HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0041Resolution No. 614 October. 1719_.x7 _ kmendilient � 41 CITY PLISKING COMKISSION NUPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: BY: Comriission TO: i ty Co�.nciZ ON: Cert -yin amendments to Subdivision Ordinance #650 PRO URE FC?LLOfaM BYP UWNQ 2gMM M; N'ot. ce of PLibl? c Hearings were duly published and said he, rings were ct�nducted on July 1.8, August 15 and Sept3mbt� r 1-0s 1 i•F FINDINGS OF PLANNING COM WICK: RECOI�MNBATIONS OF PLAN Q, CQMMI t ThP Planning Coca iss{on believes trete amendments to be , in the esinterest of the City and recommends the City Council adcr"t. said amendments as proposed. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: i LL A 1ES NO'S: !None ABSENT: 7, r , g g s NOT VOTING. By order of the Obairman onjmoor I hereby certify that the above is a true, and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Comission P. C. Form 1 City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California r 1k Ii ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINAECE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 9252.11, 9252.22, 9252.32, 9253.11, 9253.52, 9254,15, 9254.33, 9254.36, 9255.27; DSLETING SECTION 9252.33 :.ND ADDING SECTIONS 9254.14.(f) ARD.9255,28 (b) OF ;&RTICLE = 1/2 TO THE MUNICM.L CODE OF THE CITY OF NINPORT B&CH. 12 r,Ity Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 9252.11 of Chapter III of Article IX 1/2. of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same Is„ hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9252.11. Fifteen (15) copies of a tentative map and statement of the proposed subcIvislon of any land shall be filed with the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting of said Commission, at which consideration is desired, together with a filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for any subdivisions except sub- divisions of less than Five (5) lots." SECTION 2: That Section 9252.22 of Chapter III of Article IX 1/'2:., of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9252.22. Subdivisions Containing Less Than Five Lots.. "(a) Filing of Map. Where proposed subdivisions contain four or less lots, all of which abut upon a dedicated and accepted city street, the subdivider shall file three (3) copies of a surveyors snap of said subdivision showing the dimensions of the proposed lots, a $25.00 filing fee and any other information deemed necessary with the Planning Commission :: at least 15 days prior to the meting thereof at which consideration is desired. Copies of maps of said proposed subdivision of four (4) or less lots shall be considered as the final map by the Planning Commission. "(b) Approval. At its first regular meeting following the filing of said map, the Planning Commission shall consider said map and the plan of subdivision. If the Planning Commission shall, determine that said map is in conformity with the requirements of this article and all ordinances of the City and if it is satisfied with the plan of subdivision, it shall approve said map and signify its action on the face thereof by ap opriatetamp and the signaire fbe CoMiosion secretary. s "(c) Recording. If the Planning Commission approves said sub- division, the subdivider shall pay the City a fee estimated to cover the cost of recording the asap in the County Recorder's office plus $1.00 to cover the City's cost of having the map recorded. The City shall obtain the recordation of the map and shall return the recorded map to the subdivider. "(d) Extension of Time. The time limits for acting on the sub- division map as provided for in paragraph (b) hereof may be extended upon mutual consent of the subdivider and the planning Commission. Such time limit extension shall be for a period not to exceed 90 days. In the event that said map is not acted upon within the 90 -day period, the map shall be deemed disapproved. "(e) Disapproval.If the Planning Commission shall determine ei that said map is not in conformity with the requirements of this article and all ordinances of the City, or that it is not satisfied with the plan of subdivision, it shall disapprove said map specifying its reason or reasons therefor, and the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall, in writing, advise the subdivider of such disapproval and of the reason or reasons for such disapproval. Within 30 days after the Plannhg.. Commission has disapproved any map, the subdivider may file with the Planning Commission a revised map for the consideration of the Commission. "(f) Exceptions. The Planning Commission may authorize excep- tions to any requirements and regulations set forth in this article. Application for any such exception shall be Made at the time of the filing of the map by a certified petition of the subdivider stating fully the grounds for the exception and the facts relied upon by the petitioner. In order for the property referred to in the petition to come within the provisions of t`nis sub -section, it shall be necessary that the Planning Commission shall find the following facts with respect thereto: "l. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting said property. "2. That the exception is necessary for the preser- vation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner. "3. That the granting of the exception will not be detri- mental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in y the vicinity in which said property is located. In authorizing such exceptions, the Planning Commission shall secure substantially the objectives of the regulation to which the f -3-- exceptions are granted, as to light, air and the public health, safety, F convenience and general welfare. "(g) Action by Commission Final. The action of the Planning Commission in approving or disapproving said map shall become final in the`:`;' absence of any appeal, except as provided in sub -paragraph (e) hereof. No map shall have any force or effect until the same has been approved by the Planning Commission and recorded. "(h) Appeal. "(1) In case the applicant or any person, firm or corpora �'- tion is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Commission,:: he may within 15 days appeal in writing to the City Council, "(2) The City Council shall set a date for public hearing, notice of which shall be given by one publication in a newspaper.;:; of general circulation in the city at least 10 days prior to such hearing and by posting notice on the property involved or adjacent thereto at least 10 days prior to such hearing. Notice shall also be given to the Planning Commission of such appeal and the Planning Commission shall submit a report to the City Council setting forth the reasons for action taken by the Commission, or shall be represented at the hearing. "(3) The City Council shall render its decision within 60 days after the filing of such appeal. "(i) Application of Provisions of Article IX 1/2. All of the provisions of Article IX 1/2 not specifically covered by Section 9252.22 and the subsections thereof, and not otherwise inconsistent therewith, shall apply to all subdivisions of less than 5 lots." SECTION 3. That Section 9252.32 of Chapter III of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as Follows: "Section 9252.32. 'fhe Planning Commission may require the sub- divider to set aside or may suggest to the subdivider the advisability of dedicating or setting aside suitable areas for parks, playgrounds and schools, and other public building sites that will be required for the use of the population which is intended to occupy the subdivision under the plan of proposed property uses therein. In all cases the Planning Commission shall suggest to the subdivider such measures as will make for excellence of residential, commercial or industrial development." -3-- SECTION 4: That Section 9252.33 of Chapter III of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the sa same ;s, hereby deleted and repealed. SECTION 5: That-Seetion 9253.11 of chapter IV e€' Article. Y IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the ti m same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9253.11. Except as provided in Section 9252.22 and IN within one year after approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, the subdivider shall cause the subdivision or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final map thereof prepared in conformance with the tentative map as approved or conditionally approved. The tracing and two blue line or black line prints of the final map shall be filed with ; x the Planning Commission together with a checking fee of $35.00 Plus $1.00 per lot shown on the final map, but in any case a minimum of $50.00 per subdivision. Extensions of time may be granted by the City Council upon recommendation by the Planning Commission providing written application is made by the subdivider within one year after action on the tentative map." SECTION 6: That Section 9253.52 of