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1985-07-24 - Orange Coast Pilot
TOMORROW: FAIR FORECAITI ON A2 Serving Newport Beach, Co1t1 Meea, Huntington Beech, lrvlne, Laauna Beach, Fountain Valley and South Orange County ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIF ORNIA Wf ONt-SOAY JULY .?·I 190~ 25 CENTS Couiµty to fight ocean oil drilling By JEFF ADLER 01 llMt Oally fl'llol llalf r he Orange ( uunl) Board ul 'H1~rv1sori. VOll'd '·O to<la~ IO up- Pll'>l' a fl'lkral propo'>al that would 1111t.·n 54 'quart• mile\ of protcl.ll.'J 101.al 1.oa-.tal \.h1t1.·r-. tu otl t'~plor<111on Jnd dnlhng ··The opening ul ncn a le"" o l the pru11.·rted tra1.·h along Orange ( oun Coast Laguna teachers have re- ceived a 1. 7 4 percent salary increase./ A8 California A fire in a Los Angeles apartment building in- jures 12 people./ AS Nation Drug raids in seven states, Puerto Rico and Mexico break up massi ve heroin ring I AS World Reports that actor Rock Hudson rs suffering from liver cancer, or AIDS, are denied./ AS Israel releases 100 Lebanese prisoners whose freedom was linked to TWA hijackers· demands /A4 Food An Irvine businesswoman turns a home recipe for mustard into a com- mercial success.C1 Max au Triangle's chef reveals some cooking secrets rn his Newport Beach ctass.C1 Sports 1, ' coast tu e\ploratof) otl dnll1ng wuld lead to frightening e n· 'iron mental conM:quences," l)u~r· visor Harnett W ieder said 1n asking the board IOJ01n the e111es o f Ncwport Beach. Hunt1ng1o n Beach and Laguna Beach in opposing the plan W ieder who represent!> Hunt· 1ngton Beach. added that all hough the question of o nshore drtlhng 1n federal water\ oil the Orange ( u.t'>t dot'\ not tall under rnunt)' JUrtsd1lt1on 1t 1'> a "matter of \.Ital rnnn:rn" w all lOUO t)' rc\ldCnh. She !>aid the board's acuon "ould holster ctlort'> b) thc three cua\tal n11c!> tode\.clopa united front aga1n\t the plan The three c111cr, hJ\C \cheduled a meeting 1n "'1.'""port Beach t<~mght Interior chief to meet with local officials. PageA2 W 11.·dl·r .11\o l n11c11ed the "ca valier att1tud1:· d1\playcd b> member., u t < altlurn1a·, congrc'is1onal dclega11un ""ho d1.·,dupcd 1h1: propo..ed rnm- prom1\l' hut don t repre.,.,·n t thr tount\ \u~n l\or Ralph C larl ~ho rt'p- rc~nl\ pon111n\ ul inland Orange ( ounl\ Jh.o \ lllll·d ht\ "tutJI oppO\I twn·· tu th1: opening ol th1: 1ra1.h .\dd1nt1-hi\ \111l1: lo the tno ot \upcn l\llr\ pre\l·n1 tor the morning mect1n~ \\-J\ hoard < ha1rm;10 fhoma\ ~ill" whu rcprc~nt\ he.1th "'-c~port tkJlh Jnd l.1guna Ikalh \upcf\ l\or\ Hru1.1.· 'c'>tande and Oallf l'llol pftOIO bf lltchatd .. _,, ... Roger ~tan1un did not attend thl' meeting fk'>1dei. r1.gl\tenng the 1.ount) s uppo!>1t1on tu the plan the rL·M>lut1on 1.all\ on the I ' \ Depanment of I ntenor to \<. hcduk IOI.al public hcanng'> on the prupo~t The rt'wluuon noted that dnlling might caui.e "irre,l'r'>thlt' dama~(' tu the en\ 1ronment · OCcuts Laguna route money Reduced la nd area may cost the city $510.000 in fees By LISA MAHONEY Of -DtOll) ll'llot """ L agunJ l:kJd1 111J' ll'lel\ c Jhout S511111011 k'>'> thJn < >rangr l nunl' ongin.tlh 1>lfrrl·d l11r a trc1.'V.J\ n~l ul·\\oa \ through \HJn111r1: 11111\ l nder Jn Jgrecmcnt JnnouOlt:d 1n Lklem~r l .t~unJ Fka1. h WJ'> tu rccc1'1: \'i I mtllt1111 !rum 1h1: 1ounl\ for J .,X JI.rt' \~Jth nl IJnd thJ 0 t trJ't'r\l·\ J tornwr )l.fl"l'nhdt \\ocdgcd hct~l·1.·n l Jl'UllJ < Jn\uli anJ 11 I •fl rn.1d' But """" th( 1 uni ·, ft'JI e,1,1tl' J1," 1n m..1n.1~l·1 '.i ., )hnc 1-. a \1gn1f1,Jnl ,11th ll n ... t pcrhJp'> mml" thJn It rwr .t111 -ht·iv.t'l'rt thl· Jln·agt 'h11..-.11 1 n .1 t1·ntJll\l' mJp u..cd in arrr.11'11 ~till' f'Jf•l·I Jnd thl· 11nJI pJth 111 1111 pr 1pn'l('l1 ~Jr )PJ'lUlfl 11 111\ f In "J\ ·· fhl Jnlllulll 11 .11J.I I\ k\' tlt411 thdt un~1nJll\ 1•nh rr.rlJll ll I 1hn \haJ1.h d \ l\ll•ll 1!1Jr1J!ICI \JtJ \nd h~ JJun1 k" lllCJl1' k". \1Jfl' 'h11..-. .1l'i1u1 I 1 rx·r,t'lll Jc,, IJnJ Jft'J ll''l'n 1 d l•tl till' r1111po\c:d trct'"'J' r11u11· 1 r 11! tlir1.·l· th1.· uurt' " t~in~ I• • n.1n 1 n p.1ri thr11u~n kn 1n 111" Ji , , pnwnt -..t,..t.hl\ -..11.1 Hui I J~·un.1 H· J• h 'u'I" lltn~ 111 Angels bounce back from Brewer beating with shutout win./81 Jim and Terri Wahl of Pittsburgh take their c hildren, Christina, 8 , and Sean. 9. for a tricycle ride in Balboa. i. 1..n11"'11'<lt1l t1,1 I 1 J1tll'lllh1' 111 ..tnJ JH"J \hllll .I u.juJI J '11lll'll'n .. c Ill ,, lhl ,11111 l• l1J' .... llrl·d t.•r J Tony Hunter stands out 1n Rams' scrimmage with Chargers./81 Sidewalk trikes only for tykes n lhl 111rr1·n1 School's recruiting tac- tics not a classified secret./82 Entertainment "The Tempest" is a blending of styles and colors at Shakespeare Festival./ A 10 INDEX Bridge Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Food Horoscope Ann Landers Mind and Body , Opinion Paparazzi Play Review Police Log Public Notices Spons Televison Theaters Weather 88 A3 A11-12 84-7 88 87 87 c 1-10 BS A9 AB A7 A8 A 10 A3 87 81-3 A9 A9-10 A 2 Newport bans three-wheeler on wa lk and tricycle rental shop owner protes ts By ROBERT llYNOMAN Of llMt DMl\t l'ilot II•" T 1m1: "running out lur ~opll ''ho "ant to 'hJf1: J n<l1: along the Balho.1 lx·achfront .1boarJ tm ,i.:ie, bu tit lor t""u I h1: thrl'l' Y.hl'e°lt·r, 1>.111 Ix· b.inm:d !rum thl· C k1:.in hunt \IJl' \\.ti._ lx·g1r1n111g \ug X I hl' 'l'\\pt1rt lk.11 h ( II\ ( llUll\ 11 ..1ppr11\l'd th1.· h;1n thl\ month l11lh11>.· 1ng u>rnplatnt\ ol "1kl\ prohkm' and r1.'l .._k" rnl in~ h\ '"ml' lrtl\1l1• U\\'I\ I hl· "'"'l'T 1tl 1111 , ump.111' I .1r ll 111\ lh1.· l(Hl'l'•V. hl'l•kr' \,lid I 111·,d.1\ lhJI lhl' h.in "unt.111 ·~r !!"' 'upp;1rt 1111111 n11h111h ,,11<l llJrn K.l\ntU"i\CO v. h11 hd\ ""' lll'll < lu·.111 I r 1111 t \\ hl'd \\ llf i..' .11 th,· h.1\1' 1tl !Ill' H.1 !"< I l'll'I l!tf I I \ ,jf\ \\ l' ll'l l'l\l'd /l"l•• llllllpl.11111, '-11hc•lh t .lnl\ t • llll \\1th p111hkm' K."11111"l"n ,,11d h" hu\llll'" 1k Approval expected today on airport growth planning By JEFF ADLER and JEFF SKLANSK Y 01 llMt Deify l'ilol II•" .\n order that '"'1iuld ~rmtt < >r.1nt1-l' ( ounl ~ planner\ to re\uml' 1>.11rk on tht• John ~ J) n1· .\1rpon npan\111n p•O)l'CI .111d the rtlatcd ~anta \n,1 I k1ghtr, lun<l·U\C plan "'a' .1\.\,11t1ng .1ppro\.al h~ lhl' \tall' ( uurt nt \ppca 1' 1o<l ,l\ .\ttorm·~., r1.·prc\Cn1tng buth 1h1.· u1unt). l\/l·""pon Beach Jnd l\\11 u1mmun11\ group\ asked th1.· 4th l>1•11r1ct C ourt 11f l\ppcah in \anta ·\na to permit 1.ounl\ planna\ 111 rc,umr lhl·1r work o n tht• l'\pOn\lon and land·Ut;l' plan while lhl· term' 11f a u1rnpr1.·hcn\I' t' u1urt '>l.'llkmcnt 11\ l r airport rnattl'r' Jll" u1mpk11·d l'kpUl\ ( 11unt\ ( llUO\l'I I >.tn I >1d1cr '><ltd Ill' had npt"l l d th\ JPPl'JI' 1.11urt II> .1pp111\l' 1h1 tl'qunl \oml'llll1l' I lll'\d,I\ The appcuh u1urt "•111\\ld111n~ the tOUfll\\ apf)l•al Pl .111 \p1d \UPl'rtor < ourt rultnll h\ I ud~l 1'1111 lip \lh""·lh that the U•UOI\ \ 111.ttl'll prn 111u' court ordt•r, h' 1.111111~ 111 \uhm11 11' \I \II 0111111111 .1111•• 111 <'\ ran\lon pl~1n 1111 1ud111.1I fl' II'" In ruling. ~dl\\Jh1!111·,11·d 11111111\ J)l.tOfll:r\ ht \IOp l\llfi-. •II\ !Ill' I'\• pan\lon plan l hc Hoard 111 \111x1'1'''" \11t1•d I Ul\ll.1 !11 l'lldt11\1" lhl \ltlhl'l'lll.tl tlrll' of .I \t>lllJ'lf'fl\'fl\I\\ \llllll ... ·11km,•1'1 111111·d 11 •11d1n~ "'·"' •t ltl111.1l11111 th.ti pt! ,J Iii< ••1tnl\ .t)!.trll\I ''"1'1111 B,J,h 1h1 \1q1 .. r1 \\111!..11111 (111•1111 .111d '1<1p 1• • .11111 r ;! < lu 1 '\ nq1111 t .... llP<'I "'"" ,l11 'dll'dlll11! 11 I •II ,1,fn llll'"'ltklll< I I \u~ I\ \ p.irt •I 1h.11"·11km•111 .tll p.1rt1l'' 1~ d 1h.11 pl.11111111~ .h II\ till'\ rd.Ill'.! I• till' \'\f',lll\11111 I lllil.I ll'\11111\' I h, pr"I'"'"" ,1·11kml n 111.1\ I 11111 .11 rp111I l'\P.lll'lt•ll ht ~ 4 1111111111 p,1\\l"ll>!t'r\ .1 \l'.11 111\ll'.ld 11t lhl' II J (Please see AIRPORT/A 2 ) Alzheimer's tlisease hurts more lives than patients' Families of county victims gtve -and receive -support I nrl·<l \omt•ctnl 10 lliro"" thl'tr .11 m' around nw and g1' 1.· mt• .1 ~"' I he wum.in """' \f'K'3~1ng .11 .1 rt'H'nl gatht·11ntt o l ml'n ilnd "-Oml n 111 lhange < nunt\ "how 'iJ'X'U\l'' or l).trl'OI\ ha\l' thl Jn•.tdl•tl \l1h1•1nwr ' dl\l'J\l' ~ht ""'·" lll'.lfl\ .1 t t hr 1·nt1 ol hn rupt· ta..,1n11 l .lfl' ot .1 hu,h.111d ht.·111~ ll'll111·H·ct h\'11,ll''' h' tht tl1\l',l'K' thut' 1k11111lt\h1n~ Im hr,11n l\ 11' I t1ur or liq mrn 1n thr illlllll'nlt' 111mJl',·d tu I ROBERT BARKER PERSPE CTIVE ' their ll'rt 111 p rov1dr rnmfon J ht• tll\trau1h1 """"'·1n "onl' ol .tn 1111 rr;t\lntt numhl'r nf rx-orll· ht•intt iln ,1\1.llt'tf h) "hat'' hJppo.•n1111 to 1h1·11 l11\1·tl on('\ and 11aumat111·d h~ till' '-''l'n11nah nl'' rH·ndina \Hain' put on th1.·rr """n ll\1'' and t'•'"•'tt.tl linanu•, Tht'' l·an lml' 1h1 tr '''"' 1111·11 hnn•l'\ .ind lht'll t)\',1u· 111 m1nil I h1' 111\1.•n don't Ii.no"" v.ht·rc 111 lt1111 1,11 hl'lp "It <J11 111. h.,_r .1 I" tng 1kJth -.;111! I l'n Hre11do .1 llunt111gt1111 I IJr""'"' man v.hn'<' ~1fr \nn '"' ·"' \ l1h1.•1 mt"! ' 'It t11n .1 nd ~ h11 1 "'lllll'd thl' rran1 lilt1onalt11.·d tdn 1 .. inn mo .. 1l" "Do ' ou R<.'mcmhl.·1 I 11\l'-i .. th.it 'tarred JnJnm· ~ t)(x!'' .ird llrordn 1'11' ~11d hl··, \lllklld l\lr11 ht•;,irt atttH ks and h,1\ hi\<l t1>.o "tt•n.il h) p.l\\ Opt'rlltlOn' \IOl.(' hi\ \.\th' Y. ,I\ J1,1(lnU\C'd ,\\ h;t\ IOI' \lth1 11111 I \ (Pleue .ce AL2HSIV&R'8/A2) \ Len Broldo f'l lhf\ hl.t .th I f11, 'dt°' ll'nl.t \ \\hill' r 1, c.1111 11111' \'<. hn V. 111~ 1h. ll Ill\ li11 \ < k\ ,i-.,1h hoJrth 1111l1•f ,i...1tl'' bl·.11 h u111hrdlJ' Jnd 111h1 r \UpJ'lll"' lhl' !ltill \\hl'l'll'r\ ,1 t fill l11r up It• ~t i 1x·r ,1111111 hi\ t>1"111" '"l'1'<1J'll·1.·n111\ ud1ng h ·111 It, lun '"'' JIJ'l' 11u fl'I 11 ' l' 1.il !'>' 'ld1 I \ 'I "'I'' tr1111 ,,i-I .1\1111 ' ,, 11r..1nJ'pa1 r l' 11\l lhl rn K.1 n .,.,, 1 (Please aee TRICYC LES/ A 2 I l • in • p.1ltt ,,, th1 trt)!ll .ti I .1. I j H· ·'• Jiii If\ till (Pleas~ sec LAGl ~A /A2 J One dead. 8 hurt in Coast crashes 8 \ 'n \ t-~1-'RBl t-°' ,,.. o ••• , "1 ........ \I ' \ l .1 I ii II ~I l\ I h 1 '· .• , .. I K1 .1.t "·" ~ '": .It• I 1\-..l.1 ll' ll'>hlll lll1lf•ll1I \ 111111\ •\1''l '1.\\fl \ l'•ll h I• 'll.1 \ \\ 111 II lllC'll , ,If , ,1,f 1 d ! I p1il1u 11111•' '' c p111l l'd 'l l \ I 11 \I . II I • 11 I 1 I .111 lhtrll h1' I \ l ••ll•I• 1 f1 .1pp.t1l'lltl\ pulk.I 11 It• rH 1•' I ( ilfllllllll\I\ I l11\p1t.1 ll.11111 .I I .l\l tdt·nt I lilt I l'l I I l t' l<1.t11h• I ,11 ti.ti \1.1 .1 • .. '. I II , B 1~ I I•· t .. (Please see CRASHES/ A:2J Judge reconvenes pre-trial hearing in boating deaths H\ .11-'ff -..1\L. \ '~t\ \ Of ,,.. o..i• -· •••" \ p11· 111.11 h\ .... ,,. 1• I" I Ht ... I t.., •Jh"I , h.t111ht "'uh I ' , lllh I nun,l;:111fhH·r • •" •r.h-11111 111 ""•'' 1h t•l\1.1' 1111n111111"1.1l n111H IH \11Hlh qi.ti 1 1•1111 1111!)1<" \\ 1ll1,1m I' I .1nth \11i111h'" 1111 111111• '""' p11·.,cn11 d , lo•"rw .1111111111 nt' I 11 ... 1.1, hu1 I .111 I 1h rr.t the \'<., '' 1 lran1!l' I •1111 \111 lh 1p.1l I It hr.H n~ 11 ,, '''' • I, 11111hl lurlht'r 1 ,,1 m1n1 lht , 11h nil ,,n,1 " .1d1h111111.1I •llH ''" • ' I I ' d1 I kp,11 I)' r 1 \11 1n1 r 1 1 .min ,,1 d 1n. u.l.:1 111 h ',1h'111 tl'-•111 •I 1 1hr1 1. t-1 11• 1h1 "l"i( 111 111.il ( 1111 nf 1111 , r 1 t11d1n~ .1rp1n11 nt' t, h.tll h'-11.,.•1! 1\IJ \\Ill llH \If! I .11 '" "''4 '"''""\ d If'"' n1 ~l1~·1 n1, \\ h1 II h1 I 1.1,h1'1I ht• 'f't'l0.lht•.1l 111111 II ll!llt)lhh 11 hllit\ 11 lhl l'l)\I 111' I Ill \11.tll!'tnl B.I\ l,1,1 (" ........ I I h1 I" I '1 l<"'h lht "''"I J\,1,!1111~ I hh nl 1 11r,1n1u 1 1•11nt 1u,1n1 I. llr1I ' '1 (l,1,~·0f•" .tr I 11 •1 I k' (PleaM M!t> BOATING A2) ' .. I I A2 * Orange Coast DAIL v PILOT /Wednesday July 24 1965 AIRPORT EXPANSION PLANNING ... homAl m1lhon pa'>'>l'ngcr' in tht: 1111g1nal plan. Tcrmi; of lhl' propll\l'<l '>l'ttlC'mcn1 have not been tlu11.lc pubhl In Ne"pon fk<lt h. rC'prl''>rnlall\l''> of Cit) 80\.Crnml·nt iilld h Ollll'll\\ Ol'I' group\ C"\prc'"-'d muwd .-n1hu",1"n for the rno'>t rcu·nt '>ll'P' to\\.1111 .in agrccml'nt in the airport tight 'u~ 1ni the> 'II fl''>erH' finul iudgl·ment uni II a ettlcment i' .irtual ' n•ar hcd "We arc ple1t'>l'd that tinall) that''" some actu.11 n1:gt1t1ating going on ~1d Jean "Y. att of Stop Polluting Ou1 Newport (')P0"'1 ), one ul 1h1· ¥WUP' that ha~ !ought rmpon no1~t and expansion Watt lalkd 1h1 ~ \\C:\·i..· .. )hll \\ o l lllH'lt')I tl\ l'OUnl\ and ('II\ ollil i.1h in 101 nHng .111 agn:emcnt "u m.tJtll 'tcp forn ard." hut '1310 1t 1i. too earh tl> '>il\ "hen and 1f '>Ul'h nn agrel·nwnt ~ tll h<.6 tinalll<'d \.t'\'flNt lkJl h \1.t)lll Phil M3Ull'I ... aid 1hl 111\" d.1wd that \\C'''c gon1• thl'> IJI \\ c fl' g111ng IU hJ\C' a lap on flight' \\1··,e ne'<'I had a cap on flight\ . But \laufl•r not1•d 'Tht:rr: arr a lut ol detJil\ \('t Ill be \\Ml..cd OUI ~ c can't tw l\)o C'nthu\1Jm1 ahout th1c. \Cl .. · ·· 1hC'rl'1\n·1 an' <.kilned agl'C'cmcnt at 1h1., point." said Barbara Lich man. C\C'l Ull\l' dlrC'ctor ol thl' l lllleni.' \1rpon ~ orl..1ni C1roup L1chman '\aid none of lhC' ~pec1tk terms of nn agrccnwn1 had bct'n "orked out. nnd that pa'lt attl.'mpto, at '>tm tlnr agree- ml'nt'> tx·t\.\Ctn thC' count\ and the l ll\hJ,C't.11lcd · "I l'an'1 be cmhui.iai.ttl about \OrtH•th111g "'hen I don't know the 1erm~ of it \C't." L1chman $31d "What " hopeful •'> that finall> the count> h.is del 1ded to discuss with us somcthtn$ that "'e'-.e been wanting to discuss "'1th them for \Cars ... We're more than \I.tiling to accommodate them in that discussion " TRICYCLES BANNED ON SIDEWALKS ... From Al said ".\nd thl'11 .... 111·1 , rn1•rd '' Spolle~'·" ThC' 1hn.'l'·\\ht•1•l1·r' "111 tx .1lhm,·J on the \trt'l'l'> .ind (l.lri..ing ll1I \ hu1 Rasmus<,t•n '>JIJ thr lrll 'lk hJn 1111 the Ocean Fron I -.1J 1·,,,i1i.. "Im. h run' between thl' UJlho.1 .111d '\1·~'Pllrl pier!.. "111 hu11 111, t1u,1nt''' "Th.ii 'l1kv.-ulk " 1h1· r..t•, 11'' where' thl'' "'-'"I 111 nJr .. hl' \J1,1 Ka~mu.,.,en ,,t ll ht' "·I'> kll ., 11 111 thedl.,lU!>\lOll\ th.II kd •.• lhl' har. lk also said a-~kJtr p.111 111 th.11 w nt "" emplO)l.'l'' thruugl111ut tilt' art·a Ill en1;urc th.it n·n11·r, d1J 1h•I n1k 11n th1· s1de\\alr..c, \•,J\ nN ~1' 1'11c11ough111m1• 10 o perate "The' '>t'l th1' "h11I, t111ng up behind m' h,1~ I. · hl ,,11d I liiu nd out b) an idrnt lit.ti .ill ttm ""'going 10 happen J 1h111 ~ J In' pn1pll' fel1 threatened J nd 111t1m11t.11nt h\ tlw m (tnnd cs) and \\,1nll'd 111 du \11me- th1ng a bout 11 ( h.irlil' Bauman. pn·\11kn1 of thl' BalhnJ lmpro,cmcn1 o.\\~ou.111011 1.kntl''> Ka)mU)!>cn·, l harge' "lk '''2:!> outtlicd ot the mC'cting' Bauman 'laid "l thinr.. hc')JU!>t up~ct Rut thcrt· "err compla111l\ c\pfl'!.!!>l'd at thl' meet1n3s " Baum.in \Bid thl' Balhmi lmpro\l'· mt•nt \\)ouauon -a pen1mula group rcprnC'nung hu\lne\'>t'\ Jnd re!.1J1•nt' -rccommendt•d tha1 thr <II\ l uunul tai...t• at tll>n .iga1n\1 tl11· llHl'l'·" hct:lcr~ "T lwrc 'ho uldn't hl' an) ut thO\l' on th1· '-•l1l'"alks." hl· !>did "The \IJ1· "air.., .uc for pedl''>tnan' ·· \\hen 1he) apprc"el.! the ban Jul\ ~ l OUnl"1I mcmberc, '>81d problem~ re\ultC'd "'hen the "'1dc three-wheel- er!. an· nuden among pede~tnans and othcr b1nc.:les on the hcach sidewalk. "h1ch m~a .. ures lcs'i than 12 feet in \\ldth < 1t' ctidc allo"s h.ilt of the Ocean front s1dev.alk Ill~ U)ed bv b1l·ycle'>. The other half 1~ fur pede!lti-1ans With le!!>s than ~" l~e\ allowed for all " heekd 'chicles not much space I\ left U\C'r "'hen the tnq,cles are prt'\Cnt In add1tton to complaints from the Balboa lmpru\ement A.o;soc1at1on. the C It}< oumil rece1,etl letters from local rl'\tJcnt~ urgmg a ban Newport Beach police intend to 11011f} Pt'opk nd1ng on thl' sidewalk after Aug. 8 that a ban 1n 1n effect. Violator\ will Ix warned. but cited llnh 1fthe v.arning 1s ignored Elder!~ anti handicapped peopk. .ind }Oung lhildren aboard tncycle!>, .ire c\emptcd from the ban. "I don't know ho" the) intend to t•nlurce 11." Ra<,mus~cn said. "All the~ 're doing 1s forcing these bicycles into the ctt} 'it reels v. here it's much more dangerous. But it's out of m y hand~:· BOA TING DEATHS HEARING ORDERED ..• From Al and thrc( tllht'r' Thl· pr ow1.Uttl)n hJ' argued that Earle~ "a!> nl'ghgcnt in operating thl' boat" 1th tno mJn' prople on hoard. without prnp1·r kn i~'kJgt' ol h11\\ to na\lgatl' h1' "J~ into lhl' hJ rtm1 JnJ after d nnr..1ng '11 .1 11.illtmcrn fl.HI\ earlier in tht· n l'n111~ .. .\ rcasonJ hk IX'""n ... huuld h.t\l' seen a lot o f dJng1·1 · c 1•nk;. 1<1ld 1he court ful''>da' < 111111•, ,,1111 r .Hie' sped int<> tht• h.Hhor al mon· llMn tht• legal hm1t l.1I 'r..nut\ Jnil "th1·rl'lorc responc;1bk lor th,· lkath' •I 1h1· lh e pa)scnger'> 1r.1pp..•d in tht ht•.11 ,,., 11 sank after h1111ng the buo\ "lhcrc·s ah\olutt:h no llllt''>lh1n 11 Mr Earll''> v.a' g111ng' rlltll'' 1x-r h•lUT tht'i "ouldn·1 h;i't' haprx•n1·J · l 011- le' ~aid 0Bu1 Ea rle' anmnn C1Jr. P11hl,on. d1spu1ed thi: lhar~l' thar h1.,-d1c111 "J' cnm1nalh nc~l1111·n 1 .1rgu111g J \ Earle., ha' Jrgut·J all .1long lh.11 t~c harbor ""' nvl ,uflil 1c1Hh m.irkl'd and thJt lht· hum v.a' h1ltd1·n h' tht: earl~ morn mg dJ'rr..n1·" · "The1e., nothing .1h11u1 1he l.tl" of th!\ ca'e to 111tl1c 1t1• \ 1rl L11 k' h<Jd OJ d1~regard tor human l1k tll 1nll1I· ferl'n1e 10 l,m,l'4ucncl''.' Pnhl,on \:lid 1n h" tnml11J1n~ .ir •unH'lll ··-Y.1thou1 a lint.hi ht• m.Hk ;.i nm1.il..l f h..i1 \ "'" 11!1•., dlatll' 01.:currl·d Uu 1 J l·nrntnJI m1'>tJl..1•' I don't think so·· Pohhon ~aid. The Earle!> case could be a land- mark in boaung law. because Earles was found to ha' e an 0 11 blood- akohol k' el after tht an 1dent. a tc-.el lhJl \\OUld mar..e him Jegall ~ IOIOX· Katt•d 1f he <>.ere dn ' mg J lar ~late la\\-makes 11 illegal tl1 o pcratl' a boat "under thl' 1nfluencl'.. of alrnhol. but due~ not define what rnn'>tltuC'> being und1·r the 1nlluenn· Ea rll•, ha\ adm111ed he \\J\ dnnl..ing earlier but claim' h1· \\3'> '>Ober enough to tll)t'ratc h" ::11.1001 speed- boat Both pmsecut 111n Jnd dl'll·n~t.' at- torne' ~ ma1ntaint'd that lark·<; 1<, an l'\penenced hoater. "1th \ome n - pcnemc in na' 1got1ng .\nahe1m Ba) But "htlc ( onlc' '>3ttl Earles· ex· rx·nenrc meam hi.· could have been reJ\onJhl~ e'per tcd lo iJ' 01d the hu()\ Pohlc.on ~aid 1t 1ntl11.atc!> Earle<, "J' 1n lOntrol ol the \lluatson "It \OU knu" lhl' h.irhor 1 ~darJ... .ind \OU r..nu~ lhl·r1· art.' unlighted huo\\ 'ou \hould bl· .. 10" 1ng the her J... do" n · C onlc) \J1d altt'r the hearing "II \ou·, l' tx·cn dnnkin!l ~ou·, e got to h1.· t'\rx•11all\ larl'ful " ( onk' noted 1n hi\ argu mt·nt in t ou11 th,11 £t1rlc' hJd k it 1he harhor onh ant 11u1 tx·l nn· h" 1 a rn rl'lurn ilrtd \J ld ht' 'hould h.t \l' knD"n hm" 10 use thl' series of nav1gat1onal lights at the entrance to the harbor designed 10 help boaters steer their way inside. But Pohhon maintained Earles was sober and sutlic-tentl> e'penenced lo kno"' what he "'as doing "V1rl Earles "as an experienced boater He knew ho<>. to control the boat and he was l Ontrolltng the boat that evening. "The only thing V1rl Earles did "rong was lo go too fast," Pohlson '>aid. Earles ts charged" 1th five counts of manslaughter and one count of operating a hoat under the influence of alcohol He fa ces a po'>'>lble six-year prison .,entcnce 1fton' 1cted Earles blames the go' ernment for the accident, S3) 1ng 11 '"ould not ha' e happened 1f the buo) had been properh lighted He ha~ filed a $5 million l'la1m "-Ith the U.5 Coast Guard tht Depanmc nt of,ihe Na\) the .\rm\ C orp., of Engine\'f!> and the u t~ of~al Beal'h for ka' 1ng thl' bUO) unhghtl'd \1milar rla1m'> have been filed b} rdatl\ es ol the p:-issengcrs who died and sun 1vors ufthe crash. The fi,e passengers "hod1ed 1n the crash. all lnen(,h of Earles were John Bar..os 22 Ronald M)ers. 22. .\nthon} Sutton 27, Kath> Weaver. 24 . and Patnua Hulings, 20 ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP ... From Al dt\l:J\l' li\C \CJI • Jl(tl But h1. r1.·,1li11 ' hr /lJd to gl'I in•ohcd Ill othl'r .1. II\ 111e' 'II \OU arl' go111g t11 tJl\t" l..tr1• ul ~omrom· d \l' \ llU ha \l' Ir I tJ ~ e ~ .1rt' ril \(IUT\l'll 11111 .·hi.' \Jld · T rt m .ind IJ n ncd fr 11111 r t·~ul.ir tlatl''> on thv tc11n" «1un~ lh111d" \Jld lh1• l ,Jl,llJ lll\ h.I' J\\Jh'lll'd Ill htm J dt'\tre 11 (Ir> \f1luntl't r •'lfl mun11' '>l'f\ 1lC .i nd ,J rc.1 ll 1.1ttt r 1! .11 he Cl\.\C'd a ckht 111 \Ill c-1' lkt11r1· h1' v.1ft'' tllnl'>' It~ "'·" ,, "h1~hl \ u1m)1ll1ll\1 1 ntr1·pr1•nn11 hl''a1d l kpou1 ~d.1l11t ,1l 1·nr11!' 111 1 ht'> •111\llH'rUJ I Ii ir,.?.l 11 JlJ r!ll h u\t nc<,\ I I 11nr. lh .1 h l rlll J>*H'\\I q ·I pla nr ,d I• r ( q1,1 n-.1 n Hui ""'' It, '1 l he J 1·\ 1>11''> uni' aboul .111 1111 111 ,t d.i\ tu thl· hu\trll''' \\h1d 1 lw h.1, 't 1 ••. 111, t11rn1•d 11\t'I 111 a '>on ~fr r11J" riu·, 1 J Int •' tirllt' .J '> J 'uluntt•t1 "Ill '' '"'"'I lnd11,lrtl'' and oth1·r r~·.11111 t'11111' 1h.1 h1 \Jul art' pt·r.,1ir1.d .i.1tt1 I "" .111d It d111•\n 1 Wl .. h !O lil'l 111\\' fl ,t h1· d~·'. 11\t'\ ,1 1111 of hi\ 1111\l hclp11 I' IP \'l'l 1111! Il l\' m1•\\J!'t .1h11t.1 \l1h1·1m1" ' d 1'1 ·"~ and 1r in>' 1 •I Ir 1c t111 1' .ind th1•11 SpOU\l'\ I k ., 1 lll•'Jllht•r 111 1lw h11,1rd 11! d1rt•1.lo1 ' ot lh1 < >rangl ( 111J11' l h.1pt1·1 111 \l1hl 111111 ' Dt'>t!.i'' .ind f{l'JJt1·d l>l\11td1•r' \"''' 1.1t1 1n ll'l Tht· gr»11p ' 111'.ttlq ,111 rn l 111 1 •'!t 1 \,1{ <,,t hul hol11\ n\rnll hh n a'L'I 1 •'' n \\ l'\lnltl\,ll'I H1 .111d 11\lll'I\ .. ,,. \lllll.111}' I I 1 ~.1d1 mt'n .ind \\111111·11 to u111dw I 11.11111n)I Just Call 642-6086 Delly Piiot D•llHry It GuerentHd 'J ,. pmgr<1111' 1n h11ml' 'l'lt1ng-. 1h r11u11h· 11111lhl·111 mt\ f hr org;i n11a11on Jl\11 publl\h1 .111d d1<,trihu11·., lill0ral tir1 Jnd h1 P' 'p11u\1·' 111 't{ 11m' ti11d J\\t\l,Jl1 I It' 1mpt11IJ nl It• h1lp th1· hl'alth~ lam1h mtmhl''" hl' ,,11d. hl't<I U\1' \l/hl'Hlll'r \ J 1'\1.'d\1.' ,1 1khil1la \111g • 11lr •nl that nnv. i.111111 I .1h1•u l 2 m1Jlw11 \nH'nl;tn\ -'' 1n n·;"1ng I hcr1· 'r 11 """" n l url' or lJ ll \l' h1 'did 111 ", \l',11\ -tn 1'1'11 -Jhout 21 pt•n1·n1 of lhl' populalt<1 n U \ l'r ~II '' prt·d1t 11·d to hi.1 "' \11 h1·1ml·r\ dl\l'.t'il' or uni· 111 1111 1 hr 1111·rl.'bt1•d h" 1rdl''' he .1ddnl I h~ p1 11hkm 1, h.111 l'rtough 111 1111.'.tl.. lhl' l11Unlr. hl· \,11d ·,1nd I .. \ (,l'll1ng ll•lr\l' OcCJU\l' lt1llj.(l'\ If\ ,, 1r11 r1'J\lnit \O rap1dl\ .. I Ill' n.11111nJl 11rgJn11.1111111 ,11\11 hJ'> luhh\ "" 111 "iatra nll'11l!I .ind "iJn I r.111 '"" and llr111d<1 h11n,rl t " ll t r~1 ng to t.hangl Jn\u1.1rll,. la ~' 111 pre •1 11k h1·11n m1·d1, ,11 1\ n.t~1· 101 \IL ltrll\ I IL ,,11d m.111\ l11mp.11 IL' h1' 11\•ll in lu1kd l'\l'mpt ml'nt.tl d1"1rdt'r\ lr11m lull Ct1\\'rap1 .ind th.11 f\'•ltn nt'1'd' 111 tx l hangl•d th .11,11 dronp..·J h' rt 11·1111\ ,11 th1• \m1:tl \nunl' <•11111 111 l h1n1111)!ton lk.1• Ii to IJkt 11111 \kd1l.11·111\t'ragr f!•I Ill\ \\lk \ I Ill • 11 1 r 1 \\ 1 n d ,1 H V.. .ilJm.tn \,1111 \lul1u 111· l .1ll I""' Hk .1p 111 '<11 f>t'''' nl 111 nw1!1 t .ti '"!' lur \11hnn1l'r' '1111111' 11t \t·r1·d t1111kr ~ ... 1.11'i1·111111\ Ill "ltll · .111 ,,, \(';II\ ol age .ind m,11 r ll'l.l w a pcr<ion "ho" d 1g1bk Rrn1d11 ,,11c! Im w 1le d1'>pla" lit\ of dqHt \\11•n .111d lru,trat11>0 o r ,1ngu"h \ht· U\l'll 111 hl' an a' 1d bridge pla}'cr Jnd ll·n111' pl.1:t:r and read about a hool.. " "rl·I.. 1.ihe no longer l Un read a11J lJ n hard\ u1mmun1cate he said Hut 'ihl' l Jn '''II pla' tennis and hndge Jltho ugh not nt'.lrl\ at the lUnlfll'llll \ l' k\Cl \hi' Onll' enJO)Cd ~he i:an par11u pa11· 111lhCl'>l'11rtl\ 1h~s. h1· 'aid ht'lJU\l' \h1· ha-. a r.irc form of -\lthl'ITHl'I \ 'ih1· don l11t\ ol dl·ruh1l \ and \pt·nd' ,, 1111111 llmt' l1111ktng dt dllud~ Jnd h1rtl' \h1··, rnmpul\l\l'I\ 11th . he said. and d111·, laund r~ a ,ouplc of times a di.I' \h1· ht'l<>rnt'<. angn \A.hen items dll lt:lt h1ng ,1niund tht• home ~hl'' l'J\11\ ln1,tratl'U Jnd doesn't t llfO\ i,1 1uat1tin' 11ut!>1tlc the home. he \tlld ..._11nwt1m1•' 1n 1hc morning \he call\ htr11 I" h" right name Othl·r times. 'hl· don n't rl•m1·mber h1\ name or ,,1 11, l11m tn hl'r \on·., 11.1me Bro1d<> \did 1 h1· urgan1n1t1on -\11hc11rn.•r'-; Dl\t,hc and Rl•latl·d Dl\mdcr-. ..\\- 'c1u J11o n lnl -meet' a1 ., pm on 1h1 tir,1 V.nlnr.,Ja, of 1lw month at thl ~l·n111r { 11 11ens ( l'n ll'r JI v. e!>I· mini.tt•r C II\ H.tll The organ11ation\ ofltn· " Jt .t~r) 'v\ I 'It h l\t Costa :'\.fr'>:l f h1• ll'k phnm• numht.