HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0073PROPERTY ADDFiBBS : o r ' � • `ONE . k LEGAL DESC : _TRACT„ SECT; BLOCK ,z INSTRUCTIONS (READ CAREFULLY),. FJ.11 out' thn.s''Petition carefully. This Petition must be made by one or more owners of propertk,.atfected by the proposed amendment and Twist accompanied by a map showing the location of property of the suers of the Petition the use of such property and" theuseof ;a11 prop ertyacen: thereto. The Fetitiexi .shall also submit any other data or information recguested'by the 'Planning Co a1 Toa® The Petitioner desires to amend Soctionaf (3rd. No. 65 so as to cause this property to Mail withiistrict, or to: ZONING AMENDMENT HEARING: July 16, 1959- E DATi;. In accordance with Section 9102.2 the amendment as petitioned .for abo-,-e is:hereby GRANTED, subject to all the conditions herdihafter set forth rind ,shall be of no fora car .' effect whatsoever until such conditions met, or until. satisfactory guarantees fand;lor evidence requirements are presented and accepted. ProperLy to be rezoned "UnclassiftedF4 and not. C-1-13. The undersigned hereby certifies Vat he hos read, has full k:ao4led6_a of, and ag=ree;; to all of the conditions set, forth herein. Signature of Parini toe:VM FOR TUR DEPARTMEN 'AL USE: 0NLY FINDINGS OF FLAPNING COI~'HISS.'ON;Coz:IaLcs .0cc -ild ilhat thi. e ition be. . roved subject to the above sty € V --Utica. GRANTED by Planning Commission GiesNTED by Ci.tw ounnal On the 16 day c#' Tu1v l.9JS9 On the day of C.,. Secretary,;' lanrinE Golmniss:ion City' '1erlt ON: A p^tition filed by Pleger, Blurock, Hougan & Ellerbroek, the Irvine Company and the City of Newport Beach requestin permission to rezone a portion of Lot 94, Tract 1701 from anl to a C -1-H District. PROCEDURE FOLLOWED BY PLANNING COMISSIN: In accordance with the State Planning and Conservation Act a legal publication was inserted in the Newport Harbor Press on ,Daly 6, 1959, the property wao posted on July 3, 1959 and one }public hearing was conducted by the PlanningCommission on July 16, 1959. FINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSION: After a review of the application and a discussion ,among the members of the Commission, it was the unanimous opinion that this property, if zoned C -1-H, would permit tindesirable uses and that any new use should be established through'"use permit" procedure. Inasmuch as a City water pump is located on a portion of Lot 94, it was agreed':: by the Commission that the entire lot should be rezoned from an Rml to an Unclassified District. The expausi.on of any existing use or a proposal of any new use would have to be approved by the Planning COML fission. The applicant proposes to construct professional offices on this site which is undesirable for Rel development. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that all of Lot 94, Tract 1701, located at the intersection of Bayside Drive and El Paseo Drtve, Corona del ?gar, be rezoned from an R®1 to an Unclassified District. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL. VOTE: AXES: Cl.eme.nce, Copelin, Ficker, Hayton, Lind, Marshall, Rudd, Spinner, Steelman. NOES: None ABSENT: None NOT VOTING: By order of the Chairman Georgie 3. Lind I hereby certify that the above is fa true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. Approved by the City1 Council on the day of19 _..`. Respectfully submitted Secretary Neraport Mach"City Planning; Commissior City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California P. C. Form 1 CITY A Walter IIMac . Ghar City Atto R `1 I�hot } } 1 tow x d VIEW Nov 0 5 zov_ f �e Y� I r6Af3 NOW&1 ..I IASL.;i ;Ytoil his. fi i WAS t i� € z F 5.0 auto ITS .V �I Ij N V 6d 5 �3 Ale 5 f 1 � 28 i I a q -n Lai L;� t 31. 32 R `1 } } 1 x d VIEW Nov 0 5 zov_ f �e I NOW&1 his. t F Q MOW auto ITS � a r �3 Ale 5 f 1 r � a q -n Lai a 1 � k 1 3 f t - ' 09 pool F F 40 y k t N 3 5 L AY i F F k a] STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, N TdEDD1CK of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: THAT . . he is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen year's, and that ............... he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that .................. he is the * ........... ....................................... printer of the Newport Harbor News Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and which newspaper has been adjudged <3 newspaper of general cir- culation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of October 22, 1954, Case Number A 24831; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: ........... .....................u� .�....n�........................................................ all in the, year 19_. —9.. ................ *Printer Foreman of the Printer or Principal Clerk of file Printer Subscribed and Sworn fo before me this ............... day of i"3 `l 19 50 .............. (SEAL_} Notary P«blic in 'wid for said C ounfy and State, My Commission Expire!, Zonin& Change or Amendment I hearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIL,iG Amendment s Resolution <� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANTING COMMISSI0N or THE CITY OF NEidPORT BEACH WILL HOLD :' E PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPLICATION OF NOTICE IS HLY.EBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE DAY OF YEAR _ AT TELE HOUR OF P. M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL, AT tJHICH TIME AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THERFON'. RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 16 i