HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_Dean Residence Coastal Development Permit_PA2017-167CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Dean Residence Demolition (PA2017-167) Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-070 SITE LOCATION: 16 Bay Island APPLICANT: Tim and Michelle Dean OWNER: Bay Island Club PLANNER: Chelsea Crager, Associate Planner 949-644-3227, ccrager(@newportbeachca.gov March 29, 2018 Agenda Item No. 2 LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan: RM -D (Multiple -Unit Residential Detached) • Zoning District: RM (Multi -Unit Residential) • Coastal Land Use Category: RM -C (Multiple -Unit Residential — (10.0 — 19.9 DU/AC)) • Coastal Zoning District: RM (Multi -Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A coastal development permit (CDP) to demolish an existing 2 -story, 2,929 -square -foot single-family dwelling. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No.—approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-070 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION Land Use • Bay Island is a single legal lot developed with 23 detached, single-family dwellings and shared open space and recreational areas. The Island is located on the north end of Island Avenue on the Balboa Peninsula where it is accessible by a gated pedestrian bridge. Vehicles are not permitted on Bay Island. 08/17/2017 Dean Residence Demolition Zoning Administrator, March 29, 2018 Page 2 • The subject building site is approximately 3,231 square feet in area and is sloped from the interior of the island toward the water with an 8 percent slope. The site is currently developed with a two-story, 2,929 -square -foot, single-family home. The project applicant requests to demolish the existing single-family dwelling. After demolition of the dwelling, the site will be landscaped to control erosion. Per Section 21.30.085 of the Implementation Plan, landscaping has been conditioned to have low water demand and drought tolerance. The planting of invasive species shall be prohibited. Subsequent construction of a replacement single-family dwelling will require a separate coastal development permit at a later date. • The subject property is located in the RM Coastal Zoning District, which provides for residential development and is consistent with the City's Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required for demolition of the existing single family dwelling and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is located in the Appeal Area. Water Quality • The project is located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Public Access and Views • The project site is located on the Balboa Peninsula between the nearest public road and the sea. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project's impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project is the demolition of a single-family residence. Therefore, the project does not result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. • The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. However, the project involves the demolition of a single-family waterfront dwelling surrounded on three sides by other single-family dwellings. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. Tmplt 10/10/17 Dean Residence Demolition Zoning Administrator, March 29, 2018 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Class 1 exempts the demolition and removal of small structures including one single- family residence. The proposed project includes the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling located within the RM (Multi -Unit Residential) Zoning District. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City's certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: 9 Y l Chelsea Crager, Ass' taut Planner MCC Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans Tmplt 10/10/17 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution Tmplt 10/10/17 'Y RESOLUTION NO. ZA2018-### A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2017-070 TO ALLOW THE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING LOCATED AT 16 BAY ISLAND (PA2017-167) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Tim Dean and Michelle Dean ("Applicant'), with respect to property located at 16 Bay Island, and legally described as S -Township 6, Range 10, Section 34, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. 2. The Applicant proposes a coastal development permit to allow the demolition of an existing two-story, 2,929 -square -foot, single-family dwelling. 3. The subject Property is located within the Multi -Unit Residential ("RM") Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Multiple -Unit Residential Detached ("RM -D"). 4. The subject Property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Multiple -Unit Residential — 10.0 — 19.9 DU/AC ("RM -C") and the Coastal Zoning District is Multi -Unit Residential ("RM"). 5. A public hearing was held on March 29, 2018 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC"). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Class 1 exempts the demolition and removal of small structures including one single- family dwelling. The proposed project includes the demolition of an existing single- family dwelling located within the RM (Multi -Unit Residential) Zoning District. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. 