•r I\ 11I1-0~4'\ \\ht1t do }OU lik1 ..thout the Dail) Pilot'' \\hat don t you like') C'all the numbt·r at IPft and \Our mt''IS3Rr "'"be n c·ordrd. transrrih1•d and deli vered to thf' 11pproprialt' editor ThP \amr 24·bour an<c~1·rin1t •wn ire ma) bt used lo rerord lttters to the r d1tor on an\ top1< f ontrihutor"' to our Lettt'r' rolumn mu~t inrlude their n.tm1• and t1•kphonr numlwr fnr Hrtflc·at1on :\o r1rrulatlon <·ttlls, please. T1•ll u' whet'\ tin \our mind Karen Wittmer I " Ctrculatlon 7141642-4333 Clatalfl9d 1dvtrt11lng 7141642-54171 All other dtptrtmtntt 642·4321 MAIN OFFICE Frank Zlnl RoHmary C hurchmen .. Robert L Centrell Donald L Wlllltm• Clrculatlon TtltphonH ... t t 1 I .i' HOWltd Mullt nary 11, Peggy Bltvlnt '• 1 VOL. 78. NO. 205 High pressure boosts mercury High prff11.1r1 building north or lht cilty will help kMP low clouds from apreadlng Inland through Thursday, and th1t wlll 1llow temperaturN wlll edge up 1 lew degr"I The mountains and de .. rta wlll rem11n under 1 dry. northerly flow of air , the N1t1on11 Weatn.r Service aaya. Overnight low clouds and fog wlll blanktl the eraa from the co11t to Ille co11tal valleys. but fair 1klH ire otherwlH expected Lowa tonight wlll be In the 601 and high• Thur1d1y will range In the mli:l-701 to mld-901 Along the Orange Coast there wlll be low clouds and local fog late tonight and Mrly Thursday morning lrom the coaat to the co11tal v1lley1 otherwt11 f1lr 1klH. Lowa tonight In the 601 A lltlle warmer Thuraday with highs In the mid 701 to mid 901. U.S. Temps Ml At Deny 78 AIOuq-q...., 17 Ama11110 12 A11Chor1g1 eo Allante 87 AU111uc: Ctty 78 lllll• Rock l 0Ulev11M Mempnt1 Lo Ml•l'lll 8Hcn 46 MMo,..uk .. 81 Mpl•S1 Paul 88 NH nvllle 64 New Ortea111 73 'ffw YO<k 8A NO<f0411 II I ae n 83 04 80 74 eo ee 72 SS .. 97 11 71 12 72 7& 82 " 70 Au1M 96 8111Umor• 80 7S Oltla11ome C11y S& Oma111 13 70 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •••mlf>On•m ea 81em1re1< 11 72 O.la11do aoi.. '° 87 72 ~: ~; Calif. Temps :.1n11 Acia 9er'lle C'"' llotton 79 eu11110 74 C•ICle• ao Cnarlet1on S C 12 Cllati..ton w v 82 Cht11tott1 N C 83 82 Philedelph11 S8 Pno.nt• 81 Piii lburgn 63 Poruand.M• 62 Ponland 01 78 P1ovldt1nCe eo R•Je411n ea Rapid c11y S4 l'leno 105 •• 74 56 High , low IOI 24 llOUFI enO•ng II ~ 17 48 am 81 81 Bell111flelO 97 73 78 5fl Eur ... I 82 ~4 77 61 F1 .. no 101 74 Surf Report LOCATION '1unt•t>Oton lloacn A1ve1 Jelly Ne...,OO't llU IHA ... '·l l)OOt 9 1 62 l allC...... 10 70 It &4 lot Angetee 83 '8 17 eo 0 1111ano 75 59 Cn.yenne 81 ChlUg<I &O C1nC1111111 82 1.3 .... 1·) ,,,, 1 3 f•tt 40t~ Sl•MI ..,. .. p(>tt Cievela!'d 73 C01umou1 Oh 77 ConeorO.N H 77 0 111a .. F1 Wonn 85 01y10 1 78 o.n .. , t4 62 RICl>MOnd " 91 LOUii 51 91 Peta-Tampa 83 latt lalce Cit~ 42 Sen Antonio 73 9.,, Juan PR 62 S..1110 • M Sllr9\l9CIOl'I 18 71 Pato Robleto 100 81 H 75 Red lk.111 107 8 I a& 82 Redwood c11y 79 se 94 75 Sacramet110 •OO 84 81 76 Sauna• 68 ss 10 51 San Otego 78 70 22na Str .. t "'''"PO<• !111001 W.Oge llg1m1 lloac11 San C11m•n1t water temp &a Sw•U (J1rtc••vn tr'utr ..-.ttt l•J ,.,, t•I PDO< J 4 ooor o.. M°'""' es Detro.I 74 Dululh eo EIPuo et Fa«rD1n1'1 77 F11go 93 Flagttall 80 et SPQl!ane 64 ·~-.. 8A l ()C)elc. 8A T- 8 1 lulu 8A Wun111g1on 63 Wlelllll 12 72 SanF1enc1eeo 74 57 ee 57 Sen11 ,.,.,.,. 73 eo 74 4f Slockton 97 72 eo ea HIQn iow '°' 24 no1111 .... o•r>0 11 s o m 911 76 Baratow 103 70 te 74 8111\0p 98 b I 82 83 BIYllle 107 71 Tides SK unCI ntgn SK ono 10 .. TOOAV l J• p "' 10 Jl om ~ l I 4 O••fld R1p•a1 78 01 .. 1 Falla 83 : WllkN ·Barre 14 71 CeteHna 89 62 13 4t Long a.acn 11 es Monrovia 92 62 F"Htl P'1\Jf\ F1111 '0'fllW S.C.1>11•" 11n Secono O• fHU.-IOAV 4 t~."' 8 JI I " 4 )OP IT• ll ~I p m ) l I 8 sa 01 HartlO<d 78 41 ~Extended Mont.,.,. 83 52 Ml Wdaon 71 81 Nowp0<1 e..ch 70 64 ~· 111 HonotuN 80 78 OnttrlO 92 83 HOUll0<1 92 1no1.,,apo111 8 1 JIOl!aon.M1 84 Jack-iv Ille ee Junoeu 64 K.,....Clly 85 ll l V9011 t05 51 73 12 51 71 eo MOtlly Cleat but IOrNI low CIOUOI Ind IOQ II~ Ille lmm.Olatl COQI Hlghl II l>Mch11 70 IO 75 ranQlng up to :::: = Inland VIII~• lOWI motlly In p aim Spllf>OI I 08 7 5 Paua.na 87 81 Alv1111d1 113 82 San Bernatdlno 115 8J Sen Oat>rtol 87 8A Sat1 JOM 87 80 Su" Hll tOOty at 8 00 p m ,,_ rnuraoay at 5 611 • m ana Mtt ag11n 11 7 511 p"' Moon "'" t001) It 1 O• p m Mii at t I '° pm 1nO ,, ... aga•n f11u1t011 11 2 14 p m Interior chief coming to Coast By ROBERT HYNDMAN Of Ille Ollll, l'llot ltelf U.S. lntcnor Secretary Donald Hodel plans 10 attend a local public mecung concerning a proposal to allow increa!>ed oil dnll1ng off the Orange Coa!>t. Hodel reponedly told Orange County congressional representnuves Tuesda) that the compromise plan wa!!> open to changes. Whtie Orange Coast representa- t1-.es are hopeful that fewer offshore tral'ls will be opened. Hodel rcponed- 1) said the lim1tat1ons in place ma} be lifted so morr dnlling. not le~s. 1s allo<>.ed The meeung has been 1cn1a11"el) c,c1 for Saturday momini. Aug. 31 . <,aid Bi ll Schre1bt-r. an aide to Rep Roben Badham. R-Newpon Beach Badham has in vited Hodel to vistt Orange Coast cities several times. but did not receive a response unul this week. Schreiber said. The meeting probabl) will be held at a local school s11e sn the beach c1t1cs area. Hodel will meet later that day with residents in nonhern San Diego County, according to Rep. Ron Packard. R-Carlsbad. who also rep- resents southern Orange Count}. Hodel and a host of California congressional delegates announced a compromise plan July 16 lhat would open about 54 square miles of fed eral waters off Huntington Beach and Newpon Beach to offshore 011 explo- ratton and dnlhng. The agreement also calls for more 011 and gas dnlhng tracts to be opened 1n the \-Car 2000 Such plans ha\e angcrt•J rll\ offi cials in Newport Bt.'al'h and Laguna Beach v.h o ha"e long sup- poned a moratonum on otTshore dnlhng This v.eek. the) were JOtned b} Hun11ng1on Beach leaders who went agatn'it the ctt) 's long-standing support tlf big 011 companies to oppose omhorc dnlhng. Repre~entatl\ es trom tht· thrC'e c11tes \\Ill meet tonight 1n '-e"pon Beach to J1srnss strategies In add111on. Laguna Beach C it} Councilman Bob Gt>ntn '-'Ill host a meeting T uc'>da~ to d1sr uss ho\\ local residents l·an urg.in111: oppm 111on to the plan C.1entl") "ill gl\ r a slide: presentation on th1· w p1l .11 thl' 7 10 p.m meeting in lhl· C 1t\ C ounc1I chamber<; CRASHES KILL ONE, HURT FOUR ... From Al the accident. A.II were taken to a Fountain Valle> hospnal w11h moder- ate 1nJunes. ~gt JetTCope said 11 appears Plant "as tra' el mg at a high rate of speed on C •Olh...rd Street nonh of Warner .\'cnue when Macareno dro'c onto (,01hard trom a side street. Plant hit the \Ide of the car and was hurled into the street. police stated. C ope said te.,t!> "ill be condut ted toda} to determine ho\.\. fast the mt11orc)cl1st was going. Macareno wa'i not cited 1n the fatal accident. t-o ur )Outh'.> traveling south on Harbor Boulevard were senousl) inJured at about 4:30 a.m toda}' when their car rammed a light pole a1 unflo"'er .\' enur Police said there are preliminal") 1nd1ca11ons that one or more of the 'l>Uths had been drinking. · Two passengers in the car. ident- ified a'i Jack Len and Jason Yasment. both 17. "ere rushed to the Western Medical Center trauma unit 1n anta .\na Two others. 1nduding the driv- er. were taken to the Fountain Valle) trauma l'l'nlcr I hei r narnl'' v.rrt· 11t1l a•atlable carh tol.!a\ Jim Rtlhl'\ a Costa l\.1csa Im· battalion t h~el ~;11d .1 lndr • .1Uht pt)ing tool \\a~ used to lrrr not· ot lhl' passenger<, Police c;r11d one oft ht•' outh'i lo"t an ear and suffered brol..t•n 11-g in 1h1· accident ln,csttgJtor' ..aid 11"J'11111 earl> to detcrnHnt' \\hat l JU'>l'd th1· accident and said that the r1·.,ul1 tilond tests to detrrm1nc tht• prt'\1•nu· ol alcohol ha"e not been completed LAGUNA MAY LOSE FREEWAY FUNDS ... From Al count) 's land purchase io help 1t pa)' a debt 11 owe-. Rancho Palos Verde!> ( orp . which 'iold Sycamore Hilb to the Cit) 1n I Q7 [ven "1th an adjustment. Laguna Beach will .. 11ll reali1e more than SS m1ll1on from the deal, Frank said Frank said cil) official!> hope an appraisal v.111 be completed th1'i summer so the count) can begin mal..1ng "pro~ress" payments into a trust fund. But Shadd} said there·~ really no rush. "Payments arc not due for some time." he said. L nder terrnc; c~ :.1c original purcha!>e agreement. the count}' ha'> unul 1988 to make a decision on whether to bu) the freeway corridor. In the meanumc. the count y l'i supposed to place S5 I mil hon into an 1nlemal escrow account and guaran- lt-e the ci ty a "reasonable" ratc-of 1n1cre!>l. Laguna H1·a~ h o llil 1al' Jgrn •d tu sell oil part ol \)tamorr I fill\ tor a frel'v.a\ ngh1 ot "'"' in 11171\ "h1'n thl' Ctt) "a" If) tn[l ral\t' tu nd' 111 hu\ the.- entire 522 iltrt'\hiln1t11r lldl..,green- bell Al the time. plam l.tlkJ for a SI\ to t:tght -lanc \1.:en1l h1ghv.a \ C urr1·n1 rnunt~ dl'~1gn'> \hov. up 111 J 7 lane'> whC're the proposed frel'V.J\ cut\ through ~)Camore 11111\ HUTTERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTTER Designed, Finished Installed ~-........ 32 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY •.. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714)1548-6841 or548-1717 HEIRWOOD MANUFACTORY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • ' BULLETIN BOARD Bluebird Canyon concert slated 1 he wt·ond rn a St'IH"'i o l '>ummer concert!> hegin!> ;it 5 pm Sunda) 1n Rlucb1rd Canyon Park. al thl' cornc1 uf ( re~s Strct'l and Summit Drive 1n I ,.1guna Beal h The .. (,ood Times .. 'ocal qu.irtc:t will perform an hour\ worth of select1on"1 from a broad vanety of mu~1eal ra1cgones 1nclod1ng Madngal, class1cal, po p. folk and popular tune~ from the 1930~ and I l)40!>. ( o ncl·rtgocrs arc encouraged to amve earl:r and bring along blankcts and a p1cn1c dinner Klng's Daughters plan tea Nine local chapters of the Ordt'r ol the Daughters oft he King. a national relig1ou!> order for Ep1~copal lay women, will sponsor a tea Thursda) from I to 4 p.m. to commemorate the ordcr'!i IOOth ann1vcr'>ar) l he tea will he held from I 10 4 p.m. at St Michael and ..\II ..\ngcb [p11.copal ( hurc h. J21J Pactlil View Drive. Corona dcl Mar The Rev Robert Bu\l'r rector of St ( lemen1·1. b) the Sea t ·hurth in \an ( lemen1e. will be the kalured speaker Buslness semlnar at college .\ one-da) ~m1nar t·n111led .. How 10 Finance a Bus1nt~~.,·· will be held Saturda> from 9 a.m lo 4 p.m . at Orange C oasl College 1n Room 11 9 of the Fine An~ building. Thl· seminar, conducted b) mangement and markt>ting professor R 1chard Hart. will teach pan1c1panh how to get a business loan. Admission is $25 For reg1c;1ra11on or funhcr 1nforma11on, call 432-~RXO Welght workshop at OCC .\one da) work~hop t.'nl1 tled "'Fat Facts-fh1n I 1ps .. will be held Saturda) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .• 11 <>range Coast College, 1n Room 113 o f the ( ·ounseltng anJ Admissions building. rhe workshop . conducted by exercise instuctor S.J f:spmo-Sclhni, will explore the hohst1c health approach Ill nutnt1on .\dm1<,s1on 1s S20 For reg1stra11on or lurthcr intormJ11on. call 432-5880 Benefit garage sale set I he Laguna Reach Exchangette Club 1s spon- soring their annual Garage Sale F~nd Raiser Saturda) 10 ~uppon child abu~e prevenuon centers l ~bk and saleable donauons are being sought For 1nlormatt0n or lo arrange pickup call 494-6769 or 494-JM '' Book sale slated ln Mesa f-r1end' of the Costa Me~ Library will hold a m1dsummcr book sale Saturda>-fr0m 10 am 10 ' p.m 1n front of the Mcsa Verde L1bra0. 2969 Me!>a Verde Dnve Ea!>! l l~d and nev. books. maga11nes and record) will be on \ale Pm:e\ will range from :! 5 cents to \S Day camp sessions planned The ~ou th Coast YM( ..\ Da) Campers -will begin their .. let's Go ( ra" ·· '>t'\!>1on of Da} < amp Mo nda) -with a lield tnp lo Mtle ~uare Park v.11h nearl) 1.000 tH her Orange { ount) Day Camper\ for an allernoon of games and contests. and then a tnp to an ·\ngel game l:.ach two-week 'iess1on run<. Mo nda) through Fnda} from t1 a m to 4 pm with extended hour~ available f-ur more 1nforna11on about reg1strat10n and other' \1 C .\ actl\ 111es. rall South ( oast 't M< ..\ at 496-%:!2 or MJ l -96:!~ Clvll War talk ln HB Harry Jaffa. professorofpol111cal philosophy at Claremont ~ll Ke nna College, will gne a shon talk Tue~a .. a1 2 30 p.m . in the Huntington Beach L1bran.on the beginnings of the ( 1v1I War Ja·na. author ofa fonhloming book entitled .. .\ Nc-w Bi rth of Freedom ..\braham Lincoln and the American ( 1v1I War," will speak on h1stoncal and phtl1sophocal causes of the war. The hbraf"} 1s open Tuesda} through Sunday from I lo 4:JO p.m. CALENDAR Wednesday, July 24 No meellngs scheduled PoucE Loe c Orange Coast DAIL v PILOT/Wedn .. day, July 2<4. 1985 • A3 Rush hour starts early A van hauling a conceulon atand from the Orange County Falrgrounda trlaered a mid-afternoon traffic jam on t.6e Coat& Mesa Freeway on Tueaday after it hit one car. awerved acroaa three lanea and atlllack three more can. All northbound lanea at McFadden A venue ln Santa Ana were blocked for nearly 30 mlnutr.1, b"lcklng up the traffic u far aouth u D ·.<l!r Street in Coat& Mesa. The drtver of th~ van and two children riding ln one of the automobiles auff ered minor lnjurlea. Underground channel cited in Stringfellow water leak < 1U ~ ·\ \ 0 1\/ < alif I .\Pl -.\n underground l h annl'I al tht Smngfellow -\ud Pn" ma) be funnel- ing con1am1na1ed ground waler pa!>t a dam anJ lx·dnx:k that V.l'rc ~u ppo~J to contain 11 an offiual ol a rnn\ult- ing lirm rl·P<>rt' Robert f \hoke~. the com pan~·.,, pro1ect managcr a1 5tnngkllo". '>a1p Tucsda) that add111onal -well .. to determine whcrl' the undl·rgruunll channel goe~ will be dnlll•d th1' v.cd. Anahs1s "'II 1at...e -.C\l'ral v.eek' mor~ he ~aid .. Thert'·'> wnn:rn that there·~ al·tu- all} J gra' 11a11onal conduit" :or contaminated v~oundwa1er beneath the stti:. \hoke'> ..aid .. The poss1b1'1l) t) 11 JU\l m1s\l'S tht> bami:r wall altogether·· .. fl\ the most s1gn11icant unknov.n thing "'l' • .,,l. lo und so far," ~1J ShoJ..cs 'tlc president o l Sc1eme .\pplica11om lnternauonal ( 'orp . a tirm hired to develop plan~ to deal "'llh lOntam1na11on at the Rl\ers1de Count) ~1tc '\tringtellov.. a formt>r 1ndustnal \.\.3SlC' lh,p<t\JI \llC in I'\ llh" ( Jll\ •fl about '\I) mill',lJ\1111 drn.1,ntc•"n Io' .\ngl'ln "J' t l"'l'J 111 I '4, 2 'itnn!!,kllm' ''J' thl" dumping Jfl'J for about l.l millt11n )(Jllc111\ 111 tndU\lriJI "·•'ll'' .Jurtnt? II' 1., \C:M' including ,,.1nl· hdte' ·d 1' .tu\t' lanrer h1rth tklel I' and -.!l·ril11' .\ 1.onlrl'll' d.1m Ill 1.vn1a1n J1.1th and olhl'r ''J'lc' "J' hu11t Jlr"'' tht• upper t•nd 111 lhl· l.tnH1n \.\hl'O tht• dump lx·Jl.an "1x·r.111ng. in lhl' 1 •i-.11, .. The: d.1m " ,loin)! .,11nll'th1n1?. 'ihukl'' \J1d Irvine police seek witness in mystery murder report By LISA MAHONEY Of•~ oe11, ""o• •••rt ln1nc poltu: .trc l·al11ng on a man \.\ho thought hl' \.\.tlnesSt'.d a murder Monda\' to wme lof\.\ard and hl'lp 1n' e\llgalOr'> pinpoint"' hl·rl' the ~la~ - 1ng ma) ha'e ocrnrr~d Three 'earrhes ol thl' arra that a man 1dl·n11t) 1ng h1msdl J'> (,eorgc Jom·., J e,c nbt'd as the murdn su.·nr fa1kd 10 1urn up a hnd~. Lt. .\I Muir ~11.J Bui a 1roubltng numtx·r of co1nu<lrnre'I ha''"' cs11ga1ors belie'· 1ng thc: mJn·., l all "a' nut JU'll a hoa' he '>at<l .. II I( l'I j hOJ\;. '\Omdl<xh put II togl·tha 4u11e "'ell ·· .\ m<1n l·alkd thl' In inc Police Depanmt.'nt ahout 8:47 pm. Monda) to ~a' ht.' thought he had \111tm•s.,ed a murder Rut the man. \\ho may ha'e used a fohl· name rc!U'>4:d to take officer<, 10 the \tenc ..a~1ng hl· did not "ant 10 gl't tmolved ~1u 1r '>.ltd When PH'''l·J, the man ga' e a bogus addrl·.,, and tdephone number. Muir 'laid Polin· arc roncancd that thl'\· ma\ be 'eard11ng the wrong area ix:caU'>«.' the man d id no1 J..no "' the name o f the street hl· "'·"on or "'hl'tha hl' "'·I' dri' 1ng nunh llf )outh In \C."~llgator.,, he he' l' hl' "J~ '>top- ped at the 1nll'r\ection of M1 rht•l,1>n Dn'c and ( arl!.on .\\t'l\Ul' "hen hl· allegedh \J\.\ 'omeone drag a "umJn 1n10 thl· undL·rhrush. shoot hl'r .inJ drl\ e Jv. J \ 1 n ... rcd l n um ph l on- \ e ntble But the\ lan·1 be ~ure \lu1r ..aid )inc:e 11 "'"'' Jark and the man tuuld not 1den11I~ 1h1.· llKattun h\ lft''>' Slrt.'ClS. ··w e lOuld still be st>ar1.h1ng the ent1rel\-"'rung area:· he ~mJ Pohle 1.ondulled a fru11lt''>' -.ca11.h tlf open land near the lntnl· Ranlh ~ atcr D1!>lrtl't about 'I p m \ !11nda' w11h 1he .11d of .i hehrnpter L1~h1 officer.> rc1urn1.·d again l Ul'\da' morning .ind un,utll'SSlull~ u1mbed the 1mml'd1Jll' .irea that tit J onl'S. descnpt1o n -\nothl·r hcl1u1ptl'r search al'o fa tied to turn up JO\ lh1 ng SUSPICIOUS. '-! U Ir \,llJ .. Right no" v.c·rl· dr;.1" Ill!? hl.1ni., on e'en thing \'-t'0 \l' Jnn1.· · M uir said But pohee Jfl' not \l'l r1.'.1d\ 111 de1. Ian· the \1.•ard1 .1 v.1ld g1.111\1.' d1a,1.· hclJU'>l' 1lf '><•rTll' .i11n1. ldl'l\1.l'' h1.• .,,uJ Kou11nc 1.llll''l111n111~ 111 'l'l.Urll' guarJ, 11n Jut' JI n1.·.Hh\ hu'>lrk"\\C."'> that night turrwJ ur ,I m.111 JI Be1.l.m.1n ln'>trumcnt:-. ln1. "'hu 'J1J he th1.1u~1 IH· heard a g.Jn'1tie11 I h1. uimp.tn\ \ \1.1l'nt1fi1. 1n,1rumtnh Jt' l\tun I\ JI lh1.· m11.·r,l·1.11111 1.ll Jamh<m·l' Houle,.irJ Jnd <. Jmpu) l>n' l' up po" 11.• ( Jrl'lon -\ 1. l·nul· • Pulil1.·al,1.>lound a 1.JrthJl ma11. hc:' tht' \1.'h11.k Junes de)1.rtlled tu J ·T · .\.f u1r ,,11J Tht' llll'n't' plJtt· " d1fferl'nt lhJn 1h1.· 1.1ne thl' mJn gJ,1.· hut in'n11gatur'> kJrn1.·d thl' ,ar tiv.ned h' a "Jn< lt>mt>nle m.in "':J' heing Ina nl d tiut h' ,1 , ;.ir r1.·p.11r \C:f'K1.' \tu1r-.J1d .\n tn'C:'t1ga11.1r "''" IJ ll.. h1 the rl0pa1r C.l'f\ Ill• (I\\ nl'r (\1 p111 d11\.\ n "h11 ma' hJ\l'h.1dJ1.1.1.•\,tnlht \1.•h11.k lw '>.lid ···\II thnl' h11k 1.111n1.1J1.•n1.t'' th.ii kept uini1ng tngt"tlll'r I m.1tk 1 u' tx·ltl·'l thl·r1. h.1d h Ix-"'11w1h1n~ \tu1r \Jtd Onl k.iJ l111kd .iftt•r '" p. 1-t· 111li\ l.,, q Ul'\llt •nt•J .1 m:.i n .tr t l·,1eJ n the Jr1.'J t.11 Jn unrl'IJtnl ntll·n" on \lnnd.I\ "'·''l'lll\'111' h\· m.1dl "lwn Jrrc\led lt•d 11llt\l"r' 1t1 lx·l1n t !ht'.' man lllh!.hl h,l\l' "tllll'\\l·d 'I'm\· rhing \1 ~1 1 '..11d tiu1 11 turn' ••UI th,· kiln" ,,,1, .tr1111I.. Conditions atjailfarm under fire Court monitor lauds jail pro~ress , cr1ttctzes Musick facility tent city By JEFF ADLER Of IM D.., "JIM ..... Prol(rl'''> h,1., bl'en madl· lll'AJrd 1mp1 o'1n~ cuu d111uns 1n tht: Orang<' C ount) Jail. but the '>llU<1l1on iii lht Jaml''> .\ Mu\1Ck Honor Fann whC're inmate\ hJ\l' bet'r tramlerrt·d to relte"e main 1a1I o\ ercrov.din~ hJs ra1"4.·d utht·r n>nlern'> tht' count\·.,, l uun-appmntl·d rail mon11c1• ha<. reponcd '"1\1> lif'I 1mpress1on ol lhl.' pro~rl''>~ m<Hh at till lentral Jail during m\ ab~nn· " 1.1u1Lc liH orahk J h· 1nslall,111on of triple bunb pro' 1dl:"'> in nl\ up1n111r1 ., \lgn1l"tcant improvement J'> rdatcd tu pa'>l pra\ llll''> '>pt'ual J.111 mun11or I.a"' ren1.C' ( ffO'>'>man \<ltd in a rt' port I l \ D 1\lrtll ( oun Judge~ 1lltam (1ra) dJted la\t v.t·rl.. It "'J'> ( 1ros'>man\ fir'>t repon on 1a1l cond11111n' "n' 111. "'J' hmp11al11ed la'>t month ltir he<.1n 'ur~cf\ l 111 n:pon lllH·r, (,ro.,~man·, per,11nal 11h~nJ1w11' .11 1111.: main tJtl tht· hunur tarm and till" Tht:u La\\ Hr.ir11.h IJ • lurlhl 1)1.'.rtc>dolJul~ 7-lh 111'> 'l\ll'> .il'o \.\t'rc thl· fir,1 \ln1.t· tnpk hu11i.., "-l'r rn,tJllnl .tl tht: main JJil and 1nmJtl"\ V.l"fl trJll\krrn.1 I• largl· tl·nl\ 1.11 lhe hcmur I arm 1n l I I uro 111 u1mpl' v. 1th th\ \oun., urdn 10 redutl' Jilt! 11\l'rrru"'dini; Jnd pr•>' ilk JI 1.sil inmate\ \\Ith a hunk v.11h1n 24 hour' . In gl·nernl r hl"U l an appears Iv be ablt Ill hJndlc tht> 1nuca'led popula11un 'el'\ wdl Thc Jam1.·\ \ \,lu\11. ~ f-arm dt11.'\ hnv.n a _prt>'K"nl~ '>t1ml· u1n1.·l'rit\ < 1ru"mar1 Jd' t'K'd lhl' ,ourt I hl" fJll m1Jn1t11r J lvrml"r kderal pn,un ".111.kn \dhJ l(IJ tnmJtC:'> arc huu~d in t'al h o l lour largt' renlH'rl'lled 1111 an .slhkttl lit'IJ Jl lhc: honor farm But ht> .... uJ ondttH>n\ 1n tht.' tent' l''>Pl'lt.slh <•n rt'n~n1 hot \umml·r Ja,, :.irt· k,., lhdn 1dt'JI .. nr· hot .ind humid da\'I u1nd111nn., in Jnd J11111ncl lht: tent'> Jrl' marginJl a1 l>l''>I •• c,ro,!>m.in \.i1d · l'ortJhlt lrnlt.'t\ JnJ \mall '>huv.n art'a\ don t l·nhanu thl arl·a r l'mperatUrl'\ in tht' ll'nl\ hd\ c rl"al hl·d J'> high ..l' I UI dcgrc:l'' •n ..cnral da\\ Jnd toppi.·d oil di ,~ lkllJl't'' 1.11 Ju 1' It lht' dJ k ol ht~ '>t'u1nd '1'>11 Hut the 1a1l rn11n1tur potntt'd 1ut thJt ~ht'ntr, depulln ..irt> "'url.1ng hard'" 111 1mprc1\l' \'ond11111n' 1nJ 1nmJh."'> 'lt'l'm In rrekr the knt-h11u\lng lu lllnd1t11rn' rn thl' ma11 IJil .. In 'Pill" nl lhl' hl·at 1nmatl'' It'd 1.c>nd111un' an· t'l<.:lh hcrl' than JI tht: 1. rnv. dcd < l·n1ral lad T hl•\ haJ k tom plaint\· I 1ro\\m.rn rql<1rtt'J Thl' rt'port al!>l• \hu"' lhJt lhl· numher ol 1nn Jll v. 1thou1 tll:d' Jlll'r 24 hour' 1n lht• J.ul ha<. Jl'dlOl•l \tn1. lhe 1nmJtt' tr<m'>kr\ I<• thl hr::ir1\h JJil\ \\t'r • 1mt1.1ll'J \~ h1k .1' ffidTI' a'> I '.Ill inm.stn v.l·rc tor c.1111,kL'I 11 JJtl llu11r\ \t''t'rai month'> ago nn 11nt• 1nn1Jll v.. v.1th11utahunk t1n Juh 1 'Jnd22v.lfl v.1lh1.1u1.11:x•tl lur2.l huur\l"-l•Ja\\IJ!l'r onJuh I' .1.-•rJ ll!!luC1r '"ni:.in rt:p;•rt fht: \11unt\ mu'l p.i\ .1 '-, pt>r n1g.ht 1in1 h th 1.ourt tor l'\1.•n tnmall' -...h<• ~ "' ,, 1~1,1ut J hnl • r mm lh..in 2~ h, ur' Thl· rinl' 'J' 1mr11"4.'J 1l:t·r lu.!~l" 1 .r.1 lound thl· .. •unt\ tr 1.11ntl'mp1 ll! Ill' .~, 1rtl jdtl tnnd111un' lk\1Jl·' till 1'11111 l' •int :h ll• I ll0d J ~\II IM II> f1111.· Pickets back welfare aides \I rl· hJn :.'t • rtl\'r111 ' 'r tnl \JI I Ill\ U \Jnum,1ra:1un ir1 °'·tnl.1 lllUnl\"' 11.irc d1~1h1 I '' 1ng h1~htr ".J~l' I hl J'I • : 1~11"1l1l\ " 11 1<.,·r, Jw" u1unt'' IJrtctu' "'l'IJkr Pl• I( .in., '"' f-Jm1 l1l'' ·"lh l>qxndl''1t It 1d1 r J 1, earn l>t l"l'l' S i ''J .ir 1. ' \J flt lhl· l1ll' 11 .1 :-..1 .. ,l.,H "' ntrall , Ii,, PJ' h1i..l '>ul un111n rq11~,t·n1.111 ,., •1.1 JI rt•r l"lll PJ' in, n·.i'l . ..lurtnl' ·11 t.I 'L'.11 ra,1 I 11.l pt.·r,t·nt Pl llh un "n ,,1, .. 111 , p,1\ IOlfl.1\t'>lhllclht'f1.'IJl,1'1'h °'~\\'!, .111 .1d111,tnwnt 1n r,1\ .-1.111 • .... •l'• f \ ,, f' tl.1 .1pp \ ,·,f • ' '1111t'J•" \ Jll h.trgJll\ 11~ Lill " ltt.I ,ti! ti! lh1 , •U(lf\ ' t M l' pit\ t • j I l u•l'lr.t. h,.llJt-d lnr '·""" fhft'.I'""' •.t lh!d' I 111.; ,, J ,. l"·r .. ·nr .j,, Of l~lt 'I,,,,·'' ,.,·,h p.1-i II" J r-. -.• n 1 t n d' " , , n ti ' l'.I r Mission Viejo man one of two killed in plane crash '' -.1em ",1, d1'a''l·mhlnl .ind .1 'll'H'• • t.ili..en lrnm J nOlhcr 1.Jr Newport Beach \oml'Onl' hroke int11 .1 Ii lt'l!uJrd 10,..,er near I Q1h ~trt'l't .ind ,i..1.-:1 1tr,1 J ld ktl j hOU\ J 1deph1Hl1 .ind .1 "'ood dot1r 1 ht' lo\<. 13 n11.· !11 ' 1 1 ' 1 p 01 \l11nJ.1, I nt '1' T1 .i.h ''• pr\\ n~ .1 l:x dr11"1 '' ,• '' I •1, t.1 ''"' "J\ 'd II \.'I r \ mn 11~ ,k •t ',, 1,1.J t l'lrl'J ltll\l .I 1 ·1,: r •'<•1.ll '1i, .11 T ·' '-t111th I ti.I\! l'l.11.1 'l"•'l•n ' .1 •ll .inJ ' \11 I' m I m·,d.1 l t t' 1p11: 1 " ,U,IJIOl'd ~'111n tl.1111.1>?1"' 11111,1~ .11 llll'lllll'<.llll .llll'nlpt I" 'll".1 lhl· If '<i'••llut ' 11 n t• "\ "" ~ .. h ., .. ~ ,, 'f \ • r.!111~ 1.·,1 II J I\ HB woman raped at coin laundry GO LET A (AP) -Two men killed when a small pm· ate plane crashed on the runwa) o f anta Barbara Munici- pal Airport and burst into tlamc~ had been 1dent1fied as Thomas (on1er P1kher Ill. 24. of Valencia. and Paul fhoma~ Ea~tman. 28. of Mission Vtt'JO Santa Barhnra Count\ ~henlTs Deput) T o m Nelson said the tWl) Fountain Valley Th1evc'l 'itOle bra\.elet\. nt·rklJ1.l''. a camera and nng'i \.afued .it S '.170 lrom a master bedroom 1n lhl' 16000 blo<:k of Mt I owe • • • \nude man drn'e up 111 Im l'·)tl' < hl'\rokt to lhl· dn,c-1n "''"do" at ~l r>un.tld'' Hc,tJurJnl. I INh:! Orool.hur\l \1 Yid .. h, .. lu lhl' female derk Jnd llroH• ot) \\Ith hi\ nrtkr • • • Tht<'' C\ \01,l'>hl•d a v. 11Hl1m ;lt I .ll~·rt Market. I Xtn ~ limha1J ,1n\I \lok v. hie.kt'\. hccr and "'1m• 'Jlued JI S \Y\ • • • \oml·unl' cntNed a homr 1n tht· f M.1110 hlod ol wa,h~urn .im l \tok a \ tdl'Ch a'i\t'tte reu1rdcr and rompuh·1 hllun1 ;ti \2. '00 • • • \ hurttlnr \tole S~0 1n t:l\h 1111111 .1 mantk .1hoH lhc ti re pl.lll' 111 1lw •IOOO bin\ ~ ''' \age • • • 1 h1nl•\ \luk 1.11in\ ,1 \'I mni l ani{ r.1 ,lfld .11. .1,,1•111· n·1 or1kr ln1111 .1 ,hared a residence in Isla Vista. near the n1vers11y or Caltforn1a·, Santa Barbara campus and the airport Count)' firefighters at the airport statio n said they saw a ball oflire after the single-engtne Cessna 17 2 crashed about ~ a.m Tuesda} It took about live mtnutes to ext1ngu1sh tht' tlames with foam The pilot apparently c:ontacll'd 1he residence in th<' 18000 blod. ol \an .\n1on10 • • • 'omeone \tole a tele' t\Wn '>el. eamp1ng equipment and hou\ehold items from a rc->1denre 1n the 11000 block of Mt Rohen ••• Thll'\C<. \tole a SSOO "lie 1.1lnta1n- 1ng SH from a pre·\< hool o tlirt.' at '( ommun1t\ R1bll' < hur, h 1 P'~ E:.udtll ~l Laguna Beach .\n anl•ttlll' \C\l..tnt 'ulut•d .11 \' 000 "'a' \tokn from a ~>uth < o.t'll ll1ghw1.1" hu~1m·'>~ I ucwa" thl' 'll 11m told polt<.