HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-05 - Orange Coast PilotL°''·~GELES (AP) -Box·
iq pri*noter Harold Smlth. •bo . w~t Into seclualqn alnee the dil-
co v 4~)' of an/alle1ed $21.3 ·
mtlllop embeulement from
Wells .Far10 Bank in January,
was arrested Saturday by the
FBI, a1ents said.
Smith, 37. was taken into \
cus-tody ror investigation of
knbwiftaly making a falae state-
ment and an application tor a
l fw'J av age
., Tiie ........... ,,...
Fierce winds and tornadoes
flipped can and mobile homes
and sent wood and concrete
hurtling through the air Satur-
day, leaving behind a crazy quilt
of wreckage in a half-dozen
states. Eight people died, and
about 125 were injured.
The National Weather Service
said some 20 tornadoes and 121
severe storms were reported.
Harry Gordon of the NationaJ
Severe Storms Forecast Center
in KfU\Sas City called it "the
most widespread storm system
so far this spring."
The storms also brought rain
to ·the parched area. "They do
IUJ9-e 'benefit, but they do some
dalilage," said Gordon.
· Tfte Weather Service said 11
totudoes were sighted in Iowa,
tbl"e!e in Wisconsin, two each in
N6braska and Kansas, and one
e•eh in JJlinols and Oklahoma. Ol.llir reports said two tornadoes
· pi dowa in Ttf bsouri, and
winds aJao struck Indiana.
t btjuries were minor, but
evastaUon was traumatic.
had little children who had ~ cut by flying 1lass," said
Jtekie Wicklund of the West
Bed, Wis., Red Cross. Ttaree people died and at least
SO , ere injured in West Bend
~n high winds wrecked nearly
~tructures. The police chief
"!1P.1aled damage at $15 million ~ale the mayor estimated
datnage at $6 million.
•"lt's gone. There's nothing
eft. But the fi ve of us are out
alive," said Helen Urbanisk
r West Bend home.
twister touched down in
See STORMS, Page AZ)
Setal Beach , .
.·. '4 ;1mi,f epoint
A who allegedly hijacked
a S ern California Rapid
Trans.{ bus at knifepoint is in.
custody today following capture
by Seal Beach police.
George Moore. 54. of Long
Beach was arrested on suspicion
of kidnapping and assault with a
cjeadly weaP<>n in connection
•ith the bizarre incident that
beean at 9:30 p.m. Friday.
Tbe unidentified bus driver
lpld police that he was on his
dinner break when Moore re·
Jy boarded the otherwise
ty bus at Main Street and
n Avenue in Seal Beach.
then allegedly simulated a
and drew a knife as he de·
oded to be dri ve n to
ewood Bouleva rd and
emead Avenue in Long h.
r unknown reasons the sus·
changed his mind and got
e bus a few blocks later at
ond Street and Central
AYenue in Seal Beach.
Se fled on foot and was arrest-
ed a 1hort time later in Long
Beach ~ Seal Beach J?Ollce.
Con1lderinl convertin1 your car
to uae alcohol fuel? San, Fran·
ciaco entrepreneur David Blume
telll bow to start from mash and
aave money on Page Cl.
AJOR LE880N8 -Ted Bell
pares h1a l)ew job to "•lan·
OD 11 captain Of the
nlc." Why did be accept tbe
nblp ot the •15 btllloa U.S.
artment of Eduutloa Oil 1•'• eodan1ered bureau
I• lilt? See Pal• AlO.
pa11port, ni<l Ed1ar M. Belt
•1ent ln cbar1e of tile Lo*
AJa1eJee bureau ot the FBI.
ffe aaid Smith wlU be •r· rtJped by a U.S. ma1lstrate on
.Monday. •
Smith, one of several lb·
cllvlduals named alone with tile
Muhammad AU Professlonal
Sporta oreanlzatlon in a rrlulti-
milllon dollar suit filed by the
bank, was arres~ at 1o:ao a.m.
p b"o n e c a 11 s a n d t a p e •
• mysteriously left at radio and
televlslon stations, Smltb bu
char1ed that the case is tar
more extensive than outlined ln
tbe fraud suit qal.Dlt hlm• and
th& other defet:),dant..
Smith claimed several otllcen
of the WelJ.s Fargo Bank were
involved in the alleged money
siphonin1 scheme, and also said
hundreds ol millions of dollars
were actually lnYolved. The
bank denied the alle1atlons.
Georae Caulfled, Wells
Far1o's senior vice president for
publlc relations, said he fl.rst
heard of the arrest throu&h a
radio news report.
"I hadn't heard a thlng," he
said. "I 4on 'l think it really re-
lates to our case UllJess they're
picking up him jual to bold
Traffic's deadJy ---County accidents claini 3-
r .,.
Three separate traffic acci-
dents in Orange County Satur-
day claimed the lives of two
motorists and one pedestrian,
according to authorilit?s.
The fll'St fatality occurred in
Orange al 2:18 a.m. when a
motorcycle driven by Walter
Lee Hill, 30, of CorQPa collided
with a truck at the intersection
of KateUa Avenue and Glassell
Terry Kiter, 29. of Silverado
was arrested on suspicion of
felony drunken driving and
manslaughter and transported
to UC Irvine Medical Center
where he remains in stable con·
dilion today. A passenger, Mike
Convoy, 24, of Yorba Linda is
. also in st@le condition.
Judy Tegeler, 26, of tuuert.on
was killed when the 1976 Honda
she was riding in overturned 6n
a winding dirt road along~aple
Spring Truck Trail in Silverado
Canyon, according to California
Highway Patrol offidaJs.
She was pronounced dead at
the scene following the 4:45 p.m.
accident The driver Donald
Nakamura. 25. of Fullerton re·
ceived minor injuries and was
arrested on suspicion of felony
drunk driving.
A Costa Mesa man was killed
at 8:20 p.m. when he was struck
by a vehi cle on the Garden
Grove Freeway, west of City
Drive in Orange .
The driver. Jan Stolz, 26, of
Santa Ana told officials that he
looked up to see Charles
McEmell, 32, darting from the
center divider . He was pro-
nounced dead at the scene.
Authorities could not locate his
vehicle and it was unch:ar 'fby.
he was on foot.
'80 •lllioa ....,lat
Disneyland sued
in knifing death
Disneyland officials are facing
a S60 million wrongful death
lawsuit fiJed by the parents of an
18-year-old Ri'yerside man who
was stabbed to death March 7
during a private party at the
ln the back or a company van in·
stead oC calling an ambulance.
Disneyland officials have de-
nied that charge and said they
believed they were acting in
Yorba's best interests
• . OeM-t NM~ oery • ..._
The parents of Mel C. Yorba
charged that park officials
failed to provide adequate
emergency medical care for
their son who died minutes after
being knifed in the heart.
Park officials we re also
crltlclied for transporting the
wounded man to Palm Harbor
when there were two nearby
trauma centers.
1 In 19209 23 percent Of Or•nge County w•a lrrtg•ted, 'SOI were reg•rded a• golden d~ya.
Growth no longer green
Farmers bowing to inflation~ developers
Also named in the suit filed
Friday are James O'Driscoll.
28, of San Diego, who is awaiting
trial on murder charges and
Palm Harbor Hospital in Garden
Grove. where Yorba was
Following the stabbing county
medicaJ authorities accused Dis·
neylaod of trying to avoid bad
publicity by transporting Yorba
At the time or the stabbing
Yorba was attending a party
hosted by Rohr Corp. About
10,000 employees and guests
were at the annual company
Witnesses told police that the
two men began fighting after
O'Drlscoll accused Yorba of
pinching his girlfriend. It was
the first slaying in the park's
25-year history.
Bill Bathgate knows the end is
near. He can see it in the hacked
slumps of orange trees that have
not ~n replanted and he can
hear it in the constant whiz of
cars speeding by his 75-acre
ranch in San Juan Capistrano.
From the h illtop of a
neighbor's property he surveys
Instead Bathgate is waiUng
for the day when the developer
finally closes the deal. Then he
. hopes to make between $20,000
and $25,000 an acre.
"It's kind or sad, .. remarked
Bathgate, recalling his boyhood
days of barveeUng walnuta and
rising early each mornlns to
ride the tractor. "We'd like to do
the best we can, but we know the
end is near."
Curb's 'campaign'
brottght to· Irvine
his still un·
oranges and
twig -like
trees that
grow strong
under the bot
stream of
spring SUD·
He can see CAMJHtuo
the San Juan Creek, tbe old cban·
nel that .floods his land' oearly
every winter and where an uncle
drowned in 1938.
He can 1llmpse only a •ll&bt
ed1e of worn , ll"ffll roof where
women want thelr falhiom de·
signed for drama or the man'•
eye? 'lbe aoswer may not be so
automatic after aeein• the aelec-.
lions from two Oranae Cout
sho•• an Pap 85. ·
Lt. Gov. Mike Curb took his
unofficial campaiJn for gov·
ernor to Irvine Sat~rday, ta.king
. pollUcal shots at the man who's
held the job for six years.
The former record industry OC: FARM PROATS RISING executive criticized Gov. Jerry
See ~nu•t report, P-C1 Brown's policies on business,
housing and crime ln a SJ>effh Far from tbe romantic notlpa d u r i n g t h e C a I l f o r n l a
of farmers cultivatinc a re· Re»ublican Asse1:1}bly conven· war~ life from tbe 1rod ot tion continuing t9day at t he
tender strawberry planta or Registry Hotel.
seedllnp that tum to _papptlni C"1J'b predicted that '' 1981 will
oran1e treea, is the lrl1n reality be the end of the idea that
that tarmlnc ~ no lon1er pro. Califomia is an unhealthy place
titable for many. SeWnl the for buamess." .
land for development La. He added that Brown's "small
"Farmtna c~·t-c6m~te wtth • is beautiful" philosophy baa
other aaes," aald Bathcate. "It'• · stymied business growth in the
. ~~~able for bome and in-at~ilestlons offered by· CUrb
inc:luded: cuttln1 the tJJne no•
T o u o d e r 1 t a Q d .,, h y requlred for approval of Ute CCD·
aarlcuJture Jia Oran1• County atrucUon of nuclear and elec·
(See FAa•S, Pate Al)
trical energy plants, and off«·
ine incentives to businesses con·
siderlng moving into California.
Curb said that Oklahoma is
offering businesses $250 for
every job that is created in the
In 1981 ' only 150,000 of the
needed 300,000 homes will be
built, said Curb, notin1 that
crime, Jobe and affordat»le botd·
Ins are the three most itnportant
issues concernlllg CallfQfDiae.
His sugae!stlon that saviqs
accounta not be taxed ID.f.rder to
help familles build \tP f¥nds to
purchase hornes, drew strong
applause. ·
Two major crimes are com-
mitted every mJnute, and lo Loi
Aneele1 the -chances of being
murdered .,.., triple the natlGaal
avera1e of 10 people per 100.000.
Cur~sa1d. •
' I
. .. .
"No. It's an American tradition to be able to see the
·president. It should also depend on the Individual pre-
sident If he wants to go out in public often. Polltlclans
usually want to -the y're outgoing people." .
Brad Bowen
Costa Mesa, commercial fisherman:
"I think there should be more access
<to a president. I think Reagan's
threatening nature had a lot to do
with the attempt. I noticed a lot of
ap.,thy in people my age when they
heard of the attempt. No one wants
to go to war and they're afraid
Reagan will start up the draft
Luxie Rupp
Costa Mesa, office manager:
"That's hard ~o say. I don't see how
they could keep people away from
the president. There are a lot of
screwballs out there, but you can't
keep everyone away from big politi-
cians. Maybe a bullet proof vest
would help. The public should be able
to see the president if they want."
Jimmy St41navich
Costa Mesa, student:
"Yes. They s hould be selective on
.... . who geJs to see i he president and
who can t. He st,.o~'rdn't Just go out
anytime. Tr1ere ar~la ffit ofJotttet pee>! I
pie like that guy who shot Reagan
still out there."
• . .
John Kaufman
Claremont, meat cutter:
"Th~ fact of the attefl'.lpt wasn't due
to adcess. It hap~ns In everv other
country It eve~ happened to
Brezhnev In Russi~. I don't think gun
control is the answer either, but I
think the person using the gun should
be dealt with appropriately. It's not
jus t the president's problem, it's
everyone's problem. 11
Grant Texier
Costa MeS411, cook:
"I think presidenH~I appearances
should be limited to holidays, so the
public would know to come and see
him. For public announcements, he
should be seen on television or
John McMunh
Santa Ana, tool and die maket.:
"I don't thjnk public access should be
limited. If the people of this country
put him there, they have a right to
see him once in a while. Access to the
president isn't the problem -it runs
a loLdeeper .than that. There'~ a lot
of deep frustration that people don't
know how to get rid of."
Brenda Hurst
Fountain Valley, waitress: ..
"Access shouldn't be limited. He's
got to talk to the people and the
public has to know he's real and not
some image on a screen. It's part of
. ttle job, the danger is. 11
Thomas P. Haley
Pvbf 1_1Wr • •
Rd?Jert N. W~ed
Mark Planvsky
Costa Mesa, manager:
"The president has to get out to the
public to find out what th~ people
want. How else is he going to know?
It doesn't matter if everyone is
around, he still has to be available. I
think l'l the attempt Monday that
someone was trying to make the
prediction come true -the one that
no president elected in an 1
even-numbered vear has not been shot."
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Polish tension
upsets Haig's
Mideast tour .
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -
Secretary of State Alexander M.
Haig .Jr. bas informed his E&YP-
tlan hosts that be might bav~ tb
end hill Mideast tour Rnu>UY
and return to Waabln1ton
because of increased tension·in
Haig, arriving in Cairo Satur·
day on the first leg or his Middle
East mission, meanwhile met
some resistance from the Egyp-
tians lo his proposed Persian
Gulf .. strategic consensus"
stretching from Pakistan to
The Egyptian and Western
sources, who requested
anonymity, said that as soon as
Haig strode from his airplane,
he told repre~entatives from the
U.S. Embassy he might have to
fly back to Washington at a mo·
ment's notice.
He is scheduled to meet today
with President Anwar Sadat
before leaving for Israel, the second stop on his eight·day
trip. He also is to visit Jordan
and Saudi Arabia.
EtiYPtian sour~es suggested
Ra1i's eo~cern fot posalbfe Sov· I
let lhte .. vention ill P.dland I
prompted his unexpectedly brief
meetings with Egyptian Foreign
Minister Kamal Hassan Aly
Saturday night. Neither or two
sessions lasted more than 20 minutes.
Ap EaYptian offical who at-~
tepded 'fhe Haig-Aly talb aaid
the U.S. perceptiQD that outside
thr:eata to the Mideast are of
global concern is not accepted
by the Egyptians.
'A.dalts only'
law on agenda
An emergency ordinance put·
ting a moratorium on new adult
book stores, movie theaters.
model studios. motion picture
arcades and massage parlors
will go before Costa Mesa's City
Council Monday at 6:30 p.m .
If approved durin~ the session
at City Hall, 77 Fa\r Drive, the
ordinance would be effective
immediately, said City Attorney
Tom Wood.
The moratorium is to provide
Wood's office the time required
to draft a permanent control or·
dinance. The Oioratorium would
last four months or until the new
laws are approved, whichever is
The interim ordinance to be
considered Monday notes that
"adult used" businesses are rec·
ognized as "having objections·
ble operational characteristics."
As a result, the ordinance pro-c 1 a I m s ,· adj a c e n t · b u s i n es s
owners fear a downgrading of
their areas, a decrease in prop·
erty values. an increase in
c rime and deterioration of
neighborhood conditions.
The interim ordinance also
would place a moratorium on
cabarets with topless or bottom·
less dancers, sexual encounter
centers and hotels and motels in
which sexual materials are pre·
Wood said Friday that his
s tare will begin drafting a
permanent ordinance to control
adult businesses that will follow
court.proven laws.
Toddler dies,
sibling held
2"'1-year-old boy has died of
ahotfun wounds, and h.ll 16-year-
•old' brother bu been booked for
lllveatiaauon of murder, police
Tbe teen-ager, whose name
was Withheld becauae-ol b1i •••• -tbtually waa boo~ed for In·
veaUcatJon ot attelllpted mtardft aiter be auepd.ly told police ldi
brotber, Guillermo CarrlUo, wu
•hot while Ute boyi plarld hi
their bMl'OOm Tbunday. Tbe lit•
lie boy dted at St. lhr1'•
Ho1plt.M at 5:55 a .m . Friday,,
ta.Id LoQI Beach police Otnoer Bob RulMU ..
F,....P .. eAJ'-1-
c1usln1 great concern," one of-
ficial Jaid.
"The litu.aUon as we regard It t""'-the elosest scrutiny,"
Dututy White House Presa
Sff retary l,arry Speakes told re·
porters. "ft bears watching."
The 1'fficials said that the
sitUUlon ls essentially un·
chanWed rrom Friday when
St•te Oepertment. spokesman Wltliam Dyess announced that
lt\e Soviet Uniab and other com·
m11nist nations of the Warsaw
Peet had so increased military
readiness in Eastern Europe
* * *
that their forces could move 1± Poland "tt any Ume."
"Thelr capability i1 unqu .
Uoned," an official said. "It ls
not clear what their intentions
are. But we are concerned and
we're looid.ac at tt cJosely."
Weinberger said NATO bu
been working for some time on
possible political and economic
measures that would be taken U
tbe :>oviet Union intervenes In
Poland. He added there Is much
diplomatic activity taking place
because or Poland.
President Reagan, recoveting
from an assassination attempl,
was briefed twice aphe hospital
"in a rair amount or detail''
arter a national security council
meeting on events in Poland,
Speakes told reporters at the
While House.
* * *
STORMS. • . Warsaw Pact heads
Calumet County, Wlsco~sin ,
about 50 miles north of "'est
Bend, htjuring six people l~ a
mobile home park. ~
Rainstorms las~ed
southwestern Illinois an<t arts
or Missouri, packing winds p to ;:00 mph. The storms wrecked
houses, knocked out powe,.. and
injured 20 people, 15 in Granite
City , Ill., and five in
Extensive damage was report·
ed in Edwardsville, a communi·
~ or 11,000 people. Officials cor·
doned off the downtown area
Saturday, barring out all but
emergency vehicles, cleanup
crews and residents. Guards
were posted to prevent looting.
In northwestern Illinois, some
130 cars were damaged by high
winds in and around the Quad
Cities Airport. Sixty houses were
damaged in Milan. ~
Officials said. the storm
system spawned at least two
tornadoes in Missouri.
Tornadoes. hail as big as golf
balls. heavy rain and strong
winds hit Nebraska, sending
temperatures plunging as much
as 20 degrees in an hour.
April showers?
r • • eye slimnut meeting
WARSAW , Poland (AP) -
Pa rliament postponed the start
or its spring sessions Saturday
because Premier Wojciech
Jaruzelski was "temporarily in·
disposed," and leaders of the
Soviet·led Warsaw Pact were re·
ported considering a summit
that could decide whether to in·
tervene in Poland.
Talks with Polish farmers
hoping to form an independent
union also were adjourned.
A Western diplomatic ob·
server in Wars aw s aid there
were signs of increased com·
munications installations in the
Polish capital and some indica·
tiorr that ·'things are not
absolutely normal." But he did
not foresee a Soviet interven·
The official PAP news agency
said Poland's parliamentary
session was postponed from
Monday to Friday. It did not ex·
pl ain why Jaruzelski was "tern·
porarily indisposed." but some
Polish reporters siyd he had f.lll
eye problem
J aruzelski was scheduled tp
g1 ve a maJor speech before
Parliament outlining the situa·
lion in Poland. which is more
than $23 billion in debt to the
Wes t after n1ne months of
sporadic strikes led by the in·
dependent union Solidarity.
Communi s t and Wes te rn
sources in Moscow said leaders
of Warsaw Pact nations might
convene soon to discuss the
Polish situation, possibly at the
16th co ngre ss of the
Czechoslovak Communist Party
which opens in Prague on Mon·
They said that Soviet Presi·
dent Leonid I. Brezhnev might
travel to Prague for the con·
gress. but the report could not
be confirmed Moscow·led
Warsaw Pact forces have been
conducting maneuvers an aod
around Poland for more than
two weeks.
Scott Gibson, 18, of Placentia is hoping his
accident insurance has an umbrella pc)licy.
He failed to make a turn from Eastbluff
Drive onto Jamboree Road and hit a
Newp'::-t Beach fire hydrant instead.
Gibson wasn't hurl in the 11 p.m. mishap
Friday. but the hydrant was totaJed. police
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Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Su~. Aprll 6, 1981 Al
Freewa~ links toathil&
:.I • • ..
Cdrridor coWd handle 160,000 trips ilaily
a1 GLENN 8CO'rl' °'_..,,... .....
A propoaed north-south
freeway eorrldor tbrouab 2e
mUe1 ol aoutbeut Oranse Coun·
ty could open up bard-to-reach
rancblandl forao to 288,000 new
resident. by the year 2020.
Brandt Reddick Inc. of lrvtne,
was lina.nced by a consortium ol
development companies hoping
to develop the afel,
T~e Orange County Board of
Supel'\lil(>n bas dedded not to
approve new ~ubdivtsiona lD the
roothUl areu unUI new rotda
are developed to lla.odle the ln.'
creasing traffic c:nutl. That's one of the findlnes of a
recently publllbed environmen-
tel Impact report on the pro-
• poae4 ~oothlll Transportation
Cord.dOr, cooaidered tbe key to
unloc.llina the development
potential of the hillsides and
cany001 ol the region.
Accordlnc to tbe en•lron__..
' tat report, th• treeway w~
handle up to 180,000 vehitle trtP1
each day, with traffic heaviett
in lta nortbem part.I.
The exact roQte for the
freeway hasn't been established,
but the road generally would·ex-
There's more breeze than draft behind a
motorcycliSt as thii poodle in a backpack /ound
out recently on the Hollywood Freeway.
Jody Powell, who was
press secretary to Cortner
Carter, says
needs com-·
He and
Roddin g
Carter Ill,
who was state
Department row1u.
press liaison.
spoke Friday at an LBJ
Library sy mposium in
Austin, Texas on press
freedom and responsibiilty.
competition that allows one
to say about one's adversary
that he is a knave and a fool,
if that is the case and you
have grounds to say it.
Carter said the news media
are "big business" institu·
tions run by "power people"
divorced from the concerns
and conditioos or their
readers and viewers.
"The press hasn't gotten
ahead of a single wave over
the past 20 years . . . The
press had to be kicked in the
face by each of them." he
said. mentioning the civil
r ights, anti-war and women's
p rtaee c•arlel, dia -
tifttuilhlni himself with some
lon1, well-placed paa1es, deft
b}lckhands and a goal, helped
hla team to a 9...f victory In a
•1eclal _polo match at
C evedon. New Zealand S turday. j
The prince, the player with
the slightest stature of the
ei1tit men on the field of tb.e
Auckland Polo Club's Woolf
Fisher ground, said be en-
joyed himself immensely in
the match against the presi-
dent's team.
"It has done the world of
iood lo my liver and other
parts of my anatomy" he
A 1 luding t o his w ell-
pu'bliciied steeplechasing
fall, the prince said he was
delighted that a member of
the opposing team was un-
horsed and not him.
Prl•ce aalaler and Prin-
ceu Grace of Monaco ar-
ri ved in western Japan
Saturday for a 10-day visit
that includes a meeting with
Japanese Emperor Hirohito
and tours of the ancient
capital city of Kyoto and a
Powell said both govern-
ment and the news media
routinely base decisions on
inadequate information, re-act with hostility when at·
&acked and fail tp punish mis-
takes swficie,ntly.
"It is irresponsible not t.o
give voice to a cry of protest
before it becomes a protest
march .. The answer is
more fompe!Jtion , more
freedoflJ, more press, more
diversity. The question is
how to reverse the trend
toward fewer and fewer coo-
lroHing more and m_ore,"
Carter said.
·visit lo e~itiqp.
The ~'fill co~Wi ~
panled by their dauabter
P.rtncess Stephanie, will visit
the exposlt1oo today and
Prince Rainier will open a
Monaco art exhibitiOb there.
·'Competition that rec·
ogoizel the power of the
Fourth Estate" would rem-
edy that, he said . ·Tm
talking about the kind of
Southern sta1,es, Atlantic coast sunny
fl.&• ..... .,,
Rein -,,.....~"'•ff•••· ,.elect llldrf trom Al-m• en4 ,.,..
trel Florlde -to New Enel•nd
•lld •••I lo u. GrHI Ulln.
R•ln WH ••pe<IM lo 1•11 Ir ....
Watfllnvton Into Hort,_,.,, C-'lloml•
.,... •tr9" lo,,.. HonMt'ft AoOIH .
Alternoon letnpe••h•rH MM ~
were upeocltd over "'-"""9' Gr .. •
UllH, end -JO «1e9r-from IM 1-•r C>nlo Valley tcrtKI ,,_ -r
Gru1 Pl-. •• '"" •• lht P•clfk HortllwHt. Temc>er•turtt ,..., 70
Wiii nteftd from ti. un1er ot ti.
All•ntlc coe1t thrCNlltl tht ctnlral
01111 Coe~I .,... •HI lo Celllorlll•.
T9fl'lpertlurtt will Cll"'t> to IO onr
llle IDl.wl Sovtll-st ..... HJter11
C.aat•l .,,e•llter
Aller. Hrly morr1ln11 cloudlneu,
lllFlllY c ... ttal 111195, telr lllre\19ft
IOfli911I. H~ lodeY '6 lo 70 al-Ille
coeal, 70 to 7S Int-l~ 1.,,19111 SI
to S.. Walff SI.
Ehewllere, 1111'11 ar1d ver l•DI•
oflndl wltll -!fl IHS IOdaY Wll'ldl
wnl 10 tooll"-51 I to IS •"°ts 11111 al·
ternoOll _.,,, •-111 lo J Ifft
eau1 .... 1.
Yile•IM1 I04'1Kftle"' •-I COot-
llnued 1141~¥ •lr1da In SoutMrn
C•lllorn1a·1 "*"'i.tna •"4 ctH•rt
lt•H In U. •Ilk• OI ll mtitl wl-twot lo•td an ui-rl.....,lat •lnot-.. ,llY ~---I" P•lrTI $tl<lftp. Oll'ter'#lte, IUO\l\Y _.,_, la ••·
eel tllfougf\ ll'tt "'""enc, Wltll , ,_, In mornl"ll 110..rs lft ,.,.,. ..
Tiit ttJ•loot t•ll wlnCl·•n•r py
twsle"' In Palm Sttrlftga ..,.,.INIM4
Hull H II traa revving "' •"ct tt~ to tlw ... ~ dUrlftg • test ,..., IM 5outttwn cellfontle ECllllOft
Tiie ........ .., sNtled Alco. OM· =411 Vettluf Aall WIMI T~ne
n•r•t" ••• Clamffed ,.,,.,.,.
1111141 ..,..,. "•tMt• ...... •Ille t911C11tcted 11., Ila n1•n11la ct1tror, ~/'IN irllllty Mid.
Mell .. nonflern C:.lllOf'l\la •• ,..,. to • In Nr _,..., _.,.,
~ ._..., au.ntl"9 • tM H .. ~' ......, wv1co. The uco..-,_ ""' .... ~-...,..,.
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~Vall., ltnlllll _...,, Wllll .... tlill'lllMt ..... .,.,...
s.11 ....
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NewOrlNM He• York
Otr.l•l>Ome City
PI tts0urg11
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S.n Fran<l•o Seattle
SI l°"I' St. Pelel'Mur• Ta"'99
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5'>oll•ne Tulse
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"~ VIHM 1
tbt Dally PUot wanll to Mar obterntiona from it• reldert
-pattleularly eo.menta abbat UM paper itaelf. !t'1 euy to .en
ua 1our vtna. Jutt call UM n4amber below and YoUr .. ....,..
wUI ' be reeor'ded. .. ... ., .. .tn be tl'antcrlMd aeveral Um•
daUy Md del1Hr9d to the delll of tbl approprlat. edit.or, No
clrculaUon calll. pWue.
TeU ua what11 on youc mind. Tbe number l1 ln Hnlee 14
boUtl & day, MYeft day1 a wM. fJ42•fJ08fJ
. .. S2 •
The report, prepared by
private planning firm of Phillips
lJCI prof says .
Devastator bullet
wasn't 'time bomb'
87 RICHARD GREEN °' u. Dlllv ,.. ... si:iiit
A UC Irvine ballistics expert
says that a Devastator bullet
lodged in the police man
wounded in the assassination at-
te m pl on President Reaean
could have ex1,>loded at any
"I don't know why there was
the great concern that It wrui go-
ing to explode,'" said Dr. Vin·
cent Guinn. "lf it's not set oCC on
impact, it's not likely to explode
once it has come t.o rest . Those
bullets aren't like time bombS."
Guinn explained that explod-
ing bullets carry a tiny explosive
charge in the lead s lug. The
charge is supposed to be set oCf
when the bullet hits its target,
sending shrapnel-like lead
shards ripping into its victim.
FBl agents were led t.o believe
the bullets used in the as-
sassination attempt were ex·
ploding bullets when doctors dis-
covered the slug that hit press
secretary James Brady broke
into four pieces. In addition,
agents found a cartfidee box
auu*ed •:Qevasta~1" '~ tU'le
hot-•l room used Dy John
Hinckley Jr., the alleged gWl-
As a result, doctors decided
not to wail any tobger to re·
move a bullet Lodged near the
ap,ne o•Washlqgton. O.C. po)lc:e~ 1homa~11>•1ah .. ~)'..
one of t.hoee woundea aloag wlth
President Reagan last Monday.
Surgeons removed the bullet
from Delahanty without mishap.
"I( somebody probed it with a
surgical tool maybe it could
have been set off,'_' UC I
Sale I
Delly ~li.t Ii.ft .....
Dr. Vincent Guinn
Professor Guinn theorized.
But there really wasn't any
immediate danger. Guinn said.
Other firearms experts ba'!e
spo.culated th11t 1he two-inct\ bar·
n of th• .~2 callb.,, pi15to.I
al edJy useH in the assassina-
tion attempt probably didn't pro-
vide enough velocity for the
bullets to activate the explosive
Dr. Quinn and his co-workers
devel<>Ped ~orenf~~ t.echniqUe
' 1 n 19U tn w ch r ~be.b11tll'l • is ulled ln• e invdatJgltlori 1of
crimes. ·
He used hi s skills in 1978 to
help with an investigation by the
House Select' Committee on As·
sassinations into the shooting of
President John F. Kennedy.
Here's regal elegance at Its very
best This magnificent bookcase
headboard waterbed will be the
envy. of all. You simply must
see It to appreciate It
COMPARE AT $639.00
SAVE '140.00 s499
e.d Only
tend h·om the Rlveralde
Freewa1 near Santa An• Can·
yon throu1h the western tide o(
the Santa Ana Mountain.I to the
San Diego Freeway south of San
The freeway wC*li run euen,
tJally parallel to tM Saata An~
Freeww, either about three
'°'le• or eeven miles io the northeast. ln the• ftrtt cue. it
would travene the south 1lope of
Loma atdae, in tbe other it
would lake the nort.lt 1Jde.
The consultants are recom-
mending in the report that the
road closer to the Santa Ana
freeway is pre(erable because it
wouJd run nearer exilting areas
zoned for development and
would have less impact oo the
natural hillside landacape.
However. consultants also
note in the report that the even-
tual addition of 8·s,soo new
homes and 59,000 jobs aided by
the freeway would have conse-
quences on the lifestyle on the
The freeway construction.
they note, "would result in a
wide array of impacts assoclat·
ed with the transformation of a
primarily rural environment lo
a primarily urban environ·
While generally praising the
way such a freeway can help
builders add needed housing,
members of the board of
s upervisors have been leery of
how the south county develop-
ment will affect traffic in other
parts of the county.
Supervisor s have not ad-
dressed that issue directly,
although a separate plan to in·
stall a mass transit line through
the heart of the county is in-
tended to ease some freeway
Another issue yet lo be tackled
is how the county will pay for
the proposed freeway . Sugges-
tions such as toll roads, local in·
creases in the gasoline tax and
requirements for developers t.o
finance road s independently
have been raised, but the cur-
rent road-financing situatif n 'ai~'U'rs bleak lo most COUl'ltY f. J(~ ar,. f U. · he Orange County Ylanni g
Com mission is scheduled to
begin els review of the Foothill
corridor environmental study on
June 1.
8~'s M)-1. ~ca
LAS VEGAS (AP> ...M .P1ddy
Boyd, a 33-year-old fashion
coordinator from Baton Rouge,
La.. captured the 1981 Mrs.
America title Friday at the Las -
Vegas Hilton.
Refugeµ turned bade
WASHINGTON (AP> -U.S. tmmt1ratlon lofficial.t are stJll
sendin11hundreds of Salvadoran refu&eu back to their •Ur-tqm
country despite possible dangers lh•t await t.bem there aod a
freeze on l*lding asylum requeau. T Critica~of U.S. immi~ pbtt(:y claim rlaany refucees are
pres!\ured into signing stateinenu in which they waive their r11ht
to seek political asylum and agree to return voluntarily to El
Salvador. •
However , immigration officials deny tlfat pressure ls applfed,
saying Salvadorans caught entering the United States illegally are
advised of their right lo request asylum if they feel they would be
endangered by returning.
Administration officials also contend that many of the
Salvadoran immigrants are entering the United Slates for
economic, not political reasons.
Shellings shatk!r truce
BEIRUT. Lebanon <AP) -Syrian and Lebanese army units
battled with artillery and rockets along Beirut's Moslem-Christian
dividing line Saturday, leaving at least 47 dead and 191 wounded
and threatening a new civil war.
The Beirut police department gave the casualty figures for the
capital and said they were .in addition to 102 killed and 300 wounded
in the last four days in Beirut and the Roman Catholic city of
Zahle, where fighting erupted anew shortly after another truce .col·
Beirut Radio reported late Saturday that calm was r eturning
to both Beirut and Zahle three hours after another cease-fi re was
supposed to take effect. The Voice of Lebanon radio of the Chris·
tian Phalange militia also said shooting had slacked off in both
Automaker cleared in death
WALHALLA. S.C. (AP> -Volkswagen of America is not liable
for damages in the death of a 16-year-old girl who was thrown from
the back seat into the dashboard during a collision, a jW')' bas
ruled. Jurors cleared the automaker of negli.genc~ tharer iP Ch• lt75
death of Tracy Lynn Moorhead.
But the panel found the Volkswagen's driver, Rachael
Johnson, and her father William Johnson, who owned the 1969 Be·
tie. liable for $100,000 in actual damages.
Veering jet lwrts 21
CHICAGO <AP> Some injured and. frightened passengers
wept after powerful downdraft sent their DC-10 jetliner hurtling a
reported 2.000 feel toward earth. but one passenger said there was
.. no real panic."
One of the 21 injured was reported to be Stanley T . Manca, 51,
of Fullerton. said to be in fair condition with back injuries. Also
aboard, but uninjured. were Horace and Pamela Sklar and their
13-month-old daughter of Yorba Linda.
The big jetliner, bound for Newark. N.J .. from Los Angeles,
flew into a powerful downdraft over central Illinois, according to a
United Airlines spokesm an, h~rling passengers about the cabin.
(AP) -The new space shuttle
Columbia sat like a pampered
beast on its pad Saturday await-
ing the countdown for a night
that will return Americans to
space for the first time in six
The countdown was scheduled to begm at 8:30 a.m. PST today
for la·unch at 3:50 a .m . Friday,
at the same Cape Canaveral pad
that sent men to the moon.
If all goes well, astronauta
John Young and Robert Crippen
wHJ ride the Colitlnbla fat.o
space, orbit earth 36 Umes and
land the sh.ip S4t,.; hours later·
like an airliner on the dry desert
lake bed at Edwards Air Force
Base. California. ,
Success would mean that
no longer will satellites have to
be sent into space atop $45
million rockets with a one·
launch Life. Instead, the shuttle
will haul up satellites three at a
time, unload them into space,
and return to earU--perhaps
bringing back satellites to be
overhauled. The shuttle, pure
and simple, is a cargo ship.
The first mission of the Colum-
bia is strictly a test.
Wby do falcon
trainers wear heavy
~ eJoves? .. You'll find
· out it you're ever
c•&JVed during tateotf (left," said
Bob tllnslow ot Dana
Polnt when he spoke
to the Gifted and
Talented Education
Class ,at Courreges
Sdaool in Fountain
Vaftey. His Pere-
grine falcon went
through some bunt-
ing maneuvers and
then sat still long
enough for the stu-
dents to see its long
wings, notch and
tooth on the upper
Prisoner drowns warden
Inmate captured after slwoting guard
HUNTSVILLE. Texas <A P > -
A maximum security prisoner
described as "high on mari·
juana" apparently seized a gun,
f atally shot a guard and
drowned the slate prison warden
Saturday. a justice of the peace
The Huntsville Item reported
that Warden Wallace Pack, 54,
and Maj. Billy Max Moore, a
prison guard at the Ellis Unit of
the Texas Department of Cor·
rections, were killed by an in·
mate wbo was being taken back
, to \be Llllit from a farmlna area
known u "the bottom."
A Montgome r y Cou n · ty Sherifrs Deputy said the un-
identified inmate at the unit,
which houses death row inmates
and other maximum security
prisoners, was recaptured
Saturday afternoon.
Peace Justice Walter Cooksey,
who was called to the scene. as
saying the guard was killed
when the inmate managed to get
possession of a gun Pack kept in
his car.
Cooksey said Moore was taking
the prisoner, whom Cooksey
described as "high on mari·
juana," back to the prison from
a prison farm area when the in·
cident occurred.
The inmate apparently
man aged to get a pistol from the
glove compartment of the car
and then shot Moore in the head. the justice said.
Cooksey said it appeared that
Pack had been intentionally
drowned in a nearby ditch
Walker struck
at race track
A man mowed down while
standing in front of the Los
Alamitos Race Track remains in
critical condition today.
The unidentified man was h.it
at 7:30 p.m. Friday as he stood
in a di.vider section in the middle
of Katella Avenue.
Witnesses supplied police with
the license number of the light
green 1971 Ford Maverick that
sped away from the scene after
the driver stopped briefly to look
back al the injured man.
Police arrested Russell Louie
at his home in Montebello. His
age was unknown.
Prison officials refused to re-
1 ease the inmate's name or
any further details about the in·
A spokesman from prison in·
formation officer Rick Harley's
office said a statement would be
released. but did not say when.
Earlier, a Montgomery Coun-
ty Sheriff's Department dis·
patcher said deputies, prison
guards and Huntsville police
converged on the farm site,
which is about 75 miles north of
Houston, after the incident.
Ir. spokeswoman at the Ellis
Unit declined to release in·
tormalion about the incident.
saying only "we 've got a situa-
tion here . in the bottom."
THE INCIDENT comes three
months after U.S District Judge
William Wayne Justice ruled
that the Texas prison system
was vastly overcrowded and or·
dered sweeping ch anges in
health care. housing and inmate
The state Legislature is con-
sidering a bill that would pro·
vide S35 million to upgrade
prison facilities, but the pro·
posal is stalled in a joint con·
ference committee.
Hinckley testing begun Would you like to
feel younger,
Expert medical panel to meet Monday
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP> -John
W. Hinckley Jr. is expected to
meet Monday with psychologists
brought in by attorneys prepar-
ing his defense against charges
of trying to assassinate Presi·
dent Reagan, a Justice Depart·
ment spokesman said.
The 25-year-old Hipckley met
with defense attorneys. in addi-
tion to spending sev,eral houn
with his parents, said Tom
DeCair. a Justice Department
spokesman in Washington.
"The co urt-ordered
psychological exam has bel\ID
and the defense team of lawyen
is expected to see him again on
Mon day," he said.
In a court order issued In
Washington, the government
was ordered to aHow the def e"-e
to have "concurrent accesa''
during 90 days of court·ordered
mental examinations.
DE CAlll said Dr. Sally
Johnson, staff psychiatrist at
Butner, has begun examining
"Doctor Johnson bas begun
testing and there wUJ be other
doctors from the start
participating -p1ychlatri1ll,
soclolo~t.a and pbyalclana -to
achieve a complete profile," he
The court order that retull4d
In Hlncldey belq rsept to ~e
Federal CorrecUon~ lutltutioo
at Butner directed 10Yemntent
psycJdalrlatl _to utu••n•
Hlnckley•a competence to .......
trial and to determU.e bla "PfO-
ducUvlty" -•hetht1' the aJ-
lesed offense rHulted from
mental dlaeue, a mental defect
~mental dllorder. 'R1aaan continued bl• re•
~ from • wound •atrtnd MoiMIQ.
Hinckley's parents spent
about three hours with their son
Friday before fl yi ng to
Was hington, presumabley to
meet with defense attorneys,
said a government official who
asked not to be identified.
Hinckley is housed under tight
security in an eight-room area or
the hospital in the prison's top
security area.
Accompanied by a security
guard, Hinckley has been al·
lowed to exercise in the unit's
dayroom, said John K . Russell,
a Justice Department
* * *
Russell said Hinckley has
been given periodicals to read,
but is not ·allowed access to
radio, television or news papers.
H e said Hinckley has made
several phone calls to his
parents and to his attorneys.
believe Hinckley allegedly shot
Reagan in a desperate attempt
to win the heart of 18-year-old
film star Jodie Foster.
Authorities say he apparently
had an obsession for the actress,
who was unresponsive to his de-
* * *
Suspect's parents
ask for pi-ayers
parenu of accused presidential
assailant John W. Hinckley Jr.,
satd Saturday. that tbelr ZS.Jear·
old •on la "• sick boy," and aaktd the-naUon to .. live bim
the beoeftt ot tM douit '1 mUJ
the f aeta about hla 111eetaJ state .... tnoWa.
. "We ce J~ in the prayfn or mllliona for Uie pr9'ldftlt and
the other victlma and tbelr
f1mtll•,'1 UM ltverll'MD, Colo.,
owp&. •aid tn • tt.tftnWlll re.:
lelHd ~ tbtlr IOD'I teaai
Ol def.-e lawyen ure.
i-••We -\Mt YOQ Jota UI ln prayera for our ton, Jofm.."
Th• ftve-paracrapb 1tat.~
1l1n1cl "Jo Aan and Ju:ll
HlDckleJ, .. said, "We have ,..
certain pN11 l'eporU th1t we billev• to be Inaccurate." The
statement did not elaborate.
"We simply ask that you re·
alize John la a sick boy, and that
you ,1ve bJm the benefit ol the
doubt until all the true facta COD·
cernma bis mental condition are I
lmown." aald the pJreote. I
The atatement was releaRCt
from the office of prominent cdsnlnal lawyer Edward Ben-
nett Williams . Three of
WUllnaa' anoclat.ea are defd-:
lnl Htnckley on charJu Ulat M
rlta to u1111lnate Prftldttllt
ftAgAD ad ... aulted I Sec!Nt &em• 1~:'th a .22-caubilt pta&ol• y. lltaaJe 61 belnl behL ln &lie
PIJtlda&ric untt of 1 fedtHl
prtlOll It BUtner, N.C., w._..a
lederal Judi• ordered btln to \II• derto up to ••• ,.. 'of~··
Uon to determine bll 1anlty.
look better,
and lose weight?
If the answer is yes , investigate the
f ounder
It helps people of all ages live a longer. heatthier
ltte. leellng younger. free ot the misery of
degenerative dlc;eases that are so common in
modern man
For people now suffering from heart disease.
hypertension. diabetes. hardening of the arteries.
and obesity. the Prltikln Better ~ealth Program has
proven to be a nutritionally SOU!\d , medically safe
approach to arresting. alleviafTng. and in some
cases helping to reverse the symptoms of these con·
dltlons . This Is why more and more physicians are
recommending this Program to their patients.
There are other reasons to Investigate the Prltikln
Better Health Program. You mrght want to be travel·
ing when others your age are bedridden : or keep a
job you like when your colleagues have all retired. In
other words. when others your age have grown old
and tired of existence , you may be able to find
pleasure In lovlng. working. and living.
Here is the result of one member. Alta Felshaw
··'Without the Prltikln Better Health Program. I
wouldn't be here at all. My cholesterol went from
345 to 190'. I have no more angina. I've lost 68
pounds. No more pain. no more medications."
' The lecture Is free. but the results could be
priceless Mark your calendar
..... -~el.,brefY
Ed• community Center 2119 MtM Verd• Otlve-£ 21m Meanolla a.o. l'WW. • ........... • ~ ..... .,..,.,..... ............... .,,. ;;r:;;... • 7111,. 1'MUll. ......... , .....
IMM Hott HOt4"
1717 E. ~ Aoad •fllwr. °"" ..... MOM. Ana ... 7111 ,.
Wll.APM.l.t7:Jt,. ... APllL .. .t 1111,.
"Approved t>y tht Calltornl1 Board of ll'fgllttreel Hurting, BAN Ho. ~1 for 1& contect nourt.
may be belded down ft.a Jiit
road toward JNlftd 1t.rMt1, ttllft bome;a ~ ~~trJal .c..,.
ODe llUlll IO~ »U.
· Tbat'• when o1nc1a11\e1an
keeplna tabe oa crops 1rown aDd
sold in what bad jUlt becolde tbe
county ol Otuce.
Beet •"lat led tbe lilt ot &ocal crops, followed by valtnda
oran1es and walnut1. There
1tiow farm ~reqe ~re•in1
trom us. m .... m i• to m11 l\.QM bl im. oertac that Mine
tia• ulll talue went f~ '114 mtDlon tO tllOtnllUon. ·
Fannen and -artcu.ltural ol·
ftclaJs aay that ~ fl1ures are
mlaleadtnl and that the l\iiMr
caab values bave not meant
more money for arowen.
"Tbe biQer nulftbert do not
indicate that ~ Oran1e County
WHAn A FARM farmer ta cleanin1 'lP.'' says
PRE ....... VE? , Lucky WestWQOd, vice president ~ of Oranae ProductJon Credit M · .......... ,........ aoclatton. • farmer'• lendlne
comp&111. "A lot of it ts pure tn·
were $2.5 million worth of nauon."
oranget grown that {int year Ptul Stephany, executive
and the 2.8 million pounds of director of the county farm
walnuts harvested would later bureau, agrees that farmers
earn Santa Ana a reputation aa here are factn1 tou1h times.
the walnut capital oft.be world. "It's getting tncreasingly dlf·
Nursery plants, which have ficult to farm in this county,"
held flnt place ~s the county's said Stephany. "You have lo be
top cash crop for 12 years, ftnt a real -t1lick farmer to make It.
appeared on the agrtcultutal Those that are making it are do-
comrniasioner's rolls ln 1923. · ing It marginally."
From300acreain 1923nunery Farmers complain that
crops spread to 2,803 acres the they're getting the same price
rollowing year. for their crops as they did 20
Before aprico~ faded in 1930 years ago while taxes, water
Orange County was one of tla cosll and theft have all gone up.
nation's largest producers, with Consider the pl1ce of an acre
El fro known as the "Dried root of water that went rrom $12
Ap cot Capttal of the Wol'ld." to $17 in 1979 and one can UD·
B 1924 a traveler's guide derstand what's happened, say
call Orange County ' "Ofte of farmers.
the most intensely farmed dis-Times were not always tough.
tricl$ m the state." Blair Smith sits ln a rundown
Indeed, nearly 93 petceht of it.a trailer he calls home on the 30
799 square mUes were under ir· acres he leases in Fountain
rigation. Valley and remembers when he
By 1• walnut production had earned $100,000 annually for five
dropped from an all time high of straight years.
18,000 acres to only 1,500 acres. ln 1976 he and his wife
And by 1967 there were no more. traveled lo Europe, took trips to
Despite the disappearance of New York, cruised the Carib-
walnuts, apples and apricots bean and managed to spend
from Orange County, the '50s $29,000 in less than eight months.
are regarded as the county's But the next year harc;I Umes
golden age. hit. Smith looks at Joan apPlka·
While citrus acreage was cut lions piled into a worn briefcase
in half to only 37 ,000 acres by and says that he hasn't been in
1959, nursery stock went from a the black since 1977.
$400,000 industry to a $4 million "Now l'm just dragging,"
money-ll)aker. says Smith, who has farmed
Since 1940 the county has lost since 1956. "If it wasn't ror the
an average of 100,000 acres Cact that we owned property, we
These soon-to-be-filled crates look as empty
as farmland earmarlced for housing developments.
Smith claims that he loses
$1 ,000 a week by continuing to
farm . The only time he makes a
dime is when he sells land for
Of the good days Smith says,
''They'll be back, if you can af·
ford U> hold on until they come
we roresee major changes in
Not even the Irvine Company,
the cowity's largest agricultural
landholder, expects crops to re·
turn any real profit.
The Irvine Ranch cover s
77 .000 acres with 13.000 devoted
to oranges. lemons, tomatoes,
avocados, strawbe rries. bell
peppers, beans and celery.
We 're just milking the land, ·says Bill Bathgate
~o has sold his 75 acres in San Juan Capistrano.
every 20 years. On the other wouldn't be in business."
hand, inflation and Intensified His 320 acres in Santa Maria
production have continued to have pu11hed his assets up to $1.6
push crop cash values up. million. But his liabilities were
Kevin Linden, spokesman for
Mendelson-Zeller, the largest
shipper of strawberries in the
county. isn't that optimistic.
''As someone who makes their
livelihood by strawberries, I say
that we've got eight to 10 years
left," said Linden. "After tha!
··Agriculture on the ranch
would be a money losing venture
if it were independent or the
Irvine Company's land develop-
m ent program," said company
spokesman J erry Collins.
Tropical Fish • fresh • Marine
Aqu.nium Supplies
Special April 1, 1981 -April 7, 1981
Labeo tronatua: 3.99
Env1s1on a sleek, streamlined albino body,
pectorals, ventrals. dorsal, anal and caudal fins
blood red I am a specimen that will heighten the
v1e w1ng pleasure of most any aquarium. I am also
an excellenl scavanger and algae eater. See me at
Aquatic Tropicals where I am on sale under the
name Albino Rainbow Shark for only 3.99
_,,.,,._ 1510 W. Baker • Costa Mesa -
Wlif. 54S.1391 • Corner HJrbor & Baker iiiii9
I With a l111k! help
lrom us cine! vour I free Menllat
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and lnsu1llallOl1
Instructions t..-------you can do it'
It's easy with MeriUat!
l·:uro-.\~rican Kih:l~n & Hath
1741 WHtdHfDr .. H•wport hoclt
Consider county figures that listed at $215,622 in 1980. -------
I t ,, l ,,
I .t !
A Special Beauty Report on Lauder Prescriptives: .Linf!. Smoother.
Prescriptlves Is a sc~itic advaMJe. •new intellfltnc;e In sk"1 tft.
With it yoc1 at1 change tomotrow's skin. Ptescrlpfives is• System of
custom Clre rmchi"6the cellular layers that wil( r;entually 9MflL! as
tomorrow's skin. It's based°" three slmpk! mps: tO c--.. fne(fiz~ •nd
protect And the star of the Protective S)'Stl!m ... is Lme SmoOth« ~iflc
protection for areas where your own skin is sufeetJtib!. tO lines; around
eye, ~th and neck. It helps to retard the tppt111ance ol surlb
I~ and to malce fine lines already there, less visible. Line Smooth«
•'°'W ~hh the qther sc~l-~~thJ~xigh products pttJtcibed • -
'Jpec1fica/Jy fOt Y°'l in Y<>W Prescr/p(ives,regi~, will mak~ Your ,sJ<fn , 1 smooth£r, more •tic, vital .. iand )Qltwer loofJngl Lina S(OOOther,
f <!Z., '25. Come ulk to ou' Prescriptives .xpem. They'/l analyie via the
Slcinprlnter and pleSCribe t~ ~ PrescriptM!s System for yoµ::.
in Co.vnetk Collections-wt.ft ·~.'~~II the 'IJ>inls yoa. ~~/ '
• .
County dumps d0D1ps
" Competition still is arteleme~ni· ding down costa~ so
the interest of Orange County f ials in turnipg over
landfill dump supervision to priv at is oommenda~le .
County costs to run its four tan have doutU_e<l tiur-
ing Uie last three years. Rat~ thaosee those costB con-
tinue to eat away at taxpayer dollar(°~~s decidecj this
week to solicit bids from private compani~ which might
find ways to run the landfills for less. .., _ .:_
Whether profit-oriented compan.ief:~·al\ o better than
government at cutting costs iQ tt\is case won t be known for
three or so month~. after bids ares311cif an returned.
Whoever wiptls· up running the dumps, howevet. _will
find that most ol the operating costsareUe<tto th~ce of
gasoline and m'1chinery. Landfill operations thes~;~ys
primarily involve the use of bulldozers and tractors to1'°)'er
each day's deposit of trash.
Already it appears that gate fees at tbe dumps '!JP be
imposed for the first time next year to raise more CUndl.
That change will be reflected in slightly higher mootbJy
trash bills. J'
Whether run by government or private indu.stry,
landJiJI costs are bound to g~p and county residents can ex-
pect to pay the difference. ·
'Free' electricity
The questioo Juris Solovjovs kept hearing during a
recent open house at his solar-powered Santa Ana home
was "Why aren't'.more people doing this?"
Sotovjovs, a Fountain Valley office manager, hasn't
. Paid an electnl>°'bill in s~ve. u-b~ s~ys bis solar system will pay for:'.i e years.
A tour of the modest • bows how in-
credibly simple and effective -solar energy can be.
The $2,000 setup includes three very small solar
panels mounted on the roof, some wiring, three recrea-
ti6nal vehicle batteries. and a"small in\terter.
Sun power Lights his home, operates his stereo, and
runs other appliances. He uses natural gas for his stove,
refrigerator and water heater.
Since he's had the solar hook-up, Solovjovs says he
hasn•\ had an energy-less day -despite clouds, rain and
evening darkness.
The batteries, he says, can store up to six days of
power. although he admits be is an energy scrimper.
And, come the brownouts and blackouts be an-
ticipates in the mid-19805, he says he'll be the only one not
in the dark. • Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot
Other views expreesed on this page are those of their authors and
artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted. Address The Daily Pilot, P .0 .
BoK 1560, Costa 11.1e54, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 .
Boyd) Careers
• I '
A lot o! people who start
out to be broadcast announ-
cers change their careers
after a few years of ex-
perience. Likewise, people
whO begjn as bill coU~tOri
and C!O'Riputer os)eratora. lit
fact, these are said to be
three of the ca{~rl lea.st,
likelY'l\q hold \helr pro~ '
resrlonals. Those careen
wb cb ~Ile fewest 1 peoole
ats~ndon are known to 0 be
law, medicine, dentistry,
pharmacy, architecture,
engineering and physics.
These ulevision p'ro1rams
need new sponsors. "Games P~_,I( Pl!)''' shouJd be un-
der w r H ten by Milton Bt'•ch~t.~. "~Ito" ml1ht do well WHf" a ,backer auch u
the Amert~a Optometr\c A.1.-
aoc&tion. And why iln.'~ "ltt-
A-S..H" paid for by tlie ldai,o
Potato Gro;wers? Any
otbers? .. ' , ..
W'ASiliNOTON -Sovlet ln· v~tloa 9'. Poland would l.1111.QtJy
lfea,1an '1
1tanc~ toward
Mo•cow u f oteJl.Jl policy aospel tor-\he
world , a
c h•nie that
has led the new president's ad-
vlsen to see benefits resulting
Crom lhe dangers confronting
Reagan's own atceptJcism over
the effectiveness of nuclear
arms control would become a
conviction shared by leaders
among U.S. allies.
. aEAGANCOVLD give up the
present pretense of being for
arms control t.lks with the Sov-
iets once U.S. rearmament has
started to advance.
Soviet intervention, as
measured by these presidential
advisers, would accomplish in
one swift transition what has
been beyond U.S. reach since
the late 1960s and Vietnam: true
Western unity under U .S.
_ Richard Reeves
"No onf want.I Poland to bur
the cost or pay thet prtce," one
edaninlttration o«lclel told ua ,
"but lt ls a fact that the redesnp·
lion of American leadenhlp la
what the Rusalana buy lf they in-
· UnW March 29, when the cen-
tral committee ot Poland's rul-
ln1 Communist Party met in
Waraaw, the Kremlin seemed lo
be moving toward Imposing
hard-line leadership on Poland's
Politburo and Central Commit·
privately predicted bard-llninc
Stefan Olazowak! wouJd be elev at·
ed a.s party chief in the prelude to
a major, internal crackdown on
Solidarity, the free worken un-
Instead, moderate party
leader Stanislaus Kania surpris-
iQCly strengthened his control.
That casts doubt on whether an
internal crackdown by Polish
police and militia, privately pre·
dieted by Secretary of State
Alexander Haig as far m'ore
probable than outright Soviet in-
tervention, will now take place.
If it does not and Solidarity
continues to undermine ~entral
Communist authority. Sovlet ln-
v asion becomes more probable.
Once lllvadfnl t'°°°' crou UM' PaU1b border, tbe f!~leU Y(OuJd
el et ate the U .s . as tbe a~knowled1ed leader of the West. 1'bat II partly becauae of
the lmpact in Europe of th•
AP'L·OJO and lta liberal poUUcal
trl,nds becomln( Reaaan'a
ateadlut aJUes.
• A FL-CIO President Laoe KlrAd~ 1i in close touch with
WeJtetD European labor unJon.s.
lneludln1 Jetual unions ln Brit-
a In. West Germany, Scan-
dloavia and the Low Countries.
All have 1 deep stake in lhe fate
of SoUdarity.
Thia new U.S. stature would
dry up lncreaslngly appeasln1
calls by the European ten for
the U .s. to ret.urn to tbe pre·
Al.ehan invasion detente.
Even the left wlnt of Chan·
ceJJor HeJmut Schmidt's West
German Social Democrattc Par-
ty would not risk turning its
back on Solidarity.
"THE GERMANS would buy
nuclear modernisation overnight
if Poland gets invaded,'' one
West European diplomat pre·
dieted. "Reagan wouldn't hav'l
to say another word about It."
In Fra~e. confidential polls
taken by political allies of Presi-
~ent ~alery Giscard d'Estalna.
ThOl'NI P. Haley #UllL...,.
T~a ker1t11ec1Mor
•bow I.hat t.be Communl.1f l'jlitt
vote ln W. fall'• presl~
election would drop from lU
normal 20 percent to abQut 1'
percent -• 40-year low -ii Mos~ow marcbea.
Nobody can predkt the etttet
on the Sovtet Union of the •Ud·
den comla1 toaether of th..._
Western aWaoce, whJcb reacW
its lowest 1tate durh11 the
Carter praldency. Officials;
here and ln Europe have
been subtle in spellinc out the
sentiments to Soviet leadera.
TllAT MESSAGE comet down
to this: The certainty of the Udtt·
ed States moving toward a poll·
tlon of military power greater
than the Soviet Union's and
backed by the power of all lta
European aJUes for a long time to
Such a pro.ram is exactly
what the Reagao administratloq
wants to accomplish in the nnt
four years. That the Kremlin
would become its unwitlinll
agent may influence delibera-
tions in Moscow.
In using force ag~inst Polan~.
the Soviets are delivering to
Washington the most elusive
goal or lhe past J two decades[
acknowledged leactersrup of tbe
anti-Soviet alliance. r
Random violence no longer. surprises us
W ASHlNGTON -On Nov. 22,
1963, they said we lost our in-
nocence. On M..arch 30, 1981, we
lost our self-respect. There is
something wrong with us. We're
"Hey, it could have been me,"
said one ot the men on the street
by NBC, a
New Yorker
spe·aking in
h CCW'l. or
f)t . "It
1 have '• Y§U. It ·~"ofd "have
b.e e D of o U r
c.a9ier81rlan. '11ll~ klld of
I ' 1 goea on all the time.
$ tbe way it is today."
e' "president of the ·United
es. perhaps, was just
er man in the street. It
have been me. It coUid
._ve been the young secretary
il\ my office who was mugged <Yi• evening last week for a few cto)la~ and could only re-
~'1t1et the look, or the lack of
a ldQj, .in the guy's eyes -"He
w~ M;h or he wasn't there. He ~ 1:'0q1 ... have ).~Jed me and never
: it~nit." I ...
lbhn Hindley. Jr ...walked off'
street in Dallas ariti bougbt ~
gun for $47. His delusions, prob-
ab I y. were of grandeur. He
aimed the gun at Ronald
Reagan, who is famous. John
Lennon and George Wallace and
Gerald Ford were famous and
people shot at lhem and now we
Andy Rooney ·
know the names of those people,
a little anyway. Now we know the
name of John Hinckley Jr.;
maybe that's all he wanted.
THE PROBLEM, I'm guess·
ing, is psychiatric, not political.
This one was goin1 to do
something. Somehow the pres·
sures of Americ'u In our time
the pace, the noise , the
narcoUct, the fllckerln1 lmases
all art>Und us had made him
lnt9 a junk we upon 88 lelhal lllJ
thetJE. 1 is there, und no one n~ or no one cared or no one d1d 1nythlng. Policemen and re·
~ saw him, stran1e and
beft,t•n1 strangely, on the
drivl~ay of the Waabln1ton
Hilton.· Bpt tthere are so many
like him ~e days.
I've seen dosens like him
standing in lhose little cluaten
of reporters and whoever elae
happens to be around when a
president hustles out of a hotel.
Who knows which one it could
be? Who knew which of the
cheap handguns being stamped
out in a factory in Germany on
its way to Dallas could threaten
Jam es Brady 's wonderful
laugtiing life and America's
respect for itself and for its
political and it is not protection
of our leaders. They cannot be
protected in a free society; they
cannot be protected from the
anonymous deran11:ed .
The problem ia much more
fundamental. There waa a sad
sort of irony in the fact that the
Federal Bureau of lnvestigation,
now holding Hinckley. should
have released the 1980 national
crimes statistics on March 30,
1981 . reporting that violent
crime increased 13 percent dur-
ing the year. The problem is the
society itself, the society the
man on the street in New York
talked about: a nation that talces
random violence for granted. It
could be me.
There are obvious first steps.
Maureen Reagan, in her bitter·
ness on Monday, was right when
she said there has to be surer,
swifter and harsher punishment
for criminals. John Hinckley Jr.
was arrested carrying three
guns and 30 rounds of ammuni·
lion in Nashville last year while
formei;-president, Jimmy
Carter, was in that city. He wu
fined $62.SO.
AND OTHER people are right
when they say we have to get or
try to get the handguns off the
streets of the country. We saw
what one of them couJd do -the
nne HinckJey held in the comer .9.f our television screens.
Those things, punishment and
gun control, will probably be
talked about for a couple of
weeks. Maybe something will
happen. l doubt it.
We are a very stable nation -
after all, we're used to this. We
are fatalistic now and are lucky
enough to have a president with
the grace under pressure to joke
on his way into lhe operating
room. SmalJ things, perhaps, but
.they are appreciated when you
are sick.
Legalese would ruffle Mother Goose's feathers
When a layman gets a con-
tract to sign, he can do one of
two things with it He can take it
to a lawyer and ask him what it
says or he can just trust the peo-
ple who drew up the contract
and sign it.
That's what J usually do
because even if J get a lawyer,'
there 's no
guara ntee
he 'll be
any more
than the peo-
ple who WTot.e
tbe contrad.
I signed a
contract to
write a book
with a small,
reliable publisher recently. It
Ju.st noated to the top of a pile of
papers on my desk and I've been
reading it and laughing.
J aot thinking about a literary
exercise we did on a college
ma1azine l edited. The trick was
to Nwrtte the story of Jack and
JIU tM way it would have been
written b'l another style.
' I~ I{ J\HO JILL, u is well
known to one and all, went up
lhe hill to tetel> a paU of water.
J.tck fell doWI) and brote bis
ct"Own aa;d JlU came tumbllnc •ft•r. I ,_,. lryln, to ~wrtUI that the
way tbe laW)'en 11¥bo .4raw \IP uu, coaira~ would JLave; . • John DOe,. berelaafter re·
ferrtd to a 'Ja~t: accompanied
by an otb•rwlH uSttct•Ufttd
fem1Je known only aa 'JIU,•
IHiacled die tlt\'ated Potdon ~ the t•rrala for the e•pren
pu~ of a"ulrinc, tMiae, set~·~~· com1n1 latA> pe1141111Gn al. a pall, YMMI, or
contalner of aqua (H20•, the
avbltuce' eoml*Only known u ..,.let.' ..
"JACK. TRll.0\1011 no known error, fault or malfeaaance ol
bll own, ours, or the party ol the
HCODd part. JUI, 11Jpped, ~
mlptepped or otherwlae ca Illa perll)n ta be thrown off
balance Jn such a ma.Mer u to
brln1 bis Immediate descent to
th• bai · , bottom or ground aero
po1ltlon of said porllon or the
"The subsequent descent of
heretofore identified fta'.lale lill,
and Jack'• lncapacttaUon u a
rttult ol cranlal ftature, neither
action 1*n1 a re1.U• of any move-
ment lmtlated b)' ua, rnder1
both Jacll and JlU eot to be en·
titled to compenHtlon wtder
·term• ol th.ls •ll'ffllltat."
I •
The only things in m y contract
that I unde rstand any better
than this version of Jack and Jill
are the numbers.
PERHAPS YOU'D be interest-
ed in some of the grubby details
of an author's contract. It's
fa miliar stuff lo anyone in the
business but may not be to many
book readers.
My contract calls for an ad-
vance to me of $25,000. This may
seem like a lot to you -it
seemed Uke a lot to me -but
It's modest for a book advance
these days.
Harry Reasoner has a boOlt
coming out about the same time
as mine and he aot an advan~
of $110,000. That's because bL9
name la four times as well
known u mine, not, as I told
blm c' t lunch yesterday, because
his book ii any better. •
THE BOOK wlD f"obabty Hl1
for $12.50. According to my con·
tract, 1 get 10 pereent of the re-
tail sale price on the first 7,500
coplet sold, 12.5 percent on the
next 2,500 coplet and 15 percent
thereafter. •
I etUmate that. they'll have to
sell aometbint like 18,000 copies
before I've pald oft the $25,0QO
advan~ acal.nat royalUea aftd
start a•.tttna an)'thlnc more.
The thins that keeps you loblt
and 1eu you to alan ln•
declpberable contracts llkt lh1I
are the vt1lona ot riches you thlnk
1f they MlJ 100,000 coplea ~
m7 book, I could .top~
my baek wriUn1 t.h1a eohniia,
Maybe I'd form a prod~ comp~ and moe a altuatiell eom.., fur~ o.t ~·-plot ol J_.. aDd IW. '
' I ·~TO• U&VIL .................
Oon't nm the Wl'QDf amwen
to i.h c,..~ pua1Je, don"t pr1at volwi·
tMred poetry
a1ll don 't
m••• around w• pt0plt'1
idbt on the
topic of bow
man was
c reated .
These a re
j ournalis tic .... •
vtrlUes, a1
valid u my arandlather's ad·
mqnltion that one 1hotlld never
eat lb a cale that advertises
"Ro-Made Pie."
tti"e maxima was pro,ved the
other day when the Daily Pilot
waddered into the area of evolu-tion . and wbether it should or
sh~wd not be taught.
The topic has been in the news
f9t the past several weeks
because of a Sacramento court
cai,. It came up the other day
on ~e front q~ge of our paper in
art account 9f a scienUst') un-
e9Ulvocal s~ch that evolution
is a scientific fact that must be
ta\l1htln (extboqks.
br. Arthur ~mberg, a 1959
Nobel Prize winner and a rec-
o•iud person in the medical
field, minced no words before
the Calllornia Medical Alaocla·
tlon ln Anaheim: , ·
''Society, by lporance, la u
captive to creatlonhh.
a1tro101era,. evanceliata, food
faddlata and all kinda ot 1uru1 u
were our ancestors (held cap-
Uve) by fears of thunder and
SCIENCE, HE Hid, wat aban·
donln1 Ra field to "the c\lltlstl,
the roWlta and lhe foo~" by
1tandi.q back too far from tbe
Tender spot. Very tender IJ)Ot.
One of the responses waa this
"(How dare you) put on the
front page the trash that we u
subscribers were damn fooll not
to believe in the evolution ot
man and to put God behind ua.
Thia my friend was the lut
straw. So Mr. Editor you can
take this rag of a paper and
stick it where the youth of this
city and God doesn't hide.''
TBE&E WERE other, more
tolerant, expressions.
'on the following Sunday, the
Rev. Chuck Smitb of Orange
Counl$''s ever-growing Calvary
Chapel held the Daily Pilot page
aloft and read from it to bl.a
usual three-sermon aasen:>blaae
of 8,000 to 10,000 souls.
One of the "misfits," he said
Acting responsibly
worth Oscar, too
Jim Wood ren<Ua in Corona del Mor.
Ir the problem is increasing violence in America, I think
I've got the solution.
A strict gun law isn't it; a presidential bullet-proof vest with
matching clear pl astic head protector is ridiculous; outlawing
the manufacture of "Saturday Night Specials" wouldn't have
any appreciable effect for decades and registering firearms, in-
carcerating suspected psychopaths or secreting the president
would only turn our democracy into a Brave New World police
In fact, many of the most often mentioned solutions only
serve to exacerbate the problem or violence in America~
while my conscious was viewing the Academy Awards.
Thoughts started coming together as I judged Robert De Niro's
acceptance speech more than a bit paradoxical.
Tears we lled in his eyes and he talked of love and concern
for humanity. Yet , here is a man, well intended and t_alenled as
they come. who has consistently accepted lead roles in some of
the most violent films of our lime.
In fa ct one or his movies, "Tax.i Driver," dealt with an.as-
sassination attempt and bas been cited in various analyses of
whatever motivated John Hinckley Jr. to act the way he did on
the previous day.
De Niro should have s aid, "lam, in part, responsible for the
shooting of our president and three other brave and dedicated
"FOR TOO LONG I HAVE CHOSEN to portray roles calling
for sanitized killings, shootinJs .. 22-caliber bullet~ that don't
hurt, all the time knowing full well that every night, tens. of
thousands or people sit in theaters across the country watching
this incredibly realistic violence that doesn't hurt.
"At the same time I will accept whatever credit iJ due me
for providing these people with greater understanding and in-
sight of their existence. However, all or us ba~e. t~en the ex-
plicit depiction or violence way too far and now 1t is time to atop.
"I urge all of you to join me, not in a return to unrealistic
Pollyanna, bul a turn toward films that realisticall>: reflect the
joy and des~air. l?,ve and hatred. success and failure or the
human expenence.
De Niro should have concluded, "Our president is in the
hospitaJ, bis aide has a bulJet in his brain and two law enforce-
ment personnel are seriously inj ured and l feel guilty. I chose to
play the roles or violence.
"THEREFORE, I CANNOT ACCEPT this Oscar; i~tead, I
will accept responsibility for the end result of my acttons and
pray that othen will do the same."
Maybe tt wouJd start a nationwide return to tboQPta of bl·
di YiduaJ reapomlbUlty. •
Maybe this weekend we would read that a certain pan
ahop lD Dallaa bu cloaed lta doon. The reuoo for cklllnl wu
• tcMand ln. note tacked to the froat door, ·~Una :
"I quttl rve decided that no amount ol l!l'Qftt b worth tM
•ullt I feel wben Hllinl bandlUba to people who can't IOok me lD
the eye, let alooe atablilb even the f ai.nteat 1'9UOG for the r\ll'ChMe. I have reeocnidd tomltblq1J learned local &IO, that
am NSJ)ODllbte for the r"ulta of my actlont.
'"l'berefore, I will no lancer aell bandsun• but wm quleUy
lffk WCl'k el.tewbmt .••
&ooji-naturedly, would be giving
an opposln& viewpoint at the
ch~pel's regular Wednesday
1uef1l·nllht speaker gathering.
D~Y PILOT reporter Art
Vinsel 'wp on hand when Dr. A.
B.rneat Wilder-Smith told the
capaclt,y audience tbat, as a
sciendl{, every element of bis
edueaUon -and intellectual dis-
cipline has drawn him closer to
... ....
th• tbeofy of a 1ln1le God that
f uhloDed the world .
Tbe professor'• talk waa
beavy ioinl lo spots, Art aald,
but he puped enou1h to report
the 1peoer'1 vtew that Darwin
wouldn't make It ln bla <Wllder-
Smlth'a) 1cientlllc camp.
l tbouaht Ul1I about balanced
out U,, evoluUonary debate and
that tbe Daily Pilot could turn to
more tangible iaauea. But we
took sWl another fusUlade when
another editor t.oOk a fancy to
tbe accompanying cartoon that
ran tut Sunday.
I THOUGHT IT was a funny
pok~ at hy pocrisy, but one
reader called it· 'not only an insult
to all humanity, but a direct inaull
lo every Christian.''
Wu it "obscene and objec-
Sunday Editor Carol Moore
didn't think so.
••Evolution is a topic being
discUSBed these days (became of
the Sacramento case),'' CaroJ
explained. "This was oDe
person's. viewpoint (the artist's)
and I think he's just as entitled
to an opuuon as anyone else."
OUT OF IT ALL, let me make
two observations:
1. The news stories in the col-
umns .. e accounts as unblued
as we cq make them. On a
highly emotional issue such as
To write ttle billy Piiot/Bo• 1560, Cott• 'MN~ CA 92626
f oGIU t"' Delly PUotmoc..mt
evofutlC)ll, you may or m11 not
aaree wttb Dr. Wilder-Smith. OI'
with Dr. Komberc. ·
But tbe diHlr~ement Jlea
between your view• and UMdn.
Ours should DOt show.
2. The Daily J>Uot•1 view, GQ
the editorial pate• ap_pe,_r in tbe
upper left comer of the left P•I•
·and are clearly labeled. Al at.at·
ed, ''Other vieWI ex.,rnaed on
these pages are those of their
authors and artista."
troversial topics intereatinc and
cbaUengtng. I confess, however,
that it appears that people were
born )Witb opinions· on man's
creation; then they formed
camps and never listened to the
other aide.
Some stray items from the
editor's call-in box -642-6086:
Wh~ ia the weather in 6UCh imall
The larger the type, the leas
complete the weathtlr report. We
try to cram as much informatioQ
as possible into the space in a
type sir.e that most readers can
Why not nm Ann Lander• on
Saturday? We miaa her that morn-
I don't know why not . I've
asked News Feature Editor J im-
my Jobnlon lt lt can't be U ·
panded to a eevent.Jl day. " .
YOU CO'l#r Clft ONO If "'*' fOtdh
of hoo of U.. ,,._,.., ""'""'*"' "' <•IM U.S. -IJSC·ortd UCLA. Yft JIC*r
tpOrtl ,..,, '°" "' ~,, cov-
er bolh th.t 1choot.• '""''' and wo'"n'1 ipwtl -olQno V'Uh t1w
rclf o/ th. f AC 10 and' N{:M tpOrtt ·
We care as much as anyone
abo\ll those great wcboots. It'•
juat a matt.er or wbe~ we con·
centrate our efforts. WbUe we
spend a peat deal of tJme and
coverage on the Bruinl end Tro-
Jans, a Jot of our •Pa.« ii t.areet·
ed at local covera1e ~ ca.n't
be found in other pa~"·
At the bfginning of the ltqfJ/ U
1atd BALDWIN PARK fA~.-lit t1w
1torv ii laid BaJdtoin HW.. T>wr ore
mtua apart.
I'll blame AP.
You r an a pic ture of an
automobile 1tandrTt{l in the middle of
an apartment living room. The cap-
tion read, ''Car plough8 through
houae." Yet the picture showed the
rear ·end of the cp.r in the houu. A
plough doem 't go bockwarlU.
Oltay, but does it plough.out of
the house when it's removed? ~
I live m north HunhnQtOft Beoch.
Your 642· number i3 a toll call .. 1.
Try 540-1220.
BAY. ..
Dr. Charles Bell
Can Brown straddle canal voters' split?
Dr. Char les G. BeU ia o profeuor
of polttical acience ot Cal State
Is Jerry Brown about to tight
the fuse to another classic north-
s out h California right? Ap-
parently the governor bas just
about decided to call a special
election this year to deal with
the state's hlgbly controversial
Peripheral Canal issue. ·
The canal, a 43-mlle-long loop,
would bypau the delta region
and lie the California Aqueduct
to the Sacramento River't biCh
quality water supply. Eaaentlal·
ly ,1 the Peripheral Canal would
Una together the northem and
1toutbern California water
It also may tear the state
NOaTBEaNEas FEAa tb.at
tbe south will take too much
water -damaeln1 valuable lttm areu and destroyin1 the
rra,Ue delta ecolop.
< roDically, tbe PeripberaJ
Canal tuue haa for1ed a bi&hly
unlikely polUJul aJllance
between DOrtbern farmers and
enviruunental IJ'OUPI.)
Southern Calltorala:. rHl·
dent. mtldpate a eevere w...,.
11tortqie when Arbana clalma
ti. run lbare ot c.otorado Bi""
water lD ma. Tbq would lae to
hH• IOlllJ of _the northmt .......
\bey ... no,nq llato the Paeiftc
Ooeu Mdl"GI, diroulb the-SU
f'raDclaeo Baf. For both nor~-ancl IOU&.ll,
water ii an -..ual inlAdMDt
to conUnU'ed arowth and
economic proapenty.
Other iuue1 t.avt alao
em•r•ed· F~ tJamplt, lar,.
·-~tMIOllUlln.-t ii S-. YalleJ' .....
Ila• ........... ~•-.........
............ ~ AllW "•• mpai1nMe4 ..... ..._ ..
maintain a healthy agricultural
economy in that re~on. ,
Per ipheral Canal cite the very hi ~b costs which will go far
beyond lbe initial $600 mUJion
price tag for the canal itself and
may reach $23 billion Including all
the other construction, equip-
ment, and long-term interest
There is also the issue of who
will pay for the water system
and who will benefit from it. Op.
ponenta charge that the tax-
payer will be stuck with the bW
but that only a few agricultural
inter~ in southern California
will beMftt.
BUT, IF BISTO&Y is any
guide, most of the aut.tantJve is-
sues will be submerged in la.yen
of '1nortb vs. aoutb•1 emodaaa
and rhetoric.
Menl.D '1eld'a Calilornia Poll
recently reportea Uaat tbe
1tate'1 publJc at.read,y 11 •buPb'
divided aloq re&i-1 UH• over
tbecaoallllue. As <( l.t month, accordlnl to . " .
Field, northern Californians op-
posed the canal by 59 percent to·
18 percent with only Z7 percent undecided. Southern Ca lifor-
nians support the canal by 41
percent to 14 percent with 45 per-
cent undecided. Obviously , even
though there has been no election
called, the battle lines are harden-
Peripheral Canal have collected
more than 700,000 signatures on a
refereodwn peUlion. The issue
must appear on the June 1982
baUot unless Brown calla a
special election this year.
It 1ook.t like another classic
California north vs. south con-ruat. .
There are basic political cllf.
ferences between northern and
southern California. San .Fran-.
d1co represents the n.ortb't eluate caaual, ''liberal." cot·
mopalltan, vasuet, "eutenh
Ulnt.1je. While in ~ _,.., Lot
Aa1elea and Or~• eo.u ..
Ul'l'•Hnt tbe beetle, 11eoD·.,
MrY•Uve," aubUrl>aD and def.
initely "western" lifestyle .
These differences have fre-
quently emer ged in political
clashes between regional can-
didates or over ballot measures.
Fallow future?
OC preserves
The future of county agricultural develop-
m eo t may be coming to a dead end, if
diminishing rural land is any indication.
Between 1963 and 1975 the county lost
almost 42,000 acres of agricultur al land to de-velopers.
To help save the disappearing chunks of
gro.und t he county began enforcing the
Williamson Act of 1965, under which an
agricultural preser ve is taxed at a much lewer
rate and must remain intact for 10 years
following an agreement not to renew the con-tract.
In 1969, nearly 81 ,000 acres came under the
preserve. Today only 63, 795 acres remain pro-
Tt)ere are indications that more mat, be
headed out of the preserve this year, accorpma
to Mike Ruane, a land planner with the .county
Environmental Management Agency.
Vi ll age In Irvine that will mean pulling 1,300
acres out of preserve.
Also, this fall representatives of O'Neill
Ranch are expected to cancel their preservation
contract in order to begin a 5,000-plus acre de-
velopment of homes and offices in Poano
Trabuco. Currently O'Neill Ranch has 28,153
acres under pres~rve.
"Obviously they (agricultural preserves)
will be diminished by the loss ," s aid Ruane. "It
may trigger others "
ONCE LAND COM ES under a preserve the
only ways to get it out are non-renewal of the
contract or cancellation So far, only the highly
controversial Nohl Ranch project has been
granted a cancellation by the county Board of
A state Supreme Court ruling last February
may make it harder for landowners to convert
their land from a preserve for development.
In Sierra Club vs. City of Haywood the court
ruled that agricultural contracts may only be
canceled und e r ··most extraord ina r y
In agreeing lo a cancellation the county
must find that the release is in the public's best
interest, and consistent with the intent of the
preservation act.
SAN J UAN CAPISTRANO is the only city in
the county to adopt its own agricultural pre-
serve acl. •
In 1977, the City Council voted to place 230
acres of privately owned agricultural land in a
preserve. The measure has been criticized by
owners who want to sell their land for other uses.
"It's been negative reaction," admits ClSSis-
tant city manager Loretta Zimmerman. "They
feel they can do other things with their pro·
Still , city officials saw what was happening
in the rest of the county and decided that was
the only way to save agricultural land for the
. INTEREST ONLY I "'I ~~.~~~,·!~c,.1'
114 .760-8080 ~
Succulent s/ic,,
of orange is
tempting but not
nearly as much as
prices developers
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• Bill Jiminez
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with the confidence
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during more than
50 years of farming
in Orange County.
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Yeehic••• MG·1 35mm Camera
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Vehicular warning
is almost an
anachronism amid
fields· and orchards
that flourished
much better before
civilization invaded
their boundaries.
Smudge pot sitting
in grove also repre-
sents bygone era.
It is no longer used
to stave off freezing
temperatures because
oil is too expensive .
Economic demands
are dimming future
of county citrus.
K "'°'' • A0¥111Tt$(0 MfllCHANOISl POLICY w .............. ,,, .. _ ........... ..
,..... .-v •• Y"ilt-.._ "'.,.
~"""'-.......... ...... . ; ~".!;: ·,_·~~;.:,·:.':-,·~ :• .. --.... .,... ··-·~ '•wicl"' ...
Kman Sale Proce 23.87 -~
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. up Cort .. Brew W1rh cottee·rhro er
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• SX-70 Land Camera
POiaroid's ® V8fsatile T!IJle-Zero® mtant camera
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1.19 ROLL
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Bring In any major brand of sltde tllm -
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K mut(.ii) Curling Iron With 3 He•t Setting•
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K mart® Prlcebreaker Sale
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For 'f04K own ~lllla or .o;:glft-QMno. yoVIVvt on.
a. Steem end dfy lfon with ~ '*111. Mtln-finllh eollplat•.
"' Autometlc 2·~ tout9r with Selac1-Aonlce cdot control e. 3-tpMd MncS mixer. pueh·button .i.ctor, 2etw~ bMtets.
4.. AYtornatlO .i.c111c can~ QUlclcty ~ell*' cene.
Acres removed
Tracts erase
hidden charm
Someone must have taken a paintbrush it
seems and colored t he grassy, rolllng hills
dotted with avocado seedlings and the fragrant
army of lemon and orange trees that stretch as
far as the eye ca'n see.
Here, where Culver Drive becomes a dirt
road and no one save pickers and Irvine Com-
pany officials come, is where the county's
largest agricultural land holdings are tucked
"ON A CLEAR DAV YOU can see Fashion
Island," remarks a company official.
As more and more of the compapy's 77 ,000
acres ar e turned into housing t r acts, its
agricultural development is being pushed back
further into the hills.
In 1969 the company placed 49,054 of iu
60.000 undeveloped acres in an agricultural pre·
serve in accordance with the Williamson Act
which guarantees landowners reduced taxes in
exchange for not developing the land for 10
year s.
Since then 14,800 acres have been removed
from the preserve.
gram that a lways bas been perceived as a Joni
term operation," said company spokesman
Jerry Collins. "The market for housing dictates
this more than anythinll? else."
On 13 ,000 acr es-the company raises
oranges, lemons, avocados, tomatoes, beans,
broccoli, bell peppers, as paragus, strawberries,
and squash. About 47,000 acres are devoted to
Despite the trend toward development, the
company has recently begun expanding some or
its agricultural interests.
Last year 800 acres of avocados were plant-
ed along with 200 acres of valenc1a oranges.
Another 250 acres will be added this year, with
300 more planted in 1982.
ing is not profitable. Without the company's
other development, planting crops would be .. a
money-losing venture," he says.
So the future of the scenic rows of citrus and·
vegetables seem uncertain.
"There will probably always be some
agriculture on the Irvine ranch even in the 21st
century," assured Collins. "Of course this
would depend on the economic feasibility."
Rabies clinic
set in Niguel
A low-cost anti-rabies vaccination clinic will be
held April 14 at the Crown Valley Community Park in
Laguna Niguel.
Dogs four months and older will receive
an to-rabies shots at the park, located at 29751 Crown
Valley Pkwy. from 7to8:30p.m.
Vaccinations cost $2.50 per animal tnd licenses
also will be available at the clinic.
For information, call the Southern California
Veterinary Medical Association, 994-4602.
Aerobic Exercise C asses ·
D'esigned To:
• Build and maintain
cat'dlovaeeutar strength
• Improve muecli tone
• lncl'H98 ttexlblllty •
Reu11ion on pathwag
~PaUCll•&L W TOtl<AP>-NM_..
... -lt11nd Udo u.. ............
.... bj. till ti.tO MboOI Jlbrmia iD
Lava flat rfJldabo, wbo told him
Iii• elMUelt • twticm ••at AJ. bioa _. .. Norm Sebool. TM ICboo1
char.--11 su.ao a quartar.
"I didn't even know wta.t a atate
normal tcbool wu. lt w• a Swo.year teacher trainm, proaram for elemen·
tary teacben," Bell ,teulla.
ALBION 18 DEFUNCT, but lta moet
famous alumnus ii atJU 1n the education
Terrell Howard BeU hu wom every
hat from hlah school science teacher
and athJeUc coach to local and state
1cbool 1uperintendent and collete pro-
feaaor. Now be bu capped bLI career by
becomln• the second, and perhaps the
la1t, U.S. secretary of education.
Bell, ~1 wfM? was U.S. commiuiooer of educauon and deputy commlaaloner
la the Nlxon and Ford adm.iniatrat.lona, waa Utah's hiaber education chief when
he accepted President Reagan's invita·
tlOAS to Join his Cabiltet.
down the invitation to bead the $15
billion Department of Education, which
la on Reagan's endangered bureau
species list.
Bell, the last department head named
to the Cabinet, quipped to a group or
college presidents, "I thoucht for a
while the president was going to experi-
ment with functioning without a
1ecretary of education . . . Some or you
are wondering if I've signed on as cap-
tain of the Titanic."
That notion was instilled not only by
the uncertain future of the department,
but by the fact" that education iJ target·
ed tor $3 billion in spending cuts as part
or Reagan's plan to reduce taxes and
balance the budget.
SUBSIDIZED LOANS~or-college stud-
ents would be sharply curtailed, and
a host of federal school aid programs
targeted on students with special needs
-the poor. the handicapped, adult iJ.
literates, and ol'hers -would be sbifted
into block grants lo stale and local
school districts and slashed by 2S per·
Actress Jane Wyman, in Newport Beach last week for an Arthrit~
Foundation luncheon honoring her daughter, Maureen Reaean, as
a supporter, chatted with a longtime friend, Orange County
Superior Court Judge Betty Elias.
"I have tried to minimize the size or
those cuts. Large as they are, larger
cuts were considered at ooe time. I
don't think we have been duly imposed
upon," Bell said in urging educators to
'!Jlo.od testing
'predicts attack
" ~TON <Al» French researchers who
1 studied 7,206 Paris city workers have concluded
that the risk ol heart attack among middle-aged I male smokers can be a ccurately predicted with
a sidlp1e blood lest.
1 The Parts Prospective Study found that
heavy smokers have high numbers of white
blood cells. The more leukocytes. the greater
'the chances of suffering a heart attack. the re-
Se&{chers said.
"WE CONCLUDE THAT the leukocyte
'count adds important information to the assess-
ment ol the risk r4 myocardial infarction (heart
aua·ck> in middle.aged male smokers at
minimal cost." they wrote.
They reached their conclusions after follow-
ing the health of Paris workers for an average
of 6'h years. The study was directed by Julia B.
Zatokar of the ~ational Institute of Health and
Medical Research in Villejuif, France. and lptbUsh~d in the current issue or the New
England Journal of Medicine.
The report confirmed a study seven years
ago that found the white blood count to be an ac·
curate pttdictor or heart attack rislt. But unlike
the earlier research, the French study found
that the measurement only applies to smokers
who inhale.
bfi>od_cells see~ t.o be a far more accurate way
ot• nltasuring heart attack risk then simply
counting the number of cigarettes smoked, the
researchers found. '
The relations hip between s moking and
blood count only begins to appear when the men
h~ve more than 7,000 leukocytes per cubic
: mllUrneter. For. i{lstance, researchers found
that\the inhaler~ who had counts above 9,000
had nearly four t'tmes as many heart attacks as
tMse whose levels were under 7 ,000.
Visit w ith Peter Rabbit
A daily occuren ce in his garden.
Purchase of photograph optional.
Second •nd perttapa laet lec:retary of Educetion Ted Bell, wff• Betty Ruth
support Reatan'a economic package.
Bell'• appointment was greeted with
a sigh of relief by the education
establishment in Washington, including
(he National Education Association and
other groups which re1arded Bell as a
kindred spirit from his previous stints
in the old Office of Education.
They part company on one major is·
s ue: giviog tuition tax credits for
parents whose children attend private
schools. 8eJJ, like Reagan and the
Republican platform, supports tuition
tax credits, which are anathema to the
public school lobby.
to view the longtime bureaucrat as the
wrong man to carry out Reagan's
pledge "-" stop federal Intrusion in t he
nation's schools .
Bell, wb.o stands S feet 6 "if you
stretch it a little bit," takes their
criticisms in stride.
"I am a school bureaucrat and I'm
proud to be such. At the same time, I've
been a lifetime conservative and a
Republican." he says.
.. I've never considered myself a
liberal and a social reformer. I don't
h ave discomfort at all with the
philosophy of the Reagan administra-
Bell's first majo r act in office
was to scuttle the bilingual education
rules the Carter administration pro-
posed last August. Those rules would
have required public schools to teach
His panic and other non-English speak·
ing children in their native language as
well as English.
BELL ASSAILS the rules as "harsh, in·
flexible, burdensome, unworkable and
incredibly costly.'·
"The next thing you know, we'll have
one federally prescribed way lo teach
reading and writing," he ~ays.
A wry, affable man with a selC ·
deprecating wit and a folksy style," Bell
enjoys a reputation as an adroit ad=-
ministrator and master of compromise.
A Mormon, he was a Marine first
sergeant and machinegun instructor In
the Pacific in World War II.
Hufstedler, was a critic of standardized
tests and a relentless preacher of good
news about American schools .
Bell has staked out th~ opposite
He told a school administrators' con·
vention in Atlanta he would be .. a
friendly and con structive critic, a
Socratic gadfly on the back of American
education . We have beco m e
academically much loo fl abby in our
public school s ystems. It's time to
shape up."
Save 25% to 30%
on draperies, linings and more!
30% off 1-lnch blinds.
Save now on custom
dnlpenel lfld too treat·
mtnls rdJdrlO llbnc.
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00 lddrtlonll clllrge.
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UM Ofl ....... or doOra 90 ~ ..,_ ftl tJ1C••h• hllt. Or• room dMdll'I
()looee trom .. • --..i ...-or lllW '*"""· MectwM or~.
l. s,
Reunion ·on patlawau
87 Cll&l8TOPB&& CONNa.L
W AllllNGTO~ (AP> -N 8111 ••,.
h• lot •teend lDto the educatklll bull·
nea by hi.I blah school Ubrariu lD
Lava ffot 8Prtno, ldabo, wbo told blm
tbe ebeapest colte1e tultloa wu at Al·
biOD Stat. Normal School. TM ICbool
cbaracid only Sll.50 •quarter.
"I didn't evea know what a state
norrnal school wu. It w• a two.year
teacher trainin1 proaram for elemen·
tary teachers," Bell .recalll.
famous alumnus is stut in the education
Terrell Howard Bell bu wom every
bat from high school science teacher
and athletic coach to local and state
scbool superintendent and coU11e pro-
fessor. Now he baa capped bll career by
becomtnc the aecond, and perhaps the
last, U.S. secretary of educaUoo.
Bell, ~1 who was U.S. commissioner
of educauon and deputy commissioner
in the Nixon and Ford admlniatrationa,
was Utah'• higher education chief when
be accepted President Reagan's invita·
tions to join bis Cabinet.
down the invitation to bead the $15
billion Department of Education, which
is on Reagan's endangered bureau
species Ust.
Bell, the last department bead named
to the Cabinet, quipped to a group of
college presiden~, '·I thouaht for a
while the president was going to experi·
ment with fun ctioning without a
secretary of education . . . Some of you
are wondering il I've signed on as cap-
tain of the Titanic."
That notion was instilled not only by
the uncertain future of the department,
but by the fact that education iJ target-
ed for $3 billion in spending cuts as part
of Reagan's plan to reduce taxes and
balance the budget.
SUBSIDIZED LOANS~or-eollege stud-
ents would be sharply curtailed, and
a host of federal school aid programs
targeted on students with special needs
-the poor, the handicapped, adult ii·
literates, and ottiers -would be shifted
into block grants to state and local
school districts and slashed by 25 per-
Actrest Jane Wyman, in Newport Beach last week for an Arthritis
Foundation luncheon honoring her daughter, Maureen Reaean, as
a supporter, chatted with a longtime friend, Orange County
Superior Court Judge Betty Elias.
"I have tried to minimize the size of
those cuts. Large as they are, larger
cuts were considered at one time. I
don't think we have been duly imposed
upon," Bell said in urging educators to
.~1~od testing ...
predicts attack
" BasTON <AP > -French researchers who
studfU-1:2b6 Paris city workers have concfuded
that tbe risk of heart attack among middle-aged tmale Jmokers can be accurately predicted with
a simple blood test. l The Paris Prospective Study found that
theavy smokers ,have high numbers of white
blood cells. The more leukocytes. the greater
'the chances of suffering a heart attack, the re·
seafc.hers said.
t ''WE CONCLUDE THAT the leukocyte
count adds import~nl information to the assess·
t ment of the risk d myocardial infarction (heart
I atta·ck) in middle-aged male s mokers at
'mlnttnal cost," they wrote.
Thay reached their conclusions after follow ·
ing tfie health of Paris workers for an average
of 6'h years. The study was directed by Julia B.
Zalokar of the ~ational Institute of Health and
t Medical Research in Villejuif. France, and
1p•bflshe4 in the current issue or the New
• E111land Journal of Medicine.
, •The feport confirmed a study seven years
ago that found th~wbite blood c~t to be an !lC·
•curate predictor of heart attack n sk. But unlike
•the earlier reseCU'~h. the French study found
, tttat ~e measurement only applies to smokers
" CALCULATING THE N\JMB.ER of white l bl'ood.ceJls see~ U> be a far more accurate way
of'1 .. tasuring heart attack risk then simply
' counting the number of cigarettes smoked, the
researchers round. '
1 The relatiohship between smoking and
blood count onJy ,begins to appear when the men
'have more than 7 ,000 leukocytes per cubic j ml!Umettr. For, ittstance, res~arcbers found
that" t.he inhaler¥ who had CO\Dlts above 9,000
had near\r four times as many heart attacks as thOs~ ~e levels wete under 7 ,000. ,
Visit with Peter Rabbit
A daily occurence in his garden.
Purchase of photograph optional
Second end pertlep• le8t lecretary of Educetlon Ted Bell, wtfe Betty Rutlt
support Reagan's economic package.
Bell'• appointment was greeted with
a sigh of relief by the education
establishment in Washington, including
(he National Education Association and
other groups which reaarded Bell as a
kindred spirit from bis previous stints
in the old Office of Education.
They part company on one major is-
sue: giviog tuition tax credits for
parents whose children attend private
schools. Bell, like Reaaan and the
Republican platform, supports tuition
tax credits, which are anathema to the
public school lobby.
to view the longtime bureaucrat as the
wrong man to carry out Reagan's
pledge "-" st.op federal intrusion in the
nation's schools.
Bell, wh_o stands 5 feet 6 "if you
stretch it a Ii Ule bit," takes their
criticisms in stride.
"I am a school bureaucrat and I'm
proud to be such. At the same time, I've
been a lifetime conservative and a
Republican," he says.
"I've never considered myself a
liberal and a social r eformer. I don't
have discomfort at all with the
philosophy of the Reagan administra·
Bell's first major act in office
was to scuttle the bilingual education
rules the Carter administration pro-
posed last August. Those ruJes would
have required public schools to teach
Hispanic and other non-English speak·
ing children in their native language as
well as EngUsh.
BELL ASSAILS the rules as ''harsh, in·
flexible, burdensome, unworkable and
incredibly costly .'·
"The next thing you know, we'll have
one federally prescribed way lo teach
reading and writing," he ,ays.
A wry, affable man with a self·
deprecating wit and a folksy style." Bell
enjoys a reputation as an adroit ad·
ministrator and master of compromise.
A Mormon, he was a Marine first
sergeant and machinegun instructor in
the Pacific in World War II .
Hufstedler. was a critic or standardized
tests and a relentless preacher of good
news about American schools.
Bell has staked out thft opposite
He told a school administrators' con·
venlion in Atlanta he would be .. a
friendly and constructive critic, a
Socratic gadfly on ttie back of American
educatio n . We have become
academically much too flabby in our
public school systems. It's time to
shape up."
Save 25% to 30%
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8h CISlfl wood blndl glY9 llrf room I Met, uncMt9l'd P<*lt 0( view. For Wlfl'llltl
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By PIUL INSIDSUAN ...............
AbOut 10 year1 •co, Cral1 Myera wH
._Uini a medical faclUty ln Laoa, U1tealn1 to clatlll boma. explode like thUnderclape every atpt. .
ff.II Allan bolpltal bad no telepbonet. Travel
•tween eltles bad to be lone by air beeauae the wartorn roads were too
'l•naeroua. Today, aa the new
admtnlatrat.or of Foun-
tain Valle1 Community
Hospital, Myers, 38, {lei• plenty of phone
calla. The loudest noises
he hears these days
COD}e from the construe·
Uoo ol a two-story addl·
Uon to the hospital.
Though the war zone
II far behind him, Myers la now facing a fresh set
of challenges. CRAIG MYERS
a 214-bed facUity that includes the county'f busiest
trauma center, has been characterized in recent
months as a hospital arructed with growing pains.
It also is the scene of labor unrest.
On Friday, some 700 hOspital employees will
vote on whether they wish to be represented by the
United Nurses Association of California and the
United Auto Workers.
Employee organizers charge that the
hospital's administrators and directors have
ignored grievances presented by nurses and other
The hospital's last administrator, Tom
Richards, was ousted Jan. 13 by the hospital's
directors,· who claimed they wanted to restore a
"harmonious" environment.
Since Myers assumed the top post March 11,
he has spent much of his time mending fences.
"Every administrator has his own style,"
Myers said. "Mme is sitting and talking with
Water district chief
more relaxed
transmissions, so they spent a lot of time in the
garage of the old PQntiac dealersblp across from
lhe Coast Inn," McDaniel said.
When the cars were serviceable, McDaniel
said be'patrolled the old Shipmates Ortve·in. a fast
food restaurant located where the Jack·in-the·Box
stands today.
''I'm do1n1 my own thtoa. and l'm aot
worrytna about tb.e past. There'• DO pol.Dt m dwelllnc oa a lot of history."
The bolpJtaJ '• dlrecton hope to prevent •
unlon victory Friday, and the new admlniltrat.o~.
bas l)een pleadlnf their case:
"I aEALLY THINK THAT ll there have been
communleaUon problems in the past, we can solve
them without a union, without bringing ln a third
Under federal labor laws, Myers cannot m&ke
meJor chanees ln hospital policy prior to the
election. He 1ald Lt ls too early ln his tenure to say
what cbanl(es be tnl1ht ur1e '1'ter the vote.
He said his first lmpressioa of the hospital's
trauma center has been favorable. Under a county
system implemented lut year, Fount.ain Valley ls
equipped to receive the area's most serious injury
cases, including victims of auto accidenta and
firearm wounds.
"As far as l can tell, there is still some work
that needs to be done .to better integrate the
trauma unit with the rest of t4e hospital," Myers
said. ' He also said the new trauma system is
under study by numerous agencies trying to
determine whether it has saved more lives than
earlier emer${ency programs. He said these
studle• have swamped the at~ff
W\&DUclpated fiood of paperwork. .
THEftAtJllA unit lln'tt.beoal)' ~uayaectJoooC
the boepltal. 1 •
' During Myers' first day on the job, 200 of the
hospital'• 214 beds were filled. On occasion, he
said, aome incoming patient. mu.st ~ placed on a
wallina Ust.
Myers said the new two-story ~dditioo will
give the hospital added nexiblUty, even though it
wlll not increase the slate-eovemed bed total.
The new secUon wlll include more one-patient
rooms. The hospital's present three-~ rooms are
more restrictive. because certain ·patients cannot
.be mixed.
administration dates back to tits post-college
Peace Co!'J>I stint in Africa during the mid-1960s.
After obtaining a degree in medical
administration, Myers directed the Thomas A.
Dooley Foundation's Laos Program.
Before his Fountain Valley appqinti:nent, the
Santa Ana resident served as administrator of
Chapman General Hospital in Oran1e1
''I came to Fountain Valley becafse I wanted
a bigger challenge -and this Is it," Myers said.
"A lot of things need to be done here, and l plan to
stick with it for a long time.·•
COl.Olll. PAii ERillt
''That's where all the high school kids hung
out"' he said. ''They weren't bad kJds, and I don't ic----:;·
recall having a lot or problems with them. Not like
kids today," he said, shaking h1a bead. • ....... ~
McDaniel traded bl• police badge for a shovel
in 1955, becominJ a laborer for the water diatrict.
KE DUG DITCHES AND laid pipe along new
roadways as Laguna Beach expanded into the
hillsides above the highway. n In 1963, he was promoted to superintendent, D UXE SElf-
the job be ends Friday. STICK TllE
In addition to gardening. be and bis wife plan lnUIM 'AnOlll to return to HawaU for a visit and take in a few ,._ __________ ~r
ocean cruises. an activity to wblcb the pair b~ve PREMIUM IUTAl.LI * A ••APt
become addicted. . MISAIC TILES And the white-haired superintendent says he'll
be visiting more with sons Walter, a foreman for
the SOuth Coast County Water Di.strict, and Dan-
ny, a tnJck driver.
THEN Ttu:at: A&I!! \'ll08E sbiny golf clube
the water diatrlct eave blm recently as a retJre-
ment llft. ·
•1J'm •olnt to have to 10 out and play som•
cow puture pool,'' he said with • chuckle.
! ' Clean-up pkaured
I Tbo~N~Corii-~wlll t ,ponaoracfen-upclayAprll2$be atta.m.at c..on \l.U., eommwt1 Pm, mu Cron Valley
Pmw91. vo1--. trom t.McommwdtJ aneneour .. ed
to m.t mt dMtpertl to recelMWGirti ~mall and mawedw. 1ee11.-..._.ww,...,.wo1M11-
onef•reeyelablettem1. U..au.fClirtnm. '
ty .r.:==.~~~.m:.'?1.:1k
Atr IM .... ..._.. r.-IDfdriDatlall uU Carol
Mo111crPbtr at Dl·t4'l.
NEW YOU CAPJ -EmMY -at!'~t nut.I and ...., fro~ .,_, ct,., ~ ua
du.t off tbOll old m ... bift _..., MU.
And, wbllt JGU'te at lt, HYe your-~· 8c6 dlar bY~Prod•cta are 1114 W col·
lectibl• ~tod they mQ be wol'thil••D• some~y.
They llll1'. even be worth aometblbt to-
day althoa1h the value la •tfftcult to
establ,sb, HYI the Cl•ar Asaoelatlon of
Part of the reason for tbll dtfflculty ii
tbat ci1ar·item collectors are what auc·
tloneen call "esoteric."
lo the World Almanac's "Book ol Buff•,"
cigar-band collector Myron Fr.ectman ii
quoted u calllog ci1ar-band entbuatasta,
"secret collect.or•." They don 'tlet ot.bet people
know about what they collect.
