HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM0091ZTT'l'1G-,P-ETi`J�,;�- No. 91 G,rW�NU 635, -.SECT. NO. CITY OF 14EWPORT BEA031? DATE. APPLICATION F�000 Owners APPLICANT'S NAME: Mariners Mile Fropirty-_HM ACO; P,?OAIELIp8�7' PROPERTY ADDRESS: County Dock to 193�W. coast -_Wish- zO�1�: ,t h LEGAL DESC : -TRACT_ 919_ SECT : BLOCK 1u1' RS 21 44 INSTRUCTIONS (READ CAPLU LLY): Fill out `this',petition carefully. This Petition must be made by one or more owners of property; affected by the proposed amendment and must be accompanied by a map showing the location of property of the signers of the Petition, the use of such property and the use -of all property adjacent thereto. The Petitioner .shall also sabm.t any other data or information requested by the Planning Commission.; The Petitioner desires to amend Section ___ _of Ord.,No. 635'Was as to cause this property to fall kri.thin an__QO-'z.,?L_district� or to: See also attached The raasons for the filing of this Petition are as follows:- Vnr „no-rafling of the area arab to orovide for off street STATE Or. CAuFoRNIA) SS COUNTY OF OF?Pdgrx ) one of I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that I ad the Petitioner, and that foregoing Petition and ail data, information, and evidence herew, sub fitted are in all respects to the best of my knowledge and belief, true a o pact. �S'gaature of etitioner The above f Subscribed and sworn to before me on. the 12 day of Mav 60 My Qmmissiun E;Pires Fubluary 18, 1951 u-`r�iajF' � 1 ZONING fPANDMEN_i NO. BEARING: _ - DATE. In accordance with Scctaon tt►e amendment as petitioned for above is hereby GRANTED, subject to all the conditions hereinafter set forth, and shall be of no force or effect whatsoever until such conditions are met, or until: satisfactory guarantees and/or " evidence requirements are presented and accepted. 5 The undersigned hereby certifies t.at he has read, has full knowledge of, and agrees of the conditions sat forth herein. Signature of Permitee: FOR DEPAR_MENTAL USE ONLY FINDItIGS CSF PLANNING COM ISS7-ON: See reverse side for findings. =g . . �..� ..� _ s Resolution No. Amendment No. 91 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA REPORT OF: Planning Comission BY: Planning Department June S i 4 60 TO: City Council Amendment No. 91 faled by the Mariners Mile Property Owners to amend District ON: Map No. 4 of Zhe Newport Beach Municipal Code from a C-2 to a C -O -Z District on Lots L, 'I, G, H, RS 21-44 'and the 'City & County Hock property. Tract 919. PROCEDURE 1FOLLOTeXD BY PLANNING ComlISSION: Notice of one public hearing was duly published in the Newport Harbor Mews Press on May 20, 1960, One public hearing was conducted on .mane 2, 1960. FINDINGS OF PLANNTNG COMMISSION: The Planning- Commission, after several meetings over a p-tri.od of approximmately one year, has racommended to the City Council and has had adopted a new zonae to apply to the district known as "Mariner's Mile" between the Arches ari the -albea Say Club on the south side of Coast Highway 201. The majority of the property owners have filed a petition (asking that thein present. zone, C-2, be changed to C -O -Z which will upgrade .he property and will require off-street parking. RECOMENDATIONS OF PLANNiAtC COMMISSION: The Planning romsmminsion recommends that this nmendmmaent to create the zoning as noted above be approved. RESULTS OF ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Clemence, Copelin, Ficker, Hudson. Lind, Marshall, Skinner, Steelman NOES: None ABSENT: Rudd NOT VOTING: None By order of the Chairman George J. Lind I hereby cerr.ify that the above is s true and correct report of the proceedings and action of the Planning Coranission, City of Newport Beach. Respectfully submitted Secretary Newport Beach City Planaing Colrmission P. C. Form 1 Apprrvc�d by the.iCiti Council,`on the day of :�. 19 (., a h �L City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California 'J J31>tij hag ] �k 0,� T3t hi ,L•J+l.ta -Lr••1Od _. k Uarting at County DOCIC Property: uE�? 100 s Yes CrA-TI'LER 91. y--� ;43 ;SCS 'OSA 2- T. -3: IZ, T'S 119 3I SMI �14a t35 i0o ye; GIVjf 100 Ye u ali _".'1 J 110 os ML -IM"TEY 50 0,EDER3 a 50 Y e a ;!11 ,o'i i 100 Yes 11IS`]L 600 CMI 'I' -IME" ---LIT,,' 100 O,IwMi 1.00 Yes Stopping a Gal v.