·e • • • fhC' \IUtm ot a \~hu..:k hurglar) 'w.lt<l a d1~lkl'ool.. Pi\Pt'f"ork rental kn' and olhn 11cn1., -wcn· 1,1kt·n twm lhl' l·ar whtt"h wu' purkl•d l ut•,tlt\\ near Mo" f>mnt 1 h<.· h1\\ wJ' '''t1ma1cd at SC.no • • • \ \l'hl\ k Im• v.-.i' l''t1ntt111\hnl h\ ltrl'hghtcr' l·Jrh I Ul'~•" on I ,.11t11n,t < an\on H11.1d tl1ght o;cr" ice s1a11on to gel an a1rpon ad' 1sory but did no t 1dent1f~ h1m'>l'll or ask for v.cather l'Ond1t1nn., ..aid Federal '\v1a11on '\dm1n1\tra11nn spokeswoman M1l·ke~ Long "he \Jtd th<' pilot had not filed a t11gh1 plan The crash 1) under 1n' est1gatllln h~ the National Transportation '\alrt~ Board. The cause "as nol 1mml·d1- ately determined • • • .\ South < oa<,t H 1gh"'a' bu"nt·" ""ner SUSJX'(lS an empltl\t·\· 111 an t'mbenkmt'nt Tue'lda' th.it kJ Ill J loss of SQ6 ~ ')tJ I Irvine Bcl\\l'l·n SXOO and S4t>l> 1n hu1IJ1ng matenals reportedh "'l'fl' la kl n lrtim a cons1rul11lln '>tic ht"l"-l'Cn Ju1' 14 and Tut.'~J\ 1>ccbk~ R1101tn~ 111IJ po lice the ttl'm' had ~en ldl .11 a hu1ld1ng \Ill' at ("ulH•r D rt\l' .rnd Irvine Boulc:,JrJ • • • .\ \ tl k 'lburg homl' '1"' nt:r I'"' hl'I -wallet rnnu11n1ng l'J\h ;inll 1Jl·n111t catton card<, after a burgl.ir l'nterl·J her rc'l1demr through ;an unkl\ ""d door Monda\ .\ neighbor rrportC'd an attt'mptr(f burglar) on thl' "'me da\ but ~ufl('rcd no lo~., • • • Thrl'l' H'h1clc'I parked o n l>uneu \\CnUl' 'AC'rc ~:ncngtd fur Jl;ln., .inJ Jltt"\'>On<'" pol11.c ~•ti < 11r l"O' er' 'aluc:'<l JI S PO \\Crt rcn\\1' l'd lrom t"n HhH le' whtk thC' front h)lhltng .... .\burgla r hrnkl' in111 J 11·,1dn1t 1•il till' 111111 hl1x.k n l Baltx1.1 B11ull'"11d and '111k S 000 v.onh 1.>I ll 11\'11' Pt•lill' -..11d th· hnu...: "ii' uni,,.. i..,tf • • • .\ hrtdlJk' ,JO .1thlet11. h.lfl. II,) '"'m 'u11 "'t rl' ,tulcn lr.1111 ,1 I "' :-..1.,san \tant.1. r.irk1.'d in J 11111111 ti. XOO hlix k ot Dtncr D rl\c l ht , .1. "·l' 11nlo1:k1.·d l'l\>'111• \Jill • • • '\t1ml·on1.• hrol.e into .1 \ !a1d.1 K \ .ind \lllk .I \ll.'H'll <1nJ ,111 q I l I "-llrlh J ltll.\) Ill S ',, f h1.• ,,\I 1,1\ pJrkl•d on 1h1' I JO< 1'1·" i. •I \lonn" 1.1 ... ·\ th1d \lllk .111 111111 1111.·, 111•111 ·' !'\kr\:ede' lkn1 ~Kll\f l 1h.11 "·'' parked on 1h1• 'IO•l hh" k ,,, '" trh .\' enul· • • • .\ pur,l· '""'h Stt' "J' '"''' n lh n J rt>'l1kn1.l' ll1 tlw 1 \tllll hhl\ ~ "' °'·' .! ( J \tk . . . \ l4·\l'J I 1tld \ot'\\!"'111 l\\',11 h Ill.Ill 14J\ .irrl''tt·d 1n < 111nn.1 tkl \1,11 .111 \U\Pll"llrn ol Ultl'fll\i? <1lk11"\1• \\1111.h in J puhl1l pl.11.t' A.111 "·I' '4.'I .11 SI ~m Co.ta Meaa \tool ht;1\ ''1• th 2 <. "·" H'l'•Hlt·,1 ~1ukn twm 01n unhl\ ~l'd ll•H .tyl• 111 thr 'OOO hhl\ k ot < 1r.rnt h..·h\\·1·11 I 'p 111 "undJ\ Jnd ... ltl I' m 1111·,,1,I\ • • • \ tdt'' 1\1011 ..... , l1't•h .1 h.111.t~·un .t.nd ~''II tn l h,ingl "' '' l•'l"ll lul \t11kn lr11m .in .tp.11111wn1 .11 h 1 \\ \\ 11'r1n '1 h..•1\11•rn 11111111 I 11.l1 111 I . . . ... s \"\ti\ 1d1°11\.il"t l'< t"\ •dt '·'' 'l'~1rt1.·J \l11k11 lrnn .11 .1p. •m, I ,11 :41 l Mh f'l.11.t ht"'''!. I •I • II .ind ~ p rn t ul·,d.1 I 111 ' \• '' m ••. 1, tt'i1,1ugh a ,ltJintt ~IJ" .• •11 Hundngton Beac h °'clOh'llnC '!Uk ~ l " n.iu1pmrnt from .1 l:x •!!• '' l .-111.a parl.l'tl in lrnn1 ••I • " ... II hhl\." 111 H1, 1..1, \ I ill ,,1,1 I \.\1.1 m.!ll' 111,1·n1l1·, q, ,J,h 1n1m J h11nw 1n 1111. ' l)dl°trhl T Ul''4.tl\ H1•\.\1'\\ ,, l>.1 I \, t.1 t l ·•"J' "Ith 11nh \ 11 l I h1 ,,.,, 1._,, ll'l I l\ l'fl'd ,l\ l llflj 1111-\ 11 > l°\ i'\l IJlh'-'I ' • • • l h11 ',' ,11,1, a "a\ht·r .in,1 J ,1 ' · "-•lllh ~~ 11\Ml lwm thl' l.1u11'11' '" {l (If·'" .tJl.Hlllll'nl hutlJiniz Ill lh1 r ~ bl11\k 11fl\nn lu1"-IJ' . . . f\\C1f\\11)\lr\\,1l111·1f.11 \,r"• "• l <1•t>Pl1n~ I .1 •• 11rn1· \\ .irn1 Bison gores Niguel man \\ "'I ' I l I I I\~" J 1 ''I \ J. 01 I \I' \ "\l'.11 ,11,1 I\\\ ,•11\ pltlh"<' 1f11•d \t.111d,I\ II I t l ~lnf oHtlll111I 111 'dhm,t111h ,.1111111,11 PJt ~ .111.1 ,I I ·•'1'ttll.1 "'IJl.lll°I 111.111 "·'' itcirnl h\ .1 !"""' llh '1..11111 ·'·" p.111. .111 'lj ' .... ' l ... ,.i .. \ \\I .1' \I 'l n1 I "' ,,, I ·•P•l'IJ ' ~ • \\ t ,, "lh'O I ' '.111..'" J rt • 1 • r 11 m ""''"'' lllltkr\\t'lll 'lilt'•'' 111,, d,I\ .11 ,1 I 1<h tl11\p1t.1I 1111 Ito'' ,in,1 th1~h 1111\Hh"' ..,_1011 \.tll\ I ht h1"1n • h.ttj•t .I l11m n1 ur!'.'J him ir1 1h1 lh<"'I 1ml 1h1~h .11hi thh '" llll)I 1\\ l I hi\ hl 1d .... II "' J ' .. , A4 Orunge Coaat DAI LY PIL.OT /Wudnesday, July 24, 1985 Israel frees 100 Lebanese pri,oners \ 111 r, h ral·I ( .\P) -\ g1oup vi I 00 Lcbant'i.C' pmoncr~ frccJ from an Ii.melt mi Iatan J.111 t1xla' l n"'l'U lhl' bordc1 into Ll'b.10on tn rl·1111 n tu lhl'll home' l N ul11l 1al'> \J1d J ht' JHl\Onl'r'I nlU\ll~ \hllll' Mo,ii:m,, Wl'le .1mong hund1nl' whO\l.' rell'a'c: had hem dl·m.1nlkd II\ Shute l'Xtrl.'OH\l\ \\ho h1JUt l..nl ,1 l WA planl· la't nrnnlh. 1>.1lkd .l l I \ Nav) man and held 'Y \menlJI\\ hoi.tagt· loi I 7 da)!> I raH·linK rn lhrt.'<.' l\raeh hu\c:'>. !he pn'>oncr\ l ru\\t•d the" border at Ro'h I l.101lra Jilli Wl're dn,cn up lhl· l\.kd11crrancan lUJ'>lal h1ghwa~ Jl wrdmg tu l ".J oflk1ah rnnltlctcd .11 NaqourJ hcadqu,11\l'r\ ol thl' l 1.N 1x·111:t'h'l'p1ng fon.c 111 '><>uth Ll·ba- non I hl·~ \poll· 1111 n1nd11ic111 ot .111011' mll' htad rad1u rl·ponl·d that thl· Red ALL-DAY KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten thru 8th grade . • l>oof-to-door transportation ava~able • Reasonable tuition • Arithmetic. Read111c. Spellinc (with PllOlllCs) emphasized. • Before and after school care fOf students of workinc parents • Oa~y prayer • Good d1sc1pline EDINGER AVE An [lementdry Private Sth1iol of D1stinct1on Founded IN FOUNTAIN VA LLEY : 16835 Brookhurst St (N. of Warner) 0 > ..J <D :t l) 1n 1942 714-962-3312 Call or Write for Further Information < uJ <D l 4-. P o pov Vodka ..,, 1 • ·,. ,, •t I 7; I '"'' ( 10'-~• 3\ Wil~ lht' la\l' in pfl"\IOU\ p11<;on,·1 1det1\t'' \\J) O\.l'f'>l'l'1ng thr upciatmn ·'' thl· l1l•t.•d mt'n t>oardl·d bU'il''i In lilt() thl'lll l">al I\ to their town' and \ lll:lgl!~ lsral'11 m1l11an \ourrc\. who 'IX>l-l' 11n rnndllmn thl'Y not lw 11kn11lil'd. 'aid mu .. 1 ol 1ho>1e frl'cd coda}' lh~1 l' memtx·" ol thl' lran1Jn-h.1l'll·d Hc1bollah 111 1>.1rt> ol <.1o<l group whu.:h I) (ng.agcd 1n a 111tl'rnal po.,.,er \truuk with thl' ma1n:1t1\-.1m Sh11tl' nu llua J\mul hl·udcd h> Nah1h lk1 u Da' ar -'" l'tral'11 nt'"''Pa~·· · rl' ported 1hn1 thl· c-.t1matl'd \ lO 1nm<lll'' 1cmain1ng a1 thl· pr 1'!.on would tx· 1elt'a-.t'd 1n thrct• 1voup., at l\.\o-wrd. IOh~I \ ttli.. I he pn<;oner\ .,.,t.rl· anH111>; I. 200 Ll•l">anc\l.' a nJ l'ale\tinian' tran-.. k 1tl'd to l\rad f1om lhl' An..ar pn,un rnmp 1n southern Lebanon 1n Apnl SATURDAY, JULY 27, 10:00 A.M. 150 ~ularino Avenue, Suites 170·299 COSTA MESA (L.A. Area) CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, JULY 28, 10:00 A.M. 125 Baker Street. (East Bulldlng) & 225 Paular1no Avenue COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA EXE.CU flVE DESKS • SECRETARY DESKS • GOPIE.RS • SIDE CHAIRS • t.ONfEAE NCE TABLES~ CHAIRS • FIREPROOF FILES • LEGAL rlLES • LAT[RAL FIL~S • CRtDENZAS •BOOK CASES • MICROFICHE nEAD[RS •LOVE SEATS • ROOM DIVIDERS • MICROWAVES • f1HRIGERATORS •CLOCKS • STORAGE CABINETS • STEFL SHELV tNC.. •PAPER CUTTERS • SOFAS • LAMPS • COMPUTER FURNITURE • CALCULArOR.J • TYPEWRITE:RS •FINE ART • DECORATOR ITEMS • CARPFT PROTECTORS • BANK EQUIPMENT TERM'> AHO CONDITIONS A S!OOOO Ulh depoan •• •l>qUlrt'O ypon ·~v••lr•t•on •nd w1U be tefunded 1f no purch•att ••made -----r (II ltlu~lr.1lcc1 BroChllll' Cnnlac1 LAWSON & L AWSON AUCTIONEERS. INC. 703 E. Mira Monte Place. Pasadena. Calif. 91101 Phone· 818·5n -7114 • STAT[ L No c j()4 Liquor Barn 698 Get whatever you want. For less. WE WILL MEET OR BEAT AN Y CURRENT LOCALLY ADVERTISED PRICE! L o uis Roe d e r e r "Cristal .. C hampagn.- 2993 .\ltfl()0\)\111 ' -~' ..... ~ ,, Martini & Rossi 11i ! Asti Spumante .~ f Uf'''~:1/I I"''''' ,~ ·'"' L 658 ~-- ~~;',c:u ......... " --1 ,~ ~:r Hill •I I 'r • 1 857 A ltJ '•'' \ \I I I WINE.RY OF THE. MO~ f H C hateau S te . Michelle (.~~rdonn.ly 6 4 7 f-umP Blanc4 87 ,,, I I . ~. ~ ·. 169 . ' . ~ :. ,, ' ? 1"1'" ~ ·1 11., .. ,~ " l'I H"l .. RHI I j V r>Rtl I I -II 't Pl llMAHKI I PHii f •1 1'l California Blush 299 f'" •'rr1, .... • 1i Fetzer "'"'""' '>h•• t< .. ndAll f,u l.•h'l 8 79 I •tr~llo 3 99 Von. .. 111 J 99 ' 1o~v1wll~1 1667 (,fAO(t ' tU .... , ~tt,, .. , 2 99 C 11lon\ 4 98 Beer Bonanza ., Hudwf'li.'11 2* 500 4 2s 2 99 2 43 469 5 38 J 48 538 4 s8 4 16 4 35 199 ... 1 99 K .. q = 15 !'>gallon• or 1 ftO :WO 12 0 1 ~•rvln91 39s8 7500 2595 2688 Mumm Cordon Ro uge f\ I. 7'111 m o r Moe t& C handon Brut Imperial "' " I '.ii Irr ) Coors or Coors Light It. IJ/ C.111 ... 21s t l ,.. ., l •• ,., t1 '''• 1.5 Lite r Colony 1295 ~ ' 1,. flllt Bl11t1 I ... , , I ( olr 11111 .ird I ,1t"'" "' ..... \t1VfljfH;l1 Ill /111f 111d1 • • _ .• #~ '>I l'FRM"llt<I I ~t? , 1'1111 I J •• .- / /f.1 Caffeine Free C..okP or Sprite Regular or Diet g99~ SENSATIONAL VALUES FRO M FRANCISCAN! 1980 Zi nfa nde l or C ha rbono Your 199 ~~~·~~ •h·d 298 12VPu01d ~i.1•,,, .. 1 I I 1 I'"'' I :•JI I JI< 1\1\H\ 1'1<11 I ~\I I\ RI 1\1\ll 172 6 Superior Ave ., Costa Mesa Phone: 645 1608 25876 Muirlands. Mi ssion V1e10 ·Phone: 844·1437 10932 We stmin ster. Garden Grove Phone· 638-4145 263 South Euchd Avenue. Anaheim ·Phone. 991 ·6892 144 17 Culver Drive , Irvine -Phone : 551 -2757 ltem!li and prl<:Ps In this ad arP avallablP July 25 through July 28. 1985 5858 Warner Ave . Huntington Beach Phone (714 ) 840-4646 NATION Stor1n heads out to ocean after bout with Florida By the Anoclated Press . I rop1cal ~torm H<'b m<)\ ed out w 'l'U 1111 thl' I lornfa l'UJ\l Ulll'r hclom1ng thl· fir'>t \torm ol thl' season to 1111 l;1nd. and \howl'!'> ~·ltnl mo'it of the '>OUthemt. n·ntral. .1nd \\l''ll'rll p;11I'>11f tlW null On l'arl~· llXfo) F Ofl'CU'ilCr\ 'llld thJI thl' l u~tcrn ~l·uho.1rd Illa' nut h,1\l' \l't'n the lu'>l ul Buh wh1lh wh1p~d UJ> '>Ulf lloodl·d IOalh JllU u1endwd 1 lomJa Na1111nal t-IUrrtlJOl' ( enl~I forela.,ter (j1l C lar~ ,aid Hoh rnuld tll'wm~ !ttr1111gr1 .and loop hJll tow~rd -,hurl· north olf 11111<1,1 wh1k hoH'rtng OH'r the w,11 1n watl'r ol the \tlant1c C1ulf Stream Sovlet truck lncldent an •accldent' V.. \~ltl NCilO"'--I he l'nll.tHllll now.,..~, a ~O'll'I llUll \ 1car-cnd colh'>10n wllh a rar t an)ing 1hrn.-I \ \OldH·r\ 1n l a!tt ~iermany Jpparentl)' wa'> an accidc11t I hl· l 1n11td ~lilll'' h.1d l.'drlll·r tried an cillK1al prolC!>l with lht• Sov1l'l l J n10n and 1nd11·u1cd thl· ~m ll'I 'l'h1dl' had purpo~cly rammed the back of thl· ~old1r"' rn1 un 1111\ I'· hut <111 I ue'lday Pentagon 'pokc!iman Frt.>d Jlo l1m.1n ,aul ·1nd1l.lll1;n, Ml' 1ha1 1hc 1nndl·n1 ma\ nut ha'e been inten11on.1I .. Orw \11wm.in \11lu1l'I \'•" tnJUH'd ,1igh1l~ 1n lhl' 1m 1dcnt. whtl h on urrcd I.ill' JI night 1111 ,1 puhlil h1ghwa' 1111rthr<1'1 ol lkrl1n Radlatlon llnlced to pilot's death N \~I IV IL I I \ pilot .... ho dtl'd ol kuk1·1111a aftl·r th 1ng hi\ Jl'l m~ar tlw m11\lr11111111 doud ol a nucka1 nplt1\1111l m,I\ haH' rn'Cl\1.'d nwrl· than 100.()()0 11mc\ 1he ,11no1111t ol rad1a11on till' goH·rnnwnt l'\llmatcd. a \l lentl\I Y>\ D1 l:dward \ \'1:11 trll <.J rnd1ot hl·ml\I ,11 1hr l\l,1t1onJI ( 1.·ntcr tor .\tmo!>phcnt RC\l'lHlh wao; hlll·d 111.,1mh th1.· Vl·tcran" .. \drn1n1.,1rat1on·, ruling in thl· 1.·a\l' of"ft•nm'''i.'l.' .\1r N:111011ul <°i11ard I 1 V1.·rnon ( Keel Ke1.·I. who d 1l·d rn l'l7X 111 kul>.l'nl 1a al 1tw .1gl' 11f 4 l . "'a\ onl' ot '>l'\ aal piloh w hu tkw near mushroom 1. lou<1' lullowmg t"o ll'\l l'\plm1om 111 the Nl·1..11Ja 1.k\l'rt rn .\ugu'>I 19.S 7 Wallace paln operation successful I NC 1LFWOOD. < olo. -Dmtor\ .. a, •\laham a C10' (1corge Wallate rould find h1!> parn ca,1ng a<. c:.111\ .1, tod:n follO\'-'ing Jn upcra11on 1n which h1\ '>r1nal lnrd is C\f)O'>l'U ;rnJ '>mJll ckurodl'°' u .. ed Ill 1.kadl·n the arcJ 1h:11 ha' t~:c:n 1mublingh1111 V..all<Kl' h,I\ !'>l.•1.•n 1n pain c;inu· Jn a!>\a~)1na11on J ttcmpl 11 ,ear .. ago that kit him tnnlinl·d t<hl ''hl·ckha1r I he: opcr:111on on the 65-}car- olJ go1.rrnor, known a\ a f>m,al Runt Entn I ont• M 1crocoagula11on. wa, l'.\JX'l tl'd to la't 1hrn· or lour htllll' tod<t:> al \wcd1'>h Mclllcal Center 1n thl\ Dcn1.rr \uhurh. \llN thl' 111x-ra1111n W,1llan: will rctupcratl' at nearh\ Craig Ho'\p1tal Meese· says jaywallclng flne pald W·\\HIN(1 I ON -·\llornl'\ (1c111:ral falw1n M ee~t· Ill \a}'\ a fi,c-year· old J.I\ wul k1ng lint that kd to .r C alltorn1a warr:rnt for his arrec,1 "being paid ·· 1 t\ all don1· .. Ml:C'l.' told rl·p111 tl'I '> I u1.•c;da} al\ he kft a White I louc;c meeting V. hen <;c>ml·onc a\kl·d ii hl' would ha'e Ill g<1tu1a11. Ml'e'>C deadpanned. "I douht 11." fhe I <><. \ngdt·-. nh attt1rnn 1)\ucd thl' warrant for Meese'<. arrc'>I "1onda~ aflt'r 11 \.\J\ Jr1crm1nl.'d hr had not paid a S 10 line for J.l'.twalk1ng in Jun1.· 11180. I le now 11wcc; $130.50. induding int1.'rl'\I. CALIFORNIA LA fire vlctlms seelclng loans LO~ r\NC1 H l \ -lnc;uranll' won't IX' enough to rt·s1Un· 1he1r fa~h1onablc nl·1ghhorhood. o;u \ 1c11m' of an a"on fir1.· that d amaged or destroyed 66 home\ and killed thrn· pcopk arr turning 111 thi..' go' ernmcnt fur low-intere'it loan-, \lthough MO fll'Hl'nt uf thr ailn ll'd Haldwin 11111\ rcs1den1s arc 1n\ured, thr U•\l·ragl' in man\ r:l\t'\ '>'t1n'1 l">l· rnnugh to lull\ replace lo.,,es. ollic1als sa) I rrc '1tt1m'i arl· l'11g1hk tor ·l nr ~ fll"Hcnl loan' on unin\urcd roc;ts of up to i I 00 000 Im h<lnll'' and \20.000 tor pro pert~ Prc\ltknl Rcag.in ha<, d('clarcd '-'llt•m" of ren•nt "lldfln•c; 1n \r\l·n < aliforn1a count1c'i ch{l.1hll• lor federal cmc:r{l.l'lll \' au.J Prlson escapee to complete sentence I()\ \NC rl I I\ -\ m,1n .,.,h•1 l">ltlf)Cd from ,1 Norlh ( arnlrna prison 14 )Cdr' at1.<1 and m11\ nl lo< Jl1forni.1 ha' hcl·n ordl'fl·d rc1urncd to l.ompll'll' hi\ wntl'IKl' RJ) BrCl\"n W a\df-rn1plo}edautoml·lhan1ce"apcdalkr-;crving I' > l'Jf' 111 ;1 111 \l'.tr \l'nlcnn· al< ragg\ Pnc,on for 'teahng $300 \.\Orth oi bcl'r andugart'tll''lrumJ 'orih< amlinagnKcr~ \tore \tun1npal< ourt JudgrJon \l.l\l'lla i1Ulh11rt/t•J hr<. nlradtltllll f lll'\da\ ahl•r tht• ( ,1Jilmnta \upri..'ml C 11ur1 ll'll'l ll'd firm" n 'hid 111 11·n1a111 lrn· Food polsonlng hlts group ln SF \ \"" I RA "'C l\C () -Th1rtn·n nH:mhl'r'> ol a tour group '-'l'rl' ru<,hcd 10 Jn l ml rgl'fll \ hmp11,il .liter 'h11v.1nl( \lgn\ of apparl·n1 food fl<>1\on1ng but nonr v.a'> adm111cd I lw 11 1rrn-<1g1·r, and t\.\o Jdull\ Id! \11\\IOn [ mergenq I llmp11al 111d.1} .iltl'I dmtor' l'\.tm1nl·d lhl·m ·\II belonged to J group of 4 2 ~oulh' and l'lght Jduh' 1111 a '>l\·\.\i.TI>. tour of< anada and ttw Wl''itcrn l 'n1tccl ~tall"> \pon'>oreu h' \nwnra11 I 1,111' \\\•\I ol ( 1r1·a 1 Nl'Ck. I ong l'>land State nbces firebreak ln Calabasas < ·\l .\B.\\A\ -I tll<tl lin· 11ffaial' will ha'e to depl'nd nn 100 lO'-'\ 111 I lhl'" up Oammahll· t>ru'>h bclaU\t' th1.· \tall' ordl'rcd I uc, ·\ngckc, Count} 111 lorl·go hurn1ng J n11lc-long tirchrl·al.. ulong l l.\ IOI north of Malibu Thl· rnunt~ \\.a\ '>t'I to l>l•g1n lhl' burn<. lot.la)' and I hur'><la> when <;tatC' fort·~tl) of11uJI\ clnnounted a \<J-da)' ban l.1tl· Tue'><.la\ uting unu\ua lh dangt•rou\ .,.,eathl•r nmdt110n\ < ontrollcd firl'' haH t>ccn u'ed to thin thl' hru'h '>tn«c thl' I 97X .\goura fire \\.h1lh raled through lhl· \anta Monica Mountain\ to thl· Paulit <kcan. One man wa\ l..llll'd Jnd more lh<in ~00 home~ were de .. 1rovrd in thl' 26.<XlO-acrc hla1c · WORLD Jordlin envoy slaln ln Turkey I ANK -\RA . T urkC)' -I\ gunman today '>hol and klllt'J the hr~t ~ccrelan of lhl· Jordanian I mh:"'°' J\ he droll' to work. pohu· \aid. A tl'11.•phonc caller dJlml·tl rnpon\lh1ht)' on lx·half ol the )hadow; terror group h lo:1m1c Jihad Polit l' 1dl'nt1ficd the tkt1d rn.m a\ /sad J Sa11. and '>:ltd he wa~ killed at a \top hgh1 .1,hon dl'tancc from his re<;1den<:e The)' said he had been \hut in the hl·~1d lour tlllll.''> Several hour\ later. polin· at J nearh> \talion \<11d four 1 urk'\ and onl' 1 l.'h&nc..e. cad1 rc~emhhng 1he dl'\Cnp1111n of 1he gunm.ln g1vC'n h} w11 nl''>\l'\, had bl-en brought 1 n for qul''>I ion ing 'Commander Zero' reported mlsslng \AN JOSE < o<.ta R rca -.\n11-<;and1n1sta guerrilla kader Eden Pa!>tnr:i ha'> dl\appca n·d. and 'lpokl·smcn tor h1'> rctll'I force said tod ay 11 is believed h1· wa' 1 n :i helicopter accidcnl in N ll aragua ~pokl·'imen for the I k m ocralll Rn nlu11onaf) \ll1ancc who \pOkl' on lOnd111011 ol anon} mil). '31d gucmll.1 pa1rol\ had l>l.'cn mobil11cd and W('rl' \<.'arching tor PaMora. nicknaml'd 'C 11mm.indcr /ao • ,1ftcr 1he hehrnpter he wa, tra,chng in rcportl'd trouhk rue\<lay Pac;tor:i a h1.·ro o f the \andin1<,ta rc-.olut1on that unsca tc:d the ngh1- "'1ng regime ol Prt•\rdrnt \na\ta~10 ~1>mo1a 1n 11179. renounced the Managua go,,•rnmC'nl in I 'IX I in rro1e~1 o f ''' Mar>.l\I kan1ns' and {krhm.•d gucrnll a wur .1g.1in\t 11 South Afrlca roundup contlnulng JO H•\ N NI.SHI I IH i. "ioul h .\Im a -Pnli('c 'aid locl:iy tht'} had lkta1ncd 212. pcopk 111 !ht• prn 1<1u' 24 hour\, 1ncrca\ing to 653 the total rnunJed up in the thn·c dayo; '1ncc a 'll3te of t•mergl'n\y wa., dctlared I he emcrgcnq mea\urc.-.. the fir,t 1mrlo,cd on "iouth •\fma 1n the pa'il 2.S year.. had led to "a dl'lrca\C In lhl' numlWr or tnUdCnl\ in Whll'h '>C'rl<IU\ lnJUrlC'\ nr death hav(' re,ultC'd the r<>h<t' d.111ned in a 'itatement Police \did two morr hlacks wen· killed h1l·<,d a) 1n l'J\tr1 n Cape pro' 1 n< c. hnnging thr death toll 111 at lea'il Io .. ince ~~nd<t) J>ollu· orc11ed tire Whl·n .1 c rnwd ofahout I~() \lflnt'd a patrol- ()nl' of ft\l' 1nndcnt'> n·portl'd 1n thl' arra I Israeli leader meets PLO lawyer Tl I . i\ VIV l\rncli PrinH· M 1m'>ler Shimon Pcrc\ mt·t hneOy with J Palt·,11111an l.iv.)cr who ha\ hct.•11 nanwd ac; a 1 and1datc fo1 prl'11m1nary talk' with lht• l ln1tC'd \tJll'\, l'ir:wli mnha fl•ported toda~ h rad 1ad1oand the l'iracli d,111\ nl·wc;pafll·" l laarrt1 :ind r>a ,<.1r rcf)<mcd 1ha1 the l'nrnunit·1 took place a1 a rt'ler>t111n mark 1ng l (l,)'J'lt·, nu1111n.il dt'I) in a T l'I \ \ 1 \ \ul">urh .ind that Prrc<1 \hoci~ hand'> v.11h f a11 \hu R.1hma who "' from thl· l\rai.'11 l><.t upird C 1n1.l \trip Mlne o.wner selzed ln dam collapse r l<f "JTO. lt.11\ AuthnritlC'\ Jff't"\ll'U an OWOl'I of lht• min(' who..c dam w lla1N:d la~t .,.,eel w1p1 ng out an alp111t• rl·\ofl and l hurgrd him v. ith 1n\t1h1nlar\ mdn,fa11gh11.·1 1n thnka1h' ol more 1h.rn i<X>toun<.I\ and" illngN\ fUt>\l'H1 tor\ \<lid to<IJ) Ml'anwh1k 1"11r11oqnual11ffit 1111-.. among tiO wantrd Im qunlH.m1ng 1n llllllll't'twn wrth \ht' d1\a\tcr H'\lgnr d thc1r fl<'l'il\ R) fuc'>l.lay night rr\tUl' worker' d1(1Arntt thmull.h tht· mountain of mud whilh flattened three ho11·1, ,111d .i \lOft' 11( hou-.c\. hntl ll'l\l\l'll'd 10~ h\Kltc\ '4 of th<'m un1dcn11fil·d \11th11rillt'\ ,,,,ti tin.· un1den11fiC'd hodte(' nlltthl tx-amontt thl' al lr.l\I ~ll pn1ph rn111rtl·tl llll\\111~ _..:a Al' Wlrep llollM .. Ni~eria fights oil price cut proposal (,l,[\.\ ')Y.1t1erland l\PJ - N1gl'na threatened toda> to blcxt.. a lon.,en\U\ agreement b) OPE(. mem- bers on a \mall price cut for lov.er- gradc trudc 011 but <iaud1 .\rab1a's ml m1n1stcr \aid member'> were 'e"' clo\e to agreement r he 11 011 m1n1sters of the Or- gan11a11on of Petroleum Exponing \ountnc'i met for more than t~o hours toda>. their third da) ol talk\ The) said the) expected to 81."t together for a final se'is1on later 1n the da) .\hmed Zat..1 'r amant the 011 min1'iter ot Saudi ..\rab1a said th1.· group had "almost" reached agree· mcnt ~a' th1· m1J\t \ehement cnuc "Tht'rc: ctrc: tv.o options " \did 1 am Da"d V.l'\l the "igenan oil minis- ter "hther con~n\uS or maJotll> I don 1 \et· a tOn'>l'O\U\ " • OP(C ml'mbet'>" 'ut pnces last Jdl1uan 0' l'r the obJet uons of \lgma Iran l 1b)a and Ciabon Mana \ael·d Ote1ba 011 m1n1'>ter of the t n1ted ~rab Emirates said a rcwmmendcd price change would be rnn\ldered b) thl' m1n1ster!> at the later St'S\1on He would not !Ml\' what lhe rnommendat1on wa!> Orange Coat! DAILY PILOT /Wedne d1y. July 24, 1985 A5 Deadat79 12injured as fire hits LA building l O~ .\-..(,fLE.~ <APJ -f\~cl.,.e people v.erc 1nJurcd ~hen a four-~tof) apanment building wu engulfed b) fire 1n the Hancock Park area earl) toda> One per~on wu in cnucal con- d111on after sulTenng lull cardiac arrest. said publtc 1nfo rmat1on officer Greg .\cevedo The nature of the other inJunes was not 1mmcd1ately known The fire 1n tht' "lorth Oxford .\\enue bu1ld1na three miles west ot downtov.n was reported shonl) after 5 45 a m and ex11ngu1shed less than an hour later About 1 5 firt'fiahters battled the fire .\ce,edo said The numbcrol res1den1~ "ho lt'ed 1n the building was not known Rock Hudson now (left) and ln 1979 photo . While not alone 1n 1tsoppoi.111on tll a 'iaud1--.pon!>ored plan for cutting the price of OPEC's heavy. 10 .... t:r- gradc crudes. sources said N1gena blrller Otc1ba JOtncd .\fncan otl mtnl\tCr'> in cnt1cmng a aud1 .\rab1an proposal for a small price cut "I don't hke changing the pnce.'' he said "I would ltke to keep e"'t·r~thing as 111~" Kay Ky1er, nationally known bandleader of the 1930. and the eelf-atyled ''profe11or" of radio'• Kolle&e of Mu1lcal Knowleae. died Tueaday of a heart attack. He waa 79. Reports of actor's cancer said false P.\RIS (..\P) -The .\mencan 1 lo'>pttal denu:d toda} that movie idol R(Kk Hudson 1s being treated fur 1nopc-rable liver cancer. and said lt'St\ haH' not \Ct rt:\ealed "hat ailment 1'> rcspon.,1tile for the star\ colliip'>c and hosp11alt1at1on ".\s far a'i "-C kno" that repon (of lt'er cancer) 1s false and 1t lena1nl} ''asn't given b} the dollor'i at the .\mencan Hospital in Pam .. \aid ho~p11al spot..esman Bruce Redur Redor ~a<; repl} tng tu a que\llun from the (BS Morning Ne"' Hudson's publtctt\ agent ha\ \atd the actor 1s sufTenng (rom II\ er Lancer and being treated by spcc1altst' from a Pans institute that <,pec1alt1cc, in medical research and haHondm.tcd a search for the cause of .\I()~ Thl· agl'nt. Dale Olson .. aid 1n Lo'> \ngeks Tucsda} that the aclllr h.id lOllapsed at the Pam R111 !Intel ~unda) night .. He\ been 1n and out ot a l·oma He\ a \er\ H'r" \Ilk man." Olson said "M> oflic1al o;1a1ement 1<, that Rod. Hudson ts tn the \meman I lo\p1tal 1n Pane,. ~here his doctor'> ha' c d1agno\cd that he ha\ lantcr of the 120seized • • 1n 1I1ass1ve drug raids < Ill< \(,0 I \Pl K,11d\ h, la'' otlill'r\,in i.c,en \I.Ill'\ f>11crtu R1l11 aml \IC\llO led w the .1m.'\l ol I ~ll ~wnplt• Jnd lOntic,l.lllOll of ~7 proptrllt'\ 1 n a uad.do'' n on a \le\lcan tonnellton" auth11nt1ec, \J\ ha<. pumped ht•ro1n into 1he l n1tl'd \tates for t"-o dcladt'\ ~lore than 400 \late and kdl'rJI agl'ntS took pan 1n tht• raid\ f Ut'\d,1~ an lll1no1.,, Indiana. M1ch1gan l cu' ( olorado. Florida. ( ;iltforn1a. Put:rto Rico and Mexico. au1hont1e\ \ard One nf thnsc arre\tcd "-J\ k\U\ I krrcra-D1aL dc.,cnhed a'> ·a l h1l'l- 1a1n of the Herrera org;in11atwn in < h1tago.' Y.h1ch authont1t"\ <.a' 1c, ran of a nng 1n' oh 1ng thousand' of pt·ople Mam ol thmc .irrcstl'd tn I nd1ana Y.l'rl' mcmhcrs ol the /am- hrana fam1h. \\h1ch 1\ allied "1th the fkrrcra\, JUthonllC\ \31d Drug f nforlcmcnt Adm 1n1o;1r.1t1on offil 1af., hcltl'\ l' thr Herrera<. haH: hct•n o(X·rat1ng '>lllLC thl' t'arl) 1960\, l(rllY.1ng opium 1n tht' 'i1nra M.1drl' < >lt1dcntal .iruund Dur,1ng11 Me"co. refining 11 and \h1pp1ng hl'ro1n north "\.\t•'n· nut dl',lltng \\1th \mall quan1111n" ,,11J I>f \ .\gent Ph1l11p I Jordan in DatlJc, ·\.\ere dl'allng "-Ith muh1-t..tlo d1\tnhutmm \\c're dealing "llh the godlathl'r\ of 11r- gan11eJ tnme in "1C\tlO ""ho u\c the Juare1-FI Pa.-.o area 111 \mugglc their n.ircot1n into the l n11ed \tale\ "Tht'i \hOW\ the 1mp1>rtantt' r I P.t\O plil }\ in the Mtx1ran u>nnt'l t1on .. r 1ght peoplt• \\efl' ,1rrt'\ICd In l-1 Pa'io. rcxac, Y..hllh\ll\dl'r<l\\thl' RIO < 1rande lrom Juare1 \ile\KO Tht· rat ~ould <.a\ .inl' that mtllmn'i ol dollar-; "';rth 111' m.ir. 1uana heroin and col.lint' \\l'fl' '>l'ltt•d in the ra1th. Y..hrch ncttt•d 111111t· ti Jn I ~O ol I '4 people nanH·d 1n rnl 1 • federal 1nd1l1mt'nl\ r orl'. \('\ 1.·n p1ClC'i ol residential and l nmnll'rt 1,tl propert' 1n the C h1u1g11 .irt·.i ~1.·n· \Cl/Cd. a11thon11e'> <.aid SF to grin and bare it \A/'I f R.\:-..C I\< 0 I \Pl - The promoter of the ~h "'ludc Amcma Pageant <.a\\ the nent won't cmbarra\\ ~an I ranl1<.t'o -ton much · It\ not going to he \l1.·at\ and 11\ not g111ng 111 ht· honng" n.1nnc, /t'/111 of \an low told a nc.....,s ·u1nkrenn· called Ill tor m,111} annountt: tht' fourth ,innu.11 "1 ~ 'udc Pageant and 1h1: fir\t annual male <.tnppc:r t h.1m p111n~h1p\ .\ug 10 .11 tht· < I\ ll Auditorium Vidot• k.nnwlt•\ 21 tllll' 111 thr lfl lllntC<,tant\ <.aid \IW pnlt'I\ the M'i Nude .