Several coll~Uons are knoWll to exceed
100,000 cigar bands. Cisar boxes, parUcui.rly
those of the late 1.9tb and early 20th centuries,
are also found in collections around the co.in-
Auction galleries have sold .C'iaar·band
and box collections, but..-at the request of
participants -they won't disclose the prices.
Jivaro tnbennan
Hubbard to slww
'The Peruvians'
··1111 tWer• moUwr ..,...., ..... -~. ad ,,.,,. u .... COii ,.., °" alt ..,,..... ..,.
kU. Did p bow that plcaMt corTJ Clll ~
Claat caa bf lftClfJPfd °" te> tlw Htll,,,,,t1 I ~; '°" '°°""' ,.,. lo bolo. • ... So writes a belpfu.l reader.
l did not, That's a 1em tor any chubby
mama maklna travel plaDJ.
"W• nwat troVfl to Europ. -fM~ hulbmld'•
buliHH) -olld WW tcaJct ot&r fiu. mc>ttt1' ~Id
da"lllim. Tlw trau.l Ofnal IOI/I oltUnH "fUOU~
COP'fV botJw food. What do rDU thbck'!"
I think w~at le planned by t.be f'ront Qfflce
often doesn't dritt down to· the around htlp.
When I traveled wltb •mall children plan"
eometimes had a 1ourmet aeJ~t.ion of 1la11·
jarred baby foods. One nt1ht carrted formula.
But a lot of Umea t.hty bad nothln1 -
tbou1h the company said they did when I bou1ht
the tickett. Stewarde1111ld: "'l'h11rouad crew
didn't put It 'on." It'• been aom1 Um• since l
hauled tota around. Could bt chanted. But I'd
say do what l did: Stuff • tuaht baa with 11.lP·
plies. Carey 1' wlth you.
At lhe bolrdlnl sate IM lh4t 11tnt. Ht'll put
you on ahead ol everybody. The 1teward11a wlU
get you the best seat. And ahe'll tMt alerted to
1ive you all kinda of help. Everybody lovt1 a
mama. (So""umee the papa, too. I llvt llkt a
king when I carry klds.)
As the youn1eat boy reached 1lx yeua, ho
developed a tricky dl1eat10l\. Ho 1ot a aort of
seasickness -r not whUe 1lyln1 but after fettlnt
off. Jt usually happened ln Custom•. wait n• for
the ba11aae to come. Maybe It waa the 1l1ht or
Cinematographer Allen Hubbard will pre· the bags whirling off the movln1 carouHI.
sent bis full-length motion picture, "The Peru· I had him wear a cowboy hat. If 1 HW hlm
vians -Ancient and Modem," Friday evenln1 turning pale •reen, I put the hat u.nder hl1 chin,
at Orange Coast College. rushed him to the John. Cleaned Mm up and
The travel-documentary will be narrated threw the hat awar. That's planned parenthood.
personaJly by Hubbard. It wilJ begin at 8 p.m. in "We'ue Mord of a Honeumoon Special In HawoU.
the OCC Auditorium. la that '°1M ,.,.dal hotel'! Alao ~ hav.n't <Uclded
Tickets, priced at $2, are on sale in OCC's to get married Jlf!t. wm that malce a diffttACe?"
ticket office. located in the college's administra-I think every hotel in Hawaii has a honey·
ti oo building. The office is open Monday moon special rate. And I never heard of them
through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and asking for yoor license. The islands are roman·
Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. tic. They've put out brochures on love so much
Tickets will also be available at the door. that even the Hawaiians believe it. Last time I
Hubbard's film looks at the spectacular asked, the honeymoon special was cheaper than
land or the mysterious Inca and their pre-the golfer's speciaJ. Same thing. That glves you
decessors. the Nazca people. It features at&rtl· an idea.
ing aerial shots, photographed by Hubbard from Mo.st famous honeymoon hotel is Coco Palm
an aircraft flying 450 reel above the terrain of on Kauai. Brleeze in the palm by Wallua Bay.
the unbelievable "Land Drawings" of the Evening torc~li1ht ceremony. The food is grand
_ N""'"a_z_ca_. ____________________ an_d_y .... ·o_u_s_lee_ij._in_a_li_·t_tl_e grass shack. Bathe ln an
rally set
The annual Yosemite
Spring Bike Rally will
be held on Saturday and
Sunday, April 25 and 26,
io Yosemite Valley .
More than 500 Park vis·
i tors ar e expected lo
join in the rally.
Events begin on Satur·
day at the Curry Village
Bike Stand , where
cyclists register and re·
ceive a route map. In
the a f ternoon , a
bicyclists' picnic will ~
held, and the rally will
continue on Sunday with
informal cycling in
Yosemite Valley. ·
Entry fee is soc per
person and ihcludes a
map, certificate, and
Bike Rally patch .
Registration ·will take
. place from'9:30 a.m. un ·
til 2 p.m. ~th days.
Bicycling through Yosemite National Park
The pi~nic includes
hot dogs, beans, salad,
vegetable and beverage;
cost is $1.95 for children
and $3.2S for adults.
Look good while you travel
PARIS (AP> -When travelling for busi-
ness or pleasure, travel light. That's the advice
of Guy Laroche. French fasbion designer who
says one suitcase and one carry-on bag should
be enough luggage to handle.
Leroche's tips for looking good while
travellin1 light include the following pointers:
-Urnit yourself to three simple dresses,
preferably in wash·and-wear fabrics .
-Take one blazer in a neutral color for
daytime and evening.
-Take sandals that double as slippers and
two pairs of shoes, one for walking and one for
-Select a beach coverup that can double
as a bathrobe.1 ·
-Keep o>akeup cos metics to a minimum.
Pack a small hair·drier and a tiny travel clock.
And get.a 1ood haircut before you leave home.
•• , ... ,... ... Cllll L.A..,...~
"Wttl, we mu1t dlth, tM tour Itinerary only g)vea ut
32.'49 mlnutM for this aotar 1Y9tem.''
uutdoor Ian ~k 1hower.
If )'OU want to 1et married -(you can
THINK about It) Once Oualander will 1lve
yuu • wcddlnf( In the 1r111 1hack chapel. Any
1ervlce. l thll\k 11h• could 1et one from a local
kahuna. Ukultle1 play "The Hawaiian Wedding
Son •. "
thJ1 111 truly ucred around. The land here
l• tull ot ancient helau1. the temples. Kauai
kln11 Uved htrt. Ju1t up the road there are the
royal blrthltontt where Queen1 JiAD to have
tholr royal b1blt1. (Elie the chUd would not be
truly royal.>
<.lamt manlioe tbll la HM you do many and
want to COGM beck, and do to.llHtbJ.nl your chJlcl cu taJ.Jt •bcMrt Uae rat of hlt 1lte.) "Our~ IMp 10tU eoU at St. Thomot /'1r IM dow. Call P rwcommnct o Irie•~· for l<tCM "
I've been to Sebastian's several Umn. Bil open air place . wltb Humphrey .Bo•art fana
circ1J.n1 overhead. Banana daiqu.lrf lJ a s~lal·
ty. Food ii mildly French.
Wbat•a wron• with It? It'• jammed. There
are ahra)'I two cru.lH ships ln town. Otten
three. When I can't 1et Into Seba1Uan'• J cut out
to Peppino'a, an JtaHan place nearby.
Somewhat bidden 10 it's not SO cmdf(I.
Air·conditioned . Dark wood etalned
fuml•hinp and red tablecloths. Good food and
lood aeriice. There 11 a resident mynah bird
who talks something I couldn't under1taad.
Maybe It's the island patois. You may have to
uk in some shop In the alley to find Peppino's.
When ships are lo abops stay open during
the lunch hour. They are working-for the Yankee dollar.
OCC olf ering tour
Oranee Coast College's Community Service
Office i.a offertne a three day tour of wineries in
the Santa Barbara and Solvang area um spring.
The lrip will run May 15-17.
The tour will depart from Santa Ana for Simla Barbara on Friday, May 15. via Amtrak
train. Two nights will be spent at the Def Prado
Hotel in Santa Barbara.
Cost of the tour is Sl25. The fee includes
~ train rare, transfe rs, hotel accommodations.
and the wine lour. In addition to the tour. time
will be allotted ror shopping in Solvang.
Telephone credit card orders ·are accepted
for Visa or Mastercard.
For information, phone 556·5880.
State railroad museum to open
One of the finest railroad muaeum1 In the
world, the CaJHornia State Railroad Muaeum,
will open In Sacramento May 2, Pete
Oang~rmond Jr., dicector of the California
Department of Parks and Recreation, an·
ltors feel a part or the lime and place depicted.
The $1" million museum will tell the story of
21 piec~ or historic rolling stock which it will
house, will include more than 40 exhibits of uni·
que railroad artifacts, and wiU let museum vis·
Highlight of the exhibits will be a 10.000
square foot walk-In diorama, the rirst of its kind
deve loped in a railroad museum. Museum vis·
itors will walk through a scene depicting a con·
struction site or the California Pacific Jhilroad
on Donner Summit in 1865. The sights, sounds
and smell of the mountain setting will enable
visitors to relive this moment of railroad his · tory. ___ _
Sitmar's 14·day Caribbean
cruises are extra-speciatbecauM!
you get two great extras. ... ., ....
On allSitmars 14-day
Caribbean cruises. you fly free
to and from the ship on a regu-
l"'ly scheduled airline. So, in
most cases.. yoo can easily ex-
tend your cruise holiday and
take advantage of Sitmars con-
venient and inexpensive"Cruise
Plus" stopover tour ~kages.
I:arnilies save, too. A child under
18 in a 3rd or 4th berth can sail
for only $42 a day extra in value
season ...
.. visit ... , .... c.aa.
No one else but Sitmar
offers you a trip into the Panama
Canal through the great Gatun
Extellent space available on
these value season sailings
from Ft. Lauderdale:
June 13
August 29
September 12
UX:kS pJU:-. a ViSll tu lhL· fasnnat-
ing St1n Blas Islands. And y<1u
t!Ven sample South Amt.:rica with
a slop at Cartagena. Colombia.
plus San Juan, St. Thomas.
Antigua and Aruba.
Cruise ill luxury.
Stretch out and relax on
the Liberian-registered T. S.S.
Fairwind. You'll like your roomy
rabm, the three swimming
pools, the delicious continental
cuisine ser ved m the Italian
tradition, and the varie ty of pro-
fessional entertainml'nl.
Consult your travel
agent now.
The Sit111ar Experience
Caribbearr & South America • Mexico • Panama Canal • Canada & Alaska
t •
Beauli(ul ~IBrBo Mu~io-:-New~__.Marine Wealher-
Con~umer Roporl~-~look. Markel Reporl~
By IOBN NEEDHAM. ' Of .. o.Mf ..........
Attention wine drinken. Under recently
enacted le1talation, re1taurant patrons may
be totlng home "donie bottles."
Thanlu to state lawmakers in Sacramen·
to, Senate Bill 1262 paaaed with fiyinc colon
in DecemberJ allowing the removal or opened wine bottles rrom restaurants.
Spokesman for Assemblywoman Marion
Bergeson, the bill became law Jan. 1 after a
24·7 Senate vote and unanimous support in
the Assembly.
A survey of eight area restaur.iita
found locaJ dispensers of food and drink all
responding yes when asked if they allowed
customers to take home their half.finished
dinner wine.
However, law enforcement officials stlll
take a dim view of inebriated drivers.
"Drivers are still responsible for their
sobriety when operating a motor vehicle,"
said Officer Dick Van Cott of the California
Highway Patrol.
"You can still be arrested for driving
around with an open bottle tucked between
your legs or stashed under the seat."
VAN COTT SAID THE 20-ye"·old
California open container law had not been
amended. All opened containers must be
stored in a locked trunk. or outside of the
passenger compartment or the motor vehicle.
There's one more catch. The one·
paragraph-long la w reads res taurant
operators "may allow any person who has
purchased and partially consumed bottle of
wine to remove such partially consumed bot·
tie from the premises upon departure."'
In other words, the decision's up to the
restaurant owner.
Dining patrons a re not entitled to take
the bottle with them They can request. but it
is up to the m anagement to set policy
surveyed said they were not aware or any of
their competitors rerusing permission
Under ex1sting state law, restaurant and
bar owners can be held liable ir an intoxicat-
ed customer leaves their establishment and
causes an accident Simply, restaurant
m anage9'lent may reserve the right to refuse
pa trons wine to· go sen ire
.... ••• o; .............. I
Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 5, 1981
L iving in a dog house not so baU after aD
NEWPORT, Wub. CAP) -Do LUllpuUau • Ovehen1
That tbou1ht occurs u you pau tb9 eluater
of Uoy bouaes alon11lde the blab••Y a few miles south of Newport in nortbe11tern
Waab.lncton near tbe Idaho border.
The vill.,e ia a llttle nm down ~ thou•h
you eventually find lit it's an extravasant im·
provement over the lifestyle moet of it.a dwellers
bave been aeeuatomed to.
Your fantuy ia dispelled when the entire
neighborhood begina to bark.
Bertha Ren.Ito, director of th~, Pend Orellle
Hurnane Society. ls uaed to anawertn1 questions
from pu.uled travelers.
"'lbe dogs just love their houses. None of
the roofs leak; sbort·tratred ammala live la the
best-insuJtedhouses and the 4opJex 11 reserved
can l e ad
to m e dia
The 1981 Orange Coun·
ty Media Directory,
edited and published by
the Orange County
Chapter of Women in
Communications lqc.
<WICI ), is available to
communicators and
other interested persons.
Published annually,
the directory serves as a
resource guide to key
media contacts in the
The 1981 edition, with
183 li s ting s in 12
categories, includes cur·
r e nt inform a tion on
ne wspapers. r adio and
television stations. wire
se r v ices. co ll e g e
ne ws pape rs and pro·
fessional communica -
tions organizations.
One of its largest sec-
tio ns is d evo t e d to
m agazin es a nd b i -
lin gual periodicals head·
quartered here.
Edited by Jean San·
ders of Costa Mesa, a
journalism instructor at
Orange Coast College,
th e directory costs S7 .50.
Proceeds help support
scholarships as well as
professional workshops
a nd sem ina rs . F or a
copy. write Wom en in
Co m municat1ons Inc . 1
P 0 Rox 4373, Irvine,
!for lnMparable compantona Uke the two ba11et
bounds we 1ot wbo bad been tocetbw •lnce they were born."
Add to this room aervlce -''We brtni their
dinners rieht to tbeb' front doort" -arid you
·know why some people refer to th.la canine com·
umunity u "Hound Do1 Haven" or "Pooches'
Othen. bothered by tbe dop' barkine, are
less eenuoua with their praise and dub the place,
It's not only the unique con1Jomerate of dos
houses that rnake it different -it's Mra. Ren·
Cro's strong affinity for all creatures, homeless,
hungry and lonely.
"I've always been lnterestecj ln animals.
When I wu HtUe, I made friencb with aqulnels
and saved a wild canary with a broken win• and
rescued a •i>arrow that f'Jl in a well! I have
tucb a aood fee-remeroberin1 tJtM ...
W._ doaa&JcMHI trickle ID to tiii. prtvately
run IOdety too 1lowJy to~ ltl • clo11 fed properb', Ute n.,.ar-old Mn. Renfro·._,, into h~r own Social Security money. "ftllllt now
they require 125 pounds of dry food 1 claJ."
$w make• a etew eacb day ~ over
the dry food.to mate it "mor'ted!ble. fte cto1•
bave beer\ fftdinl on bear meat In Neat weekl
-a donation froll\ M.r1. Renfro's toa ln liloo·
Mra. Renfro bas been sperio• tM lives ot
distressed anlcnals tor eiaht yean.
"People soon learn you're a .,.ver tor
strays. F~ seem to com• from evfD>wbere to
dump their dogs -but they've ~e from
Canada, MJchlgan, Texas and Montana to Mlopt
them, too."
Save lime and steps• Now you can talk 10 lam 1 m~mbers .~nywhere in your home' Each s1a1101l 1s
a mast~r featuring an illuminated Talk-Bar lhars
also a r:i1ght hght. Lock·Bar for hands-free talking
or mon1tonng. Just plug into AC #43-21 2
3-Channel CB
TRC-206 by Realistic
3-Band Radio
Patrolman· -30 by Realistic
Price Cut33°/o
39!~ 1 Fence step 69 Confines 121 Ship direc-
6 Mariners 70 Sword II On
11 Challenges 71 81bhcal 122 Suma1ran
16 Slap weed beast
21 Citrus tru11 72 Passenger 124 Degrade
22 Nebraska 73 Demolishes 127 B1bhcal
c11y 74 Swapped town
23 Choice 75Sama -128 ltahan 1111er
group 76 Jury 129 Concerning
24 Composer 77 Drays 130 Oral pause
Franz -78 Some bUI· 131 Helm pos
25 Morind1n 181s 132 FoNward
dye 79 Grow late 133 Greek letter
26 Continent 80 Salt water 134 B1btica1 king
Abbr 81 Recumbent 135 R1ghl ·hand
2 7 Oer1s111e cry 82 Leg1stat1ve page
28 S1l11er sym-bodies 136 "uempte•
bot 85 Conveyance 138 Lariat user
29 Mus.c note 86 Long cuts 140 In reserve
30 Correlative 87 Government 2 words
3 1 Not Prell• agcy 142 Postal
32 Conhnent 90 Lessens stamp
Abbr 91 Schemes 144 African vii·
33 Head Fr 92 SplashH 1ages
35 Piano com· 93 Applaud 145 Bern na1111e
pos111on 94 ··Four· 146 Rants
37 Pa<ntless bagger 147 Luges
39 MOSiem city 95 Blackboard
4 1 Menlo Par!( 96 Nuance DOWN
wizard 97 Serious
43 Court Ilg 98 Individuals I Scheduled
44 French 99 Bridges 2 Javanese
paint et 100 Tlckel skunk
46Aoman -remains 3 Nol Prellx
48 Excavat.O 101 Vine fruits 4Mi~I
49 Ptlilippff\e 102 Charect.,111-5 Alfonto•s
rtee tics queen
51 Stirs 104 Reads 6 London dis-
52 Destiny 105 Biblical lrk:t
53 Us: Get region 7 Girl's name
S4 Mature 106 Macaw 8 State· Abbr.
55 PHla 109 Senior Fr 9 Relative
56 Water-walk-110 Male pat11M pronoun
era 1\1 Anuran 10 Sachems
58 Some car• , \2 Time ione. 11 Specllin
61 Precioua liq· "bbr 12 Straightens
Uld 115 Relies (onl 13 Japaneae
82 EJlpoMt 117 Ra1lon mile
63 Fr-or•noe \ t8 Metric \4 Short fecket
16 Thinner language
17 Brawl 83 BIKk
,8 e~ctamatton 84 Tiiie
19 French 85 Bluep11nls
dance 86 Th1Ck 5lices
20 /\tncan vii-87 Flutter
l&OM 88 Posseas
34 Drinking 89 Mimics
vessel 91 Thin d1Sh
35 Breaks 92 /\voids
36 Rough lava 93 S1utt
38 "ttendtng 95 Maiden
40 Vtn du -aunts
•2 Think 96 Theater exit
45 Declare 2 words
47 ShOShO· 97 Level
neans 99 Ut1ered
50 Earlh god· 100 cicatrix
dess 101 Rasp
51 Mother Lal. 103 Wlld
52 Taiu riders declaimers
54 Afraid Scot 104 Ga.zers
55 Indian VII· 105 Assamese
1age ch1et tribe
56 Earnings 106 /\diusts
57 Comtor1 107 Rumor
58 Bns11e 108 Away Prel1a
59 Man·s name 110 Sparkles
60 B1bhcal 1 ''Stupor
name 112 Write
61 Germen god 113 Ware-
62 Sew loosely hOused a. Florida 1'4 Cha<r voices
county 116 Mlscalculat·
65 Czech rlvef ed
66 Communists t 17 Naval mtl.
48 Climbing OP
plants 118 JewlSh
69 Meat Sp. month
70 Cereal 120 Princely
gralna 123 In line
72 E.ltlmates 125 Glr1'1 name
73 Downpours 128 Proeecutea
74 JOQS 134 -bodlkins
76 Fat'* La1 137 State: /\bt>r.
77C8M t 39 Greej! letter
78 Treen \4\ Roman
79 Mott recent nUmtlfaJ
~Ink lpOll 143 -O.Um
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Fabulous highway hi·fi at savings loo good to pass up! 24
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I ~
I ~
Cops rumble
Gary Nickens (left) is
caught after getting open,
Bob Trotter (20)
celebrates a touchdown,
Dave Goerke plows Kevin
Raney (40) and Gary
Walsh (right) sits it out
with a knee injury in
Saturday's Cop Bowl III
at Orange Coast College.
I ..
Helene Sidel designs
. W"omen's clothe1
for men ... 85 .
.. /; Rumble,
Of .. o.i.," ........
• Tight end Ed Sutton stood at
mld-fleld, blood draining from
his nose, shaking his head silent-
ly. Lineman Jim DeWitt beg8.f\
to stroll away from the seen~
and muttered. "Well, another,
year before we get to play those
guys again."
Quarterback Clyde Foreman,
who played with his ring finger
on his left hand broken (the last
play of the first half). called it a
"frustrating game." Runnin1*
back Gary Walsh had-nothing to
say. he had already been taken
away by an ambulance with a
knee injury.
so IT WENT -the cops frOlllj
Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley,
were on the wrong side again as
the Garden Grove-Buena Park,
combination held on for a 20-~
football victory in Cop Bowl 11~
a~ Orange Coast College Satur-
day afternoon. ,
It bad been a long day for the
CM -FV unit or Coach Mike
Milner C Fountain Valley High>,.
as it fell behind by a 20-0 margin
in the first half, then grimly
fought back to within respec.,
tabilily before 1,400 sun-baked
Milner warned at the pre-
game scene that mistakes were
their worst enemy and he was
right -fumble recoveries by
John Denny and Dale Walker led,
to two GG-BP touchdowns as the.
latter assumed a 20-6 halftime
\Angels c elebrate a 6-5 victory
A business-like halftime
session found some appearing 81
little dazed. especially the
players greying at the temples.
FV forces appeared to get
stronger as the game wore on,
with Foreman beginning to click
through the ajr, rallying his
~eamtnates to within 20-12 with
his live-yard touchdown run.
By JOHN SEV ANO Of Ille O.lly l"llet Sa.tt
Angel Manager Jim Fregosi had
more to celebrate than just his 39th
birthday Saturday night.
First. there was the gill presented to
him by the Angels -a 6-5 victory over
the Dodgers. And then there was the
present he received from the fans of
Anaheim -a record baseball house of
58,353 at Anaheim Stadium.
"I remember playing in a few games
here with only 5,000 or so fans," re-
called the Italian skipper. "That was
really something out there tonight,
wasn't it?
··Ed Ott is here one day and he sets
an all-time attendance mark," Fregosi joked.
What wasn't a joke was the large
gathering. whiCh gave the Freeway
Series a two-day total of 106.684, eclips-
in.J: the three-day record of 102,034 set in
The huge turnput was also a modem-
day record of sorts as the biggest Los
Angeles-Orange County baseball crowd
prior to Saturday night was 56,088 at
last year's AU-star game hosted by the
It's been 19 years -when the
Dodgers were at the Coliseum -since
the area has enjoyed a bigger response.
"That's an outstanding crowd, isn't
it?" said Fregosi. still asking the ques-
tions. "It's kind of exciting to see those
people sitting in the outfield."
Even the Dodgers were impressed by
the showing.
"It's unbelievable ," said Manager
Tommy Lasorda. "It's a credit and
tribute to the people of Orange County."
"It reinforces the popularity of the
game," added Steve Garvey. "Plus it's
an example of what free·agency can do.
"It's been fun playing the last two
It's not ooly been fun for the players,
but for the fans, too.
The Angels bad to survive a ninth in-
ning sc_!re by the Dodgers to pull out
the win.
With the Angels comfortably leading
6-3 going into the inning, the Dodgers
scored twice and had runners on first
and third with one out when Don Aase
finally induced Bill Russell into a game
ending double play.
Actually, outside of two rocky innings
-the sixth and the ninth -the Angels
were pretty much in control.
The Dodgers jumped on starter Geoff
Zahn for a run in the first on a walk.
single by Reggie Smith and a fielder's
choice by Garvey.
The Angels came back with two in the
second off Dodger starter Jerry Reuss
on singles by Dan Ford and Tom
Brunansky and infield outs by Brian
Downing and Bobby Clark.
The Angels added to their lead bv
score twice ln the fourth witbQut tbe
benefit ~ a hit.
Reuss walked Brunansky .and Down-
ing, and following a fielder's choic~ by
Clark, the Dodgers were faced with a
first-and-third situation with two outs.
With Grich al the plate, the Angels at-
tempted a double steal with Joe
Ferguson's throw going to second. Der-
rel Thomas took the wide toss and tried
to throw it back in time to catch
Brunansky sliding at the plate. But
Thomas threw it away -Clark taking
Reuss then proceeded to walk Grich
and the same thing happened all over
again. With Grich headed for second
Ferguson fired the ball to Thomas who
fired it back to Ferguson. This time
Ferguson got the relay in plenty of time
(See ANGEL.';, Page HZ)
And they were knocking on the
door again. but Gary Nickens
lost the handle on the end of a
10-yard scamper and possession
turned over at (he GG-BP lwo-
yard line early in the fourth
In effect, that was the last
legitimate shot for Milner's,
crew -and they didn't take the.
decision lightly.
Bill B~chtel, from the de-.
fenslve trenches. summed up bis
side's ptighl: "Some of us have
been Involved in all three of these
games," he said. "Mainly, it's!
Garden Grove (the antaeonist).
But we're all good friends. St.ill"
when it comes·to football,lwe ge~
<See COPS, Page BZ>
First-round finale
Lakers relaxed
at home today . .
. I
Los Angeles Lakers are feeling
considerably better headini lnto
today's showdown with Houston
in their National Basketball As-
sociation playoff mini-series. As
usual, Earvin "Malle" Johnson
is a big reason.
Needing to beat the Rockets in
Houston to stay alive in the
playoffs, the defendina. NBA
champions moved Johnson from
point guard to forward for
Friday's . second ;ame and h~
responded with a career-hi&b ty.
Ing 18 rebounds in Los Angeles'
110-106 victory.
THAT MOVEP tile series back
to Inalewood for today's game at
the Forum, wbe.,. the l.aken
vlrtH.lly are unbeateble,~
last week's lcle1 to ttie ao~in
the flnt 1ame of tbelt belt.-of-
three matebup.
• TM LeMl'a a•.tttff they
didn't play well lo that first
••me, ud .JobDIOD aald at-
tenrard tb8t they were plaYina
ll)ore lib lDdlYicbltl• tban Wt~ tlM ..... ;that roi'lff • 54·21 reooMla._,......,uon. · hl U.,,,.... btt't th form tor
Friday'• same, Ip which star
center Kareem Abdul·Jabbar
•cored r1 points, Jamaal Wilkel bad 22 and Jobnaon 6ad 15
poinda to., with tbe 11 ,.......,
-tbret more tlaaa Roun.'1
mucua.r eenter II°"" eri.~ 'T::t•..-... _.
Coaeb;D11 flarl1i. . ·~· ,_,.,,_,
last seven Umes we've pl.f!y~
them and W4' knew goiQC iftr w
would have to repeat tQi. W
didn't and the figures speak for
themselves." •
Lakers Coach Paul West.bead
moved Johnnson to f~ard,
replacing Jim Chones 1n the
starting lineap with guard
Michael Cooper:. It wts ~~at
o.ni..r.,. ~
e .. •11et •• J'N• ~
You'll love this one,
if No. 22 is your h,.
If you love lbe number 22, then you'll love the
exploits of Love 22.
Love 22 is the character infatuated with the
number 22 and its appUcatlon to sports as well as
other matters. ' •
Currently, Love 22 is awaiting tria~ in Federal court in
New Orle8.f\' on 'a misdemeanor charge of priotin1 and
circulating $22 bills . . . and that's only the beglnnln1.
Love 22 turnecJ himself In to federal agents on March 4,
a rter distributing the phony bills for 2 years, 2 months and 2
days. He pleaded not guilty March 19 (that's 3/19, which adds
up to 22).
This guy, whose original name was Lawrence Edrnond
Wagner, even went as far as having his name changed le1al·
ly to Love 22, giving the judge 22 reasons for the.switch.
For years he's been spouting sports connections lnvolvlng
his favorite number. For inst8J)ce:
the worst shutout in baseball histor y was 22·0,
Pittsburgh over Chicago in 1975. Add 1·9-7·5 and you get 22.
-the New York Yankees have won 22 World Series
championships and the Montreal Canadiens' 22 Stanley Cup
Love 22 says if you add the letters L·O·V·E on your
telephone dial the total is 22. Also, if you need operator as·
sistance, you dial 1-555-1212 (you'll nevet guess what that
adds up to).
-----QMoce of flee daw ------.
"My dad came home one day and asked me it I
practiced. I told him, 'No, I don't feel like it.' He didn't
holler or anything. He just said, 'Someday when you're
working a 9-to·5 job, maybe you'll feel like it.· He got his
message through." -Edmonton's Wayne Gretzky, who
rertected on some fatherly advice after breaking Phil
Esposito's single-season NHL scoring record of 152
lbdll.,~11 •parlu l'WWa' td11
Dick Ruthven teamed with two relievers on a
nine-bit shutout to lead Philadelphia past Cincin-
nati 2-0 ID exh1 bit ion baseball action Saturday.
Ruthven' went seven innings in the most im-
pressive outing ror any Phillies pitcher this spring. a~lo~ing
seven hits . . Tommy Boggs tossed seven shutout mrungs
as Atlanta dropped St Louis, 3-0 __ . Cesar Cedeno and
Alan Ashby each drove ID three runs as Houston topped the
Chicago Cubs, 7-4 . . . Cleveland got two
RBI apiece from Joe Charboneau, Jorge
Orta and Ron Hassey in a 7-2 decison over
Milwaukee . . . The New York Yankees
took advantage of six Baltimore errors to
log a 4-2 win. Tom Underwood allowed one
run and three hits in five innings of work
for the Yankees . _ . Al Oliver r apped an
RBI single. his third hit or the game, to
provide the winning margin in an 11 -10
Texas victory over Kansas City
111uTHYIN Boston exploded for eight runs in. the
fourth inning. mcluding doubles by Dwight Evans, Tony
Perez and J erry Remy as the Chicago Wh ite Sox fell.
8-3 _ . Lee MazzllU hit a run-scoring single boost the New
York Mets toe 4-3 decision over Minnesota _ . Ernie Whitt
and Lloyd Moseby slugged home runs as Toronto toppled
Canadian rival Montreal. 6-3 Rick Leach's two-run
homer lifted Detroit to a 4-3 win over Pittsburgh . . . Larry
Herndon, Chili Davis and Jerry Martin each had RBI singles
in the eighth to boost San Franc1so to a 6-2 triumph over
Oakland Juan Bonilla and Jerry Turner each drove in a
run to pace San Diego over Seattle. 3·2 . . . Al Hrabosky has
been placed on the 21 -day disabled list by Atlanta because of
a pulled grolD mus-cle.
~fzk11 •ef• NHL ~rd
Edmonton's Wayne Gretzky became the first ~
player in National Hockey League history to ave-'
rage two points a game over a full season when
he scored a goal and four assists Saturday night
to lead a 7·2 victory over Winnipeg . . . Dwight Foster's
short-handed goal sparkf'd a four-goal second period to carry
Boston to a 5·2 win over Pittsburgh . . . Clark GllUes scored
the game-winner as the New York Islanders l~pped
Washington, 4-1 . . . Kent-Erik Andersson scored twice to
help Minnesota whip St. Lou is, 5-0 . . . Norman.d
Rochefort's third goal or the season earned Quebec a 5-5 lie
with Toronto . . Tony McKegney and Andre Savared each
scored twice as Buffalo edged Detroit, 5-4 . . . Kent
Niisson's second goal or the game and 49th of the season lift-
ed Calgary to a 6-5 decision over Vancouver.
CoH~e i ea• raWe. tor 3% ....,..
ROCKFORD, Ill. Rock Valley College was ii
losing 10·8 in the third inning of Saturday's game
against Kennedy King. so the Trojans needed a
ra lly. But once they got started, they didn't know •
when to stop.
The Trojans paraded 37 men to the plate and exploded for
32 runs in the inning, burying Kennedy King 45-ll In the first
game of a scheduled doubleheader. Tbe nightcap was called
oft by mutual consent of both coaches.
The third-inning carnage came on the strength of 19 hits,
eight walks and two hit batsmen. Kennedy King was its own
worst enemy, committing four error~. a passed ball and a
balk to abet the scoring.
The bottom of. the third took 45 minutes to play. Larry
Carlson, the 25th baller in the inning, grounded to the pitcher
for the first out. He· was booed because the Trojans had
already put 24 tuns on the board.
"I was telling my players to keep their mouths shut,"
said Rock Valley Coach Ed Delaporte. "This works both
ways last week we Jost 23-12 at Elgin, and our players
didn't feel like saying anything then.··
E~t L ... 11 ·~Ce ll•m
Larry Ne&ao. Juul to abOot a
lb ........... ,., <•> to bold ,fllf
hla tloM htmd Mark HQ• mill retalD a _...._ lead S.-...,
after t.Jae tblrd round " tile Greater Greeaaboro Open _.,
''M..-k bu ltlDd ot been down
for a~ple ol yean,'' NelloD
••ld. "I'm pleued to , .. blm
pJaylnc well •lain. But not qUite
this well."
NellOD, healthy •lain after a
series of injuries and allmmta
this year that have included prob-
lems with an ankle, wrist,
elbow. lower back and muscle
spasms, had a 54-hole total of
206, 10 shots under par on the
6,984-yard Forest Oaks Country
Club course.
Hayes, who said he and Nelson
first became "close friends
since we played tbe mini-tours
together in Tampa in '7~." shot
a 68 that cut on e s hot off
Nelson's lead. He takes a 207
total into the final round.
"It should be a nice, relaxed
round," Hayes said. "None of
this. 'Go get ·em , Killer,' stuff.
I'm looking forward to it. It
shouldbefun ."
Lee Trevino. with a 70. was
the onl y other man within seven
shots of the leader. He was at
211. five back going into today's
final round of the chase for a
$54 ,000 firs t prize.
Tied at 213 were Jim Simons.
Bill Calfee. Dan Pohl. Jim
Simons and Nick Faldo of
England, the current British
PGA champion. Faldo and Fiori
each had a 68. Calfee a nd
Simons 69, Pohl 70
Veteran George Archer, twice
a winner of this old event. had
the best round or the tourna-
ment, a 67, and was at 214. Also
at that figure was defending
title-holder Craig Stadler. who
had a third-round 70.
Tom Weiskopf, needing a vic-
tory here to qualify for next
week's Masters. managed a 70
but, at 217, was 11 shots back
and apparently out of title con-
ten lion Steve Ballesteros of
Spain. who will defend his title
in Aug usta, Ga., next week, was
far, far b<ick al 73·219.
Nelson. a quiet man who once
worked as a draftsman and
didn't t<ik e up golf until he was
ID his 20's. had a two-stroke lead
when the day's play started in
muggy. threaten1Dg weather.
It took Hayes only three holes
l o make up the deficit He
birdied the second hold from
12-15 feet and Nelson. playing in
the same threesome with him.
bogeyed the third a fter driving
into the trees
Thal put the two close friends
wrh> spent much of the day
"laughing at each other. kidding
each other." Hayes said -in a
lie for I he top
Surf plays
Rookie Hill lwlds
a one-stroke lead
Young Carolyn Hill, who had a
one-stroke lead over veteran
Jane Blalock after three rounds
of the Colgate-Dinah Shore
women's golf tournament. was
both confiden t and a little nervous
"I feel I have the capabilities
to win this tournament." said
Hill Saturday after her third
consecutive two-under-par 70.
"But I don't know if I will win.
"l'M NERVOUS but it 's kind
of an anXJous nervous feeling,
good nervous reeling."
Hill. who finished second in
the Ladies Professional Golf As
sociat1on Rookie of the Year
ba l loting in 1980, has a six·
under-par 210 total arter 54
holes The 72 hold event winds
up today
Jane Blalock. who won the in·
augural Dinah Shore tourna-
ment in 1972, carded her second
successive 70 aft er an opening 71
over the 6,242·yard, par 72 Mis-
sion Hills Country Club.
Hill and Blalock are close
friends and the veteran has
halped the 22-year -old Hill with
her game. The friendship will be
partially laid aside
"I KNOW she'll be going for
my throat." a smiling Hill said
of today's final 18 holes. "I can
feel that already. A one-shot
lead with a field like this 1s n,othmg."
"I'll be cheering for Carolyn_"
said Blalock. "But I'm not going
to lose my concentration. get out or my game
"She is a very consistent
player and she's been h1lt1DfZ the
ball very well."
Blal()('k said her <'X perience
edge might make a difference
"Experience never hurts."
she said, "But it really depends
mostly on the individual. Some
handle pressure differentl y than
"I DO LIKE my position hl!ad
ing into th e r1n al round ,
however "
Eight other pla yers "ere
within striking distance of the
lead after 54 holes or the e\'ent.
the richest on the ladies· c1rcu1t
Lynn Adams. in her fourth
year on the tour, chipped three
strokes orf par with a third
round 69 that put her two strohs
back of the leader T\.\o past
winners of the tournament. San-
dra Palmer and Judy Rankin.
were another s hot back at 213
along with Nancy Lopez Mellon
Jan Stephenson. Am y Alcott
and Susie McAllister were all
rou r strokes off the pace at 214
Fr .. raseBI
ANGELS. • • only he dropped the ball when
Clark slid into him
Dan Po rd the n gave the
Angels the added insurance they
needed in the eighth when he
sent a Steve Howe fastbalJ over
the 370 sign in righ\-center for a
two-run homer
"There 1s no possible way to
get them in better condition than
what they are." said Fregosi of
his players
"We 've worked hard and
we · ve played hard throughout
the spring We're ready."
Unfortunately, Lasorda can't
say the same for the Dodgers.
" (Bobby l Welch isn't ready.
1 Dave) Goltz isn't ready. And
I'd rather have Russell and
(Davey) Lopes at second and
short alJd I Heggie) Smith in
right." moaned Lasorda.
· · 1 think wt· can overcome our
problems," reassured Garvey.
"We'll have Russell and Lopes
lo start the season and we 'll be
<ible to bring Reggie along slow-
ly We'll just have to go with a
four man pitching staH to start
·once the season starts
though and we're compet1Dg and
the adrenalin starts fl owing. it
will be different
"Of course. I can say that
no"' Check with me again lil
a bout two weeks "
FREEW.r.Y NOTES M•llY of the .r.11991
Pl•¥trl \Ptnl S•turO•y afltrnoon •l the
.r.n•helm tnv•t•t•OMI 8tMl1t Celtorlty IMnh
ta.irn1ment «Hl>Oll\or.O o~ lllM C-eno
the Rims· Yiftce ,.,, ........ o ... eayler, 0....
l"•r'd, lnK• 1(11 .. Ind erl ... O.w.i111 didn't
Wall concerned
Myra Van Hoose, who had led
the tournament since her open-
ing 66, s truggled to a third-round
77. Her score incluJed a two-
stroke penalty for accepting a
golf cart r ide from a course
marshal during the round
Defending champion Donna
Caponi had a third-round 71. to
be just five strokes ofr the lead
heading into today's nationally
televised final round.
part"ipatt b<ll W>eflt • numt»r of hours "9ftfng
1u109raP11•. " couple of pte~r1 -,,.,. Lra11,
and lert ~rll did pley, howotrc Lynn
ceutloully WMt through 18 gamu before fHvlng
lh• lrurnament In view of the Kolding Pttcher
Jim larr reo1v1n -n he pleyed In 1 college
11 .. eb11t •It star game, m1ny In attendance .,.,,
1urpr1wd L vnn P1rtooll •1n ll>e tntlvlt1H . Y04J
couldn't help b<lt wonder whet e11cuw Lynn "'°"tel
,.. • .,, 91vtn owntr Gefte Avtr' U "' hed
tw"ted an .,.•le or kntt •hlle pleylng,. .r.111 •as.
Lynn left '" the flt't inning S.turO.y nlgtlt wlllll
•tralMd left Vloutder He 11 not upect..i to pity
unt11 Monoay Catcher I• Ott arrived al
Anehelm St.alum S.1ure11v Ht wilt ,.,., No. " By CURT SEED EN
OI Ille 04"1y "IMC St.ff
"Right now. we're having prob-
lems scoring goals. and that
translates into problems win-
ning games." says Surf Coach
Peter Wall.
Those. are pretty agonizing
words considering the North
American Soccer League season
is barely underway.
But after the Surf dropped its
opener. 2·0, to Portland eight
days ago at Anaheim Stadium in
a rather lackluster
performance, Wall has reason
for concern.
But before taking any drastic
measures, he'll see what his
team does today when the San
Diego Sockers come to town for
a 4 p.m. match at Anaheim Sta-
The game is the second half of
a double-header which finds the
Orange County high school soc-
cer all·stars gofog head ·lo-bead
in a 2 p.m . battle.
San Diego is the only team
from the West Division to collect
Montreal offer
for Walker?
ATHENS,Ga. <AP) -All·
American tailback Herschel
Walker of national champion
Georgia said Saturday that if tbe-
Canadian Football League 'Mon·
treal Alouettes make him an of·
fer to turri proressional, "I've
1ot to listen.''
Walker, who set an NCAA rec-
ord for freshmen when he rushed for 1,616 yards in leading
Georcia to a perfect season last
fall, thua broke hi• sllence on re-
ports earlier In the week tbat
Montreal owner Nellon
Skalbanla aucht make him an
otter to Nip b!1 final three col·
l•alat.MUOe. lhtlonal Football Lea1ue
team1 lil t.be Uait.fd st.tel an
forbladlb b1 tea.Pt naMI h'oai
el1lmt111 • cou.,. player until
hll ea .. sractuatcs .
a victory in its opener. The
Sockers needed a shootout to dis-
pose of Vancouver last Saturday
before more than 30,000 fans in
San Diego.
JoAnne Carner, one of the
favorites when the tournament
began. shot a 74 and fell eight
strokes off the pace going into
the final 18 holes
Ke11 l"ertcll I• .clleduled to 1rrl11e
somthme tooay -wltt make 1111llnt1ter1 -
Clly or T_., -'"" San OitQO . Ea-ODCl~r o.,. ,. .. threw ~ltlng pr.ctlct Friday
tor tile ""Oeli He wlll 00 tM Ymt ... ,. T-oo and WeOne\CNy end• aeclllon conctnling llll
1latu1 "'°' .,.. 1e1m will be m-lhoftty 11-ttrwucb TCIOay'I lfnal 1em• et ......,,. ....
St1d1um matehn ,.,,..,.,. Y11ef11 ... a Ct-II •
1gelftlt ,,..., Milrtl•• 11-11
Wall is hoping the return of
forward Craig Allen to the
lineup will liven up a punchless
"It will be nice to have Craig
fit again and back in the
lineup," admits Wall. "He's a
s killed creative player who can
take on defenders and beat
them "
OCC rowers impressive
Allen will joi n Laurie
Abrahams and Steve Moyers up
front to put some pressure on
the Socker defense. ·
The Surf defense, meanwhile,
whlll have its hands full in con·
talning midfielders Kaz Deyna
a nd Julie Veee along with
forwards Mike Stojanovic and
Lorenz Hilkes. ·
It was Stojanovic who scored
the Sockers' goal again st Van-
cou ver and added a shootout tal-
ly Satur day.
SAN DIEGO -Orange Coast
College's (our entries in the San
Diego Crew Classic at Mission
Bay turned in a near flawless
performance Saturday. winning
three ev~nts and placing third in
the final one.
Coach Dave Grant 's frosh
eighls,novice eights and college
fours all defeated top collegiate
powerhouses in OCC's besl·ever
showing at the classic.
The Bucs' JV eights placed
third behind winner Washington
(5:49.7) and Cal (5:52.3). OCC's
time was 5:58.0.
The OCC frosh rowers, with a
6:04.1 clocking, downed second-
Q What do~s a marathon
runner have In common
with a Volkswagen?
place Washi ngton on a picture-
perf ect afternoon. Meanwhile,
OCC's novice eights topped·
second·place UCLA by mor~
than four seconds with a 6:19.6
clocking over the 2,000-meter
It was the second ti me OCC's
frosh eights have come up with a
victory in the prP'iligious affair.
··An ytim e you win three
championships and finish third
in another against crews like
H arva r d, Yale and
Northeastern. you've had a good
day," commented Gr ant follow-
ing the victories.
Deity l'llM ~· •Y ltk MN K_,er
Of -Diiljf ... 'iiiii Followlno are t~ top sports events°" TV tOday. Ratl~
arf: / 1 1 e)(ollent; 1 1 1 worth watching; .r 1 fair; " for;.t It,
~ 10 •.m., Channel2 ./ ./ ./ ./
NIA PLAYOtrFS: Chicago at Boston
Announcers: Dick StO(kton and Kevin Loughrey.
Tne Bulls had to go Into oveftlme to beat the lllew vo..-
Knlcksf 11S·114 Ftfday night to~ln their flrst-rouftd slf.Voff series n two straight. Things t a lot t°"Qher toctav when
Larry Bird and company host he Bulls In the EHtern Con-
ference best-of-seven semifinals opener.
Noon, Channels ././
WOMEN'S TENNIS; Oairol Crown.
Announcers: Bud Collins and Biiiie Jean King.
Chirs Evert Lloyd breezed Into today's floals with a t>-4, l>-3
verdict over Pam Shriver. She faces Hana M11ndlikova in the
finals. Mandlikova rallied to upset Andrea Jaeger, 6·7, l>-3, l>-4 In Saturday's semifinal singles match. This is only the second tournament of the year tor Lloyd.
~ 12:15 p.m., Channet 2 ./ ./ ./ ./
NBA PLAYOFFS: Ho~ston at Lakers. Announcers : Gary Bender and Bill Russell.
It will be the Lakers' Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Earvin
"Magic" Johnson against the Rockets' Moses Malone and
company in tOday's showdown at the Forum. This Is the final
game of a best-of-three series to determine a foe for San An·
tonio in the semif inals of the Western Conference playoffs.
~ 1:30 p.m., Channel 4 v' ./ ./
WOMEN'S GOLF: Colgate· Dinah Shore.
Announcers: Don Crigue, Carol Mann, Marlene Floyd, Susan O'Connor and Mary Bea Porter.
Fro• Pag~ BJ
COPS. • •
it going pretty good.
"I JUST WISH we could forget
about the first quarter I when the
winners look a 13·0 lead 1
"Still. I'm happy aoout what
we've realized from the game,
over $40,000 for the area high
'Tve been working on this
game for six months and prac·
lice h as been the last 212
months," said the 35·year-old
Jim DeWitt, a defensive
lineman. said he would be ready
for next year.
But Jim Brukaw, the 47-year·
old offensive lineman. had little
to s mile about and less to say.
"MV WIFE announced my r e·
tirement." grumbled Brokaw.
"There was no discussion.··
Rob Helwig, a 210-pound de·
fensive lineman who played for
The Citadel and had a tryout
with the Buffalo Bills, summed
up the team's altitude as well as
"It hurts on any level (losing).
T he rt> was a lot of time invested,
but we made some mistakes.··
said the 42-year-old.
Asked if he was considering
continuing as a football player.
Helwig said, .. Next year ? Right
now. no. Tomorrow? Maybe I 'll
feel differently ··
The scene in the lockerroom
before, during and afterward
was one of discipline -nothlng
t h at you might expect if you
believe in the chaos of the
television series. Hill Street
K.C. Gle a son was named
Defensive Player of the Game.
while the winner's Bruce Davis
was named Offensive Player of
the Game.
DA VIS RUSHED for 89 yards
on 21 carries, including an 18-
yard touchdown run for the run·
orifnled winners. Bruce Prince
added a 21 -ya rd scoring
scamper and Greg Cynaum an
turned in the play of the game.
with his 29-yard touchdown pass
play from quar terback Steve
Cynauman. a 245-pound tight
end. latched on to J ankowski's
pass o ver the middle a nd
dropped a pair or defenders as
he rambled through the secon·
Foreman completed 12 of 23
passed for 190 yards. but was in·
tercepted twice. Nickens was
tbe game's top receiver, hauling
in five for 119 yards.
Steve' Corwin's one-yard burst
on fourth down with 2: 24 left in
the first hall ended the CM-FV
scoreless drought. The winners
maintain a n unbeaten record
I ;:~lors win
Gauchos fall
Pirates, Rustlers stage rallies
Orange Coast a nd Golden Wes t colleges
needed late-inning explosions to seal victories,
while Saddleback was the victim of a late rally in
Saturday's community college baseball action.
Here's how things went·
Orange Coast 10, Mt. San Antonio 5
The .Pirates. down 5-2 in the eighth inning, col-
lected eight runs on four singles, a double, two
walks and two hit batters to dispose of the visiting
The biggest damage in that pivotal inning
came on a two-run single by hot-hitting Mike Van·
derburg and a two-run double by Kevin Sliwinksi.
Vanderburg's two RBI gives him 60 in hls
career at OCC, tying him with John Estrada, who
played in the m1d-50s, for career honors in that
The sophom ore from Brea High was 3-for-4 on
the day and has raised his batting average rrom
314 to .341 in the last three l'ames.
Another hot Pirate hitter, Larry Lee. was 3·
for-5, including a double. Lee has now clubbed 10
doubles on the season and has raised his batting
average from 314 to .351 in the last three gam es.
The victory went to reliever Jack Reinholtz
out of Ocean View High. OCC, with a 6·3 record,
remains one-half game ahead of second-place San
Diego Mesa m the tough South Coast Conference
Golden West 8, Rio Hondo 4
The Rustler s collected their ninth victory in
the last 11 games to finish the first half of Southern
Cal Conference a<•lion with a 9-5 record.
Freshman catcher Chris S<:hulz went 2-for-4 to
extend his hitting streak to 16 games. He scored
a pair of runs C1nd blasted a two-run homer in lhe-
eighth inninjt to cap the G WC scoring
Six of the Rustlers' runs came m the seventh
and eighth innings to break open a 2·2 battle.
Winning pitcher Rob Meyer collected his
second victory C1gainst four losses.
At the plate, it was Steve Springer doing the
damage with a 4-for -5 outin~ including an eighth·
inning double which was followed by the homer off
Schulz's bat.
Southwestern 10, Saddleback 9
Of the Apaches' 10 runs. five were unearned,
as Saddleback was guilty six fielding miscues.
Rusty Evans and Ben Amaya each went 3·
for-5 for the Gauchos who saw their record drop to
6·6 in the Mission Conference's Southern Di vision
Evans added a two-run homer for Saddleback
in a four-run first inning.
Former El Toro High star Paul LaJoie also
had a good day at the plate, drilling a double and
triple in a losing cause.
· The Gauchos return to action Tuesday when
they entertain Citrus in a 2:30 contest.
Carolyn Hill, one of the promising newcomers on the
women's golf tou r. takes a one-stroke lead into tOday's final
round. In second place, going in to the final 18 holes is Jane
Blalock who won the inaugural Dinah Shore tournament back
in 1972. Hill, with a two-under-par 70 Saturday is in at 710
after three rounds .
10 a .m. (50) SPORTS AMERICA -Highlights of the
Big Eight men's and women's indoor track and field meet
from Lincoln, Neb.
11.30 am. 14) SPORTSWORLD -The Phoe111x .~"
auto race for Indy-type cars, taped at Phoenix International
Raceway. Also: The Grand National Steeplechase, taped at Aintree, England. Horses must clear approx imately 50 jumps
and fences over a grueling 4.5-mile course. Commentators in·
elude Bruce Jenner, Charlie Jones, Paul Page and Michael
Noon (11) -THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL -Mel Allen
returns as the host of this weekly show h1ghl1ghting the
week's baseball action. This week. A review of the 1980
1 :JO p.m. (7) 1980 CAROLINA SOO -Highlights of
NASCAR's Carolina 500, taped at the North Carolina Motor
Speedwa't' in Rockingham.
Gowdy is the host as the program starts its 17th season. This
week · Larry Hagman goes to the Virgin Islands to chart the
migration of blue martin. Al so: Mountaineer Beverly
Johnson leads an all-lemale trip to New Guinea to scale
Trikora, known tor its razor-sharp terrain. The women also visit local tribes. (77) SOCCER.
3:30 p.m. (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The Gotham Stakes, a major race tor three-year-olds, taped at
New York . Also: The National Collegiate swimming and div·
1ng championships, taped at Austin, Tex.
1 p.m. (28) -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE -Tennis
coach Vic Braden is the host of this 13-week series of tennis
instructions. This week: Braden disc usses his "lauoh and
win " philosophy and dispels common myths about the forehand.
KABC (790)
RADIO Angels at 00dgers, 1 p.m .. KMPC <710) and
Basketball -Houston a t Lakers, 12:30p.m., KLAC (570).
Golf -Masters Tournament, 7·40 a.m, 8:40 a.m., 9:.0
a.m , 12.40 p.m .. 1:40 p.m .. 3:40 p.m., 4:40 p.m. 5:40 p.m., 6:40 p.m., KNX (1070).
!The Daily Pilot is not responsible for late changes.>
Anteaters split
baseball team settled for a s plit
of its double-header with Loyola
U rtiversily Saturday, laking the
first game, 10·9, then dropping
the nightcap, 4-2, as nemesis
Mike Franks home red in the
sixth lo snap a 2-2 situation.
Franks, whose two-run homer
defeated UC Irvine Friday, also
doubled in the nightcap.
The Anteaters, in upping their
record to 19·10 overall. 3-5 in
Southern California Baseball As-
sociation action, jumped on
Loyola pitching for 16 hits io the
Mark Stowell went 4-for-4 with
a double and three RBI, while
Carson Carroll socked a solo
homer and Steve Haworth added
a two-run homer in the third in-
Stowell had a two-run single in
the fourth inning and a two-run
triple by Troy Ybarra higplight·
ed a three-run uprising in the
fifth frame.
John LeClerc was credited
with the save, allowing one hit in
2V.S innings of scoreless relier.
Dave Glick went 2-for-4 in the
second game with a double .
Ybarra also had a two-bagger.
UCI returns to action Tues-
day. hosting Long Beach State
Laguna Beach
• wins tourney
beaten Laguna Beach High did it
again with its come-from -behind
ability Saturday, surging to its
second straight Palisades In-
vitational volleyball c ham-
The Artists of Coach Bill
Ashen, and behind the play of
the tournament's most valuable
player, Lahce Stewart, and aJJ.
tourney selection Eric Clark,
toppled .Santa Monica in 'he
finals, 15-9, for the Utle.
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g ~IF,
Lions top Edison
Laguna Beach raced throu&h
pool play with an unbeaten
mark , then disposed of
Palisades, l8·14, ln the aemia
before winnln& it all a1aimt
Santa Monica.
Westminster Hlgb's Lions bav~ taken a &iant stride toward
the Sunset L.ea1ue baseball
cbampiomhlp foUowtng thdr M
victory ln a alugfeat at Edison
Wgb SaturdQ. The Uonl' Dave Harris at.ruck
out eipt and walked four, but
the-name ol tbe lame SaUtrday wa1 loaa ball an the Liou had
moet ol them to pad lhetr lead to
A live-nm Uiird lnninf diet the
moat d•maae aa Dave Cox
tripled, tcored Oft DID Twlu'
ba .. hit, Vl~ Rock and Harri.I
followed with RBI doublet, then
Rlck CutJe unloaded w1th a two-
nm ll~.
MllOD eountered "Ith two rune .. tb• flftb, 1lxtb aod
tennth, but .Rarrl.I held on !or
the vlctory. In the fifth Steve
· More llo bad a run-acorln1
single. Tom Duggan 1troked a
two·tun hom~r after Mike
DeBenon doubled lo tbe aixth
and DeBenon add ed a run-
scorlnc triple ln the aeventh,
followed by an RBI 1ln1le from
.Joe Kwolek.
Edison fell to 4·1( a same ahead ol Fountain Val ey.
N,wport Harbor, meanwhile,
cruabe;ct UnTftr•il)', 10·0, In noo·
teaiue acUon.
The SaUon were led by Clarke
Smltb'1 three RBI and doublea trom Mart Chlavenu and Bob
Nettles. .
Hup suer and Totn LeGran·
deur com°"*2 to Umlt Unlveni·
ty to three htta.
Other all-tournament aele<:·
tiona included Fountain Valley's
Todd Story, Ron Graham of Su·
ta Monica, Wally Goodrick ol
Palla,.. ud Scott SluJtvnld
of Dos Pueblos.
San Marcos, which shara tbe
No. 1 ClF .rankinc with LalllH
Beach iD the latest poll, wu
knocked out of contentloo by
Santa Monica ln the aemlJ, 15-t,
CAP ) -Dean Comt., a fOwtidle
lnternatl()nal Sedan dlvl1lon
1tock ear cbampk>n, drove a
Dataun to v1ctory Satur'dey tA
the Sprin• 100 ot North
WllkesbOrO Speedway.
NHL playoff pk:ture
W LT OP' eA "-
Y·H'I' ,,..,...,
•·Kl ... •·BlllltlO
l ·C•lgery
•·lloitoft •·Minnesota
•·Edmonloll xHYR4t1191.,
•• p I US llur1lfl
47 " 14 ,.. 2J1 1•
0 " 1' l47 ,,. l06
&t221lJ:lt.101 Ul411D7 tt
.. " 21 324 2c:J " 41 U IS Jll 247 '1 >t 27 14 J2' 2'7 '2
37 2' 1l JU 2'I ~ u 27 17 2'1 us .,
JO JI II JU ll4 1'
JO JJ " "'Jll 7• 11 J2 20 219 JOI 76
Jt u " n• m 1• 7t l6 14 JIO 111 n
" l7 u m 141 11 21 JI U lll .S M
W Hlll"91on H l6 II J 7t 115 ..
Hertl0tO 21 40 II -,., 60 Color.00 U 4S 1l UI l44 S1
Dt lrilll It 41 It JJO m M
Wlnnlpeo t SI ll 241 >tl JI y-cllnclloMI reguler _ _, 1111•
•-<line'*' Pl•roff Mrill NOTE: Hoe too 1' ,...,.. et ltle tM Of ti. reg11ler -wlll quellty for ,,,. SIMiey
CllPPlt~ ....... .,..ac-
1(1 ... I, Color-S
luH•loS. O.VoH.
MlllllffOCa S, St. LOUii 0
HY il-l'S 4, WHt>lngton I
C•l;ery •, Van<OUll9r S
Edmonton 7, Wlnnlpoo 2
Boston S, PllU-911 2
~bee S. TotOnlO S, lie , ......... ~
Mln""41te al Clllcogo
Mon1r .. 111 &ostan
Hy hlendltl'S •I Bvffato
Pllls-9" el Herttwd NY ll4t1191tlOI Plllledel~t
OetroH at wesn1....,..
Toronto •I OutDK
SI. LOUtl et WlnnljlOll
KJnp 6, RocklH 5 Sc.-.., "9ftMt
,.,.....,.... 2 l 1-S
J I 1-S
1. COIOI'-. M<tll ... wul 2l CH9f'Wkll,
T-IMlllnl), 1:11 2. L.OI A .... lft. 05-S1
CHMdy, T.,..,I, 4:a. I. C--· T-
bellllll U (NOfwkll), 7:». 4. LOI A"tlt ... ,
1ur11" e COIGnM, ltorebl. •: 11. s. Lot A11 .. ttt, Teyl9f' .. COlertrew, Koreol,
12:S1 ......... -St. uw .... LA, 1:»,
Giel._., Cel., l :22; Herdy, LA, 6:0 ;
Cr.wtord. Col., 12:1•; v ... tow. COi. m.._.
mefer, lt:H; w.tta. LA, mi--i-. 1':1~ ---~ 6. L.•• A1111•IH , Taylor 47 IM•tllll,
Ollllfto), 10:st. 7, Colcw-. Mellllowllll 2A
C01ot1011ordol, U :l 7. I , Coloredo,
Mell_.. U, 14:0.. PeMltlft -"-u, Col, ml--f'llO)or, :IS; TaylOf', LA, mi-
mo)9f', O:J5; C-, Col, 2:JO; TtrrlOll, LA,
t. L.of ~·· oio.-• 1.i.nte111, 1:oa. 10. COlw•, 0.810ls 2' 1Bell9f', 0..,.1, t:tt . .._.. ... -W.lls, LA, 7:J1; ltOf'l\Olll,
Col, tt:U. Shoa_• .... -COi«-1•11---Jt. Loi Allttlot •~tt·S-2'.
G041llOI -CDlw-, Sl'llllll, lttscll; 1.oa
Af1911 ... ~.A -12,926.
.... , ... .............. u.....-"' ..... _. • 2
Celltw• • -Ol!l-t t 2 llltlltt, "4lfl . .._. C11, .. _. I.II _.
"~..-: z..-. ~ c.i, .._._ m . ..... Ctl _. o.wi.ifl9. W -IAIM. L -It-. Hiil -CllffWllle, ...,.._ ,, ............... . , .............. .
.. 111-. -,., --· 7 6 !ft!Y-IAJ t• •1 MO-• t 0 D. M•rtla ... T. M•rll•H 171 ....
O.m11Wy; UMltrweM, ~ryll 161,
•C.ttro 11) en41 OK'-, 0.... UI. W -C.11,... L-D. *'11Ma. ....... ~. , .......... _ .. "8.1
Ml-----~t 1
Ntw Y.n. (NI ttl - 1 .. -4 10 1
l(fft-. c:.tlMtl C7> H4 WyM .. ,,
lw19f'o <~; z.ctwy, At*' tat, .....,_ Ctl
Md Trevt.. W -i.c:lll'Y. L. -K-Hlll -Ml--., WtnL .............
, .. CINr'tlmr, ..... ,
Clllclll!Wltl 010 OM 110t-O t 0
l"l\llHll... 100 001 Oh-2 • I ..... _. m • .._ m ..,. O'aerry;
ltlltll...,_, en.i.w Ill, Lytt Ct) MCI .....
MotelllM 111. W -~--L -SetL
-..--.~· , ........... ...-. ......
It. LCM.tie -oeo DeO-O 4 2 Atlllft!a 001 101 00•-J I I
B11sbw, 841•1•11 111. l'realor Ctl -Tt...ce, .,_Ill; ...... Malllor It>,
Cenllt"' .... Poe•-· w -...... u -lllllly. -..t.·.:-......... ,.. ..._.,....,
ClllUIO(Al o:ao tlO -...1 1 1
lloslOft OOD -Ob-t 1f 1 Lemp. Trout 14), Rollin-m. HolflNll Ill e11ct l'llll, Hiii 171; Rohwy, ~I I'>,
lwgmetw II} .ct AlleNorl. Sc;.llmlclt (~. W
-lttll\Oy, L.-~. ... ,.,.6 ...... 2
( .. .,...., ..... ,
MonlrHI 010 000 001-2 • I
T~ -l03 00•-4 11 0 Lff, ~ 161, 8-on Ill ond It-;
Cleno. Jeeksan 111. Wllll• ltl ... o Wllltt. W -Clency. L -Lff. Hits -Montr .. I.
Walla<ll. T-, Whitt. MHeW.
• Tleen 4, ~ .... J
,.,~......._,. .. ,,
0.lroll 000 100 010 2-4 1 1 l"llttlM!rfll 000 010 ., ,_, 10 0
Pelry. Wllcu <•I, UJdW ltl elMI Oyw,
Owclllnko, Romo 161, Jac!C\on (II, Cr111 1101
aftct Hlcoele. W -Uctjw. L -Ow1 Hits -
OelrOl1. '--" (]). l"ln.....,.. L.ow.
I• ( .......... ,
081enct JOO 000 000-2 S 2
S-Fr enc: lsc.o 110 000 OU_. • 0
Norrlt, Jones Ill, Ml11eHo Ill,
McL•11111111n Cll end Htwmtt1; WlllllOll.
Mint.on Ill. L.a,,_.te ttl -Mar •• , .... ,,_
Ill, Semk It). W -Mlnton. L -J--.
R-..n 11, 111eya1111 c-.~Myon,P'le.I Tn•s 410 oao 112-11 U I
!lenses C:hy 000 OU 000-10 1l o
Splillorlf. Btreng..ar UI, CMmlMrlaltl
(1), I(. Brett (t ) ond Walllon; Mtllack.
JOllMoll 16>. Bebcocll Ill ono Sllnclbo"-W -BellCOCk. L -I(, Breu. Hlh -Teua.
Wiiia, Oll"ff, PvlMm, Sem91•. R~\. I.._,,.,_"'
(otT--1 Mllw..,k• 001 OOI 001-2 It 2
CltYeltnd 022 o:J0 00.-7 U 0 CleYtlend, A111111111,. (4), llolteno 111.
,.,,,..,. (fl Olld Yott; Gerl-. Br-ft>,
GleMr Ill.-. (t) end Heuey, ~
Ill W -GMI-. L -Ctewland. .. _ >. MartMn 2
Ste tu. 010 001 000:-2 I 2 s..i 01.., 000 102 00.-J s 2
A-1. Allard (1) MCI lklHI .. ; Cwtlt, Loller (7), .._. CIJ, Lwat ltl -"-'*''· W -c;,,11. L -A-. Hit -loee· 1,M• Ectt• . ...,..,,~. , ......
H..,lton 100 002 211-7 ll t
Citic ... IHI 001 -~ I 2 J. Hl•ro. Smllll m. l.oCOl'ie <ti ..,.
luNlr: ~llet, Eeatwk ll 111, c.tlle (II
and FOOC• W -J Hlakre. L -EeJNtca.
Hiit -H-ton. CodeM. CNcaeo, MDI'-
UC lrvlM IOl SID 000-11 16 I
Loyola 001 l2l 000-t 11 2
ll•lldell, LAOett 161 -y ..... ,.; S.-ld,
V-lrOclL 141. CroM ISi -O...CI. W-ltMIClell. L-S.W.I•. 2B-S-li, Olltlol,
MorrlMft (I), Slele, Cler CL.I. 19-Yllwr•
Ill. HR-c.rllll, ~II (II.
UC l"'lno 001 1to l>-2 1 0
LOyOle 010 10ll •-4 • 2
WlelllOCll end Ybefra; Hlcllo4-WW
Slete. W-Hl<Nlton. L-WMISbClll. :tlt--
Gllck. Y!Mrra (I), P'rollks IL.I. .. 1t-Frt<*1
IC8A etandlnas lr LT ..
Cel Stele..,....,_ 6 2 I
Loy .. e Sltl L.ofte.......... s ' 0 I U. of SM OMtlD 4 4 I 2
UCS.lltl ....... a 2 2 I 2
UC t"'lne J S 0 J
Pep ... rctltlt J S 0 I J
CelSWal.M ... lft 0 4 0 4 ........,..sc-
UCl ...... *t.......,...M
u . Of left Oieeo 11..J. C.I 5la10 P'u1Mr111n , ..
Le1>9 ._,. Mett 12•, Cet StMe LAI
AlllOMtM P.,._.. J.2, UC Senta e.111ore, ...
CFIAl ..... 11 ...... MC9M .-a, five i. 11lngs,...,.,_, T....,.,._
Lont ._,.. MaMet UC lrY1M
C•I st ... LH A11gel•• " Col St•l• P'11li.tlt11
UC Sanle ...... et L.oyole
12 14 11 17
• -• SNni. lilS A*llatllllln.l:C& A'sat:-n.: e....... 7:35
~ .... ,~
...... at Cilllb. 1 JS hllllat~~ ...... 111' •
11 20 21 12 23 24
h .. lt := 1 ... lt .. 7~ s.tt111t .. ,:ll s.191•=7:30 atllllln.7:1i =•TWIM.11:15
...... at -~ 5:35 ...... It Astros. s.~ ......... os.5-~ ltllllln.7:35 . .,.at es.1m
21 27 21 . 2t 30 May 1 •:::It Tillllls, ll:lS • -It (S. 7:1J Gillts It ..... 7:35
-llA's. 7:30 Qllllll ....... 7:35
.... It A's. 7:))
lii9lls at ...... 7:35
.......... 7:30 .... ~JO ...... 4:35 .11 ...... 1-os
loUlh Coaet COftference
s.110 .........
Ml, S... Al!IOtllo
W L ff
• 1
' J ,.,.. s • I
4 4 Wt
•• ll't
, ' 2Vt t • av. ....,..., .• ac_
Orenge CAle9' 10. Ml. Sell Antonio s
Ctrr11M t, Sanle Aloe •
Sen 0'°90 Moul, G-1 O T.-.ytO-.
0r•"tlt Gotlttt G-'
S.111a Aloe al Fllllerttlll
S... Olege Mou et NU. Sell AllCOlllo
LA HartlOI'
Sent• Monk •
East Los AllOtlff
Rio Hondo
LOI A,,.. ... cc
Salilll"MY'• lc-Gol.-n Weft I, Rio H-4
LA H•,_ 4, LM A .... lel CC 2
W L 09 11 ,
t s 1
t s 2
• • J .. ,
•• s .. '"" 1 ., 10
Eaal Loa AngitlOI U, LA Solttl>w.sl 4
Cypr .. I. S-.-. S
LOI Anee!ff cc •I G-n Well
LA HllrW al East"'" ""9elff CyprKS et LA Sou-
Sant• -ce al lllo H-
MIMff>ft Conference
IOUntallN DIVlllC* ._ ...........
Sen OlogoCC SNctletlKll
W L 01
1 •
• ' 1 •• 1Yt
4 I M NOltTHa ltM DIVlllC*
lllVtrllde 1 ' Seti Btrnenllno 1 s
Cllrw1 • • I CMflt r 4 I J
IMWUy'• Sc-. ~10.~kt S... B---.1. ltlw~ s
Cllrvs II, .... DloeoCC I
Seul"-*tnl tt Pelomer
ltlverllde el Sell Diogo CC
Cheffey .. Sen lemerdlno
H:J!h echool Well.WIWt,a•-6 WHlmlNW 02S 110 0-' 11 I
EctlMfl 000 cm 2-4 1 1
Harrla -C:O.lngtOn; -·So,._ m. C'-r m. __.. w . s1ep11en1 m.
O.B-<61 MCI S. Momlo. W-Harrl\. L-
Mu11Mr1. 2._Rocll 2, Harris CW), Dllellon.
ltwoltll. Ot9eno11 IE I. lB-Coa CW>. o.•-m. Hll-GMtle IWI, Dvgeon IR).
.................. u.t.w91tr•
H"'pewt H-00 220 0-10 1 1 u 111venl1Y oeo oeo t-o a 2
Slier, ~-161 Mid COOlll; Menrt<k. Yovln (4), e11ct Miiier. W-Slltr. L.-
Mtrvlc:k. 2a-Hetll•, CN..-e, INH).
Ck.-" ..... I(_.,. De.ell"'"" 102 -...... 12 I KtftNCly ooo 100 22-s • 2 Ste1110, ltelltl\Olb Ill anct Mel-y; 9erto11, Pelegrlno (S), AHllOfl Ctl ..,
L.lur ...... W-SIMll.., CS.11. L ...... .,,..
H -lrvlM, ~. TlllUe COVI; Llur ...
CKI. 19-Tllltle COV); Stoc:lll CK). Hlt-
Lluronge IKI.
~ Cllrtlllea 4, """'°"~I Liberty Owlall., 100 Oto 1-4 l 1
Newport CIWllllan 001 000 t-1 2 • Ar1101d e114I Wlntertele; Hower•.
Ff'Mrka.! U1 eftct McGowt11. w--. L.-Howarct. tB-Arndl (LC). Je-
Wl"lenel• !LC).
W L ..
1 • Wotll'lllNW
EctllOll ,._1e1n v.11..,
HWIUl\g9tll ea.cJI ..... ,.,,, Hartlot •
• a ' J ••
l • •
2 , '
2 s '
~ ........
I rvlno vt. bUllCla et TeWlllllt• ~.,. (7) c;,.,.-.. ec Uftlwl'llty
• •fil'f't ....
CW_ *I MM tt a1 T-
louth CO.IC Leeeue W L N
.ce,ltt,_ v..... • I
1811 C:l"'91Ca s 2 1
Ml•lon Viel• • I 2 • LAfllM9M<ll , • l.
DeNHltlt 2 S 4
UellMHlllt 1 • s
Caltillrl!IO Velley Ill a.ell w 0 '"~'
0-Hilit et MIMMll Vlo s-c..--.. ~ Hiiis
Empire LHgue .__.
Kolelle Oue11Vlow
lMAl-IOI l(ef1MOJ
Loera al 0c:-Vlow
Ke111Wdy .. C:YP'-
llettlla .. Loi Aleml*
Angelua LHgue
Bishop A1N14 s. ... 11. SI. Pa111
Meter Del
Bl~ MoMgomery .......,..1c ...
Strv11e s. Bl"-Nlontgomer• 2 w 0 •Pf'•OW. Melw Del et Bl ..... Amel
SI. P ..... SerVlle
1 I
• 2 I S I 1
l s • 2 6 s
1 1 6
W L 01 • 0
• 2 , ,
2 4
Cop Bowl Ill
0.... Orww-9-... ,. •
c.i. .,.,....,,__Valley 12
kere ... O.. ......
GG·BP U 1 0 0-20
CM·P'V 0 • • 0-12
GG·Bl"-Oavts tt "'" lklcl felled> GG·IP-Cy11e 11man 2t peu from
Ja11kowslll CScrOllllM klclll
OG-91"-l'l'ln<• 21 '"" (Scroegl11s llklll CM-FV-corwtn 1 r1111 (k1Ck IMoektct) CM·FV-Por-S ,_ ipeu folltd)
Alie-• -1,400 l"tlmeledl
Community oollet• 1wtmmfng
Or ... OIMt ... SOMou • -~,... .. -1.so-.a:w.1.
1,000 t,_ -1. Solll COCCI. 10:4'.J; 2.
Qlll,,.....1 COCCI, 10:J0.6; I. Srntlll !SO),
11:0l. 200 ,,.... -1 Polllwnt IOCCI, 1:•.•. 2.
KrtlK-1501, I SU, l. SMaf COCCI.
1:5' •.
SO''" -I. Wratt COCCI, U.S; I. Donneh COCCI. n.t, l. ltotMn-ISDl, ll.O.
200 INID -I. ~ !SOI, 2:12.7; 2.
Fortune ISOI, 2:12.0; l P•nl• COCCI, 2:U,O.
l·mll« •vine..-I. B-ISO); 2. Wlllle COCCI; I. T11t-ISOI. no polllb r--.s.
100 llr -1. Mon-II 1501, 2:21.0; 2. -IOCCI, 2:•. J. Hvrl.., 150 1. 2 ·». t.
100 Ir• -I. PolllWfll IOCCI, 4'.4; 2. DM-
Mll COCCI, JO.I; J. It..,._ CSOI, JO.S.
200 llacll -I ,_,_ (SOI. 2: ... 1; 1.
ltantk COCCI. 2: 11.S; I. COf'Mtl COCCI.
SOO Ir" -I. Sofll (OCCI, S: 10.4; 2.
Kreta.i-ISO>. S·11.1. 1. Olll-l COCO,
S:U .7.
200 llrOMl -1. "9nls COCCI, 2:27.1; 2.
Becllrne,.. !SOI, 2:Jl,t ; I. SeMon1 IOCCI,
J.metwdl"""-I. 9-CSOI; 2. WNW
COCCI; I. Tllr-1501. 110 pol11U "-8r1ell.
400 ''" ,...., -1. Oronga Coest. 1:•.o.
CIOMMUltlTY c:ou.aoa 0....-Clltlltt n. so-.. u 200 ..,...., relor -I. Oran .. CMst,
2:01..t; 20D ...... -1. ~ CSOI, 2:tt.S;
SO ,,... -I. Hert 1501, i..1; 100 bKll -1.
Odenwald IOCCI. l:OU; 100 -.11 -1.
Oevlcl-<SOI, t:t4.1; lllD ,,... -I.~
(501. l:tl.J;. nr -I. OleftwtN coco.
21.6; 1.-W cltwlfll -I. Clet1l COCCI no
pel111S ,...._; 1• ,,... -1. Herl ISDI,
ff.J; 100 fir -1. De.,..... ISO), l :tl.I ; •
N<lll -1. ~COCCI,-..; 1• 1"'8-
1. V• SMlll COCCI, 1:10.2; • frM -I.
Grady ISOI, S:S4.0; JO br-t -1 ......
COCCI, U.O; •nwtw ctlvl,. -1. Cl-
COCCI, M '*""' ,........; -frM ...... -'·so Mel4 1:4'.1.
Tltlr9 ,_ -lilN ....,.,_ Cu.em>,
••·••· 1.H , t .tfi. !ree lll••llh CDtt1a111 .... I, .... ZM; MWfltM ....
.. _. --.......... (Det ........ 1. •.4t, IAI. ... ; '*t OM!' T-IMcH•t11Utl.
IM,l .•;Ht-....CHeWYt,t.40.
PlfUI,__ ......... C~I t.•, •·•·•A; Alie....,.. cv • .._..1, a..-. 1Ut; '9~ 0.-CDeleM-yw), S.00. U
tllKla C1.Jl-tf11,00.
SIJllfl rece -Welde M Co.t ........ .,1. J.•. 1.00, ut; ............. Cu.Mm), UO,
1.00; Cr P'I IHeWlrfl, UO. S.w111t1 ract -Vlrlllly CVelef\Welel, .... I.to. 2M; .....,. TorrOlll lu,Mrlll, uo.
1.00; c .... al .. ·-, .... , .. " t.60." t .. cte C~INldWM. '2 Plcll Ila (1+).J-7.S) peld lt.-0.60 wltll
U wl1111111f lklllOb C Ila llortHI. U l"kll Six
COllWIM!tll .-141 SoUM wltll 1,SS7 wlmlftg
t1c11 • .i1 cn119 llorWll.
tflgflllt rec. -ltli·Jtlro ICAtlllftadtl, s.JO.
UO, lAI; i.-YIMI Deer (ltlWrll, 10.00,
7.20; SlteCM'tMIM CValeftlutlel. S.60.
Nlllltl rec• -Lo P l•toi• CVOltlll ...... I.
J.00, S.00. UO; ltaja'a Song (OolalloldMye),
•.H. UO; 0.llC'I F.,.t .. y CCeltenade),
3.20. IS ea.sct.e C1·ll pekl H0.00.
AllenGanu -CJ,llO.
E 1avtnll\ rec• -PlerllOr Bllller I .. .,.
ltHl, 10.20, S.40. 4.60, Tr-..1..o IL.aclalrl.· :al.to. IUO; ltorel Ectward H (Denlllal, 4.411.
U UK!a C1·tl pelcl W 4.40.
Allandonct -7,IU.
U.T\laOAY'S lttfSULTS , .................... _...,
Fltll r«t -Ftylftg YanlLH N 151>111111,
S.40. J.20. 2.40; St-y Point A (Sfwrr .. ), S.00. ).40; F-_, CRk llmond), 2.40;
$1 u acte l~JI pei.-$29.20.
S e cond rett -Te rport So110 A
(Copelancl), U .60. 6.00, 4.20; S.n Merlo
IA11blnl. 6.40, S.00, Kiwi ~ry (ltatcllforct). uo.
Tlllrct r«• -Bye 9ye Vltnover CVall-
lnglleml, 14.40 •. '·"'· 2.60; O'Cel A"1Y IAn·
dtrsonl. U O, UO; Kl Kint 1Gr9900'1, l .. 40;
U t .. ct.e IHI pelcl "6 •. to.
F011'11\ race -o.n10 1tovo1 IKll90l9f'I, '·"· uo. 2.60; TrkMI CNrwer (Ademsl, 1.tO, UO; ht Chemp ccr-1. uo.
Flldl rect --90ll CKutlllwl, 1.00. 4.60, 2M; lleyol Scotcll H (OtMlsl, •.•,
•.to; Cley H-wr ca.yteul, J.40; 12 •uc·
le IH I pelcUM.to.
Slxlll r«t -Loni Peter H CS-I, 1.40, J.20, 2M; B C ~ IGrwlctYI, 2.60, UO;
Form P~ CSll9t'rt11), J.00.
S.ve11t11 race -Plpelo llaktrl, H .40,
11.20, 1.60; lt-111H(Oeftllla),7.Jt, 11.lO;
GolC1e11 o.111 CDunnleanl. 11.IO, 12 tu.c1a
IM )pelcllZ1M.
U Pk ll Shi C .. 1+4-J.21 peld U•.t'7 .40 wttll I llckel Cs•• llor .. ), 12 PIO Sia c_..lloft
peld 111 .. 10 willl 11 Will!llng lkkeb (llW ....,. ... ,
Elglllll rece -Pl,. 51\lp 1.--r110111, t.20,
4.40, 2.40; Clelg 0.1 CAIAMlll. 4.10, UO;
Torpid' a l(nltflt ISlwn'olll. 2.20. •
Hlllttl rac:e -Al4orll H C ..... rl. ls.JO,
t.00, 1.60; Vtlllllllftt Point COennlal, t 1.40, , ... ; K......,.,. Feoc (Malerl, S.00.P•MC·
la (l-J) .... 115 ...
Tentll ,_. -OMI Ger !Allblnl, 4 .•• UO. 2 ... ; a.. P'lttllY CGr1111dr), 10 .• , S.20;
<i""19rls l"lay 1~1. J.40. '2 e.ucte c 141 peW SlQS.40.
El•woMll nu -"'-'l• Jack IT-l.
U .40, 10.60. S.00, Cllampe111• l"rlnce
CHarperl. 14,60, 6.00; scet<ll Time ,..._
1w1W1en11, uo.12 eucie ct-JI "''.,.... •.
Att~ -t.010.
Orffnlttoro Open C•Ot 0 ¥. M.C:.)
L•rrr Ntllllfl •
Merll H•Y"
Lff Trtylno
Oen PotlC
E• Flori Hl<kFelclll
Oet1PClfll 0-.. Amwf'
9oOltYWellJOI 0.1111y Edwtrds
9111 Kr.uert Oe,,. S10<lll0n
.. II Crelllfwtw
O•nt1r .......
Biil llr.uert IOllby Wedlllna
IObbr C~
1111 lt099f'I
Lenny W-lnt 9rvc:t Flelsllef
JarH•• , ..... ,
L.Aoftenl Tilompeon
Jim°°'" Bob M11!'1lflr
l'ra11111c.w.r c e1v111,.....
6......., __
7o-.t-tl-201 .... n .10-211 ,......,_213
71-72-70 -21J
10-1Ml-21l 72.1 .... -211
n .12 ... -21J , ...... ,_211
71.72.70 -JU
n-IMJ -214 12·1H0-21'
10·14-70 -214 71-12·72 -JIS
.. IS 1J -2tS
7t.72 ... -21S
11-1J-Jo -tu
71-72·10 -1U
11-11·12 -21S ...7S-7~-2U n-1...,-216
,. 11 .. -21'
7S.7HO -21' ,., .. ,._11'
7S.11·70 -21'
... 7H6-21'
11-1J.12 -J16 ... 71.,._, ..
...,, echool trecll
, .. Qieffwr """'
100 -1. MalNn CMlllrl, t.•; 220 -t.
M<tllllH (Mlllrl, 21 ... ; ..0 -1. WH-
(&cl .. wootlll, SI.I; •-1. Wtlla ($elllaAlle
Velltyl, 1:51.S; Mlle -I. Mcc:.rtlly (bten-
<lt l, 4:2'.I, 2-mlle -I. Arrlolt (Gelwl,
t :4-4.I; 120 HH -1. Tave IMlllr), 14.0; SID
LH -1 tlllffler CVllle Perlll, JI A; 440 ..... .,
-I Mlllr, 42.1. Mlle retey -1. M11lr, 1:22.4;
HJ -1. l'owtll CEctge-1, ... ; U -I. Ttvt (Muir), Jl.OV.; TJ -I. Tave (Muir!,
4t-•Yt: PV -1 Swerlllowt (Cor"-...
Mer>, ll-4; SI" -I. CMr (Mlllr), S...; OT -
1. Perk• ICllefferl. lst-0, Ollwrl: J. Votdwf'
CE•l•ncl•I, 142-4; h•m KOrOI! I. Mtllr,
Crew s-Dleeo C&Mtlc lat Ml ....... rl
JV elghb -I. WHlll119t011, S: 49.7; 1
C•lllornle, S.51.J; J. Oronga Coelt. J:Sl.O; ...
Her•erct. S Sl.t . S Ye lt , S.St.S, •
Nortf>e•tenl, •:Ot.O
Prolll tlglltt -1. Or.,llt Coetl. •:04.t; 2.
Waalllngtan, •.OU, J CellfonWe, •: ... 4. 4.
UCL.A, 6:1' I, i. Salt 01-Stele. •:ti.I; 6
Novice elg11t1 -1, Oronoa Coeat, •: t•.6; t.
UCLA, •:U.7, J. Slelltord, 6 a .2; 4. UC
lrvl .... &::au . " UC Sell o._ .•. JU; L
Sellt• cier-. • 4t.t
Cell ... ,_., -1 Orenoe eo.11. &:O.O; 1,
Pen"· •:4'.t, l. Hort!lff1tern-Herven1 c..,.
l>l...O -· •. 41.t ; • Cellfomla. •:Sl.I, s. Yale·Wl~lll ~--· •:S7.2; 6. UCLA, 7 ·06.0.
Women'• eoftltell WAa•tfNTOUllNtfY ,..,.......,..,
Marin• 202 ODO 1-S 12 0
Dow.,.y -.. 0--4 1 0
I( yler af'O Marco lie; L ympe11y e11d e ... rell; W-Kyltr; L-Lrmpe11y; I._
Hellelleu(jll IMI, l(yw (Ml,.,_ (Ml;
18-Br-I lMI, Claft CMI. Fi.tcllW lMI;
H 11-Bwry IMI. '
Pro boWllng
l"IATOUa Ceta.tti-.) w.,,. W1tbtl Clef. Mow Mar1l11, m .u1.
Webb wl"' lU,008, Mertl11w1M11 .JOO.
CNl«lteMltl Jo "'*"-' cttf. s.tw Sipe, u..m. cttt.
M<trll Fel/ff. 1t•·ttl. Martl11 Clef. ltoltlll-.
Hlatl IChool volleYball ... [ISAOSI TOUaN.U. .. n , ............ H .... I
Pool Play -I. Lefl,ftt 9Mcll, M ; 2. S--
le Moni'8. M , 1. Sefl Mel"c ... M ; 4. ,,_.
le ln Valley, 6-2; S. l"ellHctH. 6-2; 6.
CMll-'11, 6-2.
u . of Sen D6etlt • ...,...,,. ... ...... .,..ac_
~ .... ..._.. .. ··-6 N---1 ~ 10, U11l¥en!IY t C-
Joe l11rnan TOllyC.,.
1•11-1s -21t
7 HJ-10 -217 n .1 .... -211
11-1 .. 1' -211
1J.1J.11 -211
12·14-11 -211
n .1 .. 11 -211
,..,,." -217
... 1 .. n -111
7HJ.7J -t11
,,.. .. ,. -21•
1J.1Hl -111
7t·71-7l -21•
7f.7J.7J -211 ,.,,.,I -111
71-14-71 -11'
, .. 10-11 -ttt
1 ... n.11-11t
1"1>n -a1t 7 .. 7,.,. -21•
7t-7J.14 -21t
............. Pell ...... .._. va1i.r. IM; -Mercot•.~tS.7. ..... 1
leaYlew L••1ue • L N
Gerolle .... Mer , 0 '-'•Mou S I t •1te11<le • J J tflT.,. I 4 4
lrvlM 2 S S
U11lwnlty 0 1 P '
MTU•D&M ••MIL ft
(7 .... IP ...... I 1 • ......,
Flnt rae -.-. ltllllell C......-WI. •M. JM. tA; Kltll T~ CL.->, 4,40, I.to; VelefttlM Loew (Ve'-Mll, I.a
$ec:olld rece -aelllM I" lM llloed
IV•ltflfuele ), t.tt. •.tt, .... ; ... ,_,,
(H-ltYI. 4.A, Ut; NMtty CV ......... ,
..... 12 belly OMlo , .. 7) _.., '"·'°·
°""'° hr"9 Gery Pleyer
JoM P'e!llM
ltOCI Curt T-JaNllllt
Vk'o:J':..ledt Tim 111 ... s.,..
T-Punaer ....... 1 .........
0-.T .... I Let1GreflMI
JllM SclWWdlr Scott Hedi
i....-9Mcll*"· ............ 1 .. 14; SM&e
MOn1ce ... left~ 1M. tllt••' "' L.egllM llMCll •I. s.te Moflke, 1M.
Jec:lllMVllt. 2, c.... t l•I
Temtte ..... 4, TwoMt l
T11IM I, 0Mi. 1 C•I
...... a,....._.l(M)
V811C-1,<.allerY 0
McCarthy sharp
. .
8) IACK MINTER °' .. ...., ........ ONTAlllO ....:.. Eatancla Wab'•
Jim McCarthy took the Emeat
Flacber Award for tbe f..-t
open miler In Saturday'• l1Dd
annual Cbaffe1 lavltaUonal
track a fteld meet. McCarthy a Jualor for tbe
&atlet, iOOk the lead at Uat
three.quarter mlle mark and
won br t.brH HCODcll .. ...
cl'OIHd the tape ln 4: a .1.
Tb• Srnmt ntcber Award•· nual11 1oe1 to Uae qutell:•t -mnw et dlli afternooe. ,_....
WU lnltlummta1 In orttnlll'll tbt CltafftJ meet la tbt tau•. Corona del llar'1 Klrll:
Swil'thDUt wu tM wtuer lil tM
... pole •lult. TH ... ~ .... J ..... 1.M to tan• YietorJ. He clear.cl tllct ......_
bel1bth on his aeconcl attempt.
Steve Vatcber, the Eataqda
dlacua aee, placed . third la hll
event with a 143-4 effWt fclr the
E11lee. • •
The m.et pl'QHd to be eQiDll·
tlon for the alw111 pow.tu.I
Muir Hllb ol Puadtae tAlam
coacbed bf Walter Ogg;:
Wltb CbamDlou b{th llO. •·
1JO ...... bUtdl• ... lilll• .... .,,.. lODI J-., trtp&t Jump Ud lbot
put, tbe M\lltaDll "°" the Offr·
all tAl&m ut1e witla a 100 paints.
DOWNEY -..J Tlaa = pitebed a ... httW la I .. ................ .
e.amtomeu1M~.._. DowaeJ .... Saturih1 ~ opntq rouD4 or UM anw
IU•b ....,.uaeet,
... ' .. \,-~ ,. \ I & 91
clolheS ~'.fbr mttl::.
ByS~NDIEJOY •. 'Of•OMlf,....IWf Helene Sid el doesn't design her
dresses, skirts and blouses for women.
"I design clothes for men," she said,
"so when men see tbeir women in these
clothes, it's a sale."
Ms. Sidel made her comments during a
showing last week at I. Magnin's South
Coast Plaza store whic'h is carcying her
line for the first time this season.
Karen Obringer, store manager, hailed
the presentation as "an opening day," and
!iaid she has wanted to off er Helene Sidel
clothes for a long time.
Previously, Orange Coast women who
wanted to obtain Ms. Sidel's fashions had
to travel to Beverly fWls to shop.
The New York-based designer's
clothes "are soft and feminine," Ms . Ohr·
inger said, "and can take you from day in-
to evening. You can build an entire
wardrobe around her clothes."
Interchangeability is the key to Ms.
Sidel's spring/summer line.
Her champagne group, which drew
particular attention during the I. Magnin
showing, is a good illustration of ways to
build wardrobe versatility.
The group, including camisoles,
blouses, skirts, slacks and jackets, coun-
terpoints the grainy .surface or silk tussah
with smooth, sinuous silk pongee and
lavish lace. It's aU interchangeable so the
wearer can get any look she wants merely
by switching the pieces around.
The silk linen ''is fabulous for this
area," Ms. Sidel suggested, "great for at-
home or to go out in."
The prices aren't bad, either, she in-
One camisole goes for $70 and another
for $88 while a blouse with long lace
sleeves is $108 and jackets are $86 and $248
and a skirt costs $124.
" ; ' ,.',., ,,
By wearing a ca~isofe with a sftbt and
jacket, a woman can go through the day in-
to an evening social gathering merely by
doffing the jacket for a more formal 100'k.
· . ~· Sidel said she designs ctoiQn that
are "timeless," that don't go out of fashion
alter one season's wear. -h
Givil12 her fashion projections for the '80s , she explained, the newest look in
bottoms is the cuffed trouser and walking
shorts and that the peascpit look in chiffon
is great for this time of year. I
Reinforcing what other fashion tn-
c\U$try. representatives have been saying,
She said, ''The look of the spectator in navy
and white is very important this sea~on ." I
Her comments came as a model
whirled by wearing spectators with a white f
blouson georgette top and white knickers. ,
Drawing attention to the loose cut of
the knickers, Ms. Sidet' exJ?lained, "PTopor-
tion is what fashion is all about these days.
There no longer is one shape or one
length. Any place pants end between the
ankle and the knee is okay. As for skirts, I
like them just grazing the knee or calf for
day and matinee (ankle) length f91" even-
ing." I
Her spring/summer collection lh,cludes
a lot of pants in all shapes from )Yalking
shorts to bermudas and the new buccaneer
cuffed pants, all oC which seem to go nicely
with her Tom Jones blouse.
. The collection is "tastefully. but not w1fdly, colorful," (he designer expla).ned,
wit_h its fair share of classic navy an~
white. magenta, soft toned madras plaids and her favorite, champagne.
. ~or anyone wh_o wants something dis-
tinctively Helene S1del , she drew attention
to the flower blouse noted that it was
becoming her trademark,· adding, "How
anyone wear Helene Sidel and not own a
flower blouse?"
Entertaining fashions
• ' t .,.
Eleven female.. and two male models
danced across the runway at Orange Coast
College's auditorium last week in a dazzl-
ing display of fashion and choreography
billed as Kersena's Fashion Extravaganza.
Kersena is Kersena Londen, a former
high Cashion model, who owns and directs
an academy or arts and beauty in Denver,
but recently relocated to Orange County.
Ms . · L6nden has produced numerous
fashion shows which she says she likes to
turn into dance extravaganzas.
"They are e ntertainme nt with
fashions," she noted.
Her show at Orange Coast College
featured fashions from Brea shops and de-
by a reception and luncheon
at Town and Gown on cam-
Mrs. Marjoria Parker of
Newport Beach, first presi·
dent of the Orange County
league and a graduate of the
school's journalism pro-
gram, said approximately
$3,000 in proceeds from
Tuesday's prosram would
benent USC's libraries.
Deaiens worn by JoAnne
Mix and Janis Chase were
w inners at Damas de
Caridad's Bal Mll-Sque al the
Disneyland Hotel last
Tbe Orange County league,
wblch Mrs. Parker co-
rounded when she moved"'"'·
here from ~ Angeles, is a
select group of approximate-
ly 60 female USC graduates
who must bave been active in
several campus activities
during their on-campus days
and who must attend at least
two or the league's three
meetings each year.
Attendance at Tuesday's
spring benefit was larger and
included more patrons than
ever before , said league
president Mrs . Conrad
Schweitzer. as she welcomed
guests to the Norris Theater
for a panel discussion oo
communications innovations
for the ·~.
The thfrd place Las Flores
trophy wu awarded to Mr&.
Mix for her headdress featur-
ing the theme, "The Great
~i." designed by Helga
~_ofl\aino of Yorba Linda.
Hr11. Mix was sponsored in
the headdress competition by
U\e Disneyland Hotel.
Mrs . Chase's headdress.
theme d "An Egyptian
Classic." took the fourth
place St. Jude award. Her
headdress was designed by
Virgil Andre of Neat Things
and Flowers Too of Balboa.
Sh e was s p o nsor e d by
Polly's Pies
Sandy Skinner wore C1'eation coll«f 'Among My Souvenirs:'
Yak owns floral shops in
Newport Beach, Irvine and Among first-nighters en-
joying champagne and hors
d'oeuvres and chatting with
the director, Kent Johnson,
were Newport Beach Mayor
Jac kie Heather and her
hus band Dr. Loren Heather,
Ruthellen Plummer. and
Joan and Uoyd Winburn.
Featured on the panel were
six use jour n alism
graduates: newscasters Cyn-
thia Allison and Susan Hahn
of KNBC, Los Angeles Times
television editor Aleene
McMinn and staff writer
Ursula Vils. public relations
cons ultant Joan· Patrici a
O'Connor and Jana Waring
Greer, vice president of com·
mun ications for Kaufman
and Broad, a Fortune 500
AmonR Orange Countians
Also in the running was
Sandy Skinner of Newport
Beach, who wore a creation
th e med "Am o n g My
Damas is a support group
for St. Jude's Hos pital in
Among Judges for the
headdress competition was
Shirley Haas of Huntington
Beach, president-elect of the
American Association or
University Women. Ms. Haas
heads the Departme nt of
Vocational Floral Design at
Golden West College.
Victor Yak of Ne wport
Beach, whose grandfather
and rather both worked in the
Southern California floral in-
dustry, also was a judge.
Costa Mesa. --
drive starts
The 1981-'82 membership
drive f'>r the Friends of the
Newport Theater Arts Center
was announced by Patti-Jean
Sampson, president. at a par-
ty March 'Z7 following open-
ing of the group's production
of "God's Favorite."
Tbe announcement was
made during a first.nighters'
party at the theater on Cliff
Drive which had b een
transformed by the evening's
host. Xavier of Xavier 's of
Newport. into a mirrored
dance r oom fill e d with
rlowel) and twinkling lights.
Also attending were
N e wport Beach Parks ,
Beach and Recreation Com-
missioner Kenneth Schwartz
and his wife Kathy. Dorothea
and Linn Sheely. Gerry and
Hank Hastings, Ray and Stan
Cohen, Ors . Brenda
and Matt Ross1 Jane Nigh,
Debbie AUen, Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Whitley, Dr. Stanford
Green, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Camp.
"God's Favorite," a Neil
·simon play. will be staged
weekends through April 18.
'Do we pay for it with our own money?~
When the history of guilt is
written. parents who refuse
their children money will be
right up there in the top 10.
Most of us are sustaining
members of the Sin by In-
dulgence Club. I se r ve -
without pay -as its national
president, having m ade every
mistake in the book.
Nearly every child
psychologist I read said you
should set up an allowance
system that would not only teach
t he basics of savings, but
through work would'give them a
feeling or accomplishment and
personal value.
1 paid my kids to sleep, blow
their noses. breathe in and out,
clean out their cages, pick up
their own towels, go out and
play, get their bicycles out of the
street, keep their feet on the
floor, pass something, and one
New Year's Day offered one of
them a blank check if he would
stop smacking his lips.
By the time the kids hit puber-
ty. they were filthy rich !
Through loans and heavy in-
terest rates, we were able to
borrow from them enough to
make the payments on their
overbites. and send them to
camps where wt gave them a
candy a llowance to rot their
The one thing the psychology
books never pointed out was bow
long it would take to give them
the basics of saving and that
feeling of accomplishment and
pe rsonal value. My children's
first words were. "Do I have to
use my own money?"
I had to get rid or the gullt.
Guilt because 1 got to go to the
hospital for surgery and they
never got to go any place. Guilt
because l bought a new sweater
and they traded theirs for a Bee
Gees album. Guilt because I
went out on Saturday night and
left them home with an overpaid
sitter and $2,000 worth or toys.
The breaking point came when
we knew in our hearts we could
never qualify for welfare as long
as they lived under our roof.
We mad e a s peech ,
''Children," we said, "you won't
understand this now. but some-
day you will. We no longer want
to deprive you of the poverty you
so richly deserve. The Happy
Days Are Here Again Bank of
Prosperity and Living Throueh
Guilt is closed! Money ii aot re-
lated to love. It's only a shallow
substitute. What you really need
is a ton or self-re.s_pect.
Finally one of them said, "Do
we pay for it w~th our own
We smiled, "It's the only way
you can buy it."
Sagittarius: Basic • issues are
By Sydney Omarr
Monday, Aprtl I , 1981
ARIES (Mar. 21 -Apr. 19):
Money tree could be growing in
your backyard. Fo c us on
finances, personal possessions
and protection of valuables. You
locate what had been tost, miss-
inc or stolen. Gem,ni, Sagit-
tarius, Vlr'to persons play key
TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20):
You'IJ be tested. questions will
be asked and oircu~tances will
turn ill your favo _ Accent on
special .ppearan 1 peraonall·
ty, initiative, oriclnalltt aAd
ability to •xpre11 1,eunp iu
dynamtc, srapbic maaaer. GE~ Olay D·lune JO):
Your s~fal tal..... 1bWtlel
•utce to lorefl"Oll~~ receive ln.yttlatloa from tiatoua or·
JM\iHUoa. 8artttuilla. Vb'IO and another VIreo ftcur• pro.
mlPentlJ. Reapond ta po.ttln
m•nner to; oppottunlty tor clnn arl&-"'1~ AJCmr ( ~·JUIJ 22);
8 ala-tr=m II IUC• ctf~I • l'oeua • p P•r, •re •t .. • and
p rcenta1• deal•, F.1mll1 m'mbet to~pente1 •. 1eekl am=-muet •ltnlllcant e .j'9 a~ win·
II I lJ .... plct ... ao <J!ib. •Aue. 21>; GoaJ ll
within reach ; key is to be
per ceptive and to avoid self-
deception. Accent on career.
prestige, communication with
"authority figure." Techniques
will be perfected. You'll be rid
of superfluous material. BMi.ld!
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Get into production -chedc
locations, perceive potentia,,
open lines or commu.nlcaUon.
Cancer, Capricorn peraQDI play
important roles. RelatlonlbJp tn·
tensities: older individual
becomes vaJ~able ally. Accept
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Check credit ratings. Refuse to
be tesponsible for deadbeats.
Sto,1? hanging on to past -take
cold plunge into future.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ):
Opportunity exists for new, in-
vigorating associations. Special
emphasis on legal documents,
agreements and renewed
negotiations. Leo, Aries, Sagit-
tarius persons play important
roles. Do plenty of listening as
others express controversial
SAGl1TARIUS <Nov. 22-De<:.
21): Focus on b~ic issues, de-
tails, services which ease your
way toward major goal. Teach,
learn, come to terms with fami-
ly member who is concerned
about security. Cancer,
Capricorn, Aquarius persons
fi1"1re prominenUy.
CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·Jan.
19) : Personal ma1netlsm soan;
social activity accelerates. Ac-
cent on children, speculation, a
variety of sensations and ability
to express self in creative man·
ne r . Romance revives aspira-
tions, lends spice to life.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb.
18): .Emphasis on selectivity,
ability to sweep aside red tape
and valid opportunity to collect
quality material. Scorpio,
Tauru.f and another\ Aquariaa
play impori.nt roles. Transac-
tion, lOlll delayed, can now be
succesaf\llly colD&>leted.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20):
Many penoos aeem to re1ard
you u "means of transport•·
tio.n." Messacea, calla, 1bort
trips dot atenda. Member of op-
posite sex pays meaninlful com-
• I
l{oy;al rites gest list see~~t
· r • 4 ·J • ' ~ \ • 81~1 SL •RM' nounced but few other detmill s~ ftrmly SatWday • \• ..._..._.--have emeried since Queen Presldlllt RH u Jum the LONOON .-. nvttaUona to the Ellubetb II luued the lone· ,un and told ~rim• =•ter 1uammer weddlnt of Prince anUclpMed eqaaement announ-J1ar1aret 'thatcher at a recent
c-.•rlH and Lad~ Dlana cement Im me.th Amoq the Wbite HOUH baaquet Utat be
Spence!' are the m01t c:ov.ted in m~....-.. tile 1'.mes ol the wu aun be'd ~-a ln· t ... CO\llllrJ' •cl Bucktqbam belt ... IM_.. GI bonor. vitatiall. ''No n bana•t. •• COi'· Pata8 11 ~ tta_.-i lilt Tu':~ .,.. ..... IQ neted ftnt llldr.ttlnfr:11..,an
at CloMlt II tJle erowtiJftlll. WMD~" ~ f1f ltate ,..._ bet.N dia NMIDbled Ctowd of
The '2,Year.oid belr to UM n1 hr, dll•ltarl~• aad dlp .. •111·
BritJ,lh ttitone ud la• 1'-1MI':· eel•brttiel ca apect tbe ~ltd Tia• 11raah Brltl1b tat»lold old flancee wlll marry Julf' •at tnYM...-eo drop tlU'oucb uae ..... .,.._ "Tb• Sun" 1ald lfn.
