HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-28 - Orange Coast Pilotr l TOMORROW: ' 1:1111 110111 WEDNE SDAY. NO VEMBER 28. 1984 OR AN GE COUN TY C ALlfOH N IA l'-CENT <, Coaat Reputed Nazi war crlml- nal Andrlja Artukovlc was ordered held without ball pending extradition hear- Ing./ A3 A forum Is planned Satur- day on the proposed ex- panSlon of John Wayne Airport./ Al California Reagan's tax attorney's son guilty In murder of mother./A4 Nation New tax plan won't sim- plify things for majority of nation's taxpayers./ A4 Sen. Robert Dole Is named Senate majority leader In close vote./ A8 World A foiled plot to blow up U.S. Embassy In Rome leads to hints terrorists have targeted many American buildings for destruction./ A8 Chinese crack down on "fwo-hour lunch breaks, during which most workers gulp down their food and nap./ A5 I Home The best furniture made In America has1excltlng visual rhythm./81 :::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~;;:::::~:::::::::.::::: Food Get on the right track for the holidays with a candy train centerpiece. /C1 Sports The Corona del Mar High volleyball team sweeps past lrvlne In the state tournament./D1 More big things are ex- pected from the Mater Del High basketball team this season./D1 Unbeaten Orange.Qoast College will enter Its own Miies Eaton basketball tourney as one of the favorltes./D2 Entertainment Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton had to get Into the Christmas spirit early this year./83 "2010" brings the human element Into space tech- nology as a sequel to '2001 , a Space Odyssey." /114 Bualneu Chase Manhattan Corp. Is opening "nonbank banks" In the state./85 ·INDEX Birth a Bridge Bulletin Board Bulin ... CaHfornla Newa Claaalfted Com lea Cronword Death Notlcee Food HelpYoureetf Home HorOICOP9 Ann Lander• Mutual Funda National Newt Opinion Paparazzi Pollce Log Publle Notices Sport a Stock Merketa Tetev1alon Theeter9 WMther World Nftl ' • A8 C10 A3 BS-7 A4 -cs-a C10 07 04 C1-9 B2 B1-2 06 B2 86 A4 A10 B1 A3 CM 01.3 . B8 82 83 A2 A4 Newport Beach SW AT team mt!:tbera ee-cort Tony Atkln80n (left. ln •trl •horta) I ............. ~ .............. and Ken 8mJtla (forefrOa.Dd) from eceae of early morillnC •bootoat. 2 give up· in .Coast shootout· NB apartments evacuated in morning standoff BJ STEVE MARBLE ................ Two Newport Beach men sur- rended early this momina after firina at least a dozen shots from a semiautomatic rifle into nearby Balboa Peninsula office buildinas and holding police at bay for nearfy five hours. Nobody was injured in the ordeal which began at about 2:30 a.m. Ncwpon police evacuated several apartments and homes in the area of the sbootinJ, a mixed residential and business district near the Ncwpon Pier. t Kenneth C. Smith. 23, and Tony Atkinson. 25, walked out of' their 21st Street apartment at 7: 15 a.m .. with their bands an the air and put up no resistance when police rushed· lD to handcuff them. LL Jim Carson said neither man offered an explanation for the shoot- in&. He said also it is unclear whether both men fired shots, wbicbappiarent- ly struck nearby offioe buildinp: Police said they confiscated four weapons from the the tce0nd floor aparuncnt at 204 21st St. and boo licved the JUD used in the incident wai a semiautomatic buntins rifle. Ballistics tests were to be -performed on all the weapons. Fn:d Grimes, a lo~me Balboa resident who lives behind the apart- ment where the men bad barricaded themselves, said he awoke to the (Pleue 8BOOTOUT/A2) 'Pagan art' for Laguna Christmas protested Sign painter blasts ctty•s Arts Commission over ·anti-religious· winter solstice project By LISA MAHONEY OflMDellrl'tlol• .... A Laguna Beach painter is sccina red over what he says 1s an attempt by the city's Arts Commission to wh1te- w115h a traditional .Christmas cel- ebration wilh an "anti-religious" pagan art projecL Retired sign pamtcr Earl Secor claims a tradiuon he helped begin. artist-rendered Christmas palettes, is aeuing shon shrift from the Ans Commission in favor of pricey solstice banners. The commission pays about $500 apiece to the three anists a year whose banner designs arechosen for display. All palettes created arc displayed and the top three in the competitton arc tovcn smaJI awards. The palcttc~1 aJI 75 of them, and the six banners (tnrcc were created last year) will decorate tjty streets through the holiday season. But Secor has accused the com- mission of trying to take over with Lhe "anti-tradition and anti-religious" banners. "Solstice was an ancient pagan celebration of the change of season. Is there a valid reason for the LBAC to revive it in Laguna Beach at Christmas time," Secor asks in a letter sent to local newspapers. Teens plead 'no contest' • • • • • 1n street-racing.death Char es reduced to vehicular manslaughter; ,. judge dismisses second-degree murder raps By JEFF ADLER OflMDelly .......... --~ Two Huntington Beach High School seniors accused of killing a Fountain Valley mother of five last year while aHcgedly street racing along Adams Avenue pleaded no contest Tuesday to vehicular man· slaughter charges. The pleas by Randall Craft. 18. and Jeffrey Thomas. 17. followed Judge Luis Cardenas· decision to d1sm1ss second-degree murder charges against the teen-agers in the death of Gloria Chang. 48. A week ago. Cardenas ruled to strike the murder charges as a "matter of law" following a recent appellate coun decision in a Los Angeles case that clarified the circumstances m which second-Oegrec murder could ~ applied m traffic-related cases. Deputy District Attorney Mike Maguire explained. The no contest pica is Lhc equivalent of "an admission of the truth of the allegations,'' Maguire said. · Change died instantly following the Dec. 2, 1983 crash near the inter- section of Adams A venue and New- land Street in Huntington Beach. The prosecution allcJcd Craft and Thomas \Vere racing along Adams A venue at speeds approaching 80 mph. Cardenas 1s scheduled to sentence the youths dunng a Feb. 25 disposi- tion hearing. Cran and Thomas face a (Pleue Me T&ltl'f8/ A2) ~ "Someone had to di& deeply into ancient history to find a plan to force on the community their idea of art ..• to compete witb the traditional holiday decoration such as the artist palette pt"OIJ'aJJl," be wrote. Elaipe Dines, chairman of the commission's visual arts committee, bas come to the defense of solstice banners. In 1981_. when lhe City Council asked the commission to come up with an idea for non~mmcrcial holiday decorations. mcmbcn tried ......................... ...... .,_ .... ._rlattl ... toTuoJ ... -.li .... el Ilana. S. ud AA*-ll.lc•.U• Boll~, S, at ~Oraal• Coutlatmfaltla 81aelter la Coeta ...... TIM-'elter la open to aayoae wttlaoat a laome, bat tb.e ,,.tttnc llat la Ion.&. a ' ' \ to tbmk of sometbjng with "uni venaJ appeal," Oines said. "The solstioe banner art ~Y is a non-sectarian, non-prejudicial oel- cbration oflife through art." she said. Dines said that because the com- mission is a aovcmmmt body, 1t did no\ want to endorse a pro~ that would b.ighligbt one rchgjon OT phtlosophy to the exclusion of anothtt". .. The wi ntcr solmoe seemed an obvious. aJbc1t ·archaic solution. (Pleue eee AllTIST I A2) (Pl•• w PAJll./A.a) Mesa's shelter beacon of hope Homeless f amiltes get new startonlif e after •httttngbottom· Many homeless famd1cs sleep 1n their cars before finding tcmpora.r) housing at the Orange Coast Inter- faith helter m Costa Mesa. But Carol HQ.lleran and her family d1dn"t have a ~r. The}' d1dn't have mone~ Tor a motel room. and their TONY SAAVEDRA Focus ON THE NEws sp1nt wert about as low 11 tht1r finance Holleran rcmembvcn.. • Htr tory. hkc many at ~shelter. \tans ofTbad and icts wo~. First. there wa her husband' COC'llnt habtt Then t~y ~n out of mon~ and were evicted from thetr apartment One of their children bttam( IC'nousl) 11t Her hu,band 1ot m~ while a'"ng the child to thf ho~p1tal ll 1\ 1 talc tt)at hqin~ at rock bottom and pion&" do~ ntt.ud Yet, Holleran 1\ bnght-c)«i and op. t1m1~t1t: (Pleue ... sma. yg., A.2) -- --I .. J A2**0r•nge Coast DAILY P ILOT /Wednetd1y, Novemat.r 28, 1084 Bolsa Chica plan hits sn~g By ROBERT 8A1UtER OfllleO.-, ....... An.a~ .-hnoncl to the Pac1ti Ocean appeors lo be tht one maJor obstacle threattning to snaa 1a com· promise over devdopmcnt plans tn the Bolsa Chica manhlands. $0Ur('('S !Mild today. The state Coastal ¢omm1ss1on 1s )lated to take up the long.st.andmg controversy at 9 a.m. Thursday at thC' Hohda) Inn at U>s Angele Inter· natio nal A1rpon. Ma1or components of dtvelop- mcnl propo~ls on tht 1.6&6 acrts of lo" land!. -adJaccnt to Pac1tic Coast H1ghwa}. "'est of Warner Avenue and surrounded by Huntington Bead• Cit)' ltm1l!. -include: CONTINUED STORIES • Restor:uion of 91 S acre of wetlands for a wtldhte h, b1tat. •Construction or up to S, 700 home . many to be loentcd on waterway nd having their own docks. •Creation of a J.)()().. lip manna. •A min1-rcroutt of Pacific Coast H1gllwa) inland from Jts present location tonccommodatc boat traffic. The 1ssuts, wbich have d1v1ded landowners and cnvironmentalisu for more than a decade, were worked out last month by the state Coastal ( onstrvancy which was mandated b) the state Legislature to find a com- promise. But the staff of the Coast.al Com- mis ion this week hns come out w11h recommendation• apinst the n v1-Pl1 hannt . rocKmg the boat for Orange County official!. (the land 1s in unincor1><>r:m'd tcrnt0ry) and rcp- rcsemauvcs of tht S11nal Landm .. rk Co.. tht' maJor Bolsa Chica land· owner. "I can't believe the)' (Coa tal Comm1ss1on sLan) would undo the plan af\er all thest yea~:· s~ud Darlene Frost, Signal's proJect man· ager. It has the approval of the county. the statt Department of Fish and Game, Signal. the Coastal Con- servancy and the city of Huntington Beach. PAIR SAVED AS YACHT SINKS ••. From Al BtH h men ""ere 1n good cond1t1on th" morning after being picked up about 11: IS p.m. Tuesday b) the ti,hing boat Bonnie. the Associated l'rns reported. The rescue came · ncJrl~ 17 hours after a Mayday call frum the ?.!·foot Wanderin' Star \Jlhl Coas1 Guard Pfll> Officer < h;irle\ Crosb> said I ARTIST ... From A l hel)one celebrates the longest day ol 1he )ear." she said. ()ernr's response to the com- m l\SIOn 's equal opportumtycfTort: In I YtS:?. "the Chnstmas tree was called thc tree of hfe. we wonder how they "111 neu1rallzc Santa Claus." The Bonnie changed course to take the pair to Cabo San Lucas where the) will be put on " flight back home today. The Coast Guard received the Ma>day radio call from the yacht at 6:26 a.m. Tuesday. Crosby said. Also not1fytng the Coast Guard of the sinking yacht was Robert Bisbee of Bisbce's Sponfishing on Balboa Island. according to Joe Moniz. an employee of the company. ' "We heard the Mayday early )'esterday on the singk·ssdeband radio and called the Coast Guard and the American Tuna Boat Assoc1a- t1on." Moniz said. Bisbee remained tn contact w11h Putnam and relayed h1s ·map coord1 -. natcs to the Tuna Boat Assoc1at1on. Putnam and Guiterrez. said their boat was taking on water 100 miles southeast of the Baja California SHOOTOUT IN NEWPORT ... F rom Al -.ound of gunfire earl) this morning. "I heard a ·btam· and thought ma) be 11 wa .. a car accident." G rimes said ... Then I heard about seven rapid shots." -4' "A httlc excitement in the old neighborhood ... said John Scanch, who said police poc;111o ned them· !>Cl ves on the \econd,,Ooor ofhss house as they watched the nearby apan- ment. Arca residents de .. cnbed the 1wo men as nice. polite and normally quiet All said the} ""ere surpnsed b} 1he morning's act1vt1). ~ "They always seemed like perfcctl'y normal nu:e gu)'>... G nmes said. "Never nois) Nevt."r any problems. l:.xcellenl nc11l,hbor'>. rl·all}." Police oflicers said the shooting had ceased when the\ am ved hut that in111al efforts 10 gc1 the men to !>urrender were fut1k "Officers were able to observe a nfle po1n11ng o ut of an upstairs window." Lt. Gal) Peterson '>aid. "We cordoned off the area and tncd to make phohe contact with them." Gnmes said he overheard one of 1he men refuse to come out until \Omeone contacted h1'i attorne}- .. The police told him that wasn't possible," (,nmcs. said "Later. one of tht." men ~sd he couldn't come out until his head deared .. A 16-mcmber SWAT team was hrought to 1hc '>Ccne at about 4 a.m. and qu1ckl) nacuated resident<, and ~t up a command post al a ncarb) rc\laurant < aro;on \aid a 7-f-kven c..onvc· nu:nce '>tore ..crvcd coffee to C' acu· a1ed resident'> ""h1lc a rl'Slaurant. The \uh Coihack opened early to g.s ve re\tdent~ a pl<1ce to gel out oft he earl; morning rain Police \aid 1hn uiuld not 1mmed1- atl'I\ find e"1dcnc1: of the gunfire but .. aid invc\t1gatof\ w<'re comh1ng of- lit1: bu1ld1ng., on thl' uthcr 51tk of ~l·"'port Boulnard toda~ In find th~ \lug\ ( ar..on \a1d the· '"o ml'n arc hcrng held at the ti t~ 1ail and prohabl~ will be charged "'th linng .i gun antu a building. a felon~ He dsd nol knov. whJt the batl figure mighl be 1 he fi~l··hour inutknt appeared 10 hJ\e ll1tlc lingering dk<.t in Halboa th1<, mo rning a\ hu\inev1ml.'n and rl''>taurant l'mplml'l'\ "'l'nt Jbc1ut their work Mo'>I '><llll 1hn-knl'w r\olh1ng ahout thl· \hoo11ng peninsula. and a le" minutes later said they were going to board a life raft. teams \a1d this morning that he and his famtl) had been aboard the vessel unlll Sunda)' when they flew home. Putnam. Stearn'!' skipper for the past fhc years, and Guiterrez lt'ft Puerto Vallarta on Monda) en route to Newpon Beach. he said. "We're very relieved to hear that they're OK," Stearns said. "You can replace the boat. but )OU can't replace these people." Stearns said the S·year-oJd yacht. which was 1n eAcellent condition. sank after taking on water The seas were rough at the time. he said. but it was unclear what damage led to the sinking. . Stearns also praised B1sbee's hand- ling of the Ma)da) call "h1t h led to the rescue. "Well 11 go\ me l'\Clll'd .. '>aid \\..inch . whu wa\ t<H~ing a li\h1 ng pole and talkie "rall I've got IO go lt\h1ngJU'>I 111 rnlm rn) .,l.'lr down .. ~ ............ ..,McMr.lleeMef Newport SW AT team member atanda below apartment where bull eta new. TEENS ENTER PLEA IN RACE DEA. TH •.. Fr om A l ma.umum term ol thrCl' )Caro; in a C :ihforn1a 'r outh Authority 1ns111u- 11on, according lo Maguire. "I \II{'" II a'i a \Cl) '>CnOU'I case." the proSec utor said "I ""'II be '>Celong a ciubstanual amount of time rn custody" ( raft and l homa' <'ntcred their plea<i during a half-h1Jur hearing that followed da}·long d1'1Cus'11o n\ be- tween their defcnS<" a11orneys and the Dall1 Piiot O.llvery I• Ouar•ntffd "' ...,., , .-,., If f "Y. prosecutor The pleading fore!>tallcd a tnal 1n the case. which had been schcdu\cd to hcgin Tuesday. Earbcr th1'i year. Cardenas had agreed to em panel an ad" isoryfflul) in the case and give "great wei t and credence" 10 its conclusion. a though 1t recommendation would not carry the force or law. Such an arrangement would have been the fire,\ of its kmd 1n a Juvenile ORANGf COAST Daily Pilat ( oun case in Orange County. but not an tht stale. Under the law, minors are entitled only to a cnmanal tnal before 8JUdge. Maguire said he expected the February dispo!.1t1on hearing would Utke the form of a tri,ol, with both sides calling witnesses because the facts in the case sull arc in dispute. Both \raft afld Thoma' have remained free since the accident. Clrc uteUon 7-W/142-4333 CleHtflM ectt-Uelno 714/142·5'71 Alt otMr cMpCJrtment• 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE )JO W..t 8'ty St Col•• ..._ C.A Mal edOlt Bno IMO ("_1, ~ CA t~?e N..t P4# f°'Jii' g,.,,._ t ; 11 V C,... r tt•i~•1-' 'J"' '., r,; t"'"" •"' '"" ,..._..., •• ~ l.lf"41Y I 1 \.;al)ll, t ,,., )t' "'' ,..,,_,, ' , nf1y b'r I e ff· 1t r.-• "'"' ti) I m ttM 1""' Cf~• ., • '"' ,.._.., H.L. 8chw•rt1 Ill Publisher r~ 11163 Ot--. eo.M "'-ono C.(""l>lny No •.-•·-<llAl•eMna tOIOhll PNl!I., c-_,,.. ._, ,.._ -t 11e •eor~~ ... """" ~·' """ Cltcul.tton T•~• Frank ~nl Keren Wittmer Managing Editor Advert1s1ng Director Ro .. mal y Churchmen Controller Robert CentreH Produc tion MAnagPr Donefd l . WHH•m• Circula1 1on Manager .. ~ Ol COOy!'l/1 ... VOL. n , HO. 333 WEATHER Skies Will clear after storm A powerful atorm which acour9d North«n Calllomla wlll catt only ragg9d r9mnantt over South9rn Callfomla Thursd1y. Sklet will be fair and partly cloudy through the day, th• Natlon•I w .. th9r S41f"Vk:e nld. Hlghl Thursday wlll be In tM 801 In LOI Ange!M and tM valleya, with lows tonight moatly In the 40.. The beaches wlll have hlgha In th• 601, with Iowa tonight In the 401 ind lower 501. Alona the coastline, It wlll be fair tonight and Thursday except pertly cloudy In the 1utem valleya and IOOth cout1t areu. Cooi.r tonight, but a lltti. warm« Thur9day. High• Thursday In the "°'· Lowa tonight In the 40. and loW9r 601. U.S. Temps MertlP'lil .. ~ ~&Mdl 19 73 MIWllUk .. 6e 31 I HI .... Mple-81 Peul 39 21 .~. -}f. .;'\ ~ 'AONH ~ 53 " ....,,..... M 39 ~-. ~ ,~, · 11~ "'T.~ .., ·'. -~Q\141 31 20 NewC>nNM 72 42 ..... Aln#tllo ~ 21 New York 11 49 .... ~ .. r: ....... '• .. MottorllQe 17 13 ~OHy 4S 2t ... ,. ,.,, Al14tnta 71 47 OtNN 33 24 ., .. .... "I • , . .. .t.llantlC!Otv 61 64 Ofiando 80 80 Aualln 51 33 p~ 59 41 8allimO•• \ 61 44 "'-!• SI 3t Calif. Temps SanGeb<W 70 3t ·~ .. 42 Pttt= 85 $4 San .JoN SI 50 8oelon 83 ~ Port ....... 50 28 Santa AM H 43 SI 44 euneio 67 64 Ponlend,Ot 9atll• Crin 62 SS CUI* 29 " Pr~ 83 34 Mlgh. loW, prectptllllon tor 2• l>OUlt TahOe V1lwy 44 30 Char'-lon SC 69 82 Relelgh 70 59 endtnQ 11 6 I m IO<lay v'OM1T1'11V1y 43 27 ellM'-lon.W v 72 50 Aeno 52 36 8alt ... flelcl ee SS Cl\arlotte N C ee $9 Stl-55 32 Evr•• SU 49 ~ 33 1t StPet .. Twnpa 13 82 Fr-81 53 CflleaOO st 31 Salt ....... ~"' 37 33 L.ancMI .. 66 •3 Cincinnell 61 ~ Sen AnlOft St 31 LOIA~ 10 55 Extended Cleveland 6t 49 Sen Juen, R $3 72 0 ... 111\d 55 )6 Colufl'lt>ut.011 157 47 St Ste Marie 47 31 Pato Roblel 15() 40 Ollllaa-FI W0t111 so 31 SM tile ~ 43 Aed erun 415 46 Few FrlCley end Seturcley lnctMc::!' Oey\on es 32 Spolo-$4 33 Aeclwoocl C<ty 62 !>5 CIOuO.,_. Svnday Continued o.n-31 2• 8yrec:uM 57 48 Reno 52 JS Hlglle In eo. Ov .. n!Qlll 40t lllfougll 0..M-44 24 Tope111 43 24 Sec;t.,,_to 5e 51 rnld·SO. 0.11001 11 41 Tuceon 57 33 Salin .. 51 S• EIPHo 47 23 TulM 50 2t S1111 OllQO 157 55 Ev-vl!le es " w-.g1on 83 47 S1111 FrllllCIKO-.-> 60 SS f-1 -01 -22 Wldlll• 45 23 S.n11 8ett>et1 151 so ' Tides Wlflr-8etre 151 48 Fetgo 33 23 High. 10w prec;tplllllOn le>< 74 llOuft Flag11•" 40 '" encll1>91ISpm Grend Rapl01 SI 315 Berti CM S8 315 TODAY GrMI Fllll 32 32 81Q~ •• 12 Sec:on<I hlO" 12 23pm • 1 Gr..,llt>Ofo:N c 157 57 Surf report BllhOO 45 21 S.Con<llOw a 24 pm OJ 0.end Aapicl1 58 315 Sly\IW sa 315 Hartlorcl 83 38 Cat ..... 15() ., THUftl80AY H4lel\I 35 It LOCATM>tf ICU lttAl't! l ong 8MGll Ml 4J F1<11111g11 •Ol5•m .. 0 HonOlvlu 12 715 Huntlflt•on e.eor. •·2 poor Monrovia 158 37 Fifa! low 15 32em 33 Houlton ee 40 Al-.Jel!y, Mewpor1 1·2 poor Mont.,ey 154 48 Stieon<I "IO" t 42pm • 2 ln<llllnepoll• ee 35 40th S11..i. Newpor1 1·2 poor Mt Wilton 51 32 S.C:on<I low '023pm OS Jec:Qon,Mt H ~I 22nd 811..i Newl>Ot1 •·2 poor Newport llNCI> 65 47 J-tonvtlll 715 es Bllboe Wedge 1·2 pool Ontllr10 es 35 Sun Ml• 10011 al 4 44 p m "-~ 23 21 Leouna 8e4ICll 1 poor Pelm$pMQI 152 40 lllur.CS.y 1115 31 • m and Mlt llQaln at K.,,...Clly 45 2• 51111 ci.n-11 1·2 poor Pa-• ee 40 4 44 pm LH Vega1 45 :M w., .. temp 80·8 1 ~!Ywllde 116 38 Moon Mii 11 10'215 p m , ,._ ltlura. LHlllRQclt ~ 2t s ...... <lkec:tlOn '°"'"-' Sen BernarcliN> 154 37 cley 11 12 26 pm encl Mia 11 11 24 pm CONTINUED STORIES SHELTER AIDS HOMELESS IN MESA ... From A l "h 's because I know there 1s a light at 1he l'nd of the tunnel somewhere:· she S3)''>. a5 her sleepy-eyed daughter leans a ured head against her shouldn .. I can't 'ill around and dwell on 11. 'cause 1fl do. I'll never get 11 back together." The Holleran!> are. one of 12 fam1l11.•s s1ay1ng at the shelter. a nine· umt apanment com pie~ purchased in Janual) h} the Orange Coast group. The apanment'> arc used as tem- poral) houc;sng. although three of the un11s arc 'lt1ll occupied b) renters. who c-ho~ to remain after the sale. When and 11 the) leave. the apart- ments \\tll be u~d t>y the shelter. The fro nt building has been turned into an office and an emcrgcm·} housing fac1ht}. ""here more fam1he!> can 'Ila~ up to three nights f-am1lle!> "'ho get 1n1oonc o f 1hc apanmcnt\arc allo""cd to sta\ for 1wo mo nth<t. The) are S'' en food. hcdd1ng and blankeb, and J)l.'rhaps mort· 1rnponantl;. the) ·re gl\ en rc~pe<I and encourage- ment. "Whal WC If} IO do IS take people a""ay from being •the homeless and the poor.' a11d give 1hem a persona . v.t g1 .. e them their self-1dent1t) hack ... '>ay'> Scott Mather. prc~1den1 or the Orange Coast Interfaith board of ~ dire<.lor'> The \helter 1!> managed b) Sister Donna Ma scan. a 27-ycar·old ( ath- ohc nun with the Sisters of St. Jo-.eph 1n Orange MaSt·an reque!>ted 1he addrl''i\ of the center not be pubhshed becau\e manv of the tenant'> arc hattercd w1ve·s '><.'eking refuge with their c:h1ldren Ho"'evt•r she stres~s the sheller is open 10 anyone w11hout a home. ~adl }. \he !>a ys, the temporary and emergency facilities are usually full. WE'RE LISTENING Just Call .642-608-6 forcing her to 1urn a"a) 10 to 15 fam1hc~ a day. The simple apanmcnt\, with sec- ond-hand. unmatching furniture. arc much 1n demand Decor 1s no1 important to people 1hankful to be sleeping in a bed again. In o ne apartment. erratic cracks travel through a \lltcd lampshade. while on a table across the room. carefully placed pine cont''> !>crvc a' conversation pieces Famsltc'\ at the -;helter <&re housed lWQ per un11. and ths!> pctns~ular apanment 1s shared b} 1he Hollcrans and the Johnsons "We lucked out ge111ng in her<' .. \.'i\S Holleran "It v.a<, a miracle.'' H crnp11m1-;m I\ echoed b) Barbara Johnson. holding a )Oungchild 10 hc·r chest. "We're hoping to get into a lo"- inc;:ome (housing pro1ecl) so V.l' do n't havt' to go through tlm anymore .. sa)S Johnson. 30 "Rut I'm 1ust so happy to have a roof.-over rn\ ~1d!>' heads." It wasn't so long ago the women were s inging a d1fTercnt tunc Johnson's problem s sr.ancd when her hu'lhand developed severe head- ache~. The ailment turned into one big financial headache for the famil) offive when the man lost his JOb and the Jo hnsons were evic ted from their home. They ended up spending thetr nights al a park, sleeps~ in their car "When 11 happcns9"your friend-; look d own on you. your family look!> down on you like you're din -and you ~tart feeling like din. It's hard 10 remain pos1t1ve." Jo hnson say-;. That's why the shelter has resident counselors. who advise the people on such thmgs as money management. as well as marriage and famtl) probk·m, Masrnn \3)!1 th<.' people arc en· couragcd to find Job~ a nd put 70 percent of their salaries into a""' an~ account. v.h1ch "'II be u!>ed to garner an apartment r~cy are als.o re- qu1:f>1ed. but no t ordered. to donall· I() pcrcTnl to the \helter. lca..,1ng :!ll pcrc1:n1 tor their personal nc~d'> Meal\ Jrl' p ro' 1ded w11ho u1 charge dunng lhl' two-m11n1h Sia~ al lhc lenter "V.e'rc tr.mg to ~ccp J)l.'uplc out of the wcllart'')~tem," Mather !k11d. Thc 'helter wa!> purchased for $430.000 "'11h do nations from the Ullc'> of Huntington Beach. In inc. < O'>IJ \kc,a, a'> "'ell as the l0un1; of Ora ngc hl' '>aid Monq for operating expenses. prOJCClt'd at roughly SI 50.000 an- nuall) 1s hc1ng ra1~ed through dona- tion\ from local rhurche5. fhc \helter can be reached by call1ng(l31-71 11 Ma r in e a ircraft p rac tices s lated r 1dd earner landing prac tice at the Manne ( orpc; Air S1a11on, El Toro. will re\ull an increased noise levels in neighborhood~ near the base. accord- ing to Manne ( orps officials Manni.' Airc raft Urou~-11 's l>(Juadron\ will be involved 1n the rxcrcl\l'. 1n which a ~mall -.ccuon of runwa} I\ used to '>lmulate landings aboard ;:in a1rcraft earner Thl· prJ1:t1u·~ an· scheduled 4:30 pm to 1.10 :1 m. on fndav, Saturday and 'iunda~ · What do you like af ut tht> Dail) Pilot" \\ha 1 don ·1 'ou like" Call the number at left i nd your essage will bt· ret·orded. tran,t·ribf.'d a nd dell\ ered to the a ppropriate edlco . The sa me 24-hour answer)ng servin ma) be U'it'd to record letter .. 10 the ed itor on any 1oplc. Concribucors 10 our Lf'll1·r~ column mu t inl'ludt' thl'ir na me and teleph~ne number for verih t•allon 't' C'irrulation rall,, pl~ase. Tell us wha t s on y~ur mind. • .. Kicking the habit? asses at college Smokers hoJ)104 to become ex-smokers can ltam how co kick the habit ui four ~venJna claste1 continui~ Tbunday at Sad.dleback Collqe'1 North Campus in· Irvine. . CO'-spo~aored by the ooUcsc and the American Can~r Society, the cl111e1 ,Provide information on t~hntques and methods available to help panicipan11 11ve up ciaarettes. The campu1 is located at the comer of Jeff're_y Road and lrvlne Center Drive. Tbe •t.O.JW.mOk.iD& classes 'ViU meet Thursday and Dec. 4 ~rom S:30 to 7_ p.m. Call the Health and :w'ellness. Center at SS9-9300, ext. 221, for funher Lnformauon. Sumner to addrw OC Dem• Retjred superior co~n judp and former scmblyman Bruce Sumner, C\unntl~ chairman the Oranae County Democratic Central Committee will be the featured auest at Frid,Jy's meetlna of the South Orange County Democratic Oub. . Sumner will lead local Democrats in an analysis of rcocnt .failinas in this month's elections and discuss stragcaies for the future at the 7:30 p.m. mectina at Western Federal Savinas and Loan in Mission Viejo. The savinas and loan is located at 26980 Crown VaJley Parkway cast of the Mission Viejo Mall. Ne"J'Ort police auction .et Nearly I 00 bicycles and dozens of other items will be auctioned Saturday by Newport Beach police. The collection of more than 2SO recovered items marks one of the city's la,..est auctions. In additional to ~icycles, there will be fumuure, s.u~ards, tennis gear, Jewelry, cameras, stereos and musical instruments. The action beg.ins at 9 a.m. at the police station. 870 Santa Barbara Drive. Single• worlt•IJop at OCC A workshop designed to help singles develof a network of special people for the holiday season wil be presented Dec. 7 at Oranae Coast College in Costa Mesa. Entitled "Reaching Out for the Holidays," the seminar will run from 7 to I p.m. in OCCs Faculty House "ntfer the direction of communications consultant Dr. Steven Winer. Admission is $ 10 and additional infor- mation may be obtained by calling 432-5880. Money meeting In Irvine A seminar on successful retirement money manage- ment will be presented Dec. 7 at the Irvine Senior Center, 3 Sandbura Way, Irvine, from I to 2:30 p.m. Financial planners Charles C. Mann and Maureen Tsu will cover topics such e preservation of income, protecting assets from inflation, reducing taxes, planning for estate transfer and preserving Social Security benefits. The fee for the class is $4, payable to City of Irvine Senior Services. Reservations are not ncc~ssary and further information may be obtained by contacting Michele Bats at 660-3889. Yogi to Jud Mea clau Ourucharan Singh Khalsa, a yog.i, psycholOJiSt, minister and director of a yog.ic community in long Beach. will conduct a six-hour seminar at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa Dec. 8. Chrlatmu arrlvea A Chrlatmu tree 1 .. htine cer- emon1, laanc~ tlae holldaJ HUOD, wu held'"' thJa week at TOW'IJCeDter Park, Weetin South Cout Plaaa Hotel lD C09ta lleM. The 1oanceet membera of· the .. ae,entrom ramn,, ownera of tbe plUa, pulled the •witch to the Ii.ht the towertna tree and Santa cr.u aave cand"y canee to the children. ~ Or1nge Cout DAILY PILOT /W~. Nov•ll 1 Ba1ldetd- -for1-- Nultiller LOS ANOEUS (AP) -In a counroom crowdtd with vocal Croatian emilm. reputed Nw ...,. cri.m.ia&l Aaatija Artukovic wu ordered held tritbout bl.i.l pendina a bearina on ,es.ttaditioD to y uplavia, dnpite hls lawycn' dai.m be 11 dytftl. Croanans. who support Altllkovic, clashed witb Jewtsb ~ outaidc • coun, and a holocaust l\lt'Vt vor aid be wu tbreateped ...;th death. "What they aid (in Croatian) W.. bow c:omk l survived and that it wpuldo•t.be for Iona.·· wd Leo Handel, 64, wbo anended T~y's bcanna. "Anuk.ovic, who turns 8S Thunday, bu been dcteribed by Justtee Oeparunimt ofJjcialsas the b.iahest raokina warchmina.I known to be Uvina in lhe United States. H~. is accused ofbeina the Nazi "Butcher 0£ The Balkan• .. wb.o helped kill no 000 people, includina infants and ~D. Artukovic aUeacdly entered the country illcplly in ,1948 and bas fended ·off deportation etf'ort1 for 3S yean. The crowd of Croati.a1i..~mericaA1 at the hcarina view Artuk<>vic u a fieedom fiabter who oppoeed the C9aunwaist 'me in their native land. e ailina Artukovic. propped up in 1 lchair and swtthed in blanketa. lbow- ed no reaction to tht coun proa:iedinp. which ~~laincd to him ~a~ Croatian tor. '"They have arrested an oJd man Db lol'\gcT able to speak OJl his own bebalf, .. said hu attorney, Gary Aeitchman. But Assist.ant U.S. Attorney David NunmCT, who opposed Artuk.ovic:'• rdeue on bail, depicted him u a mua munkftr wbo devised ... sra.nd desian of lla':IP.lel'"' for countless men. women and childten durina World War II. NimmCT sugested that if Artukovic wu released, his supporters would try IO spirit him out of the country. Outside coun, Federal Protective Ser- vice officers separated Artukovic's aup- poners from representatives of the Simon WiC$Cnthal Center when it btdme ap- parent the groups were about to brawl on the courthouse grounds. In the crowded couruoom, Ma&istrate Volney Brown cxeressed concern tor the health of Anukov1c, who has been io the jail ward of Los ~ C()unty-USC Med.cal Genter since btS IJ'TClt Nov. 16 at his Seal Beach home. But be said medical reports andtcated no imminent daJllCT to Anukovtc's hfe. The workshop, entitled "Yoga, Meditation and Massage," will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in OCC's Faculty House. Admission is $20 per .couple, which includes a booklet on the subject. Further information on the seminar may be obtained by calling the college at 432-5880. Unit 1 back on line at San Onofre '"This 111 very djffiallt deasion;· Brown said at the conclusion of the hcarina-"But ba1l 1s the exccpuon rather than the law in extrad 1t 1on cases ... I do decline to tct bail at this time." Blood. donation• needed NRC grants permission to resume operations after 3-year shutdown Edison to get an amendment to its nuclear Survival, an anti-nuclea r group, 1s plan- licensc. a lengthy process requmng public ning a coun challenge, spokesman Tam heanngs. Carpenter said. The government sat<! 11 will seclc pcr- m1ss1on to keep Artukov1c al a Veterans Administration hospital pcndtna court proceedaoas. Blood C:tonarions will be sought Dec. 13 wh~the Red "The regulator first has to be concerned Completed canhguakc safety measures with public health. but you can't close your at Unit I include strcn&lbening pipes and eyes entirely to the (financial) damage the reactor-containment system, but the wh.iclunighLresull" ULa delay. said,Orcg . plant's bac..kup-.safcty system. ~htch ts Cook. a NRC regional spokesman in designed to reduce the scvent} of an Walnut Creek. "The re is a question of accident, still must be upgraded. . Cross Bloodmobile will be at South Coast Medi Center, 31872 S. Coast Highway, South Laguna. ·· · ---i---------- By tbe A11oclated Pre11 Brown scheduled a three-<layexttadiuon hearing to 10 forward Feb. 12 if the ma1ter surv1vts a series of motion bearin bcainning Jan. 8. Donations wift be taken between 12:45 and 5:30 p.m. in the hospital auditorium. Donors must be between 17 and 66 years of age, in excellent health and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. The ·san Onofre nuclear power plant's Unit I was restarted after a shutdown of nearly three years for earthquake safety improvements, in time to avoid state utilities commission penalties. fairness." Plant owners Edison and the San Diego The Yugoslav io~ernment says Anulcov1c was responsible for the slauabter or som~0.000 Jews. Se1 bs, ortbodox- Chn st1ans and gypsies while he served as a cabmet minister an the Nan puppet state of Croat1a. To make an appointment, call the auxiliary office of the hospital at 499-1311 , ext. 2740. NRC Comm1ss1oner James Assclstine Gas & Electric.Co.haYc.spcnt S 135 mill.loo had abstained from the vote and said 1t so far on upgrading the $89 mill ion reactor maybe illegal for the comm ission to pemut near San Clemente. the plant to operate without public hear-The 456-mcgawau Unit I, which began Talk •lated on alcolJoll•m U nit I was operaung at 25 percent Tuesday and should reach I 00 percent Qpacit y by the middle of next week, South~m California Edison Co. spokes- maR Dave Barron said. ings. operation in I 968. is the oldest of the three After a · tour of the plant Tuesda).~~· Onoftt reactors, Units 2 and 3 tµtve Asscstine said. ''I'm satisfied with the. Dc!tll been shut down since October, Barron technical side. Right now. I'm still con-slid, wfth Unit 2 undergoing refueling nd ~med about the procedural aspect." manor I upgrading. and steam-generator 1mm er recited a htany of aocusauonl against Anukov1c, saymg no other crimes "could compare Wlth the depths ofbarban- t} practiced by this mdtvidual m bis grand design of slauahter."' Dave Larson. executive director of the Nattonal Council on Alcoholism. wiU di5cuss "Alcoholism and Intervention" at a Dec. 13 meeting at Orange Coast Colleae in Costa Mesa. Larson will speak at 2 p.m. in OCC s Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission 1s f rce and the public is invi ted. The lecture is sponsored by the colleae's Medical Assisting Provam. The plant was scheduled to shut down briefly today to test its steam turbines, he said. The Orange County-based AllLance for le~ks be ing repaired 10 l'mt 3 Reading from the Yuaoslav aovemment indictment of 4JtukoV1c, Nimmer said the defendant had murdered 15.600 children and newborn babies who died of starvation 1n a conccntrauon camp in 1942. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted last week to grant Edison's request to resum e operation, allowing the company i-------to beat a Jan. I deadline set by the Public Robinson wtnsAssemblys~eat "That 1s exclusive of Jewish chtldrcn and g) psy children who ~ hqwdated on am val." he said. \Vedne9day.Nov.2f . . .. _ • 7:30 p.m., lnilae CommuJty Senitcea ~"ml11loD City Council Chambers, 17200 Jamboree Road. Utilities Commission to either get the plant operating or face fina ncial penalt ies. A S3S million refund to the company's electrical customers was among the penal- ties. An Anaheim rMI eatat• bfoker Nld he wtll accept the victory of ~term Democratic Auembfymwl Richard Roblnton In a cloae etectlon race. p.m. Monday deadline for • recount paa bec8uee of co.t and the Im· probabfttty of changing the outcome. He loet the 72nd Auembly Otatrict race by just 25& vote1. Fleischman pleaded for his client's release, sa) mg be 1s 1U. unable to under- stand the proceedings against him and 1s a "IC't1m of persecution by the Communist go,cmment 1n Yu~oslavia. The NRC instead could have required Richard Longshore Nld he let the 5 PoucE Loe Itvilie bankrob,,er gets $900 with· holdup note A holdup note netted a t.nk robber $900 ftom Security Pacific Nation.al 8anJc in lrvine Tuesday. Police say a man entered the bank branch at t •222 Culver Drive about 2 p.m.. He handed a teller a note tApnalleach Police filed a repon Monday eve· nina from someone who claimed they had lost a baa of potato chjps on Nonh Coast Kfahway. The estimated value of the loss: $2.22. • • • Siana totether wonh about SlSO were reponed 1tolen Tuesday mom- in1 on Olenneyre Suut. • • • The owner of a checkbook and mitcellaneous pepcrs reported them lost Tuesday momina on Ocean Avenue. • • • Police arrctted Andreas Craia Orum. 22, on 1u,pidon of ponasion of na.rcotics. Grum wae 1toDOed ort South Cout H1~y early Tuesday and w11 lat.er al ly fo"nd allO to be in po11e11ion o In than an ounce of marij\llAI claimina be had a aun and demanded money. The teller handed the man, de- scribed as white and between the aaes of I 9 and 2S, $900 in bills. He fled out a door of the buildina. boxes ofX-ny film valued at SS,S 10 were recovered, accordina to police. • • • BuraJan stole a tapcsJJ')' fabric purse c:ontainlna S4 and identifi· cation J'tpera from a car in the 7000 block of St.a.rllaht. • • • • Someone 1t0Je a camera plus 1 lens on loan from Huntinaton ~h Hlah School from a ttlidtnce an the SOOO block ofKcnilwonh. The equipment was valued at $300. • • • A woman reponed ttlat she was Wlthdrawina mon.y from a teller machine at the First lntentate Bank at Be.ach Boulevard and Adams A venue when tYt'O men appro.ched. The men said they had aun and dtmanded money, w told police SM •id the men wtre ecand oft'b a peMaftl car and fled withoUt any ~~ ... Bandqtoa -.Ula •A resident of the 400 block of 16th ThJeve appartnlly 1unneled their st~t told police that tomtoOM broke way throuah 1 wall Into the Konica into lus arttn 1971 fiat ISO Solder Medical Corp. at S4S2 Business. One ..:.perked in a tarpon. The Ion tndudcd 1usl)C(t was apprehended and five stereo equipment "'onh S 00 Witnesses told police they saw the man leave the area in a red Datsun pickup truck with a white camper shell. No one was bun in the 1ncu..icnt. police said. Culprits dumped crankcase oil in a v1cant lot an the 17000 block of Sandra lane. A crime repon has been requested and there's a possibility the matter will be turned ove~ to the city attorney for prosecution. police In~ die.ate. • • • Someone stotc two sutfooar<b valued at S.SOO and a wetsuit valued at $I 00 from an unlocked aaraae in the I 00 block of Dela watt. • • • ix blank check ha"e been """ poned stole from nders Realt)'. 8072 Warnet vc an the past ~o wet . Two that ha\'C bctn returned from the blnk repondl) have bctn foraed. • • • A bo)'s' 26-lnch black crui r btc)'cle "aJuCd at SSO a tolCn from a Pl"llt 1n the SOOO block of Ktmlwonh • • • A male 'h phf\er su 1 v. apprehended by stcuruy offiec>n at 7433 Ed1nacr \It and a pair of \unaJIS\Cs valued at $I 7 ,.,, re- CO\'en-d A member of the E~hson H1&h School marchmg band was shot an the arm and leg by a pellet gun wilt' the band was prnct1c1ng on streets near the high school. ~ . . . ..... Aboul $800 in lumber ~u taken from an enclosed side )ard at Kopp)' lntemauonal, I 5602 Commerce • • • >\bout $500 in tools were taken from a garage in the 14000 block of Chatcau • • • Thie' e punched the dm cr's door to a red Honda >\ccod and stoic a S300 AM/FM stereo • • • Someone smashed a rrar window rn the 16000 block of Bmhe and stoic \tcreo equipment and telev1 ion sets valued at $3.000. • • • An $800 dog and $2,100 1n furn 11ure were repoft.ed stolen from a rt idcnc an the 19000 block of Lure~ J'oantain Valley meone broke into a )ellow I Q68 Volkswqcn .. Bus" parked Tucsda> on the 16300 block of f amham trtet The lo included two ste~ CQuaJ11ers wonh S 00 • • • Thie~« entered a hqme m the Thie' cs pried open a" ando" an the 7000 block of anta R1ta and !ltolr a m1cro"a'e O\cn. a 'ldC'o ca'isctc recorder and a rotor tek' 1'i1on set "alued at S 1.208 • • • Someonc '>tole nlle' and J '1deo camera from a res1denrl· 1n the I "'000 block ot ba~ trect • • • A man from Oregon reported Tuesda' that ~mronc had bmlcn into h1s.gret'n l 1P' Cht'' rolct p1~lup. parked on tht' I 5~XI hlod. ol Mt Matterhorn ~trcct Thl' loss includ~d 3 blue O\.em1p.ht halt "Orth$~\() Newport &e.cla A tenn1 racquet ~orth S200 and two cans of tennis b II wert tolen from pubhC' tennis coun on n Joanquin Hills Road • • • A mall amount of cash was taken ..from a pcny ca h bo' at law offices oo Mac nhur Boule-vard • • • A pockct watch worth St>OO ~ stolen from tht top of A drt r 1n an a partment on the 400 block of Promontor) Point Onve • • • .\bout S.00 10 damtat wa done to an tsuzu coupe parktd 1n a pertcina ~tructurt at the Park ~t"pon ap.'\n ment Poh~ \ltd \Omeone \ma hN tn tho \Ide of thc rar I 000 block of Woodburn and stolt' ttlev1s1on set , a vdco c• ~ttc radio, ~d10 and mont) for a total he st of $7. 900. C09ta Meea • • • mcont-tole a camper baa ,..,th \ \ar ~tettO '•lurd 11 S ~l(l w;n cqufpmcntand1StOb11lfromahome rt'p<>rted ~tolen from a· tru k rarled an the l 000 block ofCatbbad.~--.on H land \enut \ionda\ af\t'f-• . . But'llan turned ofl'thc cltttnc1ty m a house 1n the 17000 bloc~ of Flametstt and hahth ran c~~ up. tairs and down,ta'" room The} Otd an r t1k1n1 unknov.n uem\ noon • • • unt' officr~ at (lr<hlTom·, department 'Ito"' 1n uth ( ~' Plaza tumcJ 0' tr < hnstint <•v.t·n Mal nc. "O of Hun11ngton Rl'ach to • police after she allegedly wu caught shophftmg Monda} evening. Malone reponedl~ was apprehended with S ~I 0 -wonh of clothing and Jewel ry • • • .\ pneumatic gu'h -.,.alued at $200 "a~ rcponed stolen from the Orange ( oast M1H and Door Co on 17th trttt Tucsda)' morning tore man- a ers su pcct a man who \'lS1tt'd an employ~ at the stoR • • • Managers of the Kona Lanes Bov. l- ing i\Jle\. <>n Harbor Boulevard be- lieve an employee ma)' have been re ipons1blc for. the apparent theft ol $276 1n cash over a thrtt-da) pcnod ur11 1tnsmoiith."they1otct pohoc lntne A rash of thefts fiom a r«reauonal vehicle center 1s conunu1og. pohct ~y. An RV firm at 16 Travel land Way reponed six tekvisaons m1 101 from as many vehicles ovcmiaht Monday. The tclevis1ons. valued at between $2,SOO and Sl,000, a.r't the late t 1n a stnna of llCttO and 1cle' 1 ion thefts ftom firma at the center. Robben arc appa.rentty uuna a pus kt to pin cntt)' to tk vch1cln a nd remove the ltcmJ. polJtt saut • • • Daniel " Leo. 25. -..u annted ahout m1dn11Ju Tuesday for pos.. ion or a '"S)lltbeuc ouccmc " Fun her <ktail ~ unavadablc • • • .\Jlerpn Pharmactutacal 2S2.S Oupont °""c. reported tht thd\ of a SSOO ' 1d(o ca telte rtCTder from tt storcroom someumc bct~ttn o" 12 and 20 • • • • Pinc"'ood trttt ~oman re- ported her diamond nna stolen wmt"llmC' · dunna thc month. An ••mlled \:tluc ~" unav11lab1c. - ... l I A4 Or~ Coal DAILY PILOT /Wed~ay, NovemMr 28, 19t4 New tax plan. Most would see little. U.S. setting aside $2 80N • · -for rebe s In :Afghmtstai change in way they prepare forms By~:~:::itP•;.s:. nlled 111esh1 cannarkedS280'!11lhon1hos011C year for rebels battling Soviet troop in Af&han1stan, bnngina the tot assi tance to $625 m1lhon in the pa t 5 years. ihe Ne~ Yor~ Time.s reportc today. The $280 million wouJd double •.he amount of coven aid J?rOVldcd to tt Af&ha n insuracnts in the fiscal year wh.1ch ended ~pt. '30, the Times said. Tt aid. which has mostly been pro"ided with Congressional approval, began wh~ t.he1Sovict1 intervened in Afghanistan in De~mber J 97~. the n.ewspaper sa1° According to the Times repon. ome intelhgence offic1a~s estimate IS to. 4 percent of the arms aid is being kimmed off by Pakistanis and Afghan cx1l1 who deliver the wea~ns. Many of the arms .that do get through are old c ineffective, the undentified officials told the Times. Federal tax system is not nearly as \~ con!lplicated as the picture painted of it Tax Burdens By JIM LUTHER AP Tax Wrller WASH INGTON (AP) -The Treasury Depanment's far-reach- mg proposal for overhauling the federal mcome tax would produce little immediate simplifica tion for most taxpayers. The changes might bnng slightly lower taxes for some, put taxpayers 1th equal incomes o n more ncarl) al tax footmg and eliminate some prov1 ions that discourage producti ve• investment. And it would make things simpler for some upper-income taxpayers. ~ut most Americans would see little difference in how the) fik . their tax returns. That's because for most people. the federal ta>. system is not nearl} a~ complicated as the picture painted of it. Consider these facts: •Ofthe 96.8 mil hon returns filed in 1983. 16 mill ion were the one- page Form I 040EZ. Filling out this form requires nothing more com - plex than adding income. subtract· mg the$ 1,000 exemption. subtract· ing up to $75 for chantable con· tributions and lookmg at the ta,x tables to figure out how much tax is owed. •Another 19.8 m1ll1on returns were on the two-page Form 1040A. which also requires compleung pans of Schedule 1 for interest and dividend income, the child-care credit and the special deductio n for two-earl'lj;r couples. It 1s not nearly sq_ simple a, 1040EZ but it is not cohlplcx. \ •T he remaining 61 million filed the lonJ Form 1040, but fewer than 33 IJlilhon of those itemized deduc· tions. Of those 33 million. as many as 15 million itemized only to write off the joterest on their home mon- gages. local propcn)' taxes or cbari· table contributions. The fatter surn- dard deduction and exemptions and less-generous deductio ns proposed under the Treasury plan might induce 11 m1ll1on or so to stop itemizing. That leaves perhaps 18 milhon couples and individuals who might be considered to have complicated tax returns. But in most cases. the complexity arises from those tax- payers' choosing to get mvolved in complex investments and other financial arrangements. Rep. Barber Conable of New York, who is retiring as senior Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee. has asked on several occasions just how many of their tax benefits the great majonty of taxpayers -most of whom earn less than S30.000 a year -are w1lhn~ to gi ve up to finance s1 1iJlPhficat1 o n for those generally upper-income investors. 1(1 forwarding the tax proposal to President Reagan for his consider· auon, the Treasul) Depanment apparently 1s betting that lowcr- rncome wage earners won't mind giving up thei r deduction for state Sing le 0 ~ n.e 16 E~ Tu Brack.,s ~ a. Coneoldal.cJ 11*..,.., Couples 0 ~ and local taxes and their tax-free might get a nice tax cut. percent of income could be wri tten •health insurance for lower overall But even if a typical family's off. State and local taxes could not taxes. \axes were lowered by the bill , any be deducted. For the first time, the But there 1s no assurance that a simplification in the shon run fatber would have 10 pay tax on the given fami ly at any income level would be hard to find. For example. prem iums his company pays on his wo uld a utomatically pay less tax in consider a four-member S25,000-a-group life insurance policy. Watmoreland trial delayed agaln NEW YORK (A P)-TheJurors in William C. Westmorcland's libel su ~~inst CBS were given today off as the retired general recuperated from a bac ailment. Westmoreland. 70. 1s seeking S 120 million from the networ• charging he was defamed by a 1982 broadc.ast. "The Uncounted Enemy: • Vietnam Occep11on." The documentary said Westmoreland. w.ho corr manded U.S. forces in Vietnam from 1964 to 19.68. supprc~d evidence c risin' enemy troop strength in prder to gi ve the 1mpress1on his troops wer winning the war. Ethlopla-moving famlne'vlctlms TOLEDO, Ohio -The Ethiopan ~ovemm~nt as moving peoi?le fro m th African country's drou~ht·stncken T1gre province to ~ore fenale areas t undercut rebel strength 1Q the region. a relief a~ency official saY,S. Govern mer officials denied the charge. "The government 1s using the fam ine as an exc~s to take people away from their fam ilies, their ~omes and their culture. It 1s crime," said Yared Berhe, an Eth1~p1an n.a11ve wh.o serves as the No~ American representative for the Relief S~ety <?f T1gr:e. He was q~oted 1 today's editions of The Blade of Toledo. The relief s~1ety operates 1~ area controlled by the Tigre People's Liberation Front, which has been fightang th Ethiopian government since the mid-1970s. Siamese twins separated GALVESTON. Texas -Surgery to separate 2-day-old Si3;mese twin jo10ed at the breastbone was completed early today after an operation 9f abou 20 hours, and the girls were in cnt1 cal but ~table c-0~~ition: hospital official said. "There was no and1callon that 11 d1dn t go well. hosp~tal spokeswoll_la Linda Westerlagc said at 4:35 a.m. after being told theopcrauon by two surgm! teams at the Uni versal) of Texas Medical Branch had ended. Surgery t• separate the girts. who also shared a h ver. diaphragm and pan of their sma' intestine. began at 7·30 a m Tuesday. Unlflcatlon Church head ~Jdnapped NEW YORK -The acung head of the Unification Church wa kidnapped. tpnured and int1m1datcd into makinga S~00:009 ranS<:>m ~aymen before the FBI stepped in. persuaded him to help 1n its 10vest1gat1on. an• arrested six men. authontrcs say. The Sept. 23 abduction of Col. Bo H1 Pak wa kept secret unul Tuesday, when the FBI announced that the six, all Korea1 national!. have been charged with abducuon. Pak, who was held for two day~ esse~1ally acted as an undercover agent after his release. authorities said. the future, even after giving up year family in wh ich only the father But to take advantage of any those deductions. For example. a works o utside the home and his deductions, the family would stm modest-incomefamilythat makesa wages and a 'little interest on a have to file the long Form 1040A hefty car payment. has a member savings account consti tute the fam-and Schedule A. It would have to with unusuall y large medical bills lly's entire income. determine adjusted gross income Re•dan attornev's son dUllty and~1ves IOpercentofitsincometo Interest on the family's home by subtracting the fa ther's invest--a• .T &' chanty might find Itself paying even would continue to be deductible, as ment in an Individual Retirement TORRANCE -Michael Miller. son of President Reagan's tax attorney higher taxes under the Treasury would medical expenses exceeding Accou nt. And -just as under was ordered to a mental hospital for bludgeon in~ his motherto d~th. Superior proposal. 5 percent of adjusted gross income. present law -it would have-to Coun~Cec1lc.J. Mills fuundMiller n g111hyof.the5lay1n@.-1"0 elday..Bw AC the other e"reme. a high-The father's union dues might or calculate total ded uctions, subtract in the econd phase of the one-day, non-jury trial the judge fou nd Miller earning smgle person with no might not be deductible. Only its exemptions aqd compute its tax annoce t bv reason ofinsanit) and sentenced ham to a maximum life term ir month I} bills otherthan a mongage charitable contributions over 2 from a tax table. Patton State Mental Hospital. Miller was found annocent of raping Marguentt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M1lle~52.on March24, 1 983.becau~med1calexpenscou~notdeurm1ne1• she was dead at the time of the assault. the judge said. ''We're the New Team in Town'' here to make a good hospitpl even better/ -·- •t ·t . a commun1 V PaCI IC e Street •ta/ 18792 oetawar h CA 92648 HoSPI Huntington B~ac ' (?1 4) 8A2·061 ,_,. unitY t To The Co1J1JD announce our A Lette nal and a.re p\eased to international Health Group lntemau~ Ainerican Health Gro;:dical. technical and We a.re AJnenc.an eoromun1ty Hosp1 . ement team of . ons acquisition of Pac1~e1penenced hosp1~:::~ts of hospital opetaU . bnn~s.to p~~1~rofess1onals. s\uUed in ·w environment to adaumstta . d efficient hospl th highly sophisu~ted an to the tesidents of n!iiied ~ Our ot>1ective is to de::d~ng superior med~e~highlY skilled. pe1'$0 ist physicians in .. We wiU offer our r-ass Beach area •. rr HungUngton . a emp\ayee SI.AU ·--te-ot-the·art d\y cann., .... ~ neW ..... by a {nen . ·uca to purcu•-. the r SS million do\laJ'S. ~t p;~' rovement• inclu~~ enV\ronment We nave comautted ~ to IJ)Ake ma1or ~d1lit)'provf ding a inote ·~~:~most modem. ··' Ulpment. ..... BeS\ es 'f".,. the iepo .. medtc.iU eq ... nat1ent Wtng •-~·uues -t of a ne ... r-" · new ~1 de-Je\opmen d V\s1tors. PaC111ca s . sutuuon for pauents ~rofess1onal health ~ in th futuR· We hope you efficient an and excited abCJUt L~' nntenti.al bshtnents ~to 1U I\IU yv· proud of its aCGomP u1uty ttospttal f>•-. Our team IS tch1ng Pac1f1c.a eomm ""\\ en1oY wa .. Damaged frelghter stlll afloat SAN FRAN("! CO -.\ damaged Indian freighter and its 52 ere" members _spent the night light mg to stay afloat in rough seas after a powerfu Pacific stbrm pre' ented 1t from seeking refuge in San Francisco Bay. The Ratna K1nr headed to Pon Orford. Ore .. about 45 miles nonh of the California statehne, where 1t was expected to anchor later today. U.S. Coast Guard Pett) Officer John Reis said. The crippled vessel. esconed by the 378-foot Coast Guard cutter Morgenthau. battled 20-foot wa ves and 30 mph winds en route. he said. • Sboot,ng •pree In Bel Air LOS ANGELES -Bullets fired into three separate homes of Hungarian immigrants wounded a slcepmg man in one houst', but missed four people in the other two homes. police said. The three immi$rants are friends and the shootings arc believed to be connected, Lt. Ed Hockmg said Tuesday. Thomas Putter, 51 , was shot t'.¥ice in the back by someone who fired through a closed bedroom window at the rear of his ex~nsive Bel-Air home shonly &efore 4:30 a.m. Tuesday, Lt. Tom Carpenter said. .. Mini-quake. shake Rancho Cucamonga RANCHO CUCAMONGA -Two tmy eanhquakes occurred six miles southeast of here without causing any harm. authont1es said. The first quake at 2:37 p.m. Tuesday registered 2.9 on the Richter scale. said Dennis Meredith. spokesman for Cahfomia Institute offechnology. The second tremor centered in the same area occurred at 5:33 p.m. and was estimated at 2. 7 on the Richter sc.alc. Salton Sea threatened EL CENTRO (AP) -A state ordered reduction in the amount of fresh water runoff reaching the Salton Sea could increase the sea's salinity level and threaten mari ne life, an newl y-formed environmental group says. "The recent order by the State Water Resources Control Board for the Imperial lrriJBtion District to cut back on water reaching the Salton Sea.has spelled the begmning of the end fo r the sea if something is not done," iaid Bill Karr, exccutivr director of the Salton Sea Coordinating Council. Bomb found In Jerualem J ERUSALEM -PoUce explosives experts dismantled a large bomt hidden 1n a baJ at a bus stop in a Jerusalem shopping street today, a polic. spokesman said. "It could have caused a peat deal of damage,' saic Superintendent Haim Albadct on Israel radio. The bomb was found in front o a shopping arcade on tHe Jaffa R<>'d where several bombinas end tenon s attacks hav~ occurred in the pasi year. Arafat trltJJdrawn re11f6natlon offer AMMAN, Jordan -PLO chairman Vasser Arafat today Withdrew a day old offer to re ian when delegates of the Palestinian National Co11nci applauded him and chanted "You stay. you stay." The state rad.lo in Syria ba$C of anti-Arafet PLO rebels boycotting the council meeting, quickJy labclec: the resignation "Arafat theatrics." The Syrian press had predicted Arafa would rcsian as a ploy to pin• vote of confidence in his leadership. Artfill •chairman of the Palestine Liberation Orpnization for 14 years, was carried tc t'he rostrum of the mectina room on the shoulders of men from Palestiniar ref uscc campsshortly af\Cr the PLO's policy-mak.ioa body opened its session ir the Jordanian capital this momina. Trlnldad, To1Ja6o envoy dla C'HARLOTIE AMALIE. St. Thomas -Melvin H. Evans, the U.S ambeuador to Trinidad and Tob&ao, died Tuesday oh hean attadc 11 tat 67 Evans was the Vifl.U\ Islands' last appointed 1ovemor, from 1968-72 and ir 1972 became it• first elttted aovernor. After a four-year tenn...K~ed twc yearn lbetmitory'sdeleptefo lhe1J.S. Co~. a.ad in 1981 was appointee ambusador to the nation of Tnnidad and T<>bllo. A•••fn•doa linked to eariler trr LONDON -Bntilh pme ttp0rt1 today linked the aisusinat.ion of • hiah--rank.ina British diplomat in lndaa Mth the 1uempted slayif\I in Londor two yean aao ofTSt'ld's ambuudor by• Paktunian te=up. The Londor T imet said Britlah authorities fear lht uuuinltion T y of Percy Norri1. Briwn's deputy hiah commi oner in Bombay, may be Ptrt of a camp1i&n tc force Britain to frl!C three Arab a~nmen tcrvina loq prison terms for tlie at tad on thcn-lsraeh ambl1111dor Shlomo Al'JOv. [ l-- Trudeau defends_:_ 'slanted' cartoons ti 11 d e e n I. 0 ·s If f MlAMI (AP) -Garry 8. Trudeau says his comic strip "Doonesbury" focused its satire on President Reagan durina the election cam~ign because Walter. F. Mondale:s . 'floundering" campaign was not a Juicy target. Trudeau. making a rare public appearance Tuesday before the SOth annual A$SOCiated Press Managing Editors convention, defended the strip against criticism it was selective-ly attacking the Republican ticket. "Satirists are not supposed to be balanced," Trudeau said. "They're sup~sed to be unfair. ... It's part of the JOb description." He said. Mondale. the Democratic presidential ~ominee, wasn't as good a target because "the floundering_ campaisn of a candidate 20 points behind 1n the polls is not very juicy." Trudeau told the 400 newspaper executives he ha"!> poked fun at Democratic figures including House Speaker Thomas P. "T.ip" O'Neill Jr .. former President Carter and former California Gov. Jerry Brown. In response to criticisms of the timing of his strips, which appeared just before the election, Trudeau asked, "When else would one write about campaigns?" Some newspapers dropped "Doonesbury" or moved it to the editorial page in the closing weeks of the campaign. Trudeau's appearance was his first at ao open forum si nee he \ppeared at the APME convention in Kansas · City, Mo., in 1972. according to Michael J. Davies of the Hartford Courant, vice president of the as- sociation. In another matter. Trudeau refused to back down from his requirement that "Doonesbury," which resumed publication in September after a 20- month hiatus, be printed at a larger size than most strips. The requirement was not intended to accentuate his strip, he said, adding that other strips should be pnnted at the same size as his. Trudeau said he was merely return- in$ it to a normal width because editors ha ve been shrinking the comics page for financial reasons. He accused the editors of being "coal mine operators" whose "mana- gerial mindset" and "revenue-based editing" are responsible for comic --------~~·~-ihal "have Ae.