5 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 2 of 5 In accordance with NBMC Subsection 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits — Findings and Decision), the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a coastal development permit are set forth: Finding A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The subject property is an island currently developed with 23 single-family dwellings and associated accessory uses on an existing lot designed for residential development by the Local Coastal Program. The project applicant requests to demolish an existing single- family dwelling located on Building Site 16 of the island. After demolition of the dwelling, the site will be landscaped to control erosion. Per Section 21.30.085 of the Implementation Plan, landscaping has been conditioned to have low water demand and drought tolerance. The planting of invasive species shall be prohibited. Subsequent construction of a replacement single-family dwelling will require a separate coastal development permit at a later date. 2. The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code ("CBC") and Building Division standards and policies. 3. The property is located adjacent to coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Finding B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of aby body of water located in the coastal zone; Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private community of Bay Island. NBMC Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project's impact and be proportional to the impact. The project involves the demolition of one of 23 single-family dwellings on the island. The demolition will not result in any significant adverse impacts to public recreation, access or views or otherwise diminish the public's use of the ocean, harbor, bay, channels, estuaries, salt marshes, sloughs, beaches, coastal parks, trails, or coastal bluffs. Tmplt: 04/14/10 n, Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 3 of 5 2. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bay Island community at the street ends along the Balboa Peninsula (approximately 400 feet from the subject property). 3. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. The project consists of the demolition of a single family home and this coastal development permit does not authorize the construction of a new structure. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit Application No. CD2017-070, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This building height action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of NBMC Title 20 Planning and Zoning. 3. This Coastal Development Permit action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is fined with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation plan of the NBMC. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with NBMC Section 21.64.035 and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF MARCH, 2018. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator Tmplt: 04/14/10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 4 of 5 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project -Specific Conditions in Italics PLANNING DIVISION 1. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 2. Landscaping of the site shall conform to the requirements of Section 21.30.075 (Landscaping) and Section 21.30.085 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan. Plant materials shall be selected for low water -demand and drought tolerance, and the planting of invasive species shall be prohibited. 3. All landscape materials and irrigations systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing conditions and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 4. The development (the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling and appurtenant facilities) shall be in substantial conformance with the approved demolition plan stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 5. The Applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 6. Prior to issuance of building permits, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the City's Building Division and field sets of plans. 7. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 8. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sides, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. Tmplt: 04/14/10 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 5 of 5 9. Best Management Practices ("BMPs") and Good Housekeeping Practices ("GNPs") shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the CPPP. 10. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Sold waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 11. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, wetland or their buffers. 12. Should the Property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of approval by either the current property owner or leasing agent. 13. Construction activities shall comply with NBMC Section 10.28.040, which restricts hours of noise -generating construction activities to between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday. Noise -generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 14. Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-070 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 15.To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of Dean Residence Demolition including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-070 (PA2017-167). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The Applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The Applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Tmplt: 04/14/10 9 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 08/17/2017 10 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit No. CD2017-070 PA2017-167 16 Bay Island 08/17/2017 li Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 08/17/2017 12 ES 5.59' INV -- I I I VLV BOX 4 IRR. VALVES ----_ --- - ----- ,T -I 7.2' DIRT PLTR WALL FIRE PIT- W/GAS ,'' PIPE g 53'-� TW I I I � i 7.23 ----, GRATE LAWN CRATED TRENCH y DRN .