St. Paul's Catbedul, • few maii;.c;l •••1• w• "IO aun tUt abe weeks after Lady Dia11a'1 aot.b • aad her bUlband Will set M In·
bltthday. · • l canncit hJ who la tnvttid or vltattori t.bat the bu aare.-or·
The clreumakera for ttM royal when tbe lnvitatlou wW It.art dered a 1lftt1 -a ptMe of
bridal gown have been H· 1otn1... • palace apokHman porcelain.
JoAnne Mir's headgear waa themed 'The Great Waltz.'
Just saying sorry
may rwt be enough
recent letter someone asked
what to say to friends who have
lost a child. You answered: Jusl
say, "I'm sorry."
Actually, they can say more
th~n that. I hope you will find
room in your column for some
specific "do's" and "don'ts" for
people who want to help
bereaved parents.
I am ' chapter lead of one of
the 224 chapters of Com-
passionate Friends, the or-
ganization you recommended.
Thank you for t :>lllng the world
about us. -BLEN THERE IN
Dear Moalca: Here are die ~
"do'• aJMI "doa'&a." I eppreclate
tlle opportualty &o paa1 die word.
anything that implies a Jll4·
meat about their feelings.
Don't avoid mentioning Ute
cblld'• name for fear of rembld-
lag tbem of their 10111. <Tiie)'
bavea•t forgotten It!)
Don't point out tbat at le-
t bey bave other cblldre9.
111 lllllll
<Cblldrea are not lJRerd•US•I·
ble. One caanot replate
' Doa't .. ,:. "YM CH .... ,.
bave ....,. clllht." <Ene ti
tlley waaCed. to aad ~··· uo&Jler c:lalld wW.ld ao& He
die clalld taey a.t. >
Doa't make commeata a.lt
••Hetll &Ille care la tile em~
ey room, lloepl&al •r wltemtt
waa laadeqHte. Pareab ~ alwa11 ....... by , .......
dHb& and ••ll&, l'a•UJ Irle.., lllMhl be e....i.J llM
..,. .... " ... M. -~ ....... •1 Lee 8et1•ldt, Pare a.rea.e.-0.Weaell,
•..aea, c.11. <Pum••• •1 c •• ,......... .., ...... ~ •.•.
... I.MT, 0 .. a..-, W. tela).
(Mated by AM L&Hen>
I I c
Min Hctney
Min Holden-Mr. Moorehouu
Allison Holden of Costa Mesa and Patrick
Moorhouse of Huntington Beach have an-
nounced their engagement.
The future bride, daughter of Mrs. D. Davis
and Mr. J . Bradley of Costa Mesa, graduated
from Costa Mesa High School.
The future groom, son of Mrs. D. Acton and
Mt. V. Moorhouse of Huntington Beach, was
graduated from Edison High School and Orange
Coast College.
The wedd{ng will be held in Christ
Methodist Church, Costa Mesa.
HoUy Ann Simpson of Newport Beach and
Gerard Joseph Wooters of Newport Beach are
engaged to be married.
The bride-elect, daughter of Mrs. Patricia
L. Simpson and Harold E. Slmpson of Newport
Bhch. is a graduate of Newport Harbor High
School and attended San Diego Slate University.
The future groom, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerard Wooters of Newport Beach, was
graduated from Newport Harbor High School
arid Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
The wedding will be held in Christ Church
by the Sea in Balboa.
The brlde·elect
dau1hter of Joe 4nd
J:mylu Correla 'of
hllOower, attended Cer·
ritos CoUe1e.
The future 1room, IOD
of Mr. and Mrs. Jaelt
Hincbliffe of New
Hampsblr'e , la a
1raduate of Pembroke
A May weddin1 la planned ln Laguna
Miu Simona-Mr May
Kathryn Simons of San Marino and Gregory
May of Newport Beach are engaged lo be mar-
The future bride, daughter of Bill and
Barbara Simons of San Marino, was graduated
from San Marino High School and the Universi-
ty of Southern California where she was affiliat-
ed with Pi Beta Phi.
The future bridegroom, son of BilJ and
Kathleen May of lrvlne, graduated from Corona
del Mar High School and the University of
Southern California where he was affiliated
with Sigma Nu Fraternity.
A June wedding is planned in the San
MarinoCoipmunity Church.
Lynn Piersante of Santa Ana and Tom
Kirby of Huntington Beach have announced
their engagement.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr.' and
Mrs. James Piersante. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton
Kirby of Montrose, Colorado are the parents of
the future "room.
The wedding will be held in St. Joachim's
Church. Costa Mesa.
Denlle Ann N..,..comb
ol Corona del Mar and Steven P . Zanto1 of
Garden Grove are
en1.,ed to be married.
Tbe future bride,
dau1hter of Mr. and
Mr1. Renfroe. 1'ewcomb
of Corona del Mar, waa
1raduated trom Corona
del Mar Hith School ucl
Westmont CoUe1e ln San·
ta Barbara.
Zant.a., son of Mr. and
Jin. Peter J . Zantoa of
Garden Grove, attended
Cypress Junior C0Ue1e.
A weddin1 ia planned ""'. ....~ ....
ln Sherman Gardens in Corona del Mar. ..:.i.rw.1.it:3n~~"-'
Mi&1 Newcomb
Miss Hollenbeck-Mr. McCullough
Christy Cal}'lile Hollenbeck of Newport
Beach and Mich,el Brian McCullough of Corona
del Mar are engaged to be married.
The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hollenbeck of Newport Beach was
graduated from Newport Harbor High ~hoot and
Orange Coast College.
The future groom, son of Laverne
McCullough of Corona del Mar and Brian R.
McCullough of Mission Viejo, is a graduate of
Mission Viejo High School and Arizona State
University, Tempe.
A June wedding is planned in St. James
Episcopal Church, Newport Beach.
Lynn V. Emery of Newport Beach and
Michael Bailey of Columbia, Md. and have an-
nounced their eQgagem ent.
The bride-elect. d4ughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Emery of Newport Beach, was
graduated from Corona del Mar High SchoOrand
attended Orange Coast College and UCLA.
The future ~room. son or Mr. and Mrs. James
Bailey of Columbia, Md. was graduated from
Oakland Mills High School in Columbia and
Catonsville College, Towsend, Md.
The wedding will be held in Columbia.
Md. in October.
Cigarettes ·bad for heart and lungs
By Peter J. Stelncrob.a, M.D.
DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I'm looking for
sU1Uatics regarding the effect of tobacco on
h•art and lungs. I happen to smoke three packs
a day, I am 38 and have been doing so for years.
The reason for my special interest is that no
olle in my family has ever had any lung trouble.
Nbt to much as an occasional cough. An uncle
bid heart trouble. He smoked. My father who is 10 li a healthy specimen. He never smoked.
~ow that brings me down to me. With that
kllld of family history, It's unlikely isn't it that
I'll ever have emphysema even though I smoke 'u much? And as regards heart attack, with so I Ue history of heart trouble in my family , the
c ances of that aren't likely either.
J suppose I'm looking for excuses. I'm •ra-
tt•nal.Wng so I can keep on smoking as much u
I Jiave. In view of my 1ood heredity, what are ntr chances for getting Lnto trouble'! -MR. E.
OEAll MR. E.: Heredl&y la lmponaat. B•&
b • lablu (a way of life &Jaa& &Jawmb9 l&a DOH a& •'* and lu11> are, I U.lak, eftetl mere lmpor· t< to coulder &baa laeredll)'.
I've bowa pa&le•ll wt&Ja poor berffl&y wllo ~ •• aeulbly aad loa1. Odten, wllll Sood
ndl&y, died la tllelr "9 ud ... beeaue Uley a beea eommlW.1 alew lldckle ever llle
1•ara. .
I'm llCM preacllla1, Mr. E . .Jut telltill It aa ll
l11 layoarcaae,be&terllolrelf•~y. ln1-
ges& you qull 1mokln1. Not easy for• &hree-p•ck-
a-day smoker, bu¬lmpoaalble.
Regarding your request for llattadca, tile
following wUJ Interest you: At a recent news co•-
feremce llleld by &Jae Amertcu Medical Asaoci•·
tloa, l&lpresldell&, Tbomaa N. James, M.D., said:
"aiare&&e amoldag is twice u bad a rltk
for fa&al bean dlaeue aa for cancer, and la In·
depeadent ol other risks.
"Tiie rtat from smoking ls sttll 1rea&er la
people wile atready llave MP blood preuare, JaJp Wood cbolestvot, diabetes or any comblaa-
tlon ol &beae rtlb. ••
MEDICALETl'ES (Replies to and from re.
on heartburn was helpful ln my cue. Cutting
out peppermint candy after meals helped
Occasionally I had to take an antacid
table. Is it all riaht to late tbe&e u often aa
necessary? For example, qoce every two or
three days? -MRS. K.
DEA& Mas. K .: As I reeall, I explabted
U.at ltea.rUNn la eaued by a refta 91 fMd ud
acid Into tbe HOpb•gua became &be valve at the
lower eed ol &be gllllet doesn't function well.
In acldltJoe &o wba& I've suggested for over-
coml.Dg beartb•ra, llere are some aa11eatlons
by Gordoll McBardy, M.D., cllalca1 professor of
medldne a& Loalalana Stale Unlvenl&y Medlcal
Center la New Orleans: alt or stand erect after
meals; sleep wl&Ja bat&ocka and llead elevated.
Avoid tip& panty girdles or elastic binders. Try
to avoid chocolate, peppermln&, caffelne-
contalnlng beverages. Cu& dowd on or qui&
Some&lmee fr•U Juices can accentuate
symp&oma became ~Y Irritate a suc:eptlble .
esophageal Uata1. In ualD1 antaclcb, try &o take
&hem abortly ahead of Wiien JaeartbllJ'D ••ually
Aataelda atlU remJLD tile namber oae cllolce
of &herapy. Mn. K. Tallt.1 OM or hro every day
(or la Uqllkl form) for .a wlalle la a reuoaable way
Emphf/um4 rar1l11 attockl ~JI. TMrt i1
UIVGUJI a htat~ of uwrat coldi and o Cotfflh that
ha.I bun hangfno on /or J11Gn, q• Dr. Stftncrohn i'J
hU booldd, "Emphf/1mio: HOID To Live With It.''
For a "OfJll writ• him at thf.I 1W1D1J10Pfr nc:loling 50
Dr. St1incrohn totlcomH qu11Uon1 from
rlOUn. Hi cannot Cl"'1N1' oil~ hi toiU ift.
clua thoN of~ tntn•lt a. IU cohmm.
Dana Belinda Howes
of San M arhao and
William Charles An·
deraon of Newport
hacb have announced
their plane to wed. .
The bride-el,ct,
daughter of Mr .. .and
Mrs.'Durward Howat Ill
of San Marino Is a
1raduate of the
University of Sout~ern
Callfoml•i The future groom, aon
ol Mr. and Mrs. Robert
E . Andenon of Newport
Beach, waa graduate.d
from Corona d.el Mar
High School and USC.
A June wedding wlU
be held In All Saints
Episcopal Ch urch ,
Mr. Daw -Miss Johnson
Jana Johnson of Newport Beach and James
R. Davis of Corona del Mar are engaged to be
The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne L. Johnson of Newport graduated from
Corona del Mar High School and Orange Coast
The future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ashton Davis of Newport Beach is a graduate of
Corona del Mar High School.
The wedding will be held in the Community
Congregational Church, Corona del Mar.
The wedding picture
. Consuelo Terrado and Thomas Aycock, both
of Santa Ana, were married ln St. John the Bap-
tist Church of Costa Mesa.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Terrado or Santa Ana, was graduated rrw. ,the
Manuel L. Quezon University in the PhllJppines.
She is employed by Braxton Manufact\,lrin&(fo1 of California. , t:'
The groqm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tq\D.m>i
Aycock of Santa Fe Springs, was g~adi,t~l
ed from Santa Fe Springs Hi1h &hoot and. ~a!
State, Long Beach. He works for tt.~ C,.qfof;}}iit
Youth Authority. '"
Tbe couple plan to live ln Santa Ana aft•r !t,
lrip to ManzanJUo, Mexico. · •
UPHOLSTHY ...................
lfH ftMIC)l 11.YD.
COST~Ml.S4-'4 .. 1 IM
. . ;
l . .
. . .
ti "
., "liil~MY JOHNBON ....,..,._ ... ..,
• ...,._, •• a compe&Jlft1· UtUes ftnt 1ro-CIP arot.dway tar JOHph , ii about
y w t.Unc by Second Stal • encea ~wlllen the final curtlaafllls on "Alhet"
runs trom April 8 t*ouah April 26 -tt will to an end the second succeasfw seuon for
Cout Repertory's expanded repertoire of
P19· . d "'h · ecoed Stage, ofteq conside ' e ex· ~ 1e1 of SCR, is la sboweaae for con·
Je~porary aAd new American plays, but ta not
necessarily .... experimental.
I With a play such as "Ashes" tnnovatJon ls
more the word than experimental. 1'.be play bas
A tale of atrength through fruatratlon
been tried In the toughest of markets,
Broadway, and a pair of expertenced actors
have been brought in to play the leads.
WRITTEN BY DAVID Rudkin, "Ashes"
will co-star Dean Santoro. a 1970 Tony Awa~d
winner for his Broadway perfor1Dance 10
"Borstal Boy." and Marnie Mosiman, who was
with the national touring company of
·'Godspell. .. Irene Roseen and Don Tuc~e. both
of SCR's resident actmg company, will hold
down multiple roles. Lee Shallat ls directing.
According to David Em mes. one of the
founders and artistic director or SCR, the
purpose of Second Stage is to ~roduce . new
American plays and develop Amencao wnters.
It also offers actors more work and a broader
range of roles
Second Stage has been a success Jn that it
ha s provided work for the performing
craftsman and has not taken away from the
main stage at SCR
•'WE ENC'OU RAGE subscription to Sfocond
Stage." Em mes said. "That .. along with single
ticket sales. has made 1t possible and the small
stage has not drained from t he large stage."
However, with President Reagan's pro-
posed cuts in the nat 1onal endowment to the
performing arts. there 1s some concern.
"The national endowment fund plays a big
role in experimental stagE'." Em mes Pointed
out "but no art institution should Ix-come total-
ly dependent on it It s hould l'e'present only five
percent of a_ny art msl1tute's budg-::_ _ _ _
. THE.
110 ,_Sil$ ACCLrrlO fOll Tllll LIGltlMLU
t ·~ IJl'GPOIM .,._.llet could alt.ct Second
n Sace 1inc1 otber etMlei-"Ors slmllar to the Second
ta1e. It mt1ht mak• 1ome institutions puU back
an.t Clo o.lt the tried •Dd true stulf and not the
...t experiment.!. • •
"Wa'll all have W t\'hten OWi belts ao to
speak, but. I don't thl•~ we should abandon the
new lhln1s ln our bus._1. With our larce sub·
scrlpUon foll0Wia1, SOit ts on prett)l aolld tlnan·
clal around ... . ' P mTING FINANCES ASIDE, Emmes ex-
plained that 54!cond Sta,e _. a natural place
to explore and encounter new experiences ln the
the a~~ • ,
"We are beginning to experience an in-
crease in the subm1as1on of new works from ma-
jor New York agents," he said. "And as a result
of our commitlment to do new works, we send r our literary-manager east to Waterford, Conn.
where new plays are done.
"He has made contact there and we are get-
ting a better quality of play. We also have our
own playwright unit ln the theater,'· Em mes con.
tinued. "Of course we can't compete on the
Broadway levJll, but we can develop and iden-
tify playwrights in our own a rea. And we will
conllnue to do this."
Although "Ashes " has been tried on
Broadway and the New York Shakespeare
Festival in association with the Manhattan
Theatre Club. it is relatively new and leaves
lots of room for experiment and Innovation.
IT IS A HUMAN drama of a couple strug-
gling to fulfill a dream of ~aving a baby. Their
hope is denied, but from the " Ashes" of one dis-
appointment after another they develop the
strenitb to endure.
lt is a story much like that of t~e birth of
SCR and Second Stage. From an idea, a sla·
lion wagon, $17 and a bunch of costumes, South
Coast Repertory was formed in 1964.
After a summer In Long Beach. Emmes
and Martin Benson. the other artistic director.
moved their rag-tagged acting company to
Orange County, touring the county in a produc-
tion of Tartuffe. finally settling on the NewPort
Beach waterh'ont.
The company remained there for two
seasons before moving into a variety store on
Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa, then moving
to its present location in November of 1978
The following year SCR gave birth to a new
baby -a child named Second Stage
The mother and baby are Cin_e. __
A IO£l!T C1W!l'(JP · IRW!N W!lOO.£R l'!OlOCIUI
UIA llAllT1tl~ l'ICl'llRE
~riHB ~
T~':K~D T~ 581 -5880
edwards WESTBROOK .~i;::,:, 530 un1 ·~ ...,.. "'"t'tV
edwards BRISTOL tlNEMA
fAllAHCA lAJf()f CUlY .. 551 0655 -••uo ~~A Jwn • ......
~~r!l~ -·-
•COl~ Bl'<~UlllU-ll.a.H
0# . '.:(::::"' (!) "·"',. PLUS
"TRIBUTE" .... ,_,, ...... -.
-.-. .. .
WORKING" ''°' ~ --l!l
JI""" L&Wll
As timely toda)
•• rhr Jay it wa• wriucn.
', .. , \41111"4"' ll ••'"'"' ...... A ROMAN POLANSKI flLt.t ''T™"
.... ,., .. " n GERARD BRACH ROMA.IS 1'01.AN,l\I ~"'''llf'> Utt "-1\A~!!~ .. ~~~~;.?i~~ ., ''"'""""'"'.'"
"'"'"''"'""" "' GEOFFREY U Nt;WOR fH ,... Glll"LAINCLOOUET,.~
,., ... \ , .. , ..... ". PIERRE (.L ff'R()Y
""""'''~"'·'"'"'ANTHONY POWFI L "'' '"' l'lllLll'Pf l>ARl>l
"' '"''' ,.., •• , •• PIERREGRUNSTEIN "''"'""',••TIMOTHY OLIRRI •·~•••" "''"' •••JEAN-l'lf:RRF RAS!>A\t ,...,,. "'"' L'LAl'Of llt:.llR
'""""''"'ROMAN POLAl""Kl ··---· ...... -,._ ·-' ...... __ .... , __ ... "' ...
edwards NEWPORT
a&:WroaT 0 CJ:Jm:JI. 644·0760
.;"":~, 891 -3935
\AM DllGO fWY. TO 495 6220 CIOWM YAUH rT'WM • .. .. , co • t C>elM\004\
,L,,"I 'l'l\I ~I\ ;,,
1•"'1"4\IHJM:-f .r ~ ~i¥~.:~1
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SAT ~UN 1 >O J M. I ti .... , ...
·-··...-.·-OOH•Ul -
. . (!)
• PLUS (R)
Of'ange Coast DAILY P9LOT/Sunday, Aprll 6. 1981
juven~le back ~ on Broadway
N&W YOU <AP) -lt'a trlidhiGe1I for New
wk MWln to denounce LOI Aapl9I 11 a bamlet
llaam 8DCI pl11Uc1 a place_...,. .-.....tb all
t ...,. tiDMl you tlnd Nat UaMI. "O! Rlcbard
"You will not ftnd
.udft New Yorker rl lDI about L.A . .''
tJte 2'-yeat-old IC• • kDown to the na*9 ftve yeltl aa Gle
eaaitlve , poetr1·
lUn1 John·Boy of
U' "Tbe Waltona."
1 .. You can ba"e the tlc:eat life out tbere,
tarUcularly lf you like "e outdoors u I do. I love New York, but
ven when I'm outside
ere I always feel as If
'm in a bit room."
He aat at breakfast, RICHAN> THOMAS
1nunching oo a \
trolsspt. "But I've never really felt t.be need to pet one place against the other."
A GOOD IDEA. Pa~arly since he'll be
here through June maybe longer. He's atarrin« as the war-cnppled Vietnam vet, Ken Tally, in Lan·
ford Wilson's "Fifth of July" on Broadway. He succeeds Christopher Reeve int.be role.
Thomas is the second "Waltons" graduate to
return to the stage here, the other being Ralph
Waite, who played bis father lo the series and now
POH I Wmt SU9-T11\.H
• 290~ c eo... ...... 1 NOW -... YING n 9i Cooon.t °"' ....... 673 .. 290 F"l.ft •
P' ,
,,--U\CAIE ~
Bi DI Undltl Amata ....
I'll«) ... --·-'79"·-----,...--.-.. -.-NT
CIST& •SA ma •M·PAll ll Tiit Busto! UA Mo.,ts Lincoln 011vt·ln ~ddleback
1m 154074U 1710990 4022 (714)821'070 171415815480
llllTIIC1• •Kl llNl llMCl WlST.mtl td•wds lwon Woodb11d~ I Contdomt Cinema West
17141848 0388 (714l m om mom 2m <714> 891 ·3935
NO p~e ACC1!19T90 l'OR TMf8 eNGAG«MeNT
. l IDT PICW Of' .,. YIAA I
Im DIMCfCM r\obefr Redford . .. ""'°""• ~ Tlmottlt ti.men -llST SCNIMllAY ADAPT ATIOM Alvin Sargenr
atara ID 9triDd ·a "Tbe J'ather" at tbe Clr~l• ID · tbe ScaUre.
Llke Waite, the blood·balred, boyilb·lookln1
actor ii no 1tran1er to Broadway. He mede bla d•
but there at aa49 •1, playin1 a aon ot Franklln D. Rooeevelt ID "SUbrlle at Campobello."
York I wu a Juvenile," says Thomu. laat here 14
years 110 in Edward Albee'• "l:veeytbln1 ln the
Gardea.'' "Now I'm an •Cini Juvenile. But lt'a
lood to be back ...
He allowed u bow It'll be even better when b1a
wife, Alma, and their '~·year.old aon, Richard
(the fifth In line or Richard Tbomuea) join blm.
He and his family Uve quietly ln Loa An1elea,
far from the SUnset Strip and the Hollywood ram·
ble, lo a pleaaant, tree·Uned area known aa t,,os Felli. Their house la juat a abort way froJQ an old
Spanlsb-1tyle mansion W .C. Fields once owned.
Thomas' idea of whoopee la to aWdy Chinese,
putter in bis garden or listen to opera or record·
ings of jau singers 11.lte Sylvia Syms and Blossom
BOre BIS PARENTS once were dancers, first
in Cuba, then wlth the New York City Ballet. He
took up theater at the ripe old age of 8, ainl(lDI( "You Gotta Have Heart" in a production of "Damn
·'That was m y brief but Wleventful career in
musical comedy," says Thomas, who toddled into
drama with "Campobello" and bas been at It ever since, mosUy in TV but also on stage and in
a few rums.
"To be on stage was very natural for me . .My
aptitude for acting showed early, I guess, so my
•1t11 TW(HTIE'ft< Cf.NTURY-#011 ~,.
• ~""-"it. -IMA "-All ....... YIUO "'"' FOUllTA .. •Aun ......... 1111 529-5339 Mluion ViljO 830-6990 Foun~•n v1•ley 962 2ca1
ll!IW ..... llWPOaT U 11'11 C..... ~ Of1119t S3H553
llfWPO'l llNcll "4·0760 Wtslminstlr "3·, ~
IO 'AllU acc:tPTD fCM TIMI lllU8llla1'
parents encour•1ed me. And I had a 1ood Ume ~ In• It," be aald.
~ t)'8'f.DI ADd after bla "Waltoae" da1$, he's
lllottly baled himself In TV movies, makJns
1bow1 Wee the "Root." 1equal, "The SU.nee" and
relllak• ol two war.movie cluslcs, "Tbe Red
Badp ot Cou.race'' and •·All Quiet on UM Western
8VT HE'S NOT NltGLECl'ED tbe ata.e. 1n
Loa-AQleles, he's done Kaufm1M aod Connelly'•
"Merton ot the Movtea " Shaw'• "St. Joao" and David Babe's Vietnam drama, •·•t;treainen."
And laat year, before atartlq rebeanala for
CBS' "Tbe Berlin Tunnel," be played tbe bed.rid·
den, permanently crippled hero of "Whose Llfe la
It Anyway?" in summer stock. '
Actors ln a Ions-running aeries orten vow
they'll leave It, claim they've gotten tired or lt,
want to do new tbln1s. They rarely leave. It's part
or their annual campaign for a hefty pay increase.
They know that if they stay put for 1jx, seven
years, they'll make enou1h from the seriea, its re·
runs and overseas sales to be fiscally well-off tor
life. "I happen to be in a profession where lf
I'm successful I can make a lot of money. That's
all well and good, but . . . " He grins and sighs.
"What can I say? I'm doing what I want to do.
"I would not be happy mak:lnJ mountains of
money in the 10th year of my series."
Unlike some actors in a lona·run bit, he didn't
flnd the process of lea ving emotionally trying.
"The break wasn't difficult," be says. "My
contract was for five years. I certainly had no in-
tention of getting out of my contract, but I also had
no intention of staying longer."
5'9UYll8 ~cm.if ~ -·-~~ ---NOW SHOWING----•u •cam •u llY1lf ms. ft• • IUICl Brea Plaza Edwards Cinema Woodb11dge Cinema V1e10 Calledome
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Giulia P uo, at ript, tbe
youn• New York actre11.
moat recently seen la tbe
BroaClwa=YivaJ of "Tbe WlDalOw ,'' bu her tint"
major tel slGD role when
she plays tM Wife ol Eleazar,
leader ~ tll'e leaJota, 'the ABC's ei1ht·bour presedt\·
tion of "Masade."
Peter Strabs plays that
le• In this historic tale of
a baPd of patriots· ready to
face aoy fate rather tban
shame and slavery. The
"ABC Novel tor Television,"
airs tonight through Wednes· day from 9 to 11 p.m.
''I was at home in New
York after I got the role,''
she recalls, "and one day the
telephone rang. A voice said,
'Is this Giulia Pagano?' I
said, 'yes,' and he said, 'If I
told you this was your rebel
husband, would you know
who that was?' And I said,
'Peter Strauss.'
"It was such a nice thing to
do ; he was in New York and
wanted to meet me. He filled
me in on what making mov-
ies is all about, and he's been
so nice to me I cannot tell
• LOS ANGELES <AP) -Angie Dickinson,
with a well.earned reputation for candor and
lack of pretension, is returning to the grind of
weekly television. Sbe says she's doln1 it to
"keep alive."
She admits that the long hours and tiring
work of ''Police Woman" contributed to the
breakup of her marriage to composer Burt
Bacharach. But she wlll be back on NBC in the
fall in a new comedy series because the
_prolongation of her career demands it.
"1.F I COULD DO JUST two terrific
pictures a year I might not do a series," she
says. "But I know I can't."
She was in the hit ABC miniseries "Pearl"
two years ago. Her last film hit was "Dressed to
Kill," more than a year ago. For that director
Brian De Palma insisted on a double for her
nude scenes.
"I'm not in my prime. as far as the
30-year-old leading lady. that I can get any
part," says Miss Dickinson, who in her late 40s
still exudes a sexy allure.
·'I don't want to just play mothers . Sorry.
The Katharine Hepburn parts aren't being
written any more, and if they are written, Jane
Fonda gels them."
airy home where she lives with her 14-year-old
daughter, Nikki, worries that many of her
Angle Olcklnaon regrets lack of movie•
movies pass unnoticed.
She says, "I made four pictures and I'd go
through the lint at the s upermarket and the
clerk says, 'Well, we miss you. Why aren't you
workil')g?' I'd been working my tail ofl and
nobody sees the picture
"So to be seen a lot you'd better make two
pictures a year that are blockbusters, but they
all can't be. So what do you do? 'Dressed To
Kill' did well, but that was a year-and·a-half
"WHEN AM I GOING TO get another? I
don't have one. That's the point. I can't do a
'Dressed To Kill' every four years and keep my
fame. So I feel doing a series is just one way to
keep aJive."
Patter in 'Chapter Two' delicious
Miss Dickinson will also be seen Thursday,
in "Dial M for Murder," a thriller that should
command some attention. She plays a wealthy
American woman targeted for murder in
London by her Britis h husband in an NBC
remake of the 1954 Alfred Hitchcock film.
She has the Grace Kelly role. It also stars
Christophe r Plummer as her husband, Anthony
Quayle as the detective and Michael Parks as
her boyfriend.
Ol llM OallJ "llet SUft
It should be easy to tire of Neil Simon. How
many lines like "I faint all the time; it's the
only thing that relaxes me" or "I thought I bad
food poisoning; all the time it's a mild case of
ecstasy" can we take? Particularly when they
hit us at the rate of one or two per minute.
Simon 1s a little like Shakespeare in that if
it isn't good it's a disaster. Bad Simon is bad
theate r. It takes more than a modicum of talent
to keep his patter fres h and relevant. Of course,
he writes great material and, properly
performed, Neil Simon plays are a treat.
Fortunately for those of us who enjoy
laughter with our meals, the Harlequin Dinner
Playhouse rendition of Simon's "Chapter Two"
is as good as it's black walnut cake.
Thomas White, m aking his directorial debut
at the Harlequin, has assembled a crackerjack
cas t for this presentation of what may be
Simon's fines t effort. They almost make us
believe that, somewhere, people really talk like
"Chapter Two" concerns a grief.stricken
widower and embittered divorcee who, despite
their respectiv'e pledges to go it alone for
awhile, are caught up in a tornado of a
romance. Once they wed, however, it aU turns
strangely sour and their balloon bursts with the
biggest pop since Hiroshima.
H.M. Wynant plays George, the widowed
author, a man with an arrogant wit and the sup·
pressed soul of a lO·year-old. His emergence
from the veil of remorse, his brief ride on the
runaway trolley of love and his sudden plunge
into outwardly-directed self-hatred comes off
without a hitch. What's more, Wynant Look8
likes Simon's George. He's ideal for the role.
Belter still is Lisa Robinson as Jennie, the
enthusiastic object of George's passion. Ms.
Robinson makes it easy to understand why
George would fall for her. Any of us would.
tncludlne BEST ACTOR
Call 642-5678. ~~-NOWPLAYJNG ~~-
Put a few words
to work tor ou.
com 1111'.SJ (l THO "ID(• 'IOYt llYlll( lllAU(
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In the supporting roles, Art Koustik plays
{,eorge•s womanizing brother and Patti Colom·
bo is Jenn.-·s loyal and lonely friend. Koustik
1s very good and Ms. Colombo is good, if not
AU io all , it's a sohd crew. And a very funny play.
Producer and Harlequin-owner Al Hampton
has added a bit of pre-show entertainment:
himself. Hampton appears for a 1!>-minute sing·
ing stint before the opening scene. He's pretty
good, too, though fans of "Saturday Night Live"
must find it impossible to watch Hampton's act
without recalling Bill Murray's series of lounge-
singer send-ups. Somehow, we kept expecting
him to burst into "Star Wars, nothing but star wars ... "
"Chapter Two" runs through May 3. Adult
prices are $20 for Saturday nights, $18 Fridays,
$16 weeknights and Sundays. A Sunday brunch
costs SlJ for adults, $9 for kids.
She behevei:. "Dressed To Kill" figured in
her selection for the role "But also not too
m any women are on the Q hst," she says.
That's the s uper-secret list which rates the
audience appeal of every star
"I BEAD THE OTHER day that there are
no women in the top 20," Miss Dickinson says.
"I'd be willing to bet against that. I think I'm in
the top l~ and ·Poli ce Woman' had a lot to do
with it ·Police Woma n' changeJ m y life "
S he credits the series. telecast on NBC from
1974 ·76. with boosting he r "international
acceptance" it was s hown in 47 countries -
and raising her from ''known actress" to star.
"I haven't traveled that much, but I went to
Tahiti for instance, for ·overboard,' and people
everywhere called 'Ser -geant Ander-son'!'' she
· John Boonnan's "EXCAUBUR"
Nigel Terry· Helen Mirren • Nicholas Clay• Cherie Lunghi ·Paul Geoffrey w Nicol Williamson
Executive' Producers Edgar F. Gross.,.,. Robert A. Eiaenstrin• IMected •"'Produced i.y Jphn Boonnan
Screenplay 1oy Rospo Pallenberg _. John Boonnan !Kg• <>._j Adapted from Malory's Le Morte Darthur i.y Rospo P~llenberg
" ~&!-T«hnlc:olM' STARTS FRIDAY 'APRIL 10th c .... o.-, ....... c_ ~u.,...-.......
f;1 r ~ll :zl ~ '. ' -1 ......-,,. II I •'t: I
~1 11,1 ..
~ ~
Orange Coaat OAt~Y PILOT/8Uriday. Apttl 5, 1181
Butler Housing Is 0Cferin1 a special low-
interest rate financlne program to Sandcastle
bomebuyers at Newport Beach. A. 124'1 percent in-
terest rate -amorllled over a 30-yeu period -ii
due and payable ln three years. SandcasUe buyers
may refinance at any time dwine the three year
time frame with no rrepayment penalty. It, for ex-
ample, conventiona rates fell below the 12~ per-
ceht, the buyer may elect to take advantage of a
lower rate at that time. A 10 percent down pay-
ment plan accompanies the financing program.
Prices start at Sl69,980.
Sandcastle homebuyers have the convenience
of an oq-site decorator center operated by
Colorand 'torp. as well as professional interior de-
sign consultation by award-winning interior de-
signer, Lois Harding.
with two f\a&I balha, and -.. available in upper or
lower ltte(_ rl.u. .
Prices al Canyon Potate ranae from SUS,990 to
S181>,•, With ._year filled·t•te loam available.
MOdel Mina and the 1aJea omce are open dally
from 10 a.m. to duak at 5801 Stet.ton Court in
Anaheim Hilla.
•ree• .... n lleM 8JN!HI••
CulrenUy celebratJn1 its arand opening is
Broek HMnea in Anaheim" the newest addiUon to
the portfoUo ol dJaliniuiabed residential com-
m u<ld be•riDC lbf quality and expert
cratt.lmaulp olfere4 by ... J . Brock Ir Sons, Inc.
To visit Sandcastle, take the San Diego
Freeway (405) at MacArthur Boulevard, proc~
toward the ocean to Pacific Coast Highway, then
right one short block to Avocado and left to the de-
velopment. Models are open from 10 a.m. till 8 p.m .
daily. P.or more information, call 673-3271.
"I'd penonally like to invite prospective home
buyers aeeklni a chaog6 from the ordinary to visit
our ne• communitJ," •lated marketing director
Reed ti •. ''Brock Homea in Anaheim has been
a long Ufl\e in eo1ntn1, but u a result, it ranks as
one ol out fintsl development.a to date in terms of
des}ln, appailntments and location."
A decorator center and interior design consultation are available at Sandcastle
Sa1'f•11• Oft do.,• ........... ,.
The opportunity to purchase a new home at
Village Homes/ Anaheim with savings on down
payments and monthly paymenu drew more than
200 proepective home seekers and resulted in 12
sales during its introductory period.
Availability of a land lease program means
land costs are not included in the home loan; thus
a new home priced at $153,990 may be purchased
for $98,990.
To reach the community, take the Riverside
Freeway to the Imperial Highway exiting north.
Continue to La Palma Avenue and turn tight,
traveling two miles to the homes, at 8033 E.
Woods boro Avenue
CaRflOR Pol•t~ I• cfdld
f>,_.ted In thr~ open-styled floor plans, a
total of 29 two-and three-b,edroom, two -bath
residences are now av aUa ble in the fint phase.
8-4 ... ~ .. met ellnwl
Like lhe leaendary hand-made c rystal collec-
tions for which they were named, "Sandpiper
Homes by Bergheer" hate bttn master-crafted to
offer the ttltimate in desert resort residences and
are prestigiously located within the gates of Indian
Wells Country Club near Palm Sprines.
'the three specta<'ular Sandpiper fl oor plans
are called the "Regency," "S teuben" and
"Waterford "
Priced from $240,000 to $300,000, the singte-
level retident~ offer from 2.,287 to 2,545 square
feet ot llvlnl area, and each is presented in a
choice ot \hree custom -detailed architectural styl-
Available in one and two·story configurations,
Canyon Creek affords buyers a choice of homes
ranging from two to five bedrooms, up to three full
baths plus formal living, dining and family areas,
and incorporating from 1,750 to 2,900 square feet of
interior Living space. ·
To visit the homes of Canyon Creek, priced
from •$198,000 to $270,000, take the Santa Ana
Freeway to the Culver Drive exit and proceed
north on Culver Drive to Irvine Boulevard. Turn
east on Irvine Boulevard and continue to Yale
Avenue Turn left onto Yale Avenue and continue.
pas t Hicks Canyon Road. to the Canyon Creek
sales information center and model complex.
Sales are under way at Belford Terrace, one or
the three "villages" at Maurer Elliott Construc-
tion Company's Villages of the Mission in Sao
Juan Capistrano.
are open daily from 10 a .m . to 5 p.m. To visit
Villages of the Mission , take the Santa Ana
Fretway to the Ortega Highway and proceed east
to tbe community.
8rf•fol Place.,......,.~,..
Warmington Develupment is currently offer·
ing a special buyers incentive program with total
move -in cosu of just $3,990 and below market 12'1/a
percent interest on loans with a seven year due
date on the remaining units at Bristol Place, an
adult condominium conversion community in San-
ta Ana.
"This program appeals to the young first time
buyers who have been priced out of the Orange
County real estate market." commented Larry
Raggs. vice pres ident of sales for Warmin~ton
Priced from $57,990. the <'Ondominium homes
at Bristol Place, conveniently located in the de·
sirable South Coast Plaza area. offer one and two.
bedroom floorplans particularly well-suited to
young singles and couples.
Enthusiastic homebuyer response met the re-
cent grand opening of Canyon Pointe as large
crowds of visitors toured the new Anaheim Hills
view site community by Carlton Homes Inc. Only six homes remain in phase four of
Canyon Creek, and phase three is completely sold
out, reports Gall Pagano, project sales manager
for the community Qf single family homes in
Homes in the final phase at Villages of the Mis-
sion are offered in five different one and two-story, -------------------
three and four-bedroom plans. The homes range
from approximately 2, 130 to 3,160 sq ft. or elegant
interior space. Prices range from $200,990 to
The Canyon Pointe residences are presented m
four variations of single-level floor plans that
range in size from 1,518 to 1,744 square feet. Plans
include two bedrooms or two bedrooms and den.
Survey reveals
buyer profile
Astoet11ed Prtti Wr1eer
Looking for a house? So are
thousands of other Americans and a
recent report by a builders' group in·
dicates that what buyers are looking
for is more space. energy efficiency
and a better neighborhood.
The National Association of Home
Builders surveyed several groups or
new home buyers to find out what they
wanted in their houses and to put
together a profile of a typical buyer.
THE ASSOCIATION said the me-
dian size of the new homes purchased
by those questioned was 1,886 square
feet: most of those surveyed said they
would have preferred a bigger house.
Only 12 percent of the people polled
said they would be willing to Live in a
s maller house than they had now.
although more lhan half said they
would accept an expanda ble home -
with part of the living space left un-
furnished in order to save money
on initiaJ hous ing costs
Sixty percent of those quesUoned
s aid energy-saving features were an
important ractor in choosing their
home: about the same number said
they wouJd be "very willing" to spend
$500 for extra insulation. Almost half of
those questioned 45 percent -said
they wouJd be "very willing" to pay
Sl.200 to $1,500 for s torm or thermal
pane windows .
THE BUILDERS' association re-
port indicated that homeowners are
taking their own steps to save on fuel
costs. More than nine out of every 10
people questioned said they turned
down their thermostats in winter;
about six in 10 sajd they used less air
conditioning in summer.
Most homebuyers said they had
several reasons for choosing the house
they diet The most common reasons
were "style," cited by 64 percent or
those questioned, and "price," men-
tioned by 54 percent of the people
Why did families pick a particular
place to buy? Just under half ot those
questioned said they wanted "a better
neighborhood." About one·t.bird said
the most important thine was bein1
close to their jobs .
THE BUILDERS' sro.p, based on a
1980 poll of 2,177 famllies who boueht
new houses in 1978 and 19?1, said the
typical homebuyer had a median in·
come of $27,000. The dollar figure
would be higher today. The head of
household was 33 years eld.
Almost 62 percent of those ques-
tioned were married, with children.
About 30 pe rce'9l were married
couples without children. Single peo-
ple were the s mallest group of
homebuyers. but the builders' associa-
tion said : "With the easing Of credit
restrictions and the trend toward later
marriages, singlt 1fomen comprise
one of the fastest growin& segments of
the home-buying market."
More than half ot the homebuylng
households s urveyed -'41~ percent-
had at least two wage earners. Sixty.
eight percent of the household buying a
home for the first time had two in·
ABOUT TWO-THIRDS of the peop ..
surveyed had owned their own homes
before and just under hall of the buyer.;
used equity from the sale of a previous
house for the down payment on their
new residence.
Asked about interest rates on their
mortgages, 43 percent of dtole ques-
tioned by the buildtts said they were
paying 9.51 percent or more. Today's
mortgage rates are all in double di1lts
-the Federal Hoftle Load lank Board
does riot expect rates to drop below
11 lh or 11 ~percent this year -aftd the
added interest is lftln1 a bl1 thunk of
homebuyers budgets aid puttint home
ownership out of the rhch of many
T he builders· group calculated, for
example, that the 111onthly payment on
a $60,000. 30-yeal' tnort1•1' at 16 per-
cent is $807. To qualify for that k1nd ol
mortgqe, the buUdefl' aay, you need
an annual income of a.arty ••·
The same mort1=1 at U IJ"~nt
would have a m '1. payment ol
abour $817 and w equJn an an.
nual income of about .000.
The sales office (661-6714> and decorated models
Classic country elegance
at Rancho Santa Fe.
Fairbanks Ranch . Per-
ha,ps the most impor-
tant priva te residential com-
munity ever c reated in
Southe rn California. 1,240
prime master-planned acres
at Rancho Santa Fe, an area
rcnowne<t for its prestige, the
traditional beauty of its ar-
chitecture and charming early
California ambience. Here
you will find estate sites of
one acre and larger with a ll
access controlled by electron-
ically acti vated privacy gates.
Throughout time this
land has attracted swash-
buckling romantics yearning
to call it their own. One such
man was Douglas Fairbanks.
Awe struck upon seeing its
breathtaking natural beauty
he determined that here was
the perfect place for his and
Mary's dream hot:lse. But alas,
it was not to be.
Fairbanks' passion for
this land continued, however,
as he turned it into a working
ranch where citrus groves
were planted, lakes built and
streams created. Today, it can
be the perfect place for your
dream home.
Panoramic views across
the valley to the coast in a di·
mate of refreshing seawashed
4it. Towering eucalyptus
forests, orange groves and
beautiful rolling meadows
offer a rare, uncluttered set-
ting. A lakeside cluohouse
. with beautiful tennis facilities
are nearing completion. A full
equestrian center and wan-
dering trails will be included
as will Fairbanks Village
Plaza, to be built at the south-
west e ntry of the Ranch to
provide co11ven iL'nt shopping
and professional ~c rvices.
It w ill almost be impos-
sible to believe you are o nly a
few minutes from the San
Diego Freeway, twenty-five
miles fro m downtown San
Diego and comfortably close
to Orange Cou nty anC: Los
Fairbanks Ranch holds
every promise of becoming
o ne of the most prestigious
and sought after addresses in
Southern California. A place
o f enchanting beauty and en -
during charm. It is one of the
last opportunities to enjoy a
truly elegant, rural lifestyle
with every mode rn con-
venience. All homesites are
improved with natural gas,
sewers and cable television
and of course, all utilities are
Secure an a.ppointment
· to visit Fairbanks Ranch to·
dey. Ranch tours by appoiot-
ment only:
Fairbanks Randi Realty Co.
P.O. Box 2012,
.RmlCho Santa Fe,
California 92067
Telephone (714) 756-3795
(213) 271-9488
From $175 ,000 •
• '
et1••• ..... ...., .., ..... le
••1er offertag within M;rickel DevelOJ)·
t. unity at Sheffield Manor in the Irvine ~ florthwood, is the two-bedroom "Jef· ~(Plan 00). An anlled enuyarea and
•..:•~I form a unique ietroductlon to the
__ ,,,_"-~g room area in tJlis plan, desiped
MIO. and couples who lead active Llfestylea.
on to the Jeffenon, there are two
•11e11tc:iom floor plans offered at Sheffield
• "bere prices range from $124,950 to
$14 . All of the two-story homes are appointed
1dUi.a family room, while one ""1dence .Jso off en
a d:t'D6ftM*n. sales office and model homes, furnished by
'Bae Strfet Interiors of Newport Beach, are open
dail)' from 10 a.m. to dusk at Sheffield Manor. To
reach the new residential community, take the Santa
Ana Freeway to the Culver Drive exit. Go north on
Culver to Irvine Boulevard and tum right approx-
imately two blocks to the Sheffield Manor sign and
temporary entrance. •f Artla•r \/Hiap'• ~~atle11
& C Properties' MacArthur Village offers a
mil 'on-dollar recreation complex that includes
swi9'lming, tennis, volleyball, basketball, sunning
and ;.billiards.
,Priced from $57 ,400, the homes range from 504
to 1,020 square feet, with a choice of one bedroom,
one bath, or two bedrooms, one bath. One plan,
"Th~ Junior Executive," features a special built-
in .... all unit with a disappeartne queen-sized bed,
·deslJ, and shelves, which is a money-saving bonus
for first-time buyers.
fro reach the community, take< the San Die10
•"'fretway to the Bristol Street exit and go north to
MadArtbur Village. Or. take the MacArthur
9 o vard exit off the Newport Freeway and drive
wes lo MacArthur Village.
roadmoor Homes has appointed Carl
rand Associates Organization for Planning
rchitecture of Costa Mesa as architect for its
iew-oriented community of homes in La~una
el. Located in the hills at Crown Valley
way and Golden Lantern, the new community
consist of 141 s ingle-family detached re·
our floor plans will be available, ranging
a two-bedroom with den model to a 4·
m plan. Encompassing from 2,100 to 3,200
e-feet of living space, the homes will include
al dining rooms. nooks, luxurious master
and elaborately appointed kitchens. Two
s will featute bonus rooms . Sales are
uled to begin in July.
''" Aere• •eW-. teell
itcon Corp's new Tustin Acres development
Id Town Tustin is affordably priced from
The First Bank of
Harry an arge.
Interior of single·family residential model at Travis Ranch
$76,990. The highly successful condominiums offer
up to 1,200 square feet of living area and feature
two ~ms or two bedrooms, plus den, with l lh
or two baths, fireplaces in some models and
privately enclosed patios.
Hiehllghts of the homes are large hospitality
centers with comfortable living rooms and
greenhouse dining areas, and bedrooms arranged
for maximum privacy in separate wing.s or on up·
per levels of two-story homes.
Model homes are open daily from 10 a.m. to
dusk at 644 West Main St., near the confluence of
the Newport and Santa Ana freeways. To reach
Tustin Acres take the Santa Ana Freeway to the
Red Hill Avenue exit. north on Red Hill to Laguna
Road and left on Laguna to Main Street. Turn left
again to the remaining Citcon Corp. con·
dominiums in Old Town Tustin. •
'Die Old MUI eo..-. '" l..U •-"••
With the grand opening in fuJI swing, strong
sales have been recorded at The Old Mill, an af·
fordable new condominium community in a prime
downtown Escondido locale. .
Prices start at $59,500, and that's for brand·
new residences, not converted apartments.
The 90-unit condominium neighborhood is con-
veniently located near the foothills in Escondido,
with easy access to freeways, numerous recrea·
ticliOet facWU•, iJlcludln• pvkl aDd IOlf COUl'MI•
ci•lc Mf'Vleea and other amlldt.Ne. A tal• n and furallbed model hom• &oeatM at 1111 .
Valley Parkway betw~ Midway ancl Cttnal
open dally from 10 a .m. to 5 p.m.
' P•rlt Gletl •llen •••••ere
Four acres of l•nd1caped ireenbeltl be p
dreate the vill•1e atmosphere at Park Glen, a new
townhome commu.nlty deslped for youn1 1ln1le
prof e11lonal1 and couples in centnl Oran1e
County. ·
Tbe lnterton of the townbomea otter up to
1.~ square feet ln four three-bedroom plans.
Prices start at $114,000, with below·market
13~ percent lnterest rates for the first three years
available for a limited lime. To reach Park Glen,
take the Garden Grove Freeway to The City Drive
exit. Go south on City Drive to Garden Grove
Boulevard and tum right to Fairview Street. Turn
left on Fairview toward 17th Street. Turn
Glen la on the left. The furnished modela are open
from 10 a.m. to dusJt every day except Friday .
C.9N!ro11 .. de,. ope11 •
Model homes, decorated by Ron Hows In-
teriors, are open daily from 11 a.m. tlU dusk at
Cameron, 2676 Cameron Court in Anaheim. To
reach the new condominium commu.nlty, take the
Santa Ana Freeway (5) to the Mapolia Avenue
exit and drive south one mile to Crescent Aven~
and the Cameron homes.
lt'ala•t \/Hla9e e ...... t .. i
Time is running out for the first-time
homebuyer at Walnut Village Townhomes new de·
velopment convenienUy located in the heart of
Orange. Central county location, wi&hifl a short
drive lo the Orange, Newport and Garden Grove
freeways, and a price, beginning at $84,995, are
among the lownhomes many assets.
The one and two story Walnut Village
townbomes have 2-bedrooms, 1 or llh baths. Each
home has an enclosed garage as well as an indoor
laundry area. Two story plans have a charmine
kitchen/family room combination, and the one .
story plan has a separate dining area.
The Walnut Village sales office and models
are open daily from 11 a .m. to 5 p.m. To reach the
community, take the Orange (57) Freeway to the
Orangewood offramp. Drive east on Orangewood,
which becomes Walnut, to the sales office. For
further information, call 633-7632.
A n1.•w fi nancing plan h.i:-. hcen
inti<HeJ tn make th1:-o ne 11f the
mo:-.t our~ranJmg n1.·w hume
in\'e:-.tmenr opporcunitie..., in
Of Ia~e ~)\)f"'l·(\)-tx (1as .... 1c h1Hnl' ..... \\'irh ·~ 1 amenttk·:-hcfirring th1.· cl.1...,...,1L
Nt'\\'fX>rt ""l) uf life. financing 3 & 4 lxdninm r1.•...,1dence...,
From $370,000 w $455,000*
..,. C all fur cumpk·re det<11 I..., T he Wcstcliff Gnwe "Cl,l...._-..k Financi ng Plan"
offer-, I OO'X) financing with nn monthly p,1ymcnr-.
'fo r nine month~.
It means an Pppornmiry to buy a prcstigjou!>
home in 1mc of the most prcstigiotL" areas in the
We:.tcliff Grm't' 1~ a n~ry rare nffe ring of
Ph one ( 714) 646-509 2
Sale.., office and muJcl hunk'" u1x-n d.11ly
from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m.
The stills, towering nearly 20 feet , are essential in the
production process.
• • • It's
Entrepreneur hopes
tO still. OPEC's power
Detly .................
an· Fran cisco en·
trepreneur David Blume
speaks with a m is·
sionary 'a fervor .
Through his com pany,
American Homegrown Fuel,
he's spreading the gospel of a
more efficient, economical
means of automobile propulsion.
At the same time , he's chastising the <!evil, which he
believes manifests itself on
earth as the Organization of
Exporting Petroleum Countries.
ing under the thumb of the oil
companies and OPEC," Blume
says. "They're looking for an
alternative. something to make
them more self-sufficient."
Blume has received the word,
and that word is alcohol. Alcohol
fuel. Mor e than 200 people,
paying $67 apiece, are expected
to hear him preach its merits
today at the Newport Beach
Marriott Followers will learn
how to erect a temple lo their
new god.
During Prohibition, that
temple was known as a still. It
still is.
These d evotees a r en't
interested in moonshine,
however. What they're alter ls It
eas, or rather. an alternative to
"ALCOHOL FUEL costs about
43 cents a gallon, depending on
the raw maferial," Blume says.
"It's 108 octane, enabling it to
provide 10 to 30 percent more
ho r sepower. lower vehicl'e
maintenance costs and
improve gas mileage."
Don't confuse alcohol fuel -
95 percent alcohol and 5 percent
gasoline -with gasohol which
is 10 percent alcohol and 90
percent gas.
·'If you buy a new steel still
from us tor $8,400, it will pay for
itself in five to eight months
because or the tax benefits and
fuel savings," Blume asserts.
··If you build your own it costs
about S800 for the parts -you
can realize 100 percent return on
investment in three months."
government offers a 30 percent
tax investment cr edit on all
distillery e quipment a nd
encourages alcohol production
with a 40 cent per gallon tax
credit -this in addition to a
payment of 12 cents for each
gallon of alcohol produced. since
(See STILL, Page CZ)
David Blume Lecture! students at one of his many
seminars on how to make alcohol fuel.
County farmland shrinks while profits soar
Of ... O.lly ...... ''-"
Agricultural goods in the
county reached a record
$246.7 million last year .
reflecting a continuing trend
-of higher crop values pro-
duced on less land.
A report released Friday
by the county Department of
Agriculture showed a 12 per-
cent increase over the $220.6
million all-time high re-
corded in 1979. despite a loss
of 1,671 agricultural acres.
Most of the loss of acreage
last year came from fi eld
crops, with grain and barley
crops down 1,580 acres. The
value of field crops dropped 4
1percent to Sl.3 million.
For the 12th straight year
'nursery stock and c ut
flowers ranked No. 1 as a
county cash crop, with value
reported at $121.8 million.
In 1979 the figure was $106.6
Strawberries ran ked
se~ond at $42. 7 million
fqllbwed by valencia oranges
aJ $28.1 million and tomatoes at $8 million.
While 182 acres of tree
c rops were removed from
pr;oduction another 439 were
planted. resulting in a total
of 2~7 new citrus acres, ac-
cording to the report.
Deputy Agricultural Com-
missioner James Harnett
credited favorable weather
conditions, inflation and
overall better prices with
driving up the value of coun:
ty agriculture.
Lower prices last year
k noc k ed cabbage a nd
grapefruit down the list of
million dollar crops, despite
an addition of 28 cabbage
Last year there were 19
"million dollar" crops, com-
pared to 21 lhe year before.
Income from honey pro-
duction jumped 50 percent to
eighhors come in all · colo~s.
ut owners still ban children
BY PAT DUNN 01 .. ...., ...........
r Ne arly 1,000 elementary
1 lettool children are submiWng
P.lllel'I with the theme "Good
·~dghbon Come in AU Colon" lo the Fair Housing Council of
•. Oranae County as their
... jartlclpatlon In NaUonal !lair
"')(ouainf month.
•• Ir onically, council staU.tlcs
t1'0w that rental discrimination
aialn.lt famWes with cJlildren
runs a close second to tbe
problem of racial diacrtmination.
--DAVID NAaEVl&Y, counctl
boU1tnc coord.lutor, H)'S, 'Tor
tile put two yeara, only 20 per·
oent of the apartment compla•
l Oran1• County aeeept
:(' ... -..... tb1a ta -rfeetl7 • al. -
' 8ulcall1, the •ltuatloD ta
•irtu Md. I'" loll f altla ID the
to pnveDt =.:r:= ,..,,.._ ,._. cblldr9 la
... ., ....... &adl,..
...... doll .... ~. ..... ,..,. tt ,..., to,.. ...
A case is now before tbe state
Supreme Court dealing with bus
issue but it will be several
months before oral ar1ument1
are beard.
'Newport Beach allo llu oaly
three U.U.O,. with the top nmt at $695.
"However, I belle've that tbe
only action to atop this dJs-
crimination will be the rnult of
rboucb lrvtne bu the 1llCllt ~ np -•lx -tM rente ........
from * t.o $555. Reali for JIUD.
tln•too .Beach's five offerinp
. runSISOtotczo.
a Supreme Court dec•11on, '1
NareVlty added.
oaANOR eotJNTY'&-iactr ~
family boulint la apparent from
tile FHC'a family bou•lnl llat of
apartment complexea wblcb ac·
eept cbUdren. Analletm bal •
U1tlap, Garden Gro.e lt and
laata Aaa 21. Otber cit.I• nry
from Ito 11.
~Coutarea'•~· lAI• an particularly limited,
IMlt the nnu are amOllil the
M1b••t lD tb• cowat1J .CO.ta ..... bu tbree f aiilily ualtl With
NDta raqlni from ... to ...
0 1VDI TROUGH our llatlnp t.~ cbildren," Narenky uld, f.blany Umlt the a1e1· and
number ol cblldrelt~at are._.
Famill• also have the prob-lem of meetlDI the income re-
q u l rem en ts Ht bJ maa1
laild .... Ia 1eneral, the ...-sn ust Hrn thrH tlmH th•
monthl1 rent to qualifJ u a ...... -------Nan.lb says UUI la Je1il t>Ut tbe couaell ba1 baadl;cf
many c .. .._. IHllklnll ..
unwUlla1 to eo.akler certa!D
<llerAJa,P ... Q)
S453,600. However. a pi culture
dropped 49 percent in 1979
making the honey yield 4 per-
cent under the average re-
corded between 1975 and
The value of truck crops
dropped 3 percent last year
after posting a 20 percent in·
crease in 1979. DOwn from
1979 production values were
asparagus, cabbage, celery.
mushrooms. squash a nd
Up were the values of
green beans. cauliflower,
corn, cucumbers. lettuce and
peppers resulting in a total
· truck crop of S34 .6 million.
Most dramatic of a ll
figures contained in the re-
port is th e loss of
agriculturaJ acreage during
the last 20 years.
In 1960 the county had
99,262 acres of agricultural
land with crops valued at
Sll l million. By 1979 bearing
acreage dropped to 60,047
while the value increased to
$85.3 million.
By 1980 only 29,3!\3 acres
were being farmed with
c r o ps val ued at $246.7
Si nce 1911 the county has
be e n recording crops
farmers grow. Oranges
made up the bulk of the $12.1
million grossed that first
Over the years many once
profitable crops have disap-
peared. Wine grape and
grains like oats. flax. cotton
and tobacco are no longer
grown. Apricots, walnuts and
apples have fallen by the
wayside to be replaced by
oranees and nursery crop1.
"l think there'll still be
agr iculture in the year
2000," said Harnett. "Thtte>U
always be farming under utili-
ty lines."
DlAR S E~~~;-sHoPPEa -
On my last sbopptn1 trip r planned tq
purchase three tubes of Gleam toothpaste.
Wh_en l r••chod the cbeck-out counter. I
~4ed the cashier three Gl•m coupona, one ror each tube. She looked at the coupons closely and
banded two of them back to me. When I
•sk~d why, the pointed out ,lhat th• coupons
had "one per purchase" print.c:l on them.
I tried to tell her that Ulll meant the
ume-ihi1'f as one coupoa per hem, but she Mid that was wrong I would have ealled
fQ1ttbe manag,r. but 1 waa alreac{y embar· rdled and didn't want to hold up the line
any tonger. ·
U a eua.a.r '"•• _... .. reeolYe a prob .. • daat 1• ceulder l•pertut, doe'&
be•ltaCe .. alk t.Ut 1 1..,enteor OI' u.e .tore
m1aa1ef be called over to stratP&ea tll.lal•
Here are two tood ti119 to belp you use
your coupons more effectively:
Bonnie Gonzales of Payson, Utah, •taplee
her COUJ>Ons to the pa1es of a loose-leaf
notebook ..
"It'• easy to turn the pages of the
notebook as I walk down the supermarket
aisles," she says. "When I select a coupon
product., lt is easy to pull the coupon off the
page and put It in a . clear plastic pencil
bolder that is made to fit the notebook."
klnda ol lncome, 1ucb u chlld
1upport or dbablllty, u actual
earntn11. "Tbla la Ule1al, and
when it occurs, we want to bear
abouttt," ht empb11lled.
MAalTAL 8TATtJS dia·
crimination la prevalent, too,
Narevsky aald. "Many landlords
want white, mt4dle·cla11 tenants
with the hmband employed at a
hicb salary and the wile 1taytn1
"Although it' is legal for un·
married couples to rent an
apartment together, landlords
frown on tbis and the atnJJe
woman also is not a preferred
tenant. If a woman bas a child,
she may have a serious problem
.findina housin1."
The-FHC ~Vet moHUUui
100 calla I moDtla lDYOIW., all
typet ol dacrlmlaatioa.
"We f"1 t.Ut'• Jut 1cr1t.c~1
the aurface.'' N1rev1ky aald:
"Many people are not aware
tbat federal and state laws pro-
b!blt d.lscrlminatlon on the basis
of race, color, aex, religion. an·
cettry, marital statua or han·
crimlnalion complaint comes to
the attention or the 19-member
·council, its staff and volunteers
"teat" the legality of the refusal
to rent or sell when the case ap-
pears to have sufficient
"As an example,'' Narevsky
Hid, "Jet'I l&1 a bladr, 1Da&4t
eqtneer and•hlt employed~
apply fOf' an advertlNd
and are told lhe apartment ll
loncer avaUable even thouab t.fte
advertilement is current. 1
"We send a white, miate
eneineer <or simllar Pt ·
fesaional level> and b 1
employed wife to apply for lhe
rental. We also send a black cola·
ple matchin1 the oriclnal appll·
cants as closely u poaalble.
"IF mE WHITE couple ls of·
fered the apartment and our
black couple Is turned down. ttie
evidence we have gathered 11
quite substantial."
Was I rilllt? -Mad in HolJ)IWood.
DEAR MAD -You wen rtgll•, and yoa
were wrong.
.First, you were rtgbt aa;o.a &.lie meaata1
of "one per purchase." Wllea It comes to re·
deeming mQDfactunn' casla-on COGfOU,
"on&. per Item" and "one per p•rclaase"
mean the same thJng: tba& .a, one coupon
can be used on each item pW'Cllued.
Evelyn Lundell of Whiting, N.J., ar·
ranf es her coupons according to the way the
ah es are laid out in her favorite
supermarket. The first aisle that she passes
contains cosmetics, so the first section in her
coupon rue contains cosmetics coupons.
This method should also work well if you
keep your coupons in separate envelopes. Put
the envelopes in the order of the product
groups along the aisles of your supermarket.
Mining of seabeds
aw~its Reagan nod
Besides its own sWf attorney
and two law school graduates
who provide legal Information
and counseling, the council has a
panel of private attorneys who
volunteer to take discrimination
cases on a contingency basis.
"We bad about 15 cases last
year." Narevsky said ... and we
bad a very high success rate in
winning them."
In addition to handling hous·
ing discrimination and low in-
come referrals. the council deals
with landlord-tenant disputes.
This does not limit &be anmber of Uema
t.bat can be purchased at one Ume with an
equal number of coupons.
You were wTong In feellDg embarrassed
and In not following throagh to have the mis·
take corre<'ted. Why sboaJd you feel embar·
rassed when-another person makes a mis·
No shopper should feel embarrassed
about standing up for bis or bet rights. By
walking away from this sUaa&loo, you missed
the opportunity to prove that you were cor·
rect -and to save other shoppers froqi.belng
si m llarly inconvenienced .
These and other readers whose coupon·
ing, refunding and smart-shopping Ups are
published in this column receive my "1981
Guide to Coupons and Refunds." Send your
tips to me in care or this newspaper.
Write to the following address to obtain
the form required by this refund offer:
General Mills Inc., Tuna Helper Offer, P.O.
Box ll39, Department P. Minneapolis, Minn
55460. Your request for this form must be re
4eived by JuJy 15, 1981.
Clll"'N l'IU! ltll'UllDS
ClfflW"' Pt9Web, IN .. Pe.-
P..-Cb, e-.s, Wr•,_ (File \I)
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Froaa PGf~ CJ
The ocean fioor is potentially the
greatest treasure-trove of un·
tapped, exploitable minerals on
earth. But the prospect of
trillions of tons of virgin re·
sources has yet to set off a deep·
sea version or the California
Gold Rush.
Recovery of potato-shaped
nuggets Crom depths or two to
five miles is regarded as a high·
risk and costly venture by U.S.
mining interests who a lready
have spent an estimated $300
million to develop a n embryoruc
and largely untried technology.
NOW THEY ARE reluctant to
press ahead unless the Reagan
administration can reshape the
deep seabed mmtng provisions
of a proposed international sea
law treaty.
Pressured by tndustry. the ad·
minis tration decided to stall
complet\on or the treaty Just as
the U.N. Law or the Sea Con·
ference was going into what
some 150 other delegations here
had hoped would be the final
stage or negotiations.
The conference, which opened
its 10th session on March 9, is
marking time while Washington
completes a review of the fruits
o r more than seven years or
hard bargaining between in-
dustrial and developing nations.
The mining companies con·
tend the treaty as drafted does
not afford enough protection or
prior investment if they were to
~o ahead with exploration and
exploitation before a treaty com-
es into force.
visions requiring them to
transfer technology for the
benefit of the world's developing
··IC development 1s to go
forward in the next several
years. there will have to be as-
surances that an acceptable
Law of the Sea Treaty will be
pursued and that interim invest·
menls will be nurtured and pro·
tected against 'expropriation· by
treat y," Marne A. Dubs, cor·
porate director of technology for
the Kennecott Corp., told a
Senate Foreign Relations Sub-
committee recently li e was
s peaktng on behalf of more than
300 member companies of the
American Mining Congress
Industry sources estimate it
will cost $175 million to build a
prototype recovery vessel com·
plete with a deep-sea Hoop.
hydraulic lifting system and
miles of pipeline Yte1ghing
IT A$1STS people in resolv·
mg conflicts over evictions, de·
posit returns, property damages
and s ubstandard conditions,
usually without further referral.
Co un se l o r s inform both
landlords and tenants of their
legal rights and responsibilities.
··Evictions. lack of repairs
and security deposit returns are
still our major landlord-tenant
problems," Narevsky said.
'There are a few new tricks.
too. such as advance payment of
rent and so-called negotiation
f ees. We also hear about
l a ndlords raising m onth-to·
month rentals by as much as
"WE'VE HEARD all the hor
ror stories," Narevsky said.
"but we're here to help m any
way we can We urge the public
to seek our s upport. A II anyone
has to do is pick up the phone
and dial 835-0160."'
The Fair Housing Council is
located at 1525 E. 17th St . Suite
E. Santa Ana. It is a non-profit,
private corporation funded by
federal grants a nd pn \•ate don._.
local product ion dl'Crl·as es
A m e r i c a n cl t• p t· n d <· n c· C' o n
fort'1 gnoil
BecaUSC' or \h(' hig h 1n1t1al
cos t s. Bluml' n·commt.·nds
setting up coop<'ralivrs This
ca n reclutc 1nd1,·1dual
in vestments to a s Joy, a -. S300
plu s the c o!'>l or the ray,
materials for t he mai.h. the
fu el's main ingn·chcnt
Blum e u s t.>., mol ~1 si.e s.
damaged cand) a nd was h.• fruit
from cannent.'S as the basis of
his mash.
There·s anolht•r reason why
Blume would likt· lo s c<• the
establishment or cooperatives.
Eventually, he feels s uch
a network will rival the common
ga., ::.talion
his vision with a potential
congregation of 3,000.
"Understand," Blume says,
"alcohol fuel is not new It's as
old as the internal combus tion
engine. Henry Ford des igned his
Model A to run on either alcohol
or gasoline.
prototype to run on alcohol fuel.
Puch mo-ped s also ha s
commissioned him for research
His work, h e feels . is n 't
necessarily the result of divine
takes about a month to get a free
permit from the federal Rureau
o f Alcohol . Toba cc o and
F'irearms. and v1rtuall)' ever
yone who applies is uccepted
There is a mtn1mal charge for
state permits
pu r e -enoui?h alcohol It's a
rnmplicated process. and if the
quality isn't nght, 1t can rC'ally
foul up vour carburetor ·
"WHY SOT?" Blume asks.
•· 1 f we can sr ll fuel for $10 a
barrel. we can make gas
s lllt1ons obsolete
"'It's jus t common sense."
Hlume . of cours l'. t<1k<.'S
'In two years . you 'll wonder
where all the alcohol stations
came from We hope to cover
the entire West "
llt.>"s doing that now Like a
prophet wandering fro m town to
town. Blume 's been traversing
the state. To date. he has shared
''ALCOHOL WAS us ed in
Germany during the war and is
currently used in New Zealand
and the Philippines. By 1985, 75
pe rcent of all Brazil's vehicles
will run on alcohol."
Blume is working with AMC
Motors to develop an Eagle
Blume states. "We 've got to be
more independent People I talk
lo say they would rather make
their own fue l even if it costs
more. They are tired or being
victims . and want to set their
course for the future. not be a
s lave to the oil companies .··
Ever-easing r egulations
are making that possible . It
··There 1s n o s ection on
quallficat1on of applicants."'
says Tim S tr1nde n of the
bureau's Santa Ana office, ··so
just about everyone gets
approved ··
·'The pro blem with these
st1Jls," Strmden says. "is that
many of them don't produce a
"ACTl'/\1.LY," HE s a~~.
.. alcohol will prolong engine lrfe
2'? to :1 times over the same
i:11g111e running on gasoline IC
burns cooler. cleaner and \\ltl1
less v1brat1on By following my
instructions. there shouldn't be
any problems producing th~
correct quality of fuel ..
Sennu ""'°Siert• ao YOUt 0ooo
tC•ll Store Neatnt Y04/lf Arte)
COSTA ,..,,641·1289 ,.,."-'_
MIUION ~5-0401
-ea-~ ... Cl•"O..-~ etA...., ....... I
COAN ER R.,• Coln•• St•mp•
Cal for
fir __ ,..... __ ...
c.1•·-.-. (714) 556-tMO
South Co.st Plan vtllege .......... _ ....
t4uwM_ ...... __ •)
For services only
Unlimited pages and pur·
chase your reconditioned pa-
ger for only SIOO with 30 days
guaranteed parts and labor.
Be paged in a four county
area, Los Angeles. Orange.
San Bernardino and River-
side Counties.
CALL 714/835-3305
Medical P rofessional Sp,ace in Irvi ne
Thde bi-and new buildings "THE ARBOR" are located cenua.lly in the
City o( lr"lnt. One •o( '"c fastest growing master plan ci1ies in 1ht
countr)'. h bu excellent aC'c.ss 10 adja«ru surfact strctl~ and •he
frctway netwurk, as well u Immediate pro•imity •o local housing.
Given the dcntographkt ~nd locetion h hu to be one of •ht oumand·,
'"I com1Mr<'ial 1htJ fo Orange Councy. Thb. coupled with •he dt)ign
o( th• buUdlnas. should make it both an imm•dlatt a.nd long 1trm
Lock in high
tax~free income of
... without being
In today'• volatile marketplace, investors need flexibility to help gentrate
maximum income. A newly developed Option Tender Bond program 1s an
udu1ive way to protect your investment principal and to earn today's near
historically high t&x-frer tnterrst ratrs
The uniqur Option Trnder Bond feature lets you purchase high·
yielding, tax-free bonds now, and have the option to tender them at par in
approximately five to six years or any year thereafter until the bonds are
redeemed or mature.• All currently isl .. ed option bonds are lnvestmrnt-
gnde, single-family mortgage revenue bonds. lmporta 1tly. the option to
tender at par i• backed by an irrevocable Citibank Letter of Credit, so long
as the bonds ate not In default. Citibank is onr of the world's largrst .ind
most respected banking Institutions.
Kidder, Peabody rxpects to be oifering • number of high-quality
municipal bonds with this newly developed option future in ensuing
wttk1. The bonds will be offered on a first-come basis so we 1uggest you act
promptly. P~ue telephone tbe office nearest you or us. the coupon.
.. .
, I
Paying too much tax?
MUJlons of Americans are 1iving the
federal gO't'ernment more than they have lo,
says a New York accounttnc expert who claims
people frequently overpay their income tax bills
because ol ianorance and lalineu.
Herbert M. Paul, a partner in the manage-
ment consulting and accounting firm of Toucbe
& Ross, said taxpayers aenerally "don't know
what they're entitled lo" and don't want lo "go
lo the bother" of doins all the pa~rwork. As a
result, he said, they "end up payin1 too much."
The majority, for example, do not itemize
deductions. They use the standard deduction,
form ally known as the zero bracket amount and
now equal lo $2,300 for sin1le persons and $3,400
for married couples.
PAUL SAID, HOWEVER, that taking the
standard deduction may be · a mistake ... Most
people, if they truly go through their records,
should itemize," he said. The deductions they
could claim would add up lo more than the stan-
dard amount.
If you're buying a house -and more than
half of all Americans are -it usuaJly pays to
itemize, Paul said. You can deduct your proper-
ty tax payments and the interest on your
You also should itemize, Paul said, if you
"live in a state with a personal income tax."
State and local income taxes are deductible on
your federal return if you itemize.
High interes t rates -not only for
mortgages, but for other loans as well -also
can make it profitable to itemize since interest,
Anawer Network can help Increase your
profile by lowering overhead. With Answer
Network'• shared-overhead concept, you
wlll have available every office sertlce you
ne.d, Including your own phone number
and anawerlng sertlce ... all at a frectlon of
the cost of expensive lac:llltles and ataff.
IHllCES AYAllAlll:
0 An1werlng .. nllce a Con,.renee room•
0 Ouote prlce1 0 Payroll
0 Make appolntmentl 0 Mall lllta
0 Lettert llld typing 0 Telex
0 Word processing 0 Facalmlle
0 2' hour dictation 0 Paging
lpecl1llzln9 In:
c.t11fled .. n11ce call dl1patcPllng, order taxing
and credit cheeking.
An1wef Networtt has a Solution, CAii:
Id. 724
Dnatba TAB O~aton and Savkc.
Describes Out Cuttomen• f Hllnga
About TAB.
Take Messages • Take Ord«n • Quote Prlcn
• Relay Calls • Make Appointment•• Telex·
and Facsimile Service • Beeper. fOI' all
Southern California• Wake·up S~ic•.
Ra ta and &rvlce to Flt Y our·Needa
4rM> DT. 711
including the lntereat you pay on credit cards, ia
increase yoor risk of an a11dlt. Paui.aaid audits
generally occur becaute:
-Your dedu~ons are higher than average
for your income bracket.
-Your tu r.turn includes a particular
item that. for one reason or aaother, the In-
ternal Revenue 5-vlce 11 investigating.
-Your return happens to be tbt one select-
ed by a computer en a random basis for cbeck·
Don't panic if your return is audited. "It's
not an accusation," said Paul. It is simply a
matter "of proving what you put on the tu re-
turn," he said. "If you have documentation, you
will simply waJu in and waltz out."
Hurdman and Cranstoun of New York said most
people with relatively straightforward financial
affairs should be able lo fiiure out their own
taxes, even if they itemize.
The people wflo need help, he said, are
those ·with complicated budgets, includin1
things like investment-type income, or those
who have changed their tax-filing status,
through divorce, for example.
No matter who prepares your return, YOU
will have lo provide the records and you can
make the paperwork easier for yourself. Paul
said the first thing lo remember is lo "pay every-
thing that's possibly deductible by check."
Make a note, on the check, of where the
money went. Wben you Jet your cancelled
checks, pull aut U1e ones that involve tax de-
ductible expenses and put them in a large en-
velope. Keep tax-related receipts in the same
A few minutes each month can save hours
of searching when you get ready lo prepare
your return.
$50,000 to $500,000
• Int.reef only pa~
• CoeaeKU.-1
•W..lllyc_I._.. ..
•lllotatWyt.-4 ....
• 6 -tta. to I yeen • Soett.er. Callfonilt
C•lfll,ict nur
loa" iNo....atio• -me•
frn vour !inane 1nq need\
(714) 759·1515
230 Nl. .. porl Center Or1Ye
Design Plell
Nl!wport Beech Calttorrue
~at 1 JIU? poten . . .
1i&D07'a tarnlJlCI b.ltl.OTJ Of coutet, R&nGJ a.nd 0..S ·
wtl.h Ill: 1977 ( 9 IDODIU )-art uoepUoDll. an4 DOC •nl'JOD•
taa.M&: 1978-tH .M7: p.......-1.hlt t-However.
1979-UUM: 1980-HUM. l11rt'l 10Ur oppo'°'~ '° pl'Oft
0&17'1 tarnlDCI llnCtJ~ UI: &!aat10\l.ioG. IN UetpUODll.
1979 (4 aonl.h•)-'4.478; lf1oupprtd1Me 1uoh ·:
1980-181.1& ~nefhl u Ubml ooaai..lona,
DMpM Ulllr obflO~ 41!· bon'*I, poup inaunnoe al)4
t•Nnete. lanq and GuJ han • '\noemm ttrvclt 11.k• '"" to
)M lD OOllAOD. 'fblJ bM DO M1N JUJUl'tOUI l'tl0'11, J'Oll a., be OW'
erplfltnoe wb•ll &.btJ JlllM4 \It, ~&JC, of ptOplt. lo Ni1M QP11'1en
flltJ nlu• \bl f~ \here tt oo req.alttd. Wt U-&11:1 J'OU &o MU our
otUSill OD UltlP lnOOIH pollDUAJ llf'Ol4 "'°" or nnanotal ..m•.
wl&b u•. TlltJ 11.k• Ul• 1.1141,.n. 'fbJt coUld ftU tie Ult oppor-
dtDOI &hi& oom• wtt.l t Ollttr a& MaJO you'•• nfte4 tor lo Ill U1
Wt44tll II ~ (Toll"' 10\ll OW11 lhalt &II Ult fMl8 wnl> JOO. olaA
re ... JOUl'0"11,...). ..u a. ooupoD '°(OP oall); ..... --------. ------------------... , ................... -.. ... ..... ...., ............. --..... .
DEAR BOB: We. answered a ''for ule bx
owaer" want ad. The .m•n 1bowed ua U'Ound bis
boute and we liked lt. Ravine look.S fot ~ bome in
that oeiehborbood for many montba, we kne• tbat
the ukiq price was at least $10,000 low, and tbe
seller said be would flnance our purchase on a
second mort1age. He said he wanted a ~.ooo down payment depoel~ with our purcbue otter. He bad a aet
of realty forrm on the llvinl room coffee table and
be •rote up the sales contract. The nm day ~e
1ot a bank cuhier's check and 'lave tt to tbe
seller. He accepted our offer on the spot, gave WI
his lawyer's name, and told us to meet him at his
lawyer's office a week later lo close tbe sale.
When we showed up at the lawyer's office for
the closing, the lawyer said be had never beard of
the seller. We went back lo the house, and it is now
occupied by some foreigners who don't speak
English. What should we do?
-Edwin R.
DEA& EDWIN: Hire you own attoraey. It ap-
pean U.at yoa were cooed CMI& ol SS,•. Clteck dle
owaenllip ol tbe boaae. If yoa're l11ekyt maybe ti·
tie la la Ute name ol tbe maa wllo laaa yoar SS,•.
l!allst yoar bank's cooperation to trace Uae
cashier's check to see If It leads to the phony
You altuatloa ahowa why it la vital &o avoid
&l•lal die aeUer a buyer'• ean1e1t moeey depoalt
before t.lle sale closi.Da. Sacb money aboaJd be beld
la aa escrow or la tbe realty broker's trust accout
untU tide baa been checked and tbe sale Is ready to
Sell .. tf.,•tfea I 11 •rt••t
DEAR BOB: You're always suggesting that
hom e buyers purchase with seller financing in-
stead of getting a new bank first mortgage. I agree
it's far cheaper, but how can a buyer find these
seller financed home sales?
I've seen a few ads saying "Seller will carry
loan" and "possible seller financing." But it usual-
ly turns out that the seller needs a big $20,000 or
more cash down payment. How can I find low
down payment seller financing?
Roger T
•.• and it's only $349
• Crispy Fish
• 2 Tasty Shrimp
• 2 Tender Scallops
• Fresh Cole Slaw
• Crunchy Hushpuppies
• Golden Fryes
1961 us
3095 Harbor Blvd.
Coeta MeH
J ... ._ ...... .,....,., ---o.t..nwv--•--
14715 Jeffrey Road
lrvfne ,,__ .. __ ,...,
DEAR ROGER: Unfortunately, few realty l!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.. aients neaUy spell out tbe amoaat of tbe cash
dewn payment and tbe eud amoant of financlDg
the seller will carry. So s mart buyers find oat th~
seller's true motivation for selll.ng to learn If • low
down payment sale Is possible.
Uthe aient doesn't know why tbe seller la sell-m1. make him or her flDd out for you. Better yet,
ask the sd.ler yourself. Don't be IDtlmldat.ed by an
agent wbo tries to keep thelr true reasons for selJ-
IDg and find out whether tbey need much cash
from the sale.
Often you'll find tbe seller only needs enough
casb to pay the realty agent's comg1laslon. Tbat
type of seller is your best prospect for seller
$10,000 to $1,000,000
Prompt FuncMg
90 Days to 15 Years
• Residential Specialists
• Apartments
• CommefClol
• we help structure notes
104' maximum soleoblllly
• iclt~(Jr( .!.fJa((/t~· /i111rt't~1y ·1i1c.
CALL 714/955·1055
•000 MocAJnHUll IOUUVAllO
NfWl'OllT MACH CAlll'OANt'I 92660
Tne lollow1n9 perwn• •ro <101n9 IOAltOOl'W~EAVISOltS
C P N S. C•ltt Preltm1n.1ry Nohte U RO ENCY OltOINANCE NO. IUl
!.er•l<t. 9111} El Oural\90 C11ctt, Foun •EOUUTINO THE IONINO 01' •••n Vallty, Cahlorn11 92108 A 0 U I. T ENT E It T A IN ME NT
vaterlt "ltl\O<l, 910 El Ouronoo IUSINEHES
Circle, Fountd•n Vallo. Cat1lorn1a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
~,109 pu,.uanl lo Celllorn1a Government
11~ .. """Y S.roem..i 11)2• Sanl• Cod• S«lton UISI 11\al a pUbll< Mtr
Maroa, Fountain Valley Ca ltlorn1a •no will C. held on "4>rll u . 1911, et
,,,,. ' >o • m • 1n u. rwarlno r_,.. of Ille
Tllo> bu .. nen " conau<t~d by • Or•not County Board OI ~rvl1ors
o-noral ~rtl\ersll1P , tooled at SIS North Sycemore Stre-4.
R""'""''Y Beroem"n S•n1a ,,.,,,., C.llf0<nl•, on trw Siii floor
This •t.ale"""1t was f1lecl w1t1> ll>t thereol The purpow of seld llearlno I•
Coun11 Cler~ 01 Or..ill'! Counly on lo conu-the uttn&lon of Ordlnenco
Much t'I, 11111 No l2J2 of the Counly of Or.,91 tor a
Ftst?O perloa Of •IOlll Ill monlll• S•ld
Pubh,·htG ar .. n9l' Co.\t D••lv P•lot. Ordin•nc• 1s an int#tm ur .. nc.y Ot·
Marci> 11 29, "'"" S 11 l"t 136S 11 dlnanu r-t•llno llw ronlno Pit<•· mtnl of Adutt Enfef'lalnmenl Busl·
ntlltS, -lcll prt...,llY u plru on
Aprll "· "'" The •lftt<I of Hid Ordlnanu Is In all P0r1lon1 of IM un1n·
corpor•ted wrllory Of Ille County of
Or•nllf. NAME STATRMENT Tl•• ulsllng Interim urgenc y
Th• lo1towon9 PtrM>M art aoin9 Ordinance No n31 .nd a Clle1t of Ille
bUS•MU.. proposed on1 ............ nc11no ,, .,. on
COORDINATED TRUST UO fllt ano .. aillblelor l-IJonbylhe
Newport C.nt•r Ortve S.utl~ 14\44 p.ubflc oetwetin the "°"''of I o'ctock
rowp0r1 Bea<!>, CA '7..0 • m •nd s o'clO<k p m Mond•Y
Ru•s.11 w K100er. Tru•IH of tnrouQll Fnaay at Ille olflce ol Ille
OSTERMILLER IRREV OCABLE Cltrk of Ille Board of Svper••MI"• TRUST l21lS/80, 600 Newport Cenltr Orange County H•ll 01 Admlni1tr1tlon,
10ro•• • 1•1', N-l 8ta<ll. CA '7MIO 10 (••i< Center Pla1a, Sant• Ana.
Ruuell W Kidder, TruSIH ol Callforn•• 927112
Ori••· """· Newporl Bta<ll. CA 0 F 0 R A N G E c 0 u H T y
92..0 CALIFORNIA. Russ.II W KICl<Hr, lruSlte 01 SEAL
TRUST 12/fS/IO, 600 Newport Center Cltrk Of Ille
Orl•t, ,, ,.I,, Newport Buell, CA Bo.rd of ~,.,1..,"
on•~tlie Ann umar•1a, Tru•rtt ol Of Or-Counly, c AM AR AT A 'RR Ev 0 c AB l E C.llfornfa
TRUST 12 fSito 1,01 l'•irwtalller Publl-0.-Coall DAiiy P iiot,
Road. Sanla An•. CA 92TOS April 5, "" 1...,.1
Tn11 t>"""''' •S tonoutteo o., • 91nar a I pertner.,up
Tiiis slal-l .... filed Wtlll Ille
County Clerk of Orange County on Maren u, ltlc.
Feowt-F-WtM1 l't .... lldf.. w. "...,.... c-eiw on ... New,.,, IMCll, CA ,,.._
Publlllled Orange Co.st Oally Pilot,
Marci'! n. Aprll s. 12, "· 1911 tss1-11
P UBLIC NOTICE ---------
Tiit loll-1119 ..,...,.. II Clo"'9 1111111·
n•H •I
Btlbo. Boutevaro,. a.1-. c.lllomla
RusMll H. James, 2021/t E ... , ..
Boul .. erd, Balboa, callfornl• '*'· Tiii$ Duslneu II <-ltd toy en In
Tt\11 llel-1 WIS flled wlltl Ille
Coun1y Cltrk or Or.,oe COl6flty on
Aprll 2, 1911 ~, .....
,.CTITIOUS IUSINESS PubllMleCI Or-Coall o.lly Piiot,
NAME STAT•MENT April S, 12, 19. 2•. 1'11 t6~l Tiie lollowln9 ,,.rltOl'ls .,, doln9
AtMiic-CI Jtlwd .............. •--ic-.......
• INFORMED CHOICE .. ; . ......-.. ~ .. : ""••' '
f'OVNTM4 y M.LIY .................. ... , ...... _ ..............
C ...... t2647
NAME STATEMENT 1..-.vn• BMcll, CeltfO<nia •as• NAME STATILMaNT
9 Sa 1 Jollft w. IA•••y, 14112 Oar1MOUlll Tiie lollowlno i>er50ft It o.1119 ..,ti· Caito Enlef'Prl-. J41 ' •r Mn Circle, T~ln, Callfor1tla ,,.._ ... u u
A•tnut,lrvlM,Celllorn aUIU. Glorla M . Leave y, 14711 NEWPORT CENTER NEWS, tlO
S•ewart F. Hiii 111 and JUOy A Oartmoul/I Clrelt, fuslln, Calllomla. Nt.,;porl Ctnltr Drive, Swllt 110,
Hiii, 14191 !,earlMll A•tnue, Irvine. Thh llUJIMU IS COn<IUCltd b'f • Ntwpart BNcll. Cellfom1• ..... Call~~~: ':,"~atlln and Dorothy L. C19Mra1 -tnet'sl\lp Andrew l..awltr' 4eU "'war' JdWI W. 1..Ate V9y Newport BNc:ll, c.llfen\la tlW,l. Gatlin, 2S4Sl s111wnu, F.:I Toro, Tlllt , ... ._, was 111.., wllll Ille Tiiis b\i$1Mu Is c.Oftdueled Illy ., 1,. C•ll~::-o. KUM .nd Carol KuM, County Cltni of Ortt191 County on dlYldv11.
UIU Collma Bay, Utuna Nlouel, MarclllS, '"'· --Lewi« I nl ..,.., .. ,..... Thia , ... _, WM Ill ... wJUI tllt
Cal ~r ~ p ' ttletdllev and Barbera Publlt.lled Ortt191 Coell Oaily PllOI, County Cler-OI Oren91 County on
A. 1 1:1c111ey.' 14241 SttrlMll AV9nue, Mtrcll 2', Aprll S, 11, 1'. '"' Uso-11 Merell 19, 1tll ..,
lrvl11t, catllomlt 92114. I Put>llshtd Oranij9 Coelt 0111¥ =
This t>uslneu Is conduct-d,bY a PUBLIC NOTICE Marth n 2' Aprll s 12 "'' 1-.a1 91neral ....V-t/llp • • • •
St-art F Hiii 111
Tiii• si.-1. •• fllt<I wllll "'• "CTITIOUS e us1NESS PUBLIC NOTICE County Cl.,._ of Onn91 County on NAME STATILMaNT
Merell It, 1''1. l'IMMI Tiit IOllOWlnt ,..r 14nt art Clo Int -l'ICTtTIOUS IUSINHS butlMHIJ' .., ' P11bllllleel Of•• COHI ~ly Pllol, NIPPON FOODS, H:U<IW.' 8•11 HAM• STATILMaNT
M•rcll 22, 1', Aprll S, ~~-12,7a.tl R"" A"'°'lm Callfomi. ..... Tiit f9lj~l"9 P~l!lft6 \rt dolnt , -·.· .'f ' *' ' INC ttu•lneu .. · • . ,, , ' S.,a. V, ""HTaltf'ltlSll, •• a O&TSUN a. TOYOTA PARTS 174t Cetlldtni. ""1'0'•1iofl, l>Ua Tiil-" • ......... ---------•t Wesll'ftlMtff "-'llGnllatMJ ,H9wport ............. CMI• Meu, ... ,...., Calltor• ~ ~~":'~~ Sltff ElstnMIH , '°°' Sehm1
Thi• ...... ~ -Hied ••11' .,.. 1.ane, Mic•~. c.tllenil• •11u .
Cevnl'f Clefll Of Of ... C...llty on S<ett Kine, tl'I IMOtilM, Hllftt-
Me 11 ~· 1''1 lntton __,., c.lltomle tM& LA; Oll~ICU Thll 1Mlne11 ll cenelu<IM lly M
TOltOllONlltAllMI lndlYI"":~ Eltefl4lelu
HU Wftf ........ 9Mca llil'M. Tlllt nttef!Wlt -IMtll wl1l1 lht ::=,:...,..._, Cw11ty Ci.A el Ort11191 CalHl4'I M .. ~ Mt•~" "· ... ,
llutl!llllM Ortn91 c-1 Delly lllllet, .. , ....
MMcl'I 22, It, AorN S, U; "" 1*41 1'111411NC1 Or-. CMM Deity llllM, ~clt11, It,""" s, 12, 1•1 ,_.,
IWOTAf'°"' llt(""°' T••oc•o• , .. , lllW YOllC MIOWHT ,ACl"C , .... llOITCMI ,., .... ,. tlll(INHTI HOO .. , ........ ANO .. ,...,.0.., lltl w.ho ••D .... ,. ....
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Orange Coast OAJL Y Pll.OT/&mday. April 5. 1981
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RICHAROS.G&BAUR ~PB, No. (AP) -A lOCM bawk bunts
lD wldlnlas melts above the
ri¥er '11 nmway flowlac Deatl1-
two mUet to diltaat co...ae-..
At the north end o( the (eon
crete hl&hVtay w•lcb l>Dct
laoncbed America 'a lrontlin flabt~en lour ve hangars are d • .,...,..
W lte•alo 1u 1 ltave
vanlahed fr ch aatq,
Flaapoles w Old r1 Oil•
mapped ln zes tC
prairie art oon w st&Q<t
naked ln crab grass.
boarded up, tbe swi ing po01t
are t.raps for leaves, e atablts
are deserted. Nearly houses
are mute ~nd dark againat ap·
proacbfnt Winter.
Rlchards-Gebaut Air Force.
Base is stlll officially listed ~
an· active military Installation ih
Pentagon files. But on Oct. 1, the
Air POl'(:e and Kansas City en-
tered into a one-year agreement
lo make it a joint military-civilian
facility; much of its land and
buildings have become "ex-
cessed," "surplused," "inac-
tivated," and "in the pipeline for
the disposal process.·'
Like so many or its coun-
terparts scattered around the
• I
~ ti"5, R\cbarda-Gebaur baa ~me a dismembered
mllltary Cll,lliver. Us Llllipu-
tlau are cunent events -de-~t• Vietnam, OPEC, SADT I
JUld n, inflaUoo, unemployment, a yolWlteer ~Y, a shrinking
'"TQEY llA'VE CUT the base
up j.ntj •~mtt1Y little pl~es it woulcl tie ~ to put it baelc
tote~.......,,, HYS C• Guin,
a lawyer llid Ak Force ,.....ybt
who lives in netfhborhla. ~.
The Air Force, whiicb i»oqbl
the land from Kansas City tor St
In 1953, has leased more-than
l'#alf the ba:;e's 2,418 acres back
to the city. The city. in turn, bas
already s ublet some bousing
quarters and the chapel to
Calvary Bible College on a SO.
year codtract.
Belton, the base's southern
neighbor, had only 1,000 resi-
dents when construction 1tarted
in 1953. Now it's a booming sub-
urb that leases the base golf
course and wants the housine
• t.
untll, baseball dl•mond, bcnwl· ln1 alley, youth center and
stables (or Its 13,000 residents.
The Department of
Agriculture took the base
hospital (or research; the Anny
Reserve bu the old exchange,
Mnd the Marine Corps ex-
propriated the officers' housing
for the staff of its Kansas City
fJn•nce center.
~an store single-engine toys for
$85 a month in the finest hantars
taxpayers' money used to buy.
Sophisticated instrument land-
ing systems that· once pulled
down B-~. C-1415, and F5s now
coax home Piper Cubs piloted by
dentists on-days off.
The 442nd Air Force Reserve
Tactical Airlift Wing, Gum's
outfit, is the only major military
flying unit left at Ricbards-
Gebaur. It has 16 C·130 Hercules
cargo aircraft assigned there.
The base was named for U .
John F. Richards, first pilot
from Kansas City killed in com·
Much of Ml190urf fectlity "1urptu1ed" and "exceaaed" Into oblivion
bat ID World War l , and Lt. Col.
ArtJaur W. Gebaur1 a Kansas
City naUve who dieo over North
Korea ln 1952. Two 1eneraUons of
pilots affectionately christened it
The facility was opened u a
"permanent Installation" 25
years aao by General Order No.
91, Section V. Harry S Truman
took pride in the sprawling com-
p I ex that became a free-
s pend Ing neighbor to
Grandview, his home town north
of the base. Many believed that
the base and the bonanza it
brought might never have hap-
pened if not for Tl!Uman.
ON A nE&Y October twilight
in 1960, a hatless John F. Ken-
nedy stepped from his campaign
plane "Caroline" and told a
crowd on the tarmac that the
base and its people were part of
what made this country great.
That was in the heyday of
America's military might. The
United States was the undisput-ed protector of the free world.
Many foreign nations, and a few
U.S. citizens, didn't like the role,
but the American military
seemed invulnerable.
Air Force pilots gathered"
around the bar at Dickie
Goober, where their own beer
mugs hung in places of honor,
drank 25-cent drinks and told
tales of World War II and Korea.
At 4 :30 p.m. every hot summer
day, when the loudspeakers
blared retreat, their children
dutifully stood up in the swim-
ming pool and, dripping wet, put
t heir hands over their hearts to
face a nag they couldn't see. A
good steak dinner cost S3, and
inflation was a new word in the
nation's vocabulary.
security, seeing those righter
planes taking off over
Richards-Gebaur," remembers
Dave Tull, current president of
the bAse community council. "If
the wind was just right, you
could hear reveille come float-
ing over the hills right into town,
and know that there was
something tangible out there
protecting this country.''
Some of those who remember
the base fondly now think times
may be changing for the better
One of Ronald Reagan's cam-
paign planks was for a large in·
crease in defense spending to
ensure a military "margin of
.... ,..,......
Air baae taken over by clvlllana
safety" comparable to the
superiority he says the United
States enjoyed in the 1950s. Tull
believes that with his election
the trend away from more de-
fe nse spending will now be re·
"TIDS BASE HAD a tremen-
dous, positive impact on our
area. It broadened our social
structure and pumped millions
into our economy. Milita r y
children married into our com-
m unities, which was good for the
bloodlines. Military dollars im·
proved our schools and military
retirees became our friends and
neighbors, part of our lives. The
'loss of R·G has been devastating
in ways we haven't even figured
out yet.''
But Kansas City's aviation
and transportation director.
Delbert Karmeier . hailed the
agreement to make Richards·
Gebaur a joint military and
civilian airport, and envisions a
bustling commercial aviation
center in the future . Many
Kansas City planners hope even·
tually to see the base completely
returned to the city.
' But Tull and many other
oldtimers would like nothing bel·
ter than to see Richards·Gebaur
again become a major military
"I DON'T THINK we can af.
ford not to have it." he says.
"Everything that was built here
25 years ago was built to last. I
say let other people use it till we
need it again."
In the city's agreement with
the Defense Department, there
is a clause allowing the govern-
m ent to revoke its lease contract
on 30 days' notice, and lo use the
base during a national emer·
·' Richards -Gebaur has
become a sleeping giant, sitting
out there in a dormant state witli
its empty buildings and huntint
hawks," says Tull. "A Jot of us
want the giant to wake up and
come to life again. Our country
needs it."
April 14
Regulat,e own
life •
Items for an April 14
public auction will be on
display weekdays ,
beginning Monday, from
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
Defense Property Dis·
posal Office, Pendleton
Bldg. #2241 , Camp
The sale of the 240
items, which includes
typewriters, calculators ,
refrigerators, and other
assorted items, will
begin at 9 a.m.
Information is availa-
ble by calling 725-(331 ,
ext. 4331.
By Tbe Assoda&ed Pttsa
The Federal Trade Commission has been
forced to stop its efforts to regulate the sale of life
insurance. But consumers can regulate their own
purchases to get the most for their premium
The FTC proposed that state insurance
commissions require companies to provide more
information about the cost and rate of return on
different types of policies. The proposal died when
Congress passed legislation reaffirming its policy
of leaving insurance regufation solely up to the
states, and ordering the FTC to study insurance
only if it is asked to do so by committees of the
House or Senate.
The congressional action followed an FTC
staff report sharply critical or the industry.
Ins urance companies challenged the report and
accused the F'TC of basing its study on false assumptions.
AT TIIE CENTER OF THE controversy is the
argument over term insurance versus whole·life
policies. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
Term insurance provides a fixed amount of
protection for a fixed period. ~ fter the term
expires, you have no more protection unless you
get another policy. Premiums are relatively low
when you are young, but
increase as you gel
older. CONSUMER Whole-life policies
provide protection for as
long as you live. They
also build up cash values. You can borrow against
them and, it you df'"h1e you no longer want the
Insurance, you can <.iio.:ontinue the policy and take
the eceumulated cash. Premiums for whole-life
policies generally are higher than those ror term
Insurance, but they are fixed and do not inCftUe
as you get older.
The FTC described whole·Ufe policlea as a
combination of insurance and savlnta and It aald
the average rate of return on the aavtnp ~rt.loo ol
moat policies was under 2 percent a year. '
Htq" low ..
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lq'l\t,A'l) f~o~ ~s \.o'fl ~s ~&A&O
6'1·8188 •
Island w /quaint sea wall & bayfront
strolls! 2 s pectacular multi -level
mirror-im?ge Bayfront homes w/view of
Newport Harbor . Each unit an
archjtectural triumph in spacial rythmn
comfort & privacy. Pier & float t o
accommodate 2 boats. $2,500,000. Mary
Lewis ( D-20A >
IAYFROMT ELEGANCE! A truly beautiful
-home .. Tall s tate ly doors open to a
s pa~kJrng pool and garden entrance.
D~~1gned by TH EUERKAUF w /high
ce1lmgs and s un filled rooms. 4BRS incl.
l~ge master suite w/his & her baths,
hbrary and garden room on the bay. A
leasehold estate. $1 .700.000. Barbara Aune.1
<0-20B L
CUST~M IAYFROHT! Doc~ing for vessel up
to 80 ! 5BRS and bath.5 mcl. maids room
an.d convert.ible libra ry/den. Huge master
S!-.nte ~/sitting . rm and fireplace. Owner
financing .a va1lable to qualified buyer.
Sl,495,000 mcl. land. 147' on the water.
Larry Dyer ( D-21 l
Dock for three boats Under $1 ,000.000. 24
hour security island. Appl. only. Dona
Chichester < D-22 l
UDO ISLAND! Lovely 3BR home on double
lot complete w /sauna and pool. Great for
entertaining . Lots of privacy. $825 ,000.
Berit Mitchell. <D -23>
W~TERFROHT CONDO! 2BR. 2 bath lower
umt at the "Mai Kai." Double garage.
entry courtyard and huge bayfront deck.
$535,000. Martha Macnab cD-24 >
w/center courtyard. French doors.
hardwood floors. beam ceilings. Street to
street location on lot and a half. 3-car
garage . $495 .000 in c l. land .
Young/lmbernino. <D-2.5 >
LARGE FAMILY HOME! Spaciously built
custom home in Baycrest. 5BRS, family
rm and terrifi c pool and outdoor
entertainment area. Owner will assist
w/financing. $439.500. Tom Allinson or
Terry Hanes. <D·26 )
IAYCR~ST! G.reat 4BR. 3 bath family home
w/partial view. Ideal for entertaining.
Pool. spa, 2 patios . $398,000 incl. land. Dona
or Mary Lou. (0·27)
English-style bungalow w/3BRS and
custom features all for $375.000 fee. Dick
Halderman. (0 -28 )
421 FIRHLEAF -OPEN SAT l·S! Exceptional
corner locali?f South of the highway.
3BRS, 2 baths. 2-story owners unit plus
2BRS, 2 baths over garage. Fireplace
patios and laundries. Totally separate fo;
complete privacy. Assumable financing.
$359,000 incl. land. Martha/Dona. <D-29 )
IRVIME TERRACE! Terrific corner location
3BR pool home close to beaches. Newport
Center and all Newport amenities. S329,500
leasehold. Tom Allinson. (0.3())
THE ILUFFS! Sunny 4BR, 3 bath unit with
view of Newport Center. Spacious and airy
Carmelia Plan w /lovely patio. $230,000.
Nancy lmbernino. (0 -31)
Plan in super location. 3 separate patios
Spanish tile entry. $215.000. Nancy
Imbea:nino. <D-32 >
41a & POOL -$201,000! 1,iovely upper bay
~o~e leaturing open beamed ceiling in
livmg rm1 formal dining, large family rm,
remote 10 -law quarters. PLUS lush,
private redwood decked pool' area. Paula
Bailey.' CD-33)
IWfPS W•AIMl 4BR home w/outstanding
greenbelt location. Many mature patio
plahts provide prlvate garden atmosphere.
Large llvlnl rm w/fireplace. Pr~ce
inclUdea "•at.•r & dryer and refrigerator.
(D-81) .
c lose-up view of boating activity in
T~rning Basin from nearly every room of
this 5BR. 8 bath res idence. Spacious rooms
and terrace for elegant and c asual
entertaining . Piers and slip wiJl
accommodate three 70' boats. $4,250,000.
Joann Ackerman/Cthy Schweickert. (0-43 )
HILLTOP ESTATE! Available ·and ready to
occ~py is this magnificent Frenc h
Me<!1terranean .5BR villa w/perfection in
design , mate rials and crafts manship.
Elegant fo~mal living rm and dining rm,
gourmet kitchen, master and executive
suites w/cedal' walk-in closets. 40 ' pool.
$2 ,500.000. Lynne Valenti.ne . (D-44)
llG CAHYOH -5 DEERWOOO! Exquisite
SBR Engli s h Normand)( residence
overlooking golf course. Circular staircase
leads to master s uite w/his & hers bath.
sauna and sp a. plus 3 guest rooms each
~/bath . Four fireplaces, family room,
bbrary, billiard rm, 3 wet bars. Golf and
night li g ht v ie ws $2 ,000,000. Lynne
Valentine t D-45 >
MEW HORIZONS! One of the first custom
homes in the gate guarded community of
Ha rbor Ridge Country French residence
o~ exceptional quality. Marble floor entry
with domed copper and glass skylight.
Formal living rm w/French marble
fireplace. s pacious dining rm w/marble
noors, huge family rm w/stone fire place
and wet bar. country kitchen and oak
paneled library. Air-conditioning. 4-car
garage. $1.795,000. Lynne Valentine. <D-46 )
Medite rranean villa set regally on a one
acre site in the beautiful La Habra Hills.
