HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0016Amendment #16 cxTx PLANNING COMMISSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: Resolution of Intention #597 ... Amendment to Ordinance #635 ... E BY: planning commission, City of Newport Beach$ California. TO: City Counej:L, City of Newport Belch, California. ON: the E MOIRIS SMI ap,)li.oation Ve- oning of lock 436 (Lots 1 29 40 6, S, & 10) R--2 t n C -1H r ' Lata 3 C-1 to (H1H qt PROGMURE FOLLOWED - G kw m : 3 Public Hearings were hold on .the 17th of November ... and the 15th of December ... Legal publications were inserted to the Newport Harbor News -Press. and, the property was posted in accord with Ord. #635. F10-INCS OF PLANMIG COI0IISSI s Since the State Highway -101- outs diagonally across Corona dei. Mar there are ame lots now Zoned Residential which aro adjacent to Commearcial. lots. Most of these residential lots are in single.. ownership. The residential lots involved in this application are in one ownership and would be incorporated as a part of the, proposed off-stsxeet shopping center, under 0-1R Zoning. It is doubtful that any other residential lots could qualify for C -LI zoning, in this area. It is also felt that off-street shopping centers of this size =11 and design, should be encourage d rather than hindered. Commissioner Copelin wished to gon on record as his bell& that whIever possible 'the location of the building should be changed to conform with the Ordinance rather than the Ordinance changed to conform With the building location, necessitating the re -zoning of R-2 lots to C-lH... RECOMA0MCUONS OF Fi INNING CO SSIONs The Planning Commission believes this amendment to be in the best interest of the City of Newport Beach, and recommends the Honorable City Counci3. concur with the 'findinga' of said Co«nission and Amend Ord. #635, changing the above prop- erty to .the C-lH zone requested. R=TS OF ROLL CALL VOTE' AYES: ALL C o.mmiss i oners present. NOES: ABSENT: Briggs, Smith, Lind, & Hayton. NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman Lo n oar I hereby cP y t a is a tray and correct report cf th,,e proceedings and action of the Planning Ccmission, City of ;Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted, 21f.T�= Secretary Newport Vch City Planning Commission P. C. Form 1 Approved by the City Council on the �c ....6aF of�- This application must be a o -- nm OF APPLI a panicd by pint of $50.130. (property or) ftly check or money order will be ADMESS., accepted if submitted by 1. W DAME., CQP23Om. (Head Instructions Carefully) " TO TFM CITY PLA IG CTaISSION Newport Peach, California The undereaigned hereby patiti no to amend the provisions of Ordinance No, 0535 end submits the li fps .your consideration: is the owner of certain real property .:. located int C ty of Newport Bosch, and more particularly described follows: T �.CT BFB LOT SST AnMEss 2. That said real €,rcrarty le now located in an district& 3• That petitioner desires to amend Section�of the Newport Eeacch ity, Zoning Ordinance No, 635, so as to cause property to fall within an i/ district, or to: e 1 rd - 4.. That Mia reasons fo the filing of this Petition arse as follows: STATE OF CALIFCEMA) COUNTY OF OR GE ) mss I, the undersigned, teing duly sworn, depose and say that I am the petitioner of this petition and tit the foregoing petition and all data, information, �d evidence herewith submitted are in all resaeats to the best of my edge and belief. truce and correct. Sittare Subscribed and eworrit to before me thie_ et � day of ©- . 