\menrn 1·H·nt to lht• M1\\ \mt•nca .ind ~1 "' ( ullturnra rontc\I\ l on11·11d1111t thl' other 1)agl•an1 .. .ir1· 11111 111 tl'lll'l IU.11 In thl\ p.lJH'Jllt "'l' ll' 111d1t1•1I on our ho1IH'' and our h\·.1111' • \h1• \,ltll I tlon't h,1,r 1t1 h.1,1• ,, ht.1111 to ht" ,l ht·,111tiful pt'l\1111 lt'er and that ti I\ not operable" Olson said Ho'ip1tal '>poke<,Y..oman Jo)"t'e Gra) told the <\<;soc1atcd Pres~ "Mr. Hudson "as ho.,p11alt1cd Jul} 21st. Sunda} for fa11gue and general malaise He I\ current!\ undergoing a o;enes ot ('\"m1na11on'> .\s of 1h1s moment the result\ of the'e namin- a11ons ha'e been 1nconclus1'e" Redor said latt: f uc.-.dct\ that the 59-\ear-old Hud,on \0,J\ under ob- 'ier\ at tun ancl •• ;• ,., ,,111sfacton cond111on Hudson had made a public appear- ance last week 1n Pt•hhle Beach. Calif. to help Dom Da\ promote her telc' 1s1on scne\ on pt't'> He lool..ed gaunl at the t1mt' but hi\ publ1ust'> said onh 1hat Hudc,on'had "anted 10 lose "eight Beginning in 14-lX llud\on\lom- manding 6-foot-<l \Ill' \trong prc\- ence and good tool..\ led him 111 starnng roles oppo\1te \omt' of Holh- ""ood's leading lad1c\ tn moa· thc1n 50 \.\ esterns. "'ar t'Plt' tomed1l''> and tear-Jerking drama\ I k later \\Cnt on to 'itar 1n !ht• tcln 1s1on '>Cfll''> "~1l~1llan and \.\lie" anti ·n, na'>-1~ .. • Music By The S4'1TURDAY,J\JL"l Dixie C&ta Balloona Baraatna &Fiod WESTCLIFF PLAZA Andee's Place • Anthony's Shoe Repair • Bank of America • Charles H. Barr Jewelers • Champagne Crown Hardware • Diane • Or. Elder • Halllday's • Hickory Farms • Hughes El Rancho Market • Images The M inuteman Way • Newport-Balboa Savings • Sav -On Drug • The Storekeeper • The Storekeeper for Her Veta's Intimate Apparel • Westcllff Plaza Cleaners Thanks for ~ving your appliances the afternoon off. n1\' air conditioner thermostat at a higher ten1pcratu re Becau<:;e if ~he didn 't. Edison n1ight ha\·e to hu il<..l ne\\· pO'-\·e r plan t . could affect nur hilh "~<) ~-hy d< >n t ~<>LI I< >Ill Lh Gi\·e your .appllanu.: .... chc .tftcr noon off. T<1night J'n1 g< nn~ l< > en· n1\ nc\\ curling In )£1 .. "When it's hot out. n1y house- keeper gives n1y ap p li ances the afternoon o ff., he even . et~ l Th~tt co'->t~ n1onc\·. And that ' .. A6 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesdoy. July 24, 198~ Man to face tria l ind a th ofmom \ ~~·)ear-uh.J m.111 •'l'lU\l'd 111 bludgcun111~ Im mothl•r to dl .ith .111d c.tuffing 1h1.· h<>J, 1n the.-trunk ut J lill wa) onkrnl tv \tJ nd tr 1.ll 111 Or J llf,l ( 11unt} \urx·11111 ( UUl I Organ procurer in job of s,. ving lives MJtthl'" I 11111h,t1d ol ( ,1pl\lr.11111 ~-~l·h pkadcd 111nmn11 \!111111.1' 111 mu1<.k11n& ~11 H'.11 old l mah \l.H· I ornbard 111 I d11uar. Judg1.· D.n ad< ,11tl'r onk1nl him 111 ll'turn Aug~' hu a Pfl'·H•al hl·ar 111~ Jnd ..,ct "lo\ .i '" thl' 111n 111.tl da11· I omhurd h.11.I tl·ll'phonl·d polill' f-ch 11 w rt.'JXll l h1'> 11w1lwr ,,, ,, nllS\lllt; IWl\11n .ind .1ga1n 11n I 1'11 I l to rqmrt t tw t Ill' had lorn ll'd lw1 l a1 und 1A-antnl 11tlin·" 111nll'l't111111.11 tlw vchtcll· Du1111g .1 din k 111 thl' l.tr 111111.l'r'• lound M" l 11111h.mJ', bod\ 1n till trunk \an < kmcntl polln I 1 \I Lhlm' '>Jill R} thr As11ou·att'd Prell, 1 lrgan pw, u1l·r 1111'' ard \d.1111' 'a" ,mu rt 1 llll'' tw h.1' Ill u111' tnl l' 1w11pll' lw' 11111 1n till hU'lllll'" ot prn 1nr 1111 lhl' lkad hut 111hdp1nr111 ,,,,1·li\l'\ ··1,,.,.111\wlt ·'' .1 u11nh1n.1111111 111 .in .111~l'i 111 h11pl'. .1 lOUn\l'l11r .111J .111 \ll~~an p1m 11rl·1 ·· \Ja111\ ,J,., · I h1' 1' 11111 .1 dl'.Hh-.1nJ lh 1ng 1oh "" hl'l'll pundwJ "' thl' l<lll' tor "'" 111g. h111 I 111uld11'111a111r ;11wthl·r 1oh 1h;11 I ''ould iatlwr d11 · ·\dam' nl 1 ,1f....-I ornt "mW 111 Ii\ l' 111'1d n1111d1n.1t111\ for thl· lfrg11111.1l < >rg.111 1'r11, u11'nH·n1 \gl'lll' ( H< )(i \ l JI l ( I \ I h1·\ apprt1.ll h hl'fl'•I' l'd tamil1r' 'l'l'f...11w org.:111' trn trill" phlll1' ,ti ltHI IHl'ljllt,il' Ill '-.111tlhl'lll I .il1t11rn1.1 \d,1 ITT'i l :JTrll''> J l Ol lll'J in J jJf 111 hl Ip qul'll k.11 111 111~;1n JonJtllln\ .111ll onh 11nl' ot "\ti l,11111lin hl' h.1' .1pplll,ll hl•li \lllll' h·h1 II.II~ )1,1\ turn I'll d11\\ 11 h" rt'(llll'\I lw ';mf I k ha' h,·l·n 1111thl·111h tor Ill 'l'J" 111 .I ll'H'lll < .tW .11 I uunt.i1n \ .1lln < e1111111un11\ 110,pn.1t \Jam' \\1L1~t11 Pl'l 1111\\llln frum parl'lll\ ;11 the l1t·d\llk 11t <.1 ll'l'n·Jl!.l' ~1rl "hu \ulkrl·d m."'" 1· hl·ad "1Jllrll''I 1n .1 n101111n rk .1l l 1d1·n1 lk 1lwn \\111knl l<lll' tntu the rllKh\ t1·,1111g blond, mon1tnnng k1dnn tun1111111 .ind maf....1ng phonl' le.Ille, 10 hnd 11111111.1t1hk rl'l lp1t·n1' lh 11111r 111ng. a lfllll.Jll) ill llJlll'nt • 11 l 't I \ .1Y.J1te<l 1he h'l'r. ,IJIJ tY.o d1.1l\\I\ p.111r111' \\l'll' 111 h1w 1111 1h1· "1dtll \ .. ( ,1lil111111,1 Cll~,111(Hiil1111'1' ,,I\ lhl' 111h" hJtll but lult11l111l! I hl hl)\)'l''l h11rdk ., 111 l1dp111y tilt' 1,111111\ 111 Wl' lhat l'1111w111111 thl'll' \tJH'llflll~' 1111 '"•'·•'"'. ,,11d I 111d.1 l 1.ll' "h1111" 1·" I 1" \ n~l'll'' t nun I\ .111d B.1kl'l\lidd tor I{<)('\ ·Tm thl'll 111 lwlp t.1mil1l'' 'l'l' that \t1l1tl' 1_tuod i:;111 come l!UI 11f ,1 lrt11(l'th l>on,11111g 111~a11~ don lwlp 1., '""1' lht• lo\\ a l111k 1111 .. "( 11-d likt• llH· l,111111\ ,HI\ m.111•. ,,11J In· l-..1mhall. \\ho hn<tnll' .in orgJn Pllll llf1·1 .11tr1 donallnl!( lhl' hl'JI t 111 twr 'dl·.1d '>IHI ''1'111 lhl'll' to hl'lr> thl·m g11l·' l' I hl'le1n~ th1'l l' "11h lhl'nl . \dJlll'> .ind hi'> 1n·w11rkl'f\ all ul "1111111 .11t• r1..·g1'>ll'rl·d nur'>l''> ha' e hd1'll:d lluublt.• th1..· \uppl) o f orgam lr11111 ,., to 'Ill pl'r month '>llll'l' the program tx-gan h·h I \:ml Rarbara \d1ul111.1n RO PA \ tr.tn\plant rnor· J111a1111 I hl' ktk1<1ll> lundl·d agt•nq 'Pl'nt mme th.Ill $1 1ll1lt1tll\ 111 lllSJll pmrnr1..·11wn1 i11 Southt•r n < alllo1 ma "' J 9X4. 'ithulman \a1d 600 pat1t•n\\ 111 "'i11utlll'111 < allforn1a art.• wt1111ng lt11 k1d11n 11amplanl'> at an} g1 .. t•n 11111c. ''"lr ·" "'·'"' than in I 'IM4 Re-.pund1ng 111 lhe 'hw 1<1g1..· 111 dnnur' the '>l:t\t' lwnall' ( 11111n11lll'l' on lk.1lth Jilli Human ~r"'1n·., r~ll'nlh rntuirt•d ho\pllal pc~nnd 111 1ckn1tl> Jll '>UtWhlc donor!> and to 11..·qu1..·..,t 1hr org.ar\\ or 1..·onltal'l an .1pprup1 I.Ill' asrnl') <;1n11l.ir leg1'>la11on wa'> pll\'Cc1 1n Nt.·" ' ork la'>t month. hut " harnpcred t)('{;tUM.' lhl' <,tah: doc'> nut h;1 "' <1 l<t"' dt:fi n ing bra in dca th "W1• havt' had personnel workin& '>okl) .,, organ procurer!> since 1972. hut 11 hu~ not hl'lped the s11uauon ~o far," ..,,11d < icruldinc Rasmussen. C1,· ct·utl\'l' administrator of the Nl·w Yor~ Regional ·1 ransplant Program 111 New York C'1t~ "It "one o l thc hardcM )Obs 1n tile world," Ra\mu!>wn ~11d . I ombJrJ "·I' .1rrl'\ll'd J l'h ~ll .1lll 1 a \l·arl·h ol hi\ ap.1r111wn1 \tddl'd 1 n lnrmatwn lk ,,1111 hl' h.1, 11t11.1111l'd l or lll'.I\ '''\l'Lil pair' 111 f...1d111·" .1 In\ hH '' -.kin Jlld l'\ell J hl'Jrl \IOU..' f l'hlllJI\ Laguna teachers get 1. 7 4 % pay hike Scott Hdnnah Bet11nJ H.iuck Mall L ,1l v Patty McCtedry Bonnie Md•P~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Best Wishes from Dr W Ronald Redmond & Staff l lH J'> Mitt' D.in MOrt'nO John Ph1ll1µs l IHI Rt>bel fr dn Sands ) H· f't11 ~ Nie ote )ds~ • K~nt OhlSl'rl C,hr1'> Mduro flPOl'iP M illflll I uc y l.11 ti 1~an l\11k1-1 r.1~ J~ni',111 M1 l •"HT ~l1dnnori Stf'Jln\ Chi I\ cr~t1lh 18 1 Aven101 l/aqu.ro Sen Clem.,,11 8) .JsA MAHONEY 01 IM 0.ily PNot Sl•ll I .1guna Bl'al h 11..·adtl'I\ "111 fl'u·1 H J I 74 pcrn·nt sala11 11\t:rl'a!>l' ne\t \l'3r tu compt•n\atl' tnr a lonKl'' 't hoot da\ The higher \ ... ;igl'<. arc part ut .1 prl'\ mu\h lll'go11a1cd umt1art .ind "111 nol I ah· thl' pla1t· of a C'll'l of I 1\1 ng llll t l'il\l' 'lated ford 1sn1'"~111 1 n <krohl·1 . \lhool d"1m·1 <1nd tauJlt' 3!>!.Ut i.1110n '>POke~mcn '>i:.I) T1·ad1cr..,, roun!>clor!. and o thl'r'> rcprl'\l'ntcd b) till' Laguna Beach Unifkd Facult} A'i!.Ouation rl-ce1\t•d ahout ~ pt•rcent more l:hl \car Im 1 naca,t·d 11 me in llal>'> 'lll'IHJ .111 .1dd1111111al '" 11 111 I Y 11\lllU\l'\ ,1 d,I\ Ill lhl 1 (,l\\llllllll lhl\ \l·.1r I lw '"' rl-.1,nl 111ni: ph.l\1'd 1n "nu· I 'IX"\ -" 111 l llrtl ph '"th \IJ 11· nh1l .II 111n.tl 1 l'1111111\ "11u1kn1' 111 g1.uh-' tc111r .1ml "' l' \\ill h,I\ l' l\\Cl 11111\Ull' J U.l\ lllllll' k.11111111! 111111· I h1.· IMgl'\I 1ill n·;t\l' I\ ill l11llll' .111t11· t11gJ1 '< hool "itu<klll\ Ill j,!l.tlk\ IHrll' lht1111gh f 2 lllU\l \fX'nd .111 .1dtlit11inal 111 m111111n a da\ 111 thl' lla\\rc111111 <>tlH•r gr.11ll'' \\llf 'fll'nd I OBITUARIES --~-- 1111111 ll\l' Ill \l\lll llllllUll'\ 11101l' Ill ,, 111101 '"ll h d,I\ I h1· P·" 111n1..'a')1' '"ll .1JJ SI 111 lhl' p111111 1 .tlul' 11\l'll 111 d1..•tt·11111nt· "hal lt'.uh"" .11<' paid l hl' prnnt \\\ll'nl g1' t'' 1 rnl11 to teill hl'r' "'ho n>rlltnUl' 1lw11 nlUtat1on ur thmt· v..ht1 nrn t11hu1e 10 tllt'1rp101l'\\lonalgrowth tn a1t1..·11d111g "orf....<.,h op' urntl'll'llll'' 1>1 1Clll\l'rlll1Hl\ IO lht·1r<111'.111f l'\IWrtl\l' 1'111111' .ire al\11 .iddnl 1111 H':ll\ ol l'\(ll'r ll'llll' t nd1·r lhl' """ \alan '>lheduk "h11 h take., clkll .\ug. I, each po1n1 \\Ill be v..urth $5S 6'i compared 10 S'i7 f,'i la<.t \l'ar \ lx·ginn1ng tc<t< hrr with rH> 1n \lrul 11unal n ix·nenn: will bl-. paid 'S lt1,24o .1 \l·ar Y..hilr those w11h thrce to lhl· H'.tr'' rxpcnence v. ill recer vt· h1.·twl'l'n $1 lJ 296 and $21 .114 l 1..·achrrs with I 0 ~ear.. t'xpcncnn· will get $2tt.J05. [op \Cale, 2' )'Car~ or mor1.·. pa\\ $10,498 The pa) hike appro'l'O latl' la'>I "°erk h\ 1h1..· school hoa1d 1.1.lll Ix· finamcd \\Ith tnCl'n\l\C fun<J.i from the \tall' Departml'nt ol Education LagunJ Beach schools will reccl\ l' ahou1 $63,000 next \ear for 1ncrl'a\- 1ng the lime studcnts-<.pcnd 1n !>chool Services held for William Colloton ?/eema11J Sltce 'Jue 5"1Nmee eteaeance Safe UP 'fO 1 2 oFF Hurry In for the Best Selection at 2 Locations'' 4924 E 2nd St. 3410 Vta Lido Long Beach Newport Beach 438-35 14 673-5521 The school board agreed to gt\ e fornlt' association members 98 pt·r u.•nt 111 the in1..t·nt1\\' monq. ~eep1ng k.,, than $1 .~llll for othn added CO\\\ a!>'><11.1all·d \.l llh thl· kngthcned school Ja\ ·I 1h111l. that \\J\ .i l~m s1..·11kment. ,,ml J"rn IJllon prl'Sldent n.1 \ l' \In. l 11\ l' '\tudl·nt' .tnd thc11 ll'<ll hl·r-, v. ill \l'l\lll'\ \\l'll. lllndutll.•ll \,llllltf;I\ 1111 \\ 1111.1111 K ··H111· < olloton 111 '''"Poll lk.11 h ''ho tl1cd I hur,d.I\ JI 1111.1~ \k111en1.ll llmp11.1l lft· ""' It~ \Ir C 1111111011 \\ h11 1.1.' hor 11 111 \1a .. on < II\ lo"" "''" .1 h.lltl'rld, r .11 thl' I ltn!! 1n ( ll'>IJ \k,a. I h ''·" .1 \.\>orld \.\JI II \1. ll r.111 a "1l'll1h1.•1 111 an all-.,tar h<1\l.c1h,11l ll.1111 111 l 1140. .ind a mt·mtw1 of lhl' 'l'" p111 t I 1;11 hrn I lb I odgl' .111cl till' '''"' t)ort \nll'fl· .1.1n I q:1on po\t I fr" <.un I' nl h\ ht\" 1k I ' 1..·I\ n ·< 1111' · ( 11lloton 1it 'l'\' port Ul'.ll h .111d .1 '"ll'I 1\1 ,in \.\ 1nn'11..· ol I{\'\ ll .111 I h \ \la,., ot < hn\11.111 Bun.11 \\~\' n.·u11·J \.1turd.I\ JI \1 Joad11m < atholt1 < hurl'h 1n < O'>t~1 Mt'\J lnternw11t lollov..l·<.l .JI .\'l<t'n.,1on ( elllt'll'I \ Ill 11 I 1110 Le Concierge A p»rsono rlAs~ diary which offer~ o w1(Jr· rang<' of 111fow1011w Sflrv1ces. os well as 1nlP.res11nq r lorrn H•on from the basic to the PSOfP'• P Co' 1Prq•· c, on on going pror<>ss 1r wh1rt1 wf nv11t• your µw11c JJOlron Now 01 Is st.(fh weP.k <Jr:o jl nf• l elore publrco11on we as~ 1 wf; huvP overioo~ PCJ vour ur 1que Sf>rv1'"e gourrret shor> '"S'Ou'O' 1, ho11=> rnghr club flom1. 1•1c. , plrwse I eel fr e~ to cal 7 1 4 720 083 7 Marie Bertha Fort I uneral .. en Kt'\ Y..cre hl'ld Monda} tor Mane Bertha Fort of( O'>la Mc~. Yoho died at thl' age of9!S Wl'dncsda} a t a ~anta .\na con,alescent home Mr'> Fort. "ho was born 1 n \.\1nona Minn . had ll\l'd 1n the area 1111 the pa~t 21 }l'ar~. She wal> a ml'm her ot thl· 1-i r...1 l n r ted l\ikthodl\t < hurch in C e>'ita Mesa. "ihl' 1~ '>Un 1' t•d h~ a daughtt•r Ha1rl I c1ak of< ·o!>ta Mc'>J . as well a' two grandchildren and four grt.·at grandc hildren ~cn·1ce' were hdd at the Pu:rce Brother'> Bl'll Rroadv..a~ Mortuar} Chapt·I. tollnwrd h) 1n1t·rnwnt at PaC1 lic \ 1ew Memorial Park ln•ex•pen•slve• ·11n 1k spen sovl not high 1n price reasonable c1ass1fted a..... ma.. a<1vert1s1ng -1 rW9l C1ass1f1ed Advertising 642-ss1a _._ __ Another hot number from the best name in fish. There's an exciting new taste from the folks who gave fish its good name. It's Long John Silver's new Kitchen-Breaded™ Fish. Different. but equally delicious. It's made of prime white fish fillets, lightly breaded and seasoned right in our shoppe kitchens. The result is lighter ... fresher ... incredibly crunchy! So. if you love the fish that made us famous-come taste our newest claim lo fame- / Kitchen-Breaded TM Fish Only f r.om Long John Silver's. LONGJOHN SILVEl{S. 3095 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (Across from Fedco) 2 -1 + - BUY 2 OUTDOOR TREES OR SHRUBS GET 3rd ;ffiJ Lrq111d Al ,c.J fertil•.zeLJ For ull /lou. t•rrr11.J p/un/s It will horcferi ~fem~ and"""'"'''''"" we '~ 1 Gal sut• Hc•q11lu1 7 99 -· l Nbw S.99 ~ e~~ S:.> 00 M/•1 r!'b~tt· NET COST 3.9 "f'ro~'>~a~~B~n~·~e1d fert1/1zer with peep,_ m1nf!rol" und sor/ penetrunl Excellent -::::;..:;--=-/or lawn .. 011Cf qround covers I 90/ sue Regular S7 99 NOW 5. 99 less S2 00 fvf/9 rebate NET COST 3.99 I GROUND COVER SALE 2SALE SHADE CLOTH I Gazanias, Jeep/ant, Poten/11/a. lvys and many more to choose /ram Regular $10 99//lot NOW 7.99;tlot If A;~JllBtrong H eavy clut•1 fohr1c grQa/ for shading plants or covenng patios comes in 6' widths Density Regular Now 55% 1.39 nm. ft. • 79¢ IRVIN E J 52R5 Cull Pr Dr (7 Jt1 J 85 7 927R o-(...icl -~ ~---" lr\•nr CMI#< Rd 1 lJ :11\T.,, -. -=-=1 r=== - GARDEN CENTERS 63% l .49 nm. ft. .89¢ SERVICE and QUALITY SINCE 1889 13% 1.69 1-..,n. ft. .99C SANTA ANA COSTA MESA All SALE ITEMS 1829 f u'>tm Aue 2640 Harbor Blud LIMITED TO QUANTITIES r714J 5t12 4145 (71 4)546 5525 ON HANO. l. 60S Fwy ~ [~] J Adami 17111 Sr I ' Judge's ruling stinks but is the correct one An}o ne who takes pnde in his work has got to empath11e with the Newport Beach p o lice. The) recorded the biggest pot bust in the city's ha story Jan. 21. confiscat ing 'i1x t o ns of the 11legal drug worth an estimated $I 0 m11l1o n . But Mun icip al Court Judge Ru~sell Bostrom on T ucsda} tossed out the charges against the three m en arrested for possession of the huge cache. The police were understandably liv id. Chief Pete Gross even talked to the Orange County District Attorney's office about taking his crime business el sewhere. He thin ks the crooks are getting a better deal t h an the cops in Bostrom\ court. But the j.udgc, w~1lc conceding that the defendant~ ap~arcd guilty as sin and admitting his d istaste at sett m g them free. found himself t he arbiter an a con flict bet ween the Consti t ution and law en forcement. It's a difficult position to he in, but o nce the conflic t is recognized. It\ easy tu resolve. I n any di~pute invol v ing the Constitution. the "cry heart of o ur democratic system 1s at stake. The Constatutlon mu~t take precedence. , o. Bostrom's dcc1s1on stinks. but it is correct Newpon Beac h police will long remember 1t as the bust that went bust. It happcnc<l .h~l' th1\: .\ 45-foot sailboat t1rd up an a 20-minutc parking ~one at a Balboa Peninsula pier. A patrolman. an\icst1gat1ng what seem ed at first to be no thing morr than an overt a m e parking" 1olation, noticed the boat wa\ nd1ng lo"" an the water. Clearly, it was loaded v.. 1th SOf1!Cthm$. B~t the c u st<?d tan of the craft -a man \.\ho th e investigat ing ofliccr tound to be the subject of sc\Cr al arrest warrants -hcd about the cargo. He told the policeman there was nothi ng aboard but the new's gear. You might \h p a story lake that past a Kan~as corn farmer. but a law enforcement officer who patrols the shor eline o n a da1lv bas1\ won't buv it. In addat aon. the registered owner of the boat v.as no where to be found. The police decided to go aboard Th as. according to Judge Bostrom. is where the ca\l' falls apart. I n h t ~ _1ud 1c 1al \ ac v.. the police did no t ha\ c sufficient "probable cause" to conduc t the search Thl· fac t that the) fo und enough dope to 1nto.\1catc the entm· populatio n of a small nation as. ther efor e. rendcrl'd legall) 1rrelc\ ant. De p1te their training. the po lice find them seh l'\ in a t ough sp o t. The) an: asked to decade on the spot 1 f thcrl· 1s cause to searLh the boat. The Judge. drav. ing upon h1\ education and C\pcnenCl'. must loo k at the same set o f ci rcumstances -fro m a much more comfortable and obJeCtlH' pcrs pl'Ctt \e -and dec ad e 1f the police h::i<l sufficient reason to conduct the search. I n some cases. 11 as clear-cut: either there was obvious evidence or the police were o n a fishing expedi tion. Thie; case 11, gra)l'r The police oh\ 1ousl) feel they had "probable cau se." The Judge thinks not. e\ en tho ugh there appears to bea cha n ce he would have 1<isue<l a search v..arrant ba cd o n the facts avai lable. The Fourth .\mendmcnt 1s. as Judge Bostrom points o ut, c rucial to the continuation of our d em ocran. It protect s the innocent against pote ntial excesses b) thl' people we invest wath extraordanaf) powers -the po lice. But it was never intended to be a shield behind which the wal}' or the l uc k) ma) commn c rimes wath imp untt). It remains unclear o n which side of the ltne th as case falls. But at 1s crystal clear that the "el) uncertatnt) dem a n ds tha t the Constitution prevail -despite the hig h cost. LETTERS Why is ID.order patriotic ln war, wrong in peace? To lhl· l d1tor Puhhrntton of thl' lollm"ing n11gh1 be apt at thl\ ttml' If I kill nn m·1ghhor I elm J cnm1nal l fl 101n 1hc armed force<> and go out L.M. Bovo and kill .i lot ofixopk I am .1 raH1u1 l f l lake a \tand aga1n\t J01n1n~ 1h.11 lortl' to l..111 pro1lll' I .1111 .111 .. 11<1r ~ \ k \ II t l () \\ I ( I I .1gun.1 lk,t\ h Keeping town on track It' 11111 onh thl' < l't!lr,il \m1111.111 l nd1.1n' \\ho hJ\l' 'nr1·t n,lml·, '\l.111' \ 1etnaml'\l' dll toll \nd .1mongth1l\l' hu,hanJ,,11HI '"'H''<lll' p.u11ullarh l Jrdul ntit 111 1l 1'd11'l' H1 .,1onu1I footn<1tc' \ho" lhl' Northern Panlll ra1tro.1d h'tpU\\l'd the w.1 .. h1ngwn "'"'" of 'aluma "Whal a d1rl\ 1ml..' .. l I tld llw Im.th Or word\ In that l'fkll I hn pul lhl' whole 1o~n on roller.. aml fll\l\l'd 11 lour m .re, ngh I Ill' x t to 1 lw Ill'"' , \,lid nJITll'\ In calh otlwr tral "' l hl' right \tdr <1f .1 vl'rll'l1.111 gondola'' 10 tnl hl'' 'honn th.in thl' ten ~ult• ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat .... 1_ ·-·!My ,, ,,... ........ I IO ... "''"··!>• Co"•-4Cldl-CO"°""'•"'°""•' !~ • ,., I ............... r A 9,'f.:" < 1111 1 .ikndar ,1111"11·11x·rk1 1 11 l'fl\ II\ lllll' d.t\ l'\l'r\ 4 IHIO H'.lr• ~11w out ol 10 hu\lnl'\\I.'\ 1n th" 111un1n afl' O\\.fWd "'' '1ngll' l.11n1lil'' L.M B oyd Is a nndi.·111ed rolumnlst. · Fr•nk Zlnl f d•l(W Tom Tait Men90""0 r d•tm Don fen .. , I tr lCl•I"' Cralf lheH ~""'" I Cl•ICW Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wedne day. July 24, 1985 A 7 "Hook~ lavorln~ homosexua/Jty are now belnftpushedon high s<Jhool student~. whose ·asslJ!nments 'area m ,1tterofrequlrement. not con ent." ( OM, SlM. 'iQJ\t[ ~AD ){)Uli ~S! 9tJT, LfT'S BE. ~E~T. ~ un LE ~6'.:E. Of IONPTONITE 11-.\J ~ IVU TUld-l INTo A WIMt>' ' I Homosexuality now a topic for studying in high school NY ra b b i fi g htin g ind u lgen t a ttit ude tow a rd gays in city 'I "" 'C>I< I\. -The Brookh n Puhltl I 1hran h.1'> issued a kalkl heJr1ng thl' hl'adltni: "Ga) & Proud It Ii\!\ .ind hnl'lh dl'\lnbes IS hooi.., \.\1th lhl' f11ll1mtng prcfato~ noti: .. I hl· tolln,qng hooks rt•prl'\l'Ot onh a \m.111 pt•rt1on of the mJn\ <. urrent \Hlrl..' a' .11l.1hktm the 'Libll'l t ul homu'>l'\uJltt\ 'our.librarian ldn rl'l11mml·mJ .iud11111nal 111k<:. ~II non hl 111111 ht1ol..\ Jrl' 'u11ahlt' fur high \I h1111l .1\\ll!.1101l'l\h. '\t1ll' th.it "'l' h.nl' f)J'>'>t:d bqund t•tl' rhl'llHil 111 . \tlll\l'ntrng JdUlt\ 1\11111..' IJ\ 1111ng hom11w\uali1~ .1r nrn\ Ix rng pu\hnl 11n h 1gh '4.. ht 1111 \\UJl''11\ \.\ht1\l' 'a\\t)lllllll'nl\· arl' ,! n .llll r ''' H'q111rl·ment n11t lun-.l·n1 "l \lf.tl Ol lhl· h<•of.., 11' .. lt'U l'\fllil 11 ' .. n,t•rn humu,l·\uJlit\ Jnd \11111h ·tt. '1111 thl Rut.I.:' " hilkd J' ,, 11• \ I (II .1d11k\ll'llll' I ht: \(Clf to( .1 H111n' h11•I 'l h11PI \llllkn1 ,1nd h" I t•lh H'.11 \nolh 1 111k.t ·I t.1rr1, I 11d111~' \,, \I \111..l· " \lJl11 m.1111rJ 1111, ,,1. ..,111,1ll-lt1\\ n rHl'tu ditt'' l'llh'fl!t ,d1l n .! '"' l' .rll.111 hl'l\H'l'n l\\11 lt'l'O·.Jgl' g.111-. I\ ft'· ,,.,tlnl \1111lht·r .. t rt1nl l<unnl'r ··" dl'\tr1hnl ,1\ .1 wn\111\l 1111,,I porir.1\lllf lh• 1111 L' I~ 1110.:l'n Ju• 1d1 .ind h" ... 1.11 runnn' "h1, h '>•llll ,f\ r.11hl'r ·" 11 thl' flrt1n~ 1' n P11hl11 I 1h1,11\ "t11ut111g .1u•khr,111.111111 ,, \ 11\ l\.\l'l 11 .111 .1d11l1 .111d lhl' l<tlllh 1111 "hom he" ll'\Jl111l\lhl1 I ln lhl 1111n l1d1t111 \li,k 1h1· l1h1 '" olhr' '\1111 lh.11 ,1111 "-11•m"-,1 g1ltl.k 111 lll·lp p.111111' ,1,\l'pl th1·1r g,1, lhtld1ln -.rnd 'llrll l 1·cn.111,·1 111 f l'n -•f)\.'f\llll,d J\.,t1Ulll\ .ii ll'l'll' u1m1ng I•• lcrm' ''''h lhl·tr h·11n1•"'' u,tf 11' \J 111',l\.lhl' " h.11J 111!1 \\llhnul llw hurdl'n 11' h11m"'l, 1.1 1ndtO.Jllt11l\ ,111J till' :J'>I thtllt: J \llUlh l'.'l'd\ " Ill hJlt' dtllr' :111J 1n,t1tul1nn' 1•1111p11111H'rng 'hi' p1' 1h km'' 11h u1nlu\ln1 ', 1q• 111111 l,t\l' JOSEPH SOBRAN Jll tOl fl'dthk 00\l'lt\ flltf1t 1111 rx·duphtltJ ,) l'Jmpa1gn to ind 11 I ll'l'n-agl'" and l''l'n \11ungl'I d ti Jrrn 1n1<1 1hr humu\l'\U.il 'l•h lUftUrl· fhllt .., l11r 1m1Jnn· '\ \\1111 \ -thl '\nrth \rnl'rtlctll \I 1 di•' I 111 \\\t1l t.1t1nn ""\\I Bl \ .1r~11•' that dulllrt·n h,1,1: ,1 • rt!,!.hl 111 11,t\ \l'\ \\tlh.1dult' .ind th.11 l'H'll p,1Jlfl, h.tll IHI rt~hi to tnll'lll'fl' ,, '.\\I BI \ ,n., 11 parl'nt.il .111 11 p' I• pr• l\'t t l hild11·n lfttlll h1 t lllt•ll'\ll r' Jnlttlllll In lhl' t•ppr~"' r ill \ hrldll'O I'<' \<'f\ ~'\1'll'll\l t1l \Uth .. r .1 "~1 I Ilk •k t.1ull 11t Juli 1 r '"' '\l.1\or ld\\JrJ ''" 'llll Jt 1111 d .I hllll\CI\\ \ u,tl 111.1 I I ' I 11111 \1l•nu1 1tw p.u.1J\· r , , ' d 1 t"tt•r )I 'Ill 1111111 '\\IHI \ \I, !....• •1 h .\f111ld pr11h 1hl .11 O.:lh I 1' ' \\I IU \ j\fl ,, II\ l .,, I' '" ,, 111.11 t thl m,11\h llul \llllt.t' H h111" .1 J'll.'l\l'lt'OI l !Ill\ "' \Ir "-"d ' 11111 t 111g 111 th1· h11111<1,1'\ll,tl It hh1 P"trll' IUI th.ti lh1• fll,1\11( \,I, l.11\'I\ <k '1i<1un1111g 1'1.·\ld1111 l{,.,,~.111, \1,111t1 lhl' 111rl1l.11\ ll'fll1'h'f\ 111 l111h111i: .1 111111·h'n th.11 111l11kn1.tl" 1111lu1kd 11tl·h11d1,.,.,,..,..,111rn Bu111w-.-.' 11 l\ll\' 1k.t.1 I hl' ..... \\IHI 'f '•'I I I fl .if I\ t' tlld • I ll'•HI O).' I n1kr \1.1,11r t>..01 It ti 1· 111\ ,. '\l I\ \ "'" 11.1' h1·\ t1rll\ 1fh r1•.1,1r t_:f\ h· ''1'11.itill I• I h· •Ill•,,, ' "" I. ·'' 'lll I \n111h,1 '"' .. 1th1.tl1 • • 11r•'' d .i I \\ ''·"' h.H ~ th.ti '\, \\ '11rl.' hdllhl\\ \II.ii \llfllltlll II I 'Id ''l q!.;rJ1J J' J ltJU£1\l ,1ll1;.rdl Ill \I "-'''It " a p,1pul.1 111,,,,11 .1 '~ 1 d .1 ('••ltll\1,111 .ind .i fl n .cr".1hf\- llt'r,1111.1hl\ h111 h1 h." " nil .1\111111,11111~ t'ilind 'f\•11' I ' n d11li:1·n,1· ,,, till' h11111t''' ,,,.1 I t1h, 1>,111~ •lilt 111 lhl'm lh I"-' ,,, 1 I 1 '~' '~hud.; I, 1 r .1n < •rth11J," •.1l•h \ h11 11h11'd' ,u,.11~1\ 111 \t r to.. •dl' 'g<.1\ 11ght' • pol1L11'' !<Jhh1 I 1·.111 "tll run !.ir ntJ\t1rth1,\l:.H nt•I 1.1r-. \l'nt1u' h11fX' 111 dt ll.1t1ng I d to.,.,, h hut "'1th 1h,· purr"'l' 1.i 111h.1rrJ\\1ng h11n 11110 .1 ""''"l' r1· 'f'""'1hil ptl'1 Ii• HI on m1 Jf.JI "'ll''' I·"' • "tr K.1hh1 I l"''" r.1n ln1 1h, 1n.:rt'"111n,tl ,,•;11 nl th1 p11pu Jr I> •11 i.rJI ..,ll'phcr1"• IJll \Ir ..... l.1r1 \''"di-nigh unhl.'alahil .rnd ~h "' 111 ,f'rf\ hut \IO~l' thJI 1'kl llC•I\ h1• hJ\ ix· r 1.1l..1ng rd.t11\l'h lnugh .1nt1· fJllllllOl\I P""'' Ill\ prt1h,1hh ,J\ .1 • 'uh 111 tlw \.h.ir !!t' 1• lht• puhlt J'<.l\l'Pt111n 111 hrm K.1hh1 I 1•\ 11' r· ,. · , t: , rl'J tl"J J1ht>pb .'vbrJn '' " '\ nd1c H1•d 111/umm•l She 's on rampage against mail-order magaz ine plugs O ne more e,xample of shopping at h on't' tha t threatens to r11a kc n1a lls ex ti net 11 ' '"' Id t lfll'n .1 m.1~.11 till' .111.t r 1 l hr11ugh l hl' p.l~W' \\I I hPll I h.11 '11\' t h,1111111/\'11 h11l1 'ltll \ .trd' pnp 1111 '"' l.1u• I \\111thl ,11t1,, rrh.· I • llllOh dl,lll'I\ \111\l 111 lht• 1.t1t1' Ill lh1• m.1~,t( It .Ill lr11111 thl' puhlh .111t111 11,,.11 11111 n 1111·11 .trl' J<. m.1n' ,1, lnur ur~1n~' 1 hl\Uh\t nt1\'.1l orl1 •• rll\h m~· I ' 11\'\l I~ l\\lll'\ .11 .It II f'l\.'lll'llt '·'' llh' 11q·r 1hr rl·gul.11 \ti\,., I"'' 1· · II th1' I' .111 1"111 I 1 ,. p11 !..rd up tttl lht• nl'\,\\l,11\d 111\ ll'.11111111 I\ '\11 \\ .