Ele~a nt form a~ living and dining rooms.
family rm w t wine cellar, gourmet kitchen.
all with views. Master suite w/fireplace
and private garde n and spa Three car
garage. Pool room for tennis courts.
Sl,250.000. Lynne Valentine. cD-47 )
bath home in pri vate gated community for
an active family. This residence features
lighted paddle te nnis court. pool, spa and
sauna, PLUS private beach. $1 .150.000 incl.
land. Sandie Fix. 10 -48 1
4BRS. 412 baths w /00' frontage on main
upper bay c hannel w/pier & slip to
acco"!'~odate . large boat. This highly
amen~li;ted residence offers formal living
and dining rms plus separate family room.
Mezzanine s tudy plus sitting rm off
master . Appl. only. $1.100.000 incl. land.
Sandie Fix. < 0 -49 >
~TST AHDIHG VIEW! Exceptional Harbo r
R1d.ge Lucerne m~del w/3BRS, family rm,
atrium w /fountain and a very s pecial
master s uite w I fplc and retreat. $785,000.
Lynne Valentine. <D-50>
QUALITY AIOUHDS! In this s mashing 4 BR
Baycrest pool home. A "just like new"
remodel w /exquisite use of oak, cedar &
rare woods. beveled glass. European
designed kitchen w /fines t appliances.
French doors. paned windows throughout.
fabulous mstr s uite w/whirlpool bath.
Mus ic rm & s tudio workshop.Call for a
personal appt. $450.000. Holly Markas.
<D -51)
2B R units w /fir eplace. vaulted beamed
ceilings, built-ins plus guest unit w /fplc.
Great assumable financing. $289,900. Holly
Markas. < D-52 )
2 bath hom e located in Seawind
Com.munity ~lose to shopping, pool &
lenn1s. Security protected. $259,500 incl.
land. J ennifer Suchomel. <D-53)
Highly upgraded 2BR & den, 2th bath
UJl}versity Park Peters town.home -Plan
B w/private spa. Good loan available to
new qualified buyer at favorable rate.
$18.5,000. Can be purchased furnished also.
Sandie Fix. (0 ·54)
CDMI Spyglass Ridge cul-de-sac. Enter
~ough electric gated deep driveway to
this approx. 1/3 acte of country setting
which includes mount.ab\ and ocean views.
Note the generO\lS use of wrought iron
fencing s urrounding this beautifully
maintained one level Lust built home.
Comp\tterbed lecurtty is JUISt one of the many a,menlUee of this cozy 3BR, 1 o/, bath,
3-car garap (W'lo~) home. Priv.acy &
security ao rare! '519,080 fee. Bea Arnold.
park this 3BR, 1~ bath condo has just been
freshly pain~ed f ~r you, the new owner.
Assumable fmancmg and owner will carry.
$112,500. Holly Markas . (0 -56)
HAllOR! Charis matic charmer on fee land
w/spa. alarm system. cus tom built rec~ntly redecorated, new expanded deck:
lrvme Terrace finest location. Helen Wood $890,000. (lJ-57 ) .
IAYFROHT CONDO! Terrific 2BR plus den
facing Balboa Is la nd w/lg deck on water
and many luxury features. $595.000. Julie
Van Wieren < 0 -36 >
"Port Royal" w , s uper view of ocean & citv
night li ghts. $525,000. Darlene Herman.
<D·37 >
appo1nled Stewa rt. Large single family
~e~idence . Dramatic entry foyer. s unken
l~ving room w/vaulted ceilings, massive
fireplace. wet bar, formal dining room
w/French doors. open staircase w/planter
"lslan~. ·· Kitche n w/bay windowed nook.
luxurio u s ma s ter s uite w wa lk ·in
w<1rdrobe. $4 45 ,000. Lorraine Re nnie.
2·slor y. 4BH. 3 bath home w1great in-law
accommodations Game room, fpl c and
VIEW. $425.000. Lorra ine Rennie. (0 -39 1
OHE ACRE LOT! Ideal area for custom
country e~tate w beautiful rolling hills.
pastoral view and zoned for horses. Room
for te nnis court, pool and corral. $185.000.
Darlene He rman (D-40 )
DUME IEH~EMEER! 3BR, 1 story home with
good 1.ocatl?n and in terrific condition.
Good hnancmg. $187,000. Julie Van Wieren cD-41 ) .
LO~ DOWH PAYMENT! Creative financing
available in this beautifully decorated 2BR
end unit. Totally customized w/Mexican
tile flooring & redwood built-ins. $137.500.
Madeline Crawford. <D-42)
HIU~OP ESTATE! An exciting custom-built
m~lti level home on almost 1 acre offering
privacy ai:i~ n estled m. the hills of Orange
w/a magnificent sweeping 180 degree view
Over 5000 sq. fl. of quality construction
5 BRS . 3 + bath s. elevato r
air-condit1onin ~. pool. spa. etc Creative
terms. Try s mall down and owner will
carry. $800.000 Elliott .Ja('kson. (0 -58 >
truly lovC'l y ·1 B H. family rm home in
Woodbridge Gahlcs w many upgrades. The
~arge . ya rd .is charmingly l<t ndscaped.
mcludmg pat10 cover & dog run. Call about
special financing. $245.000. J ackie Wiley.
(0 ·59)
3BR. 21:! halh ··Franciscan .. model on
greenbelt A must set• home for tht.'
apprec1at1ve 5240.000 Young Park ID ·60>
contemporar) 11\'lng m this I s torv. 3BRS
home complett• w air cond1t.1o nin g
Assumable loa n and u"ner will help
fin ance $184 .900. Lorraine lle1d < D-61)
Canyon condo pnH 1dc!-i the opportun1t v for
a terrifil" N<.•wport Bcaeh lifestyle. U0pper
level unit .st.•t amidst the fabulous facilities
and amenities and st•t·unly of Hig C<1nyon
$175,000 with an as~ umahlt• loan. Susie
Weiss. (D-62 )
perfect floor plan for a single or couple in
Urn. adult only villa Lovely Carmeno
modl'I featurt•s upgraded neutral tone
earp.et . upgradt.·d d r<1pcs thru-out. air
cond1t1on1n g plus man\' more amenities
Clost.• to shopprng. free\...avs & recreat ion
$153.500 Se11tt \bton !Dli;J,
Glen v. eo1~ f1n•plJ<:l' & t•arthtone decor
Locatl'd o n d1<11t.'l' lot across from
recreat1onul LH·tl1l1t•s & park High
assumable loan 'hill J.!l't that Isl 11me hu\'er
or tn \'estor in 1m nwdwtely 5126.ooo Jamie
Wilk inson. 1 D 64 >
luxurious Ve rsa1lh.' wi th pool . spa. gym and
clubhouse. Great financing loo Terrific
deeor. brand new C'arpcting & draperies
Priced to sell fast ~ $110.000. Jackie Wiley.
< D-65) .
adult par~ in Irvine . 24x50 coach. 2BRS, 2
baths. nice ya rd. covered patio deck.
cover ed parking art'H Close to s hopping.
resta urants a nd freeways . Loan is
assumable . $45.000 Manan Frizzell. <D·66>
118 Collins A venue.
1010·12-14-16 E . Balboa
1801 Santiago
2642 Circle Drive
1901 Altura
1601 Reef View Circle
1223 Bayside Ori ve
1101 White Sails Way
421 Fernleaf
1 Lakeview
431-434 Nyes Place
..wPORTlb.CH "
2146 Vista Laredo
~ Avenida Largo '
2006 Port Albans Clrcle
43 Royal St. G~orge
621 Michael Place
l Trafalgar
5 DeerwQotl
985 Bayside Cove
-·~ .... ~
$198.000 :t
lote F•bl•nl
APWI ...........
Rev. Befn•rdlnl
Exorcism scam charged
Priest, 2 women accused of weird swindle
ROME CAP)·-A priest and
two women have been accused
of a bogus exorcism scheme in
whicb they tied up young
women, covered their. bodies
with • .,ic;e .. an~. recil!?.~ prayers
overtfiem, pglice said .
In some 'cases, the three
burned a sign of the cross on the
young wome n 's foreheads ,
Police Commissioner Paul Nash
said in an interview.
Nash said police believe the
suspects, the Rev Domenico
Bernardini, 56, Rosa Rosati, 70,
and lole Fabiani, 43, were not
sincere ly attempting to free the
women or evil spirits, but
wanted to cheat them out of
Salesian Order in Rome said
Bernardini was released from
his vows 12 years ago at his
reques t because o f mental
problems, was later taken on by
the diocese of Latina south of
Rome, but does not have a
parish. Police said Bernardini
wears clerical garb.
Nash said he believes the
s us pects s windled about 50
million lire SS0,000 from the
women who were persuaded to
work for free or donate their
paychecks to t he priest after
they had been "liberated " from
He said he fear s the three
have organized other bogus
"exorcism" ceremonies s till
taking place undetected in many
private houses in Rome.
Church permits exorcism in
som e cases. but it may be
performed only by a priest with
the specific permission of a
The priest and the two women
apparently sought out young
wome n who had family
problems and e ncur aged them
to go to a "religious ceremony"
a t the i n stit u te O p era
dell' Amore about 30 miles south
or Rome, Nash said.
The women, mostly in their
early 20s, were told they were
possessed by demons and they
must stay at the, institute to be
··Mothers complained in
letters to the police and the
state's attorney They talked
about s t range things that
happened in the institute," Nash
said. "These girls. to liberate
the m selves from demons,
agreed to close themselves in
the institute."
NASH SAID HE did not
e«clude the PQssibility that the
three were acting in good faith
and reaJly believed the women
were possessed by demons but
he thought it was unlikely.
The formal charges against
the three include association to
co mmit c rime. fraud and
assault, and a count involving
deprivation of will.
Nash said police a r e
investigating the possibility that
the young women were molested
sexu ally . He said about 30
women lived at the institute, a
decrepit 60-year-old building on
a mountain road.
HE SAJD POLICE believe the
crimes have been going on for
fi ve years.
Bernardini, who lives in the
institute. turned himself in. Mrs.
Rosati, of Rome, was arrested
at home. Mrs. Fabiani, of Ascoli
P iceno. was arrested at an old
people's home she was visiting
in her hometown.
Right-of-way wrong way
A bandoned plan irks ousted residents
Margaret Davison cried as she
watc hed bulldozers rip apart the
house her parents struggled to
build 30 years ago in this diverse
community of old farms and
new residential developments.
Almost seven years have
passed, but she still cries over
the loss of her girlhood home
leveled because it s tood in the
right-of-way of a highway pro·
ject that probably will never be
Government arguments about
the greater good of society tak·
ing precedence over an in-
dividual's wishes mean little to
a woman who blistered her
hands using a drill press to help
her parents build the house from
the ground up after World War
I l.
"IT HURT US. BUT if t he gov·
ernment was actually going to
build the roadway. then taking
our land would have served
some purpose," she says. "But
no road will ever be built there.
This is just plain foolishness.
•'Thank God my parents were
dead before the New Jersey
Trunpike Au tho rity came
around," she says: sobbing and
crying as she talks .
The authority finally declared
the Alfred E . Driscoll Ex·
pressway pro1ect dormant last
vear after almost a decade of
planning. legal battles and land
acquisitions that totalled $17
million. Now the authority is
preparing to put the la nds up for
public sale, reneging on a prom·
ise to .give the former owners
first option to buy.
"( don't wa nt it now," Mrs.·
Davison says. "That land was
our homestead."
EVEN IF MRS. Davison and
her neighbors wanted the prop·
erty, they probably couldn't af·
ford it.
Land values have increased
significantly the past seven
years and some parcels have
doubled or tripled in value since
the authority purchased 100
tracts from some 30 or 40 owners
along a 38-mile strip from Toms
River to North Brunswick.
And the initial buy-back offer
was r etracted by the authority,
which decided instead to seek
top dolla r for the la nd at a
public auction.
Cost estimates escalated from
$315 million to $475 million over
the years for the project. which
would have linked the turnpike
with the Garden State Parkway
and eased traffic congestion on
Routes 1 and 18.
The pr oject finall y
was shelved, primarily because
Gov Brenden T. Byrne opposed
the roadway for economic and
environmental reasons.
· Less than 15 percent of the
right-of-way had been acquired
when the project was pro·
nounced dead, say Turnpike
Authority lawyers.
Mrs . Davison's emotional re-
action is typical of the com-
ments former land owners make
about their dealings with the
"We learned all about eminent
domain," says Joan Simcox,
whose family was forced to sell
a farmhouse and 11 acres for
about $74,000 in 1974. "Now. just
four acres in that area sell for
well over $100.000.
"WE DIDN'T WANT to sell
but no one could fi ght them,''
she says. "And we tried every
angle we could think of."
Manalapan was basically a
farm town until the late 1960s
when developers put up housing
unit s at a fever pitch. The
township's population skyrocket·
ed from 3,990 in 1960 to 14 ,000 in
1970 and almost 20,000 in 1980.
There has been some tension
between the town's older resi·
dents and the newcomers. most-
ly young professionals who com·
mute by bus to New York.
BALTIMORE () -Chronic exposure to X·
raya may result ln an increased risk of death Crom
cardiovascular disease as well as cancer, accord-
tne to a lon1·term study by the Johns Hopkins
School of Hyslene and Public Health.
The atudy noted that althoush chronic radia-
tion exposure previously had been linked to non-
specfic "aging effects," this was the first time a
disease other than cancer has been linked to radia·
tion exposure.
The findings stem from the most recent in a
series of studies beaun 20 years ago by scientists
at Johns Hopkins, documentmg the mortality rates
of radiologis,ts over seven decades. far longer than
for any other group with occupationaJ exposure to
Members of the Radiological Society of North
America were compared to their contemporaries
in the American College of Physicians and the
American Academy of Ophthalmology and
Oto I aryngology
An analysis of deaths in the three groups
showed a statistically significant higher risk of
de1tth from cardiovascular disease among the
radiologists than the two other groups.
APWI .........
He wa tches 'God's radar'
Plains man
sees 'signals'
ANTLER . ND <A P > Take the
highway north and stop just short of Canada
There. on the cold. high plains, on the west
side of the open road, hves George Feland
watcher of God's Radar, enemy of coyotes .
Feland, a product of the sod he never
left, 1s a son of Norwegian immigrants, once
a buster of broncs, a former sheepman, hell·
raiser and moonshme maker
But Feland is 70, bent at the middle like
an agfng. supple wi llow that's leaned for a
lifetime into the ~lrong north wmd.
honking their way across Feland's land just
south of Antler
"Use your eyes and you'll see God's
Radar," he says, pale blue eyes glinting with
devilish good nature. "Look at those geese
You know it's going to be nice weather, or
they'd be restless Tht.•y 'd be fl ying closer
"lf the northern lights are above me, or
south of me. it '!> going to be good weather
tomorrow," he sayc;, his words spaced, sen·
tences filled with halt~ like a balky bronc on
a cold morning
"There are vision:. of beauty all over."
says Feland. sharing his treac;ures. "Every
time we look at a cloud, we'll never see
another one hke 1t Watching the clouds at
sunset, you can tell the commg weather bet-
ter than reading the paper '·
God's Radar 1!'> all around.
"ONE TIM E, AT HARVEST, 1t had been
hot for a week But every gopher you saw
had a mouthful of dry hay They were getting
read y for a cold rain Hay was their sleeping
Other signals : hairy caterpillars denote a
hard winter, long-furred calves mean early
As the accoutrements of civilization close
in, Feland laments that people 'use their eyes
to look at the unimportant things "that hurt
rather than help us.
"I don't pass up an invitation to a sunset.
and I think l see things pretty clearly. We
complicate Ufe that's basically pretty sim-
ple," he says.
ing s een? He sucks his pipe, ponders, arches
an eyebrow and as ks kindly, "How many a r ·
row heads have you found lately?"
That's what is Important: appreciating
the land, its history. Hundreds of aNowheads
left by Indians centuries ago have been
searched out by Feland, found on the
windswept hills and in ages-old campsites.
He shows them with pride, his c lean,
powerful hands caressing the stones.
"There's too much tension in cities," he
saya. "That's where all t h e aickness
comes from. Everybody's got a lot or little
worries." ·
His com for table wood-fra11•t bome
abounds with buffalo skulls and rattlesnake
akins, cowboy pictures. saddles, stones that
Indians uaed tor a canoe anchor and a "$>any
dra1. '' And a coyote rug.
"THE BEST THINGS ARE F R EE,'• he says. "Beauty Is everything. I don't worry
about tomorrow. Tbe thinas we've done,
drlnkin1. hell·rai1ln1, t he only way to make
amends -do better today."
Thero'• aomelhln1 Feland doeln't like : lhe tox and coxotes that prey 00 tarm pouhrJ
and •mall llveatock. He and bis two do11, a
1aunt Greyhound and a Greyhound ol mlxed
blood, hunt them wttb fervor.
"F\ve or 1lx 1••n aao I sot m ~ .. lie
T1 PllCI YM M, C1•
HouM-\ t url\f1t\rd
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P•ll•her"• Motfce: All real estate ad·
v ertl sed in th is
newspaper Is subject to
the Federal Fair Hous·
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HO\lses for Sale ....................•••
General 1002 •....•.................
SS,000 See this gor)?eous Mesa
\'erd(• Ruecola built home. supt-r area near
golf course, ~angle stor y
with 4 bdrm . formal din rm . ram1I~ rm . 3 car
garage. c·cntral air
rnnct . heated "pa. and much more. All for
C'I} de .Johnson Hltr
549 264-1
IARGAIM Fantastic 2 sty, 3 Bdrm condo No qualifying
Ooly S15.000down Won't
last Marsha. 631·6990
$94,900 Super 1nvestment! Two
2 Bdrm w11~ one with
fireplace' Current 1n·
come S710 mo Fmanc· mg • I yr home protec.
t1on plan 1nduded
llurr), this won 'I last
6-16 7171
5 BR -$125,500
OWNER SAYS SELL Not an add-00 or con-
version A real 5 Bdrm family home in one of
Costa Me!.<1'!. nicest Jrras H:mdymans de· light Call nov. and sa\'e1
714-631 -6990
3 B d r m 2 ·~ baths , beautifully upgraded. Enclosed pnvate patio.
double attached garage.
Only, $99.500! Owner
anxious! C all
VACANT R ed u ced $25,000.
Desperate owner says bring all offera. No
qualifying. Low down. 4
Bdrm single story home totally upgraded. Call
for more details.
P'abulo11i28drm a bath
condo wlth liufe tort master alilte, 2 car at·
teched 1•ra1e. Maay, m111 extr•. C.ll to aee 54f.UlS
Z Br condo. Assume 9~
lo4lJ'. Great for Investor
or starter home. Owner
desperate! 6"1·8833
Tired of selling houses 7
days a ~?We need
one licensee to leam the
s kills t o mana fe " broker. commercia real
estate . Income from
mgmt while you learn.
Super benefits: life in·
'Ul8BI I LlftL IMUl'Y. End unit.
quiet cul·de-sac, 1800 sq. ft. Moat
wanted PAULA PLAN. 3 Bdnm, 2
baths, larte master bedroom suite witb
littlna room. Finest quality uparadea, lnclucling A/C. Enclosed private paUos.
Brlaht kitchen fam/rm. $295,000
OPIM IUM l-4 436 OMD4.
(OffY.Ow d1t
IND MT I Pl.AM. Lovely park &
mountain view. 3 Bdrm, 2IAI bath,
kitchen wtlb large breakfast room.
Fam rm with built-ins. $2M,OOO
IM•lsToa·s ATIINTION. We have
choice properties that are presently
leased, but would be available for
purchase now. Please call for further
UALTOR. IMC. 644-0134 .~~REALTY
s urance : health in· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ surance & dental plan.
Truly one of a kind -panoramic
view. Expanded family roo m
beautifully panelled in warm wood,
bookehelves &t wet bar. Large formal
dining room, all new carpets -drapes
-decorating -stained glass window
-crown moldings -4 bed.rooms & 3
bath s . Immaculate condition .
Assumable loan. $359,000. Rosemary
Sietz. 644-6200. CD-10)
C&mp\.IS V&lley Center Woodbridge Village Center
7521414 551-8700
Located in No C M . t his
one year old 3 Bdrm 212
Ba ~o~do has been de
corated very tastefully
Features include frpk . 2
balco nies. gas BBQ.
hu ge dec ked pa t io
w s prinklers. 2 ca r
garage & much more
Assume loan and OWC
~d. Full price $177 .500
Ownerwilc~ 3 Bd r m CliH Haven
beauty. Owner will con·
sider a ll reasonable of·
ft'rs 2 SPAS. one indoor. one o u t d oo r , 2
fire places. used brick
entertainers pool area.
Cabana. fare ring, view
Saddlcbat·k Mountains.
F'ashion Island. lights.
Contact Ken, 675-6700.
3 bdrm. 2 bath each unit
Fireplace, built-ins. Ex-
cellent rental area . Near
beach & bay. S285,000.
64.2-2253 eves.
BllOKEP~ llfll: ""';
2 • Z • \\f B, 1 t, , ,. ' ~ ,
VA. Mesa Del M• Sharp 4 Br. 2 Ba home
with fresh paint inside &
out Features include
wet bar, smoke alarm, &
built-in vanity. Owner
will consider VA offer
Full price $132.900.
TRADI T 10~ \l
631 ·7370
Newly remodeled , new ---------
ASSUME 9'h 0/o FHA loan. 3 br, l~ ba.
din . .rm, 2 car all. gar
w/dr opener $89,900
968 57<17
kitchen. Call today for
7 14-631-6990
SI 0,500
Located in Santa Ana
Heights. 4 Bdrm 2 bath,
10 stalls, room for riding
ring. Excellent financ-
ing. S20.000 do"'". Own~r
wi11 car ry. Call 752-1700
Tota l cash needed lo __
close escrow on this 4
Rd rm. den. 3 bath. fa mi---------1 ly room , fireplace. patio. ALL H!W TO YOU huge yard "A Han-Lovely. refurbished 3
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called T .l.C K E T th is one. $1 28 ,500.
546·2313 556-2660
Whelan s4o..J666 Real Estate
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details . ~2313
CONDOS Huntington Harbour
Purchase w/5% dn. on
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WATER, guarded gale
entry. views. 2 car gar
Pool & tennis. 2 & 3
From $299,000. Call
714 / 556-9600. ----...... --~-------.
April 4111 to ltll o.ty
Do you need minimum
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Orange Coast F'irianc1a l 1 Realtors 957-<1701 THE REAL ESTATERS
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---Lose something valua-
ble ? Place an ad in our ___ --------1 Lpst and Found col OCbHFRONT
urnns That's where peo-SELL idle items with a 2 Bdrms. 2 ba. unfurn.
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round an item of value .:...:A.::.d·:________ BA. YNONT
In Newport l.ach -Look to
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3 Bdrm. 1 ba. unfurn.
Mint cond S850yrly.
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8 P 0 KE P <; II F I\' T '' 11 <;
l iJJ 1~V.8olt>ott" ~·
Applealfn«J Price &
Ttn111 Move your family inlo
this 3 Bdrm home & en-
joy life on this tranquil
cul-de-sac street. Local·
ed in Costa Mesa for on·
ly Sll0,000 and l3'it in·
teresl new loan availa-
ble. ~-2660
PoplHr ''Hew lectford• ...., Oii lwcp
COl"MI" lot w/oc._ Ir cHy llgllt •lewa.
PricH for fast ... 0,... ..._. s-day
l·S et 21ZI Yacht Y ..... V...t ROW
-.... ...._ fer lwdl...,f oc~y.
Cal for .,,.. to ....
·::~~.~· S~\\.4'l~-"'Etrs· ::: ----._.., a.t.T l. POUAN
•..... ,., ..... "tcrombled
_.. below to MOil• "
Quality construction, finftt waterfront
living, 5 1pac BR's, lam rm. buge
formal dining rm. 90' pvt petio. Space
for over 100' ve11el. a .eoo.ooo. \
.... tMSULA .....
Location I Location! Plus quality
construction. 2 separate bldp, large
llvlng rms, some bay & ocean view. "25,000.
SPY•LA.SS HIU. 'S....,.
Customized Tradewinds model on
breathtaking view site. Pool and
Jacuzzi. $729,000.
>U>vely 4 BR, in modeJ home condition.
Patio, overlooks greenbelt. $209,000.
Two fine duplexes with 2 & 3 BR's
each. Good rental area. $350.000 and
This truly distinctive Harbor View
Hills home has been magnificently
appointed for the appreciation of a
discriminating buyer. Some of this
property's outstanding properties are:
a new master bedroom suite
w /jacuzzi tub, beam ceilings, oak
cabinets, skylights, mirrored entry,
remodeled kitchen, french doors, and
much more. A beautiful home on fee
land. Offered at $410,000.
We are proud to present one of the
finest properties of Dover Shores. This
prestigious estate sired home offers
the finest of amenities. Features
within this 4800 sq ft residence include
4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, billiard room,
formal dining , marble entr y ,
swimming pool, spa and a panoramic
view of the city lights and the
backbay. Valued at ~O·,
-Batboa Island Realty
l\~D IN\'t;Sl MENT ~~Pl\NY
, 673-1700
Now reduced thousands! Spaci~us living room, features g lowing
firepla ce . 3 large bdrm> + den. Great
assumable 1st and owner will help
finance. Ca ll Patti Conover, 673-8550 ;
I .
Howard loH11ber9,
leal Estate ,,.. .. ,.-...,has .....
speclalhl11g for
Dono•a11's Realty 111
Lido pt aperly for o•er
6 years. Alty quuflofts
,.garcflBt these listings
or tt.. hlllory of Lido -
His preMRt lstings an:
2 Bdrms, 2 bath, immaculate
condition wlth expansion potential.
JUST $330,000. OPEN SAT 1·4. 214
4 Bdrma, 4 baths, ~. rea~ &
waiting for family living.
Affordable & prestJgious. JUST
• ~()()(f.1-• 0 PEN SU'N 1-4. 219 VIA NJ(.;E.J
You'll love touring the harbor le
tying up at your own back yard to
enjoy the sunset on ya. waterfront
patio. Income tool Could be
Newport's lowest priced waterfront
bome. $'80ii000. Call for affordable
terms on a properties.
1 ~xqutaitely upp-aded Monaco 011
to1f course. 3 Br formal dinlni' fan\
room, assumable loam. Subuilt an
offera, askln1 $575,000.
HAllOI •11
Beautiful cuatomir.ed La Tremonl
plan on view lot. 4 Br + den, park..&
parquet floors , s pa. $730,000. ow\;
SPYGLASI IPICTACU' Al Dramatic ocean, -har&Or and nlte Ute
views. Exq ulsltely upgraded 4
bedroom with b eautiful den , Z
fireplacesi covered patios $625,000. Owrier wil carry.
o/ newpori
CLEAR, COOL AIR Among big pNI Cll9d
cedars: well built cushMR ho.. with 6
ldrms aftd small study; 2 fireplaces.
mode"' builti" appllClllCft In kitc.hett.. Two
adiacent bulldable lots, .....y other extras.
Cll9d it's In Mesa Verde. Witt. 3 ~.
2 l/4 baths, a den, family room and fonnal
dining room. This newly retn0deled hotM
has pa.nty to offer. and Is ready for YOU
to mo•• right In. $249,000. Call us toclcry.
2515 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar
Realty IH .vw Ill '"It" II"' r RIJNl llO"IU
2 28 Via ltttoca
One of the most exciting floor
plans we've ever seen on Li~o.
Traditional charm. top quality
appointments, 3 bedroom;, spiral
s tairc a se , form a l dining,
gourm e t kit c h e n . s unny
breakfast room. large master
suite w/fireplace, skylighted spa
& sun deck . $630.000 wit h a jumbo
loan a vailabl e.
3418 V1• Lido • Ntwport BNch • 67S-4S62
Here's your chC11tCe to "'°" to
Udo Ill. with excellettt ~
OR cS.., fnsh 3 ldrm, .... j
lath hofM that 11 OM of ...
lowest priced ho111es °" tt.e
lllaftd. Asaume large lo. _,
owner wilt co111lder c~
ICll'CJ• 2 .. d. Call today wt.He
offeved at $395,000.
Claulc Tiied roof, s,_,.. ~
..... Oce•sJde &Mt tild a.,, ~ OCMftYiew, INacfwood
floors, .......... 3 ... 3 ...
'•• r111 , For•al dh•l•4J· Slt0,000. r:: ..
VIEW :-4219 ,100
s,.ct.ctllw •lew of INldl ...,. l
ldr•• 2 1/J letha, elf'. c11••1d. ._, ,..._ ...
.. co.do. n. ......... .
....... tlstH.
IHellHt flH•cl•t for tllla ......................... l ._ .. , •• z~ . ..,~ C:'::: ..:.--.:i..=
n11 •••• ..,, .... , t11t w.e
'9iHle.Jillt..W.c. ......
............ VllW• ... WAlla.,_
tlllt f•ltllfoH 2·•!::J rHl4Hce.
bceptlMelw •cw wt• ....., ..................................
firwll cloon. MOl'ttle .... 111 It~ ...... s.,.. ... wit\ .......... ..
~ ltw; .... .w ..... ,......
rrl•ete exterior 1pa. FIYe tot•I
IM*n••IK ... 2 ..... _......._.
& all co•fort •••1tftle1. Exterior
retrectable aw•l•g •••r , .. 10 +
.. ,.. ... c~ deck ...... • ,..,.
9CI 1Up for Z Meta. s.,MttlcatH
~ .,. .... SltoWll .., ..... , •.....
to .. flecl belyen. $2,400,000 ... .
A re.w..ce of 4Jl'9CI .......... •
,,..tlglom u.da Isle ............ .....
t•rdHJ o••r brick well& wey It
•pl poof/ 1pa to total tlercJ-ce. Two
..., --wtttt wt ........... .,.
~ fomta& FOf'WMll ....... ,.... .....
..... ...., l'OCMa .... , ....
, .. 11.. bar. For•al dfal.. na. +
.... tldtcMtLLa ................
rr:=-~·~= . ,&,ooo.
~ c•h-.cwcry z-....., ..._
09 priHh Ille. eon.... properly wltlt
pri•ate boat llfp. StalMd ~ MeJdc•
Hie, wood, 9la11 & be•tlM decor
... ~ thl• 4 bed. + cllmg ....
...... : gotr11Mt kltchett. krgt ..._, & ~ tt,200,000 fH. OWMf' adi1t .......
Preatlqlom Haritor Ridep LocaHoa wltlt
110 VU OF lay, Oce• & ftiCJllf ·11g111s.
MogMflceftf quality & ...............
tWs 5700 sq. ft. resfdetlce. Sttl .._ lo
MIKt yow owa decor for this ......,
..... wltlt 4 bed, llbrwy, ........
ra. ..._.... fCllL ""' md 1'• orw
....... ..... wftt. •• ,..,.... ~
~ & spa. 1..,,.. .. 1 ..... WltoM for
the parffc.,_ e.o..ow.r, IR tM best
traclffoft of tltls L .. 11 XIV M_. -...
$1 ,995,000.
lWque deslCJll & l111pos ... lo cllplcal9
this excellettt hocltfronf i.o... 0.er
6000 sq. ft ........... Wwrior' & ....,
COMlnlcffota. Inca.Ides tw.2500 Mt-ft.
Mite. Perfect for oWMnWp by 2 ._..s. Mm• offef-s2.200.ooo.
9Ylef ,..1fdentlal beachfroM wltt. a11
ncltllMJ, Yenatile and •trf krgt 2-.....,
IMMM. EYery decorotlftg..., Is ,..feet!
Special ffftwes of this 4 IMd ...._
a.cw. 1 ... ,,.. ..... ...try, spacJ.s,....
rOOllrl/ ...... Mft. wlttl .......... Mr;
ele•ator, pla.tatlo• sa..tters, wide
halways, ,_. ... t floon. A perhct ..._
for ttle ..... .cl t..ly. R.-.cl to
$'50,000 ........ old.
A pri•ah co ...... tty. Wood. brtd&. CJl9tt
_. water are a perfect C.-.0 for tWt
l bdnft., fGlllity ho.. ............ ..... ""· ,... .... ...., ,. ,,. ....
....., a• yow oww beodl _. IOAT
SUP. Oww wtl aafst _.... .._,..,. A
AHE YALUI at $550,000, ....
Hewty decortlhd 2 .... a. co-op. G•91w C ..... _,..,.._.
Ylew. A1-. lo-. Sellr wll ...... Ill
fllt•clllcJ. loaf Jllp a•al. SZIS.000.
OwMt-.... bo.gM 94 .... , .. It reedy
to .o•e! 1-ac..... wl bewllflllr
11tal1tt•ud 3 bed. a.-wlttt .. ,.. ... = ""'• Z c• ..... ._ lo
.. CJO 2ad 1tory. ~~ ..... Netto. of... •
OwHr wlll e11lst wttll fl••cl119. ,,..._rty la fr~• • clew. S.•lt.
50 ft. to SAND--URliE-VU ·
Great 3 ways : Cozy 3 Br, family
home with huge yard. Area is
desirable and prices are escalating.
Owner will work with buyer to make
purchase painless. $185,000 with
super terms.
Prime commercial location 'h blk
from ferry landing on the Peninsula.
3 lots -fee land. Owner financing .
Lease option. Call Carlene for
2000 West labMlltYcl
Hewport leach 675-1771
Spectacular views from this 4
bedroom 2 story ·home. Highly
upgraded with wood plank floors,
pool & jacuzzi. Wood panelled
living_ & dining room Game room
with deck. $795,000
Love ly 5 bedr oom Southport
located on a quiet cul de sac. Pool
& jacuzzi. Submit on fl.nancing.
Magnificent views of ocean, mtns.
and nite lights from this former
model home . Great for
entertaining and family home. 7
bedrooms. Pool & spa. $849,500.
Spacious Tradewinds 4 bedroom
exec. home with beautiful
landscaping. Owner will help with
financing. Appt. only. $495,000 .
HAllOl llDCH
You can reside in this Harbor
Ridge residence for only $479,000. 3
bedroom Renaissance with lush
courtyard landscaping. Assume
loan and owner will help carry.
Located on an oversi7.ed lot, this
custom home has 4 Bedrooms &
den, and courtyard pool.
Unsurpassed views of ocean,
mtns. & nite lights. ApJX. only.
$950, ()()().
3 bedroom condo with den. Loans
are assumable. Call for details.
Only $30,000 down to A&&JME this
VA loan. Owner will help finance this 3 bedroom •. family room,.
Only $101 500. Owner will help
finance this 2 bedroom patio
home. Call for appt.
Large culfo.m hon,e near golf •
tennis & country club. 4 bedroom1,
formal dlnlna, 1parldin1 pool,
covered cabana. Owner wlll carry 2nd. Only $289,900 .
3 Bedroo::t Larse :rant wttb IP9:1'kliDI aid 'l~ $LB.
Orange Cout OAILY Ptl.OT/SUnday. April 5, 1911 Cll ·
IJI .\Ma.GS W4Y. #II
Best Value In The Area. Listed
Under $200.000. Former Model,
With View. Three Bedrooms, 2'h
B aths, Wet Bar . Lovel)'
Appointments Throughout.
O>mmunity Pool. A Usting Of "Joy
Of Newport."
OPB4 SUH 1 .. 5
Best Financing Available.
Assumable Loans At 71A% Fixed ..
Owner Will Carry $100,000 Thfrd,
14%, For Five Years Amortized
Over 30 Years. Rare "Q" Plan With
Spacious Ltving;Dining Room Area
& Cozy Conversation Pit. Ideal
Location With Large Enclosed
Patio On Lush Greenbelt Near Pool
& Tennis Club. Perfect Home For
Entertaining. $229,500.
orEH SUH 1-5
Smart Three Bedroom Condo
Located Away From The Crowd In
Quiet Newport Beach O>mmunity .
Decorator Walls, Window & Carpet
Coverings. Wonderful Tranquil
Area. $135,000. Available For
Lease. $695/month.
Outstanding Montego On Fee
Land. Corner Location. Secluded
Yard With Spa. Beautiful Lush
Landscaping. Night Light View Of
Fashion Island & Big Canyon.
Owner Motivated. Probate Sale .
One-Of ·A-Kind Three-Bedroom
Condo, With Breathtaking View.
Relax & Enjoy The Gorgeous
Sunsets From This Beautifully
Upgraded Condo. All The Amenities
Possible, Such As Sauna, Gym, Spa,
Pool With Acapulco Bar. $450,000.
Super Buy. Upstairs Unit With
Three Bedrooms. Peek-A-Boo
Ocean View. Wet Bar. Living Room
With Fireplace. Cathedral Ceilings.
Wrap-Around P.atio. Spacious
Downstairs Unit With Two
Bedrooms, Living Room With
fueplace. Laundry Facilities. Good
Income. Priced At $195,000.
Overlooking 18th Fairway.
Outstanding Custom Built Home.
Epitomy Of Understated Elegance.
In The Family Wing There Are
Four Large Bedrooms, Each With
A Bath; Master Has A fueplace,
Two Large Walk-In Closets, French
Doors Opening To A Brick Terrace.
Formal Dining, Gourmet Kitchen,
Bonus Room With Bath, Plus
Maid's Quarters. Call For
Appointment. $2,200,000. • PRIME IAYFRONT, IAYSHORES
Forty-Foot Frontage, Pier &
Dock In Exclusive Security Gated
Bayshores Community. Lovely
Two-Room Master Suite With
Fireplace, Plus Four Bedrooms,
Bonus Room & Den. Stepdown
Living Room With Ten-Foot
Ceiling. Spacious Dining Area With
Wet Bar. Truly Gorgeous View Of
Islands & Channels. An Extra
Large Front Patio & Deck. Owner
Wants This Home Sold Now.
Convenient Location. Two
Bedrooms , Two Baths. Plush
Carpets. Plantation Shutters.
Skylights. Top Security. Lock Up &
Leave When You Wish. Only
$255,000. Large assumable 10~%
1st Trust Deed.
No QuesUonJ... But What 1bis Is
One Of1 The 1'1nest Buys In The
Area. Lovely Four Bedroom Home
On A Large Corner Lot. O>mpletely
Remodeled. Large Assumable
Loan. Submit Offers. Only $145,000.
Easy Financing. Near
O>mmunity Beaches, Clubbouae le
Tennis. Large Quiet Comer Lot
With TradlUonal Three Bedrooms
Plus Great Guest Quarten With
Bath fr Bar Or Bllll•rd Siae
Recrejation Room. Beautifully
L andscaped Lanai • Patio.
Expandable Lot. "2$,000.
Orner will carry
A .. T.D. at 104'1o on tMs outatandlng cuatom
duplex. ~ block to the
be_.ch. 4 bdrm front un·
It; S bdrm rur. Private patios. Only $5.25,000.
Open Houses 1·4 ,,... .... ,.,..
3 Bdrm. 2 ba. new cpl,
ne)N plumb. nex rman.
$169,000. 1861 Rhodes .
Great Fe.Iv Home Super finan. C1WC 4 Br
3ba, huge yd. $178,000.
11 i98 Begonia, FV. N r
M!Sq Prk
lrookYlew CC*do
Nr So. Coast 3Br 2112 ba
condo, beaut decor.new
t'pt. 620 Shasta Lane .
Ca ll Agts. Gloria
SSV ·8320 or Erny 979-8373
Take over payments
with super low down. 3
841rm Monaco flawless
town home.
Jos. Taylor Rtty
38 labMI Cons
BEACH + large 3 bdrm
& den. 2 bath home &
much more! $525.000!
Owner. Agent 673-9Ui7.
Choice comer duplex. 3
bdrm . 2 bath up. 2 bdrm,
2 bath down. Can con·
vert Lo a larger home
FINANCE ! $895 000!
Balboa lay Prop.
Superb bargain! Cov
ered entry way leads to a 5 Bdrm, 3 bath tri-level
home With (amily room.
2 fireplaces. formal din
ing, 2600 sq.rt. of living
a rea that needs fixing
Call now ror more de
tails 546-2313
AnM: YITllAMlll
Sharp 3 BR home . , . plush carpets .
.. oozy fplc ... lush landscaping ...
premium lot! S2100 down gets you
ml $1877 mot Offered at $118.2501
Owner sacrifice! Call now!
Eastside charmer completely
refurbi s h e d . Quie t street.
Large yard with covered patio.
3 bdrms . 2 baths. family rm
w/fireplace. dining rm, with
heavy shake roof. Owner may
consider carrying Isl T.D. or
lge 2nd T. D. Won 't 1 ast $159,500 !
llG CANYOH STEAL-,435.000
Dramatic entryway leads to
lovely, large, 3 bdrm, 21'2 . ba
townhome. Huge liv. rm &
formal din. rm . Walls of glass
lead to brick patios. Priced
under the market with xlnt
I 01h% •SSUMAILE LO ...
Spacious custom home only 2
years new. $325,000.
Only $225.000 buys beautiful 4
bdrm end unit. Picture perfect
& ready to move in. Newly
+ bonus on the greenbelt, highl y upgraded
w/skylights, filtered central air. refrigerator ,
washer & dryer included. $165,000.
THE ILUFFS -3 Bdrm E Plan, on the front row
of Back Bay. Lease option available. $275.000 .
COROHA DB. MAR DUrLEX -One of the few
duplexes w /a pool. Desirable street w /hi
income. comfr,rt 3 Bdrm owners unit. $320,000.
Irvine community you could choose for your
family. A s pacious 4 Bdrm Edinborough plan.
Professionally decorated in warm earthtones.
Two large a ssumable loans far below current
rate. Owner will consider a smaller Turtlerock
home in trade. $389,000
available on this 4 P\\,.\ \\custom home nestled
among $1,000,000~ ..,.operties. An excellent
private location nvw reduced to $299,900.
THIS NEST IS FIA THlltlD -Within the security
gates of Jasmine Creek, nestle down to
comfortable living in this 3 Bdrm home. The
plantation shutters, parquet floors , lush carpet.
tastefully decorated rooms need n o
improvement . All this and a 9 1/•%
assumable l9an $335,000.
' COMMBtCIAL LOT -3 contiguous lots, zoned C2
in San Clemente. Office building plans
available. 1296,800.
IMYISTOIS SIMIHAI -Learn bow you can
enjoy ..a profitable real estate investment
without negative cast\ flow, property
management, vacancy factor. 7:JO MONDAY
IVIMI•. M'ltL 27, IM OUI OMCL 21 a I L
.. YATIOMS. '71-341~.
Quiet ,.t~JAl!OBdrm 2
ba, pvt leUo, nr pool.
Lou of planu and 1c:ruba. Owner wlll help
fin-Qce. Prine. only. Act
M2·51f1 or642-41511
Single level 3br 2ba Newport Bch condo. Owner wi 11
carry lSt·T.D. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266
Penn. Pt .. mid 200's, 3br new bath & update
Hardwood floors. Buildable potential. Must sell
wk ! Call Delia 631 -1266
Sbr, 4ba. family rm., formal dining, Balcony off master
bdrm. Super vs $2000/mo. Bob & Dovie
4br, 4ba. formal din .. family rm .. pool, super view,
ocean . Back bay. steal this total fixer. SellEW" carry 1st
T.D. Asking $480.000 Fee. Bob & Dovie Koop
5br, 5ba beau mstr. suite, lite decor, formal din . Bring
offer. Asking 1.1 million. Bob & Dovie Koop
4br. 4ba, Galaxy front row ocean view, pool, spa, huge
yard, frt. fin .. asking $725.000 Fee. Bob & Dovie Koop
6br, 7ba the most excit P<\-n· on Linda Isle. Wine
cellar. game rm .. in/m~ (\ \. U..;pa. Unequal basin vu,
dk for 85' yacht. 3.l mHuon. For appt Bob & Dovie
78 AC. sub. div. map complete, 4 sep parcels : sell all or
part. heavy producing. Bob & Dovie
3br, Jba, 3yrs old. new spa huge master ste. w/bay vu.
Sell at $525K 1st T .D. $274.K at 11.5% assum. Bob &
Dovie Koop
2br. 3ba. very sharp condo. $142K Bob & Dovie
4br, 3ba. fr. pool, ocean view. 3pri beaches. $1900/mo
Bob & Dovie Koop
Sensational 3br. 212 ba condo in Fountain Valley. New
carpet, ceramic tile and loads of stained glass.
$112,000. Call Anne McCasland 631-1266
All units are 2bedroom 2bath -good rents, no vacancy
factor. Price $185.000 Loan is assumable. Anne
Mccasland 631-1266
True value m the ever popular WESTMONT homes. 3
lg. bdrm + bonus room. Below market price. $127 ,000
Call Anne Mc. Casland 631-1266
Creative finance is the keyword here. Beautiful 3bdrm,
2114 bth, ground level townhome. Custom brick &
concrete patio. $25,000 On $812/mo P&I $110,900. Call
Jerry Jones.
Your best bet for shelter and development ... Almost
lot value, plus income while planning your dream
house ... 201·201 'h E. Bay Ave $260,000 Clint Moses
Four bedroom family home in excellent condition.
Exceptional financing for the qualified buyer, OPEN
HOUSE : SUN 1-5 Asking $465,000 Clint Moses 631·1266
Lowest priced 3bdrm in Irvine with 2ba extra large
patio/yard & excel. gar. across from pOol. $99,900 but
make offer. Call Lois MJller
$49, 950 IN MIWPOIT
With 20% down owner will finance this-lovely
mobil in exclusive DeAnza. Call Lols Miller
E"cellent value and terms on this stunning 4bed, (~m.,
din., pool & s pa In excel location. Call Lois Miller
Deluxe 2bed 2 ba -Hurry!! CaU Lois Miller'to see.
:JI.. Blu# .
436 VISTA l_OMA .. ~ ... " ..........
None finer, EVER. 2.80() sq. ft., 4
bdrm, S baths, fam/kit. + massive
bonus room. Entirely remodeled,
extensively improved with finest
materials & superb craftsmanship.
Hardwood fioors, oak French doors
w /brass fittings, custom oak
stairway, co-ordinated wall
coverings & window treatments. Just
everywhere you look sheer quality,
warmth & elegance! Ortered at
below replacement value, $350,000.
2117 VISTA LAREDO. Your finest bluffs
opportunity . '·Very best buy '·.
Original area overlooking massive
gr~enbelt and lofty pines. A spotless 3
bdrm, 2112 bath townhome, most
attractively decorated. Truly an
exceptional price for a prompt sale at
$212,000. CM any. many thousands
below comparable homes).
431 VISTA SUERTE. Extremely popular
Plan "X" in lovely setting. 3 bdrm,
fam/kit, formal dining room. 2 frplcs,
& great wrap around patio. Of.fered at
* * * * * * Heritage Collecti~n_
Exis ting low interest financing. Pride
of ownership. Large 3 Bdrm + family
room owners unit and three 2 Bdrm 2
bath units. All include builtins,
fireplaces and enclosed garages.
Excellent condition. For information.
call 540-1151
Steps to bay and beach. This beautiful
new home features : 3 Bdrms, family
room and library. 21 2 baths, ceramic
tile thruout. 4 fireplaces. Oak cabinets.
2 skylights. stained glass windows.
French doors. 2 patios and xtra large
garage. Beautiful spa off the master
bdrm. Offered at $477.000. For an
appointment to see, call 540·1151
Terrific financing available. Large 2
story family home with lovely pool.
enclosed courtyard and separate
master suite downstairs. All this for
only $145.000. Call 540-ll51 for more
IR Newport leach~ to
Ungo Ffnt
4 1peclal people for a •«Y
tptcial trahlhtg prOCJI ... • LJnto Real E1tah 11 prGMd to
offer 4 special ptaple the
career opportulty of o life
""-· Wt are MlectilMj 4 people
to beCJin -iftdtt'th °"' -.. "falt start" 1alt1 troh1l•t
.. ogr ....
. n. .. ~·~J;oplt ......
WOi ldiMJ "'"" Mm'y Thcrp. Mwy 11 a wtl lll90Wll
~ Sht Is CMI the ......, 9f
the o.ilfon1la AHOC ..... of
Realtors a11d the NatloHI
Anoclotlot9 of Rtalton.
•Msy wfl ... pena.., .......
.._.. 4 specl .. peopte ltm nl'! •
OM of Cl kJRd 60 clay .... by
• .., ....... field ..... ~ ,...,, ...
• If yo. ... lac....4 .ct ..... ,
fomdtMS.CCHIYM ... la ,.... ....... .,. ....... ..... ... .................... _ .....
ail~ for•,.., ...... .
A1k fer JaH rowllwl4-.
CC:IM Vice rrHlde.t, Stiles U••gr or. M_., ~ ... cas. ar.ctor of w..1~
'4~7020 '
llYIMI TIUACI ... llTA11
New exclusive listing. Great view of
the bays, ocean, bright llib~ &
Catalina! One of laraeat fots ln
Irvine Terrace. Traditional 4
bedroom home with huge family
room. Lovely pool ln front
courtyard. Separate spa, darling
new gazebo on lower terrace. Call
for appt. $1,095,000 inclUding fee
Absolutely fabulous Lyons & Cushion
custom floor plan. Spacious living
room designed for entertaining. Large
separate formal dining room &
fantastic family room. SUper modem
kitchen boasts of Del Piso tile,
microwave, 2 self cleaning ovens, &
many extras. Master bdrm suite
separate from other 3 extra large
bdrms. $440,000 with great terms.
"VBSAIWS .. $125,000
Spectacular D~ane Homes
"Versailles" located on huge corner
site. Beaut. golf course view looking
through the tall trees of huge
landscaped yard. Large secluded pool
& spa + a most attractive gazebo.
Gated front courtyard entry
w /fountain. . Marble floor in Coyer
w I glittering chandelier. · 4 Bedrms,
den. formal DR & 4'h baths.
Call us now and make an appointment
to see thls beautifully-landscaped 2
bedroom, 2 bath, family room home.
Outstanding landscaping front and
rear. Large lot, workshop, lots of
large closets -and all for $183,000.
Definitely today's best buy.
HAD<>a VllW HIUS-S475,000
Lovely 5 Bdrm, 2 -story
"Hillsborough" home for large
family. Pvt rear yard w;pool, huge
patio & tall trees. Inviting 2-sty lge
entrance hall w/v·aulted ceiling ,
spacious liv. rm .. formal din. rm &
fam. rm. Sundeck off master bdrm. 2
fireplcs. 3-car garage. Includes land.
Unimpeded view 25 ft across to see
the world. 3 Bedrooms. Western red
cedar inside and out. Architect's
a ward design. See it, then live in it.
2111 S-J~ ... Roed
MEWPOIT CIMTH. N.l. 644-49 I 0
Newly remodeled traditional 3 bdrm.
2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2
patios. Bea m ceilings. Best in price at
Panoramic view al wedge, frorh
prime large lot. 4 bdrm. 3 bath custofl"
home. 3700 sq. ft. featuring marine
room. entry, Ii ving room. dining
room. buill·in s. etc. $1.385.000.
We have several fine homes with pier
& slip, starting at $1,500,000.
Springs Condo. 9th fairway, 3000 sq.ft.
3 Bdrm. 3 bath, furn. Golf clb.
mbrshp. Trade for beach invest. prop.
341 Boy~1d1· Dr"'" N B 675 6161
P•t.•10111 Mewport leceHo• wltll
. '"'-'t.a>'9t VllW of_. llr· .... llp.
fw l9p yKltt. PM '-l M.•.Wlq
~--Ht;t.IA ........... .............. ,..tee. lilt.~ ..
..,,.. .... Sttl,000. ,.
Giant 4 Bdrm priced right! Spacious
living room, features wood burning
fireplace. Owner assisted financing.
Pay closing costs only! Buy your own
home ! Must qualify for monthly
payments. Exciting new concept. Call
today for full details.
OfflCE, 673-1550
380 W. Wilson
17 I 4t 6J 1-5055
FROM SI 32,000
... Newport Beach's most
exclusive, gated, view community
with panoramic ocean views on
over 1"'2 acre lots. We have available
five custom properties from
$895,000 to $2,500,000. Please call
Marlene Wilkinson for a slide
presentation on one of the best real
estate investments you will ever
This custom home is being
constructed in the guard-gated
communit y of Harbor Ridge.
Unbelievable views or the ocean
and city lights. This home features
5 bedrooms, family room, library,
pool and spa. Expert craftsmanship
and features abound in this elegant
home. Call for appointment to see
site and plans.
This 2 bedroom, 2 bath adult condo
has a beautiful main bay view with
boat slip availability. Excellent
owner financing with low down
payment. Only $335,000 fee.
Beautifully maintained three
bedroom home on large lot in
Newport Beach. French doors,
custom cabinets and shutters, spa,
ga: ·.!bo, shaded patios $285,000. fee.
()pcH Sun 1·5. 1212 Berkshire.
This traditional style home has lots
of country charm with its large
rooms and brick fireplace. Close to
freeways, shopping and golf course,
this home has 3 bedrooms and 2
baths. One of the best buys in
Newport at only $169,900 and the
owner will assit in financing.
T his customized home has 3
bedrooms, 2 baths, pool, private
courtyard, and separate in-law
quarters. This is your perfect
opJk)rtunity to move to Newport's
most prestigious neighborhood.
With the lowest price on the IDJ11 this house is yours for $469,500 ana
the owner is very interested in
These units are just. steps from tbe
beach and each has 2 bed.roorm, a
baths and 1arag& sPtee. Located °" a double lot, this property can be
divided for sale or development.
Only $270,000.
...... ..--...... '"'.
._, C'ell. M.I. •••••••••... SJH,000 .. cam .............. Sl,200,000
61 I &.We P.tr; JD .......... 1421.000
'40I W. 0c .. ft .... M.A. .... Sltt,000
6H a.NO Pn Dr. Pl ....... 1610,HO
IOJ ........... , .......... SHl,000
700 LWo ,_. Dr •••••••.••.. S'2,SOO
2312 ••••• .............. Slt7,000
H2 Vie S...._, U• ...... H15,000
4601 SHllton .............. Stn.ooo
10 I Ctff Dr., M.I. .......... Slt2,000 uo Se.ward, ss.or.cllfh .... sut.ooo
J11S L.l.JMkCMtM &..., M.I. •• $171,000
#1 Alret Cowt, NI S 110,000
JI 16 Kao.cute, C .M. ·$320,000
2001 IC""1t Rood, M.I ••••••. $439,000
221 Vie Or•l .. o, Lido •••••.•. $349,000
209 Via M...toM, Lido • , •..• $475,000
1121 l""-d Rood #6 ..•.•. $124,500
JOit Kloftcllb. C.M •••••••.• $209,000
2l0 N, Shakespe_.., Att•hft S 119,000
D AnchorGfJe Way, #24 ...... Slt,500
#24 An1a .................. $44,'50
#-2l Fnewt .....•.••••..••. SU.500
C.. yota afford S I 0,000 dowa7 Owner
wll arrang. fhtC11tclftg for you. Cottdo lft
HCUrlty buildlnCJ with aJI GfMftitlH
tf yCNa oct now this beelllffMy ~
4bd. 2 '12 bo home co.Id be youn fust In
tilM for summer. Close to beach. pool
-.ct teftnls. Priced to sell at $199,SOO.
~will assist w/~
Lo•ety ~ 4 IM4 --· 2....., wlttt ce... IMde4 ...... wmc. ...
........... roe. ..... ,.... • .-hr
bed. ~ w• to JllOOI. ..-. 1r bHclt. ·~ to $255,000. o ........ s ..... ,
Terrific location near the ,,... strfft.
Channiltcj 2-story, 3 ~ kJt kffchen.
formal dinirtCJ ""· Master bdrm w/fpk.
Newly pointed, carpffed and ~
Two patios. Loads of wood. wCll'lftftt and
Island charm. bduced to $430,QOO.
WW.. s..t of yow fvot .. cpa, ......
st.Ire ... ~ ...... cent ;a••
wood & ........ ,...... _........_
witlli YU. e.. • .,.. S.,..-VU from
CJOW ... ~ Ir ... ,. ... dBi z
1tect + ............ ,...2bed .....
$975,000. Ul-1400.
A law for Hie cltcn ... ltt.g HeatfYe
•-Hy. a..tlMly coordl•lhd decor
Mlrugltwt. J dory ..... wMlt UC ...
~ Ir ..... l"OOla, ,_,_. ......... .
--1.-ay ,. & kftct.ctt ... lo•ely
IMINr ..... with VU. 3W. ,.. loft/ ...
H•g• MW .,. I" o gtMr0111 ycrd.. c ......... loc41ffoft. $l20,000.
bulJNt PMi1tl4llo locotiOft necr loy ..ct
1.ach. This 2 story, lbd. 2 bcL and 2bd..
I ba. CCIII be Hiiiy COft•en.d to silMJI•
family. Pri• of ownenhip. Moill't.....ce.
Old Newport c hann. $375,000.
Mew on the moriret if• a 9'"' Newport
locotioft near Lido shops & beach. Two
s pacious 3bed. units of quality
cOMtrvction. Street to strfft location.
Spacious & Open 5 lclnn hotM Oft
conter with loads of room for tt..
family. L«Je ratio, mat.re CJ"eft«Y &
mini •lew. 375,000. ~ off.rs,
own.r will assist w/f°•ondtlcJ.
Eashnl charm ... cpility throughout.
Spoclou1 2-story, 3 bed. ICll"C)e IMng,
fonMly & dinincJ rOOM. VU frOM upper
floor. Mo•..,.in now. lridl & wonnth.
YffY IClf"CJ• l bed. + deft on water with
large patio: 3 both1. Custom rirTors &
1huthr1 but needs compleh
redecorotiftg. O wner will consider
.._./op. loot slip OYoil $610,000.
2 ldrM., 2 IA, mlcrowo••· huCJt deck,
MCttrity. pool, ;ac1qli, 119. Vacont.
OWMt' OllXI0411. $290,000.
Co•pl•tely furnished with antiques,
chiH, 111.,.r, crystal -.cl a '-Wortd of
mirrors" Ir el~ decor. ~ bk1cJ.
Lcrqe patfo. SpoekMt1 CIRd Cited.
2 lc1rM. Reduc.d to S Jtl,000.
BEAUTIFUL CONOO--tlWPORT w• to Westcllff Plcrsa ..,._. ... MU
..,. 2 bdnn, 2bo condo. Pool .ct
prl•ecy. OwRer will ossl1t wit"
flllwlc ..... st 24,500.
..... .., ~~·i..tary c.-do with
flrapl•H & 2 bale ..... l Nd. wftft
..... d ........ c .......... Mewporf
...................... , ..•.
wftll d111 .. YU. *"-r.a.l· ,_,_
~. -----........ 4 ..... .,. .... ....., ......... ... .................... I.~,. ••d ••••Hy ·~·1,,.4 ...,. wtta. ~Hkfest er••· '''" co.fert.bl• ........ ,.... .... " ,.... &c.. ... co.Yeriect to 2 ' ..,. ..... _ •• Two
..,. ~k/,.tto•.,.. lltw ,,. .. .,.. J
c. 9WOCJe· OWMr wll c..,, fh•cllMJ.
New Exclusive!
lreatltttlk"'9 VllW • ... WATH
.,,,... ............ 2-stoty ,.. ...... .
hc•pti011ally d•corat.d wltti forM
Mforwaollty thNOYt ....................
Fntwch doors. marble 1!::t•• & stalMd 9-t. s.p.rate ... paofia .....
Minored bar; •le•oted ~ rOOM. '"•ate Ht.nor.,.. R•etoW...,DD•
&..chHM 2 large •••hr .-... a alt
cCMWfort uwRfffet. bterior eetroc:hlbM
crwMM) oYer patio + ..,. • coddall
dcdl lffd""J to ,,.,. -sip for 2 boats.
Sophisticated .ecurlty 1ydcta ShoWft by
od•a•ce appt. to q..aHfled btryen.
$2,400,000 ....
A ,..sict.nce of grand proportioft °"
pre1tiCJiou1 Lindo t•. Wet-tin lalt
9ardt.n1 over brick walk way &
dip/pool/spa to total .w,-c.. Two
story holM with winding odl 1talrwcry,
...try fountain. Formal ll""'CJ rooM with
spacious family room 1ncJuc1ncJ lar-g.
~" bar. Formed dlniftg rm + CJOUl"'Mt
ldtchett. Luxurious moshr suite + 4 91"t
bedrooms. Lal"C)e ovtdoor patio plus boot
dock & slip for l boots. $1 ,395,000.
Exuberant cOflhMpot"Cll'Y 2-story hotM
on pri•ate id•. Cof"Mt" pt....., with
,,;•ate boat slip. StaiMd ..-. Mede•
tll•, wood, 91011 & t....tfM ct.eor
tt.rouqhcHtt this 4 kd.. + ~ nn. hoftW;
~ ldtch.n, larcJe bakony & deck. SI ,200,000 fee. Owner assist
Prttti9iou1 Harbor Ridlp l.oc.atbl
with 180 VU OF lay, Ocean & "'«JM
li9hts. Magnificent quality & detail
throuC)hout this 5700 sq. ft. l'fticMftce.
SHH Hme to a.l•ct your oww dtcor for this
~ home with 4 bed, ibrary, --...
dining rm., Immense fam. rm. and
C)latnorous ma1hr suite with fit tP«K•·
S&MCIKk, IOUftO & spa. l ..... siYe Cll9Ci
custom for the portlcu&cr homeo'WMt", in
the ta.st tradiHon of this Louis XIV MClllOr
houw. SI ,995,000.
Unique design & intpoulble to
dupUcate tt.11 exc.llettt leodlfroftt hotnt. o.,.,. 6000 1q. ft. leGllHM Wtrior &
qyallty constnlctioa. I~ ~2500
sq. ft. hoeM1 +02 bd. ........... + 91"t
suite. Pfl'ftct for oWMnNp by 2 falftilies.
Mak• offer u.200,000.
9u"•t nslct.fttiol twoc:hflOllt with °"
H citinc), nrsotile .ct • .,._,._. 2-story
hoMe. E•ery dec oratilM) cMfail is perfKt!
Special featuns of this 4 bed hotnt
induct. lmprHli'H ftltry, spacious game
room/fom. rm. with protnsloed bar.
•ln ator. plantation shutters, wide
hallways, parcw-t floors. A perltct hotnt
for the adults and fomily. Reduced to
$650,000 L.aHhokl
Ii. pri•ate ce>nlfMlftity. Wood. brick,
t/iot• and w citer on a petiect cOftlbo for
this 3 bdnn., fondly hotM. Larcp CIRd opew
llvincj ""· plus huCJ-ffllfily ""' PriYote ...try and your oWft beoc:h Cll9d IOAT
SUP. Owner will 011ist with ftftmcinC). A
ANEY ALUE at S 550,000, fff.
Hewly1decormcl 2 ldrm. 2bo co-op.
Goe CJ"H'' Catalino Giid ~ botilt
vfew. Assum. loClft. S..... wll oukt ht
flnancilM). loot sUp a.ail $215,000.
OWMr has brought :w:fhlr & 11 ready
to mon! lntmoculate Cll9d ........_.ly
maifttalned 3 bed. home \!Wftti • .,...
lcuMlry . nn., 2 ear CJS099· ROOM to
H paad & CJO 2nd story. A~ ... M 0
cplet section of the OCE.AHFRONT.
Owner wlll au lst with fhtancl"CJ·
Property Is frH & clear. Sub111lt.
50 ft. to SANO-URGE-VU
IHuttful cvsto.R ...... °"'I I ,._..
old. OM block to S..ta ~Jeffy. L-.
OWMr'• •it with 4 ~ pffd9tct
.,....., 1taJMcl 9faH & .......... ~ •
s.ptc-YU of lwf. ~ J IMcl........, ..tt.
bulellt flMnc ..... $675,000.
s.cwtty ...... 2 '*I+ ...........
tow"t ~H •It llt Hie ceu,hL Priced
to ..,, we -.... two: S4t1,ooo a
loc...._ with ,.tW YU. C......tery
Ad1ws Ir .. ._ c...._ -..cH to
s1H,100. owe MCGlldT.D.
CUSTOM WITH FRtl1 TREES • Dh~~~, i ~~·4 =-~= s, ...... zw. 2 k. ...... .,., .. d ..... ..... ...y ....... ...,.. ...
.... IR, ,_, ,......, ...... Mt, .................. r ........ ,... ......
,..... fw p.ol. ne._ ... • ::t~ wlcstabla• Specs.I ......... fl•••
......... My ........ 4 ~ __. ..... """° .......... ~ ..
$249,100. hck l4ly.,..., 11 mwct klfee.... 1611,000.
' Sales. Rt-nt-a. ~>' Manucmenl
315 Manne Avenue
Balboa Island
·---~ ... ·· ., . ....._.,... ~-... -........................ 'WI' ....
Orange Co ast OAJL Y PILOT/Sun~. Ai)ril 5, 1981
kitchen, super master suite, lovely
yard, 4 bedroom Palermo model.
$325,000. See Laraine Shaw at 2018
Port Rarnsgate PL
Li~ht & airy, 4 bdrm. pool home,
private beach, $324 ,500 fee. See Biffy
Rosene a t 4812 Cortland.
UMl9UE IM WOODlllDGE -4 bdrm.,
2 bath highly upgraded, next to park,
mountain views. See Nadine Croul at
20 Whistling Swa n. $189,000.
bdrm., 21h bath family home, large
lot. gr eat views! $425,000 ! See Tom
Boland at 2815 Pebble.
Sunny, la r ge lo t , cul de sac , 5
bedroom plus family room. $289,500
Fee. See Nancy Laux at 2074 P ort
-4 Bed room . pool, fee land a nd
incr edible view, $595,000. See Mary
Ann Anderson at 2907 Setting Sun.
3 bedroom , 2&,'2 bath, earth tones,
$167,500, see Nata lie Fogarty at 17
Melody Lane .
UMl9UE IM BIG C/i.NYOM -Relax in
your pool with s pa, 4 bdrm, 21/• ba,
super clean Broadmoor. $645.000. See
Binnie Dixon al 6 Winged Foot.
upgr aded, 2 bdrms, ocean view, walk
to beach. $215,000. See Dottie J ohnsoh
at 21649 Ocean Vista, So. Laguna.
llHIQUE IN SPYGL/i.SS -4 bdrm.. 3
bath Port s mouth model, 180° view.
Unbeatable owner financing. $650,000.
See Bonnie Barr ington at 11 Tiburon.
patios, 3 bedr ooms, 21h baths, clean
and lovely, ocean view from upper
level. $240,~. See Jodi Fernandez,
301 Colum bia.
Tasteful Monaco, 3 bedroom, 2 bat h.
totally upg raded. $235,000 (fee). See
Debra Bibb at 2057 Port Bristol.
Ocean v ie w 3 b drm., 2 bath on
oversi~ed lot. $425,000. See Susan
Harder a t 1000 White Sails.
REALTORS. 675·600-0
2443 EHt CoH I Highway. Corona del Mar
con s truc t ed ho m e with every
deluxe feature imaginable. This 4
Bdrm. 4 bath estate includes a
s pac io us mas t e r s uite with a
fireplace, wet bar , walk·in closet ,
jacuzzi, marble tubs and showers,
vie wing d eck or bay and blue
Pacific. CURIOUS ? ... Drop by
Saturday or Sunday for a special
open house 12·4 or call for your own
a ppointment. Good fin ancing
available. $1,295,000.
Ope n Sat/Sunday 12-4
2274 Channel Road
BIG CANYON. Offering the only lot
currently available in this excl usive
Newport Beach co.m munity.
Appr oxi m a t e l y ' a cre with
spectacular view of the golf course
and Fashion Island lights. $950,000.
This 4 Bdrm, 3 bath home features
the u ltim ate in family living.
Imagine a custom 20 x 40' pool off
your family room and a separate
garden jacuzil off the muter suite
with seclusion ln your own private
estate. $799,000.
2106 SANTIAGO DRIVE ........................ $55',00Q
1244 POLARIS DRIVE ••...••.•.•.•..•....•.••.•.•.• SI 15.000
633 LIDO PAik DRIVE, F-2 ........................ $650,000
1363 GALAXY DRIVE .•.•.....•..•.•..•.......•.... S495,000
11 12 MOmNGH/i.M ..••...•........................ $330,000
421 SAN BERH/i.RDINO .••.••• OPEN D/i.IL Y 1-5 ..... $330,000
868 HILLCREST DRIVE .•.•..•..•................•... $289,000
, 215 OLD NEWPORT ILVD .......................... $189,000
ASK FOR NORM/it. FARMER ...................... S 1,250,000
ASK FOR ROMMIE M/i.R/i. VICH . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . S665,000
ASK FOR JUME Ii.DAMS ............................ $129,500
&luff's Livability
Populur 3 bdrm, 2' ,.
bath. large coun lr~
kitchen, formal dmin~
Wrap around patio E"
cel lent terms 2U',
down. Owner will help
finance $205.000 belier
hurry' OPEN TOOA Y I
l1I 5 2716 V1sla Lim
bros a
ColHworttiy & Co.
Condo Specialists
Call the l'Xpt_•rts <ti tht•
condo 1nrormat1on cenler
Tourhslone Kc all'
/i.SSUMESI 10,742
m loans al $1347 mo Ex
QUl!'-ll(• C:U:.IOnll?t'd
Counlrv F'rem·h homl'
Jbdrm. 212bJ Sl59.2tHl
Jleth Duncombe. al!I
957-6507, 96.1-!1101
jackie handleman
l':a:.lbluff. 4br. fam rm.
romp upgradt.>rl Love!)'
Courtyd. ~pa Xlnl fm
avatl S315.000 640 8187
F:dmger & Harbor
&41-1991. n~enl
story, 4 bdr, 31~ bas. pool & spa. Like Brand
New. Call for pri vate s howing.
expanded 5 bdr, w/pool & spa. Assume large loan.
Open Today 1·5, 1913 Lanai Dr.
OHE OF A KIND-COSTA MESA. Remodeled & cus tomized
S bdr. w/pool & spa, sauna & fantastic 24'x26' fam . rm,
Asking $220,000. ·.. . • •
MEW LISTIMG-MISA VaDI. Charmin~ remodel. 3 or. bdr, fam. r m , n~w carpeting, used bn ck exterior-. OH~
Today 1·5, 1721 Iowa St.
COUMTIY CHAIM,.MU4 YllDI. Cheerful, s unny &
•bright 4 bdr, pool &. spa. lmmac. cond. & reedy for
move·in. Priced right at $191.SOO.
TIJNX·SAMTA 4NA. 21,ia yrs new, gteat location near
/So. Coast f lua, high demand rer\tal area , priced at
$189.~00. J
TOWMHOUSl-COSTA ..SA. Great comm. near So.
Cout Vill•ee. LK. :t bdr, form. din. &-lam. rm, Pool &
paddle tennis. As km,, $141,000.
Z IR .... FAM ltMorDIM
-at.669 Ocean Vista, So. Laguna
675-6000 $215,000 Sat/SUn 1-5 ,8ifl Hillcrest Dr., Laguna Beach
• 631-7300 $289,000 Sun 1-5
... 633 Lido Park Dr, Fl, NB
631-1400 $610,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
385 Bayview Terrace, Newport
. 670-9333 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
985 Bayside Cove, The Coves
752-1414 $.595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
28 Jetty, Jasmine Creek, CdM
644-9060 $326,000 Sun 1-5
~ JoAnn St., Costa Mesa
642-6227 $138,900 Sat/Sun 1-5
.. 2610 W. Oceanfront, NIX Bch
675-8307 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
2300 Heather Lane, Newport Beach
631-0517 $270,000 Sat/Sun 9-5
~Riverside Dr., CM
642-3370 $159,500 Sat/Sun 12-5
4491 Pinon Tree Ln, Univ. Prk. lrv.
675-4630 $157,500 Sat/Sun 1-5
~7 Port Bristol (HVHms) NB
675-6000 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
230 N. Shakespeare, Anaheim
631-1400 $119,000 Sun 1-5
••6408 W. Oceanfront, Nwpt Bch
631-1400 $.598,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
3213 Dakota, Costa Mesa
556-7174 $139,500 Sat/Sun 12-5
232 Via San Remo, NWJX, Bch
631-1400 $675,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
228 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB
675-4562 $630,000 Sun 1-5
#5 Summerwind, Nwpt Crst, NB
673-7300 $198,000 Sat /Sun 1-5
•2012 Diane Lane, West.curr, NB
631·0900 $189,950 Sun 1-5
2018 Dover ( Hbr finds) NB
645-0303 $195,00 Sat/Sun 1·4
2801 Bayshore Dr .. Bayshores" NB 644-9060 $425,000 ;o:,un 1-5
••1010-12-14-16 E. Balboa, Balboa
642-8235 $1 ,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
2661 Crestview, Bayshores, NB
644-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5
ll8 J ade, Balboa Island
644-9060 $360,000 Sun 1-5
•300 Kings P lace, Newport.Beach
6.11-6990 $349,000 Sat /Sun 12-5
343 62nd St., Newport Shores
759-1501 $175.000 Sun 12-5
3Summerwalk, Newport Terrace
759-1501 $133,900 Sun 1-5
2005 Vista Cajon, CdM
644-9Q60 $239.500 Sun 1·4
2041 Port Provence. NB
640-9900 $223,000 Sun 1-4
1212 Berkshire. WestcHrr, NB
644-9990 $285,000 Sun 1-5
418 E. 2oth, Cost a Mesa (E'side)
646-7434 $179,900 Sun 12-5
•34022 Chula Vista, Dana Point
831-8440 $339,900 Sun 12-4
6 Rue Valbonne, Npt Bch
646-9688 $434,500 Sun 1-5
1861 Rhodes, Mesa Verde, CM
557-8320 $169,000 Sun 1-4
4'2000 National, Costa Mesa
646-7434 $115,000 Sun 12-4
118 Collins A venue, Balboa
642-8235 $375,000 Sun 1-4:30
505 Avenida Largo, NIX Bch
551-8700 $240,000 Sun 1-5
245LaJolla <Nwpt Hgts) NB
645-0303 $419,000 'Sun 12:30-3:30
.QS-444 Nyes Place, Laguna
642-8235 $395,000 Sun 1-5
286 ltose Lane, Costa Mesa
S4C)..3666 $119,500 Sunday
4' 3 IR pin FAM FM or DIM
~ Emerafd Bay, Laguna Bch
494-9825 $750,000 Sat/SUn 1-5
81$.Camphor, Eastbluff, NB
760-0194 $229,500 Sun 11-5
288 Carob, Newport Beach
. ~9019 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1·5
, ll.7~ Burmuda Dr., CM
5'5-3462 $130,275 S-at/Sun 12-4 aem College Ave., CM
:54M831 $113,000 Sat/Sun 12-6
tn5 Denver K?osta Mesa
(.i ~1720 $154,090 Sat/SUD 1·5 _.White ieils Way (JMns) CdM •
,_.~ ain S\., HuntingtOn Bch ii ,J425,000 Sat/St.ml-~
i I )itSo,000 Sat/Sun 1-4
• ~472 Galaxy <Pover Shores) NB
. '48-tl61 ..•• ooo . Sat/Sun 1·5 :i>o:i Sead~~ ~!'Vine Terr., CdM
·, &M-9060 $l95,000 fee. Sat./SUJ) 1-5
m&Hollda,y Rd, Newport beach sm.ooo J Sun 1-5
art.D9 Pr, BaylhaHI, NB
"95,000 fe, 1 I 9'ln 1"5 , bl Commodore, Newport Beach "E ... 500 &m.1·5 Port Albbt ~. HV ~ M55,ooo s.t/Qm 1-1 .. arc •• nrwe, ~ I
,... ··-" 6it/8tlil~ mu:t"Whlte 8a1ll .,,., Cd.II '(-..iaoo IM0,000 Sit/SUD 1·5 111 llilford, corona dei .._, m.esao H ,ooo Sit/SUD i~
~ ............ , ... T-.. ....._.•c .. ' ,, ............ ....,....,
.,.. ........... .,__ ... 'f ••M, U •-•Ill ...,,.D.O.Y Pl.OT WA.Kr ADI.~ ..................... ,... ........... _ ......................... .
~.....,. I
•1363 Galexy Dr, Dover Sh.rs, NB
631-7300 $495,000 Sun 1°5
421 San Bernadlno, NptHts, NB
631-7300 $330,000 Daily 1·5
•2361 Cornell, Colleee Park, CM
646-7'3' $138,000 Sat/SUD 12-4
-i3U Redlands, Newport Beach
631-1400 $197,000 Sun 1-5
2113 Miram~ \ Balboa Penn., NB
673-4226 '"9,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
35291 Vista De Todo, Capistrno Bch
493-3989 $261,000 Sat/Sun 9-5
4627 Cortland, Corooa del Mar
673-8550 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
3116 Klondike, Newport Beach
631-1400 $320,000 Sun 1-5
4601 Seashore, Newport Beach
631-1400 $975,000 Sat /Sun 1-5
801 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach
631-1400 $392,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
320 Seaward, Newport Beach
6.11-1400 $369,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
36 Woodgrove, Woodbridge, Irv
552-1800 $354,900 Sat/Sun 1-5
4191 Manzanita, Greentree, Irv
552·1800 $134,500 Sun 1-5
5292 Thorn Tree Ln, UnivPk, Irv
552-1800 $159,500 Sun 1-5
32511 Caribbean, Laguna Niguel
831-8440 $439,000 Sat 2-5
2510 Glenneyre, Wood Cove, LB
581-1181 $379,000 Sat 1-5
1515 Cumberland, we-stcliffe, NB
631-5150 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
5372 Sierra Roja, Turtlerock, Irv
760-6767 $179,900 Sat /Sun 1-5
14 Rue Deauville, Snake Canyon
760-9333 $.575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
214 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB
675-6161 $420,000 Sun 1-5
1903 Yacht Camillia, NB
833-3622 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
251 Viejo St., No. Laguna Beach
494-1835 $295,000 Sat/Sun 12-5
7 Barrier Reef, Jasmn Crk, CdM
640-2077 $375,000 Sun 12-5
11 Mainsail (Jasmn Ck) Cdm
644-9150 $360,000 Sun 1-4
214 Via Graziana, Newport Beach
673-7300 $440,000 Sun 1-5
320 Otero, The Bluffs
675·3411 $2'75,000 Sun 1-5
1721 Iowa St., Mesa Verde. CM
631-1266 $159,000 Sun 1-5
1088 Glen Circle, Costa Mesa
540-1720 $169,900 Sun 1-5
17 Melody Ln. <Woodbridge) Irv
675-6000 $167 ,500 Sun 1-5
301 Columbia (Nwpt Crst) NB
675-6000 $240.000 Sun 1·5
441 Redlands, Newport Beach
631-1266 $267,500 Sun 1·5
•20342 Bayview, Santa Ana Hgts
631 -7370 $220,000 Sun 1-4
1601 Reef View Circle, CdM
644-6200 $519,000 Sun 1-5
**1901 Altura. Corona del Mar
642-8235 $329,500 Sun 1-4
1212 Berkshire, Westcliff, NB
644-9990 $285.000 Sun 1-5
3239 Nebraska, Costa Mesa
546-2313 $136,900 Sun 12 :30-4
2112 Raleigh Ave .. West.side, CM
646-7171 $108,500 Sun 1-5
24712 Taracona, Mission Viejo
770-4390 $143,900 Sat/Sun 2-5
683 Senate St .• Costa Mesa
548-1731 $115,000 Sat/Sun 10-6
205 Garnet, Balboa Island
673-2230 $535,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
2121 Yacht Yankee, Seaview, NB
544-9411 $400,000 Sun 1-5
225 Via Orvieto, Newport Bch
631-1400 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
••443 Canal, Newport Beach
631-1400 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
1315-Antigua Wy, Dvr Shrs, NB
644-4910 $440,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 us Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB
673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-5
~•503 Edgewater, Newport Beach
631-1400 $995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
1112 Nottingham, Westcliff, NB
631-7300 $330,000 _ Sun 1-5
20 Whistling Swan (Wdbrd.g) Irv.
675-6000 $189,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
209 Mentone, Newport Beach
631-1400 $475 000 Sat/Sun 1-5
3089 Klondike, Newport Beach
631-1400 $209,000 Sun 1-5
1800 Port Carlow, HrbrVwHms,NB
759-9100 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
505 Avenida Lucia, Newport Beach
642-8235 $199,000 Sat 1-5
1763 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa
644-9060 $450,000 • Sun 1-5
14671 Kimberly Cir., Tustin Mdws
759-1501 $187,000 ~Sun 12-5
2204 Donnie Rd., NewPort Beach
645·1103 $279,000 Sun 1·5
•.u12Cortland CCameolD.nds) CdM
·67uooo $824 500 Sun 1·5
2148 Vllta Laredo, Newport Beach
6'2-8235 $230,000 Sun 1·5 "82Ny• Place, La1una
6'2.m5 $415 000 Sun 1·5
431 Nyes Place, i:a1una
6'2-8235 $429,000 Sun 1·~
221>4Donnie1!!t. Nwpt Beach
6'5-1103 .,.-IV,000 SUn 1-5
~Port Durnesa Pl, NB
--~ '479 000 8uQ 1-5 1712 and, Newport Beach en •.ooe Sun 1.5 •c Either, Cotta Meta
at-6890 sat,000
I 4 II ... FAM ltMorDIH
3182 Country Club Dr, Mesa Verde, CM
962-8891 $235,000 Sat/Sun 12-4
*2010 Lemnos, Mesa Verde, CM
641-8833 $219,999 Sat/Sun12-S
6852 Silver Beach Cir, Hunt. Bch
$330 ,000 Sun only 12-5
1514 Highland Dr., Westcli/f, NB
552-0660 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
22081 Rockport, Huntington Bch
968-6533 $189,900 Sun 1-5
5362 Amalfi Dr, Turtle Rock, Irv
752-2248 $298,000 Sat/Sun
•2907 Setting Sun <HVHls) CdM
675-6000 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5
•2106 Santiago Dr, Dover Shores.
631-7300 $559,000 Sun 1·5
*6 Winged Foot <Big Cyn) NB
675-6000 $645 ,000 Sal/Sun 1-5
11 Tiburon Bay (Spygls) CdM
675-6000 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
11 Monterey Circ., Spyglass, CdM
760-8933 $625,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••309 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB
673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-5
1201 Devon, N Westclilf, NB
631-1266 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30
•1244 Polaris Dr, Dover Shores, NB
631-7300 $815,000 Sun 1-5
.. 1706 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penin,
675-8444 Sat/Sun 1·5
204 Via San Remo. Lido Isle. NB
640-5777 $638,000 Sat/Sun 1·4
12 Mallard. Woodbridge. Irvine
552-1800 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1·5
12 Canyon Ridge. Turtlerock, Irv
552-1800 $320,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
4 Atlanta. Northwood. Irvine
730·3894 $181,500 Sun 9-5 ••s Collins Isla nd. Npt Bch
631-1400 $1,200,000 Sun 1-5
232 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar
673·8494 $595.000 Sal/Sun 1·5
1822 Tanager, Mesa Verde, CM
549-2644 $238,000 Sun 1-5
•2025 Lemnos, Mesa Verde
641-8458, 631 -1266 Sun 1-5
2 Black Swan, Woodbridge, Irv
731·6~ $168,500 Sat/Sun 11·5
1102 Charleston. Costa Mesa
540-1720 $129,900 Sat/Sun 1-5
2018 Port Ramsgate (JM-111).5 ) NB
675-6000 $325 ,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
1504 Miramar, P emn. Pt. NB
673-9060 $625 .000 Sat/Sun 1-5
420 Belvue, Penin. Pt.. NB
675-9525 $430.000 Sun 1·5
18112 Dewberry <U niv. Vig) Irv
675-3411 $155,000 Sat Sun 1-5
1 Trafalgar . Ha rbor Ridge
644-6200 $1 ,795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
**1801 Santiago,.Baycrest
642-8235 $398,000 Sal/Sun 1·5
12 Crystal Pool. Irvine
644-9060 $249 ,500 Sun 1-5
21 Cedarspring, Woodbridge
551-8700 $245,000 Sat 1-5
•1730 Marlin Way. Baycrest, NB
673-4400 $449,500 Sat/Sun 1·5
•1242 Somerset Lane. Newport Bch
645·8063 $460,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
•35 Goleta Point. Cd M
640-9900 $795,000 Sun 1-4
*9149 McBride River, FV
968-5696 $285 ,000 Sun 11·4
*3463 San Rafael. Costa Mesa
646-7434 $155,000 Sun 12-4
3054 Country Club Dr, Mesa Verde.
640-9900 $269,900 Sun 1·4:30
2145 College, Costa Mesa
540-1720 $115.000 Sun 1-5
2815 Pebble Dr. (HVHls) CdM
675-6000 $425,000 Sun 1-5
•1059 Ballejo Cir. Costa Mesa
556-2660 $178,000 Sun 1-5
219 Via Nice, Lido Isle, NB
963-8182 $445,000 Sun 1-4
*1801 Santiago, Baycrest
642-9235 $398,000 Sun 1-5
12172 Twin tree, Garden Grove
540-3666 $126,000 Sun
•621 Michael P l, Newport Beach
642-8235 $249,500 Sun 1-5
3059Tyler Wy, Costa Mesa
546-2313 $124,850 Sun 1-5
401 Colton <Nwpt Shrs) NB
673-8550 $209,900 Sun 1-4
92804 San Juan, Costa Mesa
540-3666 $169,900 Sat/Sun
1827 Port Tiffin (HVHms) NB
644-4918 $549,500 Sun 1-5
1835 Port Sheffield <HVHrm > NB
760-1497 $349,900 Sun. 1-5
1533 Miramar, Balboa Penin Pt.
760-1397 $549,SOO Sun 1·5
411 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar
760-9333 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-S
2715 Lighthouse LaQe, ~
631 .. 1400 '375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
18 Mandarin, Woodbridge
552-4666 S298;SOO Sat/Sun 10-5
1407 Santanella Terr, CoroQa del
673-1181 $360,000 ' Sun 12·5
' #6 Malibu Cir, Spyglass, CdM
6'f.9060 $595,()()0 I 5'm 1•5
1818 Newport Hilla Dr, HVH. NB
8'7M400 sm. 150 Sun 1-s
51>9irWood. Bil Canyon
IM GOO '2.000,000 Sun 1-5
'937 Crocus <Green brook) CM
546-23U $199,900 Sun 1-4:30
tMl Orcliant. CM
~ $180,000 Sun 2-5 2014 Port Bristol Cr (lMiml) NB
8'75-eOOO $289,500 Sun 1·5
2825 Zell Dr, Laguna Beach
831-8440 $'750,000 Sun 2·5
18905 Antioch, Turtleroclc HUis. Irv
640-5560 $210,000 Sun 2-5
984 Paularlno, Costa Mesa
540-1720 $128 000 Sun 1 ·5
1913Lanal Dr, Mesa Verde CM
631-1266 $340,000 Sun 1-S
6 IR ,... FAM RM w DIH
•1524 Keel Dr., Hrbr View Hills,
CdM ,
640-5446 $459,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••43 Royal St. George, Big Canyon '
• 644-6200 $745,000 Sun 1·5
19'l22 ShQreline Lo #2 off Main, HB
842-5105 $89,900 Sat/Sun 11-5
200 McNield, U-106, Versailles, NB
760-6767 $112,000 (fn) Sat/Sun 1-5
7 Aires Court, Newport Beach
631-1400 $180,000 Sun 1-5
215 Old Newport Blvd., NWJX, Bch
631-7300 $189,000 Sun 1·5
#5 Canyon Crest, CdM
640-9900 $235,000 Sun 1·4
2400 Elde n # 11, Costa Mesa
546-2313 $117,900 Sun 12-4
1228 Rutland #6, Newport beach
631-1400 $124 ,500 Sun 1-5
.. 611 Lido Park Dr. 2D, NB
Agt. on premises $425,000Sat/Sun 1-5
101 Scholz #135, Versailles, NB
546-2313 $175,000 Sat 1-4
2424 Santa Ana Ave, Cl-104, CM
673-9060 $108.500 Sun 1-5
1001 W. Stevens #421. Santa Ana
540-3666 $91,950 Sat/Sun
1242 Rutland Rd , Unjt 4. NB
673·4400 $129.500 Sun 1-5
21R plus DEN
100 E. Yale Loop, Woodbridge, Irv
551-3991 $179,900 Sat/Sun 11·5
*22 Arboles, <RSJ > Irvine
759-9100 $187 .000 Sat/Sun 1·5
••633 Lido Park Dr. F-2, Lido Pk,
631-7300 $650,000 Sun 1-5
24 Arboles. Rancho San Joaquin,
552·4477 $195,000 Sun 1-4
7 Lago Sud. Rancho San J°"quin.
Irv \
552·4477 $195,000 Sun 1·4
16 Encore Court , Newport Beach
2117 Vista Laredo. Bluffs, NB
640-5560 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1·5
431 Vista Suerte, Bluffs, NB
640·5560 $249,500 Sat1Sun 1·5
620Shasta Ln. Brookview, CM
979-8373 Sun 1·4
15502 Williams, Tustin
540-1720 $102 .000 Sun 1·5
630 Sky view. Costa Mesa
540-1720 $134,750 Sat/Sun 1-5
•102 Scholz Plaza #28. <Ver ) NB
759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
2'745 Vista Unbrosa. Bluffs, NB
759-9100 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5
11 Big Dipper Court, Nwpt Terr
759-9100 $135,000 Sat/Sun 1·5
JIR plus DEN
#4 Canyon Lane. Corona del Mar
640-4518 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-4
*835 Amigos Wy IH5, (E .. bluff) NB
759-9100 $198,000 Sun l·~
4 IR plus FAM RM or DEH
*#7 Mojo Court, Newport Beach
644 -8053 $800/mo. Sat/Sun 1-5
436 Vista Roma, Bluffs. NB
640-5560 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
23 Freemond, Newport Beach
631-1400 $36.500 Sat/Sun 1-5
#D Anchorage Way. Newport
631-1400 $89,500 Sat/Sun 1-5
24 Anza, Newport Beach
631-1400 $44,950 Sat/Sun 1-5
*700 Lido Park Dr, Newport Beach
631-1400 $62,500 Sa/Sun 1-5
2 • 2 IEDltOOM plus DIH
2001 Kings Road, Newport Beach
631-1400 $439.000 Sun 1-5
3423 Pinebrook, Costa Mebd
540-1720 $132,900 Sun 1-5
421 Fernlea(, Corona del Mar
642-8235 $359,000 Sat/Sun l ·S
l 11 .... PAM ltM•DIH
251 Oceanview. NB
· $2000/mo. Sat/Sun 1·5
•3441 Summerset, Mes.a Woods, CM
646-7434 $1150/mo Sun 12~ ..
1 ... 00M
"737 SUITey Dr (Cameo Rlsn) CdM
675-3'11 $2500 mo. Sat/SUD 1·5
"" 0
STAaTaHOMI I Bdrm, l'-\ Ndl. Or.Ill ror the ~·f•mllY .. aa ou'-tandlnl famib' nelfhborhood. Fact•
wide •. r.eobelt. for • park·llke MU.lq, cio..
to 1wlmmlt1J pool 6
clubho\IM, -~· t6Mll2
Long private drive to
drimati<' touch of Old
England Old classic.
restored to ori&inal
e legance . Antique
parlour, candlelight
rormal dining, cop~r
kettle kitchen wttl'I
separate dining area,
secluded courtya r~.
wine celler and quaint
old t'a rriage house.
Lot'ated m area or fine
custom homes. Best yet!
. assume low int. loan. No quahfying. Hurry!
Ca ll 847·6100 Realty
World Beachsade.
plans $1.J00,000
row 4 Bdrm & family
room Sl,750.000
1-: M E R A L D B A Y
OCl::AN VIEW 3 Bdrm
Jba, family rm $525,000.
DUPLEX Two 3 bdrm 2
ba + guest with loft and
vaew deck $675.000
COD DL'PLEX 2 block$
from beach club and
Biltmore. $225,000
Carol Tatwn, RJtr.
HOT EXTINCT! Homes w •gr, financing
are sta ll avaalable S.,
Great fmly home Ver)'
~pa l'iou:. Many xtras at
this super pnl'e Call
now '' 545-M91
~Walker B Laa
rol lerskates •
w alkers•toys
scooters• hot
t railer s*hard
mowers* limos
•garden carts
Model A 's****
*pianos* cars
If lt'sgot
you'll move
' it faster In a
60-5671 end •
frlendlyact. vlser:wm
tum your
wheels Into cash.
OPIN 9" .... maACI
BR. + large family room on huge lot near park. $395,000
Fee. See Lucy Rose At 2001 SEADRIFT
Lusk "C" plan on cul·de·sac. 3 BR. +FR. & d lning.
$247 .000. See Elaine Fournier At 2ll.5 ARBUTUS
Distinctive Cape Cod. Brick fireplace. Beams & shutters.
3 BR. 2 BA w/2 patios. ~.000 LH. See Melinda Marston
Expanded Southport on secluded lovely lot. 5 BR. 4~ BA .
Playroom. Bonus Rm. + Fam. $595,000. See Eleanor
2 story. 4BR + Fam. Rm. End c ul·de-sac location.
$2.49,500. See Craig Kindig At 12 CRYSTAL POOL .
3 BR. condo overlooking greenbelt & park. $239,500. See
Betty Richard At 2005 VISTA CAJON
Spacious 3 BR + Fam. Rm. Private beaches. $495,000.
Fee. See Mary Harvey At 2A50 MARINO DRIVE
4 BR + Fam. Rm on quiet "strada". $430,000. See
Barbara Ballman At 420 BELLVUE .
2 BR + den. Tranquil setting overlooking golf course &
wide greenbelt. $199,000 Fee. See Ginny Anderson At 13
Picture perfect charmer 3 BR. near beach. $425,000. See
Ocean view. 4 bedrooms. $450,000. With English gardens.
See Kay Parker At 1763 EAST OCEAN
Decorator perfect 2 BR + Den. Spacious lot. Ou tstanding
(inancing. $326,000. See Carole Mc Mahan At 28 JETTY
See it all from this spacious co ndo with 2 master suites.
Complete security. Slip availability. Appt. only. $360,000.
All the right ingredients are here in this utterly charming
3 BR. home. Hardwood noors. Used brick fireplace.
Beam ceilings. All for $235,000 in Newport's Back Bay.
Would have felt at borne with this CDM 2 BR . char mer.
They would love the used brick fireplaces, beamed
ceilings, custom built-ins & even the "plate -rail".
Charm +separate 2 BR. rental. $319,000.
Magnificent 5 BR + Den in Cameo Shores. Lovely
private tiled patio with POOL and waterfall. Spacious
rooms . Exquisitely decorated. Owner desires quick
escrow. $875,000 Fee.
Colonial beauty located near private beaches & boat
mar ina. Large yard, lush gardens & space for boat or
motor home. Price includes land and owner will finance.
Spacious family home featuring 3 BR . 3 Baths. Family
room with wet bar is ideal for enterta ining. A lovely night
light & mountain view in a great community. $250,000.
This triplex on a 45' lot in Corona del Mar has a fully
assumable first and seller can carry a second. Priced
comparably to duplexes on smaller lots. $327,750.
Lido home wraps ar0tmd sparkling atrium POOL. After
morning laps relax in the Roman Tub. Beautiful
hardwood floors. Entertainers' dining area & gourmet
kitchen. 3 BR + Den. $650,000.
Heres your chance to move up to a President Home.
Spacious plan 200. 3 BR. 2 bath. Sunny breakfast area.
Lg. Fam. Rm. Comer location on superb cul-de-sac.
Owner will carry 2nd T.D. $250,000. Fee.
TURTL~OCIC -tN THI •LIN Spacious 3 bedroom 'Highlander" with many decorator
features. Decorated in neutral tones. Custom bookshelvefl
in library. OWNER WlilLL HELP with financing.
This summer and beyond in an immaculate & tasteful 3
BR. home . Landscaping with automatic sprinklers b
Rogers . Gardens . Private tennis courts, beaches &
clubhouse. $525,000.
GllAT ..... OltHOOO
Across from th~ greenbelt on a prime Harbor View
comer lot. 4 BR. 2~ bath, Pool + family room. 2
ftftplaces. Numerous upgrades. $284,900.
ID Old Corona del Mar near beaches 6 1bopptn1.
Magnificent designed 2 story Townbome. tmport.e<I ui.
floon. Fireplace. 3 BR. 2~ BA. Large Fam. Rm. with
wet bar. Formal . dlnina. S370,000..
On the BALB~M,,~41Jr:8!'e11 located a
bedrc>Om 2 bath home with 2 fireplaces le 1pectacular view bas a boma In a quaint 2 Bedroom 1 bath ~t Apt. $400,000
NIWPOtrr ISUMD. Parioramic new on
comer lot W /dock for lra boa(. $
cheerful BRs + rec. room.-OPl!!N SAT
1-.5. 308 38th STREET $.V.5,000.
~ITSIDI COSTA ...._ CbannJnl 2
story condo w/lrg fenced ff&r yard. 2
spacious Br, 1 ~ ba. perfect for young
family. 2424 SANTA ANA, C·l04, C.M. OP~ SUN 1·5. $108,500.
PMMSULA POINT. New luxury home
Just completed. 4 Br, incl. master
suite w /fireplace retreat. Huge
walk·in closets, security system, all
amenities. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5. 1504
MIRAMAR. $625,000.
'llCE SLASHED! Waterfront w /boat
dock. Estate sale . 3 Br & study plus l
Br rental. Must sell. Below apparisal
at $399,500.
HUNT. HARIOUR. 102 ' on water !
Exquisite 4 Br w /spac. farn rm .. dock
for 60' yacht. can be increased to
accom. 96 '. Fantastic water view!
Jus t li sted. a n office exc lusive
LIDO ISLE. Corner lot w /SO. patio.
Charming 2 Br & den, some bay view !
Just listed at $435,000.
UDO ISLE. Sophisticated 3 BR home
w/spacious liv. rm., formal din. rm.,
gourmet kitchen overlooking s unny
So. patio . $425,000.
D A V I D S 0 N K E A L TY l N C.
31'6 Ne""P"'' n..,d r, t. 673·9060
Only $129,500 adult condo, prime
location, Westcliff, Newport Beach.
Transferable low interest financing
with reasonable down payment on
this deluxe, delightful, 2 bdrm., 2
bath , fireplace, p ool and
everything . It will sell this
weekend! Come put in YOUR bid.
1242 Rutland Road, wtit 4. Open
house Sun I to 5.
Lots of room for a large active
family in this custom built quality
Baycrest home. The game room is
something to see: There's blt in
trophy cases, gun cabinets, stereo,
wet bar, bunks, walk-in cedar lined
storage rm., pool table and that's
not all! There's a family rm .•
panelled with used brick fireplace,
a formal dining rm., an office with
outside entrance, a pool, 4 bdrrns .•
all in all a terrific home buy at
$449,500. Come by 1730 Marlin Way .
N.B. Open house Sat and Sun 1to5.
On fabulous Harbor Island. Older
traditional home with beautifully
landscaped bayside terrace. 40 feet
on the bay. Private pier and float.
Priced at lot value at $1,7~1000.
In Harbor View Homes. 5 bdrm.
Somerset Model on extra large lot.
Family rm. with wet bar and brick
fireplace. Covered patio. Enclosed
yard with dog run. 3 car garage.
Roomy enough for a big family.
Reduced to $329, 750 ! Open Sun 1 to
5. See 1816 Newport Hills Drive,
Don't ride by this one. Fabulous 5~
acre view site in picturesque San
Juan Capistrano only 5 minutes
from Dana Point Yacht Harbor.
Privacy with convenience to
schools & shopping. A view from
Saddleback to t h e ocean .
Unobstructed. Terrific equestrian
area. ~so.ooo with attractive terms.
On 19th St. 100% "Occupied with
excellent rental history. Strategic
corner location. Terrific tax
benefits with long term ground
leade. $477 ,000.
Reduced to $4,000,000 by motivated
seller. 7-Y.a times gross with
excellent occupancy. lDw interest
aasumable loana. Prime Denver
Woodbrld1• pr•me
laltefroat loeatlon.
Vtewa rorever. IBr.
2~ba , pvt IP•• flex
ftnan. Spectacul111 Of. tered at ~.900. C1ll 552· 1900 ft aU fot Lynn
Noah. Tcwm & Country
HARBOR VlEW HILLS ---•1m111~--over 3100 8Q ft Owner I CONllJO
will help fi n a n ce ~ar new-~·bdrm. 2\AJ
Owner/A&enta.G-M46 bath . bar, O»&raded drapea & carpet.a. Po~
ble earage wllh door
opener. G~ &rel\-
JASMINE CIHK Hi&hly upgraded 2 Bdrm + den. Jacuul. $3'75,000 by owner. 64().!rf5S
Small ocean view. Two 3
Bdrm units. Gre at
SJ.05.000. ....
I\L·dhil!%';·H1 ·. :tv
1,-;-:: ~::1111
Decorators d r eam , lol»oaPa••• 1001
Balboa Isle Sl.600,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• terms. $385,000 --------
OCEAMFIOHTS PENNPOlNTBEAUTY SO.OFHIGHWAY Sl.200.000. Penin ~ula Comp remod. Outstand· Corner lot. O~n Sunday
Point. magnificent view. ing fin. Immed occ. 1st 1-5. 301 Orctud. 3 Bdrm
4Br,3Ba,customhome. pymnta Aug 81. By + den.2•,,ba.
SS00.000. 38r, 2Ba, owner, 2113 Miramar. Pr1nc.only760-1743
bachelor .owe . NB . For appt dys --------
'EMIHSULA rOIHT 556·3900, eves & wk end JASMINE CREB<
TRl-PLEX 642-0346. 549-4225. OPEN SUH. 1-4
Great owners unit . 3Br, Former model, out 3Ba & <3Br. 2Ba-2Br. 4 lBr. A~. CoC!1Plt:tely standing de<'or Split lBal refurbuhed. 1n s1dl' leve l, 3 BR. 2'·> ba.
UNITS Stove & refriger ators jacuzzi. Sec. gate, nr
6 Units N.B. Penin S3t9.ooo. 675 0935 pool & tennis courts
6 Units C.M. Capistrano leach 10 I 8 Fie x 1 ble fin a nc an g
8 Units N.8 . Penm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ready to move· an. Owners will finant'e. 11 Mainsail Dr.
MEW PORT SHORES OCEANVIEW LOT 644 0632; 759-1.834. agt
3Br. 2Ba. 2 frpks. Capo Beach nr Blurrs
$ Only S86.995 w lterm ~ MEW USTIHGS 13 7.900. Cre at ive Submit ! Patra<.'kTenon>. EXC ELLENT BUY . financin avail. 631-1266 prime east side location.
111 \I I \ I 'l
Betty Kerr Reilly
GREAT FtHAHCIMG S Bdrm Corona del Mar
home with hu~e family
room. fonnal dining, 2
master suites. Assuma
ble loan OWC 2nd TO
SJ60,000 fee.
Open Sunday 12·5
1407 Sant.anella Terr
8000 sq ft level C2 lot
San Clemente. SlSS.000.
67~l It r
Sweetheart House
Bluffs single level con·
do 3 bdrm. 2 bath. patio I Excellent terms Va·
cant. Fast escrow. Just
a hltle TLC. Sl64.900.
Colesworlhy & Co.
Magnificent Vi~w
This one is truly spec
tacular ! 4 Br. 3 Ba. H ugl
Oen with wet bar &
frplc. lovely brick ter
races. private patio with
pool & spa. 3 car garage.
gourmet kitt'hen. full
security system. Call for
Sl0,000 below market
No qual. S30,000 dwn
Sl2001mo. 855--8171. --------
• IT'S A Ho.HO! NO painting! NO clean
ing ! NO remodeling ! Lv
ly 3 bdrm. 2 ba condo.
Prime So. Coast Plaza
area. Great terms-rate·
payments! :>45-9491.
~Walker 11.n
1006 •••••••••••••••••••••••
forces sale of 2br, lba.
den home Assum Isl
Capistrano Palisades on
Portola Sll7,00010BO
Cameo Shores
Jasmine Creek decorator
home. plan 1 on green·
belt 1mmac. Ul:S,500
Beaut 2br. 2ba Irvine
Terr Pool Home. Spa, 2
car gar, room to build.
$6000 dwo $2700/m o
$285,000 FP. Br yan
Attractive2bdrm 1 bath Spacious 2400 sq ft + 1 Br & ba over dbl home, tot.ally upgraded
garage. 1 house from 03br, 2...,be, al e. frplc,
South Bay{root. 40x85' beaut landscpg. 64().2077
comer lot. C.11 ror in· Good Duplex on best form•~&, FUCHS street, pool, hl inco!"e.
