oranqt I lw I 111 1111 fl•ii'°'I .tlltltUltl ltt $1111 11111111>11 •• 't' 1 "" l"'" ,.,.,11 ult• rt·111w t tff11II\1· I u1 I I k noted that he expecb the world toflat1on rate to <11 op I 1 .... ·rn..nt to 14 percent thlS year a nd steadi· I) tll·t·hne tn 'curs thcrcarter. 'O St I •tr Baci• ff...,_..~,.,_.. .... ·~ c.41 .., '"""•""' 4tWl9• (714) 556-MSO South CoHt Pleu VIiiage ~ ..... ,.t. 1Ac.:l'OH tf'Otllll lovfh C .. et t'l•i_el ,,.,. of C•l•fO,,.H• P•thlut•rlv ct~\<' 1bed •\ tot tow\ to •It '"• •••ee• _.,"" """o•,,~· tom Ac t ) The Peltt1on is set mon dt!\1~11.,., ,, anv, o• tn~ ••••pro for hearing m Oe pl. No. 3 :''1~=\(~'.~.~~·;,·~"':V'':~~:0!~ at 700 Civic Center Drive, euc11.c.a111°''"•"°"° West, in the Cily of Sant a I h•· ..th•1 t 1111 J t) 1111 t1l 11·,1<!1·1111 ti 11111 111 '11.IO '-''""'ult huu1 !> a 111u111 t1 ~ 111 llt' SJ .n llH 1 t·..1~t I 11ir11 ~ Ml:; Ufl t·fll h 111 $:i~ 't• "lt•H·rllll'lt-..,i. the~e toflation rates arc unaccep· t 1 hl~ t11gh World ll'aden. urgently need to work t o " .11 11 11111n1·t.iry ~rowth rates more closely 111.ill·hrn~ ltw ~rowth of world produl'lton ... he ,,1111. c.11lch11~ that the "urld economic ~rowth rate n ·m :uill'tl ,Jui.:1-(1:-.h at I 4 percent this year I hf ......,._\lttl• 100 1..,1 ol Ill• nortl"l•t~tm-111 JI '"' of lot ?U or Newpor-t Htuonh, 'n '"" Co\mty of Or •no• St•t~ of C..•t1tor n•• ., Poe' M•P th•l'f!Of rf'<Oto.d tn boolt. " P•9f' ._ ____________ • I) ot Mt'J.lt11•1W"OU\ ~P\ rKord\ Ctt "'" u"""'"QM<I fru•'"" o"'"~•m• A n a , C a I 1 f o r n I a o n ,:;..• ,';:!:·~;:,~n;,.;~~i:;:~·;~~:~ January 21. 1981 a t 9· 30 EJ1w11 Ill• 11 1b "l'l'IH .1111111 '"' 1••••111·1 1 Jlt'" Ulltft' lhitn .. 't M J~ll l't'k l11.: d S.:1111 1111llwn IUI 111i.d tnl rt-o'il' \\ '' t: l11dll '" tl.t)' 111 puhl11 ht'IH 1111t-... ~ "', twl1I Call 642-5678. Pul a few words to work lor you. • Not_ onl y wi _lt Downey Savin~s rx1y ~~ you 51Nli interest 1f you hl1vc a MQDeysaversM _______ . .------. account with us ... hut we ~ll a bo give _ -::;:::. .. ::-'... \ '' ~~ ~l' you FREE all of the ___..;~·· .--,q w.~ rully-pcrs ona li;cu -____ . .--;-~· ·-"·'~ ~ ,~~ che cks YOU Ctl 11 ll ~C. ...,,,..-,, .... ,., ...... '\ 11 " 1 /\s loni ~ 1~ vo u have L -• the ~ll'l'Ullll l \V llh LI\. Moncy~avrr i~ very interesting. N 11\\ \•lll 1,:an final!\ ..::1111 11lll'll'"' t11J rhv 111111tl'\ tli;rt u-.1..d 111 111.: rdk 111 \•1111 d1nlo. 111:..'. .1~·l • •11111 l.0 I ll 11 1 It I( fl 11 I 1 • d :1111 111 ,tl '11:1 I. 11111•1,.1. "' 1.111' I l.111\ ft If ii . ~I) • \\ , ,, \ 11111 111 •-. .11. 1 • •tll I 111d \/11111 I 1/11 nll .ti I''''' nn "'·" 111i'"· \1111'11 lll'H'I 11..·;ill\ IJ ;l\l' lt1~111.tll\\dl1..'ll' l'l-.e l11r '0111 1111111111;1111 I 111:111 1.. i;if ht1\llll'\'i. ()Ill' \l t 1p 111 ph1 llll' \.·,di \\ill t.i\..l' \. .11 l' t ii II ;tll. J>I 11 ..... "L' 11\\ 11..,,1ml· 1 ti r Ill' m11..,1 "'>phi ... 11v.11L·d l·qu1pnh·n1 , I\ .1 ti ;i "k 'tl1 d h ii \l' .. ...1;111 I II \/11111 I \1/1 1'/ t..'\fk'rl\ 11> l1:11ldli· \\llll :lt:l'Olllll 1tµl1t h1..·t l', ~II II \ 1111 L' \l' r II; 1 \l' ;1 q tl l'\I i11n "hnu r \uur \full<'t ''"'''' .11.u•unt . ~ou'll l!l'I an :tl1"-\\l't. ~.I \ \ [ You may not even have to 1>ay a n1onthly service charge. t\lf \till fi:l\1,.' (I I do l\ 1-.._:L'p '' 111i11l111um 11f ')21Hl() in ~ciur I )m , Ill'\ \ii\ 111!-!" Pa...,~hnol-.. Or ,, 111111inium 111 ')l()()(l i11 ~11ut ''""''' ''"'''' .tt l'lltlfll. ·1 h ;11\ all. ,\nd \c11i'll ge t l·l<I I c hcd" and 1111 m1 int hi\ '-L'n ice c h:tq!c . I \l 'll if \11111 .\lr111,·1·,,ll't'r hill.tlll'L' d111p \ It> c/\ /,,,, cl \ \::,{)() d111111t1o 11111111/r. \tllt \till \\on·1 !.!L'I ;1 11111nt hh \l'f\ in: chan~c. . . Ju ... r .i l'.'t.' per d1ccl-. handling char l.!L' .. ., \)I Pl \ ('. ... \ \-\.!----- J\nd ii \Oll.l l' (,1111 uldc1. \/11111•1 \(/l'('l'f'/il\ j, /f1l' 1'f1/l 1 ~11 111~111 c.:1 \\Ital \11t1r n1i11i11wn1 h;d - ;m<:l'. \11u \\1111·1 µc.:t ii ll11 1n1hh 'iL'f\ 11..'l' L'flill ~l'. Moncysaver offers you a lot more exciting benefits too. Send in tht: t.:1n1pon hdm\ or ..,lop h~ one 11f o ur con- ' eniL'nl o ft ice\ ln<.l<t) fnr Cl llll· pktt: di:taib. Just what y~u'd expect from Downey Savings and Loan Association J200 Bris1ol Street ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION llt1ur' Mon. 1hru I hur 'HXI AM 4:(10 l'M rntlr•y: '1:00 AM ll:CXI f'M \1111trd11y-Qo()(l AM 1:00 PM 0,111 MeH Ur.nch Sou•h Co•~• lh<l f . 171h Strl'Ct Pl•u Rr11nch 17141 Ml-7422 .l200 Bristol St. 1Juo1imtton.ll.e.~Jl 20002 Bronkhur.,t • I. 17141 962-2407 Fountain Valley 171~ Magnolia Ave . '7141842-7424 , <71 41 556-9270 lrvlne.Northwood 4970 Irvine Blvd. uitc 108 <714\ 832·9890 . . ... ,,. ,, Costa Mesa. CA 9262n (714 l )49-XRJI Please send me more infom1ation about your exciting new Moncysaver account. Name Street Address City State Apt.# Zi[2 Home Phone ---~------------~ Business Phone .--------, DP/10 --· FSIJC ...................... ·············---·-· ... \••d Or.nQl" C,OU,,t1 mor .. common!}' iil\O•n '"' 101 E 1ht \,,.,,..., Co\t• Mf'\.6 Cahtorn'• fl'""' of w•• ,_.,,, "' 1 .. wtuf mot'W'y or It. Ul'Uff!'d St.tf.-\ on• onf1rm•t•On Qf \it lf , o r p•rt Ctt\h 1H\d bi91Anc e .. ..,,d .. nc~d b,. not .. \-.Sured bv MOr1Q•QP 0' , , IJ\I 0.oll"O on \hf" C>t CIPf'I l'r \0 \01-Te-n ~rt.,.lt tlf "mount b ·d to e,. d• ~ltfl(j •1lh OtCI 8'0\ ~,. oft-.\ 10 bP-"' .,, 1hno and ••II b4' r-f"( 11>1 +'f'O 41 trw _,,IJ',.W•d Oft1f • ctt •nv l•mt' dftfl'r 1rw-'"" uubt1t.-ltnn h~Htot &nd oe•o"'' d•'"' ot ,,_., .. 0.\IQrt•ttain If dOt \ttown ntrrf" a m S••U wee w11t o-..... ..,. out .,,,,_., I F YOU OBJECT to the ~~::0"·~~r:1~'~7:.~ ,.~!\,~1~ 1;! ~r anting of the pettfion, ""<umD"•"<~•.1rn:1ut:1•nq ,..,, , ""'"" y o u c;hould either appear Ana ••i>"""'' 01 tit" r'"''•" ""a 0 1 ,,,..1 a t I he hearing and s.t a le Hu\t\uull!<IDY '"'ao .. ~oo•T•u•• 11> YOlJr objections o r file ~:.: ,::..;:,~::;!/~;":~~ ~=~ ~: w ritten objec11ons. with the ''"" 10 -• sq1wi "'''" "'""'1 court t>efore lhe heanng. '""'•on l•om July I I~ •I 18 • Pf'• Your appearance may be O~U,.d ll'\1, 181h Oit't ot C>t'tf'mba-r 1090 ::~~·:.::.':':::'a;:~·~1":,':.~~~·,"~ rn p erson or by your a l Th• ~ne1IC1a•y U"°"' , ... l o .. ~o nt I F y 0 u A R E A I""''" 1n1~'''' ·For~losu, ... (O\h torney. MAf(lf WAii'' I ., ''"" ""'*IOfOr# ··~rnl•<l a nd ~· c RE 0 I TOR o r a cont ~~":~~~!~,CIA ~:::~.;:'.,.,'';~~~,'~~::;·~"...:~~·:: 1nqent c.redtlor of the d e-..,,0 De<.Ml!-nl S••• .,.., .......... Not.•• o• O•l•ull cea seo you mur;I file your JLAllllYBALl..AAO ""°~r..-i.onto .... ll l,...un<l<'«••Q'lecl(I Cl1m Wit h th(• (OUrl or ~::':4~::.;:·B,•d . ,,_ ~~~.'~,:,, ':,'0s-~011~';;,. ~· .. ~;~:~''.n ~".:. present 11. to lhE' pe r c;onal Fulltrlon, CA'7US j ·~unh ............ •Ntl P•00<''1¥ I\ r epre.,entatiVI:' appointed !~:~.'~:1,!:"''11 i '"'r:~~: Ot><emllO'r 1• 1~811 by the c.01irt wt th• n four A11m1,,,.t,•1or, CTA "'"" s;..,,.. c..o.oo1at•••• months from lne dale ol Pub••..,_<>"'·~'""''''"''• p,,.., "'"''" '"'",... firs t 1ss uancP of letlPrs as o .. 11 1• 11 1"80 '"' e, f'r4ro ,. S..• .... provided 1n Sf.'c lion 700 of ~;.~'.'rr::: .. c..or_.,.,_ the Proball' CodP of Pl'BUC NOTIC E n n £ 11111s1 1C a ldorn1a. The t ime for S•~•• A...,,cA.,111 IH1nq claims w II not ,.x ORA,.GE COUNTY Pvbl•\""" O«tn(I" r<>., I O•"'f Potol p1re prior tO four month'\ SUPEAIOA COU RT ')•r l\ 1'1111() Jan I t • 11Hl1 •I '80 IOOCIVI< c....1 ... Otl•• Wnl ' I frorn thP d <ll P ol lht• hear 11 ..... ~~': ~~;..~~ .:!~~J.,,..,0 Pl'BLI(' NOTIC'fo' ing n o l1c.ed abovP ·..oc1rt r '"" · · ' YOU MAY fXAMIN.F 0 1 1 1 ><DAN I N ['>lf ..... N /~t the ftlf' kept by the c.ourt M r)JI J(.A•,f r()JIPC,P A '"'" aM FIC.TITIOUS BUSI HESS II you are 1ntf'rf•Sted tn !hf' '•'H\l ,,...,T~<::.~N·;-•u .. ~ .. AMESTAffMEHT P<ilale you m<iy ftlP a rt- CASE NUMBIE'.A Jl-'1 M 0.,:;~. ~o~,0" "9 1" • " rl'" a. <>•l QUP'>I with_ !ht> rourl 10 rP NOTICE' ........... -..... d Tht rlOTECH DISHWAH<E Rs 1Ce1ve <,pecta l noltCP o f l h l' (Ourl nYf ...... -·n•I you •llllOUI I us A LTD .~ o. .. ,, .. ~ h¥1ne. tnVPntor y of eo;,td\C ac;r,et<, 't<Ju' tlf"1nq ,...,.,,., unl•\11t ;:-,y '•'P°"'" C•ltforn•• tUU - Wtlf\lf\ lO d.IY" AtM ,,.,. 1ntorm.11hon ' ,. P .. l'\c) i <>• • , • r,, ,,, ... ~' d nd of lhe-PPI' I 1onc:. a c tM••• t,. ,., , ,. ,.. ""*'• ,,.._, ,, , . .,. ,, • • r tJ u,, t ~ n n CS rep or 1 AYISO' U•lt<I .... ''"° O•m•nd•CIO p .ni .... , h "• .. r,. " Ol·Vrrbed 1n s ... c 11on 170! £\ 1rtb""'61 ~~uh' lonh• Ud p,..,.,,. .. i'W ' .,.,, , ·• ,, ',,. '~ f •h C I f p t t "n •1101•nc:1• • """°' que UO ,.,00~ '• A•.o r , ''"" • ,, LIO 0 1 I' a I l)rn1 cl rO Jd •· d• d•fttro cM 10 d••~ l •• tit 1ntorm41 i • _.,1• 1 r: , •, , ,1 " 1 ( Odf <.tOftQuew.,_ PATii"!'' ~· f f• ,u.;,, •. Ii , ... I w1\r. IC> V • _. lti. tfJ .l(4 _,••I! fit• ft)'fi•<'l ~f I! .t110'' .. ,. i"' H-u\ "1·•lt•' tr~1 \h<l,..i'O 1' (i tn._ "I J• •, , , Theodore P a la, Attorn ey a t Law. P .O Box 1017 Tu stin C a . 92680 , tel . 17141 9SJ-411J (, (,f mpf 'f IJ "'"' ~ '"'""(.1411 ,. l~flt fT'o4rf,. I ·~ 'I~· \ I I•-(),,.~_. -.J-,I t: tp.. ~.,,_ lt ''" ""' JQdCJt' .-,-"''" ' ,,. ' O .. '°l'I', ~ 11~ ,, "''"'"n••''"'"'• c ... ~1,. I f1'\"h' ',, \.v '•~Q .. ,,..\il ., 'I t t ,1, .PQUfr1 f)I~ \,_.,,,, htr\.1,1,11,..j.r l fJ Ptf 01 ,tNt •lt~J ' A •• ,.,,mo, nt rlrl• ,...,..., • ,~ '" ,,,_ , '•• l•tt .~ 1,.. t ''"' t ' , .,., n • J• '••wt ft'lt -''' fl>V 01 If .,,., \t I t ., .. \ .. ... , .. , ..... ._. ... nf"-'""• 'Cl"" ., 1u• J• '~'''' ,,,. ,. , "' •• ,., ,. ,1 plu .,.1 .1.11 1• ,,.,,. 111, .. nr,;1 ,,1,11 •r rn irl m .-i"' ,.,,.,, 1 1urtq1r1 .. n1 '' •; • ,,., •·' ttw 111111 '1••rt1t•nr11 I 1r u.. ·ff J 11 "I ._.",,., ,,.,,.,,,,,_..,,.,..,.," H IJ .. I' \,I I• ,,, 11 N•tOt r,,.,,_~ I ""''f' '(lt ...,,.,,1 , • ,,h, I •• f I• J 1f'\f .. 1 • It 1 t ,.,. C•A r E c ""' it 1~ I. E [A HAAN (h (liH., fl~q\l1n .. r [ .ntwooo [)Po:>uly l>PAAV GOVlD a BOWE llS A Prof•utOnoAI Corp0r<1t•Oft l UO W 1i\A\1•t h\i.O \\\t f I lo• An'lf•~ C• -10 f rl 111 JI~ \,.HJ J".lufl• ..,.,..,., 0r.dtUl> ( • I .ti 'I t ,, •• , ,. 1 ·~ "''"' l•l'°l .. ·~· lh• 1 ~~ l'CHl.I(' ~OTIC t: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HA,,.£ !>lAT(l,l\fHI tnllc,,, nu O'' .,., f • '~ ... t'. f .. , -.rt I # II' ·t '1 Y t r • ""' f' .. I" . . I,. I ••• , ·""' ( ,. , r • ,. r, 1 ,. ,, • , , '"' '·•I• •!' ...... '11 •"' ' "• t • • • u ,1, ' . . .... ,,., '. ,, ,,., • 4,,,,., .- U ll t 'I I I ,_ I "' . , I I I 1 , I l'l Bl.I( "l;OTl<'E NO-Ti(I or I" ff 1<0£ 0 l'>&h \f l R •<11 C.t --·~· VI '-H • t .. ~-.. ..... , ... '· r 1UOl4 • p ' ••' I" I.,,. Pl'Bl.I<' !'llOTICF: FICTI TIOUS BU\1 HE \5 NAM E ST•TEME"T l h• loU0•1nq O"'"°"' •'" Oo1nQ bv\'""" •~ TH( C.APl\Tl> ... •0 COMP&"• •''"' ,. '· •01 t"' .. , ,,. .... 1111 I ; An• (,. • ,, , "· ' ~rt,,.,,, r-1 "'"'' ,,...., I f'11t fl I t)O I~'' " ,. , .. ., f • • tr 1'9 ( ... ,, • .. • ,, ,j!•. y, 1• r, • l• " •' h t • '. t "" • • •'' , "/,. .. "., ft\1 '··. A t ~ : 11 • lj '.r "•' "''' ,,..,, ' 1 , '• • 111o r , C • l'Jl;.·rt f hQ~ ,t, ,t j t I t f110J , .. ,,,.. f'tt' •f' ( -41,I '' I f t1.ttl"I t ,... ,., ...... 1. 'lt' ·••'1 ' n'-'nO ... \)I t •tur.. ..._ •'P'' *"' 1 JtV1()w rl lr\•1 •r~O• ,, tMf'•''''' f•1·1n1•·• -.nnwn.J •f'\ .. (,ft''Jil\f"(",,t• '</I 1\)1 tf1flt'I 11 (It fr\f" Afl •ti '•tU Hr u.Hhu• I \111 '' t .. I l t " (,I J • • ( ~ I If f'" .. , f I f ,. I I "" I 1.' ··- • 1• . . ' ,. rhl\ \ldfMO'llt('I' wit t I"'° ~1ttl !ht J.-j(.ho,~ l)rdnq. ( ,t 'f>,1 I• On\ 1 ('uuf1t\' {.I~,_. O' O,,.,,o, Count , n O•C: J\, \'90, Jan 1 t" }t , .. , s1• .. to F ISllH Pl'BLJC !\'OTl('f: 1 "~' ~""tw>' n '""'° I Put 1 . .,. • ., O•~t>o')' (o>Hl o .. •• P•!o t Pl RI.I(' ."liOTIC't: (),.; 1 ,.,.._ J~n ' I••' '''1' ") #+< Pl'BLI(' l'iOTIC E PUBLIC NOTIC F: H·IJ.411 FICTlllOUS I USINESS NAMf STAlf!MENT T n" to11ow 1no ~' '°"' ,,.,,, OolnQ i u,1nt-\\ o\ • OA!o. lREE (fll l (RPRI Sf S ro •ll a ....... Of O'•"f' N PWPCHI 8t"•t h (at1for,,1a •7MtO • 0•111d E Trumbuff !i]l R•v~•O"' 0 rt¥f Nt"wPOrl Atl•"~•l1tn,.n1.t ""° Mary Eh t.tbtth flk'tt•nf'J Trum butt tdl ft•Y\•CS• On-..• N.-. .... pot t Bt •ch (.t11rorn•a •1&60 l hf\ bu\fMS.S 1\ conthJr '"O bv a QtnP•AI ~l'+r<~•P ••O E TtumbUll p ""' fl'I•\ ~,_,,.,,.,.;, w~n hl!d ...,,,,, tht County cr~r~ 01 O••n~ Cou11h on Deumi:..r )3 IW) FIU1'1 Publl\he<I ()-""9" (Ohl 0•11v P•IOI O•t )I,,.., J6" I " )I., .. , ~lOHIC PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS 8UStNaH MAMI STATEMINT Th• 1ooow1119 perton> ••• Oolno bu.r.IMU-.. SEAPORT HA I" COMPAf'Y, ""' lh«!'I 81\ld., S..llt a 101, H...,1. '""°" 8Hcll, Qllfofnla .,.._ L•nY ~. '80:J l • Ar-Cir , ,,_,.,v .. 1,,.,, c.i11o<..c• .,,. M•ry l.<N "ollret, 9l LA AAN Cir .. "°""'..,. V.lln, c;.it....,.I• n1t1 "-~~ .i_.. .. 11~1~e.n. S1r .. 1, l'C-letn V•ll•Y. C.tlllONll• .,,. ll•..,,.lh Pa111 J11clcl, 111'1 Elm SHHI, Foun••'" Vallo. C.tlltor11I• .,,. I Tfll\ bu~in .. , I• <01\dlKle<I b' • ..... ,.,., ... rtfllp .,,...,.,.._.. Tfll• ~ WM llttMI with - G-ty ~ of Or ..... '-"'11Y ... H l lOtS FICTITIOUS 8USIHESS NAME HATEME"T O'-'\tn•\" ., F'ICTITIOUS 11\JSIHESS NAME ST"ATf:Nl("T" Ou•• '>lrtel. '>vii• I ll) """oo•t !l•.-•~ Pl' Bl.I{' ~OTl{'E IOH~TOWN P RO PI l>lll '> .. ,.... I (AllrorruA ''°"° JOt'ln<lown ~1Mnrt~t (01001 •J1i()r'I /1 E T or WITHO*A-AL a C.•O•Q•A tor1><>•~t10~ \101• 100 \TAT .. M N r ~ - \11\ • PP•cttltf>,. Ounwwoonr Ao•d F •OM All•,,I• C"O•o•• ))JA) P A" TN E It SH I P 0 P (II AT I NG '"''"""'""~\1\(0NhKl"'tJhyA rot UNDl• FICTITIOUS IUSIHE\S HAME Por•f•Of\ JC>tln\town '1Nnl ~ .. it.°' p C..Ot'Qt' .. l .. ,,.. 111 Prp.\10Pnt l h1\ 'ti&•emfof\t wi4''\ tHf<t \lltl'" tri• rou"llY C•trk of 0 111nQfl County on l n ... fOhOWtf'Ml!E "4~ W111i1l.hdr.twn ,_., ,. CJ•""''•' tn#r ''0"' tP\., p.Artl"l•,-\t\10 ~·• Q ... ~, thfl. fu f1l•Ov\ bU11n"'" name or 8ESt 1,1\1\lh'EllNC. ASSOCI ATf ~ •I 1"111 WA\•h•M P •.tc.r \•"'" An~ Otomtwr >fo l'*I F UIU I (•hlornre t)too PuDlt\hfid <>'~<JI' (04'\I Oailv P tlOt T ~ fir fthOU\ OW\ff"llt'\\ l'\A"'f' \tA\,. O<oc )1. 1.a JM\ I I• 11 1'91 ~70010 "''"' IOt '"" 1»rl,..t'\lllp ,.., hl"1 o<t M•''" Jt t••o 1n th"' Cou"'" o f PUBLIC' NOTICE ~ 0 ';':,fi ,..,,... •"" Mo,." 01 '"" ... ,.,.,. f'ICTITIOU\ aUSIMUS NAMI: STATIMaNT H1• lotlowinQ ,,.,,...,,, .,. dou•o bu\IMU., F AAW lEY DA I VE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. l•IS Aed Hiii A-~ Wilt ~--Coi.t• ""'w. Ca4 llllnll • .,.,, Tarftlll.ter-Hemll .... 0..,•l~I Comp•"Y· • C.lllor,.le <O<J)ou llort. 7'1S ltN Hiii A""""'• ~llt F·)OO. C.O\l• ~ QtlffWl\I• ~11 _......, o. .... .-Oln\jlelly, U"l°" Oll C'Aflw, • c.ttteml• t..._• llo,_..I._..,...•__ Allfile\, C.lltor111a•11 Tflh _,,,." I\ t on!Ntletl llY • OtM••l ~lp T-~·Hemltl!Dfl ..... ~C.0 .lftl ., ,.,,, "' "-11 ... 1t1H11e &,ICMaOt. lltC. .,..c.-.. ~.o .... ... 11C....... .... ..... ....... _._CA ... Ptr\Ot'I WU"dr.tw•nQ W•H\AM W Bl"'<~ 10 Gr•l'Mt A•tnut Apt • ~. LOnO era<" C 8hf0r"•• 40IOJ Wilh.vn W 8•rr·ltl FIUal Put1l1 \lle0 0--C.N" 0.-IY PllO\ Ott JI 1•. J.,, t U 11 1 .. 1 "tf-« PUBLIC NOTICE 111CT1nous ausi,.ns NAMf! STATIMllif Thfo •tM-tl'Q "'°"""' I\ ..... !Iv\• ,,.'-'1:1 slA·11u b'S'AlllfNC PRODUCT~ ltl C.TC PllOOUCT~ tOU S••" Orto C.•\le M••• C•lllorni.tn.a '"°""" Euqt"" ''""""' ~ $wo!lfl 011w, Ce.\t.~ C•ht0tn1e•ttlt Tiii\ -w.tn 1, <-.CIH 11'1 •n '" fl••W•I T-..l ..... t••-lllii\ __ , .... ,, ....... t ... ,_,, c-.. °'-,_, ... 0.C~"·'· ~.,.,.,s.1• ,,_ ,,_ ••UJM "l"-11\Nlll 0-..,.. c;oa\I o.fly Pli.1, "'*41-Q .. C..11 o.iloP f'I""-~tv.e Cr' .... OIHI Dell\' PllOI, ~ I0,\1,14.Jl.I-.-1-111 ~ 11,tl,H,Jl,1-4t1Me 0.C )1,1 .. .Mif 1,1 Jl,t•I H ..... J ' ........ ' : • A -".--.. -.4',• -I 1 .-1 t•• .. •' ..,._,,_,,,..-._.,.. •• -. .. ....,.__.., ...... ..._ _. .._._. ... _. ••• e. A •••••• e •• /a ..... tJa # ...... . J JJ,,,,,,, brl~ health ancl pt'O~rjtlj to all I ~it eaue llH'MeMV~Dr.L c ........ f7f.IJ70 Happy New Year! llDlll ILlllS aa. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 751-91• 2 CORl'OAATI PLAZA MIWPOIT llACH ' , TIME TO WISH OO-ff4£.IES-l-•-• & MANAGEMENT Tll W, lTt.h St. Ste. BIJ Colt• Mna 64~1601 1 . 497.1494 673-7311 . ' .... pptt••• end proeperhy to •" otu tin• customers. WISTC ... PLAZA CWJ•S ,, . .,.. .... ... , ......... 646-2392 .... -........ . c HAPPY HOLIDAYS __ __,_ ........... S C we. . c.=z... 546-l60S r " 752-0900 ., ...... .-... ······~····· --~· ............... ··~-..-....... . . ......... . . .... --. -. ' ~ .,. -.. ' . ., . . " . . ... 200 P...a.rlfto Code MH• 549-9671 All r eal est ate ad vert i sed 1n thi s newspaper l5 subjert to the Federal Fair llous ing Art o{ 1968 whirh makes it illegal to ad vertise "any preference. limitation. or dis criminat1on bas('d on r ace. color , religion. sex. or nauonal origin. or an intention to make any such preference. lim1tat1on. o r di s cnminat1on." This newspaper 14111 not kno11<1ngly acrept any acl vert1s1ni:-ror real estate which 1!> in \'Wla lion or the law ow.a ..: WIUCAJUtY Owner will help f111ance this super duper 2 Bdrm h o me . Pride o f ownership. Nice quiet location. Community pool. Only Slt9.500 Call .now 979-S370 -ALLSTATE . REALTORS WISHllGYOU &YOWSA. HA.PPY HOUDA. Y SEASOM&THE llSTFOl 1911! @ SEA COVE PROPERTIES . 71~-63 J-6990 c,.... .... Lovely 4 Bdr m with g r eat view. Prime Spyglass Hill location. Gor 1eou pool and _..terfall. Asltlng $525,000. Owner will car ry *** FT"• Colwottl 1817 A 0&.>Clford Ln Newport Beach You are the winner of 2 frfttichh ($17 value,. to lceFGll.s& H~Cllllc:e Dec 216 lhru JOth Anaheim Conven\lon Center Tickets must be ex· changed for reserved seats at the Convention <.:enter ahead of time. Call 642-5678. ext. 272 to claim youruckets ----------------------~! VIEW 90°/oLOAN ••• DUP\.EllS SelHS Wil Rnanc• 2&3 bdrm $' l &3 bdrm $265.0l.l(J' Jbr 2ba C'a urut 5289.000 ' lolboo lay Prop. Reaftor'S •675-7060• WATEIFltOMT HOME 5 BR, 4 Ba. custom waterfront home wtl7X38'pvtdoc:k. Pnr<' $1,395,000. For details on this home and appt lo set>. call Carol lloff. agt 631 ·0094 4 IR211J IA 2 st ory home, stiak<' roof, fresh paint. palll). Sl67 ,500 i':ast.wtc Cost;i Mesa Roy Mce.-ch, RJtr. 548-7729 INCREDIBLE LINDA ISLE HOME A "sllowceH" llo•• for ••¥l•lt• dec:or.tl1t9. PrlY•t• ut•rlor Htry co• ty.-cl wftll lwkll w•·WWJ o .. r ., ... ; .. & pool llltarlor ..try wttlt wl•dl1t9 oek •telrc•H. ll••••t & bewllM ......... ra ~ 91 wt kite ....................... Lwwwl .. ....... ..... ,.. 4..., ........ l••.tlM ......... well conrl .. 1, w/fNIKll cloon. MW C ....... O •ot•l'L c:oor'd l••t•d ••Ylr•••••t I wftwc: .................... .....,. A ........... h .... ,.... .... .., fer ~ ~-& two_ ... tin. Jl,HS~QOO •. S.OWRby•mc• .... · Ul-1400. • WATERFRONT f-IOMES, tN< Hb\I f ~IA IF 24.lt> W l o.1>1 H ... , N~1.1r.1port fie,,,,h II'> M'""" A•• f\i\lh1U1 ,,,,,.,,1 67Mt00 C!E 110181 ILlllfS ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE UDO ISU F.xcept1onally Good Location Near Tennis Courts & Beac hes Really Neat Two Bedroom Home With Den, Plus Formal Dining Room. Assumable Loan Price Only S.175.000. ounTAt•I• IAfllROMT MOMI Lovely Custom Bullt Home On Promentory Bay . Livlne Room, Formal Dining Room. Dtn/l.lbrary . Spacious Maste r Bedroom Overlookin1e Ba y H a s Fireplace & ,Luxuriously Ap~inted Bath. Three Other BedJ'QQ~?bads Jlooai ~th..Pier .at.,, - f'or Large Var ht. Sl,850.000. ·--........ ". 759-11• t 2c_,. .. .._. Mcapalc.llfo HEWumMG 1 1 DUPLEX CLOSE TO IEACH 3 Bed, 2 baths eat•h unit I t-'urn1shL•d Slone F P lov. l'r G nnd ~u m mt•r winter n.·nlal Ask 1ni;: $4!75 OIHI 54!! 11715 t~vc associated BROKERS -REALTORS l01S W lolboo 671-366) 4 IR-21A GardC'n c;ruH•Sl•hools (,luict cul de !><•l' slret•I ('I OS<' l 11 l'\'('r\'l h Ing 1\ vallahlt• "' ne .. .,. N M 1\ f1n:.in<· lnj! at 127 ti'. 1\l "f ·ow CALL ~:a RED CARPET ·-754-1202 One o f a kind! A beautiful 4 Bdrm 3 bath hidden 2 story with huge family room, fireplace. formal dining room and rnuntry k1trhen. Owner will rarry finam·1ng 123• with only IO'; down Price Sl99.~ Call us nov. ' 546·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ----l SEASON'S GREETI~! r o all or our Clients and Fellow Realtors' Much happiness and success to all of you! !ONES RI \I I\ 1'l I'' f"-4..U• (714) 671 6210 HEALTH HAl'PIHESS WEALTH A.HD LOVE TO All Of OUI ,_IEHOS IN HIWPOIT HACH AND llYIHI C OLDW&J. IAMllY RHIOIMTIAL IROICIAAGI CO. macnab I irvine realty A SUBSIDIARY o7ft Tt1£ IRVINE COMPANV SUHSlt'S A.HO MOOMllSI YllWS! Wrap·around balcony overlooking t he greens and fairways of Big Canyon. 28Rs and den -perfect A.-0 ~ u f'-N e-w1nrrt-B"e'"a_Ch_ hideaway. $255.000. Tom Allinson 642-823.5. ( w .47 ) 112·1414 C~ VcA.y (.,,..., ,., .. ,,. ~I Dov« °""• ,,, .. .-- Woocbidqe Center ...... , .. Hatbor v-c...,. .. IAYAtOHT We have several fine homes with pier & sli p . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8oy\1dt• Or""' N 8 675 616 1 WHAT'S UMl9UE A.IOUTUM9UE A R C H .i T E C T CUS TO~IZED R edwood and glass. backs to nature. ln CdM. 4 Bdrms, skylights, 3 fplc's. $375,000 T 0 T A L L Y REMODELED Charming custom home • 3 Bdrm. corner lot. private beach es . S379.ooo fee. O PEN FEEL ING Ocean view. 4 Bdrms. fam rm, vacant in CdM. 3 car garage, freshly painted. $360,000. C OM D U PLEX I Hdrm u nits, corne r tbulldable R·2 lo t nr' s h op s, beach. etc. $189.000. ON T HE COURSE-2 Bdrm condo. nice view of lake. 1reens and mtns. San Carlog plan at $204,9SO. HARBO R RIOGE- Expanded Dynasty. i.. Bdr m or 1 Bdrm plus den, prof decorated~ room. city llehts and mountains views. $398,000. THAT'S WHAM UMlqul AIOUT .I Jflltj l OOr li()Ml:I ' · Realton, m.eooo •9'ANT COUMl'IY MAMllOM M a1nUicent Nor th -~~ estate• o·•. a lmost 1 acre. si.750,ooo. Greet fl.nlM. ln1-will tnde equity for 11naller home. ln· come prop., tr\lll deeds. Rkll Ahl_..., .,.._.,. ml ... TSl.ml, Have ~lllilll to H ll? C1M1lfted ads do It well. LIDO ISLE DREAM HOUSE Ne wl y remodeled 3 Bdrm + den. J full baths, quality construe lion. hardwood floors thruout. wood shutters all windows. large sunny patio. steps to bay & beach. tennis courts. yacht club. l.Jdo Village shopping. many extras $196.600. Assumable 1st T . O . Priced to sell $395.000. 644·7020 Lingo Rt.Jh uu REAL PEOPLE will love this beautiful upgraded 2 bdrm condo Super location. ONLY S82.500. Owner may help with financing. Call 979-5370 today. ALlSTlrTE ..REALTORS- Dd0bout Bay a.Beach Real Estate llEAI EStAr( U CELf:!llCE $INC~ 1'4t DOVBSHOIES u'nobstr ucted view of Upper Bay and night l ig hts . D r amatic cour ty ard entry with pool. spa and fountain. • Four huge bedrooms. dining room and den. Exercise room. Five baths. You own the land! $750.000. 611·7~ . ,.M.I . $2.17 per DAY Thal"S-ALL you pay for a 30day ad In the DAllf-ftlDJ-- SOVICE 11£CTOIY DO IT NOW! 642-1671 IRVIHE TERRACE OHL Y 7°/o DOWN ·\~t·:1 ut :ibr. nr ~ + d<'n. lg•• cornN Int . i nt'fv. p;.iinr 111 &. 11111 . nC'\\ r pts. pool. s 1' a . re <I\\ 11 11 d d l' t: k 1 n g I mm e d ot c·11p<rnc~ · <>W<' f1n a nt:1n g $282.000 lt·as <'hold fi ,111 !il1X I 15~ti Serenade Terr<H't'. LIO • • ·' JJ "~ . , ., _!:_ 9. }~ i is _.; 61 " t1 81 Vll GO .X re.,., Oo 1 Ac~• .. •1 ~·d• M v • fC d.l'tg • ., ·~· S1011 v -0 d't"·~ 0 ~"·,..~ 6 I ..... "' •dO\ 'C°'>J-,,...._:;.Jl"""l;!•,r~ ... , -:.• ~ .... : d r .,, .. '9' ~ ... ... . ... . .. . .., .. ..... . ... •• 'wO•• ') .... • ••"1"'• 'I . ,.. ..... .... .. . . • 1 , •• ., ... , ........ .. ... ,., ~-... , . ... ...... .. .. ...~ .. . .. u l, .. ... v., .. . •· ... -.. v ,~ .... ' I . .. l ,,..,. • 1..fli# ,.., 9',.) .. "'" w•- 1 • •• ' .... ,, .. .. . . ~· .. ... .. . . " .. "· ...• ......... .. ' .,. .. .. ~··· .. .,.,.. Slfl( & ,,No• FOREIGN PHRASES S T 0 E M 0 R P U 0 T E H C V M E 0 P C E R H C R 0 S S E 0 M U 0 C R I E S 0 E R I A F Z E S S 1 A L X L T A H C 0 A V E A T E M P 0 R N C I A 0 K N N P I U I S T A G 0 £ P I M 8 M I A D G H 0 G E W A 0 N T M L H £ J Y P L R I R G S A 0 E V A N E D A A 0 Z 0 V W E A E R T F D M 0 0 0 S A M T V L Y A R S R J A M A S S t C 0 0 0 E 0 L E A 0 E E C E M 0 U R 0 R H 0 l E H 0 R N T L T P R R 0 E F R M M V I A l I 0 l A U R E P T C H 8 A E I T T E 0 D ( A U 0 H U T C E N 0 I l C N 0 T B E K Q C E S R E M P M N A A R D 1 R 8 0 T N A C L E 8 B 0 N A F 1 0 E M E 1"'1NC110llt; Ridd.n worde i.low 9ppee1 fonwwd, beck· -d. up, ct_. Of diaeonelly, Find eedl end box It In. 0 • Aline Meter Hort O'otuvrJI J l• Fcto .:. 'Mtw EfO ..,, Ece1 Homo Lliml Fei11, "' Anno Domini Heb• Corpw Putt Montm 2 8tl Clnto Hoi Polloi C.vllt Emptor ·aon1 Fide Corpw Otlicti Slvoir Ft111 Tomorrow: Hippy New Y11r i ~~·~~t~~~~~(~mm r r r t Is I' I' I ! ~~t':~~t• tmm 10 I J J_ld bid-__ ..,. $CUM-UTS A••••rs iR c .. ,.,...._ IOIO STOP!! Take llnw to r..rlax a nd shop at home. WJt's sim pie with Oaily Pilot Cl ... ifled Adi. And II you have eomelhln• to sell. call • friend ly Cluslfled Ad·V11or at MZ-'671 For Class1f1ed Ad ACTION C.11• Dally 'Pilot AO·VlSOR M2 5"71 .. 111• . II A" R () L 0 L IU: ll• f'Ci ••> oo Ot•rember • a tJ\ antlt n1a t.'• lt.- 1 a lrtUf\ t\C'd It) h 111 wtrf' t' I• r I* 11 l 11ur11 lltt• I\ I M-nlr~ ~•" bt! held In th h UUI) ~10\ IU O~lf. lltll l 11m•I r an JOH l • Sfn h \alldtr lhf' tau"' Hun C\f llarhor l4wt1 Mount Oll~e \lortUlil ~ t1r l'oala M••• ~ U LANO I, I (' ,. f' \' lo. I ,, IH,I \'U lurru•r tl'~hhtnl ;_If °'"WYI \Ila. l'• 11111 ti •• •> on [ unt...r rr I llllO ll\ ~• r1.1iru. l • ~ ""'' ""~ l\aa Lft'n • 1v.1J.-n1 ror lht' t.i.1 "'t\!'ral ''°'" \'1•1\1alhm uulu (r um ll VO\ \t 111 11 Olli' \l al t'u•1fh \'1""" \I 11 f I ll Ill I \ 0 r It \ ~· I cl l' , , tl;t--.... ,11 l't" h Ill nn w .. J flt' la) ~ cml"'' )I lll!O ,11 I tllll'\I •t I' de I Ill \It.'"" \hm ortal f'11.rk 1•111 1(11 \I~"" \JurtlllU') 1.hrt•t tUI I> ~t:.L•,Ol\. tk'"" l!-..11 \.•\H \ t::I •,o, n·"1lh·111 ol Ihm\ n111u11 lk<11h I .o "''"'l'd J"" "' .. n l>nt:nil.lo'r :!~ l!ll!O .. t P.i.tlt•·J llo~1>1L11 I Jl lhl' •Ill' "' 7~ \Ir "1•li.uo ' fl in,1111' \\Ill h1· -.h1111wcl 111 I I Jh ""h1•rt-'>t'tl lt't"• ""'II l>c ~vuJu.iul 1111 Tlic)d u~ lh•n • 1l1ht•1 30 1!1110 JI I ht: .lcnt.10-. ....,II\' \1(1rl\1<1J\ 1n \lu r1"1\ L l11h :\Ir '11·li.1rrr 11•mJ11;i. ""'" lw in\l•1'1 ell al I h 1• \I 11 I I J \ (' I I \ I i·n11·11·1 \ :'>11111 a ' l l1Jll 1•11·1 t'l' B1 othl0 r '> ~tnHh-. \tor tuur·~ tc11 ''11rri1111: rlirl'I' '"'' \Jjj ~\j ,f'a-;AKn : llA HHY U PE/\Rt'E, ri•!t rrh:111 of Coslll :\'lt•!tlJ , t'a lur thl' IHl!tl )~" r Passed 11wa) vn l>l't'l'm r :!I!. 1 !lHU. llt> 11< ~un "l'd h} h1!> wire I rl·nt· uf ('o~lu Ml'!>U. ('..1 . '""~ Jef r I' ,. ) ,, I' I! ti r (' t• Cl r '>chai.lopo l and Murk rcur1•1· of llouslon. Tl·Xa~. ~a I " u 'u r v t ' l' d b y I 1:ran1khtldr1•n Pn,·atl' 111 tcrment !tl'r\'IN?!t ""'" bl' held <il the famtl ) p lot tn Woodland Mt.>monal Park, Colma. l'a S<>n·1t•es under the d1rcc l1on of llarbor I.a"" n Mount :'>torlullr) of t'ost a M"-:.a 540 5!>5-1 SC'IUl.DMEVER ,\I A R I E R SCll lLD:'>1EYER. resident nf Tuslm, Ca Passeri awa) on DHember 30, 1980 Surv i ved bv her son Frederi ck Srhi lumeyer of Klamalh Falls . OreJ(On , dau,1!hl£'r N1q1 M arie I tmshaw of New~.ort Beac h. L'a sister Nl'll M itrhell or "\anla Ana . ('a <ind 7 I! r a n tfr h t I cl r l' n F un l'I' a I :-1'1'\'lt'e s are JHI\ all' at 11 0 11/\M n n F rtclu>. J ,111 u a r) :! l !1111 ;.11 th c \\' 11 \ t! rl I'~: (' h 11 re· h \\I I h pastor J<it'k L1nrlhcrJ( or lhe (•ran.cc l'O\ en:int l'hurc·h or l11·1C1t111g In lurn or fl owers th1• famtly ri:qucsh dnnu l10n !'> ue m<irlt• 111 the \mert('an lh·arl J\!'>MH'1a l111 n W1nl)1 j.!lc r Fam1I ~ .\lorluary thrl't'l!'r!t \\001> 1-:\'A ·1~ES WOOi> rt '"' ti 1•11 1 ol t'~ 111 t·~-. ('a Pi1-.s1·1l Cl\\'" 0 11 l>l-n•mh(•r ~11. 19'1CI S~n 1\Cd h) hl•r hu,huntl Ur llarhll..1 \\' ·\\ ood of ('~ 111 I;':>' ("u tl:111J,!hll•r En·h n \\' Da n11·I 111 C'111111rn dt•I .\1:11 l':t -.on II ,I r 0 I " \\'ti •111. .I r C1 f I a c•nma. Wa!thtnglon <incl J(rancldaug hll'I'' lll'alh\'r :.11111 1\dnenlll' of ('oron:.i tl{·I \J;tr C'J .\lt•morial scr\'1tci. \\ tll hl' h«.'111 Ill lhl' C:l')Sl<il c <•lhl'!lral of t:ar<lcn Gm,·<· 111 lhl' Tower of llopt• Chupcl m1 Tui•sl.la), lll•c·cmhl'r 30, I !IRO :it 7 .30l'M lntcrmcnl Ro,.,£' llills Mc·monal Purk 11n lll:<·cmhcr 31. 19RU ut 1.00 P;\l Ir' Nentune Society · Clll•t.nliel ~L AT MA 848-7431 .......... --· ..... -.... . ....... , ... _ .... 111 .... , ..... , _ _. __ _ c.. ............ ,,...... c;-.-.. .• ,ACIHC VIEW MIMOllAL ,AllC Cerre1ery Mortuary Chapel 3500 f"ac1tic View Drive Newpon Beach 644·2700 McCotlMICIC MOITUAllllS Laguna Beach 494-9-41 5 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San.Juan Cap1s1rana 495·1776 Hdlotl L.MWM-MT. OLIVl Mortuary •Cemetery Oematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 NICIHOTHHS 'llUNOADWA,' MOaTUAaY 110 Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·9 150 11.un&•••HON "'411" & TUTHILL WHTCLlff CHAN&. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6 46-9371 NICIMOTNIRS "'"1'HS' MOITUAI Y 627 Main St Huntington BHch 53&-65391 _ ..... ----......... , COLOMA&. ,._Al ~ 7801 BolN Aye W.tmln•ter 893-3525 • L ., 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s 1· F I E It. 6 4 2.· • 5 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llU ....................... fOll\9WIW ONLYUtt ..... CdM •ucutlve hocne * l&ood view c.c.artyd ••llty. f onnal dlnini rm • bla family rm. new carPf'in1 • plW noor-lna. Pvt bc.h.. F• land. Sbow1 lllce a model. 1se.1e1• ~ Ac·ac1.ra. li337.000 620 Ac11cia : 12811,.500 425 Fernlul: 13119,500 fU2 Ramona, tlnOmo '12 l Ile !lot.rope: llMlO mo. Drive by, then u ll Sara Marvin, Unique H o m es , 675 SfilU , 67~ llYIMltaaACI POOl.&VllW A cozy 3 Bdrm borne with formal dining room and pool. Highly expan- dable view ol harbor a nd ocean. A new hsUng at only S.330,000. CAU.MOW 64J..721 I /Jn NIG[L ElAIL[ Y b. ASSOCI ATES CostaW... ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW C(IO)S E.ASTSIDI C.M. 2S12Santa Ana Ave. 2 BR. 2~ ba. cootemp design. $116,CXM>. 646-5096 '46-6093 OWNER D~PERATI-: E.side 3 Br 2 Ba, lrg Fam Rm w/frplr. Low down. non-qualifymg as· .sumable loan owe $132.500. By Owner . 548·2763 J br, 2ba, dentfam rm hv rm w/frplc. new crpl assum loan Sl24,900 PP. 979·1791 MESA VERDE: Spanish de light! 3 Bdrm that's beautifully decor ated. . Just painted inside and out. Shows owners pride. Must see! $125,500, TARBELL. HKR. (;all 540·1720 EASTSIDE Spotless 3 Br home Ls located on a lot 77x234, roned R-4 . county. For more info ask for Rbt Milliken. 691-12166. REALTORS o .. ,.... 102' ••••••••••••••••••••••• IM FOalCl.OSUU 3 Bdrm. 2ba. $120,000. 33822 Mariana Dr. 1-394-4666 Hwllwgtosc ..... ICMO ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOCHWPB! Good nei1hborhood . needs paint & TLC. 4 bdrm, l:\'• ba. $105.000. OWC-SmalJ 2nd. Broker. 675-0185 4 Bdrm. Lg assumabll\_ ioan. Good buy! Centu1 y 21 Loc khart Rhily . -962;1184 • - -CLOSE TOllACM 4 Bdrrr.i · 2 Bath . Priced to sell al $110.500. • Century 21 Lockhart 962-8847 ~ DOING • .. BUSINESS .\.: UNDER A Iii ... FICTITIOUS NAME? II you llfwe luet ftled yOUf new Flctlllou• &u•lnen H•111• and llH• not W-1 •ublftlfted kforpu~.ple ... don't for1•t 111•1 Ill• 1111111a11on I• ~o ct•r• tro111 dete o4 ....... Tiie DAIL Y fllLOT •Il l putil•ll '°"' ..... _"' tor I Jl.10. Our elrellf•t!Ofl lneluctea Ille entire Oren1• Con t .,.. •"41 ..... notk:e• eppeer Ill ell "'"°"'' In erder to •ulll!lll rour ete1 eftle flt Of putlll cillon ••nd •r.ropfl•• copy enel • e •ell lo THI DAIL v "LOT, P.O. h• tMO, .Cott• MMe, CA .... 11. •,_ ___ #'"'I' Wfiilor..'7.11.-•, IM_M..i h ' 111oiiii ~...-1 8 •41'w•rtl .... ,..._ eoll M2~t11'1111 ))I. Trade your old stun for taew goodies wllh a ClH1lfled td. 642>5e'fl ' : 1044 ....... fwWt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ..... .._.. U.fw1111ta..4 U.fw •• ... • * •111"11 tll .,... ..... Ifft ... .,.... leech I 069 ....................... ....................... •••••••••••• .. ••-••IJ _, ..... ••••••••••••••••u ......... ! .............. ......_ .._ IWI ........ 1240 Ml .... .._. Jl69 CAI.IF. IE ---'-* i• ....................... ··········•·····••••··· Cuatomu.d PIM u• la B. • •••••--.. •• iblkatooc.1D. llieilaat2 llr.ote•rilw.ldll-. \he caw .............. ol n 1' If.'~~ 000 ror Sal• •1 Owoer bdrm, fam ,. • ... do ... v ............ lulu. Feature• 4 Vn M "''. JJ1 toxlOft llob&le Home. ttm mo>.,._..."""'' aeeurit1.llpoal,dbbM, 141 ..._, ardt Quiet Adult Putt near •~ btl, cedll 6 11.... 11m. ...., JH, ac. ~':'ot "".Jc u1:: j h r lif Back Bay. tH,000. Dbl car IM pr, fully •mo.MMD &e .., ft L ve t e c are ree · e among Ul·OOOt after (pm. mal.Qt. yd. Adult.a, no ' liaal slarY. ...._ ~--wonderful neighbors: Gracious 2 tO-IO'JO•b•-,.u. !aqulr .. t53'7 lltb. BAY PaOHr. 2 Bdrm. l ~~-~-==--bdrm, 2 bath + orflce-at·home makes _.. St. 714 /HO·USl or Ba. no klda or pets. --this mobile home lar1er than many of o.teflWt 110-s112. Yearly • .,.mo.mam e--•I ' ' I /() OIAt•ITm COteO 1 Bdrm +kif\. Sharp end unlt.IU • .O. 2'9 T anp)o Terr. C/21Me~c.hr . 64o.IJ17 UMIVRSITY rAIK E~el Hd unit. Cardiff w/loft. Overu lot, close to pool on greenbelt. Th11 charmer has xlnt a ssum . fina n cing. Perfect starter home or bach pad . Sl.58,900. VILLAGIPAltK Lovely 3 Bdrm 2 ba, sngl family hme with very pvt yard. Xlnt loc. close to schools. shops & rwys. suw.soo. *Cote Realty & Investment 640.5777 3 bd, 1 ~ ba, 1'wnhme. 1220 sq . fl. •~abulous location. Tennis crts. pool. parks. schools, lat- tice covered patio, lush p l ants. gre11l buy. St 10,000. Call 838-8181. llVIMI IAllGAIM Upgraded condo. Attrac· live aasumable financ- ln1. l87.CXM>. RCTaylorCo I )•IU ')I•()() * * tl.W,tlW! Take advantage ol this seller'• dilemma! This n e w Woodbridg e at· t.ached home will be re- ady in mid-Jan. Asking 111.S,CXM> Exclusively Ours \\\),\Cl bridge· Rea Ilg 551-3000 l9t'tl8 11rra nra 1•i.,.,,lnln1• 411AUTYIM TUllru IOCIC Pretty Plan 1 broad· moor near the TOP . 3 bdrm. large family rm .. a tr i um , Be autiful landscaping. Private - ma ny fruit trees. Call about excellent financ- ing ! Offenng price of $174,500 includes the land ! FABULOUS HOME with 5 BR. Custom-designed kitchen, cul-de-sac loca- tion. Indulge yourself with a private showing. Redhill ~Real'¥ 552 -7500 l.OCJllllCI .... '"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• WOODSCOYI DUPUX& C.UISTCOITA&I Outrageous 2bdnn, lba owners unit. Skylights . antique doors/windows. beamed ceilings, f11>k. n e w k itche n /bath . S295,000·S40,000 down. 310 Flora. By owner . Dys · 833-3544, eves: 661-0842. ,._wpcwt .._. I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAllAMD Owner will assist with the financing on this 5 Bdrm 3 bath home. lt.s fe atures inc lude. a formal dining room. family room, RV J!'rk· Inf; MW piint. A.Sk[ng $229,000. For an appoint· menl to see, call S40-1151 ·-'> HERITAGE . . REALTORS MIWU~ Marvelous 3 Bdrm home on '!.I acre. Large formal dlnin1 room. kltchtn with breakfast area. den. and unique garden room . $4 75 ,000 leasehold. Call Ann Peten for ckbill. IAIDnllAl.n 64W200 MIWPOITl•eem Quaint 3 Bdrm 2 bath, remodeled home, featut· t n1 1eparue fam\ly roorn , 2 fireplaces, hardwood noon. near new roof. ooppel' plumb- Ina. RV acee11. ao~ d9'!11 ~..c~ ~ all -t'fi'e fln1ncln1 It mt'° ln*-l Atldna s:m.ooo. <:all MO-11.51 ~ . HERITAGE Hf 1\1 TOt-1~ Pr1.1rty Z600 our Corona del Mar homes. Adult •••••••••--•••••••• 2Br.P~Cclndoon NptTerrecmdo.Endunlt. park. Huge bayside patio, 2 storage .oA sceolcOneonCout. water. Newualum. Boat asr. a1;o,ea. UOt+eq ft rooms, 2 ca r ports. plush carpets. Electricity, fenced. out· 1Up avaiJ. lmined. ·oc· Pool, •P•· Gre11tp1Kels comer fireplace. up-to-date kitchen & 1tudln1 view. acce.al· cu P • n c Y • C a 11 price. MIO/mo . .....u. just a (ew steps from the bayside pool ble,owner41'l·2498· 2131282·1138 diys, UJ-"'2,16-5413 & clubhouse. Zl3/58Z·l58'fv•. ILU"I ..... 2 Br. 1 i,., Ba lr& e<>ndo, New 2 Br. 2 Ba ..... elita H.._.V .... Ocean vu, 3 Bdrm 2""" Ba . 3 c ar garag e $325,000. ~ 759-tlll I n'o 4SSM.. LOAM Immaculate 3 Bdrm + bonus room with bar Near-ne w e a r thlone carpets. shutters & new tile in kitchen Lovely yard with storage shed. Asking $168,000. •'or an appt to see. caJLS40-l 151 -~ , •. HERITAGE . • REALTORS H4UC>aYIEW 4 Bdrm. boous family room & bonus rm. Love· ly home in superb condJ· tion. AskingS299,000 for quick sale. C / 2 I Newport c..... 40.5357 DOVHSHOUS Magnificent Bay view. pool. jacuzzi, fam. rm. 2 frplcs . 3 Br. 3 Ba. 13'h rin. 1685,000. F ee. e..2·2510. 64M848. PVT PARTY-Non realtor wishes to purchase Bluffs Condo. 3Br. 2Ba singl e s tory (714 1 346· 7 724 E ves Mt Wrig_ht __ ASSUME LG LOAM I bdrm condo. ·c lose to H o1ag Ho s pital Completely rurnlshcd. Pool & s pa, security Mo ve in now before escrow closes. Sl2S,CXM>. C/21 Mwpc11f c..ter 640.5357 UdD .. lmmed. occupancy. Move in cond. 4 br le den. xlnt floor plan. huge mister suite w /fireplace. Price re- duced to $41.S,OOO. Bier. 963-8182 HI llSI COMK> Lovely 1 Bdrm. View c:A-- Bay & Ocean. Owner will finance. $:269,000. R i ta Writer. Agt. 752-5710 Beautifully upgraded Westcllff 3 Be 2 Ba, pool. $225 .000. $170.000 aasumable fin1ncing. No agents please. 642-1071 VIEW Spe~lacular 4 Bdrm view home. Formal din· inl room. Mstr Bdrm suite. Owner will ic~DCARPET 754-1202 14U04 NN"5ULA ~ blk to bch, cute 2Br Collage, 1275,000. As· sum able 1st TD 1t 10~% • $125,000. Owner /agl 544-1281 107' ••••••••a:;•••••••••••••• I ""'"" Y kt ""• _ poo • .-v/mo. or own plan w /pvt Jae., • foun· H .. M J1ll1d VUIH . 982-3519 lain. AU ammlt.I•. 11200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• D\0.14.0-9064 .,.., ~ 3102 • br, 2 ba, nr Meadowlark ....................... 1011 course, MOO /mo. S.Clt•1 h JZ76 E. Ort new •br, 2ba, modern built·lna, nr SS Npt Fwy. 11115978-3484, ~159 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s..taAM 1010 .......... 3106 ···················"··· ...•................... Br. 28•. wlk to heh, all new int, no pets, l650 mo. 116 Htmtinaton St. (213) 431 -4761 180 dea oc:e111 v\ew, new home. 4Br + F /R. ~. Open Sunday. 30().1.Calle Frontera. A1t. ~nila 77CM108 or 9SM1l2 GllAT 4SSUMAIU LH. 10"'1% int. rat.e. Owne r will also carry 2nd TD. Lovely 2 Bdrm home oo large lot . cloeetoschools & shopping. Only $13,000 down. FuU price $82,000. Call Allen. All· 640-S3S7 or 972·0542 Principals Only. 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S&fta FIMAMCIMG Owner will finance at less than pr evailing rate. Secluded 3 Bdrm .Peacock Hill Estate. Huge separate ra mily roo m wit h welbar. Ope ns to s parkling swimming pool. Lovely s ec luded yard, sur- rounded by lldh tropical plants. S229.900. don osen r ... dtur..., 731·3111 497-4848 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5an Ju1n Capo. ~.000. 2 Br. 2 Ba. 1480 sq. fl. 8 yrs old Ail S.1·50.12. Fo r Sale By Owne r 10x50rt Mobile Home. Quiet Adult Park near Ba c k Bay. $15 .000. 833-0009 arter 4pm. 642·5074 beforeJpm. ---------- 2 BR +FAM RM 800 sq fl. real frplc, deck , a dlt pk, N.8 . Owner $21,000. 645-5842 SUPll CUSTOM MOIUHOME 2Br. family rm & sun rm. friendJy S star park. W /shop, hobby rm, pool & spa. Beautiful setting. Must sell. 'l»-1616 Ca srcW ,,.,....., ''°° ••••••••••••••••••••••• ................ 5,350 Sq. Ft. Com · mercial Bldi. I Blk to Pac ific Oc ean. Sell $350,000. Lease $:2, 140 Month. w-.y M. T ..... Co. ...... 644-4910 5 Br • Ba home, 4 car 1--------- parkln1. nail. 1/1 til "... lZ44 6/LS/81. Sl.125 pr ino + •••••••••••••••••••••• Woodbrid&e Creekside uUI. All. 673-4062 Willow Lease 4br, 3ba, Mewport..... 11'9 frplc. A.IC . behind ••••••••••••••••••••••• park /pool. decorated 4 BR in Back bay area. like model, gardener $825. 5S2· 1.289 ...... Clflehm JZ71 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VillaaeSanJuail 3 br. 2 ba. a /c, pool priv. No pets. Avail. immed. 9800. 518-7216 C:1d11 Mm ...... .... J4ZS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pool & lg back yrd. Partially furn. Yrly lse a v ail. $1100/mo . 641 ·0'763. 5'1M..'1>1 eves & wltnds Scenic Oran1etree 2Br c ondo . R e f r i g w /1 tre1ms , p ool . jacuzzi, tennis , etc . 3 pools, 3br, 3ba, condo Adults only. no pets, appliances incl. $5115 call ...... U.fazlthd $495. 675-9229. • 962·7780. 964-3871 .•••••.••.•••.•...••... ·-------"-'-•ff........ 1600 c.,... d.t Mir 3222 llNJALS ::r,;:•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean and canyon view. Three bedrooms. Two baths. Available now. S825 mo. Yearly. 7S9-1243 Agent. For lease , Spyglass Hill 4bdrm executive home, 180 degree ocean view. SIJOO/mo. 79>-9614. 2 Br. 2 Sty. i i,, Ba. f'root duplex. 706'h Avocado. ~ per mo. BIO securi- ty. Refs. 2U/991-0687 3br. 2sty. 2ba, on park . $90 0 /mo . 4 00"'1 He Ii ot rope 673-8823. 675-1137 S Bdrms, So. ol Hwy. 4 yrs old. S1Z75/mo. S3frl~ 3224 ........................ COUIGIPAllC POOL HOME. 4 BR. fam ily neighborhood. S775. 1st & last + securi· ty, David,agt.646-3255 2i:R PLX. spac. Util P . adults. 333 E. 2Lst R . 3 ) aft. lPM 645-8103 3 Bdrm I Ba. ~ Orange Ave ID. $495/rno. Kids OK. Frplc, fenc. yrd. Drive by. ~7009 lsl, Last & 1150. Newport Heights 2 Br Duplu. Private yard. NO PETS. ~. Gas & water paid. 673-Z!:56 Lu•ury 2 Br. 2 Ba. fp, dbl gar .. atrium. patio. ~95. 642-5290 E /SIDE 2 Be 1 Ba .. no pets . Ava il. 2·1. 166 Bro adway. $450/m o. 613-5638. 2br +den. 2',;ba ~ 2br, lba E . Side CM 3br. 2'-"'ba ....,., 4br, 2\h ba $900-$1250 Mm/mo. 4br + bon, 21i'lba 1875 631~ 3br, 2ba l650Tustin •Orangetr~ 2 Br lBa. lakefront. vu . po1JI. patio.c arport S525: 640-9646 2Br. lBa Condo. wtyd, Woodbridge. ~ mo. Wayne 49!M'1619, 49'1-5935 Condo 2 Br. 2 Ba. wet bar. attchd gar. Lease S600 642-6724 or 631.s:IOO Ask for Chuck New Woodbndge Condo, 3Br. 21~Ba. pre1T1Jer loc. AC. patio,+ many xtras & upgrades, S800 mo. 5Sl·6417 T u rtl e r o c k New townhouse 2 Master bdrm. fam. rm. 2~11Ba 1750 sq. ft. Prol. derorat· ed. Pvt. pal.lo. Pool. ten nis, park close. $900/mo 833-8277 or 752-649'2. L.,...I__. 3241 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lge rooms for laving/en- tertaining, cstm gbr, 21-a ba, frplc. open beam . ocn view $825 /mo 494-1842 No agents Quiet, light & airy, Im· maculale. pri. yrd & 1ara1e. spacious 2 bd.rm & 1 ba. No children or pets. $480 mo. 2037 Laurlf Lane llB. East C. M. 646·0648 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l Br Carpets, drapes. stove, refrige. Utils pd. Utensils for 4. $375. 675-0935 c ............ 3722 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Bachelor . includes util. $375/mo. 640-9900. Ask for Faye. ------CoshlM... 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUSCASIT4S Furn lbr. apt. S325 & up. Encl. gar . Adults. no pets. 2110 Newpo.rt Bl. 548-4968 btwn 8 & 5PM H•llftcJI• leach J7 40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• H.l .'1RHEST Spanish Estate Living! Beautiful park-like sur- roundings. Terraced pool. Sunken gas bbq. sparkling fountains . S p ac i o u s r oo m s . Se parate dining area. Walk·in cloasas. home· like kitchen & cabinets. Walk l o Huntington Center . 2 Bedroom-rum. S.510 3 Bedroom Townhouse unfurn. ~15 Adults. no pets UtilitJes Free' IKw P'1 I •t 2000 3 Bedroom 1 i,., a.th with . ..................... . Whitewater view. 3 Br . 2 Ba. lmmed. occupancy Sl 200 mo. Owner will lease1option. Best buy 111 town. Call Realty World, ask ror frank Saravia or Art Overly, 951-0200. Eves 497·29156 LA QUINTA HERMOSA 16211 Park.side Ln. 1 blk W. of Beach. 3 bllts S . or Edinger. 847-5441 llMTS Westside CGM1 Me11, good condition, income 140,800 yr. Price $445.000. Dn p1yment $130,000. owe balance. It 113 . A PR€HIG€ '-+-I HOM€~ Real Estate Invest- ments 3333 W. Coast Hwy. NB 64M646 4...UVAU.IY Near n e w 4-P lex. 2. bdrm, 2 bath each urut with fireplace. enckl8ed patio, g1rage. $165,000 Bill G rund y , Rlt r. 675·6161. pool S700 mmth. 963-IKm 2 Br. 2 Ba. Single story. double car enc losed gar1ge. Community pool. ~ mo. 631-6990 . Aak for Ruth. MESA VERDE 4 Br. 3 bath 2 sty. 3 car gar. Grdnr. $990.114mo-1804 3 Br 2 Ba townhome, 2 car encl. &•rage, pool, kids OK. close to OCC. SS2S. 646-3062 3 Br 2 Ba E.sideCM, $6'15. Gardener . C all Vi 646-7711 ·~....-3252 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lease. Mature adll. comm. 2 br, 2 bl. den w /frplc . Frnl din. 16.'5(), mo. 770-9676 lmm a c . vu h ome . 9650/mo lease. 3 Br 2 B1, F .R .. L.R. w/fplc. 499-1341 dys, 831·8419 eves. Mewport..... 32'9 ....................... UDOl5ll 28 r. 2Ba, f11>lc. elec. gar. door. 1950/mo. 885-0215, 675-6948, or 793-4955. $375/up 1·2 bdrm, pool, jac. adlt. 181192 Florida, H.B. 842-283torlM2·3172 ~..,.... ..... 37'9 •••••••••••••••••••• NO LEASE REQUIRED YUA·ROUND FUN: Social Act1v1t1es Or· ree l'"• Free Sunday Brunch• BBQ s •Par lies• Plus much more GM.AT AECAEAT!Of4: ....................... ---------E'side 3 Bdrm, 21.'a ba. den condo w/rp. Yard, e.nc gar. Tennis. pool & ja c . S 6S O /m o 1st /last+ dep. 646-6691. 645:3028 Newftort Shores Canal front 4bdrm. 3ba, newly decorated. 2 blocks lo ocean. 982.-:t Tennis• Free Lessons 1pro & pro shop)• 2 Health Clul>s •Sauna • Hydromassage •Swim· ming• Or1v1ng Range DELUXE CONDO. BY OWNER. 120 degree ocean v iew, Jbdr m . 2 ~ba . a ssume 9 '•'~. lo1n, tl89.000. e-3334'. S..Jtlaii cap1 • ...._ 1011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWlB Breathtaking panoramic ocean view ol Dana Harbor. Spec· tacular customized 3000 sq. ft. 5 Bdrm +retreaL tll0.000 in uwades. As· sumable 101,A,~ n.n1nc- l n g . $299 .5 0 0 . 33801Avenida Calita, SJC. 71,_..5275. Open House 1-S&may. IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• * * Aff111M81.E TAKEOVER '10 % FHA loan wl'h •1.000 balance payable •t s.ee Pm. Cl•an 3 ""'Bdrm with deep lot. Aak- lna 112.000. Se1Jer wtll carry $5000 2nd T.D. ','I I _l e--; l .• 1•'.1 If I f ~ I ; ., 1' I 1 [)()I) J BR Condo. by owner. n' uaurn. 11$.000. Nr. CMc Ctr. Joe: m.m1 or~X72 101/•0/oLOAH 194 units. In% occupied in Denver . Sl,300,000 down . Full p r l cf Sl ."3'00,000. Call . for brochure. • · I\ 01v1s1on of II arbor lnvl'!llment {;o ILNT 16 UMl'T ........ c •"· with G .0 .1. a t over 2 HOUSES: 3 & 4 Bdrm. 2ba. Avatl now: Both · -newly refurbished. Agt. 754·1202 3 BR. 2t,; Ba:2 f11>lc , lux- u r y twnhme in Cltihomes Tract at So. Cal. Plaza. Comm pool/· jacuni. 2encl'd 1araaes w/auto openers. S725 per mo. 751-!Me Lovely 2Br, ll,AJBa. condo. Dbl. encl 1ar. Frplc. Encl. patio. atrium, balcony. Pool, spa, wallt to beach . 1595 . 1 14 ·91S -088S . 714·962·223>. E'SIDE-SHARP-NEW 2 Br. 2ba. ulil pd, Avail now. Adults. no pets. 155(),s.M-3137 ~.ooo ~ ~.,. Rent to be raised. L1r1e H · sumable at 11~% and owe balance w/$180,000 down . Try • wrap around or?? A Cote Excl1.11lve. 3 br. 1~ ba, ranae. paUo, ·.a. cote Realty ~~~.~~---+· & ~~s:;nent ~~!.~.-..... ~~~ --------BeauUftal Duplex. J BR 2ba. UGO Ill ft. Partial --0...MllltW e Bdrm. a bath alant home. AH\&D\e 11\ S125,000 at. ll% and m.ooo 2nd • H<K.. nu. 1915. Proj«Wd lncome for t year Sii.JOO. la fW. ly occup6ed. R.H. R. Alt.. uk '°" ......_ mnoo. 1RDT'\1N."' •7mo. r yr he. Call Doe •t 511 • lllO or '111·1173 r ca•'*' lZM ....................... .,, . ·~ Piiio. .. /mO. 1IS1S I . After • .... UDOISU 3 Bdrm. 2 blth, large a un4'1)1 patio. a c ar 1ara1e. acceu to tennis. beach & club. Prime condition. Call Barbara. A.at. R.H.8..ITs.7300' THl•'trS Spaclou1 6 spotless a bdrm, 2i,., blith ead unit with pvt petJo on ''The Greenbelt" in o ur orlalnal aru. Aull. now at tlllO. Aft· -.0.MeO a Br 2 Ba home In Npt Hat.a. llOO pr mo. Ask for BEAUTIFUL APART· MENTS: Singles I & '1 Bearooms • F"ur· noshed & Unturn1she<1 • Adull L1v1ng •No Pets • Models Open daily 9,to 6 Oakwood Garct.n Apartments Newport 8"ch/So. 1700 t61h St ~ •Oo•fl .i 161~1 1714) 142-5113 Newport leed'l/No. 880 lrvme ••I 1611'11 ·1114.1_ IU-11~ Rae. Re/Mu. Gl·l21111 1=========-' 1Al1narioua lbdrm condo with mu ·~ 6 Im· m enltlea. refria incl. &\.W, Venelllea. _.,4 al\tt •on...,_, Lr14 Br,2 Ba.~mo. A: 2 Br, 1 Ba. lllo50 mo. Stepe to beach. mau . Hr. 28• home wtbll ·ba~t enclaled,.t. att09I •-------- Uie ~t -from"ChlTIH Heller P_,., 111 Knoll Pl. call for appt . l--W7. , 11 , ... ._. ••' Cm 1 .W ........... -....... • ·-·· 4471 ......... ., .. ....................... 1Mm4liliril......... ... t llb ...... ''CAIJ~·· .....towa•dulaMa .......... _._ ..... . ... ... ttwt 1100 L.eltlt ..... IOJI ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• .. •-•••• ... ...................... ..................... . .... . ................ . .................. ...................... . Palm ...... call CudJ. llMW)lm\· 5'or• Span fw le .... llDkr' Uk • ....,.. -aq. ft.. ... aq. ft. la HHUnl\QD Bu~la . Sbr ca.ea a.Jbae Dlllx rtealblt term1 . . ..................... . ......... c.. *** ...... .. 1• YurtJ lWnl, .._.. llrTt 0 IWr• wtilt Pll&Jo. alllt loc.U..Call C.clocninhn Rnala · SZl'T mo + ~ uW· Yearly 2111-. nm. All lYI* ol Ni flllate •lnV•tMeabUnee lid . s,11 .. , 111 Z740HW._Dr. Newpart Beat-b ..... ...... \ja .... ,. ......... -NewlF .._ IM pd., eaeol 1•r . pool , • t•••••r . Aclulu MlaorJ m•-.... LWl~wna, CGID ~. ~!r!.