HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_The Lot Fashion Island_PA2017-139oe`'�WPOR' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT u r C'9</FOM1N`P SUBJECT: The LOT Fashion Island (PA2017-139) SITE LOCATION: 999 Newport Center Drive • Minor Use Permit No. UP2017-020 APPLICANT: Carlos Wellman, The LOT Fashion Island OWNER: Irvine Company, LLC PLANNER: Gregg Ramirez, Principal Planner 949-644-3219, gramirez@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN March 29, 2018 Agenda Item No. 3 • Zone: PC -56 (North Newport Center Planned Community, Fashion Island Sub -Area) • General Plan: CR (Regional Commercial) PROJECT SUMMARY Request for approval of minor use permit to allow a Type 47 (On -Sale General, Full Liquor) Alcoholic Beverage Control license at an allowed eating and drinking establishment operating in conjunction with a 7 -screen movie theater in Fashion Island. The tenant space is currently being renovated and includes a remodeled lobby and eating and drinking establishment area in addition to the reduction in the number of theater seats from 680 to 420. The request includes the addition of live entertainment and dancing. Proposed hours of operation are 7 a.m. — 1:30 a.m. daily for the theater/eating and drinking establishment, and 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. for live entertainment and dancing. Pursuant to NBMC 5.25, the operation as described requires the owner/operator to obtain an Operator License through the City because the change of use to add live entertainment, dancing and for the new operator. If approved, this Minor Use Permit will supersede Use Permit No. UP2016-001 which would become null and void. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because proposed project will allow the continuation of alcohol service with the added allowance for live entertainment and dancing in an existing tenant space occupied by an eating and drinking establishment and theater and has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 1 The LOT Minor Use Permit Zoning Administrator, March 29, 2018 Page 2 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2017-020 (Attachment No. ZA 1). • The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the project site as Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. The theater/eating and drinking establishment with alcoholic beverage sales and occasional live entertainment and dancing is a use that serves local and regional residents and visitors, consistent with this land use designation. The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the PC -56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day and evening destination with a wide variety of uses that serve visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The theater/restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales, live entertainment and dancing is a commercial use that is intended to serve visitors, residents, and employees in the broader regional area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Sub -Area. • The theater, eating and drinking establishments are permitted uses within the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the North Newport Center Planned Community Zoning District. Pursuant to the Planned Community Text, live entertainment falls beneath the definition of "Commercial Recreation and Entertainment' which is a permitted use within the Fashion Island Sub -Area. Pursuant to the Planned Community Text, a minor use permit is required to allow the on -premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with the theater, eating and drinking establishment and live entertainment requires a minor use permit. • The existing Use Permit, No. UP2016-001 (and preceding use permits) allowed the sale and service of alcohol (Type 47 On -Sale General, Full Liquor) in the theater and eating and drinking areas of the establishement. • The interior restaurant and bar area is approximately 1,324 square feet and includes 92 seats, a small dance floor and a small DJ set-up space. The project also includes exterior patio dining with 116 seats in existing exterior spaces adjacent to the eating and drinking establishment and theater. The floor plan also includes a movie concession stand; however, wait service will also be available to movie patrons. • The restaurant operation will include occasional live entertainment consisting of a DJ or small musical ensembles The requested hours for live entertainment are 7 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., daily. Given that live entertainment is allowed by right within the North Tmp1r. 09/21/17 The LOT Minor Use Permit Zoning Administrator, March 29, 2018 Page 3 Newport Center Planned Community, staff recommends that live entertainment not be limited by type. Additionally, Chapter 5.28 (Live Entertainment Establishments) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the live entertainment permit, and the operator license will all provide tools to address any issues that may occur. The applicant will be required to obtain a live entertainment permit from the Revenue Division prior to offering live enetratinment. • The applicant also proposes dancing on a small dance floor located in the dining room. The applicant indicates that the dance floor is often used for interactive dance classes where patrons learn dance steps such as salsa and the tango. Proposed hours for dancing is 7 a.m. -- 11 p.m. daily. The operator will be required to obtain a cafe dance permit, if applicable, prior to offering dancing to patrons. • The North Newport Center Planned Community regulations allow eating and drinking establishments and live entertainment without discretionary review. The existing use permit allows the sale and service of alcohol in the theater and dining areas of the establishment. If approved, this use permit will carry forward the allowance for the Type 47 license in conjunction with the added allowance for live entertainment and dancing. • The Police Department is familiar with the security plan in place for the overall shopping center and conditions of approval, including the requirement for a customized security plan for The LOT, are proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. • The subject property is located within Reporting District No. 39 (RD39), and generally, crime statistics are higher in this district than adjacent districts due to the higher concentration of commercial uses within North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department is aware of this and has no objections to the proposed project. The alcohol related statistics for RD39 are incorporated into the factors for consideration in the draft resolution prior to the Zoning Administrator hearing (Attachment No. ZA 1). The Police Department memorandum and statistics, including recommended conditions of approval is attached as Attachment No. ZA 3. • The proposed project complies with the development standards for on -sale alcohol sales and outdoor dining provided in Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure that the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code is maintained and that a healthy environment for residents and businesses is preserved. The service of alcohol is intended for the convenience of customers. Operational conditions of approval recommended by the Police Department relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol-related impacts. An existing Type 47 license is approved for this location so there will be no increase in the number of alcoholic beverage licenses. Tmp1r. 09/21/17 The LOT Minor Use Permit Zoning Administrator, March 29, 2018 Page 4 • Fashion Island has a Regional Commercial parking requirement of 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet. The proposed amendment does not change or increase the parking requirement. • As demonstrated in the attached draft resolution, staff, with input from the Police Department, believes the proposed project meets the requirements of the Zoning Code/North Newport Center Planned Community standards and the findings for approval can be made. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. The proposed project will allow the continuation of alcohol services with the added allowance for live entertainment and dancing in an existing tenant space occupied by a eating and drinking establishment and theater. Therefore, the project qualifies for a categorical exemption under Class 1. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: Tmp1[: 09/21/17 4 Gregg R mirez l Principal Planner GBR Attachments TmpIC 09/21/17 The LOT Minor Use Permit Zoning Administrator, March 29, 2018 Page 5 ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Police Department Memo and Statistics ZA 4 Project Plans 5 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 0 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2018-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2017-020 FOR A THEATER AND EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT WITH A TYPE 47 (ON -SALE GENERAL, FULL LIQUOR) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LICENSE AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCING AT 999 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE (PA2017-139) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Carlos Wellman on behalf of the LOT Fashion Island, with respect to property located at 999 Newport Center Drive, and legally described as Parcel 2 of Lot Line Adjustment LA2009-001 requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant requests approval of a minor use permit (amendment to UP No. 2016-001) to continue the operation of a food service, eating and drinking establishment, with indoor and outdoor dining areas and a movie theater with added live entertainment and dancing in conjunction with the previously approved Type 47 (On -Sale General, Full Liquor) Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for a bona fide eating and drinking establishment. 3. Amendment No. 2 to Minor Use Permit No. UP2011-029 (renumbered as UP2016-001) approved by the Zoning Administrator on April 14, 2016 allowed a change from the a Type 41 (Beer and Wine) ABC license to a Type 47 (On Sale General, Full Liquor) ABC license for a bona fide eating and drinking establishemnt within an existing theater that also inlcuded outdoor dining. Currenity approved alcohol sales hours are 11:00 a.m. -- 1:00 a.m. 4. The subject property is located within the North Newport Center Planned Community (PC - 56) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Regional Commercial (CR). 5. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 6. A public hearing was held on March 29, 2018 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 2 of 12 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 2. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. The proposed project will allow the continuation of alcohol services with the added allowance for live entertainment and dancing in an existing tenant space. Therefore, the project qualifies for a categorical exemption under Class 1. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The use is consistent with the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: In finding that the proposed use is consistent with Section 20.48.030 of the Zoning Code, the followina criteria must be considered: i. The crime rate in the reporting district and adjacent reporting districts as compared to other areas in the City. The establishment is located within Reporting District (RD) 39, wherein the number of crimes is higher than adjacent Reporting Districts and the City. RD's 37, 38, 43, and 47 have a lower number of crimes as they are primarily residential with few commercial uses. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses in Fashion Island, the crime rate and the shoplifting (burglary/thievery) rate is greater than adjacent residential Reporting Districts; however, the Newport Beach Police Department does not consider the number significant given the type of development within this RD. 2. The Police Department has reviewed the proposal, provided operating conditions of approval, and has no objection to the addition of the alcoholic beverage license subject to appropriate conditions of approval. 07-11-17 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 3 of 12 ii. The numbers of alcohol-related calls for service, crimes, or arrests in the reporting district and in adjacent reporting districts. 1. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses, the calls for service and number of arrests are greater than adjacent residential Reporting Districts. In 2017, alcohol related arrests made up 18% of the all arrests (70 of 389) in RD 39. The Police Department does not consider the rate high because of the concentration of restaurants and commercial uses within Fashion Island and the surrounding Newport Center area. The Newport Beach Police Department reported 1 arrest at the subject establishment in 2017. iii. The proximity of the establishment to residential zoning districts, day care centers, hospitals, park and recreation facilities, places of worship, schools, other similar uses, and any uses that attract minors. 1. The establishment is located within the interior of Fashion Island, a regional shopping mall containing over 1.6 million square feet of commercial, retail, service and restaurant uses. 2. Fashion Island does not directly abut sensitive land uses and is separated from other uses by parking lots, roadways and other commercial uses. The proposed use is not located in close proximity to residential districts, day care centers, park and recreation facilities, places of religious assembly, or schools. The Police Department has reviewed the Minor Use Permit application and recommended conditions of approval to ensure that the design and security of the establishment are properly addressed. iv. The proximity to other establishments selling alcoholic beverages for either off-site or on- site consumption. 1. There are several other restaurants within the Fashion Island Shopping Center. These include tenants such as the Red O, Yard House, True Food Kitchen, Whole Foods, Cheesecake Factory, P.F. Chang's, etc. These establishments have Type 41 (On Sale Beer and Wine) or Type 47 (On Sale General) alcohol licenses and there is no evidence suggesting these uses have been detrimental to the neighborhood. 2. The per capita ratio of one license for every 13 residents is higher than the adjacent districts in the City and the average ratio for Orange County. This is due to the higher concentration of commercial land uses relative to the low residential population in and around Newport Center. While the area does have a high concentration of alcohol licenses, the proposed change of operational characteristics to add dancing, live entertainment and extend the hours of operation will not increase the number of alcohol licenses as the previous tenant had approval for and held a valid Type 47 ABC license. v. Whether or not the proposed amendment will resolve any current objectionable conditions. 1. The existing establishment has been authorized to serve alcohol since 2011 and there is no evidence of a pattern of objectionable conditions. 07-11-17 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 4 of 12 2. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to help ensure that the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code is maintained and that a healthy environment for residents and businesses is preserved. The service of alcohol is intended for the convenience of customers dining at the establishment. Operational conditions of approval recommended by the Police Department relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol-related impacts. 3. The resolution includes conditions of approval to limit objectionable conditions related to noise and trash from the establishment. All employees serving alcohol will be required to be at least 21 years of age and receive ABC -required Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) or Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) training. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 (Conditional Use Permits and Minor Use Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: B. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan; Facts in Support of Finding: The property is designated as Regional Commercial (CR) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The theater and eating and drinking establishment with ancillary live entertainment and dancing is consistent with that designation as it is a supporting use that is integrated as part of a retail multi -tenant commercial center, and an allowed use under the CR designation. 2. The food and alcohol concessions for the existing theater, which also included interior and exterior dining areas, have proven compatible with the existing and allowed land uses in Fashion Island and the historical use of the theater. Additionally, eating and drinking establishment uses within Fashion Island are historically allowed uses and have been proven compatible with the existing and allowed uses within Fashion Island. Finding: C. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code; Facts in Support of Finding: The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the PC -56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day and evening destination with a wide variety of uses that serve visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The theater/eating and 07-11-17 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 5 of 12 drinking establishment with alcoholic beverage sales, live entertainment and dancing is a commercial use that is intended to serve visitors, residents, and employees in the broader regional area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Sub -Area. 2. The theater and eating and drinking establishments are permitted uses within the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the North Newport Center Planned Community Zoning District. Pursuant to the Planned Community Text, live entertainment falls beneath the definition of "Commercial Recreation and Entertainment" which is also a permitted use within the Fashion Island subarea. Pursuant to the Planned Community Text, a minor use permit is required to allow the on premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with the theater, eating and drinking establishment and the addition of live entertainment and dancing requires a minor use permit. 3. The 420 -seat movie theater is within the limits of the 680 seat limit allocated for the Fashion Island portion of the North Newport Center Planned Community. Additionally, the interior alterations are within the same footprint as previous tenant space. The outdoor areas occupy historical outdoor dining areas and common shared outdoor areas and walkways of in the shopping center. The proposed changes to operations characteristics do not affect the development limit because the area occupied by the establishment is within the existing tenant space and shopping center development areas. 4. Fashion Island has a Regional Commercial parking requirement of 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet. The proposed amendment does not change or increase the parking requirement. Finding: D. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity; Facts in Support of Finding: 1. A theater has operated in this location since 1989 and the use has not proven detrimental to the area. The theater has provided beer and wine service since 2012 and full liquor and dining service since 2016. The use has demonstrated the location's capability of operating as a compatible use with other land uses in the vicinity. 2. The establishment is located within the center of the Fashion Island Mall on the second floor near other eating and drinking establishments. The expansion of hours (7 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.) and the addition of live entertainment and dancing (until 11 p.m.) are intended to provide an additional entertainment venue to residents and visitors to the City. 3. Fashion Island does not directly abut sensitive land uses and is separated from other uses by parking lots, roadways and other commercial uses. The proposed use is not located in 07-11-17 ss Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Page 6 of 12 close proximity to residential districts, day care centers, park and recreation facilities, places of religious assembly, or schools. 4. The outdoor dining area with late hours is located within the existing shopping center. The shopping contains a mix of uses that include multiple outdoor dining areas. The outdoor dining area associated with this project is located on the second floor among other vibrant and busy uses. Outdoor dining is expected to found in these type of shopping, service and entertainment environments. 5. The Police Department is familiar with the security plan in place for the overall shopping center and conditions of approval, including the requirement for a customized security plan for establishment is proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. 6. The establishment is required to adhere to all applicable municipal code standards related to lighting and noise. Finding: E. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located in a tenant space historically used as movie theater with interior and exterior dining areas. 2. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the existing infrastructure. Fashion Island is an outdoor and indoor mall with wide and open walkways. Fashion Island is encircled by Newport Center Drive and is developed with several surface parking lots, parking structures, and loading areas. 3. The design of the tenant improvements will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, and will be approved by the Orange County Health Department. Finding: F. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project has been reviewed and includes conditions of approval to ensure that potential conflicts with the surrounding land uses are minimized to the greatest extent possible. The 07-11-17 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Page 7 of 12 operator is required to take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions including discontinuing service to intoxicated patrons. The operator must also correct conditions that constitute nuisance areas surrounding the subject property and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the movie theater. 2. The proposed alcohol service is provided as a public convenience to establishment patrons. The service of alcoholic beverages in addition to live entertainment and dancing will provide an economic opportunity to maintain a successful business at this location in a way that best serves the quality of life for the surrounding community. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2017-020, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 3. This Resolution supersedes Minor Use Permit No. UP2006-001 (PA2016-001) which upon vesting of the rights authorized by this application, shall become null and void. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 29th DAY OF MARCH, 2018. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 07-11-17 i3 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Page 8 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Minor Use Permit No. UP2017-020 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Minor Use Permit. 5. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator should they determine that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 6. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit or the processing of a new Minor Use Permit. 7. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 8. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 9. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Conditional Use Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Minor Use Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 07-11-17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Page 9 of 12 10. Alcohol may be served within the interior of the establishment and on the outdoor dining patio ("licensed premises'). Alcoholic beverages served by the establishment shall only be consumed on the licensed premises and shall not be consumed on any adjacent property. 11. The hours of operation for the establishment (interior and exterior) including the sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be limited between 7 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., daily. 12. The accessory outdoor dining shall be used only in conjunction with the related adjacent establishment. The size and location of the outdoor dining areas shall be in substantial conformance with approved plans. 13. The height of the boundary wall of the accessory outdoor dining area shall be marked on the approved plans. Fences, walls, or similar barriers shall serve only to define the outdoor dining area and not constitute a permanent all weather enclosure. 14. The outdoor dining patio shall be separated from the main mall corridor with a decorative barrier (subject to ADA compliance and ABC requirements) which may include gates at least 36 inches high placed around the perimeter of the consumption area. The barrier and gates shall meet egress requirements and shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Building Division. Final barrier design subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 15. Live entertainment and dancing are allowed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., daily. The operator is required to obtain live entertainment permit and cafe dance permit pursuant to the Newport Beach Municipal Code 16. A special event permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of this business that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on-site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 17. All proposed signs shall be in conformance with the provisions of the PC -56 (North Newport Center Planned Community), Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, or an approved Comprehensive Sign Program for the project site. 18. All lighting shall conform with the standards of Section 20.30.070 (Outdoor Lighting). The Community Development Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 19. The operator of the facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility including, but not limited to, noise generated by patrons, food service operations, and mechanical equipment. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control 07-11-17 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 10 of 12 requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Pre-recorded music may be played in the tenant space, provided exterior noise levels outlined below are not exceeded. The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time period unless the ambient noise level is higher: 20. An outdoor sound system shall be permitted within the outdoor dining areas for music played at a background level. Sound shall adhere to Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 21. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 22. The alcoholic beverage outlet operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 23. The area outside of the establishment shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting walkways within 20 feet of the premises. The operator of the movie theater use shall be responsible for the clean-up of all on-site and off-site trash, garbage, and litter generated by the use. 24. The operator shall be responsible for the clean-up of all on-site and off-site trash, garbage and litter generated by the use. 25. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self -latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 0-11-17 10 Between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 P.M. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 20. An outdoor sound system shall be permitted within the outdoor dining areas for music played at a background level. Sound shall adhere to Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 21. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 22. The alcoholic beverage outlet operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 23. The area outside of the establishment shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting walkways within 20 feet of the premises. The operator of the movie theater use shall be responsible for the clean-up of all on-site and off-site trash, garbage, and litter generated by the use. 24. The operator shall be responsible for the clean-up of all on-site and off-site trash, garbage and litter generated by the use. 25. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self -latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 0-11-17 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Pape 11 of 12 26. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self- contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 27. Storage outside of the building shall be prohibited. 28. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the The LOT Fashion Island Minor Use Permit including, but not limited to, Minor Use Permit No. UP2017-020 (PA2017- 139). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions setforth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Police Department Conditions 29. The approval is for an eating and drinking establishment with on -sale alcoholic beverage service. The type of alcoholic beverage license issued by the California Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control shall be a Type 47 (On Sale General) license. 30. Approval does not permit the premises to operate as a "bar, tavern, cocktail lounge or nightclub" as defined by the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 31. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all conditions of the Alcoholic Beverage License. Material violation of any of those laws or conditions in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of the use permit. 32. All owners, managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages within 60 days of hire. This training must be updated every 3 years regardless of certificate expiration date. The certified program must meet the standards of the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service or other certifying/licensing body, which the State may designate. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days of approval. Records of each owner's, manager's and employee's successful 07-11-17 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Pape 12 of 12 completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 33. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limits is required. Permittee must be able to produce an occupancy count for the restaurant area upon request. 34. Management shall maintain an operational log of daily activities related to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages, as well as any additional security actions. Management shall make this log available to the Police Department upon request. 35. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 36. All sales or service of alcoholic beverages in the licensed premises shall be made only from the areas specifically licensed by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control, or by trained servers within the general spectator areas. The alcohol beverages must be personally delivered to the patron by the employee who took the order. 37. Servers shall not carry a supply of unordered alcoholic beverages for sale. 38. There shall be no reduced price alcoholic beverage promotions after 9:00 p.m. 39. No off -sales of alcohol shall be permitted. 40. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall at all times maintain records, which reflect separately the gross sales of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. These records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Police Department on demand. 41. Security personnel with guard cards must patrol the premises to alleviate police problems including excessive noise, abusive behavior, disturbances, and other violations. This area shall include a 100 square feet perimeter and the parking area. 42. Security personnel with guard cards must be present when live entertainment or dancing are being conducted. 43. The permittee shall maintain a security recording system with a 30 -day retention and make those recordings available to police upon request. 44. The permittee must submit a security plan to the Police Department for approval. The Police Department shall be notified of any changes to the approved plan. 07-11-17 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 19 Minor Use Permit No. UP2017-020 999 Newport Center Drive 20 Attachment No. ZA 3 Police Department Memo and Statistics 21 NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Gregg Ramirez, Principal Planner FROM: Wendy Joe, Police Civilian Investigator DATE: March 19, 2018 SUBJECT: The Lot 999 Newport Center Drive Use Permit No. 2017-020 (PA2017-139) At your request, the Police Department has reviewed the project application for The Lot at 999 Newport Center Drive in Fashion Island. The applicant is seeking to amend their Conditional Use Permit (CUP). An Operator License will be required for this establishment. Statistical Data and Public Convenience or Necessity Attached is a summary report compiled by Newport Beach Police Department (NBPD) Crime Analyst Caroline Staub, which provides detailed statistical information related to alcohol establishments and calls for service in and around the applicant's current place of business at 999 Newport Center Drive. Crime Statistics The Police Department divides the City into areas referred to as Reporting Districts. This allows the Police Department to create statistical data, as well as better communicate officer locations while policing. The proposed applicant location is within Reporting District (RD) 39 which encompasses Fashion Island. The RD is square in shape, bordered by Jamboree on the west, San Joaquin Hills Road on the north, MacArthur to the east, and Coast Hwy to the south. Per Business and Professions Code §23958.4, the Police Department is required to report offenses of criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, theft, and motor vehicle theft (all Part 1 crimes), combined with all arrests for other crimes, both felonies and misdemeanors, except traffic citations to ABC. These figures make up the "Crime Count' which is indicated on the attached statistical data form. This reporting district is reported to ABC as a high crime area as compared to other reporting districts in the City. RD 39 is our second highest crime area in the City, with a crime count of 191% over the city- wide average. The majority of that crime is theft due to the large shopping mall at the heart of the reporting district. Specifically, the highest volume crime is Shoplifting and the highest volume arrest is Burglary/Thievery. Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Public Intoxication make up 18% of all arrests in this area. This location meets the legal criteria for undue concentration (B&P §23958.4). 22 The Lot UP2017-020 Alcohol License Statistics Per the Business and Professions code, while crime data is analyzed using local law enforcement reporting districts, alcohol license information must be analyzed using census tracts. The applicant premise is located within census tract 0630.08. This census tract has an approximate population of 857 residents with 67 on -sale retail licenses. That is a per capita ratio of 1 on -sale license for every 13 residents. Per the Business and Professions code, we compare this census tract's on -sale per capita ratio to Orange County's on -sale per capita ratio of 1 license for every 467 residents and find that Census Tract 0630.08 is oversaturated by legal definition. This location meets the legal criteria for undue concentration as it relates to oversaturation. (B&P §23958.4). Discussion and Recommendations The Police Department holds no objection to the proposed project. Fashion Island predominantly serves Newport Beach as an entertainment district and tourist destination. Uniformed private security patrols the property at all times. In addition, the Police Department will require the applicant to provide an additional security plan unique to The Lot. Recommended Conditions of Approval The Police Department has determined the following conditions would be appropriate for the business. Sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. 2. Live entertainment and dancing shall be permissible from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., daily. Permittee must apply for and maintain a Live Entertainment Permit and a Cafe Dance Permit. 3. The approval is for an eating and drinking establishment with on -sale alcoholic beverage service. The type of alcoholic beverage license issued by the California Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control shall be a Type 47 (On Sale General) license. 4. Approval does not permit the premises to operate as a "bar, tavern, cocktail lounge or nightclub" as defined by the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 5. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all conditions of the Alcoholic Beverage License. Material violation of any of those laws or conditions in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of the use permit. 6. All owners, managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages within 60 days of hire. This training must be updated every 3 years regardless of certificate expiration date. The certified program must meet the standards of the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service or other certifying/licensing body, which the State may designate. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days of approval. Records of each owner's, manager's and employee's successful completion of the required certified 23 The Lot U P2017-020 training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 7. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limits is required. Permittee must be able to produce an occupancy count for the restaurant area upon request. 8. Management shall maintain an operational log of daily activities related to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages, as well as any additional security actions. Management shall make this log available to the Police Department upon request. 9. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 10. All sales or service of alcoholic beverages in the licensed premises shall be made only from the areas specifically licensed by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control, or by trained servers within the general spectator areas. The alcohol beverages must be personally delivered to the patron by the employee who took the order. 11. Servers shall not carry a supply of unordered alcoholic beverages for sale. 12. There shall be no reduced price alcoholic beverage promotions after 9:00 p.m. 13. No off -sales of alcohol shall be permitted. 14. A Special Event Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of this restaurant business that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on-site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 15. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall at all times maintain records, which reflect separately the gross sales of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. These records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Police Department on demand. 16. The operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 17. Security personnel with guard cards must patrol the premises to alleviate police problems including excessive noise, abusive behavior, disturbances, and other violations. This area shall include a 100 square feet perimeter and the parking area. 18. Security personnel with guard cards must be present when live entertainment or dancing are being conducted. 19. The permittee shall maintain a security recording system with a 30 -day retention and make those recordings available to police upon request. 24 The Lot UP2017-020 20. The permittee must submit a security plan to the Police Department for approval. The Police Department shall be notified of any changes to the plan. If you have any questions as to the content of this memorandum, please contact Investigator We,pdy,Joe at 0644-3705 or wjoe@nbpd.org. Joe ;ivilian Investigator, Special Investigations Unit Steve Rasmussen Lieutenant, Detective Division 0 25 Z u !W H L N Q ~ N W `W` W V LLI J J 00 VO as W 0 f`G Z r Q � W! L 3u Lu 0 Z c d � a g c I V J J u a . • • ¢ u N V N ti n m N ui e l° 01 M 01 V ti E 2tNlp Zt II E Z + + m n ¢` b m o N a00 y a i O '� M O + m + °P ONi g 3 L vt tp � v o E M q U I I O m N N c m i d p c O w O V V I' 22 6 • w O I-: C a Y p 0 z ^� M m C li + + m VI Omi U vii H Q H Q H Q F- Z v z z IN °+' a Q o N O � W eMNY N IN i a IN n + + v m mto v a' z + o N n N N N m rvi a f m II N E o E + N a sN m z o + mm a.>C v ° n n 3 O N tO aa a s N o o y `w2 aQ Or a a fo lD M N M a + + n a y pdp � c > Or N m o + O `o IL va`_ E R Ei E i a N N S 1= N e L ¢ � I r. my C K m u a apO�1 2 w m app++ m$ S 3 N C d 41 N OI �. a K 2 d � a g c I V J J u a . • • ¢ u N V N ti n m N ui 20 Q l° 01 M 01 n N b N a00 T O '� M O 2 m N ONi vt tp � O M I I d d p c O w O V V m 6 • w O I-: C O C Y p 0 M b C am ca"' VI Omi U vii H Q H Q H Q F- Z 20 Q Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 2� THE LOT AT FASHION ISLAND -NEWPORT BEACH - CA ocilLijs AI�CMDUECTS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STAMP DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 ZLLI >o Ory Q0 0 N � N ry W Q Z I- U W 2 Q U Q Q�m I i �: O O W 0 w THE m z J U REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION 00 1 s eh N w J 07/25/2017 i M � CQi Ln U ¢ FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 ZLLI >o Ory Q0 0 N � N ry W Q Z I- U W 2 Q U Q Q�m I i �: O O W 0 w THE m z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET ABBREVIATIONS REVISION SCHEDULE NO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NOTES FIRE NOTES PROJECT DIRECTORY 07/25/2017 DRAWING INDEX A 08/25/2017 J FIELD REVISION 1. A CONCRETE SLAB IS PROVIDED FOR TRASH, GARBAGE, AND GREASE CONTAINER. IF WALLS ENCLOSE AREA, THE 1. INCLUDED AS A DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PREVENTION REQUIREMENT. TENANT: THE LOT ARCHITECTURAL AB Anchor Balt JAN Janitor INTERIOR WALL SURFACES WILL BE SMOOTH, SEALED AND WASHABLE (E.G., PLASTERED SMOOTH AND PAINTED, ATTN.: CARLOS WELLMAN PH: (858) 442-8009 ACC According/Accordion JST JoistETC) 2. THE MAXIMUM FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATION OF FINISH MATERIAL USED ON INTERIOR WALLS AND CEILINGS 1020 PROSPECT A-000 COVER SHEET ACOUS Acoustical JT Joint SHALL NOT EXCEED THAT SET FORTH IN THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC 2016, CHAPTER 8). LA JOLLA, CA 92037 ACT Acoustical Ceiling Tile�/ 2. ALL FOOD -RELATED AND UTENSIL -RELATED EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET OR BE EQUIVALENT TO SANITATION A-001 GENERAL NOTES AND SHEET INDEX AD Area Drain K STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) ACCREDITED PROGRAM. 3. PROVIDE FIRE STOPPING TO CUT OFF ALL CONCEALED DRAFT OPENINGS (BOTH VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL) AT carlos®thelotent.com ADD ADJ Addendum Adjustable/Adjacent KIT KO Kitchen Knock Out 3. ALL FLOOR MOUNTED EQUIPMENT WILL BE INSTALLED ON MINIMUM 6" SANITARY LEGS, CASTORS, OR COMPLETELY " 10' 0' D.C. EACH WAY COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ONLY ( ) A-101 SITE PLAN A-102 PARTIAL SITE PLAN AFF Above Finished Floor KP Kick Plate SEALED IN POSITION ON A 4 HIGH CURB WITH CONTINUOUSLY COVED BASE. COUNTERTOP EQUIPMENT WILL BE AGG Aggregate L ON 4 -INCH SANITARY LEGS OR SEALED TO THE COUNTER UNLESS READILY MOVABLE. 4. ALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SHALL HAVE NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PLACED ABOVE OR IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO LANDLORD: IRVINE COMPANY A-201 SECOND FLOOR PLAN AHU Air -Handing Unit 4. IF SOFT DRINK, ICE OR OTHER DISPENSERS ARE SELF-SERVICE, OR IF REFILLS ARE PROVIDED THEY MUST BE ALL DOORS THAT ALLOW FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE NUMBERS BE LESS THAN FOUR ATTN.: DAVID REITZ PH: (949) 720-2116 AL ALT Aluminum Alternate/Alteration L LAB Left/Length Laboratory PUSH BUTTON TYPES, OR LEVER TYPES WHERE THE LEVER CONTACTS THE CONTAINER AT LEAST ONE INCH INCHES IN HEIGHT WITH A ONE-HALF INCH STROKE. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR 110 INNOVATION DRIVE ANOD Anodized LAM Laminated BELOW THE RIM. BACKGROUND, AND SHALL BE EITHER INTERNALLY OR EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED TO BE VISIBLE AT NIGHT. ALL IRVINE, CA 92617 A-202 PROJECTION MEZZANINE PLAN AP Access Panel/Apron Panel LAV Lavatory 5. ANY OPENABLE WINDOWS VENT OPENINGS OR OTHER SIMILAR OPENINGS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TIGHT FITTING COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SHALL HAVE NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PLACED ABOVE OR IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO ALL an.com dreitz®irvinecom P Y APPROX Approximate LH Left Hand SCREENS OF MINIMUM 16 -MESH TO THE INCH. WINDOWS TO BE FIXED AT FOOD PREP, UTENSIL -WASHING, OPEN DOORS THAT ALLOW FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS. A-211 SECOND FLOOR FINISH PLAN APT ARCH Apartment Architect/Architectural LHR LKR Left-hand Reverse Locker FOOD AND UTENSIL STORAGE AREAS. 1 A-212 MEZZANINE FLOOR FINISH PLAN ASPH Asphalt LL Live Load 6. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS OPEN OUTWARD AND ARE SELF-CLOSING AND TIGHT FITTING. 