-- 00 M 7.26 -------;a M GRATE LL1 I ,WN Lo 7.25 r� FS O rn .P NN Z FS 7.14' GRATE � I INLET _ _ I INV=5.64' VLT-9 „ 7.17' D FS %7.19' J% FS 7.13' 7.58' � - FS 1 I I -S \"--i------H--4-1-41----------1-1---- ES -I 1 LNDG , I 16.08 -I-' 1 ,I 11 II 1 1 1 13.08' u `- 16.56 PCC 14.43 BRICK CURB-----------------------------� LNDG 1�, �I w' FS STEP SLATE SW ° SLATE 9.12' LNDG o „ `,� 11 STEP T H=1 W=8 wl S T' PS 1 16.58 W �I /TW H 13.93 EG7 I _ _ _ _ N61 °3'5' 2"W 95_ .12' SII �1 STEP/ LATTICE ENC H=6' �I SURE. , __IES -------` ------ ____L_N___G____`---------- L- r_-______________________________1_-1--__---___NZ___L--__� 1S�.______--_________________-_-, q - -- 12_7----------------� 122' i FS DIRT PLTR DIRT w ---------------------------------------- FD. + ON BRICK -W T BRICK SW ACC, AS PROP. CC P.L. 12.67' FS FS 726' r___________________________ __________1------ -- ------- ----------- P.L. ; --------------------- 132 N61 °29'37"W 95.62' J FS 10 D 7.65 STEP LNDG 17.87 _ TW DIRT 7.22' -' '-' , __J /' 8.36' STEP EROSION CONTROL PLAN ---� - - FS-� '� I I PLTR ;,r- ;- r---�-----------------; - �----------z-- BAR-BQ 7.66' 16.35' 7.39 - ,� I-, I IF IF SECTION A -A --- P.L. 13.6' 15.25' - % DIRT TW ----------------------------- TREE /411_11-011 , - f/ ' - WD & STL FNC 3'4" R PC 7 PROPERTROJETY GRAVEL BAG LAYOUT R R 13.38 SECTION B -B NO SCALE 51TG03 -�' ' TRI IHKC EROSION CONTROL NOTES (MINIMUM BMP REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS) 1. IN CASE OF EMER&ENGY, GALL OWNER AT 11. ERODED SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS CONSTRUCTION I\ PROTECTION MUST BE RETAINED ON-51TE AND MAY NOT BE 2. A 5TAND-BY GREW FOR EMERGENCY WORK 12.61 TRANSPORTED FROM THE 517E VIA SHEET FLOW, TW SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE d FS - ES LIK - -� FS 16.05' TW I COURSES, OR WIND. -14.05' NEGE55ARY MATERIAL5 SHALL BE AVAILABLE - ES I STOCKPILES OF EARTH AND OTHER GONSTRUC- FS ON-SITE AND STOCKPILED AT CONVENIENT LOCA- " 11------------------ I ---------- �------------------ /' TIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF I r\ , 1a64 DIRT 2i �� I w I wl �I I - r----- I �/SW ` M 1 i' TW EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHOWN ON THI5 13. FUELS, OILS, 5OLVENT5, AND OTHER TOXIG 22 15.55-� I II 9.59' BRICK THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IF THE GRADING OPERA- Ujl Q WITH THEIR LISTING AND ARE NOT CONTAMINATE IIn u, , CONSTRUCTION THE SOILS AND SURFACE HATERS. ALL APPROVED zo 7.27 FS m 1 0 9.48' FS TW 5TOl CONTAINERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED t STEP FS SW FS �' --`- --I------/------- �----------- 13.11' FS ----j 1 ------- ------------ II' UP IMMEDIATELY AND DISPOSED OF IN A PROPER �w A^tAY FROM THE TOP OF SLOPE AT THE GONGLU- - o NDG o - z� -- ---r---------------------------------- AND DEBRIS THAT MAY CREATE A POTENTIAL _+---- PLTR HAZARD TO OFF-SITE PROPERTY SHALL BE '----' FS BRICK r, �, �, �N�---------- --- 1-- 10.20 �- 11.61' I 14.37 ----------- 5. '" ' CAN BE DISPOSED OF AS SOLID HASTE. 7.30' 1 , 8.10 15. DEVELOPER5/6ONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE 1 '------------- RAINSTORM AND BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. GM FSSW z A GUARD SHALL BE POSTED ON THE 51TE WHEN- BMP'5 ARE INSTALLED AND FUNGTIONIN& PROPER - FS �- ll VEPS FS WD LNDG LY IF THERE 15 A 400/a CHANGE OF QUARTER INCH FS I CHIMNEY I ES I , 13.3 ,'I C> AFTER ACTUAL PRECIPITATION. A CONSTRUCTION RAINSTORM. PUMPING AND DRAINING OF ALL ---------- 13.0' ------------- il ----"- II -----------------------I '----------- ------' ---� 13.33' - DIRT ��---- 1,r)I n OPERATIONS. DEAN -4-COL �� I\ pdW PLOT DATE TION CHECKLIST AND INSPECTION I-Ol ARE 1. FS BY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). �I REDUCE ER05ION DAMAGE AND CONTAIN 3B POLLUTANTS WITHIN THE CITE IS LEFT TO THE ib. TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION RELATED SOLID DISCRETION THE FIELD ENGINEER. ADDITIONAL NA5TE5 MUST BE DEPOSITED INTO A COVERED 14.44, DEVIGE5 NE NEEDED SHALL BE TO RECEPTACLE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF 7.56'1 EG, DI POLLUINSTALTANTS RETAIN SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS ON RAINWATER AND D15PER5AL BY WIND. SITE. 11. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS MAY NOT BE F F r� DE5ILTIN6 BASINS MAY NOT BE REMOVED OR TRACKED FROM THE 51TE BY VEHICLE TRAFFIC. ,��---------F�------� 1__ 3-3"X6" WD COL THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ROADWAYS MUST APRIL 15 OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR WITHOUT THE BE STABILIZED 50 AS TO INHIBIT SEDIMENTS APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. FROM BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY. IDRN I 2 0. C. 9. STORM WATER POLLUTION AND EROSION IMMEDIATELY AND MAY NOT BE WASHED DOWN CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE MODIFIED, AS 1ST FLOOR J NEEDED, A5 THE PROJECT PROORE55E5. THE o _ IINLET EG3 c17,39' DESIGN AND PLACEMENT OF THESE DEVICES 15 18. 16 BAY ISLAND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIELD ENGINEER. 14.32' 14.36' FS � FS PLANS REPRESENTING GHAN6E5 MUST BE INHIBIT EROSION BY WIND AND WATER. SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL IF REQUE5TED BY oiPAT10 I THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. BASINS AND DRAIN LINES OF DEBRIS. 