>tcr looked worse." /. Complete Carpet Repair ~'. • Carpet Restretch1ng • Flooung. and Sub floor Repair nYl\'ER.~ floorta,c , f'o•traeton 545-1837 L•C 3 15700 Gany Trudeau 2..;hour lunch boo·ted in China PEKING (A P)-The government has decided to cut in half the two- hour ·lunch break that state office workers traditionally use to take a midday nap. "Alarm for lunchtime snoozers," the official news agency Xinhua said Tuesday In announci ng a new direc- ti ve by the State Council to boost efficiency. "The traditiQnal Chinese lunchtime nap taken by government office workers in Peking faces the chop," Xinhua said. The directive, which takes effect Jan. I , says: "The noontime break for alt governl'J)ent functionaries in Peking will~ shortened to one hour, including the time spent on lunch." As compensation. the normal quit- ting time qf 6 p.m. will be pushed ahead to S')>.m. so that workers still have an eight-hour work day, the directive says. Starting time remains 8 a.m. "The new measures will enable people to finish work earlier. gi ving them more time for social activities. study and private life." the directive says. Under the old system. most workers used the time to gobble down lunch and nap for two hours. The direciivc said =~s,affect- ing efficiency in o ces." . PROFESSI ONAL M A I D SER V I CE (Company's Coming!) 673-4913 ,. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Wedl'\Mday. ~ .. ,... M Hel[lrt patient expresses gratitu William Schroeder alert. okes with nurses LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -Wil· liam Schroeder. an artificial heart beating in his che5t for a fourth day today_, is joshipg with nurses and 1howin1 in his eyes the ~titude he feels for "another chance • at life, his doctors say. .. This is the first two to three days in something we hope wiU be a year or two years," Dr. Allan M. Lans.ing, who assisted at Schroeder's mechan- ical heart impl-,nt, said Tuesday. "The thing I see in.his(Schrocder's) voice aod in his eyes is gratitude and : SAVE 37°/o TO 48°/o ON THIS SEASON'S BEST FROM THREE TOP. MENSWEAR DESIBNERS 24·.99 COMPARE AT S48 DESIGNER SWEATERS: THE FINEST COLLECTION From a leading American designer. An outstanding selection of fine cotton/ linen blend pullover sweat· ers. Assorted styles and colorations. S·M·L·XL. hope -aratitudc that he's had anolber chance, hope that he's made it over the fint hurdle," said Lansing, chairman of the Humana Hean Institute International, where the surgery was performed. Speakina for the first time since Sunday's suraery after a breathing tube was removed Tuesday morning, Schroeder asked for a beer, and Milwaukee radio station WKTI senta case to the hos~ital, officials said. Schroeder m•&h t be allowed to have a beer in the next two to three days, •. - 1• ~\\ltn~~~oo¢~· s "can \!\.,..... fdt 9~ • I ....... ~... . ,., "' . ' .... ,. ; .... 19.99 COMPARE AT S35 T0"145 DESIGllEllS' SPOllTSHIRTS Comfortable cotton corduroy and chamois from three most wanted names. Choose one aod two-pockd styles with button·down or spread collar treatment. A wide. assortment of ~lids. S·M·L·XL .. 19.99 COIPAIE AT S3l 100% COTTOI DESIGllER HESS SHIRTS This famous American designer Is known for his quality and styic. 100~ cott~n. long sleeve dress shirts. White. blue. ecru, pink or g~y. 14 1h to 17 oeck sizes. CGaTA-.U IOUTM .....,,._IT. Af lu.'-OWS• ACltOM ''"* IOU'TM COoUf "'-Ali I / DilESS ·roil LESS , : .. FOR I ROSS STORE NEAR YOU Clll (100) 345·ROSS SPECIAL HOUOA-V HOURS: Mon-Fri, 10 A ... 30 PM; Sat .... AM-I PM; Sun ~o AM-t lttl. ROSS welcomes your peraonal check. Vl.sa. Ma1NrCam. or Amertcan £xpren C.rds. .- ,• \ Orange Collet DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday,.Nowwnber 21: 1~ Ex-CIA employee held as-long-time-e~ch-spy- SUrr• up on Oahu ~ A bace •••• crubee lnto the Shark'• Co•e area of Papakee on Oahu'• north •bore Taeeday u winter •urf of 10 to 18 feet pounde the Rawallan 18landa. Llfetuarda ordered MYeral betlcbee clOtled to the publlc. Foiled embassy bombing plot shows U.S. is terrorist target ROME (AP) -The foiled plot to bomb the U.S. Emba.ssy'in Rome has reinforced repons that the Islamic Holy War terrorist group may be aim1na at American targets beyond the Middle East, a Western in- telliaence sourcce says. seu.ed after the arrests. He also said the planned attack was "like in Beirut" but declined to say specifically that it involved a truck bomb, the trademark of Islamic Holy War's attacks. -A.n eighth ubanese man was arrested in Switzerland, allegedly with ex"losives, and the intelligence source hoked him to the other seven. cttr-;-- In ubanon, an anonymous caller claiming to represent Islamic Holy War telephoned a Western news aaency today and warned ItaJy "not to intervene in matters which do not concern it" or face retaliation. Robert Dole named Senate majority leader in voting The Western intelligence source, who has access to secret reports on the case, said the bombing plot indicated the shadowy organization, known in WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. The Democratic leader, Sen. Rob-Stevens was second with 12 votes, ArabicasJihad Islami, has broadened Robert DOie of Kansas was elected en C. Byrd, conJ!8tulatcd Dole on his followed by Lugar with I 0 and its taraet list tO Western Europe. Senate majority leader today when victory and said in a statement, "I Domenici of New Mexico with nine. The source, who spoke on con-the Republican Caucus picked him by know from experience the task before McClure had eight votes and was dition of anonymity, described the a vote of 28 to 25 over Sen. Ted him can be both demanding and eliminated under a procedure that plot as "pretty much the work of Stevens of Alaska, Stevens' office rewardina." calls for the low candidate on each &mat.curs' but praised Jtalian and announced d wes majerity-leedeM>ef6rc the-ballot to drop out. ----- Early Bird Dinner Speelals 16.9S Prime Rib or Fresh Fish C ompl~t~ Dlnn~r with choice of soup or salad and dessert 4 to 6 PM ON THE PENINSUlA 7 •• ,. I W11kl BALBOA 801 E. BALBOA (J73-772f> LISTEN · TO THE SOUNDS OF THE SEASON Swiss police who criCkCd the ca·;;;;;sc_:;;,;;fo;..;;r::.._. ...... Do~le'" ... w""'h'-o-h-a-s-chaircd the Senate Republicans took control of the On the next ballot, it was Dole 17, "a brilliant detective performance." Finance Committee, was the party's Senate after the 1980 electton. Stevens 14, Lugar 12 and Domenici 1 I 3 t Rome Police Chief Marcello 1976 vice presidential nominee and 1s The other candidates -Sens. I 0, eliminating Domenici. Monarca told a rteWS conference considered a potential presidential James A. McClure of Idaho, Pete V. Baker and other retiring $enate • Tuesday that seven Lebanese mem-candidate in 1988. Domemci of New Mexico and Rich-leaders presided over the meeting. bers of Islamic Holy War were He will succeed retiring Senate ard Lugar of Indiana - were The five ~andi~atcs.t competing for FM apprehended Saturday "with ir-Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. eliminated in that order. support in a senes or secret ballots, refutable proof that they planned an of Tennessee. On the third baUot, Lugar trailed were Dole and Sens. Stevens. James attack" against the U.S. Embassy. He Dole defeated Stevens, assistant Dole and Stevens with 13 votes. A. McClure of Idaho, Richard Lugar STER ED said they carried a detailed map of the GOP leader for the last eight years, by Tom Griscom, press secretary to of Indiana and Pete V. Domenici of embassy with notes on security a vote of28-25afterthetwotied20-20 reuring Majority Leader Howard H. r.~N~e~w~M~ex~ic~o~·========~==~=====~~~~=:;=:;:=:=:;:;:;;=::;::=:=:=;::~ arranaements and "weak. points." in the third of a series of four secret Baker Jr. of Tennesce said Dole Monarca said police found rcfcren-ballots in a closed party caucus, received 14 vote-sin the first round of ces tO Islamic Holy War in docu-Barbara Smyser, Stevens' press sec-voting by the 53 GOP senators and ments written in Arabic that were retary, said. ~ senators-elect. ..... - T housands o f A m erica ns are now seeing better d ue t o the benefit s o f Radial Keratot om y (RK.), a painless m icrosurgical procedure to co rrec t or reduce ne a rs19htedness . A world w ithout glasses. V ision Institute of America is pleased to announce the a va il· abilit y o f this procedure in its Irv ine and Anaheim Hills c enters ... under the care of specially t rained e ye surgeons and medical specialists .. and at an affo rd- able price (f inancing available). Call V~on Institute today for mor e info rmation. 1·1()()..!31-IYIS. f Vision Institute of America @> ' Where Seeing Is Se/ieving Copy11oh1 191• v, .. o,, '"'"""'of A!MfKo ~11 ~ ID ·~ - Lido Marina Village invites you and your family to join us for some old- fashioned Christmas celebrating. December Isl ... FASHION SHOW 1-3 PM: Holiday fashions from these fine stores: Lido Silks • Annette's Place • Village Company • Anne Bruse • Lizette's. IAITA AlllVll: Your child can visit Santa and have a photo taken. Santa will be in the Gazebo all day. TUE LlllTlll I P•: Join us when we liqht our beautifully decorated tree. Enjoy the carolers a1 you shop and dine at Lido Marina Villaqe. December I Oth-14111 "TIJI t• t~t Werl• • • • ti C.U.1n'1 l•fltal." We invite you to place a wrapped qift under our tree for/ Children' 1 Hospital of Oranqe County. ... ~-. t·. A rake-lab angle · · TOK YO (AP) -Japen's best-call "GoJtra;• 1 combinatioo ot known movie monster is back in a "Jorilla'' Ud ··k~ira." or Yt'balc - new blockbuster, brtathina fi~ and first appeared an 19S4 ln the movie tearina Tokyo apart 1us1 in time for bearina hi1 name. Christmas. It's been 30 yean since the 11aot Accordtna to the movae compb)', lizard-like Godzilla first lurched some 6S million Japanese bave teen ~ J s Godzilla films. tnclud.tal across the 1trer screen. tearina up the .. Godzilla Stnkes Bae .. "Son ol Glnza and cruwna commuter trains .. ,.._ ... _!l M in b..is se&Jy paws. It's been nine years slla" an<! ~la vs. eta-: since bis last appearance, whet) be have about 3S,000 mcmbcn," was cast as a friendly monster fiabuna uys yuri Taboo. ditcctor of the on mankind's 'idc. · Not only 1s the newest Godzilla a movie company's Godzilla fan club. monster amona monstcn -appear-.. But we expect S0,000 befott 1bc tad ina throu~ the screen•, maaic to be of the year." • Garden toola, allboaetted &Calnat the November aky, are lined ap atone the back of a pickup truck In New Bedford, Male., bopefally 1'itb their work done u winter cloees In and aardena hide beneath the •now. 264 feet hiab. 99 f~t taller than before • MGodnUa 11 truly, deeply rooted 10 -but he's also a villain apm. This Japan," says Shwch1 Goto, 32, wbo $10 million creat~ feature with the works for a handbag sales oomp&n)' title "Godzilla," which opens Dec. IS and has been an avowed Godzilla nut wilh a cast o(thousands. will pit East since aae two. 0 Tbere haven't been apinst West and brina the world to enouah chances for children to tee Lbe brink or nuclear coD.flict. Godzilla, and Japan's youth need to The mid-December openinJ. is for act in touch with this pan or their the Tokyo premiere, and distnbutors hentqc." • said it probably would not be shown The new movie bas a cas1 of 2,300 Man loses leg saving dog: 'No regrets' in the United States before June. people. but the real star is a $420l000 In the first-f tlJn-. ..c,G:;.odri""4..."1' lm~-w ... as..-.;.,co~m.rp .... u'"t""'ertz_,,e"'a-Y'C .... y""bO"'r.--~G!-><O<lZ""'"'1rttt11r.-1--­ arouscd from the ocean deep by a standing nearly 17 feet tall and hydrogen bomb test. Tius umc, [eighing 1.2 tons. according to Masaru Yabc. a film proouccr for Toho Co. Ltd., the 110 Made of urethane rubber and ·r m glad I was able to touch others and his sacrifice has been made easier by sur.port from around the nation. to save my dog .. .Ies a question of values' 'I've probably received hundreds oflettcrs," he said. "Most people were just saying how much their bcart- train or lose a leg and ha ve my dog, I strings bad bcco touched. The beings would much rather be the latter. who arc contacting me are kindred There arc no regrets at all." spirits. They really appreciate what I SAN DIEGO (AP)-Five months after he leaped in front of an onrushing train to push his dog oJTtbc tracks, Cole Mcf arland sa-ys he still has no regrets about losing hjs leg to save his pet. "It's a quest1on of vaJues," he said. "Given the alternative of being the kind of person who would have two legs and ha ve his dog crushed by a Mcfarland has been fitted with a did. Most people love their pets far prostctic device and 1s walking with a greater than is commonly broadcast." cane. He said he hopes to walk Mcfarland, 34, a bachelor and a without the cane in a few weeks. dog trainer by vocation, jumped in In a telephone interview from hit_ front of an Amtrak train last June to home in Carlsbad. a city in northern • te5c ue· Noble, a S1h-ycar-0ld Irish San Diego County, McFarland said setter. McFarland said it was not an m1llion-year-<>ld lizard is awakened 1~b':~~!!f c!i~~~o:::. ~Rf~~: involuntary reaction. "I did have from bis antedLluvian slumber by a e"es, ~~g its fan .. and be)chi ... time to think." be wd. "There waso 't volcanic erupt1on. He wades ashore ; -......,. time for a second thouaht when be and attacks a nuclear power stauon flames. just froze there for that split second. where, .by feedi ng on plutonium, be Some scenes att done. as in There wasn't anything obligatorv becomes (yikes!) more powerful. previous films. with a man in a about it. ljustsort of jumped across.'' Later he wreaks havoc on Tokyo. Godzilla suit. and there also isa scaly McFarland bas asked a lawyer to leveling the newest department stores foot that is 1 S yards long. represent bjm for a possible claim in the downtown. Ginza distnct and The new film's advance hoopla against Amtrak to recover the ex-then zeroing in on skytcrapers tn the already has generated a spinoff mar- pense of his hospital bills. But he Shinjuku entertainment arc where lcct worth an estindled $230 mill.ion. declined to discuss details. many cinema houses doubtless will with at least 129 products inctud.ina After bis story was told. sym-be showing lhe film. God.zil1a models video pmes, chew. pathetic pet owners ~d others sent Godzilla also finds the opportumty ing gum and ini\.atab1c plastic God- checks for Mcfarland to newspapers to attack both U.S. and Soviet nuclear zilla coat hangers. One elaborate that had printed the story. Mcfarland submarines, and advance publicity statue sells for $200. said he has received about $400 in shots show the thunder-lizard batting 11 small contributions. down surface-to-air missiles and ~I PAID AOVERTISEMENT--K1•111•ngs dee· 11•n e .C,o ow1•ng "Iunderstandthcrcarcsomemorc malcmg confctt1outofU.S.AirForte Diet Piii SwHping_·u.S. 1 4 out there," he said. "I'm glad I was F-16 Jets. - - able to touch other people and save .. A bad Godzilla is stronger," Yabe N G llfmlt• .... my dog. I'm trying to answer as many said. "Anyway, Godzilla's so b11 he'd mil ra t · { t • (letters) as I can, to let them know 1 crush-everything wherever be went, ljft news repor S 0 execu lons appreciatethcir thouJhts,who l am whetherhcwasgoodornot." and why 1 did it." The monster-which the Japanese .'Su Pill' Gives SAN DIEGO (AP)-The number day folJowing news reports ot an death sentences and executions. you fiiiiiii~jiiijiij~jiiijijiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~iijijijiiiii~ llf wi cly ublicized accounts of punish-senttnce. cantly more after a harsh form of 0 murders dropped slightly after execution or the passing of a suff find homicides do not drop sigmfi-Fast Weight-~ or violent bcha-vi~but the The re~rehcrs traclccd mtJTdcrs m punishment than after a mild form of decrease-lasted only for-a-short1ime; -1he-days-followmg pu11isl1111entrre-ponilhm-ent. accor-ding. to a study by two lJC San portedin.Cl!'.Cning network newscasts. "We don't know whether this type No-OJ.ti ng -Eat All You Want Diego researchers. The stucf1. ~ubllshed in the Journal of effect would continue with the Piii ao.s All th• Worlr The stud y, based on a survey of of Communications, is the latest same magnitude if publicized punish-BEVERLY HILLS. CA. (Spc- homicide statistics, was conducted by p1~ofwork by Phillips, looking into merits became extremely f~uent." cial)-An amanng JlCW ••super'' sociology professor David P. Phillips the effects of mass commun1ca11ons he said. • and graduate student John E. Hen-on pnvate behavior. The research Ph1lhps said there are other un-grapefruit pill has recently been Sky. They said their research 1n-focused on white homicides between f:nowns about the study. developed and perfected that re- dicatcd lhat about three people fewer 1973 and 1919, as recorded by the Homicides return to their normal ponedly "guarantees" that you I than average are killed on the fourth National Center for Health Statistics level, about 39 a day nationwide, but will casil) lose at least 10 pounds in in Rockville, Md. do not exceed it, even well after a 10 days . Best of all, it allows you to Kids prone to drink m1glit e identified WASHINGTON (AP) -Some young sons of alcoholi cs show brain wave readj,ngs similar to those of abstinent alcoholics, a findin. that might lead to a test for idcnufyi ng children prone to the disease, a scientist says. Dr. Henri Begleiter of the State University of New York College of Medicine said Monday that the altered brain wave pattern ca n be measured in children ~fore any exposure to alcohol. Begleitcr cautioned, however, that the researchers have not yet de- veloped a definite test foralcohohsm. While the results arc "provocative," he said, no one is sure of their exact meaning. "This is a fi rst step," Begleiter said in an interview. "I don't know what to tell parents 1f I get a finding now. I can't 58)' 'your son is definitel y prone toward alcoholism.'" After further study, he said, the brain wave patterns mapped in the laboratory cou Id prove to be a marker of a genetic predisposition to al- coholism. If so. this would allow preventive acton at the earliest possible time. Beglciter told a seminar sponsored by the Alcohol, Drua Abuse and Mental Health Administration, the federal aaency that finances his work. Solis of alcoholic fathers are a special group at high risk of develop- ina the disease even when they a.rt separated from their bioloaic:al parents soon ancr binh, said the researcher. There is no evidence that female child~n sha~ the same risk, he added. Bealcitcr and his colleaaues exam- ined the brain wave patterns of SO boys aged 7 to 13 years. Half the youths had alcoholic: fathers and the others had ~thcrs without such problems. The strcnath of a particu~r brain wave component was iwuficantl)' dcp~ned in 3'5 percent of the hiah· ... risk boyt, folfow1n1 a putem teen in alcoholics who had abstained from drink for at least four months. tbe retea.rCbcn aaid. Tbosc in the control ~up showed no such dfect. Bqleiter aajd he had no expla· nation as to why the other hiah·rilk youths did not have the same dif- ference In brain wave pattem1. The ~rch 11 pan of an onaoina PfOJ«l to aauae alcohol's tmpict on brain functions. as meuu~d by to- callcd ERPs or event-related poten· lial1. Phillips said that while U.S. ~P::.:U:.:b:..:..:li~ci=z.:.:cd:....:.:se:..:;n:..::te:.:n.:..:c:::.c.:....._ _____ ....... _________________________ --t ··eat as much as you want of your homicides decrease when a person 1s fa,orite foods and still Lose a punished for violent behavior. there RUFFELL'S pound a da~ or more staning from 1s no significant effect on the d I h homicide rate when the death penalt) the \Cr) fir 1 a) unu you ac ie-.c 1s used over a life sentence. UPllOLSTERY, llC. the ideal v.e1ght and figure you "When you compare the Ouctua-For The Rnt Of Tu lift desire ... tions of homicides after life sentences 1922 HUD BlVO .. COSTA lll(SA -S..1-1156 This "super" grapefruit pill is a with fluctuation of homicides after 'dramaucally improved version of PRE-HOLIDAY SAVINGS UP TO 503 THUNDER Nylon Plush with SCOTCHGUARO... Protection 5 yr. warranty I was $12~ NOW $6.99 THE SPRINGS S yr. weardate<t Ullron In 26 exciting colors was $1699 NOW $10.99 MONTEREY ' ANSO IV Nylon featuring the CALIFORNIA LOOK. 5 yr warranty with SCOTCHGUAR~ Protection and HALO FRESH ,. .. .. In 30 Designer eolorways was $27 99 f' ·e:- ' HAATCO Honey color Solld Oak Parquet i $ 1 . 99 sq .ft. f ~· -,. NOW $19 .99 BAUCE Oak Plank •$2.49 sq .ft. '....:;. .~ ;-.. ,. j/ ANDERSON Diamond Unlsh Plank 9118" thick. B..wt1tu1 Heritage flnlWI was S3.99 NOW $2. 79 sq.ft. MINI BLINDS; Buy one -Get one FREE· BIG SAVINGS on Wallpaper and Oraperiet 0 S.me Nt Of llNlttf EXPERT INSTALLATION • 5 yNr warranty on materlal and labor VISA • MASTERCARD • FINANCING ~~~~?.t!.L~!~ 640·2700 640-2934 PRICES EFFECTIVE 11-28 -121 l 1984 • • Gift Cerllfleatt-s • • A vaUaltle Fer \'••r Ceau~aleaee GROCE R\' Mane Callender's BACON O~ESSING.......... ... .. . .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . $I . 99 EA Hiiary's CRANBERRY-WALNUT SAUCE.. ................. $2.99 EA t4 5 OL Delaney's SAVIGNON 81.ANC ................................ $2.49 EA 750 ml • • Select Coffee of the Week • • MOCHA MINT ...................................... $5.49 LB ,------• • COVPO' • • -:----.., ', '1 Delaney's I OIL & VINEGAR DRESSING 99<; PT I I . I ~-----------------~ ME T Stuffed C~ICICEN BREASTS ............................ .. Delaney's . THICIC·SLICED SMOKEY BACON .............. .. • • Order Your Speclally·A&ed Holiday Prime Ribs Now • • SE FOOD Fresh BAY SCALLOPS ............. ,.................... $ 3. 98 LB Fresh SWOROF1SH ............................ • .......... $6.49 LB Fresh EASTERN OYSTERS. • ........................ $2 .98 M PftODl'CE Larae t'ancy SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES .................. . Ranch Fresh Ea tra l.arp BEEFSTEAK· TYPE TOM A TOES •••.•.•••.•••..••. , .• ttanch Fresh SOLID CiRE£N CA88AGE.......................... . Ranch Fresh STAU( CELERY ................................... .. ~~=J:~.~r.~ ............................ . 8 O"l ,. I the v.orld famou• grapefruit diet . It 1<. far more effcc:tive than the original and eliminates ·'the mess. lus<., and high CO'it of eaung half a fresh grapefruit at every meal." "Pill Does AD the Work" >\ccording to the manufacturer' I "the pill 1t)Clf doe"> all the v.ork while }OU quklcJ) lose v.e1ght v.11h NO '>taf'at1on ··diet menus'' to tollov.. "0 1-'.aJone coun1111g. "JO C\erc1~. and "0 hunger pangs " It is I ooa-o !Ml f e You s1mpl) take the I pill v.1th a gla"' of water before I each meaJ and the amazmg combi- 1 nation ol p<>"'erful ingredients are "" efla.:tt"e they tal-.e o"er and you stan losing "eight 1mmcd1atel). I Pill Hti ~LL Oaih Vitamins The pov.erful and unique comb1- na11on of mgrcdiCfltS arc what make thi a ·: upcr-pill". It con- 1 tain) highly potent grapefruit con centrate and a diuretic to heir eliminate bloat and puffiness. Np n~ to tal-.c an) "11amm to main· 1am your good health and energ) The pill " fon1f1cd v.1th ALL (l Ire ) of the U.S. Go,emmcnt dail) '11amm requirement\ Contain Jap~ 'Glucomannan' Each pill also contain\ an ama.z. mgh effC\."tl\C amount ot "gluro- mannan ··. the remarkable natural d1e1an fiber dl'\CO\cn trom Japan (u-.ed -.ucce,<ilulh 101 l''Cr I c; \ear' l that expand<. in \our 'itO· il'ma1.h and g"'c' ~ou .l tuJI and '-311'>- lied f eehng all da' Ion~ The 'iUper pill '' alrcad\ '"'~P­ ing the 1.·ountn "llh glov.1ng re- pon' ot cct" and ta,i "eight lo'i' t f\ 'm formcrh "'er" c1gtu p«>ple m all '>'all.' Ill hi e "ho are nov. ,hm. tram. and attract I' e agam 'o"' A\all•blt' to Publk I 'nu 1.an i'lrder \Our 'uppl~ ol tht"C h1tlhh 'UCCC'\'-IUI '';,uper" ~r a~I ru1t pill\ (OC'\lo a' a1lablc J1r~11\ lrom the m.tnul.icturcr b~ mall order onh lb) 'ending S 12 for a 14-da) .. upph (or 20 tor a 30-day '\Uppl). or S3~ tor a 00-da' 'upf'lh l ca~h. c~k . or monC) order to ( 11ru' lndu)tt1C'I, 9903 <\anta \1on11.:a SI . °'Pt \\ 12. Bc\Cfl) Hill . Cahl >212 ft n- C'Ollditionol montJ'-bed JUGl'OlflN 1/ not a1ilfitd.J Vt~. ~1astcr ard1 and .\mer 'pre" 01'. (c;cnJ c.:ard numhe'r . t'\f'll tion date. anJ ''' nature l l or tut~t Cf' ~1.c: to ~·rcd1t ~·,uJ order' Or-.. t' 1. II toll I rt'( I« ))-2 62ti2. e\t \\ 12 ,,..\,,. .. , ... • • . • . . • • .. • • • ' s ' I. •• I ' .. • I A.a Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedne.ctay, NoWlnbet 28, 19M BlooddonadonsneededathoUdays SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CENTER October II N"emkr 17 Karen and Curt.is Killion, COl&I Durina the holiday season, biood-in &ood health. Call 83S.S381 or the .J11ppliea can dwinc:Ue-~~t~t00dmob1 c low levels If Oranie C.0Unty n:s1dcnts schedule to donate. foraetto take tjme to donate the IJn of Tbe schedule for Lhe community life-a unit of blood. accord ma to the bloodmobiles for Dcccmber is: American Red Cross Oranie County Dec. I: Grace Community Church, Chapter. 26052 Trabuco Rd • El Toro, cduca· Each year 8S.OOO un11 are needed tion bldt: I 0:4S a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For in the county to mafota1n an adequate appts. S 1-4248. supply. Dunn& the holiday season, Dec. 3: Mission Community Hos- with incrcasinJ demands and de· pital. 27802 Puerta Real, Mission creasing supplies. extra efforts arc Viejo, conference room: 11 :4S a.m. to made to collect the gin of life. the Red 4:30 p.m. For appts. 4954400. Cross said. • Dec. 6: Shearson/Anterican Ex· The donor center in Huntington press, 19000 MacAnbur. Irvine, Beach, at 18822 Beach Blvd .. Seaport Crocker Bank parking area; 9:4S a.m. Square, is open Monday through to 2:30 p.m. For appts. 9SS.7200. Thursday, J 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Mana Strack. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Dec. 9: South Coast Community closed Saturday. Church. S 120 Bonita Canyon Dr., Prospectivedonorsmustwe1gh 110 Irvine, parlung area; 8 a.m. to 12:45 pounds. be between 17 and 65, and be p.m. For appts. 833-9800. Helen ' mashing Styles for Your Holiday Wardrobe * EXCELLENT SELECTION OF FALL a WINTER FASHIONS IN SIZES 2-18 * NEW & USED JEWELRY a ACCESSORIES * NICE LEATHER a FUR COATS * COLOR/MAKE UP ANALYSIS • NOW ACCEPTING HOLIDAY FASHIONS ON CONSIGNMENT ~SECOND PERFORMANCE ,Comipnent Boutique 'Seachff Vtllaie Shopplnc Center 2119 Main St 117, Hunllneton Beach 960--4021 -lutS Sat 10 6. Sun 10·3 WE HAVE LAYAWAY Swan. ollc Church, SI 0 I Alton Parkwa.<...:'-"~~· _and Auitin I A:oby, L.aauno c rrne natty Pitor. 330 Wt 1rvtne, ctaDroom: 2:45 to 7:30 p.m. eeac • boy Bay St., Costa Mesa, parkina area; For appts. SSl_...18, Sharon Saska. October 11 I: 15 to 6 p.m. For appts. 835-5381. Dec. 20: Presbylerian Church of the Melanie and Randy Flea.al. Laauna ext. 291. Maste~ 260$1 M1t1uente, Mission Beacb, Jirl Dec. 11 : perry Univac. 22 .Ex· Viejo, clanrooms; 2:45 to 7:30 p.m. HVMANA HOSPITAL rcut1ve Patk. Suite 180. Irvine, , Forappts. 831·2671. HUNTINGTON BEACH ctauroom no.2, 8:45 a.m. to I :30 p.m. Dec. 22: t. Eliubeth Ann Seton OctoMr H F ppt 261-0S51 . Jan HardWl~k. Churth, 9 H1llpte, Irvine, multi· Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aask, Hunt· . 13: South Coast Medical J>.Urp<>sc room; 8:30 a.m. to I : IS p.m. inat0n Beach. boy r, J 1872 Pacific Coast Hiah· For appts. 9SS-I 209, Cmdy Brauer. November l South Laguna, auditorium; Dec. 24: The ~nters Network. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Brian MuUcem, Costa 12.45 to 5:30 p.m. For appts. 2040 Quail, Ncwpon Beach, large Mesa, boy · 499-1311. conforcnoc room; 10:45 ta.m. to 3:30 November i Dec. 13: City National Bank. 4100 p.m. For appts. 675-2961. Mr. and Mrs. Scou 'Rrummctt:Hunt· MacAnhur Blvd., Newport 8cach. Dec. 27: L D -Nonh Stake, 5402 ington Beach, boy parkina area; 12:45 to S:30 p.m. For Heil. Huntington Beach, cultural hall; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Walleman. appts. 752-0580. Ken Carlson. 2:45 to 7:30 p.m. Forappts. 894-6062. Huntington Beach. g.arl Dec. 16: University Methodist Dec. 27: LOS-South Stake, 19191 November I Church, 18422 Culver Dr .• Irvine. 17th St.. Huntington Beach, cultural Mr. and Mrs. James H. Parron, parlung area; 8:45 a.m to 1:30 pm. hall; 2:45 to 7:30 p.m. For appts. Huntington Beach. girl • For appts. 551-5994, Shirley Hagins. 96()..5515 WESTERN MEDJCAL CENTER Dee. 18: Humana Rospltal, 11n2 Oct. 2S: Saddlcbac\ Urgent Care SANTA ANA Beach Blvd., Hunung1on Beach, Center, 23962 Ahc1a Parkway, November' . training module; 10:45 a.m. to 3'30 Mission Viejo, conference room; 9:30 Anya l\nd Vem Anthony, lrv1ne, boy p.m. For appts. 842-1473. ext. 181. a.m. to 2: 15 p.m. Forappts. 835-5381 . November$ Dec. 19: St. John Neumann C"'ath· ext. 291 . Carole and Jim Barlow, Irvine. girl Coast bridge players honored for efforts Several Orange Coast residents were honored for lheir winning efforts at the J;all Nonh American Championships · of the American Contract Bridge League held recently 1n San Diego. Steve Berman of Fountain Valley attained lhe Life Master rank by completing the Master Point require· mcnts. Among bridge players, fewer his partner won first in their section an the La Jolla Pairs, a one-sc sion game in which 228 players competed. Doug Hirschberg of Costa Mesa and his partner won first in their action in the San Fernando Open Pairs. Flight B. a one-day regional championship in which 1136 players compe1ed. November I Donna and Ron Huddleston; Costa Mesa, girl November I Machelle and Bnan Dokuhl, Irvine. girl November 10 Marlene and Mark Singer. Hunt· angton Beach. boy FOUNT AJN VALLEY COMM UNITY HOSPl,-.AL Novem ber 12 Lynn and Robert King, Irvine. gjrl November l4 Lynn and Noah Lehr. Huntington Beach.boy Cidalaa and M1~~acl Chase. Costa Mesa, boy November 15 Mesa. . .. T ....... J-OS=£=pff=H=:;OSIJTJ NovemberH Mlchellt and Ron Matthews, New- port Beach. girt HOAG MEMORIAL ROSPIT AL Ntvtmber 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson. Hu.at· mgton Beach, sirl Ntvemlter l Mr. and Mrs. Kim Proctor, Newpon Beach, sirl Mr. and Mrs. Thornu Hover, Corona del Mar, girl Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore, Nc- port Beach, girl Novembert Mr. and Mrs. John RusinkoVI' Huntmaton Beach, boy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brandt, Jrvipc, girl November 10 Mr. and Mn. Wayne Bectem, Hun1 .. 1ngton Beach. boy 1¥ovember 1 I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Irvine, airl Mr. and Mrs. John Roach, Hu)1:. ington Beach. girl Mr. and Mrs. David Bruynccl, Costa Mesa. girl • Kindergarten regis tration set ' Registration for the Fountain Val· le y School District's Early Entry Kindergarten program will be held Dec. 3 throµJh 7 at the school district office. 17210 Oak St. ~iiia~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~aiiiiiiiii~~~~ than 34,000 players hold the Lafe i Master rank. James Kappos of Fountain Valley and his partner from Anaheim won fo.\arth 1n the Prcs1d10 Park Pairs, a one-session game in which 256 play· ers competed. Shen and Joel Bell, Huntington Beach. girl Children must be S years of ap by Jan. 7 to qualify for the Early Entry program. Classes will beiJn Jan. 7 at Gisler School, 18720 Lis Flores. Fountain Valley. ._.TE IEMTS llARMTHD -I 545-1476 I "I've never seen any- thing like it." I "It's the best t,hing I've ever d one to myself." ELIMINATE NAGGING BACK PAIN TONE&: FIRM LOOSE, SAGGY MUSCLES Wftt IU.JtOIUJ _ I Work Out Hard ... 518AMonth for 14 Months JI ol1rJoy ~po HPolth Club hos 011 the foc1h l1i::>s /O'J need The IOl8SI t tgt etf1r 1r:..•1c1 e )'erc1se ea, .. JJprn4r I -N1l h pr0grryr J r•·r::lor" 0 sr10N 10u hr w /,cltrr r..>0c:i11::rJ 11 ,, .;l'.J1cs ond onoero b1c•, Sw1mrr 1ng 1r..>qg1r,q ;r r:J l 1fecvcles at most clut-Js fven ~t8orr rr/Jrr s <.iounoc, whirlpools ond rnore JG1r f r)N l/1"1118 {01J CQn Slill gel fJVery lr11r1q yr.Ji; ri0nd for S18 o month for 24 rnoritr } r (Jll r)r ((.)f(1e by any portiri poring~ )1rJh 1',11' J i leolth Club fo r o Irr·,_, r1 ,, 1 • J ,' lr.-Oo1 ~ $18 O '"r J' 't '' ' ,'.1 ., Jr It ,c; )1P or 1, ~ r rJ / ~ •' r tr I; poyrr8r '· 1 '1-;, •·'·vii Percer dr ;qr r 111 • I '1 Kay and Chris Larsen of Costa Mesa won first an their section and second overall in a one-session game 1n which 100 players competed. Jan Mann of Fountain Valley and partner Diane Gardner of Cerritos won first in their section an the Santa Cru1 Open Pairs. a one-day regional championship in which 740 players competed. Mann was also part of the team that won second in the La Jolla Pairs. Jon Brissman of Fountain Valley was a member of the team that won first overall in the San Gabriel Swiss Teams, Flight A, a one-day regional championship. Brissman was also a winner m the section and founh overall in the.San Jose Men's Pairs. a one-day regional championship · an which 384 players com pct~. Ellen and Wes Balle of Fountain Valley won second place.overall in the lntcmauonal Fund Pairs game. J oscph Chaik.in of La~una Beach and his partner-were-. winnen in their section and sixth overall in the non· Life Master Pairs. a two-day national championship in whlch 224 players competed. Larry Birchard of Costa Mesa and ~1 Holiday Spa Health Club tor Men and Women '· " _,_ ' And Joe Kjvel of Corona del Mar and his partner were winners in their section and seventh overall in the Santa Barbara Open Pairs in which 1,060 pla yers competed. Laura and Onan Langford, Costa Mesa. girl November 16 Jimme and Michael Bennetts. Costa Mesa. boy Linda and Ronald Hansen. Hunt· 1ngton Beach. boy At registration, proofofb1rth must be shown eat her by birth certificate or baptismal certificate. •In addition. a complete immunization record will be needed. For more information. call 842-6651 . extension 284. JW A expansion f arum Saturday The Airport Worktng Group will host a discussion of the proposed expansion· or John Wayne A1rpon at a Saturday forum The three-hour forum begins at I p.m. at the Balboa Bay Club. Speakers will include Newport Beach Councilwoman Evelyn Han. Assistant City Manager Ken Dchno and Steve Pnaum. a spec1al airpon counsel to the clly. "This will be an 'Everythtng You Wanted to Know About A1rpon Expansion But Were Afraid to Ask' d15Cussion," sajd Pat Krngslcy of the group's education committee. "Is· sues to be covered will include land use. condemnation of propenaes and public costs.'' The event as free and open to the pubhc. Help for brain-injured The High Hopes Brain Trauma Learning Center of Costa Mesa needs volunteers to h~ students swim, u_se_ Nauti us machines and work on cognitive. social skills. Marine Corpo; Reserve's annual col· le<:t1on. The reservc's 37-year-old pr~m has collected more than 60 m1JJ1on toys for disadvantaged children m 180 c111es across the nation. The Elktns office. at 2 Corporate Plaza, Ncwpon Center, will accept nc.w and unwrapped toys seven days a week. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For rapre information, call Don DeThomcfi at 7 59-9100. The collection will con· tinue until Dec. 22. Free Olympic books The Newport Harbor Arca Jaycees will be gJ v1ng away the Official Commemorative-Book of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games to those who contribute to the Crippled Chai· dren's Society. The Jaycees will be accepting donations from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. I and 2 at Lido Village in Newport Beach. The book. valued at $45, will be given to those who donate $50 or more. All contnbuuons are tax deduc· uhle. For more informauon. call Bill Ennis at 673-5015. of three members and meets once each month for two hours. The commission oversees the selcctaon, retention and promotion of non-teaching personnel on the basis of ment and fitness. Comm1ss1oners are appointed for three-year terms. Interested applicants should call 842-6651 . ext. 229. Cars to college The Ni'>~n Motor Corporation in USA has donated seven automobiles to Golden West College to provide !>upport services and opportunities at th e Huntington Beach campus. Some of the new vehicles wall be used an the Cnmanal Justice Training ProV<lm an the Los Alamitos Reserve Training Center fo r s1 lmulations for recruit tramlJlg. Other veihicles will go to auto· motive tuneup train in$ at the college while others will prv1de additional security patrols on campus and an parking areas. · Laguna etair repair• The learning center is a non-profit organization that provides services and support for people who have suffered head injuries. v ' The California State CoastaJ Con· For more information, call 646-7458. School panel appllcanta servanC)' ~a authorized up tO $55,000 t rd restoration of a Applications arc currently being stairway an ccess trails connecting accepted from those interested in Heisler Park with Main Beach in serving on th e Fountain Valley Laguna Beach. Toya for Tota School District Personnel Com· The money is about one.quarter of mission. the funds needed to re~ir stonn and The Newport Beach office of the The commission, responsible for landslide damage which has closed George Elkins Co. is collecting Toys overseeing the district's merit system access between the bluffiop rec t--fo_r_T_o_t_s _w_h_ic_h_Wl_· n_co_n_tn_·b_u_t_e _to_th_e_fi_o_r_c_la_ss_i_fied __ em--=..p_lo.:.y_ee_s_. _is_m_a_de_u.:__.p rea ti on area and Main Beach si nee E ojle ls back. And she's back with the latest and hott~st European hair styles and techniques. For both women and men After lout months In Europe's fashion capitols -Paris. l:.ondon. Milan Dusseldorf. Munich and Vienna - Bojle Is ready to give you that perfect In sty/~ look Deslgnc:d especially for you And designed with the latest winter and spring fashions In mind ---SH~MPOO 1999 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beech Tuesday-Friday 9.5 497 3888 German a Y"'"'8wten epotien - spnng, City Manager Ken Frank sa1d. Las Brisas restaurant on OiffDrive has pledJcd $75,000 toward repairs. Frank said, and the city must come up with the remainder of the money needed to prevent further erosion and reopen beach access. School check-upa Parents of all Ncwpon-Mesd school district first-graders have untiJ Dec. 31 to obtain the state-required first grade health check-up for their sons and daughters. State law requires parents of first· V<lders to provide proof to the school distnct that their child has received a health screening examination dunng the 18 months before entry into tint grade or within 90 days after entry. Exceptions, how~ver. arc available._ Forms fo r such waivers can be picked up at the school health office. For the names of nearby phy• icians. call the Orange County Health Care A&ency Child Health and Di• ability Prevention Program at 834-6637. CaH Gr~ the gift of class this holiday <ieo 'iOO Give o ~ Tutonng Clft Pnck of 3 In-home c~ In subjects like music, goutmt-t cooking, art. foreign l&nguagn .evct'I home COtllpUtttsl tiomt' Tutol'lng Olft Packs ~ qreot stodung stuffcra fOf ramity end frltnds ~ ~ul s to I (714) 4 76-0929 WE DEUVER I ornc.. t Cl&n1 to 6pTt MON F HI . - . G DOPE I G BUY ANY PAIR OF SHOES AND GET . ANY SECOND PAIR OF SHOES OR A HANDBAG TO MATCH Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Novernb« 28, 11M U . OR A PAIR OF SOCKS • OR ... ! AT HALF PRICE* -. ' !- I • -~ I ' . Offer good now1hrough December 1 in South C~t Pl~a ; *1/.2 price off er applies only to the same or lower pnced items. - PL AZ .A- . . • • F • • , • ~~~~............:..·...:......_· ~~~~--#" --...................,_~...___-._ --~--....... ~~~ . .. I ~ I I l l AlO Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Wednesday, November 28, 19~ NRC was correct inputting Unit 1 back into service Southern California Edison was acting in good faith when n agreed to upgrade a San Onofre nuclear reactor with an unblemished safety record to meet earthquake standards ~00 times greater than the strongest tremor ever ~ecorded at .th.e site. While SCE was in the process. of spending $135 milhon to improve Unit I's earthquake re~1stance by _.33 percent -to match the resistance levels of Unit 2 and Unn 3, as ordered ~Y the Nuclear Regulatory Com~ission in 1982 -the state ~ubltc Utilities Commission complicated the matter by vowmg to remove Unit 1 from the company's rate base ifit isn't producing electricity by Jan. I, 1985. Since it doesn't ap~ar that the work -which is two-thirds complete -can be fi~1~hed by the PU~ deadline, SCE would have to refund $35 m1lhon to tts electric customers. . In effect the PUC' was threatening to penalize the electnc company fo~ upgrading a reactor that met existing safety standards when it was built. Of course the utility would have found a way to recapture tbe money. Pe;haps that thought was percolating in the brain~ of the four members of the NRC who voted last week to let Unit I go back on line Tuesday -and to help the electric company avoid the huge refund. . . . . Those four commissioners have been cnttc1zed for their action and may be overturned if anti-nuclear activists can scare up someone to com{>lain that allowing SCE to fire up the reactor without public heanngs violates federal law. But the facts are plain: •San Onofre Unit 1 operated safely for 14 years before the NRC closed it~ · •The safety record of the nuclear power generating industry is exemplary~ and •The reactor as constructed, can withstand tremors far stronger than any ~ver recorded at the seaside site. •Even the commissioner who voted against the restart agreed after an inspection tour yesterday, that the unit is sa.fe. The four commissioners acted practically and responsibly in this matter -and only members of the anti-nuclear lunatic fringe who can't distinguish between and generator and a bomb are likely to castigate them. They i1Dproved the parli then blocked the view To the Editor: Years ago the C1tr of Newpon Beach spent almost a million dollars to buy and improve Cliff Driv·e Park (remember. everything was cheaper then). Now they have allowed .three and possibly more hi$11-nses to be built on Pacific Coast Highway blocking the best pan of the bay view, especially from the western portion of the park (where the sailboats wrn around). And 1fth1s 1sn·l bad enough. it sttll amazes me how and wh ) the cny let this happen. This park otters one ol the most beautiful. maJest1c views in the world. Now. for reasons un- known, some ofth1s view will be Josi forever. And from here, unfortunately, this will be the last year the Christmas Boat Parade wilJ probably be watch- ed. J By the way. the Ci'y of Newport Beach wants $7 miflion of your money to buy more parks. DON WILLIAMS Newpon Beach 'I'll be glad wheZI. I grow up' To the Ednor I'll be glad when I get grown up. so I can steal things. hkc Daddy does. This 1s a comment that a young boy was once heard to say. 11 was repeated as a Joke. for yea rs It wa!.. and .t,s a bad commentary on society that society seems to think that there 1s a magic age. when anything goes. Before that age. a ll·rson should remain pure, but aft.er that age you arc adult. so the laws concerning san do not apply. Today, on prime time, suggestive, and implicit sex scenes appear. T~ere is a short statement at the l;leglnning of the program that 1s supposed to make 1t all nght. Suppose that a grandparent cpmes in with his grand- children five minutes late and tunes in to the network show. I bcheve that the programming should be such that I could tune in on any program, with my grandchildren. at least on pnme time, and watch without being em- barrassed and without having to change stations in the middle of a program. If I have to change the program the little ones will think I wish I were grown so I could watch SeX on TV JIM BOLDI NG Costa Mesa Women minus mates number in millions There arc lh5 m1ll1on woman an thl'i country and IOfi of them arc mamed. This leave\ 59 m11l1on women without matnmon1al mate'i That may su11 1hem JU\t fine. hut 11 does not please our Love and War man. who clings 10 the old notion of something borrowed and !>omcthing blue t.ike trnuhle and Monday. Argument con11nul'\ over wh}' most men 'itoppcd wcanng hats. Quote a ltfelcms hat sale~man: "Blame the car'> hu1lt ofter World War II When tht' aulo maker~ kept lowenng the roof~ of the car\. men \ta rtcd 10 kn vi-1he1 r ha I\ home " () \\-hen ""a' "th<' fohnc,town nood' . ., \ Wh1r h one-'' In thal Penn- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . ~) lvan1a town. a nood in 1977 killed 80 people Another in 1936 killed 30. The worst in I K89 killed 2.200. The most Oood-prone c1I) in the country. John'itown. () What h101hcr rnmh1nat1on an ba~hall h11 the most home run~"Thr DiMaggios? Alous? Boyers? A. Try the Aarons. Hank. 755. Tommy, 13. Thai·~ 768. The nsht tur.k of thr cll'phont 1s almost 1nvanahly largcr than the kfl The hand gnp of the baby one day old is much stronger than the ifipofa baby one month old L.M. Boyd /1 • 1yadlc•IH <'olu m11J1 t. H. L. Schw•rt1 Hf P r ""' Fr•nk Zlnl ')I q • Jr,., Tom Tait t .,, ,, ...... .,.., • ,,, "'" \ TTi ,. .. ,.11 .... : Ofr.T• .._.,_... Al)_)·~ ~ llJl'""4.• J Jir.• llJ 1.1 "''"~. ,,,..,t Craig lheH ' .. , ( "''~ "HavethepeopleattheLosAlamosNat/ona/La!>'>ratof{~So f.: watchlTJgtoomanySaturdaym'1f'nlngchJldr~~~TJ.i!/:'::ral meoi theantl-1errortstdevtcesthey'verecommenucu 0 1 fJ Emergency Management Agency sound as If they were sto en roman old Buck R~erssertal ... " (//de;f'~ l')tl('k1t-tt/'<V8Y 0111 Nt•t O•oup Cllte•9~ •~t llf<ll ON THE RIGHT JACK AND&R80N colamollt ANN WELLS ~ Writer's lament: -' Noone cares All writers and would-be writers arc told two rules from the time thCY. pick up pen and yellow pad. or sit down at the keyboard. The first is: Read what you have written and ask yourself -wl\O cares? • Your Uncle Jim may have been the town character. but no one outside your family is interested -and yo~ aunt would probably rather not have the details put an to print. The second rule 1s: Write about what you know. That's all right for members of Mensa or people who have an IQ greater than their ~ge. but what aboat the rest of us" BOid, far reaching idealisrri recipe for 2nd term success I have a collecuon of giraffes. know a lot about the creatures. and would hke to write about them. hut -wli.o cares? I know something ahout ty~ wnters and com puters. but doesn't e' cryonc? Nrither 1s an exc1t1ng topic for a column I know a little bit about astrology. but that is already covered thoroughly by the experts. Memo to: The President From: Jim Re: Tomorrow. and the day after I didn't 1ell you this last January, because I knew you had made up your mind to run again. but it won't hurt to tell you now. I was talkmg with Swifty Lazar. and I don't have to tell anyone who worked m Hollywood anything about Swifty's shrewdness. Well. Sw1fty was predic11ng you wouldn't run again. and here's how he put ii. He said:" Ron quitting in 1984 has 'ot to be a happier man than Ron qu1tung m 1988. It's JUSt that simple. We know already thalin 1984 the recession will have been pronounced a thing of the past. and that there wasn't a world war, inna11on was down. interest rates down, employment up. So Ron. who is a crafty fellow, will figure: What's the point of gambling on the future., Any number of thines can go wrong by 1988. And I might be leaving Washington as Hoover left in I 933. or as Neville Chamberlain left No. 10 in 1940. Wh y not grab the historical brass nog right now? Thal way it wilt always be mine." You lmow something, boss, Swifty was pretty convincing. I didn't tell him I knew you had already made up your mind. But now 1s the time to think in terms of Lazar's points, and that's the object of this tnemo. You have basicaJly two choices: 10 move dramatically -radically -or to go gradually. The risk of the latter is far greater than the risk of the former. because gradual movement 1s subject to erosion: Dramatic movement cap- tures the 1maginauon. and any failure to reahzc the vision conjured up tends histoncally to be attnbuted to the people. the Congress. whatever: but not to the idealist. Woodrow Wil son was a corpse when he left the White House. but they were saymg about WILLIAM F. Bue KLEY .tum -and s11ll say about him -that he was the great idealist whose v1s1on might have brought world peace. etc. etc. (I think Wilson was a little nutty. but some people think you're a uttlc nutty, and you know what I think about them? I think about them the same that Nancy thinks about thei:n.> So when Congress convenes. give them the business. Nothing half - what's that word George uses? ... Right. No halfway measures. Tell 'cm you want a Oat tax al 30 percent. wnh zero tax for the first SI 0.000. So no one below the poverty line will be paying any tax at all. No more exemptions except for charity and mort~&c interest (tba(s a political concession, not something I'd otherwise recommend). Call for a return to the iold standard. so that some other criterion than the pooled judgment of the Fed can have a sa)' about the value of money. Urge the Fed to ease up on the money supply un1jl short-term paper reaches an interest le vel of. say. 4 percent. Freeze entitlements. Graduate the age of Social Security benefits to correspond with increases in longevity. Now. brace yourself, boss: In foreign policy. ask for a de<:lar- at1on of war against Cuba. Make it clear that you arc asking only for legal license to do whatever is necessary to do to prevent Cuba from fueling revolutionary movements all around Latin America. If a country is at war with another country, it doesn't mean you begin dropping A-bomh~. It means that you acknowledge corpor- ate hostihues. and that you intend to fight as required. Castro's Cuba 1s a cesspool. poisoning efforts to restore democracy and order. Get Moynahan to back the dcclarauon. He loves i1 when things are legal. Things will now be legal. And a declaration of war against Castro's Cuba would have a , hell of an effect around the world. Announce that 5 percent of the military budget will go 10 buyinggr:un to ship to countries whose pc:ople have been made hungry by soc1ahsm. Ethiopia is the best current example. Psychological warfare combines here with humanitarianism. Anybody asks you why can't they grow their own gram. yo u tell them no reason, except communism discourages enterprise. That's right: Russia ex- ported grain until 1917. And then what do you know, they had 67 straight (lroughts in a row, yeah. On disarmament. easy. You will accept any proposed measures to lower existing arms. none that aim at arresting efforts to promote a defense shield in space. That's the Reagan administration's pnnc1pal techno- logical contribution, like Kennedy's man on the moon. except that this one could finall y blunt the Soviet threat. Go thal way. and whatever hap- pens .. in 1988 your name will be big. If you want more details, you know where you can find your old fnend Jim. As a guide al the Sh-erman Library and Gardens. I have a smattering Of knowledge in horticulture. but not enough to quaJify as a garden wntcr. If you doubt that. drop by and look at my garden. As a docent atthc Los Angeles Zoo. ....., I learned some fascinating facts about animals. particularly reptiles. You can't wnte about snakes -peopll' have a tendency to shiver and say "yuck" and throw away the paper. l kn ow a 101 about the sex hfe of snakes and kangaroos. but this 1s a family n~wspaper. . . I know the calorie count in JUSl about any food you mention, but so does everyone who has a pound or 20 to lose. Besides, we are all bored. bored. bored with calorics. I am aware of interesting develop- ments in the personal li ves of two of my friends. but I t·an't write about that and still keep their fnendship. My two shelves of reference books, including four on birds. still hav~n't given me the at!_swcr to a ~ue$UOn thal has oothered me for years -Do woodpeckers ever gel headaches? And if not, why not? One book said they have "robusl heads and stou' necks." I had already figured that out, but it didn't say if1hey got headaches. Wnting about what I know ehmanates the fields oflaw. medicine, and trow to interpret my phone bill each month. I can't write about oceanography, 1he space program. toxic waste, cnbbaje or Mah Jongg. I enJOY SPQrts, but am not qualific<! to wnte aoout them. I don't eveu know why the ring announcers at the boxmg matches wear tuxedos. The sport has never struck me as a blaok- WllJl•m Bucklty I• • 1yodlcated tte event. h.he judges don't wear the en, collUDJll•I. the boxers' managers and trainlT'S don't get gussied up, and the spec- tators come casually dressed -sol'1)e Saturday morning.kldvid reackes Los :Alamos labs to the point of being grungy. The riag announcers arc always a picture pf • sartorial splendor', but I don't know the reason. If I followed this rule. I couldn t write about foreign policy. invc - mcnts or aftet-shave lotion. "Write about whaf" yOll· kno..t" limits too many of us. Recommended anti-terrorist devices sound all too much li ke Buck Rogers WASHINGTON -Have the people at the Los Alamos National Laboratory been watching too many Saturday morning ch1ldre-n·$ TV shows? Some of the ant1-t~rronst devices they've recommended to the Federal Emergency Management Agency sound as if th'Cy were stolen from an old Buck Rogers serial -or even Wile E. ('oyote's fiendishly clever traps for the Roadrunner. Herc arc ~ome of the far-out prooo!l31~: spat or 1i. womed about being parked an a iowaway 1one on Pennsylvania Avenue. •··Human Performance Enhance- ment in a Countcr-Terronst Con- text" 1s a benign weapon that would appeal to He-Man and other cartoon heroes. Secret injection of chemicals into food . water or air delivered to the had guys would put them to sleep instantly. "For cirample,'' the Los Alamos 'ludy eitplains, "hostaies and guards could be overwhelmed by sleep in a •"A potcnual assassin enterin~ the ho5tage-bamcade situation by some White House for a tour or reception. substance m the air they breathed. the or standing an a crowd w3iting for a food they ate or the water they drank. presidential appearance. or a tcrronst The hanrds inherent in this situation go1na through a1rpon secunty or could be quickly overcome without passpon control. 1s likely to be un~cr nsk of inJUfY or death. We do not. •t strc s." the laboratory upcrts point present, lcnow how to do this. but i' is out 1n a report to FEMA an cxcttma avenue to eiu>lore." "The man1fold ~mp1oms of uch The study. reviewed by my as- 'itress may make such persons re~ ~1at~ Oonatd Goldbcra and Indy cogiur.able throu"1 tht use of remote ~adhwar. notes that development of or other surreptitious equipment. the uch a wcapbn would be useful to eimtcncc of which will not be •P. umany other sectors or the mthtlt)' fl'rent to them." and civilian communities as well." The concept seems to be a ~ycho-There's. a c.cn11n 1ro'!)' 1n the l<>iJcal "me1al dctCClor" that can 1e1n rcspcctab1hty. the sc1enu1u ~m t"veryonc within HS ran and idcnllf>• prepared to 11vc thLS idea: whJch those under stress. It 1s not clear how sounds exactly hke the empt)' thmits the machinQ would differentiate ~-of radicals I 5 or more yean • to tween a potcllual tcm>ritt and. uy. pour LSD anto mun1cipel retcl'\IO rs. wmeonc who's just had 1 domntK' The tudy d not address the ' JACK AIDEISOI poss1b1hty that while the CIA, for eumplt. may be putting Cuba asleep for a bloodless takeover, Fidel :astro may be doing the same to Manhattan or Miami. Zapping terrorists with microwave radiation could kill them, sturrthem or at least modifr, their behavior by changing their 'perceptions." the study claims. And It sugests that the Krcmhn is already hard at work on th15 dlabohcal ray gun: "There arc report$ of Eurasian communist coun· tncs performina rctcan:h with com· bined fields of signals from several d..iffcrc.nt microwave f~uencies 10 produce at least peroeptual distor- tioru in humans." For tht time be1na, Loi Alamos rei:ommends that FEMA limit its psycboloaicaJ miCTOwave cookina to expcrimentina with mitt. F-ootnotc: A FEMA 1p0keswoman said that the Los Alame>f study was merely a cataloa of potential ideas, and that FEMA has spent no f'undi to follow up on the proposals. Jd .uMrHe II • 1TMbletl C919..Ut I don't even know how to tell wh~ buttermilk turns sour. It looks so r, smells sour and sounds sour (pl , plop. when you pour it into a gla s) from the umc you open the carto'ft. Don't tell me to taste 1t. I wouldn't taste anything that looks. smells a~ sounds like that if I were dying f malnutntion. ! Frankly. you shouldn't place on anything you read in this colu . I'm probably writing on a subj ll know nothing about. • Col•llUll1t A.IUt Wtl/1 Ut<H Al Lapal Nlpel. , Excltina vtaual rhythm of thla •• Aatral Bench•• earned lt a national Daphn~.Award for llmlted production furniture. ... WEONESOA V, NOVEMBER 28, 1984 1 : I ANN LANDllll 91 \ Did roof problems show up. after first seasonal rains? Once looked upon as strictly func- tional, a roof is oow con$idere<t an important pat,t of a home'ye1tteribr decor. New materials and designs have changed the roof s status from neglected to noticed. According to the National Roofing Contractors Associatio n, one of the growing roofing trends among home- owners is a three-dimensional look. The,use of a thicker shingle produ<.