4 Br, 2 Ba home on q uiet
cul-de-sac Outstanding
financ ing $159,000
Spacious 2 Br. 2 Ba con·
do. din rm. vaulted ce1l·
ings, assumable loans
Allracttve 3br, P·•ba.
open b eam fam rm,
frplc. $113,000 Owner
SI 19,500
Easl aide CM. 2 br. 2 ba.
frplc. Best buy in Town.
Real Estate
RED. to $325,000
With $152.000in assurna·
ble loans ranginf rcom
9~.~ to llt;t.. 27.450
gross inCOf'l)e annually.
Well kept single story
units with 4 gara1es
PLUS off-st~ parking
On 60'x300' lot.
Luxurious. <'USlOm con·
do 1700 sq f'l. 2 frplca. 3
bdrm. 21l. baths. S80Q
mo Sl65.000. 642-4623. _ ____,..
OPENSAT/SUN9-~, 2513 Colby Place
Agt 548-0478, 541>-101.5
laker&learS .. 1
675-1120 only.~-
Fabulous San Ftan·
cisco-style townhom,1.
Dramatic entert,iiln·
ment areas, altylltea,
awninged e"\rles. op-
tional stained glass ~1'
dowa & more! Pr!••f.t recreation. South ~'1
Piasa & Nt~ Btacls
j u s t m•n"'los a\tay,
HUGICe>miea Sales offict~ 902 "40m·
4br. 2ba + beamed ceil· hardy St. or t all -------i COUNTWY 84GUSH
Beaut. Medlt. home.
Pier le 1llp. SUOOJ.000. By app'l only. "'all
'13-1833 or "4·9001 or
coatact your ru]tC)t.
9 moolht old, 4 BR + 2
BR unit. $385,000.
10t·T09"" Orchid .
851-9115 to aee .
tng, fam•rm. & dinlt)g. a~t ·*'l"J laa ulJtled, coppe r ___ ~ ............ _
plutnbloi, oew roof, cov-ered patlo • 1as bar·b-queS~= Dwn
Assum. m~ lit at
5\4'!ft Inter.tit. owe
Vlewl Localk>n. Ocean a. i.alaace advvt.ls~ at i--------'billa. Prime Hrbr vu 10~ t.nle('ft·no ballooo·
area, h80.000, Bev Cov· no~· ~ ln1Lon. Bkr 170·'881, PONLY16:--=--
7.....et3 paooo down 01 leu. •----......... -----------2bdrap . 2~))a , brick The 8unoielt Home In: pa Clo . Bu )'t1' mu at
JAS ... CUB caa.allly fQr new k>&n of
2bdrw •den, c~~ $105,000, N.1 prlce kuce..n,-DlantaUon 1hu uu.soo. Ul·UU,
i.t• pv\ oomm. wl tn.71U. roo i. Jae • tennla.
211.000. By Owner:
• t
. I -I • •
in Huntington Beach with
assumable loans. Priced from
$115,900 to 209,900. Two models with
paols and spas.
CaU Dtbble or Rick Caruso
Real Estate by Mc Vay 968-5633
CUSTOM home on lar~
lo\ with small take
back yard. S Bdrm. 21-'I
ba, 2 !Tplcs. super cond.
Open house Sa\/Sun 12·S
al 1182 Country Club Dr.
Must s~ to appreciate.
Won't last Open Sat l 5.
358 Ramona 8111 or Ltn
da 631·0844, or 646-5096
311 +FAM
Owner May Ffftance
Spa<'ious home on n1t·e
stref'l Near S C Plaa
This 1s a beauty $142,500
Jerr) Jones 631 1266
S Bdr. pool, US.000
down, Sl69,900. won't
last. Agt S40·3666 or
751·1465 Rich.
Mesa Verde lsl time of-
fering on this 3 Br, fam
rm +form din rm . home
D RIVE. Take a dvan-tage of this price at only
Sl61.000. Seller will as·
s1st with financing. Agl.
Diana 631-1266 ------LOWEST PRICE
3 Br. 2 Ba. l level double
gar. Crpk . TERMS & up-
grading allowance Call
yesterday 631-l 266
Diana Agt. Only $117,000
Spotless home on pool
b1zc lot in a QUI ET famt·
ly neighborhood conve
nient to all 'Pride of
ownership" home with J
bdrms and 2 baths
Owner may t'arry lst TD
with 20·~ calth tlown pay·
ment Redun.•d t o
lC someone told you that
YO\l. would save
thousands of DOLLARS
when buying or selling
your property & still
have the total and quah
ty service of a pro
fess1onal rcaltor. would
you take the time lo
call .....
I .\
IH ,
Very custom home -l oo
many xtras lo list. New
crpt, drapes & paint
$160,000. 963-2518
OW C less than inl 2 br.
11'l ba 661·3S39agt
---------llOMI '-Inc. I-\.I.Ml IUHO'\I
Outstanding <'Ul>tom
home. huge master suite + 2 guest Br, (•Jch
w separate bath Din.
Fam rm. Den. & 2 frplc
Owner says be creative
with fmaoctng W11l l'On
sider 1or, do\\n on con
tra<'lS. Sl3S,OOO IO a ..
sumable loans Sales
price $195,IXX.t Exdu~1ve
listing, so prmnples on
ly. Call Charle~ Darr
559-9400 Agt
Sl 17,500
Best buy in to" n 3
Bdrm 112 baths. hurry'
645 9161
,· REALTY ~-
-" RE:AL ESTATE r en.e900
TEHAMT HELPS with house payment HUNTINGTON Sca<'11H
Two houses on lot 2 Golf Crse Beaut 4 hr.
Hdrm w frpk & 1 Bdrm 2150 sq fl overlooking 6th
dream t•ottage Pvt green Gorgeous in &
yards Always rented. out. S330.~ 6852 Silver
Owner will help finance. Beach Cir. 0 \)cn l2 5.
Ask for Sandy Sunday
3 Bdrm 3 Sath home.
Easily convertible lo S
Bdrm. Great location,
just over l mile to the
beach 2.800sq fl for only
s 175,000 can 751-3191
C:::. '>I I \ l f
-t-' l •H1 >l'i HI il •,
Hunt~ HarbOw 1042 •••••••••••••••••••••••
$S9S,OOO. Water Front
Penthouse overlooking
Main Channel. 3 Br. 2\2
Ba. 2 frplcs, formal
d lanng rm . for the
elegant life! Buy, lease
or lease option with
$5000 option money
16351 Grenohle Open
Sun 1·5. Call for deta tis ·
J arvis, O'Brien 642 8850.
John Coombe bkr
At Peters l.cindtng, 2Hr.
2Ba, M'<'. pool. tennis.
Good ftnancm~ avail.
(213) 430 362!1
l"lne , 1044 •••••••••••••••••••••••
S1nglt! ~tor} <1\lached I
hom e tn fabulous Wood·
bridge E:.tale~ Huge
b:irkyard. all tht• Wood·
bridge am em11es and as-
sumv a h11(h loan U\\ ner
will conltu1er help on
!>econdary f1oanl·1nl(
The la ri.:e!>l model in
W oodbridge
i-;state-; 2~ sq ft o f lux-
urious ltving spal'e and
your own pool and spa.
Priced to sell at S194,900.
Almost Sl00.000 in as-
sumable fmanl·m~ 631-2242
t t 'h 0/o FIRST
Submi t on do \\n
payment With 3 hr, 2' 2 p · I 026
2 STY LANDMARK [Uj] 4 Br. 2•2 ba, 3 c·ar gar ~i Wo4}(1brldge
Newly patnted & carpet Reallg
ed SlOJK asi.umable In 551 3000 Asking $159.900 Fa!>t · escrow Bkr963-8377 19Z0 8arr111ra Pltw),lni~~ ba Condo u. in perfoct Dana oint
rond1l\on flu) no"" •••••••••••••••••••••••
before 1t·s loo late Call
Tim Rhone 631· 1266
ELEGAMT LIVING *MARINA in this 4 bdrm. 2 bath. VIEW* formal dmmg rm, fam1
Co Of Spect;icular \'iew ly rm w \\rap around
of ~ a rtna + Wh ite breakfast bar c;epaq~t
Water 2br. 2ba. lgc h\'-mg kitchen Large vard
mg rm. frplc. stained I w fruit trees & patio on
~lass, prof deror. lge a quiet l'UI de sac street
rove red deck, pn v gar S 167 .000
$400,000 PP Reply PU 961-8182
Box 5\25. Orange. CA
4 Br, 2 Ba, frptr, pat10.
overstLed hvmg rm. out
standing neighborhood
Close to schools & s hop 1---------1
NoAgtph.>ase 54.S.70<Jl •••••••••••••••••••••••
5 bdrm or 4 lxlrm 1-den Creati.-e FinancirtcJ
"J..st Listed"
18905 ANTIOCH Sl.'arce
and rarely offered. ex
tremcl} popular "Plan
5' Broadmoor 5 Bdrm
plus honu:-. room. de I
lq~htrull} luca led . I nearby pool, park and
ten nis A mar\'elous
family home orrered al
$210 000
1!1,t!illltll!i :\: ~11 ..
i!\ l\ i l ll 1 rn
RinCJ 640 · 5560 Anytime
Ea~lblutf Prof Bldg
•••• ""·"" ., .w ... e ,..... 1032 JHL
tri lt'vel Mesa Vcrdl' Spacious 2-story home ~ON~ M"C\
home Shows like a with upstairs bonus rm ~.UREALTY?'"-@ model $2~.900 Hob Al & bath. 3 bdrms. de n1• ,..._. ......... _._. .... _~
len. aRt. 964 1681 , dining rm. overs17,e liv 1---------
962 7505. mg rm downstairs with - -----------Palos Verdes firerlace Newly remodled home.
OPEMHOUSE Features centra air nr bch. W 2br. 2ba, den
SUM 1·5 OulstandlnR pool (solar & frplc TotJlly u 1>
1Br Super sparkling nr healed ), spa. much graded . large assum
So. Cst Plaza $123,900 more' Best buy m Sad· loan OWC 2nd dys
Owner/af(l 3151 Cana dlebar k \'alley $144.500 557-7951. evt>s840 4790
d1an. 675·~ Seller will help you buy
768-0022 ----foufttaift Valt.y I 034 •••••••••••••••••••••••
$22,900 dwft For sale by owner, J
now bdrm. lge rumpus rm. 3
S 17,900 dwn full baths. bit-ms. frplc.
OWNER WILL CA RRY family dubhse & pool
BALANCE AT 12:\•'i( across the streel. Asking
1 owner C\L'ilom exer
pool home 3 Rr. 3ba. 3
frplc Walking distance
to beach With large
cash down OWC A pro
bate sale Hy appt only
$450,000 Vt\ 1an or
Gerry, Agt.S 536 6565 or
lTlllS WKNO ONLY> St69,000. Principals on-
O pe n Hse SattSun ly 964-2588 KIDS OK
Owne r moved can'to E---No ---3Bdrm,212balh.tront make2 paymenL~. Love P N SU f:-Y. ll-_4pm. un1l Ideally located for
ly spacious 4Br. 23.·-.Sa 9149 Mc Qride Rive r. children $65() mo. 1901
Rancho San J oaquin
Villa 2 br. 2 ba. ~gl sty J
blk tennis & golf dubs
S158.000 Open Sat Sun
12·5 2 Se~ura 552·1717
Owner broker Coop
Hroadmoor Townhome
He ritage Park 3Br.
2Ba, l stor~ end unit
w lrfi\ patto Many up-
grade~ A.c;sumnble loan
at 9 25', Pvt part~
Sl29,500 559 9077
Condo S~falists
Call the experts at the
cond o information
T ouchstone Realty
968-~ Spa, nr schls. shopping. Elegant award hom e. Alabama •nl North of
walk to park 2600 sq. fl. Perf decor. Adams Immediate oc Owne r, Turtle Rock Glen
Call Vi\· agt. 631·5751 o r Pool, spa. Under market c 11 pan c y . B r oke r . view home. 2br, & den.
owner64S.6669. S285.000 Hurry! 9q. 963·8182 Laurel955-lnll --------•I loan. 968-5696. -----Have something t.o sell? H•t""1f-lleoch t 040
H•tlftgtoft leach I 040IH•tMgtOft leach I 040 Classified ads do il well. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............................................. -----------------·
Brinr Anv Offer!! Beat Inflation
Lovely 396drm Custom Home
near Beach Park, Formal Dining,
Heavy Shake Roof. Call now for
information regarding the 9~%
Assutnable Loan. Seller will carry
part of the buye rs down payment,
and says Bring Any Offer.
Best Price In Town
4bdrm, Remodeled Kitchen,
Plush Carpets, Custom Drapes,
Freshly Paint~d.. Seller bought
another, and hat priced thou1ands
below market yalue for Quick sale.
Creative terms OKAY-~ETTER
Clean and Sharp Tri-Plex in Best
Huntington Beach Location. Seller
is willing to carry paper and use a
graduated payment plan with a
minimum down payment. Call now
for more information.
2 Bdrm
Great starter or rental home. Quiet
neighborhood 50' x 130' R3 Lot has
plenty of room for kids to play.
Seller bas agreed to carry a 2NQ.
and you can assume the existing
loan with mont.)lly payment.I of
$865/Mo. Beller Hurry-Call Now l
• bdrm President home
with very prhat• yard, ---------1pa adj. master bdrm,
llvinl room 4 dlnlnai
room areal !O?' enter·
lalnln1. View ltllchen wltb double ulf-
cleanln1t ovena, tr .. h
comp, dishwasher. Spec.
tacular vltw of nlcht
llahts. '298.000. Aasum. tst,
S362 Amalfi Drive
Call for into, 752-22'8.
Turt.lerock Glen Garden 3bdrm, 2ba. S225,000·
rent: $800/mo. 64.$-9S55.
OWC Addit. Financing
Northwood 2 story single
family home on cul-de·
sac. Less than 2'yrs old
Comm. pool & tennis
$181,SOO. 4 Atlanta
730-3894. 640-3174
17532 Cottonwood .
DRAMATIC 4 Bdrm 3 ba
Deane home. New cpt,
cen\nl air, «reat loo· lion. 552-1311
Immaculate Jas mine
model, 2 Bed + Oen.
Owners ready to move .
Make Offer t $235,000,
Darrell Paab631·121S6
Single family residence.
lbr 2ba Beauttrully
landsraped. 1mmac
cond. Atrium, nice yard
Leasehold. S157,500.
4491 Pinon Tree Lane
Open Sal/Sun 1·5
Town (6 Country ft QEALTOQ(9' ri"..41 552-1800
The most dra m a tic lakefront
location can be yours with this
spectacular 3 Bdrm. family room
Darby plan. This home is totally
upgraded throug hout with
planta tion shutters and top grade
floor coverings. No expense has
been spared on the landscaping.
Extensive used brick, patio cover ,
gas fire pit and bricked in s pa. Day
& Night views from nearly every
room. Flexible financing. $354.900.
Open Sat/Sun 1-5 a t 36 Woodgrove.
Breathtaking Greenbnar, 4 Bdrm 2
ba. single story home with family
room . Totally c ustomized.
Featuring sparkling lOx lO' gunnite
and tile s pa in the lush atrium. The
ya rd i s l a ndsca ped to offer
maximum p rivacy with mature
plants and fruit bearing trees.
Located on a quiet cul-de-sac.
premium location nr. Woodbridge
Lake and beach club. Offered at
$245,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 at #12
Charming 2 bdrm, 2 ba Cardiff.
Completely upgraded from the
carpeting to the coordinating wall
covering and dra peries in neutral
earth tones . Combine that with a
very private green best setting with
wood deck a nd you have an
excellent buy. Sophisticated home
with privacy within walking
distance to pools, s pas, & shopping.
Offered a t $145.000. Open Sun 1·5 at
7 Eucalyptus.
Cambridge model 3 Bdrm. 2 ba,
family kitc hen. 2 patios, good
location. $134.500. Open Sunday 1-5
4191 Manzanita . Greentree.
Room to spare with 4 Bdrms, 3
baths, plush carpet. plantation
s hutters and many upgrades .
Fantas tic view of valley and city
lights. $320,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 at
12 Canyon Ridge.
Sparkling 3 Bdrm. form dining rm,
atrium. brkfs t a rea, frplc. new
carpets a nd attach. 2 car gar .
Assoc. pool a nd clubhouse $159,500.
Sat 1-5 at 5292 Thorn Tree Lane,
Univ. Park.
3 Bdrm, 2 ba , single story. The
financing is great and so is the
price. Super location, can be yours
for $135,000. Call for details. Owner
will help with financing.
$29,500 down. Bri~ht clerestory
windows a bove the hving room will
intrigue your guests the moment
they step into the formal entry.
Cathedral ceilings and large wet
bar provide an elegant setting for
entertaining. Cozy loft den, 2 Br 2
ba. Oversize 2 car gar. Open
Sat/Sun l ·5, 5294 Plum Tree.
Holly Plan in Crestwood estates,
Northwood. Located on a quiet
cul-de-sac backing to EucalyJ)tus
row in Orange groves. '3 Br, single
stor y . Extra lge master bdrm. ·
Assumable ~oans ! May have 80%
financing available at 12~%. Price
at $184,900. Open Sal 1·5 at 38
Lovely vlew of hills and nlgbt
lllbta from this spacious townhouse,
3Br, 3ba, family rm and den. True
elegance in decor. $216.5,000. Fantast1c
ftnancing. Assume loan and owner
wiU carrr 2nd.
Fern Pirkle, Agt. 759-106'1
Beaut . Woodbridge
4bdrm houae, Iola of
xtras. Gd financing.
'168,SOO. A.gt. 731-6338.
Fantastic 2 br + den Jef·
rerson coodo. Many up-
grades incl. s pa . Open
Sat.ISun. 11·5 100 E
Yale Loop 551-3991
TURnaocK Pl I
3 Bdrm. Pnme condillon
and loeat1on Pool
C /21 Hewport Cntr.
640-5357 760.6767
3 Br, S 19, 900 Dn.
3 Br. l '12 Ba. Townhome
in beautiful Heritage
Park. 2 sty model nr
pool. park. schools &
shopping. $106,900 J e rry
Jones 631-1266
Lowest priced 1 Bdrm + loft condo. Sharp end
unit. $83,950.
640-5357, 760.6767
C/21 HtwporiCttfr ---
This 3 Br 2 Ba home
shows hke a model
From the garden patio
to the plush carpeting
and plantation shutters
The be~t pm'c and e)(
cellent terms Bu) to
day Call Tim Rhone
TERRACE Out~land1ng Cardiff
m odel in Un1Vl'r!.1l)
Park Terrace 2 ijdrm 2
Ba + loft h1<Jt>.away
EMEIALDIAY _, S~ctlcuJar NEW dt· •Isner e u•tom home
•vall. mld·tummer.,
760·0'715 I
Whltewattt view of main
beach-deck lnl·ll vln•
rm -Victorian fq>IC ·•
dining rm-family rm•
wel bar·3Br·i:'•4Bl·lSOft. '
tot frontage-extra park•
Ing-Temple Hills area·
uialing loan plus own•
fi n ancing t<1 •
80"1, -$395,000-courtesy l
paid to realtors-appt,
only-731-6585. : }
Orean view North end. '
Com pl re mod 3br, 2bl\
+ den $295,000 assum
plus the perfect example
of a La ~una Beach
c·harmt•r 2 Bdrm +
Ncwl) rt•modeled
t Cote Re alty
& lnvE>stmenl
R~Mrt< Great lot1tt1on, pool, ---------green bells. fin1shf.'d
garage. A must to sec. 1---------Call for details.
Own~r Wil Carry
Creall\'e finance •~ the
key word here. Beauuful
3 Bdrm. I'• Ba. ~round
levrl Townhome
Custom brick and l'<ln
crete patio Sz:>,000 dn,
S812 mo P & I. Sll0.900
J erry Jones 631-1266
S51 2000
f'lextbll' ftnanctn~ on
this 2 Bdrm Cr\'cntr\'t-
r1xer Owner \\ 111 help
"1th l'OSt Call for de
OU T s TAN o 1 NG s a n lo9uno Be-ac:h I 048
Mateo in H<1ncho San •••••••••••••••••••••••
Joaquin. decora l t'd THEll~STEAL
2 Bdrm honw fireplace
Smdll ~ut• ... 1 •1uaners
'.'l\h fircplan• in rear of
home W1th10 c<1"' ""alk
tnl! d1..,tat1l.'c to ht-ach &
tu-... n '\.J~l.l~JU
Suulh Ld~Una home
{; n•al .,tarter or tn \'t'SI
mt·11t proix•rt \ Clo!oot' to
bt-adt. lll·amt·d l'eilmgs. r 1 r l' p I ,, ,. l' 1 n d e n
SIJ'i,SOO beautifully in oak & lite and 11 wont takl' a 1h1l'I
tones SJ79.950 Lu Sl'l' tht• \'alUl' Ill 1h1-. s ha r p Dan a P 01 n t 97 5 94
duplex T\\o hl•1hm. I i---4-··-4---• Redhill ~Realty
552 -7500
Fabul ous 4 bdrm
F ord ham Morlt.•l 1n
Un1ve r s1L~· Park
Featurtng 2 fr.pies & 2100
sq. ft of li\•ing area
With this price & term ...
won't last long 759 1501
h<tlh uppt•r unit
foaulun•s nl'"' l'afll\'I.
frl'sh pa ml. b1•.iml'fl l'l'll
111).!:-.. f1rt•pldl't" dm1ng
an•a & cnrl11..,l•d p.11111
\'ou ma\' wish lo u~t· thl'
I hdrm 't,oy,t•r unit a-. a
"y,t•ekentkr whtlt' at
tht' Marina Ol'T OF
ST\TE ow~1-:n \1 'y
PRO\ ll>E Tl-.IDIS for
qu;1hf11-cl liuH'I Offt•n•d
for nnh SI 11.0IMI I-Tl.I
M ISSIC>~ HE \LT\ ......... ~Walker B lee 985 s c~1 H\\,. LJ)!una -Phone 494-07 31
Deerheld 3bdrm. 2ba.
prof decor. Many up
grades S147.500. Open
House. Sunday 1 lpm
pp 551 6345 .
5bdrm. 3ba. fam rm. 2
Purk at N Bch Club
Cross St. to Cul-de-Sac
0 PEN 552-4066
Coop. Agt Prev1e"
$298.500 Re\'. Harns
Almost new 1 bdrm. 1
ba. upper unit. The
Lakes Northwood ··
Greenhouse window in
lutchen. peaceful quiet
location. Assumable
loan . Communtt) JXlOI
and tennis. $103.900
*•GORGEOUS! U you are a dlscrlminat·
ing buyer t hat ap·
preclates the ver y best· t.bis magnificent home Is
for you. Custom Oak
bannisters, P~an noor·
Ing. ceillng molding_s,
etc. etc. 3 car garage
and so much more. Call
for details.
\\bod bridge
ttZt •n ftwy, lf\lhtt
Brin~ )our pu1nlhrui.h &
broom lo sa\l' SSS on th•~
rl1rt y dawR'1 Prime
Laguna Hl'a<"h duplex
w alla<'hed i:ara)!t' Suh
m1 t offer! 759 1501 or
752 7373
:._..:Walker 8 Lee
Ol·ean & t'anyon \'lt'W
JBr + den ll11?h. opl·n
beam ceiling~ $750.000
Open Sat & Sun 494 !1112.'>
or 547 9451
P erfect for all 1ho:-.e
specious antique,, ltuge
hving room m11s!'ll\t'
frpk beamed l'ethnl!!.
wood floors spa off
master suite o, er~1zed
lot $375.()(-l
Laguna Villaqe R.E.
OPEH 12·5
Newer 4 bdrm. 2 hath
S&S Home on oversized
~iew lot. lmmal'ulate in
side a nd out. Prilsligious
area of Laguna Nil(uel.
Good existing financmg.
See Ellie Finigan al
23901 Vo yage r
Lane .... $279,500.
Just steps to beach club
and private beach. f'1ve
bedroom, 2 story home
gourmet kitchen formal
dining room. warm col·
onlal fireplace In family
room . plus large
plaj>roo m. A'I built
around a PoOI. Only
UNSTYLI , _________ , The aounda of the
crashing aurl and out-
ra ceoua ocHn vlewa await thedlau•imlllatlna
buytr Of this lovely. Hr-
ly Callforn1• •t1ltd
hurne. Located on an un·
usual double tot, this
1 tt te ly resldt'nce off era
three bedrooms, lb.rH
batht. and expan1lve
outdoor Uv\n1 areH.
Great tenna eveUabi. to a qMlln.d 1-Ytr. AP· POJNTM'ENT
ONLY ....... -.S.900
...... ,,...y
T ... fOCll
Buutif\dly upgraded
unlt wllb atrium & spa.
View ot the cliy U1ht• &
lots of btlclt work. •
bdrm, 2\\ bath. A.numa-
ble loan.
\I agnifa·t'nl I Rd rm c·on
ll'mpor.iry homl' "1th
hn•.i1hwk1ng t'<iasll ine
'll'" Tud\t•d aw:J\ on
pn' 111 t' road. off~rin.:
t' om p It' t t' st• r I u !> 1 on
SpJ rk l 1n~ gnu rm e t
ktlthl•n ~un drenched
hn•.il..f,1:-I rnclm . .i dcr ks
.ind mut h more Trul,) a
l.J~una p.1rad1se
don osen
real tors
1213 :-; C01\S1 HWY
lo th1:, totally re·
rurh1sh<'d 3 hdrm. 2 bath
home Already to move
1n & enjoy tin' spet
llll'Ular O<'l'an \'ICWS &
<.'alallna :-.unst"l:; Priced
for quick salt'. S218.500.
S1lua1ed d1rel'lh on lhv
i(Olf COUl'l>\' lhll; 2 hdrm
upper unit has IO\CI)
''""' ()y,11l•r man~ ht"lp "11 h f1nanl·1n~ Rest
pr1t·e 1n the a r ea.
' 1t"wi. from this
mul1l le,el 5
home Wood & glas 1th
-;ta1nc•d & leaded glass
"1nrlo\\:o. Exrellenl
financing ;H·a1lable
"l~trster ':\..,~IJJC!iat•4--. ......
--~-' (714t 494.1177
Lrg 4 Bd home tn woodsy
a rea near beaches . 2
frplcs w/fab. !>'pa. As·
sum e l ll'l"t low dn.
S289.995 Patrick Tenore
Rf"\l Tt•W
2 Hlu ColtCICJH
I 1¥4Molwy
on big R-2 lot. quJet st.
near Catholic Church.
Current renta: 2 bdrm
$600 mo; l bdrm $425
mo PLUS tbe city has
approved a concept al·
lowing addition or a •ew
view home on front of
k>t. Only $229,000. v.....,.o..a..
Near Heisler Par,, t
bdrm each, dlnincrno.,~
frpl1. hardwood lloorJ ft di>~Chtd I'*' unit on
1arae lol. Nt• llettnc
QM,500. ......... ..,
Oat• 1uarded rommwtl· ~1. courtyard entry by lbe pool, .,.ar ot oce.._,
1pa, deck, 3 \a"eilld.nM,
ftpl, ~ood/11 ... V•~a-...,_tOt
~~~~~~~!11..,.~~~ .._~..........,.~~--------
4'7·111 I IACklAY
3br, 2ba hQme plus Ideal
mother·ln-law ~era~ Compl. w/blth. .ooo.
aoyMcC ... ,Uw
541-772' ~~~~ ...... !!.~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Low down. lge assum.
loans, seller 111 creative
Secluded Westclilf &
Dover 4 Bdrm. ram rm. courtyard 2 lrplcs.
Open Sat/Sun 1·5 al l514
H ig h land Dr Agt
Ocean :J.ronl
Open J/.piid•
Saturday and Slnlay
APRIL 4th Arlt 51h
Po ssi ble L ease-Option.
OWNER-BROKER on Premises! Boat
Slip for 65' Yacht. 5 Bdrm, security
Gate, + Community Tennis Courts
and Clubhouse.
17141121· 1210 or 121J)Stl-1363
.~J~ ~fiif~;,~
714 641-0'763
2787 Bristol St
Costa M~sa, C.:J\
Must see to appreciate.
Lge 3 Br, 3ba. 2 frplc
custom home with many
extras. Assume ist TD
and owner will carry
2nd. Only '$350,000. Call
now 919-5370
This 5000 Sq. Ft; Home sits on Llnda
Isle. A private guarded Community in
the heart of Newport Beach. Boat
slips for (3) 55'·70' Yachts. For Sale or
)Ott ca. .... nte 1076 --------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE BALBOA HHIH.
In Rolling Hills. Over
3000 sq rt. 4Br. lg lam
rm. w/wet bar & frplc.
E legant enlry hall,
formal liv rm. din rm,
bkfst area in huge bltn
nat wood kit, 21,.JBa.
mstr ba w/Roman tub in
tropical setting. Huge -----------.-.-_-dressing rm, forced air VILLA BALBOA
We are developers so s ubmit land or
other Real Es tate to owner Jim
(7141828-1280 12131598-1363
(8001 352-3710
~~c~~~~a~(P~m~ ~r~
assumable financing. $289,000
Excellent corner exposure with ocean
view. This 3 Br home is loaded with
potential. Just listed at $267,500. Exquis itely decorated.
Terrace overlooking
hills. 3 car gar, fountain.
flowery lndscp $295.000.
& COST Nearly finis hed
community pool. tennis
els. & other amemhes
Prestigious Adult Con·
do:. on the Bluffs above ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newport Bay are now UNDER $200,000
available for re-sale OceGftfront..100/o Dn
with attractive assuma Open Hse Sat Sun I 5
ble loans Some with 2610 W. Oceanfront
otean & mountain 3 Br. 3 Ba. comer owe
views Priced from AITD Lease option
S184,000 For details., Owner Agt ClR Rltrs
pleaseC'aU 631 -3199 or 675 8307
JRL PROPEflTIES $475.000
645 4566 645-6459 -
3 Bdrm. 212 ba, view, Ask for Dee POOL HOME
with dock for 30 f\ boal I
Absolutely pnme prop & •
toe. 3 & 2 Bdrms I C /21 Mewporl Cntr.
640-5357 760-6767
This 3 Bdrm. F .R. home is a great
investment. 1''ine Heights location.
Rae Rodgers
AIC, frp, close to shopS , _________ JUST LISTED, lo\•ely 4
9''l ~ In S\\0.000 BR312ba+denw1th
Own/Agl.831 7048 INVESTORS/BUYERS wetbar + Fam rm. and
Sea Vww by owril'r 3Br
+ family room
LOW DOWN deltghtful kitchen over
Minion Vieio 1067 ver~a illes I bdrm & look mg pool and }aCUlZl
••••••••••••••••••••••• studio condos wilh lrg on cul de Sal' s treet.
2 story, 48r. 2°'lBu , assumable loans From Separatemaster&gurst
2+ yr old Central air, S\09,900 Jim Schumann or mother-in-law bdrm
separate dining, custom agt. 979-5370. with own baths 3 t·ar
drapes. $143,900 J\S· -garage + xtra parking
s ume : $67,000. 97 189;. BY OWMEll, SAVE Call now. agt 646·4380,
Ow ner will <'arry 2nd 3Br, 2Ba, 2300sq. rt. 2 or 642-4447 for appt
Open Sat. Sun 2 5PM . frpks. sµa. Financing
247 12Taracona. 770·4390 avail. SJ96,500. or trade. MEW PORT BUCH
Prestigious H arbor
Highlands. atnum en
try. imrnac. 3 BR, beaut
wood deck & t:Z care
yard. Take advantage of
s pec ial low interest
financmg Call 64.5 0303
Beautiful San Lorenzo
pool home Highly up
graded. 4 bedrooms. 3
baths. complete with
family room & A C
Close to Crwy & walking
d1stan<'e to sc·hools
1·-·1 -.,,Ill I I , ) I , )I
-----Newport 8eoch I 069 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Walk to Beach
HUGE 4 Br + f R
$195,000 Features plush
rusl carpPl. sunderk,
corner lot. etc Great
terms . A-FRAME 3 Br 2 Ba .
Needs some TLC
Miftfo JCll"'fis O'lri•n
CrokJ O'Brien
John Coombe bkr
Call Answer Ad #397 at
642 4300 24hrs per day.
PrlYate Community
Spectatular 3br. 2ba,
amenities <spa. etc> Blk
to beach $195.000! ~
Rirh.159 "'4~.646-9530.
100/o DOWM
N 0 Q U .<\ LI f' V I N G
Beautiful 4 BR 4 ba
estate Steps to pnvale
beach and bay. Open1---------
beamed vaulted cell·
m~s Ma1est1c mast~r &
1-(uest s u1tl'S $505.000
Beaut Medil home
Pier & shp. Sl,600.000.
By a pp't only Call
673 1633 or 644-9001 or
conla<·l your reallor.
Custom 2 s tory
Peninsula Pt home with
3 Bdrms. 3 ba In a fam1·
ly oriented area Lots of
charm. Reduced to
$425,000. Owner 1s eager
ts> move!
REAL ESTATE 631-1400
BESTIUY l~---------Prime Jbr. den. 2 3 ba. HARBOR VIEW HOME
ln level. Hrdwd firs, 4br, 2ba. Sealand. good
fresh pain\ uitr. owe financing. 675·2\39 AlTD or 2nds or <'On· -----_
tract. Sl98.S00-18'i dn. Newport Heights. 3br
Walk to b~ach pool 2ba. new lutchen. frplc,
Tom Cottier. Bk r private master suit Ex·
646-9200 c e 11 e n t I 1 n a n c 1 n g
Casual elegance ls the
caption for this beautiful
Spanish style home on
prestigious Lido Isle
Includes 4 bdrms. a111---------
$169.500. Jeanne Agt
631-1266 w/pvt bat.N, indoor oul·
door swimming pool and
spa. Excel financing. Of
4bdrm, $209.000. Owner
WI II help rmanl'e Mr
Pm·l' agt 642 6100
2bdrm house. step~ to
beach. 126 26th St.
3 bdrm. 3 ba executive
home F'ee, $229.500
Open Sun 11·5. 815 Cam·
phor 760 Ol!M owner
3 Br 2ba. lovely yard.
Westchff area. $275.000
Prin only Owner I Agt
646 6769
601 UDO
Outstanding 3 bdrm, 2
bath w1lh family rm. lge
covered patio. Spotless
and priced to sel I
Corner unit with Rood
views and beautiful de
cor. 2 Bdrm. 21., ba
Walk lo pool & tennis
Southern Cahforn1a's1•--------
prem1er h.1gh nse con· ------
domin1urn Spectacular WAT ERFRQNT view ol Newport Bay.
Total 24 hr security
H 1ghl) upgraded with I all amen1t1es You've
got to see 1t to believe 1t'
Pnnc1pab only
t Cote Realty
& Investment
Faces Newpon Island
Solid sea wall & dock
for details call Own
Agt . 675-\906
MEWPORT CREST Prime front unit with 180 4 UNITS/ All furn.
Re:.t µnt·t-in Wl•::.lcllrt 3
Br, hu.:e M Br ~ulll' pool ' llol tuh'
2012 Diane Lanl'
CAllcny of Ho~n~
6Jl-0900 .
Opett St.n I ·5
25 Conyott Island Dr.
M cl.a 1n Town home.
Greenbrier Modt•I with
~olf l·ourse 'ww. pool
s pa & tenni~ $55.000
down Ai1sume lst T D &
owner will ('jrr}
balan c e ;\~kin.:
Realty 675-5200
See our truh l'Ustum
M editerranean
masterpiece 1n So
Laguna's Coa:-t Royall•
View!. thJI ~urpa s~
Spyglass & lliirtwr
Ridi:t<' Sl.250.000 PATTE!lSON PARKS
4!n 4ll4o1 deg ocean & Cutalina Xlnt income and pnre
view Pool, tennis, spa. $319,000. Across from l•--------
C/21 H.wport Cn+r o~e~n Hurr~· on th1:. W A T E R F R 0 N T
640-5357 70-6767 ° e S415,000
OWHSl 2 UNITS Beautiful Oupl~x on
ANXIOUS!! 4 Bdrm & 3 bdrm. 2 ba Channel >A1th 2 '>hp!>, J
each F'rpks . Patios deck~ & :.pa Owner may
Imagine 3 spacious br!> Top condition Owner carry with ri1<ht term!.
& 21., ba upgraded to the will carry pan or sale Jerry J~s
hill' This fine home also ) features encl'd parking Call for information 6 I· 1266 MEL FUCHS ~a~f~su~ a's~~~~b1e PAVILION REALTOR
Cinanciqg Call 759,1501 ~~~6~7~5-8~~12~0~~-or 752-7373 ~
R f.Al.TO~S
llome + income
3 Mos Space Rent
2 Mobile Homes
AGT 752·5836
Two duplexes and one
lnplex in a row. 1 lot
from sand and surf.
Ideal for partnerships
or syndications
View of Dana Pt to Mex
1can border. $141,000
Mary Anderson. Rily
World 661 1010, or home
Ac,..ag. fOf' saa. I 200 tiCPT ISLHO AREA
Duplex with dock
for:.> ft boat.
)on Juon
Capistrano I 078 .......•....•.•........
3 Mile1 ff-Marino
Roneho SGn JUa..
4.31 Splital* Ac,...1 s West Esl·ond1do
Su1lab\e for homes.
grove~. OldH income
unit on property Owner
w l'arry w'29''? down
Call agt for t.leta1ls
7 14 745 2\\2 Villa~e
Property 1600 •••••••••••••••••••••••
H!W,OftT HG+tTS.
Triplex wtlh Pool
Fountain Valley
Fourplex and
many many more'!'
All Prinw Pro.....+in
ond Locot'-1 Over 3.000 sq ft or
clegam·e. ExC'lus1ve new
homes. from S515,000 1---------1
141,•; hnancinga\a1l.
Charter RH> & ln\·e:.t
196 8122 831-IJ81 l
Start a home or mvest
ment 1 Br l B<!. Condo
with high loan balance 1
) ear new S79.500 2 Br I
Ba Condo. Close to
!>hopping. bus lines & ~l·hoo ls $75,500 Both
located m the country at
mosphere of Capistrano
Valley Call for further
info Realty World Van
Assoc. 661·2001
Panoramic ocean &
mountain views. 4 Br 1 i
at·re Horses. Below
market $349.900. Broker
499 1526
SUPEfl CLEAM Cefthlry Z I
C· I IUILDIHGS totewport C...t«
s uitable for hizht in 640-5357 760-6767 du~tr) and o ffi ces '--~~~~~~~ Frong bldg contains 4 r
carpeted and paneled or ---------fices + 2 bath~ Rear
blork bid!( has 2·12'
doors. full .flourestent
lighting 110 220 power';
lge mel1. storage space
Lot is 50xl20. Concrete
driveway & lg parking
area. Securrty fen<'e owe $215.000 or lease
option at $225,000 Sub·
llO MI '>
REAL ESTATE 631-1400
Drastic reduction on
brand new Balboa
duplex l!>l owners 2003
dcprec1at1on Creal ren·
lal area 100 feet from
beach. Large 3 bdrm. 3
bath plus 2 bdrm, 2 bath.
Owner will assist in
financing $425,000.
Redhill~~ Realty
1i1:3 .-;:wo
4 Br. Cam rm. 2 frplc 21.500 sq ft. Glendora INVESTORS !
Ovedr ,_3pal000 s fr . bkeauht Ne'>', pllyleased Sc-hed M.C~~ yar ... 10, am 1l<' income Sl.97 .000 on triple GU 10.uGr. Sl99,"9oo
Assumabl~ ln. S247.900 net leases Owner must 13U 12 3xGr. SS20,000
AA IEACH RLTRS sell. SI.600.000 Agt. Carlsbad OplxS129,900 I 3IJ7 N EICammo Real <213 )553 9552 day:-. or Carlsbad Dplxll'3.500
492-21 00 17141846 3278 eH•s -1 1 16 lagoon ac $250,000
I 02lai;toonac S2SO.OOO
Santa Ana 1080 SHOPPING CHTR. 11 61 lagoonacSt50,000
•••• •• ••••••••••••••••• 1 MISSION VIEJO S I S Realtors
926 KILSON DRIVE Excel location Spenda 1434·1.SSO
Coz.y 2 BR. d1mng room. ble income Will trade - ---
\Ba. for rondo m Palm Spr 20 UNITS C.M.
OPEN SUNDAY I 5 ' 1ngs Asking St 250.000 Beautiful 1 yea r old
Orcallforappt 5425373 Agl 644·9513 Townhouse Units
or 545-2737 broker C d I i /T Frplcs Nice area
$10,000 under market
3bdrm. 2ba, $85,000.
on om n um1 own· TS ST TS houses fOf' sale 1700 L lNV. ~--G42-l~~
••••••••••••••••••••••• 100·500 Unils·Oklahoma,
Texas. New Mex .
$500,000·SI ,000.000 dn
Bkr ( 7141661-2257
COHDO ---HELP! FORECLOSURE 3 Bdrm with pat10s, sun sa .ooo under market deck , sunken Living OWNTOWN HUNTBCH
2bdrm . lba $75,000 Rm . Family Rm . 2 Duplex . $139,900.
644 5069 Fireplaces Tennis & Ag\ 5~-0123 __
S69,900 WON 'T LAST pool $2~.000 ""Canyon
Hurry and see this 2 Lane. CdM INVESTORS
bedroom starter home' Open 14 Sat Sun JO units. $30,000 per unit.
Lowest pri<'ed or u ·s DenneSoderllnR Rltr Owner will carry, to
kmd TARBELL, BKR l•--•640--•45•1•8 ___ break even Btoker
540·1720 540·3686
S uth L I 086 lbr, comer unit 0 1 Pier Do You Wollf A
o CMJIMO P o 1 n t e B y o w n e r 4 p•-L...-53911 ""-•. •• • •• ••••••••••• ••••• S89 900 842-5105 -~ll .._.. " -
fered at 56:11,000
Open Sat /Sunday I 4
Newport Crest Condo. 3
bdrm, 2~. baths. many
upgrades. $199.SOO
1 ;1 :~ 1:{00
Condo SpKiolists
Call the experts at the
condo 1nformat1on
center. ~Walker 81.ee REOUCED$50,000 A ' -J\ll2BdrmsTot'alpn ce
WOODS-WARMTM LOW DOWH Barg a 1 n' 4 Br Townhouse 2bd. l'"lba. S170,000.S4(}.3666
HEW! 2Br,2Aa,$\1!>.000 JBr. Panoramic ocean view Sl0 ,000 dwn Assum Whela 204 Via San Remo. Touchstone Realty
*Cote Realty & htve5tment Bayfront, lease or lease
640-5777 !-~~~~~~~~ option Lovely 4bdrm. 5ba. nr Linda Is le --------· 1·---0C-•EAH----Private shp for 50' boat. $3000/mo. $875,000 firm
Exec uti ve Country
English Bayfront. 5
Bdrm s, in cludi n g
maid 's quarters. Pvt
community and private
doc k . Fee land. 12.6
million. Owner will con·
PANORAMA 1982. 60' on Newport
Cameo High lands 3 Bay. 675·9956. Prine On·
bdrms. 2:V.. baths. ocean ly please. view home with spa. l-'~---·--
Rt·dl 111l ~~Rc,1lty
I;-;-;; -;-:;1 HI
aider excellent financ·1~~~~~~~~~ me. 1:
single family home enst
of back bay with tint
f inancing . Arnie
Quevedo. Tbe Property
Mart. 640-9019
W ••tclff S2 l9K
Warm family home. 3 Beautiful JbT. 3ba home.
br. 2 ba, ram. rm. Close Great assum fin. at t2~.
to schools. Agt. 631·5150 Open house April 4th & *Cote Realty
& Investment
640-5777 ~~~~~~~~~I SUVIEW 5th. 2300 Heather Lane.
3br . "Nantucket.. in 1_63_1_~_11 _____ _
5 Br. 3 Ba. Harbor view
H ome . 1349 ,500.
Owner/ Ail. Comm.
pool. 673-T161
private community.
Pool sized lot, like new
coJ1ditlon: With view.
1208.000 a.ssurn ut. By
Owner uos Yac h t
Camlllla U6S.OOO will
cooperate with brokers.
Aaent. Dtnrt Bibb • .._ _ _._ ....... _.
m -2311 a.t0-7965••
1t .. g:~
3 Bed, 2 Bath, Spa New
Kltcben. New i.a;d.cap-
lng, etc. etc. Call about
special flnancln;.
$28&,900 Darrell Pash
Cbarmlnt Balboa Isle
Baytronl home. New
co••tructloa with out.
1tand.ln1 detail. Ca.U boW
fOr I ~al preview oC
thli tovel1 home
I ' •.. ' I 11
$10,000 ........ fl t \ t I 4 I Ii
Thl• 4 bedroom newly Onlthed bomeorrua trU· -~-.-------•
ly fPtt'l°'-'• IMn• In MIWUS11W.
traditional •aance oft 4br. 2~ba. lie corneT
beauUr"1 Udo hie. See· w/rm for boat • RV.
lnl l• bellevlnl lh1s ex· MS-UO~ ~t1ton.l ulue Cal) LIASIOl'TIOM
. ' . ' .J"-' , V'. p I , , 11\ ,
Spaciout S lUl S Ba
Spn1111 Hill home. at
SSTS,000. Also, avail.
maptlh.w t\llCom lot
at uso.ooo . Call
7H ...... ml
Beautirully decorated 2•2 Ba $\281900 lluge SS45.000.8kr.~~-1~26 -S60,000 loan at 1012"4 n
2 ·slor y condo with master suit Owner will carry 2nd. Real Estate
f i r e ~ I a c e a n d . 2 J ohn Marshall Other R•al Estate 536 4664 dys
balconies. 2 bdrm with 631·1266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• - -
Has bought another pro-
perty, facing 2 pymts.
Unique 3 bdrm home in
Ne)Vporl Shores. Asking
$175,000. Owner will
carry lst T .D. al 12%.
759·1501or752 7373
formal dining rm. Cl>n I M bll H DT,nerc ~i~~e~\t~e;rrt7a110~~: Iii~ ~l h F:,. s•ote omn 11 oo ... :.~! .. ~ ...... !~~~ INVESTOR'S
Clerestory windows and ·-••11~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWGHT high ceilings. Reduced ' • 1 ~ Trailer at bch Sl4,900. HEAR 1HE SAND
toS199.SOO.OWC2ndTD. -----Terms.OWCor trade BolbooP..,DupM•· 2tiCEWCOHDOS
~Walker I lee
OPEN HOUSE SUH 499-3816 Seconds to the water.
210 39lh Street, Newport -----Excellent 3 BR owner's OH LOT Beach Hpm S33.000 Assumable Loan, "home-like" unit & 2 Live in one. rent or sell
2bdr m +den, 2ba. 24X60 BR, 2 ba. rental unit the other. Seller will
Viking. New crpt, all ap. Ideal fot' home & in· finance at 13% for 3
plianC'es incl. Really come. Close to Newport years.
PLACE raoranES"'
10,.. Tll l~lO P.M.I
sharp. FIP $48,500 Pvt pier&shops.$289,950. 64t-1991 , •
Party Prine. Only. W•sleyM. toytcwCo. 960-3029. R &&--6,. .. 49 I 0 Loo~1r;i.1 for sheller plus
---------_ "~ ...... po51l1ve cash llow'! 16
--------• IKOffte Property 2000 units, Riverside. All.
NEWPOllT BEACH •••• ••••••••••••••••••. <714 >698-5131.
Superb medllerranean
vil l a featuring 3
spacious brs, 2 ba. A•·
sumable financing due
to lmmaculate condmon
& price. 'I1lill won't lll$t
long. 7S9·L50lor7S2·7373.
$50,000 DOWM
s200,ooo. 12.1s
Loon for 28 yean.
Larae comer toC. Larae l~~~~~~~~~I
b<>use 4 Br. 2~ Ba RV
space behind locked
gates . All th is ln w~tcllff. No )Oan qu.all·
with a pend a bTe . S249.600. cau for detaila.
640-616' fying.
.... lat 768-0654
$:0,000 down. $bdrm,
b . 126S,000. Must hav~
NIW OM MA•ET quick escrow. $1500/mo.
Beautlf ully decorated _MA_·_5069 __ • ____ ......_
and maintained Park WATtaFIONrHOMI Lido condo. 3 Bdrm. 2~
b .. 0 I" 11 r 1 In t ... ,8 Wltb sUp. siso.ooo do'tln. •· n 1 o sa e '" ownet will finance. a dull com mun tty. 4 115$4171
poolt ln a park Uke set-----· -----
l..etw 67M676 OCM....,HOMI
· ~ 3 Bdrm. vttw Many OCIAtR.V"• amtnlt\es. OWF. n ,1M.
Btaullful home on UM Call 115-a381
beacb If! a ver y Pt'4!4 I~~~~~~~~~ 1t11tout •tea .r Owner/~-Call for
det.all• Ob financm1 and
•ppt "° ... f7M4M
28r, 2Ba, lOW\ Ul TD
owner /bkr su.GIS3 .
Expanded · E' Plan. 3
bdrm. 2h ba. ram. rm.
din. rm $172,000 assum.
1st. 1249,500. 64().4819
$480,000 Moatd lrablost In
WtttcUlf. 3lOO•ci: n.
1242 Somers« tA. N. 8 ,
Open SallSuo \·~
For moff IQfo, 645·8083
•Tri·Plu. Prime loc.
Rare opportunity • live
on the Bay for only
$89,500. 2 Bdnns. l l"J dbl
wide d eluit_e,. "D "
Anchorage Way, Lido
Park. L ido Peninsula.
59 Prime units Also S6
un\t.s Down pymnl nee.
Call for Info.
Sharp t bdrm, 2 YT old dbl w id e . Woman ·st-,.;;,_--~--...;;.,...;,.o..
kitchen. 22' f23 Frfe·
mont. S38,.!i00. ---.-
0.luxe 2 Bdrm dbl wide S yra old. Udo Park ana
pvt beach. Adult p•rk.
Pett OK ..... ,96C).
• 0 ..
Private Parties only -no commercial businesses please. Any classlflcatton.
OtMrlMI..........._ ....... u' ..... .:. """'..... ... ..... .. ............ d c .... 11 I ........................ ....... ~ -..... ~•••d 4 a 14 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• U•f 11· 11 J421 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ············••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l-L.-Ul.. .... va..&.. 3211..7 ..a.... •....:-....... J26t -••• •• M.. ~.....__._ J76 c ......__ • ··z· LotsfwS. 2200 ... _ ~~ •111.. MM J224 ~ J244-• ..,.. • .._ • ..,._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... w -.... __ -•
••••••••••••••••••••••• .-w -a " ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'•999•••••••••••••• Watch , .. _ aurf f-... ,_ •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ................. . 1W--· ..... . ..... UIQ DIC-PRESTIOIOUS VIEW UDO ISL£ cbarmlnt a IBr 2 Ba U50 mo Woodbrtdie Townhome, HOMEFOJ\RENT M ~· •-beaut. 1 Br. Condo. S800 MIWLY -.
LOT. MonarcbBayT~r-bdrm,2bath,playroom. lathatt s3oo aecurtty: 2 atory, 2bd.rm, lWiba, S Bdrm. $575. Fenced I Br . 2tn Ba, vu , mo. lat, laat + sec. l Br. 1u pd, •cl pr.
race, taauna Niauel. Juat remodefed. S\850 .new cpt/pot formal din-pool, tenola II lake. yard ~ fcara&e. Kid• It $'700/mo. Kida Ok, no 772-3053. d/wuber, pool. Adlllta.
$330,000. 9U·1U2, mo to mo. Bill Gruo4y, ln1,2000..,ft.?54-0ll8 '825/mo.7»-0115. pe~.~comel 11...i 914-0 ,,~ peta,J hn,.. ball _M2_·5'17_a __ ...,.... __ _ S3f.09Meves. 6'75-fl81. • ..... or .. ,.,._, ·"-•"n ....... o .an Landmark Condo 2br,
1 Br. 2 Ba. Rec. rm. trplc, Woodbridte Eatatea tWw__. .._. 3269 coif, pool, aecurity. Very 2 Ir. I .. .., Eb~!~~~~i:":i!~ 3b:~c~:f .~:::.· p~~k: ad c1la~ backyard. ?'ea0a r.4:d L~ ~· :i ba2 ••••,r.';•~•••••••••••••• nice H.B. (213)9'-0460 ~:~·~ ~e:°:-. a:: r.:
lot. $395,000. Terrne. av a i I. th ru Nov . e -·~area. •75 . frpl~a. 2 ~ar 1ar, small :S Br. 2 Ba. lar\e yard, 2 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo, pool/· YUR·ROUNO f'UN: d I was her. Adu Its.
Prin. only. Pee Allen, Water/1ardeoer pd. 540-leM.cartuerite yd,S800/mo.83S-211.4 ~:~race. 7"5 mo. Jae .. nr S.Cout Plaza . Social Activities 01. 11_64_2·_S07_3 _____ _
Rllr,4it·75'18. $97S/mo.~. Condo, 3Br 2tn ba, encl Northwood Racque t · 645·4S33,S57""351. rect"r• Free Sunday 3 Ir Tow •a•• ·Mo•t• Dnlti, patJo, frplc, bJtn ldtch, Club •bdrm 3ba air Ste~ to the beach, lge 4 RARE BLUFFS 4Br con· Woodbridge Condo 2br, Brunch• 880 s •Pai Newly decor. aaa pd.,
...... 2400 CANNEJlY VLLG. 2 dbl gar w/opnr. S7SO. 1ardener, ~Int ~ond: brdplx,Ztnba,pati"·2 dow/fam.rm.Onareen 2ba , avail. now ! ties •Plusmuchmoie encl aar ., pool , ••••••••••••••••••h••• bdrm2baMobilehome. RonSay9'79-53'70 $&50/mo.975-0732. sty, lmmac. SlllOO ,rly. belt. Pool. lmmed occ. '595/mo.S»SQ50 OREATMCMATIOH: d /waaber. Adults . • $750/ ( 6'73-2:567 $1200 lse. 87S.2490. Tennis • Free Lessons 642·S073 Ml~tCAl~"'~A II· VER:'.:1a'f'Es. 2Bdrm 2-FllftACIS Spectacull.Pvlew of lake Sea Spray Condo wlk to • (pro & pro shop)•2 ---------~ Oak parquet flooring, from thla 2900 sq ft J.M. 3 Br 2 Ba. lncl. refri1. lmmac. Bluffs CONDO bch 3b 2ba f le g Health Clut>s•Sauna •
l Br. Condo In .Casa 2ba luxury furn pen-patio cover. aardener. Peters townhome. 2 fencedyrd,$750/mo yr-2br. lba , refrlg . poo'l/j~c/t~n~s i s:;: Hydromassage•Sw•m me8ti11Jlll
Maya, Cancun's finest t house condo . Short lovely Mesa Verde mstrbdrms,den,2tnba. ly.Agt.6'73-3355 washer /dryer, dbl gar, gate. No pets '675/mo. m1ng •Ot1v1ng Range AP~
new hlghrise resort. On term-UUJime.l800mo. 3bdrm, 2ba. '82.5. Don: Frplc, from dlnln1. Walk to beach. Beaut. P o o I . $7 25 I m o . Owner!IQ-7470 BEAUTIFUL APAAT· Beautifully landscaped
the beach. GolfF, tenn01s, Rw_aatletorfnront Hom!!1• 11~~ 641·9087· vaulted cell, A/C, com· tat/last/sec + cleaning. MfHTS: S•ng1es 1 & garden apta. Patios or water sport5. antas c "' .... · _,, Newport Crest 4 br con-"~"·43'... •2Br 2 Ba 1 story pool 2 Beorooms • Fur decks. Pool & S"". Heat lew f li ln 1 br, 2 ba, frplc, pool, jac. munity pool and tennis, do fam nn dln rm ...., .,,, · · · • r-~~~ ~~~ui:e :~ Walk to So. Coast no pets . $11 50 . p~ol , t~nni0s, si100'. aBr.2 ea.Home,2 car ~:~:~·0~~~1:.:;~~: ~~;~11L~•~,~~~s;:,~ ~~i~ita~o,:~:[k~~C2 terrace. For information )teps bay-bch-tennls, Village & Plaza. $700. 714/9S5-0497or751/S813 646-0686 g f I kite" n.r--•ft• OK. call Owner/Agent 3Br, 2Ba. May.June 559-1159,957·0251 gara e, rp c, ,,en 833-1653. • Mooeis Open oa11y ..-...,....,.
$1 000 Jul SSOO k Woodbridae Twntue 2 HARBOR RIDGE·3Br, w/dawar. disposal fr gas 9 io 6 1 Bdrm S400 551·4682. • mo. Y w · DOLL HOUSE ranae, din Ina ar ea. Irvine Condo 3br, 2ba, 2 Bdrm 2 Ba S500 673-4436 sty, 3br, l tnba, pool, ten· 3Ba, study, view decks, .. • d / d Oakwood IACH&.Ol•s 1 Br. with garaae & nil, lake. s6251mo. j 1 tenn.Ls $2 000 Be au t . pal Io & new rapes, a c, ln ry 2~ Vanguard Way 211d l...tledMctioR patio. Orange St. near 5Sl·SS26. r!~: rs~s.so.9o99' backyard. Avail 4·20. rm. else to pool, avail G1rden Apartment1 540-9626or548-2408
RETREAT Harbor Rid a e Del Mar . $380 lncld $700/mo. lat,/last., now k ids ok. Call Newport Beach/So.
Palm Sprinas at ar· c u stom ized hom e . water. Adults, no pets. rwnhse. 3 Br, 2~ ba, NptCreatcoodo,4Br 2.., security, cleanlna dep. 751-7984anytime 110016th St
fordable S6l,SOO! Studio w/so-r Yiew, 2 story, 673-6372 pool, jac, secluded Ba, split level, dbl 2 13g36-39110 work , •Do•e••i 1&1h1 condo off Golf Club Dr. r-1 .., Newport Crest 4br, 2t,;ba, w/all amenities. Xlnl as· furn . .J. Doran, R tr. neighborhood .• ,so/mo. garage. Lease $800/mo. 213 /2 5·4362 home art 2 3 0 0 5 q . ft . ten . 1714) 142-5113
sum able loan. Owner 1_ss_1_.9_s_22 ______ JOG TO BEACH. Plush 3 P.,!s
642-9909, eves lst, lut&dep. 957.9303 6PM & Wknds. nis/pool/spa, S800fmo. 1 Newport Beach/No.
h bo h ,_ h Br. 2112 ba rondo. Pool, ~ 1 ., .. .,,.... 880 as ug l e~ew ere. Beautiful 2 Br. Condo spa, 2 car gar. ~/mo. ---------Harbor View Homes, Condo, The Bluffs , yr. se................ Irvine
Won't last. 759-1501 Home In Big Canyon, Hurry call Gary 549-8815 lbr, den patio home. j !bdrm, 2ba. nice street, 3bdrm, 1'1llba, nr stores Ocean view condo on 1714
1:};1104 golf course view, pool & Fr p 1 c , c u s t om bk .:ardener incl. $850. & schools. $700. 64().5274. Blutrs, Zbdrm, Zl,',ba, 2 rullyfum.Leueormon· HEWTHIOUGHOUT shelves , lovely 640-4829.alter6pm. car gar, frplc s750.1~====='"""'""""""""
__ R_E_A_L_ES_T_A_T_E __
~:.;~;II Bill Wedmore :J:i~o~·~:~ no pets !:,1~laf.~.gs;~:~k7 Luxury Bay Front for 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, Westcliff. 968·6596. ~;9.:.d
CM of Ca.ty .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;; & wk end.a. rent. Prime Bay Front Lovely yard. $980/mo. H.B. Condo (Adults 1 2br. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pro__.. 2550,. Brand new condos for 3400 sq ft. home with 2 64e·6789or64tHi?lO l'hba, frplc, S500 +util. ~NI 3102 •••••• ":':~~!•••••••••••• UDOISU rent, $850, dbl gar. WoodbridgeNice4Br3ba boat slips. Large view availimmed.968.5577 •••••••••••••••••••••••
i acre retreat, new
custom Spanish home,
Ran c ho Santa Fe.
$475,000. Call 753-7223.
IAYRtONT w /opener. Close to · super family home. maater suite.3Bdrms.&
a Al 1991 e.t>Ln/ c ute 3 Br. 2 Ba in row-L.---An MTS FOa HHT with 40' boat slip. 3 ocean .... · _..,., mo. + maids. Huge Rumpus _
bdrm.3baths.beautiful-WaterfrontHomes,Inc. room & laroe Livina Newport H e ights .' U•fwnllhld 3525 H.B .. N.B .. Costa Mesa 'Br lBa condo Tenn1·s • " •6"'0/mo. Jeanne Agt. Something for Everyone ly decorated. l to 2 year • ' · • Realtors 631·1400 room. 213/374-6179. • " lse. $3500per mo. pool, gym, security 631·1266 ::•1••t•••li~··~···h~··1 •••1•• Bach. to 4 Br. Unfum.
g u a rd s . A I C. d is. 0 ......._ 2 b 2 b ---------...., s to ve Ult is ove Y Apts. Certain locations Prime development pro-range"""' r. a, ILUFfS ~mAWP Woodbridge Twnhme. offer : Pool , spa, t d d b hwasher, new cpts. den din rm gar Am 3 bd f $BOO Hs ... u--• THI b b
2 Bdrm 1 Ba $470
2 Bdrm 2 Ba U85
3118 w. w ilson, 631-5583
FAMILY AnS. Brand new beautiful lrg
apt, for families with 1
or 2 children. Near park.
Heat paid. No pets.
2Br, 1 Ba. $470.$475
398 W. Wilson, 631-SS83
2 Bd 1 Ba. $375. Clean &
quiet. no kids/pets. Call
Craig. 631-12166
per Y surroun e y d rt A ·1 "ti . •u ,:. .,..., ;.c_ . rms, am rm, . 3 Br, 2tn Ba. '675/mo. 3 3 r, 2'h a, 2 car gar fireplace. laun. room, n ew s u bdivisions. rapes, carpo · vai . men1 es . ......, ..... ,.~.., 2 bdrm , 2 bath $825. S750fmo. no pets. Call beamed ceili ng s,
Carefree, Arizona <nr May lst No pets. Adulta 2 Br l I/• Ba, walnut Pools. Rllr,644-0134. er · 2~dsBo':t S700 /:o. Maureen 551·6637 or garages. all built-Ins. ---------
Phoenix). $15,000 acre. only· ss25tmo. lease. square Condo. 1 car gar, Bluffs condo, 3bdrm. ewJo~n Man~ · SS9-84Sl AGT. Garden & Townhouse Stunning Lge 1"2 br. 2 ba
Good terms. Owner/agt. e~~~~~~~~ 673-0672 cable TV comm. pool 2..,ba, split level. UP· 631·121fl16 H tlltcltoftH----·-design. garden apt, pool /rec
<714>640-72lo. Houses u ...... d ? Br with stove, front & $500/mo. 675-7171 graded. very pvt end Un· , ....... WNiAIMlllfEElllllRR-FRONT9"' TSL MGMT. 642·1603 area. 710W. l.8lhSt.
Out of Stat. ••••••••••••••••••••••• back yard. gar., crpts & Im mac Woodbridge Con· i l . Av a i I Ma Y 1 S. TWNHOME ..... ,.._.. 3106 Townhouse East.side 2Br. Pro~ 2600 lolMto P111lltsllla 3207 drps, k9Smo.67S-093S SlOOO/mo. 759-041.S. FOR LEASE ....................... 1 ..... ba. 2 Sty. 3 VY'<l. old, ,..... •r do, 2Br, 2Ba, fieldstone ,.,. J"~ •••••••·~··•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'lice clean 2 Br. 1 Ba. frplc, steps to jac, pool, EXEC. house. avl. April 3 Br 2~ ba. 40' boat Charmine Bayfron~ 1 br, gar. No pets. $465/mo WA scenic Oregon Coast ~bdrm . 114 E. Balboa enclsd garage $4SO 1st dock. Swimming pool, quiet, beamed cellUlgs. I 675.8133 Electricity, fenced. out· Blvd. $475. To June 10. 1 t urit · .d ·2546 wlk to lake, 2 car gar. 12. ' br, fabulous mstr 1---------clubhouse, tennis courts adult,$525.675-7285 ----~----
standing view. accessi-1·879·5991. J:an~es~E''. ~;f78. S69s mo. 752•0404 dya, suite, 3 ba, lg ram. rm. S-Cit• .. • 3276 avail to lessee. $1200/mo 107 BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba.
ble, owner492·2499 ... _ ........ ......_ 3222 ---------_ss_1._0202 __ e_v_es_l_w_kn_da_. -full liv. rm., fnnl. din ....................... Huntington Harbour ~ Pcselrallla 3 Mesa Verde. 1100 sq ft.
v---..uon-bd 1 yrd C rm, cozyk.itch. laun. rm 3 Br. 2..., Ba. Townhome. Realty, 714·846·0641. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rptc, lndry, pallo, dis· Florence Oregonrec pro· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 rm, rs on anyon WARMIN4'TON & many, many extras. Next to park, lovely 213-592-28Ul $350,utllpd,lBrdplx 417 h h 1 Adults
perty, iot S3'x93'. or· 3horecliff~2 b~&den,lae Park: Perl. for small WOODlllDGE 759·89.74 area. Nopet.s.S600mo. ---------Bay Ave, Balboa. No ws r,enc gar, •
ganized campground. yard. Mini view. suoo. family . $600. 92' TOW..-..OME Agent4~ pets.547-11.55 ~O-~~.S500.3107Mace. 23' Terry trlr w /full Agent, 673-5354. Evergreen. 642-7104. ..., 2Br , 2Ba. Adult complex. -"""---------.,........ ... ,..,....... .,. ...,,,.,
i I I S.. J._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br. 2ba, ltn blk to bch. hook ·ups, must sell ~Br. pvt. beach. Adul•~ 3 BR + bonus room + 2 Br 2 Ba v ew ocat on No pets. Pool, pvt. patio. 1--..... 1_.._.. 3706 $ R cc., 7.,..,, -.... close to nnn.1 lake spa & Splt lvl. •"'7"/mo. lmo. Ca-'1tr.o 3271 -• -patio, frplc, gar, avail. 1.8,000. utter o>oN.' ......, only. Ga--'-n. pool. Top locatJon • RV r--·· ' .., " '" , . ..., s h o p p 1 n g Ce nter . security, $100 cleaning ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• May l, msmo/yearly. ParkCitycondoforsale. ____ ~ __ 0_128 ____ storage . The Real $700/moCallLoisMiller d 7687633 4bdnn 2bahouse w/gar, Charming & private, 6'75-6233 Cans.machinel. L rondo i ht t Estaters,752-1700 631-1266 _e""'p_. __ . __ . ____ 1 mi rr om beach , lbdrm. lba. high quail·
S3SS. E/Side, I BR, 1ar.
1st + last + SlOO. No
pets. 2 BR also avl,
541·5331 ; 646-2325
uxury rg a lmmac 3br. lrvineTer· $700/mo.673-5716. ty, laundry. $575/mo. 2BAYFRONTAPTS
the re~ort cente~. 25 (t. race. lge yd, pool, Jae. O..a PoW 3226 II~ CANYON ye a r 1 y . No pets . Lge 1 BR, rplc, patio. Large 2 Br. Small child
from 11.rt lick.et windows $1680. 640-9900 agt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exclusive. full security. Avail approx April 15, 2 <213)450-1051. 3 BR 2 Ba, 2 fplc's 0 K · N ° pets· s395 ·
Incredible view of Park ---------tbdrm Dollhouse avail. beautiful 3 Br. 3 Ba. Br 2 Ba ram nn, fenced ---------Coast Prop. Co. 673-5410 _546 __ ·9950 ______ _
£i4tyth. 20bdrm00 .... 0·f3bTha .. onS1.1
3vredr 4/15, frplc, patio, fenced private yard, wet bar & back yrd, enclosed 2 car WIHTHllMTALS C ........ 3122 EASTSIDE sunny 2 br "' '"' "' JASMf .. CREEI( yrd,gar,dogot$SSO/mo fireplace, many other aar. Vebicle storage AEGIRPROPERTIES CH'OIMl..wM.1-• '
Millhouse bldg. Avail. Plans. 3 bdrm, family, lst/last/$3)() refundable HOME FOR RENT amenities including S475f mo 1st, last & 306MartneAve. B.I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• f~· adults. no ~els .. on contract. $259,000. 2i,., bath, A/C, many 66l·07""", ...... -... ~ .... 1 3 Bdrm. $595. Fenced Maid.a room. $1450 mo. 675-4000 Dlx ocean vu, l Br, newly ~.,. 16-021st. 548-01 · ~ ._........... .....,.. security deposit req. (801 )64MJ.53. added luxury reatures. ColetioDP yard & garage. Kids & Call Anthony wkdys 758_2565 ---------decorated, w /gar. Lrg 3 Br. 2 Ba. crpt.s,
Avail. May 1. $1300 mo. ---------pets welcome. 964·2566 642·5757 eves & wknds ---------aa.o. p :L .. 3717 Adults $675/mo. Ask for drps, carport. Nr OCC. •a:ct..s. ,..,_, 2700 CL/ ~~ ~ / ,1,1 "4.tllHJl-leoclt 3240 or 973-2971. Agt., no fee. 644·8889. 4br, 2ba. 3 car gar, best ....................... Faye. 640-9990 Water incld. $495. No wro•ff f!J()"i,>l'la aa c./nQI>, ••• •••••••••••••••••••• c .
••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· ~-"-) BR 2 Ba house, $650 mo. FOR LSE. Lge2BR2 BA, BLUFFS Plua condo. 4 ~:so / :i~~ a4·96~ ~!:i : Short term rentals,"" blk Spacious 1 Br w/garage, peta. 751·3696
Income depreciation ap· .. UU:'~ Newly redecor ated home. U--' c ..... /dr"'". br, 2 .... ba No-*". $850 •9 .. """'" from beach, 1 bdrm, laundry.facil. $575. Ask d _... .,.... r u .,..~ .. ..,...,._. lndry 673-9327 1 Br. refrige, stove. cl • precialion & develop· fi?.J-S494 SS7·8it7aft SPM. microwave, fplc, parq mo. Call aft 3PM . · forFaye.64().9900 garage . s350 240 ment potential in boom· I ' f irs, nutr l tones . 760-1573 S..taAM 3210 1 Br .. Carpets, drapes, SpaclouslBdrmandden. Avocado.645-6404 mm. g 1-lS corridor for 2435 E. CoHt Hwy .. CdM Villa Pac 3 Br. Condo, 2 .......................... ll ••••••••••••••••••• "'-' 1 -~· v•.,..n •••• stove, reuiee. Ut ls pd. 2 baths. One adult only. gentleman farmer . Ba. Atrium, rrplc, ten· ---------Bayfront, lease or lease S G 2bd • . ti Lo I 4bd Z006 . amaey. rm, Utensils for 4. $375. Refr ....... 1-a ---an v1·e~. Avocado/Citrus erove n1s. pools, spa. 1 ml 1--..cit J241 op on. ve Y rm, b •~75, •-t la t ... u...... ........ .. 5000 ft ipaclous 2br, Iba. yrd. ..,,_... b LI d I I 1 •. .. mo, ... ' 1 + 6'75-0935. $695 monthly on yearly
Bach wtth loft, refriae.
stove, c/d, pool. $370 up.
283 A voe ado. 645-6404. E°x~·:=e~ North5~an frplc, adults/no pets ocean. S67S. ~7469 ;•c•;;~;;;;·;;::·;;.·;·:• ~ri~'at~~Up f~r ;,. t!,a~: _s_iso_._644-_50&8 __ . ____ , Costa Mft41 3724 lease. Call Berta Farr,
Diego COW1ty, Sl,650,000. avail S / l USO I m o· Sew condo In Seaside cabana, deck, pvt bch, $3000/mo. S87S,OOO fi rm SCMllti L...-321 ••••••••••••••••••••••• agent. 760-0189 1 Br. East.side. small but
Sandi Rimer, Agt · 673-3753 VIiiage. Beach & Atlan-furn/unlum, a<ilts only. in 1982. eo· on Newport•••••••••••••••••••••• SUSCASITAS S . r co:r.y w/lots of lleal
_7_'5_·_99_1_7. ______ Costa Mno 3224 ta Blvd. 2 Br. den, 2tn $750md. 499-3816 Bay. 6'75-9956. Prine. On· OCEANFRONT HOME teps to ocean m one.o wood. $3.JS. 6'2·9450 aft
Ba, 1650 sq ft, sec gate. ly please. O'looka pvt beach, 2 br, FuE m1
1 br. aptA. ds.mlt" up. the most charming sec· SPM OreconCattleR•ttch ••••••••••••••••••••••• tennis cts, pool & jac. Upper Woods Cove, 2in ba, den, din. rm, lge nc · gar. u a, no lions of old Corona del ---· -------
with all Improvements Beaut. 2Br adult only $875/mo. (213)833·1369: charming Vict orian. 2Br,den,2Ba,wlktobch. deck,$1200/mo.499-2253, peta. 2110 Newport Bl. Mar . 2 Br. 2 Ba . Bachelor -newlydec.Pvt
incl. 3 homes. Beaut. townhse. 2 car gar. eves & wk n d s . Stained glass, magnifi· tennll ar pool priv, $750 499-5021 548-4M8btwulfr5PM f irepla ce, covered patio. E'slde loc. No
hills, pine trees & spr· La u n d r Y · Put l I n g (213)831-5734. cent view. 3Br 2Ba. $900. mo. 640-5272 3290 CASA DI OltO gara(e, ocean view from pets. $325, 5'&-0908
in1s. 215·1000 acres. course, very quiet. (213)378-3119. ---------f•ffa ALL UTll.JTIES PAID the deck. $750. mo. Call
Comm 'I trades con-$600/mo. Ask for Bob Landmark 2 Br. 2 Ba. ---------BLUFFS new 3br, 2ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anthony wkdys S42-s757, 3br, 2ba, ear, kids Ok, no
sidered. Owner/agt, 962·8891,or531-47SO Adulta 40. $550. Avail. ---------Bonita Plan, 1 story. ADULTS COURTYARD Compare before you eves4'rwlmdaM4-8889. peta,nrOCC
(714)640-7210. 11IDSl9CTC.Ot1 May l at. Million $S rec. WOOOSCOVE SUSO/mo.644-2300. T\VNHSE2bdrm, 1'1llba. t c at d 1 --------557-8177
" ,~._,,. " f """"7018 ~70...__ attached~, frplc, air. ren · u om es gn ApplicaU-· beino taken. 1---------ll ... h "'-'-E·Slde 2 Bdrm. $495. ac. _.,. ~ ~ Ceatures· Pool BBQ --., N _. E nmr Outrafieoua 1bdrm Iba H--vt... pool. R lll, nr S.A. , .. · · • So. of Hwy. 1 Br. Duplex. ewly decorat..,.. apt. · b e..__ 2100 W /Garage. 642-2510, lBr, lBa condo. Pool, ' ' ._._-n•W Fr $550/mo Call cov ru 1arage, n ew f I side 2Br lba ,,__,_ .._,. s kyl lhll , antique Gracious famlly home 2 wy. · rurniture, surrounded Beams. crpts, rp c, • ' ' .. .,._., ••••••••••••••••••••••• _646-__ 48'8 __ . ______ s pa , sauna, te nnis doors/windows, beamed st or 'Y 4 bdrm . 731·71Mor752·2827. with pluah landscaping. stove & refrlge, Off o o pets. $400/tno .
ANXIOUS l BR, 2 lty, Back Bay courts. secW'itY aate. cellln15, frplc, new Fumlahiftl avail at no W"....._." J291 Adult llvtn1 at Its best. street pkn1. S35o. ,_63_1_·6_15S ______ _
115,000 unsec ured condo. Pool & jacuizi. $400. Acent. 53S-6565, & kltcben/bath. $675/mo. extra. $1200/mo lae. No ••••••••••••••••••••••• No pets. Adult.I. No peta. Ref's 2Br.withyard.k75.tidl
personalnoteaadownon $850. 631-8995, ask for 53&-0875. Daya 831·8847 evea peta. 20U Port Briatol ' Br. 1~ Ba. Family BachfumlabedS370 req. Sat. 1·5PM. 417 Iris ar small peta OK. Avail !s~ite~f:~:l~-~I RuthorSteve Very aharp 3 Br. Model 49'7·22'78Triab Cr. Call ElaJne 644-5"'7 room, f~, larae yard. ;:\,rmv/~.~ St.CdM . lmmed. t725tomove in;
Lona Beach Belmont
Pier area, 3 units, con·
vert to mit. Walk te bch.
50X130. Gd Income. 4
car's. $211,500 or trade.
Need piece close to
ocean. Un.3)437-7674.
Duplex. 1 bdrm, 1 bath Home. Lra frplc, patio. ~~~~~~~~ _o_r_l40-_535"1 _______ • Klds 0 · $84S. Call · ' 2 bdrm, 1 ba dplx, sun· 983-7800, MM3119.
plua livtnc area. Private $750 mo. U.cla Gardener. North end w I k to 213/431-2138. Hwl ... tw leeclt J74e deck, refrtl, atove, no 2 Br. To-...... --. lJ""-·
•-962-0458. beac h /dwntown, 2br, VILLA BALBOA2Bdrm c • I · • • ••••H •-*"""" ---...... ......., •-. entrance• .paUo area. 2ba + atudy, frplc. '725.•• • I .:. ..... .. ....... pe .... -.-rm . D l nln1 area ,
Stove &: rein•. Incl. S350 Seaapray C40do 2Br 2ba, (213)51HWJ 1 ~ ba. Ocean vlew. U.fa d1ll 1 d J4ZI ~,5/up l·Z bdrm, pool, Kitchen, Frplc. gas •
mo. Prefer l adult. 787 tn frplc, m•nv extraa, rec. Avail on abort term ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jae, adlt, 18112 Florida, Br. 1 Ba.!..!: ~rptal • water, attached garace, J St 9U3182 Do _...., H• •250 $850/mo. Bachelor CONDO vacant, ll.B.M2·2114orM2-Sl72 noortnc ........ irp C, oann · · facll, sec cate. Nr ~ a H v H to 3 $ / N t ,pallo, carport. No peta. pool, Jacuul, .laundry notdllturbtenanta. Broollbunl • Hamiltoo. ....................... . . omes cua m s!!ob~ ewpor Lo ... 1..... 1741 $580. 1eo.1m tac. on property. Av•U.
NPT. H,U. Spec., new 3 M'75. ltl.allll Attractive 3 Br. 2 Ba. ln ~d~. ~~ oc'::!: c •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• lmmed. $500 + H75
lt..w. br, 2in ba twnbae. Ideal .. -It• ~""mo• ~Nopeta. fba1 vi.,r.'2500. Beaatlful lbdrm adult ~tebrf~~.~ prlva1t! AOCttrEANct ~OFHW1 ~1Y15 securtty.831..-...
I /( l f --~ . -. _,.._,,.. LIDO ts•.,." Bdrm, 1... .--do. n~•, spa, -1·bt -ac • ..,.. ... "y, C: · • a ......., av • · •••••••••-•••••••••••• oc. "' rp , am rm, H~ JZ42 cA.16 • -....... r.-...... B cb U-.. Sto • _._. room, S .C . Piasa. Br. fullL!:um. ury S320mo.m.Gl •n> • · ...... ve U----•-lihd · laun. rm, attached 1ar. .. ...... A ............ Cosy 3 br home, new ba homt. Year'· SlJOO llobll -fri Ad·· .. -no ..... . ,_. ··-• ~ $460/mo. Utll pd. e · -mo. re ce. w ... , --· ••••••••••••••••••••••• t725mo.l46-0329 ux Condo on La1oon crpt1, drapes, frplc, mo. 0. MZ·l802orl7~ vall. Now. 2bdrm, lba, '300.541-IJTl. · ........... Jiff i B 1 B lJ In m 2Br, 2~8'. 2 frpka, 11 Cardener. tao. No pet.a. 2Bdna 2bethLUXURY 8* · frplc, dtck. M25/mo. •••••• • •••••••••••••••• { b b •· v lfi roo • 1ar, S850 mo. 840-5502, Call eves, -.-r. condo. '8IO/mo. Spectacular ocean • bay Charmlnc 1 Br. 2 trplc1, 875-242.t. • J BR, p&tk>. pool. Wt"'918CT ALS w t eam ce 0
1 • ...._.,_ ... __ v---ni..... 2 ,.._ 2 private 1>9Uo, h"le •'111· _4 _. Adlta, no.-.. SIS J,. 17th •£Gill PROP•RTJ-etone fireplace, ar1e HOMEFOl\l\ENT WatertrootffonMs Inc Ytw... •-_-. '•• declc abort te Bdrm 1 be pool, C19Clll: Pl Off 8llllla Ana Ave " "' ~ dtn opeu to feoct d IM 1244 4 Bdrm. S1515. Ftnced ' · Ba. Ptllt.-... Prlv.te n-. • rms. beamed cai, adWt.a, n0 · ·• * llariileAve. BJ. patio, aepatat.e dlnln1 ••••••••••••• .. •••• .. • yard A: ..,...., Kidt 1a l\uhora Gl·UOO 1oarded adult comm. 4t'1·lli5. pet;. LH-.IT.ona 8*S1JTIA ll.All
1 · l7MDOO room 6 ldtctan. Hrpeta, OODBJUDOE a ar. 1\4 peta welemne. ...... AU am-.... tuoo/m.1>. ...... ,._~.._.. JIH drapt1, b\lllt-la •~· Ba. Condo. ~/mo. orl7>atl.Act..nofM. .,...,ea..-. •••••-•H-••••-••• ttove, ,..._. .,.sd. 1 child W r k < 714)811-IOH • L ~ JJll Dana Polat co11do1 O.K. ~only ... '7S Ram •. Hom tl .. I /pool• -VIiia Balboa Condo. mo.5ti-f11f. <D•>•-. ............... -..... w 1pa..-,oeea a.._ut vu,«'eaft,. Ut.tl. llCYCL& 'tO BMCR, 1.....;..;.;...;;.-........;;.;;... ____ vu. taoo. lbr tuo.
Prof deo. ~rum. 2 Or,lba~llODtqft, tclr4bdrm,2~houM, TENNll...t_PARKS ar 411.oGlll. ..,._ __ _...~.;;......o,,--,.
Br ..., 41D, d/r, fir. UIM1'. Dl!ll. MUD.a, *· 2 frplc, ar 1bopplD1 lllurPING
Utll t*t mo. lat. ~~ ~ !-1• -· -'ter, JSol. jec. ttaala. IOOO 1q ft., er, v•, N?·41M 11-"· -'*'Ah.arm. tn1.u1.-.... 1P11. ~t.Jo llMM, fem .rm,
'1 811-'1... 0 0 D B a I D 0 B 41alD.C rm, I fr111a, ftl •-.;..a.:....., ·~alsllll>r' WIDow ber, dbl pr, a lt , comm·
I ----.• N~ tllj, ....... 't1 .POOi , DO P•ll CJ ..... '!"~.~~ ;;;t.. pyt. J~rd . PIH. ProU::!fHllJ ,, .. , •• , ..., .... or--------..... .:-'rii'~·:.. .. U /mo.+ security. ~•Pld .._, 4'T·ITD •NSWPOltTHcrri• '~ ....... ,. ... bt1 r•· eu.1111. •...,. p.n. • •.1 aa. a ·-.... --, .. -----... ""' ... -.... ,,,,,_...,_.kll_ *· -. . .,,.._ ••· -,. P1m nn., Dta., • • • • aac.,.....,,llOJl&IUO , •9IUI i .. .a-e 1•-'r N.,,,ortffla.UWliltlllr frplc, dabnr, mlc~ tar. reftta. '900 mo. aedlaad1 SUI/mo.
tit dNd ..... NU ~1 lBa. H•1ri.._6k. waft. -mo. No~. AnU ....... -..m, ( 11 4 ) I• I . O 4 4 I,
..... ...,/mo.MN111. •-Almt,DOfte. •·aft (IU)~1'1M ·--~~~~-.........,.--
aa . STSPI TO a&AOI. Clliill to Nwpt Pier. No ....... ,..., 'tUI
lulJl .. ..,.....
F /21·30 \0 9hr 3bd oo Bcb,
Bal Penn. '715 mo. Avail
4/15 6?3-64311 Brian \
$ CUTC:OSlS S A II you need fot
monthly fee
H L nd k bd Fem lo shr Zbr , 2ba lime SPMC 831·6107 unt. a mar 1 .rm poolljac. Irvine S250/mo
""' condo. 40/yr aae mm.. + ulll. 646-33'1B
1 to 3 room olf1cea. No 2 room omce, fumlatied. lease required. 2172 l>u· · U1\<H~ BACH & l BR. uc. & many other •Tl4"9UILITY• A2~, w/patlo, (rplc, amenities. $400. ~l:W7. Verv private 1 & a Br Dell,htfully refreshing Rmmte Wanted to shr
dlhwlh, tat.bed"al cell· adu"lt apta. AVAlL. decor . Gard~n view . Zbr, 2ba hse in Irvine,
nice view, xlnt loc, reas. Pont Dr. Adj. Airporter
Call aft. 4 or W~4:nd,a, HOlel. ~3223. 9-12
963·6989. Co-•rcW in&6, ~balcony, jacur.zl, 2 Br. 2 Ba. Townhouse. NOW. Large floor plans, P\(t. entrance. S50/wk Qwn bdtni. ~ + use of
Qijiet. Adul~• only. no Neu r beach. Garage. garden laodsca ping. 494·9575. all rec. fac. $2.50/mo +
t re $~ & up. Meaa Toddler OK. S465 l G i
-----CdM Deluxe Suites AC a-......a~ .... 75 bea_!:181W'l)llCe:113M231. 630 sq n. Laguna Beach. 1 .. ·1 pd · _,,,; _.. .... • ,.,r C t H tull I amp p11.g, ult . ~ •••••••• •••••h••••••• Young P~ o.Q~Qle loo .
• p "e.a, 2650 Harl a . 960·1279or83J.ll06S lpoo1·on .• Jaccuz10!'~ lreoatelvoecra· Nwpt. Bch Compl furn. ut I. 552·9794 (home) or •· "" sm detached. lrm. bach. 640..0770 (Ben)
S4B·2M7 · _ --Larl7e 3 BR 21t1 ba. with Y l h i n g ' S 0 m e l e 1 I • K'd & t townhouses & apts wath P r on. poo · gar, Roommate to share Lag
~asper ;:·ft ;.;1f;: E. Cst Hwy,675-6900 Store Space (pr le1u1e .• lng for~ wi~h,oc~va
499.3920 ~ma 11 office · 18?7 ~SOO sq. ft. & 1'280 1>q. ft. view lo r~t?a,r wedding.
w t llff D N B Good an Hunhnitton Beach Jtl Sepl ·~x., Uie 8UI
2 BR, n, ba twnhouse garage. ' s . pe s dens avail. Nu pets S350 /mo ut1I incl • Bcbhome Verrprlvate.
Air, gar. rncd. patio welcome. 1 male to please FromS540 645·2663 Canyon & Ocean Views.
Pl.Al.A 1 es S~60 r. · sll 0900 F I e x I bl e t e r m s ttuu tne ~~· CaU Or.
OECunVE SUrTES ~· per~o. . 213/596·1202. Wolf at ~2Ul~l3-5064 or
MW,TPIHJMSULA 0Nire1Sto1'e1Busaness Ive men. Adlls , no peis $435 ocean S600mo 964-2937 , ...... , In I tll A k Hot.ta, Mohh 4 I 00 -... mo. c u · s ~-~2.___ Duplex Large Bach 4 MARINERS SCf)UAIE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cor Frank 540-3666 dys, ··There is a difference " Exec omces m elegant space. 14' 2X40 Choice
surroundings. Across Harbor-Baker Center .... silteH/ .. •"t/ E1111ts1de 1 br apt & 1 br blocks to the Pier 4P4RTMIMTS Balboa Inn oceanrront "97_·_2956_._e_ves_. ___ _
hie. newly decor. yards. Everything new All l2 .. lrvineAve Low wanter rat.es. Dail~ Wanted female room
gar Utals pd SS501S350 ullls 1395. 417 Alabama. Between_Westc~rr Or or weekly Kitchenette mate, non-smoker, to
mo. 549.0433 960 8263 & 960-0271 & M armer Om e $90 & up. "67>8740 s hare 3 bdrm house in
!bdrm. upper. fourplex, lbr, S blocks from Bch, -64$.025_! --SYlftffter R...tds 4200 mce area w solar heal·
cirport, lndry, S'285tmo util pd, S350 mo Kit ap-Lease or Lease Option ••••••••••••••••••••••• ed pool Call Paul
720'D'Sballmar646-2613 phance met. Will show Spac 3br condo 211ba •NWPT OCEAN l7lOS56-8'7_65dl!._Y5
late Fn thru Sun. 207 Quiet loc S69Sl mo FRONT 24BORM Call Christian prof Fshr3br
UnCurn apt, !bdrm. Chicago,<7141985-4954 63\·1759. 631 4744 . 673SU~f'or673-~n _ apt w isame, 23.30 StOO.
Working woman pre f -759.9100. S¥f>lmo. l22·D Magnolia New paint, xtrll clean, Vacatl0tt Rentals 4250 No kids 549-7189
St.494.4695 s pacious 3br. 2ba , E Bluffs Condo, 4Br. •••••••••••••••••••••••Quiet H B. hse to shr nr
owner's unit has ever 3Ba. s undk, pool. S900 Steps lo bch. lbr, home. Goldenwest College
ythang 53611610 mo 64 5 · 34 7 4 . < 213 > sleeps 4, rent wkly $200 + 1 2 util call wkdays Quiet 1 Hr l Ba New
crpt s & drps . Good
eastside IO<' Ma tu re New 2 br, 2 ba t·ondo.
Adults only SJ25. 147 E Over 40 Setured $550.
18th. St. 114, C.M Pool. t!lr <213)498· 1203
3hr. l' 2ba. or schools.
o;hopping 2 Sly twnhse
$475 mo ISS'l 5373
2 Br 2 Ba 2 C'ar gar11ge
USO 229 W W II son
673·2S07 Bt:r1t Agt
213 ,850 0266 or 2lJ/653·2200Aht•e 1 Bdrm. Crpll' refrag $395
54 J.446-0 673· 1633 Denise 752-8600
1 Br Yl'arly. garal(e
parking. steps to beach
S440 mo. 544·6899,
Ocean View spal·aous.
luxunous 2 br 2 ba
Versailles condo, ;ill
amenities, $750 !>57 1997
Kona. H1 2 Br Condo
Near Hilton, ~lccp::. 6
5 30 to 6 l :i "Wkly"
Newport Be;H'h. step~ to
otean Wkly or monthl)
2 4bdrm!i. $375 S775 wkly
/\gl Judy !;.5!19400
Look mg for roommate on
Balboa Island. Fem. On
BayCront. S2501mo yrly.
Avail ammed 675·8618.
morns eves
2082 Michelson •212
2021 Bus1.11ess Cntr •213
Elegant pror bldg m H.B.
85• per sq ft lse Red
Carpel, 89J.13M
Crom Clly Hall. All sup· Costa Mesa Varant Fhte11tu
port services available. S42S, agent.5"9-LJ66 •••••••••••••••••h•~··
Frnm 225 \0 4750 11q ft lu1Nleas
613·3002 P'RIME COIMER. Oppo......., 5005
Costa Mesa 3 rm suite,
A C Plenty of parking
S45 sq. ft. k50 per mo
c.o..e. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Realonornics 675·6700
230 E. 17th St
FROM 75" SQ. FT.
165·900 sq. ft . air cund.
oHice suites for immed.
2,380 sq ft. avatl 1mmt'd
t-•or lease High 1dent1ty
Joe on Pacific Coast ,.
Hwy Ideal m~da cal.
dental & R.t: comm'I or
faces S2.3801 mo. I belo~
market >. Owner will
neg a rem<><M. Call Tim
Sluat l714 )752 8011 ,
O<'cupancy. All utlls, l•------•-•I janitorial serv., conf.
rm . parking. Call Terry
Cressman: 554-9000.
loC'ation. 250' $175 mu
utils mcl. 975·1120
Best Lado commercial
location urge store for
lease Can be divided
Xlnt parking Call for
Custom sh<tde. drapery
and C'ar~t b~sin~ss
w expandiro.1 u)lerior
deaugn C'lient.ele. 1500 sq
ft . Corona del Mar.
Coust Hwy fronlage
Xlnt long term ls e • well
under market Includes
st.ol·k & rl-'E. si2.m.
~ . Cote Realty
& lnvt>stment
Ba<-h S260 mo lst. last + seC'uraty Utals paid
646 3420
2 Bdrm. stove, rerng
SHO 4 blk tu the beach
Vat<anl av:ul now Call
Ocean Vaew' LRe 2br
Condo. sec bldg Adulti.
only $795 lse 528 511 l
Dana Pt shr apl wht M .
2bdrm . 2ba. $250 mo. 1st
& last, uul mcl. 768·42:W,
Fully furn I Br New 493·0987 W ATERFROHT
ti7:~ 7:~111 1 DOG GROOMIMG
F:ASTSIDt: 2 br w bltns, 536 7~2
gar. lg back)d, \ery <:enlun 21 SL:RF Versailles lux J' I br.
clean. $4SOmo 646 0329 . -I re r r 11c s e ". S4 35 -'"'"e 3844 760 8390, 994 6860 1Make1
Beaut 3bdrm. 2ba Mei.a •••••••••••••••••••••••
Cundo 3 day!> ~ niiihts s h r -m y h 0 m e n r
$125 Pool. tennLo; 1·ourts I w t 1 ff l & b 730 1222 es c ' . P' rm ~·
"l'\\ port Oct•anfron\
Ol'luxe 2br. 2ba. 1-:asler
week & Month of Juh
752 9466
respectable e m pl F .
S2SO 642 6846 bef 7am or
l'e msg
Lim 1ted oC!ice spare l•---------1 available at Peter's
Landing in prestigious
Huntington Harbour
213 592 ·4441 or
714 840·138'1.
Shops. store~. etc 312
sq ft . 12' h1 wt lgedr 210
sq ft w sank 548 724!1
Neal plus centl'ill loca
taon . park1n1t .
ei,tabla!>hed 19 vrs. terms
J\ a1lable oui or town
owner -;uys 1iell ' Onl)
Sl7 ,500 Verde 4-plex $S15 mu Ranrho San J oaquin I & 2bdrm apt!> from
1st. last + SISO 6-'4 5069 , Jn•a. 2 Br +-dc·n c·ondo. S370 Adult~. no pet~ oi<>S4~6676 1 po o I . ten n 1 s. ~ u IC. 1409 Supenor ~5·11684
Open-minded remale to
share 2 br, 2 ba twnhse
Lake Arrowhead Ueluxc' at Valla Nwpt Call !-~ran
Condos. Chalet., Moun c1os aft. 6. 549-9311
Costa M c~J
lfarbOr 19th 12S-O ~<I fl
Newport Ofc Space Rentorlease Mo\'l•m al '( 'I I.I P1'1me cond. 740 s r. ad 01(1Jlll dl¥ .ft1(1'j you r ('o nvenien rc athlelll' dub S800 mo
752 0121 S harp l BR Apl 10
Ne" port He1Rhts. I a dull
no pt:ts $325 642 7745
jacent parkmg. <:harm · JI) ,J, 1 · mg Tudor bldg. Nr Bay Ml·Nash Realty, 6-12 JJJ4 ··TllrU't(U~>
or 642-6578 & P 0 . Attnicl1ve rent fijJ-811.9~
sc~~d~~e..:. 642·~ __ Industrial Rental 4500 243s E coesl Hwy .. CdM
Quiet I Br garden a pt.
adlls. S3.'Ml mo l~t & last
+ ser an cl ulal . ref rig.
U\'a1lnow 6312124
rondo. A C. pool, $425
mo Agt 64(}.6161 Bathelor Ckean & bay
view SSUO Ut ii!-. pd
ta1n llume!> l"u ll)
equipped Fnr mor<' info
tJll Reaver Kt•alty
71 1 337 K447
Maui . Ha\\1111 Deluxe
neachfront Condo
Ka t>napal1 Be;i l·h
Hcsonable ratPs Sia) 6
111 ghts get the 7th frt•e
714 337 8156or 337·8447
Female to shr fully furn ,
N B Condo. Avail am·
med. $230 + '• ulll
ExeC'ut1ve i.uates wath
pr1vat). prei.llge, con·
ven1ence Ground floor.
rea so nable .
Secretary bookkeep
1n1t 1 recept1unist
631-3651 weekdays
lu1ine1s Rental 4450 •••••••••··~······~···· · ••••••••••••••••••••••• S500 up 1640 lndl!s I Of Laundrumat & lun.: term . EASTSIDE Laquno leoch 3848 642·3572 Lv. rn~g ~)ep~ Woods ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 1 Br. with large patio LareeSlud10Apt Walk to Versailles PenthouSl'.
N children or pets 302 bt:ach & shopping Suit a · Ocean \'icw. 2 Br 2 Ba
Monte Vista SJJ.'i C:all ble for One employed r r p I 1'. f u 11 :.cc &
548-9190 adult $35(/768-6471 ame111tles S695 nH1
Spacious I bdrm gardt•n 1LI! Studio, 1>en 'aew. $425 9!>5· l 120 l't\RK t'ITY. l'TAH
2 bl<><·ks from Ht>sort
House slel'ps 8 4 Br
J\\atl F:astl'r \\l't-k
StOOO Call499380'~eH·~
LATE 2o·s prof woman
seek& non·smkg. fem to
shr Bal Isle 3br, 2ba
home w1gar. 546-6728
Female to shr JBr furn.
$175 + utal Non.smoker.
Custom. executi ve office,
400 sq ft. Pvt bath with
s hower Balbo11 Penin
$285 mo 642·4623
apt Pool & ret· All ut 11, mo ulll mcl'd Isl last THE ILUfFS
paid Adult. no pt'I~ ~ dep 495 6119
3 Br 2 Ba Condo I 'ton
EIPuertaMe'>J • '· end unal S7llll mo
f'em to shr 2bd. 2ba. hse.
Dana Point S225mo. +
'~ ut ti 1~1 lai.1 496 5489 1959MapleAH ,\pt5 IHdrm Northf.nd "a~k 7590666
lo bl•at·h lndd~ ullb :"o I 2br. t Ba.S375 mo l'll•an 11\.'I '> S-125 4991526 OPEN llOLSt-;St\T 11 2. S ........ CLEM"' ..... TE Ft•malt-. non s moker.
& quite quiet . nu 11104 CLAY ST :'\\•Pl "" g"'I 'lrail(hl room. bath
kmds pets Call n JIR J Hr J Ba OlU>. Condo Hgts Nr schools 2 BH 1 OCEAHRlOMT Cd:'\l home A\ aal Ma}
b h Dramal1t· 6 BR exclusa I Isl SJOO mo 760-0553
11266 J 1· t m J 1 n e J 1· Ba fplc. In.dry. gar no ~ h l le 1e" """I ,. gated Cyprus Shore~ -------• ~J •· 1 ~1/ ~,71: 11; 1:·a~e · sll.t!ls' pets 5525 mo 675'"349 Pool Tenru~ Breath\ak· Resp M wants to shr r 494 7754 Steps to ocean 28,, !Ba mg \le~ Sat·nf1ce now beaut Woodbridge
house Dbl garaj?r at $2500 Sti(XX)mu ~um home by lake"' F M,re--i 1111 • i N•wportleach 3869 Fenced yard Crplc S650 mer Bkr.\114)49\l IJW 1 as rcnl 552 1332
3br. 2•2ba. 1700sn fl new ••••••••••••••••••••••• f>.I'} 8216 S'6 3567 I l'\'l'' wkend~. 835 4447
... . ~ · . X271 wkdys
l"pls drapes pnt S550 PAI" NEWPORT " H h•· l) 1 2·2bdrm units oH•rlook
2b I' b 2 1 1 ft ... e wport eag..., uµl''C 'd e-h b . r . , a . s y, rnc 2 B 1 8 Adult~ no ang C M .,tijle Bt>;it· Hoommale to shr 2 r . 2
yrd. $450no ~b l!Sl 2175 ap•RTMENTS t:.r $525 ~o lst l~st & Wkl~ Up[>t:r with vaew & ba cundo m Woodbridge.
Oona Point 3826
·•····················· 2 br, balton). OW .
dean. C'Oin laundr~ &
wghr. ~ar . nr o~can
493.5953 aft 5PM
HU..tmC)fon Beach 3840 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Luxury Adult Unll!oo al ar
rotdablc living l.2 & 3
Br Well dt>C'orated
OlympaC' saz<' pool, hght
e<l tennis court. J 11c·uzz1.
py-k hke landsC'apanlo?
Most beautiful hldi< 1n
from S395 846 0619
,~o ' ADULT 2,. LIVING
• 1 & l AA P'l•O Agt,
• Ot\n""~··~ l!!l!i
• P110 & Rt '4 "'"
• t..trat' l •nO\r -tr1" 1
• Jo9 10 Bue!\ & S"oP•
Ste • 1 u11u
961 4500
ft ft pe deck. S600 Lo'>'er. $450 Irvine. uwn br & ba. rec
d e P 0 ii 1 t I n r 1 rl ~ 212 M · 1 • 675-3130 I far $250 631 1995
Gardener, water paid arguen c • · -
517 Bolsa Oays6313S20. Palm Sprinl!!<o Luxury Fem to shr spac condo
Evei.&Wknds548·5041 Condo Avail 4Hl lo 1n Nwpt Crest, pool,
2 Br 2 Ba Near H0<1R
• Hos p Private garaRe
Was her 1 Dryer spa<'<'
Adults. no pets $3!10
An adult community on
thc Back Bay Spec·
tarolar Spa. 7 s wim·
mang pools. 8 lighted ten·
nas courts. bike \rails.
putting g reen .
BaC'helors. l and 2
bedrooms apartments.
and townhouses from
SS\O 00 per month
On Jamboree At
San J oaqutn Hills Road
17 141644 1900
Oceanfront for Wanter
Rentals Furnished &
unfurn Broker 675 4912
Adult Only
I Br 1 Ba
2 Br 2 Ba
2 Br 2 Ba. + ram Rm
From S600 mo
645·4566 645 6459
Newport Heights
2 Bdrm wath pool 32261
Clay St $475 mo .-util
C 21 Ne~port center
640·5357 or 760-6767
Sa" Clemente 387 •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 18 Tcnm~. pools. re· :.aun11. Jae. tennis. pvt
ri son ab IP 84 6 :111:18 . I.ta , $295. 645·2452 I Laila l
545 7668 Fem roomma\e wanted
to shr family 1·ondo nr
Fashion Island. pool &
Jal' $250 760-1509
Lake Arrowhead Condo
tkaut rum. sparinu:.. 3
level, 2br. 21 2ba Pool.
wlk lo lake $700 mo
640 1605 f'em "anted to shr lge
home w pool. utal. incl
4300 $530 mo CdM 760-9415 bntals to s~ ..•......•.•...........
Moving" A'o1d depos1li.
&. rut hvang expen~es'
Professio nally ~•nee
832 4134
Rmmte wanted. nr bC'h,
$275 mo 64.2"8087 office.
673-5191 home
Resp. fem. non-smkr lo
shr home. condo or apl
w sam e Have sml dog
832·1180 •Shared LM•tcJ*
Counselors lo personally ---------· select your compatible
rmmte to suit your
lifestyle Shared Living.
833 Dover Or Suite 31 NB
631 1801
*** Responsible. employed Versailles corner pen·
lhouse 2 Br 2 Ba. comm
pool, jaC'. wgt room.
S7001 mo. bi5·3787
Near new l br apl Built
ms. carpet. drapes. car
port. laundry rac1ht)'
public tennis courts and ---------· OC EANFROHT golf course right behand
rr fem to shr lux BACK
BAY CONDO w I prof
woman &. a daughter
Priv furn rm, bath. gar.
No deposit. but ref's are
property. Adults. no
Furn. 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. 2 pets. Avail. Apr\115 $375
--------car garage with office, mo. Owner.642·0138
.. EAR THE BEACH washer & dryer incld -----
<•ll«,mnt~lt1fC . req. Phone 548-0963 eves .\: ~ &. wknds. ~f1'·•'irulcrs ~t 1----~~----
2 br 2 ba bit ms pvt Avail. 4·1lo915. Tustifl 389 p~li~. gar .. Adults, .S48S TSL MGM~ 642-1003 •••••~••••••••••••••••
4922 Edinger 840 3808. , Security apts. tbdrm & Oldest & largest agency
846-6234 H•tlltC)fOlt IHch l84Cl 2bdrm, util pd, adults. in So. Calir since 1971
--••••••••••••••••••••••• no pets. From S37S Credits· ABC.NBC.CBS.