10. EVERY EFFORT SHALL BE MADE TO ELIMINATE i __ THE DI5GHAR&E OF NON -STORM WATER FROM 7v=x.35-----'--� 748 THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. ' FS i/� FF BASEMENT ALL o�BEDMOLIOSevENrs 2 STORY FRAME SED ('� 15.02' 14.39 FS ��� `IJ W/BASEMEN I @) REAR TW UL COL 6"X6" 15.53' - =__-----�� ------ N --- TW 14.31' ROOF PEAK ELEVATION -33.9'------ 14.66' TW TREE -10 D - FS BRICK SURF. 15.75' TW �- BLOCK WALL WS III �' W=0.66 Q 14.28' -DRN INLET 7 43' ' r SOIL CLN OUT-- � 13.92' �� w I,' I y I FS 7.10' GRATE r 17.78' T W - S 14.0 12.6 STACK EM 14.03' 14.0- SB-____--- - r----r--------------I 10.25 11.5 DIRT- FS FS - HP i EG2 i 7.28 -F----------,------------ ---------------- TW 1 �' �' DIRT ------------ � , ------------- -------------- '� ISS ��-------- �' ------- -I------- 130.96' �-' ---------________________ I ------------I - L -I � I1 13.99 ' L----� ,' ES , 7.42 �;��' III , EG1 i i 8.24 o 17.85 c� ,- TREE 4-3 -I-' 14.00 �- PGG ,' S / -' ,i' FJ EGi f_ m -13.6' DIRT /� � FTI ------15.25 �I FS 726' r___________________________ __________1------ -- ------- ----------- P.L. ; --------------------- 132 N61 °29'37"W 95.62' J FS 10 D 7.65 STEP LNDG 17.87 _ TW DIRT 7.22' -' '-' , __J /' 8.36' STEP EROSION CONTROL PLAN ---� - - FS-� '� I I PLTR ;,r- ;- r---�-----------------; - �----------z-- BAR-BQ 7.66' 16.35' 7.39 - ,� I-, I IF IF SECTION A -A --- P.L. 13.6' 15.25' - % DIRT TW ----------------------------- TREE /411_11-011 , - f/ ' - WD & STL FNC 3'4" R PC 7 PROPERTROJETY GRAVEL BAG LAYOUT R R 13.38 SECTION B -B NO SCALE 51TG03 -�' ' TRI IHKC EROSION CONTROL NOTES (MINIMUM BMP REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS) 1. IN CASE OF EMER&ENGY, GALL OWNER AT 11. ERODED SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS CONSTRUCTION I\ PROTECTION MUST BE RETAINED ON-51TE AND MAY NOT BE 2. A 5TAND-BY GREW FOR EMERGENCY WORK 12.61 TRANSPORTED FROM THE 517E VIA SHEET FLOW, TW SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE d SHALES, AREA DRAINS, NATURAL DRAINAGE 5 FEET OR MORE RAINY SFA50N (OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 15). FS COURSES, OR WIND. -14.05' NEGE55ARY MATERIAL5 SHALL BE AVAILABLE 12. STOCKPILES OF EARTH AND OTHER GONSTRUC- FS ON-SITE AND STOCKPILED AT CONVENIENT LOCA- LASED ARC// v l �N. HARRi/ /F\ O TION RELATED MATERIALS MUST BE PROTECTED 3.5' TIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF * No. C 6947 FROM BEING TRANSPORTED ROM THE 51TE BY DIRT EMERGENCY DEVICES WHEN RAIN 15 IMMINENT. I THE FORGES OF WIND OR HATER. 3. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHOWN ON THI5 13. FUELS, OILS, 5OLVENT5, AND OTHER TOXIG Csl PLAN MAY BE REMOVED WHEN APPROVED BY I II MATERIALS M05T BE STORED IN ACCORDANCE BUT BETWEEN 1/4 AND 1/2 THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IF THE GRADING OPERA- WITH THEIR LISTING AND ARE NOT CONTAMINATE TION HAS PROORE55ED TO THE POINT WHERE CONSTRUCTION THE SOILS AND SURFACE HATERS. ALL APPROVED zo THEY ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED. 13.34' 5TOl CONTAINERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED 4. GRADED AREAS ADJACENT TO FILL SLOPES FS FROM THE WEATHER. SPILLS MUST BE GLEANED ) LOCATED AT THE 51TE PERIMETER MUST DRAIN II' UP IMMEDIATELY AND DISPOSED OF IN A PROPER �w A^tAY FROM THE TOP OF SLOPE AT THE GONGLU- MANNER. SPILLS MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE o 51ON OF EACH WORKING DAY. ALL L005E SOILS z� DRAINAGE SYSTEM. AND DEBRIS THAT MAY CREATE A POTENTIAL 14. EXCESS OR HASTE CONCRETE MAY NOT BE HAZARD TO OFF-SITE PROPERTY SHALL BE WASHED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY OR ANY OTHER STABILIZED OR REMOVED FROM THE SITE ON A w DRAINAGE SYSTEM. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE DAILY BASIS. TO RETAIN CONCRETE BASTES ON -57E UNTIL THEY 5. ALL SILT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM CAN BE DISPOSED OF AS SOLID HASTE. ALL DEVICES WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER EACH 15. DEVELOPER5/6ONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE RAINSTORM AND BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. TO INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND 6. A GUARD SHALL BE POSTED ON THE 51TE WHEN- BMP'5 ARE INSTALLED AND FUNGTIONIN& PROPER - EVER THE DEPTH OF WATER IN ANY DEVICE LY IF THERE 15 A 400/a CHANGE OF QUARTER INCH EXCEEDS 2 FEET. THE DEVICE SHALL BE DRAINED V OR MORE OF PREDICTED PRECIPITATION, AND 0\ OR PUMPED DRY WITHIN 24 HOU95 AFTER EACH AFTER ACTUAL PRECIPITATION. A CONSTRUCTION RAINSTORM. PUMPING AND DRAINING OF ALL 51TE INSPECTION CHECKLIST AND INSPECTION LO& BASINS AND DRAINAGE DEVICES MUST COMPLY I/w I� SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT THE PROJECT 51TE AT C WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP FOR DEHATERIN6 ALL TIMES AND AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW BY THE " OPERATIONS. DEAN BUILDING OFFICIAL (COPIES OF THE SELF -INSPEC- pdW PLOT DATE TION CHECKLIST AND INSPECTION I-Ol ARE 1. THE PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL DEVICES TO BY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). REDUCE ER05ION DAMAGE AND CONTAIN POLLUTANTS WITHIN THE CITE IS LEFT TO THE ib. TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION RELATED SOLID DISCRETION THE FIELD ENGINEER. ADDITIONAL NA5TE5 MUST BE DEPOSITED INTO A COVERED DEVIGE5 NE NEEDED SHALL BE TO RECEPTACLE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF cppp DI POLLUINSTALTANTS RETAIN SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS ON RAINWATER AND D15PER5AL BY WIND. SITE. 11. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS MAY NOT BE 8. DE5ILTIN6 BASINS MAY NOT BE REMOVED OR TRACKED FROM THE 51TE BY VEHICLE TRAFFIC. MADE INOPERABLE BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ROADWAYS MUST APRIL 15 OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR WITHOUT THE BE STABILIZED 50 AS TO INHIBIT SEDIMENTS APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. FROM BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY. ACCIDENTAL DEPOSITIONS MUST BE SWEPT UP 9. STORM WATER POLLUTION AND EROSION IMMEDIATELY AND MAY NOT BE WASHED DOWN CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE MODIFIED, AS BY RAIN OR OTHER MEANS. NEEDED, A5 THE PROJECT PROORE55E5. THE DESIGN AND PLACEMENT OF THESE DEVICES 15 18. ANY SLOPES WITH DISTURBED 501L5 OR DENUDED THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIELD ENGINEER. OF VE6ETATION MUST BE STABILIZED 50 A5 TO PLANS REPRESENTING GHAN6E5 MUST BE INHIBIT EROSION BY WIND AND WATER. SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL IF REQUE5TED BY 10. HOME OWNER TO ROUTINELY GLEAN ALL CATCH THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. BASINS AND DRAIN LINES OF DEBRIS. 10. EVERY EFFORT SHALL BE MADE TO ELIMINATE 20. ADDITIONAL BMP'S WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AS THE DI5GHAR&E OF NON -STORM WATER FROM DEEMED NECESSARY BY CITY INSPECTORS. THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL CONSTRLICTION NOTES ALL SMP'S SHALL BE IN AGGORDANGE WITH MODEL SMP'S FROM THE GALIFORNIA 5TORMHATER BMP HANDBOOK FOR CONSTRUCTION AT WWW.GABMPHANDBOOKS.COM EGi CONSTRUCT &RAVEL BAG EROSION CONTROL ALONG PROPERTY LINES EXCEPT DRIVEHAY APPROACHES. THE SAND BASS SHOULD BE 24" WIDE AND 10" HIGH. MINIMUM PER DETAIL HEREON AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH BMP FACTS SHEET n 5E-8. EG2 GON5TRUGT SANITARY WASTE MANAGEMENT AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH BMP FACTS SHEET n NM -q. EG3 CONSTRUCT MATERIALS STORAGE AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH BMP FACT5 SHEET a WM-1. EG4 EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN. PROTECT IN PLAGE. - - --7 - - - - - - - - - - - - , I, 13.68' 14.0 SW DIRT tiJp� BMP FACTS SHEET NM -1 MATERIAL DELIVERY AND 5TORA&E PROVIDE A MATERIAL STORAGE AREA WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AND/OR WEATHER PROTECTION. NOTE THE MAINTENANCE PRACTICES AND SCHEDULE PROPOSED FOR THI5 AREA. NM -2 MATERIAL USE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, FERTILIZERS, PESTICIDES, PLASTERS, SOLVENTS, PAINTS, AND OTHER COMPOUNDS MUST BE PROPERLY HANDLED IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE R15K OF POLLUTION OR CONTAMINATION. TRAINING AND INFORMATION ON PROCEDURES FOR THE PROPER USE OF ALL MATERIALS MUST BE AVAILABLE TO THE EMPLOYEES THAT APPLY SUCH MATERIALS. NM -4 SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL IDENTIFY SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL MEASURES THAT WILL BE TAKEN FOR ALL PROPOSED MATERIALS. IDENTIFY THE METHODS, BY WHICH ACCIDENTAL SPILLS WILL BE GLEANED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. NM -5 SOLID HASTE MANAGEMENT PROVIDE PF516NATED HASTE COLLECTION AREAS AND CONTAINERS. ARRANGE FOR REGULAR DISPOSAL. PROVIDE COVERED 5TORA6E WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT. CONTAINERS ARE REQUIRED TO PROTECT HA5TE FROM RAIN TO PREVENT HATER POLLUTION AND PREVENT WIND DISPERSAL. HM -6 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL RE&ULATION5. IDENTIFY THE PROPOSED METH005 OF 015P05AL AND ANY SPECIAL HANDLING GONTRAGT5 THAT MAY BE APPLICABLE. NM -1 CONTAMINATED 501L MANAGEMENT PREVENT OR REDUCE THE DISCHARGE OR POLLUTANTS TO STORMHATER FROM CONTAMINATED 501L AND HIGHLY ACIDIC OR ALKALINE SOILS BY CONDUCTING PRE-CON5TRUGTION 51JRVEYS, IN5PEGTIN6 EXCAVATIONS REGULARLY, AND REMEDIATING CONTAMINATED 501L PROMPTLY. HM -5 CONCRETE HASTE MANAGEMENT STORE DRY AND WET MATERIALS UNDER COVER. AVOID ON-SITE WASHOUT EXCEPT IN DE516NATED AREAS AHAY FROM DRAINS, DITCHES, STREETS, AND 5TREAM5. CONCRETE WASTE DEPOSITED ON-SITE SHALL SET UP, BE BROKEN APART, AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. CONTAINMENT AND PROPER DISPOSAL 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL CONCRETE HASTE. HM -9 5ANITARY/5EPTIG WASTE MANAGEMENT UNTREATED RAIN WASTEWATER 15 NOT TO BE D15GHAR&ED OR BURIED. SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES ON-SITE ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL HEALTH A6ENGY REOUIREMENT5. SANITARY OR SEPTIC HA5TE5 MUST BE TREATED OR DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL REOUIREMENT5. TG -1 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANGE A STABILIZED ENTRANCE 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION 51TE5 TO ENSURE THAT DIRT AND DEBR15 ARE NOT TRACKED ONTO THE ROAD OR ADJACENT PROPERTY. MAINTENANCE OF SUCH A SYSTEM 15 REQUIRED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SUCH STABILIZATION MAY BE OF ROCK OR PAVED. Ell SILT FENCE 5E-3 SEDIMENT TRAP 5E-8 &RAVEL BASS ERODED SEDIMENTS MUST BE RETAINED ON-51TE AND NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. REQUIREMENT MAY BE HAIVED AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR IF OTHER ER05ION CONTROL BMP'5 ARE DEEMED SUFFICIENT. 1. WHEN REQUIRED, FENCE BARRIER AND WALKHAY COVER TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER GBG 3306.5, 3306.6 AND 3306.1. 2. IN ADDITION TO PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS, PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION FENGIN6 12" TO 64" HIGH. TABLE 3306.1 PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS HEIGHT OF DISTANCE FROM TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I\ PROTECTION >oc" - ,14.19, REQUIRED 12.61 LE55 THAN 5 FEET TW OR LE55 d RAILINGS 5 FEET OR MORE I FS 0 3 N z -14.05' BARRIER AND LE55 THAN 5 FEET FS LASED ARC// v l �N. HARRi/ /F\ O WALKNAY 3.5' BARRIER AND * No. C 6947 DIRT COVERED I 1/4 THE HEIGHT OF EG1 I I I Csl � I II 8 FEET BUT BETWEEN 1/4 AND 1/2 BARRIER THE HE16HT OF (D CONSTRUCTION zo 5 FEET OR MORE 13.34' BUT EX6EEDIN6 CONSTRUCTION FS THE HEIGHT OF ) II' �w o z� o L MM \'J I M ILLI w � I 0 00 M y C w ao �' F N I Z MQM V \ 0\ 14,21' M� Fil TW I/w I� C 14.39 z " „- TW DEAN DRAWN BY pdW PLOT DATE -- - - --7 - - - - - - - - - - - - , I, 13.68' 14.0 SW DIRT tiJp� BMP FACTS SHEET NM -1 MATERIAL DELIVERY AND 5TORA&E PROVIDE A MATERIAL STORAGE AREA WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AND/OR WEATHER PROTECTION. NOTE THE MAINTENANCE PRACTICES AND SCHEDULE PROPOSED FOR THI5 AREA. NM -2 MATERIAL USE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, FERTILIZERS, PESTICIDES, PLASTERS, SOLVENTS, PAINTS, AND OTHER COMPOUNDS MUST BE PROPERLY HANDLED IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE R15K OF POLLUTION OR CONTAMINATION. TRAINING AND INFORMATION ON PROCEDURES FOR THE PROPER USE OF ALL MATERIALS MUST BE AVAILABLE TO THE EMPLOYEES THAT APPLY SUCH MATERIALS. NM -4 SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL IDENTIFY SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL MEASURES THAT WILL BE TAKEN FOR ALL PROPOSED MATERIALS. IDENTIFY THE METHODS, BY WHICH ACCIDENTAL SPILLS WILL BE GLEANED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. NM -5 SOLID HASTE MANAGEMENT PROVIDE PF516NATED HASTE COLLECTION AREAS AND CONTAINERS. ARRANGE FOR REGULAR DISPOSAL. PROVIDE COVERED 5TORA6E WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT. CONTAINERS ARE REQUIRED TO PROTECT HA5TE FROM RAIN TO PREVENT HATER POLLUTION AND PREVENT WIND DISPERSAL. HM -6 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL RE&ULATION5. IDENTIFY THE PROPOSED METH005 OF 015P05AL AND ANY SPECIAL HANDLING GONTRAGT5 THAT MAY BE APPLICABLE. NM -1 CONTAMINATED 501L MANAGEMENT PREVENT OR REDUCE THE DISCHARGE OR POLLUTANTS TO STORMHATER FROM CONTAMINATED 501L AND HIGHLY ACIDIC OR ALKALINE SOILS BY CONDUCTING PRE-CON5TRUGTION 51JRVEYS, IN5PEGTIN6 EXCAVATIONS REGULARLY, AND REMEDIATING CONTAMINATED 501L PROMPTLY. HM -5 CONCRETE HASTE MANAGEMENT STORE DRY AND WET MATERIALS UNDER COVER. AVOID ON-SITE WASHOUT EXCEPT IN DE516NATED AREAS AHAY FROM DRAINS, DITCHES, STREETS, AND 5TREAM5. CONCRETE WASTE DEPOSITED ON-SITE SHALL SET UP, BE BROKEN APART, AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. CONTAINMENT AND PROPER DISPOSAL 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL CONCRETE HASTE. HM -9 5ANITARY/5EPTIG WASTE MANAGEMENT UNTREATED RAIN WASTEWATER 15 NOT TO BE D15GHAR&ED OR BURIED. SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES ON-SITE ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL HEALTH A6ENGY REOUIREMENT5. SANITARY OR SEPTIC HA5TE5 MUST BE TREATED OR DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL REOUIREMENT5. TG -1 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANGE A STABILIZED ENTRANCE 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION 51TE5 TO ENSURE THAT DIRT AND DEBR15 ARE NOT TRACKED ONTO THE ROAD OR ADJACENT PROPERTY. MAINTENANCE OF SUCH A SYSTEM 15 REQUIRED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SUCH STABILIZATION MAY BE OF ROCK OR PAVED. Ell SILT FENCE 5E-3 SEDIMENT TRAP 5E-8 &RAVEL BASS ERODED SEDIMENTS MUST BE RETAINED ON-51TE AND NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. REQUIREMENT MAY BE HAIVED AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR IF OTHER ER05ION CONTROL BMP'5 ARE DEEMED SUFFICIENT. 1. WHEN REQUIRED, FENCE BARRIER AND WALKHAY COVER TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER GBG 3306.5, 3306.6 AND 3306.1. 2. IN ADDITION TO PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS, PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION FENGIN6 12" TO 64" HIGH. TABLE 3306.1 PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS HEIGHT OF DISTANCE FROM TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION PROTECTION >oc" - TO LOT LINE REQUIRED 8 FEET LE55 THAN 5 FEET CONSTRUCTION OR LE55 d RAILINGS 5 FEET OR MORE NONE 0 3 N z BARRIER AND LE55 THAN 5 FEET COVERED LASED ARC// v l �N. HARRi/ /F\ O WALKNAY 5 FEET OR MORE BARRIER AND * No. C 6947 BUT NOT MORE THAN COVERED whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to a third party, without the expre55 written permisslon and consent otU 1/4 THE HEIGHT OF WALKWIAY CONSTRUCTION MORE THAN 5 FEET OR MORE 8 FEET BUT BETWEEN 1/4 AND 1/2 BARRIER THE HE16HT OF (D CONSTRUCTION zo 5 FEET OR MORE 6 FEET BUT EX6EEDIN6 CONSTRUCTION oz THE HEIGHT OF FENGIN6 CONSTRUCTION is MN - � c G o U O zL-Li rJ _ U >oc" - u < = U u z z z -_ < U d z Q o O z 5 0 3 N z ILI" LASED ARC// v l �N. HARRi/ /F\ O F� Z * No. C 6947 F IAN IN. HARR15ON, AROHITEOT hereby expressly re5erve51t5 60mmo law co lght and other prcpartq rights in these plan,. These pian, are not to be reproduced, copied or changed in any form whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to a third party, without the expre55 written permisslon and consent otU IAN JX HARRI50N, AROHITEOT. o z (D zo z oz o �w o z� o o �H w 7U w Qo MQM V Fil M� Fil o I/w I� z JOB # DEAN DRAWN BY pdW PLOT DATE 3/21/2018 REVISION BY DATE cppp is 0 U.S. 166 11 �I BUILDING SITE NO. 16 AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "E" BAY ISLAND CLUB PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT UP 3618 - 11/24/97 RESOLUTION 3/09/04 15 BAY ISLAND >q9, FS a 2 STORY SFD SCALE 1"=8' o W/BASEMENT ® REAR 4 8..6$• 7.21 FRAME & STUCCO CONST. Tpy FS 0 8 ¢y 11.7' ROOF PEAK ELEV. = 41.4' J DIRT 2 .10' GIN 3 FS A � \ a. 7.60' 15.55' FS Q7� = 7.2' J FF 16.70' Q LAWN w FF 12.84' FS v 3 LAWN 2w 3� z o z 2ND STORY 12.9' a N J DECK OVER 12.31' FS - 13.27' DIRT _15.72' 7.09' m w PATIO 8.67' FS SLUMP WALL 11.86' FS FS 3 U z w LNDG CR W=8 W/3, H FS U DRN N o GLASS ON TOP 13.22' 2 4 GRATE FS6 7.49' 8.80' FS 16.561' FS -� 12.7' 12.3' FS.55' 5.59' INV FS LNDG 11.3' 16.08' 13.08' DIRT PLTR DIRT Tly 66 J( VLV BOX BRICK CURB a PCC STEP Y14 a FS FD. + ON BRICK SW H=1' W=g" SLATE SW w SLATE LNDG STEPS 9.12' 16.56' 16.58' `13.93' BRICK SWACC. AS PROP. COR. LATTICE FNC H=6' vi SURF. FS LNDG LNDG / STEP/TW PL12.67' FS 4 IRR. VALVESFD. NAIL SHANK ON WALL 7.2' DIRT 7.88 pLTR 8'78 10'18 I13.37BRICK SW 13.02'7.2' DIRT FS FS 1 FS 16.05' TW J N61°35'22"W 95.12' FS 14.29' FOOTING, ACC. AS N'LY COR. -� FS W 14'19 12.61' OF BLDG SITE #i6 PLTR WALL H=1.3'-� - 7.52' 15.55') 9.59' 10.64'BRICK TW FIRGASIT i -7.2T FS m N9.48' FS TW STEP FS SW 13.11' FS 14.05' FS >.$3. LNDG 14.37' PLTR F P PE 8.53' FS BRICK 10.20' 11.61' FS 6s, S TW 7.30' 8.10' GM FS 0 .y. 13.5' Tw rFS SW D TEPS FS FS 13.33' 13.3' o '` 'o DIRT FS WD LNDG CHIMNEY 7.23 m ❑-COL 13.0' \ FS DIRT 14.44 `O 3 GRATE 7.3' , GRATE SB 7.56' f F' M x w LAWNFS L N 3-3'X6" WD CO GRATED } DRN m n _ w 2' O.C. 1ST FLOOR TRENCH K z INLET 14.32' Z 13.34' DRN 7.39' 1 FS6 FS m allo FS 7.26 mQ� GRATE 0 U PATIO 16 BAY ISLAND 3 m z w LAWN N o 7.35' 7.48' 15.02' a0 r o? LAWN v v 2 7.25' m �FS FF BASEMENT 2 STORY FRAME SFD 14.39' FS TW a 3 1 U 4 Q 0 4 � FS W W/BASEMENT ®REAR N a w rn 0 15.53' v O' 2 8.35' STEP � COL 6"X6" TW _' m O rn ROOF PEAK ELEVATION=33.9' /� 14'31 0? G\. � 7.84' FS 7.14' GRATE 14.66' TW TREE -10"D -Cl FS O� BLOCK WALL J 0 S1°29'37"E 0.06', INLET N BRICK SURF. 15.75' TW W=0.66' 0 a �S 0 o Z 13.92 a 3 828' �' FD. + ON BRICK SW A w INV=5.64' SOIL CLN OUT ACC. AS PT. ON P.L. PROD h 8.67' Q 7.17' DRN INLET 7.43' 17.78'TW7 14.00' EM 14.03' TW VLT-9"D FS 7.1 7.10' GRATE 110.25' / 11.5' DIRT FS STACK FS -HP 14.0' S 14.21' 16 7.84' - / / 7.28' TW DIRT o FS 13.96' ��' ELEV.=13.68' FS FS 8.24' a N / n FS 15❑25' io m FS.99' D RT TW FS �i 17.85' TREE 4-3 -� -+ 14.00' PCC SW / 40 14.39 J�'C 8.9 'DOCK-/ 7.58' FS V TW=11.6' 7182 CURB rn W �Ty�/ 'TRUNKS EDGE TW \-y 66 O\sdO B AT DOCK FS 7.26' ` P.L. 13.0' \- P.L. 13.68' Fs 8.96' / PCC FS x-10" D 7.65 STEP LNDG 17.87' N61029'37"W 9 .62' 13.6' 15.25' SW DIRT DIRT TW 14.0' DOCKS SW 7.22' RG DIRT � 8\.36' STEP TW TREE N A FS PLTR BAR -B -Q X7.66' / 6.35' TREE -4"D WD & STL FNC 3'4" QO Q�Q 4" ABS DRN - 'I'O 7.39 ❑ J TRUNKS s -W 0 \- 8.37' G FS �- COL- FS 16 03' FF.2ND STORY H=2 _/ �W 5.60' FL FS 15.63' OR E�-O 6"X6" LNDG TREE -2"D FS 14.18' 8 91 \�\\'1� 13.5' 14.42' w w FS vii LAWN FS 7.52' 7.35' m_ � W FS TW N w 14.46' FD. CHIS. + ON PCC PATIO 7 69 17 BAY ISLAND FS Jit o z FS 15.69' 4 FS FS AT NW'LY END OF WALL, ACC. o a x N Y AS WILY COR. OF BLDG. SITE 016 m 7.5' z w 7 72• 2 STORY SFD 6� J 1N'S9 gO 16.30'j/ ELEV.=7.13' D LAWN No �FF W/BASEMENT ® REAR FS 1629 LAWN FRAME & STUCCO CONST. 11 16.518' 6 1� S� W 7.40' U.S. 165 / FS ROOF PEAK ELEV. = 39.2' S TW 7.82 7.69' FS FS COL SHEET 1 OF 1 TOPO SURVEYOR'S NOTE THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE SEAWALL SHOW THE TOP OF WALL AT 9.00 FT., THIS ELEVATION IS REFERENCED TO THE MEAN LOWER LOW WATER TIDAL DATUM AT 0.00' WHICH IS 0.38' LOWER THAN THE 0.00' REFERENCE MARK FOR NAVD88, THE BASIS OF THE ELEVATIONS FOR THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. MONUMENT NOTE FOUND MONUMENTS, AT BUILDING SITE CORNERS, ARE SHOWN ON SURVEY SKETCHES BY JACK S. RAUB, INDEXED AS JSR 558 & JSR 559 ON FILE IN ORANGE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE. () INDICATES RECORD DATA OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD DATA PER B, PGS. 1-3, OFFICIAL MAPS w LEGEND J FS -FINISHED SURFACE 3 TW -TOP OF WALL w FF -FINISHED FLOOR SW -SIDEWALK V a PCC -CONCRETE Z CLNOUT-SEWER CLEANOUT PLTR-PLANTER z a LNDG-LANDING N a 3 DRN-DRAIN THE 3/4" IRON PIPE HAVE BEEN VLT-UTILITY VAULT DISTURBED BY 5' DIA. PALM EM -ELECTRIC METER TREE THAT HAS GROWN Z U O W < w > GM -GAS METER BETWEEN THE I.P.S COL -COLUMN 15 BAY ISLAND >q9, FS a 2 STORY SFD SCALE 1"=8' o W/BASEMENT ® REAR 4 8..6$• 7.21 FRAME & STUCCO CONST. Tpy FS 0 8 ¢y 11.7' ROOF PEAK ELEV. = 41.4' J DIRT 2 .10' GIN 3 FS A � \ a. 7.60' 15.55' FS Q7� = 7.2' J FF 16.70' Q LAWN w FF 12.84' FS v 3 LAWN 2w 3� z o z 2ND STORY 12.9' a N J DECK OVER 12.31' FS - 13.27' DIRT _15.72' 7.09' m w PATIO 8.67' FS SLUMP WALL 11.86' FS FS 3 U z w LNDG CR W=8 W/3, H FS U DRN N o GLASS ON TOP 13.22' 2 4 GRATE FS6 7.49' 8.80' FS 16.561' FS -� 12.7' 12.3' FS.55' 5.59' INV FS LNDG 11.3' 16.08' 13.08' DIRT PLTR DIRT Tly 66 J( VLV BOX BRICK CURB a PCC STEP Y14 a FS FD. + ON BRICK SW H=1' W=g" SLATE SW w SLATE LNDG STEPS 9.12' 16.56' 16.58' `13.93' BRICK SWACC. AS PROP. COR. LATTICE FNC H=6' vi SURF. FS LNDG LNDG / STEP/TW PL12.67' FS 4 IRR. VALVESFD. NAIL SHANK ON WALL 7.2' DIRT 7.88 pLTR 8'78 10'18 I13.37BRICK SW 13.02'7.2' DIRT FS FS 1 FS 16.05' TW J N61°35'22"W 95.12' FS 14.29' FOOTING, ACC. AS N'LY COR. -� FS W 14'19 12.61' OF BLDG SITE #i6 PLTR WALL H=1.3'-� - 7.52' 15.55') 9.59' 10.64'BRICK TW FIRGASIT i -7.2T FS m N9.48' FS TW STEP FS SW 13.11' FS 14.05' FS >.$3. LNDG 14.37' PLTR F P PE 8.53' FS BRICK 10.20' 11.61' FS 6s, S TW 7.30' 8.10' GM FS 0 .y. 13.5' Tw rFS SW D TEPS FS FS 13.33' 13.3' o '` 'o DIRT FS WD LNDG CHIMNEY 7.23 m ❑-COL 13.0' \ FS DIRT 14.44 `O 3 GRATE 7.3' , GRATE SB 7.56' f F' M x w LAWNFS L N 3-3'X6" WD CO GRATED } DRN m n _ w 2' O.C. 1ST FLOOR TRENCH K z INLET 14.32' Z 13.34' DRN 7.39' 1 FS6 FS m allo FS 7.26 mQ� GRATE 0 U PATIO 16 BAY ISLAND 3 m z w LAWN N o 7.35' 7.48' 15.02' a0 r o? LAWN v v 2 7.25' m �FS FF BASEMENT 2 STORY FRAME SFD 14.39' FS TW a 3 1 U 4 Q 0 4 � FS W W/BASEMENT ®REAR N a w rn 0 15.53' v O' 2 8.35' STEP � COL 6"X6" TW _' m O rn ROOF PEAK ELEVATION=33.9' /� 14'31 0? G\. � 7.84' FS 7.14' GRATE 14.66' TW TREE -10"D -Cl FS O� BLOCK WALL J 0 S1°29'37"E 0.06', INLET N BRICK SURF. 15.75' TW W=0.66' 0 a �S 0 o Z 13.92 a 3 828' �' FD. + ON BRICK SW A w INV=5.64' SOIL CLN OUT ACC. AS PT. ON P.L. PROD h 8.67' Q 7.17' DRN INLET 7.43' 17.78'TW7 14.00' EM 14.03' TW VLT-9"D FS 7.1 7.10' GRATE 110.25' / 11.5' DIRT FS STACK FS -HP 14.0' S 14.21' 16 7.84' - / / 7.28' TW DIRT o FS 13.96' ��' ELEV.