<es distinctive shadow li nes on a roof s surface. projecting a sense of depth on an otherwise flat area. Thjs can have a dramatic effect on a home's appear- ance, as the roofs surface tends to be visually dominant. ., roofs. Homeowners can harm roofs with improper techniques and risk injury by fallinp ofT or even tbrouab roofs in oeed o repair. Maintenance should be hmite4 to pcriocbc clean.ii\& of rain auttcrs to remove leaves and other debris that can block drainatc and cause water to back up under the' shingles. Q. W~n alloald a reof be r~'? A. A roors lo ngevity varies frotn regjort to region depending on the amount of wear and tear it receives and the quality of the ori&tnaJ workmanship and materials. some . roofs can last 20 years, some far less. But there comes a time when repair is only a temporary measure and the roof must be replaced. Q. Cu a new roof be ... ....._. Recenr developments in roofing incl ude fiberglass-based shingles that arc thicker than asphalt varieties, but often weigh less per square foot. F • t • d Another bonus is their excellent fire Urnl Ure Prlze 1 resis~ance .!"Jlti.ng. This is a primary cons1derat1on m some areas frequent- ly threatened by brush fires. Local warped or missing shingles, excessive surface granu les , accumulating 10 gutters or downspouts and other visible signs of roof pro'Nems. In- doors, look for cracked prunt, dis- colored plasterboard and peeling wall paper as signs of roof damage. Will a new roof insure energy savings? ·· A., A new roo~ may improve efficiency. but tt Wiii not have any ~ffect if the home is not properly insulated to begin with. Attic insula- tion or 11'lsulat1on blown under tbe roof should provide the "R" (for resistance) value recommended for the climate. d.lrectly over tile old •e? A. This depends on the number of roofing layers already in place. ln some cases. especially on newer homes, the new roof can often be installed directly over an old one_ Wtth older homes, the old layers usually will need to be stripped awat fi fi t f • ord inances regul ate the types of Or Com Or lt roofingmaterialthatmay be appli~. The NRCA offers the followmg ' advice about roofing: Other indications may not be as obvious to the untrained eye. Leaks inside waJls can damage the structure of the house and still not be visible on the outside .. It is best to have a profession.al roofing contractor in- sij:ct the roof every two or three years to look for signs of aging and wear. Move over Oscar and-;Tony - C1aphne is bere. Tlleirnost sought- aher award in the world of home furnishings is becoming a major focus of excitement for consumers na- tionwide. Winning designs, recognized at the fou rth annual presentation cer- emonies at High Point, N.C. last month, ranged from single occasional tables and chairs to an entire collec- tion of reproductions of historic Mansion tops tour • Three deluxe homes decor- ated for the holidays and the , (e<:ently restored Forster Man- 8fon wttl be open Sunc:tav for the 10th annual Christmas Home Tour In San Juan Capistrano. Sponsored by San Juan Beautiful , Inc .• a locat civic group, the 1-to 5 p.m. tour will support pufchase of trees and plants for the City of San Juan Capistrano as well aa special htatortcat projeets In the city. The • S5 tickets may be poi'chaaed at Melanle'a Hall- mark, VOfl'S plaza; San Juan Pharmacy, El Adobe Plaza; The Wiidfiower, Ralph's plaza: El Peon, ~r088 from the mtaalon; ~ruttl.. Feder•!. next to Bullder'a Emporium, all In San Juan Capistrano. A map printed on each ttcket locatee the homes. For more Information, phone 493-3898 or 496-9483. antiques. Selected for both design excellence and superior consumer value. Daphne Award winners represent an extraordinary cross section of the fi nest residential furniture available today. All are outstanding in craftsmanship. construction and styl- rng and provide a much-needed consumer suideline for purchasing fu rniture Wlsely. The awards are sponsored by the Hardwood Institute, a division of the National Hardwood Lumber As- sociation. This yeat handsome Daphne wood sculptures created by Wendell Castle were presented in three major divisions: fu rniture available through retail outlets. fu rniture available through designer showrooms and limited production furniture - produced in a quantity of less than 100 units annually. Designs include both high~ af- fordable, q uick-assembly pieces per- fect for casual apartment living and complete living and dining room sui tes crafted for a li fetime of use and enjoyml'nt. A traveling gallery of thl' 1984 winni ng desi~ns and special exhibits will tour leading furniture and depart- ment stores from December through next August. This year. in the highly competitive Bedroom/Retail category, Drexel Heritage Furnishings, Inc. of Drexel N.C., captured a Daphne for its "Avenues" suite inspired by Regency and neo-dassical motifs, but with a decidedly modem flair. It is crafted in the cabinetmakers' IavoritC-woods -cherry. walnutand yew -and features solid brass Regen cy hardware. Br igh t Chinoiseric designs decorate several pieces. adjjng a note of drama to the tpleaee see SLEEK/83) Q. How cu a bomeowaer recoga11e wben a roof bas problems? A. All too often. roof problems are discovered after a leaung or other serious damage occurs. Periodic· in- spections can often uncover cracked. PERSONAL STYLE ~ ~--· ~ Q. Sbould bomeowaert make tbeir own roof repairs? A. Most roof work should not be do-u-yoursclf. Professional contrac- tors are trained to repair or replace On 12th day of shopping, serve an antipasto verde With the holiday ------------ season j ust ahead of PILAR us. I eathered some great tips for you! I. To get best WAYNE results with butter to be creamed, it should STEWART not be too sof\. In- stead, cut a some-••••••••••••• what firm '/•-poun d stick 10to six to eight pieces and cream them using an electric mixer set at medium speed. Butter will cream to a light yellow color and fluffy consistency in about two minutes without softening excessively. This means less flour will be required in baked goods. and the fi nal product wi ll be more tender. -.. 2. Ice is an important ingredient for any party. Be sure the ice is fresh-free from any.refrigerator odors and frost. Make your ice cubes as big as possible. toq. Tht" slower they mel1, the better the drinks wi ll taste. 3. Ice cubes are special when you freeze a thi n slice of lemon or lime in the cube. Youngstqs like cubes made with froze n juice-frCC'le orange or apple juice into cubes with a fresh mint leaf in each. j1cama, Jerusalem artichokes. snow peas and baby vegetables . 6. Serve an antipasto verde Wlth cheese dip. Use a white tray and planer and arrange slices of zucchini, celery, cucumbers, broccoli. green applcs1 green pears and clusters of green grapes. Serve the dip in tne center of the tray in a green pepper. 7. If you are dieting. half an hour before leaving for a par1¥. drink a glass of water and e.at one large apple. The water fi lls you up and the apphe is digested slowly. stabilizing blood sugar and forestalling cravings for pan~ foods. 8. Un molding gela11ns. Rinse the mold 1n cold water and then coat with salad oil. Your gelaun mold will drop out easily and will have a beautiful shint". • • • Here's a quick and easy recipe for Com Chowder that's great after holiday shopping. CORN CHOWDER 1 can potato soap 1 can corn kernels, drained 1 Ya teaspoon ClllTY powder Black pepper to taste. Mill ~etht?r in sauce pan and serve p~prng.hGt.--4. Party dips 1oolr and-taste great.when servechn hollowed out vegetables. Serve a vanety of dips in a cluster of large, red and green peppers for containers. e1Jar Wa yne Ste~arr is a res1denz of Ne"porr Beach 5. Crudites make wonderful dippers. In addition to and the author of"P1/ar Wayne's Favome and Fabulous carrots. celery, cauliflower and cherry tomatoes. try adding Recipes:" Address corrrspondence ~o her attention. Pax some of the newer vegetables on the market: thin slices of Publishing Co .. P.O. Box 2000-40. Corona de/ Mar 92625. first. Too many roofing layers can cxen stress loads on the supporting struc- ture aod cause damage. Another determining factor is 1he evenness of· the existing roof layer. A flat surface is required for proper drainage off tbe new roof because moisture trapped in the lower layers can cause the_ shingles 10 warp and curl. damagin$ lhe n~ layer on top of the roof. Again. it is best to consult with a professional contractor. Q. W..at cre4fttlab tltoUd be expected from a roofta1 ce.trac&or'! A. Verify that the contractor has a permanent business addrcssl a tde- phone number, a tu identiftcation number and, where requited. a busi- ness license. Also check to sec that the contractor has proof of liability insurance and/or 1s bonded. ~ Request customer references, es- pecially from people who have bad similar work done recently. Ask if they were completely satisfied Wi th the firm's performance. Ask fnends and neighbors who have recently had roofing work done about their experiences. Other infor- mation sources mclude the local Chamber of Commerc~ or Better Business Bureau. The NRCA ma1.0- ta10s a toll-free hothne. 1-800-USA- ROOF, and will send its com- p~erized ltst of local pr-ofessional rOOfing contractors. Q. Wbat tiDd of roofing guraatee 1boald be expected'! A. The contractor should provide a detailed inspection and wrllten esti- mate for rcpajrine of replacing the roof. Befort work 1s done, find out if the guaranttt provided w.iU-rov~----1 materials and labor. - The manufacturer's warranty alo ne 1s not a complete guarantee of protection. h can be voided ifthe roof was improperly installed.. TonsoffunsupporLJv~ I Claire Trevor enjoya party "1th Mamfe. Reed u Sae Gel~el, Peter Andenon and Donna GennltJ cbeck aacdon tte . \ • • Elephant· s arrival makes fund-raising event unforgettable • There's no problem getting a large elephantinto a hotel for a cocktail party. Not if she's well trained. the doof&.. are opened wide and you have her 1 bend down. ,;r.. Thaf s wtfat happened at Circus "-'ircus. Orange Co~nty Trauma _ Society's fourth annual dinner auc- tion when Kayarrivedat the Irvine Marriott. She made quite a hit with the 350 guests who fed her the peanuts they were given on arrival. But, they drew (he line when she decided to share their drinks. Pkll Nortllcote was chairman of the auction thJU is expected to realize $65,000 for the sociery's prevention programs including Staying Alive, designed to prevent teen-age death and disability caused by drink.ingand driving and Cuddle Mc With Safety, a campai&n aimed at providing low-income families with child car scats. The evening's schedule included a silent auction, dinner and a live ~auction conducted by Joa Katie with BobG•aea~etmassislinJ. (Guagenhcim really took htSJOb scriO'lslY-to t~c point oflosina his voice. On the way home he wa.s usingstgn laf\auaaetocommunicatc with wife8'lrleeand their friend . ClalreTrevor.) · · SportsGastcr Ed Anold also got int.otbe act by auctioninJOfTa sipcd baseball (Anael pitcher R• RomaaJHbelped)andabaskctbell .that brousht in S47S. The hotel pe<>plc went very cu-cus w.'lh the waiters rvina up the London Broil dinner weannJ-down m~kcup and eolian wt lh thcar usual ature. Oesscn wasan toe cream (Pl ...... cntCU9/'a'.a) ' , 0-. ..... ,,__"'...,, .... Kay bad eno~ peanab and tried for a atp of Clare Knaaer • drlnk. At left. Shirley Gower hold8 ap wtnnlq bld for Alukan pappy beld by Shirlee Gagdhelm at Circ1aa Clrcu. II L I t I a a ... ., 82 Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT/W9dneSday. November 28, 198.4 HELP YouRSELF ' Americ~n farmers n~t the_I!_icture of health E nde mic a llergic reactions. hypersensitivity on the ri~e The) are frequent!) en\ 1!>1oncd as models ofheahh. hut ..\nwnca's farmcf\ m:i} ,ufTer from unusually high 1 ate~ ul h:u kcnuJ. mt'lanoma. allcrg1c!>. resparatof) 1llnl''>'>C!.. indus1r1al acc1dl·ntsan<l other ills. ~ It\ nut the dramatu: problems such as pest1c1de an·1dcnt~ or poo1 migrant housing that won) Dr. Kelle} J. Donham. head olcompara11'e mcd1nnc at the Un1vers1t) 111 f oY.J ·., 1 ll\lltutc ul Agricultural Mcd1ctnc h's the more "''dc .. prcad. but uhen 1~norcd. hcahh problem!> of more lhJn l1JO.OOO<l1..abl1ng 1n1uncs and 2.000annual J~( 1dcn1aldea1h<1 thJt befall toda~ '\ 10 ~ m1ll1on. mostl) ml'< han1n·d. I armer., The~ '>han~ tht· thn.·e highest rates for 'indu'itnc1I 3ll ltknt\." "ath miner!. and l'On~trucuon "or~l'f'i \lll"rgll rcal"llUn'> to pol kn">. grain du'>t'> and animal damkr and the l hrun1l h) pcr'>Cn\111\ 11' of "brml·r\ lung .. dlrl'dd\ l'ndcm1l appear 10be11n the n\l' Far from • tnl·athtnl( uiuntr. air larml'r' arl' '>Pl'nding mun.· and morl· t1mc 1nc:.1dcuuY.de<l li'c'tOll..tunlinemc:nt \\\tcms Jnd ma'l'>I' c on-thl.'-farm grain swrattncntl.'r\ · Donha.tn cst1mates that up to one mil hon Amencan farmer may now work in livestock confinement buildings alorte. h1 urveyoflownn forme~suggests that as many as 70 percent-have~ p1ratoryd1fficulty at any gl\ en time. Compared wJth all other work"ers, farmers go to hosp1 tals more but to doctors less. The} seek medical help only when ailments becorne cxtemel) crious, probably bccau!>Cof scant medical benefits, no workmen's compensation and no paid ttme off for doctor visits. With the average age of American farmers at 50and ming, rural health problems may ~et worse. Today's super-mechanized spreads arc losing the huff and pufTthat protected yesterday's farmer!> from heart d1!>ease. Concern about cancer 1\al!>o nsing. Farmers still ha ve lo~er cancer rates overall than the general populauon. mainly because they smoke less and ha' e less lung cancer But they have much higher ratesol'hp. prostate and stomach cancers than rural nonlarmers. The s~in<ancer rate 1salso ht.R.h. These could anse from o"erc\po urc to o;un. from 'A-efls coniamanated b} pesticides. perhapH·vcn from animal viruses. Iowa farmers also had a 77 percent h1gheranc1dcnce of lcu ~cm1a. Leon F. Burmeister. an associate professor of prc,ent1ve medicine. found. Burme1sterspec1fically ltn~cd the high leukemia rates 1ocoun11es where da1 ') and wm production predominate Possible cause pesticides Wife can't count on bank accuracy DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently ----------- my bank felled to credit my checking account with a deposit I had made. When I produced my receipt I was told It was not sufficient proof -that the slips were Issued only for the customer's convenience. Ten days later I was Informed that the money had mistakenly been deposited to the wrong account. ANN LANDERS Today the bank called to Inform me that It "lost" a check for $350 my husband had deposited six days ago. They have withdrawn the amount from my account. How d oes one protect oneself against such goings-on? Can a bank simply take my money because they don't know where they put my husba nd's check? Is It not possible that a crooked employee could steal money from a deposlter's account and say he "lost" It? Am I doing business with a third-rank bank? I feel like a victim Instead of acustomer·and I resent It. Please advise. -TIRED OF THE STING in the watcr~upply Alc ohollam: Equal opportunity deatro yer Suual equality and health nre reall y mixin$ It up. A a nation, we're drinkingJess. but sharing alcoholism more. female membership in Altobohcs Anonymous has nearly doubled in the last decade, from 22 percent to 39 percent. says Dr. Cy nthia Soyster, a psychologist at Sta nford's Alcohol C'lin1c. For the most part, though, the add1ct1on's hidden. Cops ma y arrest men. but they'll scold a drunken woman and send her home in a cab. Doctors often miss alcoholism but sec depression -and prescribe tranqutJazers! • Trouble as, says Stanford's Soyster. ·'alcohol promises to calm the conflict and anxiety of a woman's stru~lc for her nghts." In fending ofT male chauvinism. dnnk has become too handy an ally. • Spinal tap apota Alzheime r'• dl.eaae It's never pleasant to diagnose Alzheimer's disease. And it's never been eas}. The mt'mory cnppler starts so 1ns1diously that it often tears apart many lives before anyone understands what's going on. A definitive diagnosis can be madt' only long after the damage 1s done _.:..at autopsy. Doctor\atJohn\llopkinstJn1ve~1tybch vcthcy an do better. I he) 'vc.-come up with a test that can s1anal e cond111on l'nrly in its course. The key is a brain cn1yme that's low an Alzheimer vactam!> but normal in other cases of enak dementia. For some ttme, o;cal.'ntists have recognized that the brain cells that die in Al1helmer's patients are those that transmit their message!> with the helpofacetylcholine. And autOJ'l!>Y i.tudies have shown that levels of the enzyme acctylcholtnesterase, which regulates acetylchohne. are abnormally low in the brains of victims. Dr. Larry Tune and hi!! Hopkins colleagues knew ti¥ brain releases acetylcholinestcrase into cerebral spinal fluid . That prompted them to test the enzyme an spinal flu ad. In spinal taps of 12 suspected Alzheimer victims. 12 w111) other forms of dementia and 12 as normal controls, only the AILhe1mer patients had significantly low enzyme levels. And that's enough to work with. If the new test holds up in large-scale cl1nleal tnals, 11 wall be a boon to mt"dacal research as well as to patten ts and families. With a definitive diagnosis. researchers can assess specific 1herap1c!> and possibl y C\-erf shed some light on the causes of this baffi1ng disorder. Ame.tcan Healtll MagadneServlce DEAR TIRED: I checked with the chairman of one of America'• largeat benu. He Mid: "The anawe,. to rour reader' I qUHtlon1 would cMpencl on what •tat• the women 11¥M In, whether the check w .. etectronlcellr deposited or depoetted at a tehr window or through the mall, Whether ahe uMd 1tancbtrd bank depoalt form• and, moet lmportantlr. whether 1he had• bank·l•ued receipt for thedepoeH. O..,Net,..... ..,..,, ~ Tom Burke, La Vera Bum• watch the bidding. Dr. John Weat talk.a with auctioneer Bob Guggenheim. "1he real que1tlon I• how doe• a fr.uatrated bank cuetomer deal with an u~ueaponatve lnatltutlon. T odar moet banke are eggr•••IYefJ Neiling to maintain cuatomers, add new onea and are working hard to preeerve cu.tomer good wm. 0 1 would etrongly recommend that the cuatomer fl,.t attempt to rHOlve the matter with the bank'• cuatomer NrVlce department. H ahe la not aattefled with the war the matter 11 heftdled, ahecan eo to the federal or atategovemment agency rnpon.,ble for aupervltlng that particular lnetltutlon. Depending on the neture of the compaalnt, the -eencr coWd require th• bank to take corrective action." . . . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am one of those unfortunate people who break out with fever blisters around the mouth whenever they get cold or are under undue s tress. The outbreaks are called herpes. Because there has been so much p ublicity about genital herpef these past few years. I feel very self-conscious when these outbreaks occur. I sense that peopte-are-looktng at-mewtttrcontempt, thinking that I am a promiscuous woman who has picked up a venereal disease. Why don't you make a national effort, through your column, to come up with another name for those Innocent herpes flare-ups? I hate to say the word "herpes'· when someone asks me what I have on myllps . Thanks for any help you can give meL Ann. -EMBARRASSED IN TAMPA - DEAR TAM: There I• alr•adr another name for herpee that I• not of the genltal vart.ty. I am eure rou twve heard of It. It la called ecoldaore. Welt-bred lndlvlduala do not queetlon othera about unelghtty •or•• or btemlehn. If aonM clod doetn't know any better, rou can rffpond with the old-fathtoned name. ff'• been around for at .... t 50 yeera that I know of. Su bm i t y our wedding n e ws I n hdr> 1 r1u '11hm1t the required wedding and <:ngagemcnt informatwn. Imm\,,,,. ,p,11/ahk .1t tht• /):JJ/1 Pilot ofTicc. 3.10 W Bay St .. Cu\W Mesa. f ,,, 11t•<l<i111g\. qu:1l1t1 photo!> of the hndal coupk or lmuc only an· ,/('( t'fl.l.1/1/t- I nJiill/<'lllent tnlurm:it111n t\ to ht· rnhmltlcd at leas t sci C'n "eek~ before the "nldtng I omH ,111<1 plwtm t.w ht· dropped olT at the o~ "'mailed to th<' \,\.ccf<l11111 I ><·11.irtment I >ail\ 1'1/m. P 0 Bo>. I 5MI. < usta l\frs:J. (a/if. 926](> <:) I:> ('/ ,1' I . '· " t:; ('/ CZ' ( >ti.ti '-lliln~S 0 11 l::J a l i'99'f rq ~ c ~ S29S u ch ~ : ( >t((I .;full'\', ( )tt(l Sfv.ut'.S : <=' a 1t11r 11 r ri'}hc ~ CV' --RI" " : ~for kid~. for moms, for dad~. for everyorw ~ : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~ : ~d~~ '::J c:i at v 8 Dalton. South Coast Plaza '::) The kid's Place. lrvrne r:J '::) ~ ~ ~ KC 's Hallmark Shop lnc .C.M Michelle's Hlflm1rk.C.M " Pauli Press Book Center. C.M. Q : *°'". cooo A;fMUI STOits ONLY u"us., ,.. ... : C'/~~~OQOQO~~Q~~O~<:l~~~~~~~~~Q " *•llNO THIS AO'°' SI 00 OH WHIN YOU .,., AU 4 OHO l()()l(S ~ ~':) ~ ~ <:' c f!J <=7 0 ft) lod.,.ty ....... ,.,' 1111 •• f::J <:I <::I <::) ~ 0 " c::i "~ Surlnder and Dlvta Thlnd and Maudlne and Robert Fayer aupport Trauma Society. WEDDINGS .. I ROBE RTSON-FOYTICH and Mr'>. Steve Foytach of Honolulu. Olson and Bruce O'Ehscu. 1 Nann '\lice Foytach of Irvi ne and She wore an ivory lace gown desi~ned (iary Domville Robert'son of New-by Prisci lla of Boston. Her sister, -~After a wedding tnp to the big Jayne Crabb of Honolulu was maid of is1and of Hawaii and Kaui. the couple rort Bearh exchanged wedding vows honor. and Nicki Foytich . Terry are now residents oflrvme. The bride 1n an Oct. 29 n·remony in Thurston Savage and Kathy Bernier were attended Hawaii School for Girls. , \11 <.•monal ( hapel at Pun~hou School bridesmaids. Stephens College for Women. Chap- in Honolulu. .\ ~(·cep.t1on at the The bridegroom is the son of Mr. man College and World Campu f)ulnggcr ( anoe C lub-rn-Honolulu -and Mrs. George Dom ville Rob-Afloat Scrticster at Sea. She is em- v.a' attended h~ 100 guests. \!rtson 111.JefTRobertson. his broth er. ployed by Bullocks Wilshire in New- Thc hndc ,.., the dau11.h ter of Mr. was best man. and ushers were Curt port Beach. \ Her husband 1s an account ex- ecutive at Prudential Bache Sccun11es in Newport Beach. He is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and was affiliated wi th Beta Theta Pa at USC where he recaeved a BA business admm1strat1on. Newport IJarbo r P t\RJ\DE OF L IG HTS o ..... 17-23 -1 10 Per Pert011 (714 ) 241-7500 Lennu•s. • CIR CUS ... From Bl cone in a clown shape. Other personnel got in thespanl an full clown outfits. Committee members arranging the event included Jane ADllock , Mary Beck, Kathy Boardman, Jane Ent, Jody Jandr on-Etchison, Dr. Robe rt Fayer, Mae Hayes, Slllrley J andron, Robert Lawrence,Step- banle Lawrence, Toni Mandel, Stan Millar, William Miiler.Sandy Miii· er, Andrea Northcote, Dr. J obn Salyer, Don Scboendorfer and Anna Williams. Dr. Jobn West is chairman of the board and founder of the society and Shirley Gower is its execut ive director. The guest listincludcd Ma rnie Fluor Reed, Surlnder and Divis Tblnd, Tom Bur ke. La Vera Burns, Sue Geldel, Peter Anderson, Donna Gennlty, Dr. Melvin and Patricia Sterling, James and Betty Crosby, Howard and Avery Grey.Kathy and Gerald Wilson, Bette and DeD.DJs Ribantand Or ~nd Mrs. Lawrence Wickham. Others were Jennifer Hunter. Greg Beck, Eric and Sblrley Pepys and Lori and Jobn Tartol. Paparazzi 1s edited b> Daily Pilot t) le Editor Vida Dean. Mr. and Mra. Robertaon -------· • ~ c u i<O~ • Color .Ex pc.'r1 $35-55 _J )( ~ a.•~ • Perm T hnicaan $35·55 ::> co • Halrculling SJ>C'('1BH11t $25 cf> 'ti >. • Consultation Ix-fore any ~i~ rvi<.'t' ~a= • Make-up Artist • Fuhion & &auty ~·-1 Photographer ! -~-i Cl) ·E E Od. e4't /« IZll c/lpl"'IJlbllu t u ·-() O...c ~ 6 15-0823 ; ad. 8 (.) 23H E. Coa t Hw y. < Suite A IBy M.:1tt o 's) Coro na del Mar ·····---' , .~ I' !!!f.EK FURNITURE WINS AW ARDS ••• e.ntirc ~uitc •. Traditional const~ Other Occasional furniture/Retail tion. inclucbna mitered frames caaeaory ..... a handaon;ie, tnditioaal do"".eled joints and dovetailed draw: hardwood cabinet, available u either ers, IS used th~~out to ensure years an entertainment unit, wardrobe or of use. The suuc JJadudcs a variety of blr. from Mounh\tt'' 'V-1"-fti'itm~-.F--iw=t."'1'.lahil!"'Wnri~--h!rt-tw-tnil'l'I""-' ressers, chests. beds and commodes Mount Ai~. N.C. and was dcsianed by Brian Palmer \be unit a two larp carved doon and Gus Tron. open tu reveal an array or adjustable fiauration towards the center of the th!'J. ~ien Cw.o•:~ti~.:f :cta0~10caf t0~raonrydt shelves, racks and drawers, which .&able. The look is that of a delicate, R keep all stored items qrpnlzcd and paceful pedestal base, rather than . ap~~s, Mtch., was named winner for out of aiaht. The unit, deliped by ~J*'*te lep 1Mna the table a ~ortJ.~urcs From Around the John Ma~ u beautifully executed i_n uniquely appeltiQf presence. It is " rosewood and ~uoia burl veneen · available In occ:as1onal and dinina rcaturin.a more than IS authentic with androbia sohds. More than 21 sizes and allO comes in oak with a reproductions that reflect the finest t ·red hi · · f bri• .. tl I rrcd I ed accom~lisbments of F-nch, En .. 11'1b s cps were. requa to ac eve its van~y o .._, Y co o aoquef\ .... .. lustrous, rich brown finish. finishes. and Oriental craftsmen, it traces the Thinp are not as they ieem in a Thcaractful,flowinflinesofasolid history offine furniture for more than witty table dcsian that captured a ash dinina chair caught tbe fancy o. r two centuries. Dcsians from Kina Daphne in the Occasional Tables and the jud&et. who awarded it a Daphne George III and Chippendale to Desks/Retail category for Dan Droz. in the Dinina Room/Desianer Show· French Regency arc represented, as of Pittsbuf'ah. The table's inlaid room catcaorY. are many of the world's most bcauti-checkered veneer surface creates a Desianed and manufactured by Po fut hardwoods. trompe l'oeil table cloth effect. But. Shun Leona ofCanop Park. the chair ~~cry 1?iece remains faithful to the it's only an illusion. has an upholstered seat and back. The OnJJnal an construction, materials, Through an innovative new tech-aentle curve or the frame offers · fimsh and decorative de~lin_a. All nol<>tY, the cost of the veneering excellent beck support and creates a are protected by manufacturer's regis--process is minimized, making the li~t delicate feeling, while main- trat1on and accompanied by.accurate table a hijhly affordable piece. Sturdi-tamina structural stren&th. documentation. ly crafted of red 03k in dinini-Po Shun Leong won a second ~or Tiffa.r:iy.1an~ Tiffa~y Designs of cocktail, game and side table sizes, 1t Daphne for a solid ash and canvas Ph1ladclph1a, wanner m the Up-is manufactured by Cross River foldina chair, equally at home in a holstcr~d(Retail category, it was what Furniture of Winston-Salem, N.C. casuat livina room, backyard or den. was m.1ssmg that counted most. Its Dari Oroz was awarded a second The chair also offers excellent lumbar attractive sleep sofa,. with .co!ltem-paphne in the Occasional Seat-suppon, is extremely liahtand easy to porary European styhng, ehmmatcs , an-.'Retail category for his elev. er. transport, store and afford. all . exposed hardware, makini it quack-assembly "Popsycle.. chair, uniquely comfortable and attractive. r named for its three solid oa.k legs that The Daphne for Limited Pro- The stur~y oak frame is sprung and sugest aiant ice cream .sticks. duction furniture went to Thomas then cushioned with 5-inch poly-The chajr back and arms arc urethane foam. These padded ele-formed from a single piece of wood, ment~ form both the seating and minimizing the construction and sleeping surfaces. It is an excellent material costs. It features mortise and choice for a small apartment or tennon joints with mechanicaJ con- combioation bedroom and den. It is nections and isassembled in less than manufactured by Atlantic Furniture five minutes. The chair is manufac- Manufacturing Co., Inc. of Norfolk. 'tured by Smilhwood Products of Va. .Malta, Ohio. Named Daphne winner in the In the Other Occasional - Orange Coelt DAIL V PILOT /Wedneedey, NoV9mOer 21. 1 .. ~ . f'oar-poeter bed. wu put of .. AYeDaee" bedJ'OOl!l .Ute lD yew, cherry, maple and wahaat from Dresel llerltace. IDc. . . .. Moser Cabinetmakers, Inc. of New Gloucester, Maine, for it.s stunning "Astral'' btnch, handsomely crafterd of Amcri~o black cherry to be as much a ulpture as a piece of functiona furniture. Descri~d by the manufacturer as .. wood in suspension," it consists ofa series of hardwood beams helc1 together with stainless steel tubes and rods to form a semi-circular seating unit. Jud~s found much to admire in its sweeping curves, streamlined con- struction and exciting visual rhythm. .. Premade components make job easier for do-tt-yourselfers NEW YORK -Every year .ome 10 million homeowners replace their kitchen coun1er1, no&es tbe Novem- ber issue of Horne mq;azine in -LL offering aclVlcc Qn how 1.bis can best be done. The typical, pltstic-lain,ina~e counter consists of I 'h-indl thick sections, held in pt.cc with ~ws driven from inside the cabinets. The ~cksplash is us~lly attached 'by an , interlocking tip fitting into a sroove at the back of the counter. A waterproof adhesive holds the backspl.Ub in place and provides a waterproof seal. While mstallina a custonvmade counter calls for an experienced craftsperson equipped with special tools, the use of prcmade co.mponents opens the job to most do-it-your- seJfcn. Priced at about SI 0 pcr linear foot, P,,.emade counter sections come with mitered ends lhat join to form an L- shape. held t~ther with soecially fitted clamps. Also available are sections with tb:rcc or four finished edges for a peninsula or i~ Such sections arc inexpensive and durable, but they a.re found only with .__ low back.splashes and in a limited selection of laminated finishes. Cus-- tom-rnadc coun&en cost twice a.s much but offer the.choice ofbundn:ds of laminate colon and finishes.. They also allow the use of a full•beigbt bacoplash, providina a dean look and an easy-to-maintain surfaCe. Unnecessary plumbing work can ~ ~vo·n· . b kecp~ng the sink d.J:ain an its o position. Home pot.nu out, an in mstalling a customer coun<er great attention must be pvcn to measuring and fitting, espcCially around windows, door trim and exhaust hood. Dan Droz won two ~t:n•· one fQr..ihta .. Popeycle Chair" with •ta.rdy oall letJ• t reeemble atant lee cream •ticb. Po Shan Leon& of Cano&• Park ued 11alld uh In th.e Daphne Award-wtnnen for occulonal eeatlnl and dlnlDC room chain In the Deelper Stiowroom cateeory .. A consistent overhang -about one inch -should be allowed aJona the edges and sides, reduced to about a quarter-inch where the counter· buns the stove or refrigerator. Ver- tical edges of a backsplasb should · align with the sides of wall cabinets immediately above. Rogers, Parton rushi~g season with yule special Country stars taped Sunday's Chnstmas programlastsummer By JERRY BUCK .,,,...,.....,.., LOS ANGELES -Dolly Parton and . Kenny Rogers ~et mto the Christmas SP.irit early with one of this season.,_s firitfiOTi<layoroa<!caftS-=-a TV special that was actually ~ped last summer. "It's not easy writing Christmas songs in the middle of summer," said Parton. "I drug out all my Christmas decorations, and we had Christmas in Palm Springs. I had to get in the mood." The one-hour special, "Kenny & Dolly: A Christmas to Remember," will be telecast Sunday and features five original Christmas songs written by Parton.The-special was not avail- able for prcviewi,ng when the two supcntars of eoj.lntry music were interviewed. Pa.non said It was the first time she'd ever attempted to write a Christmas song. - "We did the album in July, the special in Auaust. f think we: did a year's work in two weeks," she said. "It was a lot of work but 1 had a lot of fun, too." "It was physically tiring." added Rogers. "We worked long t\oursJ but it was creatively rcwardi°" 1 re- member teUing Dolly a JOke at midnight ... " _ Parton interrupted, saying, "If he hadn't, we'd have finished a day early." Although they were casual ac- ~ualntances, the two singers had never worked t~ther until they recorded ."Islands an the Stream," a hit sinaJe in 1983. "We were tryin,. to find a way to work t<>sethcr a,pm soon," said the white-bearded sinaer. "We wanted to top ourselves, yet we didn't want to compete with our first record. "I had a Christmas album comina up and that's when we got toeether again. Dolly contributed five new sonp. I had t0me commitments fror;n CBS because of the sue()CSS of 'The Gambler,' so it looked like a good idea to makea special of it." Kenny Roten. Dolly Parton -an -.rly Chrlatmu. The two sfn&cn occasionally ran into each other at awards shows, where Rogers has picked up three Grammys and Miss Parton has won three Grammys and six Country Music Association Awards. Miss Parton had opened concerts for Roaers, and he had done a aucst spot on a TV show with her. "But we'd never reaJJy su~ toaethcr until our first record," said Rogc:rs. "That\ the fun. Dolly, like me, is best when she 1erew1 up. l remember once on an awards show she screwed up a.Od she said Live on the air she'd screwed up. That's what the audiences love -to sec the unexpected." Their association doesn't end with Sunday's special. For the fim three months of I 98S they'll be on the road doing concerts three days a week. "I'm workiftf. on a few thi°'s," Panon said. 'I've 1ot a wnter workina on an idea for Jane (Fonda), Uly (Tomlin) and me. It's called 'Brass Angels; and we'll be three iniddl~ women who get ca\llht up in a spy rina and save the world." In their first movie. Fonda, Tomlin and Parton stNck a blow for the secretaries of the world in "9 to S." b A ' Parton also will 11r in a TV movte Gay· e TV tri ute uue ~ryoK:;.~."fcohosmcticsquecn Roten has • third installment of accom1>1nied by the Of'iainal or· the ~pular TV movie. "The Gam- chestra that becked Oayc on his bier,· comina up, apin with Linda ~lebrated fine tour. Kc reu.ntl-...-;.y,IUQ and Bruce.&xlcitncr.. - LO ANOELES (AP) -A tele- vision tribute to llain sinter Marvin Gaye will be taped in Lot Anaelet on Jan. 29. • The 1wo-hour special will feature in-concen pe.rformancn of Gaye's music by about 10 of his contem- Aporaries said producer Allan Nadohl. ti.-'\ Nadohl 111d the anists will be obtained the rithts to the tribute after Will the two country and western 1everal months of nqot1ations. ttan ever do a movie totetMr? Marvin Oay Sr . .., 1entenced to '1 know lft 0d enjoy doina • five years probation for killina his movie ... Mid k~ "but wt need a son. The sinatt was shot to dta.tb on Yittaide that wonts rather than JU t hts 4Sth b1nhday last Apnl. findinasometh1n1 to act us together " • Andrew SteTen• (left) and Lee Marrin play lawmen pu.nvJnC a trapper (Chari• BrollllOD) accued of ~uarder In the mone .. Deatll Hmat, •• ~ tontcht at 9 OD CBS, Channel i . GICTV • JEFffRSOMS e AOCl(10fl> FILES • IUn'ERFUES -11:»- 8 Cl) ltM*JM. P.1. o a~_ • 000 COUP\.! 8 0 AflC NEWS NOHT\.N I..,.. Al«) AU.EH l ~AMENOA 700Q.UI WOYI( ** .. Al The M11biel" (19811 Ptt• F11k.8urt Young -11:40- GeotgeKenMOy.Brldt~O Olllmln -1:00-e MCME , •••• ., "Hed<I• (19151· Glenda .llc*son. rlll'IOthy west l ~LA.T~Y • t "Sudden Twr~· 119701 Mark l••. Susell George srraTMMNT TONIOH'T MOYIE • • • 'h "Drla (1981 l Wlllltlmenit Wiggins Ftmlndez, F~. -1:25-- MCME t * • "Monty ~·a °t:M ~ O! Ute" (1983) JoM ~· MICl'llel Plln -1:JO- ~~~ ... "°"AN l awmN'S l..MJOK.. If BT OI ac>I NIBlt.A _, __ IMS'TlGATOM: auADINQ i&OMIH '11 MAIR -a.- • Cll NlWI '9fTWATCH MEWi ~ t * * "Soulb PIC&fic:" (1151) MllJl GiyrlOf Roeleno 8tmi -1:11- M llCMAN>llLBIHOW MOYIE t *'°' "Stw IO'' (11131 ~ Hllll- ingwtJ. E.rc Aobertl. • _.._ i :r-r.AMOOM -tCIO- • MOYE u 'The T.ua ,._.. .. OW l F1..o ~lll'ray JICl Olkil CIQ'9 MOYIE u • The P\rnC*in E.aW ' I 1*1 Anne Bancroft. Peter R'dl e QUI. TY 09' INNOCllNT CCl ~ New 'A.m e rica' show will feat ure 'firsts' '20 l 0' sple..adld_ sp~Ce age sequhi L ANGELE . (A P) -P!'!: ~n~~r A:~e ~re.:~:' for yroaram· mount's new dally TY serifs "• n • n1==J!~~tcvi::;.;i·~;.-~------;--------:.;-~0 _.;~'!"!'f.,..---"7r-'a .... , iiioina to be n how of "first~" Dom~tic Di tnbutton. when at ruch~ the air next fall "It will be an t'nterta1nment-tnfor. New futu ristic a venture film focuses _ on human element with much success I • I • . I .. ~I I I l I ~ 1 f • Ii The one-hour ~how. hke Puru- mounrs "Entcruunmcnt Tonight.'' will deal with trends and what's hot, accordins to John Goldhammer, FROM THE PRODUCERS OF THE SUPERMAN M OVIES .... "' '·•.i ' .14 •NltiA'AAI "' •ctltA .. U ·- '. mauon how of •firsts, ... he said. The hosts will be tin\h Purcell, formerly of "RcaJ People.'' Stua.n Damon of AB "Genenal Hospital" and Mclean tevenson. formerly of .. M·A-S-H." The $20 million pro1cct 1s a jomt venture of Paramount and Post· Newsweek Stations. "'FALLING IN LOVE' IS A MOVIE TO TREASURE." ---.119CYV,n.f-.- [PG tJje» A ~AMl.NI It llff 1ft .. ------.:: -NOW PLAYING- -llllOlOllllfACK ,.,... ... ,. Hv"i•'O"" l ",Ml ale6 Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special It's all yours. Shrimp, fish and chicken for less. Platter includes fresh coleslaw, golden fryes and two hu~hpuppies. Limited Time Only Keir Dullea underfoea a etartlln g traneformadon In hie reprlee role In .. 20 0 ." F.ixx rockers take music seriously I-. By Y ARDENA ARAR ~P-Wrttet LOS ANGELES -The F1xx. a Bntish fo ursome that 1s carving out a reputation as a thmJdng man's techno-po p band. takes its lyricall> complex music seriously. like us. I don't want them to thtnk tn two week's time. ah. 11's trash. I want 11 to have meaning." .. , don't see music as being dis- posable. wh ich 1s what 11 Sttms 10 be becoming.'' says drummer Adam Woods "I know if l buy an album, 11 becomes pan of my life. People that And so th ere ha ve been no silly love songs for The Fiu. Instead. lyricist and lead sineer Cy Cumin has dealt with such weighty matters as war and alienation in three album's wonh of song~ couched m sparse, rhythmic but highly textured settings: .. Red Skies." "Stand or Fall," "Saved b~ Zero." .. One Thing Leads 10 l UJCUlrY THIAT~U WALK· INS * F11n Two Mlt1n11 Sllow1n1s * OlllLY U.15 UnltH lllote' :r~~:~~~ Slfl~[Jfl[)E :iM::i S 113M3•X•1ufl6)04 2653~"~~·x:.·i!v) DRIVE·INS :~:~c,: • il;1•J tt111l6I U' l llA ll11tll1 !!rt• Stef""" SUPllRQIAL (PO) PluJ Co-Feature snun1 (PGI Meryl SltHP F ALLING I .. LOVIE (PG 1 ll I 45 J ·SO S SS II 00 & 10:05 TMIU ' 0 " HEARTS (R) SHOWS AT 3 JO&. l ;O(I .. IQ HT Off THE COMET The Ruor'' EOge (PC; 1 l) ..,._1 J) ll'tus Co· Hit 11 I :00 5 :30 &. 10,00 No Small Alfilr (R) -~-~~~~~ .... ~~-----~ JUST THIE WAY YOU A RIE (P'Gt SHOWS AT 1 20 ~ 15 s 10 1 05 .. 9 :00 Silly F ield PLACES IN T HE HCA9'T (PG) I 2 45 2 ·ss 5105 7:1$ a.' 2s TEACH€AS fRJ PIUJ Co·HI A ll Of Mt (PG I s By 808 THOMAS ... 11Jt1f PrweW\'ttlef They oner surprise and excitement - aJ o occasional shock. After all the "Star wars·· and "Star Trek • " it't1 no "20 IO" is a commendable fotlowup longer possible to dazzle with . pc~ial to the classic that launched the effects. Hyams wisely mamta~ns modcrq space era in films. Like 0 h 1 rt g tanlcy -Kubrick's "200 I: A Space "20 I .. on uman sea e, po raytn the astronauts and cosmonauts as Odyssey," at benefits from the vision falltble individuals, not superheroes. of one creative force. rather than a committee. Like its predeces or, "2010'' 1s based on the work of the renowned In a remarkable tour de fOrcc. Peter science fiction author Arthur C. Hyams not only wrote. directed and Clarke. He 1san a tute storyteller. but produced, he also photographed 1has reviewer has never been able to "20 I 0." What a gamble for the fathom his metaphysics. The floating moguls who run MGMUA. Happily fetus, the enigrnauc mo.nqliths and for them and the company~s troubled · the warring apes may contatn logk on fortunes, the gamble succeeds -thC' prin1ed page but they arc merely an1stically at least. perplexing on film. • h is nine years after the spacecraft , W11h firm jaw and steel nerves~ Discovery suddenly ~ent quiet in its Roy Scheider 1s ideal for this kind or orbit among the moons of Jupiter. adventure. John Lithgow. who seems commander David Bowman ap-incapable of a less than compelling parently a casualty of the failed performance, is marvelous as the mission. Dr. Heywood Floyd (Ro> fear-of-Oying astronaut. Bob Scheider). suffering guilt ovt'r his role Balaban, third member of the Ameri· in the failure. urges the government to can tea m, has the best individual send a mission to in vestigate the scene, floating in space as he tries 10 inexplicable black monolith noaung regain contact w11h the infamous around up there. HAL 9000-who turns out to be not The onl y immediate solution 1s to hitch a ride aboard the Russian spacecraft Leonov which will be ready before the Amencan craft. American and Russian scientists blast off together at a time when their governments are in cnsis si tuation over Central America. There's J'lO need 10 spoil the suspense by outlining the adventures. suc:h a bad son after all. Keir Dullea, the long-lost David Bowman. makes a reappearance, and his scenes arc the most mystical of all. Especially good are the Russians. including those authentic ones from "Moscow on the Hudson," Elya Baskin and Savely Kramarov. Rated PG because o(language and excitement. Oram, Greenan, Cuman, Wood• of The Fm. Another" and. most recently. "Arc But even Woods admits the ex- We Ourselves?" tensive exposure on the popular rock Paced by the latter tune. the band's video cable service did lay the latest LP. "Phantoms," has had ltttk foundation for a small but well- 1rouble negotiating its way up the received U.S. v1s11 in late 1982, at a U.S. chans. But the gro~p·s 1982 11me when the band's record label, debut. "Shunered Room," might MC A. barel> seemed to know the have gone all but unnoticed were 11 group existed. not for the striking "Stand or Fall" The quanet had tned on several video produced by Jeanoctte ObstOJ. nam~'> before set1hng on The Fix, girlfriend of The F1xx's producer. "'th one >. -a name Woods and Rupen Hine. Grcenall insist was not chosen bc- A then-fledgling MTV -Music cauc,e of its slang usage to denote a Television -took a liking to the anti-heroin dose. war song's clip, which was banned 1n "It didn't cross our mind when we Brita1rt,.because it showed a horse chose the name." Woods said. collapsin.&'on a battlefield, "Ha , mg a fix on something 1s being Wood~. an outspoken fellow who lucid. being direct." looks like a blond Tom C'ruisc. The Fix became l he Fi xx when the OH, a oo1 vou o~v1L TtEACHU ts CR) doesn'tgive MTV ent1recredi1 for the group ~1gned.with MCA "because the (PC) SHOWS AT U :OO J •OO &. 1 10 P1u, T O RO" IN THIE A ISl..ES (Ill} Tltlltrope (R) a. Purple R1ln (A l 2 oo 4 .oo 6 :00 1 ,00 No sma11 Affair (R I band's U.S. success. record company said. put another x . ..u.-•r----=":...:..10::..'::.o"'o--1 oo s 10"' 20 "The people who are responsible on or everyone's goi ng 10 think it's 9'EVll:HGEOf'TH.: forusmaking-t1anywhereareus,"hc drug!.:· WoOds added. "11 was a ~ LONGJOHN SttVEf\S~ SEAFOOD SHOPPES 3095 Harbor Blvd. in Cost.a Mesa Just south ol San Diego Freeway across from Fedco (D rtve-thru Service Available) .., i u;Jt) ";12 H~A~s~: ~ U.0~opo~ NE RDS iR• f'IUI said, basking with keyboards player cond 111on of sign 1ng." Bachelor arty IRl Rupen Greenall in the fall sunshine But the second x didn't deOect all SOLDIE R 'S ST0 111v (PC>l ••oiAAA JOlllU • Ti. outside the Hollywood hilltop home cnt1c1sm s11ow' 11 1 oo Pius T••• et O..• (PC) GHOST•USTERS (N) of the "°oup's U.S. mana¥r. "MTV "Then-was a panrr 1n Georgia la st Country (PG) at t 00 Show' at 7 ·00 a. ~·2(1 Plus Co-Future • I h "'" Gremlin' IPGl were JUSt instrumcnta . ey were year 1ha1 accused us of all sons of just doin~ the right thing, which 1s horribfe fhings because we were DRIVE INS Open 6·4S Wkd1vs/l.JO Wk1nds /Ch1ld1tn Undtr 12 ~REE Unltu Noud their job.' called The Fiu ," Greenall said. !:::=======::::::===================:::::lJ--=~~==;;,;==;,,;,;=;,;;;;;.:~~;,;;:;;~;;;;:==:;;~~~!!!!!!!!!!:..._L:.:=:...::=. ___________ . "The> called 11 the devil's music and • ~WPORT BEACH • -~·u • •1•1 '"''"~ , 1111 "' ~l!l'll ·~· • I f\ Ill 114 .. U I • tl<f•l'l ~ t • SO. COAST PlAZA • fOlifN CfNHR ' .::-.. .. ,,, M• lllf l~'if -... "'" f!: " • ... " • ~·· .. llrf':• II .. ~., p ,,, V' ....... l'!"T• f Rr{Mllt ,,~ "'' . • WlSnwtSTO • CINl'M• Wf<;I .... r:. .... ._ .. , • GARDEN GROVE • • COSTA MESA • I OWAPO~ • 1 I Nf ~a ·~ ., ~ ... ""' . " . -• ~· '' ~d.Jt tllfotl I 11'!. 16~1111' • •I ltf ""A• • m , .. .... ' .... ., .. .. ""' . ,., " '411111 ,.~.. • • SANTA ANA • PP\' Mt t~ lilll• tf1 "' "' • I I 14\ •tll'J!Mf Of, flfll I( IU • MISSION VI.JO • ~If IO IWIH , t .... , ~ .. .. ~·" ,. ~tllAtlOI 11 • 111.ellll.a( °" h . \l"rr , • 11 111 MA __ _ h• ......... .,.. ' ,,. • • El TORO • SAOOllBACK .,, ' t 1.lit· \AO(ll I BAf.~ ~ •hll BAI , 1 ,, CMIOtllll~ '"'11 MIQll 01 114 CM t 11.JQ" llt llSlH Ill 'I llCNIMAI( Olll ll 11 SIUll tl o kl Hlf)itfhf•f "" ..... I \OIOU S SIOll tl'!;t '' ... .,,._,"' M lllt'llll IOU Al( 1"'1 , . ""'' "'' .. lilSSM 111 -C IOI 1•1 " . \A(Jlll I BAf K •• 1, ~"-~'I NI .,, • '"":""" llf llllMIA IOI II • n Cl IOllO . m•~ Cl IOllO ~1noo (l 1()110 " . m •)00 Et rdRo .. ~1 •wo "'"'" Of hf "11'.0\ I ii 81ClflOI •Mlf ,, All QI If tli(. llfJ '*II &If~ ''' t COICJS IM I 111 11'1. I 1 llOAMA IOIO 11'1. • , •• Oii!'• ............. fll llllfill lO'll '" ll • v rr o , .,. .....,,..,., "'If ul~OI' Ul.KA "' • • ,. 10 • l AGUNA Hll l S • AtitlNA Hill\ MAI I • Oii IOO' ... IOU Olllll (POI ._. • ¥• I Ill 1 1 ~! "-1-1 _ _.:.,.....,.... _, __ • - l l Ni Ill I\ MAI .. bl ~~ii c I ' I ~ ,1tflA Hll I' lllAl I COUllTtt '" • I'> r. rTN VA( f f1 . ,. , ' I ,uru 11 ""' • UNIVERSITY c,....o. l.t:tM\ ~Ot;I. Ol llt • ....,. 1•1• taCltlO.,Mn IJ1 '••00 IS4-ll ll AH ' 16 •, IJlvCRSlfY H I - '-°' •u•u .... uo IS4 111 1 UNIVERSITY (empwt °' A11tU 11 l>O ICll1 Of I It (01111 ' I' •I I"' Ill ~1111.S '"'I)' I IU Clf IS 1•1 ~ ·~ J t '"" UC1 All ()I N( IPS> IS4-U ll ,,, ••• UHIVUSllY I c..._o. . ''" '"'"' UCI 8S4 1811 UltlV£RSllY c..._o. I , \\ , ... uc 8'>4 8811 , I lmtvt.RSll I I ,,...,..r~ • rtt\ •·rlf 1'>4 811 t llOAJIA '°"'' l(Wll OI QOOlll IPSI • ti ,. CHOSllUSlltS lrGI •4• ....... ~-" ACllOll' 111 . •' .... .. -----~ l ••• ,~ 111 II Wiit IAll WAIUIA? Wllc;lll IPS I • I T'VOOOBPIOGI .I .I !>Jl!ll} OH GOO' TOii OOl (N I ~ 'JJ ~ ,t t ' -rt lrt Ill' WOOOBlilotl i'°', -.. -,--c...,,---,111-1-11 • fCllllMlf Oii llll T'VOOOBRIDGE ~ l SfUll tit ' • ~~It II< flllUIOl IUSI fll llAI IQllll( 1"1 ., , ' I • ---!.LAll----r'IOOOBRIOGI 11 00 llll••I ll•UP ~llDfll' 1111111G "'1ow· '"' u 1 411 /I\ "' JAIS W0008RIOGI SJ Oil IUflT1 rw ... llllllAOlll 111&1~ ,.., ... ,.. Sllll'" '"' I c IOO'I • LAGUNA RUCH • 0 7 1711 ~OVIH rnt\1 . 0 1 1111 II Al 1 '"" l'IAll!ll~ CHOOtl • (_, 00 ,.-; • tUfllNGJON BUCH • l •o •U ll OOl8T lfo'I I Hl'J /IQ l a MIRADA ~ •1t1G OI lltl •a ti t I ~I IACJl:I OI r111 n It J ~ AISI fl( WAT TOO MC (P'O) I II lllllttil U .. ll • M.11., Moll ~ lllH•• At 11, .. ,.,., 11GK1 Of I Hl COlll I I" I J) ~ AIMO(US l"l f Al.LlllC .. LCM (~-Ill I 4' Ill ICllMlllA10l IRJ 111 llllll ~· GIRi. 1•1 I' fll!SI~" (Ml IJ) •PACIFIC DRIVE ·IN THEATRES• U/OllUCll 111 ~ l llQlllWI. ()fl llll Sllltfl Ill IH~I01 1tl " fll uun Kl> 1rc1 , l flt WI.DUH <•> '" lt .... IOll 111 • llll!llWll Oii flit llllll 1• ORANGE ~ . .. 1t l llll._.IOl / 1t 1 I ftllCl Of llf NUOS 1a1 IACllLOl 'MITT Ill lo HABRA ""NI~ 111W: 11!'.""r1 . • . 111!!1 QIOllNS tfel said we were advocating people to take heroin." "It wa!> front page news," Woods added. "The gig was packed They did us a fa vor." Delicious Top Sirloin Steak, cooked to your taste, and .served with homemade soup, crisp green salad, choice of potato, dinner roll anddeasertl s COITAMllA ,, ....... ltwd. IMNI 11111 -Art'"-t 8tvd. •. It.. . r Orange Coast OAILY PILOT/Wednndey, N~ber 21, 1.,. .... COMPLETE NYSE COllPOllTE l1"RANIACTION9, .. GE's,nuclear op.erations unit moves to waste management New component will focus on handling, processtnghtgh-and low-level wastes General Electric Co.'s Nuclear ijnergy Operations m San Jost has formed a nuclear waste management component. which will bnng together Its diverse mtctests an nuclear waste management, according to Dr. Bcnram Wolfe. GE vice president and -general •manager of nuclear technologies and fuel division. Wolfe said the new unit bnnJS under a ingle management umbreUa its services components associated with the handUna and processing of high · and low-lev~I nuclear plant wastes and related services such as nuclear plant and radioactive facility decommissioning. Dr. Richard Skavdahl bas. been named managtr of the new waste Chase plans nonbank in NB The Chase Manhattan Corp. an- nounced that 11 had received ap- proval from 1hc co mptroller of the currency to operate a "nonbank bank'' wHh offices in four Cali fornia markets. The proPoscd anstilution. The Chase Man~ttan National Bank of California, woulc;t be headquanered In Newpon Beach and would have branches in La Jolla. Palo Aho and Walnut Creek. The four offices are currentiy pan of the network operated by Chase U.S. Consumer Services, a subsidiary of the corporation which provides automobile, boat and home equity loans to consumers. Services would be expanded to encompass commercial loans and time deposits, including money mar· ket accounts and cenificates of de· posit. The application is subject to ap- oroval by the Federal Reserve Board and final review by the comptroller. Robert R. Dou&lass. Chase ex· ecutive vice president for strategic planning and legal affairs, said, "We are delig)Ved that the comptroller of the currency has approved our appli· cation for a "nonbank bank" in California. We intend to continue to grow ou r base in this important state, looking forward to the day when €'hasc wJll be a full-service bank for individuals and businesses ·in Cali· fornia." Wills and Estate Planning manaaemei\t services opera11on. Wolfe said. Skavdahl led the GE Wk (orce that studied and developed lbe plan ror GE's conC"ertcd move into this "im· portant business opportunity for General Electnc, which also ad· dresses the industry's growing needs in this a Itta." o MembersofSkavdahl's waste man· agement team include Ernest L. Kuerner, manager of low-level radwaste ~rv1ces: Dr. John Van Hoomisscn, manaaer of the hadl· level radwaste service\ group: a-nCi Frank P. Crimi, manaaer of decom- missioning services. John H. Krepack has been named manager of waste management marketing. General Electric was awarded· last year 1he decommissioning contract for the Shippingport nuclear plant near Pittsburgh1 the first such project in the Uniteo States. Crimi has assumed manaaement responsibility for it. • WoDlen communlcatora plan annual yule soClal The Oranae County Cbapttt of Women 1n Communication5, Inc .• Will h~t their annual Chnstmas socia.I 6 p.m. Dec. 10 at Fluor Corporation in Irvine. The eveninf's auest speaker will be Bet&)' Net.bcty. Nethery'~ iopic, .. Uniq~lyYoo; w11J focu on matchm&YourperM>nalitytoyourcloqlintst)'le a.~d c,olors. She will also d1scu s presenuna an appropriate imaae 10 all sHu.at1ons. Group.:purcba•lag panel plaaaed The CaJ1fC?mia Community Foundat1on and th~ .. c(nta for Nonprofit ManaJemtnt 1s sponsonna a panel on group purchasing for nonprofit orpn12auons. Joe A&uayo of Independent Sector and James Kalish of Washington Counctl of Ageoan will dascu how nonprofit orpn1zat1ons can sapuficantl)' lower costs Lbrough combining purchases to achieve group discounts. ... The panel will be Dec. 11 from 8'. 30 to 11 :00 am at the Fluor Corporation in·lrvine. There is no fee for the worlahop. Borders gets $225,000 contract Robert Borders and Associates. lhe Newport Beach-based architecture and design firm, has recently been awarded a quarter-million dollar contract by the Army Corps of Engineers. For the third conS«utive year, Roben Borders and Associates will handle various proJectS throughout the Southern California area for the Army Corps of Engj neers. "We have remodeled and renovated more than a dozen Naiiona.I Guard and Army Reserve Cen ters," saad Rol)eri Borders, owner and prcstdent of the firm. "As new pro1ects come up over the out year. we will become mvolvcd. .. Although the contract docsn·1 specify partJcular projects, the Corps of En~neers wall retain Robert Borden and Associates for various renovations assigned by the Fort Ord and Sacramento officn. CM firm gets defense contract It's later than you think GE also has announced the de· velopment of a unique process, named AZTECH YRS. for volume reduction and solidificataon of low- level liquid waste. AZTECH is a major segment in the scope of the low-level unit of the new organiza. tion A Costa Mesa bus1oess 1s benefit1na from defense contracts awarded by • · --th_e Defense Construction upply Center (OC'SC) of Columbus, Ohio. WALTERS & ASSOCIATES 24221 Calle de la Louisa, Suite 200 Laguna Hiiis, CA (Near San Diego Fwy and El Toro Rd) CALL (714) 837-1140 I r 11111 .11l 111t In .1111 111' 11 .1ppl'.lr' thJI ( I> 1111t·11.''' 1 .llt'' .11c ·lo(C1111~ d11\\ n Ir< 1111 \\ lwrt· thl'\ H ' IX'l 'll It II Ill• 1111h' Ill)\\ I.!'\, h.1 .. lx·c.'ll l 1111111111t1. I 1'\, '' 111 >1 unht-:ard 111 \\1111ld11111 Ix lllll' lc ilx: .able.· re d11t I. 111 todm \ h1~h r.lll'' n.J.• /rt'f'-.1' .1 hc.·d~l· .1~11n,1 re lflll 11 n '" 'It 1\\ c.·r r.111.·,1 'c 1u 1. .1111 h' 1..·n \dwn '" mur1tlh 111 ,1 'cJr from no~. I.?'~ plu' ln1cn.~ on f>\ wultl ht• 1H 1111111~ 1111111.· 1h.111 ,1 nwmc in E'n·pt rm .1 ft''' pl·npll• lMPER.IAt'S ADD·ON. Pl·o/>t..- who ,,1vc .u l m1~rial ~.!Vin~' h.ivc :l hu1 Hn "luc.k on h1)(h fllll'll''t r.uc~ TI1c.:y·11,u11 he ahlt• 111 mak<.' dl'f'X "ti' ;It II icJ,I\·" hi~h ~Ill.., \\ lw11 11urn1r1 c '"' ' r .lll'' 111.1\· Ix: rm1t h le )\\c.·r I low~ lh p1111111~ lmpc.·n.11\. unique Add-On .1d\,1r)l,1~· 1u \\ork for thf.·m lmflc:ri.11\ Add On .1dvan1.q.tc.: lcL' \OU inlrl',M.' tlw prlnd rMI nf' vour wnl0c..1tl' .11 ----------- NOVEMBER 30, 1984, 7 PM DECEMBER 8, 1984, 1PM Skavdahl added that "low-level The center awarded a contract for SS86,688 to J C Carter Co. Inc. 671 W. services will inct6de treatment and 17th Stree" which will produce fuel nozzles for use by the U.S. mili&ary packaging of liquid, dry and metallic services. . wastes and transponauon manage-Nearly four out of fi ve OC'SC contracts -and over half of the centers • How can I avolcffRe agony of Probate? ment. "' purchase dollars -go to small, minority and woman-owned businesses. DCSC is a field installation of the Defense Logistics Agency, Washington, D.C. • Why all the Interest In a Living Trust -and what Is It? He said the new organwmon puts General Electric in position to offer equipment which can be installed at the customer's plant and operated by the utility. or equipment an modular form which is highway transportable and can be operated by the customer or by GE on a contract basis. • Why should I transfer my assets out of Joint Tenancy? • Do I really need a will-and If so- what type? High level waste management in· volves pnmanly the handling. storage and transport of spent nuclear fuel until 1998 when the U .. federal government will assume responsi- b1hty for il, he \aid. Opcrauon of GE's Morris facility m Illinois 1s included in the respons1b1hties of the high· level unit of the organ11a11on. • Why not use today's maximum Martial Deduction? . • How can I reduce-or even eliminate Estate Taxes? • How can I organize my estate? s.- r 0 tlw 11n~1n.1I rJtl'' .111\ llllll' tlunn).t 1h'--t1r'1 \"l'clf l Ill"' 11 tlw lanl' l'' l "ll 11 1nll'I ... ,t 1 .111 .,·h .1H· JrHppc...·d \11u 1..111,11 ll 11l\l''' .molhl·r $10.000 S.?ll.llOll 111 $';11 (l()O .11thc...·111111.11 ltl\"\. 'lnll'lll l'.ltl' 'tlllll llll(l\.'ll.11'''111,1.l' \l l ll\1111 1 \l'\ tlli\l' l.lll l'\pl.1111111111l' tulh 1111\\ 11ur \dd On :l<l\';mt.1~c <.·.111 ''or~ fnr '1 >ll Al,11 hl· \.,Ill l'\l'l.11111111\\ h • ~l·I 1111 •rl• th.111 s1rM111110 111 11hur.1111v "''" ,.,~l·111u1111·\ fn1m \11111 (II \\llhq111 p.1\111~ llll'Hh '' 11hdra\\,il 1x·11.1h\ .111d 1111111.· 'I jll•d lt•I 0 1 Call now to see how you can ~· the mo!'t out of your 0 mvcstmcnt"i. < >rJORc: ( ount Landforofflcep~ojectsold A I. 7 acre site in Newpon Center was recentJy sold by The Irvine Compan) to Alben J. Auer & Associates. who plan to d~elop an office project consisting of twin 12,000 square foot build mp. To be known as the Newport Financial Square, the development will start construction m January 1985. Jim Landis and Chns Auer of Grubb &. Elhs Commercial Brokera,ae Group's Newpon Beach offiC"e represented both the seller and buyer 10lhe'S1 .8 million transaction. Grubb&. Elhs is also the exclusive leasing rcpr~tauve. The two-story offi~ buildings wall have a pronunent -locauon al the southwest comer of A. vocado Avenue and San Joaquin Hills Road. and many office suites will offer ocean views. Landis said. The bu1ld1ngs will be dlVlsible Manager award nominees sought The sOc1et) for A.dvancement of Management 1s now acceptJng nominations for us 1985 Orange Count} Manager of the \ear .\ward to be presented an March 1985 The Orange Coast SAM Chapter has betn rccognmng outstanding Oranse County managers for over 15 )Can. Last ~ear·s award~ v.as Dr Han; E. Williams. then dtrcctor of op:rauons. nov. \.ICC president ofStacoswllch I oc. in Costa \ksa .