\ \ II 1111' m.111-.111111' " u11r I 111 l urrrnll\ "" , 11h111~ 111 l'rn tl'nll'll'd rl•ll It! ll'fll" In .1dd1t1t11l IP till' l.tllh pll'JJrn~ for '"h'\ 11pt111n\ thc11· .rr1· , ·""' ofk 11111-'"'' n f1111111 ltmttl'tl '\ 1' ,,, tll'l11'\t111,,1nl1\\ \.\1th11u1l111 lhl'lt''l Of\tHll ltll J l1n1 ,IH \,1111' th,11 \.\Ill 'll''lrll• 1 hl' < •fl',rtl''l Kn tlllllnl(" nl till' I •l"l(I\ lcll \OU -'ll ,1lhum' .II J lnl.11 1)111 c ol h I~ 'II I J doll.tr mutt' llt.'1 1t•11ird1n~ 11 un .11 .1,,1'lll'I ii \t1u 111,h 1h.ll ltllk l .trd 111 1mnwd1Jtl''' Oo \1111 rl·alh ,,1n ~td 2 211 \\tlfth .1hc•11t thl' nHJ\I~ ol thl' 1'1'-tl<. \\ht'11 \1111 lUO hrar 11 h11 lrl'<.' t'' rn tla' 0111h1· radio• '\ " 11 \ a n h u ' 1 t' "' l' I r ' \ 11k1'1\ ,J\\l.'lll'\tlO litn1'\\ l1\11l..h1111l.,, l .llt ul.1111r.. finr 111!k1· 1"' 11h l .ln· 111,11·1l.1nd 1111 .tll n.1u'l'lllll '1mph h\ 11 ,II Ill~ tllll th,·~· 11111\ 1 ,Hd' ,\Od 111.111111~· rlwm h.11 k ld1•1l·.1r1111 Ill· .11d'-"' I, '·" .1i:t 1 •'"I" •"-l l<.1mh,1 l••<tlo. • 11111 It' I Ill'\ .11 '""' I • 11\ ,\(• .l1tllh' II l\1 Ol.1~,l/llll'' .1 " II I b.:l1lfll l1l nw -th. I I' '.11lt•h I "'11 ' lllt'lld• h111"''' 1 , ' ' \\ Ill '""'~ 11ll111d.11t.I \\ ! 1111111' IP tfll all \\Ill 'fl1•pjl Ill I 11 l , • lllltlf1 tll 0111 h1 f'l ., I ''"I lt'I 111 l'ktlhH.1 Pl 1.1t.ll••!=' '· ~· ( I (I\\ ''\,I I I hl' fll,I If Loi' 11p.1111,, d\fl.lllflll'llt '"''l'\ l hl lh !'tlt•n• l •[llJ'.lll\ .lllh•n,.: 11llh'I\ Ill\\' U' t'.h h 11 tilth h\ llh J11d1ll~ 11' ,., , 1\ ttll th. 1' 1•111, 'l'l'll 111~.1~1 • 1111\ 1J1,11tlh 'II' Ill ~1'1111 1>111 f 1111111 , ,, 1 lh , "" ' .11•r. h ,,, .1<1111111~· th.ti \,Ill I l'I. f1,111gh1 I>\ fll,ltl \'.llllll1!1' 11••11 I I l\1'.1111t1 hi.\\., I.I\, h1l..1n1' It• 1 I rr.l,·111 "' •'<Ill \\\ltrldn I "'·'' h ' ',\lltOlll,11'< I 111\ 11•" \tlll ,ffl' I ( ttOlplllt'I' It • I 111\'ll\' l.1·1 11'' purl·h.1,1•d 1r .. 111 ' •111 11 ni. h,111 f o,'1.I th'm' 11\•ol..' l hfl,1111 '' .t(•u1r,11111n' l \' -11 '"II "·•Ill ti \1111 \.111In.t11 .11h \'lll\1°.I Ill 'ctllh'lhtll~ lh.11 h,I\ ht-1•11 llWJ'l'~'ll 111 IPlll m.11lh.I\ ' 111 1.lO h11\ dru~' lkftlHll .. h' "'"°'I l111n 111111· .in1I 'l'ul' -tl,11q't \\'lll'l,1hk .111d h11tl -"'" .1 llr. I.. ,,, 111111 }\" .11\d \tllll ,,11.! 1111mh. I ,,~ 11o1I 111111, '"' llh'dl.1111\ ·'' '"''" It 111' th.it h,11 ,•11 t .!11 l'lnp,·d .111.t flltth,thl\ II\ \t'I \\llf I ,ti\ l'I\ ANN WELLS ·''' d \\ 111 "' '11 111,11 ... 1\1 .1l.tlt1i:' I" f"I. ' ,, 1·h· '·'"'' .., ' 1 11,111~ •' 111h1 ll "I '''''" ,, t1 r~·11ph 11 d h.111.,_ "ul I \ '.i, .111.I ... 1,.·11, Ill ''""I• 11111 111 ~· .... , p •• ll~·hl ~ ,,,, I'll '• ''•llkl p.11!.. .I ,,1,11dt d ,lft'.I lfhl t 1H11l I d'k11 I th ,11 '''" 11 \till .tlll 1h.1 h,11 t' t• ~l'l ••tit h1•11 111,j 11•1• 111.111 r .1 If\ 1111 ' 'I II\\ I '"' ' lht tr.1~1 .1n11·, •111n1h tlH1111fh '""''' f ht' 1' i:• 11111~ l l"I. I 't I hl\I\ rrohkm I), \ I' p.111 "' ""'l'(I • Ill 'ht1pp1ntt "'"" ., .tnd 111.11" lr t1111 1urn1n~ >nh • ' 1\\"'' '\ •u ''" \I Ilk I·"" II 1h1·r1 ''' 11pp111! 1•111 lh "' r 11•,1/lllt' ,111.l l•ur11111! Columnt'' tnn ~~"1h '" r' in ,· ai11n1• \ IRUrl JOSEPH SOBRAN column lat JACK ANDERSON ind DALE VAN ATTA PAC keeps money for itself Coll ection s have been used freely bygroupchairman ""\..,Hl1';(,fl)1'. --\ ( ,!lrlnrn1<1· hJ"K'd 11-roup that d<11m\ t11 h1: thl' onh pt1l1IH:.il·,1l tron tomm1ll\'1· ·ul•h'nJ· I 11~ J nd r ·prt."\l'O I IOg ltll' lllldl'\I \ ol ~2 m1ll1<1n -\ml'nl:tn' 11 ( •l rm;.rn tll''>ll'l11" ha\ rJl\('c.J s'~. I~ 10 ln- lrthUlltlll\ \lnlt' f'I~ 1 hut ft,"n \ dllll 1\ld ,, fll'On\ I•! ,.indid.tll'' •01 Pl1hlt1 otlltl' II .1nrx·.ir, thal tilt' hullo. ot lht m1ml. hJ' ~wnr 111 .. prtaJ 1nlnr n Jl1tm lhJt 11' , hJ1rmJn HJn\ .., hm1Jt 11."t·f, "'ill tunhl'r thl' 1nkrc .. h l•I · .,., n1.in ' 1ntdl11:?t'nt ;.ind uoJ \ml' Ill JO' .... 1i11 h;,r\ L thl' tx·,1 1ntt'rl ''' 11 th1' nJ1111n Jnd •I nu1 .umm 1 \\ l'\t1·rn , ' l11Jt 11r· 11 hl·.1rt ,1, Ill' 1H11tl' 1n ont: m >nth Ol'\Ao \ll• ll 'I f r11m r• '\ l n I nl'"' 'klll'f\ ;.ind tol hrr m.111111~' "Khm1dt' nll'\\Jgl " l11JJl·J "1th ~l..i:p111..1,m Jh<1ut th1 \laughtl·r of m1llwn' ul r i.r11fll'Jn kv.' h\ thl' '\.it" n ""11rl.t \.\Jr 11 """'l l'\Jmpk' •<Ir \prd ~ I ''' "l hm1Jt "r"h I I Pfl\IJl'nl Rt'J!l-Jll rr •ll',ltn~ rl.rn- litr .i Ht1lt1t.111\t \lu\l'Um in V. ,l\hin~ tun n I flllf" J Pi II th.it -\'ltrt •• 10 Ith ..,, 1 d'' If -..,~1;1 \I 1111..1 •fl ·~ -;., I -., l'm1.I , n n 'HJ ...... 1 If 1 I ti . ' hr \ ll• 1 ,1,ll lnl J'ld 11 I I It .11 lh 11,I 'll' S~ '" r .. t.111 ,1'l't In'' ' 'Oh ml1\'l\I Ip rn ' ·•wr11 < .1htnrn1,1 t 1p.1. " ,, fllll' .. , ' Jlfll\, .1 lllt"1l l111111t•1 'I I I till I '1•11tlt .111d l11u~h1 '"r I, -rnun\ 1'~ f1~ hlf11 Ill \tTth th1 11'•11; ... \\ l .tl\\I J\l..t•J ''" .1 1 '"" 1111 , \J1\:nd11urt·' 'I 11 1" [flt \(,tll'd ~l\,J P l 111 \11111 ti 1,1lfl· pnlitll:tl '.tn I h, I ~urt'<. \t111 i ~ht nw '\, , m' n1 "Jr\ 111 l 1.11..,' muc•h IH'.1 ll•' 1 Jhlt 1111·1 'ndrr,on •ad f>1tll" \ •n A tt• ut• '' nrlw1t1t'd 1·olumnl\h When it comes to surgery, he thinks small Dr. Beyer's patient leaves hospita l with tiny scar fo ll owing h er unconve ntiona l operation to pop l'' e1 since "I rnuld sttll w;1l~ and run, hut rm into sports, and there wa\ a possibtlll) that I wouldn't be able to ski or pla) baseball." she said. thl' grail through the original tn· c1s1on. the t1b1a and the femur. Beyer .tbo rc·mo' ed some damaged canilege dunng the oix·rat1on. which was completed in an hour and a half. '"In tradi tional sul'gef). reconstrucung the cruc1ate ltgament alone takes two to three hours " he '>aid. thrl'e to four "'l'Ch inn hinged l'<l)t "Trad1uonall>, it's eight weeks before a pat1e111 1s weight bearing." said Be)er. "She stan ed bearing weight 1n three to four we1.'ks and now she's bearing full w(·1ght " nf the pat1en1i; don't rwcd am thing done -the other strul tun•-; are strong enough to support the knee One third haH to cut bal·k on their artt' 11;-k\ld and onl' thud need 'urger) of some kind ·· By SUSAN MONAHA N Oelly l'llot CoueePOf'Clenl M c I 1 n d a Carl'>on doesn't ha" e much to c;hov. for her knee op- erauon -JUCil a t\\o-inch '>rnr ,\ n d th rt' e rap1dh lddtng punltUre '-'OUOd\ { arl'>un ot .\nahetm had Or. Alan Be) er hl•r anterior lruuall l1gJment rc- c0nstructc<l al Humana Ho'>p11al 1n Huntington lkalh ~I\ \\eel..~ ago Her !lurgcon. Dr .\Ian Bner sa~ s that she 1s prohal11' the t1rst pauent 1n Orangl' ( 04n1' \.\ht> h,I\ had this pron~dun: donl' ''Ith <1rthroc;cop1c surge!"\. ··:--;e" 1n .. 1runwn1.1tllm made this poc;s1bk ·· ... aid Hl'\l'l an 11nhoped1c surgeon and 'Port~ medicine spec1al1st. .\rthni\cop1l '>urgeons think ~mall Tht• anhro'>copc is bao;1calh a 1ele'>cope. fi, e inches in WALK IN THE SuN Jiameter. which magnifies the Joint under exam1na11on five to I 0 limes When th1~ instrument 1s used in surge!). a miniature camera 1s placed on the end of the c,cope. and 1he surgeon watches the area that 1s being "orked on b~ means of a tele' 1s1on monitor Because of the magn1ficauon. smaller instruments can be used. smaller 1nc1s1ons can be made and the surgeon's movements wtll be more delicate All of this adds up to a less tn\ aSl\·e surgical procedure .. I'm not expecting better result!> w 1th th1!> (anhroscop1c) procedure "1th trad1t1onal cruciate reconstruc- tion surge!) -the results of the trad1t1onal operation are ver} good." explained Beyer "I JUSt want the results faster." The anterior cruc1ate ligament essent1all) stabiltzes the knee. "It pre' ents the t1b1a (shin bone) from sliding forward on the femur (thigh bone)," explained Beyer. A softball accident almost a year ago de- stro}ed this ligament in Carlson's right leg. She said that her knee has been w obbl~ and has had a tendency Since Carlson no lbngcr had an antenor cruc1ate ligament, Be)er harvested a sem1tendonttis tendon from the hamstnng muscle and used It as a replacement. This 1s. as the) sa). standard operaung procedure. but a different approach 1s used in anhroscop1c surge!) Instead of making one ten-inch 1nc1s1on and one four-inch inc151on to allow for the harves11ng and grafting, Be}er made a single. two- 1nch 1nc1s1on used to harvest and graft the tendon. Three small punc- tures one to insert the arthroscope. one to fill the knee wnh fluid (to keep the area free of debris) and one to insert the instruments - were also necessan. When 11 came time to dnll holes 1n the t1b1a and femur 1n order to anchor the graft. Beyer used a "Jtg" which aligned the bones and enabled him to drill the holes precisel) "This instrument has only been out a matter of months." he said, adding that with the Jig, It was only necessary to dnll halfway through the femur. The Jig also has a tube used to pass He said that while anhroscop1c surge!) has the same ns~s as con' ent1onal surge!). the ltke- lthood of comphcauo ns 1s reduced Because the patient 1s on the opcra11ng table a shorter period of ume. there are fewer problems caused b) the tourniquet which 1s on the leg dunng the operauon Smaller 1nc1s1ons mean that there 1s less wound 1nfect1on, less scamng. less po'it-opera11'e pain and a shorter reco' ery penod. Carlson spent three days 1n the hospital. and Beyer said that an addi11onal two to three days would have been necessal) following stan- dard surgery. She was also put in a hinged cast -which allows greater leg movement and decreases the chances of muscle atrophy and scarring -almost immediately. Ord1naril>. a paucnt who has had this operatton spends two to four weeks in a full cast and then another Carlson, who recently had ht•r cast replaced with a brace. said .. I ca n walk for I 0 or 15 minutes v.,.1thout m~ crutches .. Beyer said that con sen atl\ ether- ap) should be attempted betore resoning to surgef) of an) kind ··w11h this kind of tnJU r). one· third HELP YouRSELF ae\er explained that(. :irlson was a good candidate for this surge f) because of her age -10 -and actl\e ltfcst\le (Older patients usuall\ ha,c· too murh hone de- generation hl mak1: tht• operati on \\.Orth\\htle) "·\nd qu1tr frankl}. Melinda didn't "ant \lar\ ·· -~~~ A little tact might save relationship \\hat t) ··1a1:1''" It comes from the I attn \\Ord "touch." Tact 1<, th e wa) \\ol' verballv (and somettmc!I non· verbal!}) touch others )O the) 1:an feel a sense of"orth and )ecunt\ from us LINDA AL GAZ I Suppose )OU go <;hopping '"Ith ~our wife She's Just gained I 0 pounds and ts not feeling 100 terrific about herself .\nd \OU kn o" \hl' mu':>t bu) a nc\\ dress for an important social funcuon _ John Weld: Debonair man from Paris Fina II~ -after tr) ing on ~O dres .. es -~ht finds one that ltts reasonabl\ "ell She comes out of the dressing room and ask" "Do \Ou like this d·ress on mc·1" 'r ou hate 11 c' en more than 'ou hate going shopping 'With her The he'>t response "ould he a. It'<; lo, ch -no"' can v..e go home'' b It's ugl} and )OU look fat "bcn "n ter. artist and musician \~anted to go tu Paris in the late I YWsand earh I 41f1s:· said dchona1r v. mer-auth or John \.\ eld ol Laguna-...,; 1gud \\ eld went tu John Weld Pans 1n I Y~6 "ht·n ht' "J' ~I He had no income and no Jllh but ht•"' a~ ~oon hired b~ the Parnut1in·ol tht· '-e"' York Hl·rald 'n" ''' \l'Jf\ 1.itt'r -dOd at a 't•n ·l llUrth ~' -\\ dJ remembt-r~ 1t all e\li.'l"\hngl! ''di He rl"Oll'mhl:r'> '"met·t1ng. Jm1ng and tali.. ng v. 1th thl· like\ of J.lml·\ JU\Cl' F \ l>tr F111ger.1ld f_rn··~t Hem1ngv.a' [ Hd Pound Ful!,l'Ol' ff'e1ll Ford \faddu\ f urd E11 ot l'aul and ~1ndair Lc1.1." -v. mer' al. ..\hu there: v.ere P1la,..,o ol lllUr\t' and mu\lc1.im Danas ~!1lhaudand (1eurgt·, \um and lountk<isother~ 1nduding me PAPARAZZI BETTY PORTER hungering forcreat1v1ty and fame ... Weld related The Dome (re'>tauranl) became \.\ eld's ··c;nu ng. dining room and bar'· "'here he had '"croissants and nisht· cap~ with hab1tuesGenrude 1e1n and .\hce Toklas. the talkatneCpoet) Pound and Isadora's brother Ra) - mond Duncan \A.hoal"a'" v.orea Gm:1an robe and sandal!>.· "".\h 1twasasJohn Hustonl"ho 1.1.as there too) poi nted out ·'the most e\ traord1 nan caste' er assembled on that\\ onderful stage ... said\.\ eld. '\1th a smile and "l" inkling" blu~ l'\es (h1seas)tobelte,ethatth1~ mm handsome man once "doubled .. tor John Barn more.) Later as the "star" Pam Herald reporter. Wt"ld co' ered the ··f.mba<,<;\ beat"' v.here he inter' 1ewed then- New-York-Go' ernor Franklin D Roosevelt 1.1. ho was accompanied by his then-}oung son James. "How about the rumor that' ou plan to run for President''" We.Id asked Go"ernor Roose' elt "He smiled and patted his legs ... , can't run," he said "'That's not true.·· James said .. , f they want him to run. he'll run~·· Weld's assignment to "cover e' ery movement of Charles Lindberg" right after ht<, famou!> flight. included tnstructtons to "find out" hat he ea ts and what he "ears to bed." "The amallng thing 1s that I ha"e sun I' ed ... said \.\..eld. ""hen \OU cons1derthat most "ntersdie.)Oung -"llness Hemtngwa) (a !>uic1de). F Scott F11zgerald I a hea') dnnt..er) and Thomas v. olfe1"'hod1ed at 38) ·· ·· '-:o"'. I am intent on selling ll all down ·· e\plamed Weld" ho has authored~' en books. has a book - "'Young "vtan 1n Pans .. coming out 1n \1arch and 1s fast at "ork on a sequel en tilled "Young ~1an tn Holl) \\Ood ·· Four of V. cld's books-.. Don't ( n For Me ... "The Pardners." "Sab- baih Has No End" and "Mark Pfeiffer. M D ·· 1.1.ere published b\ the late Maxwell Perk1ns.1heScnbner edttorwho sponsored Fitzgerald, Hemingwa y and Wolfe. among others. Anat1"eofB1rmingham.Ala. Weld left home at 17 and worked as a bellbo) on an ocean hnerand as a stunt man (dou bling for the hkes ol Tom Mix) 1n the movies in Los Angeles . ··But all along. I "'anted to become a professional writer and 11 was column1 '>t l.ouella Parsons who hclp- t:d me get m) first ne"spaper JOb (as a t uh reporter on the New York American ··!>aid Weld He left that JOh 10 go to Pam \.\ eld lecture<; e\tensl\ eh and he has gho<.t "'ntten for Ma'< Reinhardt. Rohen Fdmund Jones. Walter Hu.,ton and An Linkleuer He has also"' ntten and produced se' eral documentan tra' el films and he has hecn l'd1tor-in-ch1el of Ford Motor C ompan~ publtcatton'\. includ1ng The r ord T 1mes and he \A.as editor and publtsherol the no"' ·nt1nct The Laguna Beach Poc;t \.\..l'ld "marned to former motion picture act res!> G1g1 Parmh. the '>1111- beautllul Kath' Weld c Don't ask me Wnat do I J..no"'' d That color JUSt doesn't do Jusuce to 'our lx'auttful eH''i I et ~ keep looking The guru on top of the mountain and the m.image lOunsclur\ do"n at sea le,el all agree tart "1 11 ge1 >OU l'\el)"here Re~ponding without tact can de'itro~ much more than )Our \A.tie's con- fidence ul11 matel) It can destro) the po,s1b1ht) for 1nt 1mat) Sometimes tactlessness appears 1n the form ol humor .\II 1n the name of a good laugh, egos are dc!ltrO)ed and relat1on~h1ps crushed Take tactless Tom. Ht•\ married to VKk1e "ho fanc11:s herself to be somewhat of an intellectual V1rk1c has a secret .. , ice" v..h1ch c;hr docc. not wish to share 1n ha <;octal ctr<:les She I'> a dosct reader of romun(l' nO\'Cl'i Tom know<; ho"' st•ns1 t1'l' \he i'> about her choice of rl'Jdtng matenal )et. o,ome11me) at the mmt t:mbarra..,s1ng moments. her~·' l'Ji<. his "'1fe's secret. He think s 11 1s tunn). but \ 1ck1e sa) s that I om 1<. dn,1ng her craz) E'en "hen ht: isn't guilt) of tactkss twha\lur. tht• stress ofant1c1pat1on 1\ e ... er present The) \'tS1tcd a marriage rnunsclur cumpla1n1ng ahuut an unre"ard1ng SC\ lite and a lack of commun1cauon :--.u "onda There is no <;uch thing a!> good commun1ca11on -tn the tx·droum or out of it -in the absence of inumal'. sensllt' II\ and t.kltc.tt\ The secret of a happ' m.irnage ha' 10 do "1th lommun1lat1on commitment. laughter and tact .\sJ.. an) unhapp\ rnuplc The' "11 tdl \OU lt"s hard to lo'e \omeone \OU (an'1 truc,1 .tnd tall I'> 1mphut 1n tru)t Dr \/ga.111s a m.lmagc .i Jamil.\ thuap1-;1 in C 11ronJ Jc'/ \f,ir '1'11· "elcomes }our rc!iponscs II\ m11ush a repl.1 pleJ\l' tnclo\t' .1 ,1.m1{?<.•J selt;addrcssed t'n 1 elope \.\me 10 Linda 4/ga.11. l'h {) , o D.11/1 1'1/111 P 0 Bo>. J 560. ( ostn ,\.fcsn 92626 Hospital supporters get celebration off to a loud start By BETTY PORTER Delly l'llo1 Corree~I The third "( clebrat1on in \vh1te" black-tie gala. '>ponsored b) PICH I People tor an Ir' ine C ommun11~ Hosp1- 1al ) wa., a gltttenng night of all-out glamour -including 300 feet of red ca rpets. el aborate ice sculptures and eight minutes of firc"'ork~ But a m)sucal "c)ele'>~·· Japanese Daruma doll Cmadc of pap1er mache) stole the sho" The fascina ting doll (whteh 1s more "head .. than "bod\." and as much "cat" as '"human'") handpainted in rcd . gold. black and pink "as the surpme table fa,or for th e 550 guest!> auending thc Pl( H fundra1scr on Saturda) ewn1ng at the Ir" 1ne Marriott Hotel. Tht• "livc- star" part), decor and food had an Oriental theme ··naruma dolls are a part nf <rn< 1cnt Japanc\c folklore:· expla1nrd Ir' 1ne Ma\.Cir C. David Baker." ho al'>o \t'n l'" as chairman of Irvi ne Mcdtral < t•nter's Board of Directors. ·· f rad 111onall). at the beg1nn111g ol a pro1e< t or task. one c\C 1s painted or pa'ited on the doll. upon complet111n of the project. the second C)C 1s added ... aid Ral..a "ho urged guests to "affi, one c~e and ti"\ to knock the httle doll (na° lthe doll i'> balanced so that 1t hounu'' hal k. rl·ma1n1ng upright) ··The Daruma doll 1s a 'i\. mbol ol the indomitable spint of those "ho have \\orkcd to pro"" 1de Orange ( ount~ v.1th an Irvine Community Hosp1tar· de- clared the Irvine ma)Or who preo;ented huge versions of the doll to seven ··Partners tn Excellence." Rccc1v1ng the Daruma "no-push- ovrr" doll s were Or. Arnold 0. Beckman (In 1ne ~1rd1cal Center), Dr. Royce Diener (.\mencan "vted1cal Inter- national l Dr John Millner (l I( In 1ne). Dr Larry Steve ns ISaddlcback (om· mun 1 t) College ). Carol Hoffman (Pl CH ). Dr. Marc Richmond (In ine Medical and Dental Soc1et\) and Tom Nielsen (The In inc ( ,•mparn ). "'Thc h.iro work 1,f the la)t s1'<t> days ha<\ demonstrated ,hat thtng~ reall> do "ork ou t for the best." said Baker. refemng to Hoag Hoo;pllal's pull-out and American Medical lnternat1onal's ha' ingJ01ned force!. w1th IM( 1n an $86 million plan 10 build a world-class medical center 1n Irvine "Fur two vearc,, there ha.., bee n a "'Celebration In Whttc." but th•'> -the third -1s tne ultimate cau'ic for cclchrat1on" proclaimed Orange County upen 1'ior Thomas F. Riley '"The ho~p1tal "111 benefit all of <>range Count\." (1uc~ts -mo\t of them drl'S!>cd in all- "' h1te -were greeted b; whne-tu\edoed mall's or women 1n c:olorf ul Japane'>l' kimonos. They gathered at )Unset around lhe hotel's swimming pool (wi th foun- tains and floating flowers) where the~ were sened cocktails and a bountiful hulTct of hors d'oeu" res. centered b\ huge it'l' <,culptures of dragons and pagoda'> .\t the -;ound of a gong. spectacular tirc,~ork~. including the "'IMC" logo. filled the sk) Guests then filed do"'n a red rnrpet to the cavernous ballroom "hich was decorated as a '"bonsai garden," complete with ponds (1n 1n- na1ahlc pools) With ltve Kot (fish). water hltc<, and smooth black stones. Wall hangings included Oriental kites. 'acens. lanterns and gigantic fan s (Pleue 1ee PAPARAZZl/A9) Pbotoe, clockwise from top left: Firework• •tanaled dinner; en- joyln& featlvltlea are Patty Baker, Jerry Slnykln, Dave Baller and Juno Slnyldn; Suaan Stahl, Lillian Sulllman and Oelly ll'llot pl>ot" lly Mlh khwHlt Mu·caret Palmer: Carol and Dr. Marc Richmond; emcee Carol and Larry Hoffman; Ron Crlb- bet, Mar&le Wakeham, Emma Jane Riley and Dave SUia: John and Carol Miltner. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday July 24, 1935 A9 Husband cheating? Don't get mad, get even l>l \K \r-..t-. I \NDl K' llcti-ird 1n1 the klll'r frum thl wife who Ii nail) k.irnt·d ofht·r hu' b.ind\ 1nfidd1t1l'\ NttlUr al tomlah '"' an.ibl) pick tru!lting. ~tr::ught-arro~ ni.11n .111d .ttt' d1ahohcally ckvcr at co' cr,ng lhl'1r trad..!I l\.lo')t "" c\ol th<'~ aging Rom<'O'> w'cre rl'ttrcd to be Jo, ingand \upponi' c helpm.ue~ und mothl'r) When tht'~ ll'arn ~h.it the bum 1s up to tht'y \uffer 11H1lcnc.:e M ) It'" not a qul'' 111>0 ol forgn 1ng th1· er rant hu,hand \lw •••••••••••••• can li.>rg1H' and l'"l'll ANN LANDERS ad" ace 1• .. don't get mad (Jet cH·n Hold your tongue and iet )Our duck~ 1n a row while you dean out all) our Joint acrnunl\ Ruyanc\tem1vcwardrobcandagoodcur Get <>ume Job tra1n1ng wh11l• you kill ham with kandnc'>:. \nd don't worr) .ihout ~ingdccept1ve Remember. being a good liar'' the trait he admires most "'1\h the: poor frllo" well, wh1k rat1onal- wng that ')hl· dlll'~ not cart' to \P\"nd the n·m.1111d1:r 111 hN lik with .1 h.1r .ind :1 l'lll'tlt Whl·n the 11mc 1s rape, Mt back and cnJO} the look on ""tan·" hen your lawyer hand'i him the divorce papers It ran be a great big, wonderful world when }'OU are a irl'\.' woman Reml'mbcr that h v1ng well is stall the best rn·t·ngc. -BH::N Tlll::RE IN HOUSTON I woiald hnp1:. hoY.l'' l'r, that \ht' \\-uulJ 1101 \\U\ll' JO\ 11mt· v.ond1:rang hm' \he lould ha\l' bl·en dcccl\ ed · DEAR HOU TON: Your game plan sounds good but It Hfstorians might not see how caring we really are J don't \fWnd ill' II k \\ orr\ 1 ng .1hout 11 hut \llOll't11m·, I '"lllllkr ho"' h1 .. ton \\tll n·itard 1" V. hen thl'\ go throut1-h tlw nlllfO film ot OUrl'Xl'>ll'Oll' \\111 thl'\ JU'>I \l'l' thl· rnme lht• \1oll·n1 bl·ha\IOr. thl· d1\hont•\t\ ;ind thl· ml\take' <•r "111 the> dig ·dl.'l'f>t'r Jnd n.'\llfrl'l t thl' 1kcency that l'\l\tl'd 1n grt'ilt number~·· Will tht•\ Jul) 11·rnrd .Ill the drunk dn\Cr\. or \.\ill thn note: that nt·arl) t'\l'rV c1 tl/l'll \lop' for .i rc:d light" It lJn he lhrl'l' in lhl' morning an<l thl'rl' "'on't IX' .inuthl'I lJr \\llhm '\II mile' ol that 1ntcr'>l'l'lll>n , .rnd \C t nw't ~opli: v.111 ">tnp tkad .111d ,,j11 tor thl· light l<Hhan!(l' I hl'\ d11n t l'H'n knm' y, h\ tht'\ do II \.\ill thl'\ k nu" onh 11t th«: 1a~"alk{·r, .ind IJ\lhrl·all'r\ 111 \\Ill PAPARAZZI ... From AS fable lt'ntl·rptt'tl'\ \\l'fl' H.l·h,ma arrangt•ment' \\Ith poll\ht·d rnl k'> a n d ' o 11 ' l' l .1nd1 n \\ h 1 t l' matchbook lH'l'r' 'H'rl· 1n\lnlx-d ··< 'cll'brat1011 in \\hill' " .\ tl'lcbra1111n nll'nu 1nllulkd '"" tcrmdon \1lup. C h.1mpagn1>n' t n (route. ( hampJ~lll' 'iorlx•t l mf)\·r1.1I Loh~ta (loh\ll'r tJ1I '>'1th' t•al mo11\'>t' Jnd tl'rl\.1k1 ch1ckl·n lirl•a,tl. \l'g- etahll''· iomat11 r lnrl'lllllll'. m1ntl·d 1Ulrh1n1 and \Jllmn almond nn· ginger 'iJla<l .1 .. ma\tt•rp1l't'l' .. \tr~m - bt·rr' ha\kt·1 l'l'lltl' l 11ur'> .ind .1n- propn.itl' '~ IOl'' Aor t'al h u1ur\l Jnd J '>ekct1on 111 u1rd1al' tollov. 1ng dl'.,,l.n and lofkl.' f \l'n lhl' lortulll cnok1l''i. me<;c,,1gl'\ rl·ad "( l'khr.it1nn 1n v. hill' . • I hl' ( l·khrat1nn < 1lmm1lll'l' \\,1, hea<lt'd h' Ir' tnl.'. ( uunulman Oa\id Sills and In 1nl' \tarnull hold man- ERMA Bo11Ec1 the~ refkct o n nearl) t'vcr) \ mcnrnn '-'hO '>tops and look\ BOTH W ·\ Y~ on J nne-v.a\ ~trt•ct'.' fhl' dipping'> v.111 rt•vcal a U\- il1t:.111on that wa<> rudl'. arrog,1nt .rnd Llln\1drred .. Mis\ Manner'>" a \Hlll'r of lict1on \ l'l how man\ peuplc do }OU l nov. \\ h11 c:on!-1\t«:ntl\ "41\ ''thank \OU" Ill a rl'turding and rarl'i\ n.•n;; un Ix lorl' thl' rt•co1 Ulll~" lin1\h1:d'' Oh \urt' lhl·re 1'i an .lbund.intl' ol .1&l'r Ron Cribbet Pl< II p1l·,11kn1 Carol Hoffman '"l' lhl' l''l'n1n11,, l·mn•e and d1nnl·r tha1rm.1n "·" Margie Wakeham l>anung \\,J\ 111 Harn ( oil-... r ht: Sound llf \,1 U\11 Hand. -\n .iud10-\ l\uill flll'\l'nta11on 111- duded shdl'\ ul thl' e\en1ng\ gUl'\I\ Other gu«:st~ a1tending 1ndudnl Kl'll RoberJ (and Ano e) Badbam. ~t·n Marion land Garth) Bergeson ,,_ wmhl~man Gil (Jnd Anita) Fe rguson ( ouncil"oman Evelyn Hart, Mable Beckman, Mar ilyn Nielsen. Joanne Hunt.1~1( prOJl'd manag«:r Carl .ind Pa t Neisser, Rober t and Martha Fluor . Jill Cribbe t. Carol Miltner, Larry Horrma n. Carol Richmond. Sharon Ellis, Ralph and Penn) Rodbeim, Dr. Annie McFa rlin .ind Ors. Hy and Linda Algazi Paparaui is edited b) Dail~ Pilot • tyle Editor Vida Dean, l rime, hut there s an entire generation ol proplc out thcrl' v.ho sleep l'\Cf) night wtth the tag from a p1llo" an thl'lf no\c'i. It 1s there onh becaus.: 11 I\ printed that to remove It I!. unla"' ful. Who'' to l·hel'k') A p1llu"' inspector ""ho' 1s11s )Our home and demands to see }'Our labels'> Bas1call >. we arc an orderly people "ho fold up a road map after we·,e n:ad 1t. even 1f11 takes three days. 