19 (seal) INSTRUGTIO S: Fill out this petition completely. This petition met be made by one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment and mist be accompanied by a rap showing the location of property of the signers of tha petition, the use: of such property and the use of nil property adjacent there— to. The petitioner shall also submit a y other delta or information requested by the Planning Co=ission. AFr:iCa'ion for Ranning Commission 4 a � City of Newport Beach ` � California r P. C. Form 7 0 PEnTION FM AMM OF ORDINANCE 5� �T TM ZONING D.RD. .NCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BRACH, C NAME OF APPLI __n;_�s application mi,:st b COW-- (Property—ow z nan'_r-d by ­7ment of o;,? y cne W r. or money order will be Lc�we:� ted 1-f sulLbItted by mail. DATE( � cL (Pea.d Instructions Carefully) t o t!e C I ty Manning Commission California p1l `>he !.,nderel ned hereby petl,tl s to end the provislons of Ordinance No. 635 �:n subu itz th owIrng foa' your conaideration: ' T � , 1s the owner of certain real property In tt_e 3 ty o eort BeadIT, a.nd more particularly desorlbed ate :'off Aon r BLOCK LOT TfILAC That said read. property 10 not l.aoated 1n an district. ri.ct. That potitloner dealree to amend Section�[ of the Newport C' ;Cit; Zoning Ordinance o. 635, so as to causer prop y o fall within. district, or to: aneaaor s for thefilin STATE OF CALIFORNIA f OF GRA ` ss i of this PotltiAn are as fol.I s` a the underolgned, balrZ duly sworn, dopose and say that 1 am tl:e petition® of, lids petition and tib the foregoing petition and all data, Information„ an ev±denog herewith sub:^,.i teed arre in all respects to the beet of mfr knowledge and a)eii�—f, true acid ;orrect. Signature 8ubsc.—ibed and swor�nji to before me i 1N Sx= T'TwC iS- Pill out this petition completely. This petition must be made Dy one or more ownere of property affected by the proposed amendm.rnt and €-41z'1 be accorparlied by a map showing the location of property of the oigners or the pL ti tion, the use of such property and the use of all prt perry adjacent there__ to ,'ae petitioner shall also submit any other data or Information requested by the Planning Cords elon. VD, k1c Panning Ccmmissirn Q'LY of Newport Beach California -77 Z OL nm r HME X-mmxx Zoning Cha:mge Or Azendment hearings NOTICE OF PUBLIC HANG NOTICE IS gMMY GIM4 THAT THE PLARNTIM CO SSION OF THE CITY OF SORT S.zACH ' 0P HgARI qNI �< 0rPID SMITH � ... APPLICATION Q� RAY 'f. CCPELIN, SECRETARY 14EVVPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING 0010-ISSION Publication Date Recoived for Pub. I)at4 Received I, oe Form 3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BICE Is HMMY GIVEN THAT TETE PLANNING COMMON OF THE CITY OF LWKEV BEACH. IILL HOLD TWD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE APPLICATION OF Ms MORRISJ SMI Tfl BAY Xe OWELIN, SWRErARY N URT BEACH CITY PLANNI COlO-113sxON Publication DAte l A C Sam Received for Pub, Date Received-- Alk County of Orange. of the said County, being du`y sworn, depose' andsays. THAT ............. he i, a all °pi es i mentioned was a cifizen of f$e United States<. j Affidavit of PUL cation of over the age of eig-i-ft-1.xe yss ara, and that .........-.. lie is not a party ' o, nor inkaare5fe in the above of the said County, being du`y sworn, depose' andsays. THAT ............. he i, a all °pi es i mentioned was a cifizen of f$e United States<. j Affidavit of PUL cation of over the age of eig-i-ft-1.xe yss ara, and that .........-.. lie is not a party ' o, nor inkaare5fe in the above ei tktf,Fed matter-, that _.._..._._.__he is the ... prinfer of the Newport. agboi• News Press, a newspaprsr of general-Irculation, � rinEed and published in the Cif¢ ofNewport: Beach. Cour, r / of Orange, and whknewspaper... has been ad edged a newspaper of general car cufation by the superior Cour- � of fh6 County of orariae, State of Ca!Tfornia, under dale of.. . October 220 1954, Case Number A, 2483 i tl�at the notice, or which fhe ann--exed is printed copy, has beer; published in each regular and: entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement tl�reoi ci, the Uo in dates, to -wit: r 21 all in the year I ....................