~e~•t7 S· l TO 1 ,'tf_llW ..... U00 ....................... JMTDa You are Uw winnerol .2 ........ cm .... .... e!!!.~~~.i! Lari• I aor,. J Ir. 2~ la Apt. Iii U.. Bluitt. f'rplc. No ellUclrwt or &M«.a .... 111 .... Coulry s.w.,. Golf, 1 ... Avall- able at 8Declal ~ IM°"' Ctima only. M/Ftoahre3bdnn2ba I DIS' ladua'l/ctnoe 11101 mi from beta. • lncl Redoodo Q-. I(), H.B. '4Z·J 171 145-061 I Wldow hu moDe)' to buy or make 2ND T.D. any 1lu above 110.000. No credit ./, no pnlty. For act.Ion call AGT 873-73U anytlme · IS1'T value), to lu,.._& die POOUilDKAPT uW.S»-7G5or-.m4 MSOIH~ HeMmr•la Dec.Jltlvv~ Anaheim CcnvenUon Lrt. 9r ~ .. WJa .,. .. reallo, ••II uall. wlilltt weaer •u 11'N ........ a Ir 1pacloua apt Oanlaa 6 p oo l , rowrtr ard . Acha.lt apt Al••I UI HU or a1~ --~~~~~~~ UPP&R ~ lfl. 3 br 2 ba. frp&. yr. round.-> IUO m.21U Weetly, lilcllldlly and w..-........... Office..... 4400 p•• ... 4llO ....................... . .................... . c. ....... 1111 Call: (714)--11 CATHEDRAL CANYON COUNTRYCWB &flT W•tcun. N.B. Want Approx. e,oooaq. n . avail. flnaaclal amt. '7000l.f. ln Fountain Valley nHr ~ Tlcltell muat be ex- chanaed for reserved seal.I at the c.mvenJ}on Center ahead ol time. Call 642-5678. ext. 2'12 to claJm your tickets. Loll or fowad a pet'! Call Animal Assist11n ce Leaa•e. 537-2273. No fee. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S Br, lb6. ID W. Balboa. lit. floor, AlmlMl-5032. S.D. Frwy. Sl.320 mo. John w-m». 541-'151.1. I'-M , I ... ~. «Ma .... ...... No al t't."K --~-0 Ul•\111& MK' Avail now I U 2111 , .. !!"' ~et 2 8t 1 IN wllh .. ,.,.,, patio, pool Adult.ti No ...-1*>1 ti U tb S' N•wpor\ Ue11htt MIO. eG>'TMI Ol1bw1r, frplc, laund boo&upa, ..,.,., \'a blk to bch. SHO/mo. lattLal\, -..uri\1. AvaU now. Call ffa.2:112 fron1 t.~pm :W·W/ Ca&hedral Can)'(Jn Drive Palm~. Callfonua 8Zl82 Delert RelClrt R.ealt.y KOU.C841M Ml\WOlf Eleaant ~ve 11.lilel in p reatiae location. Wllh complete support aervices. 714/tSl-0881 9llld». &A COM 671-Ul7 "'lew OCC Cos¥ Cottqe Yd II ear Nu cpt M5() ~6'~ Clrana~ Ave tC I $$2 8J43 Near CdM H!1h Sehl, 28r, 2Ba. HOO mo. Frplc, d1hw1hr. ru1t 1ha1. no peta, patio 14i-068S, l3UR9 Ocean Bluff Kauai Con· do. Golf, tenma. S2:iO per week. Sleeps 4. 67J.7585. zso.~ sq. ft. gmd nr, uW. pd. From llOO. 7'79 W. 19th. St. C.M. Tom 957-1900. Blotk lO bt.lch 2 8r, l(lt' prt P•lJo, frpk, 1mm1tc- A v •1l now No peu 17~ mo lit ' \all • lit't' U OO Ph 673 '800. 87) 1871 LAS HISASAl'fS. ..... to .... 4300 ..,.... ....................... 2br. cpt, dr11pee.. bum 11\5, }395 adults , nu pt'h 631 W.!'1 2272 Maple ---- AT BEACH Ocean view, pool, tennis courts, adlta. Bach .. 1"2 bdrm from '420. SS15 River Ave. 642-2586. Movlna? Avoid deposits " cut Uvln& expenses! ProCeulonally s ince 1971. IXICuml SUITI Full service offices in Newport Center ~5470 i....P.W 312' Lu ae 2 Br 2 Ba Fueplace. beam ceal l nas . sundec k . dbl aaraae Walk \0 LltUe Coron• Beac~ a> mo 644·9'72' ••••••••••••••••••••••• YEA RLY~ per mo. 2 br. 2 ba. aar. wuh/dry. cross st. from beach. ~6436 l Bdrm. l bath, .Jl ultl pd. 1350. 831·1873 8Two 3132· ••••• •• •••••••••••••••• Lr& 2 Br 2 Ba upper urut w /deck. ocean Ir bay vu. c.......... 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ... , .. Afl Newly decor Gas pd, en c l gar, p oo l . d t wash er. Adults . 642-5073 Beaut. 1 year new 2 Br. $69S/mo yearly. Call l "" Ba. Condo with pool. Lloyd jacuui. & cabk! 1V in · • cld. Yearly~. Broker JACOBS REALTY 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. 67HlU2 '7M670 Mwlk fl•.._.. 3140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HIWLY DICOlt. l Br. eaa pd, end gar, d /washer, pool. Adults, 64.2·5073 WISTUICI YILU" Beautiful Adult Apts. No pets. Jmmed occ1.1pancy Pool, s pa, lndry rm . ear. avail. Bach-$315. 1Br·$386. 2Br·$4»M40. TSLMgmt 645·8122 or 642'1ti03 2 Br. clean, 1 child OK. $375/m o + de p. 590 Joann St. 545.4529 or 213/598.1219 28r, pool, child/pet OK. S475 m o . Garage, 641·0763 AM. 631-6679 wknds. lwcl. Occ-.•cy 2 Br. 1 Ba., pool, laundry rm .. small child OK. TSL Mgmt. 642-1603. SUS 1 Br apt very safe. No smoker, prev ref req. ~ W.17thStM8-0358 2br garden apt, pvt patio, garage, sml child olt, no pets $395. 546-9850 ,.l ••• sil~i: Newport 8dch You ar~ lhe winner of ·2 ......... ($17 v9Jue). to Ice,.._& H...,•lc.e Dec. 2' thru 30th Anaheim c.mvenUon C«m" Tickets must be ex· changed for reserved se•ts at the c.mvention Center ahead ol time. Call 642·56'78, ext. 272 to claim your tickets. ••• Newer' lBr. with garage. S.165. Adults, no pets. ~557 $395. 2 Br. 11/• Ba. Adults only. Cat OK. All built· ins. Balc~y. TSL Mfrrd.. 642· 1603 3 Br 3ba, patio, gar. $5.50. Avail appro1t Jan 15. wknd/ev 7«>-1418 PINE BWFF APTS Spac. 2 br, 2 ba. Adult complex, patio, view. frplc, encl. gar .. gas stove, dishwasher. spa. lndry rm. From~. SPMC 6.11-6107 Lovely 2bdnn, 2ba studio with frplc, patio, enc! gar. Newly decor. s.\50. 998-8128. LIKE new 2 br, 2 ba, nr. dwntwn. $37Smo. 613-2113 Beautiful 2br ~ s.\50 It 's.open. Seelt at 3106Ginger 540--4'00 1 br, ullls pd, gar, new crpta, off-street, adult couple , no peta, ~. 7U.7633, 54&-8251 Lie 1 br, all adult1 no pets. pool ircarport. tJ75 mo. + deposit. 9131 W. 19th St. Ml-0482. • Zbr, twnbome apt. else to shops/ hospllal M'TS AGTM5-IBI "'\ 2bdrm, lba, •· 645 Vic· t.oria. Nodocl. Brand new l & 2 Bdqn. PierpointeCandoa. Pool, spa, tennis. garages. (213 ) 596-7202 dys; (714 ) 842·4721 eves. Lovely l , 2 & 3 Bdrm. Townhouses. 1arage, patio, la,undry fac. $4.50 & ~75. Call 213/596-7202 or 714/980-7347. THIWMffUTI& Luxury Adult units at af. fordable living. 1,2 & 3 Br . W ell decorated. Olympic size pool, light· ed tennis rourt, Jacuui. park like landscaping. Moat beaWful bldg. in H.B. From SB>. 846-0619 Beautifully located 2 Br. S375 & up. Olild OK. Gas incld. 842·1652. lBr, 2Ba, nrbeach. bltns. OCEANVlEW ~!Im Loft Bdrm, frpic, blk to bay Ir ocn , 2 sty, wshr/dryr. avail Jan 1. $4.50 mo. Kim 754-05CH or 673-1966 Exec. Female will shu41- w i th same 3 Br .. Townhouse with view in Newport Beach. Spa, tennis, racquetball, wet bar, frplc. $290/mo. Call Cathy 751·62'11. Eves 646-5604 Wlking to bch l & 2bdrms rrom$350 64>8684 Cliff haven 2 Br l ba, pa t io, gar age, nu c rpts /drapes. older adults, no pets, $4.50 yr· ly.~-5306 .cpts/drps, encl garage 2 BR. 1a,;, Ba. Townhouse ~10. 536-0921 style. Adults. no pets. Enjoy the ocean. l 9 $.175. $48-2682 2bdrm. pool~ ~~ts. ".<?. New.aa&-.. 1 ba. Adults. no pets. 220 l.20ist. pets. $475. By Appl. QuJet 2 Br. I"" Ba. Crpts. _MS-__ 3864 _____ _ bltns. ADULTS over 30. No pets. SDI. 646-9243 Large 2 Br. Built ins, fireplace, mclsd patio, 1arage. StZ5 mo. Gary Bosler 552488 LARGE 2bdr1 ba nr bch, Charming lBr Versailles condo. lat floor, pvt . patio. Wu model unit. View of fountain. Lots of privacy. f\ill security w /guarded gate. $525. 752-2310 days, 540-7576 eves. yd, util pd. SCIO. S-. AM 3llO ____ 55_· _m_s ___ ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• l Ir 2bdrms. cotUge style li vi ng . child ok 1335-$350/mo. 847-~ 2 Br. in 4-Plex $400 Nr 5 Pta. New crpt, enclsd gar. lndry hook-up. No peta. 963-6561. WALK TO BEACH : Bac h. All ulils paid. Stove " refrige. PIO mo. 536·2456 or 536-7979. Near S.C. Plua, lbdrm condo. '425 incl util Ir all am enities, tennla. jac, pool. Avail Jan. l . Call 540·8519 or after 6. 557-5892. SOlllla....... 3116 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fabulous view, condo on water, 2bdrm, 2ba, $850. Joe 6'4·0502. ,..... 3190 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 SR. POOL. GARAGE 2 Br. 1 i,; Ba. Frplc, new $4.50 . crpts, paint, e nc lsd 644-2578 646-0354 patio, pool, 2 car ports. ---------$475 mo.&D7. 3 Bills to ocean. l Br. utils paid. S37S mo. Carpet & paint. 207 Chicago. Spacious 2 Br. l'>'I Ba. New crpt.s, drpl, built in stove, gar. lnlo~8258 lnlM 3144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l BR. 2 ba coodo. 9650 mo. Agent i..g.. .... 3141 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l Br. Xlnt ocean view. Patio, new crpt. Gas & water paid. Walk to beach. $500. 499-3920, $49-1188 . -- ••••••••••••••••••••••• Seawillflap New Ua bdrm luxury adult apts in 14 plans from $US, 2 bdrm from SSOS + poola, tennis, waterfalls. ponds! Gas for cooking Ir heating paid. From San Diego Frwy drive North on Beach to McFadden then West on McFadden to Seawlnd VIiiage. ('114 )893-5198. 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i..g.. ...... 3152 ~···········••!·~·~~··· Laauna Buch Mot.or Inn. 985 No. Pacific Coast Hw.y, La1uo Beach. Daily, Weekly, Kitchen available. Low winter rates. 4M·521M. Condo 2 Br. 2 Ba. on golf co urse . l n c ld s waahH /dryer, frige. '82S. 49H100. ... .,...._. JIH ....................... PAllllWT COUNIWTCWI u..- Sln1le1, 16:2 bedroom aptl, 6 townbcua. FromtMI &M-1800 Oceanfront for Willte.r Rent.ali. Funliabed 6 Wlfuni. B"*8'. l7Mll2. Pvt bedroom and bath. Pool, jacuzzi, clubboUH. Work i n1 person . $200/mo + 1ec dep. Avail after J• lit. Hun- Unston Bdl nr ocean. 191).*4 N .B . Oceanfront w /kitcbeaette. $2llO Ii up. UUI pd. 23111 W. Oceufroa& f7M154. 541-nJt. NO FEE I Apt. • Ccndo 2 Br.·1 ba. ta mo. tat. ren\ala. VWaRm.&11. wt + depoait.. ~ SUte t'IMIU Braker Room for rent ln hie lndry' frplc, l ml ff'Om occ $115/mo.11'7..ml ............ 4100 St ltl-4559 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• . or l . 2 Jlf.,_1 Ba. Avail. now. to YOU&m IBr, 2Ba. tr,Jk. t.ckyd, Area ot Balboa • Cout MOiai? Uke new, 11r achl, ts.'50 Hwy . SHI mo . .S.D. WMlllJ ,...froom .. mo. '75t-lCMO _ l!.r op u.1 J M ..-t .-• -,.-,, IW-lMI. 22'rt STUNNING lrt I bdrm. =l'r. A.ft. Spm, Newportlhd.C.11. carctea apt. Puol 6 rec Balboa Im oceafrODt aN&.1lOW .•. st. w..uun N.8. adult.,. Low .... ,.. Delli HOUsaitATIS 832-4134 Qldest at largest agency 'Serving So. California Photos and References Credits : ABC·NBC-CBS Cosmo-LA Times· Etc. Slncel!171 Irvine. 641-1899 Garden Grove, 891'1773 Nr OCC·UCI. Shar e 6bdrm, 3ba beaut h9me with students. AVall now. Beau 646-9787. Fem to shr 3Br, 2Ba hse I redec, new cpt, nr bch. 1 H.B. $200mo. 536-1140 M/F 40 to 45, shr 5 Br. 2 Ba. hse . C.M. Spa. Nr S .C .Plau & Frwy. $200·S225. Shr utils 641-4913 Female wants female roommate. Newport Beach Condo. Tennis, s auna . jac .. walk to beac h. $285. Jan. 1. .~·9036 leave message. R oommate wante d . Clea n , respon sible. Female preferred. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Newport Shores. S200 1st. last & 1,3 utils. 642-5492 Eves. Prof. Gentlemen would like to shr his lge N.B. hme w /intelligent, sta· ble 30-45 yr woman $295 760-0802 Shr 3Br Condo. S217 mo. + ~ util, C.M .. pool. jlc. 548-2002 Coleen o r Howard LargeCdM Apt. I 23to30Male . No Flakes 7~-0829 Exec. Female will share w i th same 3 Br Townhouse with view In Newport Beach. Spa, tennis. racquetball, wet bar frplc. $290/mo. Call C athy 751·6271. Eves 646-5604 E1tec . condo t o s hr w /prof. person Harbor View Knoll e lse to PLAlA IXICU'ml sums ''There is a difference.'' 714/75UH4 2082 M icheJson Dr. #212 2021BusinessCntr11213 Docter, L..wyw; M1r ct1• caNf! Elegant bldg., in heart of Huntington Bch. w /spacious offices- skylights, wetbar. con· ference rm, &1t per sq. ft. P lus , super 2,000 sq.ft. medical bldg., well appointed at 75< per sq.ft,>F« daails call RBDCARPET 893-1~1 888 sq. ft. well located North Costa Mesa office. Park next t.o your door. Fully equipped with carpet, a/c, cabinets & storage . Reasonably priced. Call Tom , Harb o r Bak e r Professional Bldg . 957-1900. Prime corner loc. Up to 4.500 sq ft. FUIJ service. modern , glass bldg . 646-6303. HWn RtONTAGE REM'f ALS 2 Re.ntal Spaces Approx. SSO sq. ft. & up. Jnclud· ing utils. $350 & $450. 2450 Newpurt Dlvd. Costa Mesa . See Manager. CdM Deluxe Suites. 1100 sq.ft. AC. ampl pkg, util pd. 28SS E. Cst Hwy 6'15·6900 Cost. Mela i 7• St 3 Room suite. S4S sq. fl .. modern building, A/C. plenty of parlcing. Call Realonornics 675-6700 SMALLOfRCI COAST HIGHWAY 340 sq. ft. S275/m o. Avail. Jan. 15, Pvt. r estroom, convenient Newport Beach location. ........ Corp 645-4400 Exec offices: Newport Sch /airport area, suites w /lax library, cpn· ference rm. copier, full services. lmmed oc- cupancy 8J3.8990 Fashion Isle, .view of ci· 1200 sq ft. Orange Co. ty, lots of pnvacy, ten· . Airport area. $400/mo. nis, pool. etc. $400/mo. 67~9819 759-9596 ........ ...... 4450 Gentlemantosharehome u••••••••••••••••••••• with bachelor. Call eves For store & office space s+t· 1796 at reasonable rates. Shar e duplex in Costa 500 to 2100 Sq Ft • M e 5 a . D I W , MESA VERDE DR wash/dryer. Fncd yard. PLAZA quiet no11·smoklng prof 1525 Mesa Verde E, C.M. o r student. S230/mo. ___ 5_4_M __ l2_l __ _ Kathi 548-6944 Newport Modem store or Share 4 Bdrm home in office. Nr. po5l office Dana Point. Close to 5 4 8 s I f · J e r r Y beach/frwy. Estab. in-_2_13_1_47_7_-7_00_1 ___ _ dividual only. 493-6198 C O M M E R C 1 A L STORES, Shops. Total 1400 sq ft at» & up. Any size. E . Side. C.M. M. mid 20's, CdM condo. fully furn. except Br, Sl70 + .,.., util. 76G-!l(Ml2 -~-7249. Do~·+tjt~ b -the-rheri/ e~tJU tan~ ((.{r'\ni~ - Use "'6wer At/ service when placing your ad ... a Dally Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call In at -your-conv~ii!nce during off Ice hours and get the responses to your ad •.. this service ls only $7.50 a BR. PO<L GARAGE ::· -·a ...... 2 ...... • .. ., ... . ~..,.-------e:.:Z.:te~ .._.. 4100 ..... ..,. ........ Ajt. .,..... • ..................... . -WHk. :or-.mor.e nfeFma- tlon and to place your ad call 642·5678. QMllfted A41 an \Ille 4bdra, a. eeedo oa ..... '° ... ee.f•l .... ' •. ' ... lllldld· ...... -.. cl Tlllae. ...... , ........ ,It'• ...... ...... ..... • hllr .... 1/111111 from ..... ..,.&el,... ................ ,... -· .,...,. I TILll,_,._ ..,.... __ ..._ I siora1e aaraae f« rent. On Balboa Pm. next to fun IOfte (10W\.x20.""lt.) 613-2M3. mm>. ..... w ..... 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reapon1lble couple seeks 28drm Lasuna Beach home for under $500. 613-4722 ...... /tlrmll ,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ Oppa......, SOOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• *** ec.-.,'9tty 525 Fairfax Dr. ,27 Cost.a Mesa You are the winner of Z~t6cWI (11'1 value). to tc.,....& H....,•lce Dec. 216 thru 30th Anaheim Convent.ton Cent.er Tickets must be ex changed for reserved seats al the Convention Center ahead of time. Call 642·56'78, ext. 272 to claim your tickets ••• --------- '•••c mb/ Peru *I . ............ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• , ..... 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Now You. Can Sell More ~i th D all> l'ilut ··•:s sY PIS<:11t:K \US Still onl~ ~:!. :J I 111•"> tor :! <la'' unh 'I u <la\ :11t · .1 I 1111' \d1t•rl1't' 11111• 111 rnol't• 11 1•m .. 1.ilt1t•d up to ., 11111 Jo::i e h .1t1 111111111<1I l1n1· ,, 11n h 1~11' for t ht• I\\ n d:J ,\" '\Ol'I\ 1111 ,. "mm t' r 1· 1 .i I .i J , .i I I rt \\ t • d t ' h .i r J! ,. 'i '"" 1'111111\ 1'1nd11•r \ rl 11r U'I' ,\ tHI I ll<1nk \m1·1'H'arcl \·"a 111 ;\I J 1>H•r1·,11d ~ur mor<' 111f11rm .. 111on Jnd to pl are your al.I' .. ll 642-5678 *** PUIUC salYICI AHHOUMC8efT v ........ ToT.-. ....... tw... Training seulons begin January l2lh for volun- teers interested in work· ing with the Rape Crisis Network Unit. Open to both men and women, the training can earn you college cr edi t. Volunteers can work on a hotline, do public s peaking or work on fund raising. Call us now, at 714-Sl·5733 $2.17 per DAY That's A LL you µa~ for a JC} day ad IO the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY U() IT '.'/OW ' 642-5678 It you're in Lhl' market for a bell er car. he· 'urt.' tu check thl:! m:.i n~ autoi. advertised luf sale in Classahed WanlAds -Call ti4i!-:56iM You can be a WINNER Just by sending us your name and address and b y watching for your name in the classified ads of the Daily Pilot. .. Q. N I (.. I C *Found or. IO&t a pet., Call us i We' re the Pt!t Pals . <p4>7:D-2988 __ LOST : Reddish Hrwn w/whlte H~y male, 0 m06. old. With blue ~yes & brown leather colli.r ,12122 /80 vie. M~a Woods area. Rewaro + pup from lst bree<li!Jg 557-5062. S48·11 51 . 89'1·1455 Lost: Heirloom Bracelc-t. Reward 759 llSS u r 645·1805 LOST· Golden Flelnever female, llhr collar, vu· Victoria & Monro\'i ll CM. 548;1850. 957 5012 Anna · L OST Bra :1.1l1:in Redhead (l,;rten 1 \'ll' uf Prisc:1lla Linda :>/ 11 642 1313 LOST· Rewartl Malt' Olit English Sheepdol(, \a,l seen 48th St N U 631-4888 Lost. Mixed hreed t>og 12/24, wht wtblk spob M 12 yrs, hlk 1·oll:lr 548·0263 Heward LOST Tann1s h '"' n w whte . dog inal1· I.imp~. Nds med1r at1n11 642 1353, nr 191.h St ( '!\1 f ound !-'email' m.11 k Pup. Sea lin.:h1 111 Dana l'l lden11f~ 1 .. claim 4\J2·~ f'QL'ND Raa.~.-1 llu11111l r ed & \\ht m;tl Cock a pou "'ht rn:t l• =" e"' port lkaeh \n1 m ;d Shelter 1>44 )).'16 r ound Or wht I\ 1lll 11 v1t· 22nd Sl Oran)!l' \ 1 • t:M 642 1 7~1 Found }OunR m.1k .J•o> Springtor St-llt-r m l\ Rann1n~ & Uu,h·111t 964!·38.'ib Win tickets to the c1n:us, area amusem ent attractions or s~rtinJ! e vents. J u~t fill out this coupon and mail 1t today to the : I •• 0 , ~ t .. ..;_ Fou~n lChn!>L11ia~ 11.1ri c,l~~sjfjed Department, Dail~ Pilot : ~ t .~· ~ }~0~~~l~~'."'~~ ~~nn~ 330 W. Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 1 Z :;. c.i ~ ':======================'======~H E WARD Lo~t "'h111· female Samoyt'C.l H11111 Bch 960·5293 FIND YOUR NAME Lost CAT. Aray & \\hll1 male H R 53n 4!lll\ 830·11136. 892·58fi4 WIN TICKETS WORTH $17. :.:·.a_~. :_:·~~~~.·. · 0 '"~n6 · , : . f~' c,.~ .... · Found ~hl'elJI~ v ... In d1anapu l1i. ,._ FarnS\lo'Orth ~Jubj/ Found Gra~ :::,C.hnaUt l'r male By f'l'm Park 963 3088 ... yf).: '.' f ound . hell1e. ~util .. ~ \lo h1te. female llti'"'l Hound. tan & l'h 1l•• female ="t-Wplln llt-.11 h Animal Shl'ller. ~\I :.w;.,., Playing in Southern California! . · f riday, DEC. %& t~r• S11d1y. JA~ 18 '._.t All S eats Reurved ~ --·-J5 00 · Moo n .oo. M-50 I . 'v ,.., "' • • .......... _._ ..... ,................. ,! µ' '-N v ·'4 '""'''GO OlfllH~1.t.1 .t..Lt>t0• \\~ ,~•V •Y WtU• '}OtttCt•MQllO••~ f• ,..,,.,., /~ ~, .. ......, ".. • ................. ~, fl(,ff-0-0Uh f1) ........ ...,..,......,.. """-....... s.t.At1$ *4't0. t l tlOAOWll• ~ ... • 4.U tJ·utu~ .OC•OU rl.lund htk & v. hl d11" "' spnts mJI<• 11~1"' JI.. SA Sts l' \t ta:t 1ris1 "'OL'="P .~ \I 11lrl ru.d• Airdak. i11s '"''' 11 M a g n 11 l i a ~<1 u 'h 892·9-t34 &ti &i<l S3SO •······•·····•···•·•··· Tm1~1Y S <JF ~EWl'c •HT ESCORT. 752 ~.Jl',,1< t===== LONG BEACH ARENA====:t 300 E. Ocean Boulevard •FOXYUDY• OL'.TCALl.0:'1.1.\ \'ISA \Ii' .. 972-1138 * Ticket Info. (213) 436-lM1 Gn>up Ratel (21') 271-2900 Box Oftlc:• Hours Mon. thru Set. · 10 AM to 6 PM , ..... ,.-,. •--.. MNUAllY 1 Tl ........ ,._.. •• " ..... ,. UlllN#tl('t' ...-,,.--Tct -··-"'' "'"'u• • ....... ........ ........ ......... ... -···- l TLAMTIS MASSAGE SPA Be P ampered b~ I•· Beau t Girls Open I OA M :\PM i d t1 \S Phone 645·3-UJ IT'S EASV! Look for your name and address in today'!'! classified section. II you find it, call 642-5678 Ext. 272 and we will arrange for-you t'O pkli up your-tickets at the nearest offict> of the !i!!,~!r~l.- a lOday ad in th~ DAILY PILOT SBVICI · DtllCTOIY ; DO IT NOW ' 642-5671 Dail Pilai ~-----------------,.----------------------...i•-----------....11 ~-~~ .... ?~.~~ ~.~~-~ .... ?~.~~ l?!::!1.~~~ .... ?~.~?I - ---··- NEED I MONEY' If you need money for any reason and you ne-ed 11 rasl. l?IH' us a <'ull Wl' won't ask you a lot or personal ques11ons or put you thrnujith lhc 3rd dejlree to gel a loan. You 'II find us nice to talk to and eas v to cteul \lo Hh . I . S 1st. 2nd. 3rd Real Estate loans. S '500 lo '500. 000 S All types of property S Any Callfomaa area I No credit check I Your equity only reference needed I n If behind in pay men~_ • Use money for any reaso11 S Payment plan may be ta1)ored to ynur budgl"\ S No balloon pa,vmenl necessar" S Interest only loans »vallablt' SNodisturblng your Isl loan S Compare our costs with oth••r S App 'ts your hom~ or our om ce For Information rail GOLo£tl flAtLDf CAUEORNIA-__..... i ~ evny d•f. 9-7. e•cet)t Sunday For App t . C.ll Collect t2ta> 9'U-0290 1852 P1ciftc Ave. Long Beach. Ca. 90908 ' Ofrl<'es Throu11hol.at Callfomla. CaJI Toll frw tor otnc. M•~t ~ou 1 ..... 1-7611 c .............. .... I I ~· .. ...................... 116 lH'fT.JllOH CAlPINT8V ~J~ Ill-all PAnt R6 ar,.ft\ry ...-. • i..- ~ Pl-1'1.,_ •"r.a...-. Rf1NW' ....... (~Bolit l Ir. allTJ-al~- HOM E R£l"AJ k.'i l•l nl CUil cat.Ktwu IAR ftt)\k) A11Nt; ~.114j c..,..'-"'-••••••••••••••••••••••• Slilampuo • 1&e.im ch:.n ('olof bns~t Wht cpH 10 mm blu,·h l'l&&A ll \ run rrn b"1J ll~ Av1 rrn S7 5(1 l'oud1 I l ~ t b r $~ l• U lH el1ru1oatl' pet udur CarP4tt rl'p!Uf l~ > ri. e>. pt>rlt>11 re Oo wu1 k my.ell Reis 531 ~101 ...... us ••••••••••••••••••••••• l"or a total relaxing massage with .i pro fesslonal l::arlt> IOA M 7PM 548·2817 rSYCHIC •~s ~ll78 .,.._.CaHf•Y ISCOITS 24.Hrs. 641·0180 C_./Qedq MliJqp/MC/Yho COMPATMIUTY LIFESTYLE SOCI E.IY Couples Only 750-0674 Sgl Men Only 750-0677 Sgl Ladies Only 971 7!r79 Recorded Message 24 Hrs. COVER GIRL • OUTCAU • 953 0778 M(' VIS/\ FIRST LADY Escort. Models ,criy o.c.n. • 972-1345. ~c & _VISA Ai:_c~ptloO 2 W /M seek friends , Bob 847·4760 Mike 848-23!J7 TOUCH A CL.A.'\.S ESCORTS 752-lill7 ,,.. ... 5450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RIDERS. SAC .• TAHOE & EUREKA SOON $ 642-682() m.lo"""' & ,,...,.,. ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• '4.tpW..t.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Accounting "./" TEMPOIAIY ASSIG•••ns Earn EXTllA Hohday SSS. For information on how you can work a few weeks to earn that EXTRA Cash ~all us. Work the hours you have available. Accounting Clerk!! BookkeesJ!!r.r Oat.a Entry Accountant~ Auditors CPA's CALL ORVISITTODAY ROBERT MA&.r & account~ 2333 No Broadway #200, Cold~U Banker Bldg .. Santa Ana 71 .... lMIOl • Acct'g clerk, ex)l!!rienced t lady for accounts paye· ble fr payroll. Coste Mesa area. ~2238 ADVBnlSltG ~ Because cl a new ex· pension program the Daily Pilot has an Im· mediate opening for a salesperson with' newspaper display ad· vertl1in1 exper. Good selary. commissions fr excel l ent fr i n ge bendlta. Excellent 1roWlh opportunities for per.on with carttr am· biUons. Call for appoint· ment, 842-432l,"1!xt. 277 OranaeCout , D.,Plat UOW.Bay~ Cotta Men $'uaJ Oppor Employer AUTO"<mvE •ASSIST~- IODY IHCPMM. Permanent, pleaunt worlllnl ~Uon1 In buay 1hopl Some ex· ferlence preferred. Good PIY. Opp. f« lld· , ___ ....... ,. '" ...... = .. .-a..: .... DewelrQaaail9tt. "DPORT8EACH . .,,.. ... ('....,, Jr ... -.~ ... •11• ell tmJ ..... Mhr c--. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MORHU..: l'\.IUDN.-; ·OUI ~. a...illla. Nin d 'ouvr.. litllc:loua l'n lteea b 'olllO jj li .. ., c~e ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• WUI cl() bab,_atUl\l 111 IJ\) hom• l'h ldt't11 l.lll<kr 3. wUda)'aoolyQI ~ c ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• U•att1n1 fo UllolJll'Ult! .111!1 Cooatrt.11•\1011 IC uu don l il'\ 111)' ff~ l~ 11 l'<>Uld e~t yuu plt'nt.> • 1l.1r •3?W?11 1 rM8~7 o.11~...,_.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport. Coe.tu Ml'Sli, lrvlnt' Pnl Ochvery & Cuur1er Service G31 4192 Tot> Qualib, 01 =--lervke.... 1• )'l"l!_......-._•.w IO.!CTRIC'lAN prlud rl1hl, frM ..Uma'4t on lar .. or •mall joba Uc tSl'fa5t 17141M t,; ardM11n11 l.an$capin& 'l're. tr lm • remove. c lean upa free e11t Huaonable 'I~ 13'9 ,_ Tupped1temovtd. c·lean· upa, lawn rmov 1$1 3476 b\t'Vt 11 L11wn ~rvlce Mow. edicc& lrtm f''ttJflt 6 bHk Nut work A H•r111e IJO ~7 2146 tlB ....... s...ec.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~JC~nenct.'(! ild1 market 1111( ne<'ul.J\'t' wr malia l'Xper1encc will c·rt~11le vrmt a<li:.. markellnK sates lette rs . rtirlio s po ts. news lettcrs. brnchures atkl I' tt l'all 67H2JO ....................... ,.. ........ Cocnpl. -*> dll~llas. PU 6 deliv. Cal the PlOll, -.-. fD.19 lt ... areh 6 Write Sotlal Scleou Topics, Call att.rtPfll~ H_,,.• • •••••••••••••••••••••• JACK OF A.LL TRAD~ P lumbln&, ~«'. he•tinc. odd Jobs. 6.16111182 llome Improvement, 25 yrs exp. Fence. carpen· try 6 paull.if\C. 631"264 Hume improvements. P•ln tloa. electnc:al. plumbing. carpentry 642·1'92 Hwcfwood "-rs ••••••••••••••••••••••• tlARDWOODFUX>RS Cleaned & Waxed Anytime. 8.1:2...alll S A ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• llauling & Dump Jobs. Ask for Randy. S49-4368 .... , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• Cleanup • trhnmiq ft artuwork. Small Jobe. DAVJl!'SPAJNTINO b1uUa1 ,,_.Urnat.t. Newport. c.a.. 11 ... ft Serv~ ATee t yean U7.art Jrvl.M. '7S.3175•v•. Moel ReMClftthle ..._~ luur-4, li<''d. •1142$ Haulinc. YardClean-ups. -... .., HandymenJoba. ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• RALPH'S PAINTING Jeff, ••t Movln1' Tbe Starvln& lnt./.xt. Prompt, 2' hnl. Q ! T R r D O F Colle1e Stlldenta have lie .. neat, rth. 9824101 UNSIGHTL y TRASH + 1rown, 11me ad service. DE 8 RI S Sll/ LOAD. i1Tl24-4a6 Ina. Ml·M2'1 COLL . STUDENT ... s ... S.wlca 541-6421 ••••••••••••••••••••••• H1ul. cleanup, concrete removal. Ownptruck. Quick serv. 842-7638 HwKll it ••••••••••••••••••••••• Want a REALLY CLEAN HOUSE? Call Gingham Girl. Freee&t. 6fS.Sl23 L-4K .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aviles Landscaping service, tree trimming, cleanups, yd maint, call Pedro, Marguarite or E fr a ln 631-4627 MeMllrJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deluxe lic'd priv hme run by ownera. Dr. ft RN 24 hrs on call. !r78·3484, 7~7 LVN desires pvt duty nurse position, fuJI or PfJ'. days or eves. Will ho useclean. sh op or cook, Mature, reliable. CdM refs Shirley Dys 760-1837 eves~ , ......... /,..,... ·················~····· Painting ft Papermg Prof work. Free est. Rsnbl. Steve. 547-4281 ·-----.- Fine ext/int painting by Richard Sinor. Uc, ina . Try me . .-~ (2' hrs) Painting fr Paperin1t Wallpaper remov•I. Cuar. Paul CutJer962 :ma ,........, ..... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Photo Journalist caplure the decisive T ho m Young will shoot your mode ling composites & product 1llustratlon Rates negot iable 548·5113 rtaster /I.,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Neal patches&text ures "'"E1t. ff).1439 LIDO PLUllBINO-No lob t40 amaU or t40 bl&. tree eat. 24 tn. ITJ.Sf Plumbin1. ~lln&. Repalrs, Leak Detec:· Uon, Ii Drab\I OH~. Top H at Plumbln& '38·2030 ,.o.1o ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt POil Box Service THE MAJL ROOM . 24 hr 2600 E Cat Hwy CdM NB IW0·-0340 cw 644-4481 .... • •••••••••••••••••••••• IOOl'll• ALL TVP~/REPAJUS FREE E.STIMATES Ca II Bob. 548-0789 New & recovers, Repair s pee I a·1 isl /stay ·busy prices. Reliable. ~0512 QUALITY ROOf1NG All types, rree est. Visa. MC. 541 5930 HARBOR ROOl-1N<.; C ustom brick, sto ne . block, concrete. stucco. Refs. Free est. 549-!M92 COLl.EG I!: STUDENT exper'd in l.nt1ex1, any JOb for less ' Alex ~9·5198 •ratchP'lcal4DMg* Have sonvthing to seif? All Types -~_?~ Classified ads do 1t well. . ................... .. r .. • Shrub trinvnlnc. removal, yd dean·"US-, blulint. ~. dlrt. J im Conim 131..sal TREE O&'ilGNS Pruning. aculp\urinlC. top pin&. tt\lnntna. re. moval . clean -up 846·184$ ----T~Senke ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fut accurate typin(! on I BM Correct/Selec·trlc. other Se<'n!larial work, busint!SS letters, rt! s umes. etc. Kare n 675-1230 -WiltdowClls*; ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let The Sunshine In" Cull Sunshine Window Cleaning . Ltd. ~88.S3 ----- H ome & <.:ommerlcal <.:hr1 stmas s igns was hed. Call Stl'Ve 646·1957 ., Have you read today's Classified Ads'! If not. you'r e m1ssmg the best bargains if_! t:own • ~ .. W...... 7100 HllpW..tect 7100 HetpW.ted 7100 H.tpW..tecl 7100 HetpW..tect 7100 H.tpWCIRhd 7100 HetpWClftf.d 7100H.tpWanted · 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• A lJT()MOTIVt; r.AnS COUtnaMAN Dealership or rore11?11 auto pans expenc.>lll'{' preftirred. <.:all Glen for un a ppu1ntment. IOYC.AllYll IOUSIOYCE 4NDIMW 64CM444 IMMIDl411 O ... MG For qualified service wnter 14IWICK DATSUN IJl-1375 49).3375 Ask for ~edSandcrs Babysitter needed to care for my infant in my Laguna Beach home. 30hrs1wk Uayllme 494-6355. Medical BACK 0 1-'FI CE. full lime for 3 Internists. Nelo\•port Beach f-:KG & chest X rays Nee<! noc be R N. !'l alary. in suranc•· & bcnt'fits Send resume Ad No 781, D 111 ly Pilot. l"O Box l!'J60, Costa Mesa. Cl\ !l26Z7 Banking Republl l' FEDERAL. Savin~s has o pening for. full ume teller . full time nt>w accts. P fT teller Salary + fring e benefits Laguna Niguel. 495·0850 or 831-1940. F..O.E M/F/H BARYSITTERLl\•e In I yr old girl. Salary + lov· ely room & bath. Uovcr Shores, NB 752·2197 Prev1ou!> expenenre di> sir able United C:ahforrua Bank 222 Or<'an Blvd. Laguna Beueh. 49'1·~6 Ranking Conunerdal T ..... Previous experiefll'<' de s1rable Untted California Bank 23646 Rocklield Rd. ~I Toro. 581·6463 T rade your ulcl 5lufl fvr new go11cl11.'5 with a C.:lass1f1l'cl ad ll-\2 Smfl Banking TfilER NEW ACCOOtffS FULL TIME l'os1llon available m our So <.:oast Plaza omce Ex per. req'd t:alJ Kathy Amburgey 540-4066. CAUFllNA FEllRAL s •• ..,.&Lom 695 Town Center Dr. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 EquaJ Opporturuty Employer Banking Newport Reach ofCice seeks full Ume Teller Exper. preferred. Lilt' typmg, 10 key add1n.e maehme. We offer good startmg salary & l'Om pany benefit:. tJuahf\l!d avphcants please call Ph y lli s lm unt 1 , 714-644·7255. WESTERN ROSlA1. S4~S 114 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach CA 9'.!660 E.O E. M i i" Banking TP'al Experien<'e req'd. Xlnt. salary & benefits. Apply Personnel: HlllTAClllM« 721 N. Euclid, Anaheim 991·3800 E.O.E. banking COINMrdatTeler Previous tixpr pref. but will tram. Cash1er1nR ex pr will be helpful United California ... 3141 W.<.:oast llwy Coronadel Mar 673·9240 E.O. E BANKING TllllR NEWPORT Immediate position available lo sharp in· d1v1dual. Previous teller expr. preferred or minimum 6 months eash handling experience. Type 20·25. Good figure apt itude and co m · municalion skills re· I quired Excellent benefits and advance· I ment opportunities. LOS4HG&IS NDEAAL SAVINGS 3201 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach. EOE M/F Banquet Service People · W a 1ters1 waitresses & bus boys. Apply to Nin11. Surf & Sand lloltd. Laguna lkh 497.4477 IARTIM)Bl 3 day week. El Ranch1to Newport Beach, apphca tions being acceptc.-d 12·6 Mon 1-·ri 67S-6855 llOCrG/ASST. P eyroll /Personel/ J ob Cost. For urban design firm: sat commensurate w /exp. Pleaue send re- sum e to PBR 18012 Skypark Cir. Irv. 92714 lkkrl/GflL AtlD4 Y Some restaurant exp. h elpful. Apply in person: The VllJage lnn, 127 Marine Av, Balboa Island: 1oomsa for Newport Penin real estate office. 3 to 4 day week. A/P·A/H thru T /li. 10 key. light typing. Call for apJl(. 67S-~ •CAI DllVERS• Checker Cab 77~0222 Caretaker for 5 units on lr1t lot. C.M Prefer older person. 749·1546. Joe 745.4312 More famlliei; are getting 1-;xperience preferr<.-d. lhe camplng "bug" tltis Uftlted Califor"ia year. If you have a Six Monarch Bay Plaza ling used. sell ll now ... I camper that's not get- So. Laguna 496-lZ13 ~th a Classified Ad. Enjoy working with young people? The Delly Piiot Is looking for men end women (ovei 21) with outgoing per•onelltle• who enjoy working with kldt. This po•ltk>n entell1 coun1eling young carrlera on Hlllng •ub•cripttona on their Delly Piiot route•. Stert et $4 per hc>ur and work parttlme evenings and Saturday•. Call 642·4321 , extension 250. between 2 and 6 _p.m....and.-ak foi lof'l,.- Of•nge Coelt Detty PllOt S30 W. Ber llNet, Coete Me.a. CA 12121 AN 10&.W. ~ 1"1fll.oYIJI CASHIB Experienced. Must have basic photo knowledge. Full time. lmmed. open· ing . Photography Unlimited. 168119 Beach Blvd . Huntington Bearh, 847-3664. CASllERS UTDTIM MARKETS fo'or 2nd &3rd Shifts We promote lo manage · ment & supervision from within. W'ANT A CAREER'! Costa Mesa Ill Del Mar 631·9't2l Laguna Beach 494·!ll33 Huntington Beach 962·9116 Child Care Supervisor for full time employ· ment. Musi like & have exper. w duldren Call bet ween R 5. 962· 13H. Tracy. ---~- C LERK TYPI S T · permanent pos1 t1 on . 50·6-0wpm. Xlnt benefits M on -Fri 9·5. (714 ) 979·2Z70 CLOTHESTIME H ir ing for part time sales • assL manager trainees. Call642·1231. COOK For pre-school Ex· perienced. Part or full time Irvine. 551·453.1 •COOK NEEDED• IMMEDIA.TaY t'ull Ti me Days. Apply m person Dirk Church 's Rest. 2698 Newport Blvd.C.M. COOK WAMTID Mon·F ri. approx 9·3. Apply from 2·4pm al Cask 'n Cleaver. 1660 Dove. N.B. 752·2538. COUNTER Woman. full lime. also Part lime seam stress. Michel's C I e e n e rs . L a g u n.a Niguel. 496-5l2A Counter help. day s hift PT. nexible hrs. M·t· ap- ply In persoo l0am·2pm Orange Julius 71 1 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa 92661 ---- COUNTER help, lOPM· 6AM. Winchells Donuts. 2S3 E . 17th St. CM. COUPLE WANTED Manage small business Part·lime. Will lrain Call for appt846-3279 Delivery Person needed 1mmed. Part time. Tues. & Thurs. Beverly 641·8820. DBJ8Y Auto route. Approx. hrs 4·6am. Need responsible person with economy- type auto. Approx. eam· ings $450-$.550/mo. de· ~nding on newspaper route. An opening exists in Costa Mesa le Hunt· ington Beach. Call daily 7am·l2 noon. 961-7114. DOMESTIC Live in mm pamon for Tc!·yr-old lady on walker Must drive, prepare meals. lite hsskpg Salary S500/mo. For 1nterv1ew, 8J3.0379 -- Driver : Stock f o r Newport Bearh Home Furnishing Shop 40 llr. week, Call Tom 644·8860. Drivers to chauffeur limousine on New Years Eve . Xlnt wages 4!r7·2559, DRlVERSWANTt:;D Early mommg horoe de· li ver y L.A. TIMES Irvine/Newport areua. $400 +Imo. Jess M6-~ General office help Perm. part lime. 3 4 days/wk $35/day Call fur details. 493-87~ General The lalboa lay Clllb l1nowhlrillcJ: bst.....tM!y. Full time. ~ves Must be avail. wknds. Musl ha\e I previous restaurant cxp f'~Oeril Bilingual Must ty pe 50wpm. Full time. Moo. Fri. 8.JQ-~. Please call for appt 6'.S-7358. Moo - Fn.6.30·5 Gr aphic Artist: type t!xp .. color sepera11on. registrati o n capabilities, ss.5-1231 ------ GUADS Full & part lime. All areas Unifonm fum'd . Ages 21 or over. retired we lrom e No ex per • ner. Apply · niver ~al !Jrotect1on Service, 1226 W. 5th SI . Santa Ana lnlerv1e" hrs 9 12 & I 4, Mon-l''r1 Hotel Front Desk t:lerk . Apply to Cindy. Surf & Sand Hotel. Laguna Brb 4!r7-4477 HOUSBCllPER Urgent Need To take full respon.s1b1h· ty of houaehld For 2 adults. Refs & interview req 'd . Salary open 640~ ---r HOUs&aaER Urgent Need To take full respon.s1bili ty of househld. For 2 adults. Refs. & i.nterview req 'd . Salary open 640·6028 I NCOME TAX PREPARERS Ex perienced Hourly r11te & bonus S40.0187 JAHITORS F I T n ight work men /women/comples. Hunt Bch/C.M. area. Must have car & home phone. Call 532 65~8 Mon-Fr1 • J EWELRY SALES Wanted immed for jewelry st.ore. Bondable. perm. lady with sales ability. Xlnl starting hr· ly wag + comm for _wknds only Ph. ~8822. Liquor Cler1t. full or P rr. over 21. respunsible. Irvine. 752-1336 ••• ...... ....,. 246 Magnolia Ave . Coeta Mesa Deliver y man for L.A. ' You are lhe winner of ·2freetkWI (117 value). to Ice,.-..& Times to homes ln C.M. H ..... •lc• Dec. 26 lhru 30th ft H.B UAM. 1375-"50 , mo. + bon111. Dependa- ble car. 546·4481 or 964-4912 ' Anaheim ConvenUon Dental Chalrslde Dent.al Assis· tan&, 4Yt di)' work week. 983-5634. DeR.UlY Clerk J, SW'tin&.- s a I ar y·· 1841 pr mo. Harbor'Mlridpal Court hH ope,;inet few men fr women. If you type 40wpm and are Interest· .--~-benef' cell UJ..OeU ext. 332 for lnform1Uon. •1 Jem· borte Blvd, NB. E.O. E. Celter Tickets must be ex· chan1ed fOf' reserved seals at lhe Convention Center ahead cl Ume. Call-"2,.wm. aLZ72Jo claim yourUckN. ••• Whet a Wonderful World of Sboppln1, rllhl at iaut.. filaa•rtlRI ' ~UIY..:. hy ! Dally Pilot a ... lfted Ads. To place JOUr 1d. call •42·5178 Md let e Clatalfied Ad· vi.or help you. Manager Emerald Bay Tennis fac1hty, 6 courts & s m pro shop. e1Cper 'd in tennis operatwns M1n1mal investme nt. Sala r y + c·o mm . 4!17 ·~286 bl wn 2·5. Medi •al Assist. front of· fice: for G P . e1Cp pre ferred. mail resume or fire manager · 351 hospital Rd. Ste llR, NB. 92663 MEDICAL Assistant. ex· p'd . front & bark. typ mg. Hrs. & salary open Non·smoker. ~7138 Medical X-RAYTICH Partt1me, 30 hours a week. 5 tl11ys. Newport Reach office 631·4422 Medical BAC K Ofo'FICE . full time for 3 Internists, Newport Beach ~KG & l·hest X rays !'leed n•.>t he R N . s a I a q ·, 1 n suranre & bt.'nefit:. Send re!'lume Ali Nu 781. Ua1 I} Pilot. PO Box 1560. C.:osta Mei.a. CA. !T.!f~ Mu~1 r1an Keyl>oard & guitar player for l't>n temporary group C.:On taC't Ka thy 631-4062 MURSEAJDE Part time. 11·7. 41 bed Convalescent Hospital Costa Mesa.54!}.:1161 MUISlf.G l.VN. part time ll·7 Country Club Cofwales· cent 549·3061. PBX H ousewives. supple ment your husband's I salar) Part l.tme l'ull lime po:.llions avail no"' <.'all Cla r a 1 6 4 0 I I I n 0 r N ll' k I ~7-7777 ~ux Students . do you want lo e arn e xtra dollars ., Work part tJme No ex per necessary. Regular raises & ro. benefits Call Clara. 640-11 IO or Nick· 557·7777. Real Estate Sales L..W..,fwa Nntc...r7 Jom the leader. Now in terv1ewmg for pos1llom 1n real estate ~ales Whether licensed or not call to see tf you quahf> 10 jom, the prclt:Ssionah al Walker & Lee 1714 >835·454.5. ., Real &hh Sain Start the year nght by rinding out about the rareer opportunities available at Selcct Properties If you haH• experience or an 10 terest m learning about investment properties c11ll for a <'onfidenl1al in terview We also have o pportun it1ei. for es tabli s hed pro fess1onals with managc ment pottinllal for t•f f1 c t-s in Cost" Me~il . :'llewport lrvtne ancl San l'lt-menlt-C11ll l't-l<- V1otto 751 3191 «;::SELECT I PROPERTIES k eC'epllonlst. somt• typ mg, prior appointmt-nl makin g exp nee 979.946() RECEl'TIOMST For Medical Clinic Prefer maturr person w /backqround m nutn· 1100 & preventi ve med1e1ne Lite bkkpg, wages open. Ask for Eh·re MS·4U17. 499 4® He c ep11o n1s t , PT. hngh l. asser11vc. for pr<J~res~n·e animal hos p1I a I (.JI I03<J. as.k ror Ginny ;\k"'1 i 1\;\I I Wed 5P~1 9 l-r1 ;,\\1 1 S;it 81\:'\I 5 RECEP110NIST G~Office Typ1ni;: ex per neressary. Newpurt C enter Pro pc·rt~ manage ment. Perma nenl Phone 644-0606 RECB'TIOMST Full 11me Mon F ri Must be personable & well.groomed, & enJOY meeting the pubhc Re· quires good spelhnll & penmanshJp No t)'pmg Phone experience pre ferred. Full rompany benefits Apply Pe n- nysaver . 1660 Placentia Ave Costa Mesa S a I t-s 1-: x l e n !. 1 v t! Houseplant knowledge a must. Hetail expcnl·m·e pr eferrc<.l Salary & hours open 645-0'.:!10 SALESP&SON Auto a fter market for 11.holesaler Salary + l'ar -+ commission 646-1696. * SALE~TRAYEL • · Haw au. Canada. Florida BOYS.GIRLS M'EN·WOMEN Exciting PQ6ition m fund raising & public rela t1ons Must be neat. bun dable & en.1oy meeting people !163 051fi Mr Greer SCTRYfUGAl Trainee. Good skills Some ht11lal1on cxpr helpful hul not requ1n"I 752·68l8 SCTRY jllECEPT Trade ass11c1a1111n 1n I r vine I Kiri nfhct> <;l.'n ·1 orr <luttei-. .:<K"l Sl•c·re1ar1JI ~klll-. 1wc 752 2R52 ';rnt'lar~ l..e1<:al lll"''>l menl Com;ullant '•'t'k'> exp ri pt·r~•m "' l•·gal ~Cl .. Y ~k1lb Collin~ ,\~ sor1atei.. 567 San Nuwla~ Ur :302 N II SCTY 80<>KKEEl'H< 3 to 4 d}·s ""k. £•xper l' M area 642-0322 SECUTAmES Xerox 850 operators for exp andin g company Top pay for lop people F T or P 11 fo1ex1ble h ou r s Ntiv.port St-e retanal Scf\ ires. 752 2377 Secretwy to~ Sl ,000 .. IJ <1 E Al'<'U ralr l.."PIO)! no 'ho rt harul \fature g.t dress apf)t•ttranrt> <':ill Sandy. 541~ti(t)S, < 'oa!>l:tl Personnel A~em·). :!'i~• II arbor Bl\'d . (.' M NEV EH A FEE E II 1-: • •SECUT4'HES• • FC Mfg CptrsSltl,000 OrderPl'O<'MfgSlll.Ol)(J GU Rec TIOt2l$13.lUI GO OrderClkSl4,4(AJ L12 Reinders Agency 4020 Birch ~t '64 EOE Newport t8J3.8190/fo'ree SECRETARY Looking for that career change m 1981' Re~1ster w1lh us now'' Free& l':.O.K Co unselor tra i nee needed for fast paced. high pressure tern porary help ofc In· terview. screen & test applicants Train for placement counselor position Nat 'I. co. xlnt. benefits Previous in- dustry exper. des ired but not essential <:all V1rtor Tempo rary Service. ~lfi20 E.O.E. Restaurant Irvine MCD-....-.1 "-. Personnel Aitcnry ~ ~ 488 E. 17th. C.:a;ta Mesa Now hmng, full or part Suite 224 00· 1470 time. Days & eves -...~--Great t'areer o p ---rEST CONTIOL portunities. On the Job Loc:al leading pest con· training. For more m- t ro I company needs , formation. call 7~·9943 route techni<'1an for or inquire at 3141 Harbor steady job due to eii ... Blvd. C M. pansion. Entry level. we ---------train. lnterviewin1t Mon: Jan s. 10 lo 5 pm. 566 E Dyer Rd. Santa Ana 979-6021 Pic:ture fo'ramer 1-:x· perienced. Part lime. Art World Frames. 656 No Coast Hwy, Lag. Brh. 494·81~. PllMTI .. Pressman~ to run Itek plates on multi 1250. Experience necessary. Paid medical & dental. 4 'day week. Call 9M-9500 .!:_aguna H~ Production Part time. Mon. 2:JOPM· finish. Tues. 1 :OOPM · finish. WUI train. Apply 1660 Pl•ctftia /we. c. M P /lime. 7d.,.s. 2hn/dai· ly, AM deJivery. L.A. Times. $100 per week. La1,Yna ee.ch.. 494-MIG_ REAL ESTATE SALES Jr you are intensted ln makina a chan1e or aetklnl a new career In R'u1-E1tek. ca • uk for Jotm « VoclY et Cole o f Newport . Reelton.mau Sales H1 fj Compo· nents Salary, xlnt future. C.M. area. EOE. M /F. Call M·F. ll-2 on l y . M r Paul s en . 213·~-~- s .... ;c-·~ Roommate, home shar· mg ro. lff\med opening for self·motivated person : growth poten U a I. 760·-02:20 for a pJl( ------SALIS UICUTIYI PART·11ME Mus t be curre ntly employed It successful Capable of h11h·level communlc1tion w/Pf!O· pie applying for mem· l>ersh1p lo a pro( busi- ness assoc. We are a h(e. time asaoc. cl select. highly ambiUoua people who research ar imple· ment the pals of acqu.lrin& wealth. Mr. Rich 16. Secretary to <.:EU Small d ynami c comi>any Collins Assoctale!> 5fi7 SattNt<'hotas-Or NB Serretar1ol general of· fke Busy o(flee W1th new organh.aUon i'\111 responsibility of all ar t ivitif'S 1n<'luding secretarial & lite book· keeping Requires good t elephone manner . Preferred location in vicinity of H o ag Hospit•I Beg1nn1ng salary up lo S900 mo, based on expenenee 642·1822 ~cretarial ,...... "-Sea.r......, ... 'V. Pre\·ious bankrnl! ex· perienre de&lrable Xlnl typing skills required. short·hand not required U"lttd C•llfor•f• ... SEC'Y IOFF1CE MGR I rvlnt arcbltettuul nn. JO hr wt. '1al.1Ume \a,15HlA ~ ~!! .. ~ .. ~ ..... ?!~ •1nan ---.=-· r...... --....... ..-a-1 ,.,, ••tr•IHJ'/'H' up ............ ,,., Kn: 1 a.• Coataet HelH MfGlalo for ....... --, ......... , ....... ...... .._,11mWt1 ---IMOl IA&ll f I IOM F It ,.,, ••• 1ood ......, ............... ~·u• .............. Wolll•u•._...,for .. a.p rtf aat•r.nm Appl)' bt ,_..... llM for 11 r C&Men lltn\alhOI' • Sbou. )4 Fuhlon l.Alud,N 8tM~ saicw .... fl.Ill um. we or • oua up .. 0t will tram Oood co bMef lta Apply IA penal\ illm w l11m Mon thru Fri Sludard ~. 3(1T1 So Bristol.C M Student ~Dn"'er for pa.rhally handicapped YOWll man. ~2746 TIActmlJI Elem entary /PreSchool FIT private school, CM UH."2·001 2 ,. If 2 .. -............... _ ...... ::& .............. . -.......... ~o... pro11ou 6 Ou.u Id t .... •\r&a 141-tlll. ..._ ~.'7. ••••• --.. ~ ISaHOHI> Piiia A.KC. a.a., ... 11/P ,_. •••• p ' p l )' 11119r LIM Ill\ I pm ....................... B.:NJl TYPE l>OG Oentle. lovto& Pet. white female. Appro1. l yr old Ut-7Mi ••••••••••••••••••••••• **I IUY ** Good u1ed Furniture &t A.ppli•nces-OR I will sell or SELL for You MASTBSAUCTIC* 64M6N. lll-9'25 Dining room table wt• capt. chairs, all wood. SlOO. 979-1088 ....................... weeMITAM ,, .. , ... , ... , .... tanl. ._. ., ,.,.. for Me.lat ...... .,.,.. ................ , ...... aurediW l.ai • atnp, ........ alrlm• 1.0 ..... --. Pr.. ••l ... 6 IW\! hr • penoaaUMd \11.r ... ••llpa ... r, f•brlc or "Day Oki" Pll* •we wUJ back • Crim YOW' lll&.t. Or try two rarcil batktobat'k PRICili: ta••orat• 4/S t••• , .. ., .. Iii ta11 auo ••· lO or more Sl.40 ea. saie. Tax wl\aded NOCAJU>? Draw 1our own or Had namt . ~ •• phone Ii we'll make one card per ta1. Add~ each. Seod check or money or· derlo. rtLOT....,... P .o. eox um COiUa M ... Ca. 9'1626 Lo••••··· Send someone you love a bouquet ol :I> multi col· ored helium balloons tied with ribboo & your own personal message. Perfect for every oc· c asion. We deliver . 6'13-4419 Collector 's item, Na· tional G eoaraphie. 1912·1917. Appr a ised $2,000. Sll96/0BO. By 1·5. 642·S212. ................. IOU AAHIJd ... HOO .............................................. llUI T Sl!LL Peauey P .A. wltb 2 c6lumoa MU. 0.8.0 Alao klok1q for Zildjla Cymbe.11 > SST·am Mltrbell Cabinet 2·15" 'BL apkra. moo. d'MD IOl7 • •••••••••••••••••••••• A.KC E n1ll1h C~ker 111 ale blue rane whelped AUi lat. houlebrollen. 17$-4113 African Orey Parrot am •lJ mUd hone suit•· ble for chUd8TS.M23 hw ... Mucldll" lot2 ··········~············ Muat tell 4ulcldy·Adler aewlng machine w/pure Q\aple c abinet , 1.lnt • cood. Dys 6112...s& SALES/REPAIR/PARTS •SEWING MACHINE.5• All models to choose from New •Demos •Trade-in •f1oor models • Also repos -exchanges $39 UP MC/Visa CaU85iM477 Pickup & del. 23854 Via fabricanle Store 82. M.V. SkM.t 1093 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GOLF Carts for sale Xlnl. cond. New ball .. etc. 492-6128 rv. llldlo. HIA,S..._ 1091 ....................... llAftSAftl WfTNUl9PADS lmpoi1.cl car parU JllPORT AUTOSUPPLY lOl N. MaWtr•er Anaheim 776-9800 t Xtra wide tires with chrome rims m eflch. 541-0089 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT N011CETO READF_..RSAND ADVER11SERS The price of items advertiaed by vehicle dealers in the vebkle cla11ified advertialng columns does not in· elude any a pplkable lax•. licen&e, t.Fansfer fees. finuce charges, fees for air pollution con· trot device certifications or dealer docwnentary preparation charges un· less otherwise specified by the advertiser tSZO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~U B URN Phae t on Speedster 1935 classic replica by Calif Custom Co a c h Never re· gistered. Used for show c ar only! Bargained priced! See Jim Buie or Bernie Ashe. Theodore R obi n s 1-'ord, 2060 Harbor Bl vd .. Costa Me.sa Call 642·0010 or 540·821 J. Teacher, pre·school. aides and subl. Mature or youn1: Huntington Beach area Call Marilyn MH2M Baaainelle. Antique sew. mach. 1lud. desk, cnb mattress. dressing table liv. rm. chair, King head board &c frame, dinette set. corner desk 543-2987 Genuine SAPPHIRES. l\dvenl TV model 761. your choice only SJO ea. lyr. old, must sell $2000. '46 Ford Woodie, restored $13,000. ALSO '29 Model A Town Sedan. 4 dr. restored. Ideal for slu· dent. Sl0.000. 67~6161 . TIUCKDllYM Warehouse Position 64&-1896 • 64().8698 _7_59_·0_7_19 ____ _ Movin& Sale. Compl. kg U RGENTLY NEED az br set, 9' &Ola, twin D E P E ND A BL E bed w/frame, 5' olfice PERSON who can work c redenza. club chrs. without 11,1pervision for I a m p s , misc. 71 o l Texas oil company in Seashore, N.B. &\>8410 Costa Mesa area. We train. Write T.P. Dick, Used l Couch & 3 Chairs. Pres.. Southwe stern Needs reupholstery. Petroleum. Box 789. Ft. _7_60_·_1S4_9 _____ _ Worth, Tx. 76101 I Round Dining Table with W AITllSSIS leaf &t 4 Caitaim Chairs. SSO. 1 rca rolor Console TV. loolts & ruN super sso. 645·9796 Apply bt"n 9AM & 12PM. Charlie's Chili, 3001 Redhill, Bldg. 12, Ste. #226, C.M. Waitresses or waiters, a ppl y Sta v ro 's Restaurant. 5930 W Coast Hwy, NB between 2·4. Wanted young person in· teresled in learning in· teresting in,iness. Call Gracie at Tile Design G r oup 831·5226 o r 758-1602 WILL YOU HANDOUT FLYERS? Good pay, age 10-17. 631·US4 l very nice corner group with large table $9S. 645-9795. 6 drawer dresser good cond. $40 631~ Matc hing Herculon 6' Sofa & 2 Rocker recliner $300 Call 493-3897 a...,.w. 1oss ·····················~· Relocating. Must sell furniture, cameras. car. other houaehold goods. Call 495·5740 19" Color 1V Portable $125. B/W 1V ~. Both xlnt. 646·15i25. lO"TABLESAW DELTA ROCKWEU.. $350. 962·3597 aft 6pm. Persian Lamb jacket, black, like new. ~-A bargain. 67Hl74 D OUG HBOY SW IM POOL 20 ft round, 3 ft de- ep. Filter system. Make ofr. 534-5728 For Sale plush green carpet 1Sx15fairly new 4 chairs BO. 963-5125 Utllffy ,,...,. SISO. 5'7·3182. SCRAMlETS ANSWERS Behalf -Dirty ofty -Insist - STANDBY I don't really believe that prosperity is just around the comer. In fact . right now I'd setUe for it just being on STANDBY. Must sell stereo compo- nent system. Pioneer re· ceiver, Dick turntable, EPI speakers. $450/0BO Xlnt cond. ~7568 Cadillac lathe. 