836·5506. Cosmo. Phil Donahue
N.B. prof. man to shr his
beauL hme wlindepen·
dent resp individua l
J0.45 $325. 760-<MW2
Prcstagaous uccan view
full Sl'r\lt'<' s uite
200 5000 sq Ct 641 7180
Furnis hed or un
furni s hed ~:x e1:ut1ve
Suites In Irvine. walking
distance lo Airport All
services avail. Your
SeC'retary or OurS 2021
Bu!>1ness Center Dr
Suite 213 714 752 0234
1200 sq ft, ocuon vu.
Lal(una Bch. SlOOO mo
lease 494-0066
H. B. Garden Type Suite
005 sq. rt. at 71>' 1sq fl
AC , Ba 536 3043
968 67fl2
W I LL SWAP. offi ce
s pa1•e for ans o;erv &
light Secretarial help.
Also 2 nice oHiC'es Sl50
ea OC Airport 966-0644
I or 2 Orflccs w lrerep &
storage Prime lot.
Furn or unfum 752·65SO
Beautiful private offices
an ln·ine <Orange Co &
freeway 11c c e ss1
Receptionist, ron
ferl'n re room . pax
library. space for stacr
available. and free park·
ang 7147S28995 .
833 8990
San C lemente s pace
avaal. less than 60-. a
fool. Private baths & air
cond1t1oning. 673-3022 or
Exec. ofc on Dove, am·
pie pkgn, Cum or un·
furn. Mo. to Mo. f'ull
service. other tenants
CPA ·s. 714/752· 1678
----•1"l orr• Goroqes
forW...t 4350 .. Kennebunkport?
01dn t 'he wm the
WvJooco Grand Prix in 7~
Best Tustin !oration. to all who need a place.
close to everything ~e.., Newport Beach, 641 1899
1 Br. formal dining. GardertGrove 895-3482
N.B fully improved of·
fice s pace. 16'12 sq. n.
Ground floor Ample
parking. Call 975-0403.
Courtesy to bk rs . • .•••.• •···••·• ••••••• • 1----'-------
.1 I
I fD~
1 If you re not sure whO (or Wf\at) Kennyt:>unkport
1 was. dOlft reel bad-you re not alone.
Kennyt:>unkport is ooe of 14 d1st111ct1vety
-dlff•rent apartment floorplans at Seawin<l l/111age
< tn 'Huntington Beach Seawin<2 VIiiage as a result
" '1i of totally peoonahze<J professional planning.
The kJnd of attention you deserve.
f>. perfect t:>rMd of natul'! and hva09-
tinestled In a forest with blDohno brooks and quiet
f p<)l'\ds. cooled by natural CX'!an breezes. Md to
''that tennl~ courts. swimming poolS, ajaCUZll and
a convenient ICQtion near shapplng al\d
rnpioyment and you·11t got 1 place anyone WOUl<J
q prOUdly "11 hofnt. (f!vtn ~nkPortl)
One and twO bedroom. one ind ~ bfth
adult IC)artments from t-440.00.
rrplc. pallO. tennis/pool •
Adults only. $475. Lois orl Carol675-~ Prof Mt F abr across Crm
&af\d. $a30 worlb it.
~4916 X245. 631-4685 Lae 2 Br 1 ba, childreo ok.
aml yard. No peu. elem. r·--------i,., blk, gar, patio. S4~1·
yrly. 640-5078 *** Reapon1ible. employed 400 fem to ahr lWt BACK
•••••••••••••••••••••• BAY CONDO w /pror
Laguna BeachMotorinn. woman 4' daughter. 98~ No. Paclfic Coa•t Priv. Cum rm. bath, gar,
g:ir1. ~=~· ~~:~:n !:!~~1~o ~;i u~i~
Dana Pt Single. clean
garage. 34097 Granada.
S50/mo/ 67J.2181.
4400 •••••••••••••••••••••••
1617 Westclilf. N.B. Want
fi nancial Inst. 7000..f
tst. floor. Agent 541·5032.
Elegant txecutlv• suites
In prestige location.
With complete au$)port
71'/851·0681 avallable. Low wlnttr No de.eoslt. but ref's are
..;.r..:;a..;.tea;;.:..;.. • ..;.~;_..;5294..;,__· _____ 1 req. Phoae ~ e.vea •----------
LOVELY room, nr D.P.1."~w~lt~nd~a ~~~~I BEST RATE
Htrbor, $300/mo, pvt ba, I "" lo
patio It tttephone. lncl. Chrmna. Antq Hae shr NEWPnoT BEACH
utlla It hie priv. Mllture w/fem avall now S200 + VI\ nonam~493-31U 1 utll. Call Ad tUO ,,..,.. ..... """'~ ~ 142·&3oO:Mt\rs CN\J eo "''"""""'1' n •
U. fW'D IDtC'Mn prtv M •l• oor IS. Noll· Rmmte wanted to abr
I m o • a r • P' u J I y bu~City Ttrtaic. apt.
tmplo1ed. UU/mo. 2br,2ballil50/JDO. aUam·
517.JatO, men. tM.lftll lGam·•Pfll
~--------! &hr ntw ~:in Wood·
br141• all amtnJtlH SIOO/mo.Ml~GIN
1st TIME
500-2600 Sq. Ft.
High Visibility
"main street"
T roffic: Location
face. \8101 llcdondo l:r muster le11!l' on mull!
"P ". Hunt Bch. 842 2834 unil bldg. $75.000. Term~ MES'A ·-675·9378 eves
Cu1:koo'i, Nest for Sak IMDUSTRIAL co~la Mesa Night Club.
PARK 5000 ~q ft F'ree s tanding
bldg Off street park ml(.
7 I I W. '7th. St.
Costa MHa. Calif.
I 1870 ~Q ft Unat 3\i.lll
for 1mmtd OCCU,l>JnC)
1-2900 sq Cl. & 1-3700 !>q
Ct unat(SI 11v11J l\pril
1st 2 Stor1<1~P
l'all497 l469for
Opportwiity sots . ..........•...........
LOA' S500 or more Dbl
~our mone) Loan 1:-
'l'l'Urcd b> unprecedenl
ed Isl an falm Caoancang
h1~tory 714 957 4086
Warehoust.>S avail for Mo,..y to Loe. 5025
1mmed occupanl'y. :moo •••••••••••••••••••••••
&280011q fl •J.l :w "ll We ha'e mune'\i lo loan
rt •Lea~ani;t offat<e hr!<> I fur 2nd & 3rd TD's,
Mon lhru Fri 8 I Sat SIU 000 lu SZS.000 & up
10 2 No 1:red1t requirements
8700. SQ ft office ~
warehouse. In anc Jn
dustnal Call 646 1044 or
inquire Marosi Co 1675~1
Noyes. 957 9266. Hkr.,
Coop 1nv1led
!"or fa s t fraendl}
~en IC'C5 tall Old Ranch
Mj(ml & lnve~tment
(7 14 I 826 5940 or
e\e~ wknd~ call agt
1100 sq rt. 2 offices. front LOAMS
s,.c:lal Leasinq & rear entry Overhead On O" ner or Non Owner lt\cefttf•~1 How door. 220 power S325 on occupied property. In
C7 I 41675-8662 lease. 67:;..5251. lercsl only or amort
----loan~ 5~·4842. Transac PrimeLocatiOft INOU~TRIALOFFICt: lion Ma~terln<' + storage. 2l>a, a (' ___ _
1270 Sq ft on busy Beach 1 s Boulevard-Huntaoglon crpts. a arm. 7so mo Mortga~. Trvst
Beach Ideal Cor real Xlnt cond 1500 + fl D•eds 5035
es late office. store or 1714)640-0488. •••••• • ••••••••••••••••
other suilable busin~ss. BADLY NE£DED, April Sattler Mtg. Co.
2 Pra~ale ba~hs. a\'111la· May June only /\cC'essa All type~ of real eslale
ble 1mmed1ately: 10 blearea storage&work anvei.tmentssincel949
Year lease Attractively space fo~ estate dtStrabu Spec:lalhieg in
pr aced lion & c0q50ll4aUun or 2nd TD1
642-4321, ext 286 move. ApprQlt. 1000 i.q Ct 642-2171 545-0611
___ w_ee_k_d_a~ _ needed Whal hll"e you -----
673.8103 W 1do\\< has money for WESTCUFf DR., H.I.
53' fl for 7 ,500 sq fl. ~
Ideal for antique rurn .. >torage 4550
has storage & orface "••••••••••••••••••••••
space-nexible. 646-3619. ;torage Warehouses 1n
----Costa Mesa avail for
900 Sq. Ft commercial immed. occupancy 2000
space for lease. CdM. & 2800 sq . fl. ll' p.ir sq
located Pacific Coast ft. C•ll 642-4463 Mon.
Hwy. \714)457-46\l thru Fri. 8·4. Sat 10 2.
2ND T D 's any .size
above SI0.000. No credit
• , no pnlty f'or lfction
call AGT 673-7311
Machrel ftotJ.Mtg.
, SINC~ l!l'l
ls t&2nd TOS, !S())C.JfM +
Owner1Non Own er
S FRs .tr<?ondos
Commercial & lndw;trial
840-0016 • 673-9043
Wanl in vestor for Npt
bay rront home . Give
well secured Jst or 2nd
'rt D. Agt. 61$-61_,_1_. ,.__
c.ared Short Term'R.E .
loans-fut ~isionl on
complex 1i\uaUqca1· be
pleasantly surprised.
call 780-0715
Cll•lil1liwivl111 ••••111 P.O.lea..,. . ....._ .. .. ••••• .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ..........................................• 11.-..-. ............. ,.
ml100 w.aic\U.O.! Ne.-pott ~ _.., MtKi'SLAW'NC~RE MRS.CLEANMAKESIT BIUCKWORK: Smell Wffn'ERR.ATES lrvlae/Newport PGlt of. Prof. Qlty tYll!bll. C•
Color bn,._.. whl Carpet, UP ho l , lfonlhly aerv~. Trfft GLEAM! Jfotn4it, epta, Jobt. Newport Cotta Int.lut. PelnUl\I fie. bo11• 1.1>avallabl_.. trutctl~tfon;; pbolk u.·u~ Ul~ .&'j:~\~; ~::: :J:~";~~d 'ft~:: lrclt'llnU .J41:20G otnce. Carpet.Me-2240 :t:;~7·~ Irvine.' Reta. Ctua OW.fa.teenlff :rrv~~~.~~~ ~l~ 1~~~1.le~.:~m~~~.~lf
avi rm fr Si);'eo-.ichllO~ 8319271 Yatd maintenance-. Tree l:IOtJSr.cLEA.NlNO ••1 aervlce. THE MAIL P• pert. envetopff,
chr SS. Guar • .Um. pet CNtfec* trlm • removal. lSOURBUSJN~I £XP£RT BRICK • Palntlnf,int/ext.Rentalt SUITE, 54'·4733 for label•. dl1c. volullUI.
Odor. Cr;t repeJr. lS yn ••••••••••••••••••:•••• Cleaoup1 Fr•e est. Janke'• Ratiedy Ann. Ma1onry. Small Jobs ai our ipeclaJty. Prompt. ratea/aervica. Work auar. Marlab ex~. Do 6work my.elf. Conatrucitba.Alllypef MO-T9$1 975-2514 repalra. Frplc facinJ•. SeHlde Paiotina Gre1. Po9t Box oc Airport 63&·0156 ')
Re'· sst. lOl 20~. Fr-Heat. CLEAN·UPS/t.AWN GeneraJHousecleanlna Refa . SSH.~. 7eo.7o•r. 538-4&06 Mew 149-2217 V ... lecor4eg '
W C C tCI -11 ic •h ...... 3 M • l t ... a c e R I ••••••••••••••••••··~· e are arpe ean.,.. .... • · ~· • n "' n n • e Jable refs tr• .. • Small Jobi want·"". Brick •STEVENS p• ,..,...ING St am clean • upholJ Landacape ' " ........ cu tu.IH Property U•111•..t Let playback vldeo~ e · Drywal ·~2•9907 962·CX51.0 and Block. Low hourly Int/ext. Free Itemized ••••••••••••••••••••H• ture your next pa Work au•r. Ttuc k ••••• .. ••••••••u•••••• Free es\. ... uHlff~, t rate .499,1226aft.6pm. est.Neat,qualllywork. Prof. tel'Vlcetoaave you weddln" or an(i 5 '-I
m9!1"t uni1. 64$-~'Uf Ory wall SpeclallJt '"' 546r456l • ... A_ ' BUY WHO' ~ .... ~ Qu.l & prod. N4lw 4' rt· .H-.4yM• •p•••,•••••pl•• ••••ho••••••• Mo•htg Ume & money. Newpc>rt event on """""' ape. • ~.:. tnod · ·~· m &Mi ••••••••••••••••••••••• ro . cou e to uaesit ••••••••••••••••••••••• PHt COlltral Pactnc R.E. 645-3683 1oy It again & agatn
1:hru Carpet Installer. · · • HOME IMPROVEMENT all !>r part June·AU#· Movina! The Starving ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Senlce lull color & eound. We
f ~ee eat.-Also carpet.s Ta p ln g • Tex tu re & Remodelln1-0dd Jobs Exp d, refs. 54&-01.81 Colleae S\udents Movln1 • l.LOVD'SNURSERY & .~!'!':!•••••••••••••••• ca n a l,so taprte 10:~ laid & repaired. Jay. AcQUstlc Cellinp, Free 28 yrs exper. 9'19-2265 Co. hat arown, tnsured LANDSCAPE CO, INC persona prope y. ho 754·6SSO. ~sl. Kevin, 675.9088• Resp, young Granny will same aood urvlce. Expert pest control for PR(;>FES~IONAL r~· or buslnes.s for an a c· ~~~~~~~~~~I 67,. IU\3 Carpentry, cabinets. roof s it your home &/or #T 124 ·436 License. lre"'. shrub, turf & in· sume service. Top quah· curate Inventory. Re••· :.: C•U~, A.ca.tic 01'1"" repairs. plu.m'bing. Free children while you vaca-641·8427 doo1'r service. Free Est. ty, low C08t. 642·1470_ rates. Call 642·232.5
""" a-. ~ ol t C 11 A Ad lion. Refs. "~"·91"" LI .... 5 ..,,,..... ....................... -crr•C es a nswer '"" "" ABC MOVING, Ex er c ... 7.646-7443. Roofli"t Window ctemiilM)
••••••••••••••••••••••• AcousUcCeilings ••••••••••••••••••••••• #461.642 ,24hrs. tncom•T• f I l ~ k ra..oT.mg ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Driveways, parking lot L+icu~~and te5x32tw;~a9 E~ECT RI CJ AN-priced Hwdwood Roon ••••• •••••••••••••••• •• ~~~ful ~=rv';~e~~l~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• QUALITY ROOFING .. Let The SWlShine lo" repairs sealcoating c.-..-....... .....,.. right, free estimate on TAX~AND · XP T p . Alltypes,freeest. CallSunshiJleWind~ SA~ A1phalt. 646 487i CtlMttt/~ ~~~~~1aJljo1::j3-0359 ·~·~;t~woor:;;.ooits.. INVESTMENTS THE "MOVIN·MAN" is \ re~~r. M~~r ~g'g Vi~a·rifoR ROO~l·S9G30 -~eaE~ng, Ud. 548·18A
Uc d ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ Cleaned & Waxed Tax prep, shelters. TDs. Careful courteous & 848-8818 A r iN
•-. """-F d ti R l .. .,, t t bl 11 A t' 8324881SA Mr.Leonard,661-9343. •Cheap' Please call ---w indow Expert ---ya ... ,.... oun a ons. e a1mng ~ ec ric1an· rou e ca s. ny 1me. • · N 2.1329 --iter/ll--'r New & recovers Repair wmdows, blinds, scretru ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~alls, HLllside Rest~ra· repa1t, additions. install H-· .. 1 ---R j R 1 1 "" .,.,.. ....-s ec I st ta b BABYSlTI'lNG m y home t1on , Slabs. Patios, outlet s remodels -••UJ egst. ep wil gve ••••••••••••••••••••••• P ia 1
i. Y usy &mirrors.Reas Depen· Mon·Frl,days,ages3 & Block&Bnck.Lic'd. 54 ·988.l , 646 ·3854 ....................... free home consultation P'ohttlll'l9/P'apetltMJ Neatpatches&textures _pnces Re~~ble.548-0512 dable Free est. Gene
up. Hot lunches provided 642·8387 evest96C).3835 wfeeler Electric Inc Haul. cleanup. concrete taxes ' tax s h e It er ••••••••••••••••••••••• me •It. 893-1439 ROOFING 545·0225
K.B 840-•U~ --__ __ __ • removat Dump truck. 842·2323 __ _ Fine exl int painting by All N r d r.·· ........ :::::::::-::::::::::.-:::::-:::-
.. area. R E MOVAL· concrete. DG ELECTRIC Quickserv.642-7638 Richard Smor. Lie, ins types. ewroosan 1
n. I ti t'i\ asph,gradmg.lotclean· lndus.Res1'd tComm Insurance Try me631·4410(24hrs) ED'SPLASTERING repairs CallLarryii ..,.,ve opmen a ac IV l es up. saw, break & re-DUMP JOBS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·8233 Free estimates . / & hot lunches mcl Ages Quality work. frt:e est • ... 0 .__ ___ e DAV "'"S PAINTING All Types Intl Ext I ~U 2 5 6 30 6 move. Hrly or bid. · Sm ull Movlng J obs ~'" ~ s:. 'WWt · · · ~-pm M9-2411 1:'.1~.:40Q.143:i2..!3>1M!7•3857 CallMIKE646-1391 Problems? Any ris k. Servingarea9years 645·8258 FREEEST. SuuritySystems ~
540..1903 <lie Cl8093> -------Ffoon ----S R ·22s. low monthly Most reasonable INT /EXT . plaster ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ·
Mature llcenaed babyalt· P oo I d-e cks, patios . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tre4!t/s hrub tr11m. 1con· rates. Pirkel Ins 646·3995 Insured. he'd 760-7301 patching. 30 yrs exp. Burglar"' Fire•Scanners • I wt.. • ~
ter for day working masonry. multi-use CRP'f.LINO,WOOD ere e remova · ~ ean· N t54S-2.977(P ll Sares •Phys1cal Bar B · : mothers only, Mon-Fri. courts, tennis courts. lnstallcd/reaiaired.L1c. ups. Free-est 557-8271 LondicapincJ Painting· Comm'I, In· ea au riers t:.M.tN B S&S U.Slnessmen ~ --------••••••••••••••••••••••• dus lrial, Res 1denl1al. p IS i R paJ · C.M.642·0'128 Lic~4067~8Sl-196! __ .!_~~2~0..:.-~~4~.:_2652 HAULING/CLEANING Qual lndscps, cln up & Free Est Low rates .~ •• ~~:.~~; •• ~ ••• ?. .. 646 4871 ~lus~~~s~r:n:~;n~ l
CarfMtt~ THOMPSON'S GordenfncJ Treetrim&Palnti.ng maint. For lo rates call 613·0737 SwimmingPoolService f' ·
••••••••••••••••••••••• CONCRETECONSTR. ••••••••••••••••••••••• or?? Ray.557·0664 Ke\ly'scves631·Z716. Reliable. Repairs /Acid TI!. 1 i ct rlious Businest i From the ground up: Lie 393383. 642·8482 •VERY LOW PRICES• -----L-. --• ------QUALITY PAINTERS Washes Reas. 551 ·Z783 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i Vamt' you are required i
homes; docks, boats. --Landscape mainHlnups Hauling & Dump Jobs. 1mou11t1• Rental Bargam rates lhru 4/8 Custom Ceramir Tile 1 by law 1 Hus111ns and f
cabinets. Remod/ re Patios. Driveways and George. 549 2015 Ask for Randy ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free est. 848·5684 17 yrs exper working New Remodel Repu1r ~ l'ro/l'ss11ms CocU>. Sec i
pair a75.6294 Walkways. Reas. Rates. ---641-842'7 '81CadStretchLimo w 'all makes or equip. Free est Chuck.494·5887 ~1791111lo17931!1 to file a i
· Lic'd. •290971.962·0986 Orient rugs·lV·Stereo· College Sludent-Exp'd . Stale contractor's lie. & ;1•1ct1/wu~ Busine"~ j
CarpetStr1ice I TREES Ho•sec&.anlfMJ bar~lhone .. S30 'hr + mt/ex any1obforless~ ins. Porch Construction HuntiltqtoftlMch :"Jame Statement and : •••••••••••••••••••••••Ch fd c... Toppedt removed : clean ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 "496-8364. 831·3046 Call Alex SSl-9371 co 673·33l6 TA. Co. l lial'I' 11 published for l NoSteam/NoShampc>o •••••
•••••••h••••••••• ups, lawn renov 751·3476 Want a REALLY CLEAN Masonry ------ - -Ceramic New remod. ; four cunst'c'utn>e weeks t
Stain specialist. Cast 31.90/WK ---GA.RDEMIHG HOUSE! Call Gingham •••••••••••••••••~••••• PAINTING It's time to plan for that reas rates 615·2284 i \\ 1-: al /ht' VA//., Y !
dry. Free est 839-1582 Hot lunch CM. Chris· Girl. Freeest.645·5123 IM a & C t 15 Years Experience vacalloo trip. For extra TIL-E IN-STALLATION '.1'1U>1' ron help w11h 1 -t1anPreschool646-54231 WANTED -------sonry e men MS-4162 b h , 'both Calllhel.EGAL i UPHOL&DRAPES --Mowmg.edg111g,rakmg, Expertise housekeepmg,f Work ~rick . Block. cas ,w y oot seU some Floors. K1t~hen, Bath :vr 1•tHT\fF\'T ti
Cleaningmyourhome TLC.Ch1ldCare s w eep ing . Free eq uip & supplies Stone.T1le.Conr ofall 1nter Exter Refmishing oftho&eitemsyoudon't Reliable Craft !>men : · / ·· a:
TIP·TOP CARPET& An}t1me,exp'd refs. estimates. 646·0944 or furnished.trustworthy& londs . Lie =378955. ceilings wallpaper.Lie. need with a Classified R ogers Tile P
hone :11424121 1-:rr 3·12 fori
Floor Care. 960-6266 1 646-6161 ~--dep641·4970 646·0161 _ ___ Cain & Sons 898.5105 ad?~S678. 631 ·0458 '..!urthn 1~/i:.rm~.~'.~.~ ...... J
M\':m"' Tnnt 5035 ~~.'!.~.~~ ..... ~?.~~ ~~~~~•••••••••?~.~~ ~=~•••••••••??.~~ ~~~~..-:! ..... !!~~ ~~~ ..... !!~ H-'pWCbftted 7100 H.e,W•ted 7100 .... W•t.d 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••••••••• Found . Blonde Collie. FIRST LADY · AUTOMOTIVE htTD25.950/o fo'emale. Vic. Harbor/ SEEKERS-Spmtual m· ACCOUNTING LOTMAH
an nu a I r et urn Bakers.45-8.153 Escort. Models t erpre tat1on t o life Full time. Responsible. Developer c:teslres -------lessons thru your num· -.d/OI' mature person needed
$1 25,000. 3 y rs. well Found . Black male cat. PartyDancen. bers. Career, mate com· BOOKKEEPING for specia I dut 1es
secured · title policy Zody 's Parking Lot. * 972· l 345 * putibil~y. etc. 1·66~·~2~ To assist in developing References required
appraisal 700-1368 F. V. 775·1826 MC & VISA A _., •e--al <-i·ces Sl60 the P&L. Work under Must have 2 years ex-ccept.,... '" • ._,,, _.,..., minimum supervision. perience. Call Steve
FOUND B •-t l ----------••••••••••••••••••••••• R . d . d I · rwn"' an ca · C 0 E GIR equ1re to use m epen· Harvey for an appc>lnl· ANto•cttnlfth vie l9th & Monrovia 4/l . V R L Guitar lessons. rock. dent judgement. May ment. r:~~ 675·863l * OUTCALL * country, pop, jazz Beg. assign work to lower· ROY CA.RVEtl
9 3 0778 Mc /VISA adv S101hr immed Jay level clerks. Xlnt com-ROLLS ROYCE •••••••••••••••••••••••FOUND: Lab. blk male. 5 · 646·4012. pany benefits. Call
AMo•cttnlfth 5100 S h ephe rd mix . gold -5450 M i llie a ft er 9A M . &IMW
••••••••••••••••••••••• male Sm. Lab mix. bllt * FOXY LADY * !~~."'.~1••••••••••••••••• 645·5800. 640-6444 SCRAM-LETS & wht. male Newport OUTCALL.ONLY Beach Atumal Shelter, VISA MC ANSWERS 6"4·36S6 • 972-1 I 38 • F ound Sbortha1red ._ __ .... __ .. ___
female Doxie. nr EdlS01l
H igh Sch ool. H B .
963 4672 eves
Will drive your car. Colo .
mid April Xlnt local.
Colo ref!. 494 1481;
Entploymen! &
-~c~o~ clef\ -• A.UTOSA.LES
Get set for '81 '82 & the
J Car' Neat Chevy store
10 exr1tmg Airport m·
dustrial complex will
add 3 comb1nat1on
New Accounts
Experience Preferred
Also part time positions
available in our South
Coast Plaz.a office. Call: Kathy Amburgey
Savings & Loan
695 Town Center Dr
Costa Mesa. Ca 92G26
Equal Opportunity Employer
Weapon Rabbit
Plague Namely
Jaguar Icicle
After ten days of tra,·el
ing through three ~!ates
m a s mall trailer with
four adults and two
dogs. a 2 year old re
round Toy silver Poo-
dle, female Newland St.
area. H B (2131592-3676.
tOam·lOpm. Fully L1c'd
-492-7296 or 492 9034 1815
•> l 0cl'lllno Real, San
••••••••••••••••••••••• Jobi Wanted. 7075 ...•.••........•....•.. ,
Insurance co near 0 C
airport 1s seeking a
sharp md1v1dual ~lust
be deh11led minded & gd
with figures Some ex
per pref'd C<ill Laura.
833·11450. 1401 Cxw~ St
NB .EOE -ialesperson.s now for EZ !•---------straight sell & lease Generous pay & demo
plan Auto exp not re
quired , but previous sell
tnl( helpful See Sales
Mgr marked proudl y. FOUND Male Gry Blk
"We 've been CRAM Poodle v1c Begonia
( 714' 636-6853 PING OUT .. COM &44·9612
Lost & ~ 5300 FOUND Cocker. Dobie For a therapeut1r
massage by a li c'd
therapist~ lo all NEW
clien ts M 'F l07PM
••••••••••••••••••••••• mix, St . Bernard mix,
Austr alian Shepherd &
puppy Lub m ix, Basset.
Lost. Santa Ana & Monte
Vista. CM. Male cal
grey w /blk s tripes
Lost: Short·haired white
Cal, altered. declawed.
"Ajax". Collar. Is land &
Oceanfront, Balboa
Penin. REWARD Dys
645·8600 ext 2584 . eves
Chow mix, P1tbull mix
Ir vine Animal Care i---------.. 1
Center 754 3734
LOST · Lop Eared Bunny
Gry1Wht Blue collar vie
Tustin Ramona C ~
Reward 645 2960.
by 16
Be pampered
Bea ul G iris
lOA M 4AM 7
Phone 645-3433
FOUND Small whte1tan Toy Collie type dog. Tan 1----TH-•E __ _
ears. Slater . Graham.
846.628-l. ----Girlfriends
Found Completely black *ESCORTS* cat Graham St H.B
540 S858or846-1444. Home/Office/Hot.I
--FOUN-D --* 759·1216 *
Female Beagle. Nev. * 529-1883 *
Hope & Heil.~2014 24Hrs. Now Hiring
exerut I Vl' Secr l'tar) I wants secretarial work
on Saturday your of
f1ce SS6·9280afi6
Help W onhd 7 I 00 •••••••••••••••••••••••
The Robert P Warm·
1ngton Co needs
ener~elic person rn ac·
countin g dept. Ex·
pernmce required. Real
Estatt' preferable Xlnt
salary, benefits. & work·
1ng cond1t1ons m Irvine
oHa·c Call Sall) for
appt. 549 8867 E 0 E.
M 1F.
Many benefits & top
wages. 362 3rd St 11C.
Laguna Beach.
Appl1cat1ons bemg ac
cepled for full time parts
driver s hop helper
Background in pressure
cleaning equipment
helpful Calif driver's
license & good driving
record a must. $3.SO per
hour to start Apply
17777 Main Street. Suite
A. Irvine. 545-8407 -----
HOW ARD Ch.vrolri
Dove & Quail Sts .
Babysitter wanted Your
home or mine. CdM
area. Hours: 12noon-
5P M Mon Fri Ca ll
644·1027 aft. 5PM.
llelp ~ Working Mother
needs reliable Babysit·
ter. part time ID Long
Bea c h C all I rene
213/438 2602. ARTISTS to share studio
& exhibition space
771·3419 aft 6pm. Babysiller needed ID my
A C C 0 U HT I M G --------• H B. home. hrs vary. CLStK A.SSEMILSlS Call art 6. 842·5129
Entry level position for Loe. Mission Viejo co bnght. hard work 1ng needs Assemblers w/2 Babysitter needed for
person To work with yrs. exp Candidates P T eve babys1tt1ng
p I ca s ant g r oup 1 n must have gd manual Responsible 646 0944
Newport Center 10..key dexterity, gd. eyesight, •---------1 by touch & hle typ10g de· neat m appearance & de· Banking
Lost: black/gray Poodle,
1 front tooth missing
Vic of 3rd & Begonia.
C dM . No tags
"Charlie" REWARD.
Found Collie. black, M.1~~~~~~~~~~1 Back Bay area. r::
sired Good entry.level pendable Work 1s in hfe
training mlo acc·ounting. support medical elec
Xlnt benefits. Ask for t ronics. Gd. benefits.
Accounting Manager O nl y r eseonsible
640·51 I l persons seeking perma·
Local Newport Beach
savings ,; loan has im-
med operung for a Loan
Secretary. Real estate
loan exper. preferred.
Packaging for FHLMC.
Salary commens urate
with exper . Full in·
round· Small gray dog,
Mesa Verde area .
557 ·6610 or 545-5893.
Serving all or O.C.
ASSEMB LERS. We will surance benents & paid
nent emplyml. need ap-
ply. Call : Mrs. Parelli. Accounting 581·3830
PAYROUCLERK 1~~~~~~~ The Irv me Ranch needs I:..
Columbia Savmgs has
immediate o p
portunities for ex perienced Tellers in its
beautiful Costa Mesa
and Newport Beach sav
ings offices. Selecte<J ap·
pl1 c ant s will be knowledgeable in Teller
operations. have hght
typing skills and have
recent bankin~ or S&L experience. Part time
positions involve work· ing 16· 19 hours per week
These positions offer an
exce ptional work en·
vironment and excellent
sala ries. plus complete
benefits for full time
personnel. Please call
the orrire of your choice
for an mterview appoint·
Darlene Maguire
Patti Edwards
Xlnt oppty for person
with Math aptitude &
minimum or 9mo pre
vious T eller expcr
Outsta nd1n~ workin.R
cond. Fringe Benefits
Pleasant Surroundings
Qualified persons may
obtain an apphcatton at
Irvine OHil'e
5325 University Dr
Porr T 1(T1(> 30 Hour\
If you 're a t·areer
m10ded ind1v1dual with
a minimum or 6 months
previous banking ex
pericnce, Wells f'ur1w Bank can offer you a
perm11ncnt part time position (30 hours) in 1-;1
Along with an excellent
salary and benefits
package. you'll enJOY
our friendly workmg al mosphere For more in
formation please call
7 I 4·830-9800
s • .u ~)11s.
24541 Rockfield Blvd.
El Toro.CA
Equal Opp Emply m /f/h
t rain . Apply 7AM . career apparel. Please C I b•
MacGregor Yachts, 1631 call. 0 um IQ When you call Classified
Placentia. Costa Mesa Ms Denny Parisia SavinCJS to place an ad, you're as·
Lost: 2 Fem Keeshound. FOUND· Wbt S----d VI Ed rds/Edi · amoye I'll do anything legal for H~· M a~~y. Pe:::~: Fem. v1c. Mesa Verde money. 968-2609 between
•UTODET ... ILl ... G IW714·~. -..11•-~ ~ured of • friendly ~ • " H POIT A.LIOA -_, welcome and help In
Steve's detaiUng needs SA. VIMGS & LOAN AHoclatloll rd.In d t be t hard working energetic Equal Oppty wo I your 8 or s
REWA1\D89'H978 754-1428 5·7PM r-~~-------1 Found 20 lb. Puppy with Hum~? LOST: REWARD. Male long tall. brown/tan. nw Blk w/wht paws Cat. Vic Vic. Dover Shores . Stop looking ror answers
Col um b1a Savings, a
growing financial
leader, has two excep·
t1onal career op·
portunities available in
its beautiful Anaheim
Adm rnistrativc offices.
ReDOrtin<JI We 'r e s~ek1ng an In·
d1v1dual experienced ln sa,•1ngi. and loan or
mortgage banking to
handle investor repc>rt·
1ng accou nting
Knov. lcdge of FNMA·
AES G:'-I MA and
FllLM C and a l(eneral
and investor accounting
b~ckground are r e-
T his r hallengmg posi·
t ion involves aqalysis
and preparation or mon·
lhly f1nanc1al state·
ments. preparation or
branch profitability and
daily cash flow stale·
ments. and paJ11cipation
1n prolil pla nn ing.
Knowledge of S&L 8C·
count mg procedures and
famihanly with fHLBB
and state regulations
are required
These growth positions
are enhanced by ~x·
cellent benefits inclUd·
mg medical. dental and
vision coverage. attrac·
t1ve salaries and an
ideal work environment.
for conf1dent1al cOn·
s1deration. please sehd
resume with salary his-
tory to Personnel Of· fleer, or call Pat Coo·
ners at C714) n&-1101,
ext. 26
A.1aodaffoft 910 S. Brookhurst
Anaheim. CA 92804.
Equal0ppty Employer M/F J) P yellow collar to your ~btems "Out · · 642·2510. 646-4848 There". ere is nothln° 861·9099 eves. 759.9393 .. days FOUND: Male Cocker oul there that will help' ----------r Spaniel Blonde vi{'. Wilhin you is the source
LOST: 3lnOI Kees hood Warner/EucUd5'5·S7IU of release from pain. puppy male. Red collar. worry & fear. Personal
a Senior Payroll Clerk.
We are looking for so-
meone with 2·3 years
payroll, data entry ex·
per. lO·key touch. gd
with numbers, a ble to
work under pr essure
with llllle supervision.
Please call: Personnel.
54-4·0120 for an appoint·
detailer. Exper pref, but ~~~~~E;.O~.E.~~~~·i~~~E~m~pl~o~y;er~M~/~F~~ retponse. Call Now! n ot n e c . 64 6 · l 7 36 ; _64.2~·-56'18 ______ _
951-1292 :=:::::i;;~~~~~~1F Banking
vie. Harbor HIJh loved FOUND: Female come & confidential counsel· AtriCmtul'I OiY.
famll1 dog. REW ARD vie. Bbch/Garlleld irtg, croup discussions. EqAl Opp Employer
1'$-858'7. 675-SHs 842-6478 ~1~-661~-s:~~~--:---I~~~~~~~~
Mm.ooh a kltooh & SchMtt & khooh &
litltntidOll 700I a.1tn.ct1CM , 7005 IMtnlc"-r7001 ._.,..._ 1005 ....................................................................... ······················
T'1row out t•nsion. find peace of mind Willie vou build a mare healt'1y.
beautllul body! The remar1(able sc:ltnQe of Yog• as taught at V09a
Center Is famous f()t its wholebOdy a~ to a FULLFfU .. EO YOU.
Taught by Avata & Sri Oevt. two •iti>ert & chermi~ V1 ... .,,, women
vooa •lflN, '°""· calmt \he mind & tatltfiM thfough I through t.wn deep.rel~. ninm1on secrets. "*'tfatlon. tlOW to br•tthe ~tt•r for
v1tantyt For ege1 12·12
VW. Porsche or Audi ell· c..-
pe den ce preferred . OPPe>anMTIIS Commission pay, 1roup
medical. dent.al. vaca· lMo ......... c.
tlon plans. . L £GM:~'!.,,.ILLS. CHICK tYaSOt4 "' v~ HI
44' E. Coast Hwy 2 3'0 t •4oelltt• Newport Beach 67~ 11t'i:M110
PAITS --··· COUMTaMAN Mr. IUdaH ..
Oealerthlp Oi foreign w 111 a ~cept 1barp
auto partt experience tra1neea with prev,ou1
prorerre4. Call Glen for cu1tomer contad ex·
an a ppolntment.1 perlenc:e. Type 20 to ao
IOY CAllVB wpm.
lOWIOYCI We olfer uretr OP· AMDIMW portunttla. cornpet1Uve 640-6444 H larlea and wtdt ran&•
' AUTQMO?IVE ofcompanybeneflt.a. PAITS= Loe.I area d¥trtet,
t• perteoel . CH~ 445£. Hwy.
Present and
Past Tellers
W• te w...t,.... ..... ._ ,_;..,.-' ..._,.,
w ...... ~ , ...... p ....... .4 ........
....... C......111,1¥ ...... IL
Clerletl r9tt~~tfS:.'rhon
ClmtlCAI. w/Or. Co. thrabal. •llllTANT N•wPort Beadlotc. 1114 'fo Ullat ln A/P, gta "'°· + be&lf\t.I, 40 wpm eotry • trouble •boot· • ltDertl ole Kill.I re-Ina. tllCell. entry level q 'd. eu·o•u, X1H, for career ldv•ncement _ .. _,_P_M ______ _
..... w...w 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
CarH.r oPPOrtua•~Y In
HllJnf eoot.r'adt f• cell• ttru"ctlon of 1lt•·bullt
bomt1 on Individual opp\y.
10$AM.IMC. n .. 56~
Equal ()wlt.y Ernplyr
Cl.mtl Iott. A vcra1e contract
,......:i..-.. now W ,000 for a 1S38 aq. _ __; _______ I
.,._ It. home. Flrm now ln 1tsi--------1
l:,·~~~W:!°°1ead~~ sut n•r operat101
play women's ready to 1tat.ewlde. No Uc. 1'9Cl'cf.
wear cl~ Ir cashier. Conslruct.ioos/R.E. exp.
Clerical Mon-Fri trom '9·3PM. preferred. Some ev.,a 4
C ll u , wkndJ req'd. Training 4
COLLICTIOMS . Cl.lb Plnd what you want In Sell lhinp f-.fl .tlh Dall)'
club, C.M. Call after
lOam Francisco :
M9°0S77. '
CL•nPtST • ... ar •OI' lntervlew sales facilities In Dana
Lasuna Beach elec· appt. Point. Interview appt.
tronlc mf1r. has im· THI 6Uff.D DIUGS Mr. Briah1 71H~3-0'7\l,
Dally Pilot CluaUJecb. Pilot W antA(la.
Irvine based manufac-iimiiiimmmmil~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil turin1 corporation hat
Immediate require·
menta for a Credlt/-
Collecllont Clerk to as slat In a variety or credit
and collection task.a in· Nudinc compulalloo and
maintenance or credit
information, typing. fll.
ing and preliminary C'OI·
leclion work. 1·2 years'
credit and collttllon ex perience is necessary,
Apply in person from
OTI CLEll( B e a u t I c I a n s & lf ,.. Mve two to :nanlcunsts with cllen-..... ...: _ tele; be aelf·employed, ~...,,. ,._.. -~~= pick your own hours.
-First class salon . • .. d:,. r.::::.:. 557-2234.
t t 0 " • SO M e B~~~~p~lto1Ny
....,-1sory .... an Mature f/time. Counter Mfhrncl OWiet • aales, benefits, SUL~/wk. CMM ll••g ao.r. Regal Beauty Supply.
••• lo ... , Lo aft 263 E 17th St. CM.
DI t tu•e11totlo111, BOAT hauling & It. main·
....... of TCp's lenance. 2703 W. Coast
..... , ... ~ Hwy, N.B.548--3641
Wiil prepare ma.in di.a·
hes, bake pa$t.rit'S, serve
food In large quantities
and perf0f1t1 other relat· ed duties. Closing date
for applications Is April
17, 1981. Pennanent and
substitute positions.
$4.lt·Sl.17/ .....
mediate opening tor 16105•........_H• MonthruFri2to4.
tharp penson for ceneral '44-7310 Economy~rtifled clerical duties includin& ---Homes
typin1 for our Purchaa-CLBIC TYPtST 34177 CoastHlehway tac Dept. & working In tn.auran~ co. our o.c. Dana Point. Ca 92629 stockroom pulling Job · d d kit.a, lasu•An material, airport nee I a I . COOtC
k I ..,. d typist 40-S0w1_>m for H 1 t ,,A h eep n1 recor s . Gd. aenual olc. dufiea. Ex-unt ng on .... ac Inn
typing skills a mu.st! per. helpful, but not nee. has operu.np for rellef,
Min. SO wpm. Stockroom Call : Laura. 833.8450, breakfast/ dinner cook.
exper. helpful, not nee. 1~"l Do St "'"" N 8 Good pay & benefits. Ap· We offer gd. f•Y & ..., ve "If.....,, P I Y I n p e r s o n
benefitl plus a DAY _E_.O_._E_. ------2:30-6:30PM Wed-Sun.
WORK WEEK. CaU for Companion-live in. 21112PacificCoastHwy.
interview appt. Person-Fem. needed to care for H.B. net Dept .. Telonic 72 Id lad lk ---------Berkeley, 714-494-9401 . yr 0 Yon wa er COUNTER help PI T
Laguna Beach, E.O.E. Must h 8 v.e 0 w n wkdys, Oex. E~p. not
•• currently lootung 10 ileld 10 ''' a11ead~ )e(.i,~~' comp"tPnt st•fl th(' toHow•ng
A A Dl'9•1't' •n E M 01al1tng w•ih • min1m11fll of ~01
181 yPa1s aerospac~ 1.hec.~111g 1n1penencl' ~Oil
e•llm11ve ~nowledge ot MIL and ANSI ~pe<'•f•1..it1on\
and standards and be tam11tar w1tll stanoa•<J ~hQO>
prathCll$ on m•c honong and fat>rt'-a11ng ot hil1dw<l1G
Wtll Chet lo. en91neernig or11w1ngs and pw11eo '"1."11
bo.rds tor form hi l1t1•c1ton ,ic-.uracy cnrnp1,.fPnf''!
and cost ellP<'t1111!y
Join Our Technlcal Team!
~~==: ~.~~~~~~~u
Duties include cleaning
of cafeteria and equip-
ment, as11isting in some ---------
transportation. ln· nee 645.~ terview. call· 833-0379 --·
BRUNSWICK'e O•lenM Dlvla1on ~ 1oca1eo ,,, Co"~
Mesa fU$1 ? t>loci.r. oH thl' San 01e9u ~ 'l!<'"'tY Vol'I
olter Pacellent benefits • u111pe1o1,,e ""•Hliil'~ uuu11.e
capao,1it1es ano a h•yt11~ tJ•\t"'~·••td Uf.J•·•dl•<J• w.11 ,,
c omp.111y who ca•PS 11ti." '' IJf'•JJ'llt food. preparation and ---------.serving. Permanent and Clerical
eves. COUNTER Help, dry
cleaners. 5 day w~ek 2602 Michelson
Irvine, Ca. 9'l716
( 714) 833-0020 substitute positions. Construction 646-6883
,........ ..... ~"'~~ Mesa engineerinf firm wlffl flli .,,..._.. -needs an exper1en1:ed
C)fMt'ol offl~ ..._._ bookkeeper. Requires a A~ res~ for conscientlOUS, dependa-
DEPARTME .... T • S300.S600Wk • Applr at Room 131 at n Get out of the hot sun &
Huntington 84!ach Union CLERKS into our air. cs>nd. of·
COUNTER or COOK Equal Opportunity
FT/PT Gary's Deli. EmployerM F
High School Diitrict. fices. No exp. rfec Will Several positions are I CdM. 675-2193 for appt. 1---------
r-· ble person. We are look-•~ltchboard rellef, ing for a self-starter.
Ill llroolft a11d 1up-who 1s fast, accurate & pl~ •• Hea•y phone neat with numbers. c0'9tect a1td typhHJ Pleasant environment, ds of 4S-SO Wfl"' xlnt benefits. E.O.E.
.... aeceuary. COtotTACTVICKI
1213)450.1217 H8UHSD
pcKltioM cerry
thMn an erc.ne..tt--------·I l025l Yorktown Ave.
Huntington Beach. CIRd exception•
cOJtslderatloft, please
c411tact SHlltLEY
GtllERT to CllTCllMJe
an htterYiew appoint-
695 TowttCenterDr.
employer mtf h To assist in developang
the P&L. Work under 1•--------1 minimum supervision. -C-.. -.W--... ir ... -
Requa red to use indepen. "' ~ dent judgement. May Cashiers wanted. Full or
assign work to lower-part time Newport. San·
level clerks. Xlnt. com-ta Ana , Fountain Valle,)., pany benerits Call Cos ta Mesa Cal l
M i 111 e a ft er 9 AM · 644·4460
645·5800. CASHIER Car wash Will train
Santa Ana area Call
Leticia. 644 4460.
available for individuals ocate an omce closest
with typing 4Swpm and 6 to you.
months to l year clerical 8201 E. Orangelhorpe experience. Duties will Unit E. l-636-0&64 .
include typing. filing, re· Have something to sell?
cord keeping, answering Classified ada do It well.
phones and other ---------general clerical func
We offer a generous
benefits package includ-
ing paid holidays and
Christmas week shut
down. Please apply in person Monday through
Wednesday. 9-llAM or1 l 3PM. I
ELECTRIC CO. Industrial Controls
3300 S. Standard St.
S<1nla Ana. CA 92702
equal oppty
employer mtr h
No need to travel all over
town to look for garage
sales ... you'll find them
right here in Classified.
To place your garage
sale ad, call 642-5678.
Data ProceH!MJ Operator needed for mx-
dorf Jentnx systt>ms for long term assignment
Call for more info Tod Services. 979 8900
OEFENSE ,.,,v•.r.•r""'
An equal opoot1un11y employer M F H V
Equal Opportunity
Bookkeeper 'Person Fri·
day, :lpply in person.
Village Inn Restaurant.
127 Marine Ave Balboa
Cashier for H.B. Drug Store Exp not ________ _
ne cessary . Perm CLERICAL
loollk~ Cl.rt A P knowredge helpful.
3 to 4 days per wk . Hrs.
9-5. apply at 1660
Placentia A\•e . Costa
847-2563 ------
TB.1ER Nt!wport Beach orr.ce seeks full time teller. ex _______ _ Mesa
Apply an person: Crown
Hardware. 1024 Irvine.
<Westcliff Plaza) NB per. pref'd. Typing &i---------10-key add. Further tn· for & interview. call IOOIUCIEIPE:R f /C CASHIER/ Clerk for re·
Phyllis lmonll Fashion Island mvest-tail store Must be ex
644-72M menl farm. Excell op-per . Call · Balbo<1
WESTRao..1 port unity Exper. & Marine, 549·9671. E.O E. •u""" maturity req'd Call M F Ii fllDERAL SAVINGS 714·&10-0123 ---·----
fl4 Corporate Plaza !•--------Newport Beach. Ca
E.0.E Mi r
An outstanding growth
opportuntl)' is available
with Fidelity Federal. a
California lender Our
beautiful Santa Ana of-
fice Is seeking an ex-
perienced New Accounts Representative with ex·
~rience in a bank or
s•L ln addition to a toi:
st•rtlng salary. selected
applicant will receive
ellce llent benerits in
•Paid Medical/Ot!ntal
•Profit Sharing
•Paid Career Apparel
•Free Parking
Ffr further mformataon
p ease contact our
Branch Manager at
(114 ) 547·9605
Lo.ASIA. An Equal Opportunity
Wells Fargo Bank, <1t~nge County Airport of rice. haa ~immediate o~nlng for a :
Ttler Part'l'lme • •
td •ork 30 hrs per we~k <Mon-Thurs 9:»3·30
frl 9:30-6:30).
~Ir month1 previous
billnklng experience re·
We provide an excellent
alary and benefit ~cka,-e and a friendly
tllln1 atmosphere. tatecoouct:
Outstand1111: opportunity
for experienced con i.tructaon development.
real estate full char~e
bookkeeper. for rapidlv e xpand 1 n ~ mu It •.
c orporate NB firm .
Light typing req
Congenial ennronment.
benefits. profit s haring.
maJor medical & op
portun1ty for advance-
ment. Send resume incl
Salary Hast & dates to
Pat Parkinson VP. Quail
Place Company 1400
Quail St. SUJte 135. NB
92660 or ca ll <714 )752-1920
For 2nd &3rd Shifts
We promote to manage
ment & supervision from
Costa Mesa
111 Ot!I Mar
L11guna 84!ach
Huntington Beach
AUTOMOTIVE! Pleasant working condt· CtMITBtY
lions in exciting Airport IEFOllE MEED
complex. Experienced SALIS
only. Some typing. Flex· Retired persons who
1ble hours Opportunity wouJd like xlra income
for advancement. See by going through our
Orcice Mgr. training program al
HOW ARO ChnroMt beautiful Pacific View
Dove&QuailSls. Memorial Park. Will
NEWPORT BEACH learn to counsel & help
133-0555 people. Ttus can be on a
part-time basis.
IREAKFAST COOK Phone Darrell Ward
Full tame permanent. Pre-needSales Director
Sday week. Experienced 644-2700
only Good starting e~~~~~~~~I salary & benefits . Apply
3-5PM Jolly Roger. 400
So. Coast Hwy. Laguna
CERAMIC Tile appren-
tice. Exp. only. Wijling
to learn. 631·4379
WANTACTION? Chemist &/or Chem.
ClasalfedAdaS42-S67S Technician: Polymer Lab in Laauna Beach. R
& D and QC. Knowledge
MOTICI or GC . Salary com
how Dally Pilot ClaN-mensurate with ex·
lfied ads display their pertence. 714-497-4495 for
meuages with legibility appl. Jorco Chemical
and im1>11ct! Our ads. Company.
we are proud to aay, re-----'-------
ally get resuJU. Phone Have something to sell?
MUl'nl. Cla .. llied ads dolt wen.
omcE CASllBI
Enjoy working as Office Cashier
in Slavick's Jewelers. Duties
include verifying sales balances,
doing daily banking transactions,
disbursin& funds and other
related duties. Excellent
Company Benefits Packa1e.
12:30 p.m..
0 r a n ~ f"!!-o u n t y
pharmaceut1 t al
manuracturing com
pany requires part time C'"I e r i c a I h e I p
Respansibilitaes include
an s ~eri~g phones. greeting v1s1tors 111 the
lobby. and basic clerical
assignments Accurate
typing a must. Please
call for appointment.
Carol Rufino
(714) 546-8901
17802 Gillette Ave
1 rvine. CA 92713
Employer M/F
Orange County
lob opportunity for an
l.dMdual with at IMst
I par of clrect -...
contract odmhtlstr~
ffOft ••periettce in .....
posal pr•paratlon, MCJOtf attoM.. c~t
mana9e1Mnt d11rln9
SrfontM•u. htcW.
~.ct pay-
....... ntatt .. s. c'-"Je
ectl•ltl•s, data a11d
docntfftatf-. Mat
ha•• • workla9
k11owlde~~..!." .. ~ Dtfftse
legullffw CDAIJ. A
lac~s 0..,.. Is
W • off# ocelMwt fr.
• ..,. b••flb -.. CH•H~ tocmcl
....,. tM S• DS.,O ,,... •• ,. Ctl, COIM
to: ,, ......... .. .. ,1a,_., nu H.rttor IL c ...........
Rockwell Hanford will be interviewing
locally to tell you about some of the
best opportunities any_ythere.
RICHLAND. WASH. -Increased activity In stote-ot-the-ort
programs hos created many oddltlonol opportunities for coreer
odVoncement at the nrs1 and one or the largest nuclear fuels
reprocessing complexes In the world: the Rockwell-managed
Deportment of Energy faclllty of Hanford. Recruiting Is now In
progress for aH three primary programs: chemical processing,
waste management and vital support services for the entire site.
Professionals who wont on-the-Job challenge plus abundant
outdoor recreational opportunities will find both In this scenic
Northwest area.
HM••o•u •
LOCAL INTERVIEWS APRIL 1·10, Long Beach Airport HOLIDAY INN, 2640 Lakewood Blvd.,
Long Beach. To schedule on appointment, coll (213) 597-4401, APRIL 5 from l:OO P.M. to 6:00
P.M. or APRIL 6·1 from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Pat Lloyd, (213) 597·4401
Engineers, all degree levels
Cf\emlcal Engineers
~ wll 4ltlCOmPOA oreoa ol ptoceu control pllot plonlr. pro.
cw delieloQme! 11. ona proc-. dellQn f0t nuclear 1'1'91 reproceAlnQ or10
ouoclole<J woste monooement op41rot1ont. These octMthN wt~ lnClude
deVeloc)j!IQ ond dellt*lQ l)tOC*S ~ deflf1ing ollemolfvel. fden~.
lnQ and ooordlnoftng PIOC4"I feotlbllly sruo.s If\ loOototorleJ onc1 pilot
plonla. ond economic eYOluollon of OIMm<Jll-. E~ In tNlmk:ot
l)tOCellll IQ OI IU:leof ~ deWed
Meehanlcal Development Engineers
Englneefl w9 l)IOl'I delOlla ol prototype ~ deli91opmeo d PfOQl<lmf.
at W9ll Ot dlNIQn. •t ond ~ mechonlcot syaleml. ICnowi.dge ol
rodloocfl¥9 watt. ~ weldlnQ. ond remote systems a.tired.
Plant Englneert
~ w9 be atllgned dNQli PIOt>let'l'la to support molrli.nonce onc1
op41fab\ ol nudear l\.i ~oceQng ond wost. monooemer 11 loclllles Ot
well at IUPPCXflnO u"'"* 9V1lem&. M>lllfV lo onotvze ond oaflfle prOOleml
ond ~ ond OMQrl fixes IWOMIOIV. Aulgl11te1ill WJlfy f'rom oompleA
!emote ~ and ~ lo ltOnOord """* and "4lPO'f •vstems
ond eQU!pm9nl. Wiii PIOVkM eilQll.W•IO dl!«fk>n to ~drott«s to ~ ~ d9folled robltcolloMWlolotlon dfowlnga and tQeCJll.
Collons. £11'1** ICe In dlemlcal P'ooeall IO plonlS. ~ 01 nuc:leOr ~a.Md.
Elech1cal Englneen
Abllt'f IO ~ l>foblen'tl. ~ Of'CI evaluate 011emot1Yei. and pro-
'llOe .. lgll-.11ig dlreellon IO<*igner~ IOS)loouce~ dNgr\
and IC)edllcotlonl lof MC1l1cal ~ and lnetrl.menl IVlfWTw In aip.
Poft Of chel'l'4CXll ~ fo:'"'9t ond IUPPOltno u1WtleL Mlnlr'IUTI ol
.,._ ~ ~ ICe In p6ar'tl •IQll-11 IQ, moltV9' l(lllCe. OI 09llgr\ ol ,
electllcctl IYl'9ml ~
Computer Sclenttm/lnglneen
Sc::lenlltc ~ant nMd9d fQr ~ Ol'QMll. dellQI\
and OIOQIOlminO IOI on-1ne ~ ~ fQr ~ lll<llle
nOIOOWf*ll ~oce. ~ anailftlcal lot>olotoly, ~.
U'od p!QCW ~ IYl'9ml. Hardwol• ~ °* ~ ~ C330. EdlpM M600, Htt::IVA '40, VCIMn V16, "'tme .-00, Olgllat ~
Q .11134. and ~N.1100/.._ ~In matt\.~ 0t •d...,.llO
lequllwCI P"* ~ ltw-. ~ ..,.....,.,
SY1t9m1 lngln.er
~ lllJdV piona. e'*"'9 and~ olteti~ IV'f«N ~ IWt-
.... ~~~to~ ·~-o "'*" ..... Pl'C)o OtQrn ~ ~ l)lamed, dl\tlCpeC. Gnd DMoftt.ci IL'I o 1-to~
Int~ ond l't'etlNnolc l'l'ICSdl. MM,..._..,.. lot ~llllO ond ~IC>~ pOfOIT··~""-dl~ ondhPNQOf· obi Cll tiac» ..... ond ...,.. allMIQIM IMlee. fOmlolltr ...... ~Of-~11\lpit~~·~be,....
Monoo-r Conf19Ufatlon Mon~nt
Illar\~ cMc1 and odlt•.., ~ ~......,.
.rilcll ~ lot ~ '°""'°'*'" caWllll oc dlllgr\ ~ "°"" OCCOUl'lllnO oe ~ ~ ond <*IQrl ......, ._.. on ....,.. ...... ofbooralgwatllOn-mcr mpment._,..._. ..
aD9y llO oo.t· •••ell--OdaSlt .... ~-to~ .......
lrlO. Cl'ICllfV wane., ~IUIWIO ono opeialla!W ~ ~ ,,..,.
Mechonlcol (piping mechonl$1"1'\J). HVAC ond fleCITlcOI OesiQne<s Oiofterl or• 18Q1Me<1 10 suO()Of1 PIOQ•onu In nucieol fuel rep!OC415$1nQ one waste
~· os wel os IJJl)p0o11ng 011111\es syslems ~ ltw91s ol ·~
Jeny Pitts, (213) 597·4401
Sr. Industrial Engineer
Posllloo 1eqvi<es P4M!omiono• of comc>1ete mettiocu onolysls and C'()jl..flOw
Ol'IOVll• 10< oil l!ockwell HOOlord OQelatlons Also requt1ed ro devtlloC> ,
~le m«JIU!fi 0( PIOd(lclrAl\f and l'(llemJ IOI "-ff ~lotion
ond ut\lllollon IE deQree °' ~I v-ors expenence deslred
~IQON!ble I()( f\Jnc:lloooVPIOOlommotic llCl\edule preporatoon, OS well OS
IOI Olllllllng wtlt\ de~I 0( delOU ond tummoiy f1Jnc:lionot1P10Qrom·
motk: schedules and ~• loodW'O IS. IE 01 llA wtfh one 10 ttvee veors
!ele»ed IChedulnQ ·~·
Jerry Lutz, (213) 597·4401
Pelfotm lr&lollotlol\ tne*\t~. lotlllcatton, ICJ\'OUI, and le(lOlf on of !)lo. •no SVS1-. S.lup ond u .. nonc:t 01 ~ fOOls. £~In relrtoero'lon
ond ~ pjpW'o evstems <119am oncS olrl r~
We otter on attractive benefits po~ lncludlno fife,
medcol, dental and occident Insur< · , Uberol relm·
buraement for reloc:atlon, and genetQOs savings and
retlfement plans. All In our southwest Wa.NnQton IOootlon
right neor Rlchlond. with great IMng for fMHY ltfe~.
fOf those wflO cannot be inteMewe<:t at tNs time.~
resum. to:
' • W.R. Campb•ll
Empl°""'nt Monaoer
Honfofd ~tfon1
RoctnWelt fM9rnotlonot
P.O. lox 100
lfchland, WA 99352
EQUCl~~MfF U.S. Ctttz.Nhlp Requi.0
• I
Dental Anl1tant 214 duyfwtek Mui.t be
exp 'd, able & en
thus1ast1c. Top pa)
ENGINEER Mr.: to In M1i.i.1on V1eJo
area ne"ls cxper in
etecl rical connl•t·tor~
hl•rmel ll' sl'a l .,
transducer dl's1gn t·om
ponents m11teriah &
Educatioft Maion
& T eac:hen
S1tteri. Unlld, So CA
most suctes~rul house &
c hild silt111g i.er\'1t'e
:.tarred b) cdul'ators
desperately needs
quJ1tr1ed sitters for day,
l'ves. & wknd.., p l as·
Sll!nlTil'flt~ 857 1759
General Office Worker
Must type 4-0Wpm
Costa Mesa 549 3942
GEHERAL OFFICE Exp. l\elpful, gd typing
ability, proficiency
w figures. 10 ke) by
tout'h. xlnt ro benefits
Informal ofc. C M Call
Milite art 9AM. 645 5800
Looking ror a ver) In
teresllng part time JOb
10 pleasant ufftce·•
Cleric·al. for mallirl' I
person Location I' C' II
N pl Bch El< pt•r ;1
must At'curalt' I~ pmi.:
no i.hurlhand :w hr
week in dudes Sat & Sun
Call 646 7431
8ouuhold ar Pt1rsonal
care or arthrltlc per on
Sat/Sun Ltnoon·7·8PM
Permanfllt position. at
tractive loc 9fl Balboa
lale 875·0596 for rn
tee al
LITIG~TIOH SECY For medium tiie firm
Good $kills, thorthond
pref'd. Newport Beach
Xlnt benefits. CoU Rhon
dn, 640· T03$
L1vo m or out. 1----------833 2009.
Housekeeper. retired
per.on, 8·l2tllrs day.
2/days wttek , H B urea
Ft>e paid. Your future
starts he re Gen ottlcc
e.xper, Accurate ty11ing. 1'~riendly staff. '950 UJ).
DOE, Rush! ~40·5001.
Snelling & Snelling of
Newport Beach Agency.
•340 Campus Dr .. EOE
Salary & r~pons1b11it1es
MAINTIHANCE lnlerlor plant rnaint. f/l
w lben, must have ad
d n v Ina record S4S-~2
Manager, Office work,
counter help for rood
service. Seasonal, (6
mo.). H.B. area. Call E.
Songrath, <7141S44·S378
or write 14581 Ataci.a Dr.
Tustin, Cu. 92680.
MAMA GER/ ASST 1''or fabrir &lore Fab
1..'XP pre( Call Gerl
646 4040
Needed housekeeper &
i\de to care for a bed pa·
tieot. 548-1549
Pantry Worker, PIT, no
exp nee. For interview
call 833-9561. ·-----Parts Houukeeper. Englis h
i.peakang, hve to, must
be good with th1ldren.
ages 9 & 5. Lovely home '
on beat•h with pvt room
& bath. Salary neJ; Call
wkdayb t'114>700lf>l\n11r
962 204 l . Sal Sun
(2131592-2624 com mttsurale w1thl•---------1
Experienced engine
parts counterperson
Will consider training
the right person. Apply
tn per so n . to
Boatswain 's Locker.
2431 W Pacific Coast
Hwy, Newport Beach HOUSEWIVES
Salad bur sener & set·
up person needed ror a
rralh neat r~tJurant
Musi be fr1l'ndl). con:.
l'ienl1ou., & dependable
No l'XP needed 8 4
"'kdays Please i!ppl) in
pt•ri.on Stoncm1ll Tcr
rare 291!1 Redh11l l' M
s kills 7~ "Pm minimum Santo Ana
lrl'lne industrial arc•a
P O BoJC \5487 Sant.1
Lr:GAl. SEl'ltET.\R Y
2 man Lai.:una Hl'h L1\\
Ofe louk1n~ tor
M'trt•hiry Y. k•l!al l'Xpt'r
Pl & t'runtnul Salar)
negot1abk ~1'17 \'1211
Marlldlnq Auiat.
1s :.ou1th1 b' progrei.srve Part f 1118
l'Onstructton firm LO as Counteinq Youtft
Sl'\l Huslfll'S!> l>l'\l"IOµ c~
mt•nt Per-.onnel in all Adults wilh outstanding
JSPl'l'h of market 1nR attractive personal1L1es
lh·sµ<mi.1b1hl1cs v.111 m to spend 15 hrs per week
dude µropc11>al writing. counseling youth ages
tit•\ elopmt•nt t>f \ urioui. 1 o 1 s . Evening s &
marketing tools. markt't Wl'ekends Available S75
rt.>:,ean·h. atlm1n1~tru p e r w k C a l I
!LOCI or markl'lln~ 2 305 30pm. Mon thru
s) i.tt•mi., & dlrl't't i.alci. Fri 642-4321 ext 3<t3
I\ Journuh:o.rn Markl'l Ask for Lori.
Dull1:s Int ludl' design.
drafllnA. ITIUh'l'lu(:. tl'St
1ng & H&D prO)Ct'l:,
Mech•rn1cal Eng1n1wr
mg dei:rec pref'd
Qual1rw<t cand1datt'!>
send rtJ:.umc to Mri. 1----------1
Govcrnc:,::. Nann~ ~:x
perienced Livi• 111 01}
home l'ar(• fur l!!mo old
bo~. Lilt' huuscY.ork
Re.fs Call 4!17 1 l>S~J (:an
INSTAl.1.M ENT 1.0i\N
Soulh Suut;.i \11;c offtt't'
~XJll'rll'IH'l' pn•ft•rn•1I
h u t " l' " 1 11 l r a 1 n Gt•neral 11Cfit•t• & l) ping
skill~ rcqum•cl (';ill for
appl 7115585-lllli
llNITl•:lll'1\l.IF ll1\"'1\
Exp'll le)?td "l't'} tor
llltlllJ)!lll.: 'l'nllll
partner ol ,.m all !\pt
He a ch La" t'1r111 I ";111
1r1i.: ltat·kground. with Orange Coast
knu" lcdi.(l' Ill llH.' l'On oae·1 Pt'lot J u n S , 2 3 !I !) I V I ;1
Fabrit·untc•. Sulle 603.
M iss1on Vil'jo. ('a 92091
Local Interviews
April 8-10
ROlKWt-:1.1 II\'\ nrn I.) "111 lll· lllh r\\l'Y.
lllg (Ot'il 11} to ll'l I \OU
<thoul -.onw of tht• 1111
µurtun1lll!s arn "hl'rt' Jo'or more lll•\;11f., 1 ht•rk
11111 1lispla1 .111 undl'1
1'.ngint•erm.i: 111 lo•la' s
II an ford Opt•r.11111n"
llH0hl:.1ml, \.\ ushrngto11
Full & µart trmt• \II
areas l'n1forni.. furn d
Equal Opj.)l) t-:111111.11
sll'ut·t tun mdu~lr) I!> prt' ry
f'cl Sl•n1t n•suml' to 330 W. Bay Street SEC'Y-LEGAL Margan•t llnlmes, I' o Costa Mesa. Cu
lrnnwcl 11pl'01nl! In •>ur Bo-< 2:1!.ln. NC'wpc>rt E qua I 0 PP or l
In 11\l' uffil'C l'I\ ii l'r;tt· lkadi, t'a ~r.ltilill EEO Employer
A few choice positions
npt•n for ean•er m1ndl'd
people l;ro"m~ audio
mlr li>0k111R for M F,
must speak Ent!. full
11me& uvC111me Ages 2\ or uvcr. ret1rt.·1\ ---------• welC'ome No ex per nl'C'
tu·t• w mrn1n111m :! ;; 'r-. Emplo~er M F
f'\P & -clnt tqung -.kill-. ---------•l l'AHT TIMI': Person
1\1 usl n•ad St·ht>m .. hand
.,older . ui.e s cope. &
other tcM rnstrumenb
Some sohJ slate audio
trouhlt• shoolmJ! eiqx•r
des1 red QSC :\ud10
I' rod u t' ls. t>l5 :!5-10 1 !126
l'lacent1a. l'~ta Mesa
Apply l 'nl\t'r'al
Prolecuon St•rv1ee. 12:!fi
W 5th St . S1mt:i An••
lnterv1ev. hrs !* 12 & I .t
Full lime µart lime .\p
pl) in pcr~on Crov. n
Hard'W.ire, 11r.!1 lnine
1Westl'l1HPl..1t1Jl l\~
ELECTR0"41C Health
F JSI i;rowini.: lntcrna A WIMMER
ln:.tallttr Salary CJpl'll <all Fra11 needed in Book pasteup
CABLE TV 833 3622 MASSEUSE Mon & Tues No <''P
Our growin~ l'ablt' T\' 1 ·
Co sN:k:. a re'>\>Cm..,1hll' , LIF~~AR_D 1 n d 1 \ 1 du a 1 \I 11 h a I tlllll' S,l '·' ix r ho11 r I
tt•t·hnll JI .1pt1t11tll· 10 t..t-1-">111-1
hl'lp us ~11! .. tun· li·-.t • l.ll{Uc•r t'h.·rk I' ·1 n1fl's
1nslJll I\ 1nn\1•1lt·r hktor~tt:\l' OO~t'S This pusil 1m1 <1l 642 Ii.SJ.
fer!-d<'f1nlll' J!ro"th ' potcnl1.il ror till' ni.:ht tn , _________ _
di\ uJuJI We offer mm
pE'l1l1 \ l' :,;ilan &. rull
be11ef1h Subn11t ill'
pht: a 11011 It•
1111\\ ard l>l•rrnan
l'.irt 11m1• "'' t'lllln\r) net· Appl) 1660 Pla<·en
r luh C Jll fm mtcn ll'~ tia A\ e . C ~1
tl 11 ;>Ill~
Part Timi..'
\111nal Co. In stabll· Be part or the fastl' .. t l'Ol'f~) r1l'ld h:t!'> lll'l'd ror grO"'lhl( l'Ompan~ Ill thl' ,,.,,lHE.IRlllNE rIJNfPN#
a h•Jd l'll't'trunit· a!'> health & nutr111on f1l'ld W
I rn m t•c.I opl'n1ni: I 11r
pJrb { lt>rk ruhbcr hu'>l'
produl'I-. mu.-.1 pa-. .. l'll
ph)su·JI 111dud1ni: hJt'k
' rJ ~ To.1kmi.: .1ppllt·a 11con~ hl•I wn !I &. 111.1 m un
I\ S1ral11fle\. liliil
1\rrn:.tron.1? .\\ t' In . ,.;o E \ hl·ncl;I\ •~ I net
Earn extr.i mone).
"ork1ng p time m )our
o" n home. 111trodut·ing
the Ne" Dail~ Pilot to
The Orange Coast Arl!a'
Set \Our own hour!.' Call
Weekd.t}s between <tµm
' .. m h I) ll l' rs" n l'nlim1tcd int·omc opp 11161 CanwllJJck St
lluJlifu·atwm. ind i} rs t y Call Mt Arm:,trnn1-t Nl'wpon fl<>ach ~:Wtill
t•Xpl'r. 1n elcdr11 119l064:1 i-:4 ual0ppl\ Emphr
Mechanical & Wood <i r11w111g m.mufal'!urm.i: PART TIME
'°""' CMIAT
Loul..._. ... ,
April a.to
ROCKWELL HAii<· FORD will be interview
ln!l locally to .tell you
1boul some of the best
opportunities anywhere.
For more ~tails. check
our display ud under
En&lneermg in today's
Han ford Operations
Richland, Washington
41~ Rockw.11 PJk.~ International
_,. aco.u:t 1111 H•• It n111u1
Equal Opportunit}
Emplo)er M I''
US C1ti1en~h1p
PRINTING Experienced tounter
person ror printshop
Full lime 0 C Airport
areu Appointment
5S7 9212 Ask ror Mr!>
Kuusk Newport Sta
t1oners Inc
Offset Pressperson
Exper 'd 2nd
Pressperson Goss Com
mun1ly 4 unit Appl\
1660 Pla<·<•ntia Ave .
Anabolic. lnl' . a leadt•r
m thl..' \ 1tamm mJnulu«
luring mcluslr). ha-. 1m
mediate upentnl!., on tht•
ll>t shift for J lalk•l rndl'r
and a packager ~1 r'
pent•nc·e nl'l'l''>sun
Call or apply
in person
17802 Gillette,\' l'
Irvine, Cl\ !Y.!713
17 l•l > 546 8901
i41~ Rockwell ··~ International
nit•chanH·al as ... t•rnhl). HIGll Fash1<m 'tor<' nds 1----------1
PCB :issembl). (ml "11: help Sal;in tn>rnm
W F: ,\Rt:: ti FlOW I:-. (i' l'C)fn j.)J n~ offl•r.-ix·rma
m·nt, full l11m· po:-.1t111n Columbia Sal'lngs h11., fnr vuung person ~Ith
1mmcd1alc open1ng:. fur
Equul Oppt~ •
Employer M f
See our ad m toda) 's l•---------
111111IU11e Ultftct tels tO'll,_ It h$1JltU
t:<)u.11 Op1J111 lu1111 ~
~:m pl .. 11•r \1 F
l 's ('1111•'11,hlp
lH i':T ITI \;\ HI> lur 112
111j! h;1rnes.,1ng. '" , . • nll'l'h;init'Jl asM•mhl}. I' time Sail's or 11£1:
ht> ahlt.> to train as· exp clt•s1rl'd ifiO Olin
sl•mhll'r' on~an1ze llostcs:, D1n1nj! Room mJnpo"l'r & mall'rl<il · · I' 'I re ... nurt·l':.. & cl1spla) supen i::.or. l'X\I. ' .
good lca1krsh1p skills d.ays. II,\ t t1'.unt.n duh.
<>u.1llfll·d ..ipplll·an\-. c~ :\1 (.all_ ~fl~~-Jll,1m
.. houltl 1011t.11t Ila' rran11-.1u:H.10.1 ..
li tlmJn at S1·11·nt1J 1t·
Orill1nc lnternatwn.11
55; 111151 E () E
Full &. pan \ mw :1\ .11la 1
bed 11.,\lh1icln1 h""JI Flt·ttro melhan11al
Rt•sp1111.,1hil1t 1•·' 1111 I Tl·t hn1nan Sr l nusuul
ble '"Pl~ Ill j.ll''""'I 3 5P!\f Joli} Rogt<r 10c1
So C:oasl Hw' L.1j!11n.1
\olal mt·nu pl.1nn1t11! 11pp11rtun1t\ fnr m.1111rl' ---------•
INSUR/\NCI': 1'l1•rk tor
IJr s ot f1l't.', mu~t ht• t'X
11 l' I I I p l' w (' I I .
.,horth;intl ht'lpful xlnl
w k ~ i· o n <I I 1 1 n ~ 1·
hl'nf'f1\-;, ..:cl :.al.tr\ \lnt
l'LI rt•<•r 011por1 55/i ti!l:!2
l't·1...,onal 11111•" •'< 1111·
1·um mC'n 1JI t11w' J-.!>1'
1.1111 nt•1·th·d tor '\pt I
lkh in~ Jl-(t•n1 1. '.ilar)
t•111n011·1hurJlt \4 •''tK•r
I' f, t J 11 ( 01 .1 ll p I
lit4 5522
gl'ne1'al nw<.:h.i1111·al .1p Loan Shipper~ 111 our tlluclt• & :.klll!-o W1ll lrain
t I as:> Jf 1 e d undl·r
THEIRVINECO. Loan Salel> Dcpartmt'nl 111 manv art•as. 1111 1111.l
Scleetl't.1 l.'and1tl:.1ll..'s "''" ini.: "oncl"orkin.i:. Jig:. & ---------• oc ln\OIH•tl Ill -.hipprng ll\ltllt'' t•c1u11Jmt•nt & .. "llA \'1\ or con\ l'll I ---------• m.11 hm<' r1'1l.11r &. mJm twnal loans 111 1"111.:\h I t•·nJll<'•' l'li f>lt•;i-.Jnl PBX
,1n1! µrl\;Jll• lllll''t111-. "11rk111g ,1tm11~phert' PBX OPERATOR .111d "'1 ll I\ Ill' it• hU "1'111 I opi>orl unit) tn .1th :111et•
(h',pon-.1billlio· "111 111 I Onh thuw Y.ho arc· cit-Full lime po~it1on 3\all
c ludc• 1ht• 1111•p.11.il1"11 111 l)t•iHlalile & dcsirc lo for da' shift with rotal
cl111·umt.'nl' .11111 t 1t .. -. 1111 ll'J 111 iwt'<I .ippl\ Hit.:hl mg weekends Qual1f1ed
:.Jll· 111 th" '1'1 untl.in mdl\ iilu<1I m,1~ !-oldrt 1m appht·ant will be rrlrn
markel m acld1111m 10 na'<li.itt•I\ \ppl\ 1n ble person with pleasant
a11d1t111i.: luJ.n P·11 "·11-tc' pt·r~11n 11 \:>1 to :lP:>1 !l:l-l & eU1e·1cnl JJhonl' man·
1111or t11 -.lupml•nt '"' \\' lilh ~t l'ostJ '.\k,.1 ner EnJO) extl'llent to
TRAIMEE Huhhl•r host' produt·t:..
must Pil"s co ph} ~ll'al
includinR bu<'k X rav
Tak1nR appl1tul1on~
bt.>twn 8 & lflam onl)
S t r :i t o ( I l· ~ • I i Ii i I
,\rmstrc>n).! \\l· In
EOE A KendJ "" Incl
Property Managemt•nt
E•P'ri n~ .,_-..,..
o~td JI wort! wit.h ••·
eculfYt fi veJ cllenta.
Mutt ti.ave Jll'O"• trick
record. You will bt
worllln1 w&tb pro·
fesalonal UIOClatee Our
ortlceofr. rs.
•Beat beacb location
•Liberal rommb ioo
Provam., •Nat'I ttferut program
Call now ronppt.
Welt Hcmphi.IJ,913-7300
Phones & clerical duties
with lar ge omce supety
company. Will• "train.
Phone for appt' M7-9212. Mr. Emmons. Newport
Stationers Inc.
lfCEPT /TYPIST Sharp person with ex·
cepllonal typing skills &
knowledge of bookkfep-
mg Small engineeting
off1 ce 957 u.o~or
lkh law ofr . ask for
Caryn t7l<tJ 644-6516
orr.ce Fashion Island
S<1lar) open 640·~
RECEPTIONIST Immediate opening 1n
beau l 1 f ul New pbrt
Beal'11 Challengin g
µ 0 :. I l I I) fl H UIS y
telephone:.. type 45
wpm Call for appoint
rnrnt, 5~~/.7!nl
!<"ult time Mon Fri Mus i
bl' pt:'rsonaulc & well
grooml'd, ISc ellJOY m!-'et
mg lhl· pubhl· Rcqwres
good !>pelting & pen
m.insh1p No typing
Phonl' l:'Xperience pre
ferred 1''ull C'Om pan)
t>enef1t<. ,\pply Pen n,.,<1,er 166(1 Plac~nt1a
,\·, e c \1
\\ llh or Y.1thnut l~pmg
needed Top pa~ fl·m
porar} & full time· Call
Tod Serv1c•rs at l/79·8900
Rl-:<:El'TlONtST. f'(l'll
oft•. duties. F' tirnl'.
Tut!!> Sat . pl t rountr~
; (uh Call 644 5404
Greet LOP lC\'CI chen'9 &
do h prng al lhl" 111 le rn a I' I. ft rrn. A rea I
professional will land
this ·excell :.rwt with
great benl'fll~
557-6122. 731-771 I
100', free lo Appllcirnt
15011 Campu." Dr N B
t-1211 Yorba St Tustin
<lid;11\ t1111•.till.il1011 ! 1H·r ... 11n H<•,u111e 111 llotel i----------
" 1111• tor' ~ p,1t1t·111' •"-l>t•p1 IWI' ~::!t>H I' o INSURANCE
SUJll'I \ 1s111n 111 1t11•tar\ HH\ it.:ix; I. \ ( a !J(Mlif; Front Desk I BILLING CLERK I
c·l'lll'lll llt.'rwf1h p.io·kJ).!l' benefits includmj! a free
mt lutl111.i: •h'm.it .ind 'h !----------mca I per s hift /\ ppl) urn .il\r;idl\1 ::.tdrtml! MECHANICAL !J.\M Nuon. Mon 1-"ri
s<1l.1n.,, Jn•I Jll l'llJC•' ;i TECHNICIAN Per~onnel
Tht:-entr> lc\l.~I po~1tu>n 0pt"n Munda~ El·emnR'> 1~ rei.pons1blt• for 'ho" I H) Appmntmenl CJnl\
mR unit<;, handling ll'SI 1----------.., I ii f I I' I I' I I II 11 "I ltul1•11:h ll1JI, ll11•.111L1I.
1101>" ,u11••''""' ,., ENGINEER 1 Clerk I 101·Jtl.'d 1n '\t·\\11or1
P r 1 • 11 1 ,. 11 t' • I tkad1. h.i-.. .111 111111wd
ap1slr 11111 " t 11• .-.1· 1 h OIJl'lllllJ.: tor ;.111 Js-..1•rtl\ l' C t' ~ 1 1 ... ~trutlural cfr.,1,i:11l•r . 5 We an' '>C<'kmg .1 tK•opll' I
• · ' ) rs t•xpt'r '\'pl lie-onenlec1 1X'r".11n Jhlt• 111 or••uni1t·il & mot11 att•il llosp 196 !'17tr.! ol<· 1,·-1 .~ "110 0 k · r1~-1 hc1ur' 'l1i•l " ·•v "r Iii ~... " · 1ndl\ Y.h11 :ilso h.is PX
l>e adept i11th f1gun•s l'ell •·11111mun .... 11111n'
Full time p1.1s1\1un otkr-. o;kilb Dutil''> 111..rutlt·
ex 1·t• I lent t·om p.i n ~ •·vmpihn1.t 1nl11rmatwn
bend1ts. mt'lurlrni.: ·'Ir l't' fur lll'l'IJilfilllllll & toll111\
meal per shift i\ppl~· 111 thru of 111,111,i11t·1· tla1m.,
•---------11-:,p :\lt•rllt·al b~t,lanl . IJ1:.pla~
Ex cl'l I t'll ht•1wfib 111
front & b;.i1·1<.. hr:. &
"a I a 1' c11a•n
smoker. 5-lll 1371i
NP 11
l'ludt• rnl'd1t·al. rl<.'11\al. I _________ _
hl·a 1th IOWl';lllC'l' profit
sh11r1ng pt.•11-..utn pl.en
ro c.11-.<·ount \pph 111
2 t i''.1sh1u11 hi and
f;O E • ;\l F
Donut Shop i-:arl~ \:\1
~h1 rt l>onut maker &
sale' peNln 'lln 1."Xpt"r
nee \pr1h ll1pp11,
Donut'> 11151 """flClrl
The f1nei.t alhll•t1c· shoe
& dot hmg store 111 the
tount ,. 1s look mg for a
hard"ork1ng . t'O
lhuaslll'. energctlc peri.on for a full time a!'.
-.1stant manager pos1·
l\ppl) in person at
Newport Beach
IOOO N Bristol St
!155 0165. ask for Jody
Bh d t: ~\ 1---------
person. :'l-fon rn · !l \:\1 1nducl111g Mt•1clH';.in• &
Noon Personn<'I "":ihilil\ ldt·:il t:an
MARRIOTTHOTEL I <lulatl' Y.111 hJ\l' hJ1·k
900 Newport Ct.•nt£•r IJr !(round 111 h<•,111t;il 111
Ni.>wport Arnt h .. ur.in<·•· 1i. l'ollt·1·twn'
Equal l)pp Em pl~ r M I-Fur 11111rc• 111f111 maliun &
_ 1nlt•n ll'" 1·all Linda
Hotel S:in Ma:irtrn 111 Ll·nhart. 711 tH5 ~1 :11
Lai.:una &>m•h n•ct 1·'11 -"'.0.~.:.:.t-~.· -----Front 0 ...... 1.. L'lt•rk
Familiar "1lh 'l;('H :!!'ill
Xlnt work1ni.: tond
494 9436
hie Y.urk ··1111ro11n11•11t I .1-.1•1 rnfi.:r nn•fh MARRIOTTHOTEL
l'r1ha:11•1• thi~ lll'JXll IUlll \ll'rM1n \\1th e\pt.•r in u.. 9()() Newport Center Or
dent relal1ons & makmi.:
leasing arr:mgrmrnts <it
one of our apt comple\
cs Must hal'l' no1hlt•
schedule & be alarlablt•
to work weekend" Wt·
will train rNo rt•al
estate ht is rl•qu1red.
this pos1t1on clot.•-. nnt in v o I ,. t' c· o m m 1 s ~ 1 <> n
sal<.'sl This 1s a part
time• pos111on Suhnin
appl1t·at1c>n lo
t) For l'lll11Hli-nli.d 1"n 111i.: .. t.1ndarcl shot> & Newport Beach
-.ukrnticm pll'd'>l' '°1111 ha11c1 toob Joli 1ndullt•s Equal Opp Emplyr M I'"
l<i<'l "l:,1ctn l'l·1r1n .1 1 1.ihr1rat1on of l1J!hl ---------•1 1iMl i7hiJ11l.t'\l 11:1 ml'l.ilp.irt..,tndra"mi.:s
and Loan
!:110 S Bro11kh1u-.,1
:\nahl·1m. l'a ~li!X.>I
F:11ual Opp\~
Emplu)cr M F
M ,\CH !NIST '1 rain"''
Prt•fcr .. onw shop l'\JK'I'
for :.m mf)? r1rm Ill
ln•inc Call Rilt') 1111
a ppt 979 noeo
lmmediatt· opcnini.:~ for
centerless ~nndt'r. E'
perience C'osta :\le"u
plant El!.<'<.:11 t'O
benefits lh•lln1111t'.
Soml' l'Xll on l.1thl' &
rmll lll·-.rr:ihlt• W1ll tra111
qual1f1t•d UpJJlll'llnt Ill
" o m c u r l' a s l' :i I I
4!13 6624 for appt E 0 E.
\I EDl(',\I. Full or part
11ml' front o ff1 t·e
Tran-.cnhmg l''<lll'r prr
f'd t;,i5 9401.l
:\1t>d1c.1I ,\s::.1s\ant
LVMorCMA Small dm1c lnt«ll<'d m
Npt Reh ha' a unique oµemn~ for an l. \'N or
(.' M A " 1 I h 1-; K G
tapab1hl1l'' PrimJr)
funet1on of lh1s po!i1t1on
will be publH' relations
Snles barkMround
helpful 1':"<cell fringe
benefit~ pack.ige For
more information & in
terv1ew. t•onlact Jane
1-'oley, 714·975 0660 F:OE
Per son Frida~
1-::.tabhshed loc·a l Co
need:. person for rl'cord
kl't>p1ng, lite t) ping.
hean phone~ Salary
aet·ordin~ to exp
Bcnd1ts Call 642·34!13 Howard Derman
Nt!w organization seeks
2 d} nam1t· people Exp \061 Camelback St
w1lh a temporary help Newport Ue::1l'h. 9'l660
scrl' and or a keen de Equal Oppty Emplyr
sire to work an thel•----------
emplymt field These
are e"<cel. oppty's ror
the tand1dates mtercst
ed in getting in on the
ground nr & growing
P time 7days, 2hrli da1
ly, AM delivery, LA
Times SlOO per week
Laguna Beach 494·8496
"1th a co. which has 1----------been started by people
who believe that ex
ccllen«e 1s sllll obtaina
Growing laser co re
quires 1nd1v1dual ex
per'd in Inspection &
Quality Control of high
technology mechnnical.
optical & 'lectronic
parts & assemblies used
R.E. Secretary
Heal Estate firm nl"t'd"
t•xpl'ril'nced :.ecretar)
for 1 i... (' :\1 off11·e :\1 U!'t
ha \'l' c•xccllent I) ping
~kill!.. short hand hl'lrrul
hut not reqUtred W1I as
s1i.t Mana)!er v.1th
operation of offirc fl E
lin'nitt' dc:.irahil' (':all
Suzan 631 021:1
Re!>ervatlon Clerk f:\
pt'r pref Maturt' Tut.>"
Friday 12·4 979 ;550
Sandw 1ch Maker hfs
7AM JPM Mon. tr1
646 8883, call an) lime
& Associates
18004 Skypark Bl
Ste 235 Irvine m C02 lasers ,..
Individual will bel·---------
RESTAURANT Exp'd waitry for Con
l'•nental c u1 s1ne
restaurant. Table side
cooking. salads. entrees
& desserts Call for appt.
494 ·8460. Mon· Fri, 9-5
De~Full career Menu
As an Aaslstant Man~er or Maruiger Tr1ln.e
at one of our family restaurants. you can
nounsh your talents for handhng groups of
employees and the nltty gritty dete1ts of
running a successful business operauon
Budgets. mvenlones. :>d>1ert1sing. personnel
and public re1a11ons-you·11 get ti all
At tile same time, you'll get healthy portions
of car~r beneltls to help sattsly your appetrte
for securrty and growth
Entrees on Denny's FULL CAREER MENU
• On-Tht~ob Tr•lnlng • Extended V•c1llon Plan
• Profit Sharing • Fr11 Mtdlctl end Lil•
• Dt(llal COv1r1g1 ln1ur111t1
• Carnr Advanc1men1
And there are more. such H exeelltnl starttng
aalarles and liberal ment 1ncreast1
Interested? Then cell Monct•y thr9ugh
F(lday, 9-4.
Break Away
to the
Loe.al 1"'-"lews
FORD will be l.ntervlew·
\ng locally <April 8 · 10)
to tell you about some or
the bes't opportunities
anywhere. For details,
check our display ad un-
der Engtoeering ln
today's cl8SlSified.
Hanford Operatiot's
Richland, Washington
Equal <>HortunllY
Em*}"tl'M/11' u s. Cl'Uml.lhlp
respons1ble for inspec
tion of incoming purls.
with heavy emphasis on
mechanical items. Other
duties will Include m
speetlon or in house
manufaetured parts &
quality control or outgo-
ing products At least 3
yrs exper. in s1mlllar
duties is reqwred. Call
493-6624 for appt. E.O. E
lmmed. opening In final
Inspection, hose & fil-
tln g , must pass co
physical mcludlng back
x-ray. Taking applica·
tions btwn 8 & lOam on-
ly. St:-1toflu. 17671
ArmstrO'li Ave, Irv.,
EOE A t\endavla Ind.,
Real Estate
Licensed R eal Estal4
aaleapeople to work now
condomlnlums. 64\.199l
R•al Eata&e Lo•n
Counselor: ~d TD'a,
Mostly restdef\Uat. ltll·
p•n.Slnt ~omp1nv1
Cook• Waitress Full & part time posi·
lions avail. Ideal
st'hedule. Excell. ro.
bt..1efits which inetude
discount privileges.
medical/ dental, life-ins.
profit sharing & pel'\Sjon
plan Applyinperson:
24 Fashion lsl~ni
E.O.E . /F
No experie n ce is
necesury for these lm-
m e di ate openings !
Please eome by to~ us
between 2P~4'~~Mi\
\ WAITaS .,,.
WA~_I_ co~~i
1S4 F:Ul lTlh ~l at PpJ
COS'tAM f\ ~
d ~*· l a\ El RC>ld
s.tretal')' , ............ .
lnaure}'OW'futu.rel Hvy.
ataff intedulna. Oct
lYDU)I • ~ tlcllla. •i~·tl!.006. 1004' Fee
Pl.id. "'all; Kay Baun,
540·5001, Saellio1 • Snelltn1 of Newport
Buell Aincy, 43'0 C.1'.D pua 0.-., IOE
Security ofttcer, P IT ,
wkeolh for lri ap&. com-
plex ln N.B. h ,50/br.
For iolo con\act J im
"I ONIATOlll Pleaaaot ~ toadl· lloo1 ln extjtJDJ Alrport
comptu. Some IC1ht
bootteeplnc, t)'ptoa.
ttulble boura. Op·
portulty tor advPc•
ment. S..001ee11ar.
HOWA•a.., ..
Dove" Quails~. N!:WPOR1r 8£ACH
Exper'd, aaore tralnln&
prererred. xlnl salary & SICUTAIY SICllfMY Se.cretarlaJ beneflt1. ·N.B. 754·1555
For m anutacturor'a Xlnt aklU., mature, non· Sea ask for mer.
11ent. 11\llt have &ood 1mkrH.B.-..1378 Orfl~~;.;:~tety TYPIST, must take S/H
Flot aotlQulUtt "lcqulttucn tor Nlect people
wttb cllacrlmhllthlt taai.t. 5 ~ Clltaie. rrom
the Uta pJ111 Yariooa parta l:n I.he U.S.! I
• 71-10 ITIMS Oil OlllHTM.IA
from Hlllcreat Dr. Beverly JUIJ•, Ca. lftb
Century Bronae, Jade, lYOrY. 1at.aum11 Jl1\arl,
kakeroono 1creen, clolt10H, cbampleve,
lacquered turnJture, tarved te~wood. etc.
Cut&lata fine • dinnerware • etc. acquisitions from El•lnore. CaUf estate.
AK ANTlQtllt
fluor ac:ent U&bts. misc
atoola. ttc Ctll Dean, at
r rust velvet so ra. 3
cushions, ltaJlan Provin-
cial. mint ~ood. Sus
Fireplace sc:rt>en, cop.
p('r trim, fret .iandinf,
39" X26", S30. 833-8667.
K1na-slie waterbed. com·
telephone voice & type •-to t'I fin lal f. ac,.urately No Bkkplna. Secretarial u• P na · anc 0 · or 1peed-wriUni. 4/hrs,
.., P IT tUon With led fie• or. aitPort. Typlne 2 • 3 d a Y • week . &-5. 6'0>8UO. P<>1 var & shorthand req'd. Top (114>'"•• """"".
Seod resume & salary h.l.Jtory to:
AdH.#112,hlr .... • AMHICAM OA.IC ROU. TOP OIS«S
Orl&lnally from telegraph office, Elsinore,
CaJJI. plutl A Beautifully appoin~ "S" Roll
top from hiatoricaUy old Biltmore Hotel. Santa
Barbara, Callf.
pl. wt wood headboard,
xlra thick loam pads ,
h e at e r & 2 5 /y r
g u11rantee on m a tt
$250/080 646-8382 •
P.O. IN# 1160. C.. ....._CA
f 2626
respon . ln~all S ,,, .,....._ SICllTAIY trcltltect11ral firm In benellta. To l ,LSO. lO<bo 'PW91_$_T __ _
Self-1tarter needed for La1un1 Bch. '.fyplna. Fee Paid. Call; Marjorie '•n
position with large bookkeeP\na, flline. re-s .. mvan, ~5001, Snell· Invoice omce needs
n•c'"ai'---.... ny at . l p ill Ing It Sn e 11 In I or person accurate with Abo: •Sliver• TifCany Lamps• More
Bronaet • Toya • Dolls • Bedroom 1eu
w /h hn11 drawer, 1 yr
old. S95. 673-7578
CARL'S JR. bas both
positions available im-
mediately for :
All shifts are open, days
and evenings (must be
18 for nights)
Good p~y. excelle nt benefits . steady employ.
ment opportunity
Please apply Ill person:
Tues. -Sat.
2 -S PM
23002 Lake Fontt
Equal Oppty Employer
-• ..... "'""''-ceptlon 1l. 01 ve, Newport 8e1cb Alency, fl ur" •-10 key dd executive offices l·n rheerfulattitude1must. I "' "" · 11 • New~rt Beach. Xlnt. Hrs.&-Zpmcbily. 4340CampuaDr., OE C.M.979-8600
Salea 'ecretarlal altllla Callforlntervlew TYPIST
Alltoc:..tlrS.. needed. lntelliceot, BrinaReaume SICUllTYGUAIDS Part time, 2·3 days per PM Jewilry ability to WOlir on own, 81alr Ballard Openings for quahfled wt. Vacation reUef. Ap-• C II P ltkt typine: 70wpm + · Die-Archltectun & Planning individuals. Good start· ply at: 1660 Placentia.
tallng machine ex-850 Glenneyre, Lag. log pay. Refundable un-Costa Mesa M .... W-.•1 perieDce a mus t . iform depogita. 97S.7243 ----------SM Shortftand, superb Bc:h. &638.8191 TYPISTS
Full & part Cime open-benefits. Call Loia at 4~ •Immediate Openings
in1s avail. in the above 714·752-2711. E.O.E. Secreta ry Sec'y <c hurc h ). 12 •P/lime,Fltime, Temp.
Dept.. We offer the best ---------M I D 1 C A l bra/wk, Tues -Thurs . •Top Pay
beoefita program of any S -a.-./c t Typing, mimeo, phone, For more info, call Tod re tail co. Apply In •c ..... ' °"' IMSUIANCE reception. Church ex-Services at 979-8900
person· L._.leoclt Knowledge of Medicare perience. l s t United JC ,...y Fast gfowina develop-Worker's Comp. desira-Methodist Church, Seal I•--------· 2·F· : .. , ,_1 d mentCo.needsmolivat· ble . Excell. salary, Beach.(2l3)A3J."""'•. Typist • a.,uOlha an ed. self-starter, to han· benefits, working condi-.. """"'
EOE M/F die a variet y o f lions. Wes tminste r CRTOPERATOR
responsibilities. Duties Medical Group. Call: SELL A. YOH Growing electronics dis-
F TIME tributor seeks gd. typist inc l ude bkkpg, con· Mrs. Decker,893·1321 ULL to train ror on-line rom-tracts, typing. < 50· EamS6ormore anhr. 1 60wpm ) & marketing Secretary .. P/T, student Call966-05Z2 puter systems Excel .
coordination . Xlnt ok,gdtypmg,someS/H, o pportun it y & co
• Beautiful 15 pc dlnin1 room ensemble. elt'
I OVER 1.075 exquisite items to be olfettd ! One
J)( the finest acquisitions ever to be presented in ~.California !!
APRIL 11th-12th-13th
Sat 6pm & 12noon Sun. & Mon. 7PM.
Display Exhibition: Sat April 11th
1685 Toronto Way (714)540-3955
Costa Mesa. Ca
All wood Bassett bdrm
set . 1400 End tables,
3 SIOO 673-$530aft . 5 .
Ovet I Oak dm1ng table
4 10"' & 18 " leaf 4
c:aneback side chairs
$325 752·8123
Contemporary earthtone
soru s200 Matching
<·hair & olloman $200
rnffee & end t<1bles $100
All like new! 551-5000
Don't move without Za k
11esl prices on your
Jewelry. silver <:oms. or
furn11ure Call me
R!ffl 6003
Dining game table. 4 up
hol l'ha1r.;, $200 OBO
SALIS CLBtK..aet.11 Office Supply Cempany
has Cull time positions
available. Will train.
Newport Stationers Inc.
557·9212. Mr. Emmons.
d. h S I Se r Sho XI beneflls. Ca ll. Elsa . growth potential & good 1ctap one. a ary per rvice-( 11 pi. nt. 556.3880 --Mutl·hm!? l'ouch & hide a
s alary. 30-40 hrs /wk. exp. 2:30-6pm. 673-7480. oppty & benefits for '-.--------•I f Send resume to 1278 -mechanically·inclined 1• AllticpMt 8005 Do9t 8040 be<l. $350both C'of ee & 2
li75 43S8, b7S..2U4
SALES Glenneyre PO BOX 48 SECRETARY Mature ef· individual with basic TYPIST/ •••••~··••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l•nd tables. 3 S1so Jmmed. part lime open-_L_a_g_u_n_a_Be_a_c_h_C_A_9265 __ 1_ flc\ent. State Farm Ins. e lectrical knowledge WORD PROCESSOR o\ n .t 1 q u e s s 5 PB X <EESHOND Pups AKC 6?5 4351!. 67_5·2244
Ing for R eader Ad Agts. Offlce/Will train. 540·6300. Entr y-level position in switchboard. Xlnt. rond Cha mp sire M f' Pl't & ~usl Sloune yt.>llow anlq representativeformside SECRETARY P ltime. 20 St artt.oSlOOO 751-1933 SlOOO 966-1363 s h o w Pvt Pt Y d 11 d Hies position. Gd. rom-hr k ,..._ C d i I SHlPPlNG & Receiving well-established firm . 213/697 1345 aft 6 pm ~ ~a uml 4 "taggere
· w · """'· o c. ut es. ---------, Dept. worker needed to Must have strong typing ~ h l v ~ a~k in I! s200 pany benefits. Apply in Call: Christ Church By Secretaries fill orders. load & unload & grammar skills f ull '-ppllelftUS 80 I 0 551 mu;
person· Pe nny saver · lbe Sea. 673-~ trucks. Will tram. Appl" time Apply 111 pen.on Lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOG TRAIN INC 1660 Placentia Ave., " M "' t R bert HARBOR AREA 2 r ruentes a o Obedi ence Problem C.M.Mon-Fri.,1-SPM SECRETARY o r SECRETARIES I n pers on : 17 1 5 Bein . William Frost & APPLIANCE SERVICE Solving i !:>of..i nel'ds re
upholsknnJ! Pay for ad
& p1rk up 493-:J2GS I paralegal with heavy ex-Armstrong Ave. Irvine Associates, 1401 Quail We buy used appbances AAA DOG TRA INl"IG SA.LES per. in estate planning. SHIPPING Clerk, part St., Newport Beach -we sell recond, guar 953-11.344
Newport Beach leading Airport area, Np1.. Bch TYPISTS appliances. 549.3077 ·---------"ipnn,: arr K}! S1 bed, Jk Jewelers seeking full Ca 11 : Jac k ie aft time. Must have ex per I•--------· ne~ <Jn s1 b<>' -;prmg &
time Employee well 1·30PM 833-9983 Call : Balboa Ma rine, Typists llUYAPPL.IA.HCES Eastnr pups , ,•K". frnml."6312423 Ve .... ed m· sal-& offiace · · (55Wll11 & UP) 549·967 t, E.O.E M/f rH " ., '-'" "" CR RY R "di Stat Jv.ftts Les 957·8133 Bichon rnsl'pup:-procedures. 5 day week SE E T A . . a pa Y SHOE SAL~. childrens-If""' 645 4377 including Saturday. no expanding company. RECPTS Hasher & gas dryer. S95
evenings. Call673-9334. ~arment & film market· • /teens, fuJl /part time, Dicta SectyS e a or best offer. Kirby 1n g nationwide , C.M. exp'd person, hrly. in-vac, S60 960-8994
SALESrMSON located,typ1ng<book· G E N ER A L centives, be n e fits Exec Sec!Js Wanted for attractive keeping req Go od C hildren 's Boot er y • :; E. Upright f'reezer,
;prmger Spaniels, 18 mo:.
old, M & F. i.payed &
neut. shoU., supt>r friend
U1n rm 11\ rm &
dmellt' lum . 3l!'t'Sl> &
lamps nt'" co ncl
540 JOO:J
women's shoe dept in personality & neat a p· 6«·2464 Mr. Milter Wanting to wor w1lh good cond. ~t offer
Fashion Island. Full or OFC professional people ? 546-00lO. Restaurant · pearance. Negotiate ST"'TI~ERY Work'1ng •ftmporary as-----part.time. Experience · I c II f " ~ ""' JOHMHY'S necesaary.64().7810. startingsaary. a or • StoreinCdMneed11sales signments a llows you t 7 c u fl fros t fr ee
ly, love kids. love lo play 1---------Fnsbee & swim, StO ea
or bst ofr Ken Smith. MOVIMGSALE
RESTAURAHT an appt. ask for Mr person I/lime. 5 days. JOb variety & flexibility Frigidaire refrig Sl85. Now accepting appllca· Salespeople needed. Part DeRobbio5'.>042l X Int working ronds. Your skills ore valua ble Ma yt ag was her 595.
