HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0024Resolution No. 602 Amendment # 24 AAril 19 i 1956 l9 CITY PLONING MMISSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: RE -SOLUTION OF INTENTION # 602 AMENDNIF44T TO ORDINANCE # 635 BY. P l am i ng Commission TO: City Council ON: To: Amend Ordinance # 635 to create a coni rolled manuf'acturi*g `y PROCEDURE FOLLOWED BY_PLAW C4A�ffSSI�t; bona to be designated as a C-� District Two public hearings are scheduled for May 17, 1956 and June 21, 1956. Legal publ3.cations have been inserted in the Newport Harbor cress, FINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSI : ist Hearin; 5-17-56 Held over for 2nd hearing, 2nd Hearing 6-21-56 Held over for 3rd 'hearing. 3rd Hearing 7-19-56 Due to a procedural error, the Commission recommended that this Resolution of Intention be denied with no recommendations being made at this time. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING CONUS-SION: Due to procedural error a motion was made by Comm. Briggs and seconded by Comm. Lind to deny this Resoluti _)n of Intention with no recommendations, RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Keene, Reed, Copeli.n, Hayton, BriBgs & Lind NOES. ABSENT: Longmocr , Rudd & Smith NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman Walter R. Longmoor I hereby certify that the above is a true II-wp move" the City Council on the and correct report of the proceedings and �_dsy of 4 —19LL L action of the Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted! I 133 Secretary Rewpor Beach City Planning Cowlssioa tity Clerk City of Newport Beach, California P. C. Form 1 t4 eo a . 1 a Pa AVfE_ %M—NTS • ## 23 (+Con&d Tmq page 7) The Seaquist Annexation consists of properties between Irvine, Tustin 15th and 16th Streets excepting the Tract known as Aldean Place #1583. Recommendations from the floor were made as to desired zoning which included single and multiple dwellings. Commissioner Smith moved the Commission set this Amendment over for a second hearing, seconded, by Comm. Hayton and carried by the following vote, to wit: ALL, AYES #24 First hearing on Planning Commission Resolution of Intention to amend Ordinance #x`635 to create a controlled manufacturing Zone to be des- ignated as a C -M District. Commissioner Longmoor suggested that this amendment be set over for a second hearing. ComLissioner Smith moved the Commission set this Amendment over for a second hearing, seconded by Conn. Copelin and carried by the following vote, to wit: ALL AYES RESOLUTION OF TNTE',IT ION #603 Proposed street name change. The street had been posted per Section 65712 of the California Government Code as follows: That the none of the Dedicated street which extends easterly from Tustin Avenue in Tract No. 1680, a dis- tance of 500 feet, be changed from La -�'erle Place to Margaret Drive, and that the private roadway extending easterly from the end of said dedicated street to Irvine Avenue be recognized by name as Margaret Drive. Commissioner Briggs moved the Commission recommend the changing of the name of the Dedicated street which extends easterly from Tustin Avenue in Tract No. 1880, a distance of 500 feet from La Perle Place to Hargaret Drive, seconded by Comm.. Copelin and carred by the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES TENTATIVE MAPS Six copies of a Tentative Map of Tract No. 3068 being a parcel of land lying in Lot 151, Block 5 and Lot 152 Block 5 of Irvine's Subdivision as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, page 88, of Miscellaneous Kaps, records of Orange County, California, were received by the Commission. a :.1 : TO ALL k[aNN!-,;-G COMISS-19WS -The. fallo g proposed Amendment to Ordinance #635 iw su i tt d your study and recom. endationst S$Cjow gje3,6 - coyi-moi. n mkwFAC` vRING DISTRICT LESIGN ED AS C M r The folic, adng regulations shall apply in a)1 C -IT, Distriets and a be subject to the provisions of Clzpter 5 cf this Ordimnce, e c thzt where con-flict in regulations occur, the regul.a.tiorx speci.f in this eec'tior► span apply. a. C. -M Distri.cta may be established in areas wrare it is marred desireable to provide for limited mauafacturing facilities of a design and type which will enhance, the area and no's-, be detrimental to mwroniding property or the city. Uses pex°idtted in the C -H District shall be planned, developed, conducted and operated in such a manner that noise, smoke, dust, odor and waste of w7 kind is con - fired and/or purified so as to control pollution of air., soil or nates- to ment the standards or requirements of the F -INNING C01VISSION and in ouch a manner to aliminate 2-7 det.rimentnl effect to the public health, nafety and