Chapter IV of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9253.52. The subdivider shall also file with, the afore said agreement, to assure his full and faithful performance thereof, a bond for such sum as is by the City Engineer deemed sufficient to cover the cost of said improvements and inspection. Such bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact a surety business in the State of California and must be satisfactory to and be approved by ps the City Attorney as to form, and by the City Manager as to sufficiency. In lieu of said bond, the subdivider may deposit with the City Treasurer cash money in an amount fixed as aforesaid by the City Engineer, or by `ls depositing negotiable bonds of the kind approved for securing deposits of public money, subject to the approval of the City Council." SECTION 7: That Section 9254.14 (f) be added to Chapter V of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach to read as follows: "Section 9254.14 (f). Parkways. Parkways between curbs and sidewalks shall be required and established at a minimum width of five -4- -5- (5) feet. Compliance with policies recommended by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, and adopted by City Council, pertaining to parkways, shall be required." N SECTION 8: That Section 9254.15 of Chapter V of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9254.35. Service Roads and Off -Street Parking. �rnen the front of any lots proposed for commercial or industrial. usage front or secondary street or highway, the subdivider shall be on any major required to dedicate and improve a service road to provide ingress or X egress to and from such lots, or in lieu thereof, if approved by the Planning Commission, the subdivider may dedicate for public use and improve an area approved by the Planning Commission and adjacent to such lots, for c€'f-street parking purposes. When the front of any lots pro- posed for residential usage front on any freeway, State Highway or parkway, the subdivider shall dedicate and improve a service road at the front of such lots, unless such is already existent as a part of such freeway or requirement for a service road, the Plan - parkway. In addition to anyning Commission may require adequate off-street parking areas for all lots proposed for commercial or industrial usage." SECTION 9: That Section 9254.33 of Chapter V of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9254.33. Front yard set back lines may be determined by the Planning Commission upon the application of the subdivider. In such eases, the subdivider shall file with the Planning Commission an exact copy of the subdivision map showing approved set back lines suitable for producing district maps for use in the Zoning Code on or before the consideration of the final map by the Planning Commission." SECTION 10: That Section 9254.36 of Chapter V of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 9254.36. Lots that do not abut on a street will not be permitted." SECTION 11: That Section 9255.27 of Chapter VI of Article IX 1/2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows: -5- i "Section 9255.27. Street Trees. Street trees shall be required and pla—ed in accordance with specifications established by the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Department." SE^TION 12: That Section 9255.28 (-b) 'be added to Chapter V1 of :.rticle 1X 1/2' of_ the Municipal Code. of the City of Newport Beach, to read as follows@ "Section 9255.28(b) Street Signs. The subdivider shall provide street signs on all streets within the subdivision as required and approved by the City Engineer." SECTION 13: This ordinance shall be published at least once in the Newport Harbor News -Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Newport Beach and the same shall be in full force and effect 30 days after this passage. The above and foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 14th day of October, 1957, and was finally passed and adopted on the day of �,�_ _ _, 1957, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ October 3. 1957 Honorable City Council City of Newport Beach Newport Beachq California Honorable Mayor anal Gentlemen: The Planning Commission submits herewith suggested amendments to the subdivision ordinance for con- sideration by your Honorable Body. There are several changes which is felt should be noted for your particular attention and con- sideration. They are as follows 1. Chapter 1119 Section 9252.22 provides a separate procedure for processing subdivi- sions containing less than 5 lots. This amendment will require one set of maps which shall be considered as the final map instead of the tentative and final maps required for larger subdivisions. Action of the Planning Commission is final unless an appeal is made from its decision. 