5. PROVIDE A COMPLETE SUPERVISED AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE FIRE OCULUS ARCHITECTS A-321 AUDITORIUM SECTIONS AVE Avenue LP Low Point 7. BI -FOLD, FRENCH, ACCORDION STYLE AND ROLL -UP DOORS CANNOT OPEN INTO THE FOOD PREP, UTENSIL DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS. SUBMIT PLANS BY A LICENSED FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR DIRECTLY TO THE FIRE ARCHITECT: AVG Average LSG Laminated Safety Glass WASHING OR UNPACKAGED FOOD SERVICE AREAS. DEPARTMENT, BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND TENANT INSURANCE COMPANY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. SUBMIT ATTIC: JOHN ABBASI PH: (949) 533-8845 A-322 AUDITORIUM SECTIONS AWP Acoustic Wall Panel LT Light SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, WITH ALL APPROVALS STAMPED THEREON. 3720 S SUSAN ST. SUITE 200 B LPW? Lightweight 8. TOILET ROOM AND DRESSING ROOM DOORS MUST BE SELF-CLOSING, TIGHT FITTING. SANTA ANA, CA 92704 A-411 LOBBY ENLARGED PLAN M 9. DELIVERY DOORS TO HAVE AIR CURTAIN FANS THAT SPAN THE WIDTH OVER THE DOOR. THE FAN MUST ACTIVATE 6. EXIT SIGNS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING AND FIRE CODES. SEE FLOOR PLANS, REFLECTED john®oculusarchitects.com BC Bottom of Curb VIA A MICROSWITCH PROVIDING A MINIMUM VELOCITY OF 1600 FPM MEASURED 3 FEET ABOVE THE GROUND. CEILING PLANS, AND ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLANS FOR LOCATION OF EXIT LIGHTING. PROVIDE EXIT PATH LIGHTING BD Board M/S Mirror with Shelf BITUM Bituminous MACH Machine 10. A MINIMUM OF 10 FOOT-CANDLES OF LIGHT MEASURED 30" OFF FLOOR IS PROVIDED IN WALK-IN REFRIGERATED GIVING A VALUE OF ONE FOOT CANDLE MINIMUM AT FLOOR LEVEL. ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS SHALL BEPOWERED BL Building Line MAINT Maintenance/Maintain STORAGE AND DRY STORAGE ROOMS AND AT LEAST 20 -FOOT CANDLES IS PROVIDED WHERE FOOD IS PROVIDED FROM SEPARATE CIRCUITS AND SEPARATE SOURCES. BLDG Building MAS Masonry FOR CONSUMER SELF-SERVICE, WHERE FRESH PRODUCE OR PREPACKAGED FOODS ARE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR STRUCTURAL: GRIMM+CHEN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INC. BLKG Blocking MAT Material CONSUMPTION; INSIDE EQUIPMENT SUCH AS REACH -IN AND UNDER -COUNTER REFRIGERATORS; IN AREAS USED 7. ALL EXIT DOORS SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR ANY SPECIAL ATTN.: SAM GRIMM PH: (949) 250-3150 BLVD Boulevard MAX Maximum FOR HANDWASHING, WAREWASHING, EQUIPMENT AND UTENSIL STORAGE, AND IN TOILET ROOMS. KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. ONLY THE MAIN EXIT DOOR MAY HAVE KEY OPERATED HARDWARE AND SHALL BE 17500 REDHILL AVENUE, SUITE 240 BM BOT Beam/Bench Mark Bottom MCW MDF Mineral Core Wood Medium -Density Fiberboard 11. A MINIMUM OF 50 FOOT-CANDLES OF LIGHT MEASURED 30° OFF FLOOR IS PROVIDED WHEN WORKING WITH FOOD LABELED 'THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS" IN BLOCK LETIERS A MINIMUM OF 1" IRVINE, CA 92614 BP Building Paper MDO Medium -Density Overlay OR WORKING WITH UTENSILS OR EQUIPMENT SUCH AS KNIVES, SLICERS, GRINDERS, OR SAWS WHERE EMPLOYEE HIGH ON CONTRASTING BACKGROUND. EFFORT TO OPERATE IS NOT TO EXCEED 5 LBS. FOR EXTERIOR AND samg®gc-se.com ERG Bearing MECH Mechanical SAFETY IS A FACTOR AND IN ALL AREAS DURING PERIODS OF CLEANING. INTERIOR DOORS AND 15 LBS. FOR FIRE RATED DOORS. BSMT BTWN Basement Between M MTL TL Membrane Metol 12. SHATTERSHIELDS FOR ALL LIGHTS ABOVE FOOD PREPARATION, WORK, AND STORAGE AREAS WILL BE PROVIDED. 8. WITHIN A STRUCTURE MAINTAIN AISLES LEADING TO REQUIRED EXITS CONTINUOUSLY TO A PUBLIC WAY OR BUR Built -Up Roof MEZZ Mezzanine 13. ALL WAREWASHING SINKS TO HAVE 3 COMPARTMENTS THAT ARE A MINIMUM SIZE OF AT LEAST 18"X18"X12" DEEPAPPROVED A. REFUGE AREA MECHANICAL NV5 CONSULTING ENGINEERS BW Bottom of Wall MFR Manufacturer/Manufacturing (OR 16"X20"X12" DEEP) WITH A MINIMUM 18" DRAINBOARD AT EACH END. IF AGAINST A WALL, IT MUST HAVE AN ATTN.: DANIEL KOLIMAR PH: (949) 419-3030 C MG MH Mirror Glass Manhole 8" INTEGRAL BACKSPLASH. HOWEVER, IT MUST BE CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING THE LARGEST UTENSIL TO BE g, MAINTAIN A EXTERIOR WALKWAYS WITH A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 48" TO A PUBLIC WAY. PLUMBING: 36 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SUITE 200 C Celsius/Centigrade MIR Mirror WASHED. A WAREWASHING MACHINE DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THE SINK REQUIREMENT. IRVINE, CA 92618 CAB Cabinet MO Masonry Opening 14. SINKS TO HAVE SPOUT(S) CAPABLE OF REACHING EACH COMPARTMENT. 10. ONE-HOUR FIRE RATED CORRIDORS SHALL HAVE DOOR OPENINGS PROTECTED BY TIGHT -FITTING SMOKE AND daniel.kolimor@jbace.com CAP Capacity MoD Module/Modify CARP Carpet MS Mirror with Shelf/Machine Screw 15. FOOD PREP SINK COMPARTMENT(S) TO BE AT LEAST 18"X18"X12" DEEP (OR 16"X20"X12" DEEP) WITH A DRAFT CONTROL ASSEMBLIES WITH A 20 MINUTE LABEL. DOORS SHALL BE MAINTAINED SELF-CLOSING. DOORS CB Catch Basin/Chalkboard MTD Mounted MINIMUM 18" DRAINBOARD. SEPARATE FOOD PREP SINKS TO BE PROVIDED FOR MEATS AND PRODUCE. SHALL BE GASKETED TO PROVIDE A SMOKE AND DRAFT SEAL. CD CEM Ceiling Diffuser Cement16. MILL N Mullion THE 3 OR 4 COMPARTMENT BAR SINK TO BE AT LEAST 12"X12"X10" DEEP (OR 10"X14"X10" DEEP) WITH A 11. PROVIDE FIRE DAMPERS WHERE DUCTWORK PENETRATES A FIRE RATED WALL OR CEILING ASSEMBLY. ELECTRICAL: ELECTRIC AMERICA INC. CEM PL Cement Plaster 1 V MINIMUM 18" DRAINBOARD AT EACH END. ATTN.: SASHA WINTER PH: (714) 474-5812 CER CG Ceramic Corner Guard N N0./# North Number 17. A SEPARATE WET WASTE DUMP FIXTURE SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR DISPOSAL OF DRINK OR WASTE ICE OR 12. DURING CONSTRUCTION ANDIOR DEMOLITION, PROVIDE A PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH A RATING OF NOT 3720 S SUSAN ST. SUITE 200 CH Coat Hook NOM Nominal COFFEE WASTE. LESS THAN 2A OR 2AlOBC WITHIN 75' TRAVEL DISTANCE OF ALL PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING ON EACH FLOOR. SANTA ANA, CA 92704 CHRL Chair Rail NTS Not -to -Scale 18. EACH HANDWASHING SINK MUST HAVE PERMANENTLY MOUNTED SINGLE -SERVICE SOAP AND PAPER TOWEL electricamerica®cox.net Cl Cast IranO DISPENSERS. 13. AT THE TIME OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT, PROVIDE EXTINGUISHERS OF THE SIZE AND TYPE REQUESTED BY THE FIRE CIP CJ Cast IPlace Controll Joint O/ Over 19. THE HOT WATER HEATER WILL BE A COMMERCIAL TYPE CAPABLE OF CONSTANTLY SUPPLYING HOT WATER AT A OFFICIAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY FIELD INSPECTION IF NOT INDICATED ON THE CL Center Line OA Overall TEMPERATURE OF 120°F TO ALL SINKS. IN SIZING THE WATER HEATER, THE PEAK HOURLY DEMAND FOR ALL APPROVED PLANS. LOCATIONS SHALL BE AGREED UPON BY THE INDIVIDUAL TENANTS AND THE FIRE OFFICIAL. ALL FOOD SERVICES: FOOD SERVICE DESIGN GROUP CLG Ceiling OC On -Center SINKS, ETC., ARE ADDED TOGETHER TO DETERMINE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED RECOVERY RATE. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS TO HAVE U.L. APPROVAL. ATTN.: KEITH LEO PH: (619) 239-8156 CLKG Caulking OD Outside Diameter 20. ALL LAVATORIES OR HAND SINKS WILL HAVE A COMBINATION FAUCET OR PREMIXING FAUCET CAPABLE OF CLO Closet OFD Overflow Drain SUPPLYING WATER TEMPERED TO 100°F. SELF-CLOSING OR METERED FAUCET TO PROVIDE AT LEAST 15 SECONDS 14. PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF COMBUSTIBLE BUILDING MATERIAL TO THE PROJECT SITE, THE SITE WATER SYSTEM SHALL 1202 MARKET STREET CUR Clear OPNG Opening OF WATER WITHOUT REACTIVATION. PASS ALL REQUIRED TESTS AND BE CONNECTED TO THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. IN ADDITION, AN SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 CMU CMU Closer Concrete Masonry Units OPP OSB Opposite PP Oriented Strand Board 21. ALL PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND GAS LINES SHALL BE CONCEALED WITHIN THE BUILDING STRUCTURE TO AS APPROVED ALL-WEATHER ROAD SHALL BE IN PLACE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE AND PERMANENT ACCESS FOR kleo�fsdesi n rou com g g p• CO Clean Out P GREAT AN EXTENT AS POSSIBLE. ALL EXPOSED CONDUITS, PLUMBING, ETC. SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 6" EMERGENCY VEHICLES. COL COMP CONIC Column Composite/Composition Concrete I P Paint/Power " OFF FLOOR AND 3 4FROM WALLS USING STANDOFF BRACKETS. / CONDUITS, PLUMBING OR PIPING CANNOT TRAFFIC OR 15. MAINTAIN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AT ALL TIMES. ACCUMULATION OF COMBUSTIBLE WASTE MATERIALS IN THE LANDLORD STRUCTURAL J.S. DYER &ASSOCIATES PB Pegboard 22. BE INSTALLED ACROSS ANY AISLE WAY, AREA DOOR BUILDING IS NOT ALLOWED. COND Condition PEE Plaster Baseboard OPENING. ATTN.: JEFF DYERIBRYAN BONNVILLE PH: (949)296-8858 CONN Connect/Connection PBD PC Particleboard Precast 23. MULTIPLE RUNS OR CLUSTERS OF CONDUIT OR PIPELINES SHALL BE FURRED IN OR ENCASED IN AN APPROVED 16. INSTALL A KNOX KEY BOX AT MAIN ENTRANCE I EXIT TO EACH BUILDING (LOCATION AS DETERMINED BY THE FIRE ENGINEER: 8891 RESEARCH DRIVE CONST CONT Construction Continuous PCD Paper Cup Dispenser SEALED ENCLOSURE. MARSHAL). PLACE KEYS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY ACCESS IN KNOX-BOX. IRVINE, CA 92618 COORD Coordinate PERF Perforated 24. ALL LIQUID WASTE SHALL BE DRAINED BY MEANS OF INDIRECT WASTE PIPES INTO A FLOOR SINK. FLOOR SINKS jeff.dyer@jsdyer.com.com Or bryon.bonnville@jsdyer.com CORR Corridor PERP Perpendicular ARE TO BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE FINISHED FLOOR SURFACE AND HAVE SUITABLE EASILY REMOVABLE 17. PROTECT ABOVE GROUND GAS METERS, REGULATORS, SWITCHGEAR AND PIPING EXPOSED TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC CR CT Cold Rolled Ceramic Tile/Curtain Track PG PH Plate Glass Phase SAFETY COVER GRATES. IN AN APPROVED MANNER CTR Center PL Plate 25. FLOOR SINK TO BE 50% EXPOSED WHEN NO ACCESS IS PROVIDED FOR CLEANING OR BE IN LINE WITH THE CTSK Countersunk PLAM Plastic Laminate FRONT FACE OF ELEVATED FREESTANDING EQUIPMENT. 18, ALL INSULATION MATERIAL, INCLUDING FACINGS, SUCH AS VAPOR BARRIERS OR BREATHER PAPERS INSTALLED CU Cubic PLAS Plaster 26. APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES SHALL BE PROPERLY INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF ANY POTENTIAL WITHIN FLOOR -CEILING ASSEMBLIES, ROOF -CEILING ASSEMBLIES, WALLS, CRAWL SPACES OR ATTICS SHALL HAVE CW Cold Water PLYW Plywood HAZARD BETWEEN THE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY AND A SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION. HOSES SHALL NOT BE A FLAME -SPREAD RATING NOT TO EXCEED 25 AND A SMOKE DENSITY NOT THE EXCEED 450. PNL Po D PNL Paint int ATTACHED TO A FAUCET OR HOSE BIBB UNLESS AN APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTER IS PROVIDED. d Penny (nails) POL Polish 27. WATER SUPPLY TO CARBONATORS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AN APPROVED REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE 19, ALL WALL CARPET, VELVET FABRIC, CURTAINS, DRAPERY & WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH db Decibel PP Push Plate BACKFLOW PREVENTER. THE RELIEF VALVE SHALL DRAIN INDIRECTLY TO SEWER WITH A LEGAL AIR GAP. CERTIFICATIONS WHICH SHOW THE FLAME -SPREAD RATINGS & PRODUCT LISTINGS. A SAMPLE OF THE MATERIAL DBL Double PRE FAB Prefabricate 28. FOR CLEANING FLOOR MATS, THE JANITORIAL SINK TO BE A MINIMUM 24" BY 36" FLOOR -MOUNTED TYPE. MOPS DECID Deciduous PT Preservative Treated/Point/ Post -Tensioned SHALL BE PLACED IN A POSITION THAT ALLOWS THEM TO AIR-DRY WITHOUT SOILING WALLS, EQUIPMENT, OR 20. AN OPERATIONAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE STORAGE, USE OR HANDLING OF COMPRESSED GASES IN EXCESS DEPT DET Department Detail PTD PTDW Paper Towel Dispenser Paper Towel Dispenser &Waste Receptacle SUPPLIES. OF THE AMOUNTS LISTED IN TABLE 105.6.9. A COMPRESSED GAS PERMIT WILL BE OBTAINED IF ALLOWED DF Drinking Fountain/Douglas Fir PTN Partition 29, THE JANITORIAL SINK FAUCET SHALL HAVE RUNNING HOT AND COLD WATER THROUGH A MIXING VALVE WITH A AMOUNTS ARE EXCEEDED. DIA Diameter PVMT Pavement THREADED OUTER LIP FOR 3/4" HOSE ATTACHMENT AND AN APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. NO DIAG DICA Diagonal Drilled In Concrete Anchor CHEMICAL DISPENSING SYSTEMS OR SHUTOFF VALVES TO BE ATTACHED TO MOP SINK FAUCET OUTLET (UNLESS A 21, AN OPERATIONAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED TO OPERATE A PLACE OF ASSEMBLY. A PERMIT WILL BE OBTAINED. CFC "SIDEKICK" PLUMBING DEVICE IS INSTALLED). SECTION 105.6.26. DIFF Diffuser QT Quarry Tile DIM Dimension QTR Quarter 30. NO CONDENSATE OR WASTEWATER INCLUDING HVAC WILL DRAIN INTO THE JANITORIAL SINK. DISP Disposal31. GREASE TRAP TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY AREA, FLUSH WITH THE FINISHED FLOOR 22. WHERE CANDLES ON TABLES ARE SECURELY SUPPORTED ON SUBSTANTIAL NONCOMBUSTIBLE BASES AND THE DL Dead Load WHEN INDOORS. LOCAL WASTEWATER DISTRICT OR BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO BE CONTACTED FOR GREASE CANDLE FLAMES ARE PROTECTED. A PERMIT WILL NEED TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IF AN DN DR Down Door/Drain R R&S Riser Backer Rod and Sealant REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS. OPEN FLAME IS UTILIZED. 2 DS Downspout RAD Radius 32. FLOOR DRAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN FLOORS THAT ARE WATER -FLUSHED FOR CLEANING AND IN AREAS WHERE LANDLORD VENDORS SYMBOL LEGEND DSP Dry Stand Pipe RB RubberBase DW Dishwasher RCP Reflected Ceiling Plan PRESSURE SPRAY METHODS FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT ARE USED, RES, JANITORIAL ROOMS, SCULLERIES, AND AT BARS WITH WAREWASHING. FLOOR SURFACES INN AREASAS PURSUANT TO THIS SHALL BE DWG Drawing RD Roof Drain SLOPED 1:50 TO THE FLOOR DRAINS. DWR Drawer RECEP Reception RECEPT Receptacle 33. ADEQUATE VENTILATION IS TO BE PROVIDED TO ALL TOILET ROOMS, JANITOR CLOSETS WITH MOP SINKS, AND E RECT Rectangular INDOOR TRASH ROOMS AND IN DRESSING/CHANGE ROOM(S). FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (BID ALL / CHOOSE ONE): E EA East Each REF REINF Reference/Refrigerator Reinforced 34. THE FLOOR FINISH WILL HAVE A SMOOTH SURFACE UNDER ALL EQUIPMENT AND WALKWAYS WILL HAVE A LIGHT PACIFIC FIRE SUPPRESSION; COLIN JONES, PHONE (714) 502-0211 EB Expansion Bolt REQ Required TEXTURE ONLY. FIRE PROTECTION; DANIEL CORPUZ, PHONE (714) 309-0144 REVISION EJ EL Expansion Joint Elevation RES RET Resilient Retaining/Return 35. THE PAINT USED ON WALLS AND CEILINGS OF ALL KITCHEN, FOOD PREPARATION, WORK, AND STORAGE AREAS WILL BE A GLOSS OR SEMI -GLOSS ENAMEL. FINISH MATERIAL SHALL BE A LIGHT COLOR IN FOOD PREP AREAS PAVING VENDORS (COMMON AREA FLOORING MODIFICATIONS): REFERENCE ED ELEC Electrical REV Revision FOR EASY CLEANING. STEVEN HYNES & ASSOCIATES; STEVE HYNES, PHONE (714) 373-5544 ADDENDUM OR BULLETIN NO. ELEV Elevator RH Robe Hook/Round Head/Right-Hand EMERG Emergency RM Room 36. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, SAMPLES OF FINISHES TO BE SUBMITTED TO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOR APPROVAL AS ENAM Enamel RO Rough Opening NEEDED. FIRE, LIFE & SAFETY SYSTEMS: ENTR Entrance ROW Right Of Way 37. COLD STORAGE ROOMS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A SECTION OF SHELVING INSTALLED TO HOLD SHALLOW COOL INTERFACE SYSTEMS EP Electrical Panelboard/End Panel RP Radius Point DOWN PANS -NOT TO EXCEED 4" IN HEIGHT. SPACE BETWEEN SHELVING TO BE AT LEAST 8" HIGH. SALES & TENANT PLAN DEVELOPMENT / EMMA DO, PHONE: (562) 353-4440 OR (949) 279-2084 EQ EQJ Equal/Earthquake Earthquake Joint RRL RWL Rub Rail Rainwater Leader 38. BACKUP DRY STORAGE SHELVING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 96 LINEAR FEET (MEASURED WITH TIERS) OR 25% OF FIELD INSTALLATION COORDINATION / TERI MICHEL, PHONE (714) 863-5263 SECTION NUMBER EQUIP Equipment KITCHEN, FOOD PREP, AND WORK AREAS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. SHELVING SHALL BE AT LEAST 18 INCHES DIRECTOR OF SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION / BRENDA WILLIAMS, PHONE (562) 353-4447 BUILDING & ETR EWC Existing To Remain Electric Water Cooler S South/Shelf DEEP AND START A MINIMUM SIX INCHES OFF THE FLOOR SURFACE. WALL SECTION 1 EXC Excavate/Excavation S&R Shelf and Rod 39. SHELVING OVER WET AREAS (SINKS, MOP SINKS ETC.) AND FOOD PREP SURFACES WILL BE METAL NSF ROOFING & WATERPROOFING CONSULTANT (ROOF MODIFICATIONS, ROOF PENETRATION WORK INSPECTIONS, SLAB SYMBOL EXH Exhaust SAN Sanitary APPROVED. WATERPROOFING / BID ALL / CHOOSE ONE): A1.1 DRAWING SHEET NUMBER �i EXP Expansion SC Solid Care 40. ALL SEAMS, GAPS, OPENINGS TO BE PROPERLY SEALED. WESTCOAST ROOF CONSULTING /PHONE (714) 545-7663 EXST(E) Existing SCD Seat Cover Dispenser MARK BEAMISH WATERPROOFING / PHONE (714) 575-0018 EXT F Exterior SCHED SCW Schedule Solid Core Wood 41. TOILET ROOM DOORS SHALL BE SELF CLOSING AND TIGHT FITTING WITH ONE INCH AIR GAP. INDEPENDENT ROOFING CONSULTANTS/PHONE 949 476-8626 ( ) SD Soap Dish/Soap Dispenser SUSPENDED SLAB RADIOGRAPHY (X-RAY / ULTRASONIC SCAN FOR PENETRATIONS): F Fahrenheit SEC Second RELIANT TESTING ENGINEERS; DENISE DEGROFF, PHONE: (714) 556-5867 FA Fre Alarm/Forced Air SECT Section 42. A MINIMUM OF TWELVE (12) AIR CHANGES PER HOUR IS NEEDED IN ALL TOILET ROOMS, JANITOR'S SINK ROOMS DISCONTINUITY FAB Fabricate SF Square Feet AND DRESSING ROOMS REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR CFM RATINGS AND ROUTE TO OUTSIDE AIR. ROOFING ALL CHOOSE ONE): CUT LINE n FB Flat Bar SFC Special Floor Coating (BID / FBD Fiber Board SGEN Semigloss Enamel SAN MARINO ROOFING; MARTHA RICHTER, PHONE (714) 974-3070 FD Floor Drain SHR Shower 43 DISHWASHER SUPPLIER SHALL INCLUDE SANITARY TESTING EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS TO ADAQUATELY MEASURE MESA ROOFING; RICHARD TOWNSEND, PHONE (714) 632-6929, EXT 14 FDC FDN Fire Department Connection Foundation SHT Sheet THE APPLICALE CHEMICAL SANITIZER AT THE WASHER LOCATION. STOUT ROOF COMPANY; GREG CARINGELLA, PHONE (562) 923-6775 SHTG Shooting FE Fre Extinguisher SHV Sheet Vinyl MATCH LINE FEC Fre Extinguisher Cab SLR Sealer STUCCO / PLASTER (BID BOTH / CHOOSE ONE): FF Factory Finish SMR Sheet -Metal Raceway DCS PLASTERING: DAVID HASSON, PHONE (714) 632-7004 OR (714) 483-1125 FG FH Float Gloss Flathead SMS SND Sheet -metal Screws Sanitary Napkin Dispenser XL PLASTERING; STEVE LOVIO, PHONE (714) 412-7714 OR (714) 241-7004 FHC Fre Hose Cabinet SNW Sanitary Napkin Waste Receptacle HITCHCOCK PLASTERING; RON HITCHCOCK, PHONE (949) 584-5320 FHMS FHWS Flathead Machine Screw Flathead Wood Screw SQ SS Square Service Sink PRECAST GFRC BASE, TRIM, COLUMNS (BID BOTH /CHOOSE ONE): WORK/CONTROL FIC Furnished and Installed by Contractor SST Stainless Steel DMI; NICK PAPPAS, PHONE (760) 530-9100 OR (714) 269-0627 OR DATUM POINT FIN Finish ST Stone FORMATECH; GEORGE TUTUNJIA, PHONE (818) 504-9111 FIO Furnished and Installed by Owner STC Sound -Transmission Class FIT Furnished and Installed by Tenant STD Standard PAINTING AT EXTERIOR BIB BOTH CHOOSE ONE ( / ) FL Floor STL Steel FLASH Flashing STOP Storage TROY'S PAINTING; TROY BROWNING, PHONE (949) 830-7773 FLOUR Flourescent SUBFL Subfloor QUAD COUNTY PAINTING, TIM TYLER, PHONE (714) 253-3832 FM From/Factory Mutual Research Corporation SURF Surface BRUIN PAINTING; BOB FORD, PHONE ( 951) 677-2235 FOB Face Of Brick SUSP Suspended ELEVATION NUMBER FOC Face of Concrete SYM Symmetrical FOF Face of Finish T FOIC Furnished by Owner Installed by Contractor ELEVATION FTIC Furnished by Tenant Installed by Contractor T Top/Threshold/Tread/Toilet 1 FOIV Furnished by Owner Installed by Vendor T&B Top & Bottom REFERENCE A1.1 E DRAWING SHEET NUMBER FOM Face of Masonry T&G Tongue & Groove FPS Face of Studs TE Towel EBoardDEFERRED FP Fireproof Fireproofing) TCC Top of Curb/Top offConcrete Curb/Top SUBMITALS VICINITY MAP FR Freezer/Fire Restardant TD Towel Dispenser FS Full-Size/Floor Sink TDW Towel Dispenser & Waste FT Foot or Feet TEL Telephone FTG Footing TEMP Tempered/Temporary/Temperature THE FOLLOWING ARE TO BE FILED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT O O FURN Furnace/Furnish TER Terrazzo FIRE PROTECTION FURR FUT Furring Future TF TG Top of Footing Tempered Glass ' FIRE SPRINKLERS (N) COLUMN OR FWP Flat Wall Paint THK Thick • FIRE ALARM & SECURITY GRID LINE A G THR Threshold • FIRE SUPPRESSION T.O. Top of G GA Gas Gauge TOD TOIL Top of Deck Toilet S "9'L _ B GALV Galvanized TOL Tolerance U GB Grab Bar TOP Top of Parapet NOTES: °i09 MAIN GRID GC General Contractor TOS Top of Sheating THESE DEFERRED SUBMITTALS SHALL FIRST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND COORDINATION, A O LINE GO Garbage Disposal TOW Top of Wall SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY SHALL BE MADE (FOR CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL), WHICH SHALL INCLUDE A LETTER STATING THIS REVIEW AND COORDINATION GFRC Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete TPD Toilet Paper Dispenser HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND COMPLEEED AND PLANS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE DEFERRED ITEMS ARE FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE. -I- I- O GFRG Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum TYP Typical <<U+ GFRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plaster NOTES: mak. 'Pp GL CLAM Glass/Glazing/Glazed Glue -Laminated Wood UBC Uniform Building Code SEPARATE SUBMITTAL IS NEEDED FOR ALL EXTERIOR SIGNAGE. SIGN VENDOR NEED TO SUBMIT SIGN PLANS THAT O� 0 GWB Gypsum Wallboard UC Under Counter/Undercut INCLUDE SITE PLAN SHOWING STORE LOCATION, ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATION TO SCALE SHOWING ALL SIGN RELATED �P GYP Gypsum UNFIN Unfinished DIMENSIONS, SIGN ELEMENTS SECTION DETAILS, AND DETAILS OF REQUIRED BUILDING PENETRATIONS FOR SIGNAGE ITE H UNO Unless Noted Otherwise ATTACHMENT AND METHODS OF PATCHING/WEATHERPROOFING SUCH PENETRATIONS. UR Urinal H Hinge/High UTIL Utility HE Hose Bid DETAIL REFERENCE NUMBER HC Handicap/Hollow Core FASHION HCW Hot and Cold Water/Hollow-Core Wood VAR Variable/Vornish/Varies ISLAND HDBD Hardboard VCT Vinyl -Composition Tile DETAIL REFERENCE HDNR Hardener VERT Vertical A1.1 HDR Header V.I.F. Verfiy In Field E DRAWING SHEET NUMBER HDWD Hardwood VOL Volume HOWE Hardware VP Veneer Plaster HM Hollow Metal VT Vinyl Tile HORIZ Horizontal VWC Vinyl Wall Covering HP Horsepower/High Point/Heat Pump W HR Hour Handrail VV �(��l HT Height W West/Water/Clothes Washer/WATT �O HTG Heating W/0 Without A �� Al•1 HW Hot Water W/ With '% HWR Hot Water Return WAIN Wainscot J WC WD Water Closet Wood C'p 9ST ID Inside Diameter/Inside Dimension WOW Window UQ /yam gQ NORTH ARROW N IE IG Invert Elevation Insulating Glass WF WG Wide Flange Wire Glass/Wire Gauge IND Indicated WH Water Heater INSP Inspection WP Work Point/Woterproof INST Installation WR Waste Receptacle INSUL Insulation WT Weight INT Interior 0f%[',*ULUS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STAMP A -.I DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 Z >o O 0 � N LU Q II ­_U W2 Q U UQ Od OW ^ I..L O IM �O W a_ H Z THE mm z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: GENERAL NOTES AND SHEETINDEX A-001 �9 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: GENERAL NOTES AND SHEETINDEX A-001 �9 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS FROM NEWPORT CENTER DR. tj z w U I— ry 0 w w z MIGUEL DR ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STAMP DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 ZLU >o O 0 2 N W Q �-U W 2 a �Q L16�m IIn � 0 3:ryO w� �3: w THE S z J U REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 YI Zp -1J��/•• Jl Cj � � �l FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 ZLU >o O 0 2 N W Q �-U W 2 a �Q L16�m IIn � 0 3:ryO w� �3: w THE S z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN A-101 so REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN A-101 so EXIST. ACCESSIBLE ELEVATOR - EXIST. CROSSWALK FPA EXIST. STAIR FROM 2ND FLOOR BUILDING 8 NOTE: — BUG—EYE TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHTING OR COMBO TYPE EXIT LIGHT FIXTURE IS NOT ALLOWED IN AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS MUST SPECIFY A RECESSED MOUNTED CLEAR ACRYLIC BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE STOREFRONT ENTRY (GREEN LETTERS). — SINGLE PANE STOREFRONT DISPLAY GLASS WILL CONSIST OF STARPHIRE ULTRA—CLEAR GLASS BY PPG ARCHITECTURAL GLASS OR AN APPROVED EQUAL LOW—IRON CONTENT GLASS (TENANT CAN SUBMIT A SAMPLE TO LANDLORD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, ONE APPROVED ALTERNATE IS PILKINGTON'S OPTIWHITE GLASS). LOW—IRON GLASS IS CLEARER THAN STANDARD IRON CONTENT CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS AND THEREFORE WILL MAXIMIZE THE VISUAL BRIGHTNESS AND CLARITY AT THE DISPLAY WINDOWS INTO THE PREMISE BY ELIMINATING THE GREEN TINT THAT NORMALLY OCCURS WITH STANDARD IRON CONTENT GLASS. DUAL GLAZED GLASS (DUAL PANE, LOW—E): IF REQUIRED BY TENANT OR BY LOCAL JURISDICTIONAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, DUAL PANE (INSULATED GLASS) STOREFRONT DISPLAY GLASS WILL CONSIST OF SOLARBAN 72 INSULATING GLASS WITH STARPHIRE ULTRA—CLEAR GLASS BY PPG ARCHITECTURAL GLASS (LOW—IRON CONTENT GLASS, LOW—E, INSULATED GLASS CONSISTING OF 1/4" STARPHIRE GLASS, 1/2" DARK BRONZE AIR SPACER, 1/4" STARPHIRE GLASS). LOW—IRON GLASS IS CLEARER THAN STANDARD IRON CONTENT CLEAR TEMPERED GLASS AND THEREFORE WILL MAXIMIZE THE VISUAL BRIGHTNESS AND CLARITY AT THE DISPLAY WINDOWS INTO THE PREMISE BY ELIMINATING THE GREEN TINT THAT NORMALLY OCCURS WITH STANDARD IRON CONTENT GLASS. AN APPROVED ALTERNATE TO PPG'S SOLARBAN 72 WITH STARPHIRE GLASS IS PILKINGTON'S OPTIWHITE GLASS. — DURING THE COURSE OF TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION THE TENANT / TENANT GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PUT BACK ALL FLOOR SLAB PENETRATIONS FOR PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL LINES IN A "LEAK PROOF" CONDITION. EXIST. STAIRS — SIGNAGE WAS NOT REVIEWED FOR THIS SUBMITTAL, SEPARATE SUBMITTAL FOR ALL EXTERIOR SIGNAGE IS REQUIRED. SIGN VENDOR HAS TO SUBMIT SIGN PLANS THAT INCLUDE SITE PLAN SHOWING STORE LOCATION, ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATION TO SCALE SHOWING ALL SIGN RELATED DIMENSIONS, SIGN ELEMENTS SECTION DETAILS, AND DETAILS OF REQUIRED BUILDING PENETRATIONS FOR SIGNAGE ATTACHMENT AND METHODS OF PATCHING/WEATHERPROOFING SUCH PENETRATIONS. — IT IS TENANT RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THAT THE T/I PLUMBING LINE WITHIN THE PREMISE (INSTALLED BY OTHERS) ARE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. ANY REPAIRS OR LINE FAILURES INSIDE THE PREMISE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TENANT TO REPAIR OR REPLACE AT TENANT'S EXPENSE. — ACCESS PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL CEILING AREAS, WHICH MAY POTENTIALLY REQUIRE ACCESS FOR PURPOSES OF MAINTENANCE OF MECHANICAL OR OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNS. ANY ACCESS PANEL TYPE DOOR SPECIFICATION MUST BE A STYLEMARK TYPE DRYWALL CEILING ACCESS DOOR (INTERSOURCE SPECIALTIES COMPANY / WWW.INTERSOURCECO.COM). THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS MUST HAVE THIS OR A SIMILAR TYPE OF CONCEALED DRYWALL CEILING ACCESS PANEL SPECIFIED IN THE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN SHEETS. Y U O ,0 V Z O NORDSTROM'S BUILDING 9 BUILDING 9 01111 RIAA/_ 44 IRIS COURT EXIST. ESCALATORS 01111 11 kin 4n C 0([O�ULUS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STAMP DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 0 REVISION SCHEDULE °�F.• NpS Ly . DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 Zp -1J��/•• Jl Cj � � �l FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 ZLU >o O � N w Q �_U W 2 a UQ () W n I- 0 LUO W � VJ w THE o z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: PARTIAL SITE PLAN A-102 31 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: SHEET TITLE: PARTIAL SITE PLAN A-102 31 ►11 22'-1" I _ ® T B 6.1 'IT -11" 4'-1" 22'-0" I I I L■1'a LEGEND G.C. TO PROVIDE 0.2 FOOTCANDLE ILLUMINATION AT STEPS PER ELECTRICAL DWG'S. � ROOM -NAME 2 F__# ROOM REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 ROOM FINISHES DOOR REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NUMBER E E.6 E.7 F.8 G G.3 GA H L M R => PARTITION TYPE REFER TO A-911 FOR WALL TYPE WALL TYPE 3'-10" 13'-11" 14'-1" 11- " 20'-9" 4'-0" 14'-2" 3.1 12'-11"LT-6" 6'-6" (E) => EXISTING WALL TYPE REFER TO A-912 EXISTING WALL TYPES X.1 .1 T TACTILE EXIT SIGN REFER TO A-991 FOR MORE DETAIL AREA OF REFUGE SIGN X.2 NEW STUD WALL .L Y2 // � / \ EXISTING STUD WALL / X.3 2 1 1 Q - - - 1 HR EXISTING RATED WALL TO REMAIN -41 E- - NEW 1 HR RATED WALL 1 �� /� \ 22 TRASH ALCOVE AND POS Ito --�_� uP 111 �� 1 1Iv 1 X.41 128 z a CD I 111 �`` X:5 w CONFERENCE ¢ I UP ) W16 110 o ROOM I X STAI1 F11R #1 112 P1 �� 9 110110 11 ` / 2 \ �. \ \� KEYNOTES: L - - - - - - - C Al P1 11 -41 / \ / 1 4'-0" L X 1'-6" W X 1'-6" H PLANTER JANI OR ROOM w" ;0110 110 20.5 113 a 113 RES1J, MEROOM 10 110 110110 RR `1 \ 1 1 1 2 1-1 �� rT_ 114 T G -(E) W6 09 I F 6' \ X.8 / _ _ \ W_ NOTE: rFJ WOMEN'S RESTROOM�R FFI E L 9 CONTROL w 110 1o9A N 1107 - FOR ENLARGED AUDITORIUM PLANS SEE SHEETS A-421, A-422, T ROOM ) W10 Q I 109 I _ - - i A-423, A-424, A-425, A-426 AND A-427 ' LL 114 _ W I I 06 Q° CONCIE GE r, (y LT ; > 5 a-�_11�--- u ¢ 105 / 1 \ 1 Uva / ' - INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE 16' 5" I )T N W6 - 1 7 i p \ FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. ao (E) W6 - - h d 9'-8" V:. M 6 1o'm 3 T-0" 1- " PROMENADE 1 - " 1 _011 1 - " �� �� T 100C ^ / - ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN rT 108 Qo� R / 1 X / ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED i' - - „ - - - - - - - - PO FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE n N 3-8 1'- 3/8 s ¢ 0 / INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. F' h 3 EXISTING RAMP m TEXISTIG P [T_ �ry / FREESTANDING SENSOR PEDESTALS ARE PROHIBITED. r- (T- N A-512 SLOPE 1:12 SLOFIE 1:1E / L ) n w 4 7 �� 10 1 I / 70:0" - ANY HARD LID CEILINGS AND SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THE v 12'0" 1'- " A-512 1 _ " 1�_ • 0.. A-511 / o c�R Y.3.1 STOREFRONT BELOW THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. VA F. Q� 19.7 - ANY NON -ILLUMINATED, AND/OR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE CANNOT _ C` � � Y.3 BE PLACE AT THE INSIDE OF STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITHIN THE 5 +Q' 0" DINING AREA /� / W6 (E) a/ I A-511 100 100B / \ PREMISE. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 3'-0" OFF THE (E) W6 IN /I INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. ui ry_ 1 �E) W 15'-4,. 