� aopert, located at 19?3 W. Goas�t }i�.g}x1��'; . Unable ,to :watact. . Out Of :thy eoWnt� Qn :'tri a �` _ � � �, 1''`. m .,: ;: -, M a"vissmts'� � jor M Del Kar Calif. vii _1 G r - 4 t' i jop=ld 3. Worsen jor M Del Kar Calif. A public hearing will be held by the City of Newport beach Planning Commission on Thursday, June 2, 1960 at 8:OC P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif., regarding Amendment No. 91 filed by the Mariners t Mile Property owners to amend District Map No. Municipal Code from a C_2 District to the -O-Z on Dots I., M, G, H, and RS 21-•1s4, and County Dock property described by metes and bounds description, `bract 919, located between the Arches aid the Balboa Bay Club on the south aide of Coast Highwy 101. All inquiries will be given consideration at that time. ,planning Director Planning Dept., City Hall r A public hearing will be held by the City of Newport beach Planning Commission on Thursday, June 2, 1960 at 8:OC P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif., regarding Amendment No. 91 filed by the Mariners t Mile Property owners to amend District Map No. Municipal Code from a C_2 District to the -O-Z on Dots I., M, G, H, and RS 21-•1s4, and County Dock property described by metes and bounds description, `bract 919, located between the Arches aid the Balboa Bay Club on the south aide of Coast Highwy 101. All inquiries will be given consideration at that time. ,planning Director Planning Dept., City Hall „Everett Z. si*Port, T Q'�r a see OF age, z Al Newport ch,' C� if.WX 320 V. NewpotcBeacCalif. E c:� Core del. '1 a, . -,r@ffi Box 2� ' � A Newport laaabz ca 9. H a$+ ., .. Thor $d. Fh.b ,'CiK4C 24 OV Ift 3 - / Te �} n le 543 IU. Calif' a th L. Har t Alexa �. l$via-.> 13 1:. W. fie,,. � 'port �,'i$g is.m 191 t7port Bch, ..Cad Far& Free y2D38 V. Cosi ., tear.h, 'iaaw.��a 15216 Sutton St. Sharma ORks, cal ifa Frank J. O'Cozwr 17GO 'Kings Rd. Uawport aea.c 7q,, Calif. ,Pose Roga 2901 W. Caaak Hwy Newport'U&C hg Calif. coriaw Franklin Boa 154 ffewpovt Beach, Calif. Albar;t 0. %716a ar 611 Lincoln Ave. z1 my I11imois Woodrow W. Fol"r 23.32 V, Coast . J. R. lavastmut Co. 2901 W. coast wye Newport Beach, Calif. Ear! R. Tibbits 2827 W. Coast dwy. aawport zaach, Calif. C:mec ► 7/5/60 2 ORDINANCE N0. 925 H AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENDING SECTIONS 9102.0 AND 9102.1 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PLANNING AND ZONING, REZONING PROPERTY, AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 4 The City Council of the City of Newport beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 9102.0 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is amended to read: "SECTION 9102.0. The several general districts estab- lished are as follows: Agricultural -Residential District or R -A District. Single Family Residential District or R-1 District. Duplex Residential District or R-2 District. Restricted Multiple Family Residential District or R-3 District. Multiple Residential District or R-4 District. Neighborhood Commercial District or C -N District. Limited Commercial Multiple Residential or C-0 District. Light Commercial District or C-1 District. General Commercial Dibtrict or C®2 District. Intermediate District or I District. Manufacturing District or M®1 District. Unclassified or U District. Controlled Manufacturing District or M -1-A District."' SECTION 2. Section 9102.1 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is ameDded to dead: "SECTION 9102.1. In addition to the general districts established above, the following special districts are established which, -when combined with the above general districts, establish additional special regulations: Com- bining or 'B' Districts -- Combining or 'Ii Districts -- Combining or 'Z' Districts." SECTION 3. The following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County cf Orange, State of California, to wit: Lots L, M, G and H. Tract. 919, as per map recorded in Book 29, pages 31 to 34, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. PARCEL B A parcel of land situated in the City of Newport Beach, being a portion of Section 2.8, T -6-S, R -10-W, S.B.B.M. and more particularly described a3 follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot L of Tract No. 919 as recorded in Book 29, Pages 31 through 34, Miscel- laneous Maps, records of Orange County, California; thence northwesterly along the U. S. Bulkhead Line to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 227B as shown on a map titled "Harbor Lines, Newport Bay Harbor", approved by the Secretary of the Army, February 15, 1951, and on file in the U. S. District Engineer's Office, Los Angeles, California; thence South 36° 35' 00" West a distance of 128 feet to a point on said U. S. Bulkhead Lime; thence along said U. S. Bulkhead Line South 18° 35' 00" West a distance of 87 feet to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 226A; thence northwesterly along the North Channel Reservation Line as reccrded