=13.68' FS FS 8.24' a N / n FS 15❑25' io m FS.99' D RT TW FS �i 17.85' TREE 4-3 -� -+ 14.00' PCC SW / 40 14.39 J�'C 8.9 'DOCK-/ 7.58' FS V TW=11.6' 7182 CURB rn W �Ty�/ 'TRUNKS EDGE TW \-y 66 O\sdO B AT DOCK FS 7.26' ` P.L. 13.0' \- P.L. 13.68' Fs 8.96' / PCC FS x-10" D 7.65 STEP LNDG 17.87' N61029'37"W 9 .62' 13.6' 15.25' SW DIRT DIRT TW 14.0' DOCKS SW 7.22' RG DIRT � 8\.36' STEP TW TREE N A FS PLTR BAR -B -Q X7.66' / 6.35' TREE -4"D WD & STL FNC 3'4" QO Q�Q 4" ABS DRN - 'I'O 7.39 ❑ J TRUNKS s -W 0 \- 8.37' G FS �- COL- FS 16 03' FF.2ND STORY H=2 _/ �W 5.60' FL FS 15.63' OR E�-O 6"X6" LNDG TREE -2"D FS 14.18' 8 91 \�\\'1� 13.5' 14.42' w w FS vii LAWN FS 7.52' 7.35' m_ � W FS TW N w 14.46' FD. CHIS. + ON PCC PATIO 7 69 17 BAY ISLAND FS Jit o z FS 15.69' 4 FS FS AT NW'LY END OF WALL, ACC. o a x N Y AS WILY COR. OF BLDG. SITE 016 m 7.5' z w 7 72• 2 STORY SFD 6� J 1N'S9 gO 16.30'j/ ELEV.=7.13' D LAWN No �FF W/BASEMENT ® REAR FS 1629 LAWN FRAME & STUCCO CONST. 11 16.518' 6 1� S� W 7.40' U.S. 165 / FS ROOF PEAK ELEV. = 39.2' S TW 7.82 7.69' FS FS COL SHEET 1 OF 1 TOPO SURVEYOR'S NOTE THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE SEAWALL SHOW THE TOP OF WALL AT 9.00 FT., THIS ELEVATION IS REFERENCED TO THE MEAN LOWER LOW WATER TIDAL DATUM AT 0.00' WHICH IS 0.38' LOWER THAN THE 0.00' REFERENCE MARK FOR NAVD88, THE BASIS OF THE ELEVATIONS FOR THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. MONUMENT NOTE FOUND MONUMENTS, AT BUILDING SITE CORNERS, ARE SHOWN ON SURVEY SKETCHES BY JACK S. RAUB, INDEXED AS JSR 558 & JSR 559 ON FILE IN ORANGE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE. () INDICATES RECORD DATA OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD DATA PER B, PGS. 1-3, OFFICIAL MAPS w 0 J z 3 w } N O 3 V a 3 F Z w Z ti o z a N a 3 a o 0 a U m I N } W > e2 ma a F Z w O O x � 3 Z U O W < w > m mm < x w J z ~w N VO o w F y Q N jU V N m U z w wZ 'r o m w U rn coati N O f U x Q Y Y eo w Q d Q Q O d O M ui U U V Q w w w p w m m W o V) w W z Z W Q � W a U I- < ? U m W � vi w m Lw o, O 3 vi z v m W N M m K N U Z O w o LL I 0 m o z N F d 0 3 P7 Z Z m o N a z Z 0 LL i 6 0 o a a F d J m 0J 14 Zoning Administrator - March 29, 2018 ITEM NO. 2a -ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Dean Residence Coastal Development Permit (PA2017-167) 2. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bay Island community at the street ends along the Balboa Peninsula (approximately 400 feet from the subject property). 3. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. The project consists of the demolition of a single family home and this coastal development permit does not authorize the construction of a new structure. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Gemmissjei4Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit Application No. CD2017-070, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3-2. This Coastal Development Permit action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is fined with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation plan of the NBMC. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with NBMC Section 21.64.035 and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF MARCH, 2018. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator To: Zoning Administrator - 03-29-2018 City Plann ITEM NO. 2b - ADDITIONAL MATERIALS RECEIVED AT MEETING Dea) Resid nce C astal Deve opmen ermi (PA201 -167) Meeting regarding new housing de, - opmen1 on ay Island. We are Len and Mary Ann Miller, good neighbor octegenarians who have lived for the last 40 years in our home at 501 W. Edgewater adjacent to the Bay Island Bridge [SEE YELLOW BOX IN MAPS]. Bay Island is a private island containing 26 beautiful homes, and the home across the street from ours is owned by them also. Unfortunately, they have chosen to have no vehicle access to the island. As a result they always have all their trucks, work, and debris in front of our house as if it were their private work area and dump site. We continuosly greivously suffer from their noise pollution, particulate pollution, and illegal parking blockage. (It happens so often that the day the Google satellite went by it caught these photos of a truck and industrial chipper and a pile of Bay Island tree cuttings waiting to be chipped [SEE RED ARROW].) Bay Island has their own parking structure with underground parking a short distance down the street [SEE RED BOX IN MAPS]. We are simply and justly asking in advance that ALL THE WORK for the new home be done elsewhere and NOT in front of our house. We need something to show the police so they will ticket and impound any violators. In the past the NBPD have told us the trucks are "working men" and done nothing. Sincerely, Len & Mary Ann Miller, 949-422-0079, 949-322-0074 Here below is the same message in more detail as written from our attorney: Dear Homeowner, City and General Contractor: I am respectfully requesting the following considerations in regard to the proposed tear -down and new home construction on Bay Island which is directly adjacent to my bay front home. Your cooperation on these matters is appreciated to ensure the safety and beauty of our area: 1. The public area in front of my home will not be used to operate any machinery (chippers, saws, planers, etc.) 2. No building materials will be stored, even for the day, in the public area in front of my home. These should be transported to the building site and maintained there. 3. No trash bin will be maintained in the public area in front of my property even for the day. This should be maintained on the building site and cleared from there as needed. 4. Workers and crew members should not linger or eat lunch on or around my property. 5. Workers should maintain the public areas in a clean and workmanship manner. No nails or other debris. Workers should clean up after they eat lunch/coffee. 6. All legal requirements including parking laws, noise regulations, littering laws, etc. need be strictly adhered to. Your cooperation and kind neighboring is sincerely appreciated.