HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_Gladstone-Lamas Residence Coastal Development Permit and Modification Permit_PA2018-02101/12/2018 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT May 10, 2018 Agenda Item No. 2 SUBJECT: Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-008 Modification Permit No. MD2018-003 SITE LOCATION: 1100 West Balboa Boulevard APPLICANT: John T. Morgan Jr., Architect OWNER: Alexandria G. Gladstone-Lamas PLANNER: Makana Nova, Associate Planner 949-644-3249, mnova@newportbeachca.gov GENERAL PLAN/ZONING DISTRICT General Plan: RT (Two-Unit Residential) Zoning District : R-2 (Two-Family Residential) Coastal Land Use Category: RT-D (Two-Unit Residential) (20.0 to 29.9 DU/AC) Coastal Zoning District: R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A coastal development permit and modification permit for a remodel, 627 -square-foot (17 percent) addition, and addition of a second carport space to an existing 3,692- square-foot three-story duplex with an attached 513-square-foot, two-car garage and single-car carport. A modification permit is requested to allow a second tandem carport parking space with a width of 8 feet 3 inches where a width of 10 feet is required. A modification permit is also requested to allow an addition of greater than 10 percent t o a residence with nonconforming parking because the existing two-car garage width is 18 feet 3 inches where 18 feet 6 inches is required and the existing carport space is 8 feet 3 inches in width where a width of 10 feet is required. The proposed residenc e complies with all other applicable development standards including height, setbacks, and floor area limits. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 1 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 2 Tmplt: 10/10/17 3)Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-008 and Modification Permit No. MD2018-003 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION Coastal Development Permit Land Use and Development Standards The subject property is located in the R-2 Coastal Zoning District, which provides for areas appropriate for a maximum of two residential dwelling units (i.e., duplexes) located on a single legal lot and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is located in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. The property is located in an area eligible for a Categorical Exclusion. However, the proposed single-family residence exceeds the 1.5 floor area limit identified in Categorical Exclusion Order (CEO) CE-5-NPB-16-1. The development otherwise complies with all other applicable CEO limits and standards. The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a duplex. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two - and three-story, single-family and two-unit residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development consistent with applicable development standards. The proposed addition to the existing duplex and existing accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking with the approval of the requested modification permit as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 on the following page. 2 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 3 Tmplt: 10/10/17 Table 1 – Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front 5 feet 5 feet Sides 3 feet 3 feet Rear 0 feet 6 inches Allowable Floor Area 4,704 square feet 4,318 square feet Allowable 3rd Floor Area 352 square feet 352 square feet Open Space 352 square feet 431 square feet Parking 2-car garage and 2-car carport or garage 2-car garage and 2-car carport (substandard dimensions) Height 24 feet flat roof 29 feet sloped roof <24 feet flat roof (parapet) 28-foot 9 inch sloped roof Hazards The project site is located more than 270 feet from the mean high tide line and is separated from the ocean by two rows of existing residential development. The project site is not protected by a bulkhead. The finished floor elevation of the proposed dwelling is 9.56 MSL (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00 MSL (NAVD88) elevation standard. The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. Water Quality The property is not located on the shoreline nor is it located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. No water quality impacts to coastal waters are anticipated based upon the location and elevation of the property. 3 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 4 Tmplt: 10/10/17 Public Access The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline; however, the project will not affect the public’s ability to gain access to, use, and/or view the coast and nearby recreational facilities. Vertical access to the bay front is available approximately 270 feet north and south along the street ends of 10th Street, 11th Street, and 12th Street where there are small public beaches. The public beach to the south is approximately 325 feet away and includes an approximately 12-foot-wide paved public boardwalk providing lateral coastal access and views of the Pacific Ocean. The closest Public Viewpoint is located near the Veterans Memorial Park, approximately 1,800 feet to the west of the property and Balboa Pier, approximately 4,800 feet to the east of the property. The proposed residence is not located near Coastal View Roads, as designated in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The project is located entirely on private property and will not inhibit coastal views looking north or south along 11th Street. Due to the distance of the proposed development from these Public Viewpoints and the project’s compliance with height, setbacks, and floor area will not impact coastal views. Modification Permit The proposed 627-square-foot addition would increase the existing 3,692- square-foot duplex by 17 percent to add an exercise room and two bathrooms at the first floor level, expand the master bedroom and add an office at the second floor level, and add a family room and bathroom at the third floor level of the rear unit. These proposed additions comply with all applicable development standards including height, setbacks, and floor area limit. The existing duplex is designed with a 2 -car garage and adjacent one-space carport. The proposed project will not alter the three existing nonconforming parking spaces and will add a tandem carport space to accommodate a fourth vehicle. There is no change to the residential density as a result of the proposed remodel and addition. The addition of a fourth tandem carport space will accom modate an additional vehicle on site consistent with the width of the existing single carport space. Zoning Code Section 20.52.050 (Modification Permits), Subsection B(3) requires a modification permit to authorize deviations from the standards for the size or location of parking spaces. 4 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 5 Tmplt: 10/10/17 Zoning Code Section 20.38.060 (Nonconforming Parking), Subsection A (2) (b), requires a modification permit to authorize additions of greater than 10 percent where there are nonconforming parking dimensions. The interior dimensions of the existing two -car garage were compliant with the Newport Beach Zoning Code at the time of construction in 1972. As a result of amendments to the Zoning Code in 2010 where the required clear interior garage width was modified from 17 feet 6 inches to 18 feet 6 inches , the two-car garage is now substandard in size and is considered legal nonconforming. The two-car garage complies with the minimum 19-foot depth. The adjacent single carport space was originally approved by Modification Permit No. MD2521, which allowed a 7-foot 6-inch width where a width of 9 feet was required at the time. The carport currently provides a width of 8 feet 3 inches where the Zoning Code currently requires a width of 10 feet. The existing carport space provides a depth of 26 feet and the new tandem carport space will provide a minimum depth of 35 feet as required by the Zoning Code. The subject property is 30.76 feet wide. A code compliant garage with an adjacent carport would require a minimum width of 29 feet 6 inches where the buildable width of the lot (24.76 feet) combined with the 3- foot side yard setback (where the carport is located) is only 27 feet 9 inches. Zoning Code Section 20.30.110 (Setback Regulations and Exceptions) allows a garage wall or post to project up to 9.24 inches in a side yard for a lot that is 30.76 wide. However, the additional 9.24 inches would still not provide sufficient width to accommodate Code-required parking for three vehicles across the width of the lot. The following project alternatives have been considered: o The first alternative would require expanding the garage width. Expanding the garage width would require significant alterations to the structure well beyond the scope of the planned addition. Modifying the width of the garage to project into the side setback to gain an additional 9.24 inches of parking width would be costly and would not provide sufficient parking width or fire access free of encroachments to comply with the Zoning Code. Modifying the width of the garage within the buildable area would also be cost ly and would further encroach into the already nonconforming carport, rendering it unusable. o Another alternative is to reconfigure the entire lower level to accommodate a two-car garage and two-car carport in a tandem configuration. This would require the entire first floor living area to be completely reconfigured. This redesign would significantly affect the cost and scope of the project and would not meet the objectives of the applicant. o The other alternative is to reduce the size of the addition to not more than 10 percent of the existing floor area of the structure as authorized under Section 20.38.060 (Nonconforming Parking), Subsection A . The proposed addition 5 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 6 Tmplt: 10/10/17 maximizes the efficiency and use of each level. A redesign to reduce the size of the addition will significantly impact the project and not meet the objectives of the applicant. o Providing a Code-compliant tandem carport space is not feasible given the width of the lot and the location of existing structures on -site unless a new duplex is constructed or the scope of the remodel and addition is substantially increased. The proposed parking configuration will provide four useable parking spaces where currently three are provided. The addition of a second tandem carport space will help minimize the demand for street parking in the area. The addition is compatible with other properties in the neighborhood. Nonconforming parking dimensions are common on the Balboa Peninsula. The existing nonconforming garage and carport width have not proven to be detrimental to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City. Attachment No. ZA 3 provides site photos that demonstrate that the existing carport width accommodates vehicles for parking purposes. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed project and determined the existing block wall along 11TH Street must be reduced to 36 inches in height since a portion of it encroaches into the right-of-way. The wall requires the approval of an encroachment agreement and encroachment permit prior to the final of building permits. The Building Division has reviewed the proposed project and added conditions of approval that require review for project compliance with liquefaction thresholds prior to the issuance of building permits. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family residences and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of a 627- square-foot addition to an existing duplex, which qualifies for a Class 3 exemption. The exceptions to the Class 3 exemption do not apply in this case as noted under Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3. The property is located on an interior parcel that is not located in a particularly 6 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 7 Tmplt: 10/10/17 sensitive environment where the project may impact an environmental resource, cumulative impacts are not anticipated from the scope of work, and significant effects on the environment are not anticipated. Additionally, the project will not result in damage to scenic resources, the site is not listed as a hazardous waste site, and the site is not designated as a historic resource. PUBLIC NOTICE This project was noticed for the April 26, 2018, Zoning Administrator Hearing and removed from calendar due to a slight increase in the proposed scope of the addition. A new notice for the May 10, 2018, Zoning Administrator Hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Zoning Code and Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: GR/mkn Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Site Photos ZA 4 Project Plans 7 01/12/2018 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 8 02-22-2018 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2018-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2018-008 AND MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2018-003 TO ALLOW A NEW TANDEM CARPORT PARKING SPACE TO DEVIATE FROM THE MINIMUM WIDTH STANDARDS AND TO ALLOW A GREATER THAN 10 PERCENT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING DUPLEX WITH NONCONFORMING GARAGE AND CARPORT WIDTHS LOCATED AT 1100 WEST BALBOA BOULEVARD (PA2018-021) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1.An application was filed by John T. Morgan Jr., Architect, with respect to property located at 1100 West Balboa Boulevard, requesting approval of a coastal development permit and modification permit. 2.The lot at 1100 West Balboa Boulevard is legally described as Lot 1, Block 111, Tract 234. 3.The applicant proposes a coastal development permit and modification permit for a remodel, 627-square-foot (17 percent) addition, and addition of a second carport space to an existing three-story 3,692-square-foot duplex with an attached 513-square-foot, two-car garage and single-car carport. A modification permit is requested to allow a second tandem carport parking space with a width of 8 feet 3 inches where a width of 10 feet is required. A modification permit is also requested to allow an addition of greater than 10 percent to a residence with nonconforming parking because the existing garage width of 18 feet 3 inches where 18 feet 6 inches is required and the existing carport space is 8 feet 3 inches in width where a width of 10 feet is required. The proposed residence complies with all other applicable development standards including height, setbacks, and floor area limits. 4.The subject property is designated RT (Two-Unit Residential) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the R-2 (Two-Family Residential) Zoning District. 5.The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is RT-D (Two-Unit Residential) (20.0 to 29.9 DU/AC) and it is located within the R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) Coastal Zone District. 6.A public hearing was held on May 10, 2018, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 2 of 11 12-21-2017 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Class 3 exempts the demolition and construction of up to three single-family residences and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of a 627-square-foot addition to an existing duplex, which qualifies for a Class 3 exemption. 3. The exceptions to the Class 3 exemption do not apply in this case as noted under Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3. The property is located on an interior parcel that is not located in a particularly sensitive environment where the project may impact an environmental resource, cumulative impacts are not anticipated from the scope of work, and significant effects on the environment are not anticipated. Additionally, the project will not result in damage to scenic resources, the site is not listed as a hazardous waste site, and the site is not designated as a historic resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 4,704 square feet and the proposed floor area is 4,318 square feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 5 feet along the front property line abutting West Balboa Boulevard, 3 feet along each side property line and 0 feet along the rear property line abutting the alley. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 3 of 11 12-21-2017 c.The highest guardrail is less than 24 feet from established grade (8.85 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is no more than 29 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. d.The project includes garage parking for two vehicles and carport parking for two vehicles, complying with the minimum two-car garage and two-car garage or carport parking requirement for duplexes in the R-2 Zoning District. 2.The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two - and three-story, single-family and two-unit residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development. 3.The finished floor elevation of the proposed dwelling is 9.56 MSL (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00 MSL (NAVD88) elevation standard. 4.The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 5.The property is not located on the shoreline nor is it located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. No water quality impacts to coastal waters are anticipated based upon the location and elevation of the property. 6.The property is not located near designated Public Viewpoints or Coastal View Roads and will not impact public coastal views. The closest Public Viewpoint is located near the Veterans Memorial Park, approximately 1,800 feet to the west of the property and Balboa Pier, approximately 4,800 feet to the east of the property. The proposed residence is not located near Coastal View Roads, as designated in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The project is located entirely on private property and will not inhibi t coastal views looking north or south along 11th Street. Due to the distance of the proposed development from these Public Viewpoints and the project’s compliance with height, setbacks, and floor area, the project will not impact coastal views. Finding: B.Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone . 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 4 of 11 12-21-2017 Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline; however, the project will not affect public recreation, access, or views and the project will not affect the public’s ability to gain access to, use, and/or vie w the coast and nearby recreational facilities. The residential lot does not currently provide nor inhibit public coastal access. 2.Multiple access points are provided at street ends throughout Balboa Peninsula . Vertical access to the bay front is available along 10th Street, 11th Street, and 12th Street. The property is located approximately 270 feet from the bay front where there are small public beaches and approximately 325 feet from the public beach to the south. 3.Lateral Access is available via a public beach fronting West Ocean Front. The public beach that is approximately 325 feet south provides a 12-foot-wide paved public boardwalk providing lateral access and views of the Pacific Ocean. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Modification Permits – Required Findings) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: C.The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed parking configuration will accommodate four vehicles on -site where currently three parking spaces are provided. The addition of a second tandem carport space will help minimize the demand for street parking in the area. 2.The neighborhood is comprised of predominately two-story and three-story single- family dwellings and duplexes. The Modification Permit will allow a 17 percent expansion of the existing duplex, which is compatible with other properties in the neighborhood. The proposed project includes a third floor addition so it is compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. 3.The maximum floor area limit it 4,704 square feet for the property the proposed addition will result in a total gross floor area of approximately 4,318 square feet (including the 513-square-foot garage), which is equal or less than the bulk and scale of the other single-unit and two-unit dwellings within the neighborhood. 4.The existing development on the property is a residential duplex. Therefore, there is no change to the density as a result of the proposed remodel and addition. 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 5 of 11 12-21-2017 5.The dimensions of the fourth tandem carport space are consistent with the existing nonconforming carport width of 8 feet 3 inches where a width of 10 feet is required. Nonconforming parking dimensions are common on the Balboa Peninsula where the code required parking width was recently modified in 2 010 to require additional width for lots in excess of 30 feet in width. Finding: D.The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed addition will not alter the three existing nonconforming parking spaces and will add an additional tandem carport space to accommodate a fo urth vehicle on- site. 2.The interior dimensions of the existing two -car garage were compliant with the Newport Beach Zoning Code at the time of construction in 1972. As a result of amendments to the Zoning Code in 2010 where the required clear interior garage width was modified from 17 feet 6 inches to 18 feet 6 inches , the two-car garage is now substandard in size and is considered legal nonconforming. The two-car garage complies with the minimum 19-foot depth. 