195 T 4rl-a waw T/ A-511 �2 �� - BUG -EYE TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHTING OR COMBO TYPE EXIT N " O 3 L�ANC PO SIBLE LIGHT FIXTURE IS NOT ALLOWED IN AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE P9 M w J T E AREA / rtrt PUBLIC. TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS AND FINAL CONSTRUCTION CONCESSIONS= / \ L_ll MUST INSTALL A RECESSED OR SURFACE MOUNTED CLEAR ACRYLIC Li i I T 68 T 5 4 g_ LL 921 ?; DITORIU # 102 ° BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE STOREFRONT ENTRY (GREEN LETTERS). - 11 =T, N �F 1 OD Y.2 fT j LL T o 1 M 1 1 LJ 36Ig25 1 O BAR A 932 61 J �0 \ - ALL ELECTRICAL RUNS IN THE OPEN CEILING AREA OF THE kT- 1 T M _ ° 1, .59 F 1036 101 TENANT PREMISES IN THE FRONT OF HOUSE MUST BE RIGID CONDUIT. 5'- - T-1" - - THE USE OF FLEX CONDUIT IS PROHIBITED. IN ADDITION, ANY 0 5 19 M,v I ELECTRICAL RUN FROM THE CEILING TO A SUSPENDED LIGHT FIXTURE T h P9 4 I F. 11 15`-4" " 2" 25'_8" POSSIBLE a t DJ AREA 1 0 MUST BE HIDDEN IN A RIGID SLEEVE. T- o TYP. a I \ L w T 116 CPI 125 6 O Yi°�EJ I ti 103D FOR THE AREAS NEAR THE STOREFRONT THE USE OF SLOT r �_ KITCHEN - 72 TYPE HVAC REGISTERS IS REQUIRED. T Lo o ° a I -� 103 104 BAKERY X00 Y1.5 ' �I v 104 - THE POS/CASH REGISTERS MUST BE EITHER RECESSED INTO THE SLOPE SLOPE 1 103 w COUNTER TOP AT THE CASH WRAP AND/OR HAVE A SCREEN TO a 124 1:12 24'-0' 5'- 1:12 30'-p" 6'-2 i 1 Y1.4 CONCEAL THE BACKS OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM PUBLIC VIEW. _ _ _ - - - 18.4<41 - ANY TENANT EQUIPMENT TO BE PLACED/INSTALLED ON THE ___ ________ _ _ ______ _ ______ o ,_9„ v W6 ( CORRIDO i 1236 / - ' LANDLORD'S ROOF MUST BE PLACED/INSTALLED AS PER THE 10" 25'-1" 14 ro o -) 124 T ,O' REQUIRED DETAILS THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE LANDLORD. 19 �fEON / n THE REQUIRED DETAILS PLAN SHEET MUST BE INSERTED INTO THE 04 TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS. G.C. TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE AREAS OF THE PREMISE �T" W ) 6C o F o W ( 6 I R W o O INDICATED ON THIS PLAN SHEET NEED TO INCORPORATE WATER r - - - - - - - - - - 18 PROOFING METHODS TO PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE AND MOLD GROWTH w REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION a� yrs. 1111 ' - Iltl� ��� 11111 ® 65 SEATS i' r► ' I / / / 1 / / / / 0,p 0, / 11 0A%12122 I� FgA - �i 1 SpErM ��. I ��. j Ij! �' ,Ills „ 1_, 1, .Im u , . � '� , rn. I ■o_.Yr, ll■1 mill 1 � ' ��,� 1 Vii® ` 'i -1 -- ice'' . , I'll ���I /I/ �lll I riT� - �Itll ® 1110=1 .-, 1I (tll 1 ,Nlwl■ �I�II r Ill L1 / Illl ,1111 I,II -11111 11 11111 ® _ ® - 1 r• �i. „�i ■ �lll • �® Illi 911 �II . .- NEIswim I 11 ' I�III ��r Iii .ills 111111 Il__ Ill__ ilii � � Illji/ j ij � J � firiii) T B 6.1 'IT -11" 4'-1" 22'-0" I I I L■1'a LEGEND G.C. TO PROVIDE 0.2 FOOTCANDLE ILLUMINATION AT STEPS PER ELECTRICAL DWG'S. � ROOM -NAME 2 F__# ROOM REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 ROOM FINISHES DOOR REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NUMBER E E.6 E.7 F.8 G G.3 GA H L M R => PARTITION TYPE REFER TO A-911 FOR WALL TYPE WALL TYPE 3'-10" 13'-11" 14'-1" 11- " 20'-9" 4'-0" 14'-2" 3.1 12'-11"LT-6" 6'-6" (E) => EXISTING WALL TYPE REFER TO A-912 EXISTING WALL TYPES X.1 .1 T TACTILE EXIT SIGN REFER TO A-991 FOR MORE DETAIL AREA OF REFUGE SIGN X.2 NEW STUD WALL .L Y2 // � / \ EXISTING STUD WALL / X.3 2 1 1 Q - - - 1 HR EXISTING RATED WALL TO REMAIN -41 E- - NEW 1 HR RATED WALL 1 �� /� \ 22 TRASH ALCOVE AND POS Ito --�_� uP 111 �� 1 1Iv 1 X.41 128 z a CD I 111 �`` X:5 w CONFERENCE ¢ I UP ) W16 110 o ROOM I X STAI1 F11R #1 112 P1 �� 9 110110 11 ` / 2 \ �. \ \� KEYNOTES: L - - - - - - - C Al P1 11 -41 / \ / 1 4'-0" L X 1'-6" W X 1'-6" H PLANTER JANI OR ROOM w" ;0110 110 20.5 113 a 113 RES1J, MEROOM 10 110 110110 RR `1 \ 1 1 1 2 1-1 �� rT_ 114 T G -(E) W6 09 I F 6' \ X.8 / _ _ \ W_ NOTE: rFJ WOMEN'S RESTROOM�R FFI E L 9 CONTROL w 110 1o9A N 1107 - FOR ENLARGED AUDITORIUM PLANS SEE SHEETS A-421, A-422, T ROOM ) W10 Q I 109 I _ - - i A-423, A-424, A-425, A-426 AND A-427 ' LL 114 _ W I I 06 Q° CONCIE GE r, (y LT ; > 5 a-�_11�--- u ¢ 105 / 1 \ 1 Uva / ' - INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE 16' 5" I )T N W6 - 1 7 i p \ FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. ao (E) W6 - - h d 9'-8" V:. M 6 1o'm 3 T-0" 1- " PROMENADE 1 - " 1 _011 1 - " �� �� T 100C ^ / - ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN rT 108 Qo� R / 1 X / ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED i' - - „ - - - - - - - - PO FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE n N 3-8 1'- 3/8 s ¢ 0 / INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. F' h 3 EXISTING RAMP m TEXISTIG P [T_ �ry / FREESTANDING SENSOR PEDESTALS ARE PROHIBITED. r- (T- N A-512 SLOPE 1:12 SLOFIE 1:1E / L ) n w 4 7 �� 10 1 I / 70:0" - ANY HARD LID CEILINGS AND SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THE v 12'0" 1'- " A-512 1 _ " 1�_ • 0.. A-511 / o c�R Y.3.1 STOREFRONT BELOW THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. VA F. Q� 19.7 - ANY NON -ILLUMINATED, AND/OR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE CANNOT _ C` � � Y.3 BE PLACE AT THE INSIDE OF STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITHIN THE 5 +Q' 0" DINING AREA /� / W6 (E) a/ I A-511 100 100B / \ PREMISE. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 3'-0" OFF THE (E) W6 IN /I INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. ui ry_ 1 �E) W 15'-4,. 195 T 4rl-a waw T/ A-511 �2 �� - BUG -EYE TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHTING OR COMBO TYPE EXIT N " O 3 L�ANC PO SIBLE LIGHT FIXTURE IS NOT ALLOWED IN AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE P9 M w J T E AREA / rtrt PUBLIC. TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS AND FINAL CONSTRUCTION CONCESSIONS= / \ L_ll MUST INSTALL A RECESSED OR SURFACE MOUNTED CLEAR ACRYLIC Li i I T 68 T 5 4 g_ LL 921 ?; DITORIU # 102 ° BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE STOREFRONT ENTRY (GREEN LETTERS). - 11 =T, N �F 1 OD Y.2 fT j LL T o 1 M 1 1 LJ 36Ig25 1 O BAR A 932 61 J �0 \ - ALL ELECTRICAL RUNS IN THE OPEN CEILING AREA OF THE kT- 1 T M _ ° 1, .59 F 1036 101 TENANT PREMISES IN THE FRONT OF HOUSE MUST BE RIGID CONDUIT. 5'- - T-1" - - THE USE OF FLEX CONDUIT IS PROHIBITED. IN ADDITION, ANY 0 5 19 M,v I ELECTRICAL RUN FROM THE CEILING TO A SUSPENDED LIGHT FIXTURE T h P9 4 I F. 11 15`-4" " 2" 25'_8" POSSIBLE a t DJ AREA 1 0 MUST BE HIDDEN IN A RIGID SLEEVE. T- o TYP. a I \ L w T 116 CPI 125 6 O Yi°�EJ I ti 103D FOR THE AREAS NEAR THE STOREFRONT THE USE OF SLOT r �_ KITCHEN - 72 TYPE HVAC REGISTERS IS REQUIRED. T Lo o ° a I -� 103 104 BAKERY X00 Y1.5 ' �I v 104 - THE POS/CASH REGISTERS MUST BE EITHER RECESSED INTO THE SLOPE SLOPE 1 103 w COUNTER TOP AT THE CASH WRAP AND/OR HAVE A SCREEN TO a 124 1:12 24'-0' 5'- 1:12 30'-p" 6'-2 i 1 Y1.4 CONCEAL THE BACKS OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM PUBLIC VIEW. _ _ _ - - - 18.4<41 - ANY TENANT EQUIPMENT TO BE PLACED/INSTALLED ON THE ___ ________ _ _ ______ _ ______ o ,_9„ v W6 ( CORRIDO i 1236 / - ' LANDLORD'S ROOF MUST BE PLACED/INSTALLED AS PER THE 10" 25'-1" 14 ro o -) 124 T ,O' REQUIRED DETAILS THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE LANDLORD. 19 �fEON / n THE REQUIRED DETAILS PLAN SHEET MUST BE INSERTED INTO THE 04 TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS. G.C. TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE AREAS OF THE PREMISE �T" W ) 6C o F o W ( 6 I R W o O INDICATED ON THIS PLAN SHEET NEED TO INCORPORATE WATER r - - - - - - - - - - 18 PROOFING METHODS TO PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE AND MOLD GROWTH w REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION a� yrs. 1111 ' - Iltl� ��� 11111 ® i' r► ' I / / / 1 / / / / 0,p 0, / 11 0A%12122 I� FgA - �i T B 6.1 'IT -11" 4'-1" 22'-0" I I I L■1'a LEGEND G.C. TO PROVIDE 0.2 FOOTCANDLE ILLUMINATION AT STEPS PER ELECTRICAL DWG'S. � ROOM -NAME 2 F__# ROOM REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 ROOM FINISHES DOOR REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NUMBER E E.6 E.7 F.8 G G.3 GA H L M R => PARTITION TYPE REFER TO A-911 FOR WALL TYPE WALL TYPE 3'-10" 13'-11" 14'-1" 11- " 20'-9" 4'-0" 14'-2" 3.1 12'-11"LT-6" 6'-6" (E) => EXISTING WALL TYPE REFER TO A-912 EXISTING WALL TYPES X.1 .1 T TACTILE EXIT SIGN REFER TO A-991 FOR MORE DETAIL AREA OF REFUGE SIGN X.2 NEW STUD WALL .L Y2 // � / \ EXISTING STUD WALL / X.3 2 1 1 Q - - - 1 HR EXISTING RATED WALL TO REMAIN -41 E- - NEW 1 HR RATED WALL 1 �� /� \ 22 TRASH ALCOVE AND POS Ito --�_� uP 111 �� 1 1Iv 1 X.41 128 z a CD I 111 �`` X:5 w CONFERENCE ¢ I UP ) W16 110 o ROOM I X STAI1 F11R #1 112 P1 �� 9 110110 11 ` / 2 \ �. \ \� KEYNOTES: L - - - - - - - C Al P1 11 -41 / \ / 1 4'-0" L X 1'-6" W X 1'-6" H PLANTER JANI OR ROOM w" ;0110 110 20.5 113 a 113 RES1J, MEROOM 10 110 110110 RR `1 \ 1 1 1 2 1-1 �� rT_ 114 T G -(E) W6 09 I F 6' \ X.8 / _ _ \ W_ NOTE: rFJ WOMEN'S RESTROOM�R FFI E L 9 CONTROL w 110 1o9A N 1107 - FOR ENLARGED AUDITORIUM PLANS SEE SHEETS A-421, A-422, T ROOM ) W10 Q I 109 I _ - - i A-423, A-424, A-425, A-426 AND A-427 ' LL 114 _ W I I 06 Q° CONCIE GE r, (y LT ; > 5 a-�_11�--- u ¢ 105 / 1 \ 1 Uva / ' - INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE 16' 5" I )T N W6 - 1 7 i p \ FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. ao (E) W6 - - h d 9'-8" V:. M 6 1o'm 3 T-0" 1- " PROMENADE 1 - " 1 _011 1 - " �� �� T 100C ^ / - ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN rT 108 Qo� R / 1 X / ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED i' - - „ - - - - - - - - PO FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE n N 3-8 1'- 3/8 s ¢ 0 / INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. F' h 3 EXISTING RAMP m TEXISTIG P [T_ �ry / FREESTANDING SENSOR PEDESTALS ARE PROHIBITED. r- (T- N A-512 SLOPE 1:12 SLOFIE 1:1E / L ) n w 4 7 �� 10 1 I / 70:0" - ANY HARD LID CEILINGS AND SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THE v 12'0" 1'- " A-512 1 _ " 1�_ • 0.. A-511 / o c�R Y.3.1 STOREFRONT BELOW THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. VA F. Q� 19.7 - ANY NON -ILLUMINATED, AND/OR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE CANNOT _ C` � � Y.3 BE PLACE AT THE INSIDE OF STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITHIN THE 5 +Q' 0" DINING AREA /� / W6 (E) a/ I A-511 100 100B / \ PREMISE. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 3'-0" OFF THE (E) W6 IN /I INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. ui ry_ 1 �E) W 15'-4,. 195 T 4rl-a waw T/ A-511 �2 �� - BUG -EYE TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHTING OR COMBO TYPE EXIT N " O 3 L�ANC PO SIBLE LIGHT FIXTURE IS NOT ALLOWED IN AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE P9 M w J T E AREA / rtrt PUBLIC. TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS AND FINAL CONSTRUCTION CONCESSIONS= / \ L_ll MUST INSTALL A RECESSED OR SURFACE MOUNTED CLEAR ACRYLIC Li i I T 68 T 5 4 g_ LL 921 ?; DITORIU # 102 ° BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE STOREFRONT ENTRY (GREEN LETTERS). - 11 =T, N �F 1 OD Y.2 fT j LL T o 1 M 1 1 LJ 36Ig25 1 O BAR A 932 61 J �0 \ - ALL ELECTRICAL RUNS IN THE OPEN CEILING AREA OF THE kT- 1 T M _ ° 1, .59 F 1036 101 TENANT PREMISES IN THE FRONT OF HOUSE MUST BE RIGID CONDUIT. 5'- - T-1" - - THE USE OF FLEX CONDUIT IS PROHIBITED. IN ADDITION, ANY 0 5 19 M,v I ELECTRICAL RUN FROM THE CEILING TO A SUSPENDED LIGHT FIXTURE T h P9 4 I F. 11 15`-4" " 2" 25'_8" POSSIBLE a t DJ AREA 1 0 MUST BE HIDDEN IN A RIGID SLEEVE. T- o TYP. a I \ L w T 116 CPI 125 6 O Yi°�EJ I ti 103D FOR THE AREAS NEAR THE STOREFRONT THE USE OF SLOT r �_ KITCHEN - 72 TYPE HVAC REGISTERS IS REQUIRED. T Lo o ° a I -� 103 104 BAKERY X00 Y1.5 ' �I v 104 - THE POS/CASH REGISTERS MUST BE EITHER RECESSED INTO THE SLOPE SLOPE 1 103 w COUNTER TOP AT THE CASH WRAP AND/OR HAVE A SCREEN TO a 124 1:12 24'-0' 5'- 1:12 30'-p" 6'-2 i 1 Y1.4 CONCEAL THE BACKS OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM PUBLIC VIEW. _ _ _ - - - 18.4<41 - ANY TENANT EQUIPMENT TO BE PLACED/INSTALLED ON THE ___ ________ _ _ ______ _ ______ o ,_9„ v W6 ( CORRIDO i 1236 / - ' LANDLORD'S ROOF MUST BE PLACED/INSTALLED AS PER THE 10" 25'-1" 14 ro o -) 124 T ,O' REQUIRED DETAILS THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE LANDLORD. 19 �fEON / n THE REQUIRED DETAILS PLAN SHEET MUST BE INSERTED INTO THE 04 TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS. G.C. TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE AREAS OF THE PREMISE �T" W ) 6C o F o W ( 6 I R W o O INDICATED ON THIS PLAN SHEET NEED TO INCORPORATE WATER r - - - - - - - - - - 18 PROOFING METHODS TO PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE AND MOLD GROWTH w I I I I I I 11 I I I I I 1 I I A A.6 B B.1 C.2 E E.6 E.7 R N OR AROUND THE AREAS TO THE TENANT PREMISES BELOW. EQUIPMENT, EXHAUST FANS, AND UTILITY VENTS CANNOT BE n HIGHER THAN THE PARAPET WALL IN THE ROOF WELL AREA. n ALL ROOF EQUIPMENT, VENTS, AND ASSOCIATED CONDUIT LINES INSTALLED DURING THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ON THE ROOF MUST BE PAINTED. THE PAINT COLOR SPECIFICATION IS GLIDDEN PROFESSIONAL PAINT DEVFLEX HP # 4216-OSOOL SEMI -GLOSS NAM EL. EQUIPMENT AND VENTS CAN ONLY BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE ROOF WELL AREA. NO EQUIPMENT AND VENTS TO BE PLACED AT MANSARD (TILE) ROOF AREA. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CONDENSATE DRAIN LINES MUST IMMEDIATELY PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN ALONG THE UNDERSIDE OF 17 THE ROOF STRUCTURE. ALL CONDENSATE DRAINS MUST RUN INSIDE O OO O O TENANT'S PREMISES AND DRAIN TO EITHER A FLOOR SINK OR MOP O SINK INSIDE THE TENANT'S PREMISES. FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD U.N.O. 2. ALL DOOR OPENINGS OFFSET FROM PERPENDICULAR WALL 4" U.N.O. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL DOCUMENTS AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS AND SHALL CONFIRM THAT WORK IS BUILDABLE AS SHOWN. ANY CONFLICTS OR OMISSIONS, ETC., SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE OF ANY WORK IN QUESTION. 4. "TYP." SHOULD MEAN THAT THE CONDITION IS REPRESENTATIVE FOR SIMILAR CONDITIONS THROUGHOUT. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED DETAILS ARE USUALLY KEYED AND NOTED "TYP." ONLY ONCE WHEN THEY FIRST OCCUR. 12 5. "SIM." SHALL MEAN COMPARABLE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE CONDITION NOTED. VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND ORIENTATION ON PLANS AND ELEVATIONS. 6. "ALIGN" MEANS ACCURATELY LOCATE FINISHED FACES IN SAME PLANE. 7. REPAIR EXISTING WALL FINISHES. 8. REFER TO A9.8.1 FOR PENETRATION DETAILS, OUTLET BOXES, LATERAL RESTRAINT AND 11 ISOLATION. 9. ALL PUBLIC SIGNAGE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RESTROOMS, EXIT SIGNS AND BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY SIGNS. 10. REPAIR OR REPLACE FIREPROOFING ON EXISTING COLUMNS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN 10 RATING. 11. ALL EXISTING DOOR IN AUDITORIUMS ARE PROVIDED WITH PANIC HARDWARE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEVICES ARE WORKING CORRECTLY. 