1440 3hp. 3 • 4 jaw chk, FJpll, rollel I <'loser . KOK & 5 tool I hJdr. nu 6/19. Approx 800 hrs. Price~-646-8003 Wa.lctCadut :;a~1ne:~u~;~ 1 P haeton c.lonvertible. V-8, auto. air, P/S. P/B, stereo & tape. cost $20.858 by Replir ars. Best offer. Private par t)'.'1714 )646-9614 lotlh & M9W -I 'S4 Pors che. coneours , .... 15151111 cond., new lrans.·eng · ••••••••••••••••••••••• s usp.·inl .. etc. 787~ ~11Mral 90 I 0 4 Wa...t Dri•es 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• AMuGrwr" 8341 Amsterdam Or Huntington Beach You are the winner o ZfreetkWI ($17 value I, to- Ice.--~.__. Hollclar Oii iC• Dec. 26t.bru :nh Anaheim Convention Center Tickets must be ex- changed for reserved seats at the Convention Center ahead ol time. Call 642·5678, ext. 272 to claim your tickets. • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Cherokee Chief $6,000 or best offer 642·9100. ------ '79 J.t.:EPCHEROKl':E 7600 mi, folly loaded, $8000 I off er 546·6068 eves; 751·2160 wkdys --... --- rrvckl 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 JEEP JI 0 PICK UP Automati c. spo kf· wheels and wtdt"-ltrt's (0497501 $3489 COSTA.MESA. Merc•••n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... d .... 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co m . waterbed with frame Zenith remote ~ IOI~ ICHlh. MuW11 •r.•/ -..--. • Senk• fOZO A.MC JEEP 549-8023 • 1910CHEVY 'JJTOH.-.wv UTILITY IOOY ~ IOOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MAU. Daily l~. Fri 1().9 ClOMdTueeday 11751 Westminster Ave. Garden Grove s.54-6103 ••• lrktte.d 2920 Royal Palm Costa Mesa You are the winner of ZfrwtlcWI ($17 value>. to Ice,.._& H...,•lu Dec. 26 thru 30th Anaheim Convention ••••••••••••••••••••••• control color 1V 64&-2975 CONN Direct.or trombone with case. Excellent ,._., 1070 condition. $100. 675-tmz ••••••••••••••••••••••• after 6PM. Man's 14Kt yellow gold bracelet. in nugget lex· lured curb link. measur· ing 13mm in width. 8" length. SecW'ed with a concealed box clasp, with a figw-e 8 safety clasp. Total weight is 30.92 pennyweights. Ap· praised over $3.000. Sell for Sl8SO. ~. 1080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• J .. ..,, ... d 241 Bucknell Rd. College Park Costa Mesa Ibanez electric guitar. l;'rofessional model with Tree of Llfe going up to the neck. Woodgrain body with hard shell case.$S00.54S-6446 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MARINE ELE C · TRJCIAN Design/instalJ/repa1r Qual. work. 549-2520evs IMh,M-- 1 ... p•.ut 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lewmar :.> 2spd win ch brand new Sl7S 631-6174 ----Evinrude 100 H.P 1972. Rebuilt. Like ne w 67S·3731 ask for Rich. lotlh.PoWW" 9040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lClnt buy. 16' Glasstron. super fishing or sk11ng. 50hp'Me rc. 4hp Johnson. 6'13·5340. For plumbers & electn cians. (5937 ). OMLYS62t5 HOWAltD'O..rolet Dove & Qua.ii Sts NEWPORT BEA<,1-f 133-0555 '68 Ford "'• Too 4x4 heavy duty thru-out. lncludinR Braden Winch. 6ryl good mileage. $3250 498·2902 eves. Chip. ---- '70 Chevy C J() P1t•kup. 396 Hi Po Engine. Afr. $1300 545-4581 '570 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Dodge BlOO Van. 318 V-8. 3spd. air. mags. ..... w ..... ....................... Wt PAYTOPDOU..AR for top uud car1- (orel1n, domeatl<'I or cl •••le.. It your c.,. ll extra cle1n. see u1 FIRST! #I e.e>r-..C.-Y 2925 HartU Blvd, COSTAM~ t7f.JIOO ~WllUY CLIAMCAIS AMDTIUCU Wldl~. December S1 , 1tlD ...... 1.,....... ...... .. .... . ........................................... .. IMW t7 I ,.,... ~ t761 .........•...•........ . ..................... . '75 BMW 5.1>1. 4 cir. IUD· 71TOYOfA roof 1 a /c. tape. perlect CaJCA ~o. 9&500. a.1001 or Clean! (1.DIOl) 840-UIO $4 ttt '74 2002. auto, ai r . f)~ u~ Am/f'm. bl~. IC.Int cond. vOlOWAGIH. INC S.950, f7~. I 534-4100 • ............... ~.&. YOUl#t , ... , CAMUIC OIAlmt• .. : 0141'1 .. COUtCITJ• I SALF.s.SUVlCE ·:·" ANDU'.ASING .,,...., ~--t1ZO 13731 Harbor ....................... NOBE~~' Garden Gre>'le ,. · y-... -.-.,.---,-77-0 CA lll..L1 . ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• /1.(JlJ I l.11!"" l~,1 • ' ( ''''·' "''' '>·10 1>100 ••• 791A9'T Automatic, 4 doors . (772126) $54ft ••••••••••••••••••••••• COHMflL ChfVROLET 'K..'1 11.u I• • 1 I! I ' .t " X, I \ \1 I ' \ S41>-l 200 1a:.;.,;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~;i;i;:I ~~wM.~ Mechanic'sCar ~ 534-4100 Would YOU Drive A LltUe Further To Save A Hundred Dollars?????????? Top~ Pid For Your Car ' JOHMSOM & SOM UllC• t .. cwy 2626 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 540-5630 w.,., OVER 1e.1oo11 For Your Good VW. Porsche or Aud.I VW-POllS<.:HI:.: AUUI 44Sf.;. Coastlliway a1, Bayside Dnve Newport Beal'h 673-0900 Premium pnc·~ paid ror any used ear (foreign ordomesllc.' I i~ condition. See Us ...,irst' 'IOC8 II.it 1~,, 111"1 '-..... , •• \11 ..... , ,,u ,,,\.~t Wanled llo nda car. 1970· 72. N fiOO with blown engine S31 8801 ,.,.01, lmpo Md . ••..........•......•.• 9701' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• V.T~ 16071 Elhcrt C1rdt' Fountain Valle) You a re lhe winner of 2frHtkbh \$17 value). lo Ice,._.& H~CICllU Dec. 26 lhru:nh Anaheim Convention Center Tic kets must be ex c hanged for reserved seals at lhe Convention Center ahead of Lime Call 642·S678. ext 272 lo claim your tickets *** ·12 B210. Smog cert. 1 13731 Harbor owner. Lo mi, nu motor/ Garden G rove parts / ball. 5lmpg. $995/ OBO. PP. 497·~ 1970 SlQ Wagon. Gd cond. New tires. Gd mileage. S900/bst 631-6719 -------- '75 1>10 A 1C. 4 dr, l'l mi. clean. new tires/brks. S2'140 I bs t. 84().3425 '66 Datsun 410 Sqbk. xlnt running c.'ond. xJnt gas m•. radials, FM stereo. S4SO. 963·2l96 Iv msg --------HOftdo 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VISITYOUI ORANGICOAST HOt«>A HEADqllAITllS TODAY!!! UNIVllSITY SALES & SERVICE OLDSMOllLE HOM>A GMCTIUCKS 285<.I II arbor lilvd COSTA M~A 54~9640 '73 VW Bug, Wit cond. S3.000. 75CAMPB Nice! (135642) S55ft "®'" Hfa.~ Mowa\d ~IJ VOU(SWAGIN INC • ~100 13731 Harbor Garden Grove Part ing O ut ! 1974 Volkswagen Bug parts for sale. 641·9157. '76 YWIUS Mustsell. <004D> $56" ®~ ~ffcWt Mowa,ul VOLKSWAGfN INC 534-4100 13731 Harbor Garden Grove VW parts. '68 left & nghl door. ·73 left door S.'141 e.ach S48·9744 '72 BUS Must sell Sl7SO W a n t e d II on d a c a r bst ofr Gd bcxJ). run~ 1970· 72. N liOO with blown gd 548·4900 engine 53Hlllll J.-9730 '70 Square Back Sunroof ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mech xlnt, dean 72 X KE Convt. Auto. ps. air. restored ~her l' needed. rea I beaut~ Mint cond Sl2.90U 546·5093. 964 7009. "'4erudnl.a 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ml 79450Sl 23 K lo"' rruJes 24 mo warranty 156370) PriudtoW! IMSLEMONS IMPOlrTS 1970 HARBOR BLVD OSTAMESA Ul-1276 '68 280SL auto. a c. 40K mt on eng. ong red mint cond. $16,500 559-H29 I 19 r.i;rc;des;~2~~1s SI 150 0 B 0 497 39S.1 '68 VW Bug, reblt eng, lo mileage. runs & looks grea t $1750 u fr 847 6572, 968-1147 '65 VWBug $1200 964-37(12 '70 VW, strong engine. needs body work. S900. 675·7420 '62YW~Sl50 962·0048 963-9984 ·72 VW Conv Good cond $4000. Ask for Lorelei days 675-9690. eves 642·9895 '58 VW Bug rblt 1600 l'ng $1400 OBO 661·14.'>I llfa RCMMO 9705 loaded. flawless. ~.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brad 840-7827 381·6811 '69 CONV <.1ASSIC Trans & eng soltd ... beautifully restored. $40()(), 642·683'1 I Bob I LEASE DIRECT! 1981 AU-A SrtDaS IEACH IWORTS 848 Dove Street N l<:W PORT l\EACH 752--0900 MG 9742 ••• •••• •••••••••••••••• ·79 \·w ron,· Xlnt ('ond '76 MG Midget. xlnt con· Lots of extras $8395 or d1t1on . new l.lres S2500 • offer Call for info 770·8225 I 49'H490 Opel 9746 ·73 VW Bus xlnt cood. pp ••••••••••••••••••••••• St800 '76 Opel, 43.00> mt, S23Xl 67~ 70Cfl ------,~· 9741 846-3.'in 754-6679 ~--...................... . '66 VW Partially rblt ~eeds body ~·k !I 'udl 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Audi Fox xlnl· gas. new cond S\500 641·8954 LEASE DIRECT! '75 IUS $2750/ 0 644-1481 • 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call UsTodlfy for More Details!! :· ... 900 So. Coast Hwy.· L.,...leoch 494-1 u' SH US RIST! .... We have a good selection o I N E W & U S E o: Chevrolets! COHHRL CHEVROLET .~11.irt••r tlhd I I~ J' •\ \I~-"\ 541>-1200 ••• M~. WIXCICI 17332 Chapparal Hunu'ngton Beach You are I.he winner of 2 tr..tickeh ($17 value). lo . lufolles& Holld"'f °" Ice Dec 26 thru JOt.h Anaheim t'nnvenl1on Ce11ter T1l'ke1s must be u · r hanged for reser\'ed .!teals a l lhe Qicl\ ent1on Center ahead f1f tame <:all &12 5678. ext 272 to claim your tickets ••• 1972 Che\ y K1ngswo00 Estate Statton Wagon All elertrir ~tndows .!teats & door lo<:ks. AM 11 trac k stereo llas a•r cond luggage rack man} xtrai. Brow11 & white on outside· "' gold inl Xlnt c·ond $1200; Call Rhnnda al !!62·5355 ·75 ~l onza ~K m1, VS 5.6 liter . new !>fakes. t1rei.. tune ·up S150cY r rrm 645·6127 9932 • •••••••••••••••••••••• SHOWROOM COMO. '7STTUP Power hrake.!t f>O" l'r wmdows. Po"er steenn~ "'ll h t 1 It teleS<'OPIOJ: steering wheel. a ir, A ~1 i'~ M 1ereo. rear "'lndo~ defogge1 . automallc trans. Sno"' ~ l111e w11h Burgundy 111 tenor 27.~ mil~ Im· ma t·ul ale thruout ' S8 .100 i5-lfi790 o r Ans"' er Ad =2119, 642·4300 24 hrs COUfJCI" 99 ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 Cougar Uig & l r:ins xlnl Bod} fa11 ~ nr beb1 ofr RJi 77!16 Doctg. '· 9935 ........................ '7 4 ChcrcJer Center Tickets must be ex· changed for reserved aeata at the Convention Center a.hud ol time. Call 642-5618, ext. m to claim your tickets. You arethewi.Mer of ZfrwtlcWI CS17 value). to le•,.._& New Ibanez "Butterfly" acoustic guitar, model F360. Jet black finishj w / fancy mother-of· pearl inlay. F..quipped w I shadow transducer pickup w I strap button . jack plug and hardshell case. Must sacrifice , $400. ALSO. new MXR #90 dual control phase shifter $75. Will take $450 for all of above. <714 l 150· 2516. 631-0148. 548.()995. loah, Slipl/ Docks 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2181 /0BO. Must Sell. IMW 644·8725. 640;2&)5. '712 1911 PIUGIOT TUllOI VOLVO SALES. SBVICE AMDLEASIHG OV ERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS tiood 1:ond !"e" rehlt engine liold, blat·k lop 2 dr Uood gll.!t mileage S2000 o fr 534 i533 eves wknds. 441 0 W Suns wept SI, Santa Ana ••• Blond En&Jish Highboy with beveled mirror. 9850. Sml nuKI oak din· in& table. S.75. Square oak coffee tbl lllOO. Ph 6'75-e840 Upright Piano circa 1875, good s t a rter. Oak rocker, 1as s tove ~2169 Affl•Ht 1110 ....................... Wuher 6: Dryer. Xlnt. cond. tl.25 ea. .... Gafler 6: Sattler 111 atove, sci eand.. '75. oi. 55'1 .... Pqeot lCllpd.11" Boy'•. ....... ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----BOAT SUP RENTAL for 30' & 45' power bo:tt. $7 /ft /m o. 6'1~0Xl Wos Wanted 95'0 F or the bei.t deal 1n •••••••••••• •• ••....... Orange Count~ t:l)me H...,•lu Dec. 26 thru 30th Anaheim Convention Center Tickets must be ex· c hanged for reserved seat.s al the Convention Center ahead al tim~ Call 642·:i678. ext. 272 to claim your tickets. ••• Ftnd what you want in Daily Pilot Classifieds. BUES C HER Bb Trumpet. Gold laquer finish com plete w /matching mute & con· cert C adaptor. SOOO. 646·8478 Placing your Classified ad is so simple ... just give us a call on the phone and we'll help you word your ad for fast re- sults. 642-5678. Use .... At/ servic.e -when placing your ad ... a Daily Piiot ad number will WANTED: SliporT1e 25 ' B Coves ol channel area. 645·2963. 752-0687 . ..... StcM... 9090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dry storage available Newpor t Dunes, 1131 Bac k Bay Dr. NB . 644·0510 rr•.,a:I..._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l969 f!Uch Musketeer . mldtlme L50 Lycoming e n 1 , 2 Com-n av 's transponder. 848·2509 eve1. 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 HONDA 5.5()..4 ah.ield, rack, he lrn«a, xlnt cond. Sl 000 5'5-2lllOO '79 H o nda XL SOOS. dirt/street. Jdnl cond. $1175. 675-l'lal .'79 HONDA Trail ~new cond 500 ml Ideal Clm· pen c)'cle 1125. 640-75M ....... ..--.w.1 .... ,s ... '''° ••••••••••••••••••••••• HIGHIUYB Top dollars for Sports Cars, Bugs, Campers. 914's. Audi's Ask for U/C MGR JIMMAJaMO VOUCSWAGfH 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 TOPDOU.AI -PAIDFOI GOOD&CWN USIDCAISI miracle mazda JISO~""cl. COiie MeM 645-5700 WAMTED! Lite model Toyotu and Volvos .·Call u s TODAY!!!, liarle/ke TOTOTA·YOLYO ltUH...-..11•• C••I• Meie ..._ 64'-tlOl • S40·•4'1. appear in your Classified ad For Rent: Harvest Mini r .. \-t k Matot' Home aleepa aix, PORSCHES . ~ a e your messages Burna regular Gu. 24 hours a day . . . you call Private Pa1t1. 566-0117 in at your co.nvenien_ce _a_ne_r_•P_m_.____ WANIED durfng Office hOUrS and get !:~:.~.'!!!'!. ... !!~ Allow uatheopportunlly the responses to your ad... Rall Trlr bold1 5 tocon1iderthepurchue this service is only $7.50 motorc_7cl•. or 1 car ortrade·lnof'jOUrclean week. For more informa-·.soioBO-... Ponehe. Check wtth U• .... ~IM"Wl~,p _Toda I ton-amt-to ptace-yourau--,._ ... ..,." 9400 .iliil~--~"tiA ca I I 642-5678. ••••••••••••••••••••••• See Us Today•' SADDl.BACK VALLEY IMPOtfTS 28402 M arguenle Pkwy. M 1ssion Viejo _ u 1-2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays_ CREVIER • 1 Q I SI & lltOADWAY SANTA ANA 835·3171 T .. t' Ul1i ... A1£ OlllVINC. MACHIN[ •USIDIMW1• . 7 3 2002 ( 0558) '74 2002 tii s /r (0332 l ·15 2002a <0035> '762002s/r._,p t1578) '11 320\ sunrf. air (3201 l ·77 6.30 csl auto <0040> Clote4 s.d1p ou.-1cOUMTY'S OL.Dl5T , Sales-Service-Leasing lorCtnW,lllC. Rolls °Royce BMW 1540 Jamboree Newport Beach MC)-6444 -&_ Uo Mt Beadt k1vd. LAHABllA (5 Ml. No. of SA 1"w1 I t7t49IBIJJI SUDda1 bJ Appl. IEACH IWORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 9750 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 91 1 SC Targa: Xlnt cond. Take over lease. For details call 682·2'l22. 8·S wkdays ask for Joe. '78 924. a1c. s /r . am/fm 8trk . 30K mi. 2 yr guarantee enc. perfect c ond . make offel 493·0374 '76 911S Targa. black, full equip. m int. lo m i. $17.000. 842·lll4 t74 911. Fully loaded. I.Mint cond. A/C. Elect. ,s nrf. m ags. stereo cassette. Whltew/tanin· ter. 4 new radials Serious offers only . 675-1498or8514'.M. •••ora '75' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 DEALER U.S.A. CLOSED SUNDAYS '9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE DIRECT! llACHlfcml .. Dowltnlt NEWl90RT8&Aat 71MM EARlEUCE YOLYO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTAME.5A 646-UOl 540-9467 OIAMGICOUHTY YOLYO EXCLUS I VELY VOI,VO Large5t VOivo Dealer in Orange County! BUY orLEASE DIRF.X:"T mi"1~~ 10120 Garden Grove Bt Garden Grove 530.9190 '75 Volvo 164. AC , AM /FM 1tereo. good eond. $4500 /bst ofr 548-693? eves or 991-7:.x> e111:t 2lld'IS ...... u .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMC "°' ....................... Merc:wy 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGECOli!ll'lYS FINEST LINCOLN-MERCl.RY OEALERSHJP ~ ?"'"~' LINCOLN·MERCL'RY 16· l 8 Auto Center Dr SD f wv-1.ake Forest eXJl IR\1NE 130.7000 .· Mutt9M) 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Mustang Gtua. 6 cyl. 23,000 ml FUlly loaded, Orig. owner. Xlnt. cond .• $3500. Days : 640· 1813. Eves· 760-0317 '69 Mustang, good condi· tion. 302 eng. hardtop. AC. 847-l41.5847-4US '73 Grande. PIS. P R, A IC. auto trans, pwt wndws. S:UOO.~ HH· '66 Olds 98. Xlnt cond. O(JI owner. Pwr at'' ceuor iu AM /FM' radio. A/C. smog ~r{ ssso. 494.73117 '76 Gremlin, gre1t <:end. '75 Mld1iae Olda Vista muat Hll raat . good Crulnr 68K ml. $1750. 9 mp1. hJOO.S47-5.271 paH. 645-'1Z7 8'llcll ttlO ,...._ •ft ....................... . .................... ... 111 t/pau. Dtate wen, tun power. Wt. cndM. lo ml. Am /Fm 1ter . 7»1117. 77T,..,_ .,, ..... ............ Power atea1ftl. brU.-';'l Eatale Sale '72 Buick. windows. PDwei dodr• Ltd. Wan. Call Mon· locll1. ~ wtadow ct;" J':ri ~a.I Bl•eharct· ~...,•-IUUG-Wl11-411~- SSl-MSI ve. A1&1r-11 • tratlf: W lutek. ,,_ fOOd . -. .... ... I llW411 ' J ... -f II OM. v 11tt.01 ....... o. ... ,,.,. ~y lrM AMI,.. PEANUn "Oh, ohl We forgot to guard the eggnog!" SHOE ' r I! ti ME>ON MULLINS L,At>Y P. 15 LoW ToD.AY-· SH£ N~£DS P£RktN~ UP ' MISS PEACH l 1, 9ecA1$E L..ASI YcAlt YOIA WEile c rAPJEJY, Ml~ C"°Y~TAI-. 4 THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "Huh? Oh, we were wotchin' for the new yeor to~t here and I guess we fetl asleep." . ..,~ DENNIS. THE MENACE ,- FUNKY WINKERIEAN fW.J Fl~i ~ll~ ~ 1JE NEW L,)EAR 1610 6110::. 10 ~ DfE.1 IWD ~ 00:-Of!t£R'T'6 ! j).~ . ~. GORDO by Jeff MacNeUy by Mell Lazarius AT M10N6J..f~ WHEN T'He NO~cMAI<'!~~ WOKE YOU UP. Aoi6s, Ot! ~~I 'IJE ~AO 60ME:. (!:!()JD °t15 t>Ao! 1 GA\JE rr M-1 ~, JUDGE PARKER NANCY • MY MOM SAYS LATELY I ALK A LOT IN MY SLEEP LOOK At NANCY OVER THERE--- , . ~ DRABBLE by Chlrlts M. Scllulz eur t f6ER SMOULP AAVE LET ~TOCK OROS M ~AT5! by Tom Batiuk SHRiEEEEK! FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE S-4--3-2 -I ·· · · FO~Gt::-r 1-r .' ,.-~A"'f' OPeRA"'f'ION ,BIG GEORGE o•ooc•• "o 00 6 0 0 0 <:) 0 00 0 "Do you put 1ny stock In lt1 being bid luck when 1 bl1ck cit cro11es your pith?" by Kevin Fagan by Lynn Johnston LET'sGQ~ 1b8EO, Ll'l·001liEP.E5~\~ SPECIAL ReouT"'iJHIGKf f\Pre\ ft..L.. WOUL-C' ee: 100 ~ HAI RY FOR M fE .' by Ernie Bushmilltt SHE TALKS A LOT WHEN SHE'S AWlKE TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 53 Sklll 1 -Hashanafl 57 Second on a 5 Pitcher part llst. 10 Sharlt 2 words 14 Father' Arab. 61 Fr1grance 15 Body part 62 Columbus' 16 None deity ship: 17 Salling ship • 2 words 19 Diamond 64 Thomas - crew EdllOll 20 Having left a 65 Prevent will 66 Job • 21 Spray 67 M ... 23 Harden 66 Dike 25 Tumor: SultiJt 69 Ogles 26 Eye pan 29 Makes insane DOWN 34 " . bump on I Float UNITED Feature Syndate TUlld~'• Puzzle SolVed 35 foray 2 HIUlboy 18 Lion fMIUfe 39 loweR 37 NOl1hwest 3 Frencll coins 22 Galhef 40 Ponder shrub 4 In pain 24 Magazine 43 WldelprMd 38 TelCIS univ. 5 Busts. etc. VIP$ 45 ~-- 39 ....,hod, 8 Slttlf 26 Social Q(der 47 Subject 41 Ibsen woman 7 LeftOVlf 27 .. _ -49 Same: Latin 42 Dance 8 Utllilel Rt¥er'", 52 Metric unit 44 Vocal.sound 9 IAtNIQY--a~-63 l.alfler----t 1 45 Manitoba • 10 Albet11'1 30 Englilh1t~ 54 Futtle Indian ' neighbor 31 Gan 55 -Seotla 46 Tr; 11 Mine 32 Comfofte 61 Aoof pert 48 Most dteed· emraooe 33 WMINr 51 SeMr !Iii 12 C.ttlt • word 59 lnfonned 50 FDR's baby 13 Suncs.y 3e Anent: 80 Tr .. 5 I 8atet>all ploy punch 2 wordl 13 Si.le: Abbr. DailJPilat 2 OU'TUX* '81-~•t to Coast Lile and Daily Piiot, December 31 , 1980 · Phenomenal growth continues for city of Irvine in 1981· By RICHARD GREEN on• o.11y ~11e1 ,..,. For the city of Irvine , the past year has been one of phenomenal growth and much the same seems to be in store for the coming year. ·In 1980, the city once again led the way in county and state population growth statistics. IRVINE'S POPULATION AS of Jan. • 1 l , 1980 was 63,SOO, up 19.5 percent from the 53,100 population figure for the pre- vious year. - The city's present population is hover- ing around the 70,000 mark and is ex- pected to Increase dram·alically when routine city approval is given early next year to the final phase of development in Woodbridge. Also expected to fuel population growth next year will be the develop- ment of the University Town Center community. THE IRVINE CITY Council granted approval this year to a conceptual plan for the community's 55-a cre com - mercial core, located across campus drive from UC lrvine. That approval was expected to pave the way for eventual construction of housing to the east and west of the core, which will include a hotel, office space, restaura~ts and shops. ' IN ANOTHER MAJOR land use ac- tion, the Irvine City Council late this year approved the Phase 2 portion of Irvine Center , a 480-acre commercial center to be built on the "Golden Triangle" of land formed by the Santa An a, San Diego and Laguna freeways. , Phase 2 includes a variety of com· m ercial and office buildings, some as tall as 15 s tories. Phase 1, which has also been approved. is to include a re- gional shopping center Qf the size of South Coast Plaza. Actual construction isn 'l expected l<.1 start on the project until 198.1, after the Jcvjne .. C.amparo, project developer. makes $9 million worth of freeway im- provements to provide access to the commercial center. ABOUT TWO MILES WEST of the Irvine Center site is the Irvine Com- pany-proposed Village 12. C. Keith Greer, director of the com- pany's Community Development Division, said that a concept plan for the vilJqe will be filled. with the city in the.spring of 1981. That plan will identify basic land us~s in the village planning area bounded by the San Diego Freeway on the south, the extension of Barranca Parkway on the north, Jeffrey Road on the west and Sand Canyon A venue on the east About 4,000 dwellings are planned for the 400-acre village, which is now most· ly orange groves and row crops. Actual co"'truclion there probably won't take place until 1984, Greer said. AS OF LATE DECEMBER 1980, no agreement had been reached on a long- a wailed performing arts theater in the city. Early next year, Councilman David Sills and officials from the Irvine Unified School Dist rict and SaddJeback Community College's Irvine campus were expected to decide on the feasibili· ty or entering into a joint-powers agree- ment to build a theater COMPLETE OFFICES $175.00 PER ·MONTH Rams' arrival heralded as_~ne of county's best achievements of Anaheim aren't the only ones reapinl the rewards. Retailers and merchandisers or Orange County are irabblng a pretty good piece of the pie, too. "The Rama' move haa definitely been an uaet ~ Anaheim and the county," eaplalna Neal Beeson, Anaheim Stadium operations • mana1er. "In 1eneral, tbe ex- paukln 'ol tbe stadium bu been tood tor the Rama and the com- munity. It means extra 'work tor citiaena and generally a healthy financial impact u a wbole." " A NEW OPEN-ENVIRONMENT OFFICE BUILDING CONCEPT . Office space within Ex- . ·ecutive Gardens is ideal for the smaller office user or small business. For one low monthly fee, tenants receive furnished office space plus services includln1 front entry reception, telephone --......;• answering; conference t.~ rooms, copyin1 f acUities, · t j • kitchen, electricity and nite-• · lY jardtorial aervtce. e '.;.:_' Private, loetiq offices are , ' · ~. also available tOr thoee wbo ' require a more convenUonal office environment. __r For LeHl•I laf orm aUoa Phoae: (714) 557-1151 .. ' .J I J I H I I 1 I . I ' I I ' · r II I ' . I ' l ' -~ ' ~ 1 I ' --·------ ' -l -'° 4 OUTl.()()t( '81 -Supplement toCoeat Lite •nd D•1ly Pilot, ~ber 31 . 1980 Orange County economic leader I ., ...... ftUJ'IT ................. Orace ~ will ~ et tJae fui'llfaoat ol ecoaomic pvwtll witb ~ 1atu in employment. retaiUDs ad manufacturiq in 1111. However, double·dilit ialla~on. biala ill&er'elt retea ud home p.rices will ....,. e"* the illCOIDeS ol Ora.,eOoullti.... '1 Tim Ututioe will contribute to the pnWem aa iacreaainc llWDber of falllilies will face ol iaability to qua~ for lllome ,welaues .. CAUl'OaNIA 11.u SEEN 11 years of unparalleled growth led by Or11nge County which now bas the 30th largest economy in the world. A heavy invlex of familites into the county exists in part because of the abundance of jobs available. BL.mid 981 Oranie- County will become the sixth most populated coun- ty in the nation with almost 1.9 million resi- ·dents, two-thirds or whom own their own homes. THE MEDIAN household income will be 22 percenl.bigber tban the na· tional average. ··orange Count y's economy is expected to outpace the state's in 1981. "This will keep business and industry investing in new facilities. resulting in a sharp surge in new jobs and personal income sur· passing both state and na· tional averages." accord· ing to a spokesman at American Home Mortgate Corporation. The importance of Orange Co unty's r eal estate industry to the economic well-being of the· state will be indicative in 1981. Or11111e eo.ty will see t.be best real estate values since 1114, became mortcate money wilJ be short and interest rates hip. Tbe county's housinc recovery will be modest due to these high IDOf'tCale imterest rates, but state- wide there llaould be around 185,000 new housing starts, 21 percent above li80. Orange County is expecting a 15 percen_t increase in residential .-.omes m 11181. THE HIGH COST OF home ownership, which has risen 134 per· cent since 1975 in Or ante County. will encour~e.a..major ..ur1•of investors movine into the public real estate limited partnenbipfield. Tbrougbout 1981 the county will represent one of the most constant growth areas in the nation, out· performing some growth areas in terms of residenti'al, commercial and industrial expansion by a 4 to l ratio. High demand will contiaue for the next 10 years in large commercial limited partnership properties in· eluding shoppinl( centers. office buildings, and multi-family residen· tial units. "THE RISE IN home prices in Orange County -combined with the higher level of mortgag_e in· terest rates -will result in a• per· cent increase in the number of families who can no longer qualify to buy a house, the spokesman for American Home Mortgage Corp. added. With population increases Orange County will experience in 1981, housing prices will continue-to rise along with the bousin1 demand. A steady 12 to IS percent increase in residential and commercial prop· erty will grow to a 25 percent in· creue tbr...p 191 .lttause tM •· mud for units ouutripe tbe MWIY. The cost of purclaasinl a bome will be UD IS perceat over UlllD. INPIATION WILL P&OllAllLY taper otftM first ball of 1•1. but wiU surce back fw the remainder ol u.e year, "Wiq ZS percent by tm, if present trends continue. Tbe family of four in 1981, with this contiouin1 rate or inflation, will have to earn at least $28,000 s)er year before tax deductions to equal the purchasing power, of $13,000 ln 1970. - Individuals in Orange County are experiencing substantial ulary growth, however, inflation is responsible for wiping out these in· creases in terms of buying power. ORANGE covNtv WAS less af. fected by the recession of l_, than any other area. In 1981 more than 30,000 new jobs will be created which are expected to involve all major industry groups. Consumer prices in the county are. expected to be up an average of µ percent in 1981. compared to 10 percent for the country. Unemployment will decline since new jobs are being created, and the median family income ia expected to be around $28,500, 15 percent above the national average. The demand in the county for commercial loans will be up sharp- ly in l981 due to the urgency for of· fice space. OFnCE SPACE DEMAND will exceed ten million square feet during this period, a product of the area's Cutgrowin1pace. The growing population will create many opportunities for all types of businesses. __ _._ -------------- Looking For A Bayfront? Let us help you find it while cruising the harbor. (with Hors d'oeuvres. of course) Call any of our fine salespeople ~ Sf!.t the date~ ___ _ • MARILYN SHEAMAN •SYLVIA KAHLER •BOB BERG • JACK BELLER • MAVIS MUSSER • CONNIE ARRIGO •CONNIE COAN · • LARRY DE CAONA •LLOYD SAYLES •LORETTA SAYtES ... ' ' • PAM ROONEY • LOUISE SASINE • BARBARA DOWNER • JOHN JACOBS We also'specialize in investment & exchange ideas -'• that can save buyers • .& sellers small fortunes. -. -. ,. JACOBS RE·AL TV .. ______ __...., ____ . ~7&-66=10----------- ---...-_;,.·;..-~_......,_--1..----------------- Supplement to Coast Lile and Daily Pilot December 31 1980 -OUTLOOK 81 5 ARE YOU A volatile money market demands constant W ~ attention, knowledge of economic trends and a C''" 111N keen sense of timing. Where you start and lf f · where you end det~rmi nes the poi~t of your 9 return. How did your YOUR PR FITS-. ~n~~~~~~:a~~~~r~80? High Yields with Stablllty Is the ult/mate, and attractive, goal In optimizing your investment dollars. 25 24 Trust Deed Investments 23 have an outstanding 22, performance record! 21 Can you afford not 20 to include Trust Deed ) 19 Investment Programs 18 in your portfolio? f 11 Our success at !z 1& Newport Equity Funds w 1s is your success. Proud ~ 14 of our track record, W a. 13 highly accredited Z 12 reputation and quality - of our clients, we have "' 11 w 10 handled over $80 million ~ in Trust Deed Invest-a: 9 ments during our tenure ~ a in business and no ~ 1 lender has ever lost a: e .pr~ncipal or -iRterest ~ s on their investment. ~ 4 We speclarize in Comparison of Money Market Instruments Jan.-Oct. 1980 , ~ . .. . ' .. -TRUST DEEDS(•) AVG. PRIME RATE PERFORMANCE --·CD'S (IOOI<) 3 MOS. : ---T-BIUS 26 WEEKS : ···-·MONEY MARKET FUNDS (b) ·--7 1\ / . ~ -7 "'-.! \ . -/ j', -/1 ~ ~· ,/-/, I : ~ / l T ~ / ,, / I /\ t ,... __ /, I , ' \ :~ , , ' , I \ _..-,__, , " \ - I , T. I • I \\ I , , ' I I :• - ~ . 1 r '" , ... I ;----,_ .......... '' • I \', I ,, • I \' ' , . I I '~~ //, , ,.I • .__ ... .-' • ! .. _____ ', . ' :'" r---, _,-'' , , " / \ . .. '. I _, , I ' , ... , .. ., -~ \ .... ' I ,. \ -~· "'---J .. i., I " I I .:/ \ \/ '..'-·\ "' I I ·•· I I v ,, " \ r -... ,.! .... , ,, .... , _r_-.... ,. ... ' -. . ' ... ' .~. . ' ~ . •., , .. \. . • ........ J .. ' . --"-----. . ----• --\• , . JAN FEit MAR -'"aJ'R MAY -JUNE JOU •• XUG SEP OCT t I rt. SOURC(:· As reported in the Wall Street Journal COaS 8 prope teS (a) Based oq ~ewpbrt Equ1!,Y Funds· monthly average yields. substant1at1or;i on Ille. - Of Southern Call.fornia (b) Annuallz~ average rate of return aftere11penses for past30days on Memll Lynch Ready Assets Trust. lhe largest ol such funds Figures for Jan and pan of Feb not available. which offer stab ii ity I Copyright 1980 ' Chart may not be reproduced Wllhout perm1ss1on of Newport Equity Funds Inc security and high yields. for both individual and corporate investors. Call our investment counselors for answers on how our Trust Deed Investment Programs can benefit you. Table of Money Ma~et Instruments Jan to Oct 19'(1 Yiefds IOMO. HIGH LOW VARIANCE AVERAGE CD's (100K) 3 nionlh• 18 775 1025 12.02 T·BILLS 26w.ft 15 7 666 9 04 10.86 MONEY MARKET FUND(b) 24 03 4 98 1905 11.61 TRUaT maDS(a) 18.4 11.10 4 .3 11.aa ......................................................................................... com~ with PRIME RATE PEAFOf'MANCE 20 1088 912 14.61 -- Data from table derived lrom accompanying chOrt ~----·--- __ , __ _ -------- .Jte' ' -.. /RA AND KEOGH PLANS •CORPORA TE PENSION PROGRAMS •LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS •BANK TRUST DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS 'Neip]!!!_rf Eq_!iify_ 'F_M!lfls, Inc. ~ L1cens&d Broker Since 1971 • I• 2 Corpo,.te Plaza, Newport Beach, Calffomla 92660, 714!7fJ0.6060 ---~· --·-- -.----~-=--· --:-----~¥ 6 ~UTLOOK '81 -Supplement to Coast Lile and Daily Pilot, December 31. 1980 Newport Beach alters course By STEVE MARBLE Of* Delly pt ... S!Mf The course that Newport Beach has been following for the past two years was suddenly and decisively al.tered last April during the city's elections. In a landslide sweep, threer- newcomers to the City Council - Phil Maurer , J ohn Cox and Ruthelyn Plummer -were voted into power. . . .. ···· ......... . And t he thre e-way victory crumbled a no-growth council ma- jority that had been led by former m ayor Paul Ryckoff and coun - cilman Ray Williams ,. both who ended up distant losers in the con- test. IT WAS A FIERY, expensive and mud-filled race. Many of the -can· didates broke the $20.000 spending ntark while development firms such as the Koll Company and the Irvine Company inde pendently spent- thousands. It was generally acknowledged to be a fight between the no-growth and the pro-growth fa ctions that the pro-growth supporters won bands down. But predictions that an overnight building· boom would s pread through Newport did not materialize. The c hanges have come slowly. Some have been sub- tle. IN 1181, the city's number one headache continued to be traffic, a problem the old council tried to cure by throwing the brakes on de- velopment and reducing the amount of buildiq on vacant land. The new council, led by Mayor t.:~NST&ut:'!'ION of Pacific Coast Highway bridge in Newport Beach progressed m 1980. Industrial unit ten years old The Greater Irvine Industrial League (GIIL> celebrated its ten year anniversary in 1980. In OcJ,ober, 1970, a meeting of 16 concerned businessmen became a "steering committee for the forma· tion of the industrial association." They maintained that ''The Irvine Industrial Complex-was a com· munity of people with like interests, problems and goals, and that a co mmunity association was necessar y to protect industrial in· terests. solve community problems and to achieve common goals." The first formal meeting was held Jackie 'Heather, has been more council is a request from the Irvine at the Airporter Inn Hotel on Oct. favorable toward growth and has Company to allow more than a 20 20, and drew about 120 busi· r eceived assurances. from de· percent increase in building at nessmen. velopers that some road improve-Newport Center. Plans call for a As a result, more than 80 firms ments would be completed before 500-room hotel, several office high-agreed to participate in the forma· projects were started. " rise towers and additional cor· tion of an industrial association. Workers are now nearing the porate offices. From this meeting, committttS hallway point in construction of a fo r by-laws, board of directors new bn"doe to span the Newport AS IN PAST years. the threat ol in-e nominations, membership and Bay. The old four-lane bridge was creased commercial jet traffic at the d ud . f often cited as the city's worst traffic county airport has elected leaders in ues, st Y committees or zoning, bottleneck. Newport concerned. The coun cil. last transportation, and incorporation of THE NEW BRIDGE , when com -spring, set aside a $250.000 warchest the City of Irvine were establisbcsf. pleted. will completed, will have tobattleairportgrowth. On Nov. 18. 1970, the GIIL was in· seven lanes, a separate bike path and corporated. widened intersections on either side The airport fight promises to be a GILL's members hip responds en- of the bay. ' major issue in the coming year and, lhusiasttcally to any issue, project streamlining the SO-year-old Balboa likely, in the coming decade. or program, whether it is an appeal Island bridge, a project expected to for corporat.e letters lo Sacramento be completed by early spring. For the first time, some impor· on a transportation issue or On the growth side of the picture, tant steps in cleaning the Upper participation in general mem· council members approved a new Newport Bay were made in 1980. Ci· bership programs, he added. 440-room hotel over the objections ty. council and state officials re-"The organization's performance of no.-growth supporters. The Koll cently completed a S4 million "first· has created trust for members and Company hotel will be near the step" clean-up plan that has re· the community at large," according John Wayne Airport. (SeeNEWPORT•P•lelt) to Charles E. Cleminshaw, GIIL A big project still ahead for the charter president. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L-~~~~~~~~~~~- Hunting a Home or Investment . . • We enter your purchase housing guldelnea Into our DIRECTIONS computer and get an Immediate llstl~g of homes best fitting your needs. See the · 198l models at the new Sail Chevrolet. We offer distinctive styling and conservative luxury. Lease or purchase yours today! Where pro- fessionalism is fundamental. • We aend you a print-out of current Hating• wtth color photos and detailed brochures when available. In CalHomla we offer full service rental aaal.ta~e, with counselor• that are available to provlife complete Information. , -- Pu;chaM lnfonnatlon Furnished Free· of Charge or Obllglltlon "Putting you m ,,our plact ii our buline11" 3811-N South 8rl9'0I Swen SallCll AMt C8 U7CM 171411141-8111 .. .. " . /Pf' l~l!'f' ·-·~:--' ; ·. Columbia goes to Fashion Island Columbia Saviola will opesi its new Faahion Island office the fU"lt of the year. I FINANCE I It will be a beautiful and arcbitec· turally unique two-story buildinc on the corner of Santa Rosa and Newport Center Drive. In addition to a wide variety of high interest Charter Savinp...ac.. counts, the new facility will offer Charte r 5~ percent interest paying checking plans and a special Million Dollar home loan plan, de- signed especially for the Harbor real estate market. The new facility is a triangular 10,000-foot omce building featuring an exterior finish of import~d Carnelian granite and solar gray glass within black window mullions. The first floor main lobby will be furnished .,with custom mahogany cabinetry imported from South Am e rica and furniture designed and constructed in Italy. Carpeting and wa ll coverings were custom fabricated in and im- ported from England. A specially designed community room has been provided for use by community organizations complete with kitchen facilities and other ac- commodations . I • Bank experiences much growth Commerce Bank has experienced tremendous growth since its open- ing on Feb. 1, 1919, according lo Lance Blue, president. Assets ha ve grown from $12.3 million al the end of 19'19 to a cur- rent S30 million. In March of 1981 a new regional office will open in Buena Park. An application has been filed with the state for another regional office to be located in the South Coast Plaza Town Center area. ·'This project is at least a year awQy," Bl~tated. ' Commerce Bank recently ac- quir ed David T. Blankerbom .as vice chairman and chief executive officer. In Octobe r 1980 the Board of Directors declared a five percent stock di vidend for Its shareholders. Diversified brings financial security Di versified Financial Consul- tants, Inc . ls a group of n · perlenced, objective profesaionalJ. The staff bringJ_ tx~rtise from various disciplines in'Cluding tax, law fmancial plaMing, real estate and° banking. ...:.. The • fl rm •a purpose is to help clients ln ldentifyinl 1oala and " dealsninl strategies for acbievin1 .,. financial independence. The company works with in- '1ividuall, IRA and KEOGH plam, corporate pension and p~t abar- inl plana. Much of lts effort ls directed toward reducing clients' taxes and · developing approaches that cause inflation to work for the benefit of its clients. Headquarte red in Newport Beach, the corporation bas offices in Long Beach and San-Oieeo. Inv~ services in the~~~-.... lnaanclir plannlni. aecoiid trust deeds. investment quality sema Md to!nL wJt~lll•_._and real .Ute limited partnenblp1 areoftered. Dlverailled .Financial Conaul· (anti, •. ~ · meat of Real Eatate and I• a memb91' al tile latemaUGDal Al· eocta•· at Plnuetal Plaanen ud al Supplement to eo.t Life 8nd Daily Pilot, December 31, 1980 -OUTLOOK '81 7 Orange ~oast names olficer .. Richard F. Read bu been ap- pointed president and manacinc of. fleer al Oraqe Coast Savinp and Loan A.uodatioa. The annooncetuem wu made by Albert Antoyan, chairman of the board, at the savings apd loan's rib- bon cuttine and 1rand openine ceremonies fQr its new facilities at 1700 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. Mr. Read comes to Orange (;oast .Savings with 19 years expenence in the savin&s and loan industry. He baa formerly been with Stale MutuarSavings and Brentwood Sav- ings and Loan Assc>ciation. Sumitomo Bank shows growth Sumitomo Bank enjoyed growth in the first six monftis of 1980. All banks are forced to deal with riling interest rates and shortage of funds. In ·the first quarter of 1981, banks in general do not expect interesl rates to decline, ac·cording to spokesperson Elichi Motoshige. Sumitomo deals with these circumstances by offering the public spedal loans and accounts. Sumitomo transfe rs funds anywhere in the worlcj. . Sumitomo is located at 3420 Bristol St.reel in Costa ltf esa. Call 549'·9181. _. - 8 OUTLOOK '81 -Supplement to Coast Life and Daily Pilot. Dacember Jt , 1980 UCI anticipates student union By RICHAR D GREEN Of llM DAii' Pilot {t•ll U<; Irvine plans to open a long- a wa1ted student union, two new re- search buildings, additional student housing units and a new confe rence cente r_ ~uring the next school year . Add1t1onally. planning continues for a $10 million outpatient clinic. The UC Regents will examine the clinic proposal in January. Phase 1 of the student un ion, called University Center, moves toward it's scheduled completion in January of 1981 . The 30,000-square- foot building west of the Ad· ministration Building will include a bookstore, study lounge, recreation a r eas, conference rooms, office s pace for student organizations and facilities for food service. In later phases, an additiona l 9'.600 square feet of space will pro- vide room for a multipurpose area, more food service, and ice-cream parlor and a travel agency. Con~truction work is also pro- g ress1ng on the new Biological Sciences and a Phys ical Sciences buildings. Wo rk began Aug . 11 on the B~ological Sciences Building, which will be located between Steinhaus Hall and the UCI College of Medicine. Phase'one will consist of an 11 ,675-square-foot building to. be completed late next year . And construction began Aug. 18 on the new Physical Sciences Build - ing to be located behind the existing Ph.ys~cal Sciences Building. The building, to be completed in t he summer of 1981 , will be an in· .. • du.s~rial -type building with high ceilings that will permit t he con- struction and testing or large-scale scientific equipment. . The new student housing to open m Janua ry cons ists of 112 under- graduate apartment units . Eaoh un- it houses four s tudents. The two- bedroom apartments are in a com- plex betwee n the Medical Science buildings a nd the Biological Sciences Quadrangle Construction begins in Februa ry of 1981 for a 300-unit graduate s tu- dent apartment complex at• Verano P lace. The project should be com- pl<:!ted in the summer of 1982. O n e-hundred apartme nts for fac ulty are also now under con- struction south of the Engineering Building near South Circle Vi ew Drive. Still another project that is to open late in the 1981-82 school year is a University Conference Center. Its fi rst phase will contain a main dining room. three private dining. confe r e nce rooms, a lo unge - rec!?ption area , kitchen and dining patio. Later phases will include an auditorium. conference rooms, ad- d itional dining space and overnight rooms for visiting lecturers and scholars. While, the university's capital im- provement program seems to be go- ing full speed ahead, UCl's enroll· ment contiuues to hover around the 10,000-student mark. University of- ficials expect s tudent enrollment to stay at that level. WI HAYI IXCIU.IMT PIOPllTllS WI HAYJ~A •_IMJ. LQCAII01t __ _ WI HAVI CAPAILI. PIONSSIOMAL PllSOMNll. WI HAYI ATTIACTIYI llNT ALS COME VISIT US AND Sii POI YOUISll.FI JONE:S REALTY INC EST.1946 S~dali.a in Peninmla Pro~rtie1: ~WHEREiTnt-BECAN"t 2001 W. IALIOA l&.VD. r ----Ml'"'WPOl .. ""'ITw llACH...CALlf:.QIHIA U,••-----fi:ifTO --··--" . t --,_ ___ _ ST UDENTS CHAT in the social science plaza at UC Irvine. Zoning for Irvine Center appr oved By STEVE MARBLE Of II• O•tly P ilot Sl•fl ll wa!> predicted that t he 80s would be the payoff decade for the Irvine Company So far. that's the \\ay 1t 's been Ea rly this month. Irvine Cit , Council members a pproved zoning for the Irvine Col'T)pany 's proposed 480-acre Irvine Center. It ·s on this ··Golde n Triangle " s ite, formed by the ~anta Ana. San Diego and Laguna freeways, that the development firm 1s intending to build a s.100 million center . E arlier in the year . Irvine council membc>rs okayed plans for the first phase of the Ir vine Compa ny's nive'rsity Town Center . where it's est.i mated~one million square feet of offices and stores will be located later in the decade. The development firm also re· ce ived positive signals from the California Coas tal Commission this year on plans to build 2,000 dwelhng units and a pair of commercial ct'n ters 10 the coastal stretch between Corona del ~lar and Laguna Beach But in the case or the proposed coas t al develo pme nt . the Irvine Company has vastly reduced its dre:i ms in o rder to win appro,•al from state officials. Originally, the development firm ho pes to construct 12,000 dwelling units instead of the 2,000 it's now shooting for. .->fficials at the company say the 1980s will be a continuation of SeelRVINEonpage 17 ·~ JIM SLErv10f\JS IMPORTS ;",·':~~:·, ,4,'fl~1f-•' 1 I•111 l ,I'> '"i: f 1',f"\ 10.~t ',1\ {t~'l~1 )•1 1' fl', i)1t1 1 -Pam Springs ... a legendary resort where winter .II the best time of the year. Spor1dng-deaf .-acfton.fled days of • temls. swlrm'Wlg. or expbtng nature's wonders. Presenttng the newest chapter In the Pam Sptriga legend. St. Tropez Vias. a carefree WOltd of recreation and relaxo- tton In the heart of Pmn Sprtngs. St. Tropez Vias ... Mec:tterroneon ltylngl urounded by ~ mancured ~In the lhodowsot I08f1c mountan. Fcu ~ poal/IPCJ areas and two tur*8r\ right-lght9d chal•~_., *"'cam are orwtte torn. • prMJte~1ofr........_ SopNlftc:ot9d ftoorpb .. lkylght9d to welcome the deMrt IUf\ fea1ure pMJt9 pob/decb OY9ftootdl G I Supplement to Coest life end 09ily Pilot, December 31, 1980-OUTLOOK '81 9 TWO andlhree Beaoom Vias leasehold , 7 31 ~. Alefo Rood Palm Springs, CA 92262 111•> 3:zo.1a3 , •• -111._..-........ _,..._ -the"poctr.-rw---~ Ardf, at St. Trcipez ~realty to match the legend . that llPmn-- 10 OUTLOOK '81 -Supplement 10 Coast Lite and Daily Pilot. December 31. 1980 Dealer tel Is sa·ab story \ Joe Parkinson, saJes manager at Beacb Imports, Newport Beach, wants to let the public in on some of the industry's least-known besl values. "We're excited about the 1981 Peugeocs and Saabs," declared Joe. "These European luxury cars are in the middle price range of today's m a rket and yflt compete favorably with those higber-1)riced ears in terms of perlormance and stylfng,'' he added. Employees hold owner in esteem Hal Greene. O~'Tlt'r of llal Greene Chevrolet.. has been associated with the Chevrolet Compan}l since 1947 He started as a sales man and became a dealer in 1958. PrioF to the Chevrolet deC1 lersh1p now in San Clemente he had owned two othe rs . both in Southern Ca lifornia. Th e pres e nt loc a tio n was purchased on Sept. 15. 1976. Allbouch the American public is still not completely aware of these particular foreign models with the funny-l(Jlmcting names, the people at Beach lmpol'U think that in· creasing dollar consciousness is changing that. NEW BONDAS AWAIT shoppers at Honda Santa Ana. at 301 W. Warner Ave., Santa Ana. The dea lership was one of the first locations to deal ex· elusively in Hondu. · During his a ffili a tio n wi th Chevrolet. Mr. Gree ne has a lso owne d Porsche ·Audi. Lineoln- Merc ury, Mercedes-Renz. BMW and Mauta dealerships. all of which were successful. "He is held in high esteem by all of his employees, both past and pre sent," acrordinJ? to a spokesman RV rentals services European visitors Dale's RV R e ntals, Inc .. established in 1972, , services in· .. bound European clients who use their recreation vehicles for vaca· lionine. Dale Uuner, president, a former aerOIJ~ engineer, bas syslemiud lbe RV procram into a $2.5 million gross for U.. Air fares, •RV use, and travel spendables bave totaled in excess of $10 mlltion. ' "We expect our customen from Germany, Holland, En1land, Swilsertmd and other nations will grou tlU company $3.5 million in 1•1 ... be said. Dale's employs a muJU-lingual staff to aid clients and provides a ll&CANYON multi-lingual video cassette for vehicle check-out purposes. Each client is furnished with linens, coolrlng utensils, maps and campground directories. A unique program is the 'J'.ax S h e lter Private Purchase Leaseback of individually-owned RV's. Dales RV recently expanded its locations lo a fourth in Miami along with Los Angeles, San Francisco and Denver. . These vehicles are the new fuel- efficient, lightweight, all aluminum Lazy Due mini motorbomes 18-22 feet and bubble-top camping vans. All vehicles are purchased at fac· tory di~ invoice. Magnificent English Normandy estate located in prestigious, private community. overlooking golf course, lake & Newport Center oight lights. ~uality ~raftsmanship & every attention to detail are evident in this 6000 SQ. ft. residence compriMKLof- .-f.oJmalJiviag--&-dining -R>GmS. -family room. library.- billiard room, 5 bedrooms. A custom residence built by Valentine. $2,000,000 fee -------YMME~AL...,.