HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0053APPLTCANT1S -RCM .ADDs23o41a :;Slto BUERN PROPER'L'Y ADDRESS: Har=r at atime Tract --,T1C45 85 Lots 7Z :AL DFSC : TRArT : BLOCK VIS`17RUCTIO S (SAD CARWULL+) s Fill,, out thim ti ion cariful . Thij tjtion. moot be. :Wade by one or more owners"of property xff ted by the:p�opasod amendment and =at be accompanied by a maa showing the location of?property of _the signers of the Petition, th3 use of such prr,perty and the »ee of all property adjacent thereto. The Petitioner... .shall also submit a.y other data or information requested by the Planning Commission. The Petitioner desires to awnd ction JQ2& of Ord. No. 635 so as to cause this property to fall within an_2_— —B district-, .or to: The rea6ons for the filing; of this Petition are as follows:— d jp i STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS COURY OF ORANGE ) I, the undersigned, being dully smoiz, depose and say that I am the Petitioner, and that the foregoing Petition and all data, information, and evidence herewith submitted are in all respects to the best of my mowledge an4 belief, true and cor�r7ect.y HARBOR VIEWARC. �7 The above Subser .bed and swDrn to before me signature "arpetitioner Walter B. Mellott, President on the i / day of _] E1�7J -'Y T� 19 -J KEE JUEP � -34 NO.� let xEARINO : ' % f 2nd REARING; DATE . In accordance th Seetisn aaendmerit as �rat#tioned for above is hereby GRANTED, subject to all the conditions hereinafter set forth, and shall be of no force or effect whatsoever until such conditions ars mer, or until satisfactory guarantees and/or evidence requirements are presented and socerted. The undersigned hereby certifies t;•at he bee read, has frill knowledge of, and agrees to all. of the conditions set forth herein. Signature of Parmitee :_,, FOR DEPAB USE ONLY PIN'DINGS OF PLANNING C SSICIN: Ae Plant i _ C ` issign rec n s to the Ciro CeRagil_ that Tract 1645 consi stiriz of. 85 Lots be zoned from "Unclassified`- ILI GRANTED by Planning Concussion GRANTED r;%ty ouaiAf On th3 17th 4ay of -aly �� 39 58 On the sy of ' 19 L 11 Secretary, Pla g Commission City Clerk\ r, T0: CITY COUNCIL ON: ZONING OF TILT 1645 PROPRURE_ ML002 By AMM 909MIOMN: Ira accordance with the State Colueriation,and Planning Act, notice of one public hearins was puklished is the Ensign and the property was Posted on July 3,, 195$0- One public hearing was conducted on July 17, 1958. aNBINGS OF PLAl13NING MIM: The Planning Commission approved the regUOst of the applicant, B. F. Inc., R. H. Inc-, DUO= Vista lite., Harbor View Inc., to change the zoning of Tract 1645 frons.a "Unclassified" to a "R -1-B" District. REMMMATIO'NS OF__ .-..___ _-G COMSSION: ABSENT. Huyton NOT VOTING: Bir order of the Chairman Walter Longmeor I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of the proeeedings.and action of the Planning Commission,, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitta3, Secretary brt'$each City Planning Cotmijasion P. C. Form I Approvetr the City Cotuicil on the . ,�. of IVA City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California M lr WC:•mec 8/4/58 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE ' M 0X .. tI IkO CW s �ar °` ADOFTM SECT I ..9�C�.2' Q�' .� BEArIl 1.11TICIPAL COM MLATING TO ZONING AND n SETIViCK LnMS as1 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Distriet:.lamps No .2 and No 3 4d6joted 0y; Section 9102.2 and made a part 'of Article IX" of the Newport Beach ,!a Municipal Code are amended to establish building; setback lines for the hereinafter described xea2 propgrty in thy: Cltof Newport :.Z Beach, County of Orang=e, State og ".Ca3 ifornia, as i'ollows: K (a) The building setback line or. the ocean side of Sea -..yr shore Drive between. 34th and 6 � 3�reets shall be rio"Feet (01.). SECTION 2: The following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County "of"Qi ange, State of California, to.. wlt: A portion of Lott One:'Hundred Fifty-nine and One Hundred Sixty-four in. Alock Fifty' -three of Irvine's ,Subdivision, ,:as shown on ;�" Map" resox�ded i n Boa�c 1, page 88 of 1 scel,�an ous a records of . Or nye County, Californix' tore: "particularly, described as follows: Begi.nni.ng at the Sou.thwosterly" corner of- Tract No. 3004, recorded 1n Bo6k 9 "pages 1,and<2 .of ,,Miseel - laneous Maps; reo6ir '6" of :Orange County, California; thence north 87o 38:1 '"30" Easi along the Southerly line of said Tract.No:. 16o.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along ;the; Easterly line of s6id- Tract No. 3004 and along a.,.curVee concave Westerly, having : a radius of . 2'88`.0t? feet, =through : an angle of . . ?° 22' 08" a distan'c orf: 19.24:,.:f e6't;thence North 760 3l s 0t3" East along the :Southerly line of said Tract, 840.54 feet to the Southeaoterly corner of Lot Thirty-six of said .Tradt No. 3044; thence South 13029``00" East A1bhS the Southeasterly.pro- " longat'� an". �]f ,the Nor' hes terly line of .said, Lot Thirty-six of Tract No 3004, 170.0© feet; thence South 76.0 311 00" West,.30..06 feetto a point in a curvy, concave Westerly, having a radius of 38 .6.00 ,L'ect, a radial, line to said curve'bears South 870 30' 33" West from said point; thence Southerly along said curve, having a radius of 3816.00 Feet, through an angle of 140 54' 2411, d distance of 992.81 feet to a point in a curve, concave Southerly, having i;. radius of 2310.00 feet, a radial line to said curve mars South 230 421 17" West from said point; thence M Easterly along said curve >;having a" radius ,of 2310.00 feet, through an le of l0 091 18!'.: a distance of 46.57 feet to. a. point, -hence South,,'2410. 51.:� 35" West along.,a, link; radial .to said curve `170,.-00, flet 4x to the most", Easteriy corner of'_Lot Fifty eiSht of Tract No. 3431; as shown:on a Map, recorded inBook 96, pages 24 to '26 inc3.usive, of Miscellaneous maps, records of:Orange County, Cal ii'ornia, the :said radial line of said". _237.4 00 foot,"'curve' being also " the North-.". easterly g Y. y grv�.on �tiQM _of :the 3outhe�sterl �;ine ' of x said Lot Fifty 'e� gbf thence Northwt..t: rly. a3 ung the ^ ; % . Northeasterly Tine of :Lots F ifty-ei jgi t, Fifty-seven, ; Fifty --six, and Fifty; -five . 300.10 feet'' t6,:the end of curve therein; thenoe 1t6rth 734 10' 301.1:.West, 35.33 feet to the nlost 'Northery corner of said Tract No ` 3031, being aaso ;'the a�ost :Easerly- oorrier `of Tract No . 3000, as `shown on a R4ap ""recorded "in ';Book 89, pages 40 as d 41 'vf P 'ocella:neous" daps," records .of Orange County," Calltoirn .a thence. cont1nuing North 730 30' 30"-West`along.the Northerly. line of said Tract No. 3040, 668.x. feet to the.:'Northwest6r y cor' ner of said 'Trict16..":300 ;; "being a point in the Easterly line-:10f'_;the "„ Orarige County Flood . Control Right of Way, " as. said :Right of Way :is described in a deed recorded April 7th, ;1954 in Book 2705f Page 539 of Off ica1 Recores off'; said Orange County,. 'Cal ifor- nia; thence" Northeriy a:Long said" Visterly '1 ine of 806.80 feet Orange County Flood Control R3 ght a ' ;ay> . to the point -of beginning; as shown on District Maps No.":27 and No 28, attached .to Ordinance No. 635 and as referred to ertion 9102.2 of the" "Newport Beach ,in V Municipal Code and made "a part of Article IX"of said Code, be, and RA x the same is, hereby rezoned fsoi a u District to...an R'.1 -B District and said Maps No. 27 and No 28:are hereby amended to show this =yn zoning change. SECTION 3: The City En ineer of the City of. Newport Beach is hereby instructed and -directed tc change bistr ct Maps �w Nos. 2, 3, 27 and 28 so as to show the building setback lines `} described in Section '1 hereof"and the zoning change described in Section 2 hereof, and, as sand District Maps. shall have been so amended, the same shall remain in full force and effect and be a part of Ordinance No. 635 of th :City of Newport Beach and Article ,4 IX of the Newport Beach municipal -Code. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published once in the Newport Harbor Ensign, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, and the same shall be effective 30 days after the date of its adoption. 2. This Ordinance was introduced at a:; regular. meeting of ATTEST: CityGler -- Mayor 3. e �.a,^".aA,•.n.,G�- _. 4.«'(Jr<<:}?4;:�LSi'r, c `—�--��?P.G ,—xs��„d.' _: _'- _ .L� - `_"?' Df W. Dae HundredF-Lf'tY-tz. °na 0M M7101'ad ai-7-fesia.'t� in q1 �- f $a SuMiviaion, &s ;4ha n an a ��p rv�ordvod to Rook 1, page as of Maeonamew M pag r -Boor ds Of omlgr•° �s 8ud$a�9 vsi;.