3.The adjacent single carport space was originally approved by Modification Permit No. MD2521, which allowed a 7-foot 6-inch width where a width of 9 feet was required at the time. The carport currently provides a width of 8 feet 3 inches where the Zoning Code currently requires a width of 10 feet. The existing carport space provides a depth of 26 feet and the new tandem carport space will provide a minimum depth of 35 feet. 4.The proposed 627-square-foot addition would increase the existing 3,692-square-foot duplex by 17 percent to add an exercise room and two bathrooms at the first floor level, expand the master bedroom and add an office at the second floor level, and add a family room and bathroom at the third floor level of the rear unit. The se proposed additions will improve the efficiency of the rear unit and comply with all applicable development standards including height, setbacks, and gross floor area. 5.The granting of the Modification Permit is necessary to allow a reasonable addition to an existing duplex that was constructed in compliance with garage standards in effect at the time of original construction and will be adequate for the parking of four (4) vehicles. Finding: 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 6 of 11 12-21-2017 E.The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The subject property is 30.76 feet wide. A Code-compliant garage with an adjacent carport would require a minimum dimension of 29 feet 6 inches where the buildable width of the lot together with the adjacent side yard (where the carport is located) is only 27 feet 9 inches. Zoning Code Section 20.30.110 (Setback Regulations and Exceptions) allows a garage wall or post to project up to 9.24 inches in a side yard for a lot that is less than 30 feet 10 inches in width. This property qualifies for this exception but the additional 9.24 inches would still not provide sufficient width to accommodate Code-required width dimensions for three parking spaces. 2.The addition is expanding the rear unit of the duplex on the east side at the first and second level and adding gross floor area at the third floor level. Increasing the width of the garage at the west side and subsequently the carport width would require significant structural alterations to the structure and a significant expansion in the scope of work. 3.The proposed tandem carport addition accommodates a fourth vehicle on -site and maintains the existing nonconforming vehicle widths on -site given the limitations of the property width and existing structures on-site. Finding: F.There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.Providing a code compliant tandem carport space is not feasible given the width of the lot and the location of existing structures on-site unless a new duplex is constructed on-site or the scope of the re-model and addition is substantially increased. 2.The alternative would require expanding the garage width. Expanding the garage width would require significant alterations to the structure well beyond the scope of the planned addition. Modifying the width of the garage to project into the side se tback to gain an additional 9.24 inches of parking width would be costly and would not provide code required parking space width. Furthermore, a garage encroachment into the left side yard would comply with Section 20.30.110 (Setback Regulations and Exceptions), Subsection D(9) but would not meet the requirements of Subsection A(1) for the 36- inch width of fire access free of encroachments. 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 7 of 11 12-21-2017 3.Modifying the width of the garage within the buildable area would also be costly and would further encroach into the already nonconforming carport, rendering it unusable. 4.An alternative that would reconfigure the entire lower level to accommodate a two-car garage and two-car carport in a tandem would require the entire first floor living area to be reconfigured. This redesign would significantly impact the cost and scope of the project and would not meet the objectives of the applicant. 5.An additional alternative is to reduce the size of the addition to not more than 10 percent of the existing floor area of the structure as authorized under Section 20.38.060 (Nonconforming Parking), Subsection A. The proposed addition maximizes the efficiency and use of each level. A redesign to reduce the size of the addition will significantly impact the project and not meet the objectives of the applicant. Finding: G.The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed parking configuration accommodates three (3) vehicles on-site with the same garage width and carport width as the existing development. The existing nonconforming garage and carport width that provide less than the required width fulfill the intent of the Zoning Code by providing adequate parking on-site. The existing condition has not proven to be detrimental to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City. The addition of a fourth tandem carport space will accommodate an additional vehicle on-site. 2.The proposed addition does not maximize the allowable floor area and will result in 4,318 square feet of gross floor area where the property is limited to 4,704 square feet of gross floor area (2 times the buildable area). The proposed addition would maintain all required setbacks and will provide adequate protection for light, air, and privacy. The addition will not preclude access to the dwelling and will be consistent in scale with other dwellings in the neighborhood. 3.The proposed project maintains a 3-foot side yard for fire access in accordance with Zoning Code Section 20.30.110 (Setback Regulations and Exceptions), Subsection A(1)(c). 4.The approval of this Modification Permit is conditioned such that the applicant is required to obtain all necessary permits in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable Codes. The Building Division has reviewed the proposed project and added conditions of approval for demonstration of project compliance with liquefaction thresholds prior to the final of building permits. 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 8 of 11 12-21-2017 5.The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed project and determined the existing block wall along 11TH Street must be reduced to 36 inches in height since a portion of the wall is located within the public right -of-way. The wall requires the approval of an encroachment agreement and encroachment perm it prior to the issuance of final building permits. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1.The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-008 and Modification Permit No. MD2018-003, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2.This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Zoning Code and Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF MAY, 2018. _____________________________________ Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 16 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 9 of 11 12-21-2017 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1.The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2.No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. 3.This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right -of-way. 4.The maximum area of addition authorized under the Modification Permit is 627 square feet. 5.The two-car garage shall maintain minimum clear interior dimensions of 18 feet 3 inches by 19 feet and shall remain clear and open for vehicles to park. 6.The tandem carport shall maintain minimum clear dimensions of 8 feet 3 inches by 35 feet and shall remain clear and open for vehicles to park. 7.Prior to the issuance of final building permits, the existing block wall adjacent to the carport area along 11th Street shall be removed or modified to 36 inches in height measured from the adjacent sidewalk. An encroachment permit and encroachment agreement shall be obtained to retain the modified 36 -inch wall within the public right- of-way. A detail of any extensions above the wall on private property shall be provided as part of the encroachment permit and encroachment agreement submittal. Any extensions above the block wall on private property shall also comply with sight distance requirements of the Zoning Code. 8.Prior to the issuance of building permits, a geotechnical report shall be required per City Building Policy CBC1803.5. 9.The building is in an area mapped as being subject to potential seismic induced liquefaction. Prior to the issuance of building permits, foundation designs shall conform to the requirements of City Building Policy CBC 1803.5.11 -12. 10.The proposed work may exceed the valuation threshold of Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 15.02.060. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a cost analysis to show that the cost of the addition and remodel does not exceed 50 percent of the market value of the building. Otherwise, the entire building shall comply with the Code provisions for new construction. 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 10 of 11 12-21-2017 11.If the garage is shared, the project plans shall be revised prior to the issuance of building permits to reflect garage walls and floors with 1-hour rated construction. 12.Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHP’s) shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP). 13.The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 14.Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 15.Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 16.Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new coastal development permit. 17.The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 18.The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 19.This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 20.Prior to issuance of a building permit, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 21.Prior to the issuance of building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 18 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. #### Page 11 of 11 12-21-2017 22.Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 23.This Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-008 and Modification Permit No. MD2018-003 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 (Time Limits and Exceptions) and Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 24.To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Gladstone-Lamas Residence including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-008 and Modification Permit No. MD2018- 003 (PA2018-021). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 19 01/12/2018 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 20 01/12/2018 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-008 and Modification Permit No. MD2018-003 (PA2018-021) 1100 West Balboa Boulevard Subject Property 21 01/12/2018 Attachment No. ZA 3 Site Photos 22 23 24 Gladstone-Lamas Residence (PA2018-021) Zoning Administrator, May 10, 2018 Page 12 Tmplt: 10/10/17 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 25 LEGAL OWNERALEX and RICH GLADSTONE LAMAS1100 WEST BALBOA BLVD.NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663LEGAL DESCRIPTIONLOT 1 , BLOCK 111 of TRACT 234DESIGN DATASETBACKS FRONT ................... 5'-0" SIDES ...................... 3'-0" REAR ....................... 0'-0"SHEET INDEXA-1 SITE PLAN and INFORMATIONECP EROSION CONTROL PLANA-2 DEMOLITION 1ST, 2ND and 3RD FLOOR PLANSA-3 NEW 1ST, 2ND and 3RD FLOOR PLANSA-4 PROPOSED CARPORT PARKING AREAA-5 NEW SOUTH, NORTH and EAST ELEVATIONSA-6 NEW WEST ELEVATIONA-7 NEW ROOF PLAN and 3RD FLOOR FOOTAGE CALCST-1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYSF SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONSZONING REQUIREMENTSZONING IS ............. R2BUILDABLE AREA IS 24.76' x 95' .................................. 2,352.20 S.F.MAXIMUM BUILDABLE AREA IS 2,352.20 x 2 = 4,704.40 S.F.MINIMUM 15% OPEN VOLUME REQUIRED 2,352.20 x 15%...... 352.83 S.F.OPEN VOLUME PROVIDED IS 431.27 SF PER SITE PLAN CALCULATIONSMAXIMUM 15% 3RD FLOOR LIVABLE ALLOWED ......... 352.83 S.F.TOTAL 3RD FLOOR LIVABLE AREA IS ............................... 352.29 S.F.OCCUPANCY GROUP.... R2/UCONSTRUCTION TYPE ... TYPE V-BTHIS PROJECT IS NOT REQUIREDTO BE FIRE SPRINKLERED.DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN CHARGETHE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN CHARGE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEFOR REVIEWING AND COORDINATING SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS PREPARED BYOTHERS, INCLUDING PHASED AND DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS FORCOMPATIBILITY WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING , NBMC 15.02.010,CBC APPENDIX CHAPTER 1, 106.3.4PLANNING NOTEPOOLS, SPAS, WALLS, FENCES, PATIO COVERS AND OR OTHERFREESTANDING STRUCTURES REQUIRE SEPARATE REVIEWS ANDPERMITSSQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONSLEVEL EXISTING + NEW = TOTALEXISTING UNIT "A" 1ST FLOOR.......... 535.57 S.F. + 122.53 S.F. = 658.10 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "A" 2ND FLOOR ...... 1,172.15 S.F. + 160.71 S.F. = 1,332.86 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "A" 3RD FLOOR 9.29 S.F. + 343.04 S.F. = 352.33 S.F.UNIT "A" SUB-TOTALS ...................... 1,717.01 S.F. + 626.28 S.F. = 2,343.29 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "B" 1ST FLOOR.......... 649.57 S.F. + 0.00 S.F. = 649.57 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "B" 2ND FLOOR 631.74 S.F. + 0.00 S.F. = 631.74 S.F.UNIT "B" SUB-TOTALS ...................... 1,281.31 S.F. + 0.00 S.F. = 1,281.31 S.F.EXISTING STORAGE ROOMAT FRONT of 1ST FLOOR ..................... 180.52 S.F. + 0.00 S.F. = 180.52 S.F.EXISTING GARAGE 513.00 S.F. + 0.00 S.F. = 513.00 S.F.TOTAL STRUCTURAL FOOTAGE ... 3,691.84 S.F. + 626.28 S.F. = 4,318.12 S.FMAXIMUM ADDITION without COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IS 369 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "A" 2ND FLOOR DECKS ............................................................. 79.51 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "A" 3RD FLOOR DECKS 757.76 S.F.TOTAL UNIT "A" EXISTING DECKS ....................................................................... 837.27 S.F.EXISTING UNIT "B" 2ND FLOOR DECK ............................................................... 204.81 S.F.PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 SITE PLAN and INFORMATIONA-1GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663OPEN VOLUME10'-4" x 7'-1" = 73.19 SFOPEN VOLUME2'-0" x 7'-0" = 14 SFOPEN VOLUME5'-9" x 36'-0" = 207.00 SF3'-0"5'-0"3'-0"6"5'-918"3'-0"3'-918"NORTH ARROWSETBACKSETBACKSETBACK 3'-0"0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWEDA L L E Y10'-0" NOT TO SCALEW E S T B A L B O A B L V D.1 1 T H S T R E E T 1 1 T H S T R E E T CLCLEXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALKEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALK EXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALK EXISTING FACE of CURB EXISTING FACE of CURB EXISTING 18'-3" WIDEx 19'-0" DEEPPARKING SPACEEXT'G 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G BLD'G OUTLINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE NEW 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE THE GOVERNING CODES AND STANDARDS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE THE2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ; 2016 CBC, 2016 CRC ; 2016 CPC ;2016 CEC ; 2016 CMC ; 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY EFFICIENCYSTANDARDS CODE ( EES ) CODES WITH LOCAL AMENDMENTS ; 2016CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE ( CAL-GREEN )EXISTINGCONCRETESTOOP ATNEW DOOREXISTINGCONCRETESTOOP ATNEW DOOREXISTING CMU WALLEXT'GCONC.WALL+ 20"EXT'GCONC.WALL+ 20"EXT'GCONC.WALL+ 20"EXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINEEXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINEEXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINEEXT'G BLD'G OUTLINEEXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 2NDFLOOR OUTLINESETBACKSETBACKOPEN VOLUME16'-312" x 7'-0" = 114.04 SF14" = 1'-0"EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'GNEWDOWN7" RISERNEW WALLNEW WALL NEW WALL 5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"4'-9"4'-9"5'-0"EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE SHADING INDICATES NEW1ST FLOOR ADDITION TO UNITA of 122.52 S.F.CROSS HATCHINGINDICATES NEW 2NDFLOOR ADDITION TO UNITA of 149.39 S.F.3'-1"3'-1"TO FOSTO FOSEXISTING FACE of CURB EXISTING 6" WIDECMU WALL TO REMAINUNCHANGEDEXISTING 6" WIDECMU WALL TO REMAINUNCHANGEDEXISTINGEXISTING+ 8'-3" CLEAR EXISTING+ 8'-3" CLEAR EXISTINGDASHED LINES INDICATEEXISTING 6" WIDE CMUWALL TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WOODGATES TO REMAINEXISTING WALL TOREMAIN UNCHANGEDEXISTING 2NDFLOOR OUTLINEEXISTING 2NDFLOOR OUTLINE6"EXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAINEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAINEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAINEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAIN15'-0"15'-0"20'-0"CLCLCLEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GSANDEXT'GSANDEXT'GSAND+ 8'-3" CLEAR EXISTINGEXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.WALL NEW 6" WIDECMU WALLESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSPOINT #1 .................................................. 9.08 FSPOINT #2 ................................................ 8.70 FSPOINT #3 ................................................ 8.74 NGPOINT #4 8.91 NGSUBTOTAL of ELEVATIONS ...... 35.43 35.43 DIVIDED BY 4 = 8.85 ESTABLISHED GRADE(8 .9 1NG )(8.74NG)(9.0 8 F S ) (8.7F S ) POI N T # 1 POIN T # 2 PO IN T # 4 POINT #3V I C I N I T Y M A PPROJECT SITE1100 W. BALBOA BLVD.NEWPORT BEACH, CAMAP NORTH9"CROSS HATCHINGINDICATES NEW 2NDFLOOR ADDITION TO UNITA of 149.39 S.F.7'-0" 2'-4"9'-10"16'-312"OPEN VOLUME9'-10" x 2'-4" = 22.94 SF7'-1"10'-4"(13.50 TW)(13.50 TW)(1 3 . 5 0 TW ) (1 3 . 5 0 TW )MARKET VALUE ANALYSISEXISTING DUPLEX FOOTAGES .............. 3,179 S.F. TIMES $300 PSF = $953,700EXISTING GARAGE FOOTAGE of 513 S.F. TIMES $150 PSF = $76,950SUB-TOTAL of MARKET VALUATION ................................................................ $1,030,650THE MAXIMUM CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE THAT CAN BE SPENT WITHOUTLIQUEFACTION MITIGATION MEASURES IS 50% of $1,030,650 or $515,325IN THE EVENT THAT THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION VALUATION EXCEEDS$515,325, THE OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THIS PROJECT WILL COMPLY WITHCITY of NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE LEGAL OWNERALEX and RICH GLADSTONE LAMAS1100 WEST BALBOA BLVD.NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663LEGAL DESCRIPTIONLOT 1 , BLOCK 111 of TRACT 234PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 EROSION CONTROL PLANECP GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663OPEN VOLUME10'-4" x 7'-1" = 73.19 SFOPEN VOLUME2'-0" x 7'-0" = 14 SFOPEN VOLUME5'-9" x 36'-0" = 207.00 SF3'-0"5'-0"3'-0"6"5'-918"3'-0"3'-918"NORTH ARROWSETBACKSETBACKSETBACK 3'-0"0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWEDA L L E Y10'-0" NOT TO SCALEW E S T B A L B O A B L V D.1 1 T H S T R E E T 1 1 T H S T R E E T CLCLEXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALKEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALK EXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALK EXISTING FACE of CURB EXISTING FACE of CURB EXISTING 17'-6" WIDEx 19'-0" DEEPPARKING SPACEEXT'G 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G BLD'G OUTLINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE NEW 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE THE GOVERNING CODES AND STANDARDS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE THE2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ; 2016 CBC, 2016 CRC ; 2016 CPC ;2016 CEC ; 2016 CMC ; 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY EFFICIENCYSTANDARDS CODE ( EES ) CODES WITH LOCAL AMENDMENTS ; 2016CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE ( CAL-GREEN )EXISTINGCONCRETESTOOP ATNEW DOOREXISTINGCONCRETESTOOP ATNEW DOOREXISTING CMU WALLEXT'GCONC.WALL+ 20"EXT'GCONC.WALL+ 20"EXT'GCONC.WALL+ 20"EXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINEEXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINEEXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINEEXT'G BLD'G OUTLINEEXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST and 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 2NDFLOOR OUTLINESETBACKSETBACK14" = 1'-0"EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'GNEWDOWN7" RISERNEW WALLNEW