HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0004AMMOMEN'P NO • AMRMM T UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 635 THE ZONING ORM NAHCE OF TH& CITr OF NVWPMT BEACH, CAGIknO�iNI _'< APPLICATIO14 NO. NAME OF AFFU -CAS V. (property Owner) DATM)_ *2jM 26, &W ,ADDS man isia#- ITS IST :NG '� N . 3� Com.._..•. pNg Jkit 111 ice. In accordansas with SectioA SMJ . of Ordinanco ire. 635 an went is hereby TI UM ED - DIUHD for the followit t Ase !WW igteq a 10 Mad toa► 0-1-N I�ista�t TRAd:T_.LUS �.,._ Located at (street address) jMZVgMd gUM gj gM 21ft„„_,�__ In 'the City of Newport Beach, subjeat however to all of the conditions hereinafter set out, The Amendment hereby granted lit subject to the foll4ving conditions: The Amendment hereby granted shall beams: ofZootive upon caeplianoo with the following guarantees and/or evidence that the foregoing conditions ars being or will be complied with, and until such time as the said guarantees mWor evidence requirments acre not, this Amendment shall be of no force or effect whatsoever: This Amendment extends and applies to only such buildings aWor lands, or portions thereof as specifically described is that application for Mendment No.•„�� and all attachments thereto and limited by the provisions as met forth its this Amendmeate The undersigned hereby certifies that he has read and has full knowledge of all of the conditions not forth herein. Findings of Planning Commissions Ses,at Granted by the Cit Council on -the 7aftv of c..,.19 -S - C. K. Priest, City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California P, C. Form 1 Forsittee Xwl N. StapJAW Granted by the City Planning Cmaission on theme day ofr ---X92-4 Ray Ye' Copeli.n, Socretary Newport Beach City Planning Wmismion No. �! .,. boo" "- .-.._19.'x' ...... CIT? PLANNING CCOMISSION NLMAT BRACH, CALIFORNIA . REPORT OF: Aedes sari a ►tea at lot w is amt "tam"* Nor. 63! 5esU" so. 3.8 BY: p2aadm farad" as TO: city thus ftV of yawl" x"Oke Alm, ON: Uts 3W MA Vd, 2140 hM. =Is 144&W is WO Siff MoR a AWW=41ft ASW► PROC> m MUM B2 PLAWMMGM's M'" of !fir P $a 1 vftpwu" ma POUSUA 0 M 3.10 MA ft s: 3. M3 Nhblis hOW& t %W6 fU 00 ft"06W a# 190 sd mss! 1T9 M ft MW shm"eft+ MW &U. FINDINGS: %tA V# Nd V0 49 no " not soft to to � A't lalohslums VittWL" � � M .� sN 1 a IINde VIP" M � ft" *A sit we sUV11 tolia�ti! aMt ow at Woo" 0 lastMIUM sras iN 14 as '60 ` us 1!S +rt,lo#tia 1a Via~aMres t1�sisswts�at + is It ft WW w3t t MIM ft► I*$ *Wr 0 mar A I UWAMS ft* Fewest tr UW $ M S* � :► � t is RdCO9l42DA3IONS OF FIANN25 gMSSICN: s UN W vivo" fit a* weg d"t"St io iA MA MW AYES: AU NOES: ABSENT: im" NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman I hereby certify that the above is a true Approved by the C tY Council on the and correct report of the proceedings and " day of 19�,�' action of the Planning Cmdesion, City of Newport Beach. C Respectfully submitted, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission C. K. Priest, City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California P. C. Form 1 AMI. ema. PE71TION FOR AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE 6v� ?ef; voe.% -to - 2j Aevo-o. THE ZONING 0RX)Y.kKNCF, Wrie o4,Y OF THE CITY OF NF'WPOART- BEACIR, CALD,% Z7 NAMX OF APPLE CANT ZARL W. STA=Y cati. on mnvet be accom- property owner) -00- ADDRESS e., Balboa IslAnd payoont of C25 225 Marius Av zk money order will be 47 1776 q ­ubbitted by mail. DATE October 26, PH0N1­Harbor __ f (Read Instructions Carefully) the Clty Planning Commission California heroby petitiorls to amend the provialons of Ordinsince No,. 635 E;ubisl;s the following for your consideration. rhrEar. at. Stanley is the owner of cert In real vroperty ca 1. e. d n U3 LY C1T_171P_0r t B_ea_a_R_,r.tL more partilcularly desoribed as 11_eT_ -vie -f RA 0. " r 1219 BLOCK LOT s Vone ST5E'ET �2, Tha L said real property to now located in an __U ----district. `Phar petitioner desirea to amend Seet'0111 a of the Newport cause proper y Too fal' within Beach ClAy Zoning Ordinance No. 635, SO as 'to �Mnle r, Y11F El la,istrict, or to'. �e -reason-for theftling of this Petition are as follows. In order to use tris property for business It will be necessarX toexpend _g_ considerable sum in putting In storm drains, excavating in some cases and making co chi villa in ot'-ars. Merefore, the property should be zone for business prior to making this expenditure. CALIFORNIA 01-GUNIfY 01` ORANGE -i:�e undepsigned, being duly sworn, depose and say, that I am the petitiorker Y' tril-s petition and t1t the foregoing petition and aN.1 data, Information.., and v7`denc e tnie herewith submittedcorrectare in all respects t b es 0 1* (pdge, leand and . �fy io eLibsorlbed and ,worn to before MV F; 1-1 1,_ S 26th c1lay of October MY m-nim%iien exams AWust 17, IM I'NSTRUCTIONS- Fill out this petition completely. This petition must be made '5y one or rmora owners of property affected by the proposed amendment and must, he accompanied by a map showing the location of property of the signers of tile peti.tion, the use of sunk property and the use of all property ad3acent there - c, r. n r r- h n 1 1 s o enb m. I t 0 ng ot es� tn — r I 1. by nhe Planning Commission. NOTICE OF PUBLIC"r-� NOTICE IS HERMY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NENPORT l:IA, . WILL 4XD TWO PUBLIC HEARINGSTHE APPLICATION -t RAY Y. COPELIN, SECMARY NEWPOW BEACH CITY PLAWTING CO SS10N