'We fl'turn eha1rs under the table when we kil' l' J re'>taurant. And to this da\ I v.111 not wa'ite air in a restroom dr\r r th.11 blo"'i on )Our hands. but IA.111 kt•ep m) hands under 11 unt1l 11 o,hut'> oil \\l· re a tokrant nation that male' tht· hc\t ul an intolerable s11ua11on \,\ hl'n g1H'n a paper dress 1n 1h1: g) ncrnlug1s1's offi ce. I find l""l)Self lining up the .,huulders and arranging thl' '>hl'ct in a drape as 1" I'm lOn'>ldl'rtng bu~ ang 11 It t.ikl·, J 101 to bn·ak our '>Pint I or \ear' \H' haH' tokrated l'n' l'IOJ>l"' "'1th not l'nough glue on the flap\ to hold them together gas pump ho\l'' that rCJl h nnl\ on«: 4'1de of the ~ar 1 hl· ... de , uu ha\ l' 10 mU\ c 1hc i:ar 111 rl'.ll h. Jnd parking space .. that .ire \\Ilk rnuugh 10 anommo<late )our lJr hut prnh1b1t You from gt'lllng out lll It V..l''rc a proud propll• 'IA.ho get our dog,· teeth cleaned and '>'ho put on lull mak~·-up to go 10 an aeroh1cs class to W.'l'al We p:llnt t1o~rrs on garbage can' and plant 1r1:er, 1n our oilier huild1ng'> 11 '~oulJ bl· n1le 11 luturc gl'nn- .111un\ knl'Y. hov. canng "'l' \\Crc I hall an important .ippoantment the other da' I l hed .. cd m' o"' n "atch. thl' d1gtt.il one 1n the tar' the large onl' out'>ldl' thl' hank bu1ld1ng and then '\tOPP\.'d il •.tranger and J'>l l·d him "h.1t llml' 11 "a" \\l.fl' a u,1l11auon th.it', hard to l'\plJlll Finally, The most outrageous comedy adventure of the summer is here! TOUCHSTONE FILMS presents in assoc1i-ltton with SILVER SCREEN PARTNERS II "MY SCIENCE PROJECT' Music by PETER BERNSTEIN D1rect0f ot Photography DAVID M. WALSH Produced by JONATHAN TAPLIN IPG{IWHl•...;, ._m:1 ~~ Written and Direc.ted by JONATHAN R. BETUEL ,.~~ ~·.AIOA,~' 1--•-••-•--•-oe-Cl] OOUl\'STIFa> ()ct l'l'•.(16AVC.IA~TlllllU10I OO !M --,_,_ .. l •• EDWARDS HARBOR TWIN # 1 COSTA MESA 631-3501 wlll work unly If tbt' woman bandle1 ttae checkbook ud hubby paysoo .itentlon to wbat 111pent • • • I >I \ K .\1'.' l .\"IJ>FR \ I v.a,n't t 141\ .1buut \our Jd\lll.'111 ti I thC' '1-}l·ar-oldgu) v.hoga,ruptr\lni!tl• "ntl· 111' unt k .i. lct tl'r het·au~ he couldn't '>pcll the word' hC' \.l Jn led \11 ll\t' to l'\Pll'">) h1m..clf tk uracd l td\ tu ll·ar II thl' lundaml·ntJh 1n 't hool and"'*' nt'd Iha I 11 the\ didn't thn v.uuldne\Crl.Jtdlup \ ou ">Jld 'ou l hed.cd "1th!>(.•\ era I cdU(Jtor" 111 I Iii n<m and wen: told the '>C'll·taught m~thod "hc'>t !Ju, a g1>o<l ll1l t1unisr} .. ) ou \.i1d "and '>ome hook'> un grammJr .ind u1mtrul·t1on 'In m) op1n10n 'ou bk"" 1J. I'm ''h car\ old and had S1~ yea" ul lulkge hut nu dcgn'C''> I tJnn111 "ntt· m '>Pt'll I H>luntet:rt·d fonsx·uJl tt'\t1 ng.ind tll'l oq•rcd I haH· a karn ing d1~t>1lll\ th.ii hJ, not hang to do with 1ntcl11gcnce I -;1mph do not pr11< l'" "-fllll'n m,tll'llal the wa' normal people do I nu"' u.,.,. a lOmpUtt'r .tnd .i.m tx·1111l tutorcd n1g.ht> 1n the U.bSchool ot v. a'>h1ngton D { M ~ progrc'i\ ha' bet-n lt'rrtfk •rnd I'm l'Oln)ltoma~C'lt -TOM ( DEAR TOM .: Tb~ expu l1 wltb wbom I cb~hd d d not u tutaln th~ po11lbllle)' tllat lbc writer WH leanitns· disabled, and oeltber dld I Tbe writer simply u ld be WH l' lousy speller and I took lalm at lal1 word. I received many leu eu from readen wbo 1uue1~ tbat tbe mu write to Literacy Volunteers of America lDc • Department A,P.O. Box 1%55,Syncus~.N.Y.13%17. Tbey wlll M pleaud to send literature. Sally Smith of lbe Lab St'bool of Washing too, D.C .. 1u11e1&ed tbat anyone Interested write to tbe National Headquarters of A.C.L.D 1 Assoela lion for Children and Adoll1 with Learning DisabllltlH), 41 H Librar y Rd .. P ittsburgh, Pa. 15%34 Tbeu are both »uperb groups . I recommend tbe m hagbl) Healers rarely mentioned r >ne que\l 11111 n.ig'> 1hc l'' cr-gru"' - 1ng milhun' "h11 tr. \Orlll' form ot non·ml'dtt.il hl·aling \uth J'> la~ ing- 1111 of hand' 1 lov. mul h 1.an um· 1l'll thl· d11t 111r "'1th11ut Jggra' a ting 11r lw.1ng him·• In 011n1I 1 lw It''' '' '>ll'm.1111. ">I ud1n 11n thl\4Ut'\l1un 'ouul11g1'>t \.krl'd1th H \h(1u1rl' rl'prnl\ that the \J\I ma1ont\ o l pat1t·nt\ kl'rp thl'lf ph'' IU,10'> 10 thl' I.I.irk '' t.ir a' 'hl· tiln 1dl. dill ltlr' lll'llt'r.llh h.i'l' "no idea '>'hahlll''l'I Ill lht' l'\tl'rlt nf thl'H palleOt\' ,illl'rfl,I 11\t' ht'<1l1n~ bl:lll'I'' and pr;KtKl'' · "'ll l1u1rl' ant.I Dchra i....1ntl>1 111 M11ntda1r 'itatl' < ollegc h:l\1: trad.t·d do"n mon: than I 'Od1t1erl'nt hl'ahng group-,"' thl' \uhurban 1.ommunllll''> nl '\n' krs~' \ \\ l'Stern £0,\C\ ( nun· t\ r hl' group' rang«:d from h11ro- Jga1n < hn.,11an nrgan11.1t111n<> Jnd l :.11hol1l ( harl\matH Rl'lll'\\ JI 2rnup' tu \h1.tt\U Jnd rdk\olug\ rH.ll1t1nnlr' lhn 1n1en1l'"l'J 1\~ llll'll .111.t "'"llll'O hl n l hl'l ~t·tl thl'H tx·hJ' 11ir .1nu hl'11l'I' .1houl hl'Jlth again't .1 Im .al l11ntr11I gniur 11 '" pn1ph 'hl• dlt 011111110 heJhng \ld wilt' luunJ }'l'llJ'h• I• lt11 U\l' hl'Jll'I\ ,II\' 0111 Ith' uncli ... 11l·.t I" 11 1 "'h11 h,1n~ •111 111 '>Id v. \•rhl \Ul~·r ,11111 •rt' but .Hl' \ l'I \ 11lll'l1 °l'lhl\.tlul l1ill\ .1u uhur.111·d 11111 l'\<>n .. m .... 11» WUJt. Pll\»ll\ -Hl·.llll, .ir~ 11111 h11,t1h t11\\.trll lliL llll'tlll,il \\11fld ( lfll, 111\l' fll'f\l'lll .. 1 hL·r '-1111pk, 11• 11,•I\ rl'lt't t .,, ll'lllll1l llh'<h1.1f)\' Pull a tooth, save a jaw K, m ·m~1 \1uh.1111mJtl \Ii' ftl\I • h 1•11PI• ll\hlp I ~Iii" 1lh 1-..l'U ' 1(11>11 Ill I \ \liht•l~l'ht\f,l".JnJltt,llht• l'111ll th• ll~h ht l.Hlll h,ll ~ \I\ 111111\lh' .1\t'r t11 \\111 the tllk '\p r'' nthu"·"I\ ~II"'' 1h.1t "'" lr.11. •ur ., 11..l· \I ' .1a J l •11111111111 11·<; .h 11 •OlJl' 'ror '' I "r :.111' ttJI\ \t•llH' h1i,: ~ll'Jf'f'l'llOI· ........ __ ml'nt' f or lht' athlt'll'' It mt:an' lO\tl) l3rt"l'r inll'ITup1mn' \nd for a trio ut '\.l·\l 'I 11rl oral '>Urgl'OO\ 11°\ J L la\'>ll l <i't' l•I !ht• haLard' ol 1rnpJlll'd "'1'K.lom tel' th V.. hl'n unl'ruptl·d lcCth rl main l·mhedJl'd 1n the bont: \a\'> Dr' .\Ian \lhv.1mnwr Rohen \tl'rn and [)a,1d i...ntthman 111 Bt:th hrael \1edllal < l'ntl'r thl·~ l reah: ddt'l h Ill thl' Jil" ' 1ll tl·gnl\ fht' \lfl''>~ u1 i::I blo" ran lfJlllHl' thl· t>11n1· Jt tlh'\l' "l'Jkl.'nt'J J fl'•'' r hl tlt'llll'>1' l'hamp1on pullini,: 1111p.tl 11.'d mol.lr\ an '>l·nou\ .ithktl'' I lrlll' 1hn arl' re men ed honi: grov. th hqun' 111 repair thl' !la" Jnd \Ill ng1twn thl' J3\l I hl' mal ">urgt'on\ .idJ 1h.H 1m- llll'dt<1kh .titer remo,.il ul lhl· tuuth thl' J·"' "gencralh no \\l'.ii-l'r than 11 'J' hl°llHl' lhl' l'\tral11un \o lher, 1' "" lll'td ,., 1ntt1Tupt tr:.i n1ng h•r •rd1nan mort.11' tht·rt'' 1111 ru'h 111 T\'"111\ l' 1mpJlln1 lt'clh unit'" thl'\ fl .1• t ng up \mer1can Health ~er\'U.'t' eawaras UNIVERSITY 154·8111 :;AMPijS OR WE.ST OF CULVER ACROSS FROM VC• • TIUCI HUY STUIU "BACK TO THE FUTURE" I M O. l:M.i:JO, 1:00, ID· 15 (PSJ 10 H l TUCl toLIY STE•U "MAC MU BEYOND THUlllDEllDOME" IPG-131 11'00 2 OS, •·10. ,,JO 1:0 10,es "THE MAN WITH WH I mts 11.00 "IWllO" C•J ONE RED SHOE" PG 12:40. 4:M, 1:00 IU O, U O 0 0 "PW lllDH" (II) •:lO, t :lO, 10 20 1:H, 1:48, 10:0 'flfTCH" PG edwards LIDO 673-1350 NEWPOflT llVO AT YIOO UDO "THE EMERALD flmHT" (Ill --IMS. •• t. II IHI SAY £0 WAl\0 °"°V•f c; f IClHIYl lllASl•fll "SllVEllADO" (PG -13) "THE ;c)OI MUST 12·00. U5, 5 15. NS 10 u BE CUIY" l"I 11JO.1 0 S.00 1 IS t JO t-------I J '>O TIL J 00 --------..... lOH I TUCI HLIT STtllH •ICU H J FOJ "THE ILACll CAULDRON" "BAC• TO TO THE fUTURf ' 11100, 1.00, 4:00 (PGJ 11 lO 3.00 S 0 . a IS IO·JS 1:10. l1IO, l 1IO PG) "SIVEllAOO" t"· 131 I JO • IS I 00 t 0 I' ~lf P!IOER R 11 JS. 0 0 I 20 "UMIO fl 1 0 , t ee. 10 40 )451 15 11 "PALE RIDER I JO '00 10 JO flll "M 0 MU 0 THUlllDERDOME" (Pli 131 12 00 2 IS • IS • JO I 0 1001 0•0 '0 ao IOU • TU CI H llf S U U E T THE EXT RA TE RRESTRIAL Pli 11 JO l 00 S JO I 00 10 n edw1ras MESA Ml·S025 NIWllOflT I OULIYAflOAT ltTMST COSTA•SA "THE GOONIES" _,... HI Tltt lMUIALD fatlfSJ• -,_ ..... ,. 'Tltf COOMI· lPlil -,_ ~" c111n c.u 1 'flfTCH' -----ttU Wit a Tiffs UM -----"" 'THE LEGEIWO Of 12 JO e.n a 0 BILLIE JEAN" PG 13 THE GOONIES '"' 1:11. , .... ''"· 1 "· .... 2 a •.n. 10-~ 1oa• a ruca NUT sn au 10 •• ' IU CI NUT smut "THf IUCI CAUlDIOI'' SIVEllADO' t"· 13) 11:11.1·11, 4·1t, (PC) 1 IS 2 •• S 10 • 00 10 lO \. 11 It, I: II. I O:te .J edwards WOODBRIDGE 551 ·065 BAARANCAPARKWAV EASl or Cul ll[R IRVINE "THE EMEULD FOREST" (Ill I JO J 0 6 IS t JO 10 eo ST. HMO S f IRE' IRI 11:00, 1 10. 4. IS ' JO, 1:0 , IO·•O I e ) • 00 6 20 a •o 10 'o rws • wn suo "COCOON' IK· llJ I 'E T PG 11 Jo1u•oo TU t)O I ''· J JO • 0 • 00 0 I& 11 s.o m 100"MAD MU BEYOND THtJNDERDOME' (Pli 131 11 00 1 OS e 10 6 IS I lO 10 •o THE UGfNO Of Bllllf JUN' Pli 13 l T THE U TU TERRESTRIAL PG 11 1• 1 IS e IS I t• I U IO·U ClllT U STWNI PAlf RIOfR" 1111 I IS J JO '4' I 00 10 IS 12 1 • 1 0 S 00 I lO t 0 THf MAN WIT H ONf RE D SHOE PG I ) S 1 t edw1rds EL TORO S81 .9§.ftO El TORO RO AT TWINPEAKSPlAZl E[f 6'RO lOINI I TUC( NUT STUrt lO H a TIACI NUT SfUll "THE ILACI CAUlDllCNI' .. COCOOll" f PS· 111 11 11 1 "· 41 ... (K l 11 o J 10 'JO t oo 10 JO 'It t :U , IO·H "EMERALD fOREST' IRI I IS HS 6 00 \.. t 1' 10 H IOlll smue lllll STUIO TH( GOONIES" "UMIO 111 11 a . e.n . 1 o " I LOOO t " fil l "Fl fTCH' Pli I J 5 l ' 10·0 1 J$ 10 IOU ~ Sil YlflADO 1 00 JO '00 \ ie o oo 1"' •J1 'IACI TO tUTURE f Plil 1 JO Jot S JO • 00 10 10 'MAD MU BEYOND I" 131 THUNDEROOME • "IAC• TO THf FUTURE (K l •&l 1 t1S1n ~MHTIM'I 'TH( llACI CAUUllOI'. I~ 0 ) 00 S 0 I I~ I 0 JO (Plil ..._ ______ "" •• THl EMfllAlD fORUt (RJ I 00 J JO I 00 MAO MU BEYOND THUNDfftOOMf' f PS 131 1 00 1 '' • JO 6 0 I 00 I JO 11 •I 1 00 • T W r UH fll '00 U 1 HI Qt 111SltW 11 M a IU CI m NI 'flllllt 1 HCI TO 1toa lfll f UTUU IKa ~-----oi ,, o , oe UPlOlllU s 1 • 1 JO t U f P'CI A 10 Or ng Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesd y July 24 1985 TV LISTINGS -e.'00- 1 =~ Bl.ACt< SHEEP SOUAOAON THAEFS COMPANY BUCkAOGERS BUSINESS RfPOAT NEW UTERAC'f'· AH IHTAOOUCT10H TO COMPUTERS C8SNEWS NBC HEWS lD HOT SEAT HOTUNE l~)MOVlf * t 'M1sundelst00d \ 19841 Getie Hackman, Henry Tr1omas Hl MOVIE • • • "Tiie Muppets Take Manhat tan" ( 198.C) VOtCes or J1m Heoson frank Oz $)ROCK Of THE '80$ -630- 0H8CNEWS 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN NEWS G) OHE DAY AT A TIME flll MACHEIL / LEMREll NEWSHOUR '1i) MARKETING ®)BARNEY MILLER OJ WHEEL Of FORTUNE EE) IN THE I.AHO OF THE BIBLE mv1oeozoo -700-IJ CBS NEWS 0 S 100,000 NAME THAT ~E 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN U A8CNEWS c;i 0 BlONIC WOMAN ::f) BASEBAU G) JEFFERSONS Cl) WHEEL Of FORTUNE '1i) BUSINESS REPOAT P M. MAGAZINE @) EHTERTAINMENl TONIGHT "'JEOPARDY al) PRAISE THE LORD 01'1'QYIE •••~he Natural 1 IQ841 RoLerl Redford, Rot>en Du~a11 $,DC. BEACH PARTY A MUSICAL CEL£8RA TION l MOVIE • t *'' Carelu H~ M1QM Hear You '19831 Wend~ HUQl\eS Robyl! Nevin -7·30-IJ 2 ON THE TOWN D G! FAMILY FEUD 0 THAT'S INCREDIBLE D EYE OH LA G)M'A'S'H Cl) JEOPARDY Diana Rigg stars u the enigmatic wife of the defendant in a London murder trial in Agatha Christle'• "WitneH for the Pros- ecution " tonight at 9 on CBS, Channel 2 . fil) SMITHSONIAN WOAlD '1i) WORLD PROfESSIOHAL DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP al) PRAISE THE LORD m BOLD ONES C MOVIE • , ·1n Praise Ot Otde• women 19781Tom 8"'enge< Karen Block H MOVIE * Swamp Thing 119821 Adrre11ne Bar beau LOUIS Jourdan $MOVIE • • • Sou th Pac1t1c ( 19581 M1tz1 Gayn0t Rossano Braw -8:30-IJ §. E/ R -9:30-D G! DOU8lE mouBLE '1!) NA TlOHAl GEOGRAPHIC f8 I RAY BRA08URY THEATER· THE CAOWO 0 MOVIE * • > Beat Street ( 198.C) Rae Dawn Cnong Guy Davis -10:00-u a ST. ELSEWHERE 0 G)CI) NEWS IJ@)HOTEL 0 FANTASY ISLAND MOVIE ••• "Krss Of Death'' ( 1947) V1cto1 Mature Bnan Donlevy .... . I ~I~ BUNKER'S Pl.ACE BARNEY MILLER JEAN SHEPHEAO'S AMERICA CALLING DA. WHrTAl<ER lD MILLER'S COURT CS>MOVIE * 1 'MauSOleum t1983) Bot>Cle Btesee Mari<>e Gort1'14!1 l MOVIE * • * Peppe<m1nt SOda ( 1979) Od1le MICl'lel Elenore Ktarv.e1n -1115-10 MOVIE t 'Eve<ytll1ng Goes Wild' ( 19801 Charlie Shrtllner. Erika Cool -11:30- IJ Cl) MOVIE t t "Tile Ivory Ape ( 19801 JilCk Palance. Steven Keats O Q!TOHIGHT 0 SATURDAY NIGHT G ~ A8C NEWS NIGHTUNE O LOUGRAHT G)VEGAS Cl) ROCKFORO ALES S) LATENIGHT AMERICA al) PRAISE THE LORD m PAULRYAH (C)MOVIE • • • "Romancing The Stone ( 19841 M1<:1lael Douglas Kathleefl Turner -11:S5- H WHOOPt GOLDBERG DIRECT FROM BROADWAY -12'00- D EYE OH HOLLY'WOOO INOEPENOENT NEWS @) MORE REAL PEOPLE m 700CLU8 -12:30-D at LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 0 TWILIGHT ZONE D DEL VECCHIO • GONGSHOW GOUATH AWArTS G)@J ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Q) LOVE. AMERICAH STYLE fl) GROWING YEARS EI!) PRAISE THE LORD -12:45- $MOVIE • • • Hanna K 11983) Jill Clay burg~. Gabnel Byrne -12:50-IJ (fJ NEW AVENGERS -12:55- H MOVIE AP Wlrepl\olo John and Yoko Liverpool-born actor Mark McGann and Kim Miyort of Santa Maria, Calif., will play the title rolea of John Len- non and Yoko Ono ln the TV movie "John and Yoko -a Love Story.'' REVIEW ------ 'Tempest' blends colors and styles at Grove Festival By CHRIS CRA WFORf> D•llr Pllol c., ... pona.n1 ··I hl· I l'nlpc\I." rnm:nlly hrt•w111g at the ( i t0H'. hale,pcare Fl·~11-.. JI , " a nch hknd of l·olor. comc:<l} and contemporar~ \t~ltng Director John ( "Jack" Aetcht·r ' stagmgofthe pro<lu<.·1100 places n 111 J bas1call} mo<.krn t1ml· frame: hut thl· )\Of) ltm· still belongs to the 17th centuf) Bard < on'>1<.kred b> man} to be 1hc la't pla} Shakl')pearl' wrote. "The: TemJX''>t'' has been intt.•rprcted at thl· playwright's l'nvo1 to the world of theater and h1'> lt tcr;HY carel.'r-a lao;t forewl'll p1c<.·e bcfor~ he rl'ttrt•<.I w "itr.11ford .\\ \UC:h thl' t:un1l·dv 1s ltl.e a final firework., dl'>pla}. rl·pfatc with mag1l· '>Pl'll'>. Jl''>ll~rs. '>pnll''> and '>P•nts - and all thl· uth\.·r lanc:1lul ··.,1uff that dreams arl' made on:· a'> Prospero. the mag1nan. '>a\'> tn hr'> most famous '>peec:h. ..\mong the 'trong performances 111 the Garden (,ro"c producuon 1s th.11 of Charle., Lan)'er who. a'i Prn~pcro. 'el) rrl'd1bl)' bnngs 10 ltfe thl· rok uf thl· might) mag1nan and the dut..e ut Milan L1l<.'"l'-l'. l-..1m (1illtngham turns 1n a tine pcrformann· a .. his daughter \.1tranda \he and Jeff Wruman (a'i Pnnte I crdinand. son of the l ing ot Naples) g1H' u<, thl· 1..ombtn.i twn of 1nnon•nte .rnd 1mpul'>t'-II)' nece.,.,ar)' tor tht· role\. and an· a wcll-mald1ed pa tr to J')IJ~ lhl' young rnupk who foll in lu' l' at ftr\I ~1ght. I ht• pla)' 1cpn:.,enl'> tw111nll'fe'>t1 1\1lt•, 111 t .1llban and Anl'I tontrn: 1nK figun•, representtng thl· c:1an t'Onf11c1 hl•twt:1..·n <:orruption a1 good. Mall Md-..en11c a' C 'Jltban 1!> ficrn~-loot..1ng and nwnaung a' ' expect thc subhuman 1..reaturc Ill t On thl' other hand. Ken \unktn And offers JU'>l the opposite t JU) tul. 'il"ll.'h bene\.olenl·e .ind a t 1n of the opll nHstlC et hl'n:af spm t "· \onl.1n (whualso 1)a mag1nan a1 Jrrohal) also prov ides soml' pre-<; he ma~1l' tn front of the l'Urt.ll n. Carl Kegg1ardo a., Anton to turn., ,1 fir-;1-rat<.' portra~al of Prosix:r<. trc::l<:hi.•rou' hrother who tries usurp lhl· dul.edom. Cltt1 Fault..ner\ !>parse: lk\lblc '> is an appropnate bad-.drop f. "ih1gl·ru YaJ1\ 1n1crc:,11ng and \Jiil costuml''> \ome of thl" lhararte appt•ar 10 mo<krn-.d:" tu\t·doc wlHli.' othe~ are l lad 111 Ortl'nl• looking at11re E\.en tht· ,1agehJn1 wl.'ar kahuk1-'-l)le wrap5. Yl·t morl' tnternauonJI tlJ\Of 1111rodun:d during thl' wt•ddtng • Miranda and fadinanc whl'll ~on of thl' l haractcrs arc dressed ( ·anbbcan l'ilJnd-st} le a111rc Thi'> not. obviou~l~. the l)pil'al fatf)·la \Cl often u .. ed for ··The 1 empc'>t ... b1 an in1ngu1ngcon1emportt::l11on of tt age-old tale "Tht· fempest" l•on11nu"'' throuE \ug 1 .ti thl' (rrO\l' l e'>lt'- ..\mph1thl'aler. 128$2 MJtn "il. (ra dt•n ( 1rm l.'. "t th rx·rtorm..inrc\. at 8 : p.m I hur.,day-. throu~h ~unda) (·all f'l l6-n.11 for 11cket 1n101maI101 Q;) WlLD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS '1i) MARKETING SAH CMEGO AT LARGE (JI) PEOf>LE'S COURT 0 TIC TAC DOUGH m TOOAY'S WOMEN HEROES -91>0- IJ l MOVIE ED EVEHING AT POPS GJl) BEHIND THE SCENES m ROUER SUPERSTARS C MOVIE • • Trencncoat (1983) Maigot ••'1 R1~y Busuiess (1983) Tom Crurse Rebecca DeMoinay -1:00-0 HE.E HAW Whodunit?Wehaven'taClue • • Witness ~ 0< The Prosecv- lton 19821 Raiph RICllclfdSOO ()&.. Kidder Robert Hays H MOVIE 0 MOVIE * • * * Zulu 119641 Stanley '1) RAQNG FROM HOLL YWOOO PARK -8'00- i Cl) CHARLES IN CHARGE (8 HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN FROM HERE TO ETERNITY D ®l ROCK 'N' ROU SUMMER ACTIOH l>Ofah Kett 0 ~ FACTS OF LIFE D '1}l DYNASTY O NEWS t 'l flash G0<don (19801 Sam J Jones Max Von Sydow Baller Jack Hawtuns G) MOVIE t • 1l Black Widow !19541 Ging« Rogers. Van Helhn By BOB THOMA~ A .. oc:t•ted "'"" wru., LOS .\NC,El L 'I -< 11l11nl'l ~luv lard arrl\e' at lht• "t'trd hut pJIJ11.il mansion 1n a m U\IJnl-l ol1irnl C'ad1llac. and Mr, Whitt• pull\ up in .i wh11r M (1 . .\II the othl'r'> an· thal' too Mrs Pean..lll Prok"°' l'lum. -10:15- m MERV GRIFFIN m RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING Cl) MOVIE -10:30- CI) INDEPENDENT NEWS 0 JOl<ER'S WlLD G)NEWS fJJ) SECOND HOME al) PRAISE THE LORD mBARETTA Z MOVIE '1i) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EE)GOOONEWS • t • · Bye Bye Braverman" f 1968) George Segal Jack Warden @)NEWS c;)VIDEOZOO 1r Green, Mrs<> 'ilarll'll Cl) MOVIE . -111>0-0 MOVIE • • • The Scatpllunters 419681 Burt Lancaster Srieoey Winter~ • t Conan Th<> Destroyt:!r 1 198•, Arnold Stn ... ar Z'!negge• Gr dCe Jone~ IJ DD ®JaNEWS O TAXI • • "MISSIO<l Hiii ( 19821 Brian Bur~e Altee Barrell Murder ma' htm 111 .1 m;1d1kn1ng '>lope awam. and the .... l·apon l<>uld --------- "mE BBST DISNEY MOVIE IN YEARS. ••• an absolutejoy. Beautiful. Beautiful." "The most lavish animated film since 'Pinocchio: The brilliant Disney animators have created their most endearing charademin years ..• certainly one of the best:' 11.t. I '1 ·The master Dlmey touch flows from every frame: "The most spirited and genuinely exciting animated feature from Disney in decades.H ~This is good old-fashioned story telling. Kids will love it: . ' 4 .. The adventure fi lm of the summer. "" .. ._, ~ ~t , ... ,._ ... . ;. ' ""'' '1 fl••'' • ~""' ~1 ......, ...... .--"""'ll"'°Jll."'llC IVI .,tY l""t~ "-• 4' .,._., _,_., f'fit ••I ~tM""tUf" .,._,._. r1ttJMtf'f\t,,.,.,1'J .. -. ....... --- DONAi D DUCK CHIP AND DALE csmo~·~ A c;1,,_; 0......, r.Anoon CINEMASCOPf ' TECHNICOLOR ' STARTS TODAY COSTA Mf.SA IAY!N( ~d#M~ " .-. '4"1tt ft3M' Qt •.-i\ .. 'I • M "'-' 1\8' ~ I ACA IUfHA l'Allo, ,,. IQn«!lrUI° •.I P1< I \ ••I )}9 \ll'l Or .. ~ • • OAANQ(~l • "'I • • . ~ ; IUlNA 'Alllfl " .. -..o-., )'> ·~ eosu MU • ld.,1•0• Ci~ { '"'., 9rq • • l!l TOAO E~w .. 01 16'1·tW<• ~·~ Disntyland 0AAN0f •tJl11yl'l fl'f \.fll I I)!\ s . WUTMINSTfll 10-l<Cll .....,..wn• ~' ms LUXURY THEATRES W'"'LK· INS * f1"1 T..o Mauntt Sllowint~ * ,.... ONLY SZ. 7S Unltu Nottd PALE llUD£R(RJ SHOWS AT 12 20 2 4S SIS 7 4 0 10 OS LT. T ... h tn Twt•bW (PG) SHOWS AT 12 l 0 2 Ss 5 20 7 45 I. I 0 OS A Vl€W TO A KILL &OONIES (f'G) l 1 0 ff'GJ al l :OS &. 1 30 I. I 00 E xplorers (PG) F"tetch (PG) 1 10 s JS 12 40 S 4 0 .. I 0 lO ~ I o 00 Wall Dh ney·1 BLACK CAULDRON {PG) 12·00 1 SS 3 :S0 S 4 5 7•35 9 2 S / 70MM RAMBO (R) I 2 00 1 0 0 4 00 6 00 I 00 &. I 0 00 BACK TO T HE FUTURE (PG) 1 1 0 l 30 S SO I I 0 I. 10 30 M AD MAX • a.,eM n ....... _ (PG-I>) AT 1 :05 3:20 S l S 7 So lo 10:10/ln70MM SIL'V£RAOO (PG-IJ) 1 1l021'5 00 7 :45 I. 10,lO In 70MM ST. IEL.llO'S ll"IRIE(R) 12·4S l OS S 20 7 40 &. 9 SS DRIVE -INS '01 •l r Ill ow STADlutn r:J b3' l l/O K flrll• l'i•" s .. o'""' Wi ll 011ney•, BLACK CAULDRON !PG) 84bY (PG) COCOON (PG·U) f'lu• Co H11 Rom4nc1119 Tne Stone CPG ) RAMBO (A) Plus L 1lelorceCR) MAO MAX a.yoftCI T••~-{PG-IS) Also Purple 'h1n (R ) T HIE MAN WfTH O NE RIED SHOE {PG) Plus Tne Fl~m1n90 Kid (PG -I 3) FL.ETCH (PG) P1u1 Co·Hll 8 e11er1y H1lh Cop IRI *PACIFIC WALK-IN THEATRES* BARGAIN MATINEES I FIRST 2 Ptrformancn Mondly * Thru S.turdly (Except Holidlys & Spec. Eng1gem1nts) s ,-... ,-., ..... w--~--1--·]-·11 i>m11u 1 tr.t0/f-11y s t·-·• 11111m Z•t!il• 111i.u•• ,..,.., •• , 12u 1111 1111/fwy s •I V•tt.x v .... P LA MIRADA GATEWAY IACK TO THI fUTUlf fN I IN llOllf mllO IJ1>0 J•M Sil41 .... lti)O AOVU.Cf YICQTJ OM WJ 0.Uf & A I 11(.111 M.UT1I THI ILACIC CAULDRON ('GJ 10MM OOUY 11 0 l 4) 4 0 4 4S I 4S I 0 0 THI GOONIU , .. 1 I IS I H 10 JI I XrLORHS (PO) J 140, 1120 THI LIGIND Of llllll JIAN 1,...n1 hOO J1M lrOO 7r00 frOO I I 00 AK Center South Ulll6l 4 1111 fK•lly II Otl Ante l .T ... , 111)0 lrOO I 10 1100 101)0 l .T.1 .. 1 IJ JO l rOO S1lO 1•00 I01JO MAD MAX llYOND THUNDHDOMI 1-111 l 1tl J Jt t.01 l1U l"U THI aLACIC CAULDRON 12 >O 2 JO • )0 • )0 I l S 10 40 ST. ELMO'S flltl 1•1 12 '° J 00 s 70 7 0 IOOS SILVlllADO 1,...111 11o>O JrOS 1140 l 1:IO 11 rOO THI GOONIU fNI >IS. I 4S urLOHU(,0 ) h lS, .. IS. 11.0S THI MAN WITH ONI HD SHOlfNJ 111 IOU' mno IJoM 11M 41M .. H lilt 10140 COCOON 1-111 7tMM '°'" ffllto l11M ,, .. SIM 1100 l"M MAD MAX llYOND THUNDHDOMI 1-111 IN eour muo ,, .. )1)0 .... 11>0 ,.,,. THI UOIND Of l lLLll JIAN1 .. II) IN DOllT m 110 11141 Jill 4141 &10 lo•s 1 t 1u THI IMlllALD fOHST 111 IN DOUf mno 11'0 JilS S 0 l ilt l .. &S TH,,5,u\4i {N I • OOllf muo 12 JO l .. l oMI l rOO llhJO All\IU.CI 11Cl.ITI OM SAU DAIU • At TK•nMAJnl PALI llDllt 111 IN OOllf mtto 11 M l oll SoJO 71U IOllO *PACIFIC DRIVE-IN THEATRES• * CINE·f l SOU NO I At these symbol1 pHI sound direct to your AM car * r1d10. If no rld10 with accnaory po11tion, IK•n1 your own AM porubt1. ALL OPEN ~:~",: 1 "Start DuskCh11drenUnd.f 12 ALWAYS FREE SU,l ll SWA' lllH I £ ... , Sol••••• ••• s.. ••• , ,,, .. ,,,,,. "J,,,. '" lol.,..,•1••• Ctll (7141Ut Utt ANAHEIM CIUltlt !HOIL!l!!H Nz!!ttft fl!J t.c PALI llDll 1'! t,~ "-llt THI IMlllALD FOHST1•1 ST. ELMO'S PIH r-1 "-VI THI HIAKPAIT CLUl 1•1 SllVlltADO 1-111 "'" THI OOONIH rN 1 ORANGE l .T.1N I -CLOAK & DAOOH f!!J Su",_ SWAP .. u t h ..., fll1'T Ao4 liooof"' ''""' IAM I• l ... 1f ff 1.1.,"'"''"" toll U 1111>4 OH * IACK TO THI fUTUH 1N1 ""' THI LAST STAl•IOHTH IN I PALI llDH 1•1 -THI IMlllALD FOIUT 111 RAMtO.c11 PlUI MADM•X H YOND fHUNDllDOMI " .. 1i1 ·~=11~J;z+;;.5 11:h : .... flwl' "'"' ut'lOttlH1N1 ""' THI OOONlll fN I BUENA PARK 11111111 40IO/l1ocel• W ol Koon COCOON 1-111 "'" STAIMAN 1N t * THI IALCIC CAULD•ON <'OJ "u' NIVH en wou C'O> l.T.1N1 "',. CLOAK & DAOOll CN I THI UOIND O• lllltl JIAH ,_ .. , ~ AVIHOIHO ANGIL 111 h:l\ e lx•t•n J re:' oh l'r. a lntle a rupi.'. J .... renrh ,, lead ptJX' or a candll'~lll'l The hl·tnou\ deed could ha-.c bcl·n donl· 1n the h1ll1ard room thl" con- scnator} the d1ntng room. thl' kitchen. thl· hhrar.. the 'ilud\, thl· hall or the ballroom · · Soun<.! fam1ltar" II '>hould 10 am fan ol thl· l'ndunng board gam~ ··ctul· ·· .... h1<.h Dt•hra Hill. w - produlw ol '"ltJllo .... cen .. "The Fog .. and" f hl' !kad Zo m· .. 1<, maltng into am<" 1e ·· \\ h...:n I \~J' gnm ing up. I al" a)., ltlctt C lul· hl·11c:r thJn Vlonopol\. ~h1i.h \l'l'mcd 10 be 1us1 bu~ing and '>elltng .. 11 111 <.aid dunng a recent lunl.'h breat.. from filmin~ at Stage 18 wht·re P.Hamount Picture<> ha~ l rea1ed thl· l'em· mansion .. , 111.1.'ll the 1h1nk1ng pan of Clul'. JnJ I l.nt'" thJt a lot of pcopk hall pla~l'd 11 -Jnd \1111 pla} 11 \\ ht·n I approJc:hed lht.< Parker Rrutht:r'> J>l"Oplc about making a mo' 1e ol the g.amt:. thl·~ \aid nobod~ had e'er a~ked them · "ROUSINC ENTERTAINMENT WITH EASTWOOD AT HIS BEST." TODAY NBC TV ~ snallt CLINT EASTWOOD ------------ PALE RIDER H&llElll PACIFIC AHAtf:IM DI!'" m.mo lllHA PAlll UA MOVllS 8 9!12 4993 COSTA lllH COWARDS CNMA CCHICR 9/'J 4141 El TOH EDWARDS SAOOHBACll SAl!IUO URHI lllllYl COWARDS wtSllll!OOI< '>30 4401 IRYIH COWARDS UHIVEASITV 8'>4 8811 UHH IUCll EDWARDS so com lAGtlfjA 497 1711 U lllHH PAClflC GAIEWAY !>131611 OHIH (V!,.~ 'f CllY C£Hl£R 614 25'>3 SHUAIU COWARDS lll!IS10l $40 7'144 WlSTlllHTlll PACIFIC HIWAY l9 DI! IH 891 ·3693 WESTllllSTlll • UA WCST~lER MALI 89J.OS46 "SPECTACULAR ... with o better senN of humor 'MolC' 11 Irresistible." H '.ti A,. .. I "II~ .. ,.~. "'41• •. hf "AN INCREDIBLE, EXCITING AND ORIGINAL EPIC that I think Is one of the best films of the year " , • • •J*• t ... -r• •u.aw 10 l.c 6 fRACll AMC r ASt«>N SQUAR( OOlBY smro (213) 691 -0633 llWNllT IUCI •u llUIA COWAllDS IH,OIU PACflC GAT£WAY 'u 0160 m 1111 ...... , • ltJltll Y1UI CM.OOlil £DWAROS MISSIOft 63' zm VllO MALL 4956220 AIAllElll mo.M 0-IN • UITl All m mo CDWAllOS llRISTOt !J.40 7444 'llU UA MOVI£$ 4 •nST•STU 990 4021 CDWAAOS CKMA WUI n l J93S n THI (OWAllDS SAOOI. £BACK nsflltlsrt• s11 mo rACflC llWAY l' OR II 891 3'tl • OOllY srmo "° rmn ...... .-......................................................................................................................................... ___________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--o.~~--- P~1rl.er Bruthl·r, g.1 \l" hl'f t hl' ngh lo <.ll·'-elop ( lul· ·a ... 