\moni the quahues the Manager ol the Year wdl dtspla} v.tll be showing i>pec1al in1tiauve. creatl"it). detennmat1on. and leadership an addressing both the critical and day·to-day needs of his/her organizauon dunng the past ~car. All firms and organ1zauons are 1ov1tcd to submit a nomam-e fOf-the 1985 award. Information and requests for the nomination procedure sh ould be directed to Ms. Joanne M. Turner, S'J\M '\war~ Chair. c/o/ Management Services Consultants. 3882 Faulkner, If"\ me. <.'A 9271 4: or you may call 559-5076, before Jan. 21. 1985. JoElla Milan ls guest speaker JoElla Milan. mongagc broker wnh Laguna Lending Group an Laguna Niguel will be speak1n~ on real estate financing for Women Helping Others at their ba-monthl} meeting Dec S at 7 I~ a m at the Gove Restaurant 31621 C'oast Highway an South Laguna WHO as a non -profit organ17at1on of v.omen v.hose purpose lS to share business referrals and male a chantabk \Ontnbut1on to the community. Interested busaness v.omen are v.e lcomc t<1 Jttend For more mfonnauon call 'iue Berman"83 l-2584 AlrCal sets passenger record .\1r\al announct>d this v.ecl that passenger 1ratlic on V. cdnesda}. No" 21 hrolc thl' all time <;1ngk da) pa'scnger boarding record for the Newpon Beach J>ascd aarhne .II V.ednesda} \ boardings totakd I <1.4~ p.l\<;(.•ngers, break mg the pre" ious record v.-hidl wa<i c;et on o" 2S. I 981 A1rt. al re-pone& -strong traffic throughout the Wt·dneMiay through Sunda) Thanksgiving hohda~ penod and stated that local single day passenger boarding rt•cords wcrt also t"Stabhshed on Nov 21 in tht c111t•s of San Francisco. 'nJOS<' and Burbank. Earn more f rorn your deposits with Instant Interest Five percent of the interest to be earned during the account term 1s com- puted from the day of deposit. com"'pounded quarterly EFF£CT1VE ANNUAL YlB..D $1,000 mlnmUm deposit • 11.00% emu.a rate I ~or more inlorm.1111111, ph.\t~ ltll oui 1111, u 1u(lt in um,pk:td~ .ind ,1..•11d 11 tn lmp1..·r 1.11 I :-,,1\fn~'Ai ,c1C.l.11lon. \-~ t>ll\O\ ~ttl'&.:I "ulll' .?<Kl."·'" 1>1t·~o. < \ 92111 I I I I I " I I I I I I I I I ~.llll\' ______________ lhh l1h 1ll\I,,', ___________ _ ( c1mp.lll\ ____________ I l11m1.· l'h• 1tw ..___. ________ _ 1\tkln,°''-------------lk"l t11Ht• ltt c.':111~,,_ ___ ~----- Cl~/St.lll' /Ip ----------------------'-OCD 1120 ---------------------........ ) .. - , .. -0rMge COUI DAILY PILOTI W.an.cs.y, Novembw 28, 1884 Once a tax in~·entive is a ~----,j! ~ophdle it staYs tha I I I I I I I ' , . . .By JOUN CONNIFF ., ........ ...,. _ NE~ YORK -How quickly a tax ancrnuvc becomes a looDhole.. But limes chanse and 50 do the JOils of 1ov~rnment, the needs of ~1ety, the habits of people and the ims-ct of taxes. In theory. the deductib1lity of >ntcrest on mst.allmcnt purcha1e1 and home monaaaes was meant to stimu. ~ate consumer buyioa. The in vest· ment tu credit and rapjd de- preciation were dcsianed to en- courage business investment. . U nder proposals now being ~­ v1e~cd by tbe Rcqan adminis- trauon. both would be modified to make them less attractive. · Other tax deductions aJso arc likely to be viewed differently than when they were proposed. includina those for charities. capital p ins o n long- term investments. business entertain- ment. and state and local taxes. Many of the changes are contained AvAUABlE 1\0vr REvOLVIm CREDIT LINES FRoM $5,000 To~ $250,000. NA NCY B UZZARD (714) 551,1100 10 the Treasury's lb-overhaul plan, un~·e1lcd Tuesday with the dual purpose of raisin& revenues and simphfyang a ys&em that hu become so unpinly that even "eA~r1s" arc confused. But more proposals wiU be forth· coming -from academics, bu1incss people, unions and ~ssure aroups -wbich is probably what the administration wants anyway. tbe better to clear the afr if not clan(y the tax code. So complex bas that S)'5tcm be· come that different offices of the Internal Revenue Service have been known to give different inter- pretations to the same set of facts, and even to have held their ground alJ the way to court. So mystifying~as thcmaze become that 11 has enticed in1,.o being a huge mdu~try of tax consultants, advisers. preparers. writers, publishers and the lik:c who forever probe its shadoW} alleys for breakthrouiJl And they have made brtak· throughs. which is one of the ~asons why ~o much p1tSsurc exists to do "something. .. mainly m the way of ending what now are perccivcd to be abuses. Consider the deductibility of interest on installment pul'Cbases. which is highly stimulative in an economic sense. ls 1t wise to have a tax proaram that year in and year out eo ourages ~oplc to go into debt? Wouldn't it be wiser someumcs to give the tax benefits to those who save, and thus provide capital to expand mdustry'? An extreme 1DJUSt1ce in this regard occurred in the 1970s, when savers saw assets depicted by inflation while bor:rowtrs took those savings. in· vested them at a profit. repaid the sav~ cheaper money -and ot>- tained tax deductions. SOMETHING NEWIN COSTA MESA! .. Western Thrift & Loan has joined the West· em Ftnancial Savings Bank family. We are now over $450 million In aaaeta ... and growing! We're celebratlng our "new" look with aome of the highest paying money market paaabook accounts In town Insured up to $100,000 by FSLIC. Our money market pass- book eama 9. 75~ annual rate, compounded dally (10.24% annuaf yleldl) when you Invest a minimum of $2,500. We aleo offer full lender services Including re.I fftate, home Improvement and auto loans. Vlalt ua today and be a part of the growing Western Fln.nclal famllyl WWEBIERll FINANCIAL ~wom®~ lfilwmrn 20 t.ocetlone Ulrat1gho111 Cellfornl•. Including: 2000 Harbor Blvd.• Ph: 645-3153 SEASON'S GREETINGS· 1984 . TAKECAREOFIDURWNGS. THEY'RE ONLY HUMAN. When you give to Christmas Se~ls. you're not only helping others. you' re helping yot1rself Be~ause the American Lung· Association works to keep everyorw 's lungs healthy By fighting against smoking. air pollution. asthma. emphysema. lung cancer. Giving to Christmas Seals is one o f th~ best ways there is to keep your lungs healthy. Have a happy, healthy holiday! AMERI CAN t ~~~~.~~s .. ~~!t\TION Lock up our Rate on you~ Terms. . Great J\nlericari First Savings Bani< A Ca'1fom1a Financial Leader ... Smee 1885. ~ ~ L:J Open your accounJ today. Call the toll-free Financial Line now: 1-8()()..423-BANK, Ext: 1500. 90DAYTERM 6MONTHTERM I ·11L11" 11.01" 1 Current Riff cUt"'"' Yltld • • A Century of Servke • Insured s.fety • $6 Billion Strong l -• • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesc.fpy, No~ber 28. 1N<* 111 ·' • > - CGr111M IUYll'S-Am llAmlOOI The~s been a lot of talk about the AT&T Personal Computer. But then there's a lot to talk about. · _ Especially on the subject of be t PC value for the money. Becau e the AT&T Personal Computer computes two to three times faster than theIBMPC. . · At the same time it's fully compatible, and can run thousands of business soft~re packa2'es to answer just about every busin ess need. Context Switching, an AT&T PC special feathre, lets you put one op r- ation "on hold" while you switch to another. Our high-resolution screen has twice the u ual density for unus ually ~graphics. And sinee this is an AT&T product, it goes without say- ing that the service and reliability are first rate. Don't Ju t take our word for it. ~e for yourself. Tulk to yow· AT&T Information Sy tem Account Ex cutive, vi ~it an authorized AT&T P Dealer or call 1..S00-247-1212. A1aT Information Systems. When you've got to be right. t • l'l<I N t ,.._. IH ( \I I-\11 lln ti I~ 11 \1111 •t I •Ht1 \lllllt I lll"I\ ..,1' IHAl .t I 11 I•\!• l11t I t \I'\ ''111\ -..11 rr-. Pl ll \!11111 ' 1111 \I• •II~ t • l•l"'l'I \' IH ... 111 ""' l"I IM,.., I 11\11'\l I ltl I 1 II\ H \t T l-H \(0~111, Hl{O~H 1,H \l'llh' l t 11 OR r. R.\1'11 11"' l'Hlll'HIFT\R' 1,1( \l'llh .., 1111 ,11 N .. .., \I0,11t 111\ll\1 ~ Ith.II Rt' 1'01 llR \I I'll\\ I \It IHI fll"l 1 " 1 H\H \1i~Htn'T t 11\H.\l"rHl \rTltll l'T~' ,.,..., ,\!If I Jt)l l\-.J'tt JI I:.."'". \l'\\l\.\lil. t'il~•" !;I;". \I'\ \ll\fll'" 1' 114111\ ~I\~ INtl 1\11--.Jpf-JI 11111 Ill I Pt ''11' ll~t \I.I'!, ..... 111\lll ti \llll fll'" l H~.!~ I 1 f \T/.,'11\/t ,. P\R\lltl I \ lllt 11 l•l'-l 'I \\ ' .. hlO' 10 t~MI' ."i• ~.,.!I• ~·1·1 lJ ,., ... ' :.:.1:• •\\' "'I•• 1,1\t1\..,1 "'I 1 \t 111 \hl\1, \\I• 111•.111''"' , ... tn .. • J 1 l I I ' t • ' ~ . I 88 NB Or nge Coast DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, November 28. 1984 .... On tlie ,, WIDNESDAY'S CLOSING PRICES Olv ,. .• ~ l..ett ~ ' Dow JoNES AvERAGES WHAT NYSE Om 'NEW VORK (AP) NOY.,. p T~i ~ NEW YORK <APJ -Sala, • o.m pr~ and ntt ~hanot of ~· flflHn most octlve N•wit York St E11dl•noe luues. \'•ding na t oneltv et gr1"H\~ , . l:m: ~29~ = ~ Ph ll~Pll 1, , " 1: l' Del dlM>n 1. , I + V. I\~ o I, l :1 I ~ -1~ AmerT&T e.31, ~ Ct!rvsler 797. -I~ ITT Coro 719. 77 '1• + V. ~AL Inc 775, •1 -'ll/• •iaerit 769,2 11 + 111 ~~E~:son m7 : h -1 sx~C, 1 , v. uon , J\ -,,,. UP~ AND DowNs -. NEW YORK (AP> -The followlng 1111 shows the New York Stock Exchange Jlocks and warrants that have gone uo the most and ctown the most ba..ci on perctnl of chanOe regardleu of votu,,,. for Wednesdov. NO S«.urllle\ trading below S2 are lnel--Uded. Net and oercentaoe chal'Ofl are1 !he dlffere~ the orevlOYs cl01 ng orlc. and nesd 's o.m. orlce. u Name Las ~ Pct j ManevF 214 I I• Uo 11* McLean w,. 'II ~ UP .0 PSNH 3.,SofG 11.\'f I Op ·' 4 P.ubSvc NH '~ ~ UP ·1 S M•slek Yll 1/• Up . 6 NH .16ofE 1 l'I ~ Up . 7 t pf l I Uo 7. ' w~~ 1.11018 t~ ~ UP 6 OmarklOd 361/• 2'1• UP 1·1 I PSNH 3.2SofF 11Ye "" Uo . PanAm wt 214 1/t UP . T wleMto f 9 ,,, Up . I~ ~~boldl sfr 7 ~ UP . 4 UnPork Mn 2~ 1111 UP .6 PSNH 2.7Se>t 9J..<o lh Up ·' I} BankofVa s 24l/.t 11/• U. P ·; Y Harcourt 42~ 2'11 UP . I ~aklOdvst 23M 1/11 Uo '· 9 ~tnAlr pf I~ ~ Uo 4. A MCP 173.1. 34 Up •. , E Coro 9 ~ UP ' ~ S l .dof 16~ >lo UP •7 Woller n 31,.. Ve UP 1J 4 nMePw 91/J ~ Uo .1 s lco ~ 11. UP . I DOWNS Nam~ L~I Cllg Pct 1 CnPw 3. pr •JA -11h ij.2· 2 wnun 6P -1 'h -'h ! .2 3 ~Pw •or 14~ -~ .6 4 Pw 4. r 16'1'1 .;.. ~ .0 S Pw 3.7 pr "'"' -l/.t 1S.7 6 Pw 2. or 9'h -Pio lS.6 7 Pw 4. pr 1 -~ lU ! Pw Jl I~ -~." 12.2 radv~ 2, -111. 9.2 I nun l~OSof 10 -I 9.1 tl &ert>er~ s IS'/. -~ ·.1 nPw 1'>4 -~ . 1~ lnteoRsc 10. -l'I• J. '' C.mppbRsc o '~ -~ 1 IS Comdisco 91f• -l/.t 7. l ~'~fl ~f!... 22 -!)Jo 71 l ~PW 2~ {,' 11. = 2~ t· nPw ,,50Pf 2 -1 'h 6. WtlHarv wt ~ -~ 6.~ ~ ataOeilon 'h -~ 6. nllOrlll J~ -v. 6. nAlr Lin 3~ -'I• 6. AmShloB 2~ -~ 6.4 S lnllHarv ofO l~ -1~ 6., WHAT AMEX DID NEW YORI< (APJ Nov. 11 Advanced Declined Unchanoed Total lssuei New hlohs New lows AMEX LEADERS ~ae~v. 49 IS 1 JS NEW YORK (AP) -Sales, • o.m. or ca and net chano.e of the ten most active American Stocll Exchange luues, lra d lno na llona llv at mor• than '1 OomePtrl 339, 1100 1,.. PetroLew 2320~.1~ 3~ + ~. 21't't1i:ird 0 "~~oo 1£" +~. n f 1e Comm lov,000 6~ WanoLabB IS0,900 21~ -'h Genisco 93,800 m -~ comoeon ••·m ~ -~ Atphalnd n, 1 I -~ SummlltEnov 77, + ~ Uf!J'i1J!l1Jii@@;i NEW YORK CAPl -Moil active over· -the-counter ~ocks 'ff Plied bv NASO . ~,~~~ 1 .m~~~ ·r As~~ ~h~ eklbA .j, 2•3.4 25 ..+ 1/• ntet • , 2111. 281h AppleC ,8 2'~ 243Jo + ~ MCI 2 6,8 ' IV. ~nW1' ·-m: z6;~ z1~ +i~~ ndon 2.1 6~ x~ -'h aQflt 78, ' •Ye -Vt vFd · 56, 91.4 9l\ CoLo QuoTE s META LS QUOTES That's an apt des rtption of both business and business people a long the Orange Coast. To keep track of where companie are goin~ and which people are helpin th m get there.just watch Cr-edft.btn-e· ~ry-Eiay in the Business section ofyour new laily Pff• ~ • \ .. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1~ lnnovat,lv• fl•vora turn mutnna Into a favorite menu treat. Page C1. Can·dytrain engineered Creat e a holida y centerPfece that s a ys, 'Chew , c hew ... By BEA ANDERSON ~ Of the Delly l'llo4 119ff Linda Kramer in on the right track for lighting up youngsters' eyes on Christmas morning. She can turn their visions of sugar plums into reality with her candy trai ns. And she shares hercxpenise so others can sweeten their holiday creattvlt)'. Th1sendeaver seems a natural extension of her talents, since she's been a cake decorator and a candy maker. \ The Westminster mother offi ve says she loves to work w1th her hands. and although this 1s the first time teaching this project at Coastline Community College. she has been on the staff several years leaching other craft classes. The train. h owever. 1s not an onginal design. ··1 saw o ne in a store and d ecided to copy it." Since her first efTon was creating 15 of them for centerpieces at a banquet, s he has streamlined the model a nd perfected techniques. Assembly is rather simple. once you have ptJrdttlsed the necessary ingredients.and-have made the frost i n~ for"gluing" pieces of candy together. Directing students in a workshop, Kramer co11: tlnually stressed," Be creative. DoJl'.1 be afraid to use your imagination." She had students start with the basic design -an ~ngine with three cars on a straight track. Surprisingly, 11 o nly took two hours to complete. even though some waited for o thers to finish a segment before receiving further instructions. Encoura$in~ them not to stop with the basic design, she said. 'There's so much more you can do. For instance. you could change decorations. Or you could even make a longer train, and by using a larger platform the train could wind through a village of miniature gingerbread houses.·· For the model on this page, we decided to curve the track to accommodate another car. and embellish the scene with a tree of spearmint leaves and skaters on a frozen pond of foil. surrounded by candy rocks. We suggest making the basic train before trying )ourcrea11v1ty. Herc 1s the recipe for the basic design. CANDY TRAIN 8 small Three Musllateers bars % large Three Maskateers bars 8 small gum drops 1 orange slice gum drop 1 small cudy cane %Z round peppermint candles 1 package Lifesaver or Rolo type candy lo foil wrap 1 foll wrapped candy kiss 6 small Tootsie Rolls 6 M & Ms filled wltb peaoats 2 rtctanguta r mints wrapped In green foil l small Reese's Peanut Butter Cup l package very tJtln black licor~ l miniature plastic green tree, 3 to 4 inches on plastic pick • l min iature Santa or a ppropriate ornament, 3 to 4 lncbes on plastic pick l mlnlatare rehldeer, l Vt lncbes tall 1 pleceof cardboard 15 ioclles bf 6 inches Red or greea foll to cover cardboard % cups of wbite frosting, recipe follows 1 frosting bag with tip, size 33 FROSTING: Beat together I pound confectioners' sugar. 'I• cup water. l/• cup vegetable shonenmg. 1/i teaspoon vanilla. Fill frosting bag. Cover cardboard with foil. With knife spread enough frosun,down the center to cover the foil. Cut two lengths ofhconce for the track and lay one side into frosting. Measure the width of a candy bar for track width. and lay second track. Spread frosungon the bottom ofa big candy bar and set on the track Frost the bottom of the other big bar and set firm I) o n top. Fill in scams. Frost two-small cand) bars together and then "glue" with frosting 10 the engine about 1112 1 nches from the front. W 1th frost mg bag.decorate sea ms using a zigzag mollon. (We though I that was too heavy. so we decorated in a straight hneand added pu~cesofgum drops for color.) Place three small candy bars o n the tracks so they are evenly spaced. Then "glue·· them down. Frost the bottoms of the last lhrec bars and firm I) set on top of the others and decorate seams. A Hach cars with shon len~1hs ofhconce placed in frostingatcach end. Do not string hconce under thecand) bars. as they wi ll not adhere. • · Cut Lifesaver or Rolo 1n half. Remove one cand) and tightly fold foil over end. Frost end and bottom. and place on en gine. Frost a gum drop and place at the front for the light. Frost a pcanul buttercup and place on top of roll. and top with frosted kiss. Cut orange gum drop in half. Frost one half to the Linda Kramer, right, helpe Barbara aem.- teln of lrnne froet aeana• of candy ban. front oft he engine. the other at the end of the caboose. Frost and decorate bad, of engine. Add-Santa. cand) cane and gum drops. Stick tree in the first car. Frost mant bars together and frost to the back of the c~r. F11l m with - gumdrops. F='rost Tootsie Rolls togetMr a~n l.heneu~ Decorate 1hecaboose with the reindeer and M & M 's. Frost peppermints to the cars to make the wheels. Use I 0 on the engine and 4 on each car. FESTIVE FRUITCAKES: TASTY TRADITION Celebrate the season with these festive cakes that say happy hol- idays. Make them as gifts or serve as an elegant end to a holiday meal. The Dark Rich Fruitcake rep- resents the traditions of holidays past. You'll recognize this popular version containing candied fruits. spices. nuts and dates. More contemporary versions of this classic theme are lhe California Christmas cake and the Marsala Cake. fea tunng apncots. raisins and almonds. These recipes can be prepared days or weeks ahead of your holiday ,. ... Q fc'it1v1 ties. allowing more time for celebration dunng the busy season. DARK RICH FRUITCAKE 3 • c ap b•tter or margarine 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baiting powder 1.IJ tea1poon salt • Z teaspoons cinnamon "'i teaspoon nutmeg 1 • teaspoon cloves Z cups mbced candled fruits, ebopped •,., cup chopped candled piAeapple I cup whole candled cherries I package (8 oancesl da tes, • snipped I cup walnut or peca11 balves 4 eggs Z cups golden broWll sugar tpack- edl 1 cup orange juice 1 , cup dark molasses Brandy ~kit butter. cool C omb1nc flour baking powder. salt. cinnamon. nutmeg and cloH'S 1n large oo"'I. add candied fruits. date5 and nuts Ml\ to coat fruit wllh di") ingredients. Beat eggs un11l foam). Gradual~} add bro"'n ~ugar. bcaung until well com- bined Blend 1n orange JUll'l' molassc:'" and the rooled. ml'ltcd butter. A.dd to fruit mixture sur until "ell comtnncd. Tum batter into 2 areascd and floured 8' ' 41 · ' ~ 11-1nch loot pans. Bake m 300-dcgrcc o' en for I'• 10 2 hours or until a !'lid. 1nsenC'd 1n center come out df) Pierce fru1tcakl' generous!~ "'1th a pick lo"'I~ spoon 1 • Ill lUP brand' onto eat'b loat allo"' mg liquor to soak 1n before rcmo' mg from pan wtap loofin chttS('('loth and thc-n 1n foil while still hot If desired. half thc hatter (41: cup ) ma} he.-poured into 14 greased and floured muffin cup<. and baked in .3Q0..<1eg.rec o' en for 50 to 60 minutes or until done tore loaves 1n rcfngerator for 'il'' era Ida'' or weeks to let fla, Of"\ mcllO\.\ 1\.fakc<. ~ loa,es or ~8 muffins CALIFORNIA CHRI TMAS CAKE I cap slivered a lmonds. cltopped %'4 c•ps noar % tea1pooes bakl.11 powder I teaspoon baltlD& soda " teaspooe salt 1 cap b•tter or maraartne. sof~­ ed I'~ caps 1r1HlatH 11aar t tablespoo11s 1ratH oraace put % ttaSPMU 1rated lemon pttl l tUS l cap INttermlllt 1 • Clip 1•Wft sffdless ralstas •, <'•P y~Uew or Crtt• cu41ed plnHpplt. e'epptod fleel) ,, C11P (H4lt4 rtd c~rriH, dae>ppff flHly ft•m. )'nip C--0mhHI(' almond . nour. Nlt~ po"dcr hllini \oda and ~It < rtam ~mer "1th \ugar hr3t 10 oran~l' and lemon peel' and cu~ until hlendcd and '"'°•'th fkat in tl our ml\lltrc l altemateh "llh buttermilk. Beat in raisin\ and candied fruit. Tum into well greased and floured '-quan mold and bake m 350-degrtt ll\ en for about I hour t(\ I hour-15 m1putcc;. or until a pick 1~rted anto ce!lter comes out dr). ~emove from oven and pie~ grnerousl) w11h pick. Slowly pour Rum }rupintocakepan Cool.then loosen side<, Wlth narro"' spatula and rl·mo'c cake from pan. Place under cakr dome or wrap and let stand for I or 2 dap) she fore serving. Makes 12 to ltl\C~lng' Rum Syrup: Combine \. cups granulated 'ugar. 1'! cup o range Juice and 3 tablespoons lemon JUICC in <;.auccpan Heat. s11mng until sugar d1sc;oh~ ~llr 1n 4 to 5 tablespoons rum • MARSALA CAKE 11, eup graaulatff ugar 1 cap buuer or margarine 2 eus 2 cup noar •, tt'aspooe baking s$Hfa '' teaspoon salt l can 11 poHd. l o.ace) apricot balves.pueed I eep clloppt'd blancbed elmCMMl1 2 teaspooas aatse seed l packa1e (9 oucesl darlll. lffd. less ralslns t I\\ e11psl I cup rff and, or 1reea ca.1Mlle4 cllerries I cap marula Marsala auce l ream \ugar and butter until 'lmoo1h Beat 10 e~. Mu Oo ur, ha lone, c;oda and c;ah .\dd to creamed ml\turc ahc-matel) "-llh apncot puree Fold 1n almonds. anise seed. ra1 1n!> and l'and1ed ch~mcs. Tum 1nu., 2 greased and floured s~up nna molllc; or '· \ 4' • ' 2° ~-inch pans Bal.e in '2~-<lcgrtt o'cn I' 2 hours or unul p1l l 1nscned 1n ('('Oler rome11 OUI df\ r1erlC eal.e thorough I) "Ith a pick \lo"'h spoon 1 • c up Mar...ala 10to eacll nng fir I f allowing hquor to ~oal in hefort ttmo\ 1n2 from mold Wrap 10 (hl'\' loth and thtn 1n fb1l "h1le \till hot llow to tand at lea \ 2 or l di\' ht-fore !oC~1n r"t v.1\h hot or l oolcd Mal"\llla Sauc<' Make\ 2 l3l\'\ · (Plc.Ue eee CAlt"ES/C~l l , . ~ • • I'' • C2 Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT J.Wednesday. November 28. 1984 Cut, fold, twist puff pastry into extraordinary treats One.> of the loveliest traditio ns of the ( hnstmas sea on is the warm, wonderful sp1nt of ho p1taltty. A great pnde in entertaining marks 1h1s festive season as no other. Cooks. both practiced an°d novice, are anspared to concoct e~­ traordmary treats for family and fnends. It's a time for delectables made wath flair and fantasy. To help those who want to attempt the extraordinary thas bol- 1da-. !>eason. here are some ideas. The) include such delicious whim- \1e;, as Puffed Walnut Twists, Raspbert) Kisses. Love Knots. Caramelized Puff Pastry Cookies, 1 lohda) Nut tacks. and a French pastl) call "Patha vers." Although quite d1ffercn1. each is made with a .1kllcatepuffpastl). II ~ou thank that making ( hmtmas goodae5 with puff pastry might be too difficult and timc- con~um1ng, you have n.o cause to worn Each of these delicious lrt:ations 1seas1I } made with conve- nient fro1en puff past!) that does awa) with all the chores of si fting. m1x111g. rolling and chilling of the dough PUFFED WALN UT TWISTS l package (1711• ounces) fr01eo puff pastry 'sheets I egg beaten with l teaspoon water •, cup granulated sugar "2 cup ground walnuts or almonds T haw pa.511) 20 minutes, then unfold Brush ealh pastry sheet with egg mixture and \pnnkle evenly wath sugar and walnul'> Cut each sheet kng1hw1sc into two rectangles. Cut rectangles cro''"' 1\e on ungreased baking '>heet. • small ba..clrlt t:uner into I 'h-inch rounds; roll each round on a lightly nourcd surface to a 3-inch long oval. prcad sugar, V.-inch thick. on a tlat surface. Brush one side of each oval lightly with water. Put ovals.. moistened side do~ n. on sugar. Pre~ lightl} w11h fingers 10 make su~r slick and then transfer. sugared side up, to ungrcased baking sheet. After all pastry ovals have been sugared, put bakin~ sheet an refnger- ator to chill 30 minutes. (This wall ensure even baking.) Bake cookies. in a preheated 450-degr~ oven for I Oto 15 minutes until puffed and sugar caramelizes and turns a hght golden brown. Watch cookies carefully and remove them as soon as they arc dooe. Makes 25 cookies. RASPBERRY KISSES l sb«t froieo puff pastry l egg beaten with l teaspoon water Raspberry Jelly Thaw pastry sheet 20 minutes. then unfold. On a hghtl} floured surfal'c roll to 18 ' 12 inches Cut in hall crosswise to make two 9 x 12-in ch rcctangks Brush o ne rectangle with egg mixture and cut into 1111-in ch square~ lop each \.\1th about 1 teaspoon Jell} Cut oth er sheet into 1111-inch \{Juares and cut a small "X " in the center of each: put on top of Jcll>- toppcd squares. Press edges together 10 seal and put on ungrea!>ed baking sheets. chill until ready to bake. Bake tartlettes in preheated 425- dcgree oven for 10 to 12 minutes unttl pufTcd and golden brown Transfer 10 \.\Ire racks to cool completely. If desin:d, add more Jell> 10 each tartlette after baking. Makes about 48 lartll'ttC\ a mall bowl m1 ell& wh11c and sugar until 'imooth and cream} l nfold pastry hects. spread each cvenl> wath about J tablespoons sugar mixture. Sprinkle with nuts. Cut each e.hcct leng1hw1M! into 3 rectangles ( 10 x 3 inches each). Cul each rectangle crosswise into stnps measunng I x J inches. Put stnps on ungrcascd baking sheets and bakr 1n a preheated 375-degrec oven for 12 to 15 minutes or unti l puffed and golden brown. Cool on wire racks. Makes about 60 sticks. Chocolate Sticks: Substitute 2 squares scm1-swett chocolate. finely grated and "' cup chopped candied fruits for the walnuts in the above Nut ~licks recipe . HONEY-WALNUT PITHIVER % tablespoons booey •, cup butter or margarine, at room temperature Yi cup ground walnuts l egg ~ teaspoon vaollla I package (17 '• ounces) puff pastry sheets Confectioners sugar Mix first fi ve 1ngred1ents well and frcetc 20 minu1es or untal firm. Thaw puff pastry 20 minutes. unfold and cut each sheet into an 8 x 12-inch circle. Put one circle on an ungreased baking 'iheet. Working quickl y, mound chilled mixture 1n the center of the circle tea .. 1ng a 2-inch border around the outside edge Brush border with egg/water mix- ture. Cut a •ti-inch hole in the centtYof the second circle and place 11 on top of filling. Press edges with the tines of a fork 10 seal. Brush pastry top with ewwater mixture and chill for 30 m inutes. _ Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven for 15 to 18 minutes unlll pulTed and goldl'n brown Transfer to wire rac b to cool completely before ~rv1ng Make'> about 80 twist\ HOLIDAY NUT STICKS l Ising a small sharp knife. score the top pa'>ll') 1n a spiral des1g'n. Bake 15 minutes in a preheated 450-degrec oven. reduce oven temperature to 400 degree\ and bake 20 minute\ longer. Cool on wire rack. Spnnlde top of -• I I • .. . . '\ d ' • 'I I I I ' . -I I I • . I L . ---.. ... ... • ... ~ • • .. l package (17 1'1 ounces I puff pastry sheets I egg white I cup confectioners sugar % cups coarsely chopped walnuts Tha"' pastl) sheet\ !o minute\ In pa!>lr) with a little confrc11oncr'> '\ugar .:-a.u- LOVE KNOTS I package ( 17 1 • ounces I f roteo puff pastry sheets Confectioners sugar bcfore <,crving \fake' I~ to 16 sen ing-. Delicious Chrlstmaa treata can be made In ajlffy with frozen puff pastry. rhaw pastl) c;hccts 20 minute\ and untold On a hghtl~ floured \urface roll one sheet 10 a 16 x I 0-1 nch rectangle. Cut lengthwise along fold lines to make three stnp'>. Cut each 'itnp crossw1se at 2-inch intervals to make a total of 24 small rectangles. INNOVATIVE MUFFINS ENHANCE MENU l ~ing a small \harp knife l Ut a 2- inch long slit 1n the cent1.·r of each rectangle: pull the 'hort end tl1rough the slit to 1w1s1 Put on an ungreascd baking <1heet RePl·at \.\Ith remaining ret:tangles. chill or lreoe until read} 10 bake Bake kn ot\ in a preheattd 4~­ o .. en for I 0 to I:! minute'> until puffed and golden brn\.\n rransfcr to v.ire racks to cool complete I~ and then tOS$ 1n confcc11uner'> c;ugar to lOat wdl Make~ about 48 lcnc knot\ CARAMELIZED PUFF PASTRY COOKIE I sheet fro zeo puff pastry Water Granulated sugar rha\.\-pas111 ~()minute:\ at room tempcraturc: l nlold and cut w11h a Lemon Nutmeg Muffins . ------------MANOfACTUllfllS COUPON sAvE0n@iiaisii-8Raice1~f') ~ $1 00 Nhen You hvv ~......,.:;i..o,.,.. . . • rm 1 1 ot th" Poc;r cerE!OIS snown oe1ow '~ l ~ 111 lh" cl tori. r1uf r • ~ ., 0, ' F reshl~ naked muffins. bursting w11h lla .. or. ;Jrc enJ O}ing a recent surge 1n populant) in both rcs- tauranl'> and bakcnes. Along with the trad111o nal favorites like bran, hlucbcrt) and corn muffins. more unusual fla .. or combinations arc no"' sharing a p1<.·cc of the culinary limelight. ln no\al1'e muflins arc Just dif- ferent enough to become an interesting part of a holiday brunch or dinner. And. unlike other specially prt"ad'>. they are easy to make at home b} using convenient fruit and nu1 bread mixes. Just a few intcrc.·\t1ng ingredient'> stirred into the m1>. give a batch of muffins a personal and festive touch without add1t1onal work. F-o r the perfect meal accompani- ment for a hohda> brunch, plan on making Lemon Nutmeg Muffins. These lightly spiced muffins arc prepared by adding grated lemon peel and nutmeg to ei ther nut or date bread mix. To enhance the flavor of the muffins, you can serve them with a dclica1cly flavored lemon nutmeg bulh!r Chocolate Chip Muffins. a fashionable offering at many goul"mct coffee shops and bakeries. become even more flavorful when miniature chocolate chips arc added to a cranberry or banana hread mix. LEMON NUTMEG MUFFINS Lemon Nutmeg Butter ~ cup butter, softened l ta blespoon cream or milk 'h teaspoon grated lemon peel 'iii teaspoon nutmeg Muffins I package out or date 6read mix I cup milk 11, cup oil ~HONE~AKED One taste is all it takes! It w ill only take you n few minutes to take that taste. 1t take<, u-.. .i little longer lo perfect 1t E;ich hr1m 1s covered with rare spJCe'> ,1nd '>mol--ed over a spec1rll blend of hickory t\nd applewood chip<. for nn less thiln 30 hours It's then gla1ed with costly imported spice•, .md goldf'n honey Sp1r,1I sliced. for easy serving HONEYBAKED 'GIFT CERl"IFICATES ARE GIFTS IN GOOD TASTE fl o•1,ll"j'll'l\I lt\lwly\t11nl11tt1 ,!y111,1r t\o\f1tt,11lt I 11\y oll1f"lll'lf'>lly JIWl 11 IV rti 1m It ••• ii... ,. , ..... , !l'fll ~·h ~ I , ''"' "''"' I pl!:-1 ,. n-flf'W hi, 1 • Jt• II •'fl plr t'"' hut N' 11••~1·1 ltw hi.II "' \'••' J.' I\ ·11 1 lf\r yl\H•<! N'A J '1l t' PM~ 1 r 11V\ 1• r JI\ 11uMw1U1 <iH1f'f'IN , w110 1t rnH 1Atr 11/\M ANAHllM , ~ II • 11 COAOHA on ..... ... ' ll l0._0 ~. ~ lNl tn 111 I •I I l egg I teaspoon grated lemon peel •, teaspoon nutmeg Jn \mall howl or food pnX'C!>SOr. combine huller 1ngredu:nt!> until smooth ( 0' 1.·r and rcfngerate until scned ~frat l)\CO t(I ns degrc<.'\ Gcncr- ousl:r ~rcaw hollom'>onl} of 121'1-cup capaUI} mullin r ups• o r lll'lc w11h paper liners In large howl. rnmb1m· muffin 1ng.redu:n1' sttr 50 to 75 strokes until Of) part1clc<i arc mo1 .. 1ened l>iv1<k ha111.•r C\Cnl) between prl·parrd mullin lUP!i Bake at 375 dcgn·c., tor :!Oto 25 minute<. llr until too1hp1lk inM·rt ed in center comes out dean. ( ool 5 m1nut1.·s, remove from pan Sen'l' warm or wol with Lemon Nutr:w,:g Hutter 12 large muffin<. .,If U\lng mullin pan\ 1hat hold les\ than '1 Lup. fill cups ~ 1 full and draea'e hake 11me hy 5 minules. 14 10 16 muffins CAKES ... From Cl Marsala Sauce: < omhinl' '1 cup granula1ed \uga1 and 2 1caspuon!> ('orn\tarch 1 n <.auc1.·ran \tld 11~ cup Maf\ala "1nr and \ 1ahk'>rx1un) orange JUlll'. < ou~ \llmng. until 11 come' to a h<11I Boil g1.·n1I~. \l1rr111° 0(.Ta\lonall\ for \ minull'\ m until i. thicken., Make\ 1, l up FRUITCAKE PETITS FOllR. AND LOAF l cup dried apricots, snipped I cup dark seedless raisins I cup candled plneappple, cut up coa'l\ley I cup red candled cherries, halved 11-J cup green candled cherries, halved 13 cup brandy or rum 112 cups flour a a leaspoon baking powder , 1 teaspoon sail "1 cup butter or margarine ,, <'UP golden brown sugar (pack-,. ed) 3 eggs I • 2 teaspoons almond extract l 11 cups whole blanched almonds I tablespoO"n corn syrup Brandy • Powdered Sugar Icing ( omh1n e apricots, ra1sm'i, p1neap- pl<' and chemc:> in bowl. Pour brand> over and let Marui 15 minutc'I, stirring once or twice. M1>. flour. baking powder and salt. Cream butler with sugar. hlcnd 1n eggs and almond extract. Mix 1n nour. fruit mixture and almond!i. Spoon half the baller (3•;, cup<i) into greased 8 x 8-Jnch square hak1ng pan and the other half into a 7"• " 3'1• ' 211ii-inch loaf pan . Bake 1n 3QO..degree oven I hour or until a pick inserted in center comes out di) Comhine corn \yrup and I table· 'poon hrnndy; hru h ovcriop of cake~ while 'it1ll warm to get a nice shine Pu:rcc f~11tcnkc loafthorouitily with a pick. Slowly spoon ''• cup brnndy 0010 loaf, allowan• liquor to ~k an before removing from pan Wrap loaf 1n chcc~eloth nnd then 1n foil while still warm 10 help k~cp.cakc mom 1 To mnlr.e pcttl~ four'>. cut ~1:1arc cake into 25 ~uarc . about 1 •, inc:he1o each • lJ'l1ni long pie~. or fork. dip ~tis four anto Powdered Suaar lcina and let 'ct on w11·C' rack. Dc<.'orutc with _red and arcen chcrric . Powder~d •(lar Icing'. Beat 6 cup powdered upr with 4 t\lbk'ipoon'> lcmon1111cc and enough mi11'. to ma_kc fro.,11ng rt d1pp10B('On'il'lll'nl'}. l 1nt O\ d\' Ired wnh food rnlor Mnkc l• 1 '-~-------------------------""' ('UP\ Mnkc\ B 111.·t1t\ fnur'>nnd I lo.al . - .. B~ke ahead for holidays ONE.STEP MINI ITOLLEN 1 pacu11 ( 14 ouce) active dry r .... l4 np warm water I tablffpooDI Hpr l tablffpotlll vtQtablt oll 1 •a at room ttm.-.ratlre 1tM1poo11rattd ltmoa PHI '4 tt11poo1 Nit 1 \It so l '4 c•r; noar, dlvldtd '4 c•p flit 'I cllopptd cudJtd Thin maybe in, but not for elderly Beina five to JO pounds over· weiaht 11 you approach aae 65 11 actually healthier than beina under· wel&ht, accordina to a Los Anaeles nutritionist. "The thinner you are as you aae, the areater your chances of nutri- tional deficiencies and disease," says Genevieve Ho, Ph.D. nutri- tionist and home adviser tor tJC Cooj)Crative Exten1ion. "If you're dietin,1 you have fewer calorie and nutnent reserves to draw upon to fi&ht disease," ahe explains. Tryjna to maintain a thinner-than-averaae profile can also compound bw1t·in nutritional problems that naturally occur with llC· . • "As you act older your body doesn't absorb and use nutrients as efficiently " says Ho. Eatin• a balanced diet -includin& a vanety of foods -will ward off nutrient deficiencies common in the elderly (calcium, vitamins A and C and iron). · Ho recommends choosina foods from nutrient-based food JJ:OU.PS -milk (includina calcium-nch cheese and yoaun); meat (includinJ pro- tein and iron-rich beef, poultry. fish. eus. beans and lctumes); veaetables and fr.uits (for vitamins A and C); and breads, pastas, and cereals (for B-vitamins). Eatinf a minimum of two ser-vi nas o milk and meat foods. and four servinaa of fruits and vea- etables and breads and cereals, and limitina your consumption of sweets, sauces and oils, will help keep unwanted wei&ht pin to a minimum and avoid the possibility of any deficiencies. The next time you're thirsty, consider drinkina a atass of fruit juice or milk instead of a soda pop. For about the same number of calories, the fruit juice and the milk provide vitamin C and calcium. Try engafina in some kind of physica l activity every day, advises Ho. "Exercise keeps your muscles toned, your bones strona. and allows you to enjoy food without the fear of 'ettina fat. "Maintamina averaae weight for your height, frame size and sex is vital to aood health in old age ... For spicy taste, try wi.ngtng it ,Why not serve your family popu- lar Spicy Chicken Winas? . The chicken wings arc first dipped into a zesty mixture of ketchup, brown supr, vinepr, Worcestershire sauce with a pinch of garlic salt and chili powdor. Then they arc rolled in the crushed and crumbled Norwegian thin flat-bread. - SPIC!;D CHICltEN WINOS ' 'I. C11p ketdlp '4 c., water t tabletpoolt brown Hlat' 1 tabletpooD vlae11r l tea1pooa Worce1tenlalr• j '4 teatpoo9 prllc .. ,, '4 tea.,... ~JU pewder Uclaldeawa.11 t cepe cntlaed Norweatu 111111 natbread a tabletpooat ..... oil l e11p t01r cream t tablttpooll atayoaulM 'I• c., cnmblff blH clteete t tablet ..... 9°"".,... ..... In bOwl. combine llrst seven inart- d1ents, blend well. Dip chicken winp into ketchup malurc coatina well. Roll in flatbttad crumbs. pread I tablespoon oil in '-rae hallow blk1n1 pan. ArtanJt winas 1n pan. Drizzle with rcmaU\jna oil. Bake at 3H dqrcc, for 40 minutes or until done. Meanwhile. comb1~c rcmain1na 1narcd1ents. rve 1 d1l> for w1np. Make 6 tcmoas • ' . .. ·No Games ... No Glmmlcks ... Eve·rybody Wins With Stater's Low, Low Prices! Meat Dept. Savings Sausage !~i~c:: Patt '1 es r:~t_O,l~ACll tt.()Z. • VAllltfTtU Chuck Roast .:ml ... Pork Roast ~~L~~llL Leg-Of -Lam.b 9f~~~·c• Burritos ~~TJil JUAN Corri Dogs .L~:~~ JUAN Dover SOie ;,~s ll 51.99 EA '2.69 •• 51.69 ll 92.99 LI s1.99 Compare these Low Prices 8/12·0Z. . J 22.S·OZ. BISQU ICK BUTTERM ILK ---------------.. 60-0Z Frozen Food Favorites •&Ol ggc •01~no1 75c »OZ 55.59 '10l 55.99 101 51 .29 eooz 54.79 ... ,.oz 51 .59 •IOl 52.65 Grocery Specials Cereal llhlOOOS 111c1 ~•s~u Potato Chips ~~~~L·. Raisins m~M#IOI Creamer ST&ltl! lllOS l'IONOAllllY Bath Tissue ~~~·•o Towels :~~:. ... -_;; - a . ••l);..6SC .... ,... .... -•.·i - I ~ 4 I SHOULDER BLADE-CUT Roast 4-ROLL Garden Fresh Produce Canadian ~t ....... ~.o Bourbon ,: ...... ,~ Scotch .. Whiskey ::?\' ,..._. ... ... n 30 ~ . OLD SMUGGLER -,-:;,. •• L.7N. \ '\D\ 1:.Rl I f.l> 11 EM (el RASTEE ..__ •r -.itn.f',. .. ,,. .,. .._. ~.,. ~ ~ "'411\"'" ... _" ...... " ..... ,,.._, ~·--·-., - --.. ,..._.,.. ..,..wi •• ," 11tt1 -. ......... -...................... _ .. ..., ... \ .... w ,,..,, ,, ..-., • ...,......,., •• ....., .,, ......... 41,, ~ MSUlVt. t~JllClHJ TO LIMIT 0111 ~ &AUS TO ClC*M(~ DEALERS Olll WHC>l.ESA1.EAS .. • 0 C4 Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /W9drleed1y, Noverllbef 28, 1984 Gifts from the kitchen rellshed Mincemeat, cranberries, and sterilize. Prepare homecanninajuund lids I cape 11pr mint all evoke memories qf,a time Combine apple JUI~ anc:J mlnt ccordina to manufacturer' instruc-1 1.a•l•1pooa clu1moa gone by. Dunna this maaical extract in a medium saucepan. Stir in tions. 1 &abl"poo• Htme1 season, we eajoy thoughts of ,1rand· P«tio: bnna to a full rollina boil over Combine all inarc<Sients. Brina i teaapooa1 mace mother iri her country kttchen. hi&h heat. Add surr: return to a full mixture to a boat, reduce heat and 1 \t tea1pooa11ill1er Herc arc 1 trio of oh1-fHhioncd rolhna boat. Soi hard I minute. 'iammer until cranberries pop and 1 np brudy pd ted r. th t od stltTlnf constantly. mixture ~ns to thicken. Remove Prer,re home cannangjars and lids recipes u 1 ior c mos m • t1'r an a fi""'" drops offi:..~-' colon' no r. h full I di h · · f1 ' • em kitchens. ..... \l\N .. 1rom eat. are y a e ot m1xtutt aooor 1na to manu acturer s instruc- Spiked Pear Mincemeat com· Carefully ladle into hot. sterilited into hot jars, leaving v. inch head tions. bmes ptats, dates. rai ms, and nuts Jlr . lea"ing Va inch head pace. i.pacc. Adjust caps. Coarsely chop pears. Combine A<ijust caps. Invert jars for a few Process IS minutes in a boilina fruit. 1upr, and spices in a Larae with spiccsand brandy. Perfttt for a seconds: \tand upright to cool. Yield: waicr bath canner. Yield: about six 8-saucepot. Brina to a bojl over me· pie, bar cookies, or to top a about four 8-ounce Jars. ounce jars. dium-hiJh heat; reduce heat and cheesecake. Mint Jelly is a simple-simmer 90 minutes, or until thick. to-prepare spread for a welcome GINGERED CRANBERRY RELISH SPIKED PEAR MINCEMEAT Remove from heat; stir in brandy. hostess gift. Bright red cranberries 1 poud cruberrl~. rb11ed and 7 poundsran, peeled, cored ud Carefully pour into hot jars, leaving r;. are transformed into a festive drained quartere inch head space. Remove air ~ubbles holiday treat -Gingered Cranber-3 peen, pared, cored and diced z Ya cup1 aoldeD ralllD1 with a non-metallic spatula. Adjust ry Relish. I oruae, seeded and chopped z cup1 chopped dates caps. Prepare the<;e recipes to com pie-~ cap cudled llDger i cup1 caiopped w1lDut1 Process 30 minutes in boiling water ment your holida> meals or as gifts t caps 1apr 1 orao1e. aeeded, qllartered and ~ath canner. Yield: about siit I 'fl pint to all those on your special list. __ Ya_c_:up:_w_a_1e_r ________ __:l:.:'..::o.:..un:.d:__ _________ _:J_ars __ . ____________ .....:.._ __ _: _____________________ _ What a great wa) to sa) "Happ) ·- Holada)!> " Remember. whe-n necessan. to correct processing ume or ·pressure for altitude, use )Our home canning guide. MINT JELLY 3 cups apple juice I "'l teaspoons mlnt extract I package powdered pectin 4 'II cups sugar Green food colorlDJ. Prepare home cannangjars and lids according to manufacturer's anstruc· 11ons. Jars should be covered with water and boiled 10 to 15 minutes to Lasagna recipe corrected A line of directions was in- advertently deleted from this meat- less lasagna recipe, published in the Daily Pilot Food Section Oct. 31 . We are reprinti ng the recipe for those "ho might want to try it again. BROCCOLI LASAGNA 1 buncb broccoli I medlam on.ion, chopped % tablespooas water 2 cups cottage cheese 111 2 eggs, 11lgbtly beaten I jar (3% ouce) 1pagbettl sauce 6 cooked lasagna noodles 3 cups (1% oucea) shredded Mozzarella cheese Tnm and cut broccoli into b1te-s1ze pieces to make 4 cups. Combine · broccoli , onion and water an 2-quart glass mix 'n pour bowl. Cover w11h plasuc wrap Microwave (high ) 10 to 12 minutes or until tender-cnsp. Drain. M 1x 1n conagc cheese and eggs. Spoon I cup (about ''•) spaghetti sauce into 12 x 8-anch microwave. safe baking dish. Layer 3 lasagna noodles on sauce. Spoon all of cottage cheese m1"<ture onto noodles, )prcad- 1ng evenl }. Spnnkle with 2 cups Mozzarella chee~ Pour ::! cups spaghetti sauce e' cnl} over cheese. La yer rema1nin~ noodles over sauc.e. Spoon remaining spaghetti sauce evenly over noodles. Cover with waxed paper Microwave (high) 14 to 16 minutes or until heated through ( 140 degrees). rotating dish once or twice. Spnn.k.le lasagna with rema1n1ng Mollarella cheese. Microwa ve (high ). un- covered. 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese is melted. Let stand 5 to I 0 minutes before cutting into sq uares fo r serving. About 8 se rvings. 360 calories each. TIP: Two packages (I 0 ounce) frozen chopped broccoli can be substituted for fresh Muffins rise to all occasions "Muffin Mania:· a colkct1un of anuffin recipes that has been a best seller in Canada, 1s now available in the U.S. This exct1 1ng cookbook presents universal uses of these scrumpHous. ea\~-t o-prepare treats. Authors Kath) Prange and Joan Pauli of Kitchener. Ontario. haH spent hours of pure mufliner) perfecting their dchc1ous recipes. Thousands of sa vor). delectable .muffins ha ve emerged from the Prange and Paull kitchen\: such diverse delights as Apple Cin- namon Muffins. Coffee Walnut Muffins. Joye'c, Lemon Muffins and Chocolate Cheesecake Muf- fins . Included are reci pes de'i1gncd for enjoyment thro ughout thf day and for an; occasion -breakfast. EYE OF ROUND ROAST 99 -LB. <;=' DOllU . ........... ~~ AURORA EA. • 4-ROU PACK •PRINT •PASTEL. BATHROOM TISSUE (; • I 2·0Z. PKG • REGUlAR •BBQ •KING • UGHTS • brunch. lunch. dinner. dessert and , •• """''v. snack. MINCEMEAT R M MUFFINS I Ya cups all-purpose floor •,4 cup while sucar % teHpoons baking powder \'J tea1poon 111t \'J cap margarine melted \'J cup apple juice t eu• I cap mincemeat C canned I Combine dry 1ngrcd1ents and blend well. Melt marganne and stir in apple 1u1ce and eggs Beat well St ir hquid tnjP"tdlcntJ"tmo 'ltr'y'°mlxTurc Add mincemeat and \tir until rQOIStened. Spoon into greased muffin cup'! and so:lk I sugar cube 1n rum and place on top or batter Bakt' at l75 ·d~rees for 15 lo 20 minute~. ln•ex•pen•1lve • ·11n flt a~n 11v1 not "'O" 1n pr1c1. r1uonabl Cl ... lfled ..., .... ad¥9f11tolng rW9I CIHaifled Advertising 642-5678 .. • 64-0Z.. TROPICANA ORANGE JUICE CAR'roN ----~U! ....:utt.J..,\ILJ.Ul:l\L; llJL.:l..~ilh~ -----\11 lt\IU I \I I<'• I 111'1 \'>1 lt\11 l'hllH< AlPHABiiA) -/ .......__ --~---------... l1t t:-.Olfh\I I Kil I l<f 111 'CTJO'.'.; I 'i:I I l :o-1\:I I 11 •\I• 11< 1•-.1 ft I II< l'I 11\\1lf111:-. \I 111 \I' r l'y gr:• I ~ All• i"'• '" ••fHJ We • ..,,,.,," , .... ,. ri\l'it t "'·t q..,111"1'""' S•'"' t• .. " 1111 0'1 t•I IA• rn1• •I•"' l•"r Wrne & L1ouo1 ""' N~11 .. 1i1• ,,. Al 11ore' Put an end to your Hollday has · le 99 LR • CEl'IHJI ClfT 89 LR LR • llEEF ROUND • 5-LB. •SIX PACK • 12-0Z. CANS EA. BAG SKAGGS ALPHA BETA • AU. \l.\RIETlf.S INCWOING SLICE ANO MOUNTAJN DEW PEPSI COLA FWUR CYCLE DOG FOOD • 14-0Z. cAJoc • C't'ClZ I . l. JOIU • BEE' Price• on both page• effective at all Southern · Callfornla Alpha Beta Marketa, Thuraday, Nov., 29 through Wednesday, Dec., 5, 1984 ~c .... .,n1. NNO CALIMNZIO ma.MMMr••· u"*9,CAIOll1 (7,., nt-U1'0 ALPHR BE TR • ,. f TRI-TIP ROAST 79 LB. • BU.f LOIN LB. JUMBO • FAIRCHILD TANGERINES • 16 oz BOX POWDERED, GOLDEN OR DARK BROWN C & H SUGJ\JI • t ·~------~-----, ..... ' Ct\ll'l)!lliOOQl!I ! \ Ulli'l!l •-. c" ' " I ~~-~~~~ I DOUBLE IAVllll COUPON I I fltt ti1l lll1t c 1pon etono wotll l"'Y ON ll'!tll4iltCl1.11tf S ctft Oil <~00" I ,_,. ttl OOUI ,( 04( SA'JlllG$ • you Pin tit t lllt "' I F:~'' Tl llCli\\lA!I" 'Tl~"" .. CIU'"1 ovu II.. I I , MAY .. , II w Ul Of IT • IUl.llCl TO StlCk .. ... I ,..,., .. , " I lllllf -'i:Br1•Ar.~fi.!rn'i'°" ... I u111T'1i IMU dwlillu CutfMll I \ ctU ....... "'""· lllY. II. fltlHllt Wll~ llC. I. elM ~ ~----------------- BONELESS C ROSS RIB ROAST 69 LB. ~ Cout QAILV PILOT /Wtdneeo.y, ~ 21. 1114 Cf Flavor of minCemeat say it'stimeforholiday treats Mincemeat comes uuo full J)ory at tbu tame of year, lendina its fruited and spiced 1oodness to the fe~tive spirit of the holiday aeason. Mincemeat not only adds flavor to ~ics, but •lso to breads and eon fee> u ons. Mincemeat is available in two forms -convenientJ'ars of ready· to-use m incemeat an handy pack- aaes of condensed mincemeat. Both ar~ .an aromatic blend of apples. ra1sins, currants and spices. T ry Pecan MincePieto addanew twist to the mincemeat holiday tradition. O range juice adds a special citrus zest to this fa vorite pie. The unusual topping is a SAVE VPro crumb-bke m1xtwc of pie crust mix. brown 1upr, pecans and nutmq. Almost everyone lov~ to be remembered w1th a 11ft of food at hohday ti me. Mi.nee Nut Bread is an e•sy-to.makc, venatile q_u1ck bread. Wrapped as a a,ift, It is appropriate for almost any oc- ca1ion. Mincemeat can also be pan of holiday candy making. Almond Fruit Confecuo ns are a combana~ tion of cqndenscd mincemeat, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla wafer crumbs, nuts, coconut, cocoa and almond flavorioa. They can be made ahead and stored 1n the rdrittt1tor for tcvttal weeks. PflCAN MINCE Pll: I (11..._.) ~----~u: ~T ,.!,. ... --::i:::~ ~· t:::=.--::.--..... are .. a.pr Peeu ... T-.. -, ....... Preheat oven to 425 ~· Prepare I pie CNlt stick ac:cordint IO pacbae directions. Une a&« 9-tftcb pie plate: crimp ectae. Crwnbk mincemeat into 1maJJ saucepan: add oranacjuiceandmarprine. Brina to• boil; cook and stir I m1nute. Remove from beat. 1ur 1n nuts. Pour into F.CP&Rd putty lbdl. Top evenly wnb a,....,,91pr P.a.a · T.,,.... Ba~c IS minuus. Reduce oven temperature to 3SO dqrces; con11nue bakina l S to 20 min11tet or unul &olden brown. Serve warm or cool; pm1sb as desired. Makes one 8- or 9-inch pie. '1.00 LB. Br•wa S.pr Peca T~ 1 P'e erut 1ticll 'r'lc•p~pecw •;. cep firmly pa&e4 upt llnwa BONEI.FSS RUMP ROAST 49 LB. - LB. 69 LB. ---"'..... •80l PKG - HC&r ... I,\ tu1pooa srom Htmet Crumble pie crust stick into small bowl:With fork stir in sugar. nuts and nutmeg. MINCE NUT BREAD Z \'a CDpl •.lif1e4 flMr l"" teupeoa bd:l9c ,...., "'1 tu1,... bat.19& Mda ""teaspMaalt "" cmp "marprille • ., -..ner. softaed "• C11p HPJ' Zeg1 'i't cap mllll l ~ Clips ( Otle-Ulf %1....ee jar) ready·&o-ae m.lacemeat Cnplar or bru4y ud nm) ,- "" C11p dtepped .... Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sbr 1ogether flour, bak..ina powder, baking soda and salt; set aside. In large mixer bo~I. beat marprine and supr until fluffy; beat m cps. I at a time. On low speed, add mili alternately with flour mixture; blend wcU. Stir in mince- meat and nuts. Tum into greased 9 x 5-incb loaf pan. Bake I hour and lO rrunuaes or until weoden .ptek inserted near center comes out dean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pan. Cool completely. Makes one 9 x 5-mcb loaf ALMOND FRUIT CONFECTIONS t '1a e11ps vaailla wafer cnmbs (about &~ wafen> 1 (14-o•:att) cu sweetald cem.- dealff mUk (NOT ev.,.rate.4 milk) l (t-once) package C'Oltffue4 m~meat, cnunlbted l CDp dloppe4 ••ts I c•p flailed cocoaut 2 t.ablespoou asweetaed cocoa >., teaspooe almo.4 extract Collftttioaen ••pr In large bowl. stir together aJI 1ngrcd1ents except confccuoners' sugar until well blended. Dip hands J..D confectioners' sugar, shape mixture into I-inch balls. (Rechill if mixture becomes too soft.) Roll in confec· t1oners' sugar. Place on wax paper- lmed baking sheeLS; chill 2 hours or unul firm. Store tightly covered in rcfngerator Makes about 6 dozen. Tip: The Ila vor of these candies 1mpro~es after :!4 hours. They can be madt> ahead and stored io rcfngerator for several ~eeks GARDEN FRESH BROCCOLI FRESH MUSHROOMS Fix your own pudding mix ICE JUICEE • 12-0Z. PKG. • RE.Al. SEMl·SWEET CHOCOLATE • .. COUNT • GRAP£ • CHDUIV • TROPtCAl PUNCH • l·lA CARTON MEADOW LEA ~ MARGARINE PURINA DOG CHOW • lo.La BAG By CECILY BROWNSTONE .\bout .:!O )ears ago a Sood man) cook~ discovered a delicious de~ sen that could be made qu1cl ly. All you had to do was add 1pstant coffee powder to a bought buttl'rscotch pudding mix. But nowada)s cooks ha~e changed, me) art' inclined to make their own pudding mixes. Rece-ntl~ I "as a"ke-d to copycat that coffee 'crs1on of bought butterscotch m 1>. pudding. Here 1s the renpe from \Cratc h implc but de-ltc1ous enough to servt' to guests. BU'M'ERSCOTCH COFFEE PUDDrNG '•cap sa1ar '• cap corn1t.arcb t l, cap milk '• cup cold 1tron1 cofftt 3 tablespooa1 colil water .'% tablespooa1 b•tler 1 teaspoon vullla In a \mall bowl. stir together 112 cup ol 1he 4'ugar and the cornstarch I (1raduall~ 'ittr in 1 : cup of the milk and the coffee. keeping smooth. re~f\ e n:4'llr hcfol"C USlllJ.. In a hca'' ~-quan saucepan stir together 1hc n"maming '• cup sugar and v.ater St1mng often over me-- d1um heat. bnn' to a boil. Wuhout st1mng. boil until sugar looks amber color ilnd hl e a hcav) syrup -about I 0 minute) Over moderate)) low hrat stir in the remaining 2 cups milk. graduall) and carefully. pounna 1t llCaL1hcsidcw..uu.:..p;&D-~~~~~~~ ~------~~------~ ,--• COl .,,, \ • saui..i--.c• • \a I DOUILE SAVINGS COUPON1 ., I I flt nt W co.ipon t1"'9 w1111 any Ont ma IKM'' s cents ell tOlll)Ofl I t fld Oii ~ll.ftl( ~V W YOli Ollft!\Ut IJ\t II I lffll .. , Tt llKl-TAlllll " flltl *""' .. C""9111 ""' ., • I I MF• .. , "'' 1H HlUl If m• suucr 11 mtl • llAll I lSl •• l .. ' ...... ,,...,._·~-I u•r ..nmr.::f.lft!i!-.... Ult I UlllTtllllUIMU .~N•CdtMl I \-.. C..... ... TIIMI.. lllY.11. f ...... wtt .. MC L 1114 __. ~~--·------------- ... ,Continue ~ooling o~-cr moduat.cl) lo~ heat. st1mngconstantly, unul the hr•'-~ amtx-r syrup 1s complctel) d1ssolH•d tar in reserved com ta~h m1xtun' t1mni constanll) over modcra1c heat. bnna to• boll and boil until •~ th1d. as mayonnat and mixture mound\ v.hen dropped from a poon. OfT h~t. ur 1n butter and \1n1lla. Tum·into 1nd1v1d~I 5e1'\ 1n• d1 • he Without ~·na do""n. l1ahtly covn-surfatts v.i th plasttc wrav, rtfn eratt ti) ~ At strv1na time. remove pla tic wrap and pm uh Mth un~VrTCtcneJ whipped cream. Makn 'ii\ I l"'\l J' 'l(f"\ IOJ I J -· ... C8 Ot.nQe CoMt DAILY PILOT /WedrtMdey, November 28. 1ta. ·1rlces'B· estrecipes I I~ . • from re~tons canbefound Fr••h Ground BHf .. 1.17 .... t ill ••CO Oi 0011 "0' .. cu o '°" ••. Cro•• Rib Roeat .. 1.98 '°"'""' IO"OID .... e .. vC• !~R..~!!!~!'!..~!8.:8" :.2.59 Who/• BHf Brl•k•t .1.39 10"1.UI 10.,0ID HI' 'flAI ,,., ... r 'O t .. II Quarter Pork Loin ' .. 1.49 .. c.vOU • I .o .. l ••Dl •,.O I ••O" c; .. o•I BHf Back Rib• ... 69 ••ou .. Ol••OtflO P' Pet Evaporated'4 7 &Milk '3 OZ CAN . P' Grapefruit 1'"9 &Juice " OCEANSPRAV •8 0 Z8TI. REGULAR OR PINK COCKTAIL P' Del Monte . 49 Acorn WHOLE. OR 11 ()l [AN • CREA~ STVLE P' Corn Bread A Mix I9n,~~n Soup Mix 129 ,.. I • y .. • .... 11\f ~ , ..... ,.,... • • ' .39 .83 Fre1h BHf Liver .. ~.98 '"CID Pork Loin Roe1t .. 1.49 '• .. J ""r. ' Freah Ital/an Sauuge .. 1.99 Lady LH Bacon t.·CIO 1 ~:0 1.59 t!!!!~~!!.! !~.~~R~ oe. , .. .. 2.39 ~~~~-~!c~fl..e~c .... 011 1 ... 1 .. 01 99 1 Ollu"'l'•CO 11..,10"1 "''"14C• •O•• O" ... o 11•••• ...... 'WI'.". H -··-·· ••• P' Betty Crocker 169 A Potato Buds - 28 0 Z 80)( !!?~o~:~oz ao• 179 . REDENBACHER au fT EREO OR NATURAL P' Country Style ~9 A Bread HARVEST DAV 1• Ol LOAF • >'J~tTE QA WHEAT I~o!t ~argarlne !G!•~ ,Plaatlc Wrap .... ..... 75 1.29 .. MC COY. llOffifT OUT L.I. ~~ .. '!!~!~~na Sa/~ ••oz cu• 1.39 !~~.~~:~11~erve Sauu.'~·~o .99 Fiiiet of Dover Sole .. 2.69 ...... Fre1h Idaho Trout .. 1.49 ••" t ll Fiiiet of Trout l.3.39 ,,. .... Botton Scrod Cod .. 3.49 ••UH f 1LLf t , , , , r Ore Ida · 139 3 VA!~!~' Tot~2 oz BAG FROZEN . rsunny Del/ght 69 FRo~!trus ~~?~~ • CONCENTAA TE P' Citrus Hiii cL Orange Juice 6A OZ CTN 169 rg2Tet Cleanser I •••• 55 r~o.u~t( Paper Towe,11,. 2.29 PHrleu Almond• lfll 1,.11.< 1.A•OI , . ~., . , Fre1h Broccoli ,_ 0000 '"' .. o . Freth Caul/flower g_~'!l~f. ~-,. Nave/ Orang•• •••01 "'w c•o• . . . . ..... 78 ' ..• 49 ... 59. -. .• 49 .... 49 r.IA@ ·1:-- . -~ .... 2 f'-R.C., 119 & Diet Rite, · RC 100 2l TR BTL REGULAR OR DIET P' Schweppes 6 Mixers s PACK TONIC BITTER LEMON 10 OZ BTLS CLUB SODA OR GINGER ALE P' B/eu Cheese &Dressing BOBS !'-Nathan's &Franks 16 OZ JAR SKINLESS BEEF 16 0 Z PKO 1ss 149 39 r~.~~~rfng Pads •t· 110 • 1.37 r~awn Detergent '· I 11• 1.99 C••f' t"'' IM• •Y l••O• , • .,. .. I"'< •" ....... lilln•o•• 0•• ''1':t .,.,H ... " ... ;c., ,_,.,,,., •• , ""-tt• tt'tC.•• •• .. •"nt-., !!' d R 9 99-P'Cr ~ w.. 11 M "'Jn l ........................ c---. ....... ··--· _ ....... ,. ...... , ...... , 0• .. -· ·-acar I um , ..... ~~~ r u18l_a Un ..• ~.,._,.,.___ ----------------t--...... .,.,.-.. •• "l"C"" • !!!!J'''!. Bread . , •.• 99 !~!~!~1r.~ .. V,'!/l!t~~,e~ , ,, .. .'99 !~~~~!.ton Yogur t , , •• 43 Thi Ptrf•ct Gift ~ .. . . , '' . ' .. ,. . , •r ., "' , ••a , • "Oi ., , ..... ~ ' • !H•mm'I Beer , .. ·2 99 I ,., e -~~!'! M/11 Puddln~~'" "" .99 • r~~k! ''!."L!lte Ch~~~~·o 1.59 O/ftl ot 06odTe1t1 in new book By CSCIL Y BROWNSTONE .. , ....... Some of the most intere1tina specialty cookbookl published over the years have been collection1 of recipe• from American eatina place a. Recently this cateaory of cookbookl h11 taken on new ways. Recipe• in them come from res- taurants in a panicular reaion of the country. One of these new collections, "The Beat Rec ipes from New Ena.land Inna," was compiled and edfted by Sandra J. Tay_lor (Yankee Books) and about 100 inn1 con- tributed. Chaptert on Breakfast, Brunch and Luncheon Dishes; Bread1· A~' ers; · Soups and Chowders; nt ees; Side Dishes; and Dessens ake up this appeaJ- in1 book. From anotner pan of the United States come1 "Virainia's Historic Restaurants and Their Recipes" by Dawn O'Brien (Blair). The recipes were contributed by 50 re1taurants and the author has added deliat!tful deacription1 of them and the food they 1ervc. All courses of a meal arc covered. From the de1sen recipes we chose to try the Brandy Alexande r Cheesecake from The Iron Oate House in Virainia Beach. Once we aot the hana of cuuina the caramel- like araham cracker crust with a heavy knife, all our tasters voted for it. Just one tip: It's wise to wrap the outside of the sprinaform pan in which the cheesecake is baked with heavy foil. BRANDY ALEXANDER CHEESECAKE Grabm Cracker Cra1t, recipe follOWI Sour Cream Toppla1. recipe fol· IOWI ••u• l cup 11111r 1 tea1poon vanJUa z ~ c11p1 cream claeete Z OllDCtl braady 3 oe ctt dark creme de cacao Dub of ult NutmeJ Make Graham Cracker Crust and reserve at room temperature. Make Sour Cream Toppin& and refriaerate. In a food processor or mixer combine egs, supr and vanilla and mix until blended. Add cream cheese (cut in chunks) aradually until smoothly incorporated. Add brandy and creme de cacao and mix well. Add saJt and a dash of nutmea; mix thorouahly. Pour into Grahall" Cracker Crust in the sprinaform par. and bake at 3SO degrees for 1 hour to I hour and IS. minutes, tumioa pan halfway through bwng. Remove from oven and shake; ~ently to make sure it has conaealed in the middle. Leave out for S minutes and top with Sour Cream Toppina. sprcadina evenly for a smooth surface. Return to oven and bake I 0 minutes more. Remove and place in rcfriaerator for at least 3 to 1 hours. Sprinkle nutmeg over top before servina. Serves 12. Graham Cracker Crust : Mix totelher I ¥. cups araham cracker crumbs, >;.cup butter (melted) and 1h cup supr. Press into either an 8-or 9- inch sprinaform pan. Sour Cream Topping: Mix until blended 2 cups sour cream. 11, cup supr and.I teaspoon vanilla. Tomato mold hot a nd s picy CHIU TOMATO MOLD i nvelopes uflavored 1elatJ• u .... ce caa ve1etable cocktail J•lc• I te11poo1 lemo1 jalce Gueroa1 da1b bot pepper 111ce '.4 C9P ftaely ctloned celery i taltlnpooa1 · flaely cllopped caue41 pea cklllt1 Sllld lf'Hll Jn a small ~ucepan, spnnkle plin~vu <0up of the-~btc cock tan · uicc. Over low heat. stir until telatin dissolved. OfT heat, stir 1n rem · na ycaetablc cocktail Juice, lcm n and pepper uuoc. Chill until 11' tly thickened; fold in celery and 11ics. Pour into a 4-c up mold; chill to Kt. Before scrvina. unmold on salad areens. Makes 6 scrvinas. Proper potato preparation pampers taste b ...... ~ 1• Talcfc advantaae ~f the combina· Stir conmarch nto marinade. ! c9'vtt prlk, mlaced dish. Garnish with nrips of cooked ~ ....,._ aalt v~ me lelldlr. 9lif i8 lils, •on o s~all and la e spuds in baas In a lartt skillet or wok. heat t •at. UCll&IY ._... becon and slices of hard-cooked ea. -. ...,._,..,... .it and pepper; ooak I IO 2 ' I Is by . making the fo owtna trio of vcactablc 011. Add chicken and atir· • ~ np frtt~)' "** Parmttu 1f desired. ~ t9' ma SUITIDI cOfttuDdy, ~ .. recipes. Each is accompanied by a fry 4 to S minutes or until cooked claeeM Yield. 4 to 6 scrv1np (about 38S ! flP• ..,.,.~ bcaL breakdown of the nutrition and throuan. Add scallions and marinade. Frttlll)' snud pepper calorics: 20 .&"'ms carbohydrates; IO I eep •~ PfttH• .. a,.,.... Gr.dually 1tir •• .a; _.. _. calories it can provide to aid in 8rina to a boil, 1tir I minute or until SIJC941 br11-ceoked eu for 1anl1la arams protein and 29 arams fat based ., Swtn eM1M mjinutt bom ad •h I r = health-savvy menu plannina. sauce t.tuckens shabtly. Stir in sesame (opUoaa.I) on 6 serviop). Buner a 1 •,,~uan c.1tenk wtth'1 mi~tun into lllMblll ,...... Lemon Chicken Topped 1ttds.Scrveover1blossomedpot1to. Wash potatoc . Do not pare. Cut tablespoon buttn. Sprinkle tvtGly in• yolks ud ct... 18 • .... P~tatoes is a flavorful Asitn·in· Yield: 4 servinp (about 429 into 'f._jnch cubes. In a large, covered ZUCCHINI POTATO PUPP with dry bread crumbl. In a ll.rlt. bowl 'beal Cll wbilm uati1 llC • aptred enlree that uses latte calorits; 4'0 rms carbohydrate: 26 stuc:epan cook po\ltoes in l·incb lta.blet••••htterorm:fe4rlllf, covcredsaucepan.cookpotatoeuo I· aoa cir)-: tea&b' fald .;u..a .,... potatoes. When split with 1 fork ara~s protein and 18 grams rat per boiling, salted water until tender, 1t rMm s.mperahlre,.. inch bothn&. l&lted wa~ until icader. mixture. SDoOa 1010 ~ - rather than 1 knife, the spuds wUI serv1n1). about 8 to 10 minutes; drain. Mean· l tablttpoou ,.cb&ecl dry brea4 about 30 to 40 m10uttt. Drain. lake in a· 375 ~ova 20..lf ~ stay fluffier. while, in a large skillet cook bacon crumb• Remove potato sklns. minutet or Uotil CN&d Md lilDUY Potatoes Carbonara and zuc· POTATOES CARBONARA and aarlic until bacon is li&htly 4 to a 1mall potatoet In a medium bowl beat potatoq browDed. hi · p I to 1 •mall potatott browned. Remove from heat. l e11p 1tarecldff 111cc~J Wlth an eleanc mtUT until smooth. Yield: 4 terVi• (abcMn Jl6 c ru otato Puff are exceUeot ways ~ poud bacon, eet lato ~-lacb Add potato cubes; toss to coat. ~ e11p claoppecl oaloo In a medium saucepen rMlt remain· caloms; 28 pam1 Carbob~ 16 ~r~~~~a~rh:~~llc:fa~~:·o/ba~~~ pieces (reserve I ttrlpt for car-Quickly stir in eus, Parmesan cheese 'i'I tea1pooa dried dill weed Jnf 2 tablespoons butter; cook nae-p~s protein and 18 .,.ams fat per and pungent accent of garlic spice ____ D1.._~_;•_lf_d_e_1_1r_ed_> _______ ..;..a_nd~pc...:p...:;pc_r_._T_u_m_1_· n_to_h_e_a.,..tc .... d.,..sc .... rv_in~a:.__.:;..1 .:;..t•...;.b.:..:le;,:.•pooe::;..:.,:.::...::•.::U...!-p:.::•::..:rpo:.:.:.se:...:..:.no.::.:•:.:.r ___ c,..h_1n_i,~o...;n.:..:io,_n_..a_nd_d_i_ll_w_eed __ u_n~ti_I _:_sc_rv_1_n,:::&):_. -------........ - up the potatoes with a duh of I Italian panache. Make sure the cooked potato cubes are pipina hot when tossed with the lightly-beaten eggs for the mixture to cook properly. For an airy side dash, serve the I potato puff. It goes well with any well-seasoned maincourse. LEMON CHICKEN TOPPED POTATOES 1 cup claJcllen brotla 3 tabletpooH lemon juice 2 tabletpooH 1e11me on 2 tableapooH dry tberry 2 te11poon1 11c1r 1/4 teHpooD salt t,\ teatpooa pepper 1 clove carllc, mlaced l teaspoon grated, fresh chicer root 1 poud bonelett, 1klale11 clalcken, cut lato 1-lncla pieces 4 large potatoes 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons vegetable oU "41 cup chopped 1callloa1 2 tablespooo1 toasted ae11me seeds In a medium bowl co mbine broth. lemonjuicc, sesame 011, sherry. sugar, salt, .pep~r. garJk and ginger root. Stir in chicken, cover and let stand at room temperature I hour. Scrub 'potatoes. Dr). prick wnh a fork . Bake 1n a 425 degree ove n 55 to 65 minutes until done. About 10 minutes before serving drain chicken. reserving mannade. Stew warming on chilly d~ys The arrival of cool weather suggests heany stews. Vary your usual meat and potato mix with a tasty and nutritious alternative - Sweet Potato Sausage Stew. A colorful medley of fresh California sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, and Italian plum tomatoes, th is dish can easily become your house specialty. Not only are fresh sweet potatoes. deli cious. they offer a nutnuonal bonus of vi tamins A and C. Accord- ing to recent research conducted by the National Research Council and the American Cancer Society, v11- amin A. 1n pan1cular. has been linked to the prevention of certain cancers. And sweet potatoes rank with spinach and carrots as one of tbe richest sources of vi tamin A. At the store, select the deep. red- skinned Gamet or the coppcr- skinned J eweLnriety. Their deli- cate, sweet taste acts as a welcome counterpoint to the spicy fla vor of -the sausage. In addttion, choose ei ther mild or hot Italian sausage or a combination to adjust spiciness to your taste. . This wi nter take advantage of the sweet potato's flavor and nutri- uonal benefits. Serve Sweet Potato Sausage Stew and spice up a chilly day. """-SAUSAGE AND SWEET POTATO STEW l 2 bot or mild Italian 11u11ges (about 2 pounds) 2 large oaloos, cut la elglatl11 l tablespooa olive oil 2 large red bell peppers, diced 1 cu (!8 onces) plum tomatoes, dralaed (retervlag llqa ld), seeded aad coarsely chopped ! poaad1 fresla Callfornl• sweet potatoes (yam nrtety), peeled aad cat ID 1 ~-loch cabe1 l CID ( 15 OHCet) garbUlO HaDI, drained 2 cups wlalte wine t cloves garlic, cltopped flaely 1 te11poo11 oreaaDO 1/, teHpooD tall Prick sausage and brown; drain on paper towels. Cut in half crosswise; reserve. WiP.C out pan. Saute onions in -oil until translucent. about 5 minutes. Add bell pepper and cook. stimng. 4 minutes. Add tomatoes. tomato liquid, and remaining inarc- dients. Simmer, covered . 45 minutes. Un~ cover and simmer until potatoes are tender. about 25 minutes. Remove 4 sweet p0tato cubes and mash with forki stir into stew. Makes 6 to 8 scrvmp . GRAPEFRUIT ALASKA 3 medl1m arapefrwlt ! larae eu wlaltet \It teat,... tali \la teaspoon nallla .._ ___ ·~ ce llJ&r~- 1 pl1t ml•t 1laerbet Halve grapefruit: remove sections and drain well: remove all mem- branesfrom arapcfruit shells. Beat cu whites with salt and vanilla until stiff; aradually heat in sugar until very stiff. Scoop the sherbet into the arapefruit shells; add well-drained Jrlpefruu section ; top wttb mcr- 1nauc. bri naina it down to cut cd•c to make a perfect seal. Bake in a preheated .soo-dearee oven until t1npd wtth btown -l 11't 'to 3 minute . rvt 11 once. Makes 6 'iCrv1ng'I Vons Accepts All Southern Callfor11la S _upermarket;s Current Double Coupons SALAD 10MAT0'E5:4ijl8~L=-e ...... ~ ~ end R~ t.B .49 DELICIO<JS APPLES Oold.\ s-. -.Mey APPLE JOICE l2-0ura Baellc ~ J\io l2 0~ 8-J I 69 FRESH EOOPLANT Dole """""""' e.o...nca ""° tA 69 ~~Ev.,~~~.,~ ~4~100 4" BLOOMING CYCLAMEN 199 tllea>t•i.d EA. .l.'5J EA. CELLD CARROTS 2 L8 49 FMll -Cr111p BAG e LARGE CUCUMBERS 4 6100 14-0&. o-k Suv.g l'lgo I '9 R BUNCH MIX BOUQUETS 2 99 c...--Bud -U. 2 99 EA LARGE PAPAYAS . 69 U.ic: T-T-EA e 'Q Jun ""'-AU""' ~==RINES 29 5u1' Wl)(ld Grown LB • l'l!ak cf the Seeton LIQUOR LOCKER EARLY TIMES BO<JRBON 999 17~l-8ott,. JIM BEAM BO<JRBON 549 1'° Al\iM.llilf'f 80U'f' BLACK VELVET 9 99 17) Ui.t llol11t c.n.d- CELLA LAMBRUSCO 7'!IO l'\.1~1ot~ Bouie_ ...., or 8-179 E & J BRANDY 4 99 7)0 M1lhlM•r lloui. GILBEY~ GIN 9 99 I 75 Lil«< 8ot11t COITY SARK scarcH 17 99 17SU..• llol11t ' . JOHNNIE WALKER 7~ ,,,. Bonlt llfd Lobtl Scatrh gag BACARDI ROM 1 7) u .. , Bau It SIM• or .,.., ... , 9 99 n.. FoUowt-. JlaJor Sa,.,......_ Doule Coapou Are Red .... ..._ et Yone : Ralp hs, S afeway, Albertson• and Alpha Beta. DOUBLE COUPONS Offer app< H only to airr-ayper"'-flwl ~ In Southe<n C..lifOfl\oa Coupon combonahans ..lbd\ cllQled llw .. 1 ... ol &he ,._, not etnpted Only manulecture< a coupcH>S ol t 1 00 Ot ~ can ~ <laul>led LlqUOf end dairy producu ~uci.d S..bjea ta llm1l• 1m1><1n1ed on etch coupao lnple or unlimited coupan cf• ~B not ecnpted II c:ompe11l<>< daeo not ~Ire you IO a.I out a>uparu. )Utl bflng tn 8 copy "' (jwlt ak<ttll offitr and ~ WtlJ mMCh •l THE CORNER DELI FARMER JOHNftft MEAT WIENERS.;IJ., 16.ounc. Package Mft .50 5>~--~Y°'E!i~~':" 139 ~ !<1~~12n~~~ .59 DAKOTA FARMS CHEESE 2 95 .......,_.. c .)eek 0-. (S..0 !lO L81 UI BORDEN CHEESE SLICES 199 16-0I. ""° -c-~ ~ lll!llC>l*I LEAN SUPREME HAM 159 6-0i. ~ f.dcrid\. ....,,...., Haney ~ KRAFT CREAM CHEESE 1 09 &.<A ""°-SI• "'-'otl. Saft c,_,, c- VON S COOKED HAM 149 $llaod. &Ounm ..... ( 12-0unclt ~ 2 191 VONS CINNAMON ROLLS 79 9~ ~ lll•h lc'lng (S.,.. JOI e 2~.j~C~£~~~·~ l8 2~ ARMOUR DINNER 2 29 CLASSICS S.Jbbury Stffk. O.lll Fria.tt ~~• P•rm111••"• 5-t C. Sout Chi.. 10.a o.. ..... &. • KRAFT LA CREME 109 12~ Tut> BENIHANA ENTREES 229 11.ounc. Bell< 4 Stie<t.-1 v..,..~ VIE DE FRANCE C•• _.., 219 7 ~o....... Boo l~od ~ ••• "1 ... !9I.!ri2., ~I~ 211 ~~ eoo 299 ~~~--~~f!!;~ • 79 ORANGE JUICE ~o;,..p "'--12.01. ~ "<>d 100 .. 109 AU Vons ~ produce, dell, bakery and Vons own brand products are guaranteed or double your money beck. This symbol ls Vons guarantee of quality. Look for it. CARNATION MILK [--12 °"""' Can POST GRAPENUTS 24-0YN>o ... PILLSBURY FLOUR .89 S.Pl>und 8ei! ~~_,!tt~IE MIX 129 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 198 Bundi. T...-1 1'"40t 8ooeOf> c..,,,._ 36.7'-0a. Baa fll-~~!!!-~~~~ 119 COCA COLA 6 -PACK J69 12~~Ca~o ... ~ Ulf Frtt Cok~ Tat> <>< C.11 Frtt T.o ~~!:!<d~rwt~r~~!f~..... • 98 2.~t.!'~ ~<l,.~k,ES.45 ~~n~SJLANsJ!l~c~ .35 NESTLES MORSELS J69 Sen\15-4 12 .Ouna 8ei! ~~~~~E!f!,~£E .89 BElTY CROCKER ~ • 69 59e<>o!r) )~ --5~ Bao • PLANTER& MIXED NUTS 2 69 12<MnC,.,. GIDBEA·l 49 SPAGHElll e 16-0uncl! Pwc:~ CANADA DRY MIXERS 0.... Soc1L 0.,... Ale, '°" t ""-U6 °"""' B< KEN·L-RATION 1-· C-· 1-"'" r-....., C. Liw> ~ (. 0-.. &LI> 8-i KEN·L-RATION BURGER ~ ... 0--. '70..W..l!lc'9 - .59 4 49 259 ~-79 Ul 249 lOP SIRlDIN STEAKS 2 19 ....._T-.~._, UI SHOOLDER Cl.OD ROAST 198 Telolt K"'O ._, ....._ LA ~J!SS CHUCK RO~l 98 STEWmO BEEF 209 aon.i-, ,..,._ Kine ._, LA FRf.SH LAl'\B ROAsr LA 1 39 ~ Olab. Sl'iooMo FARMER JOHNA ·9 SAUSAGE EA .... ~Ptn U...... a.our-~ ~ ~~,S~1~1 LA 159 sg~~c...B~E~1~ISKETUI 149 FARMER JOHN HAM 198 ~ ,....., Cooloed c-"" I.II HORMEL SLICED BACON 179 lllKi UW r2 Ul ....... J '8 EA L.8 BIADECOT 89 CHOCK ROASTi.ae Teboe 1<1"9 8"I Cerut c .. o.ldo Ao.. I.A i 29 THE WHARF ~H RAINBOW TRO<J°!i 129 II 199 ~,!! TRO<J~ FlLLETS _JI ]69 ~~~LIB<JT ~3~ ~r MRS. PAUL!S ASH Mo•.,.. 209 ;•' °' ,..., "'°"""'" 10.0..0 .. WEAVER CHICKEN ~~ THE BAKE SHOPPE THE DAIRY ~··, Pr\Cf Sele Pntw 3" 2" ._ ___ l.tt• 81t'Wtry 100 JllEISTER ~,. • JIRAU BEER -199 12 ,_., 12 0\#IClt c.i. .. ._ 2.00 Limit i Pwt-llouMtlold .., "'"' IWlele LOOK POR YOUR ta MG8 PUU. COLOR IN••n JN THJa NiiWaMPmt. .- Hcfb r.....,. _°""""or~ 12°"1K'o eo. CELESTE PEPP. PIZZA OtNlll Of ~ 6~ Ba. .. 2 49 139 • • ~22~.tt~ ...-.9'9 ~~~~~!WAllAN ROLLS .89 t.f2,!;1~. ~~IES 2 65 £!t,f!!~~!READ 139- HOLIDAY COFFEE CAKE 198 C-"" ·~ 1" , ORAN<lE JUICE Olf\la"' ~ c.- SHEDD'S SPREAD 179 J79 ~S!Y.~~<f.<l NOG 1 l9 A..EISCHMANN'S ...... ... 95 I U. "-t •"ltil• .. •I ~ ,__ e .~5 ' ''" t /. f~.! ~~'.} '1 -~) ~ ----~--,... ....... .. Sale""""' O.IHll!', .. $26 SIAFOOD SILICTION lb '2" t> ., .. ............... k·~,.,, i-..,, . c,, ~ h,. • ,.;,,._,, • w •'" t,J/ fi;w ~~i1.: '·~~ Ke•tc11•••••• ... .,,,, , 9cnu$ "'8c;k 3201 ~ • Gt""'• Bi ..,. t') , <v Can Mtldlfied recipe flavorful, quick Microwave ovens are •aajnfog 1>0pularity in this country, wi th shipments curre ntl y estimated at almost a half million a month. These new buyers want speedy and convenient cooking. but they may be disappointed wi th the color and appearance of their microwave- cooked foods. Now. people can have both - quick cooking and appetizi ng color -with any microwave oven. A new product, microwave browning spray. gives microwave users the cooking spray they have needed to add appetizing color to poultry. beef, lamb. pork and fish . Just spray it on the food to be cooked before placing the dish in the microwave oven and you'll never have to face .pale, unappetiz- ing food again. But as quick and easy as micro- wave cooking is. you still should take certain precautions. For in- stance: •Tender cuts of meat cook better than less tender cuts, which need moisture and long. slow cooking. •Cover a meat roast only ifit is to be cooked with added liquid. Wax paper used as a tent to reduce splatt er will oft.en trap enough steam to prevent meat surfaces from drying. • Select roasts even in shape. If the meat has a large bone. shield it with foi l duimg the first half of the cooking time. • Compress and tie the meat, • 7-Up Like Cola ..... ,._. A&W ........ 39 whenever p0u1ble, into an even or a ball shape. • If the meat is frozen , thaw it before cooking. A favorite f rcnch dish. ~cf Avignon, i served in many ex· pensive restaurants. Here is a recipe, modified for tile microwave oven, whkh gives the traditional taste and flavor without the hassle. Microwave browning spray adds rich color and enhances the flavors tJI this dish. BEEF A VIONON 3 tablespoons flour •;, teaspoo1 saJt Yt teaspooa pepper V. c•p eltopped oDJon Yi c•p 9oppecl ore1uo 1 c.p wlllte •\De 3 to 4 1Uce1 leu ba~on, dlced, (abottt '4 cap) l po.nd beef top slrloln or lop roudsteab Microwave brownJn1 spray V. poud masllrooass. 1llced Combine flour, salt, pepper. onion. oregano, wi ne and bacon in 2-quan microwave usable baking dish. Micro-cook (high), covered. 6 minutes, stirring once. Remove fat and cut beef into I-inch cubes. Spray beef with browninJ spray (about 15 sprays) and add W1th mushrooms to baking dish: Micro-cook (high), uncovered. 5 to 8 minutes, stirring once or twice. Stir in about 10 sprays browning spray. Seasol) with salt and pepper. Serve with noodles and sprinkJing of parsley on top. Makes 4 servings. Callfot 11la Avocados The Salad Fr1111 Dellcalely Flavored Ideal For SandWICheS $ -~(J/_ .r . ~~~· . JJJ,,, 1.(//11/'I \ .. , . ~ .. ,\ ... ·-· ·---- ...... •ll•r••- Muslvoome Seuteeci In But!., -~149 .. welOl••1••s~ Ca ca*r Cm 1 et• Ct19P Tta•w 0 I•• Rr.ior Fevorno era• C .. 11•1• g:•;:,_ era•• 0 al•• Of Red~ 4 a:, '1" 2 :0 19• J :0 79• J ~ •p• 4 &nches •t• Mlaute Maid Orange Juice 12-oz Can Frozen. AeQ1Aar or Mote Np Russet ~tatoes =lb 39• In Shel Peanuts 6 c - -s--~ Clll*-c.tlet Pllimci ' )l#IC'( J::_,~59• ·---.. • .. r~,. --ar•B ~· M ii Wr'Qhf, '~79• 2:;"· :'f3 ., .. ........... c.t c.... ................... ':-: a9• .... , ...... llye ,..,. Wngnr11 I ~ •1• •••n •••• •ucul•Wr~• " ""'" ,...._ '-H 0... 6 ""' "'..,._ C..... IC• _c:.......,.. ... -............ ,..0.- =.7.:VIOA ~ European charm wrapped in torte I . Grace vour dessert table with European charm. A round ofbrie, a sa mpling offruit and the nch tasteofblack raspberry liqueur provide an elegant ending to your meal. Simply. Stylishly. , Dessert Cheese Tone com b1 nes the best of French tradition. The 1 ngredients-soft ripened cheese and full-bodied liqueur-are steeped in history. At the same time, this cheese torte fits the most current American demand for fresh. natural dessert choices. Only four ingredients are needed to fashion this exquisite dessert- the liqueur, cream cheese, nuts and bne. Served with a choice of wafers and fresh fruit slices, the cream y filled bnccreatesa dessert that defies its simplicity. ' You can make the torte ahead oft1mc and store it in the refrigerator. When time to serve, b11!'& the torte to room temperature and arrange with selected fruit and crackers. The filling. a nch max tu re. can also be spread directl-y on fruit wedge s. DESSERT CHEESE TORTE 1 package (8 ouces) cream claeete, softened 'h cup black raspberry liqueur from Fr a.ace 'h cap flaely ctlopped toasled walnuts t cllllled 1-o.ace rood brle claeeses or a 1-pound wedge of brJe Cracker• Grape clU1ters or strawberrJe.1 Apple and pear 1llces In small bowl beat cream cheese with liqueur to blend thoroughly. Mix in walnuts. Cover and chill until firm. Meanwhile. cut each bric into llalvcs horizontally. Place halves rind sides down. cover lightl y and bring to room temperature . To serve. spread chilled liqueur mixture. equally d1v1dcd, evenl y over cut sides of two bric halves. Top each with a remaining half. cut side down. Place on serving tray with crackers and fruiL Serve 1mmed1ately cut Ullo w~s. Accompany with-small glasscsofblack raspberry liqueur. Makes 6 servings . Pistachios '11 make your kisses.special By CECILY BROWNSTONE Ai ry trifles as pretty as an angel's wing. Swee t endings for a party supper. Inexpensive and easy to make. We're talking about the meringue cookies called Kisses that a good many of us grew up on. Nowadays cooks are inclined to neg1ect them. Why? Because modem recipes tend to direct that the cookies be made the complicated pastry-bag way. Not necessary. Drop your mer- ingue mixture by teaspoonfuls, well apart. on to greased cooked sheets. Bake In a slow oven until the Kisses arc a pale beige and they'll be perfect. Because our recipe addc; coarsely chopped pistachios to the mer- ingue, our Kisses are special. When a friend suggested this addition. I was rather culinarily compl acent about it But after tryi ng the combination I found the exotic little pistachio had a real contribu- tion to make, The flavor and texture are=· There are so c intcrcstina ways, besides ofTcrin them as cooktet with tea or coffee, to use our Pistachio Kisses. Here arc sugges- tions: Mocha Sundae -Pour hot chocolate sauce over coffee-flavor ice cream and top wit h one or two Pistachio Kisses. Baked. Custard -Pou r a suga1 syrup fla vored with vanilla and slivers of preserved ginger over baked custard and top with one or t...-~stachio Kisses. ·strawberry Parfait -Layer parfait glasses with strawberry ice cream and thawed frozen un- sweetened strawberries. Top each with a Pistachio Kiss. Coddled Apples A la Mode - Poach peeled and seeded, thick!/ sliced Golden Delicious api;>les in .. an orange syrup. Scoop Vanilla ice cream into individual serving bowls and surround with the cod- dled apples and their syrup. Top each with a Pistachio Kiss. PISTACHIO Kl~ES t lar1e ea wbltes 'i'i cap Hlar 14 teH pooD groand clDDamoa .,. tea1pooa vuJlla • 'I• teaspoon lemon Jak e • V. Clip coarsely cllopped sllelled nat•ral pistaclllos • In a large mixing bowl, beat C'$& white until foamy. Gradually beat in sugar, cinnamon and vanilla until whites fqrm stiff peaks. Gently fold in lemon juice and pistachios. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls, about I-Inch apart. onto greased cooltic sheets. Bake to a preheated 250-<legrcc oven until a pale beige color -35 to 40 minutes. Makes about 30. · Note: Stored in a ti&htly covered tin box. Pistachio Kisses stay cnsp for a few weeks. itOT PEPPEi\" JELLY- t tO I 1mal1 greeD bell peppers a t• 4 a.ot re4 or 1ree1 ptppett ."" C11pt ••• ., l v. npe d 4er v11tesar t a......e. ~I.Id fnU pectla Red or area food eolorta1 (optlHal) Wear rubber aJovcs to teed and coarsely chop the bell and hot peppers. Place the bell peppers in a blender or food processor and puree until liquefied. (If you need to. add I table poon of the v1ncaar to the pepper-jutt lO mo11tcn for easier blendina.> You should have about v.cup. P-urec the hot peppc11 until liquefied. You should have 1/4 cup. If\ 1 larae pot, comtSine the I cup of purttd peppers whh the 1uaar and vineaar ovtr h1&h heat. Brina to the boil and add the pectin. Add food colon na 1ryou arc us1nJ lt. Brina to the boll apin and pour t~eLtyinto a pitcher. Pour into half-p1nt11n and seal. Makes about 7 hair-pints • .. \ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Nowmber 21, 1914 Oregon WiDery winning wOrld recognition I don't often write about Oregon wines. because they are very dif· ficult to find outside a very local market~lace. Thut is beg!nning to change, both because of increased production and spreading notoriety, especiall y for the state's Pi not Noir and Chardonnay. Names such as Amity. The Eyrie Vineyard. Knudsen-Erath, Oak Knoll and Sokol Blosser may not be exactl y bQusehold ~ords, but they all repre5Ct1i\t winery names that are becoming better known by con- noisseurs. One Oregon winery that is not only expanding its base. but win- ning international recognition, is Tulatin Vineyards. Tulatin has limited distribution in mo.st west- ern states. and you can write for information on local availability. Write to Tulatin at Route I, Box 339, Forest Grove. Oreg. 971 16. If you are vis iting Oregon, the winery. and most of its counter- parts. is open to visitors. Wine country no lo11~er ends at the California state lane. Several of the Oregon wineries, by the way, are only a short drive from the city of Portland, and all are . relatively near the coast. -TuJatin knocked them out at the International Wine and Spirit Competition in London. this year, wionmg both the Robert Mondavi Trophy for best Chardonnay and the John Sutcliffe Trophy for best Pinot Noir. Both award-winni ng wines sell for less than $10 in America. Both wi nes also won gold medals at the Oregon State Fair. Tulatio 1981 "Estate" Chardon- Nutr ition quaCK ery expensive Consumers spend billions of dollars on unneeded nutrient sup- plem$!nts, so-called .. health" foods. and ineffecti ve weight-reduction products because they are over- whelmed by a flood of misinforma- tion. So said nutrition and health experts at a recent symposium on "Nutrition Quackery: A Health Huard" held at UC Da vis. The scientific update was sponsored by the California Nutrition Counc1L National Co uncil A~inst Health Fraud, UC Cooperati ve Extension Service and UC-Davis Department of Nutrition. Wavne R. Bidlack. Ph .D., of the Uni versity of Southern California School of Medicine. said the public is intrigued by the concept that proper nutrition can prevent dis- ease and provide better health and well-being. This has resulted in a multi-billion dollar industry that promotes misco nceptions about nutrition and unproven remedies that can be detrimental to health. Bidlack said methods that gener- ate a faddi st belief and promote nutrition misinformation include exa~erated claims fo r foods and nutrients. scare tactics, fal se nutri- tional premises. promotion of un- recognized nutrients, promise~ to prevent or cure diseases, promises of easy solutions to difficult prob- lems, and creation of undefined diseases. "Only awareness through proper nutrition education can overcome these numerous fallacies and ter- minate unnecessary nutritional changes that increase risks to good health." Bidlack said. James J. Kenney, Ph.D .. a nutri- ti onal consult.ant. said that .. unlike legitimate physicians, quacks can always find somethin~ wrong with your body and your diet." He said that either a physician or a registered dietitian could assess adequacy of diet in uncomplicated cases. The combined expertise of both is required for a com- prehensive nutritional assessment that cNrelates information from I) a case or medical history; 2) diet analysis: and 3) clini cal evaluatio~. Kenney said that the cytotoxic test fo r food allergies not only fails to detect food allergies whe n they A arc present but also fails by indicat- ing allergy to foods that cause no problems. He pointed out that two well-controlled, double-blind stud- ies clearl y demonstrated that the cytotoxic tes t was of no diagnostic value ... The cycotoxic test has been shown to be theoretically unsound and clinically useless,'' Kenoty said. "Anyo ne usin~ t~is t~st to 'diagnose' food allergies as guilty of nutritional quackery." Kenney said that test and others that arc equally wonhless arc done "to convinc;;e people they need food supplements. which. in most cases. the nutrition quack is selling.'' TARRAOON CHICKEN Clilaeo Pub l cup firmly packed light brown 1u1ar '-' cup tarragon vinegar '"-tablespoon lemon j uice l tablespooa1 butter In a sauccpot, ofT ~~t. cover chicken p~s with bo1hna water; cover sauccpoti let stand off heat for 12 to IS minutes: ~nun. In a iauccpan, bnnasuaar\ ~1nej8~. lcmon juice and butter to~ boil,. st1r:nng u!'lll the uprdis~lvcs. Broal ctuckcn in a kitchen ro nJt or over charcoa l. ba~t­ rng often wtth tarrngon vancaiar mix· tu re. 1urn1nt as ne<-cssary. until tender. I JEIRY IUD nay (S9.SO): This is not the trophy winner, but a sister wine of the same vintage that utilized the same production techniques. Barrel- fermented and barrel-aged, the wane underwent the malo--lactic fermentation that yields those toas- FRISH SLICID •llf LIVIR ty~ butterscotch aromas and flav ors that many find complex and in· triguing. Jt is more delicate of structure and with livelier acidity than most California counterparts. and drinks more like a French White Burgundy. The winning wme has an ident- ical label, el(cept that the term "Estate Bottled" does not appear. The winner was made from grapes purchased from a neighboring vineyard. There is no difference in price between the two. T1l•t1D 1180 "Estate" Pinot Nolr ($9.50): It has absolutely intense varietal character in both aroma and Oavor, a Pinot No1r,that will never be identified as a'nythina else by anyone with an exptrienced palate. The mouthfccl is rich and fimil y structured, with plenty of that good acidity for which Oregon 1~ noted. Jt is a wine for whi ch l predict a very long life, because of structure. and it already shows a very long aftertaste that will become more complex as time works It~ smaJI miracles. ' Tulatln 198% Gewuntramioer ($6.50): You may note that the Tulatin wi nes are a year or two USDA CHOICE older than comp.arable Cahforo1a releases. That is common throuah- out the Oregon wane mdu try, because the wines need that extra year or two in the bottle to allow the higher acidities to scnlc down.. The OoraJ .. spice aroma of this wine is present in some consader- ablc conoentrauon. and onoe again that cool-climate crisp ac1d1ty makes fot a delka te. almost Alsa~ tian style. There is one ~rcent residual sugar, but the high level of acidity causes it to taste bone dry, making it a great wane to accom- pany f<>Qd . Two other Tulatin wmes in FRESH LEGO''•MB FRISH LAMB SHOULDIR ROAST GINUINI AMal~ 87 current release arc less to my likin&i A Sauv1.anon Blanc produced ftOl1l nei&hbonng Wa~inaton ppa probably ufTers from an ure,on law that rcquares all varietal Wlnd to be made. from at leut 95 ~rcent the named variFtal. ThJs wane i overtly httba~usand would ha~ benefned from blendan_g with Semi. lion or some other vanety. A 198 l Whjtb Riesling is refresh- ing and generally pleasant., but a sort of candied aroma to the fru1t puts me ofT a btt. The apple-peach flavors should please a wide au- dience. IMNlll&SS llOUllD SftAI( L&e89 SKINNED & DEVEINED GENUINE IA9 AMERICAN L&. BEEF L& 1.67 Hughes PORK SAUSAGE LINKS . LB. 1.69 WUCKIR'S GRAPE JILLY 31 oz JAR 1.29 Orange, Grope Apple or Five Alive MINUTE MAID 3-PK . JUICES 1.09 Oregon U S No I ANJOU PEARS LB .39 Bake. Broil or Fry .... LOCAL ......... STIAKS .............. LB 4.98 .. -.-HUGHES LARGE EGGS . I ·~ ·~RGARINI . ~--~~~ SHIDD'S ~ COUNTRY I 99 -CROCK • 4·0z., Assorted SUNKIST FRUIT ROLLS 1.55 U.S.D.A. CHIADI AA CORONn DILTA TOWILS SINGLE Rell 6·Poct.. 17 Oz Con~ Mountain Dew .55 PEPSI . PEPSI FREE OR StlcE 1.79 ::··t.~RE~ DELICIOUS ( APPLES : IX'lllA FANCY WASlllNG'ION c LB. US No I BROWN ONIONS Green Heods FRESH CABBAGE LB .19 l B .19 For Fricouee Col,f Grown FRESH STEWING HENS M I I 3 $.lb Plo.g lO LB BAG ASSORTED DURAFLAME FIRE LOGS LB.~M .. EA 1.29 fA 2 .9t ............. ( ......... ? II . ) 7 S Oz Pockoge. Bu1term1lk or Counlry PILLS•URY •ISCUITS Loke·To·Loke. 9.0z Pkg LONGHORN CHEDDAR CHEESE 16·0unce Jor BOB'S BLEU CHEESE DRESSING Shock1kubo• Moch1gome 15c 5-1.8. llAG SWllT RICI Rofu1uke IO·Oz Assor1ed 1A9 TSUKEMONO-PICKLED Tongoe~ 11 O z So• 1.59 TEMPURA BATIER MIX ;.~ ,, \ \ 11 I/ 1.75-Lfftll .,,, WlfH ,. JIM ..... I" ~UOMAll...IN ~ ..... r -HIAll 9 •· "9 '-YOuMY -80PROOF 9 98 -/// ''"'-...BOURBON • (, J I 5-liter Colitorn10 Cello" TAYLOR CHABLIS 2.H htro Ory 750-MI 1.98 ANDRE CHAMPAGNE I 75 liter Stiver Of Ambc-r ...... BACARDI RUM 75().Mt BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM 12.H --' - 24 Ounce 2s• 275 LISll•INI MOUTHWASH ~s c°""' \ . 1.09 1.59 VEGETABLES -ALKA SELTZER TABLETS .89 . 8 Ounce Reg , or t vtro Bod~ 2 .19 GELLE MOUSSE SHAMPOO t .. COllY•B•n ...... NO••).-----~ ..... IANT ---••••L• co• COllN .99 t... .. ·--·· ...... -, ~ ___ ..;. 6 E~RS l1 S Oz MAR-KES TAQUITOS 1.17 Peppen~ Form' Auorted DEEP DISH DANISH 1.39 -~ AUlnlUUMA PA.M&T Mell WA ...... IS OUNCE 89 ORIGINAL OR BUTTERMILK e PLUS .. WE CONTINUE TO ACCEPT COUPONS FROM All OT HlR ~UPERMARK ETS GourrMt Noturott 2 .. Count '• HERB TEAS. El Molino 17-0t BRAN FLAKES ... IAS J .79 ... w ... .,~,_ IG C.--,. __ " ...... -.~<---• --•-•n..• ..... -•.,..._TeUat._.... , ~. .. Orange CoaS1 OAllY PILOT/Wednesday, Novem~ 28, 1~ 'te£ F AMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "I like our paper at home better. I know where to find the comi cs." MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson "How long di~ take you to give up trying to train him?" BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) ··George, you make It look easy." DE NNIS THE' MENACE by Hank Ketcham ~ 28 ------:;;::::::: 'YEAH,t OOTO.S000..8UT I'M JUST A ROOKJE . • S HOE {)( '1f':AH r INHYNOT• \ • >: . H!e, HU' I rim 661 IT.' by Garry Trudeau by Jeff MacNally ill'<~IN(; ON~~W~ ~AWHILE..)) I CNJ'T, (21:;. I.'VE. ~IW ..... eur I t<eEP 1UAT ~ft?fZE .... :'~----~WG OFF. -..... ~ I PE ANUTS TMIS 15 MV REPORT ON WMALES .. WHALES LIVE IN TME OCEAN. WHICH IS A GOOD TMIN6 ... DRABBLE IF Tl-IEV LIVED WMERE · YOU LIVE, '(OUR DAD WOULDN'T MAYE ROOM TO PARK M!S CAlt .. COMf. oK, ti WOtfT ~i ~OU io WATC~~ FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Charles M. Schutz HA HA HA HA! by Kevin Fagan PATR\C.K. WM-li6 io ~NO 1\41~ \? l"f. 5"°"-> U6 ~I? ~A~li~ ~\Of. Al o·~u.. V~~\I::.\ 6UOC~~ by Lynn Johnston GORDO by Gus Arriola TUMBLEWEEDS GARFIELD MOON MULLINS I~ ... 1 COULDN'T HELP r" BUT NOTICE YOUR l 'JUDGE PARKER BIG BfAUTIFlJL E}"ES, B,ABY, __..., , STOP AeeE"Y. 'r'OU'VE GOT TO REAUZE T~AT TALKING WH!'.N V0V TAKE A 'YOUNGSTER tNTO TO YQUA MOME YOU'RE ASSUMINU CERTAIN ME. oeuc:-ATIONS AND RESPONS1e 11..mes • / LIKE A L AWVER SAM • ' u f I ,, I • / MA'l86 WE S#Ot.JJ..O 1 ACCl().ENTAJ.-J..V 11 Cf;!DP DoWN /WO A/VO ~SS.' by Jim Davis I GOTTA MILK S OME.THING! by Ferd & Tom Johnson oµ, H~··IHEYoLJ~Hi,A wi:;,A R StG 8.At><&~S SA'YIN' iHEY ~OT N~ARBY :w HUS8,A~D5. ~ ~· -n by Harold Le Ooux we ""'HOPI! 'GJ ~ 'tOJFt S"(A'{ WrrH US.(twtHwt1·~) ROSE IS ROSE BRID GE Nl'1ther vulnerable. Soulh deals. WE§]' • 742 ~ 8543 O Q8 S42 +9 NO RTH • J63 ';/ 7 2 <>At063 • Q865 EAST OUTH +5 ~AQJI09 0 K J 9 • J 104 3 +A KQ 1098 ·~ K6 0 7 +AK 72 The bidding: outh WHC. North Eaat 2 Pua 2 o -2 <::J- 2 + Pua 3 + Pa11 •NT Pata 5 o Pat• e • PaH P••• Pu• Opening ltad: N1nt ol +. The common line se posit.Ions are known lo all. Some of the morf' ob cure combinations, Including tht ability lo take rep at finestes, have lo be worked out at the table. SouLh'• o,,.,nlnr bid wu arilrlcial and forcing i nd North'• respon•f' WH ne1eatlvt>. A rttr East's Ovfrcall. South showt'd his suit and North's by Pat Brady SPOT T HAT LINE single raise promised some values the two with the five: if he ducketi. -with trump support and nothing declarer would remain on the table. else he would either have repeated In either case, declarer would rt his denial or jumped lo game. tain an entry· on the board lo lead a Life would have been easier for heart toward his king. Thu~. his South had a heart been led, setting only loser was a heart. up his king. Since the club lead was Note that if declarer had not jet obviously a singlet.on, declarer won tisoned the seven of clubs at trick OMAR SHARIFF on the table with the ueen and made the rartlght.ed play ol the seven from hand. 1'hia WA• to hav~ dramatic rcpercu11lon1 later in the play. A (ler drawing three rounds ol trump , e ndlni on t~ table. declarer call d tor t he. f'iaht or clubs. East covered. declartr won the king and croa ed back to tht" board with t.he ace of diamonds. Thf' sl1 or clubs wa1 led, and the beauty or ~outh'1 earl r unblMk bffamt apparent H East covered, d darer would win the king and be abl to gel back tn dummy by ov rtaklnK • .. CHARLES GOREN one, he would have n dcleat.L- Hf' woufdhave been able to pick up the club suit, but then he would have been trapped in hand, forctd to lead away from tho king of hear~ at the end. Try it, if you don't behoe us. Rave yow •• ,.. ..... lac. cl• ble t.rHble? Let C.._....1 c ..... IMtp you fle4 , • .,. ••1 ........._. tlte •ae of OOUBL£S tor ,.aalUea U4t talrt .. l. for • copy of "• DOUBLES lllMl&let, MIMI tl.85 to '"(,.,.. .. o .. w..:· P.O. a.a eta. Pala7ra, .J. 09065. Make tlileclt ,.,.ia&.i lo N~w1pap.rb.Mll1. .. Dt111J "9t ........ 117 Mc:Mrd KMMw Irvine High middle blocker Krla Roberta (12) foes up to block ahot from Corona del Mar'• Andrea Red.lei Tue.day. Edison falls in tennis Miraleste hands Chargers 13-5 semifinal loss RANCHO PALOS VERDES -Edison H1gh's third-seeded Charger'> were eliminated from th e Cl F 4-A gi rls team tennis playoffs h)' second-seeded M1ralcste. 13-5. Tuesday on the Marauders' couns. Thl' semifinal setback ended the Charger.· scason at 22-2. a campaign wh1<:h included the Sunset League co-champ1onsh1p with Manna. the only other team to down Edison this year. "We were plca..ed to reach the \em1finals because 11 was the first vear we had gotten that far." !.aid Ed1'ion Coach Janice Hopper. "We reached the quanerfinals last yea r and went a step fart her this '>Cason." Edison found itself O\er- matched 1n singles. as the ( hargers were unable to win a set. 1 he closest the) came in that department was Julie lattcry's 5-7 loss to M1ralestc's No. J player. Slattery led in that set. 5-3. "The girls rcalcy pla)'ed well today. better than the score in- dicated:· Hopper added. "They ( Miraleste) had the expcncnce to take those games. But th~ girls · really felt they did a good JOb ... Meanwhile, freshman partners Debbie Goldberger and Anja Allison also took two out of three. while seniors Kris hea and Nicole Simmons captured the other Point for Edison. , .., .Ji.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1984 m .. P \ C<IMfindS . ~ lost 1nagic, stunsVaq~ Sea Kings post surprising sweep in state volleyball Andrea Redick ( 12 kills. 2 blocks, as well as 7 scrv1~ w1nners). The Vaqueros (22-1) were paced by middle blockers Elaina Oden ( 17 ltills. 9 blocks) and Kns Roberts (8 . kills, 6 blocks). After the match Brande said he was By CHRIS MONAHAN not surprised that the match was won Ollllr"9tC.• ,, ,.., in three straight. "I thought 11 would When the Corona dcl Mar High go all one way or all the other." girls volleyball team lost the CIF Big Vaquero Coach Mark McKenzie. Five final to Gahr 10 days ago, Sea whose team suffered its only loss of Kfog Coach Charlie Brande said his the year, knew exactly why his team team was scared. lost. Talking to Brande Tuesday night ' "They served great and were able to he, at least, isn't scared anymore. set well," he explained. "We gave up "I want Gahr Saturday night," some easy points on bad passes and Brande said, after his team dumPCd were forced to do things we haven't Irvine in three straight, 15-11, 1 s:3. done all year." 15-1 1, in the second round of the state B~th co~ches agreed the most playoffs at Irvine High. obvious things the Vaqueros had to "Before we played Gahr, when we do all ni&h.t was come from behind. beat Santa Monica (in the semifinals · . The Sea kings took leads of 8-0 and of CJF), that was the best we were 5-0 to start the first two games of the playing," Brande said. "After we lost, match and were not able to fully I thought 'we had onl y one player that recover from either. had been there before (Brooke Her-"When a team gets a big lead. they nngton). all the other girls were new seem to scr'c'e tougher." said to the playoffs.'" McKenzie. "(CdM)could gamble arid With the win. the Sea Kings ( 18-4) take more chances. We were behind. advance to the semifinals Saturday at so we had to just work on keeping the Golden West College. Brande says ball in play.' • CdM will play one of two teams from "It can be a major advantage or a Northern California, either Davis or maJOr disadvantage," said Brande. Los Altos High School at II a.m. If "If you capitalize on it and push hard, the Sea Kings win that match, II could it's an advantage. We let up a little set up a rematch against Gahr. and were fortunate to win that first As usual, the Sea Kings were led by game. their two senior outside hiuers. "That first game was pivotal. If Elalna Oden of lrTlne 111-b Oree ball paat Cdll'• LIDda Herrington ( 12 kills. 6 blocks) and they win it, 11's a different story." Burton durlnC atate playoff action ln tbe Vaqaero8• 0-· Gary McKnight Monarchs: no letdown~ More big things expected from Lewis & Co. this season By ROGER CARLSON OflNDellyf'Moll .... Three-time All-C'I F basl.etball star Matt Beeuwsaert. along with Mike Fielder and Chns Jackson ha'e graduated. but the juggernaut at Mater {)(t1 H 1gh shows no sign of slowing down -not wi th 6-7 Tom Lewis & Co. pnmcd to improve on a 57-5 record over the past two years including one 4-A crown and one runner-up finish . "It's a team that's go1ns to get a lot better as the season goes along." says Mater CX1 Coach Gary McKnight .. Last year we were more concerned with peak<> and valle)s. but this year it's going to get better and better." With Lewis 1n the lineup as a 6-7 shooting guard. the Monarchs feel the opportunll) to double-and tnple-team him will be fewe r Considered among the top five high school ~n1or players in the nation. Lewi~· stat1st1cs border on the phenomenal. Although he still has another year of compet111on left. Le"' 1s has become one of the most talked about and wntten Huntington Beach lacks size about Orange County basketball stars ever .\s a prospect. he 1s one of the most coveted jewels in the natton for a college recruuer and figures as a can't miss star of the future. The only question remains ts just'-' ho will get him. because his opuons include \trtualJy any and eve~ school ~;it Oi~ers s hould ~~ve·bigge r year tflts time a round Darren Snow and John Hanavan fo rm the nucleus for Huntington Beach H1gh's basketball fortunes. and Wllhtn a framework which includes Joel Miller. Anthony Howard, Mike Sch utz and Mike Buth, it's apparent th e Oilers will be improved last season when they finished 5-17 overall. 2-8 in the . unset League. "There's no real height to speal. of," says Coach Roy Miller, who begins his seventh season at the helm. "but we'll have to really mix II up with the opponents to counter the lack of height." Snow (6-41/2 ). Buth (6-4) and first- year senior C'arl Champion (6-4) are the Oilers' biggest -but perhaps the most significant weapons will come from the tenacious play of Hanavan (6-2111) and Joel Miller (6--01h). "Hanavan 1s the tou~est player I ha ve pound-for-pound.' sars Miller. "He·'I tough inside and hes a good shooter from 18 feet." l\lso a p0'1en11al player 1s j unior Rico Vitz. although he could , Ix.· placed with the junior var~ity 1n order to give him full playing ttrl)C. "We're average-to-good shooters." S3)S Miller, "and it's a good rebound- ing team for its size. But I rcall) don't know how good we arc because we pla)Cd the entire summer w11hout a kc) player (Snow)." Hanavan averaged 10. 7 po1nt'I a same as a junior, and Snow chipped 1n with a 6.0 scoring average as 11 sophomore on last season's varsity. Joel Miller's penetration as a point guard and assists fill.Ure prom1nentl). ,,. Vikes play at Santa Ana Bowl as does the ball handhngand shooting in the nation. of Howard and pure shooting of As a sophomore he averaged 19.0 .eo1nts a game and Schutz. was a first team All-Orange C~unty cht>1cc. As a Junior he Others on the squad include Greg averaged 30.6 potntS and 13 -pomts~r game, w11h 64 Mills (6-3). Billy Hamgan (6-1 ). Scott percent shooting from the fi~ld and 8 percent from the Llamas (6-3) and Mike Schillmocller hne. and was Ora~~e Count~ s No. I I?. a'cr. . (6-I). r.. "He's ~ legJ11.ma!~ big guard. says McKnight. The Oilers open the season Tues-because hes so q~1ck. , • . , day in the first round of the Fountain Lewis will be in the Md)onald s East-West ~me in Valley Invitational with a 6 p.m. Dallas ne't June. and he has been invited to the C np11ol encounter with Capistrano Valle}. Classic in Landover. Maryland March 31. ~ut ~Ith onl~ one other all-star game he can consider, he II wait before deciding on that one or the Dapper Dan 1n P111sburg.h or Derby ClassLC in Lou1sv1lk, Hunt!n9t0n Bffch schecMe Dec •·7-Fountaln Vellev Tournemen1, Dec 11·11'-L• Qulnl"I Tournemenr, Dec. 2 ........ 1 &i.ir (llOoml J1n 1-S.nta Ane Vellev (hOmtl, Jen S-11 Long 8HCll Wil.on, Jen t--11 Glendale, Jan ~Ol\9 S.Kll Milliken Cl'lofMI, Jen 11-11 Marina•, Jan 16-Wl'llmlnllar• (llOmtl. Jan 1.-er EdlM>n', Jen 23-al OcHn vi.w• Jen 2S-Founleln V.lfev• (l'lofM) F.c> I-Merine• (Plome) F.c> ...._., Weil mlnll~·. Feo I-Edi.on• (llOmt), F.c> 1>-0ceen view• (h<lmt), F.c> IS-.1 Foun111n Velttv• 'dtf>Oltl Sunlit LNllut 11eme All non 1ourne,.,,.,.1 and lee11ue 111mn Dt91n e t 7 JO om Blending with the talent of Lewis 1s a squad hca' ~ in s11c and depth. led b} Fresno State-bound Mike Mitchell. a 6-6 "'mg-post. .. Mttchcll averaged .8.0 points a game as a ;untor and was also an A.II-Orange Count) choice ai. aju"n1tl"r' Other vcl) kc} persdnnel· Jim Dw}er. a (l..~ I 5- -pound junior from Hunungton Beach. Mike Kell~ :i 6--4. :!Oll-pound senior from Costa Mesa: John Mounce. a (l..J jUntor from San Clemente; Chns Patton. n 6-~1 : sophomore from M1ss1on V1eJO who was the starting point 0.., .......... All-CIF s~ndout Tom Lewta l• back for Illa aenlor aeaaon at Mater Del lllCh. guard dunng a .n.2 summer campaign, Tom Peabody. a 6-4 170-pound 1un1or from Santa o\na. and Mike O'Connor. at>-:! 1un1or point guard. Mck.ntghl in his third year at Mater Dc1, says 0\\ )er's strength' ltc 1n rebounding and shootin&. Kell) 's a !>l:t'i arc ~II-around. and Peabc:xh 1s-Mater Del's most undl•rratcd plaH'r · In all tht•rt• arl' 1ust SC\Cn scn10r; on Mater CX1's 16- mJn \Jr\tt\ -.quad Other\ in thl' stable Vince Joy~ t6-5 senior). Frank \.1.1Jng.al <b·ll '>Cn1ur). Marl Rcdoutey (6-41un1or). Kevin Remtx·n (h-J lrl·~hman from Long Bea hl. Paul pcnccr (6-~ -.c.·nwrl < 1euff ~tml.ltn (b-1 senior) and tuart Thoma' {fl·l\1 1un111r lr.lMfcr from Fount:un Valle) High a \l' Jr .lj!.01 (Pleue aee MATER Dltl/02) Why not have 0 8YU ranked No. l:? And the bowls may produce inte~ting ~~11~;~:~~!k~r:~~.';,%~:u1~. r -b -11 d -t -11 h t lk f b •~c11nng Tampa Ba)' Coacr.ohn 1oot a __ espi~ a !_ e a o tg oney BUD~ ~~~~~l~rl:~:;;1~~s~~~~11i.:~eu. Nobody came 1n on the noon appearances and now the hghtinJ ~ he can gft one as president oft he Marina High's semifinals football game in the CIF Big Fi vr balloonfromSaskatoonandasxed lnsharegoingtooneof1hecheap1e y Bul~anccr; Conference w11h Fontana High's Steelers Friday night has been moved me. but . bowls ... inflation? UCllEI • HMw pla~er\alwa}sd1t broke -11'11 be at the Santa Ana Bowl followina Tuesday' dec1s1on :u 1he Cl F • o\ctually, I dqn't sec anything so •Perhap hockC'y 1s the sport ol hut Hull\'-'ood Part.. ~rvcd fret offi ce 1n Ccmtos tembleabout undefeated BYU being K.inpafterall Thank '' ingd1nnersso nont'of Manna. 8-4 and the third place team from the Sunset League. rated No. I. •Football offic1111ng 1 mort 10-them i.tal"' C'd to death. ~dulcd...lht-pme for W..cl.unimte.r.-~sh~f~me-t-~ft-thougttthem.,orston lttt'ftt th~ynrthamt h&s e vti Tll~lt'f)Mt 1 the arc pcndinaSo Vikings' two conquests ~wo-time defcndin& cham~1on Servile. surrounding thecollcae bowl games been or do we '4)' that evet) m1lhon to spruce up tan ford But because of the anticipated la!Je following of Fontana, a C1tru deatwtth the amount of money the ~ason'> txHh '-'C'rt 11 the \3mr ttnw :and ho th \tad1um for the uper Bowl but a Belt Lca,uc Power with a 10-2 record, II was decided that the Santa Ana school arc pa1d, 1t 1 ttll not out of •They arecoununa the ballots for M\-..t'ri..,"' h1mpcrrd ahout tht· r:11 bomb "'ould ht'<'heapcr Bowl. with 11 !tCaltnJ ctp.1C1ty-of 10,088,·would be more suit.able theguc ttonwcw1Usee memtcrcst· Nf'LManofthcYcarwh1chem-1n~ •'oulo.nowyouarcgetunaold1f Kickoff is sci for 7:30. mg football. brace the pla)cra a human bcmga~ •\penkingof '-' h1mpcnng abnut \OU can remcmhcr when horse t111clts The winner of this one will play <'ithcr R1vcrs1dc Poly or Lona •Once No. I incveryavcnut'of welluh1shcroic onthefieldand the ratings \IK'\onC'tpov.erful J1dn't11vcao\th1ngawaH~cernthe tkach Pol). who will be playma 1n the other halfofthc scm1finalsa1 UC opcratton, are the Dodttnrcactma would you believe the Ram ·Jack "1ond3\ 11h1 f-oothall W1ll ~et ., t1mt' oft he ne'\t ra,t Riverside slowl) to thechanae 1ntrtnds1n Youngblood ha absolutel)'no <'ompktcfa t•hflnc'1)~randthC'rc •The 4.ngcli.:>rcloo 1nglor1 The \'.hanlp1onsh1p ,ame 1s hC'dulcd for 8 o'clock Saturday. Dec. rcplaC1nt worn 0111 and-ordcpan1ng chance'> .. 'Rlood won 1t la t year and arc tho~ at the nC't\\Or~ '"'''"n• on ~ ''"n thr 111. of the n D1eio 8 at the Lo ;\ngclC1 Coh~unt, following the oa tal Conference players 11notch1.1bl pu111nga ""nman 1n the hooth ( h1ckcn . 1 h<' 'ugrsuon here 1sa ' chnmp1onsh1p 13me. • •Thcpmbh~columnist 1n thC' •In the wake of the U 0 No1rt •The" Maul'\ W1ll\C'G~ 1s1u'1 'hcruh floa11na:i ro thr d.' 1hove Other Ornnae Count)' teams 1n semifinals action Fnday niaht local new paperh tcdthcnwmbtrsto Oamcmudbath,thccryfnran1fk1al anothcrrl. mplcuf~h>the lAAlll<'" 1h,·i.t l11umun1n1Mdblc"'n-c- 1ncludc M1 s1o n V1e10 ap1nst Esperanza at Valcne.1 and fl Toro at El ~JI forwcathcrrcpe>ns 1n NF'lcit1es 1urf'a11he olJstum Mll onttmorc be hould ~rnmmendt'd tor loo inp. hkr Tinker Rell Modcn:a 1n the u1hcm onference. and 1n the ( cntral onfettnct, and 1ntludcd NcwOriun • Houston, heard. Hopefully, cooler beads will after their U'-' n •\pcak1ng ot .\nahc1m ~tad1um unny H1ll11 will ho t LA Mirada at Buena Park High and Valencia 1s at Sea1tlc. lnd1anapoh and Pontiac. prt,a1I •II 1~ nnt out nfth<' quc .. 11on for the {'umptltni team' ma) hvc to Fullcnon •h was not lonaaaothat Notre •Thcrt~rttworolletcfootball Jcm Ru" to h:t\<' ht 1th '°"8 \and rnw1de th< ~1ov.d forthc f~om Dame wuabovc po: t·SC"a90n football pm~on nat1onil TV last turday Hl 'ham pion hill' at the Forum Bo-..J ()(\. 't I· Illinois' White ruDlored ready to juIDp to NFL From AP dl1p11d aea 'AN FRANC'ISC'O -llltnOIS Coach [iJ Mike White. despite statements thut he'~ c • looluni forward to ~tay101 at the school at least one mo~ year. may Jump to a National Football L.eague JOb-ahhou'h not likely with the Buffalo Bills. Thal 1s the op101on of San Francisco 49ers Coach Bill Walsh. a close fnt"nd and meotor of White. who "\aid Tucsda) that ht' callt'd White la5.t week "to find out "'ha1·, ~01n~ on and lo tell him some thin~ I know." "I think Mike would be headed for tht" NFL next year." Walsh s:ud. "I don't think there (Buflnlo) But 1 1h1nk it's logical he would take a Job. He should be thl' most sought-al\er college Mlh for an Nfl.Job" Walsh d1dn"t sa) whether 1 \l. h11c was offered the Buffalo job. hut hmted he may have touted White aga1{lst considering coaching at Buffalo because of te po')~1ble d1fficuh1es w1lh the 11:am\ ownl'r or other' assoc1at1:d with the club. ··1 wouldn'td1scourage him from doing anything," \\ alsh ..aid "M1!..c ha') hel'n 1n all I} pe<;ofs1lua11ons. He has a good grac;p ol v.h;.il a good oppununity would be. whal 1he ram11icat1on~ would be" .\skcd whether ht• v.ould warn Wh11e ofT of a "bad ~FL JOh." Wal'ih ..aid. "Oh sure. I "ouldn't sa) it's a bad JOb. I'd JU'it tal~ Jbout the Jlmosphcre. the cons1dera11ons. the c~pectat1on~ ol tho..e forces working against him ·· Wh1te. in h1., office at llhno1'>. \aid that rnntrar) to published repom tht•re had tx'en no l'Ontau het""een him and the Bills "Whenever thcr1:·, a J<>h opening up. C\ 1:r) body's naming me," White said o\t the Bills' hcadquancrs in Ort·hard Park N.) . team owner Ralph C Wil'iOn said no dcc1\1on on the late .of Bills Coach Ka } Stephen<ion will bt· made unul the 1:nd of the season. Quote of th«:. day Abe Lemon•, basketball coach at Oklahoma City University, noting that none of his players from last season had graduated to t he NBA: "We did have three go to the YMCA." Quick start lifts Philadelphia Lindsay Carson had a goal and an ~ assist as Philadelphia. sconng three goals ' within the first five minutes of pla). downed Chicago. 4-2. Tµc'>da) night 1n the National Hockey.League . In 01her NHL games Tucsda}. Gary Sampson and Craig Laughlin both scored twice to power w a.,hington to a 9-2 victor) over Quebec Laughlin also had t""o a'>ml'>. v.hile Alan Hawor th added a goal and a pair of assists for the ( apllal!"t~ .. Doug Sulliman's powcr-pla) ~oal at I 3: IQ ol lht: final penod gave New Jcrse} a 1-_ v1c1011 over Minnesota . Bill Hajt scored at 8.18 of the third period to give B"ufTalo a 2-2 tie w1t!!.P11tsburgh HaJt lied the game at 8: 18 of the third period when he fired a slapsho1 from the righ1 point after. Dave Aodreycbuk won a faceofT . Wayne Gretzky scored three goals for the !>Ccond time this sea'>on and a's1sted on t"'o po""er- play goals b) linematc Mike Krusbelnyskl to lead Edmonton to a 7-1 romp over Toronto. The IJnc ol Gre11ky, Krushelnysk1. who also had two assists. and Jari Kurri, who had 1hree a'islSls. produced a total of 12 points -all in 1he firsl 40 minute\ . ~ldom-u~d center Alain Lemieux scored lhrec goals for the fir'll time 1n h1'> NHL career to lead St Louis pas1 VancOU\er. 6-1. handing the ( anuck\ 1hcir sixth con~cu11ve defeat. Drug tests for Rams' Faulkner The Rams ha\C~ placed rookie 11gh1 [i] end (hns Faulkner on their rescne-non c > football illness hst. Faulkner ha\ t>een admitted to Cenunela How1tal in ncarb} Inglewood where he-will undergo lt",ts for poss1bk chemical dependcnq. the Rams said . Faulkner. 24. was a fou rth-round selection of tht· Dallas Cov.boys in 1983 after catching 71 passc'I for 95:! yards and eight touchdov. ns dunng his collegiate career al the University of Aonda. -T oney, Cheeks save Slxera AAdrew Tooey ~o~ a field aoal with m one mmutc rem1un1na lo put Ph1fadelph1a . ah ad and Maorlt't Cttttkl 11dded two frtt throwi. v.1th two t·onds lefi :u th<' 7tle~ defeated Washinaton. 93-IN 1n a National Uuskctball Assoc1al1on game Tuellda) nia,ht. Julius Ervloa 'SCorcd 10 ofh1 19 point'i 1n the third quaner os Ph1ladelph1a went. head for the fit 111mc ~incc the first pcrioJ. and Mo5es Malone scored 10 of ht 24 111 tht· fourth quanet Elsewhe~ around the NtJA I uc~ay, 'Klld Vandewesbe .ind Kt'DD)' Carr carh '>Cored 22 points and Ponland ran oil a 21-4 spurt m1dwa\ through 1hc final quarter 10 defeat (. 'kvC'land. 11 5-106 ... Rory Sparrow's 10-foot JUmper w11h five seconds lcfl afler a ~rramble undl'I 1hr Nrw York ba~kct gave the Kn1ch a 97-96 dec1'i1on O\ er -\tlanla The Hav.ks had kd 1he entire <;econd half before Sparro\.\ ·., climactic oney ba<1J..c1 . 80~1on's Larry Bird dominated his team's 'it'' cnth s1raigh1 \ 1ctor) with 40 points. nine rebound'> and nine a!>""'" a<. the ( t•lt1n. overpowered Dallas. I 14-99 Akeem Olajuwon'• score<t 27 point<, ac, Houc,lon brol t• a luur-gamc road losing streak b\ bcal1ng San \nton10 114-97 La rry Nance Sl'Orcd 2M po1n1s and Alvan Adams added 14 of his 26 an a dec1'>nc first period a'> J>hocn1>. i.nappcd its five-game losing slreak w11h a 115-1 O:! -.1clol} over L'tah . Herb Williams 11cJ h1!> um·er high v.1th 32 points. while.' Clark Kellogg had 22 point<, Jnd tied his carccr high in rt•bounds with 21 as I nd1,1na !>topped M1lwaukce. 126-1 Wi . . Purvis Sburt made two free 1hrows and Eric Floyd scon·d a field go.1l 1n lhc closing seconds to sa-ve Golden Staie. v.hllh almo'>t blev. a :!5- poant lead. and gn·c the Warriors a I 09-103' 1clol) over Chicago ... Jack Slkma ~crncd 24 poin\\ i" S1:a1tle held ofT Kan!kl' Cm. I 04-% Tulane fires football coach NEW ORU .\NS -fulane l 'nl\cr-[iJ sit) fired foothall Coach Wall> Engh'>h c II> Tuesday. c111ng "irreconc1lable policy dif- ferences" and refusing to respond IO allegations the lOach had never been g1H~n a fair compett11\e chamc becau~ of a h:ud "'1th .\1hle11c Director Hindman Wall Tulane was 4-7 and 3-8 under Ensl1sh Wall called a press conference but rdu!>cd to go much be}'ond a 1hree-scn1cnce prl•pared ~tatement "Tulane L1n1vcr\ll) ha<. decided to 1crm1natc lhc employment ol 1t'> head foo1hall coalh. Wall) English. effective 1mmed1attly Lakers' Jones sidelined I ~NGLEWOOD -Rookie forv.ard m Earl Jones of the Los .A ngl'l1:'> Laker<. v. ho ha'i a '>pra1ned nght ankle and an 1nOam- ma11on in his nght foot. hue, hecn placed on lhr injured reserve ltst. The 6-11 Jones ha<,n'l pla)ed or practiced '>Ince he sprained his ankle in prac11u· on No' 15 He staned the season on the injured rec,crvc list due to the inOammauon and missed lhe Lakcr'I· first W< game~ hefort: being activated on Nm 6. Landry to return next season D.\L LAS -1 0111 1 JOUr\ '>:lid I UC'>-Ci] da~ he will be coming bat!.. in 1485 tor his c II• 26th tun...ccut1H· \Cason J\ lhc onh head c.oat·h of the Dalla<; C ov.hm·\ .. lt"s t1ml' to l~I\ to rc\1 all the rumor\ about m' rctm mcnt ... l andf! .. aid "I'll Ix· bar!.. nn 1 ~1:ar · Then Landf! qu1pf)l'd ··t u1uldn·1,tand tn mi'>'> all ~ou gu}'> (tht• media)" I andf! ha'> >Cl 111 \lg,n a u11111att v.11h duh Prc\ldt·n1 Tc' '-;rhratnm hut <,aid 11 rc>Uld hl• tor ":J t·oupk of\l'3f\ or \Omt•thing 111..t 1hc11 " Television, radio TELEVISION 6:30 p.m -PRO BASKETBAL L: Lakers at Utah. Channel 9. RADIO 6:30 p.m. -PRO IA8KET8ALL: takers at Utah, KLAC (570). 7:30 p.m. -PRO BASKETBALL: Seattle at Cllppers, KIEV (870). 7:30 p.m. -PRO SOCCER: Chicago at LA Lazers, KWVE-FM ( 108). Trojans• lineup unsettled Ba ttles r em a in for three s ta rting s pots as Scoggin begins second year at Uni By ROGER CARLSON Of the Deify ~ttot llllff 1 le'c; had a ~car lo gel his feet v.ct. hut 1t\ ~till a \Cf\ tl·n1a11ve s11ua t1on • 11 l 1n1H'f\ll~ I i1gh for ba!>ketball l oath 'ilC\ t' "irngg1n oas1cally be- ltlU\C of \Orne 1n1ercc;11ng duel<, for 1h1l'l' of lht• f1vt• \13nmg tx'nhs ·Kight now Hrad .\rnold and ( rrnrgc Paul'\on arl' stanerc;.'' 'ia}'> \<.ogg1n "hu1 thal'' ahout a<1 dt·fimtc .1, I (an gt·t I ha\C" a feeling I'm going 111 \CC a lot nt rx-oplc playing early.'· 11 " 1wo \lam·r' rl'turn a tier a-.c rag 1ng K 7 and J 4 point\ a game 1n wha1 turned c1111 to he a 7-1 S u.smpa1gn la\t '>~~on. but tho'>C figure\ figure to JUmp drama11cally Among\cogg1n\ 14-man roster arc four who were not in the program al all a year ago. Sieve S10J10IT. a ti-'\ lrnhman .ind the >ounger brother ol 1'-iorm "l1ol10tl (who c;tancd for thrl·c )earc; for tht· TroJan~) is in lhl' p1c1ur1: a' .1 potential 'ilartt•r. a\ "We'>l (1t•rman exchange c;tudcnl I\ on DrlJcv1c lb-Ci) Lasse (1Ja~sen (a 6-'\ \Ophumort•) and 5-8 senior R ucl ~a lido. "Stol1off 1s rcall} going to tx· .Ill outstanding pJa,er: predict'> wg- gin. "lfr"c, a finl' \hou1n and 11 JUSI J1:pcn~'> nn othl'r phase~ of 1hc game. .\nulhcr v.ho figure'> \.Cf) h1ghl> 1s II-7 senior f)cn,cr < 1ratton dc'>cribed .i, a "null in a china shop" by h1'> wach "llc'r, my pruJc<:t," says Scog- gin .. and he could rl'all> be a factor·· Other~ 1n the lln1.,.cr'>ll} stable 1ncludt• Junior Will F-errell (6-3) . ,t•n1or'> Wilham Mask (6-0). John 'v1ehrtcnc, t6-0). Pt'll'r Pttthcss (6-0). (111 Pru,hkcr (fl-2) and 1ur11or\ Tim Warrel) f'i-10) Jnd Arc:11 Winslow (6-4) Th.: r ro1an' open 1h1: season I ue-.da\ al tht• C.1ahr High lnv1ta- 11unal with a 7 10 date with 1\ncs1a "I'm looking ICJrward 10 th1'> )Car." \3}'> 4xogg1n ··Last )Car 11 was all brand nc" -m\ team and tht l ..... iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiii•iiiii•••••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil oppo\1l11 >n and 1 I V. a\ q ll I IC a learn Ing )Car. 11·, a chalkngr and thC' k1d c; have 8 0 A 51 Ill )YJ\RI ) SHIPYARD HAUL OUT RATES / < L EAN & PAINT BOTTOM $6 50 Pf'r Foot Labor Only '~~~~~~~~~~~- STl-.AM l"LEANl NG $45 00 hr Y ARIJ LA HOR $40 00 Per llour .. HA UL Ot TS TO 7:,· 75 TONS Marrne &ale 223 21ST. STREET NrJ WPCJHT BJ:.AC:ll (7 l 4 67&·25~0 o good a1111udl' " Unlvtr\ltv 'cn.dule Ott • 8-Gahr Tournam11n1, Oec 17·n -1rv1ne Tournament De< 11 29 Cnnvon Tournament Jan 4-•I Ellen<••' Jan t-11 NtwPOrt Haroor• ''" 11--CQ<'one a.1 Mar' lhOmt) Jen 16-Co••a Mn•' ll'>Omt l. Jan It-el WOOO l)rldoe•. Jen 23-Laciuna Beech' I home>. Jen -t~mml!Kr ""fhOmf'I, JWfl 30-Elrincle• (l\Omt) Fell 1-Newoorl Hert>or' ltK>mel Feb ._., Corona o.i Mer' Fell 6--•• CoSlt Meui• Ft!> t-W000t>r1<1oe' lllOme), Ft!> ll-t l Leoun• BHcn', Fell 1~1 Seoora1>11c1o.• •oenorts ~· View l.HllU4 oeme All non tO<Jrnament 1nd ... oue 111mes t>tOln II 7 30 o"" .. -- Big obstacle Corona del Mar'• Brooke Herrlnl(ton trlea to direct ball arouitd the handa o"l Irrine'a Elaina Oden (15) and Nancy Bower (2 ) during CdM'• volleyball win Tuesct;[n~ the Southern Cal plaloffa. The Sea • advance to Saturday • atate .emlfinala. oec tourney.favorite Unbeaten Pirates ope n Miles Eaton play vs. East LA Mt San Jacinto meel1hg MiraCosLa at 2:30 p.m .. Imperial Valley facing Mt. San Jacinto al 4:30 and LA Sou1hv.cst taking on Long Beach at 8:30. In two ~mes. 1he Pirates have come up wnh 44 steals. Sophomore Shaughn Ryan leads OC C m the scoring department w11h a 15.0 average. Three other Bucs - freshman guard Jon Johnston ( 11 .0), sophomore guard Mark Goudge (I 0.0) and ~ophomore forward Brad Farmer ( 11.0) c1re also 1n doubt~ ligurc'i. ByCURT SEEDEN Of the Delly l"flot l lalf "East Los Angeles 1~ bigger and more talented than 1n the past." sayc, Gillis "Bui they still pla} wild." Orange C oast C a llege enters 1 t~ own Miles Eaton Invitational basket- ball tournament as one of the favontcs among the eight-1cam field The three-day tournament open'I ThursJa} aficrnoon. Coach Jim MacFarland'c; Huc,k1es enter the tournament v. 1th an 0-1 ret·ord. but 1hc1r losse~ have mm.: again'>l the Nos. 2. 3 and 4 teams in the\outhland -El Camino( 116-68). Cemtos (90-60) and I ong BcaC'h (97-77). Should OCC' win its opener Thurs- day. lhc Pirates will face the winner of the Ml. San Jacmto-MiraCosla game at 8.10 p.m. Fnda). Coach Tand> G1lhs' Pirates cntl'r the 14th annual 1nv1ta11onal tournc\ v.11h a 2-0 record after a 7~J I win 0' er M 1raCosta at home and a 6 7-4 S dcc1s1on at San Diego Mesa . "We've probabl} played lht• toughc'>l schcduk 1n 1hc c;tale lo thl\ poinl. under'>latcs MacFarlan<l .. .