WALL NEW WALL 5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"4'-9"4'-9"5'-0"EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE SHADING INDICATES NEW1ST FLOOR ADDITION TO UNITA of 122.52 S.F.3'-1"3'-1"TO FOSTO FOSEXISTING FACE of CURB EXISTING 6" WIDECMU WALL TO REMAINUNCHANGEDEXISTING 6" WIDECMU WALL TO REMAINUNCHANGEDEXISTINGEXISTING+ 8'-3" CLEAR EXISTING+ 8'-3" CLEAR EXISTINGDASHED LINES INDICATEEXISTING 6" WIDE CMUWALL TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WOODGATES TO REMAINEXISTING WALL TOREMAIN UNCHANGEDEXISTING 2NDFLOOR OUTLINEEXISTING 2NDFLOOR OUTLINE6"EXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAINEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAINEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAINEXISTING CMUWALL TO REMAIN15'-0"15'-0"20'-0"CLCLCLEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GGRAVELEXT'GSANDEXT'GSANDEXT'GSAND+ 8'-3" CLEAR EXISTINGEXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.EXT'GCONC.WALL NEW 6" WIDECMU WALL(8 .9 1NG )(8.74NG)(9.0 8 F S ) (8.7F S ) POI N T # 1 POIN T # 2POINT #4POINT #3V I C I N I T Y M A PPROJECT SITE1100 W. BALBOA BLVD.NEWPORT BEACH, CAMAP NORTH9"THE PROJECT DATUM USED IS NAVD88RECORD OF SURVEY NOTES1. DUE TO FIELD SURVEY IN-ACCURACY ISSUES, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 8, 2003 THEBUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT TEMPORARY CORNER MONUMENTSFOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. PERMANENT MONUMENTS WHICH COMPLY WITH SECTION8772 OF THE CALIFORNIA LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO GRADINGOF PROJECT SITE.2.A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER SHALL MONUMENT THE PROPERTYCORNERS BEFORE THE START OF GRADING, WITH PERMANENT MONUMENTS.3. BEFORE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CAN BE ISSUED BY THE CITY, THE BUILDINGDEPARTMENT WILL VERIFY THAT A CORNER OF RECORD OR RECORD OF SURVEY HASBEEN FILED WITH AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY SURVEYOR AS REQUIRED BYSECTIONS 8762 and 8773 OF THE CALIFORNIA LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. A COPY OFTHE APPROVED RECORD OF SURVEY OR CORNER RECORD IS REQUIRED TO BESUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO CALLING FOR FOUNDATIONINSPECTION4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHALL BE STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A STATE LICENSEDLAND SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER , (LICENSE NUMBER BELOW 33,966).PUBLIC WORKS NOTES1. IF ANY OF THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE IS DAMAGED,NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURB and GUTTER, and ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT and OTHERIMPROVEMENTS WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY AT THE TIME OF PRIVATECONSTRUCTION COMPLETION. ADDITIONALLY, IF EXISTING UTILITIES INFRASTRUCTUREARE DEEMED SUBSTANDARD, A NEW 1 - INCH WATER SERVICE, WATER METER BOX,SEWER LATERAL and/or CLEAN OUT and BOX with LID WILL BE REQUIRED. 100% of THECOST SHALL BE BORNE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER (MUNICIPAL CODES 14.24.020 and14.08.030 ). SAID DETERMINATION and THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALLBE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR.2.AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON STANDARDIMPROVEMENTS LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. ALL NON-STANDARDIMPROVEMENTS SHALL COMPLY with CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6 and L-18.3. CLEAN OUTS ARE REQUIRED AT INTERVALS OF 100 FEET IN STRAIGHT RUNS, INBRANCHES EXCEEDING 10 FEET and WHERE THE SUM OF THE ANGLES EXCEEDS 135DEGREES IN A GIVEN RUN PER CPC 707 and 719.4. THE SEWER CLEAN OUT LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SUBJECT TOTRAFFIC SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A TRAFFIC GRADE BOX and COVER.5. THE EXISTING WATER METER LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT THEALLEY SHALL BE VERIFIED TO HAVE A TRAFFIC GRADE BOX AND COVER.HATCHING INDICATES ONEROW of SAND BAGSTWO BAGS HIGHHATCHING INDICATESTWO ROWS of SANDBAGS 2 BAGS HIGHHATCHING INDICATESTWO ROWS of SANDBAGS 2 BAGS HIGHHATCHING INDICATESTWO ROWS of SANDBAGS 2 BAGS HIGHHATCHING INDICATESTWO ROWS of SANDBAGS 2 BAGS HIGHHATCHING INDICATESTWO ROWS of SANDBAGS PER 2 BAGSHIGHSAND BAG LAYOUTEROSION.003NO SCALE112" MINIMUM HEIGHTUSING 2 BAGS MININUMHIGHPROPERTYLINEPROJECT PROPERTY1ECP1ECP1ECP1ECP1ECPEROSION CONTROL NOTES (MINIMUM BMP REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES for ALL DEVELOPMENTCONSTRUCTION PROJECTS)1. IN CASE of EMERGENCY, CALL OWNER AT RICH GLADSTONE LAMAS .(949) 500-96602.A STAND-BY CREW FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMERSDURING THE RAINY SEASON (OCTOBER 1 to APRIL 15). NECESSARY MATERIALSSHALL BE AVAILABLE ON-SITE and STOCKPILED AT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TOFACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION of EMERGENCY DEVICES WHEN RAIN IS IMMINENT.3. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN MAY BE REMOVED WHENAPPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IF THE GRADING OPERATION HASPROGRESSED TO THE POINT WHERE THEY ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED.4. GRADED AREAS ADJACENT TO FILL SLOPES LOCATED AT THE PERIMETER MUSTDRAIN AWAY FROM THE TOP OF SLOPE AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKINGDAY. ALL LOOSE SOILS and DEBRIS THAT MAY CREATE A POTENTIAL HAZARD TOOFF-SITE PROPERTY SHALL BE STABILIZED or REMOVED from THE SITE ON A DAILYBASIS.5. ALL SILT and DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED from ALL DEVICES WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTEREACH RAINSTORM and BE DISPOSED of PROPERLY.6. A GUARD SHALL BE POSTED ON THE SITE WHENEVER THE DEPTH of WATER IN ANYDEVICE EXCEEDS TWO FEET. THE DEVICE SHALL BE DRAINED or PUMPED DRYWITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER EACH RAINSTORM. PUMPING and DRAINING of ALL BASINSand DRAINAGE DEVICES MUST COMPLY with THE APPROPRIATE BMP for DEWATERINGOPERATIONS.7. THE PLACEMENT of ADDITIONAL DEVICES TO REDUCE EROSION DAMAGE andCONTAIN POLLUTANTS within THE SITE IS LEFT TO THE DISCRETION of THE FIELDENGINEER. ADDITIONAL DEVICES AS NEEDED SHALL BE INSTALLED TO RETAINSEDIMENTS and OTHER POLLUTANTS ON SITE.8. DESILTING BASINS MAY NOT BE REMOVED or MADE INOPERABLE BETWEENNOVEMBER 1 and APRIL 15 of THE FOLLOWING YEAR WITHOUT APPROVAL of THEBUILDING OFFICIAL.9. STORM WATER POLLUTION and EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE MODIFIED,AS NEEDED, AS THE PROJECT PROGRESSES. THE DESIGN and PLACEMENT of THESEDEVICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of THE FIELD ENGINEER. PLANS REPRESENTINGCHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED for APPROVAL if REQUESTED BY THE BUILDINGOFFICIAL.10. EVERY EFFORT SHALL BE MADE TO ELIMINATE THE DISCHARGE of NON-STORMWATER from THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES.11. ERODED SEDIMENTS and OTHER POLLUTANTS MUST BE RETAINED ON-SITE and MAYNOT BE TRANSPORTED from THE SITE VIA SHEET FLOW, SWALES, AREA DRAINS,NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSES or WIND.12. STOCKPILES of EARTH and OTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED MATERIALS MUST BEPROTECTED from BEING TRANSPORTED from THE SITE BY THE FORCES of WIND orWATER.13. FUELS, OILS, SOLVENTS and OTHER TOXIC MATERIALS MUST BE STORED INACCORDANCE with THEIR LISTING and ARE NOT CONTAMINATE THE SOILS andSURFACE WATERS. ALL APPROVED STORAGE CONTAINERS ARE TO BE PROTECTEDfrom THE WEATHER. SPILLS MUST BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY and DISPOSED of INA PROPER MANNER. SPILLS MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM.14. EXCESS or WASTE CONCRETE MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT ofWAY or ANY OTHER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO RETAINCONCRETE WASTES ON-SITE UNTIL THEY CAN BE DISPOSED of AS SOLID WASTE.15. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO INSPECT ALL EROSIONCONTROL DEVICES and BMP'S ARE INSTALLED and FUNCTIONING PROPERLY if THEREIS A 40% CHANCE of QUARTER INCH or MORE of PREDICTED PRECIPITATION, and AFTERACTUAL PRECIPITATION. A CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST andINSPECTION LOG SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES andAVAILABLE for REVIEW BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL (COPIES of THESESELF-INSPECTION CHECKLIST and INSPECTION LOGS ARE AVAILABLE UPONREQUEST).16. TRASH and CONSTRUCTION RELATED SOLID WASTES MUST BE DEPOSITED INTOCOVERED RECEPTACLE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION of RAINWATER and DISPERSALBY WIND.17. SEDIMENTS and OTHER MATERIALS MAY NOT BE TRACKED from THE SITE BY VEHICLETRAFFIC. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ROADWAYS MUST BE STABILIZED SO ASTO INHIBIT SEDIMENTS from BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT of WAY.ACCIDENTAL DEPOSITIONS MUST BE SWEPT UP IMMEDIATELY and MAY NOT BEWASHED DOWN BY RAIN or OTHER MEANS.18. ANY SLOPES with DISTURBED SOILS or DENUDED of VEGETATION MUST BESTABILIZED SO AS TO INHIBIT EROSION BY WIND and WATER.19. HOME OWNER TO ROUTINELY CLEAN ALL CATCH BASINS and DRAIN LINES of DEBRIS.20. ADDITIONAL BMP'S WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY CITYINSPECTORS.27 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 DEMOLITION 1ST, 2ND and 3RD FLOOR PLANSA-2GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 6" 6"WCWCWCWCLLPROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00'PROPERTY LINE 100.00'EXISTING GARAGEEXT'GENTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3EXISTINGBEDROOM #2EXT'GBATH #3UPUPUPDNDNDNEXISTINGKITCHENEXISTINGDININGEXISTINGLIVINGEXT'GHALLEXT'GBATH #2EXISTING MASTERBEDROOMEXT'GMASTERBATHROOMEXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKEXT'GPANTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3EXISTINGBEDROOM #2EXISTINGBEDROOM #1EXT'GHALLEXT'GENTRYEXISTINGKITCHENEXISTING LIVINGEXISTINGDININGEXT'GBATH #1EXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKPROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'EXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GDECKEXT'GBATH #2EXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKEXT'GHALLEXT'GHALL3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"REFERSINKAS - BUILT 3RD FLOOR PLANAS - BUILT 2ND FLOOR PLANAS - BUILT 1ST FLOOR PLAN-56.96 SF180.62 S.F.NEW24.19 S.F.757.76 S.F.26.00 S.F.178.60 SF(9.08FS)(8.70FS)(8 .91NG ) ( 8 . 