851 5006 act . 6 M11v1 n g ll ul nf area
f'urniture & misc· 18936
Ba:.enJi pUIJ'> for i.ulc J Hal·me Dr. Turtle Rock,
t r 1s , l r ed & wht lrvuw Sun 1(14 lions for fulllime book· lime. full tame. Students 1---------•I / BORUS Plan Especially fine dientele On Line invite:. you lo Maytag gas dryer s125.
k e e p e r , p M & housewives ok. $6/hr. ••SECIETAAIES•• V Phone67S.1010 for appl. join our winnihg team ' Frigidaire washer s75 host/hostesses . bus Phone & direct sales . TSO/FunS 000 /Tip Rates Call fo r a ppointment Guaranteed546-R672
Sl75 10 BU 11"1>963 1758
persons & cooks. Apply 661-3$45. Reep/ 12• V Never a fee
1n person bet 3 & 5, Legal/T70/dict.Jl5,000 STOCK d K t ;ale adorable 9 't'k:. AKC
miniature M Schn.Auzer
Karen 551·9411640 2574
EJrll Am Sohd ~ood bd~m furn11ure
bookrasl." hdbrd
dre~~er mirror de~k &
Mon.·Frl 2250 E. 17th Sales Exec/sblOO/corpS18000 /Super Clients r-n.L•n:_ La y enmore ap sz Lii ReindersAgy, Inc V U \ Ii washer/dryer, HOV 1 yr
St .. SantaAna. MEN/WOMAN 4020BlrchEst '64EOE /Expand Sk:'IS old '400.G.E Port Ors-Large A1rhn<' approved ------Part-time. full time, Newport/833-IU901Free v n CLERKS llMPC>ClARY,."5()Hfojl\Sfll\llCfS hwsbr Sl.50, Sears room Dou Kennel $20
RETAIL SALES work from home. Earn . l7231Wd.Stre.t alc S25 ~9'223 " 49J.326S 10' Sl'<'IJUnal '1atch1n~
EVMMGS top money. Everything ---------Rapid growth has creat-MewDOri leoch c:ofreP table. 'Int rond
Bed &r Bath specialty furnis hed. Merchandise.i---------•I fgla..W Jlii.a ed IMMEDIATE open t .O E .. pt size Frig Sl25 Sm f~ree to )OU Lab Hl.'l. S400 536 8531
rhr 548 9992
shopexpandJngtoFoun· Forapp't844-Sl!l8. Secretary .. l'nS angs in our busy stock•--------• freezer StOO-Washer & bla r k . l '• ,r~. F -
tain Valley. Need exp"d SALESP&lSOM SECRETARY room. Will issue and dryer Sl2.Sea Port dis-spayed hRe broken j:i-Gr'O<J• Sc»e 8055
salesperson5:30-9.00PM As sis t a nt Mana ger FtMAHCE PrOfessienafS stock parts as well as as-A p~f:~~~~: & hwsberSl00.646-5848 verv affect 1on at c •••••••••••••••••••••••
Mon-Fri. Some wknds, wanted in retail stor e. We have an openmg in CAL semble lots for release lZPM. Charlie'!' Chili. Nhi ~ool was h er& 760003l.8332900X200 Cor'ona~IMar c all Mr Ande r s on Person with exp. Some our Agriculture Div. for L: to production. Requires Bid d hit S1751 I --. Offil·e furnitun•. bJb)
844·8860. boating knowledge pre-a self-starter. highly or-J year stock·room ex· :;1 .~~~~-~ fl2. ryer. w e. pair Jld English Sheepdog, furniture. l<tmp-.. desk-.
ferred. FIT 675.6230 ganized Secretary We perience. preferably in __ llro-9095 AK C 8 weekl>, mal<', & lots of mi:.t C\f'r
Salea Charlies Locker require someone with 3 electronics and some ex 1 R Nestinghse refrig, $200. sl)ow quality 963 0577 ythin1: • SaLUrda) & Sun $ 36 000 + years exper., strong typ-A ta t perience with computer WAITRESS/WA TE -8 i\M t , PM 502 • ing skills. aptitude ror ccoun n $ reports would be helpful W /car for wicker basket Sears washer & dryer, Cree to Yoe.1 8045 llay ~ .• at BE VERLY HILLS SALESPSlSOH ,. So t t' ti I lun c h se r v i c e . SlSOea.548-2765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J>01nsett:1. tdM .in al M t -""' for a ti 1gures. me s a IS ca F I Health&Nutritlon Corp. a ure pe • ...,.. n · typ'1n"' Involved. Call.· THISISAN S:30-l :30PM, Mon-ri ~Id R t · M 9 <'}i q ue & gift shop in Costa 5 A • t d E Sl25 $150 kl Refridge freezer, white. ...o en e mix, setting up operations In Mesa. 25 hr wk. Tues.· Personnel, 544-0120 for ssoc1a e EXCELLENT a rn . w y. worka·ng $75. 646-3104 or mos, free to ~ood horne 0.C. Need key people for an appointment. OPPORTUNlTY TO Must be neat. persona· 642·""'"• 642-6572, 645 9528 Supervision & Training · Sat. llam-4pm. Ph. for BEGIN A CAREER IN ble & energetic. 979-0747 .,...,.. :;a1age Sale. April 4 & 5.
9 olpm M1s1. furn ,
Ma_gnavox rousole T\".
cloth en g. ml ll'l'll blel>
Under SJ -$151;1 231 Opal.
Ball>oa !~land
full/Part time. Xlnt. appt. 631-3573. THE IRVINE CO. Temporaries A GROW'Ilf ~M rora~t . -lmmac. new dishwasher. career. or supplement. S 1 ORIENTED Ca 11 9 5 p M Mr a es person A • ...... o· COMPANY w "'ITRESS/W "'"ITER Must sell. First StOO . . ' . Ladles ready to wear. 9nc.wre IV. A Di v of Accountants " "
Yellow Lab Relrv., fem. 2
y rs, papers. spayed
556-6542. ~·1212 cSav
~n!S..:..!_!!Oll'e I
Zuckerbrodat973-8443. exp preferred, hrs Mature . Private Club 64_5_·34_13_. _____ _ ual Opp Employer Associated Personnel E II 'd ·1 t Th d 9:J0.6pm. Mon-Sat. FIT1~~~~~~~~~~ Services, Inc. xce ent company pa1 n er v1ews urs aJ,. Litton microwave 1570, Sales
SALESPEOPLE!! Are you serious about a
c aeer? Do make a p-
point menu & keep
them? For you we offer
• lst year $.30-$40K
•Complete training
•Le.ads• Leads• Leads •
•Rapid advancement
Call today ror Cull de· tails! 114-631·5991
only.Call646-53B8. 1-benefitslncludingdental ll-4PM. 1801 Buysl e t t pri e new in plan, paid vacation after Dr CdM con es z · Lovable. younsi coyote-0
Shep. obed trained.
great w /kids. 536 1140 SALES REPS SECRETARY (t) 6 months. etc. Apply in _.:_ -carton,SSOQ.645-8914
A C T I V E Ouremployeesmake the pe~orcell : Warehouse/de live ry Kenmor e gas dryer. SPORTSWEAR mi)-norson for party rental . . Lab1Ret s paved F I'• difference. Yoo too, can I ,.. ~ PIT 1 2"". good, working, private • ' · Kodak film marketing join our team If you are _, s tore · app Y vc..1 party. $85. 54().S7Z7 y r s . a (( e c ll on at c
company. We are pre-dynamic, responsible, TR1vo 11te Newport B_Jv_d.:_ C M__ 760-9031. 833-2900 X200
sently d oing several ha v e good t y p ing accQUntanfs 'JiiO~hlii~ WAREHOUSE Clt>r k Re fr ig, fros t Cr ee , f a b by Cat. 8.t2'mo
mllllons olS's annually . abilities. t elephone S$SOC/8fed CostaMesa,Ca l2626 Driver Must have ex· 1cem a ke r, excellent female. spayed, shot~
lOO's or aceowtts remain techniques & general of· IS.0 . Fwy & Paularmo> P e r • v a II d Ca I if S250. 548-8513, 548-4485 Easily trained Arr er open for the ri~ht fi ceskllls.wewouldllke PutSONNELSEJfVICE,INC. (714)CA"7781 driver's he & excell. Call M De ... t talk to ou Full tlm" 752,.6136 .,...,. Refrig, older. cle an. taonate. 581 1566. person. r . Ou-0 'Y · "' l;qual()ppEmplyrM /F dr1 vln g r ec Ca ll :
bio S45-0421. (8 J.o 5' Mon tbru Fri), 18662 MacArthur Blvq . Balboa Marine. 549-9671. works good. S8.5 543-8513 Fwniture -8050
part time (9to 1. Mon Sulte"25,lrvine EOE M/F/H or543-4485. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Hshld & dl'1.or items,
Sat Sun 7am 6pm J32•,
Opal. Balbo~sland_. __
f:lec boat motor. vac,
bike, rlothmi:. lots more
Walnut & Yale. 13
Che\enne, In Sat/Sun
Yard Sdle. Sunday only
10am llll " 3 family
M 1sr. 2 reel rners, 2
rellraurant heat & serve
thru Fri>. We offer com-Te a c her wanted. Aft.
Sales petllive sa\ary with full school. Sdays/wk . lPM-Dryer. gas, clea n S75. * * I BUY * * __ _ THEIUCk benefit package. If you 100% F~toAppUcant 6 PM o r J PM ·GPM . X·RAYTECH Washer. clean, S85 . }ood used Furniture & Cll URCH Parking Lot
oven'> 242 E Wilson.
T .._RTS HEllE feel you can make the ----------• CertHiC'ate or ex per. Part tame . 30hrs/wk. Stove. full sz. $85. All o\p~liences OR I will sell Sale' 9AM SPM. Sun. S "' ! difference . submit ap-Secretary M · F For o lfl ce in work good. 548 ·8513. ELL f y \ Sth 7622 Warner The Los An~ln Times plicalionto: , CallSusan.~8820. · Newport Beach. ARRG >r or ou 1 p1 · Cl I ti rt t E •• c ff-y.rt/T •· C RT quire d 548·4485 M"'STERSA.UCTIOM Ave .H B ---------•I rcu a on pa men Howard Derman ·~ vk (oi TEACHE~ Full/Pert "' r 4= · " -
Is lookine for well-20-25brs.perw · orone t· Pr S hool •-631 ·4422. Large upright B .E . 646-8616,813-9625 z-uni.-T-urq~-oise--i pawn > groomed, enthutlaatic -"lHEIWINECDMFW« woman < 3 man > ame . e -c "' ---------1 freezer. RW\lgreat S125. SALES
En er g e tic s a I e·s
representative needed
for temporarJ personnel
service. Need eo -
thuaiaallc peraon to generate new business
and maintain current
accounta. This ls an out-
side aales poaltion requlr in1 Jota of public relation work. Call Lorraine.
11+~741 Equal Opp Employer
Sales ,_
OC' ..........
Joln the Loe Anplea
Thn• Clrt:W.aUon Team
• adapt 1our work 1claedule to youT
lH91tJ ... Wc.'k Sbn/daJ 4a a Tlmet Qrculatloo
~o~e to earn up to W enelneeringolc. in Costa Aides ne41ded. Hunt. -t•rchcnclN 675_8«4. 1 IUY FUIMITURE i1tamp roll. furs, bikes.
• per day for a few 1061 cam· elback St. Meaa. Excell. salary. Bch. area. CaJJ Marilyn -L ,,,,,_7 8133 piano. old coffee mill, M 847 ..... u ••••••••••••••••••••••• llcyc•-1 1020 es "" -rt i' ...._ .. s oak houn work as part time Newport Beach 92660 Please call Tom, on-·.-.... ~..&&-.a IOOI .., spo s equ p, UUVf'-• •
Sale. Representatives. Equal Oppty Emplyr Fri .• 645-2.824, Thompson T · -·......-• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Ca 8' Yellow xlnt cond. l' h u r n . c I o t h e s
Hours are from 4 to Flotation Co., EOE Preac·~.needs EC£ •••••••••••!••••••••••• U " Girl's Raleigh Ram-s100 mole/fe m ale Co.tner 9p!oMvtd~ .. ll'a. ining will be T• __ ..__.1 u..a.. WANTED TO IUY par 10 spd. xJot cond. 833-3246 Dana & flagship, N .B. • a ""' -~-l buy o Id I u n s . MO. 551_.786 (S y Hughes Plarl.. on
Your earninJS as a 642-0'11 dJamonda, Ivory, jade• KING-SIZE BDRM set. Super1ornr Hoag).
Times Sales Represen-THc·~o1r-'-· collectibles. Call (714) "91tc1"'9Uclh1W.1025 xlnt cond, 5 pc, S29S. • t.ative will be baHd on a _. _._.. 1172-.s1121 It uk for Dane. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 543·8569 evenings • 3at/Sun 9-5 Furn., hshld 1uaranteed hourly wage Exp'd.-dynamlc. ECE Bld& materials tor 11le 883 Cortez, C.M. (nr
of sa.so + &enerous com· &c Elem. Eel. unlta req'd. t' antique Victorian sofa, dry wall, lumber .IMula-1920'1 walnut burl double Tewlnkle Part).
miHloaa. Since this ls a EX~1"11ftrl;' 64.2.'0tll $750, 2 matcbloa arm Uon, metal door Jam. bed <no mattreaJ). very
new Pro 1u m , o P · · ~U .& & "&:I chairs, S400/ea, lnlald Sun 8·2 Dl S, HaTbor nJce, S18S. llU-lJll Yard Sale; SaL & Sun. portunlUeelot adv•'1c• ~.ARY Telephone walnut framea, rote Blvd.SA. 11·5. Furn. Ir misc. 1232
meat are excellent. .LAY ON 'IMI 114CM damaat' u~at. Xlnt Kint bed wlrrame, SlOO. Hen, Hunt Bch. Call no-for more b). AU.DAY w .a ,..... C•n•& Dinette, '35. Sect. hlde-formatloo •bout" tbls Bank President II tookmg tor a 10 immediate openlnis. ..vuu.'75-51.52. ••••• .... 1010 a-bed, m. e twin beds Kuntlnaton HarMur ve~t oPPOttunh-y. Aak proven E11ecuflve Secretary Sh.on 1PlltiuUon. W9rk l•-------••I•••••••-••••••••••••• w/framet 4r beddlnl. Movln& Sale. Lots Of od· rorext. fi21W . · Requlrn e11ce1tent oral and $-tpm. Mon-Fri, talklnt WESTllINSTER tilUST SELL: KOWA $25.50. 631·5Dl d /endl. 16831 Dolerf n,
OranieCounty: written communlcetions 1klll1. oo OW' tele)lbone. Deep ABBEY anfllCAKERA. •----------• (Davonport lal-.d). 71it.917·2l61 80wpmtyptng.90wpm volctt prtferred . ANTlQUEMALL SlTSOBO 557-tan Clu.lfledMa 142-5678 H.8.8am..Cpm.Sal1Ln. shorthand. U .35/flr ·cuaranteed, Dally JO.I, M 10-t
StCllTAAY To Y0\1111 .,_....., tll•
ecutlv•, 1"9d 6 alCUlt •
mull (8cl + wpm).
Fatblon file .location,
Top aalaryl 6'4-5711
more a:none)' euil)' Cloeed'l'\M'4&y
poe1lble. Come by 3 L Ufll w-.bll* Ave. Ent. UION. c.o..t Hwy, Gardea°"°" JM.ti.Ga N. Bch. W1c 4111 at 3om int come, flnt
hlred. · · Polar a .. r ru1. •"'' •
TelepboneSaiel mounted head, 'Cl•••· ••It• ome» ntar YoQr boaae a bave more U....
for roar r_.,, lt.U.., llCll'rMY
or ~ l*ioda. We omce •'1 tor N..,.n
"' hur11 ••••• a Bell a.s. omee. ~· .,.. • ...._. tr• attlbJdt maet fm.
Corporate office localed In
et99ant Newport Center Twin
TowM1 Excellent salat'-,,
outatandlng t>enefltJ and ptOflt
ahatlog. For confldenttal
Interview aubm1t resume to
Lucille Kuehn. CommunlW
Rel1tlont Oltector.
AftlledOMl ...... ftll
p 0 Boll 1,85
Newport Bt1ch, CA 112813
IMI -.Tl l•lti ua1q, beeut. cond. OM••s . S80001lrm . .,-471f
Who1;:j'-";aucte, lfol»Jer Cab, mt c0a4.
· ,.rtaet. Lite b~ ....... , ..-did • __. ,...._lltJ, No
{JflDI '*I· f)ea latt. a.•. •Ue~pnf·not,... .... , ...... ,. :W:i. IMeniaw
AnEQualOpponuMy L~ £mplo'(er MIF
lar1-4 ftrm. nov. tupr ""°' .....
1 M o I X P • ·~ n, 1'ansbour dn
NICaSAIY · ..: ... .;;.;;...;..'*;;.,;,'--~~-1 Good pay/Co. beDefka,
rapid adY11cemut. lt ,_.,.. oot t9adMI; UM
Earn w~ll• a.arat11. MtUe lldl la aa.an.d,
S...ral cdce aocadoril nu're .._.. • lot al to cboo1a from ... .., ...._.u.. .. .... ..... ...._,._....,..
·.:.:: .........
... 0'!'? Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Aprll 6, 1981 ~=./ fnKkl tHG Alht W..W tlH AMt. ... 9M ...... 1.,1rtM
...... e ...a... 1011 •I• 1 -IOIO ._____ .. ' t 110 • ••• • •••••••••••• ••• • •• ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••-••• •••• ••• • • •• • ••••••••••••-•
••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ..................................................................... COMPACT TRAILER Special WEIUY tMW t712 9721 _.. -· • 0..,... lotO ,._.. 9040 •0 ••••••••• .. •0 •••0 •
Lot4' of Ever)'Wng. Sat >urlboard, brand new. GrH d uprlaht coDtol• ill tradt Bia 8Hr Lake 1973 Cahal1a Lu1fa1e P.-chose!! CLEAN CA.IS ••••••••••·•~··••••••• ••••••••••••••--••••
9-3, Sun. 10.t. a. Arbor, S<-hroft, I 'S". Pd NQO, piano, Naocy Kart. iclAt or ocnfroftt Mobile Rack 360 Hitch 425 Low ::r.r A.ND ... UCICS For The 8ett 73 ISO Spyder coov~cu•t.
COila Mea. askJna $~ 581·.eG af\ cond. $1195 .. 49&-1415 Home or trln ror sport 49S-0048 1910 4 ..... 11_. '" Buy Or Leue J>tal bdtop, lo ml, map, nu 5pm · flablnl boat 28' 499-38t6 ...-..-In OranaeCOW>ty... palnt/rad'lf. lmmac.
Lawn moer & edaer, · Baldw0io 5'7'' Grand · ' '7Ulonda500manyxtrH Dott.,ldtUp't ComeSeeUsToda)'! $2&50.557-128'1
kitcbu/balb Items. I way Unlted Airline Beaut. end Mahoi. ?7' Monterey Character $1600 or trade 4 sm PU Trt•ftdaus & ------
• t r o I I e r . ticket. Newarft to L.A. reblt. '80 needa only re-Boat witb N.B. mooring. w / camper $4.5-2124 aft S-!'%'·'··' '7 11
de r 2 0 0 0 •
men '1 /women 'a/ 1irl'1 $125 Call !710~·3068. rin. k500. 54.9-0719 545-87~ 5. •• automatic. black be.au· C,~ .. -
.......... je .... elr" M• -ty. tan lnt. 13,&00 miles .
• ~'"'sc>m';h.~'e FREE Brand new Bennett A·PS WilMJ IOU 31' Jeraey '73: Sed. F IB. '72 HONDA SL70, extra a.cl IW ..... 111 $6,900. 631·0228
........ "'' Kim ST ......... machine, In ....................... •II ala ... er ..... ,,.... .., .. included. xlal IOUOP~--HlliHIUY-SADllEBACK ------
.; box, pold '""°·make of. l ... ianol s.,,..., Skli. FWC, 1Up, "'"'' •ell. cond . ..,.,..._ Top doli." ro.''Spo.u -'1' 124 SPYDH ..S.Olizs l . '"· 96l·9ZO ::','.;;J>l.':,~'T.J.r ~~j;•• :~·=~" 8"·900'1 ; '79 H::r.:: XL 115 Cm. Bu... Campe'" 28402 Na'::.~te Pkwr ~1eoB'o~,';'.. . .\1~." d .
HUGE Garage Sale King Ss Waterbed w/ac-S-..t'--1.t.u.&.. lot• a2' De Fever . NEW-xlnt. con .. garage kept. 9t4l's~r:::lJ/C MOR MisJion Viejo Honda 9727 Furn, Beds. Franklin cessorles StSO r-· ......,-• $600/0BO. 962·5900 Avery Pkwy. ex.it •••••••••••••••••••••••
stove. lamnc, Nolhin& 493-9759 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BOAT, FIG, Tw. Osls, ------.-----JIMMAAIMO (orf5Freeway) .,..."v ORAMGICMTY TERMS. 20% dn + 15 All indoor Motorcycle * C ... •.MU 'IO VOLKSWAG~ 131·2040 4911t •949 VISIT YOUR
sold bJfore uam 2895 REMODELING SALE· COLLECTORAMA yrs at 12~%. live· SwapMeet,bikes,parts, l87ll8eachBlvd. .,... Bakeo SI. ""' Venle. Cwotm d'"' "' old, 0rr. A.,ll <lh. 5th .. ,pm. , bo "d ,11 p. Sa>. ooo. & ..... ..,;.,. F"dar. LUY 1/ ..... Sia.. Hu NTINGTON BEACH CIOaed Sundayo 0RAHG£ COAST
Cash onlySat&Sun • wht , 58" length. SSO ea. Buy . Sell· Trade 675·9007 ; eve960-1725 April 17. 6pm-llpm 0 C. fJ~h l~~d~c':;~~ .. ~~~~ 142·2000 --HONDA
:::om plete hou se 6'8"xl2' sliding dr win· Featuringweaponsofall ---Fairg·rounds. CM . <S 6056 -------H '"'"""'°• "°'""· ml•· dow• SSO. l2new framed "''· Swonls, '°'"" wu '18 Wellen.ft No.a XL. 24/h,. ;nfo. lnteuhow• e"oH~Y $S'9I • TOP DOLLAR EADlj)UARTERS
cellaneous. Oaycrulser, St'reeos SSO. Amana souvenirs, indian Fully equip. w/trailer, 498.9226· H TODAY
11 jet, rubber raft & out· re!rig rru $50, Kitchen artifacts. antiques & $12,000 Dys. 642-2928 : --------OWARDChenolet PA.ID FOR &'ST" 110 AOWAY •••
bond•. 23· D•Y""'"'· ,;n k · F<lgld•I" '"" 1 • U>ous•nds or co11ect1b10 "'" 731-04'3 . ~:.:,::, ~ s':'~.~t ,.~ o N ~W:,~,\!¥~~5,,'1,u GOOD & CLEAH """ • •• U HIYERSITT
• ,·et ... •bber ra'".
. best offer. Other odds & Items too numerous to USEDCJlRS'. 835·3171 SALES&SERVlCE ... u d
. 14 ' boat with t8hp 968-1601 83J..0555 ~ OLDSMOllLE outboard m ini-c-ruiser. ens ~ mention. OC Fair· Evlnrude outboard ------THfvLJ1.,.ueo1uv1110 MACH1Nt
8962 Bainford Dr Hunt· L ,.._. groun,ds. CM, enter gate SS20. 675-71.22 Motor Honws, Sale/ . .;; CH EVY LUV. chro~~ HONDA ington Beach, 963-5275 OH 3A, o f Arlington St -----R•nt/Storage • 160 h I *USED BMW S * GMC TRUCKS Sendsomeooeyouloveat----__: ____ >. L w ce s, wide tires, '765.JOIAS/R (24191 bouquet oC 30 multi col· Pool table. solid oak. •1 yman Bay Laun<'h, ••••••••••••••••••••••• am fm stereo cass. '776.30csiauto (0040I 2850 llarborBlvd.
ored balloons Heavenly leather pockets. $400 La P 5 tr 8 k e. V 8 . WE CAM SELL $2975 bst ofrer 640 0010 ·79 3201 (7560) COSTA MESA
For Eastelr & your own _84_2_·_89_5_1_____ 9ornady mMausritnsee.e bteoa a~ .t. YOUR R. V. • C .__,,. a.iu '81 ·79 320iA St R ( 7089 > 54~9640 Jarage Sale. Turtle
Rock, 10 Cool Brook. Irv
Sat/Sun 9-4. 955-2117 persona message . -' ,.. mr: " 2150 Hcrbor ll•d. '80528iAsunrf 10013l Perfect for every oc· Pool table. regulation prec1ate. 675-5208 __ ~_1_304__ I-ton I 2ft. Stake Cl Md SWtdo '79 Prelude. red. xtras.
cas1on. We deli\'er. size,bestoffer ZClassicBo~··21.Centry RENT 22 • tux mtr Lirtgate. duals. air CodaMna64S.5700 ---~ _'f'I verr lo mi . auto . 673-4419 644·512.8. ..... h SI 6 tr nond pr1ng l TL-M Ex It $7150 OBO 644 2659 -------Coronado. 21' Centry ome ps . se cont. , . :. ::.. pwr s . WAlll..ITEDI mr: ost c htCJ
PI bl S Resorter(714)673-2328 S275 wk .+ 8• m1 aux tank . mort>' "" • PartOfYour
;;UPER SALE· Sun only' 100 cocktail glasses & oo ta e, ears l pc 640.8!>85 Workhorse complete Lale model Toyotas and W
Movmg Sale Everything
goes c heap Sunday on·
ly. 27 Mandrake. Irvine
70 Honda 600 Sedan 40
mpg St.500
979·3666 9AM Collectabl es cups from closed slate, 6'. xlnt cond. BostonWhalerl3'40HP -----tSer3961J Volvos . Ca ll us IM PurchoHOr
e c
1 1
em.,· restaurant.$50.64~7051. quality acces . S250 eng,S2000 f ra ilers, Tra•~I 91 7 0 OHLYS9998 TODAY!!! ' LeauCoulcU•
more. Dealer Prices Perris Valley camper ------__ 673-2191 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mclaren BMW!!
751 1680eve
'8-0 llonda C1v1c 1500 DX. ssooo best orrer ' ----644-8615
35S Ro<'hestcr<.:M shell to fit Datsun truck. 5cott ski boots. large ~"24 Aristrocate. hke new •Chi•. MU '80 luy Or Lease
. h II 18 ' llay Cruiser S31800 1KP6858J LU 3 Family Yard Sale cab h1g . SlOO. 2 man s e. mens SS0 or best Character Boal P<1rade 499.3816 V
/2-tonPlckup TOYOTA·VOlYO 8y0...-f'hoMPlan!
·79 Honda Civil'., 5spd,
am fm t•ass. xlnl c-ond
$4300 firm 493 O'l76
Everyth1n~ cheap Kayak wl2 fiberglass ofCer.631-5058 Winner 673·7677, 613· 4-l>peed trans ' ~1ep "uH..-..lhd. 1714)522-5333
E 20th. oars.Sl65.645·1876. fY. R di SURF Tenttraller.Sleep!.6 bumper,rad10.etc.<Ser Co•l•M .. • ----•a o , Goodl•ondition 94621 .S6l98lcssGMre ,,.. .... ,10 1.540.901 ORANGE COUNTY'S
OLDEST .Costa Mesa. Color T V. 23" Magnovox HIFi, Stereo 8098 hatl•orS700 1978 SICIPJAC K. 963-4h/2eves
Everything Roes' console $125. Lots of •••··~·••••··~··:•••••• 24' w /trailer Xlnl = OMLYS5498 Sat Sun S·!>. Beds Din· m1Sl' Items. 675-7396 Beautiful Color 1 V '. 2 yr Family viH·ation pro HOW ARD C._-,,ro•-t
T b
. -wrnty. Free delivery financing. Call Gary or blem? W . l ti mr: IC
mg a .le. _D1i;hcs, Toys, Walerbed. Heater, liner $148. 646·1786. Don 631 1400. e ve go w Dove & Quail Sts M_etal Cabmet.s. Clothes, and mattress complete. solution' 1978 24' T<1urus N F.W PORT REACH B1rds&~a~e.Bookcase. $125 OBO. Sat Sun JBL Ll50 Spkrs !lflFantasyda)cru1ser Tr;1vclTra1lerSlt'eps8.
8 33-0555
etc 900ClaySt N 8
557 4765
$850/pair never used; Jet drive. gd ron. $5.500 mcludml( 2 bunk bed~ Sansui GXIO component 962 0042 Ne'-' cond1t1on $5,000 ·79 Chevy l.uv 4x4 Alu rm
r; A R A G E S A I. E: 112 • REAL leather couch cabinet, $130752-5120 a at R--'/ Ca 11 a fl 4 30 I' l\1 »Y"Lcm. r<1dar detector
E' erythmg !"ui.I go $235 . 22 .. self propelled --------Och'· '"" 714 842-8429 Xlnt cond 631 6306 or
Sat Sun 315 F. 16th St '""'Wer mower $85, both Panasonic stereo with 2 arte-r 905 0 &15 0820 c~ :Jnt951 ~-I speakers.$95 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 115 ' !>elf contained
----- -644-8615 motorcycle rac-k. 2 pro
1-toNH 8060 s a v e energy new Yacht I pane tanks. ele<· brake!>
••••••••••••••••••••••• r I . > l ". Sony Color TV CRITERION S995 646 5721
110RSE FOR LF.ASE irepace msert. screen. h led dS · 11·c1ass1cYawl ·,
· : blower cost S300. w wee stan 375 114 · Sll,\STA -.·lps· "·
Sma I s ize. perre<'t for sac rifice SIOO Call 551-4786 HarborC()('kta1l " · u beginner 540·1\R58 or ---Cruising kitchen. \cry dean.
979 4915 494 9647 ----~ u rt Is Mal h Is 2 5 .. Catalina, Channel ble $700. 548 2040
J -,-
RECORD collection. 1945 blk whl TV. sohd wood Hawaii. Tatut1 & Panf1c:
ewe ry to pre enl 600 cab , $50 xlnt cond H N ••• •••• • ••••• •• •••••••. i. , approx ome port wpt Bch tleavy uKG Heart Shape albums + Kenton ltd 760·0305 (714)631·5192
Pill box w 2 Rub1ei. edition 646-6229 (213) 328 5627
759 1643
Karastan Gold slightly loats & Morine
used 100 yrds + S3.25 Equipment
Wanted Gold. silver . yd 642 2113 ••••••"•••••••••••••••••
diamonds. gun~ PP will . ----&eneral 90 I 0
61 t2mo. plans prepaid
from Sl801mo. includml(
slip, lessons714 964-59~4 k C h Miscellaneous •••••••••••••••••••••••
pie up. as 964 ·4224 Watded 8081 H ·Sea Horse hull & deck
Machinery 8078 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S500 d1~co unl 1640 SAMARA.MG
••••••••••••••••--•••••\\'AN TED Girls Beach Pomona Ave .. Costa 2 Masted 70' Schooner
OeWall 9"' tahle~a w . Cru1!.er bike. good cond MesaCA.646·~ s ips 6. 8 by request.
steel cabinet mount, only536·2004Rhonda ----children welcome. 2
radial armSl75 673 lk19 "41t~s,·cal-------ave Yourboaldehvered heads. full galley, mam back from Ensenada salon, aux1hary de1sel,
MiscellGMOUS 8080 Instruments 8083 after the ra~e Call now available ror
••••••••••••••••••••••• "••••••••••••••••••••• Clark 67S.7109or631 6300 c h a r t e r (' a I I
John Wayne Tenni!. Club 'ONN Director trombone t 141 (7141642 4348 or write to Family memhrrship with c ase Excellent -:_x_ ~emsJ!. - -SA MARANG PO BOX
$1000 incl tran~re r cond1t1on. SlOO 675-8052 l\VON REDCREST9'J" 8381NB CA92660
675-5455 after 6PM Evmrude 6hp. 1978, xlnt I at s-u 9060 cond 714 1846-7303 o s , uot f ender Rhodes 88 • • •• • • • • ••••• • •• • • • • • • •
Xlnt cond $475 ant Topaz 24 diesel n· ERICKSON Dsl. s pot
'75 NUWAY 28
5th Wheel Trailer
1)46. 7649
4uto Se,..ic:e, Parts
& Acc.ssories 9400 •••••••••••••••••••••••
for sale
Datsun Z
+ other ports
1m ported car parts
101 N Manchestrr
Anaheim 77ti !rJ()(J
76 Che' y 1 • ton P lJ
St;inclard tram.. fi c-vl.
xlnt c:ond 70.000 m1 ,
S2500 P P 962 Z296
'78 GMC >/4 P .U.
\' 8. auto trans. power
s teering, power disc
brakes. radio. healer A
'l'ry h:ird to hod unit
w onl) 33,000 mill-~ and
exeellenl cond1t10n. You
will never rind a nicer
one for less tha11 our ~a le
priee t tMDH7491
7fi00 Westminster /\ve
in Westminster
893 7 55 I 683 7880
75 Toyota pickup New
eng . lift lot. sunroof
162557Zl $2500 obo
!>48 1477
·72 f''ord Courll'r, 4spd. 4
•vi. cam per i.hell.
.Jackman v.hb. radial
\lrl'!. .im rm. 'lnl ml'l'h
SIJ.W ORO s.i6 1648 FAM !LY membcr~h1p
John Wayne Tennl!•
Club Sl600 714 485 8700
Bab> Stroller
751 -8967
6Jl-9243 boat. used in dependable less. sips 5, Npt Bch s hp I S_hg~tly used tu_rbo kit
cond1t1on with ac-avail $24,500.833-0818 I 70 747D68at5837sunZ<"ars
Prof quality Da Vmc1 -¥ans Accord1an w ca!.e. $600. ~~~~~f~~ilind. Box CORONADO 15 Sails. I --•••••••••••••••••••••••
962 1913 - - - -trlr, extras Eves c:all l.utos forS. VahleRatfll
r k c 128 I . -I aoats, MainteflClftCe/ 714/637 1956 ....................... Used Cars!!
Brunswick Pool Table
$200 or best offer
642 3778. fi45·63<12
aamme · <'assica Ser•ice 9020 l IMPORTANT 1979FordV
g u 1 tar, x Int con d. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAILIOAT SHOW NOTlCF:TO Clft w hardcasc . S\25. Boat Rerurbishing. ex· ApnlJ.4-5at READERSAND Con•e-nioft 644 5259 pert paint, \/amish. re-Riddle Yachts 675-9137 ADVERTISERS C B .. slen!<l. air. power
t place settings of floy;il a · R t Th f . !.leering. 1mmac:ulate. )cVille Cs tm Ele c . p· irs eas. ra es. 14' AMFSunf1'shSa1·1•-... ,l e price 0 items lowm1·1es
Dyn1"sty by Ste1ff now 496 8954 e es ""0 d · d b h" I Kirk SteiH appraised Guitar w.case & amp. --· -_._v __ . --andcartopracks. a vertise Y V<' ice (1M28226l
$2500 Will Sell $1800
$275 Dave675·0386 E d T $400 6<16-4647 dl'alers in the vehicle . nsena aor ranspac? classiried adverl11>mg
549·2888 Office~~ &--Marine Electrician HOBIE 16 xlnt <'ond most· columns does not in
Equi.......t , 8085 Design/Install/Repair ly aarag..,.., trailer $1750 l'lude any appli<'able
Manufa cturer Goes r·-··· QuaLwork.549-2520eve " ""' Retail !
off ••••••••••••••••••••••• rirm548·7~Pat taxes. license. transfer STEAL IT MUST SELL rees. finance charges,
normal s tore prices. Oak · SPRING SPECIAL ,... I b fees for air pollution con·
Et W 11 U l Conference table l4fl 50n0 off on above-waler ..,o um 1 a 22. h 1 n g e d egere a n1 s · · " trol device certirications ,.
ns169 0 k t . sohd oak. SlSOO. Day· Boat Cleani'ng-Sai'I/ mast. spinaker. VllF '• "' . a en ertam· 646-9048. Eves: 661·2990. $4 800 846-0467 or dealer documentary
ment centers $59·Sl99. --Power on I Y from · -· --preparation char~es un-
Sohd Oak C-Offee & End ~ m i t h Co r on a Miller's ~arine 645-7641 21 ' Sloop, built 1938 less otherwise specified
Tbls S49-S99. 1242 La typewriter, Model JOO OHer expires 4·30-81 <Classic). new rig, fresh by the advertiser
Loma Circle. Anaheim Good condition S200 bottom. SSSOO. 673-4508 -----------~ c.ta• 630-8272 Call Dalebout Bay & -----Anti~et/ ~ 83i.aDl Beach Ask Cor Janet ats, Marine 32' Erickson. very clean. Clauics 9520 . -
(21 Original Desert 011
Painti{lgs by Vance
Danner, 50 yr old Buffet
+ other mLsc items &
rurn. 673-3472 2021
Kewamee Dr COM
Equi____. 9030 well equipped, S33.SOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 Dodge Van Con· Sm 1th, 631-7300 . ,.......... w 66 Mustang Sedan. 8 cyl, \•ers1on equip 42.000 m 1. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 consider ~D-1 Volvo Penta lqt per partnership 5116-5081 289, orig owner. AC. $4200 546-3837 relephone d1verter.
e l iminate expensive
answering service
Divert the call to the
number of your choice.
hr diesel w/reverse gear ------auto. PS. $3200 640-0325
$1095 645-8746 . '74 LIDO 14'. new trlr, --- - ---$17001080 '55 Ford Victoria, 2 door.
JOhp Mercury outboard
with controls. $800.
556-6817 hardtop, Original, SSOOO.
--751-3965 (Irvine Terrace l
Lawnmower 22", hke nu. Original cost Sl200. for loab, SN-/ ~ $139 sell $75 ; girls sale. $!>00. S1S.J4ll ___ Docks r-9070
btcycle 26", gd rond $25. r Y P ew rite r. s e If . ONDA 7.5 Long Shan. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••
631-1658. correcting, full size. of· yrs o ld . Runs good . BOAT SLIPS FOR RENT r $ Cheap. 548-8954. 645-7491 NP1' BCH. 25 •. 35._
Ga.me Show Prizes. Chop· ice• as new. 375. .,...,_ • ., ••
'49 PLYMOUT H-Very
Restorable, runs good,
SlOOO/Offer 673-4419
1952 BENTLEY Sf'dan.
runs everyday. SI0,000
firm. 675·9056 plJl& block table lop 8118-8940 '79 Sears 15 H~ Outboard ____ .,._ ........... ___ _
dinette set. 2 tents & 'IClftOI & ONJmts 1090 ~!~tor with hne & tank. )()' Boal Slip on Channel.
t rail cooker. 35mm ••••••••••••••••••••••• tcond.SSS0.972·2168 N.8 . $200/mo. Dys: '58 Mercedes 219,
camera & acces . 'Davenport"Piano.good EVINRUDE6HP '78xlnt (213) ~94·6954 ; Eves: sell.makeoffer.
Various a r t works cond. Weekends only cond.$475 675-9742. 673-6996.
MS-5131. 661·87SU400/080 (7I4l846-73i>3 W AMTIO: HOME FOR Rec:reaffoftal
Vehlcln 9530 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Ford Van. '78, lo mileage,
V·8, immac Custom mt
Sink. icebox, dinette.
recliners. cabinets, etc
<714) 644·5128 N.B.
VS. CLEAN. Sl600
SQ van w/sunroor. lsSs cc
motor Revnmp or use
for parts. Make offer.
John 646·3815
'74 Ford custom van long
bdy-bar-bed. Beaut
Engine 7 ~mi. S3.000
'78 Dodge RV Van. Self contained. Xtras. low '72 FORD 4\llo. al e.
miles. 842·5241 stereo. cpt, paneling,
trans ; Ul00/080
'71 Dune Buggy Reblt. 957·8281
Sales-Servu:<' l.cab1ni:
Roy Carver.Inc.
Rolls 'koyce BMW
1540 Jamboree
Newpor1 Beach 640-6444
Allow us the opportunity
to consider the purchase
or trade·m or your clean
Pors<'he Check w1lh Us
BMW 5301. '78, mml cond
'7 7 Red Honda CMc
5 s pd hatchbk. shown in
LA Auto Show Xlnt
<·ond Mu.'l see to ap-
prN· 5 spd. :lO MPG.
\"Ustom cloth ml. sunrf.
Ii I a u p u n k L ,\ M F M
t' a ~ i. e l t r C I ii r 1 o n
t>qual1ter booster.
Jen!>on Tnax1al !.pkrs.
S<'ll to be.I offer w1thm
10 day!> Pvt Pl} <714 l
760 0305
1l6Jl H.;1tx,,1 Blvt1
t.••~ G'o-.t-... 6.1'·2JJ.l
Top Dollar
For Your Car~
2626 Harbor Blvcf
Costa Mesa 540-5630
We Pay
f''or Your Good
VW , Porsche or Audi •
445 E Coast Hi way
at Bayside Drive
Newport Beach 673-0900
. Premium prices
paid for any used car
(foreign or domestic)
m good condition.
See Us First!
.:llli8 11.irbur lilvd
I 0t1'-I" \k:-J S..tll 0:l:l0
RunnincJ or not
frM Towlecj
Open W Hlrettds
1714)891·05 I 7
•utos, Imported •••••••••••••••••••••••
Gette rol 9701 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Lo Mi. Mint. Xlnt. LLke
New, Show rm Cond,
Concours Cond .
Throughout, Wht wl'fan
lnt, Am/Fm Cass. 40+
mpg, Complete Cal.
Reg. $S900/Best Offer.
CALL (114)497-3749
Alfa Romeo 9705 •••••••••••••••••••••••
1981 ALFA
8'8 Dove Street
Day s 9 5 1 500fi.
Wkends eves 499 ~146
75 2002. Sunroor. am fm
stereo ~95 192SM\'ll 1 Jo9uor 9 7 30
752·5120 •••••••••••••••••••••••
78 BMW 3201 . 4::.pd, ml.'ll
paint, a c. am rm t·a!.::..
snrf, alloy whb. po!.1
trac. Recaro seals. lui..
us pkg PP $985() OB<>
After 6pm 559-9140
'78 1'2 Joquar
While red leather. op
tivn~ galore' low miles.
Friday & Saturda) Onl)
SI 1,999
Soddlebock BMW 76 2002. Sharp, lo m1 .
reblt eni: S900 ::.ound system. 4 spd, :.unrr MissionViejo
$6,650. 545.7474 8 3 1-2040
Capri 9 7 1 S '67 Jaj;\uar 3.8 MK llS all
••••••••••••••••••••••• orig ,·ery well main
73 Capri V6. spd. 64.000 tamed Must Sacrir1ce
m1, clean St950 846 8570
640-4086 '69 Ja~uar ~:Type. S17K
Datsun 9720 1n,Hled. -.al' S12.500
••••••••••••••••••••••• J ohn fi75 8384. 642-1200
••··············•······ ·74 J eni.<·n lleah Wht
" l'On\I lop. 4spd~ In mi.
$3500 days 546-1707 e'es
~O;M .............. Molll "72 rnterceptor Ill 34,100
miles Nice shape S7000
Wknds "9-1·6044. Wkdys
640 4404
Slightly used turbo k1l
'70· '74 Datsun Z cu rs
'74 DATSUN B-210
3 dr hatchback. s1100
557 5594, 759-5656 wk
'74 Datsun 8210, 4spd.
rebll eng & trans.
radials. c lean
$2000/0BO. 76Q-2691 or
Mazda 9738
····•···············•·· '79 RX7 GS. 5spd. ac. sun
roof. 16M m1. lk new,
$8500 499-2181
·75 GLC. auto. a le. stereo
cass. 23.000 m1 , xl nl
cond. must sell 675-7026.
540-3233 X263
"19 Mazda RX7 TT. Air.
stereo. copper cir $7095.
ph 549·0522 bef 6 pm.
after 6. 54~1824
'78 28-0Z. S6.280. 35.000 mi.
blue. xlnt cond. new Merc•dn lletG 9740
tires. air. 4Spd. am rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• tape. CaU675·0082.
'74 B210 H Back Clean.
Low miles. 30+ mpg
New tires $1595
492 4281
·79 280ZX, while ext wine
int 18,000 m1, am fm.
auto, air. '<Int cond
S8500 /0BO
(7J4 )640·0488.
Tor DOLL.All $S
Call Jack Baron
1970 Harbor Blvd
631 ·1276 833-9300
197 6 2101. 2 + 2 '65 Mercedes ~. new
Auto trans, a /c, em/ftn eng. totally restored.
stereo, mags. Xlnl cond. 499·4910
SS,555 !714)528·1024 -------'73 280C. Xlnt cond. Must
4 speed, air, stereo
andm ags. 59,000 miles.
Very Sharp! (283834>
sell. S7500/0BO 752·2404
dys, 552·5477 eves.
M.B. '79 4S(f;L, $31.750.
Maple/Yellow Tan lthr
l$K mi, 2 tops, ca&S, PP
840·1218,642·21JJ $5,'95
VOLKSWACHM 1981 300 SD Turbo. Ju.st
187U8eacb81vd. received. Must sell.
141·Z000 <DD286l l 7141559-05.52
11 200SX H/B. Blklblu. '71 2SO, 4dr aed &Jl .
Quiet. seductive 36'
Wiiiard Tr•wler needs a
permanent place to live
l:n N.B. Ir you'd like a re·
eat ship to dress up your
w•terrront please call
(714)556-4957. Non-live
engine. Runs well. S900 ------~ or best. 979-6747 ~..._ WmiliM . tHO ·1a Sedan, 1 own, •lw•r• ••••••••••••••••••••••• f11r , xlnt. cond .
Bnm/t.an, bla-op. radio. l.nl. Like new. Muat sell. clean $.S,OOO. $51•7133;
•S7too/OBO. W-8487 or s.se-ocno
993-5'91 eve..
Dana Point Slip. 2A" draft. max. $150.
Fibergla&s dWK' bug. St
teaal40HPVW. roll bar.
top, runs1cU3MPG. Fun
car Sl.250. 64.s-$UA
r~ 4 WtieetDriYft tSSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Alrcreft 9 I I 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••
WE PAYTOPOOU..AR 3250/080 544-4889.
for top used cilu· &4l·S882 . _
ror•l1n, domestics or ... '101
cta11lc1. Jr your car 11 •••. • •••••• .. ••••••• ••• extra clean. see ua
FlRS'I'! 7JM1' (
Automatlc, atr, stereo,
extra low mlleal eu_per
aban1t 11 Friday • SaturdayONJ <UIGITJ IZ4"
t1•1 t1d.IMW M...._
•77 DATSUH '72 250, 1m7Un, clean, k>
•• """'"• ser v lee r ee. $&too .
4 1petd, air, cassette, 7U·llOl, 1SZ.1750 m&11 and shadow. 48,000 , ___ _..;,_ ____ _
m II o. It•• s h arp ! '79 Mere.eds Benz 300SD.
<285UPZ> 24,000mUee. Snrf, "\al. 17,ltl cood IM.toO.MO-~
11111 BHch Blvd.
Ai1191, I..,• led • AMM, l•••rhtd MIN. .... W MtM. ..,,rted.. Allto" l•pcwhd Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Sunday. Aprll 5. 1981 DI J .•••••...••.••....••••••••..•............•...• ··-·······--··· .. ··;··· ..•..•.•.•......•......•..............•....•.. ~=~ .... !?!~ .= .......... !?!~ .~}.~~ ........... !..~! ~:::!! ..... .!??.! !~:!:r:e. ...... !?!.~ ~~·.~:~~ ........... ~ ... ~~ ........... ~ ... !~ ................... ~:~ ........ ::. ..
11aza.ma rot1CM11tn '71TOYOT• PUBL C vw •11 POP -TOP c.-.c '''' .. .,,..... '910,_.. tt4o -"12 XUfTCOND. S5000 121. Fully ioaded. 15,.00 C-.CA •T I Camper 21K ml, nice ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••
CALL7eo.t2'71 orl1 ml., xlntcond. "'• L9'l'IACI cond . $8100/080 A clualc ar\ deco '71 Malibu, aUver. lo '1ST-Blrdwl\hmoonroot. '65 Mutt 2+2 28e. P/S, _________
aide • out. Bl\141 book 'aPMd. air ~Oon-551·3436PP Eldorado Rommel m11ea1e.goodcond. Tilt •teer. cruise. PB. new tires. reu.
:a~,~~11~: :S·fi~;T~ Ina, uereo! cuttom NOTICE .70 BUG. orli. owner. would've loved It. Runs. ~3811. loaded, lmmac, white _494_·_U33 ______ __
(200381). Ask lor Duk~ wbfflaaodsbattellktoo new en1. w/warranty, SflOOM.2·52:51 MmtW! ext/lnt.U!I00.499-321M. UMll Ford Musung. v.a.
oTMllle. ~.be,:n~ .!t":~l!:i OPM•A.1.Y am/rm cass. idnl cond, '79WhlteCadSevllle. Dal •73 MONTE C>,RLO . tt45 Red .ext~rior . black
CODClit.""1. 01J tale tw M-1'U t PM 12400. 557·52118 w/1]>are t.ank. Xlnt cond Silver w/ burCuridY in· ••••••••••••••••••••••• vinyl aot;enor. New at.eel
ly (175UJXl + extraa. 962·6683 or terlor. Power brakes. •77 UMCOLM belted urea, runs good. S4JH IRANDNEW•l'• 'H Convertible, very 673.0139 ateerina. ValAIA" $1495.642·4321,ext210or •AaW_.. ... ...., 1ood condition. S3400. Sl600 768-5837 Styled lor toda)'I Lwc:-eveningaM().7049 . . ,..-t="~"-RA.881T ~i·90'0 aftiPM. '68 Eldo. Classic. Xlnt llJ'Y equipped wlth full •66 MUST ANG 6 cyl, · "* <-> '68 Squareback . good cond. throuchout. lwplet' ttJI ~wer lnc~I power Opd, &d . mlleaae. TIOOw-etA , Slltl 25,000mi. on enaine ........................ wlndowt, powu seai.., $l'"""/0BO ....... """""
p b
u 9 tU lD -.WO.kt mp1. nme gre:st! Only Sacrifice. Sl900/0BO. •71 CHltYSLB Ult wheel crui.e con· """" .,.....,._, t!n"r~~in:. aood cond. ' .JIS·1~t ea.;eeo RABBIT PICK\JP ll250. 494-4705 Listed In Gold Book at COltDOIA trot. atyled 1teel wheel•. '6:5 Red Must.an& C~ 700.~ . ,.....,. 9167 (C775M4) Vol'fo t772 $3300.492·5733. Come and .Jet It! (209UPX ) Now ju1t Goodcond,$26:50. -------......:.-•~ •• ~··••••••••'••••••• S6H5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautifully t91uipped. ~97 • Johnloo & &m SSJ-5940 '77 Porsche !JU, blacr '77 CDV, whl on whl, Lincoln Mercurv Coste ---------' '61 Triumph TS-I. fd VOLVO Cabriolet roof, pwr with factory air condi· '· xlnt cond. $7,300. cond. Hardto""• loavt. RABBIT DIESEL • \ionlng, power wiftdows Meaa · M0-5630. 49S-6938. ·• " (025111) seats . locks, am/fm/CB. &t t st f •---------~•lop It t.onQeaq . cover. SALES, SBYICE tilt. cruise. Lo 47K mi. aea 5• ereo, ~unroo ' '63 Lincoln, lood cond.
'76PORSCHE912E 13100/offer.l'fl.~ S6ffl AMDLIASIHG S5362 14 puy ·off . tilt wheel, cruise con· Manynewp&rt.a.Bestof·
'77 Mustang 11. Black.
•spd. amlfm stereo.
New tires. 1ood cond.
S319S or best offer.
S36·4912 aft. S: 30 '77 280SI
Blue/Blue (30412)
'722'0SE Gold/Bamboo (14566)
Mint. air, sunrf. lo mi, 71 ~ DIESEL PICKUP OVERSEAS DELIVERY 646-4701 :1~ ~~) J!::S~nfoL fer. S48·49SS.
great mpa. 499-l642 SPIT'MI (OllMl) EXPERTS '76 Seville, sunrf, stereo. Son Lincoln Mercury · '71 LINCOLN '66 Mustang. S2SOO or best
•71 21051
Gold/Bamboo (01~141
4cyl,4speed.Ahancaf S7'H 47 ,000 mi. S6800/ofr CostaMesa -~5630. TOW.MSIDAM offer.
'7S.'970 to own, ID veat tOndl· EAILEIKE 559-5958 COtlflftnhll '9JO The naphipofLincolns, 00.-584.9
---------• Uon and vet)', very ,... JE1TA VOLVO CM1aro 9917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fully equipped with all
'77 TARGA Mint Coad! asonab.}e .f•t only (l61T10l 1966HarborBlvd '77UMCOl.H the luxury including '79 Mustang, 4 cyl auto. lo
m1, take over low int lse,
6 mo. to 24 mo. 751·8910
dys 545·fi635 eves. '71 210SE
TanfBrown (813161
Xlnt stereo system. new {220WCN) $7791 COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• power seats & windows,
'80 Porsche color. SJ7ff 646-9303540-9467 '78 Camaro MAJll(V cruise control, tilt
P7 U I
IOIWRtt•... SCIROCCO Air, automatic, power The styllng is superb on wheel, stereo (03SUKJ)
•DIESB.S alarm, a oys. o mi, -OlAMGECOUH'TY s teering. 27,961 m 1lei., this Mark with all the S many xtras. must see Lo VOUlSWMIM <ll3077l> (882VEI> luxury options mcludmg See it now 6497
appreciate. $17,SOO/OBO 7600 Westmtn&ttr Av~. 11495 VOL VO S4981 full power with cruise Johnson & .... ~ LMincoln
'68 Mus tang, blue, 289 V8.
p s. am/fm c ass .
$2000/0BO. 548-6756
•11 300SD
Black/Black lea. (81320)
'10 300TD
Beige/ Bamboo ( 16607 I
'79 3000
White/Parch (182361
'79 300SD
MaplefBamboo (04771)
4°•.9927, ...,,.,_....,50 in Westmint~ Largest Volvo ~aler control. tilt wheel, vin."1 Mercury · .,.,..ta esa · """ _., "' ' ... uER DIESEL Barwick Imports " 540-5630 893-7551 ~ DA.,.• in Orange County' 831 3311 top. 1072ZXE) Yours for ----·------
WAGON (9al551) BUY or LEASE • 1ust S5998 Johnson &
'66 2+2 Fastback. almost, '79~• 'llO 924 OPTS. 17K mi
Sspd Snrf metblue Sl2K
SS7 .4571 , 97~
71ftl ..... S S '7 6 UMCOU4 t If DIRECT .69 Cumaro· Like ntow Son Lincoln Mercury MICV COUPI
7 3 . O o o m II es vs. Costa Mesa -54(}.5630.
restored $4.200. ••
'7t 300SD
Mil Sm/Bamboo (047681
'7t 300SD
'77'"' Porsche 924. Xlnt.
cond. BUt/Blk. Polished
mags. am/fm /cass.
A/C SSSOO. 714-833-9595.
Dynamite Spitfire
Roadster. Lovely Conti·
ti o n In A114 Ou t !
SEDAN (901448 1
10120 Garden Grove .Si
Garden Grove 530-9190
Loaded with ever
autom atic. P s S3200 •79 LIMCOLH ything ! Lovely cond1
846 4744 MARJ( V tion! CAJNl17)
'69 Camaro 307 Needs
work $800
This beautiful Mark is S3,ff5
highlighted by a Car· JIM MAalMO
riage Roof (looks like a VOLJCSW AGEH
convertible>. Full power 18711 Beach Blvd.
Oldamobile 9'55-
••••••••••••••••••••••• •
'76 Cutlass Salon. T-top.
Mag Blue/Parch 16604)
Ivory I Parch (160111
'75 914 l.8
18711 &t:ech llvd.
142-JOOO ----------'7S Z2S Camaro. low
miles, Brwn w/tan int.
good cond. SS.'iOO 645·6122
including power seats & 842-2000
windows. wire wheel
c overs , stereo .
!5S7WWG> Now jus t
S949S Johnson & Son
Lmcoln Mercury . Costa
New Michelin radials .
FM stereo. Everything
works SZOOO. 540·4190
ext. ltl2 wkdys: 661· 1175
aft 5PM&wknds.
•450 SEL
•79 450 se.
Silver 'Black (912231
'77 911S, blk. loaded, low Volrsw..-t770
miles, must ·sell. make •••••••••••••••••••••••
offer 154 1Sl6 w1·a1 OWJM'!
'69 Volvo 144. Runs. but
needs work. Could be
restored. SJ001or best of·
fer. 645-6066
'10 CHEV Rally Sport
SI ,ODO. Call aft 5PM
'77 UMCOl.H
Black /Black Beaut y
with a II extras Only
42 ,000 miles Mint •
'76 Cutlass Supreme, sun·
roof. air etc Quick sale
S2.0DO hrm. Lauren or
• 450 SE ----• Brand new 1911 VW Je\· CAMPER
'76 450 SE
Pas Blue Prch ISl3281
'75 PC>aSCHE ta w/5 speed trans • U ·
$12.595 914 COUPE tras ' (2727).
4 cyl. 5 speed. stereo. OMLY $1571 • SL's
h•ory <~I
'76 SL
Brown Bamboo 181333>
Yello" Barn <366271
'79 SL
Ivor y Bamboo 1563i0l
'79 SL
Eng Red Barn 1532531
'79 SL
Silver Red (56227 1
Wh1tetS1enna 1611221
Classic sports car in
superb running condi·
lion and appearance ! If
yo u appre c iate
perrormance. drive this
on e h o me for only
7600 W estmms ter Ave.
m Westminster
893 7551 683-7880
'74 911 snrl. u1r, alarm.
c a ssette. xlnt cond .
$11 ,250. 673-7225. ---·---Roltt Royce 9756 •••••••••••••••••••••••
·75 MBZ ~LC. sunroof, JR{ CARVER
many other xtras. SS.ODO ROUS-ROYCE
mi. xlnt shape, $16,450 or u40Jambot'u 11Wwpor1 kUll offer 766-9031 . 833·2900 \L----'-.......
X200. ClOSfO SUNO.llYS
Brand new 1981 VVI Con·
vert1ble w automatic
trans . sport 1teer1n1
wheel & extras. \010il
Diesel P1clmps. Rabbits
C ampers , Da s her
Wagons " Sclroccos In Stock !
3940Cherry Ave.
t714>12 l·t Ml
SALE ENDS 4 5-81
7600 West minster Ave
10 Westminster
893 7551 638-1880
'IO··~ VW left & right
door, "73 left door. SSO
each Western style whJ
rims for Super Beetle
$20 ea 5'8-9744 ---
Problems? Any risk,
SR-22's, low monthly
rates. Pirkel Ins 646-3995
'80 VW RAllfT '75 VW CAMPER
4 cyl, 4 s~. cassette Pop.top, sharp, $6000
stereo. Excellent co"di 960-2133
lion w/only ll.000 mile&. -----
A tremendous buy this '67 VW VAN amlfm cass.
week end for on I y nms good S1:n>
C884ZEE> 67>4872
IOl:AM '79 VW Diesel Rabbit. 40mpg & 53mpg hwy.
79 lOOD
VOLKSWA... Mist gr~en. 4dr 20K
Saab 9760 7600Westminst.er Ave miles Cassette stereo.
••••••••••••••••••••••• in We;tmin&ler air. sspd, snrf. Extra Blk. SJ9.SOO 841 2736
·77 2400, stick, xlra lank.
S9700 or assume lease
635 0100 days
494·7111 eves wknds
1911 SAAi
MG 9742 BEACH IMPORTS •••••••••••••••••••••••
·79 MG beautiful convert.
Only 9500 mi by original
owner who reluctantly
must sell. 646-8610
MGI 974 .. •••••••••••••••••••••••
'67 MGB-GT.
$1500 549-4032
'67 MGB GT Good cond.
Needs new upholstery.
$1800 or best 494·2136
848 Dove Street
P~t 97 48 1O 120 Garden Grove Bl
••••••••••••••••••••••• Go\rOPn Grove 530-9190
foyota 9765 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'79 T oyota Corolla
198 I PEUGEOT L1rtback. Sspd. xlnt cond
$3100/or assume pymnts TURIOs ors1ss.2Al mo. s.w-1150
'80 Corolla Sport Cpe, BEACH IMPORTS 5spd. a tc. snrf. pts . p/b,
M8DoveStreet amtrm 846-4351 eves.
NEWPORT BEACH S31·2110days
75J..Ot00 ---------'79 Corolla. 2D 17M ml '75 PEUGEOT Am /Fm stereo, heater
504 STAllOHWGM. '3650 <OOlWRC> 960-2834
4 speed, air, stereo, low
miles. Dynamite Condi·
lion (S45MRV) 54·"' JIMMdtMO
VOWWA•et 18711 •ach Blvd.
Llflback 5 -speed.
beautiful condition.
••••••••••••••••••••••• 18711 Beach Blvd.
'71 812£, xlnt cond , ___ 14_2_·_2_000 __ _
brn I t an . u rf. • l r, "75 Corolla, 2 ctr, auto,
am/fm cua. Sl4,000. 2~.000 orl& ml. tillot
(714>m-... cond. (%13) SC-3111
893-7~ __ 6Jt.7880 tank l.OOOrmle range.
•77 lf'W Xlnt cond. Take over 0 .. ...._...,. low mte~t 48mo. lease
.....-.-at $218 71/mo Lea~e &
Lovely low rh\t.tl•, 4 obll1at1on S3 ,646. door wagon. Autodlatic Wkd 7,...-.. k d and air Original hte ys: ...,..,._, w n s ·
blge rinish Flawless -752 6097·
(567UBZ> ·75 VW BUG good cond.
Sl.ftl new tires. runs great,
JIM MAIMMO amlfm stereo 960·3470
VOLKSW A... eves
18711 Beacfl atvd '72 BUG xtra clean, rblt -~-~41-2~ eng. am/fm cass. MUST
'64 Baja Bue. Runs good SELL ! S2SOO I 0 B 0
$9001080. Need i. sell 851 ·9141 daya, 548·8196
fast. Ron 63'1·9069. !ves _ _ _
'63 vw Bua to PU.._ con· '67 Con vert .. lmmac. See
version 12K on HIOO to appreciate $4800.
needs ,.:ork but drive~ 120'') 38thSt. ~B.!_7~4233
daily. S700. 548-4321 '71 Super beaUe convt.
'70 vw BUG xlnt cond, mint cond, nu e na'
n e w 5 n 0 w t 1 r e 5 , chrome nms. nu tires.
S1800080&U-ES7 am/fm c as s $4500
'72 VW ConvertHl•le, reblt 1978 VW -Con--rt-C_h __
eng, nu tlres t brh/ ve · a~·
shocks tt ge a . r Ill p•tne Edit 8,0DO m1.
stereo. needs llttW body Michelin Ura. chrome
work s~ fWS.2'11t1 wheels, AM/FM cass. . . S7SOO . Call Dean ,
VW Super Btetle '14. 675·6000
Sunroof, radials. 4 spd, • -----. --
sacrifice. mo<.t otr. 67 But. fresh p81nt-lnt,
673-72'%, WJ--drlt blu/wht, stock &
'77 VW Rabb\t. s nrf,
s\ereo. cieaa.-.tocrer. ed-Mt
'74 VW Bus, Por1cM eng.
Great buy! Only $27$0.
(2131372·2la'f. or (fl4)
"71 Super ~I. te'blt ent.
new paint, USIO. 6'$-tfll.
clean. lot.a nu. 641-1~
SUntoof, 4 slttfld, brown
and bet1e. Very Sharp!
(871022) "·"' " ........ '"° voa.asw.-..
\1111 9tach llvd. 14Z..20H
.--Mew tl00Ail9t. ....
Mesa · ~5630. ----675 3059 Bonnie 540.4786 __ _ '73 VOLVO
Automatic. air, stereo
Top Condition (321GS3l
18711 Beach Blvd
• '77 Camaro LT, a c. Conetff 9932 '66 Olds smog certified
x lnt me c h , new
tires brakes $500
494 6739
pwr windo ws. d oor
loc ks. a m r a dio . gd
cond S3599 645 0057
Auto trans .. air cond ..
and more! Neal car '
cSer S251).
VOLISWAGEH '6S X Int cond Ne w
18711 Beach Blvd ••••••• ••••••••••••-•• Piftto 9957
paint. top. tires S2095
P.P Call646-4343 OMLY$6591
HOW ARD Chenoa.t
Dove & Quail Sts.
_84!·_l _OO_'!_ N1l·e ·77 Pinto, snrf. 4spd.
Mercwy 9950 lo m 1le age 499·4296
• •• •••••••••••••••• •••• pves. 971 0410 days __
'72 Pinto. nu tires. mus\
sell S1100 bst ofr PP
962 5340 eves
••••••••••••••••••••••• Power brakes. power Plymouth 9960 ~ ~~~ .•.......•......•..•...
Call Ed <7141891-0517
Part time Mec hanic
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jor Overhauls. Fair
prices. 548-5282 Ed.
PICKUPS from $35.
Available at local Gov't
Auctions. For Directory
call Surplus Data Center
AMC 9905 •••••••••••••••••••••••
lmmac. '74 Gremlin All
custom. 22.000mi. $2200
546· 7813 aft. 6PM. ----------lllick 9910
Only one prev ious
owner. low miles & a
future classic in superb
condition' Original
paint! Must sell so will
take only Sl900! Call
551-3014 or 495-0507. If no
answer. PLEASE keep
'69 Skylark. 2 dr. VS. top
cood. 52,000 mi, 1 owner,
Cully equipped, best of.
fer. 6«-4701
'71 Buick 9-passenger.
wagon. Air. full power,
xlnt. cond. $795. 548-1591.
• Che¥. MU '80 • wmdows. power steering
LINCOLN-MERCURY •79 Horizon Caprice Sport Cpe. with tilt/telescoping
Auto trans. air cond. s teering wheel. air.
loaded' Gor~rous ! !Ser. AM /F M stereo. rear 1068) window defogger.
16·18 Auto Center Dr 4 OOCM"
• ChH.HU'80
Malibu Ckntic
4 doo r Sedan Auto
trans. air cond. loaded•
Beautiful' <Ser 0545>
ONLY $7898
HOW ARD Ct.evrolet
Dove & Quail Sts NEW PORT BEACH
We have a good selection
o f NEW & USED
.x'4 ll.1rh11r Iii\ .t
' c "1 \ .., ~·-' \
automatic trans. Snow
white with Burgundy in·
ter1or. 27,000 miles Im·
mac ulate t h ruout !
SS , 100 . 754-6790 or
Answer Ad #209, 642-4300
24 hrs.
'80 Corvette. white. navy
blue int Glass top.
loaded. S.000 mi Sl l ,900
77 1 2005, Wkend s ·
SD Fwy· Lake Fores t 4 s peed. power steering.
exit am rm. two lone. low
JRVINE rmles, excellent condi-
130-7000 \Ion!! Friday & Satur·
'12 Mercury Montego MX
Great Condition' Fully
equipped with power
seats and windows. air.
pow e r s teerin g
(921 EOJ I $1797 J ohni.on
and S o n Lin co ln
Mercury ~5630
day Only' (303UDBl
Saddleback IMW
Mission Vt.io
'66 P lymouth Valiant: 4
spd. VS. 2 dr. hrd top.
Xlnt mech & body 1
Fam car S800 546-1515 '78 Ma rqu1s wagon, 9
'SI Corvette. black. grey pass . loaded . New eves _____ _
mt. Glass top. loaded. Michelina Xlnt cond '78 PLYMOUTH
1.0 00 m1 Sl5 .SOO . $4000.0wner.67~161 ARROW
77 1 2 005 . Wltends · '78 Mercury Marquis 4 1 4 cyl,autotrans.a1r con·
S32 ~262__ door , Don't wait on thls dit1on10g. stereo. A very
•75 Corvette, blue. •spd. one! Air. power steering pretty htUe car with on·
a c. $67~7-0478. ~~:ns~n°~~2l~~~~ ~~4c~~it~~l.e:,,d ~~~~
--------MercuryS40-5630 affordable fo r onl y ockJe 99 35 I 498V AF I
-••••••••••••••••••••••• 78Mercury1.epher Z7, lo $3499 '76MOMZA
2 +2, 4 Cyl , RO Od
mileage. a /c, radio.
trans rerrable warranty.
557 ·3.'>27 or 759 0060.
'78 Impala station Wl!n.
air. ps. pb, xlnt cond.
S2850 548-S737
'73 Monte Carlo Orli? own,
very clean Sl400
S48 2040
Coupe 4 cyl, auto trans.
factory air condlt1onmg,
•79 DODGE mi. PS, PB. auto, vin IOI Wm4AM
OMHI 4 DOOR lop. 53300· 97s-5099 PP VOLK SW AGEM
Super Gas Saver! 4 •79 MEllCUIY 7600Westminster Ave . c y I i n de r engine , 1n Westminster
automatic transmission. ZEPHYI S93·7551 638-7880 · d'U' · d This great 4 door has ---air con ' onmg, un er h t t' .,. t Po-"lo• 9965 23.400 miles Super w a you wan . .-ac ory "' ..
clean! \519XKA l Now air conditioning, power •••••••••••••••••••••••
only s4997 . Johnson & steering, vinyl roof. '73 Grand ville fully
Son Lincoln Mercury . radio. (013WY A)· Yours equipped very good run·
Costa Mesa . 540-5630. for just k297 ·Johnson & nlng cond S800tOBO Son Lincoln Mercury · 5S7·2668
Ford tf40 Costa Mesa· 540-5630.
••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Torino 4dr, VS, runs '63 COM ET Convt. New
gd. c lean S900/0BO eng. top, 22~. runs
642·4753 gd. Sl,600. 496-
Mint cond. ·79 Firebird,
400 cu m .. T -roof. silver
wired int. loaded. $6300
832·5697 eves.
power steering. stereo. •to ~cuaY steel radial tirei;, A '66 6cyl column, clean. .,.._ '73 Ventura Hatchback.
40.0DO orig mi,
964·6948.957-0197 beautiful economy car new brakeslbatt'y radio IOICAT
w only 14,000miles Ex $725497-4062 •FORD FAC'.f:ORY
d. · d D R I V E N • S u p e r cellent con 1uon an on .70 Ton'no .... _, gm/wht, d sale foronly 1958ZEHI ..... economy spee ! 4 $4999 reg. gas. auto. p/b , p /s, cylinder engine, 4 speed
IOI W.-... •M !j
. good cond. $900 t r a n 1 m Is s 1 o n A ""-"' ""° beautiful "Golden
---'75 Pontiac Grand AM
most options very good
cond. Black5Sl·l398
VOLICSWAGEH • . Touch" car! (443YPQ) '71 Firebird. like new,
'73 Buick 9 pass. Estate 7600 Westminster Ave. 78 Granada. Ghia. F/P , Now ju1t $4798 Johnson xlnt cond. fully loaded,
Wagon. Loaded. Custom in Westminster sharp, clean, xlnl cond. &c Son Lincoln Mercury . S 3 9 o o I 0 B 0 . P . P .
Int. New tires. $995. Call 893.7551 638-7880 $3500/ofr. caU 831-70C8 Costa Mesa. M0-5630. _!73·6~_.-_ aft.er4pm (714)760-0450. ----
Cadflhtc tt I 5 4Mtos. Mew 9100 Autoa, Mew ftOO ...... Hew tlOO Autoa, Hnt tlOO ................................................................................................................ ~ ..
We apeclalbe in leans
for the bualneu ex-
ecutive at prclesalonel.
L ..... S.lldlotl
OfMtw ltll
Zb(X) HMbor 9llid. a::..c.. Mt-M. s.40-9100
11 Sevtlle, Y•UOW, lthr,
1unroof, loadld. S"7K ml,
$10,SOO. 711).«m
Power front disc brakes. vinyl interior.
bucket seats. (1 49880) (41476)
4 speed. power front disc brakes.
(010650) (41167)
Power front disc brakes. vinyl interior.
bucket seats. AM/FM MPX stereo.
AJC. (542200) (41550) ---
0~~ 1981
Power front disc brakes. vinyl interior.
bucl<et seats (2071 16 )( 40900)
1/2 TON
·~...., .......
C.p. $6465.30. Reslduel $3438.00 P~. 3ax'145. Colt to ..... $58ib9. .
MOWEVE~, ~At .
f F THE 00'( LOST
·THE use OF ~15 flN~'?.COULD .
,. SEEM 5Ue1' FOR
Tl·fE ~OLE OF THE DIKE... . ..
A Ple.ce_ for Ever~in9
~ ... ... •
-'UNDE~&lAND! eoe wA&o~e
le> UNAele lO 6ET
AN Ot..0 Fft.IEND
YOU~ TAe>TE 15 •
Tl1M'O 1H! LEA~ 1 CAN DO FO~ Af' OL.0 ~RllNOt WHltot
~. lOV'Rt lEAVIN6 I ~LON'l,JAeOH!
TH~OUOt4 TMAT N0-6Lff Pftf0
l-0~1 MY MINO!
2 WE!Ke.' HOW A&OUl' Fl.IGHT. .. ANP A LOr
-.ov t(N~,
0.0, 45u00St.ll.."4
I ""''~"-11 '~
~ AR'fltHt 1'0 r~£'-&~-r1't {{ \
HM ···
I'D 1-ll<'E TO
S~E you
AFTE~ CLASS,, k,Ayo.
WHA..,.'S -rHB ees-r APV1Ce '>CU COUL.P
cs1ve A. e>ec91NNING
wen.c.. •. ,.,. 19
NOW l Cl-OSEI '!!Ft UP/
by Ferd and ,Tom J9hnson
Wt:Rt:N1T VE:RY BLAME:' ·~ ll-lt:Re:1s
WELL PREPARED ME! Y~. 'l'~~~ PLENTY OF TODAY... -. .. t ~ TIME IO •o Do MY ~ 1-~ HOME-.
WORK ...
91!9SION, WA&..'1"'/
AH! "fl.tE SOONP.S OP S'"I Nit 1
SP'RINe'IN 'TH8 W...,.ll
. . · ..... , ...
iHE Wlt..17 FW1'Tt:R
A L...ASSO •••
% . #-.. ,, .
CAN YOU TRUST YOUR IYHf TMN IN It ..... tll .aHtr-
enc.1 lft *•*'nt cletaU1 Mtwftft ftp 1.-MfM ,....... Hew
quldcly CH you find them? Check •Mwtrl-"" tMtt Mtow.
,. \
A rhymster who Is also
a puzzf lst expresses an
unusual math problem
In jingle form and has
the aolutlon to back It
up. 'rhlt 11 his verse:
And from nine you
You WIUrdl now""
problim ••,laln.
From forty subtract
fifty Ind tften,
Oddly•"°"'"' \u•t l\elfldoatnw II
C.n vou figure It out
.• ,, "-~ .. h!Vt~'
""'4J. IC '-""' i '""'"' i If It MAttl lfMlllAI •t it .. AH! •• '""II" ... 'tft.tNiftll v•w•• u 11•1111M
·19 I
llONOW .. w•r .-.. "°''~ ,...,., e WWd lMI Alter the fir•t letter of .. ch .nim.I'•
Ml'ne H MC•Mry. Chafttt1 L Ylk M 1 frff, I. IMr te 1 .,&Ht. J. Wtlf II a spltt. 4. MouM ~ • d-'ll"f.
Ylmt1 JO secendl. ,
... ,... , 11-0 t IH d ' 'llt() I
• Nlddlf.Me·Thlsr Why I• tltne lmJ>Mtal'lt to a .uMd ~r .. lts""1!? Ewry second counts. Which Rus*11n
Cttr launchtd tftt atomic eo•? C11r Nuke·olll.
Whld\ fish him•,. VP? TM ect0t"PYI.
HIV, TAXU ClnMCt .. ,. '" 1 to a, etc .. to obltl'Vt. ""' .. ........... ,....,.. tf wtttr travtt Wftlt can It lte?
BALL FOUR I Add the following colors to this provocative baseball
scene: 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. 3-Yellow. 4-Lt. Brown. S-Flesh.
6-lt. green. 7-Dk . brown. a-Black. 9-Dk. blue.
SCORE 10 polnh for u$1ng all the
letters in the word below to form
two complete words; '
PILOTAGi -. -. . . -. -:. ) .
THIN Kort 2 pOlntt tach for •II " Wclrdl of tour .... .,. or more -toyn<t among the ltfftrt. .
fry f9 ICON tt lfftt JO '°11\tt. ' .
'1!04 ..... llU•Awe1t41*4 i -. -. '".r ~
You count on our products to lighten Ye>ur household
chores this Springtime. Now, we'd like to add a little
entertainment. Just enter the 'Vacation M Home" Sweep-
stakes, aoo you could be watching 9iant:screen TV on
your own Home Entertainment Center. Or recording your
favorite TY ~tfld~es on your ONn VTR machine.
Tum your extra ~~·time into vac$iotl time. And it couldn't~. ~ltef~·s how:
money.saving couJ)OnS on these gr~t, time·saving prod-
ucts by .JUQe 30, 1981. Just write your name Md address
on the toupons t:¢foN and redeem them at your favorite
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of entry. No purchase required. All 1,001 prizes will be
A deluxe. GE• Horne Entertanment
Center . . . complete with 45"
diogonol rear-projector colOr ·TV
screen. S program. 74¥JV progom-
moble m8mofY fecofdlng fY'Stem.
with slow.motlop. quick-motion.
freeze-frame. ond ouc:lo-cU>blng
replay editing technlQues: duol-
mode. QUOrtz remote-control elec-
tronic tuning: coble-ready mid-bond
channel selection; hi-fl performance
system; digital clock: matching
bookcase ... all In handsome. pe.
con-finish wood veneer. Plu$ Speciol
Bc::nss: A Mottef9 lntellMsion
, .
-Slllll Ille Qumion .......... -Asia -f.-Y ~ .., l•UllllO" A\lt ...... ..,,. ,. y 10011
Wilis Iii¥ SS tar .........., QuntlOftS Seny. wt U11'1 ._ lllllels
Hour of th• ~n• ·
How cld pou ......... .., ...... Alba1
a..t.ID wba ~u ..,.. JOU119?
-E.B .• LlnJe Rock. M .
• For a science class report In junior
high, I described how the A-and
H~ worked . This was dumg
the height of the Mee.thy era. and
the next thing I knew I was Dalg
Investigated by the F.8.1. They were
concerned with the threat a 12-year-
old kid frocn Brooklyn oould po1e to
OJ cocne E • Ndl national tecurty, Instead of rcalzlng
that ti I could figure It out. t0 c:ouJa
any decent physics student. The Incident brought me brief Jocal notoriety.
Md when my &Mchar-lamed that £lnstein wa5 my hero, he asked me ti rd
like to meet hin, and with my parents we drove to hJs Pmceton house. I re-
member him as a snal man with a thick German accent, knc:Uy but distant.
FOR .IUDY WOODRUFF. NBC-TV correspondent la..._ MIPI ._ tb9 pr...m A1r''rMrllduu...., from
118 pr.a.o-. ID •"n .. p? -S.G..-0.WU..b. Wis.
• bl a superbJ MnSe, ilfonnldon is Ju$l as easy Jo
obtain, but there is sttl a>nfuslon about what office
should be dlslrbutlng fads and where to go for certari
inbmldon. My eafy b111>1asiot1 IS that Ragan staff
members are more conscious of the hannfuJ role the
pras emt haw, and, therefore, men cautioUs about
releaA'ag ilformatlon.
Wlw .._ ..,,.. W.'ece ~ eo at.1111 cl wllh the
....... t of lrw ..... he .... Cl f ..... lrnpleceeNe
..._ ..... to......_? -N.M.. -r.n tt.at.. Ind.
• This • because he Is anxJous to protect the reference
mallatals of his next book -out next month -The ln-
al'l1Gte l..Jua of Famous People, sklCe he ti cMalng with
famous penons who me no longer ilround (Neon
Rockefeller. Queen Vk:toria, Gandhi. Madfrt Luther,
· Marfyn Monroe and ochers).
FOR CAROl.E SHBJ.EY, ._ of Broadway'• The·&-
ph<wrt Mota Whr do pou ,... ..... Otllv c:YdN& ....... ...., lo
.......................... , *•1-£. ...... """*' ..-. "·'· • BecaUl8 we haw to make our own amutement.
Only chlldml have fantasies. I had .. Peter," a fanu.y
brotha for years. ChidNn from big famlies don' haw
this need; they're not lonely. We get so used to play-«t·
lng IMt • ubnately becomes the ta! tlmg.
Ja It true that a.bra StreilMd le IO
pa.ta encl homeiv Ill rqJ .. that DO
one reca1 ' • hlr? -P J., Yadl, h.
• Greg Mulavey. who audtioned for
a role In her recent movie, The Main
Event (but did not get lt). sums her up
as k>oktng llkeJ"a little girl" wth a low
speaking voice. casualy dressed and
not the overpowering personality he
expected her to be. Kart Page (now In
NBC-1Vs Dtmoing Powa and who
was falured in the movie The Eva of Juat '--1n the aowd? Lawo Men, produced by Jon Peters, 0 ,..,._
Streisand'• beau) reports that she dldn 't recognize the ac:ns,, on ther &st
meeting btca.1M"sb.e JooMd SO lrl50'li6cant and tiny." Kari reportl that It's
c\.l!llommy b makeup and wachobe miff to check over the actors. On this oc-
casioo, ~ did I . and many of the actors did not Nabe It was s.tn.
FOR RICKY SCHRODER. star of The Eorthfit'9
....... Ul' aCllDr you ... to .......... ~ grow up?
Do poet ..a toe. a ....-1 -LS .• T"'8. Taas
e I realy don't want to copy anyone. H every ldOr
copied other acton, all act.on would be alike. So I think
I'd rather stay the way I am. I realy don't know what
arpcnaar me.is, unlas you mean to be nice and Wei·
known ~John Wayne. He 911" me good advice. He
said. "Ricky, the cridc.s newr liked me, but the peopJe
clJd. That's aJJ that counts. Be Yourself."
FOR PEGGY GLENN. author of How to Sot and Run a
SU«Ol/ul Home-Typ1n9 BUlllnas
An ~-home _.... c.P._,, -P.S.. Wllaalngton.
• Yes. ·People will paY. a home typist poorly ti she lets
lhem. The trick Is to start off con9demg ~ a pro-
falional and !jYEg your dena ... tmpaaon; then
solldt only ptofallonal \\'Olk. Be the boll, deteamtne
hourly charge Md control the worki1g te!ml and c:ondl·
tions. Then no one can taka'edvantage of yau.
FOR uEur. NEl. RUENZEL. publc-r.ations omccr.
Unllad Scaites eoms dua'd •
Wha• .............. theCOllltGu.rd.cSo.ehe ...
• • c:Wml tD wmfllv? -E-8 .......... C..W •
• There are groonq standards b the women as
well as the men. They Q:!ude NlattwJy short ha-and
limb on the Ute ol makeup and jeway. The obfec:t of
these standmds ts not to detract &om pilnoMI ..,.,....
anoe. Personal appearance II 'Important i-.. and hU
~ handle the c:ufttg end stv8rlg al women's hai-. •
Should Natural Gas
Be Decontrolled?
"Hey tana, Ira time to take a swing at Nabisco's excit-
ing ''lip to the World s.1es' Swl1pm .... Grand Prize ta ·
an__.. P9ld trtp tor you and your tamlly to the first
two ..... of the 1181 World SertM, -my guest. There
are valuable oltw prizes, too ... 1,291 prizes altogether,
worth over $70,000. To_,. send In the .itry torm below
or look tor detals ln:petlng atom where Fig New-
tons c.Me, Niia W. and Nutler Butter Cookies are
IOld. Thars one ... two ... U-delclous ways to take•
chMce on NI~ ''11p to the World Serles Swe1pmu.'"
.,.. ...... ,..._.,I. lit.., C0119111t•tlllOlll ...,..._" ••*'>"a Y lllatl """· .....,.,.._ *-i·llt ,_,..,._._1111_ ......... .., ......... l'lllOIWC....... ................ e...i.PIS..,_C:...ialflBllllTlUl~*LA ...... 11-** .. _ ... .,., ....... ~ .............. _ .... ,.. ....... _111111.ta..., .... ....
-·------· .. 1111.....,,u. ...................... . _,_ .......... ,....~ ................................... ...... ....-, .... -.... MUlt.,__., •t1111..te .. 11t--.Olllr•,ri11,..__,11 ............................................... d~-...... -................. , ... ,..1"'"""1Nt-'*'" ........................ ..,. ...... ...._..._ ....... tlC........U.SA ...... _....,_ ........... ...:cl ............... i'i!!' .... 11111 .... ---.. ... --.::: ... All ...... _........... -'r .. ,.,.111 .. ..,...................... --.&-.ala Ml ~ILf.lltll.
' . ~::GRAND PRIZE Gran~ Prize is an expense paid trip for you and your family to the first
two games of the 1981 World Series as my guest
401st Prizes W lr1t11tv11le1n• an11•g11t11V s,.lllmWlth
b11 e bal cartridge. Provides entertainment and game play
using preprogrammed game cartridges.
~ 100 2nd Priz Mlnalla .,..._,.....,... c.m.ra F"nt wa~
~tight tloating pock.et camera. t10 tlm. Buift.4n tash shoots
under water, at night. In the rain or snow .
~o ~.!li Prizn ...... Elldl•llc e111ra.1 o.ne Al the tun
and-*'tnent of b111tlel ~ c:on'1>t*' plays d--
and COi llroll pitchea. Simulated b 111 bel IOtJnd effec11 .
it· -Nutter -~-· B~tter
To his fans Bruce Springsteen is
nothing less than the messiah.
But despite being heaped with
accolades durtng his eight-year
career, Bruce, at 31 , remains unef·
fected, a driven Innocent, still pla91ng
with the same enagy and ~ he
exhbted at 16.
. Beckstage not k>.ng ago, In Hart·
ford, CoM., after yet another plt·stop
on hJs ~ 1980-81 tour, Spring·
steen reflec:ted on that parttcular road
he's traveled, from youth to rneturtly,
through rock 'n' roD. .
"It's funny," he said, flopping ex·
1haustedly on the dreulng·room
couch, d clad In his concert sweat·
shit and dungarees, "I go beck a cer-
lllln amount of time wllh mOlt ol the
guys In the bend, and we can think ol nWo when we wea al 16-anct)>lly·
Ing In this tffn dub In Jm,ey. And we
get Into ml the lluff ~ hllppened tn
~. ltdoan'tfeelthlltmuch~-
ferent now. What happens 1ns1de you
ls very much the same.
.. At the time I was doing what I
wanted to do, and I think people
Judge the ltva by the amount of
freedom that they have, more so than
the amount of money that they make.
I always felt &a when I was young
because I was playing In a band with
people ( liked. I'd get up when (
He mov be aD imlJa now, but the rood
to 1uc:ca1 U101 a rocky one, Indeed.
wanted to get up In the daytime and
then I'd go out and play at night. The
other night I went to a nice litt1c bar In
Seattle . There were onJy about 20
people In the place. At first nobody
knew who I was. I just got up and
played a couple ol songs, got the
place rocking a little bt. It felt the
same. It felt good."
His legion ol fans has always realzed
Springsteen'• Inborn rapport with a
crowd. long b8fore hll records took
off -hls iate.t, The River, a double
abum faturlng the. smash single
"H\Ul9'Y Heart," Is by far hit biggest
seler -It was his concerts that made
Sprtngsteen a cult figure . His dilclples
would sleep outside tlcMt senas to
assure getting seats. (Springsteen's
new fame has only made things
worse. For a series of four con<leltS -
80,000 total 1Ub a~ -New
Vorlrl Madllon Square Garden got
over a rnlllon lndMdual mat-order
Concerts IUllalned ~igMcn. In
fact, during the two-and-e·haJf-yes
h'9t\19 t>.tween ha. -=ol'ld ablm and
his thtrd1 when conlr8Ct lltlgedon be·
twell\ hkn and .. fcnMl' rnaMglr,
Mike Appel, ~ him &om relullng
any new materlal.
More than most rock performers,
Sprtngstaen is at one with hts audl·
ence, rather than above them. He1J
puD an ecstatic teen-age girl from the
audJence to "bump" with hlm durlng a
rendlk>n of "Tenth Avenue Freeze.
Out." Or he1J fall Into the aowd whlJe
singing hls mythical "Spirits In the
Night." Or maybe stop singing and
smply hold the mk:rophone out for
the ma.es to complete f°' him a
vene of "Thunder Road" or his lnevlt·
able earth shaker, "Rosallta." "There's
a certain" entertainment factor hap-
pening In the aucbence," he adcnowt·
edges, "and t yPU look' past It you're
gonna miss tt."
When his third al>um, Jbn to
Run, w1111 flnaly ... ~ In 1975, Its
coiled momentum shot It straight
town the top ol the charts, hurling
Bruce, face up, onto the cov .. ol nm. and NelnWUk In the Arne
week. Such hype W• Uncharacteris·
ttc, but Bruce Wal amat 8"0~ to
overa>rne It: "You try not lo get ca"9tt up In I. Once Pou get IOme
aucc.e lt can go two w•; It can con·
ftn• you, or hoptfuly. It can tile you
mon room. The Ida II to malntliln
that &.dom becaUll you can loM I
aillll;." (continued)
f'MkYwmo.Y, .... .., ••
"Miiiion Dollar" Zoysia Lawn! Water Once! Never Needs Watering ••int
NO llll[O 10 (It(, IJP YOllll I AW ~
PltJG IN I '>/ /OV<.,IA
"r,sradlna your curren1 lawn·· requires lhc r' t telec:tion of arass ..eect plus "'ttaular ap.
p ca1ions of ferliliztr (1nd lime where
Deeded)." This at1icJt llso \aid )'OU -4,
"'Weed, insec:t ind d~be conuol. •• Sound flmiliar? Of coura!
Wh7 not foqet 111 that work and U~IO,
and ptua ill Famo\ls Meyer 7.-S2 Zoy111~ To
uparade your lawn with ZO)'\la. don'\ di& it
up. Jua1 let pluas into holes in the soil a foot
&pu1 or Jen. Let 1hov plua• ~pread toword each Olhtr ao Corm • Cllrpc\ ur \Olid turf. Growth is so viaorous it .:hokn out old
lfOWd'I )'OU ~111111 10 CCI rid af. WEEl>S l~CLUDED.
from Coast to Coast
Illa S.nllw
Proa ff ..... N.V .. f_ La-Jltodle wriin how he plan1ed
plup "in the worst poulble
placo-clay wllh weeds and 1ravel . . . It formed 1 4• thick carpet of arau. Jllot chll·
dren, doss, e&I' rabbits. utttmely hoe 1uo
or droasflt could ltill 11."
,..... lecr ... aco, Cllll .. Jack Mone writes
how he bouahl our Zoysi:a "Cor • ..,c:cd in-
fested lp0(-41 toot catt of the problem."
,.._ ........ M.A. Low, Sr. wrii. how be
visited a pftyaldan friend In Alben Lea. Minn. where he uw a "Whole back .Yard wu entl~
in .r.oysia and it wa. bnutlfu) ... a deep S*n.
Tiie 1U~1 of many thouundi of dellahted Famo.1s1t Zonia ownen 1wai11 you. Pron It
to younelf today.
.... mt 0.1 A9lh'
n. d~ -Qll )'out s>ll&P is the 4-'Y they are on their ."1 to you. ltcaute tm.i.DtM
counts. Laltel.ao4 IW l lhlppln1 ooinll. oae lft Ule MW.. uid Olll In the 2Mt. Yoer .,._ .,, out form tlM neartst Point ..,._ 0., Fresh., Md relldy lo Pt1W, thlppina
dlatel colllctioe tht llM>"t tconomkal ~. Oil CNdll ant Olden, the ablppins ClOet wll
be ,...,.W ltf 111 Md bila.d eo 7our eccount.
Lalr.,•nd'• f ~. 30.8.,ow-ZetO Zo~a
T•k .. Wear, Tear, Cookout•, Children'•
Game• •.. After 30 Below Zero Wlnte11, It
8ounce1 B11ek Green, Thick, And 8NutHull
Closett Tiiing To An lndettrucCJl>I• Lawn You
Han E11•1 SHnl
Poor Soil? No Problem!
Our FamOU1 7.oy5ia pfuas are so vimoc~
we avarantec lbem to arow whatever your soil-from heavy cla~ to yndy sub·IOils.
You caMot lot&.
Meyw Z-62 Zoyala Oru• WU perfected
by \ti• u.a. G~. 1nd r11teued In co-
operaUon with tM U.S. Goll Astoe11llon.
rrs so EASY ANO
Stan your own maanlflcenl. perennial 10J1ia lawn with as few b 100 pluas. Jutt
let your plup ettablish solid turf. Then
take up transplants and plug in other placa to your heart'" desire. Plu1¥Cd areas
arow ri&bl back Into solid turf. Your Np-pty of plup I.\ endless..
Prices and 81rr•lns
1f Jou plant more 1ra~1 •hat sits there an strupln-<>t' die~ un you-you m1y
not min your wort and meney. Ir's lhe
lime you cannot recover! So (llUte don't
confui;e Lakeland's lO-Below-Zero Zoysia
with any ordinary turf offered as a "bar·
pin." rr uur pluas ~'0$1 a little more in
tbe be1innin1. they remain. in the Iona run. tlw only lrllt: berpin for your lawn.
Ord91 1ua,.nteed f pn.oy.4. _,... =· ,,. .... ft)' ,._ -...... -..... v-~ wit '9..., at uirtfat.....,.,.. ttmM to ,IMt ..,.,. ....
~-----~---------------~-----------, LAULAHD NUR8ERY IA.LU, Dept. NL·M .. HMover, h. 17111
,.,_ Hiid 1111 t111 ctrtitltd 111d 11111r1"ttff
'•-• loJtla ph1p ch.c"4. 1..._ ..
0 100 l'l\IU l l'lUCIGOI ll.OOOl90'0 t JO flU P\UIS
V!h!t HUI II ·"" ........ , ..... H.t!
0 100 l'lUGI (LOOOUSY> + 10 FllH rt.UIS
v11i11 m.n •. ·"' '""'·. • '" "" M.!i! :i 200 '4.UGI l l't.U'Gl:ll <lOOOIUYl +to "'' P\\:GS VIII .. $20.24 ...... fU..11 ••. T!! .... ti.JI ,..._. ,..,. PM•.;;--··-i
0 900 rl.Ult lloaot7-m + FlU Nl9GP • lto ,., .NIGi
VtM @ll .. MMHf .. T!!•ltf,tt
0 1000 Niil IUIOUOl Y} + Rill l'WGQU &IOO,.H~utt Ytt11 HI.JI •. !!tr W r , .!ft I!!! t!U!
~ 20C10 PUJOi (\.OOl.2tl'f} + 2 ,_t PUJ0e0S a = ,.,.U PWCI n• 1111,g.. .,.. ,,. ..., ,,.,,.
OMO PUf11 nr==flU f"WGCnS *"R1W··~•11y
Poet of
The mean Stteets
{continued} ·
A desire for freedom has the while I made Grutings
pervaded Sprblgsteen 's life From AabUJ')I Parle (his first
ever since his youth. In fact, ab.am), I was staySig on this
the predominant Images of friend's living-room floor. l
his songs -cars, factories, used to enjoy the feeJlng of
the beach. hanging out, not having a place. Right
youthful yearning -can aD now I have a house that I
be traced to his background. rent, but I never really set It
Born September 23, 1949, up as a home. Consequent-
in Freehold, N.J. -15 miles ly, I feel more I.Ike an area ls
Inland from the shore town home -the bars or the town
of Asbury Park that he's -rather than where I'm Uv·
made so famous -Bruce Ing at the time."
was the first chUd of Adele So complete Is his identlfl·
and Douglas Springsteen. cation with rock 'n' roD's
(He has two younger sl!ters, rambling life that the usua.lly
Gtnny and Pam.) The name verbose Springsteen Is lit·
Springsteen Is Dutch. but eraDy at a loss when asMd to
Bruce's father Is mostly Irish, describe what It's 11ke coming
while his mother Is of Italian off the road. "It's a littJe
descent. disorienting at first, I guess,"
It was in this smaU town he tries. "It's actually hard to
that the seeds of rebellion remember. Once you get
began to chum In him. 1ln back on the road It feels like
Dave Marsh's 1979 bio· you've been out forever.
phy Born to Run: The After five shows you cannot
Bruce-Sprin!Pfeen Story, the recollect what It was I.Ike be-
singer remarks, "I lived half Ing home."
of my first 13 years In a Home, of course, ls where
trance. People thought I was he labors on his powerful
weird because I always went and emotional songs.
around with this look on my Rumors of a •ve abum have
face. I was thinking of thtngs, been circulating for yQn,
but I was always on the out· and Springsteen promises
I "Nobody could demand more of me
I than I would demand of mysel.f.
Nobody haa higher expectatlona."
side looking tn ." one is coming soon. The on·
Spmgsteen 's father held a ly criterion the perfectionist
variety of jobs, from f~ory Springsteen has for any of his
worker to prison guard. work ls excaDence. "Nobody
Mostly though, he drove a could demand more of me
bus. And as Bruce notes, than I would demand of
again tn Marsh's book. "My myself," he says. "Nobody
father was a drtver. He liked has higher expectations.
to get tn the car and just ... The most chaDenglng thing
drive. He got everybody else Is to do what you want to do,
In the car, too, and he made play the kind of music you
us dr1ve ... want to play and do the kind
Even today, Bruce's most of thow you want to do and
enduring romance remains win an audience. Win people
wtth the road: "I guess from who will listen to you, Win
the beginning I was always peop•'• ears, ·an kinds of
eJded by the klea of going people, and then SUSblb\ that
on the road," he says. "J relationsh-'> by being rapon-..
nevc had • real lntwelt In' dJle about It."
stayWlg home. Part of ttt. The mNS11f IOdal life per·
Idea of rock 'n' rol tt to go on mttted by his hectic tourtng
the roild, lo bmg It where schedule -four hours of
the people ... to go to all manic: mUSlcianlhJp perhaps
thoM kdt pltca In the Mid-200 nights a yur -CONlltl
welt, NY. rally out there, of hanging out with old
whee ~ may be nottq frtends ffom hit Jcncy days,
• tor m8a and mBll and fellow bend members Md hil JUlt go In 1Mre and J*y. -.ady girl, Mpirtng ectral .. , IYed In meny dlh-ent Joyce ..W.. aca..on.Dy
pa.c. and I got UMd to that he ewn Ntum1 lo hit Jer-.y
l9idlng and I enP,,wt It. All loots, and he jolca thet
is an eternal teen-ager. a
romantic cowboy loner, rid·
Ing from town to town astride
his six ·string elec:tric guitar. i "That's the funny thing,
0 when you ride into town and
0 see all the houses," he com·
~ ments dreamily. "Uke when
J we played Pittsburgh; it was
dynamite there. That city,
when the sun's out It looks ! Uke it's cloudy. h's great
The /amllv Springsteen : Bruce, mom Adele and lllte1S Ginn ~use all the people in
(left} and Pam . V thetr gray little houses com~
down to the show and Its
every Ume he does, he con·
ttnues searching for the
seaet, forbidden girl who In·
spired his famed '"Rosallm."
.. nl drtve by her house at
night and look In the win·
dow," he says. "I always
think I'm going to meet her
on the street somewhere, but
it never happens."
wild for a few hours. Then
you go back to yow room
and you see that gray skyline
and you feel Bke you \.llhi>ped
it, just for a night. For a little
while you feel like you f'9WI
won something." l&J
Bruce Springsteen, like a
character In one of his songs,
tf you thought you couldn't
afford a home of your -own,
th"1k •"'· You 1t1U can! Over
1 S.000 tamlUe1 =:8 you have bultt Miles using our atep-by-step Instructions.
50 exciting dc>it·youraelf mod·
el1 plus a t.,11 selection of
optional packaget -like heat·
Ing. plumbing and electrical
paCkagel -are available to
give you the home you want at e prq you can affofd.
NO OOMf AAVMINT -50 lllOCELS S..,.. Ctedrt TetN CUii price 124 000 AM.111..c:::::,. ''~ °""""' ---. = .... °'':::-~"':1Z~"i= :. ftM ......... .,_ .,_, IMy _., -ID "'*',......,. dwge....,,,. ............ -...._ I lfnlllcil dlllVI OI t~ llWlllll ..,_,..
....... • ...., ID I bllltlOI IQllll 111 Ill
_.. o.ICl llCill -... ~.;; c=::::.c:.:~r ............................
Uii)~ -···
.•• ,.... .......... '*°'"· •••••lkM• end ....... ....... MCldlfl • • ew .. ,.... ,ou Med to....., your home.
See""' ranch honHta, split-level homes,
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/Jomcta. Plus the complete MllH story Inc/tiding
d«alla of our unique Shelter Finance Plan,
pre-cut quallty, aVllileble options and more -~you nffd fO pick out your rJream ttont.. s.nd lor yours today. ____ ......
419 ...... &.-. '.0· 9oa41110, ............ ....,
ADOAlll:-----~---~~~-~---~ CITY--------STATt---'111'----
Sensation Seekers-Are The.Y Ever Good mates?
8y John E. Glbaon
1. Sensation seekers are frivolous
and are lacking in dedication to prac·
tical goals and serious purposes.
2. It's easy to tell the extent to which
your outlook and lifestyle are char·
acterized by sensation·seeking.
3. There are other Interesting dif ·
ferences between sensation seekers
and those who tend not to be.
4. TaU people are more likely to
score high as sensation seekers than
those of medium or short stature.
5. The more you and your mate
have In common as sensation
seekers. the happier your relationship
is likely to be.
1. Folse. Some of the most sue·
cesstuJ and distinguished men and
women In the country are sensation
~kers -defined by psycholog;sts as
"those who experience the need for a
broad variety of Inner experience."
National Institute of Mental Health
studies of sensation·seeking and Its
correlates show this is achieved
through various means: the arts;
travel; meeting new people: respond-
ing to diverse situations and a mode
of life that may resist conformity and
verge on the unconventional.
2 . True. A team of Adelphi College
behavioral specialists developed a
~sensatlon·seeking" scale, pretested
on men and women undergraduates.
which shows that "a sensation-
seeking tendency Is not a measure of
lmpulsivity but a measure of sensitivity
to internal sensations" (or gut-
feellngs). For example, the scale ln·
dicates that persons who score high In
the sensation-seeking characteristic
tend to feel that the most Important
goal In life ls to llve It to the fullest and
expenence as much of It as possib\e;
while the low scorer ls inclined to feel
that the most important goal in llf e Is
to find peace and happiness. The high
scoreT dislikes routine kinds of work,
while his opposite number takes a
pleasure In It.
3 . True. The National Institute of
Mental Health study (cited above)
finds that, In addition to a dislike for
routtne actlvlt\es, sensation seekers
have an aversion for dull and boring
people and experlenc. a .restleuneu
In an unchanging envtronment. Low-
sensation seekers tend to show phobic
reactions to mUdly threatenlng skua·
ttons or stimuli.
4. True. Studies of the effects of
body bu*! on penonallty traits and at-
titudes, conducted at Utah Sta UnJ.
ventty, showed that MtaJltr adults
\\'ere more llJcely than their shorter-
'Nlllll'I WllKLY, ~I, 1'11 • t
statured peers to view themselves as
sensation-seeking. likable and self·
directed (as opposed to being in·
fluenced by others)." It Is conduded
from the findings that perhaps be-
cause of their high-sensation-seeking
needs, self-pereeived likableness ~d
general enjoyment in social ex·
change. tall people may develop an
almost Insatiable need for more and
new friends.
5. Tru~. University of Wisconsin
studies on the s)gnificance of the
seruatlon·seeking motive in marriage
lndlcllte that marttal·partner similarity
In sensation-seeking plays a very Im·
portant part In contributing to a rawi
compatible marriage. IAJ
I -
· The lnte1national
Takes a Bow
By ffiotllyn Hensen
From the steamy ttoplcs to n~.
creamy· slices on Your breakfast
cornflakes, bananas have come
l!I long way. Welcomed In house·
holds around the world, they prove
ther versatility In appetizjng dishes to
tempt YoU and your famUy.
The banana plant ls one of the most
productive of food plants, even
though It produces food only once.
The plant is actually a giant hetb
whk:h may re~h a hetght of 25 feet .
Each pliant produces a stem wlh 10 or
more buncha, known as '"hands";
each hand has 10 to 20 "fingers," or
At the store they should be partly
yellow because they wUI not f1>en
property at home If they are too
green. A fully mature banana Is
pJump; thin fruit was cut too early and
may not r1pen properly.
"Ripe" bananas can be yellow with
a green ttp, or they may be yellow
with brown spo«s; the stage of~
ness ls a matter of taste. For cooking.
however. a ftrm banana still tinged
with green ls recommended. Bananas
may be ripened at room temperature;
If they are r!penlng too fast. they may
be refrigerated. Refrigeration wUJ tum
the skin brown, but the flesh keeps
well for two or more days after the
fruit ls fuDy ripe.
1 .......... chlcli.-.....
\4 t• 'fDlltl e-lc ~
~ 1 1raa.......,w.di,....,-1..,...._.._.
llMaellc•~cooMdlt.ul , .. , ... ,u ................
1 c.. (I om.) cr'8llMd I*' esh 1ia ........... .~~ ..... ..... '4••' ...... ...... 1 11 a1r a • CIOC'Wlda
l . Skin and bone chlcMn bfAll; cut In
Mii. ~ ach h.H betwMr\ two .....
of wllMd .,..,_, and flauen by~
wth • ~ pin or tM S. lldi9 ol a
heelly dea~.
I. Combfnt glrk powder and pepper:
mprtnlda owrchlcbn bnaa. Cut~
In hll ~: _..,.....,a him ...