2. Chapter V, Section 9254.15 provides for service roads. The Planning Commission may require adequate off-street parking areas for all lots proposed for Commercial or Industrial usage. 3. Chapter V Section 9254.14 and 9255.38 proposes to give the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission jurisdiction over parkways between street curbs and side- walks, and planting of street trees. Page 2 Chapter IIT, Section 9252.32. A consider- able amount of study vas given to this section. The only Change suggested at this time is to add the words "setting aside. The study centered on the `matter of lot or acreage fees for park and recreation purposes. On recent subdivi- sions in the Upper Bay area the Planning Commission has solicited ands obtained a Voluntary fee of $15.00 per lot from the subdividers. The Planning C.0mmission 18 of the opinion that the decision .to impose such`'fees and the`deterdnation of the ;4mounts rets solely within the province of, the City Ad inistratton andnot Vi.th th® Plan- ning 'Co�sission. Most of ' the .'dhsubdiVided :and unimproved areas within''or adjacent to the.City directly and "indirectly, involve 'the; Irvine Com- pany. Therefore', 'the Planning Colimissiont suggests that the City Administration make the decisions on the following points: 1. Whether or not fees should be charged for subdivisions for parksq playgrounda4 and other public building sites? 2. If fees tre to be charged, hoar should the amount be determined. 3. Or, do you prefer that the Planning Com- mission negotiate a voluntary fee as it has done in recent cases. If so inform the Omission of the amount desired. Ile trust tease suggested amendments meet with your approval. Sincerely yours, PLAMUNO CON418SION ;:;;D 3e W. M. Longmoor Chairman WML r h i s' SUGG.STM AHMDMTS TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE ARTICLE IX CHAPTER III Section 9252.11 - To be amended to read as follows: Fifteen (15) copies of a tentative map and statement of the proposed:.,;':` subdivision of any land shall be filed with the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting of said Commission, at which consideration is desired, together with a filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for any subdivisions except subdivisions of less than five (5) lots. Section 9252.22 - to be amended to read as follows: Subdivisions Containing Less Than Five Lots. (a) Filing of Map. 'Where proposed subdivisions contain four or less lots, all of which front upon a dedicated and accepted city street, the subdivider shall Pile three (3) copies of a surveyor's map of said subdivision showing the dimensions of the proposed lots, a $25.00 filing fee and any other information deemed necessary with the Planning Commis- sion at least 15 days prior to the meeting thereof at which consideration is desired. Copies of maps of said proposed subdivision of four (4) or less lots shall be considered as the final map by the Planning Commission.<;' (b) Approval. At its first regular meeting following the filing of said map, the Planning Commission shall consider said map and the plan of subdivision. if the Planning Commission shall determine that said map is in conformity with the requirements of this article and all ordinances of the City and if it is satisfied with the plan of sub- division, it shall approve said map and signify its action on the face thereof by appropriate stamp and the signature of the Commission Chairman..' (c) Recording. If the Planning Commission approves said sub- division, the subdivider shall pay the City a fee estimated to cover the cost of recording the map in the County Recorder's office plus $1.00 to cover the City's cost of having the map recorded. The City shall obtain the recordation of the map and shall return the recorded map to the subdivider. (d) Extension of Time. The time limits for acting on the sub- division map as provided for in paragraph (b) hereof may be extended upon mutual consent of the subdivider and the Planning Commission. Such time limit extension shall be for a period not to exceed 90 days. In the event that said map is not acted upon within the 90 -day period, the map shall