HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-21 - Orange Coast PilotDelly~ ......... by l'hcll., 1 • ...,,,., After d onning makeup and costume, Jill Jones of South Laguna l• posed between Donna Kinsella, left, and Stacie Lucero, both of Mla•ion Viejo, in a circus poster. Thia work la alao featured on the co~er, which I• by Dall Pilot photographer Howard Llpln. Dressing a bowl of art in Laguna Beach P;1v_<·<111t pre~en l ~ 'li v ing· works by n1c 1 c..,t <' r~ a ncl con te1n pora ry ar ti s t ~ By LISA MAHONEY ')f th• (Jadt P•••1I \l•H t,J1qr1lly performanc.1-!~ of tt1P "'""r popular PagPdnt ot lt1P M<J<ilPrs h<1ve returnPc1 10 Irvine Bowl "' l aquna BE!ach F ,,r thP 52nd year voluntPer p0c;f•r<; will dip themselves 1n10 the pamt pots and step into dPp1ct1on s of old masters con- temporary paintings, statues porcelains and even circus post- ~rs t-very 111ght through Aug 29 The living re-creations of famous art works have for years been so popular that the show is a quaranteed sellout Prime tickets have already been scooped up. s;iys Sally Reeve public relations director but some seats for Mond<1y through Wednesday performances be tween Aug 12 and 29 are avatlable, she said The $9 and $12 tickets may only be purchased the day of the per- formance. she said Long-time pageant goers should notice more art and a taster pace between presen- tations this time around A new area of interest the American Indian has also been added The pageant opens with rep- resentations of Jaz.z Age figur- ines lithe girls wtlo. though .,tat1onary appear caught mid- step "' a flamboyant dcmce Re-creations of American pa1nt1ngs an lt<Jhan altar and ChinPse porcelains depicting the ~1gn1 immortals loffows Colorful Ger'11an porcelain fig- ures tPll a story of pastoral love followed by the clowns, bareback riders and assorted denizens of circus hie as seen on colorful old time posters A section on Egyptian orna- ment and architecture ends the first act of the two-hour program. Lavish re-creations of engrav- ings made for Louis XIV open the second act Roman pages. Tur- k 1sh footmen and the Emperor himself seem to cavort through the countryside 1n the "Carrousel of Louis XIV .. Local artist Sally Strand created a watercolor pastel enti- tled "Saturday Matinee" for this year's pageant The re-creation depicts a slice of lost Americana the old-time picture show Contemporary artist John N1eto's paintings of the American Indian then takes the stage. Nieto uses bold colors to draw a picture of the proud native Americans in thetr trad11tonal clothes ·orµheus, .. a familiar re-crea- tion for pageant goers. 1s a breathtaking representation of the Steuben glass original Or- Volunteer• are potted ln a trio of Melaaen porcelain re-creadone. pheus appears transfixed within the glass. mourning for his lost love who has died As always, Leonardo da Vlncl's "The Last Supper" closes the pageant The pageant begins at 8·30 p.m. every night. but the Irvine Bowl festival grounds are open daily from 10 a.m. to 11 :30 p.m Varied work from local pro- fessional arlsts Is on display on the festival grounds. and two other festivals -Art-a-Fair and the Sawdust Festival ar within walking distance. Parking In downtown Lagun Beach Is at a premium. especial on weekends City-run park1 lots are open throughout tt (Pleue eee PAGEANT /Page ? Pageant of the Masters/ An Ac1ver\t.ing Supplement to lhE' DAILY PILOT/Sunday July :> 1, 1985 F es ti val grounds transformed into a gallery for local artists PAGEANT ... FromPage2 pageant s duration. Trams will shuttle v1s1tors to the Irvine Bowl I and o ther downtown locations for 50 cents apiece. For motorists entering the city by Laguna Canyon Road. there 1s the Act V lot on the north side of I the road Those who venture down Pac1f1c Coast Highway can turn inland at Park Avenue and catch a tram at the high school parking lot Parking 1s free ' The city's new perking struc-I ture on Glenneyre 1s partially open By the end o f July, the I structure should be completed and able to acco mmod ate 125 vehic le!> There 1s a fee for using the park1nq structure The 1985 Fest1vol ot Arts is m arked by several nPw fealllres as well as many popular trt1· d1t1ons Basically the colorful clnnu.il Pvent by tar tht> b19qes1 o t 11s kind in the West is a display of work by artists and craftsmen of the area. spec1f1cally those who reside along the coastal strip between New port Beach and San Clemente Only those whose work hols been approved by a seven- member panel of 1udqec:; are eligible fo r display c;pc1ce on the park-like grounds Categories include a wide range ol graphics pa1nt1ngs 1n various media for example plus L etchings drawings ser1gr aphs .,, and photographs as well as a broad selection of other forms of creat1v1ty A mong the latter are stained glass. model ships . weav- ing. wood carving. 1ewelry. ceramics and furniture (Please see FESTIVAL/Pal(e 12) O M MITME~T TO CO N V ENI ENCE Your newc.-.t ne tghhor in I .1gunJ Ht.'J l h WESTPORT SA VINC..S BANK 1.;; pft:-,1.,t.•d l o salute the r,Jnd Annual f eo;t1v.>I o f thl· Art<, Pagl'Jnt o f the Ma'ilt'r'i Our loc.111on in I .1gun.1 Be.1t h ,.., rt.·.1d'r 1c1 ,l';c,1s1 you not onl} 1n the moc,t per<;on.1f11t•d o f hilnkin~ <,t•rvlC t•c; hut ,1lc,o c,rnincl .Hlvu t• nn all your fin.in< 1al n1.•t•dc; Wv .m .' p roud 10 ht.• J p.:i rt ot lhl· Or.ingt• < o,1c,1 ,md I he l'\C 11 in~ ~1 n~ r h of Or.in~t· C ounl ~ WL r PC>Rr SAVIN<~~ BANK 004 N Coast H1ghwuy Laguna Beach. CA 4q7. no ! Festival of Arts visitors view the largest art display ln Laguna Beach io the s ix acre Irvine Bowl Park. Some 165 artists and c raftsmen from coastal cities in Or ange County partic pate in this annual event. which is czpcc ted to draw 300.000 tbi& s ummer. The festival runs through Aug. 29. ENJOY A RTISTRY IN D INING B EFORE I A FTER THE FESTIVAL Contine ntal Cuisine Daily Lunch And Dinner Cocktails • Seafood Bar Dinner Service to 11 :30 P .M. Seafood Bar Open t o 1 :00 A.M . S unday Champagne Brunch 9:30 to 4:00 HAPPY HOUR 4 to 7 P.M. Mon-Fri Complimentary Hot & Cold Hors d 'oeu vres ~ NICHTL Y DANCING AND ENTER TAINMENT ·ro"•"n J2so2 !'I Pac •ftc l(Jd!il Hw ~ W t.4.t Cro..,n \-allt>v Park .. aJ 1 , hnuso M~:~,~~"B~r~~~~La ~~" ~ 499-2626 496-577J Now In Our 14th Yt>ar Wht>n you w.in 1 tht" l lflt"':>t For Any o, C.l c;1on 1//o,,art /, __ '{; llJ Designer linens sill..!> hand knits nand beaded apparel and htq h f ash1Cln::. in naturdl fabric::. ls~mer Sa le 1 ~ts Today J .. lo I I • I J t>tl I •) ·1d ~ ( ll't ..... I 1\11\ t ' ....... .. . , ,. .,,, ., .. •:ti t .,o,; H '• Pageanl of lhe Masterct/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sundtly Jury 2 1 t'l85 .1 -· Pageant of the Mastef'S'/An Actverttsing Supplement to the DAil Y PILOl /Sundey. July 2 1. 1985 WHEN CAN You HAVE Ir? ' COPLEY COLONY Cabtev1s1on of Costa Mesa Inc Activation Sen.du~ Area II to be completed July 1985 Area Ill to be completed Oct 1985 Area IV to be completed Feb 1986 Area V to be completed March 1986 Questions & Answers About Cable TV We.at'I lt.t '6fftrHot htwtH ttlHlllH I caltlHll lHl Variety, Quality and Reception. Cable has dozens of channels so you'll be able to choose from any number of special subjects: News, Sports, Movies. Health, Children. Education. with programming that's uncompromised and a picture that's crystal clear Is II-TY "'• 11•• as oalllt 1 No O N.-TV is what's called subscription telev1s1on. It 1s just one local station broadcasting to your television set. It can carry only one program at a time. Cabevis1on's many channels let you choose from many cable programs at the same time WHI tMle ont •• a let .. lntaH1 Installation usually takes only an hour or two The cost is reasonable. And during Cablevlsion's in- troductory period It is FREE (And that's an absolutely unbeatable cost.) Wiil i11talll•1 c1lllt ••••&• •Y h•••1 If s as easy as installing a telephone The ser- viceman runs a wire from the nearest ut1hty pole to your house. We m ake a pencil-thin hole. pull the wire through the hole and ru n 1t along the baseboard to your TV set. Then we connect the wire to your set's antenna terminals That's all there is to 1t Wht will caltle •• tt •r rtce,tit•? Impro ve 1t tremendously Cablevision screens out signal interference like tall buildings, mountains. airplanes. weather and radio transmitters. You II get a much sharper picture. And the true. rich colors your TV set was designed to give you. ftat If 1 e.at1 •trt t•n tH Tl1 No problem. Connecting a second or third TV set 1s simply a matter of running another wire off the main cable to the extra set's terminals for a small extra charge. NH c11 I1tl H •111 chHtls? When you order cable. you II receive a converter that increases the number o f channels your 1e1e v1s1on can receive It has buttons and looks and work s llke a calculator It also works on any television In minutes you II feel completely com- fortable using 1t Whal art 'rt•i•• 11nlct1? They are special channels that offer special enter tainment Sold out concer ts. first run movies. champ1onsh1p sports -without cuts commercials or compromises of any kind Wlilat is IHra•i1it11 Copley Colony Cablevision has arranged to otter our premium services at special savings Ask your representative how you c an get our best -hke HBO. Disney. Bravo. Showtime C1nema)C.. Gal- av1s1on. The M ovie Channel for less with Ultra- v1s1on ·~··if 1 .... 1 Your Cablev1s1on system will stay with your house But having Cabtev1s1on might actually increase your house s value Pag eant of the Masi~"'' An Adven1s1nq Supplement to th~ OAIL Y PILOl Sundov Jutv '2, 1qar.. Students talented, too The popular Junior Art Gallery. now 1n its 39th year. features a selected group of 150 outstanding works. ranging from crayon and finger pa1nt1ngs to oils. walercolors. mosaics. collages and stitchery The exh1b1t, located on the lower level of the Fest1vdl Forum Theater. features pnze-w1nn1ng works selected from among 4.000 entries by Orange County students Chairman 1s Jean Freeman a one-time festival exh1b1tor Besides the 1un1or art exh1b1t, a free art workshop on the grounds will offer opportun1t1es for budding artists to use their creative talents under supervision The festival provides the easels. paints and smocks -the youngsters supply the talent ''TOO HOT TO COOK''! SUMMER SPECIALS ONLY AT ~ HONE IBAK ED. A display of Roger Folk's watercolor paintings Is a popular attraction at the festl:;;:·' .... ,,11111~ •• :I .. p1·111.'""'' ,,1,,.1111•···'"'''''"'"t.:"'''" Folk art popular display ti 1•11tl11111 ... 1.11h. 11111 d11ll11 •\\l1t\.. '••lt 111 '' 1111111111·•111•\l:.tl..• 1111,1\••r q1 1.il11, .1111 1, 11 ,.,, \nd ,,, 1dd t11 tl1t '' 111' ''"'" 11111111• 1 111·,11 ""'" \H.1h.1 d I"'' 111 1dlt 11ri1:tl111•1''illlllltt 'l ',l\llH:...,11•1ltltc .111·-. f11t •'1 11•1l1lt1 ,di tdd II!) 111111~ .1\111~: l•ol \•Ill 111d ~11,11.111!1•1 d It,'"'\ IS.th.• d t.1 ... 11 1111\1 •111 l.11111h .111d 1111 11el, Vov' n.11111 Hofttyh~t4 ''""is ANAHflr.t U 1 >1• '"" 111 '• 1111) • l!• .. 11lhuo f7Mf14 •I H•I COllO.A Oll WAii I I 1t·,I Hw• f/tt/11 ~llO I f I~ I h/ 'II f H IOllO If~ ... , ·~ 1v., ) l'flf,ll .~I'll 1.,,.., ''•13 N~1•h ,, 11 lu1 R11•nt vi .... ,,., "ll lll77 I op -2 1 ~HONl.IBAKro 1 _____________ _J HUllllN61C»I IUCH I t ~ .. ~ b•w"' f f '" ~,.., t1 'P .,.,.,,t·l ,, ,,.1t 1•lll ~14 fHP. 1it11~ RllANGI t • t I Hrlll f/f I • I t 1 ~ I ff I IUflfMO MtllAC.I ltONI YMKI () FormPr Disneyland ma rkeli ng di reel or returns for lOth yC'ar \/I '1r ~I f If A unique fine art and gift collect ion t· ,. ' . :. .. . STATE OF THE ARTS landscapes Exh1b1ting at the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach for the 10th year. Roger Folk has an intense rnterest 1n what he sees and paints Subtle coloring the surge of ocean waves, dramatically beautiful skies all spark his 1mag1nat1on and inspire htm to capture them w11h restrained brilliance 1n his patnltngs He paints mostly on the Pac1f1c coast, 1n the Sierras and on his nat1ve Nebraska pra1r1es Knowledgeable observer s often comment on his re- markable eye for detail some- thing he says 1s as necessary as a brush "Take a good look at a tree · he said. and you II ltnd count- less designs in the bark. in the leaves and 1n the ltchen -all small. yet all complete .trt<J contribultng to a superh ,,ve~ design A Cattfornian sine r• Roger Folk 1s constantl y on lookout for subtle example what man and nature have c b1ned to create a comhtnd strikingly exempltfted lnr stance. by the 1mprobablt• st of a bright red geranium slur rooted 1n an old workboor Besides pa1nt1ng and teac others to do so. Folk is 1n dem as a 1udge of other people ~ and has served as a volunt 1uror for the Festival of Aris 1t In that capacity he was ltter 'doing unto others.· since become a festival exh1b1tor had to first submit samples of work to a panel of 1urors and their nod of approval Volunteers carryo ltledieval tradition Volunteers posing in the 'hv- 1ng pictures" are carrying on a mPd1eval European lrad1t1on Tableaux v1van1s were ltrsl I presented In churches to portray reltg1ous scenes. and 1n the 14th and 15 centuries. c1t1es tned to I outdo one another by staging such events tn the streets on I special occasions to welcome I v1s1ting monarchs. for example The sub1ect matter came from I art, history or mythology, and people posing 1n the scenes sometimes spoke or sang to Then came the Pageant ot Masters Since 1933 (when ftrst ltvtng pictures were sh here) the show has 1mpro technically each year so many spectators at ltrsl refus belteve the characters on st are alive But alive they are 264 of them: 132 in each ot alternating casts I musical accompa1nment Non-animated tableaux were revived in the 18th century tn I France and became turn-of-the- "-------------~ century entertainment 1n the The big challenge. of cours to remain absolutely mo11onl For some the lucky ones 1s easier than others. for stance, tf they have somet solid 10 grasp. For those st ing. or even sitting. with not to steady the body, it's d1ff1 especially since they have to still ror about 90 seconds N theless. they manage 10 do 1 parlors and Sunday schools of America 6 -Pageant of the Masters/An Adver11s1ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 21 1985 Director Glen Eytchison (left) poses cast members for "Saturday Matinee." At right are Judy Jackson and Patrick Berkos. Mission Viejo; Wllllam Wilkerson, New- port Beach: Gaye Whitney, Huntington Beach and Rory Aguilera, Placentia. Laguna Beach artist's work again &a tured in Pageant A living version of a work by a local artist again 1s included 1n the 1985 production of Laguna s world-famous Pageant o f the Masters This year the artist 1s Colo- rado-born Sally Strand, now a Lagunan. and the work 1s Satur- day Matinee.· commissioned by pageant director Glen Eytchison Created in watercolor and pastel. 1t depicts a group of five a woman. a man and three children in front of a movie theater The director developed the idea 1n d1scuss1ons with the artist even to deciding the heights of the five figures that would look right when portrayed on stage Naturally the stage version has to be much bigger than the original work The latter is a mere 2 1 by 35 inches. the pageant version w111 be almost 40 times as large some 10 feet by 19 Sally Strand s Saturday Matinee 1s among some 25 work s on the pageant program. which includes paintings and three-dimensional figures such as sculptures by master artists Strand is among 165 artists and craftsmen of the area display works during the 1985 season The festival grounds at 650 Laguna Canyon Road will be open daily from 10 a m to 11 30 p m through Aug 29 "P1n11ors of t•1 Fi11st l11cm1r I Ace1ssori1s for 1•1 Dlscri•i11ti11 S11Alr'' CLOTHING ... • 5WIMWl-AR c.i. 1111 llus Sit ... l •M • <;t lNWfAR • ltes I IMles (714) 497-11 01 ACCESSORIES ... • ..,un olut1on .. Tanning Prnduc '" • T ';hire., • ..,OUVl'lllr' • C:,un (11.J._.,.,., • Beach thdir.. & Get me!> TtllOA THIGllWA\ •LA(,(INAfffA<H • LOSE WEIGHT • STOP SMOKING • IMPROVE YOURSELF E ""Sil 'f COMFOIH,...Bl'f PERM,...NENH'f WITH HYPNOSIS C.•11 10 <1 .. y tor " ~i!lthlf'r hilPP'"' yo<1 f714J 472-HYPNOSIS (49761 2 790 Harbor Blvd. ,1•11 '"' " (at AdamsJ St~. 309, Costa M~sa 92626 '!tc'f'o IMHO Patio Furniture From PACIFICA CONCEPTS ' ) Construction o f a corrosion-free high gloss polyresin material with double the strength of other outdoor furniture All cushions are water repellant and will not tear or mildew under normal cond1t1ons THE TARA COLLECTION s499oo Reg. $69500 THE GENESIS COLLECTION $64qo<> REG.$ 1082'"' _,,,.L. --.., ~ l"v ~ustom mad~ .~1us~lons Av.;all.;ab le) bctllo .. · -· _ .. _. ___ _.,J. )\ / 3637 E. Coast Hwy t /(fn'") Corona del Mar 675-4340 Paqeant ot thf' Mac;tArc; 1 An Adver11slnQ "upplement to the DAIL Y PILOT ~11nc1~v Jul" ~' ·n~~ We're New, Exciting Special & Unique for Gifts We're ~t A '.J('L .Ah{ y [; (I u. Upstairs at :: 1 5 497-7027 l'•>flnt1<Jtllll I fl01l1A..tl-.1•11-. ,11111 f.1 ... ~111111 -.pml r h1• purnr r1 ·rfi·ftr wcJ ir 1 l,irq1· c ro<e ,, rmnl IP<Jlh1·r !)fl,, l11rwrmq "'''< lwd lwt·I VALE TI I\ I • Lunch • Dinner • Sund.iy Brunch Oyuet Bat • Uve Entertlllnment • O.inclng Nl9htly 384 Forest Ave .. Uigun.i Be.ich Reserv.illons 494-9491 • Ample Free P.irklncJ Undet New Matnll~rYWnt PHONE: 714-497-3155 10th Year in Business 8 -Pageant of the Maa1ers/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sunday, July 21. 1985 S H 0 P P SPOTLIGHT ON: The Lumberyard Village Shops with Flair. Service and ( With Conve nience You'll Appr For an exciting adventure In shopping. h LUMBERYARD VILLAGE. Conveniently loca r"' en ue. walking distance from the festival. Easy tr stained glass a nd steeple-a landmark not 10 h like Laguna. Originally It was a lumberyard. pn11 see shopping spot for any visit to Laguna. Parking is no problem at the Lumberyard. parking from the Ocean Avenue e ntrance. C,o shopping as you need, as parking Is validared Since varie ty is the s pice of life. you'll find pl No two shops are a like. The Coffee Pub is perfect for that pick-me-up lunch , dinner or Sunday Brunc h. The Poi.I Offic • here" greetings purchased from the Stray WIM l1 Wi1h rwo floors of s hops. you'll find Lingern• '" accessories at Love Leather. Papagallo has a nl'1.1 door is Dolly et C ie for the Fashion-minded femc11 reveals one of the most unique collections of l'V• need s with a complete line of natural skin carE-M clothing for your next Fiesta. Then it's o n 10 f Women's fashions right next door. Peacock All.- brings fashion to the man with a complete line you've been promising your pet. Now it's time for analysis. and a look at the latest In Interchange. Rings and Things offers a year 'round collect•• At last, It's Legem Hair, a Salon for both men an See us soon -you'll be happy you did. The Lt Peacock Alley • Eye to Eye • r OU Or. James Kavanaugh Wll coll & Kennt-1 Rlngi & Things • P.S.T. Men's Sportswear • f111, The Ivy House • Dolly Phyllu Cameron • Coffee Pub • LEATHER Hats • Jackets ................ - G • 1n Ldguna Beach hM m >c1ate • .,ure to visit the d "' 184 f-o rest Av· r1>cogn 1Le-with its , m1..,,ed. c harming. 111 hi>com1ng a must <.11h dmple covered ldke "" much time •111v c.f vttriery he re. P L A Z A ,. , • -• , I lfl i A"'41'1 I l'Alfll.l"I. V.llH I ,. \Al lllA 110" ; ' , • l--.-\.... i ::::========~1 ro •.!Mt the day right. After shopping it's the Ivy House for "r1~h1 here. too. idea l for mailing those "Wis h-you-were· 111 "' home wear from Phyllis Came ron All kinds of leather 1 •<c1tt0n ct nd is stocked with shoes a nd other goodies. Next • 011 tu the second fl oor where a s top at Eye to Eye Opticdl ·9la"~' dnywhere. The Aloe people take care of your s k in d '>untdn products. Next it's A Touch of La tin wi th l he right 1zade Galle ry for Internatio nal art. Or lily's coll ectio n of : ,., a new s hop of gifts with a Country Fre nch fl air. P.S.T. JI '>POrl'>wear. Laguna Groomers Is the place for that lrim 1 pePk into the Unique Boutique for a FREF. fashio n & fig ure 1hle Fashio ns . '"of C hristmas ornaments . All o f collectable quality . d ll-Omen. mberydrd Shops ""'w'"''d '""''' ·h 11f Laun • Aloe Peoplt • Laguna Groomer\ v • lln1que Boutique • IAgtm Hair • Eau de Savoa Ide G.,llery • lily's Collection• • Lag una financial Servlcu I"" I r~rl P l ( 1e • Papagallo • l ove l eather ',1ray Whalt • Laguna f lower • Post Offlcf' , .. • I "\• \. '· : . ·. ·.: \: ; (714) 497-3210 40o/o0ff All Western Boots Purses • Wallets FREE "LOOKING GOOD IS FEELING GOOD" Qi~Q°s ... : ThVlOS IN A NEW LOcA<?io N GRAND REOPENING Shop # 17 at the Lumberyard Ma ll FREE Ear Piercing :, " 111 H ,, I f r • 1 1. $• , 1 Christmas All Year Large Selection of Unique Hand Crafted Ornament!> Air cond111 ont•d tor your comfort Designer Dresses Sportswear Custom Knits and Accessories - \ Gold & Silver Jewelry OPEN EVERYDAY 10-5 30 l M /l!h O J\ 494-5171 a 9 Lumberyard VIiia¥ P • S • T • Men's Sport~"·ear When your image demands that you look your best THE Ll 'MBER't.ARD NO 16 384 F orest Laguna Beach 497.1424 \ Pageant of the Masters / An Advertlslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sunday. Juty 21 1985 • 9 • • .. . . Art forms abound • at the festiva l Although art exhibits and the Pageant of the Masters are the major attractions at the Festival of Arts, there are a number of other art forms that capture visitors' attention, such as Scott Land and bis Marionettes (above) performing daily. Members of the Ballet Pacifica (above. right). a nationally known company baaed ln Laguna Beach, presents "Festival of Nations" on Sundays at 5 p.m ., which includes the Charleston, danced by Krista Moorhead and Dan Berney (below. right). Every afternoon young budding artists can attend free art workshops (right), with materials, smocks and guidance supplied by the festival. Returning to the grounds at 6:30 p .m . on the next two Saturdays will be the colorful Monarch of the Glen pipe band a nd danc ers. 10 Paqeant of the Masters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL Y PILOT/Sunday July 21. 1985 ·- Delly PMo< .....,..,. by IUC!herd IC- F r o n:i n:iodel to 1narble a rt if a c t Pageant of the Masters cast member Shelly Levine, o f Newport Beach, sits patien tly as sh e is transformed into the centerpiece of a marble artifact that appears nightly outdoors at the Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach. The original marble artwork, containing six figures, ls in the Trenta Chapel. Lucca, Italy. The Pageant version is shown in photo above. Q His Indian paintings portrayed at Pageant Artist John Niet o's New M exico works contain powerful imager y. vivid colors One striking feature 1n this year's Pageant o f the Masters program will be eight painhngs by the famous New Mexico master. John Nieto Nieto 1s a contemporary native American artist whose ideas. skill and heritage are interwoven to form the complex tapestry of his art At ftrst glance. one 1s instantly impressed by the powerful im- agery and vtVJd color palette that dominate his canvases The elaborately garbed dancers and chiefs are quintessentially Indian, yet N1eto's application of intense primary c olors presents a startl- ing 1uxt apos1tion to the imagery For Nieto. the path of his career has brought him full ctrcle. from his early days hving near Ruidoso. N.M .. with his grand- mother, on to his education at Southern Methodist University and Pans. then back to New Mexico where he now lives and works As a young man, he developed a deep reverence for his heritage. a culture that was spiritually. 1f not materially. rich Nieto credits his parents tor embu1ng him wtth a sense of "who and what · he 1s Yet matunty was not necessarily accompanied by a strong sense of identity. despite the affinity Nieto felt for his ltneage His Indian heritage is Apache Higher education brought htm closer to realizing his art1st1c goals At Southern Methodist University. he studied under Ed- ward Bearden. whose philosophy left an indehble 1mpress1on He encouraged me to paint a picture not of something. but about 1t · Nieto recalls This premise continues to form the basis for N1eto 's ex- pressionistic style Following his years at SMU came independent study in Pans at the Louvre Museum. There he encountered works of the French Fauves and German Expressionists that in- sptred and enlightened him He said hts European so1urn served to heighten the d1rect1on of his vocation to paint that which was familiar to him. his own culture This reahzat1on was the key to unlocking a senes of doors. but the process was an arduous one as is often the case in the life of an artist Gradually. his painting w on 1ncreas1ng popular response .'\nd recent years have marked a steady rapid chmb for Nieto At the top o f his mountain 1n Santa Fe N M Nieto finds sanctuary for the work that consumes his hf<' His new self- des1gned solar adobe studio laces Albuquerque and com- mands a prislint> view or the New Mexico terrain In the <>tud10 Nieto finds the solttude he requires lo concen- trate on his pa1ntinq yet plays rock music 10 enerq1ze 'My paintings come from subliminal sources They re not right on the top 0f my brain. · Nieto said Tv tap these "subhm1nal sources he turns frequently 10 historical photo documentation of Indian figures and historical events from the turn of the century I do work for the most part from the 1870s to 1919 he said He 1s attracted primarily to the ethereal quality predominant in these images "The sptrttual ts what lnd1ar culture is all about ... he says "what has made ti su rvive There was no destre for 1ndustnal Noted New Mexico artist John Nieto. conquests but rather a sense of unity and respect for the environ ment physical and spiritual harmony with the universe Modern-day ceremonials and dances at pueblos and reser vat1ons which he frequf!ntly at tends, are a continuing mlluence He makes sketches and draw inqs of these events to supple· ment the h1stor1ca1 photos he references . Each of his works 1s an asse 11011 that conftrms or expresses a "tatt>ment He said he want<; to e'(plore and document the ways of my ancestors · Pageant of the Masters An Advert1s1ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT Sunda-. Jul-,. 21 1985 11 I 'FESTIVAL ... From Page3 All exhibits are for sale, and many booth-holders make an ent1re year's income dunng the festival season. which runs through Aug 29 The event a1tracts v1s1tors from coast to coast Among attractions are spacious lawns. a picnic area. plenty of benches and two res- taurants -one for simple meals. and one with a more elaborate menu and full catering service , ............... 91 An unusual feature that has proved popular for several years 1s a display of work by art students in schools throughout the county. Arranged grade by grade. the items invariably prompt 1nquines by visitors wish- ing to make purchases -an encouraging compliment to stu- dents concerned, even though such works are for display only Other not-for-sale exhibits are samples of work done by rec1p1- ents of Festival of Arts scholar- ships A dlaplay of crafta in wood capturea the attention of eeveral visitors to the Festival of Arla. I For the very young. there 1s a 1unior art workshop, where ad- vice and materials are available free Each day until 4 p m .. small lry delight in translating imagina- tion into colorful pictures. a sampling of which 1s put on display Each Sunday at 5 p m .. Ballet Pacifica presents a 20-minute show featunng company mem- bers who this year, 1n appropriate costumes. will perform "Festival of Nations." a kaleidoscopic offenng of dances representative ol many countries. From time to time, other musi- cal programs are presented -a choral group. for example: the El Toro Manne Band and a group of Scottish pipers All are offered without any additional charge beyond the modest fee for ad- m1ss1on to the grounds. An air-conditioned theater Is the setting for a lighthearted half- hour marionette show staged by Scott Land Several per- formances are given each day for a nominal adm1ss1on charge. Programs are geared to all com- ers. from toddlers to grownups Carry-around refreshments are available at concession stands run by charitable or- ganizations as fund-raisers Each evening at 8:30. the ad1acent 2.662-seat Irvine Bowl -a natural amphitheater - SIGNATURE GALLERl -.4'~ · becomes the selling for the ~~ Pageant of the Masters, a two- INC. hour presentation in which great real people posing to look exactly ltke the1r counterparts In paint- ings. sculptures or other forms of art. The 'hv1ng pictures" have made Laguna Beach famous around the world. and are so special that. they have been featured on the "Believe It or Not'' television show -besides having appeared on TV screens in Europe. Australia and New Zealand The appeal of the pageant 1s heightened by the blendlng of sight and sound, since it 1s accompanied by a hve orchestra and narration It 1s the success of the pageant that enables the Festival of Arts to provide scholarships. to make exh1b1t space on the grounds available at less than cost. to make grants to local cultural organizations -besides pouring impressive sums of money into the city cotters Last year alone. the city of Laguna Beach re- ceived more than $300,000 as its share of festival revenue. Located at 650 Laguna Ca- nyon Road. the festival grounds are within easy strothng distance of the art colony s downtown area, and less than half a mile from the waves breaking on the sandy beach Adm1ss1on is a dollar: however pre-teenagers are welcome without charge 1f accompanied by grownups The grounds are open daily from 10 a m to 11 ·30 p m through Aug 29 l=========================a I works of art are recreated. with ------------------------------------------------------ .. PROFILE by ALDO LUONGO Vv e Cordially inv ite you to JOtn 1n our GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION I or llll' rll'lCI 30 ddy .... (IVf'r 20 Cm>:1ncll oil patnl1n1o1 .. anu UfJWtnl<"· liv Anw11c.t\ mor.1 popul,Jr Jrlt'>I, Aldo I unni.tn will 1,.. '>n nh1b1t o\l\CJ 111 hr umf·1h·d will lw th1· porlrd1I J<'rr y \nd Tlw Haw!. ,1n m1~inal oil painting bv o\ldo Luonl(o, < omm1\\lon<·d hy 'i11<n,11t.irt· Call<'r> tor f1•rr y I 1•w1., Wt• lonk torwcHd to '>t'<'ln~ you ,oon ignature Galleries Inc. 1000 Wt'st Coa'>t Hwy . N.B , Ctl1f llOI R'i 'v10N-FRI 10 AM TO 9 PM 548-9353 \.\ T 10 TO 8 SU"-1 12-6 Performanc~s every Sunday Ballet Pac1f1ca will entertain Festival of Arts v1s1tors every I Sunday afternoon at 5 on the grassy area nnged by the display 1 booths of local artists and craftsmen Viewers can en1oy a selection o f dances from around the world ... in a colorful presentation titled "Festival of Nations .. These dancers come from various parts of Orange. Los Angeles and San Diego counties. The nationally-known company was founded In 1962 by Lila Zali, soloist of the Mordkin Ballet and 1/3 OFF ALL CUSTOM FRAMING European-Domestic, lacquer Fine Wood or Metal LIMIT 2 per Certificate ELEGANCE • oMY ·EcoNcELLENCE Let's Meet at ... ·EX ARROWMONT PICTURE FRAME 1000 W COAST HWY I NEWPORT BEACH / 650·3005 Juar Nor1'1 of McDono/d'~ with S rortfront Parking the original Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo Ballet Pacifica has been named one ot the seven maior companies in the United States by the National Association tor Regional Ballet This recognition attests to the excellence of the group. whose repertoire includes more than 60 fully-costumed works and whose dancers have delighted audiences in many states. including Alaska. Cali- fornia. Georgia, Hawaii and Ne- vada The city of Laguna Beach has long valued this company's con- tribution to the ennchment of the community and demonstrates its appreciation by underwriting part of its operating costs. So does the Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach, which also awards dance scholarships. Ballet Pac1f1ca has also re- ceived grants from many ma1or corporations. Admission to the grounds Is $ 1 for adults. There Is no charge tor children 12 and under. if accom- panied by an adult. Hours are from 10 a.m to t 1 30 p m. dally at Irvine Bowl Park, 650 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach The festival runs through Aug 29 12 Pageant of the Masters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PI LOT/Sunday July 21 , 1985 e'll Show You here To Put It LAGUNA SELF STORAGE 497-6900 •SPACES FROM $40 MONTH • HELPFUL RESIDENT MANAGERS • CLEAN, SECURE FACILITY • REASONABLY PRICED • SPACES, FROM SXS TO 15X30 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Gd t <' : 7 ·\ ,\ 1 -6 P \ 1 () t I 1 c ( •. () ·\ 1\1-S P \ 1 20522 Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach Located just 1 mile west of El Toro Rd . on Hv y. 133 Pageant ol the Masters An A<lliert1s1nq Svpptt-mi.•nl to inc 0~ ' ... .) Sun.la.t ..1..i \ : I 19~ a I .. salutes the Festival o f the Arts ,. and Pag ea nt o f the M asters kO<I ( ""'""'V"' I "'I"'"' H····· lo 244 17 Rr,. ldl'•ld Blwt I I I 11r•• ~;;;,r the Daily Pilot Fall Collection1 D.ily l'llo4 pftotoe bf-•d L ...... Porcelain lovers Pageant cast member Frank Ortlelb, of Irvine, ls shown above during makeup, and in full costume at right, prior to going on stage as the male half of "Pair of Lovers in Spring," a porcelain (at left.) 14 Pageant of the Masters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sunday. July 21. 1985 Orpheus This famlllar re-creation for pageant goers is a salute to the 50th aniversary of Steuben Glass. ~ ... <( ,, " c 0 .;; ... Cl c E 0 u ,, l Wor .. r Co I o r (tc'rO m tC\ • A r I $ I J O ~ !. (1 O I I P r 1 t• S nnr' hlnr~ mu1~ of HotPI loguno • free Admlulon • Oemonatrotlon• Dolly · Ocoonfront lottovro nt • from Stop • World fomovt Scenic View • Open 1M Free Customer Park ing 494-1956 577 S Coast Hwy , Laguna Beach 9 0 " 0 [ II .. Festival raises scholarship funds to henef it young artists The 1984-85 Festival of Arts scholarships enable 95 students to study rn colleges and univer- sities or their choice Selection rs made o n the basis of academic grades references and creative ability as evaluated by compe- tent Jurors For the field of art, Judges are chosen from artists exh1b1trng on the festival grounds. Local authors Judge the writing appli- cants Colleges and Univers111es rn the area provide 1urors for dance and music. while the nearby Laguna Moulton Play- house undertakes the evaluation of drama candidates The scholarship program was started 1n 1957 for Laguna Beach High School graduates and orig- inally 11 was llmlled to graphic arts and cratts In 1970. 11 was broadened to include dance. drama, music and wntrng an action that greatly increased the number of scholar- ships as well as the amount of money granted At first some $5,000 yearly was distributed. rn 197 1 the awards totaled $8,350. and five years later they topped $25.000 The 1979 figure was $42,500. the 1980-81 budget lists $65.000. the 1981-82 figure was $78.700 $110.000 was allocated tor 1982-83 $115 000 for 198' 84 $120.000 for 19 84 85 rH d $150.000 is earmarked 1 · 1985-86 Awards are m ade for • • •· academic year and extendt>d tr,r up to four years rf the rec1p1Pr • ma1nta1ns high quality wor~ h-rJd ing to a degree The festival also gives $3 JC annually to the Laguna Bene r College of Art $2.000 to JI Irvine and $750 to Saddlebac • College These 1nst1tut1ons d1'> burse the funds to their student as festival scholarships Masters of the Art. 0 0 For your clothing and furnishing need._ #I 19 Fashion IRla nd •Newport Brach • 7 ;,~J 111:!2 • Hulln('k:-\\il~h1 re Wing Pageant of the Masters/An Advertising Supple.mf'nt to the DAI L 'V PILOT Sunday July 21 198S • • <( . · BLOOIHIG PLAITS P•tun•d 4 HtV SI '4 \ 411 P~I •M••I• I i'I \ Hf;' Sl ~M ... ~ ... ..., SAU $.69 $2~~49 " ••• ·ll· •' $39.95 -.. • ,r• J. Ii ' .. , ": \' 1' $3.95 f ft,,. ' I I ... S4 It $2.99 GARDEN SUPPLIES SALE l. ~. • I I $.69 .. $8.95 ~ ,. I t " $1.99 -POTIERY ~ SALE ~ ... , t $1.99 BR OWN JORDAN lau11 l11 llEli. SAU 42 Pedestal Table SIOJS $ 517.50 4 Dining Cha11s 48 Pedrstal I able $1061 s 530.50 4 Dining Chairs Chaise Arms s 349 s 174.50 l•i AHi! flv.il r ,1bl• S!Wi $ 799.00 . -1 7 µ11\1lt11r Ch 111. 41 Rd I dblP S Bjf, $ 599.00 .i r td1n '>1d•· u1.w Mu•t• h1•,1!lc r Ct .. N s 719 s 155.00 (Jr 1' ft·l l.1t1JI' s fi'J s 50.00 lracllty Yll SI I 1~ $ 839.00 4P T 1tilf· 4 Ch,ws TROPITONE Tropi lai REli. SILE j l~h i UH $i1 11f1 s 259.00 Cacl11c1 1/ I .1t1h· 1 I,. S<;J 4 $ 519.00 1>' J 1( I• I I I .1 • sew, $ 599.00 A11 I t 1t • !/'j/ s 185.00 I I :p I \ , , I II " Sl/Y. $ 19.00 Jai &Ii Sll11•. $ 699.00 Castle Harbour Cha1~P lounge Cushion Occ 11\1on.il I able $560 s 359.00 Sl3fi $ 89.00 WOODARD Flair jfi , II T .tbl~ ()u <1\1on.i I c1bli> Daisy ltu~utt l 4 t 17 fdblP '/ (t di' ParisiH l 1 tihl" I Ch.rn. llEli. SALE SI /86 $ 1199.00 $4 30 s 289.00 $1/8 $ 89.00 $339.00 $359.00 ALLI BERT (AlllOT COfCllUO) Hohddy l.ible $145 $110.50 Holiday Arm Chdll s /8 s 54.00 Holiday Side Cl1air S 67 $ 43.50 NEW11 S2~S $ 178.50 Round Pardsol /9' $120 $ 84.00 MISCELLANEOUS Wooddrd Pl.int 8dr 51and 10 Rd l1IP I op Side T ablP }L, f1!tl1IPnP Umbrf'll,1 ~i' ltitJh• 4 f PIPWIPI' llH. SIU S?OO $139.00 $ 80 $ 69.00 s 18 ~o s 99.00 s 49.95 $ 22.50 REli. SILE ChdW1 Lu~h1on\ $ / 4 / $459.00 (1~1111,1r I I• 1 1 SJ !S O.i11~•c111 I t1til•• Sl<lS (J,111~.11 I .ibl1• I ~~1 S~4 'i 11.1, .. ·11111r11,11· \~1)0 M1dr y.11 I 1!11> $1 llJ M,,.Jrw,1 (1,,1 s 64 I, • I I h,111 Si'lO Jil:,1 ... ')JI I s fi') •• 1'111'1~ l.,111 $ 95.00 $278.50 S3d1.50 $245.00 $147.00 $ 44.80 $147.00 s 45.50 . •, --. . ~ r • $191) $136.50 I ~I M11 .1 Ct N SISO 105.00 $2.99 ~~-·-·_· _1 _·~_s_1_d1._S~7_9_9_.o_o~~~~~_;_;,---l:~ Picturt4: laU11 l11 640-580() . ............ . i L . I I ~".EJ~l_l1~ .=. 11 /Hl~'f<ICJ\ 'S M<JS1' BEA UT/Fl 1/, GA UJJh'N CHNTER Open 9 10 6 doily • Son JooqUtn Hills Rood at Mac Arthur Blvd • Ac ross lrom Fashio n Island tn Newport Beach PO TIED COLOR "''1Al•f'1 kr1 S Cl II M4>1"d" \. (''"''a.... $9 95 '\ Ni,. 1 '°\\ 1'1 M1·••4il °"1 • l11U11 ~~-$11.95 ~ llDOOR r PLAITS ~ ,, • SALE ~ R.:·s ',. $1.95 ;'! Pill• ~ $4.95 ,y II•, SI I' I•,,~'· 11., s •. $4.95 -.· -· $5.95 j r FLORIST SILE . , . \ ........ . . ., ~ ·~ Roqer s '" rhe new I West Coast tc>cation ="! 1 tor Puotic Teiev1s1on ~ • "THE VICTOIY 'HDU" Am!'rrCd , ~ I NURSERY • INDOOfl PLANT S • Fl or<IST • LA NDSCAPING • PATIO ruRNITURE • ANTIQLJFS 16 Pageant of the Masters/An Adverttstna ')upplernflnt to the DAil Y Pit OT t<;unday July 21 198~ .... · .. : .. :·.:·. ·:.%\I {: ·.. . . · ...... ·~ .. .... ~.:{/ ·:·:.·.·: OILY U 11,100 ep1ng ocean view from beautiful 3 bdrm, pool e An entertainer's de- t It won't last at this e $319,900 L H IEUA 10131-1211 DELIA OELCADO IOR RINE IAll OWHI UH,000 an view. Luxuriously appointed custom nor with 6 bdrm. 5 1/2 ba. pool and spa k w111 listen to all otters Call for your ointment llLIA IELUN 131-1211 fClOSHE 'flllll STEAL AT U 11,000 al this 3 bdrm custom home with mother-in- quarters. Stain glass, skyltghts. master suite h study Solid oak trim throughout DELIA HOO 131-1211 LEIDER REPO UllYERSln PARI hedroom, 21h bath single level Atrium off large aster bedroom. move in cond1t1on Lush new arpet covered patios, 2 fireplaces. cul·de-sac acant Call Clllll 131-1211 REALTORS ® IAYFRONT HU U25,100 Best bayfront buy 1n Newport Beautiful 4 bdrm. 3 ba 35 feet on the water and a pier to share Assume $492 000 1st TD Owner will carry 2nd or trade Make your best offer DELIA OEUiAOO U 1·12H OLD WORLD CHARM $152,100 5 bdrm. 2 ba with the charm of yesterday on a lot and a half with potential rental unit that needs completion Just walking distance to school & shops Call today IELIA IUUIO 131-1211 ACROSS FROM ,AH UW,ORT MEIHTS $111,000 DYNAMITE JUST LISTED Charming & im- maculate 3 bdrm, 2 ba across from park Large mastersu1te. formal dining room. kitchen eating area. RV access & more All this for only $198 000 Call today This 1s the home you have been waiting for DELIA OUUDO 131 ·12H ASSUMABLE FIXED FlllAllClllG 4 bedroom. 3 bath ocean view Assume 1st TD 0f $323.800 at 11 1 • interest (fixed rate window period loan) Huge deck on view side ot house Pool and spa in front courtyard Asking $560 000 Call CRAHi 131-1216 VIDEO PRESENTATIONS IY PETE JOHNSON UW'°RT COHO HIER St 00,000 1 bdrm, gated area Walk to beach~ Almost like renting Only $91 ,500. Call today PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 LIVE AT TMf IUCM HU S 172,&00 Expanded 3 bdrm home on large lot 2 blks to beach Large fam rm . 2 sided fireplace spa & gazebo Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 QUALITY NOME • CUEST MOISE W!IAR 1117,500 3 bdrm. 2 bath. corner location Large kitchen with e)(tra sink FP in living room Guest house with bath Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 ClOSllli COSTS Will MOVE TOI ti $230,000 Large 4 bdrm Blutf condo with cathedral ceil- ings Very open and spacious Private spa and sauna Assume ITD of $208 000 Call PETE JOHNSON -631 1266 IAYFRHT WAITS TO TRADE UH,000 Owner will trade down to Npt property This home 1s a 5 bdrm 3 ba. fireplace in tam rm and llv rm pool · spa boat dock Call PETE JOHNSON -631 1 t>6b CUSTOlll 115 CHYOI NOME SH0,000 If you are looking for qudhty construct on you will be impressed with this qolf course home Large pool · bath house. lg .3 car 9~rage tile roof and a real basement Owner 1s open to trades or cash Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 com•,ORHY '"'VE VIEW • llHIOR VIEW UH.ODO Beam ceilings. open. light. perfect entertaining home PETE JOHNSON -631 1266 WOODBRIDGE 3 bdrm 2 bil low mainta1nance private 1n!'.1de patio loads ol upgrades Corner 101 Ask1nQ $179 000 CAii CRAHi 131-1281 ndependent Broker Member 234 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA• 631-1266 • I D I D I D I e I D I A ... I D I D I B. I B i E I .. D IJ8 ifi ~E@ij JMW IDIW' ~ •• ,. ~ lalbW ~•JIU?i ~ llt4 19 l5W Gilf' ~•·;¥NJ ~ m 1.-" .. , orange County Real Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July~ -i~ .,., ... ,"' ., * $41,000 REDUCTION* BRAND NEW CUSTOM HOME Builder's closeout -Must sell immediately! 3200 sq ft -ultimate in craftsmanship -cedar lined ceilings -dream kitchen -4 bdrms. Best buy in Newport. Just Reduced! $369,000. Call RAE ROD&EllS 131-1 218 VU -YU -CATALINA SUISETS Exqu1s1te VIEW home in quiet NEWPORT HEIGHTS New Everything! Shows like a model home from the gourmet island kitchen to the formal hvmg room. Open beam ceilings & a marble hearth fireplace. Broad ocean view from family room & living room decks. PRICE JUST REDUCED $339,000.Ask for RAE ROISERS 131-1288 REALTORS ® VIEW VIEW VIEW -NEWPORT HEIGHTS Spacious and lovely 3 bdrm. tam room home Panoramic ocean view Very versatile floor plan Could be two separate units. 3 Car garage -. boat storage. Just listed $299.000. Ask for HE llOICERS 631-1266 NEWPORT HEIGHTS -IEW LISTING Remodeled 3 bdrm beauty w/new European kitchen. Format living room & dining room Family room. Over sized pool. The elegance of a new model home Assumable financing Asking $269,000. RAE RODliERS 131-1 218 RAE RODCERS JUST LISTED! OLDE IWPT I HEIGHTS CHARI It's a beauty! Approx. 2.3lJO sq.f1. of character and quality. 3 large bedrooms. beaut wood floors! Fam room + deen. Newly remodeled master with great bath & spa. Serious sellers' 10% DOWI ·· OR LESS! PRICE REDUCTION Asking $249,000. •1•• Sat 12-4 RAE ROD&ERS 131-12 I New 4 bdrm custom i· A oort Heights -$384, NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~ 900. Assume 1st Tg'-'1 .;r 2nd. Huge game Country cottage with tremendous charm. 3 ~ room plus fam~\.."';duded area w/partial Bd 2 b th $ 179,000 E/SIDE COSTA MESA zsc ocean view Ou . u-out. approx 3400 sq.ft. rms, a s, open beamed ceilings. sky- 1 may trade for sn •. dr. lights. French doors. Assume $98,000 at 10.6% Gingerbread cottage. 3 bedrooms. Close to RAE ROllERS 131-1261 fixed. $l99.ooo. Ask for WestchH shopping. Nice big backyard. RAE RODIERS 131-1266 RAE ROD~ERS 131 12&6 : YICTORlll Ill OR $429,000 .. • ~ PRIME Newport Heights built in 1982. 3,400 sq NEWPORT HEIGHTS $ 189 000 ~ tt. or llvmg area. Master craftsmanship 3 bdrm 't" 4 BDRI $118 900 -' ~ tam room. antique doors. 3 fi replaces. Too many - , 2 bdrm, 2 bath charmer w/large family room •' upgrades to mention. It's stunning! EXCLUSIVE Immaculate Costa Mesa home on a corner lot. fi raplaces & oak floors. Great condition -Mow RIE ROllERS 831-1211 H SHOWING Ask for New paint & carpet. To see call right 1n1 RIE RODIERS 131-1288 RAE ROD&ERS 631-1286 :~--~~~--~ I 0 I B I e I I I I OCEAN Bl Y I CITY LIGHTS Contemporary 3 bdrm entertainers delight re- cently remodeled with new kitchen and master bath Security alarm system. pool and enclosed garage Fee land -asking $429.000. DIAllA CAPPEL 631-1266 llPT HGHTS ENGLISH TUDOR 3 bdrm end unit with private yards. exqu1s1te master suite w/cozy fireplace-upgraded kitchenb and more. Asking $169,000 DIANA CAPPEL 631 -1216 EASTSIDE BIRGAlll S 149,500 4 Bdrm, pool hm freshly painted new land- scaping. coi.y fireplace in family room Price tor quick sale DIANI CAPPEL 631-1286 NEWER COSTA MESA SOUTH COAST METRO Exceptional lot surrounding this 3 bdrm. home across from park. Owner will help with loan fees and new carpeting. llJll CAPPEL 131-1211 2 HOUSES-USTSllE S 111,500 Fixer units-3 bdrm with fireplace + 2 bdrm- bath with garages. yards and laundry facilities -Won't last. Call SHERYL 631-1216 DUPLEX-SAITA AIA $111,100 Near S~nta Ana College. This cute 2 bdrm. house with family room + 1 bed unit sits on a 50' x 200' tot that will hold 3 units Call SHERYL 631-1 268 HLIOA ISUH CMAllMH 4 bdrm, 2 bth. hlgh ceilings & sunshine describe this remodeled Victorian charmer. Reduced to $375.000. Call SHERYL 131-1211 llfWPOllT IEACI ESTATES Newport Height estate lot-nearly 1/3 acre w/dellghtful sunny 4 ·bdrm. 2 ba pool home appro)(. $3,000 ft Privacy and seclusion tor only $298.000. Call SHERYL 631 -1 211 Back bay area home on a 66 X 330 lot that can be split into two nestled on the rear portion amongst lowering trees ls this carmet type 3 bedrm. & den with heavy shake roof. Call SMEIYL 131-1211 RIDICULOUS PRICE I F AIU LO US TERMS Vacant Newport Custom 10 yr cut-de-sac home: 4 huge bedrooms. format dining, marble entry. tall glass ' atrium. Deal of the year. Ask ing $267 .000 w/$188.000 in LO LO AS-L-..o- SUMBLE LOANS FIXED . ... lOICI 10111 TEICH 131-1211 IRYllE VIEW TOWIHOIE Motivated/Reduced to $209.900! Small. elegant development In a tree-filled. woodsy setting 2 huge masters. 2 1/2 ba. fireplace, formal dining high ceilings and skylights. Lowest price 1n the area 10111n1c1131-1211 TOWIHOIE STEALS Newer small complex w/lovely pool. Flreplaces. atrium. enclosed patio, won't last! Brand new listings• 3 bdrm $120.000, 2 bdrm: $111,0001 IRAll IEW SPECTACULAR CAPE COD COIDOS WALi TO IAY All OCEAIFROIT Highly upgraded thru out 2/vaulted ceilings. skylites, 2 car garages, private balconies. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 p M .• by the FUN ZONE-4 left! 11111111-1211. I li¢PI WAW (@'1}) WAW l@PI RYMIC 14¢~1t,I WMIC lijjWj WMIC cw~:, RYMW: •$¢~itj WAW '*'*' J5'MI( 14¥N1 WMIC '*''tM w~ L::::::::::.:::~ :~::r~::~::::::::;:s. 14 -Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertising supp1ement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Juty 20. 1985 • • .... • o , 180° OCUIC VIEW OILY $311,tOO Sweeping ocean view from this beautiful 3 bdrm. pool home An entertainer's de- hqht It won't last at this price. $3 19.900 L.H. IELll DELWO 131-1211 HARIOR RrNE I H I OWIH DELIA OHCAOO Ocean view. Luxuriously appointed custom manor with 6 bdrm, 5 1/2 ba, pool and spa Bank will hsten to all otters. Call for your appointment. IEUA IUHff 131-1211 FORECLOSIRE PHlllC STUL AT 1311,000 Steal this 3 bdrm custom home with mother-m- law Quarters. Stam glass. skylights. master suit e with study Solid oak trim throughout IELIA DELUIO 131-1211 LEIDER REPO UllYERSln PARI ~ bedroom, 2'17 bath single level. Atrium oft large master bedroom. move In cond1t1on Lush new carpet. covered patios. 2 fireplaces. cvl-de-sac Vacant. Call CRAii 131 -1211 REALTORS ® IAYFROMT OILY $725,100 Best bayfront buy m Newport Beautiful 4 bdrm. 3 ba . 35 feet on the water and a pier to share Assume $492.000 1st TO Owner will carry 2nd or trade Make your best offer DELIA DELGADO 631 -1211 OLD WORLD CMARlll $152,IOO 5 bdrm, 2 ba with the charm of yesterday on a lot and a half with potential rental unit that needs completion Just walking distance to school & shops. Call today IELIA IELUIO 131 -1211 ACROSS FROM "H IEWPORT MEICMTS S 111,000 DYNAMITE-JUST LISTED-Charming & im- maculate 3 bdrm. 2 ba across from park Large mastersuite. formal dining room. kitchen eating area. RV access & more. All this for only $198.000 Call today This 1s the home you have been waiting for DELIA DEUiADO 131-1211 ASSUMABLE FIXED FlllAllClllG 4 bedroom. 3 bath . ocean view Assume 1st T 0 0t $323.800 at 1 P • interest (fixed rate -window period loan) Huge deck on view side of house Pool and spa in front courtyard Asking $560.000 Call CRAii 131-1211 VIDEO PRESENTATIONS IY PETE JOHNSON IEWPOllT COHO HIERS 100 ,000 1 bdrm. gated area Walk to bea'ch. Almost hke renting. Only $91,500. Call today PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 LIVE AT TllE IUCll OILY 1112,500 Expanded 3 bdrm home on large lot 2 blks to beach. Large tam rm . 2 sided fireplace spa & gazebo Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 OUALITT NOME • CUEST NOISE W'IAR $117,500 3 bdrm. 2 bath. corner location Large kitchen with extra sink FP in livtng room Guest house with bath Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 CLOSll' COSTS WILL MOVE YOI II $230,000 Large 4 bdrm BluH condo with cathedral ceil- ings Very open and spacious Private spa and sauna Assume ITO of $208 000 Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 HYFROIT WHTS TO TRADE SSH,000 Owner will trade down to Npt property This home is a 5 bdrm . 3 ba. fireplace in tam rm and hv rm pool spa boat dock Call PETE JOHNSON -631 1266 CUSTOM II' CANYON MOlllE Stt0,000 If you are looking for quality construction you will be impressed with this goll course home Large pool • bath house. lg 3 c ar garage tile roof and a real basement Owner is open to trades or cash Call PETE JOHNSON -631-1266 COITtMPOHRY PRIVE VIEW • MAHOR VIEW UH,000 Beam ceilings. open light perfect entertaining home PETE JOHNSON -631 1266 WOODBRIDGE 3 bdrm 2 ba low maintainance private 1ns1dt• patio loads of upgrades Corner lot Askin() $179 000 Call CRAI& 631 -1266 Independent Broker Member 234 ~.17th ST., COSTA MESA• 63 1-1266 • I B I D I B I D I B i fi Ill i 6 I e I B. i D I D I .. B •'''* w. ••w• ~ •a11tw Mft4* 'iiFI ~ 14"3 A5Mk C¥PI RVAW 1·t1~,, ~ e1~ 3 ~ ~. . • .: • •• Orange County Refal Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 20 198~ -iS i . t ,.., l ' "'. \ ·' \ •;o -------------------------------------------- #3 C1v1c Plaza. Suite 170 Newport Beach. California 92660 180-8333 7'ee.Je11ti11p NEWPORT'S FINEST HOMES • HARBOR RIDCE Don't miss these fabulous buys in Newport Beach! This private gated community with the best of everything Is ready for your personal inspection! OPEN HOUSE Sunday, July 21st 1:00 · 5:00 PM 25 RIDGEUIU CHAMPAc:tllE HD CAVIAI TASTE? -Truly one of Newport Beach's most exc1t1~g homes• Situated on the ultimate v1~w lot in Harbor Ridgt:;! •. this three level contemporary has 5 BR's, 7'h baths. video room, retreat. billiard room, exercise room. guest suite. and so many more amenities. For personal viewing call Lynne Valentine Offered at $4,375,000 17 IAPOU. HARBOR llDC:E CUSTOM -Beautiful new Valentine custom home with a contemporary flair 7.800 square feet of pure luxury Can be either 5 or 7 bedrooms and 7'12 baths. Fabulous view of the city and night lights with pool and spa. $1,695,000 14 TRAFALGAR, SPECTACULAR CUSTOM ESTATE -5 BR. 1111 ba. Herringbone wood floors. lovely yard with spa, and more• 5800 sq.ft. of the BEST of quality! $1 ,395.000 16 UPOU, CUSTOM YALUTllCE HOME -Beautiful new custom horn~ in Harbor Ridge. 4 BR. formal dtnmg, studytllbrary and a bonus room which may be customized to your needs Unobstructed rolling hill and night light views located on a quiet CDS street $1, 195.000 4 ICAllOICll[. LOWEST PRICED CUSTOM llt HAHOR llDCE -Fabulous 4 BR custom manor with ocean & city light view. 4 FP's, 2 walk-in bars, elevator, and a large gourmet kitchen Priced to sell !Immediately at $995,000. Todd Gross •IRVINE Everyone 1s talking about 1t! This is the fastest growing community in California. One of these terrific homes can be yours DECORATOR'S DELICHT Lovely 1 bedroom l 1h ba condo in all neutral tones. Nice and clean with ex tensive use of Mexican Pavers A great buy $133, 900 C:Olf COURSE VIEW -Upper level 2 BR condo 1n Rancho San Joaquin. High ceilings & mirrors give bright, open feeling Close to golf course & tennis clubs Walk to shopping center $162,500 Gail Banfield TURTUROCK -Lovely Plan 2. 3 BR. 2 ba Excellent location, very private 1ust across from the pool. Carpet and decorating is 6 months new. All neutral tones A great value at $169,900 MEW lit I.VINE Spht level, 2 BR, 2 ba with fireplace. Great corner locatlon close to pool Submit on financing. Great potential for $155,490 TURTL£10CK VIEW HOME -An award winning Pacific Plan with an open spacious feeling. Spectacular views from every window. 3 BR, 2'h ba with formal dining room plus breakfast room and a private spa in secluded garden. $316.900 2 IASTER SUITES • $162,500 -Located on beautiful greenbelt in Irvine Decorated llke a model-lovely carpet, wood floors, plantation shutters. Great hilllsde view. Formal dining rm & den Only 4 yrs new Lois Cornwell • PEJUNSULA INCOME PROPERTY DUPLIXES·l•COME PIOPHTl 111 llEWPORT IEACH AT UHEUOUL[ PltCES! HH OWIUD REHSSESSIOIS -Wants to sell them nowt EAST IALIOA llVD. -2 BR/1 BA lower w /FP. 2 BR/1 BA upper w /lg sundeck.Excellent rental area near Balboa Fun Zone. 2 car garage. $230,000 fee WEST llEWPORT -2 BR/ 1 BA lower w /FP. 2 BR/ 1 BA upper near beach & shopping, 2 car garage $225,000 fee. WIST UWPORT -3 BR/ 2 BA lower w/new kitchen & FP. 2 BR/1 BA upper w/sundeck. Great location near beach. 2 car garage plus 2 add'I spaces at rear. $245,000 fee. SOllOlA STREET -3 BR/2 BA lower w /fenced patio. 3 BR/ 2 BA upper w /beach & ocean view from deck. Fabulous location.Just 3 doors from beach! $285,000 fee. DON'T MISS OUT! THESE GREAT BUYS WILL NOT LAST!!! • BELCOURT MANOR BEAUTIFUL -new custom home on '12 acre in Belcourt Private pool. spa and tennis court. Asking $1.500,000. Vacant lot next door 1s also available. • WESTCLIFF SPACIOUS FAMILY NOME -3 BR. 21h Bath. Plan Bin Groves. Fam. Rm. and extra large yard w ith private pool and spa. Highly upgraded. Must to see! $415,000. • IRVINE TERRACE FROlT STIEET LOCATIOll -3 BR, 2 BA, formal dining. Private courtyard with quality landscaping. Quality in every detail! Fee land. Vergilene Hull. $370.000. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS 5 YUIS •CW! -4 BR, 4'/t BA, 4 FP's 3400 sq ft.. sec. sys., professional decor. 3 car garage w/lots of storage. Lite home! Ann Marie Murphy. $389,000 •THE BLUFFS LOVELY CREEHELT lOCATIO• -Spacious 4 BR townhome with large rec. rm. Private spa, community pools, close to shopping and rec. facilities. Priced to sell at $248,500. Fee. Sue Thomas SIHLI·LIVEL BLUFFS BEAUTY -3 Bdrm.. 2 Bath. Convertible Den. Corner location. Pretty patio and fireplace. Inviting kitchen & Fam Rm. Fee Land $199.500. •COSTA MESA REPUIUC MOIE II IESA VERDE -Large 4 BR with Plantation Shutters tn FR. Model perfect home with country kitchen. 2 stone FP's. Ann Marie Murphy. $242,500. •RENTALS SPYCLASS -Beautiful custom European style home with panoramic ocean view 5 BR. 7be. formal dining and 5 fireplaces.Almost 6,000 sq ft . or elegant living with pool & spa. $5,000 per month SEA ISWt IEAUTl -2 BA. 2 ba single level, with air conditioning, 2 car attached garage. Prime location on golf course and lake. Uke brand new $2,500 month. Call for appt. 760-8333 •3 Civic Plaza. Suite 170 Newport Beach. California 92660 180-8333 .. _ .. , ___ _..._~ ......... UL -- SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 759-6700 SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REAL TY CORPORATION Wishes To Announce The Opening Of Its Newport Beach Office 5 Corporate Plaza Newport Beach, California, 92660 (714) 759-6700 Marlon C. Buie, Vice President --------- l I I I I ... BEFORE SEmMBER 30. AFfER SEPfEMBER 3CJ The $15,000 Furniture Fortune from Irvine Pad&c. < I• ,.,1 1'>(111\\ '"' .111~ hi mw .11 \\1wl\.ll1rtdg1: 1.tl..l ..,ht 1rl· hdon· X1lll'llllwr ~! 1 .1111 I '1 111 111 11 1111h gvr .1 I 11 Hlll • h\ II 1v l.rl..v \ • 111 gt·I II \\ 11h \Ollf d1111u· nl St ';,()()() \\•11rl1 ••I l1111111 1m 1111111 c .1111wll ,'\ < h.111111 lrn I 11\1111tH1' l\\11 1l1tl'l .ind l11111 l1nlr111 1111 h111m·-, \\11h 1rdh~·d dl'tl..' ur I'·'''"' '"rl' \,11tf., ... i..,lighi...11.md tro\\t·lnl <t·1lmg~ . .lv11n t\11 u111l..1ng .ind m11n· 11111111., ,vi 111·\I 11 1 1111 lw.1< h 11111>. ,,, n ''' 1lw hndgt· 1111m rill 1t:n111' t h1h "1111 .111• • ,1., ,1111pp111g. p.111..' .111d rn 11'.llHHI , .111 rw.uh\ 1, 11111· 111.! .,11 1h1 1111111,., .11 \\1ic11.llmd~'I' L1l..1 ·-.h1 >w llll'\ rt· "onlr .1111nt111t· •wi1111g d.11h 1111111 10 .1 111 ICJ (1 p 111 .11 Hh1t· l.11..t· \ou1h ,,tit·, 11tli1 t .-1 , -XI ~'"'> l'rtc t' t lh t lt\4 ~' .,f tlAh ttl puhl1< Jlllttl '""'"I ltt rnur ...... Oil or afH r tk'.•Jhfl<• t1f C)lt, • d1111111 lf•lffH '"'ill"•'"" 1J1tnn' -ttpponnl h\ Al n·-itk nh nwnu111 t ommoM1 ""'"' •ntl "• n .111 .. tul 1 .. , 111111 ' the..,. home 'It •hon , •lfltJo 1n11nium "'' ll('rJ11p '' ~ .di holnt"' •n ttn ''" """ r '"-• "'" 'n1•n..,. nt.111" in"'''' 11fli1 • tor.k·t.111, \X 11101"" 1.,,,."'~'11<~ '°' llHktf "' l"lrl lu" pro•• l'run1<•111111 t lie< It'! J11h I '"lltlmlk r \II ,, ! ! i .. ~ ~ SANfAAHA~ ~POIWY -~~ Al.fONPOIWV 1~ ~T~E ;; .. t * SAH OIEOO •WY ···~·J ...•. ~ WOODBRIDGE LAKE SHORE IRVINE PACIFIC IRVI NE The Qualityt~f Life _ ---------------------------------- 1·8 _ "'g:a~ ~~nly ~A~~fis~~~~'l~ ~~~'~ ~frPBre~~t 'tB'flf~~ ~'P!PimiW&W. ~~~%es / Big Canyon is a Lot Smaller Than You Think OnP of Or.mqt • ( rn 111ry\ I lll JI)<'\! nc11T1P\ ,.., gro\/\i111q \rn.tll<'r week t iy Vv'('t'k cf. iv try dclJ' IOI l.Jy le >I Big Canyon Whert? you II rind 111\l<Jm lot\ wt1t1 VttW\ ol Cht' '>IH'Clc1(Ul,11 Huj C1nyon <~)If course Saddlt'I >. ic k Mi 111n1.11n cill<l t}(j'Ond Where you t .in t>u1lcl .. 1 MP(111err .. medn \tyl<' honw to ldk(' idv.-1111.il)t ·of i (. tltl< >rn1,1 stylP o f hfc> Ou1dc1C>r\ In lhC' Wirm sun ;inc1 ronl t1ret'/f'S of Nt'\.\lport Bt t( t1 The\e irt? 1t1t· c tJ\IOm hOmP sites o f Fa1rvv. iy Orn· TtK• I.i sl .11 81g Cdr¥Jn Com<> <1rnl sec rh<'rn t>t•fort· chere's no1 • i lot leh Custom Homesftes From S320,000. • /fJ 1),1 UnJ'flHI IRVINE PACIAC NEWPORT BFACH A Legacy of tyle •~If'\ o lf11.. t' opt"f1 d.l11\- lrom 10 00 am to '> 1i pm I (MC P\a.r<t Sul!f' L''> Ntwport Bt-.-n l "9lN .. 1 I 7141 JS<H 1 l6 '...,. • THINKING OF SELLING? CALL 640-LONG PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP 4 BR-One level. $265,000 Fee. Orig. owner. Near Andersen School. 640-LONG FLAWLESS DECOR Irvine Immaculate 3 BR home, 2 Yi baths. like new. 640-LONG $295,000 FIE LARGE LOT New listing, New-Irvine Terrace 3 BR, room to expand. Pride of own- ership 640-LONG TWO FAMILY ROOMS ~··. Seowind Expanded. 4 BR-Room for pool, view, view, view. 640-LONG Artie JtllllH listed a 7300 sq. ft. lot (with older home) on Ocean Blvd. at $850,000 ..... terrific view poten- tial...Offers coming in. Also lar'I• lhrtclli111 ltsted. a precious gem of a townhome in Columbis Square. near UCI. $144,000 for that one ... Pnmo! Unique Homes is charging to a record b reaking month: J111t Cetllarlll and lac-ci• lrewer recorded their first sales; leli111l1 ••cill's listing in Harbor View Hills resold within 2 days at over $750,000; ,.,, N.to"•cs maintained her consistent pursuit of excellence with a listing and a sale and l11cy l •rr•J. Mele• lcCIHc, Slt1re1 CeniH and larH lthH teamed for over a million in sales SEAWIND New Palermo listing. 4 BR $329,000 Fee . Lorge yard, enclosed front yard. 640-LONG FINEST CDM VIEW View from ebbtide, pool, spa-5 BR . Owner may ex- change. $599,000, Fee . 640-LONG PORT DURNESS Just listed-H.V. Homes Seo- wind Stunning view. 4 BR. 640-LONG OCEAN VIEWS Spyglass 4 BR . Boy, mountain, ocean views, $549,000. Owner 1s motivated. 640-LONG. CORNER LOCATION Duplex in CdM. Townhome style. Fine rental income. $319.000. Fee . 640-LONG 4,000 SQ. FT. New custom in COM. Steps to beaches. Fabulous, emotional home. 40' lot + 3 car garage, etc .. etc. 640-LONG f OPEN FOR VIEWING THIS WEEKEND/ SATURDAY 1 ·5 TllE llll,,S $259 500 2 IU Yiita ••~ltza One story 3 bdrm end un11 sr1arp II Sinclair llHIOll YIEW $349.000 1IH 'ert Wtst .. 1r1t 4 l:ldrm Portolmo shutters, spa J Bracey J&SlllH CllHI $3 19,000 IJ Ja1•i1t Creek 2 bdrm comm pool ll tennis A Jagner OLH CHHA IEL MU $595,000 221 lre~14 4 bdrm, 2 !pie's. view. So ot hwy D Markas It.IE C .. IU H l IUJ from $229.500 Jts•iff at ... New 2 & 3 bdrm condominiums F Scott W IN YlfW lllU $369.000 3 bdrm, ocean view. pool llH CHIU Ill II.II 3 bdrm pool view $495,000 SUNDAY 1·5 Ill CIM $850.000 3 bdrm see 11 all view H M h tMlh4. M Rousse101 WHttllllll $189.000 J7 licMtiMt CLOSE TO O 3 bdrm security. warran1y tasteful B While SH PS w ... YliW $349 000 llM Pen WntkwM Duplex . Fine Investment. 4 bdrm Porlofmo. shuUers. spa M Graves Always rented. $250,000. As-WIN Y1fW llt.U $385,000 sume good 1st TD. 3 bdrm. 2•-. ba, view. spouess 640-LONG llll COIHA Ill II.II from $229.500 JaNafH at Mi New 2 & 3 bdrm condominiums A. Jagner SPA-R. v. IWllOI YIEW lllU $369.000 Ill ......... STORAGE 3 bdrm ocean view pool B Hutchings 4 BR in H.V. Homes. Totally new llHWI S523,000 4 bdrm master ~u11e great views kitchen. 640.LONG Ttl: CK Y ftMBER YOU IEED! --DIGS OF NEWPORT 640-lONG 'U',. cau kau/,., 369 San Miguel Suite 200 tlll CHOIJ Ill llJl 3 bdrm POOi view $495 000 I J~l()U~ ti M REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 t••• <.oe•I Hlghwey. Coron• d.,I Jiiter Painting involves mor4 than slapping on color Choice of colors can give a room entirely new look Interior painting has become much more than filling cracks and applying the paint. Today's home decorating do-lt-your- selfer is also concerned about style and fashion images. Accordingly, color selec- tion has taken on a new dimension, for the combination of color can give a room an entirely new look Standard Brands Home Decorating Centers offer some do's and don'ts for homeowners. Before putting on the paint. it's best to step back and look at the entire room and its furnishings, keeping in mind the colors and textures you are most com- fortable with. The goal in choosing your specific color scheme is to create a "balanced" feeling; that is. make sure subtle areas of color flow easily with areas of sharper color. When re-painting a room which is already furnished. the new color scheme should center around the substantial elements of the room like the carpeting or furniture. In this way you can use the existing characteristics of the room (which often represent a large investment), while at the same time giving the room a different look. A good starting point for selecting paint color Is to pick a color for the wa which is a shade lighter than the prime color of the carpet or furniture. This vi allow you to draw in additional tones in ti border areas. Once a primary color has be. selected. you can devise a color schen for the entire room. There are a number methods used to create a color schem but the most popular combines varylr tones of the same color using both light• and darker shades. The second methc uses colors that are next to each other the color spectrum, like green and blui Using the second method. one color used primarily while the other is used t accent. When combining colors, re member the hue or shade of the color is~ important as the color itself. With a combination of light and dar colors or tones. you can change th appearance of any room and compensat for nearly any room deficiency. The use< color can increase or decrease the lengH height or width of a room As a rule, dark colors (blue, greer violet) tend to dim1n1sh the size of a roorr while lighter colors (white, beige. yelloVI tend to open up a room, providing th 1llus1on of added volume. Lighter shade on the walls of a narrow room make th• room look wide. and a white celling ca1 make a room look higher. On the other hand, .dark, strange colors on the walls wlll give the room 1 more closed-in leeltng. providing a degret of coziness - a llS ry Ill 1e I< e a 1f I, I, . ) ! -~ ~-~~--~-------------...--------.... ------..._. ____________ _... __ _ 'ASK ME.'' "When you have an item you wish to sell, but just don't know where to begin-call me. My job is to help you word and place your ad for maximum response.'' Daily Pilat 642-5678 IH1n fer 1111 11111 1002 lllYllE 'TEllllACE WtllHFIL flllLYHIE IRVINE TERRACE · IS such a wonderful area • Walk or bicycle to Fashion Island, the t>ay, Corona Del Mar Main Beach Balboa Island and/or hop on the lerry to the ocean- front on the Peninsula Call us to see this lovely home with 3 Bedrooms, den. family room ANO a beaullful 201130 foot stu· d10 with hreplace and '1Bath Some bay and ocean 111ews, many gar· den views We have suCGessfully mar- keted the following lrvtne Terrace Propenles 1400 Santanella SOLD 1406 Santaneua SOLD 628 Mahbar EXCHANGE 1500 Santanella SOLD 1512 Santanella SOLD Please call us• We would hke to do the same lor you• CIESllllE RUL n lH-1 177 7000 SO FT IHI REPll fabulous buy. Custom built 6 BEDROOM Estate w/exceptlonal v-s This home has 11 all • pool, spa. rormat d1ntng. family room, library • much more A special home 1 Price reduced and now , bank says sell at $649.900111 w on't last • for personal preview call Patnck Tenore 631-1266 OPEN TODAY Hunt & Associates--... REAL EST~T£ .. 0-4111 7Nl' flood l!l/e 011 l!i11da 96b 1n this fresh , sparklmg, lite & aJry BAY -VIEW home, ready for thP m ost i mpeccable taste! Remodeled to perfection -this 4 Bd, 2 story has it all -huge mstr suite w /f -plc, balcony & VIEW. F ormal dinmg - French doors open onto garden patio. Tranquil water VIEW .,... tam rm w /f -plc + VIEW. Pier & slip w /side ties. Owner will carry & consider trade.$995,000. Jeri Hunt 8e1if 9 7/011e 7'11tter Rancho San Joaquin Golf Cou rse VIEW-located on 12th Fal.r· way-San Carlos 2 Bd, Den, 2 112 Ba. Asking $195,000. Vee Stinson J Ytr4e, In. o, .. S/S 1-1 1/Je4tcti// ec11a" Finest location on Rutland Rd. Spacious 2 Bd, 2 Ba +din. nn. M ost desirable one story end urut.A must see at $124,500. Harriet Perry 2121 S11 Jt~•i• Mills Rt!. ••• ,.,. c ... ., \ 1/aelor ?2ia~t' ~tom. Vuu1 Designed to please the most dis- criminate. this 5 Bd. 7 Ba. luxur- ious cust-0m home ts located at the very VIEW top of Harbor Ridge· 180' ocean. bay. city & "Sunst'ts Over Catalma" V IEW From warm library to fam rm w /one of 4 r- p ks. to gourmet kitchen to 40' pool & spa-i t reflects the ult1mate in quality. M aster su1w (over 100 sqJt.) w /sauna & f-plc & breath- taking VIEW. Ust> your house as down pymt or submit trades. Of- fered at $1.950,000 Call .Jpri Hunt I Tr•fal11r $111 1-5 711rtkrocJ Delightful 3 Bd, den Broadmoor garden home ... Lite. bright & cheery. Solar heat, new carp & pa.int. Perfect for young exec. or r etired couple. Priced to sell. Own- ers anxious. Vacant $175,500 J eri Hunt 1112 Sierr• SiH1 e, .. Sit 2-5 *** ?2,11tal.I ?teeded REALTY The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm IEW LllTIM * mn Tl IUCI SUl,000 Custom built pride of ownership duplex only 3 doors from the beach! Fabulous Ocean View owner's unit with 2 bdrms & den plus 2 brick fireplaces, beam ceilings. large private sundeck & even a sauna. 2 bdrm rental and 4 car garage. First time on the market-original owners. llAI UI UYFIMT 1111,000 Best baytront location has a spectacular view of the harbor entrance and all the boating activity. 44 feet on the bay! Preferential slip rental prlvlleges Included. 111111 llL 1111 * 111111 MPLD 1121,000 3 & 2 bdrm units with fireplaces, private patios and the rear unit even has some ocean view. Out of town Mfler has priced to sell. Choice Poppy Ave tocatlon In Olde Corona del Mar. '(714) 673-4400 llEHCH ICWFHIT LIT 1441,IOO 98 feet on the sand! Build your dream home and live the good life-great surfing. romantic sunsets, miles of beach combing, gate guarded community. Out of state seller says SELL! WEMlllE - Harbor Realty is a full service Real Estate Company offering a complete range of real estate services such as an active rental de- partment. a nationwide relocation network, and an In house computerized listing service. Why settle for less? mu WIE llPLU IH0,800 Sharp Warmington built duplex completely re- decorated with 3 bdrms & 2 baths In EACH unit. Private garages, fireplaces, deluxe bit-In kitchens. carpet & drapes. The downstairs unit has a patio & yard-upstairs a private sun deck Prime location In Olde Corna del Mar. IEW SlllECLIFFS LISTIIS 1341,000 Magnificent Canyon view location m one of Newport's most popular communities ·Smaller well built 2 bdrm home on large lot with plenty of room to add on. Ill CUTtl UIUll 1171,000 The seller's misfortune rs your good fortune 1f you buy this drastically reduced Deauv11te. Dra- matic 16 foot ceilings, award winning kitchen with eating area. kids play rm, 4 bdrms & 3 baths. Exciting outdoor entertainment area with 40 foot pool, spa. wet bar, bit m Ba.a Very motivated .alter says "SELL"! Don't pass up this bargain. 2 Rue Grand Ducal will be open Sun 1 to 5 IEllCU ClllU HL llAI llPlD 1211,llO Prime corner location on the ocean side of PCH Spacious 3 bdrm front unit with fireplace plus cory 2 bdrm garage apt. Oversized garage. Won't last at this reduced price! (213) 628-2828 2845 EAST COAST HIGHWAY -CORONA DEL MAR HOMES FOR SALE 1 BA plua FAM RM or DEN 240 Nice Lane If 105. VIiia Balboa, N.B 631-1400 $158.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .!20 Nice Lane fl 112. Villa Balboa, N B 63 1-1400 $175.000 Sal/Sunday 1-5 240 Nice Lane/1215. VIiia Balboa.N B 631-1400 $125.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 240 Nice Lane11305. Villa Balboa.NB 631 1400 $147,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM * • 50 Navarre. San Joaqwn Villas. Irvine 841-6600 $159,900 Saturday 10-5 220 Nice Lane :i 108. Villa Balboa. Npt Beach 631-1400 $179.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN •810 Baker :t t05 Costa Mesa 546-2313 S 144,900 Sundy 1-4 * * 24 Balboa Coves. Balboa Coves 631 -1400 $395.000 Sunday 2-5 * *24 Balboa Coves. Balboa Coves, NB 631-1400 $395.000 Sunday 2-5 * * •973 Bayside Cove W Balboa Coves 63 t-1400 $650.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 * • 1531 Bru1nbark, Santa Ana Heights 957-0829 $126,000 Sun 12-5 28 t6 Clltt Dr, Npl Heights NB 644-6200 $359,500 Sun 1-5 * 19 Curl Dr(Jasmme Creek}Ocean View 640-1515 or (619)728-5151 Sat/Sun 1-5 2714 Hilltop HV Knoll NB 644-6200 $229.000 28 16 Chit Or. Npt Heights NB 644-6200 $359,500 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 *B3 Jasmme Creek. Jasmine Creek NB 675-6000 $319 000 Sat 1-5 3 Verde Rancho San Joaquin lrvme 640-4868 $195 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM l:?'.l 36th St Newport Beach b50 1092 $ 185 000 Sat/Sun 12-5 22£i.? Ava10111(,ollege Park IC M b4'• ll I 1 S 145 000 Sal/Sun 1 5 * * !1fi Efolt10d Loves Bdlboa C,oves N B b 11 1400 S•144 000 Sunday 1 4 • 40 1 t:!POOlllll COM 67~. •iOOO $495 000 S un 1·5 1~100 b1·r ~ shirt• l .tnP Westchll NB 67~ fJOO S<'b~ 000 Sun 1 !> :>.OJ V1<1 N1( .. l 1clo ISlf' NU fi7.I 7 JOO $:360 000 <,1in ') 4 • 1:?01 BPrk sn1rP Ln IWP'.>tchll) N 8 ti4'.l 15'J•1 S<4!) OOfl Sun 1 4 '>09 C' arndtl()r \ 1r • 1 <I• 1 Mdr 644 6200 $(>81"j OU! f,at iSun 2 5 19836 Cl;;remont t11mtinq1on Bch 546 23 IJ $137 !>00 Saturday 1 4 •601 Cllll Drive Clllltia11en NB 63 1 1400 $365 000 Saturday 1-4 256 I Crestview (BAY SHORES) NB 646-2067 $395 000 Sat/Sun 1 4 309 E. 19th $1 Cos1 a Mes.1 631-0811 $ 136 000 Sat 1-4 * •219 E.Bayfront Little Bal Isle NB 644-6200 $72 5.000 Sat 1-5 2958 Java. Mesa Verde. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $210.900 Saturday 1-4 1620 Klng.s Rd, Clilthaven Nwpt Bch 642-5200 $516,000 Sunday 2-5 Sat/Sun I 4 Sun 1-S •Ii ... 5400 River Ave. West Newport Beach 646-7171 $229.000 Sunday 12-4 B 18 Via Udo Soud. Lido Isle. Nwpt Bch 640-5560 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 145 Via Undfne. Lido Isle NB 673-7300 $389,500 Sun t-4 *2033 Vista Cajon. Bluffs NB 644--0488 $21 5.000 Sunday 1-5 •2001 Vista Caudal. Bluffs NB 640-0020 $299,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1984 Vista Caudal. Blutts NB 640-0020 $269,500 1903 Yacht Cam1lia, Newport Bch Sun 1 t-5 631-1400 $335,000 Sunday 1-4 v 1905 Yacht Enchantress. Seaview. N.B 644-9060 $399,000 Sunday 1-5 3 BA plua FAM RM or OEN 3 BR plu1 FAM RM or OEN * • 1219 Blue Gum. Westcliff Grove NB 760-8333 $415.000 Sat 2-5 2345 Aralla. Eastbluff. Nwpt Bch 642-5200 $249.500 Sunday 1-5 v"2675 Bayshore Or (Bayshores)NB 645-7339 $575,000 Sunday 12-5 * • 1219 Blue Gum, Westclltf NB 760-8333 $41 5,000 Sat 2-5 * * 209 Canal, Newport Shores 631 -1400 $260.000 Sunday 1-5 * •209 Canal, Newport Shores.NB 631-1400 $260,000 Sunday 1-5 600 Carnation. Summerwind, CdM 675-7572 $48.9.000 Dally 10-6 2953 C. Club. C.M 546-23 13 167,500 Sun t-4 515 Dahlia Ave. Summerw1nd, CdM 675-7572 $375.000 Dally 10-6 517 Dahlia. Summerwlnd. CdM 675-7572 $409,000 Dally t0-6 303 Ortttwood. Shorecllffs. CdM 631-1400 $424,000 Saturday 1-4 390 E 22nd St Newport Beach 646· 7 17 1 $233,000 Sunday 2-6 • 1730 Galaxy Or . Dover Shores. N.B 631 -7300 $825,000 Sunday 1-5 * •4615 Hampden (Cameo Shores) COM 63 1-1266 $510.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2807 Harbor View Or H V Hills. CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sunday 1-5 •240 Hazel Dr (Ocean View) Corona Del Mar 759-9070 $725.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 ••2306 Heather. Newport Beach 645-0303 $249,900 Sat 4-7 •432 Isabella Terr, Corona Hghlnds COM 644 -6200 $649.990 Sun t-4 83 Jasmine Creek. Jasmine Creek COM 675-6000 $319,000 Sat 1-5 v 16 Jetty. Jasmine Creek. COM 644-9060 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 130 1 Keel tW Hills NB 675-6000 $385,000 494 Lenwood Circle, Costa Mesa Sun 1·5 631-22-'2 $193.000 Saturday 1-5 409 Magnolia, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $219,000 Sunday 1-5 • 1 1 Malnsall. Jasmine Creek COM 6«-6200 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 39 Monteclto, Spyglass, COM 673-1181 $535,000 1528 Orange Ave.(Corn. Palmer)Costa Mesa 673-1600 $215.000 Sunday 11-.t * • 1107 Oxford, Westclltf, Nwpt Bch 645-9161 $269,000 Sunday 1-5 1982 Port Albins, Hrbr View Homes, N.B. 492-0890 Sat/Sun 1·4 1930 Port Bristol Cr. Harbor View Hms, NB 631-7300 $268,500 Sunday 1-5 ••902 Powell. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $152,000 Sunday 1-4 515 Riverside. Newport Hetghts 631 -1400 $247,000 Sunday 1-5 515 R1vers1de, Newport Heights, N.B 631-1400 $247,000 Sunday 1·5 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-6200 $4 15.000 Sunday 1·4 • 7 Aue Chateau Royal. Big Cyn NB 644-6200 $725,000 Sat 1-5 * •7 Rue Oeauville. Big Cyn NB 644-6200 $599.000 Sun t -5 1807 Sabrina Terr. COM 759-9 100 $675.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 982 Sandcastle, Harbor View, N B. 675-6000 $369,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1945 Santiago Dr. Baycrest, Newport Bch 63 1-7300 $290.000 Sunday 1-5 2040 Sh1pway Or. Baycrest, Newport Bch 63 1-7300 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 6 162 Sierra Siena. Irvine 640-4868 $175,500 Saturday 2-5 333 Signal Rd, Cliffhaven, Npt Bch 631-1400 $298.000 Sunday 1-4 333 Signal Road, Chffhaven. NB 631 -1400 $298,000 Sunday 1·4 3405 Summerset, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $199.500 Sunday 1·5 •5 Toulon. Harbor Ridge. Nwpt Bch 644-2609 $559,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 t 11 Via Cordova. Lido Isle. Newpor1 Bch 631-1400 $399,500 Saturday 2-S *601 Via Lido Nord, Ltdo Isle NB 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 1-4 236 Via Mentone. Lido Isle, Npt Bch 644-9060 $430.000 Sund6y 1 4 2233 1 Wallingford. Huntington Bch 631 -1400 $330,000 Sunday 1-5 4 BEDROOM •• 1195 Augusta. C.M 546-2313 141.500 Sun 1 4 * • 3050 Capri Lane Costa Mesa 546-2313 $425,000 Sunday 1-4 * 1200 Heather Lane. Newport Beach 63 1-1266 Sat/Sun 12-6 • 3280 Michigan. C M 546-23 13 149,900 Sun 1-4 • 1743 New Hampshire. Costa Mesa 546-23 13 $165,900 Sat 10·2/Sun H& 3545 Orrington Pl. Cameo Shores. CdM 631 -1266 $560.000 Sat/Sun t-5 1844 Port Charles. HV Homes 673-7300 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1807 Port Taggart, HV Homes NB 644-6200 $279,000 Sun 1-5 v 2 Rue Grand Ducal, Big Canyon, N B 673-«00 $575.000 Sunday 1-5 480 1 Surrey Or. Cameo Hlghlanda NB 75g.9100 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ..... , Vista Roma, Bluff• NB ~200 $225,000 Sat 1·5 4 BR pfu1 FAM AM Of OEN * *~ Balboa Cova. Balboa Coves. N.B 631-1400 $475,000 Sunday 1~ **1621 Bayside Or. Corona det Mar 644-9060 $9'45,000 FEE Sun 1-4 * •601 Bayside Or., Promontory Bay, NB 631-1400 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 2768 Bluebird Cr., C.M 546-2313 3 10,000 Sun 1-4 •2768 Bluebird Cr, Costa Mesa ~6-23 13 $299,900 Sunday 1-4 2507 Buckeye (Elbluff) N.B. 640·7015 $380,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 1 Coventry (Harbor Ridge) COM 644-6200 $499,000 Sunday 1-5 •8621 Crockett. Westmlnlster 546-23 13 $234,950 Sunday 1-4 9786 Deblois, Fountain Valley 546-5605 $239,500 Saturday 1.5 * * 111 East Bay, Newport Peninsula 645-0303 $475.000 Sunday 2:30-5 1310 Estelle Ln, Westcott, Nwpt Bch 548-5133 $269,000 Sunday 1·5 1356 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores. Nwpt Bch 642-5200 $795,000 Sunday 1-5 • 1700 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores NB 759-1501 $600,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 46 Mission Bay, Spyglass CDM 759-1501 $559,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 •34 Morro Bay, Spyglass COM 759· 1501 $659,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 706 Malabar, Irv Terr, COM 759-1501 $485,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1130 Highland, Westclltf NB 644-6200 $299.500 Sun 2·5 1800 Port Seabourne. HV Homes NB 644-6200 $271 .900 Sun 1-5 20 Hillsboro, Harbor Hiii, Newport Bch 760-1900 $795,000 Sunday 1-5 • 17 1-illlsborough. Harbor Hill, Newpor1 Bch 631 -7300 $599,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 307 Iris, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $465,000 Saturday 1 ·4 • •912 Lombard, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $154.900 Sundayl-5 2965 Maul Place, Mesa Verde. C M 751-3191 $249,000 Sunday 1-5 * * 505 Morningstar. Dover Shores. Cdm 631-1400 $1,195,000 Saturday2·5 ""'16 Napoll, Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $1, 195,000 Sun 1-5 • ""4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $995,000 Sun 1 ·5 228 Orchid, Olde COM 675-6000 $595,000 Saturday 1-5 426 Plazza Lido, Lido Isle, N.B 631-7300 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •• 1218 Polaris. C.M. 546-2313 $499,000 Sun 1-5 1829 Port Taggert, HV Homes NB 759-9 100 $329,000 Sat 1-4 • 1806 Port Westboume. HV Homes NB 675-6000 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 220 1 Private Rd. Back Bay. Newport Bch 631·7300 $325.000 Sunday 1·5 31 Rockingham. Belcourt NB 644.6200 $825.000 Sun 1-5 ••""'54 Royal St George. Big Cyn NB 644-6200 S 1,800,000flrm Sal/Sun 1-5 5 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-6200 $585.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 't 1806 SandalWood, Baycreek NB 644-8200 $315,000 Sat 11-5/Sun 12·5 •2001 Santiago, Baycreat. Newport Bch 63 1· 1400 $299,900 Saturday 1-4 1148 Santiago, Oovet Shores. Newport Bch 631-7300 8580,000 Sunday 1-5 * 1849 s .. arlft, Irvine Terraoe COM 720-0280 8399,500 Set/Sun 12-4 19512 Sierra Seco, Turtle Roek, Irvine 644.9060 $219.000 Saturday 1-5 11 Tiburon Bay, Spyglass NB 675-6000 $523.000 Sunday 1-5 •• 1 Twin Lakes, Spyglass COM 759-1445 $670,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •828 Via Ltdo Nord, lido Isle NB 673-7300 $1,895,000 Sun 1 ·5 * •343 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle NB 673-7300 $1,650,000 Sal/Sun 1-4 * • 1330 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores NB 673-7300 $600,000 Sun 1-4 •2582 Vista Dr, Bayshores NB 644-6200$415,000 Sun 1-5 1132 Whltesalls, HV Hiiis NB 644-6200 $399.000 Sun 1-4:30 2000 Windward, Baycrest, Newport Beach 631·1400 $335,000 Saturday l -4 1907 Windward Lane. Baycrest. NB 631 -7300 $325.000 Sunday 1-5 ""'1919 Yacht Enchantress. Seav1ew, NB 644-9060 $439.000 Sunday 1-5 5 BEDROOM * * 1633 Bayside Dr. Newport Beach 644-9060 $995 000 Saturday 1.5 30 • 49 Goleta Point Dr, BIUffs COM 759-9100 $839-000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •9 Muir Beach. Spyglass NB 760-8333 $1,450.000 Sun 1-5 2115 Santiago Dr, Baycrest, Nwpt Sch 644 -6590 $259 000 Sunday 1-5 5 BR ptua FAM RM or DEN 1615 Bay Cliff Circle. Spyglass Ridge NB 644-6200 $560,000 Sun 1-5 * • 2345 Port Carlisle, Sea Wind NB 644-6200 $399,000LH Sun 1-5 14 R1dge1me Dr. Harbor Ridge NB 644-6200 $795,000 Sun 1-5 * • 51 Goleta Po1n1 (Spyglass) Nwpt Sch 644-6200 $795,000 Sunday 1-5 * •51 Goleta Point (Spyglass) Nwpt Bch 644-6200 $795 000 Sunday 1-5 * • 70 Hillcrest. Big Cyn NB 644-6200 $1. 195.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Hermitage, Big Cyn NB 644-6200 $1 395,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 • 7 4 Hillcrest Big Canyon. Nwpt Sch 673-8700 $2,895.000 Sunday 1-5 220 Jasmine Ave. COM 644 721 I $409,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1429 Keel Harbor View Hills. CdM 644-9060 $340,000 Sunday 1 ·4 * • 1797 Oriole Dr . Mesa Verde, C.M 55 7 -6264 $340,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1226 Polaris Drive, Dover shores. NB 63 1-7300 $675.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1970 Port Trlntty, Newport Beach 760-5000 $423,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 * • ""'25 Rldgellne, Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $4,375,000 Sun 1-5 e v 14 Trafalgar. Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $1,395,000 Sun 1 ·5 2705 Starbird, Mesa Verde. C M 957-3151 $289,000 Sundayl-5 * •6 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge. Nwpt Bch 760-4868 $1 ,950.000 Sunday t-5 * •239 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle NB 673-7300 $1 ,395,000 Satl 1-4/Sun 11 ·2 200 Via Orvleto, Udo Isle, Newport Bch 631 -43201673-7783 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 100 Windward Lane, Baycrest. ~ B 63 t-7300 $350,000 Sat 1-5 8 BR plua FAM RM or DEN •8 Cypress Point. Bio Cyn NB 644-6200 $995,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * • S4 Royal St George, Big Cyn NB 644-6200 S 1,800,000 Sat 1-5 78EDAOOM * •...., 17 NapOll. Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $1,695,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2 168 Biscayne Springs, C M 645-0303 $108,000 Sun 4. 7 •2165 Canyon Or. Costa Mesa 631-7046 from $133,600 Daily 11· 7 * • 1063 Dover Dr. Westchtf NB 673-7300 S 134.900 Sun 1 4 406 E Bay. Newport Bea<:h 631-1266 $205K-S223K Sat /Sun 1-4 30 221 Nata, Bluffs NB 759-9100 .$289.500 Sun 1·5 * 1626-C Iowa, Mesa Verde Villas. CM 662· 7586 $94,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 * • 11 Summerwlnd. Newport Crest.NB 760-1900 $176,000 Sunday 1·5 3 BEDROOM * 509 Avemda Campana. The Blutts. N B 645-0303 $205.000 Sunday 1-5 * • 12 Escapade Ct. Newport Crest NB 673-7300 $170,000 Sun 2-5 * •3 Baruna Ct. Newport Crest NB 673-7300 $184,000 Sun 1-5 1777 Mitchell 11 2, Tustin 645-0303 $72.000 Saturday 12-6 •37 Nighthawk, Woodbridge Irvine 675-6000 $ 189,000 Sun 1-5 15 Odyssey Court Npt Crest. N B 645-0303 $225.000 Sat/Sunday 1-5 1960 San Bruno, The Btutts Nwpt Bch 640-5560 $140,000 LH Sunday 1-5 • 244 1 Vista Nobleza, Bluffs NB 675-6000 $259.500 Sat 1·5 3 BR plua FAM RM or OEN 345 Un1vers1 ty :r F Costa Mesa 751 -3 191 $129.950 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 428 Vista Roma Bluffs NB 759-9100 $216 000 Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM •835 Amigos Way =8 Blutts NB 759-1501 $1 71.000 Sat Sun 1-5 •2912 Ouedada Btutts NB 759-9 100 $239 000 tee Sun 1 5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM •3 12 Paige Lane, Cosla Mesa 854-2600 S 135,000 turda-y 1 S MOBILE HOMES 4 PLEXES FOR SALE DUPLEXES 1 & 1 2 Br ptu1 3 Br 518 Jasmine Ave Olde COM 644-6000 from $229,500 Sat Sun 1 ·5 Jasmine at 4th Olde COM 675-6000 from $229.500 Sun 1·5 25 11 Seav1ew A~e. Corona del Mcu 63 1 7300 $630 000 Sat Sun I ~ 3 BR • 3 BR • 2 BR •Spa *Pool RENT ALS 3 BR APTS • • W1tortr<K'I ••• W•t•tron1 A PO<ll .,, Give address at ouard gDtfl ...-I ----- -- , -- IALIOAISLAID Tht •Ht '•li1htf•I ,11e1 •• liYI ii St. Calif. IH1ttif1I 11wer C Ill, 1111 Jth la. SUl,000. tWIEll 114-tJ 1-1111 H 714-IU-HlO 21J tWlllt, .... hi. .,.. S.NIJ 1-1 LOOKS llEW-HAS VIEW 3 Bdrms. up w/huge sundeck; 2 Bdrrns. dn , 2 baths & fireplace in each umt View of ocean. park & a little bay 10% dn & owe Ask.mg $299.000. JACOBS REAL TY INC. 675-6670 DOVER SNORES llYFROIT leek Fer Lare• l11t Charming 3 bdrm, den & 3 bath. Move in condition, parquet floors. new crpts & drps. You own the la nd. Vacant for quick escrow. Drive by $695,000. Owner. 'W£mllfF IPH UT/Sii 1·1 401 ht1tl Star L1. 141-1170tr131-llH Stlt,000 Elegant 4 Bdrm, 2'h Baths home with atrium entrance, family room with fire- place Ready to move in, new paint inside and out. luxurious new carpeting Well landscaped, pool size lot on quiet street Hf"n lltr ( :nll1Mtn. Hraltur .; IJI •. ; I .'l:I IEWPllTS llST llY Beauuful farruly home In Harbor High- lands. l<X·ated near schools & shopping <..-enters. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace and large yard for kids or pets Many recent upgrades A perfect home for first tune buyers an Newport Assumabie fmancrng of $126.000 1112,500 IUlll C&IHllCCI, IEAL Tll 140-.. 21 Ill ••Ill 11&1 IWISM MUI ftrWI 2'0 luel Im• Wau.·h the waves crashing on L1lllt< Coron.s Beoch from this remodeled 3 BR. 2 BA + loft haven. nestled m the lush canyon w /max urf & sand views. plus warmth or used bnck. st.amed glass. hardwood floors & ~kyhghu $725,000 SANDS INVESTMENTS (7 Hl 7~9 9070 IPll SIT /Sii 11-1 let Ut...., Y• Sell ~ ••t p,.,.,.,t Call C1111iflt4, 642-5678 for information & surprisingly low cost. 811111 ftr Sale 811111 fer Sale 11 .... fer Salt jltaltl ftr Sale lc.aeral Geaer1l 1002 Geaeral 1002 Geural ll02 Geatral FIRST TEAM WALK-IN REALTY •OPH SAT l 5* --------------.:;;;::;,;::;:.... __ ...:,~ NW 2BR 1'!.ba, Springs $ 85,400 FORTRESS LIOUIDATIOI • INUIH HIWPUCE C&ILSIAI w.e 3BA 2'1>ba, Branston $139,500 New 6000 sq ft 6 bdrm. 7 UH DHIOIS, F.Y. This upgraded JBdrm VACAITI IMMED OCCUPANCY w 8 28 R 2ba, den. Briarchll 5162•500 oath 111ew estate wl7 car Ele<Jantly decorated hme • home is greal for enter-CllfAT IUYI t¥1th this VACANT '4 BR gMage pool spa sauna Most sought atler plan In lalning Pool table stays 2ba BEAUTY In Carlsbad TR 2BR 2ba, Avalon $152,900 sep maids qrtrs much Park Place Manicured 1n bonus room with FOl'mal dining rm, 2 car T R 2BR 2ba, Sage S 156.900 more Security 8 TV yrd. lormal dine. 4Bdrm. beamed cathedral ce11~ Cul-de-sac location in beautiful Uni-garage, fenced yard Wall TR 2ms1er 2''7ba. FR, Eaton s 159 900 surveillance monitors It Bdrm downstairs). 1ngs A super home versity Park. En1oy pools. spas. ten-to wall c.rpets. lreshl TR 3BR 2'..,ba FR, D11on s 169 500 1hru out prop on aimosr 2'.Ba ram rm wetoar 5199 500 75 1-3191 nis. Near all conveniences. 2 BR, pa1n1 and SQUEAKY N w 38R 3ba FR Plan 203 5184 900 I acre Sacrifice al etc Cloo;e 10 Mo Sq Prk CLEAN ready for you and · 5625 000 w terms or I $239 500 so CALI c::: SELECT den, P/4 ba. Vaulted ceilings. formal your ramify Prloed al TR 3BR 3ba, Pelers Plan 0 ~09 900 lrdde PalrtC~ Tenorf' FORNIA AL TV 546-5605 ..,.., PROPERTIES drning rm, atrium off master Br. $135.000 lo sell T R 4BR 2',ba FA Plan 100 $359 000 631 1266 Move-in condition. Many new ex-WllUCE a Cl IL Tl T R 4BR 2' .ba FA. den bonus s429 900 •;: ~~)':CIA tras. $153,900. Helen Agent. 111721-ltH I Adrienne 857-2121 Multi Miiiion ss Pr<><1uc:.er JiM!f... ROOM FOR GROWIN' 786-~i:i ~ 1~~-11 IEALTY 1Locoted on o large cul de sac, lots of room lor f ru1 t trees, gardens, greenhouse covd pot10 This super clean 4 BR home features a sunshine bright k1tch , cozy fom rm w brick frplc. If you're looking for a place lo grow m, don't miss this one. Hunt Hrbr condo: 2BR, 2 'h ba, wolk lo bea ch S 148,000. SARAH 848-4486 Clltll'Y ! 1 EllWY S£CLU0£0 WATER & PINE TREE VIEW! MOUNTAINS AP() CITY LIGHTS TOO! Lowest priced 3 Bedroom 1n the prest1g1ous guard-gated "HARBOR RIDCE CREST" Ask for : ORRIEL SMITH (res) 551-4562 LYINE VALENTINE PROPERTIES 760·1333 *EXCITING IEW LISTllG * LIDO ISLE CHARIER OPE• TODAY 1-5 818 VII LIDO SOUD That wonderful ''Olde" quality feeling, yet new, modern and popular appointments. Totally refreshing and most inviting. Choice "East End" Udo Soud corner. 3 Bdrm (2+Den). Central air. $399,000 or lse/opt_ at $1700/mo. Easy to own at 10% down. BIG CANYON MA&lllFICEllT ESTATE LIKE CUSTOM Located on a fabulous view lot overlooking Big Canyon Country Club. This traditional European Design combines classic beauty ith elegance, resulting in one of the most stylish, yet comfortable homes in the area. his residence features 5 Bdrms, 6V2 baths, 6 fireplaces, elevator, breakfast room, large ormal dining room, fabulous gourmet kitchen. Priced $1 ,400,000. Al OITSTAlllll YALIE ht fer: DlllY 1111 or STEPHlllE &RODY GrubhGEllis 844-8200 rREE MARK ET ~NAL YSlS OF YOUR REAL ESTA TE. CAlL PA T RI CK TENORE 131-1291.. RffM*c -. -. . . -.. flll&Elt-unur n }Bdrm ..,... -..... t>eeCh. .... c:cg*J "** ·~ A(JtS WllbMa &CS-73319 OPEM SUNDAY ~ 267S BAYSHORE OR SS7S..000~ ...... w. ...... ..,. .. ,mm bdntl. ' bill\. 4000 9q ft ........ ESTATE home wlpoCll + pri¥lle ysd.. Urstl lh 1ltrlll lqt*'*"' •• only $2 89,500 .rTEAYSt wan·a llisl. ~T.,...631-1216 ocrwn 3 SPECTACULAR UYYIEW•H 2041 MESA. On large LICATIH equestrian lot, fresh paint E CM S25Kl 3t>r 2ba open Close to pool 4 Bdrm, thru-out. $4 75,000 . nr plan FIP nice area. sv. 2'"'ba , lam rm Plan 4A in 2061 MESA 3BR + maid s dn. assum Agt 759-5-080 Smoketree Super family quarters. appro)(. 3000 ICWYtEW•ll 2 Bdrms. 2'h ba Com- munity pool. spa and ten- nis. Walk to beaeh tcw. S 1383/mo Securtty sys· tem St 76.000. .,..s. .... , 1-5 11s. ...... 11• FIUIWP£1 001 & spa 4 Bdrm 4 oa wstom home on large lot Needs TLC E.JCcel netgtiborhood Vacant & ready to go! $399.000 7I0-1IOO -COTE ~t .. REALTY hm Ntee SIZe $134 000 sift $500,000 ~!;!!al!.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~·!l!C!l!I ;•~I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l~!*BEAUTtFUL Condo. Up-ATTENTION INVESTORS I · ,. _ _..I ~.... BACK BAY ESTATE. grades. 38' 2'h>Ba. lam 2Br 18a twnhse. new paint mlt __ , ,_,, Panoraml<: view Fronts rm Teoncs & pool Near & erpt VA assum S94K 18124 Culver0r,lrv onbackbay&wtldllte le.,.,tCrnt lll-ltoo - ftrtcltHH lt41ct4 Frta SHOI tt SUH SHiil All IFFERS OCEAN BAY VIEW COTE ~t.. • OPEN SUNDAY t2-4 ramauc s Bd 3ba cus tom 250 1 Harbor ll1ew Or COM lge mstr WllP w/frplc & wet bar 101 ma.I dtn rm. lg ltv rm, den spe1 Low dwn 10 5% 1n1 lst SJSOK owe 10•1, int Coleswmtliy & Co. Qt.~~Nl lAl •INVl-H~N I OCAi ;:; HAT[ 2SIS EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH. CA. MO-OQ2G MILLION DOLLAR VIEW Front row on the Bay-3 8drms & den. 3 baths or 2 Bdrms pkas suite for in~aws. li\le-in help or perfect in home office-with separate outside entrance. 50'x 16' view deck. Another new listing by JOY OF NEWPORT OPEii SAT/SUN 1-6 2ID01 VISTA CAUDAL ANOTHER NEW LISTING LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SPECtAL? Like a starter home-price rndudes tand. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. neutral tones $169,000-ready for move in. A JOY OF NEWPORT LISTING. EASTBLUFF FAlllL Y HOllE Newport's nicest farnity netgh- borhood. Convenient to Vdlage shop-. ping and all schools. 4 Bdrms, warm family room, gorgeous and very pri- vate pool & spa Energy efficient solar system. Fast possession possible. $265.000 L H. Gayte Foilingstad's Best EastbkJff listing. LOWEST PRICE BACK BAY VIEW This is the popular sunny 'Delores' plan. 3 Bdrm. 2'h bath end umt with extra wide lot. Seller wants offers. A sotid value at $269,000. You own the land. A listing by Nancy Peterson. IF PRIVACY PLEASES Broad W'f"&p--around patio-currently overgrown ... but ;us.t a litOe. Large one tevel Linda plan with vaulted open beam ceilings. Go<geous mas- ter suite. conYGnient to pool. Excel- lent price $170,000 LH. A 1'5Ung by Phytfis Goggio. ANOTHER NEW LISTING Outstanding 'Gaadelupe' plan. 5 yrs new, mint oond with many extras. Light & bright end unit surrounded by wide greenbelt, some water vtew & fantastic tunsets. 3 spacious Bdrms. 1 v. baths. cathedral ceilings. move in condition. You own the land $269.500.. A listing by Phy4lis Goggk> Open fork~· __,AYt..s 1IM YllT A CAUDAL Fashion I~ $220,000 Owm/llc 662-7586 711-llOO preserve 2.2 acres Pool, Owner 640--l...O LOWEST PRICE 2Br RSJ equestrian area. S2 2 *mTllS!* ~ Villas Super hghl and million OWCortrade R NU DUPLEX Live in 1, !.____J b r I g h I S 1 5 9 , 9 0 0 . 1•1111 lltalty ---- rent 2nd a s 1050/mo 841-6600 Agt 162·1111 ltri Outstanding value $269K Best SP $325K 38r t J \('Kl•: Gii.i .iS NorthWood tmmac 3 br BAYSHORES 2 b Iden-3Br. p/spa sec SyS. new 38r. a ... , 75~9070 u 1 " t "" tam rm teak floors dee ' or kll OMC Agt &45-9161 .,,, -· · · 3 br. 2'11 ba $395.000 REALTY 673-1600 Steve WM E Doud & Co Int -Cl.&SSIC * REDUCED llOK E·slOe prof lndscaped. many Open House Sat/Sun Slfll l&Yfllll 110181UllC£ IT m lf.ICI unattached twnnome 3bd )(tras $ tS..,000 552-3443 t-4 256 I CresM-llPl.£1 Jodelle Model luxunous Only . dn fr the entrance 2 ~7~on~n~ .. = ~ PllCf IEllCfl ICI cell• uci Hn Spacious owners untl 3 bdrm 21 ... ba, formal to Big Corona 9ch A J.47-A E 18th St lllYEISITT PAii HtOh assumable loan overlooking Mam Chan-dining rm. 1acuw 2700 9Q ft 5 8dnns. 3 t>a * LOWEST PRICED E-• Bedroom, 2'~ Bath. $2t0,000 Cart Mosen. '2..e:.' tsanely beacn lmj panoramic v-ol all updated older home Side JBd on huge lot Almost 2500 sq ft slngle Bkr 760-2&43 """''a e possession • Newport/Catalina w/hd'MS ftrs, fonnlll din, S t36K 309 E l9th St level New catpets and Bdrm rental Trade or Many custom le<itures 1ge tam rm master suite nt This a West nt Beaut 3Br + guest hse sell Asking $860,000 Asking S559.000 & jetty -fr the front IJ1-I011 ~odel ~s $209~ $2 15K 4 t6 Westminster Owner/Agent 644-95 t3 Open Sat tSun 1-S deck. plUSotl street~-•••YU• ••-i Ask 1~ Cr~::6Jt-t2S6.' !'ve. Open Sat/Sun 10-4 sr•,.tHS •-ra•rT s Toulon Harbor Ridge ing fof RV Of up to 7 m -•-+ . -_._ ~ 1 Owner &44-2609 $409 oooi Beautiful exec entertain· •·ii~~\: · llC CYI 7 IHlaneallt F1rS1 showing of this ex· =M~ AVE OPEN ment home. 3200 sl f incl t•' ! S279M-Lh-$439M lee 3br panded 5 Bedroom HVH-CARMEL 1982 Por• SAT/SUN l..S644-r2lt IC>m\81 DR. lg tam rm, 11-~'T • ,_ 3ba 3carPP644-7070 HarborV1ewl\ome E.JCtra Albans 38drms & lam bfary or office Central -----large 101 on private cul-room 492-0890 ..... 1211 AIC, attach 3 car oat. lllC~ Sal .lt14tlil lllFfS $122,iOO d&-sac Custom ullltty IT HAS IT ALL" Ne. pool. spa w/solar BY OWNER· Cu 28R 233 l Vista Huerta 2Bd 1ba and project rooms Br 2 • .,Ba. den. lormal neat & eirtenSlve land-· stom Owner consider terms OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 • \ ' ' "' IOI /RV 2ba 1 den Condo Prof Property Mart 640-9019 1970 PORT TRINITY dine, beaut decor' pool 1 . scaptng on ..., w decorated. all upgrades. spa. etc $410K SA8·0495 I~~~~~~~~~ access Onty $340K End unit with 3 tile pauos Jo-Ann Doran 760-5000 CdM, S.F.R. 45•-., trade Assum S225K In a Steps to pool $ 178,500 BLUFFS 3br, den 3ba .•• ii~~-; fol.conwn, indust Of ?? $2t871mo p I 557-6264 OPEN HSE SUN 10-5 views pool. upgraded, • • OPEN HOUSE SaUSun or 97~263 I 1 MONTANAS ESTE $250.000 10 7'1• As-Jn; 1-5.631-4321631~1 Mesa Verde 1ge VA, 2964 Cat1854-9l39 sumabte wt S20.000 _ llllfSU Bdrm 3 bath Family rm 3 cs1 garage Open 1-5 Sat/Sun 200 Via Orvieto Richardson lnvst Co CUSTOM OUPlEX South Bimini-OPEN SAT/SUN down Owner &44-0782 --------1 1114)631-4320 of Bayside, low price can l..S, S 139.500. 545-5128 Tllru llCI BY OWNER E/blull 4br 2''1 * •••mt•I! •..:CW. not be pobished~ Pash •u --_.. 3 Bd 2 Doi H ba : fabulous 111ew xtras - -..-~ .......... 720-9422 • -w11• rm, bath I ouse, so ooo Iv m..,... 640-5798 A 'better than new S•ata Aaa Bits lOl2 ~ ·~ - - -UIS( SEP fllllLY U fee land Super clean, · "" duplex w/spac1ous 3BRl.;.;;.;;.;..-.,;.,; __ __._i.... __ _ DUPLEX 18d lba ea Hardwood floors tire-new carpets. private~ 3ba upper untl and 2BR fPfl .U 12-5 Sii. $210,000717 FERN LEAF pjac:e, cwd patio: quiet in patto & community 2ba lower Ocean close Lots of style. 2br 2''tba. 2 64()..8182 by~ IOcatlon Large fenced pool. A steal at St89,500 CLIFFS IF HYEll and ocean views 8et18f cat, cntrl rur, den. trplc yrd, dbl gar $t24.750 Owner wilt sell at 10"~ 011e of the finest views see 1111s one $340,000 pool, spa. opposite S A ooe8tl vu Jasmine Ol ._ •-cea•lllLE ILll down• stretches for mtles across a,, .. lltalttr• country Club s 126,000 ownens horM. 28' den ••• --• 7M-1llO c11y ltghls, bay and C ll9.lir.StJO• 1531 8ru1nbark 957-0829 MO-t515/f619)128-5151 ia-Tl1t ocean Terrace, lawns I • v- ane! pattos Walled en---------i l 069 .MSK• •m •WPllT llTS &If.A trance for privacy and iii~ji~jijiiiiili~iil••••• PLAN 3 with 3 BR & family R-2 lot. tBR 2 car gar.. bulll-tn security system Rm Ugtit and elegant S 119.500 OMC 673-0359 all add to the gracious ol Must be sold' Br'tng all this spacious home. 4 offers' $3.25,000 1040 Bedrooms each with ad- OPEN SAT /SUN 1-5 1oin1ng baths Cwolel~~~. Agl 142-5200 COlOWEU BANKER 6-44-9060 ..,..,, I A9t will trade great 2 s~ SpyglaSS. ocean ......, tor smallef hOme. dup6ex 11'1 ...... OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 1 TWIN LAKES 159-t'445 A PETE BARRETf .. REALTY UST SELL NOWI Front row vleW remodeled, re- duced to S520K E-Z terms trade Ok 720-9422 Bkr LIDO ISLE BEST BUY This 3 bedroom. 2655 sq. ft. home m eltte area offers the soph1st1 ca t10n of Newport and the lo ca t/On offers a whole new way of Ide. A view of Newport Bay from your front door. walk to the beach, two large pat10 's for sun all day. Relax. play tenms at a pnce yo u can't refuse Motivated sel!Prs offer this fabulous hom e thousands below market value at $535,000 Call for a pnvate show mg. You 'fl love 1/ 714-778 -0970 1-800-874-3476 ll I , ........ Salt Sut1 h.1 ltts l RZ ·.... llllSES-lllSES 2191 MESA DRIVE And it's legal 10 keep them Remodeled cute 38drm tru11 lrees Lots of room to stretch your arms. •,acre Assumable loan Prtced right $350,000 675-81~0 tan Uaib llM l?ln~tAll~----·!;:=:.;::;:;;=:;;.~~~~===~~!;:;:~U::afuai&W=:=~ ..... lalvalaW lruta"h, Vat . •11.UX• ...... fuai.W .... mat nH rt luc• Hit Gtatral flt Houses. Eacti 2Bdrm. * * IEITILS * * $800 pool home rental Huge 32&) eq tt Westwoe 1Ba $2000/mo income bu.. 2111 Steps le C1mlrj.... lllS-ffTS K spac 2br not tar ocean Penthouse Ale, w/d, 2 Otte<ed al S 189.000 2 t 2 Ouptex Frptc & ~ Wes1side 2 BR, oar. sml CALL US REGARDING kid ho 2 8 I 2Bdrm 1Ba 1 w/frplc S 1785/mo income Of· lered at S 178.000 Care1 I Scettt Wartt 131-22.U $925 mo. Aun 1st #67S4 uard ·~~/mo H2-1700 IRVINE LEASES gar. ptl(ng. s rry 'h a . r g pat EXEC HIDEWAY Lge I ..,,, •-~ "" 539-6190 Best Alty lee $3000/mo Utlls & val Bdrm den 11reptace. LDm ll ........ LOVEL v MESA VERDE Im•• C.ut l•altJ IOWFRHT H .. EI prllng Incl (213)474-35 pauo, g&t. !urn w/paazz 3BR Avall 1mmed. Open, lH-llOO n . •·JL·-1 •·-· Z7( Washer /dryer lltlle 81ry ctlarmtng 2 lrplc Stunning white-water --1 ... Island nr water 1·2 work-Ct1t1 Ntw 2224 gr~ & pnv S 1200/mo 4fu1 le1ck 2241 viewt 2Br $go() #54'3~ ~ ILICI Tl 11&111 ~;*~~ ~~~1,.!° 1 BDRM w . 650-'784 or 720-0961 28drm 316 Popular Walk TILHllT 111-lllO Cozy lBdrm Gumt Ap• Annual $1400/mo Avail t car gar. •v8ll MESA VERDE 3Br 2Ba lotwn& l>ChS1000/moyr BAYRIDGE CONDO $'450 sm pet ok •&422 Sepl 1. Call 675-3680 lmmed 760-8364 dbl F/P nr schools. pref lse Avl 1mmed '494-5782 New 2Br 288. AJC. pool. TllllflT lll-llt 1 Br Collage. l09pv1 yrd. I famtly7~!~.t;;!'t8/10 Wiil ecw VIEWS spa secS1300 675-9'4&<> Lrg Studio Apl w/lrplc c Cerou •el Mu 2122 small dog Ot<. S600 mo ( > Classic architecture on BLUFFS • BO relurblshed No Bay No gar Utlls ~ Full ocean 11\1 Jasmine Ck See Bl 239 E 22nd St MESA VERDE 3BR 2ba. acres ol gardens Poot & lease S 1300/mo avail $650/mo yrty 675-0380 350 owners home 2Br den 1Br. pvt & quiet Range. frplc, dbl gar. encl yard spa Estate living. Close now Bkr 759-1234 I/ Ir 2br Iba new 1 c laco•e Pro1t7 l 640-15151(6 191726-5151 gas & water pd No pets SI 100/mo 557-2382 to beach & shopping 2 Br DOVER SHORES BEAUTY ::di tusl ·see· $950/rr * C4• HPW * L 21,9 1st sec S600/mo Mesa Ve<de charm 3b< 2 Ba S 1600/mo Incl. uttt 4 Bd 3 •.,ba/2 lrplcs. 3 car 649-201'41649-2950 HIGHEST INCOME AT lt.,.rt leac. 8' • W l81h 497 6287 2ba gourmet kllctl S825 Ma1ure. consldetate gar. w ID hkkp. soil lOWEST PRICE S325K Npl Bch Bayfront Looking Br IBa Oo..iplex Gar sm tlal pool rental 539-6190 appllC&nls only water, altelec k1tch, O/W, l11Ma Soatll Ctut Metro JBr • 3Br s years new 5 to shr 1''t M1tllon Dollar yrd New crpl, paint, a Besl Alty lee '49'4-<4653 or 494-6017 pool, lam rm/den. formal Peaiaaali 270 1 Ol5 blk to t><:h Agt 759-9070 ()es,gner home w/prol n-1 Bth lrg & clean No pets Mesa Verde Exec nome LlfUI' Billi 2250 din rm. beau1 loc 1 yr tse 1 BR car""" new drps ---------, smkr 5 bdrm, IMng, tani S750 • S700 esep 1950 A· _ lull main! incl S2400/mo • """ •· llstlm STUl 90 UNl!S "Praced 10 sell & cM rooms. lrples. pvt M 549·34&4 4Br 2Ba Grdnr tnct 2-STllY IASTllPIECl TSL MANAGEMANl crpts 112'4 W Balbo Coodo Seit Ott Full 6 Y. to co-op brokers ba. lg paho.docil g gar , eyer S 1350 mo ~6-2439 2 •pool S800 •6221 642_ 1603 Blvd $600 mo 673-519 WoodSlde v111aoe May traoe Set-ups matl avl S950tmo 675-3659 28r 2Ba Condo Retrig. Mesa Vetde w 3Br 2Ba TIUREfl lli-1110 mall lb< Iba PentnSYI Low Down ed Call Rick Byers bro-W/D, pool lush land-lrplc gar S 1300 Grdnr & LlRCl COllO Po1n1. annual lease. $52! VA No Down Qt. ker 760-7292 &nY11nie 1• I ._ ·.1.. ~ scap.ng. lropical lagoort wat~ Incl 957-81'40 Jlli 11ita Viei't 2267 Approx 2000 SQ . 