1 film proJe• ~11hout a kl' Aller the mu' 1c dl'; wa) ma<.lt'. PJrkl'r rt'Cl'I\ l'd a pa) mc1 and will rt•n•t\l' a pcrcentagl' of tt: profits. whKh Htll decl1ncd to d1· dO\l'. \he kne" <.he had a 1>utt·n1i; "tnncr bcl·ausc therl··., <1 reaJ ~-mad ..1ud1ente Clue ha' bc"·n a hea'' .. ellt s1nn• I '-.141.) fhe ca'>t indudcl> these t hJrJlll.'1 trom thl' board game Mr'> PcalOl (Etlet•n Brennan). ~I r" Whit (Madeline Kahn): Proks'>tH Plur {Chmtophcr Uo~d,, Mr (rree ( M 1chael McKean):< 'olonel "1 U\tar (Martin Mull). M1!>\ Srnrli.'tl tl esle •\nn Warren) f hrcc nc" l'haractcr., ha' l' hce added the butler (Tim ( urr) ). th French maid (Colleen (amp), and th cool. fKclhe Nakahara) .\II of1h~ rooms on the hoard gam arc 1n tht.> mo\. 1e. On the ~l'\ thl') ar 1n1..red1bl) duuered "tllt I !Ith an 19th ctntuf') anttqur<. fhl' s...-rrpt follo"'> thr game 1 terms of the name<> of charactl'rS. th room' :ind the weapon~ Rut th nl\\ll'r\ 1s nut ml·rt·h "ho ktlk<.I M1 Bod), V.hcre and \.\llh what."" 1n th game In the mO\ 1c.evcf) charattl·r 1 a pi.Hcn11al suspect or' 1cttm RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY fllf Tiit ltSt If Yoer Lift 1122 llAHOI ILVD .• com •m -541-llS& 0 1UfllA 'All• ••fWNtt •011.\r.Gt liA~r• 111itli • '• 9'tl •9'1• ...... .,, ~ ,.,., . •COl1A ., .. 0 IAG\J•J Milli • wtll•IMIH• <lo( "f . ~ , .... ' AM.. ffl •at '"I~ .... .. .. u • mzml.~ • •flf-,, .., tA• 141 .. CA"ll~AllO 1 .... •u. .... AO& ~ .. ..... ...,. ..... ... . .... )I -' . tAI Ull-loGt • 10\1111 Alli VllU 1Y ·~ .... .. ... ~-..... . , .... . . . ,,. .. "' .,.,~·"""'' -u--.. NOWPLAVING •1111.A •C011••u ..... , .. .., ... lllOllCI ig .t- a I td l\ Jl' (.' j \ H.' n- 1L' 1d \\ n ·., ll :t H d r .. ~. 1- h I!> .,, :L' n I\ l." JI h 11 .. () • .. ·t ti 11 L' r ., " 1 j 1 : : - Filtered vision Al'~lo Mechanic John Caccamo lnapecta a Quaker State air filter for blah aUicon content, dirt and overall condition before lt'a lnatalled ln a dleael truck ln San Jome. E xxon earning,s dip; o ther oil firms gain By STEVEN P. ROSENFELD Al' l utlM H Wrfl•r f\xon (orp earning'> lell 44 8 pc-rccnt in the second quartt'r from .i )ear earlier. reflecting the impact ol J huge Judgment against the world's largl.'st 1nduc.1nal compan~ for O\t'r· pnc1ng an the 1970s. the compan~ .. aid Tuesda\ Toda) ·s rC.-pon \\as a u1n1ras1 to do uble-d1g11 gains announced :..ton- da~ b) four other large otl compan1e\ a\ a result ot a '>pnng nse 1n gaftoltnc pnce<, that defied the" urld\' 1de drop 1n aude 011 pme<, .\nal\sts ha'c said thJt 011 com- panies· l..ept bc11er control o'er gasoline supplies this 'ear. helping \uppon pnce'i after sufTenng big lossrslast 'ear because of a glut on the market · ~ ould ha' e been $1 29 b1llton or $1 "0 a share Earlier tht~ month. a !.penal fedaal coun orderrd faxon to pa~ more than $2 b1ll1on for O\C'rpnung trudL' oil produced tn a field 1n eastern Te\as 1n \\hat is belteq:d to be thl' largest suLh Judgment against a" ngle defendant faxon \\h1ch t'> appealtng thL' order. ha~ lOmpla1nrd 11 ts the' IL tam of rt'troalll\L' go ,ernment 1nt1•r- prr1at1on of 'agul.' rules aJ11ptL"tl dunng thr energ~ shonages ol thl ,,.,. decade f'or thL· tir)t halt. E\ \Un .... 11d c:arn1ng:> lell w $2 .lP b11l1on. or$~ ~II a share. on re,enuc of$4ft 23 bdltun against earnings of $2 K' hillton or $3 39 a shML'. on re' enul' of $4ll ~I b1ll1on Orange Coa&t DAILY PILOT /Wedne1day July 24, 1985 Al 1 COMPLETE NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS, A12 W espac sues for $30 million Newpo rt financial firm says securities company guilty of misrepresenta tion By JEFFSKLANSKY Of 1M Delly ..... ltetl Wespac Financial C orporauon ul Newport Beach 1s sumg a Los Angdes secunties firm for more than $30 malhon for misrepresenting m dl· count with Wespac and mt\U'>tng Wespac funds. Wespac announced Monday 11 ha' filed a lawsuit against Morg.in Olmstead, Kennedy & Gardner Inc claamtng the secunues finn 1s re)pon- sible for 'Wespac losing over $6 m1lhon over about an 18-month penod, mone) Wespac said 11 \\J~ promised would be sail-I> 1n\C\ted and not at nsk A legal ad'-tser for ~furgan Olmstead denied any wrongdoing on its part, while dechn1ng to comment on specific charges 1n the ld"\u11 because the firm had not \Ct been served wnh the legal papers The su11 charges that Morgan Olmstead "committed fraud and m1srepre entauon breached their tid uctan Llut\ and breat·hed the 1on,t:nant of. good ta11h and tau dealing. illlllfd1ng tu a\\ e\pal pre'' rl•leJ\C fhc tY.o rl·al e'>tate tn\C\tment trU\I\ uf \\l''>PJl Jn,estor' fru:.t II <1nLI Ill 1n,e\teJ $~5 m11l1on to SJ 1111lltl1n 1.1.1th \forgan Olm,tead 1n l.ttl' 191!1 hil'>L'd on ""urun1e\ that thl' mone) v.ould n(lt he c11 mi.. au ord1ng Lo \.\ e\pac reprC''><'Oli!ll'<'' \.\ L'\pac hnan~1al < orpor.1t1un \\htlh !.pomur\ the tru'>t\. hatl to ball them out lor lu'>'iC'> uf m11rc than St• million a \t'a1 Jntl a hall latL·r \.\ e!.p3L dJtlll\ . \\ htk \I organ Oim,tL·.id tulJ \\ c,pac 11 ... m1ine' v.uultl hi.' an' e'>tcd COll\L'f\ all\L'h 1n \ULh a IA-U\ 3'> It• p11:\L'OI an~ PO'>Stblc I~> ..... on thL an111 ..il 1n'e~tmc:nt Lhl.' ttrm 1n fJLI \\..t' engagtng 1n '>petula11on Jllurd· ntt to \\ e'>pal .It \\as .i '>petulat1on l{,lm and rt ''J' not rrpre'>ented a'> a '~culat1un gJmL'" ~aid I IOIA-ard Arod' 1! < 1ni,.,man < 1ra' en PL"rr ..\.. Bio ~ the: la"' fir n rC'prt''>L'Ot1n11. \\ e'>paL "It all ho1kd d111.1. 11 10 \llmt" n11'>~gut1C'n \themC' · .. , hL· ""L0\IML !I U\f\ rt:ltt•d upon the e\pertl\1' of 1.1. hdt "C tx:ltn t'd tu tx J dL'df <11ld J ~' Jlale repre,en· tat1on "'C: had no rea\(H tu doubt \.1 orgar < >1111\t~:id lirod, ">aid .\nn .\111.lt"r'>1tn kgal 11un'>el lur \.1organ I >1m'll'J11 \Jtd ba .. ed LJO .,.. hat \Ile h.111 kilrnl'11 ot thl.' ca'>t' lrom nt'"., .ll lOtin\\ ~ht' kit the ti rm "-J '> n11t 1n {lang,·r ,,. 1'>1nl! 11 "'-rspal \' la1 "' "L' r<" lnOLt'rnt·d 1.1.e lllh'~.il\•Jl,JI \ rL·J1'l I lhl aCL U\..t• """' ~r dc1,.>r wrd \\ e're lt1nli- d1.1 I t ~ J HUI' "Jll l,11 \ 11 t '" ,,11tl 'h" uuld 11111 It'- 'P11nd .. 'Pt'l •, .1l1Lg.11111n' 111 thl· 1,1\,\Ull hc1,11"' \!1 11'\Jn Olrn\tcaJ .,...1, ''' ·'·'·'I • a ~·•I .. ummonc, T11( ' t "1' I ,d I rrd.1 111 t >r.1nt1.r I 1unl\ "HIJ:k."I I l < I.If' \~ npJt • .,,, 1Jntr.1 IL'd 1\1!11 \l11rgJrt I >1111'\~ 1d l111µ1ng \o t'tiltn '1.1, Hl'd 1,1 \ ''·''"' u' .i rc:al e'tate hqld, JL'P• -.1: \I 'r'•' ' I Lhl' rt·al '·'" \\. dl fl\~ bc:caui.c ot a \1.. heme .,...hereb~ pall ol 11 1.1.ac, 1n,ested an mongaie-ba1..l.ed KO' ernmen1 bondi.. the interest from whtlh \\uuld bc: con61dertd real estate 1nrnme foru111. purpo~s. and pan oftt ~a\ 1n,e\led 1n IJO'emment tu1ures "h1lh \torgan. Olm!>tead '>atd would balance out an} IO))CS in tht' bond marl.. et. aLLOrdan" to \.\ eftpac ··11 didn't \\.Ork !>atd Wespac's Lhtel linanc1al officer J.sme'> Vocke "The trusts reallied los~es "fhere were \1gniticant los~s. and 11 \\U'> '>Pl'Ulil alh prom1">ed that that \\ould neHr h1tp~n Brod) .. aid In add111on t<• \u1nK tor the Sb I milhon \.\ espa\ da1ms 11 lust un the deal \\ espal '' al\u sutni' \if organ Olmstead for an add1twnal S25 m1llton 1n pun1tf\ e damage\ as \\tll as \("\era I mtllton mure dollars for mJn.agcnal fee .. !ind other damages \.\ espal argue'> 1n the suit that 11 lost rnn">aderabl) mure than the $6 I mtlhun due to lo'>t tinanc1al op- 1><1nunllles and a dc1maged reputatton \.\llhtn the bus1ne'>'> lommun1t\ fur allo1.1.tnii 1tselt ll• be duped b1 \.forgan f)lm">teaJ "That l'SSL'nl1,1l1' put \\npc1l an a h,1J 1ght a\ tar ii'> their'"' 1 'rmcnt ~uc\ · BroJ, sa1J Copley celebrates cable TV opening Cople)'Colon\ Cable\l\ton ot Costa Mesa. I nl olliciall~ opened recent I) "'1 th a celebration h' Cople)/Colon). Inc . a cable .,,.,tern headquartered an Rhode lslamJ Copk) ( olon) was J\\arded th..- Costa !\tesa franchise an :'-1arch I 'lt<.l and plans to compl ete t o\la \lesa 1nstallat1on b) the third quartt:r ot 1986 It \\Ill e'cntuall\ ser\t~ more than ~4.000 homes. the compan) s.a\S Cople) Colon' has lulfilkd II\ "pn>mtfte 111 build tn ( osta Mesa the ii nest most '>uph1~t1Lated <;\ '>tem posstbk" \atd ( ople) ( ulon~ Pre!>t· dent Jack C C lttlord fhl.' Lahk •n<;tem v.1 11 andu1k lu\.il prugram- ni1ng, pa) T\ 'l'r' ILL'\ .• ind pa\-pcr- ' IC\\ \J)CCtal C\ t'Ot\ ( O\ta \1e<;a \ I'> < opll'~ ( nl1rn) '<; third lranthtse 1n \outhL"rn <alt· lorn1a fhe lllmpan~ '' a )otnt \t'Oture ul C nlon' ( llmmun1L.1t1on., Int a cable opaator and t opk' PrL"" Inc a ne"'papcr lh.11n . . . 1 he Hunttngton Bealh puhhL rd.:i 1111m, ad'-l'rtt.,1ng tirm 111 t-..ar ~ .\\'>OLI JIC'> hd\ JOOIHIOH'd lhl• .1J d111on Df a nL'" d1l·n1 I klpm.1tt-' Temporal'\ 'ler' ILl'' tn '>.1111.1 \n.1 HdpmatL'' <.uppltL''> IL'" p r.11 L'nl· pl<l\CL'\ "II) \ 1111.tlh l'\l' hU\IOL'" Sl'l hH ' ,1i:L 1lfd1 lli! Ill .1 t-..l'f r ,\. -\\,11uatn pre\s rekase . . . Ir' inc'<, \fl Donnell l>nugla'> F 1L'ld 'IL'r' Ile (om pan\ has .innounll'J Lh1 '>lgntng of J \Cf\ ice m.1n.1~t·ni1·1 1 Jgreement 1.1.1th lbl!; l\~'>L 'n' Ir \\l''>tla i..e \ 1llage. C aht \ k Oon 1wll Dougl3\ r ,t•IJ '-IL·n ' C ompam t'> no\\ lht· .1uth11rt11. .na 110nv. 1tle lil'ld -.en ILL" urga n 111·1 l11r Iha\ n1mputt•r \toragl.' pn•JuL '' u111..h 1 thl' nL"\\ agreement ltm pr •u1.11.t' \I 1Lll'l I .lt ~ .ind \fodel, Oo m;iul • d1 ..... drt\t'\ • • • \••uth < 11.1• \{etn• \ll1.1:'h r '' J I• tnll'd th, rt\ jl lll \l'\ \•.ti • tl'n.1nh an ti\ pr111t·"11•1 .1 \11111jl1t'\l'\ I 111..11111g 1n ')outh l 11.1,t \!vt c 1 lllL'r 1n < 1>\IJ ;..1e'>J are t-..n1 tn .11 .t \l 1J, .i l P \ firm Hll.IL l " < .11 10-n .. 1 .ind \\ell\ f ar~· l L.1' ( l1Tp11l,J(l1/l1 .ind fnlr I f • lj ' ll'fl1 \ . . . \I r' ~1.nl 11 • iJlr 11.111 ,,.,. l•':l Pl 1 11..1 u1mputL'r' 10 h .. 101 "'' tt.l \,111 I r:.1nll'u Ba \11·.1 I. ' 1p1'l'd.1rt1lli1.1.·1nlr' r • I !11· lh'>' c•lli1.L' l.\t1I 'l'r•1. 11 .in1.: MUTUAL FUNDS . ,. .• I I " r I , 1 ure 1r '''•I '\.i~' I 1 • ,, . . . ' \'>I lh·w.1r I In hi.!'- .! • ' hL" t-..n1~h1 IJ.it.i 'le irtl\ J~l I I lOf' puter \•II' l!.Jr {'..1Ck ti !t 'lt!I l"J Ill ~O\Ufl the pr!\ ,I\\ ul 1·' d.1\.1 tlk-. '.\ thou! U\111~ tht• i II n pr1 ledUrl: Oil\\ 1'1 .I h\ m pt: ta ,o It .... 1 rr \\I '·'', :ht' !H''' ~"" >..ri: ... t' ,1 \,J\ l1I pr \ 1J1n1'1 JJt.J \l • IL ,. J j\\' II " k\\ uhlrll\I\ L' ,1n11 "" 1(1\Umtng I ' l\1.' thJ:i lh< rroLl'dur • •\\ , II\' ..ire 1 .. 1 r111h tnL' 1 )I,, .111d .idd I ..1llu1.1.., Jrea l:lu\1 flL0'>'>t'\ tO ubuun 1n\e,1ment'> trom pn'.i e 1n'e~LOr'> thruu~h the '\at1un4I < orpora1e I 1nam.c: Jatah.1\l." \\1th ap11al 'l't"or"-'Jtt0nat L orroratt' FanJnd: l mc1td\ ~>ten· t1JI tn' t''>tur'> \\Ith l"lu~.nn\C'> .. u11able 11 thl'tr 1n1erc:'>I' ind Jn1re' Thl" , 1rnpan' '>a)., 1t r>liin'> td ha' c a databi1SC 11! l IOI It I 'Ui fl\ l.''tor'> l\.rau'>l., ., '-Iola F aL 1 r. hc<1u· l!UJrtercd rt F JOl3tn \ alle' re,c:n1 h npt.'nL·d th \L0Lllrtll >h"" rt•11m 1i1 E p.,..,, r t.:\d\ I h1· ...... fo f Jl \(If"\ ha l,.11 ' ih•ough It"'·'' \r -------------------------------- Exxon said 1t'i profit 1n thL· 'iet·ond quarter frll to $745 mtllton or 94 lt'Ots a share. on re,cnul' of $22 97 b1lhon Jga1ns1 profit ofS I 35 b1lhon orSI ti3asharc.onre"enucof$24.31 h1ll1t1n a 'ear earlteL -(' l illlil:I u1l',ll!tJ---------AP ... ... ' ' ' It c;aid.$545 mtlhon. or 71 cents .i c;hare ol the dccltnc 1n earning~ rclklled a onr-11me-onl~ chargl.' aga1mt l.'arn1ng<i to C:fl.Labltsh a cont· angenc) for los'>CS tn the otl-pnctng Lil\l' Without that chargl' earning~ NEW YORK (AP) -The fOllQ.wlno list snows 1ne New York Srock Exchenoe stocks and warrants lhel nave gone uo the most and down the most oased on percenl of cna noe reg11rdless of volume for Tuesday No securllles 1radlno below S2 are Incl ·a,ided Ner and 1>erce,,1aoe cnanoes are lhe differe nce oe1ween tne Previous closlno pr ice end Tuedav's 2 p.m orace UPS Name Last Cn11 1 UnParll Mn 2' 2 I .\II 2 GlobMar 3 8 \II 3 tntlHarv Joi 37 4 • RLC 8 B ., S Clevok I UPI !Pe l • 6 CteveP'k 10 .., + 1 7 ModulCmSvs 7~ + ~,. 8 Th!lcker11v IO"a + '• 9 Intl Harv 9"' + ), 10 lnllHarv wt 6.\11 I-i 11 §l1lr Jn 11 + I > 12 lobMar of 9 • + '' 13 rMcGld 11~ + l , 14 At.0Moan11 s 2 + e IS GEO lnll 4 e + • 16 Anthem 1•'"1 + 111 17 GenOata 14''• + 1'1 18 lnllHarv ofO 2911 + 11• 19 Pac Tin 12\• + 1. 20 Shoerown 8 2 + ' ll NIM!neSv 81.. i I 2 Nor1ho11te o • .._ • 3 AMO ~0' • 1~ ' FtlohlSfty s 53' 1-"I S Elecrroso s J~ I'> OOnNS Name 1 Tloer Int 2 Roch G•W 3 I TFI l 2 I 4 estn UI S oslon Ed 6 eece Cp 7 Massey~ I MexlcoFd G Housew11 r 1 vlChertCo l ~onson andlman s endo Co li Alleo Pw MYersL 1 Patrlt_k~r 1 Flff•FnGro s LH I Cn~ 2~ = 2 117'1 -I n -1 , 381'1 -1' I 111. -l ,. 2 ' 1i. = ~ 2 • -' 2 ti -• 2''• -1"' 101 .. -~ 31 p,. 1 • -... nl~ = l~! ,,. -1'1 Pct UP 17 6 UP 13 6 UP 12 I UP 12 I UP 11 8 uo 10 s UP 89 uo 8 8 8~ n Uo 71 UP 7 4 Uo 6 9 Uo 6 7 uo 6 ~ Uo 6. Uo 6 Up 6 3 Uo 6 3 UP 6 3 UP 6 I UP 7 UP i I Up 7 UP S Per f 9 ' f '~ 6' 6 I ~ 8 6 6 ' ' NEW YORK (AP) -Trie lollowlno list O\ler · the · Counter shows the stocks and warranrs that nave oone uo tne most end down the most based on percent of cnanoe for Tuesdav No securities trading below S2 or shares are included 1000 ~et and percenta~e chanoes are tne di erence between he prtvfou s crosino prfce and Tuesdav's last or ad once UPS Na me Last Cho Pct i Cheuno 2 + l UP ri Hllnmale un i~ + "• UP Preco II l 11 Up 4 BJotchOev Uo s Medlmd1 wt l , Uo Ji ' ~ro1e5 v un L Uo rvo ~n u" Uo 8 Rnco cl 'l.. + ~ UP ai T V Min rl o 21 r· UP 11 Medlmfc un 9"-1 • Uo 14 Mytec~on w1 1L • Uo 14 ~ Tr lino s un •• UP ij' Computrac I • UP 14 NelwrkE I n t :: Uo 15 ~POrli~L1fe Uo I 9 lt tu vs O I uo ii l Wiiton 1 • • Uo 1, ~aserPhOlo l . Uo roorouo Inc 7 J, UP ~~ TfvaPnarm l '2 ~ Up I 0 01ceonEI I• • 1 ) Uo II 8 OVER THE COUNTER NEW YOltK (Al'l NASDAQ QU9tallonl "'9•"'9 ,,..,..,t lllcll aftCI l•w•'I ofMM '>l tn9rllt! tn9Un " 9f p.m. Tut,cln. Pnc•\ c1o not lndudt retu tn9rlluo m.rtrclo•n or nmmlu let1 for Tu.' · elev S~ll 81d AU< A L • 1''• 7~'· A. A.Pr1 ,, • "'; .., :~~g';v H ' 71'• .o\dteLD 7 t 1 • ~~~.~t.v 1r~ 1r~ "OvC1r 11 " II , .o\OvROl ''-'"' •t•Bll> II 11 t ""COin ~ '3 "mcu • '! '1' """'" I • I '-.o\Cirtel l • l > AmLo<lt '• ' 1 .o\MIO II l? ' 16 "Nlin\ 16 • )4" AQuu " ' • 11 31 "n•O•lt S • S l "ng$.o\ \s • IS • ""9"G ~ 9 I t ll I• ""P•t C 1: I t•" "PIOMI 14 ' • Ar~nGo 17 , 1'· :::is:~·\ ~-I ji • :&'08 "'• .i • 1o.MArn , 9 ' ll lt11t1.2Pwr s NYSla G Sf1Qrd c wt nAlr Lin omtn esc I ConEdfcn i R~n If t frac l•.11 -1'-~ -'• ~ -"' ~-1) I:~:~ .,''! .r; .,,,, , I '• It • H I ~'" JS • • et1LD • ' 41.. 4 DO' ' S Nev1daPwr NlaoM Pow !i~ = \:~ lo14 - NVESTORSI '7 ••01"' 9 ' • •• , ,,.,,,, l '-l'• ? •••00' •'-a I 16 8t wTorr I II .. P o l~, )r ~rnoS '• ,,. p~ "" I a 1M C ....... , ' r .... ~. 1&; . ~, INVESTORS! el!Ol'G . .. •Mad I ii .. t1 i Why Not Go With A Proven I"'"' .... , ' •ntc-or Wlnnrr'1 tfU\ !lrm!> \ t ~ 't ! COINS llMlta RARE .... { onhl /\ ..,lh I rl "•'U' ll:: ff 1tS~• I lntl!rd ...,11ppl\' ilnd 1111 rr.1vcl •1Ut ,_ ltUI 9 ' • l • l>t-11i.11ul Mi>nn14 Prnftl"I Ahr.ici rl' o.: n.; 041 la om(1r t~.: ~·~ ( .1111 Ill ~ rrr ln(nrm.1ttnn ""~"' mwT 731 -6840 ~l>ao ' 838-6544 oro ' r ~L or•r ~:J~,~~ , : ' . I n w101too 41. ' 13 n~mlx wt 2 i,, + . H Mo eculon ur 19 +. Qu•ntet 1 • DOWNS Name Lost Cri11 I Cus~rm un s 10 ; - s 2 FA CO 1 3 9 uarSvs 2 ' 4 OPsvslrater A 2l, ' 5 01agn~11t un 2 : 6 Me re nr un 3.i,, 7 EveCare 2 " '' * KlouV,deo 4 • 1. NewGe1'1Fds 2 • i,, 10 prdlo~utm J 1 16 -7·16 11 ustm rm s 10 / 1' 12 NwstEn~n J i 13 Sm1tnLa s 1J, -.... 14 AmSnrdHso 4 J 15 Tw ~reTrt ) '• -b J7 16 AM able J 8 ~ 17 AqvMedac u" ~ = ,,, 18 Mac ro 0 Inc "I 19 Com1rndA1r 4 • l 20 MvtanLab s n•. ]\w 21 Cnan1a1 1~ ~ 111 2? ~BsRelj s 1'1. 23 nror re lk. • 24 ~urn In 17 , '. 25 ardro,r.1mT wt l J • ~~ lnfrac ad L 1 M1rac1RecEa II(•"" 0 ')4 ... 1iqi, ~1m().a l• • 1~ • '"'" ,., I e ~ oo•C. JI ll • I( naotv 19 , •O Krug•r 1) .. ll'o K JjCkt IS" IS • Lenct \ ll •• /<? le~.Co p v LH O•a 0 ~ . Lt• cor 1 . 1 • 10 Lii '•\ ·~ ' .'} . L· 't'f"' It ... L·li8r~ ll ' 12'• MCI 9•• 91, MeaC.E lo • lo • Mellt P• 3 1. Me~· 9 • I • '1116 u p u .. 'A••P• ' . \ . 'llltv'O ' 4 • M c(r H }\ . Mcl'ar• t0'· ' 'llleaC t s ~ . MtOE \ ''• ''· ¥,o,,.. \,'\O\•'W ~ 'llld•oCa ~. 10 1}. H: M·O B• N 14 • M11~1or ff! n:: ~g~,(. MonuC ir-F Moo•tP ¥.orr ,,.. 1 • I • Mo•C D !A'• t l • M u••f" ij; u. Mu1tmo Npj:f.C 41 • 0. u • ... ~Mier" l!•: 1t·. Ntw~S ' NVAr • • , ... Nck<f • 16 ' ' .. " n ..• : "'f"" ~ .. t &' .. ,, . I 9 • NwtlP\ H1 l: ~~~~~ ~.... .. ~~~· '~. . ·~ . ' ·r· &t t •O ... '• ., ]'4 ;·· !),I I • • lrTP ll•• II • ~"4.0 ... 11 1: ,.,,,, 1•. t PcG•lt ~ i . ~=:~~~ f·~ 1r· ~ .... ,J • ,, •t~ ff qt rn·· , :\t' I• 0 J H 5 11 ~""• '~" p..,. """' ,,., .... P•tGVI p, .. , .. 11 • H , r· . tt ~ lo I ~ • d~ j, -: ~~u;r ,f4 1~. Uo 11 8 Up I! 8 Uo I 8 ... uo ' . .. ... ... Pc .. . .. ... ~ "',. t'' ",. §ff )4 4 Self lluv If 20 0 .. ff 20 0 8'' 18 s ft to 1 r 'S 6 ISO fl IS() H 10 H 12 s H 115 ff 12 6 fl 12 fl I I Oft I! 8" 10 7 ff 13 7 ff 1 1 II 10 5 fl 10 J ff y' II 96 fl 95 ,. 9) ft 9 I fl v I H ~ I ... .. ·. . "". ~-.. ' .. . .. . ·, .. .. ' ' .. ' ' .. '-• ·. ., .. '• .. ... .. ... ... ' ... ... ... " .... ., ' ' .... ' ' ... ;·J:, ... e . .. ' ., .. ... ., ..... .. . "" ... .... .. .... ... .. .... .. .. .... ... .... ... . .. . . .. .. ts ~ .. ... .. ' ... .. ~· ' r .I ~------------------------•s._. ...... a ........... s .................................... s A 12 NB OrRnge C.OUI DAil v Pll OT /W dnesday July 24. 198!> « . 17 • • ... ~t ! I .. a 1. 16'•. • 14 • I~·:, 01¥ Pl hi•• LUI t h• 01¥ Pl \•la• 1-••1 (1141 ~':~ tt l9 ~ ii o ~ ~ft~~~llO<o ~ 't.: I , Hari ri i fi 1 ~ I I Mlh· u ,~, ff H•f'llO \ \a f I I t1'' I I • Ma• ... ' f~ N • • t .... H•ull'11 IU 6 1 • Ma• v I t ! .~ ~=~~ ~Cl tl 1~1 • I • ~~'[f., 4 1 f loo ~:rnr n If lj 'tlf ·.~: ~ ~~~1 ~ • n~ ·~~ ' . ~=i~~(~. ,~ a ~J .:.-1 , "" ~~~~\ 1. u ·' t':~ 1 i: M•ll I 't • Mfr Hen ) 20 ~ 1 1 'o '' Haw I I I 4 i.-I Mir It °'t ~ ) • Ill H•n\A "" .... Mlrli of 11• W '• l'fui.111 I 14 >, " Man•• S • H11~ab Jj "'f • Mn•• 01 !t ~ll~rP' n f2 ,; ::.:,FJ,0 I rn ! HllU~/4 2~ " '• M•rcci. ~ t• • ltKh• I 1 '·•I • MarM•d 1 ij a J "'1 , H~••M lI' J• 16 "' M••M DI\ .. 1 , .... • lt•llmn I H glw I "' Marlo{l , J9 ~\ , , tlellkl ._ 1 Mar~( I I I • Htll\I I IH) ... I : ~i~...'\' I " s 1· ~' : I I J ~=~ It ~1 m ft'!" Mr\l'\NI l It )4 II"' o H••C~h I 60 1 2 lt + • MartM \ 147 ~ • I 1,. llt<I \ 04I ) )7 I '-MarvK II 11 ·~ I '-He<ll oil 50 10 32 '-• M•>fQ !16 11 7S ) "" Hermn n It ~ 19~ • Ma\•Mr 20 ti 24 l "I > Her>nv I <IO ll 4f "'-Ito M••tvJ 9S Ht•Von • Me\C o f '" l~t "1 ' , l :~:!!r~I " If ~J f ,-; 1 ~~~~~ )Jj 10 1U S ~ Ht_,.ceo 11 ti I > I '"' Mall41I 8 1141 l ,-IO'V>ffr 'l I t I~ .... Malt ..,, 0 I ·-~:~::o ~ ,. ~2 I 1 ~·p,m Hi 13 m n" , ~ · · Hilton I Ii ll' 1 Malv IQ '1 II 1'~ •=, ~ Hllectu ) I 1 1 Mc r O 6 .-'• Hotldt• I I I • Ml, r pt 1 S '•-• Holly~ I I 0 ) + Mc .,, 1 .. 91' •• t • ::~"Jl\'6 1• lm ~ ~~ ,.: ~ rJ WI 10 'i 6! Hr-+ • HmtG of I H 3J • • Mc nl s 90 I lm ,.._ o.;. Hm••~· j 1004 2S" + .... Mc no '84 I I 1 .. -2 • Hll'l\IFr J IS • • Mc rH I 40 I 1 ~'•-HQl>Cle ~ I 1041 60·~-I MClnl 0 49 3 ~ t • Honwett "''~ 6S • MCYtn 740 I)~ ~4 .... Hr1n811 I I 10 '1 ll • '°" MClfe~ 10 I '• + -"" ~g~::t~ ~ I! 76,4 J I • ~~~:fi wl I 9 l u~ I 110lt lln 1 1 ~ n~ MHO I~ 10 l~!! '• ~~i~'b' ff I 4 1!~ .. ~:~1~: '~ :~ m J ~+ " Hou•lnt I 1 111 ff'. ~ Mallon 2 68 I 711 ~ HOlnl pl 1 J • l"-Mtllon Pl? •O ~ • - HOlnt of. 2S • "' '" Mtlv•ll '44 IJ I 4S • • HQvll\(j 2.. , 4099 27'-•• MtrcSt 130 I' I n -... l'fouOR 191 ~ 10 • • Mere~ J 20 I IS • I '" •• Howl(o JO 11 Mardlh I 16 I ) 1 .._+ , HuC>OfO 11 11 I n'• • l Me<Lgf IO 14 ll • '-Hulfv 11 SS 10 , t , Me\a 4 1 , + Huilllll ~ 'l • Ma•a I J 14~ • ~~~:~ 111., µ,.;, ,; I ~m~ , ~t • ·~ ~3J~ ·~ "'""'M' , ~J'. . Me,'•"' 1 .... ~~~fti _ .J.1 _ ~ •• ,) I ~! g~Ja :1 i ~..-1 ~ Ind I U 13 1'4 )4'°" Ml plHI 31 il 4 l~M S)e 1)9 16 o t Ma.Fo 2~ I -t I N 1S ))7 11 •I Mf\Cnpl?O 1 >+"" I N ol if.~ t r, • MenE R 1 10 17 ;-1 :~t.~ " H' ,::, ,~, ~ · ~1cn"':::.V , ~ 2t ;fl .t . r = IRT Pr 1 10 I S7 2 > .. I " Mid UI I 11 S 14' 1-• ITT Cp 1 10 19640 ) 1 t I"' Midi Ol I I I ll''t + "• ITT pfll, • t fi'~ '-MWfR 17611 I 7 l'"' lH :l~ 1~ ~ • ·~ • ~ )~I~ 1~~· H';.!_ !: ITT r' 4 I • I • M onPI l 16 ' Jl 1 I 1 :~~p '" • 1 m:: : ~:~;.'"' t-:i : :i~~'!r t-4 6 ~ n~ ': =~ 170 10 I I ~~II ~ llPow oli I~ I 10 • • • Mod(OI 10 I I • llPow oti I I' "" I • Mona\C 40 11 't• 19~ .... llPow ot! ~ 1 I I~>. • Monk DI I I , .. IPow o1 1 I ft" MooCa I O~ 17 1 S1 , -llO llPow ol ' '" I • Monrcll 7~ ff 17 , llPow of] 1 I r • 1 '• Mc>nle~ 1 I ))7 SJ -I J llPow ofl 1 S • MonPw 1 I 1 V • • • llPow o1 4 I i· '• I ,. MQnSI I 10o 19 \Ir-• ITW /1 I) 49 ''°''' • MON\' .. 11 I~ t ••t o tmo<:nrn 1 ~ 8 ISi 9 • MOOr• > n 14 ~·._ + , trnpl(o I m 10 • MOO<M 'ff IS 6 ,-1 • INCO 10 • ...... MorM on II -• 1nolM oil OI t I 60 ' • Mor11n • 2 1 '°'~ SI lndlM of7 il 14 6S , 1 • MorlCnd 1 r. II I) u~ '1 '• lndiM of} 1 I 18 '· I • Mor\eS 14 ~ 1 • lndlM of 1 4 ff M1yRly I 1 t I I I 1 '-• lndlM 01 s "II Morton ' 6" 9 ~ • t ..,, lndlC.1 • 1 6 1,)4 ~ • "' Molorte /J.t IS 49 + • • 1neaco 07 791 S Munlro ~ tl S , i • :~~';':~ HO '1 'ff 3~ , • • ~~~~' 111 1061 1 ';t 7 : l111>R pl 2 3S ll .,.· Murr'fO 60 II 62 I , I • t~Te< ~ 76 U 1 ' MulOfT> I '4 t 7 l)'o 1n 11 1 1s-...+ Mv~l 2• '"' lnld I p.. 61 .. • -N -N -1n,11(0 lb 10 19 19 NAJ CO I 18 ii 19 II. + "' ln•oA> 19 S'°' N~U > I 40 1 )6 • 1n10R>< 10 J ~o • N 1 11 1 It , + • lnt11A pl l 0) J • N H il ,. •S n lnl~ 014 ~\ '• "' N NB I 10 716 41 / l'o lnl • s" . • • N R '" '" )4 I I lnlR r It 106 I).,. ... NL Ind 10 6 11'. 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UIPl ol )6 ,, u7l .. I '• UIPL o1 04 71 lt \r- UI 11Co I )?D I JS J''°" u1.1~0 012 •• l 2 '· U•ol~o o•7 6 I ~ 4" Ulll o p~ 1~-V _ lS vr ~~r:,~ 12 •o t?lo 1,~.~ '.,. Valfr oil U « 1•'.t "' ~:~0~~ 97 I ?~ )~~ : .: vorco 01 9 Vorco u l • ~=~:" ~ u • ~ g~: ~ iPtl~~O \ I 24 +: )J!~ t: I 1~ 1' u so 90 i' ~t 1~ -• =~I~~ I 60 1i 'lS2 )1 I ~ R 111 7~ 16 :>9 2S 'o , -II--WHAT AMEX Om WHAT NYSE Om R /4 I 04 11 '.M40 U '• '°" R~lnd 04 20 I , I • : : ::: l~l ~ • n~ NEW VORK <AP! Jul /4 Al~ xi 14 22 e I RP 21 4 , Al \6 1g 19 • 1 • Advanc ed Reditr 1 l 13 .-• Declined Ael•Pu• 1 I• tt •3.. 1 .. Unchanoed ==~~~ •• J.4 ·~ 1 • ~-New low' Ren<o 84 10 ~ 1 -• New f\iohs Aevm._ t t • • • Today no 337 236 791 19 7 AMEX LEADERS Ramao 86 1124 ~,,.... • Total luues 1!1t1ll\f' I tl 117tit '•-... Rd8al 011 I '1 '-Rllliel 1 l?e 10 t I Ito RetnEQ 11 26S I •I • Prev dav 242 J14 2S6 812 38 1 RttdBI • •• I Redmn lO ~I IU 9 • • =~f 0 ,.,. ,,'lo~ I ~ NEW V6R K (AP) -Sates. 4 pm l>rtCe h •cnc ao 11 s1 ,,..,, , , and nel c hanoe of lhe len mo\! GoLD QuoTES ReoA" 773• ,.,_ 1 I active America n SJock E.cchanoe !\Sues. Reo/4 w• 6S6 2 > • I r ad 1 n g n a I 1on a 11 v a I mo r e RoGve , 30 • '"' t , ' • 1 •11an s 1 =~f ~~in, I •i ~~ ~ t "" ~:~~AlrCp 39¥°!&,mt 1~11~1 Ch~ l!to8~ I 64 1 90 2 . f • BAT Ind 337,100 4)·16 l 16 R•o2k pl2 12 6 • • 1 AM lnll 191 ,600 4 • I " Re~t eOl/ l lt (jS 101. Hasbro S 143, 100 36 , I'• ::,,g' i! n tl60 ~~" '°' Oynalecl Cp 12\,900 13 , \'t Re"' 07 f4 • 1 " I l(irt>'y'EXP 193,1 3 Revoon 1 •• 14 1366 ti , • TIE Comm lll, 6 ' R••"m 70 IS t i ~'-E cho8ay g 17 , 13~ ~ Re,rM'O 44 10 2~ 1 • • W a ngLa t>B 17 ' 17 • ::~~~" .,t1 ?8 6 14411 d l.,, -: MtchlEno t , 13• ~ ~ ::·~.ri I 9 1l~' I ~: .; I Rc~llt• I ~ 12 1 ,, " ~ 1 lll•Qtll I 23 1 , • RlleAIO 11 $" ) , 't =~~ .. n I 11 12 :tt D. . : Aobl•n 1 60 11 9? '• "' Roo1n1 «24 1 Ito Roc'1 f 2 '4 I 164 '-I • NEW VORK 1APl Jul 24 Advanced Declined Uncf\a11oed Total 1\\ue\ New hlQIU New lOW\ lodav m, ~~ SJ 7 NYSE LEADERS Prev Clav ij~ ,79 10JJ 118 ~ Nl:W VORK (AP) -Sales, 4 Pm prl" and nel c han ge o f 1ne fifteen mo\I ac11ve New Y ork Stock Exchanoe 1s\ue\ 1rad•no n at ona llv a t more th a n S I Name Volu~ LllU Chg. PhihpPI \ J,830,400 111'll I / ITT Corp 2,014.000 31 J t P• Amer T& T 1,936,2~ 21 ' " Unocal 1.818,2 JO t 1 , FedExPre\\ 1.74S,2 49 " '" Bank Amer 1.6JS.200 11 lit IBM I 463.300 129 Revnlalnd \ L4M 700 11 Mobil 1 I ~ 30'• + • E •xon 1 1 . SJ t 1 i,. AmExpre\\ 962, 44..,. -1 , Un Cart>1de 9~,7B S 1 '11 \'o Comw Edi\ 894.~ 30 Texa co Inc 878. 36'• t I Dow Che m 864, 36''1 Dow JoNES AVERAGES AocriC 710 ~ 101 '• 1 , ROCkNI 1 12 I 4131 4()'\t l ... llo'1mH 7 70 I ~1$ 69'• '• Rohr In II '36 u»'ll '• RotnCrn •O 12 30 ', , Rollnt '01t )l S..S u '• I Rollin• '6 I 111 , "' Aon•on ) 1 " Sei8c.lttd wntlll QOkl pt!CM Wee;!,,_,.~ London """"'"O lmno $)I 8 ~ <)II ,. 00 lO<Wlt<I •narn00<1 '""'9 u 11 1~ oH "' 1!> ,., .. •llMn<)<)tl llt0"0 $'.I I~ 411 <>II $4 'I f r.nUIHI ''""II $.111! 18 Oii S4 I~ I l11rlell la1e •ll•rnuon 1>1<1 S1 '~ oo "" S• '>IJ s 11n •,u j\ol~lfll H•ndJ a Herme" $ t 17 1•, ult S• I~ Ef\9tll\Md S318 I~ <11! $4 I~ Eno-d lt1>roca11K1 U J 4 06 •II $4 I~ N EW VOR K <AP) -1-inal Oow ·Jone\ a 11eraou tor Ju1v ?4 Stocks OMn Hl9'1 Low ':j" Che 30 Ind 13<19 80 1359 21 133S 69 I .S 90-2 91 20Trn 6ilij 697 68 Ut10 8 90-937 HY C°""1 gt'>kl -o<>I monm lv<t S111 60 r.tt s1 'Oil Rooer 64 11 I ~'' I • Rorer I 12 I I~ , ~ Rowtr ,, SJ I • l!ov•O J 07e ) . ~·· "' ~~t!".!.J 96 l1 ') ·~ I Ru\~B• ,t 3~ " D~l~ ~ ~ tt "' • 1i.1en1J 66 16 1 S ,.,_ f«vm•• 6 4 .., 1 I METALS QuoTES : :~~! •, "° l~ l~i; ~": " Dvm•t o• I/ ' I I .. Ew 10RK IAPI !CM -7 'J~106-tt"' t • .Nf'dr.MOey l 1no ij 10 ff 1 I , ""'"'',..."' H 50 ~-1• .