12. FOR ANY PENETRATION THRU SOUND WALL PROVIDE ACOUSTICAL SEAL PER DETAILS ON SHEET A9.8.1 13. INTERIOR STAIRS SHALL HAVE THE UPPER APPROACH AND THE LOWER TREAD MARKED BY A STRIP PROVIDING CLEAR VISUAL CONTRAST. THE STRIP SHALL EXTENT THE FULL WIDTH OF STEP OR UPPER APPROACH AND SHALL BE AT LEAST 2"WIDE AND NOT MORE THAN 4"WIDE PLACED PARALLEL TO AND NOT MORE THAN 1"FROM THE NOSE OF THE STEP OR LANDING TO ALERT THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED. THE STRIP SHALL BE OF MATERIAL THAT IS AT LEAST AS SLIP RESISTANT AS THE OTHER TREADS OF THE STAIR. 14. RAMP SURFACES SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT. 15. EXISTING DOORS TO REMAIN; NO ACCORDION DOORS. NOTE: - DINING AREA HAS 196 SEATS; AREA 1,324 SF - BAR HAS 12 SEATS OCi2L�S AI�CHITECTS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 STAMP 10 z IIIIIIIII Z �O OoN � N Zw Q I- U LU i Q U UQ LL. �m I a O 0 LUwI H w THE (3)z J U REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 yrs. 1111 ' - Iltl� 11 ®IJ I� ;�'�� ►;� �� - SpErM ��. I ��. j Ij! �' ,Ills „ 1_, 1, .Im , . � '� , I ■o_.Yr, ll■1 mill 1 � ' ��,� 1 Vii® tl •�•■ : -- ice'' . , ���I /I/ riT� - ainHIM r Ill L1 ROOM -11111 11 11111 ® _ ® - 1 r• �i. „�i / I 11 ��r Iii 111111 Il__ Ill__ � � Illji/ j ij 9 ILII u ■ m. • ',' _ ilsA n�� •/ I/ / ST50RAGE,,l PIC rlll !a �, gym^ ' �� �1�1 �II11 X11! I / / / ii► IlI� I>•Il _= ZOO INN 1� ■1■1 IIYI 1111 .: eIsll ... ".:._ 1 /%i� I�1�1(It'll , '®_ � �I=='_'■■� I% j� / _ ■■L■]I ��F�_Illl�lf�_Il1�l,�Iflll_�` 'I�j � .�_ _ rerG '+rl■ ' 1■__ ,IIIA � / / /I�Ij /I Ills , �� '��' _ -- � ��' ------ 111111 rJ DIY Y' 1111 ®► I// 1/ I/ �- ,/;, - --' - _ •�-_--_--_--J/ _,,,.VIII I■ _ 111 111111 Q .i =� 1 I�u �, II�I/E// _ _ I/��M�����MAI I I •/� Ir0IIr M/ERMA/% lop I I Nr�ME/d ��i / ------- /--/ r/- I-/- I �.Fi�11I0 I I I I I I 11 I I I I I 1 I I A A.6 B B.1 C.2 E E.6 E.7 R N OR AROUND THE AREAS TO THE TENANT PREMISES BELOW. EQUIPMENT, EXHAUST FANS, AND UTILITY VENTS CANNOT BE n HIGHER THAN THE PARAPET WALL IN THE ROOF WELL AREA. n ALL ROOF EQUIPMENT, VENTS, AND ASSOCIATED CONDUIT LINES INSTALLED DURING THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ON THE ROOF MUST BE PAINTED. THE PAINT COLOR SPECIFICATION IS GLIDDEN PROFESSIONAL PAINT DEVFLEX HP # 4216-OSOOL SEMI -GLOSS NAM EL. EQUIPMENT AND VENTS CAN ONLY BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE ROOF WELL AREA. NO EQUIPMENT AND VENTS TO BE PLACED AT MANSARD (TILE) ROOF AREA. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CONDENSATE DRAIN LINES MUST IMMEDIATELY PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN ALONG THE UNDERSIDE OF 17 THE ROOF STRUCTURE. ALL CONDENSATE DRAINS MUST RUN INSIDE O OO O O TENANT'S PREMISES AND DRAIN TO EITHER A FLOOR SINK OR MOP O SINK INSIDE THE TENANT'S PREMISES. FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD U.N.O. 2. ALL DOOR OPENINGS OFFSET FROM PERPENDICULAR WALL 4" U.N.O. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL DOCUMENTS AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS AND SHALL CONFIRM THAT WORK IS BUILDABLE AS SHOWN. ANY CONFLICTS OR OMISSIONS, ETC., SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE OF ANY WORK IN QUESTION. 4. "TYP." SHOULD MEAN THAT THE CONDITION IS REPRESENTATIVE FOR SIMILAR CONDITIONS THROUGHOUT. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED DETAILS ARE USUALLY KEYED AND NOTED "TYP." ONLY ONCE WHEN THEY FIRST OCCUR. 12 5. "SIM." SHALL MEAN COMPARABLE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE CONDITION NOTED. VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND ORIENTATION ON PLANS AND ELEVATIONS. 6. "ALIGN" MEANS ACCURATELY LOCATE FINISHED FACES IN SAME PLANE. 7. REPAIR EXISTING WALL FINISHES. 8. REFER TO A9.8.1 FOR PENETRATION DETAILS, OUTLET BOXES, LATERAL RESTRAINT AND 11 ISOLATION. 9. ALL PUBLIC SIGNAGE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RESTROOMS, EXIT SIGNS AND BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY SIGNS. 10. REPAIR OR REPLACE FIREPROOFING ON EXISTING COLUMNS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN 10 RATING. 11. ALL EXISTING DOOR IN AUDITORIUMS ARE PROVIDED WITH PANIC HARDWARE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEVICES ARE WORKING CORRECTLY. 12. FOR ANY PENETRATION THRU SOUND WALL PROVIDE ACOUSTICAL SEAL PER DETAILS ON SHEET A9.8.1 13. INTERIOR STAIRS SHALL HAVE THE UPPER APPROACH AND THE LOWER TREAD MARKED BY A STRIP PROVIDING CLEAR VISUAL CONTRAST. THE STRIP SHALL EXTENT THE FULL WIDTH OF STEP OR UPPER APPROACH AND SHALL BE AT LEAST 2"WIDE AND NOT MORE THAN 4"WIDE PLACED PARALLEL TO AND NOT MORE THAN 1"FROM THE NOSE OF THE STEP OR LANDING TO ALERT THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED. THE STRIP SHALL BE OF MATERIAL THAT IS AT LEAST AS SLIP RESISTANT AS THE OTHER TREADS OF THE STAIR. 14. RAMP SURFACES SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT. 15. EXISTING DOORS TO REMAIN; NO ACCORDION DOORS. NOTE: - DINING AREA HAS 196 SEATS; AREA 1,324 SF - BAR HAS 12 SEATS OCi2L�S AI�CHITECTS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 STAMP 10 z IIIIIIIII Z �O OoN � N Zw Q I- U LU i Q U UQ LL. �m I a O 0 LUwI H w THE (3)z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN (THEATER LEVEL) A-201 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN (THEATER LEVEL) A-201 A I I I I I I I I I I A.6 I I I I C.2 E E.6 E.7 I I II I I II 0 I DN. I ON I I x �I 1I �■ 65 SEATS ® 2,413.93 SF _� �■ .L 111111 nf�l it ®I Eltill 111111 rm�l IDITORIUM #4 1 65 SEATS III Ili III 08/25/2017 ®l , SF ill +2'-6"(E) ill 1 ill . ill A-321 ill it ' 1 1 116 1 - - - FF 1 2,734.16 SF 19 ®I 1 I _ i illi ill II li I ®li it ` ill ill �I ill iu Ili h ° I I I I I\ I I ill \ I I I I it '1 I I I \ I I Ili I I 1 (E) lel I Isle 3 (E) 4 Isle 111 A-32 Isle Isle it II 12,720.12 SF Ili li_ - ill ill ill 11 ®l ' 111 ill � II Fill II �,I 1 19.7 REVISION SCHEDULE NO v .L 1 IDITORIUM #4 1 65 SEATS 1 I\ 120 Z< 12,414.25 08/25/2017 A 11111' 1111 SF 1 \\ +2'-6"(E) Irl 1 z r \ A-321 111111 IADITORIUM #E 73 SEATS 1 1 116 1 - - - FF 1 2,734.16 SF 19 1 I _ 1 ++1'-0"(E) I II / I 1 (E) W3 E) V 18.4 Ili h ° I I I I I\ I I ill \ I I I I it '1 I I I \ I I Ili I I 1 (E) 18 I - 3 (E) 4 B ADITORIUM #5 A-32 Ili®II 1 73 SEATS / 117 L it II 12,720.12 SF Ili li_ - I / lel II 111 � II Fill II 15 z A-322 1 12 1 LL LEGEND - G.C. TO PROVIDE 0.2 FOOTCANDLE ILLUMINATION AT STEPS PER ELECTRICAL DWG'S. ROOM -NAME A ® ROOM REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 ROOM FINISHES DOOR REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NUMBER F.8 G G.3 G.4 H L M R PARTITION TYPE REFER TO A-911 FOR WALL TYPE WALL TYPE D31 X.1 EXISTING WALL TYPE REFER TO A-912 EXISTING WALL TYPES Y.3 X.1 ILI TACTILE EXIT SIGN REFER TO A-991 FOR MORE DETAIL AREA OF REFUGE SIGN X.2 I NEW STUD WALL ZL / \ EXISTING STUD WALL / X.3 - - - 1 HR EXISTING RATED WALL TO REMAIN Y1.5 / - - - NEW 1 HR RATED WALL TRASH ALCOVE AND POS II 13'-8" \ X.5 NEW FLOOR ARE 20.5 STORAGE � \ 202 -- W6A (E) \ / 67 \ \ X.8 ELECTRICAL � � FE) 201 \ \ \ \ 9 N a W6A (E) / - - - - 20 Y.3.1 N \ j \ 19.7 I J� 0 <r' o rT= (E) Wg 1 1-4 (T (T (T I - AJ 1J r cr - '.i �- w fT -Tl -Tl l 1 L1 L1_ L1_ L1_ PROJECTION ,l .IJP J� f -TLid � , \ T- ;T- ;T- ;T- DITORIUfyI#� \ ROOM .I, T TI ,r I I ; �1 '�`, ,, u`, �1> �- 381SEA S I I I r. r 1_ 200 T; M 125 1 T r o 1, 7.59 F _ 19 L' cl. r cr +16'-10" -7° �l "° �� + ,-On E)I LiT _ r < r < _�.� _r _r _r r�i �i6�V. � Li_ Li_ Li_ REVISION SCHEDULE NO v .L 1 IDITORIUM #4 1 65 SEATS 1 2 120 Z< 12,414.25 08/25/2017 A 11111' 1111 SF i +2'-6"(E) Irl N � i A (E) r W3A (E) 111111 1 - - - FF LEGEND - G.C. TO PROVIDE 0.2 FOOTCANDLE ILLUMINATION AT STEPS PER ELECTRICAL DWG'S. ROOM -NAME A ® ROOM REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 ROOM FINISHES DOOR REFERENCE REFER TO A-1011 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NUMBER F.8 G G.3 G.4 H L M R PARTITION TYPE REFER TO A-911 FOR WALL TYPE WALL TYPE D31 X.1 EXISTING WALL TYPE REFER TO A-912 EXISTING WALL TYPES Y.3 X.1 ILI TACTILE EXIT SIGN REFER TO A-991 FOR MORE DETAIL AREA OF REFUGE SIGN X.2 I NEW STUD WALL ZL / \ EXISTING STUD WALL / X.3 - - - 1 HR EXISTING RATED WALL TO REMAIN Y1.5 / - - - NEW 1 HR RATED WALL TRASH ALCOVE AND POS II 13'-8" \ X.5 NEW FLOOR ARE 20.5 STORAGE � \ 202 -- W6A (E) \ / 67 \ \ X.8 ELECTRICAL � � FE) 201 \ \ \ \ 9 N a W6A (E) / - - - - 20 Y.3.1 N \ j \ 19.7 I J� 0 <r' o rT= (E) Wg 1 1-4 (T (T (T I - AJ 1J r cr - '.i �- w fT -Tl -Tl l 1 L1 L1_ L1_ L1_ PROJECTION ,l .IJP J� f -TLid � , \ T- ;T- ;T- ;T- DITORIUfyI#� \ ROOM .I, T TI ,r I I ; �1 '�`, ,, u`, �1> �- 381SEA S I I I r. r 1_ 200 T; M 125 1 T r o 1, 7.59 F _ 19 L' cl. r cr +16'-10" -7° �l "° �� + ,-On E)I LiT _ r < r < _�.� _r _r _r r�i �i6�V. � Li_ Li_ Li_ U Y1.5 o 3: H Y1.4 - - �- - - - - - 18.4 ill '�® REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A 11111' 1111 11/06/2017 II til II 111 111 111 itII 111111 1 - - - ®It II I rh II Ili ° I I I I I I I I ill ° I I I I it '1 I I I I I I Ili I I I I - A it II B B.1 C.2 Ili®II E.6 it II Ili li_ - lel II 111 � II Fill II �,I u ° 11 - _ i ■m ■.� 1n. - - .... 6e121+11► n li � of Ili ' ilk Illi il® 4 . ®.. . IIIW'1 li li i lull li il�" Ililill= ill n �= l C= �I; ill 11.1 U Y1.5 o 3: H Y1.4 - - �- - - - - - 18.4 ill '�® REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A 11111' 1111 11/06/2017 _111 111 111 111 111111 1 - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I A - B B.1 C.2 E E.6 E.7 li_ i ■m ■.� 1n. - - .... 6e121+11► li li li Ili Illi il® 4 . ®.. . IIIW'1 li li i lull li il�" ®- il�� N� ' li li ill li 111 'ill 111 111 111111 11 1■1 '1111111 w 62'-9" V.I. . N / ADITORIUM #3 73 SEATS 1 122 2,683.65 SF +1'-0"(E) \ \ (E) W3 \ \ (E) 1 \ I I ,:zz=fir- - -\� 17.2 017 • I 11 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I A A.6 B B.1 C.2 E E.6 E.7 - 10 i ) NOTE: - INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. - ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. FREESTANDING SENSOR PEDESTALS ARE PROHIBITED. - ANY HARD LID CEILINGS AND SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THE STOREFRONT BELOW THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. - ANY NON -ILLUMINATED, AND/OR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE CANNOT BE PLACE AT THE INSIDE OF STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITHIN THE PREMISE. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST S-0" OFF THE INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. - BUG -EYE TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHTING OR COMBO TYPE EXIT LIGHT FIXTURE IS NOT ALLOWED IN AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS AND FINAL CONSTRUCTION MUST INSTALL A RECESSED OR SURFACE MOUNTED CLEAR ACRYLIC BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE STOREFRONT ENTRY (GREEN LETTERS). - ALL ELECTRICAL RUNS IN THE OPEN CEILING AREA OF THE TENANT PREMISES IN THE FRONT OF HOUSE MUST BE RIGID CONDUIT. THE USE OF FLEX CONDUIT IS PROHIBITED. IN ADDITION, ANY ELECTRICAL RUN FROM THE CEILING TO A SUSPENDED LIGHT FIXTURE MUST BE HIDDEN IN A RIGID SLEEVE. FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD U.N.O. 2. ALL DOOR OPENINGS OFFSET FROM PERPENDICULAR WALL 4" U.N.O. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL DOCUMENTS AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS AND SHALL CONFIRM THAT WORK IS BUILDABLE AS SHOWN. ANY CONFLICTS OR OMISSIONS, ETC., SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE OF ANY WORK IN QUESTION. 4. "TYP." SHOULD MEAN THAT THE CONDITION IS REPRESENTATIVE FOR SIMILAR CONDITIONS THROUGHOUT. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DETAILS ARE USUALLY KEYED AND NOTED "TYP." ONLY ONCE WHEN THEY FIRST OCCUR. 5. "SIM." SHALL MEAN COMPARABLE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE CONDITION NOTED. VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND ORIENTATION ON PLANS AND ELEVATIONS. 6. "ALIGN" MEANS ACCURATELY LOCATE FINISHED FACES IN SAME PLANE. 7. REPAIR EXISTING WALL FINISHES. 8. REFER TO A9.8.1 FOR PENETRATION DETAILS, OUTLET BOXES, LATERAL RESTRAINT AND ISOLATION. 9. ALL PUBLIC SIGNAGE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RESTROOMS, EXIT SIGNS AND BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY SIGNS. 10. REPAIR OR REPLACE FIREPROOFING ON EXISTING COLUMNS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN RATING. 11. ALL EXISTING DOOR IN AUDITORIUMS ARE PROVIDED WITH PANIC HARDWARE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEVICES ARE WORKING CORRECTLY. 12. FOR ANY PENETRATION THRU SOUND WALL PROVIDE ACOUSTICAL SEAL PER DETAILS ON SHEET A9.8.1 13. INTERIOR STAIRS SHALL HAVE THE UPPER APPROACH AND THE LOWER TREAD MARKED BY A STRIP PROVIDING CLEAR VISUAL CONTRAST. THE STRIP SHALL EXTENT THE FULL WIDTH OF STEP OR UPPER APPROACH AND SHALL BE AT LEAST 2"WIDE AND NOT MORE THAN 4"WIDE PLACED PARALLEL TO AND NOT MORE THAN 1"FROM THE NOSE OF THE STEP OR LANDING TO ALERT THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED. THE STRIP SHALL BE OF MATERIAL THAT IS AT LEAST AS SLIP RESISTANT AS THE OTHER TREADS OF THE STAIR. 14. RAMP SURFACES SHALL BE STABLE, FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT. 15. EXISTING DOORS TO REMAIN; NO ACCORDION DOORS. 0 0%fL1'0*ULUS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 STAMP 0 z Z >o O0 (0 � N Of 00 W Q �U W 2 a UQ m O 0 �0 W � H w THE mm z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=11-0" SHEET TITLE: PROJECTION MEZZANINE PLAN A111111111111111202 ss REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=11-0" SHEET TITLE: PROJECTION MEZZANINE PLAN A111111111111111202 ss A A.6 B B.1 C.2 E E.6 E.7 I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I II -----\---=L n L II 127 20.5 JANITOR ROOM 113 tttttt tttttt �.�.��� tttttt tttttt /LtttLttL EX. I ttttttt kILLLtLt LLLLLLLu L IItttLt ������, i LLLL LLLL / / LLLLLILLLLLLL I« �� E«E III LL tttttt, i `" "` CONTROL ttttttt ttttttt ttttttt ROOM LW / yLw 114 / /C 1 / / / EX. / / L/ / i -LL I LL I LLLLLLL /LLLLLLLI 20 L-I±LLLLLLLL I' L, tL�LLLO 19.7 kid 19.5 �LL LLLLLI ----- / / �LLLLLLL / uLLLL LLLLLL / 4L ML / pn� L -LLLLLL/ / III LL LL, III LLIII LLLLLLLL LL -LLLLL O LLLLLL / LLLLL LLLLLLL LLLLL C=nCLLLLLLL 18.4 18.2 L"Lttttt� ILL LLLLL LL - / i i LL /L LLLL I LL i / iLL a LL LLI LLLLLLL LLLLLL / , LOCKERS I I LLL LLLLLL1 � I LLL RM OO / 118 4. SC -1 17.2 LL Ll LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLL LLLLLL /STORAGE LLLLL/ / L�LLLIat 119LLLLL O LLtLLLL A, EX. / ttttt LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL / itLLLLLLLL Li / i tLILtLLLLLLLL LL LLLLL LILL" IL LL � ��� LL //LLLLLLLLI flff 12 EXIT 112 111 F.8 G G.3 G.4 3.1 Y.3 X.1 Y2 H L M R I 1X.2 1 x.3 I I Y1.5 X.41 (X 5 ■....