welfare and be in ?:armony with the objective3 of the general planning b, Application for est.abLiza r,%;;jt of users pel vdtted in C21, 1, D.istri.cto shaLl. be accompanied by preliminary archi.toc4ur•al and f landscaping drawings including the plans for future e�Twieio#o Such drawings and plans cha11 be submitted to the Planning Commission for their ap. rovalp No building permits sball. be Issued until. the PIAWIING COMISS101T approves such dra-erings C. The P7=141.ng Commission rkv desi.gnatf: such conditions as ft kms necesaex7 to fa3.fJ21 tha FL�iose of thio vection and mal require a such guarantee and evide:+ce that such condi.ti.one are being or will be complied Ath, SFCTTON 9103.91 -- USES PEA ff D I* Administrative and Pr+afeSsyOma Offices, 2, Residences for Watctmen or Custodians. 3a Employees Cafeterias or Auditoriww. 4o Medical and r�--:ital Offices and Clinics. 5e Research Laboratoics and institutes. g, Electrical products and Inatxument Manufacturing. 7. Cartography. $. Bookbinding, printing and li thogr'ap47. 9, Plastic Fabrication, 10, Storage warehouses, e=lusi.ng infl =ble materials and truck terminals 11. Editorial and Designing. 12, Electronic Instrument Manufacturing,, 13. Signa appurtenant to arq pomdttod use located on property of use, SECTION 9203,92 .. USES PEMET 'ED, a -abject to first securing a use permit in each case from the P1anrinz Ccmnd es3i on. Said urea :mast comply with the limitations and restrictione of the C -M District Zow. 1, Furniture Upholstering, 2, Fbrniture Katm&cturing. 3, Finish Paper Products* 4, Ga►x nt Manufacturing. 5, Lavnfty and Dry Cleaning Plants, 6. Mwmfacture of Novelties,* Toys and Scan Appliances. 7. Other Uses uhich in op:bdon of MmSmg Cowdesion ars of a siffi2ar nature and Bch coply vith the limitations and restrictions specified in thin O -M Zone, SECTTON 9103.93. BUIMING HEIGHT LI UT - fifty (50) feet. SECTION 91.03.9h BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED - For each iv.dn building - 2 acres. SECTION 9103.95 - HARKS R:QUIRI-M - There shall be a minim= side and rear yard of fifty (50) feet on al. -1 external boundaries of the C.-14 Zone that abut- on but on residential zones or other more restricted zoneao Sufficient yards shall be required as deemed ne-3asary for proper lanscaping and off stroet parking. The minimum set back of fifty (50) feet from any street or highway shall be required, vided for on the premises. Off street parte and loading facilities may be located in the required yard anti set back areas$, except a ten (10) foot deep landscaping strip adjacent to side and rear propel lines and a thirtg (30) foot deep area to be landscaped to front property uses. SECTION 9103, 97 • M � 7FAv*fG-a7C— An 5'rOMCE MMS xn manufmctvring and fabrication operations shall be conducted within buildings, P11 FgUipment and material stcrar8 areas shall be zemenwd by solid vel 3, fences or by adequate plantings of not leas than six (6) feet in height. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, PEI-' REVD IC K of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT . he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and that ..... _...... . he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that .... ... .......... he is the *--._ ............................. printer of the Newport Harbor News Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831;, that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: ... FY T? , ....._...... --.......... _........ ----................... all in the year 19...5., .... .. l *Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal Clerk of the Printer. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this .................. ?rlay b ........t... ...... day of .................... J' � ......... - ..............� (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State. MV Commission Expires • This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp :';< NOTICE OF PUBLIC WK6E.r-lz NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARINGS WM BE MELD ON THE. 17th DAY OF Bay YEAR 56 AND THE 2U t DAY OF June YEAR 58 AT THE HOUR OF 7930 P. U. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TnlE AND PLACE ANY AM ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY 1IDTORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Amendment 2 bearings NOTICE OF PUBLIC WK6E.r-lz NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARINGS WM BE MELD ON THE. 17th DAY OF Bay YEAR 56 AND THE 2U t DAY OF June YEAR 58 AT THE HOUR OF 7930 P. U. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TnlE AND PLACE ANY AM ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY 1IDTORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION