HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0065ZONIN TIOi NB., 65' , s ORD NO.b3 SEGT. NG. Cp Ty gj T.T. EgGH D.A'1`E lob. ] 954 MATION FM AFPLICAPT' S NAME: HCs ADi}:,;,E 7 E. Coast 1. PHOT+OrA ,( PROPERTY ADDRESS: 501 - 5 -.595 ZONE: R-2 —7777 LEGAL DFSC:-TRACT_ LdFi _ SECT: BLOCK": 534...; LOT 1, 3 and S. INSTRUCTIGNS (READ CAREFULLY): bill out,this,,O'etition carefully: This Petition must" made by one or more owners of property affected by the'proposed amendment and must � accompanied by a map showing the location of property of the sig ere of the Petition, the use of such property and the use of all property adjacent thereto. The Petiti.one .shall also submit any other data or inf'ojtation.requested'by the"Planning Co s ions s g The Petitioner desires to amend Section9103.2 of Ord. No. 635 so as to cause this fiy property to fall within an -Q-1..H district, or to; --- ?E The reasons for the filing of this Petit -ion are as follows..- 1order to rovide parki ou a portion of the e=istiRg residential lots. STATE OF CALIFORVIA) SS COUNTY OF WULNGE I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Petitioner, and that, the foregoing Petition and all data, information, and evidence herew h submited are 'n all respects to the best of my knowledge and.belief, true amdjaorreqy4 ` Signature of Petitioner The above Subscribed and sworn to before me. an the 2 day of February�i9 53.: (SEAL) z0kNGAMENDMENT NO.� HEARING: DATE. In accordance with Section the amendment as petitioned.for above is hereby GRANTED, subject to all the conditions hereinafter set forth, and .shall be of no force or effect whatsoever until such conditions arei-miot, or until; satisfactory guarantees and/or evidence requirements are prescr.ted and accepted., The undersigned hereby certifies Vat he has read, has full knowledge of, and agrees to of the conditions set forth herein. . Signature.of Permitee: FOR DEF9R &MAL USE -._..ON Y FINDINGS OF PJAN ING COIN�YIISSION: The Emission has neve permitted a chane of resident; property to e C -I-H District in Corona dei. Mar unless thi C-2 property abutting the Coast' Hi&tiwav was also cha ed to C -1-H. The e2plicant owns the property frontier; Coast Highwal* but he would not consent to include the` C-1 parcel in this :pe ti ti'olaf.. � by Planning Commission On the i9 day of Februg3:y 19 59 Secretary, Planning Commission City Uouncil. On the day of � 1. Cit' Clerk WOW s Resolution No. march 2. 1c, 59 Amendment No. 65 CIW PLANNING COMISSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT 0 F: Planning C issioit BY: Planning Department 10: City Council ON: Ft�fition filed by Price T.:.McCuistion to rezone 1o.ts 1, 3 and 5 Tract 534, Carona: del Mar from an R-2 to a CRL -1i District F'POCMME FOLLOWED BYIN ?-*7� . Notice of one public hearing was dulY.published in the Ensign and the property was posted on February 10, :195901,,Seventy-three "Notices of `. Public gearing" were mailed to seventy-three persons.'who own property within 300 feet of subject property. :One public hearing was conducted on February 19, 1359. ��tD�Ii3S Or PL.9N%FIiVC� ; The Commission received a petition signed by 15 property owners who objected to the rezoning for the following reasons: 1) Downgrading of the value of residential property in the ad- joining neighborhood. 2) Increased congestion of the narrow streets in the a.eaa 3) .Danger, of additional traffic, 'to the safety of chiidren. 4) The setting of a precedent, which will involve further demands for zone changes in this area. In addition to the petition, three letters were received objecting to the . proposed rezoning. Commissioner Copelin stated that thi'Caimilssion has never permitted a change of residential property to a C 1-H.Dietriet In Corona del Mar unless the C-1 property abutting the Coast Highway was also changed to C -1-H. The Applicant owns the property fronting Coast Highway but he would not consent to include the C-1 parcel in this petition. F—wCOX-M IATIONS OF PLANNING CO The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council chat Amendment #65 filed by Price T. McCuiation be denied for the reason set forth by Commissioner Copelin. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL_VOTF: AYE: CI ecmence, Copelin, Hayton, Keene, Lind, Kndd, Smith, Sturtevant NOES: ABSENT: Longmoor NOT VOTING: Acting By order of the/Chairman GEORGE LINB I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Ccmission, Gity of Newport Beach. Respectfully sulzni.tted, Secretary 1,4wport Belch City Panning Cosisejon P. U. Form 1 I y CITY (W HzWmT:RWH U °s DREARIMUT April 9; 1959 Mayor Stoddard and Hmbera of tete City Cou it [i6j�SEy�� yea �.� at 1b. d Price yi Und0r SectLom 9106-53(a) of t cLpaj Cc& €]f the City of Newport Beach, the Pimm.tag Commigsionig di'n to : . repor with. r6apact to a. ` proposed auendmnt to the CitY f4iLlur 0'to so report within 4 certatu Stipulated tilissZl -bis deamd to be approval Of the proposed ammdmem.by the plamIGG Secticm 9106,54 sets forth city c n=il shall cat the matter for public hearing after notice tbereof cif the PrOPOSed ameadmme be given as Provided by law. J. W. DRAMY ply% Director %0eA0rmSeVI- tmm yjP P L,r Plauming tamm u" ' � '. " OD8"140-''�''` �. moi. 1 �'OD, CMW OWMA.81 -.At, a, i`arC fllw AtWl �y �r g ar.,h�. t»•"- r5'i+ W" F a4#4i h?t" �."Y"w'+�±.�., i;�� `� '` If r a er 4+ :i as'. '4 .. _ � r an marrow.' �t� ZF.5.;9}�aY..wi a ul •.fid :�f wa`viJ.�� /`+'� _ a .. T .5.•.Y ++,,i�iiaa •n V :+ v M.i ;. 5 i. A,l.Ni.z.r9C.Ra'� H;..�Fti-au.�.1ht�3SNf.4�' C°�+WFx-rt�at� r .t.�k. , _ 1 - ± -• - � Cnl.ie byl �'u. sty i -T' Svri.,a,�c�."AR �` Win 1' 2 qj, Al Tv tra ch t E@ %wader igned pro, rty o,,4Sn ,,6aC x °x � y request PIWAY9 wommi s*Lon of Newport Beacku tea eby the Wzh Is t of :. Mr. g$pri cc , QCCQ'tis :fit � to wha�gu, the r aA c= yy4L3 3 € e<< � '. q .�ffi..Ll�:.'}�W ,�.,€°i. �:C az: �'i-.g i �}t;1 !,, go.L n� -.C: are ` c w L � i �� attempt .Lrf3 f'.%, < s. }., z o _}} i 1 �j ggqq 6 .�, ..}} y . h R k.. lr�7 is 4Fb dg s !-k i�1f.t .�.rW .��-,Y' i, -�1 d. Dewing r �a:-: cpns - ® i{ 7 p. 1. UowmgT ui is Gj X71. the V aNa Of r C s Cite 4iQ pr0pp_I,ryi 2. ImCrOmpek congestion of the a+rOW strsets in the. alx,da, 3, banger., df traffic, to the safety df childre 4. the ,z tting psi' a prec°edkQ, e-hich will irafO ve further de-aian?.s £Or 7-o cb< rages bra this area, � s 1 "01 L n", ion City of howport weach, California I will le Ccanizzion meeting 0-rl Empress ly opiaicn "anp yrning sh Q j" -n o -n Of Coast KQhway a& ae1i.0trcP; Avenue jn 3ornia Del Mar, 111 this ytter, I ownpkthe groPeVVY at QQKIQQO�,�e, All 01 A ArcqeAj gin V 1" W9";'� Tl- an, 0;Qj feb! WaVIA change 19MI -1-n--, Proge"ty St tharcluch s/c?ja,nje '..7 in --s z c comm n i ty , s f ore Mquest Wat Ole variancs in --o" a. City of Newport Beach Plarming Cnammassion ie7aort Beach, Cealiforni, Pear Sirs: 2,.s omers of the property. at R33 heliotrope Ave., Corona JB1 Irar, we wish to -protest E'-ZC' nst the. proposed rezoning of the prc,pe&,y lgcatod at 501, 505 °:nd 505 heliotn)-)e from an got m a C-1-•1; district. The.rQ is no need, in our opinion, to extend com- martial lot -k beyond the lots facing the Coast l •i gh- 7ray , -,Ihen ^japurchased our property did so an the basis that it zould remain in h strictly residential ereao !raring the pas-"- tv.o years -,%e have inm: ove:d our pronert;y to the e::4 -.e -,t or appraxima-vely ;;5000, If the proposed rezoning is allo'rted l:r property value-:,i':l definitely decrease as -.,dll -;hnt o!-" the ::fir ie _ei.frh- borhood! the 1'lfl'_m in. : ComirdssioI_ � o o nsidor t Sze lon-tili-Le reSi e-t:s `nd pr-,,perty olmers t.fye:cted by ti:3 rez,)ninz -::hich should certair_'i • rn.-,Rr_ ru-re r,han a c,runeroisil venture for ,re par y, Sincerely y-)llrs, Harris D. Cash 1614 S. main st. Unta , Calif. May Venree's 750 Huatingtom Park, Calif. R. G. Blake 617 Reliottope Coruna del Mars Calif. 1931 262nd Streat 4 Maliotrope tamita, COW. Cora= de]. Mar, calif Le 2231 Bvzide Dr,, Coro= del mar, Calif. RaTI M. Brady Leiter A. Ergin 'f 649 S. Oliva 425 Heliotrope Los ales 14,x. calif. Corona del Mar,Califm � .. 2715-'y e' , s ' 6 $ fe,a & o 2 Goldenrod Calif. cmang del mar, Calif.. m. �' s �a» e em�W �mE� - o etatar l li J. m y �3 Ange es dt a� oast. "g Corona del.:Har, Calif. Corona dgl' ' caufe . 9. coast .p � [4 Calif GCOM ..435 d„ Comm.del '�'Calif T coat ion; r . ` L " gmar W if '- �r Norma 10ee ^�.. ne$4s®[P'iAAh:8a X.Ro-aewj6 � $545. dalmar' core= Lot Angeles Ca if, Harris D. Cash 1614 S. main st. Unta , Calif. May Venree's 750 Huatingtom Park, Calif. R. G. Blake 617 Reliottope Coruna del Mars Calif. 1931 262nd Streat 4 Maliotrope tamita, COW. Cora= de]. Mar, calif Le 2231 Bvzide Dr,, Coro= del mar, Calif. RaTI M. Brady Leiter A. Ergin 'f 649 S. Oliva 425 Heliotrope Los ales 14,x. calif. Corona del Mar,Califm � eprons, &I Nary Calif 9 433 Heliotrope Corona del Dftr,'Calif. �yt'mbriel. Wig. F. C. me-yer Zcm 365 Lm Jolla, calize Carona del Mar, Calif. Harry G. smmrt 19 S. Valencia Albambrm, Calif, Hickie S. Glassow 430 Ferraeaf Corona del Mar, Calif. JaMs 9. 3d'g&Td9 214 Z. Walffat SamLa Ana, Calif. 94USU-5, Calm, "6Y 750 HuntInglUm ?aT.k,, WU. Andrew J. rlewietta 434 Golde=*d coram del Mar, Calif. Grace risk 331 N. Miazion Dr. San Gabriel, caftE. -y : ) Corona del Her, Calif. rGarrizd E. van Hall 4424 Hal—iocrope Cmoma del alar, - Wig. 'ijy Colvin 11937 Goshan Ave. 7-o,P, AnSeles 49, Calif. 2721 Denison Avenue San Pedro, Calif. Louise 91well Edith 1. Mortbland Fri d A. Grawburg 434 Faraleaf 438 Golrlat- - -,d 911 Wast "G" Street Gerona del H&C, Cjjjr. coram dez", "fil-14T, Calif. OmWnrio' Calif. Rafter W. Garrity 423 Galfja=-od 9= 611 Corona 641 MAr, calife Pzaz.h, colif. Halcor J.. CrT, Cornelia H. Griff431--l" 430 Golgi =d Goldellrod Ave. Comm da 1"kimr' Calif, Corona del Mar, Cm :Charlza IN, Xc'?U.V-20-C Mua C. zo�ett 3'228 Drive c1tra. -4-2.5" Umn College Fax+'. C! Va. Casty mse-, Calif. Andrew J. rlewietta 434 Golde=*d coram del Mar, Calif. Grace risk 331 N. Miazion Dr. San Gabriel, caftE. -y : ) Corona del Her, Calif. rGarrizd E. van Hall 4424 Hal—iocrope Cmoma del alar, - Wig. 'ijy Colvin 11937 Goshan Ave. 7-o,P, AnSeles 49, Calif. 2721 Denison Avenue San Pedro, Calif. Louise 91well Edith 1. Mortbland Fri d A. Grawburg 434 Faraleaf 438 Golrlat- - -,d 911 Wast "G" Street Gerona del H&C, Cjjjr. coram dez", "fil-14T, Calif. OmWnrio' Calif. "Arls- il0L . b v Ii AS 1m , ffvw `fork Mow del fir' Calif. or E. 1M led Bak 34 , canf, versadel rart, llf gg -m �1 amse POE I www 1 cern Mt .f r _' AFFIDAVIT 011' PUBLICATION Newport Harbor ENSIGN STATE OF CAUFORMA County of Orange i. ..._A:{ZiU...E s HAAPA being first ............................ .. duly sworn, and on oath depose and say that I am the pr':nter and publisher of the. Newport Harbor Ensign, a tree'sly newspaper printed and published in t7he City of 7`1fv port Beach. County of Orange, State of California. ei:d that the ... i4.'4Cr.. ?....':j;L.Q....T@kiS_' 1. AnendmeTl' No e 65 ------------- ---- ..............._....... .. of which mpy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was Printed and published In the regular issue(s) of said rewspaper, and not in a supplement, ...... I....... conseClu- tive times' to -wit the Issue(s) of Ej � m 5.?....1959 k 'Signed) SuhscrlbM and sworn to before me thfsj:a h....._day of ;:I�TntaY 1' PeibHc in a fort is ...._.......... County of Orange, State of California_ NOTICE OF PUBLIC Tib AV�ti�e is here �Y ghi� "t P1pnning.'Comrrfssaon 't 01: N ewport livach 1v.W,::1t PUP11c bearing oil he•; a •ilp� of,;?�rice . 3'�: 1L�ci7i�:i�i 3 and 5 blocl: �3� `d TOYEi cic'. (ted Is 5i,s rkcl.iQ#:bpc irrrtice;Is .here'Jv, t110h tiae�: �'czt�icil C`lisi TTesort; ;;. Z?eaePi; tviiich time a.;sat,'"j all. i}£'-i'$E7133 ii'•ic'S3'A 9 Zoning Change or Amendment 1 hearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment # 65 Resolution # LCCATED AT 501 m 503 -5052all r NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE 19 DAY OF b r YEAR 1959 AT THE HOUR OF 6jF.M. IN TEE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PE16ONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AN9) BE HEARD THLREON. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION S v Ask AOL P. C. Form 8