be deemed disapproved. (e) Disapproval. If the Planning Commission shall determine either..:;.;;; that said map is not in conformity with the requirements of this article and all ordinances of the City, or that it is not satisfied with the plan of subdivision, it shall disapprove said map specifying its reason or reasons therefor, and the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall, in writing, advise the subdivider of Such disapproval and of the reason or reasons for such disapproval. Within 30 clays after the Planning Commission has disapproved any map, the subdivider may file with the Planning Commission a revised map for the consideration of the Commission. (f) Exceptions. The Planning Commission may authorize exceptions to any requirements and regulations set forth in this article. Application for any such exception shall be made at the time of the filing of the map by a certified petition of the subdivider stating fully the grounds for the exception and the facts relied upon by the petitioner. In order for the property referred to in the petition to Come within the pro- visions of this sub -section, it shall be necessary that the Planning Commission shall find the following facts with respect thereto: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting said property. 2. That the exception is necessary for the preservations and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner. W. 3. That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which said property'is situated. In authorizing such exceptions, the Planning Commission shall secure (g) Action by Commission Final. The action of the Planning Commission in approving or disapproving said map shall become final in the absence of any appeal, except as provided for in sub -paragraph (e) hereof. No map shall have any force or effect until the same has been approved by the Planning Commission and recorded. (h) Appeal. An appeal from the action of the Planning Commission may be made to the City Council by filing same in writing with the City Clerk in the same method and under the same procedure as set forth for Appeals in Chapter VIII of this article. (1) Application of Provisions of Article IX 1/2. All of the provisions of Article IX 1/2 not specifically covered by Section 9252.22 and the subsections thereof, and not otherwise inconsistent therewith, shall apply to all subdivisions of less than 5 lots. i Section 9252.32 - To be amended to read as follows: The Planning commission may require the subdivider to set aside or may suggest to the subdivider the advisability of setting aside suitable areas for schools and other public building sites that will be required for the use of the population which is intended to occupy the subdivision under the plan of proposed property uses therein. In all cases the Planning Commission shall suggest to the subdivider such measures as will mpke for excellence of residential, commercial or industrial development. Section 9252.33 - To be deleted for the reasons that provisions are covered under Section 9252.22 CHAPTER IV Section 9253.11 - To be amended to read as follows: ;3 Except as provided in Section 9252.22 and within one year after approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, the subdivider shall cause the subdivision or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final map thereof prepared in conformance with the tentative map as Cd approved or conditionally approved. The tracing and two blue line or ?; black line prints of the final'map shall be filed with the Planning Commission together with a checking fee of $35.00 plus $1.00 per lot -$ -3- ;. shown on the final map, but in any case a minimum of $50.00 per sub- division. Extensions of time may be granted by the City Council upon recommendation by the Planning Commission providing written application is made by the subdivider within one year after action on the tentative map. Section 9253.52 - To be amended to read as follows: The subdivider shall also file with the aforesaid agreement, to assure his full and faithful performance thereof, a bond for such sum ag ' is by the City Engineer deemed sufficient to cover the cost of said impr*vements and inspection. Such bond, shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact a surety business in the State of California;:'>>. and must be satisfactory to and be approved by the City Attorney as to form, and by the City Manager as to sufficiency. In lieu of said bond, the subdivider may deposit