2 lire-675-8090 h•~ ISi T 0 s 10 5% •• ,., .,.,.,_.. s 1000/mo 786-8670 -places. form dr. 2Br PIUS 2BR 1\',Ba S69.999 Ceaeral 2202 3 Bd COiiege Park HOme leer lerMr I lew,.rt SP&lllltll 3+2+Pffl den vacant S 1350 per CtrtH •el lbr 272 JBR '"•BA S79.999 Lota ltr Sile 14001 vacant s950/mo no pets 3Br 288 S795 lrplc, Dbl gar. $890 mo • 7866 mo Call Pete Jonnson 2BR lBA upst8lrs. AangE OPEN SAl 12 '4/SUN 1-6 CHIU Ill llAI UCllSIYf HIT&lS 979-?395 gar, much ITIOfe' •5404 JllHHT 1114110 631-1266 retng. dshwshr, ga• 25~ t WP1~N~~R 2 LOTS FOR SALE VILLA BALBOA CONDO JBR Iba Back Bay &rea TILIUIT lll-lllO I le • zzgj • ·~· ~~>• S I 0 0 0 I mo 4 2 '4 ' Bob Damn 63 1• 1266 30 1 & 303 Narc1ssos 1 2 Bed •den lrplc secunly. Fncd yard Gardenef IOci Nwpt Hgts 2Br 1 Oen Lrg t!l!rt IC ;.;; • Larkspur 759 1763 ... or bloc!\ lo beach lncls comm pootSllOO/mo S850/mo , sec Mature yrd,gat $750/moCher;i 2 Br 2 ba Condo. new FLJ; ••2Br 1Ba. new crp• • · plans for French Nor-COSTA MESA Clean 2 adfls refs 546-6259 631-1266 crpts. drps, palnl. gar • SUl'!deck pallo carport •" mandy Agt 759-9070 bed. lba lor couple or carport No pels $800 Ltdo lslarid ctlarmlng 3Br S800 No.pels ;60_ 17 13 single Gar898 $500/mo 3 Br 1 ba W-CM, gd c:ond Spack>Ys 3Br 2Ba. lrplG, mo water pd 650-7737 2Ba hme wlbrlek paho CIST& IH.& W rfr th I Ktds ok Avail 811 S850 rumpus rm w/bar Fncd or 64~3942 673-2523, (818)790-9921 abulous 38r 2'),ba. 210c IC( SUSlll! 2 Lots 5Kle-by·side 12 ito •• •es •c. mo 548.-.4312 aft S yro. obi oar. new pain1. sit Condo w/lam rm : Pl C Garages stressed tor 2nd 131-ltOO llJ·IHO crpl & drps $1 175 24 10 * * c Bdrm 2ba In H&Jb<Y UH ISLE HIT&LS lrpls/spa s 1500/mo 50! Sharp bachelor ondo llOOt Two 2Bdrm tBa E-~ 2Br sq&JeMy clean College 645-3453 View. spact0us corn« lot Summer & Yearty Narcissus Ave 6«-8135 near South Coast Plaza Houses New drps. paint, etc S750 FIP. s 1650 786-8451 • 3BD pool home Ooty $52.500 Try low dn •1t1 FH,, lllTS Newport ,_r pertect 2br Child & pet ok 760-8862 Spacious, attract Ive • 3BO maids qtrs bayfronl 81 Sdn de VIiie Diesel, ha: Pa1nct1 Tenore 631· 1266 n • 2ba under $600 llat Twnhme 3Br 2Ba, 2 car JBdrm. 2Ba. formal dine summer SSSOO/mo turn been great car, exce I ~-. Offered al $227.000 539-6190 Besl Alty lee AJ LAST! gar. pauo, ultl hkup. frplc rm lam rm New crpt, IP· 0 .. 11 cond $7500. 760-5090 • • r · Cartf I koffi War4 1000 sq It $975/mo Avt drps, paint grdrir v· ~ ~ 131-2242 J&CllS RUln a .... lt9tal now• (213)256-5479 S 1350<>w:,~]Agl sec Ct1tl ••n 212• PlfflUIAIEaflT S.'*-YHC. Two$425renlelpedsbotn 111, IBdrm S-494 & 2Bdrn ~Sunho\\ 114/lll-1113 ffft lt .... W"rtll w/appls men area one CarlJA Sctffi War4 $570 POOi, lndry rm ··~ile Bt•ts 11eo .... A.I! tnclS ultl delatlS 539-6190 131-2242 . 11 .. ·~"'''"'I carports 548--0336 &·alt~ •UDO PARK MARINA l&lNI blu• .w.vv TELERENT Best Ally tee !BDRM DUPLEX $475 Waterlronl 1 Bd doll llYHHT TllPlO W• te Tnti• Pan 1266B PlaGenlla (beh1nc house. 1mniac new lurn. Frplc & gar Upper wtlh 2er 2Ba $725 mo •6733 2260) No pels 5.48-8500 carpels/drapes Turni..ey Mtaataia Desert view• S850 nego .1:8338 •Widest SelectlOtl TllllllT ll1t ... "' Soatlt Coast M•tro s•••p I CLW $45 000 Call Owner (2 13) ' 50 Jtl£1(1f 171t •••A • Updaled Oa.ty -2215 -850~ 1910 (7 tC) 645 2179 In.rt 14 · ---•All Areas & Prices · 2Bd 2ba D/W, Pflv patlO 3 Bd 1•., ba lrplc ca-C1p1"1tr1at • Oi>en 7 ~ 9am 7pm Ou1 Ptu' t 2226 WESTCLIFF 3 Bdrm. den, AIR cu•m••E• 'lice locallon 353 Hamil ~ Flrwct 8x'42 1Bd Iba 675 88 O ottlce. 2'11ba. gardener. 1 s6951 6"~979c thedral ce1t1ng hv/dm le .. 2%11 6 no pets S 1,300 5.48-5313 2 BA 2 BA Condo on. mo .. "'" Estate sate musl move• area cntr1 aff/heal lge AC • IUCI CITIASE SliO w/carpor1 Nr So Coast 28d 2ba Mesa Verde. fp S2 595 obo 55 7 • 3391 gar 1660 sl on 5 ac 'Ag! CUSTOM BUil T lrg spill Or Stop By 2 I 2 Hflew Frple & nlCe Immaculate 3bd 2ba, COV· Ptza $4)95/mo 3BR 2BA DIW.nu cpt/pnl no pets 5 ST AR PAR~ on C M See $74 900 619-367-9~5 level 2 br 2'~ ba 2130 leftAft llYlt yard Avg Isl ;14930 e<ed pa1t0. dbl gar no pets c 0 n d 0 w 1carp0 r 1 s700 499_..721/Laguna to apprec compl up-wasllldryr S750 AppllC p ,.... F TtUIEIT 115-18'0 11vtS1100 546-5313 S795/mo C all Fred graded dbl wide 241160 Foreclosures tn Big Bear lkn Avail 8115 661-2871 !Balboa eninsuta ee -63 I 1266 or Patrick 2Br 1 ''tB• $650 6 IC 2br 2ba. df'!n glass lake Realty World all last rent IC>P981ing Ftut1ia Macaifictltt 2-stj J t I Tenore, Agt Joann St Adlts pref . 54.lnrm patt<>-1111 appi. ~~wm;",. 4)8~~~ Ren-CtroH •el Jiu 2222 21>< •bode crp1d lhru-ou1 VaJJaw 2234 Frplc, wetbar, dbl gar ~ Small pet Ok &45~53 1ut'CeS Ownet 548 9846 as< 1 2 br. 1 ba. close 10 bch, avail 8/1 $49'4 into 'k>rder ~r""'" 1315 hm s1coo mo Pet ok •'4939 I ·~~;r; R 2Br 1,,.,8a Twnhse 323 E Oat tf State 511·~ Begonia. S8501mo •539-6190* .,... TILHEIT 115 1110 t ---llW, G S680 IA YSllE YILUIE , ... ty I 550 (213) 461 0665 Xlnt are& 3br 3ba A-1 cheap but clean w /appls -n 18th ar~ pallO On the w atet"lronl back r _ r _ decOr tease optlOtlal kids or to 3bf '°'' S695 al Npl Bch Bayfroni Looking No oe1s 5 tO l5 Agl bay Pr1v beach pools IUYEI FIOIT 2 Br 2''rba du flex ok worth ITIOfe at 539-6l90 Be.st lee to Sflr 1'.>t M1l1ton Dollar Apu1aeati FuaisllM IBr tBa 1920 Wallace 1acc. clubhouses & boat 360 Acr~ ot Meadows Ocean/Bay view 1550 t Rlty lee 53M 190 Designer home w/prot n-Aelrlg No pets $'460 slips avail BEAUTIFUL spnng led ponds pines mo 642•92!>4 alt 6pm Eastside 2Br 188 But. 11.te• 2240 smkr 5 bdrm, living, lam Sletra Mgmt 550-1015 Musi see to Appreciale and rtm-rock back -garaoe Grdnr. wale< pd 3Br. 2b• Condo. qulel & din rooms, lrptcs. pvt 2BR 1'),ba twnhse, gar S50.900 300 E Coast tiwy ground Rushe home and * FRiil RIW * S800 No pets 646-2389 area. 2 car gar pool, 9ba. lg pallo,dock & gar lilMI <ti:-lrplc. pv1 pallo. S625tmn Newpon Beach 673-1331 outbu1td1ngs Excellent lmH TerrlCt Eastslde 1Bdrm house. yd $950 mo &c~ 1156 vi 1950/mo 675-3859 lal1a• l>VVV no pets, 276 Avocado SI 11 50 tetms '320.000 000 abulous unobstructed gar S575 Eutslde $700 3/2br incl den r.ewer Npl Hts designe< 2 bdrms, NICE 2 BR. upper ga1age 548-7510 or &42-5722 Ap1rtaeat1 RANCHRESEAROi vM.1Wlfrad111orial2Bdrm Bacf\elof Unit. carport lcrtch I/yd gar klds/petS newly decor. 1 ba trplc ava il able vearlyS600ESide dht28rMthm UNIQUE Htsl 29 Uml Apt REAL TY and lamtly room home $450 Cheryl 631-1266 many others 539-6190 $90()/mo 645-1048 752 51 81 adll park relg. d/w gas House ANO 25 000 Of 1503> 882-0!>44 With pool, privacy and 2 ~ Bes1 Rfty lee p eferred NB a ea 3b Ilse d 759 5590 673 7787 r ommercoat ren1a1s 69 1"So Sixth St car garage Long terms -·r · ~egantlyap~nted~110 Ct1tl1111 2624 P • • • S25 000 GS I ask1119-; 2 1Kfamath Falls Or 97603 lease OK Aelerences re-ClllCl 111 Cllll many others av all OW If Ill 2BR 2ba, gar. cpts/drps Mtf Bkr 95'3 17'0 s111n &1m1u HIE Qutred S3800 per month Gar. lp8. pool. d'wstlr & 539-6190 Best Alty lee ALL UTILITIES PAID wp~Dt ,,"ook1 upc,hpl ,adllO.OtklO Call MaryAnn McGutre, patio S515 mo # 8'481 c 1 "' C.a•erci aJ ce1 wtmst w11e. 'ba stu-Agt at 673-CCOO WTS8ll Tn -m 11•11•• Aen1 lor so-1. ownership om pare be ore you S675/mo 181 Del Mar P r+. 1250 dto & lV •oorn lnground !Bdrm IBa House $575 1u.u1 r -Require partrnH w/good rent Newly decorated Mgr Apt H &45•9455 "r:..:!. pool lg yard S 140 000 Bd 2',ba dplx 615 I Bdrm 188 Apt S550 for lam h·m ooean cis 21>< credit for ownership custoni design leature, LAGUNA BEACH 4000 st! (114) 380-7981 Martgold S 1350/mo .,8,1 811 No pets 2ba yd 6 garage ss75 ariterest In luxury I Bdrm pool, bbq, cov'rd garage. 1Br, ulfls pd S500 No t:>ldg 133 frontage "-L l&OO 64o--0900 720-9218 53g..6190 Best lee Versailles Condo Total surroonde<J wUh ptuah peta Carport, lndry l3c Great owner /user tor I.E. s.J1:C.l•ft Cer•J I Sc•ttf War4 pymts s 1000/mo You re-landscaping No pet a 383 W Bay 760--8083 siore 01 olhces Home & CdM SF A 45' sltp lrade 1~~j1~~bap~:e~~~C,::· 131-2242 Landmark T/HM! Adults ce1ve an ta• benefits Furntshecl IBdrm •Mesa verci. 2Br lBll Ouple• behind tn qarden ; tor comm 1ndu5t I)( n Walk to bcti Ava.I now 10 2b< 2ba. P•llo. gar S800 Ownet 650 878 I 365 Wiison 642-1971 New decor. dahwshr. 08, 'lett1n9 S 1 2 Mtllton OPEN HOUSf SattSun Nov I $2250/mo CtiJI Almosl""' 960-l789 ev "lll'W Y1rw YI._ ff Ht. ltac• 2640 $650 No pets 640-2495 S400K dn Qwnef hnanc; I~ h.H '4321675-6120 cOllecl 805-969-2662 Pltml&IU2+2Sl10 • K;"' K;"' ur •no Days 49c 16:l3 ,,, U W -~ 1625 Elegant 83yfront lrg 28•. lllTIUClf$fllHT •NrSCPtza,S A 28r 1011 e-..es 494 8401 t • H lcw "harMtng Duplex tge 2br. ~ ~-:::o:r SIUdy. 3Ba 2200 a<i It QUIET RESORT LIVING Condo POOi, spa. carprt .na11 /IFflC( ILIC IGenu1rlf! lnv~tor wm pay 2'1t ba. den 2 sty. loft, SIDE lg b<tvld new 3B Country kl1Ch, wood •Sparkllng healed pool S675 No peta 722-8011 -. ca<1l'l lor your propeny for lplC. wsh/dryr nu Clpt & 3'hBa Pv1 Bth In .; JtW(IT 115-1110 ttoors. wine Cttll111, mlr-•Covrt yard view t11nlng •STUNNING Lg 1 & 2Br fll $Al( rtqht prrr.r or IPrms No pnt S 1375 640-6069 bdrm Frplc ml<:tO. lncd rors. stameo glass, sec •VIQntille BBQ areas Newpof1 Center 11 000 sq 1,11mm1C1ts Patrt<k Tenore ule 2Bd lbfl, sm )'G. no yrd 2 1:4r 08' S l350 Avl S~t~= JIR Sys Boal dock avL •Twllghl dine in court yrd ::;5 ~;,~ 7 ~tW ~~ l't Irvine ground lease C.3 1 I 2s., pets $750/mo yrty s 1000 ammed 151 Alo.t P1 S2200/mo Wall sell tor g&Zebos H9rb Reuter TDF Inc ~~\·? aumme< ret1tal 720-0578 64S-0968 OPFN DAIL y Tn.flm 111-1110 $485.000 or will lte Of)· •Sp&clOus Apartmenls 752-22 0 22 ,, ••,. ,: • hon Nn pets 720 3912 •Your own pvt palto 28r tBa in ._Plea etptS drps, blllns, $575 t SSOO dee> No peta S4Q-4'484 11-,__, ant 2Bd home pvt ·tide 3 9d 1hn w/ftptc:, lmH 2244 Yll HUI-IT •Gourmet kltc:hOn h exn Vaah 13 ,. patlo,gor. nr Shopt/beh lncd yd, no Pf!IS S775/mo H •New dOv.t ,.,.. CtPt S 1450/mo 640 c-;s5 646-3177 tve mMS Beeutlf\JI 28r 2Ba. dbl (I r OAT ED VILLAGE COM-•Lrg walk-In cloMts YHM WOI 1 lmft E11T191 SEMI RETIRED eng & wtle w/opnr Lovely grdn MUNltY 2Bdrm 2'1tBa •G•led CO.....lld prting Apl w/'hflW redecol'atod • 28dtma. tBa 2 lBdrm~ ""'II h!Y!''MI lo 1mp<0Ye & ly 81 SN! Sl!50 2br ,,,,. xocullV11 Condo, turn w/grdnf Prof Cple M-1600 sq 11 of PURE .v/tlor8Q& I Br wllolt 2Ba. •II I Ba 1 lBdrm, IBI 1,rc1tec1 yQvr MW E.xcel off PCH 1trti.11e decor .-v 11 tndc>of 5P41 mull• tired No P9ts $975 I yr LUXURY G•tage SPA tn arnenltlet No petl S89~ ~/mo Income Of tit.grd 4 refer 760-8688 ~;-~~90 ~t.~ Io o 'i;;4 11~~= I~: IM '494 2'487 masler~ujtbes I Dtnr 1 1ng ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED mo 2151 Padftc Call lef'tld a1 14~.000 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN ' room. ~ um ng re-(7 1 •)865-0&6$ •............. ·-~ ABULOUS SPYGLASS ncd 3b< hm Ct'lt"" k1tCh nr " 1 ....... _ pi.c., mlcroweve oven. 18d 28d & 28d T.nh,,,. C..., -•• BtasnFuaj1 .. M vu1 StOfy •BA Jba p11r tt1ct toc~i $700 l>f"''>".~·..,.,_condo private patio El-EGANT Furnlahed llyou11now'Wf\atyouw11nt Qf_..ftiQ F/Rm $I HS Obi Qllr Avall llVINO only 1~ mlrNI .. lllS!t our mod4tl Dally ~ 6 to lldv.rtlte but don't vety g11tden 780 lc68 539 6 190 Beat R1Ty IM lmmGCI 854-8467 to So Co Pl&la. JUll eut Sorry, no Pitt• knOw how to NY It. tel ua 91.!~~ OR LEASE Lrg 48' 38a. T~TLE ROCK 2BR 2ba N-i><>rt Blvd & IOUlh of LA OUINl A HERMOSA help Wo11--11ten Cl SS!· rly S72S Cute IBR nae ..._.. Verde uee home oen. etnum. COVd patlO. San Otego fr~ 2'473 16211 p llllde Ln HB n.d adl wtH put you tn grdnt f\Hri tncd pe1io S 12$0/mo Cltfl Lorry •v.11 Aug 5 no e>et•. Orange Ave 831 ~9 By er · touch wllh 1he right Cel (714\ ,«-C>ee7 ~5NO Af _; 19 aw1 ontv ..! Ul ·1441 peoote 842-~18 ~~~~~~ffi. , Est111'91 n Ai1Ve~ng wpptehWnt to tWe•eAfl'.V Prt.OYISdti>fth.*Y! WJt./ 20. t'995 12 id 3r 0 81 '5 ' 0 n d Ir 0 1 r a !I ~ . -----~-------------------------------------------------------------...... ntl UaJ. Atutantl~ UaL ltat1l1 te 2914 C11t111111 IMcla flit F rt Lie~ 27H~-P"~~...,..--1 •3Br 2Ba, 5 yrs otd ~~: btt~ ~· 180 2 gat:::· :~~dy~~ 2~r l 'Aba Condo llke new, 1,ze:kl: ~al~rs,:: W/O, ::C."'~ic:ro. Vy,-NB/CM 645-1808 af6PM - s795tmo8a. ~ ~ Must Mrp#ic lndty S725/mo 84~51 saoo1asm.20 ~1yg6:~8b~ .. ~ay Call 673-6323 aft 6pm Quiet ~ Mr Sandets. Malute Prof Mother & 1368 ~ 278 & 209 at •2Br 1 ~ _,,., · -,. -.....,.,.. 494-2166 or 549--8211 S • ' 0 2080 Gatden Ln 3M A¥0Cado SUWlll YlLUIE ---NEWPORT HEIGHTS 280 daughter wl med1um 130/sq ft 1617 West· :0 ts. Agt. 54e-seoS Tll _,-"2· 1111 2 81. 2,'1t ba, pool/spa, Iba frt/bck yds S580 no COM F/M 25+ w/rels saed elderly dog want C11tt, NB Agl 541-5032 pe W/D, • ml fr bee<:h 6 Wkng n-smkr ctn/resp 2·3 8d Apt/Hse CM/NB Eastslde 1Br, ..,,.. bUt Lag 2Bd, E'llcM, pool, pn. WIT Ill? S 1100/mo 17 14)63 1·3675 ~~~0~~1l;1:,4:'~ ~~';: Matr 8d w/ba s.4-00 + uitt. area-Sept Up to S 1000 l.ldo VIiiage 359-~ 18 sq rt cozy w/lott of nat wood vate~tlo.$&50,Nopett. 2 Master suites 2,,., ba W-720-279-4/H-720-9913 Collee1(818)505-8940 offioes with AIC & xtn1 $485 No pell 990-29452 646-137 c.11 11-7pm ~~~~ .';,~:-condo, view, gv & Cfprt, S.attl LlpU 2711 CdM F n/amkr, pvt Ba, MATURE resp. cpl. no ~~r·~~· e~~~::n l1 incl E·Slde Dix Condo 3Bd mTllT. * 1 & 28r, 1 & 2Ba suites S 1000/mo, agt 499· 1601 Small sectUded stUdlo a.pt, yar. w/d , d/w S400 pets want to rent 2-3 bf g 2ba. AJC. ~~ ~o. $725/mo 2Br 1 ~Ba •SpaciOYs townhouses •W&nlHHT* ~~~t~ct~ ~99 ~276 mo 20-0337 (213)693-2560 ~~~: .... !." _ ~}! ,.7~r5ea New Bldg. OC Airport trple Pool/tv.w~. QtMet TWnh• EutlkSe ~ irFireptaces Beaut1tul 2br, 2ba den "' 'Q Cktan/neat-riEf aP.-shr ~v-~ V'I ~ area Corner ot RedhtH & loc no pets. Aval 7127 g#age · lndty rm ' Outei •Private balconies or apl encl gar pvl IH•I ,..,_ w/n/smkr female S290 ~ Retired Navy man. acuve BnstOI 700 sq f1 & 1350 s975t mo 4 dep 8-42-3095 loc. ' Garden patlOs beach boat mooring •~ ''t ut1ls Tony 675-5909 emptoyed, non-amkr (but sq 11 lmmed occpy E Side lg QlMt 28d Nu 2310 Santa Ana avatlabl6 $2195 2 rms 1 lvm, ottw oe>tl --doesn't mind smokers) A & H INVESTMENTS cp1s. drpe, pnt. patio, TSL MGMT 642-1603 WIT 111! Sorry no pets 760--09 !9 CIOse 10 bch Mature adlt E·Slde CM furn house Good attitude needs 852-87 14 lndy-359 Woodland-No •3 Ligl'lled tennis COYrts • wlret 6-42-1 196 female 25 to 35, BR BA room lf'I c M by 7/3 1 p t S695mo 673-3e00 * 2 Swimming pools JSR. 2 ba, fireplace, 11eps w/priv entrance Please cell 545-0889 Nwpt Ben across from 8 9 meatiB.AU *Streams & pon<1s to beactl Immaculate COM Furmsl'led exec S400 Incl uut 548-8773 Jonn Wayr.e Airport 600 EXTRA NICE lrg 1Br 11'5-0fry. no pets $975/mo yrty, 673-2508 suite w1lh tulf bath & ----~ 11 2 ottices • rec;eo-w/~""' No petS $495 TIW•llES * F l•"'I II -relng No Cooking tacih-Fem n-smkr to shr condo, 11on ~rea S 1 25 nross 64&:36.18 an 3:30 . urn..,, nos ava $850/mo 28r 2Ba. sec ties Pvt entrance $.425. prv bdrm. patio. gar $350 %912 852-8713• ---=-=-...,,..,..,:-=.--...... ftr .... WHY NOT CALL comm., pool & spa. Walk Sheryl 673-31 t7 m o 1 utlf 646-7•66/eve H::5 ~=.,!er~~~ F~~~~~i>9~sbl IH·i1H ~~ .. ~~ ~!~~6~~gSS:,' C M in 3bd 2ba home. Femprof30+shrE astbMt ~~a ~c ~~~ ~ ~57~~~~ dbl gar. Very private. Pet 1Bdrm $77()..$795 SUWlll YILUl!E Agt Grubb & Enis · turn pv1 balh, all Ptlv C 0 n d 0 "'1 5 8 m 8 Mesa 673-7787 Completely decorated ok 642-5765 before.,,_ 2Bdrm 2'"""'· s9 15 • $350/mo 5"9-3674 Wshr/Jryr pool, tenn19 x-20 Ready now• 990-2952 _.,, noa llCMo••l!f Pvt rm & ba Avl 811 Costa Mesa. encl 10 • '595/mo 2 8d 1ba patk>, 2Bdrm 2'/tBa ' Oen $935 l5555 Huntington VIiiage naw Empl person will be snug $.400 • •., ullls 72()..-0.t83 storage only Avl 811 187 XLNT RA TES pool lndry rm E-9'de 1oc 16&6 W 18th 645-2739 Lane from San Diego &PlllTMEITS as a bug 1n room w/pvt E 2 tst St 645-7234 SUPER LOC-UTIL 1NCL ' Ill . •1 Freeway, l'IOfth of Beach oa Pool kite. laundry Fem rmmt shr ntoe COM FROM Sl SF & UP els 10 a lo McFaoden west on Al Bayshores-Bayfront priv Back oay area S395 hse turn $350/mo Avail Single & Oout>+e garage.s CAL l 17 14)968-8193 TSL ~'-:,!;.GBayEMENT Wi:§l:Fll'!lcl McFadden 3 bdrm 3 oath 2400 SQ ft ncl 111 546-6740 now• 759-0701 Eastblutt 1oc storage 1rplc. carpels drapes all 1 u -ot1ty S951S 150 640-6379 . 642-1603 Ima• 2744 appliances swim pool FIM nlsmkr. pov ba kit Fem shf 3i 2t>a NB Penn l•llHll .. :~JglP~~~e 28r t'it a Woodbridge Annuallease S2S00tmo prvlges unlurn $300/mo turn N-. Ava11 8/1 Office ltatals 2914 leatall 2916 llSTllT• •'Apts lortamniesw/lor2 Condo AIC. 2 carports luxurious 548-1501(9-5) C M 631-3390 Afler 6pm $260/rl;io y 650-129S 1368.634,59'4&2Wsq n EAST tftH STREEi 5575/mo lg 180 Iba Apt, children near patk Heat $350/mo 720-0876 Bayndge New 2 Bd 2ba C 1 Laguna Sch Mastr Bdr pri Fem shr Oceanfront Bal at s 1 30 l617 Westctitt. Successful rela•I 1oca1100 nr SC Plaza. Easy twy ac-paid No pets IOW LUSlll! plan S 1350/mo yrly avail ba emplyd ma1ure lady condo PflY bd/be,prkng NB SA 1 5032 Agt appro• 3200 SQ n store cess, Quiet toe 2Bdrm l'l•Ba $895 • 1120 refs 720 1192 $400' 1ulll 49 4. 7346 SSOOlmo 675-5436 S3500tmo Bkr 645-6266 822 JENNIFER 2Bdrm 2ea $720 IEW ••••JIEITS 2 Rooms approx 355sq ft, • TSL MANAGEMENT 398 W Wiison 631·5583 aran BRAND NEW BAYAIOGE M1ss1on vie1o k1tch & lndry Fem smkr 30• stir 2Br 2Ba A/C, drapes Asking Ceaatrnll 642-1603 cam CIEH I Condo 2Bd 2ba gated prvlc>gs access to Lake Pk ~p;· ~I 15f!O-°:r~ $320/mo 645-6266 lea ta.ls 2911 I.ST&...,. c£••• CIEEI community AIC frplc;, S'OO 857-6523 days ref 1 'ull -~-----------· _.......,.8 .. 8 _,. pool spa gar door open Fem wanled snr 2bf apt Good office space av&I LAGUNA 4000 s I blog '725/mo Beautiful 281, ~-u ,. E;!~:, ~1~e1~':'ar~~ e1 Oshwshr trash com-PV1 entr m OCC Ou"'' w/skytt C M $325 mo w estchtt & dr;;:; NB 133 tron1 on matr• r......, 28a townhouse. frplc, APAITIEITS atmospnefe ol Wood pactor m1e10 beautiful Oir1s11an non-smkr or Debra W 971-6332 or Call 631 311 -4pm :;,~~~G1~1 ~~os":;;! lndry rm, all blt111s Immaculate, large Garden bridge Village Cross landscaping S 1350 mo drtnker S375 556-0637 H-548-3981 9 16 SQ " Medical/Gen 01-garden setting $I 2r, ~ ! TSL MGMT 642-1603 A.pts Beaut1full'-land-Creek and Cedar Creek years lease Refs perfect flee No Costa Mesa E /Wk .. A,,_~2 • ...,.,1 , for BusyEAec 720 lt92 Quie1navenforbusyE~ec F'IM n smkr 10 snre 5 br $8241 Tom 832 4 161 Lse lse opl c.all <h~ Yea n...., .,.. -....:c: s c •Ped gr ounds o If er u n 1 Que t w o Npl Sch pr ba 11 i.. prn1 hme stps to l>Ch k11 pnv mo • 494· 1633 evs •94-8.40: "IEW CONDO 2br 21,'tba t pool/~a. patio/declt No bedroom apartments IOYfll/WtSTCLIFF non-smk $350 644-0369 $400 wtulll 650-3231 CdM s oest ottices $.425-OtticeiShOQ 14 ,.40 Avl carpets, Ille. 1rplc, hoge peta located near a variety of Large 1 Bdrm upstairs S 1100 incl utll AIC, pkg 9 gar w/apener. pool, jac .. !Bdrm $595-$605 conveniences tor all balcony pool Quiet area Hoteb,lltteh 2904 llrvine 3Bd 2oa Condo 1anitor 2855 E Coast n5o w 301 AB .. Hacroe>1' C •• 2Bdrm 1'/. Ba $700 a es · • -OIW mtero pool 1ac 675 6900 yt lvO Hart>Ot a .. er n • across from .... HOSpt· • $750 * 9hopp1nn $650/mo 645-6646 sr•uH IOTll Resp n-smk~ 552-4455 Hwy • an ime CM Call Owne1 650-3386 tat $900/mo. 675-9797 28drm 2Ba S ,. 1U1 --131 E 18th 646-68 t6 * Tlileatres wlk 10 bell. 1 bdrm condo Wkly rentals now avail lMate to shr l'\Ouse nr CHllA IEl IAll la• .. tri1J NEWE-SIDEDlJPLEX 15 1E.21st 548-24-08 •Recrea11on w/pool. 1acun1. wt rm $140/wk&up 2274N--0 CC $175/mo CoaSI Hwy oftlCe with JBO. 2BA. bltlns, hkups, 50 vanguard 540-9626 •Parks $775 548-41211632 7191 port Blvd C M 646-7445 751 .5368 or 548_8495 9 1 ea 1 ,, 151 ti1 11 t \I leal1h 2920 encl yd, rrutt trees. grdnr, *Lakes r I SUll LODI!£ Janato11al flit cond and 1100 so 11 2 ott•ces gar families wanted, no lYAIWlE llW Selected umts w1lh LJllDLORDS! S1:& • M esa V~rde home ott street parking No warehouse p11me 1oc. pets, MC dep & ref req 181 tng. range, laundry cathedral ceilings Some 1026 W Coast Hwy New K• It nen pr iv Ga' tease requ11ed S7501mo freeway cto~ 675 6;.>C.1 i 1100 546-6985 . carport No pets units wllh income restnc Fill Tiii Y&CUCIES port Beacil relng TV S 3 0 0 mo as It tor HARBOR REAL TV POOL · 1 ........ x...., SSSO/mo tions No pets perm111e<1 FAST I FREE $140 wksgl no deposit Charla1ne 645-0303 673 4400 Stor11e 2922 ·patio •• .,...., • .,,.. 1 W 19th ST 5~" iu 92 ---·---------1 & 2 Br ants E Side .. ~ For additional 1ntor-M F 2b• Iba CdM nr China E 224 648 SF 990 I useage u :.55 up ..... 55J .2-:.~ 1 m allon and d1rect1ons Quality lenanta walling tor G1est Boats 2905 ' N I I Dana P0<n1 xce4 ioc S 175 & UP See Mgr .:: :?9 .., ..... 7 • l your home or apt vove qcn vu ea c ean Coast Hwy 350 SQ tt ~ kl1 --, ___ 2B-d I t•--AL 2140 p1ease call< 1 CALL&l 5 BB&O Ch11st1an Retiremenl nsmkr S450675-3660 s4oomo Agt 661•6772 120E23rdStCM :>par ng c-. rm aa . -• 733-0404 Open daily • Home for Women a 1011- '' ·Ba $665. AJ1 ut«itlet 8 00 AM to 6 00 P M ng caring a1mowhere in M /F prof n-smllr shr 2 br FllH llEllT II HATS, CAllPlRS UI paid, retrig, garage. 1 3 bdrm, 2 baths. tndry. Model untts All&ilable TELERENT 2830 Nwpl Bl ~ home selling Loe m CoM hse nr ooh SSOO Bea h• P 1 ltTll ... ES • child ok no pets garage 1 ml l o bch No mo dep 759-0281 Hunllngton c ro 1960 wail _. peta S69S/mo Call Craig now tor July occupancy OCEANFRONT t yr lease Cos111 Mesa Beaut ta-bldg, 4 mos tree rent S5S-S75 a monl h ace_ 642 _ 905 63 l -1266 WHlllllHE 2llRI 21lr 2ba $ t200 1'1 1ost c1t1ty F-urn rooms. yummy M /F shr 28d 2ba Apt HB plus improvement allow· BAYSIDE VILLAGE \ ? S800 '. k 1 S •6465 3707 Stiashore 88t> 1284 Mme cooking 549 2169 nr Adams1Bch 969-1326 1 ance 10 qualified PfO 300 E Coasl Hwy Np1 fk'1 TME YICTHIAI • ·~~·~··· on 8 e pal lllO PLISM llll OOllO C1dlat1an 5 13-14 19AM 9PM tor more into IMS1onals 700-1500 Sq 113-1331 l Br 1 '"'ba w/gar S635 Iii lEHIT ll • fefll at 85¢ Call now IOf' Ne w c pts/drps,btt-fT L le L 2741 Frplc. pool d ~ti• S600 Newlyhltc ~ cle~~ 01eco~~'1 10ceanr1ont 2 Rooms 10< appl l w ells 835-0818 NEED STORAGE SPACE? ms fncd yd water pd i all IC. Sm pet ok A119 I "122R •ve m °' e e< Y n rent n·smkr M F SSOO FIRST ltlTI FllU 661 VICTORIA ST I ..... ," a1ra-1 EAN I w 28R apt nLEIEIT 17s..1110 rooo a< 1tv_111es Reas ea per mo•yrly 675-9564, LAGUNA BEACH soo sq s • ..., .. _,, s ---v 't P s 6 3 o 6 7 2 2 or n Coast Hwy Enclosed a.e ..... arr:>ot ,,... toraQI' 636-4120 1-SPM 2 t 2 t trplc. gar. d'wshr & w/pool S65011ea se Small bach apt at bt'&<.h 840 689 or •9 I 2690 PARK NEWPORT prol 1 pai king oc"a" ,,,6 w AH S11"5 Info ··s 2305 UNIQUE 1Br S600 Up decil S700 mo 'IM-06 L<19Una Ally 494-0077 avail 3 wks 1n Aug SJ~O S n smli.r lie 30 s S400 ur S625 mo S:>i' ~990 Sing16 (Jard~ ne.tr 18th & PRIVATEpalio.carpor1 UIEIT 111-1110 2769 depreqd650-7092 u••tt 2614436551-2244 Placen11a s·5 mo POOL, SPA Quiet. no pets Brlle & sunny 28r 28a lea ti ls 2906 PROFESSIONAL 011e• 30 Sttrl I 29 6 •5 488t- TOP Aree 2650 Har1a S700 Lovely 1Br I Ba S,lif·ltHI 2+21121 f.i BR 180 view hOme near shr 2Br 2Ba NB Condo .-.--. ... ___ _......,Ill( MESA PINES 5-49-2447 $525 All Nive new crpts, Frple, gar & beeut vtewl twnlbeh S675 wkly Also N15mkr S325 646-7332 drps, freshly painted & Prime location .4'675• Sp.h10u' \ln(jlt> uni• rm S3501wl<ly 494-6930 PROFESSIONAL female WI tfHl l Ollllf cleaned. Pv1 patio, encl llllllll lll-1110 6f two hl"tlrn11i11 ,1pt' Wiiiy rentals Nwpt Pen1n tor delua baytront lido .Vent 1 tetection of graat gar No pets From $550 wk wk Steps apar1 NB $750 673 7864 living? We call olf8f any-Dee 8•0-5504 riplex 2BR lba. patio, 10 bay or beach VILLA thing from a small apt to •ARLINGTON APTS• encl gar n-ly redee. R[NTALS 575.4q12 Prof male 45 plus nr So 8 48d hse If l<><*lng In Quiet, tpedOUS great loc Newport Hts. · Cs1 P1za C M & 405 Frwy CM,NB,Of HB think of ut v...v cloM to be8Ch $300/mo. 1903 C11y St. lag Sch Odtm «>I J !:Ilks nr S325 & S50 dep 432-7366 ri ' f t ... t ...... ........_ of -• Or tve by then call town bf'acn $135 'wknd rs or ,,. ... """"" 2Br l'l't8a Twnhse $675 673_3365 $385/wk 494_6930 Rmmt stir 38d rise 1n HB 1 Ideal living 0<ry no pets 536-0490 ~ '"' m1 Ir ocean S275 • 1 3 fSL MGMT 642-1603 • VILLA BALBOA ltrg 1BR N B dup!Eo• 100 ulll 536 3525 •I 6PM NB REAL TY 875-1M2 V«Y quiet 1 br COl'ldo. Lrg 2 bf, MC bldg. rLIRNISHf 0 or from ocean S675 wkly Stir 380 2ba Vtt>W pool WEITWl Yl.Ull ~~',!8"~1 =~ ;~~"'1Ar~3~ UNf"URNI HfD Jell or Jim 675-6670 Ma lure lam n ,mk 28R l't. ba. MSSS Wort! (71•) 891--8e58 rw...-S$ Nwpl ocnlrnt Condo furn S4't0 6-'5 6557 New catpetlng Home (213) 494-7070 Westcfltt area 18d .clnt IOf rmn;, 3Bd 288 wl cl 1 pr~no Shr CdM house Avall 8 1 Pool & Spa-No Pets aenlof' citizen Quiet, walk CHUH. n•11s, $850/wk 673-343'1 S350 Plus ulll 662-3360 6'45-8122 8J3.8917 Cetta .... 2114· i~~~~~~~~~:f 5~~g SNllllC, ,i.s ~ICllita days or eves 675-1259 ____ ..:_ ___ ..i.::::::::=====:ttvEARL y 2 bf, 1 ba, c.rprt, "::' ... -:.-~· ••••••• 2907 $hr nlet'I CM 28d fem pref a«OSI from beech. Sun .,.. Cllly t t. I. Ion t>each in OC:anslde 2 No kids pe1s $325/mo • WOODLAND VILLAGI 10am-5pm 111 •2 St. NB br cotl<lo wkly/daily rates S200sec Nr bch Av1tH811 APAllTMlllTI YH IUllYI IT //L l •. 1J""d 1661 !> 7 0 4 °' 496 - 8906 ~~50:~::'0,::6-4~ A TED VILLAGE COM-~vv IHtal1 •• straight no smktd<ugt . Comt ' tn!OY our prdell style _,n Quttt. toml0tt• ~vine. MUNITY 2Bdrm 2'.+Ba Ap..rtmtnh SlaMt 2908 M ff o-.rww prot M 55 clow lo hftWays' So ~ Plv• lfl\tle only minults to Ille 1600 aq " or PURE $442rrno. 786-9713 bfM~ r>Mlltl' ~vail.iblt "°Pf lS PtlASl LUXURY Garaoe SPA In Ntwport 8~•ch ~o Newpo<t '''"°a JBa 2ba m111ter suites Dining I 70tl I blh c,111.,.t patlO.shr gt1r $3?3 , ulll IF Shr yrty JBD 2ba ,_,. • SH.I • l-'-1 ..-S room. woodt>urning fl<• '"' 811 650 537 1 Duplett NB 1 blk 10 bCh H-.• .....,..., place, mletowave oven, I.it Dnvrn "' $~7!> 113 utll 645-34~ 1 -....... H p.rtvale patio ELEGAN'f 641 511 l Npt 8ch Baytront l ool<tng J MllllUI ....,lll LIVING only 15 mlnut• Ntwport Buch No 10 shr ,.,. Miilion Ooll&r lntals Wu ... 2tll ' w Ttl -.. to So Co Pl1a, jul1... o.slgn<ttf homit wtp.rof n 1---------IAI. IUT I 111' I NftPott Blvd & IOYth of SHO l1111n .. Avt nut• amlu 5 bOrm. llV!ng, tam Prof neeot 1 bOrm apt °' San Diego freeway 2473 (M I nthl & din r00ms. lfPIQ pv1 etucuo by 8115 1n CdM O<angeAY963t M39 By b45 1104 N . lg petlO.doek & oar Npt No t..gun& Sandy llPC)t onty .vi $9Mlmo 67r..JW '1416'&59 ot W-9090 .!!:=~==:::::::::~==~~~~ We Want to Tell You Where To Put It ... LAGUNA SELF STORAGE 495-6900 • \f'"\C f\ f R0 \1 $40" w11I • I 11 1 Pl Ul R [ \Jl.>I "'1 "11\' \I J.,'• • U l '°'/lo/ \IC I I< I I \C /J In I I OPEN 9.im-6pm -l h' 1 "t 1 ~ lOU2 La.auna Canyon Rd 497-6900 (t ) Mile South tll 11 TMO R<Md on lagu"J c JI'"''" Rd! --------------------.... .-... -.....:.:;;..::__::.:.::::=.. .................................................. ... - .,_..----~~·--~~-------..--•s•a ......... ~ ........ .._ .. ._._ 179 IEWPORT BLVD~ ca .... 7111 2111 HAMOR a.VD., CM 141-2111 l llUL MllEST WllJI. . . SH,100! Beautiful Monticello townhome. Very popular 3 bdrm, 2 bath model. Community pool plus 2 car garage. Delay may mean dis- appointment. See this today. Call 646-717 1 IUUTIFUL MESA YEllDE . . . $ 1•1,IOO Spacious lovely home with enclosed patio. Large well kept yard. Fruit trees. vegetable gar- den area. Call for an appointment to see. 546-23 13 MESA WOOIS i IEIHtM. I 111,000 If you can tear yourself away from the inviting pool and spa. you'll love this home. Well decorated two story 3 bath home, very tasteful -come and see. 546-2313 11SUYl£W'' LOWHT PlllCE . 1311,100 Only 10% down and owner will carry the balance. Elegant 3 bdrm In a private community Pool & tennis. Don't miss this great opportunity to live In this prestigious Newport neigh- borhood. Call 646-7171 body copy HST OF THE WEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SH,500 Nicely built 2 bdrm home on an extra large lot. This home is located in a very desirable west side area. Great opportunity for the first time buyer. Call 646-7171 SELLER WAITS IT SOLD! ................ S 112,100 Sitting vacant and costing money Rare 2 story Greenbrook home. Save money by painting and recarpeting yourself. Four bedrooms plus bonus room. Extra large lot Call now. 546-2313 OCUI VIEW!.. . . . . .............. SlH,100 Best priced view property in Newport Beach. Walking distance to beaches. Rare opportunity to hve in this exclusive location with all the amenities offered. Call for showing. 646-7171 MESI YEHE IH&lll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 121,100 Best priced home in prime location. Four bedroom p. bath Tons of potential. Call now 546-2313 SIMMHSn CITIMOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . S 131,000 This magnificent home offers 3 bdrms. 2112 baths, spacious living rm with sliding glass doors that lead to a beautiful private patio & MESI VERDE COLF COIRSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . S42i,OOO One of the Country Club's top locations over- looking the 15th fairway. Beautifully decorated 4 bdrm home with custom pool & spa. Extra wide lot. Better see this one! 646-7171 SUPER lllME-SIPH LOCATIOI ........... $1U,t00 Neat and clean. Close to all schools. churches and shopping. Original owners say bring an offer! 3 bdrm. 13/• bath, new oven. new dish- washer. home warranty. Call now 546-2313 STEPS TO OCUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221,100 Only 1h block to the sand. Lovely. upgraded 3 bdrm home that's great for entertaining. See the water from your front door. Great potential for ocean view with 2nd story add on. Lowest priced beach home! 646-7171 . SAVE ON REPO BARGAINS! Their loss -your gain! 9 nearly new condos. Two bedroom and one bedroom plus Iott models. Excellent 30 year 107/1% fixed financing. Bargain priced from $107,000 to $110,000. Call fast these wlll not Last. 546-2313 yard. Contemporary kitchen is convenient to FEE WI n TIE IUCI........... . . . . S2ll,IOO formal dining. Call 646-7171 You own the land in a lovely garden setting 1 2 IElllOM 1111111 ................... Sll,HO bbdlock f~om60th0e beach. Beautifully upgraded 3 Assume $64,000 1st T.D. $695 Per month. rm with sq ft. Family room complete with Shows like a model. Single story complex. wet bar. New kitchen, skylights & extra large lot. Private enclosed patio A real "must see". Call 646-7171 today 546-2313 YEIY UIE IEM ...................... 11 .. ,IOO Executive condo. Beautiful earthtones har-NYEI Slff ES llllT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1441,000 . I th' f I II d ated ho e Huge & spacious 6 bdrm includes maids quar-momze n is pro ess ona Y ecor m . Central air. Keep this 2 bdrm plus den condo ters. Entertainers delight with many amenities fresh. custom landscaping. Subterranean park-Including wet bar & spa. You own the land! Best ing. 546_2313 buy in a very distinguished community. 646-717 1 ll&IES UFE WllTI UYlll ............. 1114,111 Tll&YS IUT UY ..................... 112.,_ Pool, tennis, spa. sauna & welghTt roomh1areffsomi eh Assume 8.5% loan. Low payments. spacious 3 of the amenities at St Albans. op t s o wt bedroom 21,<, bath town home. Great Costa this model perfect 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo with Mesa location near South Coast Plaza. Com-$20,000 in upgrades. Walk to shopping! munlty pool and tennis. Call quick. 546-2313 646-7171 ftlW • ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1211,MO WTllll mow.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11•,111 Panoramic view from all rooms of this very This home is speclall Like new immaculate private townhome of ocean, mountain & condition. Well appointed, comfortable living sunsets. Spacious 2 bdrm, 21h batns with formal areas. 2 huge master suites. 21h baths, end unit. dining. Don't miss seeing this one! 646-7171 Brick patio with private spa. 546-2313 .all ... TlftD. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. 1111,llO IM1I OllST ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . 1121,MI Up front a beautiful 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with VA terms offered! Or assume existing low brick fireplace. Bright sunny kitchen. 2 rental Interest VA loan. Very nicely redecorated air unite. Exoettent opportunity. Great Income. Call conditioned single story, 3 bedroom unit. Com- now 546-13 munlty pool, great Costa Mesa locatlon. llOllLf HIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,000·1•2,IOO Excellent parks in Newport Beach. 2 bdrm, 2 bath with pool. spa & clubhouse. 1 bdrm with added cabana. includes bay view & private beach. Low space rent. Call for complete de- tails. 646-7171 USTSllE I lfHHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S lH,100 Light and airy floorplan with family room and formal dining room Quiet location across from small park. Come see this outstanding value. 546-2313 OCUIFllllT ll-2 LOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HH,000 Balboa Peninsula. Rare, vacant lot on the mar- ket. The last of its kind. With 25% down owner will carry the balance at 11 'h%! Located near the point. Call for more information. 646-7171 lllOIE CUllMEll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1121,IOO Perfect for the discriminating homemaker. Gorgeous kitchen-oak cabinets. All built ins. Expanded home. Huge master bdrm. Come see this one. 546-2313 IEWPllTYILl.A ...•.•.........•...... 1121,IOO This upgraded villa is in immaculate condition. Enjoy the tranquility of living in a private gated community. Many amenities included. Make the first step to better living, call us now! 646-7171 MESA mH u1111 $TllrT". . . . . . . . . . . . 1211,000 Outstanding value. popular trl-level republic built home. Spacious living room, two huge family rooms. Formal dining, 4 bdrms. 3 baths. Sparkling pool. 546-2313 Ftm-ll&l910DT LIUNll ........... 1211 .... In Newport Beach situated in a distinguished neighborhood among higher priced homes. Large single story, 4 bdrm, 21/t bath with great potential for the sensible buyer. Call 646-7171 llW"'1 YllW -• • . . . . . . . . • . . • • . • • .... .... Gorgeous bay and city light views In Dover Shores. Prestigious private executive home. Large llvlng and f amity rooms. each with fire- place. Formal dining, breakfast room. 4 bdrma, 3'h baths. Pool. Spa. 3 car garage. Call for an appointment, 546-2313 1111 llf ··-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211,- Country home on a large tot. A great flOOf plan thats adaptable to any form of entertainment. French doors open to huge patio for outdoor BBOs. Call 646-7171 5'46-2313 ~~~·=L.rv~~~FUIGARAGl lALEIJGMI------~~~-.~ 28 -0rWlg9 County Reef Eat ate/ An Advertl8'ng supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 20, 1985 ----- ORANGE COAST YOUR HDMITDWN DAILY PAPER SUNDAY, JULY 21 , 1915 [fi>fl~{i!J(U)Tf $ featufirt~ ctcs®@@~ @O' ~~@lf~O~@~iru ~9 ~~c/11/LZ- OKAV, CHUCK , LET'S FLIP A COIN TO SEE WHO GETS TO BE THE HOME TEAM ... THIS IS OUR FIELD .. WE'RE ALREADV· T~E ~E'S Rl614T, SIR .. T~IS IS THEIR FIELD SO T~E't'RE AL&EADV T~E ~OME TEAM 140ME TEAM MARC IE, WILL YOU STOP RULES ARE TAKING CHUCK'S SIDE RULES, SIR .. ABOUi EVERVTH I NG?! GARFIELD ® HEY, GARFIE.Lt'! IT'5 GOING TO BE A 0E.AUTI FUL PAY! LE1''5 5PENP 11" OUT5 I '7E. I ------- -• © 1985 Unttt'd Fe3ture WELL, WE HAVE TO FLIP ABOUT SOMETl-\ING !! WHERE ARE: MY 5WIM TRLJNK'3? OKA\ THEN WE 1LL FLIP TO SEE WHO 6ET5 TO BAT LAST ! TH IS 15 A MANAGERS ' MEETING, MARCIE TµE HOME TEAM ALWAYS BATS LAST .. HE'S RIGµT SIR . .T~EV1RE TµE HOME TEAM SO THEY GET TO BAT LAST ... ACTUALLY, WE CAN 1 T NO PROBLEM , NOT ANYMORE ! FLIP ABOUT ANVT~IN6 CJ.tUCt< ... BECAUSE WE DON'T MARCIE J4AS ~ 14AYE A COIN ... A CO IN... ~ ::! :; Q ~ '1) ... by Jim Davi s THERE.'5 SUNTAN LOT\ON IN Hf.RE. SOME.WHERE. PERFECT PAY, HERE WE COME! ' -----------------------------------------------------~~~~--~--- NANCY HOW'& IT GOING IN THE:RE.1 SLOOGO? WHAT AAPPENED? 6> i j i : .. ! j l . - DON 1 T WORRY I AeOUT IT ... IAATS rnE SIGN OF A GOOD PAINTER DENNIS THE MENACE CowbovBob is my favorite TV star! -- JUDGE PARKER YOU HAVE A C ITY CLUB MEMBt::RSHIP ROSTER ! DID YOU CHECK I T O V ER? YES, SAM! I 1M SURE THAT EVERYONE DOESN1T LOVE ME ... BUT I CAN1T THINK ANYONE OF THEM WOULD MAKE THE KIND OF CALLS WHICH KATHERINE RECEIVED ! .----~ MEANWHILE DO~'TYOU HAVE A NEW UNLISTED NUMBER ARE YOU SURE HE HAS A NEW NUMBER ,KRONIN ? I HAV E THE SAME ONE I FOR HIM I ETHEL ? GAVE YOU BEFORE ! .J • • OK I GUE'=.>'3 By .Ernie Bushmilf er I REALLY LIKE PAINTlNG ... B Hank Ketcham ~~~~~~., I seldom watch television. by Harold Ledoux THE PERSON WOULD HAVE I THINK TO BE SICK, ~UDGE... 50, TOO! ESPECIALLY TO TAMPER WITH YOUR CAR~ • MAYBE THE .JUDGE HASN'T HAD TIM E TO 0\VE IT TO YOU AT THE SWITCHBOARD YET! DON'T FORGET, r---------- W E1 RE GOING OUT I WON'T FORGET ... SATURDAY ! · AND YOU'D BETTER NOT t • • __._. .................. ---------------------------~~- DOONESBURY IN THIS 51/M+ttR Cf 11/?AMetr. THEJ?E.'S 8E£N A lOT CF TAU< ABaJT I/. 5. fORaS IN Vl5TNIJM NOT Bf/N6 "'~" 70 Ul!N THE P/AR. / QVE GUY IN MY Pl.ATCDJ FINA/..lY GOT SO~ He JIJST~ cm ON H/5 ()P.l.J ~NC£1J H/5 OWN WAI< FOR NEARlY 72 H()(J/?5. .......... 111E PEOPLE O~ fHE. GROUND k.I KE 10 l.JX>K FO~ AL.l KINDS O~ DIFFERE~I SHAPES IN aouos .' CJ)UUJ aR. 61J't5 HAVE. RACK&{) ljP SOMe ~ 80171 (JJJNT5 If GIVEN HALF A OfANCE? Fa<.MER.. AfFIR · 5PCOAL FORCE.5 CAPT. J.B. IAJ/IL{)X MAT/VE. .s4YS, ''Hell, YES.I" RJ6HT, CAPTAIN? I / WHAl'5 ~UR ff\VORlfE. 1\JS~W~-- WELl, IHE})'RE ~OI GOING 10 SEE A~IN G l ~ ME ! .. /HERf: ASNIP / / by Gar Trudeau IWlJ YOU PJC CA{)(J{T HIM FINALLY 5TOP 5NCAKJNG f!ACJ< HIM 7 INTO CAMO TO USE I THe NAUTIWS MACHIN&5 "-.. 1;;;~··, -=-t11111;t ACfUALL4 I IT'S PRE1-f 4> HA~D 10 GEi ANQ RE.SPEC.I WHEN ~'RE. A 5C.Af 'fERE.D SHOWER! I D0~1 I DO IMPRE.SSIOf\lS ! 7 -ZI F"RES H FL.OWERS ANP ,A. 1.ARPAUL 1 ~ ,... '· u II> e .... & e e D s by ~j:/{AN ,.~D~'' .. 1 c.• ~~-----------------~----------------...................... . .. ~ ~ ::t.C:, ~ VQ., w .. Hl..tE 10 ~p Btb': -ro NhKE S)<E --:-~<.J • T s-co- ..P c.-0,.R ~"T' 1-E6 I T~ ..I)µ ::?.W :. ";, ~-o <_.;9 \ jv .-£;;><_. WHAT IS r HE. GQEATEST SOUQCE CF ~WE.R INTHE 'NOQLD TODAY? IJUCOL..IC EJl.IFFALO'S LOOKING- FO~ 'IOU. HE: WAt\)'fS vou-ro .PLAY A GAME OF WHEEPL.OK W'llH HIM. WHA1'S W'HEEPL-Cf<? '.'."€~I~ PE~ ~ 'rnE ;;.....AtJ"fN#J .~ 601M":i iO ~ us .--OtU TI ~EO A ~El).) l.AOIJ I -:: ~ U: t..u. q;.,1 ,T~J.JJ, J,J..11 • .-... t.~ 'T ~ r-0!2. A ~.J.J LJi.Wt. J :- 'fl ~ -·~-.. ·--..... ·-· "-··-·-· ~ . ~ . c -·-· s.-... ''" HIM GOOP ~Eff'LO~ rLA'f't:~ ~. ......................... ------------------------------~~ -~-~~~~~~~---------------------------------------------.......................................... .. -------by Hal Kaufman -------> • • (AR THIS! Airport loud1pukers et right ere ennounclng the neMee of five Mperet• flight deetlnetlon1. Each CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EY!SP There are at INst 11• differ· encn In drawlnt details betwffft top and bottom 1Nnel1. How quickly un you find them? Check an1wer1 with those below. ~·-o II ..-U•A"'d t ..,..,. •-.. • "-• 11.61 t ._......,•"IS l e.-• u6g I ~ . .. ,~ HAI " TO wtH Note Mb...._, I oocuptes center stage in the diagram above. Ot>ject of this game 1s to rump counter over counter until I is the only letter left on the board and la found 1n 11s present (center) loca· tion McN9t may be single or ~ tumpa -- honzcntalty. ¥erticelly °' d1agonelly Lettered markers pasted to butlons Wiii lactll1•te play. Or you may wlsh to set up the game on a checker· board r-·~·,pue 3 -r~H-1~ • d o ·o ·o a 'V ·~ o ~ N "-I ~ ,..a'() F r Better or For Worse MOt"\, CAN LAWRENCE RN° l GO FISHING- DOWN AT HARRlSON's CREEK? ' • 0 11 a ..,.... city. Three.,. In ...... end two .. In the ,. Eat. But ...... .. tt•r• of nem•• ere eaembaed. How quk:tlty een you Identify the ctu..7 No ..,, peeking below. ~!IM~ ~ -d 'Cl!t() --io • FUNNY STUFF! Center 1000 between 0 end 1, edd 100 8t ~ends, and • funny peper word rHUlta. Whet wont? Hint: Think moatty Roman . ...-. ~..,... ._ --J :>lfllOO ci.-1141 •• OVER .WI WMt can you draw to complete the stadium ecene llbove? To ftnd out. edd llnes from 1 to 2, 3, etc. I JUST DUCKY I Apply crayone Ott COIOred pencMe to the nunee.ed MQmenb of the~ llbove: 1--ok. gNen. ~lue. 3-Yetlow. 4-lt. brown. S-Lt. grHn. I-Orange. 7-0k. brown. SPELLBINDER SCORE 10 points IOf' us1nq a ll the letter~ 1n the word below to torm two comple•e wOf'ds RELO C ATE . . . . . THEN score 1 points ucf\ for a ll words ot tovr l•ll•n or more found amOf\9 tM letters Try to SCOf'e at i.Ht ff 111110ints. .... ..._. ............... 8HE SAlD IT WA S FINE- by l ynn Johnston YWR tv10!HER SA1D IT t? WlTH HER . WAS OK . We.LL, I (X)r'4\ KNOW. WHAT (X)ES '{EAH~SHE SA\D \ COU\..D Go. WELL ··· l F LAWRENCE. MOMSA'/SlTS OK,1HEN \ GUESS ... LAWRENCE'S MOM 31Y? !RANKS, MA! ~,.,_ c • t.l\OM?CAN M\KE-AN 1 l GO FISH 1NG- AI HARR.18'0N·s C~? HIS MOM SA'/G IT'S OK! f BLOOM COUNTY IT'S NOT TACKY/ COSME17C SV~Y /5NY J(J5T /JU'rf/J VANITY ... WHY, trS ... !r'S (J5/NG 1eCHNOl06Y nJ €N!?!CH ()(J~ UV€S ... by Berke Breathed ~S7HlfT SHOCK YO~ Ml5TEK? ( 0 0 f/11.. MJ/ NO ... I 711/NK 'Y(}() M/6fff /lO ~y WCU. 10 H11ve 11 rew Mtltt - Mefef(5 rAKeN OfF Hcf<e ANIJ ,,..&??\ rHel(e -· , '' '- T~\6 l 6 IU£. Be.6T PlCNtC T~E. POl,E.CAT UJOG~ \.-lA5 E.\/E-R ~AD~ DAO, CAN WE-GO L-\OME. f\!OU)"2 ~OME. 1? W~'( l~e:. ~UN ~A? Ju61 S\AR\£0 ~ BE.6tOe6, '40lJ AND 1 A~e PA~Ne~~ lN \\.\E. 6AC.K RACE-~ COM£ ON, NORM~ 1"£'1' ~'2EAO" L.lN\N6 uP ~T 1~~ 6TARfl~G l..tNe ~ SHOE G~D8 l~1G •. .ETS ME. E.XPE~IENCE ~E f> MP.-E P ... EASURE.5 OF LIVING O~!= -rnE LAND ... TuE P~ANTl~G AND ThE FERTILI ZING, ~EM~6f,R, ~O~M,r\15 NOT wt.tt,1~E.r< WE. W\N OR L05e, "ciL>Vi#P.I 1. ooN'T T~lNK we.'~e '''!> ~ow we PL.~" r---__., "f~ GAME.\ KNOWING iUAT ONE DAY I'L.L BE. ABL.E To ENJO<( ~E F!<UIT~ OF MY' L.Aeof<. a: COURGE.. THERE ARE. M1.NY STEPS BE.TWEEN '™E PLANTING AND ™E ~A~VE5T PL,A~\NG \\ R\G~T, DAO. .-..o.~--... ~. by MacNelly 1U~f<£'5 A LOT OF HARD WORK. '™ERE'5 ™E. T1L.LING AND ~OEING ... "TUE WAT~r<ING AND 1U£ W£€D1~G ... ~E FERMENTING AND Dl5Tll-LING-: Daily Pilat Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. He was born lssur Danielo- vitch and with a dimple deep enough to ac- commodate a rugby match. He kept the dimple but switched his moniker to one that would fit better on a mar- quee: KJrk Ooqlu. Now the upstate New York town of Amsterdam . where Douglas grew up. is eel· ebrating its cen· tennial and the ~.-... __ __..; be some kind of superman. so I feel I have to be something special, which means I'm not relaxed." None ol lhis is to sug- gest that Penny 1s ready 10 set· tle down "If I find a woman I love more than my wort. I'll many her." says the mag- nanimous Penny "Right now. my best 'date' IS my work, and I'm faithful to Ms. Career." With that kind of policy. just think of how much he saves on dinner c actor's success 4. \' ,, • \ \ '' ,, \. ,\ ~' '' ~ \ \ • ' ,. Pamela Gidley may have been voted the most beautiful girt in the world by the Ameri- can p!..lblic on a 1V beauty paft- eanr ttus spring. bur she thinks the ride really ~ to Cath- by opening IGrt Douglas Part. 'Tve toki my kids (four sons in- cluding actor-producer MJ. cMel] thal they have llO( had my advantages," says ~. who as a boy helped support his family and worked his way through St. Lawrence Univer· siry. "rhad the advantaee o1 be- ing poor. I had nowhere to go but up." And he did. II couldn't have been easy for Anjelica u..toa. There she was appearing in a movie with beau Jld Nlcbol9oo - a movie being directed by her father. John ttu.toa. An· jelica. 32. had worked once before with her father in the none-too-successful 1969 film A Walk with Love and Death. but their larest collaboration. Prizzi's Honor. has opened to aine Dmeaft. 'She's the rave reviews and packed thea-most beautiful woman l know ters. According 10 An,elica, There's Dne!hing unique about there was ab-_____ ......_ ____ her looks."' be- solute!y no strife Ii eves Gidley. with falher dur· who knew from mg filming. "It the age of 8 - was a joy." she that's when she says. adding that began entering she particularly pageants -that treasures his beauty would be complimentary her business phone call at "I've always shooting's end. thought of my "Afterward. I looks as a gift. realized that I and I don't thank had been waiting I'm special, since all my life for there are so that," says An· many great· 1elica. "It 1s look1ng .. women something that around will last me for years and years." 0 Joe hnny. the 28-yea.r~ street·Wlse private detective star of the NBC series Riptide, seems to be all at sea when 1t comes to dealing with women. Here he is single. sociable and attractive. and he can't even manage to go out with the ttde The problem? "Some women are intimidated and get ner· vous when I talk to them. They think I'm stuck-up and snocty." explains Penny "Other women don't want to speak to me al all -for whatever reason. they feel I wouldn't be interested in them. Others come on too sarong and that turns me otf Women who do go out with me expect me to It will be cl happy day tn the theater when Tom &o.~y reprises his Tony Award- wann1ng performance as Ram· boyant New York Mayo r LaGuardia in F10mlo' this summer Bos!ey. who co-stars With Ancela I •nibvy In the hit mystery 1V series Mur- der. She Wrote. ha.s felt the pressure to bring back the 1959 P\Jlitzer Pnze-wmnmg Broadway mustcal "for the last 15 years. But I've been a httle busy and couldn't get away for even a short run." he says Also an the show. which will be on summer view in Penn- sylvania. New York and Ohio Bos!ey's wife of five years Pa- tricia CarT 'ld never seen •!Im...,.., Exctu11ve photo ol Clan PeOer for Family WttkJy by Taber Cladwlck F10rello'." she says Tom had to do the show agam Just 10 give me lhe chance. We have an entire wall in our den de- voted 10 Fiorello' and I've on· ly heard the record " Accord- ing to H1zzoner. "It was either do the show or tear the wall down. · Boss Tweed couldn't have put 11 better G /J) .JoaMW Kaulmon .._,,,h "'"''° Summ«'r in ~· Yort and Rolwn W11tdtlf'r m I.a. A~ln . • WHEN AMERICA GETS BUGGED dedares Johnson's Grothaus. 'They carry just about t!tt!rj- thing they come in contad with. And depending on what the)'ve visited, that usually ls a terrific bacteria load." Grothaus, in ract. blames many intestinal discomforts. the notorious "revenges," not on the water but the flies. ~ There are I 0 major species in this~· ~in ferocity #~ from the ~ stable J ' ~to the ubiquitoos housely. Y' .... ,,. ...... ,.. , ,..s • the · • latter, vi course. is most WHO'S WINNING THE PESKY ~ =~ ~m~RJ1rMf~~tmWEE~~ ---~ -;=pd~o::~ L--------.....----~--------.,.---poQ piles be carefully managed. which ol them. we wonder, are namn 11.ar-and thal garba8e be tightly bagged and BY KATHY HACKER ly difOOJlt to lend olP. "Frankly,°'he~ disposed ol more than once a week. "all ol them." which is time enoultt b a whole genera. omewhere outside, In the dark shadows or trees and bushes. through tall ~ and damp tunnels underground, they are advancing. Emboldened by hunger, by a craving for a crystal of sugar, a morsel of bread, or a sip of blood, they seek an opening -a minute hole in a window screen perhaps, or a door left slighlJy ajar -and they slip in. H you listen hard, you may hear them. Look close and you may see them or, yes. even feel them creeping lightly over your skin. And when you do, ii will be too la.re. ras(er than you can scream "Stephen King!" the demon invaders of summertime are upon you. Flies and fleas. ants and bees, mos- quitoes, yellow jackets, beetles, crickets and caterpillars . . insects ad infinitum. As many as a million described species, and pos.sibly two million others yet to come into scientists' purview, inhabit the Earth. Prodigious little procreators, they comprise 99 percent of the entire animal population and outnumber man by'at least 500-to-I . If the thought ol so many critters swanning. squi88fing and crawling over this plane (not to mention your picnic table) makes you a bit buARY. you are not alone. Last year in the Uruted States coo- sumers pumped more than SSOO rniJlion into sprays, bo~ traps, fqmers, swar- ters. sticky strips. electronic zappers and sundry other weaponry from the esca- lating anti-pest atSenal. And still the bat· t)e rages -a battle thal, no doubt. dates back 10 homo ert'dUS' first cookout and the Utleran<E ol the earliesl expleOve deleted in history. Needless to say, we now are ron- siderdbly better ~ipped for the fight than ever ... Mo5t ol the oommon insects that annoy ~ in their homes and= are ~" &9JJ"5 Dr. Grothaus.~ research manaaer for the John9on Wax Biology Center But Ph1"""1>1t'°""'1:MJ Kathy ~'J klSI SIOI)' lor F.u.t11.v Wm.i..v was ~ F«1Nary <:0«r -Si111I# Amtt'1a!. " Ot1 rfw MU.Jit'JI l«lrniqoo of modrm «nil1/rf 4 fAMIU' WtDJ.V • MY ti • ·- So say what you will about insects' tion ol flies to hatdt. To keep them out niche in the ~ environmental scheme ol the house. make certain that screens ol ~ when they find their way into are in perfed repair; a tiny hole is the yours, as they inevitably do, there's trou-equivalent d opening the gates ol Troy ble. Apart from the sheer nu~ fac-to a fty drawn by rooking odors or the tor, many species carry a medical text's promise d warmth on a cool P.Vening.. worth of disease, from dysentery and How to kill them once you've got malaria to bubonic plague and cholera. them? Aa:ordifl8 to Dr. Ridl8rd Panerson, Others inflict ~ and bites that are not reseaJ'th leader ol the ftv and household only painful but can produce secondary insect S«tiorl ol the U.S. Department of Wedion and, where severe ~ figures Agriculture's Insects Ath!ding Man and in, sometimes even death. Animals Laboratory in Florida. there are Although infeslaDons vary horn one several alternatives -but not a panacea ~ d the oountry to the next. with among them. warmer dimates usually the hardest hit. ,..lrappins ~=" ~thate4earic11·11 some insects are so well traveled and &' ~ work wai adaptable that you can bet ~r burger around at nighl ies do nol seek buns on a visit -heck , an alk>ut Nor-and, furthermore. are not attracted to ul- mandy invasion -from them this sum-traviolet light As for ultrasound devices. mer. Here, then. is an abbreviated the USDA lab tested a dcxr.en major Baedecker Guide to what's bugging brands and found none that effectively America these days: controlled inseds. be they mosquitoes, AJthwgh it may appear that a fty's sole forte is pester· ing ~ there is something It does even better: ~ duce. So awesome is Its potential to multiply thar if a single pair were to begin laying * in early spring. and fM!f'J . d their offspring were to su~ikewi9e mate ~ summer, the earth would be literally ~ ~ ftie several feet deep. What preYmt:s that horror are natural pttdatoC"s. palhoeens. parasites. and adverse weather ronditions, which kill df 95 percent d the~ 1lXl9e that don't sua:umb end up dive-bombing your dinner table. 8ecN ise flies serve the crlrical funaion ol breaking down Of'8iUllc matter in the environment. sde:nce does not seek to 9iminMe them enirdy. only ID ~ their number below the~ where they become a nuisance and a health hazard. "They are the filthiest animal I know ol," roaches_ Rees. flies -you name it '1f you don't mind the ~ .. Patterson says. "a little fty paper is ac1UaUy one ol the best means ol mechanical rontrol, espedal1y in the kitchen. f1ies kNe to land on strips and anything~ down. It's unsigtlt- ly, but they do get caught. .. In the chemic.a1 arena, houseflies have posed a distl.ubing problem. 'They can build up a r'5istance within about I 0 generations," he notes. 'lo ~ ~ Chemic.al that's been put on the maitUi "· Uke mosquito rontrol, which has led to massive wmer-rnanzieement pt"08l'aJl1S ~t the oountry. the fty dilemma may evmtualJy inspire 1argHcale Wl&e-manaeernent pro;ects. ~ ~ Patteison, wooJd be talffE!ted at mms. prime pnxtums d mes that. tn tum. spin c1t Into residential areas. ~ Illes, for instance. have been tracked In ~ exceedi 200 miles. 'With~ prosrams. a minimal amount ol Chenic:aJ need be used." he explains. 'There are parasites and palhosens that already do a real good job in kill ing otf 95 percent of the Oy popu1adon. }JI we have to do Is Increase their effldency by a couple ol percent and we'll have this thing lkked." Say the word )>iatic'" one image springs to mind: an indomitable line of ants marching across the paper plates and through the potato chips. circling the soda cans, and converging on the cupcakes. Bon appetit! These uninvited guests ... but wait, ants were here first. as. evidenced by the discovery of fossil remains dating back 100 miJlkm years. Not onJy does their collective age bos8le the mind, but ther numbers are even more inromprehen- sible. At present. an estimated one quad- rillion ants, making up as many as 10,000 species, are scunying around the globe. All told, they're among the most sua:es.Wl and sophisticated of social in· sects, and if you think you 're going to get the better of them without a ~ struggle, think - again. C o m m o n -~""-.. .-~-.-household ants can be found nesting outdoors or in, behind walls and base- boards, beneath floors -generally, wherever food and water are readily available. Among the most persistent of these is the pharaoh ant. which so loves sugar solutions that it often invades hospitals, particularly in the South, and goes alter intravenous drip solutions. In the highly structured caste system of the colony, beware the worker ant. It wanders randomly in search of a meal, leaving a trail of pheromone, a chemical used by insects to com- municate, M it 80e5. When it returns with. say, a bread crumb, the others pick up the scent and follow. resulting in a steady stream ol ants between the nest and the half~ sandwich. In fending off an indoor attadt, the secret word is "barrier," a fancy way of saying you should set up your first line of defense on the lawn. To make access to the house less ronvenient, keep bushes and trees trimmed away from walls. and leaves and debris cleared around the foundation, where c:raclcs and crevices should be caulked. Residual chemical sprays and dusts, sold over the counter. will further discourage them. Nests. partiOJlarly those of the per- nicious fire ant. should be destroyed. AI=· a>rdifl8 to USDA research entomologist Dr. David Williams. baits can be easily preeared by mixing a commercially available growth regulator with mjnt apple jelly and spreading it around the site. It will not only kUJ the workers but tventually also the queens. whom they feed. Finally, and obviously, be a good housekeeper: Oeanllness Is next to antJessness. Hard to believe, but true. As part of a nationwide publicity campaign, a leading New York firm will give away one million ( 1,000 ,000) Famous Nationally Advertised"" KOMFY K'D DOLLS' .. for the aston- ishing publicity price of only $5 to the first one million persons who write to the company address (below) before mid night, August 31, 1985. These are the same famous KOMFY KID DOLLS nationally advertised in leading media. They have the authentic .. huggable- soft" muslin bodies, wipe-clean faces and hands, and fluffy- thick yarn hair. Irresistibly lovable and ·"komfy", each doll comes complete with its own personal Birth Registry Certificate. These dolls stand over a foot tall. They are big, lovable, .. komf y" dolls- actual put-your-arms-around sized .. pals" that children can really make friends with . Each one is fully dressed in a colorful play outfit (completely rQachine washable). The boy wears a handsome pair of overalls and a jolly plaid shirt; the girl wears a cute ... flower" pinafore and sun dress. (For extra fun, you can dress them in your little "hand- me-downs", too.) Every child in America would probably love to own an authentic KOMFY KID DOLL. Don't miss out by responding late. These are the fastest selling and most popular dolls ever sold by this multi-million dollar New York firm . These Famous Nationally Advertised KOMFY KID DOLLS will not be sold at this price by the company in any store. To obtain one at this special publicity price, write to the company before midnight, August 31. 1985. Each doll is covered by the co mpany's full one-year mone y-back guarantee. There is a limit of two (2) dolls per add ress at this price, but if yo ur request is made ea rly enough (before Aug. 25) yo u may req uest up to seven. To obtain your authentic KOMFY KID DOLL. mail your name and address and $5 for each doll . Add $2 shipping and handling per doll. (New York residents add sales tax.) Allow up to 6-8 weeks fo r shipment. Specify boy (A28421) or girl (A28422) dolls. Mail to: A&C, KOMFY KID DOLL, Dept. 603-147, Box 1206, Westbury. ew York 11595. Lavvs that preserve and enrich. ··~ Q~ ... - I There are some who think of all law as unjust because 1t restricts their freedom. But this isn't necessarily so. laws, as rules of conduct agreed upon by the community. can help preserve basic values of the community and thus enrich its life and work. The Catholic Church sees its laws in this light. Some of these laws which preserve basic values like worship, imi· tat1on of Christ, reverence for marriage, self-discipline, penance, a sense of community and missionary out-reach are summarized in seven formulas traditionally called ''The Precepts of the Church'.' You are welcome to a free copy of our pamphlet on the Precepts. They offer a special insight into Catholic life. No one will call on you. 1-FREE -Mail Coupon Today! ----------- 1 Please send Free Pamphlet entitled 1 "The Precepts of the Church:' FM-e1 I n,. off.,. " ~m<t.O 10 one ,, .. pernp1>1e1 I I I N•me -------------------! I Address ------------------1 I City Stele Zip ---1 I l CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE 1 KRIGHTS oF coLum•us I P 0 Boa 1971, New H•wen. Conn. 09621 -------.---------------------- SeQSatiOQ81" Silk!' HYBRID FUCHSIA This~,,.,. .... ~ ...... ~IDlll ....,....,.._~!IO'lf~ lti.dw\. 0.-C ... ~ -.WU. "' ~ "°"' room..,. '1'01 IW .... .-~JIOI~ ..... ~ ~18' wWi ... -fudma cob.tbbwN "' '° ~ ..... ~~.,.I\. trt.ndt 1119 -.y ~ ..., ttul'lb s1oe: SZ PAH NO ._."1 &A'ln&UU'TlllrW-GCJAllAllfTUD Oii WMJ9 M0Nn Ma ctwgr to Anwan E...,.. ~or VISA c.-1 tol "-J-«X)6313825 In NJ 20I 78&4(,Q) QI ~~cf-* Of morwy ords lo a I dJ? &S 800ll • PA '-.. • .... "'•••a. IU 17tu PERSONALITIES SAINT JAMES HOLDS COURT THERE ISN 'T MUCH SUSAN SAINT JAMES WON'T TALK ABOUT ~ry McDonogh Murphy I t is easy to feel ~ if you've watched Susan Saint James, JS.year-Old veteran of 1V series and films. grow up in your living room. She explains that from her beginnings as an actress , "I wanted to be Natalie Wood. I · had no intention of doing Mocbelh or anything great. I wanted to be in Hollywood with a big house." That kind of candor and the ease whh which she's conducted inter- views throughout her career make it even easier to feel as if you really do know her. j When she played Rock Hud- ~ son's long-haired, free.spirited l spouse on McMillan and Wife ;f l m the early '70s, in real life she g was Hollywood's most accessi- ble hippie· a devout California ) girl. rearing her two vegetarian li children, Sunshine and Har-! mony (she was divorced from t their father, Tom Lucas, m il: 1976). dropping out of the Tin- seltown scene to build a house in C.olorado, hang out with musician Stephen Stills, go trout fishing -whatever. Today she plays the Conna:- ticut-bom Kate McArdle on the critically and commercially successful 1V series Kate and Allte. Kate is definitely a woman of the '80s. Divorced with a teenage daughter, she works in a travel agency to support life in the Greenwich Village apartment she and her daughter share with her child- hood friend AJlie and Allie's two children. The series -f~ quently lauded for its weJl- wnnen scripts -relies on the chemistry between what are IWO of the most fully realized female characters in the history of prime-time: Saint James' ex- uberant Kate and Jane Curtin's dour Allie. The two are by turns competitive, loving. shorHempered. silty. lonely - 1n ()(her words. real friends. tu it is with the times and television. Samt James' life tw changed dramatically. Married to Saturday Nrs!Jt LJ~ ex- ecutive producer Dick Ebersol in November 1981 (she met Ebersol when she hosted the show and married him six weeks later). Saint James 6 F.unLV WfXXl.V. JULY 11 • IMS uproo<ed her children and moved to staid Litchfield, Conn .. gave birth to her third child. a boy (conventionally named Charlie). and returned to the Catholic Church after a .A photo ol Samt James bock in ha bolH!mton days long hiatus. Soon she was well- acquainted with suburbia. All this from the woman who sup- posedly trashed hotel rooms on tour with rock 'n' roll's Doobie Brothers "I had a period or six or seven years when I was single.'' she explains. "Because I was in a joint custody suit in California. my kids were with their dad for whole chunks of time. I had a tremendous amount of fun I had a series of neat guys I went out with that I liked. I was single; I had no reason nae to be staying out extremely late at night and having an awfully good time. My kids had a dad. I was cap- able of ta.king care of myself financially: I didn't have any reason to be any other way. I never lhought I d get married again: meeting Okk was a complde SUrJ?ri.se. It was fall · ing in love with Dick, finding someone that was just so right, that caused the turnaround in my lire " Saint James admits there were many pratfalls in the transition from West. to East. from singtehood to wifehood to more motherhood. Yet she ~ to see the humor m all of 1t. "One of Dick's good friends is Rona Barrett; I lovt• it. We have dinner together. It's hystencal. I think. This 1s Susan Saini James. hippie nat- uralist. saying "Rona Babe." · And I think. 'Oh God. I've real· ly sold out.' Then I say, 'Tough. I've never been happier.· My life is so fantastic ... One thing Saint James does not laugh about is her battle with a drinking problem - born out of a newlywed's al· tempt to maintain bicoastal households. Because Ebersol·s )Ob required him to stay m New York. Saint James was forced to do all the commuting The traveling and E'.bersol's heavy work schedule took its toll. "I would come and s11 around the Saturday Night Live office," she remembers. "I hated it. I wasn't into New York at all Instead of being sweet about it." she says, 'Td go out with my friends and drink " Many of the decisions Sarni James has made in the last three years have come out of real pain. In the retelling. '\he dwells only bnefly on the ac· tual pain she experienced, and the tale becomes a positive Oil(> that usually illustrates her great resolve. For example: With her drinking problem licked and being four months pregnant. Saint James went through an ordeal when her son Harmony was hit by a car and hospital- ized with a broken lee. "It was scary. I stayed at the hospital every night. Dick came out [to CaJiforrua]. Then I decided. 'My God. we're familr, We should all be 1()8ether. · · When Ha r· mony was released from the hospital. Saint James went to court to work out a new cus- tody agreement and began the move t.ast "I had a tremen· dous amount of confidence that my thinking was straighl and that (my) doubts were real and (my] solutions would be real." she says. "It's the mosa ~ warding feeling in the world .. Told that she appears to have had to make aJI the com- promises in order to insure a more dose-knit family, she nods. "I use that argument a loc. Sometimes I say 10 DKk. 'Look. I left LA .. I got married. I I had another baby. dropped all my old beaux . and moved to Connecticut.· l can t dnve my Porsche anymore; 11's too cold And where would I drive 11' To the market., There aren't any treewars! I SC>' Kate and Allie. which was rea lucky :\ot that rm not talented. but a hit show IS one Of the luckiest things lO have in the world. and to have one (thal's taped) in the East is JUst too lucky I wasn't planning on it And I say to Dick. 'You're still in the East. you're still doing Satur· da~ Ntght /..Jl)e. all you had to do was stop dating you r other g1rllnends' " Saint James was buckins for Miss Congeniality on September 23. 1984. the night or the Emmy Awards. when both she and Cunm were in compet1llon for the same pnze outstanding lead actress in a comedy senes , The d1ff 1cuh moment came when Samt James -Kate and Allies team cheerleader. who had done all the pub- 0 hcity for the show while Cunin insisted J on her privacy -watched her co-star win the award "That was tough .. Samt James remembers 'That was hard Saint Jam~ {left) on the Kate and Allie set Wlth co-5/ar Jane Curtin when she won the Emmy. I've lost a lot of Emmys -seven -no big deal But this was such a tender thing Kate and A lite 1s such a team show There 1sn ·1 one without the other The Academy. 1n honoring Jane and in hononng the show. son of dishonored me in m~ "It was falling in love ... that cauaed the turnaround in my IUe. '' mind Jane Fonda was sitting across the aisle from me and she said. 'I've never been in compet111on with a fnend be- fore I sa.Jd 11 wasn t so much a fnend but a co-worker Jane 1s shv and re- served, but what works for her works for the show Besides. 11 probablv makes us more interesting. Jane's nol the type to expect something like that [award) Jane was in shock and 1ust seeing the '/ 'I I ; I f (:-/ =t · L~l =L.!.L! i.' L=L!l~ l .. LeL~'-= UL:..-t{ t-:::: tee~! look on her face made 11 worth it And." she says. half wh1mpenng. half laugh- ing. ''I'm sure I'll get one someday " That someday notwithstanding. she can consider herself a woman of many facets and achievements Cenainly her husband does "I don t kno"" anvone who has a fuller life than Susan · • savs Ebersol "She's a temfic mother Shes a big celebrity You would not use up all your fingers counting the people who have had every show they \.e done be- come a success on American telev1s1on And there's nothing unreal about her I have an electnc wife. and 1t all boils down to her po51t1veness. her niceness "Its neat to look back and know that I was right about life [in the h1pp1e days)." Saint James believes "And there are a lot or 1h1ng.s that still represent that time. hke my kids names. I 1ust think now I m living a more directed lite that appeals to people wh o like 10 think I \e convened to real life fW \1on \fd)onogh Murpln LS a tPP<>rft'r lor Enr~r· tdJllmt'nl Tonight maga::mt' 110CL undt'r dft~ ment at Simon & Schu'>le• MR. HI TECH MODERN TECHNOLOGY MADE SIMPLE IN OUR MONTHLY COLUMN HA IL, HALL EY! (AND IGNORE THE HYPE) DIETING EUMINATED Fast Weight Loss Guaranteed With Incredible Oriental Capsule! Al last. a revolutiooary new weight-loss compound so effective that 1t makes the concept of dieting obsoltte! This all natural product from Japan 1s so pownful 1t actually launches an attack on fat·producing foods! It is so effective it eliminates the nttd to diet. This amazing capsule. dewlo~d first in the Orient and now avail· ab~ in the Unittd States exclu.s1~y through National Nutntion Corporation. is called CAPSULITE!" Success slants by the thousands ha\lt bttn pouring in from across the country atte5tmg to CAPSULITE 's™ miraculous properties' People never able to lost W'elght before are oovt' reporting dropping as much a.s 2 to 3 pounds the first 24 hours! SURROUNDS CALORJES SO THEY CAN'T FORM INTO FAT! Developed in Japan by the Japanue Medical Association UMAI. CAPSULITE1M is an all natural product. based on the uniq~ propert~ o( the KonJac root. found almost exclusively m the Orient. It is safe .and contains no drugs whatS<>e\let' The JMA began investigating the root after hearing of peOl)le expemncmg rapid weight loss after eating 1t. Through extensive laboratory test· ma. the JMA discovered a sound medical basis for this phenomenon after ingest· mg the KonJac root. 1t dissolves into a gel which envelopes fat-producing foods This action prevents calones from developing mto fat tissue and alttrs the food's contact with tht intestinal mtmbrane! upon making this radic.al d1sc0Yery. the JMA developed a weight-loss formu la using only the active ingredients of the KonJac root. It was even awarded a Ln1t· ed States patent. CAPSULITE's Tltl concentrated form means tht> weight· reducing t>ffects of the root are actually accelerated You'll lose weight at a rate you never thought possible! FORGET CALO RIE COUNTING! CAPSULlTETM 1s unlike any diet aid you've ever tned. Not only is 1t all natu· ral. but 1t 1s a complete weight-loss plan. Just follow the easy instructions. There are no calones to count. no strmuou.s exemses to follow -CAPSL'LITE1"' is so effectwe.. all you need to do 1s ta kt the capsules and watch the pounds melt away! EnJO)' the foods you love to eat CAPSt:LITE'" con,trols your gaming weight be- cause excess c.alones are unable to form mto fat -it's a.s simple a.s thal. Fat disap- ~an day by day. producin g v1s1ble results and a new thm~. ha~ you! A special note on CAPSULITE 's™ effectiveness: CAPSULITE'" has abso- lutely no side effects. Because the results are so dramatic and so rapid. some peo- ple get earned away Set a goal and don't allow yourself to lose the weight too quickly If you find yourself losing-too (a.st. cut back on your capsule intake or tven skip a day And you should always check with your doctor before beginning any wttght·loss program to make sure you' rt m aood health SPECIAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE As the onlv company m the Untttd States authonud to sell CAPSULITEr" Natt00al Nutntioo Corporation has extens1~y tested the product and seen the ruult.s 1t can produce. even fort~ who ve tned countless other diet and weght· loss programs and fa1~ Now you can have the look you want. and you can ac· compl1sh this weight loss in rtcord time. National NutntlOrt Corporation ur~s you to try their rtmarkablt firoduct and o((en a guarantee they wouldn't be able to make 1f CAPSLJ LITE "1 didn't deliver everything it prom ius. Order CAPSULITET" today. follow the instructions for a JO or 6().day trial ptriod. If )'Ou're not completely sati$fied with CAPSLJLITE'st" result.s. simply mum the empty bottlt for a full refund. With a guaranttt ltkt this. )'OU can't 1(ford not to try CAPSULITET" Isn't 11 t.Jme yoo had the bod)' )'Ou'"' always ~nttd, NatlONI NutntJon CorporattOO thinks so' $19 95 30 do11 supp/y <Y SJS 95 6().dov supp/IJ. Ord~ now bl; smdmg .i <h«k °' m<>tt~ ordtr 10 ,\ATIOAAl Nl.IT'Rn'IOA CORPORATIOI\. 23'0 P ST41£ R04J) ~. D£PT' 248. CLEARWATER. F'WRJDA 33575. Credit card nmonwn.. s1mpl~ Nill toll frtt J-800·431·9003. Operators are stand1na by to t.akl \VUT orditr 24 houl'!; da''· 7 davs; wttk' If )'Ou'vt nt'VtT bttn ;iblt to lo5t ~Ill.ht Mlort' doot -.alt1 You owt ti to vourKlf to ~dtr CAPSllLITE'" todav' "IN 5 WEEKS, I LOST 41 POUNDS~ BEFORE: March 15th - \\eight 160 pounds AFTER: April 20th - Weight 119 pounds I . "/ con 't thonk flOU trtough for strtdlng '"' CAPSUUTE!H Otlwtr ditts }'41 dldn1 llK1rk fa, me. I lo~d food and thought I'd 1UJl$! b• thlrt! CAPSUUTt'f 14 hos chan{l#ld all that/ Al 119 pourrdJ. /look ond WJ gnat ... '' poundJ /ightlll' than I uias j ust fi111 UIHlcs ago. >bur product is lnllJI (t1ftOZ/ngr -£.K_ Miami. F1o Wv hu.sband tJ thrlll«l llllth thl neo NJ 31 pountb gorw rn ' cOllds. I ('.an Rt Into m1 UJllddmg gcun •tn'· -QC. Al.dtifl. TX ·&rhtng suit SHJ07I is lwl't attd I Nn? 111t1./l lo hi/ lht beach llOID that I'm 23 pounds tltintW (attd '" Ju.st thltt shotf 111ttkJJr -'iH. Malibu. CA. These Slllll'~ tus1ornm arT only a k:w ol the lhou- sanda whc> hlVf Khicvtd spccl1<ut.r mull.a ut1na CAPSULITET" JOin them and Of-dtr )'OUr sul>f)ly 1od.ty' B eware of Halley hype Halley's comet is already vis- ible through telescopes on the journey to earth it makes every 76 years. By December. you should be able to see it with the naked eye. The closer it comes. the harder will be the sell for everything from fancy 1elesropes to Halley's comet T-shirts 10 comet<ha.smg tours to Tahiti. That trip to the South Seas would be fine. if you can swing it. because the far- ther south you go, the better your view of the comet. And it will be a once-in-a- lifetime event because the comet won'! be back until late 2061. But as far as fan- cy equipment goes -telescopes and such -the mono LS "simple is best · The comet was first noted more than 2,000 years ago. but it's named after the I 7th<entury astronomer Sir Edmund Halley (the name rhymes with alley). who was lhe first to figure out its 7&-year cycle Through most of its long journey ifs a lump of frozen gas and space debris. four or five miles across. As it nears the sun. though. a combination of vaporiz.ed gas and dust will form a great cloud around the head of the comet and a tail stretching upwards of I 00 mill ion miles behind 11 You should know what you'll set> when Halley's comet amves -and what you won't. "Don't expect a s~ show," says Andrew Frakno1, executiv officer of the Astronomical Society of th Pacific. in San Francisro. The comer will be around for nearly a year -moving closer. disappearing behind the sun, becoming visible again, and then head- ing back to outer space For most of us. the spectacular pan of the return of Halley's comet will be the pictures sent back by the six space- craft that will be chasing it, indu&ng a special U.S. space shuttle mission. As for seeing it ourselves. the comet will be moving ever closer to earth from now to year-end. Still. it won't get dose enough to show us anything very dra· matic. And then, in January and Feb- ruary. it will be gone. behind the sun. The comet will reappear next March. and the best viewing will come after that Mid-April will be the besl tjme of all for comer-watching. If you want to know more about the comet's visil. the rwo mllgaz.lnes in the field -Astronomy and Sliy & Ttlescopt -are covering every facet of it. Two highly recommended booklets that ex- plain thinss in simple terms are Mr Holley's Comtt (S2 from Slty & T~. 49 Bay Slate Rd .. Cambridge. Mass. 02238) and Rttum ol Holley 's Comet (from The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 1290 24th Avenue. San FranCJSCO, Calif. 94122. for a suaested contribution of $4) Ff( 8 fAMllY Wf.DfJ..v • uv 21 • 1M5 AC1119nt .. _I WHO ELSE WANTS TO LOOK YO UNGER WITHOUT GOING TO A DOCTOR? Amazing New Formula From Beverly Hills Lets You Take Up To 10 Years Off Your Looks Without The Scars And Expense Of Plastic Surgery F~~9~T How yo11 ~~r tlto11gltt obout lulai1tg of•c~ lift! If so, perhaps you should wait. Surgery, as you know, is •ery expenshe, and many people feel it should only be used as a last resort. Not only that, there is now a new product on the market that lets you take up to 10 years off your looks without the expense and trouble of going to a doctor. This prodllct was •nloped by Mn. Ernest Borpiae and many of the top stan in Hollywood ab5olutely swear by it. In fact, Ruta Ltt, Brenda Vaccaro, Connie Ste•ms, Maureen l>Hn, Jed Allen, B•ck Tre•t and Debbie Reynolds are just a few of the importa•t celebrities who .. . . . .. . -! i i i ; J I I ' .,..· ~ .... I ;• v• e .. 5 =s, i s:1 i Iii _,. ~ 6 - cactus plant that was first dis- co•erecl by the Aztec Indians hundreds of years ago. And, until recently, this remarkable look-young treatment was only uailable in certain very remote sections of Mexico. This formula is certainly not cheap but the stars who use it say it works like magic. The entire process takes only half an hour and insiders say there is nothing like it for anybody who wants to look years younger than their actual calendar age. It is easy to use. A II you do is apply the formula to your face and wait. "The cream is pink when you apply it, and gradually turns white." says Tou. After it turns white it should be remo•ed. O ne of the ereat thi112s about it / m 111 ,..,,,,,..,."" fo1nn11/1J "''" taJ.r 1ran olJ 111t1r ap,...,1uu111 • 1ht1t / 1/ ,..1111.,/• ''"'' ""'" ,.,,.,,fk} 1/ \I,.. fl" ""' l()()'i •Dt11{ieJ IH.1 I II 1rnd ""' u /rff S~I 00 ,1/r 1mm,.,/1<1"'' f'"' Im tn1n11 11 ''-' Ameriea's n1osf poP.ular eatalog of mis es. 1ai:ge k half ize fash1011s. <'on\·t~nit•nf ~hoppinJ.! at honu· \\·Uh din"C·t Co ~·ou lou· pric-.~ on: • a stunning collection of dresse!), ~portswear. jeans. lingerie. shoes and more. • designer fashions and name branru coo . hke Teddi. Levi's and Playtex . f~ion C•tak>fl. 2300 Southea.~ern Ave .• lnd18napofh. IN 46207 Misses sizes 11-14 Women's sizes 34-54 Half sius 12'1i-34'1i Sh<H sii.es 6 to 12 , AA-EEE mail order Ftihion Catalog. I n / tlJai 'l; (J'""' r l,.1rlH/ \pl.·------ City Slot(' _ Zip Mall this coupon to: Fuhlon CataJoa 2300 Soothustern ve .• lndJanapolls. ll' ~207 3: ::::.. • .,... 1 •• ,. MR. HI TECH MODERN TECHNOLOGY MADE SIMPLE IN OUR MONTHLY COLUMN HAIL, HALLEY! (AND IGNORE THE HYPE) DIETING EUMINATED Fast Weight Loss Guaranteed With Incredible Oriental Capsule! At last. a revolutionary new weight-loss compound so effective that it makes the concept of dieting obsolete! This all natural product from Japan is so P<)INerful 1t actually launches an attack on fat-producing foods! It is so effecti\le it eliminates the need to diet. This amazing capsule. developed first in the Orient and now avail- able in the United States exclusively through National Nutrition Corporation. is called CAPSULITE!" Success stones by the thousands have bttn pouring in from across the country attesting to CAPSULITE'sTM miraculous properties! People never able to lose v.oeight before are now reporting dropping as much as 2 to 3 pounds the first 24 hours! .. IN 5 WEEKS, I LOST 41 POUNDS" SURROUNDS CAWRIES SO THEY CAN'T FORM INTO FAT! Developed m Japan by the Japanese Medical Assoc1at1on (J MAI. CAPSULITET" 1s an aJI natural product. based on the unique properties of the Konjac root. found aJmost exclusively in the Onent. It is safe and contains no drugs what.soever. The JMA began investigating the root after heanng of people expene:ncing rapid weight loss after eating 1t. Through extensive laboratory test- ing. the JMA discovered a sound mtdical baSi.s for this phenomenon: after ingest- ing the Kon1ac root. 1t dissolves into a gel which envelopes fat-producing foods. This actJon prevents calories from <kvelopmg into fat tissue and alters the food's contact with the intestinal membrane! Upon making this radical discovery. the JMA deYeloped a weight-loss formu- &OCAPSULES NATURAL VITAMIN (Pure [}Alpha Tocopheryl) Scientific research has shown that Vitamin E is essential to the body because 11 supplies oxygen to the heart and o1her muscles. This full two month's supply of sugar, starch and salt .,, .., free pure 0.Alpha Tooopheryl gelatin capsule$ 1s avallabfe-fOf a limited time only-at no cost to you. Enclose only SU>O for postage and handling. • • .. .. - • • l ., ... r:--------SATISFACTION OUARAHTt:ED --------.. I ~=.~~~~~l FW0.18 •• I Brooklyn, NY 11203 I Please rush your free order of 60 capsules ot ~I u ot na1ura1 V1tam1n E I have en-I I closed 11.00 for postage and handling I I SHIPTO: NAME I I AOORESS I I CITY STATE ZIP I ... ______ UMITEDONE~lllERRESIDENCE -------~ • I I . BEFORE: March 15th - • •" • ·" • •,. n • B eware of Halley hype. HaJJey' s comer is already VlS- ible through telescopes on lhe journey to earth it makes every 76 years. By December, you • should be able to see it with the naked eye. The doser 11 comes, the harder will be the sell for everything from fancy 1elescopes to Halley's comet T-shirts 10 comet<hasing tours to Tahiti. That trip to the South Seas would be fine. if you can swing it. because the far · ther south you go, the better your view of the comet. And it will be a once-in-a· lifetime event because the comet won'! be back until late 2061. But as far as fan· cy equipment goes -telescopes and such -the motto is "simple is best · The comet was first noted more than 2,000 years ago, but ifs named after the I 7th<entury astronomer Sir Edmund Halley (the name rhymes with alley) who was the first to figure out its 76-year cycle Through most of its long journey ifs a lump of frozen gas and space debris, four or five miles across. As 11 nears the sun. though, a combinabon of vaporized gas and cfust will form a greai doud around the head of the comet and a tail stretchi!l$ upwards of 100 million miles behind 11 You should know what you'll see whPn H~llPV'<: rnml>i :.mv--~nri AdWrttM-1 WHO ELSE WANTS TO LOOK YOUNGER WITHOUT GOING TO A DOCTOR? Amazing New Formula From Beverly Hills Lets You Take Up To 10 Years Off Your Looks Without The Scars And Expense Of Plastic Surgery FOR JUST $39 .00 Ha~ yo11 ePer tlto11gl1t about ltavi11g a/ace lift! If so, perhaps you should wait. Surgery, as you know, is "ery ex pensive, and many people feel it should only be used as a last resort Not only that, there is now a new product on the market that lets you take up to I 0 years off your looks without the expense and trouble of going to a doctor. This prochtd was cleYeloped by Mrs. Ernest Borpiae and many of the top stars in Hollywood absolutely swear by it. In fact, Ruta Lee, Brenda Vaccaro, Connie Ste,ens, Maureen Dean, Jed Allen, Buck Treat and Debbie Reynolds are jast a few of tbe importaat celebrities who ··,~-__ ... ·-•&.. •• -!--..!--••-~ --~---· cactus plant that was first di~ covered by the Aztec Indians hundreds of years ago. And. until recently, this remarkable look-young treatment was only uailable in certain very remote sections of Mexico. This formula is certainly not cheap but the stars who use it say it works like magic. The entire process takes only half an hour and insiders say there is nothing like it for anybody who wants to look years younger than their actuaJ caJendar age. It is easy to use. A II you do is apply the formula to your face and wait. "'The cream is pink when you apply it, and gradually turns white,'' says Tova. After it turns white it should be removed. One of the ereat thines about it TOO-TIGHT SHOES? TIRED, ACHING FEET? Don't Ttwow A•ay f,_, F'10rlN P.U ol $hoa ... ,_.., 0¥«rWghf RelHll! Men's a Lldl"' Sins- Fits """' Of l.tft FOot WOlKS THll£E WAYS- • W-1.o.E·N SHOO b • ~ti!:... NOt'' 1ttadl1M11ta -Mlhs -far ~ • llUlllOlll e CliSIDll F11 YOlll !Mes ITlllRa nlU .... 11111\' ... ,.~ TICllt lllolt an 1 rut "'*"" ... Mid llWl~tf • """"" pelt COlllCI. •1111 coat Of "'°"' ........ tM "'19Ct .., to ............... ,.. _, ...,. to b4IY -OMS, 11111 J1011 -·· U.. to .,_i _, at Illa • UMlltr ...... UllllU M!wy ~~ "allot trMI'' .... ,.~,_, SllOe $#etc,.., tebltlly wldellt lllOM. A ITW1 "91 to .,,,_ --IATllUCTIOtf ~ll TOOAY!--, 1t1·· • ""' •• ., ta ~It..., ..... •• r ... _. _. -. _ vz ....... 08 lrt 111$1 llOt l'oo.J ..... Ttntlc ~ •---__.. -~tort Md tot..,... ... coru. MllCMd, .... It, ......... tnal ~""" ... Tiit ..... att.lcMltlltS atntdl tll• Y.-PI ... Niii .., Pro,.../olllll Sllff St,.ICINf(t} tnCt lllOt INt '""ts. Nst 111....t 1M SltOe ti IMllclttd llelow, oa ~I ~II prt!!IH. St,..re,._r .·. TWll 1111 Mlldlt to _....., It . • .._., ...... (ZlG350) ------- Then ...... lfl ... ~t. Mtfl'S I.MP ~ ------- ......al. ............ , c:unu ... LadMI -(Dl2'371) -------r•n ,. ITal nu -Ml! a:JG314> ==" tll llt t11t tW!t ot ltft lllOt ••• Sapetti Ltdlee§ O..~ltf*M'tlltMllY ,5.llDlut fJ.ISSIH -"'1· res r lll "Ml" wltll ..ta.I IAftl ~ 2"' ........ _. P.1'> •1P. I "ttoo l\Ndlt _, plattlC ...... atbd-•tJ. . '"'~r ~/ AllJ 3 tot $15.00...., _. .... "' tint ...... , ... Ille ..m... ...... .......... .......,_ • ,_ ..... Y-dlolct of l.tdl11 .. _...._..,, g.:affttru.tdd..._taa.> _..., <tw -.. 1111 ta 11.m 7>1 &Mttt LMP ~-,.... o m• (OWtt 7>1 ...... bpltr (to ... lh ....... ..... alllm "' 0 Dllltf1 -~ (Mr I). lo ... to -... 'tYt tD< ttwlf ,.. 0 ~II ta..-0 llnt -u... ...... Ac:ct.. *· ---------- AUY _.__.... wtttMll JO ... W __, r.. Dltt ------~ prtllt1) '*'~"',.. .. a--..>-O.llOtleJ•••~ ------------.. , ......ar.Wtdllrlt~Cl'ldttc8"fOllly ~ ----------........ 1. •1-..,... _ ... ~· ....... _ ........... _... CnY----------- ITM -----ZIP -----.__OW_\I_._._. __ . ., .. "-." ____ ,._._,_nu __ L.-------• tt.M.1., s• ------~ "/ it1 "' pt>J//ll'C' m\'f11tm11/11 "'" '°"" \C'O" fl{f \Yljlr ap~arttm r 1;.a1/U111>1 '"'" ft'NI ""' u rt'f11M •I 1•1'< rr nm /OO'l w111{it'd bv1 I II 1t'nd \l?jl u frtt ~I 00 e1fl '"''""""''"'' 11H1 It,, '""'" 11 ~ yout exctt11'l9. new fashion cotolog~fll:,::led~c::::=::==:.., with sexy sponsweor. doting ~s. lv.soovs ~, upliftl"9 foundodons. senwol swim~. ond ~uonol ~s . You fwst cotolog 1~ o 'l'C>luoble tr.• gift c:Jffef1 • s.nd T odoy! ~ 52 fa< 6 I~ CK 53 fOt 12 Issues ond begin to explCKE' Y'0'-1' toncosies romonow Subscnpoon ~ COolef ~cost r::J post()(}e and hondhn<;i ~tpaons oolv 1n u ., :. --------------------nw>EP.ICK'S Of HOU Y'tfOOO oo 1 0 HOU 'l'tlOOO Ill OE Pl 117 t<>u Y'WOOO CA Q002e • r..aO!I n '°' • ~ -I (M().O!i( t3 '°' I 1 ~~ ~IOfe °" 1 .. II \ ~ c ,, ,., ___ \ J • I D MR. HI TECH MODERN TECHNOLOGY MADE SIMPLE IN OUR MONTHLY COLUMN DIETING ELIMINATED HAIL, HALLEY! (AND IGNORE THE HYPE) B eware of Halley hype 1 Halley's comet is already VIS Fast Weight Loss Guaranteed With Incredible Oriental Capsule! ible through telescopes on the journey to earth it mak~ every 76 years. By December, you should be able to see 11 with the naked eye The closer 1t comes. the harder will be the sell for everything from fancy telescopes to Halley's comet T-shirts to comet<hasing tours to Tahiti. That trip to the South Seas would be fine. if you can swing it, because the far ther south you go. the better your vit'\\ of the comet. And it will be a once-in-a· lifetime event because the comet won I be back until late 2061. But ~ far as fan cy equipment goes -telescopes and such -the motto is "simple is best · At last. a revolutionary new weight· loss compound so effective that it makes t~ concept of dieting obsolete! This all natural product from Japan is so J>OW'l'ful 1t actually launches an attack on fat-producing foods! It is so effective it eliminates the nttd to diet. This amazing capsule. developed first in the Orient and now avail· able in the Unittd States exclusively through National Nutrition Corporation. is calltd CAPSU LITE!"' Succes.s stones by the thousands have been pouring in from across the country attesting to CAPSULITE'sT"' miraculous properties• People ne'Yef able to~ weight before are now reporting dropping as much as 2 to 3 pounds the first 24 hours! "IN 5 WEEKS, I LOST 41 POUNDS" SURROUNDS CALORIES SO THEY CAN'T FORM INTO FAT! Developed in Japan by the Japanese Medical Assocration tJ MAI CAPSULITET'I rs an all natural product. based on tht unique propttties of the KonJac root. found almost exclusively m the Onent. IL is safe and contains no drugs what.soeYer. The JMA ~n m\leStrgating the root after heanng of people expenenc1ng raped ~ight loss after eating 1t. Through extensi"' laboratory test· rng. the JMA discovered a sound me<hcal basis for this phenomenon: after ingest· 1ng the KonJac root. 1t dissolves into a gel which envelopes fat-producing foods This acLJOn prevents calones from developing rnto fat t.Jssue and alters the food"s contact with the intestinal membrane! Lpon making this radical discovery, the J MA developed a wei«ht·loss formu· THE 24 KARAT OOLO LAYERED STATUE OF THE ' LEGENDARY UNICORN He pouuu the brlghtne.u of the Ught that dr1vu •••Y Ill darkMU :=:"v $19.95 The Legendery Unicorn end His M•glul Powers The amulng end mysterious un1ccrn hn been the •vmbol ol weelth and power lor kings lor thousan<b of years It nas been wrluen that the unicorn 1s the symbol of truth atrength end fight 8roughl to unh on e spiral of llght the unicorn posse~• the power of fight slrOf\g enough to drt"e awey darknt:u and obtcurtty As the legt:nd gat:s the unicorn's horn hu m-otcel powers for good fortune -rruiklng the unicorn e highly pr11ed poueulon The limited edition statue In 24 Karat Gold laytrlng Hermond Oheurlen. famed sculptor, has truly ceptured thlt mythlcel creature for ell 11me Tht: Ore In the eyes ol thl1 lndMduelly cre~ed statue Kt:ms to light up the darkness Tht: rich lut1er of the pure 2• Karat Gold layer Ing glows with rich warmth The hend polished hardwood pedestal tuppons this incredibly lifelike unicorn In the perfect position Thi• t>ceutlful work of •11 can t>e yourt for en unbtle¥lt>fy low ~ (){ on!) t I 9.9' Share In the mythical powert of the Legendary Unicorn Tht: Ghuerlen Unicorn wlll bring mao•cal delight Into your llfe Th11 llmlted edhton unicorn 1let11e mekcs • wooderful •l'\d ""'lcomt 91h (Of eny occasion Special Collector's Statue This Un~orn. e llmlltd edition t<ulpturt wlll becom.t e more valued possuelOtl n the yu ,. go by Shrelber (,More guerentcta rhet by De«mber 1996 ell mold•. for th1t un~ue ""°'" of •rt. wlll be MJtroyed __ ,_ • PHONE TOU FREE 1-800-255-4321 Cel 24 hours • da<y 7 dllyt a Wf'f« -111t1 b Dept. 00·53 30-day money-back guarant« lend your~ to! 8'wwllet t. ~ ~51 1201 Brighton Rd . Clifton N.J 07012 The comet was first noted more than 2.000 years ago. but it's named after the l 7th<entury astronomer Sir Edmund Halley (the name rhymes with aJley). who was the firsl to figure out its 76-yeat c_rde Through most or its long journey 11 s a lump of frozen gas and spa<:(' debris, four or hve miles across. A5 It nears the sun. though, a combination of vaporized gas and dust will form a great cloud around the head of the romet and a tail stretching upwards of I 00 mil hon miles behind tt BEFORE: March 15th -You should know what you'll see whon M,.11,..,'c r,nmot :am\loc _ .,.nti Are You /!Jtdttng? Hard Wor~ng? Creative? YOUR NAME HOLDS AMAZING SECRETS! Discover them for yourself with a PERSONAL FULL-NAME ANALYSIS What's io your name? The amazing study of acro- phooology by Kiley and Gordon reveals that each letter of the alphabet carries its own energy pattern and relates to a sign of the Zodiac. Ta.ken together, the letters of your name can reveal your character and personality! It could help you change your future and your fortune. It could change your life! Specify first, middle and wt name. r· r ' I \ I ..... <HI I H \II t.,, 1•11h 'fl ) l)l)' -· . M •BY SKl'l'B You &re a oreauve lndiv10UA1. not. neceSS&I'Uy a.rt.1.St.10 but. ~enlOUS and t.a.lent.ed 1n many You a.re a ha.rd worker, capable of :mpltshint almost 8J\Y goal you set for ··~··-"'" v,.,11 A"° .. \rtni1 a.nd gentle person, -----...-..--...... ~--------- FUU NA.Ml ANALYSIS 01011 POUC SpHttr Glfa. AOl •..crr 1uc1, .. Atlandc o.,. II{) 08411 Y!S, 1•11 mt what my MIM 1""11 about rM Send m• my complrtrly pnt0MI romputerutd full·M1'1t analytlt (PT -48 ~ ll) fot lwt U 99 (1/,... 'J IJ~ -"• tNMI fT1M" • f l'fftJ1 ., I## -i. !'--alil I~ 00 far _.) Prtnt your full namr (For othet rcpon:a, pl-p1int u ch (JJ name on• "P9ralf •hfft,) ~... tctlftt.. u.11 .. '"'~ •IO\ll'fl """'t llll•p ...... _, P'Mllll,. 1ut "-"" ~ Ul\k'r fib)'"" lllll'fla!Nr ~ a\ ..... ,,.~ Addr .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~~~~~~.....;>Ut~~~-.L'I'-~~~~-•• ,.,, Sp.en Gifu I I I I I I I J I L-------~-------------J AdyertlM~I WHO ELSE WANTS TO LOOK YOUNGER WITHOUT GOING TO A DOCTOR? Amazing New Formula From Beverly Hills Lets You Take Up To 10 Years Off Your Looks Without The Scars And Expense Of Plastic Surgery FOR JUST $39.00 Ht1W! yo" l!W!r tlto11glt1 about ltaaii11g a/ace lift'! If so, perhaps you should wait. Surgery, as you know, is very expensive, and many people feel it should only be used as a last resort. Not only that, there is now a new product on the market that lets you take up to I 0 years off your looks witM>ut the expense and trouble of going to a doctor. lb.is product was developed by Mrs. Ernest Borpine and many of the top stars in Hollywood absolutely swear by it. In fact. Ruta Lee. Brenda Vaccaro, Coanie Ste•ens, Maureen Dean, Jed Allen, Buck Trent and Debbie Reynolds are just a few of die important c~ebrities who use and enthusiastically endorse this product. cactus plant that was first dis- covered by the Aztec Indians hundreds of years ago. And, until recently, this remarkable look-young treatment was only uailable in certain very remote sections of Mexico. This formula is certainly not cheap but the stars who use it say it works like magic. The entire process takes only hair an hour and insiders say there is nothing like it for anybody who wants to look years younger than their actual calendar age. It is easy to use. A II you do is apply the formula to your face and wait. "The cream is pink when you apply it, and gradually turns white:· says Tova. After it turns white it should be removed. One of the great things about it is that there is no gu~ work. It 'knows' what to do by itself! .. " ... Actually, he looks so good many of his co-stars have accused him of having a face lift! ... " And what about Ernest Borgnine? Have you seen him Saturday nights on his new hit T.V. series .. AIRWOLF .. ? If you have, you probably noticed he looks younger now than he did 10 years ago. Actually, he looks so good many of his co· stars have accus ed him of having a face lift! But Ernie swears it is not troe and, at a recent press confer- ence. he stated that the only reason he looks younger today than he did 10 years ago is because of what his wife Tova has disconred. What has ToYa Borgnine di~ co~ered? The answer Is f asdnat- ing. I t is a my.sterious formula that comes from the roots of a "But the best thing of au:· says Tova Borgnine. "is the way it makes you look years and years younger with the very first application. In fact," she says~ "this is what I call a 'no excuse' product that is backed up 100% by my personal guarantee.·• Would you like to try this remarkable discovery? Would yo11 like to have the beauty of youth without the sc~rs and expense of surgery? If so, here's how you can try thi amazing formula without any risk at all: Simply go ahead and order Mrs. Borgnine's formula by mail or telephone. Then, as soon as it arri•es. try it out in the priucy or your home. IM take a dose look at the amuina dlanae you I"' 111 fX''"''"' nn fi1rmu"' "'" 1akt' \'t-an olJ w>41r ap,wanmc • thm /'// ,.,,, 1111/l •t'rt.tl l•HI" rrfartJ 1/ l'Olt fl' "''' /Q(l'l \.Olis/it'd, but/ II uftd \\'HI ti frr~ Sll 00 ~1ft tft1mN11alt'l1 /WJI Im '"'"'~ 11 will see in your mirror! After It's easy to ordtr. Just complttt that. if .you are not 100% satis-thtordtrformbelow. andsendilto fied, simply send back the empt) Tova Borgnint wiJh your payment. product container and Tova will Or. ifyouprefertopayby credilcard see to it that you get a complete (Visa. MasurCard. or American refund with no questions asked. Express),juslcaJJ J-8()().36-TOVA-9 Remember! You can't lose (1-800-368-6819) to/1-f"e at any money but you can lost yean off time (24 hours a day. 7 da s a your appearance! week). Important-Fret Gift: All orders mailed "'ithin 10 da~'i ~ill receive a free gin worlh $21.()()of additional Skin Care produc~ · ' TO TOVA. BORGNINE , C10 T(JVfl CORPORATION The Penthouse ' 8920 W1lshtre BtYd Beverly Hills, CA 90211 4C3'T ~right TOvl\ Corooratio" 1985 No.AtSK OADEA coo~ (Please''"'" ilflO m11t tOOIY'I VITAL NOTE' Orders May Be Charged By Catting TOLL FREE 1..eoc>-3'-TOVA--9 (1-800.36&.-6829) ~mber lt'S TOLL FREE! Dear Tova. ' ~!I would like to IOOk yea15 younger by using the lormula 'fO\J have dt~ I am encios- ' 1ng $39.00 plus S2 75 postage and handling (Total S41 75) I u~nd that 11 I am not 1~ satisfied. I m-v return the unused P<>Oion tn 11s ortgtnal container w1th1n 30 days ot receiv11l9 • 11 tor a prompc and ooul1eous refund of lhe purchase PftCe of lhe product No QuesltOnS a5Aed , NOTIE. C1*:k '-• 11 ~ wlSh to orClef by eteOll card VISA M•~•fll Alfttl•ic::an E •Pt'H~ CREDIT CARO NUMBER (all oig.ts. l)leaWI EXPIRATION DATE Aoef'ESS CITYISTA~/ZIP PS Ct.-andMoiwyO!on ~bel'nadlt~ IOIN T'CM\ COAPOAATlON¥1ClCalolomta '-*"' : mut1 add ,...,-. ....... tS2 S41 IOI I ICUll °' '" 29 Thef\I>. ~ T .. • MR. HI TECH MODERN TECHNOLOGY MADE SIMPLE IN OUR MONTHLY COLUMN HAIL, HALLEY! (AND IGNORE THE HYPE) DIETING ELIMINATED Fast Weight Loss Guaranteed With Incredible Oriental Capsule! At last. a revolutionary l'l(W weight-loss compound so effective that 1t make-s the concept of diet.mg obsolete! This all natural product from Japan ts so powerful it actually launches an attack on fat-producing foods! It 1s so effective it eliminates the nttd to diet. This amazing capsule. developed first in the Orient and now avail· able m the United States exclusively through National NutrillOn CorporatlOl"I. is calkd CAPSULITE!M Success stones by tht thousands have bttn pouring in from across the country attest.mg to CAPSULITE 'sT"' miraculous propert~s! People never able to lost W'tlght before are now reporting dropping as much a.s 2 to 3 pounds the first 24 hours! SURROUNDS CAWRJES SO THEY CAN'T FORM INTO FAT! Developed in Japan by the Japanese Medical As soc1at1on tJMAl CAPSULITET" 1s an all natural product. based on the unique properties of the Kon;ac root. found almost exclusively in the Orient It is safe and contains no drugs what.soever The JMA began investigating the root after heanng o( people expmencmg rapid weight loss after eating 1t. Through extensive laboratory test· mg. the JMA discovered a sound medical basis for this phenomenon. after ingest- ing the KonJac root. 1l dissolves into a gel wh1Ch envelopes fat-producing foods This action prt\lents calories from developing mto fat ussue and alters the food 's contact with tht 1ntestJnal membrane• Upon making this rad1Cal dtscOll'eT}'. the JMA devtloped a weight-loss formu- la using only the active ingredients of the Konjac root. It was even awarded a L.n1t· ed States patent CAPSULITE's TM concentrated form means the v.oeight-reducing effects of the root are actually accelerated. You'll lose weight at a rate you never thought possible' FORGET CALORIE COUNTING! CAPSULITET~ is unlike any die:t aid you've ever tned. Not only is it all natu· ral. but 1t 1s a complete ~ght-loss plan. Just follow the easy instructions. There are no calones to count. no strenuous exemses to follow -CAPSULITET~ is so e((ective. all you nttd to do is ta kt tht capsules and watch the pounds mtll away• f.nJoy the foods you kM! to eat CAPSlJLITET"' controls your gaming weight be- cause excess calor~ are unable to form mto fat -it's as simple as that Fat disap- ~rs day by day. produ<mg visible results and a new thinner. happier you! A special note on CAPSlJLITE's™ effecti\ltfleSS: CAPSULITET" has abMr lutely no side effects ~ause the results are so dramatic and so rapid. somt peo- ple get earned away Set a goal and don't allow yourself to lost the weight too QutCkly If you find yourself losin g too fast. cut back on your capsule intakt 01' t\IU\ skip a day And you should always check with your doctor before beginning any ~ght-loss program to make sure you're m good health SPECIAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE As the only company in the United States authorized to sell CAPSULITE!M National Nutr1t1on Corporation has extensively tested the product and seen the results 1t can produce. even for those who've tritd countkss other did and wtight- loss proarams and (ailed Now you can have the look you wanl. a.nd you can ac· comphsh this we1gh1 loss m record ti~ National Nutrition Co~lion uraes )'Ou to try their remarkable p,roduct and offtts a guarantee they wouldn't be able to make 1f CAPSULITE " didn't dtdiver everything it promisu. Order CAPSULITETM loday. follow the instructions (or a 30 or 60-day tnal pmod I( you're not completely satisfied with CAPSULITE'sTM results. simply ntum t~ empty bottle for a (ull refund With a auarantet likt this. you can't 1fford not to try CAPSllLITE!" Isn't 1t time you had the body you'\lt always w1tnted, Nltk>nal Nutntron Corporation thinks so1 S/9 9S -30-doy supp/11 or SJS 95 6().dav supp/IJ. Ordw T10U1 by Mndmg " check or mont11 ordtr ft> ,'VATIO/\Al Nl TRn'JO/\ CORPORATIO!\. 2340 P STATE ROW .5/J(). DEPT' 248. CLEARWATER. FWRIDA 33575 Credit card custOl116S s1m/Hv coll loll frtt: J-800-43J.!H>03. Operators art !landma by to takt vour order 24 hours; day 7 cUvs i wetk1 If you ve nfver been ablt to lost> ,.,~llht before. don t w1111 You OWt •I to you~lf lo ordtr CAPSl'LITET" I~>'' "IN 5 WEEKS, I LOST 41 POUNDS" BEFORE: March 15th - ~ght 160 pounds AFTER: April 20th - ~ght 119 pounds ' . "/ can't thank ,,ou tnough for 11ndln9 mt CtPSIJUT~"" Otl..-dlds Just didn? UJOrlr loT nw. I lo~d food and thougltt I'd J1.1J!1I bt thin! CAPSIJUTE'H ha changsd all that! Al IJ9 pounds. J l.oolt and WJ grw11 ••• 11 pountb lighl• than I was Just flu. lllMb ago )t)ur product ii '"'111 amalngr -f..K. Miami. Fla "Ml/ husbttrtd Lr thrl/ltd tllith IM MU m./ 32 pounds J10'I# In ' ~ I et1n flt Into m11 tllttddlng fPl1" t1g<1ln 1• -QC. Austin. TX "&Jhing suit UOMJn u lwn and I a ml w it to hit tlw •ch"""' tltat I'm 23 pourwb lltl111w (11nd lrt )usl tltl'H 1hort lllttlcsJ 1~ • 'CH. Hdllbu. Cl ThHt aatlsfltd customm .UT only• l~ cl lhc lhou und• who haw Aehirwd S9ttUCullr mu.tu usina CAPSULITET~ Jon tlwm uld order JOUl' supply today' B eware or Halley hype Halley's oomel is already VI'> ible th rough telescopes on tht ,10umey to earth ii make. ~ery 76 years. By December. you should be able to see ii with the naked eye The doser it comes, the harder will be the sell for everything from fanC\ telescopes 10 Halley's co met T~sh1ns tc comet-<:hasmg tours 10 Tahiti. That trip 10 the South Seas would be fine. if you can swing it. because the far ther south you go, the better your vi(.>'.\ of the comet And it will be a once-in-a lifetime event because the comet won 1 be back until late 2061. But as far as fan cy equipment goes -telescopes ancl such -the motto is "simple is best The comet was first noced more than 2.000 years ago. but ifs named after lht> 17th-century astronomer Sir Edmunc Halley (the name rhymes with alley) who was the first Lo figure out its 7~year cycle Through most or Its long joume\ it's a lump of frozen gas and span debns. four or hve miles across. As 11 nears the sun, though, a combinat:Jon of vaporized gas and cf ust will form a grea1 doud around the head of the cornet and a tajl stretchin8 upwards or I 00 m1ll1on miles behind 11 You should know what you'll set- when Halley's comet amves -and whar you won't. "Don't expect a sk~ show." says Andrew Fraknoi, execut1vi· officer of the Astronomical Society of thf' Pacific, in San Francisco The comet will be around for nearly a year -moving closer. disappearing behind the .sun becoming visible again. and then head 1 ing back lo outer space. I For most or us, the spectacular pan of the return of Halley's comet will ht-I the pictures sent back by the six space- craft that will be chasing it, including d 1 special U.S space shuttle mission. I As for seeing 11 ourselves. the comet will be moving ever closer to ea.11h from now to year-end. Still, 1t won't 8ef dose enough to show us anything very dra mallc. And then , m January and Fetr ruary. 