-IMI ~----17141 644-6200 Sail Chev rolet reorganizes from ground up Reoronizatioo from the ground up is the central theme associated with Sail Chevrolet in Liguna Beach. Craig Ellsworth, general sales manager, describes the change as a "total house-cleaning to facilitate a fresh start." As th e key figure i n th ( dealership, Ellsworth h as ar e xtensive background in tht automotive indl.L'itry. Ser ving in Detroit in the Cbevr oiet Motor Division, be •.raveled extensivelf to manufactur-ing plants, district offices and . dealerships throughout lbe country, gatllering years of experience. In 1978 Ells worth joined a dealership in San Diego. working his way up from sales m an to n~t de - partmentsales manager. At this time he de.vetoped ex· pe rie nce in dea ling with com- mercial aceowtts. According lo Ellsworth. concern for customer service satisfaction is now being emphasized. ·'Our policy is lo telephone every customer two days after repairing his vehicle lo insure satisfaction ... he explained. ''The renovations experienced by Sail Chevrolet are meant lo benefit the customer," he concluded. WIJitIQaQ Galleries . .. Corporate Art Work Specialists F~ll Servi~e -6aJJer-y-----• Decorating Consultation • Wall Measuring and Hanging -------·---- Gallerle.s 35t5 East Coast Hwy. • CONM del ~r • C71•> 615-2471 , it' you lease a GTFtejephone with a Phone Mart connector. you can ~et it.repaired tree: When one of the phones in your home works and the other doesn't, chances are the trouble is in the phone -not in the tines. If you're sure the problem is in the phone. simply unplug it at the wall -not at the phone -and tak e Three .~.locations for phone repairs. ' -(CjijctfJr!. 77 Huntington Center Huntington Beach Hours 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday 0 a: <t I: ... 0 v l------_;,;;..._~-__;;;.-=:~--------r't1--:i-N TINGTON C.£.N IER EDINGER I-VF -- Sueplement to Coast Life and Daily Pilot. December 31 , 1980 -OUTLOOK '81 11 ''They fixed my phone thes&me day ... " it to the nearest GTE Phone Mart or General Telephone Convenience Center. Your phone wHI be fixed the same day. If your telephone isn 't equipped with a Phone Mart plug or if you need assistance for repairs. please call 611 . ' ·Free repair 1s provided only on General Telephone of California lease telephones l.?i i :a ~cme 10106 Adams Avenue Huntington Beach Hours 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday ......... Gener-I Telephone Convenience Center 480,.Mermald Street Laguna EW-,ch Hours 8:JO AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday 12 OUTLOOK '81 -Supplement to Coast Life and Dally P•lot December 31 19!\0 Saddleback college expansion wori't solve problems DONCHAPllAN Of ... .,...., N9t,.... A 13,SOO-square-foot structure will be built on Saddleback Community College's Mission Viejo campus in 1981, but it isn 't expected to solve the growing school 's classroom s pace problems. The problem of how to meet the needs ol increasing numbers or s tu- dents at Saddleback College is the key one racing di.strict trustees and - officials in the coming year. The school figures to remain California's fastest-growing com- munity college for the time being, based on a 15 percent increase in enrollment last fall. But severe restrictions on state finances have put the college in a squeeze. • The trustees retained a Newport Beach architectural firm to prepare plans for an $810,000 classroom and office facility to replace temporary structures on the Mission Viejo campus. · But, officials note , the area served by the college is going to continue to srow. College aides have proposed rev- enue generating uses for about 80 acres ol undeveloped land around the Mission Viejo campus. The proposals included allowing developers lo bufill homes, com- mercial facilitrer. anCT industrial plants on t.be leased college land. But truslees voted in July not to lease a 23-acre parce l to a de· veloper. 'Mle board majority con- tended that the district should bold on to the property and look for a better lease agreement. The trustees did double the size of t he college's North Campus in Irvine by purchasing for $900,000 another 20 acres of land from the Irvi ne Company. Officials have until November of ?982 to exercise their option lo buy another 60 acres or land adjacent to the campus near Oye r Road and Irvine Center Drive. Academically, officials are de- veloping programs that are geared toward needs or industry and busi· ness. The idea is to provide employers with "people they can hi re.'' an of· ficial said. Nearly 25,000 students attend classes at the Mission Viejo and Irvine campuses. ) Future holds coastal hotel boom By STEVE MA&BLE Of .... o.11, ~ .... SUtl The coming year -in fact, the coming decade -will bring to a head the Orange Coast's hotel boom, particularly in Newport Beach and Irvine. In a recent study prepared by city planners in Newport Beach, they outlined proposals for 11 new hotels in the Harbor and Irvine areas. The planners projected that would mean 6,130 new hotel rooms. IN NEWPORT BEACH, where City Council members this year ap· proved plans for a 440-room hotel near John Wayne Airport, there are a number of changes happeriing on the hotel scene. A 290-room family ms;a is bein& planned in the Newport Dunes aquatic park while Irvine Company officials are hoping to erect a high-rise, 500· room hotel on the west rim of Newport Center. Both plans should come up for approval in 1981. And several existing Newport hotels, including Newport Center 's Mar· riott Hotel. are bucking city okays to expan_d. In Irvine, two multi-story, SOO-room hotels are being planned near the county airport, not far from the cluster of hotels that includes tJie Sheraton Newport, the Reiistry and the Airporter. THREE HOTELS AllE envisioned as springing up at Irvine's future "Golden Triangle" shopping center. providing a total of 1,200 rooms. And the new breeding ground in hotels likely will be the now-vacant wilderness just south of Corona del Mar. In the planning stages for this area. two hotels with a total of 2,000 rooms, shown as complementing the planned national park that elected lawmakers are hoping will stretch from Corona del Mar to south Laguna Beach. And tn Costa Mesa, where the 400-room South Coast Plaza Hotel 1s loc · tated, there are plans for a 210-room hotel on Bristol Street near the San Diego Freeway. Acreaee at the Orange County Fairgrounds has been de· signaled as a future site for a hotel-motel complex. Rising enrol.lment, budget questions provide GWC with a challenging year • For the second straight year, increasing enrollment and an uncertain budeet future hu created new challenges for administration or Golden West Collete in Huntineton Beach. In the fall of 1980, 21,882 students were enrolled at the college -a 5.8 percent increase from the previous year, according to school orficials. . - Pilot announces survey results By JANET STEWARD S.-i.I S.Cti.t Writer NUrly 30 percent or Daily Pilot households have two full-time wage earners. according to a recent sur· vey or Daily Pilot s ubscribers . and 82 percent have part-time e mployees. Escalating costs in both housing and commuting have made these work decisions necessary, meaning great availability of applicants for businesses along the Orange Coast. Subscribers responding to the 1980 s urvey are younger, better- e d u ca t ed and wo rk in more t echnical, managerial and pro- fessional job categories tHan their counterparts in inland Orange County. 54.1 percent of responding readers are graduates with a tour- year college degree. An additional 424.6 percent hold junior colle1te diplomas . In additiOfl. nearly 17 percent bold masters degrees or doctorates. 87.8 percent of Daily Pilot readers own their own homes, and the me· dian a nnual income or survey respondents ·is $31 ,930. making the Orange Coast an affluent market area . Attracting qualified and highly s pecialized p ersonnel is made osier for local firms with the special JOBS magazines. to be published four times in 1981 on Feb. 25, Ahy Z1 , Aug. 26 and Nov. 4. Finding the right job is made easier for Daily Pilot subscribers by reading these timely magazines; the job search is made less hectic and time-consuming. MOSILIYS WEST OMCI...,_ OMCI fll• ITlll 'M08T OF 'ftlOSE enrolled are part-time students (17,238) but school officials note there also was a slight increase in the number or full-time pupils. . Alt.houch enrollment is climbing, College President Lee A. Stevens HY• the school's financial picture is unclear for 1981-82 becasue the state's surplus fund reportedly ls nmning dry. The colleae basically is funded tbrouih tu allocations, but since Proposition 13 passed the state also has used UMMSiHalill 'its budaetsurplus. · STEVENS SAID THAT planning curriculum without firm budget figures ~ the bl11est challenge facing the college administrators. He said three alternate budeets have bee.n proposed calling for ''minimal arowt.h • .no irowth, and eome-reductlorr. wo ~areer proeram1 -retreational leadership. and operating room technoloey -have been lndefinltely suspended. Four others -human services, security administration, instructional aide, and cooperative work aperience -may be reduced or suspended in the 1981-12 year becaUle of budget constraints, school officiall say. "We may not be able to continue to do everytbina we have done but whatever we do will be done well," Stevens said of the unclear budget pic- ture. "Golden West will remain a comprehensive community colleae ofrer· iaa ~al education, transfer education, developmental education, counseUac. student aervtcea Ind community services, ~even 1aid. '1'1111 YEA& TlfE colle1e i1 operating with a Sl9.2 million ceoeral fund bud1et. 18Cludecl ln that flpre wtU be110,000 toTund "innovative" approaches to teacblna. Stevens sald a new post, dean ot educatioaal developmen\, hu been formed to manaa• tbe idea. "Ovel' the lut several semett.en, 1 have been concerned that the col· Century 6204 Flies CHICK THl5I FIA TUllS: ......... ,....,._ • .,..._,., I ..... • ·~ ...... li.m'•'115 ............. . ......... , ....... .._ • ......... _. .. , ;o4C,... ... 0 te1• rt1aln itt momentum lD WI area <of inDoYative teacblna idea1~>:.:,:,_·--ll-~~--..11~••T ,._ ___ _.Slft.tDl.Dld • .A ldlo0l.11¥'k•maa said MW r.ehni•11e1 collht 1ndud1 • piideclme oteompu&erur vtdeo tQel. 8alDBI VOCATIONAL AND tranaler educ.U., UM col ... e alto of. fen a eocn--w .. Ml'Tlc.9 prGCl'UI ol Jectune, t.,U•Al"ll. n11111, rcmr..ta u•-..,. -~ atlo" emt. • qr, . .. n;orJr ·:- \ O\\'N 'DIE ~WST ATA Sl'll~TA1vrL\U4Y IAtWER TOl'iU , t;()S'n 'l'Ol'll t 'llOH'E: ~~l981 '1111WDEIUllRD NE\V 1981 ~ll1STi\i~G ~ri-;w 1981 GM~ADA1 --Ann11al Pereeutage Rate EXAMPLE OF FINANCING at l&IJ. Ca-"' Se•hnQ Poer Oo""'l'IY"""'1 C.uvt>aCA f 1Nnc.• Cft.ttqt- l cM•I P•y1n9nt 1611 ~ 7621 92 QeltflOCI Pat""'"' Pi.ct 'lS 1012 •I !Mntt>ty Poy""'ntt ~ tSI 99 ~nnuat ~c~ta.oe ~,., ~, .....,.._ ,,.,.,, , •• & l ;c,enw <M" AoorOV4!1d c,ect.1 19/J/ <iRANAl>A STOOi •• 1 .. T•• a LlcenM Are Not Included. EXAMPLE OF FINANCING at &@.77tilt C"'" Sell>"9 P>oo $ 119'> 00 ()o,.n P1yme•" $1111!>00 Ca,, fo.ICA 6000 ·"" u-lk.dTI-e thlly ~ple,:t)~ r •'Wll'« O>a•ge 1179 S2 Total Pattne1'11 8819 S) De•euf'CJ Payment Pr!>C4t t0761 4'1 "'Mof\lhly ............. • ... 119 Annuol Poo•Ct111Age Fltle :IO 77 ... Pl1.A:t f .t• & UC.l!f'IM on APOIOY'ld Creo1t 1980 Pinto Serl~ #240426 Cttllh ~llln11 l>ricto .• 14896.oo llown PaylMlll' . -0 - l'orT)'ooC'k . . 4896.00 '48 Monthly 1't1ymenlll@ 14411:1 Annwil Pt!lttnl,lllC'e Rn~ 111.00.1. fo'inanc:..-C:haf'l(e . . 0056.84 llc>f~ Payment l'riao . 6961.84 Plus Ta11 It l .icenae F:JCtra on Approved Cttdit w~ I I._ h 'tih'UI th\\'(, •rt"-'''1>*"-' \\httU.lttM\.T\uh,.• fl11, ljllUlll\ Ill II k ... ...-r l111UI lU.I 11111"• fu.'1.• nl rt ... 111w hth n~,1 "''"-'In ,, ... •111a..·ru1fou \\1th I uni \locur ( •HllJ.t_ilt\. ''"' ''IT"·r t.hn.·'"· of our •••l,l111•lin&1 lln'""' """''1"' n~l1•'1.~lwmual I""'''"'"""' rull lur u lhnll\°tl lhlll' tKtl~'. t ..... , 111 ltwlu\ ~ IH tluU'\\''n.· H\.'\'\'rl-.·11,·r '•Nl1h """"'to n11cl tlh."t.."llrofvuurdtoM.,· now~ ..,hll'1."n·h. .lu111,-.. l1.<"lk·k..lr. ,Ja.. Cll .. Ford l'n-..tcknl 4 Spn·cl :'>lu1111u l ShlR, 4 <"ylln<lcr, Sl.-d lldh.'fl Hillllul Tin.-~ lturi< unc l Pinion St.-crtr'fo(, :'>ltnl· • 144.t.=!."'~'" """' :~:~.~: """- , .. OUTLOOK '81 -Supptement to Coast Lile and Daily P1101, December 31 19RO Seniors push up . school enrollment By JODI CADENHEAD Of,.,. oa11, l"llet Staff Re tired seniors returning to school are expected to help push Coas tline Community College 's enrollment up lO percent this year. according to president Bernard Luskin. Already seniors make up 5,000 of the 25,000 students ·attending the SO· called "school without walls" based in Fountain Valley. Founded in 1976, the alternative campus Is sister school to Golden West and Orange Coast colleges. Students attend classes at 120 dif· ferent sites throughout the county, including high schools, office build· ings and nursing homes. The recent lea.sing of two elemen- tary schools,· Roblnwood in Hunt· ingt.on Beach and Mesa Verde in Costa Mesa, will help boost that number to 156 sites this spring, ac· cording to spokesman Jack Chap· pell. l· College enters · growth phase The Scheol of Bus iness and Management at Chapman College is entering a new phase of growth. ac· c·o rding to Dean Donal d R Booth. The ~chool 1s searching fo r five n<•\\ facult~ mem ber._, to augment thl' program that in cludes bac calaun•atc and MBA degeree~ Add1t10nal !>t a ffin g t~ Ot!CC~Sar) because of the rapid growth in enrollment The increased staffing should permit enrollments to rbe from 80 to 100 MBA students and from 300 to 350 undergraduate students. "Although we are expanding to permit orderly growth. our:. prin· cipal focus for the coming year will be to enhance the qualitative lis pccts of our programs." said Dean Booth. The School of Busi ness and Management is well known in the Orange County business community for its public service and research. Although details for the 1981-82 ~~have yet to be worked out, ~fficiats don't expect any major changes from the 1980-81 budget of $10 million. DOTS SIG NI FY locations of Coastline Community College classrooms . The annual Economic Forum brings internation ally known economists into a dialogue wit h local leaders. ""'--' - "Next year will be a year of con· solidation for us," said Chappell. "We 're going lo expand those services that already uisl in the community." Fall enrollment figures from 1980 were up 25 percent from the pre· vious year, accordin1 to Dean of Admissions John Buller. During 1981 enrollments are ex· peeled to increase only 10 percent, with most of the increase coming from seniors and working students returning to learn a new skill. Unlike other schools which must either sell or purchase property when faced with changing enroll· ments, Coastline is nol burdened with permanent buildings, s aid Chappell. Programs for seniors are expect· ed to be beefed up this year in Seal Beach and Garden Grove. In Hunt· ington Harbour classes in sailing, marine activity and boat salety will The best man -for-the-job maybe a woman rn RDBERTHRLF PenomelS.nlteol 1. A. -Of91199(;wllty •«--""1. llMMl•t•.W• 11e•-•.-c1e111t1 ·acc1unli•ps be added as well. Telecourse enrollments are ex· peeled to rise lo 6,000 after 4,000 stu· dents took classes by tefevision last year. according to Chappell. Included in the new television courses this spring will be classes in computers, law, short stories and pbotogra~y. O~cc11pationaJ training procrams In the area of construclipn and noor covering are expected lo be added to the spring curriculum, said Chap- pell. ORANGE~ MOBILE The Cente r fo r Economic Research will present a preview of its annual Economic Forecast for Orange County at a meeting of patrons at the Fluor Corporation headquartersonJan. 16. • Dr. Lawrence Roos. president of the Federal Reserve Banl< of St. Louis. will be the featured speaker. The center produces reports and studies on~-v11rious~aspect&-of lhe- Orange County economy. Copies of these studies are availa· ble at the school. 1981 ' COUMfY - HOMES Career women. bachelors. young marrieds. 'If you haven't considered a mobile home yet call us. Your dream of owning your own home could be a reality. . ...-.,_ -£,uit,-ma,il. JJomtl~ 554-7070 ---~ -·--· --· --·--~--..,._ -:=..:-:.-::.::-:=-:.;::---~';"':=::----·--------~ l A ( .. . . ' .. Supplement to Coast Life and Daily Pilot. December 31 1980 -OUTLOOK '8115 "When it comes to depth of technological know-how, and the ability to get the job done on time and within budget, · · .. Pluor.•s record is hard to match." -Financial World, March 15, 1980 -----~ Ftuor's record Is. hard to match. • Yet, we match It all the ttme, tn every form of energy-related ptanntno, engineering, construction and technology, all over the world. ' - we do It by obta(nlng the best people we can find, and making a great deal available to them. From "task force" management, to technological leadership, to inter-__ national spheres-of opportunity, no company can further your career like Fluor. . , consider Joining Fluor. You'll find both 1nt11n••""9 ~Design POii· tlons in structlWll, Piping, VWlll, •ectrlall, COlltrol Systems/ ~; addltlonaJ.':.""'•'lnl positions In COit SChedul· Ing, Project, Ploceu Ind ~are alSo ~vallable. , . . •I ' ...._ _________ _....... ____ ,__ .MJdlelsao ortve,Jcvlna,..cA.aXl.JO----------------------:ti An Eaual Opportunity Employer M/F/H/'/ .. ) ----~~ l 16 OUTLOOK '81·-Supplemel'lt 10 Coast Life ano Daily Pllol. December 31 1980 Huntington Beach officia·1s take far-reaching action for downtown ByBOBBAaKER . OI -Delly PIMl Matt Huntington Beach city officials ended years of indecision in £§80 by taking act.ion that will have far-reaching effects on the downtown part of the city. · . . The decision, if ultimately approved by the state Coastal Commtsston. opens the way for the development of six-story high rise buildin1s. PaoPONENTS. WHO DESI a ED even taller buildinp, have expressed cautious optimilm that thinp at lone Jut will &et moriD1 in the deteriorating downown in the vicinity of Paficic Coast Highway and Main Street. Tbey still note, however, that the action should have been taken a lot sooner under lhe belief lhat some of the major developments that have gone to neilhborint C!Omniunities cou)d have wound up in Huntincton Beach. But they still maintain ~ that the downtown can be converted into RUN'11NGTON BEACH pier juts out into ocean from old downtown ard~ - PAD.A.WALL .,~- """"'"''' "The Look Of The 80' s" ·. '80-IT-YCUSBF 'using 4'ur' ..... ltlp by ltlp •thod. EnioY the AP911 mmllli, PtaclM•t and (1 •fJl't ~ fabric.., WHnd wait. • Insulation and Amustic Properties • Minina WoH Preparation • Cleon Easy Installation • CcMn Even Problem Walls .•• ....,,,adkd ' 0 ASSES NOW FORMINGI Wtlll .-.,: ,.._ te dN111 faM bcls:1L0 "1d t.Mca .. t9 1CM"wldl,~_,1c'.,"t9_..Wll 1llt•t__..- an attractive area. one that Wlll no longer be a financial defi cit to the rest Of the city. . Sentiment is still prevalent against high rises among large. numt?ers.of residents who have heretofore fought a successful battle against .high m· tensity dev opment. • The d · to give high rises a chance doesn't mean that all the con- troversy h bee stilled. how~ver. DEBA E XPECTED to heat up in the coming year over what kind of buildings s d be constructed -hotels, restaurants, office buildings, theaters-and their location and open space requirements. The past year was again a tumultuous one for the city. A scandal broke out in February in a non-profit ~rganiiation set up to handle the city's f~ral job l{aining progra m. The former director is scheduled to stand trial on embezzlement charges. . . Also 1980 was the year that the City Council fired City Administrator Bud Belsito after a couple of previous tries. THE crrY COUNCIL members, who said Belsito did not provide in- nov ativeor strong leadership, appointed Finance Director Ben Arguello to fill the position on a temporary basis. Arguello ts a aow-keyea, non-excataoae manager and appears to have brought stability in the volatile city. Surprisingly. 1980 also seemed to bring the City Council members closer together. They continue to disagree but they do so as ladies and gentlemen un- der the le.adership of Mayor Ruth Bailey. THE ELEcnON IN APaJL to the City Council of Ruth Finley. Ron Pat- tinson and Jack Kelly also appeared to have a quieting effect. Meanwhile, the population boom that made Huntington Beach the fastest growing city in the nation during the 1960s and 1970s bas tapered off. 'The population is now estimated at 172.000 and is holding somewhat steady. Developable land has become a shrinking commodity, however, and a great deal of jockeying ~as been taking plac~ towards balancing residen· tial, comme rcial and industrial uses. LIKE OTHER CITIES, Huntington Beach faces an ever-tightening fin an· cia l squeeze. Property taxes are down, a Umit on government spending is in place and inflation is continuing to grind away. In efforts to offset some of the costs, offic\als have been considering expanding the boundaries of Central Park and turning a portion of it into revenue raising ventures. The proposal has met with a great deal of opposition from persons wishing to preserve its passive nature . . . . A determination on the eventual shape of the park 1s expected early an the new year. Park Cen~er Executive Suites Now you can move up to Orange County's most professional Executive Suites, less than a minute from the Santa Ana and Newport Freeways. With ·your .,ot9aslonafty ~rated odtc.a ~m~s: • fulMlme receptionist • per90nallnd telephone coverage • mall clatrlbutlon • fully fumlahed conference room • office equipment Including Xerox machine • paid ulllltle• (except telephone) • adclllonal MCretarlal .. rv1cea (at low coat) SIGN SIX MONTHS' RENTAL AGREEMENT GET LAST MONTH FREEi ~ .................. , for further Information C91: (714) 153-0137' --------- \.,..., . . -------· ._. RAMS ... from page 2 Anaheim City Manager William 0 . Talley's remark when the contrar t was s igned. Talley. who broke do wn his $829.620 figure, estimated the city would receive S467,000 or 20 percent of box suite revenues, whichever is gre ater : Sl67,040 from a Sl.25 seat· cleaning surcharge; 20 percent of the lease revenues plus 7.5 percent bf ticket sales at new Century Club, SlS,000; $60.000 from the 50.50 split of me mbership fees in the Stadium Club : and $116,000 from the new scoreboard syste m (advertising). The numbers m av sound minrl. bog gling, but ttiey only represent a s m a ll part of the overall picture. One source close to the Rams says the original figures have already doubled or't ripled in some cases. "The profi t 1s in the millions in Anaheim a nd over StO million in Or an ge County," confirmed t he source. who added the impact could have been greater if the Rams had been marketed properly ··Des pite the tea m 's apathy . though. it s till has been very s uc- cessful and caused bus inesses to boom es pecially in t he im- mediate surroundings of Anaheim Stadium " .,.--..._ Hctail and merchandising outlets s uch a~ Penney·~ and Sears. which have m arketing agreements. are reaµing th<: biggest rewards. not to mention the outlying restc.turants. As for the s tadium itself. the average Can he.ts spent SJ.40 above ticket and parking costs. Multiply that by 60.000 fans per 10 games and you re<.1ch a concession figure alone of $2,040,000 for the five-month NrL season. "There's no doubt in my mind the Rams ' arrival has creat ed a great dea l of tax revenue for the people due to the income of the Rams and the city." the source continued. "so that should be good." Good almost seems to be ·an un- derstatement her e. What the Rams have accomplished in this 11rea is incredible considering the amount of time Cone yea r> And to think some are suggesting Georgia might sell her piece of the cake . You've got lo be kidding. That would be like the city of Anaheim and Orange County trading the Rams for the casinos in Las Vegas. ·'They couldn't afford the loss.·' IRVINE ... from pagt 8 growth and building In frvine and a "wrapping up" of Newport Bea~h. The Irvine Company's last--big roundup in Ne wport likely will be its request for new development at Newpo~nler. Company offi cials hope to ~and the center by Z1 per- cent, including construction of a hotel and several high rise office towers. Beyond that, the Irvine Company is proposing several small residen- tial tracts in Newport it hopes to complete by tlte end of fhe decade. Supptemenl to Coast Life and Daily P1to1 December 31 1980 -OUTLOOK ·a1 17 • '.'CALIFO R~IA EDITION ' <:onvers 1on is availa b le o n 1979· 1981 Caprts. a!'i shown , and Mus tangs LMC Inc. offers the in expensive pack age at local Lincoln, Mercury dealers . Gilepnt@nterest IN FASHION ISLAND We invite you to do all of your ~king In the elegant environment of our new regional offlce In Fashion Island. You will ·receive the excellent. personal service our customers all over Southern California -have.-come...to expect. Plus.-we. are-offering unique pro9rams ~esign~d especially for Harbor area residents. BORROW UP TO $1 MILLION ~ If you plan to buy. sell or reflnance a' single family home. Columbia can now loan up to $1 million on flrst trust deeds. This Is a special program provided to meet the home buying needs of this very special community. Columbia is the only major financial Institution offering this Jumbo loan service. OPEN A CHARTER ACCOUNT Open a 5 r;,% checking account. or one of our many high Interest savings plans ~,during our Grand Opening. You'll receive a very speci~I free gift and Charter Account recognition with an its many advantages. ·-··--------~ ... ....-... --·· -------- ·. . ---...,.._ . --- STUDENTS WORK on the finer points of sailing in one of UC Irvine's sailboats. • UCI Medical Center opens new $12 million addition in Orange By GLENN SCO'n .. ...., .......... It started in 1903 in two upstairs bedrooms in a wooden house that became known u the Orange County Alms House. Today, the hospital is called the University of California, Irvine, Medical C.enter. And in 1981 -78 years after the Alms House began -a new $12 millioo wlnl of the boepital will be opened, adding 93,000 square feet of space ancl 114 beds. . THE OPENING OF THE six-level wing at the medical center in Orance ii ICbeduled for April and boepital officials are elated at the prwpeeta the new buildina brinp. llolpltal adlni.niltrator WlWam Gonzalez said lightheartedly that _the_new wing will pro.vide the cente~with~lta "flrlt-chunk of contem- porary accommodations" in a years. He noted that older buildings-of the former Oran.1e County HolpitaJ are adequate but "outmoded," and the new facility will pve the f acilitr a fresh look and a better _lootholdto attradpatienta.. ~ THE •EDICt\L CENTEa is in a unique situation in Orange County~~ university-owned hospital-ii both a public facility and a teacblq laboratory for the school's medical students. 1be center alaO has a contract with the county to provide services to the medically-indi1ent -thOle who can't afford to pay for the care. About 90 percent of the patients visiting the center this year don't pay their medical bills; Medi-cal, Medicaid or the county do. Fountain Valley leaders will continue conservatism in 1981 ._By PIDL SNEIDE aMAN OI .. C>Mly P>li.t ltaft . Fountain Valley officials will con· tinue lo steer their city on._a_cgn· servalive course in 1981. local ob· servers predict . That course apparently reflects the desire or most city residents to retain the quiet bedroom communi· ty character of this city of SS,000. Fountain Valley is known for its strict sign regulations and other pla nning restr ictions t hat have helped the cit y keep out swap meets, massage parlors and other .. adult" businesses. In mid-1980, .residents turned out in large num bers to protest a high· r ise planned for the central city. In the face or this.resistance. the de· veloper . Pacific Mutual Life Ins urance Company, withdre w its proposal for a 14-story office build· ing. Shortly afterward. the City Coun· cil announced it would stand by the loca l height limit of so feel (about three stories). Although new con- struction proposals may be sub- . m ilted for vacant central city parcels in 1981, no highrises a re lillely to be approved. Nearly all of the city's residential land is developed. but additional com mercial and industrial develop- ment is forecast. BASF closed its large video tape recorder plant in 1980, but the facility hs been taken over b)' ITI Cannon Electric. Thus. the city's Sl.S million redevelopment investment in this project is viewed as secure. City Ma nager Rober Vollmer s a id Fountain Valley 's major challenge in 1981 will be to maintain a balanced budget. He s aid the fis- cal review process will begin in January. adding that the city's ability to continue current service · levels will be determined during that evaluation. · Plans fo r a long-delayed senior citizen center in Founta in Valley will come before the City Council in J anuary. Vollmer 'said. If the project wins council ap- proval. construction of the center could begin in 1981. Still. under study is a proposed t~ird ~re station fo r the city to pro- vide improved se r vice for the burgeoning industrial area. which borders the Santa An a River. Construction of a cable television syste m serving Fountain Valley. Huntington Beach and Westminster a lso will continue in 1981. On the political front, the City Council will appoint a successor in early 1981 to Roger Stanton. who will move to the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Some campaign activity m ay s ur- face in late 1981, a s candidates pre- pare for the spring 1982 election. in which three council seats will be up for grabs. ITS NO SECaET either, that officiall for the medi~al center and tht_county have dtaureed over the amount of county subsidy. About"""' miWon worth of ataputed payments are belnl arbitrated. N. R. Davidson Since 1overnment-uailted medical proarams don't pay as well u private patients do, the center bu been in a perilous financial & A~sociates . ..situation. - ---Construction t'onsultants EllBA&KING ON A PIAN to atrenltben the financial status, Take Pleasure in Announcing l ,... partly by attractln1 more private patienta. hoepital officials see the the Relocation of Their · / new wing u an important part of their 1trate1Y to balance their New Offices budget. Another part of that strategy ii to reduce rates at the center. Specializing in: Poor people generally require more care than others because they Pre Develapme•t tllluetal Packap.1 don't leek help until tlrelr condition is wone, Gonulea said. and Accomdq Afplicadell ~---~ "'1'llUI, MTICI OE INFL\TED to cover the abnonDal expenses. at But olftdala know that to attract paJint patienta to the hoepttal -and to increue efficiency -the rates -,un m•t be competitive. 4301 Mac Arthur Boulevard · Gomale1 said the price of room and board at the apitaJ dropped Newport Beach, California from . to _, tht1 flleal l~· It "' the :flr:lll'llCWCUGllUD..LkBl&-_J~_J-------~!86'>------1+-----m:~~~itlit he iilii'i for another decreue next (714 ) 851·1390 ... I• I Budget cuts costly in schools By .IEKRY CLAUSEN Of Ille o.i1, ,., ... Si.ff Continuing declines in ·student enrollment and income resulted in distasteful actions by trust~s of Newport-Mesa Unified School Dis· trict in 1980 as they wrestled with a budget some' $2 million lower than the previous year. Those changes included budget cuts resulting in program dele- tions, staff layoffs and transporta· lion cuts. and portend eve.n larger problems facing trustees in 1981. Even1as 1980 draws to a close. trustees are worrying over plans for closing two schools in 1981 and up to nine ovet the next five years. In their long-range planning, the biggest concern is whether to squeeze seventh and eighth graders onto high school campuses and close larger numbers of elementary schools or to close at least one high school and close fewer lower-grade fa cilities. Budget cuts in 1980 created a stir when interscholastic .transportation funding was cut in half, raising the question of whether to continue CIF football, baseball and other ac· tivities. The year also saw 90 educators· positions eliminated, marking curtailments in elementary school nursing, remedial reading, music, physical education, counseling and othtir programs. It also saw the demolition of McNallyContinuationHi1hScbool. But it also signaled the opening of the new Back Bay High School facility (formerly Monte Vista School) as a continuation high school campus. The year produced 13 high school seniors capable of part.icipatin& in the National Merit Scholarships semi-finals and resulted in Newport -Beaeb!s Harbor Vie~ Eiementary School being chosen as a model school by the state. In the assessment team graclin1 that gained honors (or Harbor View, al l of the district 's schools participating in the state-funded School Improvement Procram (SIP l earned scores of 6 and 7 out of a possible 7. And trustees groping for ways to continue "quality education'' in a formerly "rich" district now plagued by money problems welcomed the formation of a new citizens group dedicated to raising funds to save programs that mi1ht otherwise be eliminated. Newport-Mesa Schools Founda- tion. a private organization com- posed of business leaders, parents and others is expected to make its first contribution toward preserving educational programs in 1981. The district, ,.wtSich beaan the year with about 19,200 students, down about 7 ,000 ~ver a 10-year- perlod, expects to see only 18,000 re- turning for classes in September or 1981, school officials project. With thab' decline will come declines in state-apportioned lncom.e and continuea grappling With dl"S· tasteful closures and s\alfing_cut.s. And whJle school oflicials contend with those problems. many of the (listrlct's 12th graders are tea\in1 .,.__ ____ __, Pt-Oudutel-teQ.Lli.ced Of.. the nrsj time lo gr•duate. Classes of 1981 at all lour dJatrict hl1h schools are the llrst to race the reaultl ol state Lesblatlon orderint a ll school dittridl to set minimum l levela at ae.ademJc competeney for ... ~~~~ ~ud~~: ·····~•P••••PP •~-· ••• •••••••llW>• "' .... _ ... ,.., 'll 1CUlll -OUTLOOK ·91 23 Supplement to Coast Lile and Daily Pilot. December 31 , 1980-OUTLOOK '81 19 Lusk Company takes cautious view One of Southern California's oldest and most respected builders is taking a cautious yet optimistic view of housing in 1981. ·'Three things are goinR to tell the story in '81," explains Mike West, vice preside'rft. "The interest rates will remain the major factor. but apparently availability or desirable homes and increasing prices will run a close second and third." West advises that ho mebuyers needn't opt for waiting if they're considering a home purchase, point- ing out that prices are only going to rise from here. and the days of low interest rates are gone. ''The key to predictin1 the future is in knowing what creative financ- ing is all about," said West. ··Despite what gloom economists predict, people will continue lo need good homes in good locations. Lusk has taken the steps to max- imize the positives. "We have good reason for being optimistic about '81. Lusk plans to continue offering its successfully teceived financing pro- grams in '81 with variations. For ·details on any Lusk com· munity call John D. Lusk & Son, 557-8220. . NEWPORT •.. .._. . froaipagd ceived assurances of being at least partially funded by the state. Meanwhile, stale Fish and Game officials are putting t.be finishing touches on a $700,000 bay dred(ing project. The dredging is expected to begin by February. A major hurdle the city is still hoping to clear is the state- mandated Local Coastal Plan. City planners recently finished up the land-use phase of the plan and now a re awaiting word from state Coastal Commissioners on whether the coast plan is acceptable. SINCE 1926 'MG AMITSUBISHI® I"& " ELECTRIC IM To.• ._., IMn offetecl .._.., pro .. ch .ct 1enlce1 to tlte city of ......... °" 1 .. cll •d .. ra••1•••ar1 w ............. 11 .. ,... ................ 1oc ................. ... ..... 0 ...... -....tee.,. ...... w. wll .................. ,. ........ ..., ..... ... .. ,,..._ ... ._dmdMlllA•--.a..tof• .. . ow ..,TV & Am.IAMCIS md SBYtCI 11 .t LOW ,.ICISt COME SEE US! bl+--l=ON Microwave Oven AUDIO SYSTEM VIDEO SCAN SYSTEM VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER MGA COLOR TELEVISION WM4ti 'J EN N·AI R CRill-RANGE General Electric HOME APPUANC.ES ---.... perFormance· TELEVISION t WIHOT TOSClil! .. --~ 20 OUTLOOK '81 -Supplemenl lo Coast Lite and Daily Pilot. December 31 . 1980 Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley schools face money problems Declining enrollment and uncertain rinance.s will continue to plague the three elementary school districts serving Huntington Beach and Foun· tain Valley du.ring llJ&l. But officialJ in the Ocean View. HuntinJ1,on Beach City and Fountain Valley school districts remain confident that the quality of basic education can be maintained. "1be greatest challenges we'll be facing by far are the limited budget and the continuing decline in enrollment," explained Dr. Lawrence Kemper, superintend~nt of the Huntington Beach City School District. ENCOMPASSING THE SOUTHEAST portion of the city, the district currently operates nine K-5 schools, three 6-8 middle schools and one special education school <Clapp). Kemper said the district will lose about 300 students next year, bring. ing enrollment to about 6,500. In addition, the district's reserve funds are exhausted. As a result, two K -5 schools are expected to be closed for the 1981·82 term. KEMPER SAID TEST scores are improving in most basic education subjects. He said tests showed some weakness in spelling skills, resulting in added emphuis on this subject. He said an advisory committee will soon make recommendations re· garding program changes or cuts for the coming year. In the Ocean View Scbool District, Superintendent Dale Coogan said the short-term financial ouUook is stable. "We're in relatively good shape this year and next because we have a multi-year agreement with our employees," he said. "But since Proposi- tion 13, school districts are uncertain about state funding from year to year." OCEAN VIEW OPERATES 10 K-8 and 13 K-6 schools. primarily in north Huntinctoo Beach. A loss of 400 students Is projected at the end of the current term, bring· ing the 81-82 enrollment to about 11,000. The district is planning no school closures, however. Ocean View recently sold a 6.7-acre parcel at Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue for $3.1 million. Interest on these funds will pay for main· tenance or the district's schools. ON AN ACADEMIC LEVEL, Ocean View students recently produced l~eir highest scores ever on California Assessement Program tests. One m-.lor challenge wi1l be meeting state bilingual education require· ments. The district has 500 foreign-speaking students using 22 languages - Find out how you can purchase a new Camper Van or Mini·Motorhome at an approximate net cost to you of $100 per month. However, with the leverage of double declining depreciation ~pa thy i11vestment tax credit, you could be able to write~off up to $200 per month on your 1981 income taxes! (You can even use your RV free. if you wish.) -RUT;t;~:i;:··"·· todoy! 11111 15092 Harvard Avenue, Irvine, Cajifornia 92714 Telephone (714)559-4446 . , Locationi 1n Lot Angeiu • S.11 Franc1aco • Otnvtr • M1•m1 inciuding Hmong, a Laotian dialect s poken by SS Ocean View youngsters. In _the ~<?untain Valley S<;h?OI Di~trict, the major challenge in 1981 will be m~ta1rung program efficiency m the wake of declining enrollment, Superintendent Glenn Hardy said l:fe said i~p~ovement of the upper grade level curnculum will be given spec1a1attention1n 1981. DISTRICT T~USTEES HA VE stated that there will be no grouping changes, such primary and middle schools or K.6/K·8 pairings, during the 1981 ·82 term. Fountain Valley operates 17 schools, including a special education facility (Plavan) and a pilot middle sc hool <Bushard). Currently, the dis: trict is considering closure of one or two schools at the end of this term. Enrollment will dip\<> about 7,300 students in 81·82. Fewer Huntington Beach High School seniors to graduate in upcoming year ~ Tougher graduation require- ments. deadlocked contract talks with teachers, and projected cut· backs in educational programs of- fer controversy and difficult de· cisions for officials of the Hunt· ington Beach Union High School District in 1981. Keith Hartwig, director of re· search and evaluation for the dis· lrict\ says it is anticipated that fewer seniors will graduate in 1981 than in past years because or state. mandated proficiency exa~s. BEGINNING IN 1181, seniors must pass exams in writing, read· Ing, mathematics and language to get a diploffia. ln addition, the StU· dents Jltill must gather four years worth or class cfedit.S to graauate. The district set up the proficiency exams four years ago when the Ha rt Act was passed by the Legislature, Hartwig said. HARTWIG SAID THAT nearly one·tttird of the system's 4,500 stu· dents have not passed the four ex· ams yet. He said the students are given the opportunity to pass the tests in their junior year or anytime during their senior year He said special remediation sessions are set up to help students pass the tests and that classroom instruct.ion is geared to teach the proficien<.")t skills. ~ 0AL1110UGH NUMEROUS remin- ders or the new requirements have been sent home, Hartwig said the district expects some parents to protest when their children pass See SCHOOL on page ZS ARE YOU UNDEREMPLOYED . TRAPPED IN A JOB WHICH tsN·r ADVANCING YOUR CAREER OR COMPENSATING YOU DOLLAR.WISE? IT'S Tl.ME TO MOVE UPI THE INSTITUTE can help you accelerate your advancement, the way we've helped countless PJlo.Qle In.a variety of career lletds. Our com· prehensive, one day semifiarslare designed to enhance the prolesslonal experience you already possess. Give yourself the COMPETITIVE EDGE with tect"lnlques that REALLY WORK I •GOAL SEIT/NG FOR CAREER •HOW TO ESTABLISH YOUR CHANGES CREDIBILITY ANO AUTHORITY • WHEN TO CHANGE JOBS •USING PS't'CHOLOGY TO CONTROL THE INTERVIEW ... RIGHT FROM rHE START •STRATEGIES OF SALARY ANO BENEFITS NEGOTIATION • ROLE PLAYING WORKSHOP UNDEAEMPLOYEoa WORKSHOPS Saturday, January 31, 1981 Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach 9:00 A.M. · 4:30 P.M. Satutday, Febnwy 21. 1981 Loc.tlon and Time ro be Announced Fee:-$(3.00 . THE INSTITUTE continually monltora and researches new Ideas. skllls and tecttnlqu ... You will be exp01ed to the latest trenda succetslully uaed In today'• Job marl(at. ---1-------t.11Wrf'tt1Y1rlfOITrtENTMAll. FEE FOR RESERVA riONs ro (714) 645-1238 The Institute Z787 Bria tot Str"t • Co~....._. Calj\Qrn,ta 1~ ,,, , • ~11\ " f I" \'I' I''\ 1•" ·. n,.---..,~· '1• 1QA/l1 0UTLOOK '81 23 Supplement to Coast Lile and Dally Pilot. Decemoer 31. 1980 -OUTLOOK '81 21 OCTD officials look ahead .to more riders in.1981 By GLENN SCO'IT Of tN o.ilf ~1Mt Suff Officials who are planning the ruture or the Orange County Transit District will have something in commOI\ next year with the people who dri-9.e the-district buses they'll both be looking well down the _road. More passengers will be carried on more buses than ever in Orange County in 1981 as programs stepped up during gasoline shortages in 1979 gain momentum. Btn · THt; MOS'I' s1gn1h cant ac· com plishments nex\ year may be the inception of long-range planning e fforts aimed at making mass transit a larger part or the county's transportation picture. Buses were nothing more than step-children to the automobile in Orange County before gas supplies ebbed in the spring of 1979. SUDDENLY AWARE OF the ef. feet of insufficient supplies, district officials ordered 175 new buses. Those buses appeared on Orange County streets in ·the summer of 1980. giving the district a fleet of 497 buses. Passengers took about 26 million rides on ocro bu~es in the fiscal year that ended on June 30 this year. Officials estimate that the total rides will increase as much as 31 percent in the fiscal year ending in June 1981. THE NEW BUSES ALLOW more routes and require more overhead costs, so operating costs are expect- ed to go up dramatically from $35.6 PS-a new community opens A grand opening is currently under wa y at St . Tropez Villas. a new swim .and tennis comll'iunity in downtown Palm Springs. The leisure-oriented comm.unity offers 64 condominium,lownhomes grouped around pools and spas. million to S54.3 million -an in· uease ol about 57 percent. This is the growth period for the lO ·year-old trans it dis trict as le aders try to reach a level of service that can handle the mass transportation needs of the county's 1. 9 million people. PLANNERS DON'T EXPECT mass transportation will overtake the automobile in importance. Far from it. in fact. since as much as 95 percent of all trips still are expect· ed to be by car. ; liut district officials still have plenty of projects they're interested in undertaking in 1981. A Dial:A· Hide system started this year offer· ing direct rides to destinations, and back. will be operating throughout the county when south count)t com- m unities get ser vice in July. PLANS WILL CONTINUE on <le- velopment of several covered bus transfer c·enters. including a central buddinR capable of handling 19 buses at a location adjacent to the southern edge of the Santa Ana Ci vi<.· Center. 1'hose will be the easy projects. though. compared with the am· bilious -and expensive -program scheduled ror consideration by the district Board of Directors in February THIS-PROJECT, WITH a $2 t»llion price tag.~aimed at solving shortages not cW gasoline but of freeways Studies completed by dis· tr1ct planners this year led to con- clusions that commuters in 1995 will be mired in worse traffic congestion unless new methods of transporta· tion ~e developed. ~· paying high taxes! GIV·E YOURSEI:F 1\ TAX BRAKE.! If~ ou art> t>mpln~ l'd in a joh "hich dot'' nol 2h t pt>n,ion ht>nl'fil' . . . open an I RA account. 1. Whl.'n ~\Ill l'l'llll' :ind \\lth<lr;I\\ ft11Hk ra\ ta\ int hl' hr;1d.cl 111 ~11ur 1nl'1'rn"· I I 11 \; pr o hahl.' a m11d1 hm cr hrad.l'l than 111 ~tiur 1.·:irt1tn~ ~ l':tr'. Kesusenls enjoy outstanding amenities such as sunken. night· lighted championship tennis courts. Private pati06 apd,"or decks over-" • look pool areas and provide a · -- pleasurable atmosphere. Ir ~ ou art> \tff-tmplo~ cd in a hu,ine"""- • pmf ~'lion or '""ice . . . STOP al l .a2una Ftdtral hthtttn NOW imd Oectmber .H tu OPEN rnur KEOGH acrount ro; 1980. Or•~N .,; IRA account up to April I~. 1981. Add to tilhtr 11\- 'htlltr 11ccount until April I~ ... GO into 1 "'t'll·pl•nntd proRr•m for ~our rtlirtmtnl ~c·11r,-1md put • hrakt on hiRh Int\! St. Tropez Villas presents a seltt· tion of versatile floor plan designs in two· and three-bedroom arrange- ments. - Each home ls fully equipped for the ultimate in convenience. Forced air cooling and heating. smoke detectors, pre-wiring for security system. indoor laundry area and wall-~waJl e•rpeting are offered. Elegance and style are em- phasiied. from ceramic tile entries and sunken llvinl rooms to the mir- rored wet bar and skylighted stairwells. Goarna'titchens' ~ deh1n appliances. a microwave oven. trash compactor, luminous ceillnp • · optn aj)< H)( a I acrnunt. I I k~Nt up tn 15' 1 (II ~ 11\11 annual ,;dar~ .111 S 1500. "h1d1c\ n j, k" ;1 ma1 ricc.J rnupk "ith onl~ nnl' inl'timl.' ma~ <lqio,11 11p IO SI 750 in a hi~h--l·;11 nin~• I a~una h ·dcral fl'l'lll (.'l'rlifil'itll.' fl10\\ 10,llh.'d f(l $100,000). .2. I k dur t t Ill· arn1Hint 111 ~ riut ·dcp11,it. anJ 11111:rl''t. Imm ~0111 ta\tthk lnl'<llllL' thr. ~l·1i1 . MLaOA aMNCH IOO lMl Bllboe BouMnrd, 9alboe, CA tlll1 (114) ln-m1 Addftlonal off~ In ·. and ceramic tile countertopl. Baths are lavish, with marble ccsuntertdP81 ceaandt ti~batha and--· showers"'° cmtom tube. Laguna e .. ch ... 494-75' 1 • 1taguna Hiiis .... 511-SH>O • Belmont Shore . .J!!..3J ... 431--.-.,~IM2.-..tr------t ______ ,.. ~ ·'""· ·--~Elli...,,..t .. 9,..ltt1 Muttltli ..... ~........ • Many other features are offered. Furnished models may be seen from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 131 Eut Alejo ao.ct. For more Information calf f 714) 3»748. Lagun1Niguel. .. 41tr1201 • OllY9/0ran09 ... 911-MOO • Balboalsland •.....•... 87$-3212 Glen Avon .•...