with the City Treasurer cash money in an amount fixed as aforesaid by the City Engineer, or by depositing negotiable bonds of the kind approved for securing deposits of public money, subject to the approval of the City Council. CHAPTER V Section 9254.15. To be amended to read as follows: Service Roads and Off -Street Parking. When the front of any lots proposed for commercial or industrial usage front on any major or secondary street or highway, the subdivider shall be required to dedicate and improve a service road to provide ingress or egress to and from such lots, or in lieu thereof, if approved by the Planning Commission, the subdivider may dedicate for public use and improve an area approved by the Planning Commission and adjacent to such lots, for off-street parking purposes. When the front of any lots proposed for residential usage front on any freeway, State Highway or parkway, the subdivider shall dedicate and improve a service road at the front of such lots, unless such is already existent as a part of such freeway or parkway. In addition to any requirement for a service road, the Planning Commission may require adequate off-street parking areas for all lots proposed for commercial or industrial usage. -4- Section 9254.33 - To be amended to read as follows: Front yard set back lines may be determined by the Planning Commission upon the application of the subdivider. In such cases, the subdivider shall file with the Planning Commission an exact copy of the subdivision map stowing approved set back lines suitable for producing district maps for use in the Zoning Code on or before the consideration of the Final map by the Planning Commission. CHAPTER VI Section 9255.27 - To be amended to read as follows: Street Trees. Street trees shall be required. The Parks, Beac'Bs and Recreation Commission shall approve the type and planting location thereof. Section 9255.38. To be added to read as follows: Street Signs. The subdivider shall provide street signs on all streets within the sub(,,Ivision as required and approved by the City Engineer. DEPARTMENT (f) Pa _ Parkways oetween curbs and sidewalks s rOquirOd and established at a mi Baum width of five (5) feet. Compliance with policies recccmended by the Parks, Breaches and Recreation Department, and adopted by City Council, pertain- ing to park�nys , shall be required. Respectfully submit rid, Robert S. GiWich Director Y larch 23 1957 Rotel. S ljt* Citi. aMger .*"rt;,=h 04 AL 0J.94K V-st hint School 30 Mico annexations 100 � lny�v 490 •aaaar.a•.•rr•rae.. Annexations adjacent to 'Upper Bay area Mmeres 2006 Acres aoMpUted at S lots per &ore 12036 Lots Subdivibn ordinance r3quires 5004 sq.ft, per lot) R I -B Zoning requires 6000 aft., per lot.) It is expected that most of i® area will be iR•x•B Zoning) 12036 Lots if C rged a park fee of $15.00 per lot will Yield 6180540.00 Cost of 10 acres for park at 19th and. Irvine ave 42500,00 Acre 26000 Balance available for building es equipment; and other ®iter When discussing this park sits and the one 4n Irvine Terrace with the Irvine Coo* their representatives asked the questioA, onow much money has the City invested in parks and recreation Up to that da",dje I could not answer the question and I think that we should be able to answer it to come degree o; carveotneea4 The other question we should decide bnisj Rhat fees 19 (my should be .charged. subdivi6no for other' eapital invogtmenhe to be made by t City for buR ltd � and eq4 . nt to serve that area of 2006 acre, or190 lots. ,wtatald approplate the op %ter"At " TV . ave usedthe fa ilig fig,W08 eontained in material sup pied tO the Citizen's Advisory 0 ittee as £011ow■t- ^ a Area of the City © f square miles sbieh equals 4,480 Acres The total assessed valuation - 1956oB7 - @596383,O40a I an atta■hina herewith a report containing computations 12 an effort to arrive at ■ val=e 0£ the City■e ■apital investments and broken it down to an eat tea cost per lot of such city m' it■l I=ves en ■. Kra Robert Shelt;Gno G ity massager GE M 3/22/5 1. The land acreage in this area 2. Pro jeeted populatiOr. potOTAI&1 for Oampletod residential develoWients, .3. Make an estimate of Parks and Rocreation facilities that would be needed to take care of the needs of suoh a population, If some reasonable figure can the above can be obtained® it might be posai.ble to determine the Parks and Recreation foe for residential develophents to provide Parks and Reereation gacilit;Jes for that areae I Om Dubmitting this letter and the computations as an initial atop .... .,,...1.. b, .., . ,� ,., ..._ ..... ., ._� , . , . � �, ., _, . � _ .._ � . _ .., .. _ _ .. t,. • w n -�' e�x� ��r� ����� )xia,'�r��?