11 will be gone, behind the sun The comet wilr reappear next March, and the best viewing will come after that. Mid-April will be the ~ tlme of all for comet-watching. If yoo want to know more about the comet's visU. the two m~nes in the field -Astronomy and SRy & Tt!kscope -are covering every facet of it. Two highly recommended booklets that ex- plain things in simple terms are Mr Hollt!y's Comt!t (S2 from Sky & Tt!~pe. 49 Bay State Rd .. Cambridge. Mass. 02238} and Return of Holley~ Comt!I (from The Asironomical Society of the Pacific. 1290 24th Avenue. San Francisco, calif 94122. for a suaested contribuhon of M ) IW 1:1 FAMlt v Wf.DJ.Y . JULY 21 • 1• Actft'11M -I WHO ELSE WANTS TO LOOK YO UNGER WITHOUT GOING TO A DOCTOR? Amazing New Formula From Beverly Hills Lets You Take Up To 10 Years Off Your Looks Without The Scars And Expense Of Plastic Surgery FOR JUST $39.00 H11~ yo11 e~r tlto11gltt obout lta vi11g 11/11ce lift! If so, perhaps you should wait. S urgery, as you know, is very expensive, and many people feel it should only be used as a last resort. Not only that, there is now a new product on the market that lets you take up to I 0 years off your looks without the expense and trouble of going to a doctor. This prodlld was clenloped by Mrs. Ernest BorpiH and many of tbe top stan in Hollywood ab5olutely swe.r by it. In fact. Ruta Lee, Brenda Vaccaro, Coanie Stevens, Maureen ~an, Jed Allen, Buck Treat and Debbie Reynolds are just a few of die importaat celebrities who use and enthusiastically endorse this product. cactus plant that was first dis- covered by the Aztec Indians hundreds of years a go. And, until recently, this remarkable look·young treatment was only available in certain very remote sections of Mexico. This formula is certainly not cheap but the stars who u~ it say it works like magic. The entire process takes only half an hour and insiders say there is nothing like it for anybody who wants to look years younger than their actuaJ caJendar age. It is easy to use. A II you do is apply the formula to your face and wait. '"The cream is pink when you apply it, and graduall)' turns white;· says ToYa. After ii turns white it should be removed. One of the great things about ii is that there is no guess work. It 'knows' what to do by itself!'' " ... Actually, he looks so good many of his co-stars have accused him of having a face lift! ... " And whal a boul Ernest Borgnine? Have you sttn him Saturday nights on his new hit T.V. seria "AIRWOLf'"! If you have, you probably noticed he looks younger now than he did 10 yean ago. Actually, he looks so good many of his co· s tars have accus ed him o f having a face lift t But Ernie swears it is not true and, at a rttent press conf tr· ence, he stated that the only reason he looks younger today than he did 10 years ago I because of what his wife Tova has di~ered. What has T~a Bo'l"ine di covered? The answer i faKlnat- 1111. It is a my!teriou formula tbat CC>ftla from die roots of • "But the best thing of au.·· says Ton Borgnine, "'is rhe way it makes you look year and years younger with the ver y fi rst a pplication. In fact," she say "thi is what I caJI a •no excuse' product that is backed up 100% by my personal guaranttt." Would you like to try this remarkable discovery? Would yo11 like to have the beauty of youth without the scars and ex pense of surgery? If so, here's how you can try thi amazing formula without any risk at a ll : imply go ahead and order M ~ Borcnlne's formula by mail or tefephone. Then, a soon a it arrins, try it oat in the priucy of your home. alld take a close look at tlw amazJaa dlanae you I ,,. "' 1"'"'"1'"" /o,.,1ulu .,,1110A.t' •t'On oiJ '"'" 1lp~t1n1111 • 1hiJ1 I II ""'""'' lf'M '"''I.I rr/lmil r/ ",.. ,.,. 1t111 /()(}'1, 1<111\/if'll htlr I If und \Y"1 o /rrf' Iii 00 rift '"""'"'""'"'' '"'' ,.,, '"''"'" will see in your m ir ror! After lt ~t tasv to ordu . Just comp/t it tha t, if you.a re not 100% satis-thtordtr/orm below.andstndilto tied. simply ~nd back the empt) Tova Borgnint wiJh your payment. product container and Tova will Or. if you prefer to pay by crediJ card stt to it that you get a complete (Visa, MastuCard, or Amt rican refund with no qu~1ions asked. F.xpress),jusJ caJJ 1-800-36-TO\IA-9 Rem embe r .' You can 't lost 0-8()()..368-6829) to/1-f~t at any money but you can lost yt>a" off time (24 h oun a day. 7 days a your ap~aronu.' wttk). lmportant-Frtt Gift: All order, mailed " ithin 10 da~' "'ill receive a frtt~ift worlh$2J.00ofadditiona1Skin Care producl'I· TO TOVA 80RGHINE cJo TOVA CORPORATION The PenlhOuse 8920 Wilshire BM:i Beverly Hills CA 90211 .C:JT C<>O't'l9"' T'Qvl" C0t~h<>•' 1965 NO-'ltSK ORDER cou~ IPteaH l1M n I ncl "'I 1100.-,'I VITAL NOT£' Orders May Be Charged By Calltng TOlL FREE 1·900-36-T'OVA-9 (l-I00-368-6t29) ~member It._ TOLL FREE' Oea1 Tova. "'"' I would ltke to IOOk yea~ younger by US1ng the fo1mula yOU naw Olsc<Mtred I am 90CIOs-'"9 S39 00 plus S2 75 postage and handling (focal $41 75) I undef'IU!nd that 1t I am nol 1()()% satisfied. I may return th4t unused poruon 1n rts onginal container witt11n JO days of receivmg • 11 tot a prompt And courteous refund of Che pure has. price oft he produet No QUMllOl'ls asked , NOTE· Checi! Mott ti yOV wtllh 10 oroia< try c..o.1 Cir<! VISA Ml~~ Ametttf" hll'ff1 CREOll CARD NUMBER (all Oogt1S pleuel E JCPtRA1 ION DAT!: AOOAESS CITY1STATE/ZIP PS C1'90la#td~~-,_,.~10lhtf0\lil\~ll()N~C»1amot1~ : _. eoo t'lt"-..._ .. ,~~I IOI 1 11M1 a1 S<1A 2'11 ffW* ~ T .es& • HERE'S WHAT Al I FRGIES MAY BE DOING TO YOU! AI.I.ERGIES & Your Family Doris J. Rapp, M.D. •Headaches •Fatigue •Muscle aches • Intestinal disorders •Behavior problems • Joint pain "It's psychOsomatlc.'' "It's all in your head .. "You 1ust have to learn to hve with 1t "Tl'us 1s what you, Of' a member of your family may be heanng when these symptoms can't be traced to a physical cond1tl0fl. But allergies. and the suffenng they cause. are very real' Yes• Sometimes allergies cause a lot more than 1ust sneezing and a runny nose. Asthma. arttint1s. eczema. dart< wnnkles under the eyes. dtZZiness. mtgraine head· aches. colrt1s. hyperactMty. nervousness. fatigue and depression-these are 1ust a few of the conditions that may be directty related to allergic r911ctJOn. Hard to believe? Believe !fl Just ask your doctor. He II tell you that foods. dust. pollen, chemicals. clothes. pets and more may cause allefg1c reactions So if you haven't been feeling your best. Bllerg1es may be the reason why ALLERGIES & YOUR FAMILY has been written by Or Doris J Rapp to help you recognize and cope with allergies. Your own allergies. your children ·s. your family's. It explains what you can ~ to help find the cause of the allergies. how allefg+es are treated. and how the deVelopment of allergies can, in many cases. be dOO!yed or prevented This Is a comprehenStve book wntten 1n a Stmple. easy-to-understand question-and-answer fOf'm Yet it 1s so 1nformanve and reliable that It is recom- mended by doctors and medlcal 1oomals. It has even been called by one authOrity. "The allergy counterpart or Dr Spock · So rf you want to learn more about allergies and how they affect you, AUERGIES & YOUR FAMILY IS a good place to start Ofdef your copy today' T OHO OR T H E 1 OOth ANNIVERSARY OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY COMMEMORATIVE -FOLDING - POCKET KNIFE ln honor of the lOOlh Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, Amencan Family 1s proudly making available a stnctly linuted edition of the Amencan uberty"' CommemonbVe Folding Knife. Each knife is made m the United States to exacting standards by Amencan aaftsmen and features the exclusive DuraMar-9"' handle. 21ST CENTIJRY TECHNOLOGY IN A COLLECTIBLE KNIFE The revolutionary DuraMar-9 ••handle has a surface hardness on a jeweler's ratmg scale of 9-comparable to a ruby or sapphire. Rustproof. it also resists scratching and chippmR. yet is amazmgty light to can)'. We believe this to be possibly the first appbcat>On of ttus matenal to a c0Uect.1ble knife anywhere m the world. INDIVIDUAL REGISTRY NUMBER ON EACH KNIFE An individual offioal registry number permanently llTI· printed on the back of the blade makes each knife one of a kind. The Amencan uberty Commemorative Knife IS bemg issued 01r/y 111 lhis strictJy limned editJOO. After December 31, 1986. tJus offer will be offioally withdrawn. The Statue of Liberty has been painst.akmgly engraved in bnght salver color against the gtisterung black of the handle. and each blade electro-etched with "October 28. 1886-1986". making its Centenrual as a symbol of Americall bberty. PERSONALLY MONOGRAMMED AT NO EXTRA COST Al no additional expense. you may have your collectible knife hand-engraved with your own personal monogram ... up to 3 Uliuals. Simply note this on the order form. You also receive a luxurious blade velvet-like carrying sheath and stately blade gift box. You might expect a coDectible of this value to be beyond your means . . . but D'I tribute to the Sutue of Ubert y and the ideals it represents, this unique knife is being offered for only $24.95. Order your LIBERTY COMMEMORATIVE FOLOCNG KNIFE today! a..ntOlllcla ~ ..................... SIMooil lf'(117 .. c 111$~~ ~~~~~~~~.,,.---------------------------------------- AMERJCAN FAMILY, BOX 4172. ~. t7lA•Wa,Hu.ntfn«ton Station. NY 11743 YES! I woldd like to order the LIBERTY COMMEMORATIVE FOl.OlNG KNIFE £ndosed plene &cl my 0 dlCCk 0 money Ofder for S24. 95 plus 12. SO poetqtr and handlina. NY m*ntt di 'Wi"Pliate '*9 tn. Or charge to my 0 V'u 0 MasurCard. Acct. -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Slptutt Exp. D11t NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP __ .._~~~~~~~~-------------~--------------------------· I UTTLlllG8U81 fcontl!HJ«J from ptJfl' 4J Lffus~by saying Dnething complimentary about lhe yellow jacket: As a spe- cies. it periorms an invaluable ser- vice by oollecting insects lO feed its larvae. We point th.ts out becai 1se, from here on. the ta)e al this mean- spirited little social wasp, often mis1abk!d a "picnic bee." takes a dec:idecly Ufjy tum. Yellow jackets hardly are a recent an- noyance in this coomy. But acoording to .Johnson's Grothaus. they only became a cause for serious coocem in lhe last two decades. after lhe German yellow jacket was introdOO!d into lhe Eastern United States. A highly aegres.sive animal that builds latge oolonies. ~ m walls. rt already has spread almost lo the Mississippi and has been identified as far away as Wash~ State - a quantum leap that worries scientists. Over lhe years. lhe yellow jacket has ~ on!y accepted man's environmenl but embraced n. During what is called the "'protein season." when they nonnally nurture their young with insects. they now doggedly pursue virtually any type of meal product -hamburgers, bacon. ham. hoc dogs -and use ii to nourish the larvae. Near the end of the summer. when queens and males are being pro- duced to start the co&ony from scratch next spring. the ~p's nutritional needs tum to sugars. To dtscoura&e them, therefore, foods should be kepi 1ndoofs and under wraps. 'The bottom line is thal if you 80 OUt· Side during those peak seasons with ~those animals can use as kJod.'" warns Grtthaus. "they will for 1t. ~ won't 80 away ii you : and 1f you swat them. you ·u gel stu Peopfe can be talking and 61ling a rger and em up with a JTl(Qhful al The tongue can swell to the point the VlCtim will choke to death. But the worst prob6em is for peopie who are sensitive 10 Lhe venom. for they usually have less than half an hour lor trearment." Indeed. as Grothaus notes. more peo- ple die of yellow jacket stings m the United States every year than from all other insect bites. 'ihere really are on- ly two things you can do.'' he su((8e5tS "Kill them or get out of the way." If you intend to destroy a nest - whether in the walls al a house. under· ground, or~ from a tree limb - do it alter dusk. when the ~ have returned and are s&eeping. Otherwise. you can have thousands al them swarm- ing around the site. mad as the dev'll. Yellow )ac.km tend to build nesas with onJy one opening. and once you have determined where it II. you can use a F~Y WUXLY • JULY 21 • ,. l I special ~hornet spray tha! puts out a long stream of 12 feet or more Sarurate the entrance Then leave fast. spired an all-<>Ut war effort in recent decades Because they can make human UnJike most other common insects hab1ta.t1on impossible in certain areas. that bedevil man. mosquitoes have in-tcontin&Wd on ~ /SJ Warning. The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Heatth _Rich/and ; R\cb\and Rili Foggcr controls bug tnf cst:atiom tn your home by killing thollsands of raacbcs and fleas dead ... where they hide. .... ... •..• •• SC. tatncn. San. Inc. MARILYN'S RECIPES SIMPLY ELEGANT SUMMER FARE By Marilyn Hansen S ummer entertaining should be simple yet elegant, capitalizing on fresh. light ingredients. We went to the pros for advice, seeking out some of New York's top chefs. The dishes we selected, from Pru· nelle and Le Petite Marmite, two inn<> vative French restaurants. and Sandro's and Gordon's, two Italian restaurants featuring light, Northern Italian foods, are easily prepared, with make-ahead steps and simple last-minute instruc- tions. Enjoy! S Jarse~ I larfe lprit dlll, cMpped 2 cape butter.Ilk 2 Lu-.e tableapoona creme tndCbe or 90W' c:reem Salt freably poaDcl pepper 1. Skin and seed 2~ cucumbers. reserving remaining ~ for garnish. Cut roughly and puree in a processor or blender witfl the dill 2. Add buttermilk and salt and pepper 10 taste and process 20 seconds longer. Chill in covered container. 3. Cut reserved ~ cucumber into 4 discs; scoop out seeds. leaving a thin layer on the bottom and scallop tops decoratively Place a dollop of creme fralche into each. 4. Ladle the soup into 4 chilled bowls and Ooat the cups on top. Makes 4 seroings From Chef Ptu/ip McGrath, Prune/le oven; cool m poachina liquid. Refrigerate hours oc unul chilled. Combine mayonnais with mustard for sauce. 4. Serve fish drained, on a bed of crisi greens. garnished with thyme sprigs an• lemon slices. Pass sauce in sauceboat for 1n dividual serving. Mak~ 4 seroms From Chef luan Dumesrrt. la Ptlde Marmit. 2 ndtt ol lamb, .. 7 cbopt eac.b Salt 2 ~= p-oand bl.ck peppel' tartk. tpllt 4 teupoou roeeaary leavea or 2 teupoou dried 0Uft oU 2 teupoone Balaamk:o rinefar• 1. Have butcht"r cut racks into individua ~hops. Pound chops liRhtly to nauen; placE m shallow non-corrodible pan and sprinklt hghlly with salt. pepper, garlic and rosemary Add enough olive oil to coat chops liberally Allow meat to marinate for 1-1 ~ hours. refrigerated or at room temperal\Jre. 2. Just before serving. heat a cast·1ron skillet over high flamt? to very hot and smok1ns. Sear lamp chops on both Sides for 20 seconds only. Sprinkle with vinegar Place chops on heated plates and serve immediately Makes 4 servings •ff you cannot find &lsomico vinegar. use I teaspoon each oder umegar and !'011 wme From Sandro Ftnr111. chef, Sandro's Restaurant Cll°lfJA\11t&9P"Y 'i ~:::j1 I tableepooD vanilla extnct 4 ftleU ol eole, Wlbat, or AD)' wbJte-I tablapooo orante extrad neMecl n.la I cu==IT'Y preeenea. s ..... 1tt1not... dk:ed ~ 2 do¥ee ..,UC. ftDely cbopped 2 CUI» cbopped -.tural alJDoDda Salt 8 ea w~!8 F1"e91a17 ....,..S bllick pepper Pinch ... , 2 tabl up a •• te.oa J-kie 4 _._ lbed waaroo... tUced 1. In top of double boiler over simmering S ta11h1p a•• tr..-thyme vea or 1 water. melt chocolate and butter together 1u1pooe dried mixing until blended Remove from heat: I bay leel, cnmbled 2. In large bowl. beat egg yolks until light I cap WW.. wine and add sugar gradually. beating until very 2 c..-"*" light and nutty (about 7 minu1es). I t1Mp 1oe IMltter, aofteilecl ~.:::...r-./t 3. Add vanilla and oran°" ex1racts to ~ I QIP ...,....a., pn1enib1y . o~ h•t•+ sugar mixture; beat again. Al low speed, d I tabh1,11e1 Dqoo or~ raspberry preserves and almonds. Add ........... chocolate mixture and blend Crttip aect11ce a.n., eprip o1 ,.._.. 4. In large. clean bowl with clean beaters. lllJ'IM. Md daba a..oD .arc-beat egg whites until stiff with a pinch of 1. Cut fish IUec.s into unlJonnly 5bied triansles salt. Fold gently into chocolate CQmbinatlon. and place In a I~ oiled shallow poroeiain 5. Pour baller into a greased and floured 9- baking pan. Sprinkle fish with shallots and or 10.inch spring.form pan. Bake in 350 F garlic; season with salt and pepper to tasle. oven for 45 minutes or un11I ju~ done. Cake Sprinkle with lemon juice. mushrooms. should be moist and chewy; do not over· thyme and bay leal. bake. Cool on rack. then loosen from side 2. Add whitt wi~ and Wllfer 10 pan _ liquid of pan with spatula and remove outer nng must cover l4 of r!Sh. Butter shfet of foll Serve at room temperature or chilled gar- Place foil. buttered side down. over fish and nished with a spoonful of whipped c~eam crumple around pan 10 secure. and a sprinkle of raspberries or sliced S. Place pan in preheated 400 F oven and strawberries for color Molt~ 8 servmgs bake k>r 20 minutes or unti~ fish Is opaque From Chri5toph~r BoroM. co-owner and and firm and Rakes easily. Remove from poslry cM(. Gordon 's Re31ouront 12 f A*.Y W rDJ.V • .U.Y 21 . 1• ANOREXIA: NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY t was just over a year ago that l l-year-0ld Mike of Orlando. Fla.. suddenly stopped eati ng. His n a.<,on' Fear of getting fat. He began exercising inces- ~nll) " recalls his mother. t 11nger "He was always run- ninq dround the block and do- ing ':>It-ups." The boy dropped 24 pounds 111 four weeks. When his par- ' m~ forced him to eat. he 'neaked into the bathroom ind made himself vomit. \like was experiencing the '\ mpcoms of anorexia nervosa 11111 bulimia, two related P'Hholog1cal disorders that 1 .1u se dangerous disruptions in .1 person's eating habits \11urex1a and bulimia are '"'Jdlfy thought ol as "women's illnesses " It is becoming d ear. I 11 .... ever. that men are vulner- 1hft' to these diseases as well \1 leasi one rehable esiimate I 1:-. 11 that more than I 00.000 1tt1ms -or more than 10 p1•rcen1 of all anorexic/bul- 11111r~ m this country -are 111c1le fhe most common person- 1litv type among bolh male 111J female anorexics is the 'uper-ach1ever." a highly motivated person who none- ttidess feels a painful lack of '1·ll wonh or an inability to • 11pe w11h certain setbacks 1111... 1nd1v1duaJ may go for 't>dr\ with perfectly normal t'dtmg habits. Then. for some r<'ason, a personal crisis (such .1:-. parental divorce or a prob- lt•m m school) triggers the rnmpulsive obsession with diet ,ind bodv shape. The victim. male or lemale. begins to use food intake as a measure of < ontrol over his or her life. or "' a means to gain attention Their circumstances can n1dke them feel helpless," says V1v1an Meehan, president of th(' Nallonal Association of ;\norexia Nervosa and Assoc•· <.1ted Disorders (ANAO) in H1qhland Park. Ill. "Anorexia 'l•ves lht m a tremendous wnse of power and accom- plishment After all. nobody ran stop you from starving \Ourself .. Buhm1a -which olten ac- companies anorexia -is sur- By Mitch Alborn and Aleer.l Zimberoff Encaprin:· H's a bel ter way to treat m 11 •ilis. 2_ &IOQPltl• ~ lr•b1111Clfb1 :=:,.92:;:-~cm1 ll8dJce II lfb t malloli and a.iellng. ._..cat•• pain qs'°" cal'\ Encaptn-.~can rered by people so obsessed wain the fear of gaining weight that 1hey actually force them- selves lo vomit any food (and the calones) they eat In both cases. of cou~. the resulling weight loss can be extremely dangerous and. if not arrested. even fatal. What causes maJe anorexia and bulimia? There as no o~ answer Most experts blame our society's emph3SlS on thin- ness as a partiaJ catatysi They also liken the diseases them- selves to a sleeping bee. dor· manl inside man) people - male and female -lhat C.tJ'l be awakened under certain preci- pitating conditions Young males somecun~ slip into anorexic be.havtOf through compulsive exemse ThtS can happen clS early as high hool. where some coaches encour .t.ge their aihletes to pig out and \Offi ll·. unkno .... tngj' nudg1ng lhe potenual anore.\ 1c into ~rous temtof\ The problem can cam o' t'r mto adulthood Our .:urrent f1l ness craze has Amencan men more concerned thdn ~er w1th their own phvs1que and bodv weight Some gro"' tan- at ic about exercise as a mean ol sia~1ng slim A 1982-83 Slud\ 01 6() 'lldr athon runners conducted b' the psych1atl) depann1t'nt nl th e Lnivers1t\ or Anzona in Tue.on found that a ma1Mtl'\ Some men slip into anorexia through compulsive exercise. of the pamc1pams were dnvr ~u.. or exh1b1ted charJ1:tenstK'!) s1m1lar to anorexic The moo \.'On!J'O\ t'r'lal ~lf\ ~urrounding malt> anon>x1.1 concerns possible 110 10 hoITK~ sexual1N amongst teen~­ older victims Expen.. Jrt> sharph di\ 1ded on th1!!< 15'.'>ue Some. like Dr Jamt.>"i Par'°"' who ru ns an eating disorder treatment center in \1elboume Fla . sa\ there ,.., no ,unnect10n al all :. All the pa11t>nt' I ha' e seen have been e>.dl.:tl~ tht> op- posite. ·· Parson ~' 5 L'lther-. disagree. Dr Alayne Yates 0n the University of Anzond PS\ ch1atnc staff obSEn es th4'1 'gender 1dentlf'\ contusion " 'ef\ common amon'l tht· male aoorex1~ ·ht' h.l!> ~n One enrouragrng '\l~n is thdl mal~ patients tend 10 respond more qu1ckl.,. than lemdl~ once the d1sorc1t>r '" 1dt>nt1l1t"1.1 'Men c1rt' dl.'ll) ,, hit l'~ 10 d1 aqna;e than \\tmlefl ""'' R~ na Ca.~ d the f..Jti~ Ot..'!l.nit.-r Oml( a1 Que~>~ \111...hael R~· Ho6pltal '\\. 'hffi .i man k'N"I M.' percent ol ht'i bod\ '-'t't~hl \.. pie 'ill'f' him .l.'-'IC!.. ratht>f lh.!11 fa.'ihlOnabt\ thin fW fi/11,;Ji <4hVl'l l$ 0 .,_"If!\ .., .. , IN 11\ ~~ts.1hl~ '"""'*" h F'I ~ """' •n..I "''' Smt1ne F AMID W lh l I • "l 1 l I • "'' IJ ~~---------------------------.........- • "'' ,,, ; . \/I WHOM Alll YOU CAWllG A DOG? espite what snool)' dog- show iudges might say. just because your pooch's ears are boxer. has nose is beagle, and his tail as collie doesn 't mean that has heart isn't pure gold. We mutt owners know that. and so does Cliff Goff. a den- llst in Ogden City, Utah, who insists that dogs with even the most dubious of backgrounds deserve their day. To this end he's founded the Amencan Di- versified Dog Society (ADDS) to offer mixed-breed dogs the status they deserve Goff explains the "d1vers1- fied" dogs importance· · All dogs are unique and deserving of respect. Heretofore. a dog that was part champeon and part neighborhood mun was looked upon with little or no esteem. We at ADOS wLSh to put to rest that feeling ... U you want your ~diversified" doggie to be able to hold his tail high, wnte ADOS. P 0 j Box 789, Ogden. Utah 84402 J flNILINU r • ! I f your ~ed polished lme j for ingratiating yourself .. with an attractjve member ,~ of the opposite sex has been losing a bit of its luster lately, you'll be interested in the find- ings of Chris KJeinke. Psychol- ogist Kleinke conducted a sur- vey under the auspices of Memorial Veterans Hospital in Bedford, Mass., asking several hundred California college stu- dents about some of the most common introductory lines and the reactions to them. Says Kleinke. "It was inter- esting to see that both men and women preferred the direct or innocuous approach." Kleinke offered a few of the more succes.sful lines: "The water is beautiful today, isn't 11"' Or. "Can you help me de- cide here; I'm a terrible shop- per." Or "I feel a little em bar- I • •, ·. . ·, rassed. but I'd like to meet you:· The language isn't exact· ly Shakespeare, but then again. you don't really want a ro- mance that ends up hke Romeo and Juliet, do you? OW &•Na '°"-till no one nibbling on your lines? Don't give up. because if you want to team about some like- minded people for networking and beyond, your public li- brary is likely to have just the book for you: the Encydopedio of Associations Its 15.361 entries include such unlikely organizations as rhose for kite niers. frozen onion ring makers. Cuban ar- chitects in exile. and even grumpy old men. Of course. mainstream groups get full play, but if you're in search of the unusual. the book will tell you. f0< instance, how to get in touch with a group that's cer- tainly the cream of lhe crop: the A.ssoc.ialion of Dressings and Sauces. Or how about the National Pretzel Bakers In- stitute. Or perhaps you'd prefer ,,__ the International Castor Oil Association Inc. Call them up; it might make everybody's day a bit more stimulating. Laments David P. Dingley, association secretary-treasurer. "It's a tough truth for a castor oil lover to swallow, but things are kind of quiet here." CILl•RAnNG AMDICA Why do people choose to live where they do? Here are two repons from Massachu- setts: Or. Robert Lundberg, Gloocest.er, Mau. We live in a part of Glou- cester called Annisquam - Indians lived here before we did. There's a little cove called Lobster Cove because there are a lot of lobsters in it. One of my sons used to take some pots and fish for lobster, and we'd catch one here occasionally, nght off our front yard. Sining here looking out the window. I can see the lights from across the ocher side of the cove, about 300 yards away. There's an old wooden bridge for foot travelers on- ly that extends across the cove. So it's kind of a quiet little cul-de-sac -a penin- sula. more or less. Uvin~ next to the water is ideal; its a comfort, a great insulator. cooling you in the summertime and warming you in the wintertime. I'm in the process of retiring, and for a few years now. we've discussed the question of where to retire. We spent some time looking around in F1orida and other places. but it finally came down to· What better place could we be than right here? BlllTHDAYI Sunday: Robin Williams 33. Don Knotts. 61 . Tuesday: Don Drysdale 49. Wedne!day: Lyn- da Carter 34. Thursday: Jack Gilford 78. Friday: Jason ~ bards 62. Mick Jagger 42. Satur- day: Norman Lear 63. Dr. Ben Compalne. Har- vard University Boston is the quintessen· rial Eastern city: it's an old city with very compact. nar- row streets that have never really accommodated lo the automobile. So it's a great city to walk around or to ride your bike around. The ocher side of that is that it's a lousy. lousy town for anyone with an automobile. The worst thing as the drivers Boston 1s a place where a stop sign is considered an advisory, not a command. There are lots of stimu- lating people here. There's a whole university crowd: the students. the faculty, the hangers-on at Harvard, MIT. Boston University. Wellesley, Emerson and Tufts. and on and on. You can walk into a restaurant and be sitting next to someone who's won the Nobel Prize and not know it. . . • BATILlll9•U'411 ( o:onrizwcd b'Oin 19 11) dnd because they cany such diseases as mala.oa. encephalins_ and yellow fever. 1arge-scale projects have ~ launched 10 control them. including draining ~wampland. spraying with insecuc1des dnd growth regulators. spreading ·hinned 011 on water to lull the larvae. dnd stocking small fish that dine on the eggs Together. the methods have been Jeadly eff ectJve That. of course. is small consolation "'hen you re lytng in bed al night and hear the infernal buzz drawing nearer and nearer in the dark until well. why get graphic? There probably a1so is little comfort in knowing that only females bite, since 1 they require a blood meal to lay eggs. They usually feed one-ha.If to one hour before and after sunrise and sunset. seeming to prefer reduced hght. But that's no guarantee they won't get a hankering for hemogtobin at high noon For a long llrne. soentLSts have pon- dered the quest10n ot ""hat 1ures mos-~r~ ... hich these are a:ecri\e ~eo. qunoes ro people and speofica!~ .... ha! :'lcrmalh :oruam 9eet :e-.etccec .n makes them attack one person and no< l~-0\ '.he LSDA. .lN Wld <et?P 1'le an()(her ~ !rankJ\ don t ~ But I •ema,,e C10lTl blong our n<X 'TOOl .an<!l~ their guesses mdude the colOf °' .)fl '00 .~ Ii .. w ~ D CO\er l"\e" clothing (the darker lhe more amaaive~ 1he 'lniest patCh of skm. she 'J find :t body warmth. the odors ot perfumes As a tasa resort, you could speoo 'our and hairsprays, and levets of rnot.Srure summer swathed m rlEiung a ,a The and lactic acid on the skin Some re-Tornd Zone. PersonaJI°\ searchers suspect that mosquitoes li ke 1 rather hve dangerous!~ carbon dioxide and can track vou down bv \"our breath :r~..se"es. ~~" 'TlOSt ~ ~f'aC<\ ~~ '.)etr. '.CC !\IT1dil :c ~\ JO J.aJnage :o X"OC1e ~all":.."'" ~IC.ll :::i'"-''e t • :;.. e.ic s ·"'ei · ~':\ Ir < eet'l '.\g \OU' ~~._s,e 1 'o reduce the populaoon in the yard. keep 1t airy. hght. and free of stand1 ng water (a nn can of water can hokl hun- dreds of larvae). Ornamental ponds should contain some fish !hat consume young mosquitoes. Unfortunately. regardless of what you do in your own ba.lliwtck. 1f mosquitoes are breeding in the v1onity they'll hke- ly drop by for a meal In that case. out- door foggers w11J deter them temporan- ly. as will the smeH of burning leaves (which, mcidentally. will also deter your f nends). And then there are repellents Mosquitoes are the pnmary insects "eSS. :x -:s;~e ~ .t.gai" -c ~ secret. ~ ~ Cr..:c:a.i.-5 E'en lf you manage to conquer the aforementioned invaders. \OU re still \Ulnerable to a bug blitz by less bother· - some aearures.. Some. such as the pm·· mg manus, the lady bug beetle and the draaonfly are so preaous to the en- v1ronmem as predators tl-ial th~ should And keep \001 .:!Un -t' \.L":~ ._.._e last half -:enn.t' r.as ~ ~'"'tS tnumphi.ng O\er $()ffie JI .... ~ ":)CS po ... ertul cherrucaJ agems ~er .)e'\ ~ ro ('()fllrot rnem soef'\."t' " ~ ... -.• ~ ts hopes vn such •ur .. r~ '-~e.mcr.s J.S gro ..... 1h rt¥Jlatc~ :>re'\"~Qr:es l..-.: ~neoc engineerr~ be tolerated gladly With Olhers 1t s noi so easy to gnn and bear their prese(l(e We re tallong spiders. In deference to horror 'ilrT' an- c1onados. ....,e wtll potnt our tha1 al sptders do have fangs and 'enom "h1ch the> use ro paralyze prev and de- t0 me meanome ~ .... ~ ~ :'l.li1 :'ttQ. we offer t:htS :inal ... 001 "1i • .i "'@' fW AaUn this ooupon ... ~ I ® ......... A~A MU;>IC SfR'y Cf: I TAPE. r aox AC 1N01AHAl'OU~ N .&6291 I PENNY I ~ tc. Ptlme KCllP' '"'J D'lel ,_,.,., ... HERE ., .. RCA Mullc SeMce Ind ..i me .. 4 I Pill r\jif ~ t... undlr ,...,,,. OUllned In 1111 ecMl'IMl1•1'. I 9QllM 10 bur juM 1 il'IOl9 I hll•~ W.C S.W.praell I~ lme lflllf .tlictl I ...... a ........ or . ......S. Timn I I nr _... '"'1 nwnlbii•.,_ (A~ Ind IWldlng dWge • Giid IO .:II ltllpment.) . I .c\~-at1td**a~ -I Q 0 CAWI id r._; AECORD9 •TMCaC TAPES• I oC\ ·--·-11 t ln1tie ~ ... ol .... -·-~ ...,. .......... ft'Olft-.y-.., (cf-*g~: I I I I 1 ouna..-(~Moodl> z o aurm 1 0 --40 roPl.-rMICI I O CI AllCAI o -•,_•..,..r--•~ 1 0 §~~~~~---~~ I ._ ,...._,..., I I af'Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I ~~•.-. ....... a.1....,..~•~~~~~~~~~~- 1 ft ---1 0 a-• ..... O ,_D ...., I ·--.m--ur.:.=-..-rr::---· ..... I r-... \:C ... ,.,. .. .,,.:. lw-MQI t;;\ L... • __ .., ___ ..... \;,.::; J --------~--------- START SAVING NOW! 5tdrt Now with 4 H11 Album for 1C' "-9. pick eny 4 ca&- aettes. records Ot 8-trectc lapel tor~ 1C. Then agree to buy onty 1 more hit 81 regular Club prices ~lly $8.98 to $9.98) ... Int IMce up to one lull yMr to do it. nen )IOU'I be_,.. to c:t.:x.. tree bonus tape°' '900rd. ~ 8 lmllllh hits tor the priced one and lhete'a nochlng more to buy ... tMlr' N" ~urther 0 1hgc11 o ..Vhat'Soev r• lt'a alt up to )IOU! '1t>lJ buy whal )IOU went .... when )IOU went 10. This Is one tape and record oner lhal *"Y is dll'lerent. And )IOU l)Od(et lhe aMlgsl r "' ltlng Mt'mt l r Only B f" Once you enroll, you'll receM your subeclipboo to ()U( ecCIUslw music • magmine MEOLE't'. Each w ls aa1w11ild wlCtl hundreds f "'*.,.. r.d reoorda many. 1ow. 12.se io $3.~ plus your fiNllnd "Siii a ctlon d the Monett~ In your tM>rite ) calllgOry. In el, you'I hlM 19 conwn1ent. shop-et-home I QAJOrtLa'1ltiel • yeer. t ta Easy to Gf!t Your Favorite Htta' II )'OU Mnt the "Setedl6r1" Che Month •• do notq. It .. be""' to )'OU ~ If you_,,.<** 1111 *'-.or none. )l.llt , indlcllle "JOAll prae.. ice on Che Clfd at.yt orcMded. . .and i mlil It bee* IO UI by the dale apecified. 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No1btng more to lluy ••• mRI I R Di th A •July 21 -July 27 Daily Pilat ~ninl( thl' Oranl(I' ( ount) ( ommunlllf'\ or '""l>Ort Re1teh. ( O\l.t \tl'\a, lluntlnJ{lOn Rut·h. ln1nr. Ll&l(un11 Rn1 h irnd ~ 11unta1n \ alll'} Return of the princess Danish-born a ctreas Merete Van Kamp stars as the daughter of a RuHian prince and an Amettcan m ovie star who becomes a famous model and cover girl in the miniscrif's "Prin cess Daisy." repeating tonight and Monday at 9 on NBC. Channel 4 . Daily Piloi MAIN OFFICE 330 WHt Bay St .• Costa Mesa. Ca. Mall addreaa: Box 1560, Coata Meaa. Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642-4321 · J'ro1:r.u11 111f11rt11.1l1t111 '' 1n1•1·11/i ·d /1\ tlw 111 t1•mk' rlll<l ..,r,1111111' .111.J '' '"'''' 1 ,,. 1 Ji.111J.!c "1thocit 1111111 1 -Index Sport~ . . ........................ Page 2 NctHclfJ..' .. . ..................... I'ageJ /)a\t1mc/)r.Jnw ............................. f>agc .J Tube Toppc.'n ...................................... Page 6 Da) 11mc Schedule ................................... Page 7 E\ cning Schedule ............................ .~8 .. 8 .. c. 5 P 3 ag_e 3 9 1 Fl·ature Stone~ ............. : ....................... ,-, O. -Channels -Networks I~ I j..C II\ ( II ... I• I~ I \.\-... un'-1'1 RI~ d I O\ .\ ngde\ •>01'J1k l-l 1h.,ll< "'II' 'lllJO V. \lamrda.\~r Hurbank 91~0~ l"l "-\llC \Bl H 'd l'rtl\flt't 1 \\1• I o' ngc:lc·, QCllJ.!7 1!!1 "-I \Ill c rl\ 't1"' f n1pnnr R11ad \an D1rgo ".:!111 11'11 "-C' I\ \Ill ll1rh"'"' 11' .inll ·Pth ..,, ..,dn 1>11."gn 1:'11 \ 1 \•11 "-<.., f 'He xn11 I n111nnr H1wJ "'"" l>1q~o 111111 -lnd1pentlenls f\1 I\11 \ \i\f~ \\ '-t1n-..1 flh1! I '" \n11rl1·' •1ll11~K l'lf ll.111 '~l\\111111\• '" ln\•\n111·lnl/fllJ\K I 111 "-I I \ ' II \I, '-un\t'I 111\il I 1" \11iel'l1\ 'll)CJ~X 1111"-'111• ''I'' I .1 ll11;i '" 1 .. , \niet"ll'\'Jllflli! f \1t1 "-I Jf II I 111 I ln11rn11m \n.il1l·1m 11.:'Xll.! _ ... t.:' x I "-I I I -l 1111 ..,1111\1 I flh ti I "' \ n1tl'i•'' 'JI.Ill:!? f ~111 "-' >< I I~' 14 C 111ld1 n W1" ..,I I lun11ng1uo Ht:dl ti 112n-I 7 -~TV----1010..., \<lnl I V II \•1c,,,11111< t1111.el \\I C1kndalc"1~111 f / 1 I I\ "1 \'i "'1 hr.i,~.1 \ q· 'M11l.1 \.1on11.1 ll<J-11>4 1111 I li1m1 n .. , <IU1 I I 1111• I •h lluiltlin11 1<•11. lo.dcllrr ( rntt·r ''""'Tori.. '\ 1•111 I II I I \I'' 1111 tool t 01111 111,1 fl l 1..,1 \11ov.111111 If I I ,1hlc "'1'"'' '•1·1·M11I. \ll.1111.1 I 1.1 111,IJO _ ....... 111) \\-I I~ ,, u '\ "'~ ( 11\ '\, \ 11~"~1 11 I " 111 ... \ 11.1111.1 , , I llt \tlit 2 ~unf1<1 y July 21 1985 -Sports. TV's golf coverage below pa r By LORF.NZO CARCATERRA I hnr rnt1\I Ix· .t \\,I\ f lw11· fll 11\I h1 \t1flll'11111• •'l l .111 111111 I 11 '"1111 Ill Oo\,111\\" v.h11 \ ,1hl1 111 l h.1ngl· 1lw ~.1111r 111 p11ll ·" '>l'c·n w1 tdn 1\1011 111111 .111 l'\1·nt ,J\ li\l·h ,I\ ,t 11111 111 th1• mill trnn" m.rl< It 11r \i..1'l'I \h1111I f ,1kl" 1111\ IH'I"~ \ lhlll\h Opn1 (\II< ..,,11u1cl.I\ .tlt1·1noonJ '1111 h.11 r lh1 v.orhl'' hnt v11I k" .111<1 .1 tourrh'~ r qw 111 111,1111' You h.I\ 1· t l\l" \II< hr o.ut 1.1'>1 t1·am "'h11 h " 1n11,t m11n• f11·\lhl1· 1n "' '"' l'r:J(tt' ol th1• \f)'tfl I h.111 l'tlht·r 'II< 11r < II\ '1111 h,1\1 lh1 llllll\1 ll\1 II ''" 11111\t rn.111,111 111 .ill "I 1!1111 \\ h.11 1111 •I\ I. 011 Id ,1 t.111 \\ .1111 ' \\I II I \( 111 Ill• Ill lpl 11111 1111111· c 11\l'llllJ' th1 lnlll ll1lllh Ill ,II ,( 1.1\11·1 p,I\ l' lh,111 V.llll h 11 I' pl,l\nl v.1111ld ht 11111 \\,I\ Ill j!O ah1111t 11 If ,1p.11111111.ir hc•l1 "dn nwd 11111111111111.1111 '" thr r1>V.1 I\ lh,11 h1 1\dl lh1 II lj.:111111' 11 ( tO 11111111111' lll'\I 11111" \11111· 1q1l.1 \\ 111 ,, 111111 '""'' v.•Hrld lw 11\1 1111 In Vllll till ll' Ill.I \ ht llltlhtll~• ·" p rl tt\ ·" .1 11111~· .111h111v '""' hl·.1d1n~ h1111d11·c1, of "1111\ J\1.,1\ l1111l..111r lor thl h11k I 1·1\ h.1\\0 """ 1111 .111 11111·n ll'"'' v.11h 1h1 ~·11l lrl\ I 11r th1 '""'' p.11 1 thn 111'1 m.11..c· '"" \l nw I >11 \\l" t<:Jlh nn·d 1c1 111 .11 J.tl ~ '-1l i..IJU\ tdl U\ hov. 111111 h hl' fl'dll ~ h.I\ 111 111.1!..1• lh1• 11n t r u 11 • ( tlllf fll'lll 11111 ht \\ h.11 II h.1, ht'l'll l11r d1 1 Jtlc·, tlw d11ll1°\I 11•,,,, lllh'll \1t11y fl\1·< t.1111r \fll•rt 1111 l l"k \ l\ttll It I·"' h111111\l .111 1'\llt111.,_ 11h1 t1nt It \t 11f ""ill ht·l"l'l·n .1 11umlwr cil "''"' pr 11k\' 1110;1 I\ II '\11.1m1 \111 1.111 111.1!..1 1h1 p1111ll' 111111· 111p ,f111~ hip .111 \II ll\t "'II\ 1 ,11\'t 1111· \Jl1ll' ht· cl1111r 101 !(Oii'' I )11 \IHI lhtnl.. I )1111 lohn "'" \\1111ld pl.11 .1 le'' rc11111tl\ ,111h1 Clfwn"' 111\l ,1 lhttllj!hl -•lunda.y ___ _ lllQIHIQ -Monc1ay ___ _ -Tuescla.y nm. 7:11 m RACIMG fROll HOU nrooo ,.,. ... m'°lllQ --·wec1nesc1ay-- -•Thursday __ _ -•Friday ___ _ Alrm.oc. IPlease1eeSPORTS/Paae3t ) Family humor a good Cos R) FRED ROTll E'\10 IH, AP f et•'llftlOf"I Wtllet f()..., \~(,Il l \ \\f11·11 111 Ill\\ tl'ln 1'>11111 'l';l\c>n 'I" n' 1h "I.ill \111 111 .1 \ llr\I l.111111\ 111 11111• 1h th1 I l11\l,1hl1 '> \Ill t.11t' .1 t.1niil1.1r f.11nil •Hd1 ,ii 11,, tir,1ti.I\111 \dWnl I h1 C ''''"\Ii••" 111.•1,11111· tl'll''""'", 11111'>1 p11p11l.11 l""!".1111 If ,,, 111·1 '1'.l\111 \•Ith ii\ 11111111 p111lr t ti 111 I ti.I\ '>ll11.1t111fl\ ,111d <'\I' 11111 \ 11111d11 ' '"·" ( .11 \\'\ .111d I 1111) \\ I llt'I \,I\ I hi\ \\,I\•"' 111ll11tk1llltlr\1111111 """' Bill c 11\h\ ·, I:" 111111· "" d1111~ < "' .1 ( 111,1 m.i·. 11.11 ,. hn·n 11f,111111il:1ll'd hut 11111 h" l.i' 1111h p111)!1.1111 C lh th r1 11111 he• '"1111 \11hll1 l h.1111.!I''> lo..111\ ~,,, .... \1111 ~ "'"' '·""' ·"'''\ 11111 lhl\ l,11111!-Y.ill 1 '''I"· \lcmh I h1 pl.111 nn I 11p1· 11111g 111).'I11 '1111 \ I 11w " ii I 111\ II\ 1111 1h1· ••Jl< 11111)! d,1\ "' \\ h1111I p.1r111ul.11l1 1h1 ll'\il'f11·, 111 f<11d 11 1.thlr I lo..1·\lll.1 lo..ntJ.!hl l'1tll1.11111 11 It ' 1·111n 1nv 1lw 111,1 ~·r.1d1 l t11 '>1111·, '""''' h.i\lwl1'><d1 ,11.1111,· thl I \ "" 11ni '111 1111\ 11.1' I lw I "'"' \him hi•1t,ll'll 'Ill '1111111\\ 11p I h111 d,11 111~ht 111nwd11•' t .11111h 111, t h1·1·1 •, ,111d '1i:l11C 1111 "h11111h.1'>,11111c'1.1tnl1h d\'\ •lt1fllll\'fll 11\ ctllll'f II/ \lllnl\">lll 'I 101\ die'' llll l11dlflJ1 " I' if \Ith hl;il k' Ill llH I· .1.t' \ IH Ii.id .ti 11 ,1•,1 ••II hl.1 ~ l.111111\ 111 nnh w I hi' y. 11H' .111.t I 11..., v. ii I 11111 .. d•1• 1 < h.11 lt1 .inti < 11111p.1111 ''·" 1111)! I I p \\ 11'' '" .ind < tl.111\' lo.. n1~ht thl\ I.ill \\ il'>l•ll hn nllh''> 1kk11" 1· .ll \11gst1'\· 11111" ch 11 111' ""1'' '"1111·th111v 111 .. , .,,h. \\ cl\111! \,lld he 1'1"1"'" d 1 l,111llh 1111lH'd h11 lc 11" 111111,, It I ' , ,,,, •'!!'' I ""' 1t1q I I •11 q I I 111\ 11k,1 \\ "'' ,, .!iii I .ti'" ,111tl \I,,• t 111·1 ,Ill' 111111,l"d h\ lh1• \Ill \ 1111 '> f 111'\ ,,I\ 1111•1 \ llltlhlll>' 1r1~ 111.11 •·1Ill<'1o1111 P' 111 l.111111\ p111wd1 ' I h I l l I •1 \ II Cl "1 l fl d I 11' 1 I 11 I I d'' I .. d"... 11111 'h II\ 1lillc 11·111 '' lft1 le dh •II ,1t111"' ~ 1111 11.111111111111r 11111111•1 111.111111 • '"'"111.11, """ .111cl " \II' ,,,,1 \\h,11 1111, '"'"' ·"'" h,1 ... I\ 11111 ( 11•,h 11111 fltfl I\ 1111 1q111 0,,1111 \\1·1111·1 Iii• " ••I \\hlllt I .rlll\ ( "''" '" •111.t h, 1h p1 11111.' h '' pr• •k1·d th• \\Ill~ 11111 \11o'lllll\,llll11ilh1'111 \\1111\ 111 l'l11l.1d1 lph1.1 111.1)•,111111 .111o11 l..nl lh1• '""" I 11 111 I k.rl1l1).! 111 11! 111, fll 1\l'>lllltl' 11! I I "" !Ill' l,11 ~ 11f lllfto lll111kh. th1• d1h 111111 1 "' I''' 11 l,1111111 .1nd t•llwr p111li Ii Ill' 1 1111,if .tile! 1111,1\ < 'i!l.tf11i' Ill llllllc!lt ,1,...,1>1,n~ 111< I 11\f\ 111)"0,\1'1111\ h,I\ .I ill \\ llh thl\ ' h.11 t!l' h\ a\k 1111' I\ h h" 'he I\\ h J '> Ill t.id ..il' 1"111·, ol di\• 1 1111 11 •'l .111d ,1,.,.1111l.1t111n ,\ h1 II II .h ·, • 1 fl .\ "' ,. 11 111,11 11 ,,1111 I .cl lldl ( '"'" h,1,,rl\• I '11,1,I I lllll\1'1\,il \ •l\1' Ill 111 ti, pt·11pl. lu d• 1 I 'l par.ti\ them H1.1ndnn l,1111\..1111 p1r,11hnt 111 'HC I 1111·rt.111rnwn1 ,,1\\ < 11,h1 111>1k' h, lolll\1 II pl.I\'> 1111,;lh 111111111·" 111, c '"" \t I • fll\I """ I t I 1111.tn· '.I' \111111." I\ If.I 1111 .111 I pi'""' Ill \\hi< h I lill if """ .11i.I 111'. "lie· C l.1 1 l'h .1!11.1 \ 1, \II 111 111111.1 111,111111,111.i 111.111•111· 111 II I' "' lhl"ll'> h1111I. 1111" J'l •j!f.1111 .1ppl••11l11d1t11d111g1"11c·lr1•1H11h!'1°1\'lll \l.1111111'1111 1•.11tnl\hli11'.llll!!l11 '"'n' IJ'lllll t I •<Iii lhc 1111111 11 II .. t 11 •Cl 11 ' "'" ·' " llh ptnt4lh t"'' '' lltU lfl l'~' ' ••••• 11; \ Hf "11l,1l1 p1111il nt' p.trlh 111,11 I• \lll)!h )'lfllljl 1111111111\ J11111l\lr,1ll' 111.111 .. ' f'll h,t\• 1111111 111 '"11111 1111 l,'.1t11tl ,ind I>. d I IJ,lll , , 111.r \ .~ d 11 .i 1111 \ 111111 Ii llf 1111dt\•11n11n.1 111111 II l)'h1 l'\ l I h1 .t 1111 I ,If \I'\ \,lid 111,1\1)1 h111 lfl,11 'q ! l.1111h 11111 lh1• lhrll'>I 111 '1111 ,J,11\\ 11 111 Cl I>< 1'11111111' I "'" h,I\ l.1~1'!1 '>Ill.di'' .iii ""1111 \II< ,. l'lll' \lldl ,!\ lh1 .1, .1111 o1I I< ud ' P• 1 1•11ldl"h 111 f lw11 (Please see COSBY /Page 30) Kirk Jewelers Watc~&J welry Dep ·arr. Je•"' .Bali -.ac·an. Watc hma.ker. on ~ • prem1'ie" for your convt>ntenct> '11 "' Bal h:ry Replm;ement \ SJ.95 ~.50 C ham Soldcnng I~ 111g Si1ing rrom SI0.00 "-" ~ k"'dcn ha' 1he '>l.'l"'l~"C\ you need the Ill•"' 1111 rti1· • 1 1 \II ·'•'I~ 1 l1111l' 4 u1d.I) and effiul'llll'r \lrl1rl.. hl..e p n111,.. n:pl.i.1·1111·1' '"' '< lllll(, lor wh11:h we also ha"e J ldl"(ll.' \C'k~1111n 111 1111•111111111.' 1 .. h ""' l1t1m.or c.:ham ~h0neninp An ngin \111ar 1.11 .. rlll'rln>' 1 .. 1 II•'-· h.111111~ .v 1d h~kin11 an\1trnc h\ a o ne \111p 1111h1111·11•l' for 11111 11111 1 1, "-1 I. k·"'1'lcr\C:xpcn watd1 J n ll IC"'lll\ • 1•p.111 < \\11111 '" 11 1 "''' \ft'VI I•• 1111on ha111 KtJtt hmuArt '''' II~ !''""''"' ' /IJftl/h 11/ /lrt-I Hf.,," \Int f f/..1.',. 1"llA \fr,11 ll.11 h111 c t 111"1 (714 1 '\4'\.1>4M!' I 11111~.I f'll~ •I Jdl ~11' ~•\I II h <"I ft1 I h f' I l'f 1d1 e f !1<11",lll" (),I~\ t u·1 1 ofl \\ 1ppll1f C hnr•r '"\ 1n111t-. \\,·h 01 u. " l.1\ '"' • 11 \tJ , t·.Hll• \ 1u 11nJ \tnt'rh ... n I 'l'-r'" '\ ! 11, , ,. uh1n I' l1Jo I 11ho1 ~11.aphn. llh rf'\f tfft'1f ttr\f, fla .i-I 111 -TVQaA Witherspoon switched coasts H) LY:\ U .\ 111 RSCH 1) \\ h.11 h.ippcnnJ lu lhl .it !111 "ho pl.1', .t l1>t 1111 ··~.1nta H:.:trhJr<i .. , t\ol 1tw '·"' r11 hut 1111· onl' "ho pl.1 \l·tl him 1111).!111.tll I 1h11ugh1 hl' "J'> \H>ntkrtul - I < \'1111.ihul.1 < >h111 .\ O.tnt' \\ 11h1·r-;poon >Aa<. ront.1dered a hot propt>rt~ >Aben the folk!> a1 ... Santa Barbara" l'a!>l him After a while the} de<'idf'd the' 'Aanled somebody with more 1nten<it> look~ and rast Ma rk Arnold f•,\lidenll~ that didn't work either because tht· l'har,;c·1n of Joe was killed off shortly ath·r ht• m.irrit•d Kell) As ror Oane. be\ aliH and" e ll and doing just fine in the role of l , lt>r on ·capitol.'' If be look a little d1tft•rt·n1 tu \OU, it's bt>ra u~e hi~ lock<i .Ht'n 1 qu111• "' hlond a' the) 'Aert' on "Santa H;.trh.H<l t) < .111 ,,11 111, ,1,, 1, 11 1111 , .. 111,·1h111r ,lhout llh' .tlll t''>' \\ 1111 pl.1 ' ( d 1.1 1111 '(H~nt ral I f<>,PH,tl .. , I 1h111lo.. ,ft,·' 111,1 J,1hulou' \h ~11111 It lid ~' 1-. l•'•d"ll' ,, 1i,·n nl'r' '•'l' hu f ,,1111 hdl•''' h·"' li...111111111 '"" .tt lfl'"" ' I I ·'"I () " Ill A: Shenf\n \\oiler " C'l..t!>~lt.tll~ b1·dUll tut In fJc:t l'a,t m.itt> Kt'\ 111 lfrrnh.trdl 1 Ke' in 1 ha' 'aid, "~h1··, the 1110,1 dJ"I <·all) heaul1lul 'AUmJn l \t' uer wt'n and «he's >Aondt'rful to "orl. \\1lt. tuu .\n unbeatable c·omhinat111n " \\olttr. "ho', been Celia on lht> -.ho" lor o\ t'r tour ) r ar ... is engal(t'd to a1·1or 'f um 1l ,1mp111i: Thi· hlut-eyed, d<irk httirrd h1·.111h ha'" ork1·d in <·ommen·hib and rt•pnlor~ th1•,1tt•r t > I h .. 11d 111.11 H11.11 I' 1111 I.. < 1.11 l..1 1, lhll·l~ 111~ 11) lt\I\ 111~ ( 11 I" I ii I f1.,p1l . .I '°' ht 11p'l'I h\ .Ill'' "" 1111, l"i l I\ li1~ ,1 I '"ul 111 t. 'l \I '' • I ..\. Ab ... olult•h 11111 t 1.11 kt '1111111.lf'l 1' up Howie Mandel's kid gets him in fine mess Ill I' ' I .. I •I '" """H' \1,rndel I\\ .t "' I "'II\ "' ..,, 11 ... , ""'II I h.1, "" 11di\111111 • 111' t1111, hll\\\t ll ll 11,111}! ,I 1111\1 '11!1 I c.t I l.rn ..... 11 '.1llul \ I 11w \f," .111d 111111111~ 1111· 11p111111g, Pl'""''' •ii 111'\I "'·'""II \t I '''"'hf\' . \l.1111kl \ 111ild fl"I \\,111 IPf 111 ... ,, hl'dllll 111 l1 ~hl1'1l 1ip I l' I If) h ,1111111 I Ill' \t I ,,, \\ lt1·1 ,. . \ll h1 111111.t liol \ llllll' ol l fit1l1h' \\llh hi\ f,Jllllh I 11,·11 1111 tlw l1l't d." h111111· \d11k I •>lllJllll~' \\Ill 111, ' \\',II 11ld \l.1111h I' 1'\\' \l,J\ 1111111 ·d \\ luk II \\till I l.n p 1111111111111 '"""''11~ ,, I 1,,.\\fll'B' •. II \\Ill "'"'P lhl' 11>11lp111~ • 111 hi' d.111~h11•1 d1\\\ II 111 .1 111111111111111 l1111d1·111.tll I >.111"in .ind \l 111d1 I h.111.1 11111• 1111h' ttln1111g 1hr 11 m.1~1 111 till' old I .11111'1 .111d I l.1111\ Ullll\'(h • • • 11 , •>1111 1.il t harlton lle!>ton ""' '1f111 d 11p 1111 l >•ll.1\l\ 1'.1 rt fl " \t li1 't 11 "o1'11'1 ll'll.1111 "" ·1111·1 111·,1011'' d1,Jr,llltf \\llllh1 1>1· 11111·11111f I '11k111 h I k,11111 .111d \p\'11 111~ < 111ldh· 1~ l'111d111 t111n' "'hit h pr11du11• th1• \h111' lt.1,1· 1tn ulnl tu h.1, 1 llh ,h,11,11111 )!•• 111.111d.111 11. ,1.111 d1, ,11 t ti-d 1h.11 doing Jlllllh' II I I \ I I '" I'''"" II II Cllll l'X'llll! ,, Olt1\ 11 ,1,11ill1-.. 11l,dl'll1 ,1<111f\\h11 lo,1111\"lh.1t,1I . 1 11.1111 I" >1111 11• ''' 1x·111 •r llh r' dnn I ~rl .1 h.111, .ti p1111i. 1111''' In lll'l"n' '''"' lh \ I Ii •I 1 d I 11' 111• h Inf ( \11 l'•\lfl ,tnd 11<1 111'1~'\ I • 111111.' 1 llt1U).'h )Ill (fldl,lfl,I f<>llt'\ • • • 1),1\ td fl,l,'t'lhofl. 1111 Oh I h 111 Ith· °'i 111111~ 11nf I h1 I{ 1•,l ll'" . J nd Ill II\ 111 , 1111" \I 11 h.1d 1111 "nrg.ht ~ ukr .. JIHI 4 Sunday July 21. 1985 Howle Mandel h, ".11 ( ;t1h1•r1111 11 Id ind 1111111 '11 1 .1p11<1I 1 ,t11 r111111r 11\.1111\'ll .n·.1111 •Hll' 1h1' 111111" 11' 1111 I\ p111 po-..,., 11111\ ll.1".-lh1111 .111d I 111 lo.1111d, ,tn11 up ''11h .1 "l11~hl \l 1 ipl II \\ l\tdl tht• .11,11,11 ll'I ff11lo.l.111dp111lf,l\1dl.1\l\l".ll ll'lllll1\lill lll'I lo\1' \111h.1<'1 "111rh1 I hl'llllh'lht duog,·t m.11 :1nl h111 '1111, "1111 hi R11k1 1' .111 .11 11011 ·"" t 1111111 '"'"' "" d1111ht 1h,1t 11111 h1 '" \\di " 111.111 h d 1111 11 •ll• 111, ~ l.111d ,, 11111!l'.1'1111' Ill I dlll '1111 I ,1p11Pl in H1·1·1·rnher lie c·n10~ 1•d plJ 1111~ f,r.1111 I and t;ran1 II on "Genrral llc"p1l.il · But l'\rn hr admit.; that thl' 'Inf\ lint 111·n1 on a hit 100 long lie thinks the"'"" lint no~ 1.; JU, I line but feet ... j(', t1mt• 111 1(111111 lo ollwr lh•nK' At lhi!> point. ht· tlu1 '"I 111.111 to ht· "tlh lhr '>hO'A llt'\I \t•ar () ( .Ill • ll h II 1i I 'h I ,lr1·" 11111 II.I\ \1ur11 ll\ \11 I • fl' tlit 1llll \Iii' • I• l\11 I 1h,.1" 'I p.111 I ' Bu 11.1111 '\ \ \\ 1· l(t'I askr d lot~ ot qu ..... 111111' .1h11ut "ht•rt• pa rli1·ular p1e1·1•, ot 1l111hin1:1.111 h1· pun•ht1,1•d \\c sUl(Kt''>l lhJt ult q111·,11111" ol th1' natun• ht· d1n'l0lt'd tu th1· 111tt 11n1lar 'ho"\ <'Ol>IUO\t' dt'\l~Ot I Ill • ,fl 1· ul lht• 1wt"1irk that airs lht· lthO" h 11 ·11111 ng ·· 1uur qul·n dhuul .\nn\ 11111111 ""UIO 1:11 lu Hoh1·rt \ntnn.1 u .. , 11\ 111.: \Ill I \ I I Ill \ \ t'OIJI' 111 I hl' .\ nlt'rtt:d , 't'" \ 111 I. ' '\ 111019 11 ma\ t.ikr a >Ah1l1 hut nltl\I 111,runwr, c1re more lh.111 h.1ppt ''' 1t·ll lo\ .ti '"'"t'r' ho" thi'\ 1 .111 dr1·" lll.1 th1 111·rlurmtr lht·~ admlft• Cl\\h\ll.l\\ll ll w111"il \l1tlll II I\ 11 \II \I\ ( hild11 It' \h, '' 1'111' 1•1 Ii• 1,111111: 1111).'.hh"" .Ill tlH 11111. "' •'""n' 111 1111 1111>\ I\'\ f, th" ,11l<1lh I 1,I\• "I ' l I\. I• lfl\ llllll' lh,11 J11'•1ph• ti\• I t '\ \1'1' "I 1!,,1, "' I .111, l'.1 A. i'\o \\e're ~ad lo rt•pon ch.11 l\..t\ ( ampbt'll. the at·trei.' "ho phi\ Mi 1\.111• \1ulin. d1t'd laltt m onlh dut' 111 1nJ11nn ,uffrred ID a traffi<" .u·c•1dt•n1 \\ t' undn· 'land tha t ID July lbt• t baratll'r "'"pa" d"d' and that i.en,fti\e fum•ral .ind 1•ului.u "'1•nt'\ an· bt'ing "ritten Sr\ t•r..il pa't t'"''' mcmb<>r., art' b1•ing Ill\ llt'lt lo .1t11•nd tllt' '\t•ni<'l''i, and Tad, \\ho "' g11in1e to ht• 111 h111ing in Ne\\ \'ork du1• tu ,1 wl 111 m\ ,lt>riou\ t•in·umslanc-r,, "'"' 'n1·ak h.1.1·k to attend hi!> "(,ran\," tun1·r.t1 () "·'' tlh .l\llt'\\ "ti .. pl.1 ' { 1111.1 \Ill 'i.1111.t H.11h.11.1 · hn·n .. 11 .111\ 11tl1t 1 '''·•I' IX 1,1\' \t l1"l I lh1111~lil ll l\.1\ tlll ~111 "h" pl.1" Hr11<1lo..1 1111 ··\II \I c htld1, 11 h111 I "·llt hnl \II \1' ( l11ld11 11 l<1d,11 .111.I 1111 r 11111111..l \\,I\ '· .111 t fld11•q 1h.11II11',h Ill" I 111tld 1 l'f'I\ ,II <>II I\\ 1 I '" 1 f'\ " I < h.ir "'''"n "' < A A<•tn•'ises haH bet'D kno>An to app1•ar on mon· than one soap al 11 timt• 110"1'\t'r, in thi~ ra'ie }ou're rli;tht; .Julia Harr c·ontinues to pla~ Brooh on .. \II 1\1~ Children " 11·, L\ nda (,1bb11nP\ "'ho ;, pllf)lng the role or Gina on "!'\an1.1 8arbare1 " She ~a" '<'e n on "All \h < h1ldrt•n" In the roll' of ~\.ht l Thorn!' Jnd aflt•r that had a part on "~c·11n·h tor romorro>A " lnr 1dr nt:1ll}. loto; of "It'\\"" hil\l' own 11onf'd thHt Gibbon<'" and Uarr look ahkt' . \\hlle Ba rr admire ·Gibbone\ \ t11l1•nt" a~ an actre'is, sht' falls to 'it't' 11 r•'"'mblanc-e II.I ll' ,, l/tlt'\1/(1/l .1h1 Ill '•II/ '·"fl/I/(' ,11.111 111 '"•'fl "·" ' \\ 111 , I 111./,1 /111,, /I 1 ,, '\t''" \111c111.1 ' J,, ,,,,. I'() H1•1 /'lfl 1/J /1\//1" ( .1/11 I '\/, 111//,J/l\111 ·'' 111,1111 1/l/1''111 n 111 , .111 111 he 1 , ,1/1111111 ""' tlh I fl/ •111 I •rt tk('\ Pt/ \Pll.1/ tq>/,1•, //)If' ''"''' AUTHORIZED SALES SE~\/ICE SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAlJI I 2524 Harbor BlvcJ Costa Mesa _... 549 8023 CREVIER M OTORS 208 w l sr Sr Santa Anri -835·J 111 CADILLAC NABERS C ADILLAC 2600 Harbor 81v<1 CoSld Mt-><:.n -540·9 IOO ALLEN CADILLAC GMC- OLOSMOBILE 28332 Camino Ga.>1Slr dr•CJ San Diego Freeway West of Avf'ry Pk"'1 E <•I 831-0800 495 ·0800 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 HarbrJf Blvd Costa Mesa -546 1200 Dail ilot A fl AS r HR v $1 t: ~.. P, M , 1 , • 1 i I ' FORD THEODORE ROB IN ~ FORD •lhll 111 ' , I 642 0010 ~41) U.:: 1 I HONDA UNIVERSll Y ~iONDA 2860 1-1 ii t r t II I l (l'>ltl t ,, • ,i 54,') 07 13 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 1 ~b00 8Pd1 I (ii I <"Jp~tn I -,!t•f 892 -665 1 636 lSOO STADIUM PON I IAC 2 2 h F h ,ti' I I ;l , Arl st •·111 1P.) •I 1 '• ..., Ir r ft · !• , • PORSCHE-AUDI - C HICK IVERSON INC l l f ' ' . t J, ' 11 ' t ' I I 613 0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOY OT A I ~I t I I t ( I I th•-. I b46-9JOJ VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1 lbf1 ft.tr t 1c11 Blv<1 C· ..... 1 PS;! -646-9303 .. ~1u1d ·~ 11.I I I ll:j 5 I I I I I I i I I I I ~ I en ,,,,!r.1 I 11~1··11111g!Jfll~a!llJ'INl'l!f:j I '"If! !Lf!lgfJ(!fllll' i·ll'"ilJl'I ' ~ i-_l 'le I j I 1!l 11111H ,,1 ! l 'I! r :n'~1=1llu1 Is i 1e : .. I • I ~ ~ ifii : PJ'§ ilu lrj .. r) ~~ bii : 11il!!il!..1~1h1 II:~ ~ii~ 1~1~ ::f 1~ n1 t r'I I~ r tt~r~ ~ ~ ,1i 1; !n!L l illl! . u ( 15: I~ il1Jl~! ~n~ I 11 il J·1' J.-r!I"',. ~.ls I!t I · r l ~lirL f . 1!11d :,H;l ifhlh ~Iii~! . i~ 1 l;u rht --Hi J~1 11 I i I I I I ; I I I I I I , .. i~JI fjl i !i~'i! i il]J~ll l'f~l!"ltq}e111~=f ~t 'l~f!iilJ.'i g ~jf !Lfn fiilJlfGi (ff]~ • .3 . !!n l'f i i ;1 ~ 11e1-• n l 5,. 8!1"il I 1r= (1-U .. 11 !.t¥•r11t1 ii!U ii ~iril i= ~t f 1 l !h l1!ri!~1U 111 f 1lf l=)li~~1J!a~ f ~E~!!:!u:l 1ih aiiu lll 1 ili.i1•1;i~ · (11 •!i(f~!l -11•~0 I • i.~ --= !1•:s-1~~fj!lll}':ii a•! i~l 1i~f!i1tia t ·1'11'->--i:~fti ttJ 11 !j·;. i f if1~ ~ffsrt.g lf!!I! tfft ·11! f:!11:i IJ!~f! -< i (!i!=~r1s_ i3 !.r1i! I I c i ~e ! ~ i lfi lc:[fi. > 3~~:-~rE ·--•l ! I ! ~ l••1i Jj' -~I 11 ;_tt ~ii "'1 ! 'I!! 'I r ; =!.Ir~ 3"i11t ~fir J~ it~ -1 i1! f ! f i!l !l 1 IJ ~I I rl •tiJ !f i~I ~!fr !Ji!t •~11I ii~ if tlf j f~illi1 lirlf 1~1rt!f, l!11r .. :: . ~ > ;. -:a 0 , :· .. \-:~~ ,~~ ~< ... ::=;:..'-' ;~4 -; !.\_-" ·") ... 0 :! •.• ••r - 0 -. ~ i I I i ; i I I !Jlli§•~JtJl!2:!fllfl~~iJJ~m;fjlf:i11'e j:lfl!:I 1r11mr1~smJ!i.ii~1 ·~..,()ei 1 !ld R!J~I r!r?!ni1 · ;.r,I! !·U !l-ia:1: r "t1n.1!1u1~1 •. tiff i"~:'a!i•: r1:dlfh!i fill t -11 • -i.) J ~ ,._ ! f: I u f ~ f,.. !J ~ ~ i • J.! > ~ .< -f ... • :el 0 ~; . -i. ,,r}f1 ~1 1 !s 1 if 1:1dti 1' 1~1?~1ih1 tll ~!!ti~ i 1 ~!~~ f Hil 1~1 tlual illiiu JUUi: ,.huihiif n~ 1!1h' 1!1t 1!!r1t~idh -Dayli1na -Morning---· F ollow your tearn i n the Daily Pilat ORDER NOW S ~Of THE._ (WED) Z llOVE (WB)) "} CtWl.EI CtWIPUM ON THE Fl.JI ICOE t::a ~Wvt IT TO IEAVDI ~· Pll(PANTHER I .OTMP AICMEW AIC> HEROH Of THE FAITH~) ' I DI~ ~Jvi LaE A llEUMJt (WE>) OUR .awtlH ROOTS (llll) HOOKED ON APOllCI ITQaY Of 8"JID A IUC1t ('ftD) E HOMl UCINO WUXLY (Fiii) Z llOVE (llOM. TIJl. FN) • AJNIE CAif 1&19 1:15 WOIWfW A TCtf (TU() t:tO T ~mAl!m Ii. m 9'00NI (RI LEAvt IT TO IEAvtfl AJl. LOt ANGELES .....ON•tGLA. FAla.Y ANYTl9tG FOfl MONEY ILOvtLUCY GllEAT lf'ACE COAmR : SESAME STREET (R) O • DONAHUE ' I GET II IMAP£ (MOM-THU) ' I PRAISE THE LORD (fta) I IEADltQ MMOW Al JAMEAU It COMCERT (FN) ~ AEROllCS: IOOIES * llOllOM 0 llOVE S D.C. •ACH PARTY: A llllNCAL C£1.EIRA. llON(WED) tailz =s!~~MPRAM UI I' l'tlfll YOUR LUC« SALE Of M CENTURY GDQET 1100,000 NAME TltA T TUNE AUINTHEFA&Y llOVIE I WAvtS Of l'tW$E (MOM) I UVllQ WAY (TUE) I IOlO ACT (WED) I ~ ftOeERTS (llll) I VOYAGE Of THE ... MANHA n AN llWISfO (00) E IMT1lff Ofl£N GOlf IMC*. Ml -Daytime Cont.- •• WOMJ) Cl.All WOllEJI (WED) AUTO RACING (THU) l MEDWID (Al) 1 MOVIE (T\IE) Wll()llW lllflCE • NQHT WHEE. OI FOmJNE LOVflOAT ANGIE (JI) lm>OAYNEWS LOYINO mllOlt..ou&.E : IEADIMO RAMOW · IAU Y .USY RAPHAEl I .,.., 1llE sc:olEI I lllTEll ROGERS (R) ( ) ($] llOYE f HY'DROPUME IUCINQ (WB>) .f) lllCA fUU CONTACT IUMTE (R) (Al) HJ MOYE (llON. WEJ).fll) i i MOVIE (WED) · OUR ml MOOl(S *ti MOYE 1t:1$ I MlJQl()Ut ~ l MOYE {FRI) -fl:)ICAAm.f ALL·ITAA-.n? · IVf ANGIE (R) : TODAM 8'£CIAl I ..,., SWAOOMT I MAGIC OI ~ AND LMDICUE PAlf'TlNQ (llON, ntU, fll) • llAQIC OI AtmW. 'AlfnNG (TUE. WED) ) MO'V1E (MOM. RI) · PINNll TllE IE&ACE 11.0 CJ) YOUNG AND 1llE RHlUU · G) Mftfl PAllWORD IOM.tNZA "'AM'S HOfl£ l ~~=-w.s AOlllON llAOIC OI DECOMTM 'AlnlltO J AUTO IUCINQ (WED) l IOllY AND aAIWt {TU() ) MO'V1E {MOM-ntU) ( J MO'V1E (TUE. lMU) · DOMIAMED t t='O fl1) llMCtt FOR TOMOMOW LOYINO MOVIE ANDYQIW'Fmf .... PDY SECOND COUNTI · IHAllE m&T (JI) 0 CAWNO Oil WtlTAKtA (llON) I FAm&M (T\IE) I llCMAN> HOout (WED) I DALLAS HCM=) I IOIHOllllS I FOCUSON llOYE(llON) ( ) ~.Ju. FOOTIAU (R) (Al) ( l NOT •cuaAM. Y ntl Nl'ft CAI) c;) FAntflt 1oeowt •ST ,,,. I~) MOYIE (Fii) --Afternoon---• .. , ;o:.v::: UVH TWl.JQHT ZONE trn) AU tn CHl.DROf ( .... I Ollf.ut Ola.- d) OOUATlt AWAITS (llON, TU!) 8 Sune!Hy July 2 1 1985 I :~> HOW CAN I UYE? (lltU) FACH Of CUl 1UAE J MOYE (TUE. lMUc:l E ~IU (Wm) PU IOWUNG (ntU) 'H MOVIE STAR 5'ANGW> COUNT1tY PARTY (MON) MOVIE (TUE..flU) t MOVIE (llON) . GOIEJtm.E t2:G5 IUGI MNfY AND FRIENDS tt:a (I) Al TltE WOfll.D T\JRNS TftJOHT ZON( SCOOllYDOO HOUR lllAQAZIN( : •TD ROOOlt (II) I JOY • ""'®UCINO lnOGY J MOYIE (WED) ~ AUSlMUAN RULES FOOTIA.U (llON) ~ AUTO flAc.tG {TU() Z MOYIE (l\Jf) l CHAM.ES CHAllFUN OM THE FU SCf.JIE ) · GOMEAPYlE t:GO 6:) AN01llER WOAU> ~y @) ONE LH TO LIVE NEWS SUP£flf'RIEN09 : llA T1Nff AT THl 8UOU I HUMAlllTlEI THflOUGH TltE AAll I HOlllESHOW Mll'tNO (WED) £ 1 TOP IWIC IOXltO (A) (FRI) 'O MOYE (llON-lMU) ~==b t:05 W FLINTSTONES t:a II (f' CAl'fTOl ~ JOl(Bt'S WI.I> ' U ~~AU T'EACtlMO FAa Y POfll1WT CIEMAX COllEDY ~NT (MON) H O!MOVIE (F'N) MOVR (MON) . P£TUOUNN t.:15 ADDAMS FAR Y 2:tO OUl>tNO UGHT • a)WITAIAMW ITAM«Y AND HUTCH ®) 0EmW. ttOMT AL TIC TAC DOUGH '~~~~ '=1:r"~J.a, 1 NA IOWUNG (tllON) f_) lllCA fUU CONT ACT URA TE (A) (ntU) tf VIDIO MOOX (l\Jf) llOY1l (WID) ..... MAM.OWE: PNV A TE EYE (ntU) ·=~) • HA Yr OUN, WU T'AA Vtl -.w>YIUNat 2:a , DM*:I COURT LA VfMr a lttRUY MOOVIE OOOUH TOM AND.DRY I ft.D, WLD WOM..O Of A*IAU I lllAQIC Of ~ PAlfflNO , MOTOCROSS (TU() ! TDlll llAQAZll( (WED) ~'=~, $1 llOYIE (M: WEDI ntr 'MGllAJt t'5 FA MR lNOWI IEST M lllOVE (llON) HO' ~EA DEAL CtWIUE'S AMGEU Tll&THRHO HOUR llAGAZJNE LOVf CONllECllON GOOO,_t .... It CIMCIMMAl 1 PUSTICMAM ICOOllYDOO : ~C1 UtlV£llSl • WHEE. Of FO«T\INE I ""'* Tlt( LORD I IMTO ROCEltS (fl) J fltEll>EHT'I PRO T'AtA Tltl.ON (WED) lllOVIE (ntU) 0 MOVIE (MON, TUE, lMU, f'IW) S ntUIANTltATCOlfMf ftDHADl.EYW (MON) --• Z CHARlES CHAMP\lt. TMr FUI ICBE ~JoVIE (FRI) ta5 Jl ANDY GRtFFm4 (~ ,,_,) u 11 DOWN TO lARTit (fW) 1:311 I IAMAIY JONES • DA T1NG GAliE 1 t ARCtlE llUNKER'S" ar~ ~ TAil I VOl TRON. DEFtNDtlt CJf-'lHE UNMME SlJllltlflfRIENDS COM r!9foftAAy HfAl '14 ltSUH LET'S lllAKE A DEAL READltO IUMOW E IPORTSLOO« (llON, WED, RI) E WORLD CUii ~(TU() l ttOlllE IUCING WEEICLY (THU) 'O MOVIE (WED) Z MOVIE~ ~ (f}J SAR AT MO (MON) 07 Gf&N ACRH (l\Jf~ U000NEWI o unu MIWl'lll!IR"""Oll• n.: l'M.llll ~ lMU) 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN '1" 111•A•1•H Q NEW\. YW'ED G.A.lllE 1T 1 PNVATE IE~ l'b 'l"HAEE't COWANY WOOOY~CKER HE.MAN ANO MASTERS Of 1llE Ul9VBR ; SEIAm ITMET (fl) lJ LOY£ CONllECllON •PIWIE~ I EY£NltO AT'°" (MOii I fWWIWfTltO HOPQS\IE) I NOYA(W!D) • ALOHA cttNA (lltU) I MAGIC.,... Of QAAY ...... (f'IW) MOVIE (lllON-WED, FRI) ~ 8PORTKENTP H 1llE IAMANA PUTS • MOCUI POCUS , A.Al( (l\Jf) • ~ t1 FIUOGI.( ROCICF' H E*A AND or · .. ..,, (F'M) s MOV'll (llON, l AU IAU't MWMQEE) NOAH'I ANIW.I ) FAfM TALE W't QRUT!IT ...... ~~lltO«--"'J.~. U5 IANFON> AND ION (MON, TW, lMU, Fii) IAIOALL (WED) ~ fl l NEWS Nie NEWS (f'Rt) IASOAU {FRI) AIC MEWi rJ (MON) WHA rt HAMNltall 91 IOA' i1 I FlRIT E0m0N NEWS StftJIHUOU ROeOT!CH • DfVOflCf COURT ' EIJlllOl'Wt JOUMW. (ntU) I M TIM WUOM'I l~-·A COOl(W (FRI c -Daytime Conl . .f !NII)( IASEMLL (llON) 1-eJ IM FMMaSCO llARA THON (R) (l\Jf:) ( == TOCM (WE>) I f ) (TMU) El MA. YtAMOO« (FRI) t1 l EmlA AND QMJOA: Sltf M~ll<*) ttl lfAIUY, 1'IE UQl Y DOCKLJIRrlW(D) , H) DeQ OF ntE IEAITS (lMU) fMQQl..E ROCtC (FRI) lllOVIE=) l llOVIE MON, WED) . TMCI( AU• TME FAa Y (llOM. FRI) IAIOALL (TUE. lMU) I ~NEWS NEWS (lllOM-TlfU) IAIOALL (flit) LCM IOAT (111<*-TlfU) Vl)(OOME OllEATtlT A.IERICAH HERO (MOM) -Sunday -Morning ----· ltl' MllEl K~ Al.YINIHOW • AL.Ln.W IPO«TICENnR l llOV1E ( ,ir .. 1 t 1, 'I I' I 11·• fJ'lfi) f)r.i JI_,, 11 I I (, N1•vt11 11 hr "' 5::25 c MANHA TT AH TRANSf£R I 11 C:.f"IP< f!CHl', ,, In f ~ t t ,f" 1 P.<.,I .t1tw• \,•.ti• 1 • • <>CM JEWISH ROOTS s=-1""~. ! PAPER CHASE fl . I ' I I tJllt '11 11 f, '1.;.t J '""~' ,.,,d d••( 1111 ~ t I' "1 I' I H l ht'I •t•ll 1 l lt1 Ml CD CHNITOPHER CLOSEUP ... f) FOR OUR TMS I I I. ' I P11v111ly •," ~ ,._ .... ,.,_ lr1t11 I ,1,•1 H t t;• 1 .1 I • 1lh y,Uu,,'1tl It f I I/, t • Oouf1ll •1t 'tt•< ' ' Jf'lf f ~ t • I f ( h I(''> dPp111y • 1y A~nMEU.U. laltlC AND TitE SPOtCEN WORD YOYAQf TVI LOO«I AT l.EAAMIMG • Yount AND ll4E ISSUES SUNDAY MASI INltQHT CtUtCH It ntE HOlll! IQRJtROOll • llON•IQ~ I DMY\. HAU. • JOt9f OA rrs· ROCK ,.. IOUL lfTDIMATlOMAL '' ' ,, I I I' '"' 111•11.11 j rwrt111n1.1• • •~ 11 I 1 • \ l ,11 f Ill< rll I •I I l ~.I I 1 t11 ~~ ... 11 l'rll) f Ill I fl l f I .,_ • f I I( lll\Jh" I I hf I, • "'' I • •UWIC JIWIS.. VOICE t:a TOOAY'I RIUOt<* OOYNIV IM)l(RT ICHUUD Wl.Dlft NJYDINRE LIT THEM• UGHT ,_,. CMICAOOUMD Ct«MCH I I ,\ ' ' " 19·=~"':') IEWfTCHED READING RAMOW aetND ntE SCENES OCEAHUS (lllK*-00) ltOUGHltG IT (FRI) C llOVE (lMU) E AUTO RACING (MOM. WED) E NA TlON.AL 5'0ftlS FEITIV AL PflfVIEW (TltU) E NATlOMAl. SIORTS FESTIVAL (FRI) H NA TlONAL QfOGAAPtle L Q llOV1E (111<*-TMU) L 0 SIM<* AHO ClAAFUMKD.: ll4E CO. CERT • TME PAlll< (FRI) $ NGHTIOUS AM.fl (TU(, FRI) Z CHAM.ES ~ Otf TitE AUii SCOE (TUE) 2 llOVE (THU, AV) ~ lflfCTIMtl ' rr IS WRfTTEN ROflll£JI ROOM AGNCUL TUM U S.A llOVIE , , I If I J •,• I ' I ~ ~ I 1'r J E AUTO llACING r". rir 1 I ll I 1 )' I j I 1 S MOVE f $1 ft , ", f 1 • \ f II ~ DR. JAGGERS AND ltUS VEUU =,~J e:: ll4E ROeOT POl'EYE AHO FRIENDS WON..D OF PttOTOGfW'MY CLOSf.uP Ow.v.GRAHT .T, CISCO ICID .IAlllEI R<*SOH If I~ CD WotU> TOM<>ftAOW JACKSON FIVE sn-.. S~ET (R) ~ SUNDAY MASS l. MOV1E ' Hi-I (\ I• j j• 1 I 1~ l'f OOOD NEWS • AL VIN AHO ntE Cttl'lttlUI( S 7:30 I TA«ltO ADVAlffAGE. 1 C} lflfT1SH Ofl£N GOlf I v t ' I r. i CAIP(R i'S~L TO IE ANNOUNCED FATMEfl JOt9f IERTOlUCCI HOO«ED Otf A90ltel H llOV'IE I ' , .. •• '\I ., ' I • I I I I .. (it t-oo 0 8 SUNOAY lltlOf'NllQ .,11 I hf ' I I ., , ,., f1 ~ I \ • "fl l1~t•J.t ,. I t r i f' l t t ' • , ! ! t "',., ll ,-' ! KIDD V1D(0 LLOYO OOIL VII' RAWMDE ™-OMEtl ' crTES TO•~m MllEI UJIEDY FACU OF CULMIE TMAMME fECAI I RE1JQIOUS TOWN HALL l:JI ._ T OOIOTS l ' ~ I I I Arn~i.r· .1 I 1r lr• ' ' If., r I f t • I •••• ,, II~ J , If 1 f I' I 11, ! ; I ' 11 1• , I I ' ~ , 1, ~ ' lllEET1NG TM AT CALV MY FMllEJICI( It. PRICt TRAMZOR KNOW YOUR l&E FACIS OF CUL TUM llOV'IE M ·~.. I I I I I I '· . -P! •• , : ' • ., t )' IJI , 'r \ J1!• ft t i t f 4 tr tt• '' r• tft , f ,.·., I 1 ff 1 \ t~ • • •'d tr 'I ft1>1 ~II J 1, t 111 I t ""' 111\l ,. ,o.-.......,•-.nr-• c_ I IOI .!<*ES t:tO Ul>DMUN AHO Ill AMAZING FNENDI HAPPY DAYS AGAIN OMl f'OIPTS '~~~/AOUUW RfAL. Tl9tG llCtWl>-'ACtCIOtf ~Ml L 0 llOYW '. I ,.., I ... 1•.1 ''~I .• • • l •I ,, N t t .. , 11., ('hf 11. Ill S FAERIE TALE ntlATIIFS GM.ATttT Illa.MTS L tip 1 r 11 1 r ,.. 1 ,. '"'' I •Qt h.~l"ll •• t ,, ,t loll' l I 1. I I ,,, I ·I It• ,tt W " ti 11 f 11 lllt\t>I H ~ .,_ 'I •11 P I" 1 J11 • ' '"it 1>111 .. ,, .. 111 ,, ,. I I» II I II"" I I H· I II t:' .. ~.~o.tTitEF"Usa. I fATltDUU.Jl•ICl ta FACf THE NA TlOM INCMDmlJ MW( HAPPY DA YI AGAIN DAY OF OllCOVOtY llOV1E I 111 ,,, If• A I ' I, •11.' Or 1'1'rP l • 1' r ••• ' I .. t' Hlill u 1.'' • II' I ... ,~ ADAll m'11f'I .,_y WON.II ml'TTME,_11 Sunday. July 2 1 \ 985 9 -Sunday Conl. ~FACES Of CUlME ([l TRAPSHOODIG Jacki>' S1ewar1 s CP lebrtly Cha '1>091• horn I undon IRJ H FftAOOlE AOC« !!11oher <.pf<, nut '" lu11J plan!<; that W ll 11 ... j '' ti (r1efl•l rt z llOYIE Hu ~J1ur t JI Thi .t ... t1nq Stars ( t GB.> I >r ,, 11.11 Orr11•r11 A11111n1111 Mar~>ldl•11 11hr 4b 111111) · TO ADV'DfTlME 1G:GI MEWIMAIEM HOTIIUNDAE Tll& STOOGES MNOIENAI. WOlll.D ~ICHUU.ER WLD,WLDWUT l&ftRllAN IAIEIALL A'lar t.o fH ,,, •• JI N• 1. r ·•• MPI'-(31'1rs .., 'I, m TONY IROWN'S JOURNAL R ll·O• A ""dr• dP• Sch1ndlPr r•r• •,1tJ1•rit I 1111• lln1MI (II Arne11cM1 HP.t>rew L.<Jr1\.1•t.•4.;1mw, and Jacque'> Torc;1nt!r .,1 1t" W1,rld l1on•st Oryan1zdl•C1n ~1S<.uo.;" 1st;m1 rrnn1s1er Louis. Farrt1~han 1••l•C•f."'1 I/ 0111<.1< and spec. ulCllt' or1 ltll' '"' "' ' I Ill.it~ 1 .. w1.,l1 lt'l.i 1our1c, I NEWICDfTER DtGEST DAY Of DtlCOVEJIY OCEANUS E AllTO RACING rit. ,1 11n ::;,, '"r", '<111 '• r r I 14 1 r 10 • • H MOYIE } ' , l I I S MOVIE ,, 11 ,, J ,,,,. lo 4 if' 11 t, I ll'r111 y I tf'I M1111t 10:IO AT IUUE I JAPAM TOOA Y ' IASOALL IUNCH THRff STOOGES AT T14E llOV'tf8 t P h1I•• l '•'•·<'W' rlQ I 11 1 l\r • • I I "•"' IM l fl , ... , J J.i W'E.LCOME BACK, ICOTTO io IP£CTAUM ' t(IDS INCORPORA no CAPITOL JOURNAL THIS WEEK IN IASEIAU KENNY FOAOIAM OCUHUS MOVll I" I 111, ' •'. ( 1'•84 Cnn ' , tA " •t N.i• t r .s1a t\1n .. 11.i AMERICAN ADvtNTUlll I .£RRYF AlW'EU. 10 MJUS ERVING'S ll'ORTI FOCut IARIAU I • •111"1 Angels at rioo,t JI Red S r fJ WALL STilt:ET JOURMAL REPORT Cl) MOYE ti ,,.,1 11q•,'.'> £Joui rTlf'l'lfilryl ' I r 1\1 ... trtfll'I :)llllJI DAYfY l GOllAnt ~ )tlr', ~ SU TE GAMH 1 Jwt 1 (ll)O .1111.1 !l'ur 1ll1lt•lt 1 • '• '1·1· llhriow, Arnr1 tt•ur 1\1111 .. to • II ft01• lh •VPl')lfy of 11111 1 1 p1 qn llttJ,1 ().J (1 t I•) ®.) SAN DtEGO SUMO A Y Cl) llOYIE M, 1 t<tb l c "'" Cly) flpht ·• f,, " fl llf>!f<,on hrs) fll) llAITtJlllECf TliEA TM m MITO RACING . H 'l '" •.oo ••• from M11..htg.lf Broo~ M•d• r l~TOOAY COi MOW! HI I 1'181 Ac1111•nl ''') 1 t, Alf1•11 'hr 1.•, 1111 Sunday. July, t 'I 1'1~!w.1~ I , I 11:116 MOYIE "Cry Panrc' I 1974 Mystery) John Forsythe Anne Francis ( 1 hr 30 lm1n;i~~':m.0AY1>-LEY 1IMY COl1 WtlTTAKDI CtMT a«JRat OCEANUI ' llO¥IE "Rarderc; Of The Losl Ark ( 1981 Ad11en1ure) Hamson Ford Kater Allen ( 1 hr . 55 min ) m YOUTM QI> IEAUTY wmt DR. llOlJWt -Afternoon 12'11--~ • QUETHOW MOYE "Dehcnre De11n11ue111 ( 19~7 Comedy) Jerry L ew1s Martha Hyer 12 hrs I Eii) llYITIJm ·Reilly Ace Ot Spies Aus o;ra's m1n1ster ol ma11ne agrt>es lo divorce his w1IP Ndd•a who 1<. 1n love w1lh Reilly. 111 a mu1u.1lly t>enetrcial Oc1rgam tor h1msetf and Rerlty (Parr 6 ol 12) (R1 O ( t hr I fli) CtUCff Ill THE HOIE W UNDOITMDINQ HUMAN IEHA~ H 1 llOYE 'flee tr re Dreams ( 1994 (.ortt eoy) l Pnny Voro Dut.len V1rq1111<1 M.11jo.,pr1 U hr .l'1 min ) · SJ PAP£R CHASE Rose (l ,11n1p l\ai.111) bP r ..,,.,.,. • .., fro,..,.11!SftPJ wrth ht>t 11vo1ce I 1wyPr ind dt>1..111P-. • ' 11.1n<1•e tt-r• proc.Pt <.J111q h .. rsell I 1 hr J mtON.: T14E tlOHTIWIE COMTlNUfl WO • R&.+ALL Ro.HOOD WOM.D TOllOM()Wn.Yt'ltil_..., NntlW(fRIW .. TOUCH I l.ll>alT AlmlNQ HUMAN IEHA~ MOVll 'Tort.h S11ng ( 190..,3 Or.1111,11 Jn.in Crt1wlord M1c:tiae1 W1ld1nQ 11 '" .!O "'''' ' 1• e '.I ca "°"11 SUNDAY SCht> jlJlt"' M1llnn The Iceman McC..10ry 11s ( .:trl<i' Ir 111111 111 tl wcl1e1w e1ght 1'1111Jf 5ch11dul1>11 1,.r 1•'1011111jo; ''"" lrnrn Mon,11 o (7 hr, 1 O Al/TO RACING CART M1t.h1y.v· '00 frr.111 M1ch1y,111 ln!Prn ll'' >tldl '.>~·PPdw.ly 1r1 8ruoklyfl Mich ((> hrc, 10 111111 ) I DANELIC>a. FANT UY llWI> IAIDAU. Ch1c;dyo Cuo<. II S.111 r r.111 cic;co Giants (3 hrs I I TAOIG ADVANTAGE DWH Of HAZZAllD THE HE.MT Of THI *OOM A !.urvPy of conlempoiary Chinese !'.Cienc;e ano tPCh riology. ranging from satellite communir .1 truri to med1c1nal JOO<!s Q ( 1 t1r ) ~ UMDDITMDINQ tUIAM IEHA~ L l (0) llOVll 'Ni!IP And HRyes" ( 1Ci8J l\<111en1urf'l Tommy Lee JonPs. M1chnel < > Keele I I hr 40 min ) $ lllOVIE WuthPfll'lQ HeiQMS I 19111 Roma111 e) l aurPnCe Oh111er Me<I<' < lh t:IOlllrO=:A~rlo.. AUTO RAC8IG CONT1NUEI llHllD THI ICDel lll>RIT AlmlNG HUMAN llHAVOI .:>YI!. Tell Me A Riddle ( 1980 [ll,1 ma) Melvyn DouQlils. Lila Kedrova ( 1 '" JO min) =1===..A:naua 2:9 .ell TO• ANNOUMCm · .:>YI! "Hnrt To Harl I 191q My• 1t•1y) Rohrrl w.1gnpr Sretanre Pow,.rc:. 17 hr. I @) WCH Of HAZZARD &) llOYE Murder Can Hurl You I 1QAl CornPdy) Jarr111> Farr. Gavin Mel euo ( hrs) Cl) IOUD QOU) •t ~· I ..,, II ,.,.t• • , ' 'J"Y''' • ,. · ... , , , ~~111-. s .... c1l Boys Armn1 '""" 1 ·.1111 t aAPllP Melb Moore <111tl I 1110 I t1u111 ,., corned1an Ar M>ni., Hall "'"'"'' C•1•111f (1n1pr111Pwl ( hr I fI3 OOlD LUST Or .011 W13llAs 11.trrales ttii account ol r1 m1Jdf'rn y11ld 1uc.11 1n Brt111 Nh .. rp lh 1U Ht<lS ul 11/IJ!kf'r<; b 11flp t(., t •• "-l•rne IT'•ll •"lro,~1res I 1 hr 1 ' ED YOUNG lflllOOUCING lfOLOQY ' llOYIE HPad · 11%8 M11soca,1 Tht Monk Pee; V·L i • M II Jrf• I I ht 26 m1r 1 H1llOYIE H1•1ween r11ends · l 1983. Dr.1 ma1 Fh1abPtt1 T.=tyl .. r C:rtrol A1Jrnet1 ( l'lr 40m1r1 l m llOYIE D~ t n,,. ''' It ~Jo Ad ... tH ture) Georye 0 !111tm Hf'altlt-r Angel 1 I !::llltlr .. ~ ~ ml>Y I ...,IWAO<Wtt • lfT1'00UCING llOlOQY ( } Al/TO MaNG fpurn1l,1 I 8r111<.t Gr.1nrl Pr • Iron $1l11Pr .lllr 1• I 11gl<l11'1 I RJ 1 i l1r JO n•1r 1 HO 0 CBI IPO«TS mew.: lflOftll INll>l OUT A < 10-. .. up k>1Jk .11 c:.µ1111'. frnn1 II•~ p .. r-.1 ·ed•llf' I ~ Jn.J I 1•0~1IP U llOYIE n .. ~. 'l'' 01 11, .. < •1 .11ur·· ( 19')!,, H1111. i) I '" ,,, l·H L 1)11 NPl'it I v tir .. J fJ @ T'ENNSl I 1~1· J,ir1m• ft>')tv.i T •I It'"' pru-. or·~"''' w Ito CPf,.lJr 1 p<; 11 1r11~ .:im1ual e•Pr11 t.pl.j l11r "'" ne11Pl11 ot H'r1> tir.11 oal<.y ,,..,,,.,rct1 '·''"'·I l1J WOM>OI WOIWI m llOY1E Mr' tPI Ho , ,.,,. (I I!:;~ Corr edtl Her'"' r '''"'" J.1i111>s c ..iyrtt•y ,,., hr.., I EI3 DtlCOYfft T14E WOMJ> Of 1CtEMCE P1 l(•r 11 lllP I• l'i ft it> Lt' llli'l4d/•! •• f'1•.1l•ll+'t.l NA~A '> .p,lJ( 11 lt•r I -.p.u1 ,,, hn""" l lllf' 1ti.tr•I ..,,.,1 1tirtl1•' in enq1 ""''""" dt 1411 1.t.1 • ,,, M I r h1gh·IPr.ti vul1t.i• WOfl.. ,, 111<1•11 I,, • 111 I r) I 1 h ' ~FANT UY Ill.AND INTRODUCING llOlOGY ( ) ((5) llOYIE 'The P11111 •''>, J\1111 Thi' Pr Ill(' ( JC\4'l ( )( ., Jvl n. o H"P•· V•rg1n Id Mdyt ' ,,, 14 """ I S MOYIE Ht•rc ulc•·, ( 1CJ8.l. Adv1~ntwel l 011 f 1•rrryr 11 !1yh1I 11.irtnong 11 hr 4 I rn11 ) l llOYIE lt.f' ~tow Roy ' ( 1984 Dr 1 m.t) Rober I !Juvall li1•,rm Presc;on ( t tir 331t11n) =1=0:0..~NtOOlllWI> AUTO RACltG CONTllJll I IN1ROOUCT10M TO LR I INTROOUCltQ llOlOQY llUT'RAl: UICW. IDmOll · llO¥IE Mr Rob111.,on C.1u<,1f<' (~·1 lenll ( 1 Cl'.Jt' Allvt'nlurP) llouglas f iw b..ink~ W1!11,)(H f .trllllrfl I 1 hr 30 flhtl I .. I) LOME GllftNFI .... Wl.DfMEll The• capl'lln h'.h 'iWlltl to lhP WRIPr'> ;;II Newfrnmdl.rncJ 1111ly lei tiecomP thP prP.y 111 01ffl5. Wh<llf', olrld l1<>h1•rrr l'n ITMnB llOVI! Afi>·n Cor 1 "' 011,1t111n' 11'lA 1 Sot111CP·F1U1un1 I 1r M• l .ullocli I ou•Sf' Marfeau (1 ht<. ) • 1) ....-ITA Tt GAMEi (COMT"D) Ovt>r 1 000 ;una11•w ,,, , I• ,, i(Jele 111 ltlP Ult 11(>1'> Amilteur I\ ltl••li• I" ,flVRI held at ll'IP U111vl•rs1ty 01 111111. " r 1s al Champmi:in 1 Urbana t? lir l m MOVll A Ill• II 111 .. WhnlP Sh .. ('.k1r11) I -Sunday Conl. Story' (Part 1 ol ?J ( 1980 Oramal Mt c.hael Beck_, _Tell}' Savclla.-.. (? hr<, ) ti!) WALL IT1IEfT WUJ( Gues1 Jonillhc1rt Gray senior research analysl SanlortJ < Bernstein & Co ' UT1U MOUSE ON THE !'MM EAGLFIMEIT lf1"ROOUaMG llOlOOY llOVIE A111 .. h I I ' ·I I I!) • C t r11t•11) I >\ I , 1rt " f' ti \) 11111 I ' I f '-•' 'rll' f IPOATSC£NTEA H MOVIE r t 1o ' , ,,, I µ i. tt.,.I ,, ~ I • J JI• 'I '11 , IYPEJt CHARGERS I j I l(r•• I 11180 !:>l.t M.i> Vcir s, =1,~~s : WAlffltOTON WEEX .. REVIEW CJ I KING IS COMltO • INNOVAnote /I '"'~ .t i • , • .,., 1r11•cJ1l ,11 tPd1111qUt>' 1 111, , ,,,. "' p11 ""•IW•• 11 I.ti 1' mNEWs M>C«FON> FUS Hl1~:- : FwmtQ l.N r.;11 I •it 1,...,.., 111 I'<' I) f '·'' ( f' r 111111 ' ' " I I LAST CHANCE GARAGE (•• I.IA <11111 1 I I I 1lJi1" '-,,~1· 1• r I 1 '•'-' {I~... I I Pui.t•,.., pr " P .... fpt 1t1i :. ...,111111 ll )! ' AEASONTOU.O S....-.0 M1P1.i 1111 II. Y'H r 1 '" · .. ~ i ( h ., ''"'" hi~··· If 11 I '"'' '·•'" f L Wl.D SWANS • • • Ito I t f '" ' tt I ,, . , ... 0 TME OOlD IUQ 'I Tr 1n1,,.,1 Z MOVIE f •• ' f ' . I •I 41J I 111 ' OOVEJNIENT FOftCED IAUI 5dll5 WORLD AT WAR Sc30 Cll .... mMKNEWS ... HOGAN'S HOOES I •'(if (' ,, ' f f I ti ii'?> AICNEWS Q CAntOUC 0000 MEWi vtCTORY GAll>EN 1< .tll , l1rt'n/H 11••1 • I' .~ I ti• • • 1 I "• 1 JI l"n WP I fl1•h I' • ·'' lt•I' 11 1 .eH ~.1r<1111•. I t I Jdl •I 't' t' 1111 ., I: l{lttt-' m NHlt KA YO HAU -Evening .. §I:.... ANGEl.• AT ,,. llONI "' I • (J Ut'll ,,, ...... !.PQuets ~ca ... CAPTAM All) 1'lll l(IMQI A11n;i~r1 ( l\.h.lrd Jnrt;l;ml c;ulff'r<, trorr• art unrP llllf P<J II ••t' Whtlf' 11'\I• llVl"<I tO .ttltlll 1 tlfrltl • ~o c."'" , ,,. 1 q1w:.1 1111 1 ....... , l(.i.11 11<iwP• f'dtl l 111 !>1 (, "'"I ( LOYllOAT m FAm Pi\rt>nts Wee~ at the !.<.ha< I ftnds Danny c..op1ng w1tn ht<. parents' r. c..ent sepant1on and N1co1e dea1tng wilt. etc.esc;1vf' ~·••'"""'e lrorn t'lerc, ! 1 hr 1 m MOYIE lt1p Searct1PI, ( l'l',f) w~· "'' tr Wa1nP Jeffrey H" It> Wtwn rt C. I l/J,jr "'' • ·~ 1 .. 11,rns r,011 f' ol1 rt Ira ' '·h t f 1( 1 ,1 ~ 1 I I I • .·' i I J I E BASHA.LL ' I •• ' ... , .. 1 I H FMOOL.f ROCIC t . , ... L 0 MOVIE lliv 1 l• II 1. I ,, 1• ,, "r ,. ' tu! I.JI I f ... l t• ' 111 ' ftlf 8:05 @ WORLD AT WAR I > () , Wt I U> , $100,000 MAME THAT T\JNE T 11, r I' 1:151 NEWS ttOU. YWOOO CLOSEUP • I I t' r rr ",., 1 y • ._ r • 1• 1/ ~ '' W t ,•, •t t t 1 , \ I ~ 18 NEWS al} LlOYD OGILVIE H MOVIE • ~.1 I .. t h • .,., '• , Z CHARLES CHAfrlfl\.IN ON THE FUI SCENE 1!145 m HOll YWOOO 1001 NIGHTS 1:GO e 8 '° MINUTES Ho '" I 1,.. I 1 ... II• lo , •Ill 1 •' I 111 • 111 " ··~ I,, ' f I f 1 ~I 0 Ell PUNKY BREWSTER '.,.. f' H • ,,. • Jt I J "'' ,. .... • If 1f1f t' ' ·~ ,. If B CHAllLE"S ANGELI ·10 M'l.EY'I lllEVt " OR NOTI f ..... 1 Jftl1i ~ 11/t; l l Jt>\11}~ I ti 111 ()' '"lfP\.)Udfc1 h) 11 '• 1'11.,. ( tn • rt le uk .it ,,,,,ti ,, t , 1101'1 •l ,. " .,1 r 11., • • '•I• '• , '' ,.11 .r, ' ' ~ .... d) ST~ SE.~H ' • M I ' II•. t' !fl , , , m UVING WLD ., '"''( , 11 • •"'hr t ' • 11' • 1111 • t• r• I 1J'.I l\fr.1 1 ~11111 l(EJMTl4 COPfl..AHD MJ9IO AT'°" 1,,,, • l 1.1lw,t, 111, ·"" • 1111 1 ' oh 11't r ywri ~'" ,, • II ol• It •• s111y1 r 1..11• I '", j,1t r ()fl t.w lllh 0 1,11f1•t 1 ••" ,1 t l lu•+>' H.l lily I -1111 • , I J •• I '''Y' I I.,, I $ f AIJll( TAU THEA TM"I OM.A THT ~· l ltp'.. lrom f olt>flP Tale n ... .lire h1Qhl1qhl 1 "'"' <;lud<led t elf'l>rJI n 11 th£• >hov. <, 11111.I ilf"llllVl'ISdly ~1th~,,,.., I" lu Pt ;::,r., ""' ( u"'" •"l'"'h 111\,lu•l• .... ;.i• ... , ,, '""' l •1.t ~ .. ., tJlh iltfl nut If w 111 ·; 11 tr I t llOY11 Co1111 lhr ~c.tr<'v"' t rllA.s Adventure) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jone5 Barba11an Conan 1s recrull- .-d by a sensuous. deceitful queen to pro- lf'Ct a teen age p11ncess on her Odyssey Ito a==~~G' ( 1 hr 43 min) r• "°"'1 PAGE 7:31 G) RVDI ~Rick discovers that rf' I •t·r "'11.:11 .. r 1fl lhe ne"" ,n1ld care ,>rv1c.e •5 a ,1c11m JI parental lo.1dnapping \RI L.J OJ llllON MD QAllfUll{f1; THE CO.- COT If THE Piii!. Paul Simon and Art Gar- lunkPI perform old tavot1t~ 1n ine1r first uint c.oncerr in t t years tapeo jurtng the Jmrm•r .,t lj 1 '" New Yurk C1tv c; Central P11k I hr .JO m1r> I ~@DAY Of DISCOVERY .. 8 ~ IHIE WOT! Je5-.,~a 1rave1s to San Francisco where "he ltlempts to 1.lt:dl .:i br11lPgroom to b.? ut .:i nightclub o wners murder (RJ O ( 1 hr l 0 G) IUIQHT lll)EJt f he he11 ell varent to ; c 111.us n11P<, Michael Knight re !JC un<ler- _v11P1 a11d •·r·d out wno is lry1rq I, sabO t.i\)e tt'lf' tc1r111ty •un ouc;inps<. q O t I nr I B COUSTEAU OOYllEY ~ llOV'IE The (;oricor w A1rpo11 79' ( 1979 Suspense1 Alain fielon Su ,,;,, Blal.ely A spries ot t>xptos1ve atraclo.s 1r cl <.ur·erc,0rnc 1e1 1s launched oy a man :IPlf'm11r ed Iv protect t'\1<, owr tiuilty SE' <t'I tfl1 ;:,J (3 t'lrS) 0 RAl90W FVTUMTY nw "1 1n annual r ""•no I trios quarter n1 r'>(' rc1u• otters a • r 1 ~ ,, ·t ..11 $683 000 t Ir """ Ruidoso ~IM 'r 9J TALEIFROllTHEDAM-A protoun<l ly 'ilrl woman n 1eets. c111Cl tall<. " lnve w11h t nt.i11 """'' ot1ec1" tear<. 0» MOVIE A.k.alra: Trw Whol;; S"ocli1ng -;,.,,~ I 11• ~ 11 21 11Q80 01,1rna1 M1- cnat?1 r: ,., • i ""~ Savc:t1<1 Ba<.t>O on 1ht> !! It' SI I' I If •• ,('lunyP::.1 l'Tldf> px-· senl I ''" • • "" c.,,11<,on r Sar F ·~rc1sco H 1, " J' •·• ldp:~ !Jldn~ 1. nrc, I ti) LFHTYlH M THE !ICM AM> FAllOUI I• i. . .,.,, .,. '" t;oph•d l )rpn J.ln>Ps Oar , 1 1\1 11 1,1 Ella~. 1 1 hr ' ti!) ~AT POPI .Jam,.., Gd1wdy plays .,•l.-1 I• ""' 111 me PtCLulu p ... nnywhrSlle t• l t>r:;. 1.1u11pn llult' Jau '•'"uer Cteo t 1 1 1 1~ •1~ r h• (),1 1~w .. rlt Ouartet lt i t 1,•t' t •• , l'f ('",..,,,,,, I h I ' •~t' l 1 loljf \n 11 ''' Eli) llOWI) HOQUE m MAITEJllECf Tllf.ATill Tht C11c1oe1 •\ •111..... 1..i1o.,.., ac:.11011 •lga1ns1 tee-sp111 • • -i 11>d 1~ "nrely tec;ted a1 th•· site ot a ''" h• ·1t'•I tPc1r• 'loll 101 RI 0 (1 , '' c llOYIE ft•p R1q Chill' I lilh I llilffirll 1o, "" 1< , t'I n Cl<·'>e ./Vt·• n .~ "''rn I I l!t' •11-. 10<,t> ... I ,, ., j<; lr(\OI •' J• : 1, ).11n»r f()r Int! lunt•r 1 lf'•1 e •, • .,., ,,.,.,., 111~l> hdv• ( ~ anqed "''' 11., •t1b fit.) 11 hr 44011 l H llOV'IE 'ht> Muppets T ilV Manha I 'Ill I l')l:l·I .oinedyl V01Le5 ,,, JtH'I Hen ... 11 I 1 " .. ' While l\ern111 antJ ,.:impany ", • 1.1•• 11'\err LOlleQe Yartel\ -.how to tit ,1 lw 1, M .,... r•lllJY c., 1ea•<'•<.<.v 11 a 1r 11 111; .... 11te<.~ thre.:ttt>n'-her wf?d(ling ~ v· 1, • '' .. rrvg Ci Q ( 1 n1 34 ,., n $ .c>Vll Star Trei. Ill The S•arc" Fo1 --r· ,-, · 1A4 Scoenrp F1ch<'n Wilham ...,, 11r,. • •tr 1>te~I .. l'llP~ A 111" I\ ri, reas l'•tllllt'5 !hf' crew ol the stur<o1'11p En ll'•tir•St> t.1r one final voylige to fly and "'"'~ 11P M• Spoci. wri~ ""'"'' remains ;i11~P on lt>P rapt<lly dp0enerattno Genesrs 1 fill ,.1 P!, 1 1 hr 4 ~)>'T'ltn l Sunday July 2 1. 1985 11 -Sunday Cont. ~ RACING F'ROll HOU YWOOO PAAIC l::G5 ~y FAl.WEU. a:JO (!,, LOU GRNfT E SPORTSCOfmt m lllOMEY Pl.US t:00 t) rA CRAZY LICE A FOX 11 "') ,, It t 1·1 ~ f f • •'• I f t t 1fftr v I '''f ' • 1w1 t' tf J 1' tilt f h11t••f I , l.1101 111,tl ' ti •·1 ' ! 111 It I ' , ' JI., .. 0 ffi MOVIE I •1tf\I Ir lrl' f 111 • t I• I • 11 • to 1 1 u • ..,,. ~ •' r ••I •f' f1r , , , t 11o II I I irl 1 I I r '"t I , .. , I fl1f I I ft t I fl It, ) 8 COUSTEAU OOYSSEY WIU) l(INQOOM /I 1110 • .11 1\11 1"111 I Ill 11 , 1 • 11 I 1 Ju ; '' tr ,, 11 1 J •• ' 4 " I ' (!) KENNETH COPEUNO ID MASTERPIECE THEA TRf • • ( I I Jo If 1,,, : 11 ''• ,, , ... 1 11 11 I ,.. I , "' 11 1 •,., 1 rf• 1•1' '' Hn tPt I I CE PRAISE THf LOAO m MYSTERY! • • I. .. .. o I I I' /; 11 MOVIE 0 MOVIF l MOVIE ( I I I l' m B-OWUHG I I •I. ',, ,. l' ,, I" 111' IN• I'' t:G5 f7 ROIERT SCHUU.ER t::IO 0 8CHOOl Bf:AT Ho I 111 I "'' t ;No • I ' I• 11 I• • I I , I 111 ' ".111 • t f1 111 I I I ' JI I ( I ~I ft if 11 f , f /,I 1IH h• '• h •f flll I '' ~11 r • N oll 11 1 I• 1U1 t r It"'' I E SAN FRAHCISCO MARAlltOtf 1CtOO I) ( i TilAJlflfR JOHN, MJ> I 1 ti 1 • •1 I t• I I '" I 1• I f I I 111 f iii I. •I ,,,,I 1• ., fll t I I I 1'1laa':m. JEMYFALWEll FAWl. TY TOWE'AI fllWll THE LORD OMAT P£RFOMIAHCll ,, , I ,, Jt•u11 Al flli V•·•d1 c11111plr•h• I 1 w •• 11"!1'"" M.t CJl,..1111 1111 I; .rail "IJS " ur1d•r1y uul 1 • •ll H, 1 t "" y. ,,, .... ltl'llllf• '"" 111>.illt .1111/ If "' ,, I I I 111 • J I I•• ) 12 <1urn1ny July '2 1. 198'> ' I H fllOVlf 1• f I j I . , c; M OTHER'! ' I ' W su-.il£R $ATfl Y 'I I •t 111.nl tC>.1115 17 .... y SWAGGi'RI 10-.30 0 P£T£R POPOrT 0) START Of SOWTlftNI" NG '· ,, , , t1) FAWl. rY TOWERS E ltf1 'S GAO TfgueOW Nl s S &aARRf I' " f • 10'.45 0 SUNOAY Sf'ORl S P"GE 11~f) 0 0 8 10 ID MEWS 0 T Al.ES FROM THf OAAICs.>f ''" ,, I umlY JONES JIMMY 8WAGGM T AUS'™ crn lllll Ii. CE F-mtUNE L EROl lC NIAGES 0 YOVIF " S MOVIE I .,OVlf •• .. I I I ' " 11 I I I , I 1 ~ ltfVEJll Y JACICAOH 11:0& rl7 LAM Y JONC8 11:311 18 CU MEWS 'r " ... I I ,.. '. I I . " I' .. f I 1 J 11'10 I IUHOAY ll'ORl!! I ~41 PACEsmEAS EYfWf'Otlll SPOf'TS • C~l£TwFEN llf'f ANl'l OUOi 9 1 AT THE MOVIES 10 ENTEAl ~EN r 11n WFU t• , ' .RRYFALwtU llUllC cm u.s A U'ORTICENT'Elt m HO CASH DOWN INVH TINO 11:JI 1l!J CHl...*N'I f'UNO 11i.a c MOYIE I I I I I I!\ I I • I t f " • I II ti I tifl I ti 1 1kf' i;ep;irate roaos '', 'I' HJ1111f1011 bul <..Ont1nw• (, ,,n1.hh•1 Jnd their lov~· ~ ' t' I I N •" H n ( I tH !>'i rntn ) H MOVIE '1480 Driuna) Jo1J11 I ' ~I I I ·ll rt f• v1ct1m~ ul ,, •I 11111 <l'"'ll parf'nts fc,1.1 ••I'•' 1»11 '"'t111 tt1e11p111111111ntll ;. ll ' t' !•111: "''I .t'I n 11 t.r 11·45 fJ MOVIE ' ' f "'' ' I '"" •I I,., I r11• 40111 r111ur I•" •'I 1.,1 t1 forsylt r An I' • "' 11 ~ f't •pfP <!If' fr .'JµpPcJ If, " • • I 1 1>111111r111 •.k ye.er a ppr II I ' STAICR Y 8USM81 A9C NEWSO UHTOUCHAk.ES 12:00 Q ffi G(OAQE ..awl'I IPORTI MA· CtlNE 0 EI:) 700 Cllll 0 HOU YWOOO CLOSllJlll ,, 1 "•:l" t• • I ,,, ~.1 I I II 9 INO£P£NDENT NE'ft Q) WORLD TOMOMOW ~ PRA!Sl TME LOAD 12.115 n 11 GET SMART 12';30 0 HA WK 0 STUDS LOHt<lAN f t .. N 1r1q ,i t1r•1•t I'" 1 I I '1 '"I (lid 1y ~ftm1llr1) 111 1. '" I JI I, It l()o.,t• ti lo 11 r• • I• t I l11t I , t ·I ' I ( (JI fl,, ., , ~ I , , t 1 I II t>f I ' hfl' fylp ()f hi', l'fJIJfl1 If 11• I I 11 r? '" I 0 WY.GIWfT T PV1Tlf OH THE lfll 1 b GET RtCH IN AMENCA I CHURCH IN TME ~ AFRtCA: CON'TlNEJfT IN c-. FANTASY ISlAHO E PIA 80.U.O r , Z MOVI( I ' . ' i I I 1r I .-1 II I• I 1"5 It WOM.D AT LARGE 12'45 8 HARRY 0 'f ''' Ir,,, I If ' I If Jl1" '11(11 l111q .,,11 Ant ,11111! : It..-. l1t1 11 d.ty~ , I I l'1(,ii'1y f,,HTltfllj , II 1qP• l<ollr w iN t I .r . ._., 11 r I Jiii llf"j I ( ' S MOVIE 11,, '"'''' 11,111pl1 1•'llt1 '. .. l • , 1 /\ 1 ,, ••111 Mil•• .. 11., Ma • : 1 C•h•11 tr 111d ,,,, rou, " Ntlt " 111• 111f1hil y Jllf•q worn t .... 11 '" lPI I ·ll'> I J I•>' ( I 1:00 0 EVERYIOOY'I lllOMEY MATT!M: FOM· CLOSUAE 9 MOVIE ~ t 1t tJPW Yori< ( 194'1 I '"' ( t''( I ..... 1 $1111' K •d" I• • • • 1 I r 11 • ,, 1IM11f'rtf ...,hen lhf'y dt • h1 I I • ..,,., .111t) • I lhh•,h lht>tr ,jll I I I ' t I 11 j(I mu i 1Jll AICNEWI Q i) AONCUl T\ME U.U ID ANO A~ TO HEAL T111 r·~rPnPn<.P<, "I t "' ''' .,....tu• 'f•rvf"d 1r1 V1P1fl1l"' .HP I •' l•Jt 1n1l 11 lf'r.•PW' I ' ' I •• I <illJ!lillll Vl~ll " IW.t~•M ~~trn M1•mo11af 1!,JO m NFn MOVll I 1• 1111 1.1~ 1 • A lf11hrJAy 1'1 14 I 1 •I I y I'' It, M '" h f vPlyn 11 ,. t 111 • • '"' • 1n ,111 11Jf'11t1fy r • ·1 ,. '1, lt It" • • , 1 rhhrry•, <..hnij !1• I'' •.ilt ly 111 hlo .ti; min I (I) £Dn'°"'I OH« 1]J rn YOlM IUIMU H MOVIE T r11u11n1t II A Mitri CAiied H' I l HI I ()I ilfl ,,, Hteh8r(I Harne; M 11 •• fl·~~ /\11 ,.,,,.,,,., wamor trn•'I to ~ ,,, ·r 11 •I 1 , , '" '"'' n lf S1111Jx lnnd ·pr, I I 11 -Sunday Cont. 1:45 i WRCOlllE IACK, KOTml 2:00 e cas NEWS NIOHTW A Tett t I I I • JI tr I ·~ ( • ,, 1 f Q) N>9£NDafT NEWS JI! AU .. ntE FAa. Y ~ lllM> ntE ICSIEI E AMATEUR IOW\MO I 11n, I I " ,, ... I 1< Vt•(j·l ... N .. 11 2:15 , 8 Cll NEWS NtGHTWATCtt ,, t ' ,, I I EI!) AElJGIOUS ~ I ! ''h• I!• 1n 1' r J tl• .. t1 ,. I I lot 2:211 ~ MOVIE If f ,, I "'·"I ". I/II 11 I I'· " 1•0 f "'II I) I M.111 ''"I"' I •I , ,, f1i1 •• t ,,, Utt' flllP '"' f 't11" I • 1J• 1 'l • 1 I flHI •1Jlltv,1~ ' ',, 1t I 1, I I I I I I I '"'" I 2:30 0 NEWS ~ MOVIETONE NEWS -Monday -Morning Movies- 'I A H 11 • mo : I 5:45 s ~c •I dH 1111 • Iv ., ' Ji 1•t ,, ' 11/t,, ' I ' I I I I IO 7:00 z M , 'I I I,,, f lq \It ~\, I ·•"Ill' J ~I w •• ,,. 1 I •I 1~ 11 "'' ti, ', tr, if.., f •1 'I 7:30 s 8:00 c H t:OO 0 I ""° m M.t 10:00 c 11111 1 ., ., I.A ii• tot• 11, ti1•1I 'l.11 ~ I l'I /I I l hr t h 1111 I t I ~ .... ~ ' "" • H~" '' I l'HI I fl I ,1 • •h If t ' 0 t II 11 yl t j • I llr I ,., H I • • ( ,. ... ~ I ,,,,, I t ''"•'I 1\1 ,, • 11·1 I •iii Jl'I fl I I "I" I hi , •1111 J s II JI 11111• t I 1111 M '"" ,,, ,,,.,, I d I K •• I I ,, '. 11 I I 111 'llO• tO:Ofl 117• M 111 t 11 1\ 1111 q t I lhll I 1 11 11 I'' I' "I 1 • I'• 1w111 M.ttl1t•"' i ,, ~.30 1 1111 1,,,,,, fl•Y 11Hl•1 (ll,11111 rt I • !Hiii 1 1UIO 0 11t 1U'' j. I I 11~0 11vitll I 1'11)f1 J rt•' 11 Hl I 1 hr i 1 111 I'"' (Ii" II Y"' i I'll\,\ 1\1! /\1 I l Id l)t t W'rU /'1ttfl'(1lJt'f I •' It t' { I lot 1 I 111111 J I I q1 1 I It '11'1• 1• I t'lrl ~ 9 AllOTT AJC> COSTEUO i71NEWS f!) DAY IY DAY E TO IE AMNOONCfD H MOVIE I • I • '' I ! '· ,, ·, I' I I 3: 15 0 MOVIE t , , "' 11f 1 ft~ I I h i:.10 9 fAITlUO n ~ a!) JOY r .. , .. ( •t .... ,. M ,11111 II At 1, o<; • • I Hi 1 1/1 'r t •I I • H I\ ,,,., .. -JU1er.J1oon Movies~ 1?:00 H z 1:00 0 1:30 s 2:00 c j l ,1 I I 'I "·'I I I I I I• t. 1'1 I /, I ' .. I I ' I I' '"' ,, ,I ... I I I I l I 1 "' M1 ,, t OJ I'• , ' ,, ... t.••l It 11 t• 111 I t,, '' fl,,, I 11 I I• 111 11 I' .J-.tt t' H1 I ... • •I ~.A If 1111 •' '' 11 • t ~o .-c •1 $ I O ti S.ilO l 0 I 11 5:05 17 IO . .. J 11 ,, 11 ft to/If 11 -Evening (I If I ,, j) t1f1 I l.'00 § 0 n()J NEWS IOIOM IUOOtEI IAIEIAU. flt I'''" 1111 •• , 1,..i1111t"1 l I'' ' ""''" ' '"' l<I ( 11( l'i 11 ::;.111 I )11'\i•' r .t 111 I'-''' 11 I ••lP•" ll l Im 141 Wh•lt• !• 111 I .et 1p11ry ··,.. i I hr 6n111 • 4:31 !,lJ TEMY TIMES 4:J!5 f!Zl FllfTITONH H MOVIE rtr1~1 I I I •'n( P r 11 llCJll l '~.1'1 J II " I• f\ I ' I I '''"' r• ,. ' • J1 w A t«f\J I I '"""''" l; ,, '"' l .,, pl,1PPI M 111qo I lot•lf I • ttul t1 1 1 '''' i.o• rn 1 N I''' '' '.,. t1r ~ J '' ' a CUNEWI /,'A a.ACK IHEfJI IQUADIOM T lfflTYUS Of ntE llCtt AJC> f AMOUS M i• 1.1 ' ,p 14 'l I,~ l I t M • I 1 f \t I \"' h .,. , .... r ] ""'' w\'t 11 I I I 'f, "' I,, I. I '' II! ' .. ""1 lol 'f° I l 11' t I 1 I I q, H MOY1E 1.rw· 11 , .. 1 , ' ' 11 , t ~ ·I '-lo.,.,, II " •\'I L.l' JI H.jl I ..... ' I ' •, 11 ~ ' I 1 • ' ~ 1 f ·' S MASTER IWIOU>-AND THE IOYI I It " I • I I ,, I l' ur J II 1 .. .\1r , M ,1u ''""' , .. ,.., \I • '' I 'lit 't "' .. 111• I Sunday. July 2 1 1Cl85 13 -·nclay Conl. '.ll IUGADIE A profile of John Walk er, accused of spying for the Soviets ii I .. ,~.,,.,,, IEOPAJl)Y "'AllE THE LON> IUllEll lm'ORT 'L ro llOYIE DP.at 01 ThP Century 1')8') r .rri lfl C.hP ...... Chase S•ql'ltir ""Y Weavror #t.r r a t114h tPc:hnotr,q1 ,, 1r;i weapor1 I Jin, ,. t,, IJP 1efec.r ,, I' rri.,, .. ,1ac.t11rr·r 11.rw, an arrnc, hustlPr t11 rj 1(· J'>P fJf 11 f'G r 1 t1r 18 flW1 I Z llOYIE l'.ly1r 1 I Pathernei:ws I 19', 1 A :,,.,tu•» lrit1• Wayne Rr,l:>P,rt Ryar· A r • J' ,),11 " ' "'T1ander toes to c,t,r w r rr•en n ,1· 11<,(1pt1ne is the key to ,,,, 11v di•,, the tMlllf'f1~•d ( 1 hr 42 min ) 7~ 11 llOYIE Th .. /r,fors" (1963. Orar11a1 ,,. r JP P1·~-~ "'' I George Harn11frJn An f, • 1• r ldr · f I ,JI r lrd1PI<, I~' "~t .'I l II I' f Ur ,~(' 11 I r "' n11r 7:30 6 2 ON THE TOWN Featured 1ns1rJI' 1t11· O(l(:lgPrs locker room w11h lip<, fJlt th1<, '>Pil son "'''" .nte•v•Pw~ Hill' player'> ho ..... c.ne ..ii H 11,...,0011 1 r ... t ir Irr Pr ~-•ii'~ t or1ng oack ltH! """'..f Prn r,n 11'.P au.J111ri1 I"'"~~~'""'" IEOPMDY Wl..D, Wl..D WORLD Of AMIALS llOTonEEK H ~GGl.E ROCK r · • 1 : , ' ;n J• (~,. I t t-JJ• h 1r_;J1~ t t 1' r, r ,_.,t Ht 1~ S STAR SPA.NGUD COUWT1tY ~AlfTY ti.1•, N ,,... ,,, "" ,Jt,,,,tr<J II ' u , I !• ,, NI • IP.ill,,. ,,.., I rr• '''''" t , Alaban 1 r.v Tl r • 1 t t t rt1r /, 11 ' ,.., r 1 ·~· ,,1( ·1,.• • ! 5111a • • 'v '1:) RACltG FROM HOU YWOOO PAM a:oo e ~a-scwc.1ow AND •a. KING r, •It. , t ,,, lt:_..t ,. ,, 1h r }JI 1( ,~ t~u ArJ• t ' ../.11 r A 1 t 1 1 w I' t I I N 1 N' ~ , 1 • J "' i'_ 1<J~1f-f I 1 t 0 6:) TV'S a00fl£M AND PRACTICAL JOICES ,\ ,, , J• I " ,, " ,,, ,,, I ,,,, '-l ,, "'' I If ~ ,, • lu I,, '{ ,. J ' r-! !, 'f I t ,, N'' •, 1 • 1 •. r I•• T ,r1qt• St N 0 FROM HERE TO EflMTY .Aid I 't r1< ,ft 1 • ' • , 4 .ur;' r11, pr. ~ l!:i'r '" f1.i hrlr.• I 'CJ ,,..,.,.,. 111.. rt 1 • 1 .. n1<>1~ I o~;s~ hr11 IT, TWL.IOffT ZONl -~ T»f' •..1111 •• t '"' ~r.r;r 'It' r.1• r t , fir~'', f f••vu M -• ._., /4 t •' J f Y'"' t ,~ It ''Ji I'-> • ,. ,, f •t IPU rl M• 11Cilf• ICJwr 11 .m ,.,111.iw, 'I ms )0 ""'' I tE TNE MEMT Of THE DMOON A lr1 ·~ .it rt •"3 ... a If PIT'( t< IO PllCOVr-t9P 1ri'ltll' '• • , tPrti ._ N~tlP ~n.1 nt J mi"'* hi'~ '1i) ~ WOILD A lr.>0k ar Pflo11-. 1< ptPsPrvP l pm1ardo de Vinci ' Tr1P l "'"' ·~ ' • r '" I t t1'9 Aftlf tr fr oa h<·•h "'" ano lhf Pr ll'Wil'>I< t , /' "' ,, .• ~( r I• prPl'l;,I ·fK 11rire<, tRt f) 11 l1r 14 Sunday, July 21 . 1985 C llOYIE lulu Dawn· ( 1979 Or;irr-.1) Bun l ancilster PPfer O"ToolP Th,. fr.q ilsh wage a b111er war against the lulu n.1 tion 1n 191h·cFJn1ury Africa PG' 12 hr<> 1 min) H llOVIE "C.iltPful He M1yh1 Hear Yr)IJ 1 r".183 Dramc:11 Wendy Hughi>s RC.lif" ~It 1•r A 1!1 • t 1 n•r 1hPI 11'illl" ·;r il I""' 11tJ Syr1•"'Y boy tJec.ornP.5 1hP 1tll"'' I r1t .i biller r1J<.l<Jdy baffle bf>1ween h•'> 1 ... il\JftlC, Of'P I lltf'illlhy SJ)1n< lf>r .1nrj n' c 1••e1 ii wr rl< r•g l l,;S') w1I.-pr_. ~J · r r ')6 rT11n) '1:) llANDMU •TERI AND FA-. Y A I • • ~on;11 V•P.w 1)1 It,., MilnOr••ll ·.1•,1r>rs a• N ~ ilflll 11 ~·lily lt1.il ,,.,, IU1P· .ir•r,1PW' ·~"'' tt1Pll tiu' t. I l lr,. I il" r • o1nr: ~!> fr')IT' r •I • ' 1 I 111 I UJ nc TAC DOUQH '.:.!CANNON w , .ll llACWJNE E "°"11CEfTU .-e 'f) un a AUE l".a1.. N "' • Au,. 1t ,1 larfil 11 •Q N"r rt r• • I""'" NI I' r,;tlf· ' I d fd 1( y o ;f N flt ( "'''' 1ritJ bPLt>mf>•,.; lr•''llff!f•I t1r111 • 1· "'I tfi1 0 6:) llOYIE Prn1c.""""' r1,. • / r •'' r ;>1 1'1~3 fJr trll..iJ M"'' 11 ,..., ' ,, I I I j r Wagr "' fl,;<:.1-11 ' fhl' !Jes• ,,.,,,., t t J .1.r• ..-rar-t1 Tr"' ~·• • l'''"" ot ii R11 1tJt1 ,,,,r,r P l'td r1r An,•·r1r...rtr i1 __ TrP5 .. J-'fl Jt· J. r, t1 , •• ~rt.Otrif-· 1t' '' 1t~ttrJ1P ..... t t •• , i J 1 d J f 1ilJI' t rt ,p•·t•r I 1tp fr,1 l• fl ., .. f ,r t F•PN (J~n P(lf n •;I~ r,1 0 lllOVIE 1' • I •1 r 1" •11 . ,, 'I .1• r., I' 11 )ii r.•n ,., Ir H1 r I A ' , JI 'rH J.' I f lf,f '" ()MEWS m flfTV SU1A1E11 cOHCE.RTa •• C• II• ( r " , 1\ f r h1 If tt t ,. ,,, • M.111 1 r M• i' I H11 ' ( I Jt Uhi 1lt1t t I ,1. ti • '" ~ t i • • r1 .,1 h·rt I ( rthf 1 '• ED DISCOVER-M WOfll.D Of SCIENCE 1. I t I I l' "' I I' ... 't t ,.. HI f t •' ', t • ' ... t It I I~·' ' I .,, ••• It r • • 't, t t' , • '' ,, , ,,,,, t ~. , r , d q 1 ,,.,,, 1 1. , ,t·i·• 11 q \., If r '( t11r! l• 1 , 1 , • , , l 0 llOV1E ( o It A , r' ,,, ft' 4 I•• ( tf t t j(J(1,1 ,.., 11 "" j t. r ,, l· ,, '"" tr1 t•' t1• rt r rJyv .. p, JC, I , 4 c rr 1r $ llOVIE ,,., f .JO .~•lfl •It ldf •• I\ J r ,, , t• • ""' JI ~ I 1 f f 11 tu ',ff>i'Jf rt I ·• f,, " 1r I l 1 ,' 1 Pl J I' ·w• p ;:i c;1rg •hr<1UfJI prp W • f."I I h 1 fi l z MOYIE rt,. r J 11 1 '' ri ,,. '•' , ,11., 11 jfj/ IJ• "" " II ,,., 1\11!1 •(llJ'll M•ttq.1111,1 I .,,. J"li (l•11111\) 1111 11n11l !Illy'. r,r w ,,.,: w,11 II 1• 1 1,r " I 1J'·t ,inv ,,.,,, " 1 m•n11n,1y <, ,,, • OI lht ''"·i'll''" tr Un.., ,,.,, ~· Or(t,, ~ Nt If' •tpr IN 1 • f,r .__., 11 1 lrf IN l• • 111, Ill, Ii I »1!11•1 I 11 I hr 41; min) Q!;)u.TTA t:ll R .wMMT ',teptlA••'" 1'> 10111 hP 'N"''r ' ... .,, r • M" h l PI 11111 1r ... ·-''l''" If ,1 t:,.-1fo(~ • I .,, ... (j fl.) 1'11, ,, I ~r·rj pr1Wf'I tut bOr.s m1 (t) llC)d W 1lrj H1vPI ( 1Yh0, f)r.:1m.1I Mr 1111aomm y r hll l PP Aerrncl< T hn T "" rPSY'P VallPy Aulhortly laces many cor Ill< Vi ...,tule .illernp11n9 1n b1JJld i'I 'if>flef> ( r C1<1r•1s 12 t1r lO min J @) ENTEJl'T~TONIQHT lnll'rview N1ft v'•Ctl'lna Pr.nc1p ... 1 E AUTO "ACINQ C,CCA Super vees lton C.1<>ve1and IA 11 hr 1 _ . 10:00 6 'I, CAONIY I LACfl OIJr r.q a routine C.h•" ~ r1f 111vl'rr1h· rn1<.chlPf 1n 1t1P ra1lr0itcl 7..ird'> M ;irf APlh •'> 1al<l'n c.ap11vP by 11 y 1tr whr ' h 1u'>I rommrllf>d " robbf>1y H ai~ I fANTAIYtll.AND fl!OftEI COURT ~ FACI TO FACE A rj >1.um»nt;iry ,.~r I r "9 thP a JY.<; .,r ·1 r 1v>Qur«x.P• l(~IJI l<>-tl1r l:jd •I• r,l.JI r)l)t>(Nl"f'f • • 1r P , ' tr"•J • ,,. c.< nvictPd ra 111;1, 11 hr l ' lfJtlC> THE ICfNEI lf\UNATIONAl EllmON llOYIE M1rfr qn f "~'''' ,.,, I t!.i/ B n ,, 1 p, • : ... v • r H HI B;i· ... '1 .,, "• • " 1 I• , 11 'Y" a fl'lt•"'• Art •••t< ar ''" ,,,. l '' I '''"Y for .:i11emr,i1 "'9 1 c,,,, •'l , • "•' t ~c;to<,r1 who <,ullers ,1 l' ••. 1.r l ,. I ,. , I I 1or1111rr<1S pr« ,r n . r H UJlilY flOGfM AND OOU Y '"'"OM TO. QfTH£JI 1<, • ; •« ,,., trlfJ 01Jlly F'1rl.Jr lf'.Jrr r ,.,, 1l1itl tr•a11111>~ Nr· ' .,, I I• l.ir1rJ•, 1r1 rr• ' lrP,')(T 1,Pf I I " Ir at rp •car 'W-1 r, • l ,.-~ •t5' =..AU..=~.19 1G:30 IANEY MUEii .... FEEDIACK CA/lffOl JOUNW. ~ RACWG ,...,f'IV'' Tp ,, 1t t ' ,.. ,, ,,, r , • If•• '"'' r I\ t1r 1G:AO If> lllOVE r ,, t ,, 4 ... .. I I• It Ii!• •I Nd• I r;r I , r,•t A ,p( • /I • / (.r r j Ar 11•1'n" t1 o e 10 m NEWs TAii . la.AM£ AllCHE IUtllO'I PUCE IAllNEY M1.1D1 · ALM FROM Off CENlU I 1111 ... , l•, · ••• H MOVIE r r. 1¥ ,, J I 1 rj l MOVIE ' u "'' 4' '' •• ,,.. "'• 1• r'' 1,1tc1t w .tt t I• ''"'"l y '''' .! w 111 "'" t I hr ') 1T11n I 0 llOvE I I 1~•· r W.111 h"' ( rqli l /I '''"' ( l ,, 'l I I fir• I Jiii•· M,,npf V1.yf>11 1 .it , .t • th• >11l ll'han home o r 1 I r • J• ; • rt r JOn11r l S MC« AMO IOI flO'OltT r,11111• trairP11 11(J 11 ,. t:>t•r. 1 , ' ,, " ., ... 1 "''' w< .r1u Ill• •'ti J •rr>l!Ji[ f>ldl t I .ii fd~d Z llOYIE p,,, """f' • l•)A'3 rJ , .. ,,,, .., It (,1,., I,,~·· I r()<,,.. • .,,.. Tl I (1<>• ·'' 1 , '" •·•· x <.. 1 ••11flom1 ,,, !irid~ ' t •• I t I ' ,. ' t .t I • 'f ' 1 t•..t1I r.11 , ... , 11111,jl I•,..., •• , fl 'I 1 '""""I m -.uwa cOU11T ft:ll f) (JJ am09t I .... l' I 5 •n>{P')ft "•ti• ... l,pr •l W 11r,.1n I •I .._r,p ~IW l'\t>r 111 o ,t).lr j hi •I Vt " I lv9 bet>r tn·1 JI ·<'I l·v~ (f',JI ., I~ ~1 hr, 10 tr11r1 .L. 0 W •n CW CARION tt 1•.1 Jot1nny Cnr -Monday Conl. lg~~ l~~_:: $''""" ''"" YECW ROCKFON> FUS UTEMOHT AllEllCA SCf1Prl11IPd L.-w1 Crampton e 1ecut1vP dtrPCI''' ol ,,.,., ~J.t t•nna( lns111u1i> of ChPm1c.a1 S111d1P" " EEe~~,~~11 rr J !', 8PORT8CEN1U "$ llOVIE Jr y ()t S• ' "'.iA4 r,,,,, .. : , Campron [)yp M11.t .,.,,p M<>r "~ CJ•·., 1,. rhe "fher t;ur11.-: ,, 1he1r ''"' 1111j,, ' l' C..C.hOOI .,fu'1P.r1t' ti"' "''" r 1+•<\', ~,al't' I '•' OCC ip1P(j ..i1tt 1r PIH 11 1rr« 111."l< 1 I , • ~ R 1 I hr T1r ·• m 'AUlRYAM t2:a11 U mONHOU.YWooo " 11 "", ., ...... , Cahfornra rnch,Jt>'. 111<,1! • J [;., tit v t I•• 1 Napa w1r1P C1J•;n1ry l ill<•' T 11>r,.. 1•,1J ti•• bPal he<, <,f S.in r r 111c 1r,r , OJ' rj I ,c, fH,.J•· ,.._.'\ ~ INDEP£NDENT NEWS llOM flEAl P£0Plf J llOVIE Tr" l\rr t• •4"'"''r • Dr;irna1 ~ •1' [i 'll.J t<. f 11• ;trjv~r'1•'\1r q .. , •• l 1,t1<1• rttJ If' ...... •'""' t tf ,l'f•f1 .. rnot1 r 1e F• , '•, . ,,. .. A ' H * 11181)( IASOAll 100CUJI 12::m {I/) LA TE NIGHT WTTII DA VI> L.ETTENWf Sc t1Pfj1Jlt 1 ;J(' r , I r f-' I • n1rt;i1 'l I"'""' ,, R1vPr" , l r1r 1 GONOIHOW ZANE Qlll£Y THEA n.E QET NCH IN AIERtCA ... I== ENTtJn'~TOMGHT · ''•'""' ,, .. Vic tori a Principal ' flEAl ESTATE 8EllNAR QR()ntQ YEAltS lltWIE M LORD COUEOE WOfLD IEJIES AmEW 6 MOVIE Pc;yrt1 II' 1 1~! My• tPI (I At1tllf!tly p ..... ' MPq T II( F ,., "' ('C\y• ~l t 1 .., dh •f "' rrn ,, H.=th4 !1 r•• ,-,, 1, • ! all1» I /r (l'.)I I I I r l •n>'r I I I. I I JI ,, ,y <1 tH-1 •,.'<'···. t , 1 .• '' urf>,j ,,n•i1 t ., t--'"'' ()II' 1•;t f 11 • ,r J•" f lf'<Jlf • n I I hr rnir 1 12:15 H llOVIE p,,,, f , 11 Tl r· Nf''t D.1, r 1983 r,in,p 1, D.ir• M1111;it1ar W1;.itl l\ro1gl'1I A 4'""1' I I •qi • hnnl <,l11<1f'nt i1l!Prn1 '' '" rt "" t r II " ~ • 1n•. 1 .f ..i <,f'lt riot tpnur, pr".i•.n"' 1ntl th" Ku Klu• Ki.tr• t• t>r .r,r • t1,1> l'~~·f>.H» IP 1 •ill R 1 I nr 3'• r»or , 1MI) tlJ COl~ t1Pr" c1im(PI t1 ,n arnonq bullfrqtift • l'mllr id<, t nh1mbo 1n a -Tuesclay -Mor ning Movies - ltl "I Pt•('I'"'"' onl ',. l.i tfl]f1 fll '"'" ()1j1h• M1t h•"I f 1''\r rt•~: tfWt*iJI (c* hr .. 'C Ttlo I•, .... l '• •<qq ' l I pt';1 l.w • '•;_ 1·• 1f• Ally 11 I'' 41 •rnr• I ,. z Tr>•· Tr11r1•1 Cll'>l .,,,,.,,,,.,1'" Jilmf'<, ArnP~·. f1.-.w1•, M.111111 11 11 .rn min 1 1•@ M1<.', Khn• o/111• I v• Y011 1r114 Drarnal P1tty fl11~•· I• l1n A-;t11 ' ''' murjt:r 1nvesr1gahon 1245 I QET llW'T 1• FAIAY • llOVIE The Mating Season· 1195 1 Qr,1ma1 Gene Tierney. John Lund A N OH1an mov,:.s rnto her son's name 1n 1he qur'>r u f a <,p1var11 10 conceal her 1denti1'i fr ,,., r i>r c;, "-'Ply dauQhter-1n-law I? hrc; 10 n rr I • ']) MOVIE Tti" Da11ng Rogue' '1946 W••SIP1n 1 Hi.arks to !hP nelp of a beaufilul ""''r•r Iii tw 1 men qet out of the U 5 ( JI ,,tr f 101 •k•ng hke neros I 1 hr 30 m1r· 1 lfOi EJfTERT AIMJfT TotlGtfT I nl Prv1ew w11 I' v;( l l••it Princ.rpal Q) llOVIE f1....,,ea1~1 The I:? Mile RPel ·c.·_, 1 A J/"'' 11,1P1 Terry Moore RobPr! N qr•'' (,,,er cro111pe1e frercely I Jr •rp • t" 1t '" .~' "lJP<. .n Florida's coastat Nil '~tf t i1r , I Z llOV1E C;irPllJI H., M1gr-t Hear <011 • · J81 01vnri1 Wendy Hughes Robyn ~JP.rr A'~"' t11!. molher's dearh an 8- 1<>.v ,,,,., Sv tnPy ooy becomec; !hf' ot.1Pr1 I r1 t '"''' t.u ·•irJ 1 br1t11e oelween h·· • ...., 111r t •'1P -i Ne<11try spinster an<j •l'>t> 1~ ,,, 1 ,...,r,...r,y 11,c, w1li> PG ( 1 hr '.ib n.1r . m Vl>EOZOO t:OS s MOVIE • •. 1 .,. r rr~"'" , H)8.i A j ,.,,, • Jr• n.i •• ~. JP lil C.1u11 ThtPP N (" Pr ·I I I' 1 a• 1nd il C<1rv•(I (f'll'11 ·~' "", '-1 ·• '>1c.-;ic,c.1qnP1 lO resr uP 'I It ,,( I ' N•JfYIP' ,, ;m d rnrttj("(1.-:)n 1<.lnt f"J i 1 , ,, R I ' r r c'? rT11r J 1:t5 '7Jll'VQLY .. Liii ES 1:300 MEWi 0 HOU.YWOOO CLOSEUP '",rh.,.1111<"~ 1 :;1 M" no>llt l!> MOVIE r'" M 1 1w•i" i!n 01 c~1.J11tr r · or 1 (,,.,n.<>rJy ~ .itt1.-.1r1np He(1b1,rn t 1• •" B· •"' rr,. Jro ipl lpatjPr<; I )n r triff d' r 1 tf '< C c.1'1' ~rµ llJrP•] '< 't"+.:>1r ''"''"' nv ,.., "•.c.t>nl"r •' l Nn"1rt" inrJ , ,., 'f rtr1 3(..( vrnpl•Ct'S I? t ,.. I ! AU .. ntEFAaY lltWIE ntE LON> l'lA FUU CONT ACT KAM TE (R) 1"5 WOll.D AT L.U0E 2:tO I '1) CU MEWS flQHTWATCH • RIECON>QUIDE MAL EST ATE IUPPSTMI {I/) NEWS , AlllNnEFAa.Y . MOVIE ('.11nry c;,,.,.,, Boye; , 194 1 I.< r , Jy 1 u ,, 1rCPy H1Jntl H11ll lri )1 !,., • 1.,1 "'''"' assista.-.cf' thP t-10<. prP •»r j " i• r~•"r arp thf' Ch1IJreri 111 i1 po11r , , •!'" 1 h• 10 rr •n 1 2:10 C MOVIE r;.J ri>I RiKhf"I' I 1968 Dra- ....., i I tr r " WnorJw;ird. James Qtc;on R .. 1 ,.,,., J ti 1 i f'S01dn 1rncounter a frus 11 1t•••l .ct-or1l•t>:1chPr has a brief unhappy 111 l•I W•ttl ~ rT rlrl bforl)rp moving On ff) flf'W .-,11m 1ir1d1ro•; R f I hr 4 1 min l 1(1 ,..,, ' l:OO C Sp1.1 .. r1 t 1 qs4 Comedy) Tom tl1r•· 011,1Ho11nat (!hr !)!min) H ft .. •,,r.• Rey (1184 D1:im:i1 fl ''"'" r 11/V '" ),t'"'n P1P<;S<0n '1 rir 11 s 'I' ~J ... •·•1, l•Ht; St• ty I l'l64 f ,ir 1 • I l .1• 11111 1,..i, BMrPI! OlivPr .,, ·1 ,, ,, ) t::IO Z 111 .. H11lln1ctii~S tlGll Or..trTl,ll l'1•f1>r r T 11 ,. Al.JSli!ir Sim 1,' hrc; l~ Hll I l:OO 0 f' l111f' An•1 • 1'1e (,rou<;(>r<;' I llltl I Dr,,, 1 T r1 RPrf'nqPr MrchaPI P;ir,. 1 I 2:211 'H_, llOVIE Hum0ngous· ( 1 Q82 Horror J Jare1 J1J1tar1 Da11d Waltr1ce A d1.,.t1gured murderer sf.J'ks a pa11y ,,, fec~less reen agers weekenr.l1r1q )r a re,,..,r•IP •sland P' I I hr 35 'Tllf'I 2:2D i llOVIETONE MEWi IOI NEWtWl"f • IEHllD nE ICBIES 2*' ~ llAITO HAAOU)_ AND THE IOYS Al ho1 Fugarrfs pl;iy abn11t •r,p '1J'" t•Q D< 1r I 1n 1'\P 1f r>n<1,1'11f' 0"1 "'Pf'f 1 I Ullfj f"'li!f ~'\(j t-11'-) 0'iH .. k ~f''vdr, ' :>1.J•1ft1 ,\tr ...;t Ma't,....,~w Bro1jer11_~ •ar<; rt0• ~q 1, ""1 la• e<. M ;kae rl'! creates ~·1', Br ,d•1wav •btP t Sarn ( 1 h• 10 rr r 2:iM EI!> IEJGIOU8 ~ HO ' E'1llOfltk ntE NIGH11IARE CONTICU(S AllOTI AND corm.Lo MEWS ' ntME D9El8IOMS Of HEAlMG , TO IE ANNOUNCED Z llOVIE Thp c;r r • fl , '•!34 Ci• 1 ~a RotiPr' f}iv ti J-i •' F' •. •. ..\ T • hP~'i•ff •,a,r '1 1, ; · 1J ,. ~,., tcra j .Jtu<,!n Pll1 1f'"' I ' e"I u»t t C J>"r t lily k1fl ~1< 11..-r :' q,lf t-• 'rt 13 rn1r , !:iO Cf. FAITH 2D Cl> llOV1E r • T • F • l jt I t ./1 1, • M 4 • r' I .\ t ,,, ..: Jh,•'' " !Pf,:...!•, t t f l I 1•r 1 j..••' .. J ft ~· 1 tt , ' t 1• .. r.,rr ~n t ,., , ·L,,...., .., .. , . ,. N r~ ltt".., j,1• i!7~MLUR tS5 ~ llOVIE f».. i "' 1'1d4 '. J, 81 1.; .. 1 • fj i , : f i.J 1-\ ,..,, ... , ., Jtn --'' ,. .. .... , '-l'' ...,. ,t r OIP~ tJ1Jft-•r..-r i i\..r1IP"" ~' ' "t • l' r UIO 0 AFPICk COWT1NENT •CAWS T 1111UPP£T1 i1' llOVIE • • • ' .• ~ .. : . 1. ~ [" I , i t ,. • ' : f I t• I H ., • ' !• f ' } t ~ Jf jf."l t I f jf ~ t J' ' •'' I ., \ WHA rs MY LIE 4:15 llOVIE l I' ... r I 1•1 •' It I -t ~ hr 1:1 fl/I t:a Cl> T·' "''' I • At t .. " : I 1%'1 ( '""' •, f', • f\t-11 1' I •<>ltn H If H' d f.J • H • H l' r •t" ' '. ~ ,, 1r ',, . ., ~ ' t ~h $ I \ ·•· < •'i l ( tr ... ,.\It .l~· • '" h·n --w Sunc1ay JlJly ~ 1 1985 15 -Taesclay Cont,. '''"" ,, I I •1 11 l ,, t I I pfr \lf11, ·~( 1, I r '111 M 1d1,' (J ,,, I "'" W.tf' .. flllh) 11:300 I •. I II ' I :. r I If r -Afternoon Movies_. t2:00 c ~ I H ' ~ .. , B 12:JO z r i' f t •• t) 1t ' H11fH Tf IJ !I• 11 (II I hi 'I ,,.,,,, ) I If , jl 1•, ( 1 •I 1' f Jt ~I 1.i 0 , , ,,,,' ,, 2 111 t«I 0 I 11' '' .I\' f I I H1 If I Ji UIO C fl • 1• t'I , , ' " l 0 5cJO z I 1 • ' I I .;, ' • I I t I, -Evening .. ,ouno NEWS IOtOtl IUOOIEI Cll NEWI II " ',111"' ( I I • fl I '' 'f ft'. ~.A • , ,. • ~ I! I I II 1• II 1 I I' fl , I I I I Ill.ACX SHEtP SQUADRON THREE'S COWANY BUCK ROGERS IUSMIS AEPOflT NICNEWS KENNETH HAGie NEW UTOACY: AN INTROOUCTION TO COWVTDI c llOYI( f•t l 11 II H fllOYll f,' f,f I I , JI l I I l I NOT SEAT NOTl.M 1:31 NICNEWS HUPYOAYSAOAlf , 1'1114 16 Sun<1Ay J11ly 2 1, 1985 , • J,,.1 rJ .. ,, ' ,, ~ 1t I \II NEWS IAMEY-.L.O ONEOAYATA~ llACNB. / l..EHIER NEWSHOUR WHEE. Of FO«TUINE ANSWER I llAMETlNO I llOYI( 111•• Nllll p, '"Y I l'll:JIJ fl I v•·••l•J1••1 H .11.lyn I 1yhl !C111t• An H '"''' 11 ' I up I l '"""'"" " 1 l ... I I I IJ y •' I I , .. J I "V I ,jilt 11011 I 1,11f "' ' ~•' t1 d Jftdf•t 1.uu!1nq I' '" I "•II ,, , '" d1·;11J•'ll 1.111111) I , ' 1U1111u, ,.,~"k~""" AICNEWI Q l J PJI. llAOAZINE W111 ... IJ1•h111, '·'"' t T°Tl"q . 111r1r!1>h Jdll lrJ ,t "' ''' • 0 ltONIC WOllAN T IASOAU < 1 u q. c 1t ,• <,,11 D••o f I It• ()fr• I 11{)) ENTERTAl9ENTTOMOHT lr•t•·1,,,"' ""11 M.1111· 11<.r11n11d JEOPAllDY fltW8E THE LON> IUllEIS AEPORT '=::~ AUTO RACING '''"""'" I llr1t1•t1 (,,I r I ,, ,,, •,, v•·• I ,, r I I'•'" I (H t I l 0 fll()Yl( Tr• ~Im •• !H 1 f J JH I t f t • ' J1 ,.,. tfl f 1 ,(Jr 1 f •r• ~ .. 1r ,. 11 IN• ,f, 1 l.t111' 1.-tl•uly 11111•,f I KP 1•11•· ,., t l1; '''1'''' j• 1 I f " I 11 p ' j 111 7:20 11 fll()Yl( t I ,._ 1'0 ,)j ,;,, ,, I •' I fir q•ll•• I 11111 I II l! •• t I •I I 11 '"' , 1 .11 • II 1111 ff of1.i11 ,., J11 1 jPft 1IH1CJ If,,, 1\J t '"' f •1 ••f 1 1 1 I Jtl 11111! f 7:30 f) 2 ON TH( TOWN r •· 1ll11••1J 11 t 11 1. '' 1\ • t ,, Bro .. ~ HntJH' " •! ' 1,1 't '1, j"lln1q rt f1f1 1111111 /1.ipq ql11I q ,,.,,., " lip·. lr11111 M.1nli.i1t.11t n1•<1r I '• 1· t '" ,.,, J wilt• tr.1vl'I w11tu1q t1•..irT1 I El:)FAaYFtW THA rs INCtE>a.£ m °" LA. r I 11111<•<! ' ' ' I I ... ' • r1 1' tdl I f lttt'J flrt'/1•1, ft, tr,1p1r,1I <f t '" ,,, , .. t I IWll)" '>• ,,,,,.,,ji•t •. tt11 • !•" l ~ It f I 111,Jftl '• I tq1 •• 1l111 H t rt 1• .,, f j I I ' f't,, • I 8 SAN DIEGO AT LARGE 10 PfOPl.FI CotMT I M•A•&•H JEOPARDY ft.O, ft.O WORLD Of AtmALI A1.M f'ROll Off CfJfTER f ,, , I• ,,., 'f f f II •t ·11 If h•Vt !! JJ ~ tf j '• n1 l ltl()Yl( Jl1!' 1111111.j I l'I', I 'r "°'" t I 1• 11 111) 1.1111•· Ar11!'<.'. ti .. w1 •y M.111111 /\ lJ ~ ,. .. ., • .,,,It ,1.1111iri 111 lt11• A1t.111 1 h Ill' ,,.,, IJ~ "" r'Ptle bt>ffllj I 1 hr 4H """I ID RACING F1'0ll HOU YWOOO 'AM 1.-GOi) I S'FtMOMI rtott•r1rr 111, .1f111 I• ... 11.1 f.i11t 1 ~ 111lrnJ1 rrn·t'lll•IJ 111•1 '•"•'I' •I ·I I I rf• ti ·If I I tolll f11-'<.p!fl" h1•r IJ1I• 111 •,jf'J • '11' 1 ,, 'I' ti•'J 11qly 'h1pt;1'1t·r . '"'''•'' I I I• ' I ) 0 m A-TEAii JI A • I •r ti , I r 11 11 11 '" •' 1 wt., ' II " 1• .111 I 1.ilf 1• ',. q -t• t 111·,, 1it1t11.1 "' q.t11! t I " 11 I 11,. I litJlil ·I "hf' jllj ~l1r I 0 f'ROll HERE TO t I m I " p h• 1 1 • • 1 t'>oil I t•I I hr ft I 1 ,11pN1 1 , I • '°'"" ( ,f1 vi fl,111 Ii.tr It I 11•!11 1 • I< I " I 1,,,,., t'!ltl· llJI Ill ttu• IOI kadc w'"'" JI •ff'lld1t1q hi·. '""'"I MA!:J(jlP "''If' Pantoh ., ,, ,. ,tt I•' h-·1wP, n t< .,, .. , fMr-tl 1 f t. , 'I " ' .jl w.1r1JP11 IW1th.1m 0t , I' l , : • , 11 .. 1111<!<.Jt• propo•;al 1r.11• I j 1 1 tr fJ ntREFS A CROWD 1. t•l1fh J t.t I d 11 ,..,,,..I ti, 1! H t .t• I f , , I JI II ! I 1 > d'I 0 Xl«ER'S Wl..D 1 o ntREE'S A CROWD •l Q)NEWS ID lllOYIE II 1 .. 1 I . t,J r I 1 I I 1 l I> •' t t• !:, tnc r.• tH . ; EID NOVA /, •I .... ,, 1,1111 .. 1a11•1I/ t• tf1d ,, , I; t , I JI 1l•11f! I • ltH• qrily wrh:jlt•' I '' l~Tltfl~ I 11 i"l)f f,tff't" II t .. , t • ,, 11 ,., , • .," t .!f ii' 1 IJ 'I I "I I ""' I • '"'"' ,, I tf It hd '"'' .l<illb1 '4 vlLiffl!' t I :• c ltl()Vl( 1,, H ltlOVIE I ,, . . ' ... I •'f ,, ,,.,' 1. j .~· S MOVIE 'I J .... ", t J , .,• 11 11 l·l m 80l.DONE8 l:30 IJ 8 MOVIE f , ,, ' , y • t I I . ,. I I f4f f ,, ,. • • I I I ,\ 111 :. ",, 1• 11 r v •1 • , "''Y 1n 1'.J 1 't 1 •tn r, I J.f H • I P 11lr1• 11 I •f 1 I ("•II ()Ii' t 1f1 t111, N ."ty 11 t 14H ,, ,, 11,, 11·" (J1,11n,1 d ra11 11 p •• h/t'!I"> I ' I fllolf II! 'II 1'M11 P.1• '.L. I I ; ,,, Hl ' U FOUL~S. llE£11 I llUM>PI Phyll1 I •' I I' I t I r 1 '111' ,, , 0 TIC TAC DOUGH Q) P Jl llAOAZJNE E SPOflTICENTtR l 0 fllOVIE ' Ht I '( .,. 1 '1 I I.\ l I Jrdrn.11 .1 .. i.11 nr1.-,,·•• I lo,. hook 1 II ·'"''"''' p•olli:ts thn • 1 .11 .. 