7 4NG )14" = 1'-0"EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL CONC. EXT'G 4'-9"6"+ 8'-3" CLEARDASHED LINES INDICATEEXISTING CMU WALL orWOOD FENCING TO BECOMPLETELY REMOVEDDASHED LINES INDICATEEXISTING CMU WALL orWOOD FENCING TO BECOMPLETELY REMOVEDEXISTING STORAGEOPEN VOLUME10'-4" x 7'-1" = 73.19 SFOPEN VOLUME137.08 SFWCLOPEN VOLUME2'-0" x 7'-0" = 14 SFOPEN VOLUME5'-9" x 36'-0" = 207.00 SF3'-212"EXISTING DECK GUARDTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DECK GUARDTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DECK GUARDTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DECK GUARDTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DECK GUARDTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DECKGUARD TO REMAINUNCHANGEDEXISTING DECKGUARD TO REMAINUNCHANGED"X" INDICATES EXISTINGROOF FRAMINGABOVE EXISTINGSTAIRWELL TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING DECK FINISHEDSURFACE TO BE REMOVEDand REPLACEDEXISTING ROOF OVERHANGTO HAVE EXISTING FINISHMATERIAL STRIPPED DOWNTO WOOD FRAMINGEXISTING FLAT ROOFMATERIAL TO BE REMOVEDand REPLACEDEXISTING FLAT ROOFMATERIAL TO BE REMOVEDand REPLACEDEXISTING FLAT ROOFMATERIAL TO BE REMOVEDand REPLACEDEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAIN EXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING CHIMNEYNO CHNAGESEXISTING 2ND FLOOR DECKBELOW, NO CHANGESREQUIREDOVENEXISTINGWALLS TO BEREMOVEDEXISTINGWALLS TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING DECKFINISHED SURFACETO BE REMOVEDand REPLACEDEXISTIGN SLIDINGGLASS DOOR TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING UNIT B DECKGUARD TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DOORTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WINDOWTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WINDOWTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WINDOWTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALL TOBE REMOVEDEXISTING WALL TOBE REMOVEDEXISTING DOORSTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DOORSTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALLTO BE REMOVEDEXISTIGN SLIDINGGLASS DOOR TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING DECKGUARD TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALLSTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALLSTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WINDOWTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING BATHROOMTO BE REMOVEDNORTH ARROWC O N S T R U C T I O N L E G E N D EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED NEW WALL CONSTRUCTION3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"3'-0"SETBACKSETBACK3'-0"3'-0"SETBACKSETBACK3'-0"5'-918"3'-0"SETBACKSETBACKSETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"5'-0"SETBACK 5'-0" SETBACK 5'-0" SETBACK 0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWEDEXISTING WINDOW TOBE REMOVEDEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBNOTE - ALL EXISTING WOOD SIDING SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ENTIRE EXISTING STRUCTURE ON ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE REPLACED with A STUCCO FINISH PER ELEVATION NOTES.EXISTING SLOPINGROOF TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING ROOF OVERHANGTO HAVE EXISTING FINISHMATERIAL STRIPPED DOWNTO WOOD FRAMING8'-618"EXISTING +18" HIGH CURB TOBE REMOVED andRECONSTRUCTED ONPROPERTY24'-0"37'-5"30'-1"27'-0"19'-0"3'-0"8'-918"5'-0"7'-1"9'-7"918"7'-1"24'-0"14'-112"9'-1012"2'-4"7'-0" 7'-0" 94'-6"6" 9'-4"28'-1" 7'-1"21'-0"24'-0"7'-1158"9'-758"3'-4"20'-8"23'-0"7'-1"27'-0" 57'-1"24'-0"5'-0"19'-0"3'-0"3'-838"8'-9"7'-71 2"8'-9"7'-8"22'-0"8'-634"7'-1118"27'-10"29'-3"30'-5"22'-0"6'-3" 6" 6"24'-0"19'-0"2'-0"7'-1" 7'-1"8'-4"6'-4"8'-4"2'-4"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"EXISTING 18'-3" WIDEx 19'-0" DEEPPARKING SPACE2'-6"4'-2"2'-9"28 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 NEW 1ST, 2ND and 3RD FLOOR PLANSA-3GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 6" 6"WCWCWCWCWCLLLPROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00'PROPERTY LINE 100.00'EXT'GENTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3EXISTINGBEDROOM #2NEWBATH #3UPUPUPDNDNDNEXISTINGKITCHENEXISTINGDININGEXISTINGLIVINGEXT'GHALLEXT'GBATH #2EXISTING MASTERBEDROOMEXT'GMASTERBATHROOMEXT'GDECKEXT'GPANTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3EXISTINGBEDROOM #2EXISTINGBEDROOM #1EXT'GHALLEXT'GENTRYEXISTINGKITCHENEXISTING LIVINGEXISTINGDININGEXT'GBATH #1EXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKPROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'EXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GBATH #2EXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKEXT'GHALL3'-0"3'-0"REFEROVENAS - BUILT 3RD FLOOR PLANAS - BUILT 2ND FLOOR PLANAS - BUILT 1ST FLOOR PLAN-56.96 SF180.62 S.F.26.00 S.F.3'-0"6"3'-0"3'-1"WCLLINENNEWEXERCISENEWOFFICENEW CLOSET3'-1"34"NEW1'-0"2'-1"24"AC #1CONDFAUWCLNEWATTICNEWBATHNEWFAMILY ROOMNEWCOVERED DECKNEWOPENDECKAC #2CONDMITERED GLASSCORNERFOLDING COVERGLASS DOORSFOLDING COVERGLASS DOORSTUB andSHOWERGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAIL3'-1"LL3"2'-1"1'-0"818"( 9.31 FS )( 8.90 FS )( 8.32 FS )( 13.85 TW )( 8 . 4 5 T C )( 7.91 FS )B O T . X( 8.24 TC )( 7 . 7 0 F L )( 7.79 TC )( 7.28 FL )( 6.67 FL )( 7.28 TC )SD MH( 7.87 FS )( 8.70 FS )( 8.70 FS )( 9.08 FS )( 8.74 NG )( 8. 9 1 N G ) EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL +36" WALL +36" WALL+36" WALLNEW WALLNEW WALL NEW WALLEXT'GNEW2 % SFDOWN7" RISER 8 . 7 2 F S ( 8.56 FS )( 8.46 FS )1 % SF 1 % SF1 % SF 2 % SF2 % SF2 % SF( 8.90 FS )( 8.80 FS )( 8.80 FS )( 9.56 FF )DOWN4" RISER-57.79 S.F.NORTH ARROW14" = 1'-0"C O N S T R U C T I O N L E G E N D EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED NEW WALL CONSTRUCTIONSETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK5'-0" SETBACK 5'-0" SETBACK 5'-0"SETBACK 0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED15'-0"8'-21 2"6'-31 2"3'-0"5'-0"13'-712"3'-1"6'-058"19'-101 2"15'-0"6"4'-0"2'-0"2'-312"4'-0"17'-712"6'-0"3'-1"1'-0"19'-101 2"7'-8"12'-21 2"5'-1"3'-1"2'-9"EXT'GEXT'GEXT'G EXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'G37'-51 2"27'-6" 6"19'-41 4"4'-2"6'-31 4" 4'-71 4"2'-11 2"12'-71 2"4'-0"3'-1"SETBACK7'-8" PROPERTY LINE 100.00'2'-412"36'-0" 26'-71 8"4'-0"5'-47 8" 21'-7" 5'-111 2"5'-11"5'-71 2"4'-1"SETBACKTO FOSSETBACKTO FOSSETBACK3'-0"3'-0"19'-0"8'-918"3'-0"24'-0"19'-0"5'-0"3'-918"5'-0"EXISTING GARAGEEXISTING 18'-3" WIDEx 19'-0" DEEPPARKING SPACEEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBPLANTER 133 S.F.PLANTER 53.17 S.F. NEW CLOSET TO FOSSETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE NEW 2ND FLOOR SETBACKSETBACKSETBACK32"NEW32"NEW+ 9'-2"3'-1"EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINEEXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINE( 8.66 FS )EXT'G WALL TOBE REMOVEDTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALNEWWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSNEW DECK3'-918"EXT'GSETBACKTO FOSSETBACK3'-0"SETBACKNEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RDFLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINE NEW 3RD FLOOR OPEN DECK OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOROPEN DECK OUTLINEWALL 9"CROSS HATCHING INDICATESNEW 2ND FLOOR AREA ADDEDHATCHING INDICATES NEW1ST FLOOR AREA ADDED2'-8"4'-0"16'-312"9'-4" 7'-0"2'-4"6'-5"9'-1012"OPEN VOLUME137.08 SF2'-4"9'-1012"10'-4"7'-1"FAU7'-1"1'-0"6'-4"2'-4"37'-5"2'-0"7'-1"918"918"9'-758"7'-1158"7'-1" 3'-43 4"14'-9"3'-1"6'-61 2"15'-512"7'-1"1'-0"21'-3"5'-618"8'-2"7'-1"1'-0"20'-3"7'-512"2'-0"3'-0"HATCHINGINDICATES NEW 3RDFLOOR ADDITIONSHADING INDICATESEXISTING RED ZONESHADING INDICATESEXISTING RED ZONE18'-6"RADIUS+36" REDUCEDHEIGHT CMUWALL+36" REDUCEDHEIGHT CMUWALL+36" REDUCEDHEIGHT CMUWALLMAX. CLGHGT of 6'29 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 PROPOSED CARPORT PARKING AREAA-4GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663EXT'GENTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3UPPROPERTY LINE 30.76'EXT'GSTAIRS3'-0"3'-0"WCL( 9.31 FS )( 8.90 FS )( 8.32 FS )( 13.85 TW )( 8.45 TC )( 7 . 9 1 F S ) B O T . X( 8.24 TC )( 7.70 FL )( 8.70 FS )( 8.70 FS )( 9.08 FS )+36" WALL +36" WALL+36" WALLNEW WALL NEW WALL2% SFDOWN7"RISER 8.72 FS( 8 . 5 6 F S )( 8.46 FS )1 % SF 1 % SF1 % SF 2% SF2% SF2 % SF( 8 . 9 0 F S )( 8.80 FS )( 8 . 8 0 F S )( 9.56 FF )DOWN4" RISERSETBACK36"3'-0"19'-0"8'-9 18"5'-0"EXISTING GARAGEEXISTING 17'-6" WIDE x19'-0" DEEP PARKINGSPACEEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURB SETBACK LINESETBACK LINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINEEXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINE( 8.66 FS )DASHED LINES INDICATEEXT'G WALL TO BEREMOVEDTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALNEWWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSSETBACKSETBACKSETBACKEAST SIDEPROPERTY LINEEAST SIDEPROPERTY LINEEXISTING WOOD GATES36'-0" DEEP TANDEM PARKING SPACE 12" = 1'-0"+ 8'-3" CLEAR+ 8'-3" CLEAR+ 8'-3" CLR.NEW 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE 9"FIRE HYDRANTSHADING INDICATESEXISTING RED ZONESHADING INDICATESEXISTING RED ZONEEXISTING 6" WIDE CMU WALLTO BE REDUCED TO 36" HIGHwith ENCROACHMENTAGREEMENTEXISTING 6" WIDE CMUWALL TO BE REDUCEDTO 36" HIGH withENCROACHMENTAGREEMENTEXISTING 6" WIDE CMUWALL TO BE REDUCEDTO 36" HIGH withENCROACHMENTAGREEMENT30 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 SOUTH, NORTH and EAST ELEVATIONSA-5GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 9266314" = 1'-0"81 2"EXT'G 1ST FLOOR 9.568'-1" 29'-0" 5'-0" 8'-1"6'-101 8" 3'-6" 6'-0"EXT'G TOP PLATENEW DR HGTTOP of WALLNEW 3RD FFNEW TOP PLATEEXT'G 2ND FFEXISTINGTOP of CURBEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GNEW SECTIONALGARAGE DOOREXISTING SIDINGTYPICALEXISTINGWINDOWTYPICAL NEWSTUCCOMECH.WELLEXT'G TOP PLATE3'-1"3"EXT'GDOOREXT'GDOOREXT'GDOOREXT'GDOOREXT'GWINDOW3'-1"MIN. HGT ofGUARD ABVDECK FS42" 8'-1"8'-1"EXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G 2ND FFEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G1ST FFEXISTING FACEof CURBEXISTINGSTUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOEXISTINGWOOD SIDINGEXT'G EXT'G EXT'GNEW MITEREDWINDOWNEW FOLDINGDOORS SYSTEMNEW CHIMNEYEXHAUST FLUEEXT'G CMU WALL OUTLINETYPICALNEW STUCCOSOUTH ELEVATION3" 29'-0"EXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'G EXT'GEXT'GEXT'G8'-1"8'-1" 6'-8" 6'-101 8" 6'-8"NEW TOP PLATEMIN. HGT ofGUARD ABVDECK FSEXT'G TOP PLATENEW 3RD FFEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G 2ND FFMIN. HGT ofGUARD ABVDECK FSEXISTINGTOP of CURBEXT'G DOORWINDOW HGTEXT'G GASMETER RECESSEXT'G CUBBYHOLEEXT'G CMU WALL OUTLINEEXT'G CMU WALL OUTLINEEXT'G CMUWALL OUTLINEHATCHING