�z�k N((� , yrs �+ 1>�rr' s�"� �`�'��-",, j�,"r �z ',, r .SGS �1r I rONE, 01 TWOM" wr a m r a t;f yr r �Y4;� r �! f �� i xr y f' 3 Y r. 1y 'i, '� S S]��p �` � 1.'�+p�i"'kl§+�1<k/lYk➢ �"2S9"1TY. ry•�h%i�C lrfh,ls.L',`t> xa Pon. J mo, s r fi f `se`ae����e list, bN F9.0 '3 Ey, 1 , 2t MR 7v7r S� s� a h i d(I oil : i .�gr'ew�TKi Y:�+Ac¢%�N4`IaWI F3'vN /.E� �'Y `f`� f +l ✓ems - ASK ova yq E 4 w In Til. MEN MOM" k '!� G' w'1., r 1 Y '5s ;�. ,gyp Y fey.` d mow �a 1N the 1 a ^ 0 4k��, .,¢ j 16, f .� y w , : M1� r6 ool" 177701 3 !'e: ''h r r Sri _s rr `F a o� qtr n .�^ Wv ra 'R?1' r f iy' J -ice GIT! .�q,FA apy, ,y `7- _Yv'+�^1tu� '�.Y i�' r✓' ,In fi d fJ:� �f r _V,vy3 f J ) E 5 - r+� s '5�'�f"'r,,,,��` ,{" �'�d,�i��� � ..� m o a R , 1"m r� ,' �, �I :r q6.,sy„b y vh _. w x �� razl • $ *� l . �; � ,.{a rr�`� � ':��a� f ��r a`� } r t :1 •- L. j pop jF�[$s� r'? f� qy ,,7'a C11 �,� �'� y 10i:.�ry 'Sfk� � � - �'S� � q y� i �L� y 9 y 'aSx' R �. .b 3%-�P 'W; f, i f�}�i 9i�;'�+J- :1 p �? Ny S ?� J - '- i 4 } (max ,r �s �z{.. `-•taw��„I y�'P����'��ie r Src'i�r5; �(�¢I�n l a��'�� t` the . by the � 10- n, .. 'e A tii or tax1h eby t h- _ _ .i Mt y'f rrei'M - di t an �iftm`r te ral l '50** . €dna pry W110164. oh �, c Wv�ra g� Zoe avwj, net r r excludes oaf t Or 3trosts "A and n 3. i6, $ w o n' - u n. mo_: '. k• u. 4#Y M �p 6 t rvit• :a t %. h 1 6t, g. �gpF "��^Y�y �r �. • ��l � bY ply oa a ed, on the of lots 1.-r, p � at 0.00 ter most basin , ' req a,�� l c � ,. _ �" based on M wUm r �� � that y � 3�1 y RyqiPllon M he - Wi M?tiResb 'SRS4lN ov., MOM 0 be ear -marked In :. uy er Oslo> a sMAA vldfr,pey a lot rens nr two n aw- k 1's SIT 5�S �.� .. . $04.70 per Aore Total Insurable Values of City Properties.... 41#358.845.00 Total Land Acres in Cri$i��••.•sea.••ae.s...aseaa..a.oea...•.����® Acres Cost of City Properties per �®E�.•*a..e..e.e+..e.aea...... 858.00 Ent tad Assessed Valuations of Unimproved Real Estate a 2 of total assessed valuations of 58.00 7 $258.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . at asw i l A � l y, t R•6d r, eto ;p C:c3sC 1�kCI ett lr F �iones' raga c n 77 su .,CIT WPORTll..BEA( - F Thb 4o iLC.i. cO t oF�aexr�,�rr ?.C3filTEiu.`"a`a.on RGSoltItio No.:- 60� k ate` r 3 A � If3 Y F y, t R•6d r, eto ;p C:c3sC 1�kCI ett lr �iones' raga c n 77 su - r.. s££:�C7 to,.,; ALS ;7Y tCiAiiC1 Thb 4o iLC.i. cO t ?.C3filTEiu.`"a`a.on RGSoltItio No.:- 60� k t��3s instr:�t:tee.. to so c'vise t[�'� k 4I�.�r'u cotlnt'>' '21 rL;CZ" U1. C i. OLICi, I� ITS: c .?ti. 1 11 84t to Qammnd y0a ak� tke 400d job You FAre dolne, sad 84 41're t1w pCOP10 rfil G.,preclate the bamr� and S;, 0erO work You do In trying to serve, tin in an homes% and GM010AS mauaero I Om 021Y trytxxg to be helpful and alve 4 O z er VI@ I t in Netter or fees Of 611 11 de to aubdivided lots,, C�� y �.y C." -1„ SUGGESTED A10ENM, !TS TO -"HL SUE-D:[VjSIOIT Oi;DIrtiNCE AS i'Oi.i y :5:_ CHAPTER 1'1i SECTION 9252.11 - Twelve (12) copies of a tentative map and statement Of the proposed sub -division of any land shall be filed with the Planning Ccmr-,ission at least=if'teem (15) days prior to the meeting of said Cc�ission, at which consideration is desired together with a filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for any sub -divisions except sub -divisions of less than five (5) lots, SECTION 9252.22 - To be amended to read as f ollows : - Sub -divisions containing less than five(S) lots. 'Where proposed sub-di.7isioras contain four (4) or less number of lots, all of which have frontage upon a dedicated and accepted city street, three (3) copies of a surveyors map of said sub -division 5:1all be filed with the Planning Commissions at least f1fteen (15) days prior to the meeting of the Planning Camra ission, at which consideration is desired. Copies of maps of Proposed sub -division of fct;.r(4) or less lots shall be z, . .idered as final map by tho Planning COMMission. A filing Fee of twenty- five dollars (;"25.00) shall be required for said Map. Said map shall show the dimensions of the proposed lots and MY other information deemed necessary by the Planning COMIAfission. The size and shRPe of lots shall be in conformance to any zoning regulations effeetiva in the area of the x ropasery sub -division. If the Plan -n- ng-'alimisslon approves raid s .b-rdiviw:lon sub -divider shall nag the c 