11t<o exocullon JI 1:> hf<; q •• ,, .11t• , .. <l 10 n11 t' 11-I ~.i I , 1 f I 1 rt•tilf urvt•"f1qtJ t• 1 ·' 1 1• '''I'' '""'''' 1H1 (I hr 1 fJ WHO'S THE IOH? /\ 1111 ,,,,, .. , M ,, I I I ..,, I I t li- t' '""' fl 11 111' .. •t 1 '• I\ ~ t I I(,,, I I 11 EI;) SURVIVAL I I II ,,, 1 • '" 1tc· 11 Ii.,~ .if ""'''"''' 1·' t 11o11 ,,,.,~ /lt,11, .m!l .Jo11n t 1, ",1 1," ''~"'· nn '"" <1Anger'3 of 11, r 1 1r f rt n11 1rr1 1•111• t pr1 -Tuesday Cont~ serve the t'rovironrner1t (.) I 1 r1r J m lllPT1Df Noc.I< aro<J C.r><l'I lf P e:1 10 df arrnf>d 1.imt 1ng yar t t '" tt .,,, 1n,,.•s1~,, m'~I'~ 1~m Jrll"I tRJ I I 1 I Ci) NOYA A 11mlilt> I tt,irol 1 F tdt.wrto11 Oe->1QnF>1 r1f ttlf' t!ll'Lllf •II•<. .trllbl" ,, t.41 r tti,:it ,;illr1w<, Pv£>r1t• 11 ii< I >r I 1 Ot.o J·' 11•1 ~ar,.lii?d (RI (,) 1 ,,, 1 ll AUITRAL.Wf RULES FOOTIAU. l llOYE Tt'P R.ihfl\j ( .t' .,, I rx I ma1 Pf'tl'r o T • ill' A1.i<,ta1• '"" /\ 11 11 , relf>ilSt'd l111m .i n1•·r•t.1I 11'.t1f1Jf11 '" 11 1.1111 • aristof.1,lf« p11'>1ll011 v<11 rited by h1" 11!· ceased laltwr PG f, tor• 35 rr11r1 I a:)IAMTTA t:9 0 HAL TO TllE CHEF A IJSO o tr •• gtoundPd 1r ;i hO'>I 'P )<Jl")fr1 I 11010.., lhreatf'n., I 1 "'~"''•(' Ul•vt•r , rPr1dllfll·"', w ith 1111> K< 1A spy unh• <; t.1 lH:o.;or11t>' Soviet ayt-nt 1R1 r.; t:9D @ llOY1E 'l r.rtj Jim I 1 Qf,•, AoJvPnh111• t PetN 0 T 1 It• tarn•• M:i<,r r A.i ... 1 .1 tre r Ovt'I ll, J Pf I °'''I J A (ntJr u milr <;.1tr1I P r ! '" I( II t• 11 .P I •r •• Ma1~11g1p tJt1r•. !Jn,, 1 1tt10 TOM tTEEl.E l .i11r,1 ,inrl R .. nurocJ ton ilrf\ lurPrt tn Mntt.i Nt•1>rr· .in PC< Pfllfll rr11ll1ona1r•• 111•r .u.1rll'' t/1P ''"' t c ""'I'"''' Ntlt1 hll ti 111tt1•1 '" IU· IC ti ~ "' i l ,.,, I " rn1Ss1r 'Jm llll1i11 I lf'l 1 • r 8 iu~&LOUO Mt1 , , Jpnny tVP '::tfy1t11Pd t,., .,, .~1' ..... , 1•'-Nt•I" ~ ! whfJ kl't"P'> 11i-.1 ;f1l' ,11•p 111•• t•l vi '1 •'I' Ml~) tltir) FANTAIY llLMD llOYE [J• u[Jlf' I 1 '"" 11 1 r f I 14 l Su'>J ~·r • R<J•t. 111 11 Nrl k fit l M 1 M Jfl ti f A N ".J• •' I r I If ,, J1•I t I h1J·,(.,J111l .ir u 11,J,P ,, t~ I I tr I t ,. ,, ,, <1Pr 1 tr orrJpr fo c 1 .o.-~ f ''' ~.. 11, ,, dll>C.~~~o..u, IE9I> TllE ICOEI TllE HEMT Of TllE IMUOOM ,, II(" ti C'r1111a <. 111 .. 111pl'> t "' , ,, t 11 • 1 lt ~11<1 I•~ e >'flll'tp11 ,,.. wt·•t ... ,,, t 1.1. 1 11 ~ 11 ... ec.ur1 •flit C) 11111 I C1 llOYE Hrit !hu Tl1P M<w1P' t 11ma l1tlJ1t•tJ1) fl<JvlfJ N.titljhf.,11 f ollf I• H..iu ,.,, /\r 11.tl o I 111 1 troy '"""' •JMI 1111 •1 l lrt·t" fyh kt1riQ Cl fl ~·l'flf•I 11 111 J•, I rn,~r rt• t'ld 11111 t<, N••ll ol~ 1 l•vdff'1 W •t " p , "'4' fll~ At I .ffhlt ( " tllilJt ,, R ; 1 IH If.> rr 11 I H l'tlL.P MAN.Oft '9IV A TE m M 11 l11w1 c1111trrn1t y1111.1 tit• 1111 111,111 wl1t•f! J,, tJ.,_.., 11llu• t l ui)' 11 th) l11f ,t q.-tfl\J It n1;11~1>1J f, 1 l• 1rt : ) $ ,A'(JI a4AJE >/'.t 1•1 I r It• " " he1'1 11 , t• , "' ~ 1t J •111 Ir 111 11 r1 pUfltHlf t. 1,t 111 lwl1 r 11 lt!1lll1 ,, It• 1 1n !>~=111.1• I I t11 I 1atl llElJQIOUt "'°°"All Pl Q *II ll»DIJl)EJfT NEWI WAVH Of PfWll llOTOC1M>ll f1Pr1L11 >'1111(1 Pro. •r 1 ,,.1rouo IJ'm n-ri~ ~~ TAXI . llZAllE *tlE IUNKER'l "-ACI ININl'tm.LO aM IHEPHEJID'I ~A I 1 •'I t1lr r '"'' 1111111'1" r th• nttJ W• ,1 • d ,. , ,, u,I t ,, .!J!d'~''ll ',fll1W<;lt11fT1 ~ C ltATQM.IUllEftll H llOYE < '" In (JI 111111 t 1 •1 !'I J\ 1, .. ,. l1Hf'I fJ,1, ti ( 11'<.t J;r.11 .Jptf \,1k1j o·r /\ nor l r.1111 11o1rt':l1111 IPI hlllhP<; a~ 111 w l:fl'. h> li~I' Ill~ S~lll I ,, jlf';fl(.f' IJl\11 he'''" R t I hr 4 :1111111 I l llOVll Wild f).111w, H """Y ' t I ltl~ A1J11111 H Nt .. 1fll t 11 r ,_., ,, •. , ., w1lf' or h·'> 1111, O MOYIE l 1J,!1l1fl,I 11~73Al.lutr v 1 .. 1 f i.,..,,, H1 , A wornrtr "·'\· '1 1t, '•'l't tt .,,,o .. r11,_..l1'.H1nl\ 1•r1 1.' , , ' .,,., ,_,,, t••' rn~ets a h1Ht s I I ' f(} I! Ill } S MOTMEJIS •1 ', • .,. t oyfr·w1d c; r c.• r, ,1 t • 1 • 1 J ,, •t ll r•l{)r•t>y r • m~icOURT 11::30 f) <1 1 MAQNUll, Pi Tt1•· my~tP11t)U'> 1,,11 I IJr ,q If r ,.. 1111 J11•lll1•1e.i ft, .. ( li1'>t1 ,f H illl ••t' I ti r~ tm M S'>IHr <, .,.,tatP lf'.I 1 'vl.t ~ 1 I • ' I ut r ·h I R1 I 1 t11 o m TOflGHT , r I I',, f • t f -jf ,t tf JGl1~ n f C"r , '' , •• i. G1Jl!t"HP4. [J.tlJt I ' 111••11 ,r IN,,, J 11o· Pl' 1 11141 I .l111w .t ! t •I ft,, I I ~:~~::"'~ LOU~ Y'EG.U l.oCKFOM> FUS LA TENIGHT AMENCA /<JI 1 I I ai) PMJSI ntE LON> ~=oon 1''''""' l MOVIE , .. • I I .. a) PAUL RYAM 11 )ltO 1! llOYE I ... .\ I'• I t1i>q1nn1111~ lt11 N II t* l>r d•! H'''1 1i.;., '" '. I I I J " 12:00 o m OM HOl.L vwooo fl ' " "" I I 11 • H t, 1 't• t• 9 INDEPUtOE.NT MEWS iO MOM MAL P£0P\.f E AUTO M CING A HI A ( ,, I -' f' ' ~ • s MOYI( ' I I • " t I )11 a) 'l'Oll CLUI 12:30 0 m LA Tt NlGKT WfTH DA YID LETTlNWf • , ' 1 It ", C,pu h I l r, c, , , t 1.111 t i•c N·J'' I/', ' I' ~ t 1) tiro I l • I I• I I TWlJQH1' ZONE O'MAM U.I. TMAIURY 1WA1. EST A TE Of TME In: OOY'EllmNT LOANS t MOVIE 11 1~8 W»· I l,J<;Qfl ,, It,. I ' "'' 111mµe1 tll••n ~ I <I 1 •I t > w.iv I '~'" h•r I I'• t ', ) 1 o GET RICH IN AMOICA (I) ENTtRT Al9ENT TOMOH'T Ir ter VII',., ,., I' Mt• t1J I LOVE. AlllDICAM ITYU QROWINQ YlAAt ~ntllON> l 0 llOYE Mv T itor" I 1983 Ao· • 1r' ,., Caren K.1y11 Ma11 Lattanzi A ' ~· t 1 t "''" 1 11« me<. 1omant r ,)fly ... "'II ., • ,,,., ~OITtdn Nt.(J 1<, tu· I I' J ,,,,, ,, rre 'I r~ 11 t11 17 min I 12:ieO iJ 1 J lllCCLOUO ~I 1• • t11.., 1'1uqgter<, ""'' flf.llV' lt!I 1dt41· I J )1 f .t .. ,t ... ThPtr cunlrd 1 , l • , ,.. ' t • " 1 l·ti E t"ld•P Fgar. H • r 1 I) n r I t2:lt5 H llOYE I I '11r• t UI08 fAm.Y • MOYIE '::>Pr (lr • H ~ H 1<"l ~ W It ,..,,, W1tr <;()("P ~ t I l '' >" Pnt>S '°" ( •r rn i O::f><:.IPI mP(J1 I ii 1· I : 11 • I f "'" ..iqed bv~•nPS'> •T1,1f ,,., ,,, I ,, ·~I"'"' 1r1r:P ul f JIJll ;>I J<, J• r 1r J 101 ENTERTAIMWT TONOHT '' ,.,,,,.,,.,wilt ~ ... 4 t I (I) MOYIE 'I I ~I I • ' •' ' 11.1 l'' (!) MOYIE '1' 1 ..., u-, ,, ' "' I ,. t h I m vaozoo 1:10 ~ Gil SMART ~ MOYIE I Ir l• lj • f I I ,, .. ·, t l' • • t f ,, • t l 1:.J Ha'/ 1::311 B NEWS ltOUYWOOO CLORUP I" •• ,, .. ,., • ~At A ' r r '' •t .,_ I f '""',' ..... /It t I AU IN THI f Am. Y l'MllE TI4f LON> 1)t0 WOM.D AT WOE t I .., •' t00 § a caa MEWS lllOHTWA rcH EON>QUIDE llOYIE H ' •• •'v, 1 f1 4 to I Jt" ' '' t 'llW ,, ••• : 1 ' V\ .,~ ,,, • ~' l)t••tt.., om NEWS if 1AU1t1 ntE fAm. Y E AUTO MCING " •I "' ,., R S llfOVIE. j .. '" ~ 'I ... l l llOYIE , ,. ....... ,. f tJ t.' 11 1' lo I II',,, I ,, tr,.°"" fHI I I m llOVll 'I I I "'• ll 2: 111 L llOYIE I' M 'I f ,, .. 1 "r' I' ~4< M~"<; I I It :1 ·\fvayn(' j\ l t "''"' l't•t""een hie; ,.... I I hlv ... <, I 1 nr .> 1 ' • 1 i trnt> ' "II'\ An r .. At I $und,1y July 2 1 1985 17 :-Tuesday Cont. l!hr 43 min) (Q) MOVIE ' f Odie Afl(J T ht> Criii<.t•r ( 1983 Orama) Tc:un B~"''"I"' Mier.,,. Pare Twenty years ;:ifter the fdct 1 " porrer 1nvest1gates the my">lf'r•ou·. !1'>.11 pearance of a rocll singer Pu It t11 J? min) nl®MOYIE "Conan Tl'le Destroyer ( 1911·1 Adventure) Arnold Sc.l'lwdr 1er11>4Q••r Grace Jones Barbaoan Cor dr 11 ( ,.,,, ed by a sensuous. dece11lul queen ''' ~r· tec t a teen age princes~ rn1 her ' Jy •, 10 a magl(.al casll<' P .... ·~ r 4 nl lmin .,YlfTONE NEWS IOINEWMART • 1891) TMl ICEMEI Ml ' MIJQIOUI ~ .. rTllOftA: TMl llGHTllAllf CONT1MU(8 AllOn AND COlm.L.O lllOVIE "T~11• rrJf' PPnr11r" ( I !11' I r ography) Oar1r / Kdye fi.1rt• 1 1 Geddes Bano1ea jer RPO ti u ' rer I.? tor•, t'U m111 I m MOVIE l CIWft"', rr, f1l1Pr I, n·. w .. ,,, •n I Jnt111 w.1yrie Sl'lP.tl:'I T ,.,, y A c;oNb\•~ -,rw~CJlf'<. to t>1onera1e tuni• ••II "' i;ranw blilmPiJ :in t11n1 by l u «·111"11 •,t "' ' ,If =~OE llNQEM TO IE ANNOUIK:(D 3:25 , MOVIE T rotre Nous· I 19AJ rir.1111.1 1 l">dt 1111,. H1ipp,.,r I M JU M tl"I II• t 9'.4 1,., di' , ! Nt '' ~r fflf·,•t rif 1 f 1rO ,J rt· If'~ lr11·n '"'"P 11•.tl 1iro111df'S 1t11• '.uppml ''" .. ol( t ,,, 1t1 .. H1 "' ( JI ire .. rt,. r frllP I I It• 1 •r' 1•' 1.1r. 1 ·f·11 11 1r.t, • f' • r 111 '11 "'"' S:30 (!1 FAm4 211 WFUNTm 41l110Y Z MOVIE 11 • I 1• r W.111.• ( lll/[i M• "" P' r " u fl t 0 ,1.11 J ;f11 M rcr, Ir._ L•••!--lu•• r-11r '~' <.,1r1rr .i11tl f1lh1•r r11 11 -Wednesday -Morning Movies- •CZ> "Thf" AuhricJ ci..,• I, •7 I '"I Peter o·r .. < It Ao.t • Ir ~ I I, min 1 .. (CJ · F1111 (1n fl1• Mr1wol 11r 1 t ••\! .ma} flu11 H• w.i•J fh, :·:y 1 r.,, t 1 40m1n I ll:ll CS; "Moon M.1•l"•'" /\ ,,. , • Animatf'O I t t.r I'• " ,, NI @ Darker Than Arrt.1 r I •l 1.1, tery) Ac•d T dyl ,, SuTy ..:,.,. l 1 1 / r • .. CC) M1c.ur1rJf'r 'llUlHI /I r/11 r I I Gene Had•rnar HP.1111 T• .\ 1 • min) . Tl'le Nevt>rfndir•CJ !:>Irr, l<•H·I r I tasy) Noar Hit1t1a,,,,.1, £!,,,,,,,. l •• 1 hr, 34 f'l'•fl I (l.J "Fly1r1g t ... 11t1erri1•(~j; • 1 1•, 1 11 J,• turel Jor•n ./V,11n" lll'h"I II, 1 1 • 42mon ) .. (.0, M1c;s111r1 Hill ( l'ltl;.> IJrw• .i I• 1 Burkf' A he,P H,1rrPll I I t·r '? 7 11111 .. ., Abboll Ard l.o:.I,. l M.-<•' It-. ble Man· ( 19~1 C.0111Nly) N.tn•, " Wilham f rawlf'y c I tir .JO nur l -~ YO•J Cd' I f;.j~f II Wirt 101; I Comedy I JP.ir• Ar1t1ur Jamf'<> S1,..w "' l'lrs 7 ""' 1 tf1 Fro H•" T I''"' l~ 1 <'1·1 ma) Burl l tr .i»h•r M lq r111•1 r H hr 58 m111) (), H1f> L 1w AruJ The l.1J1 I'• Comedy! Gref"r G ir o,1.n M11 MPI W11 J i..! l'lr, 45m1n) CZJ "The l i!SI Mf'lro ( l~tlO Or 1m.1 CathP11ne Ut>r "V•P (,,..rar,J f.>f>µar1l11•' • hrs tO 111111 I -Ill> 'Smt1rr W• '"''' I !'l48 M, '"' 1 Constal" 1 Ii•••,,,,., B11An Ahf>"" hrs l 1w1Q) B1>at :,.,, 1 t 11 •>i4 M 1 •L 11 Dawn Ch"''\J (, •z "1~·s 11:118 Haurih••l f 11.11 •• I l'lb j Vincent p,.,,.. llt>lH 1 P::io• t mini -Afternoon Movies - -· "[ "' M1lf• 1 !'if I S•1Pnc .. f 11 11 •' l David Ac~ royrl Jr c;p f prrPr ? hr 18 Sunday. July 21 . 1985 H s • 1, 1t:l0 c 1:GO Ir z !:GO c H 2:30 s z J UI 0 ;\rr, !111H4 (Q11l't!o 1t'U•tfl J Mi1 t ... , t t \ •' l • o•r I It•,.,,•, M 111 r ,. J •• f I'' .ti' fl • , .. , I , " A 4;GG c 1 J t1 I' I •tr 4:31) $ '1 ''11 lf1•<,r, (11)6,-l\(jyMf1lf A1 r 111 I 1r1 l'J 1111n J Z Ti .. 1111.rq i.i!\r, (11l71 (lrtnl.ti ,\ I I 11 r C t I j' S:GO 9 I.A• I I• 1 [)1.iq1J11 I 1'1{4 fl J,1•1 I 111 I t.1 1•! r I' .tit <.; ly t I t' • l lr11• W <J Prn1y I t'lUO A<lv,.r•IWl'I Mt'· ,r I qt I 111r1p Art H1r11lli' I f tu t1 0 f '" 1p• f 1'1~4 l\t11,.•r1l11r 1 l .. • 11, II• •1 If t r 311 rri , --Evening Tl1•• Band ,Ay go11dbye 1n a l1tmed celP t1r 111 > c I It e 91vup's farewell concpr• Pu 1 I hr ., 7 min J ' .IUNE CAif MU.DI 4:GG AAICk COW11NENT • CMlll MUPP£TS S MOVIE Ttte W111J Pony ( 1980. AU ~l'' 1ur .. 1 M.1•ilyn I 1qr1c;1.,ne Ari Hma11 fr,, 't' ;i• 1 hip l••t tween a 12·year-c.I • 1,. r Hto.l 1 .,..1111 por•y ii gift from ht!'> SIP~· 1111•.1·1 lo•,11 •· ., "'' 1• J Jr d"rStandtng an• 'l ! • J• • !.'! nrly 1 t tr 'l)WHArS MYLM '110 H MOVIE I ,r Ir I 1na2 Cc•me<.ly -, , , 1.1 5',, fdrlt" Haley r •' ,,., • "w r "1" 111111111q '" 111se 1r1e1r 111ry1rnt, ' I I I I 1 l I •t I' I 11 k lp dfl ofdl'I WOt' , " ' ,, M•" tan d111orte I 4 't -llJ !11f I ~ 9 TtNIYTUNES m CANDI ST A TON-SUUEWIU m WHAT'S llY UNE HPr.r1 Th •"1.l!o At • t ,.,,,,,. J .tuppmq maq I' 1•1•11•, uf hie, young c,011•, t • 1 t•y tw, wot~ Pl, t ' e PSA 90WUNQ A ' I I o~ .. m lrvP ''""' ,\ f I H lllOVIE 1 •11•·' .. Til~f>M1r.t.11 • ,1 il(Joc.;I''> ul Jll' Hf>r 1 , /VI 11 l\~·•nul .ind\ r .r11party t ',., '' 1 ' h ;1• "d'•t'f'y tu W I flt t 1h t, '.A 1' 11, ••.ilCti'·I •I rt ' • t ., , ""' ''• tt , ,,,,., , t1Pr wetJ1J11 q I • • ' -·J • ' I I t , 14 IT'" S ltOCll: Of ntE .S . Jt•os lrorr 11., 11, • 1 i •• r•11r11 f•Ju Want Mt1 '..1 •· • 1 , ,, 1 l!JXS from lhP•• 1 I l 1r I I r.r I '1) ttOT SU T HOnJNE lc30 • MIC NEWI HAl'PY DA YI AGAIN ffJ MEWi IAM(Y fllLLU 0.DAYATATm MACNU. I L.Et1E1 NEW8"0UR WHUl Of FORTUNE I II Tl4E I.AND Of Tl4E ~ I lllAll( ETleQ vmozoo 1:511 I 'ACOUEI COUITtAU: Tl4E fltlT 7'1 Y1M1 /I. Ir t "" I (HJ ' I' .. 7'1lh btllhday lt•<ll II( llHlt '''•·tir11, 1f1fPty1pwc; a nd dOCIJ t •" 1.ir I 11 1.1<,1 I r IJ "II (lips lrom le!. 1" I•"• t 1•1 I 1t •,1 '1•11 l/>'rnon. Va Guests l11tir (Ji-1 "'• •••t.inrt Powers. Jack Lem rr1 • JtrP< 1 • I ,..,,., Man,. ilnd fotk singer I• y A ,11, 1· 1? r1r, I S-.. NAm THAT Mii HAlf"t DA YI AGAll 7•,CllNIWS ~ '::'~ A I n I m r1t>w•.pa pf'1 1 ' ' •1'•11 I•' •· 1r , , .. •o• rPlell1 ties " l·h '''II 1• I fp I '1 r or 11'. l11n11ly D ltONIC WOIWt T HIOAU.t.I ,. ' " l ·•!\j• -Weclnesclay Cont. ma) Aotx>n Redforo. Rooert Duvall The uncanny dlmost mylhical natuial ab1h1y or a middle aged baseball player rockets a ma1or league team towaro the 1939 pennant PG' (2 hrs. 14 min J CS) D.C. IUCH "ltn: A WM. Cll NA-naet A lrtbure to the tOOth anniversary of the Washtriglon Monument tearunng the Beacn Boy'> Julio Iglesias ano Ringo 'ltarr 11 hr ) Z; llOYE Carelul He Might Hear You 11981. Orama Wendy Hughes Robyn Ne"'" Ahn h1i; mother s death an 8 year old Sydn1>y boy becomes lhe ob1ec1 of a biller custoOy ballle between n1s two au111s 1111e a wealthy spinster and thf' other .1 worl\1ng <.lass wile 'PG' { 1 hr 56 mrn) ?:al 8 2 ON 1MI TOn Featured the secret<. beh1no Grammy-w1nnrng Merle Haggaro's 5uccess. how 10 ge1 healthy hair w11h can tatoupe, AVocaoo. cayenne pepper and vodka, th<' Doogers lake on \he Ko1ean clo'tJ)~~ y Fill> TMAnmi m ON LA Featured 'Paradise Found" continues 1n MP••c.o w1lh tovrc; or the country'-; most exc.lu<,1ve resorts. 1n cluo1ng Cuernavaca. t a!> H<1das arnJ !hr exc.rflng Cop~r Canyon 11de UM 0.00 AT lMGI NOft.n CCU'T ••A•t.,. ""'""' Wl.D, Wl.D WCR.D °' ~ I llAM.fTllQ MaNG PllOll MOU YWOOD PAM .. Cl) ~ .. CHARQt Ja!iOfl IS el.Oii e11ng lrom kni>e wrgery dntJ Gramp,; Pern!Jrt,ke 10.ck O'Neill) drops 1n ror dll une~ecreo "''·'' (A) CJ W HIGHWAY TO HEAVD Jonathan antl Mar~ po~ d'> Cdrpf'nti:>rc, to nelµ .i couplf' dom111;i!Pd lJy lhe1r tyranrnc..it 11 yeilr ottl ddu= (RI 0 (1 l'lr} 0 HEM to EftMTl Wt11lt! ..e111rr1g ii o;corP with Falc;o Judson (PP!Pr Boyte) over h1o; dPrld lrrend Maggi<>. Prewitt fStevi> R.irlsb;ick I is c;P11ously slaOIJf>O h11I l1nr1• hie; way 10 l mene'c; (Kim Ba!'> 11111111) ·•P 111ruen1 wherP ne stays u111tl 1111· .J.tptt11~s1 lllilt k PParl Harbor (Par! 1 nl I i~.:olOU--ACnaet I ~VII !tie Sc11lphu11ters' I t9b8 We'>ll-'rn) Aurt I nn1..as1er ShetlPy Winters A fur tr.idPt tracks oown a bano ol S<.AI phunterc, to regarn his slotefl furs and tree u k•dNlpee<JNegro slave (2 hrs I Sil m1'1tlOllM WOii.it A took ar ettow, to preservP I eonardo da Vrncr's "Thf> las1 ')upper ·· vanishing African tribal hElrb 1 urf••, and thH P11ewa1~k1 ho1se. ii surv111v1 lror~:s1c111< lime<. (R) O ( I hr I Cl'i) 1MI LON» al) WOILO ~ DMa CHAM- ~ ,Juh(lt Pr,.,wse and John Monte 1.0 hOsl lhr"> .innual Aveni leatur•ng world clil:.!> C•1111f*lifor" 1n La1tn ano ballroom 011nr.111t,1 from MacJ1c,on SQuare Garoen ., Fttll Fowm IA) ( 1 hr 30 min) Cl llOW tn Praise 01 Oloer Women I t978 Or.lma) Tom Bt-renger. Karen Black A llunoiwan 101hano reminisces Of' his pll'il ro111an11c conqueSI"> A ft hr •8 mrn) !(),._Arthur Smtih Blue r1sn Tourno numr lrom Long Island N Y (R) 'H) llOW Swamp Thing' ( 1982 fanld sy) Adrl(lnnf' Barbeau. I outs Jouroan A l:>f1ll1an1 r«Kearch scit'nt1'\t COf\COCtS a re markable pollon rn.11 tum\ n1m 1n10 a tlft rote mOll'>lt'r PG' ( 1 hr '30 11rrn ) l~ llOWE 'South P..ic.1l1c" ( 19'>8 M 11'" CAI) M1111 Gdynor Rus•.;ino Ardllt Ar Amer•r.an woman fallc; 111 111ve will 1 FrPnc.nman whtlP c,1a1t1inPr1 as ;,i N,1vy nursP 1n the South Pac.1lrc ounnq W<irlfl War II (2 hrs 5 l min 1 m10U>ONH t::ll f) r I .. H tt! ~'"'' II tr.P. P.mPrqPl\1 f room 1.,, tied 11p and '1f' I h .lit9"' tJy C1 1•1 thieves (RI 0 T1C TAC DOUGH Q) TODAY'S ~ HDOH A I'" I ,,, thrf'f> rPll1,11kablP W•lrTlPr\ """" , .iv• ac.111evPd •1u1~1and1ny ,ul 1 P<i' 111 111,..r !11•111 of 1>ncJt'!d vor l 11PORT1CDnD t:9@ llOWE Trie R· •• • 11 ii l A l•••r turPt Ar,f! ony 'J1.,11n R.1.i Ha11Y ·•'I In lt'tP t'.M'f• I >llOw1r g tr•t• r 11•111 n n,.11 Jlul r a prtv;'llt• .. r rPSC1JP', •• ll)yl'I'( Y""''~ ~11! from a hmrJe or r1•L11•I<. 1,> 111•, 1 .. I) MOYE 'W11npc,<, f 1r ThP Pr -.1'< ,, 11nn t 982 Dr trri.1 I R,sl~ h Rt<Jlfl• 1M>r ()pt)(ir 1t· KPrr 0 ... ,PrJ •I ltoP play t t t\q,1 tn.:i (tir" II~ A -.hrewd I 1nr1 •f n H< '"" h11Pd 11 !e1Pru1 rlr Ar· l'<tc .-11 1CL"'"'' 1 rnurCl1•1111g h1<, w••,.lflhy F r1u1t•,r1 lilt!) ,,,.,rut iB l tj (? '"' ) CJ 8i) FACT1 Of ~ rn.111 nr hV' 111 11 .. 1 plan•, I•,, •Pvl'ngf' ~q.i1r ! I• N•lt "'" •, lJ (Jf .J t •ITI~ ulef ~ r ><jl.:11 n1 '.) 0 (f6 DYNASTY -, >n 1111 1 •· r 4r r vtl/P t I tr Ji'' •U' ~. ,,,. '" ,,.,, ' I n (.tJIP ' rrt.jlll,11)'' S ll11 ... 111•f 1•11 1•1 "W fr0r11 A11 .. 1·, 1n1 ~ 111 r 1 OMEWI m .,.v GNF'FIM ,, , ... ,, ,, .. , J ... ,.,. • ,,,. l r J..i Ar.w 1utt 111 H.1 ry 1 111 ~I I 11 • I j1 I • r< •,I I N m •cOMD tt0m r···· ,,,. , , , • ~, ,. , p+-H\onr1PI 1nd fl, • ., 11r1u1,, 'll''" ,, .. l lhl<lll!Jlt 1 I IO<it• 1<,.,k If 11 1" tf>11.tlll 11111 1tr fift 11f1t•I \P·>-, JI' I I .,..,., ·Pt!( 1111! fl I Jo d t• It-· 11 ~.ti• •11 , I (tf.,. T..wsEMLON> ll10lt'T1l.OO« MOYE r.o""' 1, r 1, 11 ,. , , 1 •A 1 Adv1>nt11rPt Atr11 oll' c low lt/t(j f tl'l"I 'J'•t1 c lurit• HdrbtJr ·•' ( 1)fJ H• 1·. •Pc r1;1f t•tl lJy •I .t'r <.ti 11') Jt'l "'" 11 llJ"41'11 l<I I r11 It-< I j "' r tlJ• µr1f!(P'<; t•I dy• •••• , m-·~~ .d.:>IW rr, It 4 1 11 I t::ll 0 m DOlaf ~ ~ .ilt• an•I Alu.• 11 1jec111P lt'lt•y'rc gn1nq h try ilm1 ll•'I 11 knuw th1•11 A1Jnt M.iryo ,, 11111<• bf'!ll•r t ; f)l,w1111 1} 1 <.p('r 1a1 wt'i'l<P11rJ 111(1 I R1 ~ NAftONAL QfOQMllMC Ttie ':>a" An d1t>,1 F 11111 ,.., "'" .r I*'• '"' v•'>•lf 1 n "" f:'J .. 1fl"l1r tl!Clll I ~·I.ill It fOJlh II I .( I E'I l.f' lt1,11 '"Plt11r r 1 w 111 •··trlt• , 1 r '"' h,i-. Uott l>.1•rJ ln<I 'I •ll!•111w 1, :,ll\1tr llltl <1t'ft~i:J~lf I a RAY IRADIURY TMlA mt lll! CM>WO Af•1·r 111 . l. 11 llt(1" ~· • r 1 ' l<, Jilt•! n1t1 rt fN1\,;ll MJf i , ,., -. tt t •wr 1 t .1 ~ rr,,11qt.: •*flVJrnnrn,., I '" wh14 n ,, "I' tJot!'>P I F'At'.f L1 OJ MOVll liu•ll .., .. .,.,, f tl)B4 M•1'>1 l.dl) A rlt• DdWll (,t111r y I ... ; o .... , .. v .. u .. q i,;AotitH r i l.onlt'11 ~" r.try urti.11 111 ttll ftno c.•Pt1hvP 011tlels , w.111111 ttl •a1·P•nl.) 1•1tl "'"cih•la~' I ru 4l• mi ) .. D G> IT. Wi.&lphdll """'''• I pa1nhtl <lf'< 1~1nn wl ••n t11c, jU111Jhf1tr .. 1y\ stie dOO'lfl I w,!rll 1 r1•l11rn II• C Pllf''ltt ,1 SltAAI to11Qh • drtJO tr l'l-.1rt f\11 h,,., tr HI• com .. t:quenct>., H11 • '" I ...... MOm. Unµled'><trll f 1111tly rrcm ~ 1 • revPQIPd hv lhl' IPiilllYP ol •l (,111rt,. I , .. ,. t1r111nq thnir 35th anrwersary at tl'l@ St r~,"~;/,~~)~ hr I ~ llOWE Kiss Ot Death 11 9•7 Su· penseJ VIC.tor Ma1ure Bnan Oontevy A • .w111re•:l 1ewel thtel lacPS dealh Wtlen hP 1nforrnc, on ht"> accomplices (2 nrs ) EID Ew.o AT flOPt James Galway plays .pipe t1ur1•, .Jr 1hP p1ccoto pennywl11cit1e JM! r •"> !~OhJf' lltJIP Ja:: I ~· r r1 .. ,, 1 ""''' 1nr) lhE' J• r1ri [),v ~"' C•"rl tri J J'>•(. 11 .,.}I 11• ' ti m'~~~~·r p r 'C MOYE "Trench1.o.11 \ • •111 < '1t11,1lv1 M.11 I I ll 1(jljp1 l1r1tlflfl H;, ( N'1rl·• 'Iii( a I r "'q ' M tit i t;1rr,11t11• '"''I." I I» cl "' •'J I •• nt(Slf>lt ,., '"' r 1 11.r Jt-r .. t I IPrnf)'IUrirl 1r rr1q1,p t( •! ,, ' flfl Of ;• •J~t f v••( .-1fjl-'f1t J•(, :; I r I t l (l II J ~ = 'Fl<1"-h G11r J11n ,., ,.. r u •1 ~ru ':.11'11 J J()r •" '94 , • l• "' A I "' I ' .,,.,,, lorl<J. I •• ., ,, I l,11 "' M "') '11 11 r f t•' I , l ~ 1t11l,lf•I tr ,,.,.. ivPrlri• "" t •r r .. r~ P1, , 1 ,.,, •,n .,,,,. 1Ct151~~ .. llDEPDl>lWT MEWi GOOOMEWI MA TIOMAL QEOQRUtlC f ,,,, •1 If•• , .. , fl,tf(t f f>i ..,,,• r,d r,• Uf Wuf .. Hl4 ft}t ... tl ,P,tf 1h1 ,,. •' • '"''''"'1"""'"'' i 1 'Inly .11•11f1fh ,11'litr., 1H1 ~) tt f FllHlt HOU tO::SO rn MOYE r h ... ' If'• I .)Ill ! H Dr l f •·• n.i l l W 1 , /\!(J Hr, M 1'1:,.r I ',.,,.( t l.t" qf" f ( Ul(t~f 1,1 f ft I \f .. n•l''o t···1 !fG' m ~ TAii . mAME Alte ..... Et'I PUCE IAllMEY l&JD . IEM IHEPMEtD't AIEllCA , • r 1 r JI ... r • ..,. lrit l •.Prnpty 1 t • ~ 1111 ,_.,.. 11 tr1' ind ' tliH~ 11 1J ,j f t11r '~ It,• 11 t• ·" t111•t 1110 trrt ~ '" t 111,1.i 1)11•1•1 I 1•ry 1 '., r 11 •·'> litik1• Nfllnr 1r 'H l,•() I h ~ tr I Ell) CAWMQ Oil WtlTAlEt l ..... M NA TOtll § MOYE M.iu<;o1P•11 1 19BJ Horr 111 H ·tin• f ,,.,,-t> M>t•i•tt: ,miner A l •'•1•11 '" ,.111 l 1r<11ly r111'»' dllh{f', ;i JO Y"ir 1r.1 w .. m.tn .t, tt1f' c1Amon th.ii ~l\l'-.'>f''"t" '" r .1111• 1 1>,111triq spr ... p that only .i ~·"Y'-"'" I• '' h t·!ltl c .1n entJ rl t I hr lf 111111 I Z MOYE Prppi>r•runt ">•'ltM (I~•~ r,,. 11 I I lll1 ,. Mid... rlt>n .. r.-l(l.11-Nt'UI r ,,., , ,., ,. •!Jt'ttt'nt." th<> maPy 11<.1 "'" 1•r.1 • t td"lt'.,C.l'fl< 1> 1'11h1I,. 1Jr<lWUll) I~ n !'11•0• Jr till"' PL (. hr<, I ~ l&lD'I CCU'T 11:11 l MOYE Mt">tiPt-•,l vtr t •Q7~ """' l1 ., Bovt'f' ,tor " l .-11naro A.tit'' d "'' ·• ' l•v•Jll t'S 1 w )fn.'V• uses he! Sl10 ,1 111• ti t rnor y l.Fl;<T1t>lll ~ 10 inOulQe Mr ,..,.~'•' ,.,..,,,p-., 4 1 tu .l~ nun ) 0 MOYE f ••" f"''"ll "Jt.'" Wild ·, 1980 ( '1m1•11y I ( h.11111• <,11,..,n~r E r1t.a Coo ...... ' I I tr11l w•lf! tlttK.< '\ttop Ownf'rS de- ,,,, ' w• "" 11U .. 1Pnt V\1!h 10 relate (ll()(e • ''"'t ' ,,,.,,,"arr< t" • nr •O m.n) 11~ I) l MOYE Tt •i vOry Ape f 1980 Ao v••ntulP I J,,Ot PallJ'lCI' Steven KM tS 1 ,.,J 1\ ""r 1c.anc, 1r1 tu !>d.,e a rare albino J•H1lt t 1n.11 h,\s ... .,.. AJ">fl'1 11om capl!Vlty • ,, I .. II l ,,,,r "'" fly ,, ( l)Cj,f&f~ IR) ( l It ;>On 1 Sunday July 2 t 1985 19 0 6:) TONIGHT Hf)' I Jl)l1nny C arson ' 'I r"j JI<> J ar Im Mot toil Pl J F CJ~ saw AOC«FON> FUS l''"'t¥~ UTEIQHT AMENCA <,, rr•f.lulPrJ T .mas ~' t111rri.tn • '" 111!· "" •dP HtJ\<.oa •, KGH ( 1 r.r a!) PMllE THIE LON> ~ MOVIE Rr.rr·arie>roy The Storie 1<.fk4 /\ 1,,.n11m·1 M1chaPI Douglas r 11r.1.-... r . .,1,.r A r ,n1ar111 noveh<,t re u "'' 1 , t• "' • N•ll .i md< I ddvl'l•lurer r .-t ,r,urt, Arr e••c "' '""Y'"' IC ransom her .,,. '"' WtH d l,it111lfl•J<; '"gendary ff"WPI ~·(, i 11 • ii' n I I E SIORTICENTEfl ED PAUL flYAM 11~ H WHOOPI QOLDIEllG DIRECT FROll llAOADWAY w• • Jt • rq ac:lrP c; ar l "" " th I,. r1-ir.il IPI~ rr1ng1nti '" ·" '" ,., ,.,, • """'' ,., .i ca11lc1rr11" ,r11., .r , I>"' ,1 1 ;µr-d ,11 flew 'for~ ' ~(PJI' It • .tlf" r Marer 1q!ls ( 1 '"' tt:GDU m ON HOUYWOOO Ttie c.rat1 r,t win jt N l"• It IJ ft,1• l'1Jlh rlltfllVf'l')illy ()f !hP i '" .• l • r "'" 11t:Jar 1 ... atur111g rnalP I' , .. 1H1 r!.) INDEP£NDENT NEWS 1]J MORE REAL PECM'lf E AllTO MClfG r "' , 1 1 B"I s1 r.1::11 •J p,,, fr "' '1 , •• , I 'r" Fr1~l.t11d (HI 11 t11 HJ I ' 0) 700CLUI ~ 0 6:) LATt·MIQHT WITlf DAVI> l.ETTDlllAN S• t ,,., l•1lr j ' ''" f'<J1"r r rru I Pt11ll1p<, l<>rrnpr IJ 'f ',, ~ •. , "" "'IA ~· t Motril•P r I GOMOSHOW '~~ONE GOUA114 AWAITS /\ f' 11mq -.1 •Pnl,. I 1 M.,,~ H " • r ti•' 1v1•r'i .i R1111sn l11•ury II•"" I ..,, " ' ••. , 40 y•>ftr ·ti the b(JltOIT' I •t,. , ·• ,., tt 4f)n I.I'" ~·If' •,1111 ahvP an 1 t 1 or l r 1 • l l 1 1 !Jpr ••11rolf'nl d1c.talor (Chr1r,111~1t1t•1 I•• 1 IPart I rJ I 2) (;? hrc; I W Q) OfT'Dll~ ToelOHT lnh•rv11>w N It T 11 H,Jr ~ ' LOVE, AMENCAM ITYU QROWINO Y'EAM ~THIELOM> 12:145 I llO'tE M1t;-.u 11 IM I I Y81 r Jr ,:ima I Brnrn f{w~ •· Al11.r fl,trrPtl rt1P d1c;1r11Pgra 11r ,,. • I -i !<JN• r "11r1<ll" l i<'I Ao'>tnn far111ly br>q r c; Nil' •t •· •l< 1rkPn l.tlh!'r <; df"<..Prflon itl r1 l'•P l• • ,,. '' 11n1r>nt nl the two olrJP'il -cruldrPn 11 hr // n1111) $ llOYIE H.1nn,1 I' I 1<)81 Or;imal Jill 1,tayburqt "it ... 1 I B.,.rnf' A J1>w1c;h Am1>11r;:in wrirl•itll llPqrnr, .i npw Ille FIS an ittrnnPy •rt '""f .. 11 .. ni hut l;ices a d•lf>mmd ...,r,Pn 5t P ,,,,,,,, rJ· "' c;1J'·PPCted Arab ter rori'>I ,,., a ca .P lli>1ng pr<>~uted by hPr e1< 1011er R (1 hr 'il m111) t2:91 tJ CIJ NEW AYEMOEJtl Sti>Pd attempts 10 df>lovPr a I r '>P(rPI 1r1telltqPnCP OOCIJffiPnl In Pfl\111• f •1r•Jr>y rPIPnSP lrom hPr CillJ I• •r~ IHI I I hr 1f) rrnn l -Thursday -Morning Movies-• 5:t1 l f"ly1f1Q I P.tll µfnP<kS t 19~ 1 tur••I l0h11 Waynf> ArtbPrl Ryan d' ,r I 20 Sunday July 2 1 1985 Ac1ven ( 1 hr a 9Jl QrT llW'T 11:55 H,llOYIE R1c;~y Ru"'•rtf"'S 11t1IH < ,,,, Pdy/ Tom Cru•'-.f• n,.,,f'l:Gd [Jt>M •rna, A nigh !>CttC ' ~""' sr ... ll<>rprj tr " 11! , ... , ' Chrc:dqr1 o;uburt1 :11>c.1tjf"• 111 ,. • r ·•·r11to1•11t with lhP w1ld1>r '"'" r1f lllr· ff;) r ! hr lh rn1n) 1:GO 8 HIEI HAW • llOYIE /ul11 11 4 /\ih,.r1I ,r, I SlanlPy Ba~"' J,11 ~ I 1,.w1111r .11 .11 81111<;,h p.lfrol " ..,. I 11 rl rtll qt I 11 tho 1<;.1nth v ' lulu wt r r •''• rnon J @) NEWI m MOYE rn.i ~ Wll N 1 "i' .i ....... IPry1 (,111qer Rnqi>r' V.ir. Heflu A l• h ·r tr11P suc;pec1c, 11,w key p••oplP 111 ""' 111u• <Jer ot an ac.r· '"'ll ,JCtn ,~ t «!) MOYIE By .. A, .. fl w,.,,, .i1 ! 1 '"'' ComPdyJ r.>••Ufqr• '·•·4.11 Ji\•~ N 11111·1 rr,ur ,,,,,y ~,.11 ,,, d r.. wly 11 ... ,. , Ptl Nr•I• I -or•of't IJW n 1r1.q•• I 1th 1 l ti" NI • q hi llf'•ill Ii' r,,..., I 01 MOYIE M1. ·'"" Hill r 1<111 I 11.i111.r 811ar nur~ P Al•l • P 1"•·11 H11 ti• r '" l' 1 I or ''' 1 • ,..., .. , r•u ld'P 1 flo<,I r l.t•• 1, ueg1r1 will lhf' d•t111~"'' I 11t1P1 J•· t-rli ,, , .i11d thf' d1<;11!1t•.1CJlilftPlll q i !ht' t N< ;I Ir" I I llJreri I ! t 1 17 mir I z MOYIE H • .._ r r.,, 1 1 •> •Jy) B,11rr Awtri N' J.i11>1•<, li1111lt nrofo<;t .r'» C.lt111r I l"Vl•lo1I" fl 111 111111•111 ;,.,.,,,C.P .... ct• • I ••. I' II• I I I 111 • ,J ... 1 rf'!;H \' 11 1 r r , 1 t I t (1 hr 8mir1 J ' V1DEOZOO 1:21 IEVEN.Yta!M!ES MOYIE M·dt•14ti1 I ., " f)r,irn;i1 flr.1d r1.iv1 j,,,, 11 .... I '' I bill, ti I" An•t-''l\.o•H tt't .. • 11 j r 1 1tJ.t 1 • • •r•ti 11 ·'' 1111u1r• 1111 11, ,.,. 1. NI 4rt1f'h• ~ ,, >I R tu t 11 11 1:118 NEWI AT THIE MOVES ' ''" J 111 J r 1 'f• c;equel.., AU It THIE FAm. Y • PRAISE THIE LON> Aumwwt Mil.ES FOOT8All (fl) 1:90 WOll..D AT LMQE 1:9 Cl) Cll MEWi NIOHTWATCH fl(C()N)QUI)( FAm.Y ti)NEWI AU It THE FAm. Y YE L •Ill•• fflll\)11 ( ,,,,.. ( I I 111 A J vP urP) Hr>lf'r P.1rr1'>h l1•11t H 1 1 f\ young t>< / Nl111•,1 Intl,., r ,,c; t••·•·•• •·• 1 t JlrtC.Ori 4<·l'i c ,i11qlrt up writ• it y.urq .. 1 w.1 y ward <11•!111quPr11 ( r hr m "''" 1 ~15 L MOYIE Vr 1 fl.· t•11v .r""' ,,, 1 l'llj I [Jrrimnl I •. ~t,r•llt• AlJ1.i111 Al.1"1 '> •rn I, r /\• p.111 r I drl .. 1.1t r111<1I" r"Vf'll1JI' pint woman 111ovPc t11 ,i 1111 11 r ''""'"''tr, 1•11t .e<1uc:e~ ,, n 1a1 -.hf' b(llu•v• ltt h•• r•"·I 1 1 srble tor A c11me A' (I t11•, I 1111111 r 2::11 I llOYIETOIE ... -~ • IBIMD THE ICSEI ( llOYll ·onf' f)eAdly '11trfllr1l'I ( 1'1>1 I Drama) lsabf"ltP Ad1t1111 Al<J11t !:)r11t.hnr tca(C)"TrPnchcont (1'lfl1 Cnntf'dy) M.ir gol K1dtJe1 Rot>Prt Hat t t.r 11 r1 111 r d 'li, The CamP.I Boy c 1<1Ad /\rt11N1111r .. 1 Animated VOit P'i of n..i1b.1111 r llfWlt'y Roo Haddrick I t hr 1 :> mm t <$) The Wild Pony I t'l80 Ar111<>nt1111•I Manlyn l 1Qhl<.torn A• 11 n1n l ,. , - 2*I H MOVIE Jr,p P 1• 1.HW I tG~4 f•r.-trt1.11 "r P. ir~p ( r1• 1111 M .111 t1't "' ll .tr I' I 1 ' ' tl"IC " (, ,, ,, fl n• I r JU ,fl 1 ! tnr.;. /'v ~. th f'flC t" I~ j lif1 I I "• •I t. " 1 Qttf lr1 r lt,r N r• 'i ''"' l /\ r h i N t, ' • • I j ,. ft 'I I I It' IO I '" I 9 AMOTT All> COSTEUO m MOVIE 1' , n ,. ,, •t I 1f1 't I fir f •HI f , .pri,t~t · 'I .. MI r ,, ,,,.,,1 A 1drt w l.11 ~ ,1111 P1111 11 f'• thr 11 J ' ,, ' I t I I r ti•· , ... I I 1 f Ill' I ti ' I " • ./I 11 t 'l:j I ,> I r If «!)MOVIE T• • I .1w1 I• It W 1ylt• . " l, 11 NEWS ~ HIENT AOE lllGPS E TO• A.MNOUMCfD !:25 C MOYIE 'lfflJ r r I I fl I 111ql I 11 ti!• r rh•w I • I I, t I I ):JO I f ) F Al1l4 20 ' NITW ' JOY · ME CAIN la.l.ER 4.'00 ' MUIPPfTS · WMA T'l lllY LINE 4:15 MOVE M M !,,,. ¥• f hHP f\t I-+ ! ft1t1 tll f'lJq•if1r •t t 011 J• n f 1r ! 1 • t ,, I J U I I f ft1 1 fr WHA T'l lllY LINE ~ FUlfTSTONU ·i l I ' Ul~l:a~. ~ H MOVE r,,.,., 1n1p Tl,, ll !'!~? r I rt ,y1 At ·• t l\,11l>1.,11 I 1111 lt1111 ! t! ,, t.1 ll1.11tl 11 t•.tlftl <,L11•11!o~I ( 11! (11 f .t • r11o1rl.o1loil pr1f<1 '" !It.ti 111111<. 11111 rt 1 '"' f()j(, rn1 •t!.f"' r (I t I hr 10 ltfll 'NPvPr <,.1y N.-v,.t II. 1..i ~Pntwf'I 5!•* ( ' I I "Y Br.tr rlilll"' 12111<, I/ •nut I z I T•u· r iuit11 r jf Tl11• Sho1 1111~ "'HI) ( 1 qfl; Ur .1m.l l ( Jr11Pr An1om11t M.trqAr ta I ,:;1r10 ( I ht 4>, min I 1:115 11"1 Tl• I 1 , W \ 11qr.,:i L<•rt••'•1v• I tr I -Thursday Cont. "'°'H z •• ff• I I d(I) Jv I' I " 10:05 ()1 M11· 1UIO 0 z Tto 11:JO 0 i-11' I I "' • If' 11' I•.; .. .;,t I t •, , , I I . , (• I d tit,iy l JJ I f 1•m1 ,\ • .,. ' ,, .. , t t., I I IP lfl 'I ti '•11 I H -Afternoon Movies - ,, , tf t..; ... , ' .. Ii' c I \ H '"' s UIO 0 ~J 2 ta! H I I fl••• ~ 'I• t I l ,, 0 11.. Kl11 • 1::111 z lit • 4:00 s M.111, n111 1 Ha ff WP1 •• I 1 I I "' ... ., i ,, I I . : ' II I II f ~I f H ~ '" 1. r' IH 'v-••f I JI• I I I tt1t,Jt t 11 11 IP' t.., c f Jo t, 'I• Iii I\ • 'I I ~ • ,, t ,. f ' ,., I z , ,., I -Evening ·~ .. ' M It I I It t tH •I I I , I I 1t ti t t t\111 r 1"11 I t\ t t"'C.J I •f t ~ I t NICNIEWI DWIGHT ntOllPION 15:£ NEW LITERACY: AN INT1'00UCTION TO COWUTEM E TOPU. IOXIMG H MOVE T ,, I l '' •• /'b<.. tS';.ol ,\ft(,, -:;.i11 " I tl3? .;r..i111.J1 f~ l ert Lilrr 1rJ1r 11 I 1 l.t ~i.111 I I r A '(Ol1r•y L01i"'9E' 'ilU 1»t ' t .. ll"' 1 t 1~P 11 .;<,s.1 S•llolt"" g.irr .. ,., •J ,I) f' 1 I r11 J? ITllll J s MOVE r Vt'' 1H•t1•q I f-tcive 1 ... '( IJf<, 1'!'>? Mw,11 .111 M·HQP and u 1wP• • t 1rr, 1 11 M .>111<" 1 , .,, A nu<.o.i• 11 -t' 1 ~ IP J.ir Ct-• ,,.. 1 • 1 • tP '--Pf"'l•r q ' J f , t •w 1, -=>t' ..,,,, r ,, t , ... -t 1~a tr ), n 11 ttOT SEAT ttOTUME t:iO • NICNEWI HAl'PY DAYS AGAJM ... UME'Ym.LS ONE DAY AT A Tm MACND. / l.EHRBI NEWSHOUR WHEE.. CW FORTUNE ' lllAME'TlNG VIDEOZOO 7:00 CllNEWI ...... NAllE TltA T TIJNE HAl'PY DA YI AGAJM MCNEWIQ ,JI. MA~ ''" I• .... I 11• .. n u· , 11.111 ., D '"" 1 ., 1• , n ". Jt.r• '1=>~~p , .tt •ltrlt1I 1'0 ENTERT AIMJff TOMQHT .... ' ' A "' 'I R.t•c·r• MI I ... l ~TUNE •OPAIGY '9WIE TME LON> llUIMU IEPORT L O MOVE r•1 11 r '" ' Ji • h ,, 11 • ' ' 1, ~ ! •' t t ' ; "'. h 11 I Z MOVE I •r' ' . l f ~· ' 1.' ., 41 tff 11 H ( tJI 'Pf fl U t I ., , t11 ; ;\ 1••tir l ., l '11•' ••• , 7:JO II 2 ON TME TOWN '. '''''"I '' l • 1 I ,\ ,! l1ypc, fhrrn1qh hyp11 .. ,1., .1 It,, ~ .11 1t11 !"'• l Hr11!1•y Mtirphy 111,11 11111 '" ~ ... 1 Jiu .,, • 111 't•nl wt1•'Jf'Mt°'1 •uti; I fl) FAlaYFl\IO TMAn INCMD9lf m ON LA. r ,, ""'' ~ , • " , f "'"' lJPµ<, (o ( J.tltl! "''" (111 ti It I 11111 tt1 ,11111 •' ll Wil1~ t~ t J111• ~ .1m ... h.i1111•t.,1 -;c t~nol f1 ir Hitwf\11d11.. .11iJ,tr '''·~"' •lt4 ' llld Pl' .. trl H.lrtlnr 1.!J IM DllGO AT LMGI T l IAlllALL Cht(A(J 111... 11 l •· Ar \JI' ;;.,cx~(1hr-; 1 I ~A"l"H COURT •OPAllDY WILD, Wl.D WOILD CW AlmlW.t AllQAl QOUrmT Jpft Smith ~trepar»s tnkPd f(>o1a1oec; tometr ..auce tom;.11 "~ ind tomdlO appehlPI'> C ICMD Llcml)I: llal'f ITEWAIJT D•ck < avPll trilrf'S Jimmy ')IPw lrt c; him Ciil""' wit h Ch~•" tw1r> 11 <; .~ Wonderful l 1fe," Mr Sr I' _) ,.. t w .-1<.hmgton. . The Pt I le ~ r it ... • , I rirt<l HarvP.r__ ---. -.. ti TME »-SECOND SEDUCnOet ~ ADVBITlllMQ 11, 11 ~ 1• ,P•111ll••I:' TV ad· "''"' 1·•11p1 '" • t• 1. '1" l .t•w that are • 11 .. f 111) 1P ''ll' ,. 1 'I''''''"'''!' .... .,nsum· tr 1'1' ' m RACleO RtOll ttOU YWOOO ,,,_ .. I) J MAGNUM. '.L H.1r J 11 •'>I'd p11vate "t" U'l... l r \; .. I p n. I( hp rel urns •, H.iw , dr J • • ,, ,,.,.~,.,.., ~111ancP w1tr1 H1qSi1n• tR 1 I 1,, 0 fl) COSBY SHOW 1/,1,.., ,<..1 t>f-'(.Ornes the l;im11y • nr ,. • 111 1''"' l»•1r.q accepted 1rd 1 t 1;\t:, ' ' "1-. 11 f" ~ 1•~ t'' pr• (AJ O MOVIE r• .. "P 1• 1 1 • 11u 11ari91>1ous 'V •QA 1 r I,. M .. t l •ll.J>O! Sogour r,. y W• i.,..-)1 I• Jlt.tr ll'«1rn;thc;t '1 r1r' t .. , t , .~ ... 1 f•ira<.1a11 ,\ ' <1 ,uni ·~ 11 the tu· . I lf\P fall tG79 tJ'Neal ' , •• ' ' '·•· l '"' 1-'t ·tllr\tflij t' , 1 t f /.-.f .. t ._ f of\'t11 °' tlJ -1UJ 111 ''';lhl tJ J,..y 1 FM,A. THE MAM AIC> Ill llllOftl ft-·~' ·l• •-1 •~tt ,t 1 ... h1eu"' • !1 t •· .-i l' .,, f tlkPS 1 'Iv '' H P ' 1(f' ~ "' • • ... ' •r On J 1 .. , ~ Q)NEWS Q) MOVE ,, lj ,. ,, I 111':>3 r jll A •1<1 pru<. ... , ... , 1n d Wt-• '• r ,, I t I n I L• I . m fiYsmYl ' I' , ' t ~ f • ' ti t ,._, t' HJI It; •t t It ·••'H " SD ,,w.' TME LON> a!) MYITBY1 ~ • ' " "'~'" f 1f 1 I. I f11 I ,r "1 · ., . I c MOVE " •I ,,.,,,, .... , r~e.ny "'''' • ,.. fr1f'nO , • • , • •tll1c11 pl)unds i •I • 111'o pfilll (Q ~ o t•I 7 11 12) H,,, ... t tlen , , ~I <ihlS0 •Dan- ,.• i 11wd y ' )I '''" j ' 1 JI • A t• tP. ,. Ueve<ly ,. ". • "•f'1r han-., H MOW • 1 1 I ! 1 1t__J 1.-..1r ( 198, ... t. t I • ~ , I I ,,, u \, ., ' ~•' ,, . . . '~ " , . f~J t)t I \,. e"" I' W'.M.l!IA~ E lflORTICEWTDt est Robert "'hos a wfl1l • 1t1Pn •m1aders is '•qt IPr J)llOI b y • 1 1nptc; PG' •• ''rt1ma) I t•l\Jng "1UC l w ith • '.•lily ..... fl 1, ! An l 0 MOVIE V• " " • ·• H All' 8_. 1f\.I t " 1 •ly '"'' H11r!m11n RuSSflll r '<I r llll " llp,~f wr>rnpr "ilVP I to FOl'1 I If'• 1.1 ... ,,., ' ". I ,, t • T'ilnce but 1 ~ , • ., • , ", • R 1 1 hr .. II a lllON&llMC* '.v w 11 t 1•·k11 Sunday July 2 1 1985 2 1 ==----~-------------------------- -Thursday Coat. gets lhe Simons 10 tif'lr: ,.,,,.. 1001< for a missing B ?'J -t.r • 111 ti" ,,,...,,.. 1jur1ng the war J_AJ (.) I I hr 1 D m atEERS H1P ~l(JV'> ...... f'f11 01.1nP.., 1ns1s1encP tt 1t F•d • • qo .,. ,,, them on a ftsl'11ng H•f) ~• rt '"I '"' r:1 r11m fJn a fool s :)(• t' t r f>MEWI Q) mJIV ORIFFlf f I Ptjul•• 1 1mf'11t<:1r l onr, .. ')ti r• r 1~.r,.r,•,111n1 .1 If P~•n Pollak (.,.uri,11J••o..>-M • .,-;r. 1 • ~ • 11 l ;md1nQ 1 ArJ· 1 1 • 1<1·' ~ 11-t• • r ,r1 i-1,~t 1 '11 I I Ell) T'BltO A1 1r1 ' ·'"'0""'' Or•rr1111y ~pri-,11j•, n(ISly 'll"t Jr tl11 C, Ir Pf11j<,t •I Wilt> a r1ur P 1 r Eri) PRAlll ntE LORD '1\) llAIT'EN'ECE THEATRE fhp C11Jdf'I AndrPw I •• ... 1 r ,, 1g.;11 I le+> "Piii 11nq l• : <•'" , It r j 1l it,p SllP • 11 ii rmne r1c.111lt 111 ti .1tt '• CJI 10 1R1 r) I 1 111 I l IUPSllOUTI Of ntE 708 M.1r 111 H,191"' vs y,10 A• • , .1 .. • • ,., ~ N • ., r~ "' t .1 .. Veq.1 Z MOVE 11 f f I ti WI !1 'i'JP• I •t-• I " ,, ,, m IAAETTA .. jfY MOVlf ' ¥ I ' ~ f ..., ,.., ., Id• IV' ~ I •I r UD 0 m NIOtfT COURT , ...... \ I • l l t ... '· , C 001 lfTHNA 00.CAL tt:tO tl 8 ICMOTI LANDeNG • r . Mr1 ..... ,,,, :,l> ( """' y ,. PPr ~ I I ........ ~ .,.., r it ~u NES ~C.APn'IA ~ ~ It()\~ ~ . t..;111 I .r.r•' • 2 I' ,...1, ... f1 I 1 4 / #°' 1.. I, ttJt•I I •' •· ,11 t , r,et ,, /\f •' t., l l1•.ttr1~ Jlth•!•' t •• , ,, t t,t \ir • •I I' ''· ,. .; f' 1,1 •• , , ll t •C tll' r ol I 1 l I • l1 cl •O 22 S unday Ju1y 'i 1 1985 S .aTMEM When Chit •S brutally at tacl\ed lhe Waters bro thers go undercov ler •==d the culprits Q •15 IBJGIOUI PROClll•?SSIQ 10:ll 11C TAC DOUGH llO¥IE .. Don t Bot ti<>r To K ""' • 11q52 S •'>PPn<,f M;ioly1 Mc r • , ;)rd W1dtttdr~ A mentally un•.tdt•'" .. working as a holnl b;iby c;1t1pr ;111t-111~1' • take her own hip and tt1a1 •I t P• 1 • • cha~Om•nJ ' UVllQ WAY rT NEWS DAD'S,,_., llZANE SkPtChl'o; It·•' tlil!P )rqa• . 1 t1nn of Amertci! SupPr [mve'<. "CJ' 11 ''" .11Pna punk pilrPnls cPtH.1rtly _,.,,.,, ,, • : I'' .1ucts :;:i l MOYIE ThP !:>e~ Rily ( 1981 <:l • • l'lyl 8;irr1 AndrP.ws JamPS Booth A• Hr•t•c,t !>f'• c.ltn•c ii IOvPI irn man 1n11Pr I lt>vtCP ... t.1ct tinlP:')'>l'>f>S lhP flilSStr1fl'i ' 11 ,ll 1nl ~t:Crf'I try ft1P ObJPl I •ii h1 It• '''" I I t1r 8 rr1u1 ) 1Ct:55 i17 MOYIE Tw r ' Tt.r fivclr:I I I ,, if,,.,ill•(•) Audt1•1 HPµt11irr1 At.t·•f I " 111·) A yriuny r11.1111,,1J c rn1plp 1ll'1 J• 1.1y "•Jl'lhf'r J• t ''' "'"" ip , I 11:• 1J•1Wo 0 ;);@;Om '~ TAJJ . llZANE MCllE .... EJl'I Ill.ACE IAMfYa.LBI : aM IHEPHEN>'I AMERICA A ,1 t St 1·1' T1~rkPI 1u1n~ tt P ,.. ,, ,, 1 , , , t>1 a1tc111 JI C h•<-ctQ• EI!) ANSWER 1' uuowax L MOYIE At.t. '••<.•ii I ,,, ' I •ti Or.in1d Arf .. r.,. M;irtt1iJfl,t t' ..-, id · • ,, Nt p1 .t. ,, ..... , J'":,, ,,.,, ....... , I J ' ii l> ... ~, ,, "'Y Ul,)(1~ I. I I (I~ I,, 0 MOYIE W1f<1 I •illld" H ir•r v f\ ~ 11' H "Y W 1tj1 < f "' t M I ·' Nt'd1'ht r. • l., I j ,r. I •' b ••I Nt'f'fl (,J'/'fl!J Mltl ft1<, Nlf• ,, .. ~., , , '" 30 "'" ) S MOYIE Tt I' I 1~1 ;' 1 '4r 1r 1 ., .• 1( +~r f" f •t t ,JI J 1·Hh t ( ~, •' r, F·r ... · fur A 1tkilt•ll' l••fff "I"' N•, 11 Jpr,fll•Vll•ll '' lt•ll !>jolfl11 1111• • fl..,1ft>~j J d' 1r It •s11 ll.t I ~ •, ' l , 1 .. " ~ .••• ( ., •fll I 1 ... l(JUf I I '" I I t11 4(J 1111n 1 IALD'ICC>Un 1t:IO MEW AVlNGIERI ;,•• • : • Gnmti11 hn% i)ftt-r a ~n." I 1.o1n Pd 111. lH 1corr 1 Ai 1 1 ' 0 ti) TOllGKT t. ·~' J ,,)rt".ed"' '<1 ga1 JP• 111q I,,~~~~ LOUGllWfT VEGAS llOCIFOll) FLU LATDIQHT AmJICA ,p,. h ,, rl I 1/.1 !Jf<lr Ftn'h11n OtMl\l ,.,,.11·0••• ,, II•• ,,, 1 l.1111 .. ~v .. 1<1hur• •' /1.1 '"' ,, • 111 ;"°"'==' 'AUl.llYAM 1tlltl I Ul9fY M>Gat AND DOU. 'f ,~TON TO- QlntEJt """"~ r~ •, f~iin ,, 1(11 ,j I•( e•r1 tt '1t t t' q WP v1• •>OI Tor11yh1 rtnl'l J<,l,Jr•d., •P 1111· '>l•Parn Aehrnd tt>p <,('pnpo; 1.v,11 11 ,., her1ry1-; nch1~ 11 hr J u.u m ON HOU'fWOOO <.ener,11 H '"I' ,,,, I,.( ,1(11 Jd , I< Wri~I .. , .. .,q Mlll.d ~ 1;flr •• wl"om1 .Jll'ot\.ps th~ unly #</ Jiii-ti mPmUt!r of Lo·. Anoples PhlA MPlro rilt1 cers (R/ ~~= ~ llOYIE lh•• lonely I .Jdy ( 1983 Dr·t rna1 P•il 7.:id 1rt1 l •oyel A1lC.hner On a 1e1 P.•1!\eU .iw;irf!r, µrl')l.Jrrltn ii '>UCcessful , ,.., ... , N• , .. 1 • .. 11 •~•e I oc.~ r .:J tory t A 'I f J? ,l mtNIS MAGAZINE REPORTS l MOW I •• J ' tit. ... ~ lCj• ;.,~~ , , ~ t ,u1 r.,a ,~ I Jl.lt t..A.. 1111 'I 1f rt1 '1 1• J 11 • 1h t l>f-~., t ;, 11f\lp., I t 0 •' • ' • • 4 ID 700CLUB 1~ 0 m LA TE NIGHT wmt DAW> lfTTERIWt >l.h ... thJlt i tt ''tl A ' ,-,:i...., i, ' .. ,I GONQSHOW ' =-'= OOUATl4 AWAITS ~ , ,,, J I ..... ,, M; 1> Hot•· I• • u l1!11t<,r ""''f • r ' f• • ''"' lfl V".I', ~· It• t•ulfnn1 I 'I .. I ,, II ,llJ\l I " I ,., •,1 II " ,... tr J ' I • " • • J1L' ll , ' , ,, • • t t J ' t f I ,f I 11 t1 w m ENTEllTu.ENT TONIGHT , '" ....... N•I• n. , . ' M ,, nun I LOVE. AllENCAN STYLE GROWING YEARS PfWIE ntE LON> E IP'ORTllOOk L MOV1f ft, f< ~ ' •~ J [,ro1n1o1 r. ,,--.,JI I ~ 1U • ' ,. 0 llllOVE ~J I • t A.. 11 1~t) 8 '' 'J' I • ,. 1~ H IA I 1 ' 'I s llOY1E , !, /,," . ' , ..... ' I :· ~ I J I 'f< 1:00 0 lllUSIC cm U U . 0 MOY1E "' •• " I 1.1 I h I •It .~r H 11r n .. ,..,, ,, r Jt '• •\ 111 I ! I Pr 11 "' I I f t I "IV•. hh " I, "' ... I •.• 11Pl'1 HJ•'"' II•• 1ly t·' nr<; I .. ,, I' l1Jb~ ''" 'tlf l,.P f f f m1:.ln~• ll\lfJf l:l'fl intrtJ I 1 Dr 1 f1.itl'J,J• ' fi .. 1 "il~ •• / ~ ,,, 1• ti' ' I J • IUP hr jh ti) lt()YIE r.-, HP,lrf I /\ •I ~1111 lt'f A l' \ • , r 11 t ._ h, t''' 1r '' • •' t \ ( .ar..,_,,n M 1 < 1Jllf'• A ,,..r,s1l1111• tJ• 1! '•'" 1<, t>t> l11Pndl'IJ 11y ·l 1nuno 9111 w• l ,, f'rstandc; "•!'> p11~ HP I 11 •nPnt I,-~" i HOttll ~cata WEEICL 'f VIDIOZOO 1:1S GIT taWIT t:tl .... -Thursday Cont. 1:315 ,.-p LOVEIONGI AU It TitE FAa Y flU&IE TitE LOii> HOMEIHOW JUlilltNG Grano Pr • • ,, ' )I c llOV1E •• ·~ ,,~ Art,, u•" rt• •i ·' h •• l~rtf :11 .,4•'''l lQP '" l•..,• " ,,. ' , • t i • , RECORD GUI)( m ... AUltTitE FAaY .,, . =,~"·~·~ llGHTWATCH llOV1E P • ffa~ • •fl I Kevtn Kl' r~ · ,1,,_,,,, .\r ,., I I i::t_ ID MOYIE 1 f t,_r ! I, i ' 1 t15 H MOV1E Hr ut ~ • t pr,. '• jl , l •dn 1' • • 2:IO 0 MOV1E " -friclay " y ' •• t --Morning Movies- t:tD Z Tr ... • t ' , rna' Mnr "' • !>O 11111 I 1• C M.1,•wt '" R1rrnr11 fi,,, • hr J ) nur NII@ N.1~· : t II r, M1 , .n IT'1fl t:tD 0 Tt1 ( 1Qf4' PiJ. 1,1M1 tag) H•lt Abtn•l1 HI• I .10 min I ft. 1t:ta C 'llnf,1 II I ~ • DurllPy M 1 rt '• 1 36 rnrn) , H Y1Ju I '•I' I Lii manc..E>l 01t11' • '' nun) $I Ro~ Mot flt' ~th Ho w.11 I k•'•'' -!l.ll 'Tru1mpti 111 11964 Aclvf'nl 11t I 1np I:' hr~ I .~J , . J, I " . I Mv •• , .. n I • t'¥t'' . ' .., 1'1•,,\ t..111 .. ,u ti ~\f 1 I I l•l I I I••· Tt•11 '" t•.tl r. r111 V 1·1• H .. 11) t •1110 Thf'y ( .111 M• f\t I II\ I I,, ••• dy) Jt~hnnv 'r •• ' ~·I l I •• Ht•" "•JW •• U' rlf1 .i I ">C !' Hr ilh R<h"llOnd 81.rr A t •I ' rir ,, ' m J;>I llf' t f'(\.lt'i1 t ~ ult Art .. , r I !C )"'' •t e rr , .. tit or (Jt'dltl !t""r • t t' " • ~"~ "'"'~ (. ""l~ Gf po..._ ... , ; I ; I ·•' I ii .. , 1 r I ')Q mol) I !, llOVIE'TONE NEWS l7 10a~ (fl) EM> TitE SCENES l M0V1f f l • ti • f'.l' I r ., ! .. ~-- "' .,_:.t t, I( ~ . s MOV1E r 1r , .. , i ".,... lo I o I • t . . ' t r r ,, rr. ,, •.• ' I tr,., l•· ,,r I I'' I tr' II I I fl 2:45 EJi) AEUGK>OS ~ l:GO tD Al80TT AMO COSTtUO W MOVIE H 111 :\ '·~Pt r I 1, "' ' Ji1h \ f (jr It.,. J It ' . .. . , '•· (!) MOV1E . , .... , , 17 NEWS a!l 1 CHOOSE lff c MOV1E *'° z 11:30 0 Ry " 111'45 0 H H 1·· s •.• .,t!''"'.JP ''"l '"''',fl I• r ._.,I l H 1• z • 1• r r >• ':ii 1 , • I )ljJ • •I 1• I l ' o o I W lh..trn $ti ti~ I r,.r .. 1 ~.11 ,,, , 1 ~ 1 .1" ,,,, , 1:30 H /r .. IJli>I() fl f' M .1 At ll H1'> W )f!lo•r I IQ'~ F\tlh.jfdJ'tlvl P 1111 ~tl~ntlr fl,irb,1' 1 Parkin' 1? hr<, ,''i pun I 0 f"'t' H ~ ,.,,., Ry T hf' t Prne1er.., 1 IG81 <.;u .. 1 1•11 t'I l:1)lr•<1111 M.l(t;1lll P·iolit Mitlr 1 \ I rir JO 11111' l ~!$ Tht> NE'11Prfn11111y "ifl)ry ( IQ84 F~ri Iii yl N 1h H Ht1.1w IY Al rrl'lt l)hver 'l tH J4 llltn \ l::GO 0 Th"v ( .111 Mt> A1111 ,, ' ,jy I l•)hliny Y1111p M .114,,,,. \I l'lr 101•11n I Z Th" Sculpt I mpress 1'·~8. c,mW' HP.rn1f11,lW·l~ 01 1 1::31 If: =NNOOMCfD I IOY · .ME CAIN m..L£R •O llOV1E l4J "' ..... t._ ,\. l ' ,_ -1' ,.,. 1 9 MUll't'£TS z llOV1E '• , .. ,.. , \ . • , t t. .: • l :.,_ •• J ,....,~.... ! ' A••r A I JI • m WHA rs llfY LN .. ~ MOV1E . ' • ll 1r r f" 1. I ~I.. ~ : I ., I I ' " t:2ll H MOV1E ) ..... ,. l .l di l TBllY MIES El!) KEME'Tl4 HAGIN ai' WHAT'S llfY LN t::315 17 F\.lfTSTONES Ml c llOV1E • • .i• l"i •' ''" .. c ~.11 n.", • : ~ JI 5:00 q ''• '* .. ' z B ·" ., • 1• 'I • -Evening .. •\ N llt 111 ~ .... n.r ... "•' ,. t ' llf ,., Sunday Julv 2 1 ,\ . .. •I .. t" ~ I .. '.:s ... .-. •'• fiv n• . , . ' •J •!'iJ ·~ t •·'I I hf 1: . ',,1, '"I • lh • • I "r 'l I 111•1 o1 ,, •t I ti l"''' H,,_.u :.-. ., ... , 1985 I/' .... f\ntl l 11 ,,~,.. , 23 ~-----===-~·--------------------........... . -rriclay Cont. H llOYE Mr M ,, 1q1:11 r, m"dYI M1C.h<1PI I'• ·•'' ,,, T • ' 1, 111 A r1tJwly ur1Mr1 µlr1yl-'t1 1.,1t1H .11111 till' t1.1rt I r1111<,t I' \Ufllf> hr>tJ"'J.o,.,/.of .. , •• ,.q , ••. p ,, it ,,,., ~ wtiltf• tu(. 1l1llff> l'folf 11 o N I~ f r( I' f•r 1 f 1 for 11 ""'') Si llOYE '• l•lt ''"I I 1 1Jf fl1d,11ld Pr ~•·<Jr 1'-'IHl 1, !1••"' •fl•I J1·lt nrc.r1 ..jf J• jf> ,If I f \l.j ~ /\t I ti J 11 •II t 111111 t1,J'1 ,1 fll.J'JI( rll Pr•< tltJflh•r N•lt tt • 1,,.' f;•fthtlJIHUJ •1lr1'·r1 tJ1 ,., -1 ,.,,,1 ,, 1 1 1 r 1 It '"'' 1 NOlllATNO~ ..... ININEY~ ONE DAY AT Ar. llACIEJ.. / LBIEJI NEWIHOOll I ADAll IMl'Tlf'l llONEY WOfllD JllOYlf ' rt11·f11 t'''I'"' fl'Jl<1 IJJ1 ma) JurJi r ,,.,, I • N 111 Ar "''' r11J<..l'·~f qr•111p ,,,,,, ',,, ''''' ''' rt1•• An 1•r1 <,aro I rrrtJ.t'• 'f ''' I n111J1111 ·H•tJ w HI•'· lf1.rl 9''"'•f1111u·ril h11,l1t1J• Nill ht "' udt•rP•J 1t 11c-. ,,,..,.,,tt1J"" .u•· t1,,t r1••I Jf rl tr, " rt11r1 1 I VIDEOZOO .,... C81MEWI ":i.-:'~ I ...... "If• II ""'''""''' Wt>nd• n" hlf·• n"" 1 , • 1 " 1 • "1 • 1 lrf'preneur Hu t1.11·l f11 1 ,.,,,, ~ llOMC WOIWt ~ :r~ TONIGHT 11 I• r1•• Iii.,,,,, I< f' llrl I' hhf• l ~Ofn'\N PMlll THl LON> IUllEU REPOftl ) l()J llOVlf fl,, h.11•1 Ir, • H••ll And tlr1w I l'IH'I r •" !tJ Ir• t '"'' 1· 111 ff l•,J1,U ' tJ t ~· t (' ft# ,, I t• 1•pt1 1r1I 11 lt1111t•·r N•~• 1 111 ' ' r t'I"'' .11 II•• '>•"'''4"' 1 t1 .. .il11· I I,,..,.. (''""I'•, ,, , I ht J7 rnu 1 1•(f1J llOYlf ~·1•1h01lf••l.11 fll/IJ <<111•" rlyl llr .111.1 /\•1•H" ',1J''"1 f\.t~•·• /tro ;)'t1 tl'~f~flJ t j ., j.. rf ti! I I', .. , f I r ,It t Jt•' oNl•tillt I '' ' I 1 ' ' t tf r fJ ' IJdf1io ~11 I 1:11 u 2 OM 1ltE TOWN I' ,, II" I I '"' •• """ NUt' f ,,,,, ' f I ' I , I q ., ' ' I 1 '" , ' ''"' I ''" ,tf ,,,,,I If ~ ,,, N iii I 10111 "' I /• ' I lit H 1tl11•· f\1•111••11 i >w·,11p ntArt INCMDaf CAMYIMO THE FlllE J• • ,,, •• , I ,, I ·"I • antJ thPlf f,11ro1ft1•' lf•ftt•f I 111 lllf• 1•111,ll I 1 c..:iu / rr•· r 11,11 1 1 ,, r 11 ... 11 • dl',Jill'tC.P l)f 11 '){)(I I II IAN DIEGO AT lAltOE llfOtllFI COURT .. , ... " aO.AJllJY WU, ft.D WONJ> Of llmW.S I WAll9tGTOM WlU .. RfYEW Q NOT MfCUIAM. y 1ltE MEWi MCltO FROll NOlL YWOOO 'AM .. (!) DUICEI Of HAZZNI> ll.tr.r• 1 "' rJ11v1•r \ 1f1 V.1 t t1u1ql " 11 •t hr f 1l,11t•1 •I " pt 1• ti 1 I 11 , 11 ... l1tlt1•n lqr 1 t11u1.,_ 1!1h•·• 11, •I w rl Ii•• .iro•I I"~" (flt 11 hr I D llOW. l•.r• (I "'.. 1•1» I '" 111 .. 11 $11<,;if't I I jr~ .,,.,,,, 1,,., "" 11 A ....... 111 ,.. llV,t"a tl fritlJtf•.Jfff , I CJt'fll1f1t ~-111 C1fdf•f fr, help hl>r Y'"''"I ''''"' 11111 r1 l.1•1qhh·r 111.1~•· t f'I ( Nf JI I I Ii 1 tl•t• 11 lol'I fol••q10 11 I ( (,' hrc;) D llOVll I t11•1r1 M1.,flr•. I 1•1/h A1Jv••r1 lttr .. ) f1t1t1MI ( I I tll '>irtHll (I 1fol 1•1•J 'P.'\ppy f\qy11 r111.11 ti•11l 1110, 111111<11.t tl'I ·I' drJ"·~1,•v1I·, ,,,., 11 •' 1•·• p+•11lt;1, .. tdV'''' ''"''' ir1!11•1'11 11 •l••''"IN rl1l1/l1t1ll t t.r• 1 24 Sunday, July 2 t , 1985 0 O]) WEllTEJt <,i:.1Jrt)" 1'.11t1"ltr,. d1111 WP.O&f/'11 try lei frr1d o1 11111 fur',, 11rrw 'vi•, ~"5~''" ,, ...... "" t) lllOYE f•t1lflll 111 11,11 W•"I folflJ ) tll•I •·lfl•••f •If I I If•• I /1 IJl<lllJ• 11 1111!1.111 11 tl••r •, 111• It 11'1 II""''' I I ftdh'tlH;ft ,j tc,,ttJ I,, Hhfl Jf it 111 ft'1r1111qf i <iC.h,. fl lfll ''I 11 11 I • I f, I J WUtlMOlOM WED .. M'V1fW t) ~THELON> WAli STIEfl WED r 1 " I I 1w 1"1 •• A Rii 1• ( ~'' I ,.. "l1 I I M• .. ' I I'" h I ' •·h .. fl r1-1r1f1f•r ~ ''" f11 'Ct MOVE r1.1 .tir1•111 t 11 '"II r1r ,,,,.,, "'" "'I 11 .. 1 I r,..,, "' 111•. rN• ti,, h•t I 111 lfl·f''' IJf'' ,, , I ,,,,, , .. ti , Id Jll/ lt•I ( Nl11•r Ito• / Jlll•,Hll ol jl'f'fl I I •It f tr!tlli'j t ,)'pJ(•fl>/I tffll i,fl(llJ f)f)() h<j(IPtJ 11 rt-•· r., .. 1 .. ·1·rt r1 ; • 1.. '" "111, E MR. ~TAM II I'"'''" "' I 11·;11 "'' )()f1fo'. H llOYE < .,, .., I 111 ! I 1• ""·fl llr1t1 I N•· l.o J" 11 • llr •·1 I• r1•• I 1 t '11 ,Jf/dl•fll f'll (1olf )'• fl I olfl llf /If WllJ Ill tlfl)l•I W(J,hrJfl ~ !t,.IN 1h• U 1t t1P '• ft11, f' tilt I .,,,,,.. II ,,.... I ( I 1 t , 111" ,., I s llOYE '" , r '''" 1 1 •11•0 1 ''" • • •lyi f.11.,rn r 1 ti•· ti l"•••,lt M• 1111 '"'' Al ,urr1111r-4'r r.: ttr J '"" , 1;..~r • J•~ J+d ' rr ,,~·IP I .••t Nt1 w t L• lt11 I )I h I •*'I Pf vlfojll••lt H 11 l1r 1•, 1111r I '1) NO CASH DOWN INVHTINQ a:ae o no1 COMEDY FACTOllY , 1 r ,, • /Irr ,, l II '" • I I I , r • I 1• "l"'I • 1 1 Ip,,. ~·~~c·~"·.irr·· d •.•. , I•'' '"I" CA*OM ,._llAGADE WAli l'TllEtT ftfl( ••. ·' I olW'"''' I A f1;i1Jr>r 111 • I 11 1 IP••I 1,4,.., II I r .,,,_p r, ,, , "· '" 11 '11) -COOPOrt ORAMQE COUNTY I ''' ti;,111.111q r n1u1f 11 I >J1''''""~ Mritf• fJ;,,,,,; A ~ 11 ti, f "'' H 11 1r I I ,,, • fl if. ' ~ t f 1t1 t 1f I t n f •' f t";.t 11 /I -t'•I lf11 f1qlt1 Jt 11 N l1 11 ,.., it ,. t1i I Ht E "°"11CENT'UI « awua Ctwll'UN OM THE FUI SCENE QOmltPY\.f t:GO fl) CtlEFI ' 1' I ·1 I .,.,., Wrl H••r •, I•"' IW;;y•• 1• r I ti f • r It f "' f1, .t pcih< 1• ( t111 I 11 ft+• 1n;f,1t•rr1 l11't'Vf' I (lnl;;ro1J t1f I• t• ~•·r ll1111t1 f111ll11<'', (( ,fo.1111 1r tfl•..-,ft if• f If J ft t' If '</t/tl f Ifft( 11 tf Al''1itf II(• •. , I ''''I'• I 11 1h• '" • ,f r111)1111-i11 II 'I nrl!M "' ll••l,11''1 11111ddlo•1f t1v 1111 lfl!,111• '''"'"' ,, IN II INd/ .,. ... ,111•, (I,,,, I ,f ~ Ill) f_~ I I U 110) llOVlf r .11111rr111 ,,,,,,. I •'•1H ( ,,,,,rorjy/ Al.111 /\l•l·t M,.HllW' ',111111, fl,1•.1••1 JI,, I I ( lit tl•·tl. "'" "' •"V"' I Lf ur .• ti•' '''"' lllV ,,.., •• ,, '" .If f ., t I l11q11lfj Irr !11 ,, lo1l1l 1 110,trnJ( t .. 11111' I• 1111 , ... f-*f1tH1fl Pll dt• ,lttU f1trr1 11f t 'Oflrt thlr1l1q ,,,,.,~ 1! I I ·" ~ ...... 1H1 I ) ,; hi. I 1-..vGNff'lt' I l11•1f11l•••I 1'"11•1 H"r ~1•11 111d l'rt liar /\ti"' f1o11 • ••I r ht' I 1v• ' I I 1.11 ... ,. llr1 !Ill I t II d f I< 1111 I) I v11J•,r111 I !111• l'•••H•q 1r1 I lt1t• H1•0,ll1" '• I ·~f1f'r1l111 W11f!1•r .111 I ',1r·v•· 1111,,d I 1,,.r,.·1 ,, H•. ·P•I I ) I' 'r .,, 111•1•1 '"'I M,11 I 11 .. 11, r~.er 1 r1tt1111· 1 111.11 w ~ HOl'f ( tlHljlll'( f't•I ~ ,,,.,, ,,,.., I hr•, r Jr" "'"' ·11t11r ,i tll• "tf II••· I ,,, « t ttl ttl J '-)flf I ti• t1(11f 4 ~ (tf .t ~J by l11JtrJ.IU Ir 11 ·I'' 11 11 ••·• 1011 1lr KW Nitro •I loc ""fl(! p.1 111•1110, 1•t>~111p ~ 11!r1••y .11111 tir111l'l 111 .. 1fH1w lrllrt~ 11111) Oi) r rnn ,,, .. ,,. 1111 ,,,,,.. ( 1'1'7 111 t11•.11 < t .. trll" fl,.,,,,,,., hll lr••htnrl A· 1Jrrlt1•r • ., u~u1J1IPCl "'"' a raq tag wt1li<•tt §1y l?lu'>J llM'8I THl LON> F...a ~ Var .. The Class Q t 198'1 Gur ,1• V .mr r ,, •r•< lhteralurl'I. Str•vf•n r i .. w 1,,,,,,, • ""fl I lotfllPI r roornk111 lh1o; '"'ii 1,.111 rl •' 1111,1 (• t... •II< 1111C<.I Mor .. ... ~ ... frvrh (• • • 11111T111 rtnrJ pohhca: c,c 1 l'r1r1•1 \ 1 lot I -~) TO. Miit IODIG (R} L O llOYE f'•111 ,,. Ra111 t ICJ84 M•1~ , 1 f p,.,,, • Ar,11111111111 Kol<'rc1 A y1111r14 M'"'""ll'"'''· ,ir1qer", ',1Jrd1d la1111ly uar ~ qr l•H"l prlov tJo-!ht' 11T1JA'IU\ f(Jt h1\ 11'.l' Ill II·• r I• ,r 11 .• ' ,, tPmp<.xa1y music NrxlrJ dl"l 1•11.tblt" 111111 '" lrr1d IOllP Wllh ti win ,!Jfllt•lll<~ ,,,,,,,,, .. , n (!tor 'Jlmtn' 2 llOYE ,1.11 l•"~ 111 ft," '>Parc.h r ,, ':>P'"~ I l'IH-1 >' ,,.,,, ,. r ..... 110n1 W1H1.1111 Sft,1lr•••r IJ"I '"" f l<'o•llPy Adm l<1r~ rr1.t•, ·"'"''"'' It•• 1 '""" 1 ,f tlif' ',larsh•f'.J f rr IHI 1 1• I .r "' l•r -11 I 1jilql• IO flt lrHJ I•• •• 111 Mi '1111 • wt1<1•,e ··I"''' rP1T•.:t1n'. .ifrvr• ,,, "" r 1111•llt 1JPq1•r11•r 11111q t;N11•\•' ~1Jf,1r~~ (I Ir 4' 11111 I HI MIOHT TMCkl d MOYE Tt11 w .. , W·· W• II• f I'll J Jl1H "' r I n.1•!11,, ..,lr••f'Mj(l•l r1111>f'rl ltt• I f, .r.J II r' '""'I , •ll»<jt' 1 •llplp 111 rti1-l'I UJ• •1• ·'-""'''' !ti.ti 1/11·11 111111111 al <ltflPrc11rPr; ,,,. .. 111°r I • '" •111h I ,1., r,i..tr<J•/1 lt1P11 11 11 I 1q• (I jlJ II ,,, I C Al JAllMAU It COMCSIT lro t1 I <Jrt<I''" r11·1f111111 "" • Al l,w.-111 .tnty, .J ',f!,1111 (J I t t, 1 ! f J•f ( k~wt, tf•"J r11Jru lit' h ,, I' 111 Ill H .,, I l•IT·P·, I I hr I M5 H llOVE ••l1•rl•lt·•1 'I ltl'• Dr 1111.11 l 1· 1 •••• ' 1!1 •' I J II wr ~'HK ;.,,, .... I• W ,1111 wt• ti 1!1·11111 .1 w•o,1fll ( Lh11'>l1a11 "'•"·'''' '·'' f 111• " It 1• N •lh ., Jt.-.....,.,..,h wnf~ t ,~ t I• t' ,,,.~ r ~ 111•11 •1 ft·• uruJprg1 l'1Jr1 j • " ·" I ·" 11• 1•11•· jr ""' 0• 1( (I tla11 ( ''''" I I () I I t1r 1d ""'' J *90 ' HOTMUT O)Q)MEWI • FANT AIY Ill.AND : .._MIG LR f t1rit1oqr 1phr>r•, .111•1 • M• .,. .. I It ..... t fJ.,,f•f u,. , •.. ., N•ft l ,,. fl ··~rt/ti ,.. • •lit f I , ltt ' I lt·f· r1 tJ I' I ' ' '"~'M'~~i'"'I''" '''""' , I ,,, I THE• M'ntH tll.H llOYE It V 1•1 t r111l<1 ·'"' Wr1a1 I 1fl'.t1 11'1fl.J fj,,,.,, .• ,.11.,., M HI "'"~"' I! H lr.1111""' 11.t torJ ,,., 1111 I• 1•· I Hy ti lol1111f 11 jl'I I' I ,., r rn 'ollthv.11 \ ( ""·~·· l.J.1y.:C,~ I 1111 I\ 1111111 1M1 MIOHTTMCH 1HJ EJC»OUI f'M)QIUPSSIQ .. llJIPDl)IJ(f ... DAU.AIHOUI WOMJ> Of CAllTOO.O l MOW. I ht> n1q I.I 111 I l'IH I I 11.1111,q KPvH1 t<lu1t• t ,11•1111 C .It,,,,_. Wht-*11 .1 f11,u1 < of11P11f. i·t 1 jf• t ••, lo ;.pr,t tr1Prutt" tr '' 1 1tl1•q1· l·•f 4.11101•1 1111 ltlf' hir t>ral .111<111• 111'1.I .,,, """" "'"" hvt•" t1o1vf! r.h•lrotw•I t1·1·,1111CJt01;~()~0 ~~" 1\4 111111 I TAX> . ¥1>100.. ARclm IUNUJrl .UCI IAMl'fal.D aM ........,. • .-.CA I t11• t 111111,1 '"' v1•,11 'lht• w1 .. ,1 P.11 1f11 l'ol11rod r1f I •••llrTI Eli) MM. VIDIOI "( ca.I Of ROCK AND ROU 0 MOVIE f f,1<,h' I I C\A I /1.1 t rll) HAV1•11 f •JfrtPI I f1111ry '•11ff11n1•r f I t11 10 rn111 ) l llOYll I '"-'" II ( 191\;> C,1>11w<lyl T lll (,flJI .tt l•l(.1111 r dfl(! H•l'fly r oor '""" Ill" I ll)V'• t10plll(J to 1,-,.,,. lllf•1r VllQlntl '( -rriclay Cont. 111 a T11uanil 111• lt,1•11•1< ~ up"' • 'ltJ»1 worn ttr1 grnng '>1>1Jlti lor .1 M'"''·"' l1vrnrP fi 11.S l9QHT TRACH l t11 40 11111• , a.LSr1 COURT 1 t:» lllOYIE n'" n .. ". 1 ' 11'1 11 .ci11 11 Rene M•dler Atil• F!.11 ... , A l•i11ntJOyi1• r mck s1nge1 llJlflS I 1 ar •JQ'> ar d ii c t 11 whPn 5hP ltr•d<, I S·ll•r 111 I ' C< •PP Ntlt II• p1P'•'>.Jfe5 ,, ,,,,.,, (fi) II t11' 4'11111n I 0 m TOMtOHT H11• 1 Jc,t,r,r I (, ,, "'' I I hr) @) MC IEWl llGHTl.M I UTUll>AY NIQKT lllOYIE r t.P n' • ... , ' r,t 111 11 R~llf' MtrllPI Al 1t 11 .• 1~. ,, fl Ill I I " t '' rr lit ~u1g••r I ,tu< 1 t~u • .tf1 J rt lo• r.ut wr11·r .. r. .. , , I •I ' "" '•" ' I .. Nttl 11 I µ11-',.,Ulf .. , ,f l.11111 11! ;i t.1 40 tr11n Q) llOYIE I •• ''" 1 Ar''""'' 1 ''llHJ I r • ' r-c1y 1 r~.11 1 F-111 .• , A1 111•11•· r' I· ••• 1. A 11.11vt• (.qtJf''' y btty f11P, 1•' w•r1 rt ,11prw.r1 c.1lt"'1! < n11t ... fi ... , tu d tN ti hr If• t1..-r ~ru1r1h I ti '''"". I' ' r. I , ... 111, ··r It!/ 1'111•111 ,.,,,,. J Q)ROCK~FUI m uTlllGHT AllENC• , •• (,., .... , , ..... ~•llQf'<>n M>t I ·Ii r r ,, li.11<··,. 1S1<1 t1• I £[;~~,~~· lhtj ([') "°"1tcefTP ft'HAUL ltY AN 1hl5 H THE tlTCHttKO Ar 1 •• l.011• ! le,,. 1 •·1 lt'\1> 1110.,rj f ,f lh ,f• I ll1t JI t 1;r J l'lt 1111 ~,..,. '"' I jl ,,, •l I t II, ...... l>llr'1t II. y t II .,, 1.,rr , .. 1,,1 l ,11·11 '" M, tf.1!'" $ llOYIE .i 1. r 1 1A4 ,\1h1•r I •'" l 1r· ,~H••t j.r I J • • , ,, A 1,1 An11•11r11 i•·w•lll111 1 1111 •• .. 111.it.,11• f HI I• .11 .11 .. lr.rlw. ' ti I . t.1'111 I' "'I J•oi'. ,troy lltrrntlJlt 111 I/ 1101 W11 111 "<I•,, ua'"E:.W. I ~THELOM> "°'"1lOOK L llOYIE rt ,, ri i fr1hn I i>•,1t1• r!11 t ,tftl I .(11111• t•• ,, • ,.,,., ,., -'•H 1 [ 1,t r .i jf t1••i I f I.,, t tr d • r 111 I t 1 It 1t • rt 1o tll tr1wJ1 .,t ~.~., ( .1 1 1• : • f l••1t.1 r N• n "" f I tu JO rntr• ' lWQ.Ua Ml llQtfT TRAC«t t~ llOYIE 11 1 I 1 (' I 111 I•"' ! I •II I r )I .11 ht I PA" t I r Jo I t(j .1 t 1.1 II I·" ... ~ A I• J,t,t'• I f •II I • 1•1• t ,., 1• '" '' "Jlv .. tJ ~1U 1 •'PI ''''"til 1t 111 111 •' Ji ,,., flftlJ v1q1lrt"1t• n•in1· .. 1I l'J·•" ,I 4 f 1!11'• 11 wlHi ''"l"f''' v1o1 111111111111•" 111 th• .1w H l l hr 11'1 n1m I t~ C llOYIE I 111.111111•1!1• c 11 I ti • I .1.111 I 't'l7 7 f)r.;111 I) I •• ,, I l 11•111<,1•• A ,, IJ(!t) lhtfl 1-f ~· • ,t ft ,, • ,, ~' t ' I I •' ) w AnswrAd y tf7 rior'\'t i r, ttlf fY1. Daily Pilai 64 2-5678 ,lfttJ ' "'l'I ' I ·•'ll!-.1JIJU'> young 'o\IOrtli\n 12:111 m Am>AY N10KT vaoa Rhr ?':Jn111 J TALES f'"* THE DAMll>E A 1" f, ''"I I/ '..'} J lo/ " ti toJ•f'I 1nrJ I tll 1111 NOit a rr Jh <Ht ff q,~, I fP;Jr ' GOOONtQHT LA.: vaos LOUOMMT llOYIE r 1d N 01 H•• Tr'' M..ir r 11J 1 M1 '"'fl INhilf'1 Priw"ll M,.111..i l "I Aflt r 1 11w kt fr•, l0tH•rJ clt•,1•1 .1 1.11 t Ir.tr~ -..1.,1111111 • unr •uPr .. rS I' r11•, , ' NEW YOM HOT TRACH LOY(, AllEJICAN STYU GROWING YUAt PIA IOWUNO A •. I 'I • t ,. th A • ' I J •• • r 0 MOYIE • 1.1•• ! • '• r 1 111(1 I ,r • t ,, ~ 1t• , ,, r" r It.· 11,,.11 I 1n111, • • •f 1 ' J• "• 11 t 1 11 ~ 1111 ' t ... ( ''" • I r-1 ... 'J' ' • ' I I. t '1ld1 t·dlfl•t! '"•'f {I ti, f ', rnu ' UIOO IOXJNG Q) llOYIE to • 1 I /ft-If 't t•f '••f t •I,· t j t 1 t I• J t•r tr. r' It ff EB PMJIE THE LON> '! llOYIE T 1,,. tr 11•1 " 'J ( l'l / ·l ( 1( 11•rJ,. Mir hw1 f'u ( 1 fl ftC•P1,. it tq t•1rlt~r A Ir It tr,• t""rt 1 (a• tit H• q( V•'" •• • ,, 1 ' • , I' f Pl ( ~ '11\ t fl ,, ... Y''' ti-ti I 1J 1• • "I I/ .. ,, ' dtlt.tqt' I Sy1f cJ •r ' t1r,1r1 • ' 11( P 1 t' J 1• NIOHTTRACU t~ GOMOIHOW I Yl>EOZOO ENTOfT..-NTTOtlGHT I ,, IJI• N N•ll J( l'Vlf ~ Ill I l MOYIE 1111 , , ' 1~ ,, S MOYIE '' ''• l t/11 fir 111 p r,1, r, 1\1 ltt t f I I ~ t1t •1 ~·tlf1•• /\. y IHltJ 'N tft\ tr ti IN IP I I ''t'I • ,., 1l1t)' N,111f· • I .t' II H ~· q .. 11q H t ttf p 1:50 C MOV1E M.,-.1 °1·1 r I It .\J •ti Jf" 'lflf-''><~ ttO §r'.""o' ~ ':.dt~ , , , FAl&Y • llOYIE 11, ! 1l! f).>i!t M ,, Ir rl -fl t J f f I ' 1 • N iii So I Ir • 1•· "" ·=-~ '15'1110VW: 11 ..... , .. , .•• fl~'"'' t 1•111Pll'r, 1s<lfl1 • ·''"' ,,.1, .1·1 < '''" "" M.o c 1111 J) 11tld M tl1' I\ 111.t1• "'' ,, •• will h1" w 1ft- •• 'J ,, , ,, I I H I\ 'I I t lf Jij1ft1J f ldf f,f '•I t I • j I I d' I II IN It lt .. tl 11 '. I I ( I I ' I • 11. • I I ,,, ' llOVW: HI NIGHT TRACH ~141 llOV11 Nnw Atoll I ''' "''' I !'111 l nt.•tiy A ' ,.,h tnc1 (ltrt111.iJ < 1,, 1yl I 11111 P .. t.t•11 c WI fl .tll hH ' ' .. ,, fJ~HJI W~lt'I ,,, •H I ,,. I I I t t ,,. • I ltlf't1ll I 1\,1 .1 lit!l•J Ill I II •W~t·r A J I ' • 111 ht•f tlt"ft tHI~ ,t>( 1.1• hit Nt·t'r ~hP f'f IPt<; f fl( Vt'.'ftl I j 11(', I I .,.., THE SCOH t:30 ff llOVIETONE NEWS MA T10MA.l "°"11 fllTIYAL Gper ,r.9 "'"" • "· '' ·" fl.ti ., r~• ••1.11: La 1 RJ ( I tit5 Eil) IEJGIOOS PftOOIWMNG HO Q llOYIE J t • I • .t111 ,..,., ( 19S 1 r)( If'( I •' f 'I t (I If r~ .. fllt>t(J john H ,• r 1 ~' 1 ,, 1,t , r 1.,r. 110 ii oeserted '. ,, ,. , y t I 1(11 ·II• ~xped1t1on 1 ,~ f ff '~f I '•"'t I 1 lf1l (~lrtQ<; ( 1 tU 9 AllOTT AND COSTUi.O m MOYIE • I I• Ir nrc·ent<, .. ,r, I MOYIE ,, ... It I ·' ... H NEWS ~FOEMN.R l llOYIE ,,'\. ·, I•' I 'I l l MOYIE I. I ' t l: 10 S llOVIE ,, t ' I ~ • t' di 9 ZANE GR£Y THEA T1'f al) LAVONE TWP FA-. Y ~MOYIE , '1· I f /'. I~ . ,. •• •• r • t ,, I ft t I Jtt" r Yo~o '''"' l•St ,pl It·· .. ,If,' '•11 I l'Hh I •r11•t10r 1 A I ~lj HPtl• I ...,. .tru1 t' PC , 1 'I/" flr,, An ilnlr ,t f'1t A'"•'' "' 1• ~ rt ,.1 ,, 1~r~1 t < , ,.. 4 ft. lv~•·I ,,.,_,, A 'VI'"' t• 11tlt' r11p I .,_ jf lfl~ ~I! I II', .f 1 •• HPft I k "" 1fH'-· t I .. M•tl """' Pc, t'h I I\ ~J '°' • J, I I I> ' •• r I t I ti ,. t•L t tn?..., ,, I •t I 'ill I I)"' 1 ii It+> tJ1 w r '"'"' R •) I H MOYIE " l'l'l I I r 111• 1. nut 1 Wft Jo1 t 1• ht1t• fit"•"• f A. l"t'' ,, rinnl ,!11 1t>r 1 ,., I 11 ~ '" ,,,, rtll.t11 Nit~ 1n nlllPr ,,,, 1 • ,11,ewo1u· rr •• ~h' t11• ' )Ill'" of• ·!' •'' Jl ' 111 lH '"' :1··a..:. ~11 MIYOI FOfUI .. llOVll l\11\q IJol d'.,l•lf I~'>~ :-,, I ""l f f 11 1 .. • f11!1 Br y,1111 W tn•1il Curt;•, 'I , t 'P' t••fll, ,,,, •••• , • frtnqf' flPW I,, '' , t ll •• s .1.1, t y I •.• I,,...,,, ... , • •' !I 9 TMMI ICOM IC~ CALDl>M L l..oN AND QAaAMCEL: TMI COMCOT • TMI ,All/I. r I ,, f 1t1unt.r•I 1 ••rf ft' i 1.1_. .,,It •" lht ., 1,, .... 1 c n1 c..nn 1•rt •I 11 r••di I 11 • l l·tll!llJ fl 1• un11111'r 111 II' 1 t~•·w • ~ 1 11 v 1 "' Ir 1 f ,,,~ 1 l ,,, If\ •t I ' WHA Tl ltlY i.. d QITllWl'T .. CAllTOC*t ~t111c1 1y July 21. 198~ 25 l -Saturday --Morning HO' U.&. FANI MPORT OUTaLMTI • I WHTIROOK "°""Al , llOVIE Goldy The La'>t QI The Goto Pn Ar•a" · 11984 A<111Pnl1J!E'J Jplf Rich arrJ< Jp•,su:..;i Bldr k 11 hr . 31 min ) i CtWlil CtWIPUN ON THE Fl.II SCENE .. C9IAMON ,,. "15 llOVIE Tt1f S1f,,r " 1117!> Drama, Ric hard Thorr ;i C'1ff ~mn ill 11 h1 1 !> m•t• I 9c25 'c llilTIIAX: mew. EDmON Seal fJ CAllPUI PtK>fU: YEWPOefT ON Nl/TN- TION r!) WON..D TOllOMOW ~ TIIEAIUREI OOT °' DAMHUI I E ll'ORTSCDn'ER 'H llOVIE tf1qh1 ''"' 1 ( l'lH4 Dramd) Rir t. trd H"" r '"' r •1·h1•1 PiummPr (' • 1 • '• It. I l'lRO fJr,1 1 • r 1 •· I r>t>a<; 1 I tir 26 Sunday July 2 1 1985 Ii?= ::-AOOla ~THE llAll ntAT COMUPTED HADLfYIURO Throuqh deceit an<1 greed an 1no11yrno fr.t~1>ler put<, ,J '"ti rigt11er,v I """ I t test Based vn o Mdrk Twain I ale z, llOVIE · ThP Scarlet Empress· ( 1914 Dr;:ima) MarlPn1· D1f'tru:h Sam .lalle 11 hr, 50 min) m fWIMQ THE WUT 7:::115 @ llOVIE 'AlvJ!f• 1<!:'117 tl~U Wert em) Wilham Holder RoU•cllO W1d1T1an, hrs 15 mon J MO CJ) • HEJllON'l lllUPP[T IUEI m ..... Tll& STOOGll @.) l9QtfTY OMOTI TEDTAL.K WLD ueGDOlll HOGAWI HEJtOEI AMTP£JllON MTHIOMAN WON..D •JOY~ I FAia y P0«1"MIT 1 llOVIE · Thr I• r·" tro II• ·lhl'I '1')85 Arl11Cflh111 I I •Pvnr r "'' f lliJI I Hu•,y>y ( 1 hr 40 rnon J E NF\. 'S Qflf.A THT llOIEfTI JOUNEY TO A.OVDfT\ME d IMIQEOM I DRAOONI Tll& ITOOGll @) T\NO T'f.EM ONC~ KWIOFU WE..~ IAC«, KOTTP I KIDI ~THE LON> I FAia y POltT9'AIT H, llOVIE 'Th" ('"'Y r111 11'18.' Wro· Prn1 R1r.hi'lrd f i"'""' 11111 J.H ~ '' fl• " .Jqt ' 1 ,.., I. '"" I S llOVIE 11 ... /I. fJ 11•· l'l.Sr1 Mu; ,, Dc•;inro.t D1irt '" I' ''Y f 11r1 I 1 ''' 4t 11r11n~UNE t::C10 IUGI MINNY I "°AD MJNNER TV_. ®J W , THE AlllAlJMQ CUIE .. zoo lllEVU( START°' IOIE11ING llG llOVIE R.sr11I ()f Ar• 1••1 1 111•,f 11•1 ~!'f\flllf' ( l,H~ I tl1lu '> fr o• 1 P1 1•1'1 t,r '1 WOMING WOllllEN , .... y '°"'1'RAIT ) MAM IO ..... IAl. TWA TUI JOUNW. L O llOVIE ' 'fl.,.,' C..mrtl<" I I OIM I im• 1 t I M· ill r I f0r1 ~w.11 I Anti 11 , t.I C.hdf' H.111 I t I 1 l '"'' I llODtG U1 HOTI SUNDAE lfO) ICOOIY.000 llYITEMI Q CllAMON tTNP llOVIE Wl·f'f'' v• r .,JI 'll l'M My~.1,.r1 1 f1111 111·1 Jc1111 W .tf''' ' hr-. =~~IPIMICI ONIWAYGAm , .... y '°"'1'RAIT J llOYIE Mu, Duq 111 fl1·1c111 1 I 181 ( .nn11•11y 1 Mar t1.1 M;i ''" 1,1 uri f1111 ,,, l { I tor 18 1rn11 J E HORMIHOW .IUWtNO ( lf'vt•l,1r rJ l•• 1•1 I Pro; Ir •11 ( 11 I )'' I f I Jt 1 ( I llr JO , ,, Z llOVIE I •• r I /\nrl l ,t.nfo(J Jt,r• t 1 • ,i\ in Brc•ll•t•r 1 l'tll4 G<>rm•rtyJ l.11p,., ~ M111111 T 11r,,n1y Ctow1q 1 I 111 ') l mcro J ~ ('17) llOYIE r '""I •l!>y P 1t•f pt:,' 'Hl70 ( r I "11 I 11 ~ N1 h >I 11 Katl'll Al.11 k I Mt I -u <I cu ITORYWM ( tu)Cl)l,ttr , , 11m Ar11m.11N1 ArlflPIPrj 1l11 f1•l1 •vt'>ll)ro t1, ,1w.1111 wmrnnp pl.ty>;1oroc;h1 llnt,.•rl 1<1111111111 C,n\ " r t t I \ 'J t (' IJ ( 'f 1 t p,,~ , vul 1n1n r1 •IP Clo •C()ltlfP measler; .Jff1•1 r 1111-,wrn11q It r r lilt1y c1f h1<, f;ivonfp hunt.ion<. (R1 ~) IAIOAU IUMCt4 TOP 40 VIDEOS @) ICAllY ICOOIY FUNNEi ILUEK91QHT IQ(JAM FOOT GAN>elNQ ll>C) VIDEO I ~STATION • • COOfl£Jl'1 ORAMQl COUWTY r .;or H 1 ; (r 1• • Opening Mnrn Doo•'> A ,. ~ ,, •t.,• r 111 Houc;1ng CotJnc11 and ot • t ,,,,,, , ••J"'' I lr.1:11m1n1lt1on r11 cinr• ol '' <. "' , • r, .. ,,. ,,.,., r1pt•t 10 o wr• ,,, tt It H llOVIE f 'Mfr fr·F>.,l<; IHIRl [ .1 fl 11 ' r I; r G JI I A•1H1Pll r l • 11 1 IDPlAYBAU '°=JO <a LAND°' TltE LOST IUP£MQWl Of llOTOCfK>SI VIDEOIEAT '1 Q, UTTtES Q VICTORY GARDEN lllR. T ·~l.EMOM I lfl.AMET1NG llOVIE !• h •• t ,1 He, I 1'1'1' ,., , , r, r ,,, 1 • ., Ahn,,, H•< t1.11111 i'" ~ 1 t.1 • l r 11 ·" m CINEllATTIIACTIONS 1H111 §,a IUGS BUMNY / "°AD~ AMENCA'I T°' TOt Cf~ A1C W'EBEND lf'fCW. T • r CPr1 I•" IV I 11< o• /I J•"' A y ''•"<I l••r 1f\1 •r ~ ~•'•r ,.,t •1•11 •vl'l'((0r lP!.I '•ti ot• /o 11 r. I 111\~,.,,<;;inrl I• It n ,, rn1lh n I" I I ,, .) ~·l\JNO FAME ITRUTI Of I"' FUNCISCO U THY'S I( ITCttEN 8"DE:R-MAM AJI> llS AlllAZJNQ WI I FORfJIUNNE1I I lllAMET1NQ NATIONA.l SPORTS FESTIVAL w,,,,,,..., •. r1 , t I i .to,tl I J t•t ,d It iJ 1r1•tJ l./t ,, ' r ~ r • ,, ' t ' l 0 MOVIE H,' I I /I • f 1'1!\4 ' l f"t l '' 1 !t t I Z CHAM.IS CHAllPUN ON THE FU1 ICfNE '1'THEIWll • nn WEEK .. IAIEIAU M1W ON THE HrTI 11:30 I IA T\JROA Y IUf'9C A.DE (TISI AllEttC~ IANDITAJI> r >'ilt1111•11 lh•· l"' ...... I· ,to ',1111 r .. \/lJI" ( I Want My ,, 1 r 1 t , H• 11 M•' ' 1 WPorrt Ai ' 1 ~ • I .-..~ t (1t1r 1• 1H1Pa It• t t•t Iv• • I tf , fl I I 1 11 f f ,,,, .. , Ii I I 'J POLE flOll'TlOH 1l t 11()¥1( """I I n ,lqqq•t•1i 1'411 f ' 11• I I'' 1 ' I ! ~ l I 11! • • T 11qt I Jy t t ii ' l'OMAOMOll'I TAIL! INCMl>tlU HULK IOLOACT 111.AMETING TltE WON..D Of DAM ~YITAI. A I• Ht , ,~, ( ,, ''"" H••t '• I' • I oil Ill ~ 1 I ti W •lf(J I ol 11 1 ! , 'I• l1o•r .. 11 f •t•lfl1114" lh•• l'I ,j,f·~ 1 l t•w 1Jt•1!1lll ! Irr 1 ( I t11 I l ltlOVll' H •nm ~·1·•~111 i 111 1tt t rr 1• 1, r 1 , f\1 ti'" I 11 I 1 h.i I I fr I~ 11:50 <111110VE ri . .,ct.,pqo 1\1J11t1•·1 H1vt•1 I l'l'1' \Nil I• 11 1 t'.11; M. 11 •fl VM.t ,.11'1 1 n I -Saturday Cont. -Afternoon---- t~ f) I~ WOMEN'S TEMMS I I ,('!:,, " t ~ if I '' ., D m IASE8All 1., (,~If .JIJ< ( 'ii ,. I "' I 11\J r t' .... ' • 1 ... , ... 8 THR£E STOOGES llOVE .,.,, tr •' -A,,, 1. • •t ; r n1Pt1" r • ' •.A t ' • ' i' •.~ l i I EXP£OfT10M: DANGER SOUl TRAlf AJSTIN WUON'S LOUISWtA cooor p,.")r ,., .1 + t • t. AIU 1 , ' • t .,. -H ,. . •, t .'\ ~. ' h t• ~ 1 riw WOfU..D ~ MARUTING H NOT NfCHSARtl Y 04E NEWS s llOVlf • ' ' J r "' • H ! .., ~ j t f 11 f I ' • Jo 12:30 0 THR£E STOOGES O wmmc> vuos '10 PVTTlN' ON M HITS < I j • 'J ••• ' " .. ·'. ., . .. m llOVlf 'I,. /1t I I , 1 i( , fl I llOTORWlEK l~UROMAH NEW UTEJIAC Y· AN INTAOOOC 110H TO COMPVTERS C llOVlf I I I f b <1P' I ~. , f Ji' H MOVlf ft fill l"l": •,1 I r1' I> m MOVlf (\lit I •rm Wayr e Maureen O'Hara (£ nrs) l!) MOYIE ·rr1P Sea Cnase" (1955 Ad r1ture) John Wayne Lana TtJrner 1? ) a!) UP ON llELOOY llOUNTAll C'i) NEW LIT'EMCY: AN llTROOUCTION TO COlllPU'TERS E HORSE llACllG Haskell StaltP'i love trun Munmo•Jlh N J ( 1 rv 1 S MOYIE Alar:i.. Beauty t 1971 Drama1 t.1 1r~ l ""'"'r Waller Slezak ( 1 nr 48 '11 I m ETHIOf'tA: TME tlGHT1WIE CC>lfTIUS 2:051!,,.... wmc OM.ANDO WI.SOM 2:30 f) 'J) PG4 QOl1 Grealer Hartlord Qppr • .,., 1 , ,,,r <l lr'1" •r F-Tr urnamPnl of P1,.iy 1 1Jti '" ( rr)rn~Pll Cnnr1 ( l hr )f "='I STAR A f'!>'l"I dLJer Nan11ng I • ,, .... d •,1ng1n1.1 C.rl1ee• n•t:"'h re"•'>lrlnt.:P " ,, r"' stronq wtllPd tatti...r who wr>ul•l "~, • •" •o ~ritP; fro? f1:H'11ly ouo;HiPS~ ~; a'.l) NEWTON'S ~ Ira F1.11c w dor1c; 1 ~ i <,1J1I 1r,0k<, ,.it what <. new ,,.. rob•,, '' lv' ,JlJOut knuclo.11>!> lt"1al flilt..,IP ·inr: , ·~ Jr1d JtS•!'.> porcupone'S ' DOTTE IW90't MAGAZIE AIEllCAN QOWJHENT MOYIE fntre Nnuc;' I 1981 I 1r ir• 11 .. 11, H11(11,.,,.rt Mic u Monu ( t ru 'i • H YOVIE fh"" ~Ion.• Ao'y 1 lqHJ (11 1 t ' • •t1 [) JYrill )rt _.(1f1 p,.~ ... ·,i)t I ' '"' ~ 11 llllOTORWEB UUITMTtD ~ B-:; ... TIOMAl COUEQIATE lllOOEO MOYIE ·~11pper" r 1G61 ArJw11111rf' ~. • •• ""'<; l ul-r· H;ilp1n :' 111'> I 0 llOV1E '"• W 1 ~c, >I 1-:uny ti. I 1 HA Ah·") "' t\1<, I 9 UTTlE MOUSE ON TlE PRAM. m MOVA A .,.,..,., ur -•P N t lhP Ian ,1, lili t' J I ' 1 l n1q dll( fl') 1! lht' !Jrr!y Nr1alP• i ;~HYILUID LU<Wt SUCMTO AMEJICAN QOVEJNENT E AVTOIUCINO Worlr• £ndur<1r1~P. Hr>(.k •Oc•u f• 'T• Hc)Ck1>nhP1m Wec;t t 1t ' ' rll 1 I l t 1r 1 l 0 MOYIE £ d.J11 A11d fht C rwc,t!r,, , • 1111 fhi11r1.11 fo111 Herl"nyt>r M 11 htlE•t I t ~ • I 1 I 1 I \ ' 111, J Z MOYIE ~'"' r rPk Ill T ne SP arch r or •I' ., • 1 1 '1114 ...,, •ence Fie loon) W1fharr> ' 11m•r Del urPSI K,...flt''y t 1 hr 45 min 1 m ARICA: CONT1NENT • CRlm ,. lfj; WMlnJNO Ul I TO. ANNOUNCB> I en2VO'S YOtCE"' VICTOltY (IPAlllH) • AIEllCAN QOVUHEllff ~ (I) AUTO llACINO lnlPrnalional Race O! rh,v11p1on<o Twelvfl .111ver<. compe1e 111 ' tl"nt+call\ prepi!rP<l ;iu1omob+le<. from Al ,in,.irna lt1ll'rrlilltlllli~ ':>~_.c1W,l\' Ill J afl>l clt• I Ala 11 hr I •lfMCHOf_ WM Of THE IT AJtl M1W ON THE HITS Cl) llOYIE 'Harpr•r Vttlley Pl A f l'llfl C:nm1><1yl Rrirbar.' I dt>n Rnnny l.O• I > ht'> I Q) MOYE Tht-'''' ""11rnr Mr l 1mp111 (II) 4 Fanti'l'>yl ()1111 KrHJ!I-. r..11 111• 'r,?"~~:.:.,- WOlrTICllnD ¥1)1() MUOI THE llM TMT COMUP'11D ~ f ' '11!.jh Cl"'<'"' 1n.f QIMO an anony,,., " • ' \ _,, (" 1tr l • ,q OQhlP<' , ... tn~ 1 ... 1·a;..:~=" ~ AT TME MOVIES W INNOVATION A ,urvey rif pr tPr t•al ener gv c,n11rC"''i r t1Jd111q wnot1 i:h+ps, corn anr.: q,11oagP -i· -11t<>r11;H1ves to 011 prOd- JC: •c; ~ MAQtC IRUSH Of GARY JIENKltl ~ MOVlf ~. ,.,,irc1r.g Th,. <>1one I 1qa4 A,.,,, l ,,,. M•cr11 .. 1 uouol~e K 1""H..-.~r T ;f,. ~ / ( 1 r.r Jc "''''' l H MOV1E N 1" 1 H "J 1 '•82 Fania- ~ 1 Adr H ""' A 1 r · w· Jnurdan ( 1 r.r 10 n r-1 5c00f) ~ WORU>'S CRATEIT Ant- LETES A 1 • • • ' '" • .t••ac ng • W1lhe '-.h\ ~,11' -J'loi u \ ~, 0 SffwtG STARS ~~.~ 1i,••#r! ,..,,Pfi.JteYI"' wt~ r ti.;-, 1 1 • • ' f ,n H ;i '•c fT1('\ ij'IPq11~f • I * ' ljf' IJ C: w<>M> Of 8'0RTS •• • t'01 ""' AMA N 11 •I ( • d' 111 r 'r Mof1 ft.IP R:i1f ''" 11 I• , M11,.. •rom ()<;Ir N '"' t, 1 ,., ! 111·a·s·H 0 TMOSE AMAZING AfimW.S 'J' MOV1E ' ,, '• • J 1 nn '>• l' ~ • l'H ITT>• 67) NEWS ETUDlANDO LA -.JA SQUARE FOOT GAllDEJING C· I ON CAlll'US E NATIONAL SPORn ft8T1YAL Tr;ick and ' , "" t' ,j (_ A , ' ,, ,l f, 11 ... '1ve tram Baton l . t1.u., I 1984 '~tff Mi " I S flOCI( OI fHf ~ :· t. 1nl M •n ... Ptf ! I II Z llllOVI£ •I '" "1, • t 1111-dy I 1Jf •'-8 H ·' nr.., ..... ~Evening .. m..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MDI CUNEWI . .,,. lllOVIE I II( " Coml'Oyl ( '" r f <'lur v01ir1J 11r • 1 ki:,t' I 1 thf'11 t ";1 • R ~~'l..c ... HERO lfl WIDE WOlllD OJ P<Mffl l\MA Na111ir•,,1 l 1 , t 1.;t •I ~~ tr •i hV'• t, 11 • f \ ~ J t ,, 11 • I ... 1 NP• .... " 1 "' I CD -.:>.,_..DOW lJ\ lllOY11 \ 21 t "~I •.l .... , .... tif'<1ulf>d M1't0(Cycle D<Pam M1if' c -Saturday Conl. venture) Bwt keym1lfJ':. J1>nrufer Bilhnyc; 1ey '" P •c.t1dn Jt.'. t 11 r11' 1 Plf'd'>t' 110111 p11c; on ar '"'r>t''t dr ~' • ~tr1~1·s ,, lJdrq.m• ,,.,th federdl 1uthor11tr.. tc1 h1·11, '>ll10<,t1 ,; moo11c;l11r1<· 11ng (.' ''', I Ell) INEAll l'llfVIEWI Neot • 1l>IH trid 1 .. 1 Irey l 10nc; shnH· ttif'•r c.ti< <."' ,,t tnr b1>.,t mn1111·. c1r •11JP<>r <1'•"'1!· 1111 11rJmy "Jawo; T • iotc;u 11110 1 II•· I • '"''" t. (.011 nec1to1. tHJ I IWIT TO IWIT ROIEJl'T ICMUl.LBt .. TECH ~8 ( 11r11p1•t1t r1 ii• ~o1l11 '"' Valley 11<,f' nf , ''"'I" lt'r .1t <in""'"'''-''" inn elf'(. I/ •I 1r r. ..... , •l• , .. I • , , ... t I rM1qy IH1 MOYIE ~ f',1 r; If j I ' HiO 5, I ence F1r11r rq ~,,.w, I ''"""'· Mrt• Vr111 Sy dow A 111, ol 1•nrlhhr1 1 11.tvPI to lht> planer M r1q, r1nfl t Pit•, 1 'f p1 .. -.s.-<1 '" hao1li1t1l 11 •t.. v~•ll r w r I lr•P ••1111 fr11 peror M111r~ f•r, I 111 •,1111111 I <Si MOVIE Hr)r1 P1lu r '"""h t 1!"183 Rom.;in1 <·1 I>. 11. , M ur1· M;iry St,...~nr1ur gt:n Wtur.-dv• 11 Jor 11 lrtto! "' I H1!-Jlf·11 1>1 I 11 ro1nar1<' 1 ~f; •• ,., .. ,,11,11Jl1 ri11',tlldlt t .... ,, playw1111r 1 "" '"" 1 "'"'' 1•·,;1 1 .. 111r Pr sh11 wt" I I'' JI. • , I•• 'I ' i" • • l N t, hllS Pr, tHr 41 I TOCUIO &AIZDSEN 1:11 O (l)NEWS · llCUUQtUC~ ,_ THE ~AM FUI lt8TTTVTE 'Slranqf' r1u1l' lr1 I ,r I'" ( lf'IJ•q1i1 ,, •W" I" 19118 , 1c11Jn1J r.r.11 ~ rnan rn.tY.-• tr1r 1l.i11 ~~~-" ,,,,,_ (?'J MOYIE T1end1vdl 1 tH < < '' "'Jfl Margo! t'1ddf'1 Jl11IJ1"'ll Hr1y· o1-1.1111t \!•IC d 11oruroy " M;il• 1 ••r 1•11.,1 11 • 1•1 1 • would bt /<ilt•11 "'' t•·• u'' t •1 '•' plot 1r1ff'll•dl no '"' •Ji" 1• 11 µ '1111• t an undPI! c .. er .,iqr•P' f•< , ; 11 "' l I min .,.,_ IJ 2 OM TME TOW • : 1 ' • •' Can.i•JH 11•Ll1JcJ1 fRll• 1\1 Wo~rn., ·r.a1J•1e1 P. l ' · ( warkir 1 ,, 11 • •'•' ronh• 11 • •r,;.M I '' <ii Iii '' r Otta wd 1t;ir1;iJo11111. J1.111 1·l,..Lt•<1l111r1 0 AQHT IACll WITH DAVI> HOtte>WTTZ f t'rJ • 1r~d ,, u ft '1¥ 11 t t ' , lf1h• 1 fuod f"' ... 1. 11 .1 • 1 Jr 1 .ii 111 '' I .t scam l llAMTWAIN ....... KEEP£11S ~ Of-~TIM* Vr Jo•O l1y M.1 donna Bnu • ··I "' r '"'" It 1°·1 I • ,,.,. and tll• t>J• "' 1 ,1 .. J1 I 1 ,, .,., I 11m••I A11}i1f' ~ ""' 1 If 11•1 H11iy Jr " I 111.i T11mer J11hrl1 1 ,., 11 • 11 I 011... "''" ,,. h8d~lUll '"' •Id I, t I' I i AQHT IACll WITH DAVI> HC>ftOWTTZ TtlU"I COWAllY IURVIVAI. ( J A , .... ' .... "'. I h , , .. ill wlldhf P J1h(1l"qr.ipt.••1 Aldi 1tllol IOi!ll Ruor 1n dt.1t1m f " 1 ,,.., '" 11 .•• rMn1w« o l 1he11 protp<,smr 11 I It,,., ti •·1•111> I PIP <,er11e It••· 1'111111• •111 ",,, : ) I I'" I OD WEEJ(BI) lllAGAZINl f, til llf'r1 ll1t' ~.H OtPlJ• (I I If I fl JI•' I H I II ,, ' I ,,, I 'ilrP· ,t. "'' • -.t.J ,, t ..... 11, 11 11.,.,,t<J t1eot•I f 1 c ·•l •f 11r M11 • r A11 I I'"' (,,.1 I en 1,111 .1 111)11~ 111 11011 lit111d1·• G1) wrTH LOVE FROM TIN I!) MANNY Hdtt•dl ' S1'·1 h)P NH•lq•r••l Wllh hf'I f<11tlPI .Cl f th .. fllJ trf t lt1h1r>'I f•riiJ • ()fl a • .. 11111011: ( 1 r1r I (L 1 0 llOVIE My T 1t • C 1ru1 I fl• m11n. 1 ' 1 "' ~ .1, M.1t1 t ·•''•'"'' /\ rogt ( 1 1 ,,,,, 1 it, , 1 r1,1nhr 'I, cnvol11p(j wM 11, 1 11•1 "' 111.111 Nii• 1 '1 28 Sund a,, July ' 1 '985 1011=1111 Fri::nrh R' (I hr 1/ min l z ·r tf'(tl' CJ ··anic." 11984 r .,, P<Jy) I Prirty V•ir 0<1hl<'11 VU')lf,, Md'1'"" Ar ur111S11<il l11v1· 11 .. 111qlP de11Plri(1' wt11•r1 1 t11i111till11q ';.It f r(Hlt 1•.1.<J illdlllfot 1 p111 q1.;rr1s h1' r·f>• 1na u.mµulf'I t < c,rn1.c•'•" 10.• • 'Jncr t .r a r ;;r r vat.ng Ct··f .t wt 1 nu,vP<, 11111 t11c; aµa11rm•nt 1)111lrl111q ~·( • f I hr 15111111) ID HAMINOHATOO 7:15 @ HIQH CHUAllW. 7:30 6 DANCE FIVER ( 1'11 t 11, '" ltl• "'" I Wrlltamr, f'hylh<, n1llf'I Pt'rl111111,111< I l•v ;'~sOM TllW. IJ) CLOSE-OP ~ m OM SAM DEOO r1·.tr 11•·c1 '""'"'' 1 Mtr~ W.Jllf I r<,1! 1¥111 I '"" 11,111 •• "' r 1· I I iii " I )i 'l" ,. '" .. t, j/P ill J Ht lflfPlvtt•w w1!11 ( )t ..... fj, "'I t1hw' ¥11•,c l •1rn I di Cu1Jrtf>11o1y m TOO CLOSE ~ COMFORT """'' 111<! M ''" .. ,,, I I I •Y I "' '" y 11lfl pl.tr • '"'''f •I 111•t1I rrey r1f',(,1111Pr 1tt,11 d ••qt [l(JI' nnrr11 Wfi" 1<1tot11•rJ ra SAN DEOO ZOO'S AJmlAl EXPRESS I • I " 1 Al11 •ti t ti j t d lt•F-I•• .t 11, I I ,, f 11 ti rd•ll ,, .. ,, ltll frll I.I I •·l•H ,, ",, 1\1•1 1•11111-1 Ar11'>h<1 ,1c.rJ Anna '" ""'"''''' tf t •'1 dnq ft~rtn• l:OO 6 8 AllWOU: H IW~ I' ...... ·' .. I ' ''" '" .. ( t11l1t>P11 •',,.,,fl 1110•1 'I'> p.trlf I' I' ~ 11,ll!)t'IJ Willi ltit fllfJll1t'f ti Ill'> f'J "'1t1 I l.1h tn) I I h I Q ti) OUR~ f'rt-"" ~~t..... 11 -: 1 i< 1r1•t ,/ '" nt1nf' 11 rj lfdll'( Antle• "' •l•· I',, t11 , •·IPIJrrl11·~ '""" fhP !JO<.."" huJ111y '"'' ,, 11 q '•I f ,, ,1 RP""'" i!n'1 11.,.. Ra1 I•·•· ,1 1•, r:. ~ ti• .,, •P• I 11 '" • r t1 B• ,'(, 1 r • 1 Hy11 ,. C II '"' .,., t1•11 t '"' H11 t1.11d 1<11111· 0 MOVIE I 1,,. , ... ,,, r1111v1n•J t ,..,,, l"' ,,, 11<1fl l ( 11 1m,1t Mr·I r .. r1 So•J 1111 r 1 t ./1t~rtt1••t An A,, ffdh11r i''1rll11f fl11!1• I ,,nil .. 1 ·"r liftlf 1111 01111 .1 i '""''"' ,,,,,.,,.,,,, .... t11'1 fl/II ... I 111Qhl ,,, lttt• I j f1•1,ll I I U i Jr 1 t•PC..,lrl l''~I pt1 Jr I ft I f I I ~ ,., Hl t1r 0 T..I. MOOl(Efl Th1Pf .. 1!1tllllf•11•1 1.11< .1.i r y 111r1 (.111ro ~<11 1 ltr1'ol,fll" "H .~1·1 •.ill II ft,1 >NA J 11 .ti II I .,II "' I, f.. lot I to •ll11w 11111 .. r <. I H , ) t 11 I I ~ TWIJOH'T ZONE A.ICNEWI O START Of-IOIETHltG llO Ii 'I "'"V' AllPr ""'""di how olllCf'S<,h,1 ''''"vr ,.,, I I "IJ11lr1r H1111I)'> y11! <,f,HIPr1 Ttu" w•·•·~ M 111••llP. lf,t1tlf'y Aru1y W1ll1,11n~ I 11 I" Hl,(11 c,uj I ... "" ' ••'""'' A.irhara r ,)flt ' Ar 1 JI 1 I ( I-tr ~c·r IA< ~ c; tic•• 11<..c op .. c; I 1 hr l (!) MOV1E lhP 0111PI M.1n' I t'l'>? f >1.1 n 11 Johr w.1ynP M1iWPf'r1 () 11..tril A lo11 rr1t• I '11·l1qt.l1•1 '"' "". to h1· 1 l!llvf' "' I.tr ,j llfl't k1lhr1q ii lllUfl 111 lhP lllllj 1!111 l,11f• IP l1nrj lhP J>hl(.1'1 hr• '.lllJqhl (/ '" 10 "If m uvwo ftD (Jor11n11>nl,ll1!lf or ''" '"!" 1 011111t for <;1Jrv111af 1r1 I .1 .r Air .. 1 I LOW lflECW. 1111111 I QM.AT ..U.OMUJtefl f .,, Ar 111 il t t, M q• I 1111" Ht 111 t>I Iv fl ,fll, Ill A11•ft'I ''' oJ,11 It' lhP Jltlfl of I I • u , 1 I 1 1~,. r• th" M.-w Ynr~ < •ly H;illl't , ' I I I ' I 11 1rf' 11.1pl p(j tiy p,,,,., M.pl ti I 11 t1• C MOW lhP 11r<;tr.,.11 fir111tu•r'> I I'll<'• A Jvr•r t11rPI r1e11or l llf'I. Ol1v1.1 fl.1 •"I in r11 Ale<anr1rf' (><JH•ol. ! r' tfo PIPPnlh ( Pl"\IWy I.Of'.!( .JI "' ,, 1111l111ly <lnd 1n1roc;pec t1\. .. ttw 11mtl11hvP And vl'l'IQPful 1nhf'lll • vl'f111flft;t lh,;I I 111'' 1111 I NI... I I (' (. Art !i4 "" If) r •'>d Ii '''"'fl" Hw,sell f, "lrJ i , " rlt•q• w ''"'''' rrr1w•I rr, Fon I ,,,,, •• , J,Lh I H 1 t1f11• t1u1 11 •d 1'""" • tJul 1111 1 1 Ir ii 1 I rt-t t ,.,,,, f ) I f i {fl I S 'Al'ER CHASE l'lt.••11 l•1r1l•"•'•''r 1<11111-. l1f>I• I 1· my• I•• 11o 1 I 1 1t"'"n1 f1orr1 ~. , I ... I I I ' ,., I' ,, fl I 'I or .(II .-1 11•1 ,., I 1 I r H tf!I 11~ • f m RACING FROM HOU YWOOO 'AM 1:15 tf7J NtGKT TRACKS: CHARTIU8TERS 1:::10 o ra rrs Y009' MOVE M .. rr •• , .. t r '' I .11 '' , 11 • ' , , ' l• f• ru t tdl' .. • H 9 llOVE f I (11' I. 11\r It ffl) r ft I t '•I II l111 1111 '' ., ' I f 11-I I .,,, oft• I I ID PUYBAU t;00 0 a CHIEFS f, t I• I II-.,. ·. 'II I 11 •••1 H '•• I • I ,111· 11 .. 111 I J " 0 10 lOvt BOAT . " "I ti .. I • ff If I 111 fl "rt •I J ..-. ~ t I I 1 >d ! I I 11 l ~~mtott ~s LUlUAOllAN 8UT1NG 8'£CTACUUH 1115 t tf 1r f ttf t ; I t I I I 1 , , , , t 4 n ~ ~ , r 1 • , f I • ,,., IJ f I ' I I I ' E NAnotW. 5'0ft'TS FUTTVAl • 11 ' 1 , I I I I I H< '"l' I ' f II ~11 I I f " ,,, , ,. 1•t1 l 11. f,lf I , , It ~ tH t flJ I I l MOV1E I ftt,1 t I •Ill ' 1 I I ' ff I •t-' ~ I 1! 1 If ft,., t JI frt .fl, t Jh AttJJ11q J tllf f,,, tuttt 1f1 1 "' 1111 q 11 """' 11,,. I.ii I 1r.,11 rltt• !Jill I 11111 • jr IJ I""' •I •·1•1 1 """ e f '111 s MOYIE • ,, 111 ~ 111 r .... , "" 1 1 , ' • .. 'tU \ 1t t"li ' I I •t W1lh~t" • ,,,,,, I'' J '' f,.., 11, r J\t1rn ~ "" ftAd'-. • 1111 "" Hit 111 II 1 f,)r }up I fl '•'IC r t try '" 1 , • • ,.. t ~! ,,., ' ...,, • I ' ~ H ,, •t flf "'' pl 1111 f J '1 I z MO~ I I f4 t• I ~A.ti , n1r ,, 1fl ,_, • f>,u1• ,(f•1l'f r1111•,. .t11•, ttt?PI rl < ,.,l , ...,1 I• I•' lh r th• o11 •1r I t th1• t •I I .... ' 1( I \ t ~ r 1f) ~ E1llOfllk THI NIGHTMAM COMTIUI .. NtQHT lltACU ts0 m llAMA'• ,..._v ~~ .. . h• .. " I I ~ I , I I I • I I 11 It .. •I'( ~ I It • • I I II • I I y 11 .. 11111 t 111 "'" -Saturday Conl. µ,1J!:t •Ri' EI!) TOGETltEJI AGAIN ~· CIEllAX COllEDV EXPEJmENT M Jrl I M1111 !>"fl<l 1111 It 1111•,1 ,, •M.tiy ~ t, r1". ''" i 1v111.i1 11 11.1 " 1., .1 ...... r, 1 .. t 1111 ... I I ! • '"' !f1P lilt ,f t IPr»tJI~~· ' An, .... r 1 ll ""' 11 ..... lrtn11t, t, ,., t H.-t 1, St1t'dr• • 1 .11111dv N1uh1 l .,p 1 1et00 o ra NBC WHITE PAP£A t"'i•I· , • , (If M"' "" ,,, Tt •• w )fl•! l •Iii:' ·I'" O• I I ,,,..,. I io•I H ~ 1 , ... ~. 1! II t.·1 1'\ It I' • 11 fu1w ~•'fl' hf f1H1•J dlt'"' (/t•H ~ Hl'VPc:tf.-• t ltH , ,1 t ,,,,, , •ri t(,, ~1u11r1r..st .u11j ' .t 1.)i 1dl0 ifld f, hr tll1 t r, •I t1 1 t•ft 'f rPt~ .. lr1tt' l\ni.•1u .1 ~·''' "n ..., ,,., Ill J OW NEWS 0 llOVIE In,.. • ,.,, At•ll Ir..-P ,..,1.,y 11 (1'J70 C 1rr1t•d,l fl1rl•ra lrt'l'd••l l ,f•r 1 4" !-H• Jrtl At 11 1t 11.-.l f11.tl t1t•l• n11 n 'llYt' j Niil •• ~ .-11. 'Hiit '' Iii,,. 1 flf til) MOVIE r 1•)..i/ M1 l 11 f•11 I I 111d• I jl f/ •I"• f W,11 ... f H II H~ , 1r H..,I Ill I Jt-1r l 1fl It" t\ I tl I fl t ~ t•' t 1~. If 11 t t )I 11~ ( I H t llllJ1,11 ti iN t <1 I t 111110 t 11 1,' IH f} flllfl J EI!) IEADOWlAIUC LEMON a!) SOUNOST AGE r-.. rt ,, " I " I • ( •I ""' I I ti! I C MOVIE VlffPnrlrn111• 1111Kj I 1 11 , l<1nH·'> l/\·1 • l'> n. 11111 in rt 1rry A •""""',I .1 l '" nt11 lHff .f 1•111l1 11 .ii I, ( Jh,(J• I t 1. I .-.Uft->fl l•llll t-'f I I I' t" I t H • t t•11fllt twtuntJ ..; tu ' tlft .. 111 1111• l•t 1,Jllt 1,f fl 1' rr )On1r J H llOVIE rn.-1 t 11 '" ~~ ... 1 1 1 •' , 111 , m.11 R11lw I t <>1>11•1 f' v ... o1 _, , Mo1•l11 fr n •• Jtflh11d ij,.iy I 'It t lrh\lh-''... Pl I) "'•'d " 1tt , •IJflll I Hl1 )II t·• I " li1 l'i·• Ill II I 1111 "fdll "" l""lf' l•'I I , I I ii ~,,, II r' '" j11n111 1 AFNCA: CONTIENT IC CRISIS 1~ NIGHT TRACKS 1~ TALES F1'0ll THE DARIUNDE .;v 11 " hrt1 I .t <""I" ti•'·"" •I '"' 1 " r 1•'"'" "I Ntl~ J f,trl' f lftl•I tif ltt r t I ; I ,t> tllt1 \•t1.11tWl11111.111111111t11111 tD TOO CLOSE FOA COWOAT I h II' ,, M11fU ,,. hrut <i llitU t Ill rfil·'v H 1 'l,11 I """f f 111 Id 1111 ; ch" ' "''' II ti I 1 1•1ql1 tJ .. r h.>rr1•· w.i l1 •l>t1!-'d i~NEWS E rPMll>ENT'S PRO TRIATltl.ON (R) l llOVIE 1 hf> l 1'.I fl«ll•·lf Ill I 1 v1•1 '1'1/8 r.111111·dv1 flotyl•· ito1•ld"' , , ""'' ,, nP~ ,\ 1 1 '' ""' 'd 111t• t 11 w ' , ~ t 1 y fl .tyr-tilH•t4 'dtf ,, firuJ· 1 It w .... ui 11<.~ .... olWl!lfllllJ 111 t Ill f' 111'. dlHllllJ 1111• 111!1111c1tr• llldlf' tlf.,luly <..tJflfp·,f n ( 1 Ill 4 I 11111 I ~I "TUN>AV SPO«TI PAGE 11• o a m@) m NEWS TAXI WAU STI&l .IOURNAL REJIORT llOVIE 'Hdrpl'f Villlt•y PfA 1'1/8 Comedy I R.id1.ir.l r r!Pfl nn1111~ ( ( • A very l1t1Pr.11t d ynw1q rnolt11->• wilt. .1 qrt>ilf !Jeill of <ot'• .1ppP.JI '"'''nf1o 1fl 1flv r,11fl» ''" ( on<,ef\..t!illr' 111i>wp11111I of IOLdl ,, !1111 I ooar<J memni:>r t? tw I (!) llOVIE A Br11l\J" T 11 Id 1 1'1/ I A11 venture I J1t11•1•-; C.ldr> !:>»ill• l c1r111t'f\I Ir 1944 th• <)fl"'•illnn M trk•'f 1 •·H•lr;f lot~!' nlnf' <Illy.., 111 di 111 fatt'1) iltft'nll'f I ilt<Hl 1f1P mrMILu~ot hr • 1 ,I)Alt9tQ Artltllf Sr111!f 111 ... , ,~,. r. Wild ment from long l'>lilnd ~·I' rH1 jJ EmmM QOH 'O)llOVIE The Dancer<. f 1l!l1 !1t.i111.11 John l e<;f1e nrc har<.J PachPc.1 I <l111 l1.1111J <oom1> P~()f11 !lancer<, trr1vel 1n 1ti1• <,111r111 town 111 Kl'y C.. ty ind P111er1.w1 wnmPn ( 1 llr 10 IT>tll I l rw l u<;f tnip11t>' r 1984 ArJ v .... f t11h~ H 1 •~r1 11f• lrt ( fOt;( Thrt:'P> w OfT·f.\n H J1..ir ,.t11\J 1 1nv1c I lorn an 1fl•~.-1, fj j., f r1t=-,1(,c,11JJlt'tj (lJ h~',fl;t rt ~' " ,• Wt f Pf ,, •ff) ct md1Jr•,.in 1'-.lrtn<i i '' ,,,, R 1 1 r1r i~~ rn11i C':) HOT SUT 11~@ NIGHT TRACKS 11::30 0 IAllMAIY JONES 0 @m lllCHA£L NEllllTl4 IN mEVlSION ,ARTS ( '"'fry mw.11 arll<;f<. JP"' 1 "'P I"""'' ' ,r• •I B.111 •. 1 ~ r" I ar1r:I R 1 .,., rt• I r1 r 1 ~r1<1w Wh, ',,1 , • I/\ , M· ,,. ..i•"'ung ''"'" <l"""' • • 1 : 1 • ' t 111 11.1 .. 1 t IP n11!r1 I I t11 10 0 PVTTIN' ON Tl4E HrTS ~ ... rn.t1na1 L ~· t"•. 1 fr-•f "' 11f 11 r ,:fl\ r u'.)r N..-~1 I 1, t qi l >Y~' 11* • \" •" 1 ·• • H ti tlr "' ir l I ... t 1, ""'' 0 AICNEWS Q 8 MOVIE 111 • 1•11 tt· ,,, )( i r 1.,11c1, Hf 1<1111 J1 H1N rlJ f\ ""'lll tllr ,, H ' : I 1 t" '" ./; , "i jo , " ~ lft" lift-1 I I ,I f 11 • 1' ,p-; IVf r t t ·• 'r f!I l'i.• • I '11 Tu• ••• I !II J I• I I ,,, 111 9 EDfTOA'S DESK !fa\ MOVIE fJ.,,lf'., W <-t I I '.l I J I J1 ;im 'ti I• 1•. fir 11 1·• t• •w A!l1•1 1nr...,.. -d 1Jfl 1 '•' !Pr t1 1v,t,... dnQ •t=iid-.t--rw4 ! l'''l' t·, r 1 ,:,, I ·1-JPec.h1ess o;hn• > o:t"I •·nr.1 J"'d N ... ,. f ·r~t'I ,,...,., .. ut un cl or1P m'AiA'd<,R~S MA~r I;> ff<., J C llOVIE f 1,, P1~•·• · •')i:;q Dr i m1 F. " ' r ' . I [>»f 111 ~I 'I., ... , TI\ y(}unq 1 ' !r 11t f ,1J• 1~tv ;tf'HJ ,,,j • J 1 ·~, ,,,ft.,,,... t • NPw Or1P.lf1'> .... .t I '"" l••dl ArnPr ;i Pflf".<•Ufl •~' , h'llJ•!11 .-11 1 ... n .... .-;1p.._') vt1-lt=tnt.t=1 R ' ... ,, iJ '1111 E 8'0RTSCENTtR I llOVIE f1 ... 1 ........ Tt •• ,t ... I ' 1 ')8) F ti 1 1 v • • 1 ,....,,... , ... ~ .~ A 1 "w rnrit 11• ,.~ .. , lc1 t1~d rtf Ll , ... f11ld ')(lfT'h·-1 t 1 1 ti ' 11 I 1 1 h1 10 min 1 11:35 H NOT NECHSARL Y THE NEWS 11"5 0 llOVIE r .,, .1~·· r, 11n Tri"' Pl<1r•1'1 (ll ft,, Ap,. 11'1'1 ""'no<>f,Lflt>ll) fl110 M· I '" 111 f 1111 H1111f P1 ~11111an , ,,...,1 "" 1 .1.11111114 t'\11rn.;n 1nfPll1gencp ,. ' I ,. f\11 Jt<lt' Nh>'r" fnt''f CrPal .. ; jl jl I I Ill •q 111111 olf\S wr111 bt>lrPllP lhf' ·If,,. will """' J,;y r11f+' !h" w•11!tJ I? f'1rc. 1' 11111 , 12:00,~.1: UTUN>AY ALM MOVIE R1c;k y f\1J!,1rtr"'" · ( f 1)13) ('urn "'I~ I Lin l 1 ""'~ nt>th='('( 11 [JPMorn;iy A l•111r1 '>fr, 1 I "'"" r ,twllf·rP.j ,,, ;in <1fttupnf l r I( dlJI •• ,,1111 h dt•( I !t><> ff, P~pe11mPrt! w1f!o It,. N1f11P• , .. It> , r hi~ R ( t hr lh '""', .. C':) LIVE FftOll THE Wf ITOP 12::05 @ NIGHT TRACKS H llOVIE n ....... ~ Au .• IP'.'> l 1983 c( m ... j' I T' "" (' r ,, ·" nPbPl r j f)E>Mornay A ''"~' .rtl1" 1 ,..,, " r ,l•Pll e•Pd 1n a11 alffupnl ( hll I J• '>lltJlll t1 dPt >flf'•, f P P~jlP!IJT>Pnl win !ht N1f11••1 ·lllt> •' f1lt A .J t t hr lh n·111) 12:JD 1· DA YID IUU«INO 12::JI NAm Of THE ca.- ... VOM HOT TRACKS ~I MOVIE ·· li1tial ( 1 1''" Wt>Slf>1n r.1t,111 r, '"I r 11pc,f B·irq111nt A y01in4 11 •1 1 r "' tr, .. 11tl I ,, rn11'1<olP1 .., •1011Qtl (o'• tflo I t,p• I I II t>oJ 1\1 ~111111 <,pjl rjpfpn<o.P I hr, E NATIOMAl PO«TI FllTIYAl Tr.tc.k <1, ! I 11"11<1 Jlld Sw111 mrr q fmals lr,un Balun Hn111Jt· I , 1 H M o1 .. 1 l<)f , rt' 1 un1q11~ ~ t11 11 1zf r ma~ 1r1,1 i .. , r.1 ,?O m11 J S llOVIE J•h I 1• C.tfTU-'I " D,~ M1o I""~ ltlt-" "~t illl 1t I• ' l'1r• ',, t°'1 11 1 I jPf f t, 1 J~ ,_. j Wiii •I t R t '" J'J 1 r 1~1 ~~CONTINUES 1• HrTCfTY STAR SEARCH I • I.• . ' ' •• I ~tlf I W MOVIE f I· lr H >'Jf ,1ph y l t t ' I , jl1~ t ~ ,.. .• I J-..P (),.-0 I• 1 If tf o-.. t , t • A r ... rn ! '' ~ AICHAAf> HOGO£ L llOY1E F 'ti'.,~ 1 I • I '· ... M \t • 1 ft 1 ""~ •f l , f I f f1'• ,,, I JI I I t i t ft I ti 1 fd' J t 1r I\ I I nH'1 I 1~ 1Y7' NIGHT T1'ACKS 1:10 c llOVIE I . 1 t4H4 Al '., II •' I • I t ~ , h r .ur11t1· , 1r • ~' ' ., , \•t1 r '""' Jf •1 1., •i..tjT It tt t· ' i Jvflf t ,,.._. r l I I 1f ..... I f....-r A • .,. -1 1 ttllJI 1, 1• .Jt j 1 f-f J I J>- 1:2111' OPEN IMO 1::30 • RECOAO GUIDE AICNEWI Q '1' THE IEAll 1'45 Q AFMCA: CONllNENT IN CR1Sl8 H llOVIE I • IH •• h l fl (I JI·' 'i I-t i ti• t1 J r" t l-1J' '' lo ' t 1• ~ ' I ' ., ... , l' •1, t I I t '. ' I H ' " In h ?• A n j I ' ~ tollf) llOVE It• r t-1 ,. ~ ' I • ". It t' I I I ' ' • ,\ I -.,1, . ' I ,, I o I f II 1.f,, , t ~ A t OI I f t I 0 I' '. ,,. • , I 1 t ) H" • : I' , ti 'I 'I+ Wt'f I. t11 I OONEWS 0 llOVIE I •• I I "' ' p~ \..,. ~ ~ I• v\ t ,t t, 11 rJ t I "'''' .u p 'i' t ,.., • ,,, ti I I t I J• I 4 ,_, 11-, I I I I ' r I •t 11 " ' llOVIN'ON IEST D. AV OF YOUR Lff MOVIE I t l• •\· • I tQ8.< , 'I r ,i• '-,,,,:~ 't 1t'' ,t..111 ·, .,. t •' • l tfP ' Ir '"- ,, ,. Z MOVIE 1 •,J( ft{ 1 t 111 y I \-t t 1' • ~ 1 tt ~ f l tP~f t ft ( , t , • i l 1,.1 t I ~ '.i' ~· lllh, l It t i ~41 '•l I 1 t°' f ~1t I t10 S llOVE Rnr l1lf1c P q111 Wti111° h f l,tf t t <;1111 wh •\1t f • 11•l!U lt't'(1(111 -Saturday Cont. 2:30 i MOWTOME Nl'WI ' I HEALING FOR TODAY · llOVE Never T n l nve' I 1940. Dr a ma) Ma1orPN1 O'Har;i AdolphP Men1ou A ta1h.-r "' ,.,,,,, rPlea«>ed from a mental in <>111111.on t N!, tw, daughter lu bP ver y sym· paH•f'!ll ,,, ,,~supportive ( t hr 10 min ) 2:145 'l, llOYE "Sug.:ir Canf' Alley" ( t984 Dr 1•1 .i J r ,,r ;in 1 I ·year Old boy w1nn1ng a ~• ''' il.w I J l.Jeromes a rick et to a world lrf•f tr11r1 I ''f"llY but his fprlow workers 1n tht: ,uq.11 cane t1elds provide him w1rh a JtffMent lo ir d Clf p1:J11f ,Jf1011 nne aonut 1itr· rG 11 hr 4"1 rn1n J ~ m-llOYE Tl.r M,tr WtHJ ".tint l ibPrty Ja :inc..P" 1 1c1f{' WP.'.tf'rn) tamP'> StPw .irt Johr Wayn<: A man m.es to 9lm 1 wr ... 11 n1 wrongly aCCPPt'> the c.re<J1-1., tor 'l'.!.'''"ng J< wr1 a r~1tnr1ous outlaw W t.ffSTYlEI Of TltE RICH AND FAMOUS tritpr {IPW' w11r V11 I 1ria Prine llJi!I Du:i.. V,,in f'Jtrf'n M 1r1et11:: HarllPy David BrM111er (,, tr.J F'••111•r l o1T1•y.:t for k<,r;n ( 1 hr I ' NEWS BEHN> TlE SCENES llOYE "M1rln1qht f11111•<,•, 11111& Drama) Btad Davis, John Hurt Based on the lruP story ot Billy Hayes a young AmP11car• auPsted 1n lurkPy tor at1emp1 mg to smuggle out hash1st1 who sutler<, a yruehng inc.arc.er a11on 1n .1 1orhJ10US pris on R (2 hrs 1 rrun ) ~15 Eli) IEJQIOUI ~ t:IO D lllOYIE ''Klondike Annie' ( 1936, Ad venture/ Mae Wes1. Victor Mclaglen A saloon singer takes a de;:id missionary's 1den11ty and runr, oll w11h a sea captain with the pohce lint on tier tra11 m LR Of CtlllT 'li1 MOYIE 'Humongous ( 1982 Horroq Janel J11han Oav1d Wallace A d1sf1gured murder"' stalk'> a par1y of leckless teen· agers we~ker1d1ng on a remote island 'A ( t hr 15 n11n ) M5 '0 llOYE Sugar Gane Alley.. ( 1984 Orc-lmil1 For iln 11 year-old t>oy w1nrnng 11 c:,c t1 ,1,11st111 t1ecomes a ticket 10 a world lrf!P lrl1n1 nnv1<ny Oul ti1s fellow worl\ers 1n lhe <:.11qar c dnl' t1elds provide him wilh a d1tl~ettt k1r111 "' education • on~ aoout 111e P(, ( l hr 41 rn1n i uo e MOYE fort Al(JIPrs' ( 195;> Advnn lure) Yvonne De Carlo, Carlos Thompson A sp1nred r.oung woman a1temp1s to un mask a sel -appomled teader ot Arab reo els •=ers ( t hr . 30 min ) g) "Beg. Borrow Or Steal' ( t973 Adventure) Mike Connors K~nt McCord Three disabled veterans rob a museum 10 finance a business venture (2 hrs ) C'i) LCM lfllCW. CZ) MOVIE "Star Trek 111 The Search rnr Spock" ( 1984. Science F1c1ton) Witham Sha1ner DeForest Kelley Adm Ktrk reac;- sembles lhe crew of the starc;h1p En· 1erpr1se tor one final voyage to try and rescue Mr Spock whose sp1111 remains alive on tt•(' rapidly degenerattng Genesis planel 'PG' ( 1 hr 45 min ) m MOYIE "Captain Kidd' ( 1945. Adven lure) Charles Laughton, John Carradine The no1or1ous ptriltP ot the Seven SM '>,., brought to 1us11ce by thP trickf'ry nt une of his own men (2 hr s l d CS) ,AIER CHAtE When Prof Pc;sor Kings fteld is mystenousty absPnl Imm an 1m ponanl class, hrs studen1c; learn A lesson 1n self·rehance ( 1 hr ) 'St. Elsewhere' views famine By FREO ROT ll E~B1'.RG "'p Televl•lon Wrll•r L 0\ .\ '.< ii I I \ ~ B< \ ·~1 I l'>t'\' ht•r,•" \1 il l t1H11 h un ilw 1''>lll' of \.\or Id hungl·r nl'\l \l'OJ\tin 1hrnugh itw t'H'' and c \pl'rtl'llll'\ Ill thrt:l' of It\ rrrnlut l'f\ v.ho COSBY ... FromPage3 I Mal111lm l.1111.tl \\ ,111111) 11\111)' 1•li l tor thl (nolh.tll l\';11n ,11\d 1111 n .1d \,1tht'd tin· .:p1\1 l1k \\1th llH' t.111111\ ' ""'' t1111l\ .111d re\J'H1l1\\' pa11111d.11 II 1 lil t , "IH< \1,1\ .1 l111 k .11111"'" ,1h1111t thl\ .1pp1 11." h h,I\ Ill~ 1111 1'.11' tl11 11nl 1111 grnhhr•t r1111t t'l'\.1gg1·1.1r..td••1tll',t11 lft\1' \tor\ lin ' \Ill h ,I\ I 111 I \' 11'1 J.., lhl' l .11 .ind ''''' 1' hut.-11 1111111 1<11 J..\ v.h11 h.1, ,Ju I(\, nt,ill1 Im J.."tl )11111-.1·11 111 l ln· h.11h rt II 1111 \\ h,tl th 11.11 I d 1\,1\ 1111 II p11.tl \ll • 111 1< th ii '111hl Ii, "''tilll'd 111 •llh M 'f)I\ Ill l' II\ t \ ( 1111d, . \did ( ·" ''' \A. lt"n < .11 ''" .111,f \\ l llWt \11'rt \II< pro~r n111w1' lhn 111huu l"'htll' 11 tl'll to ro,I\ < ,1,b1 11l111,1'l'lt'' I \' .\, 111lkrwndl'lll p111d1H•'" 1lw:-V.l'rl' .1hk to I.ind h 1111 h1 all111111 ,.111111111 c,1r1111t111· .A .. ( 11\h\ lo,.1111\\\ lk,t' .11 11nd IH\ov. n 1 hildr.11,111~ .111 1111dl'' undnp1 ·1n11r\ I tf..l·( till I 111.ln 11.1,1111 f..1d' 1 tw I'' ·d1H t'r-.· 111.1J111 1 u·,1t I\ 111'"!!' u mrn1 v.111 < n\h) 1a11w llH'' 111. I h1 \t,1hl1' prol1''\1111 d and 1111.11111.il \l.1t11, < P'I" ":t11tl'd 111 iw .1 mun· rop1tll\t 11111"1""'' 011\l'I ;Ith 1\1<, V.lfl' ,J pllltlll><. t ll11 t l)h produn't' tdt 11 \\<Hiid lw 111111\' • tnlihl, 11• m.llll· hrn1 ;111 uh,tl'lrtl 1.111 .111d < l.111 .i ll'l\\\t'r I qilo11ncd < ·"'''' Bill" 11111 0,111 .111 ,11H1 n·\111Jlll'lul 111 tw up .1~.11n,1 11 tin.11H 1.1 11' 30 Sunday. July 2 1, 1985 "l'nt 111 l 1h111r1a l"\1X't·t1ng a derri:!>~rng 'till') hu1 found "an uptrft1ng nm:" r Xl'CUll\'l' nrodu1a Rrul l' Paltro\\ and Pl ~' 1 nm hmiana ttnd John Ma'>tU., wl'n t to thl' lamt11l'-ra,aged countr)' la~t monlh 111 maJ..c: preraralmn~ to c;hoot \l'l/.11H'nl' Im thl'1r award-11.innrng hn\p1tal d r am.1 The pr 01n tnl ~IOI\ Ir ne wa\ to l'\PIOH' "th1· dll'ctc, nf IA.Orld hungt·r on thl· d1>l tnr\" I 1>n1ana .ard I ht•1r original 11111·nt1on v.;1, 10 H·t11rn h11 .1'l'l1•lld '1\lt wt th actorc, and .1 film l'fl''' B111 ult1ma1l'I}. thl'\ tknd1•d aga111c;t 1h.11 pl.in hl.·1.1u\l' of tlw log1'>t1cal d1flirnlt1l'' of tran,portintt aruJ cnrtllg tor a 11n111n11l·d l n·w "!Jo \IHI wt up tahk' Ill :t rl'l1d 1amp ''' tn·d (th1· 1 Tl'"')''" h1n1.1n.1.l\J..l'd Ill .1 rcu.·nt 111tl'fV1l'Y, l'altrov. 'n" n 'nan,hoh of thl' rC'fugl't' l <llllJ'l' m ight apix·<11 in an upcoming l'Pl\Otk. although lhl' more s1gn1iicant tt'lortl ot tlw trrp \\tit Ix• lhe changt•d and lw1ghll'twd 'icm1h11ittes nl Fontana and \.1a'1U\. lhl' 'Ihm\\ main .,,.rttl·rs. ·· fhl' hr&gl''lt \UfPrt'>C "as the JO)' and '>pirtt "' the P\!llPk 1n tht" rl'11d camp., .. Ma'"u' ... a1J "It .,,.a~ <;o uplif11ng. We wen: l'\f)\'('t1ng a drpn·c,s1ng \IOI) and we lame ;t\\,t\ v.1th an upltft1ng o ne It r hangt•d th1· v.;t) w1· lookl'J al the w11rld " Tht' prrn.Juu.-r~ '1c;111·d Ball, a c .imp of I "' .000 1worrlr. :in 1•114ht·hour Jl'cp nJe from I 1h111ft1.1'\ 1';1p11.1I \dd1c; Ahaha. It ' .1111a11ni;. <,;1111 I nntanJ · I here:'<, "11h111 d1·r '\11 p11,hing111 grJhh1ng. Pcortc ·\l ll'tl l \lit \' 11 hl'tlh'J th1·~ °ti 8l'I fl•d . hut lh1 \ltll 11.111\'d p.1llt'lllh Ill 11111• \\, '><1\1 tlt.U .1nd 1h11ugh1 ..ibout till' l'"l"'"frt'•llt 111 g11rng t1 1 .1 nw\ ll' IH.'tl' ot 1.1 J..111 g ,, "'h\' .1) 111 1'1'\' '\ or!.. .,,. hl'fl' p~:o pk .111.JllA.,I\' t1gltttt1!! tnr 'P•lll · \lth<111gh thn lound \\hat thn l'1tlkd "a 11 k h1 .11111n ,,, lilt• · <k.11h \1111 h.wnt' till' 1.1mp' · I lw ' ·, ,. hllnl·d .1 111111f P\'llPk .1nJ 1111 ll'' II•• ft\l\111\ t11 1hl11 11 tht• t ll\1\ I\ over." Ma!.1u'i said. "8 ut thl· v.orldwtdl· rt"lrcf effort\ have mack a dtfTcrl'nLc .. Fontana said the intcrn:lllunal l.'hart l\ "made me ferl. for the first 11nw that thnl' docc;n 't ha11· to he a nuclear \.\ilr " He i;a1d thl'~ Ol'H'r encountncd pan- h.indkr' in Rn11 . although the' 11.crl' \Oltcttt•<l h) \trect-w1~e rx:npk 1n ·\deli' \!,aha "Tht· rwopk in the camps knc·" 1ha1 tlw fon•1gnt'T\ had romt' to hdp," I nntana '>:lid I hl' pmdul.'l't' 'aid lht' 1dt'.1 h1r thc tnp lor "St. (l~C'what"' nrig1natl'd with Bran· Jon Tar11knf1 . prl''>tdc•n1 ol NR< Entertain· mcnt. "He· thought 11 11ould I'll· 1ntt.·rc5t1ng If a hum·h of dortor'I wc•nt 1H r1 10 hdp out." !.ard Ma~tu~. r ht" producers v..ent tor ll"it'ard1 "Wr felt we lOUldn't write honntl\ ahout thr sub1ec1 unksc; v.t• ~;i v. what v.,1, g11111g 11111 11 1he camps." said f·onwna For ~veral episode~ la'l \l'.1<.011, .. ~, El<1cwhcrc" featured David W:l\n1• a' .111 t\llx·n Schwc111er·typ1.: dnt t11r "'ho h.111 spent hi\ entm• mctl1cal career 111 ·\1111 .1 "Hut that ~tor) was bast•l.J on our 1mag111.1 t1 on," !\atd Ma'ilU!.. adding I hat "one of 0111 ronrcrn\ Wt th tht• \how" th.it \.\I' might t 1111 out of cxrx·nt'Ol c' .. Over the lOUf\l' ol tl11' 'lt'Jc;on wr'll 11"' thl' lfthwpwn) l'\IX'rH'nll'' nnt t•• prt'<ll h. hut lo gr\l' Jnoth,·1 '>l'll,1' 111 ,·,rn1corn to ltll' ch.11J111·" '.A.t"ll ti\ It• 11amla1r hm' lht· \1t11a11nn 111 \ln1-.1 rl'l.ttl'' tn \ mrnrn " f 11111<1na \:t1d llH'\ npl:i1nnl tn f th111 p1a11 11fl1l ""' that thn \.l,111tl'd tl> do .1 lil'lHltl.ilt1l'd 'Inn "w1tilo111 '''l'mtng lrkt• .1 na'' IV 'h'm rnm1ng 11110 ta Ill' .1d.,.an111g, ol \!ill' 1ng penpk " ' "ft 111rnrd 11111 that v.l• \H'rt· t111111' con1 ern1·d .lh11111 h1·111r t"\rln1t1 \r 1h.111 .111,001· 1·l,1·' ht· ;1dd1•d "l \l·nhrnh '"'d ti \llll d111r t •'\plrnt JI \Oil d u11 l hdp a t1' h< 1d' · · -Sports Cont FromPage2 t:ll 8 IABALL CeMtomla Angeq et T~ f'Oftto ...... Jef9 (S hra..) YI 0 fl) IAIBAU Chicego C11be et Loe ~ Dodgw9 (S "ra.) nu.a 7:91 MCllQ Fltofll ltOU YWOOO ,._ ... l()mQ ,_ IOXIMG Saturday 11:310 nll WUJC .. IAIOALL Al I E*>Olll Ml I) •wom:wa--~ U.S. ClaJ Cout1 Chem~ ftnel matchee from •~ ~· (2 hn... Min.) 0 W IAIOAU. "9gklMI ,..co-•::=-· -of CNcego Cube et Loe .,.._ or It. Louie Cerdll .... et ten t30 ~ ,g ~ OfMtW Her1ford Open, round ftom the ToumenMnt of ,_,.,. Ctub tn Ctomw .. , Conn. ( 1 ht., •Min.) HD 0 MAllOML. COUEOIATE M>OEO 6:to I) AUTO llACltG lntemetton.1 R.ce Of ChempkMM. T..,._ dmw. com- pet. "' ldenticettr pnpeNd eutomo-IMIM from Aa.berna lnt.,naUonal •1 In T ... dege. AJa. (1 hr.) Olntf ITW IT\JNO Beach rift led to collaboration LO~ ·\ ""( 11 I l ~ -Orw 111 ll'll'' 1\1110 ' mo\t prolitil a~socta1 1t1n!> began .tt lhl' hnnk 11t j 11,t Ilg.ht m t'1 .1 'l){lf nn thl.' tx·.1, h al Balboa l<;land tJk1· thl \1 Jlh 1111nwthPd111 'f\t•llin~ -J1·,1\11ng ..-.ht•rc 1ht• music "tllgo-1111ln11\ln~111111h1111hntr.11t·tlrn1 k n'mll ..-.11 h j hC3\) That m1~u ndt:r\t,ind111g hcl\h'l'n \\Jltl't prodt1Cl'r \1,•pht·n I Cannell a nd eompo~·r ~1 1k1.· Po'I kd 111 j t11u1,hh1 p th JI h." 1u111nl out somr of1 hc m11\t \lien1 1it.·ant mu\ll.11 tht.'Oh'' nn tt.'ll'\ "111n Po,tandh"1oll,1rn11,t1111 l\t,·< .1rp1.•n1crdnlhl tlh'nw,1t11.ill111 Cannell\ \ho"'' lr11m I hl' 1{11, kt11rd I 111·, t11 ·I l.111k."tk ,\. McCor1111,k" to 'Thr \ lt.•;1111 .. l 11rnwr < .rnnl.'11 ,1,,11,1.llt'' h,1,,· a \kl'd t lw111 111 "'rt11.• 1 lw 11111\lt tor · 11 ill "ill t.'l't Bh11·, · ,111d \ t.1gn u 111 p I .. 11 ,1,1r1ul "h111 m' h1 .. 1h11 ""' 111, "111 Jnd Ill\ '"11 ,inJ I rl'O tt.•d .11x-.1d1htlll'l'1111 11.tlhn.I '·"" 1'11\I ·1.111\ Ill till' 11111rn1ng l \\C wa lkl·d du" 1\ 111 tlw lx'J( h lu ,1.1!..1· CHJI our lartillf\ '' 11h tcml'I' M ~ brothl'f and I n1111p1.d m 1•1 11t, ""'"'Jll .111d 1h,· 1·n1111· h1'.11 h "·" Ul\t'rt'd \\Ith lll\H'J\ "AuJ Jnd I \tarted rt.'JrrJll).!111~ the I0\\1'1' and th" l,:11\ \l'"' .11 u,, II \~." 1n<.t.i nt d"lil..1.· flt. h.1d tlm iron J·•" h(:ard 'rr.1\rd hJ1r and \\J\ <,molo.1ng ;i thin t l~ar :--.,m nl\ hr111 lwr\ huilt lt l..l· .1 mml\\' .ind .ind ''I.' for1.cd thl' ~u' 1.1 ha1 ~dim n ·· I Jtl'r 10 thl.' d:I\ Po..i '011ghl him llUI .rnd .1pol11tzlll'd r hu' hcgan the tr1crllhh1p hi. l\\t.'l'll 1'11,t .1n1l ( .1n11\·ll Pn\I had lx·1.·n \\111 ~1ng l,1rt?1.'h j\ .1 11.·1orJ prod111,·r .ind arrangl'r (lh1· < 1ramnH \\ll11l1nK "( '"''II jl C1:1\" ,111d "t."nn' 1{11gt'l '> ' and thr h r\I I d1t10nJ .111d 111t1\11.,tl d1r1.·n11r I · T h1.• \nJ\ \l. llliam' I ~hov. ") It "il'< Jnndl "1t11,ugg1·,ll'd hl•u1llahor,11c \\Ith ( .Hf)l'Ol1't on tht• 1h1.·nw for ( anndl\ lil\t 'rn1.•\, "Toma · "P1·11· ' ~,1 H'M' old • ,,11d Po'I ·· 1 t -., grcj I to h,n 1• d pJ rt n,·1 Iii.., Pe te-tw1a11\l' 1111 tltr l11n~W'' time h1\ fnt.•n J ., kit 'orn llir him r hc}'\l <.a\ IH•\ \11111.. \\Ith lhl\ \Oung rm !.. 'n' rnll1·1 \l.fUl0\jU\I tt . humm1·r \nd tll\ lri1•nd' "1·r1· 111n,c1 n1:J th.11 I "·" 1dl r' 1ng 1h" old gu}' "But \H'0 rt.• <\cl do\l' ffiU\ll.'4111 ~ lhJI mmt rx·npk t..111'1 tt'll II\ apart Wr'H' lx'l'n tn(l.rtht•r IJ ~car.. nnd nt.'\l'r had an .1r1turth'nt Po\t 1\ no" 1n '11ll.1hora t1ng "1th C JnOl'll on lh1.· 111ll\ll tnr .1 tv.o hnur ptlnt 1allnl '\t1ng1.1' .. "l h1 <. ".1 "huk 1W\\ h.1lli.:.1n11 hH \t1•\ l .tnd "'"1·11 lw \jld "11 \ nHH1.· high ll'l h j nd I''" .. 1.1nd.11d '' onng It' r1·al ,111" lw\,lll'l I'm nla.}'1ngalmo\t l'\l'r)t hing lll\\\•lt ,111c..I ht'' lUtllll!( thr \\l'lll\ t1) the m uc.11 I don't U\U:tll\ go It) v.ork 11n11I thl' p1cturr·, fi n1,h1.•c..I .. P1l\t ,,11d 1ha1· j fl' · mu,1t ()l'r\onah11l'' .. '~h1C'h 'u11 '.ir1ou' produ(t'r' I rx·r"'" l < .111nrll .,, J \U()l'r h1gh.quj lit' jl'lll•n nd,cntun: pruduwr \.\Ith \1111ir H'r} 10gl·n111u\ guoJ humor .. ht• ~aid. "So. rn u~1call> \'1111 1 :11 d) gel o,uper dark [ w n "'lwn t twrc'<, .1 ltfl.'·thrcatcn1ntt \11\i:l llllll tht:rt''\ \!HlH'lh10g aoout h1<. \Hl\IOjl. lh,11 makes 11 a little nm1 t1 q·" Po\t 'n1d. "II "l' h.1H ·'"' dj1m 10 fame 1t \ that P,·11' ,1n1I I came alnng when .ill 1ht· pt'11p k \H1ling tor ti lm .1nJ 1 \ h.1d hnl.'kf.1,rnun tl c. hl':l \ "' 1n 1:111 Pl 1 t.1"1ral nlll\ll \\hat "'l' dill \l,t' "" t h 111 "''ct 1110 ·1 think 1•\1.'n<11w ,urrt•n1I\ \.\nt1ni.: tor mu.-.1c o"'c' Henr) \1,11111111 .1 ~11 di d1 ht lit 111, \IJn111n1 thn u\1.·J to use J d ifferent kind 111111u"' 1111n1'1\ 1h1n)! n j Iii, \\ hJt ht· did "'as" n tc a little 111111· .111d 111.1~1· 111\t .1 ln1 dl.lfl~•' '"' till' different 'n~nes a nd Jll\•1111' AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS SALES & SERVICE WE CARRY STANLEY -. til'f\A' 1-- S11nd<W July 2 I . 1985 31 You can't buy '"quality" ~omputer furniture--FOR LESS! $368 as snown NEWPORT/ COSTA MESA ANAtl:N SANTA ANA 752-1778 535-1371 - FORECASTS ON A2 Servl"9 Newport Beach, Cotta MeN , Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Btach, Fountain Valley and South Orange County ORANGE C OUNTY. C ALIFO RNIA SUNDAY. JUl v 2 1. 1ger, 50 CENTS Mesa L~tino~ struggle to survive Lifeline thrown to crime-ridden area so immigrants can break the barrie r f ll lhl' nmth ( O\l,1\.fr\tl1\ lhl• ~dt­ prod;11med "C 1t\ o t thl' \rt\" a dl'\ dopt.·r' ... p<Jr.H.ll\l' tor hotl'I' '>hoJ')- p1ng co111pl1·,1·, h1~h-n'>l' utfal' butldinl(.., .rnd fl\.'rtorm1ng .irh thl·ater\ But Ill thl' \Outh ( O\lcl \k\.I I\ cl h.1rno una"'art.· L tl.l' an unhalamcd '>l.'l' \J\\ thl Coast Local residents are big winners at the Orange County Fair. which closes today./ A4-7 California The USS Kitty Hawk will be moving from San Diego to Florida after an overhaul. /83 Nation President Reagan 1s back in the White House and "eager to get back to work."/83 World Rescue teams are sifting through dam disaster debris in Italy to find bodles./83 Style A Japanese company has brought ·unisex' cos- metics to its new Irvine headquarters./82 Sports The Angels' Mike Witt celebrates his 25th birth- day with a win./0 1 Brad Greer of Huntington Beach takes command- ing lead 1n SCGA Amateur Golf Cham - pionshlps./02 Entertainment Four musicals and two comedies arrive on the local stage scene this week./84 Veteran actress Celeste Holm will present a worthy opponent for Jane Wyman on "Falcon Crest" next season /BS Business The exercise fad and computer wizardry have found a happy merger for an Irvine businessman /05 drug-trat1ilk1ng and poq·rt\ ol th\' f>rcJ11m1natl'h L a111111 nl'tgh· horhood~ o t \OUlh\.\l'\I ( o\ta M n.i rl•main in the \hadu\.\ ot the '"' l\h '°lou1h ( na'>I Plata arl'a "'tlh 11' nl'" C>r,tngl' C o unl) Pt'rform1ng \rt' ( l'nll"r ant.I major lllnlllll'rl·1al pro- ll'll\ \\ h1k thl· "'all\ 1n thl' L .i11no TONY SAAVEDR A Focus ON THE NEws ne1ghhorhml(h Ml' mo~th dc:ar o l graflit1 the ')eed!I for gan(I Jt ti\ 11~ ha\t' indeed heen planlnl r hl•\ Jlt' o,o" n b' a people \truggli ng Lt> \ur'l'C' \l'I un.ible to h1c:ai... thl' harrtl'f\ u( l.inguage and l ulturt' \1Mt an: illega l 1mm1grJnt' pll1nK into ram .. h.ilkk apartment' Jnd ¥ar ..1gl'\ '>uppon1ng them..el' e' h~ v.a.,h ing d1\hes 1n re\lJurant'> 11:nJ1ng thi.: "ell-man1\.Ufl'd la""' ol '-ev.pon fkal'h or ptl'l.tng \trav.ht:rm•s 1n (ran.kn (inn e '°lomc: turn 111,cll1ng hl•ro1n Otha' DellJ l"'llo4 llf\Ote ltf Howatel LlpH\ INDEX Erma Bombeck Bridge Business Class1f1ed Crossword Death Notices Home Entertainment Horoscope 83 83 05-6 C2-8 86 Even a 60 -foot inflatab le replica of the Statue of Liberty captures all the majesty of the real MiH Liberty as •he presides over the Orange County Fairgrounds at •unset. C7 C1 It 's really Fair weather Ann Landers Opinion Public Notices Sports Style Television Weather 84-6 ca 82 A8 C7-04 c 1-4 B 1-2 TV Log A2 Today's your last chan ce to take in Fair festiv ities By JEFF ADI.ER Of Che 01lly l'lle4 lleff Orangl' C 11,1\t rl''l'k nt., hJ H .1 tough l'ht11n~ to nwl..l' tndJ\ \hould thl'\ 1oin thou..anJ' 111 111h1'" t111 lhl' tin<1l d,1, 111 thl· < lr.111gl' < 1111111' I .11r or \houh.J thn hl·ad to thl' u1,1,t l111 \\hat prnnH\l'' 111 h,: .l r1ltu1r pnktl \Unlnll'f \Joi\ al thl· \1·,l\1dc' l 1\hl·r "a' 11·, .1 nc1-l1"1 '1111.11111n fk 11 tht' he:tlh 11r tlw 1.111 '-.1111 '-'t•.11hn \l'f\lll' lt1rrl,l\llr' .lit' 1 J1l t1n~ ,1 ~l'll1 nt .1 di!\ < k.11 '"'l'' pknt' of \Un ,1n.t ,1111111wr hl..l' ll'mpt·1.1111rn 'hnulJ prn J II I h 111ugh 01r~11han ( alll1trn1J " \long thl '".i't '·•'• h t.11' nwrn1ng h1t1. .Intl dou1.h 111 l'Jr " hhtl' '"'''' .rnd 'un,h1111 ''1th h•!o!I" 1.lnP,1 ng In tht• \ l'f\ '1111 I I) I.I''"' . ' 111 .. ' dt·gr t't' ra nttl' In 1.111.! .111.I 11 1 mo,1 o t ml'tr11J')\111t.111 1 11 '"!!' l 1111 I\ theh1ghlt'mpt·rJ1t1rl '' ''"'"''' rt-.1lh J n\\.\ht•n·tr11m\I 111\l•dq~ ,.,., 111JJ\ all·nrd111~ 111 till '-.11 .>11.11 \\ l'.1tha ''"I\\' lc•r·l·, J'I l ntkr \lm1IJ1 '"'I'"' ..... II I d I ,, ' (Plea.e see FAIR/A2) Firm's executive finds 'his roots' Irvine Company's pa lm-pla n ti n g idea b ranches out tn Fash ion Is la nd redesign By STF.\ E MAROLF. Ot-0.ity ..... ll•ft Th, jlll'JI pJlm lhl' hunt <11 I 1111' tool. 11101 l'.lfl\ 1111'• ''"" \.\h1·11 C h11' M.ih11n k a rnt•tl that lw h.1ll tc • 11.tl I. do" n \ "~ \\ _.,h1n,11\n1.1 Mnh11\t,1 Jntl .11 lt'.t\t I IJO l'hl'<ln" < ,11111111 11 It' ' I d 1dn·1 I.no" p.11111' f111m (l(':ln111' · \;lld \t.1h11n th1• Ir 11n1· ( 11 \ dirt•l 1111 111 ·'"''I nt.lflJIH 1111'111 Aul J\ HIW rnn (lUt''>' I qu1l 1.h lll.'l"llml· \Omt'th ing uf an .1111hunt'" I h<' trl'<'' wt·n· tor r-.l'\.\l'••rl < l'Oll'I "htl h thr dr' C"lopml"nt hrm h.1d dt'l' tdt'd to rcl:indli4. :s~· "'1th tu"n1n~ palm\ OOC' \.:ltH.'I\ Ill ll"fll.ll(' lht' '" .1mnrc' t111 th(' t•ntrnnt l' rnJJ, .ind ,1 ~·< nnd tor I hl' ro.1d \\ J \ l hl , 11' In r ,1,hwn l\IJnll Othl'f\ \.\Ill j&l.l<I' 1111 111.111., "'" \In uni C 111111 "h1d1 IMmatl\ \\J\ J l Pl' flfll'\ Rut a\ ~tahon c.1mc 111'1111.t 11ut "'"' doc'ln'1 1u'1 ph11nl• tht• lc11..1t nu"1'\ 1t1 SCl'Url' •• hU(ll' 1111kr ol 'IH 11101 high palm' Ill'\'' Onl' 111 th1· Jtllll uhl<'' " th.11 thl· '"''' mmt I'll· m.1t\ ht•d h' ''"'' ·~·, ,1nJ ll\' 111 .1 "i1mil,11 hl't!Jhl. \t,1h1111 -..;.11d I h,., ·r~· "1mc p.1lrn '1ro' ,., "hrr 1' \\\' '"''"'ht '"nil· lrl'\'' hut 11tht'" "l' h.1d 111 htrl' .1 l.m1l'l·lf'llll' t11n1 I•• tr id. t ht•m """ n ·• I h.11, '' h1·1t \\ 1111.1111 I l '••1111~ t ,11111' 1 ll ' 11> .\IHI P(Xf.lll\ ' 1 ~ ,\ " , 1 n I n .I 111 " \\ illi.\111 ti 1.1lm tr , hu,1nt'" 1 hJt '.11 lw ,i.-...·, 11 1' ltrm tr.ll i.., th"'n 111'""'" .111.1 tlwn n·plant' l'l.llm tn•t•, ltH hn11"1111 dn \'11,pnwnt' 'hc1pp1n~ ,,·nh r llHllllf\ , tuh' ,111\I fl'\11rl h1lll·I, l'.11111 lf\'l'' h1• '·''~t h,1, ,. "'-.,. 11nh' 11nn f1111111l.1 th.1111 ''' 1n l.md'••ll'"'~ '11unt1 \J1ll h,• .in\! h" f\\1 \1111, plau J\h 1n OL'"'f'l·•f't r' 111h•11n~ 111 hu\ un\\Jfltnl 11.ilm lrt'l' l1•1m '' d,•nt' .111,1 ''''"''lllllt'' 111,t 1!r1q th111111t!h 111•1ghh .. 