INDICATESNEW CMU WALL AREANO CHANGES TO EXISTING CMU WALLS orEXISTING GATES on PROPERTY LINENO CHANGES TO EXISTING CMU WALLS orEXISTING GATES on PROPERTY LINEAREA of NEW CMU WALL ON SIDEPROPERTY LINE, MAXIMUM of 6 FEETABOVE NATURAL GRADEEXISTING FACEof CURBEXISTING FACEof CURB6"4'-6"NEW WALL6'-105 8" 6'-8"MIN. HGT ofGUARD ABVDECK FS42" 42"42"NEW TOP PLATE8'-1" 6'-8"NEW TOP PLATENEWWINDOWHGTNEW 2ND FFNEW TOP PLATENEW 2ND FFNEW TOP PLATE7'-8" 6'-8"NEW 1ST FFNEW 1ST FFTOP of CURB8'-1"8'-1"EXISTING ENTRYDOOR and SIDELITESBEHIND WALLSEXISTINGCHIMNEY EAST ELEVATION1'-0" 1'-0"29'-0" FINISHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMITABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 37.8524'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 32.85ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 8.8529'-0" FINISHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMITABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 37.8524'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 32.85ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 8.8529'-0" FINISHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMITABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 37.8524'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 32.85ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 8.8529'-0" FINISHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMITABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 37.8524'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 32.85ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 8.85NORTH ELEVATION30.76'EXISTING CHIMNEYBEYONDALLOW 3" FOR APPLICATION ofNEW ROOF MATERIAL AT THERIDGEALLOW 3" FOR APPLICATION ofNEW ROOF MATERIAL AT THERIDGEALLOW 3" FOR APPLICATION ofNEW ROOF MATERIAL AT THERIDGETYPICAL NEW SLOPINGROOF MATERIALTYPICAL NEW SLOPINGROOF MATERIALTYPICAL NEW SLOPINGROOF MATERIALWEST SIDEPROPERTYLINEWEST SIDEPROPERTYLINEEAST SIDEPROPERTYLINEEAST SIDEPROPERTYLINEFRONT SIDEPROPERTYLINEREAR PROPERTYLINE, ZERO SETBACKREQUIREDTG TG TG TG TGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGR O O F I N G N O T E S REFER TO THE ROOF PLAN FOR ROOFING SPECIFICATIONS ALL NEW ROOF MATERIAL SHALL BE A CLASS "A" ROOF MATERIAL INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURE'S INSTRUCTIONS.D O O R A N D W I N D O W N O T E S$//1(:'225$1':,1'2:)5$0(66+$//5(&(,9($¨:,'(675,32)§%7¨ MEMBRANE WHICH IS PLACED OVER THE WINDOW AND DOOR FRAME FLANGES.F L A S H I N G N O T E S ALL NEW ROOF and / or WINDOW, DOOR, ETC. FLASHINGS SHALL BE SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL, NO GALVANIZED IRON IS ALLOWED.S T U C C O N O T E CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE AN ACRYLIC STUCCO APPLICATION FOR THIS PROJECT.$//1(:678&&26+$//%($33/,('29(5/$<(562)*5$'(§'¨3$3(525§7<9(.¨0(0%5$1(29(5$//:22'%$6('6+($7+,1*3(5&%&SHU C.R.C. R703.6.3, C.B.C. 2510.6 ALL NEW STUCCO SHALL RECEIVE A SMOOTH COAT TEXTURE WITH STANDARD 90 DEGREE SHAPED CORNERS. ALL NEW WEEP SCREEDS FOR STUCCO AT THE FOUNDATION LINE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES ABOVE THE EARTH OR 2 INCHES ABOVE PAVED AREAS C.R.C. R703.6.2.1HEIGHTCERTIFICATIONREQUIRED29'-0" 24'-0"5'-0"TYPICALNEW STUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOEXISTINGSTUCCONEWSTUCCO15'-0"SETBACK TO 3RD FLOOR ROOMOPEN 3RDFLOOR DECKOPEN 3RDFLOOR DECKNEWMITEREDGLASSWINDOWNEWMITEREDGLASSWINDOWNEW MITEREDGLASS WINDOW3'-918"EXT'G3'-1"SETBACK3'-0"EXT'GSETBACKEXISTING CMUWALL over SIDEPROPERTY LINEEXISTING CARPORTAPPROX. 8'-3"CLEAR WIDE FINISHTO FINISHWEST SIDEPROPERTYLINEEXT'GWOODGATEEXISTING CMU WALLON WEST SIDEPROPERTY LINEEXISTING 2ND FLOORWROUGHT IRONGUARDRAILINGEXISTING 2ND FLOORWROUGHT IRONGUARDRAILINGEXISTING ROOFOVERHANGEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GNEWNEW8'-1"EXT'G 1ST FLOOR 9.56EXT'G 9.56TOP of DECK GUARDIS MAXIMUM FINISHEDELEVATION of 31.81TOP of DECK GUARDIS MAXIMUM FINISHEDELEVATION of 31.81TOP of DECK GUARDWALL IS MAXIMUMFINISHED ELEVATIONof 31.81XD-3XD-3XD-3XD-3XD-3XD-3R O O F P L A N N O T E S1. ALL NEW ROOF MATERIAL ON SLOPING ROOFS SHALL BE A CLASS "A" FIRE RATED ROOF MATERIAL BY "EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS" COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY THE OWNER and INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ESR REPORT #19002. MAXIMUM ROOF MATERIAL WEIGHT PER SQUARE FOOT = 10 POUNDS.3 ALL NEW ROOF TO ROOF OR ROOF TO WALL FLASHING SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. NO GALVANIZED IRON IS ALLOWED.4. ALL NEW ATTIC VENTS SHALL BE LOCATED PER THE ROOF PLAN WITH BETWEEN 18" MINIMUM TO 14" MAXIMUM SCREEN MESH."X" INDICATES EXISTING TOPSECTION of EXT'G CMU WALLREMOVED TO MAX. HGT of 36"36"31 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 WEST ELEVATIONA-6GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 3'-6" 8'-1"8'-1"6'-101 8"5'-71 8"3'-6"EXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'GTOP of CURBEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G 2ND FFNEW 3RD FFTOP of MECH.WELL ABV.3RD FFMECH.WELLEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'G EXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXISTINGWINDOWSEXISTINGGLASSBLOCKSEXISTING STAIRLANDINGEXISTING STAIRLANDINGEXISTING STAIRLANDINGEXT'GNEWWINDOWTYPICAL NEW SLOPINGROOF MATERIALTYPICAL NEWSTUCCOTYPICAL NEWSTUCCOTYPICAL NEWSTUCCOTOP of EXISTINGDECK GUARDNEW MECH. CHASENEW MECH. CHASEEXISTINGFLAT ROOFEXISTINGCHIMNEYEXISTING DECKGUARDEXT'GEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G 1ST FFEXT'G 1ST FFEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G TOP PLATEEXT'G 2ND FFEXT'G 2ND FFEXT'G 2ND FFNEW TOP PLATENEW TOP PLATEEXT'G TOP PLATE6"EXT'GREARPROPERTYLINE, ZEROSETBACKREQUIREDEXT'GWEST ELEVATION3" 3"29'-0" FINISHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMITABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 37.8524'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 32.85ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 8.8514" = 1'-0"EXISTING CHIMNEYBEYONDALLOW 3" FOR APPLICATION ofNEW ROOF MATERIAL AT THERIDGETYPICAL NEW SLOPINGROOF MATERIALFRONT SIDEPROPERTYLINE29'-0" FINISHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMITABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 37.8524'-0" HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 32.85ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION of 8.85R O O F I N G N O T E S REFER TO THE ROOF PLAN FOR ROOFING SPECIFICATIONS ALL NEW ROOF MATERIAL SHALL BE A CLASS "A" ROOF MATERIAL INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURE'S INSTRUCTIONS.D O O R A N D W I N D O W N O T E S$//1(:'225$1':,1'2:)5$0(66+$//5(&(,9($¨:,'(675,32)§%7¨ MEMBRANE WHICH IS PLACED OVER THE WINDOW AND DOOR FRAME FLANGES.F L A S H I N G N O T E S ALL NEW ROOF and / or WINDOW, DOOR, ETC. FLASHINGS SHALL BE SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL, NO GALVANIZED IRON IS ALLOWED.S T U C C O N O T E CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE AN ACRYLIC STUCCO APPLICATION FOR THIS PROJECT.$//1(:678&&26+$//%($33/,('29(5/$<(562)*5$'(§'¨3$3(525§7<9(.¨0(0%5$1(29(5$//:22'%$6('6+($7+,1*3(5&%&SHU C.R.C. R703.6.3, C.B.C. 2510.6 ALL NEW STUCCO SHALL RECEIVE A SMOOTH COAT TEXTURE WITH STANDARD 90 DEGREE SHAPED CORNERS. ALL NEW WEEP SCREEDS FOR STUCCO AT THE FOUNDATION LINE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES ABOVE THE EARTH OR 2 INCHES ABOVE PAVED AREAS C.R.C. R703.6.2.1HEIGHTCERTIFICATIONREQUIRED29'-0"24'-0"5'-0"EXISTINGSTUCCONEWSTUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOTYPICALNEW STUCCOEXISTING CURBAT STREETEXISTINGSIDEWALK5'-0"5'-0"EXISTING CMU WALLSand WROUGHT IRONFENCINGSETBACKEXISTINGFINISHEDSURFACEEXISTINGFINISHEDSURFACEEXISTINGFINISHEDSURFACECENTERLINEof ALLEYEXT'G 1ST FLOOR 9.56EXT'G 1ST FLOOR 9.56EXT'G TOC 9.56TOP of THIS FLAT ROOF ISMAXIMUM FINISHEDELEVATION of 30.00TOP of THIS FLAT ROOF ISMAXIMUM FINISHEDELEVATION of 30.00TOP of DECK GUARDWALL IS MAXIMUMFINISHED ELEVATIONof 31.8132 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 ROOF PLAN and 3RD FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCSA-7GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 FIRE NOTES1. EXTERIOR WALLS AT SIDES of HOUSE and GARAGE IF SPRINKLERED SHALL BE of ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE RATED CONSTRUCTION. APPLY STUCCO FINISHES AS REQUIRED PER CBC TO ACHIEVE ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION2. NO OPENINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE EXTERIOR WALLS, INCLUDING VENTS. of GROUP R-3 & GROUP U OCCUPANCIES WHERE THE EXTERIOR WALL IS CLOSER THAN 3 FEET TO THE PROPERTY LINE. TABLE R 302.1(1) and TABLE R 302.1.(2)3. ONE HOUR WALL ASSEMBLIES SHALL EXTEND FROM THE FOUNDATION UP TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF ABOVE. R 302.3PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'NEW RIDGE NEW RIDGENEW VALLEYNEW VALLEYNEW VALLEY NEW VALLEYNEW VALLEYNEW RIDGENEW RIDGENEW 3:12 NEW 3:12NEW 3:12NEW 3:12 NEW 3:12NEW 3:12NEW 3:12NEW 3:12AC #1CONDAC #2CONDGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAIL14" = 1'-0"NORTH ARROW2'-1"1'-0"3'-1"3'-1"6"1'-0"6"6"3"1'-0"2'-0"6"4'-6"6"6"3'-6"6"6"6"6"1'-0"6"6"HEIGHTCERTIFICATIONREQUIREDR O O F P L A N N O T E S1. ALL NEW ROOF MATERIAL ON SLOPING ROOFS SHALL BE A CLASS "A" FIRE RATED ROOF MATERIAL BY "EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS" COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY THE OWNER and INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ESR REPORT #19002. MAXIMUM ROOF MATERIAL WEIGHT PER SQUARE FOOT = 10 POUNDS.3. ALL NEW 2ND FLOOR DECK AND 3RD FLOOR ROOF DECK MATERIAL SHALL BE A CLASS "A" ELASTOMERIC ROOF MEMBRANE FINISH BY "POLYCOAT PRODUCTS" APPLIED OVER DECK SHEATHING PER MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. SLOPE ALL DECK AREAS AT 14" PER FOOT MINIMUM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE ROOF PLAN. ESR # 27854 ALL NEW ROOF TO ROOF OR ROOF TO WALL FLASHING SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. NO GALVANIZED IRON IS ALLOWED.5. ALL NEW ATTIC VENTS SHALL BE LOCATED PER THE ROOF PLAN WITH BETWEEN 18" MINIMUM TO 14" MAXIMUM SCREEN MESH.6. THE ABBREVIATION "FOS" MEANS TO FACE of STUD.ESTABLISHED GRADEELEVATION IS 8.85TYPICAL NEWSLOPING ROOFMATERIALTYPICAL NEWSLOPING ROOFMATERIALTYPICAL NEWSLOPING ROOFMATERIALTYPICAL NEWSLOPING ROOFMATERIALMAX. TOP of RIDGE SHEATHING IS37.60 ELEVATION or 28'-9"ABOVE THE ESTAB. GRADEELEVATION of 8.85MAX. TOP of RIDGE SHEATHING IS37.85 ELEVATION or 28'-9" ABOVETHE ESTAB. GRADE ELEVATIONMAX. TOP of RIDGE SHEATHING IS37.60 ELEVATION or 28'-9" ABOVETHE ESTAB. GRADE ELEVATION of8.85SLOPE14" PER FTSLOPE14" PER