\nd lhrec lose<. 1s no d1'igrare." THURSOA Y'S l"llU T ·AOUNO "AIRINGS 2 30 M• San Jeclnlo vl MlraCo\la '30 -rmperlel Vellev vs Ml Sen AnlonlO 6 30 -Ora!IQt! Cout vs EH i Los A"9eleS a 30 -LA Soulnwe.1 vs Lono Beach CC FAIOAY'S GAMES Joining 1he P1ra1cs in the 1our- namcnt are Long Beach< 1t)' College. Mt.SanJac1n10. lmpcnal Valley. Eac;t Los Angeles. LA Southwest. Mt. San Antonio and MiraCosta . The Husk1e!> are led b) o-5 sophomore forv.ard Llo)d >\dams J tranc.lcr from Cal Pol)-Pomona. 1 30 -lm1>11rlel ValS.v·MI San An1onlo loi« •S LA Souinwesl·Lono Beech CC loM!r '30 -Ml San Jaon•o·M1'eCo\le ioser "'" Orenoe CoH l·Eesl Los Angeles loM!r ()("('opens the tournament at 6:30 Thursday again~l Eas1 Los Angele~ College. Other first-round games find ()( C ·, earl} o;uccess ha~ been the rec;ult of tough defense and ~omc line r1uts1dc shooting. The Pirates arc a\eragmg 71 5 point!". per game while allowing opponcnh an a-veragc OfJUSl 38 pomls per ou11ng. 6 30 -LA Soutnwesl·Lo"9 Beach CC wlnntl' vs Imperial Vallev·MI Sa n Anronlo winner a 30 -Ml Sen Jac1n1o·MoraCo\la wlnMr vs Orar>ae CoaSl·Ee\I Los Anoei., winner SATUAOAY'S GAMES ' JO -Consolallon 6.30 -Thord olace 8 30 -Chamoronshlo Wiiinipegathomein LA J ets take a d ay off, the n de feat Kings aga in, 5-3 INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Wmn1peg Jct~ JUSI love coming to Californi a. "I don'l know what 1t 1o; but our hockc) dub enjoys pla}1ng here." said Winnipeg Coach Bal"T) Long. "I ga ve them a day off after the back-to-back games and they went out (on the town) as a learn. I think being on the road and going out as a 1eam promotes working 3j a team." The Jets worked well together Tuesday mghl to o'vcrcome a .3-2 deficit 1n the third period w11h three unanc;wcrcd goals and took home a S-3 National Hockey League \ 1ctory over the Los Angeles Kmgs. fhc \ICtOr) was the Jets' secq,nd 1p three nights over the King'>. who had won seven ii't a JIO~ and 10 of their pre\ 1ou~ 11 games before runnins mto the Jets It also moved Winnipeg past the Kings into third place of the Smythe D1v151on by one point Long feels that his team has to i..cep looking up 1f it's going to move up in the d1v1s1on race. "We have gol lo beat Calgary and Edmonton to be stamped as a contender," sa id Long. R o hrig n a m e d a ll-PC AA l IC In inc middle blocker Cindy Rohng, who led the .\nlc:at\,'r~ in kills (263). hitting percentage (.293) '>olo block' (70) and block as!.1s1s (46) has been named to lhl' PC. AA women's volleyball team. Rohng, a 6-1 junior. was the onl y llCI player named 10 the team. U('I was 2-fl in conference and 12-16 overall ll11s season. Meanwhile, Ei leen Dempster of Pacific was named the PCAA Player of the Year Dempster. a 6-0 senior from Manhattan Beach, was the top blocker tn the PC AA and led her team to a 29-7 record and a No. 4 national ranking. Jo1n1ng Dempster on the All-PCAA first -team. as sclccted by the conference coaches. are Pacific's Jan Saunders and Julie Maginot. UC anta Barbara's Kathie Luedeke. and Kelly Strand of Cal Pol~San Luis Q.l!ispo. --SeTectoolO fhe second team were Dede Bodnar, Carol Tschasar and· Ellen Sugalski of Cat Poly-SLO. Robin Burns of Pacific, Gina DcQuattro of UC lianta Barbara and Sheila Nicks of Nevada-Las Vegas. Taras Liskevych of Pacific was chosen as the PC' AA 's coach of the year Los Angeles Coach Pat Quinn felt the Kings played the solid pressure game that saw them through their winning st reak -lhey out shot the Jets. 45-19 -but failed to come up with quality shots on Jets goaltender Bnan Hayward. "We didn't change our pattern too much," Quinn said. "Not to take anything away from their goalie. but a pee-wee goalie could've handled them tonight .. On sccond-penod goals by Ander!> Hakansson, Bernie Nicholls and Jimmy Fox. lhe Kings bu11'l a 3-2 lead afler two periods. Nicholls' goat e>.lended his <:0nsccu1ive game point-scoring string to 19 games. 1he longe-;t in the NHL this season. ' The Jets. however. got goa ls from Paul Maclean. Brian Mullen and an empty-net goal by Laurie Boschman to put the Kings away. Perl) Turnbull and Doug Small also scored for W1nn1peg. .. We did a couple of dumb thing~ in 1hc third period," said Quinn. 'T m not disappointed with the cfTon tonigh t. just the result." MATER DEi • • • From Dl Mater Dc1 opens it!> <>cason Saturday afternoon at UC Santa Barbara (2 o'clock) against Dos Pueblos. then moves on 10 the Val encia Tournamc~l where 11 1s a top-heavy favonte to score a lot of points. then tht• prestigious Tournament of Champions where the M\{narchs will defend their title • Verbum Dc1. St. Bernard's and Long Beach Poly will be featured non-lcagul.}games at the Anaheim Convention Center. UC' Irvine and Long Beach Arena rcsptr11\!,ely, in addition to compet1t1on at Chapman College 1n the Orange Tournament bcfbre Angelus League compet1ton. Miiter Del •cMcMe Otc 1-•I Oos Puet>IO' 12 D m >;Dec •-7-11•1tnc1e TO<Jrnamenl, Otc 10-u-T ourn..rnertl of Cl\eml>lons, Otc lf-V.,t>urn Ott let Anaheim Conv1ntlon Ctnterl, OK 26·1'-<>rll'Ot OPllmltt Tournemtnt Jen :>-SI 8trnerd's (11 UCH1 Jen. <t-Lono 8 .. ch Porv <el Lone> tleacn A1'enrl';-Jsn 11-1 51 Paul';-J~t 81shol> Montvomtrv•, Jtll II-Plus)(' (el Cheom•n CofltOtl, Jen ?S-Strvllt' (el Lono DM<.h Artl\ll. Ji n 31>-al 81sll0o Amat• , FtO I-SI P1ul' (et Ct>ePrntn Colla9tl, Ft() 6-B!lh<>P MonlCIOn'Mlf"V' let Cl\eoman Colleot>. Fell I-ti Plu' X', Fell 13-elsl'IOI> Amel' (11 Chapman COlrto•l• Fell 16--S4trvltt' lel Cvor•n ColltOt) 'Otnolts Anoetus LllGUI t1mt A" non·tour11a,,.,.n1 ena IH IMI oames t>toln el 7 .30 o m ~~~=--===:::.•_Nuggets bury Cli...__ __ 13_9-J.iO- /' DENVER (AP)·-Denvtr Coach Doug Moc says the Nuggets played so a.urei.sively againM the I os Angclc'i Clipper~ 1n the 1h1rd period of their Tuesday night pmc th1u he wa~ a little cmbammcd. "You really hope the other tearTI score!. an a ~11uat1on hke this_'' Moe said aft~r the pmc. "We JUst played so hard. it's hard for other tca.m510 act back an 1t. T he Clil)pc" Just had a ni ht when ther, couldn't do mu~h of anything nght. · Lo~ Angele fou ndered bad ly dur· 1ng 1Hc third pcnod. faJlina bth1nd by as much as 36 points before the ga me ended an a 139· I 10 Denver victory - the ugcts' ninth ma row rhc (11ppcr$ deah lhe Nugaets their last defeat on Nov. S in Lo Anaclcs. but Tuesday niiht's aame bore no resemblance to that mcct1n1. Ale' Enghsh scored 14 of his 28 point in the third Quarter and Lafayette Lever dealt out I 6 ns,i ti. Lever. who pla)'cd only 2S minutes had 12 of h1, a 1st by mterm1~\1on' when tx-nvcr l<'d 61·50. He also had 13 point , SCVC1' rebound~ &nc1 lhret \ICll\ Gauchoshopetosnapbowlstreak By CURT SUDEN °' .............. It's a dream matchup., but then, Saddleblck Collete hat wound up playinJ some nial\tmare matchups when tt comes to the PONY Bowl. Satu~y afternoon at Otanp C.0..t C.0~ lhc Gaucbot take OD FuJlenon c:;ife;;·, Homcu in their fourthPONYIOwlappearanocina row. And for the third year in a row, the Gauchos are the decided under· doas. NflL NATIC*AL COMJllDINCI .... 11·Sen Fran lllfM H.-Orleena Atlant• W L T iact. ~JI' iaA 12 1 o .m 310 117 I s 0 .41S2ff •2'0 6 7 0 . .., , .. JOO > 10 o n1 m 314 Celllrll 11-Clllceoo Greena.v Detroit TWMe ••v Mtnneaota 9 4 0 t M1 174 195 s I 0 .31S 305 267 4 I 1 .146 2SO 316 4 9 0 .30l25732t > 10 o .n1 m ,.. NYGlanta W•tlllneton • o .... $1. LoYla ~ .. .... 1 s~ o I s 0 I s 0 1 6 0 s 1 1 .415 US HO .61S 336 231 ..615 m 2~ .mm ns .mn1 2s1 AMaltlCAN CO..JllaalNCI .... 11 2 0 11 2 0 t 4 0 ' 7 0 s I 0 c..... , 6 0 s I 0 4 9 0 2 11 0 .... 11·Mlaml 12 1 0 New Enelend I S 0 NY Jets 6 7 0 ll'ldlanaDOlla 4 9 0 lufl•lo 1 12 0 11-c:tlnc:llad dMalon tltle -5)1 l31 260 .llS 20 210 .JOI 116 ii. 154 111 363 .m 41' 21s ..615 a19 m .462 2IO .. .JOI 1'7 ,., .011 191 "' v-ctlnclllad wltct--card lllavoff llerlll T'llwNIY'• GMllt wa.nlneton at Ml-.ota (Cllannet 1 at 6 P.m.) SuMIY'a Oamta New Orlea11s at a_,... ll•i.tn ., Miami (Channel 4 ., 1 P.m.) c1nc1nna11 al c~ tndlanaP01t1 at IYffalo Danaa at Plll~la Denver at Kanw1 Cltv New Yor11 Glanta al New Yortt Jets Plttatlur'Otl at Houlton St. Loula at New Entlancl San FrandKO •• Allan!• Tamoa lav •t Green eav Detroit al Sffllll ~.-.o- Clllca9o a t San Dteeo (Channel 7 al 6 P m.I NprL lndlWluel ..._. A" ~· iaA ~ Y• TO INT M.trlno, Miami 42' VS )110 3' 12 Euon. New Entland l54 220 2720 20 6 Krlat. S..ltle 354 202 17IO 24 16 Elwav, Denver 2"2 171 2074 1' 9 ,,-oull, Sen Dteeo S07 317 l740 19 17 ...... TC Y• AY't LG TO McNett, ,,.,, 21s um u SJ s Jacki.on, San Oteeo 240 '73 4.1 132 I .-. 1t..-n m "' u 41 it hll. luffalo 191 90S u tts J Winder, o.nver 231 .., U 24 3 •acieMn ~ Y• AY't LG TO Newsome, Cleveland 74 -12.0 S2 S Stallw~th, Plll.OUreh 61 1206 17.7 51 11 ~--.It-*" 6S M4 IU • 6 Collinsworth, Ctn. 61 931 15.l tS7 S Watson, Denver 60 951 IU 152 6 NJllC 0Mt1'11ledl• iaA ~ Y• TO INT Montana. Sen ,,.,.n. 35' m 3000 21 I larltl-'111, Altanta 26' 111 2151 11 lO Loma•. SI Loula ... 176 )7~ n IS Didi.rt. Green l•v 3" 203 1792 n 16 Oanle!IOll, Detroit * ns 2MI 16 l~ ........ TC Ym AY't LG TO l**enal\. ·-'" ,.,, s.A .. 11 PaY1on, Cl'llca9o >Ol tUS 4.S tn t Wiider. TamH h y >21 Int U 17 10 ltleet, Allan!• m 1212 U S7 11 Tyter, s.n Fran. 210 1125 U 40 • ltaeeMf'a PC Yda A"11 LG TO Mot*, Wasl\lntton 12 I 111 IU n S Wilder, T-lav 63 SSS U 50 0 J.-'-t, Detroit 63 m u 3' J Green, Sl.Loull 62 1231 20.0 tl3 9 HouM, TamH l•Y 5' 7'91 IU SS S Odds NJllL • Walhlneton 10 over JIMlnnesota <Tllura· daY) •llatM 7 over New OrlHna •Ml•ml ,...., over • ...,. Cincinnati •nd 11Clevelencl, •ven 11.•uff•lo 3 over t~POll• NY Glanll 3\1\ OllW' aNY Jeta PllllOurtl\ 1 over xlioYtton o•a 4 over •Pflllaclelpf\le •Green In 6 over T•mH lav Oen~ 41,; over •Kanta• CJtv San Franc:llCO ll OllW' XAlll!Ma 11New EllllMd 4..., f1<lllf' St. Loull •'"!tit 11 ~ Detroit llSan Di.to I 0¥tf Chieffo IMoncMv> COLLIM ' Ftoflda J over llFlorlda State liottoo Cotllel 17 f1<tllf' xHotv Croaa $MU Vt. aNevadll·L.aa v ... a. no odcb Aullurl'I 6\11 OYllf' Alaoeme (at e1rm-~ Ala.) 11Taxat 10 0-TeUI MM x<Hor ... 7 over Georela Tacll ·-----"°"" ,..,,., '""' ....,...., ........... c ........... tdl ...... ,_IOAY'1 eAM9 TOiedo et Tamete, n SATURDAY'S fNMJ .... $MU •t NtvMll·l.M v ..... n ...... ~ ... ......... "'" at Houlton ltqt MM at Tt•• .... Aullurll vi. ~ II llr~ (CMllMI 7 at • a.m.> OW.la Tedi ·~=­TtMM ... al V ''°'i.. 11 ,..,.... It. ((.lllllMI 1 at lti>O •. m.) .... ArmY vt Navy at Ptlll1d lsftla ICnaMll 2 at f e _m,I -....-c..... .. __....., 0... ..,.., ....... ..... ~ ..... ~,._ .... ( ........... , ............ Corone ... ,,,., .... INN, , .. 11. \W, U·I\. Oe1V Mt ,~ 15'$, IH, *'IS, \H "Wc·u have to~ our very best pme of the )'C*J' hope that they don't." admits Sadd.leti.ck Coach Ken S~n, wh<>te 01~ finished the leUOO with I 9· I RICC>fd. But Swearin~n admits hi1 team's record i1 deceivina: "We're basically an 8·2 team {the Oauchot' loa to Sao Dieso Mesa wu forfeited by the Olympi.an1) and with a chanp of the bouMe of the bal~ we're 6-4. ' Fullerton, meanwhile, bu man· bandied iu opponeou in aoina 9~1. ' -_ ":;:;;.J LAI .......... TUSIOA Y'I allU'-n ,,,..,ff ....................... , ,Ill.IT aACI. 350 verch. E•n IMak• (Craaw> s.oo uo uo o.dtam S.lftl (H. Girdi) II.AO UO SOiar Cherotr (ltula) 3 40 AllO rac.d: A-ionk.lt, EHY .. m. Peta TOii TllMr. Or Burbank, Mlthtv ltunnef', 9UMV• Marrldoc, Aamerle•n Flttlt.,., Tim.: ll.00. I MlCOMO •ACI. 350 Yal'd\. Call Tiit lhlse IE.Orel 10.20 4.10 UO Cateflem And Catllll (Ward) 4.20 UO -Wont" Olltv OallY (2\Mlt) 4.00 Alto rac:.d: Country Ti.>. MlcllMI Hunt, The Power, CMano\laa Moon. ,,.... ear-,., •• Bold Crlnlton ltu6er. Time: llM. '2-0AM.Y OOU.LI (t-7) peld 123.«I. '2 IXACTA !1·11 Hid 120.IO. TH•O ••ca. 350 nreb. UdV 9arrad Go 1Tr1t) 10.20 UO 3.20 Sur.iv A Cl\amcllOn (Ward) UO 2.AO .... (ltult) l.40 AllO l"eced: Caltfcfnla Nath••. Tl\tt ltequnt, Too Grecte, Kid M.trcua. Wiid Stlakln ltCKle, IMdWJ Klc>fY. ,,-1y Humolrd ... ly. T1me: 11.11. ~ llACI. 400 Yafd\. Str ... Smart (Paullnel l0.00 4.00 l.20 Scats ClaOb« IE. Gerda) l.20 UO Tri N Pus Im ICl"MI*') s.20 AllO r.cad: Falller Oelt, Frat"· ltoman Empire, Annatlet, 9rlttol Sover, Clllatdo lttfl, MallY Milo. flrlw: 2U9. 12 aXACTA 110-7) Hid 124.00. JlllJll'Tit llACI. )SO vard&. Trlpta Or Notlllnl (Htrt) 4.00 3.20 2.20 IC.las John An Go (Harmon) S.IO 4.00 Annlas Scournal IZufettl ' S.60 Also rac.d: Soon 00..r, Annlveraarv VIiie, lndiM Sari, Mv ICllY Girt, Oeflnltelv A.wrad, OarHnt Dasher. Time: 11.li. 12 IXACTA (2-SI peld 122.00. SIXTM RAC•. 350 vera. Et SU-man CE. Garcia) 7.20 l.00 2..40 J-. Lerno cea<oou > 2.IO uo It !aqua T 00.v I lroolla l l.AO Also rKoad: Tlnva Gav "'°°"· Amarian PollcY. Smollam Tiny, OelletllNI Time Time: 17.7'9. 12 •XACTA (H ) Hid n uo llVaNnt llACI. )SO vareb. Torian IH¥1l U.IO 1200 7.00 Trudlle ,,-air (OelomOa) 4 IO l IO Llll..00 (TrNMKa) 6.20 AllO rac.d: ~ LIM Two, Aflaal• S~. Renie Danie Moon, Mandv l rvne. Miu M«wv LanOer, l rletlt Aa A Flasl\, S.11y Slllr1rl. Time: 17.'9. ll aXACTA (S-9) H id 1137 tO •IGHTH aAQ. l50 varda. Klllvs Coffer CCr"911f'l 4_00 UO ? 10 AUIMV LYM (A6alr) U0 l 20 WlndY O.tll ( ... rt) 2 10 Alto rllCH: lleba9aln. Datllln l ier•. Pau My Coe>v. Mattie Maid, . Time: 17J4. U aXACTA c.-4) paid '44.00. 12 ~IC SIX (9-l0-2-4-HI paid llS,706.40 wllh one wlnnlne tlcllet Oh1 llOrWs). 52 Pk* Slll conlOlatlon oald 1275.40 with S7 wlnnlne tlckeh (five '-Mal. NINTM aACI. 440 yarch. Slnful TIGn (Cr....,.) UO UO 2.40 SIA* Number (CMdotal S.20 4.00 Hts Sur• ltovel IDelomOal 3.40 Time: 22.'9. II UtACTA (1·10) Hid lll40 Alt~),47&. NHL C~ILL COM,HINCa Chieffo St.Louis MIMe&OI• O.lrolt TorOl'llO Sm¥1lle OM.-w L T "" 0, OA 16 l l )S 111 •7 1l I 1 11 108 ll 11 1 22490 79 10f>n9016 4 11 2 10 75 141 '"""'OM.a. 10 11 2 n •1 11 lO 9 1 21 76 n 1 10 S 19 10 fl 6 12 2 14 75 91 4 lS 3 11 61 107 WALIS CC*JlllalNC• PlllladelPlll• NY lslandera Waalllneton NY ltaneera Plttltlurtll New.WMv NIOnlrMI Quetlec '9ollOll 9uflal0 ...,!ford iaatndl ~ 14 3 432'95' 13 7 1 71 111 90 1 1 s ,, n n • 10 1 17 75 • • 11 ) IS n tO • 12 2 14 .. .. A..,. OMUM 13 s , 21 79 •2 11 11 ' n .. 90 11 '' 1 23 79 ., • 10 3 21 IS 79 I • 3 19 .. 13 ,.... ... ~ WIMloee 51 .._ ) Buffalo 2, Pitt*"" , W~t,QueMc2 New ........ s. ""'-'• 2 ~ 4L Clllc.ato 2 Edmonton 7, ToreMO I St. Louis 6, V~ I TllllllM'10.,,... MIM9t0!• ., Hanford ~.,Detroit NY 1"9ndln et CalNrv W"""'9t0n at NY lttMen ,......,. . ._ VtllCOll"" at K-. ~if ... lon New ...., at ,.., .. , ••• 11 .. Clllattloat~ ,,... s, K""8 J ,_.. .. ,.... I "I >-t • J o-3 ~ Hornets' looe defat came ...._,t Taft-the No. l·nn.Ud tt.am in the Southland -an Tat\. Tbe Oaucbo. will be out to tum thi~ _around after loaina lut year's PONY 8oYfl J.4.7, and the 1982 version. JU to the same Hornet squad. CoMMUN!l Y Colu Gf the lc:adlna oueer in Fullcnon Cd- lat history, •u~ even 0.ve Wilson, now or the New Orbn• Saints. Quarterback Mike DouaJass pasted Mouw· a pawns ls complimented SlddJeback to the Minion Con-by the runnina of Damon Sweazy ferenc:e championship this seuon, who bu ru1bed for ~ than J ,SOO throwina for t,87S yards. He has yards this season. completed 60. 7 percent of his passes Sw~naen '1 biaetl ~ncem it his this year and totted 14 touchdown defens1ve backfiekf wbJCb bas allow· pa$1et. . ed opJX>$in& quanett.cb to throw • for 2.S27 yards this year. FuUenon counten with a preuy aood arm ofits own in Rocky Mouw. "They're basically a passiAS team NIA WatTlaN eoN'•aaNCI ~acllc DMtlell W L Pct. ~· LA L.Man 10 6 .415 Porllend 10 6 .42S '"'-ti• 9 I .529 IV, Seattle .... 6 9 .400 3'h Goldtn Slate S 11 .JU S LA CllNett S 11 .l 13 S MMlw.v DMlilft Denver U 2 .tS1 Houston u 4 • m 1 i;, 0 ... 1 I I .SCIO S Utan I I ..SOO S Sen Antonio ' 9 .400 6 .... KtMa1 Cltv 3 1l .214 t •An•RN CONJllaR•NCa Atlllllllc:~ Bolton PNIN11Pllla Watlllntton New YOf'k Hew Jarwv 12 I .923 10 4 .714 2\'J 10 7 .Sii 4 19.471 6 6 I • .m 6 .... c...w DMllell MlfWllUllM Chieffo Detroit Atlanta 10 6 .625 I I .SCIO 1 7 I .467 2YJ 6 9 .400 )V, s 1l .Jll s ''""-Clevelend 2 l) .1l3 ,..., TueMIY'a ~ Denver 11', LA~ llO New Yorll 97, Allanta ff PNlaOelPl'llt fl. Wasl\lneton 19 Portland us. Clevtland '°' Ind'-12', Miiwaukee lOS llollon 114. o .... 99 HOVaton 114, Sen Antonio t7 "'-nix 1l S, Ulall 107 Golden State !Of, Chieffo 103 Seattle 104, Kanaa1 Cltv ff , ......... ~ LA Lekan at Ullll SffttleatLA~ New Yorll at New Jllf'WV tndlana at f>t\lladtlplll1 Portland al Detroit l!loaton al ~10 MllwaullN v• Atlanta at N-Orteana Nueeets 1Jt, ~ 110 LA C~llS (llt) -JOflMon 4-12 S-6 ll, Wl'llle J•4 l ·3 t, OonaldiOfl H 2-l 14, Nl .. on 1·6 M 2, Smlt11 S-13 2·4 12, Cat~ l -4 0-0 6. lridoetnatl 2-9 0-0 •• Watton 4-9 1-2 9, Warrlcil 7-10 4-4 II, CaM S-1 1-1 11, Gordon S-12 H 11, Mi.KM¥ 0-l 1·4 1 Totals: U-ff 20-21 no. o•Nv•• (IJ9) -Enetlsl\ 11-19 6-1 21. Nall 1-u 6-7 n . COOf>« J.4 >-• t, Levet S-9 J·S ll. OuM M 0-0 2. Turn.< S-7 3·3 13, t1M1J-1 0-06, Evans 2•6 2-2 6. Hal\1llk S-1 2-4 12. K~I S-10 2·3 l2. Sc:haVfl l·S 2·2 I. Whlle •·t 0-0 L Tolall: SS-100 29-31 139 ken by Ouart.n LA Cll-• 27 23 15 lS-110 Denver 36 JI 42 »-IJt FOUied out-N-R~-LOf An· eetea SJ ISmltll 7>, Denver 60 (Leve< 7) Aul1t1--t.01 Anee!H 20 (Nl•on, Warrick, Walton 41. Denver 37 (Levar 16). To••• foula--t.Of AnHln 2'. Denver 27. Tacllnl· ala-DonaldlOn, LOI A""'9$ llla9at cle- fenaa. AllencHinca -6, 71 S. c ..... blllir ..... TUaSOAY'S seott•s WIST ~dine If. Lono ~ SI, ... WHhlnelon St. "· SI. Martin'• Sl UC Sen Oleeo 13, USIU 70 P~lland 12, Sen JOll SI. 11 (3 ot) Colorado ColleOe n , Wllllllar 6S Cat PolY Pomona 60, Pomona·Pllter 57 Point Loma Nu.,_ 111, LA Verne 17 aOCKllS We«lar St. 19, Santi Clara 61 Denver 13, Adema St. St. New Malllco St. U . Teus'l;t Paso 63 Montana 5', Wl&.-Stout 54 E Montana ss. GrMI Falls SI SOUTHWIST . Arltanaaa 5'. Cent Florkla 4S Olllalloma St. 71, s~ F. AU111n SJ Tulsa 16, Oral Rooerta 12 W TeHa SI. 140, New Ma11lco H1911ianch 10 laYlor '9, Prairie View n MIDW•ST ,,...,.,ton 76. ~·$1<•-0rnalla .. Drake 74. Wavne St., N.O. " •-• SI. 93, Mankato SI. S7 W Mld"9an 90, VatNralso S'1 Kent SI .... Tr•s1 .• Ind u SOUTH ICtnluctiv 63, TOiedo 54 E Carollna 51, Ctn!. Connecticut SJ Ga«wla Tacll 74, Tn.-Cllallanoooa SI Geor ... SOulllern 72, Radford ., (OI) s.tn HO\leton St. 7l. Centenarv 69 Mlaalu!HI n . Tann. Wwlevan 5' MlaalsslNI SI. n. J.UIOll St. " ,.._ Orlaana 71, T-.SM St.'' s. AlaMmt Ult, Moroan St. S7 s, Mlu lu lPC>I 74, McNeew SI 56 a AST l!loaton COl!eM 16, New HamoSl'llre 6l ,,-.1~ U , lrown '3 (oil Lone laliand U. al Fordftam, POd ..o-,. Wa\hlgoton 65. ltandolPll·Macon 56 ·~ eo. Hota1r1 n Navv t7. GellYaburt SJ WulllntlOll, Md. 79, Ot4a~ar• 67 ltllode l\latld .,., Htrtford ~ 5*'-71, Utica 56 SI Al'!Mlm'a 12, Oaflmouth 67 IXMl91110N A!Nel• tn Action 11, Puroue 67 ColNtt n . G..,.,.,, OntarlO ., Penn St e:I, IC.tnovac, Y-tavla 's SMALL ICHOOL.I WllOtll 1. ...._ .. crw .. OW1&11-n 22·> 2. AvMofl, AcMlmv 12•1 ). 'lOMtftOftd, 0..1-lnvo 12-f ._ Wooda .. , crw .• °""'*' n-t 5-r~. Trl-c-itv 11-> .. Cate. Free LMCll n -s 1 • ......, ar .. ~ 1'·7 1. T...,,... C11ir1sr1an. Herll... 1.-s f T..-. Oelart·llMt 1•-6 10. Cent. c -1 Cl\r., Trl-Cllv 19-S HIGH SCHOOL OtltLS Cl,,..... 4•A DIVtUC* IL.MtY_.t Re<el'1f) ~ ScMtl. l.-.-llK. I. ~. CheMel ll·O 2. Comi>lon, "'-• 24-S >. Culver City, Oclan 21-• 4, Ly-OOCI, San Oabri.t Viv 22-S S. ,__. VllW, s-.t JS·J 6. LI fotv. Moore lf-1 1. Muir, PKl!k 17·l I. NewtluN Partl, Marmonte 14·l0 9. Gahr, Sall O.Wlel Valev *' ... --°"' ........ »-' Olh•o: ~ ... Miine. 17-6; w .. 1- laka. Marmofttt, 17·7; Mornlne&ldl, P\on- -· 25-4; OCllM View, '-"'· lf·11 lneMwoocl, OcaM, 11-14. J• A OfYts.toM I Foothlll, ~ 27·2 2 Palmdell, Goloen 23-J 3 lr....ollllde, Or....-,,.., • ltlv. Pot\I, CltrUI Ml lt-7 S. San G.Wlel, ,,-oolM 2l·S 6 Lowa, Emolr• n -s 1. W11•11•, lee View 11·> -I Lollltll .. , San Famafldo Viv 20-f t E..,.,-anta, Emcilr• 17·7 10. w .. '-"· Oranoe 1s-10 • Othtrs: Sdlurr, Foolllll, 24·3, Ant91ooe v ........ Goldilfl, 17·7, J.W. Nortll, lrvy, 17·7; Norco, tvv, 1.-11. Allmanv. Sen Fernetldo Vallev, lt•I, HH Wlltoll, Slerrw. 1,_7, Mlulon Vlelo, SOutll Coaat, 19-7 SMALL ICMOOU 1. MarkoH. Trl•Countv 21-l 2 Boron, 0.-Hnvo 13·1 J. 29 Palm1, 0. Ante IS-10 4. ltlo HondO Pfw, Prw 14·1 S. FHntrldee, Horlion 12-3 6. T rona. Dftllf'Hnvo I · 11 1 w .. 1rldee. Prte1 :lo-2 L ltowmond, Oasarl·lnvo I H O 9. Ramona Convent, H«lion lt-J lO. Unf1lld CMlatlan, Cllrlallan 14°' Other•; ......, ~ -~. If ·61 Woockr .. I CllrtlliM, C'!W"llllafl. U•6, ... umont, O. Anu, l4•9; sn.rm.n tndlan, De Ante. 16·2; Oakwood, Ulwlv, 17-l, Coa'I Unlon1 Trl-C-ly, t-1, Crouroada, Oetonlc, 14 .... , .. ,. •••• rM) T ..... MM'• "'"' .... ,....... Scott Da via IU.S I def Mar1l Kraltl'llann IAuitralla), 7-S, 7·5, 6-4 T ...... __.. Jllln1 .... 11111191 Martina NaYf'atllova (US ) def. Yvonne Vermaak (SOulll Afrla), 6• I, .-1; Warwt-t Turnbull (Australia) def. l.Mlue SaYCMl*o (Soviet Union), •·2, •-1. .,.... .... __.. Jlltnt .... ,...... Ctwla Evert Llo'l'd (U.S.) def. Kim ~ (U.5.l. 6-0, 6-2; Pam Shriver IU S,) def. Camille 9anlamln (U.S.), 6·4, 6·3; Sflaron Welsh LU.SJ di«-Zina Garrison (U.S.), 4-• . .-4. 9•7; ClaWla Kollde-Kllsdl (W"t ~manv) def. Vldll Nelton <U.S.), 6-2. 6·2; Helena Sukova (Caadlollovalll•> def EllM lurvln (U.S.1. .-1, 6-l, SyMa H•nlfl• (W•I G«'manv) def. Lii Smvlle (A111lrallal. 7·5, 2 ...... ._ ~ .... IHTElt~LaOtATI TIMMNAMIHT lat UC IMl!a) 0-....... ,..... Martt eaallaln (UCLA) Oef ROOOla Wein 1"-d!Ml, 7-6, 2·6, 7·6. CMllK Oii.Aura (f'wMrdlne) def Tim Pawaat <USCI. 6-l . 6·l. o.a.---~ Darren Vala -Julen eart1am (UC lrvlne) c:lllf Ired PMl'c.-Ken Oilltf (UCLA), 4·6, '"'· •·•; Alelandro Ramot· SColl PatrldM (U of San Olteo) def Vince H«caaltaa-Peter Sm!"' tLono IMCfl St >. 7-S. 2·6, 7-S ,..,...~ Mark lasl\an'l·Da•ICI Uvlne11on <UCLA> Clef ltoot>le Wetu<r•lt JollnlOl't ,,..._ _.dlnel. 6·4. •-1. Hltll lc:Mll *" CtJll nAYOJlln (Se?& I) 4-A Mir.,..•• 13, Edison s ,...... Jollnton IE > loll lo London, 1·6. loll 10 NO""· 1·6, IOll to Amend, 1·•. Slalt...., <E l loal, o .... 2-.. S-1; CllrlttQl:l\.l!Oa !El loll, , ... , <>-•. 1-6, ~ Smllh·Fetntold (El lot! lo Welcf!Ml- Sllnpaon, 0•6.; def. l•lllV·Hoffman. 6-1. ~. Etvln-IC.reonaa. 6·l, Goldbartar·AJlllOl't <E l won. H . ro.1. 2·6. won, 6-3, Sllff•Slmmom u;1 '°''· 1-6, , .... won. •-1 o... 4-A scan Patoa Vero.. 11, W..tlatr.• ILA) 7 l ·A WMllatr.a ITllOuMnel 0.11.a) 10, S.n Marino I l110vaand Oak• 10, c-111o 1 2·A La Quint• IS, Valencle 3 CNmlnede 10. lndlo I l •A C>i.moM .. , 13. Wftlrldve S La ttalna t , Ma"""9d 9 <LA lteifta actv•ntea Ofl """"· IS-C) ··~ that allo rum wrtJ. Tb.at jj ves them a balanced an.ack, .. Swtannetll •YI ol tbefforDirtL "F\allertoa pvn 'I04J a lot ofk>ob defensively wbicb 11 llDlilar to what Wf try to do oa ddnue. altboup from di.&tent Itta. They have a lot Of exc:dlent athldea and they oome at you in a variety of ways." S"~n uyi. The same pita two of the thre winni.st co~munity ~Uqe coeobel lD the nation. Sbetbect et No. I in the country witb a 19().46.6 record o"er 2A yean. Swa.rinte0 ii No. 3 in the COUJltry with a 11().43-6 reconl over 23 yean. Waves i oll over Long Beach State Pepperdtne buil s big ear y lead, cruises past 49ers From AP ...,.tctae. ' MALIBU Junior forward Dwayne Polee scored a pmc-hi&b 20 points and sophomOl'e forwanf Eric Whlte added 17 Tuesday niabt as Peoomtine rolled to an 81-64 basket· ball-victory over LoQ& Beach State. Peppet"dine scored the first ei&bt points of the pme, led »22 at half and built a 69-46 lead with 6: 18 to play. Pepperdine shot 63 percent in &he second half en route to bcnerina its ~rd to J.l. The 49en, sbootina 41 percent.Jost their season Ql)CO(f. Long Beach State was led by freshman auard Morton Wiley with 12 points. Junior auard Jon Korfas bad l2 points and five assists for Peppefdme. Peppcrdine, led by freshman uvy Middlebrooks' nine rebounds. outre· bounded the 49cn. 41 ·36. In other college action Tuesday: WaMlq1ea S&a&e M , St. Martla'1 SI: In P'ullman, Joe Wallace, a sophomore from Oxnard, scored a careerhigb 27 points to lead Washing~ ton State in its season opener over St. Martin's ColJegc. St. Martin's, 1·2. stayed close throughout the first half, but the Cougars -pulled away near the end of the half before opening a 14-pomt lead midway through the second baJf. Wallace's previous penonal scor- ing. high was 18 points last season against UCLA. He was a reserve for 1w~thirds of the season and won the starting role in eight of WSU's final nine games. . WSU had t.Jie rebounding advan- tage, taking a 34-22 edge. led by sophomore Ken Mathia with eight. Weber State St, Sota Clara II: In Olden, -Utah. smooth-shooting JWlrd Afan CampbelJ led all scorers with 18 poin&s and paced a balanced Weber State scoring at\Ack to a rousing win over Santa Oara. d. Campbell got plen of sconng support from t ates RAndy Worster with 14 point$. Charles Camdine WJth 12 poulU and Kalt Hapo with 12 points. ne will be1ped boost the Wildcats of the Bia Sky Conf'~nce to a )..() reicord. The Wlldcall fbot S6 J)CtC:all.qe, compared to just 42 perceot for Santa Clara, which fell to f-1 for tbe year. Perta.M H , S. .S.. ..... 11: Junior auud 0wa)'lae c.o.tlin ..U two free throws witb a little mote titan a minute left in the third overtime period to IC:al visitiaa Portland's win over San Jose State. The Spertans bad opponunities to Win In the fint and third OvatiJDc and led for m06t of the ICCODd extra 'period. but Portland made six free throws in the final overtime, four by Corbitt. lo lead 8~ 77 with I :OS Id[. San Jose scored twice but SpetWl auard Ward Farris miSIOd a jUJllp shot with ci&bt seconds Id\ tha1 would have won the pme. Portland. oow 2-0, wu led by Darran Jen.kins with 16 points while' San Joee, now ().l, aot 16 from Mike Di.ton. Ieahleky IS, T.._ M! James Blackmon scored 17 points u Ktn- tuclcy rallied from an early 2J.l 7 deficit to cla.im the win. Toledo, a prcscasou favorite for the Mid-America Conference title, SIW any chance of an ui-t vanish wbc:D Kentucky switched to a zonc defentc in the second half. The Wildcats held T olcdo scoreless for five minutes over one st.retch and for 3'h nunutes laler in the half. Arbasu st, Ceatral PlerWa ti! Byron lrvin scored 16 poinu u 17th. ranked Arkansas won its ICCX>od slralght by wtuppioa ~traJ Aorida. Irvin scored 12 of his points in boosli na Arkansas to a 3J.24 halftime lead. and Arkansas Coach Eddie Sutton made libttal use of bis reserves after the margin grew to 5J.32 with 8'h minutes to play. Georpa Tedi 74, Teaeuee-ai.t- tuoora ~•: Cbauanoop_.,ve Geor- gia T cch trouble for 30 minutes btfott the Engineers' bei_fbt bcpn to pay off. Tech got 18 poLDts and 12 rebounds from 6-11 Yvon JO!epb and 7.foot John Salley added l3 points and four blocked shots. Gerald Wilkins had 26 points for Chananooga. I· l. Is Atlanta close to signing Sutter? ATLANTA (AP) -Star rclic,cr Bruce Sutter has authonzed an agent flo accept an offer from the A&lan&a · Braves 1f cenain financial conditJons are met according lo a pubhshcd rcpon. The Atlanta Constitution. in today's editions. reported that. "Sut· ter. on a hunting trip in Pennsylvania. bas told (agent Jim) Bronner that 1f the Braves utend the nec.cssary financial pacuae. a~pt 1t ra&her than watt to consult him." Sutter bas spent the past four seasons with the St Lou1s Cardmals The Const1tuuon reported that Atlanta's offer for the ri&ht-bander is believed to be $7.5 m101on for five yeiii. including a no.trade clause. The ~paper said the team th1 week restructured 1ts offer, without incrcasina its vaJuc, to include de- fetfed J)llymcnl$ to utter fora bout 40 years. "They rnponded favorably to what we're loolang for." Bronner said. "They're in lbe ballpark. 1t JLUl depends on bow far they'll c.arry 1t.'" The newspaper said Bronner and partner Bob Gilhooly bo~ to arrange a weekend meeting · with Bravcf owner Ted Turner. Bronner said the agents also plan to meet with Baltimore and Toronto. but then may "move quickly." "We could hav( this resolved soon." he said. The newspaper sa.td the Braves· wilhngness to include a n~tradc clause has given the club an edge over the Cardinals. Bronner said. "'the Cardinals' chances are dimin1sh1na day-by- day." Atlanta's bullpen last year fcalurcd Terry Fontcr. Sieve Bcdrosaan and Donnie M~. Pitching coecb John-- ny Sain. hired by new Manacer Edd.Jc Haas. rcportcd.ly wants to move Bedrosian into th~ staruna rotation. There have bcc:n reports that Moo~ or another rchevcr. JeffDed- mon. miaht bt used in a trade for a catcher. Eckersley slgns for $3 mllUoa C'HlC AGO (AP)-Pilcher IXnms 1 03 earned run averqie since comin1 Eckersley has aarttd to s1gn a ntw to the bell club from Boston May 2S contract with the C-h1cqo Cubs for $3 "I wanted to act it done u '°°" as million over the next thrtt ~asons. possible to l could act my bead -VC~erDatll~ Orttn hll totdher an<l &el ru(fyfor nut year.1t annou~ makes me feet aood that Dallas "I think tt's a aood 1nd,cauon to all wanted met.ck.-• our fans and players that we art Green said: "Kc had • dam P>C>d Rrious on S\11'\lf\I our proptc:· G rttn ,ur for u pttt.I~ 1n the acoed aid Tuelday. • • hlJr. and we're vay plieaa be11 be , The Vtrbe.1 qrecment with "ith us apan... '' Ectenle)' leava the Cubsncgo11atm1 tn hn 1ui I'\ staru of~ rrau1ar with three otbtt frtt 11tnts. startcn 9a!On, &1tmky was a..3 Wllb 1 l .06 Rick Sutd1frt and , tc\e T rout and ERA. He walked l2 1n IOS UUllDfP. fdae,'tf Tim toddard. The contl'ICt. rqc>Uatcd throuah ··1 think Omn of all of them. had •"' aarnt Ed Kcauna of Ckvdand. COIM out aod a commitment 1ncludcun OJ)l1on f'<>ra founh )'(Wat lhal he wan~ to me bee "Orte1' the th~non of the If they uid. \1on't 9t'Rnt the » ear.old nctn-··rm &)ad 1\ came acrou that war." ha.nc:kr, the) can buy tum out for Id ~).•ho •-as 10.-wath a S200.000 to S300. ( / -\ • .• • IM 0Tange Coe.I\ OAIL Y PILOT /Wedneaday, November 28, 19M I __ "8.IC.__NO_TIC( __ --w NOTICt -- -"8.JC ._,11C£ --MUC M>11C£ -~ PtaJC lfJlJC[ 0 Ml.IC ,.,!!Cf,. ~A~~,,ll ~.==· ~~=r ~~.... --~-NO ..... TIC_IT_:.."""T ... O-°'--, r ~J~ ~ PIO~A~ll l'8oclldecl'f:: nt1SI .. ; =~ Tlle'*-"pwtOnt.,. 'f1'-IOIOWW\Qpet1GM1te 'MAW.D.._.. .,...,~ IUUCTll'llll'laAllD MCMl.._._Dr ._. TllUl1U"llAUI The..........._ __ .,.111n1umtnt 04·41•Ut, clOlna ._,elNIUI: dolna ~ u MA ..... ._.. .. """9111 .. -01 ""9rTIOM TO -o;_... .... ... '1 ~ ;;:-... lllefweno. ot,14'1~; T.&. .... . 0,llS INGINHAINQ, LOCRIMITH, INI Chlf'le AJIDOflHIUION .,.,. , TIUJll D~OMOUO ..="T'GAAY OIA· ,....,.. ~NJUANAlNT·f'f81A-Truitt lllt No 1al ....... lllO AMrM AYll. IH-102, #A, Cotta Meu. CA 92'21 fO ..,.._,.,._. In ll'le luoetlof C<Mm of KVIMM UCGMl(I) "'-""'N YOU A"I IN DlFAVl.T VICI 31102 PeMO AcHllM-YlllM/11878 YOU AM IN DlfAUiT eo.t. ...... Ce#f. IH2t ...... ThomM ""!>$)· 1969 llTATI NO. A19m vi. .... ,. of Callfotnla, !Of (•Cl. 11014107 Der.noant I.EON DIXON. UNDllll A OllD °' fAUIT to, ill\ Juan c~rano. ~-:·,Of' UND(A A ono OM'••"V T ...... Dennie ..,..,.. cMrtt IA. COlta M-. CA To Ill heir•. ~-. IM County of OAANGI ".c.c .... ...,. and OOH I to 10 DATED JANUAlllY ltTH Oaltf t2t75 .. _,,._ '* OATID llPll " •• '"° AciaMI A\le. IH-102, 12127 CftdllOt• lllCI 00ftll"9t'1t lnhMat1erofllltbl•.. STl901ah Cue No uua ltM. UNLUI YOU TAl(f ...,,..,, llMoe •• Cell· IUcmoetTO IMO. UNI.HI YOU TAK eo.a ...... Cellt. t2tH Thia bu11Mte II ,0,,.. crecllt()(t, and Ptf'tOlll9 ~ of DOROTHY fLVIM '"VII NoUC. .. ~ to WOM ACTION TO PAOTICT fotnlll Cofpofltlon, 32102 llL1 ...... ,, ACTION TO PAOTICT Dtborth flluhth ducted by an lndMclual may bt othtrWIM Int•---MAT"UO, DICIASlD tN Oredltort of JO A. W NOnCm '¥• ._.. ..._ YOUft Pf'OP!ATY, IT MAY PINO Mtiento 8an Juen DUD Of' TMI YOUA PfllOPEfnY. IT MAY 1-.nt, 1250 Adami A~ Merltf Rupp 111 tht will Jflel/Of ttt11t Of' ~llherebyQlventri.1 NICl<S. SOClll lecvrllY No ..,_ TI1 .. ewt.., .... 11! SOLD AT A PUILIC CIQl«reno, c;,;/. 92876 ..aflTMn H SOU> AT A PVILIC #H·'Oi, Cotti Mlea, c.llf Thie taatemtm Wt1t lltecl HA A 0 L 0 Q l 0 AGE t._ U116tf11Qntd Wiii Mii at 648·70·5U7. Trantl•ror ........ ,_ ...... ,_, IALL l'YOU NUOAHEX· fhll butlnee• I• COii· NOTICI S IH IALE. "i~N~~A~~l t2Ut \ilil!th IM CO\lnlY Cleft of Or· lNOOMAA Private ... to IN Not*! and LlolnNt., wtloet bUtl• --lllMN ...... ;.. ... llll.ANATION 0' TH! ~tel. by • ~por•tton "YOUA lllAOPIAe~ .. 1 .... ,LANI. I Tiiie !>V91MN II COii· ~County on Oetobtt 15, A pecttlon NII Mttl ftled end bttt blddeir, tut~t to ~ add( ... It SO I lllAAK .......... ..,._ ..._. H A T U A B O ' T H I PNllp l Ntftlood S.O-llOMCLOSUAE I ,._....,.., N A T U A E 0 ' T H I ouo.td~"'*>tndendWIM IM4 by J!AN A. ENOOMAA In con"""4111on Of Mid Su. AVENUE 8ALIOAlllLAN~ ........ Mu... PAOCUDINO AGAINST tetary ' YOUAREllHINOINYOUA PAOCHOINO AOAINIT Dttloretl I . St9'M\I ,_ the aup.r;or OCM#1 °' Qr. '*'°' O®n. on or llttr the In tilt Olty of N!WPORT It you~ to ... ttM Id• YOU YOU IHOULO CON-Thlt et•ttmtnl ... fttecl PAY~IHTS. IT MAY II YOU. YOU IHOULO OOH-TI-. Nlttntnt WU meo Publttlltd Oranot CoMI angtCoun.tyrtqutttfntthel 10ttl~ofDeatmbW,IN4, llACH, C~nty 01 OA· "'°'of en •ttorrwy Ill tNa TAOi'ALAWYIA. wttlltheCountyClwllotOr· SOLO WITHOUT ANY TACTALAWY!A. Wlttl tilt County Ci.rtl Of Or· OtJty ~ NOYWnbtr 14, 21. J~N A. ENOOMAA bt 9P-el the Offloe ot DANl~l W. ANOE. State of Clltforn .. miner, you lhOUld oo to On Deoembtr 21tt, 1N4. anot County on Nowmbtt COUAT ACTION, and you Contlnenlal Aualllllf lnOt County on NO'Mnber n . c:>ec.mbtt 5, 1N4 Pointed .. pereonal ,.. HOLO!N, Ml 8 Hlfbot t2M2. llW • bula tr9Mfltr, tHOmPlly to tMl y<Nt wnt-It t t.00 A.M., Coneolldeled t, 198' mey Mlle '"' ltOtl (lgllt to Company •• CtllfOfnll cor· 2, iN4 W-412 ,_.,,11tlv.10 ldtnlnltter the Blvd , At\tllelm, Celtton\le It 11>01J110 bt mldt 10 WIL· ten retPOft ... lhny, may oe TO hrvlote, 1 C.alfomla ..-11 bring your tOCOUnt In gooclof POl1~~~~:c*. will= ~ .. ,,,. OI the deoedfnt, Tiit ea_eo5. County Of Or1111ge, LIAM c. HARDESTY AND fli.d on lllM. COfl)Oflllon .. OUly •P-PuJ>lllhtd Orange COll1 etlMll\Q ~ peytno Ill -~· ......... Pubtltned Orange Cout "8.JC fl)TIC( ~ltlon reqveett authority Stett or C1Ulornt1, 111 ft\t MARY N. HAADl!STY, AYllOIUttecl na lldo ci., poj"led Truet .. undw end DellY Piiot Novembtf 71 i.. }'OUl'putdvepaymenttplut lht prop•rty detcrtbecl 0.lly Piiot Nowmber 1. 1•. to aclmlnttttt ""' .. ,.,, flOht, 1111• and lnter .. t of 8oc111 8tcutlty No mendllde. a 1r1~ .... pureoent to OMd of Tnitt 21. U , , • .,. J*mllltd coett end •x· btlow11.~. •°"t t·.oo~m.btf, 11 ~~ 21 . H . 194M flte:TIT\OUe IU ..... under Int l~dtnl Act· tlld dtCMMd It tlle llme of 6 2 2 • 3 8 • 6 9 8 8 t n d ......, tefttra U.. eM .... l«lOl'dtd JAN to, It .... N W·3M PtMN wttllln 1111 .. montht ._ W-347 NAMe IT Aft..,,,. mlnlttretlon of !tt11 .. Mt. death 11110 aff IN rlOlll, 1111• 588~80· 71•1, Tr1n1flrH ,..,_ • ,....... _... u.. IOetr. M'o. '4"°2t3e3, of Of· from the datt 11111 notlot of eovtti lr~tyr~ TM following ~ 11 A "-ting Oii the petlllon anct lntetttt tti.t the wtatt and lntendld Trant••"· ,...,,,,...._ •• ..., llctel Aeootdt, executed by· defl4Jlt wN reeordedllO · ~ ~~ 111 tht 200 9IOCll 01 doing butlneu u Wiii bt held on DECEMBER Of Nici cltceued 11u -wno.. bullnett eddr ... te U. It lft,_t11Hh II ... Mnt I. PteYOfne, en unmtt· amount It 13.811. • .. "' ,,_ PUBLIC M>TICC HUBER LEMING COM· 11. 19'4 11 t :30 A..M. In qulnld by op«ttton of law Of 602 SOUTH IAY,AONT, ....... I n.o woman u Mi IOlt and P\aJC NOTIC( 11/oell'. and wtll tncr .... tilt w .. 1 Wiant•~· .~.1 _________ , PANY 337 E 20th Slreel o.Pt No 3 II 700 CMc o~. otllef lhllll Of In BALBOA IS LANO, In '"' City 1f '" wt.ft .......... ...,.,.,.property .. truttOf. until y<Nt aooounl btoon* (10f'll'ltr1y tit v• .. r ,. ACTmOU•IUaMH C:0.11'MtM.c.1tt.t282t • Centtr Drive w .. 1. Sant• ld<fltlon 10 lhll of NICI 0.. ol NEWPORT l!ACH. 8'MOeefMMWMrlfl ... In ti.~ of the County 'lCTmOUllU ..... QI(,.,, Youmeynoth~to Sent•~. ·~:n:.c,. t MAMSITATl'.mNT AlcherO Ct\ltlet Huber Ane.CA92702 OMMd,tllhel~ofdeltl'I. CountyofOAANGl.Sllt•of ,,..._, ,_......,. .... A«lorwofOrangeCounty, NAlllllTAft......, pey tilt 1ntlft unr*d POI· TM -o The f~ per~ .,. 337 E. 20th StrMI Cotti IF YOU OBJECT 10 tht In and to Ill the oertlln real Cellfoml• t2M2 ,........,, ..... ,.. ...... St•I• of Cdlomle. WILL Tiit IOllOWlnQ f)tftofl• .,. lion of your account • .-i the '=-' ~ '°' c-: ~ buein.a u. Mell Calif t2128 granting Of tilt. ~tltton. you property, lllullld In the City The IOCetlon In Ce111oml1 '-" ,......., • _,, fMf M 8flL AT PUILIC AUCllON doing ~ u · UIOuQh full PfY'M"I w• c»-Of I • peyt l~DERO SOUTH HILLS. Thi~ butln .. e It con-ehOvld tlthel eppell( al the of Anallttm, County ol Or· of the Ctllef uecvttve olflot Med -tlfM, TO HIOHIE8T llOOfl\ l'OA D H ICHMll' CO 456 manc)ecl, bUt you mvlt pey at IN tlmt of .. In la.M INC, 2415 Cemp14 0r1.... ducted by .,, lndllll®ll hMtlno and •t•t• )'OUr ob-ange. St•t• ot Calllornl1, or ptlnolpel t>vtl,.,... Olflot .. ..,..... ..... ....... CASH (p•y•ble ., llmt Of Clbrlllo C:O.t• M .... c.M· the emount ttalecl •boYI· money °' tM~~Slll~ lull• 20&. lrvtM, C1lll0tnl1 Richard Huber lfCllOat or flit wrjllen oC)JeO· per11culany detcrlbtO u tOI· of the lnt1nded tren1feror 11: _. OtflMfe .. w .._... Nit In lawful money .of the tomlt 92827 • After Ulf .. rnontllt from of Amet1ca. • , .. .,._.. mu ... 92715 thl• tta1~1 wu filed tlont with lhe court before low1, to-wll: ~ en .... __.., de6ette Unlltd Slat•) at· tilt touth Oevld M Htrrl• •H the dltt of reoordatlon of bt Clfawn on I ftllt or nt• 8rldt.wood South Hille. with the CC>Ynty Clt<lc of Or· Int ri.arlng xour IPl>Mf· LOI 182 of Treclt No. 2489, All Other blltlneet narnee l!Mer.. 1---elMMfll•, front tntrtnot lo IN Orange Cabtlllo Cotti MeM. Cell· 1hlt dooumenl (Whleh dltt Of Uontl btnlc, • 1t1te or I~· Inc . • Ce111orntt corpor-1no• County on November anc.m1y be In pereon °'by In the City of Anaheim. end 1ddr ..... uMd by the d• Ht• ,. .. 11.,1, 111 county Old Countiouee. 21 t IOl'nla 92827 • raeord1Uon IPPM'• 11er .. al atdll .. ~ !.! 1111 •Of •tfon, 2415 C1mpu1 Ori11e, 2 1984 yOVI e1t0tney C~nty of Orenge, Sleft or Intended trant,.,or within ,..,.,.. .. ....._ • her w. Santa Ana Bov~ltd, Kathleen N Schut 1711 on). un .... Ille obllgatlOll Mdtrtl -·""''" .. .., oen u- &.tlt• 205, lrvl,,., Calltornlt ' ~ " YOU ARE A CREDITOR C11Jfornle, e1 per map r• 1hr• years lttt put t0 flt ... une, ,_.. Mr ........ City of Sentt Ana. Stitt of WNlmlntt., ' COiie 'MtM. being f0tecloMd upon I*· IOOltllon ~lie: In~ 92716 Pubtlthecl Ormnge Coat Of t contingent creditor ol corded In boolc 83, Peoet 6. u known to the Intended trecle • ...,.... Calltotnla Ill rlghl, tltle incl California 92127 mlt1 1 IOnQtf J*IOd. you fomll. The eMe wt bt Thlt butlneu 11 con-o111y Pllo1 November 7, 1•. the dlCMMO, you must me 8 end 7 of Ml9ctli.n.ovt 1ren1f8'or .,., none 1·TO TH(• ottnNDAMTi lnltteet con~ to Ind Thlt builn•H 11 con· ha~ onty tht legel right to wtlll<Mlt covenant or Wit· ducted by" • corpor1tlon 21 28. 11M your Claim with the coun or Mapt, In the office ol the The property II detcrlbld A ct¥11 oomp'itrt "-..._ now held by It uf'l<Mf MIO dvetld by • Qtntfll pan· ttop the i0<ectot1.1r• by PAY" ranty, .XPf ... Of lme>lltd, r• Manin J Hoell, Pret1oen1 W-397 preeetll 11 to tht '*tonal covnty recorder of Hid 1n Qtntf•I u Alt atoclt In fled.., tilt..-...._. DMd of Trutt In the property Mttl'tll) Ing the entire amount dt-Gtfdlng tilt Utte, potHHlon Thlt tt1tement WU nteo repr ... n111iv. appointed by county trade. fb11ur ... equlpmtnl JOU "JOU ............... tlt11tlecl In MIO County Ind DAVID M HAAAIS mended by )'OU' Cfedltor. or lleM. with the County Cl«ll of Or· I.flt c;our1 within lour month1 More commonly known encl good wlll ol e certain lht•' tewtutt, '°". lllltlt, Sttt•detellbld N Lot 19 In KATHl!EN N .SCHAAF ' To f\l)d out the amount Co11ttntn1tl Au111111ry llnot County on November Pla.IC NOTICE trom the dete of flrtt I• H : 1839 Jenette Lant, RESfAURANT bu1lneu whttlft IO deyt etter thll 8locll 4..0 o4 Corona Del Thie ttatement wu nteo you mutt pey, or to etrangt Compenr 11 Ille Tru1t .. Of 19, 1984 tuenc:. Ol letttfl u provtded An~m. CA known u OONSHIRS Ind evmmont 11 MtVecl on you, Mer, In the City of ~ with the Count Clertl of Or· IOI' ptyment 10 ttop tilt for.. under lhe abOYe Deed 9Mtyt Hughe., Qlbton, 'ICTTTIOUI IUl&NIH In Section 700 ol tht T.,ma of Nie CUii in•-· located 11 50 t PARK AV· flte wltll tlllt OOUf1 1 Wffttel'I BNch, County Of Orange, C~nt ~ Novembtt Qlotufe, or If your property I• Trutt llgntd by Oouolll I . ChMf'I a Crvtchef, ~.O. aox NA• eTATlllllNT Probell Code ol Celllomlt. tul money ol Ille United ENUE. !tAL80A ISLAND. In reeponM to the c;ornplalnt. Stete of Celtfomta, M per ~98• y In torectoture, Of II your Bynon end ,1\1111 Bynon.~ a.o, Mewpof1 a..dl, Cell-The folfowlng person• are The urne tor tiling cltlm1 wtll Stt1e1 on cont1rmt1lon of the City ol Newpo<1 BNch. Unleu Y9V do. your dtfavtt MIP rtc0rdtd In Book 3, ' n•im property I• In tortclotUre tor er• merrled to Mah olhtr ._. aea doing butlnett •• nol expire pr10t to four Nie, or pa11 cuh tnd bal· County ol Ortngt. State of wtll be entered on IWfl-PegM 41 end •2 of Mi. Publlthed Ort co..t 1ny other , .. ton. oontecl: end rec:0tded on Stplttmbtr F_.t AMERICAN FINANCIAL mC>rlll'lt lrom the date ol the enoe tYI~ by note .... Ctllfornll, ind traiuler the cation of the ptilnlllf. and celllneove Mepe, reco<d• of Deity Piiot NoY9m~ 28 Q9-American Saving• end t5, 1980. It lntlrutntnl No. Publlehed Orange Cout SERVICE. 10081 Ttlberl h11rlng no1k:e tbOve cured by Mortgage or Tru11 followlng lleohollc beverage thll court may ent., 1 ~ Oran,ge County, C1llf0<nl._ cemt>er 6 12 19 lt8<4' Loan Attodlllon, 16725 E. 18818. In Book t37•2. Page Dally Piiot November 23. 80, Ave .. Suitt 200, Fountlln YOU MAY EXAMINE lhe Deed on the property to llcente (or llcef'lMI); ON menl 1galn1t you for the,. Tiie 1tr•I tddr ... Ind . • . w -•27 Whittler Blvd .. Whitt!«. Call· 1568, or Offlol•I Recordt, December 7. , •• 1984 V1lley, Ctllf 92708 Ille kec>I by the court II you told.Ten per cent 01 •mount SALE BEER ANO WINE llef dtmtnded In lhe com-Oii'* common detlgnetlon. I 0 r n.. "0 8 0 7. ( 7 1 4) County of Otlngt, Call· F_.98 D•k·Onl Inc: • Ca~lornlt 11e a pereon lnlerHled In bid to be depotlltd with bid Number •8-1135493, now pltlnt which C()Uld reevlt In II any, of the real property 773·1134, B 1·212108 8 t(F). tornla. The! DMd Of Truet Corporetlon. 1ooe1 1alt>ert Iha Ht1te you m1y ..w Bld1orotter1tobelnwrlt· 1uuect 10 prtml ... located g1tnlthment of wegee. Ilk· oucrlbtd above 11 1fyouhe11eenyqveet1on1, wu gtven to NCWt en ln-__ Dll_ID_• 'C_W\_T-IC_E __ Ave • Suite 200. Fountlln upon Iha uecutOt Of •dmln-Ing end will be rec:e!Yed ti •I 501 Per• Avenue. e.tboe Ing ol money or property or purported to be: 429 PlBllC NOTICE )'OU th~ld conttot • lawy9r det>tedneM In f1vor of 8ri ,.._, "" Valley, Calif 112708 lt1r11or. or upon the ti· the tfor-ld offlot ti 1ny llllnd, N-pon BMcl\. CA olller relltf requetltd In tilt N11clttv1 Avenue, Corona Of the govemment aoencY of Amer1ce Natlonel Tf\1111 --..-=.,;....;.;.;;,.,;.;.;;.;;..__ Tnl1 bu11ne11 11 con· 10tney IOt the executor or time tiler the 11t11 publl· 92862 tor th• preml-complllnt Del Mlf, C.fffornlt 92926. YOU ARE IN OE FAULT whlCtt ~ ri.~ lntured your and Sevlnge AMOClellon. • ACTITIOUI IMl ... lt ducted by a c0tportllon 1<1mlnl1trtl0t end tile with cation l'leftof Ind before IOclted 11 501 Piile Avenue. Otted November t 1983 The underligntd Trvtt" UNOEA A DEED OF TRUST loll\ n1llonal banlllng ~ NAa. ITATl.mNT P.ier J BrlfTlfT'I, PrMldenl t,,. court with proof ol Mt• d•t• of.... Bllboe lllend J PETERSON Cler1c • dlll,delma tny llet>IMty for 11\Y DATED MAY 18, 1984. UN-Remember, YOU MAY tlon VOii .... In default lot The fOllowlng pereon. et• Thie ettlemtnl WU flied vtc:. •• ""hten requett 11tt· Deted thlt 20th dty Of No-Thll 11'1• •mount or By B MALLtCOAT Oec>u1Y lnco<rectneet of the ,,, ... LESS YOU TAKE ACTION LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF falling 10 carry out your~ doing t>utioeet II WAY.-wilh I~ County Cletk of Or· Ing thtt you dellre 19ecial vember, 1W purc:hue prlct or contlder· QAAY QIMlANN,. DUff'Y, lddreu Ind other commof'I TO PROTECT YOUR PROP· YOU DO NOT TAKE gt1lont under the DMd of M A s T E R s . 2 2 3 2 enoe County on November noliCe of the tiling of It! In-bec:vtor of the 111111 of •tlon In connection with laid GIAMANN. OKUAKI AND detlgnatton. II eny, tnown ERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT PROMPT ACTION Trult TM deftult Wit , .. Ponclerou, Santi Ant, CA 8. 1984 ventorytndawtleementof tald o.o.denl. tranafer of Uk! lk:enM l0t Wll.NTT ' htlftln. A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NOTICE 16 HEREBY CO<ded on July 8, 1984. II 92701 F2Mn2 •t•tt UMl1 or ol the ~I· Oenlet W Holden. Al· 11<:«1-) t.nd Mid butt~ 1t 712 Me c Arthu r Stld Ille will bt made, but NEED AN EXPLANATION GIVEN. That SUNl(IST SER-lnttrvrMnl No 84-278• ti, Nell Sl19hen Benet. 2232 Published Orange Coast Ilona or 1CCOUnt1 mentioned torney, 558 S. Hllrbor Blvd., lncludlng the .. tlmlltd Jn aouteverd auttt 200 without oovenent or Wll· OF THE NATURE OF THE VICE COMPANY, la now ot Offlcl1I Rec:ofdl of the Ponderou, Santa Ant. CA Oally Piiot November 7, 14, In S.Cllon 1200 11\d 1200 5 ot Anehelm. Ctlllornlt 92805 ventory, la the 1um c Ir" In•.' c, It f 0 r 11 11 ranty, HPrtN Of lmptled, r• PROCEEDING AGAINST duly 1ppolnled Tru1tH above coonty. Mort then 92701 21 28. 1984 lheC1lll0tnlt Probate Code. Publllhtd Orlllgl Cou1 19.000.00 .• Whlcl'I eontlttl o t2715-M71 gtrdlng tllle, po ..... lon, or YOU YOU SHOULD CON· under I Dead ot Trull dlted thr• montht ha~ pUMd Tiii• butlnH• 11 con· \'.V-399 IOctlMI I . ...,_,_,, A'· Delly Piiot N0Ye01bef 27, 28, th• following: Cattl 111 th< (714) .,...... encvmbrencee, to pay tllt TACT A LAWYER 01105178 uecuted by: tlnce tile notlot Of deflUU d~"( Bby: tn lndlvlduet tomey ti Lew, 5000 C-· December 4, 1984 tmount ol $4,000.00. ProCJl Publl1hed Ot1nge Cotti r1mllnlnp prlnclpel 11.1m ol NOTICI M LE R 0 Y WALK ER & w .. rto0tded. 8eceute of T •nee PtlJUC NOTICE pl.It Drive, Newpott 9Md\, TW.J14 IUory not11 (unMCured)'ll 01Jly Piiot November 7 14 lhe notl(I) tec:vred by llld TIIUITll'I IALI BARBARA J. WALKER. u Ille deftult, the Tru1t..-wtll hit tltltment w•• filed CA t2tlO Iha lfnOUlll of '5,000.00 ~1 28 1984' . • Deed of Trutt. wflh lnt.,MI T.L .... .t*2 TruttOf, to ..cur• obll· NII II public euctlon lo tM wtlh Ille Coonty Clerk of Or-mrmooa au...... Publtlhed Orange Coett Pla.IC NOTICE Thll h hu ~ agreed . • W.Jtl lhtlfeon, .. prOYlded In Hid NOTICE IS HEREBY o•tlont In revor of· AMER).. hlghetl bldw tilt Inter• engt County on October 1e. NA• IT ATl.mNT Dilly PllOI Novtomw 21S, 29. be1-Mid llcenMI Ind l\Ole(I). ldvanoM, If 11\y, GIVEN, lh•I on Wed~•Y· CAN SAVINGS & LOAN AS-now held by the Trust• 1984 the IOllowtng peraone .,. e>ec.mbef 5 198• NOTICI Of' Intended ltlt!lf8' .... r• under the ,.,m. ol llld Deed Oec4tmbef 12. 198', II , 1:00 SOCIATION ... a.n.flct1ry. under Iha Deed of Trull on '211174 d<>lng bull,_ u . PER· WTn--423 ntuan1·a 8 ALI q~ed by s.c. 2~74 of the ol Truet. •-. ct111geia Ind o'cioc;lt, m 01 Mid dey. In Recorded on 01/31170 N tne lollowlng Ot1crlbect Publllthed Or1nge Cout 1 pH E RA L s 1 NT ER . "9f. No._.., &Jat,_ llld PrOlenion• P\8.IC NOTICE ••l*IMI of the Trust• Ind the room Ml Ulde f0t con-document no. • 1000, bool< property located .Jn...Jn. ~9ei~Novemi:;:.14•21 NATIONALWLH 121121111-DlmtlC NOTICE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Cooe,th11theconlldtrt11on ,,... .. NQI C""._.... ollhetrutttcrNledbyNld ducting Tru1tM'1 S11e1, 12549, page 737 ol 0f1lcjal c;ountyolOrengt.~; • ........_nbef 5· 1 tey View • 1 G11oen Grove, ~ UUI. UNDER A DEED OF TRUST l0t the trentf., ol Mid bull· ""'" ""'"• • Deed of Trutt, for the willltn the ottkiet of REAL Recorda In lhe offt. of the THE SOUTHEASTERLY IO l W-4 l l CA 92~5 DATED 10/03/80. UNLESS MM lfld trtntf« of Mid MUHtC•AL COURT amount rM1on1b~ Htl· EST A TE SECURITIES SER· Recorder of Otange County, FEET OF LOT 34, TAACT D [AT H N 0 TICE S RC:~d:; ~r ~~~~ .. ~~: ~::J:~ ;~gT:tTKE v~8~10~ROTP~ ~':':..: t:~n:., "h::: c.:.'! g;~ .. , m~':' t!!:'.J~·e~8i.ld ~~~'°::.'~1~! ~~ ~,! ~·~~·~~~~~~.~~~ 6~4sT~"t.cJ~~ c~01~ g: 8eec'1. CA 92049 C Ll,OftHfA ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT approved by Ille Oepa/1· '*"'•AN. Oetd of Trull htlfelofore tll· City ol Sente Ane. County of Tl\11 the t>enellclll lnttr•t ORANGE, STATE OF CAU. Thi• bu1lne11 II con· A . A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU menl ol Alcohollc s.v.<ege CA moa ecuttel end delivered to the Ortnge. Stat• of Cetltornle. under uld [)Md ol Trutt FORNIA. AS PER MAP Al!· THOMPSON dueled by an lndlllldull Al~~~~NT NEED AN EXPLANATION ContrOI. Pl1lntlil: CREDIT RE· underelgned t wrlllen Dec· REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Ind the obllgellon, NCUred CORDED IN BOOK 1 I PAGI! Wltllem L Heed NO ..... OF THE NATURE OF THE Thal t tale, trantfer Ind COVE RY ASSOCIATES, l111t10n of Oeltult ind 0. SERVICES, t C1llfornlt COi· tMieby tre pretentty l'lttd U , MISCELLANEOUS M AR GA RE T W Thlt 111temen1 was filed Nolte. t~ ~---PROCEEDINGS AGAINST atalgnment or the 1lor ... ld INC mtfld for Sale. and a written portllon. u duly tppojnltd by the t>eneflcltry. fll•t I MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THOMPSON, born with the County Cle<k 01 Or· Own«e T '' YOU. YOU SHOULD CON-llOC:k In trtde, tlxlurta, Oeltndtnt: DANIEL C Nollce of Oeleull and Elec· Trutl• under 111d pur11111nt breectl of, and del1Vl1 In, tht THE COUNTY AECOROEA F b l0 l 9 l4 i U h IJlgl County on OClobef 15, "-dint Of TACT A LAWYER equipment Ind good wlll of FULWILER tlon to Sell. The undetllgned to the P<>W9f of N1e1 eon· ot>11Q1tlon l0t wntcn utd OF SAID COUNTY. e · ' n t.a · 1984 An•H-I On 1210•104 •t 10 00 1110 butlneu wlll be Ct>fl· Ctte No 1S3032 cavteel Ilk! Notice or 0. lttred In th11 certlln Deed of Deed of Trust I• MCUrlty 1181 The acklr ... "' otl'lef come Passed away Nov. 19, F2571M NOTICE IS HEREBY AM INTERSTATE TRUST tummlted, Ind tllt con· I UMMONI leull and Electlon to Sell to Tru11 executed by Ed A. occured In th1t the payment mon detlgnetlon, ti 111Y. O'I 1984 in Newpo rt Publllhed Or1ng9 Coul GIVEN 11111 on lhe 28th day DEED SERVICE, INC ,Uthe lldtr•llon tnerlfor IOQ«Mr NOTICll You tine beef! bt ftcorded In lhe OOVtlty Strulhtrl Ind Jotnnt hU nol ~ m•de °''Fell· the rMI property deec:tlbtd Beach Sunn.ved by Dally Pllo1 November t• 2 t ol November 198• there duly eppolnted Trull .. with the ~etton fOf •uecl. TM C04#1 _, deotde where the ru l property ~ Struthtr•. hutbtnd end urt to mllt1 the 09101184 tl>c>Ye b purported to bt. 28 Oecemt>« 5. 1904 wu recorded In Iha Office of under end purau1n1 to Deed the 1ranaf8' encl utlgnrn.,11 .. elMt JCMI ~ 'I04lf located wll1. recorded M1y 31, payment or prll\Clpal Ind/or 130 Albtrl Plac:e, Cotlt daughter Mrs Lynn W·•13 ll'I• Superintendent of of Trull. Recorded on of Ille 1loreuld l~N (Of betnt "-rd ""'"9 JOU r• COfltolldated TD l er· 1984, In th• offlot 01 th9 tnttrnl end all tubttQvtnl Mete. CA 92826 W i I I I a m s . s o n StrMll of tne Cll of Irvine 1016180 u Document no. llcentet) It to ~ plld on Of •pond •rthtn IO dep.. "9ed wtoee, • C......,,.. eotpor· County Recorder of .. Id p1ymen11. together wtth 111• The TruttM dltclalmt 11ty L eon a rd L owry ursuinl 10 sect'fon 10402 7•211. Boote 13775 Ptge titer the 14TH DAY OF OE· the lnfotlNtlon be&ow. etlon, • Mid Trvet•, By: County, u Recorder'• In-chergH. Impound•. Im• lltbUlty lor eny Incorrect MM Th 0 m p s 0 n J r , Pla.IC NOTICE ~r Ille Ctllfornl• Street• ind 1565 ot Offlclal Record• In CEMBER. 1984, tt tht If )'Oii wtlh to Reil theed· Q111d1lup• H. Loper, atrument No 84-226909. by pound depotlll. If eny, olthe tddr ... 0t other com- HI '1wt , Code (II 111 lne office of tne Rec0tder of ucrow dtptrtment or Yloe of tn attorney In lhlt TruttM ~. 21°'1 Ven· reuon of 1breech0t dtflVll under the term• of tald nott mon detlgnltlon, It 1ny, Timothy G T~omp-l'ICTITI~U~~ltNEll .. !t..,:enl levled upon all Or1nge County, C1lltomtt, WELLS FARGO ESCROW matter. you at'lould do IO tur181vd., l utte2.0Z. Wooct. In p1ymen1 or perlorm1noe or Dead of Trull ind tll enown In thl• notice. If Ille ~n. sisters. Helen NAMI ITATEMENT thal property In en executed by WILLIAM J. ::iERVICES, 1t 880 Newport promptly'° thtt your writ· land Htllt, CA t1M4 (t11) ol the obllgetlon1 tec:ured tub19qventpaymenttwlllotl 1bovepropenyh11nottr• Tibby. Jamee Hamil· ueeatment dltlrlet In the KENNEDY. TruatM of the c.t\ttr Orlvt, Suite 1260, In ttn reeponee, If tny, may be '40-4010 !hereby, lncludlng th1t bectrne due the<etfl.,, In· 1ddrM1 or Olher common ton, brother Garff B Th• follOwlng pertona ere City or lrvlne de110nt1ed MARY V KENNEDY IR· Ille Clry of Newpor1 e.ecn. flied on time Otlt November 19th. breec:ll 0t deftult, Notice of eluding any 1111 chargtt or detlgnetlon. dlrtc1ton1 for dO!~ bvllnetia 19 NEW-"Aseeument .OlllflCt No REVOCABLE INTERVIVOS County of Ortnge. Stitt ol AVllOI Uated ht tldo d• 1984 wlllch w11 recorded Augull other iwm1 paytble under tocatlngtti.propertymeybt Wt Ison, four grand· ~g~T ~~~?~~OMA~~~~ a..5 · comprlllng the tefrl· TRUST dtled 311•177 Will Ctllf0tnl1, provided thtl Ille mtndado El lrlbunll puede Publllhed Or1nge Cou1 17. 198•. tt Recorder'• In· the tefms of ufd Nole or ob 111 n • d 1 r om th• children Paclfic View 603 E Ed,..._11.,, Balbol, tory descrlt>eO ano provided SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Oeptrtment ot Alcoholic dec:ldir conirt Ud. lln IV· Detty Piiot November 21S. 0. 1trument No 84-345760, Deed of Tru11 · · Beneficiary under the Deed M ortuary, Directors Callto<nl• 92881 I()( In ~ulloo No 84-91 TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Bevtrege Conbtrol hu •P-diencll. menos qve Ud r• C41mber 5, 12, 198• WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Thtl by rHIOll lllereot. of Trull wtio hu ttqlltlted 644_2700 Mirk Howiro 503 E duly ldopted by Ille City FOR CASH. (p1yable 11 llme proved llld trenaftr of llld epondt dentro de 30 dlu W-420 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST the pre1tnt benelfcltry thll the Nie be held Any Edg-•ter Btlbol, Cell· Council of ltle City or irv<ne Ol Mle In ltwful money of lhe llcenM Lei 11 lnlormtelon qut BIDDER FOR CASH. ttwf\JI 11nder tvc:h Oetd of Trutt. reqveat tor the dlrectlonl COOLEY on July 1o 1993 wheretn It United Stttetl ti Chepmlfl DATED NOi/ 23 ltS. tlgut money ol Ille United S11i.. h .. executed lfl<I dellYered lhOvlcl be mede In writing, '°'r~~. 92~~lneH 11 con-declett<l •It lnlenllon 10 Avt entr1nce to Civic; Wllllem C. HerdHtr, 11 you witl'I to Mek the •d· MUC NOTICE or , calhltr'• Check df'ewn 10 .. Id TruttM. 1 written within ten deye of the lnlllll HENRY T COOLEY. ducted by 111 lncltvldull Otder centln work 10 be Center Bulldtng. 300 E Mery N. "-tdetty, Tr ... Vice of an tttorney In th11 WOM.EAa• on 111111 or netlonll bank, Oeder•llon of Oelevlt ll'ld publle1tlon ol thlt na11ce to resident o f lrvme done end ulalllon• end Chapman Ave . Orange, CA. fwM Ind Intended Tr.,... m111er, you ahOUld do '° 1 11111 Of lederel l:'edll <>emend lor Siie. and tlal the e.n.tllc:ary at tile lolloW· Mark Howerd -ec;q tlf right, lltle end lnlerMt ..,_ promptly IO lhll your writ-COWINIATION union or 1 ttele or federll depotlled with Mid TruttM, Ing tddrt1a: BANK 0, Passed away Novem-Thi• ltttement WU flled lmpr~lllO be mede In conv~ lo end now held Publlalltd Orange Coul ten retponM, II any. m1y be APNALl IOAftO .. YlnQt•nd IOtnuaoctetlOn tueh Deed ol Trull Ind •II AME R ICA NAT IONAl ber 24, 1984 He 15 wtlh t~ ~nty C~k of~ ~':.,~:>' :i 1~ == by It under uld OMd of D•lly Piiot NO\ltmber 28, flied on time. c'::!!:. domiciled In thll 11111. tM the docvmentl evidencing TRUST ANO SAVINGS As-s u r v 1 v ed by his ei;84 C>Yn yon OYlrTI wllh lh~l retolullon to wntcn Truat In the propeny t11u· 1984 SI Ulled d-IOllctl•f.. c N ptytble It the time of ..... the Obllgetlon• Hcured SOCIATION. LOAN AD· parents. Bob & Mia · f2Ml1'2 reference ,, hereby mede eted In Hid County, Ctll· W·425 conMjo dt un abogado tn 82 S~~ ,,7;77 ell right, 11t1t Md tnltt1tl thereby, tnd hu deeltred JUSTMENT DEPARTMENT C I h ~ (Ill di tllowl ' fornl1, describing Ille lend IC NOTIC etlt !ltvnlO. dtbe!'JIJlaoeclo held by II, .. Trvtt ... tn that and don herWtJy decl•,. 111 NO 4371, FOAECLOSUR! 00 ey. brol ers, Publllhed Orange Cout 1 egram ng therein LOT 36, IN BLOCK P\8. E lnmadltttmente, de eltt NOTIC! OF rMI property llluell In Mid turns tec:vred thereby Im· SECTION, 45 SOUTH H o lme and Don O&ltyPllotNovtmbefl•.21· th ":"'"";;11 ~11trlC1en: 'F"OFTRACTNO 812.IN ITATEMINT 0 ,m1ner1, tu r11puu11 HIAftlNO CovntyandSl1t1,detcr1bldmtdltlelydvtendpty1ble HUDSON AVEN U E , c 00 I e y. s Isler s . 28· December 5· 1984 di e ~ n ,a~~ I ~ THE CITY OF COSTA ~WAL eecrltt.11 h•y •fovn•. puede ALAN BRIAN MONTOYA, .. lollOWl"Lot 13 BIOCk 5 of Ind hu elec1ed and dOM PASADENA, CALIFORNIA T K W--4C>e mens o /i,11 ' MESA. AS PER MAP RE· ,,..Oflll ,ARTMIAetW Mt regl1lrldt t tlempo Appllcent YI. JOHN 0 Balboa Trect u ltlown on e Mrtby e1ec1 10 ceuM the 9110t oyna. ieu, a nd ~:1~:~ CORDED IN BOOK 20. Ol'IAATINOUNDCJll 1-TOTHEDEFENDANT A CAUSEY AKAJAMESRAY· m•p recorded In boOtl 4, trvstpr09«t)'IObetolOIO A1oftheda11otthelnltlll Betty Cooley. step-PtllllC NOTICE perc:.iew11n1n the dlttr1C1 .,. PAGES ' ANO 2 OF MIS-"CTITIOUI IUllNlll ctvll comptelnt hu t>etn flled1 ~~~~E~o~~s~L~v~:s p1g41 11 01 MltOllllfleOVt 11t11fy the obllgetlon• -publlcellon of lhlt Notlot Of brotheri.. James and dvt llld tble lmmedl CELLANEOUS MAPS, IN NAME by the palntlff agalnlt you. I Mepe, In the office of the cured thereby Stle, the total amount ol tilt Alan Cooley. step·SlS· K-1..U Itel}' to lt..:~.rty Treuurer .i THE OFFICE OF THE I The following perton 1111 you with to defend'"" .... FUYNO. Defendant• t ~ C()Unty 1ecorder of Mid Or-DATE 11100/84 unp1ld btl•nct of th• 'ICTmoUl IUllNEll fflce Cl COUNTY RECORDER OF wfttld 11 '*1· iwll. you must, within IO ov art l'lefet>y no'''""" tngt County A•NCAN IAY*QI a note(l)MCUred ~ tMlt>OW ter. Elaine Cooley NAME ITATIMENT '::280 Je';;.~~te 'YR~:::· SAID COUNTY ,,., lr~t!' ~pop-dtya titer th .. "'"':°"' .. :h~~ •= tn~led C: Tilt 11rMt •ddr ... or LOAN AllOCIATK*, By: Deed of Trv11. with lnter•t Services w1U be he id The lollowlng pereon1 .,, lrvtM Ctllf0tnlt Paymeni The itr•I •ddr ... end ert1lng under the llctlttova ler\led on y~. nit th Ihle • Of, ng ort other common dte1Qn111on V"9tft'e M. ltlatier, AMI. u provided In the note, P'Ut Wednesday Nov 28, do In g bu 11 n e I• • •. lo 1hii Cit TrMtVrer mu1t olher common detlgnltlon, butlnett neme of CBA COUr1 • wrlttln reeponM 10 Worlctrt ComptrtMllon Ap. ot vi. rMI property lltt'tln· Ylot ~t. By: "·'· eov.nc... If eny, undw the at l·PM at th<: Rain WAKEHAM PARTNERS , bemade~lortlhe CIOMOI II any. ol lhe rNI property FASTENER & SUPPLY ti the comptllnt.~nlttl )'OU g:~1 8f9'~~~l~ESJ~~~ •bove dHOrlb•d •• fllenttoft, AMletanl ho--termtoltheo..dofTrutt, Ch 1 R LTD , t Cel1t0tnle Limited butlntet on December 30, ducrlbed tbove It 1253-H Logen Avenue, do. your dlf t wlll bt ING Of~~3• WES'r THIRD purponed to bt: ~7 Ptlm Nl•ry lnclil<llng '"'· Chergee 11\d bow ape · ose Plftnerenlp, 245Flacher Av· 1984 unleu the 3-0·dty purported to be· 1925 Cott• Malt Ctllfornl• en1eredon1ppllcltlonotthe STR.EET ROOM 400 SAN StrM1,Newpor18Nch,Clll· Publltned Or1nge Cout eicpen ... of the Trutt ... It Htlls Memo rial Park enue, Sulle A·l, Coste caan' collec:tlon period hu POMONA AVE., COSTA 92828 ' plalnlllf, tnd thl1 Cl0Vr1 mey BERNARDINO ~ 10 fornte. Dally Piiot Novembtt 21, 21S, $211,002 8•. Services under the Me11. CA 92626 been welveel In writing tn MESA, CA . The flctltlovt bu1lntH tntt< 1 lvdgement egllnat i• 1 ~ • • Tile undertlgned hereby December 6, 12. tll84 Tiit name, etreet lddr..-d · f H bo Nlch<>lu P Hannon, 27 which ' The under11gneo Tru1t• name ltllemtnt for the r:>•rt· r,ou tor the rtfllf demended 1 •-"'· dltc:lelm• ell llebtlllty tor eny W-415 end t~one nurnbtt Of U'eclJon ° ar r Eerlymorn, 1rv1,,., CA 92714 NOT ICE IS FURTHER dltclelma 1ny ll1blllly lor 1ny nertl'llp wu ftted on Sep-n the comp111n1, Which N8f'~Z~~~~~C,.~8c, ~~~ lncorrectnett In Ilk! 1treet DlllD•IC NOTICE the Trutt• or othtr '*'°" Lawn Mt Olive I Biiiy M 0 11rett, 25512 Gii/EN thtl 11 111 sumi lncorrectnee1 ot the 1treet tember 17 1982 In the could result In garnlth~ BE OAANTEO ONLY UPON tddr ... or Oll'lef common l"UU\. c:onductlnQthe..,.lt.00,.. M ortuary.540-5554 P1nt11 Clrcle.MIUlon l/lejo 99"tsed If~ not paid II eddreetandolhtt common CountyofOrangt FILENO olwegM.ltkl~":;Y OLEAA SHOWING ell' ~Ntlon flJCTTnOUl~H TINENTAL AUXILIAAY --CA 92691 avc:h ltrne bond• 10 rep. dellonatlon. If 1ny, lllown F-t9n07 • propeny or ot !'.....,. ,. GOOD CAUSE S Ille wlll be made NA• ITATIMINT C 0 M PAN Y "'-F 0 Al Brvc:e H Heglund. 20 Fo•· rHem unpeld .-.metlll hereln Full N11ne and Addr ... of q~~= In lht eotn..,_.,1 NOTE TO INSURED EM wttl!OYI w11renty.ellprM1 Of The toltowtng '*'°"' _,. CLOSURE SE1,;1ION. 3IOO / ""' t>oro lrvlne. CA 9271' an<l l>eerlng lntereet H may Seid Nie wlll bt mede. but the Pereon Wlltldriwlng N~V 18 1982 PLOVERS Yovr llttncl~ Implied, r'91tdlng tltlt, pee.. doing l>utlnett H WEST CHAPMAN AVENUl. Thi• bu1lne11 11 con-be ~mtlttd by law, wtll be ::~~ co::i~ orted ~ Dentel L BlzJelc, 1152 N ROBERT B l<UHEL Cl«lc tt 11111 r-lng may not be :-:on· orlM tflCUmbre~ (a )OIQITAL DESIGN ORANG~, CA 92M8 (714) PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • Morluary Chapel • Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive Newpor1 8Pach 644 ?700 ducted by 1 llm11e<1 ptrtner· luu~~ lbn Dll~ •• ~•foneofr ger~no ~le. po...:.0,,-, Of ~ ... t ~2:01 Anaheim, c.tt-By Vlrglnl1 Bockelmtn, ~-AMI y~r In· enoe 1:f'Yt11t J:1~other SALES (b)WILSON BUILD-a&~lhed Ortnge Coetl •h: H H G proYI__, 'I ....... mb tnClt t the Otn . Deputy 11.iranc. company ..u.. tlon ttoured hu MIO ING SUPPLY. ~37 South 0 , .... p 2 ruce IQlvnd en-Ille Ctllfornlt 1trtet1 end encu r opay r• Signed DANIEL L BIZ· TN ,,...1 LaW Offtote a Dtled It 7-14 Ovnvl .,, Cepellt Cl Cotll Mell I •1 ltot Novembtt 21, I , ertl P1rtner Hlghwl~ Codt . being lht matnlng prlnclpt l 1111m of lhe JAK .:....... JOHN lOttolNICKI.. Deed of Trutt. with lnter•I Cellf. 12e2e' . Oecembef 6. 1984 Thi• 1tetemen1 wst llled Im rovement Bond ACI ol notl(t) MCurtd by Hid Publltlled Or•noe Coait NofUI fllftt ltreel, -, • and other tuml H provided • · W-414 wttn ,,,. Covnly Cltrll ol Ot· 19~5 nd Ch t 7 f Deed ol Truet. wltll lnteretl Otlly Piiot Novemw 7 14 ,00, Ian "-· CA •111 .....,.., Wortittt Com· therein; f)Nt tdvancee. If Siil Lule Conetrvotlon, angt Coonty on November • a •P ., 0 thereon H provided In teld · · (40I) In-MIO ~ ,........ lloerd any uf'l<Mf the tenn• lllereof Inc,, Cllllornle, 2037 South 1 19&• giv1elon Hoof Tltle II of lhe notl(1)' •fV.lncet II eny 21, 28. 198• W-400 Publltlled Ortngt Coall M1rk Ounn, Attom.y It •nd' lnttrett on tuCh .CS. Cept1l1 Ct • Collt M .... F2NMO ode 01 rdlntnoee of the under itie (erm• ot'the o..d Dally Pllol Novembtt 14, 21 . Ltw, 572 NOr1h ArrOWheed venct1 and plut IHI Calif. 92820 Put>llsned Orange Con t City d of lrvtnem, ind auc:fl of Tpill. , .... Cllergee and P\lllC NOTIC[ 28, December 5, 1984 Avenue. Sii\ Bernerdlrto, CA c111rgei tnd open"' of tfl9 Thi• .bu1lne11 11 con· --n-1111,.-'C_NO_T_ll'_r __ Otlly Pllo1 November 14 21 bon 1 "':' mtture In not to expenMI of the Tru1tee Ind W·•02 12~1 Troal" and of the trutt1 dueted by • corporitlon n~u ~ McCORMIC.C 28 Oecember 5 198• ••oeed YNI• trom thtlr of tne lruel• CfNled by llkl 8-2n'tl Put>Uthed Ormnge Cout cr .. ted ~ uld OMd of Aobtrl Glenn Cllapmen. ...,.ft..... .. 1U-•• MORTU•RY deti O .. I T I NOTICI TO Ot~ November 1•, 21, T T"-t·• _. Pretldent ro"'''..,... __. .. w.~5 DA TED Novemoer 28 .... 0 rutt IO·W I 28 to.Ao .. 1"8• rv11 ... to .. ~nl ... T>.t.. t I I I"-' ..... .-ITA--1795 Lag .. na C ~r1vo11 <>•• ' ••7 81' 56 CMOrTOftl °' • ""'" "· • .. Mid Obllnatlon tnclvd\"" ..... • • 911'*1 WM ...., -,_ .. • v 0 1 ~--------1 .. ,... .., The l>enefiCltry under MIO BULJ( TftANlflf' W ·~3 rMIOlllbtY .. 1JM.tt0 ,.;,;: wltll the County Cletk Of Or· Tilt lollowlng pereon Iii Roa d P\a.IC NOTICE Wtlle1 Kreulatn, CltJ Deed 1 of . AT PUate: • enge County on NoYtrllbtr OOtng bvllMM u: Laguna Be act (.d Tr-urer of lhe City of of ru•t ,,.,.. or•... UC.......... MUC NOTICE raro-Ind IXl**t ollhe 1. 198' 8 EA w 0 RD p A 0. 9265 I "crmou1 8UllNlll lrtlne tCVled end delivered 10 the A ' -rut lee, ti tilt time Of lnlllll • ,_ .. CESSING a TYPING 811' 494.94 t'> NAME ITATIM!NT NOTICE 0Aff underllgned I written Dec-Notice le '-•~ 91Ytn to ~ C<>Utn' j)l.jbllc:ltton of 11111 NOi~. II PUbllthed Or Cole1 VICE 11232 •-.... L.11n.- HARBOR LAWH· MT. OLIVE Morluary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540 5'>54 Pll!ACE BROTHERS Bl!LL B"OADW A Y MORTUARY t 10 Bro adw•y Costa Mesa G4C!·9150 The lotlQWt per • 11/ 1918' lar111on of Oeltvll and 0. the Crectltor• of ADEPT ""'°''IC M>TICE $ 101,292 ea, engt • .._.. • Oo1nn bull,,;:1 .. :"": ~· CT 0 . mend l0t Siie, tnd •written MAN UFACTURING IN· Of' CAUfOflMA, nlU&. 0AT£0. Novtmbtt 20, Dally Piiot NovemW 7. 14. Huntlnglon leteh1 Cellf .. .. I y F 1"VINI, •Y. NoUce of OellVll •nd Elec· CORPORATED Traneteror COUNTY °' OftAHOI 1984 21. ~8. 1984 92849 ~:~.i;~Rc0~1~6 M~H. t~~ ~:-CY C. LACIY, City lion lo Sell The undtrllgned WhOM bull~ eddrtu 1i In tile Miiiet Of the ..:=Of' AIAL llTATI HCU9'1• W.'\All Uflda LM ~· 182'2 92627 Publltllld Otenge Coett ctuMd uld Notice 01 0. 176 E. PAULARINO AVE , ~':f~'f:~'O'Po~ER JAMES INTIWO Tiii llfMCI, ·~ PlBllC NOTICE = ~:.~•;284~unoton Pier rt J 1cque1 a.rto11no. Dally November 28 1984 ltull and £tectlon to 84111 to COST A MESA. County ot REAM ~ MIO _,......,,, .. ,,...._ • Tillt b I I 3111 W"tbrOOll Pltu, Coati ' W-418 be recorded In the county ORANGE, Stitt of Cell• LaAll•ACK 8J D . .I • .....,, 1tt ,,_.. fte:TITIOU9 IUWH ctvcled ~"' a GOii• Meta CA921S28 wllert IN r .. I pl'Optr1y ,, f0flll1,th•t•l>vllltrlfl1ferl1 fOICh•~:',~= NotlotltllertbyglYtnthet cMtlt,1IOONtr1tllf .... .,, ...... TATl•WT Und ,.,, ndlvlduel Thll 1>u1lnett It con-------------1 loc4iltd lboul to be m•de II Publtc ORDER ~o SHOW CAUSE VttudtY 0 PrebhU dbl lulte -. ...... AM, CA The following l)ertonl ett Thlt. ttatement ftlld dvetld by an lndlvldu•l P\llllC NOTICE INTUIT A Tl TRUIT Auction of 1>'09«lY located FOR CHANG! OF NAME o.v·1 Mol>ll Cer WHh t170t. T •lt,fl•1u1 dOlnQ t>utlnele u : ALEX· With tilt County ci::-of"' P1ttrt J Bertotlno OHO MfMCI, ~..2.. ~ et 175 E. PAULAAINO AVE . · TreMfetO< of l70l Tvet~ (114,_...10 ANl>tR·KENT. 1151 DoY9 ,....._.-.., ...,. Tnlt lllltment ..... hied • T A T I M I .. T 0 .. ,.., TMllTta. IV l1tllUJlll COSTA MESA. Count,. of Ch< .. ~ 8JMl AMtn Avenue City of Cott• Mtel. Pvblltfltd by '"' Orange 81 • SI•. 130, "4•wpott r.r .............. , on No-t.,,.., iwtth the County C.k of Or· W'ITH09'AWAL A. eMtTM. AHllTMfT AC· ORANGE. St•I• OI Cell-.......... llMt c.ittoffli. tnten<tt to .... cet• Coeet Deity PIO! November leactl, CA 92NO • •noe County on No-..mber "'Oflll ~-"'TMIMHIP COUNT IXIC"'!Y'......J... -N. fornlL hu "';'° • pet:'..!.!.'! 1.1111 "'9()nll property toi 2 '· 28, c:>ec.mw 15, 1'84 Mlch•I• Ann• SPtlCh Pubftlhed Ot ~ 21 198• °"AATINO UMDUt TUITIN Aft., 9'UfH m, SllO Pfopert)'lt deecr1t>td COVft or en or ~ft.,, Perty Moffit Corporation W-417 Maren 710 Aha V .. 11 WrJ ange ...,_, ,.,m "CTITIOUI IUllNlll IANTA AMA. CA .,.. In gen«lf N : MACHINERY pe(lllonet 10 Chanotc I hlelller Intended Tr1ntfer1e ~ 9eecfl, CA 921&1 • DellY·~-~-1, 1•. Publlahed Or1nge eo.11 N._ (714) IU4G' & EQUIPMENT of 11111 JOI ntme from hr ttOPht r (L.9teof) of M1 s Ntoolee "8.IC NOTICE Thia butlntH It oon• 21• ~ • ~ Ot tly Piiot November 28, 0. I file lotlowtng ~ hll OAlE 11112184 SHOP ~ known M JllNI Aetiln to Ctv'lltoe>f* Dr tie' * c;' of ,..._ d\IC\td ~: en lnCIMOUll W4'0 foernt>et 5 12 19 198' withdr1wn u • genertl par1· Publlthtd Orange COMI AOtPT MANlWACTVAING JlfMI Mc.CM¥9r =-· IMctl Clltfornlt; and IC·~ Mlohelt Mtrtn W-429 ntr ltorn the pertnerthlp OC>-Diiiy Piiot Ncwember 14, 2t, INCORPORATED ht1: HE:AHt,~":~ Mid inttndtd Tran.. fltCTmOUl IUIMll Tiil• 1t1temenl wu n1te1 rtaJC fl)TIC( trflllng Oncltf IN llctltlout 28. ,... Avcllon Wiii bt condUC1ed t • pereone _!! 'l.eeto(' Ptrry MOffll NAiil ITAT'lmNT With tilt County Ctefk Of Or· -----... -.--.;.;~-- llf.jllnett natM Of SIE:RAA W-408 ~ TAUB!A-AAONS AUC· the m1ttet efOf_, lifPpeet ' " T """""'Counl'-on November flte"'10Ue ~,....__ .• \ DllDllC NOTICE l"INANCIAL "ROUP t 22'"' ONE"'"IN" co l"'C l>tfor• 1111• ooun In Olle>lt'I· Corportlllon. tnttndt to ,,. rotloWlno f)tftonl .,. -.... 8 , ......... BALTZ HAQl!AOH j r\IV\. Y 1 "" •-IC ..,..TICE "'" _. " "' • • 700 OllltO te•Mt>eodl 10 Mid VMud9¥ doing ~ • VAIL 21, 19 4 -8TA . Ftlt11'9w Coel• M-. C.M ,._ "" Avc:ttonw, on tne 11th day !!'!'' No, 1· ltw 8 0 ltrMl"u dbe Dev'• MOOtl KLAOU" CAATIA. p~ ,.,,,. T'tlt lotlowtng l*90ftl .. SMITH A TUTHILL "CTITIOUI 8UllMHI 92821 ot OECEM8EA 191' at _..,,., °' Ye tit. .,,,, C l W•• h T f Nl.M 3111 M ... ..__ PvtllleMCI Ortinee COl(ll OOlr'CI blAlflttl -. WEST CLIFF CHAPEL NAMI I TARMINT t he lle11110\lt t>u11net1 fllCTITIOUI ~H 11 00 o'do<* A.M., at 1181! Ane. Cetlfor~ on ~ er 11 ' rtne ttor ' ...,..,_' Delly Piiot November 28 o.. LIIVITY INTIA!OfW 427 E 171h St T,,. toflowlng per110n111e n1me111temeMlorllltpert· MAim ITAft...,. PA~NNO AVI. COSTA bet t1. 1M4, lltt:11oolodl ~IN -*'11~ =·=• MeM, c:iembtt 6 12, It l"4' .....,_, CenW ~= Costa Me!a dOlng t>utlneae u '*'1ltp wu 111ed on Augvtt Tl'le fOllmtnO perton1 .,. MUA County of OMNOI A M • and ttlln and llltN ,,...,.....,, • ""* _..,.... ' ' w .. u "°" 9-ah Celt p " e LIO JR MARKfT t 1t8' In lhe COlln!y ~Or· dOfnO butln•u• Stat• 0. CellfQmle _: "'°"'<**.If Alty tlWY ~ tlofl Of wHdl .. I!. foloM, -Otvld _!(1 t gu. • I 0 ......,,, I ,tflWMtSI hf· 646•937 1 A ~ ~ ~ $'"4 ~ ffl.fNO '25113t HOAYM.a ... IOUet'. ,,,.. Thttwmecirthl6aleww · Wftf -·"' .,... ... ..,., '"' i ~meot .nd'loc.eciei leeofl,CAtati1' ~ "8JC NOTJC( ~. CllltorNe. • t•unt.mgton 8e1ch, Ct ll· I fuM Hamt ano AdOr.-of Pleoentle AY911U., Cotta bt rot elltfl CNln9' of name~ not 110f T'*'n A*lUe. City Of Jeck H c.ter 415 Alla .......,, Center Oft4. .._.. 10tn1112441 111e Pereon w11tldrtw1no Meet. Ce1Hom11 mae 1o 1., .. known 10 tn. btrented c-. MIM. ~end Vllta w,;,. , _.;. leech. ....... °' II' '°" ......_, c..r t2tlO 6omPO$t Mannlt 99&2 Steve WHltlrMOll,flSI Vie IMOltl 8fowntng, IS310 A~llOllfltf, 111 butlllt .. I II "JATHEA ordered thtt ....... and~ CAtn5f' .._.. .. e UM.. Tflll MIMll le _,.. -------·-.. Keylor ~.... L.ot AtarnltOt. Del Sol. MlttlOn Vi.to. c.llf. OenbOtOUClf'. W•lmiMt•. nan. end ..,~ ueed """ • COC1Y "' ~ '1no I • -.on .. to bt '**'""' Jin L. Veit 12 MountMrl Dete of .... -0. ti, ..... 111ti:,..,~ Us~ THE Ce11tornlt t 284J 9'891 CeHtomle t2883 Dy Ille Trwttr~ rot the thoW CW bt .,.._.._ ' ..., -.. ....._ V'--...__ ~ ..,.7 1... ......A ._':I '" ' ~ M9MH, 9952 Slgntd StlMI WlllllmeOn T?llt bu11n"' II J. *-....,. i.t '!)Mt, .,.. the Orw!(le ca..t 0.., Plot, tMtllCI °" ,.. 'U1 4-oh_. -hie" ... ..,, "A .. 14 • PlaOI ot lllt -12100 :;:;: ~ ;;" DAILY "LOT K1Y10r Ave, LOI AlemltOI, li'ubllthed Ore,. Oout duCWd by: en lndlvlduel NIA . I ~ of oentrlf OllTlber, 1 ... " lO 1 m .. 111 T bullntea le oon. S.el It.ch 91¥11 , .... _. h Cowlty 0.::-~ "FAST C1l1t0t11let2e.r Delly PllOt Novernt• 7 t4 IAE.OtAl.IROWHI TAUHA·ARONa AUO. ctroulatton,P\i~lnW. ~ omoe Of :-7. MOt1i. ~by: 1 te'*ll '*1 e..cfl.CA .... Cowltyon~lt. Thll buttneu 11 con-H 28, 1t84 ' • Tllll tttttemet\I wM fl6lcl flONEEAIHO CO.. INC COVl!ty ti ltelt 0!'°9 • ...-~~lonlt: 30t 7C.:: '*c::ts l<llOM; o.n.et Time -10.00 AM ,.... • ' •ISUlT" ductedby.nvebtndtndWfle w-401 lllllll'ltn.Couft(VO!tt11of0t· WILL HOT 11 ACTING A.I fOf kM rJOnMC:l'A"4 .-. ~.:..,. c•ru. Pettner 1171Cnaow•~ ,_. Cl SOMPOP MA"4NIL lr'l9 County Oii NCMn'tbtt UCAOW MOL.OIM ANO rt:thedayof~,_,. oe..d lhle nrd' d of loto-Thll ttatement fled 11111 -188701l.'"4t7 _,. ....... -.., SBVI rh .. 1tatement wu n1ee1 I. 1N<4 wl(LNOTACCI.,.,. OA PAY ll9fl'l4Mr 1114 .., .wi .,.~ ci::'ot Or· Uc•n•• •• c1111otn1e, a..-' Cnlliiller DtllCTOI y 1Wttt1 tt1e County Clerk of Or ~or Clua4tltd AO ,_,.. CMOfTOA'I CL.Altltl HowMIOtt I , ttM ::I,,' ...;.,.. C• • Coun~ °" HcMmber 112YlZ P.O. .. ._ • ''r Hf) .. ull ~ Counry on HOvember ACTION Mllefl ............ -N. De1e No---If, 1114 ''** DomtNcNtl ........_ , .. 1.-,., . .,...1 ... ........ T............ """" ..._ ~ 111 1984 • Call 1 r-. A..... ...._ ~ IHT A-.OMI, AUC· MlOe of tN t -Vlltl 1• ,. -.... .._. ...... -' ~c·rvu·t• ~II Publl~ 0renoe"''~ 0111y P1101 ~c=cwc ~ . c... ~:.~c:o.. "~ °'""9 eo.t i-tU•• Of'ql': ~~~.::.-eo.t _..,•~i.:=.~ 64J·5611 ~ityPllOIHo...no-2f:t: ~av:: OeltYPJol~bttH,0.. ~-,IO& ,:.:-.,., 21, Dllly"'°4Nowmber 1.4,21, = "'°' fto; ..... M, ~'"'1'"::.14•11• ~ P11oC ~ 21. m •. 1"4 • M; ,_.,JU.. ~b« I 12, 19 1W.. ~ 6, l2, "It, IN4 1914 H ~ 5, ,... W-422 • W..t04 ,.... w.-=======~-w .,8 W-41• W·•tt ~ w~ -I -, • I .. ~londa.,. h t. 1 ue«da" \10 11 \\ edn1> da \ 'I Ut'' Thur .. da, \' 1•d f r1d.i' f hu r" ~alurtlJ\ tr. ~undJ \ h 1 IHJH fer lilt ltaM1 ltr Ille lltt BIG CANYON GOLF COURSE JEWEL Open f ri/Sat/Sun l ·S 18 Cherry Jtls Absolutely spolle~~ 4 Bdrm dnd lam1ly room hke new home with 31 bdlhs Completely remodeled " r rench doors dnd windows. 3 lireplaces wet bdr. security system J r dr garage It " all herP move right rn'' $939 000 with Pxcellent as sum.ible f1nanun& for 1u~t S250 lees Mona & Jack Cheshire, Realtors 759-1877 LIDO ISLE MC:trvl·lou:-tl Br hayfronl 78' on bely, pool. !>pa IOU' bc>Cit .,pau· Xlnt Fin $4,850,000 Tr a ditiona l Realty 6.1 1-7370 - Channing Spani.,h :i Br . 1. & on 45' lot. Ctrtaa ••l ••a 1022 de<. k. rnurty~1rcl ptt.·r & s lJp $1.100.000 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BAYSIDE PLACE BAYFAONT Spectacular bayfronl dplx. 2 Br, 2 Ba up, 2 Br, 2 Ba down. 2 boat spaces. $1 ,250.000. PENINSULA HOME OCEANFRONT Exciting Ott•;m & .Jt•lly V tt•w i., 4 Br. :J & :1700 sq ft t·ar J.1drk1ng $1,285.000 WEST BAY AVE BAYFRONT At N H Y C Trtid1uonal 5 Br :.pt•<:t<il'ulM bay v1£•w Owm·r f inC:tn<.·1n~ $1.050.000 LAGUNA BEACH HILLSIDE Panur<.1m1 t ou ·an & l'llY Vil'\.\. :.pJt·1uus 5 Br. :3 & Xlnt fm~int·ing, now $750 000 COTTON POINT ESTATES Custom ou•<m v u·'>' lnL<, rll'xt lo CJ'>a Pauf1l·a San Clt·rrwntt• from $550.11110 WESTWOOD VILLAGE Prtm{• English tr;1ci111on~1l :1 Bd :l B.1 3 Frpk's, hrdwd rtr ... nr UCLA $695,000 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR I 11 lloy\•d• Or•v•· "< IS 61~ 6161 0 ··~•101\0• •"•'' of .... tc • t-!''n""'h'.-d ,.~ h t;,.111 lo"" ' I '"'" h;vt ., ... ,,i. w~1• I RH UCO S I' I I I I I 11 I ,. UMISU lllTSW.HW Recently remodeled 2- story home on •5' tot French doOf•. leaded glass, oak details and 94.lnny south patio In- cluded In this ~ bedroom, 3 ba11"t l'IOme. OWNER IN DISTRESS . BRING OF· FERS. Wu In e9CIOW - $399.500 CALL 631-1400 3BR, lam rm. 2 trpla, lge mllr suite, gated cour1 yard entry. HV Hiiia S 1600/mo Incl gardeMr Hunt & AuoeletM liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Jeri Hunt ~Me - . \.\i\llHIHCl'f llC1MI ' hK REAl E'ifAIE • 17MIOO LJll ISU E11ec home Elegantly lvm lllTHSS W.I lllT SIU •W or vnlvrn Panoramic N ..i,. ,. __ ,. ocean YU S 1850 B KlllQ i iiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ewpon H-vhU vv<tUO 2 Recently remodeled 2· 675-5393 Of &40-7631 IPPH111ITT BO n. BA w/gar only story home on •5' tot =---..,--=,,..,---:-----,, 1119,000 Of IMM opt fOf French doors, leaded Rare tlndl S800'1 2bdrm 2 S5000 dOWn •t S 1000 '* glass, oatc details and bath en.fa galley kid s>e1 knoella often when you use resull-get11ng Dally Pilot C1assit1ed Ads to reach the Orange Cout market mo For da1a111 call aunny eouth petlo 1n-539-6190 Best lee PA TRICK TENORE ciucs.d In thla 4 bedroom S 2eR 2b bdl 631-12ee 3 bath l"tome. OWNER IN =;::.;,, PV1 ga~i ';\eoo: DISTRESS .. BRING OF-viii• Incl 675-33:M FERS. Wu In eecrow -=---~----=----""""' $399,500 CALL 631· 1•00 CHtl ·"· 22 4 Phone 6'12-5678 let Us Help V •• Sell Your Prepertrl The Oa~y Pilot otters you ltws eucl we id · on ow "P1Cture Pict" weekends tor ,ust $2~ pet day. or 2 days tor $.4~ "" S... 1 plct\re, or we'I pholoNph 11 fo1 ,_at I .w.nal ch1tCt ........ -----28drm ii%8a. lg; yard Ul ISL WI Oii S675/mo Shown M-F Cloee to Bay, thll ltland 5-7pm. 9·5Pm Sal/Sun home hu brick, w00d1 2~ E 22nd St and warmth In this 3 ,.._, 2 b 1,L b Ind bedroom home with tort .,.,.u11 r ,. • ry AM!lng $380,000. CALL hkup, newer. twnhse 673-6900. style, lncd patio, encl crpo<t Hamilton St No peu 1595/r'l'!o Craig 631-128& - ~·\llHIHC•'\I 110'11 ' Inc REAL ESlAT( 131·1400 $995/mo IOY9ly 3 8CI 2ba l"touM w/ ywd, lndfy rm. gar, alt 1>11-lna, nlo9 ... ,. llde loc1tlon, ulll pd 231 Cab<lllo Tll•llAll•IT MJ-ltu r .. Oran04t Coat OAILY PILOTIWedrlelday, ~ 21, 11M 842-5678 NOTICE Th e Dally Pilot wlll no loqer be open oa S.turdaJ mo.mJnta. Our ope:ratt.nc boun will be Monday thna Jl'Ttday. 8 :00 a.m . to 5:30 p.m . Deadllnee will be u foUowa: EDITIOM D&ADLIJU Monday ...................................................... Jl'Ttday. 4 :30 p.m . he.day ................................................... Monday, 4 :30 p.m. W~e.day .............................................. heeda7. 4~90 p.m. Tln•red&J ............................................ Wedlteeday, 4 :30 p.m. Prlda7 ................................................... Tb-...day1 4 :90 p.a . Satu.rdaJ'.... ......... .. .. . .. . .. ... . . . .. .. . .. .. ... .. . . . .. . .. . Prtday. S:OO p .m. Sunday...................................................... P'rlday • S:OO p.a . l ailyPillt 642-4321 • • l ~!!!!!!c..!!L-rfJ!!!!!!!!!&.!!1al.~-~V · lata Au 1711 otHet leatab 2114 llertt~"' 1a.a ... a.a .... 1741 lftPiilwi fill eonao "' SC Pim'. 2 id 3 officH Wlnted to '.I. I tna •n-••• --flU/Tm PAY KJ1c:Mn helper, Wiii tr.in .-... u.a. _....,'"""",..______ -2ba. MC, pool & lmmac. eubteMI (1200 If) r>r.f. 384t;Qd 3am:I ;;a.. -• _. •-JW-food prte>/~lnO Al1fJt'I .... • upper UDO WATERFRONT: Loe set5/mo 213-937~9324 joint recpt .,.. offtce cured Tru'.i DMcJ81n He--&.tprMI ~ ter· ,_., •-I Pl'*>" 3-"Pm 1125 Men/Women. LOC91 .,.._ . Newly cet'd, decof. calm dhc 3Br 2bl H SC ptza 38'2Be bl1 MN.etc. Prof! a= ~ CA 819-946-1739 rttoryonWeeteo..tfrom Opportunlti.t 1v1ll1bl• ~lc1orla CM Mwtenee Mutt he¥I own.,,,..~ ~.etc. 0.-+ 1 pf'tlg $1800/mo IM. 873-&IM r · • nt, JM. MIM Perry 720-' · C1plttra no. Requlre1 with the LOS ANGELES l'lk:te. CaM 640-2396 ext. 3 Oelwie 38r 2Be w/frplc, 19. All utll pd, AVlll now. HEAR BEACH: 3 BR 2be ~~e7~00 ltlJ Waa... SHI exper. In WC)tt(lng with TIMES Cwculatlon 0.-1&1111* llPI, bftlns. belcony Ho $575, BrOOll 497.)719 upper .pt. Frpklc + 2 car AllPllT AIU Ill lllY IPI repreeentattwe Ind cua.-partment In our door to 8-Yeral ~In Santa llTH lllTI pett 55~'194 ·• ._... gar. $1200/mo. Agt IMS Hli 150 aq ft prof otc 3-11 PM lhl1t. 342 Third ~~.,: ::S door ~IP« ~'-: Ana Mertcetlng Dept. Ho VllllallW"ln I .... -ftD Only 10 !Nnut .. front 75-1170 °' 914-3376 AO&ll evJ for r:ilr:d w/wtndow vt.w. 2381 St., Lag. Bch. :tete deVlcee. limited ~~·:. ~nc:,_ exper. nee. eompeny _. A HEWPO~ BEACH. ut. LllgUna 'tOAli( own prtvate NEWPORT CREST Condo M/Fml Muet L..Mce doge & ~Or, 1211&~ trevel required, deg,... mleelon. Houn: 9em to 2 ~*'· ::.,~ ~ LAGUNA BEACH E.IDJlll2U. ~ ...._ frc:c= 3br nr pool/tennl1 dt1Yl.53&--0921 Kermen~ rec•P· Artlet preferred. Salaty com-pmor4pmtotpm.Treln. 1~ lmmedlalely: Mr. AHDLAOUHA...OUEL. 1 m11e beech. frl>lc, 91'·· ecenlc' ='Uk• new 2 $1100/mo Agt 645-2235 MMter br oompt.tely tum tlonlst. ~ IM'#lf1no, 111111 llAIT en1ur1t• w/exper. Ing II provided. Poten11al Jef*t 882·5&43 Expertenoe prwtwred but DIW. bfttnl. lmOtte *"'· Br widen xtr•.., P'1-Nwpt Hgte ~ 2Br, 2 prtv be Meee Verdi.,.. cont rm. cottee rm prtv, IMi lmmed. opening. Send to earn $300 plu• per not neceuery. Eern belcony, weter pd. 11111 p'et1ot. geCall muter ea. 1Jt11e pd. Ho Fmlonly$250649-M77 $400/mo. 752·2464 lllLYrn.IT reeume. -:f· For an Interview. ~.'g"BACK OFFICE lor ~50ce;::. pC.,."'f'o!; M50/mo.aft5.M&-3&49 HCMl331or 9e1-6«1 ~t7~21!:~=~~ Room wlldtc:Mn prtv, nt Full eervlee. Ex. Sult• l'IUanopenlngfor•pert· ..... 9S7·23e1ext.1204 pedlatr1c9. FountlenVll-to4pm.~·Fr1de:Y .. LllllY&nl. l~lt1c• Hit bu1 route /Shopping from $175 tum/unf, IN. time experienc ed, PITTlll.... leyer .. 64e.o474 Ml•llDT Now rent 8Mcl'I -Verul .... 1 Br Vu $800 Center. Cell "2·6780 lndust. complx 250-8131 crlltlve Llyout Ar11tt to ·-GENERAL OFFICE/ASST. medical 111.f-- Btvd.So."3A:'1m1Ave. 1 1ege N/ttnk~~; ~~~2 br·~t ....... ... IUIU.AllPllT r.'y~t~~·~~l~yn;: 28131·0 :=. AlfO. ri~~K~:~R p1!:~~~: WUlllTlll ea.aii' Studio, 1 & 28' .+-loft M60 Incl utl 875-e522 NOOme;;cr'AptuvWWW. Lux otc. up to 2000 IQ. ft. for • tut plOld delly puerto, Sen .Juen S ome bookkHplng PfT beck offtce for oPhth unite. Indoor requetbell, VERSAILLES 2 Br• SIO/up. Belbo1 Inn. ave II 3 ofc1, 111 newl?9'* Concept to Cepist'*1!0. EOE $900·$1000/mo. Inter-group. Wiii Treln. Sr111 1~~~~~~~~ tennte, pool, epa, uuna. 2be,pentl'IOuM with View, OClll't ...._. 87M740 1m1n•t111 . J ody. flnllhed 111' Send reeume view by -.>Pt only Mon· fmmed. &4&-3242 1111 For l•Hlng Into cell frplc, MC, 2 car J*'klng, · lllYlll IUll l d Friday 84~7441 tec)..2418 no pe~S~OO/mo llMMlllTIL .:3.:::o ....... --~k ~o~~~~~~~ muethaveexper pedlllng '(LOYD'S NURSERY mUIU~ hrs -llTllU~1 N PORTB Wkly rentall now evell. _,._, --W'r• Art Director Orenge local .,... rr.ight end Hwpt Bdl .,... • Young ldulta. "you can IUWlll AgrMtpleoetoltveontl'll WESTCLIFF 2Br 1B• $1~8/wtc&up.2274New-700 •f . 3 once & recept. Cout Diiiy Piiot PO know how to r..d Ind HOltlHH, OHl'lllrt. varl1ble. Front ofc. bl .. .,,...,yeeto: " LUii Upper Bay. Prlv1t1 w/~ pool. Ho pita. port Blvd.C.M. 848-7445 1300 1t • open IP plen. Box t!SeO. Cotti 'Me9.: UM Tl'lomu map boOk. coekllllt, & food NtWra. ~· wllt lrlln on CRT. ·I need Chtlttmu money clubhou1H & l'IHlth $725/mo, '/f IM. 1t1. lltt facatiM Wiii build to eult. Al90 Ce. 92828 we ere loclted In Or-.ige ~In pereon ~ Joee ~7194 ·Enjoy WC>ttl~ with other H9W 1 & 2 Bdnn tuxury tpM, 8 tennll courta, 7 844-9842 or 720-9177 ... a.I. --ed)c 2000 tf. AMdy for County. We ott. •good ~ranlHB1 1 1 mM L Lflm -En~ tun end apttln14ptenl.1LBdrm, poola,ctoeetobullnlel, .... .,_, occpy. 11.25 gro11. Job and• tot of hard Wll1, • It .,.. lntereeted In ;;T ng 2 Bdrm and Townoiomee OC Airport. FHl'llon (ge BIG a:; Sbin. POOi 852""8714 R & H INVEST AUTO MECHANIC exper work. 11 you eren't .... ID •~Ing $35 ooo. to ~/:: Or + pooll. t9Mll. water· leland, ~t ltlOPI )p.l(IOUS ~ingle. one tbl cot« tv, 2 fr'ples. OFFICES . El TORO vw. Por9che. a foretgn In~ In heFd WC)tt( ... $50 000. or mofl In com-·Uvl t 11199 1alle. pS""•· a .. re'· on 91gl'lt. & two bedroom apb ~ 14. ~18 Neer Poet Offtc1 cart 8uey ttlop-pl'lone don't call! It you are. c:e1i IHI W, P.t.I, I.I. m!Utoni end we wtlllng g:;~~IY 62Q..«>Oe ~= ~ ~~ PARK CITY UTAH CONDO 500 IQ ft & Uf>. Jecquee 831-0893 Kelly. (71 4) 522""8170 hu•°'**"'n-,'~.;.. -to W()tt( herd for It, con-Mk tor Mr. Terry Mcfldden Ind Welt on Slnglel 1 & 2 Bdrm Apart· Avell Dec 29 to Jen 2 Jerry Hlfdahl Bar llTl-111'111 Ortwr9 ..nted Must l'leve ~ -•·•-9lder tilt•: Merrill lynch --------McFadden to Seewlnd ment1 & Townhou... 11e1p1 8 2 BR S200 per 714-ISS.1200 li;,-Rapelrt economical vectllcil Clll Apply btwn 2-"Pm. AMlty 19 the moet pr... •lllY UUI Vlhge. (714)89a.5198 from $720. (Aek •bout day 838-7082 •CdM dlx-...... AC,........ ...__~Center. for Info 852..a582 Hoet, HOit-Cocatlll tlglou1, mo1t growth Heed .,.,getlc P«IOfl to fumt9hed ap11, ~· ..,,,_ -·..... • ..... .,...., -. orlented neme In rMI ... grow w/eet. co. Min. 11/f WALK TO BEACH. 18' with TV • .,_,. & U1enelll, leat tt pf'tlg, from $225. 2855 E. 3000 E. t Hwy. CdM. Ull lllU Sefver, Food Sen/er & t1t1. Prepwe youreett retail exp. FfT, ltllUng w/drapea & cerpet1 l'l\lybe rent9d tor ltlort aan .ztll eo..t Hwy. 875-8900 BABYSITTUI needed In Ceatller 831·2472 now for the next l'MI... 18Q0..1200/mo p.id hof.- $500/mo. ~7 term or tonger). On Jem-fU RNISHED Studto/Ofo·WeetcllH Dr my Cott• MIN home for ~ tete bOOm. Career oC>-ldlY9 & vecatlont. Heep. lrriM ftM ~Rd. It San J09qUln or 3 br on Bal penn $275+ NB. Approx 700SF 1700 1'A yr old 85CM242 Ull .all.UllH portunltlH evelleble . In-. evell. lnteMI'# by -;;;mmmmmmJ Hllt1 Rd. UNF URNISHED 1111+ dip 84S.1729 evee mo utlla pd 154&-3eJg PAIT M FILI. ml PA~T TIME. To work for LlceMlng tretntng e'llll-eppt. only Mon-Fri • 1'4-1IOO 536-8851 eJCt132 Gery ' BEAUTY· exp. Styll1t Janice'• Raggedy Anne 1ble. To Interview call M&-7441 H[ALTH 50 yr old ttelght bullnell c....rcw w/cftent•. comm. or lee. lll"l M ,... Tuee.·Frl.17S.2514 Witt Meclbor'lkl or Pem, LLOYDS NURSERY CLUBS T£NNI~ '"..'" l<><*b lngt f2orBAmlf to lntala ltll =Bc~70Roa, L~~t::i:: HOUSE CLEANERS ~~~~It NURSES AIDES needed. 2 Bd, frtg, d/w & 1tove. SWIMMING plu\ a .. r e1u r, ur?· promo e.m 175 p/dly Herd work. good pey, All el'llft• •viii. t445 Su- $650/mo. No peta. Call much more' Sorry pool8'dl HB Af>t $300+ l't flll If~ llll, BOOKKEEPER uper Wiit t 9J 540-732·1ut 1j chMrlul craw. Clllllfled Adi 842-5678 per1of Ave, NB 842·2410 btwn MPM 545-4855 t M d I utlla. Dey call Mr. Menton 4347 IQ ft. know bale llOCt, gnrt r n u op SQUAD 557.9097 Conveniently located In · no pe s o e ~ 564·9010. Evee 841""4273 AIRPORT AREA .. 90c: tt. ledger, peyroll. 831..a690 ELECTRICIAN I ,.. 11•1y p•11at . -~ =~tl~rvi...:7' 2:!.,~~~~~~~: opendaily Qto d6 Blllt.,2br, 1be.pt l475 (714)~910 a.lllPll•/0 JOURNEYMAN ,mln6yr1 Hou11keeper·Llv1 In .......... . WlndwoodGlen 1,2 nopettS795.ff8..9178 ·~ ~~:O'!':/::;;s~ WttltJl.T.,terle. JR.ACCOUNTANT ~X:~t T:~::~. 1'::~r::u~: ~c=·~= : '1d3 bedll room, epertd ment• 1-2""'"B""'"R-2"'"eA---F/"""p_2_C1W __ gar_n_r =~~=-.,--.,---=--•l..,llt -u for CPA flnn-Co9t• Mell. CIHn-cut, muat l'lev• l'lou11work and 1tter ·• • •• Y 1 tuete nHr 18!-Ap•rtmt'nh COM 28'~ "n/tmlcr. CIOM •• ~• lllCJ* nee. Xlnt good driving record. school 1uperv111on of • • =·· al'lopplng and =~YC:,~s.~· 1obcl'll390281-8224•xt Coate Meu HCure benefltal~lon. Selery negotleble. bOY9 12 & 15. Mutt,,...,. • • Newport Buch So. 220 KAM. or 875-3081 ltorege rm 10'x10'. AV911 Pleatlnt Ing tur· 770--0102 or 78&-~ good 1ttltudl end refs. : flll-TllE • For !eating lnformellon •Slngle treller. fr10 , atove. 1700 16th Str eel Cute 2Bd 1'1....COM. $400-lmmed 130tmo 842·2227 roundlngl. Slllty open PfT 1tudlnt OK. N9wport • • p 111 u c 1 11 ( 7 141 PCH •t ArchM. Utll$ pd. (at Ooverl M/F, N-emkr, ~ +. to exper. 833-aoe.4 FEll•11 IA•• Beecti 7eo-2990 • If FICll OLEll •. 55"'5012 M ...... ay.Sun-1450 No Pit• 850-3429 '"73 ••25 •7• ~1• Autuet11ntl HU ..... .... .... e ...-"""' 642-5111 u ...... I v "'" • u . -Fedlfa1Gowrnmentl91'11r· Houllplfent• needed tor • dey 8:30 em to 5:30 pm 4Br. w•lk to bch, lndry Newport Buch No. Femlle tor Promontory SPfRrrOXC REAbiHd8 CATERING HELPER FOR In your.,... Immediate developmentelly di•· • • l'lkup1. yr~. No pet• Point. Oceen View. Fum. AcMce In AJl1~:"$: ~ DELI. P/tlme. 540-1115 opening• Without teeta. •bled kid-. 957""8190 : Very busy Circulation Office hu : Woodbridge condo 3 br 2 11200/mo. 52•7474 88011;1~~1~;enuP ept. 1420/mo. 873-0205 ~. San ci9m. UI-c!,;~::C,.~ Int.nor Plant Servtoa l'llf· • an e ntry lenl clerical potition • ::OOtrpl ~~ ~oo'8 ~~ ~~~i.:~7~~ 645•1104 Fml prof'I to ahf 2 br 2 be llc'd. 492-7298 Deya. $5. plhf. Ho up. (312) 88M34J Ing Maintenance Teet.-: available for the right person. • 2385 794.9773 evee Agt 842•3450 Frpl tennla pool }IC In HB I.ti I ,.... ......,. nee. Apply: AIRPORT ext E-1530 nlctena. We love our • Experience d esired but will train. e ~~~~~~~=~~=====~::~~~~~!!!!~!!! 1425 1v1M 12/20 Keren t ~ TEXACO. ~78 Clmpu1 W()(1(. High Mff-eeteem. e P osition ineludet answe ring • 540-4781ext 22811vmeg Fem a.rm Shep, Megtc. Or.H.B. FUkDI :":':;~,'=~~ • phones, filing, typing and data : HB hll/3br 3be 31ty, 2 rp vcty Hll'1>0f & H9wport Exper. tor local publl9hlng pref. (714)28t·1105 : procet ing. Applicant should be • 1/2 ml bctl, cable, tum Blvd CM 831""8250 NU. TlUU... co. Temp. $5. pll'lr. Call 1 k L h I d • HOROSCOPE SYDNEY 0MARR '650 mo/utll. wr1c 7~ F 0 u n d : 1 1 I 2 4 • Cindi, &4&-1823 JAMES LUMBER COM· : neat, i e to wora wit peop e an e 18701'1me9"-1849Peg BellfH tlWerren CM. 110/hr PI T After· PANY In Huntington e have a positiYe aUitude. 40 hour e M/F mature rwp. 2br 2 1>8 M• kitten, dartc Tiger noon~:.;~~·1 ::,tFrl *fLOUL * Belch la now t•klng ep. • work week, Monday· Friday. • cat• OK $345+ 'A utl •viii atrlpe. So CUtll HllllR pllcatloM for permanent • tarting aalary it 1950/month. : 12/1831·1087 ett 5 Found· 2 pr.-.. flmlll CHILO CARE, begin Jan. * * potltlont In the folowlng e Good company benefits. Apply in 91 • wuy 2'A dey9 p/Wtc. l '/f old FILL Tiii job ctaNlflcatlona: • .. M/F lhf CM twnhM, pool. grey & white catl(-...,.) boy CdM 551~1931 LUMBER HANDLERS e penon, Mooday':'Thunday, 2100 e' ·········~··· Jee, w/d 1310+ 97~9251 Sen Juan Cepl1trano. • · -i:: .... _ .. ,...,. M .41 l'lr e Leticia, 842·2250 Evee 496-2741 CHILDCARE WORKER tor r-• ·-MILL MACHINE M.20 hr e to 4:00 p.m. At~ for Eileen. •• Chrtetlan Sdlool. 18835 •--. ........... CUT·OFF 8AW 97.80 hr e Thursday, November %9 ARIES (March 2 1·Apnl 19): What had been an obstacle is removed. You'll have greater freedom ofthoug,ht. action. Debt is paid, you receive recognition long overdue. H ospitaT vs sit helps lift spirits on MtMt:c,~S2~ ~~!8 BrOOlchuttt FV. "2-.3312 -..U..... BOBTAIL TRUCK 17.10 hr : : 'lf u1164~2033 fOlll) ADS llllllOIAl.1"111 let1t11U ... lft T~~~~T~lfffR':a::e~ • ORANGE COAST : loved o ne. Libra plays a key role. M/F to ll'lr b1yfront hm. ARE FREE 18-$12 p/l'lr. WIM train. (l14) 04-1111 FORKLIFT LOE M .llO hr • DAILY PILOT • 0wn beth. $350/mo + Mu11 b• certified. FORKLIFT 8MALL $7.80 • 330 West B~ Street • utll. Sec dip. 842.,..808 873.ae30 Frttlt htl/11 .. r1Me hr : e TAURUS(Apnl 20-May 20): Wish comes true in unusual manner. Spotlight o n creat1 v11y. c hange. pc:>'>s1ble Journey and romance. Go<>d new~ 1s featured in connectio n with business, care.ef. Leo helps you get OCEANFRNT '/f/fem/SSOO Cal: COUHT~R SALES: Exper. nee. For buay Compeny provtdll hlllth, • Costa Mesa, A 92627 • 19t/llt/dlp utpd CMe FfT. PfT. 844-4421 Chlropr1ctlc office In dlntll lneurance & profit e • lo heart of matters · dye 752«82/ev 9e26710 142·1111 Bergatromt C1Mner1 Coit• MeH. P/tlme. 1harlng. Ctll Gery e • 640.Het Sme1n1. (714) 847""8511 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee •• E Own rm/ba. loVllY NB apt. •TllD •-G MINI (May 21-June 20): Surpme visit proves beneficial. Pool. fee. temele. Found: Ledl .. Gold -·- Orders from '>Upcnor reflect confidence in yo\.sr abilities. Follow $370/mo 845-10\M Wetctl. Costa Meea. Call Ho typing Ho flllnO. Mu9t through o n insllnt:ts inner feehngs.,Aquanan docs have )"our best Ownroom3 brcondoW/Oi=to_lden_,,....,,tlfy=--. 54....,-t.a,,_....,53.,..2..,.__ =-"= r:;t;c: interest!> at heart Mo ne)' picture is b~ght. rdwd dectc trpl pool apa FOUND Rabbit In UnMr· VWICI 954--0M5 CANCER (June 21 ·July 21): Plan ahead for travel. open hnes of M/F $325 720-9205 Rob 9lty Plr'IC Mlct\1l11CM1 Pto- commun1cat1on and <;tress h1&}lereducation. Focus on reading. wnting, .,,..Rmm1----,w-3"""ar=---nyon ,,... Ln MMIOOO publishing, d1sscm1nat1on or information. Spiritual values come into Bait>!. t;_,tn 12121:: J""°f JM-3113 att 5 focus. Sagjttarian proves loyalty. wants to be on your side. Cell Bude 87).2508 Loet: Fem Bil wlwtlt Chlet LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be thorough. take nothing for granted. Rmmt/F * beeut condo ~~~12!,~1~~i H. chec k facts. figures. Opponent will be alert for any slipshod methods. In C.M 111 1menlt111 1---==---="==-==~ Know 11. be ready for clash of ideas. Dig deep for information. you 1320•. 6"-2475 Loet Fem. RED SIBERIAN Id d · d HUSKY. Coeta Mela. RE· cou 1scovcr wmning proce ure. Amt• wented c .M. HMt a WARD. 846-21oe VIROO(Aug. 23-Scpt. 22): Investigate, do some personal detective reap. 1W5Yrl. 1275/mo _____ __,,,,___,.,.,,_.,..- work. Lie low. play waning game. Emphasis on legal affairs, pubhc + 112 utfl. Incl ger. Lott Fml Cat Hlmtyn reaction to your efforts. You'll be concerned With possible partnership M0-0100/84t-M40 aft 5 wrookhuttt Elll•) , and probably with m arital status. Amtl wanted to lt'lr 2BA t-tlOOdy ..,_,2llWI LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Allcntion centers a round employm ent, H.I . apt, $250, utll pd. Loet male tom cet, 'l'llY l health. umque services. Family member wants to enlarge quarters 10 Sherri, 0y9 898-M41~ext wtit, 4 wht pews, dp of tall d ecorate, remodel. Be attentive. diplomatic, receptive a nd do make 20l), IV9t "°"51°' =~~Viet~~~ intcl~1 ent concession. Keep eye o n Taurus! Shr hie: So. Utguna.. p..,, ORPIO Oct 23 N 2 "-Ii · enlr, bl & bctl. BMutlful LOST Aewerd em • "'11 (C . • ov. I ): a,,.; me terms, give logic equal time 1 peeceful. tet/lllVdlp. TIGER CAT, wi red l ftel with impulse. Focus on romance. variety, phy~1cal attraction and Art tpm 4tt-5194 OOll9ta. CM 541-7011 -;uddcn dcc1s1on. Pisces. Virgo natives figurt in emerging $CCnario. Demont retort Fii .IOI m )'OU aov.nturoue & need money? Ar• )'OU brtght, well troomed I eeger to lelrn? T niw1 w....,n Stat• and ,. tort ., ... with our eupet· vteorld marti.elng """· J.P !nterp'IMI hel 8911· erll tmrnedlN CIC* .. tot thole 11 end~. We ofr. IMjor medloel, tm- med .. t• income wtllle on the jOb trelnlng. lbclttng bonu1 progr1m. High eamtnge, tr1MPOrt1tton f\H'ntlhed. Stitt llNMCI, 'or eppt. 0111 June Pridgen 141-3337 (Wed· Thun-l'rl only, 12 noon-4pm) YQu'll lcam a secret. aJamour is mvolvcd. ''~~~~~.!!!f SAOl'JTARTUS {Nov. 22·DeC. 2WF0cus on pnic t1C3 lly, ft ._, 01n1111 rtl'lo ll'ecept. re<1ponci1b1hty, intensified relationship. You'U be concerned with n/ernlu, '°'*· Oer? °"'°" ONlY .,...,.. ~ 4\4 Oyt. Elcp home. ~unty • ..a(cty, long-range prospects. Earning power could au... IW9 T~ frlftl •' Mii reca cl. N8 142·MH increa~ and you could meet individual ''very food" for you. Wanted lmmed oocupeney bUiC CUM WAHf!D CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19): You're· in tune" with current 1n a.ta 0t 4 br 2~ tie ~;. '0~ W/' ".:0.,~-=. '1t1Jat1on H umor. flexitrility, vers.atiltty arc featured and prove ~Up°'ooftdoto 11800Pret1~1 .. '7M700 ... •• ::;-Lft • ,_..: 2174 beneficial Green haht flashes for challena.ana proJcct which co1Jld _,, ..... i --~ c include travel and information proaram. mo I•• tt C •" !: 'n• l!t. tllf ._. · M. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. 18)· New approach could mean more 7'4-2't-tt•-. .... ilii! -~/Connet Wb m oney, added prest1gc1nd veater~unty. Break with old methods 11 ~~-==-' 1mm1ncnt. Focus also on romance, new start 1n new d1rec11on. You'll To _..,J,:' mw111ge 1 pHrenoe. 111.11'ft tocatc article that had been lost, ma sma or stolen • the *' ~"" T.,.,.,._ ~- PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20). Lunar cycle high -you'll be at n&ht ~· Umo "" • pJaceat crucial moment. Ju~nt, ant1J1t1on nnabell ofa«uracy. You o.1y PllOt ;:·= ~'l:i could he asked to appear bcfon the media. Accent <.'onfidcncc, make C•...wi.d, 142-M78 1ntarn1flon11 Motor pcnonal appearance' and appeals. Coech 711·&411 .. . ~ . ; . - _Eistrict Mana~ers If you entO'f wo~ing with young bo)'I & Qlrh ond dnlt lobs ora not for you, consider o cor"' in tfle newspaper circulo- tion field. Thh It o ~ position with doily dlollen9et & reworch. Our ~· ore immediate. Appliconti mvlt hove o van, mitionwo9011 or trvclc. We off11 on exceftent taloty ._..... o bonus pton -and em ollowai1C1. We hove on excellent benefit pton tflot lncludet hotpl- toll1otion lnwronce, liberal vocation ond holidoys. Condldotet mvtt hove o deMre to be WCcettfvl and bl wiftlng to worJI hord. If yov think you hove the quallfkotiom, pleow oppty WI penon to1 --- ~ ~ frw., f.11 OM If 2"4 Pf" 330 W. Bay Costa Mesa, CA 92626 on equal ~ etnpfoyer _.....,_--._l-.1-11 Nt f1aW 111! ltlt I•... 119 I .... .....!!!!.. tlH A.tll ... lll._Tll ........... t 1111 IP WWW 1b Y:t .. tlll •111•11 lw Smell Ht A!!,;~ p~~TTlkNO£Nr ~ llmlll•IT Mm/lllfT~~ Wll lllnfotC.a.t t9mocW C AE !nwTt. !.llOll N.-~~~25:° ..... d.tall Orlent•d 14.IO ":,. 4=~42 tart 8::oi}:t't.r::port ~ciutl.~' y;",; tno'~ector. 3o HrlW9': ::r' '225~ 720-112' °': '*' 21 '":.,~:' S: ::-.& ~,...:.to~~-~. ...IMfl-ca11&4e-7461 1°"'4ort:30to3:JOMon . 89rbera.14.,.7922 11...;;;;::, ... ~-~U.:!!:·~=~ obOMuwt•ltn-014' __ _,, ... , •• ~_,. ----ttwu ,.,,, ~ ~ ~I! ..-. ,. ._..1••··- a '"""· KnoWll~ Poettiv.. outgOtnQ &. effl-RECEPTJONJSTl&to'H>/1 t.,.. and ~TUAI OtL COMPANY ORM iivlilii ••• lng.Sf7KPP146-1~ 'I0.$211 Xlnloond,&tpd. ram .. In AIR, A/P, and rec«o ct.nt. Htt S.tpm-Mon.-Frl hrt 3-epm. Work Into flt. 152·1135. E.O.r. . ~ l'NdUN per.on'°' Maclhtoeh WIPfln'• & BAHi 0 N HIAN Nft P71'e, NW b ..... TOl)MelCldll ,,...,... •79 (I Dor., ... ,,. kMplno. Non·amoktno and t0am-2pm Sat. V11i.d dull•-~. ni.. . tflot1 tripe eutroundlng dl•c drlv•. u 1oo. Yact'lt Ofub M9mbef1hlp mto MMe9 '900fda. Cel,....,OtRl!y ,._., l'llMD 91!r_ llw' ofo. Contact Rlok, Hourty +bonut.CallJutle Ing eto. Wiii train. Su. 111111'1nllm eotta1MeM ·Newport 84e-77&eor14&-n..a WANU0.173-1911 $11, .472-«124 -·••Tl IN • ._ W.,._~ 720-1141 at 720..0..5. 914-9090 ComfMf~ Aeel £11.,. e .. o,,. Contact CU•· I •• Ml, Xlnt OGN\...-=- . ~t Compeny tomer. We train. wr1.. CAL 2·27 d.lalal, rolter ""1, ...,.,. -'*.W\ .... •F •Ir-•.111. "" ,_,, 0,,ICI! ..... ,,.. • .., 111.llAMll ~ loeated In pr .. tlgloua K.T. Dlcll..on, Pr ... , m IC)ln., c:uetom teak Int., ~-LI' 2t3 •14137.ms ..... 74 Pit cterlcal help. No En)oyyourdayetoyourMll $3.5044.00 p/hr, 20 hrt Newpof1 8MCtl ioc.uon SouthWMternP.irol9Um. Adult home wlyd w MUCH MORE. Showe P4J~lo0o ---°'-~----........,. ___ ,...._.,..,...,,..,.._.--t~, OCS wlf't,..· re-on se P« hour + com· p/wtc, mom. & attn1 hre tetk• an organa.d ea41e Box 789, Ft Worth .. Tic. f0< IOvable Doby * .!: TLC. S25K. 173-0571 SalM-hrvlc»-LMl*IQ 42 , 18 1 m11es 'HCAOiLiAca ~~120142· 372 or mlUlon.,...852·9111 av•IL 18 Yrs /Older. MCretarywlthxlntlhOrt• 71101 ~b~~trc.ii HOSIElllndtrlr,cetbox, ******* I.I ~ca: --------1PHOTO LAB COUNTER E.xS*. deelrtble. Or•not hand & typing lkllll. aft« ~m. •97-28&5 MW trampoll,.._, COV4t' & UllWl'f MBJllY Thia lffnlted produCttofl COr••••*LAMe ... Tlllll SAL.£8 canwa knowl-Co111 '( M.C.A. (Rlclc) Exper. With commerelal TILi IETTlll more $2200 840-4281 -• ..... -Mdan '* bWI 0.... ALL4AVIM· N.-c1 3 hard working .clOe amust 1 Hr Photo 842""90 r .. I •tale °' con•truc-Blaek Fem terri.t mhc. s---"I pampeted ttnce 1t7t (714)4U-1t77 tnthUe!Ullc P9l'tone to 846-2424 Mike • r•taurant ":=:::i::. = p::''°:e~ ·~.:'~ ~~~. U~r:i~~. du .,.,,. 7 eo 320I l/t "' 1at*71 from ltt eleQent Mted __ ;..__..;_ ____ _ llk•OtcNralnS~~· CASHl!R. KITCHEN, ~leaMnt non-1moklng 9'\S* .. tOOla, and tran. ScrllC)pl 12met9f Ewry 80320l5-pa/c21fd31 wlalnutd.Mtll~IO ...... offloe. No e,XS*'. Pllfl W Pllmll COUN •ER HELP FIT & 9nYlr°'"'*9t PIMN call portallon. Can Paclflc f • tart thtng ~I Suitt In 1924 8132<>1 5-r> l/r 10UE487 111 automeflc ~ .-rva;A4J ary. We train. SNO per Norltau•XS*.pref.1 Hour PIT, Mon-Fri daya. Exp Merilyn 75M531 Stat .. Tiie Co. 2•1·1107 1' a,..e;;1go13 tofa Xint S2S.Si000 7eo-o229 e13201AIT•lr 1DAG914 tern. Thll le tM ""..,.,..., c·w LAC mo. Mr. Rubin 182-5144 Ptloto, 14&.2424 pref, wtH train. Salary • cond S200/ob0 7~9370 81320!6',p ·s· 1dogeec> ~ -~ ~ ~."'= _,,.,. __ .A ... d~" open. Call G90rge before Seorei.ry, dfC*'tdabM tor TYPlllTTll 1 JI kl 7 11320l a1U/r 1btb408 ....,_.. --·1 ..,_ Parking lot • .., """•t· .... t&,,f,lttttn 11am~atter 2 pm only. 1 petson HB ottlee. Typ, E.xper ~ry. Comp Antlquetable32dl•c:tlrt 82 320i 59Palr tdd14& PQWer/aunfOOf. LeetNr. t.AAOGT-..cnc>N ~~i~i :r:fs~ le hr + oomm. No. Mlll1111 432-0S'17 CM flllng, phonee, hrt 8-3:30, edit.. Full time. Costa 1250 781-9 t95 aft., 6pm <4()'m00tlng, xmt Newport 82 320! s.p l/r 1Ml411 nu tlr• Full tt, '35,800 of._ fftOdlil. ... ,,..... W. Coat Hwy NB Mon nee. Mu1t be u -A .. taurant non...amkr. 893-1940 M ... 842-te78, M·F,8-5 BEAUT.' pc:. living room loc.tlon 'JJoeat 21 ' 1111-82320l5ec>1/r1fgp413 Martyt73· 34!deyt c.clllollnlo:J._11 tf'tuFrlbetween 1-4pm rs;':m· Cell Mike at llT.PIPPlllll'I SECRETARY-d•,,.nd·1 TYPllT/Hlln. aet,IOlldolktrlm,never bOlt.t13• 131:5525 =~~~=~~~:~ l13..l34"4wtindew.a ~--......... pl;t.tlm9 Mlp, lneuranoe PIZZA STiii r,:son HB omci.. Typ: flt-'°' profelllonal Npt Bol'I uaecs $365. 974-2~ NB slip up to 28 ~ 82 528E alt IO( tfdl700 '69 280 Sl mint cond, 2:-1 .. 1 & comP4-1ter background Pll•llllll. lift PIT OS*llngs tn Newport & 1111. phon.a, "': &-3.30. firm. Gd typing akllls ... DINING SET Spanl9tl styl9 Newport ISiand ctlen ea 629E 51() I'd tfnu30e topa, a/S, :=rs:·= 2800 Her'* IMl. •xperlenc• preferr•d. 8-l2. H.B. area. 53&.14" 1 lrvtlfe. Flex hrs. Apply In non-amkr. en. 940 aentlal. Neat appearance. with 6 chairs St 35~ s21otmo 67M5&2 82 83Sc:al alt (1.og«.2) =· ~·In Npt .,.... 008TA Ml8A Saturday mornlnga. person. SECRETARY PIT 8·12 tmmed poaltlon 673-0300 &-45-5833 NMd Slip for '1' Hatteras 83 320I Sep 1/r 1twt515 Call for IPC)t 875-7781 ot ..... 1 ftU 553·1115 P/Tllll IELP 2300 SE BrlJtot -dally. Exper, mature S*· VETERINARY KENNEL F It •needed b str Mot0< Yacht. loog t«m 83320l51p'S' 010512 619-568-1257 ,••J Jll• MAl'..E OR FEMALE (good Newport 9each·E~E son for Real E.atateofflc:e. ASS'T. PIT. Interview u~~ urmuslctan ro O~ lse ~table 955-2411 &3320l5ep'S' 380918 ifi W . 18K ml, T ... -" torstud.nt). For c1ean11111 Creatll'• ln\/Mtments from ~5pm. Tues-Fri. ~wag /Mfl..call Me-8744 Ask tor Shatee. 83 320! l/1 air 072484 •C tHt ~500 ~ 'i!J_,'l:f* lmmed. opening• tor office, landsce.pe main-*IO&IL l&Lll* 144-9513 Only Ell per l e nce Y TEMPORARY SLIP Want-83320l5eps/r 002264 ·7§ MG Ui.c-.. %2k mt, _•,;...__• __ . -------phone appointment Mt-tenance, ..wash boss's Part·tlme. Fine Jew-llm/llllfO prele<~ed 125 Mesa Or lllYlllllTlll ed. For '1 It. SallbOlt. 835-28ES.,,L'd 9564-4 1 ..._. te<a In Santa Ana ot-car. etc. Cell Linda btwn erly/glfti. NB 673-933-4 ,15K/p. yr ($12""'. pl md) Costa MeN 631•1030 " _ 957 • 133 Please call 644- 7 "4 83 528E al t I'd 1HIW809 amlfm c:.u, rOll bW. mt flee.No exper. ~ry. 9 and 5, 675-2311 'II,/ • LES .... 83 S28E l/t ld'd 207194 Inside & out new Mich- no selllng. MOil thru Fri-Retell .ahoe atore 8"klng Busy research admln. WAii Ollll Laroe oek roll top deak Mttercyclts/ 83 31811/t llr 1hdh512 llne. S2800, S48....,.97 day 5 to 9. Sat 9 to 1. MANAGER. PIT for elderly hardworking lndMdual nds secty/assi11. Must Ex Evea & Wknds good con d S 5 5 0 k IOll 6V"" nmlallln renc t 111 Salary. JaNlal 182·5843 boarding care laelllty w/mature leadarshlp t~ 80 wpm accurately. P~ SUPERIOR 14,5 ,,~_2132 after A..m ...... "-...''•'•'-----~Ya." CON,... EL L CHEVROLET . .. . , ·.• Stay Mon-Thur Most qualltlea. Good advance-a. conscientious & hard • ..., ""' -•••- Cook. Elelne6"3-2824 ment. Apply In person workl1111.Medk;alole axp. ~f.~~r~· Nwpt Bch. Matccouch,love ... t,chr. •71 Honda 750F 1500 (l14)111-J111 -•• -••UJ PART-TIME, Varied hours PIT. SECRETAAY/RECPT 3077 So Brlstol CM Ask helpful. Ms Katz, nr nu orig $1000 Mii S380 2.'1-tS1'15"6-2338 208 W. 1t1, Santa Ana 114,t't ,.. ftlf ~':!~~~M:'~av:d~ 8am-1pm. Typing & phone for Stan 9am·noon 752-7942 WlllHftl Kl1111 size Simmons bed. "18 Pucti Mui Sport Runsl CLOSED SUNDAYS l fl 1111111 Fl• , 71 Ford FAIRMONT 4 dr pend able vetllcle (sm•ll exper. req.'d. 642-3996 RN's & LVN'e needed for um-Part Tl•• IEUYllY PDSll frames 130. e1C 150-1384 GOOdt $250 640-7219 2121'• WAGON rbft eno.,., blll- !>4b-I 200 truck , van, 1tatlon daya & evenings. Xlnt bright, 96cllled Junior Seo. Must have •KS*. handling Matcf\11111 dr91Mf/mlrror & '83 Honda 600 XL 200 ml LARGE SELECTION OF TO CHOOSE FROM *>' $1900 oboMa-31'71 wagon) to ual1t ,,...... *IUL ESTATE* benefits. 1445 Superl0< 20 Plus hrs p/wt<, M-W-F, fine furniture, good drlv-nlte stand. Xlnt cond Like new S1695 261·6e02 ~NEW & USED BMW'S! paper dNi.t In lrvlne Ave, NB. Call 6-42-2'10 for R.E. ofc nr o .c.·a1r· Ing record, energetic. S125 firm. 631-5179 Eve dys 631..()188 eves Liil llAOll llW t-Ouard ~ 'll ,_T __ area. Mutt be depen· * SILES * Salea port. Lite phones, flllng, Knowledge of Orange Norltakl Dish... occup. VOLUME SALES 1-Sl•t• Blue Po. ~ Po. loc*&. Hyde Monday thru Friday Ct• .. relal·l1411trl1I WORTH I at the Los An-833-9870 pearance. (714> &40-6S l 2 wllbl S 175. 756-9285 Tra"J IOZ4 3670 N. Ct\erry Ave. _ _ _ • ..,...,_ dable. Contact Greg EARN WHAT YOU'RE t~pe es wpm. Jody County helpful. Neat ap-Japan S300. Corner unit Trailtn, SERVICE&LEASING ;I:~· YI*: I ~(21·~ ...... -. ,..· T-=..!:: between 9:30 and 10:30 We., ... 39 )'Mr old firm gel es Times tele· SECURITY CLERK/ DRIV-Wllr.ll Pll• Part sec eota, exit cond. WANTED: 18' Of laro-r LONG BEACH a.m. on!y.142-4321 wttolly owned and per-ma1l<et1ng otfl-09 In Costa ER FIT. Prlvatavault. Xlnt pa.a,,._* SlOO obO .. •uD 2u... Travel Traner, PP wlll pey (No. Cherryaxlt...-05) • eonally operated by Its Meu. Effective now, our kl ndltlon .. , •-......,. ~-cash. Cell (714)892-824e lll•) taa..lllO . rounder Mrvlng th9 Com-new commlulon scale al· wo~e~f~~. 780-t l45 Glroundl-f_!oot'bropponh forun.ltyn Vinyl eofa/ch.i1 Gd cond fred•lns Weloome ~ IN BUENA ,.MIC P&YllUOUll me<clal.lndustrlal,Apart-Iowa you 10 eatn more nour mne ane b0ths165615-5952evs AattLt11ia1 9010 OPENSEVENDAYS E D RSCHE •AUOt Exp'd for RMI E.atate In-ment and Land Marl<et. than s2oo. In commlaslon * llOllITT * energetic Individual wtll----- \/Mtrn.nt Co. In Newport We are not a franchise & wages by Mllll111 only Entry level. Unarmed ee-11111 to learn a vatlety of Com Wtrbd dl'Wl'I ped htr llllA·TIYlll 6750 Manohe91« Blvd THEOOO Rf ROBINS FORD 8eac:tl ar ... comput« branch or division con-20 subscriptions a curlty lndustrlalpoaltlons dut i es for locel enpyS300ob0646-1041 IATIH Datsu 117 BuenaPark exp • mu1t. deelra to troued by 01hers. On the weetc.lt'sposslbletoeam avall. Min. 18 yrs old. Caterplllar dealer. No WhltebambOOdeelgnDln-Allmak"·S199down. (l14) 121-1111 ~:,.,,~.,~~~~ =~s~~~e~C:t m:: more than $1000. weetcly. Own transp. a.tt., than ~018r..,.:~!_~~seM:,~-Ing Set w/match'g Cabl-c.E. comm. Leue ~--~1:.:9~9:...1~. ~S~C.::; .. ~, .. .,;1r:.1;...:7;;00~.t..;;;~~;::;;;;a.;;;:u;;;UiU1 ,.., - , ,..... · It's possible to earn more ave<age w~. We pro-........ • ........ 1,_, • • net, Sldetx>erda a fem No 1st or laat . No deposit · ' ..... l'l • rnenautatew/exS*lence. ~nt. No walling tor than $.1000. weekly. vfde guard card a· uni-Ing and afternoon poa· stands. S-400. OBO. Rat-·Nollcensef.. or S3,4SOdOwn /5&.8801 an appointment. C5penf1111 Hours •re nexlble and the form. Full/part time. All ltlons avallable. Job re-tan Coffee Tbl, Endtbl, & delivers any i.ue. $537/mo &45-7142 NllPEUTMI 1Qr2Com<Mrclal-lndus-office Is Freeway ctoee. shifts & wtcnds. Apply qulresagooddrtv11111re-plan ter. 130. ea ALL-SAVERS " ' • • • •tit. H A •"( 1'1 P\, • :• (Q'\fli M t •,A •, ... •' •'I(, MrVlce trial people with ablllty For more Information, 9am • 5pm Mon thru Set. cord. Call personnel '°' 6-45-8615 aft. 5. (71') 432-t9n answerl:l exper who want the freedom to can (714) S40-0301 1820 Orangewood, Suite appointment. pref. Ful /part time day °' work any territory or type 2 13. orange. ca . llat,.tr4 IHlllltrJ Car11t In AatM Wut• 9020 ua 0i...., S"Tlllfr ""'~ tJtACM evenlngs.14 2 - 1 ' 03 of Pter~~ :r,~orsya-You don't need a gun to 978-7243 211/1H·111Ull WE llY NI IPIUTll "draw last" when you . Interview appointment. place an ad In the Dally STYLIST/MANICURIST Warehouae/stock help Cnta •n• 1134 CWI c••s Ans. wv. exp pctlferred. WllLR I. TAYLM OI. Piiot want Ads! Call now wfsome foflowf1111. New PIT Packing llftlng In-- 714-833-1300 3 pm- 1 lpm & l lpm· 7•m 1 Civic Plea. Sulte260 I 642·5678. CM shOp. Call 642·7008 vol;ed S4 00 °556-2030 *ti HOLIDAY CRAFT All TllOll shifts. PT/FT 831·5&4-0 · ' BOUTIQUE. Something l1Hh/lall II• ll1lst. t WULTI I for everyone of all ages. Newspaper KIDS-EARN GREAT TRIPS AND PRIZES! AGES 11-14 EARN lJ» TO $75.00 PER WEEK We now hawe I~ open1111s lor young ucer beaweis lo secure readers for The Om1ge Con t Daily Ptlol Our crews start al 3 30 Pm. and 1'"1rk 11111.118·30 pm wttkda~s On Saturday, we •won a tew more hours You 111111 earn many lrll>S ! and prizes, alofll with ear nine your own money , theie 11 no del1we11nc or colleclion inwolwed If you are 1ntertsled. plea5t call Ml [art (714) 548-7058 • _JTODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Sauted 6 Romanian city 10 Marathon l<I Spoon 15 Tetctled t6 Algerian seaporl 17 Sectors 18 Be worthy ol t9 Dessert 20 Inhuman ones 22 Read1I~ responsive 24 Cake part 26 NFL player 27 Looked narrowly 31 Hospice 32 Weoghi unot 33 Peaaant shoe 35 Bump into 38 Covers 39 Italian city <10 Caribbean country 41 S1ouan 42 Wrinkles 43 Destined ""Metal 45 01st1nct 41 Conlracts 2 3 17 20 38 I& 51 Siano up 52 PR stones 54 Baked -gooos 58 T onoc herb 59 Golf hazaro 61 Hole - 62 Obey 63 Very bad 64 Wait on 65 King beater!. 66 Have trust 67 Salver5 DOWN I Solt lossue 2 Tnon 3 Inkling 4 Rubt>er bands 5 Preordain 6 Sudsy lt?st 7 Voc1lerate 8 Realty unols 9Golt 10 Offensive t 1 Thon as t2 Make lotems t3 Gel m 21 Tennis unol 23 Per 25 Copel or f>temo 27 Flight type 28 Resign 29 Disengage s 7 PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 30 Valley!. 34 Swiss c1tv 35 Herb qenus J6 Secorid 37 in USA J9 C,,urchrro11n 40 P11ckag1nq macnonf' •12 Mona 4J Naz• 44 f ilOr•CS 8 9 46 Dance sleo 47 The stage 48 Keepsake 49 'One 50 Bresnness 53 Canvas Sllef't 55 Mrs Thon Man 56 1nv1d1ousnes!> 57 Understands 60 M8n1pu1ate 13 needed for Corona d.i SlH.llCI + Christmas Items, toys, Mar marketing firm. CAN 8~-YOURS decorations, hostess Exper. pref, but not · gifts. Dec. 111. 9am-4pm required For more lnfor· Mlllng Hot Promo Items. 2502 Sycamore Ln. C.M. CONNELL CHEVllOUl .,,, °>' If , r 1. " II . I • • ,.._ I \ \1 ~ , \ 54'>-1200 matlon 'ca11 760...()505 ~.~~ c4aiiR::t~ 1~::1.fp:, (olf Newport Blvd.). PHSOIML 11702·731-0718 Jewtl? . . '214 .::::==_...:----1·91 Prelude, lo ml, .e.1~~~~~~!!!~ TEACHER/AID~S FIT Weekends: Fri pm thru Ladles ROLEX gold & Sel~~~~.~~~ ~~~!';s!i950· Af1 1T~ Be n e f I t s -r a I s es · Sun. must love small stalnless 1 yr old S 1200. for your car. Any make or 1.;,,;ii;lloii.-., _____ !'9 847-528<1 children. No smoking. 640-1900 Tues-Sat model. Paid fOf or not. 'II .al lOOHI 18 ona, 4 dr, auto. Sales drive, excel salary. Npt • IZll Get our prloe nrst. s 139/mo.+ tx. S486 down. loaded, Qd cond. '5995, TELEP ••• E Sch 675-70•8 •1ac1llaaH•• BILL MAXEY TOYOTA C..E. Commercial lease 832-4363. 52M 1n II 2 BMW a now t i res 19202 Beacfl BIVd ALL-SAVERS OPEllTDIS Wiii PllCHSI mounted. S 150 760-1'63 Huntington Baacti (71<1) 432· 1977 N.B.. RE consultlng firm ----------962-0829 Earl Ill. P/llJ has an Immediate open-JACKSONS 4 tickets on --------'8' ACCORD UC, 3 dr IH tr Wt•H Ing FIT Must be exper'd the grass. Sat 12/ 1 $75 WI Ill llatchbacil, 5 yr SOK warr. Auto .. on' NBi 3000. Salary ea. Cash only! 5•5-7863 USED CARS& TRUCKS aint. lots ot options C11la P1U llllJ comm w/expertise. Call Blue/white Oriental Aug. 9 COME IN OR CALL FOR i _s_9_soo_._1_1' ... ' ... '..,9&-:_3_92_1_,., N~~-1s9.:6 ::;··8 wtll train. Suzy 833-2650, M-F. by 12. $250, Engllsh Hall FllH lPPllll&l. 1" 1111 ---~~---l"=i 5510 tree $300, Gas BBQ wt Cormler-DeLlllo Telephone Sales ~. butane tank S35. 1ter90 OlfflllLn fllEILl .. I LOCAL IHIA Plllll Aust Shep Blue Murel 1 yr tuner w/lloor spkrs. S35, 1821 1 BEACH BLVD * HOIDI * .. lllLY PLH Olll. lse/sale S150. 756-9285 _6_7_3-_8_59_6 _____ ,---HUNTINGTON BEACH Ambitious men & women, Boxer, AKC Puppies. Garde n 1 n g -u t 111 t Y Ml·IOll; t•l·IH1 HIS no exper. nee. Call now. Champs, lg litter. Ready Trailer.new with tool box. n 540_6695 elC1. 28 tor X·mas ~-6743 s200. 493-8457 aft. 5:30 WI WAIT Ylll HONDA TELEPHONE SALES A.atisan 010 Grn velvet Couch. Chair & OLW ISH OAIJ PI T eves. Wiii train. Anffftue Ctiblnet·The t>est ottoman. Gd cond. $75. SeeAonaldDace 1 ___ 1_s_1_-88_82 y~111 ever seel Etched _s.._o_-06_7_5 ____ ~ CARS Telephone sales glass doors, roll-top "HAWAII" via Western Air-'67 VW CAMPER MANY AU•fOll .. 'lPllllt area Everything In orig lines.expires 12119 S300 ~ll•i t•l-llll EXTRAS GOOD COND. -.... condition (We use It for a round trip. 675-1553 • 5 tpeed LOAOEOf S5200 obo 780-1557 Can you read and write? B ) p-..4 t x p es.-----~~--.,,.~ 374 Beecfl Blvd S 1600 530-9948 Can you drink coffee and ~{. y~~ be·r:~prfsec1 Jackson's tickets $39. 75 & wes~mtnat" . 69 Gokj. 8ug....Compi..-t9- eet donuts? Do no.t.C.U l'low affordable . U~ (213)234-0123 or :;::==----.;n:;o!l...:.;:Be:::ti~•::•::.:.n ~22~&:.;;;<40:,:5;.;F..-.~1 stored to last detail. s~~st6'sS:n 811-:_:k~ 851-5825 or 759-9578 1213)824-1600 2 laraau Ckia 9132 1mmae $319s. 120-1912 95"-0685 Beautllul oak Armolre, John Wayne Tennis Club 12'.1ffiiA_g2octn.inh._\&!~d"-"·.L·1'..!!20-!;~~=· "lery unusual piece. You'I .MembefstlliLS.85!LOSiU-l'--<'-tlrlltll'1HtfllHH IT'S BEEN A GEM. $2500 cond, mpg. am Telephone. Sollcltors: love Ill 851-5825 or Call Renees.40-6800 Factequlp'd,w/lotsol ob0548-7688 1vmso St950 Catl650-8433 Part/time from your 759.9579 MICHAEL JA CKSON xtras Readyfor lmmed • home. 848-4S47 att 4 TICKETS Sun Dec 2. $40'. del.(3419)Cal1Today 111•1 " tl41 '80GOOdAabcblt...;,, .. cnam1stPSfaoodlt. Whlrlpool frig, avo. wks-II Ill """ TELEPllll Wllll SSO 752-5065/646-3176 644-"555 Lv message. · ' '12 IAZll ILC Ill takea 645-5755 h -· tic -1zrr P1••1••111s ORANGE COAST 5 S"". air. stereo, Shit? '81 Sclrrl\l'A, 35K ml, Several ent u .. as per· AJJliHctl 6011 ..-n ~ - -AMC/Jeep "" vw sons for 911en11111 tel•1;_._~---..-.-......... ...__ Italian racing bikes 252, HarbOr Costa Mesa Skin Covers. (1FOV28l) btaupnkt. llke nu $6500 phone work In Santa Ana Gu dryer, r9b\!Ht, llke new Masl.Glosturlno; sehwlnn IU·I02• 1111 640-8590. 835-7001 PP office. No exper. neoess-$85/ bO 760-6832 continental/stump Jump-______ •___ e-• IO RW ary Salary. • no selllng. _ ... 011 er Nikon mini binoculars. ,_ Mo~ thru Friday 5 to 9, 11 Arr...... top of llne. Hndmade Tracb 9035 YILISWllEIS 'limn•-... e cyt .• auto .• *· tit .._., am</frn ~••••tu (1BWG011) •••• THEODOR( ROBINS FORD j(Jf,(• H Al l O I 81"0 (.O\TA 11111\A 6_., 0010 .. , ....... , po. ~ ·~ lodta, po ....... Ult. on#M, and Lots Lots MOREi (180V880) lllM THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAl90 1 IHvO co~u. M H A .... , 0010 THIOOOll ROBINS FORD lOt>O HAllO I llVO COSTA iollSA o4 l 0010 '11 Fm lllllT ll Auto.. ali', emlfm., wife wMe1 covers. ( 1H0005e) ""' THEODOll ROBINS FOID 1060 HARIO I &l VO CCM1ll MISA t>•l 0010 Sat 9-1, Kelly 612-5843 LES 957 ·8133 acoustic guitar by Santos 1.;.;;.;;.;;.;,;. _____ _ SELL Idle items with a MAYTAG waaher & dryer w/case HrdWd lirewd. '12 Fiii OHllEI Tl •ISi ,.. ~at•I Must Miii '80 Dally Piiot Class1fled Ad. S-425 OBO. Upright treez· scuba gear' tum, clothes Pitk2 Pinto 59K ml Xlnt condl o .2•5678 er S250 OBO 969-2698 New dshes, lots others. • CCOl'JON S2400 obO 714-893-1622. ~ 1s1 come. 1st serve Best 4 spd .. po. br es. pass· --------=~-= ~ -- olfe 1 s•8· 7362 anger stieu Only ~K lt.rct4n las 9145 • ~ JJac.aa t123 r. mlles (46537G) ...