1h11<'1\I' l1tt•l.1n~ 1 ' p.11tld11.11 ''"'h' .... 11111111111\ \ \\ 11'1 I'll lh\ I • I (Plc .. c ett PALM /All t1..1lhl·r ..11 tolal har' ur .ipartml·nt ~umpk\t'\ \\ hnl· thl srumhltlll(,\ "' t hi." u Ol'lll pl1 J\ t.«.l 1-{fll"' luU1.kr "'11 h C'oll h hn~r Thi'" J harrio J ,(um ii "'u v..ill V. c 'n till' h1t1.h 11'>1.·, hut Jnq• J (11upk 111m1ln1nt11 < 11\IJ ~l'\d ,111J •\1U "'-'l' t 'lum '-!IJ Hn..a "wntoHJ <1n In ir l' 1•1..1rr1at1.I." .inJ lamtl~ l11un 'l'lor "h11 \f)t."l 1,1l1tl''> 1n hl·lp1n(I L a11n " I ri 111 'l'• l' n 11\ C q\\J \ k'><I ' \t'lfl'I hJrr1 .1ptu1rJ 11nl\ rhl J ttt'nt111n 1>1 flt 1liu· Hut thl' ut\ ha' ll n11t1lt' alloca11n~ $1~~ l11r J poli,l' \uh,tatllln "'l''l a11:a J\;,in 11Ulll''1' t ,11mmun11' \111rl'11\ l•f ,1 l h'-lpll'I 111 I n1tt•d I Jt1n \ml .. I l,1 II hi\ JI ll .... llh· II I .11 , " \.\J\ l11rmtJ 1n I c1,t..1 \1 hr \' J r11f11.' 111 thl· l•Hl?t'h urWti . ·,I in n ~r J nl\ I hl lca~!Ul l ""'1't' • I at n .. , (Ple&K aee LIFELINE/ A2) Boa t people p r osper and learn i n U.S. lndochine e in Orange County included in study lnJ11, h.r., '" .mm1grJnt' "h1 llnn,.kJ < lr;inl?c: < uunt' JnJ otha part' <11 thl· l n1tl'J \tJ\l'\ Jltl'.'r ·l- .i re m.il. 1 n11 ql'Jth n unom ll pr11grt" .tnJ tht·1r ,htldrl·n .ifl' '>h.illl'rtn(I '(hoot gr.iJ, , Jf\l'' J l Ol\l·r"t' 111 \ltl.h1!1.an rnt:..1r hl'I \J\"> ( ultur.tl '.1 ..i,' anJ l..1ntil\ ,i.;ntrl'\.'d J' h1nrnwnt guJI' JP· pJrl·nth 11,• d1l r -."1'"' l•ir thl· -.tr '"f 'h•l" inf 'J J '-.1th.Jn < aplan "'ht• lirn ll'd j l r l \ JI \\UJ\ ,, Jlx•UI . -l1 , 111 •.11 re •P 1 h .. u.,l'.'h11IJ, ll•r thl 'lll""'' IO\lllUll' ol "•l\.IJI Kv ,,-.1r, n I fll. ... 1 'UP •hllh II .1duJt, ..1nJ ~~.I' "hildH '1 • p11'4.·d .1h<1ut t'l.jUalh 11 1 • JI' I ,111!1,IO' Jnd dhllll I \\ \ ll"r .in . I Jpl..1n \.tlu ( hl' 'tud' "'J' l.11nJ .lllfl' ( lldOI\ ( h1,Jg.11 II • ..., tit Jnd H .. u,11111 \ 1nu:ilh Jll thl· •..1n; kul'.'fJI ,J">h J"''t..1n, e n Jffl\l'd \.\h l lhJt '11 J l p...·rll'nt ..1ltcr 4 1 month-. . .ir • , hll.IJ\ \tll·r ;hrt'l' H·.tr' !ht Jr11pp...•J '•11m Jlffi•l\I • .th<.•ut i ~pt. ll.l'OI hl °'Kill m11'>t \tll •i.t·rt· in l11v..-'1 Hut • ., .h1ldrl'!l "t'ft IX'lll" lh·· t''t'Jfl rn '-! \lurt• hJn 1h-l1>un Jrt·n 'luJ ·J 1 ir thJt (Pleaae .ee S Tl DY A2 Flag pole feud leads to OC cou r t th R11Ht-.RT B .\RKER Of ,,,.. 0 .11, PtlOI Sl•N (• ,1 IV 11.'. flt1\A ,.11111 l\tl \\ t•1"·11.1•1 k·..1rn 11 1 'kgJI 111 lh ti l' \'1lt 'l•,I I ltL Ir h' l '\·ltll't f)<lk ll rhl I ,·1.111 \..11l \l 1t'>1l Homl· 1 ·.11 ... \I 1"' 'II d \\ "'11 .tn \ !l.11.' '·'rll• I h< .11, .. v.Jnt h r11 ' .J.: 111 \\ 1h'l• .111d I 1 •• • (1 .. ,l"l i'~'11l·,1" ;inh 11111"11. h1\ '• I I\ \\ 1"1'1.J I ~ 1 \\ h1 fH'ljUt'fllh \\f lt'f\·1tru, ~"-ll1'.tnJ"'h1 h11l<h >;l l \\ ,. '"11.1 · d • q \ 1.kl h II '1 ' l ' Ill\' \ll'l o. v •. ,,"n.in \Jttl r hl' r• •j l' .1 • " ,omplJtnt 1. h , i:r:' h.1 'l' hn·n ·' l'r, ,1,ll nt ~ •nJtd K1".1~n JnJ 111° IJll l11hn \\ .l\n J' h1' n, .... ,'t', hJ' ~·l•n l'lll:_,11!\'d II ,I \llllllll''" n1t t'>.1 lk lclf ,1.;vr 1 ,,.,11, 111th p.111.. """er< "'•.tld •1 '''1 l·n rir. r1 .1 T t- " \\ l' h.t\ l • ' 111 I > .... ~ 'll 1>·1ul!hl • r ,, '•..11kJ 1111?,·1 .t" '1r.1:i.:, I 1 ur " !"'nor l i1un 1diz1 ti• '"ll<' 1 prt 11n1 i,11"\ 1n un, ti.•n fl p111h1h1t tht• 11.tf! pnk 11n 1trnunJ, th.II r ,I' ·1 I • h •c·rl' h,1 loo \I I I.. \ ... ,11 I .1 b\ I), lli-;l l I> ;1d.1I ..tl"Jl "n1 \I -...1 \n..1'1t n l' ti I\ h ' 1n~ .Ill'\ L \ .1 .I j I Moonshine a real lainbforits owne r lh t-Rt-ll \1lC,l L'HI' ...,, '""-Oe ••y '1oot ~••" I I .. 1 l • .I\\ )i, ,I" I\ " ' ' q l\l ,I h1\lllt l•I '!1 1 11,l:lh' 111 hl'I h ~ ( " Jl'1t> J,11,t'd , ,h•r•h, h•J ~t I .1111 , ' '"' .. ,n 1"'11· II.•" , ~ 1 u't t ·", Mt·,•n l'fl'll\ .; ~·· \1. .,, hi..11>. 1ir't r ·" \ .I ' ,,,, \'i.'111111!\ .11 th1 C •r.1 l~t ( 11nt' I .111 f\11 ,111,, I ~11 '" l.1m1' l\l' b,•,· 1 i.:1·111'1~ •·· ,;h,,.•I 11n t1nw .llhl 1-..,·11 i.:•·111n>= 11.1 1' ll•••i..I 1{1.hll'' It' txcn 1 I'll-! r1''r': ""'' 111' hut 11 'ht'l'll .II .I .1 h•n I"' \I •' .1 \l"J 111,.:h .... '11111l ,l11lkl1t I~,,,, ~ 1n•', 1 t 11 .. 11\:ht ·it--.'''' .1 "ni;? .in .1n111 ,, "'"'H" tit•' H.1r \h hr11•t I .11.1 II 1,,,, \l.U hut I ~ II 111111 , ... '·"'' •1 h1 0.,.. ..._ .,_., "-_,....,. Orace Be.aeock with a ward· winnlnc Moon.ahlne. J ~ .. _. ........................ illillil ........... ________________________ ~~------ A2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. July 21. 1985 LIFELINE THROWN TO MESA LATINOS ... f'romAl m.in' ol th\·m st'rond .tnd third ¥l'ncru1111n ..\ 1n1:rtrJn' "ho'l' .trll'l'~to" 111J\ h.nc walkcJ the samr path .l' thr \ll·\ ailed 1lleial alal.'n' ( hu\\ \\h11 ha\C fll>Un~hl'd IO < O'>tJ \k\J, .m now nrnbal111ng 'tl 1ha1 oth('1 I .1111w'> ma~ db thc same "ft\ JlnHl\t like a I\\''' world ha'> bct'n Ul\U>\ \ 1 \'J .. -..11d H'\IUl'nl L \ d1a Ko<lngut"J a \hll'f urgJn11t·r· ul I l L..\( ' llhllllh-old ( O'>lJ 'le~ \haptrr fh1,\1t\ aH1d1J'>lt1s.ha~ man' l Jt111 .. , · · Rodngu\·1 hJJ sumt' 1rnubll' l)t'r· ,u,1Jing a lo\ .ii hu\1ne'>'>01Jn \\ho \he \\J\ a11rmp1111.,: ltl cnh'>l in a fund· rJl\lng Pl l.IJl'\'t ''Ht• .,;.11.t '\\ h\ ( O\lJ 'k"' I ..\II tht• \pan1'>h f'\'11rk .uc in \antJ \nJ·" 1t·meml"ll:rt•d ){0Jnguc1 \ht· 111m 111' ll•''> pott•nt1JI J1111or'> lo lJI>.\' J \t111ll thr11ugh lht• -.t.111~tll''> • •fra ( llllllllun1\\ ( t'nll'r IO thl' \\1u1h,1dt• '' h1•mt' 11.1 111tt' ol the ,ount\ 'l.11~,·,1 llt·Jd \tJrt programs. hochllng .1ht1ul 160 pfl.'-'>thoolers \,\Ith .1 .:r.tnl Ill .1dd 4tl l'hlldrt•n Ol'\I \t'J r J~u>1J111~ 111 Ll L .\( 11tlicials \t>11u1 ~~ I" ,,,·111 or lht• \11ung~lt'P• 'P~'JI.. ,,n \p.1n"h • \nd llt'.1r hJll 111 !ht• 45U 'll11f1•n1' .11 1• .. 111on.1 ~ kml'ntan "' h1wl 1n !hi' '"111t• art'J .. 1rt· I Jllno· Bui .1, thl·11 1111mt>er' 1mrt•Jsc. so ,111 1ht·11 r1111hl('11" \jn\11\11 \\lu .il,1.l \\'r\\''> J'> sec- t !Jn til tht•, h.1ptl'r ..aid l l11ld-abuse 1' n'ing .imt•ng \p.101'>h pt'<ipk \tnct d1,upltn.111.111' "1me11me' pu,hed FAIR ... From Al lhJn I ' I'-l p1•1op1c PJ"ed . through lht· 1u111,td1·, ,11 the rnunl\ fair- ground' 1n ( ""' \lesa t>' \ pm as lair otl1 1.d, • 1• ·d up f11r thl.' bus~ sccund-IJ'l 111~111 if thl· lll-dJ\ long a nnual l l"nl 8\ • '\ r> n1 11 ll lic along '\cwport Buule' Jrd v.. ·" ,n.irkd in a n·pcat ot 1-nda~ n1g h1 ' pt·rlorrnann· and e\t~r) tll1t' 1•1 lh fa1rgroundc, 5.657 pa'e• and _ ~t' unpa,t·d parkang sr'lcc v..crc I It l lair '>PlllC\f)l'fSOn 1. O'"ih1·.1 t'P• •rted H1ghfigh\\ 1 t todJ\ \ fJlr Sl'ht·duk the final hlw.111 11f 148). finds <1 Me:1.1tan-'>t\ k "tk11 nr "l'harreada." a compt'tlll\t ~ t•n d ul mu"l horse- manship ard r.1r,h '>ltlh on the a ·ni 1. Th\' r .. J • 1:. '>Cht·dukd at I p n n lhl· l!.r.rnthland .rnd ~111 bt:· fv · d ~' ar \ mencan·<.t\ It' rodeo at 4 pm Other t'\\n1' '~hedukd toda' an- clude an l\t' '>t pture 1.onte<,1 at·<> .\ll pm. 1n lhc (, •u met <Jalll'~ and a sheep-shearing ,, •11c:-~tat 7 pm 1nthe L1 estod .\n·n.1 -\t 7 and 9 pm .. R. n -a Tnt>111t 111 tht' Beatles '"fl bt: •. esent1•d the .\rlington Theater Fnda' ·., 1111,il JI' ndancl' ol 45. 58 booc;ted-rlit· JIT ' JnnuC:1I a1tl.'ndance r"tord '<1 morl th.in ~5 000 peopk .tw.i.I 11! •1i.· ll'• d patl' <;t't 1n 1984 \I ,,he 1111 w1 dentJll\ a11end- n ..11• m r1rJn1• 1 1as1be;llhes was nh .1 l '}.il ,; J 'unm v..arm '>a1urJ.1' 1lqtu1' upanddo"nthe ,,,,\ rt'I •lll'l' Ii all more than '' 11111 , 11 \l 1 • r ppcr" !nu nli plt'n- ' ~h,1 t•w · luuk1ng lur and 1dJlt\l'h un\r ' d c11nJ1111in' a1 Ii 'l I llq!U ..a1J ,. 11,,. 111~1· · -.1.11e HeJch. fifl'.. bu"' t ''I 1.1:, l ' IOIJ pt'llpk V..t'rt• in " ,, th "I ilt· llJi:jluard' in llu11t1ngl• fk.1 , .ud apprcl\1malt'- I J }I( •tl>P ll\Cdlh.1tUt\\ I I \noul 'l IM1• 1\h·fl.lll'r' tounJ ll.:ir "·" l•i lh 1nJ JI 'l'\\port Pl'alh JJJt·J '\' ', rt Rt'Jt h \1annt· I •t·p. 11t'lll ()1 • 11n ">Uf'\'n 1,ur I I\ h I \\ 11 t' II' ,, ,. u' .i "t·el>.t•nJ u1mJ 1 , l' 1.1 \\hill' 'urmio,tJ STUDY ... From Al ' 1Jc-p1•inl J•t'r Jll)!l "h1k .i.i nl .1 p, rlt'\ l 4 I I '111h .... 11d 'h.11 ,hlldn·n 1 Ju't t' v..t•ll a' >ttt d111~n J'> a pl.in \JIJ .1 \ti 111 \,llUt'' 11 ii t·dut.1t11>n ht•\,tld . fh1' t 1 ll\· .1grt't'd I ip ,tnd v..hal 11.111' lt'1lh1ng •• ,1 more '·" primJnl~ l.'nt 1 lleallh lllitl' 111 lh·fu- " dt'\ljlOt'J 1 n .1tkqu,1t ' ul ' I ,1plJn \.11J Just Call 642-6086 Dally Piiot Dellv.ry I• Guaranteed OH'r tht• t•Jgt· h\ tht• lru .. 1rat111n 111 p<1\.l'fl\ "V. ht•n ""''rt' lnol>.in¥ JI J l Jt1m1 fa1llll\ "e '>l'l' high \Ir e'>' lc'cl' Imm not le.1rn1n~ thl' (lngfi'>h l langu.tgt' and not gc11111gJllb'> Thi' ml\\'\ \\Ith ti eullurc "herl' l.'01 poral punl\hnwnt I'> the modt'." Santu~o c'pl111nt-cl Wh1ll" rhlrtl) gr<.)UP\ hJ\l' rl' '>pt>ndcd "Ith a \heller J loud t>Jnl>. and a mc<lKal danir. ~antu\O \Jld tht• t.11.•mand for hl'lp n:ma1n\ high "V.t•'rt' tailing abOut fam1llt'' th.it ha' I.' I() c.:hlldn.·n and anotht.:r 1111 lht• "·''·" she 'aid. calling Im 11111rl' ~pan1~h ·Spt'al>.1ng 'olunteer' Jnd program gl'1m~d tor L~lltnos \aid Rodngu('J. "\.\-e arc a \l'n prllUd and humhlc ixople .. But thJt modt''l \ ha' lxcome a harnl''>'> for l at1no.; v.. ho lal k lhl' asscrt1 \\'nl.'" w mm pt'tt' for JOt'>!t .\nd eduratwn l!t often co0\1dt•r1.'d an unnrct''>sar' lu \UI\ for tht: "11rl>.-ing-dai.~ 1mm1gran1s· from "-tnilu v.. hnt' thl' goal 1~ JU St 10 mall· 11 through thl' '>l>.th grad1:. Santo) o -,.11d Ll L.\C oninal'> arc hopmg 10 dt•program tht·~c people b' '>JXl11\l>r· 1ng ''nrk.,hop\ 111 moll' at1on "'- .,att, ene'>S and Joh 1n1cn 1e'" The' al1,o plan tu male 1mm1gr.1nl\ more 3\\arc of thl'1r nght!t to ml.'d1Cal Jnd kgal Wf\ ICC'>. Pl'rhap-; morl' 1mponan1h lht' group ·~ crea11ng ~cholar,h1p\ to en\11urag1ng higher l'ducauon Jmong lJllnOS .\lthough 1ht' granl\ \\.\)Uld tw a' a liable 111 all student!>. the' .ire What a catch IJrgt'lnl .JI ( O\l,1 \It''•' \ \p,1111'h nmimun1t\ Ut•-.1dn. edU\ .iting l allnu''> l I l \( '' abo planning to "ork "11h UI\ uffa i.1h in bndgang tht• u111ural ~ill) Ho\\CH·r tht• mortar lor lht''c plan!t and program~ 1) monc). Jnd mud1 "ill dt•pt•nd on tht' chup1t•r\ .1h1lll \ tll 1.tp lht• .1murnt rxxl>.ethool>. ~ 111 C O\IJ \lt•,,1 .ind ll!t nc1ghhunng l I lll'\ "\\t• \\JOI to help Lctt1nO\. n1H thrt'.ltl'n till' .\nglo ""orld," )JIJ l·haptt'r prc!>1Cknt Juvt•n tino LOPt'J . .1 ..,,1111a .\na P'~rh1atn!tt "We arc p.111 uf Iha I '>.lllll'V..tH Id .. T h.11 <ll's1rc tti rn1ngll' "11h tht• rnJ1n,tre.1m prompted Ll ·Lo\( 10 \lhl'dull· a golf 111urnJml'nt toda) Jt ( mtJ J\k\a Goll and { ountr} Club a' 11\ fir \l lunJ-ra1!ter Pmu•t•d<; from lhl' $'ill-1cg1-.1ra1ion kt• v.. 111 ht· used Ill t'\tJt>h'h the grour' '!>l holarsh1p fund ··\\ l \\Jill lL1 gl't 3\\.l) from lht• 1r.1t.1111t>n.il roll' o t spon,oring mt·nudu or chill wokom" said "ian 111' 11 Rodngua com urred. "V. l' ~nll'' mnrl' than tortillas V. i.' 1.Jn du oth\·r thing\ .. \ht'.Jddt•d 1ha1 for I l L-\( . lhl'rt• 1' n11 'urh thing as a .. mall 'irtor). l''!X't 1Jll\ "ht•n 11 come' to t.'du«a· 111111 \\t· "an1 lo ~ht>" high ~lh110I graJu.llt'\\\hat 1\go1ng to bcl'\pel'tcJ ot th\·nt in the prok!t'>1onal arl'na. · !th1• ,,11d "lf"t' can rcath om· out o l 500 kid'>. "l' ha\\.' rcacht·d lhe "orld." About 350 Newport Harbor area reaidenta joined Newport Beach Mayor Philip Maurer, state Sen. Marian Bergeson and Newport Councilwoman Jackie Heather in the fifth annual Newport Harbor cleanup Saturday sponsored by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. Bob Wolfe, of Newport Beach, found out just bow much trash accumulates ln the harbor as he hefts a stuffed Utter bag dockside. PALMS ... From Al h1.•tJU'>t' thr p1,:11pk d11n'1 \\,1111 lhl·m anti '>Omt·t1mt'' "l' ha' c 111 hu' lht·m ·· '>Jld 'i Pung \\ t' rl' \on,lJni- h lo11l..1ng l11r pJlm !rt:\'' \\ t go out .1nJ ml'a\Url' tht•m rt·tort.I tht·m .ind ilwn rt•turn 111 uproot lht'm "ht•n .1n order tontt'' in. " npl.iint·d ) nun~ "11·, 11mc·tnn- 'un11ng lo hJUI a 1.r<11\\ nut 111 \C>nt\·11n,· 'h11111t• '" "C U\U.tlh !n lo Jo .1 IJrgl' ~roup .111 JI on1· 11m1· \ JrJ'' h.t\ ~ 111011' arir>roalh ,, th,11 lht p.1lm~ Jrc <;om1•11mt'\ di.' ad m n n1 1£•11\t' \\ht·n ) 111rn{' lf\'\' return-. 111 tl,11rn tht· trt·l· }{ 1i:h l n<m 'i 1111 ng nl•t:d<, 111 h>l .1 l\' Ill( l'ht•nnl\ C .inant nli' for th!.' l/\llll ( 11 h\ \Ul?U\I r hr p.dm trt'l''> to ht· pl.inlt'll a111unJ -\tnum ( uun and o n tht• ring ro.1J JrnunJ r .1,h1on hland Jn• "n\llrt' rl•ga l1111~ing" than tht dJk p.1lm\ lhal h,1,c hccn routed un tlu cnlrann· road oil Pa11llt < o~hl High- \\ a' tothrshopp1ngtl'Ott·r anording to \lahc>n \tahon \a1d tht· IJnd\tap1ng pro- Jt't I v..111 rn'>l lhe In 1ne < o ahout $' million J\tost oflhl' palm'> l'O~I about $XOO c.ll hand Mahon \aid 11 coc;t, an l'4ual amount to at 1ual1' plant each trl'l' "f>,ilm\ nt·ed good drainage and lhjl" latking in '>Oml' areas of Nl'""f'lOrt < enter." \a1J Mahon ··..\lot of our huJgl'I I'> grnng 111v...ard 1nor;tall- 111g propt'r drainage It-.. costl} but lht·rc\ no Si.'nSt' hu~ 1ng C'\f>COSI' e iralm lrt't'' 11 tht'\ 're JU'>l goang 10 d1t'" The proJrl'I mark!t one of the dn clopmen l ti rm·., largest land- '' aping i.'llortc;. Maho n said. ··1t'., terta1nl~ tht' largec;t palm tree planting "t"'e e\\'r undertaken." hr \Jld LAMB WINNER •.. From Al r,1"' ,, \\ 1rn1n~ Jn1ni.1I " 1.1Ught 111 hijlh 'd111nl agnt ultun· d.t\\t'\ ll1mnu J lt1irtl1ng 111 f>11 I.. lone\, tht· la1h n 111 J fornwr f I \ "innt•r • 1 hl·,,· dac;\t'' .irt· in .11hli l 111n 111 !ht• l>.1d\ normal l11,1d I ht'\ n ,1 Plt'tl\ .1mh1t111u' hunt h •· · Hl'J\11\ l t'\1 10l.1l111 th.11 '>ht \fl\ nl .1h•1u1 thrtT hou" t1 dJ\ ,n,·n <.IJ" a \\t't'~ t.ir1ng tor '11111n\h1nt· l°hat ,l,1rtcd Jt '' J m l'at h dJ' \\ \ 'r rt•.1lh IU\ I..\ lhJl th• high 'th1111I hJ' .1 pn1gr.1111 hh· th" \lo't 'th1111J,Jnn 1g1,,·l..111\lht •ppor1un1 1' 1t1 1J"'' .in .1n1m.1l 'ht ,,11d Rm C 1·111cr high \l ht111l .1)!J ll 11fturr dirl'\ t111 ' rrim.111h "''P"11'1hk trn tindang rlw .rn1mal'> and cn!\unng the '1Udcn1 ' k'arn to cart' tor them t orrcu h r h1· ll Hll pell ton In\ oh l'\ l \\fl \l'P· .11.llt' l'.'t'lll'> :.hn'-"mJn<;h1p and mar- 1..t'l Hr.t'" I. \\tin the marl..et nt·nt in \\h11.h 1u1lgc" ino;pcd 1h1• .1n1mal\ mu" It• '>trutlurc. an tndHJtor 11fhov.. '"'II th1· .m1mal was cart•d for "ll 'great to "'In lhl.' mJrktl e\l.'nt ht"tau\c I get to Lal..l' \1non\hlnt' tu au\ 1111n Jnd tn tn mC:1!.C h.it I.. '>omt· 01 lht· m11n1·' I paid to ra1st· him · Ht•a,mk added 'he\ ~ad c;hl' h.i'> to part '~Ith \,foonc;h1nc b111rc:il1tt''1tm tno v..a' r>Jrt nl tht· C\l'Wrll'lltl' \\hat do ~ou like about thP Dail) Pilot') \.Hat don't vou like" Call the number at left and ~our messagP will be rerorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 2~-hour aos"ering 01en1ce ma\' be used lo record letters to the editor on an' topi<' Cootributon 10 our Letter• column must include their namt> and telt>pbone number tor' l"rifiea11on 1'io circulation eall'I. pleast Tell u" ~hat's on \our mind Circulation 714/642-4333 CIHelfled advertlalng 714/642-5678 All oth•r department• 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE Frank Zlnl I Circulation TelephonH .. ' ••• ·~ . ' Robert l. Cantrell ', l .... Mil• -i~" Howard M ullen.,y AtJ11Prt1 •lllfJ Q,,,., I , , t ~ I I~,_ P•ggy Blevlne '• • f1 .. ,, t VOL. 78, NO. 202 • Morning clouds to burn away During early morning hours there wlll be patchy low clouds and log near the coast otherwise 1t will be mostly clear si..10!. except a slight chance ol afternoon and evening thundershowers over nearby mountains Lows in the 60s 10 low 70s Slightly warmer days are expKted with highs in the 70s along the beach.a to near 100 degrees hotter inland valleys Th• F0ttca1t/ tor 8 pm EDT. Sun . Jih 21 From Point Conaectlon 10 the Meiucan Border Inner waters Light variable winds night and morning hour!. Sunday West to southwest 8 10 15 knots afternoon and evening hours Southerly swell 2 to 3 feet Patchy low cloud late nighl and early morning hours. otherwise some high clouds al times Outer waters West to norttiwest 12 to 22 knots Sunday Combined seas 3 10 6 feet Some low clouds late night and morning hours otherwise some high clouds at times Sunday ~I ' Temps ··ct)~ "'o•n• HI lo Wflll'\-Coco.,... Atl>Olly 80 n M11iw;t1ikP~ , ... 6> Occ:~•d.....,. S11tt0t\Vf .. Albuqu~1 Qu• 89 58 MIJlt ~t i'.;ul 81 ~d SllOw••• A-' FlitrlH Snow Am•rlUci 98 85 Na!l'H11lle ,. 10 Ne-W ..... leMte H()M US 09ol 00 ~Ct An.:n0t80• et 58 N•~ 01•ea,,a 8b 17 Allan le '° Tl Ne*., , .. ~~ 7• At••nll( (.;1ty ,. n """I ~Yd bt ,, Awlhti 9J ,. O'-••" "•"'' ~· ;~ Calif. Temps :,an.JOM IKl )I 8•"'"""• 01 611 Om•"• 7e Sa~\a An• 8~ "6 . 81l1•ngs iO 61 011.1'\f)t') I!~ ~o . i, •nd·ng •I S San•• Bat b•r • l~ 81rff\1ngtl•m 11• 68 Phtladt1IC1r 14 81< .. ~ H19t (ft •• Sanll C1u1 68 ~· 811tnarck 88 so Pl"loen1,11 y•, d' pm Sdlu'Chh W) 11 Sance M'u1• 78 ~6 Boise 98 58 P1t1sour9r1 Ill 6d aa-.~r .. , ..-.u I\ ., Bot1on 88 11 Portiami Ur •O> h6 Bar st 1Y. •l(l 6• 8fown1v1llt" 91 1~ Prov10f'OCt" h 61.f 8&4i>J,....,. ,.,, ,. '>() Surf report Bulla10 82 &8 R11••Q~ 8~ b~ e Q e~•· ,, 6() Caspe• fP Sl l'fap.d c.1, 1~ t" 8·th0C I I 80 Cnar "'' )f i.; n '6 ~9f1D ~s e1 Bt.l"P' " t lOCAJION llZE 0111 Chet!'r nt 6. .,, Al(.hmor a 1t n9 c~1· ' .. t• ~~ lum• a .. ,,, 2-• SW Cnc•gl 7R t.b St lOv• .. 74 l 11.-ft't I •h 11, '>O S•"" \4()(\1(.I 2·3 SW Ctne1nn111 'll 6~ SI Pf!t!t& '"'"'P-4 88 , j e .... , ....... ~q 7 ... wpofl e .. ,,, •·6 w Ctevel•nd II~ 71 Sau lA•d \.•I) 88 b8 F"ff••'l14 .. 6) San O•eoo Covnt~ , .. sw C01um1>ut O" 8b e;s San Antoruo 8!1 74 LdOrdslt'• ~· ~, Waoer cemp 811 Osltas·Ft Wortr• 'll 7) S•n Frint•M o 6~ ~I LCmg llf<•d 0a)10" ~" 69 S•n Juan PA 8Y l J l •JS An~"'r ~e 11 0en ... '6 00 Sean,. 9J 63 Mfin'OV • n M Tides ~S~Dtnt''l 87 tit Snr•w• lf1 95 /~ ~OOlf'tit~ 1i. j. ~e 0.lfOil 8(, 68 SPO»a..... j• 58 "'('"'"'~' t,) ~ 0u ... 1h IT ... S'f'UKuO• 81 t8 o,\I W"'"' fi(l TOOAY •00 f. E P t,,•J ... Ii' TOP"~• ~J 11 Nee<J1~~ '· bl ~ '''="gr I •6pm •• raubi.nK .. e. )9 fuG\On YI 17 Newport l:hM , .. )q ::)6',:(Jt10 l('lflw 615 pm n ~a•oo 11 1 ~· fulso !!I 15 Oa•lnnl3 .. ' ~"q100 f"l•O"' Flag~talf " 55 1Ne,tt1n9tt'n ~· 73 OmaritJ . . . Hartford 88 10 Wichl!a 10.· :1 Pa1m SP''' •.J\ ~~ b'I MONOAY Hef""" 91 S5 W1ll11t;_~~ 8d''' 115 7 t Pa)dO~•d .. ~ ; \I r"\lt '· . • •fi ~.I •;onotu ~· ·:. Plllso Apt.ii ... ,, ,_ .;1 .. """ 0 I HOullOll 116 76 R·v~f)..;tl" .. .. S.c.o"o .. ,"" I '6 Pm •e lndtana&J011" 86 68 l'fl'O 81uH 1oi ' ., "' 2, .... 0 .. C>O(I c '• 60 9(1)1\(t .. JK-.I00•1lltl 89 IJ Jone.au 69 ~.l Extended R~·· ,~ '" Sun HI• 100•• •I 8 Ol P m llan1a1 C111 Sauamento ~J f. 'IHI 91 68 Yo"o"' at ~ ~6 •"' ""'j ... 11 ~0•'" ii lat l/egas 91 76 Sa11nc1t ll bl ~~ 6' 8 01 p"' Llllk! Roci. 'I~ 7!> MOSll) GI-•• ln10von ·~ Clt't100 Dul San Se'"~'d••' Moc" S.I• •OO•> ., 10 ~I ~ .,.. ,,,.. LOUllVtlle 9) 67 som• 10"" ctouda 1u1d tog •J~ trie S&ri Gabo~I '#{\ 66 -pn11 9t. 11 CO<l'il H'9hl 81 l>NCl\8$ 70 10 7 M!'IO San Ooego 81 ll ~01"101,. I i 10 0~ I m 1nO "9tS ~··n al Mtett118ea<:n 83 IJ •t'lllllt<lva•ley•ll~to 100 l""'• 6810 74 S.n ff•OCISCO hS ~1 112()Q"1 California GOP chairman may seek U.S. Senate seat By JOY DEE ANTHONY Dally Piiot C~l The state chairman o t the Re- publican Party. Mike Antonovich. said Fnda) that .. 1f C\er)th1ng falls into place" he will declare his can- d1daq for the lJ.S. Senate 1h1s fall . In an interview followang a speech 1n In inc this week. Antonovich also said California Chief Justice Rose Bird policies will spark a backlash among the state's voters that will dcarl) cos1 her and her supponers. .\ member of the Los Angeles { ount} Board of Supen1sors. An· tono' 1ch ~ys his "'experience and doscncss with GO\ l'rnor Deu- lmcJian and President Reaean will be JSSCt'> that will help" him an seekang the nomma11on. ..\mong other Republican!'. hoping 10 unseat Democratic Sen Alan Cramton in what promise<; to be a hutl~-rnn1cs1cd rare arc Rep Bobbi Fiedler. Rep Wilham Danneme)er. h ·onom1'it .\n Laffer. stale Sen. Ed Da~ I'>. and Rep Dan Lungren. .\n1onov1ch served in the state L 1.•g1slature whl.'n Reagan "a' go'· t•rnor of C alilornia and "a' chnsl.'n tor lhe Wh1tl' House t-ello\\!lh1p program to sen e an an t'\l't:U tl\ e hranch oft hr V. h1tl" House .ilong \\ 11h around 15 other!t Hl· ""'<. Jl\u a mt.'mbt:•r uf the l -Japan \J, l\lln ( omm1ss1on for the Prc'>1d1·nt His lllterc'>I 1n lhl' Rt·puhl1t:rn Pan> datl's ba«I>. 10 h1~ collt'gc da)' ~h<.>n he wa\ prl's1den1 of thl' \ oung Republicans at Cal "itatt' Lo'> \ngl'lt'\ and served on tht' s1.1tt' '>tl·enng committee Cll 'i 1>u1h tor < 1nld" .11er In 1976. he v..a'> Prl's1dt·nt Rt•ag;in\ rcprcscntall' e on 1h1· RepuhhlJn platform n1mm1tlt'I.' Jl 1h1.· '\Jl1nnJI Con,l"ntwn lk to·chain·d lhl Hum.lo Re .. ourl·l'' Cummittt't' that helped \\nlt' lht· national pan' plJt form Whl'tht•r .\nttHlll' Ith \\10'> tht· \1.•n- ate nom1n.lt1on or not. he\ hopcful that .1 Repubfit.in "11l l"ll:a1 ( ran')ton Demonat'>. he <W)S. ha't' ahrna1ed 'oll'r'> v.. 1th 1ht•1r "blame .\mcnta tor lht· problems 111 1he "orld" a1111udt' In add1t1on. h~ tatcnng 10 spenal llltt•re'>I'> Jnd Slrl' ing tor h1ght'r tJ \t'S grt•atl'r gu\\:rn1m·nt \pending and a ')111.!llerdetcn!>l' the' ha\t: l'ndorsed a philosuph' that ""·a<. rl'pud1a1ed 1n the "\o\ em her l'lcl 110n "hi.' ..aid Thi.' rea,on "h' 'o mam C ahtornia Demm:rat' cnlloncd Prc\ldt•n1 Re- .lgJn and (10' ernor Deukmejtan "11huu1 \ ot1ng tornlhcr Republicans. ht' \::tld \\J'> that n11i...1 Dem0tra11c l Jnd1datt.''> "eren l trJn l.. aboul their hht•r JI pos11ion.. ln,tl"ad t hi.'~ altgneJ th1·m <.t'ht'' \'Ith the prec,1 - Jent <. 'IC"'>. h11p1ng that no onl' \\ould dH'l ~ 11110 1hl·1r 'u11ng records In the nl'\t dt'tt11>n. the 1'>'>ue ot ,I.ill' "iupremt < uun ( h1el J us11cc R11"· liirJ' ,t1n11rm.111lln "di "be .i 1.1, 101 in ,1 nu m t'<:r ul ran:' · .\ n- t11no' 11 h 'Jltl He l''>t1mate'> that "'S pa, en l 111 C all tnrn 1Jn\ du not "ant tu 'el' ht·1 \1inf1rmed Pol111uans "ho do cndor'c h1:r rnuld be uut on a hmb. ht' addeJ Rl'gJrdle'>'> ol pam or e1hn1l hatl..g1uunJ. ht' \Jtd people 'h.t'e t>t·en Jppalkd h' tht• "a~ she has \Ott·d on cr11n1nJI .ind C'I' 11 l 3\C<. r hl·n· \\ill ll\· ti hJd.fa<,h againsl ha pohut'\ · FIRST STOP: SECOND STOP: , '/lte ?Jeaclt BALBOA ISLAND "~PALM DESERT ·~WNCENTER .-................................ ----------------------------~- Or~ngtt Coast DAIL V PILOT /Sund•y July 21, t985 AS STATE/ ION /WORJJ>=~ ====== CALIFORNIA Desertstorznsabate, 31 stranded at trazn rescued By tbt Aaso~lated Press ~ O~ . .\NGELLS -\ 'lt'\t"r1: \ummer ~torm that ra,agl'd ~outhern < ~lllorn1a '>desert~ and mountain~. causing a plane aash that killed three prnplc .ibated Saturda~ 10 .illo" tht' rescue of 31 people strandt"d on a mountaintop The 1dent1t1e) ul tht• man. \\Oman and ,h1ld killed in the Fnday- ni_ght l'rash were not rl'ka\l'd SaturJ3) The storm tnggered a 15-minute '>hde ol mud v.ater dnd bouldcr'> that knotlo.1:d down power ltnes feeding the Palm \pnngs .\trial Tranrna) anJ '>Pa"ned \luous '-'Ind'> \.\1th rain that Je~.trU)ed nrnbak homes in ~el'dl1:s. d1'>pla1.1ng up 10 ~1 \ fam1ltt's with t'hildren .\t the Palm 'ipnngs tram th.: '>hde clobbered po"er poles and lelt about \1 pco pk strandl'd un11I ~aturda\ morning al the top of the mountain. some I l() mtk!> l.'3'>1 ul Lo'> \ngl"il''> .\lmus1 120 people "''l're reo;rned b\ pn' ate h~lawptn f)1ln1 Dnn I .1nddl until high "'tnd!. late FncJa) halted thl' 01gh1s, kn' ing 11 JX'Oplc 1ndud1ng tram"'a) stafT. 10 )TK•ml the night 1n a rnount:i1ntop lodg1: Manson found with hacksaw \.\ '\ (.)l' f "'TIN -\la'>s murd1:rer ( harle., \lan'.>un 1m·d to ... muggle .i \l\·lnth hal k'a" into San (.)uent1n Pn<,un a pn!>un spol..t"sman reported f•mon l l f-re~ [\erh Said lht' hladt" \.\JS d1SCO\ered dunng a routine sear1.h and that the '0-)ear-old llln' Ill. ,en 1ng a hie seniem·e had ..ecreted the hal l..\.t~ 1n the '>ole ofon1: ol h!' \h0t.•s \1 amon. con' 1uecJ in I 9bq oft he Tate- l .1B1..1nl.i thrill murder<, 1n l 11<, .\ngt'le<, "a!> tran!>fl'rred bad. tu ~an Quentin lh1\ "l'l'I.. after six·nd1ng n1nl' \l'ar' 1n the California \1ed1cal Fac1h1' in \ Jl J' ilk He had ong1nall' hl.·1:n '>cnt to '\an Quentin in I '.P I hut -.... as 11 an'>krrl'll to Val'a' ilk tor P'\l h1a1ne reason'>. Arrest warrant for Meese withdrawn I()\ .\N(,fLFS -\n am·,1 "arrant t'>'>ued for l ~ >\ltornl.'\ General ~ <l ''ln \k1:!>e 111 for an unpaid J3) "JI king lll'ket i.1.as temporanh '01ded tx•tJU\1' 11 could no1bedelerrnrned1f1h1: mailer had been seuled, coun offic1ab '>Jld .:'\o th1ngha'> been d1srn1\!>l'J · (II\ auo rne) ·sspokesman Ted Goldstein '>Jld \1.1.' ha' e m..-reh recalled tht• \\3rrant for the 11me being so that 1f Ed'-"1n \kt•se 111 "'ae to Jn~ l' into l ll\ \ngl·ks and b) chance be stopped tor a tratlir '1ola11on. hl· '-'OUldn 1he1ak1:n 1)11 to Jail for a "arrant sear1.h .. Soap opera star says goodbye to jail LO~.\ "'GEU.S -.. \\nuld \OU prefer m) Doc Ri ci.. out lit or m' pnson hlut·,·>" T\ soap upera ~tar ( hn)topher Robinson 1nqu1rt'd "'Ith a Jau.nt~ gnn J' hl· '>tood in the doof"\\a~ ot hi' duttered dressing room at .\B( )tud1os T he 4~-,ear-old .. Dr Rici.. \1. ehber" of ( 1eneral Ho)p1 tal had mo' ed from a sound .. 1agl' 10 a lcdt•ral half" a) hou<il' almost c' er) night for four months 10 sef\ e ht> '>t'nl1:nu: un l\\O nw,demeJnt1r Lounts of "1llful 1.11lurl' to lile 1ncomt" ta' rl'turns Boeing wins suit, also ordered to pay \£:: .\ TTL E -Thl· Bot"1ng ( o and a tormer ( ahlorn1a 1.·ontratll>r Boeing had )Ut"d ha' l' '-'fin 1n111i1I damage ai.1.ards totaling more than $2 6 m1l11on o'er rrplacemen1 l01.kp11 ''indLw .. s 1n three Boeing commercial airliners Thl' d1)pu1e arose o'er manufallunne. nghts and ..ales of gla~!> replacement "tndov. son Boeing 70.., 7 ~..,and 7 P a1rl1ners. Jurors cuncludl'd Thursda' tha1 lhl' Sat•rrann <. orp ~hould pa' Boeing S 1.635.333 for brt'ach1ng a t ontraci "11h lhl' aerospace lirm and m1sappropna11ng 11s tradl' ..C:lrt"t) The' also '.:ud l:foe1ng must pa} S1erra..:1 n S I 1102 .l.l2 for unreasonahl\ rl.'stratning trade and tor "attemp11ng 10 monupolt /l· J rele' ant marh·t .. But th1: 1ur. said B~1ng had not ac tualh monopol111:d thl' marlo.t't and that 11 had nut engaged in unfair trade practices or t.ompet1t1on NATION Storms hammer Southwest, kill 4 Thunderstorms hammt'red outhv.estcrn Jl')ert., .ig.11 n 'i.11urd.1' drop- ping' inches ofra1n 1n "\O minutes on one 1.omrnun11~ and l JU\in~ tlJ!>h tlooJ "'arnings across four 'tates tor the second da) fhl' storm> drc:n1.h1:d 1he .\n 1ona tov.n of Green \ alle\ and v.erl' blamed for at ka'>l lliur death'> including three pt.'o ph.• "'ho du...J an ( ah furn a a "'hen a plane t ra'>hed 1n .i '>torm that ripped the "'1ngs from th1· lusl·lage Tht• founh f)l'r.,on d1t•d "'hl'n \ht' med 10 dn'e across a flooded '-'J~h an .\n10na Ex-TWA hostage hailed in hometown ELKHART. Ind. -Forml'r Beirut ho\tage Clinton L ~uggs rcturnl'd to hi'> ho) hood home Saturda\ and rel·e1' 1:d a da)-long ""ekomc from tht' tnmmuntt) that kept a '1g1I during h1'i J 7 da)!. as a prisoner "It\ great 10 be home." the :--;a" dl\er said a'> fam1h and fr1t"nd'I crov.ded around him at Flkhan \1 uniupal .\1rpon "lt'sgreat to bc bacl.. an Ell..han. lnd1ana I tell )Ou .. .\bout I '0 pcopk "'atched 3'> "ugg)grected mernht•rs of h1<.. fam1 I\ and fnend' c\chang1ng i..1sses hugs and hadc~laps Sii Flags acquitted of manslaughter f0\.1S RIVER.N J -.\ Jur: acqu111ed Great .\d'l'nturl' amu-.emt•n1 parl.. and 11s parl'nl t·ompan), ~1\ flag~ Curp . ofman~laughter anJ aggra,ated man~laughter Saturday tn the lire deaths ofr1ght teen-agers in a haunted house \ftl'r I J hour<. ofdehbera11on follu~\ 1ng a 1~0-mon1h tnal. the JU" found both firms 1nnocl'nt of reckless!> t.'au'i1ng the e1gh1 Jea1hs on Ma\ 11 1 llt<.l. ··under u rcumc;tann·'> man1fest1ng l'\treme 1nd11Terl.'nce to human hlC' .. Tht•' also '-'Crt' an.iu111cd ot the lesser chare.c of manslaughter Californians in fatal Vegas car crash L \~ Vf(, .\S. :-.e, -Three people v.ere k1lkd i;a1urd.1' and a lounh l rlllcalh tnJurrd v.hen 1he1r lM ran a red hgh1 and h11 l\\o o ther car,, \1etro Police 'iald Witnesses to the J(nJent <.aid a car. l'arr\ 1ng t\.\o marned couplec;. V.l'nl through a n·d hght .:ind hit another (Jr tra,ehng through the intersection 11 thl·n <,trucl.. another before cnmrng 10 a halt. pohce said The namt"s of lhl· '1n 1m'> \\t'rc not released pending nntilkation of nt:\t of l..tn hut police said ont' nm pie "a' from California and the other \.\as statsoned .11 'Jellis .\tr Force Ra'le Boy made sterile to get $820,000 '\:£-\\ H .\ \ E'l. < nnn -\ 4-\ear-old ho' mac.JI.' 'itenle Jlter a "Ja" ci1X'tor m1'itakt•nl) f)l'r1orm1:d a' a~el iom' v.h1le remo' 1ng hl'I naa' during t"u '>t'paratc operations "111 rl·ce1' l' SX20.000 tn an out-ot-court St'lllement "11h the go,emmenl. Thl' '>Ul t stemmed from opcra11on<, in IQ~C di thl' ~a,al Regaonal Medical ( l'ntl'r at tht' l ' ~ Na' al Base 1n Brernt•rton. \1. ash Doctor' for the dt'lense and thl' government dt<>agrced on "' ht•tht•r tuture 'iurger) could rc\er'ie the s11:nht}. but agreed that an~ such surger~ 'hould he r'Crformed "'hen .\dam reaches puberl}. Reardon said WORLD Blast destroys church hall, kills 1 SYDNE'\ . ..\ustraha -4\n nplos1on. pt.wabl) l JU'icd b) a bomb destroyed a Jeho.,,ah's W1tnc.-.c;t><, meeting hall dunng the \unda~ morning service. killing one person and wounding 40, police rl'pt.1rted Police, who onginally said they feared as many as th rte people were lo.1lled. 'ia1d a fleet of20 ambulances earned the injured to two hospitals. New'I reixin' c;a1d relatives of some of the' 1c11ms refused to allow the hospitals to g1 \.e blood transfus1o nc; becau~ 11 violates their rcl1g1ou'i behef'I Espionage no crime in Japan TOK'\ 0 -In Japan there 1s no law against sp}tni < on\l'Ytng ronfident1al information ma) he a \lolataon oftht fmm1grat1on ( ontrol La"' tor a foreigner. or of the &fl.l)ctcnsc Force Lav. for a membeT o f the Japanc\t defense force For an .... onc cl~. thcrt' couldn't even be a charir. under Japan· leaat code. espionage is not a crime But the go.,,l'mtnjl, Liberal Democratic Pany hai.1ntroductd a ball an the Dael (parliament) that. 1fpa"i5td, would be the country"' fint postwar antH<,p1onage Inv. I hl' la>w would make SP} tng pun1,hable by death an rome ca~'i Zaire starting to settle don Kl~\H ·\~.\.Zaire -laare the former !klgaan ( ongo 1 'lt'tthng <Jov. n alter lS \Cit\ of turbulent andepcndcncc -10 of tho~ \.Car\ undrr P1e51dent Mobutu St" Seko The nation hll'I h«·ome a rea.aonal po~er v. 1th 1 \tt'~d1h 1mr.ro'" an& image l:.' en b) arb11ran l uropt'an t.~)lnn111I d" 1\1nns. Zaire v.<a!> an un 1krl\ creation It\ 'I m1lhon pcuplt' .ire \phi an to ~00 tnbe'> and 7' languagt• tr.rnup'I It\ \v.eltrr 1n~ 11 op1cal lorc'>t' and tov.C'ring 'nkamc mounta1n<1 '>trcll h .1uo" .1n .irc.i .i' h1g a' 1hl· I n11l'd \1,Ht'' ca'lt nl thl" \.'""'''1rp1 Reagan home, anxious to work Americans urged to have c h eckups for h ealth reasons BEfHE\lH \.1d 1.\PI -\n upbeat Prn1l1l"nl Reagan ending hi\ "'t"el..-long ho'>pttal '>ta' allt'r l 3ntt'r <,urgt'r. urgl"d .\mn1l dns on Satur da~ 111 ~rt l ht•dup~ to r !>USJ>t'l lt'U h1:al1h prnhlt'Oh \J\ 1ng .. Ju\t It'll tht•m !h K1:a~n· '>Cnl \Ou .. ·v. l' al 11.'nd lu 1gnur1: the '>tgn'> that 'omt·th1n~ ma' ht· ''rung '-'llh U'> But ma' I ..... , 'l'k'Jlo..ing lrom pcr'>onal C\f)l'fll'llll ,.-, 1mpon ,rn1 l.J go and get a 1.h1:d.ur 11'"u1h1nl.. .. ome1hing l'>n t ntthl thl' prt'\11.kn1 '>aid in hi\ '-'t'\"\...I• raJ111 addrn' '\<1 I I \(IU ft' ll\lt"ning Ill lhl'> nghl 1111"' .rnJ 11 rl·m1m1' '"u 11l '>ornt'th1ng that \UU 0 \t' tx·l·n pulling out of ~our m1 nJ "'di p1d .. up thr phune call ~our dm. t1>r 111 Int al ho\p11al and tan .. 111 'omt·ont· Ju,I ll'll tht·m (Jr "I m ea~er to get back to work," Rcaaan said I hanking thl' doctors. nur~ a nd 1.he .\menc.an~ple for ~~balloon~. t ards and tlo"'ers he rect'1ved. Reagan paid a '>peual tnbute 10 Mrs 'Rcqan. v. ho "a' '>C'.atc:d be'>1de tum an the rJd111 hooth Jnd asked her tor a dale \\ hen I loolo. back on thr-se days I II fl'mc:mber \our radaanu: and your '>trength and \Our '>uppon and for 'ourtal.. ing pan in the business of thl'> nation Rt•agan ..aid I h~ rres1d1:nt also delivered a v.arn1ng w Hou..c Democrats that he 1' .inx1ou'> to break tht' impasse m < ongrt''>S II\ 1:r tht" 191'.!6 budget Dl''>p1te h1) "'et'k-long hospital u1ntinemen1 the pre-s1dent said ··1 hil\ c: bet"n l n·p1ng close track of thing'> guang on c:!>~c1all~ the budget prtx:es'> in ( ongres'> ·· Reagan said. 1·11 tdl 'uu "hat I think of the Hou\t' budgt•t proposal so far." Re· Jgan \.i1d ·1hope11 get:i. well soon." I Kc.igAJn wnt \nu Beliirt' h1JJ1 n~ I Ml\.\ t'll Ill hi\ "In l.itt I wld one of the fine -.urgt•on., ht"rl' 1f C ongrds can't malo.t• the: \pending cuts we nt-ed rm going 111 ~nd him up to C apatal Hill to J o \o mt' real Lulling .. 'I Prealdent Reagan la &reeted by well-wtahera and bie dog Lucky aa he and Mrs. Reagan arrive at the White Houae. An attendant bold• the leaah. doc111r' and nur'l'' k l"agan Jdn l'Tt"J lhl' ll\t" rninull' r.1J11 'pt.'t"lh lrom a mal..e,hilt \lud111 11ul\11k hi\ th1rd- lloor -.u11l' at lkthl'..Ja '.\;a,al Ho)pl· t.il "( m k1:l!n~gr ,11 hut l'm gt"tllnga hllk rt'\llt•" \ 1111 nt \\IU lo.nu'-' ho" 11 I'> \'oht•n \llU hJ \l' tu endure \omc: IUfll'd tx·J fl''>\ . R1:.ig.in ...aid hi'> \Ol lt' ~lrnng hut 'l1ghtl\ h u\I..~ · 'uu gl'l 1h1' k c:ltng 1h..1t Ilk''> out tht'rc: and II'> a h1g '>hln' Jpple and ~ou 1u,1 ,J n't "a111u gl'l 11u1 Jnd talo.e bite: ,,, t . tht• rrl'rn.knt ..aid In Jnother Jab at the budgc1 propo..al pa-.~d b' the Democra11c- 1.on1rollt'd House. Reagan sa1d.''f i.. nov. wme are~~ ang that '-"C 1.anJ USt l..el'p going" 1th bu!t1ness as usual in 1h1: ledaal )pending depanmen1 "Rut "t'll. torgl\e me I don't have J~ muth \tumach for that kind of talk J' I u~d to .. the president said in a humorou., reference to the !>urge!') that remoH·d a 1v.o-foot '>e{tlon ofh1s largl· 1nte)t1ne Rescue teams sift mud for bodies Dam collapse kills about 200 in Italy. probe launche d ) r .\ \ .\ ltah I .\Pl -~earh ' >110 rl'\l ut· "m l..l'r'I. using hulldnLl~r, and tr.11nl'J Jog' rl'ported . aturda' thn luunJ l 4 '>Uf\ I ' 11r'i in thl' mud Jnd Jd,ri.. k t1 I)\ J dam l'Ollap\l' th.u 1n \l'u1nJ' t..1lkJ :ihoul 200 peupk 1 ht· \\,tl l 11t \.\,11t·r ,,a,hed a"a' 1h1'> D11l1•m1tt' muuntJin rl''>llfl on ~ ndJ' .tnJ kll ll .I \.\J\h:l.inJ 'Th" " '-11.t '.t "h1:r1: '''u '>l't' n1•1 h1n~ 'J1d Fr.tnu1 Ruggao point· 1ng lo .111 l'\p.in'l' •>I mud "rl·ll..Jgl' ;rnJ Uf'll1111tl'd grl"l'O t'J"\ that \\J\ onn· J \ tll.lgl' lO/lf\ nl'\tfcd high In lht• muU IHcll O\ 1n tht" \JI l11 hl'nlnll' Tht• 22-\l'ar-11IJ Ruggeru a rl'\I· Jl Ill ol nl'a rh\ r t"\t•ru haJ uimt ht..t" utht'r' 111\t'l'1(\1.1' :i had died Offc:r~ 111 hl'lp pour1:d 1n Im m Jrnund tht• llorld 1ndud1ng Im m go,t•rnrnl'nh Ill tht' I n1tt·d "ilJlt'' Fram.I.' Bn1a1n \\e.,t Ciamam Jnd Japan \old1t•r., lin·rnl'n and '1•l untl'l r' pre'>'>l'J thl· \t'.trlh lur tht" dl.'aJ and lhl' Ii' 1ng Thl'\ tullu"ed dl'8' lr.itnt•J to '.tn1tl 1lUt hunt•d '1cllm'-fln 1:n hl'11u1ptl'r' h1n l"fl'd m erhe.id .,..._,,._ Rescue workers use caterpillars to clear debris before search for bodies ln StaTt. ()f thl' l'J JX'Uplc fuund ali\l' \lnl l' 1-nJ.i\ Jllllfding ID utlic1al'i tht• l,l\I pt.'1'.ton '-'cl' rl'\tUl.'d at <la\\n ~aturll,I\ 'iht• "'·I' \lanJ \\suntJ ( .ira. buni.:d nt'l 1..-dl'l'P fo r I hnur' I hl· 'J·H .. tr-11ld "'..1rJin1.1n ""111.in "·" 1.1t..t•n 111 .i h1"r11.il an Trl·nl•• 111 'l'T111u' ll1n<l11111n < "11 Dl'll'lhl' 111li.iJ(, '°'trm.11."I th.it ahuut .1<WI pt'opk lll••\ll\ r,.,, dl'll (\ (llUrl~b. J nd l\11td \\1lfl..L'T' \\tH' 1n \(J\J -111 ' milt·' ll•ntlt1'."l Il l \1 11,1 1\ -\l ht•n th<' rt \l'I ••I Il l t.1 Rafting on the river Loe Anaelea May or Tom Bradley looka to the aborcllnc prior to the atart of bl• 11-mlle white water raftina trip Saturday morning ln Miracle Sprlnga. Bradley took 50 pollticaJ aupportera and reportera down the Kern R iver l n a campalCn·•tyle outina. 1.1cnl lhh•l111.h lht' I•'" n f nJJ\ < l•ti-.1;.il' :...1,1.1 rna1mnk! ,Jlf ,,I Jn t'Jrttwn J .1m "111, h l..l•pt 1n pl.iu· t\\11 .1rt1ti, tJI l.11..l'' J'l'd 111t111n1nJu,tnj l ".J'll'' , ,,11.iJ"l'd J tx•ul .:1 hJlt-m1k lrPl1l .... I.I\ l I hl'' 'J1d \.\Jlt'r Jj)- f'Jll'ntl\ 't't'l"ll.'d rnt11 1tic .1 't'.lr·1•lJ d.1111 ,tlld d ,1, t..t•d II .llll'f ft'u·nt 1hunJa,1orm' f ran•t'C...1l \1m~t,n1 tht' 'lJte\ al· ltlfOI.'.\ In [ rt'nl11 '>aid hl· l'>SUl'd l<t 1ud1t 1Jl "Jrning kttt'r' 1t1 pt>oplC' hcrnti. n' t•,11gated for l)()'i<,thle 1n 'llh l'nwnt 1n thl.'. d1~\lt'f 1nl lud1n~ '"nh 1111 1>k n11 f1ed tt"H·rnml·nt ot- ti, 1.11, Disaster aid due for victims of fire I t ,..., \ ' ( 1 l l I .... I \ I' I \ " '\I lt'..!l fJ 1-id \l,lll ,11,.1,llf t'ltt•t l'll •:l • •r rx·· pl<' "h1 "' th •ml, "t''t , k ,Ir l..t '' d,101.1>!l"J 1n J \t'r,' ~IJ/t \ lh.11 fh'\\1'll Il l' d11'4. li J tM 1!1(1 .l\Tt' nr "1 .1li l1 rn .1 ., I I'<· .1 ~n, hl"I I ut''.J.1' "l1, 1.11' ,.11d \I l 1h.11~ ' ~ h ' \ L ' \\I \ 1k 'I >11 n t h,• '·'' 11!1 Ill•' "'" ,h '1.1 '<.1 l une' 111.t kll Plh'l .t..id .11i.I ,, 11r1·, h, •llh , '' l la· I l'1kr..t l·"l.1h· ( Ji ,.l,ll'I ( .... •I.II II.I ! l\j!. <H1i11 "'I •Jlo.I' Jl\J'h'I .t" ,1.1nu ,,·nh'r' 1111 I ,,,J.1. •t .1.·1,rcnl r.111' 11 I:, \I.ti .. 'l'"~l'\l\tl0),\ I{ l{I \II\' (' '• I ..... I I 1 \ \. l he cl I I • , ' " I H r' \\ lh I' l II m\ d1·1L•11llllh l' l'I ,. I~ b l 'L·,kr..1 .in.I ,1.1h· 1•.1n ·""''.1•,, ''1 -..1 1J I 11,''t' "'Il l•'•' .1 h,.•1 n~ 111.1.i. t\ .I l,1hll It• \Ill\ \' f' ' ti 111111'll' , ,,., tr11rn 1h1 lrrt·' .\11,11·n ,,,1,1 \\ • 11 tht dl'.1,ll'T l 1•11Td in,1l1Tijo: ,j,,,, " hr in.:' .111 th.: .i~,·11. , ' • ,:..-r 11nt r11,ll ''' 1r.111w,\ P•'''• 1111. ht·lr .h It rm1n1ng 'l "a'l1'r r1·li~t ,,1n~ anJ ""'J HlJ" ' I! l••n • t)j, IJ I' '' I he ,r1"1Jt. 11.tn' t.• • 1 • ln1,·rn.i R,· 1 nut 'l'r .ll l'rn .... ·nt.i 1 ,., ti• \ 1•1, ''"' 1 H,·.ig.in , lt .ir1·J 1h1• "'J' r .. 1 th, .! ,,l\ll'f 1.t'llll I°' \.\ hl•n hl• 1lrd.1hd • , r.i,.ip.t·J P''rt111n ' 11t I ,JI lt•l l'l.1 111,,1 ... ll'I ,lr(',\' I ti.· 1l 1 l r' thl't r h>l .111i1n, .1 n.1 111,, •t •rx·r.11 11n Jrl' '1 I l1l·~· l 11unt' Don .\dam' II ,,f\1'(1) .1f\~:' "\~th \t ,, r ,~ 1111 II' pm luh \n ~''t' t11unt\ Dor<;('' II , • "·" .. 1 ··' I .Hmitak .\,~. I,~ \ " ' I .1 m II• pm luh San Diego-based Kitty Ha wk to move \..\1'< DIH10 1.\Pl-lh~a1 r,1 dlt l Jmer t\.lll) Ha,~k v. ill mil' t' trnm th longtime ba'lt' of North bland .,.a,al \ir 1at1on 10 Florida. po'>i.1bl~ uf)- 10011 n1 up to 17.100 m1latar) per,on ncl and defM'ndcnts the '''' u1d \a111rd:I\ T hl' \c.•\ rC'lJJ"\ ol th<' 'a" 1 John ll•hnunl 1n J re11·n1 an1r1 \11•v. • unlit nwd 1h.11 th\' L lHH'nl 1n h·nt111n 1\ 111 mmr thl' l \\ !l..1tl\ tlJ\\I.. lr11m \an ()1qt11 Ill f IMI"·' 101111\.\ in~ ht'I \l I Pl \t'f\ 1u· ltk n tcn,111n pr11~rann Ill PhilJtll.'lph1.1 J '·''' ,,.,.,,..,•,111.11 111 \\ '"h1ng\11n ,,111.J rt.1d1n~ .1 ,1,111• mt'nl Th~ NO tlt)0-1nn l .Hrt1·r "h11 h 1,,1, be-en hJ\Ctl 10 'an ()1('-11 ""'l' 11 '"I' rnmm1\'110nl·d 1n I '1t1 I v. 111 tit· rt'• pfa,C'J ~~ J O('\.\ \ .Ht11•r thal h."n t ~'dl ~111lt \Cl , lh(' 'f'IO\...\'\rt\;tn ,,11.J T h1·).,, ti\ H.1" !.. h,1, ;,i l Tl''' ,11 "'t1• 11 \l llh .Ill .h.h ltt11111.1I ~ .. , M II \\ '"> t1rrl1h11' n111m .1 lh l'.l'~·I di \11 .111111 '\ '' .11 \11 \1.11111n .an,1 I ·'' 1r 1 lf111.11 ,,1 r 111l "~ '" 11111111111 I h1 '·1'' ,,1 .t rhl' , rt'" .1n.t .1 11 "'II~ ll1t'•1\l'<'I \ h,l' l' .I 111!,d I I : "" dq'l\:nd1 '' fh1 ~ ,, "••11l1t nPt 11•n11111·111 11n th1· 11, .,, , ' n' '" r.t 111 11111' 1n~ thl '·" ~ r,,,, '"I 11i.I tlwir 1lq'<.·ndt'n1' .inJ I '·'' n t 1"1nl l'.!lilll"h """ •\\n t lh1•.;s1•" ~" n1!.l m1 'l'll the "' II' I f,J\\ lo. 'll\'I\ ho mi II l'1'fh.h l ,I I ,I 1lf 1" I! I 11rd Ii 1ll I \ 'hip I h "' I l.1 '~ ' '' I u lul1 11 I• 1thl\'r ~, h I l \•"JI 1,rh,1 n ' "rh1· l'h l.11lrlph1,1 '"'' ) ,ud ~.I' n unl an HunlN R~Sap ll111(•• ·''~t·d 1h.11 thl' v.M\... on tht "1111 Ha" I.. .rnd 1hrl-e other WC"tC I t.1\I ha .... ·.1 \.Ir! IC!"'\ be' ~rformcd iD \\ l \I I \).)\I \hi p\ nrd' \,i\11\I thel ""U J ,, .. ._.. lc"l"I l11\r\Jpt1on to ml'nt~'" 1n~~1r famah('\ Hut l • hm.&n re1el trd the ~u~ "" 1 n 11 v. 1111 IJ hi: mo""' 0\1~fff'C1i ".f t1• J11 thl" v.ur~ an Ph1la<k1ph1f h..'l3U'4.' V.Of~('~ thcrt t\a\'t \hf Ol kll nix-01\.t ~ ; t • During early mo1n1ng hours the1e will be P8!Chy low clouds and fog near the coast, 01herw1se 11 win be moslly ciear slues aitcep! a sllghl chance ol afternoon and evening thundershowers over nearby moun1a1ns Lows In tne 60s 10 low 70s Slightly warmer days are e•pect&d with highs 1n the 70s along the beachas 10 near 100 <legtMS l'loll81 inland valleys. F1orl Polnl Corn:ectlon to '™' Meiucan Border -Inner waters L•ghl Y&r lable winds night and morning hours Sunday Wes1 10 soulhwest 8 to 15 knots elternoon and evening nours Sovtherly swell 2 to 3 teet Patchy low cloud late n1ghl and early morrilng hours, 01herw1se some high cloud& at !Imes Outer wl!llers. West to northwest 12 to 22 knots Sunday Combined seas J to 6 feet. Some low clouds late night anti morning houfS otherwise some high clouds a! limes Svnda~ Temps ·-~~ ,lllONTI· "' ,. wr1m -COid....., "'lbatl1 .. " ... ............ "' " .fJbuq--.. .. "'ll'• SIP""" " .. 5"0•111 11:_. FUntt Sno• OccWH -S!t !Ol\¥Y ...... ""''""" .. " "••h•olie •• " --"""°"' i'olO.V. u I o.oi "' c;o.-u "'"'n"'•OI .. " .. _ °'"''". .. ,, ... 111<1!1 "' " _,o,. .. " "'111n1-c: C•11 .. " "100111•• 1/1 .. " "'"""' " " °"'""""'" "''' ,. :~ Calif. Temps "' " S1n JOll B .. hmo<t ,, .. Om•~• " S•"" A.n1 " .. 8•llmg1 "' " 0•11•\(IO " " '~" ''" .I I ,,, "'' lh!l•ng •• ~ S1nt1 811b111 " .. llfmor>gn"m •• .. Pno1rot111~"'~ .. .. '1''1'' 811muc• .. "' PhOotf'"• ,, SO' pm S6tv•<I'> S1n•1 Ctul .. " '"" .. " Pm111urg0t " 68 Ba•~"'~"' " " S1~11 "''"' " " 8011on .. " PO<T'l"!I Oo '" 66 ill1ST!I., ., " 8•ow~1 .. u1 " " P•o••<l•nc• .. 69 811""'on1 "' ,, Bul11111 " .. ll1t119n .. b9 8•9 e~•· " "' Surf report C••""1 " " 11-i>t<I c .. , ,, '' a .. ~011 " "' cn,,,..,0<> s l " " -" 6.1 81~1n• '" "' c....,,."F'e " " llcnmono .. 11~ C&t•""• .. " LOCATION ••• -· Cnoe1g0 " .. SI l°"" " 1• c,.,, .... ' ,, .. " lul'll a.i..:n , .. ,. c"""'"'" " " S1 Pfl•·'•mi>• .. TJ t.,,.,.,, " "' s ..... "'"'"'" ,., '" cie .... ,,., ., " Sall L1•0t c,,,, .. u ,,.,.,,0 "" " -•8'1acn •·• w Co1Ym1>u• on .. .. s ... "'"!<><100 .. /4 l •nc.••1•• .. " S•n °""911 Couot, , .. ,. o..iu .n w"''"· " " S•n F•..w:ooco .. SI l""O Se.ocr .. " w ... , ··-u ~-~ .. " Si n Ju•n P ll .. 13 lOt AOQ<' .. , .. " ,.,,. " " s.. .... " 6) MOf'l•0••1 % " Tides Oe• '-'O• ..... s " " $tir••91X>" " I~ '-'o->t"""'" " .. 0eHOt1 .. " SJIOlo•ne •• 511 "'""t•<e> " " O..tut~ " ~ s .......... " 68 "'' w,t,;.,., " ~ Et Paaa " " lope•• " 1~ "'"""'~· •OO " fOOAV ,,,., "'Q" I \6 pm .. f ou•l>al'•~ " " l~caon " !1 JllewPO•l IMt•<'" ., " 'a<go ,, " full• " !S Oa•l•n~ " " s ... ond •o~ 615p m " fl1QJ"l1 " " Wa•n"191on " 73 °"';of "' .. ., S..cooa "'~" !<llr tt"'a .. " woc:nue •o~ 13 "•'"' Sll""0> "' M0110A¥ H•len• " " wo••~ 8~"• " /I P•••0,,.1• " .. '<" "'O" 12 15 • m " H""Ol<JI" " " Paoo 1101>"'• ~ " "°"S10t1 .. " ll••"'"'"" .. .. '•s• ,. ... I !J p"' " lfl<lo&nlOp!lloS .. .. ll..o 81ul1 '°' ., SKOl'O "'9" , St p"' .. J.,;~-·~ .. .. " ...,, c, .. , ,. " 'ifl(;D<l<I "'" 'l<lp m " ~-.. " Extended ,_ " fd "-•n111 c.1,. " .. s .. ,,..,..,,11 " .. S..n MIO t<l<l•o II 8 01 P"' ,,_ l•s l/~•lt " " s""'""s " " "'"""') ol 5 ~ I m ..-11 1111 "!Ill'\ ot l l!lltt Roe.• " " Me>tli"!' (!Bl! lh•°"Of' \l>I P<!'flO<I 11\JI Son 8"""'"'~ " " 8 0• pm lOU<I-" " _.,. '°" CMN<ll •nd loQ ~ tne S1nGa11•"" ~ .. <Aoo" "''" 1oa1, 01 >O S ! p m ,,_ -· " " co••• '1>Q~• ot l>HChM 10 111 7 ano San°'9Qo " " ... onQ•) •I •O o~ • "' M><I MIS "Qat" •t ""*"'El....:~ " " .n!lf'P!I ••li<lys !I~ 111 100 Lowa 6li to 74 SW1 F••flC•KQ .. " ll l(lpm California GOP chairman may seek U.S. Senate seat By JOY DEE ANTHONY Oaly-C1t~I The state C'ha1rn1an of !he Re- publican Pany. Mtke Antonovich. said Friday that ··1f every1h1ng fall:. into plaee" he wilt declare his can- didaC)' for the U.S. Senate this fall. In an 1n1erv1ew following a speech 1n Ir\ 1ne 1h1s week. Antonovich also said Cahforn1a Chi ef Justice Rose R1rd policies will spark a backlash among the statl''s voters that will dearly cost her and her supponcrs. .\ member of the Los Angeles c·oun ty Board of Supervisors, .<\n- tono\1ch says his '"experience and l"IO~Cn('SS with Governor Deu- kmCJian and President Reasan will be ass.et~ that will help .. him 1n seeking the no m1na11on .\mong other Republicans hoping to unseat Democrallc Sen. Alan (·ranslon LO what promises 10 be 3 hotl~-contested race are Rep. Bobbi Fiedler. Rep. Wiiiiam Dannemeyer, Et onom1st .\rt LaOCr. state Sen. Ed Da\tl>. and Rep. Dan Lungren. . .\ntonov1ch served in 1he stale Legi slature \\'hen Heagan "as go \· ernur of c·ahforn1a and \\:lS chost·n for !ht• White House Fello"·sh1p program to serve: in an e.,et·ut11 e br::inch o ft he Whrte 1--louSt' along" 1th around 15 others. He "as al-.o :i n1en1tx·r uf the U.S.-Japan .\d\ 1 .. or. c·omnus-.1o n for lhl' Prt'Sldl'IH . 1--lls 1ntl'tl'Sl 1n the Rl·puhl 1ca n Pan) dales back lo his eollt'St' da~~ "'hen he was president of the Young Repubhrans at c·al Stall' L(i~ ·\ngl·le\ and served on tht: stall' ~ll'('ri ng r;omm11tel' of 'i'ouih fo r (,,)ld,,atL"r ln IQ76. he "as Prl·~1dl·nt Rc;ig;in\ rcprl'St"nt:i\1\c On !hl· Rl'puhl1t Jn platforn1 eomn11ttl'C at thl· .~:llinn,1\ Con\ent1o n I-IL' co-cha1rl·J 1hi: Human RcsourC't"' e.-omm1llL'l' 1h:1! helped "nit' thl' national part\ pl .. n · form. 'Whl·\her .\ntono\ 1ch "ins 1hc \.,:n· ate nur111na11o n or noi. he·-. ho l)l'fu l that a Republican \\111 lx'at c·r:in stun Dem0t'rats. he sa\s. ha\t' alienated \Oler .. \\1th lhrir .. bl::ir11c .\ml·nca for the problt'n1s of lhl' "arid .. all1tudl' Jn add1t1nn . b~ catering 10 special 1n1rrest~ :ind s1 r1 \ 1 ng lor higher ta A.es. greall·r go\ crnrnl·nt spending and a ~maller defensl·. the' ha' c· c•ndorsed a philosoph~ 1ha1 .. "·as n."pud1a1ed 1n thl' :"lo' ember elel uon." he \aid The rl.'ason "h~ sn ma n ~ C a l1forn1a l:>emocra!) l·ndorsl·d Prl'"11.h·n1 Rr- agan and ( 10 \ ernur Dculo.me11an "1thou1 \Ot1ng toruther Repubhcans. he sa id. "J' tha1 0111,1 l>t•mocrat1c tand1dak'S "l'rcn'1 !'rJnk ahout their li beral position) lnste::id the\ ,i li gned thl·m,.el,es "llh 1he pres;. dl.'nt'" 111l·"~· hoping th a! no one "Ou ld c hrc~ 1n lo lhl'Lr 1 011 ng records In the nl'\! l'll'lllon thl' 1s.-.ue of \\,tll' ';uprenll' { {1ur1 ( h1L'! Justice Ho.-.c A1nr, -.onf1rma11 un "di "be a tailor in " nun1 ht·r ul ralc\ ... .\n~ tun11\ Ith <;.11d ~h· csumJti.'\ that 75 Pl'fl cnt 11!( .ilitnrn1Jn \do not ...,ant to 'cc her 1l1nfirmcd Pol111c1 an" "ho do cndor\c her.ould be nu\ on a hmb. he addl·d Rega rd le\s 01 pJrt\ or ethnic h::icJ..ground. h1· \.1 1d. people "hJ\e heen appalll'd b1 lhl· "a' '>hi.' has 10\ed on l'nr11 1n:i l and c;1i1 eases I hL·rc \1 111 bi.· a barkl:hh :igo11ns1 ht·r pol1c11''> ·· FIRST STOP: I SECOND STOP: , t 'J°/te lJeaclt BALBOA I SLAND ·~PAL M DESERT '~W NCENTER Oranoe Coas1 DAIL\' PILOTJSundly, July 21. 1985 I STAl'E/ ION /WORI;I>==== CALIFORNIA Desertstormsabate, 31 stranded at tram rescued By lbr As1ociated Preis L!)S :\NfiELES -.<\ ~~ere -.ummer storn1 t ha1 ravaged Sou1hern < .1!1forn1a s dt'serts and n1 uunta1ns. causing a plane era~h that killed 1hree l>t..'ople. aba1ed Sa 1urda\ to allow the re:K'ue of 31 people stranded on a r11uunta1ntop ·rhl' idrn1ittes of tht· n1ao . .won1an and,ch1ld-k1llN 1nthl"'"Frtdtty-.· 11igh1·crash "'ere not r('leaSt•d Saturda~ The storm tnggerC"d a l 5-minute shde 01 mud.' "'atc.-r an~ boulders 1ha1 knocked down J>0"er hnes feeding the Palm \pnngs .\enal Tran1"a} andspa"ned \1C1ous wind., "Ith rain tha1 dt""stro}t"d n1o h1I(' hon1 e\ 1n 'lel·dle'i. d1splac1ng up to s1;,: families with l·hlldren .\t the" Palm Springs tran1. !ht slide clobbered power poles and left about I I peo plt' \trandl'd unul SaturJa) morning at the top of the n1ounta1n. some IUO miles l'aSI of Lo\ ..\ngele~ ,\!most 120 peoplt' wL·re rrl>C·uc•d b) pn,a1e hC'lieopti.'r p1lu1 r>on l.andell unlll high winds late Frida) halted the fh~hts. ll•::i,1ng 11 fX'Ople. 1n1'lud1ng 1ram .... a\ statT. to l>f>t'nd the night in a n11)un1a1nt op lodg1· · Manson found with hacksaw \.\N ()l'FNTIN -\1a s~ murderl'r ( harles ~·l anMJn tnt•d 10 ~n1uggle a '~'·.lnl h hal·ksa\\ into San Quentin Pnson. a pn~on spokt·sn1an reponed. I n\on Lt Fred E'erl~ u1d the blade .... as disco,ered dunng a routine search and ihat !ht• 50-}car-old con\ 1ct. -;er\ 1ng a ht"r St"ntence. had secreted 1he hal lo."'" 1n the ~ule of o ne of h)s ~h0<·s .\ lanson. con' 1c1ed 1 n I 969of1hc Tate- l ,181anca thnll murders 1n LO\ .\ngt•les. "as transferred baclo. 10 San Quentin 1h 1-; "l'l'k after ~pending nine ~t·a1 ~ 1n the Cal1forn1a Medical Fae1ht} 1n \.al a\ die Hl· h:ad ong1n:i!h be1·n 'l'nt 10 San Quenun in 197 1 but "as tr;1n,tcrn:J to V:ii·a, 1lll· fo r ps~ch1.itnC" re:iso n!> Arrest warrant for Meese withdrawn L()lo\ .\:-.J(,!:;LES -·\n arre\t "arrant issued for l ' S. i\ttorne} General Ld \11n \ll·ese 111 for an unpaid Jil }\\Jlking t1ckt't "·as temporanl) \01ded bt·cauSl' 1t could not be d('lerm1ned 1fthc matter h::id been settled. co un ofiic1ab ~a id .. '\01h1 ng has l"icen d1sn11ssed "Cit\ auorne\ 's spokesman Tt'd Goldstein ~aid .. \Ve ha\e mere!~ rL·called thl· "arr.ant for ihe time bt·1ng so that 1fEd"•1n ~lccSt' 111 "en.· to dn \e into Lo~ -\ngeles and b} chan<'r: be stopped for a 1ranie \ 1ola11on . hL' "ou!dn·1 bl· taken offtOJa1l for a "arrant search .. Soap opera star says goodbye to jail LOS .\:"GELES -"\\ n uld }O u prefer nl} Doc Rick outfit or m} pnson hlut's·1•• T\' ~oap o pera ~1ar l ·hnstopher Robinson inquired \\1\h a Jaun1~ gnn a~ ht• stood in the doorv.q~ ol his clu1tered dressing room at .\BC studios. Thr 4!-)ear-o!d "Dr Ric k \\'ebber" ofGt:neral Hospital had mo\ed from a sound ~1agr: lo a fedt'r::il ha ll"a} hou~ almost C\ er} rught !Or four months 10 Sl'r\ e his !ot'n tt·nt·e on \\\O nHsdL·n1eanor counts of "dlful fallurl" to file 1ncoml· ta' r1·1urns Boeing wins suit, also ordered to pay SE.\ TTI E -Thl· Boeing ( ·o. and a fo rmi.'r ("ahforn1a contrac1ur Bocing had sut•d h:n e ""n 1n111al dan1age a-...'ards 101ahng rnorc.-than $2.6 m1ll1on O\l'T replacen1ent rorkp11 "indo"s 111 thr('e Boeing rom111erc1al a1rhners. The d1spu1e arose O\er manufaclunng nghts and !>ales of glas~ replacemen1 "'1ndo"s on Boc.-1ng 707, 121 and 7 3 i a1rl 1ners. Juror!> cunc l uded Thursda ~ that th<' S1errac1 n t 'orp. should pa} Uoc ing S l .63 5. 3 3 3 for bri·ach1 ng a C'O n1ract "nh 1he aerospare tirm and m1SJppropnat1ng its trade secre\l> The} also 'i.a 1d Boe"ing must pa~ S1C"rrac1 n SI .Uo2.441 for unreasonabl} tl'Stra1n1ng tradl· and lor "attc.-n1pt1ng 10 monopoli1t• a rele\ant market •· Bui the JUI) ~id Boei ng had no1 actuall) n1onopol111·d lhl· market and that 11 had not i.'ng::iged 1n unfair trade practi ces or t'On1petn1 on NATION Storms hammer Southwest, kill 4 Thunderstorms hammt'rl·d South"t"Sll'rn deSt'Ml> :ig..11 n ~.Jturda ' dro p- ping J 1nches ofra1n 1n JO n11nutes on one t'ommun1t} ::ind rau~1ng ll.1sh flood "arnings across four states tor the St.""cond da}. The \lorn1) drl·nched the .\n7ona to"n of Grt'en Vai ll') and "c.-re blamed fo r at 1l·a~1 tour deaths . 1nclud1ng three peopll' "ho d1t.-d 1n ( ahfo rn1a "ht•n a plane l'ra!>hed in a s1orn1 1hat np!)('d the "'Lng~ from the fuselage The founh pcr\on d1l·d "hen she tried to dn ve ::icross a flooded w:ish in .\nlo na Ex-TWA hostage hailed In hometown ELKH.\RT. Ind. -Former Beirut ho~tage Chn1on L. Suggs returned 10 his ho}hood hon1t' Saturday and rL'CeL\ed a da)·long ""L'lcon1r: frorn thl' <'O n1n1un11~ 1ha1 kept a v1g1l during his 17 da}S as a prisoner "It \ great to be.· home," the Nav' diver said as fam1l' and fnend~ cro"Jed aro und him :it Flk han .\-1 unR·1 p:il .\1rpun ·· 1 l's great tO be back 1n El khan . I nd1arta , I tell \Ou ·· .\bout I SO peoplt• "atched asSuggsgr('eted me mb..·rs ofh1 s famll ~ anJ fn'enJ~. c'chang1ng li"se.-.. hugs and ba(·k~laps SU: Flags acquitted of manslaughter TO~'IS Hl\'ER. N.J -....\ JUf"} .lCQlHUCd (irra\ .\d,en!ure arnu~en1en1 park and 11~ parent l·ompan}, Si~ Fl:igs Curp , of man!>l<1ugh1cr and aggra\ a1ed nu1n~l:iughter Saturday 1n 1he ti re" dl·aths ofe1gh1 tet·n-agers 1n a haunted houSt' •\ft er I 3 hour!o of dt•liberation fol lo w1 ng ::i t\\ o-mon 1h 1rial. the J ur} found both tlrms 1nnrn:ent ofrec.:klt·ssl) causing the e1gh1 deaths on Ma~ 11 : l.~84 ... under l·1 rcumstancc-s manifesting eAtreme 1nd1ffl'rence 10 human Ille rtie~ also \\C'rt• :aC'qu1tted of the lt·sst'r charge of manslaughti.'r Californians in fatal Vegas car crash LAS VEG.\S. r--;,., -Three peoplL· weri.' killed Saturda~ and J fo unh c n11c11ll~ injured "hen their car ran a red light ::ind hit 1"0 other cars. ~lctro l'nl1ct• <:aid. WitnessC"s to the accident ~1d a car. rarT) 1ng t\\O n1arnel1 couples. \\t'nt lhrnugh a rt•d light and hit another i.:ar tra,l'ling through !he.-1n1ersect1on. 11 lhl'O ~trur;k another bctOre con11ng 10 a halt, p<.'.>licc· sa1J Tht• names oft he '1C"11n1s "ere not rclt•ased pending no11tica11on ofn,·AI ofk1n. but police said o ne couple "'a" fro n1 Cali!Ornia ;ind thl' other "as ~ta t1o ned a1 1'\Jell1s Air Force Ha~ Boy made sterile to get $820,000 NE\\ 1--1 .\ \EN. ( onn -.\ -'·)Car-old ho) made sh.·nle alil·r a Na '} d.O\'!Or m 1s1akC"nl~ performed a \ asel·tor11 ~ "'bile rl·mo1 1ng hl'I n 1as d unng 1 .... 0 separal<' operauons "Ill rcce111c sg10.UClO in an oul-of-coun Sl'llli.'ment .... 11h the go\ernmcn1 The suit stemml'd fro m operations 1n JllM1 al the '.'la\al Rl'.'g1on11I ~ted 1cal C('nler al tht' LI S Na\ al Base 1n Bren1er1on. \\'ash. Doc1or~ !Or lhl· deft•nse and the govC"rnmcni d1,.agreed on "'ht•\h<'r fu1ure surger. could reverse 1he steril1t}. but agreed tha1 an} such surgl·r::-'>hould bl' rcrtormed "hen .\dan1 reaches puberty. Reardon said WORLD ------- Blast destroys church hall, kills 1 SYDNEY . •\ustralta ->\n e11plos1on. possibl) •·aused ~} a bomb. destroyed a Jehovah'" \\111nc'>sc~ meC"11ng hall dunn11 thl· Sunda y morning scrYICC', killing one person and wounding 40, police reponcd. Pohcc, who ong1nally said they f('artd as man) as th rte people wcrt• killed. !W1d a Oeet of 20 ambulances carried the 1n1ured to two hospitals. News reports said relatives of some oflhe v1ct101s refused to allow !he hospitals to &l\C" blood transfusions because 11 '1olates their rcltg1ous IX'l1ef:'> Espionage no crime in Japan TOKYO -Jn Japan, there is no law against Sp)1ng. ("onve)Lng eonfiden11al 1nforma11on may IX' a \1olat1on ofthC' lmm1arat1on C'on1rol Law for a foreisner, or oft hi.' SC'lf.f)cf('nSC Force La"' for a membrr ofthC' laP3nC'iC' defcrse forcr For anyone elst. thert couldn·1 even IX' a chaflC'. under Japan's legal code. espionage is not a cnmc Bui the govcrn•nJ Ubrr31 Democra11c Pany has introduced a b1ll 1n 1he D1e1 (parhamcnt )1ha1.1fpas~. would be the coun111•s first postwar ant1-csp1onagC" law. 1·hC" law would make spying pun1~hahle by dt'ath 1n ~ome ca~s. Zaire starting to 1ettle don K INSH ~SA , Zaire -Zaire, the" formC"r Ekl11an ( on10. 1s 54:'1\hng do'A n afler lS )'Can of turbulent t ndeJ>("ndrnce -20 of 1hoSC" ~cars under Prc-s1den1 Mohutu Scse &ko The" nat1on has heto me a re11on1I po"er w11h a stead11' 1mpmv1ng image" E\•en b) arbllr&r} Eurol)C'an o/~,n1al d1v1s1ons. Za1rt wa an unhkel} creation Its l 1 mil hon JX"Ople arC' sphl 1nt11 .'.!00 tnbes and 1) language 1roup\ It' swehenna 1rop1cal fore-sts and 1o~·t'nn1 ' o\(an1c mountain\ 111rctch 11cn1"1' an area a\ b111. as 1hC" t ln11cd ~uuc-. ea\I o f 1hc r-.11-.\1\s1pp1 Reagan home, anxious to work --1 n1 ear.t'r 10 get back to work.." Reasan sa1d · ( Americans urged _ ~ohavecheckups for h ealth reasons Thanking tht• doc1ors. nurses and ill.e .~mencan Jireoplc. for 1~balloont", --- l·ard:. and fl O"'t'rs fle received, Reapn Pre•ident Reagan i• &:reeted by well-wisher• and ht• dog Lucky•• he and Mr•. Reagan arrive at the White Hou•e. An attendant bold• the leaab. BETflL'ilJ .\ i\1d (.\P) -.\n upbt·a t P1e!>1d1·n1 Reagan. t'nd1ng his \\Cl'J..,I Qng husp11al sta> Jftt"r laOlt"T surgcr. urged .\menl·ans o n Saiur- da ~ tu );l'I thcc-kup!> tor suspt"CIC'd heallh probll·n1, 'J~ 1ng "Just lC'll the m ·[)r Ke;1gan· ~nl ~Ou ·· "\\ r .i ll tend tu ign ure the sign~ that <,<,im ethin!( rna\ be: ...,ro ng"ith U\ But ma~ I );l\ ,pi.·.iJ..1ng from J)t'rsonal C'Ptrtl'llll' 11 ~ 1n1por1ant t\) go and gel ..1 ,hl'l kup 11 \11u think ~11me1h1 ng t'in't ngh1 ' !he pre.-.1de-nt s;Ud 1n hi!> \.\t"e lo.h r.i..-11 0 addrt''>' ''\o 11 \uu·re lt!ott•ning to th" fl$hl nt'" and 11 rl·m1nd, \••Uul something 1ha1 \U U0 '-t' b..·t•n putung out of )Our mi nd "l·ll p1l k up 1hc ph0ne call ~uurdol\OT nr lu\JI hnsp1tal and La lk tti \01lll'OTIL' J u~! 1l'll !hem. ·[)r K t·.i~n· ~t·nt \Clu Beforl· bi.ld1ng t<1 rt•v.ell t<J his doct .. ,r, Jnd nur't'' Kt'agan dl"h' t."Ted 1h1: 1i\c:-m1nu1r r:i<l10 '>~cch from a ma lt·~h11t \tuJ10 ou1<>1de h1" th1rd- 11oor SUL\l' at lkthL''ill.l 'al al HO!>PI· "' ··rm k·l·ln1!( grcal but l'n1 gc11 1ng a little re~tk·'>~ .\lot •>I \uu lo.nu" ho" 1l 1\ "hl'n \Ou ha'e to endure '>Orne 1ortt'd bed rt·~• · Rt·agan ...aid. his \Oi r1· )\rong. bu t ~l 1gh tl\ h u~l) .. , OU gt'I thll> teL·li ng thal l1 iC' .. o ut tht·n: anJ \I!> J big ~hi n\ Jpple and ~ uu 1u't (a n't "<l\I to gt'\ nu1 and take bi ll' ul 11 ·· lhl' prt'!ou.Jent \aid paid a )pec1al tnbute lo Mn..'Reapn. "ho "a:. s,('a!ed be-:.1de him tn the r.id1u boo1h. and askt"d her for a date. ··\I, hen I looJ.. back on theSC' days. 1 ·11 re member \OUr radiance and your \trength and ·}our !i.Uppon and for 1 our tak ing pan 1n the" business of this nauo n " Reagan said rhl' pre-.1dc:nt 31.'i.U dchvC"red a "<1rn1ng 10 t·l ou~-!Xmocrats that h.e 1~ .in>.10u!o tu break !he impasse 1n C. ongre!os O'er the 1986 budge\. Dt-spLtC' hi s ...,eek -long hospital <'oniint'mt'nt the" pre.'i.1dent said "I ha1 e been lo.C"c.-p1ng close tn.ck of thing) going on especial I) 1he budge! proce!o~ 1n ( ungres)," Reagan said . .:I'll t.::11 )O u "hat I think of lht- Hou ~ budgt'I proposal ..a far." Re- dga n ~•d ·1hope:1t gets well soon." ··in tact I told o ne of the fine 'urgt·onl> hrre 1f Cong.rt-SS i;:an·1 makl' the .. ~nding CulS we n~d I'm go ing tu ~nd him up to Capital H11l 10 do some real cu111ng." In .ino1her Jab at !he budget pro poli.31 pas!>t'd b~ the Democrat1c- co n1ro lled House, Reagan sa1d."I k nov. some are" sa~ 1 ng that \\'C' can J us1 kt"t:p going v.llh business as usual 1n the lt'deral spending depanmcn1 .. But, "ell. forgive me. I don't have .il> much \tomach for 1ha1 k.1nd of talk .i~ l u~d 10.·· the.-pre51den1 s.:ud 1n a hu mo ro us reference 10 the 5urgeT) that rt' mo' ed a 1"0-foo1 section ofh1s large-1ntes11ne Rescue teams sift mud for bodies Dam collapse kill s about 200 in Italy. probe launched ~r.\\.\ ltal\1.\P)-i'-ear1,;.or)!1 rl''\.'Ul' ''Orlo.i.'r'i.: using bulldo1t:r~ and tra1 nl'd d1.1g~ n:ported Satu rdJ ~ th e~ fo und 1•1 ,uf\1 \ur" in the niud and dl·hri' lrH h\ a dam col lap\l' cha1 1n 'l'l'l•nd' J..illl:<l ::ihout 200 pt•o pk· r hl' 1,,1 1111 t "aLcr ...,::ish('d a"a' thi!o !)n!um1 1t· n111unt.11n rl·~on CJn Frid.1) J nJ ll·ft 1l .1 ...,a,tt·land I 111, i' -,lJ \.t "hl·rc \ou ""'t· nothing ,.11d Fran>.p R uggt·i~1 point· 1ng 10 J n l'\p.i n~e ul n1ud. "rei.J..age .i nJ uprooll'J grL·ent•n th a1 \.\.l~ ont"L' .i • dlagl' '1111h rlL'!otled high in thL' mL1u n ta1n' 1n 1h1· \JI di F1t•m me fh L' 22-\L'Jr·old Ru~ero. J re!oL- dl'lll lil neath\ T t·,ero. had l·tlln l· l1 J..t" otht·r~. Ill ~t'L:1 f'\t3 \:l had d1rJ ()tl"er!o uf hl'lp puurL·d 1n tn,_1n1 aro und tht· "nrld . 1nt·lud1ng fron1 gO\L'rnn1ent' in lht• 1 ·n1lt•d 'it::i\l'~. France Bntatn. \Ves1 (ierman ~ anJ Japan \old1('t,, tirt·n1t·n and \OIUntt·er\ pre ~~1:d lhl· !>l':lrLh fu r !ht: dl·ad J nd thl•h11ng Tht·~ fullo"eddog,trJ1nt·d to sn1n· ou1 hun L'd \1ct1m~ Elt·,t·n hl'lll u ptL'r' ho 1 erl·d o ' l'Thead ··-Re.cue workers uae caterpillars to clear debris before search for bodies tn StaTa. ()f the 19 l)l'opl1· fo und al1'l' 'lnLt' f-nda}. 3l'cording to offi c1als, th t• la.!ot per~o n ""~ Tl'Sl·ued at da1\ n Sa1urd.i~ "iht• ":I~ \lana .\ssl1n1:~ ( ara. bunl·d nl·t J..-dt'l'P for 18 ho ur' Th L· \tl-\l'.Jr,,1!d ~..1rJ1n 1.111 1111n1an "·I' 1.11..C"n 111 a h11,p11.1I 1n Ttt·n1t• 111 \l'rlUU' Ltlndl!Jl)n (. l\ 11 [)t_•tl'll \l' t•lli ~JJ], ("\lllll.1\\'d thJl ..th<.1u\ \Ll1,l J>t..'pple 11h1,1 h f<"'I d1·nt,, 1lHL tl~l ) Jnd hut.·I "'H~•-'r' "l'fl' in ~la \.l-1111 n11il·' nP1tli•··1'1 u1 \\il,1n -11h,•n thl· n 1.r1 ,q 11111.t Rafting on the river Lo. Ana:ete. Mayor Tom Bradley look• to t he shoreline prior to the atart of bt1 11-m lle white water rafting trip Saturday morning in Mirac le Spring•. Bradley took 50 polltical •upporten and reporters down the Kern R iver In a campat1n-1tyle outt n1. f,h 1'd 1hrnugh 1h1· 111..., n I n J::i, ( 11li11 .111. ,J 11.l J rl·1.11 n1 nJ!! \\.tll 01 an 1'Jr1hen d..1 m "'h 1, h l l·p1 1 n p!..1, l' 1" {1 .1tt1fit1 al IJ ~l'' u,1·d \\) tdll•r 1nJu1.1naJ 11J''''' ,nll.1p,l·d atxiut a hJ ll·n11le fr1 1n1 '\1.t\J 1 hl'I ,,11 .J ..... 11er ap- r.irt•n tl\ 'l'l'l'l\.'d 1nh1 !he ~il•\(•Jf-1>lJ J.11n .inJ .r.i ,J..l·d 11 Jlll'T Tl'1.en1 1hundl·r.,1orm~ f rant cs..·o ..,1meon1. the st.:i te'!o a1 - tornl'' 1n Trrntu <;.aid hl• 1:.suC"d l {l 1ud1riJI ";1rn1ng ll'.'1ter' to people tx·in ~ 1n'r'11 gatect for pos~iblC' in- 1 <ll •c1nt·n1 1 n the J 1"-'l \\t·r 1n.:lud1ng ,onh· l1n1 .. h·nuticd g11 ,ernml·n1 of- ti1.1.1 1 ~ Disaster aid due for victims of fire lj\'\ ,,l 1l l l '\1\f'•-\j•'l1ll 11.·JrrJl .end ,1.111· J1 ,.1,1,·r r1.·l1t't (·tl.•11 ll>r fl\'•11'lt• 1\h<•'I.· h,1n11'' ""'c-,h· ,\r111t•d ••t ,!,1n1.1~1·J 1n .1 't'ri•·' 111 t•!.:111'' 1 h.~1 .h,·"1.·d ur ,-1,''I.' t•• .l1 ~ • ~ ~ 1 ,1, r,·, ,hr, '' 1 ,1l1 1,,rn1.1 "111 l'l\· l.1 un,h1"I ! ,1,•,J J \ .. 1)11·1.il' ,.11J \lp1 .. Lh.111 '~ h1•l11''' "<.I t' J,•. ,!11•1,·11 tTI \h,· ,,1 ,.1i:<" hi<'' "hl•h -t.u h·.t !unr ~ .111.t ll'11 l'H•'t' J"JJ .1!1 ..I \,tlfl.'' h1•fll L'!,.,, 1 ht· I <'lh·ral-'\1..11.· l)1,,1,!r1 ~ ,,,,1d1 n.1·,ng (11T111. "di "l"'n ,11,.1,11·1 ·I'' •IUTil.l' •t'IUt·r, 1•!1 I uc·,,J ... , T' ,1,".-rr:n1 p.irt' Pl th.· •1.itc' 'l"''~t·~1.,11n,,1 11 M.11111 \u•t,·n •.1 1<1 '.i l urd.1\ \t thl' ••'llll'I ' .,,,r J..t'r\ ...,di hr !' t I H' ' 11 II m \ d•·1t·rn1 I Ill" I hr • r ··h ~il\o 1•1 11·,ll'rJl .1 nJ •l.11<· '""n .1,,1,1.11:,. ,,, '-l•J I ht'•l' •1•n1t·r, .u 1'll.·1n~ ·1\.1d, , , ,i1l,1hlL' lt' •ur1 ,, ,,,,\\It h ~1n1n ,111.·..1 ,,,,,,, 1r,1n1 thl· fire• ·\11•ll'l1 ... 11,\ \\ h.11 1h1· J1 ,:1,ter ,,.,,r,l1n,111 n;: ,1 I ,1, .... , I\ hr1n~' ,l ll the-.l~t'lh I<"• ,i.·r Pill' r11(ll ''' tr.11nl'<I \'l\'r"o."iui.· , .1 " ,h hl·1 p J 1·t1.·rn11 n1n g l'l\'•'1 ~.,.II!• r .. r J •'-l•t«r r1·ht·1 r•· ·~· '·', ' ! .. .i.. "'!"I!! JnJ '\n1..1ll Ru\I · "'' \,! .. ''.1!11ln <'lll,1.JI' "'di t'C' ·'' .L .1" ;'I•\\ 1,ll' !11Jn\ l\! fi rt• , 1'1'•• , lnh·rn.i l R1.·•.-n ut· "\cf , •• ,\r repn•..cnt.i1 1•l'' 11• 110. ·:' ',, , !<>1 !J\ fliUp.1.,.j,.'~ '\ .111<·11, · ,1.1.,· .t!!Cn,1c' "'1ll 3lso Ix 11'1'''"" ',·.! t'1r,1.h·r1 K1·a(l.an ,le.trt'J the ...,a, I•'! tin .1 ,,1,ll'I 1('1\ll'" ""hC'n he· Jr, 1.111·J lirt' r JI a(l..:-d por\llln'> 1ll < .1l1 !1°1ni,e ,1 1,.1,h·r arl'.'a' fhc· , 1·1111·r., 1he1r toc.11 11ln"' J nd ,1.11,·, .11 1•ri.;r,11 111n 3rl'.' -"i.111 !)11·~,1 l .1u n1'. Don ~d.a1n .. I,,. ,·111.1r1 "h•'<.11 -'t-•.'.! J51h ~I '·1· ,,, .... , \ .1 m 111 -p m Juh ., \f'l ~t•lt•, ( c>Unl' {"ltlt'i.C.'\ tJ ,1-1 -.,1,'l•I '"'"1-•l rmdale •\\e I'" \ ·~f!,•, I ,! Ml Ill • I'm Jul\ San Diego-based Kitty Ha wk to move ~<\N L>IEfiO (~Pl -l ht .11 r\ral\ l·arner Ktlt~ ~h1 "k "'Ill mo'e tro1n ''' lonaume baSC" of North Island Na,al <\1r Station to Florida. pos!o!bl) up- root1n1up10 17, I 00 m1htary pcN>n· nel and def)C'ndrnts. the Na\} \31d \a1urda\ ··I h<' '<"t·rctar\ Cll lhC' 'a'\ tJohn \e hn1 an i 1n l reo,en1 1n1er'1l'"" ~01,firnled 1ha1 thr 1•urrt·nt 1n ll'nluin I\ 10 n'IO\\' thc: I "" 1'11\\ Ht1,,l lr11n1 \:in I icsu 1o,1 n 11ru.la (0 1111" 1nl!! ht·r "i I I I' ( "''r' tt1' llfl· ,. , 11· n,11111 r ru,r:in11 1n PhddJt•l ph1 J · .1 '·I \ 1 'P'-'~1·,ni.1n in \\ a'h1ngh1n -..uJ rt'.1d1n jl, .1 .,1.11c· 1ur n1 l hC' 80.llOl.\.tlln l al nl.'r ...,h11 h ha' bt"<'n based 1n !\an D1ege1 \1tl• r it 1\ J' comm1~~1onro 1n 1qti 1 "ill ht· n·· pllll'l"'<l h~ a nC"v. t lrt1C'r 1h.11 h.1,n t N-1·n huth \Cl, the \pt..1l.1·,m.tri '·•h.I Thi· )1..111' !ta"~ ha\ J l r"1' ,,1 : r.i • • ""h ,1n .1J.1 1111 111 at ~ '1•1 ,1,1 \I ll\~ 11'!1·n1h1·r ~ n.11111 J ll' b.1,,.i .11 \hran1.u '"' .1 1 \1r '\tJllPn .ind h.11 .111 ,\!Hlu.111~111111 " ( \1, n1dl1o•tl 1 111 '-,1\\ ,,11,l thr .rr"' .111.t .1 11 ...,111~ mt•1,1f-..·1 , h,1•l' .1 t11 1.1t ,,, : 11',~ dr1,,,.nd1 n1, Th1· ~.1 \' ""ut.t nn 1 .. ,,n1111en1 "" the.' 1!~1,1 1,, 1n1pl1l·.1 1n rl\ol \Ln @< !hr 'a \\ f"l,"r,,1nn~·l ,1n,11hl'lf dt'\'Cn J C"nl' JllJ II l'J ' no>I 1n11l11'dl.,ll'h ~fh'l\1' 1' lh<' .11• "'"~ "·•uld 1111•\. l•' lhC 1'111\ ll ;1"l , n,-1, ~"""' ,,, p,.,.. ... 11,•l.1 I la .. i t'ot,· \'""'h'P<'d 11, ,11>"1'1r 'h ill l h1 l-.!11\ l l.1 "~ ",,h1..lu h·,1 11• ·1nd1''l"' ·' ,•r11 •I\'''' hrrl ll'"' •tt·rh.iu ~1.•'' .,,. 1n ' " tht• l'hil.1o.1clr h1a 'o1 \' \ ard M..·p l>1•TillH1 Flunltlr, R·Sap lltl'~·· ,1,l l·1l 1ha1 thl· v.orlo. on thi&: l-..111' tl.,v.J.. and lhrce Olhcr W"1 I ,,a .. 1 ha\('d ta rrier!> be' pc-rformed ll \\(•'>\ ( ll:l\I 'hlp)ard\. Yy1na I~ ""ulJ , a u-.c IC''\\ d1srupt1on \O cret' rncmt...:r .. ,1n.J'1¥te1r fam1lte11 • • Hui I l·h ma n rt"J("('lC'd tht ~uni. \.l\ 1n1 11 "'Ou lJ be-more cos1-<ffecl1':f' 111 J o lhC' "'<irk 1n Ph1ladclphifi l'll."\.~u'< "'Ofltrn there havt lhl' "t't"d~'<I C'\ptn1tir i -..-------~------------------------~------------------------~-:.-- ... A4 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, July 2 t , 1985 FOR THE MARSHALLS NEAREST YOU, CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-654-6543 famous maker casual PANTS AND JEANS comparable -- in quality at S 32 Nllrsh .. ls 1299 Latest looks in these fashion cottons: pigment canvas indigo-dyed sheeting, chambray and ripstop. Assorted colors. Sizes 3 to 13. First quality. famous maker SHAKER VESTS comparable in q uality at S25 .N11rsh11lls 999 What a buyr Bright. crop length sweater vests 1n a shaker knit of ramie/cotton Crew and v-necks. si zes S-M -L. First qualrty In a world where the best thin~ in life often come with an equally impr~ive price tag ... there's Marshalls. Brand names for le~. l ---. -. ·-- This Orien tal brus h painting titled "Tuberous Begonia" earned a firs t place award i n th e professional division for Jo Patterson of Newport Beach. 673piecesofart entered at fair Thcrl· were o 7 \ pll'l l''> of Ml w 111 I. entered 1n th e Fine \rls Dcpartnwnt b) profe!.~1onal. nu' ice and \11uth an1sts..at 1he Orange ( ount) r air 1n Costa Ml'Sa. which cont1nu c'\ thr11u~h 1on1ght Sculpturl'. pain ting.-, a' ''di .J' calligraph} wcrl' among the 1tl·m, entered b} 1800range ( ounl} an"t' according 10 Pegg} Emcr,on I 1nl' Arts Su pen 1sor. The top work w1tl tx· un d1,p1J, 1n the Fine Arts/Photvgraph~ H111ld1n~ Local winners arc. Torko m S Balent1. Costa "1l'\,1 .ith. painting profess acf') Ill'> Ph' Ill\ Biel. Cos1a Mesa. I01h painting profess oils: J. Bond. Costa Ml''>.1 4th. painting novice oils. 3rd. paint· ing. novice oils: Linda Bradlon.l Costa Mesa. 4th, pa1nt111g nm 1n· 1Aalcrcolors. Theresa ( annad' C n\t.1 Mesa. 4th. painting no' ice 1}i1, 4th pain11ng no\ ice oils, L. ( rouk. 'l''' · port Beach. ~nd. p:.11nt111g prnk" acr:rhcs. 41h pa1n11ng proln\ acr) hes. Susanna C.X.·n1on. ( o\l:l M c~. 4th. design. proles'> ml\l'd media Chns Domino. Cos.ta ~k ... a. 10th. c;culpture. no,·1t'l' an) ml·dia Lois (1ard1 ner ( mt:i \le..a 41h painting ncl\ KC 1_>ncntal bru'>h I r.111- ci ne Kul·n1h C <>'>ta· \te.,.1 ..Jth graphic\ prolc'>' p.i,tcl. 4th. graph1l' profess. pa'\tl'I l orrn1ne Ln\'l'IO~. Ne1Apon Bl·ath. 'rd pa1nt111g. profess orien tal bru .. h rrann•\ \lor- nll. ( os1a ~1c'>a 2nd dt'\1gn prolt''>'> mixed media. Ah aro \l;n a., l'"' - pon Beat h \rd. '>cu lp1 ure nu' Ill' an) media. 4th '>l'Ulp tun· no ' Ill' an' media .\nne Ok1mow. ( O\l.J \1c<,a \rd design profc\s call 1granh~ ..J1h. dc- 'i1gn profc\s. calhgrapll\. I s.1. dl''>1gn profess. calligraph ~. \nne OI) mp1 u'>. NewpQrt Beach. 4th. design prole.,, calligraph). Jo Pa1terc;on. Nl·wrx>rt Beach. 2nd. pa1n11ng profe ss. oriental brush. l '>t. pa1nt1ng profess. oriental brush: Douglas E. Ro'icbrook. Co\la Mesa. 41h. sculp1ure profcs\ an} media. Jrd. painting profess. acr;lics Pa ul Russen. Costa Mesa. I st. design profec;s. maxed media. < harlcs \\ Su 1oriu~. Newport Heach. I '>t. sculpture profess. an} med ia \'1r- gin1a Turlc\, Costa Mc..a. 4th pa1111- 1ng no"tce onen1al hruc;h, Florcn(c Vallejo. Newport Beach. 4th. pa1111- ing no vt('C oriental hrush: Joanna Walls. Co\ta Mesa, 2nd. sculpture novice an) media, Zane Clarke. ( o~ta Mesa. I s1. 10 fram ed Junior age 5 & under: Ja>. B Young. 4th. pa11111ng profess. oil.,. Dancnc Clark. Hun11n gtun Rl-;llh 4th. pa1n11ng no' 1cc wa1ercolnr\ Doug Clull, Hun11ng1on Beach. 4th dl''1t1n 1111\lll' m \t'd nwJ1.1 .i1 h dt·,1gn nu' l<l ll'l\l'll mn.lta. I st dl·...,gn no\ Ill. m1\l'd 111t•d1a (1a1I F I >m' r nunt.1111 \'Jlk~ .it h. pa111t1ng no' 1n· uil., l\.athkrn ( 1enovese. f uunt.1111 \ JllC\ 2nJ pa1n1tng 00\ · Ill' oil\ rholll,I\ ( lllll'll\\Jll'r Jl unt· 1ngt11n lkalh h t \lUlpture no' ice .tn\ ll1l'd1.1 I hvm.1' He,llll'' Foun- t.Jiil \',tlln 2'ld p.11n11ng nc)\ 1n· .it·nhl' 1;•nn1· 11'•,er,tl·m Hunt-1n~111n Br.1, I 'nil p.11n1111g profr sc; "·"l'rwlor' () '-l·11.1 1-..u,kendall. t 1HllllJ111 \.ilk\ 2nd dl'\lgn no\ ICC calligraph' 4th dl'\lgn nll' Ill' calli- graph\ \ii-.. I .1mtx·rt F ounta1n \ alll'' lt11h. p.111111ng n1n 1tt' 1Aater- l0lor ... I ~nr \l11rg.1n llun 11ng1on Bl':tlh. lllth. r .11n1111g pro l1·,., "atcr- uilnr., Rohin R1gnl'' I 11unt.J1n \ alle~. .ith graphh' pr11ll·" p.i stel. < hrt\ttnJ Rot'l\.·11\ I 11un1.1111 \ alll'\ 2nd. p.11nt ng n11\ Ill' onl·ntJI hrush. Hell) "iarn.k. llun11ngton Hl".llh 2nd. de,1gn no' tlt' ml\ed media .ith . painting no' Ill' c11I\ II Ith p.Jtntlng nO\ IC'l' 0 I\ 1-..l'll \;1nder\ J llUO tJtn \allc~. 2nd \u1lpturc prnk'>\ an' media. \'ala1e \lhm1t1. Huntington Bcarh 41h p.11n11ng prok'' Orll'lltJI bru\h I 'd' n \\ 110J".JrJ I ountJ1n \ alll'\. -I th r.11nt1ng rrclll'\\ 1111<, .\ ll'\ .\ lfil'rt 11 un11 ngton Hl•Jd1 I 0th 2-D framl·d iun1or agl' 11 \l\\\a .\llil-n. Hunt1ng111n B1.·alh 2nd 2-D frctm1'\l 1un111r Jtl.l' I 'i-1 -Uena \llirri Hunt1ng111n Bl'3lh 2nd ~-0 framed 1un1or .1gc 'i and under. JanC1.•n lklhtold I lunt111g1o n Heal·h. 41h. 2-1> lrnmed 1unaor .tgl· fl. Roix'n Buc;h f 11unta111 \ alll'' 'rd 2- D lr.1mnl 1un111r .1gc 1 'i-1" f )lcr I-fa< kl·m I \t 2-D lraml·d 1un1nr agl' h·!I. \l1lh.1rl l\.ol'l\lh h1t1nt.11n \,ti· lei lllth ~-I> l1.1ml·d 1un111r .1ge I) I - Kntx rt < nnt1l'I < 11r11nJ dl'l \I.Jr Jrd 1k\lgn nm Ill 011\l'd media Lou1\J ( ooPt'r llulho.J l'>IJnd. I \t pa1nt1ng prutc" 1111, Ruth I h nd' Balho.t l<.1.Jnd 'rJ pJ1nt1ng prolt•\\ "·lll'ru1l11r' < 1t·11rg.c V. I 11ng.. C or- on;1 tkl \Ltr 4th pa1n11ng. proll''' .Jlf\lal,, l>1.1n,1 lludn1.1I. In 11ll' !11th pa11111ng. nn' 1, l' "·••crutlor' KonJIJ ( h.1mh..·r, ln11ll 1rd ~r.tpl ll\ ,,,.,. Ill' dr I" •n~, \rtlll'lll I >.1\\ kin,, In int· ht p.11111111g no\ au "•llcr- tnlllf\ R 1d1.1rd J.11. i-,on. In 11w 4th. graphu.' prok" llrJ" 111g.' I{ l ll1ut1 Shl'ltn1.1n In llll' I 11h grJphi1.s prok'' llrJv.tng\ \\ .irrcn < ook">e\ In rnt• 'rd 2-D lr.1mrJ 111n1or age 6·X c hn,topht·r lo1w' Ir' 1nl'. 1,t ~­ D lraml·d JL1ll1111 .1111• '1-1 I I '"l \ul In 1nl· ~-D lrJllll'd jun1111 .1g.l· 11 11 \kl.tnll' \\llhu1 1i,111l' 'rd 2-1> lranwd 1un1111.II!\'11.11 Vicki Hutter of Coeta Meu won flnt place In freeb d embroidery for her framed bird . a n • Or nQt! COJ!:tl UAtl Y PILOT /Sunday. July 2 1 1985 A5 Residents collect awards at the Orange County Fair- \"an.I "'11111111~ h.11u.h"' 111 I.. 111a1.k tn Oranid uunl\ fl'\ldt'n1' "''" hl.·11n J1,pl.1' 111 Ilk C ahtorn1a l I\ 1ng fknartml'nl 1h11111gh 1uJ.i, .11 thl· nr.rngl' ( OUnl~ r illf 1n { 0\l;l Ml'\<! r op \\01 k tndu<ll'\ h<>llll' Jr1' 1 ll'nl\ .,ud1 as (lu1h1ng .111J nl'l'dll'pm111 .1ml lralh \Ulh J\ 1t1k p.1111llnt( ,ind dollmal..11\i .ind man\ u1twr llt'm' cntl'red 1n nc-.1rl\ l\Oo da,...,., .ll\lllll· 1ng .LO ~ C O\ ( .1hlorrl1,1 I "111g Supc:n 1sur · I Ol:ll Wllllll'I\ JI(' \larg;.irl'I \ho ll1111t1ng11111 lkadi ''' m1<,( hllmh 1 all k1111d,11n11 J11u.·hn \rukt)un llun1ing1un lkach, 'ht "'l'a' 1n&1,p1nn111g. rug L .1ura Ayrt•\, f ountt.1111 \ .tlln 1rd. Joli\, exh1h111011 rharal·ta Joan Bar- fl'tl. llun11ng111n Ht:alh. 4th t..n11tl·J art1dclt '"t'.11\'f franle\ Aartk11 H untinglon &•at·h ~nd l..ntltl'd l h1h.I dol he.\. 2nJ kn 11tt:d art Lf1t:' 'l'\t ~ 1nnifn:d Baga. H untington ' lk~1ch. ht quill' tllv rumlortt'f'>. J.tnl' lk,t:rl}. I t1u1Ha1n Vaill'\ .Ith tok p.11nt1ng \q>t)(I Thac'la H11nJlum llunt1nglun fkt1d1 1rd. dm·d 111 \Ill. \\Jll hanging ( arolc Ara\ I lu111- 1ngton Bt·alh 4th too,.s animal' ~1111 l nxhclt'd/lal l''' url.. child do1h1ng. Jilml'\ Bnan llun1111gwn lk,1d1 l't kalhl'r hag. I \I lcalhcr heh :ntl kJlhcr h11llnlJ 4th kalht·r 11\hcr ( 1cnrg1anJ Brnmll'' Hunt 1ngtun fkach '\rJ ncl'dkpo1nt p1l lllfl'' .:!nd nl·cdll·roint p1t turl''> :nd { hrt\tma!> drt:oration~ p1llll" Irene Bruner. Fountain Valk\ Jrd nrnkss1onal handl ran olhl'r l \ nn Bud. Hunting Bt'ad1 1,1 pru- lc~!.1onal Ol't'dl"'\\Ork othl'r l inda Burnetle. llunungton Bt'ath, '\r\J . nn•dlcpo1n1 ,>1110", Ka} Bush. I oun- 1<11 n \' allr~ .:! nd nerd h:po1n1 p1L - turl'' larllnl' C amphcll I ou111.11n Fancy hat Don Lloyd wears tbe bat made by bis wife, Ronnie, at the bat contest on Seniors' Day at the fair. \ Jiit•\ ht. tole ra1nt1ng trunl.. ht toll' pJanlln~ \\lH>d 1st tole p.11n11ng nut ''oud _nd. tole pain11ng mt'tal 4th plJ'\tCrt:rall figure animal ~nd pl.l\tt'raalt ligurl' human :nJ pl.J\ll'ru.ilt tigun· hum,1n ''' pl:l\ll'rl r.1 II ti~Ufl' I \l pla\ll'H r.111 I.imp 'rd pl.1'\l'rl r.111 pL1qul' 1,t plJ ''l'rlfJ I 1 1 •tlwr \rd h.1 lllk L.il 1 p.1rx·r 111k 4th llll\l h.1mkr.1lt 111hl'r. 1,1 rl'l \l kJ m.11a1.1l', an' \111n1lJ < .rn1ptx•lt. ll untington lk.1l·h ht p r o fr ' ., 1 u n .1 I h .1 n d l r .1 I t l' r ' pla<,terLr:1lt ".trl < l'linckr llunt- angton Al··" h i c,1 gla'' h.1nd-hltm n ~Jr\ \nn { d1111kr I lun11ng111n Al'.tl.h 2nll proll'\\11111.il lt.111d, r.tllt'r' g.l.1'' n1a .. 11,, .1, 1 'Ill' "rl\tint: ( h1nn1 I 111111t.1111 \.ilk\ f\l Joli' k1111d.111111 ">1111 In < l.11 I. llunt1ngtl1n &·alh \r<l l hr"tm." dculfa I llH1' "J II ha ng111~ : 11\I ( hri,tmJ'> Jl'ulrJllOO\ \Hl'.llh 1,1 rel 'l'kd ma1a1al' hottlt·<i 2nd m"l h~1ndtralt olhl'r 'rd lrothl'tt·J nrt1dl'' Jlgh.1n' .lth 10" .111in1.11, <.111lkd f<l1hl'ft < lul1 llunt1111ll11n Rl'.tl h I" "nml dl·,i.. or Jrt·,wr \1.lr\ { onnJll\ f llUnl,1111 \.ilk\ 'rJ rlothln(i! JJul\\. \1an < 11111111r hwnta1n \i,1lll'\ 2nd tJUllt\ ,\tom· I lortas •\nnt• C ormatl.. H unt1nw,1 11n Rea1.h 'rd l..n111ed art1t It."" m1t-:1n.1l 1 dc.,.gn t>J"n D1a1 ll unt1n~1un Realh. :nd dnthing c1dull t..1 l.lothing Jdull 'nd d11th1n.,: nilwr ~nd . d111h1ng d11IJrt'n ht d111h1n1.1, I d11ldrcn 11thl•r ''' lolll't llnn dull<i do1hr\p1n 2nd. q1.g' n1hn .t1h wk· painting "l'l'l<l C amhn D11.k llunt- 1ng1on &a, h. 'rd In" ,1111mal' ~tulkd I 'it hlHlll' .lll't.''\'onn p1l 1Ur\' I ()or" D•l I.. I ou n 1a in \ .1 llt'\ 'rd m 1 , l h a n d 1. r .1 I 1 1. o \ l' 1 l' d boul.,/alhum<, 'rd. p:Hdrnorl. othn. KJ1hn1ne I ' an' ltun11ngtun Rl'•ll h 4th honw .1nt''i'1)nl'' Jlll tun• I>oroth' F :irn·ll lluntingwn B.11 h I \I. ( h11,1ma' lkl ora1111n\ \II)( l.1n1t (icn Fink\. llun11ng111n A(',ll h ht m.-cdkpo1nt.' I ~t nl'edknrnnt pu tu re\. 4th tahk 'l'll111a. Diam' I h 1111 1t un11ns1on lk.1dl ht ( hmtma, Je1:ora11on\ dotlr 4th< h1 "1m.1' lrl't' urnamt'nt' olher. hi drtl'd 1H ... 11.. nrrnngt'mcnl 1uhk. I \t. dm·J or \Ilk "'·'" hang1n$, \rd. drtt'd or \Ilk pKturc F1:11nr Goldhorn. I lunt· 1 1n31on lka< h 'rd homt' ,ll, t'\\l>'ll'' l..11tht'n. ~nd honw 3lll.''i\unc1, < lmc1 & hcdrnom 'id '°'' an1rn.1l\\t111Tt·ll •\nm·(,oldm.in I 11u11t.11n \ ,1lln l't appllqut' l lothing. 4th l'nlhrnidrr\ pn 111r<' ~n<I q111ll\ & com lm1,•r• 01hcr C arol C 1rt•cn. Fnunt111n \I allt'~ -hh l·ro1.hl'lt'<l IJn'\\Mk dnil1t'' 41h to\" ,101mal' 'itutkJ hi 111" dnll' di~ht·t clothc'i. 2nd. lfO(hi.:h·d .11t1dc' .1t~han' 4th C hn'itm.l' lkl · lllJlllln\ p11lU\\ \\ h IJ ( Jrl'\'n\\l'llll llu1111n1h1n l.kJlh 1,1 prull'\".IH•n.11 nn·dk" nrl. dull\ ~ nd prnk\\IOOJ I lll'l'dk"'1>rl. 4u11l1ng < Jrnl K tlalanJl•r, llu111111g1on lkach. .:!nd. necdkpo1nt p1c1url''> l 1nda llccr Huntington Bealh 11d d11th1ngJdulls lknr)' Herold llunl 1ns1on &·ach .:!nd model' m11t1.1" \d11dc Rachael ll1ra1. f-ountJ111 Valle} 11.1. emhro1Jcn -nt"cllk ldpanc\e wall hanging. Margaret tlol\tc1n. Fountain Valk}. )rd ap- plu.iue do1h1ng .:!nd needkpo1n1 11thl•r Doroth\ Hu, IJnd. Huntington · &•ad1 4th · "'c.n 1ng;r,pinn1ng "'·'II hanging '\rd. "'l'a' 1ng;sp1nn111~. tahlc: nHll\. I \I. "l'Uv1ng/\p1nn1n~ ull luum '-'l'J' lnl( 2nd ha~l.ctr\ Pittrlltcl llumphrn' Huntington Bca1.h ~nJ patlh"orl.. 21HI ratth\l.orl.. pilh1\I. 41h 4u11ltnl( '>'all h,1ng1111 \.1Jr\ it· l11hll'~on. 11 un11ngton Beal h. ht l..n11tcd .ir11dl·' dotlHng, t...aren t...a> I ount.11n \ allt'\ I 'it emhro1der\ picture ht .: mbrutdcn \ampler 'rd Ol.'l'<lk(ll11n1 pit lure!. L ind.i 1\.1\h. f-ountatn \.lilt:\. bt. \llllfllng J)lllUfl' 41h. IO}\ animals \lulkd I Jurl'I Kochlh. Fountain Valle\ 4th tu'llS dull'> \luffed . .!nd. < hm.1ma~ dl•t.i1~11un'> ligurt·'i . .!nJ dned u1 \Ill.. "'Jll hanging Barb.Ira l..alkrt) Hun11nghln Reath 1,1 4u1lt\ & tomlnrtt:r.., 3rd, kn1llt'd Miil k' other ht. home accc!>~onn 1..ibk-dl·rnrJtton c 1erald1m· I~ \<ilk f uun1a1n \. alk> 2nd pla•Mn. rail lamp \am l .J \.ilk f ounta1n \ allt'' 4th. pla1.tl'n r.ih plaque. hd pla'IU:rnalt lamp flinor le1oloh.i fount:un \ .illl''t 2nd m1'1.( hand lraft k1mdom 0 1 K.uh' Lt'on.trd f oun1a1n \i,111e .. .!nd qu1lh & com lorters. I \I apphque v.all hanging Richard I t'\lcr. Hunungon fkach I ~1. prolc\\1onal handcraltcn. gla~\. pla~tiC'l/acr)ltl·\ ( hn~ Logan lfunt- angton Bt:alh .i1h l..n111ed ''-'t::.ttn lrd. cnxht:lcJ lau•\liork art1d~'> bdb\ hoolll'\ Pegg) Mc Lurl' I 11unta1n \allt'' 'rd < hrl\tma' Jnnr.iltom flgur~'> Rt'g1na Mt'1('1 llun11ng111n l:ka1.h Save 10%to50% \rd 4u1ll\ & cumnturn·r\ < 1Arul \tllkr tlun11nl(tun &.ll'h 'rd, 1.1u1h"t .. \ 1.on1 tortcr\ ort~in.tl dl"!>t¥n Jen1for "1o'n Hun11ns1on l:kalh, ht. put 11·1 \ oth~r 'rd C hn'>tm•~ delur at1on\ uthl'1 l\r lht' Murra\ Hunl 1ng1un lkJd1 1'1 dolhlll! l·hildren f(i!\ M)l"r\ Hu111111,1on fka1.h I i.t. nccdleput'nt ptl luf\'\ ~nd nn·dlc:- po1nL ptllurl'' 41h to) 'I dntmal'I ~tolled . Pam Oh,er. Huntington l.kdth. ~nd. tok patn11ng ""ood ht tok pa1n11ng not wood I \I toll' pam11ng nut "'OlxJ lc1hm painting. r lnrl'nl.C Ono f·uuntJln Valk\ hi doll' l1mcl..om1 '\orrnan P·arl..l·r f 1JUOIJ10 \ alk\ ~t h~ p10ll'\\llll\i.IO nn·dk"'orl.. kn 1111ng mat h1n\" Ev~ n -it 111 i11 \-t r\- d partment i.;; on ._ale : .. I hl"rl"~ Parmeh:r Hun111111un ~ach I \J. lnmed an1l ll"'I 'l"'l"i.ter J~nc Pell r ounldln Vallt\o hot •H'l'dkpotftt pu:tur~' lrd riec"dlc:'- l)tllnt p11.·tu~!> Dcrtl~nn Proffill fuu1u.11n \.oalll") I'll itpphq~p1llov. I 'it pJtl hv.orl patio"'. ~nd qu1l11ng p1llo\I. Jean Rand41uo flun11ng1un !kJl h .:!nd doll l1n1ekom1. Do1t1e Re1~hit\.\L Founi~un VtAll.ey. 2nd, prolt'lt!>IOnctl hanlh ruher'I other. Janl"I f(a} mond Founuun \i allc"t I )t \-IUllt &. rnmfune~ 4th hum<' ch.(e)SOtlt'~ other C1a1I Reinhardt · Jlunt1ng1on Bca1.·h ht plaswrHah IJmp ''' pla,tcrnalt ligurc an1m.il, I Jurtnl· Rht:a tfon11ng1on lkalh (Plea-.e eee RESIDENTS/ A6) brand nan1 livi ng room ", lwdroon1s. dininµ r<H >111~ <.111<1 morE:.. Bt1t (1<>11 't < lt:.la,-... tl1i~ . . s<.11t' \\ill . izzl e onl\l tt11til Jttl,-24tl1 .I Li\~~1g roon1s ~a,-(\ 1 ()c ~> t<) ,SO''h B clroon1 ~ . Sa\-(\ 1 () ( () t ( ) '~ 0 () ( ~ Di11i11g roo in . ~<.1\-(_~ 1()0 0 t<> -t5°o ( Cl1air /recli11er . S<.1\-t:. 10(17) t<) ;)OC o ofa --1 ep r~ . ~<.1\ l\ io<>i ) t<) 10'~» l\Iattr s .. . ~<.l\ t \ 1 ()( () t() ,)()( () Di11 ttc . ~<.l \-t \ l ( ) ( l(') t ( ) it)0 () Ace • i 0(10 t<) so()~) on s . S<.l\-t \ Tal)l /occa~ional pi c ~ . ~~l\-( i ()<JO t<) ~o()~» 3 TOUGH GUARANTEES: If tor anv reAson vou re not happy with your furniture when vou qN •I home we will lake 11 hilC" .... ""1n Sf' ... en no-.~ If vou l1nd th •dt">nt1Cr\l 1tflm 1n c;toc~ elsewhNP within sev n days I r tess we will refund the d•Hl:'rt:in<." We will QM~ vou A t1w ~t1a• 1m1ti>c1 ""ilr•An!y , against lac:torv defects in wor. an~h1p ann construction ()(\ta1t., ava11Ahlf' 1n our c;hirt•S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 4 WAYS TO CHARGE Our convenient e kes Revolv1nq Charqe Amer•ran El:press Card Masto•rC"rt1 ir \it a ANAHEIM· Sinta Ana Frwv ;ind Maonohtl Phone .. ,4 821 8550 AN NUYS San Diego rrwv and St.>1111lveda Blvd ht tv..f'•," Bl•'b ni. nnrt Victor, Phone 818 780-1244 WEST COVINA <;an 8.-rM1r11no Fr'W'Y tnc1 Vincent onf' 818 q1q lQ'" 1 COSTA MESA S.1n 01 g o F~-.. ,me1 H~rtl1 • 8lv11 Phorw ~ J 540 8/42 Open onn.w thru f'11<1av 10 q s.1tur<1A~ 10 f:i Sunclilv n t) I A8 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 21, 198!5 RESIDENTS WIN AT FAIR ... FromAIS 3rd, quilts & <:omlortt'rs, 4th knitted articles afghan , C'hrisuna Richards, Huntington Beach. 3rd. professional handcraft tole painung; Carol Rich- ardson, Huntington Beach. 2nd. needlepoint chair/stool. 2nd. needle- point pictures. Diane Rumble), Hunungton Beach. 4th. crocheted articles afghans. 4th. kn111ed artdes. Sherry Sch1eno H unt1nfton Beach. 4th. needlepoint ongina de- sign . Joan Seel~. Hunungton Beach. 2nd. needlepoint p11lO'\. 4th. needle- point pictures, Tin~ Shcal>, Hunt-~ 1ng1on Beach. I st, cera m 1C'\ tigurt'. Doroth> 1mon. Founuun Vallc>. I st. plastercraf\ figu~ human, Rose- mury Smith. Huntington Beach. 4th, C'mbro1dC'l)-ncedle/Japancsc wall hanging. ht. spanning fiber. I st. misc handcraft beadwork. Jean Stanford Hunungton Beach. 4th. glass stained window. RE tcvens. Hunungton Beach. 2nd, embroidery wall hanging Doro th} Ta) lor. H unungton Beach. 3rd . needlepoint onginal design. 3rd . wca' 1ng/spinning afghan. 4th, wea' - 1ng/spinn10g clothing. Thomas 4-H, FAA fair landscaping a wards Local \\Inner!> an _._H and FFA landscaping at the Orang) t ount) Fair· are FF.\ ( ·osta l\-1esa c.econd. landscape d1spla~ contemporar. gar- dC'n, FF.\ Mission\ 1eJO, third. pauo displa) fea1unng >Aood. and FFA Costa ~tcsa. fir~t pauo d1~pla) featuring bncl or ~tone Aside from horticulture and land- scape garden~. local 4-H and FF.\ )Oungsters a l~o competed in l"e stoclo... ans and crafo. clothing and textiles. baked and presen ed foods , decorated calcs. photosraph) and special proJt'l ts -"h1ch are on e'\h1b11 in the Fair's 4-H Building l 11l111r11,1\l\t' Ill dq1th lt'.llUrl'" 11n Daily Pilat n1•11o1hll111 lt1111cl p1•1>pl1 pl.H't"" J nd 1r1·11t1 .. , ' 11111111 "' lh1 ~t'Jlurini.: f).1u· --------- Tessier. f-ountain \ .alle) 2nd. models aircraft. I st. models boat or ship. 3rd. models millla') vehicle. 2nd, models diorama. ongmal dc- '\1gn . Randi Taylor. Hunungton Beach, I st. C'hnstmas tree ornaments other. 2nd, m1n1aturcs acces\ones handmade. I &t. dough "clay" figure. Jane T)mOn. Huntington Beach. 1st. knitted anicles, hand. onginal design. Margaret Wilkins. Fountain Val- IC'\. 3rd. C hmtmas dccorattons stocl- 1 ng. VC'lma W1lhams. Fountain Val- le), 3rd. apphque wall hanging. 3rd. cmbro1del") wall han~•ns. 1st. home accessories lo..1tchen .nQ. home ac- cessones table decoration. 2nd. toys animals stuffed. 2nd. Christmas dec- orations stockings. Sherry Wilson. Huntington Beach, 2nd, Chnstmas decorations table linens.. Ten ~ii son. H unungton· Beach. 2nd, tole painting \\Ood: Jo}CC ~ oerner. Hunt- ington Beach. 4th, to) s dolls clothes; Shirley Younkin. Huntington Beach. I st. dolls exh1b1t1on, 2nd. dolls exh1- b111on reproduction. Barbara Mod- anlou. ( orona del Mar. 2nd. em- broider., Belt\ Winchester. Corona del Ma·r. Jrd: quilts & comforters apphque. Irma Talbert 5anta Ana. second place. paper toll di\ 1s1on. ~dam Clark, 11 . Corona del Mar. troph}. age group winner, wnter- 111 ust ra tor ~Ir (lllOsr SJOMS) Save On Our E.xclualve Electronics! . . Lowest Price Ever! 64K Model 4 Dual-Disk Computer By RadlO Shack Savessoo 799!~ I.aw ~ S37 p., Moflltl On ClllUM .. • Completely Self-Contained Unit • Includes Bullt-ln 80 >< 24 Display • Parallel and RS-232C Interfaces • Memory Is Expandable Up to 128K Take advan1age of lh1s unprecedented sale price now' Model 4 is ideal ICY t>usmess and home-iust add pro- grams for screadslleet analysis WO<d processing ac coun11ng Of home hnanc1al planning and electronic 1 hn<J 11 s oompa111>1e with ll'le optional CP/M Plus operating sys tem and e•pands easily with graphics harck:llSk Clrives, printers and modems Includes Disk BASIC and 1nstruc· tlOO manuals Hurry-some unrts tor sale are new some are C1emOnSlra1ion models t>ul all are sure to sell very lasl at this great low pnce• "'26-1069 CPN pt"' ... H.O.""""' ~ ~· ~'Cf\ OUoFONE" TA().1 12C bv Ra<llO Shack Save s519s 88~ No more wailing by the phone for important calls' Answers w1ll'I your lat>ed greeting then records message Remo1e tets you r&11iew Y'(X>r messages tJQm any phone •43--2•7 8.tt' ... , ...... ~ •• .,,. Stylish 1·Plece Touch·Tone• Phone ET l20 by Raooo Shae• 40~ Off 1495 Reg 24 95 ~ Al lhlS Pf•C8 «)y !WO or three• 'Hangs-u~ on any Mii surtace Whtie •<lj.503 Brown "43--504 40-Watt Autosound Booster I Equalizer By Aeall911C 45o/o 2995 Off R.-;i 54.95 MaJces yovr system come alll/9 1 Equalizer lets you ~or cut r~se up lo 12 d8 112-1865 "Mini'' Under·Dash Car Cassette By RuhsllC'" ' -:.. ' . - -• :~~ 2995 Rec;i 59 95 Save S30 on Quality cassene stereo• Eno-ot tape aut<>-stoi:> w11h LEO •ndt<;at<Y •12 1803 Radar Detector Roed Pa11ot• .10< bv V-:•onll • ~:~e 11995 Aeg. 151 M i... Al at ,,. ....... CllUooe • Wams ot Speed rllelar even around corners and ovltf hills 122·teo8 ,..,. on.-.ct .... pr,..,. •f!W) .... ~ ... Oii ..,....., ttir •'• or •-i.. Model 4 is Also Available At Any II~ COMPUTER CENTER HURRY-MODEL 4 SALE ENDS 7/31 /85 By RaolO Snac~ Save 5 100 299!~ .... low As $20 Ptf MonUI On CltlUne • Como litter g111es you increased plC· tu•e oeta11 W1rete<;s infrared remo1e f0t nanely armchair control Ca~ reaely fl , & 23 1 • .,.,.. •• ~·u~ .., Portable cassette Recorder r R 70 t>y RealtshC 31!!1,us Our t>est Bu111~n mike auto- level cue1•p. ew autc>-stoo •14-1050 a. ......... . Handy AM/FM Pocket Radio Cut 38"- gas "-9· 15.95 Weighs only 5'/J pounds1 Sun shade ACll 2VOC/banery power •1&102 ) ~~ ............ fk"•' ... :l 60aat•' ell•• 32-Number Auto.Dialer OU6f0NE-J32 t>y Radoo Shacll 42"- 0ff Check Your Phone Book for the ladle llMlek Store or Dealer Neare1t You OlLl'IOllf_... ... ,,,._ .. ,.,,_ ........................ __ ._ .. ...,._ .. _ o(J ... IM'I ..... ·~t '"Ol.OO'llNI "' ,.....,._,.., __ ... .....,_ r.......,. ................. ..... -:' .:----....-........................ -..... ~-" '(.( ~ ·-· .c..i. .. ,_...."""'"""""°""' • ..,_...,,.,,~~---·-••T ~•'"'°'~l4HOOl•t l ... Fair's carneys live their life along carnival alley By MIKE COHEN Of .... o ... , l'llol ltatt "He). "'n your lad) a stulkd animal. Come on. three in a row and) ou'rc a winner Feehn' luck) tonight I got your game." Step nght up the the world of thC' carne). a person whose pocket money as made b) your missed basket<, and poor dart throws. It's a hfc most J)t:opl<' see onl) oncC' a ~ear when the) '1s1t the count} iair. and a hfcst}le that is closed to most people. The people who hve out their hves on "carnl\al allC')"' lead dnfting hves -from town to town. fair to fair. Their homes he somewhere along the carnival route. ome tra\el with the carnival )ear round. the road 1s their home The carnival now working the Orange County Fair 1s making Its way north. It will reach Seattle 1n late 4.ugu'>t and then head cast again Tattoos of skulls and Harle)- Dav1dsons S) mbols are popular among this group of carnival people ~o are hankerche1fs worn as headbands Dunng the da) onl~ the women wear shins. and Le' 1 Strauss monopolizes the fashion 1n trousers "V. e run our G>An show here," said one of the men He makes 11 clear he's not going to tell )OU his name There are no outsiders here Ever) one in the group 1s well known b) all the rest. and none will re,eal names to strangers. Delly l'llol plloto by Tim ~ rleco Carney beckon• a potential cu•tomer. The carneys spend day and night coa1'.ing and cajoling fair patrons to "test your skill" at games such as the "nng toss" and "uc-tac-toe darts." Their tactics include challenging men to win a pnze for their dates and demon- strating "how easy 1.t 1s to do." With only a fe\\ hours an between nightly closings and openings. there is httle time for sleep When there is. fe" ha\e other accommodations besides their booths. Sleeping bags be- neath countertops are common Only a hand ful bnng truck'\ or ca mpers. After a \\Cd.. <,omet1mes less. 1he earn) 's equipment mu!>t be broken do" n. booth s dismantled. and then packed bacl into a cara' an of trdl tor-trailors prcpanng 10 be on the road again. The ne>.t fair opens in three da)s. and there\ ... 1x1 males of hauling ahead Le Concierge A personal desk diary which o ffers a wide ra nge of informo11ve services as well as n•eres• r.g 1nformo1 1on, from rhe basic 10 rhe esoteric. le Co ncierge 1s on on going process an which we 1nv1te your por11c1po11on. No w 01 its s11th wee~ deadline before publication, we ask ii we hove o verloolted your unique service. gourmer shop restaurant, ho1e n1g h1 club flonsr, ere please feel free 10 co 714 720-0837 Rob1nsms 1 $29.50 OUR GREAT FEEUNG™ PERM, WITH A FREE BONUS! /eg s·:, Co;"'!">: .! . r.c'.1./ • :)r ,{o J! cr,o~ce O! '1,1 '.)'/E:! r11r.S SGI' WO':e.:-O! s.;np:y wonder:ul body .:...nd y Ju .. rece:ve a ;)::ec• ·:es r.a.rr·are pr a .... c· ·:a.Jea a• S~ SQ CL '/0ur q.:• ''.) t.A,J:' ye_. i:".O!L1'.J.r1 your ,Jstr0J5 ne·.,..; lo0k .:ng a••er you .eavP Perm mcluaes sr.ampoc cu t and set o r blow dry Leno r.aH Peg s ~ $36.50 Ca. i r ::::ir. appo.ntment w.'r . .Jr.P o! o .: ... ~· ·ec s1yhsts b ut hurry sale end s August 3 m Robinsons Beouty-.>Jori<s 33 all sto res except M1ss1on V1e10 and Shem.or, Oaks ENTIRE INV•NTORY REDUCllD SAVE~: 8800 DI SCOOTERS I ~n SllS E Fish , collections get their own exhibit center I 01 thl' tir'>t llllll' 111 11\ \J '·\l'jf h1\tor. th OranKl' ( ount\ °fair ti.•ature ue\, lOllect1on' jnJ othl'r ho m own hu1ld1ng. Com t · d\Sl''> indudl'J Jn 11q uJ a general wlln t1on' in all att>gon s for adult' Jnd JUn1ur, \n 1quanu fisti ~ho" "''" katun:' ,ompet111on for ..alt jml tre'h"-Jtl·r ll\h l0 h1d1ds belta\ (\IJOH.'\l' tight· 1ng lish). goldfi'>h l..1llili\h .ind !(UPPICS fh1: a""ard·\\ inning wlln th1m inJ ,1quarium d1\plJ\' "111 ll'lllain .in l'\h1b11 thruugh l lu\1ng Ja, vi 1h1 I air toda\ said Ph\ll1\ \lunm' ,kpanmt'.'nt <;upen 1,or f ollll\\tng 1s the f-un .1nJ l 1'"'111: Huild1ng ll\t of local" 1nrw1' th'kn \chm•1dcr. L.t~lU11,1 11 11, 'rJ an11qUl' doll\. l \l .1nt1qur mu,1 , .1l 1nstruml'nts '•d .1nt1qul· u1lk1 t111n <, l \ nn R ~k1m•l..1 \11"11111 \ lt'Jll 2nd lOllrn1on <ln1m.11\ 2nJ ,11lll'Ct1on ..ah anJ JX'Pfl\'r 'l'h .\nn \ll'ph1:1h Ir' rnc 'rJ "ulln lion a111mjJ\ 1-...tthcnnc f \.Jll\ Hunt· 1n~111n lkach 2n1I u>lll'l'l1on boo!..' I u,11111,1 "'t'\11.it.c C 11\t,1 \fr\<!, 2nd \ olll·1 lion cup\ ,\. \JUll'r'> Tamra l,1u1h' lOllt-u1on doll\ JJOI\ l' l\.t>ll l1\111t• 1.,1 tolktt1un ma'hh hook 1<1\1.'I\ l\.athcnnt• f \.Ill\ ltUnt· 1n11ton Ht'Jlh ~nd t11llnt111n mallh h1111I.. 111\ er\. ~nJ u1lku1nn post- ' .11J, gtl'l'lllltl, \.ttd'I lrd .itiuanum'i th1d1l1J ( olkrn ( .tnlphl'll Fuun- 1.11n \ .1llt•\ ht !h'lll'f.tl u1lkt1ron \nn<i.1111.1 llunt1nl.(t11n lkJth 2nd ~·l lll'ral u•llt'\1111n l .trohn Ra\ llun11ngt11n BL''1,h 'rd &•ttJsolid \ 111111 211,1 H\'llJ h1t 11l11r ht. Bella dlh tJtl I 1nJ.i I lt1m.1n Ir\ 1nl.' )rd 1111111" i.llllnlJI u1lkd1on knntfer "-1-.h l 11un1.1111 V,1lln 'rJ JUn1or~ dull, \kind\ lk\ \lrl' < mta Yle'ia. ht 1un111f\ m1n1.iturc., \ 11..1..1 De- \ 111 • < 11\ta \k'><t I \t iunior gen- r.1 111lkctwn Local craftsmen winners at fair Im.al h.tndt\\nrl.. \lllltll'r' .11 tli1 n1angl' Count~ f-a 1r .llt' Pamd.1 .\ngd '''"port lk.1t lt 1,1 1,a,l..l·tn dl\1\11111 t\lllllll ,l ha\l..l'lf"\ othl'r \alh Hn l,..,tr •Ill fr\ inc 1.,1. t>mhrotJl'f"\ I 't 1:1."' t'tthcd [ 'c:hn 1>11111111 lr,111\' -~nd ,c:ramtl'>. ht. ( hrr'ltm.l'dku11Jt111t1' \hJron Dumont In till' \rd gl.1" ,tatnl'd .,., 1ndo.,.,. "-.tthltTn l \,II\, In inc 4th. embrn1dl·n lrt·l'11.111d '>haren C1a-.1ur lttlllt' ht 1h111.1 painting. 2nd lh1na 11lt·, ~nd 1 h1n.1 hdl 2nd lhtna grnnal ht , h1n.1 NEWS NOTES Women fli ers honor Mesa fli gh t teacher .fojn H ill 111 < 11\IJ \k,,1 h,1, ht·rn hnnorl·J .t\ \\ 11111Jn 111 thl' \ t'J ht 1hr c >rangt• < ount' c h.1ptl'I >I t '\ 1nr- l\-'\1nl'' Int \Ir'> lldl I\ .1 t11t-(hl 111,1rull1H t'mplo\t'J l'l\ \l.1rtin \\ 1.111111, lnt.ttc:d at Jnhn "'a~ nt• \1rp11rt \ tmma h 1gh whllnl [ n~l l\h lt'.11. ha H ii I re11n:d lrnm thr ruhill ,, 1111111 \\\ll'n1 to JX'r\Ul' J lull·tlllll' tJfl'l'f 111 J\ IJ· t111n \l-.11 honlln:d \\l'tt' J>,·~\ tlJrl ol \\ l''itmtn\tl·r ILlr till' \lll\t '\11n- < om rnc:n 1al flight I luur\ and I IJ1nt· ~ tlli,1m"1on oft lun11nl!!tlln Rl'.h h llH < >ut,t.1nd1ng ( h.tpter 'il'f\ Ill' r hl' '\11ll;'(\·'-111l'\ I\ Jtl ltlll'f national o rgan11.11111n of ltll'll'c:d km.ill' pilot\ anJ "J' lounJnl mon.: than 'iO \l.'Jr' .1~11 \\Ith \nwlt.i I-arh.irt '1. n 1 ng J' lir't prt·,1Jt·t11 Pedestrian sa fety The .\uturnuhtlc: < luh ol \outhl·rn C altfornta hJ\ tho.,t.•n tlw ut\ ol Founta111 \ alln .t\ ont.· o l 1t\ pc:d· l''ltnan '\Jll't\ ,t\\JrJ t\lnna .. tor h;I\ 1ng no pt.'jl·,1nan l.1lalit1c' tor thl' H'.tr l'nd1ng Jul\ •1 l hl' a.,.,arJ 1\ part 111 .1 n.111on\\ 1tk program spon)orl·d 11\ thl' ·\nwman .\ utomobtle .\\'>l>\ 1,111011 tk\lgnc:d to get commu111t11.'\ to "orl.. to"ard IO\.\e-nng jX'Jn1rr.1n lat,1lit' .ind tn· IUr\ rate\ Host f amilies soug ht Thi.' ( .1lilornt.t l1 11111t'''·" lmt11utt' " lool..1ng lnr hml lamtl1c' 1111 J.ipanc\c 'tudt•nt\ .1m' 1ng -\ugu't l.J lor a lllUf·\\l'll.. ''·" \\htk .1ttcnd1ng l C lr,tnr \tudl'llt\ \\di p.11lit1p.1t1• Ill .It ti\ llll'\ \Ulh a~ trrp' 111 I >"Ill'\ l.111d lhl' Sjn D11~gn /lH1 .ind ltit:il .1rl gallc:nt.'\ and h11'1 1.11111lir' .trl' \\1•1 come to attend\\ 1th thl' \IUlknt For more 1nforma1111n .1hout 111·· rnm1ng a ho\1 fam1h t.111 1hc < ti l at 559-tdll4 pl,111'\ .lfllfll,d l 't I hlll.t fll JtC\ bird ~th. ( hn,tm.I\ 11tha Jml•phtnc lk1ud lr ,1tll' l\t uucheteJ l.1u•tq 11 I.. tahll'1 111111 I 1 nda H ughc'> II\ 11 l ·hi l·mbr111tkn p1durt· Jean 11111-.1 If\ m· :nd dl1ll\ I 'It chrna p.11nt1ng J1,h 1 ... t \ h1n.1 pl.ttl'\ 3rd d11l1' lrt·nth < \nth1.1 l'>~ra. lninc: \rd , HI\ hl'tt•J IJ<.:l't\orl.. clothing I >1'111 .1 \lanlnng.ll In 1111.' \rd. t'.rn· hr11111l'r\ .tl\'l.'<,or\ I lc:lga \1atschkl.'. It' int· ~nJ l rothl'lcd lacc,H1rl.. I '"·•"I ht lrollll·tl·d lau:\.\lH1' "''"11l'r < 1\·11rg1na \lolJh\ Ir' inc: .Jt h < hn,tmj' Jt'l11rJt111n' I uulk \l111ln In 1nl' I'' mt'l hanJaaft 1 hn,llnt· '\il,l·n If\ 1ne ~nd egg'\ Jl'l11r.1tl.'d -;u,.tn '-il'>l'n lf\tnl'. ( .\ .Jth .iJull duth111g. Ro\JkJ Ru\St'll Ir' 111l' ht tl11th1ng h.1ndhag. 2nJ. l I• 'l hl·tc:J a lgh.1 n 1 .,, , rochcted all'(hJn ~ml tflllhl'tnl Jlghan ht tll11ht'tt·d l;hn,1111.. p1llu'' 2nJ , ru. lh'tl'd alghJn P.ttrl\l' ah1n Ir' Ill' 2nd 1.1hk '>l'tt1ng l 1ndJ \,1\\t1\ ln1nr 'rJ l'lllbro1dl·r. ptlhm l 1nd,1 '1.I\\ rl'\ Ir' 1ne. 2nj t•mh1111dl'f\ p1dUfl' ht quill\ ,\. 1.nlllll•rlt'f' D.1,1J \\.tll..1.'r ln1111· 2nJ \\11nJ \Jf\ 1ng. l'ltrJ I np "11rl.. 1 n1. luJt'' hnnw an' 1 tt·m' ,111. h Ji. qu1lt1n~ inJ nl.'1.·dkpo1nt .tnd 11.11, \ti\ h ·" t 1k p.11nt1ng .ind d11llm.1l..1n~ anJ m.111' 11tha 1tt'm' ,·n tnnl 111 rwJrh ~111 11. l.1"n .1,·t urJ- 1 ng to lk1· ( 11\ ( .tlllnrn1.1 l 1,1ng \urx·r1. l\or Black hart Bart. a male , l 1h-year-old Labrador retriever, la at the Irvine Animal Care Cen ter wblle waiting for a new borne. The center la located at 15129SandCanyonRd.ln Irvine. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT !Sunday July 21, 1985 A7 Rock collector Jean Huret of Irvine came away with the grand award in tbe Oranae County P'alr'a new eema and mineral competf- tlon for ber peraonal collectlon of mineral apeclmena. It took ber over a year to ana:nae the collection. The fair cloaea tonight. ... ~\\\\OLL NOif' ALL-DAY KINDERGARTEN K indergarten thru 8th Grade FALL SEMESTER STARTS SEPT. 9TH HAWTHORNE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL • Transportation Available Door-To-Door An elementary private school of distinction fovnded in 1942 CUT 50°/o! p~p~ • Vinyl composition dryback! 12 x 12 RE G 32C 1 GC SALE son Florette Monte Carlo 12 11 12 REC 54C 47C SALE son • Reasonable Tu1t1on • Arithmetic. Reading. Spelling With Phonics Emphasized • Before and After School Care for S!udenis of Working Parent ?to -W a.% 7 tte • Self-stick backing! • New size included! Check tags• REG 1 19 9 X 9 12 II 12 SALE 95c & 19.1 • Self-stick backing! Look tor sale tags• 12 a 12 REG 89C 1 59 SALE 69C-1 ~~ EOl'-Gfll Alff c > ; a: > i -• $ f "" • :r. i :: 1 i. ...... A .. EA AV( 143 SALE so,.., o 6oooo0llllooo~ ! CUT 66°/o! 91Mn~ DD 1 /2 PRICE! ~~ • Mounted on easy-to install sheets! ~1 Cheek tags! REG 1 79 & 2 19 .._""-~~6-~J...,..ci Approx. 1q. tt. shHll. MS S•rtH 46 sq. ft age & 1~.~ Other patterns on sale! Check ta s! 1/2 PRICE! ~·"* 'Pt1tu.t l l LE 5 !_9 11u 7 !.9 • •HM•a1m1R1 .. 11I1 1••4' •N 8 .. wan 1•1.-.. ;;~ 54c MG.1• I I '' .,. 1/2 PRICE! 'k/~~·~~ • Attr•cttve prepasted vinyl patterns' Gretlam & Brown REG 1299 649 SALE "' w,..,.. c .... io-, s.~ ...... •• n.. o+tf......c•r 1 O'-discount o n a ll r~utar SANTA ANA 2801 So. Bristol St. ~ar l\'1\-'\lrc 'ii 557-1324 WESTMINSTER 15191 leach Boulevard 898-3888 p rice 1tem1 tor Hf\tOr citizens' SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street 547 -7781 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 21 , 1985 ---- - ··To make the" onwn ol tht· ul'I'> from Japan that w1l1 l·\ entualh from honc,rombs from T an1ania. make tt um: On nn tour of 1hr v.orld morl' beaut1 fur·" the gual of go out Ill 'IOml' 4,00<Jrnn\ultanl\ · 101oba oil from Ant0na and hu1ld1ngamJ a looJ.. SC:l' at Jll of thl' Noe\ ir \H'\t ol thl· M1ss1ss1pp1. ~4ualanc from the It vcrs of dcep 'll'J pro<lucl'. on ~"pla}. I "a!! cha111ng ()k h VIDA \bo.1t1shcrcthatlOO')ultanh sharl sfrom .\ustrnhaand !'le" \\1thS1ro11:h(sherccentl) began on. aturtJav 11t I I am a~. l at \Ound' gul,d. hu1 "hJl l onu"' iii 1..'0ndut 11he e'en ts with I\" 1 .lfl' trained in thc la roe classroom~ Zealand plus herhal C\tract~ from handling puhl1t rela110ns). Pam o "oc' 1r. 'ou a,... · 0 J .. 1non•tra11ons in sl1n care and M D Ihccompan~hasaplane"'1thafull· theBlacl Forestrt•g1onof\\.e!it Jan1sse.(snrctaf)tothepres1dent) .. " h :.-'Cf) QUl''1ion a lank rllOll' (All lime pr lot to hnng the consultant\ in German) (no mineral 011. no pt'tn>-l:ktt} Long( the beaut\ spec1al1'it makeup featuring the ne" "\hades t an a week ago v.hen 1 wa!l calkd h' n trom all oH~rthntalc S) ntbet1c agents or art1fic1al colors and ch1ef1nstruc1orl and Su\an o t ~ummcr" colkctJOn. emplo)ee Pat Stroit•h of Costa 1\.k\.l lfnwcH·r 11s not this building are in thnkin care products.) Tht· Marlett (as 1stant to the senior V Pl Also at the t'' en ts. persons who explained: 1hat will mal e the women in this products are unisex and will also A.II of them beautifully "madt' up" tntert'stcd in bccomingconsultants NOt'' 1r(sa\ no·d\ _, n·n ts a redoing th1'> hu1ld1ng ... said 'i uJ..u !.... a.rca be more hcauuful -but. tht'\ make the men more handsome and e\hubarant about the prod\Jl'ts can hear aU about t~'T11arkeung nalur..tl and herbal l'o\met1tH·om-a10 tht· J>t'r<1onahh.' president da1m their products" ill Besides the-sJ..111 carc116ns~lhC' said once )OU II) these produl"I!> 'ou plan and bu!itne~s opportunalles pan> th al Opt'nt'd II) door{ li\t· ~ l'Jr'I Do\\ O'>lJlr\ I\ a IJrge relep1111n .\lit'r l 4) ear'i of rcsead1 and ccnnpan)0 offer!> a wide\ anet)' of wouldn '1 \\.301 an) othets If tho~e um es art'O 't COO\ en rent. ago in Japan area done 1n ~oll lokirs" 1th de' clopmeni. Noc\lr produn•s makeup, ha tr. narl. bath and sun Forinstance. ':>to1ch said " 1th cac h Monda' at I Oa.m and 7 Pm Mo' ing into thl.' l n1tcd ';tall'' •t., l om fonahk lo(ll-1ng. !>t'a11ng art'J' three sl in carl'11 m·s-the 1ngre-protecuon products. fragrance and some other hne\, ou need to add a ) ou can attend'"' o-hnur sessions in headquartl'rS" located rrghl 1n out anJ w rcat h thl' upper le\ cl thert•" d1t•n1s ofwh1rh rnmc'> closest to 1hc beaut)' aids-brushes and apph-special cream before appl~ inge)'c <ik1n care A.II \OU need to do is call ov.n back' ard -1n In int• a t'un l'tharrx·tl.'d ,ta1rna' "1th a moisture fhat nur hod1cs produce<. rators. Collon \Qua re and facial c;hadow. "Not ours. you put 11on1n (600-1111) ro·r an appointment .\nd, what 1m prl''" \l' ht· ad-tuned" ,111 ol gl."" 11k n.ilurall). tissues (the softest I e'er fell). the morning and 11 doesn't mo' c You ran 't bu) on lhnpot then, but quarters lhl' d1rl'rt-,t·llJ ng rnmp.in) run, l·rnplo\ t'l'' \\ l1r~ in th11., f he' arc steam· acid (!rom "°' Noe\·1r 1s not a household word u nut you take 11 offal night ·· 11} ou like" hat ~ou '>l'l' and hear has "\\ e spen1 $I 2 m1lhon 1n 11uilding" hl'I l' 111\ 11mt· rhl" prud ht· an' gn.m n in ChinJ) bees" a,· wda). but thn om pan~ plans to The s~1ncare and cosmel1l prud the) can rden ou 10 a consultant Top bidders treat 50 of their friends to bay cruise By MARY JOH:\!)0'\ Dellyl'llo4COfTff~I Janet and Donald Corbin "ho cnJO) auctio ns. were rcccnth fortunate enough to ~ tht' top bidders for a ba\ l ru1<;e aboard lhl' 96-foot ~alht Ekl 1ra. o last un<l.1\ the\ se11ed thl' o pportunll) to 1n\ Ill' 50 of lhl·ir close fnends 10 <>hare v.11h tht"m a delightful 3-hour cruise rn the harbor. Festt\l' red. while and blue balloons h~:dt•cl..ed the r kv tra making II QUllC Oh\ IOUS lhJI this was 1hr part} )arht The guests am\C.'d prompt!}. man~ ol whom had a rl'turned from 'a- cat1 on especial!~ 10 a11end the part). The test1\ 1t1e<, began v.hen the hostess presented calh of the ladies "'1th a singk la,endar and v..h1te dendrpb1an orchid lei tlo""n in from H awa11 b} Flov.ers b) Mom. Guests cnJO}ed cocktails on the afterdeck and then proceeded into the dining salon · for a deltc1ouc; buffet of hors d'oeuHes catered b} the Balboa Ba ) Club featunng a large seafood d1spla}. chef-caned lamb sen.ed rn pita bread. chicken brochettes and frurt and cheeses. .