HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM00350 Resolution No. 6o9 Qctobjtr'7 Y mendiment 7 CITY PLANNING COMUSSION NE+,,IFORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: BY: TO: Citv Cour--Cil ON: Establi=hTrient of Subdivision fees PROCEDURE FCLLOMM BY NG_C.=2§Ig1s `Io i ne of public hearings were duly published in the Newport :arbor anti said hear"LAgs were conducted on May lb Uri P FINDINGS OF PLAWNG _{CO MIC ; -;-e :'=_r a ink- ronrn5ssion after considering the proposed ;.:rrendrlent to establish Subdivision fees decideri to withdr,:iw sai,: resolution and cancel without any farther Yrc,cees Ings . RECOWMUATIONS OF PLANNING C0*11SSION: Re<oluti on of Tn*,(-rnt:i<)n �=009 was withdrawn on June 20, 1957 RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: lilt (Ve NOES: pone ABSENT: 13 i0 s=iri.-d, Hayton, Keene NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman ".:;iter Lcan�mnor I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission P. C. Form 1 Approved by the City Council on t; -day of 1' City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California /Ii V �F 1� �F lE 17 16 �.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 29 301 i �4 i w3 1 1 I MW '..... _. PRI�yg��+�. ��s ry q ARTI dd- prior to or at .thy map by the CityCe3c, Y�a�., Pd to City off' xavrport Beach a deeo aprova .F4 ' per lot for each lot in oaldivisloa"` said eta pc -par and deoignated a:ki6 thereafter w111 b0 tAd ol° y and UQV4160 acquiring i. facilities in " Part for the Purposeeat; l dove for the berva— f .' off: ail '' .> . imposed by this aeatIOA. Wa i tim the filing of the City Mas accepted, Ur. facilities to l �� the persona No 1. ;. In the Matter of Mmieipal Code STATE OF CAMFORNU County of Omnp i . ....... ARVO ... UWA ...... . ..... ............ Wing rimt duly sworn, and on oath depme and my that I RM OW Printer and publisher ofthe, Ngwprwt IUAm Erwip. a weekly newspaper printed and PWAI§hW ID "m MY Of Newport Beach, County of OranP, State of CallfOml% and that thv..Xq4Aq!..-0'f.-?U P.' A!RPOPR.. .................. .... . ............. . ...... ........ I ...................... ...... ....... ....... of which copy attached hi --o Is a true am emplefe COPY, wm printed and published In the rogttlar ki (a) of said newspaper, and not in a sumlen"t, c(misem. tive times: to -wit the Imm(s) of ............ .... . ............ . ... . ... . . ............ ....... I ............... . .. . ........ ...... ............. ............... ................ .......... ... ....................... . ...... ................................................. ....... . ... 1.1.1-1- ........... . . ........... .. ............... ....................................... (Signed) ......... . . ... ..... Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.9-th ... dd of ...... ma .........................111..... ANani for AL ............. County of Orange, State of California. RAY Y. COPELIM, SCARY REACH CITY PLAINIM CO SSION