•• ,_.,-.&Y,.-.. -,
then with chicken; secure with food
3. Melt butter In skillet; brown chicl<en on
all sides. Add pineapple with juice to
skillet; stir In 1(4 cup water and ginger.
Cover skillet; simmer 10 minutes, until
chicken Is tender.
C. Remove chkken to serving platter.
Mbc cornstarch wrh remaining I/• cup
w1111er; stir Into skillet. Cook. stirT1ng con·
stantly. until sauce ls thk:kend and coma
to bolling, pour sauce over chicken.
Maka 2 "1Vlngs
2 ......... UlllaVONd geladn
l Qlp ....,, 6llded
~ MRlfGD9 Nit , ............
1'4 Qlll9 ....
1 • rac.8'atedllnacmd
'4 aip.-
2 ldll'faO.-bwM lctueut-opdoMI s ...... .-..,..._......
J IA aaps hnvy a.am
l. In srnal aauoepen. combWie gelatin .
1,; cup sugar and aalt. Beat t~er egg
yoh and water; ltlr Into gelatin mixture.
Pll!lcc over low heat; ltlr conttant)y untU
gelatin d.lllolva and mbrture thkMN
slghdy, about 5 minutes.
I . Remove from hat; ldr In llme rind.
llme Juice, rum and banana liqueur. Chill,
stirring occasionally, until mixture
mounds slightly when dropped from a
S. Beat egg whites In large bowl until soft
peaks fonn. GraduaDy beat In remaining
1,.; cup sugar; continue beating unttl stiff
peaks fonn. Fold rito gelatin mixture.
C. Dice 4 bananaJ; fold Into gelatin.
Whip 1 cup heavy aeam and fokl In.
Tum Into l liz-quart IOufM dJsh with a
3-inch collar .• auu until set, about 4
5. To serve. remove collar, garnish with
remaining lit cup heavyaeam. whipped.
and mnalnlng banana, sliced.
Maira 8 to 10 servings
• To make a coDar for a 10uftli dish. tear
off a piece of wax paper or foll 4 Inches
longer than the clrcumferenc:. of the dish.
Fold It tn thirds lengthwtse. Place 11
around the top of the dlSh and tape. dp
or ltllplc It together 10 that It ftt5 snugly.
1 ~....._.ripe...._. (3 .... m)
1 aiplltlda..
'4 Qlp ..... Off.....,..
S taliht11all9I ._. c:Gf11 ltll'llP
SIA 011Pt-
11'l $0119 ....
I ••tu11111 v .... mract
~~ .... ~
3 ~ ~ (100 grams) &-Inch Long 8anaM 85 ceJottet
, Vitamin A
1.1 gramt
190.0 lntcmatlc>MJ u.nll
Vii.min 81
Vl1emk\ B,
Vlt-.nln B,
Vlllimln c (oecorbk
.05 mlllgram ,
.06 mGgram
.5 Mlllgram
10.0 mGslawns
.7 mllgrM\
I . Combine mashed bananas. light
ac.am. butter. com syrup. sugar and salt
In M.avy 21.11-quart saucepan.
Z. Bring to a boil over medium heat. stir·
ring conttantly. Continue boOlng over low
heat. SCJrrlng consa.antly, until mixture
reaches soft·bd age (2380f. on candy
thermometer). Remove from heat.
3. Cool without stirring until temperature
drops to llOOf. Add vanilla and ooconur
and beat until candy becomes thick and
loses Its glossy appearance.
4. Tum Into greased 8 x 8 x 2-lnch
pan. Let stand until firm. then cut Into
l ·Inch squares. Makes 64 piecf!S
2 ....... COM ,-t «other u1Mi oG
~ QICI chewed onto.
Vi C\ICI dlofl* ....... (« ~
art on the dl..,_a °' l • p6ec:9)
2 aipe chopped pe9ed eo..toee
1 .....,_., lilne juke
lV. teslfDOM Nit
1,4 ti •f C H Tsbw:o
1.4 t 111p a ca cbted ..., thyme
l lb.deenedMCl~ehrimp
2 ........
1. In large skillet. heat oU . Add onion
and cook. stirring. until tender.
2. Add okra, tomatoes. lime Juice. salt.
Tabasco and thyme. Cover and simmer
15 minutes. Add shrtmp and cook 5 min·
utes longer.
S. Peel bananas. cut Into sllces and add
to shrimp mixture ; cook 2 to 3 minutes.
Serve over rice. Maka 4 serulngs
S tsWe.r a aN ~ od
~ tMlpOOft chopped "-" ....... root
( ~ tlllf c De .,_,.. tllnter)
l dow ..,tk .. ...
Broth ....... .
1 ..... c -COf..wds
2 taMneF a oaa cold •Mn
1 Yt CllPI ....... coobd dUcken
'.4i cup .... .,oues
1 Cml (&'.4i OIP.) .... ~ ....... .......
I •-dpped bww ait In ·~..-.. ,...
Coobd rice
l . In wok or large lklllet. heat oO until It Is
smoking hot : add IC4illons, ginger and
gark. z. Sttr·ftv quickly just until aroma ls
noticeable; add the broth rnlxt\n. Bring
to a boU; reduce he.at and simmer 1 min·
S. Otaolve comlhln:h In water; add to
wok. Cook, ttrrtng conlCantJy, until mix·
ture bolls and thtdcens .
4. Add chkMn, ban tprOUts, water
chettnuta and '*'-'u; mix well. Cook
until Mated through. Serve ~h rtce.
MoJcm .. Mnllngs
In Im.ii bowl . comb4ne ~ cup chlcMn
bfoch' y, cup ClltlUp and 3 table$00N
ach cl whlM w4rM W.., find 10Y
MUOI, 1 ~lpOOll MUrne Medi, Y,
C\Jp lhttddtd c.nJCI and l/• MMpoon
pepper; ... lllAde.
Debunking the myth
Of the Sig Bad . Wolf
By Betty PolJSOt Relgot
I t seems that ever since the story of
"Utt.le Red Rldinghood," the wolf
has had a bad reputation. But today
wolves are finally getting more
enlightened coverage.
Scientists have been studying
wolves seriously for the last 40 years.
and today they do so with highly so·
phlsticated methods. After injecting
wolves with a tranqulli2er, they place
radio coDars around their necks.
which emit telemetric signals. With
these signals the scientists are able to
follow the wolves In planes and ob-
serve how they Uve. They've learned
stare from the o/pho wolf Is tanta·
mount to a rebuff.
A wolf's howl. often described as
eerie, Is just another message.. Wolves
may howl to locate or greet another
pack or simply because they enjoy a
howling session . Before traveling, a
pack often huddles in a circle with
each wolf pointing its muzzle skyward
for a community howl.
Wotves mate during winter. Before
giving birth In early spring. a wolf
mother prepares a den , and every·
thing ls clone to keep the pups alive
and well fed .
How did the wolf get such a bad
reputation? Two reasons, mainly:
Arst. wolves need 1. meat to live, and ~ this means they i must find. chase I and kill another
l animal to survive.
~ Secondly, j wolves and hu-
mans evolved Into
competitors for
both lend and
food. As agricul·
ture developed,
the wilderness was
pushed back. and
Wolves at play: Little Red Rtdlnghood gove them o bum so, too. were the
rap that thtv've had o hard time getting owoy from. wolves' natural
prey. Further,
humans often hunted the same prey.
Starving wolves began to attack do·
mestlc farm anlm&ls; exaggerated·
tales of wolf destruction spread.
Traps, poisons, guns, as weU as laws
favoring bounties on wolves, were
used to destroy them. Between the
years 1500 and 1800 there were
roughly 100,000 wolves-in the
United States, but today there are
only about 11 ,000.
that this aeature. feared for thou·
sands of years, is, among other
things, sny, gentle. lntefllgent and
devoted to its f am Uy.
Most wolves belong to a pack,
which Is a basic famUy unit: a nutting
pair, Its survMng offspring and often
several relatives. Most packs }lave no
more than seven members. and pack·
mates travel, hunt, eat. rest and play
The leader of the pack, or alpha
wolf -usually the strongest, largest
male -makes most de.dslons for the
pack.; when to travel and hunt. which
trail to take. There Is a second In com·
mand -end IO on, down to the least
Important member frequently picked
on by all the others. This wolf "peck-
ing order" ensures harmony. A fight
between pack members Is usually re-
solved by one wolf acknowle9glng the
other's superiority.
Communicatlon Is necessary and
1NOlves have a rather large vocabulary.
Baktes vocal messages -berks.
~·· whines, whimpers and, of course, howls -wolves use body
*1guage. A tall raised h~ means
"I'm tM boss." Ears leaning-backward
Indicate fear or submtalvcnas. A
In 1973 the U.S. passed the En-
dangered Species Ad, which protects
wolves In the lower 48 states. How-
ever, Alaska ls not presently covered
under the act so wolves are still being
klJkt~ there, and In certain parts of
Canada. bouhdn a... still permitted.
As Erik Zlmen, al.lShot' of The \\blf:
A Spedu In Dongu, points out.
" ... the best laws would be of no avail
unless the wolf was &CGepted by the
local population." Enforcing such
laws requres educating people who
live near wolves so they wtl1 cooper·
ate. His po6ition ls shared by L. David
·Mech. an expert on wolves ln the
U .S. Farmers, ranchers and herders
need protective legislation. At the
same time, wldemas preserves can
be set aside to protect wolves. Left
ak>ne, without threat of a lethal attack
8ctfV ~. 0 ldtnc. llll't•r lot chlJdnn,,. fro~ human., wolves help maintain u.. oUlhot of VJotva ond A Book About an tcc>k>gScal balanu betwftn ,_
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~9-Sltting Becomes
A 819 Business
In these cases, low-Income parents
usually pay on a slfdJng scale.
Interest In setting up day-care
fac:iltties has spread to Labor unions,
private corporations, universities and
hospitals. Some employers have be-
come involved because of the need to
reault workers and then keep them
on the job.
But despite the boom in the child-
care business, there is still a shortage
of f acillties In many areas and the high
cost of care Isn't feasible for many
parents. At present the Federal Gov·
emment, women's groups and industry
are explomg how to make good, eco-
nonUcal day care ~ to 1WI
any famiy who needs it. ~
ay· Helen 1lr.Hawk1ns
In 1980, 46.6 percent of all
American mothers with children
under age 6 were either employed
or looking for work. acootdlng to
the Women's Bureau of the U.S.
Labor Department. And that meant
that some 7.5 million preschool
children were In need of day care.
Baby-sming And child care are not
new concerns for parents, but
because of the surge In the number of
working mothers the approach Is all
new. Baby-sitting has become big
busintm. Parents In the United States
currently spend approxJmately $10
billion annually on a variety of chlld-
cme mrangements including church
nunerles, Industrial-sponsored
centers, private cenW'S and chains,
and Federally funded facilities.
Though day care Is a major con-
cern in the United States, America still
lags behind many European nations.
Government-sponsored facilities are
· now an accepted part of life In
Europe .
One man who has confronted the
problem In this country Is Peny
Mendel. In 1968, when his daughter
wanted to continue in her career aher
having a child , Mendel became aware·
of the lack of quaUty child care. And
so he did something about it. In 1969
he founded the nation's biggest chain
of "early learning centers" -Kinder-
Care Leeming Centers, lnc.
Kinder-Care has almost 700 am-
ters and each one can enroll 100 or
more children at a time. Some of
Kinder-Care's "acquisftlon centers" In
Ca.lif omia are licensed to handle 300
children slmult.aneously, and their
goal Is for 2,000 by 1987.
Today there is a total of seven
such chains nationwide . They
operate over 1.000 of the
19,000 existlng child-care
centers; earning $100,000,000 an-
nually. The chains reportedly make up
the fastest-growk'lg segminl of the
maricet, and accotdlng to Buslnns w.q, .. steady Increases In the number
of working mothers almost e.}IUNS "ven greater future prospedy."
The c:helns haw a veiy busalessllke
approech to child care. 1l)e c:hlldten
get ~Cf>dlt* meals, heMh care,
trantpOl1ation i needed and a plaMcd
cuniculum that lndudes basic ap-
proach.es to nuders and ~.
phytical development, tctence, music, am and aa!ti.
Very few child-care C'1lttn accept
Infants or smol chDdren, and all piefer
not to be caUecl baby-tltten.
Dey on tsn \ <heap. Thi fee at
~da.C.. Is becween $35 and $40
per week, and at odlG' prtva,r. oentcn
,NllA.Y WllKLY. Apa t, ,.., e 11
It can go as high as $50 a week. Some
day-care centers are Federally sub--
sidlzed If they meet certain standards.
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·A New Test
· To Isolate Caniets
Of Cystic Fibtosls
By l<ate Jordon
C ystic f\brosls ls a hereditary
dlsorder affecting children.
adolescents and young adults.
1 · h Involves an Impairment of
the sweat, salivary and mucous-
produdng glands, which eventually
causes prob&ems In eating, dJgesttng
and respiration. Almost always fatal, It
claims between 500 and l ,000 lives a
•yat and Is the number-one. genetic
killer of Caucasian chUdren In the
United States.
But the tragedy of families of
chUdnm affected with cystic fhosis
doesn't stop with the vk:tims. Any
healthy chlJcWn In the famlJy must
~ day make the difficuJt decision of
Whether or not to risk having families
of their own because there Is a strong
chance that they cany the trait. ln
fact, one In 20 adults harbor the
~ cystic gene. And ti two of
tt1ele .. sllent" carriers marry, there Is a
one-In.four chance that they will pro-
duce a cysdc child .
.. We don't yet understand the basic
genetic defect underlying cystic
fboe.ls," ays Murlel Gluckson, a
research aS90date In genetics and
pedlatncs at St. Vincent's Hospttal In
New York City.
8 ut now, there ls hopa at least
for 5'bltngs of cysdc children
who are caught In a genetic
game of Russian roulette.
Three doc:kn at Children's Hospital
Medical Center In Boston have
developed a labomtory test that has
had a h~ rate o4 detection of .. silent
canien" during Its research phase.
Under local anesthesia, a small sn!
of skin Is takerl from the ~ts
burm and Mnt to the Sab. In ftw
weeks, the lidll eds will have wown
to a point where doctors can measwe
the amount of rdoadfve IOdJum th.y ablcxb ... Nonnar eels amo.b at
a higher rate than the eels of persons
with a recelllw c:Ystlc gene.
"Panding tbi completion of a fur·
dMr valklltk>n ltudy, we hope to be
.,._ to o&r It on a IJmied besis to
eY* tan•. within lix to eWwt
monthl,· .. Dr. Jama Efl*ln,
who e:t.wloped_ the tat wllh cm. Jen
Ble9'ow and Jo.ph Mcfhlaon.
EMly ..-accounts abQut the re-
.-d\ In 8olkxl gMl9 -owrfy op-
tlmlllk ....... 7
'" about the CUl'l91t ..,..,·•y ol the .... The C\lldC
~FoundMlan In Roc:lc6, Md.,
.........,_, •11 II b apttllMI ...
.-..af tt...tilJtlttbe momant. 'We
Here a young paknt fa being
diagnosed for cvstJc fibrosis. .
hope that it will one day be widely
avallable," says a spokesman for the
foundation.· .. We emphasize that It
isn't avallable now."
Cystic families remain hopeful,
though. One mother' who has lost
three children to the disease, says,
"We have . bffrl very lntaested In
watching the developments. We have
a son who Is married and he and his
wife want so much to start a family.
This is the sort of test that couJd make
a dlffetenee for us all."
There Is still no cure for the disease
ttself. The average tif e expectancy has
risen from 10 to 21 In the last decade
because of special trelllments, but Ir·
reverd>le tung and heart problems in-
evbbly ~lop.
Because ChlJdren's Hospital Medi-
cal Center wll1 be able to offer the test
on onJy a hmlted basis Initially, the first
to have the skin biopsies w'1l be htgh-
risk indMduals. "Since there ls such a
strong chance that the actual teiatives
of cystic children do cany the gene," • exi>latns Dr. Epstein, 'ihe lpOUMS ol
such in<Uvlduals wl1I be the ona to be
examined for the teoastve gene ... H
thetr lpOU9eS do not carry the grM, It
does not matWI' 1f the ~ does ow
doa not, for it takes two NCelllwl to
produce the def«:t in their ollprii'51.
Daph the sdD expatrnental natUN
of the cylllc fboMs cam. ia'MMlg
tat, Dr. Breslow ....... ~. .. w ... very adted about It," Dr.
~ .dck, "The raurd\ 9C*'9 on
M... it funded 11r911Y by Che pUbk -
ttwough tt. Miid\ ol om., .. ~·
tic ~ foundlaon ri the ,...
doMI ...... cl Hellth. I tblnll ~
pa. thould be ~ to know *"-Md\ itwlr Mlp, IOIM po-.. ~tlbelng..,..," ..,
Every time you do a wash, your detergent, soap
and bleach wash away some of the baderia
your septic tank or cesspool needs to work. That
can mean back up and break down. And costly
repairs, Rid-X }lelps prevent all of that by putting
hack the bacteria. Rid-X and one extra flush of
your toilet a month may be the only attention
yc)ur 88ptic system needs.
I •
Opdih. Alobomo-Wbat. can you buy
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beck1 600 pl.looa of ••t«, t.hat'1 what!
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With thia reliable, convemeat aou.n:e of
wet. you can tupply your home, yow
prden, and wicla • ••tar ...ii bMt pump
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1 fraction of the cost of cooventiooal
In the palt, the coat of dri1liDI • ..U
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eoWd book on ~ dty watar ma.IN. H-. u city wat« bec::omea muc:b
man expanelve, backyard wel.la have
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the coat of dtllllng • wall to 10 a/fordable
leva. an ea11·to-uae low-coat. rNchine ha1
been developed for the homeowner who
want.a to drill bit cnn1. Can.d the
HYDRA-DRILL. it ii alrwdy in u•
around tlM world. and 111 Mtimated
60.000 Hydr1·DrW welb have been drilled DeapRock Mfg.. 6360 Andow-Road.
to ~teHyd:ra·DrW can drill to dept.he of Opelika. Alabama 36802. Or phone toll-
200 feet. which put.a you within rach of free 18001 821·2280 IEllt.. ~3601. There 11
90'llo of all the good frnb ground wet.er in no charp or obliptioo, and no ea1eeman
t.he world. TM typkal Hydra·Drill well will c:a.ll. Call aoyt.ime lnc:ludJng Sunday1.
can produce over 4,000 p.llon.1 of wat« CUP COUPON AND MAIL TODA YI
eec:h day-juat compare that with the i -- - - - - - - - -- - -
averap U.S. family ~ption of ~I ~ Mfo. Co .. 5380 Andenon Rd. I
pllom of war. per day! <>p.ae, AWMwna 38102
'Tht Hydra·Drill It remarkably simple I Plea.a mail your free ioformat.lon kit Im-I
to operate. It b ~ portable. end I mediately. I underae&nd there is no obU· I
ca.a be op1nted anywbere. .. even 10 I plion. and no salesman will call.
p&acea a l.nldt·mounted clrUllil& ri& c.an 't I
pt. Yet it can drill mo.t an)'\lains the I ,,.,.. N... I
~. tnic:k-mount.ed ri&• can drill. and I drilliq 1peed1 ranp up to 40 feet per A.W.-I
bour. I I To find out more ~bout the Hydra·DrW I City I
ud how you can drill your own water'
-U. eend youT name and llddnae t.o: I sw.. 111111 1._,IW~\lf-. I ----------------------------.J
Sapphire, Emerald And
Ruby Earrings
$5 A Pair
A.a pan of an advertisina test
we will send a pair ol aenuine
emerald. sapphire or ruby ear-
rinp to any reader of dli1
publicalion wbo responds '°
this notice by m.idnigbt May 4
for the sum of SS plus St
abjppina and inluranQe fer each
pair. Each pair of stud ear-
rinp has a total of one quar-
ter karat of lwld-cut pn:cicwi
tem1-Each peirwiU be accom-
panied by a Certific~ of Au-
thenticity. These earrinas an
ideal u penoaaljewelry or u
Pftt. TMs 9d•e•tilina cat ii
ty iltqdler pubticadoaa If you
.,e it in more than one. pleue
let UI mow U thiJ infomia-
tion is imponm to v.a. Sbould
you wish to retunt your ...
rinp. retunda will be pron.,cly
made. While this test ends on
May 4 , if you are able to
respood by April 27 and you
request one pair each ol em-
erald. sapphire. and naby ear-
rinp, you may reqUl".at them at a
a special price of S 13 plus S 1
shipping and insurance (you
save S4 ). There wilJ be a limit
of two sets or ( 6 pairs) ol
earrinp per add.re&&. No 're-
quests will be 8CCCpted past
midnitht May 4 . Any checb
polUnalted later' will be re-
turned uncashed. Please en-
dole this orisinal no&. with •
your request Send appropti.
ate sum t.optber with your
Mme and lddrell IO: ID~
nadoul Mo•emy Ml11t_
Oem Test, Dept. RS£.S035.
390 Pike Ro.d. H•Dlldcn
Valley, Pemaytnnia 19006.
.... J ........ ....., ...
HERE comES ·
By ffilchael D'Antonlo
Rt White Flint, a shopping mall
In a wealthy Washington sub-
urb, a wet-dressed middle·
aged woman hands her S8
pu:rchaM to the cashier at a kitchen·
ware shop. As the digs Into her purse
for a aedlt card, the CMhler redta
the ... poky: '"No ct._ under $,o.· m..a...1. the~reecn..
es for one d the $2 llma adced on
tM cou.-and thru.tll her cherge
catd focwwd.
The lndd8nt II not an ilolltad one.
Every day dmms d shoppers buy
more then they Mt out to buy, just so
they can meet a saore's $10 credit
card minimum. Most do tt Without
complaining. They have the money,
but they don't <*TY cash. Credtt cads
are much CMilr.
The boom d the 1960's and 70's ls
over for the Cid card tndUlllry,
~. IOlnt bankers tay, becaUM
everyoM ~ wants them now hat
them. But while the rlllng tide d oon·
Yenllonetad Clld~wnw
llO hwe a1•1ll, tlll •••• ..ca
report conclmMd growth Jn the
number ol dwge mrdl, and the
1980'1 ptOl'niee .. ~·In ad ... ~~ ......
card and bill-paying options. Credit
experts predict the cashless society
many economists envisaged in the
19SO's will mature and thrive in the
1980's as new kinds of credit cards,
electronic banking, telephone bill-
paying and other creative cr~dit op-
tions revolutionize the marketplace.
Consumers can say goodbye to
their tradttlonal-style bank cards. the
all-purpose plates such as VISA and
Mastercard. These big-bank cards
pioneered worldwide credit systems
that allow card holders to charge pur-
chases in shops, eateries and hotels
around the world. But while the
unlvers,,l·use feature of the cards will
remain, In the coming decade ser-
vices will be expanded.
Inventive bankers ln the Midwest
have turned some of their credit cards
Into "debit cards.'' Instead of building
an account filled with charges he must
pay at the end of the month, a debit
card holder builds a savings or check·
ing account and draws on that ac-
count whenever he makes a pur·
chase. His unused balanc.e earns In·
terest, and Instead of a bill. he gets a
periodic: statement that shows transac·
tions, how much his money earned
and how much Is left.
.. It's like a plastic check. We've not
only dmlnated cash, we've ml-
' .
-We'ue not Only
eliminated a»h, we'oe
eliminated paper
altogether. JM
CUltorner doeln't aaen
have to &Orfte a check."
For two decades, the road to the good
lffe was paved with credit cards. But
toclay1a technology Is ushering In an
electronic era of computerized buying
and banking that may reduce the value
of greenbacks to mere curiosity.
of funds from account to account and
includes use of a VISA debit carc:L
Rising interest rates, astounding ad-
vances in computer and communica-
tions technology and the gradual
Oslng of Government regula-"#'#~
tions on banking and credit, ~"# 1i1.
have all set the economic ~ •.@
stlJge for a rabid competi-f ~ ;
tion among banks and
credit card compenles in
the 80's. Cash, checks
and coins are expected to be
victims of the aedtt war and
coosumers who discover free
cheddng. the convenience of
telephone bill-paying and elec-
tronic transfers wU1 be the ultimate
winners of the finandaJ war.
C onvenience for the customer
and the financial Institutions
will be the most signlficant
contributot to the growth of
the cashless society. Pa.per is cumber-
some, perishable and costly to han-
dle. Today's bankers, who talk as
much about computers as they do
about Interest rates, pref er their
customers to. use te)ephone blll-
paylng systems, automatic computer
transactions that deposit paychecks
and pay regular monthly bills. Com-
puter and telephone banking require
feWer bank employees, take up less
SJ)Ke because files are kept Inside
computers, and are less prone to
human error.
Introduced tn the early 1970's,
telephone bill-paying allows a
customer to dial the bank, read a
special code to an operator and have
money transfe!Ted to pay utilities,
monthly mortgage 'and other bills.
More sophisticated servk:a allow
customas with touch-tone phones to
slmply ~ a sm1es of buttons to ac·
ttvate a c:ofnpullef and a few moq but-
tons to pay bills.
ln Its Infancy, telephone blJl..peylng
wu often confultng and lnttmtdating
fot consumen. Ton\ Rattan, a shop
cethlcr whote.Maryland bank off49r1
IUCh a ~ t8tvle:e. uys
writing a dMck ts ltlll -*1. "You
haw to register your eccounts with
the bank, and the ~ fOf tt
.. to compllcmd that 1 don't fMI
<'.onfldent that the bills are really being
paid. I know people who have used
telephone bill-paying and gotten
noticies from creditors because the bills
waen't actually paid," she says.
More recent telephone-payment
programs are simpler and more re-
liable. aoc:ordlng to the American
Bankers Assodatk>n. "Telephone bUl-
peying Is continuing to grow." says
ABA's Bmbara Hanelson. "Younger
people arc more used to using com-
puters and they trust them more. Plus
the banks' capabi1ldes are lnaeasfng
es cxmununlcadont and computer
tec:hnok>gy get bettltr and better ...
The riling COit of doing business by
mall allo may bs mo\llng people over
to oomputm. Somt banks offer teJe.
phone bill-paying free of charge whlJe
ochers charge a fee that II WM than the
COit of a J>01U8e stamp for each trans·
action. And telephone/computer
tnmaactiont are cheaper for banks
becawie they don't 1wM to hMcilt IT\·
com~ ch«b and tend them beck to
customers wfth their monthly
ttatanenta. ·
When ~ b81-payfng WM
ftnt Introduced, ID ploMtn ~
Sncl f01' thought. Beef fot the burger. gRlin foe the bun ... and
petroleum f<X both. Not to eat of course. But producing a pound of
hamburger requires the energy equivalent ol a gallon of gasoline. And
every loaf of bread requires energy to fuel seeders. spreaders. and
harvesters-not to mention natuntlgas for use in fertilizers. Energy is also
the "5eaet Ingredient'' In every box of cereal, every lV dinner. and lust
about ewrythlng else we ~t. So now. when American farmers are
putting seed and fertilizer Into the ground, ts a good time toconslderwhat
ftrs1 has to come out of the ground-:-more oU and more natural gas.
.'9ck UMI the cometalk. Farmlng, ln feet. requires more petro&eum
procluc:t! than abno9t !l"I other lndu!try. A gallon ol gasolJM to
produce a single bushel ol com, for example. and a gallon for ewiy
five loaws ol bread Vet chew on this: Because ol all thac energy.
eadt American farmer grows enough to feed 67 people-nearly 10
tJmes as~ .. his great-grandfather could feed In )-910. and stx
times more than his Russian counterpart feeds now. JU fairy-tale
.lldc might haw ukt tf he'd teen today's real cornstalk glanu.
.. Thal'• o-moiafngf"
--~~~ ')
"Then I got the Idea to switch from regular to premium .... "
M._tc bane. "Ole secret. In a kernel. Is "scientific ogrlcuh1Jre:· Super
fertilizers derived from rnttural ~s make the American farmer almost
UkeJack and his magical beans. Corn yldds alone toand 240 percent
between 1945 and 1970. Diesel iuea. for farm machinery. end pe·
trochmUcals to kill weeds and paU. haw increased the yields ol .O
crops. Sure bQis the era of the horse. and natural fertilizers. Scientists
say tt would require 50 tons of manure per acre ol com to supply the
sarne amount ol enefgy-ncll nitrogen that's contained ln less than half a
ton of ammonia fertilizer. H0'.11'' that for reducing air pollution? --
Platy of .IM:k. Thank• to the ...., ..... U.S. farmer. each
Americain hu mon food and better food. eveiy day. than abnotl
M1'0M clle In the world. While feeding .i1 226 mUllon ol ua. th.
3.8 mdhon Amcrbn farmen al9o produce ~ to '-eel 144
million people cMn.u. The ~ product• that ,....,..
cxponed ._. ...-hetl*lour w.nce ol~tothe whopping
tuneof$40bdlion. That ain't~.
It'•• &ct: In 1980, Alheric:an fannen used the
equlvalent ol 95 gal&ons of guoltnc on ~h ol ttw <Mr
6S miltion ac:ret ol oom ~cultivation.
a qoom. The convenience of
d~g a computer and pay·
Ing bills In half the time it
takes to write checks and get
them In the mail seems Ir·
resistible. &t banks that offer
the service report fewer than
half their customers use It
.. We're bucking 50 years
of history of banking," says a
spokesman for Perpetual
American, a Washington
bank offering telephone bUl-
paylng. ..People have been
using cash and checking &e·
counts for a very long time.
Personal finance habits are a
lot harder to change than the
kind of toothpaste people
"I can't say that in the
future we're going to have a
completely cashless or
checkless society," adds
Perpetual's spokesman. "But
wtth electronic banking and
the likelihood that home-
computer terminals will one
day be widely used. I think
we're going to have a less-
cash and less-dieck society."
Ualng a special
phone, cua-
tomers can now
have a com·
puter pay their
When Perpetual first of·
fered Its telephone bill·
paying service, Bert Allen
was one of the bank's 6rst
customers to sign up. A
bustness executive. Allen
works with computers and
feels confident about elec·
tronlc banking. "It takes
about one-third of the time to
UH telephone bUl·paylng
than It does to wrtte checks,
address envelopes, find
stamps," he ex:platns.
Allen'• bank uses the same
kind of system most banks·
use for telephone accounts.
Customen use special codes
to get access to the computer
thet pays the biJIS. Using a
pu1h·button, touch-tone
phone, the customers can
"talc" wtth the computer by
prallng buttons. Eech step
of Heh transaction Is
dtreded by the computer's
tJ.ctronk: voba. And after
-.cl\ entry la made, the com-
. Live Next to Nature ~ear-Do ·und Imagine youndf surrounded by sunshine. or J. ( ~ dining under rbc stars! You can en Joy a frc:o1h.
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Our ~lass cndosurn come pre-designed to meet codes, spcclllcatlons and quality
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how to han: unc added
to your home, or do It
Mall the coupon, or
call toll free
puter announces It, so the
customer can be sure things
are going smoothly.
"Initially, people have ap-
prehensions," adfl'llts Per·
petuel's public-affairs officer.
"But once they UM lt a few
times, their confidence
~-AR k1ndt of people
(NAii ftan; IHQ.lm t.114 <XlCllS) ..... .,,
........ c:-.ttcaai-Ptuduicta Qirp.
& &di II Undd llrfttl
......._ PWw J«fflrr OllOJ
use it: It's espedalJy good for
elderly people who can't get
out. But probably younger
people who are mort used to
computers, to tiu9dng them ,
are the btggat group."
Add automatic c:heckt<te·
posit !lervice' a computer
plan that tranlfen paycheckt
and other periodic payment
checks diredfy Into a bank
account. bypassing paper.
and automatie blll·paylng,
which pays predictable bdls
by computer, end the Amer·
teen consumer faces a grow·
tng array of cash·frH
~ The new computer-bank·
ing services and the growth
of the cashless society will be
overseen by agencies such as
the Federal Reserve Board
A spokesman for the Fed
observes, "There is a whole
raft of new ideas out there
that may come into opera-
tion because of Increased
competition." He adds.
'·Banking is going to be com-
pletely revolutionized be-
cause of computers. Your
home phone may one day
act like a computer terminal
connected with your bank.
Everything -deposits. pay-
ments, transfers of funds -
may be done right on the
phone. Things are going to
be a lot different and we 're
trying to adjust to that fact."
When credit cards became
widely used In the 1960's,
In the coming
decade, the
"voice" of the
computer will
echo loudly.
nearly every comic that took
the stage made some joke
about how many credit cards
his wife or friend had and
how the~ were used. Walter
Cavanagh of California even
earned a place In the Guin·
ness Book of World Records
with a 900-card, 28-pound
wallet full of charge cards.
Things will be quite dif ·
ferent for most of us In the
80's. We'll probably carry just
one card, a card that will gJve
us access to automatic elec-
tronic bank tellers, to pay-by·
phone systems, to credit
when we need It and pay·
ments made directly from
our accounts when we want
them. Our paychecks will be
deposited directly Into our
accounts. and Installment
loans and other monthly bals
may be peki automatic:aDy by
a comt>uter .
The 1980's will br1ng a
strange, lnCNaSingly cashlfss
society that might have baf.
fled earlier generadons with tts '
many options and Its tech·
~· But Americans who
grew up with computer-pro·
grammlng couna In IChool,
computer terminals at wori<
and video games at hotM
should take on electronic
banking and aU ltl con··
vcnicnce with ease r111
and conftdeooe. laAil
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
Alt lncNcll* .....
For .... thin SUO ..at _.__~bait
Don't let a ltme rain ruin your
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flgntwelght pnQctlon, sheds
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sleeves to sttp on without
wrlnldlng ciothes. · ltll (No. 46110) Is satln·finlstt
Smoke Vinyl In slz.es S (34·36):
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Buy 8" lWI -keep one at the oflfce. another In your gtow
Mews ftom the
Home Front
When the "Ho'a" Hewe It
One of the most dlfftcult problems
ln child-ta!slng Is when to say "no" to
a youngster. Aocording to child psy·
chologist Or. Lonnie Carton, a f:im
"no" issued at the right time can pro-
vkie the ~ and love a young
person needs to feel ta sense of sttuc·
ture In life. In her newat book, Raise
Your Ktd.s Right, Dr. Carton dlff eren ·
tiates between positive and negative
''no's." The four posttlve ''no's" In·
• The lfesavlng ~no." accompa-
nied by a calm and reasoned explana·
tton of the result of dangerous &cts.
Scaring a chlld may Inhibit his or her
willingness to explore the world .
•The chaDenge "no," which Is
used when a chlJd attempts a taslc
beyond his or het abilities; yet It
should always be accompanied by
"but you can try it,.. so that a
youngster's ambition and aeativtty
aren't sttfled .
• The character-bulldtng wno" of-
fers guidelines to help chUdren be less
selfish , more wilting to share .
• The convenience "no." which
tells a youngster that his or her own
desires cannot always be put ahead of
a parent's priorities. "O\lldren must
learn that there ls a right time and
place for everything,'' says Dr. Car-
The psychologist also Identifies
three negative "no's": "You are not
capable"; "I won't listen to you"; and
WI don't love you."
Ptematltal Counseling~
Does It. Help?
For many years experts have de-
clared that the causes of marital
breakdown could best be deak with by
preventtve measures, such as coun-
selng before maniage. But most
young, engaged couples were reluc-
tant to become Involved. Caught up
In romantic feeJlngs, they were "sure"
thft' relationship would not be touched
by the problems that beset others.
Rec::entty, however, there have
been renewed efforts to encouragcl
couples to learn about the pltf als of
marriage and to evaluate their own re·
lationshlp -before the wedding.
Some states now require premarital
counsetng of couples who are under
18. Statistk:s for Callfom\a show. as a
resuh, that nearly one out of five of
such couple$ have either withdrawn
or been denied their appbtSon for a
rnanieg« license.
In Toronto, 19 churches and sev·
~al hundred couples participated In a
project to test the effectiveness of
marriage-preparation programs. The
resuks: Partners who took part In the
programs had fewer marital confllc:ts
In thU flnt year of marriage than
those who had not; when they did
have problems, these couples were
better able to raolve them; and those
who hod premarital counseling were
more llkely to seek professional coun·
seling promptly for confkts they
could not deal wtth themselves.
Happy the Secon6-Tlme Atound
· More than 1,500,000 men and
women wll be mnarned In 1981 -
acco~ for almost half of all Amer·
bns who wGI wed this year. Three
out of .wry four dM>roed woman re·
marry, • do ftve of every stx divorced
men. 89 middle ege, says faml.ly tod·
ologlst mnk Fwwtenburg Jr., "tt
IH11lS likely that no leis than a fourth
of al adub wt1 have wed more Nil
ThoM fteura make t Important to
know wt>8t 1119 effed of remarrillge II.
A repod In the Joumd o/ Famrly ~In*-' that the Nrnamed feel .... wd ~,.and ... "happy".
thole tn ftnt marriaga. They mcp.1·
enc-eqUillW h~ ledngl ... '8·
MardMr ....... ~I of ..... .
~ lil--..m. ~ of
a • , ..... ,-.,,. _.'.,
zest" and no Mgher levels of wony or
anxiety than fnt·marriedt.
NevertheM:u, the ending of • Ant
marriage can law certak'l emotional
ac:a"I. Remanteds tend to use more
alcohol, man tr.quendy report hav·
Ing felt .. 'overwhelmed" by events and
lnadeqWb tn their prevlout martal
and parental~. But Wein·
garten concludes: "This sample ol re·
married Amerk:anl do remarkably
\Wl •... They ~ .,....., and
they .. able to admit It. They ftel
overwtwkned M times and have UMd
prof9'llonel h.lp to cope wtd\ this dlf.
flcuky. They acknowledge having had
hard tn.11 ln tM pilt, but they fMJ
good~ today Md bok forwsd to
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As part of an advertising
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companied by our Certifi-
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Pie ... 11tow four to six w.eu for
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cur. If they do, Family WHkly
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WHklY, 841 LMlnoton Av.nue,
New YC>f1(. NY 10022. ·
I'm always ahort of pa.per clips
Just when I've papers -sheets or
That I would clip to join the pile
Of other items now on ftle .
Prevented from thfs urgent task.
"Where are the paper clips?" I ask.
''Just yesterday there were aplenty.
A do~n maybe. even twenty.''
What answer do I get? Could be,
It's "I don't know." or. "Don't ask
One thing I'd guess: Behind m.v back
There lurks a diptoman/ac.
-Richard Armour
ADAGE UPDATE: After putting two and
two together. don't forget to add state and
local taxes. -Lane Olinghouse
The lady at the fruit stand;
Theres alwa.vs one ahead.
She hovers o'er the seasons fruit-
Purple, green and red.
Silently I wa.lt and curse
This picky, pinching dame,
Proving that she soon will move
So I can do the same.
-Jack Marshal(
SpJne Tingler: "I'm not looking forward to
the warmer weather," my neighbor was
complaining. "We have one of those neu·
tron lawnmowers -It kills your back but ·
leaves the grass standing." -Robert Orben
Kldl ... ute dflflAll'!Oy. ~original contributions
to "Child," Family Weekly. 841 Leiclngton Ave~ N.Y~ N.Y. 10022. SIO If UMd-none 1'91umed.
My l\.year-old daughter. Jalk:a. and
I were recently dJlcuulng the paMlng
• of her gnmdmother. She became
.Uent,. and her gaze wu far away.
"Mommv, .. ahe ~ tald, •1 know
why Grandma Genevieve died. She
heel all her blrtbdayl.•
-Debbie Atdter
Marfdto, Ohio
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knead and mlDsage just where you want them. Set it on Mhigh" and 2.000
vibrations per minute stimulate circulation tone up flabby muscles, and
massage away exc ... tat and fluid to trim your figure fast. Or. turn It on ulow" tor a eentle, relaxing massage that eases away tension and
t ttaln, relieving achea·and'pains, and soothing away the cares of a tiresome day. Lice the Eipenslve Flgunt-S.k>n Modell
The Vlbra,Ma.ss&ge la beeutlfully made, with a 45" adjuatable belt, and an
extr1 long 66H power cord. It's Juat like the expensive professional units used In
tM expensive figure ulOns. It's avallable to you now on our money-back
guarantee. send for youna today:
Use (t on waist, hips,
thighs or buttocks to
massage away un-
sightly lumps and
bulges, and firm up
your figure. fast!
OH, BOYi ctua1 school. BABIES .. Many blacks and ~o
Ricans ~w the film and tolcl
In September 1978, The me that, If anything, It was
Collegiate School. a New too tame. Bdeve me. I saw
York elementary school for the area: It's all there -the
boys, announced an unusual hookers, the boozers, the
elective course for ftfth-and junkies stoned out of their
stxth-gradeis -Infant care. skuDs. f took some shots of
Silently, 10 boys signed up. the" real South Bronx that I With photog~pher~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~n~~~w~the~-
Katrtna Thomas, writers SUPBRPOWERS outstretched arms. And its. They would curl your
Alison Cragin Herzig and ... .-. 01'1' though It may be difficult hai'. But f didn't want to rub
Jane Lawrence Maa folowed ~ while falling, relax the body the audience's nose In It, so I
the dass, and the result Is the The Cold War comes to Instead of becoming stiff. cut them."
charming book Oh , Boy! TV Uve this week on the Thygerson adds that pro-Some critics have charged
Babla. Says Hen>g, .. From season premier of Bill tective gear like helmets, that the mov\e paints no ml-
the ftnt day, the boys were Moyers' Journal. Entitled gk>ves and el>ow and knee norlty character In a positive
wild with excitement -but .. Alternative to Disaster," the pads may not prevent ftac. light, and Petrie admits the
highly susplclous: They PBS show will feature a sure· tures but can reduce the M · temptation existed to .. cover
never thought real ~ to-be fascinating two-hour verity of cuts and scrapes.
would be brought In. and debate among journalists,
even ti they were, the boys historians and political Iden·
were sure the babies tists from the U.S. and
wou.ldn-'t be handed over." A purr·/ect name: Koa Meow. Russia. Check local listings
But sure enough, i'l came for day and time.
the real babies. And soon the Here's a sample: Doctor
boys were holding, feeding Doctor; Bathsheba Ankel-
and diapering with amazing stein; Cardinal Sin (Archi·
c:&re, warmth and ddght. bAehop of Manila}; Baroness
"The boys ~ u tf It was
the chanc.e ol a lfetime,"
reports Herzig. 1hey fa a
MnM of nO'talgta fot tiler
awn cHchiod -It w 900')8·
dWlg they Nn'.m. loW'9
end Wlll1lld to i-on."
Al OM boy said atterw..d, .. rm going to beg them to Jet
ma take the dasa agm. I just
Jow bebta. I man, I'm go·
Ing lo get down on my knees
and beg them."
Whie at Harvard
In the late 1940'1,
John tram was
rHdlng Col/ter's
magazine OM day and came
..... Mr. Km M.ow oi
Hoquiem. WMh. s.mu.ct,
he joUed the name In a noee-
bock. F°' 30 ywrs, he's co&-
llcbld such m91hful mll·
nomers, and he's put thetJl
Into a book (now In paper·
beck) -Ramartabls Noma
Gaby von Bagge of Boo:
John Senior Jr.; Lettice
Go.debed; July August
September: Groarier
Digger (undertaker):
F.G. Vereneseneckock-
kTockoff ; Mary Louise
Pantzaroff; Or. Zoltan
Ovary (gynecologlst) ;
Lawless and Lynch (at-
1 tomeys); T. Hee; Mr.
Vroom (motorcycle
dealer); lma and Ura 1 Hogg; J.C. Shivers (ice· ! man); Wyre and Tap·
ping (detectives);
V1rg1ni. May Sweatt Strong;
Nb Bath; Preserved Ash Jr.;
0 .Hd.
Train. by the way, has
three teen-age daughters,
none named chocxhoo.
Sm.le and say cheese.
Oledds cheae that Is.
Raeardl on nm r.dk:ata
chat .-,g Cheddar inme·
dJately alter sugar may
...... looCtl ~
&Jea._ •nee
· Last year more than
176,000 roUer skaters ended
up In hospital emergency
rooms -about ~ds
for serious sprains and frac-
tures. Not aD injuries are pre-
ventabl.e. but ~Ing to fall
correctly can hq>. Here are
a few tips hom Dr. Alton
Thygerson, heakh science
profCS10r at Brigham Young.
If you are losing your bal·
ance, crouch down on the
lkates to heJp break the fal.
Try to land on fleshy parts of
your body o.e. buttocks,
thighs) rather than the bones
or joints. Try to rol rather
than abeorb tM force with
~ .,,. Mitt... lk; fl ...
ML ..... A-.-....-11'.Y. fG.I
""''=-~ EWl. ~= 6.~ '-~UllbllMIMI,_._
~ ldeor, AtflU COCC*
The hi film Fort Apache,
The Bronx depicts llfe In
New York City's South
Bronx section, perhaps the
most frlghtenlng example of
urban decay in history. Smr·
ring Paul Newman as· a· car·
Ing but harden~ cop, the
movie has been laudm by
many. But several minority
gr~ps have protestm the
ftlm , calllng It racist, and
have picketed theaters
throughout the country.
"The South Bronx ls only
.a metaphor for tenible c:ondi-
Hons," the film's dhctor,
Oarue.I Petrie, counteN<l In a
recent Interview. ..t didn't
want to portray the area as
totaJ.d~, but I want·
eel no pert of showing lt as a
·bµnch of Gr1 Scouts holding
har<ds on the way to l*'O·
al the bases. 1 joke now that
next ttme." he laughs, "in·
stead of casting Ed Asner as
the police captain, maybe rd
use Ossie Davis."
-Eliot Kaplan
(All Aries) Sunday -Greg·
ory Peck 65; Bette Davis 73;
Melvyn Dougias 80; Michael
Moriatty 40. Monday -...
Merle HaggMCI 44. Tuaday
-David Frost 42; James
Gamer 53. WeclnaUy -
John Havbcek 41. Thunday
-Michael Learn~ 42;
Hugh Hefner 55. Friday -Jiaoy Morgan 66i Chuck
Connors 60; Omar Sharif
49. Saturday -Ethel Ken·
nedy 53. ·
.-[/l,l! ll}tJTIUS
ANY 12 FOR $23. 76
ANY 6 FOR $11.88-ANY 3 FOR $5.N
Already Seleded and Tried ••• Tile Best R08e8
You Can Buy ••• Now at Low, Low Prices.
Only the rOM has .ueh gl"ftt beauty of form, p!Msfng cotor
range, delightful fnigrance and la to ad~ to almoet twery Hower garden. However, alnce there .,. thOuaanda
of diffefent varteu.a of ro.... you can only be aure
bHutlful blooms by "lectlng varleli" thet haw-wfth.tood
the test of time and remained popular YNf att.r Y"' wfth
amateur end expert alike. Elteh rose offered In this spring
planting sale is a formerly patented variety that ha been
•ted and proven tor ftle of growth. beauty and llbuft-
dance of bloom, and hardJnesa In all parts of the country. These are strong, healthy, vigorous roee bushes. At om, • S1 .98 Mch, they are an amazing value! Order now. You
wtll rec:el~ a PROMPTNESS BONUS of a GIANT HIBISCU& when your roeM arrtw tor spring pl.ming.
Fan1u11c111y gorgeous• The urn-shaOe<I
Duds open 1n10 l••o•. h1grt-cen1ered
11ouble 1>1ooms 61 bfolftant SC¥1et·or•noe
Very .. gorous grower Blooms P<ofutely on a compact bush ll1gllll1111ted w1111
leal,,,,....-+1110ffy IOli.ge Onlyl 1.98
e1ooms all sum,.,., rang end into -.itumn
w1lll brolhantly contrasting pe1a11. \tl111d
Orienta• red onside ano chtome yello.11
outl•<le Grows 10 3 '"' '"O" Forrne< All ,t.me<ocen Rose 01 ttle Year and ~
ty SO' Only 11.98
Eatily eatlllhahed, ltll ptolute Ind ,.
merlllbly tong J)Olntld llUda 9Pe" 10 dHp·cuppeCI. 1ong-1aa11119 d~bted
OOIOln yellow blOOflll tfllt ~ ln-rer 11110 1111. Echpee 11 lf!Ow1. ll""*'fr Ol'Mf'I• men Ye!ICM. Onlylt.W
~eclly al\lf*I tec>erlng l>UOI °'*' Into 11rge. lleMty, darti ...0 bloom& with M fNl'ly u 40.50 Detal• eecf\. Aiehly tra-
or1111 and colorful. Anollllf former All -'m1ne¥1 AOM di llWYW.0nlyS1.Gill
Laroe IOnQ buOS OPlll ln!O luall double btooma al: 11eeu11tut ..m pink ln..,,.ly
lregrant. Con11<**1 tr; many 10 be one of the mo.t lleeuttlul ot 111 roeea. Former All
Arr#tc.tl ROM ol Ille Y•. Ill euthentie
pttl8 Will,,., ~l $1.91
FREE ·c~
Lato•. well-loone<I. <IMP 11elvety
O!ooma -llnett ...0 ol Ill . ll'CI moat 1111g1~1. too. Blooms 1n g1or1ous
Qtofut•on ell IUl'MW long onto fell ()nlylUlll
Decking whllt t,.,e of llfe
... Contpm9CI to clacldlng
........ torent .. ...-t·
menl•own•home. 1)wm
~ ............. ...
Andwholelfela .. .
owning. This cornpmtMn
c.n help you undet'st8ncl t11e•n....m benefits the
two .._le tvPes of •
~ cml provide.
. /\..
~" -..:.-:.=;\ff l_
Just -botll 811 .................. home
both Wm ..... whole
""8nc181 protection. ....
tlleN .. k•w•n.r.ncea
betwMn the two trP•I of
long tile co---.....,
whllttlle ye.ty ..............
.. ...... whetllertlle .
pollcyhM~Y .......
ShouldVoU ··'rent' it
or . ., 'owri it. __ ... ________ _
Now JOU can hev•
more of the whole llfe
cover-rou need--
at a swprtainglJ low
Depending on your age,
Metropolitan's new Whole Life
Plus Policy lets you buy up to
one-third more whole life
coverage than we offered
before for the same premium
payment. It's like building a
sizeable addition on the cozy
traditional whole life house-
with no extra payment!
In these inflationary times. this
extra coverage is important.
Metropolitan is offering the
Whole Life Plus Policy for
....... ....,
An apartment lease gives you
shelter for a fixed period.
Similarly, term insurance gives
you protection for a fixed
period such as 1 year or 5
years. Term policies however.
usually permit renewl until
a certain age, or can be
converted to permanent
Low ........ ...,......... ,,..,
Initially. term insurance can
provide much more coverage
per premium dollar than whole
life. IMly? Because term
provides protection for a
temporary period and the
risk of death is tower than
it the coverage were for
a lifetime. ·
But just as your rent can
increase each time you renew
your lease. so will terTT}
premiums increase at each
renewal. Why? Because the
risk of death obviously
increases with age.
Having whole life insurance.
on the other hand, is more like
owning your home. Whole life
protects you tor as long as
you keep it-for your entire
lite if you want.
Fixed ... ,,....ts
Whole life insurance
eliminates this problem of
rising premiums by spreading
the cost of protection over an·
entire lifetime. So just as a
home-owner makes the same
payment each month on a
conventional mortgage, the
owner of a whole life policy
pays the same premium
each year. . ,
The targerpremiums on whole
life create a cash reserve to
cover claims in later years.
This reserve also provides
. the whole life poticy with
cash value.
No.,......... ...
The apartment renter doesn't
bUild up any ~uity even
though paying rent each
month. The same is true for a
person with term insurance:
the policy doesn't build up
any cash value. Basically. the
premiums for term insurance
are intended to cover the
claims flied and the life
insurance company's costs
during the coverage period.
Wllluh.,... otar.
~ ...... ,....,
There really is no hard and
fast answer-it comes down
to a matter of individual needs
and preferences.
If your insurance needs are
high but your budget is very
limited, a lot ot term insurance
may be the answer foryou.
On the other hand. you may
prefer the permanence. fixed
premiums and cash value of
CMll"81uell ......
The cash value buildup in a
whole life policy is similar to
the home-owner's1 buildup of
equity in the home-from
making the f!lOrtgage
payments. The cash value
can be used by the policy-
owner to meet various
alternative needs: retirement.
children's education. emergen·
cy loans, etc. However, using
the cash value decreases the
insurance protection.
whole life, but feel you really
can't afford this type of
Is there an answer to this
Yes-one answer 1s
Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company's new whole life
policy that emphasizes
getting the most permanent
protection tor your premium
dollar. It can be a good
toundation for your life
insurance program ...
Calculating how much life _insura
You might be thinking:
"llatropollt8n"a Whole
good, but eucttr how
much protection do I ......,..
While an exact answer
depends on your precise
situation, it would probably
take about 75% of your
monthly take-nome pay to
maintain your family's
standard of living. To provide
each $100 of that monthly
incdme for 10 years will
require abo1.1t $8,500 of life
insurance or other assets.
So. for example, if your
monthly tak&=home pay is
$1,200, 75% X $1,200 is $900,
and 9 X $8,500 is $76,500-
roughly the amount· of life
insurance you would need to
maintain your family's
standard of living for 10 years.
Of course, there are otner
factors that can increase or
reduce the amount of
insurance you need:
•Anal expenses-any unpaid
mecfical expenses as well as
funeral, estate tax and
probate costs.
• Repaying debts-mortgage,
car loan, credit cards.
business debts, personal
loans, etc.
•Homemaking expenses-
cost of replacing services for
child care, house-cleaning,
cooking, laundry, etc.
•Children's education-
amount you want for helping
to put your children through
•Disabled relatives-a
spouse, c~ild or other
relative who is likely to need
support for a long time.
• Retirement fund-extra
iocome for your surviving ·
spouse oo top of Social
Security and any pension;
or bUilding up cash value to
supplement your own •
retirement Income.
•Current resources -assets
you have, including Social
Security benefits and current
life insuranee, that could
meet those needs.
•Inflation-the least
predictable factor. but
Metropolitan does off er
some imaginative ideas to
help you combat this
WMt about lnftatlonT
The Whole Life Plus Policy is
one way Metropolitan cah
help you stretch the dollars
you spend for life insurance:
Your premium can now buy
substa.~lly more coverage.
Besides fighting inflation
today, Metropolitan can help
you maintain your policy's
value against inflation
tomorrow. How? With two
special features that can be
,~., WUl(L\', ~' ..
coverage amounts of $25.000
or more and you'll probably
be surprised at how much
coverage you can now afford.
Policy •••
Just compare
Metropolitan encourages
y6u to compare our Whole
Lite Plus Policy with similar
policies. Look at some
examples of the premiums
and the 20-year "interest-
adjusted surrender cost
index· for a Metropolitan
·s2s.ooo Whole Ute Plus
Age Preferroo
Annual Premium
25 $ 247.75
35 365.25
45 593.50 ........
25 225.25
35 321 .00
45 511 .00
The lhtropolltan
....,,....matlve In row
cOINIUtlty w.111 be hllppy
to explain the Swrender
Cost Index 8ftd to provide
you with specific lnfonne-
tlon ebout the premiums
tllllt ~to you.
Cost Index
(per $1 ,000)
$ 1.70
Ufe Insurance •••
ShouldJOU .
'rent' it or
'own' it?
Here is some sound advice tor
building a financial 'shelter'
for you and your family.
Meaopoltan ~ Meuopolilar1 reallySla'lds ~you ~ UFUtUl.Tit AUrQttOMlKElllttMt.."'ff
The Whole Life Plus Polley is
currently not available in Vermont
or Wyoming.
-.--.----. ____ ___,_,---·----
,_-/ @11181 Mttropot1tan Ult IMUfane. Co . New~ N. Y. ._ l'Ma.Y~. Alltlll. _,
added to your policy for only a
small initial increase in the
annual premium.
Cost of Llving Rider. This
feature can automatically
·ncrease your policy's
coverage-up to 300%J
For example, the coverage
under a $50,000 policy can
reach $150,000.
How does it work? You will
receive term insurance each
year up to age 65 to increase
your policy's coverage by a
percentage equal to the rise 1n
th& Consumer Price Index.
Retum of Cash value Rider.
This is another feature that
can automatically increase
your policy's coverage over
the years through annual term
insurance. It can guarantee
your beneficiary would
receive not only the policy's
full face value. but also the
policy's accumulated cash
value. ·
With both these riders. you
won'thave to complete any
more applications or prove
your health still .qualifies you
for obtaining the additional
coverage provided.
i. ..... Ute~ ........ ,
Your local Metropolitan
representative is a trained
professional, prepared to help
you answer this question and
meet all of your insurance .
needs-life, health, auto.
home and retirement.
To have a Metropolitan
representative call on you
to discuss how the Whale
Life Plus Policy can meet
your needs:
•Call us at no charge to you.
The number is 80(}.MEl-UFE
(that's 800-638-5433).
It you live in Maryland, call
•Send in the coupon below. r----,-· _____________ , ______ ... ______ ._,,
Meaopollm @ Meoopo11Can reatfs&ands~you. 1r
IJfF.HULlliAl.lUllOt.t~Kl:tllltMl:-01 ,
I would ~ke more .nfO!ma11011 about the WhOle Life Plui Policy. Here's llOW 10 cootacc me·
'felel>'-<t "'-'
Mall tti.s couPQn on en envelope .octressed 10
Metropolitan Whole Life Plus Dept.
One Madison Ave. New York, N.Y 10010 ..._ ______ , ____________ ..... _________________________ __
I You can lost? up to
a pound a day
. ~-6 .......
TV WEEK, APRIL 5. 1981
Q) wAlins fr .. ~ Elrtlt" Linda Day Geoitt. Doncw111. 1.-00 Q) "TIM ,rillct •IHI Ille Sllowcilf" (com) '57-Marilyn Monroe
IO:GO llJ "'"Pil'C TM" (hol) '63-Moira Shearer, Anna Massey
~VWW I W'.111~
.. . .
~------~--.. ---------I P11111H Mod my free copy of Keeping I I Mor• 01 What You Ear11 Tlte ClaQ A : 1 Na~e .•........ · · · • • · · · · · · llfbtllr1 Ufe I•=· I
I I I Add~ss . . . . . . · · · 1133 E. 4ta St Stl #ZM I
l c ty ... · liO\ · I I I . • . ~. . . . . \!!!} $llta All. Ct IZ1l1 I
, I State ...... Zip . . . • . ....,. (714) 135-4125 I L---~~-~-------------~~
.. , ..... ,
l:tO e "lltWI" ~;Mui111ilia11 Sdlell. Jan S4MltllS. • .... .., (dra~-aicardo Montllban, Wrte MUJplly. e '1111 lit Trea." (-.S) 52~tlkt Oo4111U. En Mill•.
7:11 e (]) (!18 '1lie llllk ti Liiiie" {dra) '78-JllMS Stmit. t:00 e 0 8 ''Tiie SlcUtb" Part I. (wtS) '79-Gltll!I Ford, Sam Elliott,
Tom Stlleck, Ben Johnson. • e <D Cll 9 .. ~ .. rt I. (dtl) '81 -Peter O'Toole. ,,.,., .
1:00 e "T!J ti Clkli • Slilt'' (d11) '75-llicardO lo1nla1M11, Susan Clark. e ''Tiie,..,.. ~ Oilerl" (dr1) '52-SpellClf Tracy.
• "TM a.." SCl·li) '74-Miehul Gret11. Slltra .•
t:11 e o a "Tiie tttl" eonc1. <wa> '79-~i::Jord. Sam EJtioh,
TOCll sttledl, Bt11 Jol\llSOCI. ' e ·anwe.....,.. Part lL (dra> ·a1-Petef 01oo1e. TIKSDAY,.,._ 7
l:tl e '1111 Liii ti tlllt ...........,, .. (~) '69-U. T111111t,
• ., ... Ill TMll llcl" (wes) ·56-RiWrd l'lla, Dorot\y llaloM.
t:Ol 9 CJ) 0 Clll "Wlr" (adv) '76-111111 Reynolds; Jerry Reed. e (]) lII QI .. ._.. .. hit 111. (ch) '11-Ptllf O'lo.it.
WOMSMY,APll.1 a:oe e "~It,......_ Mil" (adv) '6&-Robtlt Fllllw. Joc:tlyll lJnt.
• '1111 CMn" (dra) "66-Rosan111 ~1110, Jolltl SalOll. • "Mlllc C... Jiies" (ICIY) '45-Caty . Lonttl Youns.
t:Ol 9 ()) llJI tm "tlarAll ..i Ucs" ( ) 'IO-Kml Dobsoft. • <D 9 QI .. ......, .. Cond. (dra) '11-l>tter 01oole. TMUISDAY, Ara t a.• e "Tiie 11114 •.._....,..(cam) '62-Bob HoJt, Bio& Closby t:to 8 (2J 0 "Diel II t.r....,.. (mys) '81-An&it Odiasoe.
fllOAY, Miil 1•
UIO e "A Milwtt • rr.,, 1 5-M " Oil" (wes) '68-Alea Cord.
• ...,.._ TllJI" (1trl) '57-Robtrt Waptr, JOlll r.ollins. • m. l1er.-.. Sltlll" (dra) '76-0aniel Massey, Glenda JacbOn.
t:OO •CI> (fl 9 "Cf'uy n.." (dra) "81-Micheel Part, Riel lio(J.a.
SATURDAY, APlll. 11 -
6:00 • "Tiie lltllfllS INC" (com) ·11-0ou1 McCl11rt, ..,C:,:ls. m "Alita ff• S,.-., tA.-" Linda Day Geor11. • •
l:to e '1llt PriKe all4 Ille ~"(com) 'S7-Marilyn M011roe.
lo.ta e . .,..,._. T1111" (hor) '63-Moirt She11er. Anna Mmey.
... '
• AUCI 80UM'T UYI • THI llllllla
Artll 5
(C·C) llldicltn Qosed.Captiontd
for tht htarin1·l11191ifed.
NOT£: This lo& is the most c11r·
rm listin11t presstinle alld TV
WEEl is ltOt rtspOMible for any
last minute dlan1es made ~Y
the networks.
8:00 e Tllat's tat
..... & tlle 5'1*•• Wefd
e °""*LA CJ) Lllil htfM
G Tlltll & Ille ltlUtl ... ...,. ............
G)lOOl[lllella o ucw.-
• ftl' °'' ThMs Gl>W..ff~• ·~ eu...ltto ..... r .,....7
CJ) TY t Lieb et laf111111
G DneJ I Wltll • °""9fltlrJ ...
7100 ,, er...,. • ....-
Ma11d1 la a huge rock butte In the Judean wilder-
ness, rising 1300 '"t above th• DMd S.. In the
cour;itry now catted ltrael. Th• Jewish High Priest
Jonathan first fortlfted the mountain and named It
Maseda which In Hebfw mean• fortr9aa. King Hefod
the Great tr.naformed It Into a roval citadel during the yura 36-30 8 .C. The atronghotd wu meant to~ __ __.--.. ...... _
Herod'• Nfuge against poalble lfttlek• by hie tub-
fect• or by th• Aoman ruler Maf'k Antony.
Sporadic uprtatng1 by the populace qatn1t
Roman op~n were held In checlt untH A.O. ee
When a large tCale rewtt bro .. out. Durtng the ..ott
Jeruaatem wae conqueted ~ 1tle Romana •ncl ~
conttng to th• Roman hlalortM TllC!tu9. I00,000
Jewtlh elvHlana ..,.. murder9d •nd tt)e NfMlnlng
J9WI .,. enllAYM.
OM IR"'P of tr.-om "8h ... 91Cmped .... the
dewt to MaMda. "°'"the"'°"'*'" folt•-· .._.
llilllotl conductid rlldl on .,. """"' .._...... In AP· 11,.JM AofMn_"""' L.egloft, unc11r 1tte oom-flllnill Of,....,. ..... MirCMcl'Oft ..... •n. A.1).
7*,..., ........... WCNl'9ft lftclcftlldftlri~
............ 11 .. 1.000-..: .... i..'" .,,. ........................ ~--...... ...... .. .,.ula ..... ,.
·lu~ OH'1Ytw..._ a ....... ., .....,
• CD Cll 121 IU4s Art l'ff,t. r ..
• Clystll CatlM«ll
ID&tMettlMIP. ec..,,a..i
ID Acric111111rt USA
8111 c.,.. esa-saa.. • a.rdl ill Ille .....
SI lllasttrJitce Tltt1tre: 0111er
UU (R) ao.t•utt • s.car . ..,. .. c.-,
•@ a srom:~ Ccrm11e of Ult WT f'lloeni1 150
auto race lrom Plloeni•. A111.; Bnhsll Racine Cla$$ics; and Ille G11nd Ha
bonal Stetplecllas. trom Eneland e CD a Alillah, ...
Cl) Te It AllllUtN
G .... Ttny C. Mitbltr cm •• ... .,.
I An"millOOll I
• TeMlisQ..,..ISMp Uftl $200 .. ,.,. e SPOl1S: Cllkll C..W. Twil Covtr111 of this tvt11t lrom Calif e rn<11e .._,.._,,
l [ij~
,. .. Cit ,........ -
~-.... [1'9,t ... , ..... ......... ,,,,..._
TaOO l!l=TJ..~ (J) Cll ··~...,... Wltll rio.t Dtwld rwti11 .. ~ 1:.::-. 11:.-: .....
81'111 Mldlll/L*lf .....
I Tlllfa ... .., ....,_ .. ,., ........ ... • °"' r.r (c.c)
8:00 •o:r:._..,. 1:i.::-.. ,...... •l'f••"
-1:30-•'-"'• .... • Clrtllll .,.,. a,.... .... ...,. .,.., ...
•:oo •ClllDftt.....,_
CJ) .1'111....-....... •U.=C..... I ~ u. ..... Willi !lost Rttis
PhMbin ind cohost Cyndr G111"ftJ. t11,,..... e 11..111 LKJ . ..., ....
0 c.,tiMH AIC llns; OllCI
.,_ • alllic Mon. •'-Rfllt .,.... '
•Cll <IJ)Allc& CJ).., .... .. ... , ... ,. ........ .,....
0 .... ....,,
(8Llt'• .. •Dlll
11100 ., .......... n. eu.=. ... l (J)Gl•F..., ,_. Wltll
........ llicltttd Oawlol. (1)1111=• .. ..... •1111 ...... .. 0 ....... .................
•llll~C....., ..........
-U:JO-e o...,..11t 1..,... .
•• 1'111...... • e'llila.11...... .
.()) . .,.. .......
• ..._.: Stt daytime 1110¥ia. •t11 ... 0 l=!·l c.Uct (U} . ........ . ...,,.,.. ....
I AffiRNOOll I
12:00 e@n.Y .... attie....._ ea a0aya•0wu.. .,.. ......
• (J) lll 121 Al .., ClllNf• 1-:i..... See dlYbmt rncJ¥ies. 0 ........
• DldCMtt
-12:30-Cll Seardl ltf T~
OF..W. • °"' E., (c.c) .... ,"8tias
1:00 <
• Cl) <IJ) .. till WlfN , ..
• ........ WlfN
..... lllpiile
• CD cm a o.. Uh " u.. .... •a..-1...-•DFWres
-····· . . . . . . .
Production Company
of O onge County
(714) 646-8931 r: .. '-
Train on-camera In
actual productions! ACT
In UHF and pay-cable
television. nowt ACT In
non-uni on television
commerclalst ACT In
Independent non-union
movleal ACT In Orange
County excluslvelyl No
experience necesHryl
All egea'typesl Must test
to qualify for on-camer'
training! A Film and
V i deo Cast i ng
Workshop. Call for
interview: (714) ~1
(Newport Beach Studio).
The Product i on
Company of Orange
County. CAUTION! We
accept only seflous
talent who de1lre to
become "STARS"!
TV WEEK, APRIL 5, 1981
" present · ,
252°4 HarbOr Btvd.
Costa Mesa -14t .. 0Jl
2600 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -540.9 I 00
2929 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa-546-1914
888 Dove Street
Newport Beach -IU·I JOO
2850 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -540.9640
2626 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -540.5610
2800 Harbor Blvd.
OJsta Mesa -146-1200
2850 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -14G-t640
848 Dove Street
Newport Beach -752-0900
445 E. Coast Hwy ..
Newport Beach -'7J..Ot00
13631 Harbor Blvd.
Garden Grove
848 Dove Street
Newport Beach -752·0900
1540 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach -64CM44'4
28402 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo .
111·2040 -495.4949
2150 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -641-5700
1966 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -646°9101
18711 Beach Blvd ..
Hunt. Beach -842·2000
13731 Harbor Blvd.
Garden Grove
1966 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa -646·9101
AIWL 6 fer llOfllilc _. ....,_ liltillp. t: stt DA\'TIME ,te>GIWIS. . ,. ,.., *" ..... lft Ille ...,. ....
DAmtll llCMO
11:00 • Ill ..... " ... '9ca" (wts) • 36-.lollft Wayne
ll:JO D "'Tiit en,. If Wfltll"
Pait I. (d11) '40-Henry Fonda
12:tl • "CllriDle [fl" (com) ·u-.;;:: Rift, An11 Hird1111 11t II T..,.. (adv)
'!IJ-J0111 Font11ne
l:OO (JI "Tiit J1141' .i ..... "1·
ltr" (d11) '72-Bille Onis.
Dou& McClure. 9 "TIM ll1d lttt" (adv)
· 50-T yr one Power. Cecile Aubry.
Orson Welles, Jack H1wkms
l:JO D "Dldw II LM" (com)
'62-Michlel Ctal&.
I •v•••• •:CK> ••(J)@tB lllews
e•CD9G121 111ews ..........
• Tit ,. °"" • hllatr D•lffl/Dt41tt ,,.. c...sa...
• ;.., Tlrlll OAltll~
•• Tiie e.dric c..,...,
CJ) (1)(1)90 ... . .....,.
this first ep1sodt, Clpt Ooieen lewis
1s determined lo have hers be the
outst1nd1n1 baS1C·lra1n1nc company
in the upcorninJ maneuvers to bt
slqed lor Gen lllustmore
D @ QI Ultlt ltffat 11 tllt
Ptlirie (~) (R) Part one of two
parts .. laura lncaUs Wilder·· At
monzo teams a p11nt11I 111d upen
sive ltuoo wfltn hep11rthlstU Wm
tor his Mllft bnde. laura. a11d ws
htS investment laura discovers a
stubborn strut. 1n Almonzo when lie
~Uy reluses her plan to bt'ome
a lnclltr II .... : "Tty It Cata a S.illt"
{dra) ·75 (211fs)-R1t1,.6o "'ant1lb1n.
S113an Clari! The hud of a ph1I
anthropic orcan1zation 1s xcustd
of murder.
8 Cl) CID) al Tll•l's lncrt4i~lt
Features include a test lh&ht 1n an
airplane pawered solely by the sun. a
·return visit with father OiorlO, a
11oup of amp11tee skydivers who
mat.e a new attempt to set a world's
rei:ord 1n free.fall flnlr. up. and a
younc amnes11G, who 1s shocked lo
discovtt Iha! his parents. whose hor
rible accidental dulhs mi&ht llawe
triuered htS memoiy loss, mar still
be alrwt. ..... : • "Tiie,..... Apiut
O'Kln" {dra) '!12 {2hrs)-Spencer
Tracy, Pat O'Brien, Oia111 Lynn A
tnnnnal lawyer Ines lo b11bt 1 Wit nm 111d tllen vindutes ll1mseH at
the cost GI lus lite .... : "Tiie a.." (SQ fl) ·74
{2hrs)-Mlc11Ml Cmn. A doclOI dis
coms that a cenette saenhst Im
c.ruttd 1 dupliclte ol Ille doctur to
replace 111111.
I •a Cttlt ,.....,._. ''The'
TV WEEK. APRIL 5. 1981
Pm1le History ot a Clmp111n lllat
Failed .. The tale ol lhe Cml War
misadventures of a ra1 ta1 11oup of
boys wllo 101n lhe Southern caust m a quesl toi heroism and adventure
ooly to bt s"'°'ked into sudden
ruhrahon of what war rs all about 9 CM11it CU,iill c:..My Tllealtr
• Cl) ()}) P11£Mt£tE: Tiie Tw If
Us When a suave. £nct1Sh aentle
man's aenlleman meets a female
television talk show personality, who
e1n·1 quite cope with domeshc
chaos. 1he resultant firewort.s make
for sophisticated comedy Peter Cool
and M1m1 Kennedy star m a.s,1r1tt OJ 50 felturt
9:00 8 Cl) (f) 11°Af$•H Father Mui
cahy waees • dtSJ>erate battle to
clean up the 4077th before lht
arnval of a w1sltm1 Cardtn1I. Mean·
wlule, 1 GI patient badcers Hllllleye
and BJ to cure his bldly wounded
.. 0 0 llotil: "Tiie Sldttb"
(~) Concl. (we.s) '79 (lhrs)-Glenn
rord. Sam Elliott. Tom SelleGl Ben
JohnSOll Tiit Sitllett bfothtrs co up
a111nst • powtrful b11ot. lend off the
nnaunte stell1n1 B11elow brothers
and face a challe111e from a lormer
tnend h1111td tnemy e rn<JJa ...,..: .. .....,"
(t-t) Pert II (dra) '11 (211rs)-Pettt
O'T oole. Peter SlrallSS. Thirst and Ille
1>1111111 desert su11 becOM walulble
allres fat the rebtls 1t09 Ille moun
11111, Ind the Ro1111n lfntrll llllds IUS
lle•rt st11ncety touched 111 tht be1u
titul Jewisll Slave 1111 NI his custody •
::::~~~~ L".:TJ:'"'t:
....... ~Qe .. 111111"9; ,.....~ .. =-.................. ...., I_ ....... __ . __ . '~~·=::.i:.:.:: :...~.:.~ .......
1=i;:.:: ~ L~~s;: __ ....... i... ..................
Etl!f A""~·· .-.:.: =-=--... oo . =:=....., ...... -.... Ylc .... .,. ... f:+.i~l.'!:"'....:t = =·-='::: ..... IN COMOI llftil. MMI Ille ......... . ....... .•. ..... ~, ........ ·--u. (*a} '40·T,_. ;;:;:-....,.." , .. _
CJ) lt'I Y• ~ • ... : ;::r111t11m1 fllW' -J:JO-e w.t t1.......,. =-~~l~( l~~!t.-.=-... ThlsprO· Cl> INlrs: ..... Tiit Sift Olqo ·55, • • ..-COlll) lflfll l•t11tt1 Cllns ltwit Qulttet "*• et Ille S..h Mtnttn. '·.-... ~!:: ... '*'1 fotd. Plu1 One. pl111 Altet Tltu111 ttrlonn· • ltwle: e ''Sllerted ....... -* lflt "lllt. Mqk." "Know the Fttl· Iii•._ ..... " ("'YI) 'U-8111* "l'llt Vllldll '1tera" ins." "rr•• Actln" ind "And."
111111 ltatllboM, Nl1tl lltuct. (6r1) '72-Cherltt ltolllOft. I 00 Cll llailt:....,..,,.,.. .. {tdY) • ....... .... ...... ...... & '72-l'ttet hw11. W11h1111 Slllith. •(I) <I) ArcMt .....,., f'tlct •Ole ---.. -t:JO-e 0 • C-. "The Ha.-ind a....; i;t..., Cl> ...,. ..... _... leilM* the ltiinttl' Ofllctt 8lrica llffdS
...... : • ""-1 w....·. 9 ...... '1 JOI tnd Polldl'J htlp ... •Is '•
_.. (dra)·c..k Kirdwickt. 0 .... • ....,. rch '1 milt 1ifpl111e Mnict Is • T• .. "lldlC.. • • ti .... .... .. .... by • hlMhC ••ndel who e....., .._ 1 r..... 8100 1111111111 t11t 1wes o1 ''"'°' • 1 _ clllt peofle.
-:.,.,-Cl> _. :r: • .. tll.11 lttcre"'lc "WtnJtd Cl).~'!. s.hlr:r-.. •• ~.· ~ Wottd'' TM IWOIYIM looks •I birds "... .. ._... ... -lrOlll "' 0¥tt tht WOfld. * Cll1•,._ F1M Ott <D l•A ... • GEOKE VMDOWJ:
TMly. Celptt.Dlult 9 Clw11toa•11t11i.. * An Wt 1Ma Vlslttd7 Slleft Celt fiulal 0 lilllt tlle ti,_ • M II WritM e DO Sl'Ol'l'S:~Dillll 0 M °"" & Mt (c.c) •Ill*-"llW .......... (drt)
IMrt W a..11.ai, Cowr11t • fllt111 UM '11 (2hrs)-Rlchtrd Burton. This
of the liMI round .of this LPGA • 8 ""9 bN "'-(c.c) story documents the 1nfll11ttlon of
l()ijfnamtnt lrOlll the Missloft Hills -5:30-the Ger111ans in North AlriCI Ceu= in Rad Mira~=• e • Cl> Cll .._ • MM Mlw Merle ttawrd. Leona • · c.r...a • ()) .._ W 11ttef W~ha1111 1114 the Tennessee Moon·
of Ille NASf.AR Gr111d Nationlls. (fJ Tiie ..., C... 511111 shine Cloners are the cuests. • Miia"'. .... u,.. • 0 fie c.t.. 0.,-, (R)
2 00 O Miik ti Oii hWllc "Calypso's Settth lof Atlantis. P111
C QI) Ct* C.... I" Philippe CoustHU aqrches for
• Gilltll'a llilaM 8 Hert'a II YM llultll cfUH Ill tllt lllhtl!llS and othtr m llMM: "Or_. Ma.._ fTM locations, wh ile C1pt11n Jacques
th Gme" Chor) '69-Christopher Cousteau focuses on Crett and its
let, Rupert Dnles. I llV•NliiCi I olltlyinc W,nd. D11. e lllwlt: "Sterllird all4 Swtt •· __ ._iiiiiiiiiiii----"· ID..._.. 0.,.,thle
._" (adv) '74-A. Martinez. ·A ScOO 8 ltster,ltct Tlitetra: D111ar
roun1 lnd1111 strugla lo surwiyt in UU (c.c}
1111 111011nll1ns, with the help of a 9 e ()) 9 0 0 ... , -1:30-
bear cub, alttt a plane crash. Cl>• ~ a ()) -O•• oa, 11 1 Tl•• """' .__.. c..t. ........,; "Heidi" (dra) (2h11) \lAI .., _, Tlllilld '68-Mu1m1l11n Schell Ale1's 1ot11 put off scie11te proi«t -2:30-• WINlilt AMMwt becomes a bone ol contenllOll a1110411 e CJ) 9 rtEllHE: AlltricH • -..: e ....., ..._,. Nd, Ann tnd Schntldtr Nd thinks
S..-.. Llrry HacNn 111d l11s (dn) (2hrs)-RIClldo Montalban Alea should do 11 alone. Schnttdtr's
SOii. Pltstot1, challenae one of tllt (JI n. "'*"'' Ates user to lend • ll111d, and Ann thinks
most tWlllJI camt hsll. tllt elusive • ~ .. 1 -.,: c.. Y• tht boy could use a little m0tt
blue marlin ,_ th Dril!Mr's T•f (1111) TIMS tntOUl'lltment from his lather
• MIN: .. .._n..t" (ldv) 'SS-sena dttls with alcollol. • Tiit *"" ,...,,..
Sttwlrl Granier. Ceorae Sanders, • -..: "Tiit lit TrW (wa) m JOO llllllM
Joan GrHnwood. '52 (2hrs),;Kirk OouaJas. Ewe Miller 9:00 -~llll•a....lJ OE.-... e ..,,, 11 o.11tp g M Ct.-... ,. _ _. ......... •-·" 9 ()) <I) OM 0., 1t • TIM The
8 "'ltd Ulllftne ·-- -newly formed Plf'lnersllip of Romano
• lllttrllce
• F..a, Fll9 fatint .. ....,..
(cite) '71-Jtek Wild, Mark lesltt. <II ... ~ aJ .... ., "DMcer-s er...
ill(" (my,) 'S3-Jt1nne Cutn. • "" °"" ... -3:30-
.......... rs
• s,.ts Afitld
• CI> al a srom: n. w.
(21 ,., C.. Ille c..try & Htndm hll I IOOd Clleft(t ol
(fl Sell !If ~.30-ltndin1 its first b11 account-If Ann
• and N1tk an OlllJ owerloc* their 9 (I) 8 Inn dftflt'S 0QUes1t0nlble' salts lxtJCS. CI> C111c1 & 1111 1111 e o a n. lit Et11t '11lt 8 Inn c..tw.c. Sadltta" (c.c) P-1 I. (ws) '79
• M*tl 5--PM (211rs)-Gltnn ford, Sam ElllOt1. Tom
<I) llllff "'-' Sefled, Ben Johnson Alter the Cml
ID ftca W11, thret al the Stchtt brothers
9 Cfldett's Vlctery ~ emirate from TenntSMe to the New
B llcbtlst If Ille 5'M4 Ole °"1 Meaico territory lo seek lhttr lortunt
. 7:00 amid the bitter struules fOf ranch
l•nd and aold 111 the rouah·and· 9 ()) (fJ IO llilllltes tumble West.
p=.:.far, :..-u ........ .....
•,,<f.t'r& T.Ta:= 5i'1111. '* .... Tiii ... .............................. ,..... .... ~~ .... -.... nr-= .. .. a c.ct.~
-..,. .... aluttN. C'.111 .. mu"' to...,,... w.. ••lie btcOIN Mtlcted .. Ille .......
tti.ol!MIN ....... l ....... ., .......... ,
-t:Jt-•Cl>o•At*t'a wM. Iii! .W V.ra to • ,..,. eftet lloffi bruk off thtlf l'OlllllltlC ,. .......
Ind fllld tlltl!IMIVH dlttltlJ. .n. ..... _... ........... . .,.. ......... ..............
10100 9 Cl> 0 T...,.., W.. l.D. lt'a
•n e1Cit1111 ti.. fOf Of ~
J1ekson. Ht'• ellollt to t• Wt Stitt
Bolrd mtdlcll u11111. "4 llf 't ill
low-with • lo¥tly bllll4 pt. . .... ====-0 Vic lredl1'a Jt11tlt t.r ttM
GSlm U.'t llMtllc tC ttie
llW. Steve Allan welcomts Empress
Calhtri11t the Great. En(llnd's OllWt
Crowell end lreltnd'$ D1t11itl O'Con· nell lof a continuation of llst wed's
spirittd discussion. • n. l• ...,._ c.-..
• Jef'J F .... • Jilmllf S.aart 0 Li1111 Htlllll: A Prtfle .., ....
11:00 • e CD llJ 121 a ._
CI> llnslJilll •U.r
• r..tllfS
.(JI ...
eONTillt ..... HM ID...,llltt
9 n. Dr .. "'* Diet ~Aplllf IMC.,..,
• $flftt Flllll en..1t0 a.. ~ ~"llle ~ rlcbtre Sllew"
(dra) '71-nmothJ Bottoms.
ID .._.. "SIM&Mtl•u• Flft" (com) '72-MICllHI Stchs. oaiaw. ... ,.
• "' Gees Ille C..•tly St Tiit l!Mlepelldltlt [J'I (R)
-11:45-• ...._ ''Tiit llcl..,. Ries, ..
..._..,Ille CIM"
G 9 8 IMlt: To be an
nounctd e llllM: "A c.tall Salt" (dra)
'S8-ROSS1no Bra111, Jotn Fontaine
<I) -..: tll "Tiii ~ lrlpde"
(dra) 'SS-VictOf Mat11r1 . .., Tiit "9oklts
lw•DN•SDAYI ....
Ftf .... -....,.. ....... ,..._'" OATilllE NC>GlWIS. ... , "'JMf *' 1•n II, an t9ie ..,, ......
Dl11Wl llCMD
11:11 e B "Sa1t1,fl Sia•·
,... .. (wts) '38-»h11 W1yne
ll:ll • ~ ..... Dnllt· lllN'' (mys) ·~1-liar1are1
lriJt!ton, Walter Pid1eon.
lZ:tl • Ill "Tllty llet ii ...
_.. (dn) '41-Clar\ Gable e e .. ,..rtralt If• W ·
attr" (dra) '61-Vic Mo1row,
leshe P1trish. The story of the m. and 1111 of the llOIDfious
tnm\1111. Dutch Sch111t1.
J:• (JI "$11 Frallda · fllttn11· 6'Mf" (dra) '70-Vtn Johnson.
Pernell Roberts. .................. , ....... "
(dra) '57-Robtrt Mitcllum.
J:H • "lla411rttt" (wu) '71-
Richard Boone, ltslit Caron.
Sam Red, Paul Smith.
-6:30-MeadoW5 1uests as Ille SjlOlled Wife • ......,. of Deputy Chief Cn>mwtll.
(JI llrMJ llilltt 11 @ 8 11111 ,..... (C-C) (R) at "*-t lad lllttti futum include • r1111'9n of POWs m 'Ille ...., Nil sa.. ltom Wol1d Wlf II and tlle llofun fD ._.... witll CW. Merb War; Ille l·Birds, I proftSSIOlll l
9 SIW11 Ste rolleMbtin1 tum, tuch Sarlll l'tlf·
cell to wtt. and Mi itltemn witll 7~ a woman wllo P.rodueta • 11111
i .. a .... of cuslom·llllde bWlllS. ...., llillf • • ........... It ........
HIM o.,. Apil Nil" (ad'f) '66 (2'1n)-llobtrt fut*.
(() fie tK .,..... .lottlyn Ullt. A llillioll dohn Ill
• 'Ille ,....., W".W Cold Wiiis for two dtsptralt mta •!Id
Min Criffhl .._ a blonde wildut throvp desert hut.
• t11 11°A~·N mourrllin cold and Allldle bllllm 0 Tt Ttl tile Trwta •CJ) (JI (JI c;,...., ._...
• Tiit Strllb .. Sn fl'tlldtce Mtf9 "Saturday Oii $u11Set llhd." 0 P11£111[1[; .... °' Supet hero H111•1fJ mu UllMllly G CMr Ear (C-C) inlo battle to am P1111 frOlll a ID .,....... a Amr Russi111 suicide squad. 0 111. llldlell/Ltllftr •.,.it ..... Ill "Tiie CMn" (dra) -7:30-'66 (2hn)-Rosa11na Sdliaff1110, ~ a 2 • Ult TIWll Saxon, BN11 Ahtr11. A Britisll at•·
CJ) """ ~ Atalll eral, a Royal Canadian Air forte ~ r~..o officer, an American captain tftd • a 8 .... .., ~-private, an lt•lltn soldier and his Pi.
9 SM • • plus a German solcfter ere •" treHtd • ....,.... S..uer• in a eaftrn 1fttr e bombin1 111d.
(() "' ....... ... "' lllpzitll G Ftct 1111 llak ..... : Ill "NlllC...,._.. I:.:.~ F•lr (adv) '45 (2hrs)-loretta Youn,,
Gary Coooer. A ltnky ~ IS ... ___ ._v_._ .. _u .. •....,G.___.I B n-::.. (C.C) mist-'en lor .. outllw and Is hunted
• Tiit lbcleilll*• ..... by.~ •1111 the CMlllM • 8:00 e ... •Let-ID TOll$KT'S UTIOUL
I • Cll o •""" a 111t1Nal '"'""'k s,.c.1a1 • ~IC SP£QAl
z.2>908.... "Golillas" :-~=~ I TIC fte =-8:00 • 0 ••tieul ... ,. .,..
I ... .,.. · e (() (IJ i. Enos pfanccs tht dll "Gonlll" This~ tM 1
.... Tlllll tnlifl Mitro Squad 111 ·1ioe Wltn' look at 1111 efforts of COllMM·
I ...._ llllst S., wlltn he lftslsts on armt1111 tilt wife tioaists-1111 firt(ter, ..at" 91:1·'
• Tiie Pldl1c C:...., of Ille Deputy Cllitf of '*'· Jayne tAtists lllCI lt~-wllo -to
--------------------., pment Ille tllilctloll lif tlle .....
the lafpst of tllt 1111t .,..
• Cnl .....
• ClllrJtjl ., •• ,,. s,.cw
TV WEEK, APRIL 5, 1981
-9:30-mc.tu ac...t,..._
8 0 8 0-*1 "Streets of
Fur" To stot> allllt 111 tlleif IMC-·
boftlood. two bfot""1 Ol'plllll •
Yicllantt com11111tee. bit 1t is 011ly
1fta one Gf tlltm is slam tllat t:M
sum•or will hsten to Q1incy's
advicl. .... • ...w ........... •a"""'* .. s.. .,...
"""" (R) • ........
-lO:JO-........ a""'·.,..• u ._ • 011r 111 W W. .... Tllis
sptCltl pays tribute to tht 111111J top.
flictit black baseball pla,.n who
wtrt denied stardom by Ille color
banit1 Mid futures int11'fitws witll
Sltdltl Pai11. Roy Campanella and
Blldl ltonll'd.
ee<IlOG .. •<Dt11•11> ..... elllrfl1l ..............
• 1•A-vtf' .......
OT--•f ....
• Diel CMft 80. .............
• CJ> O ...-S: -...... .. C..~T.,. to bt alll04NICH.. .......... c.r-•<Dm• ...... ............... .............. ........ , .... (C.c)
1•100 e II* "It e I r ( .. ) 'M-Wit ....,..,, .loll Stlley. 1=..·--... 1=s,;=1
-12:,._ L'tP:.."' '-'"-~.
tlOO ..... ~ ............ I ........
~ .. :.r.: ....
• (l) • .:r.. .... ---....... _...,.
C1191)'11~ ......
• CJ) ~ (21) FllltlsJ ldMd •'--'• .. , .. ~ •o..se.,..,-
• @ ID Tiit T...,r,. S....
• Mtpa's lttfMS
•'-WIJllllM G llM 0.. LMI sa..
•s,.ko.t .., ..... ....,. ""'
• llMit: "Tiit ..,..,_ aM IM "*" (dra) '!11-Jolln Wayne, £1M>
Ando, Sam Jaffe. So Y1Nm11ra
<II Ma9·1Z
l2ll Te T• Hie Trvdl
• Mnie: fl "JlllHJ CMI"
(mys) '63-Htncy Sitn
• Mnie: ''l\t Ru1er1" (adv)
'74-bmes G Rtehardson. The story
of three raneers copinc with lht
problems of the U.S f0ttsl Servtee
•e(J}OID8 ..._ ' ..........
•• (J) (Bl tZI ""' •TitTICDl.p ..... ~ ..
• ""TiMS tBOffd .....
• • Tiie Dldric c.,..;
(J) <J> «Z a a ""' . .....,.
lll....,llillr ..... lldKltttr
........ t witlll Clett Mtftl
8:00 e CIJ) Pll11ersttn Bessie's fa.
thH returns to Pllmerstown IOI one
last elf0t1 to reaain family land tltt
county seized almost 20 yurs bef0te
white he vah1ntly served his country
• ()) l1I • l.MrM ' 5airt.J "H11~ PrlCtd Oates" llvtrM alld
Slurley h1lar1011sly COllle ~ sr1ps 1r1ltl two lflSI 1uys .mo tll1M that pay1n1
'" an t1pens1ve mul 111eans the &lfls oi.e them a world of attention
for dessert. (() ..... ,..,..
• Carel ...
O fat~
g) 0 Slllw DI Iris Clllcell
9:00 a (I) (fJ ... : "Gltor" (1dv)
'76 (2hrs)~811rt Reynolds, Jerry ·
Reed, Jack Wes1on. Lauren Hulton A
non.conformist moonshiner tahs Oil
• corrupt pohllul boss. D @ 8 IJ. 114 Utt lur
''Who 1$ BP.. BJ 1s sulfennc hdln
amnesia at tM samt tune Ulat 1
mysteoous strancer IS try1n1 to kill ~1111 and rf tie cloesll't rep1n tus
memory 1n time 1t may bt the end
for him. •CD Cil QI ... : ........ "
(C-C} Part Ill (dfa) '81 (Ztlrs)-P1te1
O'Toole, ~nthony Quayle. On1d
Wwne1 T lie ztalots c;onllnue lllelf
dutr11thn s11r911st attacks, the
problem ol hut and tllnt increase tor Ille deser1 bou-4 Romans and an
(mlSAry from lllt COlll1 pioves to be
111 e11t111Y w1tl11n.
• Men Griffil *" • Met lbw lle11ny Roet11. £the1
Mtrm1n. Ille Million Dollar Band and
the Haaers are ttlt 111ests.
• ® llysltryf Tiie ... Sim
(C-C) "Horses tor Courses" lll•
racetrack bookmakers low a btlndlt
when ' horse not lawortd lo win
comes 1n hrst. A ereat deal ol cash
wu bet on the horse 1ust belou the
slart1n1 cun, the boolues are sus
• ()) 0 SPOm! -....._ .
._.. TeMIS to be •--"'"-e 08 llllelJ~ e <J>111a ..... eur ......... ................
··~-.... .....
12:00 ...... "See .... ,.., bl"
(mys) '65-John rorsythe, Senti
lletpr. Jw Wyatt, fflfldlot Tone .
lesllt Nletsen. Pa111ell Fla11k~n
• CJ) 9 .... : "Tiie ....
0..." (dr•) '7•-Timothy Bottoms.
Warren Oita, Lou Gossett. •'--'• ...... ...,..... •o...sc.,..,-
-12:30-u oan• ,...,,.. ,... c.... .. c...e
• Tiie Del LMe .. ..... : ....,,, QllMll " Sala"
(df•) '72-YantSSA Redcr'IVe, Glenda Jeckson. Pltna lkGoolla11 . .... """"' ""' -1:30-
• ~: ''Su •llJ" (bor) ·12-Chres Roblllson, Altt Rocco. Susan
Clrloll A Y1et111111 Y«t llSCS 1 rat
tltsnue u ~is ptfSOllll wupoa of
reven11 apinst 1Mnklf14
• h MI: "$etftllSI," .... ~" .....
QIT•T• tM Tniltl
..... : "M lfllel ....... t..
YttH" (1dw) '75-Teresa Grans.
Plltl Silvers. • ... : .. .....,, 1-sr (dra)
'57-N1t1tie Wood, karl Malden.
Efrtm Zimbal1st Jr.
crace by Mr Sassalrm. and his time
1111Chtne e D QI lbr,er Y111t1 PTA
"Bad Illy In Harper Vallty" Wiien a
panicky blM robber takes Stella.
W111Cb Reilly, t~e 1111yor and Pl A
board members hostace he finds out
the !lard way thal captives behave in
odd ways.
.... : ........ hay, a
S.-" Die" (•es) '68 (211rs)-Alex Cord. Robert Ryen. A notorious
tunman 1s ofte11d amnesty by lhe
New Muico Territ~-l::mor. • CD Cfl ta "Hand-
writinc °" the WaH" 8ell$Oll and the
staff undtreo l111af101S siece wMn a
decision by Ille l«Mrnof pr0111pls
ptotuus to Nlth on the UtCU·
hve 1111 ll$IOll
• ... : ...,.._ T..,." (du)
'57 (2hrs)-Robert W11MF. Edmund
O'Brien. Alt Amtf!Cln 111telli1ence
•cent. clelivtrin1 secret d1t1 to •
lap1nese 11enl in Korea. is lofted
to l1y ovet 1n J1pan, ull4er COii·
stint watch. . ,.~
..... "Tiit _,.... Strait"
(dre) '76 (2111r1)-01ni1I Massey, Cltndl JICkson. The start of Ille
turhlt•l life of actrtss Sar•h -=·Ollie I Mr (c.c) • eUlhllll ...... ...........
TV WEEK, APRIL 5, 1981
1 0:00 (adv) '66-Henry fond1 S ••uRD·•v • °"" ... 111 wn N• <R> • CJ) a:z Dtllas Jod and MISS ... I R. -............ ii ..... Ellie's reconc1h1t1on results 1n a ._
Sl(Ond holleymoon for them and Ille APWtt. 11 -10:30-
stalhnc of JR's scheme lo seU Ew1ne e A.rica'1 r., T• O~. • CD Cfl a l111Marr e a • ....., ... , .. • I • A*tt ' c.tellt OM lriltUtr .. 1 __ MO __ R_N_l_NG __ ... • Sil Mill s .... ........ ··~~~ •...,.. ~....., e·.oo II'• v.ttn',.... 0 c.,ltal Cities F1111a, s,.dal I · a SluHIHtt .... ill .... • CJ) S.rite s..tttr 11 :QO e • , .. ,. ... , £,. (R) "Oark : = FtffNcl 8 CJ) a:z • ...,. t1M
Aces" m U'""'1fty tf ttie Air e Sl'OITS: W.ri. Oa•,IHUI• m lllcM • lllcM Tttlllis Coverace of the $320.000 O lilt ...,.,.. JwNI -6:30-Challenae Cup.
-10.·30-8 ~ •CD Cl.I IS""'* s,.clll CI> Willa Alter• m llattl(s litdMtl • • • .... e tw• c.t m Llldla uw. = ~i..;,: A l'rtfile ltlh1n • Cfl Ifs'"' ..._ 19 Tiie ..._ hcllalct
Hellman tells of her early days as a ~ = ~ :.::"' -11:30-
str11111tn1 younc writtt, her first • s,ui o.t . e IUl Q'I Sl'OITS: ........ The
taste of success and its toll, and her ...,., .._ Montreal (IJIOS 11 the P1ttsbu1;t
uperlences wntiAC for the lllO'lies 1n I~ MC...,.. Pirates OR the Tem Rlnaers 11 lhe
Hollywood ind the film 'Julia.' '21 • •MJ hlldl, Hew York Yankees.
-... ,...._ • CI> (JI a Alltrica• ..... 11:00
ee(J)O O Q'l ltws e 1M...., Eflfltt Nee SMl9
e WCfl ta .... .. ....,_ '--•... .,."
• llfetta 91'11 .. Vlki
• Diel"""
• 9 SHITS: •IA tu•ethtt T11ms to bt announud. eoaJ111111Jc.r. .
• llltlt: "TMNll C1tt•111"
(dfa) '51-Robtft Yaupn. e CD !JI • ,,..,_ ()) ........ MltllllMI eur .... Deel ..... .,,. Q!Wrea'• .....
(dra)-Aldr.2.. ....,,ft.
==111•• .... ....
19100 ec--. ...... ..,..
-12:•-.......... s,.c:w .........
, -11:40-ac... ..... .,., ... 1-
1100 e--=<-et)'6S·
-·It-• ............ (lllf) r!l-.................. c..t. • .-r -·· L--:\1
--.• staMI With ~ost Dick Clark .
7:00 • S..C Tr• . .,.,.. ,,....... ·. ~ = AMrlcHa ·=·~.... ·-..... n.n 9 1\e ..... Clr1llMr
•CD Ill ta ~ 11111
CJ) lY I lMs at IAlnDc . .... , ...... .T ..... t!D lllpl19 I
• lillftt'• ..... lldllle .Th .... ....
CJ) IUMllfN ··~ ...... •Dl••ltlfyltws ·=USA . -......
8:00 e ·(I) ID T• I lenJ . ... ,........ .. .... =~<JI·"'*-• ..... : "Tiie "'"-" (dra) 151-Kil!I Stl111tj I lloW Btklaes. ._...,..... . ....,
I An'llllllOON 'I
12:00 I
8 CJ) 9 Sl'OITS: CIS 5""'
5'edx* e tMt i. s,.ce G SPOITS: WtJI' l'ret...-al
h ..... Qliii ........ I . ..., . ..., :;."'o.i-..... t
CD °" lat FreM!et ti ...... , 1.11............. cl • ... : "C-' .,.. .. ( )
'71-Clwilt.., Lff, Htfbert • .... ,.... ..... .... ) .... .... .,..... ....... . ..........
1100 ,
e (J) D INlll: la~•= CD ... : e '1'I Pr u.," ( .. ) ·st~Cllarlla ..... ....... ........... ~
(•a) '57 -Tw-t ,.., 1
..... :""'--tel ...
.... ~)15....,,~ 1 ... ~ .............. (~,...
I~~ ..... .... '
I .. ~ Fr •• ~
• (I) CIJ raEMIHE: Clltckl•I
II MMla Gibb\ st1R in hei Popular rolt as Florence Johnston, from "The
Jtfftnons." Slit now llas • ntw and
• (J) ID Nlllll: "'* ,._ Hi~ld Could st1rs ts t•• di•· lillcuitlle4 suptryllot of a New Yott
lt111 aid dituc. whose main job is to
stir cal111 emldst tilt cUol that
surr011nds ltilll 1ftd Ills staff.
• Cll <II QI MIR & 11MJ "lliOfl and lltt familJ Reunt0n" A
m111d·betldit11 O!U11 foocl coated 11p bJ MOfk aftd consumtd by, Mindy
SIMI Ille family minion into a hay
treatln1 Undt Dave (JoNtllan W111·
ttl'l) to • l>U111e wenlft1.
• CMI lwtett ec.•.....,...
8:00 e (J) (!J ........ rJ. M11num
reluct1ntly 11ms to eooperet• with
a buulilul Stcurlly expert ltfred
lo beet up Hlglns' security system. • o ·a lltwlt : "Diet II ft!
tiilrder" (mys) '81 (Zllrs)-Ancie
Olcklnson. Cllrisloplltr P!uinmlf. In
rt$j)OllM to his wife. Marsors lonf·
runnh11 and suppoeedly MCftt 1tt11r
•tlh wrltt1 Mu Halliday, Ton, Wen
diet devises the perfect crime to kill
• (I) lD • ....., ... (C()
(R) "The l1dy ind the Bomb" An
111t1ted WQINn, witll a llo111t1111dt
prt5$Ule ~If bomb, lllftaltftS to
blow up th1 squadroom unless
Balaey can find a dGIJOSll Sttt lor
some rldloectM Wl1te
• Uf'O .. ,,~
0 Tiit ... '-It Slid
•&Sl!taPr .....
• CJ) <II 8 T11I "Bobby's
Roommate" The 11nt fills rxer to
fear IOI llomelcss £ta1ne's romanttC
well beinc w1tt11 Bobby 1llows ber to
live In lus aPtrtm•nl wllilt be "
1one. then unupecttdly returns be·
fore she's lound other qu1rters.
G 0 T1lla Old ..._ (C.C)
• Tiii °"' u.. .. .... : ....... ., tlll lu ..
(drt) '49-frtnk lovtjoy.1 .............
-1:10-.... : ''lllllMlr Mt(' (1111/S)
'67-Fabiln. Annette Funicello. t11 en1w..a
8 To Ttl tile TMll
• ....i1: "Dtellwatdi" (dra)
'72-lin Banne11, Judy Getson
....... : ......... s.y"(drt)
'SS-Jobn Ott•-. Giana Lynn
• lltttt: 11 °KIW lack the lilllt" (dr1) '56-Jobn Ptyne
-2:45-• ~ ....,. ., GWJ," "Tiii
lritMta Stralldlf"
3100 .., Mme: • "Tiit hil Ey1"
(mrs) '64-lelteia Roman
..... "Tiit Scaftet ......... "
I wpw . I
, ... ,.
'2.49 SO. ·FT.
550YO. OF
~ 4°"-0# HARTCO OAK PARQUET , $1~/yd. $5.98/yd. s I .SS so. FT.
250 YO. OFF·WHITE $l 5/WI $8.lllvtd THICK NYLON 1u. 11•
~:~'8~J~~S PLUSH $15/yd. $1.99/yt
We Install * COUNTERS '·
39c EACH
TV WEEK. APRIL 6, 1981 •
Free Computer Quote Service
... , ~? •>?~~ ->--·-.. dd
Auto and Home Insurance
"We shop for ydu on our computer.
through over 100 companies in minutes ''
SpHllallMttt la
High Value HomeN A AutoN
• Price Qaria -U4r s,..c..r fl) Cllbctt
10:00 9 CJ) 0 Mtr R1hr undertakes
an assianment to stop fire IOI h1re
• GANG WAR EXPLODES! II IHl ID Hill Street ll1ts
"Dmsed lo Kill" C1ptain Fuullo and
Detective Waslunaton press on 1n
ll1t11 q mpaicn to e1on111le lellow
1:00 e sm r--. llltwrl .... : ........ , .... "
(d11) '67-Jmtte Scott.
G 11191ric*
• lhwit: "Or1ula, P'ri!let tf 011htsa" (hor) '66-Cl111stophu
lee. Barhla Sllelly, And1ew kw .
. • , .... !tit u...,.cW
m lllMa: ""' Homct ... "'•· ,Wt ,....~
Mtflt: "0,.rati.. M i•i" (adv)
'63-Tab Hwnter. Frankie Avalon.
. -2:45-.
....... ""' .,.... l'llMt," .. ,,..,. ~It"
-2:55-• MtMs: u. 111111 of Ille J•· alt.'' "Silllilt 'V111MM" .