4 ter a fee estLmate:d to cover the cost o1' recordin-the map in the County Ftecorderts Office plus ont ,collar (,;1.U0) tc cover the c. -Lt -vis cost of having map r cordjji. i'te i f r Shall obtain t:ie recordation a the reap and st�sll return recorded snap to sub -divider. -1„ SECTION 9252.32 `To be changed to read as fol3 ss CH.PTER lii SECTION 9254.31 - Suggest that the following words" including Section 9252.22" be added to last sentence of this Section. SECTION 9254.33 - Be amended to read as follows. - "Set back linea may be determined by Planning Commisslon, In such cases sub -divider shall fila with the FlannIng Commission an e -pact copy of sub -division map showing approved set back Lines suitable for producing district maps for use in Zoning Code". SECTION 9255.27 - It is suggested that the words "City Engineer be deleted and the words "Teach, Park and Recreation Commission" be inserted and that the Last word "him'' be changed to "itet. 77 January V4nd, 1,257 an tV00010 Of JF'i of Za=ftry 7th relativ@ to the matter of annglatica 2veaeI have sF this 2gy w o� discuss Planning ,� x this memo to g1ve you my poraom'l 'iiE meantime I tdWights can this matter an follawal. �a z feel that the ,subject Of =naxatlonfees shtld be eannsiderad, amendments to the A'; 5lb-clIvIBIOn y ' 9'. A that might be 00tablished for either purposee 2- "et-; for aub-divisions and, annex at$.ons Shaikld be studied on a coat; basis, In other wordg it mZy be possible to d@Velop these fees Wy a formula based on tkie 00st of services that arma2zations mad sub -divisions ions will receive f r c the C 1 "Y e January V4nd, 1,257 an tV00010 Of JF'i of Za=ftry 7th relativ@ to the matter of annglatica 2veaeI have sF this 2gy w o� discuss Planning ,� x this memo to g1ve you my poraom'l 'iiE meantime I tdWights can this matter an follawal. �a z feel that the ,subject Of =naxatlonfees shtld be eannsiderad, amendments to the A'; 5lb-clIvIBIOn y ' 9'. A that might be 00tablished for either purposee 2- "et-; for aub-divisions and, annex at$.ons Shaikld be studied on a coat; basis, In other wordg it mZy be possible to d@Velop these fees Wy a formula based on tkie 00st of services that arma2zations mad sub -divisions ions will receive f r c the C 1 "Y e Mr. G. W. Drawd7s, Administrative Assistant., Planning Ccmmissionl, City Hall .9 Newport Beach California Dear Jerry: I am attaching hereto some suggestions for the Pumendnuents to the Saab-Division Ordinance and I shall appreciate it if you will look them over. Would you also submit a copy to Mr. J. E. ,%`ebb and ask him to re-, iew these suggestions in order to ascertain That suggestions he might have so as to bring the Sub-L vision Ordinance in Linc, wit�`i our current rcaquirenients. Sincerely your, f: LIJLIL:M `Halter M. Longnzaor Enos. Chairman Planning Commiss1.on { TaGp"ONE HARSOR 3131 ResPOctfully submitted, GEORGE F. SHERR31L, CHAIRMAN PARKSs BEACHES & RECREATION COMMISSION 0 . a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Newport Harbor ENSIGN � In tl'ie rautto-,r o f : imendinent No. 4:1 Rt-�soluti. on sero. 614 STATE OF CALWORNIA ss. County of Change ... being first duly sworn. and on oath depose and say that I am the printer and publisher of the Newport Harbor Ensign, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Nv%%-lxart Beach, County of Orange. State of California, and that the.1jT.Q1i c e...Q .................................. of which copy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was printed and published In the regular issue(s) of said newspaper, and not in a supplement, ......... consecu- tive times: to -wit the issue(s) of eur.e 27:....195' .................. (Signed)..d_c.r.�' �.-.i.1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .....c: GtlCl. y of .Iul ................... i9.57�..... .. lf.',�:::. r:..::.... i7otary biic In and for hire county of Orange, State of California. my eanma:s_... _ irns . st 16. M11T M Amendment No. brl esolution o® 614 NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITZ OF NV,� FORT BLLCH WILL HOLD TWO PUBLIC HEiiRILNGS ON THE APPLICATION TO AmQnd -SeCtionB 9252.11- 0,-) Notice is hereby given that said public hearings will be hold on the 18th Day of July, 1957 and the 15th Day of August, 1957, at thea hour of Ssoo P,M0 In the Council chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon* Publication Date. "-; I Received for P07, !Z�,- D&te Received._.4�,�, I Ray Yo Copelin Secretary Newport Bc..ia;h hty Planning Commission