\colorful Mr. Woo-Woo Steven clad rn a Ha"a11an shrrt and slra\\ hat encouraged guests to \tng along ,. h1le strumming famrhar tunes on his ban)o. \.t u<.h to lhl.' surpnse of the hostess e"er: ont• '>ang ··H app} H1rthda). Janet · he was to celebrate her brrthda\ Fnday m Hawa11 v.11h some <'fhe.1 o ther clo<,c friends. a httk repnc'e v.,h.ilc tn tht' m1ds1 ol planning t he Chariot C hamp1ons' benefit on eptember 15 ISht• " \\.J\ 'i ::ind \h:.in\) r ·hc 0\\ nl·r ot lhe f:.lectra. Eric Thorsen. i:ommentl'd that w11h thr inclement weather recent!). 1h1\ had 10 tx· one of the n1ces1 <,ummcr e'enings v.c ha'e had v.hat ''llh thl' heau11ful sunset and b..1lm~ t'\l'ning. JUSl v.hat JJnet had or<lt'rl.'J and a good 11ml' v.a' haJ h) all Soml.' ot thl· gut·\ts, alumnae of the L'n1\('r\ll~ of Washington. v.cn' the Corbins, Peggins Bonner (roommatr ot lanet's and her maid of hon1.1r) and her hu~band Bill from Palos Verdes. and George Hammond (''ho v.as also 1n Jane t and Don's wedding) and his wife Marge. Other guest\ for the cruise were: Connie Amende and David Henry, Lori and Neil Durkee, As· semblyman Gil Ferguson and Anita v. ho fkv. in from Sacra- mento. Maurine and Guy Ferris, Elaine and Gary Frazee, Eileen and Gar) Gregson. Mar: Ka) and Jim Howie, Mary and J ohn John· son and Nyla and .\lien Jone\. .\lso Bett} and Tom Kemp. Marilyn and John Kumer, Bobbie and Frank Molina. Marilyn and Tom Nielsen. rcco' enng from their daughter~ recent wedding . Barbara and Gunnar Osterberg v.ho ha' e JU">! returned from Lake .\ITO\\ head. Margaret and Ron Redmond and Linda Jnd Robert Russell Bobbie and Bill Stabler. rc- turnl'l'S from ~1ammoth , Sistie anJ Bill tevens, Gail and Ron Waters v. ho had heen rn Hav,.a11 and baron Winterhalte r v,.crr Jl'>u aboard \\.llh Eric Thorsen ov. ner ol t ht' f kl t ra CONDOS FOR SALE 9:16 \I. l!hh '>1 I I nll I> I (o.ra M,.., t •\ 'I t•edr''"'"' I 7~ '"'''" SI OS. 900.00 411 (or•I Rrrf llr t nu 13 Hun1tn9ion B•ll• h ( •\ J •·~d''"''"' I Jr, ••Ari" ~ 113.000.00 l .. •nn1tt M1t• lo•n Pru11ram• offfl'rt"d "'' !U '1"""' "' •' t-1 Ji "(-:. 2 Pr0gr~m 1 iO \f'Ar fully amort11,J v..uh" ~ 'J_ I t11J\·10,.t1 ''' "''" ,,.,.". 1tti .. .,.,., .... d II 11 .~ Pr09r1m =2 f"rd '"" lo<tll0<>n Ill Ill 111 , • Program 3 15 V••r fh•f'i rdt., 1iiL1th A l "/ I '•u\•f•1\411 fl\ l' 1,1 \• .,., 1,t \' ,,~ f,\.,d ,\I 11' '°' l ~" do..,n o"'nrr •><<UIH•d a 20~ doUi.11 non·own•r ur<u1u.,1t il f1Jnnt• Md_. to control P'"'""ffi-'OI ,,t 1111\0 \A ill JM\ .1111 111,111•4 ( t1•rrd\ r ~·, t , p 1 .. viuth S Program bll .. d on liotrd prlco ''"'' • All t~rmt. n•gor1abt• tt#lov. 111.,1•d •• ,.,, SOUTH COAST MORTGAGE BROKfRS. IN(. 6~ IS Katrlla '\Hnu• <.u11r o\ 714-220-3360 (. ~p•H• (." "'"' ltl Sltl7 ... L The Sorbet Collection for Children, at SFA. \.1 ,..~ 11 ' \ 1 JU II 1111rl ,, '" ·,11 l lf '\'. l{Jflfl >d l h /() ( htlclf1'11', ,1\/1• th.11· ''""'' "'fftng .1 .. \,\(•(/.fl., 1 •nw 1 ·1 ti I" 11 tu .ii '\.itur,i/ '1/ >• 11 ·r '1th1n g < 1 in< f 'I\ 1 ·r I 111 1n , ·di"' • • ( nlur p,i/ W· 1r1,/ 1 '' • 111 ., I '1th 1n lf1flf111C' .lft1 ·nt1rm 1u ch 1.11 / .1n1/ thP h1gh1•,f ''·'' ii 111 /, ol c ontrw t1nn I 1Jr , ,, I\' ffll I ~,,,, ''/('' ' /1 I h ( Jf1/1, < un ' 1•(• th1• .d1q/1• < n/ 1'(. t1un elf I '/JI'< 1,1/ f,hh1r >fl ,JU I\\ \1lwrl.n /111\ .'-th rt I f un fnf\/f)"i /1,..1,,1•r /1·\1 ·f \ II I\/ I''" l Photos, c loc kwise from above: Janet Co rbin, Eric Thorsen: Elaine Frazee, Sia- tie Stevens . Nyla Jones, Sharon Winterhalter; John Kumer, Barbara and Gunnar Osterberg; Woo Woo Steven: Brooks, Janet and Don Cor- bin: Maureen and Guy Ferris , Gary Gregson. Little guys the loser in big lawsuits Dear .\nn Lander\ Rl·gard1n g the teuer about the gu" in ( 'allforn1a \\ho tell through the ~1.)lighl "hen he tnn1 to hreak 1nlll a S<·hool and hurgl.intl' lht place Ht> "J' f)Crmant•ntl\ d1\- ahlrd lsp1n•1I cord IOJUf! I and· sut•d the 'chool hoan.J ht·t•IU~l· he had not lx·l·n "arnt>d thJt the 'k~light \\J<., un.,ak Thl' man "on 1he \Ult and \ nllet·led $260.0011 1 n an uut-ot-rnurt 'l'ltkml'nt rlu~ \I 200 a monlh lor lilt' \ ou '><lid thl' ruling '"'as 1nnl·d1hk J ~J--,,,,_ ~ ~r ---~ and wondl'red hm' th1., 'IOrt of thing can tx-stopped I'll 1dl }l1U Junes must hase 1ht•1r dcc1!>1un un the te<;11mon~ .ind stop a"arding hugl' -.e11lcmcnts 10 people JU"t ~cau!>l' the\ ha\t~ been badh hun or arl' 1n "hedchaars -Jl'\ ii( F-Ml ~l BE °'If RVED OEAR JUSTICE: There's another component: Judges and juries must stop awarding enormous settlements to the maimed and survivors unless It can be sbo~n there was willful ~~~ ------. -::"":..~ -... .,,,. ~~ ~ ~::--...;; -~~ ~ -<'~~, ... ~ .. ""'v TI:~ · ... , .. -......., ~.-'()h •\ .. ·." Tired Of Laying Out In All That Heat? 1/ / / ,t, ~ ~-> ... : . I.I I It • • '\ \ \ I' I I •• • \ \ ,, ~ , ' "f ' I I ' \ \ ¥ l, ~ I ~. : . ' Have a gorgeous tan 1n a f ract1on of the time. • UVA Sunbeds • Near where you work, play and shop • Luxurious priva te rooms Computerized Health •~ and Conditioning Center 120 Newport Center Drive, Suite 240 (across from Fashion Island) Newport Beach, C A 92660 a 714-720-1727 Sumn1er Special 50% OFF Initial Visit negligence. They figure, "The life insurance co01panle1 have loads or money, or General Foods or Quaker Oats or Bristol-Myers are plent) rich and won't miss a few million bucks." I am all for the little guy but a grut many co01panles are owned by millions or "little guys" -their uock.holders. When tht giant corpor- ations get ripped off, a lol of little people get sllffed . ••• Dear .\nn l anders I "ould like.' to comment on a r(u~nt column "h1th made me \l.Ondn ii tht' "h.nle "orld ha'> gone nuts This girl 1s running around \\ 11h nor /IHt iJ /t'U t'/n \({I'!'( FREE 14K GOLD COBRA CHAIN BRACELET w11h $ 7~ rurrho~ .... th th .. •J • l t•,1J<'r 1n "holt•.,,11,. priur11t to tht• rul--li, • l1c'>1~neJ .ind m.1nufadm1·d ,1n rn·m1'il'' • <. ustom ,li.1mond C.l'ltlnlo: • ft'..-.l"lr\-rt•p.llr • R 1n1o: "•:mw 7 14 6 c;o. 1 1 I I l ~ ~h :-..1°\\ pnr1 Rh ,J ( "'1.1 Mt'• .. 1 '''"'" H• .... 1 .. •'t •J\i.J \,,.I"•' 4' "'I'' 1-.,,L "( .., ,._ '' ANN UNDERS Rob. whu has 1wo I.ids w11h h1!i wile and one 1lleg111mate child She want~ Bob to take a hlood test because his \\lie tS the kind who slept with C\ er. boch and she thinks the k1d') m1gh1 noihe his Is th1'i broad serious'' Doe~n't !>he realize that Bob I'> a sleazcball a liar and a rat') I hope these two n1tw1ts get mar- ned Th<') de'>ef\.e each <>1her Ne11her of them has an) brains or deccnc) Boh should forget th<' blood test and ga ve the mone) to the girl so i;he can get her head examined and find out why \hC' got involved w11h him in the lirst place Please make my da) and print this teller -JAYNE IN PHILADELPHI .\ DEAR JAYNE: Your day Is madt. Here It Is. • • • l>car Ann Lander\ Our daughter. "hn 1s very bnght and amb111ous. 1<, working on ht'r ma~tcrs degree 1n business adm1n1stra11on "Sue" ha' been dating a nice man (age :!O). also a student. fo r about six month'> She spent her list btnhda)' w11h "Tom" and h1~ fam1I}. (The~ liH 100 mile-; from here.) We C\pellcd Sue home Monday but '>he am' ed in tears. late Saturda\ n1gh1 It sc~ms Tom surprised her "1th ,l 10,el) diamond nng that had ~en 1n the fa m il)' for :rear; She nearl) fainted Sue sard she had never given Tom th<' 1mpress1on ,he would marry him and has no intention of helping to put a hushand through rnllegc She g.a1;c him the nng hack and left ~ue 1s heans1ck that she had to hurt fom this wa} and humrhat<' him hcfort'.' hi\ parent\, hut <1hc ~1d, "I had no cho1cr •· I rll \-our mak rcadC'rs ncv<'r to \UfTlfl\C a wnn1an w11h an t'nga1c- men1 nng It's a rotten 1dcJ - Ht JR rlNC, IN Pl\ DEAR PA You told 'tm, and l1 a way claty tltoald ntvtr forat't. T1aHu for lbe shore C'OUrtt'. Dustin Hoffman picks his spots for versatility By 80 8 THOMAS ~'M..,_.,_ LO ANGELES -He ltmC)(d along the CQncrcte underbelly of New York's Tame Square, a m1sshapened con man who made us cry. Many mo' te!> later, he put on a dress a wag and <• wicked 'lm1lc and won our hearts Ratso RILLO or Tootsie ~n1am1n lull of ang!>t and lust or troublrd dadd) Kramer. Du~lan Hoffman has rr<.'ated a n ch amt) of role~ 1n hi\ <1ct1ng ca~er l\nd he added new luster t<:> h1~ career b;-i playing the 1rag1c \\-111) Loman in the cnt1call) acclaimed Broadwa) run of Arthur M1lli;,r'\ Pultt1er Pnze winning "Death of a Sale!>man." His bro\.\n hair l!>JUSl now grov.ing back a her ha' ing been sha' ed for pan of the aging process as Will) Loman "This as not m) ne"" punk look" he rl·marked. rubbing has hand o'er his brush-like thatch W1th his second wife. Lisa. and their three children. Hoffman recent- 1) pa ad a brief \ISll 10 his natl\ eland "I grew up here. you know,'' he reminded. When he was born 48 year!> ago in Los Angeles. his father worked as a prop man at HarT) Cohn'~ Columbia studio. HarT) Hoffman\ mo!>t memorable achievement ·was helping to cop) the U.S. Senate chamber for Frank Capra's "Mr m1th Goes to Washington ... stamng J1mm) ~tewan In I 95g, Hollman ''ent to New York to stud) act in$ and struggled for seven) ears. "I was in an uncmplo}ed tuf). he recalled 'imall roleco oll- Broadw:i) kd 10 btJ&Cr ones. and re' 1e1Aer\ be~n c111ng his unique talt'nt That It'd 10 being "ai.t as Bcn)amin Braddock 1n "The Gradu- ;1te. • ont of the mo!>t daultng debuts 1n film h1'ltory For an .\ladem) Award w1nn1ng actor ("Kramer "S Kramer," 1979) "'hose '>Creen pre~nce seems to plea~ so man} Hoffman has made uni} l\.l.O films in the past the }ears .. , don't know wh~ ... he pondered in an 1nten 1ew "I was amaLed to reah1e 11 had been three years bet1Aeen 'Kramer \.S Kramer' and 'Tootsu.· · .\nd now 11 has been two vea rs since ·Tootsie' -almost 211~. .. Pan of that has been m) own caution. You ca n get hurt making the "'rong t ho1ces. espec1all} in toda) 's mo' 1e indusll). In the old da)S. a star made tour pictures a year and hoped that one would be a h11 t'oow an actor tan reall} be damaged b> one or tv.o flops. ··1 ltke to "'Ork." he said. "There's nothing more unnerving to me than a \ aca11on. I wake up every morn in@ wondering 1f I'm ever going 10 work again .\nd then there 1s the fact that I ha"e three children at home -10 months. 2 )ears and 4 )ears. You can see "'h' I li ke to go to work " H1~ first tv.o pictures were "The Graduate" and "Midn1~t Cowbo}," tht: \chide for Ratso R1z£0 "I thought tt was always going 10 be that c:a~\ ... he said "It wasn't I never found a'nothcr pan as good as Ratso R1uo. e\cept ·one Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.' and Jack Nicholson Dua tin Hoff man an actor of many face.. got that one fhose kinds of pans JU'it don't come along. "The answer 1s to develop tht"m your~lf That's v.hat I did with 'T oots1e · That's "'hat I'll have to conunue doing" For the first time 1n has career. he\ doing three mo' 1es 1n a row He's up tor a corned). wnuen b) Elaine Ma~ and produced b} Warren Beatt~. a project wtth Manin Scorsese. thc.-n .another wtth Mike Nichols Immediately after "Tootsie" he went into .. Death ofa alesman." The actor was amazed when Maller. his C'onnect1cu1 neighbor and tennis partner. made the proposal. Ha" ing 1us1 pla)ed soap opera queen Doroth) Michaels. Hoffman replied· "What pan do }Ou want me to pla) - Linda'>" Hoffman told Miller he was 100 ~oung to pla} Will) Loman "But .\rthur said Lee J ( obb was J 7 ""hen he onginated the role Yes. I said. but Cobb was bald. heav} and btg, I am neither bald. hea\} or big . ..\nhur said. ·1 \\<rote the pan for a skinn) little guy ' "I must sa> I wai. intrigued ·sate .. man' was the first pla'y I ever read M) brother ga \ e me a book ol collel·ted pla)'S. and 11 was the first one 1n the book I walked around en 1ng afterwards For"eeks I would go into a corner and '>tan 10 ""~P ·· Hollman could eas1I} 1den111~ "1th the pla) because his father had once been a lurn1ture sale)man and therc v.ert· l\.\O bO}S 1n the famll} "The d1fferl'ncc was that I v.as the )ounger brother. the black sheep M) brothc.-r 'Aas more llke B1ff. an .\ student and athlete " Drama lrtllcs gave him rave r<'· \ 1e1A s In ( h1cago. Washtngton and t""o '\C'" York runs. Hoffman pla\c.-d to lilkd hou<>es for 250 pcrforman"e\ -more t1mes than dad Cobb Huffman s performance ""Ill not 11l· lu'>l fhe production of·· De.ith 1•t .i ':iak'>man" was filmed in '.\.ev. ) ort.. last '>pnng and v. ill appear a .. a C H'> '>rt'nal 1n mid-September Movie· producers getting their share of clout now BRIDGE Q . -In a rub~r bridge &&mt' tbt' other night I de&Jt myaeU: Actors, directors gradually losing the control they possessed-during the past.Two d-ecades By BOB THOMAS A-1eted ,.,_ Wrl ... HOL L YWOOO-.\mcrtl.tn tilm dominated b) stars 111 the I %Os and director<, 1n lhl· 1970s. ma) no"' tx half"'a> through the dt't·adl• of the producer Toda} 'c; audiences. sa~., producer Paul Maslansk). don't care v.ho stars 1n the picture or who dm·cted 11. "The movie 1tself1s "hat counts." he says "and usually ifs the producer "'ho puts It all together ... Dunng the 1960s. talent agents could exac1 huge salane!> for actor~ "'hose names could insure bo'\-otlicc success tars "ere so po"'erful that mam produced their own films Jn the IY70s. a new generation ol mo' 1egoers demanded their o~n young stars . .\ new breed of d1rcl tor. most of them educated at college film !K'hools. daJLled Holl>wood George Lucas. Ste' l'n paelberg, Francis Cop- pola. Manin Scorsese . Peter Bogda no' tlh and '11chad ( 1m1no were hot Looi. "'hat has happened to them Lucas abandoned directing after " 'tar \\ ars ·· Spielberg ha.,n·1 directed a film in two )t'3r!>. prelenng to O\ crsee such mo' 1es a~ "The Goon1es" and ··sack to the Future .. Coppola hac; directed four la1lurl'S. including the hugel) O\Cr·budgct "The Cotton ( lub .. Scorsese's films since "Ta'\1 Dm - er" (1976) ha'e not attracted large audiences Peter Bogda no' ich·s career foun· dered with ·'.\t Long Last Lo"c .. and "Nickelodeon:· and he attempted a comeback with "Mask ... And Michael Cimino" He direUl·d "Heaven's Gate" pendent producer ("Ja.,.,s. "( ll· coon") "I '>USpct•t that the rcall) ~tlee11'~ producers are a fatrl~ small el11e." he said .. Because of escalating rnsts strong producers "ho can maintain control ot a production arc in hC'a \ \ demand E'enda\ d~c1<o1on" b} producerc; can -;a'c.-ten'i ot thou.,ands of dollar'>. .. tud1m appreua1e hJ\ ing a funl· 11on1 ng producer on the <,ct. not ,JU\t \Orne figurl' "'ho has llown in trom Holh.,.,ooJ \1an't 11meslreat1\C.tnd mone} dcCISIOnS 'need lO be made on the spot, such as ""hcther to allow the hours· o"crt1me or pack up and leave .. "This is the age of the complete producer." argues Maslanst..} r·Pohcc A.cadem}.'' "Return to01''1. "B' that I mean the producer "'ho finds the project. assembles the elements. gets lhe finannng. decides ho"' to make 11 and"' here and for thc right amount of mone). and sees ll through to the marketing .. Jack "'1cholson laments thc changes in the film 1ndust~. parttcu- larl) 1he aCQUIStt1on of maJOr l'O m- pan1es b) conglomerates The result, he beltc\ cs. as extreme cauuon "Go to a studio head toda~ and sa) } ou ·, c got Marlon Brando and Laurence Olivier in a film to be directed b' John Huston The answer would be:'What's the SIOI)'" That's "'here the director has lost ground. Talent no longer counts "E'e~t h1ng 1s ·high l"Oncept · I I.no"' for a fact that t\.\u film dealco haH been made on the~· 11tlcs alone· 'The Hunchback of l <. L-\' and 'The Be~ut) Shop.' That·~ all JUSt the 111lc." Nicholson said Proclamauons of the age nl tht• producer. ho"'e'er. pro\ of..l· ~nnw dt'l\Cnt. I "The "'hole thing 1:. sill~" dellare-; Mike Meda\O}. production chief of I Onon Pictures. "Thie; is no more the "'nters. and there 1s alwa} s a need for balance" G1lben Cates. president of the Directors Guild of .\menca. says a sman producer sull needs a sman director "I don't I.no"' of man} producers "ho are hou~hold names as are George Lucas and te,en Spielberg:· he said Promoter\ of the producer-age tht''>ISC1te oa .. 1d Puttnam asa pnme C\amplc. He 1s the London-based 1nJependcnt who has produced a s1nng of admirahk film'> -"Mid· night E\prt'S'i .. "The Duelh'>h." "( hanots of Fire " "The "-1lltng Fields" -usualh w1Th 'l1r'>H1me director\ "The rea .. un IJa\ 1J rick'> nl·v. director\ .. ">uggc\ts John Boorman "1'> that he do1.''>n·1 v.jn\ d1rt•t tor\ 1mpm1ng1heiro"'n idea' I mid him 11 he felt that wa,, ht• '>hould dircl.I hie; o"'n pictures But he l.ne"' hl' "'ould be a med1ouc director Ht'> rcJI gen1u~ ,., rnarf..1.·11ng " Produlc.'r·dtrrltur BoormJn v.hose current tilm "The Emerald Fores!'· "'a!i reJc.'Cled b~ mJJOr Holl~ - "'ood 'tudto\ l"Ohlirmi. thl· local teehng that """e mu .. 1 n11t 81\ c.' dtrN10M Jl<l"'er .. 1 "Rut thruughnut tilm ht'>tOf) ·· he coa1d. "thl· nnl' pictures of statuf't' ha'e rt•sulted from a \1ngle \IS1on 'usuall) of the d 1 rellor." +9S3 -V l(M OAKJ7 +A 9~ I opened the biddln1 with ont' diamond and partner re.ponded one 1pade. Since we don't ra.itt' partner'• major·auit r u ponae without four~ard 1upport. I cbolt' one no trump for my rebid. Parlaer. wbo held a 1ood b&nd iDcludiJll fivt' 1padea to tbe aee·kinc. railed to tbree no trump. l:nfortunately. tht opponent• took tbe firat five heart trick1. Four 1pade1 would ban made eaally. Shouldn't my partner have rebid bit 1pades to teU me be bad five of them? Otherwiae. what went wroq? J .D .. MiJuieapoli1. MiAD. A.-:'loetther or you IS a much .il rault a your methods Your system leh you without a good rebid aher partner) one spade re pon~t' You l'Ould not bid 1 v. o cluhs :>tn<'e th.it would lend to show on un halctnct>d hand IA> hen vour hand \\J!> balanct'd, you couid ntll rt'htd diamond,, Jnd vou could not r,use pade~ That forced ) ou to btd no trump \\ 11 hout a "toppl'r 1n the unbid m.iJOr ) our pdrtrwr. \\ itn .i. halant·t>d hjnd jnd J fl\ l' rord sp.tdl' u1t 1•uuld tlo little more than rai..e t11 l{amt' unit'!>' ) ou emplo) ed <1ome method ul cht•ckbMk A rebid ol two 'pade!> would haH' been Jn 1,........,, NEWS FLASH! This week's Peso Devaluation has reduced Air Travel as much as •t()()OO. Just tool< at these round-trip fares \\ * •100" La P•a * 1114" P . V•ll•rt• C~Jitl * *102" M•aatl•a * 1189" Ac•palco 1 0 * •1.13" Cabo * *250" CancaD ~5RO'~ M'XJCO (SIMC5 1600 W. Coast Hwy, Newpo rt Beach (714) 548-8931 (714) 541-3411 That film 1s a convenient S\ mhol of the decline of the director·~ powt•r The S44-m1ll1on tlop not onl} dc- t1atc.'d < 1m1no's reputation and the l ult oft he "auteur." but at wa s blam"·d for ending the long h1stol) of l ' n1tcd .\niw• "'h"h mt·rged into MGM age ofthc producer than 1t 1!> the age of ----_-_ ---------------------------------------i the d1r~tor or the.-v. ntt:r There art: !'tow the hot name!> are produter' n on ~1mp\On and Jem Breckhe11111.·1 r·&·,crl) Hills Cop"). Craig 7ad<1n ("f ootloo'IC"l and Bun Fe1<;ht1n' ("RJmtxl hrst Blood Part 11"1 "I hcheh' then· 1s a re!>urgl·nn• ot 1hc producer. though I'm not 'url' ho"' \trong 11 ,., .. comments R1rhard Zanut I., 'Whll has been a ~tud10 head (20th ( 1•ntur)' Fox) as well as 1nde- good prod~ director') and I RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY Fw Tiie ltst tf hw Utt 11%1 llAllOI llVI .. COSTA llSA -S41·11SI SATURDAY, JULY 27, 10:00 A.M. 150 P9ularfno Aftnue. SultH 110-2n COSTA MESA (L.A. AN•) CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, JULY 28, 10:00 A.M. 125 ...._, St,..t, (Ent 8ulld1"9) & 225 Pliularlno Avenue COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA EXECUTIVE DESKS • SECREl ARY DESKS • COPIERS • SIDE CHAIRS • CONFERENCE TABLES & CHAIRS • FIREPROOF FILES • LEGAL FILES • LATERAL FILES •CREDENZAS • BOOK CASES • MICROFICHE READERS • LOVE SEATS • ROOM DIVIDERS • MICROWAVES • REFRIGERATORS • CLOCKS • STORAGE CABINETS • STEEL SHELV INO • PAPER CUTIERS • SOFAS • LAMPS • COMPUTER FURNITURE • CALCULATORS • TYPEWRITERS • FINE ART • DECORATOR tTliMS • CARPET PROTECTORS • BANK EQUIPMENT u•M• ""° COHOlltOHS • a1oooou.i. .. llOM" ~""....,. ...., .. ,.., _ _. wlll M ~If"° ,..f'C,._" mllde F0t llluStreieo &roc111111 Cootecl -----+ LAWSON a LAWSON AUCTIONEERS~ INC. 703 E. Mlrl M11t1 Place, Pasadena. Clllf 91101 PhoM: 111·511-111' • STATE l <. N<I C JO<I Needing a Lawyer Is Serious Business .. It'• no llme 'or gue11 work to protect your rfght•. h••fth & l•g•f requfrem•nt• -· C11i1enc; l eQal Coun111 is a non prottl Co1 por .tlton estabh!>h••d dlld dec11c.ate<110 direcr those 1n need ot IP<Jal hr.111 In a Q11a1tlird l'•pe11enced attoinev selelltrl Ir orn a panl'I ol attornevs who have met C l C ., 11q1d standard<; ot e•rellence for riones1v tnte9111v rnd comptlence 1n each part1cula1 area of 1,1w relaflnQ to a <;pec1t1c need C•ttunc; I eqal Council has helped ove1 7l 000 10<11111duals bl1Smrc;s and protl'ss1onal people equate ano 'iat1sly their legal needs 1n such a1Pas 01 la w as Ptri;on ~t ln1u1 v Ace 1den1 Aankruptcy Dompc;11c Rt'lat1011c; Divorce ProD.ile Will A E stale~ Rea l Estate Ta1a1ton Wor kt1c; Comp landlord rena111 BuSHll''iS & ro11><>rale Law lmm1qr.111on C11111 l 1t19a1ton Cnminal Complaints Drunk Orivin9 Ot>bt Rellttl Collection~ F orprtosure lnl1 OVl'I 8() .llf'il'i Ol IJW prOlecltng '/0111 llQl'll'i & lll't'llS 1nrlud10Q Ml'd1cal .ind l eQal Matpr ar11ce (;I I'll.~. (714) 539-0403 . - Orange Coatt DA IL V PILOT /Sunday, July 21, 1985 83 Confessions of a car navigator I '>lopped rea1J1n1 road maps 1n t 9"" v.hen nn hu-.band &1..lu~d me of moving the M1~~1\\lpp1 R1"er o"er tV.O St.1tC\ It wasn't the fir<>t ume he: reproa,h· cd me tor Lampenng wtth loc;,t1on~ We once quarreled 0' cr whrther 4 prominent arch wa) a McDonald's or the ga te"' a) to St. Louis. and anothef time "'e had a real ugly ~ene when I "rapped m> gum 1n the Great Lakes and WC! couldn't find our wa) to the ( anad1an border Reading road maps 1s hke being a \ice president You \I.ear nav} and keep \Our mouth shut I he onl) time )ou're \.Oni.ulted •~IA hen the dnH·r ·~ approalhtng a fork. 1n the road a1 'i~ mtles per hour and he ~houts. "01.a~ \OU "'anted to dn"e no~ \.\htlh ~a) d\) "'e tum'>" It's IWln \. but thl• anatom\ of our rnamagt' can be summed up 1n the.- road map e\pc.-nc.-ncc.- Tht tir\t ~earol our mamage I told m) hu'>band I got nau~ated 'Ahen I read in ct mo' ing car and he laughed and 'Wtd "\"t·etht:an I don't want ~ou 10 do an\ thing but JU~I 511 there and tall. to mt: Just ka'e thr dn\lng to me ..\ fe.,., \t'iHS later" hen 'A-Chad three lhild~n· tighting O\Cr I\~() \.\tndO\\<S he \tarted 10 delegate things tor me to Jo One.-"as 10 ·i..eep thos.e kids from lo.1lltng one .mother" \ rc.-v. \Car' I.tier he ddded. "Entertain thl-m 1r gl\ e them a seda11,e .. Then ont• Ja\ he \aid 'Stan looling tor the 1urn11ll V. hen I ..aid I d1Jn'1 t..no1Ao v.hat tumofl he "'a' tallong Jbout hr '-ltd. 'Looi. tn thc.- gluq~ (<~mpJr1ment ror thc-map It's mart..c-d OMAR Ot SHARIFF ... ~ underbid and a ;ump to three <;pades IA> ould have promised a bet tt-r '>pade suit and an unbalanced hand The natural btd IA> 1th your hand is .i. ,pade ra11;e -~ou ha11e three.card upport for partner suit and a ruff- tnl{ 'alue True you do not like rais 1nl{ .,..1th onl) three lo'A cards 10 partner's suit but partner should adu1Ao for th,H cont1ogenc~ 10 the .. un ... equenl auction Q. -There it a player in our same who. when be it dummy, &.lway1 lays down hit trump• ~fore the o~DiJll lead bu been made. I fiad lhi1 diatractln&. but be iaaiau that he it doi.Jlc oothiq wrong. Wh.at'1 your opinion? l .R .• l\tlut&, Ga. ~ -[>u mm) .should not la) do" n h1' ('ard<1 until after the opening lt'.i.d ha' been made ~ 1rst of ail he might be as<\1st1n~ the defenders 1n finding Jn opening ll'dd b) re\ eal in~ ~uch an integral part ''' his E11A 80ll£CI '"\' ou l.nov. I get nauseated when I rt" ad 1n a mo' 1n1 car." and he .. napped "'t ou're not read101 ·war and Peale tor Cr) 1n1 out loud You'tt 1ust tf\tng 10 pick up Route 141" For the ne Al I IJ) ca~ l was never to )('C another monument sctn1c won- Jc.-r Stucke.-\ 's cathedral, sun$Ct, '>paciou'> ~i. \ or .imber waves of gratn I s.11 tor houri. hunched over a mural of wa' \ lint"~ ltttle circles. numbe~ 100 small lo read and distances too lung to carc I "'as to disco' er road maps made people~' thing'> the\ didn't mean ··v. e m1s$Cd Fort Lauderdale' That s "hat I d e\pect from a woman whose mother S"'1ms out to m~t troop ships .. • ~ v. hi ch "'a> do I go" Left or nght" I'll gJ\e ~ou a hint You pat the dog "'llh ~our left hand You dr> your fingerna1li. out the car "".tndov. w11h ~our nght " • It'\ bec-n e1gh1 )Cars since I stuffed a road map up his no~ Eight 'ears of ndmg in '>tlence The other ·day we \.\ere in a rental car when be s~ud. "f1nd out "h)th1sredhgh11son 4.od "'htle \Ou \t' got the manual ouL ~ ho'A to turn the lights on in this bucket Do ""<" lr.:no'A hov. 10 1um on the.-radio, .. E \ C'n a \IC<' president ~nov. s when to hear nothtng CHARLES GOREN holding. Secondly. he might be doing serious damage 10 his side. Suppose that declarer wants to review the auction The Laws of Cont ract Bridge pumtt the declarer to get a re\1e"' of the auc t1on unttl he ha played to the first trick or dumm) ha<i spread any part of his hand By .a) 1ng dov. n tht- tr ... mp su1: premature!~ dumm~ h.u deprl\ ed de<' •rer of this right ~ho'A tht-offender ltm column dnd a " n1m lei t'hm1nate h1 bad hab11 ••d u y q11Hbea• lw du• eol••• l-9 C1a&r1 .. <.wn ud Omu ..,hartf clo t&i1 •e•epa~r l ada •Hk a pn.u of • cop) of Ole H• i,0~1 1 Bndcf' l -plete • 19 95 vaJ11e. will II.-e•ard.d for tb, q11 uuo11 1t.td1ird the but r1Pce1ved Cllulee Gorto IJ)cl Omar ~b&r1f ~' .OD&lh t aJ)DOt llDdtrWf lo &Jll•ff e.lJ quHUODI 111bmt1l.d ***FORECLOSURE SALE*** I ti 't'<'11r11J• F N>m ) our llomt" 1 o ) our &ar >'R Ml ~E WPORT BEACH HOME 4" 30A • 000 :: t3£0R00M'\ + MAI[) S QUARTERS -oO WA lERFRO~ , l . ";Ll''H lAR LAN£ N[NPOR' S[A H .\,. Rf'iA Bt .\U~. ONE(, ON )UN':lAY AUG 4 at • p M Sul . N '"lt • • " [ rT j,. ·'" n.ime '1.!S e\jOI!~ ~ Mc [P :xl ~ s. '• ..... 'l'D J ~ ~ V-' J•~t JP u\I' r.J'" Supe· p u•m, -I .... " •• ~·-·~· ·-• ""la J•" ~~ " 4 •• • r~p1,J ~ ~ r..i:•<oom~ .iwnO" ~ Sh 4~t or.• ~P J' 1 sv~tf.' ... d'.~· ~ & ~J 3., >d 'OO'S ll~ :-,r r. .~· .-. •• ~· ~ J".j :> .. d Mt"'t>I' _,.. !\)!.()( I :'I •d'' :>ftl{f'>'S I~ "er a-,~' I'~ '.)O •"'e' ~~ 'i:J SJ: ~ 5~!1 ~' • & 1101"' • ~" --. • • • :t'O'f' Ju~:I()" )(PQSI• .,,., • l \ D• Ch • AMI RM l \ I 1)Rf MO'. 1 II! Al f 1 A 'I Allf 'ION! IR• <\INt I . ·~ ~DOZAR A~ft~~r~~~ ~·'<t ,.lliHARl•P .11' •INt:f't1, lii•ll'k,.IA -<,,••~.~ l~'••••• ' ,., Don't wait till you're sick to call a doctor FREE PHYSICIAN REFERRAL SERVICE For ••• •ad ••tebll•lli•d reoldeat• wllio do aot a..v• • per•o .. 1 plliyelc lea. w. -... .... over tse 4oc ton n a etaff fT-f•• llw l'•v•l<I••• to ·~taflate wlilo CA•E •M•t v••" .._ ... n C ALL TODAY (714) 842-0611 Eat. '43 PHYSICIAN 8£FtR8AL IS A F11££ SERVICE roa YOOI Pacifica Community Hospital 11791 .,. .... "'.ti ... H-tt•et .. a..ca.. CA 91648 ~n A••f'tcaa H .. 1ta. Gro•• l•ter .. thaal rec11tty \ f M Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, July 21 , 1985 NOW PLAYING •W> • COSU MlU ,,_ -... . • t ' ..,, .... ....... ,_ • toll• "'li.6 •u.-. .. . . ... ~ ... M U 'AJll. ,. ......... u I ·• - New Disney Magic For The Entire Family. "The most lavish animated film since 'PinOcchio: The brilliant Disney • • animators ~created their most endearing characters ii.:ars ... certainly one Of. best:' " ... an absolutejoJa Beautiful. Beautiful. 1'be best . . ... Disney monem years:' 1e1t11·~ 1 )''"~""'I.At<. rru:va:ws,,.., ...... L\\' • ' • • The adventure film of t he summer. *" r rMYrv r·w ._, .. , ,.-......,., ltt tlii/!1',.. A,lll.l ... ,..\I \11~..-:lfe.f\.,..., ••II•" >4·~.01"..-i'°'~1'"1'r~~"'lf,Wt.lt ............ , ,.-,,,,. N ••~ ·~~r., 41 "'1 "f\Al"or#/1 ......... f"WtJ..l'f/fAN"Jlf"\TT'tf" ..... -..... DONALD DUCK CHIP ANO DALE CillJD~-~ CIHIEMASCOPE ' TECHNICOLOR• STARTS WEDNESDAY WES1WOOD l r -HOLLYWOOD 1 \~•'•~A. IO~Al · 208 4366 J 'v\AN"i CHINE~E ·464 81 l_'j AND OTHER SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES AND DRIVE-INS NEAR YOU! Four musicals opening, along with two comedies Appearinll in "The Gon- dollen" <or the Irvine Chil- dren'• Chorus are (top row, from left) Lara Kempke, Jaylene Sikora, Chri•tz Barley and MelHua Huf , and (bottom row) Charles Fan, Kory Heinzen, Rachel Whitaker, Anna Glauen, Mia Mcc orvey an Aaron Marshall. All are from Irvine ezcept Raebel, of Newport Beach . COMPLETE SPORTS In the Daily Pilat "mt: ADVEN11JRE MOVIE OF THE YL\R!' .Ja1 (11n: THE BOSTO.\ CWBE Ra....ed on a true slol'). R .. .o Four mu\1cals and two lOmcd1es add up to a JBm-paded wee k o( theatrical openmiS on stages around Orange County. The musicals arnve first with "Barnum" opening Wednesday at Fullerton College. "Oliver" at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater shares its opening night with "Once Upon a Mattre11" at Cypress College. The Irvine Children ·s Chorus pres· ents the Gilbert and ulli van operetta "Tbe Gondoliers" Thursday and Fri- day. On the )tra1~ht comedy front, there's Nell Simons "Last of tbe Red Hot Lovers" bowing 1n at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse Friday. along wnh "Harvey," who's hopped from Golden West College last weekend to Saddlebaclo.. C ollcge this weekend. Penn:. Buchanan and Jani" Thomas ot Newport Beach and Lan) O'Connor of Corona dcl Mar "ill pla} maJor roles in Fullerton Col· lege''i "Bamum ·· The c;how run~ Wcdnesda~ at 1.30 pm . Thurc;da} and Frida:, at 8 p.m .. Saturday at I :30 and 8 and Sunday at 2:30 in the college theater. 32 1 E. Chapman .\ ve. Call 871-8 101 for ticket information. Gilbert and Sullivan o~rettas arc an annual !lummcr prOJCCl of the Irvine Children's Chorus and this year "The Gondoliers" will be staged Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the South Coast Community Church on Bonita Can}o n Road in Irvine. Janet Kemph: and Margare t 1 Koopow111 are dm:cung and ucket information 1s a' allable at 786-9448 Another show 1n an abbreviated run 1s "Once l pon a Mattress," to be presented at C} press College. 9200 Valley Vie" Ave., C}press, Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p m. only Kathi Merkel of Mission VicJO stars as W1nn1fred and Lauren Nave of Huntington Beach 1s featured as Queen Aggravain in the comic musical, and ticket information can be obtained at 821-6320. a.. lDWAllDS \Sii' W(S TlllDDll ............ et ., ... "W-11 a., .... a._,· uo 440t Toi TITUS "Last of the Red Hot Lovers" opens Friday at Sebastian's Wec;t, 140 Ave Pico, San Clemente, under the d1rect1on of Ole Kittleson with Bil Gei'as playing the m1ddlt'·aged mar- ried man trying to seduce three "omen. portra)ed by M1ll1cent Rene, Geraline Joyce and Beth Hansen Performances will be gl\ en Wednes· days through Saturda)s at 8 pm and Sunda)sat I and 7 p.m. unt1l Sept. 22. reservati ons 492-9950 A.t the Curtain Call. 690 El Camino Real, Tustin. JefT Ne\.\ man \tar!> as Fagin while Ryan Bvrne and JcfT Christensen are double.cast in the title role of the musical .. Oliver:· opening Fnda} and ron11nu1ng night I) e'cept Monda)s at val}ing curtain t1mr" through NO\. 27. Call 838-1540 for ticket information. "Harve):· the popular inv1\1bk rabbit. is the third and final pro- duction of the Saddleback C'o mpan} Theater at Saddlcback College in Mission VieJO. Kellam Pnckett. Flora Burke, Joan Ra). Stan Manning and A..G. Cole are featured in the corned}. directed b} H. Wynn Pearce. which opens Friday and pla) s Saturda) and Aug. 2. 3 and 8 at 8 p.m and Sunday and Au$. 3 and 11 at 3 p.m. Reservations 831 -4656 Three other shO"-S call 11 a run this "'eekend with final performances scheduled for: •"Lo and Bebold" at the \"e!>l· minster Commun1t) Theater. 7272 Maple St.. Westminster (995-41 I J). closing out Fnda} and Saturda} at 8 p.m. •"Treasure Island '' at Irvine Val· NOW mm cmc S HOWING " fOWAROS WfSIBROOK '>JO 4401 AWEll llYlll[ PACIFIC ANAH[IM [OWAROS IJNIV[RSllY Of! IN 879 9W 8'>4 8811 COSTA I ESA OUllCE [OWAROS Ml ;A AM{ ORAN1.1[ MAI I 6'6 '>07'> 1)3. j 4 El TOH OU.CE COWARDS ll TORO SYUfY CllY ClNHll 581 9'>00 rn mJ rou11u1 nun sun HA COWARDS FOUNTAIN £0WAROS BRISIOl VALLEY 839 I ~00 S40 7«4 fUWITOll WESTMlllSTU rox fUlllRION PACIFIC HWY J9 m 4747 • OR IN 891 3693 ST ARTS FRIDAY 7 /26 AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU ley ollege, SSOO Irvine Center Drive. Irvine (SS9-1313 >. playinit fo'rida) at 7 p.m., aturday at J and 7, toda)' and next Sunday at 3. •"Tbe Rivals" at tht• l 1t'm rheater 12582 Main ~t . (1ardcn (iru' l' (636· 7213). Wl'dnc'>da~ through l.iat· un.la y ut 8 p m. tud<1) and nc\t Sunda) al 7 1() St1ll on thl' board'> and cont1nu1ng their rv\~Ctt H' engagement'> Mt' •"Grease" al thl· Harlequin Din· ner Pla)hou..c. \501 S llarhor 131\d. anta Ana (979 5511 l. n1ghth l'\lt'PI Monda)' at \J!)1ng l·unain time' through 'ept 15 •"A Chorus Line" al thl· l1rand D1nnl'r Theatcr. I Hotrl V. a' A\nahe1m (772-7710). n1ghth ncept Monda) at 'ar)ing t.una1n llml''> through the re~t ofthl' ~ear •"Fiddler on the Roof" on tlw main \tage and "Stardust" 1n thl· <itud10 Theater at Saddleback ( ollrgl' in M1ss1on V1eJo (831-4656) "hd· dler pla)S toda). ne't u.nda} and Aug. 4 and 10 at 3 p.m .. aturday .rnd Aug. I. 9and IOat 8 p.m .... Stardu!>t .. continues Fnda)S and Saturday' at 8:30 and Sunda~s at 3:30 through Aug. 11 •"The Pirates of Penzance" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street .a.1 Yorktown Avenue 1n the Seachff Village shopping center. Huntington Beach (832-1405). Fridays and Saturda~s at 8.30 through Aug. 24 •"Two Years Before the Mast" aboard thl' Pilgrim 1n Dana Point Harbor (496-2274). Fnda)s and Sat· urdays at 6 30 and 9 p.m. through Aug Ill M ovie company n ot wel com e i n Pa l rp Beach LO\ ANC1ELE5 IAPI -b cn· bod) has th e "'elcomr mat out tor Holl)"'ood·s so-called runa"ay pro· ducuons. E~el)bod~. that 1s. e'cept Palm Beach. Fla .. where a movie compan) 1s about a!> welcome as a hurncanc. Producer km Wl·1ntrauh found that out when he.asked to film 'icenes for .. Happ) Ne"' Year:· starnng Pr ter Falk and "-end} Hughes .. 'We're against an} film companies being here," '>:lid Councilwoman Nanc) Douthit. reflecting the ma· 1ont) op1n1on of the nch. exclus1\e reson commun1t} .. "-e don't need them and we don't want them ·· aid Weintraub "If I had 11 to do O\Cr. I'd make tht' film in Cahfom1a ·· 0l~!llih]lli AMERICA'S #1 MOVIE ans MORE EICITlllG EACH TIME YOU SEE IT! ~ ~ • llllA UA-9110"117 ...... ,,.. ~-1'>1""' cmt••&.t ... -~ r,..,.,,. ''' •Cllll•- Uil """"* !.OO<Mo Pllt&VISION ' ~-.. • • ,w ... ...... -.... 4 ~Ml•ALLll' ~- r .. -· ...... --\jl. .... 1139 '""' IQ4!.l6 ·-,.,.._..,.. ,,.,.,,,....., "'"" u&uullACM .. ,,,,.. .. -~-6.l'~l rm1CJ:7.. ~ _,_ y. ,..., .... ._ -&. " ~ .,,,..,. '"'~ • .. L""-"""O't'llt"ii in--· "YOU'RE GONNA LOVE 'BACK TO THE FUTURE ~ THIS MOVIE IS THE BIG ONE. It's a wondertul movie." *' ,. i" ~1X! ,. IR•t '" .u.•fQ ;. A.fl **** I" ,>•f~I ~&''•• "A JEWEL OF AN ENTERTAINMENT." ... ·• ••vr.o ·q e ·,• " A MOVIE FOR ALL AGES." Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /$und1y July 21 1~ Ba ----------------------------------Celeste Holm should be worthy foe for Wyman Universal puts rival on display By BOB THOMAS A•MClelM ...... Wrtt.f ,. LO AN(,fll:.S -'Nhcn < dcc,tc Holm made her" Fakon < rt'\I" ddn11 with thl' season tinull'. \hr natural!\ enough ~ked \I.hat \.\.J!> 1n "tort· lor ht'r charat·trr when c,hc rl'lurm tor lhe new ep11,odc\ an thl' tall "We don't kno\\.. \u1d 1hl" producer\ of the htt ( R ... wnal ··v.,. haven't \Htth:n 11 )t.'t." Did Holm \l.orry"' Not J hlt 'itnll' 1946 ~he h&') been r--'Wr"--- lOntributang ht·r sl.alls to H oll~­ \1.0od \.\.Ith a mini- mum of fu'>s dnd a ma\lmum ul pro fes!>ionali\m lier \l!>tts herl' ha\c often lx:cn fl'\l.ard- 1ng. 1nduding the \Upport1ng Jl"trl.'\\ ..\ladem\ ..\\l.ard for "C1cntkman\ llolm ..\greemcnt' in \4-t"' .ind n11m1 nations for ··c omc tn thl' \t.thll· • 1n 19~ and .. -\II about L 'c 1n l'l'itJ Her latt'St J\'>lgnml'nt l J\\\ ht·• ,,, ..\nna Rm'>1n1 thl' ltali.1n muthl"r ol Cassandra V. 1\dt·r I ·\nm· \rdlt'J I" h11 has ded11.·atcd her l11l' 111 n11nint1 tlw dom1nel'rtng '1nn.ud m,1111.11d1 ..\ngela C hann1ng (JJnl" V. 'rn.1111 111 "'Falcon C rt'!>t ·· "'Oh\ IOU\h . r1:111.11 I.rd l h\ .. TUR NT ABLE TIPS hlondt· hlul· l'H'd Holn1 "I ,omt• trom 1lw northl·rn f)all ol lt,11\ 'ihc '' no 'itrangl·r 111 win l\IOn U..tl kin I '154 'hl' \tam·d in· H111w,th ( dt:\ll' .. ·' tOll\t'lh lh.tl lct~tt·J IC\\ 1h.1n thn.·l· month\C'\cn 1huugh 11 "a' "nttcn h\ thl' t·~tamablc l arn (1t'lbart ofiatcr "~1-.\-S·l l"faml· · ..\ White H11u\l' roml'd\ l.tlkll ··"'JJnl\" perished illtl·r · J few l'pl'>ude\ 1n 1970 trum "a lal k of '1m11t1utk" ~hi.' al<.o ~an. \l'Jf\ of la\! ~l'a\on\ "Jt:'>\l' • thl.' l 1nd~' V. Jgnl·r '>l'flc~ a hour .1 polttl' p,,;. l h1au l'it th.it \l.J'i \hut Ju"' n h\ nct\l.ork 'in1p1ng. .. ,,., tun to be 1n J \l'rll"' that ''ork\ · \hl· said 111 thl' 'l-.1l u1n ( rnt' J\\lgnml.'nt ( t•lntt: Holm" a hra1n' Ll'>lcrm·r \\hlJ nncr quill' tit into thl' 1111.i.al pattern .\ltl·r a hnlhant LJfl'l'r on liroad"'J' l''>f)ellalh J\ lhl' original \Jo \nrHl 1n ··oi..lahomJ' Jnd th1: lllk rok 111 ·moomrr (1arl ' \hl' tx·gan ""rl. tor 20th ( l'nlun·t-11\ in I '1-lt1 I k1 tir-.1 lilm' \\l'fl' unproml\1ng I hrt'l' I 111k C11rl\ in Alut·" Jnd < .arnl\,tl 1n < o'>IJ R1l:.t I hL·ntamt: 'l1t·n1kmJn·, ·\grl'l'ml·nt .. ·1 nnt•r fl'Jlh l't·l1 rnmlortahk out hl·rt· ·· \11''> Holm rl·rnlkd ·· ~h .1grnt' 11\t'd 111 1.ikt· ml' 111 pa1 Ill'.; \C\t ldl lilt• \\,I\ lllUl h nltlfl' lll~.11\1/t'J 111 th11w d,I\, Peopk \lart·d al Oll' and I "'ulll rt>Jd in 1hl·11 nt''> \I.hat thl·\ °"l'I\ ,a,1ng ·1 \\11ndt:r ho\!, rtl\Jl h moot"\ 1 tould mdli.c out ot hl'r • I tx•tanw \l.'I") llt·len'>l'l' • I kr l.Jrl'l'r di hi' wa' progre'l\11\K "di until lll'\U "ht:n th1: '>tud10 '>IJrtt•d making tutbad.'> dunns a ho\·nll1n• -.lump dul' to tt'IC'\ 1~1on Wht·n hn contrat:t talkd for a raise, \tud10 ho<,, Dan)l /anud a<,~ed her to,, ... , on Jt the '>amc '>alar} '\\ hcn I Jcd1ned, Zanuck said he "uuld l all .. 11 the other \IUdlOS and I 1dl thl·m nl)I to hm· me." the actruss ..aid ·I u1ulJn't get J Job an films for t\lo11 \l'.tr' ..\t tht' mument 11 seemed lil.l·.1 llumhdcns1on on m} pan. but I '"J' \11un1Z .1nd 1mpat1t•n1.. 1.. \trJngd\ I Jnm Ii. Jllo"l'd her to be ~J't 1n l11'>l.·ph \lanl.1t'" 1c1·, land- m irl. \II Jbl1u1 he · \hl' rt·ml·mlx'rl·d \O·\tar Mani\ n \l1111r1~· ·" a ·prclt' l11tlc dumb g.irl \\h11 l.l·pt l''l'f\1111( ""illllOg." 01 < 1t•1irgt \anJcf\ \ht: recalled "()f • l\tJgt hl• -..11J nut um· "or<l to an~ one. lll\I lll\,1J)pcarl.'d 1n1u h1\ dre'>s1ng 11111111. \n,onl' lhJl Jltt·nalcd htm v.as 111 :.i 1111 111 1rn11hk · \ander.. took his • 1\lo n l1k in Aartdona 1n 1972 "'~ n h1 ng h" l' nd 10 · hon·Jom .. ll11lrn .rnd hl·r luurth hu-.band .1l ti1r \\ l·,ln \dJ, J,, 1Jc tht:ir tame lx•t"l'l'I\ '1.1.inhau~n :.inll hn tamt1' ·., tilth l!l'nt·r.11111n tarm in N1:" k"e~ .. Remember when? Janet Leigh abuddera and •be and Anthony Perldn• vtait the Unlvenal City aetting of the movie "Psycho." where Perklnaatabbed Leigh to death in the famous shower acene. Perkin• I• directing the aecond sequel. "Psycho III." to be relea.ed early next year. l ( )I., ' " ,f I f ... I \ p, -( OffiC' II lhl I niq r..al \tul!im to\H Jnd l>t't' .t ,1..,plJ\ t .. r J fl' .ti \l11<l10 "'1C 1"'1-l ..\·~ • .:'11111 I hl '1 l'Jr '-" r MJdl" ( onti;~·t " l Ill\ l'f\<tl 1\n l ht-111¥ fCll('t0U"' II JU\l fl11.ur,J lhl dl\pl.t~ ' good for hU'lllll"\\ ·v, l. it· ll prt"\l•nttng tht· film and T \ 1ndu,111c' not JU'>I I nrvcrsal." 'dill C 111rdon \1\trung l.'\t'lUlt\(' vice prn1di:111 ltl "vH ~ Recrcat1onal ~r­ ' ll C''> "'hit h oPc"faln the tour ·11 "'' gl'l dn nh1h1t trom ano1ht'r ,1ud111 ''l' II t'\p<>-.t 11 \\c II even ad'l'rlt'>t• ii 11·., I<• out Jd\.tntJgc to ltl"I '>llnlC'l hin~ hot 1n hcrl· Th e l•Jur .... 111 ah11 i.-\h1h11 the l>d urcJ n l Jf that \fahael J Fox •1Jt"'> IOI!> lht• pa\l 1n l nl\n~r~ H.1, ~ I< !h~ F uturc- 1 hl' '>l'l uom ·~ul ".t' duph· ~Jl\'<l .11 l nl\ t•r,.tl Jl .t 11'>1 ol SI 5 m 1lhon hul 1hl righl'> anJ rc!>ources ~t·r c In·,· \H 1\1 v..i, ntrcmc:ly ((.•<•P•'1,1tl\l ">J•d .\rm,tri1ng ·'No m 1111,•\ ( h;rnw.cd hJ nJ, \I<, \1-1 \ \tand\ 111 gJin good will .tnd JV11Jll11tt11n ul II\ mu\ IC' JI least '"' J\\l'tll' \Jk\ fhc "TlO' 1e "'as I\ ll'.J\l"d IJ\I ( hrt\lnld\ ·\rrn,tr<111~ \aid ht' t'> l11uk1ng tor , u11·• 11111' i1'' trum ulher '1ul11u~ to J"pl.11 (IJ 1h1· 111ur lie '>.tld he would ••< 1 'h""' trJtler\ Jt the tour's \t1••"•J'l' J ht•Jtcr "'h1th l\turrentl) ri·, dan~ r1 •m•>' t11r Ii' t: l n1' ('rl.81 tcature" Tears for Fears has top single, second LP FRENCH OPERA Placido Domingo The folio\!. 1ng Jfl' A1llho.tr11'' h111 rctord hat\ ii'> the~ .1ppt:.rr ir1 Ill'\! "eek'~ •'>'>UC ol li11lh11Jfd m.1ga11nt• ( op~rrght Ill!\) R1llh11.ird Pul'"tl1· cations Im Repnn1rd "1th Pl'f· 011\SIOO HOT l:\GLE~ I "'E: \l'f\ ltmt• \nu ( '" '"·" · l'.1111 'uung({ nlumh1.1l 2 "Cihuu!' I l·.tr, '"' I t•ar' 1 ~1ertur\ I 1 "\ nu(1l'l" 111ml I 11'1: \\ h1tnl'\ Houston ( ..\n-.1a 1 .i ".\Val'" 111.1 Kill" Dur.in l>urJn !Cap11ol 1 5"1f You l o\l' \oml'hoth \lt Them Free" "it1ng I \& \1 1 6 "Ci Ion Da\ ., .. Brut l' \pr1 n~'lt't'n 1(olumh1a1 7 "Rac,r~r11 Bt:rl.'t · l'11n, l ,\. I Ill Re' olu11un ( PJ1)k' Par!. l 8 "\enllml'ntJl · 'itfl'l t 'i!!hl Rangl'rl C J md-\ H .\ l Q "'i:' rr "iurrenda' < lf<'\ llJrt 1E ~11-..\memJI llJ "Ciel It nn· fhl· P11\\ r \1.11 11(1 1 <. ap1111lJ rh, \l'JHh l\(hl'f i\JJ\1\111 1\u 1tl1 Hr11\ 1 ' \ 11\ l"\ ( arn .. . r al r unJ,I\ I I p l l I \ \u-.,uJ111 · Phil ( 111l1n\ I \tlJn Ill I 1-l "\\ h11' llold1ng Donn,1 'n\I. • I kH.1r~e 1< 1111<1\ I I ' I '' P .t u I 11 J r J , ,1 't I l· t( hf\\,ill\l ll1"lh1· Po'>\Cr ut Lo,,·· llun I l'\\" ~ I hl' '-c\I.., ({ hn .. at.~ l I ..... People ..\n: Pcopit·" Lkrx-l hl' \111dl' l'i1rrl 1 X .. ~ uuld I I 1t· lu \ ou·•" I unthmll'il l<( ·\I I'' .. F rl't'\\ J \ 111 I "' l' · \ rt·t hJ I rankltn ! \mt.1) 'II"\ 1111 \pin \k l<11und ·I k.1d 1tr \It' t' f I Pll I TOP LP-. I \un~' !rum th~· H1g < hJ1 r I l·Jr' 1 .. r f ·Jr' 1 \kr• un l ' '" lad1ot'I Rn1u1r\'d .. l'h I C •I 111 'I \ti llllll l 1 ·Kn I. ll''' Hr' .1 n \dam' 1 \,\. \ 1 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF 'GREMLINS: RERS YOU DON 'T NEED A DRIVER'S LICENSE TO REACH THE STARS. •IAU •COii• lflU \ill:• •• ' 4 ,, ~ "'""' •MN,.,,._ •CGIT& ltflii A PARAMOUNT PICTURE "" NOW PLAYING 10Jt1 r&·• w&t t, t • • ,..11(,f .... .. , .. . ~· .... W'Ur-tfftt ._ ...... , ·~'ti. I .. ..-,_,. :!c,t~..!~;: ... . ,.,., ·~~'''' oo--· "SKIP THE BEACH AND GO SEE 'COCOON' ... A movie to buo) \Our 'p1rt\ lor the whole summer -Pat Co/Jim. ( 8"> \fornrnf,? '-1'~'' CBS TV 70 MM 6 TUCK DOLBY STEREO GRAHE 637 ·0340 AMC OHllCE MAU HEU PIH 952·4993 U TOllO 511·9500 UA MOVIES I EDWARDS EL TORO OHTA IHI 546·2711 WISTMIHTEll 195·5333 OlllllH 634-3911 UA CITY CUTER EDWARDS SOUTM EDWARDS HARBOR TWiii COAST 'WA HAIEIM 639-17 70 STADIUM OR·lll HU 990.4021 UA MOVIES 4 •cosn MESI 631 ·3501 EDWARDS MIHOR TWiii lllYll( 551 ·0655 EDWARDS WOODIRIDCE HEH !'AH 121 ·4070 IUUA PIH DR-Ill • 351111 DOLIY STEREO SORRY. 110 PASSES \\SPECTACULAR ... with a better sense of humor. 'Max' is irresistible.'' "AN INCREDIBLE, EXCITING AND ORIGINAL EPIC thot I think Is one of the best fllms of the year." '* lltUfll YIUI tH·llH Ill.If IYUH tOWAIOS ltlSSOI VI IO lllAU ..... IU.ftH '* l&l'TI W Mt-lt'4 SY\IY CIGOlll COWMOS SAOOHIACll CDWMOS llRISTOl ...,.., IUlll IU-tlM lJ IAIU (JU> 11 1·0IU * wttf9UTH 111-JHI LDWMOS IOPOll AMC rASMOfl $QUA~ rDWMM CllMA M.ST 1,..;;;. ________ _,"* lJ •IUU IU-1111 WllfmtTH 111·HIJ &Ull• ut-nlt mn: c;amm ,aowtc'"" H .... STAOUif DIM 11 * t Tr.-.... , ,..," -l Born 1n the I \ .\ · Bruce \prinl!'>ll'l'll 1< 11lumh1al t l:lntraJ I\ V. h1tnc' H11u,1un \'. h1tnt• ' \round lhl" \.\ orld in a Da' · l'rinLt ,\. T hl· Kn 11lu11un 1 Pa1sl~~ Parl\ 1 Hou\ton I ..\n<,tJI 1-l ·Be '1 oUr\cll f un1ghl f.unthmit'> !RC -\I ,, . r hl Po\lol.'r \t.tl11in" Thr PO\lot'f ... 1.111 .. n 11 Jp1111I I t)"\1akt: It Big· \.\hJm 1c • umh1al I ti"\ ital \1gm' \un '' 11r \t1 •llt Bro~ I ... I"' J\lllll 111 ' our Prl\ Jl' ·· Rall I \ll.JO!ll I . I., "'Bn>tha-. In \rm,· l >art· \tr.11t • 1 v. .irnt:r Bro\ t 11 Bl'\l'll' H111., (op \nunlltrJll. • (\1( .\) 11 ··1 hl· l>rt•am ot thl· Blue Tunle!>· ~tang. I \& \11 I li ··nrcam Into .\U111n ' ll11\\J1d Jone\ (f k ktral JO ·., V. "hl"'.. "J 1gh 1 Ra nge1 I IJ "\ 111ce' c arf'!" I 111 I 11,·,d,I\ f Erit 1 I< .1md-\H .\) 11 ·111<.t· .1 \ ir~in" \~atlunna fSirc I ~ I hL·.i1t·r nl P.ttn \lntle' ('ru{ 21• L1ttk He.1J, I ~ire I THE MAN WITH QNE RED SHOE If the shoe fits bi:>ware 11 ! , . . t ,,,,,,) PG ·· NOW SHOWING l 1um m~ 952.4993 com MCSA 546 2711 ! WA'.tl •I< ., ' com 1m 919-4141 u mo m.suo f uV> 4 R(j~ )A[>Cil tel A ~ MUllTlllCTOll IUCM au.om t OWAROS HUN l IN1, l JN 'll••"l;l • ...... , 11¥111( 154-1111 EDWARD uN11n1 • ' '"" • a 1i1 "' oamc m .mo AM 1 PAN ,1 MA ~ .. ' OUllCl 634 1911 A • ' •N I ~ ' . W(SJMUISTU l9l om A hf MN • ~·y.~ '11~1 • 'i1 MA I tilt JI l lSSIOll YIUO 130·6'90 ~ 01\ARC • '[ f T ,, N m11r11 mmo y " .. .., •&W \I IV & I l .. ., J" I ... '" , •• y -.OUSING ENTERTAINMENT WITH EASTWOOD AT HIS BEST.• •ODA• NII('• -~,,, ,n, •' "Clint wins the west again In a bang-up western adVenture I co ahead, make your day - make sure vou see 'Pale Rider.'" 'II '" ~ <\RNt R RRt1' """' ' ti ' ~ ., HAMEll 179 9150 UHH IHYI SJ0.«01 HAii( 6:M zm 1 A1 I , ANAll( IM OJI N COWAlOS MSTMOOll SY\JY CITY tCNHI! IUCllA rHll 952·093 111¥111 l~·U ll l&IU &U ~O 7&.U .A MO~I( X CDWARO$ IJl'OS!Tl EDWMDS lllUSHX COSTA ICSA 91'·414 1 LJllU IUCI m 1711 HU 51' sm 1LwAAO NlM-' (t;J • £DWMOS SOUTH MAlll MU '1.W n ro10 m mo com lAGtN WUlWUTH 191 )~Q l I >'<All' A,(,.lflA • u ••aw m. m 1 ra cftc HWl 19 !lit "' rACJIC GAmm l tsTllllSTCI • M.SfWCSTta MAl.l • 193 05'6 / ,,o.J Wllll IS H NOW? Unjustly accused. 1 fugitive from the law . . ..,. .... ,. .. "~· 'CD&rt •ru " .. ... Biiiie Jean Devy never expected to become • hero F .. 1uret the Pat Benat1r amaah-M single INVINCIBLE ( The L~ ot Bfflte .i.1n I . '• ......... . .. ,...,,.. .. IPll:. ·~,. ....... NOW PLAYING ••U ''"' . ., cma =:.. IA• -CAl'ISTIWIO 1\l.•• .... ' I ..."" ,.. .. ..... CARMEN UCLUSIVI lNGAGIMINT DAILY 12:30, 2 45, 5:00, 7· 15. 9:30 PORT THEATRE 6 73-6260 edwards TOWN CENTER 2905 ( Coist Mwy. Corou dt l Mar •' ••• ....... 'IRl(Jl751 4184 (I•• •It• "'t .I ~U • co~u •na WALK·INS * LUXU•Y TMfATUS Font r-........ Sftt Wll\f\ * Ollll Y S2 7~ Unlfts lllotel PALE AIDER(R) SHOWS AT I 2 ZO l • S S 1 S 7 4 0 I 0 OS GOONl£S (f'G·UJ SHOWS AT 1 OS l 20 S JS 7 SO &. I 0 10 EX~A ERS (PG) St-IOWS AT 12 00 2 30 S 00 7 lO &. I 0 00 "Alllec> (RJ I 2 00 1 00 • t!O lo 00 • 00 &. 1 0 00 aAC K TO THE FUTURE (PC;) I 1 0 l JO S ~0 I I 0 ~ '0 JO LT T i.. btnT&iWb'W (PG) SHOWS AT 12 lO 2 SS S 20 7 0 &. 10 OS A VIEW TO A IULL rG) l OS 1 JO l'le1c" (P G I 1 I 0 S l S I 0 00 MAO MAX ...., .... Tit•---••-(f"G IJJ AT I OS l 20 ) JS 1 So &. 10 10•1" 10 """" SILVER.ADO (PC; IJ) 11 lO: 1') Oo 1 •~ &. 10 JO '" 70MM ST EL.MO~ ,.IR~("J I 1 .&S J OS S 20 1 • a. 't SS DRIVE-INS :~:i.: COCOON (PC0-12) P1"' CO .... It A Ol""\~f\C1nt r .,, S1one PG A -.0 (A) f>tu, l '~for'~'Q I EX"'-ORUtS (f"GJ P t"d C O ·H tl '"' To A Kill PG FLETCH CP'GI Ptvi C M1• B~vf',.t) M111, c. .:to R J DRIVE INS Ootn a 00 \tt~d1v1 1 JO fOrnd• iJndt• 11 F tt Unltu ~01rd •PACIFIC WALK-IN THEATRES* BARGAIN MA TINEES I FIRST 2 P.rformancn Monda y Thru S.tur•v (hcept Holidays & Spec. En11gemtnt1) ,-.,., .... 4 ...... ~ ....... ,.,,,~ ...... r ....... 1 ...... • 11 f> 111 \I t\eo ...... 1 s_c .... _ _. U Cl TO THl fUTUll ... ... '°''' JTUJO •lMlot SM l .... M "°"OICI hCllm 0.. MU t•ll • a l1 f IC &11 ILUlU fXPlO•l•S ... "'-•• 111 l JO l M o Ml •O •I ,..,.., ... i 4f ' 00 ) lO ,, ., OOJlOtOO I U tSI TH f GOONIU .. '" DOUt 11U to l M 141 I 00 'JO tO 00 LA MIRADA U"lOHU ... l>llJl llt l O fll ST H MO S f!H • ' J ., • 't • •t 10 SllVHADO ... , l:N)tll •t l 10 100 GATEWAY MAD MAX H YOND THU NDl•DOMl -1 "' llOU' lntlO .. >M 1 .. 1 Jt •OM THI l fGlND Of llllll JlAN -1 ... '°' 11 l'Tftto l ti I 0 t 0 t •I I •I t O THI l lGlND Of llllll JIAN ... ' •00)00100 •oo•oo • oo THI (MllAlO fOUST I ,., oou• '""° -.2.!...l .,. 'll' ' ...... \ J • ..... I T ,. lMIJotllt l OCI tM l T .. l>CllOOIJC I OO OM MAO MAX ll"\'ONO THUNOUDOMl -> ., > u •• , • )) • u THI OOONllS .. "I ..,-, I) M > 00 llt ...... ,,.. ... IMJ .. IM I .. tM THI MAN W ITH ONl UO SHOl .. "''°'" mtlO l M I » t M I M I )I •t .. COCOON-" , ... '°''' ITUIO I » > • I >t I .. ••M I 61 J I I •I t •I t •I 1ACK ro THI •utull .. ... '°''' '"''° I M>otlM t -to t)O ,.,,, uoet nclfm °" "'" ~•' • l1 """ "'""" 'Au ••on , •• llOUt '"''° l M 1 U J 1' ' •S It It •PACIFIC DRIVE IN THEATRES • * CI NE fl SOU ND1 At lhnt 1vmbot1 pNt sound d11pe1 to vour AM ca1 * 11d10 11 no redlo Mth •ccmorv po11t1on, bon1 vou1 OWll AM ponabl1 ALL OPEN :::~":'" Start Duskc1<i11d<-~ 11 ALWAYS FREE ,,. ,,, ''"° ,,.., __ 'e•·tt '...., ~: "AU ltDU • •llll THI IMllAlO fOIUT 1 ST llMO S fill • .. .,. THI UIAKFAST ClUI 1 51lVllADO ,.,, ""'' THI OOONIU,. ORANGE IT ,. ""' ClOAet 6 DAOOll ,., l~l• •P 11111. 1-1 111~1 . .... _ ...... , .... ,,. '• , .. .,_ ... C4ll l ttttM OU ... • ,. ""LOllU I .. ""' THI OOONllS .. IACK TO THI PUTUll ,. ..... THI LAIT STAlftOHTU,. PAU llDll • ..... BUENA PARK '111111 O lt I ..... W •I .. ,..n .......... ... ....... COCOON 1,._•» ~tit STAlMAltil ,,. * llAMIO PIHT llOOO PAIT II •11 ~ut H nCM,.. THI IMIUlO •O .. IT 1 ut,lOllH -..... no OOOHt11,,.., ,,c-. •• ~-~~~~~--~------------------.,_ ........ _. ............................................................... im1 ...... .. 86 Orange C oast_£AILY PILOT/Sunday. July 21. 1985 An unwelccime (and dead) guest on 'Guiding Light' By LYNDA HIRSCH ALL M\' Ill LOREN l .id 1nuw,11l,1hk "hen lw IN111' lo..Jll.' M .ir tin h11'> J1rd 111 h1·1 \l\"t'p Jilli lllJ~I:\ 11IJ11\ hi .i1t1:ml lll'1 lulll'tJI l'\l'll th11uv,h hl 11~~' ht'llll! l;\U~ht hi \111 l.r' ' trr,•n,t.. B,1r111n. M1d.n ' hcnlh111.in 'fl'll' IJtl \1" (111n1ak11dJ.. 1>.1111r '"'' 1h111I.' lhJl I Jll JnJ Dolltl· .Ill ,1111 JrJ" n t111111r .111n1h1·1 l 1111 intun.111•\J "lwn hl· 1c.ili11·' P.tlnwr h." hr~d "J111.h .i~ 1J"hh1 'l1;1h\ \llln ~hr tk '"U<°\I' koh1 n loo~ 1111 .l 111h h''w \lunnni when he lt-.1111\ \ll~ll "~u111g .1ht.id \\1lh lll\<llll' pnt1.l"l'lllll&' Hlun11111( t hll lnr "-ina' tlhl\"\' l'.1tm.r """ rn 1 n11c \111.11 t J".tr1· \11.1111 pt\'lrmhn~ 111 Ix h1111 .11:1,•n 111 l.l'l'P 1111 d1.11 J1k '" \J,1111 l.111 II\ .11111 gel , low Ill I 11, J • • • ANOTIU.R \\OKLU < J\' tm·, 111 ~1·1 I l'11uJ 1<1 111111 '"" 1 >n '" turn J"" n 1h.1llH 111 h1 11· \nkd "11m.111 < hn' 11.·m1111h l>Jphm 11t ,,11111·1•m in h1·r fl·"' \\ h1h \t.1, "''' R.11 hd Jl1 """ 1111¥-. 1t1hl1\"I\ l'llll"I tit•· Jlk• 111111~111~ 1111' I\, Jlhl(h1·1 IHll 111 \IJ\ \ ,llll 1111'1\ l•I Ill~ h1•f Ol\"nl •n l<J1 ! r I 1.,.., h• ''"'I"" 1.111 \ i.~t 111'\l"I ""'°ll'h' 'I"\\ \1.11k1 .111.t )Jl.1• ,hJr< h n1h"r n111n1t 111 I ,1111 1.1~< rtt 11.l·, ltn l' Ill\ I\ l.t hut \h\· \llOltllllt \ ll•\jU\"\ll\111 h1\k1:hll):\IOI h<'I IJl.1•-.1\,, '•Ill\\ lllllll t1111rl firl' < .itlin re" ut'' I .1r11 .111<111~ 1th'' to hl'lp "1th tl1 llll "" l:\ltjo!.1111'11 .... 1111 \ J\~' l\1uth l\lr mllrl" drnJ\ . . . AS TIU-; WOftLO Tl R,...~ """'lint' 111tt1 l>,1,11f, 111111.l' I unnd.i 11f11, < 1.11,' Ilk\ Jl1d rl',tflll'' hl \ \ll'llll l>U\I\ ur..ct \lo h1•n l 1h JH<'Jll\ .t.111 "Ith ti.1111...,111 \\ lwn "'"" dl\lll'l'I\ hod\ 1in hr1 p111111.·11' \ l.ir1:0 ,1 nll I r Jn I. J rl' .. 1111·\t 111 111 111-.·,11i-111· T h1 "001.ill " 11ll'n1t1t1·d ·" \Ol!H"lllll' \\ho hJ' tll•r1' n"'""~ f1•1 1h1· (\.l\I "'"Cd,, "ihJnnon llll(lhh: In \(IOIJl I th,· \lo11m.111 ,hr' hl'l'n luo~"'i hu'hir 1h1 llJ\I 11111111h .ind ,1 h.111 \fll\lll~ Ill OJI. JJk \tuJrl 'a"'' \1ar111• Imm ,, ~1111l' v.11.'1d1n.11 \tli1· l\lt'tl· .lllmll' 1hn1 h1 1n tall l.1tt.·d '"'·'"' mnthl'f \tuJn prnmt\I.'' -\Ifie 1h.11 Ill' II not h,1\l· II• 110 h.11t. II> 1h1· ,,11111.mu111 hl' hall'' \II mu1 h hut " 111 hJ \ l' 111he:1n,111111wn.1l11rd 111 J notht'r h11\p11.il l'a\111l(. \11" monc' lhJt hC' 0\!>1'' lor t1:11111\ 1 luh prc>Jt'l I \1u,1n 1·Jn1t•I\ r>l.tn\ 111 u•mpll-11· till' hurlll111g "Ir" rlun~ fl)p\ l' Ill "'1'"' 'url. .1nJ 1nh on \1a11ha11.1n 11•'"' p.1pt·r U11h111111annl "'h1·11 i...n111 r1·1urn' 111 ( l.ihtJk lor good . . . ( APITOl. \lll'I \l'l'lllll ph,11U ut I rn "11h lo..r:ll} \IC>Jnl' h1·JJ\ fm Nl'"' 'I ml "11hou1 ll'"l'a hn11 \\hal \h1• h,,, Wl'n Ill I rt'\ \lo.inr l omn 1111 lo / rll bu 1 h1.· 1chulh h1·1 v.h1•n h1 n·ah1r\ 11'1u\I un tht rrtll1unll In < uluml"ll· M.irl. .ml1 < tarn\J lt·.irn farr1.·tt'\ nJ1111.· "J 11 ah." lord} and Hn·nlltt \\JI\ h ii\ \l. .ilh '' unahk 111 nintml Im 11.1mhhna I .111•r \I. .1lh fl'l'' Hu·nJ.1 nwnn lor thr "l'1.ht111g "h11.h "'l,m·J 101 luh ~·1 \lll'f PJul.i li1n l{,111111. R1111n1 '11·al' rop' 111 l'.111lu' n1.11111\l.11p1 .ind )tl'l''l11 lo l\hrll.l l'J1il.1 'l.l"H'I "J m\lwr lhJI 'hi.' 1uulll Ix· wl'll Im hhd 11 huu~ " puhll\h1•<I t n l'<l'" 'url. 1'.1111.i ll'lh 'iloJm• 'h1· "1ll 1,1l.1• 11u 1 Jn' 'l'l llun' "h1l h "'uutJ 111l 11m111.111• T rn JnJ hurt him pt1ht1U1ll) \luum· lu1111u' "11h I holllJ \ tor not 1rllina her Jhoul I rn .ind lo..1.'11\ JJrrl'll H'\t';el' hi\ lflll' 1Jl·11111\ 111 /nl I fr 11. liJ\ll'I \h ( Jntlh.'" thl.' Inn~ thou~ht JcaJ hu\tlJ lld ut < l,tn\\a ,11\ll fJthl'r ut T \ lt-r 1 hom,I\ MJll Jlld \\ .111\ . . . . DA\'~ Of' Olli\ LI\ ES. \I. hl·n \hJ"ll hurt 111 thh m.irl..l·t rnhh1•n Hu thin k' l'Jtl h "J' "''f><lll"hl,· hul l.ill'I l1·am' 1hc \ IJ.'ll'r' "'1·11.· lu "1.tml" Ho 11·11, llurx· P<lll h h.11<'' him tx·u1u~· hl' ru1 uut 1'.1llh0 \ l'H' Jfll'I l'a1d1 ~1lkJ 1-$11·, tx·\I tn1•nJ dunng TEN WAY TO AN EARLY GRAVE l . 'our joh ('Olllt'"' fir .. t : pt'rso1'"I ('on-.idt>rution~ ure ... rc·111Hla r' 2. (;o to tht' off if'f' .. vt"nings. day~. 1lr1111 ll1 JI 1•.11rh 11rJ1•r.. "11,.IJ~I\ 111 l \lllll' Ill \,11\"m M ch\"1 hurt "h1·n I.in Jl·tm'\ 10 1rpm11•r th.it lw an1I ~h'h'''' ..,,. 1la11njl \h,1111· 111" l mmJ hl "J"'' dnur,·, lo..1mh.·1h '1·anw .. "r1•1u1 nl'll lo hl'I \Ix' 1h1111.\ \1,11 kuJ 111h'rt'''l'1I 1n I< 1d1,11tl I Ul(nK not lhfllll·ll "'1th ( .rlho11t"' rl.111111 \\1111. h•1 \11n.1,111J \k\ .ii llll' ,,11111· t11m . . . ca-:NF.RA L. llO~PITAl. I 1.11~1n11o < ".1111 111 \1•;111',1111 Ill' llull \ m, r 111';11' I h1• 111111111"'-U\\lllf th1• 1rt'J'u11: l>1\lo' Nnl "' f'll'\\llll lf11ll\ \l,111• lU '>llljll\ bul h<' mlill11·, 11, 1 '11111· .ind l.11lnf1r' tw1 \111.1111·d tu !loll\ l'r,·\1011 1111\ Ill l.1" h11 hul '"' H'\llon1h "' h11111~ hi\ hp I'"'" .ind I .im.1 ,11,1rr fr1n1dl\ m11nh·111 .1, 1h1•\ 11 ... , '"' l 1111' \ ph\ \11.11 p1ohl1•m, K 11. I. J\\tm•, l 11nrl\ hl· 111\t'~ h1·1 .11111 plan' 111~l·1·111h1·11 m.1rr1,1tt1· ll•ftl lhl'I "'i·v. h1°JJ 111 h9,p11.1I ho.mt I d\!>Md 111111 ,., nnl h) ttw 'hn,r111.1I lo111111ualh .,_.,,,~ t1H'1 l•u1l~l'I !.>. rrl. 11111·1\ \l1lo.l' tnh JI I\ \IJl1011 111111\1.111r1 un\11h'1l·J J' J\\l\l,1nt hll \11 \I' .ti IHl\pll;rl . . . C.l HU/\(, LIGllT 1<11\11· ,,11," 1<1 11,·lp lo..url ~1·1 h" i:erl·t:n \,1111 \\,llll'll unn.imh llilh S"•' l11m \ .1n1'"•'' d1.111111n.t ti!'• I. IJ<1' J\u>ll,11crat 1111 ntn pnl.1•1 g..1m1 \,1th aturday-.. Sunder•. holi- ""h'' llilh 1.uuld ll'arn \h1• "'" hi\ mothn \4. hu) kr un lo..} le ' nrtll'" ulltl\ Bllh 'Ill' Jlll'\11kn1111I 1oh In 1101"'' ut ''"Plllnt l h,11 l11th' trum '111111na '"' mnl1 1.1l 1arn·1 l ll 111\ll\'' hn 111 l"lrumh 111 Jllnlll\ Ill ~I JUll:l'll thJI he ll1ll h.t\l" J houk 10 thl' J111.11ir,· lfllllrll''' hut "'J' 1hro" 111ti. 11 11111 nut 1.1l.111i anuthr1 llrinl. \IJll l.111' l\IJ\ Jlld dullll"\ thl' hlod\ Oil J>,1, 11J', llrn11\ll'I) . . . LO\ I,...(; tun,11h,111 '"'"'' J1111 \h,111.1 "'ur1·1•11 .ind \111.r I'''' tol(t"llmr rcv dmm·t .1t I 11111.1·, \hJlhl Ul)\l'I "hl'll I 11rnJ lllll 1111u1'' I•• nH·n11un l1m .ind \hJ11,1·, fl.''' I '"' de ~·,n 1 11ndrr,1.111d n11111111 ln11.ilha11 (YohOlll l"\l"l\Ol\i' llt1lll \ I\ ~1·1tht ha~ ll\l"I I 11111.1 lo..r11h tlll'' 10 u•n' llllt; \1.1r1h.1 111 hdl' tum l'" ,1pt· Imm h" h.1"•1m 111 1!11111(1'1111 \ \ .1 cld1ghll'<I "h1·11ll11\1111 \J\' till' ll,rh\ du4.'\11·1 ha\l· 111t·11111y111' lhl' 11 't•r " h111i..,·n ,tnd hl· " 1111 1h1• m.111 to rn cl\ 1•n I ).tn< td" \1.11 \ lo !'.Cl .tlh"r l.h I. I Oil\ 1-'lll" Ill!( 1 ICl\l'I IO \l.ll' • • • RV AN'~ llOP K "·Ille 1 l'1'Jlll\ rnn "11111,nr" uu.ihk tu ll'nll'lllN'r 1:•rn1' nt 11111\hl \ht: IC'tl llo" n \\,Jlr\ Ko1wr ""rn' .1 1uhit.in1 M,111Jt1r 111.11 ".1111··, 1111·11111n \1111111 l\'lurn I 1~11 "Jiii\ l\l,1¥.111l th.II Rol(<'I \.11111111 h.· hl'I 111un.11tl·r Whrn K11¥l'I '"0"' I lj(l'r \li'jlll'd l on tr.II I h1· pl1in' 1u tdl l>,I\ <" ,1hou1 nu1k photo 'l'\\1111\ ktl ti\\' 1,11\ .tll' l'H 11·11' MJ\ th.ii ( huntl'lk '' thl' urll' ''"" 1M•J < hc\~ll' 111 prt•u,•nll '"'' v.u' C 1,1hm·lli: \111hh1111 l\'11' \la\ lhl'\ mu\I ptl\lflOlll' v.nilhng unlit 'l>hc 1.1n rc~1n lll't 111h un 11ohlt: h•lll' h\ tind1n11 \)dill'\·, mu11krl'I '-' h1k Jllfl't:· 1ng Ill help "1ohhan 111H'\ll1it-1lr \)drw\\ lllUl\kl l ,1,111 llllllllllll"\ Ill hJH' tl,1,hh..ll ._, 111 \\ ullk hl h.1ll "11h \\llm·~ r11l(hl ,ht: d11•d SANTA llARRAJ\A: "'"I. .111d i...1•11\ \IJttl" t.1111.1\\ "l'chl111j1 111 1\011111111111 lhl'lr 111\ \' I 1·J II\ Ill~ Ill I Oil\ 111\ 1 ( hn\111: thl'll rd,11111n,h1p llll'll'h pl.1111111• i...1°11) h,ll k\ oil "'h1·n ( 1111 l~'llllllt'\ 11:""01111tt' \llhuugh \l.l\11n "1klt·nl.l11111 \11ph1.1 lw h1:lll'\l'\ lhJI ,11,·" 111 t.1.' ""'"' I J1·11 hl.'f\ \11!)h1.1 nut '"pk.id g111ll\ 1t1 th\' murd1:1 < hrl\111· 11'1\"l'' 111 twl11·\l· 11·0 11111:' I J._rn C hr1'1t\' \ l,11nl\ I 1·J IJpt•ll h1·r l lfl"ll \l\l'lhl'.t!\ ( Ill/ '41\ Ill~ fll' l"k0h1'\\'\ ""llh1,1 llllltlll'lll 'tll"\1' Y>,ltll\ ( IU/ hi\ 1.ir1·1 1 "ill he f1111\hnt 11 h1· d11;•,n't 1ll• 1h1 l"k·,1 111 , .m I•• 1•1·1 "1•pl11,1 11111' 11 tnl . . . 3. On ,.,,.nin~., ~twn ~nu don't ~o to th.-offic e. ta ke 1111' l1r11•fru .. 1• humt· ~ith )1111. 4. l>rin· f a"t h••f'&UM' you'r t> latt .. <>""· Lit-fo. TO LI VE 1<.1h 1111, I >i.t1 lf.111\ '' 1k.1d Bu upwt "h1·11 \\111111\ "·""' 111 dn hi\ P\\ll nlll\ ll' \IUlll\ ~111111\ turn' """ n < 11n,1 ' rntlll''l 1h.11 'hl· pl.1' \l1m1, "'"'I n111 h~r m111twr < 1111,1 .. 1111 ";1111\ IHI lllll' 1111.1111\\ th.It \Ill' I\ ( 11ul1·tt.1 \ 11111thn ~t 111h 11.11111, hl' "'J' 111t1t111u.1 1lunntt 'h1H111np tnll\h'nl "h1k I 111,1 , 11111111111' 111 c l.11m Mnc h "·" 1111"\1'111 ,11 \h11111111i: 111:111 tl'lh I 111.1 tll' th111~' 'lw' 111111,.1·11 ~ I 111.1\IWllll\111~1\11111.iil IH>Plll>' 111 f"l\I h,111 I l,1rn ' l"lr111h1·1 111'fl'I .1 l,m \1.•1 .Ill I\,., rn Ill" n l't•tt•r '11~1'\I' I hJI 1111· (l '-l'dh 111\lllUlt' ,1 IJ\lo\1111 \ 11 l.1 1l',11lul lh,1I ti.Ill\ ,11111 "ill.I "l'll' hl\l'I\ ( 11111 '·'" h1 " •l'rt,1111 thl'\ "I'll' onh llll'ihl\ hul 1'\1'11 11 th1•\ ¥>1''1' tl\llH". hl' l11H"' \ '' ._, .111.t 11 111.il.,•\ no cl1ll\•1r1111· thJ1I ~· '' I 111J h.11l 111um·' h.tn pl111' 111 l.l'qt I ,1\,11 .11111 l<11h ,1p.11 I !\EAR< II FOK roMOIOW \\ 1)1111111 tu1111u' \~lwn h1• llu<' n11t l(t"I J p111m11111111 .11 11"-I atoll!-' ""h l'\\'r\lllll' dw l 11J \h'l Ilk' 'h1· .11111 11111(.lll 1.111 no 111111(\'I I>< m111·1lwr \,11.1 fl'\ 1'.11' 11,·1 "'""'JI 1.1kn1' Jlllf \\Ill\'\ ,I "ll)j,l k,tlUlllll! l)lltnll ,I\ lhl' h1•111 In dlc111 lu h1·lp '1111 .111d 111 <)u1n11 t.1lh 1111lh1•111111 "\11111\ '11ntt11U\"\ lu lhro" hl·rwll .11 111111.111 I n·lml!. H"t1·1 ll"d h1 I 11,1 I >.1nr" tx·~1n' 10 1111'' h1' t.1m1h \d.111 up\1·11h<11 '>hl' hJ' 11ott1·n :1 pm111111t1•n .111d <J u inn h.i\n 1 \I. \'lllh k.11\ ,h,• II nl'' 1:1 w1 <)u111n Jga111 -~. \<·1·t·pt a tl in' i1u11on .. tu nwt·ling". banqut>ts, 1·om- 6. l>on't t'&t a rt>stful. relaxing mf•al: alwa y-. plan a <'Onf t>rent't' for your lun<•h hour. mi11.-.-.. , t-tf'. -I • Rt'1ota rd fi ... hing. huntin~. ~olf. bowling, billiards, 8 • Bt>lievt' it'!> poor J)Olif'y to ta kt· a ll th .. vat·ution allowt'd you. . . . RITI Al-\ I .11 ,,.r pf111111'l'' Jrll h, 'ti q;111 I I ' d1.11111· tor thl· g11q•111ul\h1p . . . t•ard ... izardenin~ a~ a wai.lt' of time and monPy. 9. "-•·'t'r delt>f(Ul t' r t' .. p<.rn .. ibilit ) tu othe r-.; carry the .. ntir•· luacl,yuur-.1·1f at all linlt' ... I 0 • If your work call11 for traveling, work all day and drivt> all nigh1 to kee p tht' ne xt mornin~·., appointmt'nl. I l\'tf J)lllllllllt:\ lllll\I<" \ ldl'h fCll ( hJJllll il'.111' 111 .ill Jlll.itnl llrad~ ( Jrll'I pl.ill\ lo hu' "''"'P·IPl"I .ind I\ \tJtwn "''"·I,,,~, llr.11h 111 h1·.ir hl'f ""S ( anl'I 11hJl'l '' 111 < I Holl1·g1· lunt..l·ra1'l'I < artn ""'"'l'r' kll Jilli '>1id1dl1· 1n flJ"111nJt1: 1·mnr.1" YUl N<. A'r> Tilt-: RESTLl':SS: "'1U1 .1'"' '1.1 .111111 p1111h1 lllP\l'' on ''hln in an .111n11p1 111 \,1\1 hl'I 111.1111.11!.• \nn 1klr1thll'll v. 11,·11 "-• •ntt i'J'""' high 'l honl 1111l1JX'll'lll' ll"\I but turn''""' 11u.111•"11h him \Ill\ \J\\ ,111· ltl.1•, i...nnl( but d1w'n 1 hl.1• hi\ lllll llf "Cii io. llr<H" lt:IUlll\ IU c H'llllil ( II\ .1nJ ,, \IUlllWd "h1•n h1' lJlllllll 1"11111 hi\ m111twr f....l\l' 111 111"11 Hro\.k 11·11, I \lhl'I that h1 ·, h\•1 n 1n ~1111.1 ""r~tng. on ""du hunir.1·r pm1rc I I \thu ""' 111u\h 1n11·11•,11·d 111 B111; ~ lohn' ,1111d111oi1 ''"111111 11l1rrm I.'\ I 1m 1dh I r.11\ hl' II\'\ \'I 111\ nl hi\" Ill I la rll<lr l~a\\ 11 · Mount () li\e .\lcn101·ia l Parh · ~lortuur:v· Crematory 1625 Glsler Ave. Costa Mesa ~Gisler Ave. et Harbor Blvd.) I TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE 11 ACROSS 1 Telegraph code 6 M arshes 12 Italian tOOd 17 Maple genus 21 w ing pan 22 Mexican rare 23 Prete :-idt>Cl 24 Indonesian •stand 25 Bishop s ha1 26 Fros1 la cake1 27 Verb form 28 Employed 29 H1stonc periods 30 Thoroughfare abbr 3 1 Print measure 32 Savings 34 Marriage vow 2 wels 35 Declare 36 Travel direction 37 Fnvonte animal 39 Loves excess•vPly 42 Young hemr\9 45 Sawbuck 46 Property items 49 Camping shelter'> 5 t Bargain Pven1s 53 Hamelin pest 55 Srr1a11 pies 57 D1sordPrlv '•qhts 59 FP,min1ne title Sp 62 SWP<l•Sl"l measure 64 00wnp0ws 66 Worrrec. 68 S1rrp PIO"'i .. 0 AutomdtOr .. 2 R1'1QS JUI 74 f dfr'I 76 Wall 77 Whal'"I 78 Cilek beetle 80 Btem•shes 82 Challengea 84 Sea eagle 86 Akin 88 Plant stalks 90 Punc1urP 92 Jewel 94 Hurry 96 Utah s flower 97 Rules Oy SUP4"f10r power 102 LlJC1fer 104 Bandaqes 2 was 109 Calla hty 110 Arabian countr'r 112 Gossip 1 14 Unruffled 115 Eqypllan sout 1 16 Metric measurP , i8 Planted 120 FIOWPr part 122 Gloss., ' 10r·c 12J Arranqp.., theatr1 c.;illy 126 Starr ~oc;t 128 Lucky number 130 Pol•sh tength mpasurr 131 ChOOS!c'<; l'l:s Alludf' 135 Demor 137 Unit 1JI 1f'1ur..1ancl" 138 Sear r .... ., Irr 140 Mal<P ;Pr 142 Leg1sl.it• 1" tinrl 144 FPl!n" 14 7 Plurnr•" (, prr,r,1 .. rr s •.11! Br<1n< 11 151 Girl s n •f'•f• 152 Football pos111on abbr IS-l Full o f pep 156 Possessive 15ci 1no1v1duals 160 Size of shot 16 1 Thre-e-toed sloth t62 Knot 163 Wireless t 65 TV commercial 166 Greek goddess 168 Make amends 170 City m Iowa t 7 1 Concealed comb form .. / Enlarqing 1001 17 4 Shr1nlt in fP<tr .. 5 Endure 176 Ar11SI s cap 177 S tylish stanq 1;-e Sounos DOWN and papii<. 2 Oily tru1t 3 Wheel track 4 Snoozes 5 S1nu-re f, Sandpiper 7 (tlY' 1n TeJ<o!C. 8 Corr<>ct CJ Goddf'SS ol 1u'>llC" 10 W.;11 coat rq 1 , Nooti s son 12 Miilil ( t)t).11 1 EIOWIQ II ,1(l< ' 1 fiCJ1r1r ,h,rr µ. .,...,, I G 111 rriour.rJ 'f S 1v 11,rtf.pr 1 ' ( .. r our agf' 18 Jewelry weight 19 OvPqoy 20 Out of bed 33 Speck 35 Ott1ce workers 38 A1p 40 Star in Pegasus 41 Rampage 43 Abyssinian pnncP 44 Turkrsll standard 46 Ke1tledrum 47 Snare 48 Pigpens 50 Spirited horse 52 C1;iss1t1er 53 MorP uncommOf' 54 Soap plant 56 Breaks suddenly 58 Leather fastener 60 R1ght·hand pC:1ge 6 ' Concermnq 63 Roman tr11Juna1 65 Narrow OpPn1ng<; F,7 Horse lathPrs 69 Irish tarries 7 1 Range 1n Wyominq 73 Dance movements 75 Doctrine 79 Rf'l:.om~n<>e 81 Smudqe 83 Frt>nc.h µa1nter 85 Sur oe•lt 87 Hl 14 and 194 t 8Q ArrangP,menl '· Small sh,1rfts 4:1 Citrus lru11 'i'l Gr.mo lad1P<; '•~ P..ih gPnlly '1~ H;ir <1nquf' ·~ct Gr>'f'lo fellPr 100 Retl<>ct•ons 101 Tiitlor 103 ramous 105 Dutch cheese t06 Witty lampoon t07 Serviceable 108 Pun111ve 11 I More recent 11'.l Declaims wildly 117 Drill back 119 Postpone 121 Prymg bar 124 Indian mulberry 125 Noun ending 127 Texas llrPWOOd t<19 Boy in Palma 132 Snow runner 134 Reconstruct 1J6 F 1nat pertormanc.e 2 w ds 139 Web spinner 141 Burmese governor 14'j Skin decora11on 144 Art1f1c.1al waterway 145 Brown 146 Ocean movements 148 Fence s1ep I SO Sewing lines l S2 Ra1ah s wife 1 'i1 Cake layers 155 Steeveiess garmPnt 157 Chimney deposit 159 Female saints abbr !Fr f 16.J Mortar m11CM 164 F rurt clr1nk lfi') GurvP IC.7 NOun sutt11 11)Q Possess 171 Rough 1ava r 1985 UniltM1 Feervr" Synd1t•I• SEE ,l\NSW U $ IN CLAS$1FIEO Ph. 540-5554 C hl·rr' 'hnv.1·" l>al.01.1 "'llh 11111' lul1.1 and I >Jk11ta '>f"'' ulalc 1111 \\<h.11 11 ' h kl' to h.· !lrc:gnant 1h1·n d1·ndt• 111 11111,ull IA;.inJrJ C hl'fl') trll\ Roir.n h\' 'h11ulJ l/.l'I more mone~ Imm ( arta Dc;m\lr.1 Ufl'l't h\ 10111°\ drpanurc: M 1lhdll' 11\l0rh1•;11, Kt11!,l'r 1hrca1rn1ng t artcr < J ll'Jlll\ t1m1 " running 11u1 on hi\ hid 1111 thl· < hJl1111 1 on1 r<il I Jl'll fl'll'I \l'\ tk.1111\ t h11'o1t Ir um "l'lkf edwards NEWPORT 644-0760 NEWPORT CENTER BETWEEN JAMBOREE & MACARTHUR • lUCI HLIY ITIHI "BACI TO Tttf FUTUlf" I 1:JO. ):00 t:JO, 1:00. It: II (P'CJ lO .. I TUCI Ml.IT STUii "MAD MAI IEYJllO THU•RDOMf" {K· 1il 12.66, 2tOI, 4110. l:JO. 1:0 I edwards LIDO 673·8350 NEWPORT BL VO AT VIOO LIDO "THE fMfW.O FOREST" (I) 1111 Llwt "ST. ELMO'S Fllf" (II) l:U , •100. l :U 1:40, 10:0 eowards CI NEMA 546·3102 HAABOA80UlEVAAOAT ADAMS COSTA Ml SA FIM Tit llHCTll S1 !)O Ill l 00 IF llUlfUH t:•o. Jiu , 1:00, I: II, 10:20 "UPl.OlfllS" (PSJ UMnHt "SIVfHDO" (f'C· 18J l:JO, 4:1i, l tOO, 110 l'AU PllD I" 12:H . 4110, 1:20 "RAMIO'' 111 2:0 , ,, .. 10:•0 "E.T. lHf UTllATHllHlllll" I'll l21H , Jilt, t ill. ltlO. IO:U edwards MESA 646-5025 H(WPOAT 80ULt'VAAOAT t9TH 5 T COSTA MESA "THE a.1ts•· .... ,.11120 IU SH IJIJI, 41U , l:JO I Tllf FUT•" .... ,., 1141. ltll, 11111 UT Ill 1111. J1H ,, ... l 1H , IO!lt INI 01m oaur "FlfTCtt" .... flt •1JO. ll:to 1.tl Ill J:H. l1H . lllH "Tllf MAN WllH • .,.,. .. 1rc1 hf ltl 121U , 1M 41H , •1H , l :M, tl1JO edwards FOUNTAIN VALL EV 839·1500 IJllOOKHURS TA I COIN(,[ A I r)Ulll!A>N V&l l l v "HP\mll" ff'CI 11141, J1tt,l 1M IM . 11111 J llO --------~ edwards WE STBROOK 530-4401 W[STMINSllAf A ~IOJ fJRUOli. .. lJR'.' .a11r1•111 ,A!1Vl "Tiii fMHAll ftMIJ" • .,llf MIO"' fll JM, lilt. 11111 fll UL 1;41, IM , t111t "TM ...... (NJ "' "' 1111, 1111 11lfl. ., .. ,,,. ktl, l:tt. 11111 O«lf &CM!Ut A• ------~ edwards UNIVERSITY 854-8811 :AMPUS OR WEST OF CUl VEA ACROSS FROM uC1 "TMf MAN WITH Otlf IUD SHOf" I PG t11 ... 21 ... 4:JO l rJO, l:JO, 10:20 IUO lll J100 "RAMBO" '"I 1160. l:tO "lHf UGEND Of Bllllf JUN" PG· 13 I, J, I, l, t , II CUIT USTWHI "PAU llDH" IRJ 12:0 , l : 11, 1:00. 1:20. IO:ll "A VIEW TO A Kill" PG t:20. 1:40, 10:00 "FlfTCH" tPS Ui>O, 4ili. 1:0 "THE GOONlfS" (PSI 2:U , l iH , 10:40 TO •• I THC« llUT ITllH "SIVfRADn" IPG· 13) U: II, 2·4b &:20. i:OO, 10:>0 edwards WOODBRIDGE 551 ·0655 BARRANCA PARI< WAY£ A') T ()f < tJI V[ R tR 1/11\;f "THE t•llll FOIHT" II) liJO, JiU , 1:11, l :H . t0:40 "ceco." (f'C· 111 I: It, )1IO, l:U , 1:00, 101U ._--------u tO lll J:OO -,-r ______ _. "ST. flMO'S "E.T." !PG • r .. UPlORfRS" (PS Fiii(" IRI U1JO. 1:0 , S-00 11:IO. I 40, uo 12:00. 2110, 411' M l. l 1JO 1·00, I· 15. tO:U II.. l :H, 1:0 , IO:tO J edwards SADDLEBACK 581 ·5880 EL TORO ROAD Al AOCKFIELO El TORO "ST. fl.MO'S fllf" (R) l:U , •:00, 1:20 l :•O. 10110 u 50 TIL )·1)(1 .. MAO MAI IEYOllD THUNDHDOMf" (PG· 131 12:00. 2:01. •110. 1111, 1130 10:40 "THE LEGfJID OF BIWf JUN" 1PS· 13 121 It, 211t. 4:11 I: 11, I: II, IO!OI Cllll USTWMI "PAU llOffl" Ill 1:11. J:JO, l :U , 1:00. 10·11 edwards EL TORO "f.T. THE UTRATERflfSTRIAl" IPSI 12;11. 210 , 1100. l rJO, l tO "lHf MAN WITH ONE flfO SHOE" PG t.J.i,l.t.11 Cl TQAORO Al T'/Vll\jPf At<c,pLA/A 581 ·959,0 El ORO "flPLI*f U " (f'CI I lO -I llMI Nllf ITllll I lt4t. 21ot, •: 10 "CICIM"(flC.11) 1:10, l:H . 10:JI 1210 , J;ll. l iJO, 1:00, 10:JO U 50 TIL \ l)O "fMHALO HUY ITlHI HUY SllllH FOIHJ" (I) "THf '80llU" "UlllO lit U:U , 41H, l :U N llOOI 2" (I) 11 II, l:U , 1100 "FUTCff" I '81 1·>-l· l ·l · 1010 \.. 1:11, tO:H 21H ,l 14l, I01H .J edwards VIEJO TWIN 830·6990 SAN DIEGO FWY TO LA PAZ. CHAISANT A l.llSSION VIEJO "U . Tllf UTRATflllflTRIAl'' 1PG1 12141, 1111, 1141 lrtl. 10111 ' "Tllf MAI WfTH ONE RED IHOf " IPGi l21H . 21JI, 41JO l 1JO, l 1H , ttiJO "lllVHAOO" U:M , 21JO. ltOO l1JO, 10:00 I" 111 "IACI TO FUTUM" lf'CI IJ1M, J tM , l 1H l rtl, 10!20 "MAD MU lfYDMl tN·11) T--·· lh41, htl, 4tl0 1111, l1H, 11 ... edwards SOUTH COASTLAGUNA 497· 1711 SOUTH COAST HWY Al BROADWAY 1AC,u1u OUCH "PAU llOEll" 111 IJ1H , 4111, l:Jt "IAMIO" IR 1141, 1141. 111:J "UCI I TIE FUTIMf" (f'C) lt14', JIM, t1U , 1111, I01H "IT. l~I ftlf" 11 1 ...... , 1141, l tlO, 1trlt Uf lff 1111, J1H tt4t, 1:00, 111H &HO ffl J 00 ---------1 "Tiil E•IAl.D "MAD MAX llYOID fOMIT" (I) T __ .. IN-111 1itl, J1Jti l1M, Ultl, tit•. 41H . 114\. t:M l1M, 11141 1 lttl I , T, W,' ti.ff Tll IM 1Af1H11 ..... llT ... UM • , .... ,n.,. . "IACI TO "NZltl • TIMI lftlll FUTIMf" frtt ,_ .. llt 11.ffUll' fpt.111 UIAI, 11" 1., 4IH till. llll. lilt 1• •• ~ .......... ·-- Mola wins share of design honors Earns gold nuggets for Cabo. Sea bridge communities in HB Mola Development Corp or Huntington Beach walked away with one Gold Nugget grand award and four Awards of Merit for architectural and design ex· cellence at the 22nd annual "Best 1n the West" Gold Nugget Awards compet1t1on Mola Development's "Sea· bridge Villas." a waterscaped development of luxury rental condominiums in Huntington Beach, won the Grand Award for Best Apartment Complex (three stones or higher). Seabndge Village. another Huntington Beach waterscaped community ad1acent to Sea· bridge Villas. received Awards of Merit in two categories Best Residential Site Plan from 25 to 125 acres in size. and Best Medium Density Res1dent1al Community Cabe del Mar also received two Awards of Merit 1n the categories for Best Rs1den11al Site Plan and Best High Density Residential Community The award·winning Seabridge Villas collection was designed by Mc Larand. Vasquez & Partners. ~ Inc . and offers nine floor plans -from cozy studio arrange· ments to two.bedroom loft homes -to meet a variety of housing needs among renters in Orange County Each unit features such ap· potntments as wood·burntng fireplaces and ceramic tile en· tries. skylights. breakfast nooks. kitchen pantries and walk·in closets Monthly rentals range from $659 to $1,439 Seabridge Village was de· signed by the Danielian As· soc1ates architects. and com· bines trad1t1ona1 Cape Cod architecture with meandering streams. cascading waterfalls. lakes and pools The con· dom1n1ums are available 1n a variety of floor plans ranging from a one·bedroom. one·bath home with 881 square feet of living area to a two· bedroom plus den, two·bath home with 1,548 square feet of space Recreational amenities at Sea· bridge Village include a spa. swimming pool. tennis and rac· quetball courts Prices range from $120.900 Situated on the bluffs over- looking the Bolsa Chica Wildlife Preserve. Cabe del Mar is pal· terned after a Mediterranean Village Pnces start at $69.900 Precooler may take heat off energy costs Even minor repairs on air cooling systems can take a bite out of your household budget Smart homeowners save money on repair bills by practicing preventive maintenance If you have a service contract with a local heating and air 1 condtt1oning dealer. schedule a checkup of your central cooling system while it's still early 1n the season Your dealer will clean the unit s condenser. wash or replace the air filter 1f it's dirty. check the wear on the belts and fans. and 011 the motor. It's far less expensive to pay for the annual service checkup now than to wait for something maier to go wrong later 1n the season If you don't already have a maintenance contract. check the Yellow Pages for a heating and air cond1t1oning dealer 1n your area He'll be glad to give you the details of his service contract over the phone While you're lowerlng the temperature of your home. you can also cool off the energy costs on your monthly uttt1ty bills Some homeowners might want to consider a Coolpak precooler to increase the cooling efficiency of the system According to the manufacturer. Coolpak can lower operating costs by as much as 20 percent Attached to the condenser unit. 1t reduces the temperature of the outside air by passing 1t over a water panel As the water A precooler can increase your air conditioner's effl. ciency while reducing your co sts. evaporates. the air 1s cooled on its way to the condensing coll What that means is the air conditioner won't have to work as hard to cool your home Sizes are available to fit nearly every condenser rnodel. includ- ing commercial refr'1gerat1on and air cond1 t1oning systems For more 1nformat1on . ask tor a tree booklet on precoolers by writing to Floyd Carlstrom. Re· search Products Corp. tO 15 East Washington Ave , Madison. WI 53701· 1467 Or call tool free 800·356·9652 Mortgage dip over, executive predicts The home mortgage interest rate has bottomed and hopes that 11 might con· t1nue to dip probably will not be realized. predicts Sigmund Anderman, chairman and chief executive officer of CompuFund Inc . an indepen- dent computerized mortgage network "Speaking as a realist not a pessimist I can only conclude the chances of the government taking any mean· 1ngful action to reduce the nauonal deficit in the near term are indeed slim · Anderman said In Santa Ana Anderman notecJ that his firm's computer models in following the dally fluctua· t1ons of hundreds of loan offerings by more than 80 lending institutions. are a perfect platform for observ- ing the ebb and flow or mortgage banking and bro· kerage "I hope that I am wrong and that the mortgage interest rate drops another per- centage point by the end ot the year. but I believe that 1t 1s more llkely the rate will r - main f alrly flat for some months and then will start to inch up agoln. · Anderman said I Patterned after a Mediterranean Village, Cab? del Mar took two Gold Nugget Awards NB fir1n honored forCdM re1nodel The Newport Beach design firm of McCulloch Architects has won a 1985 Gold Nugget Merit Award The firm s work 1n the remodel· ing and enlarging of the Jones residence in Corona del Mar was displayed at the recent Pac1f1c Coast Builders Conference in San Francisco.. The Gold Nugget Award cat· egory s1gn1f1es the building tn· dustry s recognition of the value II of remodeling existing struc· tures. said Wilham McCulloch. prtnc1pal of the firm He said well· of Merit in competition recently. Prices start a t $69.900. , designed remodeling or reno· vat1on is especially desirable in value areas such as Newpor1 Beach and Corona del Mar The award·wtnn1ng design opened up lhe home to previous· ly unrealized ocean views and increased the size by nearly 50 percen t n the process McCulloch Architects extensive- ly altered the character of the structure ...,htle str v1ng to main· 1ain its ... ompat1btl1ty with the seaside community WORK OF ART 1/1l"'' ~1t'f1nr1 r.1.i:k l'I 1t1 11 11.11 "l1tfu /e1 t/ /71 rn />/,;1' • , • ; .. • , l l ~ f '"' • \.. ''l , \, .. " '. I , \. .. \ , ·• l ,, ' ( I 1 \(. i • ~ I ( "" r I rf ( ("I t • • (I ~""'(• • tlf"• ~,,•'* J•u.(,. ·~ r• THE CLUB SERIES • ... ~ . ' ' ' C2 Orange Co ~AILY PILOl 'Sunday, July 21, 1985 • I Lm4'-. •, Dii~'· l b Ooll.an •Ad. ITIA\, ""··I rarh. 1•111 "''I''"'""' 1 I pa""""' u r,.Jundable • t\ddalonal tu-mav !WI purrhlM'tl for l l 11tJ I'•• Ii • p,.,,. mu" br 111rlud~ 111 the' ad • I>.•·• 11111 ill'Jlh ,,, 1lw rr 11 ••I•" ,,.,.,~1 "' fi,.lp w1n1f'd cla11t1fk111ona or 1utomob1lr• pru ,.J 11\,., S:!OOll Call 642-5678 • \, .. ,1.t•I• """ '" "'"~'' I"'"•·"""''"" ..... 1111~ mt'rchanca.t [ iAllS&lmUIG1111 • THE DAILY PILOT DEADLINES ( L A !.If II [' -,. J It. I II< Ill "\.>eL I(•''°" O• ., ... ,.,...,.., ., . ,,,. , ••• , .. ,., -. .... "r ·~· ,,,,,..,. • •·· "011"1AM UOtU r:::.• f ~ ! :;: t:fvv ,,.,,,., M I '' M• 'Y,• • ,. .. A 00 AM •• 00 '-'M ~-~":'' r' ~ =-: .... =- IHHt ltr Salt j BHHI fer Salt IH1t1 ltr Salt , ...... t.r lalt ltalH ltr Salt-I IHlft fer Salt Gtatral l002j '-atral 1002 Gtatral 1002 Gtat11I 1002 Gtatral 1002 lne11l -------~ SECLOOED WATER lo PINC TREE VIEW! MOUNTAINS AP«> CITY LIGHTS TOO! Lowest priced 3 Bedroom in the prestigious guard-gated "HARBOR RIDCE CREST" Ask for : ORRIEL SMITH (res) 551-4562 LYNNE VALENTINE PROPERTIES 760-8333 ROOM FOR GROWIN' located on a large cul de sac, lots of room for fruit trees. gardens, greenhouse covd patio. Thi• super clean 4 BR home features a sunshine bright kitch, cozy fom rm w /brick fr pie. If you' re looking for o place to grow in, don't min this one. Hunt. Hrbr condo: 2BR, 2 !i'i ba. walk to beach. $148,000. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 1112 !.:•:":'"= .. :';;;: .. ;:;•=·-~'='"=":'1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;00•2 I OPEN HOUSES I SUfl>AY 1-4 1 343 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle....... .. ....... $1,6SO,OOO f'nce reduced. Baytront with shp lor lg yacht 293 Vi' Hice, Udo Isle . .. ...................... $360,00~ ... 40 N1de lot 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba high ce1hngs 239 Via lido Soud. lido Isle (11·2) ...... Sl,395,000 tr Bctylronl /1 elevc1tor. S Bdrm. boat slip 145 Via Undine. ltdo Isle ......................... $389,500 SARAH 848·4486 Century 21 Ellll'Y W db id I I ,189 OOO 37 ... hth ~ l in plett>I'( , .. modeled 3 Bdrm 40' wide lol oo r ge, n ne........ , ....... "'' 1111 FIRST TEAM W ALK-1 REALTY 3 Bdrm mur ly Narr • .trlly lc1\lf'lul B White 601 Via lido Hord. lido Isle ............. $550.000 N W 2BR 1 •ba Springs $ 85,400 * EXCITING NEW LISTING * LIDO ISLE CHARMER OPEN TODAY 1-5 · I 3 Bdrm 2 bath, ltimily rm, POOi Harbor View ..... $349,000 ..... 1806 Port Westbourne I pp THI I •1NHI : W B :1BR 2 1ba Brdnston $139 500 w B 2BR 2ba den Briarcliff S 162 500 4 Bdrm Pottolino ~huller~ spc1 M Gr.JvP'> 1330 Galaiy DY NB.... .. . ...... $600.000 Harbor View Hiiis .......... $385,000 .......... 1301 Keel f Jnlc1'>t1C. lloor plan & pool wc1 & v1l!w T R 2BR 2ba Avalon S 152.900 T A 2BA 2ba Sage s 156,900 r P 2mster 2 1ba FR Eaton S 159 900 ~ j J Bdrm 211 tJa view <,potle\\ M vori Geldern 1200 Berkshire lane. NB (1-5) ..... $259,000 . WPstctill 3 Bdrm fJm111 hOm .. on IR lot Spyglass ................ $523 ,000 ................ 11 Ttburon 1 NW JBR 3t:>a, FR Plan 203 $184.900 T A JBR 2 ,011 FR D·1on $169.500 I 818 VIA LIDO SOUD 4 Bdrm. m.isler su1ll' weat view B !iJrnnRton 12 Escapade Ct. NB (2·5) ................... Sl 70,000 T R JBR 3ba Pe1ers Plan D $309 900 T R 4BR 2 oa FR Plan 100 $359.000 That wonderful "Olde" quality feeling, yet new, modern and popular appointments. Totally refreshing and most inviting. H rbo V. Hill $369 000 982 S d ti Newport Crest 3 Bdrm ?1 ba pool tennis 1 r iew s...... . ...... an eas e T R 4BR 2 1ba FR den bonus $429,900 Adrrenne 85 7 212 1 Multi M1ll1on $$ Producer 3 Bdrm oce.in v1Pw pool B Hulch1nl('> 13 Barone Ct, N8 (1-5) ............................. $184,000 Olde CDM .......... $850,000 .......... 3300 Oce1n Blwd. NPw 11st1n~ Newport Cmt 3 Bdrm~ 3 bath'> $ Rdrm se*' 11 c1il v l'W M Rousselot 1063 Dover DY. Westc5ff ....................... $134,900 Bta1t1 101 Salt ! Ho .. 11 ftr Sale Gtatral 1002 '9ntral 1002 WOl'T IHT THIS! IF A E E M A R I( E T 6 bdrm. 6 bath 4000 SQ " I AN Al VSIS OF VOUR beautiful ESTATE nome REA ESTATE CAll w/pool private yard PAT R CI( r ENO A E VACANTI GRUT BUYI Cul-de-sac location in beautiful Uni- versi ty Park Enioy pools, spas, ten- nis Near all conveniences 2 BR, den l3 • ba Vaulted ce11tngs, formal dining rm, atrium off master Br. Move-in cond1t1on Many new ex-· tras $153,900 Helen Agent. 786-5960, 786-1 402 Choice "East End" lido Soud corner. 3 Bdrm (2 +Den). Central air. $399,000 or lse/opt. at $1700/mo. Easy to own at 10% down. Olde CDM ........ from $229,500 ........ Jasmine it 4th New 2 & 3 Bdrm Condominiums R Jagner Olde CDM .............. $495.000 .............. 40 1 Begonia 3 Bdrm pool & v1Pw R $1e!L Unbeoevable hqu1dat1on 63, t26b I at only $289 500 wlTEAMS• Won'1 last 1 •; ~ ~ , \:ca Patnck Tenore 631 12ss aii\t!.i .. liiiil :;.~;:.:~: .!.~:.~.:.:: '"I FIRST TUM WAUC·IN REAlTY NEW LISTINGS SH VIEW $390,000 Expanded. customized 3 BR Nantucket with ocean view. Lovely wood trims. french doors. added family area & pool-size yard Assumable financing WEST NEWf'ORT $475,000 Delightful oceanfront beach house on the sand 1ust steps to the water 3 BR 2 BA enclosed patio Mll'IOR VIEW MILLS Beautifully decorated and upgraded finest Harbor Vtew Hills location view Don t miss 1t -priced to sell $419,700 E Pian in Wonderful CDM IUFROIT S5 75,000 Deltghtful Ma1-Ka1 with extra wide deck over- looking all boating act1v1ty with view to the ietty 2 BR, leaded glass entry doors pr1va1e pa tio II' CAMYO• S739,000 A unrq4f! combination or location design and value 1n this former model home 4 BR family room and gorgeous garden with pool spa and ko1 pond "' CHYON St45.000 Fantastic remodeled and eirpanded Plan 1 5 BR. separate master SU1te eYtra large family room large private lot WEST HWf'ORT S1.150,000 The finest 1n oceanfront living Exceptional de· tail throughout Rec room tor unending enter- tainment Elegant master suite PENINSULA f'UllSU LA $186,000 4 houses from Bay Beach on Island Ave Prop- erty at lot value but does have a 2 BR 1 BA liveable home Walk to oceanfront or shopping area PUllSUU IHOME S226,000 Hit the 1ackpot w1lh not on~ bur two homes Steps to ocean or bay Be a landlord and en1ot llVlng at the beach f'HIHULA S231,000 3 BR stucco homf' 1r great tower peninsula location f 1cellent start'.?r house 2nd home or build new Call for <tppo1ntment PHllSULA $416,000 Located 1 block to ocean or bay Master bedroom with fireplace den 2 other BR and baths, family room formal DR An exceptional home at a bargain price HLIOA f'HIHIU 1420,000 Super 4 BR. 3i1, BA tam1lf r1ome on lower point one block from ocean or bay Opportunity 10 acquire an outstanding homP. at a reduced price due to bank repossession f'HIHIU 1426,000 Upgraded proper11 Ott WP.~t Bay Ave OwnE!r occup ied 3 BR 1 BR unit<;, with ocean and bay view Plantation shultPrs beautiful d~cor move-in cond111on NlllHU 1&25,000 Lov8'y trad1t1ona1 314 bedroom home on large. secluded lot Spectacular Diane Johnc;on kitchen complete with 6 burner commercial range Extensive woodwork spa A MEMBER OF THE ' SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK REAL ESTATE ---- OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY TUllTLEllOCI IH 12 Sierra Stet 4 BR FR $219 000 G AN DERSON COllOH DU MAii U Whitewater 2 BR Den $287 500 S MARVIN llAlllOll VIEW MOMU 1142 Pert Stirli"I 5 BR FR $334 000 C BALDIKOSKI COllOH OU IAfl 12U la1si4t Dr 2 BR Baytront $475 000 L ROSE llAlllOll YIEW MIUS 2727 Wi•4ower 4 BR FR $499 700 G LIVINGSTON CH IATFllO•T 1133 laysl4t Ir 5 BR 3 slips $995 000 E CORKETT SUllDlY llYCIUST 2001 c •••• ,.,. "J BR FR $239 500 L MARSTON COllOH DEL Mlll U Whitewater 2 BR Den S287 500 S MARVIN N&lllOll YIEW MILLS t033 Tiller 4 BR Leasehold $319.000 C KALINA J&SllH CREEi 11 Jetty 3 BR FA $325 000 (,. McMAHAN LITTLE HLIO& ISUllD 213 ,,..,, .. 1 1 BR $327 500 T BOLAND NAlllOll VIEW MOIU 1142 Ptr1 Stirli•& 'BR FR ~334 000 L SHAW NAlllOR VIEW MILLS 1421 , .. , "·BR FR $340 000 E OLSON lrY&USS 40 lrahs 111 II BA FA $389 000 M REEDY SU VIEW 11011 hollt b ollHtrtn I BA $399 000 G ANDERSON LIDO ISLE 231 Via llHt1111 l BA FR $430.000 C RUMSFELD SUYIEW 1111 hollt bolla•tren II BR FR $439 000 G ANDERSON MAlllOR VIEW MILLS 2127 WldtHr 4 BR FR $499 700 L McLOON CAMEO SltORU •• 11 Orrl•ctH i BR Study. Fee $52<;1000 K PARKER LIDO ISLE 200 Yla ltHI .., BR FR $'>50 000 C EADIE ll&lllOR Yl£W lllLU 1107 Marlltr Yitw Ir 3 BR. FR, Spa $!'l95,000 E. CORKETT s"'uu 221 ....... ( BR FR Vu $650 000 B REEDY II' CAIYH 10 ., .... ,. 4 BR FA.P t S $750,000 L ROSE SNORE CLIFFS u• •r•••1 o .. , .. 4 BR, FR $759 000 K RANGER Cll IAYFHIT 1121 l11''4t Ir 5 BR. 3 slips $995,000 J AKERMAN MAHOR YllW MILLI 1111,000 Prtvate 4 BR popular Carmel Plan. Nice Sile lot. so perfect to expand Lovely ocean and bay views out back of home leasehold CAIH HORH 1121,000 Ocean/Jetty view. 2 BA with study and off. garage workroom Professionally landscaped with beautiful large courtyard CHOH DU MAR 1111,000 View view view En1oy the breAthtaking sights of Newport Harbor, ocean and city lights from the expansive patio and terraced gardens. 644-9060 U~l()Uf: tl()M~\ Rl!"Al TORS. 675-6000 2443 EHt Cout Hlqhw•v. Cmona d"I Mar ,ElllHUU OCEHFROIT $420,000 Builders, developers or honeymooners-do not miss this cheerful garage apartment with great potential to develop the ocean side No boardwalk LIDO COHO IUFROIT Sl50,000 Expansive view from bay to mountains Beauti- fully decorated with extensive wood cabinets. 24 hour security I PUUISUU IUFROIT UH,000 Fun bayfront with tw~ living rooms Exterior stairs for the kids Tile. red brrck patio. spa. bu1l t-1n BBQ plus boat slip PUllSULA OCEANFRONT $791,000 Lower peninsula location sand dunes & ocean tor your front yard Charming 3 BR home with large brick patio entry. extensive use of woods f'HllHU S 1, 100,000 East Oceanfront location rh1s exceptionally constructed 5 BR • den home has hardwood floors. subtle deco~ and an endless ocean view f'ElllNSUU S 1,215,000 Garden entry to this emotionally appealing and spacious 4 BR home lanai across front over- looking sandy beach and dock on so· frontage f'EllllSUU IAYFROllT S 1,500,000 3 story home on exclusive Buena Vista Superb construc tion thruout center garden atrium 5 BR. 6 BA, 3 fireplaces. elevator. separate beach lot and dock. LIHA IUFROIT 12,300,000 Trad1t1ona1 4 bedroom home with main turning basin view Oualtty construction with line furniture butlt-1ns. and on fee land NEWPORT BEACH IEWf'ORT IUCM S 121,000 Next to largest unit at beauttful Versailles. gated community 1 BR, large den. 2 full baths Closest unit to fabulous pool and clubhouse area HWf'ORT HOLLS S 141,100 Perfect for singles or couples of any age with 2 master suites, attached two-car garage. offers securi.ty. quiet location and community pool. Loan is assumable NHIOR YllW MOIH $234,100 Immaculate Portoflno, large private yard Re- cently painted inside and out New copper plumbing, lovely neutral decor Oustandtng value and price! WHTOllFF 1120,000 Wonderful Cape Cod style family home. large specious rooms throughout. separate master suite. plus children's rooms Family room w/handsome stone fireplace opens to pool/spa area. New kitchen w/eatlng area SHVllW Ull,000 This Is the view you have walled fo r! Ocean, city lights and mountains 3 BR Nantuc ket. large yard. room for poof or an add1t1on Excellent financing LIN llU 1110,000 60' frontage on Genoa. corner of Plana Specious one-story home. large center patio with spa gives this property a great combination of Indoor-outdoor llVlng 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD., NEWPORT BEACH -- 2 Bd 21, Dath townhome POOL •• ......_. 673-7300 --3jll Via l•do lido Realty Ntwpor! Bedth Ca1otorn1a Colesworthy & Co. J~ Jl . µ,. 'J '-'·''.-1~1'1 • l. e 't. ·~ 254~ EASTBLUFF OR NEWPORT BEACH CA 640..()()20 MILLION DOLLAR VIEW Front row on the Bay-3 Bdrms & den. 3 baths or 2 Bdrms plus suite tor in-1.aws. ltve-tn help or perfect tn home off1ce-w1th separate outside entrance 50x16' view deck Another new listing by JOY OF NEWPORT OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 2001 VISTA CAUDAL ANOTHER NEW LISTING LOOKING FOR SOMETH ING SPECIAL? Like a starter home-pnce includes land 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. neutral tones $169 000-ready for move in A JOY OF NEWPORT LISTING EASTBLUFF FAMILY HOME Newport's nicest family neigh· borhood. Convenient to Village shop- ping and all schools 4 Bdrms. warm family room. gorgeous and very pn- vate pool & spa Energy eft1c1ent solar system Fast possession possible $265,000 L H. Gayle Foll1ngstad's Best Eastbluff listing LOWEST PRICE BACK BAY VIEW This 1s the popular sunny 'Delores· plan 3 Bdrm. 2 ''' bath end unit with extra wide lot Seller wants otters A soltd value at $269 000 You own the land A 1tst1ng by Nancy Peterson IF PRIVACY PLEASES Broad wrap-around patio -currently overgrown but 1ust a little Large one level Linda plan with vaulted open beam ceilings Gorgeous mas- ter suite convenient to pool Excel- lent price $170.000 L H A listing by Phyllis Goggro ANOTHER NEW LISTING Outstanding 'Guadelupe' plan 5 yrs new. mint cond with many extras Light & bright end unit surrounded by wide greenbelt, some water view & fantastic sunsets 3 spacious Bdrms. P • baths. cathedral ce11tngs. move in condition You own the land $269.500 A listing by Phyllis Gogg10 Ooen for inspection SUNDAY 1-5 1984 VISTA. CAUDAL r•.U U llf C.. re! 1) ,h" ,( -f) C lit'; • •on IVlllU ;:)~ {'~ ~~ ~ u(/' U •I ----....... "' c,., ' '°'-'-•llit ----0 •-1• . •'--'•" """" • '. • • ,.. I\ l ,. f/11 I aH. ~ I ' • t '"' • --- . . ... -'" ..... .... " .. , .... Gt11rll 100 •• .,.. I 112 I GrubhfiEllis PlllOE llEDUOTIOll S 1 lt,000 A beist hu y Easts1d(' Costa M :"!SU, ou~wnd1ng Span1~h '>tylt> homt• on large• <.·ornl·r lol J txodroom.'I, ~i baths. dining <in.«1. '1nglC1 story Rt•· modc•lt•d k11t·ht·n plus many amt•ntltl''i K V dLH'Sb Donn<i Gutl sh<1ll IU&llT PRICE COllDO 1134.IOO Vc•r y prtv<1ll· ouL..,t.1ndang two story. two tx'<.lruorn.-. two & hCJll bathR "c:undo" <.·ath('dr<1I ceilings with fo('l111g of --~(ll>U'>IWSS light and airy Wrap .1ruunu patto One block l<1 "h<x>b .rnd -.hopping l'rt<.<"d to ~II Donnc_t Gocbh.111 llHAllT Ill USTILUFF 1412,500 FH An t•Xt'<.'UltVL• couple's "dream" Ownt·r butldL·r h.i...' tn.•<tt«d a uniqut• l heir -1 he1th homE< with t'X lraurdtn<.ry fi.imtly room. "Has and He·~" hc.ith-. ;.ind t lci-..·ts Sparkling ~101 . lcJrgt• vard H..tll1P Strcxk FlUASTIC YIEWS 011 IUi CAllYOt&OLF COURSE S 1,375,000 Cust•1m horn<· on 3rd Tt·C' llH ludes -1 lx·drooms :1 baths 'k!Ulld largt• fctm1ly room v.llh wt·t bcJr. <tnd gaml' room Un1qu1· bndgt· trOSM·s OVl.'r 'iWlmmrng pool to ..,pa F...d D>t :mo Maun'f•n Whitt· LOCATIOll- LOOATIOll-LOOATIOll HH.000 3 lx'Clroom. l ' i bath "Jodelll'" ong tn<.11 n11.xl<·I with (•xtr<t large lot, spN.:t<1tUldr rl(C'an bay dnd night ltghL'> \'lt•w µlus -.t'<. ludt•d ~p<t. St• cuntv gatt-d community offering pool .ind lt•nnis fa< 1ltt1t~ Lc·nder ~1111..rry ftndncang Call for rl<·l<ltls M.iun•l·n F.d/Sand11· COUllTRY FRHCM MAMOR U ,121,000 Ovt•r 7.000 ''-I ft of luxurious ltv 1n~ All mc.JUr ruum-.. vc·r<1ndo. and pool ('nJOV ... pec·t.a<'Ul..r IX'l'an/bay view' Prtu• 1 m I udt"• l'lc·g<tn t turnt">hing~ Color hr<x hur•• ovml <1hl<· Ed E.'-< \tnlJ M.1urf'en Whitt PERFECTIOll HYFllOllT u .uo.ooo M.i~mftl c·nt t ust11m h11rrw 111 ..,tom· ;ind gla:>.'> 1>1w of N1 ~purl' llarhur "'"'t 1·xc 1llng lex .1t1on1'·•1( hin Lind ]<'It\. Vll'W 3 hdr 1mlud1nf.{ m.cr\ t•lou~ mastt·r -.11111 · \\Ith l1br.irv <md f irPpl.t< f' St·p.1r.t11 dn1 & due k R.11 harn t\urw A LOWEST "UCH IAY f ltOllT NOME $420,000 l.M. Dov1 r Shore•" $·1.!0,0UO lt·aseholJ Sbi5 :'">00 f(•t pmt· (;rc•<tt bay and NC'wp<Jrt Ct•ntc·r Vlt'W :i ~wdroums d1•n dining roon1 1w11 ftrt·plate'> '>p.tu• for 1h11·« blMl'> BarhJra Aurw HACH DUPUI StH,000 L1v(• tn this t'X' llrnli_( 'A · fr.tmt• r{'Sldl·nn· •. bloc. k In bay, .ind orw blrxk to ()(.f·an En.1ov th<: ))(•nf'ftt nf d un11 11vt•r tht· gor.1gc· Ann PMt•r... lO ' IUFROIT YILU U ,I00.000 In the Spanish Colonial styl£>·total ly n·novated a nd dPmratE'Cl 4 bdr . main hous<' and n<•w gut"St hoUM.• Large• pier and slap w11J ac't·omoddtt.• 2 largC' booL'i Sandy bea<:h Vt{'W to the main turning basin Stt•ps from Newport Harbor Y C Offer~ furnished at $2.500,000 ind land M ar tha Macnab IALI0&-4USTOM 1311.000 4 br 4 b.1 two story horn(· r£'<t•ntlv rc•mod<•lf'<J with old world L'r afLsman .. h1p and c·harm Stc•ps to th<' best ocean beachl's Extra boat or t'ar -.turage $369.000 1ndudt•s tlw l<md ~larthd Macnab 1100EH Siil OF MllllWU,. S4H,IOO V1t'tc>r1<1 fl<'ath -l.agun.1 charrh homt• an 1mm1-1c·ulat£' umd11mn w1th1n two hluck1' of hc·a< h Thn·t· l:.><'drt.1C>m'. 1wo h.ith'> Suhrntl all off !'rs Connw tvfo>.1<l·nl1 Ill CAIYOI· YERSAILLH MOIEL UH.000 On<· of uur vNy lx">t uppor tuni~tl'S today' Include"' -1 heir . ·11 ha . pool & spa. uty v1<'w . assum;1bh• finanC' ang. and 1mm1'<l1att• n<'C up.ml y p<>--.c; tbl<' Oannv Btbh Swph.mu• (;rody OClH HHZH, HUH SAii 1471,000 Yours. an tht' tf'nlcr of Nf'w11ort &>a h At th<' Pnd of 29th St ;rnd thP s.'lnd R 2 propNtV w11h duplf•x J,nv('ly upscale ~·n~lt· fumtlv tr1•nd an•._1 Only S47~.ooo for " qut<'k f"!K'row cJO(I(• und 'lummrr ph•.i5urc-s Tum Alhnli<>n '911YATI LIOATIOI HH,000 Thi~ !Wlph1~t1rntwl homt• 1s mm plf'tn('ntro hy th lthrarv miJIW<'nt to hoth th<' h v mg room and ma.1tN 11ultf' A ~'<·nnd bt-droom and d ('n mmpll'te th1" dramatic d1•"t$(f\ F'.d F.<K.mo MnurN•n Whitt• "ii 2 CIVIC PUZI, SUITE 100 844-8!00 Orange Coast OAIL Y PILOT /$unct1y, July 21. 1985 CS ... HIT llPT noan II TIWJ a PltOI llHICUI PHFHT FH USTlll( SPECIAL I 1•1,100 PllOFElllll&l II antlH CHPU DON'T BE FOOLED by ttw 1111101~1 bcu·11111 nu, houY• I~ bt-uUll(ul & rot;my Yuu mu~l ..... lu Jpprt'(taU.• ('r,.r~man rt>n.udt'l•.,I Juu. of l1t•.iut1ful Wutxl. l'h·111..nt md~l(•r :.Ullt' (;or"t•ou' v,mJ with .. as~ llirt· pli1nL~ und hu1w P<X)L 1 umpt .. u• priv"' y qu11'1 ne1ght..;n .1 llr !. ti.. fm rm Av.111 now Only SU9.Cl00' Opt>n Sun I ~ Thi~ homt• ts SP<'< 1dl 1 L1k1 · lll'W 1m ma< ulalt' l'Ond1t1011 W1•ll .1ppt1111tt>d comfortablt> living dfl·tt~ .! hugl tnill> USTSlll I IEHOOM 1114,tOO Light an<l a11 v floor pl.111 with famtl) room and fw rnal dining r uorn Quwt luu1tton al'ro~ from -.n1Jll purk Come• '>t't· this uu~toncJing v..ilU(' ULlllllWI ter suttt:'!> 2 1 2 buths End umt Rrnk ~ patio with private SJ>d n.. • .. , ~.nf1ttt1t1 ,. ... te ,.,. e. a.. Otllf. ........ HWtr ........ ·~ ... 1411,000. l1WI M IM tl11U4f..117t JJh :i!lnd St Easis1dt· Ct.st..; M1..,.. tWIH CU ULL llllOT 141-2241 111---. .... 111. .... ....,, .. DOVEi SIOllEI IA YFllOIT Ill CHIU Ill Ill MOBllf HOMES 118,000 ti 142,800 LOOKS IEW-HIS VIEW leo• Fer Lare• ltet Channing 3 bdrm, den & 3 bath Move in condi tion, parque t floors. new crpts & drps You own the land Vac-ant for quick e:icrow Or1v<· by .$695,000. Owner. IWl ... f ICW YIF#I 240 .... , ,,, •• WJIJh th• wuv~ 1r.13h1njj "'' L11tl1 l t11 11n.1 Bt·<Kh from thll> n•m. .. lt'lt..J I Bi{ .! HA + lull h"""n n~tlt'(j m tht lu .. h 1 """"" v. ""'" ,urt & ...,nd vww,, plu'4 v. .. rm th ,,f u~ .. i hm k •Wlnl"ff Ex< 1•ll1·111 p..rk' 111 N1•"' p•irt Ao .. , ti ,! HH .:. 1 .. , "'Ith ~1t1I 'P.' •"-' 1 Juhh•iu.... l HH ""1lh 11llf1'(i ,;.b.,n.1 tn< lut11 ... a.~ 'I.It 1" .'I. J•\ l !1t ,,, h Lov. >pal I rt•rtl (' 111 (1Jr <'<1lllJ>f<'t1• h '" I~ .i Bdrrru> up w huge sundeck, 2 Bdrms. dn. 2 baths & fireplace in f'a('h untt View of ocean. park & a little bay 10% dn & owe Asking $299.000 IPH UT /HI 1·1 •OI lltrttl Ster La. gl.t.s.\, hardw••l(I "'"''"' /\t 'k \ lil(hL' S7'..!:'i l)()(J SANl>S IN\ ~TMf 'llT'i ,-111 7'1'1 91170 t!!'.!§3~!1848-7171 JACOBS REAL TY lllC. Hl-1110 tr 131-7131 OPH SIT SH 11-1 675-6670 Elegant 4 Bdrm 2 1 Baths home with atrtum entrance. lam1ly room with fire- place Ready to move in new paint 1ns1de and out luxurious new carpeting Well landscaped. pool size lot on quiet street Jt,.nlll•• f .. 11;.,,,,, u ,.11flr1r DOVH SttOIEI GIANT 1446,000 Sp.it IOU' " &lrm tnl rud1 ... !'v1dtc1 ' 'IUdl u•r., EntNt..11m·r"· df•hli(I 1 v. 1th m;.n' .11111 111t1t·' 1m ludtnfi( v.•·t li.11 ,'\i '~'·' Y1.u 111.\n lh1 I.ind' Hi•'t b11' 111 , ,,.r, d1., ltr11.(u1~ht'(l 111mmun1l\ ti5!!§i=t!1 848-7171 l;:;;a.;;. .. _.;..;;._._ •• _,..;s..,a1_. ____ 1c. .. 111 1002 11 ..... for Salt a ..... ftr Sale Hoaaea for Salt a ..... fer Salt I 811111 ftr S.lt 811111 ftr Salt -------;;;;;;;;;;;:_~: Gt .. ral 1002 Gt .. ral 1002 Coron• dtl Mu 1022 Corou ••I Mu 1022 Costa Mn1 1024 RHt. BarM.r 1042 ; IH· I I I I flHIOH HPUI llWPT Clll HLFRHT IRVlllE TERRACE fORTRESS,LIQUllATIOlt •BE.A .n1~ conoo Jp MOYIH UP? ~ ':~:;;F~~c~T ;.:1•1:~, COllllOIA IEL .. ,.. An unt>elle t>le 120 on UECLUTIYE NOME 1New 6000 SQ II 6 t:itlrm • .,•.JdP• JBr l e .. •arr I)"",,"' Aqt '""' traOP gru• 1.__.J !arms 8"6-a.14 Siu Pr1me corner locallon on Ille water light & L 1 h all act e oatll .riew esta11< w 7 ~•• '"' "pr-r ,., 6 "°°' Near 2 st1 Spygtus oc.ear. the ocean side of PCH spacious It.Vong room witn ove ' ome •n ' •Y garanp pool '\pa sauna I' l S" ' '"and S?20 000 , .,.,. • " \mallPr • orrt> I lrplc and Chennel "1ews l()(:al!on ott,.r~ tte ~r Y V"""'" 64 '44' rust a few blocks rom the remo<leled ~•!Chen 2 I 1ec1 ,.41tt,nQ tor,,, •i:ir1a1n set:i ma•d!> Qrtr ~ muct1 aup1;;o• ,, area beach Spacious 3 Bdrm 0drms 2 t:>a • famil 1ng 1mmacu c1 t e 4 morf!' Secur 1, 8 TI TRY THIS' OPP, 5.A • '>.J'. • S 1 \C k n (.II 1 1' I ' l 044 I I I I t •I ;.' .. "~· .. ·------- owners unit with fife-room T"'-r-s a nice sidey 0edn ,,.,.. J Batt· J<'d tor '>V' 1Pillotnce rrioni1or ~ * • * 1 TN •· 1.A KES ·59 1 44~ place bulll1n kitchen & '"" 0 m ai .j.r ~g oom B-'aut , ... ,u >-ut prop r almo~t •,o ", D P Et .,~ r ' p1rno • 2BR garage apt yard ano a waterlronrrer fully anosc.iped super 1 acre S.ic.• lite iH ,., • c i ic•, ...,'> Oras11cally reduced by1 race leading to private large lot ,,.. Irvine Terrace S625 000 w 1erms rir ~8"~' A,: .>~?~.0 38' SNORECLIFFS JEWEL .. ~EDu ED s io"' E s ae HST HY II llrY Pl "'a nae• eoo •wn11omt> Joo Just eouceo S20rt No.. 1t:>a "'' con<l --~ oniv $148 000 fw/l1no> out ol town seller to 1ust dock ;or a very largfl ...,.1r, a poo1 pflvac.v and trade Pa tr c~ T PnorP , A CO•"t'' • w•I" ' "'''trees • ,,.. o O• 1 •9 900 l"Ow 48r , 200 s I townhome $289 500' boat err11ic poten11e1 at ,,,_ S485 000 759 •SO t 63 t 1266 COM CLASSIC .ir :l -~ ~ard~ ~ t:>ac~ 34 . A E 1811' S· I • 11111 ..... * :JWE'> • PR•CE'" E "111 I "1' JUSt S395 000 ~59· t l ard room •o• PoO• and c114)673-4400 -~1~~~·:•,1<::~1 1 1;~:;w:ca 0, ·!.?"·~~:~!0~c·: .. ! ~~~,.,10~ ~~~:"·~d .... ;:~~ ~ "1P 30 ~ ..... g .. IQ' 714 114-UH S 3t» 3 1" E 19t" St • )WEST PRICE 2Bt RSJ -· ~·-•... , D dued ') " 1 <1"0 orP'\ltQfl U 1-IO 11 ' lla<i Suoer 1ignt end Rl At £ 'u 1 £ r o ~Q " • eo""'' .. r.a up., ~ M • c, • l'lome MESA Yf "IE &ll"M • 831-1400 I .. ,, Cl'1 1"t: .,,... I 0""" ., s • r q ' 3 BP~~· •v •vec ""'tertain-,_________ OPE• SUllDAY 1·5 " "'•1"'!1 '"' formal d' 0,.0,C'>,m~ •ar. , •oo,.. -p• • "O"'P 3200 \ ' nc1 LllE llEW 220 NICE LANE 9P ....... '"" ..... ~\I Pr ~u Ip 8''11.l 'Or'"l,j .:: r,r ~ •oo~ • ''"'~ J P v '<I"' '!'!l h· Buvers ano se11er5 meet CAIALFROllT 1210 000 240 111 1CE LA"lE ., "''• """ •• '"" ,, • • v p,.. "nm , "If •00,,, , •ot•w o• tf•(f! fi'""a' ::~·~6~~' ,.. ClilSS·liP(l 'Quality built 7 years 'new , •• , .... Isl••~ Cottlos Jf'V (1 i.s ,. ~1·.-e1 par~ Ll n .. g ~·· j ... 'C,., l't" A "'""C" .• , gar fam11ynomewctl\several Ora511c reductoon "' ng tor RVo• 10107car ~ Ownpr will ca"• a "''~e ,_,., .. :>vO ,oa w solar ---llliiirilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim _________ de<:kr. for water ;ind night Pentllouse Co"<l' 11 '" Re<lurPJ IQ $409 '100 2no ~ • "'1 arr, '"" '""' & e•tfl"S ~,. and lights v•ew1ng Many cu, VIEW ! 8Pd dttn ,~, 220 A<;M !liE AVF )P~~ ISi • _ " ~ur~· 1r• a \ .iip•niO or v o• "' R\I VIEW VIEW VIEW CAMEO HIGHLANDS tom feature• an toque 11g~1' ;au11ed Cf'lf•ng, SA• S "4 1 S 644 ·2 11 'JOw'" P3t"'"' I A '"r" '' " ,.~\ , s.u "it stained glass built-In vac Only s 14 7 000 1•4· 7211 rpring S414 vOO fl(.lvOPS A,, .,m Sl/51< I & sale 3 0drms J batllll ~ !'le 1ana S:''8' ""'" " •.•. !>'64 Spacious and beautiful 4 Bdrm rc><;1 of Ille lll'le l<1tchen wllll e<!. 'jf" lt•S largt>. Bf'd \ \\II•<• H ' "'*"'~" lle•O,. 1ge .A .·Q~ and den a wonder1ul top REDUCED An , ou'i 1'"' -• .,.,,. 2t.J Jenn;me range 2 wet :.>tia Qlll "tcnfi'" ,,,,,,.,. ~ 11''"1 " "" ~,.. n OPEN SA' S.1111 d e nce With sweeping ocean/jetty I baaplusmaoyaOditional oon1ngS 179500 _, Q·• • '• t ~ S•3q soo 545 , • .te Vl"'W Two firepl aces. solar heated amen111es Price includes A E OU C ED· 1 0 R ·den Cd'-A 5 ~ R 4'> '"" tradf' ~ 831·1400 "'" moont<J•n & min a~.. •or o"'m rdus, , ~~ llR IOME WITM water system Ow-ner says must Sf'll the and 63 1 1400 See 'EIY ner "'" '•o.lt' OP~·· HOlJSE s ., S\Jr --------· Pat Ktonl on Sunday at UP Now s 158 000 I 5 bJ • .i 1 < • ":i I 'J4 I usn'L TWIS llOM".. UHE SEP FAMILY RM 1mmed1ately. Good assumable loan 209 Canal 1 5PM II " ~ H~•d .... ood llorr~ I ... rri111~f' artt all newer un•t' r us ·ov o PL E. '( sour-" 1 $369,QQO includes land a IOW to t:>eacn Y!CUf '5"' f'IP tf'f'o fll• USlvl' C. I' v•<l OA' -' f'' •'L ISLI COTT'CE 1 B•h' :lP .,.. o• ,. c<t• '"'""'.! ..,,... """" ,,,, JOYCE DA.BOLT 11 • 11 Iv c ,mmv'11ty 611 I ~ I() • ,. .t' 0' 1";11" '" f'O A traditional Island 'lC' t ,. :uti '""0 P;i.,• J'""P' •Bv·n:, • rBa , , ,h1 .-.ar S P~ • ._ ask for Bea Ar'lOld Ag! p • ~o c.4 , • c: """ • •· ,. < 7 S ALLY SHIPLEY 1co11ege tor a wflekend r.i re~ • • • owl'"' D"',. u 1., I.JV\, ROY MoCARIL( RLTR. OPEN HOUSE SUND.a.y 1 SPM treat or w1nter1summar -OuPtf " 101, tli ,.11 ,,. • o•Qo>st• ••:l.!11' "' • rental property On .. of \\ '11 HI HI'' 1 4'ot "' f'rl J' S 4Q OOf IU-1721 4801 SURREY DRIVE-COM 11\e ,.,.... 2 bdrm llOmes 111 '" ' In• S<' • on. -'"ER•, E "~ Stt ,. ... u'\I '•"' '<" ,.~., still a11a1lat>le 1n lh•9 HI • I '. f 640 e 18• t . w <'I'' • rid ro ~U" n('I.. o.... llfWPORT NCTS ARU category $244 500 Call 831-1400 SoO i)OO ' •11 ,•l)u~ ,, R 10• t BR : • v g• BAYfRONT -PIER & SLIP I 673 6900 ~qJ p s .. 1' • ... S."Q ""' Oto.AC... lC.Q Quality built custom 4 Bdrm h ome CUSSIC IUCIUPLJ MESA YlHl ;;c0~:.'; ~; ,· ... ~ ... \ "'.11 O,H MOISE 12-& SH. M a h ogany Fren c h d oors & windows !An ideal startec prop@rly POOL llOMl "111' '>C>'ll• ,~.., ,,.. • Ma"''" ""' 5<1; l>40() ; ,.. P.JROUE r,p VE . 1ust l 2 t>lock to Newport Cut df' sac iocat•o" w 11) ~;; ",'' '~ ", '.~· 1:'. k " 1 1 1u1 1 tlO'"" ·••u<1 Spec tac l a r view fro m master s ui le & oceanfront Grut "' enormous curt:> epp..a c .. I 024 • r..,, 0 ,,.. ria Y•OO 01t1 "'''' ..,,,,., ''P' • l"" .,., re I r e treat wer Bdrm could be come w1rnsumm~r&w1n 3 8\l•m Oll•C.ll a d JASMlltECRUI ;>Rr.?t111T HBilnOnuo•· • .t .1 1~00 '1Q " St""'' d I P f ter rflnlals & a challen9e fi\tJulous family room Pl AN ,. ,,.. RP \ r 11m11v -a~ Pw ~ ,11Q Q'-0 ottpr p, m a t s gues r oom . e r ect1on . m ove I tor your crea1tve at:>tlllle\ Lowest pric•d POOi l'IOmt\ wl'lt ,,,, ,,...... ~ ,. • "' ~ R .. · ... • • d "11'Q<1nt £ """"'' f IQ 15•2 np· right in $1 0 000 Pricereducedfo,.mml'IO n area P1 Cl'd a• \1 -ttCI' l'~J, ~·1 · OO OeTH O MAS •ate sate St69 000 $185 000 751 J1q 1 ar '.h ' .