FTSLOPE14" PER FTSLOPE14" PER FTSLOPE14" PER FTSLOPE14" PER FTEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING OVERHANGTO REMAINEXISTING CHIMNEYNO CHNAGESEXISTING 2ND FLOOR DECKBELOW, NO CHANGESREQUIREDTYPICAL NEW CLASS "A"FLAT ROOF MATERIAL overEXISTING ROOF PLANETYPICAL NEW CLASS "A"FLAT ROOF MATERIAL overEXISTING ROOF PLANETYPICAL NEW CLASS "A"FLAT ROOF MATERIAL overEXISTING ROOF PLANEEXISTING 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXISTING 2ND FLOOR OUTLINEEXISTING 2ND FLOOR OUTLINEEXISTING 2ND FLOOR OUTLINESHADING INDICATES NEW ROOFPLANE AREA ADDED ABOVE THEMASTER WALK IN CLOSET forUNIT AEXISTING 2NDFLOOR OUTLINE HATCHING INDICATES NEW FLAT ROOFMECHANICAL CHASE CREATED FROMNEW 3RD FLOOR FORCED AIR UNITLOCATIONHATCHING INDICATES NEW FLAT ROOFMECHANICAL CHASE CREATED FROMNEW 3RD FLOOR FORCED AIR UNITLOCATIONHATCHING INDICATES NEW FLAT ROOFMECHANICAL CHASE CREATED FROMNEW 3RD FLOOR FORCED AIR UNITLOCATIONNEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINE NEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINE MODIFIED 2ND FLOORFIREPLACE CHIMNEYBUMPEXISTING 3RD FLOORDECK GUARDNEW 3RD FLOORTEMPERED GLASSDECK GUARD +42"MIN.NEW 3RD FLOORTEMPERED GLASSDECK GUARD +42"MIN.NEW 3RD FLOORWOOD DECKGUARD +42" MIN.TO FOSTO FOSMIN.EXISTING ROOFOVERHANGEXISTING ROOFOVERHANGEXISTING ROOFOVERHANGEXISTING ROOFOVERHANGEXISTING ROOFOVERHANGMAXIMUM TOP of 3RD FLOOR WOODDECK GUARD or GLASS HANDRAIL IS22'-9" HIGH MEASURED ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADE ELEVATION of8.85 for A ELEVATION of 31.60MAXIMUM TOP of 3RD FLOOR WOODDECK GUARD or GLASS HANDRAIL IS22'-9" HIGH MEASURED ABOVEESTABLISHED GRADE ELEVATION of8.85 for A ELEVATION of 31.60EXT'GSTAIRWELLWALLSDNEXT'GDECKPROPERTY LINE 30.76'EXT'GSTAIRS3'-0"6"24"AC #1CONDFAULNEWATTICNEWBATHNEWFAMILY ROOMNEWCOVERED DECKNEWOPENDECKAC #2CONDMITERED GLASSCORNERFOLDING COVERGLASS DOORSGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAIL-57.79 S.F.0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED15'-0" 8'-21 2"6'-31 2"3'-0"5'-0"13'-712"3'-1"19'-101 2"15'-0" 6"4'-0"2'-0"2'-312"19'-101 2" 7'-8"12'-21 2"5'-1"3'-1"2'-9"EXT'GEXT'GEXT'G EXT'GEXT'GTO FOSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLS12'-6"20'-3"12'-21 2" 7'-8"8'-9"12'-6" x 7'-8"= 95.83 S.F.20'-3" x 12'-2 12"= 247.21 S.F.8'-9" x 7'-8"= 67.08 S.F.- 57.79 S.F. 9.29 S.F.3RD FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCSROOF PLAN3RD FLOORLIVABLE FOOTAGEIS 352.33 S.F.SETBACK3'-0"SETBACKEXISTING FLAT ROOF SLOPESAT APPROX. 14" PER FOOT, NOCHANGES ARE PROPOSEDEXISTING FLAT ROOF SLOPESAT APPROX. 14" PER FOOT, NOCHANGES ARE PROPOSED33 ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 NEW 1ST, 2ND and 3RD FLOOR PLANS GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 6" 6"WCWCWCWCWCLLLPROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00' PROPERTY LINE 100.00'PROPERTY LINE 100.00'EXT'GENTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3EXISTINGBEDROOM #2NEWBATH #3UPUPUPDNDNDNEXISTINGKITCHENEXISTINGDININGEXISTINGLIVINGEXT'GHALLEXT'GBATH #2EXISTING MASTERBEDROOMEXT'GMASTERBATHROOMEXT'GDECKEXT'GPANTRYEXISTINGBEDROOM #3EXISTINGBEDROOM #2EXISTINGBEDROOM #1EXT'GHALLEXT'GENTRYEXISTINGKITCHENEXISTING LIVINGEXISTINGDININGEXT'GBATH #1EXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKPROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'PROPERTY LINE 30.76'EXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GSTAIRSEXT'GBATH #2EXT'GDECKEXT'GDECKEXT'GHALL3'-0"3'-0"REFEROVENAS - BUILT 3RD FLOOR PLANAS - BUILT 2ND FLOOR PLANAS - BUILT 1ST FLOOR PLAN-56.96 SF180.62 S.F.26.00 S.F.3'-0"6"3'-0"3'-1"WCLLINENNEWEXERCISENEWOFFICENEW CLOSET3'-1"34"NEW1'-0"2'-1"24"AC #1CONDFAUWCLNEWATTICNEWBATHNEWFAMILY ROOMNEWCOVERED DECKNEWOPENDECKAC #2CONDMITERED GLASSCORNERFOLDING COVERGLASS DOORSFOLDING COVERGLASS DOORSTUB andSHOWERGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAILGLASSGUARDRAIL3'-1"LL3"2'-1"1'-0"818"( 9.31 FS ) ( 8 . 9 0 F S )( 8.32 FS )( 1 3 . 8 5 TW )( 8.45 TC )( 7.91 FS )BOT. X( 8.24 TC )( 7.70 FL )( 7 . 7 9 T C )( 7.28 FL )( 6 . 6 7 F L ) ( 7 . 2 8 T C )SD MH( 7 . 8 7 F S ) ( 8 . 7 0 F S )( 8.70 FS )( 9 . 0 8 F S ) ( 8 . 7 4 N G ) ( 8. 9 1 N G ) EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLNEW WALLNEW WALL NEW WALLEXT'GNEW2 % SFDOWN7" RISER 8.72 FS( 8.56 FS )( 8.46 FS )1 % SF 1 % SF1 % SF 2 % SF2 % SF2 % SF( 8 . 9 0 F S )( 8.80 FS )( 8.80 FS )( 9 . 5 6 F F )DOWN4" RISER-57.79 S.F.NORTH ARROW14" = 1'-0"C O N S T R U C T I O N L E G E N D EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED NEW WALL CONSTRUCTIONSETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK3'-0"SETBACK5'-0" SETBACK 5'-0" SETBACK 5'-0"SETBACK 0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED0'-0" REAR SETBACKALLOWED15'-0"8'-21 2"6'-31 2"3'-0"5'-0"13'-712"3'-1"6'-058"19'-101 2"15'-0"6"4'-0"2'-0"2'-312"4'-0"17'-712"6'-0"3'-1"1'-0"19'-101 2"7'-8"12'-21 2"5'-1"3'-1"2'-9"EXT'GEXT'GEXT'G EXT'GEXT'GEXT'GEXT'G37'-51 2"27'-6" 6"19'-41 4"4'-2"6'-31 4" 4'-71 4"2'-11 2"12'-71 2"4'-0"3'-1"SETBACK7'-8" PROPERTY LINE 100.00'2'-412"36'-0" 26'-71 8"4'-0"5'-47 8" 21'-7" 5'-111 2"5'-11"5'-71 2"4'-1"SETBACKTO FOSSETBACKTO FOSSETBACK3'-0"3'-0"19'-0"8'-918"3'-0"24'-0"19'-0"5'-0"3'-918"5'-0"EXISTING GARAGEEXISTING 18'-3" WIDEx 19'-0" DEEPPARKING SPACEEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXT'GSIDEWALKEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBEXISTING FACE of CURBPLANTER 133 S.F.PLANTER 53.17 S.F. NEW CLOSET TO FOSSETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK LINESETBACK LINESETBACK LINE NEW 2ND FLOOR SETBACKSETBACKSETBACK32"NEW32"NEW+ 9'-2"3'-1"EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 1ST FLOOR OUTLINE EXT'G 2ND FLOOR OUTLINEEXT'G 2ND FLOOROUTLINE( 8.66 FS )EXT'G WALL TOBE REMOVEDTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALNEWWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALNEW WALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSTYPICALEXISTINGWALLSNEW DECK3'-918"EXT'GSETBACKTO FOSSETBACK3'-0"SETBACKNEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RDFLOOR OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOR OUTLINE NEW 3RD FLOOR OPEN DECK OUTLINENEW 3RD FLOOROPEN DECK OUTLINEWALL 9"CROSS HATCHING INDICATESNEW 2ND FLOOR AREA ADDEDHATCHING INDICATES NEW1ST FLOOR AREA ADDED2'-8"4'-0"16'-312"9'-4" 7'-0"2'-4"6'-5"9'-1012"OPEN VOLUME137.08 SF2'-4"9'-1012"10'-4"7'-1"FAU7'-1"1'-0"6'-4"2'-4"37'-5"2'-0"7'-1"918"918"9'-758"7'-1158"7'-1" 3'-43 4"14'-9"3'-1"6'-61 2"15'-512"7'-1"1'-0"21'-3"5'-618"8'-2"7'-1"1'-0"20'-3"7'-512"2'-0"3'-0"HATCHINGINDICATES NEW 3RDFLOOR ADDITION20'-3" x 12'-2 12"= 247.21 S.F.8'-9"12'-6"20'-3"7'-8"12'-21 2"7'-8"8'-9" x 7'-8"= 67.08 S.F.12'-6" x 7'-8"= 95.83 S.F.STAIRS OUT IS8'-2" x 7'-1" = 57.79 S.F.3RD FLOOR IS352.33 S.F.16'-312"9'-10"4'-2"3'-612"4'-6" 7'-0" 7'-0"16'-312" x 7'-0"= 114.04 S.F.9'-10" x 2'-4"= 22.94 S.F.4'-2" x 4'-6"= 18.75 S.F.3'-612" x 7'-0"= 24.79 S.F.2'-6"4'-2" x 2'-6"= 10.41 S.F.14'-2"14-2" x 2'-4"= 33.05 S.F.24'-0"21'-0"7'-1"14'-5"24'-0" x 21'-0"= 504.00 S.F.14'-5" x 7'-1"= 102.11 S.F.14'-2"14-2" x 2'-4"= 33.05 S.F.4'-2"2'-6"4'-2" x 2'-6"= 10.41 S.F.24'-0"21'-0"24'-0" x 21'-0"= 504.00 S.F.20'-8"20'-8" x 7'-1"= 146.38 S.F.LESS STAIRS = 84.28 S.F.7'-1158" x 3'-814"= -29.38 S.F.9'-758" x 3'-434"= -32.72 S.F.2ND FLOORUNIT A IS 631.74 S.F.1ST FLOORUNIT A IS 649.57 S.F.1ST FLOORSTORAGE IS180.52 S.F.27'-0"19'-0"19'-0" x 27'-0"= 513.00 S.F.2'-4" x 6'-4"= -14.77 S.F.1'-0" x 7'-1"= -7.08 S.F.2'-0" x 7'-1"= -14.16 S.F.19'-0" x 30'-1"= 571.58 S.F.19'-0"30'-1"1ST FLOOR EXT'GUNIT B IS 535.57S.F.5'-818"5'-818" x 21'-7"= 122.53 S.F.NEW5'-0" x 2'-8"= -13.33 S.F.-12.50 S.F.24'-0" x 27'-0"= 648.00 S.F.LESS DECK =622.17 S.F.2'-8"24'-0"27'-0" 3'-4"3.33 S.F.WALLCOUNTEDIS 2.06S.F.14'-9"10"14'-9" x 10" = 12.29 S.F.4'-212" x 6'-3"= 26.30 S.F.2ND FLOOR EXT'GUNIT B IS 1,182.85S.F.22'-0"23'-0"22'-0" x 23'-0"= 506.00 S.F.4'-212"11'-278"6'-3"11'-278" x 6'-3"= 70.24 S.F.2'-8" x 23'-0"= 61.33 S.F.4'-0" x 7'-1"= 28.33 S.F.ADD. 25 SFNEWNEWNEWNEWNEW 2ND FLOOR160.15 S.F.ADD. 56 SFNEWSF34 RESIDENCEAC( 9 . 0 7 TW )LOT 1 OF BLOCK 111 OF TRACT MAP NO. 234RdM SURVEYING INC.LEAD AND TAG ELEVATION= 7.12ELEVATION= 7.217NAVD88 DATUMBENCH MARK #: 1E-123-14LEGAL DESCRIPTION:TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYJOB: 62-19 DATE: 10/14/16RDMSURVEYING@COX.NET(949) 858-3438 FAX(949) 858-2924 OFFICELAGUNA HILLS, CA 9265323016 LAKE FOREST DR. #409RON MIEDEMA L.S. 4653OWNER:BENCH MARK:NEWPORT BEACH, CA1100 W. BALBOAADDRESS OF PROJECT:CONC.(123.45)F.F.T.G.A.C.M.H.F.S.G.F.PXN.G.WMP.P.X( )DESCRIPTIONBENCH MARKNATURAL GRADETOP-GRATEMAN-HOLEFINISH SURFACECONCRETEGARAGE FLOORFINISH FLOORWATER METERPOWER POLEPROPERTY LINEBUILDINGREC. BRG. & DIST.MEAS. ELEVATIONSASPHALTPLANTERFENCEWALLBRICKDECKLEGENDCF.W. 2.0 GUTTER (6.50FL)50.0 ACACCONC.0.6 (6.98TC)CONC.4.4 ( 7 . 1 3 F S )2 STORY10.0 10.0 ( 9 . 1 3 F S )CONC.CONC.(8.31FL)NOTE: RECORD EASEMENTS ARE NOT PLOTTED IF ANY.( 9 . 0 7 TW )(8.32FS)(7.88FS)(8.01FS)(9.02TW) 1ƒ ( PROPERTYACBALBOA BLVD.RESIDENCE2 STORY6ƒ ( AC(9.14TW)CONC.(8.42FS)PROPERTYLINECONC.(8.91NG)CONC.LINECONC. (6.96TC X)(6.38FL)(6.33FL)CENTERLINEAC(9.51FF)(8.74NG)CONC.(6.99TC)(6.97TC)CBCONC.CONC.CONC.BOT. X (6.47) (6.59) CONC. CONC.CONC.6ƒ ( 0.5 CONC. 1ƒ ( 3.7CONC.3.0CONC.ALLEY(8.27FL)3.0 CONC.CONC.(9.08FS)(9.13GF)CONC.CENTERCONC.LINECONC.CONC.X(9.17FS)( 9 . 3 1 F S )(8.90FS)CONC.(9.91FS)CONC.PROPERTYCONC.LINECONC.CONC.(9.39FS)( 1 3 . 7 6 TW ) X CONC.0.5CONC. X (8.7FS)CONC.(8.22FL)CONC.( 1 3 . 8 5 TW )CONC.CONC.CONC.CONC.(8.20FL)CONC.CONC. CONC.LINECENTERACACACSD MH(7.28TC X)(6.67FL)BOT. X0" TC (6.58)AC( 7 . 3 6 F S )20.0(8.29FS)ACCF.W. 1.0 GUTTERAC(7.79TC)(7.28FL)(7.70FL)( 8 . 2 4 T C )5.0(8.86FS)AC(7.91)BO T . XAC AC(8.35FS)11TH STREET SCALE: 1"=8'0'NORTH8'16'(9.56 FF)ARCHITECT John T. Morgan Jr. 18682 Beachmont Avenue North Tustin, CA 92705 ph (714) 730-2723 fax (714) 730-2724 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYT-1GLADSTONE REMODEL 1100 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663RONMIEDEMANO. 4653EXP. 9/30/19LICE N S EDLANDSURVEYORSTATEOFCALI F OR NIA 18" = 1'-0"POINT #1POINT #2POINT #4POINT #3EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'GEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALL EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL EXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALLEXT'G WALL ESTABLISHED GRADE CALCULATIONSPOINT #1 .................................................. 9.08 FSPOINT #2 ................................................ 8.70 FSPOINT #3 ................................................ 8.74 NGPOINT #4 8.91 NGSUBTOTAL of ELEVATIONS ...... 35.43 35.43 DIVIDED BY 4 = 8.85 ESTABLISHED GRADE35