�■■■�i,■■�11■■�■■■�■■■�■■■�■■■�■I�1 ■ ■ 1■II■III � � � miniloiR lel - - • • iiiilf 'rl ���� 1■n��■L■-1-,- nIii■iM■0■0■1I0�ul i■m■oon■s■o■omn■■■o■N■o■wA1n■■i■iSiNlilI i o�••+ • • -e. , is MEE MEMMERM 1MMMMMMMMMrNMMME�����1 iiiiiiiiiiiii�� iiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiil �I��■■�■■ � 1■■■■■■■■■1111■■■■■■■■I�1 - _ '� - - 111 III III III II — — 1 ' I " Ip III III III III III �_ � III III / . _ _ I = In ISI III ISI III I�_I ■i i■�I to i■ � � A •- • �I �Ipll� _ 11 III III II Ill�lll � �®,® "I Q . ■� • • _ ISI lIIS. =�,� ,I ■ � � i'.I � 1: ......:::,i�i� LEGEND SYMBOL TYPE FINISH, SEE FINISH SCHEDULE ON SHEET A70.1.1 LLLLLLL LLLLLLL METAL C-1 METAL CURB BY G.C.; FINISHED WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN LLLLLLL ° CONCRETE C-2 CONCRETE CURB BY G.C.; FINISHED WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN TILE T-1 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION TILE T-2 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION TILE T-4 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION TILE T-10 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION FLOOR FINISH NOTES - 22 1. FOR FLOOR FINISHES SEE FINISH SCHEDULE ON SHEET A10.1.1 2. SLOPE FLOOR FINISHES TO FLOOR DRAIN ® MAX 2% SLOPE PROVIDED LEVEL FLOOR FINISHES UNDER ALL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT. - 19 " ° � / � / � / / � ❑r ®� 104 Y1.5 71 17 a _ CORRIDOR' 77, nI7 1C2-41 - — — — Y14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . �— 1 tett T / - — — — 18 i I ttLt T/ 'i 17 I i t i LLLLL L LL I RRIDORLIL / 121 / / / / / EX. LLLLLLL LL -LLLLLL LLLLLLL ±L 10 O%rf , `,OULUS AkCHITECTS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 "V. 6/�do�, \�Go•NOS DESCRIPTION DATE r• PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 • rn . J • ;w YI ZO 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 STAMP 0 z zLU > OLL CD 0' TNT — Lr- V J LUU W = a 0Q Lu O °0 O Ow L w THE M z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: SECOND FLOOR FINISH PLAN (THEATER LEVEL) A-211 34 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: SECOND FLOOR FINISH PLAN (THEATER LEVEL) A-211 34 20.5 20 19.7 195 19 18.4 18.2 18 17.2 17 15 12 A A.6 B B.1 C.2 E E.6 E.7 I I I I I I II LL LL I I I I I I II - I I I I I 1 -1/ / ttttttt / / III LLLLLLLLL t I LI -LLL ttttttt / / / LLLLLLL / LLLLLLL I LI -LLL iLLLLL-- i LLLLLLL LLLLLLL i i iLLLLLLL j , / / , � / ,I LL LL tt « « L I LLLLLL ILLL/ r LELL - S t I LL III / / iLLLL LLLL ­LLLi iLLLLL iLLLL LL LLLLL LLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLC/ / / / / LLLLLLLLLILL LLLLLLL Let L / :LLLLLLL / i i / i i i / i LLLLL / / / I�LLLLLLLILL / , / /LLLLLL I LL i LL I LL int int /�� LLL�L� , / / /I LL LLLLL / / / LLL -LLLLLLI LLLLLL /LLLLLLLL L , / / tt / / MULLD LLLLLLL/ / , L / L / i i i`LLLLLLL i 6 / / ttIII / LLLLL/ / j / yLL L �`LLLLL t `'t i L i tt i LLLLLLLL LL LLLLLLt / / i/ tttt i tL III LI -LI -LLILIL /LLLLLLLL i/ / LI-�LLLLL - / LLLLI LL / / LLLLLL LL LLLLLL LL LL LL LL LL ` LLELE LLLLLL Li LLLLL I III LILL LL LLLLL LLLLLLLI LLLLLLL / i t ` t i LLLLLLLLLLILL LILLLLLLLLL 201 F.8 G G.3 G.4 H L M R 3.1 Y.3 X.1 X.2 Y2 x.3 I I Y1.5 ��/ X.4I / \ X.5 � X.8 / \ .9 LEGEND SYMBOL TYPE FINISH, SEE FINISH SCHEDULE ON SHEET A10.1.1 LLLLLLL LLLLLLL METAL C-1 METAL CURB BY G.C.; FINISHED WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN LLLLLLL CONCRETE C-2 CONCRETE CURB BY G.C.; FINISHED WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN TILE T-1 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION TILE T-2 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION TILE T-4 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION TILE T-10 TILE; SEE FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION FLOOR FINISH NOTES - 22 1. FOR FLOOR FINISHES SEE FINISH SCHEDULE ON SHEET A10.1.1 2. SLOPE FLOOR FINISHES TO FLOOR DRAIN ® MAX 2% SLOPE PROVIDED LEVEL FLOOR FINISHES UNDER ALL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT. 20.5 \ 19.7 i , i tttttt , ttttttt LLLLL tttt t LLLLL tttttt ttttt ttt tt� E�iT Y.2 ttttttt ttttt tttt'-tt` tttttt i JECTION is / 200 / / / tII E /LL I�L I�I -« -N i 19 tttt ttttt ttt ttt '-�"- \ ttttttt ttttt� �ttt ttt «tttt i LL / ttttttt tttttt LLLL t`"-'-,.� IL tttt�t i / tttt,tttttt ILLtttt tttt �a LLILLItttttt �tLLL�L LLLLL� tttttt Y1.5 i N Y1.4 7- 18.4 / t i /ttttttt/ i / L t / i ttttttt / i ttttttt / DiLLLLLLLLLLLL I LLLLLLL / / LLL -I/ LL LLLLLLLLftti iLLLLLLLLL I it it i �" t IzILILt/Ect / / / -I LLLL / ittt LL / ittttttt LL L -LLL/ / Lt /L / tt / tttttt ttttttt � � LLLLL -LLLLL-LLLLL/ i / «/ i gzccLL /iii ii Lt LLLLLLL -LLLLLLL /-LLLLLLL 'LLLLLLL LLLkL I I I I A A.6 B B.1 LL LL t / / LtLLLLL LLLLL LLLLLLL iI- I LHL / / LL, LL LL LL I / LL i i / PLLLLL III// «L t , / t /LLLLLL LLLLLL III TUR LLLLLL i / / ttL 17.2 17 (03 15 12 11 I I I I H L M R 0 LIQ ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 /E V / a / a / DESCRIPTION 9 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS - �������� �������� 'm C3 ZO 08/25/2017 i ������ t ttt t���ttt ' vtt i it ������ i ��«��� tttttt ������ t t/ ttttttt « ttttttLLLL t/ ttttttt «±LL FIELD REVISION LLLL I I LLL t LL ` I LLLLL I I'LL /LLLLL / / , , /LL L i �� ���� LLLLLL I tttt tt���� LLLLLLL / LLLt� ������ i / i / / ttttttt LL `yt tt i ������� / vtt / / i tt tz tttt L t« tttt L tett LLLI.ILLLLL I LLLLLLLLL � ,t / ILLLLI1LL LLLLL ttttttt �����, � LL« z LLLtLL ������� tttttt t«t�LLLLA ttttt tttttt ttttt t a tttttt ������ �«��� tttttt ttttttLLLLLL LLLLLL / / / /', / ytt t u LtLtLLLL ������ ����« «tttttt tttttt t LLtLtLLL ttt / t LtLtLL� ���� ���� tttt��, t/ tttt L` 1 tL �Lt�� tttttt ������� / LL/ i / / i / / �/ / LL / / ���� tttttt tt �« ������ tttt ����� ����� ����� tt ��� i ����� / tttttt ������� / I / ttttttt / / tttttt / t i /ttttttt/ i / L t / i ttttttt / i ttttttt / DiLLLLLLLLLLLL I LLLLLLL / / LLL -I/ LL LLLLLLLLftti iLLLLLLLLL I it it i �" t IzILILt/Ect / / / -I LLLL / ittt LL / ittttttt LL L -LLL/ / Lt /L / tt / tttttt ttttttt � � LLLLL -LLLLL-LLLLL/ i / «/ i gzccLL /iii ii Lt LLLLLLL -LLLLLLL /-LLLLLLL 'LLLLLLL LLLkL I I I I A A.6 B B.1 LL LL t / / LtLLLLL LLLLL LLLLLLL iI- I LHL / / LL, LL LL LL I / LL i i / PLLLLL III// «L t , / t /LLLLLL LLLLLL III TUR LLLLLL i / / ttL 17.2 17 (03 15 12 11 I I I I H L M R 0 LIQ ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 STAMP 0 z \W _ O � O O 0 O N � � O LijU W = r/ W W 0 ^ I- I..L OW 0 z z O W w THE S z J U REVISION SCHEDULE �•aNOS DESCRIPTION 9 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 'm C3 ZO 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 STAMP 0 z \W _ O � O O 0 O N � � O LijU W = r/ W W 0 ^ I- I..L OW 0 z z O W w THE S z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: MEZZANINE FLOOR FINISH PLAN A111111111111111212 315 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: MEZZANINE FLOOR FINISH PLAN A111111111111111212 315 (E) ROOF STRUCTUR (E) WAL PROJECTION SCREE AND FRAM (E) BAFFLE WAL (E) SPEAKER PLATFOR (E) PONY WAL TO BE REMOVE (E) CONCRETE SLA (E) ROOF STRUCTUR (E) WAL PROJECTION SCREE AND FRAM (E) BAFFLE WAL (E) SPEAKER PLATFORI (E) PONY WAL TO BE REMOVE (E) CONCRETE SLA OA 9 O OE OG GA SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" (E) ROOF STRUCTURE (E) WALL PROJECTION SCREEN AND FRAME (E) BAFFLE WALL (E) SPEAKER PLATFORM (E) PONY WALL TO BE REMOVED (E) CONCRETE SLAB AUDITORIUM #1 & #6 SECTIONS SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" _) ROOF STRUCTURE _) WALL ROJECTION SCREEN NO FRAME _) BAFFLE WALL _) SPEAKER PLATFORM _) PONY WALL O BE REMOVED _) CONCRETE SLAB AUDITORIUM #2 & #5 SECTIONS 2 0 ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STAMP DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 D Z Q J H ZLLI >O O � � � N LIJ Q �U W 2 Q U UQ I�m I � p Ujo ry W In w THE m z J U REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 is o o � � FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 i M a0 �J �N3 D Z Q J H ZLLI >O O � � � N LIJ Q �U W 2 Q U UQ I�m I � p Ujo ry W In w THE m z J U PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: AUDITORIUM SECTIONS A-321 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: AUDITORIUM SECTIONS A-321 (E) ROOF STRUCTI (E) W PROJECTION SCRI AND FR/ (E) BAFFLE W (E) SPEAKER PLATFC (E) PONY W TO BE REMO' (E) CONCRETES 10/5/2017 Page Bottom BXUVV497 - Fire -resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. V497 BXUV.V497 Fire -resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer . Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted in all cases as to the particular requirements covering the installation and use of UL Certified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials. . Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted before construction. . Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. The published information cannot always address every construction nuance encountered in the field. . When field issues arise, it is recommended the first contact for assistance be the technical service staff provided by the product manufacturer noted for the design. Users of fire resistance assemblies are advised to consult the general Guide Information for each product category and each group of assemblies. The Guide Information Includes specifics concerning alternate materials and alternate methods of construction. . Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered Certified. BXUV - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 BXUV7 - Fire Resistance Ratings - CAN/ULC-5101 Certified for Canada See General Information for Fire -resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 See General Information for Fire Resistance Ratings - CAN/ULC-5101 Certified for Canada Design No. V497 August 22, 2017 Nonbearing Wall Rating - 1 Hr * Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. E w 2) 1. Floor and Ceiling Runners — (Not Shown) — Channel shaped, fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion -protected steel, min width to accommodate stud size, with min 1-1/4 In. long legs, attached to floor and ceiling with fasteners 24 In. OC max. 2. Steel Studs — Channel shaped, fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion -protected steel, min 3-5/8 in. wide, min 1-1/4 In. flanges, spaced a max of 24 In. OC. Studs to be cut 3/8 to 3/4 in. less than assembly height. http://d2tabase.ul.com/cgi-binIXYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAMElshowpage.html?name=BXUV.V497&ccnshorttltle=Fire-resistance+Ratings+-+ANSI/UL+... 112 10/5/2017 BXUVV497 - Fire -resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 3. Laminating Compound — For use with Item 4 - Used to bond outer layer wallboard to inner layer wallboard. Powder type mixed with water In accordance with Instructions shown on bags. Applied to entire surface of base layer wallboard. Applied with notched trowel producing continuous beads about 1/4 In. wide and 1/4 in. high. 4. Gypsum Board* — Applied to one side of steel studs (Item 2). Two layers of 5/8 in. gypsum panels with beveled, square or tapered edges. Gypsum panels applied vertically with joints centered over studs. Base layer applied with 1 in. Type S screws spaced 24 in. oc. Face layer applied vertically with joints centered over studs and offset from base layer joints by 24 In. Face layer applied with 1-5/8 in. Type S screws spaced 12 In. oc starting with a 6 in. offset from the bottom of the gypsum panel. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — 5/8 in. thick Type eXP-C, FSL, FSW, FSK, FSW-3, FSW-5, FSW-G, FSK -G, FSW-6, FSW-8, FSW-C, FSMR-C, FSK -C, Soun lBreak XP Type X Gypsum Board 4A. Gypsum Board* — (As an alternate to Items 3 and 4) - Applied to one side of steel studs (Item 2). Three layers of 5/8 In. gypsum panels with beveled, square or tapered edges. Gypsum panels applied vertically with joints centered over studs. First layer applied with 1 in. Type S screws spaced 24 in. oc. Second layer applied vertically with joints centered over studs and offset from base layer joints by 24 in. Second layer applied with 1-5/8 in. Type S screws spaced 24 in. oc. Face layer applied vertically with joints centered over studs and offset from second layer joints by 24 in. Face layer applied with 2-1/4 in. Type S screws spaced 12 in. oc starting with a 6 in. offset from the bottom of the gypsum panel. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — 5/8 in. thick Type eXP-C, FSL, FSW, FSK, FSW-3, FSW-5, FSW-G, FSK -G, FSW-6, FSW-C, FSMR-C, FSK -C, SoundBreakXP Type X Gypsum Board 4B. Gypsum Board* — (As an alternate to 5/8 in. Type FSW in Item 4A) - Nom. 5/16 in. thick gypsum panels applied vertically. Two layers of 5/16 in. for every single layer of 5/8 In. gypsum board described in Item 4A. Horizontal joints on the same side need not be staggered. Inner layer of each double 5/16 In. layer attached with fasteners, as described In Item 4A, spaced 24 In. OC. Outer layer of each double 5/16 In. layer attached per Item 4A. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Type FSW 5. Joint Tape and Compound — (Not Shown) - Joints covered with joint compound and paper tape. Paper tape, nom 2 in. wide, embedded in first layer of compound over all joints of outer panels. * Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. Last Updated on 2017-08-22 (E) ROOF STRUCTI Questions? Print this page Terms of Use Page Too © 2017 UL LLC I (E) W The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow -Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow -Up PROJECTION SCRI Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. AND FRF UL permits the reproduction of the material contained In the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (files) must be presented in their entirety and In a non - misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory (E) BAFFLE W with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must Include a copyright notice In the following format: "0 2017 UL LLC" http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAMElshowpage.html?name=BXUV.V497&ccnshorttitle=Fire-resistance+Ratings+-+ANSI/UL+. _. 2/2 A N.T.S 1 HR RATED WALL DETAIL 5 (E) SPEAKER PLATFC (E) PONY W TO BE REMO\ (E) CONCRETE SI (E) ROOF STRUCTURE (E) WALL PROJECTION SCREEN AND FRAME (E) BAFFLE WALL (E) SPEAKER PLATFORM (E) PONY WALL TO BE REMOVED (E) CONCRETE SLAB SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" AUDITORIUM #3 & #4 SECTIONS SCALE: 3/16°=1'-0" AUDITORIUM #7 SECTION 2 0 ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STAMP DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 �G,.•' O S ".• yeti NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 rn PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A On v p ........... ZLLI >o 2I.A._ 0 TNT � VJ Ica- U LLI = Q U Q LL. LuC0 O ry 0 w� VJ Z THE m z J U PROJECT NO.: REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: AUDITORIUM SECTIONS A111111111111322 OCOLUS AI�CHITFrTS ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, DEPICTIONS, IDEAS AND OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN CONSTITUTE UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OCULUS ARCHITECTURE AND SHALL REMAIN PROPERTY OF ARCHITECT IN PERPETUITY. NO PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSED, DISTRIBUTED, SOLD, PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE ADVANCE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF DESIGNER. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THE ABOVE DRAWINGS OR ANY PART THEREOF, SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DESIGNDEVELOPMENT 4445 Eastgate Mall Suite 400 San Diego, California 92121 T:858-362-8500 1MP 0 z ZLLI >o 2ry0 N ry WZ Q I- U W 2 Q U Q [)�m I n O �LU O J m 0 3: THE ' z REVISION SCHEDULE •tl • < N O \ _ 6w 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 ,,>J.•NN30 � .•�4,c A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 1MP 0 z ZLLI >o 2ry0 N ry WZ Q I- U W 2 Q U Q [)�m I n O �LU O J m 0 3: THE ' z PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: LOBBY ENLARGED PLAN A-4 REVISION SCHEDULE NO DESCRIPTION DATE 1 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 07/25/2017 2 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTIONS 08/25/2017 A FIELD REVISION 11/06/2017 PROJECT NO.: 717 07 08 DATE: 03/21/17 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE: LOBBY ENLARGED PLAN A-4