-~.... FHlllil I CALL 631-6900 c::. SE LECT Ul YI' Q,.~" ~ ... :e.o v.u., 1034 CO NA DEL MAR • -~.~1.~,1:',H~:~' -W-PROPERTIES A"FIXH'' 111'T11um1 111"'-a la-laa.J 10~ •'fll"' • '" · • .. ~ , lltl IEltltS. f .Y. NEW LISTING I ~ R!:,• _E1'?,.~l -• y,, r--_ -.V ePd ••.:.• ,,., ("IJ ' " Ill f IPQl!nlty dt<:Otlte<J • ,..,,. I Sout h of the Coast H wy & zoned R2 I YOlll HI CHRMIH ·-------• .~~~:~Ps'· •"J'~;~·· ~~!' ~':t~~1 "~;: • ,.~ Great locati o n , walk to swres & A MW8f upside down ' Cl •ormal Cline 480·~ I .E-RT • 'YfflllT custorn t.cmf' det•gritKl Ir r l\ \ 1 ~•, •h , ' 1 • Ra rm d Cl"' n \ t • • ' beach Super rental p r o perty rom-"r• -I QUl llly llYln9 Umque HH1 tit •'II .. .... ~··Bii •am rm wfi'lt> ... ple te l y furnished. S mgle s to r y. 2 lrtttlo llllt410tlHll t!•Cltll~9 w•th l hfll<Jro ... mi .. , • .. ' PIC C•oM' 1(1 v. c;:c "'' , . , See this l1bulou1 corne< and den ""''" tl•t>H 1 • 131-1400 s. 3Q '>('10 SO • Bdrm home. M any possibiltti{'S Can I home on the wa1., at ou1door en tert11•ri no ~11R1111A I'll r. •o 1 ' add second unit $275,000 601 BAYSIDE DRIVE A1l11ng $41q 000 R1at. ...... t l\.tlo S ALLY SHIPLEY Large p1er1111p inc.tudecs I IUITIFIL MOMl ... - with 4 bedrooms and ti•· -\~ \ 11 HI H• ' IY OWIH JOYCE DAB()L T c111ng •Ying d1n1ng and i u ''"' '"' Betty Ke11 Re.tll'Y MIST SELL' A41H C.a4t I 121,000 I enterl•lnlng rooms NOW .... -~l .. I '. I ~ $8~ ooo FEE I.ANO ,_ t73-tl00 P~tCE HIUCH S:'!l~ ~ IHtiqiH LHll•an CORONA DEL MAR -BEACH AREA See Autlln Oaynot ·---------80 1000 -Q '' "'' 0"'' "''"' "0 10n fl f'IC" s on Sundey t 5 PM t>u•,.,. n o~·· to.A~ '""o"t" r()nO .., n v"' lalMI \\\llklkll~I P11l111l• 1007 111,'11' .... ·---------RI ' • ._.,,, om OLlll otllUHZH PL US A gOOd buy1 Wiik ta bay Of Mach On Ba•bOll Pan•n P0tnt <' Clfl'!'I 3 lklrm ) t:lll"' l 'to•v 1 r.11 gar1g_e Rf'tln •• tnOdaltKS $195 000 C 1111 to,.. 6 7!>·8 ''° l(lf 11r \C, I ' pr•v - fl\al ""'""" f t ~ h.-d u141 orp., su~o• \ • L )~ \.IO"lHC. 0 r1·; , 1111 • ""J\ ,, ,. 1,. 1 11! jl ~ • community A t ng fl C.48 1n~ eor qr,"' '1'\' •IO•v 1 BR ~t>• Ma• n 11 •'£'>I ~lJI\; Jiil ' :'I ! ~ V >dtl'I "''Ill ' (l~l11't~ II"<! :' ·o., c, T -R8•RO OM nic• 01 t!•nt11' I ~ ..... ~I'll•'' I • 0 ... nf'O""'P' ,,,...., Nr 0 114'<"' ~ll'Cl ( "11<1 c... '·~ -o .. ~ l\4fl 4Mt H• OWNFR 'f\• 1'·8• S' •" ()()(\ Op...•1 °''u Suri I .. 'I• Ii' t • r v S:'"1t )r-:'!'la N'f' II• p111~ r p "~f! ••flll ~·. 11' "'""" Ag, • !.9 ">0110 t,"T(~' "I~ lllVf STQAS • 91 tB11 • .,..,.,.,,. r ..... ""'"' Ii. •1 I \A a"11m S'<41< """' l I llfi;> ... ~f ,,.t -tJ"'''I' l('('al•n01 .,,.a, S 1 000 ('IO('I rluf't" '"*• pO.M '~'"' O..ttt\ •l'lO 'tOtlO'I' !lhOJ ~ ""'"~ lty•"O 1n 1~" 7•"• .,.,. g1.1Ar<1fl<l ttn11 r('lnmft I 01'1• mil• from ™''"ti lM·ltoO -COTE ~~ REALTY l 00' '10 •o• , .......... "" •>Q!'l' '!'I , • ll<Jvlll l HI '" • tt t~• ~•Ul"O anvu11ng w 1~ • ,_,,., Yl'l<I •ly Ptlo1 C:la h A,1 , •• ·11 I U •I ~ " • ""'Pie n\111.W '''~' c.a 841 ~71 O·~,.., 1 '599 0 0 '", 6600 "gt 'ljortnwood mmac 3 br •am ,,.. re1~ •too•• dee c.•o' "Oscaped many <' •~ $1-8' 000 S52-8U 3 PRICEHHOH HrYHSITT PUI ! B.aroom 2 • Bath "•most 2500 'IQ tt atngfe 1>~e1 New caroet1 and pa1n1 "'1•S 19 a W .. tPOll'll "400fl Asl11ng S209 000 "s" ror Cr a1g e3 t · 126e ,,,. RaaoHIHJt ..... 8,. OWNER Cullom 2BR :.>t:>a df!I' Conoo Prof ci.-coret9d all upgrlldttt E "d ..in1t wttll 3 Ille PlllOS S•P., ... PoOI $178 500 "E"" "'SE SUN 10 5 • t..AQlllTAl\jAS ESTE Call 85• 9139 THnl RICI ~0'"" ? bfll,. Doll Hou!M'I 1..,. r:inu Su09' ctean """" .a• Pf'l5 p rov ate 'P• " P"' ,., & ommul'•ly .-ot A '1"11 .. 1$189'1()() "wnf'< Wtll 'tt"li 81 tQ•,. 718-1100 -COTE~!~ REALTY ...... , lllMUll • Bd•m 2 bath \ d#\ tor · m1'• C11n1no "" uOP4W un•t l tlC>tlltrurt•CI Yl9W Of mount111n11 Firtt T 0 •t $ • ' !>()() 11 UllUm1'bitl It p ••• 1>11ym111nt-"' le83 • P I ~ ma~ Cat"t • 'If'>) 000 ant .. O.al11tlltJ 18124 Cul-[)f Irv , ... , .. • C4 HOMES FOR SALE 2201 Private Rd Back Bay. Newport Bch 1-5 631-7300 $325,000 Sunday I 5 •5 Toulon Harbor Ridge, Nwpt Bch 644-2609 $569.000 Sat/Sun •601 via Udo Nord, Udo Isle NB 673-7300 $550,000 3 1 Rockingham, Belcour1 NB Sun I 4 6-i4-6200 $825.000 Sun 1-5 236 Via Mentone, Udo Isle, Npt Bch * • v 54 Royal St George, Big Cyn NB 5 644-9060 $430.000 S,mday 1-4 644 6200 $1 ,800,000firm Sat/Sun 1· 22331 Wallingford, Huntington Sch 5 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB S 5 631-1400 $330,000 Sunday 1·5 644-6200 $585.000 Sat/ un 1· 4 BEDROOM * 1808 Sandalwood. Baycreek NB 644-6200 $315.000 Sat 11-5/Sun 12-5 CONDOS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM z 166 Biscayne Springs. C M 645-0303 $ 108,000 •2165 Canyon Dr. Costa Maso 631 7046 rrom $133.600 * • 1063 Oovor Or. Wes1clllf NB 673 7300 $134,900 Sun 4.7 Dally 11-7 Sun 1-4 •• 1195 Augusta, C.M 406 E Boy, Newport Beach 1148 Santiago, Dover ShOres. Newport Bch 631 -1266 $205K-$223K Sat/Sun 1-4 30 Sun 1-4 631-7300 $560,000 Sunday 1-5 221 Nata, Bluffs NB 3 BA plu1 FAM AM or OEN •336 22nd St .. Costu Mesa 1 BR plu1 FAM AM or DEN 645.2249 $229.000 Sun 1-5 546--2313 141,500 40 Nice l,.ane# 105, VIiia Balb~a. N.B 2345 Araha. Eastblufl. Nwpt Bch * •3050 Capri Lane, Costa Mesa * 1849 Seadrift. Irvine Terrace COM 759-9100 $289.500 Sun 1-5 720-0280 $3991500 Sat/Sun 12-4 * 1626-C Iowa Mesa Verde Villas, CM 662· 7586 $94,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 * e 11 Summerw1nd. Newport Crest. N.B 760 1900 $176.000 Sunday 1·5 2 BR plus FAM AM ~r OEN *:: 1 Montanas Este, Ranch San Joaq.lrv 854-9139 $000.000 Sunday 10 5 3 BEDROOM 20 Nice Lane ,z 112. VIiia Balboa. N.B v-2675 Bayshore Or (BayshOres)NB * 1200 Heather Lane. Newport Beach 631·1400 $175,000 Sat/Sunday 1-5 645_ 7339 $575.0QO Sunday 12_5 631-1266 Sat/Sun 12-6 * •828 Via Lido Nord. Udo Isle NB 40 Nice Lane--215. VIiia Balboa.NB * *209 Canal Newport Shores • 673•7300 $1,895,000 Sun 1-5 631-1400 $125.000 Sat/Sun 1-5, 631-1400 S260,000 Sunday 1·5 3258406~213c1h31ga1n4.9C,9MOO S 1 4 B un -* *343 Via Udo Soud, Udo Isle N 240 Nice LaneJJ305, VIiia Balboa, N.B **209 Canal. Newport Shores, NB • 1743 New Hampshire. Costa Mesa 673-7300 $1,650,000 Sat/Sun 1 4 631 1400 $147.000 Sat/Sun 1·51 631-1400 $260.000 Sunday 1-5 546-2313 $165,900 Sat 10-2/Sunl-4 * • 1330 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores NB 2 BEDROOM 500 Carnation. Summerw1nd. CdM 13545 Orrington Pl, Cameo Shores. CdM 673-7300 $600,000 Sun 1·4 20 Nice Lane -10a. Villa Balboa, Npt Beach 675-7572 $489,000 Daily 10-6 631-1266 $560.000 Sat/Sun l-5 •2582 Vista Dr. Bayshores NB 631-1400 S 158,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 642-5200 $249.500 Sunday 1-5 546·2313 $425,000 Sundsy 1 ·4 * • 1 Twin Lakes, Spygl~ss. COM 759-1445 $670,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 631 • l 4 00 $l79.5oo Sat/Sun 1-5 2953 c Cl b CM 1844 Port Charles. HV Homes 644-6200$415.000 2 BR plus FAM RM or OEN 546-231~ 0 167,500 Sun 1-4 673-7300 $319.000 Sat/Sun l-5 t 132 Whitesalls, HV Hiiis NB Sun 1·5 * 509 Aven1da Campana, The Bluffs. N B 645-0303 $205,000 Sunday 1·5 •810 Ba"er :: 1 05 Costa Mesa 515 Dahlia Ave. Summerwlnd CdM T v NB 644-6200 $399,000 Sun 1-4 30 * • 12 Escapade Ct. Newport Crest NB ,46-2313 $144.900 Sundy 1-4' 675-7572 $375,000 Daily 10-6 1807 Port aggart. H Homes 673-7300 $170.000 Sun 2-5 644-6200 $279,000 Sun 1·5 1907 Windward Lane. Baycrest, N B * •24 Balboa Coves. Balboa Coves 517 Dahha, Summerwmd, CdM v2 R G d D I B C NB 631-7300 $325,000 Sunday 1·5 Daily 10_6 ue ran uca , 1g anyon. 673-4400 $575,000 Sunday 1-5 v 1919 Yacht Enchantress, Seaview. N B * •24 Balboa Coves. Balb~a Coves. NB 390 E 22nd St, Newport Beach 4801 Surrey Dr. Cameo Highlands NB 644-9060 $439,000 Sunday 1-5 631-1400 $395.000 Sunday 2·5 675-7572 $409,000 * e3 Baruna Ct. Newport Crest NB 673· 7300 $184,000 Sun 1-5 631 1400 $395,000 Sunday 2-5 646· 7171 $233,000 Sunday 2-6 759-9100 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM * * •973 Bayside Cove W, Balboa Coves e 1730 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores. N.B •37 Nighthawk. Woodbridge Irvine 675-6000 $189.000 Sun 1-5 15 Odyssey Court. Npt Crest, NB 631·1400 $650,000 Sat/Sun 2-51 631-7300 $825,000 Sunday 1·5 4 BA plus FAM RM or OEN * e 1531 Bruinbark. Santa Ana Heights * e4615 Hampden (Cameo Shores) COM * *29 Balboa Coves. Balboa Coves, N 8 •49 Goleta Point Dr. Bluffs COM 759-9100 $839-000 Sat/Sun 1-5 645-0303 $225.000 Sat/Sunday 1-5 957-0829 $126,000 Sun 12-51 631-1266 $510.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 631-1400 $475.000 Sunday 1-5 *•9 Muir Beach. Spyglass NB 1960 San Bruno, The Blutrs, Nwpt Bch 760-8333 $1.450,000 Sun 1·5 2816 Cliff Or, Npt Heights NB I e2807 Harbor View Dr. H V Hills, CdM * * 1621 Bayside Dr Corona del Mar 2115 Santiago Dr, Baycrest, Nwpt Bch 640-5560 $ 140 000 LH Sunday 1-5 644-6200 $359,500 Sun 1-~ 644-9060 $595,000 Sunday 1-5 644-9060 $945,000 FEE Sun 1-4 644_6590 $259•000 Sunday 1·5 * 19 Curl Or(Jasm1ne Creek)Ocean View •240 Hazel Dr (Ocean View) Corona Del Mar * •601 Bayside Dr., Promontory Bay, NB 640-1515 or (619)728-5 151 Sat/Sun 1-5 759-9070 $725,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 631· 1400 $850.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR plus FAM RM or OEN I 345 Un1vers1ty =F. Costa Mesa SBA plus FAM AM or DEN 1615 Bay Cliff Circle, Spyglass Ridge NB 751-3191 $129.950 Sat/Sun 1-5 •432 Isabella Terr. Corona Hghlnds COM * ~ 2714 Hilltop HV Knoll NB 644-6200 $229.000 Sun 1·5 644-6200 $649,990 Sun 1·4 2768 Bluebird Cr., C M 644-6200 $560,000 Sun 1-5 ' *428 Vista Roma. Bluffs NB 759-9100 $216.000 Sun 1-5 546-2313 310,000 2816 Cliff Or Npt Heights NB 644-6200 $359,500 V' 16 Jetty Jasmine Creek. COM Sun 1-5 544•9060 s325 000 Sat/S n 1_5 *2768 Bluebird Cr, Costa Mesa u 546-2313 $299.900 Sunday 1-4 3 Verde Rancho San Joaquin, Irvine l301 Keel HV Hiiis NB 640-4868 $195.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 675-6000 $385.000 Sun 1•5 2507 Buckeye (E/blutf) N.B 640-7015 $380,000 3 BEDROOM 123 36th St Newport Beach 650-1092 $185,000 Sal/Sun 12·5 Sat/Sun 1-5 409 Magnolia Costa Mesa 11 Coventry (Harbor Ridge) COM 645-0303 $219,000 Sunday 1-5 644-6200 $499,000 Sunday 1-5 • 11 Mainsail, Jasmine Creek COM 2262 Avalon (College Park> CM · 644-6200 $325.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 645·3217 $145.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 39 Montec1to Spyglass, COM * * 111 East Bay Newport Penlnsula * •58 Balboa Coves Balboa Coves.NB 673-1181 $535,000 Sun 1·5 645_0303 $475 000 Sunday 2·30-5 44 Ridgeline Dr. Harbor Ridge NB 644·6200 $795.000 Sun 1-5 * •51 Goleta Point (Spyglass) Nwpt Bch 644-6200 $795,000 Sunday 1-5 * • 51 Goleta Point (Spyglass) Nwpt Sch 644-6200 $795,000 Sunday 1·5 4 BEDROOM •2912 Ouedada, Bluffs NB 759·9100 $239.000 fee DUPLEXES 1 & 1 Sun 1·5 63 1-1400 $4 44. 000 Sunday 1-4 · · 7 Hermitage. Big Cyn NB 1528 Orange Ave.(Corn. Palmer)Cos1a Mesa 1310 Estelle Ln Westclitt Nwpt Bch 644-6200 $1 ,395,000 •401 Begonia. COM 675-6000 $495,000 2 Br plus 3 Br Sat/Sun 1·5 518 Jasmine Ave Olde COM 644-6000 from $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1200 Berkshire .. ane. Westcltfl NB 673-7300 $265,000 673-1600 $215.000 Sunday 11·4 548-5133 $269 000 ' Sunday 1-5 Sun 1-5 · * • 1107 Oxford, Westclllf. Nwpt Ben 1356 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores. Nwpt Bch Sat/Sun 1-5 Jasmine at 4th Olde COM •74 Hiiicrest , Big Canyon Nwpt Ben 675-6000 from $229,500 Sun 1-5 673-8700 $2.895.000 Sunday 1•5 251 1 Seaview Ave, Corona del Mar 203 Via Nice Lido Isle NB 673-7300 $360,000 645-9161 $269.000 Sunday 1-5 I 642-5200 $795 000 Sunday 1-5 Sun 1 •511982 Port Albms. Hrbr View Homes. N B . 1700 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores NB 1 492-0890 Sat/Sun 1-4 759-1501 $600,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 220 Jasmine Ave. COM 631-7300 $630 000 Sat/Sun 1·5 Sun 2-4 1429 Keel, Harbor View Hills. CdM 1930 Port Brtstol Cr Harbor View Hms NB 6 Mission Bay. Spyglass COM 644•9060 $340.000 Sunday 1-4 644-7211 $409,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 09 Carnation Corona del Mar 644-6200 $289,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 631-7300 $268 500 Sunday 1-5 759-1501 $559.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * • 902 Powell. Costa Mesa 561 Crestview IBAYSHORESJ NB 546-2313 $152.000 646-2067 $395 000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Sunday 1-4 34 Morro Bay, Spyglass COM 759-1501 $659,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 47A E 18th SI Costa Mesa 631·801 t $149 900 S rn 1-4 30 515 Riverside. Newport Heights * 706 Malabar Irv Terr. COM 631-1400 $247 000 Sunday 1-5 759-1501 $485,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 515 Riverside Newport Heights N B 1130 Highland Westcltfr NB 1620 l'.ings Rd C11ffhaven Nwot Bch 631 _1400 $24 7. 000 Sunday 1 _5 644-6200 $299 500 Sun 2-5 642-5200 $515 000 Sunday 2-5 1800 Port Seabourne. HV Homes NB 1641 Labrador Costa Mesa 546-2313 $ 1111142 500 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-6200 $271 .900 Sun 1-5 644-6200 $4 15 000 Sunday 1-4 300 Ocean Blvd Olde COM 675-6000 $850 000 Sat/Sun 1·4 20 Hillsboro. Harbor Hill, Newport Bch • 7 Rue Chateau Royal, Big Cyn NB 760-l900 $795 ooo Sunday 1-5 644-6200 $725.000 Sat 1·5 ' Sun 1-5 • 17 Hillsborough. Harbor Hill, Newport Bch * •7 Rue Oeauville Big Cyn NB 63 7300 $599 950 S t/S n 1 5 400 River Ave West Newport Beach 1 644_6200 s599.000 Sun 1.5 1-· . a u • 646-7171 $229,000 Sunday 12-4 * * 16702 1ntrep1d~unt Harbor 18 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle Nwpt Bch 11807 Sabrina Terr COM Sat/Sun 1_ 5 847-1044 $379, 00 Sunday 12-5 640-5560 $339.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 759-9100 $675,000 145 Via Undine Lido Isle NB 382 Sandcastle, Harbor View N B 546-2313 $154 900 Sunday 1·5 1 ••912 Lombard, Costa Mesa S.73-7300 $389.500 Sun 1-4 1 675-6000 $369.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 · C B 1 1945 Santiago Dr, Bay.crest Newport Bch "'16 Napoli. Harbor Ridge NB 2033 Vista a1on Bluffs N 760 8333 $1 195 000 644-0488 $215 000 Sunday 1-5 631-7300 $290,000 Sunday 1·5 • • · •2001 Vtsla Caudal Bluffs NB 2040 Sh1pway Dr. Baycrest. Newpor1 Bch 640-0020 $299 500 Sa1/Sun 1·5 631-7300 $265 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 e v-4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $995.000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 426 Piazza Lido, Lido Isle, N B 1984 Vista Caudal Bluffs NB 333 Signal Rd Clltthaven. Npt Bch 631·7300 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 640-0020 $269 500 Sun 11-5 631-1400 $298.000 Suncay 1-4 *. * • 1797 Onole Dr .. Mesa Verde. C M 557 ·6264 $340,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1226 Polarts Dnve. Dover shores N B 631-7300 $675.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 t970 Port Tnnlty, Newport Beach 760-5000 $423,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * • V'25 R1dgeline, Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $4,375,000 Sun 1-5 •v 14 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge NB 760-8333 $1,395,000 Sun 1-5 2705 Starbird, Mesa Verde. C M 957-3151 $289.000 Sunday 1-5 * •6 Trafalgar. Harbor Ridge, Nwpt Bch 760-4868 $1,950,000 Sunday 1·5 * * 239 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle NB 673-7300 $1,395.000 Sat 11 -4/Sun 11 ·2 200 Via Orvleto. lido Isle, Newport Bch 631-4320/673-7783 Sat/Sun 1-5 6 BA plua FAM AM or OEN * 8 Cypress Point. Big Cyn NB 644-6200 $995.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1903 Yacnt Cam11ta. Newport Bch 333 Signal Road. Chtthaven. NB 631-t400 $335 000 Sunday 1-4 631-1 400 $298.000 Sunday 1·4 1218 Polaris.CM 7 BEDROOM 546-2313 $499.000 Sun 1 ·5 * • v 17 Napoli, Harbor Ridge NB v 1905 Yacht Enchantress Seav1ew NB 3405 Summerset. Costa Mesa 644-9060 $399 000 Sunday 1-5 645-0303 $199,500 • 1806 Port Westbourne. HV I-tomes NB 760-8333 $1 .695,000 675-6000 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 Sun 1-5 Sunday l-5 •Spa • POOi • * Waterlron1 • • • Watertront " Poo1 "' GM! address at Quard gate I I 11 v ''-------\ -;r -----~--~ ~ . 1 -----::::::: I . ---.. .... -A • 1 _ .. H t lo Salt Btattl ftr Salt Ho111ea for Salt e ..... ,., Salt IB•••ff fer Salt 1 ...... ltr l&lt A1art•eall 1150 D1rlext1/U1it1 1300 Moantain, Dtaerl BHIH F11ai1lat4 L:;;.: ,;". 1048 ew rt IHek 1069 '•••port a .. ,. 1069 1...,.,, i.ae• 106' •••rrt Im• IOH ll"'l!'' Im• IOH "~2~• ~~~ ':s'.!i:··~: , ,l.~!~l~s,T:~~~m• , :: .. ,'.'. " ,,.:4!; Newrrt Bm• 2169 ~ORTH LAGUNA a touch *PRICED RHUCiH* I ILUFFS Fortcltsurt Rductd Steps to Ocean. Jbr 2ba commercial rental! 1Ba 1 1Bdrm !Ba tnedral ce111ng 11v1d11 Npt Bct'\Beytront Looking of c.tasc; & ocean ~·ew 3 I $:>45.000 $25K dn )br 1 1eve1 wlmslr Bd ba patoo FroM Sl&Ol ft UHl OCUI YIEW COllO hse.grt prkg.lmmac S 185K $25,000 GS 1 ·&8ktng 2.2 $4855/mo income 01 art's c.n1r1 a11 mea1 lge to shr 1•, M11i1on Dollar Bd 2ba nPw oak l11tchel'l 1 •t>a 1207 Ber~ snire Ln 51111p separate Ir 2BdtBa SUIMIT All OFFERS 2 Bdrms 2'~ ba Com-760-6755 or 650-1092 Mil Bi<r 953-1220 lered at $494,000 gar 1660 sf on 5 ac Ag! DAS1gner home wtprol n oa~ floors imported Illes (Westclitf) OPEN HOUSE '>unny sw 'l~posure over· OCEAN BAY VIEW mun11y pool, spa and ten-YILU IALIOA Co•mercial Carty I Scotti Ward $74 900 619-367 9565 smkr 5 bdrm. IMng 'am throughoul a 11rep111ce I SUNDAY 1-4 645-7534 lookrng s~c:luded OPEN SUNDAY 12-4 n1s Walk to oeach 10'/o 2BD or 180 & den N~ Property 1250 131-2242 Foreclosures in Big Bea !a~~"gpr:i~;~~'if'~csg,a~vl wooden blinds mirrored Grnt>ll/pool .<Int cono Dramatic. 5 Bd 3ba cus-$1383/mo Security sys-- -Lake Really Worl1 warC!rolbes a ~eradnd: I HCI IAY PROPERTIES l $2 IS 000 OPCN SUN tom, 2501 Harbor Vlev. tem $176,000 x~~lt 1!r~!n~,1~:.'~ bch LAGUNA B3E3~CH,. 4000 s/I -~·"8•n•• Sawmlll & Resor1 Hen avl $950/mo 675-3659 plus a arge priva e Y 4Br FAMll y HOME Large DAY5 1 'i Owner/Bkr Dr COM lge mstr suite O,H Suday 1·1 673.2936/642-l 183 t>ldg 1 ronlage tels f 714)866 753 I Blks from Crescent 644 0488 552 3000 ' w/lrplc. & wet t>ar rormal 11 Su••trwiftd Great owner/user tor llHHt U1fur1ltlttd ~~!c5h300Low down01 & 1 ~%i o~bac~._.0°.•YGo~~~~ din rm 1g uv rm. den spa ZERO IOWI store or olllces Home & Oat ol State Gtaeral 2202 ,,.,, c ass um a e , Br OWNER E. t>lull 4br 2' Low dwn tO 5•1. int Isl ltw,trt Crest C C d 1 Duplex behind in garde" Pro,.rty 1550 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii Asking S289000 H1111e l Cr ba 1aou1ousv1ew •tras S380K OWC 10•1. rnt 710 1100 B~~ur.'!n~::;: S~~4~ 8~' setting Sl 2 Mllllon McCorm1ct-RE 494 7551 EOUES f RIAN '"" mii 2 $380 ooo iv msq 640-579e 673-!600 Steve • rell Pash Prop 720•9422 S400K dn Owner linanc-lact•t Pror!J 1350 llHEY AISTRIU NOMI EJCLISIYE RflTALI mas11>r suites .:omplelly 1ng Days 494-1633 or 4B / 1 Nt"JIOft Beacla I 069 •emoae1ed -I lie ew OWNER DES PERA Tf lor WM E Doud & Co Inc eves 494.640 1 •Cdl llPlEl * r w ms ~lie I ba Siu VILLA BALBOA CONDO ;iiiii-=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' 219 000 222 I Mesct Or Sctle Luxur; 1Bd Condo H•RIOR Riii!( I Saa ta hi R1t1 1012 HIGHEST INCOME A Tl dto & TV room lngrouni 2 Bed · den frple. securlly C 11 Al Bk 1~ 1 76"4 " • -U"'1•• IUCll LOWEST PRICE •"25K pool lg yard S 140 00< comm POOi S 1100/mo 11201111SROAD •<>PFCTACULAR 9 an r , " JodelleModel.luxurious OPHMOHE12·1SH. • -3Br• 3Br 5years~ew cl (7 141380-7981 COSTA MESA Cle1n2 ) bd 2''t be lo mat Unique commercial build· '>I 3 Bedroom 2 Balh w1t1 IAYYIEWHOMES rm r Lo1sofstyle.2br2'...;ba ~ ingonhlghway.•OOOsq blklObch Agt759-907 IE ExclaHte 1600 t>ed 1balorcoupleor v1ew1 Pool-size varo 2041MESA Onlerge CUSTOM -IYIUCN dintngrm iacuw ---car cntrl air. den, frple 3 '' _ single Garage SSOO/mo $515 000 with POSS ote 9Q iPstrian 101 lresh paint A 1em11c. vaiuP on panoramte view ol all SODTll l&YFROIT pool, spa, opposite S A ~ ~u 3pl:x ':~ta~,~~~ 90 UNITS "Priced lo sell CdM SF A 45 sllp trad~ Wattrfrtlt llt•tt llC. owner hnancrng Lors 10 lhru·Ou' $475 000 spa~1ous ustom noml' NewPorttCatahna DUPLEX Country Club $126.000 Full 6% to co-op-brokers lor comm indusl or ? 131 1400 17• 1100 otter end p1en1f 01 Pfllen 206 1 \<IE.SA 3BR maid 5 1ust ~te~·!. 10 JCeanlror,t Many custom features 1531 Bru1nbark 957·082S beautllul garden selllng May trade Set-ups mall OPEN HOUSE Sat Sur • •· hal Qud•tl'rs apprO) 3000 Vof>w "Om tT1SIA• o~~''S~~5~~r~5 s;~~:::.ng0';.;a~~SC~an~~ Soatla Cout Nttrc ~~:: w~l~~~~~ceu~~'2 ~r;~_fi~~:~~~:r 1-5 631-43216756120 --------o, .. S114112·5 s 1 11$500000 bt>Cl•.1orr. Rnd Cl"C.~ w•tr 5 Toulon. Harbor Ridge l•"I & ~ndy beach Im-1015 mtlllon Days, 494-1633 l .E. W11tt4 1625 Newl>Oft near per1ect 2br 142-5200 BAGK BAY ESTATE the •·rie ·oucr .. , 01 ilalian Owner 644-2609 ,.ed1ate possession • 3 evn 494-8401 IUOll TllPUJ 2ba under $600 flat J PETE ' BARRETr ... REALTY Par.o•a,,..•c; ~•ew Fronts Ille l11r911 <;tOnP flrepl1c.el f!1rm rental Trade or1 PlllCI SUllflt A F Genulne lnve11or will pa' 539-6190 Best Alty I on oac~ oa1 3 wild 11te and ra,.,111 room Tl1r~ fl HAS IT ALL" 5 .. 1, Asktng seso OOO Sharp bachelor Conde RETAll/OFFICE llH SllMO ll OF HI cash tor your property lo _ 89 pre'Ser ..... 2 2 acre'J Pool tolal oedroom<, '3Br 2 'Ba den f()fmal I lwneflAgenl 644~13 near South Coast Plaza Fiii SllE NEWPORT Own~ retlrln right PllCe or terms Ne .IACOll llUL n eque~tr•an area $2 2 PRICED BELOW MARKET dine t>eaut decor POOi 1 000 2 t/2 Iota w/3 spaclou glmmick 63 s 1P_a.!,'6•~k Tenorr PROP IUIAll•EIT million owrortrade $239500 SUBMIT All spe.etc$410K 548-0495 SP&CIOHSOI( ~~~~!5f~.Te1:~~g~ N~~~;~::,nJ' lea: ~1~111'u~~n't:~i;·,~~~ e ·~~ ? 714/lll-lllJ Mull111 Rulltyi -OFFERS• ' 'I IEWPORT IUCN FIXER F~!'n~~~wtn~ o~et~~,o~~ • ·~i~~-p He<o Revier -TDF, lnc pand, parking tor 7 cars I ~i~~,-· 112·1111 tr v. \ 11 fl HI 1 What a buyt ~Bdrm 3Ba 2 Hart>or view hOme Extra t~ r 752-2222 123 33AD Sl $485, •\" I "' 1 ' 11 .. In• , t 3 D l /U I 1300 Price. owe 1SI TD 12"1.lt ~J l1lk1 11111• zzoa *.•If YOlll l•f* BAYSHOPES 2 brld9'1 or __ ~ ~I 14 r ,tAtr lrep aces, car garage large 101 C'n private .cul·r •J tXH 1 It -•• • • • 1 .3 b 2 $395 000 -A V access Assumable de-sac Custom utlllty - -int 30 yrs Submit you SEMI RETIRED -& 11 t•f,llOIT 99 Ollf10-X.llWI Op:n H 1 ou 0 s 8 e SattSunl r 831·1-'00 loans Wont 1891' Only andpro1ec1room1 ll-•TllPUI* dwn 673·1600Steve • eng w 1 " '"IPUJ " 269 900 C II M I Moltllt Ht•tl '"' 3 e h 2Bd WM E DOUD & CO INC wlll hee/slt to Improve & Frplc & gsr Up!>ef with •sSllf f"X. I 4 ~561 CresMew · 8 Ari yn OPEN SUNDAY 1 5 . Hoveet ac rm, protect your hme Exce vlewl S8a 1'1..,.. 0 11 - 38 • Agl now 559 9400 1970"PORT TRI NITY *LIDO PARK MARINA 1Ba S2000/mo Income .., -,. °"' Gor,.......,1 bright and airy " n B b1'grd & reler 780-8688 TILf•flT 11 .. 1110 v---ICM con 1 aa .. 11 UI I Jo-Ann Doran 760-&ooo W1 terlront 1 d dol Ollered at S189,000 Lota ltr Salt 14 " .-~aormg~ !o~~r;,1ei1:;:n ~=~ H•gh auumablA 1011n FlJH U,,H 3 ~!'fPORT211EB111~TS hOuse. Imme<:. new furn leatah r"m "con· ..... ·sa11on pll 4 "10 000 CMI "'10<;An Poot & SP9 4 Bdrm 4 ba ~room a "A •Pa. carpets/drapes fumke) 3$2B8d5rm •Ba 1 wtfrpo'°1 OHllA Hl .... -H---,--,-L--.J--1 Cac'•tru• ~., Bk 760 26'3 1 h 1 • trip.e car garage sk1ng $45 000 Call Own., (213 17 tmo Income • 2 LOTS FOR S ALE tlltl Ill l•n Ir pie'• . 3 car B8"88 r ~ c.v' o~ om~Lc" ;rg~ $215.000 Call Rita Waeln 850-1910 (71 4) 646·217' ,.,ed II s 178,000 30 t & 303 NarCIHUI I it:: I J • Zlot acla 2211 S11cr1f1c@s2~ ~ ~t9 9~~ Beaut 3Ar gue~• "~' ~~1ohtiorh~ Vaca~tc & 631 1266 64 Fltwd 8x42 tBd tb1 01rtyl ketti Ward btock to beach Incl I ... I H CUSTOM BUILT I Assume S215K • 16 Westmm11er d 1 $399 000 1• 1 •2•2 pla • lor French NOf 3BA i i2001mo 28R SYOO l•v•I 2 br 2:~ spb•llt int'' OnlY 1cw. dn_ Call Avfl Open Sa11Sun 10 4 r@a Y ilolgO~ 1100. • e~• i•f;'. *IHETllH IPICIAl E1111e ule muet move• • •• ,. m1~dy Agt 759-9070 Av1111 s.c>t 7 lhru Jun• waah 'dryr $750 Apphc Patr~k fenOf'• 831 126e /---!W. A belier than new S25G5 ooo 557-3391 (818) 448 5768 tkn A\11t118115 86t 2871 I ~~~\ , Ill OJI l btM1rstltle § dupl•x wtapaciovs 3BR 5 STAR PARK In C M S. COSTA IHA e 4 ' ,-S:>79M Lh S439M 1" 3br --3b1 upper unit and 2BR to apprec compl up 2 lot• sld•bY·llde 1 EXEC HIDEWAY Lgtt ea Jba 3cttr PP 64 4 -070 ~ ~ c:·~h'~!~.fl !~~ :~:i !::" ~~= graded dbl wide 2411&0 ?~·~..:r~~r ~~ ::,~: ga~·rurn '~'*~','= Ctf!H 4t1 Nu 2222 OOOWNPAVM£•rT.-. lllFF1$122,IOO 1re1 w11n hreptace and ..... thcsone .... ~,.000 4'br 2b• den • glast W11her t dryf!r L11th 2 Br ' b1 duplex * N "' " 2331 Vlltl Huen11 2Bd Iba PoOt Grtt11t loclltOO Only ........,. -IYnrm patio ' 111 •PP'· Uttle Ml8ll Mut"9I Ml on• Houeet ltlMd nr waler 1 2 WOtk Ocean Bay view S 15~ Own8' r9qultH pen,,. for 0w08' tonltder tefms s 1 n soo wlterms .. ,4 ltaffera 111nces Own« 548-98411 Tuffet. •long cam• • • ... , .. I··"· 1ng P9'10nS N-emkr Ne 1'1'10 642-92S4 •h 6~1m ~ ownertnip 0~1~~ry Proi:wty Mart SAO 9019 I HVH CAAMEI 198:> Port P1tt1ck Tenore 631 1266 0111171-1110 ••fSllE YILUIE IPtOer and rffd In the Oftettl<I atS227,000 POii Wlntef S IOOOtmo 39d ,., 09 dpi. 615 1Bdrm v.,aa11r.t vv<rvO AlbaM ~Barms & tam I ~ • ... Dally Piiot cr111lfl•d • .,., ........ .,. A11nua1 s 1400 mo A11111 Marigold s 1 '\ ~o mo Mutt 111119 gOOd crtdtl & BLUrFS 3br d•n 31>1 room 491 0890 e~~; I' 1--------·1 On the W11.rfront back MCtlon M>cM MIM Muf. 1•1.•2•2 S4tpl t Clll 1175 J880 1140 0900 no Q, 18 at>i. to mah S 1000/mo 'llOWI pool upgr ad~ I .. r ~. S1nl t1'111 property• 3 Br 1 bay Pnv b91'th pOOle '9C'1 T""9t Md bc)uOht It • • ,. pymte 'fO'J rec~ve all 1111 $250 000 10 7•, A• MUST SELl NOW' Front r bll< to l>ch. S7000 down lllCC clubhov8" & DOii IOt l9.t6 Y04J een 11141 Ctrtal •ti Mar 21 ZJ 4 bt 3' r ba Q<xitrnet i..itch bel09fll• eso 8 781 sum1bl• wl U O 0(10 I row mrw rt'fTIOdelocl r• S1100mo(303J2S8-7979 sllPt 1vafl BEAUTIFUi your tuftet eno tot• of trell·~d Ml•vl charm down Owntw &4•--0782 rtuced 1n SS20K r Z 0v11t11ndlng value S269K Must'" to Appr.cla1• other tl'llng1 througl). rull °'e1n vv Jl"'°'lnfll C• Wa" 10 I><" Avail now 10 4BA AIC HV Hllll Ju~= WAHT "CTION1 , ,. rm s tr ft d a Ok 3Br P•IPll tee 'Y' n9W want Ad Help? ,50.900 300 E Coatt Hwy Delly Piiot Clualfl•~ O""'ner1 home 2Br Oen Nov t snr,o ma Call vu upgrldet 14 6 c ... , .... •01 ~2 5678 120 1:142? Bkr lo.II OMC Agl S•S 9191 1142 5878 Newport Bueti &13-1331 f.dl Call &42·M78 1140 1~15fl619J7'8 5151 COllf'CI 80') l:H!Q 28&? Of CdM 7S9 093 la-""' ,.. --- Or nge Coast DAILY ?ILO T /Sunday, July 21, 1985 CS ...... lmrahltttl """" l 1f1r1l11tt4 'Btaan, Uaf11111t•tt1 ...... 01J•raf1•tt1 "f!J'at•t•, Oaf. T At!, .... , •• Oaf. 1•r1rlaHll, Oaf. .JAf!!!atatJ, Uat. ..... noo lntah •• CtrtH tltl llu 22U Ct1ta .... Ui4 41 ... ltac• 2241 Ntwrrt ltacll 2211 C.Sta ..... 2124 Ctata ..... %72t•C..t1 .... 21M1l..,.rt loc• 27H P:1M nltmkr Pf'IV be k11 Swt ZtOI Fnco 3b' hm enlry kltell nt 2Bdrm 318 Popular Wai~ VIEW VIEW VIEW IUIP I CLW E·ll<le Dfit Condo 38dj Bnte & .unny 28' 281 '2 8' 2\!t oa pco1rapa, Pf'll9ea, unlurn $300/mo M F pr04 l'Hl'n_kr"" 2 bt *fllllTltlW* perl•el local S700 totwn&beh$1000tmoyr Et.gant Baytront lrg 281 28d2t>101w prrvpa110 2t>a AIC patt0 ml(.fo.1 S700 Lov.t~ 1Br 18a w10 , IT\I tr bM,n C M 63t·3390Aftet6'>tr ;:M."~"7s~e':'°° lnllt Ttrrtot ~9 8190 Best Alty,.. IN Avt lm"*l •9•·5782 study 38• 2200 Ml f1 nt()41 IOc411on 363 H1mll· lrplc Poolltet!Fl•I Q~ H25 All have n4JW CTPtf, s t !()()IMO (714163 t-3875 L~· kn ..... " &or Pf ___._ fat>ulout unobttructtd FOR Lc:ASE Lrg •Br 3Ba w11r OCWI "llWS Coun11y k•tcll, wood ton s~95, mo 6•&-979.t IOC no 1>91• Avlll 7 27 drPt fra.nty paint.a· & 2 •••• t .. ···•lff , • ., .... Da emptyd m1tur• iedy Ml,."" 28d 2~ Apt HB v~' rracs111on11 2 Bdrm Meta Vertie E•9C nom• ~ ' t1001a wine cell•r mir· S975 mo A dep 842 :J096 e*"*' 0_., Pit 1 "" --' ... S400' 9 7346 "'Adam•tBcll 9"-1329 ind t1m1ty room home Sl2&0tmo c111 Lnrry Cl11sie trchllKture on 10,1 tllllned 011.i M<. 28d 2b• Mesa Vetde Ip, 0., No Pitt• 10 enc COf>dO ...ew gar & erprt, ..\util • •· IAM-9PM IC>f mora inlo w11h pOOI pr1v1cy and 2 5•6 6880 AOt acres of gardens Pool & •Y• Boat t1oc1e •vi I 0 W nu cpVpn1 "° ~" E·5'de ~ Qui9t 28d Nu 0.. 8'0·S504 S 10001mo .gt 499 t601 MiMi<>tl v .. io tuteh a Ind!) Mif ''" yrty 380 '2bt car garage Long tetm1 'Pa Estate llYlng CIOMt snooimo Wiii Mii tot $100 499 4721 Ltgun• Gf,111 3 rPI Pf'll PlhO _ •W•mfltllT• prvlCIOI acc.t 10 Uk• lease OK Reletencet ,. llU-PlTS OI 10 beacn & 1hopp111g 2 Br $485 000 or will , .. op· 2Br 1'•8• S650 810 Indy· 59 Woodltnd·NO SUWIMI YILUIE • S400 857-6S23 Clayt Ouplell NB 1 blk 10 bcr quited $3800 pet month Wettllde 2 BR gar sml 2 Ba S 1600 mo incl utu tion No pets 720•3912 1 Joenn St Adlts prel Pets $e95mo 1173-3800 Beauttful 2br 20& CS.n Pvl antr nr OCC Ou..i $275 113 u\11 845-1465 Call MaryAnn McGu1re, yard S650tmo 662· 1700 Mature con11oer11e Sm111 ~t ok 645-84S3 EXTRA NICE lrg 18r ftY HT• apt •ncl gar pvt Cnr1111an non-smkr °' Newpo<t ISiand 38d 2ba Agt at 813·••00 applicants onty YOI IHHYE IT 1 wtpoot No pell S4e6 ' oeae11 boat moo11ng peoo anr oar ss23 • uth LOVEL y MESA VERDE 494·4653 or 494 C.O 11 GA TED VILLAGE COM 2Br 1' 18a Twnllee 323 E 846 36 18 an 3 30 available $2195 dflnlitf' $375 556-0631 by Ill 650-5371 Charming Duple• •o• 2br 3BA Avail immt<J O~n M TY Bd 18th Garage, patio $680 Live wnere you have Sorry no pet~ 760·0119 Ou1e1 naven '°' ousy EAee 2•,, be.II~ 2 sty, Iott airy charming, 2 frptc' L11a••Hill1 2250 1600UNI sq 2 .. rmol 2P•.,UBR•E No pets 5~1015Ag1 Huge Duple,. 2Br 21Ba •S~2Btcultra2pll 3BR 2 .. 1 llr-1 ........ tt..,..1 NptBeh pr b• 1111: rw1v NptBctlBlyffont LOOlctog !pie. ws toryr nu crpt & green & priv $1200/mo _ •• " ---$835 Every •tr• tncd yrd * 1.. r 1 & B• ~lies "' ....,. ........ .,.. .... to thr 1'-t ~1IUon Dollar pnt S 1375 640 6069 650 178• or 720-0961 2-STlltY IUITEIPIECE LUXURY Garage SPA 1r 18r 18a 1920 Wallaoe Clt>I gar Ve<y private Pe1 •Spac1ou1 townl'IOUMS to beacn tmmecutete nol'"'9tnk $350 ~9 Designer nome w/Pfof n 2 , pool.spa S800 •• 2,, 1 m11ter 1u1te1 01n1ng Ref rig No pets $480 ok 642•5765 belOfe &pm * Arepl.oet $975/mo yrty 673:2508 I Httth !'tttb 2904 amkr 5 bdrm, uv1nca. t•m Elegant 2Bd home pvt MESA VERDE 3Br 28a, " " room wood burning tire· Sierra Mgmt 550.1016 _ • Prlv11e balcon••• or ~ patio.gar, nr shop1/beh dbl FIP nr schools, pref TELHEIT lli-1110 p11ce, microwave oven $595/mo 2 Bd Iba pauo Garden patios $850/mo 28< 281 NC sru ··1 •TEL & din room• trpl()8, pvl $1450/mo 640 4255 lnmlly $1000 Avail 8110 private patio ELEGANl 28A 1'~ba twnhse. oar. pool lndry rm E·lide 1oc, comm pool & apa Wiik __,. ba lg PlllO.dOdo. "Qar (7 14) 674·8241 M' . v· . LIVING only 15 minute~ ltplc. pvt patio, S626/mo. CIS to all• WMY IOTl to bCh 6U·65SIO or Wkly rentlll now 1va11 aYl S950/mo 675·36.59 Only 81 Be91 $850 2br 201 IHIOD lt)O 2267 to So Co Plaia Just east no pets, 276 Avocado St 149 E Bay £>44·6200 Olan• Prouer $ 140/wk & up 2274 New· Oceenlront 2 Aooma fOf oH PCH arllSllC decor MESA VERDE 3BR 2ba, sp••1L11~ •+2 <POOL Ne~port Blvd & IOuth Ot 548-7510 or 6"2·5722 fSL MANAGEMEN1 fl'3 ll~nted tennis courts Agl 'Grubt> & Elhl pon BlvO c M 5,e,.7445 rent n·smtcr M IF S500 many o I hers Io c trplc. Obi gar. encl yard 1111n ,. ,. ,. S .,0 • ,,.2 603 * 2 Swimming Po<>I• 539·6190 Best leti s 1100 mo 557·2382 Obi gar. $890 mo •7866 en •ego freeway 2•7~ $600 Ea1de dlx 2 Br Mi hm ...., -1 •S11eam1 & ponos • lllCHOUCE I SEA I Sii LOllE ea per rnotyrty 675·95&.4 FABULOUS SPYGLAS~ T.ELERHT 115-HIO ~prpa~go~IAyve631-5439 B~ adlt park refg, d/w gas llSTllT II •Sorry "°pets I lPlRTIEMTS 3026W Coast Hwy New-PARK NEWPORT-pr-oft S Mesa Verde charm 3br pd 759-5590 673-7787 5575 1 8 • * Furn11tuogi•va11 " port Belet'I refr~ TV n smkr Ile 30 '· $400. ut VU 1 iory •BA 3ba 2oa gourmet kllch $825 mo g 1 d lb• ... pt J B a ..... Ft Rm 1 Mewurt BeacL 2269 Soat~ Coas t Metro 2BR 2b1. gar. cptstdrps nr SC Plaza Easy......, ae· WHY NOT CALL At avshores-._,.ront S 140 >Ml sot oo ec><>•tt 281-4436tS51 ·22~ lat pool rental 539·6190 !: • W 0 ·-, J bdrm 3 bath 24001<111 lovely garaen 760· 1468 Best Ally lee 2 Br 2 ba Condo nev. 2215 t hooilup patio, no ceu quiet toe I 113·1111 •rp1e carpets drapes all G R 4'AAS I PROFESSIONAL over 30 pets 1 child Ok 822JENNIFER apphdnceio swtmPoOI atat tatl .. _ Shr 2Br 28a NB Coodo Stt,s tt Co111try Clult Mesa Verde Exec: Mme ~~~~r~rp~o P~~~ ~~ AIR CHDITIOIED $675/mo 181 D.i Mar. TSL MANAGEMENT I SEAWllD YILUCE Annualleaw s2500 mo Ne"'1y tit d CJean oecorat-N smkr SJ25 646-7332 ;9·2~ °::i1~::rt~llc :aY;~ ;~;502!~ S~~~2';;391ncl mo Water Pd 650-7737 2 !1:Srp;r~ ~r S~ 0c;"0~:i Mgr Apt H 645~~55 642• 1603 t5555 Hunttngton VIiiage lu1uroous 548· 1501 (9-5 :~ohm 3~v~i~e:'Y R!~~ PROFESSIONAL femal• TELERHT 675-1110 Mesa Verde -N 3Br 2Ba ' or 646·3942 I Plza $695/mo 3BR 2B.O 1 Br u11ls pd $500 Nol llSTAIT II Line from San (),ego Ba1r oge New 2 8d 2bl C 1 'a I u 6 3 6 . 6 7 2 2 or le>< Oetux baytront Lido I lrptc gar $ t300 Grdnr &I * * •Bdrm 2ba in Hart>Ot Condo w / c a' po r pets Carport, lndry lie S7251mo Beautiful 2Br Freew1y north of Beacn p1an s 1350 mo 1rry avail 8-40.6891 Of 491•2890 11par1 NB $750 673·7864 Ytly $725 Cute IBR nse walertncl 957-8140 View. spacious corner 101 s 795 mo Call F re< 383 w Bay 760_·8083 I 2Ba townhouse frplc to McFadden west on ~ 20 rets 720.1192 Prol male -45 plus nr So ~rdnr turn tncd P'allo F p $ !650 786·8A5 l 631 1266 or Pa1r1c1< •Mesa Verde 2Br t8a lndry rm all l>lllns McFadden Saaaer Cst Plza c M & ..os F"""> all (7 t•t 244-9667 lur Nar~er I ltw,tr1 8 I T~nore Agt New decor dsllwstir ~ar TSL MGMT 642· 1603 """" qutet 1 br conao CBAAlllO 2NBEW 2BA f RIOGE le1t1l1 2·906 S32S & $50 deP A32·7366 3 drm 28a formal dint 1. $650 No pels 640-2•95 EvestWknds 642-622, -· • onoo o ba gated Costa Mell 2224 3Br 2Ba s795/rplc. rm lam rm New crpt I ·~i~~~-:Y PoOI spa sauna seeur-cc.mmu"''• A C frplc 2 BR 80 I Rmmt snr 38d nse tn HS , BOAM gar much more #5404 drps paint grdnr !:..___ •Nr SC Plza SA 2Br 1ea1 NEW CONDO 2t>r 2•;01 11y $650 mo Call Isaac ~ spa ga1 aoor open· 1 .,,ew l'IOme !'lea• mi Ir ocean 5275 • 113 ~car garw~~::; TELHHT 115-lllOI $ 1350 1st sec J . e. Condo Pool spa carprt carpels hie lrplc '11J9e Work (7 141891-8656 11, osn ... snr 1rasF1 com· twn l>Cl'I $675 wto:ly Alsol ut•I 536-3525 al SPM 1mmed 760·8364 Nwpt Hgts 2Br • Oen lrg Ownr Agt I f . L cl $675 No pets 722-8011 ~~;o::~:::eb t:°~·~:1• Home (2,131 494-7070 pactor m.cro ~autituil rm $350 wkly 494-6930 _ _ __ yrd gar S750tmoCheryl Care7ISotttiW1r4 ,Ap1rtaeat1 GrDll•f •STUNNING Lg 1 & 2Br tal S900tmo 675•9797 2744 af'dS<:dP•ng Sl350imo Wltly rentals Nwp1 Pen1n Shr 38d 20• Y1ewpoo1 1 Br Cottage tge PV1 yrd 1 2B G A P I )mat 1ears 1ease Ael5 pertect From s550 wk wk Slepa Mature tem n.ami. Small dog OK $600 mo 63 l · l266 131·22'2 C M 2624 a arden Pl 001 1 B E 720 1192 1 I '450 645-6SS7 · Oltl ell $525 & $625 710 W 18th NEW E·SIOE DUPLEX 2Br l''t8a Woo<lbrtdge 1 or usy •et · to Oay or t>eacn VILLA See at 239 E 22nd St Spac1ou!1 381 2Ba lrplc, ---~ 3BO 2BA. 01t1ns hkups Condo A/C 2 carports DOVrtllt WrtSTCllff RENTALS 675·4912 Shr COM noose Avail 81 1 1 Br, pvt & quiet Range rumpvs rm wt bar Fncd CASA DE 0110 2Br 1 Ba '" .._Plex crpts.I encl yo lru1t trees, grdnr, S850imo 720-0876 ~ ~ $350 plus uut 662 336(1 yrd, dbl gar new paint. ALL UTILITIES PAID drps, bllms $575 • $500 gar families wanted, no I Large 1 Bdrm upsta11s I Lag Ben bdrm 1213 blks ru d 675 12s9 ~=~ ~ =::'s's6g,,:: pets crpt A drps S 1175 2410 Compare oefore yol dep. No pets 540-4484 pets sec dep & rel req IOW LElSllHi t>a•cony 0001 Quiet area town beach S 135/wknd ays or eve_s __ • _ 648' • W 18th 497·6287 College 645·8453 rent Newly decor at ea $575t mo Lge beaut, 18d~ S 1100 546-8985 •EW APlltTMEllTS S650 mo 645-6646 per rm ~851wk •94-6930 Shr n1oe CM 2Bd. fem pref 2Br IBa Duplex Gar sn- yrd New crp1, palnl 4 8th Lrg & clean No pet! $750 · $700 dep 1950 A Meyer S49·3484 s WESTCLIFF 3 Bdrm, den custom design leature Iba all bit-ms frplc wtk 10 1>c11 1 oarm condc Lrg 38A N B duple~ 100 No !lids. ~IS $325/mo, • f.:nc~~~s 3Bra~~a~c2tlcva~ office, 2'1t>a, gardener pool bbq, COY rd garage Musi see p~~\~"~p· ,1~P~:.~ci~ge CROSS CREH a w POOi J8CUZZI W1 rm lrom ocean $675 wllly $200see Nr~~~~~ 1' gar, patio utll hkup, frplc no pels S 1,300 548·531~ surrounded with plusn 366 Avocado 5555 up 557.2841 CllAlt CREH ~775 548·41 21 632· -r 19 Jell or Jim 675·6670 E·650-52141 . 1060 sq It $975tmo Avl lmmacula1e 3l>d 2ba. cov-landscaping No pets TSL 11~1T 142 1103 En1oy a Ille style sur-Nwpt ocnfrn1 Conao turn Tl'le Wo<ks lrvlne. resp now• 1213)258·S•79 ered pallo dbl gar no peu Furnished l8drm ~ _ ·_ Sparkling clean 28drm rounded by toe charming LANDLORDS! 3B0 2Ba w 0 2 prkng straioht, oo smktdrugs avl S 1100 548•5313 36S Wilson 642-197 1 Lag 2Bd, E'slde, pool, pri·1 1 ·Ba $665 All utilities atmosphere ol Wood· 5850 'wk 6~3.3432 M/F 0-prof M SS 2Br 2Ba Condo Aefr1g WIO pool lush land seeping tropical 1agoor S 1000tmo 786·8670 3 Bd College Park H0mf vacant $950tmo no ~ts 979·2395 Two $425 rental pads both w appls min area one 1ncls ut1I details 539·6190 Best Rily fee Walk tt TM1ti1 P1rk 2Br 2Ba $725 mo 1r6733 TELEllEIT 175-1110 3 Br 1 ba W·CM gd cone Daaa P-oiat 2226 Kids Ok Avail 8 I $850 -----..... -........ - mo S•8-A312 att 5 IUCM COTIAQE 1150 E·stde 2Br squeaky clean 2 • 2 •view Frplc 4 nice New a rps pa1n1 ere $75( I yard Aug 1s1 :r 4930 Child & pet ok 760·8862 TELEllHT 175-1110 AT LAST! A NHlt llutal Senict You CH Ftel lt Ho•t With TEL ER ENT Foutain - Valley 2234 Border bargain S3 15 "m cheap but clean wl~pls or lg 3br just $695 at 539·6190 Best fee Hunt. Beacla 2240 Hant. leacla 2640 vate pa110 $650. No pets 1 paid, relrlg, garage 1 ondge Village Cross Fill YOUR YACUCIES I S••21mo 786-9723 4Br 2Ba tully crptd 1 646-5 137 call 11-7pm child ok, no pets Creek and Cedar Creek FAST & f REE Vacat:4'a 1 leatala Wut~..1-.&Aa rrplcs lrg t>ackyara, 2 car HUIT IUCM'S FllEST 1960 Wallace 6"2·4905 o I I er u n • q u e tw o 1 -"~~ gar wiopnr Grdnr incl QUIET RESORT LIVING UISTAIT II Oedroom apartments Oua 1•1 •enants wa111ng 10 leatab 2907 3 tnsh iaas no rental $1500/mo No ~15 Av• •Sparkhng heated poot S 7 2 5 mo 2 Br 1 '>Ba. TIIE YICTORIAI located near a ... anet~ of /0"' riome or apt On t>tacn in &:eanSlde 2 •mmed' Fr 7124-8116 8110 (805)928-2918 •Coun yard view dmtng Twnhse. Easts1de pool 2 Br 1 'rt>a w/gar $635 conveniences •or a t. CALL 675-8860 or condo witty aauy rate5 PltB 'CM 645-1808 116PM $800 """' hOme ren1a 1•V1nnette88Qareas garage, lndry rm Quiett New cptsldrps Olt · ages 561.571>'or 496·8906 .. ~ T "1 d IOC ins.lncd yd water pd •Shopping TELERENT 2830 Nwpt Bl Mature Prof Motllef & spac 2br not far ocear • w •OM tne in coun yrc 2310 Santa Ana 667 VICTORIA ST daughter w medium gar ~ prkng kids hurl') gazebos "*Theatres OCEANFRONT , ,,, 1ease Ru tab te 539-6190 Best Rily lee •Spacious Apanments TSL MGMT 642· 1603 636-4120 1·5PM •Recreation 2t>r 2oa S i200 ist ast 2901 ~:c'Baet~:.7H!~Mw:;'~ •Your own pvt pa110 UNIQUE 1Br $600 Up •Parks ro, Seasnore 882-128A Sllart area·Sept Up 10 $1000 OCEAIFHllT HP-LU •Gourme1 ~•tcnen Mfe81iBJIU PRIVATE patio carport +Lakes •IHHMATtS* Cottec:t 818t 50.S-89AO S1unning white-water •New dove tan crpt POOL SPA quiet, no ~IS Selectea untls "'tr PLUSH 1111 COllD view' 2Br $900 :5489 •Lrg walk·1n closets TOP Area 2650 Harla lc1tl'ledra1 ceiltnqs Some >rplc 0001 d-v.snr $660 ltOOMMATtS llLTI 'MATURE reso cpl "c TELHHT llS-IHO •Gated covered prkng TOWINOMES MESA PINES S•9·2U7 units w1tll 1ncome res1roc-Srr pet 01< Aug , :07228 w!.1 LET US DO THE pets ""ant 10 rent 2-3 or w storage Ctl4ts Fer bat t1ons No pe1s perm111ea TtlERE•T 115-lllO NORK FOR vou• ,..0 me n 111 B area BAYAIOGE CONDO ' Frplc vaulted ce111ngs, dbl WE OfHlt A CIOICl For aooit ona nlor-640·5833 or 540-5~15 New 2Br 2Ba AIC p<>Ol ALL UflLITIES INCLUOEC. gar pool & spa No pets want a sel'!Cllon of great! ma11on ana o.recttons Small oacri apt at t>eact Gain comlO<"taDle ·~t & a Prot needs l bdrm apt O< spa,secS1300 675·946( IBdrm $770·$795 llvmg?Wecanotterany-please ca °'141 avail 3 wks n Aug $350 nice leehng ot find1"0 a 8-IG CANYON lu• Twnhm• lBd 2Bd & 2Bd Twnnm 2Bdrm 2'>Ba $915 thing lrom a small apt to 733-0404 Open oa11y oep rec a 650 7092 riew tnena i>ludio Oy 8 15 in CdM • ' Furnished 2Bdrm 2'1Ba-Oen $9351 a •Bd hse If look1og 1n 8 00 AM tc 6 00 P M • E Npt No Laguna Sandy 2Br 2ba, lrplc Undergrc V1s11 OUI model Dally 9.5 666 w 181h 645-27391 CM.NB.or HB thjnk ol us Model units Available s,lit-lntl 2 ~ 2 1121 * stao11shea 14 f96rS 5'18-6"59 or 852·9060 prkg Pool spa, tennis Sorry, no pets _ _ -I Ursl tor that choice of now for July occupancy 1 Frplc gar & t>eaul view• :~s~ 1':,~~~!~' & Reurea Navv man actl~ no pets 1 yr IS ( LA QUINTA HERMOSA ideal living It I Prime tocallon =675• 1 tt ed employee rion·smkr lt>u1 s i3oo,mo 833-7890 dy! 162 11 Parkside Ln HB Westfield TSL MGMT 6•2· 1603 WOODI I H 2~DRM I TELEREllT Ul·lllC :0E:::Pp1~ty~:';'f ~,..:;ac· aoesn, m1na smokers! 3Br. 2t>a Condo. quiet BLUFFS 4 BO I b h j , NB REAL TY 675· 1642 $800 on lake' Spa -646S Gooo at!llude neeos •Widest Selection area 2 car gar, pool. $ 300re ur is ec 847·5441 F•MILY •p••TMrlTS ~ TELEREIT 615-1110 Triple" 2BR 1oa patio ter •ets screened"' lull' •oom '" C M Oy • j • Updated Daily $950 mo 846-1 156 lease 1 /mo ava1 1 • • an s WESTUIE YILUQE encl gar riewty reaec •IV~ Mirve all cities '"" OC •All Areas & Price~ $700 "'\ 2t>r incl den newer now Bkr 759·1234 I Aputments, Unf. ; sf;;sk':~?ra~:~:snw,',a~~2 2BA ,., oa $685 'Lagana Beacla 27411 ~reat :..,ex. ~e~po~t I-It~ .,~, '"e oeacnes• Pledse -a. 545·0889 •Open 7 Days 9am-7pm k11cn I td gar k1dstpe1s DOVER SHORES BEAUT'r General 2702 children near park Heat New carpeting OCEANVIEW 28R 800 < O Ca~ 5 M;\•Plt OFF1C.E 832-4 •34 G1r19es tor 675 8860 many others 539-6190 4Bo 3 1t>a/2 lrp1cs 3ca1 I paid No pets Pool&Spa.NoPets apt Dr ... e ::;, '11"'" c a• R 29l2 • Best Rily tee gar W 0 11kkp sol Huge3200sql1Weslwooc 2Bdrm 1 •Ba 569sJ645·8122 833·8917 w POO R S650 "~~Se 673-3.i65 JBr 'Joa "W _a'Ju"a ._...,t.;.a.;.t ____ ~.;..;.-. Or Stop By water all elec 1utch 0 1w I Penthou~ A c w d 2B1 2Bdrm 2Ba $720 lagul"a "' .1'::14 00 vi..,.,,. BA1.BOA oN D •oic ...-.ere • "" $·o Singie garage ;31 VI. CHOICE 11RCOHO I pool, lam rm/den forms 2 >Bi lt g paticl 398W Wilson 631-55831 YOllQUECS u9?::;• S«OldO Qu•el $45CI \Ar S;inaers '5!11 s• No 5 Costa 2130 lew,ert llY4 Gar spa pool d wshr & din rm beaut 1oc 1yr 15(1 SJOOO mo UOls & va1e1 IAPI w view redecorated llewzort Bucl11 27691 260 Cagney Lr NB .s-.4.216€ o• 54.,.52· • Mesa 513. Ha~ Balboa Peninsula Fet patio $515 mo "8481 lull maint incl $2400/mo prkng ncl 12 131474-35n 18r w Iott 2Ba all 1 year lse Sma1 •B• apt s 1000 me 675 300~ COM " v 25· ,,. •ers Costa Mesa enc• tOX20 Call last rent ap~alln~ TELERHT 175·1HO TSL MANAGEMANT Balboa hlad 2706 llfe81iBJIU amen11tes No pets $895 ' 01~ to bc11 $425 .,.,o • • W•nc ",..,,~, cln ""SC storage orit1 Ao/I 8 ' ,a~ 7t>r aoode crptd lhru-our 642· 1603 mo 2151 Pacit.c Call Ca 6~ J-6323 al• oorr Weslclift are.i Bd •1" '0• M~I ::~.,,, :ia $400 · ,,.111 E 2 •s· s· 545 .• 234 avail 8 t S494 .nfo F ''lam h-m ocean els 2br Lido Island charming 39, 'i'z ILOCI TO IUCNI APARTMEMTS ~ 141855-0665 sen•o• c •,ze.., Ou e ""'' ,., ·1 re.~ .. ~20·~~ '3 •539·6190• '2t«.1 yd 6 garage SS75 28a nme w Orick alto Cozy 1Bdr!T' Guest Apt Immaculate ·arge Garden H B L 274"' PltEWPOPT HE G'"'..TS 2Bo to shOt'5 SS"'\ ~c Ca S·n9 e ) :>ovoe gar~ Xlnt arf'a 3t>r 3ba A ' 53'-t> ,qo Best tee 673·2523 18181790~992 t $450 sm pet olt .,5422 Ap1s 9eaut••u iy lend-ant. eaca v 1t:>a ,.., c~~ v~:r'!>;ao ~o "'"" SJ.>-Jf2~ ! . 55 ·c C.a" ~ " ......... , ::v• Ba Easrc "'' oc sto•ao .. deco•lease opuonalk•d• Landmark T Hse Adullsl TELERHT 615-1160 sca(Ji'd gr)unds 2BR 20a d w disposal ~~~o~~ 2313.u·~~·~ VEP.R _-..2::.r !'a -T' ~2 ,.. c=,3~,.~~~ ,jfl S'.l' ~·5();)40-EP'-C oll: worth more at 2t.r 2t>a patto gar $800 LIDO ISLE REITALS poo spa patto aeck No garage t>alcony coin • · 0 • aor.oss ''0"' O"acr ,r Best Rltv lee 539·6190 Almost nu 960-7789 ev Summer & Vearly Lrg Studio Apt wtfrp1c or pets ndry $725 mo 846·64S1 2Br 1 oa Conde ke new 1Qam-!)pm,, • 4t. s• ~E E-S<lf' CM r.,rr 'louse Oflict batab ' 2914 Cozy Eastside 28r 1Ba • 380 Poot home No Bay No ~8' U1•ls PC 18drm S595-S605 J bdrm 2 baths 1nory .111ra5 2 ear gar oaek oav ''""""'e 25 10 3'> 9P BA 115 50 ~ ~ etean auie1 garage Grdnr water pd PRIME AllU 2-.-2Sl10 • 3BO maids Qlrs Oaytron• $650 mo yrly 675·0380 <'Bdrm 1 ·Ba $700 garage 1 m1 10 t>ch NOi saoo mo vrl) 548-8384 TOI DESERVE IT ... ;:>r . entrance •"SIOe office s 135 me saoo No pets s46 2389 C0Nnedwodwec1f0r~:c~8d~w0~nr summer $65001mo rurn \l&fY lrg 2br lba new 1 dr 2B<lrm 2Ba $750 pets S695tmo Call Cra•o GATED V LL.AGE co: S400 nc u111 :;,48·8~,3 • 518 Nwpt Ba 553., 1 15 • 675 -0411 och Musi see $950 me 13' E t8tn 646-68 !6 631· 1266 MvN •T ~ 28d'.,., 2 • a ct"m ~,.,i.<'o s"r conoo 135e 53~ 2~s ~ 209 a• E;~•rsid;~?~rm ~~~~~.~ot' TELEREllT 115-1110 86141~·02101 4 649·2950 ;~~0E v~~~~ard ~:g:~~~: • ·~· ~ ~ ~-? ",·J, • ' "rlJ • ~~UR~ G:1,;;g~ ;;,~R~ =:r roe•...., :iatto ~· 5350 s · JC >:: .. ·c -"•es" Bachelor Unit carpor1 Pvt Comm Condo walk 10 11 , 111:.,_ ~ .., ..\ ..,.," ll1 LI• ' '' '• •, mas e· sud!'S D .,,,,, ,., • -46--~466 "'" c 1t' 'llE -,.· 54 • 503L $450 Cheryl 631· 1266 bCh Ham11to11 Newland "" Peninsuh1 2707 AYAIUILE MOW I g . ·Si r rr. .. oat. , • Q • "' :\11r E.:w• ·" •Jot ~'14 SCl.1 ~ ?J9 ~ .. • 3 Br 2 Ba air new crpts 1 1,. ,_ , 111" •Br lt1Q range laundry Pldte ..., ''-""a•t1 o • ., ,. 5,. -.. ,.. :· :30 ·~ ·-'ltt>SIC "' I •~~~ ~ 1•' drps paint Elec lellcl'I t BA carpor1 new Orps & pool. carport No pets I ILOCIS TO IEACIU onvatP • l'"' E-EG4N-:ioo1 , .. "" s NB s.i , '03:: 4;;• M® ;~~~~~ tat:0~~o~ s~!r • • ~e~s ssh~~: 67~~~~~= 93, w 1s9~~o~~0S48·0492 2 ~~~r~~~og~o d,.:!~~ & I ~"~~Geo~·~~~; ,~~~~~~~ 1. .}~ 1;;.0:~,: 2 Qoom~ a:io•o• 3555<: •• 1ennls Lsetopt $1300 Ma111f1ct1t 2-stJ 3-.-3, E•E•T tlit lllO! Newoor• s1.e s s< uth rt 4 C .:>• ao .. s .,,. nc; EASTSIDl Reis Avail tmmed Agt Frplc. welbar. dbl gar Small lbr lba Peninsula •3Br 2Ba 5 yrs Old TEL n " 111• Sa" O•ego lreE"""·h 2C J i:,.,.., ~11• BO .oa NS P1>!vt S320 MO 645-626(. !Bdrm 1Ba Hou&e $575 261-8555 or 957-0669 $1400 mo Pet Ole ••939 Poinl annuallease. 5525 $795imo 3020 Fillmore •ARLINGTON APTS * Orange Avt> o.J • .c;.sJ'l B, t.,,rr '• !.I"'•' r. .. a ~ • 18drm 18a Apt $550 TELHHT lll·IHOlf--•2Br 1Ba Eas1s1de $660 Quiel spacious fl RNl'IHf D i appt ::>l'llv ::'iO ,.,o •'' 650-1295 G=tc~•~'~ >~~~ 3~E Av au 811 No pets HPH SPACIOUS 3H Corou de) Mar 2722 1 mo 2080 Garden Ln Very ciose to oeacn l NH RNl'IH[ ll ",...., ~"' Ocea"t'on• Bai Call 6 , J, , 3 Bam·'P" Carer a Sctttl War4 $795 Extras• 119262 Npt Sch Bayfront Look1n~ 2BR 18A upstairs Range. No pets Agt, 546-5605 2Br 1' tBa Twnhse S675 I Soatll Lagana 2716 C<'.JC Pt .. t:>C ::>a pr~ ng 131·22U TtlHE•T 115-IHO 10 Sllr , • .,, Mllllon Dollar relrtg dsnwshr gar Easts•de 18r small Out Sorl"r no pets 536-0490 I flU ESS Small secluoec 51 .,0 ,0 apt ss u mo 6~<.54_,6 9"6 !IQ,., Meo.cal Ger 0' Designer home wi prol n S 1 o o O m o 4 2 4 • cozy w lots ol nat wood CEWTUS, TEHIS. tantas11c •·ew $500 mo 'rce "'' Costa lo.At>~ asunhow -:--:=-•• · Rea It~· Jryine 2244 smkr 5 bdrm IMng. lam Larkspur 759· 1763 $465 No pets 990·2962 Costa Me11 272.. SWIMM111", ..i.. 49q_ 0,-... "e""' ,,.,h , 30· s"r 2B• <Ba SC.l• "'" ·o,,. 8J:-4 't & din rooms frptcs p\/1 __ , , "• '" • ..itt• •<"lCIC -~ " P• lllwpt pool spa '2t>P S , **RENTALS** ba. lg pauo.dock & gar * •2Br 1ea new crpt I ' •tc~ llOrt! Sorry, l 2900 ,., S•'" "'utt SA0-8_,33 Cc:v s ~· c-11ices $A.? 1 S950t 675 3659 "' lod I ooms $ i:>C' n(' ~t A C r.• 9 CALL US REGARDING av mo -sundeck pa110 carpon IO s. t S .? .. ,..,s • •v~ Ol"e o• ~fl"' .. a,.•ec ,,.,, :?~r 'lOt a.., t • ~655 E Coas1 E-SIOEtg brand n~3Br 3' 18a Pv1 Bth In ea bdrm Frplc micro lnC<I yrd 2 car gar S 1350 Av 1mmect 15 1 Alt>ert Pl 645-0968 OPEN DAILY IRVINELEASES PreferreaNBarea30rllst S800No oe1s 760·1713 WOODLAND VILLAGE OJtt •atly 9to6 Co•-': r ''d' '"84' "~.· ""53,~ .,..,o ....... ,b~'iQ{l(la"v~1me lrvi•1•1C1·-·1's'o"o'•'tJ elegantly appointed $110 Fat>ulous 38• 2 •Oa 2100 APARTMlllTS ~ood ... ro:." "'' • •.'.lc) ... .-o•a ... 0 ,. ;:;;! -O" many o thers eva1 I s I Condo w lam rm 2 M 54e ,~, • CORO•A Dll Ult 539-6190 Best Alty tee lrpls spa S 1500 mo 509 COM """' S".-.:l t •el: • 1s• ... ,.., '""•ce "" .. Beauttlul 2Br 2Ba dOI gar Rent 10 50• 0 nershtp Narcissus Ave 644-8135 "• & •n , ir iJ' Jtn Sit·• aP') Ou •1 CrT'1 •'JC,. • r . Ap.trtmenh su••e "'•n • I :::a" ' ' \' " ~..,,, ·~~ "', -0,0~ .;, , ea• s c • , w opnr Lovely grdn r • w )• t-.,.,.3,s & ><: J~t P 4JJ .. ~ • n1, m1n '•) • 'It• ""'9 ~~ "' "\; '1tc11 "'I! ' :i~ ' anator a• 111• cone anc w grdnr Pro! cpte ae-Require partner wigooc 81SdndeV1lleD1ese1 has ~a~ ,J,.\•' )•.!·d'•" ~f'"Pl(~~[ N.-wportBt>adi\o •es P.-~n:'""'"' s4:-· s.soc ,,. "'''""~·: ;11 St•~t can .. •ng ,..c E·Slde 3 8d lt>a wtfrplc, rncd yd, no pets S77Stmo 646·3177 Ive mess 199 494•2487 1n1eres1 in luxury 18drrr cond $7500 760·5090 1 'OOLS • S'AS • LHHH a ... s • 1 "'~ " • ·' o;Aqeo c; REAL T" s1tea No pets 5975 1 yi credit for ownersn11= 1 t>een great car ei.ce1 5,,e•.I to-:;.iq· east"eQu•red s750 ..,0 Versailles Condo Total I ••o"•Lia 1 ..... s1-o ,, 'l -. • M ,. 3od 2ba "O"'"' Eicecutlve Condo turn den. atrium covd patio, ce1ve all taJC Oenehts l Bdrm $.§4 g 2Bdrm 2 IHaOHS llH·llH $350 .,.,o :>49·36~.S Excel 1oc TURTLE ROCK 2BA 2ba. pymts s 1000/mo You re-Cotti Mell 2724 iait.... aUO:saio Ml 5 11 l I ru'" pvt oa111 ;j pt. 5-3.4400 avail indoor spa multi avail Aug 5. no pets Owner 650·8781 $570 Pool lndry rm "'· MUl. MOT wan• llCL. N fwport 8t'al h ll!fn Empt Ot'rSO" ... I .... Srtu~ ..::oa!ot ........... 350 SC ... level allach gar Cali $12501mo call 760-1219 VILLA BALBOA 2BA 2ba c arports 548-0336 "'"'' \ ' \, .i-< • ouw ~ " . s.iv-"' 4-gt 661 -s~·. 125 ._ 1 J " IU "IWIH 752 1 as .. or ac.. C.1.ts<i1l1Pd s 11a11•ng it sale trplc, poo11spa secunt; 1BOAM DUPLEX . SA75 •' ' " ".~ " 0 on something you neea 2266B Placenoa (t>enind TSL MHUflUl l U ·OOl 1 142· 1103 :>'' B.10 ti h •• 1 642·5678 22601 No pets 548·8500 I nc u111 s.i~ C. ·.s ;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;iiiii\ AOON'S•Bldg•Carpentl) Complete patios Covers Patio CtTtU A••itita1/Reao4tli•1 1 arr•try I Dtcb ... $2.17 Per day 25yrshc ,,309152 bond Decks Concrete walk Balcony ste1rcases deck! lreE' est trwrn 548·27 19 I ways Block walls Aoon Waterproof dKk coating G1rtltai11 THE &ARDEllERS Ldwn & GardeFI Ma1nt By men coll~e trained 1n Boast Cleaai11 lhaonrz _H_ou_sec_1· .. -n-1n_o .... ca'""r-o--,-s-t MASOIRY I STUCCO uphOISl8ry windows tlC "'"°" \ .-( \ • A '>Pt'" lir~J1laia1la1-52li Qua " "' ,., That s ALL you pay 101 Cuslom Residential woni add n 1Syr exp 646-483,, I Ort1nage repairs rebu•ll 3 llnes 30 days Clean T1m~ly·Reasonao1e ONE STOP HOME AN( Allen Decking 857·45 10 1andscapm9 969·2120 Home & Ottiee cleaning ..... ' :' ·4~ 1n lhe 751 5~43 llc#44 l54~ COMMERCIAL MAINT D~all DAILY CARPENTRY 472-0736 ~t!P-----"!'"'P-~ Me1•Culous Japanese gar By JODI P1e1se Clll IO M . dPner \Int vero matn· l•l't' estimate 842 6;'•6 --•-n_•,.t...., ____ _ Alpbalt --A Commercial &:;Wa11 _ Repatr·Ooors·Allerallons Spec1tllzing 1n Comm 1a1n.t11ce 'Vosn1 96A·2087 Hou5eelt1n1ng·Gen ma1nt * A-1 MOYll' * Whatever you need we II ( Lf ,..,. ! E\PE .... PILOT Parking Areas • Repairf Aemodel·P1nfll·Locks-~tc end Reaid 1 Free est Resurtac1ng-Sea1coattng Window· Fences-Cabinet 548_8923 lie"' 383924 Bantl.yau SERVICE SAVE MONEY" 63l-•l99 35 yrs up Jerry 642-0567 • ;A;,;M~E~R~IC;pA.p.N~H'!"'A!"':N~Oll!'Y~M~A~N':"' Repa11s resur1 (SLURRY Cattriai _E_lec .... t_ri_c_a_l ___ ...,. __ j Carpentry fencing win· DIRECTORY MIX) Oval work , hvy rolle1 .. IC'-' •E"'L'S GOURh El PURISM lUCTIUC dows plumt>1ng, marlite FREE est Parlung 101 Apt "" n"' ,., tub encl h&ullng etc compl• spec1a11111. gd a.erv CA TEAING Let us do ll'lt' Oualny work. free est An<1 Yes Jesus Is LOtCI CALL TODAY'' ASK FOR LOIS Your Dally Piiot S•rvlee Directory RepresentlllMI U2-U21 tat. 301 Jo"' 645·4269 7am·9Pm work tor you Speclalllt' ••25S 13 988 74o 1 (II<. J04051 636-824-4 In Meiucen & ltallan food ELECTRICIAN ittia 854·3678 lie • 233108 Small 'large DECl\S-WOOO COVERS 11 I a 5 8 c.203 Compet111ve Prices hrlst1an Mot ttr wi Ctatat Ctacrttt lob•" repalra • " 10 years exper 75•· 1620 babysl1 your Chlld In m~ .................... ____ NEW AEP·1R 0 N home TLC 64t' 1706 Oftvew1ys, patios, path• / " uallty o •GEN HOME REPAIRS 11 jobs to small re1sonabte M 11 etc No job too sma Fr .... est lie d 631 2346 P61nt Drywall CarperW) -------••II Co.ia Mesa om w Reas Mickey 538-0553 """ etc Gary 6•5·5277 PTL btby11t •n her homr RESIO CO .. M l IND 2• cons•d 8 J M F 2~ 738: o ... e,.' l"·l'" fll•iC" "''...::• L1C • •t6 A.?8 -~ ,;c, Housecle1ning Honest dependable ell1c1en1 •• ABC, MOv .. c.; • • guaranteed 643 8402 Ouo<I. carpi 1 ·' l;J{)•r- Rt11tfatltl Str•ic11 House Clelnlng'Cooi.:1ng Yard Work Bv PROF COUPLE 642·5937 SUNRIS LANDSCAPE Oes•on 1n,111111 4 Mt1nt ~el•able Mark e43·25~J L0 RATFS " • I. STARYll& COLLHI STllEITS MOVl•5 CO. 0r&'l0P Co O•>Qtn,t <;1une1"t Ma,er<o '""'"', L'' r,,, •36 s.i 1 84r Nf'IY 'lw ~'""'OV~f'I S•n• IQI' Naaic Lt11tas Mon -Ftt 5•8 506 t C"'a'ltl C•re "" / " HANDYMAN LARGE 1nd • • yrs Do my own work Lie r~ LOVING MOM wm care 101 Childcare 1n my II~ NB 278041 Al 846·8128 ''"111 DO IT ALLI ~~~ ~~;.<!~~ ~...,.';,~ 1 P•aFIC LeU.Y'' 64, S, • ., S••on ,140 Mu~•o;.i.- Y_,, child r l PI T 1n m~ CM trea F'or m0<• 1nfc !>J t S579 Pat Of ive m59 ~ Ft c' I sp<int.1ers-1nt11111 .tr~ trtn L ._ 4 :t"o:'"'" :. A. LEl\iS Pt. 'lj-.... G ! wa act>•,,~ n• E" ( '°"""""' r.,a"''~ .ao• ,AJ_. FA.~' <;[R\;IC'E ~4.a 4~A ' Gua• .1 \ qf'\luCP<' q.tt~ t.,cost 'P•turl' 0~1c h t''• NT Ell.. :;'(' '"°°''" E~l'"' A.,,.., ~Qt' Q Cl " s. <I ' " •er a1 ~:;,.,,a I ct• "'"'CCI"'!' to•. '.14. 1) fllTf)t,~Pt."i~IN\I ""''""" \ Art R11A<o r11t1•" a ... ,·'~ •• ~ .. ., .. ·55 •ex Ouelit, P41n1 "O • ••• ,,t e't SI 11 .. c~3•ll~ l :'<A' llf<; P•1f! $.1il l~P.6 c M home 631·$009 call 650-0258 I •• Haa)iat I & removal v11 645·5409 ,ENCE AEPX1A New & _ C1ltl1tt N1ki11 CltHiAI St"kt old Wood cnain lini. L f HAULING . MOVINO Liatali.at LASLOCu1ton1 Cat>lne1ry A'ICCO i Jennys Cldnlng Frff ett Oreg 968·0118 Gii~ & 'Verd Ctnul)a •c• .. ""•""u-~·-,""w._L• • ....,,.--e·--.-Pai1ti11 h ,INE PX11>1'i PltC 9, R1<.t'I ___ .., _____ _ Kitc romoct I unique bfUI Serv Home Oflc. Win· J 84&-8 197 " .,_, """' • ..... 1n111v designs qu1hty work dows Bldg a 5•8-0e? I G11tlt1i11 on gatic Fem11e S-..1 Bu11 Acnatical Ctili•c I rr .. f'S1 (7t41947-7885 Ct1trHttnC.as •' TREES •••• Cut Stmct I :: •. ~:pr ::1 C<!~ hqUlaite Acouttle"I Ctrf!atrw w::::z: ..,~ t Top~ ramo¥9d CIMn 'P18~ or ratno.,. D<y -:!, • ..........,... .......... Ir I 7S 3 7• .. waltAt'Ql\111 847 7901 fxpao C1rpen1ryS«vlc4I Since 19e1 U 47017 ul) Mw IW1ls 1 •" £LOEALY Bonded com INI a•d S1n()f tfj ''"QI "APC\ custome•s L< .;'~M4 r" "k V('O' ;\6J •'" RAIN80 W PAINT NG Q\Jlll\) I ()\JI !)()fin 8~ t.&Ati J[H l<C ~F R41Palr R41moct 1-Addlliont J1y De COl'lltruc;tlon Co Ci.in Ups•Tree fr1mm1og ()lnlOI' a10ff 833·2009 1 -octc------·e-te-• ACOUS'TIMAN 5•9 2733 Ooor,-ett S•l-498( 5A8 7173 or 558 6282 Yl'td M111nl •HAultog Don. ti ••P9ftt ....-y rM *PAINT N<l• Paint 10 1">C /11ppty 25 • MIK( 6'i().Jlfl3 B Cl 1 646•95!7 8<>b 635-4384 Pr•p1111t1on \ Ou• ll o,oc Q 11 Drywall 1tt011trt BUILO OR REPAIR Cr .. it CH11tlia talt IH••t · ,-r,1 "' t•l ~1n• Skylll•I wall' ltlllrl Al Complillt Clean Up l)('n 11 AOatN s cdi NING BAICl<WORI( Sm1•1 tob·1 t4'"1•'<1 n-tc• \ , ...... 1 at11um door\ & wind~ Gu1t1ntHC1 bttt•r cr~lt m111nt l•HI t"mm1rio lr"f! s£nv1c( • t'1rOl.lVQflly I N-cior• co,te M..... NHI •ll'llllr•ll' '"'' l IC'. l Ir• 47810 Don~? 8202 (7 !•1750-3258 24 nr lll)f' ••la Mi•J•O fi31 4~97 l rh•An "iou~ 0,-4() 085 • "'11n• R•I' 67~·317~ ''"""Ht Aand1 C.Ci6 12' E •C't"ft wa11co~•· ng '" ,Its et•Ofl "«" n\v•• nt A.u•11nrnnt ... f 1 e~ Pluter ltf!ir Se41 w•tn EASE• Its a BREEZE C1ass1fted Ads 642·Sf-,9 Psyckics EUROPU• 'IYCIHC .. F. I PllCll pras•40• .,i; cu,!Q,., 'fl'(lul•rl<J Q 'I '• ,... ·~ P•ob•em" Ne · at' .. ~, 326864554 -~d ~A..V \:AR2 REAOfC p l~ ~ -'S,..r• •u •urfl' •<;.'!' MJI ::io• f!•vO C V EOSPLA.~TERtlllG "' e \1 6:.C :-·<.-=" '"" r.:J• 1!Q1'"1 'll,.a1 °atct>es & .. ,.,, "'"'' "'>Om tOd.toons ('4• 8:''it •hula Pal•·Car4 * E :=:r dj.~n·"v" s· ~r ... i'ntctt w or" 213 436 ... _., ·~-., ,4q!:>•t _,. '• R40 ,\ • pll!IStt"< Qr\-... i!1 s1t•,co •kf' "-''f'e .... Stnttarial "··~i11 QG4 NS CLE.AP i;-.0"'1 s 1! •avcl"t!o L:l1sp sa ..... .,,"' ti' 1. 96()4 M" M 64:' .q(l;\;1 E: ·~rt ~~v•<"' t\ qppa11 Stnices \:' ~r<i; "'•Cl RP~~ Co"'" Saa t( •090~5 .. 4 8~19 ~§;!'I'~~~!"""'::-:':'':"'=--:~~ liNr•Blf ~~a (lr,-1'\I Clf'•n,.a Plu"'t'•~ 51'EC 6,~ -~ •,.,. "" a1r,.,f.' S. ~ An ~ ~·c• .:.uN • ' mtt t.rn ~~j:) (1~00 i-)lumhtog \ °'"'" ~.ic~ """'"' N>ale<S I u<lf'!I 1• P<."flll' rte """"' L .. 111f'f orl"SJ\11f'I ornn•~ soi~1'-:S noo 63, 11t,• Tuia1 Stn1ct •f't.V«;Ot-f ~l"F S SERVIC'ES • ~o• a• you !•P "O r-1 6 ·~·«1 ' L•c~.c:t 1yp1ng :;.n..!C• r naric•a t191 Et c ••I ""f'i' t-4~ 623;i Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. July 21, 1985 , Offltt ltat1l1 Hl4 PtrMaal1 .................. _________ ! FIUHITll 3012 ltlt Wu... 1100 Hilt Waatt4 Hanunu 1111111 BABYs11rreR wANTEo 5100 ltlt Wute4 SIOI ltlt WHtM !1t00:11111 WHtt4 9100 ;,;.Aluf,_ll-.aa;;.;c~t1;....._ .... &_0l_l I ulllU'' Tuea & Thurs 8 hi day tor lllHlln HUS OPFJCE llAHlflt tlEOEPTIHllT SEOURITl IUAllD OPHllll lor mfg rep In Corona 0.1 ~OR WILD a WOOL y OF' 538-9402 Hert t yOYr opportunity to M1r Sur:>erv11M bkkpng FICf Mutt en1oy 1111ork1ng New Q101on Fm 111 1 cltl upr1gti1 ne\/or uMd lrtl tr whtl 1 door $4501obO. cane~ HOt Hununoton &Mch P1ol bldg 4 mo 1 tr" r*'ll plua 1mpro~t allow ~ to qua11fle0 pro- IHaJonaJ1 100-1&00 Sq f"t at 85c Call now fOf ~Pl L Weill. 83!-0818 Qua1 1upervt11on 1n I mel yO\I on 1ne Fr.....,ay 111uct1on 8 TLC tor 17 You drt.,. • yellow VW mo girt N.-amker M1.1t1 Bug YO\J're lloenM 11 heve own tran1 $4111 In 585HNS YO\I hav. 1tolen my CdM hom41 780-1579 baeotne aaaoc1111d wnh computer Input & olloe:• w/peopl9 281 5'77 lonlet StatlH Atf1t4at a leader in the Adve1111 P41rsonn11 GoOd lel•· RlOEnlllllT Full & plllmt evallable Ratrig $260 rr.-ze< S200. 1no S~talty Industry Phone votce Parm po1. Apply 81 Chevron Sta Weiher 8 drr-r S 145 tti Sall Calendar• Pena and lllon &40·8110 N e w p o 1 1 B • a C h lion 3 t90 Hart>or Bl, CM Oolhwaahe' $ tOO LAGUNA BEACH 500 IQ rt, Coa11 Hwy Encloe.o parking, octan v1e1111 se2s1mo 557.4990 my hMl1 I would Ilk• 10 Iv meg have COllM with YOY II BABYSITTER t clllld my G1tt1 to loc9' tlrm1 on a OF~ICE A£ /Ot11lp1 Ole nd1 PIT Call Marlo 846-58•8 lull or part-Umt l>alle R.cpt 1 5PM DullH llllPPlll/tlEOEIYIH REFRIGERATOR f'.ROST GA•AOI SALr ADS NOW ClAUlfllO IY CIT'fl Sii llLOW vou have tlmt Jotln C M hm Lt hlkPQ Rtfl I Nwpl Bch 880-172 t or own 1ran1p 24 t 1383 845·5000 EKt 120 BABYSITTER-teacher a 6 1 lcfaotll I mo old, our E·tldt CM Wetkly Comm11t1on1 No PART TIME 1n1wer phono1 II typing Order proceallng t2 Yr FREE 575 WASHER SS!> 11111At1r'llent1 No Collec • 873 3717 ol<l Co•ta Mall dll· DAYER $75 1ion11 Our 76th yct11r ol RECEnlOMllT trlbutor or Otllce Equip 6Al6 7446 Hk tor ttKt 57 Co1t1 .. ,,, 6124 Hant. lt1cli 6 140 Lido VIiiage 369-5111 IQ rt otllct1 with AIC & .otlnt parking St 25/aq ft tnct utll A.gt 673-3777 la1tr1etioa 3011 hm Ael req 642·454 l prompt lriencJly serv1c1 has opening now Com "' Rated AAA t For more Part lime telephon• worlt. Pitrl·llmt. Huntington pany peld vacation, PM A i 1012 f 11810 Sale Evctrythlng SUN 8 SPM t0022 Sper Jiii WAJTill Balboa Island yogurt 1hop intormallon wrllt Kev111 1n prolesslonal Costa Beach &rte No ex sion & prollt sharing AP· Ht tal .-blfl.e 01.. 0 ,...rienc.e neccesaary Lite -;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iil g~' r11111. uppl11 books Coo c.11'1 LXt1rciu PHk11. Nl:WT ~ MF Me11 of11ce No 1e111ng ...... pl1can1 must In local a1oa • clothin~ 11 juni\ J•llY mir11 u11u1 Misc rv s New Bldg OC Airport area Corner ol Reclhlll & Bristol 700 aq tt & 1350 tQ ft lmmed occpy tor trained personnel In a&el\lng mature porton police depanments of· FIT M-F d~ epply 211 ticea, aecurlty, draftl1\9, Marine Bl 815-2144 C 0 M P A N Y D e Pt Flexible hours Salary • photta duties 9em-3pm 6~2 93"3 ••on Fri 6 5 •-tAY IAI• • or• "on.Fri C1lt betwetn '" . u m • • ' ' " ttl-l' t 34 Plum Pl (VIC· Hl!4thold 1tem11 o m " c 3696. Newton lowo comm t s 11 o n Ca 11 ... ask tor Charley !>020S EAR l ENE ( 9 . 3) 9am end 3pm lor appt ASSET AlfOTIOll 101111 & FederAll • 614 4 graphic arts. computer IHTAL FROllT OFFICE 1nwonc1 science. engineering Nwpt Ctr Pedo N-amkr IMS. TEON I CURI OlllEll HPT 641-4007 84 t·2671 EXEC. SECTY By The Order or F O IC HUGE GAl-IAGf SALE ;;.:lr;.;v.;.;in;.;e-. ____ _ Lllw Olllce 6•5-4044 ONE MILLION Baby. Jdull r:lolhe> ~STATE SALE El&0ant REOEPTIOllllT R & H INVESTM(NTS 852·87t4 Nwpt Bch 1crou lrom John Wayne Airport 800 sq "· 2 olllces • recep 11on area S 1 25 gross 1echnotogy, auto & "lesel 6•4·0611 The 1rv1nt1 0111ce of the Severa1poaitlon1avallable ttcllnology • and many r tll.hHill Deposit tn-tn our oroer Oept No exp rnore Register now to loatal Ortllo A11l1t11t suranc~ Corp has Im-nttc Company trains train tor a new tklll, or to Experd, lull uma Team mediate openings 1n our Xlnt Income & rapid ad- upgrade your preaent oriented office Salary 4 insurance Dept The vancement II quallf1ed job at Golden West Cot-benefits to match entry 1ev4'I INSURANCE Call Jason. 862-58•3 Experience rectpllon1••· Summer Full/part time light 1ro1no Mon Fri Jobs ages 16 •.great pay. Ask 01 Suzenne great hOurs 8•t-595AI 955-0650 10am-2pm Mon thru Fri lege where fall classes capabllilles 720-8tAl5 CLE:RK re<lutres 1118 lol PAINTER-Ellpertenced start Aug 19 and full--1o11o11ng axpttr OC Alrpo<t N B unfurn semester tuition Is onl) DHTll/OllTIIOIOITIC • Typing 40 11o1pm JOYrneyman only Call ofc 390 SQ 11 $575/mo $50 tor CA restdentS office needs RECEPTI· • f'amihamy wllh pohcies Richard 963-0911 852-8713 HOEPTIOllST S 1000/mo, congenltl per 1ona111y & a pitch-In at lllude lends front desk spot Type 45-50 wpm Completely decorated llfOI 714/111·1700 SCTRY for bu1y aggrts1ve & premiums PUlllQ LOT Ready nowt 990-2952 but PI ea s • n t at • Xlnt verb111 & llECEPTIOMIST )(LNT R6TES l•dHUll mosphere Full time & munication skills ATIEll&IT " 720 8 45 Gra e a d 4 p rt t e S 1000/mo congenoet pe1-SUPEA LOC-UTIL INCL for Salt 4012 exper onty • 1 •Musi be consciencious s~ ti~r 833~1o7~ sonality & a pitch in at Call Cynthia 250-1775 FROM St SF & UP IRIYirllS & auen1ove 10 details ---lllude. 1anos lront de:lk ICE CREAM/DELI. 1720 1; As a TECHNICIAN tn our pirflSOIAL LIMir CALL 1714)968-8193 sttt turnl\ey operation in over 2 t. gd record lnsur.ince Dept yOY will I; 1;S spol Type 45-50 wpm laliHH good San Otego Shop-Veterans Cab 493-8888 oe responsible tor •llEllWRITlll Call Cynthia 250 1775 leatah 2916 ping center Cash TD or EASY ASSEMBLY WORK• • ve11t1ca1ton ol insurance Want prolesslonal cen-RHTAURAMT trade lor auto or moortng $800 oo per 100 Guaran· on all real es1ate loans dldate who can eHeetlve-M 0 THE Rs MK T 4 eXSt 1H H STREET tn NB S35K, 631-7161 teed Payment. No Ex • Placino comprehensive ly rare & underwrite auto KITCHEN now accepllng Successlul retail locatton ---perlence/No Sties De-11ab1hty on~urance on & homeowners Ablllty to appllcattons ror sincere SUMMER JOBS EARN MONEY PRIZES TRIPS THIS appro~ 3200 sq It store j BaaiDtll Opp. 4014 tails send sell-addrnsed F D 1 C owned property process endorsements, energettc health orien $3500/mo Bkr 6•5·6266 --stamped envelope ELAN • Review ol property lor cancellaltons and re-lated restaurant help Co iii All CASN lllllESSES VITAL • 903 34 t 8 adeQuate coverage newels Salary nego-Cold line. hol line 4 ser-Dollworl11 tho •1,•a'tarcll 2911 YEIDlll llCHllES Enterpnse Rd, Fi Pierce • Ma1n1a1n1ngs ticklers liable Call btwn 8·9am or vers Please apply 81 225 DAILY PILOT SUMMER F"L 33452 1n a current status 4-5pm, 494-8008 E 171h St CM Mt•••••or Estab game route Part ___ • Preprallon of monthly ' ' LAGUNA 4000 s/f bldg, ume effort High returns ELECTlllCIAM iirrlirD I reports Personnel R t t S I It you are looking lor~xtra 133' front on main nwy 10 Local area. Wiii train. 5 Yrsexperlenoe1;Res1;lde" •Computer input THE lllYlll( ti IUfll upen Hr spending money, or 111\e Laguna Grea1 tor stores ""I N $$ d n • • Adult wanted tor p/t1me 10 go places llke Magic ' ex hrs 0 own ..-ay ttal & commerctal. local Candidates must have ap MARlllDTI MOTEL E I b I or ottlces Gd prkg, nice for trom profits evenings Kper pre . u Mountain, Knotts Berry 0 11 St 25 II worl\, good OMV a must proprlate experience see our ad under clerlcal will train Apply PIZZA Farm, or win ?riles and gar en se tng 9 Call Sunday 12 ·5 Mon-Fri Company truck 650-3337 Banking is a plus Ma>Ct PEST COMTtlOL CHALE1. 8871 Atlan1a1at Awards, Call us no11111 We Lsellse opt call oys 8 ·5 mum salary 1s S t8.000 B Al94-1633. evs 494-840 t 'Mr Wolter 7 t41838-5620 Full Ch1r10 Seorttary plyr The F D I C oilers a TECNllCIAIS Mu8ngd":,h~e~ Ownership ~a~ sev~r~ o~~tn~s :J' Office/Shop 14' rxAIO Avl New Multi-Level Opport-energetic. 6rlght, lndlv10-great benet11s package, Lloyd Pest Control needs Retail Sales 642 4333 now 3019-A Harbor I unity Established Ethical ual to run busy office 1ncluoing Dental & Vision route technicians we 'DOLLAR EVALUATION dre5'er OOOk& wb~her ru rntturt' WotertorO OFFICE Sal/Sun 223 23ru SI (.,rytal Lladrow llgure». flHllllllQS Royal Dallon chmtt kltc:h SAT JULY 27. 10 00 AM Haat. Beach 61 40 tinware Sa11Sun 8-4prr1 150 Paularlno Avenue MOVINO SALE Beaul 7 66 Sparrowhawli. Irv Suites t 70-299 pc, wa1erbed 5(11 '"h Newtort leacla 6 169 COSTA MESA. CALIF tunk\L appll 5 lvrn !II! SUN JULY 28 tO 00 AM Rog_. r1mpan1 w1c11se f 4 corona 6 cyl ate For Oesc Brochure and much more t 7 172 rass 4 spd 11lnt me<:h Contact Berlin Lane H B Sat & cond S 1000673-0137 LAWSON 8 LAWSON Sun t0-5 846 5329 I SA r SUN 9.3 vard Sale at AUCTIONEERS S B (8 t8) 577-7114 Heve some1h1ng yOIJ want 32 11 Broao 1 ab) ST A TE Uc No C-304 to Mii? C1aas1f1ed aos oo items 11"1•Ques hOvH 11 well 642_5678 notd olems more Free to Yn 6022 I 2 aflecllonate spayed. Mi icellaneou 6218 Boats, Sail 7014 healthy cats Want gd, __________ t 2 . LASER white l!lnt homes-st\bts 673-2298 ALASKA rouno 1r1p 11,ktil ~ono raced t season. Beautllul dog nda a home from LA to Ketr.hikan trio S900 642 4812 desperately! Gorgeous Aug 14 2 t western .:\11 buff Cocker Spaniel line~ $300 6•6-t042 male, beaut manners Free to gd hme 495-5838 AQUARIUMS 30 & 55 Gal show tge llsh S 125 & Emergency-nd good home s 175 Lawnboy gas line for Loving Cat, So Lag tr mmer $45 536-9668 720·3873 I BEAUTIFUL 9x 15 AUN FREE, ADORABLE L AAGE DOG HOUSE KITTENS TO GOOD . $350 HOME 646-8404 645 705• eveningr. Free Bo11on Terrier 5 Casita portable screent!d years, neut . gentle, greal outdoor room complete health 673·259 t Sl5 cash 644 0239 t'> Co1umb1a Oaysaller w 1r11 •lt•t tono Nds a ~ un Sailor Ready to sell St300 5411·8647 16 1980 Cal sail box on 1rtr sharp re(llwhlte/blue sa11 1s1 $950 Must sell! 962· 1478 eves 1&' SMIPE w/sa1li; & trailer $495 549·9008 Blvd. Harbor-Baker Cntr., Humanitartan Big Doller Good •vptsl. heavy' coverage II you INOuld train Must have g"".. TRLEPNOIE WOlll Free 10 go home w/yd, 3yr 0•111111111" w•TER CM C It 0 650 3386 F T 557 0150 """ 1; Male lrlsh Setter Gd ram n " 11• • a wner -Potenttal 675-8458 Phones I • hke more lnlormatton Orlvlng record Call Mr logo hallmark images S ffl N 11 1 1r1 anta Ana o ce o dogt 548 5986 2o hr &illH l••a1tri1l M•TRITIOIAL Fill/TIME PU g~e5~~~~ Eg~rsonne at Taylor, 979-6021 ~M's exper nee Company Top quality wa1er purifiers 25 S1111boa1 w.N B moor ltatlla 2920 I UC LLEICE PART/TIM( WOlll PNOIE WOtll Images requires respon-trains 5-9 Mon-Fri 9• l f uaitare 6025 buy direct and save over mg gd cond Mo11vated E • IN'rERIOR ACCESSORY s1ble lull time & part lime Sat Salary. no selling 2 K' S I h I 40''• Call now 646-6367 S 3 000 OBO 1106 aq ft 2 oH1ces • Own yOYr own business Opportun111es available DESIGN P I or Flt Look· Appointment setters sales ass1s1ants on a per-Call Annte 662-5844 ·~ sz pans wa nut ~e11er1 54~-2858 t982 1 B HOBIE CA r Xlnl cono111on with Tequila Sails $3000 or best oller 673-245 t warehouae prime toe -operate out ot beauufull 11111111 lhe LOS ANGELES ing lor enthusiastic indi· neended Salary $5 ·$7 manent basts Dav ave--waterbeds compl Shelve Ftsh Aquanum 150 gallon freeway close 875-6251 Corporate rac11111es In-TIMES CIRCULATION vidual who enjoys worlt.-p/hr No selling Com· ning & weekend hours TlllllEE headboards & 6 drawer wlroclc & gravel $90 79 CATALINA 27 inboard I 292,. novattve products stale Department in our door ing wlpeople & cotor Wiii pany trains. No exper available We oller xlnl F GS Ina Brkrs has entry Pedestal S 100 & $ t50 646-0363 e•cel con<l lull 8Qutp ttr!ft ~I of rne art packaging de-to door newspaper sales 1 r a in c 111 Mar 'I nee Cati Shelli. 662-5843 working conotttons and level position tor am-King matt S 100 673-t287 E B S M 1 s t8k or , partner Nwpt 224-618 SF gen 1 u1eage velope<! by the most ac-program Guarsnteed (714)77 t-5•66 PRE SCllHL TUCMEll above average pay 11 you btllous career minded 6 Drawer dresser w/2 F~i;n BYNdg ~~~r:~~o r;\ I slop 963-3346 $115 & Up See Mgr •29 credited PhD s MO s & hourly wage plus com--• h e htgh standards ano person Exper not nee ti h d & 1 11 120 E 23rd St CM Nutrtllonist son the worlO m1ss1on Hours 4pm to LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER lor H B school 6 Units av willing 10 learn Raptd ad-nig I stan s u s:z reservation call Jean HOBIE 16 $1100 • use o t $650 investment secured 9 pm Tr a 1n1 n g 11 6-7 dyslwk 2 children EC E Full time Patty, en1oy working with the vancement potentlal in h<lbrd S 135 00 Beaut Campbell 1714) 645-7757 mooring Balboa Island IOATI, Cl.llPERS HI IOTOll HOMES $55-$75 a month BAYSIDE VILLAGE 300 E Coast Hwy, Npt Bch d p 1 1 1 1 H B 631 3002 960 8788 publlc we want to talk contemp couch S t95, 645•6599 by inventory & complete pro111oe otent1a o in an • • you Please call us at busy oll1ce Good start-couch/loveseat $225 Gold Nuggel Band Rtng sz training program A ca-earn $300 plus per week MAINTENANCE PIT SECRET ARY must 63 t-8888 tor an appoinl· ing salary Full Co ben· Beaut oak wall units 6'., S<'OO Ladies Vanity ree1change w1thnonsk Foranmter111ew call type&usephonewell, ment eltts Ask tor Tracy s 150 ea SAT ONLY bench & mirror $110 173·1U1 of I0!> 1 ng what you have 957-2361 ext 1204 A I' nlsmkr 640-4772 Dani -660·1355 551 .8056 or 525 8480 Boys 10 Spd $35 Chaor now NOUVELLE VIE liHERAL OFFICE pp 1ance Judy 631-8470 eves llOllTE SALES DRIVER A 011oman $30 Oak 752-6604 Mr Hudson ---Aesponslbl& adult needed TYPIST /RECPT 8' COUCH navy blue vet-Aocke1 S40 63 t-832 t Hnoo~ t6 Carumba Color ong while Dilly trlr c:us tom rigging $3000 Cell 544 1071 John Need a temporarv olltce Ma'1ntenance Sales Immediately tor route Medical front oll1ce. vet. like new s 150 Two person to answer phones Newport Center cane chairs s4o ea Huge 2 orig Lupe111 nudes NEED STORAGE SPACE? Mortglfll b REAL ESTATE &SST sales, xlnt driving record $ 5 ., 530 KI 0 h Fl"IT .o.T" F"EE T ,. I & 00 Ille typing Jo may Techn1'c'1an E re q d ca 11 M II ch' 20 Hrs. 759-6878 642-43971642-8171 I " (Appr I er 4021 become permanent SS Succeastul A Agt seeks orig pa1n11n~s 4 sale lrom S S • • II __ ,. 650· t333 btwn 9-4 30 B Safe Harbor ell toraga 1,"!I~--------p/hr Call 6•2-9980 aggressive cen....., per-YETHUllllY HOSPITAL unk beds top quality S5 & Up 67 -5598 HOBIE 16 Xlnt cono wllrlr matching sail box multi color sails, db 11 ape1e. many xtras All Sites Into 775-2305 Widow has money tor -Excellent career op son lo supervlae office. Sales $150 Including new mat TD's S 10.000/up No "EME••L OFFICE AIDE scrows show pron.. help needed Full lime tress covers 545.5535 JEEP Laredo front seats SlngieGarage. near 18th & credit'•' /no penally Call • n.a portunoty available nov. :rty Mus•t be lamllt;r lltSllESI I CAllEEll Dulles includes recpt, as-S75 ea t75 yr olO Sp1n- SACRIFICE $2150 Pvt Ply 675-3659 P1ecen11a, $75 mo Denison Assoc 673-73 11 Xlnt opportunity lor per lor skillecJ appliance w/Org Cty Salary $1000 OPPOllTU•ITY s1at & kennel work Must Chrome Arch lamp with n1ng wheel $250 Trundle 675-•886 sonsee111nglull11meem-lecllnician I bonus Sendresumeto Have you tried all the be hard working, marble base StOO 2 bed likenew allllnentncl HOBIE CAT t6 trlr & xtras included needs TLC $915 675-4886 Aaaoa1ctaeat1 3002 Heir Waated 51001 SPIRITUAL READINGS Malntenance Apts. all AOvtce In All Matters b IV Pe s of re Pa 1 r s CounMtl1ng 1815 So El ~2-4914 Wl<Oys 9-4 Camino Real San Clem Loe d 492-7296 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Second • Buno1e Vainly Ledger Am1d5t • E01bte VIDEO GAMES Apt Manager Couple wi exp lor beauhlul 48 UM Garden Apts CM Salary· bonus ·Apt No pets ~2-49 t4 Wkdys 9.4 Apt Managers Mature couple to care tor 26 .inots near Back Bey Newport Beach area Good main1enance ex- pertence closing skills Expeflence preferred References 833-3363 My son s pn1losophy class nas made htm think more about the world around' htm and how to cope with ARCHfTECTtllll me real worro But when lllMEI IUnER ot comes right oown to 11. • he would raher be playing w/3 Y1' e.11per In Type 5 VIDEO GAMES )(Int growth potential In non-smoking o floce Loat A Foaacl 3004 Send resume 10 D L A I FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: t 793 Whittler Ave, Costa I Mesa Ca 92627 --- USISTHT MHAIEll I He1d1 • Frogen Yozurt, Irvine Ranch Farmers Market Fashion Isl FIT Exper pref See Doane ployment with variety in, Irvine Pecitoc ine resioen-1 Daily ?1101 ad ,, 122 PO known ways to make pleasant, gOOd teleph modern uphols occas S200 Capt chr $40 Baby theor work This person 1,111 development ano Bo• t560 CM Cal 92626 money? Are· you really skills Sal Oepenos on chairs $100 ea walnut ~"b $35 t9 zenllh color LIDO 14 wl tratler exce woll ass15t 1n the Oay to management d•\/tSton 01 •ECE .. -IOMIST making a 101 ol big ex~r & ablllty 754-1033 dtn rm table w/2 leafs & St50 2oak librarychrsea 1 cond om111na1 owne dayroulineota verybusy Tne Irvine Company n rt money.oroomgalotol D SSlO pao 6uphols chrsSSOO $20 301Vi5teBaya CM $1200 619-922-3535 o If Dul S II Incl de d d to S a r"" b o ? C I I ~I all like new 642-0t38 818 572 Ot50 o ice 1e w1 u menag~s ano mainta,ns nee e r on ur n...., r · work all us et us 1e1 0 1 p & "" f K L s Large eluxe mode an ott1ce supply ordering several apar1ment pro kerage lorm 1n Newport you how 10 make btg "' hasa Apsos !'low Corner group oncluOes 2 asonic Microwave OlllV 6 Lode• t4 N 1r1r etc Xlnt inventory hltngllogg1ng1 iects in Irvine and New Beach Dulles on elude' mont1y selling a product qual w/chs on both sides Sleep units I able & tamp mo s Old ,250 Beige 811 r c, o S 9 7 5 OB O warehousing materials portBeech Weareseek telephone answering 4j 1na1 has a DESIRED 4 M 1 F Dep now Avl Superoorquality likene11o1 oong c.ouch StOO I l't870t-602tor ma11 room act1v11tes hie tng lechnocoan with 1 2 typing For appl 1714) N E E O • C e r 1 8117 645-6597 Ans mach $200 548•4 t89 675 8706 a 18t343 7718 kitchen dul•es an<l years on appliance repa11 644•5522 2l3!582·39l3 GolOen Retrvr Pups akc Couches Beige S90 L do t• 11r Xlnt cond photocopying EmploMee -MAGIC ISLAND member-' '" "' r also serves as 11 cou~oer and replacement eiec RECEPTIOMIST SALES·MAllDWARE champ lines 5 Fem $300 Brown $75 11fnt cono ship $3500 value StOOO $2000 752 <'586 o using employers vehicle trical plumbing and re-We are seektng a pro tmmeo opening tor lull 3 Mates S2SO 964·2629 lwon mattress $30 DIM! obo 12131937 t660 645-03 t5 "'Ye!> Valid Gahl dnvers 11c ~~:?a;~usyo~ ~~~:,vai~ t1>ss1ona1 recep11on1st tor 11me COUNTER SALES Honea SS20 720-9913 Moving must sell Kimball !RHODES 33 wooden reqd Gooo oene111s me~i the P bite and al our Tustin office Duties See sieve H w Wright 2 Year old A 0 HA M 11 G d "' u DOUBLE BED Walnut 2 Sp1ne1 Piano hrOwO Sloop USI se 00 package Apply'" person good 1ob record are alst include answering very C 0 m P a n Y 1 2 6 night stands dresser wtpadoeo onch S t3.50 cono 8 18 35 1 8881 dys 9&m·•pm important heavy telephone greet-Rochester Costa Mesa CHAMPION Fully broke. THE JOU y llOQER llC. 1ng and oirecttng v1s1tors Jumps great conltrma-mirror 2 lamps. $300 Misc Furr111ure 559 1684 We will provide an u ce1 I EJCperience preferred SALES UDY 11on. $4500 650-9435 or Ceil alter 3 751-8608 NEWPORT BEACH TEN- 1704281111ff1 lv1. tent salary ano beneftt~I but we w111 train Part 11me Kub11a1<s An-644-2652asklorKlm . llUYFU•MITUllE NISCLUBMEMBERSHIP '''""e 714/250-0331 1 entt'lus1ast1c 1ndlv1dual 11ques Lag Bch 494 .. 1633 A -60 " ""OR s SSOO package uni orms ano Dti•Dtl 10 LES 957-813J r ALE Many liEIEllAL OFFICE most tools Please app1., With pleasant personality act1v1t1es lor en111e 1am1ly in person or call (714 and front office appear-SALES PEOPLE WAMTED Anllque Partner's Desk. INTERIOR DECORATOR 573.4253 PA AT-TIME pos•Uon av91I· 720•2677 ce For 1mmed1ate con-~old•~a1~, nopro) lea th top. go cond moves must ncrit1c;e1 able tor a major Orange s1dera1ton please apply in C.i1IRochard%) 3q75 $550/obo Bronze Fig· Beaut Rattan Din set Norman Rockwell s The County credit ur11on 89 THE 1RVINE COMPANY person Industrial League SECRT-AYJB.KKPR E pr 1 ure~ $100/up, 673-245 $500, Cot Ible set $3751 Colonial Pa1n111r auto branch office represenla Irvine Pac11tc 01v1s1on ot Orange County Credit • x Haotaln Cotton Sota/ graphed ltd ed111on llthCI live Some clerical e~-6 Hl Newport Cen!er Or Union 15901 Redhill PIT apply Larson Ship-0 Keel & Merrill 4 burn loves! $500, Sofabed (un-0 r a P h I P D P e r s peroence preferred bull Suite 800 Ave Sulle 10 I Tustin. yard NPB 548•3641 gassto11e works. wlclock use<l) $350• Stunning $4250/obo 4\15 5677 ;~9~1'~.'ra~n ~~,~~~~~~:: Nt!wport Beech CA 9266CI Ca 92680 SECRETARY/hooutlYO light & radio Beige $295 Brass glass din set $375, PAC TEL 2000X CAA lh I t 0 "ECEPTIO"IST New S & L opening Chief OBO 646-4005 brass bar stools $75 Art PHONE Save S assume wt a p easan per Equal pportunoty "--s I / I I d r I Ill ellecullve 01t1cer needs Orienta! B-.. $3500-24 ..,.,..o 0 a 1ove11 paste lease 673 6586 sona ity an ron o ce Employer perm pt-time, Mon·Frt "" I s 500 S650 SANTANA 20 like new .. sa11s Many ex tr as 4 hp NB Slip avail S6900 Must sell 640-4255 Mariae Epip. 7011 Cross-transom gas tank aluminum 15 gals new head manifold, Atomic 4 $250 645-7054/eve Slips A Docks 7022 For !!ale 45 mooring e•lt NB loc. St 1 900 <7 t41 675·:!358 {2 t 3)628-t874 appearance For 1mmedl· Secretartal skills req aecra1ary preferably with Porcelatn Paintings lots c rs orig 1 sac · Picasso Pastel Pdinflng 10 al.I! cons1dera1ton please MAINTENANCE person Reel Estate development S&L or mortgage bank-ol Carvings 49•·9860 Almond lacquer col Ible I A F r •42 1111 apply 1n person Indus I tor N B area nn WoulO & prop mgmt tn H 6 ing exper Must be able aft 6pm set $4001 Oak Bdrm $400 ~a e c:f'pra1seo by red • I &SS STED MAMAliEll troal League ot Orange suit retired person Gen· HUNTINGTON to work out of 2 ollices as Custom Oak 8' well unit Bash allery NB $5000 ________ _. I County Credtt Union eral repairs and up11eep 1 EXECUTIVE PARK workload dictates Excel-WHIEll Ill( $575 col Ible set $375 c"~I Nol~er25oOvAr 7S5000F 9 5 Mon-Wed-Fri-Sal WANTED Side lte slip 0 morring 101 beautiful t 7 Utlboat 675-3746 i=ouNO re male long n11r 0001 All CLElllS 15901 Redhill Ave Sutle 01 small beo ano break 847 _2531 tent typing and ahorthand PVT MOME/CDLLECTIOM Secttonal recliner sol a .ai IC 45 1 M gray tut grown cat ''" }(Int opportunity at Aoc~y 10 , Tv,.rn Ca 92680 fHt inn Call 675-7300 requored Salary nego-F C orig$ t800 sac $7501 ALL tO 5PM l•~tne 786-33 .. 7 Mountain Chocolate F"ac-E 0 E 2 inely Carved lnnabar XLNT OUAUTY • CONO• RED O S1ilM!ucl1 7021 Lo"9 Surfboard 9 tt 8 1n Greg Noll Faor condtflon • " RECEPTIOlllST llabte call Cao1nets w Glass. WO DHOT rue tory Apply Irvine Aancn HAIR STYLIST I MQR MHHERS 833-7890 tor Phyllts No reasonable oller re-Compl '•Ortable new reas round Doodle M11 temate M k F h 1 1 R 1 1 M S Need adult prof w/strong Marble Setting Ouan 1 ed p p 972 8 • t t ... "' tieat near i-•• ersooe r:~k ~~ B~~~;~,o~aa~~ w1tti some c11entere 101 t s~i:s1,n ::'B & ~~-nt~o~~gae commun1ca11on ad· SECllETAllY Yen Lge 8 Panel 8 High us ' ' • orice tor onto 645-616' Airct1ft 1010 s too 499 ·3440 Or Coas1 Hwy 642 7595 cozy salon •n Huntong m nstratove & organize-I Screen Lge Jade Tower MOVING OUT SALE 542.7608 "' msg I AnEMTIOI Bt!&C.h 891 7046 tor Mllry Retired persons pref 11ona1 Skills for key front NB PA firm nds respon-Lap19 Buddha. Jewelry, Beautiful hand cral1ed Mi1c. W1at1cl 6220 E1tecullve Hangers 61 JI Hotel ~:Pc. er bh~pp~1 ~11~ir~:': oll1ce pos1t1on Typing s1ble detail oriented Sec European Bronzes. Small European lurn1!ure Solo Old lnd.oen •rt1facts Pot-:~e~ot1ne~r. ~1e26''!~urp1. Oatll ~OJNO small Dac..,und FULL TlllEJOI nee $1350 to start ret11rywt1dnllyp1ngs1t1lls & Lge Carvtngs, Lge to best Oller View Sun ,.. ~" ""' ,pe Oo{; ~·c. Super ot ~ THE IRYIME P T work 557 3700 tor 11111benehts SenO resume Word Proce111ng llMB pc Porcelain Koi Fllh Bowls. Mon Tues afternoons tery BlankelS 010 Caltl toce & restrooms Chino Pomona c M 63 • 6606 San Francisco La11 Vegas llARRIOn HOTEL dPPl1ca11on tn PP C P 0 box 3,.8 w/Words1arr a plus Great Ivory Collecllon. & man" 35 Balt>oa Coves N 8 Paintings t. w 586-40 n Airpor117141 883-5322 ;irt 6 I and San Diego are some tocat1on people ben , ot the pieces our or-f'las an •mmedtate l)~nor1g llHICUIUST So Laguna Ca 92677 ems 720-094 t • other things Must sell' Ne1111 Cust Couch 7 bge. Ofliee Furaitue/ Bieyclea 1012 ~OST F M CALICO CA T1 gan1za11on will v1s11 on tor the tollow•ng Pti!>· rental space avail Thurs-Sun July t 7 ·20 1 $650 11 $450 c f E • t 6226 - 15 ;rs Old Short ta1l 1 bu91ness trips Transpor-lloons CdM 673-0142 RECEPTIOllST /TYPIST SECllETAllY 8·6PM 18351 Larkstone cos se 0 saapmea Musi sell GT BMX Xlnt V1c1n11y of Ca111 homes I talion provided No ex PIX OPERATOR Newport Beach CPA firm Circle {Oii Newland Tbl s75 759•8280 Moving oi1ice furn sale COM WdOp ol the line lrvtr e Aeward 55 t 1381 perience necessary "I Grave yard n •PT 1 MEDICAL ASSIST H T I seeks 1nd1vldua1 with ?11~~: ~1~~.";~r;:~~~~,a~~:~ Ave/Ell11) 842-2103 Queen Waterbed w/ boo II Desks credenzas ~~7i'~o~:~'f 41~3622566o50bo Lost GolO Puule Ring you are or over wou • "' AtJlillCel 18 lo .AR ••Cl I Witrl hmlled X Ray Permit typing sklll8 759-0511 has lmm"'d opening lor 6011 casehdbrd \ tOO obo Lk lypwrtr slanda, Ille cabs, v - Newport Pier REWARD like to gain business ex-20 Hrs p1w1< ror busv Orthopedic 01 RECEPTIONIST secretary with strong new E & J wfleelcllslr. ~~~a;:~Os~,:!~O Wkdys Motor Bikes 1016 631-8631 850-923• per1ence and are tree to llllTHDEll rice lull time 6•6·8824 typing, organization at I IUY APPLIHOES S 150 545-3982 MOPED IGarelll) gold travel Call 9am-3pm 125 H / k D 1 skllla Xlnt benefits Call LES 957-8133 U~rlght Freezeer 9 cu 11 PeOeslal table/4 c;lub Colo' very cle'"n nice LOST Mc Gaw org breaS! 1• 1 0110 rs P w 8Y' s d 9c.5 2600 s • " & blue wings Reward Vic ,. • ll&HT AUDITOR MOTOR ROUTE I An excohng Tuatin ao an re " • Relrlg I I . sxs. beauty 50 Queen size mattraas chairs 250 Also 58'-rear m1rrortbasket1/4 yrs East Bluffs 644 4739 ATTENTION STUDENTS Knowledge 10 key m1:t Daily Pllol Motor Ao111~I :~~~~~.~~ s6!~nor:Q~~~ &HEHL OFFICE $325 washer/dryer $195 6 se 4 1 2 _w 7 i 7 th 31 trame $50, call ~!'.a~8~,h~~tsm. :~~I :~bEI old $275 obo 536-1785 0 C Co hes posit ons ror hi o 1 1 1 H t 1 s h 1 d 85 t-8056 or 525-8480 REWARD I t ' c ne 900 w iqure' ava1 at:> e in un ing oro typing at 60 wpm and ecretary. s arp n iv book1, more 759-11 t t Motorcyclea/ Lost or re ur,, 6 gas stattons $6'hr gnod wrnte,, & oral com Beach Deliver week <lay good clerical/ com-Perm or PIT Buay ore. *SALE! SALE!• J I 6214 $ I 01 reo ~uitcatMI & con Cell aft 2pm 645-"i760 mun1ca11on ,11111s alternoons weekend municetoon skills Hours typing req phones Sal twt r~ Pi1101/0r1111 6221 coottn 011 '1~n1;5~\~;1~~~1 l~~~July AUTO MECNHIC ATpupelys 9·"~mpe1r25'::0' '·nM. o;a· o&o mornings Earn $400 are MON-FRI 8am-5pm neg Lort 645-0110 Refrigerators s t29 & Up Lady's olld Gold Role• '1&10 1710 MAN""MY ,919 Honda cex fO 000 o v $500 per month Must w~ oiler an excellentf SECTY F T F Washers $99 & Up Watch. pedeel condition • mo clean great con Von Karman Avl'. lrylr I! 111111e dependable vehicle salary benefits program I ~. exrr 2 :~~I Dryers gas/alee $99 & Up Retail $4500 SELL FOR Hano-carved $500 IVatue Othon• s2000 979-2175 Male blk whre ler Brake front end air c.on r er Spr,nger mix F M dll10n1ng Bob 642-1286 trk brw<' A1m1e moJ AUTO TIRE SEltYICf Brwn 1 m Shep our "'" Ma e '" write CO•Q TRAINEE Newport T re Mary CBI, "' e ~ntrTl81 Ctr 3000 E Coul Hwy S"l!ill!r 6u.35c.e Corona Oe Mar .;.s.10 .. r1;.i1.• ___ .. 21...,2 ... 21 Stor11e We Want to Tell You Where To Put It ... 2922 LAGUNA SELF STORAGE 495-6900 • !JPA(f' fR0'-1 S·W /tl(lflfh • flflPFlJL RfSf{)/"I MJt,"'\<,11<" • CUA"i. 'H l RI f Actlln • Rf.A.\01'1A.8L t l'RICl/J • ~PACES FROM S\5 ro IH IO OPEN 9a m-6pm 7 Day~ a w~rk 20522 Ler-una C.nyon Rd. 491-1900 (1/1 Mile South of Ef Toro Ro.ad on l.1gun• Canyon Rd l ·= Ca EOE M F V "" -ir.o be over t8 1rs old wllhon a stomulatong &n· er• ns 06~~~77 4~1 ALL APPLIANCES St 295/obo 673-245 t $5000) 675-5598 C.ALL Art Broadstoc;~ v•ronment To lake ad-Full, li111r1att14 M' I 11.211 PIANO TUNING & reoaor '17 MOIDA 4 en. * HOUSEOLUHRS * · Neened SS h• mooage Must have owr ar Ca ChroSl•e 731 52 tl o42 4333 le•t 2091 iar iage ol lhos grand OP· SEOTY /RECPT Eaoolloat 0114itiH llCt IHHal v Ing E' Per' enc e o S50 Weet legal $450 CIO•tur ty Please cell Exp d switchboard front UNIQUE FURNITURE * * • * * * 760-8688 548-5942 HOUSEKEEPEA liv'I ri w~nos only Re iit. tl woman 10 c.or;~ ., car;o tor elderly 'cld/ A11111tl•¥e aiea Rel! •eQ 644 ? t '10 Houseke11p .. r wa~ted NANNY m1ture n smkr to care tor t infant Live 1n 01 out No h1wrk Eap $ rel So Laguna 66 t ~6 1 NURSE AIDE homfl c11r1t Non smoker Oay or night •hlft 848 24 2 7 Own transport&! on 4 OFFICE 811ll able body mnr 6.CS 48721 Our NawPort 0111ce cou1r11 HOUSE PARENT1S1 become yOVrtl Looking 7 needed tor t r,,1,toan IOI' the rtghl person Re- n mes w/<Jisabled r:hll qu1r1n lite 1vp1ng 1111ng & 0 5 1 I phonn Mu" be 1n Oren 9 7 -6 90 telllgent ch11rm1ng & 1o. • •r , .. ,, ..... ,.,., • ,,,,,,y ., I ~e•r ua1a1at·P 011(11' witty Call lor dat1111a 548 4333 C,,, , P c l'I' ~ 1 11 •J I SELL odla lltms with 1 64<' s&·" Dally P1to1 CllNllled Ad . . NOW HIRING CAlllERS AllllTAIT IAIAIERS On;na a117141 832-8700 desk type 50 p1u1 com t94 7 s Main St FULL LENGTH 1nver fox S t' G--..a 6230 '11 HOit• IOLI Wtll puter exp a plus Irvine Santi Ana coat Never worn Re-~r ll[ .,.., • "'' Eaua Opportunity m lg 1 out on Ly d 1 a Btwn Edinger & Warner on tailed $7500 13000 obo BRAND iJtw FULL SIZE •000 l ow mites S7SO Fmployer Mir 250 4884 Main St S.. the Bear• 673-2451 DIVING WET SUIT Used 968-5793 642-7582 I Hl-1220 •COPY llAOIUIEI* 2Xa Medium sz S95tor 82 HONDA SILVERWING •• • •• • • ••• Dll.IJ Pl.IOI·. Fr~::n~~~: ::u:1~~~en !:~~·::, :~~::::_ s t5o '~~.;.',~ ••• ~:~ 0357 11~~:~3~~16:~'~!~ range $150 OishwHher M h h 51" 1$150 I 6232 $45 Mirrors $2-$75 11 ogc est h • t ff •• JOll FO• TEEll • 6 7 5 8090 Hn<>ver vacuum c1e11ner SA l E' 0 an c e S I u d Io o or ••11 1020 n $50 548-9798 ring long equip! S1t1r110 vldto. e ITIU lHllH ptll A .... H JIU e Clttka thlllrs, relrlg 74 Chevy Shatt& 350, • -Will, LHI " FHTHlll : 772 2373 ocin, A/C Ill new •Int : If you .m• 1n High &houl or Jr lltgh • D ·1 p·1 • tond S9200 673 4:l99 •• <md would ltke lo t•arn $25 00 to : •••••••• ••• a1 y I 01. •••or..... 7012 76 4 STAR 19·~ al19eps & • $5() 00 tn commtS.'IJOnS Und mor<• t"ll<'h e • • ff Cobalt t976, bOwrlder good COhd und&r bl~ • • 175 OMC cu•tom 1r1r: boofl. 18000 96" 2106 • wt•f•k g1vt• u~ a c111l You can work • • • x1n1 cond S1500 llrm 1 ••PART TTME in th1• .;fternoon~ <•nd •. • • (7t4)e73-29SO &CHINOOK 3 w1yr11tr1g • • ·c new llre-t dnt !ltlaPfl •evening~ <md 'itlll hltVf' ltmP t<J t•n.1oy e : wall£~, e 18 Boston Whal.,, ~Int $4 000 548 1655 : your -;ummf"r W1· uffrr t OOlJ>ll•k': e A UI • cont! 1nclud1t trall•r 17 FldorAoo prtefld right • Lra1ntng and pro\ tcl<• transporMmn e : AUTO ROITE IRIVEllS : Muat Miii 552 'e IO t9 11 S7500 7 t Ei • plu" grtYctt pr11t"\, traps, and plt•nty of • • • 18 T B11d F0rmul41 OM<, doredo 't rt S5SOO Dir : MONEY' Thi'! '' not a p.'lpl"r route : • (rvuw Areu Mon-Fri Aftt>rnoon, • ~!2.': 8 ~~· 1 tO h1' 64'·0795 httt S48 9823 • .tt1d ll 1s not ...-•vt•n day!I n w1-.•k Comf" •• • Early mom1ng. weekends $400· •. >Clnt cond 676 0188 71 OMC 28 Roy111e n....,. • bl • tnt , •• , b41h duel roar : hc·lp us gl't Ol'\\ ( u ... tomt•r; ror our . • $600/mo Must be dPpenda (> Call • t979 10 MAKO w/ll.49fc II loeoeci Ci.an r••dy • Of'W'>f)itpt-r and h.1vc• .i l(ood ltm • e : :J PM !\ PM Weekdfly :. 115 HP 018 w11rellet '" roll tenr1Caa ,,..... • whtl1 vou n • dotna ll Comp nut dnd . • M c • sa 000 oeo e42 3187 M•,h•l•'I tor91 S3:l 000 • ~ • • Zlm't tlttr & pm oeo 120.0130 ev" • .,..,. what we r•rf• 1-.lkanjt .1ho1H und • • • • •. d e * 78 EXCALIBUR 26 ft WAN"HO ro RENT Small • vou'll be> gln<i vou td C:11/ rodtt\ .md • • &42:.4333 • gd cond IOtdld w •tr" W111 est•bllar.aa oc ltw : ~turf ltJlll()rt'fJW' c •• 11 Mr i-:1rl : • • Ju ... rtlurblahldl SS995 '•nn d'IS!r~ lo,..,, R n1 erv1ews W ednesday 9 l t A M at 2588 Newport B1vo Cotta Mesa Ion Nf'wpor• B1vo ar Del Mar ~,tll f 7 Hit more onlr • 54/i 70:,t1 or 241 -84 ~12 • : ORANGE COAST' DAIL 'I' PILOT : 548 2598 ;:::,:~Is~:~~~ tr~'m I e OAANGE COAST OAIL V PllOf : e " "' ,.., ,,.,., tn•~ ......... ,. 1J~.1 e N..-d Par1n11r Beautiful Avguar D•c•mbt1r tor • "' ... a., ,,, ... C""I• I.AM• [ .. nft ,• • • .. ' , • "''""II' ... ,., '.lil't U•tll • 42' Callf Trwtr s tOK ., 001110 10 R"MS '00111111 : •NHJ11A1 QPPOl'lttJN't1r1,1r mri. : e : r.llll• Evtt 780 8871 Of 01m1>' Call Jt'" 11141 eeee eeeee eee eeee e • •••• ••• e lee e ee ••• ••••,• eee •• e e • ••• • Ov-1147 6044 ~!>J 9266 • min motor . ·re.~. awn '"' MW 1112 Mtrct4t1 .. II witub & an .... ., Sipe 5 I•------""'""..-;; a 11 ~ 642·0323 8 I 3201 3&M mt m1n1 1149 Tralltrs, Tr H t I I024 20' Mlflcon1, ale. ifpa A, EaJ1ern built N , llOted S yre, gOOd enape, 12200 546·•063 26' Exira Clean g LO.did W/IJ!lraa AIC Mll;ro. Awn1ng1 elc Se 950 Sam D/1173 1331 E/551·2429 &ate Lt11la1 9010 AOllA-llTSUll TOYOTA ALL MAKES• $199 DOWN Oe1111ers Any Lease lll·llVHS LUSE cones Sunrt I owner, S 10.000 PP fS40 1835 81 320. Au101•ir root'•'• mOdel n1c.e • IK A'k I 10 8!>0 6•2 9223 '12IMW 121• • Door. load.cs w/l)OWer equ1pmen1 (IESF817) 111,H I Johnson & Son Ltncoln Mercury 2t)26 Htrbor Bll1d. C M 71 4/540-5630 ·a• 325e BMW. to ml. talu1 over pymts 821 -0748 or 2131217-7972 '85 835 CSI nr new. met •1llMll.t Anth1 aclle gray fully oqu1pt lSer 0049321 H I0.00 Pe1 mo • tax 48 mo• CEL OAC cap CCIII $29 950 total pyn11S S32 640 Res $9600 JIM SLEIDll IMPORTS 1001 OUAIL ST, NB 833-9300 enthra, blk llhr Int 1978 240D fatra clean S327007141996-1885 Air am1rm $3,500 obo 548-CARS 100/221-IHI ~nmullllft 1979 300D S1111ertblk 53.000 m1 new urea brk9 ma1or tune-up -int cond $12 000 752 2586 or 645-03 15 eves 114/412-1111 ~·~ LOOllll TO LEISE IALll IDM a OMIYSU• PHiien LUii• Talk te ll Mite"'" fer '72 I 2 ·~SL 2 top9 alloy !test trle11 HUNTING1'0N BEACH CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH 842-0631 540-5 164 • 10 DOW• -All MH U wneels looks & runs ~twaya a tremendout· great $14 500 1ve mesa ~lectlon of new & 645-6646 :•r•fully prepared 80 280SE sl'lowrm cond preowned BMW'• In to mileage white Ian stock. $19 500 obo 495-5677 It doee maJce a dlf-82 280SL silver metathc. ferenoe where you au10 au p 'w alloys mint purchase your BMW cond S31 ooo 432 8531 ~ (lH)lll-1111 Ponclae 9157 ·76 914 2 o appr gp Aed. 111r cass l)(trt cond clean $7250 obo pp 831 1924 77 9115 sharp car snrl 76 Conv Bug new top xlnt cond111on $4500 080 974 1447 Alt 5 30PM 77 BUG SILVER 16K m1, new 11184 Make Otter MUST SELL 640·4255 77 BUS E.l(Cel cond Camper bed am Im ster $3900 759-5466 77 Sciro0co • spd, 75000 mo air amtfm cass. gd cond $2000 650·5206 69 ;:ord F ALCON STA TION WAGON Good cond Asking S8001obo 873· 1876 or 673-811 1 74 PINTO auto 1 owner '11 PLYMOITll CHMP looks runs good am Im 14 cyl 4 'SPMd heller stereo lu.< decor $950 I AM IFM (atereol t • 30431 (7141963·2558 SHH 75 STATION WAGON 9 passenger. Aini tires ale, ract10 brown tow bar tow mirror rack clean s 1750 080 536-1785 THIODOIE ROBINS FORD Same Ody App1 011al NPwpor1 Beach Ollie~ H0-1140 208 w. 1 •t. s.nt. Ana CLOSED SUNDAYS 1mmac in tr. am/Im must 7 7 Sc1rocco clean 1nlou1 sell $14.500 pp 786·3028 Dep11ndable S3000 OBO 644-8396 75 TORINO radio, ate, PIS plb. good 1ranspor- 1auon car Runs Great $500 642·4397 2060 HAl801 BLVD CO~TA Ml SA b42 0 010 Aat1 Strvict1/ Parts 901 5 LARGE SELECTION OF NEW & USED BMW'S! LOI& IUCll IMW VOLUME SALES 4. ,,.a Vw mags ... hole SERVICE & LEASING SSO 00 36-0cc Subaru 3670 N Cherry Ave LONG motor trans S 100 2 IS BEACH radials S 100 536·9668 1No Cherry e>11t-405) Aat11 Waatt4 9020 (l 14)131-1110 Trade-Ins Welcome OPEN SEVEN DAYS UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE/HONDA WE IUY CARS TOP DOLUR FOR USED CARS 2850 HARBOR Bl VD COSTA MESA 540-96'0 WE IUY ill MHH USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FREE lPPRllS&L DeLILLO CMEVROUT 18211 BEACH BL VD HUNTINGTON BEACH ••l·101l;l4t-3331 WEWHTYOUR CLU• USED CHI See Tony Rajai 78 BMW 3201 A T 2 (Ir copper Gd cond am1tm I stereo S5 800 786 808 t SEPARATE EHOPEH DELIVERY DEPARTMENT McLAREN'S BMW M·F11119 S-Sllll6 626 S Euclid St Fullerton. CA 7 14·680 6300 213 691-6701 D1t111a 9117 'll 1210 IUTCMllCI Great transp car auto low m1 xlnl cond white S 1200 obo 495-3696 • ·77 91 IS Targa. burg/blk )(Int cond many e~ tr as $12 500 640 6244 79 9 I 1 SC blk wttan sun rt phone rdy runs •Int beaut $18 500 000 978-9209 81 91 lSC Targa 34k m1. rect mint cond Best ofter I 821-0148. 213 211 1912 '1 1 PORSCM£ 121 Loaded w powe1 equip ment Beaulllul Like rie"" IFOF9 t71 S23,H 5 Jonnson & Son L,ncoln Merc.urt .i!626 Hart>Or Blvd C M 7 14 540 5630 CHICK IV ER SON PtlH.,< HI ·\I Ill I Ill\ HI HI I 78 Buo Convert low ml, very clean $7200 760 0648 '12 FOH HHlH 79 Buo Convert Xlnt I WlHI cond 1o mi River blue Au1 0 ale pl brakes wl blk S6900 646 2140 am1fm ste<eo Ult tug 19 Rabb11 rietcl'lback b•egerten em1fm cass S2000 Sheela 496-4620 79 VW CONVERTIBLE BUG Nt!80s lront body wori.. OFFER 786-5497 I 82 Rabb•I Convert Chere gre~ Aini cond $8500 6 77 6692 or 751 8882 I 82 RABBIT CONV 34K m1 •Int cond •tras $8900 546 8698 or 675 S 100 1 62 VW Vanagon L 35k I 1 • am Im ""'80 & cass b•n bg11 1FGU165 S8500 PP 968 433 I hm 549 1757 wk w A ; N E $ gage rack (Lie "2BTF207)(Stk "32641 '"" THEODOR I ROBINS FOIO 2060 HAl801 8LVD COSTA MISA 642·0010 '12 FIH ESCORT .ti Cyl 4 speed AMtFM 1s1eteol casselle vinyl 1n1ercor !Stock "31141 HH • Pontiac 9335 Kdtellaat 57 Freeway POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS I USINEIS NAM( STATEMENT t,. f: • \"' '"'0 C"l':f'•t•t\~ ... •ld•r II tu\ l'IU as ... G •RRE f' ~LJRN1• RE ;', 1!1 •1••1 • Blvd C-0111 M11u C A 9('61. Mf'n1 y J arrett ! 11•11" ol lhf' l.11•elt L••'"'1 '• ,11 U 0 T I\ •• ll'i 1•8" 8ac•ma Piii•,. C:!lSIA MfltA 4 97&Ui Hflnr, .J ~,.,,.,, p, ' \llitf"efll wO ' .._, with lhf' COu!1f\ 1 •••• '' 1 lf'Q• ( ount...-or '"''" 194'> ,..,.,071 Pul'lc•'1,.1I 01 AnQ., l Ul 011ly P 101 Ju•• , ' '" AuQull ' I 1 1'4A' POOLIC NOTICE P:IC TITIOUI aUllNUI NAME ITATIMtNT .,. '°' •"Q ci-... • ••• lJoc..q tovsmen 11 • ~8• L NO" AUTO rrci· ···~I ~ !)'"" """ R1.n "Ott,. L l'\()A ~]fl•f' ..... .., ..... ~ ,. O •IQ<ll llwtl'f' CA 11:1 ·~ T "'' !>1J, l''"U t COi' ""' '""' I>) ... 1 ... , "°41•at Mal~ ,,,., stat9'!'fln.t .... '1"" .. Ito •'19 COU"h ... ~ (II °' itno• en...... .,,,. 11 lil~t. p t ••I ~ 0••1\ I le I Ju •• 11 1H'!> Onsngtt Colisl DAILY ~ILOT 1Sunday July 21 1985 C7 f'\&IC NOTICE tTATIMINT ~ WITHD'IAWAl "IOfll , Alt'TNllllHll' OHllATIHO UNOC.11 'ICTITIOUI a UllNIH NAMI , _________________ __ c:> ,t. ),,,.c 0.;,1v P c• Augut• 4 • • 11.1(1~ Oy dr "\!., ava '""""• Ect .. ar:i .. Qf,.,.., T,..., °!'.'A'~~~f A'a~ t jp• 'lltl ,, ,,.,,.c ""' ,, CPt .. I ii:I' Qf'! C ur ·, "' .. 1 lhlj'.i F211163 P.o10 \f'4'0 Oa. P t AuQ ,.,1 4 1' ,,."<f8 ..... ,j~' Ju' . ' '-~ PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF AIANOONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUS I USINESS NAME SU TEMENT J. '"' • ''"'" .... ". . .... •"' \ ' c;., ... , \41"~• •r ... . .. . .... ·~· .• "f1 4 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS I USINESS NAMl STATEMENT PUellC NOTtC£ . ' Fzaoat1 P .. t-v· .. .:: , , _, ... :Id , ;> • ' " Auyu411 4 ,.,.,., PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ~ ... ..... • 1C.• .. -' ..... ... PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ,,. ' w ~----------------~ ... P\ELIC TICE --------'IC l'ITIOUI I UttHUt IOMf IT A T'fMINT • • I ~ , . PlalC NOTICE Pt.6LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS I USINESS NAME STATEMfNl Nt&.JC NOra P\B.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE .... t.' js1rfiff1""" .. ,.r ,...,ef'll5 1 Cto ....... ,..\. ,. .. ~ fl '0'"i "''D<..'•lon ~ .. ,, Ju.;, .... ..: r, 1 0" 0 Jd S• ,o._,.. BtitO r111ne • •••,.SO"' -4, .... , ... ~,,, ~,., .. ~,..,,, #'-t•tee ... ~ s o""s ... t',<I; s vOn "' '" ''°I" Counh C if! • ... , tf '1'"'''~.J th • c.ci'OCrat or • ,.r °""'•on J1.1 lll •-111• Sa • • Bas·"• -..e•:r.a F210721 ~ ) ; E ... • -..,. e"' s 0 ,t '"&C O•a ~P ~a~· .., <l•'" C .. a'sor. o 'IS•Oen1 •·"' 1t P O' w' '• • • i': •rt~ tt••ef"l"l'@nt ...,..~ hift(I ."""\'. ~ ... , ........ '"f" our.•-. : e..-• "''Qr ').., .. ~ :}r:~p r•, ut? e ·gac POOLIC HOTICC FICTITIOUS 8USINEH IU1ME STATEMENT .. , .. . "' PUBLIC HO TIC[ FICTITIOUS BUSINEIS NAME STA T(M(Nl POOllC .. '" ,. . ' '"' TICE ,. ,. •• "C TITIOUS I USINUI .. AMt'. ST A TfMfNl ··~ "90l'n MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS I USINEll NAME ST A T'E MENT .,. • '"''¥W•f'IO person• •'"" t ~•"1'1115 u C(),.. "'f"'' •. C AA Ct I'll C .,...._ ~Ar!41;f""! 'A1.,~( C1r("1• .. r: '\',_ r,.. 1o allftit ..... , •, ... ' ,..,, t Qt ... ARBOR L AWN· M l OllV~ .. .... PIEACE BROTHERS 8Ell BROADWAY llotOATUAlllY ~ a,.., ' 'AM .. •I !)4, ", PACl,IC VIEW MEMOtUAL PAfllK I"' l'lfll• • ' V I 1ar; ~ r.. • ' '"' '• t> 1:•11l , ""' Dr • , '-'111,,.l\Orl ~I t ,. ..... C8 Orange Coast DAil Y PILOT /Sunday, July 21, 1985 fltB.IC NOTICE PUBLIC HOT1CE '1CTITIOUI IUllNEll · "CTITIOUI IUllNEH NAMI IT.ATIMI NT NAME ITATl!MENT Tht lottowino !Mlf&or1• ar• Tht 1011ow1og pe<aons are doing bvllneat •• Eye to oomg bvaineu H DEM" £ye Production Co 1511' PRODucrs t t26 El 'ti/ 8alt>ot Newpon Bch Camino Of Coate Mesa CA PlllLIC NOTICE ,.,01. Published Orange Coast Diiiy P1101 July 2 1 28 AuguSI 4 1 t t985 Su-65!1 PUBLIC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE 001110 bvlln•ll .. wtlh tM County Cl«k Of Or· II A KICKING SERVICES •not County on July 12 364S Beer St •11 Sanll t98S An1 CA 11270-4 '2111110 Vinet AbbOtl 364S S..! PuDllllled Orange C0t11 St , H Sanla An• CA Diiiy P1to1 Jul) 21 211 CA 92e&3 92626 P\B c HOT CE Stanley M Lyf\t;ll, 1~ 1 t • B•rb1r1 A Paul 1126 El 1 __ ___.;.....;;l_l ;.__..;..._I __ _ 92704 August 4 1 t 1985 Sarah AbOOtl J6"4S 8H1 Su-847 W e.tt>ot NtwPotl Reh Camino Di Cott¥ MNd. CA CA 92663 9262b Thie Du•in•H 11 ton-Th11 Dut1nt11 15 con llucteo by •n 1nC11vtdu11t oucreo by an 1nd1v1du111 Stanley M Lynch Barbara~ Paul Thi• 11atemenr wH hit<! I Tll • atatemenl WH Meo •tlh the County CMt<k of Or· wtrh IM Covn1y Cieri. or Or- lll'09 County 011 June 28 ange Count~ on Jui-.. 26 1985 1985 "90050 F219808 Puollshed O••rtg4' Co.et PubMh.0 Orange Coast Daily Pllol Jun• JO July 1 01til) 1'1101 Jun.-3 July 7 ,ICTITIOUI I UllNESS St ~1 Stntt Ana CA, _________ _ 92704 NAMI! STATEMENT Thll l)ualness IS con The roflow1no pe•son• 1re __. k b d d 11 Ouc1 .... l>Y .. ui •n In w e FICTfTI""' 'S IUSINlll 001110 Dulin•" H 111nct AbDoll .-..,..I T TE~NT Gt::AKINS AUTOMOTIVE ThlS s1a1emen1 wes filed NA-A -.. REPAIR 101 Monte ll1Slll Ill the Count Ct.or~ of Or· Tht IOllOwtng petlOnl ere Costa Me., CA 92627 wi Y OOlr>O bvslnMe 11 cri .. stopner Da••O •nr Counly I>" July 12 PACIFICCOASTSIGNS& Ge<l11n1 2336 Minuteman 19 5 nt107t LIGHTING 1221 E Alh St way c M CA 92626 P Dll~lll'O Orange Coast Fullerton. CA 112631 Nancy 111rn11100 Oerlrn1• u Liiie Reese SI..... u 1 23J6 Minuteman Way C M D.ti!y PllOI July 2 t 211 Golden1o<I Av COfona del M LIC NOTICE CA 921126 August 4 11 1985 Mer CA 92625 Su 805 rh1s DV111neas 1s con Su 644 This DullnHt II con- t• 21 198'> 14 ;>1 t911S Su 011 ducted br husbano and w1rt1 Oucled Dy an 1nd1vlOua1 Nancy H 01rk1ns PUBLIC NOTICE Liiie R Steele This sra1ernen1 was Med This statement wu hied FICTITIOUTS ITUE!1~~Tss FICTITIOUS I USINESS wlfh lhe County Cl~k ot 0,.. FICTITIOUS I UllNESI wlfh IM Counly Clerll. of Or-T~aA::o!.:O ~";:;.,, '"" NAME STATEMENT angt1 Counly on July 11 NAME STATDlENT ange County on July 11 Jotng bu$ineu 15 AAA Tti" tonow•no persons are 1985 ~,07• Tlltl IOllowmo persons.,., 1985 Concrete i nO Pumpino 0<) ng ou11neu as M A ,...._. .. Oo.ng business aa f.-., 19441 C0<atwoo<J Ln Hunt WILLEMS 6 ASSOCIATES PuDhSll&O Oranoe Coas1 BELANGER S SPECIAL Published Orange Coast B 11 CA 92646 620 Geneva •A Hunllngll>" D•llv Pllo1 July 21 <'II TY W OODWORK IN Datty Pilot July 21, 28 ·n~~; L~~~ Tom•ISll'w~kil&t.icn C.A9?648 1Augu114 11 19115 CORPORATED 9621 Auousl4 11.198S 19-441 Coralwooo Ln He I Mttl>el .-.11d11 WtHtms 620 Su-65' V1cksDurg D• Hun11ng1on 92646 C.M"v.J A Hum Bch CA j Bch Call! 92646 ---------- T h1s t>usineu '' co11 92648 PUBLIC NOTICE Bruce Donald Belanger PUBLIC NOTICE Oucteo Dy an in01v1oua1 fh1\ bu<t•ness tS con 9821 ll•cksbvrg Dr Hunr ~ ay Ltnn Torn•SZ-•k Oucred lly a•• inoivioual FICTITIOUS IUStNESS I Bell Calil 92646 FICTITIOUS IUll.,ESS Tri1s srarernenr wh MNJ MdDf' AllOfl Wille,,.,5 NAME I T.ATEMENT Tnis Dusiness 11 con NAME STATEMI NT .,1111 me County Clf'rll '' Or H ~ ~ra1em;on1 ,..,;s r11eo rn.-IOllowino person5 ate Ouc1eo D> a corporallon Th loU I• '" Co n1 C • k ~1 Or I Bruce D Belanger 00,~e ous°"'i~~apes raoni are mge Counly on June 28 wi ' " u • ·~r ' 001ng ousu•ess as ·~ •q8• 1angf' County "' June 26 OFF THE WAL L SIDING rriis suuement was filed C EATlllE FINANCIAL F280053 198" 722 13th SI Hun11ngton wiin the Covnly Clerk ol Or CONSTRUCTION CO 393 I Pubh~neo Urangt1 C.oas1 F7711912 I Be11cri CA 926•6 ~~~~ County on July 12 MacArthur Btvo Ste 206, )a•ly P1101 June 30 Ju!y 1 Publ1V11•ll Ort1nge Coasl M1thaa1 A Vovng 722 F2110n Newport Seach. CA 92660 14 21 '985 Oa1t1 Po•M J11n .. 