HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0017Resolution No. � 5� _ No�epher 15th, 19� 55. Amenc�nent` ...#17 CITY PANNING COMMSSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA `y REPORT OF: RFSOLUTION OF INTENTION #591 ... BY: PLANNING COMAISSION, CITY OF IPORT BEACI�, CALiFORNxA. TO: THE CITY COUNCIL ON; AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE #650 OF OCT. 8th, 19516 ... p - LLO Two public hearings are scheduled for: and January 19th, 1956 REPORTS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Rect.ommendation m d Findings. ,... FINDINGS OF PLAI►jG 0 S9_ : RECOINDATIONS OF ffAt=M COMSSIQH: Section 9255.24 .., will read ... 'Sidewalks shall be in place of the m rd -may- . . Section 9255.28 ... will read ... 'In place of 'street lighting'... "An underground utility service for ornament lighting systems shall be required by ..... etc." IN ADDITION A N51 SECTION SHALL SECTI oNu?jj��29.A 0.0tTel phone BE INSERTED ... M y aaLergrouna sysEems mry RESULTS OF ROLL QQL VOTE: be required .., AXES: NOES: All Ayes ABSENT- NOT BSENT:NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman 4alter Lonmoor I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Newport BeKch City Planning C4mmixsion P. C. Form 1 Approved by the City Council on the } a— day of °s * _._,.»....A ,,%.z-, -0), o � . -4t #� �3 City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California LLi Zoning Ohange Or Amsndiwnt 2 hearings .s .. w 2nd Hearing. Amendment # 17 • .. Resolution # 597 . • . NOTICE OF PUBLIC MMING NOTICE IS HEREBY GrW THAT THE PLANNING 00MMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEXPORT Section 9255.28 --Street Lighting. Underground. lighting :systems with ornamental light standards shall be iri.stalled, with design, layout, and lostion being approved by the City Engineer. add t Section 9255.28.1 --Underground Utilities. Underground. telephone ad utility systems may be rega ired by the Planning Cenzn- ission, and the design, layout, and location shall be app- roved by the City Engineer. • ♦.... v ] . tel. A.IN 44M COUVCM CHA ERS OVrMM MWORT BEACM CITY HALL, D VVICH `SIM AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS I ERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE H&RD Ti-tEREON. RAY Y. COMIN, SECRETARY 1VE4TORT BEACH CITY PL A14NI NG COKJ SSION Publication Date_Y_ko Received for rub. t. Date Received J_-' �, Po 0. rorm 3 I.. 4 Amendment #17 PLANNING COMMISSION NT&skaNs gup NONs Amenc&ient (2 hearings) NOTICE OF PUBLIC FEARING Revolution #§97 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIT OF NEWPORT BEACH WILL HOLD TWD PUBLIC HEARINGS 4N THE INITIATION GF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BY RE,SOLU'T109 OF IN- TENTION NO. 597 TO AMID SUBDIVISION ORD. #650 as follows: Section 9255.24 --Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be installedto grades, location, widths, and crass -sections approved by the City Engineer. Section 9255.28 ---Street Lighting. underground lighting system s with ornamental :sight standards shall be installed, and the design, aayout, and location shall be approved by tate City Engineer. ADD SECTION � Section 9255.28.1 --Underground Utilities. Underground telephone � and utility systems may be required by the Planning Commission, and the design, layout, and location, shall be approved by the City E:nrineer. ►V NOTICE TS 9FREPY GTVFN THAT SAID PUT LTC HEARING;., NI.LL T_'% !IFLD N TH W .1.` Q DAY OF January YEAR 1956, AND THE 161a DAY O Febr"nry YEAR 1956, AT THE HO ITR OF 7:30 °.M.TN THF; COITNCIL C "rit' N1BJ,_R S OF THE NF'NPOHT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TIME AND FACE ANY kND ATl PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPFAR AND BE HEARD THRREON . RAY Y. COPE;LIN, SECHFTARY NFAFF OR`P REACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Publication Date V/�-° Received for Pub. I Date Received a�'!a