• 811-0111 I I·RVINE'S NEWFST FINANCIAL CITIZEN PAYS SIMPLE INTDlfST PASSBOOK ACCOllN"fS Jnteresf is compounded daily, credited quarterly and earns from the date of deposit to date of withdrawal. NO MINIMUM NO TERM NO PENALTY THRIFf-BY~~ .. FREE TRANSFER OF~ • Real Estate Loans • Personal. Loans • Automobile and Furniture Loans I' • Business Loans • Loans on Stocks, Bonds and ' other Securities • Time Sales Financing • Free Notary Service --~~--.... --·· .1 \, DANA POINT HA&BOa BASllS in tbe sun of lbe soulbem Orange Coast. ~ j~ San CJemente.,growing rapidl ·~ By STEVE MITCHELL Ot tlle o.llr ...... SYft The _emphasis.in San Clemente in 1981 is planning for the expected growth in the seaside village, where four major ranches in the city's back country are In various stages of planning and development. The consensus at City Hall is that if a ll four ranches are allowed lo de- velop as they are currently planned, the rest of the city will suffer severe financial problems. The mostly-freshman City Coun- cil is tackling the task of planning for the city's future In an energetic fashion, and is in th~ midst of pre- parin,g a growth management plan to serve as a sort of ''blueprint" for San Clemente. A recently completed study by the city .draws sever al conclusiqns about San Clemente 's future, in· eluding: . -It is likely, although not cer- tain, that San Clemente will ex- perjsnce. Cioandal ll.COl>Jcms_ should ---tile ranches inland or the San Diego Freeway be allowed to build out as presently planned Th<' city Is not now doing :uiy effective advance pllinn1ng 1----· --.iz...tretelJfl!J1tl'""1rnot oang any effeclive redevelopment planning, which is necessary in \he older sec· lions of town. ;-, The city dOff pot b1ve et)OUlh planners and' engineers to properly review development plans. Citl'. r.Jao.a&u Ge.orae Caravalho. said many of San Clemente's pre· sent problems are a result of lack of planning -knee-jerk planning that has historically plagued the city and led lo political unrest.. the past hair dozen years. With a growth management plan. the city will have the proper tools by which lo gauge development, and be able to head off potential problems. With the "future" plan, city of· ficials can address problems of traf- fic congestion, pollution. energy consumption and issues such as fu\ure city tax base and employ- m enl opportunities. And. Ca~lho hopes, the plan will end the years or bickering between pro-growth and no-growth advocates in San Clemente. The political wars have resulted in the recall of thre<> council mem- bers. the attempted recaU--Ol three more. and more city elections in the past three years than any c1tilen c an rt'asonnbly e xpect to 11articipate in . With a growth ma a emcnt plan. actions "Can see in black and white tht.' results of future ptann\ng 3nd. it is hoped. work' together to ktep 6-4) Cle~~ • sea&!de vU.Laece of -~..-.~c;u..~~ -- Southern county school districts form special education unit By JOHN NEEDHAM Olti.0.11,~l ... $1 .. f In 1980 Capistrano Unified School District board members approved plans to form a consortium with the Saddleback Valley School and Laguna Beach Unified School Dis- trict to administer area special education programs. Don McNeff, director of special education for the Capistrano district, recently s3.ld formation of the con- sortium would allow th"e school dis- tricts lo plan their special education programs on a regional basis. Looking at the expanding demand for such services and the ever- shrinking amounts of aid from state and feder al sources, district ad- m inistrators want to insure that special education is not placed on the back bun,er. · If the Ci}tkstrano district joins the consortium, and comments from board members indicate it will, the districts would join the California Master Plan for Special Education. Districts adopting the master plan receive special education funds by the class rather than on average daily attendance figures. In addition, the master plan state reimbursement. for transportation is 80percentoft.he actual costs. Since 1979 the Capistrano district haa been allowed to impose developer fees for new school buildings in unin· corp(>rated areas. Two-thirds of the district's land area falls in unin- corporated county land. · But the district still faces acute problem by installing portable tem- porary classrooms on school cam- puses. Double sessions are planned if the problem is not alleviated by funds from Sacramento. Meanwhile, CUSD continues to be the fastest growing school district in Orange County at a time when shrinking enrollments are forcing other dis tricts to close schools. School board-teacher relations over what is considered by the teachers lo be a miserly salary in- crease for the 1980-82 school year!> continue to be un easy. Teachers were granted a nine per- cent increase for-each of the two years of the contract , with a deOator clause included to allow the district to"' decrease t he pay hike to seven per cent in the second year of the con· tract if expected state funds are not received. The seven percent raise would then be opened for renegotia- tion. Teachers cite the inflation rate a~ the reason they need more s ubstan· tial raises in the future. However, ad- ministrators say that since Prop. 13 ·there has been no money for teacher salaries. and state bailout funds arc drying up. But despite problems· of enough space and shortages of money. dis· trict pupils continue to excel in their classes. In recent tests conducted by California Assessment Program of- ficials, students scored in the lop fifth of all students state-wide. shortages ot classroom space for its Phil Grignon. assistant supcri nten · pupils. CUSD has the land for new dent for instruction, said seniors school sites, but no money for con-ranked especially high. scorine in the st.ruction of new buildings available. top ten percent of all California Th~;:~;s~~=i:::~eives award The Greater Irvine Industrial League's <GIIL> charter president Charles E. Cleminshaw is the recent recipient of the Orange County Press Club's 1980 ~adlines Award for Community Service. · Cleminshaw serves on the GIIL board of directors and is president of Irvine Housing Opportunities~Jnc. ,. He was honored' as a business lead~ who serves the community through helping tcr-pro'[.ide housif\M-for low income famili~. seniors<tam:I retiTed citizens. First time home buyers get help Directions, a property marketing firm, has introduced a new home share investment program that helps first time buyers get their foot in th.e door. The home purchase plan offered is EQUl·SHARE -a program that }>rings prospective buyers and in- vestoni togftber in the formation of property purchase partnei;ships. "High downs and high monthly mortgage payments have really put would-be home-buyers in a bind," says Directions President Jim Farley., "In some cases, you find buyers witb .down money-.who ean ·~ualify for monthly payments wrought by soaring interest r ates'" he said. "Then there are those who can qua lif for hi J>nmen...._ ....... ___ 1111 -don't have the down," hf' added. The EQUl-S HA RE Program hrlps rem~y buyer frustration by .I · oacc;u,ve. p&ao ot. .. .... ,..... __ _ ·-----~·-· Supplement to Coast Lile and Daily Pilot, Dec.ember 31 . 1980-OUTLOOK '81 23 N e"'7pOrt Datsun is better! We 're backing up our claim by inviting you to compare cars & dea lerships l7 City :10 f lighw!ly 011\un ~10 W.IQOll l>t•••• 22 City .,.,,.,.,.oH>uuoS-1Mut1• 27 Highway Co m e into Ne wport . Datsun 1md ma Irr the ultimate comparison. Drl11e one of the 1981 (}atsuns that appeals to l. you. Tallr with one of our sales professional• and He how eas)' it is to buy a Datsun a t Newport ' Datsun. Newport Datlun Is better, and we'd ltlre you to 1lw us th• chance to 1how you why. -- o~•wn 1IO 1'1 -7 LI City "4•c"«M<•Cooior<.I. 31 Highway We can't sllow you tl1e spirit at Newport Dats1m until yo11 rome in a11d (•xperience it. Wl1e11 you do, yo11 'II find a sta'ff of soles pt'r~onnel that wo11 't force you i11to a car you do11 't "''"'' m 111•ed. Tl11> feelitrg w1' 11111·1• 111 Newport n o 1su11, fur \'011 u11d\ijit1r 11eeds. is om• )''W It filu from tl1e """"""' >•t>u st1111 into 011r sl1owroom. 25 City Doewt l.li~""°"" .. 33 Highway After-Sale Service is as im- portant to us as the sale itself. Our service deport· ment is appro11ed for repoir by the Automobile Club of Southern California. We 1tri11e to maintain only the hi8hest standards, with well- trained m echanics who lrnow your car lilre a boolr. It's good to lrnow your new car '14•ill be talren care of with the same feelin8 you found when. you bought your car at Newport Datsun. 3 1 City 11ot1t•thNC•C-S1. •4 Highway ,,. ' . _, - j • I . ..... __ _ 24 OUTLOOK ·s1 -Supp1ement to Coast Ute and Dally Pilot. December 31 . 1980 -SAN CLEMENTi MUNICIPAL PIER EXTENDS into southern county sea. . ·-------- , accountants associated PERSONNEL SERVICE, INC. We have -the answers to your personnel needs ... permanent and temporary. Our specialty is providing quaJified personnel with skills in accounting, bookkeeping, finance and data processing Also, secretarial and aeneral office. ,,,. S..ta Aaa (UC) 547-7375 • ''° P1rkccn1tr Drive• Sui1e IOS Santa Ana, California 9270S ~ Im. (11•)~1 .. 136 •. Ll862 MacAnhur Blvd. •Suite42S Irvine, California 9271 ~ Fdfrloa (114) 731-436,l • 2"5 E. Chapm.n • Suite"'201 Fullerton, California 92631 Profeuiooal Coumelon _ UnconditioaaJ Ctient Ouannt ... for both FalD8DeOl Md TemporaiY~1 Carefully Scr•lled Appticanta Short or Lons-term Temporary Aaipmenu l«I• FRBE to Applkats ~~~-wr.~~ .... ,,,.,,p,,7'Mtptwria --- Orange County sued by city By JOHN NEEDHAM OllM D••lf ~119' St•ll / In 1980 San Juan Capislrano~ucd __ Orange County over action by l~ Board of Super visors approving res· idential development on a three· mi le stretch of county ridge lines In March supervisors, in a 4·0 voll' with Supervisor Harriett Wi eder absent. denied an a ppeal of a pre v ious Orange County Planning Commission approval of the 2.800· home Colin as de Capistrano develop· m ent In the hills adjacent to the city FOLWWINGJ.JP ON its promise. the city filed a lawsuit asking that a judge overturn the appro\.'al of the development proposal u ·s the city's belief that about 70 percent of the ridgeline would, in som~ way. be disturbed by construe· ti on orthe Colin as project. According lo the lawsuit. the de velopment proposal does not comply with the county general plan. and does not provide for s ubstahtial or even marginal preservation of the ridgeline. IT IS Al.SO ALLEGED in the ac· lion that more than SI 1.000 was con- tributed by the developers to the e lection campai g n of county super visors. The ridgeline is located outside of city limits, but within San Juan·s s phere of influence as determined by the county Local Agency Formation Commission. Under the development proposal backed by Campeau Corp. and Shea Homes. C\f\ estima ted 68 to 76 percent of the 19.000-foot ·long ridge line would be developed. The city's compromise plan calls for 32 percent of the r·idgeline to be de- veloped in a manne r that homes to be built would not be visible. More hear· 1ngs on the m atter are pending. In 1980 San Jua n also limited the a mount mobile ho~e pai:k owners could charge for space rent. and set up a Mobile Home Park Revi~w Com- m i ttec to oversee park operations. Following the November action by the City Council. no annual increase~ in excess of nine percent are allowed Park owners are limited to increases - based in the rise on the ConsumE' Price Index or the Ana heim·Lc Angeles area. Owners must als sh<>~ th<.1t the rise in the C Pl appll( to their operating costs. Thl• Mobile llomc P ark Rt:'vH" Committee is made up of two par tenants. t wo representatives of par owners a nd one cit y resident una filiated ~1th either ~roup Dl.TIES ot· THE C'O MMITit:t are' to investigate. hold hear1n~ and make recomme ndations to th City {:ouncil on issues, problem: and· leg1l!l ation relating to th oper ation and maintenance o mobile home parks . Looking ahe ad 10 1981 . Cit Ma nager James Mocalls said th most important issue facing Sa Juan is to be sure all developmtr complies with the general p\an th•, was adopted in 1974 Under San Juan's Growth Manage ment Program. no more than 400ne· residential units ar e allowed to b built each year. Currently there are six develo ment projects unde rway in the cit that when completed in five yea will add l.750new ho using units ..The most important thing we c: do in the next few years is to continc to implement our gene ral plan. Mocalis said ... The city is growing a fast rate. and the major proble racing us is coping with this growth U the plan is approved, and son method is created to raise all th money, a 24·mile rapid transit Iii running from business. districts Anaheim to Irvine could be ope ration by December 1988. Added commute r trains could operating on the Santa 'Fe railro tracks by June 1980 and the San Ana Freeway could be e xpanded two lanes and.repaved by June 1992 A bout 500 more buses would added to the fl eet p eriodical through 1995. when the county projected to have 2 6 million re dents. · · Thus, with record numbers buses rolling and projects tn might be deemed both great a1 s mall. James Reichert. gener manager of the district. says ne year will be important one "leadi us into the 80s, ·· • KOCE a.nnoances ne·w senes KOCE announced a new series specifically geared to Orange Coun- ty residents interested in the busl· • ness and economic trends of our rapidly developing county. Presented in an innovative dis- cussion format. "The Business Ex· change" premieres . 7:30 p.m. f'ri· day, January 23. . · Top Oranee County executives will exchange ideas, philosophies and predictions in this public busi· ness meeting; offering a fresh, can· did and unpredictable approach fo examining the issues. • · Consultants and financial analysts throuKhout CalifOmia will provide up-to-dale inforJl'a~ and forecasts on inflation. housing. go• ernment and industry . Moderator is Robert G. Heid< • who brings 25 years of business an broadcasting expertise to th series. "The Business Excbange .. is cu rently in the pre-production stage and is searching for talent in bu~ ness and industry who can help r· make it successful. Ideas for the series and names ' interest~ participants should t s ubmitted to the producer, B< Acosta at KOCE, 1S74-4 Golden We Street . Huntington Bea~t California. 92647. <714 > 897-0302 . .. Supplement to Coast U te and Daily Pilot, December 31 . 1980 -OUTLOOK '81 25 Costa Mesa looks to year of growth, filling vacant land and moving skyward By JERRY CLAUSEN homes and 71 multiple-family units as home builders faced increasing construction costs, high loan- in~erest rates and a dwindling sup- ply of residentially-zoned property. -·' struction project. And Pacific Federal tentatively was named deve loper ot the downtown redevelopment project dubbed Fidelity Block. OI tlle O.lly .. , .. St .. f The story or Costa Mesa in 1980 and the year to come well could be entitled the "Tale or the Towers" as the city begins filling i.n its remain- ing vacant land and moves toward the sky for comme rcial building space. On the one hand, a fiery lranian immigrant challenged City Hall in erecting a 32-root-high, red triangle- shaped al~air complete with waler cascading itown its rac.e. The case of Ali Roushan 's. prayer tdwer -e rected without proper permits, city officials claimed -_ moved into the courts at about the same time the Iranian proclaimed that freedom of the individual and free expression couldn't be sup- pressed in the land of the Constitu- tion. On the other hand, Costa Mesa farmers-turned-developers, such as the C.J. Segerstrom and Sons or- ganization, continued their plan to turn the north Costa Mesa skyline into a pint-size New York City. Moving with the blessings or a business-development oriented City Council, entrepreneurs took out ~rmits for more than $67 million worth of commercial and industrial construction during 1980 and sub- mitted plans for more than SlOO • million.more in high-rise projects to. beginin1981. Nearly completed at year's end are the two 15-story Segerstrom towers in the Town Center east of Bristol Strfft and north of the San Diego Freeway. On the drawing boards are plans for another Segerstrom project at Harbor Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue where two smaller towers are planned as the focal point of another seven -a c.r e offices - industrial center known as the "HarborGateway." Then, in December ·Segerstroms submitted plans for still another 15-story building, the Broadway de- partment store addition to South Coast Plaza. ..... As construction Opent!tt.:on tfie 15,5 ·million Southern -Ca lifornia Automobile Club's computer center at-SunflOWei' arur F'airvtew ""KOaa:- the city-+pproved first-phase master planning ror the giant 165· acre Sai'ioka Farms project east of Bristol and south of Sunflower. . -The project's first phase will see som e 596 residential units and thousands of feet of commercial buildings wipe out much of the re- mainln& large agricultural area in Costa Mesa over the next dec1tde. SCHOOL ... from pa1e ZO four years of school but do not .Wet a diploma next June becaae theyilave not puaed the proficiency exam\. District officials also are an- ticipatini teacher· protests over ~ stalled contract talks. The diatrict's 800 teachers have been workln1 ..,ithout a contract for the put four months. L ast October, bundrecla of teacben staled "alckouta" and c aJJed in ill in protest of the stalled talks. •-..---.,....-OOllMl'...nmJ•E..atekot!lt, t e ac'hiJW liOircl bu ctven SUperin- But city officials balked when it came to erecting tall buildings near residential areas south of the San Diego Freeway. They turned down a 14-story addi- tion to the Holiday Inn and said "no" to plans for a 13-story office building across Bristol Street from that pr.o- jecl proposal. While other-commercial and in- dustrial construction zoomed skyward, home construction dived to new depths. Permits were issued through No- vember on only 138 single-family. And as private enterprise laid plans for devouring Mesa's remain· ing bean fields in 1980, city officials continued with their plans to wipe out older-sections of the downtown area to accrue large parcels for re- development of comm er cial property. Old McNaJly High School fell to the bulldozer blades at 19th Street and Newport Boulevard to make way for a SlO million Pacific Federal Savings headquarters con- That project will U?vel most or a square block of old homes and busi- nesses to make way for a modem shopping area bordered by Newport and Harbor Boulevards, Park A venue and 19th Street. Work tentatively is to begin on that project late next year. In that same block, the city dedicated the new Casa Bella housing project which wiped out old struc- ~ MESA oo page 38 The - .... • Business I I IAIJ ..... I EX~1'ge I ... • • J ( . A KOCE-TV Pr'tiduction A lh·e h a lf-hour of rhe la l<."Sl <>ran~e county businC"ss news with top executh·es. consulla nrs. econon1is ts. a nd analys ts. 1~ridays 7:30 pm I tendent Frank Abbott "em~r1ency powen" to b1re 1Jubstitutes at the *w,.-or '85 ~b--" '""""._.' l 41 filen:, are~l\jre<S \9.. ~MP ...... -~"'UieA adiOO open~ .. • " .. 14......,.., ·......----. ..__ ·--------.,_,.......·-· .. .--····-....... -·--- . -26 OUTLOOK "81 -Suppi,tnent to Coast Life and Daily Pilot. December 31 . 1980 •. HUNTINGTO?!IUlEACH ABSORBS the pounding of incoming waves and contr9versy over ~own town redevelopment . <See story on page 16). , .,,-.. TAILORING ·Personal Service M I f -• ert-s,-Women's ----- custom toi lored suits •Expert alterations •Suede & Leather •Restyling •Exclusive Tailor of Pot Morley A. Miguel Sampablo A. MIGUEL'S TAILOR SHOP 3565-B E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, CA. 92625 Iii--------.--~ehlnd Pat Marl.tY~-5t.WLC.,__ __________ --.-- \ • ----·-----------· ...._ ...... . . -. Laguna schools under pressure By STEVE MITCHELL Of -Oaity Pltet Si.fl The Laguna Beach Unified School district is being assailed on three sides by economic restraints that have prompted short tempers and slashed budgets tbe past three years. The small, once wealthy school district was hit hard by the Serrano· Priest state Supreme Court decision that "equalizes" school districts, sharing funds from richer districts with poorer school districts. · A second setback for the five· school district was voter approval or Prop. 13, wbjch partially account· ed for more than $1 million being cut from the budget over a two-year period. And the district has suffered declining student enrollment - which means declining state aid - since 1976, with only 2,772 students enrolled this year as compared with 3,184 in 1976. . Added lo those problems is the current dispute over salaries being waged by teachers and ad· ministralors. The district's board or education is offering instructors a 4.S percent salary increase for the current school year, and 8 percent next year Honda dealer 'becomes la-rge Huntington Beach Honda was built with the expectation of being the largest Honda dealership in Orange County. . Since its opening as one of the first dealers d~igned specifically for Honda, the dealership has pro- jected a modem ima1e archite<:· turally and in business. HunuDl\00 Beach Honda, at 19232 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, sits on two and one-half acres and is complete with service and parts facilities. Owner Ed Smith oversees 30 em· phu'ees. includinl sales staff and factory-trained mechanics. Huntmcton Beach Honda a1ao bas finance and insurance offices. --For lDOl'finfbrrnitron a1iOUt ~Hoii da ·a 1981 ligeup, call Huntideton Beach Honda at 9G-1951. Barwick Datsun serves County Barwick Dataun baa resided lD south Oranse Comity for 11 yean. Since 1181 Gene Barwick baa aervecl. 11 V{: d President, and hll brother Ray ealer. -Tb• ftnt ftve years the chaltlnhip Wal located iD·Lafun• Beacll, ua for tbe lut eilbt yean bu bllD at 111$ Camlm Caplstruo ID Saa Juu Caplltrano. Selllnl Dataum uchaaively, CIDI _l.lnda a4'0d-aeleetlon ot nw •wen u reeatu.ed med can. Automobile· aervlclaa t1 also - available. -if the state financi~ does not change. Teachers are countering with an 8 percent demand for this year. and an increase next year tied to the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles/Long Beach area at that time. The two factions reached impasse in October and are currenUy un· dergoing fact finding lo settle the ~pule, which promises lo continue into the new year. But the ichool board is not sitting . idly by while rinancial problems continue to plague the system. Early thls year the trustees set up a non-profit organization called the Laguna Beach Education Founda· lion lo raise funds for school pro· - --..__. .. Supplement to Coast Lile and Daily Pilot. December 31 , 1980 -OUTLOOK '81 27 grams that otherwise would go un· funded. The educational foundation relies on support from government agen- cies, large corporations and dona· lions from individuals lo continue programs in the district. The tax-exempt entity is set up with the school board serving as trustees to consider proposals from an advisory committee comprised of 20 community representatives. It seeks funds through public and private foundations, corporations, government agencies, individuals through bequests and donations, civic clubs and organizations. alumni groups and the town's three art festivals. Funds expected to. be raised by - the pledging foundation would go toward athletic programs, the performing arts -very active 't Laguna Beach High School, fine arts and improvements lo or con· struction or facilities at the five campuses. The district expects early next year lo pursue other options that might be open, including the possi· ble closing of a school, sale of an 11-acre parcel in the Top ol the World neighborhood owned by the district, or sale of other district pro· perty. Despite the economic setbacks, the Laguna Beach district continues to outscore most other districts in the state in test results from the State Department or Education. - lance Blue is still President, .. -- -- -his admini.'\trativc: duties to Commerce Bank's newC.E.O.. Dave Blankenhorn ·n1e <lde::-gation of rt'sponsihilitil:s allows Lance: to spend more time out of the offo.:c: hdping CommL"n:dktnk cuSlrnncrs solve their financial needs. A-; an owne::-r, umce Blue knew that CommerceBank l'LL4itc>mers would be better .c;c;rw<l if he wc:rc: ahle 10 spend more tirne in their places o f business. But tt > at·cornplish this, Lt nee had to recruit the hank's Chief Executive Officer. ..J le cmhusiastkallv un<lemx>k the task. hecause as an owner he knew thts W( >uld he.lx:st for th~ customers of C<)mmerccBank. As you know, when you arc an owner, you do thinf.(S differently. That is the reason whyCommerceBank pridefully hoasts, "Ou.r ba~ker~ are..uwnt!rS:' At Com~rc~Bank,-our bankers have a \iC:o;ted iiicert'it -in your financial growth. Our new C.E.0 .1 Dave Blankenhorn1 ha<;· also become an owner: ~ r Rememht:r, ht:cause GommerceBank's bankers are owners, they are here to stay. That m~ns you can huild a stron~ lasting relationship and always have access to cJc:dsion-making hankers like lance Blue whose first concern is you. Call Lance, he wm1lcJ like to visit with you. U11Jike most other banks, Commt:.rc..-eBank's hankers have desire, and will travel. - - -i~2~ Ma<.:Anhur Hl\'d. { MacAnhur at Birch) Newport Beach, CA 92660 - Btnricll DataUD ii-!' lta 41 emolnw._mur GLwlllom ........ --H .,__-~;nw:w.-the company aiDee tu ta- (714) 5~6~ ----------1 1 Eac:h dt.jl(iisilur ln.~un."<.1 lO SI00.000 fanq . . Cu.tom•n ean curnatlt fla(I ·y.-.-.ad •PHl•la ind uecutlV. dfmOM\ratantwaa11: -·------·._..-....... -·· --........ .. - I J ---· .. _, ·. ... 28 OUTLOOK 81 -Supplement 10 Coasr Lile and Daily P1101 December 3t 1980 Laguna prays. for no reruns of last years hillslides (l,)u W<JljlfJJI • t..r ,,, /I I I II '" 1r,1 nLAl row; miv• ,,, rno11 Ir, b'· 1.0111'' ,,,, rt•;il t••,:;i,r· ,,,,,(, .... ,,,,. al• 1ti1·1 rJrt·• ECONOMICS, 1r1;m:il{l '11;11"""' 1m1 I P.'.li!t• valur··, and tu·lp 'I' " rJr>c1dc r,n a rcah• toe prier• MARKETING, lo 11:ac.h ;in•I .11 1rac1 qu<1l11led pro!:pcc;1:, FINANCE AND BANKING, to :,uggeo:,1 \he s1mples1. mn·J1 cco nom1r.al 1ypc of loan. locale lt'IC' lund!. and help mak<' lhc ar r rangemenls 9UStNESS M)MINISTRATION. 10 m1nim1l,ll 1ed tape and bong negol 1a11ons 10 a succes-;ful. sal · ·~f'tlflg_~~lll~Wl~ - Th inking about buying or selling relll estate? You'll be woy ahead 11 you work with a REAL TOR9. [H, REALTOR " Serving the Harbor · Area for over 50 years • ' e' NEWPORT HARBO COSTA MESA - ... ,,_ . ~. . . . . . . ~ \ I • ~· J.<.:. MEYER, gl<.1ssblower. makes equipment for UC lrv1.11e chem1strv de· p<1rtment · · The price you pay! ·--· --···--·- By 00~ CHAPMAN Of~. IM Oaoly Ptlol Sl•lf Residents and officials of the fina ncially !.trapped City of Laguna Beach are beginning the ne\\ year hoping <1ga1n~t hope that 1981 has no hillside dil>a!'lter!-1 in store. · With two major landslides <.lrarn rng m anpower and funds of the city over the p<i~t two years. Lagunan~ C'an ill afford the cost of a thrrd s lide In fact. the crty ~pent $845,000 from city fund~ to r estore a htll~tde rn Arch Beach lleighb . leaving S40.000 in reserve~ to las t untrl July 1981 All thts comes at a time when city offid<1I~ are expecting less money from the state. w~jch is ex· ha usting its surplus 0 )1eanwh1 le, the city is negotiating the sale of 6-0 acres of Svcamorc Hrlls property in an effort to reduce a S6 7 mt Ilion debt on the land. About Sl.500 per day interest 1s accruinJ.l on the debt on Sycamore llills. a 522 al'rc· parcel located be tween Lai:una C~nyon and El Toro Roads Off1cab of thl' Laguna lleal'h Fes tival Clf ·Ari!'. have :ib o t'>. llrl'SH·d rntc•rc'-l 111 Srcamorc· ll1l b ~l'-a po!-lstblc future home· fur thl· fr,t 1val The 11ff1t·wb rl'centh s<11d the\ arc exploring the poss1bi hty of mO\. in~ the ft·~t1 val and Pageant of thl' :'-1 a:.tcrs wh1•n their lease on th\· t•urrcnt fc•!'lll nil 11rounds expire~ rn 1990 CJty and fr1'ti\'al officials pl<1n to meet durin~ 1981 about the fut url' of the current ground~ Also figuring to take a big chunk of official time in 1981 is thc> c1t v's revision of its general plan · Ciltzens committees working on the first st a~e of the plan revision· ha ve s ubmitted re ports to a coordinating committee. After the doc ume nts arc re vjewed. the revised GENERAL Plan will be written, evaluated by of-, f icials and the public. a'ld im· plemented. · At the same time. the city is pre· paring·a local coastal program to repl-aee. Sla~ Coastal Commm ion--• jurisdiction in Laguna Beach. The problem or illegal rentals in the city is expected-tObt,..of conllnu· ing concern in 1981. Many residents consider the rent· ing of "guest houses" and rooms in hou~s zoned for single family use a <train on the city. They cite parking congestio~ and the cost or s uch city ser vices as police. fire and municipal upkeep as a good reason lo clear up illegal rentals in town. But many renters in the city say that d9ing so would rid Laguna Beach of many of its older citizens who depend an the bootleg units lo s urvive. ...., A..Ni., some residents say that clearing up the illegal units would drive out some lsegments of La- guna's diverse community. making the city a sterile town full o( upper __ --="'--1'" classnomeowners. -- - In a related matter, the council has requested that city officials recommend criteria for inspection of , property and penalties for building ~--=---~l!KS'-..vS>llilU>ns.JnchuUnJ..ille1t,y.."i!u.:.---.. --t ................. -~ ............. .. Newport leedt, l2M3 ~1."8~,§:1"~1& ,,b· ·r/~~' -4 ~" ' ua • .., ~ 1"0ff'll Jll tals. Those rerommendations are due early in 1981. ~ISO H~l to a community center. ---- ----- Supplement to Coast Lile and Daily Pilot Oecember 31 1980 -OUTLOOK 81 29 Newport Equity arranges_trust deed loans Jesuit traditions followed at U·.S.F. Trust deed investments offer high yields with a safe return on invest· ment. Offering the benefits of that type of investment is Newport Equity Funds, Inc., a mortgage brokerage firm specializint in arranlint trust deed loans and investments, secured by pride of ownership homes located in the Coastal re· giona ol Southern California. -Purchase money -fint and seconds. -Spin& loans. -Collateralloans. -First trust deed loam. -Discounted second tr'fJSt deed loans. -Commercial/industrial loans. -Bare lands loans. Length of notes vary from six months to five yeara. with the I a verage loan arranged for three years. Average investment is $50,000, but clients can invest as litttle as SS,000 or as much u $400,000. Sample of a $40,000 investment at 17 percent would earn S&.800 per year or $586.68 for a total profit of $20,400 on a $40,000 investment over a three-year note. Call 18M080. S ince 1855 wben it was ntablllbed, t.be University ol San Fraodlco bu irown with the city wboeeaameit bean. Tbe ~atioDal student body of more than '1,000 represents variom ieocrapbic aeetioDI ol tbe United St-. and more than '10 dil · ferent countries. The firm, a liceMed broker since 1971, baa handled more than t80 miUion in trust deed investments. and no lender bu ever lost his prin- cipal or interest on investment dur- ing tbat' period ol business, said a spokesperson. Cal Coastal and Heritage Banks merge Tbe Jesuit traditions of scbolanbip and dedication to \ht hum..utiea are the foundation for all academic s>rocrams at USF. Newport Equity arranges the following types of loans : Heritaae Bank recently celebrat- ed tbe opening of their sevendt branch in Orante County located at 4180 Barranca Parkway in Irvine. The Bank's Board of Directors -Homeowner equity loans. LINDA llA&GE'IT aBIASF.8 in office atmoapbere at Moaeley'a West, at 2205 Main St., SeacUff Vlllace. Huatinitoa Beach. Moesley'a West carries of· 'fice furniture and supplies. '*1 Aa aHfttl• "•'•Mic..,... ............ ta lite 8-chelor of Am """ a "'*' 1n APP·l:IEB ------_,.. ECONOMICS emphasizing Banking and Finance A new program designed for profeeeionals ~ing in banking. hnance and financial management. •Attend one 4·hour evening class each week for 15 months. • Do a reaerach project related to career objediYeS, •Apply tor college credit forwtiat has been l..-rl8d on the Jo&> . •Study at convenient locations thl~ Southern· C.lifornla. , ~ If you he"9 completed approximately two yean of college and •e Wiiiing to work Intensively tor 15 months. this progtam rrey be for "f:· 1nformit1on, contact the School of ContinUno EcM:ation. Un1ver1tty of San Francisco. 908 South Village Olks Ori1111, CcMna. CA 91724. Telephone (213) 915·7761 . ., USF(I) -- . ' bu ~ a ret10lution providiq for a twenty percent •tock dividend on the Bank's common stock to all sbarebolden of record on Jan. 1', 1881. Lititation institutff in connection with the proposed merger of California Coastal into and with Herit.ace bas been settled on amica· ble terms. The Board of Directors of both banks. have a1reed to amend the Merger Aereement. The ameOded agreement provides that each share of California Coastal be converted into Iba.res of Heritage Bank bavin1 a lradinl value of $11.52 bued on the me"1- bid and uk in NASDAQ..ltrices-lor a !9Ut w,11teh>eriod prtOr to the clo&e of tb¥merler. This includes Califomia Coastal's permission for Herita1e Bank, aub· ject to approval, to iuue up to a 20 percent stock dividend to its shareholders prior to the merier. lt is anticiptated that the mer1er· will occur on approximately Feb. 15, 1981. Buying? Selling? The University's humanistic tradition views tbe individual mind and spirit as the most valuable of resources. The academic philosophy em· phaaiies enrichment of personal values, eapaasion of personal responsibility, and life-long con- tinuous learning. For the put year USF baa main· tained an office in Southern California. The Scbool of Continuing F.duca- tion established in 19'15 ad- ministers undergraduate and graduate prosrams that intecrate experiential and cluaroom learn~ ing. -'-~tree programs are J>Wl>OlelY deaiped for the workin1 adult stu· dent populatioa. Underiraduate proirama are scheduled year-round and do not follow the traditional academic calendar. Applied Economics ia the most re- cent under1raduate de1ree Pl'Q· 1ram of the School of Continuina Education. -~~~hQ~gj_ng?_ --------~-- . . . real estate <:onsult a' Realtor• •• re~I estate agent who is a member in 1ood st.ndtn1 or• Board or Re.lton and who therefore subscribes to the Reahon ·Code o( Ethics . , ............. .... ............... . .' ... ,.... ... p.J, ..... ID 1'£At10R•--. - \ I • • 30 OUTLOOK '81 • • • · -Supple . ment to Coast Life an d Daily Pilol D . . ecember 31. 1980 . ( ). , --1 . , STANDING aEAD . . • Second row· y to serve are Hollidav ~~ Harper left emplo~ees of Acco · Gardener, J~y ~~ft:1te Si~on. p::'~uts Astrisociated. r , Mane Corbin Epa ck, Vera . • velyn Howes, ----------~ ~ ; c; . r----z.. "' .. .. ~-. ~ # • ·.• - SAAB -.. . -· -.. ---~----_ . .----....... _ .. _ ____ .__ __ --:-------- ..... -·---·· ,..- Kendall Company specializes in real e$tate development, counsel The Kendall Company specialize~ in real estate consulting, develop ment and investment. Real estate financial planning fo1 indi viduals and corporations con· tributes lo s mall· and large-seal( ve ntures . The company has taken an activi; interest in improving the west-sidE Costa Mesa area. I INDUSTRY) Efficient project plans promoted The Mesa• Bluffs, a 14-unit com plex. was developed in 1979. In 1980, the Ocean View Terrace Townhome5 project was completed. These projects are effo rts to im· prove a local area. According to President Roy Ken- dall. houses in this area are being torn down. and lhj.! Kendall Com-I p a n y is building luxur y con- dominiums and to wnhous es to replace them. The two-and three·bedroom houses are low and moderately priced. Future projects are planned to (urtber upgrade the west-side Costa Mesa area. · Supplement to Coast Ute and Daily Pilot December 31 1980 -OUTLOOK "81 31 ~- CVSTOM PLATING OF DIPLOMAS and framing are specialties at Omar's. at 1803 Newport Bl vd .. Costa Mesa. C\lll 548-4511. N. R. Davidson & Associates pro· vides the Real Estate Industry needed tools to deal effectively with project feasibility. Consulting firm helps job seekers and providers The best and most cos\ efficient de- velopment plan is determined. Help in coping with local govern- ment restrictions and assistance in obtaining the required financing is also dealt with. Professional services are tailored to the individual needs of clients and can range from providing a broad range of consultation and advice lo satisfyin~ one particular need. Assistance in dealing with local governmental agencies includmg the various planning departments, en- vironmental agencies and zoning de- partments is offered. The Institute is a consulting firm which teaches employers how to hire correctly and job seekers how to land a job. Seminars are offered for people who 1are underemployed or mis- employed. "The definition of un · deremployed,' • according to Roberta Davis, co-Associate Direc· tor along with Marshall Kosberg, "is anyone who is not advancing properly, not being compensated artistically for what they are worth, or not making sufficient money for their talents." Techniques for assurance of a good interview, and the preparation for that interview are stressed. Seminars for the underemployed are scheduled for Jan. 31 and Feb. 21. . • Another function of The Institute is to teach employers how to seek out and hire the right employee. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers and others are learning how to read resumes to make pro- jections with regard to a prospec- Uve employee. A seminar for pharmacists is scheduled for Feb. 27. The Institute also acts as a Marketing and Independent Public Relations Firm. Dealing with small· and medium. size companies, they research a company's competitor and indicate where that client stands in the marketplace. Questions such as how to market and where to market are answered. A product's current standing and also its future is uncovered. For more information, call 848·5997. .. THANKYOU ORANGE_COUNT -- -•-• -~--:-----" ---c--------9=111--1------ ~------: ~ .EQR _2l_YE_.AR~-- OF CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE AND WE WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON! I Sen Ice .. .c ......... MbNOA y 7 A.M. 1101 lt.M. TUESOAY.f'RIDAV ~A.M. IDl:IOP.M. ) r:-- , .. -· 3;i OllTI (')()!( Al -S1mnh•mPnl to Coa!'I l olP anrl n1111v P1101. OerPmt>Pt 'l 1 1 QM FourwhMlln' 4x4 20 City, 'r1 Hwy. Sf ~d 11J~I~~ Oo/AVfNl ~~'§ti~ ~'· ~ Aweaome 280ZX 21 City, 21 Hwy. Dll l, ,ii r ~. ~;1f (Q) tgr~ M ·:-'-:":1tJcm.alJ.r~~ • Now there'• a computerized llatlnst aervlce where lndlvldual owners and real est_.i agents can advertise their properties to prospective horfle buyers. • "S.O.L.D." la used by prospective hom•buyers to locate housing meeting their requirement•. "S.O.L.D." 11 to the Individual what multlpte Hating service ll'lO the agent. -I • :Direction• haa an optional marketing service to promote aalea for tndlvtdual aellera and agent• allkel Realdentlal, Investment and commercial property marketing 1ervlce1 avallable. lnveatlgate today. Jacobs Realty opens new dept. Jacobs Realty arlnounced t he formation of a n Investm ent Division specializing in residential income and commercial investment properties. "This division provides clients with complete real estate service.' according to John Jacobs, presidenL In addition to belonging to the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board or Realtors, J acobs Realty is a member of the newly-formed In· vestment Property System Multiple Listing Service, a special service for commercial a nd investment properties which allows firms to expandservices to all. A computer terminal provides im· mediate information on investment properties as well as offering a computer analysis service to the in· vestor. L)oyd Sayles. director of the ln· vestment Division. is a member of the Investment Association of Orange County and regularly at· te nds investment meetipgs, seminars and exchange marketing meetings to provide maximum service to investor clients. Individuals interested in buying, selling or exchanging may call Sayles at 675-6670. He will discuss investment goals or provide investment counseling to solve real estate problems. The firm also provides residential brokerage service in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area specializing in water oriented properties. ··Bay front and oceanfront properties may be seen by boat," accordinP.toJ acobs. Donovan's Realty becomes a leader Donovan's Realty has been transformed from a small company of modest beginnings to an in· novative lead~r in the real estate in· -duat~-- • • REAL ESTATE Realty board celebrates 20th . The Hunti ngton Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtors began 20 yea rs ago wtlh rive members. This year it celebrated its 20th 311 · n1 versary as a local trade association · for Real Estate professionals with more than 2.200 members. OF THE ll BOARDS located In Orange County, HB -FV is the third largest and is part of the larger Ca hfom1a Association of Realtors and Nataonal Association of Realtors . In 1980 under President Mary Aileen Matheis. the Board enjoyed a s ucce ssful · · Pri vale Property Week ·· To celebrate the right of private property ownership, the Board pro- vided the community with a seminar for persons interested in purchasing homes. More than 200 attended at no charge. ALSO, A LEGISLATIVE reception pa ying tribute to the right of private· property ownership drew 300 people To honor the general election year . a congressional reception was held in Huntington Harbour. It was attended by Congress men Lungren and Badham: Represen-( tati ves from Congressm en Pat- terson'soffice were a lso present. The event served as an opportunity for members to meet local con- gressmen. HIGHLIGHTING 1980 was the Seventh Annual Paramedics Fun- draiserooOct.11. The western theme dinner, danc· ing and game event drew more than 1,200 people who competed for prizes includingatripto Hawaii. More than $11,000 was r aised which will purchase equipment and educa- . tional training for paramedics in the _..two,communi~. __ IT I S ONE OF THE most sophisticated brokerage firms in the Southland with an all·ioclusive.sco~ __ -- ol seiVice and endeavor. To date the Board has raised more than S4S.000forparamedics. Founder-President Donov,an Housina still best Crawjoal..hu •n the organiution f · 1 ~ t t grow to more-1.han six times its am1 y 1nves men original size. ... "As well as marketin1 new and "Housing continues to be the resale property, our involvement in best investment for the average the industry includes building and American family in the 19808," ac- d eve lopment, ·' according to cording to T. Virginia Cieck. Crawford. 1 Mrs . Cieck , president of the CURRENTLY ON OUR drawing Newport-Costa Mesa Board of boardsisaplannedunitprojectof41 Realtors, says that deapile luxury townhomes in Garden G'rove, foreseen high interest rates and to take place ii\ '81." ck>uble diait inflation, bou1in1 Donovan's eQjoys the efficiency of ~ices accelerate as much u ZS its own escrow division. · , percent faster tb'ln tl\e inflation The t>onovan 's te'am includes rate. ....;, hilbly ~perienced professionals. ·'This makes a .. home the best In· Their back1rounds and expertise vestment for the 1980s, just as It qualify them u educators in finan · was iQ the tf(Os," she said. ctal. planning, investing aM Ruiiiilni a close second u an bl· manaaement. vestment vehicle in Mn. Cteck's PUBUC SEMINARS AND fre-opinioca. will be office bulldlnll . ...qu.IK OM on-on. oona1.1nauon1 ..... re 'The senke seetor-ot-ttte lntegralintbecompany'soperation. economy ls growing tasl and UM "We 've added an in-house number of white collar jobs i.s ID· market.in& .and advertising dine-creaslnt quickly. lion, and we 'll soon create • "This coddition should raak• u.e separate deHlopment d1vision ," putclaaM oL otnce IMllWI•• • ve.,. Ctawfwil iidlled. - -• tood investment tor the -· .. • ~ 1118'ked tbe ~nln• ol new said. officet ln the centra!!f.;,':;ted Bank ot County 8 .. ~ Businesses create new jobs . Orange County businesses are de- veloping new programs to attract workers to jobs created by the area's continuing, high rate of economic gro~. According to Kay Coughlin of Macnab-Irvine Reaijy Company, recent surveys show some employees are reluctant to accept transfen to parts of the country because oC higher home prices. mortgage interest rates, and living costs. ORANGE COUNTY, because of lower home fuel bills and more favorable taxes, is exem~ from the latter category in spite of having higher home·prices. Also, some workers are now less likely to accept a transfer because of family objections or because their spouse would have to find other employment as well. · Faced with shortages of skilled employees to fill the positions creat- ed by this continuing growth, many firms are adopting programs of financial assistance and family counseling as incentives to move. A variety of cost-of-living adjust- ments are being used by local firms. THESE INCLUDE paying the d1f- f ere nce between old and new mortgage rates for as long as three years, paying a portion o( the dif- rerence in home prices from one. are a (o--an.otbe r , increasing employees' compensation to cover the taxes 'due on nondeductible re- imbursed moving expenses, and at- tempting to arrange nonequity loans for employees. ''Such measures are necessary," according to penonnel directors,·· because simply giving transferred employees higher-than-normal starting salaries may not be enouah to qualify them for mortgage loans in the new area." Str~ .. counseling both before and after a move and the policy of find- ing employment for a transferred person's spouse are two more measures which are bein1 used. It currently costs approximately $35,000 per move to transfer an employee to Orange County, and that figure is ming. Many companies now use the services of outside agencies in con- trolling rel~~lion expenses. Jones Realty stays respected SinctJ 1946 Jones Realty, Inc. has been a respected segment or Newport Beach. It has passed through many ownerships wltb the present cor- porate officers consisting of Ben Chavez, Eleanor Chavez and Michael Cbave2. The basic philosophy or the Real- ty rs· teamwork, according to Gordon Yotmg, manager. "J emphasize teamwork because, like a football team, each person is vital to the organization," he stated. "By using our capabilities and working together we can and will become champions," he added. "The role of the manager is like that or a coach; to guide, train and help. But it is the team,.._tha_! ~ust make the points (dollan)," accord- ing to Young. Jones Realty is presently expand-ing and is looking ror three or four more good "team members." · Teamwork and integrity are th' key requirements. Tiie specialty of Jones Realty is residential and res- idential income properties. Located on the Balboa Peninsula close to the bid McFadden Pier they are thoroughly familiar with prop-erties in the entire Peninsula area. Supplement to Coast Lile and Da11y Pilot. Deoember 31. 1980 -OUTLOOK ·a1 33 Trade in your old outdated plan or open a new one itowI 0 ·- Recommended by former United States Cong~man Eugene J. Keogh "I sponsored the Law, these plans revolutionized it:' "Nobody protec ts your mo ney better than American Home·· f--+•f-+--- ----~-~-~----&/__~~ ---~c1~- -Corrtple~-artaSt!f\o tfiis coup-on or can !Oday for your free brochure (714) 759· 1515 ~-----------------------~, /"AMERICAN HOME M1 0iTGAGE CORPORATION'\ 230 NewDOrt Centet 0flve • New()Oft Beach Calilorma 92660 Neme _________ Address_..... ______ _ Clty __________ Stele _____ Zrp ____ _ I Office phone( _______ Horne phonel ' ~, ~:I want to redUce my ~es! -Pte ... Mnd me your free brochufe-on K~ IRA Availebll lo Cllifornil residents only tam a 'esicleff of Cllifomia a Ya a No . .,_. "" "'-· .._.... ......................... ,....... ..... _ ~ ,...._ -.... ""'' ..... .....,, , ...... -.......... '"'"'" ......... .......... .... ""9..... , ..,_ KC.-te -NwM., IHI ..-.cJ ef ........... ........ LAT 11:111• ~ ""' ... ~ HCM MOflTGAOI OOIW'OMTIOM ,, '~~---------------------------~' I I ' I 34 OUTLOOK '81 -SYpplement to Coast Ute and Daily Pilot. December 31, 1980 I - . ' -· . TOWERING BUILDINGS sy m· bolic or Costa Mesa's stretch to the sky for commercial and industrial space rise .northeast or Bristol Street and the San Diego Freeway. Completed, under construction or in the planning stage are c I I the nine· story Downey Savings building. (21 the 17 -floor South Coast Plaza Hotel. (3) the six-level parking structure for the ( 4 ) seven-stor) Sumitomo Bank. (5) 16-story Im · perial Bank building, (6) the South Coast Repertory. Theater, 17 l two· story office structures marking lht: new Two Town Center project, (8 ) a five level parking structure, (91 the five-story Bank of America building < 10 ) movie theaters, ( 11 l an open plaza, ( 12) a comm ercial and restaurant shopping area. Cl3J the proposed Orange Coast Music Center site, < 14) South Coa$t'Plaza shopping centu-and-+15-)-si(e or the proposed · ·Broadway department store build· ing. Som~ people need to be cared for. Others need a chance to care . We bring them together. ; ') .. ,..---.. ... f i- JUST OPENED ASE10 I BE SURE TO ASK ABOUT OUR HOUSE-OF-THE-WEEK ~TA MONICA rwY INGLEWOOD • ., PALOS YEtt0£S •• ALL "NEW'' SlNGLE . STORY GARDEN COND.OMINIUMS FOR ACTIVE ADULTS OVER 40 If you or your spouse are at least 40 years of age, welcome to a whole n~w way of life at Huntington Landmark, one of the finest recreation-oriented condominium communities ever offered adult California homeseekers. The condominium concept of leisure living is provided, with exterior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-like grounds and recreational facilities performed for you' by a professional firm, retained by a homeowners association. • A private community with entry guards on duty 24 hours a day at the main entrance. • Exclusive million dollar rec center with clubhouse, games and hobby rooms.~ • A country club lifestyle approxi- mately 1 ~ile from t}le-~ach. • Swimming pool, hot water swirlpool, 3 tennis courts, gymnasium, shuffle· board, and paddfe tennis court. • Carpeting in the living room. master - bedroom, secondary bedroo!Jls-and hallways. ·"-. • Garden patios or dramatic atriums andfor entry courtyards. • Each ul)i' inc4ud.EtS Hs v£; own utility ania wfth lnstalle~ was')-' and dryer. 1/ i.. 2 OR 3 BEDROOMS CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION ' . ' -------------- __. --·- I' t • . 31 OUTLOOK '11 -~t to Coat life and Dally Pilot, O.C.mbef 31, 1980 Chevy dealer contributes Connell Chevrolet contributes heavily to local civic and cbaritable ortaq!Htioas. · Pere Fuller, 80-year-old employee since 1960, bandies the dealership blood bank contributions. According to owner Pat Connell, more than 700 pints' of blood in seven years have been contributed by employeel and tbelr dependents to the~. . Sebcllslblpa ol $1000 are ll~ to Edison, Fountain Valley, Corona del .llar, Costa lleea, llater Dei, Eatanda and Newport Harbor H1lb Seboola to IO to students who want to continue their automotive educa· lion. Connell Chevrolet sponsors ten to twelve teams in Pop Warner, youth baseball and youth soccer. 'The dealership or1anizes an an· nual picnic for FairvieWHospital. r---------, \ ' ---· ---~- , BOB CREVIF;R, or Crevier Mot.ors, Inc. projects an aggressive sales plan, backed by receipts of the widest selection of BMW's~ offered. "Ours is an•intellectual buy; a high performance line of vehicles with engineering . perfection," Crevier stated. • integrity •• estate • res.its SOLD I AUTDMDllVE I · Jim Click Ford opens in Irvine Jim Click Ford in Irvine was establiabed on Sept. 16. Previously associated with a sue· cessful Ford dealers hip in Arizona, Jim Click comes from a family of car dealers. Click brings witb him a high quality reputation which will be continued in this or1anization. He is involved with charitable or· ganizations such as United Way, and civic organizations as well. The dealership's philosophy, ac- cording to a spokesman , is one or g i v i n g e x c e 11 e n t s e r v i, c e t o customers. Click has been a member or the National Ford Dealers Council. an advisory board which makes re- commeodalions to the ford Com pany. Click is associated with Holmes Tuttle of Los Angeles. Jim Click Ford is localed at 43 Autoct>nter Drive Ir) tn(' Datsun dealer has banner year 1980 was1 a ti:rnner year for Newport DaL-;un of Nev.'J)Ort Beach. according to the dealership's Ge neral Manager Bernd Em meri('h. . .. National economic conditions could certainly have been better this year," be says, "but we have done very well." Emmerich attributes the success to the ~uali~ of Datsun cars and the quality of his sales staff. "Datsup quajity has put us ii) a g()()(j position because now more tha n ever people need to get as much as they can for their car dollar,•' he said. Newport Datsun is located at 888 Dove Street. Call 833· 1300. Miracle Mazda to expand in 1981 · Miaracle Mazda is expanding. Targeting for a move in late June. the new location will be at f42S Baker St. across from Fed co. Miracle Mazda is looking forward lo the new sales and parts facility to be built at the new location. Presently at 2150 Harbor Rlvd. in L:osta Mesa. Uus lot v.i ll serve as a used car dealer:..hip All brands of ased car in 'a5t supplies v.111 be available · · M 1 racle Mazda is one of the top volum e Mazda dealerships in the Unite d States.'' a cC'o r<1 ing to general manager Rkl<Heinz. '"It ha estahlished a fine reputa- tion on its ex('ellen1 service," h<' added Currently the dealership offers a large s upply of both new and used automobiJ~ Com plete financing is available on a ll mcxJcJs . HOllDA SANT A AllA Proudly presents its 1981 Honda· Prelude Custom Convertible . . Supplement 10 Coast Life and Daily PtlOI December 31 1980 -OUTLOOK 81 37 American Home Mortgage fast growing Am eri can Home Mo rtgage Corporation is one or the fastest· growing mortgage brokerage firms on the West Coast. The firm expects more than $2 billion to be of(ered in public real estate limited parfoerships in 1981. It presently averages from $5 to S7 milbon in loans alone. secured b\' California real Eropcrty · IRA and KEOGH retirement plans available through American Home are the first in the nation to be directly invested into high yield· ing California trust' deeds, secured by real property. sponsored the nation ·s retirement system. said the IRA and KEOGH Plans have "revolutionized the na· tion ·s laws.·· The r es ponse t o American Ho me 's IRA and KEOGH ac· co unt s in 1980 h as be en "phenome n al," accord ing t o spokesman Joseph F. Groner. New deposits into the plans were in excess of S20 million in 1980. More than $40-80 million are an· ticipated in 1981. LARRY LEVINSON, president or Newport Equity Funds, Inc .. conducts investment seminar. These two new plans were invent· ed to help offset inflation Congress m a n ·K eogh . who Am erican Home Mortgage Corp will play a significant role in up- holding the economy in 1981 through its IRA and KEOGH programs. public limited partnerships. and othe r functions. ' More women in accounting BY JAMES POND Soeci•I S.cllo•u Editor The best man for the joh may be a woman. That's the advertising message of R o bert H alf 1Accounte mps, speci alists in accounting personnel and temp0l'afy services. "In 1967 J bought the franchise for Southern California. Four months later. I placed our first female con- troller. "In those days. a 42·year-old fe male stood as much chance or get· ting a job in accounting as she did landing on the moon." said Harry Gilbert, president. Sin ce then. he says the number or women placed has increased "fairly substantially." A strong indicat9r of the impact of women on accounting and related fields is the increasing number of female schola rship recipients. Robert Half has Scholarships in a number of leading universities in Southern California. Awards presented to leading junior-year acounting students were dominated by male students in past years . "In the last two to three years, however. at least 65 to 70 percent of the recipients have been female -a very heavy tipping of the scales," --Gilbernrai . Also, demand for more extensive mes and reports has raised a high demand for accountants, thus at· trac.ting a greate r n1Hnbe r or women into the field . Uthe trend continues, Gilbert ex· peels we will see women partners in CPA firms. - ''All our people have been con· trollers and accountants. so they're not just teaching theory, but ex· perience. · "We offer our expertise and back- iroul'\d at no charge to applicants.'' hesai~.. · "Qli-..tjo» is to get our applicants Jqbs," h&' added. "Carreer counset- hfg is included. and we help them ~ith res_yme evaluation and in· te~view tfps." .,,. "And we .give OUT employei:_ clients the employee that suits their sition," he conclUded. __ _,... _____ _ Robert Half has an office ln Santa Ana. Call W-4103. THE REAL ESTATE-ILL BROKER WHO BUILDS 'EM, TOOi 11'1 good to know •bout • re•I ••l•I• company lh•t doe• more than ju11 1111 and Hfl hou1e1. DONOVAN'• build• homt1, loo. And •Ince we've made II our bualneu to look al re•f t1late from the ground up, we underatand the bualneu 111 an fn-«Mpth way H few broker•gH do. With ye1r1 of e11perlen<:e to b•ck ua up, w• car1 offer lntelllgenl, timely advice on how to buy and NII r•w land. new and re .. le realdentlal property. Income property, commerclal and lndu1trlal real eatale and how lo develop and build. We're not afraid lo left you our MCreta. BecauMwhen you pro1per, we pro1per. ·. DONOVAN'S 11 truly• different kind of rHf e•l•t• company. Here are • few re•~• why ... 1. DONOVAN'S BUILDS AND DEVELOPS. 2. DONOVAN'S IS DIRECTED BY A FULL-TIME MANAGEMENT TEAM. 3. DONOVAN'S CONTROLS ITS OWN ESCROW DIVISION. 4. DONOVAN'S ENJOYS IN-HOUSE MARKETING AND ---ADVERTISlNG.SUPRORT-~ DONOYAN'S CONDUCTS __ _ FINANCIAL PLANNING SEMINARS. 6. DONOVAN'S , FOSTERS ONE-ON-ONE FINANCIAL CONSULTATIQNS-- RETIREMENT PLANNING IS AN EMPHASIS.I -·-~ 1981 GROU~EAKINCI BRANDY""YNE II ~ OrllCed wttt\ the looll ol fnelllfl Tudor archl~ture. lheM "°"'" wit be •••tlabee In two 9M tttree bedroom model• with two •nd on.Nit bettta, ttr~. cu1tom ~ kltchen1, no.""' 1t1lrc• .... Hceptlon.ely l•rge pettoa . .nd two car .. ,... .. FORTY-ONE LUXURY TOWNHOMES IN A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REPEAT OF A SELLOUTI. .. . - Save valuable gasoline shopping the localty o~vt~ ""'Dl'lllf'll!llrl available only in the Oraoge Coast's hometown newspciper. OFFICES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN ' THE BANK OF ORANGE COUJ'TV BUILDING ---1Cl101.SIAIEfl...AnttU£,__IUI ~---·-"- FOUNTAIN VALLEY . the ..., .... (714)9SS-8182 ·C--- 38 OUTLOOK '81 -Supp\ement to Cout Life and Dally Pilot, December 31, 1980 .... llU~LDOZEIS FINISH work of "cleaning up" McNally Hieb School. ,,. . ' :. .-j . ..,,. .. - from page ZS lures and offen subsidized rent for elderly Mesans. Across the street, construction was nearly complt:ted by year's end on the city's new CommUJlity Center and city officials began eye- ing plans for a new library nearby. Over on the west side, the last lots were acquired for the city's Wallace Street low-income famify housing project which is to begin construe· lion in 1981. As City Council members ordered the casting Of a J>jece of fountain sculpture for the Community Center to mark Costa Mesa's coming of age as a business and cultural center, Oranee County Music .Center officials were laying plans for their new edifice on Segerstrom family land in the Town Center. ~Chapman ~College Orange, California Music Center backers collected some $750,000 in money and pledges for the $60 Jnillion center -planned for construction in 1982 -before even launching their fund drive to b:e announced in January. Other steps toward "culture'' and entertainment were finally taken late in 1980 when Orange County Fair board me mbers approved a contract for a giant ne w am- phitheater on the fairgrounds across Fair Drive .from the City Hall. ·' Way for the new amphitheater was paved when the fair board and Costa Mesa City Council settled out of court a suit over who should have the last say in fairgrounds improve· ment and development plans. As the city government wrestled School of Buslness and Management The Center for Economic Research --.. --·---Pres~tftMe l>lstlniulsbed LAftENCE "· aoos President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the PATRONS' PREVIEW of the CHAPMAN COLLEGE ORANGE COUNTY BUSJNESS FORECAST CONFERENCE Friday, January 16, 1981 ·2:00 p.m. FLUOR CORPORATE AUDITORIUM ·IRVINE .. and THIRD ANNUAL ·oRANGE COUNTY BUSINESS FORECAST 1 CONFERENCE 1981 QUARTERLY ACTIVITY l Friday, February 13, 1981 -"1 :00 p.m. Chapman College -Waltmar Theatre The Chapman Econometric Model is the nation's only model which forecasts economic activity in a metropolitan area on a quarterly basis. lnclud~ are: Employment and Personal Income Levels _» Industry : Ti'ltable Sales by Sector: ~ldential Building Permits: Hqusing Trends and Prices: and Bank Deposit.Levels. __ --~ -==+-===-====1-..1---;.;--.. .. -,...---~-...,_....... ____,,,/-----. ~---~---------------------For further lnlor'rnaUon/re&ervaUons, caltor write: Dealt, School ol. Busin~s and Manasement 714/"7-llM Chapman CoUe1e. 333 N. Glassel!, Oran1e. CA 92686 ~ Jan. te. t•t : Patrons' Preview, Fluor Headquarters, Irvine ____ ............... ~ 1------;i--'ii-~· '• Feb. 13.J!eli l'lllrJl.Annual-8.,_~ Cont .• -eh•pnBlfCo e1e 1~rams:.;.;..8.A Econ-8.$. Bus. Adm_M.8.A. Name ........... -:-................................... ·· ·· .. ••··· ...•.•. : .. Address ............................... , ..... · · ..... , · · . · · · . · • · • · · • · · · · · · · · · I -· with Mesa's growing pains, officials began the tedious study of a new General Plan, offering citizens a voice in future development of what little is left in vacant land. That plan, expected for approval by spring. probably will mark the end of single.family home construe· tion. opening the city for denser. s m a lle r apartments and con- dominiums and will attempt to move congested traffic through the commwaity. While the city works with that de- velopment plan, the state c<>Qtinues its drawn-out struggle to determine just what should be done with Newport Boulevard, the congested traffic artery that moves traffic between the southern end of Costa Mesa Freewa y and N~wport Beach. Costa Mesa, school officials pro· ject. can expect to become primari- ly an adult community in the years ahead as families with children con-tinue to seek less expensive housing inland. Gone, planners note, are the days when single-family homes popped up in beanfields and city population grew by the thousands each year. Population increased only about 1,000 during 1979 and 1980, city of. ficials estimate and construction costs have nearly ended the-erec· tion of larger apartments. Costa Mesa, r emarks one long time resident, is becoming a major commercial, shopping and entertainment center with a healthy city government -thanks to the sales tax -and no place for anyone else to live . . . . .. Supplement to Coast Life and Oa11y Pilot. December 31. 1980-OUTLOOK '81 39 Earle Ike has healthy 1980 '·Business has been . good af Earle Ike Toyota-Volvo in 1980," ac- cording to Frank Romano. Genehl Manager. "We are. however. somewhat skeptical about 1981." Romano points to higher interest rates. new car inventory levels, in creased competition from othe~ makes and models. and that bank lending qualifications have become harder due to the high cost of financing. ,,.-. DAILY PILOT EXPA~SIOj'i in 1980 incl~ completion ol a '8.5 million buildin1 and equipment project. The 14,000 sq~are foot addition to tbe Coeta Mesa plantaibouaes a new offset printin1 press with extensive color printing capacity. a n~ mailroom, newsprint stora1e aid related production equipment. During U8>; Earle Ike has been one of the leading Volvo dealers in Southern California while being com- Pefitive in Toyota sales. Romano .indicates that the service and parts business should increase because more people are retaining their .Present cars longer due to the inflationary prices an(! the fact that today's cars last kJnger. Equity Mobile Homes foresees new era in 1981 Equity Mobile Homes in Santa Ana predicts a whole new era of mobile home ownership in Orange County :luring 1981. Marjorie Drews, manager, sees :he emphasis in 1981 centering on young married couples buyine >larterbomes, and on sinile adults. ''Some of our sinele buyers realise the advantages of home ownership, and areoptine for a mobile home they can afford on their own, rather than rentine, ••Drews stated. Drews expects the market to re- main strong among senior citizens and middle-aged individuals. Mobile home ownership offers the same advantages of real estate in- vestment, according to Drews. Appreciation is well ahead of the in- flation rate and mortgage interest is tax deductible. In addition, excellent parks in Orange County offer outstanding recreational facilities. The purchaser finances less than flalf the amount be would finance on a comparable home. Simple interest loans with terms of Finally, the Savings and Loan you've been looki~g for. --· __ ... - • Receive ind1v1dual attention • Use Savings Plus for extra benefits and privileges •Earn more interest and convernence wtth Telephone Transfe, • Save lime w1lh our prompt. responsive loan service • c ---1706 Adams Avenue Costa Mesa. Callforn1a 92626 (714) 754· 1801 , Member Fed~ral Hom,.!_l~!' ~a~ §ys~m and FSLlC --. up to25years are available. Down payments can be as low as 10 percent with prices ranging from '10,000to$80,000. Equity bas a fully trained, licensed staff of experienced personnel. "Mobile homes is our only busi- ness," Drews added. Drews recommends consultation with an organization that specializes in mobile homes when considering a purchase. The same advice is given to those listing their mobile homes for sale. Formoreinformation, call5M·7070. "1981 should be a load year for our de.alership," said Aomano. More competition from the domestic car makers is expected. general manager. Earle Ike anticipates a strong ye ar due to the excellent 1981 Toyota and Volvo lines. . "We know our work is cut out for us in terms of competition, however," Romano added. Earle Ike Toyota·Volvo is located· at 1966Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa. NEW 1980s ._. LUVT-RUEKS We HoW One Dozen~~ tw TfllC'b Al A lonvt AlloutHott From The OwwoW ,__ C. OMalon. SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW I o Tite-.4·Spreecf-$randard Engine luv (We hove nothing elM) Gives An Estimated E.P .A. Rating Of 2' MPG City, 33 MPG Highway. o The Some Truck With '·WhMI Drive Is 21 MPG City, 30 MPG Hwy OThe 10,.3 W~l lose-Tr~ Holds 13.2 Gallons o Thtt 117. 9 long WhMI lose Holds · 19# J (;ollons • . . ~YOU'RE RIGMTI " . '· 19. 1xS3•6IO Mlt..t ~~~-'°"' IN STOCK SHOITIED I lONGIED ... ., .......... ---- •0....-a•·••• ...a•1 , ...... I ' , - .. 40 OUTLOOK 81 -Supplement lo Coasl Lo1e and Daily Polo! December 3 1 1980 Upjohn stands for quality ll PJOhn Ph a rma ceuticals has been a well respected name for more than 90 years . T be na me s tan·ds for quality, dignity and professionalism in car· ing for human health .. As a s ub siqia ry , Upjohn Healt~care Services maintains the same high standards. THE COMPANY provides nurs- ing services for individuals on both a temporary and an ongoing basis. Servicing is done primarily in the b orn e, with a broad range of services offered. · Aids include LVN 's to RN's serv- ing in Lhe home-care field ORANGE COl NTV h:1·at10n~ 1n Newport Beach :.ind Anal.<'1m an• two of the 270 offi ces throughout lhl' ni tcd Sl:.llt•s and Cam1da U pjo hn 1s c urre ntly hiring employees who enjoy caring for others. FLEXIBLE HOURS are offered. a nd both part-time and full-time employees are needed. Also. anyone needing health care services are encouraged to call. In Newport Beach, call 752-0992; Anaheim call 956-3890. Offices are op~n 24 hours. Personalize d tailoring offered A Miguel's Tailor Shop rec<:nll) opened in Corona del Mar Miguel Sampablo. store owner. brings with him an extensive back ground m the tailoring busines~ He has beert a tai-lor s ince f!tc 12, having a lmost thirty years e x· per ience in the profession Personalized service in all areas of tailoring is emphasized such as custom tailored suits and suede and leather. According to Sampablo, the shop can service any type of tailoring nl·<•d snr·lurling a ltL·ratton~ and ha rd to rC'p:.11 rs ..Customer~ arl' encouraged Lo brrng 1n rlothrng that appears to bl' irre parable , and have a pro- fe ssional look at 1t, ·said Sampahlo Store hours are 10 a. m . to 6 p m Monday to Friday and 10 a rh. to 4 p m . Saturday. The s tore is located behind Pat Marley's Men·s Store. F o r more info r m at ion, call 673-7746. Citizens Thrift opens in Irvine Citizens Thrift and Loan. in the llcritage Plaza Shopping Center in Irvine. opened for business on !'lov ·:--··.14-.----. -·-------------·~--- Cit 1zens Thrift offers eight and one· half percent passbooks with interest paid from the date of deposit through the dateofwithdrawal. Interest is compounded daily and cr ed1tt'd quarterly There is no minimu01 deposit re quired. and customers can add or withdraw from passbook accounts whenever they want. JOHN ROGEas. left, assistant Oldsmobile zone manager; Vern Maxey, University Service manager ; Bill Leslie, owner of University Sales and Service and Bob Savo, district area service manager for Oldsmobile pro- udly display Oldsmobile Citation Service Merit Award Plaque won by University Sales and Service at 2850 Harbor 81.vd., Cofta Mesa. Citizens Thrift also has hi,gh in- terest. fully-p aid investm ent certificates. Citizens Thrift and Loan is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ban- corp. Inc. Telephone559-4000. EFFectlwe December 31, 1980 Interest on Checking ... ~---l"'rnrrr-w..a·omce 3420 Bristol Stttet Costa Mesa, CA 92526 Tel. 714·549-9181 I " IJ J ':!JOU ----·--- W,,.IJ Witlwut Wan ling If you want to do something in Real ...E~ate : Horne. Investments or loans in 1981 1 ).:_ •• P lease consider us . The J(ftldall Real Estate ·corporation, Inc. il-224T BONNIE WHITMAN AND Richard Kalferd put last painting in place in of· fice decor designed by Whitman Galleries al 3545 E . Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Call 675-2478. .,._ .... -~---- -· ORAllE. C .. IY'S HEADIAIAltTERS_ .. ·-~,.. ~ mmmmm I 1 GMC: TRUCKS -~· Supplemtnt to Coast Ufe and Daily Pilot, Oeeember 31 . 1980 -OUTLOOK '81 • 1 Firm offers sales assistance Directions of Orance County is a full-service property marketing firm. The company features programs in rental assistance, property sales, purchase assistance and investment opportunities. Also, the "Sellers Own Listing Walls covered with fabric Wall U,eholstery lnternation·al, home of Pad-A-Wall{ has been in operation for three years. Directory <SOLD>. an agressive property exposure pro1ram designed for reaJ·estate aients and "by owner" sellers is ottered. SOLD offers a complete and professional marketiac plan 1eared to locale buyers for residential. commercial and investment properties. Under the program, seller s receive personalized property brochures, local and regional advertising and computer indexed buyer referrals all for a low cost marketing and listing agreement fee. .... "SOLD offers sellers and liswig agents a n • a lte rnative to ronventional real estate marketing practices." according to company President Janes P. Farley. The shop brings the Pad-A-Wall process from France, whe r e personnel were specially trained in "All listings are entered into our the installation process. c<?mpute rized Sellers Listing Pad-A-Wall is a combination of Directory and property brochures padding and fabric which is are distributed to prospects," he stretched ..!l~~ w.JUls-·-·-~add · · ·-wralPaCf-A-Willl there is no need Brochures a r e available on to scrape off and prime walls since -re quest to "by owne r " sellers. fabric is stretched over them. listing agents and the public. The problem of irregular walls is Solved as the coverings hide cracks, holes and other problem areas. Fo r m ore information. call 641·8855. It reinforces t herm al a nd acoustical insulation of walls with its double cushion between the pad- ding and wall. and between the pad· Davidson ... from pagell ding and fabric. For waJJ additions. Pad-A· Wall is ideal because one can't dis - criminate between new and old walls after installation. Assistance is given in preparing project cost e.st1mates. cash now analysis, and profit estimates for presentation to lending institutions. For mo re information, call 641 -146.5. Full range of consultation and ad· vice regarding project feasibility, de· velopmenl and financing is provided. Old World Craftsmanship At Reasonable Prices --__ ___....,._ -----... --· ------ We aped•llze In: SHADOW· BOXES AND HAND FINISHED WOOD FRAMES Also: • Convex Glass • Gold Leafing •• Art & Frame Restoration ~nd conservation • Standard Size Frames • Museum· Mounting • Fan Cases ·~ • Needlepoint Framing C1&dom AdllN F'romirtg Ir ~ IW NftlPO'i Blvd., CodCl Maca f7J4J sa~u . o I • ' ..... ---~ -. """' 1. 42 OUTLOOK 81 -Supplemem 10 Coast Ute and Daily Pilot December 31 19W , Park Center has suite offering Executive suites are a concept de- s igned to benefit s mall businessmen who need the advantages of a mode rn o ffice but canno t be burdened by a large financial out- . lay. Businessmen rent offi ce space in a modern office building and are provided various services in the barg-ain. Park Center Executive Suites, at 200 N. Tustin Ave., Santa Ana, ex· e.rcptifies that concept. -Services provided businessmen who rent space at Park Center in· elude : -Full-time receptionist during working hours . -Complete telephone answer- ing service during working hours. -Use of copier machine. -Fully-furnished .. confe rence room . -All utilities ·paid, except phone .. -Custodial services. L-J..,_~~--~--==-t~~liariffiT.---~ _)_ I I I -. -- .. -· -Secretarial services at a nominal fee. -Dispatch services. IBM Selectric typewriters. -Work processor. Telex machine. Call 953-0937 Alcohol ·center gives recovery Tbe Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital/ Alcohol Rehabilitation Center has been open since May. • Recovery rates run about 70 per- cent. The in-patient program lasts for two weeks and can be tailored to suit individual needs. An averace ol seven to eight peo· pie are enrolled concurrently. A close0eu. is generated between the patients and staff became amall numbers ol people are admitted •t -.a..u,._.,..._. -----· -·-· - - - After completion, patients \'nay continue participating at meetings for uptoeigbt weeks. Patienta •re encouraged to attend : Alco~~ ~.mous meelinp;-- -Tlle 'llehabilitation Program, usu•Uy covered in full or part by in· • sur•nce, co.ts $.1,800. For more inform~lion, call 642·2"13t, ext. 129. Huntington Landmark opens condo complex Huntln1ton Landmark just opened Pbue 10. This fine recreation.oriented con· dominlum community l• offered to individuals at leut 40 yean of a1e. The condominium concept of leisure UviN is proVided with n · terior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-Hite 1rounda ancj recre.uonal facilities-: , , · The private community has entry auardl on duty 24 hours a day at the maln entrance. The exclUl~~do.U~ 1-~----,.,.11£9'"1i1i""i':cliil>b0Ule alon1 with • 1•mn Md hObby rooms. Each unit tneludel ita own utUJty area wtth intt•lled washer' apd dryer. ...~--.. · ~~~ '--·----Tflb<W Ull"ll:'1ll: ~room c rua -· ) I form SlCM,480to1121,llO. Hufttlncton Landm.rt ts located at 20851·A Mapolia' Street, Hunt· ington Beach. 538-8847. L_ GTE Phone Mart patronage beyond expectations ·'The use of GTE Phone Marts by cus tomers in Orange County has grown beyond our expettations," said Dolores Phipps, manager of lwo local Phone Marts . GTE's two Orange Count.)' Phone Marts are located in the Huntington Center and the Albertson's Shop- ping Center on the corner of Adams and Brookhurst. ·'Quite a few of our customers bring fabric, wallpa pe r and paint col· or s·amples into Phone Ma rl so as to pick out the best color-m at ched te lephones for .various rooms in their homes," Phipps commented. "We have a full line of colors and styles of telephones to choose from a nd our customers. in most cases, can lake them home with them and plug them in for insta'tit service," she added. Other than bas ic phones, GTE of· fers the Code-A-Phos:ae, which re· cords telephone messages while you're away from yournome or of· fice. and the Auto in a tic Dialer, which automatically dials frequent- ly called numbers at· the press or a button. Phone MIH.s carry two different product lines, one which contains \··tit ·~~ l~•:c:~ .•. 10613 LAWSON RIVER FOl:JNTAIN VALLEY instruments that can be rented for a monthly rate and another that con ~ tain.s instruments or related prod· ucts that can b e. pun h a s c d outright • A popular ~Nv1ce offered 1s telephone repair "while-you-wait." Customer s wit h a Gene ral Tele phone provided instrument. equipped with a plug-in connector, can merely unplug the defective ielephone and take it into Phone Mart for instant repair:~ - A new Convenience Center has re- cently opened in Laguna Beach at 480 Mermaid St. · -. .. '' ... ·---·---·--------- How come Heritage is the fastest growing independent-bank in ··Orange County? We're .._..__....ewriting-th@ At Heritage Bank, we're not afraid to depart from tra• dition and to be different from most other ba.~lss: We ----. ·--believe. in .being.-darins;:~ov:utve and constructiveJy unconventional. A. lolll as-it pays off for our customers. It's this attitude that has made Heritage Orange County's fastest growilll independent bank with $190,000,000 in attets and 1even offices in five years. We're innovative, but never at the expeme of eound banking principles. That's why we always have the best profeaiona(banken available. But we are buaineumen, too. So we do things &n a problem•10lvina, business-like manner. And it pays off in bottom-line resulta for our CUltomen. . A bulinea-iike attitude means thinp like loan money when it'• tisht ellCWhere. An ear for an "unusual" deal. Deina open to ,our hew ideas. Anc! havins a lot of our. own. And, abOw all, beina always flexibl~. 1 Sure brinjina buaineu darilll •nd inlriative to bankilll -- mav be considered "unbanldah" and Herirqe Bank rnav resar4 the "usual way" of doina thinp as a suide· line rather than an imperative, ~ it worlu. Supplement to Coast Liie and Daily Pilot. December 31 , t 980 -OUTLOOK ·at 43 --------- ANAHEIM MAIN OFFICEJ 721 N. Euclid St., Anaheim, CA 9i801, (714) 991-3860. --·-~-....- AIRPORT OFFICEJ 2171 Campus Dr., Irvine, CA 92715, (714) 833-3700. ANAHEIM STADIUM OFFICEi 2099 S. State College Blwf., Anaheim, CA 92806, (714) 978-8021. COSTA MESA OFFICEJ 1720 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754 .. 4010. . N£wroRT BEACH OFFICE, JSOl Superior Ave., Newpon Beach, CA 92663, (714) 645·0660 . SANTA ANA OPFICEJ 1100 N. Tustin '1\ve., Santa A~, CA 92705, (714) 973·4788. WOODBRIDGE OFFICE1 4180 Barranca Parkway, .. Irvine, CA 9271'4, (714) SSZ..l7St. THE 8US1NESS BANKERS. . _,. I ti I j -........ ------ - Drop into one of our convenient branches. See how a buaio~'• IPP""ch ro banki~-iNlv-oft'----_;,_--" for VoUr buaineae .•• ~r ~µ~~~I buail'fl'· We're not Oranae County's (uteil lrowina independent bank -=--=f· ~------1--~ becaU1C we do evervthina by the book • ..-..----------------------~~--~-------~~-~---'~~~~~--===-~:__~~~~~~~~,.._. , . ·'· J ... - -I • 44 OUTLOOK '81 -Supplement to Coast Life and Daily Pilot. December 31 . 1980 ~~. -------------------~/& -~- ---------··--..,.__....--------- ,.,.--/~-~~ ~~~&)~ (7~~) '85-1-~666 _ .. '\,. _,.. --..,_ .. ~ ~PJllH~~) $d <]/)~, ff~ O)f~ ---------------~-.---, -y~----------~-, , vltik ~· . ·, ffony ~ ~ ~vrrvrri~~~ §~ /7~ • :\' .r . . . -., -. • Ylll lllOlll llllY PIPIR 1H<A NC ,t COUN l 'f <Al t f r>H N IA 2~ CENTS .. ~t.Jiting for Reagan? __r . osta e " issue unso ve DeaJl,y new.drug • in ·area SAN FRANCISCO (AP> A de·a-d ly new i llicit drug , described by author ities as worse than heroin , has account· ed ror al least one dozen deaths in C alifornia, including some fatalities in Orange County. Federal authorities sa y use of the synthetic narcotic called fen· ta nyl may be increasing. "lt 's one or the scariest new drugs on the market in a long time .'' drug agent Ri chard Dunagen commented. Orange County authorities dealing with the ne~ illicit syn· thetic were unavailable to com- ment today or e laborate on Orange County deaths caused by rentanyl. Dunagan, of the San J ose of- fi ce of the Drug Enforcement Administration, compared fen· tany l to a '"Frankenstein's mons ter. A user's chances or surviving are minimal.·· The drug is sometimes sold on the street as "China White." an especially prized kind of heroin that comes from Southeast Asia, he said. However. it is "80 times more potent as any roorphlne on the market, .. raster·acting than China White. lasts twice as Jong and i• · difficult to trace in urlnalysla. It is also difficult lo cul, said Mark Hopkins of the Sandborn Cllnic ln Salinas. meaning some users are getting high concen· lrations of it. Deaths have also been report- ed in Monterey. San Diego, Los Angeles and Riverside cocmtles, as well ·as in Phoenix. DEA of· ficials said. Federal authorities beliere the drug, developed several years ago by a M iss i ssj pp i ph-armacorogiSl ooffing Tor a - narcotic alternative. is being mad e i n a n underg r o und l a b orato r y i n So uthern Ca lifornia. Or. Darryl Inaba of the tlaight Ashbury Drug Detox Project in San Francisco said any compe· tent chemist can make the drug, MISSION VIEJO HOPING TO REPEAT AS SWEEPSTAKES WINNER WITH 'SUMMERTIME' FLOAT IN ROSE PARADE Entry depicts leisurely boat rtde through bayou with more than 10,000 roHa and orchid• .featured •mong other flower• Coast plays rose parade roles By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of tM O.lly "119( Staff • PASADENA -What do but· terflies caught alortg the Orange Coast and more than 1 million people have ln common? The 92nd Tournament of Roses parade which -~ h.,.. at 8:30 a.m. New Year 's day. ·'The Great Outdoors " 'i s theme of the parade which among its 120 entrants include a fifth.year float entry from Mis· sion Viejo and a first.time ap· pearance by the Edison, High School marching band o( Hunt· ington Beach. The parade program cover features pictures of three but· terflies (queen, dogface and sliver spot) from the collection of Kenneth Denton of Laguna Beach. Denton says he caqhl the butterflies in Laguna, Newport Beach and Corona del Mar. Officials annually estimate more than 1 million line the 5. 5· mile parade r oute but Pas adena police predict 1.5 m i llion may s how up Ne w Year's Day because warmer than usual weathe r is predicted. The National Weather Ser vice s aid the temperature might get into the high 70s or low 80s Thurs· day. The record high for New Year's Day was 84 in 1898. Lows are forecaslaU6toS2. Crowd estimates are always disputed, however , because matbematician1 flcure only 800,000 can s queere into the vlcwin~ area and still breathe. "We do know that 40 tons o( trash Is l e ft by parade watchers," said John Mc Alister of the Pasad'ena police depart- ment. "And if that mess is left by a milUon people, then those who attend should be ashamed of themselves. ··we already have recreational vehicles parked a long Colorado Boulevard I the main parade route> and they will h ave,..-to move," McALister said Tuesday. ·'Those planning to drive here in recreational vehicles had bet· ter pack up the kids and head out as soon as they read thi!.' • he said. The re is no parkin1 on Colorado and side streets spaces wer e reportedly filling rast Tuesday artemoon. Those risk· ing a tow, are going to find it will cost more to get their vehicle out or hock this time . '"Since the Taylor Hote l burned down in 1978 and fire Beach ~UR lanes were blocked by q Jl egally J 1 120 t t pa"r"Jced cars, we've been work· * * * * * * en S Year'• ---en ran s ing to devise some way to keep people from illegally parking, .. ~cAlister. ~ d "~e passed an o rd inance more Jog ue _ mareh at B:ao· making it a $200 fine plus lowing charges for a nyone illegall y Parked." New Year's Eve celebrants McAlister said that because of can expect a light fog to dampen PARADE UNE·UP the expected warm wcalht!r their holiday spirits tonight, L BAS)<IN·ROBBINS lCE CREAM "The Great Outdoors" those with reserved parade seat a ~"\Cl he called "ominous for -dc-ug useu-natioowj.de..:.'-' --- A number· of non.fatal over- doses have also been reported in the s tale, la w offi cers say . otherwise it will be fair skies _-2..-1...AK.&C~..J-SHERl-F¥!S POSSE-ing-m-hoping\<JStf(.ieeze in 0 a ....along-the O~ge..-Coul TbvRS----3. PASADENA CITY COLLEGE SWING CHOIR spot along the curb plan to be at daf~mperatures are expected to 4. EASTMANKODAK<.:O .. "Flightoflhe SnowGeese" their viewing site no later than The drug sells for as much as $600 a gram. s ix limes the price of China White. they say. It is also powerful enough lo over· come the "'blocking" effecls of methadone-. a synthetic narcotic used as a substitute Jar _b.er.oin in the treatment or addicts . slip into the low 60s Thursday 5. COMPOSITE US. MARINE CORPS BAND 7:30 a fn . tie also urged those a fter un s easonably warm 6. MORGANS driving to Pasadena to plan weather Tuesday sent coastal 7. AL MALAIKAH SHRINE TEMPLE . "A Windy Day" leaving their hom es an hour 8 KANTO GAK UIN HIGH BAND Yokohama J apan e arlier than in past. t'ooler thermometers soaring lo 83. · · • Faded summer tans were re· 9. UNION OIL CO . ''Sunrise" years newed Tuesday as more than There is space fo r J .000 RVs at lO-O,OOO bea~hgoers flocked to 10. WHITES I western attire) Brookside Park near the Rose shores from San Clemente to 11. CITY OF RENO, "High Sierra" Bowl downhill from where the Seal Beach. • 12. GRAND MARSHAL LORNE GREENE parade turns off Orange Grove Lifeguards al IJewport Beach 13. ONTARlO MASSED LEGION PIPES AN D DRUMS Avenue for its Ion~ trek down reported about 50,000 s un· 14. OCClDENTAI. ~JFE INSURANCE CO .. "Like a Colorado. k. h Diamond in the Sky But McAllister said those spots worshippers bas mg under t e 15. CALIFORNIA HERITAGE RIDERS at $10apiecewerefilling fast. picture postcard skies. 16. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS . He emphasized that for those "ltd .~a s "da Ngood sumBm ehr "Nature's Engineers'" hoping lo park at Brookside Holiday help - -elates TrVine family.of 7 crow • s ai ewport eac . lJ 4 IOlLR!:'.!IA.M.ENT OE._RO.SES PRESIDENT MILLARD .-theif' IWs-mwil be--selJ.-eonmned --H-f.e-gtt1ttd-R-.y-G&r-Yer . , '-lt DAVIDSON looked like July... 18. THE BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELK, un!\j· bus transportation from Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones or Irvine say that they and their five children have some good people lO thank for turning their holiday season from one of despair lO one or joy. They were due to be evicted from their Irvine home three days before Christmas. But an Orange County judge delayed Uie evl~Uon lo the first of the In Huntington Beach, about "H Winter Comes. Can Spring Be Far Behind?'" Orange County to the parade has 15•000 persons were attracted to · 19. HARLINGEN HIGH SCHOOL BAND. Harlingen, Texas been reserved, a check or bus thesandsofthecity beach in Hun-20. CITY OF SIERRA MAD{tE, ·~The Old Fjshi n.: HoJe"_ ageneiesinthecountyrevealtfd.-tington.Beach._ --.,.1 1 RA·B1oANS 11 'jTherereallywerelotsofpeo-r..~ '1 • The c losest publi c bus pie for a winter day," said a 22. BAKERY . CONFECTIONERY AND TOBACCO trans portation available is from WORKERS UNION "Sweet Outdoors" Long 0 -ach and seats must have lifeguard spokeswoman. She said 23. MJ CHJGAN ~'WOLVERINES" BAND ~ . peak summer days normally al· been reserved by 4 p.m . today. t t ds f bo t 28 000 to Those who can still make It to .;,•~_crow 0 a u . · 24. BIG TEN CONFERE~CE, "Celebration of£hampions'" th e Lon g B e a c h Publi c However coast residents can 25. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO .. "Bunin' Along" Transportation quarters at 1300 put away their suntan lotion for 26. PALOMINOS .... Gardenia Ave.. near Anaheim the rest of the week as cooler 27. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, "The Wonder of Spring" Street and Cherry Avenue, by 4 days along the coast are expect· 28. TOURNA ENT OF ROSES OFFICIAL BAND can pay $9.50 for a round·trip ed, according to the National 29. PASA ENA TOURNAMENT OR ROSES AS· bus ticket to the parade. $10.50 Weather Bureau. SOCIATION. Ros Queen ·and Court for roun'd trip ticket to the Ro~e year. l f The dry warm winds that have Bowl or $15 if going to parade Then David T mmon1 o pushed the fog front back to Sf!a 30. BLACK &t ITE PINTOS and game. . Newport Beach, who read a Dal· are weakening. a Weather 31. CITY OF B RBANK, ''Uninvited Guell$" There we r e no r eij e rved ly Pllot account of the family's Bureau spokaman said. • 32. WELSH IEs p arade seats left T u esday . plight, gave them a turkey din· As. a result coastal resident& 33. INTERNA IONAL llOUSE .O~ PA.NCAKES, "Nature's Game tickets are also sold out, Algei:ians • carrying response By The Assoc:laled Press Iran has signaled it will con- sider a new U .~.proposal for end· ing the hostage deadlock. but re· ports from T~hran today indicat· ed the crisis probably e@Uld not l>e resolv~ before President Carter leavesoffice Jan 20 Jran's main hostage negul1awr. Behzad Nabavi, said Tuesday hi~ government would a ccept a U S. counterproposal on Iran's de m and for $24 b1l!Jon 1f it "contains a kind of guarantee acceptable lo the Algerian government " The Algerian intermediaries were to leave Washington for Algiers today "'1th the U S. answer One U $. oHlcial in Washington said it could encl the 424 -day-old crisis fo r the 52 caµ lives ··1f the Iranians are willing and able todo:w ·· Ho"'ever. CBS News reported from Tehran that Iran's internal situation is making 1t increa::.ing· ly0 diffit'ult for its negotiators to find a compromise which would be acceptable to the United States and politically feasible for the Ira nian leadership. He said despite the apparent de- sire or Iran's negotiators to. re· solve the hostage problems as soon as po6sible, diplomatic ob- servers in Tehran are not op. timistic that a solution can be round befnr e Jan 20 when President-elect Reagan takes of fice . The Canadian Broadcasting Cor p. reported from Tehran that ··respected sources within the .government believe that the So· viet Union 1s responsible for the c t1 s is be caus e t h e pepple manipulating the situation are workt ng in t he inte rests of Moscow .. CBC said that knowled~eahle lran1an authorities s aid whoever set the demand of $24 billion · · wai, full) aware that 11 would be im possible for the l'n1led States lo accept it In other words. there was a deh berate inlent1on to pr<• vent resolution of the crisis " Even Iranian official· were· "shocked a nd surprised· hy the ~man . tht< i."13(' -s-:rrn . aoding (See HOl'TAGES, Pa~e. .:\l) Sea search called off OCEANSIDE 1AP t The .S Coast Guard says 1t 1s Sl!S· pending its search for a UC Davis veterinarian who was a passenger aboard a twin-engine plane that crashed off the coas t of Oceans ide Search vessels have failed to find the· lone . .pas~e.ng.et. '"'-........,"---• plane , identified as Dr . Hum ph r ey Kn i g ht . 51 , a veterninanan for thoroughbred hor ses at state race tracks and ttor~e ranefte,s and <'hief-of equine medicine at UC Davis Or:::~~~~asl ""ea•her Fog and low c louds tonight a nd T!Jursday mo rning. Mos try' s unny Thursday afternoon. Lows tonight 42 at the beaches. 52 inland. Hi~hs Thursday in 60s. ner on·€hriltmas Eve u well aa Music" : · • l h h th 11 I fi d I to U can expect more mornings of a t oug ere are usua y p en· Sl,IOO to tn a new Pace ve . .,, continued fog, generally clear· 34. WORKING ESTERN ._ '-ty avaUable just before kickoff INSIDE TODAY The family was more than int by afternoon. JS. ctTY OF c LGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA. ·•ca11ary (2 p .m.) rtom sea persor at race t4 ,000 behind ln fent on t.helr · G ld Sbo E rth" A team plapag '°'"~ of,,,.. Cb 1 iU Cl 1 Stampede, realest u oor won a value ($20). Paclfic·lO champion beir baiketball in tM '°""''ll bome at 4.MZtJ arfeyv e1 re el. 36. ACADIAN HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND. Washington fac~s Big· LO wiMer at the~ ~1 m -·r -·-A combina on o emp oymen ~DE' ~ EC01~01uy Lafayette, La. aos ~ v.. .,_,. problem.a, legal entanatementa ~.Eu'I. i-.' m 37. CITY OF DU RTE, "The Bandaie Gane" (~ F.S, Pa• 2> bo~~ ~nt buf hordJ11 nohced; and dllftcull)' ln Jet_U!!L,...;;• ... elf~an;;,,.;;--....,~n •r------..~IM.Ut"ING4GS&i~horHI) ;....-----·--------------t-·~forwt. Pof1I IM~B~.---1---1 ----~~~ poor nian· £~~ st. nESrA FLAMBEAU OF SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. Philli e~ •••• ._ .. 1 lddltlcln to Tlmmon1' help, few areu ol the nation ef\toy "Th:O~P~~r~!-y~~~~~~KMAN 1. ""'· ~ [18 HJ"'-1 yrecelvedanumber"ol u htaltby an economy u doel 4t .UNJVl:RSJTY0FWASHINOTONMARCHINGBAND HOUSTON (AP> -Bum coaldbuUoa1 tot•lln1 Ona .. ~ %. PACJFIC·1' -cV ...-O'llb-=--Phill~H-Ur-ff-t.ff•Y-H • Mn. JOIMI lald. Look fOfl "OutJ '11," • ••· pion•" • ,, coach and aeneral mana1er of Mr. Md Jin. Joa• came to P••• special Dally Pilot . '3. Kt.:XICO, "II• -Ill Friendly Outdoon" the Houston Oilers football qraa•• County from Detroit, ma,azlJM focusln& on tbe ac· "·Bl.ACK ARABIANS , • team. the National Football eeveral mootU aio 1D ...... ol coaiolllhmtntl in Oran&e Cowl· u . LOWRY 'S POODS1 LAWftY'S CALIFORNIA Lea1ue team's owner aaJd. Tht "uplaa urban bll•ht ud llart· ty d"urinl i• and lbe ~ CENTER. "RalnbowaoftheJuntJe" Oller• lOlt to Oakland Z7·7 Sun· tn1 a new Ufe for themHI,. rore1fltft In 1•1. day In the Amerlun Conference .nd thelt children. (lee PARADE ROUTE, Pa1e .\2) wild·card game.• I ----------~= ~--- I ' ' ---JlJST BllEAUNG-------- wa-....... ''°"' ............................... .... , J , ..... , .... J ROS~ ••• ·' ., • 1 • . . Jamel aaY,,, WarplanB. • lliclllpn la the 11th ltOM BowJ Ex~mate held in slaying .Carter tub i: .. eas on gaa WASHl.NGTON (AP) - 'rejident Carter a1aln wll•ptopose a dime·•· l•llon 1aaollne tax de· 1l1ne d l o red uce American dependence on overdose fatal to SC teen .dounieil 2 syn4'a je,. TSLAVJV, 1a.r .. 1 CAP) latuti w.,,..... 1Mt don l• 11rfH M•O JI h1b11r bombers '8dal la a -.naa.a ._ II .... l.eblDon, lM l&r..U mlll&u'J ....... Nii. Tiit two Sovl• rnad• MIG• w.... cllWMd 0¥# ~ 1G1J ftve a• w•l ol th• lara.U bor'CMr eo~ ol Met&dla after lH)> VMd to lnterl'•Pl larHlJ pl..._ CCIOlhactlal bombba1 raids cm Palaunlan 1u•rrill1 b&M1, • mUalaJ'Y apokeamu Hid. He aald' U.. ltraeU alrc:raft au rflul'Md 1al1ly ~ .............. BEIRlTl', l.A!bADOft tA .,, Ahardlint lraniann•~peperpA> clltted tn an edi\ot\al \oda)' \hal \b9 U~lted Slatea, fr'\lllUa*I over U.. ha.ta1• ariJl•. wouJd attempt~ Invade Iran or~ ill&Atraal dll· MUlon. ,.,., · ~ Tthrao Racllo Quoted In full lhe leqUly edl&orlal tD UM Etlaat Mw1pa~r. abaned with the mllitan\ Islamic llepubqcan Party wb&cb lo&id •uch actions were "not (ar fetched" l.n view al the elec:: Uoeot Roflald Rea.aan al U S president. l••••r.m ••l•s• SAN DI ECO (AP> -A man was set afire and buf'M4 over h1a entire body on JOggin& path a1001 Highway !N today. He wu re- portedneudeath Pohce 11llld i& flammable liqwd was .poured oa Johnnie Lee A rceQeaux, 35. before hew as torched wilh a cigarette UaMer. lt was not immediately known if somebody else set (lreto him or lithe man caused it himself. police said. ...... p-,tJ PARADE ROUTE • • • 46. BLACK & WHITE PINTOS 47 . CITY OF TORRANCE. "Four Seasons" 48. HIBBING HIGH SCHOOL BAND, Hibbing, Minn. 49. OR. PEPPER CO .. "Backyard Barbecue" 50. EQUESTRIAN QUEENS 51. CITY OF PORTLAND, "The Gardens of Portland"'."' 52. ARCADIA HIGH SCHOOL BA,ND. Arcadia, Calif. 53. CIT Y OF ARCADIA, "Spring Is In The Air" 54. LONE RANGER & TONTO 55. ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS. "Outdoors Al Home" 56. CARDOZO HI GH SCHOOL BAND. Washington. D.C. 57. CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE. "Going On A Pic- ni c" 58. MA'fCHED PAIRS . 59. CITY OF GLENDALE. "Down The Nile" AA. SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY BAND -• 61. ROTARY lNTERNATIONAL "TrailstoHappiness" 62 .. CREDIT UNION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC., "Sunshine Afternoon" 63. CARROLLTON HIGH SCHOOL BAND. Carrollton. Ga. 6 4. CITY OF ST. LOUIS, "Spring Thaw" 65. WESTERN AIRLINES (C lass El , "Lions N'Tigers N' Bears. Oh My!" . 66. BROWN & WHITE PINTOS 67. FA RMERS INSURANCE GROUP, "Islands of Hawaii" 68. MEAD SENIOR HIGH BAND. Spokane, Wash. 69. SPANISH ANDALUSIANS 70. BANK OF AMERICA, "Songs of the Wild" 71. FANCY P RANCERS 72. FLORISTS ' TRAN6WORLD DELIVERY AS · SOCIATION. "Sundav in the Park" 73. LIBERAL HIGH "THAT" BAND, Liberal. Kan. 74 . AVON PRODUCTS, INC .. " Autumn Splendor" 75. INDIAN GROUP 76. LOS ANGELES TIM~. "Headlines in Flowers" 77. AAHMES SHRINE MOUNTED PATROL, Walt Fahye, marshal 78. HUNTINGTON-SHERATON HOTEL. "Wbat's For Lunch?" 