30 July 7 1J1h Hunllngton Beacn CA Publlstled Orange COHI Peter P Dicaro. 5720 Illa, Su613 14 ;• ••1!5 92648 Da••~ p,101 July 21 28 Suite 6 R1ver11oe Calll ---------Su·60J Tn1s ouSJness is con A ~,. 4 11 1985 92526 PtJBllC NOTICE ---------ouclPO Dy an 1n01111oua1 ug S _653 This business is con· --~~-----PUBLIC NOTICE M1c,,af' A Youno u oucteo by an 1nd1111oua1 FICTITIOUS BUSINE SS Tilts s1a1emen1 was Meo Peter P Otearo PUBLIC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE Su·643 NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ""th tile Covnly C1er~ or Or PUBLIC NOTICE This s1atemen1 was lneel '"" touow no C>t'•SOM 1ve NAME STATEMENT ange County on July 12 wtlh the County Clerk of Or· lo "o Dus• n es' a ' 1 TM IClllowing persons are 1!18" 1 FICTITIOUS I USINESS anoe County on July 11 ~cEPTER MARKE f lN(, clomg Du•>1ne~s as As I F281075 1 NAME STATEMENT 1985 :;ROIJP 312? M<1plt< 51 soci&IP Appral!><"' 01 Amen PutillsMO Orange Coest Trie follow1no persons are F2to819 """'d Ana CA <ino1 ta 4 19 N Newpor! B1vr.1 oa.i~ P.101 July 21 28 do•no Dus1ness as Pul>llsned Orange Coast Jimmy Lee Bfturll'H 414, 1 SuilP E N!'w~>nrl Stoa h C.A ltuqu~l 4 11 1985 MOSS DESIGN MET AL D1t1ly Ptlol July 21 28. Ha1n1r~ lrvme CA 9, ~ 15 9:166~ Su-652 0 N SIL IC 0 N SEMI .Auoust 4 I 1 1985 Tn1s ous1neu •S ton-LetanO R >1 J2l '22nO S· CONOUCTER DESIGN JuCle<I Dy an 1nO•••du.. ::C >1unt BC" CA 97648 PUBLIC Ml\TICE 1805 A Park Glen RO Santa Jomm~ L~ Bev<:ler This Du,,n,.s~ .-ton mJ An• CA 92706 --PU8l-------- T n1s stale,...enr ...,d~ l11eo oucieo t>y an incJivoclua FICTITIOUS IUSINESS Steven Mttsuye Suw11>e 1 _____ 1C_N0_Tl_C_E __ ""'"' lht! County C•!'•~ 0' Or Lelano R Hill NAME STATEMENT 1805 ... Park Glen Ao Santi FICTITIOUS IUllNESS ange Counrv on 'u"" "6 T111s s1atemfml was r 1eo fhe 1011ow1ng per!l0f1s are Ane CA 92706 NAME STATEMENT 198~ i w11n 1ne County Cler~ or Or· "01r1 ousm•ss as This business II con-Th I II I Su-642 Pla.IC NOTICE M r F · Ente.prtMI lne a Calltornta 009<Jf'lll0t1 Thi• bualna11 11 con· Ouct9(1 by I COfl)OflllOn Mark fla~an Th11 1tatement ,.,., flt.a wtth lhe County C!«k ot Or· anoe Count1 on June 28. t985 ''**' Publlahed Orange Coast Dally Piiot June 30, July 7, t4 21 1985 Su 609 P\&.IC NOTICE "CTITIOUI IUSINHI NA• ITATlllllNT Tht fOllowtng pettona are doing DutlnNI H GEERS PLUMPING 222 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNHS NAIH I TATIMI NT The 1o1iow1110 ~'°"' ara oomo butt~ •• YOUNG & ASSOCIATES 2521 Bteckthorn Newport Btae11. CA 92680 Kenneth D YO\Jng 252 t 818Gllll'lorn Newport Beach CA 92860 Thll 1>u11ne11 ts con Ouct9d Dy an ln01VIOU81 Kenneth D Young Th11 11a1emen1 wH llled with lht County Cle<k of Of ange County on July 1, t9115 Fl901tl Put>llshed Oranoe Cout Delly P1to1 July 14 21 28. Augu1t 4 1985 Su-624 A01m1 Avenue. Hunung1on ---------- Beach. CA 926-48 PUBLIC NOTICE lo veroa Plumbing. Inc a ---------- Calff corporation. 6091 ITATEllllNT Of D-ony Cttclt. Huntington AIANDOHMENT OF e..ch CA 9284 7 UH Of '1CTITIOUS Th11 buainau 11 con-I USIHISS NAMl ouct&O Dy a corporation Tilt followlng persons Frank Ille Lollt rde. Pr" have aDanOoned the uae of ThlS 1191ement wa1 llled lhe Ftcllllou1 Bus1ne11 with the County Clerk of Or· Narnll PERSONALIZED ange County on June 26. WINDOW CARE CO-OP t985 689 I Sowell Westrn1n111er f271110 CA 92683 Published Orange Coast The FICllllOUI BuSlness Daily PtlOI June 30 July 7. Name referred 10 aoove was 14 21 1985 llled 1n Orange Couniy on Su-610 November 2 t 1985 FILE NO F-26t317 Denny M Bowman. 6891 ---------Sowell. W111tm1nster CA PUBLIC NOTICE 92683 ---------Ow•Ohl Enzl. 6891 Sowell. FICTITIOUS IUllNESS Westrn1n1ter CA 92683 NAME STATEMENT Oreg & Dan R Chapman The lollowtng petsons are 6a9 t Sowell W11!1lm1nstr do1no ousmess u CA 92683 VERSA-TILE 1009 Dela-Joseph w Sirochrnan ware St Huntington Beach. 6891 Sowell We51rntnS1er CA 92648 CA 926113 Bruce Dev10 Leoow, t009 This Dusmess was con- Oelewere Hunt Bel! CA ducted Dy 11 92648 Thts s1e1emen1 was hied This 1>u11n11ss IS con-with the County Clerk of Or oucted by an 1nOllllClu1! anoe County on July 8 1985 Bruoe D lebOw Published Orange Coast Thts statement wes hleo Oa1!y Pilot July 1• 21 28 with Ille County Clerk of Or-AvouSI 4 1985 enge County on June 26 Su-62 1 1985 F2'nl07 Published Oranr Coest F2711917 ange (..ouritv 0" Jun.-26 I u CAOR"'ER uCONNECTION OucleO Dy an lnOtvlOual e o ow no persons ere Published O•.ino" Co~sl 196s < • Steven M Suwat>e do•no business 89 Se-878 ---------- Daily Pl!ot Jun .. 10 July • n 711911 f ~:OP~~v:;~~~~!u~ke5~o Thia sta1emen1 was flleo 81~~~:n~~~n~ ~.;hA~~ STATEMENT OF ~;."~0P1:~~tune 2 Juty 6' --PUB--l-IC_NO_T_l_C_E __ 14 21 199c, Pullh"'f'd Orang,. Coast F t'<l w HO<lgson 1000 wllh the County Clerk of Or 92648 ~=:':,~~TE~~: _______ s_u_600_ Da '• P1101 J 1nf' '" Jul~ ~ Par~ Newport "405 Nf\W· enge County on July 12 Joe A Flare 812 Peca~ MLIC NOTICE BUS~ESS NAME PUBLIC NOTICE t4 71 1~~5 oort Beach CA 92660 1985 F211073 Hunt Bch . CA 926-48 • ----------The tollowtno persons Su 604 Nancy C Conway 342• Puollst\ed Orange CoaSI This bu,lness 11 con-FICTITIOUS I UllNEIS hlvt 1band0rted the use 01 FICTmo us BUSINESS ---------Poroe Brook COSll Mesa CA Da I p I t J I 21 28 duct&O by an tn01vK1u11 NAME STATEMENT th• Fictitious Business NAME STATEM ENT PUBLIC NOTICE n626 'Y 1 0 u Y Joe A Flare The followtng IMl'SOOt ere Name PACIFIC FREIGHT The tollow1ng persons srel Th•5 Dus1ness is con· August 4 11 1985 This statement was 111&0 doing business 11 RE· LINES. 10831 Shaoor•·La Oo•ng t>us1ness as Reed sl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS cluct!'d l>y B general part. Su-650 with the County Clerk ol Or-LIABLE MAINTENANCE Or 11 B . CA 92646 Transport 972 W 11111 ·A NAME STATEMENT ne•st11P ange County on July 12 SYSTEMS 3184 Airway The Fictitious Business Costa Mesd CA 926:?7 I Hie 10110 ... onQ ~·sons a1e' F W HoOo~on PUBLIC NOTICE t985 Ave Costl MeH CA 92626 Neme relerreo to aDove was Rot>en Norv1" RP6Cl .,.2 ooing c;,,~,,,. ,5 H This ".i1ement was hle<l F2110l1 Sharl Rosenberg 314 Or-11180 1n Or1nge County on W 17th -A CO!'.la M11,_, Bf.A'">• c; r [5 "1E ... 1ri1ritoCountyCler~ot Or FICTtTIOUS BUSINESS Pubh,lled Or1nge Coast chid Ave Cor0t110e!Mar June 11 1984 FILE NO HOROSCOPE SYDNEY 0MARR Mooduy. July 22 . .. AfU t;s (M:mh 'I \p11I 191 fk\pllt' "ctrl·um~tanct·\, you .tltualh .Ill' 10 dlUflll' <>I \CIUI llWll dl'\lln\ ~Offil' tould thfl'il\C:n la~\u1t ,,,lll''' ululd turn tn l'111u1u111al hlal l.nt<t1I -but ~ou mk \\Orm and l'OWrgl.' '1l11111ou' \\ atd• lor ( Jpr1l1irn1 TAl•Rl'' ( \pnl 211 \.1,1' 211) Joh ~l't' J1111r dl''Plll' intl'rrupt1on\ tn c:n' mu' J'>\O<. l<tll'\ Pt·"on.il h11n111n\ hro,11kn 'ou ohtatn v. h<H pre:' 11.tu\I) v.a\ out ol 1l·.11 h \rtl'' l 1hr,111ul1\1J11ali. pla\ ou1-.wr1d1ng rnk' l ll\C will tx· prrwrll GEMJNI (M.n 21 Junl' :!ti) I <>l ll' ur1111111J11u? gt'lllltK to lwart ol rnatt1·"· mnk1ng nn~ '.tluuhk 1 0111.111\ Ht• dtrc:t'I, 1111k1wndc:nt Orl$1 n.il. d l\pla \ pHHll'l.'rl Ill\ \Jll 111 "J)\.'ll,tl nllll' -41\ OHi ,\0\ hl'U \ \ lilting' L l'O plaH top r(llc: CANCER (Junl' 21 luh 22} I mph<t\I\ on lam1I\ \l'lUrtl\ JlH>pl'rt) long-rangl' Pfll'fll'l I\ Rt•un1on \\1th '"' t•d nnt• " r.in ol \l1muh1t1ng '>ll'nano f ormcr IC:Jtht•rjlJ' 1111al\1n~ nwr.ik \quarru' anothcr < anu·r ligun: promincntl) LEO (Jul) :!J-\ug 22) .\ln·nl on H'l'lat1l11~. tt•ndcnl\ In 'lallt'r lonc'i You'll ht.' popular. Jt•mumh "'"ht· ma1k on )Our t1rnl' ( hl't'k appcctralllt'. Wl'lghl ~.irdri1ht.· '>uddl'n trip m.i\ tw on hor 11on C1l·m1n1 nattH' pla)S !>1gn1ftl'Unt roll' • VIRGO ( •\ug 2 '-\qll 221 Monn \1tua1111n I'> danhcd ·' ou arc ahk tu makt• purt h.l'll' Jomc'>llt .tdJU\trtH'nt cx:rn!' linam 1al prchJ'X't'h an· bnghl J ,11Jru' I 1hr::i "tl11rp10 nal1H''i ligurl· prnm1 · ncnth 'iurpn~c ~pit I\ on lhl' \\:l\ LI BRA (~pt 2'·0U 22) flwmorc1nqu..,1l1\l')t1uan'. thl'ht.'ttl·r' I al..l· r hargc:. he a 'l'll-,1art1·r 1>1alogut• \\Ith 1m·mher ul oppo~11t· '>n p1o'c' rewarding. 1 ra\l'I plan' "Ill he 1n111atcd llolida) <itmo\phcrt· prn ail\ -Tauru\" 10\ oh l'd SCORPIO (Ort .! '·r'><m 211· \oml'Olll' hch1nd ..ccnl''> ''planning 'urpn\c: -of plca .. ant \,tm'l) Romamc ·~ lcaturl.'J damk\ttnc: mn•ting ,., part ol l'\llltng '~t·nano Lm t' wtll u1nqut•r all' .\rte:\ l 1bra 1nd1' 1dualc; figure prnmincntl\ SAGITTARIUS ("lm 22-lkt 211 \tt·n.irio h1ghl1ghl\ mcdt· talllrn rnmann\ ahil1t\ 111 mah· wl'>he'> u1nw trlll' 'nu'll tx· at nght plate: )ou'll ha\e lutk 1n m.11tc:r\ of <,pnula11on -\OU toulll p1d .i "h1g winner " Pl\('l'\ pl;.i\\ paramount rolt· CAPRICORN I Dn ~2 I.in 111 l M.1l.1· 1tm >our pov.l·r da) 1 l unaf OUlllt'rtCal qde\ h1ghhghl l:.trl'l'L IOll'O\tltc:ll rd.it1omh1p Jhll1l) hi 1nuca'>c earning') con\1lkr;.ihl\ 'our tx•,t quJlll1l·~ \urgc to lorl'lront .\nother Capmorn pl.i~ '> rok AQUARIL1S (Jan 20-1 ch I Kl rr;.t\t'I I\ cmpha!>IZl'd along v.11h education romance fl'logn111on ol 'p1ntual "alue') Ftxu\ also on tommun1cation. alldl·ll i.. nnw lcdgc. ab1ht' 111 dr-.scminall' 1n formatmn \Uttc:<,~full). Burden •,qll tx· rcmu,c:d PISCES ( 1-l'h. 111-Marth 20). It ma~ tx· nc:n~ssar) to do "umt· pcf\onal dc:tcctl\ e ""orl. Dig deep. read runt·nt matt'nal pcnain1ng w thl' p\\ch1t or onult You arc: due tu makt' ':.tluable d1<>l:O\Cn and lOUld '>tnkl· pa~ dtrt l co figures prominc:nth IF J l)LY 22 1 YOL R BIRTHDAY \<lu .ire d)nam1l. t:rc:au'c: attr<J(llH'. <;tuhborn n·tx·ll1ous You Sl'ldom folio"' cro\o\d )OU ne,cr do an)thtng half-wa\ )OU h:arn ruk'> almu\I 1nstantancou<il) and Jpparcntl) onl) lo hrc:alo. them You rnuld hil'l' hecn !>eparatcd from ont· or hoth parent' at a rclat1 vd) earl} ug1· \ ou Jtd not fit into famtl~ pattt•rn L c:o. Tauru,, '\torp10 pcr'>OO\ pla\ important rok'> in )Our Ilk \ uu'll 1r;nc:l 1n Jul\ \OU Luuld be in lml' \11u·11 g..i1n through lrl.'Jll\t• c:ntka'or' fktnher will he memorahlc Gahl 92627 ,,,.orE ~r :>'•2S ••ewPO•t 3'1CJ" Coun1v on June 21 NAME STATEMENT 0111y Pilot July 2t 28 CA 92625 F-247919 Tn1!l ous•n1.1:5os ' A~ a .. c: """"'' 1•t Beotct CA 1qe• The lotlowino persons are .-.ugusr 4 11 1985 This busineu 11 con-Jule K1mDall 10381 Shan· I•----------------------------• ducteO by an onO•.,Ov.t '1266 F2795ts ooong ous1ness as S-657 dueled Dy an lndMdual gtt-La Dr H B c.-. 926•6 Robe11 N Reeo F'ra" i:! Fer;ici 43S Vista Puohsltl•O Orat>Qe CoaSI 0 MARSHALL DESIGNS Shari RoMnbefO This business was con· Tri1s 51etement .. a~ '"!'Cl Truc,,a N .. wprr1 Beac,, CA Dd•ly P•IOI Ju!y 21 28 5208 Neptune Ave Apt B PUBLIC NOTICE This stlletn4'0t was filed Ou<:ted by a an 1nOtv1dual wnn rhe County Cler~ or Or 92t.60 .-.ugusl ' 11 198S Newp0<1 Beach CA 92660 with the County Clerk of O•· This ata1emen1 was IUed ange County on June 26 1 T'11~ b1J9•ntiss •S con 1 Su-6'4 1 Daniel Marshall 5208 FICTITIOUS I UllNEIS ange County on June 28 with the County Clerk of Or- 1985 Oucll'O 01 an 1n01v10ua1 Neptune Ave. Apt B. New NAME STATEMENT 1985 ano~ County on July 12, F27M18 l'ran~ FMgc. PUBLIC NOTICE p0<1 Beach CA 92660 The lollowlng person• are F2'0052 l985 PubllsheO Orange Coast Tnt~ talMN•I'! .. as r11f'd Thts DuS1ness 15 con doing bvs•nen u Published Orange C.out PuDllshed Orange Coasr Deily Ptlot Junf' 3 July 7 wnh '"" Lvu• 1, Clf'rit or Or-FICTITIOUS BUSINESS OuCled by an in01viOu1I PAC. LIDO I N V EST. Dally Piiot June 30 July 7 Dally Pilol July 12 28 t4 21 1985 an9., ""'' r July •2 NAME STATEMENT Damel Marshall MENTS 366 Sin Miguel 14 21 1985 August ' 11 1985 Su 601 1985 rn,. lrllow1no persons a•P r111s s1a11ment wn Meo Newp0r1 Ben CA 92&60 Su 612 Su-646 -· 'YFORMULA av T H UND E R B IRD Performance Manne Associates is mak ing super deals on their '85 model power boats to make room for their '86 mo dels. PMA 1s Southern Caltforn1a 's powerboat maintenance service center Come see us at our facilities or at the Long Beach Boat Show July 26 thru August 4 We can put you in a boat this summer' ,~PERFORMANCE WMARINE .:.ASSOCIATES •J'i , N < ,I• ,r Ci r.o M[-,A L A ' t•11/ '•' • ! l ~.4• An Associate of Manne Engineering Inc . SUMMER SALE 20°/o -60°/o off \.\CfI T ll \HU\\ \HE & Bo\ TIQl E \l\Hll ''lllHJ\ .?1>00 I nf.IHlf*' "'' '\r"' l'"rt H~·.11 Ii 7 J .J/67.>-:n2 i . partner ship . a Yacht in . 40' E gg Where owning r.. 01 Example . ·th 25 to 7.J 10 • \ete wi can save t Fisher comp gener - Harbor Spor i\ot -7 'Ii kW radar-aut o a~d Uke new. . ator-\oaded OS /month p\us shp 250 down and $3 22 other yach~s $19. . tenance et c. \ocated 1n rent mai n th Most ar e , $11 5 /mon . from NB. slips. Call 673-1974 ..... Ill .. -· -IC - Daily Pilat SUNDAY JULY 21 1985 Brad Greer of Huntington Beach putt• to Amateur le8d. D2. Michigan 500 poatponed after Ure-related accident•. 03. Valenzuela fires 3-hitter He earns his fou r t h s h utou t. Dodger s def eat St. Lou is LO~ .\N(iELL...,(·\P)-h:rnando Valen1uela fired a 1hrcc-h111er. and 8111 Ru~scll led an e1gh1-h11 attad as lo'i Angeles shut oul ...,, l ou1c; \-0 <->a1urda\ n1gh1 tor lht• Dodger'>' third ~tra1ght •.ictul). Tht• 'll'tOr) enabh:d Lo'> -\ ngdt·~ 10 retain 11'. ont·-hall game lead llH'r \an Diego 1n the "-lat1onal League 'A-est while the ( ardinal~. losing 1he1r 1hmJ \lra1gh1, had their ll'ad cut to one-half game OVl'r New York 1n the NL r ~hi V alen1ul.'la 11 -M earned hi\ tounh '>traaght \.ICIOIJ Tht• l o" .\ngdt''> klt- handl'r '>trut:k oul !.nen anll "alkccJ onl~ om· an p11ch1n~ hi\ lilih 'hu111u1 of thl· '\l'a .. on. lops 1n 1hc maJ!lr\ He retired the final n1nl' halter' ht· la lt'd John f udor. I 0-M hall J Pl'">on..il n1m•-gamc w1nn1ng c;1n·ak l'ntkd T ht· C ardinal<. left-hander lmt tor lht• first 11nll' 'iance Ma~ .:!'> l m \ngl'les JUmflt·cJ on fudor I< r l"-'o runs in lht· llr-.1 1nn1ng on \Ulll'\\l\I.' \Ingle\ h\ Mariano l>un- can Ru'>wll. M1kr \1.ir'>hall and l no' ( a~ll Lo\ .\ngell's .1dcJt·d a run 1n the fourth \\-hen ( and\ MaldonJdo led off "-'llh a s1ngll', ~tt'\l' Sa~ v.alh·d "Ith one oul and Vakntul'l.1 .titer laking a bun I, \la\ht•d a c;inglc 10 kft "h1lh ~ored Maldonado <>nh one ( ardinal\ runnn jl.ot J'> Toa'61Jt'• Game St. Louie (Keps hlre, 7-6) at Dodgete(Aeusa. 7-6). Time: 1 p.m .. TV: None. Radio: KABC (790). tar J) '>l.'cond ha\e 'A-illll' Mc(,ee Joublcd 10 lead oil thl· lourth inning. hul he ""a" Pll l..ed oil \nund b\ Vall'n1ucla. • I ht• l><xlgcr\ v.11l lau.· 1hd Jrd1nah l<xJa} at I 05 pm "•th krn Reus)· handling tht· pitching du11c,· for the Dodgcrs and "-urt Kcp,hm· 1ak1ng lht· mound for ~I Lou1<. Reus<, and 1<.t·p,hire ha'l' 1den11cal 1-h records ( on11nu1ng 1ht·1r homt•\tand, 1hc Dodgers will lhl'n hoc,1 lht: ailing P1mburghP1rall''> \1onda~ Tuesda~ and Wedne!.<.la\ at "l. 15 Thur~a} '-"Ill begin the Dodser<.· four-game meeting with the Chicago ( ubs. and lht: July :!9-'\I will sel' the San l-ranc1sco Giant' al Dodger Stadium. \an Diego l..cpt pate w11h the Dodgers Sa1urda} "hcn LaMarr Hoy1. who won lhe Mo'>t Valuable Pla~er award an fuesda~ night's All- \1ar (jamt'. "on hi\ I I th \lra1gh1 game +2. b\ lim111ng P1t1\hurgh to fi\c hm O\er l'tght inning~ H o~t. 1 '\-o.l ga\l' up 'llC\t' Kemp·, \olo ho mer in 1he '>l'lond .rnd douhk, h\ Kemp and \1an di V. 'nnl· in 1hc c1gh1h Boston's Dwight E vans protests to second base um pire Ted Hendry after the Angels' Bobby Grieb forced him out . Witt turns 25 and turns back Boston HI 1-., I< 1•, \l'l -I h,·rl· "l'rt" nu l.11111,, Ir 1.1lt 11 n "·t' nu t J~l' Hut 11 v.,1\ .1 hJPJI' :'111 h1nhda\ tor r11tht-h.1ndd \1 1~ V.111111 lht· .\ngd\ . I f\l'\l'I lllllUI hl "' 01\ h1rthdii\ ll Ill' r .1 h t•ntnt>J m. n11nd V. 111 ,,mJ "" •Hl.i \ al ta tl1l \ng, h " 1 ''' 1 .. r " r thl' Bn,llm K,·d \41\ In <.1r1ill • r 111r1w1 11 lhl· .\niit·h luhh• ·" \l,rn.1~l'I < 1l'nl l\,1aul h lll'"'t •11 • Ir • n11-.. ot J mik\tor l' 111 h11. -"' .11 lJI a.i\a lllJI r lt!agUl' lldJ h< '" 'I fl JI '·"" l .i\\,lf1' 11l 1l \IJUl h 'k11d .ii!, r ~.... 1n11n11 1111\ 1t1, n1n1h m.i1• r kJgu m.1n.1il.'r '" 'l'Jlh I -110 \lll1•rtl'' \\ l'ttl I i1,inagcJ m\ I O<Hnh ).!.Jllll < 1u•r1:, "'l' rhrl·nnll -I Ill"· ,·r rrw1 1 hL ll!Jn -,,·nt ml' .1 huge m.1~1h1rn ,, d .1mpJ).!.l1l 11 1u1111:d ul ti · r HI l'l\:r' \•l'rl' '-run~ Jnll lhl' olJflll' ''·" t>< • d,l\, l.ih·r H "''l''l'I \1 a11d1 1 lurnwr mJl•H kagul' 1nlil'ld~1 IL'.Hlil\ rl'\JlkJ 111, llr...1 h1g ll·.1glll It·" t ,j, 111.11 .tgl'f ,,, !ht• Ph1IJJl'lph1.1 l'htllil' l 1 '' ..... 1n 1•111 .1Jl·lph111 •n nJllonJI 1t·l, \ ,,, •r .1nJ 'l L •t l\\:.11 1-" hl' ,,11J \I • 111,1 "·111 .1111o 1~ l'1t· l\h11rl!h ttlt• Todar'• Game Anoe'• (Lugo. 3-1) et Boston (Nipper, 5-6). Time: 11 a.m. TV: Channel 5. Radio: K~PC (710). '\JIJ \\I l'n tit Ill I\ onl\J lrouhlt; hl" .in 11.'Jd hJd JnJ makl' 4U<tlit\ pill r ' V. 11 t !'I ti 1011~ J '\-I It-ad 1 n tu thl' "11n1h hut k it thl· gaml· "hen Biii Hul .._n,·r \ingkJ v.11h 1ne 11ut and ... u11cJ on a tnpl• h\ "111..l· l:..t\kr < kmrr11' g.aq up a run-'>l11rtng \1ngk 111 K1lh < 1l·dmJn hut "1oore 11,ol lhl linJI IV.t1 llUI'> • KJI 1111 I 1narl'' a \~-,l·a r-nld L J n,' 111.in re,.ilkd lrom thc m1nur-. I hur,<JJ\ put tht• \ngd-. ahead to ... 1a1 "'lh J 1v.o-run homt'r in 1he \t'l11nd inning ·•ll Hobh\ <>Jt:da +6 fht• \ngl'I' "ho tin1'ht>J \\llh o nl\ 1j,( h11• l•ll 111ur Bu-,tvn pltlhl'r'> Jddl'·I I run,1n1ht:1hirdlnr a'l.J J .:.iJ V. 11 11nl .. u1 Rnd C art'" and lu;ir Ht:n1qul.'1 '1ngkd ..ind Brtdn I>"" ning ""l ~n1 \I I.. Br11 ... n 'in~kd tu kit dn' ing r 1 Jr " 11nd \111..l' T ru11llu rl'ltl.'' cd 1 IJl'dJ &·n14ul'/ ,,un·d J\ Bubb\ < iri1 h l(rnundt'J 11u1 and l>o" nang anw Jllll" ••n 11nwluti\l' v.al~'> tu [), u~ I)\.'< lllll'\ Jnd Kt>~ll' JJ1. l..\on \\ ti 11. J' • Jldt:d l"I· thrn· Jouhlt pla'' g1' llll! thl \n~l'I' l > lpr tht: '>l'J'>O!l All-Star voting least of baseball fans' worries "obcxh camc in on thl· noon hallnon lrt)m \d\kJloon anJ a'knl mr.hu1 •I I 1hcre "al' k"t'r u>mrla1 nt' ,1hou1 \ll-...,1ar \ 011ng re,ult' 1h.1n 1n past \l'ilr'> II might haH' lx'l'n hl'\.IU'l Ian., "erl' di read~ hl't om1 ngJ" enchanted becau'>e ol \lnke 1.tlk •Dun ng ha\ recent \urger\ f)l'nod President Ro nald Reagan turnl·d mer 'K'\ l'ral dutte\ lo \ Ill' Prt·..,.J.:n1 C 1eorgc Bu\h 11 C •t'l>rgr had hl'l·n t·ntru\tl'd "11h \a\ 1n~ lhl· l n11ni \tale\ r 001ball L t·aguc th1· l ...,, L would lorc\t~r ha\C been 1..nov.n a~ a bush league •Ram' t oa" h lnhn Rob1n"1n" la I king ...,upcr Ho" I \h•ll th"" tht llnll'OI \t'arl'\ t•n lOath l\l'n111 led • \'\0U\\11ndt:r "ht•t hl·r1nlum~ tx nt ha,ch.1ll u1mml\<,1onl'r !'tier l dx·rroth "ill ,lt'P into thl' \lnl..t' Pll IUrl' 'ou rl·mcmberlhl' d,1'\lt linl' dunng 1hi: 1481 wall..uut '"lh1' \In kt· nt:' er \\.ould ha' c hJprx·ncd it Hn"lt' 1-.uhn "t'rl'all\l'lod,1' .. •< >n lht: d1'pUll·J honw run"' h1, h g.n e lht: \ ngd\lh;il ;,_ ~ "1n 11\ n T omnw IJ'>l ...,unllJ\ 1n l.111r1l'''111 hol h '>IJC\ \ 1111 \l uulJ h.1 \ l' I j) "·" II "a'> a lcg111 mJll' humn • Perhap\\1101l' h1ghn aulhor I\\ 'hould ruk ·" 111 \l hl·thl·r hJ'>t:hJll" .in \ml' fl' .1n 1n,111u1111n nr .1 ho11om II nt· hLt\I nr" nr v. hl'I hl·r II l .111 hl· hnth •I I 1hr nt.1111r kagu,· plJ\ t:r' \\.ilk Olli \\ 111 lhl' gt•nl'ral puhlll Jo lhl ,,1ml· 1hrng' • .\nd \\.11l .,tuffl1kl l11J4u1n \ndu1ar 'rl'lu\al 10 plJ\ 111 t lw \ 11-...,t.ir ga mt· hl·lp 1 he Ian' .11 ri' c JI .1 lil'l l\111n'1 • Hl'" ming H'f\ p11pu1.1r .111'11.lll'' !(.illll'' 1r 1'111,hur)!h "1h,' l\\11·111.1'l '' ,. \ l e \ ll'I I 1hk lh1111ght 1' .i ,lrl~l' 1kprl\ 1ng \ngl'l'""n..:r < ,,.n, \utl\ ol lhn h.1mp111n\h p 11, h.1\ ,,, Buo TUCKER SPORTS COLUMNIST p.llll'nlh ·•"Jltl'd • r hl n~ \I pr,1p1 •'-ll ,, ill Ix h1 Ill.' .ind prl'\l'J'''" gantl'' h..·t"t't•n 1!11· H, ,.1rJ Ki kr' 111· hant\ • I th I -..1 I h.impi n't1ip g.ir , 'I' q l t°11l.d \f'rtn~ )!.Hiil 1111 tht: .ii: I t'lll "·"II .It" Ptl t111JI ol.IO l 1)1.. •d e \ l \. ... l \ \I .t nl I •\ h \ J' 0~ \ h.1t.1n,111u' \u 1.i1-..1. l!h nHJi.1 ' 1111\\ "•I 11. 111 n~ 1 n t,·n 1l'" ' 111 IJ It- .1 h11L' t 'Ill'" h, II ~ e \ •-• ~ Otl\\ \ •U 'l i!t'lllJh: J ' • 1 1.r • ,j, Ill\\'{ ht•.1 ,j I • l' K.i m .. I Llf\tollll.' ( 1 ll"• 1 •Ir .11"'\1 II 'I '• .. i. ,,fl ·"~' 111 t\\ IL•\ ,,.!.',I tht' '' O~l·t ut lh•' 11.11 1 nJ1 11 th• m .1 \ .ii, n .in,1 I> ld;.!t•r,1.1.t1um' wcm' 1t.1•thc·1ir ... 1gu \I 'h''" up(lt'I' !hl· J"I' • I< .int\ ..? u Jr d I Jl· n n i' 11 Jr rJ h \J' ' ·.1, ldt• Ii k.11n 'C'lt·n· ~r '\\. J t\i:Jrd 1 !"> .h n '' ,. 11 n~ •f<11dl I,._, >'.t \l.'Jllllll hulht: ,, "' l'r .t ,,1pp11illll'd JI nttlt)l.'lng a p.1r1111 l'll \I -'IJr I 1.1ml' • H.1, "" 1.ir' \l'I l\l ;Ill''' \ d. . ..., r J r ' I lht \ I -..1.1 11 I l'' Hut llW I.in' nn er !?l't t< '.ill' ''n 'ht' 'inning hl·•11 Jnd tht• l<"ing L JI British lead shared by Graham, Langer ' Young Both have 209s for on e-u nder-pars at Royal St. George ~.\l'<l>V. (( II I ngl,rnd I \l'I - Bcrnh<1rd Langer ol V. c'I C it•rmJn\ h1dding for has ~rnnd major 111lc ol lhl' \l'ar \hol a ~torm -10ll'rrup1t•d tiX and 11cd l>;n 1d C 1rJh.tm lor 1h..: lt'ad ~awrda) 1n 1hr 1hird round ot lht• I 141h Ar11 1<,h Orx·n < 101! < h.1m - p1on.,h1r Langrr who v.on lht' ~rten J·•• kl'I nl 1he Masll'rs 1n .\ugu,1.1. C 1a 1n ·\pnl. v.ould ha'e had lhl' kad alom· hul tor a hogC\ on the IKth huk ,111ht· Rm Jl \1 < il·orgc\ ( 1olf < luh lOUN' ''I'm \lighth l.11\apprnntnJ ,1hout 1ha1 .. thl' ~l'St <ierman <,aid "l hi1 (V.ll fl'U\11nahlc \hOI\ .inJ II IU\I gnl hung up in tht• {kl'p rou~h '"(haall I'm \l"f\ plca<.l'd "11h lht• \\.3\ rm pla~1ng I'm kct:p1ng 1110 lhl' ta1rnJ\ Jn<.I makinl( thl' mid pull He rnmpk1t·d three rnund\ al 201> I-under-par (,raham. an -\u .. 1r,1han \Cleran "'ho no" ll\t''> 1n 1hr l n11ed -..1atl''> had the \aml' 101al alter a poor tin1\h -1-pull hogn' 11n I"<> 111 lht' lasl 1hret' hok\ -produn·d ,1 hard- " on round o l par 71) "I lecl I "as1c<.I a wupk 111 \hnl"> thrn· .. <.a1<1 (1rahJm W a lormn "111ncr •>I thl· I -., Clflt•n anJ lhl· l'C I \ · 11 \\.I' .1 l11ng da\ v.h.11 v.11h lht• Jl'IJ\ ,1nd .ill \nd thnt .ii lh\'l'nd thl' grl't'll' ''t'rt• .1 d1lll'H·n1 '>flt'l'J 1h.1n tht:\ h,1d htt•n .111 \\l'l'k .inti I Jll'I wuldn'1 adJU,1111 lhl·m .. V. ilh olht•r ''"uld-ht· u•nll'Ol.kl\ Jropping h.tl i.. lhl· tin.11 111und ,h,aflt'd up ,1, .1 l\\n-man h,111k '\o nm· l'l\l' "·I' do't'I lhJn thrt·t: 'hot\ al 212 1h11ugh C 1raham ..aid ",1n .. one "1th1n liH· 'ho\\ t:ln v.1n .ind "' 1<; nol out ol rl'J\on .. Thc group J I 2-11\cr-rar 1nduded \1.Hk I )'\fra ra a l"1>-11nw v..1nnl'r on 1ht· \mentan 1011r l'arl1t·r 1h1'\ \t',H < hr"'' O'Connor Jr ul lrd.1nd l,in \\ IH>'>nam nt \-\ .tll'' ,1nd 'l,1nth I 'It' ol -.,, otl.ind I l \kara dn,nl up "llh J "11 in tht· r11 11nd 1ha1 '~"' \ll'>f)l'nlkd lor .about 11nl' hour h\ a '>l'\l'fl.' 1h11ndl·r,t0rm \\ 1111'on.1 m 'hnl .., I < )'( on nor 7 2 .tnd I 'k ''ho \harcd thl· \l'urnd round k .1d\\11h<1raham h..id.1 "'\ I 11m l<.11c anJ Pl'lt·r Jau1h\l'll v.rrl' nn1 a1 21 .\ 1--lll' complt'k'd a \. untkr-par 6 7 ll\:lore t'ir <;Imm h11 the wur..e and Janlh\l·n shu1 nX ...,oml.' 01hn kad1ng \mt•nt:an '>lllrt''> D .\ 'A-l·1hnng. ,~·2 1-l Pa~m· ...,lt'"an 70-2 1.'I f-u11\ /nl'llt:r 70-2 1'i.Corn P<Hin 72-21t. f ilm Wabon a fi,c-11ml' ''inm·rol 1h1\ 111k 'ihol 7 2 and "'a' a1 .:! ( 7 P< 1-\ (PleHe aee BRITISH OP EN/0 2) Auatralla'a David Graham (above) 1barea the Brltlab Open lead with Bernhard La nger at one-und er pa r after rounds. Play continue• tbltay three Slaney buries the hatch( t and rest of field S h e races to a Britis h a ll -com e rs meet r ecord a ft e r ma king a m e nds with Budd. who fini s h ed fo urt h .. I O"l)()'\i I i\PI -l\,1an £">l'd.er ')l~lllt'\ .rnd /111.1 Budd \hook hand' r.1H·d togl'lhl'r Jga1n anti finall\ hum·d thl'lr dllkn•ntt'' .11 London., < n<.t:il Pal.in· \tad111m \a1urtla ~ n1gh1 • Thi\ dill'' nnl p111H .111\lh1ng It 111'1 rm'l'' I "·" 1n go11..I ,h,qx· 1tin1ght.'' \I.inn told rrportt'r<. ,1lt<'r u1111lort.1hl\ tx-'11111g Autld o"cr 'tl()(I mCll'r'> 1n 1hc1r lar't mcct10(l \10l't.' tolhd1ng JI the lo\ \ngcll''> Oh mpit' The rale p<1n nl an 1.\-\I Mobil (1rand l'rl\ trad1 mt•c1 h.ul ht•c..•n hu1l1 up a' .10 < ll\mfl11 n·malt h ht·l'-"l'l'O tht• hlondl' 'ti H'<ll oltl \nll'mJn .ind thl' 11rn1tl ht'\fX'l l•I t ll•<l 14 H'•" old "h11 1.10p.h'tl dr.1mat1talh 11n 1h1 1r.1l I.. Ill thl I "' \np.1•k\ ( uli\l'llm [J\I \ujlt"I 1\111 d1·,p1lt' lht• build up lh1 ,1,1nd' tw11· "'l'll' onh h,111 lull." \l,trll'\ v.on l'•l'lh 111 ,,., .1 \\1Hltl hr'>I t111h' 1h1' H'.11 Jntl Hutld lrn...,hnl 111111 th ~11 11wlt'r' hl·h111d \II !ht prl'"urt 111 1h1\ r.1u· \\J\ lr11111 1tw u•nlr•"l'I" lhl lntl'f\ ll'"" and thl' flll tun' -..1.11w' lolll .1 pal kl•tl Ill'"' uinkrt•nu· ··1 "'"' h:ipp~ \\llh thl' rari." I wanli."J 1\1 run J ltllk hit 1,1'\l'I hul lf.l\C'O lht• "t'Jlht'f t 11ntl1!110\ I'm h.1pp' v.1th 11 I thml.. \\ 11h .1hout l\\11lar'10 [tll I ,1,111t·d 111 pu'h lhl· J'l.11 r 111'1 .1 h11lc hat ...,I.inn m;Jdt· onh nrll' rl'll'rl'lhl' 1t1 1 .... 1 H'.11 ' <lh mp1t \ "hrn '>hl' l ra,fwd 11n 111 tht· llJlk\ldl' dull hln[t her kl( in p,1 1n altl'r t.intdantt \'1th Blllhl '"I'm h.1pp\ '"l' V.J\O I 1n tront 1111111· .. ,,1111 1111' \mcman h.111 101..111111\ I n11l lhl' l.1,1 l"u l.1p' lludd kq11 h1·"1·lt tlO'>t' hut lllllltl nl'\l'I lllP\1 11114' htt•h jl\'.11 ln,tt•ati tlw \111t•111.111 "1drnnl lw1 k.1d ,1111.l \Urp.t•d honw \(I\\ 1111" !'I \ l 'II lht 1,,,ll,I llllll' in 1fw "111ld th1' ''"ir h\ .1111111...i 1 l>thl "''l11nd' -..1.1nn 1;.11d 'h' tltd not 1h1nk h.11 ~ 1 .. lhl Cll\ lllf'I\' W ht n \hl' k ll<'\\ lh.tl 1111.l.I ",I\ '" , li1'4.' Ill lll'I I "·''"·'flP\ \Ollh'llOl'\\J,lhl'l\',11 111\ f t.:hl ,1t11ultk1 rt11111,llllr ''htl ll \\,I\ ,11, ,,1 d nn hn prr I.Ill' h.1nd ... h.1l..1• \\llh II\ ,,, \lril.ln horn HuJtl ·'' 1h,· i-1. .1•• "irnwdur -..1.1nl'\tP11111i.·111cd I\\, i.,1 '"'h hrr lud. "''' •""' 111 .111 flh , 11111 '11rr1•11ntl111~ 111l' 1h1np llulld \;lltl ... tw " •• , ttl.1.t I hl' I 111 \ \\ ·" I I I I \ 11\ n · \ nd I m ~l.ul \ 1.11 r.1 n '" ", 11 'h1 .t.hh ti \ ,k,·J 1 I I hl'rt• \\ .1, ,Ill\ \IJ!<!t' .It "hll 11 'Ill 1h1>uttht 'ht might ""1 llud\I rl plH·.t ' , 11111 tl'Jll\ lht• l.1 ... 1 t"n l,ap' "''rl' 1h1 ,,,,.,1 "••nll'd h' run l.1'tt:r 111u,1 ....... ""1 lhl tl lludd '-IHI lhl·r,· "l'r•' nn h.1rd kd1n"'' Jn\ "'llP,l'I h<'t \\ l't'O I h,· '"I\ run"''" l lhinl.. .111.ch.ll hOI\ h,1pp<'n1·d l''l"l't 1111'" 1n lhl' r·•'t nov. .ind I'm l1~1i..1n>' 1.m.111!... 1h1 lulun · ,h,· "11'1 "I 1hinl.. 11h."1.1i.., 11.1 1111 111 pr1•"u11· 1111 h.11h ,,, u' •• \l,anl'\ -.;ml 11 "a' fl''"ihl, th1•, "1111ld ''"'' t .a)l.1 111 1n I danhurgh .in 1111·,d.11 n1~·l11 Budd .1lrr,11h I' 1·n1rrlll lh<'r1 1111 llll 1\011111t h'r' j',t .. uld m.tkl' up nl\ min.I 1n Iii• "'•I 11111pl. ,,, .t.i\\ '"' '11.t '1 ' II 1' has OK to talk ''' \'-1dll" \I \1 .11- l • i. "'' •111.i1• "l,i ~ ''l • \ 111ng I .I' '"~ti "lf.ll I " ,, .J\\ •ll\ '1th 1 tl j .( \ L h' II .1 ,,, ' ' Ill .... '·'' \. \I ,, •• I HJ\ 11 lll.lllllf\ .t'lt'l I I I• " ·1,1 rxrn '' · •I I l'J~ ll 11 ·' h11 nq?o .tll'd ' J1 .J' 'f-l "'11 '' L '" 1ng .ind l ,, '"''' • 'I tl ht. \ I 111,I ' 11\0 I~ ' I •1,10• ti ' •'IJ nt 1 I - 02 Orenge Coast OAIL Y PILOT /Sunday• July 2 I, 1985 Lloyd to meet Shriver "'l \.\ P< >I< I I< I I \I' 1 -I up ~eded < hm h en l lm d dl'll':Jll'd unserdl'd [ '.1 Pfat1 ol \\t·,t c 1l'I many. 7 ~ o·2 \Jturd,I\ 111 thl· '>('m1lindh of tlw \ 1rg1n1J \11111\ ol "'lewpon ben l lo~d \qll plJ ' \nond \Ceded Pilm \htt\U \unJJ\ lor lhl l hamp1on<,h1p \hrt\l·r tx·a1 1h11d· <,l.'eded V.. t'.nth f urnhull 111 \u,u afiJ, 0·4 7·1'1 I"' 'l 111 llll' olhn \l llliltn,il match \a1u1dJ\ f,ert L lmd lwld, .1 14·11 l .Hl'l'r edgl'o,er \hrt\l'I hut lhl' I"'" lt,1q·n'1 pla)ed l'Jlh othl'l ''nll \1Jrdl of 1983 Pfall l Jllll' t luw1 Ill 1.1k 111¥ J \Cl lrom f \l'rt I 111\ d lhJn J tl\ 111 hl·r llr\I three o pf)< Hll'll l \ I hl \.\ l'\I ( rl'rmJn had 1npk 'l'l p111nl 111 lhl l'llh !!J11ll' of the l1r'I \l'I hut I \l'I l 1 lo\d ''11n lhe rlt'.\I 111.l' p11111h .tnd hl'ld 'l'l\l' t\1ng lhl' w t .11 ' ' EH·n l 111,d "hu "11n .1 \ 1r1<1111.1 ')fims tournJml n1 in hl·r 1 .. ,, Jppt·ar ance here: 11 \l'J6• .1g.11 hrttkl 1'1..sll' '>Cf\t' 1n tltl' ~11-p .. inl I I 1h ~.lllll I Ill' game "ent t11dt'11ll' 'l'\l'll !tmr' l'l.111 \3\d l\.\11 hrl·ak p111nh hde1n-lu"ni.t Jnd \ht: 'qut111dt·rt·d f1,t· g.iml' prnnl' bl'rl l lmd 1.1nkcd '" I 1n lht· world hrnkl· 1'1.tll 111 tht· 1h1rd .ind fifth game\ 111 thl' 'l'tCtnd 'l'I \en 1ng l11r till' 111,1tl h 1n tlw l'tl(hlh ~me f \lT I l le1\ll Ir''' thrl'l' 111Jllh point\ hl:hm· f'l,tl l lll'lll'd a lorrh.inJ and tht:n dnllnl a h;1t khdnJ \.\11.k 111 g1\e f\l'rl 1 lmd thr m.itth In the 01h1·r ,l·m1tinal l!..tmt· nn ~aturd<l\ ~hri ' t·r \a 1. l.'d l\.\11 hrr.ii.. point\ 1n thl ninth g.Jmt: o t !ht· lil\I \Cl "htl h I urn hull '""'llk rrd .1 ~1·\ and brokl' I urnhull"' wn1• in 1ta· 10th gaml· After c·<lhJn~1n~ 'l'" 11..c hrrJk' in the ~cond -.cl \hr" l'f plJ\l'd a toul>!h tiebreaker Ballpark figures Ocean View National'• Darren Ernst (left) pitched complete game and had game-winning RBI, but not before Seavlew'a Nihilator looking to destroy world harness record From AP dispatches f..\\r RI TIHRf-<>KI> 'I Hamblc111n1an Ja~ at thl· '1.frado"l.imh ., alwa\<. '>IX'< 1.il .ind I ou < 1utdJ" th1n t..1ng about mal..rng 11 ntraordtnJ n h, 'l·nd1n~ \,rl11l..it11r after harnl'" rJltn~ ''AorlJ rt:lord Im the milt n rhal da' \,1 htlattt1 J \.\,·Jr·•1IJ .,11 ·4u.1lnt 1h1· ... 1.111.J,11<1 bred ,\ltrld ft'l.OrU lrlJ fJll' f rtJJ llljl.hl J)dllll~ !111 rrtdl 1n I )ti '\ 'i n .... 1nn1ng tht \h.1d11\.\l;.irit1' l'Jt•· 111 1lil· \1ngk h1g&l'\I ht·1r..slt:1n hJrnt'" rJ• 1n~ h1\t.,r. "II "C:I ' J O ,1\.\t·\urnt· rx·rl.,rm:inu· '•' d < n111 L1 wh11head\1lw \.\.ill ~t rtTI '\1hilJt11r \\Od1 11 v.h1,h 0 \.\0\ lhl' \IHI ol lhl· g.tt:dl 'IJllll\\ \.\ r Jrl' 111 I •!l•lflll I•• \3\l>r 11 tonight J nJ tal~ ah1oul I 1n11111rr11v. \.\. hJt ( rUldJ \\J\ lJI J.. r ~ J h<1 JI '-'d' f?"ll ~ .l:tl'I ll l n1Jn·rall' w11rld rnord •I .i•1 " rhal '' '''"'' ,,., during .i tinw 1nal 1n I''" n I l \IO!!lttn I\ fhl·lh" k1ng 11f I 5 1 'l 'f ndJ• t'<lUJ ln! 'lw J,l\(•'\I milt: ner run 1n a fll t t' \l'I IJ\\ \l'Jr h\ < •II I •tr t ,, . 1n \pnnglicld Ill fhl· \-kad11\.\l,1m1' P..slt' "'tt' run .ii r11~t I .1nd < 1u1<IJ \Jtd \,1h11Jtor prnh..ihl\ ... 111 ~"Ill'\! \ 1y ' tltl' \amt: dJ\ J\ lhl' ll.in1hkt.,n1.11 lht• prem11..·1 k~· 1' llw Tn pk < r11\\n rr,• •r11Ul'r\ I 11.11 \J r.I ,., r 1:1 11 hl dd"lrmr "In d.1.t1mt• ti .r ' .it lt'.1\l ,1 ,, ' 11111! lldk rrnlt' \JIJ (1uida <Jr ;i 'illll hot Jill.I r1111111 llww '>l'l'nl'> ltkt· 1hn1· "1h;11 mu h m11r1• · ( JUICl<t \J IO ht• ·"di "J ll ,t It'\\ d,i\, lo''•' 11 '•tlt1l.1l•1l l ame· •1cit 111 I rid.1 ' 1.1• 1 111 1-111od 11lld 1 "' 1'1< l•1r · mJ~ 1n11 .1 11111n11t1nl'lll 11• •t • .11' r11 •' r.1 • Quote of the day \i 10 \<·ully, ''" J rt'L•'ld' 111 I\ ! 1 1111 \.\.l'd tit'" nh1ng ,1 lrmr dr t 1 '' l\1rk<1 1h'' 1 lk t11dn r111·t tlle1llt.11 tdl h' llil' \•11111u Ir v111nd ·1111 • ! 1· 1 J "l.:l l•1P' •ii I h1 \p• rtrrw '·'"" MacPhail argues with study ,. v. h;,i,1·h;ill' hl<·I no•••' ,it •I urda Ill.II .1 pl.l\1 r\ II I tf p• 11 11i.1r lh.t lh.:ngt". tht """' •\ 111 t•·n• • • 'I 11 ti · <s rl· 111\lnY rn•1n1·. < •ll• • d ·-. II 1' 1 , i·li.ill' • h'.1111\ ha \t' '''"""' 1111.1111 1.i p 111 rn l ht rq1t •rl h·. -.r.1rl•11d I 1 t,11. •1111111111\ proft'\\111 l<111(l'r '\1111 1 ,, ' lid\ II .11111,q 1r k.1)'u1· 11'.tlll\ \hll\.\t:d •' pr11r 1"'~JI111 " ' •' 1.1 I oil ·" 'ljlpe ,,,.ti l11 lhl' 1\\n(·r•. • 1 r 11 ni t •' tf .11 •I • I 1\t ""' '"' 11 m1ll1on oHlrl \,~I n11!111,11 '1 I Ill I • Ill• pl.I\ " 3'i\ll• 1,1! •II It 'Jllllll< I I Hu i I • 1 \1.1 l'h,111 " Rc:la111111' < •1r11111111re• '" I l'l,1 f he \,qll r• port ti~• I qf ll,1111 the d uh' .111 cl1tnl ,1i111111 1 r i' tit• 1r1··n1" \1111 It .ir preparn l 111 tlw ,,,,aw 111.1111 • 1 "' 1 ht1\111•·,._,., I Ill''' 'itatcmc nt\ 1 lr.itl\ '"''' ,,, t. 1•,1·h.11f t,,, "ru11" linanu .il prc 1hkm' \;nit\' t I , '"I r.tll\ I l OUt\ldl Ot Ol'lll' 11 f h;"1•h,1ll •' 111 'lhl opera11na 111\'>t'' •11tht•11·.u11' Tigers outlast Texas in 15, 6 -5 Barbaro (.arbt) \IJprwd a •Ill' 11u1 ~ "nglt '" ,·l·ntl'r \ttirtng Alan Trammell v.1th tht· "'1nn1ng ru:i in thr 1 'ith inning \Jlutd,,, nigh t J\ fk1r111 1 tJU llJ\ll'll I l'\J\ h-'1 II '"' \mt'rtl J O I l'.lf?lll lllflll'\f V.11h on1· IJUI f f;imnld punthl•ll ,J \lngk Ill kft JnJ \00llf1Ul'tl lo wu1nd "'hl·n I l''"' ll'ft lil·hkrGar) Y.ard kl thl' hilll l(t'I !Xh1nd tum lf1r JO nr111 C 1Jrtx ... II n ltnl·d J \harp \IO!(k Ill H'Oll'f ,1ntl I 1.1mmdl \lltfl'd l'd"" J\ tilt' tliro"' lrom lt'Oll'I ""' \.\l'll up till' l11w f 1,l."'hl'rl' in the ll il!tUl' Al Cowens ht t l\.\11 tnpk·\ nnc "11h lhl' ha\l'\ l11C1ded 1n J li'l' run \l\lh 1nn1ng .ind Gorman Thomae; h11 '"'" hnml· run' to (>11\.\l'r \l'allk It> a 11.111 'ltlllf\ l\l'I \11l"aukn· The \tannl·t, "l'll' lrt11ltnt1 •1.5 \.\h1·n tht· .1ml· 111 11<11 rn thl· \l\ltl Harold Baine-. h11 J 1hrL'l run h11n111 \.\llh •till' llUI I ll l ht ninth inn1n11111 r.tl h < h1u1il11 111 .in X·ti • lllt1!\ 11\11 ( 11\elJnd J' !Ill' Trammell \\ h111 '"' Anr thnr ltllh \lfilt~ht I tit Ind 1.111\ IJ.1 \(' 1 ..... 1 t .. r1 I r ""' Ron c.uid r) "11n hi' I ~th ,1r.11 •t11 dn l\1•111 1h1· h·n~t'\t "1nn1ng \trl'.i~ h' J r llhlf II 1111: r11a111r lt'J!ll.H'' lhl\ \tar dnd Uon \1a tllngly dr11\ L' 1f' l11ur r1111\ '1th J hornn .ind d ouhk J\ lhl' '<·" \ "rk \ ankn·' ht·at '.\t 1nnt·\11IJ x.' Alfredo <~r1Ff1n'!. l\.\11·run 1r1pil u1ppl'll .i lour·run ,n11nd 1n1111111.ir1d \.like Davi' h11..s \11111 homl' run" hilt Tim B1rha\ trtd ~trve Ont1vt'ro'> t 11rnhtnL·d on ,1 lour I 1111 r .i, < >.1 ~ I tnd ht·Jt f 11r11nt11 "I I (,eorgt> Brett tll'l'l' rra I• tr run' "' lh .1 hJ\t:\ li1:..1kJ douhk J nd J ti• Hl 1· 1111 'rut llal \1 1·Rdr J ml Y. II ht> Y. 1lson JUdt'.d ,11111 hlirr 1·r\ 1\ ~.111\.1 < I I'll .1t l1J ll 10111fl ".) Connors makes Classic semis l ••Jl·'cl'dt d Ji mm) ( onnor-. dn" nt:d ~ \"1111·rl,J11d' Jakob Illa ek ''" \,1turda• I • 1 1111 rlll I I l•ilh \I fl I ftnJ h l1 l lhl' Ii' 1 '·"" 111 \.\,1,11111>"11111 \1111 \l'ckrng 11 c,. I "' 1111~· 111 I 'II\"\ lht· 12 1,11 11ld < onnof\ ha~"""' .11h.1111rd 11111. 'l'm1 li n.tl r•ittnd\ <'11!.hl 11ml''> lhl\ H'ilr < • 1\11••1\ "tll m·,t pl.i, I• l,1, J!V!tn\I the: tournaml·nt ' '•• i ,,·nl I rt·r11 hm;111 Y.rnnkk Noah ""ah ad\ant l'd -,,,t 1c•l.1. lw.111ny "llh ,,., d l'd Aaron Krirkstein 1,.2 11 4 r .. n OtJI\ " 1111d1 ka tt·d II I 1 ['fl \ lllU\ ffi l'C:l Ing\ "'11 h ', i.tl 111 "thn I• r1n" ..i11111r (,ene Mayf'r • r llr 1.111,? .111 1111p1 . .., •flll h..i k Jlll'r .1 thrn· r tlr ,1\1111 lfllllOll'CI loh n Ale>.ander (, 1. (, .! 111 ' n1., 1lw lrn.11\ qt lh < e ln c hJ111 p1on' I t•nnl\ \.1l111d,1; 111 \,1111.1 ( l.11.1 \IJ)l'f 21J 111 V. '"dr111 ft \,) "·I\ r11,11I' IJ,11Ak\\ U\lfll< hi\ (\t'llt 11.1ttriv , ..... ,.1i,1111kd 1111 1111tl ;ll• > l \ ,,, [lf('\\IJll lhl' ild \11\lr.d1.111 1111 '' 11111\ Raiders re-training Seale 11'. ·~ \k I J \.HJ m ""' l "It•· m I'• r • ! It I"' \lll/.l I('\ l<.11d1•1\ .1 1.11 1~111 411 • .i' .i ' I r1 1·1q•r h,1, hn 11 111t llu I• .1111' .11 '.I .n • r\11111 pn11•·11 \ 1 1 llJth r<>und dr.tll d1tt1 t t:i1111 \.\1·,11·1n -,l,1 I •llc·j{t' 111 C ll11ll11\•111 I 10111 II I 1:-. I I\ n11\.\ t • I I 'llh 1111• lt".1111 .t'> I dl'J. 11\1 I lt,1 ~ 11 11cl1°1\ ( 11,1 h I "Ill 111111°\ \.11cl ....... h .. ·" f'Hll1~ '" 1 t ''' 11 hr' II•'" p• ,,,(ft ,., 111 .1" Ill tl11tnl" r 1rnm.11tt' 1 ',1111\I '111111.tr Ptll~ll \ ,llfd •11•11!' • I 1,111\ lltclll I · 1J111.t\ I 11•~h(o\\ .11 the k .1 de·r\ 111 ltl .11l1.11 e·111 ltt ,1 fl I ' '1 t I 11 r I n I It I\ I. I,,, \1,1 I { 111 11,. '""' r.t \, .1k l.1n11· .tl1t·1 ,, \1'111nd d1•ll'"'' ,. , ; .. 11tt. f1,h1 11.r111111 \\111lol•1"'11,...1th.1lt.1rr1\tl .r duriny pr.1• 111 l \.1111rd.1 I l11rd 11111r1d d1 I' I "ltltlfl \ll,lfli. -'l 011h11°• ll ·' llfl llH \,11111 llllttl ,,. I 11!,1 TWO LEAD BRITISH OPEN ... From 01 champwn I Cl I rl '1n11 hJcl •h• \,1111 1otal a~r J 6H l>t•knd1ng. t1tlt.:t.11ldrr ~ve Ballc:<,lcro\of ~pa1 11 "'''' f 11 'h'''' nO the pau· .11 .' 1 e1 It took a,... 1111· of .'.'I 111 q 11.rl11. l•ir 1hc final round \nwng lhc 1 ,J\11,11!w ... "'ere \outh \Iman <ran Pl.1\u .11 7 \.222 C rJlll \tadk r ~.i ' 11 ii I ann-. V...Hlk1n\ .,,., 22 l I angcr "'ho '>tored con ... ·1 111 1 , tt lont•\ in the "1.1\lcr' and I h r 1.1M• C l,1\\1t ,-.1rf1t<r th1~ yrar <.1111pp1 •I ,, u 1upk <ti 111 fool h1rd11• pull\ 1111 1111' tr11nl \l<.k ll!,11k .tnnlhrr fr11m .1h11111 12 :>nd rl'a< hccf the turn 1n L! lfr parred i1111und 111 the· lf11t1 whcrr hr hnkd oi I ~-footer for htr1l11• 1hcn hognt·d tht• I Xlh <tfh'r .1 \ ...... 11011 \n11nd \hot 1a1111ht thl' hl',I \\ ru1111h r 11 r l\,I 'l"I 1 \pull II .·1 l'I 'r 1111 u yh lh •J >I' I ~\lit ~ ( k,111 \Jo, 111'11 he "'"'"'I 11ilt•1111,it11111ll l)lh thTI II 11 Ii• cl rt •PJI' d ,1 ,11111 1111 1 lw I It h .t 0111 011. 11 • r 1t1Mh !hen '111111111 ,1 ' '' ~ 1 11111 h 111d cl I .ir11t1'I ,, Ill l11r I I •P"' Iii t 11! l••1J11'\\flll th1 II lh 11 d I dt ,,., d '111• ~ h.11ll 1ntl I ti• 111•\ \,1u' '""' ' t1.1•1 ' ,,, ' llJlh '" '"' 1ppc',11l0d 1o1 tw ,1,11111111 .1 cir.in II' I .1 I lh1• t·.111\ nll11n111>' "'"'h1111•"111111111°(1t·d 111111 hnlt ,11, lh• l ~ll1h1dt• fl rl llll'll 1•11111n\1' 1111\1 h11y1'\\ .111d .1 f , a l lh e p.ir I l1 n.il llnlt· 1N rn kn l h" 1 'trill "·" ~ 11 "·'' 1h1 '·""' \1'\t1·rd.1\ 111 \,lttf f ftn\I l,t\1 111111 h11ll'\ 1111 1111' h,1\ I' h1'!'1l lht Htf\l • I Ir ..... it 111 h.1d tlroprc·d l'11th1 't111k1\'•H1 tlw 111111 h11ln 1n !ht• p.1,1 '"" d.1)' .11ld1n11. I d11n 1 1h1n l< I h,t\(' h,.111 111.lll\ lir1•,tk \ "" 111 \ \ldt I ""·" I Ill"' r ·" !ht I hh .1n1l tn n .. 1111.tl • •n<l111"n' I t .,uld hJ\ <' Ot'l'O 1, 1111dl'1 I 1h1111~h1 1h.1111I"·"1n tlH , l11hh1111\• ~' 11h 'i .,,,., t111r tht· ttt111 n.in11n11 I A11 1ld h,1\1' 11.1 HKI Ii.in•,. U.S. ties a record at Games l 0\ \Mil 11 'i (i\I') -lhl' I nttnl \\,tin ~·qu.1kd thl' fl'U>rtl for mnl.1h 1Ao11 1111 till' the final da~ 111 1 nmrx:111111n 111 thl" '< V World (1ame\ tor thl· 1>e.1f. when the water polo tl'am defeated West C1l'r.many 11 ·4 \aturtla\ 10 rmk up a hron1e ml'dal • fhl' hron1e gave the l 1 ~ team It\ I09th nH'dJI of thl' Game) equalln& lhl· m.11 ~ thl' I ' \ team ..ct 1n I 9X I 1n C 11l11gnnl' \\.l'\I ( 1erman} \\.e\t C 1l'rm..sn) finished !ICtund tn tht· ml·dJI\ l OUnt wtth 41 Crea1 HntJrn wa\ third with 26. and f-ranct' fourth Yo tth 24 I hl' I 1 \ team al'o rnptured a rl'lord·hrl'ak ing 46 gold medals l'lllp\lng the pre' 1ou\ mark of 45 al\o \l'l O\ thl' l ~ team 1n 1'>81 f hl' ftjltan<i p1 t ked up two gold ml'dal\ on \Jturda}' 1 he> dekated c,rl'at 8rt1a1n 2·1 to win the 'ioccer 111le and 11111k thl· "•ater polo gold w11h an X-7 v1llo}r u\er Hungar}' 1n the champmn\htp mJILh f hl' I ntll'U \ltlll''>. 11 .4· win O\t:r \.\ e\l c tl'I m.1n\ 1n water polo earned thl· I \ team a hrontl' medal wh1l h 1q>fl'>ll1ll'd lhl· lir\I medal nl'r won b} an \mt'rtldn "ater polo team in World Deal C rame\ compe1111un Th1..· l ln1ted ~tati:s track and field team t:Jnll' awa> with a record 20 gold medah. hrghltghted b' ( harle~ ~m1th oft .a\ \. ega\ Nl'\ ~m1th dupltl Jtl'tl (art Le"''" Oh mptl kat ol taking gold ml'c..lal!> in thl' mt·n'<, 100· 200-Jnd 4x l(J(). mtler rl'la ~ ,1, \.I.ell a., thl' long Jump 0.Uy ~ pflotoe tty 1111~• lchwarta T "o l \ .11hkte\ won three gold medal'> l'al h 1n irack and field \prtnttr \heme Jack.,on of C1reen· 'ilk M1\\ v.inning the 100 and 200 and 4~ 100 n·l.i) She c1l~o "on all thH'l' l''l'nl\ 1n thl· 1981 C1ames f onntl' Johl)'>tun of Ogden l tah. won thl' hl'pta1hlon 4\400 rda) and lhl' high 1ump 1n rnord ~etllng la<.h111n Jo1b Gingrich i• conjlratulated for hitting a homer ln Saturday'• Diatrict 62 All-Star Tournament game. Hoyt five-hits the Pirates, 4 -2 LaMarr Hoyt "on hi\ 11th \tra1gh1 m ga ffil' b> pt tc h ing a Ii ve-h 1 tter over e1gh I inning' and Terry Kennedy drove in two run\ t;aturda\ w help San Diego deleat P11t<,hurgh 4·2 1n a "1a11oncil I eague contr\l llo~t making hr'> fir'>! appearance c,1ntl' "1nn1ng thl' Moco1 \ aluable Plc1~er a"ard a.I T ue<,da) night\ .\ll·\lar C 1dmc rat'>cd hi\ record to 11.4 Rieb Gossage pill hcd 1h1..· ninth allowing one hit tor ht\ 20th sa-.c In other '\ L game~ Juan Samuel homerl'd. doubled <1ntl '>ingkd ~ driving in live run~. to wnd left· hander bane Rawley and l'h1la· delph1a to d I()./) 'it ton 11\·Cr ( rncinna11 Tim Raines 'tok thrct: ba!>e\ and \Uirl'd t\.\o rum to back the \C' en-h11 pllt h1ng ol 8111 Gullickson J'> \.1on1real beat Ho u\ton fl. I Herm Winningham had 1wo h1t<, and dm-.l· 1n '"'" run' for Montreal Darryl Strawbe rry dru'l' 1n \l'\Cn run' H "''h two homer~ intluding J 0 Y1 grand \l<1m and thl' "e"' \ ork "1 l'I\ ltl'd J tl'am relord INl\h fi'l' home run' 111 hdp Dwight (,ooden "1 n h1'> eighth \lrarght game" 1th J I h·4 1ro11 nu ng o l .\tlanta Dick Ruthven con11nued hi'> Larrer ma\lt:f\ ''' l'r ~an f ranu<,to in lOmh1n1ng "1th tv.11 rdtt'\l'r\ on J four-htltl'r and Larry 8owa u int1nunt h" hut h1111ng to 'park the ( h1rngo < uh\ "'l'r 1he < 11Jnt' 2 I Ruthvrn. 4·6. ga't: up t1No hit\ tn II ' t 1 n ni "l<' <111d pit. l..ed up h" Ii r\l 'tllor~ "nl t' Ju nl' 11 ~k lt flt:d h" lareer record 10 IX· 7 m 1..·r the < 11ant\ Rams sign ex-Sooner Bradley r he IO\ <\ngcle\ Ram., anno untl'd thl' [!] '>1gn1ng of <,nenth·round drah t ho1tc c II • Dann} Brndk) on ~a1urda). ka\ 1ng lhl' team \.\tlh lhrl'l' rmks unsigned I l'rm'> of Aradle\ ·, rontral t wl·rc not d t'>t lo\l'd r,a1d R..sm\ \pol..c'>man Petr Dono, an 1 hr ll'dm "'111 u'>e thl' ~·'I I 7'i.pound former quttrterhJt k lor lhl' CJk la hom.i ~ooncr'> a'> t1 "1dr rel l'I\ l'r Jnd a ~ tt k rl'turna 1>11n11 "an '><ltd Television, radio TELEVISIO:O-. 7 \11.1 m -GOLF Hnt1\h<>pt·11 < hJnnl'l7 11 .1 rn -SPORTS f''OCtS \.\.1t h 111111" I r\ tnK < hannd 4 11 .1 m -BASEBALL \n11.d' .11 l!t1\tor1 < h.innd 'i I p m -Al'TO RACING < \I< I "11t h1g.1n 'll)(J < h,1nnd 4 1 p m -SPORTS SUNDAY 1111\IO)L C Jt'O l ll,1tt hn '" I haldo ~Jt<O I our de I rant<' upd.1ll' < hannd 2 ' p rn SPORTS SPECIAL \ t lo\l' up 1110~ .11 \Pllrl\ from lhr pt'r'>f'X'lll H' ol \11111\1( p1..•11ph· l hannel 2 ' pm -TENNIS. l.akl' I ahol' 1'111 < l' ll·hr 11' f l'\11\ a I I tape). C h.in ncl 7 ' l11 pm -AUT<l RACING < hannd 4 11 p m -HORSE RACING Ra111hm,., I u1urtl\ 11 Ru1<.l o<,o f>o"n' "\1 ltkla-.nll < ha11nd •1 'I p m I I ,1 m 1' \ 1 f'C I 11 11 Ip m 1' \11< I "''JI II BOWLING < h.rnnl'I ''' RAOIO BASEBALL o\n&ch al Hmton BASEBALL \1 I 11111\ at Dodgt·r' 'i I "I p m -HORSE RACl!'llG \1NJP' \1,1kt:\ lrum lloll\\.\011d Pdfl.. "'-"'X (11)7111 Greer en route to amateur title I ( , ..... , ' Ill \( 11 I >l'lt·1111l11~ l hampmn Brad ( lf('t'I .. 1 I I 11111111~t11n lk.H h t 111·d a 111111 undl"r·par 6 7 \at u rda' .11 \ ir jo'.ttll.1 I 1111ntf\ C luh .ind int rC'a\C'd hi\ ll'<td to "l'\t n '.h11t' 111 1tt1 kf1th \1111thr rn < t1ltlnrn1d < 1011 ""1x IJl111n \m,111·111 ( h.1mp111n\h1p thl· n;it111n\ oldr\t 1..ont1nunu\h '111111·,tt·cl .1mall·1H ~1111 tourn.trm·nt < 1rn 1 "'h"" huhl1ng 111 hn 11mr lhl' ltr\t '"'" llflH' \( '' \ \m,11rnr \.\tn111•r 1n ~4 H Jf\ Jnd thr f1r\I bat k 111 1,11 ~ 1 h.u11p111n in '·1 war' hin .1 thrC'r·da) total uf i1n ll.1mnp 1 111111pl1·tt' 111ll.1rN· h~ lhl' 24 year·old Ml\\11111 1 lrl l\ < •11tn1n < l11h pl;J\N tht• tournamrnt n·rord 111 '1111 "'t 1n I 1111' \('l'l!I' 11·11ain 111 fall tudJ\ r he .lll,1hlr ( •ll'l"r l1>nk 11nl\ Ill pull\ 1111 lhl· tr11nt fl int' \,11 1rll.1\ ·" hl· "1.1m hk<l 111 e11nr unckr p.ir U Hr 1.111 M.1h11n "' l<Jn1 ho fkrn.H1l11 < 1 li tt•<I 11 '"" 111 di r 11.11 1,•11 111 .1 lhrn r1111ncl 1111.11 111 ~111 Clark takes 4-stroke lead 4 birdies put h er ahead after three r ounds of Boston golf IJ.\"\'l I<\ \l.1\\ I \l'I Jud\ Clark rn·lnt 1111 lour htrdte\ e1n hL·r I.I\! \Ill h11k' "htk ·Ro<.11' Jone\ hJd one d11uhk·hC1l(l'\ Jnd \1ana I tgUl'ra' I >ot11 got '"'" gn rng < htrk .1 lnur \tr11kl· k ;,id \aturdd ' ,1ltl'r thrt:t'. rounll' ol the L PC, \ Ro\ton I 1\\' c IJ\\tt I hl' l,1\l' dn dopmr nl\ turnl'd .i 11ght bJllk into J nt:ar runJ\\J\ lor !ht· ''·\t:Jr·old ( IJrk whu linl\hl'd \et<rn<.l la\! \umfJ-. 111 lht• I \ \.\.11ml'n'\()pcn hut ha\ nt·,t'.r "on a pro 111urn<1mt•n1 I lt"lrx·<I h\ l'\l dll'nt pu111ng11n a '-'tnd~ da~ that mJdl' [!Ut'\\V.11ri.. 11u1 ol lluh \l'kll111n ( lark \hot J 4·undt'.r·par 1,;, a nd "J' JI ·untkr·par 21JIJ for 1hr \22"i 111>0 t'' t•nt ln nn 1tn l \\1th Janl' ( 1l'dde\ JI.:! I\ hl'giln thl' r11unJ .11 ,, undl·r p.ir Yo Ith a one·<,troke l'dge II\ l'f r 1guera\·l>o t11 11n thl· pJr -2 6 l){JX·)ard -, ara I crncrofl rnur\c I ht· wwnd·da)' leader", \lead> round ol 11 par\ dnll 11nl h11gl'\ hlcw up when 'ihl' rrachc.:d thl' par-'I 4'i' \Jrd I )th h•ik and \hl' l'nUl'd up wtth a 75. < l.1r~ pl.1)1ng 1n !he: prC'\lllU\ gr11up h1rllrl'd tilt' huk tn hrl'.lk J tie for thl· kad with Jo'nl'\ at 'i undrr f11n1·, in thl' tin.ii 1hrl'l'\oml' then \lruggll'd lo hn douhk Ottl(l'\ I hilt l'·"l' <IM~ <11hrer-\lrokc hulgl· "'l'r l11nt'\ J r11l 1hrl't' nlhl'r\ ft "'l'lll 10 l•111r "'hl·n Clark hrrdtl'd 1h1· I '\1, \Md 16th hole 111 go 7 undl'r par \ht· gd •l' the \lrok(· h..sl k ,"' hrn \h1· hogC'rt'<l tlw '21 \:trd 17th hut regatnl'd 11 \\1th J h1rd1t· .ii IX F 1g111.•rJ\·Dot11" l111uhk h11~n on 1h1· 46' \Jrd I 'th hole t omhlnl·d Yo 1th Clark·, htnl11'\ JI '\it" l' I 'i .ind 11. dropped the• \pan1ard four \lrn~e' tx·hrnd Hut \h1· hmltl'd thr 17th \.\htl h <lark bognrll I hat kit ( I.irk at h un<ll'I p,1r Jnll f 1gurtil\ I >0111 1n \l'uind .it 4 urHkr Bui on the nnt h11k 1hrrr "•" J thrcr •,troll' \Wtng Ot'IWl'l'O lhl· pa11 <>n lht· par ~ 485·\:trd 11111\h11111. hole: < 1..srk iot her \n r nth htrd tl' 111 the r1111 nd ,1 nd I lllllt'r ·"-f >0111 f ,1 hnnl 111 hl'r \t:uind douhk hc1gn I 1gul'rt1' 1>0111 \h•Jt ' \,1111rda \ JnJ "·" 11nJ lor l11urth \.I.1th l>onn.t < apt1111 .11111 \u\lt' lkrn1n~ .11 ~14 < t1pon1 thl' 11./X I II"'''"' I "l', h.1mp111n h.11J J n Hl'fnlOK J ~2 'rl',1r tour H lt'rJn \\ho h..s\ """ 11 tournament\ hut non1.. \1nu I 11 '11 \h111 'I < •t·dclt•\ hJd 71 1n puf\u11 of hl'r lir,t tour 11111 I n1tl (lark'<, \Ur~1· .and l11n1,· .111d f l!(lll'r.i' I >0111' '''P' I.Hr 1n tht· da} 111111 1· 1h,1n ,, de111·n pl.l\rr' werl' in \t•nou\ t ontent111n l11r 1lt1· tlurd round It-ad \lll'r all golkr.. hdd t ompkll'd I 'l10ll'\ lnnl'\ ,11111 ( I.tr~ "l'rl' 11ed JI S umkr hut thl'll' "l'rt· 11 pl,1\l'r' \\1lhtn f11111 \l11th'\ of thl· kaJ Ii\ thl' t'nd ol till' d.1, 1h.11 n11 mh1:r h.1d U\\tmlkd to IU\t l\.\fl :\fin I nd;I\ \ round < 1.rri.. "·" t1t•tl for ld1h with ( apo111 at l undt•r par lh1n· 'troi..l'\ 1111 fonrc,.· pat l' Hui \ht· \tartt·d hn d1mh to 1t.1· lop t•arh \aturdJ\ h\ hirclu·ing 1hc '77·)ard lif\I h11k .ind thl' '4~· .. Md \l't11nd hoth with d111tkg' to thr ri1thl In \h11ot1ng ofl f nda ~ .lht'r an •>pt:ning da\ 7 \ C lark h.1d lour htrdtc\ Jnd J hulr tn· om· on !hr I 2th \ht• hognl·d tha1 hole \a1urda\ Fors1nan in front of the Quad squad C <>A l VAL I EY Ill I \J>) l>an F nr\man v.h11o;c hcst P< 11\ lini'>h ha\ been a \t'\enth·plau: 11<' golfrd a 1ourne)-low 7-undrr·par 61 \aturday to 'grah a ont' •.irokl· lead aftt•r lhn•e round\ of the· S \()() 000 <)uad C 11IC'i Open I m\lllJn who <.aid ht· lllt rclaxn1 throughout thl· round unde r \unn> \k1n mild 11·mric1.1ture\ .ind 1t11lr "ind htt h1rd1r\ on '<'vcn hole\ and \h111 pJr on th<' rr\I Jt the h ~ 14 vard Oakwood C ountr'r C luh lour<,<.· "\n~t1ml' I rt.1) a round without .1 hogl') 1\ ,1 thrill ·· \,1111 I of\mJn, ~ 7, wh(l grrw up 1n thr \,1n I rnnl t'<.C1 .trr.1 hut now 11\r\ 1n ~011\dnh· •\r11 I hrt·1· quarter\ oflhl• w.1\ through tht· rau· tor a llr\t pf.1u · P• lll' 111 \ ~4 000 f or,m,111 ~ 7 WJ\ I IJ. un<lrr par ,11 ~IJO 11nt \lrokc· .iht•ad ul 1h1t•r 111ht'r<, and l"-11 ahc.1d of lhfl'l' lllOrt "I lr h like· I'm <.w1n,11111. lx•ttt·r 1h.1n I ll.l\l' 1n .1 l11ntc 11ml' I krl 'l'f\ rt'l.ucd.' ht \,ml J hr 1 lllH'>t' fl't or<I tor llw 14 vt•.ir old ()uud l 1t1t'' Opt·n " H und N par 6} "4.'l 1n lh< 11/77 rnnlnt\ '<'toml 1011n<1 h\ h 11 C h.1fkt· who l.1tl1·tl to m.11..t• I rulJ\ , rnl 1n !hi\ H'M 'l'\ !'Ill I 1ir,m.1n h.acl h<'ttun 1h1· ,J,1\ 1n a \<'\l"n WG\. lie' l11r I llth pl.u t• <ii l undrr \I\ \trnli.r\ ht-l11nd Uoh 1 .... .i~ 1h1 louinn \ 111ul (lntnl k.ttln wh111·n1kd \.11urd;n ill ~01 I tl'd "11 h '" n 111 h1•r\ for w111n<l pl,11 l FoR THE REcoRo MAJO• LIAOUI STAHOINGI Atnfflc.n L••vue """" 0.1\Wlncl ClllcallO Kan._, Cnv S.t lllt Mlrtr,."ola Tu et Torortro New Yor• Oe1ro1t tanlmore 8011on Mllwaukff C1tv ... ne1 WI ST 01'\llilON w l ~ )6 .. 0 0 ., .. ., .... ., 0 )4 ST IAST DIVISION !.4 II \I 17 •• )9 •s o .. u la 4t ?I •I S.lllrdll'I'' sc ... , Aneet1 S 80\lon ) 0.11.1ene1 S. fo<onlo I Ken\H Cuv 1 8all•mort \ l"ct 600 ~l m s ll 4ff ... 174 S9l sao SS! Slt s" 4J/ )IS Ottro11 ' TuH S I IS •II• .n0, Cll.CAllO • C1t•e•anc:1 • !>tallle 1) M1l .. au~ff lO New Vor~ • M•MeM>IA l Te4av'1 Ga~ Gt • I' J • 10 ., JO ' I' ) J I > J ' ,. 1\ A"9111 S·•r l..UllO ) I a l 80\lon ,. PP•• h•u too~ 1 II a l Oerro•• I T"''"' 10 41 Oa~1ana 11<rua941r I I t al r.,r,nto C an CV I\ 4t l(an1u C•lv ie iac• • !Or A' B•" ""'"" 0 Nl8'lont1 1 61 New Voro IN ·t~•O 8 8 t • Monre101a CV1ol• 10 71 Oe•t1•"<1rl~ffd 0 11 "' C~«a11•1 tr,n11 0 01 ~•Ille IWlll\ 4 11 •' Molwau•l'I' 18 u•t•\ 4 II Mondav'1 Gtm.1 An99!1 •I Mflw•u~•, n Saarne e r r or onto " 0•11.1anel •I 8 0\1011 n Oelron e1 ClucaQo, n C~v•1ana a1 Tu1n ,. Ne"' Yoro a1 Ken111\ r1111 n 8•1t•more "' M lnnt\CI'• ,, N1tlon.I LHllUt WIST DIVISION w I.. Dodeer1 SI )1 \an 0"90 S1 J9 C Inc rnna f 4 S 4) H0<.r1tori 0 48 A11en11 •O 49 Sen Fra"c 1c )4 V <it Lou•\ Ne• 'f'o<• Mont••• C"•caoo PllllaelalDPl•I PilltburQI\ £AH 01'\llSIOH S1 l6 S1 l1 S1 )9 41 41 )9 so 19 S9 S..l\lrelay'1 kerH Oooeitr1 ) S• Lou•• 0 New Yo,. 16 At1an1a ' !>an O•~ 4 P1111buron 1 Cn"•OO 1 Sa n Franc•1fO I P111taci.ll>h•• CO C1n<1nna1 6 MOntrul • Houtton I T~V'\ G.mff ,.ct sac S1 I s" •Tl ••9 JI• S91 .... Ht m 431 ))0 GB 6 9 ' II ' 11 J I' s ' 1) J 2l SI LOU<l llle.:>\hort I 61 el D~t <Reuu 7 61 Hou\lon t~oll I 4 at Mrintru 1 !Manier l·)I Atlante t Par ti I 7) ol New Y'oo L H Ct' 0·01 Pnllaoeloh1a cOennv ~ 11 el (1nc1nnat 1Prlce 1 71 Pl1111>ur11" CT un1111t1 0 61 &I ~an D•eoo !Sl'low 7 61 Cnlceoo I Gura 0 11 •• Sa n F '"""VO tla l•ev 1 l11 Mondav'' Gam.t P1trt t>uror> •' 0.0..n " ~' Lou ' 11 SO" F raM 1ro A11an•• •' Moritree r C•"<•M1a1 11 New 'for~ n Mou\ton et Phi •d•+oni• " (Pllcaoo 11 »r O•tO'> n Doctven J , C1rdonats 0 STlOUIS lOS ANG l l..S Co•,mar t MCG.M ct Herr 711 JCtar• ID •11 r I\ Ill • 0 0 0 4 0 0 • 0 ' 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 ... .,.,,. lt. Own<• " Bil,, ... I Mair \~a r• C•IM ID M 1dl'\()() ,. "••Oef' ( \•• ]b •I>," tit 4 0 0 0 0 • l 4 0 0 4 0 l I 0 1 0 0 I) ) 0 0 0 L•ndrm rt Pndttn Jo OSm1rn u Nieto c Tuoor o 1000 -1 •• ,,.~ 1011 Ot Jtu '"' r:o"<" o BHeror on Cemoo.t o Tttelt I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1' o l o Tatatt Sc .. e l>Y llWll ... 1 l I J t > $11..Mll\ 000 000 000-0 LH ,.,,...., 100 100 00• -) Ge me Wonning RBI BAu1H ll 121 E-Tudor 1 Ander.on OP ~ILOU•\ I LOB-'>•Loult ) LO\ Anotlt\ s 1B MCGH SB Ounu r •IS• IP H A lilt 8 1 SO Sllaul• Tuoor L 10 I For Kn C1mo0o11 lffAllelllt• V1an11a W II I 9 T -1 09 A 41 Sl1 8 l l I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 An991S S, Red Soll l CAL"O.NIA 8 0 H ON Ca rew IO 8en•our (I Oown•nolf MC8•0"'' Gncn 7D OtC"<1 ID .... ,,.,.,di lhJ~1n Clh Boone < !>Cr>ol•ld " otl>rlllll S I I 0 • ' ' 0 1 I 0 0 4 0 I I ) I 0 I 1 0 I 0 I I I 2 1 0 0 I 4 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 OwE .,,.., rt 80991 lo A Ct I 8 uo nr ID E '"" "" GtCllT'e"' r ,., D' HO!lmr " AM•li.r DI\ l • .,,,,cf 8arre11 7D •b," bl 1 I 0 0 l 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 I I l I ' 0 I 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 • 0 1 0 J 0 0 0 Tetals JO s s s Tetal1 JI J ' J Scorel>y I~ CalHonlla OU 000 000-S 9etl9fl 000 001 001-J Game Wlnnm11 A81 L1nart\ •I• E-\<l'lolletd OP {ahlornta l 8 011on 1 LOB -<etlforn14 S Bo\ton \ 28 E1111ar 8000\ )8 E 111er HR L 1nar•• I I) S8 '>cl'ollelel rs 1 11" H R ER 88 SO C.alito<'nia W111 W I 6 I I 1 l 1 J 1 ClrMnt1 0 I 0 0 0 0 OMoort S 19 1 l 0 0 0 0 0 ....... Olt<le L •6 71 l 4 \ \ 1 1 TrutlllO l 7 l I 0 0 ) 0 Cit•• 1 0 0 0 1 1 Sramav I O O O O I Clement• o•ICl'le<I to l o.11et .n •na 9•n H8P-EA1•tr DV W1tr WP -0.aela I 1 S? A )) 147 MAJ<>tt LEAGUE LIAOERI Amertc.en L"eu• BA r l•NG. 710 a t D•I\ Brett "•"'"' c l y lS7 H•"Cltf\1)1\ N•'* Yor• 1~7 8oou1 801ton )41 Lac• 8a••·m.,,• ))7 l•1<1•ev Stall• 114 RUNS-Henele••<>" •io•e" ea111more •• t) MOl•IO• M<lwau•H s• Nt,.. ft>'> 11 N,,. '•"•' Uf'•rc.t 61 Oa•' 0 •• •"II •Bt Matf,notv N1w Ynr• 70 8••t•" Nf w Vor• '1 Go 01on ()etrnll •1 M .. rrev tett>mort " It o•en Bet11mort 61 HITS 9000\ 801•on 119 W ltW>" IC an '"' C 11v I 17 I• aellt v $ee111t1 111 Bu Her , .. ,,.,.nci 101 Malllngfy New YM• 10. Ironman takes trucker crown LOS AN(1El E:..4' (AP) -Vett'rnn ofT·road dnvcr I van "l ronman" 4'ttwart. scored n hard·fouah1 Vil tnr)' 1n 1he < 1rahd Nat1onal 1ruC'k rat e. 1he finale of thr M1ckt)' Thomp;,on OfT Road C hAmp1on\h1p C 1r11n Pr1~ nn ~iurda)' \trwnrt. 19 ul l.akr\lc1e ( ahf went 10 the lc'ft of hi\ T oyo1a 1eammatr 'Ir"" /(',)I, ndC'r \1rvr Mtllrn '5 to r>d"' lfottC't Mt"ar' Nl\san t thr fin1\h line Mraf\ hftd takrn thr lead 1-.0 lap' Imm the finl\h hy p1mina Jell Huber"" rord un the frowdcd din 1rnck 1n the l n' '\nt('IC'\ \iicmor1.il ( nll~um Orange Cout DAILY PIL Ol ISundly July 21 1985 03 COVIL F ~ Matt0ngrv Ne.. f OH II C.H lll M•n'"'O'a n 81)9t• ..,,,"" 11 B"'•nar t o1•on n ........ M uwe , ••• n C W• •e• (Pl•UGO )7 I lfi"'l.t..>-""' M>n tt.,.,., (tlv IJ Puc•ell Mo!\~Ola 9 (OQl)flr M otWIL<•ff I 8ullt• C ••Ala•·CI I l rOQllent 0.lrO•I s F ''"•"Oft Tor')l!IO s B•eel••• ~•all e ~t(JME RUN~ r ,. t , ( •uo /4 ~ in11 ,....,. Qa~ranel 11 P••• tr \eall'f 71 e r '"•"'". M •Me\OI• 19 Da f •• .,, Oetroa II C. 8•11 r o• f)nto II Clb10., Oe•fo1•t ,, .. TOI f N 8A\E \ H•nel••wri N•• f "' ~ 42 Pen11, A111119h, JO 8 u11tr ( 1eve1one1 11 Wll\on. 1(1n1'1 (II• 16 C Ollln\ Oo•lanel 1S PIT(.HINC. •• <ll'tot•on\t <iu•Clff Ne .. (or~ 11 l 1 !It lhmal\IO, Artelll\, 11 4, J Ot ( c."'I•• """' 'l'or~ a l l 14 Ho .. e11 Ot~ 1a ne1 8 l 1 91 lerrt ll Ot tro1t 10 4 169 ST R IKfOUT~ 8i.141van C<••etall<l II~ Morr•\ Oetro,f 11 I Bo•d 8o•lc.n 10 I Bann1 \ltr (ll•t•11n 101 Burn1 Cn1ca110 4/ Slo. VE. \-Herna neltt Otl•O•t 14 >10 .. ,.11 o a-.•no 19 ~.. Aneeh . II Jarrtt (r .. tall<; 11 Ou•,OnDI"• '°'"'''•'('I• 11 R ontll Nt"' 'for• 17 Nltlonat L .. gue BATTIN(, 110 •' llel\I M<<iff \1 ~ .,.., ' J4 t Herr S lo .... ' IJ Guartera, D~>, JU Pa"'"' C nr •nao JOI c,..,ynr• """ t>•evo 191 fl(UN~ M'''D"" Ata"tn 61 (O ,.f'Tt~n "I• l Ov \ M Q' air.-\ M()f"lttt9~1 60 ';•'10 be•J (he&;, 60 MoC.tt \• Ltiu1 S7 kt81 M Jrt1r·11 Ai·an•1t JO t-4•" ~t I °" \ t.9 .' ( .,. SI L.,.,,, ~~ Go '<111on Pn ede1pr •a 6J P•r1111 er C .nc ""•' bJ HIT~ 11err ~t l Ou•\ 101 M< C.te •,t ~uu•\ 101 Cwvnn '>an O•f'llO I~ Per.tr C onrin11a1 101 Goar"" ')e n O•f'OC'I 91 M urohv At1a nte 91 •>a tT u,.I P"·'•Of:IOOIA ~I OOUBLE'>-Htrr '; 'Ow\ 11 w.11 .. cn MorHrto 2l J t 14 • \t l 11 '" )I Meo•oo P11111>uruh LI p..,1o,,., (in Conn••• )I f RIPl f!, "lt<<if'• 'ii l r.ou11 II Harn t1 Mu1111e,.t I Semv<!• Pn11e11e1nn1a 1 Colemen ')t Lou•\ 6 G /'1,1,011 f>hiraoal OPl•a S C,ar ntr HOu\tO~ ~ (i1eooen Se• Fr&,.Co\rO \ HOME. RUN~-MurO"• Aroenie 1) Guerrero, D~1. 21 J ( 1ro ~r Lou ' II Horl'loer Aflen•e 16 PaH.pr (1nc•"ne t '" \TOLEN BASES-<o•em•"' \1 Loo.1 6A M<<iff SI LO<H )7 Lr,,pe, (ho(aOO Jl Semut P•11 •Cle•D"·• l1 Atllv\ (.,nc I\ "•' ) I Ptr(H•NC, I de<''°'") rra"'o tonra• 1 I '"IS H•"'k n1 S• 0·90'> 1 7 l 16 O•• ng New .,.1),. 10 1 7 61 C.ooa.n Ne ... 't'or• 1) l I l>t Rtutc•·~ P U\DurQ~ I 2 1 )S SJ RIM EOUT\· <iOOd•n N•• <or• ISl If van 110u\10f' 1)0 So•o C nc .neat 119 Velefl1ut1a, 0~1. 121 J Uf'l eon P 1 1\0uron 11• ')A VE s Reardon Mont, ... , n I .. Smotn Cn•c•oo 10 G.oueot \t " O f'~I) 19 PQ·Ne-r (1n(1t'I"•' '• ~u''f'f 4• ~,,,a 16 PONY LEAGUE ALL-STARS District 2 Pl1voff\ I et Harverel Perl!, lrv!M I S.l\lrelav't Gama SedelleDiic• Valley aet Sania AnA TOClav'' Garn. l om -Cr1am ooon1n10 gome NO'" A \•<Cif'd game w t •011e,... •• ~ .f nt'"t''•',. ALL·STAR TOURNAME NTS District U M AJOtU ll l-11 YH f.tlcl\I Area 1 tat SN111tw 1..LI Sarvre1av•1 S<.,• O<e•" 'I~"" Nat o~• I \••,.PIN " Mondav't Garn. TuHClaY'1 G em• \ }Q om (r .,.,. P l',i"\"' o ArO"'f'• o•,....• t '"'f'"•''•' / N M "•v•d "IV•fS1 ., ••• TllUr\CSIV'\ Gam a "e •a,,, f! JUNIOR I IJ VH r tld\) C•I Founle ll'I v .... "41911) 1-NrdaY'1 k .. t l/~\t,.,,. • \1fH •2 H...if"f f'IQIOf'I J 9 !!(t1 N,,,,.. .. ,,.r f'r ,,.,., ,., l<t>l'\a' S(NIOAS C 14· IS vur-040\J r •' JoN11on Junl0< Hltl\ I SalvrclaV'l St e><• he\l,..,..•f"l\l .. r ? Orton ./ ew Ne' on•I I 01,trlct SS MAJORS (II 11 vu r 04d11 ArH I 1•1 Harvard Park. 1rv1ne1 SalUrdaV'\ StO<t\ ,,,,. F .. ,.,, S North-NC>Od ~ & "'"'"'IJ' Y. "0" •• '\ 8 \aod tbac• O Mondav'1 Getne \I~ 11 A/o U t'lr'I t-1 \ .,.l NG''"'wOO'l Tuttelav't Gem. \I~ p,... (na mo.or\f'\ o .&rntt\er 9en-t •r~tt\\ar,.. N • oeoa••<JvV~~t\ oa ; .... 1 ti San C-..e 1..1.I S.Nrdav'1 Sce><et 1 ~ o 7 J\11, u O" Noron 0 M \\ 0"' \(f ,th S Sar ·•" •D·\"•"O \•" J ... ,,~ r ao·'''&"O e ""'"&'•" Monday'' Gem. TuHdaY'' Garn. ~I) o ~ -Cr-emo10"'" o .Ar'fl)tP\•H \illtif"'le t ne< .,,,erv Nllt o• P •veo Wt<tne\ ..,., SENIORS C 14 IS·vH r elel1l tat Mh\lon N~ 1..1..1 S.tvrdtv't Clwlm Ol9fl\flfo Garn. l ""' F'OtHI ) M 1U•OI' Hill\ 1 <. > . United States Balketbll L .. 911• W L ~cf. Ge An~ Angel, Dodger schedules . , cMP ' An&ela on Radio KMPC (710) Anaeta on TV Channel 8 ~ .. · s ( Dodgere on Radio KABC (790) 1>oc:1eer• on TV C han nel 11 \. ... • 0-9•' TV Geme Sundey Mondey TuHdey Wedneadey Thur•d•y Frld •y S•turdey 21 22 23 2A 25 26 'Z7 • Ancth o1t lltd So• l I Ant• it Bmms. ~ 30 Allcets a1 81ewtr\ ~ JO Miii\ al fjr~wm 11 )() Aneeb ;t Slut 141\ • jQ Ptt1lrs 1t Ooclctn I JO Cul>> •' Ood1•• I lCi Allctls •t Biut 1•1 • 10 Cub\ •I Dodi•n ' lL An(lh 61 Hlu' J;y• I 0 JO (11D •' Oode•n 11 20 l.drd\ '' Oode•n l Piratt\ •t Oodaen I 30 P11ifl\ 11 Oodctn I )0 28 ~ 29 ... 30 31 Aug. 1 2 3 •Anttls 41 Blu, 111\ 10 30 •Ant• •t l \ I lO •Alie• •I A\ I lO Metil ,, A .? • ~ '11 " •' Anc• 1 Ci.~ •t Oodttn I C.11nu •t Oodctn I a G••llh 11 Oodt •t I JO G •~h 1t l>Matn 1 Ml r ,.1n\ ,. Alie• Oodctn ,, 11"11 1 J •OoQ•t •' Reo 4 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 i,,,,. •I Meth I Seattlt •' Anc* I JO .ull1t 11 Anatll I JO 'i#•ll t '' Ml• I •Ant• •' .. \ } j •.Anctil • '" ,.. I J .. ,,. .... 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JO tt 101 11,~1 .. ,, &0 •• •• 1(; ,, 6A 11 -10· ,, 10 .. 101 10 10 ., '°' • -d ... ,. .... .,, SEV(NTH A•Cl Ill ,. " , .. New JtrHV II 7 7'10 l Conneclfcur 13 10 S6S ~ Rl'IOde l\l1nd 10 I• • 17 I , Wl\I01ester 9 1• J91 9 Long lslend 9 IS 37S 9 , Wildwood 6 18 250 12 1 A·cllncl'teo teevue cl"l1molon,,.,iP Seturdav'• ScorH Conl'•Clicul I IS Wl\ICl'tl\ltr 109 N ew Jtr\tV 106. RnOde l•l•nd 101 TOdev'• Geme WHICl"ll\lt r a l Rl"lodt l1l1nd •HO HASOH ·~". ( 91"!"1~•\ F ~o•n• E t o•• ll c•FeM Jtff Hert \•••• Jor.i1 10"'" M•r'lf'U•T y. •t Ml)r •• '" 'Pf''v "o Bf'<'• .,.a,. 8ro<>\ \ i arik C ~",,.., lfoel Cv•I J•rr <i•ttaonar 1• ""••,.,. C.tadv Atl.,.Moll .. • f \ It• ""'' ' .... ,.. p ..,.,, • # "14~. 8 J ••·1 •~AA\ ".,. \' M >llt. J(lf', \ I\ J PT (Ol"''•" ·•~'"'#e .... , 0(1" M~en II ,.,,.. .. ~ ••(" '. Go' c7o'• JCJ"•' 81ttv """4 ... •• 'ft(-..... , (P\,J(• V'VO••m aro .. 14 .. ': .. t 1 /~ • 1: 11 j\ ,, " t• ... )f ... .A.. • • A Iii"'"~ '\ ""' t -. ~ ,. . --' H IXACTI ; '1 ~!CIC \I ll "" .. (. I EIGHTH ltAC( • •' • ~~ • ' 1~~ y • "! • .. "' . ' \\ I XA(T a • · ft \ • . . . . . .. . .. .. ,. ,... .. . . • c •"'l•d .... ' .. ,.,.. \. ••9'1• ~ ... AA• • l . Tires may b e c ause of acc ide nts: Mi c higan 500 po t poned HROOJ... I ' 'I ~fo h I \ l'I I he '-fa h1g,111 '100 lnd\-C'nl ftllC' ...... po'>IPOOl'<I ~atur1l1I) .1tkr a pnir ot JH'ttlt:nl~ Jurina prnL11u.· ,,,,, .1 \hadn" nl douht n1n thr U\C ol n<'" rad1,1I IHt'' pnn utC'<.l for lhl' S600 000 ,., <'nl Olfo 1.11' 111 "'" h1idn lntrrnJttu nal \f)<'rcl """' ( mn<l\l'Jr T 1n· &. Kuhhtr C 11 .incl C h,1mp111n,h1p .i\ut11 Kai ing I ram' 11111lth .1nn1111n1t•d thc 'iOO-m1k race, "'h11h ~a\ 111 "·" l' hc.'1·n run \umld1 "-3\ rc\t hnlukd tor \11nda1 luh ~'< C o1wl<l\t"ttr 11fl1l .. ,,, ..a11I thC'\ "'"' \\o1thdra" thl' r,1J1:1I t1rt'' Jnd prm tdC' h1,1\·Ph tu('' ltkc thnw u\t·J in th1· '"" I 1>X4 \1 1d11a..111 I n1h «H f Jl ('\ John f rJ'4.o 1h.11tm.rn nl 1lw ho.ird 111 t \R J lht• lnth•l tlf ,,1n11onfl11 '""'" ,,1111 I ~11 n11h1 fr11n1 llrl'' lmt .11r prt'\\uft' dut 111 11111t•·t1•rm1nl'd lalU\t'\ (11\(ld\l·:u rnf1.t1lt11\ '·"'I thn nl'nh d '""" w111 111111 1111 .1 11111r. 1hornul(h .rnJI\ '"IP d1•t1·rmin1· 1h1·, '"'"'' J he \ltuJt1nn Jfm<' Jtlc·r h\11h rt·1 111~t 't'lllnK pol1··" 1nnrr flnhh\ RJhJI Jntt C 11lomh1.1n Jn\ er Rntx-rt11 ( rUC'rTl'fll 'IHlll dur lnll ,1 morninp prJlltll' ,C,\IPO I n h\11h '''"'' 11 Jflpc':lrt'll that thr J ll 11knt' \trmmc1I trom J)tl\\lhk prohkm' ''Ith flihl tr11n1 llrt'' < 1urrrC'ru 'pun harml1·\\h hut I{ 1h.il 'llammrd thr wall hard ;1nd <.l.im<1Jed ht\ LAT badl) R.ihal "'ho ~t .1n all time auto ral 1na quallf)'1n1 re1ord of 21 ~ ~O~ mph 1·amr ll"il' Imm thr rrD\h w11h a hru1~d cl~'" Jnd 11 hcad.tl h<" R.1h;il h.1d 1 r \hC'd hi\ pnnian 1 J r in pflt 11\ (' 11n f rtdil\ forn nlJ h I tn 1(1 m<l\ \' tu h I\ 1.p.111• M. rch \lo" 1hr 1ram ""'" ha'e a -.eel.. t111rhu1hl one of1hc l .it' \("nn ruin tllllJ ft• thJ I \Ul"l'll 11 Ull n& ;t 1 •II ftll nm th.11 "'" .1lra nd\ 4u;allh~ r«1uin:' thr ,It", 1 '" \t,11t lr111n the h.11 \. nl rhr lll'lal fh1h ~~ "'r' lJl1.1l1linl 1r I hl.t'' 11111 111.tl' hut I h, po't Jll •n1· 1111·n I "'" ,kl.1 q d '11 \r1111i.I .ind 1111.11 r~·11nJ •·' , u.iltlll ,1111111' "hH h ~J\ tu h,I \ t ~·r rl ... 11\ rd.I\ ul 11('\I '1t11rd.1' I ht'!<' "' I ,, ,, I'll. J p~" •, \\"""'" '"I r1.t.1' ( rll(\11\\'.ll 111111. lol h \,lid" I I 11 lh(' ~I.I\ f' r.1, tnJ trrt"' '""'''I Hl 'I •'ul '1rth1111,, • lnJ1.sn.1poh' anJ c "",land 1'11 1 :hal 1111•1h1 MW) \n "'00 "tit ha' r 11• ~· m.1.I<' 1h1' "<"•'• Th<' 1IC'\. ""'n' IP l"''IJ)t•llt' 1h1· r11< r .11111 'Ut'l\tllUIC' tht• htA\ ph lllC'\ 1111 ltH r.11!1.1h •1' mad< •ht<r .lhl•ul t1•111 h''"" •I mr('t 1 p .1monJ .lit thr, nn, C"rnr1l p.11111' r, '"'"'" I dri' t•r, "( t'n,11 nh "hr 11 t" 11 '''"l'k h,1' r prPblrm' 11 \mill\' _th.in tt tl11t.1· "'"' ~.th.ii I>''''"" 1111n 1\ (1'1t.1111h th1· t'l\'llt r p.11 1 •t ,,,.1m hrrr \ntl """ 1h" ~"''' "' .i ,h,1n,, ti 'I• t Iii. " •r hh ,1nd 111111(' '1,u ~ 11111 '' 1n thl\ I 11 ~, t' II •I II t' - IM Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday. July 21 . 1985 ------ Jumping football leagues ChuckNoll'sa plain winner E:AS f RL 'THlRFORD. "IJ (-\P) -Even before the l4M' lln1ted tate~ Football League )Ca~on l'nded. Oal...land quarterba<.·I.. Bobb} Hebert ~pol..e ol hti. PSFL pla} 1ng da) s a., 1f thq were h1Mory. 'Tm glad I came here -\er. IC"' quarterba<.b gct tl) start nght a1Na} 1n the NFL." ,aid the ln,aders quar- terback. who signed for SI 50.000 a }ear out of Nonhwe<,tt'rn Louisiana State three \ears ago No"' a frt'l' agent. Hl·bcn 1s seeling SI m1ll1011 from hall a doLen "lattonal Football Lt>ague tt•ams bidding for his 't'n 11;es • "I Glmc trom J 'mall '>Chool and I ~ot J lot of t•\pcm·nt:t' hae I t1>uldn ·1 ha,cgot1en1nthe'-fl :°'lo"' 1hatr\e gotten 11 I'\ e got a betta lhance 10 be abk to '>lep nght in .. said Hebert, ""ho\l' team lost the l FL cham- pion,h1p 10 thl· Bah1more tars 2h-24 IJ\I )unda\ at (11ants 'tad1um '\ot t'\l'n l ~t L <,tar"' 111 be in the \,FL thl' .. ea\un -~kr<.chel Walk.er. Doug Flullt' and h.eh 1n Br.ant are ctmong th<hc \ta\ 1ng put Hut :h the league got''> into h1ber- na11on un11I tht· fall ot 1986. there 1s 1ncrcas1ng 11ch1ne"' among market- ablt• l '~f-L pla\er!> ll> JUmp to the NFL. )ume \'ill \1mph he 1al..1ng ad\an- tage of C\p1nng contracts. other<, .... 111 bu~ their "'a; out. and more ma) be reka'>l'd in thl' general lUtball.. that IAlll onur 1n tht• ne\I llAO 1Aeel..s l ~Fl teams mu)t reduce their roster<i to ~5 pla~l·rs llr less b~ -\ug. I I he 'I-L IS t1ght-ltpped about Jumper<; because of the l ' FL'<;$ I 32 billion anlltru'it suit ag;.unst 11 and has a ban on <,1gn1ng an~ L 'iFL pla~er under contral 1 until ..\ug I "'11hout .,pec1fic authonzauon But the \,:fl does acl..no...,lcdge the <.1gnings ot se' eral l C\Fl refugee'> Thl' mo~t pubhc11ed arc running bacl.. Mike Ro11er the I 483 Hc1sman Troph) "''nna "'ho pla>cd "'llh Jackson,1lle 1n 1983. and Trumaine Johnson. the l 'l)FL's best "'Ide re- ceiver HS lirs1 t"'o ;cars. ""ho '>at out this sca!>on 1n a rnntract d1c;pute -w1th the ..\n1on.1 Outla"") Roner ha<, signed '-'Ith the Hou\lon 011l·rs John'>on "'1th the 'Ian Diego Charger<, r hen thcrl' are t"'o running bad .. !> ""ho made 1hc1r reputations 1n the L' FL -Todd Fo"' ler going from the Houston Gamblers to the Dallas (o""bo\sand \1aunce (anhon from the '\e\-. Jcr..e\ Gl·nerals to the '-'c"' 'tor!.. < 11Jnh although aclno"' 1- edgement ol the <.1gn1ng comcc; trom ( anhor not the ,1an1s •; Pl f f\Bl 'RC1H I \Pl In thl· glitz~ glamoroui. .... mid 11f pro fess1onal football.< 'hul k '-iull 1' plain and prl\llte No award,. No endorsl·mcnt\ Ju1,t four Super Bo"'I champ1on~hips for htft Piu.-.hurgh Steele~. \omcth1ng no other Nnuonal Football Leagul' team has done "Coach ot the \Car'' 't ou ~t't rnarh of the }ear ont• \t'ar and thn lire ;ou the ne\t That\ not high on the pnon1y ltst "The pla)er<, ha\ e alwa) '>lk~t'n l'U the recognll1on tor"" hat the\ do 1 he pla)ers win games and the wathc\ Jose g;ime'i. isn't that al1AaH thl' \\J\ it's been'>" he asked Plain ole Chucl "loll '1 thl' man "'ho turned a doormat tnlll ad\ nJ\I\ enters ht$ 17th '>ea<,on \A.1th thl· Steelers this fall Onl\. 1hn.'l' 11thef\ - Curl} Lambeau. T<irn L.indn ..1nJ Ste\ e 0\1..:n -ha' e uMl hn1 Jn 'I I team for morl' con'>n ut1' c \t'a\on' He'll pace the s1dt'l1nes 1n h1' h,1,1l black coach 1 ng Jacket and \' h 1 tl· polo shi rt. He'll work hi\ Jr. \\II 1n1u weekl> news conf\.'renl'C\ and hl·'ll alwa)s be a b11 ofa m)\tl'I) Few Steeler fans hl..eh I.nm\ that Noll pilots his own planl' cardull~ tends the roses tn his barbarcl and" a wine conno1!>\eur Hl· and ht' \' 1k. Marianne. have been marrtl'U '" }ears and have a \on. Chm. 211 \\ho teaches at a pn\ate srhool 1n \n- It's been given several names, and Wind Surfing flDally hu been given a place in American sport.a. Orego and many eailboard tournamenta. dover. N.H. "Being a prl\3tl' pcr<,on doc~n·1 bother me. 11 doesn't at all ' he ,,11d Wind surfing setting sail during a recent 1nten 1e~ Noll's career record ul I :P.ll"-1 " the se\enth best 1n NFL h1<.tur. 't l'I other coaches-Bill" al'>h of thl· \an Francisco 49ers for e\ampll• -arl 18-year-old water s port finally gaining acceptance in its n ative United States the , ear., copied more often and mnrl· Jpt 111 "Oefin11l'h one of the best c;pots in earn a ·genius' tag the wuntr. bt.•tJU'>l' ol the rnns1sten-E'en "'hen the ~~ec.: •r<s "'l'rl· thl c~ ··~1d R.obh) \la1'>h .22.ofKa1lua. :-..FL'"' "Team ol t~· ~o., thl·1r Ha,,a11. \3ilbuard1ng·, al·l..no"'ledged s1mplis11c approach to I( oth.111 "'J' HCH>DRI\ E.R.Ore (.\Pl-The\ theappleorlhard-to,t'redfoothillsof \Upcrstar hardh the model for the re\t ot the S\\eep aC'roS'> the "'ater silentl). mo,·-l\1ount Hood and the 1A1nd-1ossed league ing <.lll"'I~ "'Ith a brcc1e on a pond or ( olumh1a R1'l'r Ml miles east of "l ht' real Jd\ .mtagc is the \I.Ind "If ~uu "ant to adopt \Onll'thing crac;hing aero'><. C olumh1a R" er Portland bin"'' upstn:am .. he said "You can \. ou should adopt blod11ng and tal 1..1-\atl and satl and ne'er wa<;h do"n-~a,es "'hipped b~ 30 mph 1A1ndc; The 1nccs,an1 \\Ind that has been a . 1ng and doing 11 hard fha1\ H'T\ It's lalled sailboarding or lOn.,tant irritant to locals since set· ~~a~~11~11.~ hkt· ha' ing a perpetual has1c . "'e're basic and \Nl' h:J\e hccn boardsailtng. or Wind Surfing. 'What-tier\ fir<il Jrrncd at the c olumbia basic It's not glamorous" t''·er the name. 11 linall)' c;eems 10 b<.· (rorgl'-....,heretht'rt\ercutsthrough "This " a manelous place.'' But it "'orks. \.'3h:hrng nn 10 thl' Un11rd State,. IX the Ca\Cadt' Ran~e _has become an echoed ~tl'phan 'an den Berg of Losing was what the ~tel'ler<, did ~car<. aftn t"o < allfornianc; figurl·d unc\pcctcd lure tor tourism dollarc; Holland. "'inner of thl' sailboarding best before Noll inherited them 111 out hl>'-' to hook a sail onto J '>e,cn \\tnd-\urling \hops ha\C gold mt•dal at the Los .\ngele~ 1969 Their h1deou' rt'cord matlhnl surlbo<trd l)pcned 1n the pa<.t l'-'O ;ears and Ohmp1cc, "Th1\1sthebest plal·cfora theirhidl'ou\gold untlorm., • ·· rhl'rt'"' JU'>t a real C\h11trauon .. toumts come from 3, far a"'a' as hohda) and ..a1lhnard1ng that I ha'e "\\hat 1 remt·mbcr alta c hull.\ .. aid Jultt tk\.\erd. 2o. a profec;sionJI E.uropc and Japan \\here the sp0n 1, t'\er been.. first c;ea,on "'a' that "'l' lo\I Jll but tmardsailcr trom Pa1a Ha...,a11 '"It\ more popular The intlu\ ha!> local Earlier th1., month most of the one game but he ne,er lo,t\ontrol ol mulh le'>\ e\pcns1\e and more 1n-pohll\.lam pu!.h1ng for ne"" sail-\lurid'" top prole~Sll>nals 'iho1Aed up the tt'am ·· -.aid lorml'r hnehJllo..er 11matc than ..ailing a big boat 'r nu hoarding par!..'\ along the rnt'r for the ( olumb1a C1urge Pro .\m St...1 -\nd\ Ru,r,l'll can 1ust put 11 on \Our car and gu b\ .. rhe \\a\ e'er.one deslnbes 11 1., ~lalom \.\ llh some 1~0 part1c1pants Thl' \tl'l'lt·r., "'l'fl' 1-1' 1h.11 tir\I "uur~dl the -\six·n ,;r \un \ alle' ofboard..ail-Imm 15 rnuntne' 11 IAJS the largest \t'ar -The unhlo..el·. n•ntcr ol the <,port\ ing · \a1d \tl'phan1e Eng. 25 IA ho l'\ent ol 1t'\ l..1nd 1n thl· sporfs thrct•--\.\hat tnlln\,nJ \\,J\ rt''>J'll'd,1h1ltl\ reLent l \ hoom 1s Hood RI\ er a "ori..., tor Hood R1,cr \\ind \urling ~eJr h1<.tor~ .\hout 10.000 pt'Opll' for 0"' m·r \rt R 1unn' lr.1nlhl\1' Chuck Noll lC\,fUI IO lhl' '\,t L !\;nil !!\ti~ a tl'am thJt lallcd to pla; al hJmp1on<,h1p gaml' for 40 ~ear). to tour 'FL 111les 1n <.1)( \eari. Thl' \tl't•kr' ha'e been 1n the pla;olh 11 1111w' 1n the p<t'>I I J \ea sons. "It\ a rc"'ard1ng thing. a fultilling thtng '>cl·1ng thl· ;oung men that '-'l 0\ t' had come along and de' elop JnJ pt," a<, a football tl'am." ".>atd '\1111 "'hu ha<. ne'er "'on a major lOal h1ng J\loard 't ou "'atlh J1mm\ the Greel or \omd.,,>J, 1>0 1 \.he start) adding up th1,column and thiHolumn and sa)s thl\ tt·am·, going to IAJO. JUS! like thn 'rl' rohot\ That'!> not "'here 1f<; ;JI not at all That's tor robots. that'!I tor mJthem..1t1l 1..tn'> .. \\h•d 1f 11 \\J~ h..1rder turning the \tl'l'll•r\ intu lhampions dunng thl' I l/~11.,or h·eping them l'Ompetll1"e 1n tht• 14 (le;, "llll ..aid "I Jon·1 thin!.. 1t\ ca'>~ e1tht•r "'a} < lnll' \ ou·, c l''>tJblt~hcd ~omc l1nd ot pm1t1\ e hl<ilCl~ II ends up ha\ mg a lJrT\o,cr The tough pan about ll l'.lrl\ '-'•I\ that \\I:' didn't ha'e a po\it1\l' h1,tu~. II '-':.I' ..111 negJt1\c," ~h''' llfthe pla~cr<; "'ho 101led for Noll on tho'>e (hamp1onsh1p teams- frm AraJ\h,1'-'. Rod..\ Bleier. Jex• (irl•enc .. l\ nn "\\\3nn and rCll'ntl} Jacl Lamt"k-rt -ha\e retired \.\ inn1n~ lOnt1nuc~ "'1th old handco Ille John "ltall\!.Orth and "vfike \.\l•h<,1t•r ..1nJ ne"' fale'> hl..e \\alter \hl·rlrombtl' • The teJm \\3<; 111-counting pl,l\olk IJ'>I ..cJ,on and madl' II!> \l'' en th JPfll'Jr ..1n~e in the .\mencan ( nnten·ncl ~hamp1un<.h1p g..ime tin- 1\hing a g.inw J\'J\ lrum the \upcr Rimi '>kl'P' 1o"'n of ..t _.~., lr>tJled betlACt'n :.ind ha\ pan1upa1cd in the sport for turned our lur the "'eel..-longc,ent un11I that point thl· mm1 un,u1· C-OMMUNITY-__ s_c_o __ REB~O~~--.......RI)======= a arts · This space is reserved for you_/ _7 The Dail y Pilot invites all you regular sports , yo u weekend athlet es an d yo uth league com petitors, you evening softball players an d once-a -week bowlers, to se nd us your sco res. Beginnin g Jul y 15 a nd continuing every Mond ay thereafter, our new Community Scoreboard \.vill publish leag ue standings a nd a week\s worth of results fr~m the games th at real people p'la y. Softball, bowling, golf, tennis, baseball basketball, footba ll , so ccer, gym nastics, sw immin g, surfing, fishing, running, auto racing , moto rcycling, bicyclin g -if Orange C oas t people pl ay it, we'll publi sh it. Leagu e sec retaries or tournament official shou ld se nd sta ndings and results by Frid ay at noon to: Community Scoreboard Daily Pilot Sports Department 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 __ ,... is l~f e really running in cycles rvine-b ased computer exercise firm rojects $25 millio"n in sales for 1985 y JOYCE SCHERER·BODLOVICH ..., l'llol C0t~t The ph-..s1cal litnes'i rage Sl't'm'i 111 ave found a comforvt£1e n1lh1.· right ext to baseball. mom and appk pie It 1s no surpri!te 1herl'lor1.· that rv1ne·based L1 fende manula1.- urers of a 1.ompu1en1ed e\erose 1cycle. boa'>ts of S 18 m1ll1on in rowth sales for I qg,,i and a pro1n tl'd 25 million ..ales ligurl' tor 14 5 ccording to .\ui1e '1eto e'e1.utl\e ice president ol L1kC\ck L1fec,ck's computeri1cd h11. \l k 1mulates nd1ng up and do"'n 1m- ginal) hills "'11h light pedal re· 1stance for beginner program., .mJ •1mulat1ng more rc<;1s1ance for Jd anced t"\erc1se Hill pattern~ mo'l' across the dl\pla> l on .. ok "'h1Ch ahu re ' ea ls C\erc1se le\ el 1.alones con- sumed. pedal speed and et.i .. ped time The 28.UOO brighil) mimed bicycles can be foul\d throughout tht: Unued State!.. South ~fnca. ~ustral­ ia and Japan • 1\t) percent ol all Lifecycles are found 1n ht>alth clubs 15 percent in corporate litnes'> centers. mil11ar. 1ns1allat1ons. hotc:l and mult1hous1ng unus and 25 per- cent 1n ind1' 1dull home<, fhe purcha~ price S I "'>' Silting at his desk 1n a spau11u., office at the In ine headqu,ina<. · Nieto at 2" 1s the epitome ol Orange Count~ ·s succe\sful )Oung bu.,1ne'i<. man Tan lean and h.rnd.,ume \lollh an eas) smile he e\pla1ned ho"' L1fec)cle's golden road "'a'"> p.l\ eJ "In IQ7M I o"ned a '-autilu.-. ( lub 1n Pomona·· he ..aid '\h no"· panner Dan Holton "ho " an engineer \~Ith 'umputcr C\pt.'rtl'>C ,·ame into the dub v.1th the 1ueJ lnr ,, computenZt·d b1nde " N 1e10 deuded to bet umL· 1 n' oh ed 1n the de\l:lopment and marke11ng ol the unique concept He sold the duh and teamed up\.\llh Holton Jnd ""h $500.000 in hading lrom lin.inuer Ra) "1lson the b11. 'th~., bname J reaht) The manufalluring "'J'> dulll' 1n Holtnn"' garage '"\\hen I first staned marketing the L1teqcle-." \,1etu said "the b1ggc'lt ubstade "as the club's n"' ner<,· J,,. belief that their' hentcle '~ould au .. ept the rnmputenzed b1nde .. .\l'ter l\\O years ot strusgle L1fr- l\de e\penenced t\.\O ma1or break- throughs 1n late I 980 H ohda~ Health ')pa ga' e L1fen cle a club to 1n~tall 1he bicycle!> and S)hester .. Rol.k) .. \tallone entered the picture "We did a trade-out with Stallonl.' .. !>aid Nieto pointing to a large po!>ter or Rock) s1111ng atop a '" 1d > ellov. L1fec) le .. \\ e gaH· him t"'o b1q clc!> and he used them in ·Rock\ 111 ... -\nd. )JnCe 1980 the breaks keep getting bigger and better for L1le1.} cle In June 19 4. Bally \1anufactunng ( orpora11on a SI 4 b1ll1on corpor· Jt1on purchased L1fel" le and re- named 11 Ball\ F1tne'">'> Produ' I\ Ball\ theo"'ner.ol Health .ind Tenn" C ori>orauon ot -\mem.i •'>the largest health club chain in the uluntn The IJq includes Holtda' Health Spa. R1cha'rd S1mmom -\'>\ lums and Jad. Lalanne Clubs. O\ er ·WO litnc<,\ centers In add1t1on the \ are noted lor their Lmn-operated jndrun~e­ ment equipment. nameh PfM,· \1a.n} ,,./v Give up the 'givens' in inflationary age . By JOH~ Cl'N~IFF u•u•l-uA...tJ•I It \\3'> JU<.I li\l· \l'Jr'-.1go and thl' 1n,e.-.1mcn1 ad' l'>l'r ''J' npla 1n1ng hi!> econl1m1t rat1onak "\.\e begin "Ith 1h1.· d''umptwn that 1nlla1wn , .. hCrl' tor the 11ng term.· he <.aid I thin!. \IHI \\Ill J I! agree on that · He hJd rropo'teJ an t'.lOnoml\ "gl\en .. Jn assumptwn '>1.'rm1ngh .,u Ob\IOU'i '>ll \\l'.'ll unJer\lm1d \ll UOJ\ cro;.ilh unchalk•ngeJ that 11 he- comeo; the loundauun ell Jn 1ntl'r- pretat111n 11! the entire \\c1rld 111 trJ1.k commeru~ and linanll' Like ~o man\ g1H'n' 11 "'J" "r"ng and soon torgotten. or pt·rhap\ mnrl· accurateh. buried b' l.'\L'nt\ Hut before th·e~ d1sapPt·ar. g1\ <'n' 1it1cn produte a fal'>e 'l'n\t.' nt \l'CUrll\ followed b\ a v.rt.•n1.h1ng return 10 reaht\ lrf ihe earl\ I W10s. v.hL·n Prt''i1den1 John Kl·nne(h rl.''>llkJ 1n thl' \\ h1tt: House. 11 "'a" J g1,en in m.im urdl''> that the econom' had real hed a nt:v. plateau that thl· huo;1nc,., l hk h.id been tamt'J and thJt prn\perll~ ",..,a nght Pre\ldent l 'ndon J11hn,on tht·n tned to hJ\e lhl' \menLan (l\:Opl1.· accept a.-. a 8" en the not111n that 1t "J" ent1reh pms1hlc In light a ''Jr ahroad and enginecr a great '>1X1t.'l\ JI hl1nw -all 1h1\ "tthoul planning hn" 111 pa) lor 11 r a, lht' 111"1)\ l'\l'f\one knl'"' lhl' gJ\e·n "a" gone In''' rlau' "a' a 111:" one -1nna11on "'·" hl·n· to ''a' JnJ an)one v.11h tumn111n wn'l' 'h11ulJ real11e 11 JUJu\t to 11 .tnd plan lh<'tr affairs to L'\ploit 11 Book\tnrl'' "'L're 0H·rl1>.1dl'li "''h cns1s book., "ho'>l' 11tln 1ndu1kJ "financial 1.·nllap'l' .. :iml "u1ming debacle" and "ho" 111 'un '' l' .. '' h.11- e\ er 11 v.a<, "a' ahl'.lll Scarul\ heranw .1 h1g \\orJ .rnmng MONEY SENSE ~ the gl\Cn\ :rnJ 11\un1\ed long .1ltl·r II hdd betume Ol'l\ IOU\ that \lJrl II\ had become glut that oil price<, "L'r1.· talling. and th.it man' <,mall nat1 l•n' uiuld m.ikc a pruitt llO their lllnl· moJ1l1l'' It ,, '"II a gl\ l'O that J\ J group prl1tes'>1Lmal monl'' managa' tx·at tht• nurlo..et -\nd that orJinal"\ rnJ1- \JJu.tl'> \.JO \Uf\ \l' \\ htk Jlll\l'I\ trading rather lhJn 1n\l.'\llng 1n '>IOli.'> .\nd that lcthnolog' "'II 1mpn.i' e the qualtl\ lll lile -\nd un11l recenlh 11 "a" J &1'l'n that pt•rc,onal lOmputcr<i "'ould '1 111n run homt''>. that b,rnl.1ng anJ <.hup- p1ng "ould he done lrom homl' and thJt lhecl.s \.\.Ould d1sarrear In the det·ade of the 11.r·o.-. 11 "a' J g.1,rn that bigger "'as hctta and that 11 "'a' .. man 10 acquire 'mall ltlm· pJntl'' In the l1.J80s 111s a g1,en that lean mean and ~mall 1~ ht'aut1ful and lhJt J1..qU1\lllOO\ '>hnuld h<.' \OIJ o il But ot .tll the&•' ens. a< urrent one" ixrhar., ·" pcrple\lng a' an' 1n the pa\I lt'\lo Jl'tJUCS It l'i th1.• 81\ l'n 1.·\~ualh among marl.l'tt.'r' and .tJtr11wr' th.11 the \oung. 1..·m1.•rg1ng gl' ·r a11on' are "here thl' 'ialco;. ar1..· t .,,l\S Fah1an l 1ndt'n C\l'lUll\1.' dirn tor 111 the ( c1ntcn·ncc Board·.-. ,llll\Uffil"r rl'\1..·ar1.h 1.CO ll'f lht'\e Jrl' thl' (3, IS -H11u~holJ., ht>aJL·d h\ JX'r,un' 11\1..•r ag1.· 511 1)utnumt't·r thO\l' undn 1" h\ 1~ m1ll1on tu 2'i m1ll1on -' >nr 1.11 l'\ en lour Jl1llar<, 111 all \t1n,umer 1nn1mc J1..1..rue' to 1h1.• \oung1..·r group but t\\n ol nen liq· 111 the: olJcr -fh11,t•age ;,11orokkrau.11un1 l11r hall 111 .tll Jl\1..rc11t1nan \~nding [)(i"cr "h1le the \11ung -under '' -uintrol a fce~k Ii Ith ol tht• wt.11 \lari.l'lt'r'i hl· u1n1. lutlt''-· are ,<1mc- 1h1ng 111.c the old flal-l':trth 'thciol ell gcographn\ fh.11 ''· lhl'\ r1.•tu,1.• tn gt\l' up 1hc1r g1\t'n' fhe\ al-.u hold ownership of '><'Ven theme par!.!> through their Stx Flags C llrporat1on Hollon and Nieto J1d not hes\ltate 1n \t:lling their "bab)" to Ball) "The) ha\l' one of the best R&D depan- mL'nl\ 1n the countr).'' said Nieto ~1..JU'>e v.e' onl) had resources for onL· pmdull we were hm11ed 'W e n1.Tdcd more researt.h and develop- ment '\ov. "'l' haq: access to their manutaLtunngexpen1se and a read)· made market of health clubs across th1,• l'OUlllf\ ' \.\1th the RA..D needs 'M!llsfied b) Ball\ '-cllo and Holton ha\C man- aged tu (reate tv.o more "Ltfe" prodm l"> that"' tll cau'>e e'erc1se buff"i Ill c hecr f he l 11t-g~ m alread> on the mar- 1..1.'t o iler\ h \ e e \ernse statwns to tone lirm and build mu~le The L lleg) m 1s lOmpact and can accom· modate li\e pwplc !l1multaneously Howe,er. it's the L1ferowt'r that has Nieto exrncd ~hedule!d to hit the mart..ct "'"h a big splash 1n late I Q85 11\ a sure anudote for the boredom of excrc1s1ng "The L1ferov.er has a < RT color 13-inch TV ~rec:n .\II )OU do:· "l1eto t\pla1ned. "1s ke\ 1n10 the computer how long and at what le' el ~ou want to ro"' Then 11 automat1call) sets up a racl' complete \\1th a roml>t'lltor the ~tarting gun and coa1.h1ng instruc· t10n\ throughout the race "In fact the S<reen simulates the cheering cro..-.d the sn•nef) and the boah There 1s C\en a sw1.,h1ng sound ol the oars churning through the "ater "'''h l.'ach strolo.:e .. '•cto ..aid 1he1rgoal b) I 9lP 1s to be the largest e>.erc1S4! compan) 1n the lOUntr. "'ot bad tor tv.o gu)s v.ho began business 1n their garage Computer access can be prevented l nauthonLed computer access is absolute!) pre\entable. according to Roben \.\ Herman chief e'ecut•' e olliter nf < odercard Inc. a leading dt'\ eloper and manufacturer of com- puter \e<Unt\ equ1pmt>nt ·s, rnmb1n1ng computer hard· "'are \.I.1th soft"'are a 'inuall\ im- penetrable barrier against· un- authonzed access ma} tM: created ·· Herman ...i1d "The technolog) 1s kno" n and 1s 1n fact. in use in ( o<lcrrard\ propnetaf) secunt) S}S- tem · ; f l I '1 , Fountain pens return The ( osta ~tesa firm re,ent" announ(ed ~t had s1~ned a pact "11h TR\\-'s l nformauon Net"'orks d1\ 1s1on 10 pro\ 1de that com pan> "'nh (odercard's secunt) equipment Codercard secunt} products are current I\ being e' aluated at the federal go' emment's Los .\lamos 'auonal Laboratof) among other h1ghl) secure 1nstallat1ons "Ours,stem has dealt "•th n\sma- ous unauthonzed auempted entnes ·· Herman coounued "But there has ne'er been a successful penetrauon .. J A technician Inspects a batch of fountain pen point• at the Parker Pen Co. 's Janesville, Wls .. plant. Despite the fact that fountain pen writing ls "new" to thla generation. sales have inc reased 28 percent. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday July 21 . 1985 08 0.-, ,... ,.._ "' ""' De ...._. Augle Nieto brings exeTclae into the c omputer age. New law boosts auto,insurance B' f'RED \OGELSTEI~ Ot ,,,. Oollr Piiot lte" "-' a rnult ol :he 1nr1..·e-"'el" -11IJ ·• ·' rl·4 .. 1nng <.. ahtorn1J mo1t1n\l\ ll.• ..1rn pr ><.ii l>I ..tuto 1n~uran1.( pi:1hl \ r.4u1-1..·, !la' t" <.hul up ..ti ..1 \l.tggenfi ~ rate a :h 1ug.h 1n1.r.:.t'l°' ~ r-. "1 l"' hJ ( J-•c:J •· 1m ~ r.i~.in' : l m- pan. "It ' 'X'c:r 1 ust .1 madh<1u\c.' The phc)f't'" 'iJ '1 1~ 'lup~d nr!{.tng '1n,e \!it• J" ·'· ~· 1n: ·:!t'lt '-'.!Jan \ 1,1.ttt J!;'.t·nl 'fllf1 Hunt n ~:l•n ~kJ,I: -\1..1r \lurr' D1rel t ir ,,1 l nJt"r· "r1ttr1g r'ur thl L-i'> .\n~ek\ hr.tnd I lhl' -\meri,an \utomoh1le "'""'·'a 11un '>aid .nq,11nl''> 1n the \anta .\n.i 11ff1,e h.1, l' l'\:c:n J ou hie lhl' Ollrm.il \tlluml' h•r .tlrthht ruur "'t'd.) Th" h.i' rL·,u1tl·J in at k'J'l J ~o Pl" ,·n: 1 ntrl'J".11. n '-lit , "l·r n11rm.1 .1muurh \l 1ll < cn:ur-ln,u·.1n,e a meml'\•r 11 thl 1-armn 'ln,u1 .. i:hr l 1rt1up 11.i' al''' \l'l'n a Jr.in J t 1. 'h rl'J'C in \J l'' a"<>rdin12 t.1 L <'•>n..t r..:l l il'lta nd '1,1..· prl·,1J1.·ni anJ ·i:l!i.rn.tl manJ~er !ur th1.· '>.inlJ .\nJ rl·g1,1n 1• !ht' ~rt1up '-t>"' I'\<) 1<' i-.J\t' tx·t•n '11IJ a: :hn·t· I IT'e,:hl':l r:ia r..til' ht·· •• mJ "P«or ,. '>C'l"ll \ff"\ tOn.t·rm·J Jh<> ,t "'mrh :i~ ' :r tt.1.· nl'\' a ' ....i J J:wthc .i.!rn1 fh1' net\' ; ..1r.' • 1n1 J t > l J h· l1•'n1a II .:r".1' P.it• 1 ... 1a1t·mt·n1' 1t\. 1' ..t t n p ..trite prt t'i1e ll , '\, mt'.IO\ ' '\..Ill'' h''"'l''L'f l' .1 ,,. ' .r1:111c,tl•1.1 ~, :hl' \\ .. l ·' '' '1'1 I 1r ·~ ' ln, .. r .. 1n,l· l' .t"'ll!\' .in tr\. f 't ,. n :-x• ,, !t I 1· r'll'r, l n,1.•.1n,~ 1 • ir 11° '-1.1· · I .1 n' lr,1.r.111"· i.1 'i'<' " ,ld •... rh ... ,, .,,c.· n '" .. :-.. ' ~.n ~· \_.,ir,!1'1!1 .. 'Pl"'' t-· I rnr.111 "' h' ' .-...·,.11.,, '. '"l'' ,h,•rn r l ,;., • ' '" '• c-,1 m01, n'~ •, '"'ur:in'e J p.Jht \ ha'e "pn ir lJITCnl 'I '(kr I •r !hem 1 1 "'ntt' r nt' d ~' '101 ffil'Jr. ffi1)l1. n:.h 11.1\c:': 1· 1.•J l1 ge· n'urJn,c u-.t :n.1: tht'' an· no· ~ual11ied '" he n't.n:d "' :nl''t" , 1mpan1es the-' J.!Jc' \1 "' •I th1..· pc-Opie that are no"' apph ng lor Ju to tn\uran\e' ha' e- e1tht'' nl''l.~r h.1J 1n ,1.1r.t•Ke r h.l\t" nl I haJ 1• ll: ..1 , ng t m1..· fhe' Jrc •nh Jpph 1r:~ 1,1r. rl]v. '-t'lJIJ't' the\ ,.,..,~getting \1J PDl.'J ,, t'l j ~ 11 tint• II • hn J o n t hj' t' 1 • fht•\ a n· nn,11kred I': ~h · '~ , u,1<,m1..·r, .t nJ the'>(;'dlmpantt''·'l •O••t ..,,un••hcm -\u 11rd ng '•l I a\ ·11n t 1Jrdncr a 'C''' pnn lk"' h Jgrnt the Jcgn•c 111 'Jk' 1n,r1..'J'e" a1'.P h.i' 1 'J t "ll h the Jrl'J ,1.•r\ t'd . \Im! I !he pt.>ople in u.ir J rea JlrtJd' h.iJ .n<.uran1.e helore thl' la"' "'t'nt nt11t"l)c:>, · '-aturalh "'t' ha·. en 1 ht't•n '"'..t rnped " tr JPPll· .. ;i110n, h1.' \J J f h 'J,'(, n, • nwan :hJ: .• ine has nl)t haJ n ... ur.il'hl' ~!l)rt• •IOt' ,ann.1t tll' l ' ' "'~( '"' ,, nl;'\J l'!t'<. e\t'! that ' I :J ... t n \"JM •I • h ", 1entck The rer.1.lin1n~ ~·n111n that ... 1 I can t get 1n,urt·.! ttir u~h r n\alt' ,ompan1e'> art• gi.;arant<"t'J 1n,uranl'c through the \t.tle r ht• "1J l r J 1tkren1.t n .ht-..e thn-e 1.'' d' 'thl" 'l'Jrh prt'm um pa tu H ,, 1 l'.'r nw,1 a~en t' \.\.l'R' o~ I '' ' th.11 lht• cl\\ \lo11ulJ ~ 1." .' 1n 1,1 .... er1n1< 1." t rJll ;ir 'l'l lfl 'ra1J h\ \ ..J\h\f"lt'r' l h,., '.i 11.l .i' "" '< and 'Tl11rl pt.•opk ... ·t n' .•eJ <"" rrt:"ll ( \\ 11. l'\ 't lnr \11, <n.it.•n't t.> t..ti.. , u· un1n,urt•d n <'l••ri't n'urJnu· 111,11t11in \(1 ht' 11 t ,., "·1'1' rail' 81 • H ti't IJ" \\t'OI rl" •tk I 'l 1\\l I~.' r ',11\11" ! \\,IOI Ill '.11. ' 'I)(• 'I '~ How did the market do? Depends on which one you fallow No single stock index tells the whole story. and wise Investors keep a n eye on them a ll During the first thn·c month\ ot 1985. did the stcx:I. market m<· :ihout 4. 5. 8 or almo'it 11 percent" .\II four are nght. depending on "'h1t.h c,1ock marke1 index you followed Investors track broad market in- dexes to help p1npo1nt the general 'ilock pnce d1rcc\1on rh1\. in 1um. helps them to better lime <,tock purchases and sale'> You can al!>o use 1ndexe'i 10 gauge the pcrformanrl' or your stock holding'i rclotn·c to 1hi: overall market and 10 help spot new areas of inve!>tmcnt opportun1t) Although helpful. nnone 1nde\ tells the who k !>IOI)' The p11 .. turc \Ou get will depend on which 1nde\ you uo;e That'' b«auSt' each mca'iurc" a d1fTtrent un1vt'.'rse of 'itntk'i To get 1hc mo'it compktc picture, market "'atlhc~ keep an c\c on all the m~or 1ndC1LC' Ont' word of lllUltnn allout "JI< h· 1ng sttx-k market 1ntk\c<i I hi.'\ uni) pm-. 1de a ~1rt111I ml'a'iurc 111 \l<'K ~ Jl('rformamc hclau~ lhc\ onh n· \, tt'W pnt (' m·nd\ I nun I.'\ tin nut mra'iurc J1, 1dcntl\ v.h1lh L,1n l'I<· .1 b1a par1 of H1ur 1nH''itnwn1 r1.·1urn With that 1n mind. here .irt· m11n· details abt1u1 thl' rno•wpopular m.ir kl'l baromett•r-. Jnd "'hJl eJ1.h 1.Jn tl'll 'ou about tht• marl.t.·t Tbe Dow Jones Average fhe Dow Jones lnJu<;tr1al -\\l·rage (DJ I<\ l 1r. the oldc\t, mo'it Mtlch quoted mart..et 1nd1cator \.\hen \ ou hear on lhc ne"''i that the marl.t•t m~ the points toda\. the nev.<;ca<.tt'r 1.-. rct.fll) 'kl) 1ng that the Dow J\eragr 1ncrca'>cd h) that amount Man\ '"' e'itment prnfe~~1onals. ho.,.C\t'r '1c" the DJ I ·\ a., J con \Cf\ atl\ c ind1ca1or -one thal dot'' not ;ll-w:i~" mil\(' in pallcrn v.11h tht· mart..ct a'iJ "hole That'<. bccau~ 1t I\ narm"'h ba\Cd on lO'illxt..' mo'it 111 <Ahtch arc lCln'itdcrcd "hluc Chip•,' ~-au~ the:. .uc .-.hare" of IJrgc e'il.1bl"hcd 1.ompan1C'' c,uth .H f"on (1cneral "1 0111" .rnd IR\1 The OJ I \ " .1l'io "Pttlt' "-<'•~htt•tl . "h1ch rnl'Jn' 1hat hiithn 1'ri1.t-.I 'ilotl..'i hJ\ l" .i ~rl'Jtcr 1nt1ucnH "" 1t' mcH cnwnt\ Rut hc.-c.lU\C thr I )J 1 \ '' '" "I'll t..nov.n 11"an1mpo11,11111>\\1 h11lo~1 l<ll lclt'llll 10 nl:Hi.t•t tll II\ It\ \nll ltl..t• othC'r 11"11111 indt'\\''-11 1' 11111.•n .Ill GLORIA WIENER t'\<i1..•n11al tnol tnr technKal anah<it!>. \\hn Ir\ Ill IOfl'l,l\I lulun• \IOCk J)nC~ m11\ l'mt'nl\ b' '1Ud\ 1 ng P3'-I pnu: and 'ulume lrt'n<h The . &P ~00 \l,tn\ markt't "ilt1. hac; ulO\llkr tht' ..,1,1ndard ~Poor 'rtlC l 111 ht.' a ~Iler rt'llnt111n of marl.t>t J tll\lt\ and Jm·ct1on ht.'rnuse 11 "'hro.ider ·"a"'d It , m cf"I. '00 ma1or \H'l t.. '">. mo1.1 or v.h11.h arr tradL·d nn thC' '\t•" \ ork "tod h1. hange Thl' ~~ P 'iOO '' a m.u~et "'c1ght~d.. inde' "h11. h mean\ th.it 1.nmpanit.'' "''th mllrt' \hare' oul\tJndin~ hJ'C .i iin·;.iter 1mJXh t 1>n the 1ndl'\ < 1.1mp.inie' "llh m.1n' 1•u1't.int11n1 .,h.trl"\ .ire gl"ncr· ,1th ,.,t.lhh\h1..·d lirn,.. "'ho<,(' 'hart.'' h,1\1' .1 rd.1t1\\·h high mJri..l't \JIU<' I h~ \,\ P '1111 " thl' 1ntk\ that tn\l1tul111n.tl 111,,·,1111' 1.1kt• "''''' \t'I Hlll\h hn.lll't' 11 1111. lm.ll'\ 11111\I 111 th.-tom I'·'" 11'' I hn 1n'1.·'t 1 n It 1. .1n h\• an 1mJX1rta n11n1.lt,:.1•1•r l1'r 1n.t " J ln\t'\IOr\ J\ "t'll t•'-rt'' 1.1lh •u o~'n a d1\er\llit>J 1x1nh•l c •I arl!t' \ltXI.\ For 1h11. \dmt· rt'J\1.111 \lHI, in al'>t1 u~ th1' inJc, a~ .1 ht.'n1. h111.1n · mt•3\urc 1h1.· perh1rmJn\r "' " • mutual funJ M fll'0\111n 1 H''' I aJd1t1on t.'UlOl)nll\t\ 1.11n\l,kr ltll '&P 'i(lO to ht.' J rclt.1tik rr1.·\lld1 I hu\1ne•" re1.t'l.<.l\ln\ JnJ rl',\l\\'r11' I "one of thl' 1 ~ t11m ri'nt•n1' ,., th,· < .o,crnmcnf, inJn nt k.idin~ \•, 1.\ITIIC Jndll'3lllr\ Otbtr lodnt<J The "'l'"' ) 1)rl. '-ll"-lo.. I '' h.111~, 1N) ~f l puht ... he<. a \11mfll"-lll' in.In of Jll ,tO\.'t..'•'n tht" Kitt H1.,ard l 1lt· 1t11· ~ P 'iOO 1h1<, 1n11t'\ 1' "C'1ghtrJ m ta' or ofcumpJnlt'\ ''1th mJn\ ,h.trt'' outstanding hut unltt..l· the \..\ P ' It 11 include' man' mn11um \llL'J ""'' J'.)3n1t~ ~Ju~· .if ''' hw.iJer ti.1~· m.trl..et 'A-d\1. her\ h'1<1l.. 111 1h" 1ndl'' h• get .i gen<"ral kcl 11f the" m.irlc:t II \ou "ant h1!ind11u1 h11"' m1.l,tk '"rd .ind 'm.iller 1t1mp.1n1e' ,11 fanng. 11.)(l~ .it the \mN11an '''"I. I \\ han'c I \me\ I m.art..ct 'alut' tnJ l ' -\\ hll h trn1 t..' l\\UC\ hc,tcd 1\0 I h.11 1. \1 h3n@t> and the '\ \\[) \l) .-•m fl0\11\' 1n\k\ nt ,1, er tht' , ,1un11•1 '"" ~' Tht·w 1ndt'\1·, tend 11• ti.· 1llc•11. 'nl,1,1k hc.-1..\11'4.' tht0\ 1nd1111t 'II"~' 111 k " t'''·'hl"h1·1l 111mr.1n1r' ~ l'h Clo:\ l"lll'' pl..t \ ,1 i'' l \"It'\ 'lJ\ \ h1 • , .... , \1.,; u,\ \\hill-m•l\1 1\ , I'·~, '.1c,nn1p.1r1..'\.1,. ••''OJ .1'.:l· h ~h lt·,hn1•l Ii. 1' " \;'Pt ~ •n rull'r J01.1 \!1 l 1 ,,. 111l , ,I' 1\f'I\ '>ll 11 \ <\U I r' ,. "~ 1t•.iJ1nt1 l'r "'' •' , t 1r l ,,1 mpk• ' ·" i.., .. '\" \ \1) riJ1.•\ ,Jn hi ,, 1. '' n p,lf)IC' ,1r1. JX'Tlt r111 "-.; \ . ..,, n11l'\ lh,1' n, 1o1k' ,, • 1 •m rJn11·, " 1hr \\ 1,11, 1 ' -.,h I\ 1ndr\ I"" I 'hit ' '!'•' ,j •t .ill ,,, ... ' ,hJ 1\ll lhl' ''"I .1 \rnn plu' I\ t1\ t ' tr.1J1.·,1 \\ •, •IJOlt'I "Ul \ \\ "111..• thl• \\ . '.1 ~'""! nJ11Jh'l ,,, hl'" • · • .., .irl 1•t 'fl\'flc1rmm 11 '.i (" 1 ,II-\ I !t't•I '\ )U trl' J.1 Ill ~ JI I 'f'\• t' 1,j 1,1 "' .... ,, I' lndl'\ Rtl.Utd Jn\«"'llm«"nl~ ,,1n t l•"-'' .tnhlO .. ' .11<'.t in,,.,llllt'lll' r,1 n m,h', i111t11.tl ,,,, 'h1 ~· I"' 1111111" l" 11111 m r1111i;h ' t hr ""''' 'Lh I ,, 1h1 \n11t' ' 111 trJ1.k '''" .._ 1nde' rt11.ui... "h·h .tr, .1,adahle on Hh ""' 1 ,1a .111.I h' pothe111.:al ~ 'Jll nJl "'' Ru' ing an ri.h'\ ~Pl'' '•'II the np.ht 10 l'u\ 1pt1c1n1 l r .,,.,.11 (a put •ptll1n , ' 1 m· 1)1 .i g 'en mar!..t't (",j('\ 1' J '' • t''lu t 1r J \ldlc.'J llmt• It u lh1 m.11 lct n ti«ncral to '" ti• t-11' .1 '' 1r an indc\ :1.111 .1 .11..·· I 1w ''u m1tthl t. ' t'' ',,1 1r.1h1~hh lnn<lgt•d .,,1 unwn; ,,,u 1.1n cam '' n 1 1.11r1' ,m.111 ld'h 1ut. 11. lo\ff\'' th, Pfl'dld the t'lh! II '''" .trt' "'fllO(I. l '''"''1 •'"<' J' mul h J" \c>ll T'I Tt l '''lffil'nl f hat'<, \loh\ t-u' m~ •flll••n' I ' .1rrr•1rn.1w ,mh ii '''" 1n,k '1a1i.I ind 1.an .1tl11H1 the n ,i..' n' l1h r,I I "'·"II I\ 1mfll•na t t• r<"\CJrlh an n•fl' .11.1! ,,1m~ r' heh1r<" ,,1u hu\ 11, 't ..,, ~ 11 '' .11 ... 1 1mponan1 1e1 undcr,1.11 ll th<' )!l'nc•ra l 'hi\~ marl..(\ 'll11.11i< 1 '-t·~ I. niarl.tt 111dne\ art' a n·1k, ti r •I that '1tut1t1c1n '' \U1. h lhl'' 1.h 'l' I' •'UI .i\len11nn Wnria J M tf'Otor f • rni pf'f'sldHt •nd iroup m•tta1f'r of m•rtrd•1 n)mmonirat1on• for Mf'rrlll L.t,....._ r1t'rt'f' ,..t'nnf'r • mlrlt lor • --------- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, July 21, 1985 U.S. -East Asian trade triggers problems Burgeoning tra de with Asian-Pacific countries sparks talk of restrictions By JIM ABRAMS ~lated..._ ..... TOK'\-0 -~ a)t .\\la\ traJc wrth the-lln1tc.·d tatt·s quadrupled 1n thl' past Jt-cade-. bringing nc"' pro\· pert) to m1l11on!I ul .\\tans But the .\)tan' arl· )elling more to American) than the) buy from them and th:H ha\ ra1~d lear~ here the l 111tl·J talc' \\Ill tall' ~ll'p) to CUI ba1..k Japanese car'>. l\.llrean ~ll'l'I Ta1wane\l' t'lec1rontt''> lndont')lirn lu mber Mala))tan palm 011 and 1cx11lcs from T ha1land and C h1na all helped pu\h total Fa..i .\\1an trade \\1th thl' l ntll'd 5tak\ la'it )car to SI hi/ h1ll1un That ll ') C ommt•r('e Department figun•. "'htl'h includes .\u\lralta and Occan1.i. ,., a )harp t:ontrast lo S42 billion 1n I Q74 and S 1 l~ b1ll1on 1n tradl' w11h We,tcrn Europe once the United State,· most·f~vorcd panncr 1n commern• fhe ~s1an goods )t'lhng 1n l \ markets. ho"'ner. ha\e g1H'O J sharp 1111 in the A)1,1ns' la\or in thl· l S tradl' balance 1n thl' area f:a'>t .\s1a la\t 'car sold S~' h1ll1 on more in the t I nt.tl·d Statt'\ than l ' .~ merl'hant\ sold 1n .\s1a ai:counung for mor1..• than half ot .\mema·, rernrd httth tr.idc delin l of $1 ~' btllton That 1mbalam.:c h.i\ brought lOn· u~rn a mung ·\'>1.ins th.it the l \ ( ongress "111 thro" up baml'r'> Prime M 1n1~1 er Mah.ith11 Moham ad of Malaysia said 1n a ren•n1~peech1n Hong Kong that all of l·n1m· \-:.tJ·Paulil fl'gton 1' the emerging economtl lOld "'ar b.;t\\een thl' l 1 n1ted ~tate' .rnd Japan " J.1pan. w11h m.i\!ltH' '>h1pml'rll\ ol auto' and ele<.·tron1l· good) and a biluteral trade \urplu' of$ 'b 8 b1ll1on I would argue that a much greater threat to the -;ntire Asia-Pacific region ls the emerging economic cold war between the United States and Japan. -P rime Mtntate r Mahathtr Mohamad of Malayata -\\la could be afkctcd b) ll '). trade n·t.iltat1on against Japan. ti.1r c\am- pk .. Rather than he O\ i:r nemsed h) thl' \1n1e1 thrt."at." he !Mitt.I "I \\Ould argue that a mut:h greatt•r threat to the b 1n 19M4. has borne the brunt ol ll .~. complaint\ ahout unfair trade prat· ttee' But 1n fact thl' ni:"'I) 1ndu'>· tnal11cd l'ountrtt''> of South t--orca. l a1 .... an Singapore .ind Hong Kong -tht• N IC '·a' thl') ar1..· rnlkd -arl' ORANGE COAST STOCKS Here are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday. July 19. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. . SOURCE: NEWPORT SECURITIES CORP. 957·1081 .. I o I .. .. . . •,,.•"" t "ll•w)J •' • •rt• •t " ... '; . '. '. . . ... . . ' , ' . ' H I I '· . ' . ' " . • • .. • .. , .. . . . ~ . \. .. ' .. .. , . ·~ ~ w~~ • .. • ... , .. .. ... .. z .. ..,l . . . . ·~,. . I . 'I . . ' . .. . ,.. .. ,,. ... .. '" ... .. • • " t • .... ~ .. Term Rate 5 year l Q.00 % • 2year 9 .00% I year 8 .6 0% 6 months 8.20% •• •P• ..... "'' ''' • "!l .-o •• ,.~,t ,,. '.' . , ~-.. ., t ... •"' • r .. •• .. , .q ,,. ~· ... : • : "" .. J •'""tor. ,, ,. , .f\ t ,. '. '. ,.., , Yield IQ.38% 9.30% 8 .88.% 8.45% outdwng till' l.ipanl'\l' in l'\PJIH.ltnl( l ~ marl..l'I\ f1vt• of the ltl n.1t11ln\ with thl' \\Ol\I tradl' 1mbalantl'\ with thl t 'n•ll'll ~late\ last year Wl'fe /\\Ian - Japan. I a1wan. H ong Kong. In· Jone'>••• .ind l\outh Korea \\1.tn l'\porl\ to lhl· l nlll'd \tall''> took ofT 1n 19t!4 as a fl'\Ull of the 111l>u\t ll \ l't:onomy and tht• '>trong dollar. wh1t·h madt• foreign good\ rd:ll 1 \ d) t:hl·apcr I o~'· garml·nt). ekt·tm al pro<lu1.. '' and oth1..•r goods shipped from I lung Kong la~t )l'ar werl' \\Orth S8 Q b1ll1on. up from So 4 h1ll1on in 148' Korean eiqx1rt' -from \ho1..·c, to cleCtrontC\ -l'l1mbl·d 41 rx·rn•nt to S Ill ti6.U wn Mala)'\lan '>htpmcnt' .,..ere up r1 JX'rcent to S2 X htllton \\htlc 'iingapore·~ C\P<1rt' 1umpt·d ~X rx·rcenl to S4 I btllton , ... . ' I• .. .. ' I ' I • 1 ,; I . . I ., i . . "•C t I .... " " I " . • l I .. ..... I I • • • • ,, •I '1. • 'I ... ... . •I ~ •1tti ; • • •• . r ... • . .. .. . . • r •I . . •:-,, .. . p• . .. I . ... .. \ . ' , .. . " • •• . . .. ' ... • I .. ' . . 4 ". , . I ., ·•·t "• •I . p •• .. -. .,. '.I ' .. '" ..... .. , ' " . . If,, ... , .. '•, 1.1r . .. .. , 1' i SO• • ~ HI .. ·u s .. a., q .. ... ... • f" '\• •• r • I '( • ••"C'0!\1.1 '" ~ .. \ .. ·~" .,_,I .. . ... '' . . •&'0•~ aer oep•.,•"4•,.ln• ,1"0•1 nc . " • JO "t . lit') l 1 t .... ··~ u soao . ·~ l.'1 l ;t l ,. ,.., . I • U 'fl I . .•1 BUSINESS NOTES --- I r.ttk \\1th ( l11n.1 ol l.tlt'Ulllh'I Ill the .\">IJW \;lOIHlltlll '>ll'Ol' \hllt up lflllll S~ 4 h1l111111 hi \'1 4 htlllllll, With ,ale\ uf ( htrH'\t' h'\ltll'' .ind pl't· r~11t:um prmlul I'> \lt~hll\ 111pp1ntt pun.:ha\l'' ul l • \ \\ hl·.11 lumher and 11.'rttll/t'f\ '"·', lh1..·.1r IJhnr nw am .\\tan tt1X)(h an· dw.1rwr ror \nwmam but \\tJn t1..•ch1u1log\ al\11 "aJv<1n1..1ng .it a rnp1d rate \t lhl· '><lml· ttml". .\\Ian) Jre trading mort• among lhl'nl\l'IH'\ .ino1her lallut 1n rt•Juuntt l \ l'\ port\ 10 the .trl'J J..ipan Im t'\Jmpk no" ouHrJt.ll'\ tlw l mtcd \tatec, 1n \neral .\\Ian n>untne., But \">tan d(•JX•ndent.,. or1 1\nwn1...1n market!> rt·ma1n., \l'r) htl(h Prott.>t•11un1\nl hJ'> alrl·JJ\ \hal klell '"le' 1n lhl· l n11ed \t.tll'' 111 t--o rl•an 'hOl'' and \lel·I J.ipJnl''>l' l ilr' ln- Jonec,1an ph .,..ooJ .ind ll'\ltk' .. . . .. . .. .. ,, • J ·-. . .. .. AirCal earnings soar to a record Quarterly profits r ise 190 percent for air carrier The l'arn1ng' l)f ·\tr( .ti Int ro\t' I YO pcrn·n1 1n the i,crnnJ pcnod and I 77 pcrtl'nl for lhl' fif\l halt ol thl· ~car-lht· h1ghe\t quanah prulit' 111 1t'i I l<·~l·ar ht'\IOr~ Tht• °'l('"'POrt Ht·al h-ha\1..·d .ur l.tr ner wht<h -.crves 11 ulte\ in ( .il1- torn1a. Nevada. Oregon and \.\a\h 1ngton. aho annountcd th1<o wel'k that 11 has re<luled ti'> longterm hank deht to shghtl\. O\l'r S10 m1ll1Un from ''' peal.. ol \I l'i2 mtlhon th rel· }ear<; ago 'h tent~ IX'' \hJn'. on rnt·rittl'\ o f \ 7X ll m1ll111n r 11r the "' month\. thl· u 1mpan-,, t·arnnl ~Ill X rrnll1on or \I ll'i 1wr \h.trl' on rt'\ t'nUl'\ ol $I ti2 \ m1llton. 1n ~ontra'>I "Ith S "\ 1> n11ll111n or .lS lenl\ JX'f \hart• un fl'\l'nUl'\ \I "\IX m1llmn a H'.tr l'Jrltl'f The <.:ompan) I\ rntnenng lrom S \XS m1ll1on of lm'>t:., 11 ,uffcrl·d 1n I 'IX:! and (IJX' l a't \l'olf lhe u1m· pan\ had a m·t proti1 111 \X ') 11111111111 .tlla 'l'lling <l\td1..· ) 11 h m1ll1on to rl·pa\ v.orkl·r, lor l',11 l1n pa\ lnn· l l'\\100\ ·\tr< al paid rn1plt1H'l'' SI 'iO lo r l'<tlh $1 thC\ gfl\e up In earh I'll<"\ tht· \\Orl..cf\ .ign·t·<l 1111.11..e a l)J\ l ut nl ICJ pcrLcnl . . . 2 'r l'I• '" , .111 11 ... Ult '111 •fl 1111• I Ill tit •I " f or thl' r,econd quant·r l'nJed June 10. thr company earned $8.8 m1ll1on 1 or n cent\ pt."r o,harc. on rt'"t'nUl'\ 111 $97 2 m1lhon. w mparcd to a )ear 1..•arlter "'hen 11 earned S 1 nu I hon or Rohen R tl ~· I> I>"> h,1, o rx·nl·J .t Ill'"' offiu· 111 lhl' I ••guna 11111\ \.'11n., \h11pp1ngn.·ntn on •\h\liC f'l'l'I.. Ro.id R1~e hao, hel·n in prt\Jll' ptalllll' J\ a dcntl\I to r li\l' \l'.tf\ \.t.tr1·" ( If\ , .. ,, .. /111 Ill''' f 1111• f,' ( .tll "' I I _o~ F-or rate\ on 11t h~r \h11rt -,m<l long·term an:ounl\ nr furthe r info rmat fn n . pka'it: call 1-800-PAC IFI C. r h·· Ulll'ft I I "''"''·'"~'" 11 I ., 1 1n .• \.f ,, "·' t f\ h '"' ,fntS \ .ut tw p II t ntnnthh qu.Htrrh 1nno.1lh ''.tr fll ti 1rlf\ kpt·ml111~ un th1• m.1tuf1h ~1 .... , ft•d lnh'h''', .1n ht· • rt"d11nt 11 ft11• .u 1111nl p.11•1 t\\ lw ~ 11 "rnhk·I fl• .1n11lht•r .H.\ i•Ullt J( •h ' trr .,uh11°i I '' I" r11 '"" t, 1ni.•1 I ,.,14-, d ,,. 1u •'• "" 1r•q1t1ft• t ,ttl 1.0111 ii 1nr,•rt•\f p1·0.th\ I rt' uh \4 rltilr I\\ ii \' n•' UHn ntun1 I· 1 t PAOFIC S\VINGS BANK FSLIC 1t1 1ll'r\\lttlfllt>llllltnll~"""lflhof ll·'h••••ll \~,,~,. ll1 U,\lf lflfl>ll'r~t)(l()\.ll< ... H>"l l 'it1-. .. r1h\1·rm111H1\\l t ."\11~•t•l1"\(A'IOl!'1'1\i1;t,\('l l.? fll\lfll/ f"lh '•rllr\\, 1111 \1 J,, \n ,i,. I \ H I! rli\dh If ~\ \.11\f<\.l\f\ I~\\ \<'lllu Rl\d I m \11)11•lt•\ (J\l~Ol'IOt1 r!ll1Ntll.?ll 11 >11 1 'r "'' 111 ""' ,, n .it ., ~ , , 11 ~ tlJ 11 ""''' 1~1 ''\Ill f"1 fh'it. .,.., ,, 1\.111"11.1 \H \11.1h .... 11 < '•1!111~1 1"'f 11 .,.,,., r111 I 11\f\ \.If\\ '\.II l\ll lli\lr •I I 1\11 \1 ..... , 1 \I ( y 1t 1.\fON.r1111 \,ff\,l,f(J'l,lf\RRlll I< fh'llf ">'""'fUtn\I ll111Httl)ollo111 t1<.1.1f< i\'l~M4 1"71~1 ~\I"' f\,fJf!I 1i.11•r1 \1,,rir~ \In•• 1111 1 \ 1 11 '"' q Y'MPAl\.1\PIH''•' llWl\ .. uth l'.1lm (,en\11n fh 1',1lm\1111n~·' C \'1'1h) 1111111\! 7471 C \11\11\\ \lllW1l .. 1111l\l1111 f(,.,11J 'r 1n1lf"1 r \'1'l'l'l ('l11"•l'o 1C.,.?ll>ll 1<11\1\ lhll-J f ll1j!hf1intlA\I' \,111 Rt>r1111rcl111" tA•P41H 1"11 111X11tl!ll I \l l<f l I Ill '"rih f \11111 \.111 f11·t11,11l1111 I\ 1711111'l11111Nll}ll4111ll\fl<ll f Ill I "1 I01h\ff1·1•1\,111H1·rn.mhn•!1\11111).1 r 1111111•111:11 \,f flllf \ lill•f11 1.f•.11 '•nll" I\ I.' Ii\ ll1f111 l'h I hf 11\,li\f<flJ fln1•\10111hl11.i1tl \\1 flnl,111" I \'II hi I l l 1 11~t/\ 1 1'11\/\ 111,,11111\111 11 \11 ll•rnrrhn• (.\ 1'1411 ('l l1)(Jol•I O.!ltHf\lfl) 'lll l .l\1 f1.1..,•l111c 1<1.1ho1 ( \1P\1 1 U 1ll ~It.Ill \f( fllH\llfl 11} rtl \If••' \,1 ,,,11,. ( \•11 l•ll 1h[•l!H 'rlCl\111•\ 1r.1~l'r 11t,11p.11Jhtl '"'•"I'·• ( .\•11 1•1'1 t fl• •I fl'll ( \l<l \B\f1 t.•1'1l,1111.f \• C 1rl,l 11I 1\1.l•ll\1M•l1,)•l ~•Phf \f flll<IJ<ll\ Ill \ \11111h \.l.11n\lrl'<'I l .11ftm-•~ Ci\•Ptt 1'°1 lhf'l1 !llX h l ti( f ,\ ... I\ I \1,1.tlitll1 !J" "'"'I' r \ 1'IYlo 1i1•11 ~ll l •11\.t\ ... \.IAH<l l\ Ill\ H.1111 h.1\,1111,tf1•Htl \,111 ~.H"" I i\1l?llr.111hf1h ''!7 llUI \II( \'lt\HI \<II •1'l lollll\1•11•11 l 1·IJ11 ....... 1 ..... n ... 1111 I \'I'll •hi''•' ''" 1\1\f\ 1 l11\,,111hln.t1,111.1 1\w \ .. 1.1 ( \'l'Okl •hll1"''"~~· \ I\ f \ f \\I ' 1'1 I "' \ "1.1 \.\t.1\ \ l\l,1 C \ ·I 'Hll I 11 1•11 •ltl h ~1 • BUSINESS CALENDAR Talk on profits s c h eduled Toni Harkln1, executive vice president of The Po11l- blllty People wlll be the guest speaker at a special business development seminar presented by the Newport Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, at 8 a m. in the Newport Marriott Hotel. The seminar wlll be directed to the needs of growing companies, small-business owners, partnerships and en- trepreneurs. Suggestions on how to Increase cash flow decrease overhead, raise profits, alleviate day-to-day management stress and Improve communications w111 highlight this seminar entitled "Project A Profit Plan." TPP of Costa Mesa offers custom-tailored management programs for corporations and small firms. speclallzlng In such areas as Increasing profits, time management. self· development and motivation For more Information on the "Project A Profit Plan' seminar, call 95 7-1838 or 644-8211 SELLING OR BUYING A HOME ? DIAL (714) 640 -LONG Ttl: ONl Y fU&R YOU f&DI LLONGS OF r£Wl>mT '