�'t a*e°kAds+, ���� po.r'mlealari j described as fo-Uawz s BeqUzdmg at tholzuthwWtorly o -a .° of T r w t Moo 30,04, reemdtact In S. 1k 92, I arA 2 of Yaps, records of Ori* Co ty, CallfomiAv- t Awth 870 381, 30�1 t &Img the Svatlwrly liana of said Tract. No. 30Y45, 1.60.000 feati theno4 Northwat5t aim'; tha Eantar".Y Una of sed Trant. No. 1004 knd aa1' (aoraaw ° -Stoyly" har�g a rsdl-w4 of 29M.*00 feet, thr h .,an angle CA 00 22' 081, & d of 19.2--4 facet% U—ace'North 760 31.1 :0!00 ?A.qt along. 4 i tkAriy of gam . mss -' um; to 'tho Southeastorly cod i* of Fit t.y six as mid Tmot No. 3004g thanos 'St .t<h 1:3" .291 00" E"t along tha Soct- mintorly proloragntion sof the 11m af said "ski Thlrty-si.7 o` 7met MO. 3 €, 170.00 ftet: theme Sonth 760 1/1$ 00" ms' s t, "^O.D6 feet to a point :,-% a vo, cowave Westerly, km7.*• a rodiia of 3816.0-0 N -et, a rte;k'1 iirA 0.0 Said �Urve GaAs South 870 308 33E° W',wt f'rom said p, iAn .; thmn^wx Southerly�.1 ang saa lil el o, t �1 r i. of 3 1�.0a7 f :; ti�.r- jh ar ,: noja of 14' 54° a,r�<� � dist-U!ze of 932.81 foot to a poira in a cue, conc%v" South%rly, ham: Lrury a radius of 2310.00 foots .% revdial lim to said wee be&m soa h 2,30 421 1-711 'aia�t frm said 'posaio thence Fwitzrly alow sold .wage hxvLnv !k r iv -5 or 310.OJ feat, tiLro,7h nn angle of 10 OQ4 18" a di.,ntarzs cr-P 46.f,7 leeat to A mbzI —.s t.h;*pruaq Saiz h 71"0 511 ,-5" West a1w, ea Ii -no iia. to sRid 70,+50 feet, to the �scst Rwgt�lrly e r r of Lot Fifty ight of 1' at Noo 3031, m shaven cin . ra:!oy*�!ed Ln --*ok6-, WLT '4 to 26 Idsiveg of X.11-scallamozi-s Map-%, reconl,� of 'Orani-,o County, Califo :aia4 +its radial 11m of said 2316.r,.ti feet z° w4-4 balm also the Mcrrtheantarly pro- longation ro—lc aattion af the S`n Ierly live of 3aLj L•-Ot g'lY'= cal t& t�OF.InOO 0>6t.)'TVt P't,r^i.Y alang the Vwthanatarly 1t. of LAK 9. t �< �h $ F°± ty��a�u �, ? i t'�.,�- lacewLyi Fifty 300.lJ feel to that' (�Mi ^f ML;"'iS3 i!tc?;Ya:J thj!P,''O N07 . 'o .0a ;�4l West, -15* 9:+ f"",', 9c Une malt of 1()', 9 !lily,+ X1.1:'^1 - heno Lc�.w�®Y°Ly. ^^Y'ila• of}r.r t,® '�! :)C1, !L!' 'Sir1'SP !G Y,:i�j': .` ^!(.v'..�.•O•.: :ti 'GOfC 89' % .� 4 r iir'i � 1 t'? �''�L' .'� r@ `. �. r, 3':i;:..? ' i3 C�., r-4? :. ',1 "��i'� J' 7:'.a.; y' -ax F v .�'i.1 t.ha=e contriSltiirv, Eeorltl, '7�O 'D0 7. 'i *,L,.',i;CJt:, f?EA `'lr,r ti.,,,r:� ! is n -f sate- Tract NO. 663.1s pv)ot No %or*z a,,-0 eY•i _r-orra�tr• t;alli TrRct. 4o. A030a ti�f.r a Po'—nt In 'tho le( °moi i 1 i n@ or t.ht CT"a 77`4 _ ° ;(:* .COY"i S"tya C1 r}1P O: P.5 t;aid IPIZh` exf ,,,'Ay Lq 'LYI � 2705, pag4 53y o1' C?'S'icial Re -q- &s of x�.�'_.;+. l�M':i'.:;Ya ..- -:ry9 R~Z'?:'rJr�s!�g t.hEroncaa No-thor I:y a1 on,,r Said i saerly l of C•r•w%j: A Flaol Contra:, Right o" 'day 806.80 feet to i. -ng peat of to innir4. :,Pam 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange 1 __ARVO E s HAAPA ...... being first duly mom, and on :oath ;depose and say that I am the printer and publisher of the Newport harbor Ensign, a weekly newspaper printed And..published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and that the ... ot$ee—of.... Publlc He.an ig ------ -------_........................... ................ ................... of which copy attached hereto Is a true and complete copy, was printed and published In the regular Issue(s) of said new-spape:. and not in I supplement, ............ �-onsec��• t€ve tirues: to -wit the `i (s) :of .............ux...... r....1958 .................:.._................... (Signed)...._,`:: L-�r?:�;t� ......1. t. .. Subscribed sand sworn to" before. me this.: 2tt,:d of ...........q!4Y ................... ....�:.. N'otarybllc in and forthe County ' of Orange,. State of California. 16, I I= 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment Y Resolution TRAM." T LOCATED AT -Cut- NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE _-- 1 DAY OF - — YEAR1956 AT THE HOUR OF 8 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NE14PORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON, RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNIN, COMMISSION Publication Date ' Received.dor .Pads. F,� EE- �t� : arae. ve �.� . . j