in Book 162, Page 1, of the Official Records of Orange County, California, to the most southerly corner of a parcel of land described in a deed to the State of California from the City of Newport Beach, recorded in Book 3111, Page 125, and dated June 12, 1955, Official Records of Orange County, California; theace generally northeasterl.y'along the boundary of said parcel to the point of intersection with the U. S. Bulkhead Line between U. S. Bulkhead Stations 227 and 227A; thence southeasterly along said U. S. Bulkhead Line to as point 9.98 feet beyond U. S. Bulkhead Station 227A, also being the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 2 of that certain easement described in cued to the State of California from the City of Newport Beach, recorded in Book 3680, Page 54; and dated October 17, 1956) Official Records of Orange County; thence northeasterly along the easterly line of.Pareel No. 2 to an intersection with the southeasterly line of Parcel No. 1, described in a deed to the State of California from the County of Orange, recorded in Book 3580, Page 30, and dated October 17, 1956, Official Records of Orange County; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said Parcel No. 1 to the most easterly corner of said parcel; thence northerly along the easterly line of said Parcel No. 1 to an intersection with the southerly line of that certain parcel of land described in deed to the State of California from the County of Orange recorded in Book 293, Page 158, and dated ,Tune 29, 1929, Offi- cial Records of Orange County; thence easterly along the southerly line of said last mentioned parcel of land to an intersection with the westerly line of the aforementioned Lot L of said Tract No. 919; thence South ll* 57' 35" West along the westerly line of said Lot L to the point of beginning; as shown on District Yap No. 4 referred to in Section 9102.2 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and -aade a part of Article IX of said Code, be, and the same is, hereby rezoned from a C-2 District to a C -O -Z District, and said Map No. 4 is hereby amended to shod this zoning change. 2. SECTION 4. The Planning Director of the City of Newport Beach is hereby instructed and directed to change District Map No. 4 so as to show the zoning change described in Section 3 hereof, and, as said District Map shall have been so amended, the same shall remain in full force and effect and be a part of Article: IX of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall b6 published once in the official newspaper of the City, and the same shall be effective 30 days after the date of its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 20th day of June, 1960, and was adopted on the day of 1960, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNC I N t _ HORS, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ASST ty er Yor 3. A STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, RE-IDJR'T.-QK ------- - ----- ....... of the said County, being duly swom, deposes and says: THAT lie is and at all times here mentioned was a citizen of the United StafG5 A,. over the age of eighteen ,ears, and that .......... . E.Q.— day of ............ (SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission Expires 16 .................................. -, 19-63 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC EAR: LINT Na. 91 RAY Y. COPELIN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECORD O`F SURVEY SHOWING PROPERTY OWNED BY ORANGE COUNTY, FRONTING ON NEWPORT BAY, EAST OF NEWPORT B'L:V'D AND SOUTH OF COAST HIGHWAY, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. SCALE- I"= 40' APRIL, 1949, C.S.T.B, 128. C -7LC i� ilJ t '.hw . i...6 323.05 --------------- r3 ----------- ---------- Z'7: -A cr 4s44 1P�gS�� SSiI °Dal° A• -A ST c O d - 47 * 0 c �16 4 a7,1 7; "v (-Rf. v D g —;z - -..- - - Z � s -HIGH i� ilJ t '.hw . i...6 323.05 r3 lB" Ra Ca/C. cr 4s44 1P�gS�� SSiI °Dal° A• 0 c �16 tea' i 1XI N oll --Poo, U4 I 01 1� -Y-to jr- /, PVK. Ht'16e.7rwl, 17c,-cby cel-l-ify that / , "(141�Stc�-e Q' ;-nf,�7eer oir the Stare 40 or7e� Ma," rymiy map represents a survey, mi7cli. u,�der my Supervision, /n September 948 and /0/ and that ffie rnonr�rnen7�SyhowI7 er'ede7 9PC aZ/y exisi, and 7117cil- a, --e cvrrCCJL/y N£iy Zinc prod�cd ......... . .. 1, y'k k A. some ealklyead Z/)7c. C—lvr-f a70' d'vc'--T hove air A meet hi -- 2. All -7amen7`s Jet are 177ar*ee #vilh a Gross t._q Co,,ly The ba4y-inys used va }his Maly arc hasc1ol � IhOf -Ohfor Oylmewp�'f'4y""�' o"� Me Crne'Cr //�7C Of CastCast Ni hwy 'fO5 Tr-7' Al -0 919 (A' 86' 12' 4. -C 5 TB Ind'Calas Ccunly S'urveyor's r�arsj/ book . ^7