79. EDISON HIGH BAND. Huntington Beach, Calif. 80. AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO .. INC., "Air Show·• 81. INYO NATIONAL FOREST PACK TRAINS 8 2. CITY OF ALHAMBRA. "California Fiesta" 83. CHARRO GROUP 84. PROVINCE OF BRIT ISH COLUMBIA. CANADA, "Super-. Natured" --- -•• -..l- 85. DOUGLAS COUNTY HIGH BAND. Castle Rock, Colo . 86. CAL POL 'I UNIVERSITIES. "Snow Poke" 87 . ROUGH RIDERS OF ROWLAND HEIGHTS 88. CO MMUNITY OF MIS.SJON VIEJO. ''Summertime" 89. TENNESSEE WALKERS . 90. NATIVE SONS AND NATIVE DAUGHTERS. "The Ar· rival" · 91 . KAH\JKU HlGH BAND. Kahuku . Hawaii 92. RAND. McNALLY & CO .. "Tournament" 93. WJL..O.WOME.N OE.X,n11.-w6.>.J.--------~ 94. SQUARE DANCERS OF AMERICA, "Bonansa" 95. CONNEMARA PONlES 96. SUNKIST GROWERS, INC., "Festivals of Japan" 97. POWAY HIGH "EME~LD BRIGADE". Poway, Calif. 98. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. CANADA . "Yours to Dis- cover" 99. CHARRO GROUP 100. WINCHELL'S DONUT HOUSE, "The Beaut.y of It All" 101. ~RABIANS, Valerie Alland, marshal 102. INTERNATIONAL LUTHERN LAYMEN'S LEAGUE. "The Lord Is My Shepherd" . 103. DEFIANCE HIGH BAND. Defiance, Ohio . 1<>4. ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA, "Qnce Uann a Time" .,., 105. ENDURANCE RIDERS 106. CITY OF MONTEBELLO, "Heart of the High Country" 'Qa~.,.~ROV ~~ £!"~~~BE.C, ~~.~!>!'.· ."It'~~ WfU'}Tltr Jn 108. SALVATION ARMY TOURNAMENT OF ROSES BAND 109. CITY OF DOWNEY. "Nature's Fantasy" 110. TEXAS RANGER BELLES 111, CITY OF LONG~BEACH, '"7. City Alive'' 112. GLEr!l A. WILSON HIGH BAND, Hacienda Heighta 113. c1-r\)' OF LAKEWOOD. "The 49er" 114. CITY 6F CARSON, "And There Were ft0&es '' 115. VAULTERS 116. CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA. "Snipe Hunt at Calamine Camp" 117. LOS ANGELES ALL-DISTRICT BAND 118. CIT"f'OF LOS ANGELE.5, "Gateway to the Pacific" 119. M~RCED COUNTY SHERIFF'S PO~E l~. AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES, "Jlonarcb of t.beSea" Thomas P. Hatev ,,.. ... TELEPHO• . All dapo•Cit•: (714) 142~ c1 .. .,.....Mv..-...•: ...._1111 .. ....... CoordlnatOTI Travel. AnatMtsn. la providin1 l'OUIMft.lip bua traaaportaUon ror the a.ame only from the Newporter Inn and dlarriott Hotel in Newport Beach , the Recistry and All'fO'ter IM. Irvine, and South Coest Plaza Rotel, Costa Mesa. R.oundtrip bua tickets~t $15 are available to m idnigat by telephoning 937-0400, , according to • spokesman. · The buses wiU leave at 10 a.m . and ·depart for the Orange Coast 30 minutes after the game. Those planning to'drive to the eame only should allow at least an hour from the time they exit the freeway for the bowl until they 8:"e in their parking space, McAllister said. Best t~avel routes to the parade from the Orange Coast are Interstate 5 or the 405 to the 605 to 210 and exit off 210 east of· Lake Avenue. McAllister sai~ ' ·I I roreipi oil, an admlnlltr•· A .lt.year~old san ·caemente- tion sourceaaya. woman. who lay ill a oo.._a foe An Indiana man has apparently The aource, who aaked four days aft•t • dru1 overdile. ·sbotandkilledhisformerwifeln not to be identified, aaid dled euly today at San the front yard of her Anaheim Tuesday niebt that the tax Clemente General lloapital. By DAVID KlJTZllANN °' .. ....., ........... ho e befo h t' hi 11 proposal la "baaicalJv th• Karen IAl•b Burt, whoee last m re S 00 lnl mse 1 "' lilted addreH -•• Hft C-11• todeathasthentrana-... cou....i...•.. same" u~the-Carler pro-~. ..... ..... • -. ......, .. Aragon, waa pronounced f,lead po 26· 1 Y 1 .ceears:."!dd. daught~r looked on, posal Congress over· about l :30 a.m. ••a -ult of .... ... whelmingly rejected June ..,. • -... ft naheim"homicide in -6. Under that plan, a tax overdose of cocaine and e t' to 'd th r on imported petroleum barbiturates. v aga rs sa1 e atal shoot-Meanwhile, -the man who · in.a Tuesday inlropt or Marjorie would be passed to con-called police to report the L. ~eck.lehimer's home at 718 S. sumers. . woman was unconscious in hia Phaladelphia St. also resulted in t~e arresta of five neighbors who house last Saturday was to be d d ot h-~ 1· ID arraigned today in South Orange I n ~ po ice requests to • r ,,_ P-.4J County Municipal Court on s\ep back from the scene . Mrs . Becklehimer , 49, was charges of forcible rape. f d d HOSTAGES Police say Robert Scott oun ead by police officers and Marsh. 27, of 2Z7 Ave. Victoria, paramedics when they arrived at raped a 34-year-old woman in a the 'home just ~fore s p.m. that senior Iranian authorities friend's home just hours after Those minus reserved seats who plan to wait until the pre- dawn hours Thursday to drive to Pasadena and grapple for a spot s hould keep in mind that places near parade's end are less Robert L. Becklehimer, 50, was who saw a r eport of the Miss Burt was rushed to San · found.seriously wounded nearby. parliamentary committee handl-Clemente General Hospit~k Police said he was taken to ,· g th oti ti. had -A n e neg a ons expect· Marsh was au~a.le early crowded. The parade turns north from Colorado onto Sierra Madre A venue for a short march before disi>ersing to the post-parade as- sembly area at Victory Park. Areas to be avoided unless seats are reserved are near the parade's formation on Orange Gr ove, Orange Grove and Colorado where television crews can sometimes crowd out spec- tators a nd an y a r e a along Colorado west of La1'e A venue. T hose going to the game only should take the northernmost exit fro m the 210, Arroyo Windsor, McAllister said. Mission Viejo. which won the parade's top Sweepstakes trophy this year and in 1978 is 88th in line Thur:sday with a float, "Summertime." Nearly 1,000 stude nts 'from Laguna HUis. El Toro. Mission Viejo, Capistrano Va lley and Silverado high schools have been working on the entry at Fiesta Floats in Temple City. The float-building fi r m was owned and operated by Vinton Anderson of Laguna Beach until his death last February and now his son. Don of Brookline, Mass .. has taken the reins. nabeim Memorial Hospital, ed the hostages to be home for Monday morning .bY police after wherehediedat5:10p.m. Christmas; however, the terms barricading himself inside a Accor_diog lo investigators. were iftcreased after the report friend's hom~ at 252 Ave. Vic·. Becklehimer had been visiting his left the committee. tori a, for f\ve hours. ~am.Uy for lhe past 10 days, living '1 The Iranians want $10 billion of Marsh, police allege, raped ma camper parked in fr9(l,t of the the money deposited in Algeria's the older woman while James home. · • ..;..\ CentralBankfortherelurnoflra-Steven Bayne, 15, of San Juan nian assets frozen in U.S. banks, Capistrano held a gun · lo her · Police said Mrs. Becklehimer as·-p~rt of a long·slanding proper'. t~ rights dispute arising from d1 vorce proceedings 10 years earl!er, obtained a court order ear her ~ay requiring her ex- husband to so to a notary public (or the purpose or transferrine the deed for the Anaheim home to her. Beckleb.imer was ser ved with the court ot<ler at about 4 p.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Becklehimer, police said, had gone to pick up the couple's daughter from work at about the same time. When the woman returned to the home. Becklehimer confront· ed her in front of the home. The argument then turned to gunfire, a police spokesman said, as the Indiana man apparently fired several shots into his former wife. Police said their investigation showed Mrs. Becklehimer had made numerous attempts during the past 10 years to get her ex· husband to sign orr his portion of the deed. $4 billion as a guarantee against head in a bathroom at 252 Ave. other, unidentified assets and $10 Victoria. ~illio!l. as a guarantee against Bayne was also to be ar- 1denllf1cation apd recovery of the raigned today on charges of as- laJe Shah Moha mmad Reza sault with a deadly weapon. Pahlavi's property in the United P.o lice earlier t}lis week States. • drop" charges of attempted mur against Mar!\h, who al· Y Center lege told his rape vl'ctim. that he was responsible for the Burt girl's drug overdose. ~. to get al• d But investigators continue to s~ek more clues regarding the bizarre weeken<) happenings. In a new development, police arrested William Kent Smith 24, of the Ave. Victoria addr~ Tuesday night on charges of possessing stolen property. .In separate actions recently . C ity Counc il members in Newport Beac h and Irvine agreed to help bail out the finanicially troubled Orange Coast YMCA's Crisis Center. . Newport Beach agreed to chip an $5,000, while Irvine ap- propriated $3,000 for the center whic h offers l od g ing a nd counseling for young persons . YMCA officials say the center c urrently is expe riencing a monttfly shortfall of $3,391. They say councilmen in Huntington Beach also will be asked to help out. Police. armed with a search warrant, found an e lectric typewriter in the home where the rape allegedly took place. The typewriter was reported stolen from a methadone center in Santa Ana. High winds in November blew down the firm 's t ents and destroyed framework of many of the 13 floats under construction Inste ad, they said, he moved to but a spokesman said Tuesday lndianaafterthedivorce. Gold plated scrap stolen Laguna man injured in home blaze that all were expected to be finished for this morning 's final ,judging. Gary McJilton will direct the 133-member Edison High band. 79th entrant in the parade. Police said lhe shootings drew a large crowd to the front lawn. re· suiting in the five arrests. Among ~ arrq ted at the shootiog-scene were a juvenile and four adults. There are 22 bands. including one from Yokohama, Japan. There are 61 floats and 32 The adults were identified as equestrian units and two other William Swiney. 20. 615 S. musical groups. Philadelphia St.; Andre Les l i e K i m Kawai of Fernandez , 49 , 71 5 S . Pasadena is queen. T elevision Philadelphia St.; h.ls daughter. and movies personality, Lorne Lupe.21,andson,Euiene,18. ~~ .. JL f.2rm~~ba.ic.man...ot-· -the National Wildlife Federa· A 16-year-old son ot Fernan· lion. is grand marshal. dez'salsowastakenintocustody. They w.,ere all charged with in· Man sought • in rape try at Irvine- Irvine police are continuing a search for the suspect in a rape at- tempt. terfering: with a police officer. Swiney and the elder Fernandez also were charged with assault· ing a police officer. Gold plated scrap parts valued between $1,100 and $1.600 have been reported stolen from a Costa Mesa electrical firm. Officials from Wes tern nigital, 3128 Redhill Ave .. lold police that the sc rap metal ~aken Tuesday was being housed in drums localed in a storage area. Duck lnmter killed OROVILLE CAP) -A young duck hunter was accidentally shot and killed by his brother in a rice field near Richvale, Butte County sheriff's officers said Tuesday. A Laguna Beach man was be· ing treat.ed today ror burns and s_moke inhalation suffered in a hre that broke out this morning • in a home al 691 Anita St. Sidney Cook. 34 was taken to South Coast Medical Center and transferred to the burn center at the UCI Medical Center. Bob Fo~d: another occupant. escaped 1n1ury in the blaze whic h r eportedly was dis '. covered at about 7 a.m . F iremen were investigating the cause of the fire, which they • say apparently started in the lower portion of the home. The estent of daage to the two- story structure was unknown this morning. .,.. Sgt. Leo Jones said an 18-year- old Irvine woman, walking Mcin- day near Yale Avenue and Booth Circle. reported that a man on a small yellow motorcycle stopped, approached her and tried to tear off her clothes. He fled when two girls rooe by in a car l nd looked Winter Sale Start·s his way. the woman said. The suspect was described as 19 lo 21, 5-feet· 10 to 6 feet, 150 to 170 pounds, dark brown hair with • pony tail. Hlfwa?! we~rrng iflorig-s eevea · . navy blue ski jacket, light red cor- duroy pants and an orange or red motorcycle helmet with a tinted visor. Cyclist badly hurt in crash A 21-year-old motorcyclist is in critical condition today and a second man recovering from in- juries suffeTed when the pair cr ashed into a palm tree along Mesa Verde Drive in Costa Mesa. Leroy Smith was reported in c~ilic•l condition at Es>~tain Valley Community Hospital and Robert Balch;20, in fair condition following the Tuesday night acci- dent. Police said that. the two men were eutbound on Mesa Verde Drive when their motorcycle crossed the center divider and hit the tree. Stop-By Now For Best Selection .. ..... -.... -... -·-.. -·--·-·· -. _... - Drexel creates a classic -chaise Fresh 1nlerpret.:il1on of a classic? II s a Drexet • specialty as is 1he case of t111s gracefully proport!Oned chaise tongue We know you will agree there are few more elegant ways to bring comtortable sealing into a bedroom w .th Drexel's own Quahly touches 1n a ch0tce ol luxurlOUS labrics. 1t 1s being shOwn as part ol our Trad1t10nal C~ass1cs collect.on De11gh1lul' .. .... Robert N. Weed ,.~ t"°'Ns. IC.ee_,1 ....... ~!!l!_.CleH _. ... Ir.Id et CiMI• ~·• ....,.._~a. IUSl'S 1"9 . Slltlc~IM .., UI· -~.m:tt9.tJ:~ ... ,.~~ ........ ,_ _________________ _ T .. Or .. toetl Diiiy Piiot, wit!\ Mlf<ll h Cat has ral>ies Thomas A. Murpnlne ..,..._UIW Charles H. LOOS ~ .. , MIMIMI adlter '.""'C•••''•"' "" ori111e• c•o• "••11•111 ... C'..._.e11y, Ne lft•• ...................... ..,.""""' • ..-t._,..... ...,_!ft IN' M , •• , ••• <•• ... ._._,, •••<••• • ~ 1119 .....,_"'"'· " _...,_. 11• '"' EL CE"..,"'0 (AP) -An Im· Ora,._J:eMI 1'1*11111"' Com_,_ $ttlllfM• l'l 1 n MlllMI• -•ltNd llMfldlly wOlltfl ,, .... , perial County health official 19' C .... MIM, ~ 9Hctl, H\1111 ........ ... O/l'eM&a!A....~~ IUI~ U)ll tb• fi.ut.-CU4.-. IMKlll...., Clell.,. .........-edltiillll I• has been confirmed in a cat. llllllfl"'9d ~ ... ......._TIM er!MINI ..,..1111111e..-11 e1a.-.. .. , .. rw1,1>.o. ralaing to 14 lhe number of a.a ••.c:.e--.~......... anlmab recently con.firmed t.o ........... ~-·· VOL n, NO ... -• have contracted the contagious ,._ ______ "9"" __________________ ._._. ............ .-....:..--...1 dt.ease. I .- .. -... -·-·-··---··..._..._. .. The high road Atlanta's Charlie Criss (14) who stands only 5·8, goes high to block a s hot by Detroit's Keith Herron in NBA a ction Tuesday night at Atlanta. The Hawks won. 96-89. Jazzy outcome Lakers miss magic feeling SALT LAKE CITY CAP) Uta h Coach Tom Nissalke's thol!Shls turned to the Continental --·-Leag\.ie""ilferliis t.eam-·0eat the Los Angeles Lakers 110-100 in NBA action Tuesday night. It was from Billings or the Con- tinental League that the Jazz re cently acquired Ri cky Green and J err Wilkins . while rooki e Grirfith scored 25 points "AD <Dantley) wusJustternric for us again tonight ... Nissalke said.··~ are going lo have some good basketball her~ " The Lakers felt the loss of Magic J ohnson, out with a knee in· Jury and not expected back until Fe bruary • H /F John Sevano ·Klosterman· hitter l\ was pitch dark and the ride seemed which moved like a s low-moving endleu. The only nolae1 that could be locomotive along hlqhway 14, was Doug "I'll tell you somethin1.'' he said break- ing his silence. "There's something wrong with thls team that nobody knows about • heard were that of the bus en1ine and the France. the team's player representative radio, whose volume kept dartln& in and and one or the unofficial leaders. • . . not even the players. · out depending on where the mountains Somehow, in that setting, he didn't look were situated. as omlnoys and hulking and mean as he "I don't know what it is. I've JlVen told the coaches t here's problems. tt}at !Q.mett}_ing ·~ JlQ1 ci&hL ..Ma.)tbe.-.il'i .the money, who knows ?" Onty-a few 1'otlr&-earlie-lit.-Ram•-h~-usually does on a football Held. Instead .. he been clobbered by the o.itas Cowboys, appeared genae. appr'Oafhal>re and mild· 34-13. Now. as If to add insult to Injury. (.. mannered. . . team was being forced to ride from France sat calml>: in his ~eat. s1ppmg on It's the "who knows?" part that the Rams will hope to answer In the weeks. or months, lo come. There's no question the 1980 Rams missed an ingredient the \9'l.9 Palmdale to the Los Angeles Inte,inatlonal a beer. He was staring .s traight-ahead, but Airport, alter its DC-8 charter plane was you knew he wasn't se~mg anything. forced to di vert from its original destina· "There's .. no w~y this .team ~hould, have tion due to heavy rog. lost today, I said to him amid whispers team possessed. -· Was It money? Was it unity, or tatk of it ? Was it organization ?. Was It manage ment? Was it the players. all of them or j ust a few? Was it .J ohnnie Johnson's m illion dollar cbntracl ? Was it 19 new faces? The 11;o,.hour bus ride from Air Force Flat No. 42 (mother home of the Bl· bombers> to LAX was 'giving the players plenty of time to reflect on their recent oc- currence -and the season's past. and otater •sma ll-talk in the bus. "Dallas isn 't a better football team than you are " He nodded his head in agreement. "What do you think it is then. Doug," I pursued. "What do you think happened?" He could only shake his head. He was as bewildered as the rest The e><cuses. the reasons, could be end Seated in front of one of the three buses, (See SEVANO. Page 84) Baroris i·outscore Servile By ROGER CA RLSON Ofii.O•lly~llolSl•ll .Jeff Hughes, a 6-2 junior, con- nected on 10 or 14 from the field . Frank Luongo blocked fi ve shots and played to his potential in the second half. Jerr Christensen w1ts named the tourney·s most v aluable player a nd Emile llarry sparkled with a brilliant floor game. An ythang else ·1 If th ere's moPe. the Sunset League may not be ready for it Coach Dave Brown's Fountain Va lley High B arons over - µowered Servile. 76·65, Tuesday n11~ht to capture the 16th annual Orange Optim ist Invitational bas ketball championship at Chapman College before 1,200 as Servile saw its nine-ga me win- ning streak snapped by the po- tent Barons. .. They can't play muc h better than that." said Ser vile Coach Larry Walker as he s urveyed lhe wreckage. Brown agreed. "Yes. it was o ur best game of the year." said Brown. who saw his c lub r ace to its seventh s traight victory a nd second straight tournament title. ··When Luongo becomes a power inside like tonight. then \\e're tough, because we have all the other parts .·· Hughes sizzled with 18 first half points and finished with 26 points. Harry protected the ball well and penetrated Ser vite's de- fense. in addition to netting 12 points. LuongoAJinished with 13 points and fi ve blocked shots and Christensen. well. he was busy doing his thing to complete the impressive outing. He scored 14 points. Harry and Hughes were also al'l.:Orded all-tourney honors. as was Ser vile's Scott S~nek, John· c;onzales and Steve Witt ~ \ It's · in the works ; I o Late shot l{ives UCI crown Special to the Daily Pilot BILLINGS. Mont. -Things were looking bleak for Coach 8111 Mulligan and his UC lrvme basketball team · Not only had top scorer Kevin Magee fouled out of the Anteaters· championship confrontation with Montana in the KOA ClassiC' 49 seconds Into overtime, but teammate Randy Whieldon had already exited the contest during regulation play So what happened., GRANT TAYLOR REPLACED MAGEE and promptly scored on a clutch reverse layup. and Jason Works scored on a 15 foot Jump shot with one second left. as the Anteaters scored a 65 63 overtime victory .. We showed a lot of character tonight.· praised an ecstatic .\1 ulhgan following the heart- sloppmg v1rtory at the ni vers1t \ of .\1ontana It was the second big wan 1n a row for the Anteaters. who knocked orr 12th-ranked Texas A& M th~ previous night by an impressive 91 -74 score. 'Tm really proud of thl• way the kids hung in there tonight without Wh1eldon and Ma gee.' con· linued Mulhgan. whose team returns to sunny California for the start of a four-game homestand • beginning Saturday. • I "WE KNEW 8EFORE TIU: GAME that we would have to play with patience. We knew there was no reason to e><tend ourselves defensively against the deliber ate kind of ball they play." Mulligan said. Indeed, the AntealeCS-Were patient. Whieldon. ~o was named the tournament MVP. scored 18 pomts before fouhng out with 17 seconds left 1n regulation play, w!lile Magee added ts. far below his usual 30-plus performances. But UCI got JO.points apiece from Rainer Wulf and freshman Ben McDonald as the Ante_aters dis played their own brand of deliberate offense The Anteaters had to bounce back from a 3-1-28 halftime deficit by h1tt1ng for eight straight points in Just over three minutes to take a 46-45 lead FROM THE·R F. THE GAME SEESAWE D right up until the end In fuC't. it look two free throws hy Mali(ee with three seconcls remaining to get the Anteater!> even and send the game mt<> overtime Things could have been different 1f .\1ontana·s Craig Zanon. whn "'as 8 for.!) from the free thrO\\ lane. had made that ninth free throw with 35 seconc..ls left ll1s hrsl charily toss tied the game but the second one m1s!>ed. l.JC I got the ball and e\ entualb not l·hed lht-scorr on ~lagee 's free thrO\\ S The O\ertime µen od was also a back-and-rorth affair ''1th l.JLT i> ~le' Donald. Ta) lor and Ke vin Fuller prov1<11n,g k e~ ltas kcts But m the end. n was Works 15 fl")()t shot that sailed deanly thrnugh the basket to silence the partisan ~lontana rans and ~1\'e t..:CI win No 6 on the year IT WAS AU;O THE ANTEATERS' second straight on the road . a ractor which should certa in ly buoy the team ·~ confidence while away from Cr awford Hal l Joining Wh1eldon on the all -tournament team were Magee. Montana's Marc Glass and Craig Zanon. and Eastern Montana's Calvin Weintlerg In the battle for third place. Texas A&M took It on the chin again. losin~ to Eastern Montana. 39-38 an O\'ert1 me L:Cl returns to action Saturday night at 7·30 when the Anteaters entertain Portland Stale Canadiens make tn0ve on Kings ... ~1 0 :-.; T R E 1\ L I :\ P 1 .. The big fella (Wilkins) played we ll. Ri cky Green did a heck of a ----job-for os--earty and Ron-Boon came in and played g reat ." Nissalke said. "AT TIMES, we are c11ffe rent without Magic Johnson. lie is an art1s . e ma es t mgs-nappen you just don't see without Magic." Westhead said Brown, now in has 12th year with the Barons. saw his 200th victory as opposed to 93 losses and 1l was a bree7.e, although the game.. w~ au lose as redicted during the early goin g e ore t e Barons. now 8-3. broke from a 27·26 to lead. to expand it to 37·28 at halftime. I. ft•n.;t'man Serge Savard ., founh goal of tht• sea<.,on and 1001 h or his caft•t•r <10 Sl'C'Onds in to thr third period hrokr a score less tit' uncl led the '.\'tontreaP -C'anll<'IL'Tll> tn a ·l~ory <>ve1 the Los Angt•lec; Kin~~ in a Na t1onal ll oc k e~ l.e<iguP l!<ime Tuesday night 1 "l'D MUCH rathe r hring in guys like Green and Wilkins Crom the Contjnental League than most college players. because the com- petition in the Continental League is better, "he said. Lalters Coach Paul Westhead agreed that " Ricky Green played well for them. Wilkins seems to be enth~siastic and hard-working l The Lakers were led by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with 30 f>Oints and Jamaal Wilkes and Norm Nixon with 19each The Jazz gra bbed a 32 27 lead and stayed on top most or the way Wilkes scored five straight po ants at 4 · 53 in the tht rd guarter tog i ve the l.akers a 70 69 lead. But Boone and Ren Poquette scored at 2·42 and the Jazz went ahead71-70 It was 66-49 with 4: 43 left before Servile put on a mild ral- ly lo cut the margin to 11 In other games at the Orange tourney. Lakewood 46, Merine 45 ' ' Y\•On l.amht'rt got his 10th ancl 1 Ith go<ib of the St!ason and Mark :'llap1rr scored his 15th 111 complete the scoring Arter taking a pa"s from left "1ngt>r Boh Gainey Savard moved in from the right point and directed a harmle9S looking backhand at netminder Mario Lessard 1 haven't had a chance to study ham I much, but he does shoot the ball 1 weUandisahelptothe m." THE UTAH TEAM increased I Wilkins scored six points and the l_ead in the fo~rt~ Quarte'r. Roger Weninger is back in the Ma rana lineup with a patched up ankle. but it wasn't enough to stop Lakewood,' which held off a late Viking surge. Marina could net only 19 of 62 from the field. and seemed to · -u.ror.as many--SS-irtook when . within striking range. The puck struck Lessard on the left rorearm. bounced off the ~oat post and dropped into the net. bringing the largest crowd or the season. 18.042. to its feet. '}-blocked four-shot.s-.·includtng~w&---despite....Eoquett.e-pjclt.ing_up-hls 1 by Jabbar, and Green scored 10 s ixth foul with 30 seconds left in I points and had five assists, all in the third quarter. I lhe first half. "They (the officials l don't like I me . That's what I'm beginning I au:r IT W.&,S.Adtian D.anUey to feel.'' Poque.tte..s~id . - r and Darrell Griffith who powered "It's a big win. This is lhe first lhe Jazz to the victory after the time we've beaten the Lakers team lost l7ofitslast20games. s ince we've been here (in Utah)," The Ja11 is now 16-23 and the NissaUcesaid. Lakers26-15. Westhead said the teain had DanUey tallied 34 pointS and trouble getting to Utah, but that had a l(ame-hil(h 16 reboWtds, w asn 'lthe cause of the loss. The final blow came when Bu rt Lalk re bounded with nine seconds left, only to see the Vlkes throw(tie balr away with time running out. Weninger hit a pair in the lat- ter stages to get Marina within a point and finished with 14 points. All-tourney honors went to Wen· <~e BARONS, Page 84) .,..,,.,.... KINGS' JIM FOX (LEFT) BATTLES CANAOIEN FOR PUCK. . Second s later. Kings' right winger Mike Murphy scored what appeared to be. the tying goal. hut referee Ron Ri cks ruled the play offside. Lessard raced 26 shots, while rookie Rick Wamsley stopped 23 drives en route to his first NHL s hutout in his fo urth ap - pear ance Van Divier quiedy: makes his pr~sence known '9' J I ,.. .. • <. • By CURT SEEDEN plains. From my parents' standpoint, who move the ball. If we block well. years. you can really grow· 1 think my °'..,. o.u, ~11e111et1 my job is to go out there and not get lhinss will aosmoothly. fersonality has changed. The first time. lie probably won't draw a lot or atten-q_ • t l f th ·d d 't's..,;-r Th hurt. · An easy-going, likable player. Van was JUS a ong or e r1 e, an now 1 ton · ursday when the Unlve,.,ily of "And my coaches just want me lo go Di vier played his high school ball at dlfterent," he explains. Michigan and University of WUhlngton out there and keep doing what I've been Ana heim High back in 1975-76·77. racing A speech comfl)unlcations inaJoc.·Van ge.t together for the 67lh Rose Bowl In doing and not make any silly mis-tea m s like 1-luntlngton Beac-b and Di vier was marrled In August a!Jd tbat Pasadena, but Randy Van Dlvler will takes," he adds. Westminster. , too, has helped hr01·1eam mol'lf about be quietly making his presence known. Van Divier has certai.,ly responded to When the Huskles advanced to the responaibillty. At 6-0, 276, Van Di vier la one iof lbe his coaches' wishes. Rose Bowl in 1978, he was just a "Al least now, I can· share all the fun biggest members "Of· the W11hln1ton A team captain makin1 hl11ecoftd ap-freahman, and admittedly homesick for I have with someone, he sa)'11 of Ms __ 'Leam, clearl)' repcuenllng tbe...scbool's --pHAAOe ia:--tM..Roe• Bowl, Van DW.M aheknr--wlfr Laura ''I can share •be nrl nickname, Huaktea. la almoet a cinch. to be drafted by an "lt was the first tlme I. had ever been moment.a llke the Roae Bowl With her as But u alt offensive tackle, you won't NFL club -no doubt "in the early away from home for a long period of well u those other moments llke Navy aee htm 1na111n1 pa11es in the end aone rounds -and be doetn't deny he's plan· lime ao J was really lookinf fo.-ward to· and Ore1on." he says of the Huskies· or breaklnc away for a lone touchdown nln1 a sood ahow for the 1cout1 who wUl the trip," Van Divt.er explains ... At that only two lotse1 of 1980. -run~ And wblle be lan't sour atwat be n~ed amon1 the 106,089 m etle--,Ume, i-wea-jut-playint en the 1peeialt1 Motl. ol the-season, ~n.J:>hti'-L..,d absence of glamour"· in tf11 role' for dance. teams. t kept thinking this will be fun h11 line.mates have bftn e>PenlftiliOli's- WaatUnaton, 'Van Dlvler la certainly •• 1 actually .Ill.Ire playlnl on t!M of. ioih& to Disneyland and aeelnt my old for •uys Uke Kyle Stevena CH8 Nrrles. phUoaophicalaboulhl•Job. • f•natv• llnt,"Ph• H)'I convlnctnaly, tlrlfriend. 718 yirda, atven !'D1) and T~nl "U, were Tom ntc;k (WallWlston "beca\IH lt'I a team within a team. "But thla year1 )'m a starter and a Tyler,ll,_U carrie1,8"1arda. lOTDI). QB), everyone would be lookin1 for me we communleate well from one tackle captain, and I thank lt'a real Important' they've a11o provided adequate oro- to thl'OW a lot of receptions," he H · lo the other. We feel we're the people thal I play as well as I can. ln three (SM tru9KJES. Pa1e .. ) ··-··-"- - - has edge '-, ·~·.· · Flopda tat ' ,,.--I in th joke departrnent .. ,.. lt'r ... &c .... &..\Ml t'h>Mda Stal~ Coacl\ Bobby BowdH • PtUJffU • S<encn.is 1ma1• on·lM •ldellnea durioc ••• collele footb.U 11mt-1. b'4\ th• mlnole chief In· • tr'Oduc.cl tp6N •nter. •nd oppo.in1 ~•m cap· leitns '°a different fde ul bl.a l)enooaUty at a h.ui't'beon here. · I m not 11yt.n1i w wen sc•red 111 Ule laat Oru1e Bowl 1ame, ·~·den l1J 111be1cann~ the crowd Monday. "But we were the 011h LHm In th• nation usina K•oi>ectate tor the prtia1&me m ·ial .. Bowdtlfl was JU.St we\llO(I slartted "We do hav.i one player who won't be <"fir~ Thunday night That's Re11in1 lle1 nng, our great linebacker," Bowden !>Bid , paui,ln~ effectively "He doesn't know the meamng of the word 'fear ' In fact. I Just saw his grades-; and hie doesn't • • know the meaning of a lot of wordlH ~ Okiahoma Coach Barry Swifzer waa dearly outclassed 1n the one-liner depart· rnent. eowo1111 "I don 'l hti ve my act together like Siunt Bobby." Switzer &aid Switzer. head of the nation's fourth-ranked college foot- ball tt!am. can takt1 solac~ In the Sooners' work on the root· ball field ~ ~·s 10 I an o i!, takes on Okl1thoma. ~2. Thursday lo the Orange Bo . a rematch or the 1980 Miami classic. Oklahoma features as It hllS for several years -an awesome wu;hbone otfense, a ground-gaining macbine that is almost unstoppable when 1t is working according to the play book. Florida State fielded an unbeaten 1979 team dubbed "The Flying High Circus" because of the passing of Wally Woodham and Jimmy Jordan. This year it's a more balanced team, mixing power sweeps with receptions by sophomore .split end Hardis Johnson, FSU's game-breaker. In the 1980 Orange Bowl. Oklahoma, led by the running or quarterback J C. Watts, whipped FSU 24-7 q.,.,~ ol dee..,, M1t higan Coach Bo Schembechler on the Rose Bowl: "I can certainly understand why the Pac·lO wants to keep us coming out here. Some of my worst moments have been out here." SPORTS BREAK I BASKETPALL • 'l'e•-........ U •• .,, ••DIM....,. ............... N9'M .... , .... N · Mlcbllan and Waablft1ton went throuth Upl O a.. a.beN' aoal at '1:09olt.he lblrd period (ii pncUctl Tueld•l· wltb tbot Wo&verlne1, cbam· capped a atrtnc of Cou.r power-play aoala by Min· , plona ol ~II Ten ConCeNnce, 11Ull ravored to netota and can-led the North Stan to a g..5 Na· break tbelr tnaaoo dtouahl ln the ROM Bowl Alonal Hockey Le11ue vlctory over PhJJadelphla New Year'• • . . Tb• Ptlt.lburtb Panthera. triumphant Tuelday nicht. The North Stan, eUmlnated by the Flyen 1n ln the Gator ~I, muat now wait untJI New Year'• Day lo last year'a StanJey Cup H mlfinala, were auccuafuJ on four of lff whet.her their hope• or becomlq the naUoo's top colle1e s J>OWtr play goals . ln other games, Ed,,._..., footbaJJ team will be reaUaed. No. 3 Pitt i. 11-1 .aod bu• IAAf---~;uir•11U twice whiJ• Doe Mu..ey drilled tn two third period ot al lbe nailonal UUe lf Notre Dame beat.I Geor1la ~<he acores. including an empty net goal, to lead Lhe New York Su1ar Bowl . . . Even U too·ranked Geor11a docbet the na· lran1ers to a &·3 victory over Quebec . . , Fonner KJn1 tionaJ champlonshlp with a wtn over tht lriah, the second· Butcb Gorta1 scored thre<i aoall and A•dert Kallv added a ranked Florida State Seminoles HY they won't lack lncen· pair of aoals and two asai&ta aa the New York talanden ex· live In their Oran1• Bowl match with Oklahoma TI'l\ar1day tended their Wldefeatflt streak to 10 with an euy t.3 vit.'tory . . Vlrai.nia Tech, mlk.in1 ill flrat bowl appearance in ov41r the Colorado Rockies . . Way.e Ba'yclk 1lanun~ ln 1chool hiatory. 1un1 ror lt.s first triumph In poat-seaaon play three goals to help St. Louis celebrate ll8 flrat home sellout ln Friday a1alnst No. 20 Miami of Florida ln the Peach Bowl more lhan 41h yelflj with a $-3 triumph over Toronto ... C•rf~ .......... .-JC~-_.,.,.. BW Cartwrl1bt scored seven or his 21 points in m the ftnal five minutes, including the game-winning free throwa wlth 35 seconds to play, to lead the New York Knicks lo a 100-91,lllational tJasketball Association victory over tl\e Dallas Mavericks ... Houston's Moaea Maloae scored 30 points and Aud.)' Tom· Jaaovl~b added 25 as the Rocket.a broke San Dleso's six-game winning streak, 104·98 . . . Reserve forward Purvl• SIJort sank a 22-foot jump shot with seconds left to give Golden State a 106·104 come-from behind victory over Kansas City aeule 'l'lleu• scored 20 points. including five down the stretch, in leading Chicago lo its sixth consecutive triumph, a 121 ·J 10 ecision over injury-riddled New Jersey ... ·San Antonio's Mark Olberding popped in an-eight-root jump shot with one second lert to cap a 102·100 come-from. behind victory over scrappy SeatUe Marques .loluuoa scored 14 of his game· cuTW1t•CH1T high 32 points in the first quarter to 5(ive Milwaukee a lead It never I08t while racing past Washington. 115·94 .. , Jolla Drew led a third quarter 1ur1e that broke open a close game ana sent AUanta lo a 91-89 victory over Detroit . . . Newly acquired 8Wy M~Khutey accounted for three straight baskets late in the fourth quarter as Oilnver held off a determined bid by Indiana and posted a 127· l IOvictory ...... f.alw ,.,. ........ ..,, Bus ~port.aijon to and from the Rose Bowl [i] in Pasadi!na for Thursday's aame is being offered f. t at a cost of $15 per person. Buses wlU arrive at various hotels in lhe Orange Coast ai:ea at 10 a .m. Those hotels include South Coast Plaza, Marriott, Newporter Inn and Airporter Inn. Those riding the bus must have tickets to the game and reservations for the bus transportation must be made in ad vance by calling 77'·7600 or stopping by In person al one of the hoteJs. · Rugged right-winger WUUe Plt!tt 11cored three aoals to lead Calgary to a 5·3 victory over Edmonwn in a penalty-riddled Jame . . Perolov Uraaar scored with I l seconds remain· mg to Rive·Vancouver a 3 3 tie wllh W111hin,ton 8.-eteft"m .,..._ re-..... C•••r• The Milwauk ~t· Hrewerl' s11y they havt! no Iii -plans to try to re·S•Rn free agcmt BUI Cu&ro, their No l short relief pitcher . Ca11tro. 27. wi1s chos~n by si1t teams In bast!b all's rt: c11try draft liul ha& . not reached contract Dl(rt>1•m1•nl with an> or them • . No charges will bt.' riled 11.ca1nst M1R, oun tiaskethall star Sten Sllpanuvkh ror fal~cly repurti11g that he· Will> i,hol by a gun- man. Boone County pro!\ rutr>r J oe Mosely '>UH.I SUpanovlch helped his cause by rctriwttnl( his ori R1n<1I c;1ory a11d admit tin~ .Sunday thst he ac:('1cl<•ntl1lly \hOI hims ·If Boxer Aar<M Pryor'5 rnana.: 1 . ('111rlnnot1 1t•l>tauranteur Buddy l.aR011a. su1d Tuc-id<1y 1t1111 f'ryur dt>~d hP rccerHl y married tht.' woman who 11 hot him · l't¥JJL·.Uu1•.:'Wo11ld Ouxinl( Assocla ti on· Juni(H' w4'11 nw1·1~hl r h11Yh'111rm:,.,\,-. r1•lt·t1~t'<l (rom a Cin· cinnou ho~111tnl afln i;uffprlnl( " wo 1111tl 111 ht~ ahdomen and rl~ht forearm wh1·11 11 w•irn:m '>hot h101 dunng a domestic a rgumt:nl Tht• wflun<h wr1f' rt:JJ<•rt,.,l 10 Ill• minor Tr~n••,, radio Follo;lng are lhP top '>tx,rts """nts on TV tonight Rating-. ar,. ' " , 'Pll'tt>llPnl " / • worth wi)trlunq. , fair. "forget II ffJ> S p.m .• Ch•nnel 13 ~ ., v BLUEBONNET BOWL N<.irtn C.;i rn11r1a "' Texac; Announcen Rdy ~coll . Johnny Unil<i' ;Jnd Howard Da11i d The Tar He"I'> l llJ 11 an. l.:1>oori•<:J bv rnreF-points oH•r the Longhorns (7-41 •n Houston North r:a101tna s Amos Lawrence oas r ushed for over 1,000 yards 1n each of his four 11arslty <>easons and will pose a problem for the Lonc;ihorns. At halftime, Or ange Coast College's Leon ~kele will receiH• h i s award as the top 1unior college trainer 1n the <.ountrv RADIO Hockey King'> at Buffalo 5 05 pm KOGO 1600>. f'rotrt Pagr 83 Roger Carlson SEVANO ... less. The answers. however , will be even more diffirult to obtain Whether both side:. want to ad· mil 1t or not. there seems to he a definite breech growing between management and the players. The players. on the one side. tQOk great delight in blaming ownership for the team '& woes in 1980. The front office, on the other. preferred to remain" silent on all charges. not wanting to rock an alre ady fragi le boat at lhe time Now that the season 's done. however. that has thanged_ G e n e r a I M,a n a g t! r 0 o n Klosterman is sick ancJ tired of the whines and whimper~ of his pampered chilciren As far as he's concerned, every unhappy player will be accommodated if he comes in and requests as much. "Nobody has ever come in to me on a"'formal hasls and aired th e ir complaints ." s aid Klosterman by phone Tuesday "If things can't be workecJ out. and they still want to leave. then I 'll make every effort to let them o. -- . "Maybe some of these players have been around here too long . they don't realize what it's like to be elsewhere. They should ask Lydell Mit chell and Greg Horton. They know, and they've both commented on how nice things are around here. '·Maybe the writers should go elsewhere. loo. so they can see how some of the other players are treated." If it sounds like Klosterman is bitter'. it's because he is All season long he and owner Georgl.a Fron ti ere have been made t'irgets by the press and the players. They have been painted as vitiains in this scenario. and its type-casting Klosterman thinks is pure poppycock. "To _s~ we're. to blame for WhaT's happened this season is an erroneous statement a nd one that is easy to say. It's a copout. · "Did you notice there was no griping the past couple of weeks when we beat Dallas and Allan· ta. But, then. what did you ex· peel them lp say Sunday'> Now that we lost they can't say we just had a bad game. Instead, they have to have a reason, and who's going to want to admit they just got their bulls beat?" Tbe RemsjOffered a variety of reasons fo~ Sunday's loss and frustrating season ranging from the walkout.a, to the holdouts, to the problems In having .negotla· tiont handled during \he seuon, \o havin1 tod' many C 19) new races on the squad. Klosterman scoffed at these charcea. • · '1 appreciate their ln_P.ut,' • he 11rd atncere y concernifts th&.. players' remarks. "btft•bUt ~ c!l1lona are predicated on years , ot HHUlnf talent and putlln1 team• co_puaer. ny peo. ple telt we bad the most taientect team ln the NFL thla year. Jt certainly wasn't a sborta1e of penonnel. ... ' I Resolutioris: no toads, belly dancers ... f W1th'1981 approaching in the next few hours lhe lime has come to take stock of things. see where we're goina wrong and set a few goals -resolutions. These are always fun to do (for the writer), to poke a little run. So to keep it straight we'll begin with this writer to lose 40 poµnds (again). Now. to the real meat of the issue. Costa Mesa High football coach Tom French: To kiss no more toads. (It's a disgusting habit). Former Mater Dei High basketball coa c h Jerry Tardie: To resume coaching duties (the next rew classes <!Te a lot more promising). ClF Commissioner Ray Pl•lko: To smile, at least once a month. San Clemente High football coach Al· lie Schaff: To pass the ball, in a forward manner. at least 10 times a game <San Clemente product Bill Kin· ney of the Kansas City Chiefs might be available for consultation). Marina Righ banetball coach Steve Popovich: To maintain his schedules better at all levels C wife Sherry refused to give birth to Marc until Christmas even- ing I. ./. Estancia High basketball coach Larry Suderman: To keep a blood press ure reading somewhere below 2IOO over up during bi.s team's sames (or at least givethalimpresslon). Irvine Hlgh 's administration: To REALLY back the football coach (like it is done at University High). University H.igh football coach Ted Mullett: To avoid seven losses in one season (something the Trojans have riot done for the past five yeara). Laguna Beach:S Darrell McKJbbaa: · To work harde-r at the Artists' Christmas basketball tournament (as tournament dlredor, McKibban doubles as sweeper, scorekeeper, reporter, mana1er, fixit man and towel man. There must be something else for him to do). Newport Harbor High basketball coach Jeny De9'dk :·To accomplish the complete coaching effort (incluID.l\uet· Ung1 e point across that players must not only show up for the bus, but with their shoes and uniform). Edison High football coach BJll Workmu: To stop this infatuation with belly dancers (and to stop usin$! that periscope in the backyard adjacent to Fountain Valley's practices). Fountain Valley High footbaJI coach Mike Miiner: To REALLY laugh. REALLY love, REALLY enjoy <1t can be done and everyone knows who you have to beat to do it ). Huntington Beach basketball coac-h Roy Miller: To bring back rrom the grave the Huntington Beach ln\i ll& tional basketball tournament 1 and set!ci it according to Hoyle) Westminster Hig h football ("QOCh Barry Waters: To s top s hoving that game plan down the front of hi s pant~ Cit looks like he's sttll got poker on his mind with those loose cards hanging out like that) Corona del Mar High baseball couch Tom Trager: To m ainta1n cha m pionship form on the diamond levery- one is always saying Trager has all thttalentandis a shoo-in th1s spnngl Newport-Mesa School District : To listen, just once. lo the community (and find some solutions instead of excuses 1 Edison High assistant football coach Russ Purnell: To continue this facade .,.., an Cl ... 1-.1an1 1 Erl1son·-. true strength has been its advantage or mulllple head C08 t'he5) Ocea n View Hi gh basketball star W•yne (·arlander: To REALLY get stokPrl up for a gamt· !\he ClF scoring fl'l'ord for Jn sndiv11!ual 1s 74 > Ilana lhll" lligt• fOQtball roach Doo Ot>t.rootc· 'l\1 .... in ~ome leagu~ games r t:\'l•non<' has forj!l'llt l'n those fo ur non- l<'a(!Ut' \ 11'1un1''- Sanl t• ,\11.1 J11 i:h administrator Larry Ara.,on : T11 1·1int1nuf' the quest for an Or:ini.w C"otJnl \ Cl f' c .... hat a difference he r11ut1! mak1· Y..1lh his enthusiasm for th<' 10L :1:-c·omm1~1oner 1. Baskethall offir1.il Jim Pattenon: To ,provid e f rC'e lt's son ~ for the less fortunate <boy . are some of your friends les!-. fonunate 1 And finally. for Cypress lligh, set for duty 1nl1re -Sunse eague in S-ep· t cm ber Cont1n ucd efforts to switch with Or•ean View of the Empire League lif )OU don't think Ocean View can com - p C l <' 1n fo o tba ll . c h eck with Wcstm1n 1eri Front Pag~ 83 Area teams riding:'high BARONS ... inger and Rick Smith . Mater Del 60, Meaa 58 All-tournament choice Ron 'Tarbell connected on a three· point play in the waning seconds to send the game into overtime. then Mater Dei jumped to a quick lead and held l>ff the Mustangs to claim the consola· lion championship. Ken Bardsley, an all-tourney choice. and Roger Lac~ey each contributed 17 points to the Costa Mesa cause. S•nt• Clere 45, Newport 42 Santa Clara '5 deliberate of· fense soured Newport Harbor's quick·trigger offense, although 6·8 RicJc Ciaccio netted 15 points and illl-tournament honors for the Sailors in the fifth place game.,_ . The loss drops Newport Harbor'S' record to , 5.3 aa they await Friday's :t• 30 duel with University ln the first roWld or the Canyon Invitational. Huntington Beach Hlgh's OiJers have powered their way into the championship finals of the Brea Invitational following a 73· 71 victory over host Brea· Olinda H.igh Tuesday night - the Oilers go for the gold Friday night al 8 : 15 against Sonora. And Ocean"\'tlew High 's Seahawks up~d their record to UT-2 with a conquest of Compton to claim the ViJla Park lnvita· tional championship, while San CJemente continues t& Impress, upping its b8fketball record to lOil and Edison returns Crom Palo Alto with a 2-1 record in the St. Francis Tournament. Here Is a Jook at each: Huntington 73, Bre• 71 Scott 'Becker and Bob Reider came up with season high performances, acorlns 23 and 17 point• retpectively to pace the •• <\. Oilers, now 7·2 on the seaaon. Flick'• father m111t 1tay behind \ Reider added 10 rebounda and Becke·r anaBob Thompson con· trlbuted eight and aeven uaists respectively as the OUers' fiuJd PASADENA <AP> _ Tom ~aat break kept Brea<)Jl~ Fllck's faYw:. will h&-v..e...to atay' _!_l.s heeb . ome from \he Rose Bowl an<t Becker's Cree throw wllh three wlll miss sltlln1 in the stands to seconda left put the Ollera up by see his University of Washington two point.I, then HB survived • quarterback son play 'l1atn1t last-second attemplfrom the field Michl an _ _ bylb~Wlldcata ~ -- Y e · le , 59. a prore~slonal pllot from llevae, Wash., wu IC 11, '"-Quint• 74 critically b\j red in a Utht plane FoJith..A.... the Triton• of San craah at na Field In Se~ 11v ....... on July 20.' Clemente are now lO·l rollowinc --. ' their victory over the John Rogers-led Azte~s. spraining his ankle and miss ing the fourth quarter ., The Chargers cX'})IO<le<I a com· Next on tap for Coach Rich fortable nine·poinl lhml·quarler Skelton's crew is a Friday even· margin with a :!6·pOtnl fourth ing contest against Madison in period the championship semifinals of· . the Chula Vis ta Tournament. The victory ups Coach Barry Leigh's team ·s record to 7 4 with James Hill netted 3Q. poin"'·~ .... t he next venture Jan 9 against and John Eddo kicked irt~ijh.U. -VJSiLing...Costa-Mcsa. to offieTRogers' 36. Jerry Borlin and Jack Stevenson contributed 10 reboWlds apiece lo the win· ners' cause. La Quinta came out pressing, bul the lactic couldn't slow down the Tritons. Edi.on 15, Loa Alto• 54 Rick piBernardo cc>nnected for a career·hl1h 29 points to pace Edison lo Its victory in _\h•,. consolaUon championship finals of the St. Francis (Palo Alto) tourney. Richard Chang, another junior, added 15 points before I • Oce•n View 53, Compton 47 The Seahawks had to get off the floor in a ihurry to overtake Compton. wh.ich zipped to a 20·11 firs t quarter lead and main· tained a 37·31 lead through three quarters. Wayn e Carlander led th'~ Ocean View. surge with 24 points as Ocean View avenged a 59·54 loss to Compton In the San Dimas'Tournament Carlander's scoring average through a doien game~ is now at 33.3. I I __ ..,.._ ...... """"'""- BUSINESS J STOCKS W..dneeday'• · • NYSE . COMPOSJ'IE (PDT)PI.._ T-RANSACTIONS .. ..... " H I F C»&. Y flLOf P&G hatters paper firm 81 MILTON MOSKOWITZ Brown Jordan ia J>robably the Tlff any 9f the outdoor CurnllW'e bu1lnes1. You may have seen lta atu.ff ln a store or on a patio. The chain are made of welded, tubular aluminum lactd with stron1 vinyl. They're durable (ln all ldndJ of weather>, at· tractive and com- fortable. They're also very expen1lve -$100 ftd up for a 1imple Money Tree chair. ,,... Brown Jordan his moved upward steadily since ih founding ln l!MS. Its tint product was wrought iron furniture. But it really be1an to take off ln 1969. That was the year ll was acquired by Scotf""Plpif · or Philadelphia. Sales have increued by six times ln the past decade. It's nice to have a rich Poppa. But while Brown Jordan has been doin1 .rather well, Poppa has been ailing. You see. Scott used the profits from toilet paper and paper towels to buy Brown Jo"rdan -and other companies. However, Scott apparent.ly took ita eyea off the main business. And mighty Procter & Garn· ble ( P&G> came from nowhere to swat them. Scott has been playing a catchup game ever since. THERE ARE BASICALLY two kinds of companies in the paper industry. One is the giant that owns vast forest lands and.runs the timber through its mills to produce lumber, plywood, newspnnt, cartons and other packaaes. For examples: International Paper, Weyerhaeuser and Georgia· Pacific. The other kind also owns forest lands but it converts wood into brand-name consumer products: toilet tis· sue, paper towels1 (acial lissu~s. napkins, disposable diapers. In this camp are Seott Paper and Kimberly-Clark. maker of the Kleenex and Kotex brandi. They spend a big bundle on advertising. PBOCTER., GAMBLE, whose prowess in soaps. de· tergents, toothpastes, shampoos and advertising in general is awesome, entered the paper business in.1957 by acquir· ing Chairmin Paper Mills in Wisconsin. - P&G soon figured out that the way to shred Scott was to develop a soft and squishy Charmin toilet tissue. P&G did. and they made Charmin the No. 1 brand. P&G then performed a similar m'\racle with Bounty paper towels. Result: Scott Paper found itself on the ropes in a market it had dominated for at least a quarter of a century. .4ifof"I.:• In Tltr .ftipo1ll9l11 Dow-,011tt•. I 1•rrap• NEW YORK IAPI Final Oow·Jon., .. g, rot TU.MS•• OK JO STOCIU ~ MEW YORK IAPI ~i.,, Tues CtlO ~ Hogl'I l..O.., C'°'e ChQ encl ,,., t l'lal\Q9 ot IM 11t1ten m°"l &LU~ JO Ind ~ •2 ... S• •n" .. 