---....a~~ - DIMES A- LINE WANT ADS IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PRIVATE PARTIES Sell your Items for $50 or /IJSI In our famous DIMES-A-LINES pub- lished each Saturday In the Dally Piiot. DIMES-A-LINE ads mu•l be pr•pald .o mall or bring t'*'1 Into the Oally Piiot offlc41. &I sure to lnclutH your phone number or •d- dreu In your 1d, have • price on Rt:tl ltflm ha-.tJOrsvtattons. Sorry, no commercJlll lid•, ~ ..,.,, produce, ,,,.,,,, or .nlm.i.a .,.. tlCOl!PtabM. DEADLINE: s p.m. TIKlndlrJ Coete ..... Ofllce ....... , ....... Coeta ..... ~a.-- SCRIM LETS $2111 ·79 300D Cok>f'ado sand. -~----1 ft • Xlnt cond $13·500 OBO •. IN BUENA .. ARK-" --~- ANSWERS s42-641•15s2-6391 ~VOLKSWAGEN1 · Ill 8750 Manct-ter Blvd THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAIJ90 1 &lVO CO SfA MISA 641 0010 . Buena Partt For compet11rve pr1CM & 114 II l IOIO leaM rates on 1985 • models. Jon Reynolds. aulhOtlzect dlr rep 599·S436 *FREE* CNIUSTIAS lln From Southwest Motor Car One lucky per'°" wlll wtn e miniature Mero.des SL Conlftlrllble motorized kids C8f ·now on di.Splay. All you do Is bring In your wrrent MerQeCSM-Benr reg1strahon (any model o• yearl and enter the tree drawing At the s.me time ctllloll out our large teleetlon of M9rc9d .. now I Vl illble fOf Nie ()( 1eue Drawl1111 will b9 held on Dec. 24, 1 NA Oel BrOOks Adam• '°' de tall$ SOUTHWEST IOTOR CIR CO. 1220 w. Co.a.at H1gnwey Newport Beecn 714/631-•595 OVER 110 Pr•Owoe<I M~es To ChoOM from .lmllElllS · llPllTS JOOI Ot.lal1Slr981 Nftpor1 Buch co11n YOLISWAliEI) ISUZU m .,.. .... .. ~' INC" I • SOUTH COUNTY u91 K~WAl:CN • .. ~ .... u .... •I ' ttU• ti •t wa tt••''' 111c-et. tu ~- '82 Cullasa Supreme Brougham V-8 tmmac 644-53&6 8S1-1525 'llllTUISIBU St99ctown. C E Commtr'Clll i.a.M ALL.SAVERS (7 t4l 432.19n ·13 u,y 2 ar coupe sst trant l750 Obo 4M-:; 'llPfJu• ......... Auto, air.po. Pelr1n0.po bf.tc .. ("9NAC) 111M q newt)' !Wtt, T-top, 81t beh9d t~ 1 °""' S1750 M M244 ..-. •ol 1' MllANT WAG, llK ml, MW !"-.,.0. gd cona S4400 s~1• tilt I - • D8 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, November 28 1984 --. '85 MIGHTY MIX 84949 82 0 Iller engine w/new outomaHc valve ad· 1usters8Dou1>1e wall cargo box.9rad1al tires811nted glas argo area l'Ohl lldoor lo·door carpeting (20 17751 2833 HARIOR ILYD 540-4491 Previouslv Owned Cars SOUTH COAST DODGE 1171 JEEP WAIOllER 414 0 EACH WEEK TO 1st PLAC WINNER FORECASTED BY NATIONALLY KNOWN JOE HARRIS I I \ ""' \ ((I'"'''"· 11<.l'll . -. THE BITlJRRO. 1 98~ Mmr•t1 B1turbo, $399 . loaded with •II tilt eatras mclud1no leathtr bO mo clo~d tnd lea~ Cap cost '2b422~ Down payment ~).18b, 'lb C.tSh or tradt (~r )1907 ll .t CONNELL CHEVROLET SILES ~ LEISllG • &48-1200" GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS • ~ ..... ~ ..... ~~ A 5 PLAY NEWLE4SE ONUFE. ,J/S'~ - • • -- $238 ~+~.,..,mo. ...,...,..JOO.Ea' t ""'"'""'"~tr .•.. " ""<> .. ·J , •• ,.. .,~ .... ,,.. ... trlJ ................ .. I -~,. t" .. I ... (l•f jll\"4)Ui• /)Jl'I -Jl f ••" .. ~ \#fU/1/IH .. .,. 1¥0 ... ,, ""'°' .. <or NEWPORT /II I · • • A /II ------"40.Ja. ! ~~\. * OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK * 5 ~ v JOE'S PICIS OF THE WEEI Pro Teams Sunday, Dec. 2, 1984 B D INDIANAPOLIS D at BUFFALO l 0 CINCINNATI ::::> --~ 0 DENVER (.) I I-::> ~ 0 TAMPA BAY e 0 NEW ORLEANS ::::> (.) I 0 LOS ANGELES RAIDERS I-~ 0 ST. LOUIS ::::> () I 1- 0 NEW YORK GIANTS 5 0 DALLAS I-::> 0 0 PITTSBURGH I 0 at CLEVELAND --- 0 at KANSAS CITY 0 at GREEN BAY -- D at LOS ANGELES RAMS 0 at MIAMI 0 at NEW ENGLAND 0 at NEW YORK JETS 0 at PHILADLEPHIA Loaded. #870WAB $5999 § 0 SAN FRANCISCO DETROIT -0 at HOUSTON 0 at ATLANTA at SEATILE 1177 DODIE COLT I-::> (.) --- 1 o~auto, low $1999 miles. #309SWS 1-::::> 1971 TOYOTA COROLU ~ Pro Teams Playing Monday Night, Dec. 3, 1984 (TIE-BREAKER) Auto. rack #2AKR551 ::> $2999 ~ 1113 OLDS WAIOll ~ 0 CHICAGO 0 0 at SAN DIEGO ~~~t~~ ~;ul~~sas $6999 a Put Your Score for Monday Night Tiebreaker Dec. 3, 1984 uu In "u"~ I UUUlit IRC. i''; 2888 Harbor Blvd ~ Costa Mesa 640-0330 BEFORE the GAME STOP and T Alli HOME ~ Chic .. n • Gotfic butt et w / &..mon /lutt• Ii &..mon/1.emon/'1o n (lnc.1 Sot.ca, Gvaco,.,,..., Tortltlot, & &..ttu'1 , ... .., ...... ....... 650-1329 ' ...... 17&1 .......... Awe, CM J eAYI ! ~L_A=S=T=_w_ -_E~E-K_ -,_s-=_,w~-=-IN-=--N:E_-R_S-=--=-~-=----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-,N-A_M_E~======================---. 5 0an erown <o wronc > --+--~-"'_e...__ac11_-+-__ __,_$ __ S __ 0_.0 __ 0 1 ADDRESS _____________ _ ~ Gtor1• ScAt• _ __.__c_°'_'• •_•_• --4----2_5....;.0~0, PHONE ___________ _ o Ne111/JGhnKlrcN>«1 tost111ts1 15.0 ATTENT!ON: WINNER'S CIRCLE (On Your Envelope) ES OF HE AM Games list will be published each Wednesday. Make your picks on your entry blank, cut out, mall or deliver to The Dally Piiot, ATTENT~ON: WINNER'S CIRCLE, 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Entries must be postmarked no later than 5 P.M. Friday, preceeding the Sunday game and Monday game. Late entries will not be counted. If more than one winner, a tie-breaker will be determined by the score of Monday night's football game. Winners will be published the following Wednesday. Winners may pick up prizes at The Daily Pilot office on Friday before 5 P.M. following anr:iouncement published in the paper. In the case-of more than one winner, prizes will be divided. (No employee of the Orange Coast Doily Pilot or their families are eligible to enter.) WINNERS! DON'T l - FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR WINlllllGS "'-!? 1-LJVS FINE EXOTIC . AUTOMOBILll-... lAIGI Slll(JlON OF NIW & USIO PORCHES UNIV~RSITV&Al.ES 1n 2UO HAR80R ILVD SEAVICI COITA •IA 540· .. ~-~---------------------------..--------~---~--------~---...:..~--~~-- (') s 0 c -i I (') c -4 0 c -4 I (') c -4 0 c -4 (') c -4 0 c -4 I (') c -4 0 c -4 (') c -4 0 c -4 I 0 c -4 0 c -4 I (') s 1 1 2 1 1 ® 85's ® ARE HERE! 84 CLEARANCE MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD - 0 COMPAREl 1 OUR LONG TERM LEASE OR PURCHASE; • A LARGE INVENTORY ASSURES CHOICE 714/52S.7250 . 714/750-7201 . 213/921...Sll Ale1tt ... Softto Alto (S) fwy.• 1eoctt ...... ~ ZERO ( COST Before You Even THINK of leasing anything from anyone ... CALL US FOR APPOINTr.£NT 957-8985/957-8879 2720 "H" So. Harbor Blvd. (Below Werner) Santa Ana 92709 Wrlh the Puf chne of • New ISUZU ltuck ISUlU DEAUJ In Oranct Cuty Salts . S.vict BAUIR llUIU 979.2500 " j ( TOMORROW: 1:11m 1111111 Wf-ONE SOA Y NOVEMBI R 28. 1984 Of~ANGfCOUNTY CAllfORNIA L~ Cf NT '., Pair rescued after yacht sinks Hunttngfi)n man and Mexican partner - found in life raft off southern Baja coast al'ld Jaime G uiterrez ot Acapulco, Mexico, according to the yacht's owner. NeWJ>Qrt Beach developer and banker Philip Steams. (Putnam is not the Los Angeles television new~ caster.) nearly 17 hours after a Mayday call Also notifyina the Coast Guard of from the 72-foot Wanderin' Star the sinkina yach\ was Robert Bisbtt yacht, Coast G uard Peny O fficer of Bisbee's Sportfisbinl o n Balboa Charley Crosby said. Island, accordin& to Joe Monii. an Putnam and relayed his map coord1· naies to the Tuna Boat Association. Putnam and Guiterrez Rid their boat was ta.Ian& on water lOO miles southeast of the Baja California peninsula, and a few minutes later said they were aoina to board a 'life By ROBERT HYNDMAN Ot Ifie o.ly .......... A Huntington Beach man and his Mexican partner were found safe in a life ran Tuesday night by the crew of a fishing boat following an all-day Reputed Nazi war crimi- nal Andrlja Artukovlc was ordered held without ball pending extradition hear!r lng./A3 A forum Is planned Satur- day on the proposed ex- pansion of John Wayne Airport./ Al California Reagan's tax attorney's son guilty in murder of mother./A4 ::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· Nation New tax plan won't sim- plify things for majority of nation's taxpayers./ A4 Sen. Robert' Dole Is named Senate majority leader In close vote./ A6 ·::::::;:.:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: World Chinese crack down on two-hour lunch breaks, during which most workers gulp down their food and nap./ AS ::.:::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Home The best furniture made In America has exciting visual rhythm./81 ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:::::·:·:::::::::·::::: --., Food Get on ttreTlght track for the holidays with a candy train centerpiece. /C1 Sports The Corona del Mar High volleyball team sweeps • past Irvine In the state tournament./01 Unbeaten Orange Coast College will enter Its own Miies Eaton basketball tourney as one of the favorltes.102 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Entertainment "2010" brings the human element Into space tech- nology as a sequel to '2001, a Space Odyssey." /IM Bualneu Chase Manhattan Corp. Is opening "non bank banks'' In the state.JBS INDEX Births Bridge 8ulletln Board Business -Callfornla News Classlfled Comics Crossword Death Notices Food Help YO\,lrMlf ~ome - Horoscope Ann Landers Mutual Funds National News Opinion ·paparazzi Potlee Log Publle Notices Sport a Stock Marketa Tetevlllon ThMtert w .. ther . Wortd Newt S A8 C10 A3 85-7 A4 CS-8 C10 07 04 C1 -9 B2 B1-=2 06 B2 86 A4 A10 81 A3 04 01·3 88 82 83 A2 A4 search for them and their sinking yacht off the tip of Baja California, a U.S. Coast Guard ..spokesman said today. . The two men were identified as George Putnam of Huntington Beach Bingo! Away -- toaid . schools Huntington trustees ask-district to drop- anu-gambling policy- O fficials are looking into the possi- bility of perm1tt1ng bingo games at schools in the Huntington Beach Union High School District. District trustees directed attorneys Tuesday to amend board policy that prohibits gambling at the district's seven high schools and permit bingo games. School officials also wi ll contact city officials to discern their policy on pennits for bingo games. The booster club at Westminster High School is pushing for bingo as a fund-raising method for extracur- ricular activities. Booster clubs typically suppon vario us programs and purchase uni- forms and telev1s1on equipment and other items that aren't provided by regular school funds. Both men were in good condition this morning after being.picked up about 11; I .S p.m. Tuesday by the fishing boa1 Bonnie. the Associated Press reported. The rescue came The Bonnje changed course to take employee of the company. the pairtoC'.aboSan Lucuwhcrcthey . ''We heard the Mayday early will be put on a fli&ht back home yesteTiiay on the single4 1deband today. radio and called the CoUt Guard and The Coast G uard received the the American Tuna Boat Associa- Mayday radio call from the yacht at tion," Moniz said . 6:26 a.m. Tuesday, Crosby said. Bisbee remained in contact with Shooting aaapeeta arratecl , Newport Beach SWAT team memben M- cort Tony Atldn9011 (lelt, ln etrlped eborta) and Ken 8mWa (forecioand) follcnrlDC early mom.tac allootoat. 8torJ on A2. ran. ' . Steams said this momin& that b.e and his family had been aboard the (Pleue eee PADl/ A.2) Bolsa Chi Ca snag Cited oasfal panel staff oppoSing channel to oc an By ROBERT BARKER Of .. .,..,,... .... A navigable channel to the Paetfic Ocean appears to be the one major ~bstacle threatenma to snag a com-1Jromtse over developmcnl plans in the Bolsa Chica marshlands. ·sources said today. The state CoastaJ Comm1ss1on lS slated to take up the loQJSt.andmg controveT'S}' at 9 a.m. Thursday at the Holiday Inn at Los Angeles Inter- national Airport. Major components of develop- ment propo~s on the 1.686 acres of lowlands ~ adjacent to Pactfic Coast Highway, west of Warner A venue (Pleue eee BOLSA/ A2) Teens plead 'no contest' in street-racihg death Irvine-supports ehiltl-care plan Cnarges reduced to vehicular manslaughter; Judge dism-isses second-degree murder raps ~}°he ~o contest pica 1~ the equivalent of .. an admission of the truth of the allegations." .. Maguire said. .,,...,, BIMM---------~ .............. IMneatyCouncft ~unanimoualy 11grMd Tueeday -toioln loOlll eeMot Offtciela In forrNltg a-group to promote aw1111 cnllckare progrwns on 1r11ne ~. ~ By JEFF ADLER OttMo.lyNetl .... Two Huntington Beach High School seniors accused of killing a Fo untain Valley mother of fi ve last year while allegedly street racing along Adams Avenue pleaded no contest Tuesday to vehicular man- slaughter charges. The pleas by Randall Craft . 18. and Jeffrey Thomas, 17. followed J ud.se Luis Cardenas' decision to dismiss ' second-degree murder charges against the teen-agers in the death of G loria Chang. 48. A week ago, Cardenas ruled to strike the m,urder charges as a "matter of law" fallowing a recent appellate coun decision in a Los Angeles case that clarified the circumstances in which second-degree murder could be applied in traffic-related cases. Deputy District Attorney Mike M aguire explained. · Change d ied instantly following the Dec. 2, 1983 crash near the inter- section of Adams A venue and New- land Street in Huntington Beach. The prosecution alleJed C raft a nd Thomas were racing along Adams Avenue at speeds approaching 80 mph. Cardenas 1s scheduled to sentence the youths dunng a Feb. 25 dispoSJ- tion hearing. Craft an~ Thomas face a (Pleue .ee TEENS/ Ai) The ~Joint powers euthortty, caled the lrvtne Child Care Profect, WU approved last week by the board Of educatton of the lrvtne UNfted Schoot °'8trlct. Formatk>o of the new authority ta the cutmtnatJon of talks that~ In May. wtl9n ctty and 8Choof offldall ftnt met to dtacUu the ~ of IUft\dent chld-care faclltlel In Irvine. Irvine has u many ea 5,000 youngstwt whoee chlkk:are need• are not being met, according to some 1Uf'Y9YS. , , ' (Pleue-CBILD/ A2) ......................... Mesa~· shelter~ beacon pf hope Homeless fa milies get n ew s ta rt on life after ·hitting bottom · Man)' homeles~ fam1hc sleep in their cars ~fort' fi nding tcmporan housing at the range C'oa t lnter- fauh Shelter in Costa Mesa But Carol t::folleran and her fam1I)' didn't have a car. The didn't have mone-. for a motel room . and their TONY SAAVEDRA Focus ON THE Nn._s sp1nts ~er<' about •~ lov. u their finan~ Holleran rememb\.Cf'i Her tof) hl e ma n) at the ,heltCT. 'lan\ olfN<1 an(i jle&<; V.ON r 1rll. there W,I\ ht'r hu'ih3nd'~ cocaine hah1t lhr\' the\ ran out of mone~ and "'t'l't ('\ 1c1('J fmm 1he1r apanmcnt on,, ,,, 1hc1r children httame ~nou~h 111 Her hu1.Nnd '°' muqcd while talm the c1i1ld "' thl' ho flttal h '' " tale tha1 ~n' at rock bottom ind !'lunge' do....,nward \et. Coutlaterfaltla ....... c... ...... :....-.. ........... toaa~wttM.ta--., INttMwaldaC~la1-C. H•lkran 1' hnght-c\cd and Ol>' tlml\tlC. (Pleue tee 8Jl&'1_ -pat A2) . ~· • • • I :as A2 * Orang Coast OAILV PILOT/Wednesday, November 28, 1984 Two men hold SW AT team at bay in shootout drama W EAlHER Ski.es will clear after storm A powerlw etorm wNch ecoured Northtfn Cetlfornla wlll cut only rllQQed remnant• over Southe<n Calltornlt Thur9day Sklet will beT&lr and'/ar11y cloudy through the day, the Natlontl WN!Mt Strvice Ml By STEVt; MARBLE ot .. a.Mr,... ..... T<wo Newpon Beach men sur. rcndtd earl) this morning af\er finng at least a dozen shots from a semiautomatic rifle into nearby Balboa Peninsula office buildings and holding police at bay for nearly five hours. Nobo<i) was lnJUred an the ordeaJ which began at about 2:30 a.m. Newport poh~ evacuated several apartments and homes an the area of the shooting. a mixed res1dent1al and busJOt'SS dastnct near the Newport Pier. Kenneth C. Sn11th. 23. and Tony Atkinson, 25, walked out oft hear 21st treet a"partmcot t 7.15 a.m. with 1he1r l\and tn the a11 and put up no re i tance when police ru hed in to handcuff them. Lt. Jim Carson said neither man offered an explanatmn for th<' shoot- ina. He said also it is uncle.ar wflether both men fired shots. which apparent- ly struck nearby office buildings. Police said they confiscated four weapons from the the second floor apartment at 204 21st St and be- lieved the $Un used an the incident was a scmu1utomat1c hunting nfk. Balhs11cs tests were to be performed on all the weapons. Fred Gnmes. a longtime Salboa resident who hvrs behind the apart- ment where the men 'had barricaded lhcmstlvc). said he awoke to the ound of aunfirc early th1i. mornal\g. "I heard a 'blam' and thought maybe 1t was a car accident," l.nmes stud." rhcn I heard about seven rapid i.hoti." "A Huie excucmcnt an the old neighborhood." said John Scarich. who ~aid police positioned them- selves on the second floor of has houi.e a'I the) watched the nearby apart- ml"nt Arl'a rc~1dcnl' (Jl'M'nbed the two men a!> nice. polite and normnll) quiet All said they "ere <;urpnsed by the mornm~·,. ac11v11y. Pohce officer!> ~1d the ~hooting had ceased when they amvcd but that initial 'efforts to get the men 10 surrender were futik "Officers were abl~· to observe a Hight Thureday will be In the 80t In Lot Angelet and the valleY9, with lows tonight mottly In the 401. The beachN wlll have hight In tht 001, with lows tonight In the 40• and tower 50• Along the coastline, II wlJI be fair tonight and Thurlday except partty cloudy In the ffttttn valleys and eouth eoutal areas. Cooler tonight, but a lltti. warmer Thursday. High• Thursday In the 60s Lows tonight In th• 40• and lower 501. U.S. Temps ~ 811 34 MIM\I ~ 19 73 Mttwu .. se 31 .. L• M~SIPN Jll 2t Albany ~ 35 HtillWlle .. Jll Al~q.,e 311 20 ~Or!MM 72 42 AIMllllO 44 ... HewYOfl! II 49 Olilehotrl4t C41y AnQ>or~ 17 i3 45 2' All.,ila 71 47 Om-33 24 Atl.,..tlc City 81 5,4 Orl4lnOo IO IO Auet1n ~· 33 Pll~eclelpNe H 41 8111\lmore 6t « PllOenl• se 38 81!!!'11\Qllam ee 42 "'"'~ 66 5,4 Boeton 63 44 PMle ,M• 50 28"" PMllilld,Ot 61 44 B<ill•lo 67 64 P,o~ i" '"" ")(.~ .~ l ,R011jTS -.i~ \ l l! -,;;1 '-1~ ·". -....... ... P, ' • " " .. , .. ...,.. ... ..... '••' "" .. Sen Oa1>tle4 10 39 Calif. Temps S.nJoM M &O Sanle AM ... 43 S•nt• Crw 82 && Historic preservation wins support in Irvine rifle pointing out uf an upMn1r<> window." Lt. Gar) Pctcri.on <;sad. "We cordoned off the area and tned 10 make phone contac1 wath them .. Gnmes said he O\crheard one of the rnen refuse to come out until someone contacted his anomc). C•ec>e< 26 Cher ... 1on.8 C ea CllM ... lon.WV 72 CnllllOlla N C ea Cheyenne 33 CNc:eeo 68 Clnonnatl 611 ~ 611 Colum-.On 87 o.llM-'t W0t1n so 83 Ill 112 ·~ 10 50 Reno 52 59 St LOUii 6$ Ill St Pill• T M11M 83 31 Seit Leite City 37 34 Sen Ml°'*> H 411 Sen .ll>Ml.P R 83 47 St SleMarle 47 31 &Mille « 34 High, 1<>w p.9Clpltatlon 10< 24 t>our• T lll\Oe Valley « 30 69 anding at 5 a m IOClay Votemlte Vly 43 27 36 ea11.,.11e1<1 68 55 32 EUttlle )9 411 112 ,,_ 61 53 33 l.AncM!et se 43 31 Loe~ 10 5S Eztended 72 Oe«i.nci 55 65 u Peec>ROl>IM eo 411 43 Reo Blull •II 411 FMr '''°9Y and Saluteley lnQrMelnG permit commercial devlopment of "The police told him that wasn't the property. possible," Grames said. "Later. one of 0.yton 65 32 SllOI<-34 33 AedwoOO City 12 56 ~ Sund•y Continued cool o.n-341 24 Sytlleute S7 49 R4ir>o 52 35 Hlglll In llOe 0-f)lgl'lt 40e tfl<ougll O..Motnet « 24 Topeka 43 :14 s--to se SI mlcl·!IOe OettOll 81 ., 1._ 57 33 Sellnu 541 5,4 El Pato 47 23 TulM so 29 San Diego 67 SS E•.,..svtll• &5 35 WU111n9ton 63 47 Sen Frenc:Hlee> CIO 55 Wichita 23 S9nta Barbara 81 50 Plan-, to prese~e h1stonc bu1ld1ngs in east Irvine as pan of a ne~ commercial center re~cn ed suppon Tuesday from the lrvam' Cat) C"oun- c1l. which approved zoning and general plan changes that wilt pave the way for the project. J. Ray Construction plans to build the men said he coul.~n·1 come out a commercial center at the i.lle. using until his head cleared some historic buildings. The plans A 16-member SW A.I. team was l'-all for construction of a ,notor Inn. --8tought to the ~cene at ab~tlt 4 a.m. restaurants anCl retail stores, using and quickly evacuated rc!>1dents and some existing buildings. The present set up a command po!>! at a nearby Irvine General Store and Post Office: restaurant. Falrb..U.a reroo .01 ·22 33 23 w11~ ... 8err• ~5 ) 1 ... HIQll, low, p.ec1p11atien IOI 24 noun Tides Fl.g11a11 40 16 ending 11 5 p m Otllnd R8j)ldt 641 31 Ben low r.a 311 TOQAY OrMI '•"• 32 32 49 " SKOllCI hlQll )2 23 pm 4 7 The project area is bordered on the west by Sand Canyon Avenue, to the north and east by the Santa Ana Fret"way and on the south b) the >\tchason. Topeka and anta Fe Railroad tracks. The pr~peny as now designated for agncultural use. The changes approved by the council will OtMntbOrO,N C O•llnd Rapielt H"1IO<d 17 SI 83 Big 8Mt 57 Surf report .Blllhoc> le 81ytlle 39 C.1....,. 45 21 Sacono '°l" 1124pm 03 Sii 39 &o 47 T"""80AY H9lena l5 19 LOCATI<* aiza ....... !Ml 43 '"" lllQ/1 408•m 40 would be moved from the we t side of Carson said a 7-Eleven conve- and Can) on 10 the east side. nicnce store serv~d coffee to evacu- long 8Md> Honolulu 112 71 Huntington 8-:rl 1·2 POO' Monrewla 19 37 '"" io... 11·32am 33 HOuaton " 40 SecONI lloQll 42 Restorataon and rehabahtation of ated residents while a rest.au.rant, The the hastonc structures will allow the Sub Shack, opened earl) to g1vc developer to take advantage offeder-residents a place to get out of the early lndla"4IOOll8 M 35 .._Jetty.~ 1-2 poOf Mont.,9'1 64 411 l 42 p fD S-.019'# ll-23pm O& &II lit 40th Str•. f'MwO<>rt t-2 PoOf Ml WllaOn 51 32 Jecll_..Mt 22nd StrMI, Newi>or1 1·2 poOf ~BMc:fl 65 42 J---711 65 lltllboeWIOge 1-2 j)OOt Ontwio &S 35 SOf\ -• 100•1 et 4 44 p m ·-,,.,,_ 23 21 Uig&lN 8-:11 l poOf Palm Spnno• 92 40 Thulllelay at 8 341 em and-· aigeln et KanMt Clly 45 24 al tax incentives. morning rain SenO""-t• 1·2 poOf PIM<lena M 40 4 «pm LMVegu 45 34 w'* '""" eo-11 "-lliele ee 341 Moon -• et 10 2e pm .. ,_ Thul .. Utile Aoell !>4 29 9111194! e11rec11on -•-1 San Bernardino 64 37 Clay at 12 21 pm 91'4 Ml• at 11 24 pm ... CONTINUED STORIES CONTINUED STORIES BOLSA CHICA PLAN SNAGGED ... From Al SHELTER AIDS HOMELESS IN MESA ..• ano ~urrounded by Huntington Beach Caty hmats -include. • Kcstorat1on of 9 I 5 acre~ {11 wetlands for a wildlife habitat. •C onstrucuon of up to 5. 700 homes, many to be located on waterways and having their own docks. •( rea11on ofa 1.300-shp manna. • ..\ mini-reroute or Pacific Coa'>t Haghwa)' inland from 1~ present location to accommodate boat traffic The issues, which have d1 ... 1ded landowners and en\ ironmentah<,ts for more than a decade. were worked out la-;1 month b) the <,tatt: Coastal ConscrvanC)' which was mandated b) the o,1a1c Legislature tu find a com- promise. Bui 1hc staff of the Coastal Com· m1'io,1on this week has l"omc out with n.~l·ommenda11ons against the na ... 1- gabk channd. rocking the boat tor Orange Count) officials (tht land I'> 1n unincorporat<.·d tc:m1ory) and rcp- rcscnta1nes of the Signal Landmark Co.. the major Bol..a < 'h1ca land- owner "I can't .bche ... e they (Coastal "centerpiece" to ~1gnal'c; develop-From A 1 ( omm1ss1on stafl) would undo the ment plan'>. "Once there I!> the "lt''i becau~c J know there 1\ a hght plan after all these }Cars," said channel everything else will fall in at the end ot the tunnel somewhere," Darlene Frost, Signal's prOJCCt man-place," he ~•d. • she says. as her sleepy-eyed daughter ager. ~lark also said compan) manne leans a tired head against her It has-the approval of the-county, . cnginee'"!ng consultants claim thnt a shoulder. ;.:J can:.t s11 around and the state Department of Fash and n_on -navigablc channel would ~oon dwell on 11. 'cause ifl do. I'll never gN G· S 1 h C . 1 C salt up and would be unable to 11 back together." iame. igna · 1 e oasta on-provide flushing action to the The Hollcrans are one of 12 ~;:;cy and the city of Huntington wetlands because it would be too families staring at the shelter. a nine- • \mall. unit apanmenl complex purchased in Frost 1nchcate!I that 1he navigable Jack L1cb'>tt.•r the Bolo;a C"haca Januarr b) the Orange Coast group. channel 1s crucial to the (Om pan)' 's project mdnill(L'r tor the Coast? I The a pan men I'> arl· u-.ed a\ rcm- plans to doelop ocean-front homes Comm1'>~1un. contend~ that eroc;aon pora~ hou\lng. although thn..·e of the along waterways feeding into a and los'> ol bcSK:h !>and ncated b)' the unm arc <,till occupied b} renter'>. manna. She claims an altcrnale plan b) the na\ 1gahlc channel that would \\ho cho'il' 111 remain aflcr the ~le. to bnng wat~rs to flush the area b~ a he the width of 1~0 loolball lieldi. Whl·n ;ind If thC) leave 1hc apan- non-navagable channel 1s unworkable <600-leet w1d1:). "the hangup. nwnt-. ""I I'>\· u<,ed b} lhl' ,hcltl•r and allegedly wouldn't gel financing. "We arc saying that 1hcre should tx· The front huilding ha'> been tumeJ "We've already gi ven up three-no net los\ ol 'iand." he \a1d Tucsda} 1010 an nffitl' and an cml•rgcnn tounhs of our propert} to public use. "Some ho" the) ·11 h.1 \l' to rl''>ton: thl· hou'>ing tau ht\ "tll'rc more lum1he~ We've ~one out of our ~ay to he ~nd '>Oml'Whl'fe ·· l.ln \IJ~ up to thrct• night\ I amahc'> responsible. Can )OU 1mag1nc a'iking L1eh\tc1 '><lid th;it a \tud} b} thl' \\hOgl'l intooncol the~ipartmt•nhare a resident of Costa Me\3 to g1\l' up l ~ Arm~ ( orp' ol Enginecri. deal-Jll<>~l·d to ,1a, for t~o month\. I hey thrce-fourthi. of their pro pen~ for ing w1 t IH'ru'>mn problem' h;i\n 't been dfC g1 \ l'n loud hcJJ 1 ng and hlankcb. public usc'1" complctl'd .\ llcu\1on (on the na' 1-and Jll'rhap'> morl· 1mportantl). Wa~ne Clark a \agnal pubhc ga'blethannl'lt,houldbchcldoOuntil the\'rc giHn rc\f)l'll ;ind cncouragc- rela11on5 rcpresentat1 ... c "311.l the ll happcni.. 1n \i>. months to a year." mcnt na·\ IJ~able channel I'> the he .. aid '"\'.l'wt ~t.· tn to do" ta"-.l' l>l'OPlc a"J' from ht·ing 'lhl' homclc'i'> and CHILD CARE PROJECT BACKED ... the poor: and gin· 1hc111 a pcr-,ona ... Wl' 1:\IVl' lhl'l11 thl'll ,efl-1dentity balk,'' 'a) i. Swll Mather prc-.1dent or the Orange ( oa5l Interfaith board or director\ From Al The governing board of the project will be made up of one C ll} C ounul member. one cit) stall member. one school board member. one school d1<,tnet cmplo)ee and an at-large member selected b) the other four At Tuesday's meeting. Coun- cilwoman Barbara Wiener and Dean- na Manning. the city's director of community i.erv1ces. ~ere appointed to the new group's governing board. l.a'>t week. the school board naraed Tru'>tec Mar> Ellen Hadle) and d10,tmt \tall member Rall Benn to the new group. ( ll\ ( ounul member'> alc;o ap- pro-.ed a S20.000 allocation to the project The "<teed money" wall help wllh the initial purchase of portable classrooms to house child<are pro- grams al local campuses. city official<. said. Ultimately. the proJeCt 1s ex- pected to be tinanc1ally self-support- ing. h will receive funds b) renting portable classrooms to vanous day- care programs. The agreement approved b> city and school official~ lists the following objectives for the Irvine Child Care Project· •To as'>url' 41.1ality programs. •To re<.'Cimmcnd appropriate i.chool di~tricl locations for tempor- ary ch1 ld-<:are fac1ht1cc;; •To own temporary ch1ld-<"arc fac1h11es on school d1stnct sites; •To review apphcat1ons from pro- grams washing to use the building and to allocate the sates. •To provide self-sufficient child- care programs, •To provide quahty chald<arc opportunities for youngsters from low-income families: and •To solicit rcretvc and allocate add111onal funds for child care 1n In inc ln1t1al 'ille'> lor chi ld-care programs supervised hy the ncv. authonty are expected to include Stone Creek. Nonhwood and East'ihorc elemen- tary school!.. Local officials hope to have the first programs under way by January. Empha!>as will be on sen 1ng chil- dren from ages 5 to 12. The on- campus child-<:are" programs will ~low parents to arrange for their ungsters to be supervised before d after regular school hours without having to leave their home campus The jOin( powers authonty will hav<Q no JUnsdicuon over chald<arc programs operating on pnvate prop- erty an Irvine PAIR SAVED AS y ACHT SINKS ... From Al they're OK," ';tcarns said. "You can replace the boat, hut you can't replace these people." were rough at the tame, he said, but 11 was unclear what damage led to the sink mg. vcsc;cl until Sunda~ when the)' flev. home Putnam. Stearns' -;kipper for the past fi ve years. and Gu1terre1 kit Puerto Vallarta on Monda) en mule to Ncwpon Beach. he i.aid "We're very relieved to hear lhat Stearns c;a1d the 5-ycar-old yacht. wh1rh wall in excellent cond111on. c;ank after taking on water. The seas Steams alM> praised Basbee'c; hand· hng of the Mayday call which led to the rescue. TEENS ENTER PLEA IN RACE DEATH ... From Al r maximum term ol three ~car'> in a pro<;ccutor. The pleading fore~tallcd a Court case an Orange County, but not California Youth <\uthnnt} in<;lltu-trial an the ca'iC, which had been an the talc Underthclaw. minors arc 11on, according to Maguire o;chcduled to began Tuc'lday. entitled only to a cnminal tnal t>tforc "I view 1t ac; a "'Cl')' ..criou' cue... Earlier this year. C'ardenn<> had a Judge the prosecutor said "I will he \Cckang agreed to cm panel an advisory JUf)' in Maguire \aid he expected the a <;ubstant1al amount of time an the case and gJve "great weight and February d1spos111on hcanng would cu'itody ''. credenCt'" to 1ti. conclu!i1on. although take the form ofa 1nal, with both sides C'roft and Thomas entered their 1t rc:t:ommcndataon would not carry calling witnesses becau!it the facts in pleas during a hall:hour hcanrl\ that the force of law. the case c;till are in dispute. followed day-long d1~uss1ons be· . uch an arrangement would have Both C'raO and Thomas have tween their defense attorneys and tht· been the first of its kind in a Ju venllc remained free ~a nee th,naccadcnt. Delly Plk>t Oeff•ety I• GuerentMd U ~1 ''"1•r • ,-<• 1 "°' t\A"" 'f'N" ~l.. r.., -..n,1"'<• t~f~"'''" •• •l ; ~,, (4"{~ ,,.,, f)llo ;.-411.-•M J\•h~rlAf •' '-' Uf•'lltt Jf ,,,.,., ,,, 'I(;~ ,. ,....,. f .... ICl-'C., ht 7 ""' ( ,,. o-t ... ,,,. tQ 11 1~ 4""3 /O-r :.Pt #"1 ~ ·-o-1 Clrc"t1Uon Telephone• ~ . ,1t•""O" I -,,,•, ...... , M:)a4m ORANGE COAST hilyfilat H.L. Schwertz Ill Publisher Frenk Zlnl K.,•n Wittmer M;irittg1ng Editor Advertising Director Roumery Churchman Controller Robert Centrell Production MA nager Doneld l . Wllllem1 C1roolat1on Manager • • Clrcul1tlon 714/M2...QS3 Cleeelfled edvef1 ... ng 714/142·5'71 AN otMr diepertmentt 842-4121 MAIN OFflCE )30 W~t l'ley "1 ca.ta l.IMa CA 11,Aa~ '°"'-Bo• I !.60 Cotta M«M c. 9'6111 C<lJ)yr•t 1Qt3 Or•"Qll Con• Pv~ ~r No ·-~ ... llUlllHlllOllfo ~Ottel -tit!' °' ..,...,,_ -"""""met 1>t 1~eo .....,,,,,.~ ~· '* .._ ot ~9'' - ~~~~~~~~ VOL. n, HO. 333 ' f he '>heltl'f I~ manageJ b)' ~l!>lcr IJ<1nna Mac;can. a 27-ycar-old Cath- oht nun" 11h the Si\ler'> of~t Joo;cph an Orange Mascan rt'qucsted the add re<>~ of the center not he pubh,hcd because many or the tcnanls arc battered wives seeking refuge with their children. However, <>he stresses the '>helter 1s open to anyone without a home. Sadly. \he ..ays. the temporary and emergency fac1h11c!> are usually full, WrRE L1sTENING Just Call 642-6086 • forcing her to turn aw:iy IO to IS problem!>. fam1hc'> a day. Ma\can \sys the people are cn- The i.ample apartments, with sec-couraged to find jobs and put 70 ond-haryd. unmatchmg furniture, arc percent ofthc1r salanes an to a savings much tn demand. Decor 1s not-account. which will be used to gamer important to people thankful l() be an apartment. They arc .aTso re- sleeping in a bed again. qucstcp, bul not ordered, to donate I 0 Jn one apartment, erratic cracks J percent to the shelter. leaving 20 travel through a tilted lamp!ihadt', pcrC'cnt for their personal needs. while on a table across the room. Meal'> arc provided w1thuut charge careful!) placed pine cones serve as during the two-month stay at the con ... ersat1 on pieces center. Families at the "helter arc housed "W1.·'rl' tl)ing 10 keep people out of two per unll. and this particular the .,..cl fare srstem." Mather said apanment 1s shared b} the Hollcrans The c;hchcr was purchased for anJ the John~ns $430.000 with donations from the "We lucked out getting in here." c1t1c<. of Huntington Beach. Irvine, 'a>" Holleran. "It wa'I a miracle." Costa Mc..a. as well as the county of lkroptim1c,m is echoed by Barbara Orange. he 4'a1d. John'ion. holding a }oungchtld to her Money for operaling expenses. chc'it. proJCCted at roughly S 150.000 an- " We're hoping to get into a low-nuall}. is heang raised through dona- mcome (~ousang project) c;o .,..e don't 11on'> from local churches. ha..,c to go through this an>more." The i.hclter can be reached by_ 'Wl)''i Johnson. JO "Rut I'm JUSt S(l calling 63 1-7213. happ) to ha..,e a roof over m) kids' head<;." II wa,n't w long ago the women were '>anging a d10crcnt tune. Johnson·~ problems started when her husband developed severe head- ache~. Thi.' ailment turned into one big finannal headache for the family of five when the man lost hlSJOb and the John!>ons were evicted from their home. They ended up spending their night:. at a park, sleeping 1n their car. "When ll happens. your friends look down on you. your famJJ y look~ down on you lake you're dart -and you stan feeling lake din. It's hard to remain positive." Johnson says. That's why the shelter has residerµ counselors, who ad vase the people on such thing~ as mone) management, as well as marriage and family Marine aircraft practices slated Field camer landing practice at the Manne Corps Air Station, El Toro. will result in increased noise levels an neighborhoods near the base. accord- ing to ~anne Corps officials. Marine Aircraft Group-11 's squadrons will be involved 1n the exercise. 1n which a small section of runway i~ used to simulate landings aboard an aircraft earner. The practices are scheduled 4:30 p.m. to I ·30a.m. on Fnday, Saturday and Sunday What do you like about 1be Dail> Pilor• \\'bat don't you like" Call the number at ld t and yo ur message will be rct·ord('d, transcrlbtd and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same %4-hour answering service may be usrd to record letters to the editor on any topic. Contributors 10 our Letters l·olumn must include their na me and telephone nu mber for verlfit'ation. No C'ir<'ul atlon calls, plea~e. Tell us what's on your m ind. ' . . . p f f 1111111111 WE ONF SOA Y NOVE MBE A 28 . 1984 Of~AN GECOUNTY ( A llf(JH N ll\ ,''i Cf N l at Coast Reputed Nazi war crimi- nal Andrlja Artukovic was ordered held without ball pending extradition hear- ing./ A3 '111 A forum Is planned Satur- day on the proposed ex- pansion of John Wayne Airport./ Al ·::::::~;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: California Reagan's tax attorney's son guilty In murder of mother./A4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Nation New tax plan won't sim- plify things for majority of nation's taxpayers./ A4 Sen. R-0bertOoleis named Senate majority leader in close vote./ A8 ·:::::::::::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: World Chinese crack down on two-hour lunch breaks, during which most workers gulp down their food and nap./ AS :::::::·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::·:·:::·:: Home The best furniture made In America has exciting visual rhythm./81 Food Get on the right track for the holidays with a candy train centerpiece. /C1 _Sports The Corona del Mar High volleyball team sweeps past Irvine in the state tournament./D1 Unbeaten Orange Coast College will enter Its own Miles Eaton basketball tourney as one of the favorltes./D2 :::::::::::::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::: Entertainment "201 O" brings the human element into space teGh- nology as a sequel to '2001, a Space Odyssey.'' /84 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... Bualneu Chase Manhattan Corp. ls opening "nonbank banks" In the state./85 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:. INDEX Births Bridge Bulletin Board Business Callfornla News Clasalfled Comics Crouword Death Notices Food f Hetp Yoursel Home Horoscope Ann Lander• Mutual Fund• National New. ~nlon Paparazzi Police Log Public Notices Sporta Stock Marketa Tetevtalon Theet«t W•ther Wortd Newt ... .. AS C10 A3 85-7 A4 C5-8 C10 07 ~ C1-9 B2 B1 ·2 . oe- ... B2 88 A4 .__.A10 91 A3 04 01-3 88 82 83 A2 A4 ra Coast apartments evacuated in early morning shootout; pair surrender By STEVE MARBLE Nobody was mjored 10 the ordeal · °' ... ...,....... whtch began at about 2:30 a.m. Two Newport Beach men sur-Newport police evacuated several rended ~this motning after firifl& ' apa.nmentsud homes in the area of at least a dozen shots from a the 11hootinJ. a mixed residential and semiautomatic rifle into nearby business district near the Newport Balboa Peninsula office buildin&S and Pier. holding police at bay for neatly five Kenneth C Smith. 23, and Tony houn. (Pleue SHOOTOUT/ A2) Irvine child-care vrogram gets - boost from city Joint powers panel will oversee project on school campuses By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of ... OllllJ ......... Irvine City Council members unanimously aareed Tuesday to JOan local school officials in formin& a group to promote and oversee child- care programs on Irvine campuses. was approved last week by the board of educauon of the Irvine Unified School District. Fonna11on of the new authonty 1s the culmination of talks I.bat bc&an in ·May. when city and school officials first met to discuss the lack of sufficient child-care facilities an Irvine. Irvine has as many as 5.000 youngsters whOSt child~ oeeds arc not being met. according to some surveys. ............. ~ ........... Newport police handcuff Ken Smith (left):-' Tony Atlrlnll01l (checkered alalrt.) The new joint powers aulhonty, called the Irvine Child Care Project. The governing board of the project wdl be made up of one City Counal (Pleue eee CHILD/ A2) ~eens plead 'no contest' iii street-racing death Charges reduced to vehicluar manslaughter: judge dismi~~-es second-degree murder raps By JEFF ADLER Of ... Delly ,... ...... Two Huntington Beach High School seniors accused of kill ing a Fountain Valley mother of five last year whiJe allegedly street racing along Adams A venue pleaded no contest Tuesday to vehicular man- slaughter charges. The pleas by Randall Craf\. 18. and Jeffrey Thomas. 17, followed Judge Luis Cardenas' decision to dismiss second-degree murder ch~rges against the teen-agers an the death of Gloria Chang. 48. A week ago. Cardenas ruled to stn ke the murder charges as a "matter of law" fo llowing a recent appellate coun decision in a Los Angeles case that clarified the circumstances in which second-degree murder could be applied an traffic-related cases. Deputy District Attorney Make Maguire explained. The no contest pica as the equi valent of "an adm1ss1on of the truth of the allegations." Maguire said. · Change died instantly following the Dec. 2, 1983 crash near the inter· section of Adams A venue and New- land Street in Huntington Beach. The prosecution alle~ed Craft and Thomas were racing along Adams Avenue at speeds approaching 80 mph. Cardenas as scheduled to sentence the youths dunng a Feb. 25 d1spos1- 11on hearing. Craf\ and Thomas face a (Plea.e eee TEENS/ A2) Ne.wport yacht sinks off Baja ,,.. .......... ,., ....... A Huntington Beech man and tw. MexJcM-l*1fter _..~ found ute In a llfe raft T"*CSay night by the crew of a ftahlng boat folowlng M aff-day wrch for their linking yacht off the -.-ottSata ewtfomta; a U.-S-. eo.t ~­ todeV. the two men were tdenttfted as George Putnam of Huntington ~ and J81me Gutterrez of Acapuk;o, Mexico, accordtng to the yactit'a owner, Newpott 8Md1 -.toper and banker Phlllp Steama. (Putnam ta not the Loa Angeles televtlk>n nencat•.) Both men were In good condltk>n this momJng after being ,.._.. ... awroaT/A2J Mesa's shelter beacon of hope Homeless families get new starton life after '_hitting bottom· Man' homeless fam1laes sleep 1n their cars ~fort finding tcmporaf) housing at th<' Orange Coast lnter- fa11h helter 1n Costa Mesa But Carol Holleran and her famtl) d1dn"t ha\t' a car They didn't have rnone) for a motel room and their TONY SAAVEDRA Fo cus ON THE N E~s -spants v.crt about as low a their finance . Holleran rcmembvcrs .......................... Her story. hk<' many at the shelter. \tans off b3d end &tt worx First there was oo husband's COC'ltn<' hahn Then they ran out mone\ and ~t'rc evicted from thcrr a1>3rtm<'nl One of their ~haldrcn b«.tmt' o;tnou I) 111 Her hu band sot mu cd whak alana the child to the ho\p1tal ...._DODaa••-.rtattmld8toTaro.Jola-. l1 lllc._l. Mana.3.aadAD~~•Bollona,S,attlteC>raale Co&•t lnterfaltla Slaeltm lD eo.ta Meea. Tlae alle.lter la open to anyone wttlao.at a lloae, bat tile waltlnc Utt t. loq. It 1\ a tale that hc:Jlns at rock bottom and plunac-s d<fW1'Y.1lrd \et. Hollttan a\ bnaht~ycd and o~ t1m1'11c (P~•M eee SIUJ-T&al A2) I, h .. ' ,. I . 1 ' t A2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, November 28. 19841 CONTINUED STORIE S SHOOTOUT IN NEWPORT •.• From Al Atkinson. 2S. walked out of their 2 lst Street apanment at 7: 15 a m. with their hand\ 1n the air and put up no rts1stan~ when poli~ rushed in to handcuff them. Lt. Jim Carson sa1d netlhcr man offered an cxplunauon for the hoot- ing. He 'i31d also ll is unclear whether both men fired \hots. which apparent· ))'!>truck nearbv office buildings. Police said the) confiscated fo ur weapons from the the second floor apartment at 204 2 lst t and be- ~evcd the sun used IO the 1nc1~ent was a ~cm1automat1c hunting nOc. ,Balltst1cs teits were to be perfonned on all the \\CaJ>()ns. Fred Grimes. a loniumc Balboa res1den1 who li ves behind the apan- mcnt where-the men had bamcaded themsehes. said he awoke to the sound of gunfire early this morning. .. I heard a 'hlam· and thought ma) be 11 was a t·ar acndi.'nt," On mes !>aid ... Then I heard about W\ t.•n rapid ~hots." . • .. .\ liuk-c\utement 1n the old neighborhood," \31ll John ~anch. who !>aid police positioned them- selv1.·s on thc '>ccond floor ofh1:. house as 1h1.·~ watched tht• nearh~ apart- mcnt Area resident'> de~nbed the two men as nrle, pol11e and normall) quiet .\II said the) were surpmcd hy the morning\ al'll\ 11y. .. Thq alwa)' ~cemed li ke perfect!) normal nrtc gu)' s." Gnmes said .. Ne,er no1S) Never an) problems f:.\ccllcnt ne1ghhors. reall)." Police o fficers said the shooting had ceased when they arri ved but ~hat 1n1t1al efforu to get the men to surrender "'ere futile "Officers wer(' able to observe a n lle po1n11ng o ut of an upstairs w1ndu\\ ," Lt Gary Peterson said . .. We cordoned ofT the area and tned Lt> mak.e phone coot.aCl w1th them." Gnmes said he O\t'rheard one of tht' men refu'le to come o ut until someone contacted his attomev. "The police told him that \..•asn't pos\1blc." Grime~ said ''Later, one of thl· men said he couldn't rnme out until his head cleared.'' A 16-membcr SWAT team was brought to the <,<.'cne at about 4 a.m and qu1ckl) evatuated residents and set up a command post at a nearb)' restaurant. -·carson said a 7-Elcven conve- n1tnci.' store ~rved coffee to evacu- ated residents "'hilt' a restaurant. The Suh Shack. opened earl) to gt'e re'>1dcnts a place to get out oft he earl} morning rain. Pohu.• said thn could not 1mmcd1- ately find e' 1dence 01 the gun tire but sard 1n\.CStrgator'i \\Crc combing or- fiCl· hulld1ngs on 1he other side of Newpon Bou fr\ ard toda)' to find the slugs (ar<,on said tht..' t\\n men are being held at the cit) Jail and probabl} ""'" be charF,ed with firin11. a KUn into a ' DeltJ l'tlol photo bJ IUc:Nrd I( ...... Newport SWAT team member stands below apartment where bullets flew. building. a lelon). He did not "'no" ""hat the hail figure might he The fi,e-hour incident appearnl lO ha\e liulc hngenng effect 1n B1l~1a tht'> morning as bu-s1ni.'SSm<.•n and restaurant l'mplO\l'i.'S went ahout the11 "Orf... Most said they kncw nothing about thr shooting. ··v. di 1t got me excited." said Scanth "ho .... as Lar~ing a foh1ng pok and tacf..le. "Fact I've got to go fi-;h1ng JU'>t to calm myself down." CHILD CARE PROJECT BACKED ... From Al member. one t'll) Ma ff member. one ~hoot board member, one school dir,tnct employee and an at-large member selected b'v the other four. 1ng. It will reccnc fund<; by renting portable classroom'> to 'arious da)- carc programs. •l o 'iolin1 rncl\e and allocate add1t1onal funds for child rnre 1n Irvine lnrt1 al s11cc; for child-cart.• program' The agreement approved by city superv1sl·d b} the new au1hori t) arc At Tuesda}'"• meeting. Coun-ani school officials lists the following expected lo include Stone Creek. cilwoman Barbara Wiener and D~an-obJcctr.,.es for the fr\ toe Ch1W (arc No.nbY.ood and East shore ch•men- na 1Manning. the cit) 's director ol Project: tar) schools. Local officials hope to communlly services, were appointed •To assure quality programs, have the fir'it programs under way b1 to the new group·, governing board. •To rcrnmmcnd appropriate January Last week. the 4>C hool board named '>Chool di'>tnct locations for tempor-Emphasis will he on sen ing chil- Tru\tce Mary Ellen Hadle) and ar) chrld-<.are faciht1e-;. dren from ages 5 to 12. The on- dl'>tmt 'itaffmemhcr Bill Benn to the •To own temporar) child-care campu\ child-care program-; will ni.'w group fac1 ht1es on <,ehool d1stnc1 si tes, allow parent~ to arrange for their ( 1ty Council members also ap-•To re\ 1t:w apphcau on<; from pro-young'>ters to bc supervised before proved a $20,000 allocat1on to the grams w1sh1ng to usi.' tht• building and and after regula r school hours proJCCt The .. seed money" will help to allocate the ~1tes. without having to leave thi.'1r home \\Ith the in111al purchase of ponable •To pro\ 1de <;ell-'>uffirn:nt child-campus cla.,c;room:. to house child-care pro-care programs. The Joint po"'('r' authority will gram'> at local campu!>es. city offi nals •To prO\ 1de qual11; child-care have no 1umd1c11on O\cr child-care <,aid I llt1mately. the project is ex-opponun111es fo r youngsters from programs operating on pnvate prop-j~:·:;:·:;~:: J::::::·~CE c:::TH ... From Al WlATtHR ------ Skies will clear after storm A powerful 1torm which scoured Northern Califomle will c .. t only reggec:t remnant• over Southern California Thurtday Ski.. wilt be fair and pertly ck>Ydy through the day. the National WMtMt S«vic. aald. Hlgh1 'rhur1d1y will be In the 801 In LOI Angtle1 and the valley1, with Iowa tonight mostly In the <40s. The beach .. will have hlgh1 In the eos. with Iowa tonight In the"°' and lower 508. Along the coastflne, ti wlll be fair tonight and Thursday except partly cloudy In the eastern valleys and eouth coastal areas. Coote< tonight, t>Yt a llttle warmer Thursday. High• Thursday In the 80a. Lows tonight In the 410s and lower 50s. U.S. Temps ,.._VIiie ee 38 New OllMnt 72 42 T Hew 'fOfk 61 49 ... Lo OlllNIOllll CHy 45 29 ~ ~, **' ~'\ ~AONTS .l,llMlny $3 35 Omall• 33 24 t,~.!" 1 i! ..., ;;../ ' "'J .":"{ /, I -l .-. .... l~Qlill 39 20 OrlendO IO llO J J NMMo 44 26 ~· ff 41 . ... .... . , ,.,,..,.. ....... ...... Anel!Ottqe 17 13 Pnoenla 51 3t ---AllMll 71 47 Pct~ 65 54 ., .. . ,, ..... . . • Allentlo City 61 54 Ponl .~ 50 21 Autlln 58 33 Potlll nd,Or 51 .. e.turnot• 81 44 Ptovtci.nc. 63 3' Calif. Temps Sen Gabrt<li 70 38 8lNnlnQ!lam ee 41 Rflliljgh 70 68 San Jo.. 51 50 Bolton 63 44 Aeno 52 " S&nl•Ane • 43 8ul!elo 87 ~ SI Loutt 55 J2 Hlgll low Pf9CIP'llllOl'l lot 24 "°"" s.,111 Crut 82 56 CUC* 21 19 • St P1t•Temp1 ~ ., Tatl09 Velley "4 30 endlng II S • m loday Cllertwton S C 81 62 Sen Lelle Coy 37 33 Be1111r111e1<1 68 SS VJ>_,,111 Vly 43 27 Ch-ton.WV n 50 Sen MloniO 58 31 Eu11U H 49 Cl!ltlOne,N C 68 59 S•n Juen.PA 83 72 Fr..,..o 61 53 Ch9yenne 33 19 $1 Ste M11fe 47 38 Lencatler 56 4J c~ 58 3t s..1111 44 43 LOI A,...• 10 55 Extended Clnclnneu 69 34 $poll-34 33 Oe111ane1 SS 65 ~ 68 49 Syt-57 48 PuoAo-90 411 Columbu9, °" 17 47 Toe>ella 43 24 fled Blutt 48 46 F111 Frldey end S1lurd1y lncf~ Dell-Fl W0t1h so 31 Tuceon 57 3J RldWood Cny 82 SS 0.ylon 65 32 TulM so 29 11¥10 52 35 CIOudl.-t Sunday ContlnUld o.n-31 24 w .. h1ng1on 63 47 Sec:ramen10 so 51 Hl{lht 1n IOt OVerntghl 401 lhrOUQll DllM-44 24 Wlehlll 45 23 SeMnu 58 54 mid SO• OetrOil 81 46 Wllk .. ·8arre 61 48 Sen 0..00 111 SS EIPMO 47 23 San Franc•tco 60 55 Fll'ft>an~o 01 22 S1n1a B11ba11 61 Sil 13 Tides F.,go 33 F1eg11an 40 16 Higll, low, ~ 10< 24 "°"" 0111n<1 RflPIO• $1 36 411\dlng el $ J> m TODA'f H.ntord 83 39 8ararow ~8 18 HellM 35 111 8 tg 8Hr 49 12 Seco<td lllgll 12 23p m 4 7 Honolulu 82 76 Surf report 81911op 45 21 S9'ond 10W a 24 pm 03 ~Ion ea 40 Blythe !>8 311 THUfl&DA'f lndlll'taj)Oil9 8{) 35 Ca taltna 60 47 Jecuon.Ma 69 31 LOCATION llll IHAl'E Long ~II "° 4J flrtt hogn 4 06am 4.0 JICC<tonvllle 78 115 Hunungron 8&teh 1 2 poot Monrovia 69 JT r1111 tow 832 am 33 Ju,_u 23 21 River Jelly. Newport 1·2 l)OOt Monterey ' 64 48 Second n1gtt I 42pm 4 2 Klnta1C11y 45 24 40111 Street. N9Wl>O'\ 1 2 poot Ml Wllaon 51 37 Sec.ond lo.. 9 23pm 05 L.uVegu 45 3o4 22nd Slreet, NIWPC><I I 2 poot N~1BM<,11 05 4? Uttll Roell S4 19 BelboaWldge I 2 poot Onlatl() 65 35 Sun ..,, IOdly al 4 44 pm -Memprlla 19 34 L.AQun• BMcll I poot P11mSp.1ng1 112 40 fl!vflday 11 6 le I m end Mit egaor> II Mleml Beach 78 73 s .... ci.n-11 I 2 pOOt P .. aoena 611 40 4 «pm Mllweuk• 58 )I Wal• lemp 80·8 1 A1v11rllde 611 38 Moon Mii 11 10 28 p m , ri-Tllur .. MP41-S1 Paul 39 211 Swell dltlClk>n aoutll-1 San 8ern1ro1no 64 17 day •I 12 26 p m Ind..,. II II 24 pm Co· r1Nu£0 STORIES SHELTER AIDS HOMELESS IN MESA ... From Al .. It's bec;,1u.,c I t..np". there 1\ a hght at the end ol thi.' tunntl <,omewherc." she <;ays. as hi.'r ~lccp>-C~l'd daughti.'r leans a llred h<"ad against her shoulder "I can't s11 around and dwell on 11. 'rausc ifl do. I'll never get 1t back togcthrr .. The Holkranc; are one or I ~ fam1hes sta} mg at the shclt<.•r. .1 n1ne- unit apanment rnml'lle"' purt"hased in January b} thl· Orange< oa~t group. The apartments arl· u<icd a'i tem- porary housing. although three of the unit'> arc -;till occupied b> renter'>. who <.'hOM' to remain alier the ~le Wh,·n and II the} leave. the apan- mrnt~ will he u.,cd hy the ~helter. The front hu1ld1ng has been turnl·d into an offili.' and an emergem ~ houc,ing fac1lit\. whcrc more fam1he-. l'an <.ta) up to thrt.'<' night!. Famil1e\ who get into one ol tht.• apartments arl' allo"'"cd to \ta\ 1111 two month-; Thn arc given food° lx·dd1ng and hlanket\. and pcrh<iP'> morl' 1mponantl} 1he) 'rl' g1H·n fl'.,Pl't.'l and l'ncouragl·· mcnt "What Y.l' tr) lo do " takl· rx·oph: awa} from hcing "the homelt.•.,s and the poor.' and g1H· them a persona "'"c g1\e them their !>cll-identll) back," say<.Sl<HI Mather. pre!>ident of tht• Orange ( oa~t ln1crfa11h hoard of diret.·tors l he.-~hc.-ltcr 1<; managed hy Sister Donna M a\tan, a 27-)l'ar-oltl Cath· ohc nun w11h the Sister\ of~t. Jo~eph 1n Orange. Ma'>can reque~tcd tht• addrcc,s oft he rcnttr not ht: puhh'lhed because mam of thl' tenants art· battered \\l\C·., '>eeking refuge with their <. hildrl'n Howev1.·r. \he .,I res~' th e 1.heher j, open to anyonr wnhout a home. Sadl} she \a}'> the temporal) and emergenq fauht1cs arc usuallv full. WE'RE LISTENING lorc1 n~ hl'r to turn ·•""a} I() to I 5 famll1l''> a da~ Thi.' simple apan111en1 ... w11h '-Cl- ond-hand, unma1ch1ng furniture, are much 1n demand Decor 1., not tmponant to people thankful to be sleeping 1r1 a bed again In om· apanmt>nt erratic cra<."f..'> travel through a tilted lampshade. while on a table ac·ro<os the room, carefull ) plal'ed pine cones ..crvl· a'> conversation p1eCl'S Fam1l1e\ at thc '>helll·r are hou~·d two per unit. and th1\ pan1rnlar apanmcnt 1s shared h\ thl' Hollc1an., and the Johnc;ons. "We lucked out gelling in hl'rl·.' "">'Holleran "It "'<I'> a m1radc ·· lferopt1m1sm 1si.'rhoed h} Aarhara John .. on holllinga )nungch1ld 111 hn <."hi.' .. l. "\.\\•'rl' hoping to get into a low- 1 ncnmr I hous1 ng prOJCCI) '>0 Wl' clon 't have to go through th1'> an} morl' ·· sa)s John\on. 30. "But I'm JU'it '>0 happ} to ha"e a rool O\er m~ k1ch' heads." IL wa.,n't \O long ago tht• \\Omen were '>toging a different tunl' . Johnson'<; problems staned \\-hen her huM>and developed se"erc heatl- achcs. 1 he ailment turned into one h1g finarmal headache for thr famil) of fi\ l' "hcn the man lost his JOb and rhc Johnsonc, ""t.'rt.' C\ rctcd from their home They ended up spending their nights at a park, sleeping in their car. "When 11 happen!., your fnr:nd\ look dn"n on you, }Our famtl) loob down on )OU hke }Ou're dirt -and you Stan reeling like dirt. lt''i hard to remain po,111 ve," Johnson say~. That\ why the 'iheltcr has rc~idl'n t counselor<;. who adv 1sc the people on !IU<.'h thing<, as moni.'} management as "ell a\ marriage and fam1h prohlem-.. \1:.l'>l'an ..ay'\ thl' people are en- rnur.tgl·d to find JObs and put 70 pcn.l·nt ufthcir ..alancs into a sa\ 1ngs account which writ be used to gamer an apartment They arc also re- que\tt d. but not ordered, to donate I 0 pt.•rrent to thr '>helter. lea' ing 20 pcn:ent lur their pcr<>onal needs. Mtal\ Jrl prov1Jcd without charge during the l\\-o-month '>la) at the ('t.•ntl'l "\.\ t•"rl' Ir\ 1ng to keep people OUt Of ttw y,l'ffMl' '>\'>tem.'' Mather \aid. I hl' \hdti.-r wa., purchased for $410 000 w11h dunations from the nt1e'> ol Hunti ngton Bcarh. Irvine. ( mta Mesa a~"""" as th i.' count} of Orange he ..a1ll ~1nnl·~ tor opera11ng npcn<;cs, prnfl'\ 11.·d at rou$hl} S 150.000 an- nuall~. 1\ t~:rng raised through tlona- t111m from lncal churchec; rlw \ht:ltl·r can he reacht.•d h) calhng611-721l Marine air craft practices slated I 1cld l:arner landing practice at the Marine C-orps Air station, El Toro, writ rL''iu h in increased nor~e levels 1n neighborhood~ near the base. accord- ing It) Manne C'orps onicrals MM1n e Aircraft G roup-I l 's -.quadron\ will be involved rn the <.'XCTn'>L'. in which a small sectio n of runwa> 1s used to ''mulate landings ahoard an aircraft earner rhe practices are scheduled 4:30 p m to t ·'CJ a m o r Fnda}. aturday anll 'iunda~. Just Call 642-6086 \\hal do }OU like about the Dai l) l'ilol" \\hat don't )OU like" (.'a ll th e number at left and your messajite "Ill bt• rec•ordrd. tran">t'ribed and delive red to tht· appropria te editor The same 24-hour ans" ering sen ice ma\ ht• ui.rd to reC'ord leu rr to the editor on any topic. Contributon. to our l.1•11er., t·olumn must indude their name and telephone number tor verilica1111n 'o d rculation ca ll-i, please. maximum term ol three years in a < ahfornra Youth A.uthont) 1nst1tu- t1nn. a<."<."Ord1ng to ~aguirc . prosecutor The pleading fo restalled a tnal in the ca~ which had been ~hedu led to begin Tuesday. f ell us what's on your mind. l~unca~1nOrangcCounty.butnot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1n th<.' state. Undt·r the law, minors are .. , \.lewit a .. a \l.:I] '>enOU'> case." • tht: prn">Ccutor \a1d .. , .... 111 he '>cek1ng • 3 <,Uh\tanllaf amounl or lime in • CU\lod y " < rafl and I huma<, cn tcrl'd tht•1r plea'> during a half-hour hl'anng that • followed da}--long tl1scu\'i1on\ tx·- ; tween their dcfcn<,t· a11orne" and lhl' . . . Earlier this year. Cardenas had agreed to empanel an advisory Jury 1n the case and give "great weight and cred~ce" to 11s conclusion, although 11 recommendation would not carrv the force of law. · <iuch an arrangement would have bt:en the first ofns kind in a Juvenile entitled only to a criminal tnal b<.'fore a Judge. Maguire said he expected the February dispos1t1on heanng would take the form ofa trial. with both sides calling witnesses b<.'cause the facts in the case still are in dispute. Both Craft and Thomas have remained free since the accident. &--------------------------------------------------------'------:: ~-NEWPORT YACHT SINKS OFF BAJA ... :; From Al ;,· • ·;' prckcd upahou1.9 45 pm J ue,da} h} ~the li'thing t>oat Honnre The rescue •: cami.' more than. 15 hour; after a :4' Ma)day call from thc 71-foot :; Wandenn' Star yacht, ( oast (iuard •::. Pettv Officer< harley ( rosby 5a1d :-~ :;. fhe lk>nn1e t"hanged mu~ to ta kl· :!. the pair to Caho \an Lucas where they ~.will be put on J flight to the United '•. ~tate'I The C oa<.t G uard received a May- day radio call from the yacht at 6:26 a.m. Tuesda'r. Crosby said. The 'la1lo~ said their boat was taking on water 100 miles southeast of the BaJa ( ahfomia peninsula. and a few minutes later said they were going to hoard a li fe ran Steams said he and his family had been aboard the vessel until Sunday, when they flew home. Putnam and Gu1tcrre1 left Pucno Vallarta on Monday en route to Newport Beach, he said. A C'oast Guard C-130 search plane and two helicopters from the cutter Polar Sea wert' unable to locate the yacht. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... f Delly Piiot Delivery le GuerentHd -t• ,,,.,._1' -.."'1 5f..jl'\l1Ar I f{)V JO IV)! I f( ... # t OU' 0 (1lpy l)y 1 '"" (Aft r'lllJtt "" '0 • " A"'i'd fti-1' tr.I( r It r.. ,,......, >~o Clrculetton Telephone• °''"',. V•"'Y .... ._, tQ..&m . . ORANG( COAST Daily Pilat~· __ • H.L Sfhwartz Ill Pubhsher Frank Zlnl Managing [d1to r Karen Wittmer Advertising Director AoHmar, Churchm•n Controller Robert Cantrell Production Manager Donald L. Wllll•m• Circulation Manager ' Clrculatton 71'1M2""'333 Clff•lfted edvertlelng 714/142-5171 AH other cMpertmente M2""4321 MMNOFFK:E-uo Wt'll 1111 St ec.Jt._ C4 .,.... ..,.,..,.. a.• 1560 l'.-r• ..._ r• 916:>f' Cnpy>ogrtl t~) Or~ Ga<IM P111:1WW1g (,.,,,ipe.,y NO """ _,.,.... .. .... ,,~ •. ld>lor..-,..... .. ., "' •• ,,...,,. -· ,,....,, .... , be ,.,,.OCll<..t ..... '-....... ..,,, ~OIC«>Yt - ~Cle• IXJll"9" 119<:1 Al Cottt U-fnm.t (lM 144 90llt ""*'tpl""' 1>1 u.rw M 1$ !ttUnfl!IJ .,.,. ...... "' so """'1""' VOL. n , HO . 333 • • •