1 OJ, 1 d ,..,.. Yor• !>roe• E•clWln90 1u11~ 70 Trn J9J.JI 3" 16 J91 H 1" 21 • 1 S5 I) Ult 11< '1 1\S l1 Ill SI IU 70 0 • '• 1nou• 1.IU.~ 'I &S \I• 310•111121 JM•• J71 l1 • 017 Tran "l.100 '• Ulll\ U 7 .700 " ti $1~ ._.u.JOO .. ....--------------~ . .. '· . ' NEW YO RI( IAP I Dec JO Pr•v Tooo 1 Ad111•nc.O 171 11S .,. d1y sse 1111 ~ 1019 . ~ ~~~~ 1010 ,. ---------------4 TOll l I~~ Mew 1tlGM Mew towi rs WHAT AMEil DID NEW YORI( l"l'l Dec JO TO<lay o110 .. nc*o 2'J Ou I I Md J11 UllCl'lan.,.a lSI Total l\Wt\ .. , No• l'liQfll " ,._ ... •ows. ' SI IS Ce'"' ,.._ 90'• ono a pouno. tJ S --------------~ oest1n11oon1 f 'p• a11d Down• NEW YORK (AP) T,,. lollowtng lflf '"°'"' ,,,. N•w York Sloe. EuMllOf Uo<k• •no ... .,..,,. 1iw1 M•• 90,,. up 1~ m~I --t~ most l>•W<l on pecrcent of <Mnoe r~rdtru ot votume !or <tT-y Ho M<Ufltff'S tr.a1n9 0.10• »-4r• •nc• uo.<S Net -percent-<"-"•Ju ••• tho Jlff•r•nc• btt.,..., tf\f: ortv10U1! < fOS..r'l(J P<"IU al'd T....,ay·1pr1ce Name t Sllelir I JSol , NatPrHIO •J KC SIM Pl ~ ~~::J.'t.' ~ ~~~;;<tst I llltyR.i Tr o4 Coldwt8"~• 10 EtMemMo 11 KaniCtr Pl 11 UMET Tr 13 EmpOE PIB U UnlvF<!j II BTMtg Inv 16 C.m&<n Inv 17 Cllry1i.r WI UI"\ l..UI 131 .. l't•• IS ,, Cllg Pel • 1\o Up 11 e 6 • Uc t•.t " 11 • VP '1 • Ill UP 17 I 1' .. UP 17 I I U'I> 101 1, UP 100 , •.. , ,~ ... .... J • ~ .... ,. J .. 1l. ,., • " 2'. 10... • .. to-.. '• .., ...... 1'• 7' • "• U'• • 1 )\ .. ,, . DOWN~ L•~t11 t ci;y' , .. , • 1' • . , .. "" I .. J • Up 1 7 Up I I UP 1 1 UP 7 • Up 1 t UP 1 I UP 11 Up '' Up •I Up 6 ' Pct Oii • ' 0 11 II 011 I I Oii , • 011 71 .) ... • 011 •' lO ' ••• H'• ''· "" J ... Jl< 111 1 1 • 1 111 Oii •• .. 0 11 •• n, Ott 6\ • Oii 61 , .. 011 6.1 • ()fl 6.1 ~ g:: : ~ • 0 11 I • lo Ott H ·~ 0 11 s' LeM 1' c.enh • l)OUl'ld lift< 41 .,,..,~ ce11h 1 P011na, de11•or.a Tin,,,,,.),.,..,.,, w ... ~ CC>mP0\11• lb A11fm1-..1•cent••PDU11d, N V Mere..,.,,.., oo Pt• II••~ l'lall-$5'? S4' rtoy oz , N Y Sf11•rr NEW vo11ic IAPI -11•,.dy & M••matt \llV•t IOCla~ $11.150. Oii to OS E11gel1W1rd 1ltw • ctow<I , 6old QMOf af ion• L-: morning ll••nv l.lf'I )(). 011 so " L ......... •lier,_ 11••"9 cloMd d.,. lo- 1\0llO" Le-<IO\lng ll•lllQ lSll 00 !'aria: 1111...._.. llaong c loNd due 10 noll O•• llraa_..,. ll•H'9 \Sii .,. Ott \I] \2 Z•rlcll· late stter._,, firing Jstl oo. uo UOO, in too aneo H•M~ & H-: lat• morning Siil oo. • otl U II 111911-..i: lal• morn1nci ctowd d.,. 10 11o11oa1 l.•t•lllord1 Ille mornfnQ l11>rlc1te<1 cloMO --Read the Orange Coas _ . newspaper that keeps you in --ttie informative -- 642-4321 DAILY PILOT t .... • OAllV PllOl A'N f"aAN .,. 0 {AP) Annual doub&• dllll ro" lh Ln the •'Orl._t mun•)' 1ua1fly, no1i111 eulmaceo 1l 12 3 lnlUon, c: tUnued lo '"" Vr'()dd \nnatioo ln \ at a r1tt" u( l>'f(tb\. lot d H I 8&Dk.- of m rka onomlat h .. 1.ud soars l at • money suppl)' aceOW\\I for ll percent of all fund• lmmedl1tely tr1n1fereble, he said. 0 NABERS-- rr141 i4H·f 111111 J:>Da•mL• ill"'°' k 1\l.I. ~101>1 ·.L<., .___CADILLAC ----------PllBUC NOTICE ... ,... MO'hCaO.IAt..a Ofl UA4. ..-uni.. A~tYAT•IA&.& ,._ 1N '"••·~~=-~noit T"• ni.W" CN' U.LINltNIA ' ,0 . TM• COUNTY Ofl CHIANOI 111 Ill• M.•11•• of Ill• lhl•M ol LEOT.l M VAOl!ll. Oe<eeMtl NOTICI! 15 HEAl!IV GIVl!!N 11\el llW 11ncM0191WG •Ill Mii •I Pfl¥ele Wiie, 10 I,_ lllgMll ..-cl bHI 111-r, BUSIN!SS Pl181JC NOTICE rvauc NOTICE NOTICaon•lisTH'UAU NOTICa 01' DI TH OP °" ,,_., tf, 1411, .:·~;-';:·~': AL•tNA .. ALAL~ND 01' STAN·SHAW COll,.OllATION, • , IT IT I 0 H T 0 ... A. C•lllo,.11• G0tP4tr•llt11 H 41111¥ tll• MINl~R ISTATINO. 110lt1i.4 TrvlMe ~•net Pll•-nl lo & 107 O.t<I ot T"'_. recor-JUM ta, 1•. ,.. • .. 1n.i ,.., 1t1't, '" ...., ,~. ,... T o· • I I h t I r s , 1111 of Offkl•l "-""ft in o ... 9fflo t f be ntfltl•rles, c reditors the Co..My llt<orOH\ of Orenee Coun end cofitl---.t CrtdltOf'S Of ''· Sl•l•ofC.lltornla A ·-.-·· e 11 ecuTED av Mlc11u1 A. lb lne Pala and per50ns H•ll r aad tn a n:~r\ \u \h hitnk that lhe -.orlu rtwne \U>l•ly ml'rea d b) 10 • pernot In UliO i nd 111 nw'n' than tloubl tJ 11111 fl 19'14 Th• Unll.ed The 1rowth ln M9f'•Y auppUtt "areatJy exceeds the potential fol' world production lncruses and c 1tu1e unabated lnOa.Uonary pressures.·· Heller said. 111!•-~P.••l!!!!l!!l!l•--lf \Ubl•<I I O (Oftlltma11011 ol U ICI "''""tor tour1. on °' ell•• llW Jiii O.y ol Jutul>'Y, 1te1 et 11\e olllce of J LAA AV llAllAAO, lltlonwy el l •w. Sullt 400, 1400 N H••Dor 81¥0 , F11tltrton, COUllly 01 Oren99, St•I• o1 Cellforlllt, 111 lht rlQ111. llUt •llO In lttt\l ol WICI Cle'°aMCI et 11\e tomt ol dt•lll, and ell Ille rlVftl, llllt enCI In terot. INI ,,,. .... ,. ol H id cloCHMCI hf\ t CQulr•O bY ooerellon of 11w or ollltrwl .. ot""' tllen or In e<!Clllton to lh•t ot wiCI Ootu...i. •I lh• llme ot oe •In, In -to ell ~ c•rtain r'lt•I pro ~rty \llUlll.0 1n Ille Co11ntv of Ortn~. Slett of C•lllor~e. P••ltCulerly Of\(r tlltd •• lot lo••· IO·Wll G••"'"" Jr -GIOll• • Gr•mmt. wh·o mey be otherwls. ln- 11us11ane1 -"'"• •' 101nt t•n•nt, ... 111 terested In the wlll and/or wll et pullllc evcllon to 11l91W\I 11100tr I t E4i 00 rat~ hik OK'd 't I '« 'O t omm1'li.mn hu er~ n\ r•l~ 1nrr~ti t d1'-un l '<• c·u~1(1owr-. t• 1 rh 'ilMl Public lllll)CO\ t'J llO •vvnl~U 2 5 f111 ~1utlwru ('uhfornu1 Tht• tlf't 1nrrt'IU11• unwu11J ~ to Stol m1lllon a , IH Ull l"o t'~ldl Ult (4'~U~">I~ l•rft>('ll\t' JMh I 11w c-ffod un " l) ~".ii r.-,..ultnl1.1J bill ol SOO 1lu.,. .. 11 l)ouri. u rnonth l'ill 11(• SI .f7 uu·1 ~·t1'>r from Althouah 1980 brou&ht no end to world inflation, "World econpmic pt1rformance indicators also 11ho"' that 1mbaltnces In world trade and financial markeL'i are belo~ tt)~fr 1974 pea~" Heller said. Global anllatlon dipped lo 9.7 percent in 1978, but UXl'(llS51ve expan1Jion of the world m oney supply in lhe \ale t970s led to an other outburst o r. d ouble- d1g1l inflation, He ller said. flt' nott-d th•t he qxpects the world inflation rate to drOLJ I percent to \4 perc~nl this year and slead i· I~ dt.!<•llne in years thereafter. Prtcea for 12·30-l0 0...Cle........ ... .. Ct tll.M Kr11Q•rr•nO• ,:.,,.. ..':':. .. Meplt l HI' 6..00 00 "" 00 100 Coron•• U67.to tNt.M so Poo• 11n.• 114~ ~ ... sun• &•II' ""' ""r ,_ IC_t_ Now In c .. 1 ........... ,_. (714) 55e-N50 South Coaet Plaza VIiiage .-.1 .. ••llt . 1Act99.• tfOfft ~ c .... ,, •••• , Tne 'IOUlhwe \ltrl; 100 1 .. 1 01 tn• norlllwutt<'IY II '"' 01 L.ot 1U of rowoort HtlQhh 1n lhe County ot Or•ne• Sttlt ol Cetllornta, •• Ptr m•P thereof rKO•o.d 1n Bootia ' P•ve lor ce\11 (jNYt bt. el llmt of tel• In eS 8 e ; 1awfu1 mo<wv o1 '"' Unllt<I s1a1u1 at A petition has been filed 111e lront •ntranct 01 St•n·Slla• by The<>d<>re Pala In the CorPOrallon, louttcl at 131~ I 11111 S I C t f O stret•. s.-Ana. ca111or111a •1111. au uper or our o ra~e r1v111. 1111. •ncl 1nteru1 con .. veo 10 County reques t ing that •ncl now lleld Dy II """" \aid 0..d 01 Theodore Pala be appolnl· Tr11•t in ttw pr-r1r '1111a1..i in ••10 ed as personal repre sen-co11n1v eno Stelt O•\etlDtO OI lol lJo!Trt<;tNo JOll,O•llOwn l atiVe tO adminis ter the on • m•P r.c0<ood '" ~" •l, P•"' estate of Albina Pala ( un-14 end IS of MIM:tll•ntoV\ Map\,'" lhe der the Independent Ad· ;:·~~:/f '~f~ ''<o•oer 0' "'d m in istration of E states The str .. 1 •Odrn• anCI otll•r com Ac t). The Petition Is set mon IH\IQnallon rt •11y ol tllt rtal P•O fo r hearing In Dept. No. 3 IM'I• aeM:rlbed aDO>e I• ourPOrttCI lo t 700 Cl .,. .-O I b• •oo w .. 1c1111 ori.e Nn•PO•t a v1,. .,,enter: r ve, "l 9 r urt t•nt h tu S3 I 2t1 • ~d1 o fll..-d us o"r'"' dllun for h1gh~r nHl'b tnur" than • ..w •"o 'tl't'lll11*' • S340 million 11n AU•I 1nrrece.l' Mort! lh1An W d»yit of publk hear !fla:" "'t-r~ twld • Nevt.•rtheless these inflation rates a r e un accep - \~1.11) high World leaders ur"ently need to work lo ward monetary growth r ates more c losely m..itchin~ the growth of world product ion :· he w1d. ,1ddmg that the world economic growth rate n•matn<.'d sluggis h at I 4 percent this year ._ ____________ ,. IJ of Mlwoll~ M•P• recorO• OI euctt,C•llforn1at?..o · West, in the City of Santa . rne 11t10er\l9"'0 Tru\IH dl\C I aim• A n.a.. ca I j f 0 r n I a 0 n :;:,: ,'1':!:1:.;;i;,:n:,,c:"!~,:;:«t;~·,:,:~ January 21, 1981 at 9:30 Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou ~,!'w~'~ ~;'';,:°~~,~~::: MtWI, Celrlorn.a Term\ Of \.If• c•\h in l.a••ul cnoney ot the Ulllll'<I Sl•lf'\ on conltrma11on ol '•'•· or_o•rt <•'"' •no O•t•nce Clt\IQnal'°", It 61\y, \rc.wn lier> a• m , ~.10 wt• ,.;u °" m-out w11nou1 IF YOU OBJECT tq the ~~::.,n·~~.:~·~~111~ •;::::.~!~ '':, Jr anting of the petition, ~--~-~-~~~-~~-----~-~ tv•O•nteo by note \tcured ov fl\(UMbrtn<t•. onclUOl<IQ IH \ CllOr(ll\ YOU 5h0Uld either appeaf ano ••pen .. •.ot "" Tru•t•• •nO ol 111e at th e hearing and stale tru•tscre•1ec1 Dv .. 1o o.eoo• ''""to your objections or flle Q•Y t ... •tm41•nonq Qron<1per "'"'' OI Written ObJ"ectiOnS With the ,,..,. not•h l \Kurf"d t>~ '••c:t De•d of -> • Not only will Downey Savings pay . you 51/4'11 int.erest if you h ~ve a Mo.neysaver' ~~ account with us ... but we II also give ~ ~~, you FREE all of the ~~ '" rsr fully-p ersonali zed ""'{'."\~ s ,,, checks you ca n use. ''" ~~:;;,:-,1~: ·.:~~: 0 " 1 \ As long as·yo u have , .... >"11 .. , th e account with us. Moncysavcr is very interestin g. :'-11\\ \<HI can linalh earn 11111..·1 i..·-.1 1 •II 1 hi..· n11 •1ll·~ 1 ha! 11-.cd 11 1 lrl· rdk 111 \11ur d11..·1.:l.. Ill!.! :1v1.. • 111111 '1 , •• 1nll'I t·\t r :11e' 1·11mp11111hkd 1l.1ih f111 .1 ;. N '. .1111141.tl \ 11·ld \\ 1111 \1•l11 l11~h 111t1..'tl'\I ... a,- 1111.!" ;11,.0l.0 llll ll h .111d \/11111 •1 \l/l'l'I .tll .11 [)1 •\\lh'\ \,t\111~"· \11u'll 111..·, i..·r 1 valh ""' 1..· 11, u11 am'' hi..· re · ... +,1..· 11>1y1H1r1111p11r1;11ll fin an· 1..·ia I hu-.i 1w-.-.. ( )11e '' 11p 11r pht 1111..· l':tll \\ ilJ 1.11--l.' l'.lrl' t1I I( :tll. Pl ti"-.\\ .... 11\\ ll \\ lllll' l lf I hL' rnu~I "'1pl11-.l 1l .1'1 cd l'tp11pnh.:nl '" ailahk and h:1' L' ;1 -.1aff of .\/1111"''''' t'<'/' t.:\1w1 ''tu handk \1>t11 :11.. l.·1111111 1 ighl hi..·rl'. ~nit \1llr 1..·\l'I li .t\l' .i qul.·..,ti1111 .ihnut \P11r ''""'''"'"'''',. ~llT1>un1. \011·1i gi..·t :in ,lll..,"l'r ... l ·AST .. ~ if I ' 1 t I 1 t,. 11 • .r '. t l ~~ .. d1f. ,,. ':~~· --#"\ " .... __ .... You ·may not even have to pay a .monthly service charge:~ /\II yuu have 10 do i' "-t'ep a m 1ni111 um n f 52000 in '1 >Ur D11wncy S;l\·ing~ Pcis-.hrnik . Or ;i minimum uf SJOOO in you r /\lo11<!y.'"''cr account. That'-; all. J\nd you"ll gct Fl{ EE chcck~ and no ml)nthl~ 'crvii..:c drnrgl'. E\'L'n if your Af(JIW\".\Cl\'er balance drnp~ In U.\ /t111· ti\ $500 during" 111w1r/1. you st ill \\ 0 11·1 gL'I :1 monthl) -;en icl.! chargi..·. · .Jw.1 a l5C' per check handl ing l'hargc. And if \11u'ri..· ll2 11r oldi..·r. \/,111c·.narerl'l11\" /11/'l'f1t1' P m:111cr \\ lrnl \1H11 minimum hal· i.lnCl'. ~OU \\on·1 µct (I lllPn!hh ... cn icl' d1:1rgL'. Moneysaver offers you a lot more exciting benefits too_. Send in 1hc coupon helm\' Pr .,top h one (lf our L'on· n:nient nffii..:cs ll>Lb) fnr cum· pk:tc tletail\. ------------~---------- Just what you'd expect from AND LOAN ASSOCIATION llo•u" M .. n 1hruThur. '1:00 AM·4:(}] PM I mluy <MIO AM·f);t)) .. M 'i111urilny· ll:OO AM l:OO PM Please send me more information about your exci ting new Moneysaver account. Na me .. _ _...__ __ _,.,=""0~11•• Mea Brant•h Soucb CoMe '60 F. 17th Street ' -Plau Rranch 1'7141 M2·7422. '200 Bristol St. ro ....... v.uey 171:.0 Magnolia Ave. (114\ 842·'7424 '7141 556-927() .~-, lr~lne ·Nor.1hwood 41/70 Irvine Rl vd. • uite 108 1714) 8.32·9ti90 -...... FSIJC ........................ _ ~· ·-. M Or'tQ•C'lf or ''"'' O..d on th~ proe>er t 'f \C \Old ,." cwcc.ent ot •mouf'\\ b t() lo bP dfOO\~lf!O with b•O 8 10\ or Offf'f' ~ to bit 1n .,,,,, •t•no •ncs '•ill b4' tK•t't't'O •t IN •fC>rfs.ftd oftitt •I •ny time .-fMr l"'t ''''' oubh<'1•on "•' •ot •"4 bt•ort dial• of w •1 O•t•d ""' ''''-cJ•y Of Dt-cemtwr '"'° Truu to wtt '" 000 00 wotll •111#• .. I Court before the h ear ing. IMteon from July '· ·-•• •• per Your appearance may be •nnum U P•O•latl<l •n \aoO not~(\I phi\ IO pe rson Or by YOUr al· ~~~11',:t:C:.~7~;:r:~:~.:1,~1.~?31 " • torney. a."""""<•••• unOl'r .. ,o OHO or I F Y 0 U A R E A MllHtEWAI KEH lfu\I nt•tlOIOrt .. t<ul•O •no o• C REDITOR or a · cont· :.".:'.:!::~;~.cu 1 ~~~~=~.~~'.:': ~";:;~~u,:~:m:~~\~~ 1ngen1 c reditor of the d,e · "''o o.u"""' S••• •"" • "'""'11 No11u 01 D•••1111 ceased, you must file your LA1111v aALu.110 •no Ele<.hcn 10 """ TM ""0""111110 claim with the court or At10<ntr " u w I "u••0 •••0 Nolle• 0' Dtt•u11 •no present It to the personal UOO N H.,1aor llvd •G E1~1•0t'I to Seu 10 ~ r~<OU1*0 '" '""' l'11t1•r1 .... c11 tu» <oun•1 "'"•r• rn. ••Al 1>•01><1••• 1, representative appointed A1!':~~~~~.1or. cu 0 ••• s~·~:; l~.i,!~1,on months fro m the date of Ttl 11141 vi 11n 1 •ocateo · by the court ,within four , PubfO\l\e(j °'""'1" (Oa \I Oartv Po101 .o\ Wtd Tru\let ff rst iSSUanCe Of letters aS o~c '1 1• ]I '""° \IOI 80 lly Frano Fl 6.C,•• provid_~d in Section 700 of P UBLIC NOTICE : ~;~·.~11~ .. eor-.. 1or1 the 'Probate (::ode o f nu e 11111s1 California. The time for o1111NGECOU NT Y Pub"~\~.~~ccAo:~~tb •••• p,101 It.ling cilaims w ill not ex- suPE11 1011cou11T !J•< 11 1.., ''" 1 " 198, u "eo p1 r e pr or to four months 1ooc1v1c c.n1w 0.1 .. w .. 1 from the d a te of the hear- ~·..,.., '4 •1101 0 f. 1ng noticed above. ~C:C\:•;-.r 't:c cuM1S1N!>UliA1<C£ 1 Pl'BLIC N TIC• YOU MAY EXAMINE O f r fNOANf WESTEl<N "'"'' lht file kept by the court. MOii 'Ci"Gf COAPOl>A llON .... 0 Fl( rtTtOUS IUSINESS I If you are interested in the oon 1 1 ~.,~~,.'~<1u'••• MAME suTEMEHT esta te , you may file a re· CASE HUMIER ~' u ou:::,:0~:0"'.,'0 orr '0"' .,, .. 0 ... "'0 auest with the court to re· HOTICE' '°" ..... ---· The ECOTECH OtS HW&SHEll S ceive special notice of the COll'1 m•y cMClde -•Ml yo~ •ltllOut US II . L TO >4 OHr Cr .. ~ 1,.1ne inventory Of estate assets '"""' bt>ll'\Q fWA.tO uni~\~ rO'll '~\QO'l:O c t 1 wtlllon JO d•Y• lltllO tM 1nt"'m•toon •tt:••:••p:.,~~ .. Gr••'"' p"''""' H I and Of the petitions, aC· o.••• CJ•••(•~·· ., .. ,. ,.1.,,, ... ,1 •• co unt s and r epo rt s AV1so• U\lt<S ow .ioo oam•,.~do 1190.,., Hon• no c;, ...... de~cribed tn Section 1200 El lrrltuNI _... cNcldor conlr• Ud, P ........ /$)' "'"" '""'~ ........ "'~" of lhl'. California Probate UI\ •t.1C11tf'CI•' me1'tOI q"" Ud, '"'°" A r .. ,,,, d• Cltntro a JD .,,,, Lt• •• '"•o'""' '"' ;•, ,.n"• 1 ";'": r .:., •o· L ,...., , .. ~ CodP t•on Qt.H w.,. p4 , ,,...,._, SJ E \g t,.A,tn,. , • ,., ti '""••\"'to..,... .. -. ,,.... 6d. t r o• •n J (.a 111o r h•.t r,711!t -'tlnrn .. ,, ,n 1'\1\ m•H•·' 104.I \"<11.110 do u jfMr Ni p,,ft 0.,. '\Q P'C1motl1 \n '""1 'out •'•tit,., ,,.\P'•"'"' 1 t "'fl" ,,, • ., n-f1lf'O on,,,.,..,._ "-fT Ir (2 P,.,,,.. .. , nn' o .. ,.,,",., t>, ,,. r , !OF(I ( ,.11trJt n1• ~1&Jl Theodore Pala, Attorney a t Law, P .O . Box 1017 , Tustin, Ca. 92680; tel : (71 4) ~S3-4tt3 ')1 \J\fl<1 o-..,.A \/)Iii,,,., t-1 , onv-,o o.. m dbQQMJll' 1•n 11'\f" 1t\unto Uf'b-J' 1d ''"'' ,.,,,~ 1n1rn,.d•dlom11nf,. O• "'''" '""n"'" .u, '"''~''4\ .. ,, , 1<' • , Av t1Ql."1d t·Ut-9• \N ,,.Q1\hl't'11t '~I 1tmpr Ill •Hf til:f ENOAN I /. '" r 'omo• ""' hdli. b....-n ' h<1 Df' tN ,,,_.,,., 1,u ttt11Hn"i1 tOu II y1..u~ "' ,,. to airtr nn l'\I\ ttt--.\u1' vo1, "'u\I w•tt••'• ;: Jilt, '"f•I It 1• • Ufflrn41H\ 1 ,,,, 9'fld , •• , •''II t1l1 •11r, IM1' ttNr1 ,, ,,.,. u,., • ;.••toa''" IQ IF\• • OMIH,ttr11 11nt1·\\ '"'' ,..,,. '' YOU• Uf'lt,.ull <Ntl bi" tmlt rf"(f 1,., tp Oii• •''0" ot ""' C"'i""'"' it..-d! t,..' :ovrt m ... ., ,.,.,,., d 1vOqm .. nt .JQ.it•n\t '''" ,,,, tM r l'l1•d 0P"'-41"0ttd ,,. \n.< compt,_,,..t #htt h 'outCJ rfl'Wlt '" Q.trf'l1\n"'•nt o' ••Ofl'\ ta1i11nq Of~~ or orc»,.rh or OO'l•r , ... ,.,, r•Que't~ tn tnP com I i>••1"' O .& IE 0 Jun# 10 t'llO fl A AQA•4(l-i (1 ..... By (h11\f1""£ £•\tNCJO(I °"""'' ~PAJIY. GOUlO a aowc AS A PrOt•ufon.11 Corpior•t•Oft USO W 1t\l\1•,.Q1 ... d ''''"'"' lo\ A,..1 ... C• tOOtO IM 111 ~\ ll<•1 Put'l1\~ Or.tnQlf' '-.04\.4 Ct• h O.io1 O•• 1' J ~..tr'IO 11tn 1 'l t 1i;1 "'*·AO Pf'Hl.IC SOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSI,. ES~ NAME ST&rEMEHT 1 '"' \1>i1£onv-nt wa' 1ut"O -..1\h ttw-C.ounty C1rr1i; ot Or•nQf' County on o .. t ,.mt>Pr 1t> \991) FUUH Puol''"'°a Or•"Ot' ('>4\I Ott••t p,,,.., Dflc 11 1laf0 fl'-" 1 u 11 11191 ~''7 I f P UBUC NOTICE FICllTIOU~ IUSt,.EU NllME STATEMENT f "'" to1tow1n4 o.-'"°"' ~,.,. no.no "IU~lnt"\ .t\ All lS UNllMHFO •111 P•m 0 '0 " fl l Ji n,. N "W(·Or f 11,.6, ti •hff.,,n,o 41tidJ 0 11 9'.,r·i ( ~OU ,, \\)Q p,.'9\ ,,o• f' l•" .. N,..,,.uo, t 9,._., ,. ""'0''"• •1bAO M 1feltl'd ti St OU 111' Pttm()tl.U• f I ""' Nt wwOOd fJl'dCP'I (a hm•n14 ~1060 T "'' b\i\1'"'''' '' ronou' h·d b'f .. ,, 1n Jl"ldU41 Wn ~r'1 ( SI OH h M11o•PtJ tt Stot1 f f'll\ \l~l,.,,,.,.nt 'llllllA' f+IN1 wlln th,. C0 111ntv (IPH Of Or-no~ (nhnty .,,.. 0f'Cttmbctr 74 l98P FUHO• Punlf\Md t')fttnQll Co"'' OAHv Ptlol [t,r )I l'll!O J1'rl I I• 71 1qe1 llb•M H•l>411 ,.ICTITIOUS IUSIHCSS NAME STAT(MENT t ,,,. foflowrnq Pitt ~on\ .tr~ 001no )O\lnpn "' O"K I REE ENTEAPR rSES 'TO bll 8•"""' on~ Nt ... pOrt 9••< n. caurorn1• '1'60 O.tw1d E Trumbull 6ll 8av\1d~ Drive. Nt wPOrt BtttCl'I . C•liforn1• ~7t60 M••v Ell11i.111 11H111n~1 Ttum buU &ll e ... ,,o. Orh1f N••POt• 8to< n, Gtoltt0<n1a •1660 f "" bU11f"NI\\. '' condw< 1~0. ov ~ Qf'l\tr•I p,trtrae,-,n1p o.. .. o E Trurnl>ull p.,..,r.e, Tiit\ .1 ......... , ... ~ fil«I ........ lttP Co.11nly Cter• 01 OranQt County on Otctmi.r n l'lllO l'IUUI Publ"~ Or 11\0t (OA\I D•1tv P1101 Ott JI t'llO Jtn I 14 1t 1 .. 1 \101 et r _., ton E 0111t1w\,,n i•na ,..,.,., r Jt1t1n 0••\0' .,. ICr'"' ,,..,_,.tnh . 1'811 ~"" I ,H,. (1•1 ._ f ltJtO (,.•,tvrn1A ..f)r.):) f ilfT'I,.\ f p, di~ Al'H1 J11;lr-ft 1*'"'' r.J Q,nr ,.,,,~ ,,..,,, M Don,, a•, lvd'\t T•f'IA"!I 1 II 'Cl,. d \I,. P~bfr\Nod OtAnq.. (~\\ Oa1•v Ptlo\ t •<tM'.l 1.n • 1 '"'' sms a<· Pl 'BLIC' NOTICE I 111> ~ l 1 '• rr. (A f'"!',,"' '°;' r Tn Dv\•''"' • i.riflv "1 ''· •' I NTfH~OET~CTE'9~~SFE.A ....,,, t .. n ihtnr"'""'•I f ,0,, ~ r, \"••" ,., An~:~~·;~.:~,~E :!u~: ~~;',!~,) t::1· ~ AAP,,'-,,~1• ,,.,.,, •\ t 4))1 8rt.t'>•hut\I Slr"'f'f c.,,.,.,,.," r·.HHfl' ':,Aro•,. G•Cn··• Cttt1tnrn1..-'"'•""' to fr\,, \l1th·rTW1o'f ...,,1\ ~•ff'Q "',,._ fr\f'> 'ttn\i1t 10 HAI( ("1AN C .,_.U NG.. Cuu"'Y (lfr• ii l)r4nQf' County 0,, :hO\t' DU\t,,f\\ •Od'"'S ., 'l.H E lJf't f''T\Det v~ '* , .o,,.itllutfon A11env ~. Or4tnQ• FUJOM :.41tfo1ni•. fht toflOwlf"IO preott'ly ~..- 1 PuDltln.d 0r.,-.~ c0,01 D••fv p ,10, _oc •ted •t f4JJ4 8rooahur11 StrNI, o ... , 1• ,_, ,.,.. , ,, n , .. ~ 110190 ..,•ro.n OroY't' C•l•tornl• c•rt•I..-.. N' 'lot•.,, ,,,..N tt"'d m~'t"•nd•>"' Pl'BLIC NOTICE ,,, •••lu•t'\ ~·prn~nt QOOCh••IU, •nd ~ tr•O. of t~t <f''1••n DU'W"•" '"°"'n .n '"" G•r$Pt"I Grov~ ~•••on ot C1ottw!\ ~•rl It 14)1• 8roo~hur\\ ~tre.-1 j•'O'" Grov~ C• itornra f t\# FICTITIOUS IUSl,.ES' H.AME STATIEMEHT lh' t0Uow1"9 ,..,,Ont •rt OU\I"''' ·~ do'"' i::;'!~;, "~ 17or!'~;.';, ',',~'-bl'"< t to fHE CAPt\TR ONO CO ... PAN V 1""' Sitt""'"' • "",..,, (A 1) tJ,'1 F 1:1 ' '11' \',.""' w ., S.tn,.An 1 (,.I ,,_..,.,;ty R t "''"" .,. .Ali •IT" •• C·• H¥1t o'1 A tP-, 11 ,,.... ,,.., il'l 0-'\I \0 ltt' '' •"O""',, 10 .,.,.. rr-an\ff'rtf" An lP\o'h' P di/,. ~.. •'M •ad fd--.6 bu\ r'lt'\' _.,.,,., """ ~ ... ""' "°'"' ·'~ ""° ""'" nt ,... ~~ 1 '°""'' 11,.,. ,.,.,, \~C"' \.lftOfr ,,,. ",...'•ft ~ ·'""\ ("'' ""' &Ol for '"" , ,.. dl l.lt-o no o R'""c " (O•t)tMOft Mn (;• ,,.,,. t'°'I"]\ ~ cn"'rd '""' >;1 ~·1 .. <. '" .. _., •0 •"111 t10trl (Jttit ,,, •l'-~'M f Pu• ,.,t~ tr•n\frr N I Off l0f'1 0 ,.nu ,.,, ,,, fll .J,,,,.'r\itl"'J ,,.. J•"ud•v 10 1991 1tt lnr- ')tfU'fl o• tVIU t 4'tm' •o,. Of'O'\ o• ttw ''""''"'o' m.tf Of" ,,1,.0 ..-.11n JOEL A ~J:JvAr1 •florn-~ ttl l.t-"" al >•sci ro"""'O.ttct Poao Suit-''' W•\tl•-.• \11Hit1Qt C~Morni• qtlt>1 r"' ,.,, O~•t to1 ,,,,"0 t I~''"' tor 0~0'\ ot 1ne h~n\•ff'Ot '' J ttnu.9' t 10 1~f 041td 0...•mb•" n •'llO JOt>t R Sr ~•n Ev rO• AQtnt '°' f r.tn\f,.,"" FIUlll PuOM""d °'~"~ COUI 0•1ty Piiot PuOlo\ .... d 0 '<t11Q' (Od\I 0•oly P1IOI Cl.. )I 1°* 1104 l!O Otc ll, 19'0, J•n 1, 14, 11, "" ~ltt fO , 1 I P UBLIC NOTICE Pl'BUC NOTl('E H l)AU FICTI TIOUS au"NESS NAME STATEMEHT l'ICTITIOUS IUSIHE~S f M tollowlnq Ol'•~on> ••~ 001"<1 NAME STATEME HT ou>on•H•\ 11\t IOllO\fl!il•~Q O#•"Jn"-"' .. nn·no CAT•l•N• P•AfNEAS. l TO t>\M\tn~\\ 8, )JO•• (•II• A••ddor SY1le C S.rt Ju•n LFtlfRMAN 811C IH[ll~ l •I Ctpo\tr.t"O C••rto•"•••7ll~ trrm4)n lHOo SI,. ' ,, ,~,., tiu"''' e n,rq., (orpor•Hon • M•<Art"4.t, 9 1,,0 ,., ,,... t •litcrn.A C•ldo rn•• <Oroor~t•O,, l>O•• C••'• «i>t \\. Av••OO• ~II~ ( \,a" Jwn C•PISlr•no 8tyrp l 1 ll"tlf''"~ct-n ;:, 11 l 111100 C•llforn••lth7) NOtlf' lt\l.nft l.rt .lorn.• ~111"1 P'••P't f P,,.lttn Jr JJCM• C•fl• Sc o tl Al l _. tt,. rm i111 n \ O t 1 Aw1•00• ~•If C ~n Ju.t,, C•DfSlf•no T d"""'•<• '' "'"'" (t1h fetrn•• Q11t\ I (411,orn•• •>•'~ t "'' bu~•"•'' 1\ rondut fPO b\I " 'f "'' b\J'1M\\ 1\ <Ol'duc led b't fl q•"~'"' CMr-tMrsh10 11m1t•C1 SMr'fntr,ruo Sc.ou ,,,, l ""''"""'"' HUfl!t•r E "~'O• Co, P fn1~ suttm.nf _..., t1lf'd 'fll'•t'1 ,,,.,, Q•IOh E p,_..,1•n Jr County (l•r• of .Qrar'IQP Co1mtv nn Pr'"°*"'' Of"(f'm()Pr q 1~1 lh1\ ;t1t..,,,.nt W4\ fUPC) ••1h the- l'ISttll County Cttr• ot Or•n" Co1111ty Of\ Pubh\,._d <> ttnQf' (O;ti\I DA•'';' P11Dl 0.<•ma 1'Q '* -O•c ]I •'lfl() )An I .. 1• •'ltt 120• llO •DOTH, MITCHEL, ST II ANOE Pt 'Bl.If NOTI(' t-: N·l lffO f1ClUtO!J$-'UStHt:H NAME STATEMENT 1 hfl follow•no Pf'r~on\ ,.,,. do1no bu\in~\\ .-, • JOHN!>IOWN PROPEIHIES. II~ Dovf' Strerrt. Sul1f \70 Nrwoor1 f\tAf n C• lifor ,,1. '2~ Jonn\town f 1nantutf Cor 00' •l•Of\ • C.ecu o1a <orPot•t1on. Sult,. JOO sns "' P•athl•Pf' oun .. ootf'/ Ro•O "ll•nle. c;..orq1• JOJ.11 ff'H\ t>Y\1nt'\\ 1\ tondvCtf"G t>Y., c or PofA1tot'I JOhMlown Fu ... nttal Coro V..Or~H La,,.ttt Prt\tdenl fru, \lt1l"1"f!nl w•s flltd w ttP'I IP\t Courity C••r"-01 O••nor Co~1nh nn ~com~· 1•, l'lllO P IUJ)l Pub"'""" Oran~ c;o." 0•11• PllGf O•< 11 ,..,, lflA.J., i. 11. 1 .. ~ uoo~ .. ~ PUB.~ NOTICE e114 SMITH AllOtftfY\ .. l.ilw Swll• UO Oo•ftO S.•1-lwtlti~ noo ar1ttol s1.- c;"\~ "l\f'(, ce.tlhlmte..tltM l'UHU Publh .... O 0<•~ Coa\I O•tly Piiot. D•< ]t, l'lllO J•n 1 14 11 1 .. 1 1201-IO P UBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT Of' WITHOltAWAL ,,_OM 'AllTKlllSH" OfllllATIKO UHOlll "CTITIOUS auSIMISI NAMI T "• to1lowir1no PtrtOf) "•' w1thdt••n &\ 1 Qtnt t•I P•rlner trO"' •flt ~rtMr,hiO oc-r•111'19 undt'r ,,... Ht 1111ou1 Ou\lnu1 nemo ol BEST MARl(£flNG ASSOClllTES .. ltOI W•••h •m Pl•<t ,'1am• ..A"• Cattlon•I• .,,... Tiit 1tct1t1ou> IN••twu name lief• me11t lo• tht perl,.,.•\llip ,. .. lllt<I on Marth ll. 1'10 1n Ill• County ot o •• ,,, .. Fwll N•mt •nd Aoetr•i\ of '"' Ptr\on Wol-....,"'9 William W Barri<' 10 Grf~ A•tlllll 0 llPI • ~ lonq lhacll Calllorni. ,_,, Wlltlem w l e,,10 '"'"' pu11111...., Or.,,.. Coell O•llY '1101, Otc JI, t•, JI#> 1 14. JI tttt SIM-« ,. .. BUSINESS I STOCKS Wedn.-1day',. Cloeiq Pric NYSE ··coMPOSITE .TRANSACTIONS • t \ ~.December 31. 1MO Dow Jones Final UP 1 .. 97 CLOllNG113.ll Srott 'adped' P&G batters paper firm By MILTON MOSKOWITZ Brown Jord8l\ ls probably the Tiffany or the outdoor furniture business. You may have seen Its stuff In a · store or on a patio. The chairs are made of welded tubular aluminum laced with strong vinyl. They're durabie (in all Money T.ree kinds of weather), at- l r a c tive and com- fortable. T'1ey're also very expensive -$100 and up for a simple chair. ... Brown lfordan has moved upward steadily since its founding in 194:i. Its first product was wrought iron furniture. But it really began to take off in 1969. '.J'hal w~s the year it ~as acquired by Scott Paper of Ph1ladelph1a. Sales have t.ncreased by six times in the past decade. It's nice to have a rich Poppa. But while Brown Jordan has been doing rather well Poppa has been ailing. You see, Scott used the profits fro~ toilet paper an~ paper towels to buy Brown Jordan -and other companies. However. Scott apparently took its eyes off the main business. And mighly Procter & Gam· ble ( ~G) came from nowhere lo swat them. Scott has been playing a catchup game ever since. THERE ARE BASICALLY two kinds of companies in the paper industry. O~e is the giant that owns vast forest lands and runs the timber through its mills to produce lumber, plywood . newsprinlr cartons and other packages. For examples: International Paper, Weyerhaeuser and Georgia-Pacific. Th~ other .l<ind° also owns forest lands but it converts wood into brand-name consumer products: toilet tis- s1:1e. paper t.owels, facial tissues. napkins, disposable diapers. In lh1s camp are Scott Paper and Kimberly-Clark. maker of the Kleenex and Kotex brands. They spend a big bundle on advertising, PROCTER & GAMBLE, whose prowess in soaps, de- ~ergents , toothpastes. shampoos and advertising in general ~s awe~me. ente~d the paper business in 19:i7 by acquir· mg Chaarmin Papt!t Mills in Wisconsin. P&G soon figured out. that the way to shred Scott was t~ develop a soft and squishy Charmin toilet tissue. P&G did, and they made Charmin the No. 1 brand. P&G then performed a similar miracle with Bounty paper towels. Result: Scott Paper found itself on the ropes in a market it had dominated for at least a quarter of a century. NEW YOlllC (APl S.I•• ,,_. prlc• .,._, ,.t <"'-9 of ttw f.tt .. n mo\t •ct1we- Ntw VP<• SIOct· Eocn•l9 "-'-lrt11•"11 Mloon.11~ •I morr lh•n SI Fe<IN;I Mtg ... ,.cJO "'• Br•t>ltf 11'1 S1')00 •' 1 ~:~r·~~ :~·= ,:>; GM' Corp •tJ;too IJ l TV C0<p l'O,«IO JO '• .. •I I , ~~;~"r~ .m·: ~~ I BM 11')00 ,.,,., ., ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GPU Cp m .'00 1 •'• Pan A"' 7'•,ebo •, '• '• T euco Inc 2'0 400 ,.. , Cont.Alrltn >60,100 10•. "• Bo.Ing s 13'.SOO ••' • 'T FstP• 111119 7J7 • .cl0 I'~ ~ • l p• 011d DoarH• fOEW YOlh. !"Pl Tlw 10110••"9 Iii! "'°""' llW Ntw Yor• S100 E l(Nn9P '100.\ and Wlrr..,I> lh.nht 90"1' UP lht ,.,.,.,, encl 00-I~ ~I baHd en S-rttPrl of ,,,.,. r 19<1ro1eu of •o•urnr No,....,," .. tr•a•ng bt'lo,. '1 ·••• '"'' uOld Htl •nd percrnl•Qr <h•l'9f\ ••• ,,... diffe•...c• l»h .. .,. ll>e PIOIOU• tlO\orcl priu • ..., tilde•",_,, p:lce u,O, ....... I EIMtroMQ 7 GrtY""" WI l Chrysler WI I llCCorf. s C1try11 .l!pf 6 MultyCp s I lFE Corp I Can'*""llls t ChOc:kFON tO W•lklnt J"" II FeGP•ld :~ ~~~r:r~ U h le<Dft>CP IS s.1 ... 1 Cp 1• OllEd I 2CDI H Acme Cl•v LU~ ... c';?, ,.,.. '4 .,,, .. '• ~ " •'11 • • ' 1a~. , . ... lS'-, .. ........ 1''-i ' J•., 101·· , .. 11'"'1 • 11 J ,, I .. II'• • I I~• .. SI•> ~VJ 1S'" • '" Pc t Up IS I Vo IJ l Up 12 S Up 11 S Up 17' Up 11 t UP 10 l VP 10 t Up 10.0 Up ti Up • S Up t • Up t • Uo •.• Up I• VP 1 l VP It ~s , """~:r; ,.1...u,',.,, c~,_ Ofrc'io J > Ouqlt 7~ U'-1 -to, Ott 100 l "retie E"' l.. '. Oii I 1 4 EmpOE pfC •• 1 • 1 011 1 I S Ouqll 2 tOplG ll"'J ' Off •·• • J••elCX>t S... ,._ Ott •.l I All_, Int 4 '• Oii S.• • S.•tr•l11 l.111 l'• '. Oii s.• t AmWatr pl8 ' ,., Oil S.l 10 Amrep Corp t • ' Oii S.3 11 Mobil -21, -'"' Off SJ tl S.v-EP ·~ -Ill Ott S.l U Allled Melrt """ ~. Off S,I u lroekw•yGt• 14 'I'• Off S I u Ari ... ,.,.., 2llll 1, Oii s.o •• .. ...... ""' ·~ • • Oft s.o 11 Cenlll LI UI" -" Off C.t Gelde.,•• N•w YORK WI.Pl--n.trt-• ol told col1>1, comjWlred wltll Maltday•1 prtce. • IC ........... , t troy or., 1611.00._up Sl.00. M_.. ..... 11roy 01., '41• oo. uci n.oo Mo•kM 50 PHO. t,7 troy or . ilU.00, .. u.oo. • A~ !GO crown, •11roy 01 . UIS 00 • .,..u.oo. loovr<•. o..ei . ....,.,. fff.1ab CePP•r ""''IO • ""'' • pouno, u S Ot~fln1t10t"t~ l H4 :It < tnh H>ouno l1tt< 41 1-41 '-cents• oouno. Of'••••'""' Tl" 11 .ice~'•" Wttk toml>D)U• •b Al11ml-l6 <Ml'-• _.i, H. T. MffCwy Sac> 00 per llHk 1"1•11-SS'I? Stl troy 01 N Y sur~r NEW 't'Ol!K lllPI lianoy & H•r,,,_, \llver locl.ly SIS J~, oil SO.OS E11Qell'lll•d \ltwr <IOMd fiold QuotalioN• ~ ... ,morning lf,1'1Q"" SO. ofl IO u . L-: .ite""'°" ll•1'1Q Clo~ -lo no110., L ... • Clo\1119 lf•lno Ull 00 l"arla. •fltr,_., fl•lng c•owo o .... lo holl· d•y l'r•fl4tlwt. lla1"11Ull" off Sil U Z11r1tll. lete .it.,._., ll•tno U1100, 1111 lJ oo. Utl 00 "11i.O H•IOll• & H-l•le tft0ml"9 J* 00. ollUH l .... t ....... • lalt "'°"'1119 CIDMd o .. lo he>lld•y lllttlll•r• t•t• morn•no fellrlc•ted CIOMd ' ., ---' " DAILY l'tLOT BUSINESS Global inflation PVBUC NOTICE ---------~ --, ... ,... lfOTlct .. .,..UtTH'IMLe NOTICE OF DEATH o' o::".:t:::::T'I On J-ry IS, 1'111, .n,: :.": A&.•INA .. ALA AND 0, ~-EL& ATNIVAH .. U SfMMHAW COlll'O ltATION, .... TITION TO A0- 111 ... tf)( k ...... _ c eflforrilt Corpero1rori .. CllllY OP· _,.INISTER ESTATE NO. soars NABERS-- 111"1 ;.u1 ltlOCt PlJBUC NOTICf: PlJ8LIC NOTICE , • ,!\A lo H \N •tS<'O (A 1•1 i\Mual duuble d•alt Jro" th tn Uw ~orld 111ont'r •llllpl), nuw •tlm1tec.I It p J tnl11011 1•01111t•lH'd t 11 h• ·I -.orlJ 1nnat10. \n l""6· t • ru1t· 11f I!'\ pt•n1•n1 Hotitrl lh•llc•r "Bank men 11·11t"l4111111p1,.),.)1u' '"'11 11~11 I 1u11I ,., 11 ;.., .. ,., '" ttw l11111l 0th t I ht' ~ucld m o nc-1u1•J1h 1111 rr 1~rfl h\ 111 4 1•• 11 1 I'll Ill I IMO and 11.H ruuu lhi1111 !f1111 l1lt 1l 111· 1 llrl I I t11 l 11Htf.'J di on rat ~ l1ik•· OK'd t In "' 11• l'uhl1t• f7 11• I I" fr,.111 lc11 lt tv,h1 t r dll :-. $J Ill 11111111111 .rn 111 µuhl1t" ht•..ir ,. IN TNe &ul'llllOlt COUllT 01' oolrited Tr11tl• ~ ONI pur-1'11 lo A· 107090. &ate O\Ol'lt)' s upply accounu ror 18 per cent ot all ,\I I \IC ,, ,, , _.., TNUTATI 0 1' CAL .. OttNIA 0.4"1 ol TM.I rtcor-.cl J-II, '"°· rund• lmnu1diat.,ly trllnater11ble he said 1'011 , ... COUNTY 01' OUNOE H lllSlj Ho ttm, '" "°°" ,,.,,, .... T 0 a I I h e I r s , ' ~ • 111 ll'lf Mall tr ol ll'lf l!\lale of II 14 Of Dffl<i.t Ae<orclt ltl ll'le Dfflo l'f be ntf.l C larieS, C r ed I to rs 1'he urowth n money suppl es ·.·ureatly exceeds CA 1)11 I "'( ·"' LeorA 1111 "'AGER. DK•ued. ,,,. ,_,Y •toe:-" ot O•.,,ee c.oun-.. nd contlnn•nt er-"' I tors ot · h .. I r 0 ,,, .. .,,~ • N0 1•CE IS Hf ltE8V Gt\IEN INI ly,Sl•l•01Catllort1I• .. ..... ""' t t• p(lknll11 or world production increases and '"" "'*"'~ ,.,11 .. u ., Prin t• exe curE o av 11111c 11 .. 1 ,. Albina Pala a nd persons l'U Ulll'' ur1ubatt•d mnatlonary pressures, .. Heiler •• , •. 10 , ... nlQ .... \l -.. ,, bl-• Oremme J• -GIOrl• A O••MM•, who ma y-be otherwlM-J, .... __ _ _ lllJld ==:..:_1--1111!!!'~1!11.!ll!iiFi!! .. ~~==.,.. lu et o cu nt frrneTIOilol-.--.To l'iu• and -•If•., 101n11enenh, will terested In th~ wlll and/or COLL 0 S 5•11>.,10< Court on O• •II•• lhf Siii O.y will ii Pl>t>H< AIKllGI\ to 111QM" blclcHr t t h ol Jenu ... y -''1 ., .... 01110 of J lor coll l~y•bffl •I ...... ol ,.,. ltl es a e: U.houl( lf8l brought no end to world mflation, CORNEA l olllAl"v 8AL1>11o. "'""',..Y •• l •• ,.,.,,u, ,,_1 o1 ,.,. untteo s,., .. , •• A petition has been flied Wo rld l'l'Ol'\~11olc pe rformance indicators also Rare Colna & St•mpl .,,..,,, •oo. 1•00 N H•rbor e••a . '"• 1ron1 .,.,,.., .. 01 s1an snew by T heodore Pela In the ~ho-A lhi.ll 111\halun<.'e:, In world trade und rinancial r ulllt'IOtl, COVlllY ol or ... Qe, SUie OI C.orC>O••llOll, IOUle<I •• UIS E 11111 s I c t f 0 GOLD & SILVER C•lllo•nll •fl '"" rion1. ""' •nd '" Sl•HI S.nl• .... C••lfornl• •1111. •" upe r or our 0 ranoe m.irkclS Jct• below their 1974 peaks," Heller !.aid Prt,.ea tor 12_ .. ,. •o "'e""' w•d ci.u •wro •• '"" "'"• 01 "!lhl. 1111 •• no '""''•' ton•n•d 10 County requesting that .. ~ a,.111 •ncl •" lhf "'"'· ""••no '" •I'd,. ... htkl tw '' ...,.,.,.,..,o o .. o o• Theodore Pala be appalnt-<ilobal anflulum dipped to U 7 pe r tcnt in 1978, hut ooto c ..... v.• to .,. ... co 11& JO 1~ ... 1.1t1.t1 1"" em1e o• •••a e1et ..... o c.'o'~~·.~".~ • ."'.,~~~<Y•:~~!~ ,,, ,.,o ed as personal represen- 1·1u l'''"'l' expansion of the world mon e y s upply in K•uo•"•'"'' J:/ io ~,~",. :~:.:!~''!'1,.,.~t,=:':."':',; ::;.,,•,~:,. ~~ v L~t ;;,; Tr".c.'7 No ;on,•• ,.,0.,.,. tatlve to administer the tlw lull' 1!170 led to unolher outburst of double· M•Pl•l•.. u.cooo "'100 •n•1 01-..1aa.c .. ...o••"••l•m•010. on a •M1>1ec0<0ed •n 8oo,•1 P<111•• estate of Albina Pala (un· <l11i11l inn1:1t1on,H~~r1>aid ':'P~~~~-· !~: !~= "'"'"""°10.,,t tn.t•<l'•nrut pro 1 .. nouo1 M1w:e11.,,..ou,M•~·'"'"' der the Independent Ad· lh• noll'll lhat he expel'ls th'• world inflation rate 'lO ~"""' 11"Q' 111'' 1"'' ~~~1.: "~':"';':,',~~';9,,.~°"~:.~',~~~~~ ~;,'.;~~/' ,,,.. •oun•v r..:oroor 0 ' Hid m in istration of Estates ''""'°" .. tlt"99'tf•n.dtHO•lf" A I) Th p titl I I to d1op \ J>t>rl'.-nt lo 14 Pl•n·enl lhl!> }l'llr and .,,lt.'adi Cd lOf <.,. •• .,. • ...,,.. d•\("l>"d•••o"o••.to w•• Th• \lree1 Mid•~• •..a o'"'' <Om c . e e on s se I\ dl'l'lirw in } t.•im . lht>n•.lflcr (7t 4) 556-6850 ,.,,,,~';..'.:::',0:'~:; ~ ~-;,· ;;l 1';;, :;;,":'~:;: ~~~: .~· :z.;::.~:·~0 fotr 7 h00eacr!n~ icn Dept. No. 3 Sou1h Coast Plaza VIiiage >1 .. •POfl 'i•·Q"" '" IN> rounly nl ti•· 900 w .. ttl•lt On••. "••OOrl a 1111( enter Drive, "\il'\ l•rtheft',)> tht'M' inflation rall''> art· un.H'<.'ep S..nllo••• •• •••• ''• f'l••n'I• \141. 01 c.1110•~•• ., .,.,. llu< ... C•t1101n1191660 We~!. in the City of Santa I I I \• 11 I I ......... .-...... ~Coeol l'l•U• m~p ..... ...,. INOf~d '"Boo•. P•o• '"• unotr\IQMG rru"•• dllt l1im\ An a . ca I I f 0 r n i a 0 n \.\11 \ llj.! l "u' l Cd( t•r\ Ul'J!l'Oll) nt~d to \.\Ork u or """'"""~""' M<lP"· ,.,0.,,. .,, ••t 11.o11111 '°' .,., •11<orr•t1,.••• ot J 21 981 t 9 \11\.\ ,II(! 11\0llt'tilS) .:rowlh I <tll'S more rlos C'I) '"'N ,,.,.,._,, Covnrr mo•• <ommoni. tt>• •l•MI "°°''~'on<! ol114!r •ommon anuary • I a ·JO m .1 l r h1t1" t hi' "&1" th of world nn"1u•·lton · · h•• Ca I I s4 2-~578 •"0"'" "' m F ,"1 "'"""1 C.o\\• I 00""""''°"· 11 on1. ,,., .. ,. ,,..,. a· m · ,.. ,.. "' 1\.1 " '" ~ M•"' l Alllo•"•• Sa•d wt• will "" m•O... °"' witnou• IF YOU OBJECT to the '11<1 .Hhhn.: thal lhl' \\1trld et•onn1n11· .:rowth rat<' Put 11 lew wo rds ,.,"" °' .,.,. '"'" '" ....... , "'°""Y <o••••nt or .... .,.,.,1 .. P••u o• .m ) a t n r th IT I j I I h I I th to WOI k for OU I .... oln ,..., Sidi"'.,,, (""'"'"•••on o• I Dl••O ·-•Oonq "''~ ""'"''"0" or ,. n I g 0 > e pe I ton, -n·) :llnl'( ... u~i.:· ... a t Pl'rt't•nl ".>l'ar .... ~· P••I (O \h -no o••Anto ~ncumb•antt\,ln<ludo,.Q•~· rneroe• you should .either a ppear '<o '"O•n.-a ~f ntll• '"'""d O Y ondt•PM...,.\Oll~•T•u•l••rlnOOll~ ot the hearing a nd State M0•~•9'~' """°'""<lonrn•ot1>D<" hU\hCtHl"CIOV\l•O!Jl"'<IOlltv.i.to YOU( Objec tions Or f ile 1. I • 1 r \0 \f'"td ltn P'"' .. nt ~ iit" "'""'' D•O P.t't '"~ r-t m.t1n1nq Qr•nt•Otlll \Um\ of I ·I l b t th tk tO bf: dr0"'1\•tf'oCI #llrtb1d '""' nol,.j \I \to<Uffl'(! C>t \.A•O OHO of w r i en 0 'J.~C lO.D.,S_ WI ~·1e a.a,"' ., ..... , ... "" .n w ...... Q ..... I'"'" lo .... ,q, 000 oo ... ,h .,., ..... court beffr~ ,~e heal'lllo\ w•ll O• ,_,P, 1•0 '" '"" .,.,,.,,,.., olfo<• lht,.on lrorn July I t'llO at 18 ~OU r appearance may be ~1 .a"r hn t-d•t~r t~ I ''' P\Jb41t .u1on •nnum a\ P'.6'1~ •n "''d nou• r'i,J Phi n per"O~b t ~ ... ,~o• .,.,o(f (IF>f I,,~..,., ... rt \d•f'" '~O\f\ •M ttny ddv•M f'\ Of s" Jll 11 • ~ y you~ ... a -O•'~" '' '"'f'\ a., ·~· lJflc..-rna-,-ll'W•'" .,,,., .. ,, ·rorM 1n\t.1'"' co,I\ ~ to rney ._ ~&~ r h• t>r'le•" '"', """"' .a111 O••o 01 I t F V O U A R E .'A "'"'"r "'"l •E'< ''"'' hn••~1~·· ••«u••<l ~n<l ,,. C R E Qt.f~R or a cont· At,S~ ·'••\lr41l()t ( t A 11 ... ,.,ct to \t'f> urlCJP'f\1QnP.d d "N' 1ttPn •·• o~ • .1a1• ot Op<1a~•11on 01 O..lllull """ Ot'monO loro 1nqent <.re t IOr 0~ the de· , •• ., O-•ao"' "•'• •n<i • "'""M "o'"• "' D•'"""t ceased you must file your !i~~=-~:,ai:~v.Ro •no E•whon 10 !>Pr• r ..... u•d••,•on•o,c.la i m with the court or uoo N H•11>o< aha ulll ~·~.'~.:.:;;;0Y:;?,'~';;.. ~:.,~;~:~';/,~ present 1l to the personal Fwll•,,on C.A•lU~ ·~unt , "'"°'• tn~ '"• p•'>0•"'•" reprec;entative a ppointed !::0,~;:1,~' "11 'O<ci"~~." 0w • .,,.,.., /4 •~t!Q ! by Ille r oun within four •om1•.,1ra1or.CTA .,1..,..,..aw f~•rn••I•"' 1months from the date of f-ut>• ,_, <:>""°" '°"'~· o ..... I ... ••d r........ first IS'>Uilnce or letter s as '" 1 >•.•' l'l!JI' \IOI •, H, r•••' r ll•"•' provided 1n 5PC t10n 700 Of Pl 'BJ.IC NOTK t: OllAHGE COUNTY \VPEAIOR COUAt 100 CfVIC Cfftff'f Or-1-1t Wttl !>.1111• An• C.11 •1101 Pl/J Nf I I (.IJ#ll' ,•.J!, liA•,(f Y'l.Clf T• !ff( CJ Fr1•11,..,1 w f 'l"" M (1 P rr A(.E ((JPPOk/:11 (JN ono 'f.1r "'HS".t(Jvr,H ff n' ..; •f ~;;~·rh:w CMPOf~'°" the Prob a 1 (· code o t uu e 111~s1 Ccll1 forn1<1 The time for S••t•Arw,CA•»" f t11nq cl,:i1ms w ill not c·x- "'01•"'"0 °'~"'' C.<o<t ~ ' • •• '" pirc p r 1or ro four months 'JM )l q:M JtH\ t 14 1 ~ \J1.t80 Pl'BUC S OTIC,.: 1rom th•• dat .. of the hear - "lri not tc <>d <lbOVP YOU 1-JAY f'X AMINE N 1i.., lhP fill" k' pt by the court F1CT•T10Vs e vso .. r·~ , t f yov 1Ht> 1ntere.:,ted 1n the ~01 0 11 h " 111 Downey avings pay \(.lll 5 14 1 li1ll'1\·,1 if \'OU hav~ ~l Mon ey aversM ~t l'L Olll11 'ith LI\ . .t1u t \VC~l1 ;,tl~o l.!ivc SUMMON\ CASE NUMllE A ))-41 M HOT I(. F • You "••• bff-n s'"'Cf Tiu (O\lt"t Miy -<.UM' MµIP\\t •O\I w•O'~O\ll _., L• •""J ..,_ f'tt0 H\.. '' •J ••·\(I-rf'j •tlfi'tn lO dft~f R•.td :s:fOtf"l•l•Olt be"""-' NAME STAlfMFH1 f. .. tat~ you may ftl(· a re· 0.,::: ~·~ "~" "'' ' ou•·'>I w1lh tht-court to r e- ecorcc" 01s11 wASHF A\ c 1·111P ~p. '•ill not•CP of t he u S a ~lO :MO.~• Crnk ''""' •n' •nto1 y of ('C,tull' Cl'>C.PI<, '"':0':''r':!~.· .. , ,:._, ., 1· •J o f trv µf•tthonc; d(~ r u " I ., ,, n d r r-p o r t <, O•·<.r rit>eo 1n Section 1200 of th•· C<11tforn1a ·Prooatf' ,...,,.~, Codr-\ Oll f "Rf I t1ll uf thc fu I l)-p l'l '-It HI; ti i;cJ chcc~" \ot1 c~J ll ll\C. "IUllt! u" \c HI h~l\C llk' 1 ll'•~()lllll ,, it h ll\. \ c•n.:\~aH.'r '' \l f .' 1nrcrcc;un~ \, \\ , I . ". \\ I I 1, .,, ,. 111 I• . I ,,, /'' 11 •• I ll \•'Ii \1..l il.t\• \I I.If '1 /, I" lo 111 ·"" ,. 1111 \ 11111 ., ·, k 11 I •.I 1.111 · • • I .• I I 1 ·1 ,; ' I\ '· / // , , , i 111 11 1: \\\ l1l'l l 1 ' 111r7 111 111 1t•1• 11 pil 111•· ol ,, 111 I). (ti ..:q111p111<'11 1 •' I ,~ef 'r ", 1 • 11.111c11t-'/,' "'I II 'i I ''I ~1 Ill .d •11\lt I 1 I I~ 1 II I 11 \ 1 ott il 'c .111 · Ill"\\ . I \ \ r <...- \(na may not t'vcn have lo pa y a monthly ~crvicr charge. \II \1111 11.i' l" 111 d11 j, k 1..·1..·p l 1111 ti llll lll 11 111 'i _11)1 )I) Ill \ 11111 I>•'" Ill'' \,I\ llll'' p,,,,ji, 111k < >1 " 111 11111 ~t \!U!_!_ll II\ \ (I l 11 _ \/,,~ 111 1·1 .1n:1 1111i1 .· J h.11 \;di. \tid \1111 II l'l"I I l<I I 1.·lll'1. '-" .111<1 ll• t 11111111 llh "1.'t"\'11..'l' d1;11 L!l..'1 I \l't1 rl \11111 \/m11 •111n <•r , !1;\1,1111..:1..· dfl'I)' 111 ti\ /1 rn cl \ \)(J(J ,/J/11//t' '' '"''"'" \l,'11 ''"' \\1111'1 ~C l ,I 1ll11tl t Ill\ '1..'I \ 11..·1..· \.'11.11 \.!L'. lu'-1 .1 J ,l. pn d1n ·k hitrtdl111l! l·h.11 ,!..!t'. Pl \l \\I \ful/1 I I /1/11 I /r11 l ••II ' \1 • 111.ilkl \\ 11 \I .II' 111111\11 .. , I li.t .1111.1.:. \11u \\1111·1 \..'l"I ,, 11hi11tlt h "l'I \Ill.' d I, I ~l M on cy.M»'cr off er~ yo u a Jot more excit ing bcn cfi b too. \1.•nd 111 tflL' lOltp1111 f1d11\\ 01 'I Pp h\ 11111..· 111 t1lll n •tl· \ l..'l)IL'lll \ 1! I il'l: ... llHl.I\ 1111 \'\ •t\l pll'IL· dl..'1<11 !-.. Just what yo u'd expect front Down ey Savings and Loan As~ociaOon ' . ~ ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION "-;\ I h•ur-\1 .. n 1hru I h111 •t l•I •\ \1 I l(t l'M I nol.I\ 'I U • \1\1 h ()ti l'M '-·•111111.•~ 1t 1W1 l\M I m P\I Costa \.1esa Uronch lM I . 17th \ttl'l'I 1"4 .. · 422 tfunrhfJ(ron 1Te1tc 20002 Orn.,lo..h ul'I ~t: 17141 %2-241 1 ourh Cotts1 PIA/ft R 1200 BriM11J ~I . -'11+~~~2~ 1200 Bri,1111 ~1n:.-c1 . Ct\\la Mc,a. CA 92<12(1 1 71 11 :;44 x, 11 Please ~end me more information about your exciting new Moncys,vcr acco unt. Name <;trect Addre~s City .,_hm1c Phone Business Phnne OP/10 ~late ........ . Apr. t:: Zip , Av•so· 1.1,,.., ,,. ••clo d•m•~ [I tr•bu.t.t pYeik' dHld lr (Of'tr• Ud ''" •\ild 1tnr1• • IT'MP'f'IO\ a~ lid '"Po" d.1 d •f'lt,.,, Ot JO <h,., L•.i t4 1nto,m4 It r IJ ~,,..I WI"• IJ"M ..tiO, t ,, ,otr\ ~,,l.J,1 to rt'l.t'h·I " •lQ r 'JO t I • ~ f ~ • "'1lf, I \f>f ' ·'-'' f tf t ..... ,,r.-' t'f1 .. f .~ .. \1 I ''" }t 1,l V • Id'• "'·••JC''' ·"' t J•· t· ti • l"I f• I. ~f •\•JI I •J r)t•t)ii">1 1 ' f " • to1 "'""n • ,..,.. '3• • •,. • ., ... , ca •,. r ..r ..... ·' • • .. ' .J ,,-, t l ,..,,. .. , , ••IJ 'tJr,tljo'll If ,.,.,..()'.J '!to • r• f F ' f ,, r1t.""' fl , • , It p •• '·~· "-·· ' .~' ..... :-·'. l1t• ..t ~ I ( f t N t ' ~"''" .-,,, ' • , ' "" • 1~·, It ,.'' It ,, .. ., , , "' ~I °' ""I ,, .. , r "'\C'tl'"f ,., :J -. t Y. 1-1"'' n i ,, ! .. J I , .\ I ' " •I• f f-tr ''' l :,,..,_ Qri 1""·J ~,p, H'<J " "" ,->"' ,, ~· r 1 ... ••"' t, • M> f-! ,• •• ( • ' l ~ ,-.f h ,,. '., ... , JJtr"• l ....... 1 t A.... ,,.J I;" ,,. I . . .. .. ,, 'I . ., ... , .... , .... ;~ .. t. • .Theodore Pala, Attorney a t La w. P 0 . Box 1017, Tus tin. Ca. 92680, te l: ( 714 l 953·411 J ..,r ,. ,, • , • f .... 01 ·~ ••• \)<\\Ill: Pl 'KLIC ...;oTl<'t: HC>T CEO• IHH NOl::O I AAHSFEA ,.. ,.,."( .. , ........ \, Ith ''I tr lJ• f#\" 't'V I''' f (oh·"O ,.._..,..,.,, ' f 1 I • <# t• •·nh-tl'.,. ,. ti \, .,\ ,,.. r ... , "'o C I #.." I j,, •'QI I h ~ t tf H t" I f•" •fC l't tb"'' • f. [' t'l.t f Jt1 f t P Jr I I I'''• tt.;• 1t'lf 1~•·"'1 f, f•.• (,,,., ~ '"°ir• .. , _,~ .. <1"''" •', .t•' f,fld' tu ff•'''' 1',...•'•1•..., ', .. ,. • f'i r•1 1,_, lo1l tti.-l"I ,._,., t-1 "''"th• ,,n .. ,.,.,' HA' (HAN L••UNC, I !~!!.'! \~1.'!:~~ .. ~~~=~;1!.:; I ~!:':!:(Ml~'~;".-::. '-''•nQe C'!!'nly ~"/ ;;!-~'.,~~!~~·:\ 41~d:~:\: '~:!!:.! ~.:,:~1 .• • ., • l"' ,_,,JOJA • ~ • t ,, ·•-• ~. > 0 • °''"'''' r:Q#lt r,4 r f-C , .. ,._ 10 1 "" i--uD;,,r~" Ord'°' ,.1).,,, Ott•• P••or ... ;::~:~ ;,: ::n: ~e;.~;:"'':.,~~~:i"~' 'f fJ. nut .. "-<·~ ('>or \,"#flt .. ,, \!'.(~, ~701 81 '• , 1·1· .... ,, ,.,, trt"'"''' I• r .. r,.o,•, SPl<A r C.OULO & 80 Wt,RS A Protf'n..on.1t C..OrPQ', Al•Otl \\Ml ~ , •• tt .. 11 ,, J LO\ A ttQfl'I""' ("A '001C , I .# M, ~ •~t t,i rt ( H ,,. f')t I o1• I ',_. '1 •JI '"1<: 1• t o( .. P1 t\UC ~OTI CI-. •1C ror•ous llUS• .. EH '"""'U C,T AT!o MEHl .. I 1 hf" I, I w I~ :"JI ''fJf'I. ~·• 1 11nt, ' l\lt'I,.. •• t.. ""'-A ") '!I J;ll-il " ~Q t ..... , i;. .... _.. l t' ~· .. f ~ r ,,,,a"'"'" .,.. .• ,,,,. mn .. , nb~ < '"''t ol\f " A ~HI,; fA M t·• .t r \I l("l•t'-d Q)t ;; " 7,,.., ,,, l ~ t ,..,.,. ,.. ,,, . l ''" t 'U7 ,, f ., .... • 0" 1v '',. r, 1l jf'ni..,.,.. 11 t•l11t1r-\"'' ~... • " f ,, •• , r'f' (t"iu•1I ~ l 1, .-t ''•• ?'' Co'"'', I >j • "'"'l I • I~ "" 1>u1 v• f'l!lJll ' two ·~r·Ot Ct1..t't D , , •1 c• M 4 1 't \,. :-.. P l'Rl.IC '\'OTICf: "'C'ITIOIJS 8USI NES~ HAMf ST&l(MENT 1 .,f' IOllO••"Q P•' 'Of\\ .ar• 001nq ""' ..... \ ~\ l .. f C~P•ST'IANO CO~PAHY ' • t. • ,,., , 5:.' ' .~ '•' t.. .. (" • '' ' J 'I t ~ > ,,. •• tf ., ~ ~ . .,. ,, 't ....... , .... -f •• ~ ... ... ... . .. .),, 1,..,,,, IV" A1'1r1•l ~, •• ''""" X) ""' ,. ,,,.., , •• ( ••• (0"',.i'IO• ,,,.., r .• 1~''""'"•'' ;I ' ....... """'' • rt f' l ,.. ~ ' "' .. , ... ,,.. t. .. · • Q• I\• ldl c>At~nrr-hf' "-ii.t d,. q .. ,._ , '4'' ........ , 4 ' . . ,. ,,,.. ... ,.. CAPllETZ& l(A~OAH ATTOAHE'H A~ LAW 104t 8uu n"'' ,.,"'"' o, .• ., Su•tt 100 frv1nt C.•lilorn1~ •17tj r, • '•. r, ..,u,. ., ... ,,. lj ,,, l"c> c " 0' " ,.. ft Df'< JI ,._,, J.;n 1 U 11 ·•~1 '"• 10 H 1)411 FiCT•T•OVS 8 V\INESS HAM( STATFME NT , ,,. • I • I ' .... , .. ., ' ... ' ..... , . . . ~ .,,, ,.,,,,..,, ., ' • l·•l ~. • J ,., lj ["' • t• " .,.. ""' ,., .~ , ,. A~fol'\t I t f ..... , ... ~· t 'W f1 I• A -ff' ,_ .,.. F!CllllO\JS llVSIH EC,S HAMr H ATEME HT ; ... t• p . . . .,.. .. ' ,,,. ,,, no 01,,1 ,.,, .. ICTlllOVSBUSINE H .,"Q "" • I\ "<l. <.\l>lh{<I ITO ,.,AME Sf-.T(Mf llriff Liu\ nP\'\ _.., ll • r: \t d1' \"''" C ~ .. 1'1' f ,,.~ •,, to 'tu lfJ' 'N 1q ~'° v "! .,1q l (1TfPN4\,__ t-<11"'JH-•fPt., .,.. .U> ,,.. • f '"d01f'' ,uw& ... h ~, .. ,,,,.,,, r, 1Q ''• '(It; '"'1, ,.., l• £,,,t,, Cu,Pat••l•On ,, r,.Q f t11 .. , M •l t( 1J,oi ''•·OTI M.JcAr'''"' Hlvct ,.,,, (1 •1,,1 ' r .. ( ,., '''"'''l}f'\ ll04C.. (itllf' 0 '"" ,.11._, ,...,....,1,0,.,,.,~ .. ~)1' A•••H' '• ,_.,..,u•,,(AOih•no ~''"'•"fl t_ ").np ,, 1t,1 f't•m ' ft • 1 At f 1'\it A C rt ''' t f,. ,, f ,, •• "'""' Y .P•'f'I "1 "'>' ''' I'• p," t••O• .. •f"l:li N• .... , ... ft ., .... 1 I ( tl1'Jl'' ,. ',N~ fr 1' ""-'' n ... ' ,.., 'or1111• "'" r1y '" r1ut1 J.> f":.trd<.. \.I••'' , M l•r(! H Vt>ll f f'l1 '\ldlrrnrnr <Nit' f1 ...o w11t-Int• R'1<1 l l.,tl•h-tr :'] l ~,l (,.1f••n,,.•.~ N rJ'''" lrt +fti,.. (1'' t .,,._,,.. ;')•!~ il .. f\l'"I f p..,.,,,..., J• )); ~(I Ip Scn11 M l . flt'"'"" \ .. J /\,,11HHP <....,,. (' "'d" 1 .. ,,nr•'p'''"-'"O f,11.~~,'•!_Ju·'n'i ~ .. ~~""A" .. , r,. • ,, titlU' .,. " .. J. ~ t "'" ""' '"" c, ~ '" !>v' ' .. ' t"1111U t'" '·' A ,,,.,,,., .. ,Pd' Jr,-r'"•P \•OUM l'*",.'" d'l T ,,,\ \tAt,.n•t•"I "-t",\ f1l1'(1 ...,. It-•tr Cour rv ('If',-• nt "'' 1()1 Co ... "r l"'lf'I (h rf'mt);ll' 'l '°"' "' , .. ~Pl'"'~,,., c Munl .. l,,,,.,fh (.0111 R"l0'" t--Ph,_1,.n ,, t .,, ,.,." ""'~' t w • • f"«'". .... tn tr,. I '"~' h' (•••n int O tM'\Of.l (f'11n1., rm • t f·aT(\•f ]'ct 1080 Ftll~ J)on••V" '1 (h tn-t~ ( , ,( 0~ I., PdOI F1jtH1 (l)un•.., ( '"~ '0'""'lt ("' ,,,,,. tt,., Publ•1ohil"d ()r;tinQP (,, .. ,, o.i ' l"'1MI I Ot1r~r'f'\b ~ '9¥ llot JI •qfl!J Jdn • •• ,1 •4~1 \/~!11(1 BOO TH M ITCHEL, STA•HC.E 1'10 SMITH Attornt y\ It l,.lw Swlt• UC -I l>• l 11 '"«'1 '''" " H 11 ,~t \'b~ ft(' l'l RU(' NOTICE N IJ4/I FIC1'1TtOVS BUSl 'fCSS NolllMC ST Al l' "'4ENl th• fQ,11).iw f"IQ ()f' '\QI•" ,..... t1 1f'\g 1U'9r'lf '\ _., 0 "1' fqFf fN T[P1>"1\E~ 10 ~l) e ..... ,,.. Or, .. -~"WPOt1 A•tr"" (A1tlt>'"'~ t11W Oel"''" t rrumb4,lll 11U R.,.,.,,OE' Or'"" N111wDOn B'"',, Ciitllfn r n•d 1)bMl M"'• r 1.-t"w"•h 1(l,.111ntJ ''""°' o,,u '1Jt Ai1hl\•Of' 0• •"-N .. ...,,,o,t R,..,,, (• •f•)""'* •l&6tl f n1• ruJ\tr'f'' 1\ , Ot'\du l t•o nv A o,.n.,, ;tf P.,r ttw-H"•P D•v1d E l tumb4Jll pt!t,.,,..,. .. fnt\ ~'.rt""'f'f'it WA\ flt~ w1tn tn• Counlo; Clflr• nt O"'"Ot' tountv on 0 11rpm«:M-r )J, 11)80 f'IU1'l I Pubt•\'¥0 C>artQJ"' (~\I o •.•• P iiot o.-r )1 ·~ JM1 , ,, 11 l'Jil )101 IC I. • --~· (I P UBLIC: NOTfCt-; FIClf TIQUS eustNf U ~llT,UIMINT l . The to1to•1"9 oerwn' .,. do•no tHn 1ntt1 .u S E"POAT HiilA COM PANY IMl?l tl~iw;l'I 81.0 !>ullt :t tOI Hunl t1191on e..u.. caui..r"••.,.• F'ou11telV•ll~y ~lllo<ril• 91708 M••Y LOV qOflret. 'Ill)) L• olllrena Ctr, t<lWnt.tln V•Ott. C•flfo,,.r. •11111 AOH 0e ""~ J11dd 111'1 Elm Sl •ttl l'OVnl•i~ V•llo Celllotrilt .,,"' Pl Bl.IC ~OTICt: ' Dow"•• ~•trt9t 8u11dHt9 N·IJ490 3100 llro>I04 SI"-' FICTITIOUS eVSIHESS Co\lt MHI C11t1on111 OUt -~HAM~ SLUEME.H.T ~. --• --n u o J 1 ;..,. totlow1no P",-\0'" lt'" rto.nq Pub• f'WtO ~""Qf' '°"'' r;;.t.,, P,fof' OV\l,,t>'I' "" j Ore 31 •Qfitl J.u~ ' '' 1l '0.IJt \101 90 JO•H•SIOW°" PPOP~ P ti F!> 'l()Q I><·•• S1r_..1 W•lt 111) N•"°"" B•A<n Pl' HI.I(" ~()Tf(' Jo: ( • torn•• •1660 I '""'-\10wn F1'°""n( 1~1 Cor()OrAt1or1 d Ci•O•Q,. tn•po•dl"''" Suit• JllO STATEM E NT OF WITHOllAWAL Hfj A Pfl•C"t"'"'·,. 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ETIN(i f.~SOClll!T(S •I l'IOI Drc•mbPr1~ ·~ w .... ,,.rn "'"'" SonlA An• "IUJJ7 (alllorn1••710- Pucll~Nod C>Mt9' CoA'-1 0 111., P1•01 "rt·~• •1cllt1~ °"'',,..'' n•m• ''••• O.c ll ,., Jin I .. ,, 1'111 110ll IO tn•nl IO• '"" P<!l•IMrVllO •O luea Oii Pl'BUC NOTICF: """' 1'1(1'\ TIOUS' a UllNESS NiiME STAfl MIENT Tf'tt to1tow1no Ptrwn' •'• Oolr.~ bU\\nl\S •\ FAAW L £.,rlo\.0 !1 1 VE O EVElOPMENT COM PA"V 1"S Atd Hiii A..,,.._ !>ullP F )00 Co>ta 11114\a C.lltou1ia'16TI h r11utr .. ,._llton Oev••oomtt1t C.Omoany, • C1111on.r1 corporet1"" '°''' llAe-.. C.lltornl• t?tJ1 More•-Ot.,.._, tom""' Unto.. ()It ~ ..... a OlTfOrnTiCo<l>Otl lion, 0 1 Boylston Lot "'"G•IO C.llfOrf•l• .ill T"IS l>u\I,..>> IS <Ofld\l<l..S by • Qetltr •I Plllll'tfllliJI ---T lrNI "'' 14-lllOtl Mir( h J I 1980 In lh• Count• OI '•"Of Full N•m~ •nO A04• ft\\ ol 1ht D•r\Ol'I W40'1dt•¥ttnQ Wtll1•m W ff•rnc' 10 Gr•nG ""'"H.1f ""' ~ L.., "Cl~.: C••••orn141 ~, W(tl1a"' 'W 8"'"'f• • l'USlll Publl•..., <>•~ Co.o\I D••h f' IOI. 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