-r1<JUn<1 NY C.""'"' H••• P\ll'r 14 I 4 : "' mont"CIOMCI lue :g::"i. 1 te )() 1 s 1 " • 1 c-r ae•• 11 • G<W>lt • µaur.t.1 us t.1 .. 111111111.111 f~llf > I/ 117 19 , c _. 6~ 00 Cflfllo -l'fKlnll NY (,()m.,, \ll<ol fQd r ) I 4S 11 1 mnnln rl0'4!d fvt ~lid wl 'I Ji. LH cl II!'' U''"' A jl<,y>llj '',,"'~.'I ~ 21S l9'6 H7 .·.· . ZIM 41 '''""''"IX>U"ll .,.,.,...,'"' -"" o 1 7 "" "" ie n~ 1 il••••lll• w-c""'1><>•1•• "'"'" -10 , ~P.o U I I 1 au.,., $11 o~" ""'ouno H•My o\ H.,,., • ., l~:~t 116 , I :: '" .. , St,tJCH-•rov•••"'" NVC.c>m .. •O(>ftl"'•"'I" 'a11•1 :M1 It 16 91 ~~ 0 <.~ ''"' llv • ; I lkrc11ry $ l lfl 00 $.1'1 Oil P90 7'1 Ill llu> "'-""'" t llM on 6 e t J -• I "•''"""' Sit><• 00 S'11 oo ""'"""'" "'"" "'"1 ""• 01.C.8 2 H a el '\It ~ '""'"' N ., Juen 91e 11 t "l '"' '"•" 1' $ Ii JI \o 1~~iA1 I 4: 1li J:.. ~ ::.~:. ,.! i~ 4 l-., r ~ er~ o1f "' t'"° -:: =~~~~ I ~!~ I • 1i~ : ~l'i/b I .l2 ti • I ~ ISU!I 1 16014 1 60 1S7 83-10 6S Slk S S6211 S 1 H SS6 s,t-3 SS Indus 11.862,600 Tran S,063, 100 Ulfls S 007 100 65 Stk 2i 931',800 I NASDAQ SUMMARY NEW VORK (AP) -MO\I &<.love ove r lhe·coun1er \lock\ \UPPlled t>v NASO Ham• Volum• Bid Ch9. Intel 1,935,600 79 I • MCI 934 900 91, I , Tandem 930,200 18 • t '• TaMon 913 i S I PhllGI ,72,4 I~ AnloOlc 26 14·" ' Ch1Ch1 6 l.4 l1 " Apple( 753_, 100 16 ' ~ ComP{lCI 74:i,OOO 9'• t • Mvlan \ 69\,400 rl '• 2'" :~:~ :: ,' ~ ,~· 1i~ 1 '" CANA 1 16 t 12 tt" f\rPto In 14 11 '• I > oa1no • f4 'I I l • • olf•I 11 4 1~'>+ , onr> 1 l4 l I 1' / ' ~~1T1' s2 'a I ' • ;: • • famous la bQ.l,s •~no d t3 106 " ~ • 1011 44 ,, '!\ : g1n N .. u1.. ~ i~k '° 11' 111jj ~ IP'!' ., I 4 °" rl<tf. I I j \.; ." '•" . ~ ·~.n, n , , ,,,' ~ " ~~L· Ii{~ hew)" lie IT 1J 10 4 Pl( ... ':: t tw" i lerPec I 4 M wbt 1; IOn•I 1 10 1on1 oi • I ,~ '""' t ' 1110< OI l •'fli"4 "''" ""'' m~r natlOfl nvoer . , rf.o "' In . .. ..... , • ' ' . ' \ \ . \ \ \ \ • 11e1wpirt IJ.1.0 ti 'l'l fl)•J111111r~ln1ot,11'+1 •~1~ •1 1 \Ml•llwr >Uri .,,\~ l(r JI \W~~ lil\/\11 /I ':llf II p•\M<'.lot_., "ll'.:>~uu1J 1 l"'\o.a"'~ ~ll~/' 1 11 •• m 11 tl111 ilh 101~ 'I, ,,,, lr!ylU to(1l '\1 11•it!-r • oe11, Pllol pnoloe by How.,d Llpln Daily Pilat WEDNESDAY JULY 24, 1985 Jeaale Heater, the Raider•' top pick, 1tanda out In practice. 82. Borla Becker pull• out • 1mall mlrecle agaln1t No. 381. 83. Robinson just so-so about Rams' effort Tight end Hunter stands out in scrimmage with San Diego B)' JOSEPH Ol OEVOIR Oellr Piiot Coueopondenl I hl' Kam' ""ho opened their Lamp JI ( al °'ltatc r ulk1111n l11rrook1c\amd1:arl~ arn\Jl\thl\ \111nllJ\ ~l\l' thur lir\l·H'.tr pla\er<; a '>mall lest oflirL· I uc\dJ\ 1n a 1 .... 11 h11ur \u1mmJgl' agatn'>l lhc C)an D11:gu < hargL'I' r1111~tl' \qt1.1J V. h1k hL·..iJ uiaLh J ohn R oo11hon ....,J\n t n.1l lh gu\h1ng \.\ 1lh1:11thU'>l3\nl U\Cr ht\ ICJnl \l'llun, lwd1d \Ill" \llllll 1 I thl· more po\lll \ '-" rc\u It' lu\I thr laLl that we pla}Cd a ll'Jlll li ~c lht < ltar)!t'I~ '' .1 11nt· h1g plu' Our player'> nl'L'J J t<11np1·t1l1\t' .1tn111\phal' IO '>hu'>' \.\hat the}' can do hr \J1l1 ·1 knu ..... "'c didn't lool.. great out lhl'rl' ,1\ a lt-.1m nut tlll'n· '>'l'rl' \Onll' gU)'> 1Aho 1mpre\\t'J nw '"°' I luntcr lw1l..nJ gnnd oul lhc.-rc lnr the -.Cllmd J..t\ 1n Jr""' I h \ ~"' ,1lot111 4u1l l..nL'\\' I I un1a a three-) car man out 111 ""utrl' l>anH· "'It"'''" 11hl.ttnl·d 1n thl' \1ni:l' 1-l'rragamo 1radl' "'•th Hut1.il11 ... 111 111: hatlltng \l'taan'> ~1kl· Barber and I >.1 1J 11 111 "'' till' tight l'nJ \lul k oh1n\on .tho pra1">l·d .rnuthtr nc"ll•ntl'I I) l'll'r llrm I.. thl' 1-1 \l'ar-old quarterhad. lr11m thl· < .1n.sd1.in k.111.u~ '>'ho \l'l:ms to ha\l' alread} tinthl·d thl' Jrlll\ r.tll' t11.·t"l'Cn la\\ )Car'<, stanl'r kll Kemp .int.I \tnl' ()m 'Hrod I\ '>llll lcarn111gour S}\tt'm hut I ti-•· \\11.i: I q· \l'l n of him '>ll far " Roo1n.,on ..a1J Brod, J1dn'1 take pan 1n lhe lont.ill 'u1m111.111t· h11t d•d lal..l' turn\ at the hdm 1n thl· \L'' l'n-11n." q n n in· 111 II.Ill drill ---' Jeff Davi• (left) triea to •top Hal Stephen•. "-l'nlfh11nnn tt'J 1111 .., o l 111for97 \ard~ and alo,o got a P·•" p1l lo.n l 1111 and 011, IAl'nt S lor Ill tor 5 I \Jrd'> R11b1n\11n ~..i' tru,1ra11:d aftt'r Monda' ., prnll1ce hn au\l' •I th l..tl k 11l 11lkn'>1\t· loo11ou1t' tau\t'd mosth tl\ lhl· lkplet1•in .111lkn\l\l' lint'mrn lh T ut'Wa\ there \.\l'fl' onl\ lour hcalth' 1lkn\l\t' ltncmcn w go .sr o und "I'm< 1lkr1ng lindn 'IL'l'' 1<1 am.one v. ho l an hnng me J hl·.ilth' h.K.h h' 1 •nlllrTll"" RC1h1nwn had ~1d \lunda. It turnnl 11111 :he ll«tnt "'a' .ihlc 111 till 11\ \llld from \.\llhtn I >••U).' H.trnl'll U\ualh .1 l1nehad.:c.-r pla\c.-d o fl c:n\1\t' ).'11.11d .1li1n~ •1th h.rnJlin11 hl\dt'kn">•'r Lh11rt''> \nJ < hr" I aull..nl"r J 11ght l·nJ rilled 1n at wckle hL·fort 1n1ur111)!!. hi\ -.hnuldl'I f aulknL·r·., IOJUI"' "a' not th11ul(hl to lw 11111 wnou' Chargers' Doug Jefferson looks for daylight with a fallen Ram ln the background. 'lfl'd1dagoodaJohtoda~ IJ11n 11h1n~ht· llh.1\l'Jn\ prnhkm.., adjusting to the !'<Fl hl:lJU'>l' till' ti r11\•1ng dnl\lllO\ .1rl' the '>ame," Rohtn'>on \a1d 111 Hrm~ ""h•• 1111 11n -1 ol 9 .1ttl'mp1s for 61 ~ard., "11h orw irHt r ql11110 1n ti.., h1 tl'I \II 0 I V.. 1th thl' 'l'll ran' Jul' '" rt' port th1' \1 ond<s~ th1: (Pleaae aee RAMS/B2 J Don't fret, the horsies will make out all right I lw l,1\111 nil' t Ill' I .ll l' t I oil~ !)l'11pll- .... l'll' \1mil.irh hc,11k thl'fll'd\l'\ 111.11111 k.1guc h,l\rh.1ll \.\,1,l11m1nµ t11 le I\\ II I hl I >11dg,l'r'''l'rl'l11minv lr11rn 1,11 1111 llr11111.. h n ,Jlld I ht' r ,ll l' lr ,It I..' lur t"'·' \\ 1 hl' J.tm 11.1111111 ol t lw u 1111- mun 11 \ I hl' 0111\ H' llll'J ll'I .1 nd J.111u· h.t 11 opL·r .1 llir\ J• 11 lll'd llll' IH lr\l 1x·11pk .rnJ "'rung thl·tr hl«td'> Ill\\ mp.1th' Ha\l·h.111 Jfln .ill \\11uld hi.· pl.1\l·d JI night .1nJ thl· \nu th \.\ould hi. l11rnJ lrom thl·1r firt·\1lk' .ind 1111111 tlw a' l'O Ill'\ J nd hou In .irJ," h tl h '' 11uld hl.'J\.\J\h \\llht'\" \;l't lhl'r J1J t hn h Ufl hl \ \l'l' ,II\\ human g11od 1n h.l\rhall hut IAl'fl' l1rn11L·J 1n thc1r11hJl'l'lton' i,o l11nga'> thl' ung11tll\ g.1ml· "·"not pla~l'li on \unllJ\ nw1 n1ngi, "trani.:rh l'n1111gh thl· r.1u· t raL ~' 'll r' 1' l'll h.1wha II .ind 11 t·' l'll rt'.tt hl·tl t lw p111 n t "'hl·rt· t lw tr Jl I..' tn\lJ lkd dowJ l lfl Ult I\ '" .1 h11l\l'f!IJ\l'I l llU Id \\ii ll h h.t11, J lhl ... 111 kt'\ hl.'l '>' l'l'll \trtl..1ng,11ut 1111 r.in·, I l1t· \n111·I' 1rn11t·d tht I >11dgn' .111d \1111 tht r.iu pl.int' l111url\hl'd '"" thl l ,il1f11rn1.1 l11ltrl\ "'"'11 111~.ind tlt1· 1.lll' ll,ll i.. ( 111\.\d ''"l!·llll 1111 l'\l~l' I ht'\ 11 m h1 nl·d 1 .1u ng I .ill I ltt'\111 thl' ,1,111· L.tnll' up"' 1th m1ll11111., 111doll.If'111 light thl· l11ttrn ""hl'll 11 "''" 11n thl' h.t llot in I 'II\ l In I.it t 1l I\ 11111 11u t 11l t Ill' q ut·,111 rn "1mr t 1111 II thUlllJO\ l.:.lll1C 111 Ii urn bJ\Chall Orel Herahi•er fires away en route to a one-hitter. Hershiser: Lasorda calls him awesome I < )\ \ "\ ( ii I I \ f \PI V. 1 thou I :.t lot ol l.111 l.trt' ( >1 l'I 1 ll'r'h"l'I ol t hr I 11' \n11l'ln l>nd~l'I' h.I\ l'\l,1hll\hnl h1111wlt '" nm· 111 lhl' l11w1 ,1,1rt1ng fllllht'f\ in tht• N;111111ial I l'aguc I hl· ~ll-\t'.tr old r111h1 h.111tkr ""·"" t 'l'kllnl ·''.I llll llll'wr 111 thl· '-I \II '-II.tr ll',1m hut 1h.11 dllt'\11 t nl"ll'" • 111 h nw,111 hL' J1dn I dt'\l'f\l' \Ulh ,111 honor < crtainl\ Ill' tjllll' 1h111ugh "'Ith ,111 \II \1,11 rt•1 lmm.1nl.l' l UL'' d,I\ t1t1Lht \nd 11 \l.,1.,n'1 h" lir\I <h11,1,1nd1ng 11111,t.11ld1nt1 I m \111!'.l'ln \1,1t1.1!(l'I I om I ,l\111d.1 \Jld ul I ll'f\hl\t'r·, Jll'rl11tm.lnt r .l)!.11 11\I lhl' 1'1tt,IH!r~h l'11.11l \ fir \1.,1\ fll\I .I IA l'\llllll I kr'h l\l r I 11 n l 111, "'1 uod um· h11tt·r 111 tht• ,,·,l\on ·" I"' \nl(dt'' l'\lt'rHkd 11' k.111 o\n \,111 I >11·~11 111 tht·l'il \\l'\\tol1 Killlll'\h\hl,1nl..1111t thr P1r.1tl'' ti fl I lw 'tt lol\ hr111..l' .1 '''" ~.inll' 111\lllll._ \ln·.1~ l11r till' I )11dr f\ ""h11 h,I\ 1• "on I ti 11! t ht·11 1,1\\ -l f·lllll'\ • I ht P.11t n-' lmt gr1Ht11d IH d14p pt n11 .111 X I tl1•1 l\111n 111 the < h 11 .111.11 ( llh\ I t1, ,111"'' 111 • 1nh h1' "" 111HI 11111 '1111 k.111111 \l'·""" r.11\t'd hi\ f\'1111d lo 111 I .111d 111\1 1·11·d h I\ 1'.11 11< d run .111•1.1111 '" I I I It "·" h111 lt•tl 111111 Ton'6ht'• Game Pittsburgh (Robinson 2-3) at Dodge,. (Welch 4-1) Time· 7·35 p m . TV· None Radio· KABC (790) 'h11111111\ .ind''' t omph'tl' l!-•lllll'' lht' \ l',11 11 1 "·" y1l'.1t P111,hurt1-h \I.in .1g1 r < hut k I .1111w1,,11d111 I kl\hl\l'I '' 1111 hJ\ t 1t1 tip \l1tt1 h.11111 him V.-r didn't hit htm h.11d .111 r111thl" l'1tt\h11r~h t111t 1t\ onl\ htt 1n 1h1 w11111d 111nint1 "hL·n kll h.tnlkd h11 111111 ltl\I h • ..,1·m.1n J,1,1111 I h11mp,11n h'd 1111 \.\I I h .I i,1!1 t'd lh h,111 <Ill\\ ll t hr It ll li1•ld ltnt· ''hll h ldl ttl\l tn lront 111 I 11\ \ ll!ll'lt'' k 11 111 ld1·1 l'nlr 11 < 1 Ul"r rt r" I k h11 .1 ~1111d p1h h lw "t'nt 11111 .ind got 11 " I k"I"'''' ,,11tl 111 1h1· h.ill hit I~\ I hm11p,11n I It' 1 .111 go th,11 \\ .. \ 111,· l'11.11t·, I· •.hkd till' h.lW\ l.11t•1 111 lh1• 1111111\tl 1111 I 11111pll' 111 \\,Ill..\ hut I lrl\hl\l'I fl"I 11ut 111 l11111hl1 h\ '111~11111. 11111 111\llll/ Pih ht r ~" ~ Kl' (PleH" ae~ HERSHISER/83) Buo TUCKER SPORTS COLUMNIST \n\ v.,1, tht· r~u l' d1·nw11t' p111ntl'd up 111Ul h ,.1mnl,1ngl·r 111thl,11m mu111t\ 1h.11h.ii,l'h111 p1l·,, nt ·ti 111 I 'I":-. I hr popul.11111 11 ''"'1111 \lll• h ~·1 u1tlt'l ll\l'i\ l1>hl'il1f,1l11tll'I\ \I.I\ p,·11111ltl'd to lt1llt IJt11l Ill 11u11 llll'\ .11lll to"'"" and the Clll/l'n'> \hould ht• 1 l·rt.11nto"01e against tht• prop- mrt111n Jnd lhl' polls v.uulJ ht' 111x·11 tor 'l'\l'r:JI hnur\after thl' linal h1,r,1· r.1u· o l thl' Ja, ,, ti dl'\ d11pcJ the sxopk l'\ cr11wd thl'1ropt1on 10la\(>r11t lw111~ gt' l ll lhl· l hwLl' uf bu~ 1 ng l111tl'n ltl ~l l\11r 'qu.1ndcnng thl' \Jnll' lllttlll'\ on l1111d .ind doth1n1L l111 lht11 1 hildrcn I >l''ll' tl' '1>l 1J l'llorl\ on t hl' p.irt 111 thq.!t•\l'fn11r11I C Jltlorn1a 1t1Jl'l.1\ 11' ill r" .11 lhl \11t1l'r'\ "111 tx· har ,.1111t'l1nit thl\,1utumn .ind thl· r.1ll lr .i. l>.\,111· nov. t.lll'J \.\Ith m11unt1ni_? d11t'llU11npt ltlt<>n lorthl·doll.tr,lhl' 11111"1' "'di ht 111)11nt111mnwJ1Jtc urt ul.1111111 It nn"' \Ult\ thl' purptl\l' 1•1 lhl· r.1l 111g lal 111111\ to rL·garJ thr' 1111 '"L'' "In\ 1.11ntnl than 11 v. J' · ,fl',l nl>l,·d in thL'..tnt1-luttl'I"' \Jill· p,1l!!li JI l'll'l 111111 II ml' f<t pt 1rh \.Ir\ \10 h11\\ l hl' tr~ll ~ \ l1)(Url· t11,1llDmpli'h lhl\ I hnl' ·'·" -.irh 111tdli!/.l'llll.'. th.1l lhl' rJ t inf t'k nll'nl\ IA t>uld l.CIOll'lk I ha I lht•\ t"uld 0111 hl'a t thl' l11tll'I\ "' "uuld .1lll'Olpt to 1u1n 11 rhl' lt'port \dlJ lhl' \l,1tc turnl'd J, '"' n 'olkf\ to h.1' l· lnttl'f"\ I l kt'h ,,,JJ ill lhl· r.lll' trJl i.,, rhl' Jhu\ l' plan \.\llUld hJ \l' hl.·l'll lllll'fl'\llll!! l<l\<t\ th· ll".l\l \.\ l' 1111Jlht ha,n·,rx-1 tl'li pa1 l...1!/.l' dl·JI' 11h lud 111g pJrt mutud 11, l..l'h iii n)! 1' 1tl l11lll'f"\ J Ul<ll., .1 n1! 1 hl· tr ad 1111111.il ralt' l!Jl I.. ~Ill' prl'ITIIUlll\ -lllll' hag\ l11jo!llJl,li>1..l..\Jf1J\.\hl1<1(X'l U\h >II'> clothe· •tht·r ~ •• int.! 11 m1t1-ht hJ\C.' tx·t·n Jul!" illl 1hr11.11 ~' m1t1-ht h.tH' ., .. 111111\fl'f\ 11, "''" •Ill of J 111.n hllll iill.llt d nt'\' l 1 ll1t' ,nflt't' dl\p.'0\l" I .11hn~ p.111 1pat1n~ 1n th<' \Jkol I tll'r lh ~l ' II l"J'; •nl' II J I., 't'IU\l'd It rim 11n unJo.1untnl \.inw \n1t.1llJ' •!lll'UP'>'llhJ'l'r• ln1·r11t'l" r.11 I 111mha11h11hn·a101 •t1l·I •'!'. ~· 1pll IJ1..1 ngJllthL·ioo<,(:' llh Ill' °'\,1: •.1 \r t,l\UIQ!l\ht.sk1n11-.omeol •Ill" I· •l.t • 11 '" l.ir11.l' l111tt'r\ flJ' menl'> !Please ae~ TUCKER /B3} McCaskill finds Brewers empty \ 1 II \\ \ I "-I I c \ I' 1 \ nr-:1 '' p1tdll'I lint \l.11P11 \\oilll<'tl \llllll' 11! tht· t ll'dll 111 ht:.1111111 the \1 11\1.111kl'l' Hrc\\l'I' t'\ t•n th11111'h l1t .1 '' \\,111 h 1n11 lr11111 th, d11y11111 \\ htk hr \\,Ill lt1•tl ll'.1111111,lh "II II \h< .l\~111 ltrnl .1 fl\<' h1t11•r 111 Jl"' lrng .1 'II\ ll llll\ I 111'\ll.I\ 11\l'I lhl' Bn'\\\'" I 111 prn IClll' 111d 1 \l.11111 ''·" thl lu'1n!! ptldll'I \\ht 'I \Iii \,lll~ll poundnl •Ul I' h11\ 111.1 I<• '111ut \lll'I l 11t•\d,I\ \ ~.trill' \l,111111 \\,tl~nl 11p t11 \Id ..... ~111 111 tl l d11hh111t\l' .111.J qu1'ppl'1! '1111 , .10 lh.tnl.. II\ Im llltllf!. thl'rll 11lll \h ( ,t\l..111 ,, h (1\l'rjlll.lt ll d ''" Hrt'\H'" 111 fl'I 01dtn)! 111, '"'' ,111i111111 .ind 1t'gl\tl'rtll).! hi\ thud , 11111pll't j1ilOH' 1ll lhl' \l'.l\1111 f Ir h.1.f 1\\11 \\,I ' .ind lour '1r1 kl·1111t\ It '' ,..., 1111pnr1.1n1 lo 1 1>1111 Ill,. I >.1 1 111n1ghl \Id ,1,l..1ll ,.11d It''·"• 11111 Ill IJI till' Jll.lklll!/. ltllll)l.hl lht •,11 ii nut It 1\,1\ thl hl,·,t ~.lllll' l'\t" 1111 .. '' .ti I H' .11 I h1 \11l!1·1,,u•11•d 1hr11 '''"1111' tht• 111111 th 1nn111g oll I >.111111 I >.11" 11 11 11 Hrt.111 l )cm fllllll kd 1111 th1 1111 • t h\drl\ll1)!!.J~~l'lhlt11•1I h1 111 ltl'ld lt·n,l' < >n, 1111 .1tl 1 l >11 •t I 1, < 111t t'' douhkd .1111! K11d • .1i. \1 loilt1\ll'l) \\Ith ,I fllfl \I llflll~ \llll'i \l1h1.1ul..n·' lint< •• 111111l I hr11J..1 q \h< ..... k1ll' no htttl'I ''•th .1 1 •. 1.t ·I' \llll!ll 111 th1· l1llh \\1 111 lfl ,, \' 11.l 111! ,1 "'"d Jllll h .ind .1d\,lll11ll lo1 third Brain surgery for boxer INGLEWOOD (AP) Bo xer Chris Schwenke. who fell Into a coma after losing a match Monday night, was In crltlcal but stable condition today after brain surgery to remove a blood clot. a hospital nursing supervisor said Schwenke. 28. who was llooreu In the final m om ents o f the light heavyweight fight with Prtnce Mohammed at The Forum showed some Improvement Tuesday said Danl•I Freeman Memorlal Hospital spokeswoman Christle Plank ''H• w s reapondlng to verbal commands, that 11, h was able to wlqgle his toea when he wile asked to. · Ma Plonk said. "That's a good s ign And h is vtt•I s1gn1 were better But she seld It could be several days before doctor~ could de- termlno the rtwers1b11tty o f his 1n1urlfts Thursday'• Game Angela at Toronto. Time: 4:35 p.m . TV-None. Radio: KMPC (710). l'.1111 Huu,1·h111lkr' 1111l'-11ut Jouhk 1111 lhl' rt~ht lidd \.\Jll I th1111~h1 11 ,,a, \!111ng 111 hi.· \.111>.'ht " ( 1.111lrll'r \J1J o f not \Ulflll!l 1111 till' hit "I ~l•l l.IUght \\:llditll)!!. lhl' fl.ii \1 I ,1\1.. I thl'll rrt11nl ( h.trltl· \1 " 1 .111d l'.1ul \111l11or on pup-up' '' ""'111d h.1'lm.1n R oh V.ilrong l11 1111"ll'111 thl 111ntn)!!. un\1,1thnt \Id ·"~Ii Plllhcd J \Upl'I g.tnll' \I 1 .\ ,I U ~ l'\ \ 1 J n .1 g l'I ( 1 l'l If 11 l' U.1111h~·1 ~l·r ,,1 .I I k ""·'" 1hru,,..111g l•1 ttrr .11 th1' l'lld tli.tn tht· hqun111n11 I lh•111~h1 \It' "'nulJ gl'l 111 h1111 .11 II I h Ii.id \l'I\ )!!.t111d 1111111111 I ),11\\I Jl \\h11 hJ\ 111\I ,, \l'll "'11 'll 1it1\l' gamt' \lJllerl·<l n1nl h1h t\,ilf..l'd lllll' ,111d Ii.Id 11\l' \lfl~t <11th Ill p1l1 hmtt hi\ t'1~hth a1mpktl' ~.111111 l lll<Hlllll.1tl'i\ \\hl•n h1• J11h lt1·, "1 d11n l '111rl J Int , 11 ru '" ll.11t1l'l.'r11\'I '·"" 111 D.tr\\1rt' h,trd l111 J.. \l,1rh II ll'll'llt \llt~' It' '''·•lll!l' h11\\ "'llll' plllhl'I\ >!ll lllll\ 111d \llllll d1111 I I k \llll' h.1\11 I .,.. w•••of\f'\11\ (.Ill'\\ l111"h1d \\llh lhfl'\' h1h l I fll1111l( hi' .II 'lf l11t.1J t11 ~ l'l1t lft 'n ~ing t11 l1t.'\111lll' lhl' IMli pl.1\1 I r i>.1\1 h.111111\IOI\ Ill ll".ll h 'I~ I! lt1h Kirk McCa•klll delivers during 2 0 route-going ~4mc::. Strike talks will go to the wire 'I\\ '11j.! f... \f'I 'l'>'••lr.111111" •n .1 Ill'" ~.l\1'h.ill 'II Id 111 \ I.ii> \\ 111 IL•' 1lil\1 II ... th\ 1.1'1 I •llflll ,,, d,1,, h<:111r\· .1 111 111n 1111p11"·d ,111\..l• d1'.1,Jl11w 111.111.11-tt' Ill\ flt\ I hll'l lll'!!Pll,\1111 \,l\ \ \\ 11h thr 111111•n t .1tl111it '·•• n11•\\ .. 1ll'nl 1111 tht m.111•1 1""l' lhl '''" ,11ll·, llll'l t.•1 l lt11111' I 1tl '•l..t' .111.t 1 hl duh'd .1onth \l'" '"' 1t1.t.I\ 111 .111 rtlPrt 111 )!t'I '"llh' "' th1 ll'"l'I 1\\111 \ o<lll 111 thl \\,I\ I l'lt '"ht Ill)'"' 1.1l1'd .Ill' th\' 1111111 I I ~I 11 ·" l\\lll'' 'Ill h ,I, pl,1\\'I 111.'0'l•Hl' \,II.II\ .trh1t1.1lt1tl\ ,llld tht frt'l ,Ith 111 ll '1111 dt.111 \\,.II 11r1'"1111•" th11w' •" "'' n ·" '" 1.1n '..i1.t I,.,. \l.11 l'h.111 p1r'1d1·11t •t th1 l'l.1,1·1 K\·l.1111111' l •mm111.·1 thl· 111\ n1·" h.11)l.11111n11.11(1 "'' I hrir "nn 1•,1" .1pp111.h h 111 '11lut111n' 111 1111 m.1'1 .. 1 p1111111•111' I l .t n 1 It II \1111 th,11 \\t' "• ,11111• 111\ 1h11111 n 11>.11 .111·.1 '""·" 1h.11 ''~111111.inth n,11f•I'.'' th1 .lttkrt ll.t'' '"'''"'•'fl II\ l>on l\'111 1\1111 c\1'11111\1 1l11r1ti•1 111 lh1· \l.11o11 I 1'.1~·111• l'l.t\t I\ ''"" 1,1111 •11 ,,11,I ht h11t'"1I tl1t lv.11 'Ilk' u111ld 1 lln1l I• 1!'-ll t llll'lll \\1 II !'I l11rt• th1' \11~ I 'tfl\..t dl'olllhlll h1111I \••11."\..1111111 ,1 pr1·.lh ltt•ll h1 • \l,h I' 1.111 I\ pr11hJhh I tt:hl I t•hr '·""till' 111111111\\,I\11.11!11111.111\ .111\11111' l•• 't'1' .1 m.r11.111t·m1·111 111111''"·" 1111 t" ""''11' I h,· u111l'•1 h." ,1,~1·d 111.11111w th11.t 11l b.1,1·h.dl '\I I h1l1111n 11<'1"•"~ 11•11 \ '"'"' ,111111 ... 1 " 11'1' 111 II\ I ",l\1 Ill l 1111 .1 .1 .. J l)t 1 ,I ,11, 1111.1 '" I\'\ 1'11 II ' ' I I ~ I •11,\1 ,ln\1 ··n11n11t' 1p..,.art1 \ \.tnJlf.l' "Ill' \JI >'l'll \.\<ii\ l'f p11111·tl111 11.111. "' .111.t 1111111mum '·''·"' l ht I• ' I '. I I 1 ... I I l 1111.11 flf' ll• ,,,, l'nlht'I It ll'l'·lll tll.1' \ 11 1·11t1h.11'\llll\1l1 l)c, 't l l'hr ""' ,,J..1-.1 "I " • '1th"' 11 ... 1 .. 111 111'1 n " tit•1o1u11 ',, .11 ill•' 1111 1.1hlt "' "'" '11111pl11 .111•,f l\\lll'' J\, II 'lrd1'' h,111 lt,hf ,I l If 1'1"1'"''11' 10 tht• l,1hk I \ h• """ \ •1111 t 1 , 1•" thr' ~.t' t u' .1 , 11111ptl\1t1· 1'1 'I""·' 111111 '10•1 < ""' '\\1H p.h l..,tlll' Jlt1•\ ""t'lll •Ill , 11 111 '''"" •t tt1< 11 • ""~" 111 .ir1t1\\11t'' .111.t 1hr1111 .... n "11 .. 11 "'111• '"111' '" fl 11 \\1'11 11111t h ni.•rr 1mpnrian1 1\,1\ll .ilfl •t11 \ •>"ll\llt'if t'\ ('I\ th Ill>' \t It.Id l,1i ~l''' ,\holll I I 1 \I ~ 1111 1h1 ,111 1 •I th1 r 1111,rth 1,1l p11•hlrm' • ---·--··--------~------------------------..................................................... _. ... ____ _ 82 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednc&day July 24 198& .. SPORTS BREAK New recruiting tactic not quite a classified secret Jo'rom AP dl ... puh"ht•' I \\I I 11 l1m,1 -I 1·kph111w linn 1n111 l PJl\:I ''"'·' I 111\1'"''' ,,,·11· h11111 n11ng I und,I\ 111 H'\Jll>n,1 111 .1 111·..-,p.1p1·1 ad\1'rll\ll\l'lll w d.ing l1101h.1ll pl.1H''' 1111 1lw ,m.111 \\1111111 tud.l'd .1\.\,1\ 111 th1· r111rtlll'.l\I 1111111·1111 lht• \t,111· l UJ\ h \In 1 I 11 l.1·1 t "h11 h.l\ 111.•1 n 1111 th1· 111h 1111(\ '>IOl~ "-I.th h plJ1nl ,1 l,11g1• tl1,plJ\ ,1J 1n \unda' ·, { h1lag11 "iun I 1m1' urg1n~· Pfll'fll't 11\l pl.IH'r' In 1·un l.ll I I ht• '>l h11111 I 1lh·11,,11d1lw n 'p11n,1· h.1, tx:1•n 1'\ldknt • \\ 1· h;I\" .1 11111 trn 11u111tx·1 thJt tht'\ 1 Jtl Jlld 11 "'"'' q11111 hu" .ill d.1 , H''tt·rdJ\ .1nu thl'\ 11·11 nw 11·, lx•1•11r111~1n~ 1t1tl\l.111th 111d.n \,llll I tdt'I I l11rnw1 h .ln .l'>'l,1.1111 .111111 I 111\1'1'1'' 111 I t:\J' "\\1• II li11J 11111 h111\ \\l'll ti !!-Ol'\ \\h1•n l\C JllUJll\ gl'I \llllll' \IUtll'll(\ llul l'\l'll ii l.\l' grl lllll' ti'"'' h.1\l' mutl' 1h.1n p.11d 1111 th1· .1J \nd 11 \\l 111·1 0111· ~rr.11 tciilh.111. or l111dl,1lf..1·1 11 "ill I\.\ 1.\1 II \\11rth II " \11 1.iik" Jll 11•l«11nl 1111h1 .tdn11"111n\ oll111· .111d ~ 11 f..1 fl ,,111.J ah111tl I" v.1·11· t1'1l'l\\'d l\111nJ,1\ 1111· rn1 1111h1 ,111111111 1,1,1ll1ng hl'I\ · h1· '>Jld ·I 11"1 ~111 Jm11 1.llf..111'1 111 \U( \port\ I H' hJd \llllll' rqio1tl"' lrlllfl ( hll :J)!ll lt111 llll' fll.'c>pk lrom Jll 11\l'f I lut 'l'l H l.11 I I\"'" 111d.i~ ancJ till' flhlllll' ha\ )U\I h1•1·n r 1111•1111• 1lll 1h1 hoof.. II' tx·1·n pn•tt\ hl'lll I don't bd1n l' tum 11 11 h 11 1·1 puhltl II· ''l' r1· j/.1'tllng · 1111· 111'"'1'·111\ I .1d 11'.111\ "'\\ .tnll'U ( 11lkg1· I oulh.111 111.1111, \1.11..1· 110111 J1l,tnl\ lOllH' trUl' PIJ) l11oth.ill t111 .11111111 ":11 1h,11 "dnl1tatl'U lo l'U'clll'Olt' 1n l'Ulll.Jll"ll .11.th.t,111.1J1· a \lr1tng u1m1111t111rnt th II\ Jthkt11 p r11g•.1111 I 11r11.·1 '""·' ''' ,, 11 "·'' I •11n h111thJll l.1-.t lall ''a prl\,tll' 1111·Ju •. tt11111.1 "h1111l11I ~1 1,1uJ1·nt\tlldlll\ o l I ~ 111 \-. ,1 '\I \ \ I >111\11111 Ill \dH>ol I PJX't 111\\.t olkr' 1111 Jllil1111 ,,11111.11,hq" hut I 1l f..l'fl ,,11d liflJfl( 1,11 .11d ",J\ .ttl.thk I I\ f..1·11 ·"'ti tl ll ,, h11ol ' 1thkt11 u1rn t11r \Jl\l thl' 1d1.1 lor rh,· nl'"'Jl·ll" r .iJ "·" h.1ll hnl Junn~J looth.111 .. 1.lll 1111Tt1ng .1h11111 .1 1111111111 .1g11 "'-,11ur.1lh 111 1h1· 111\I I 'I m1nutl'' "l' "'l'rt• 1Ju~h111~ .111d )?11 111~ .di thl· t1.1,11n' \\h\ 11 u1uldn'1 lw J11111· · I 11 t'rl 1c1.1ll ·d \1q didn't nt:n !..no" It "'J' lq1JI ", 111• 1,tlkd tit• '-< \ \ \\ 1· tJlf..nl tu ,1 l.1J\ and 'lhl 't.1r11·d l.11wh1111• ti11• \h1 'o11d ,1w h.1d nnn hl·:in.J 111 Jn\h11d1 t!11111)' II Ill lotrt· ,tnd \,ltd lhl'fl' \\\tuld11't hi• .1 pr11hk 111 \llt'I Ill.II ·'l' 'l.trtnl ~l lltng \l'rlClll' .1t'i11u1 It JOJ \\l'lll 1111 1111 tdflll\\111[1\ rx·11pk .tllll thn ~·''' tht' ( ,..., Ill f..c11 ,.11ol hl .111d lw. \t,tll dn1d1·d 1111 un thl' ,td 111 C hll.t~•· hn 111\1 till' ul\ 11,1J11111n.ill1 h.1\ hn·n· tilt' ,,h1111f , °"'' _ .11 1 1111 tl'1 11111mr 'tuJl·nt' lwh1nd 1lw \I.Ill' 111 I 11\\ ,1 '\;11rth1 ·''' '""·• 1' nnh .1 l11ur-hou1 dr111· trom ( h11.1y11.1111l .11 1111nhnol I p1wr 1111 ... 1 alun1111 lt\1 111 thl' ( llll,f!'ll lit .I 111 \,111 1 Quote of the day Joaquin \ndu1ar thl \t I 11111' < .ud1n.11, p11, 111111:1 Jll .tilt 1 r J1lllll11:! h1' rn111d 111I\.\w11h a \llt11n 11\1•11111' \hl,th.111111l11dnl hl\\n1·ri1h 11111 h.llll'd Ill 11f 1111· \\,I" ill d1 'Jllll fill h11llll I\ .llld 2\ \lrJf...t•1111I\ Ill ~-Jl·h.il' \\1 •l' ~Ill g1111d 1101.111 h1111·r, I tl 11111\ P"" ·1 I 11t·r' \\1' h,l\l' .trt· mt· and l,11 ~ I 1.1r~ •• ·-· IN-THf>WAT[R .. BOAT SHOW .. ,.. .---.. . -.., .! &..: . ;~- .. ' • ~1-... .. . ;-. ..... 'T. , , .. .. I ~ -.. ~ . r \ I , I • , Wallach leads Montreal to win l "'"'''''' I ll~h prouull Tim Wallawh h11 ,1 1hn·l·-1un douhk 111 till ltr't 1nntn~ ,111<1 Jt-H Reardon p11d1l·d I 2 \inning-. ul rwr k11 1l'l1l'I l und.1 ~ n 1gh t tor lw, rnu1u1 kattu1· ll·.1d1n~ 24th,,,\\'·" ~luntn·al l'x:JI \tlanru -l 2 Tim Raine~ h.1J '''<l hll'> Jlld \1on:J '"" 11111\ It> hl'lp Joe lle-~kelb 1 • .i HI 111' wu111u ,on\t'1 u11' l' 'tl 1111 \ In olhl·r '°'iJl1<1n,tl L cagUl' gJl111'\, Dave Parke-r hit h" 21Xlth l all'l'r hollll' 1un and Tom Browning rut,tll'd .1 li\l'-h11 \hutuul a-. ( anunnat1 ddl'at1·u th1· Nl''' \ llrl.. Wallach ~kl'> 4 II ( 111unn.111 \tan.tgl'I P ete Rost' dl'l 1 \ crnl .1 n I< BI !II n~k HI g1' 1• 111111 J l Jr1•1•1 total ol 4 I 5'1 1111' th' rwl'U' \I to hn·ak T) Cobb's .ill tin11· n·uird ol -l I 111 Dann} Cox 12-'i. fttti·u h1-. rl'lurd tu h-0 .tnd Darrell Porter 11111 tn hu tl'll 111 .1 fl \ ' ll ton 1111·r \.111 I r:llll l\lll \\1th a douhll'. a h1111w ru 11 J nd .1 h.l\1'\· I 11JJl'd "a It.. Mike S<•bmldt lt.11.l thn.'l' 1111' 1ndud1nti hi\ 14th h11m1· run dn11 l' 111 thrl'l' rur1' .inti 'llllt'd 1hrn· .ind Bo Diaz h11 t\\11 h111m·r, .rnd dri1' l' 111 l11ur run-. ·" t>hll.1ddrh1.i dl'katt·d I lou,11111 12-o < l111.1g11·-. Rlrk Sutrllffe tantl' 11ll thl· d1'.1t'iku liq t11 throllll \;111 D1l·.:o 11n '" hit\ 11\ l'r 'l'' 1·n inning' and R) nr ~and berg \\l n1 4 lur 4 J\ thd uh'" 1111 l\-1 to hjnd thr \l1uJ1,gl1ng Padll'' thl·tr th1rll 11111\l'n1l'l' Jl'lc<1l Alexander, Britt whiff 11 each l<1ght-hantl1:r Do) le Alexander <..trulf.. £i 11ut J ttHl'l'r-h1gh I I and Oamaso Garcia ... 1;1m1lll·J a two run douhk to mp r lll- un111\ tlHl'l'-run l'1ghth inning thJI caml'll tht· Blul· Ja~ '> to a 4-2 .\mcncan L l·agul' triumph I Ul'\d,t\ night 11\ l'r \1:attk Bria.\ Burns 'trul i.. 11ut I I ""hill' \lallenng '" hit'> ac, the ( hitago 'Wh11c '°lo\ outla,tl'll Detroit S-l Burm. 11-o. lo\I h1\ .;hutout along ..-11 h a \trl ng of 19 1-I \tOrt'k'' 1nn1 ng,. "hl'n Darn~ll Evans hit h1\ I lJth homn ol lhl' }l·ar kading oil lhl' '>t.'I rnth Oddibe McDowell tx·came thr lir'>t I l'\3'> pla)l'r 111 h11 for thr cycle and \'-Cnt 5-fur-'i. g1v1ng him c1gh 1 c,tra1ght hit\()\ l'r the la't two gamn to kau thl· Rangers to an 8-4 '1CIOI) oH'I Cleveland .. Consnut1H· hit~ h\ ' Kirby Puckett, Ron Washington and Gary Gaettl kc)cd Minnl·- sota''> thn.:e-run fir\t inning and Tim Laudoer added a homer 1n 0 1 thl' -.1xth .l'> the Twin~ defcatl'<.l arc a Balt1morl'. 5-2 Brei Saberbagen "'on Im I I th game b}' allowing six h11s 1n l'1gh1 1nn1ng'>. "'hlk Jim Sundberg knodcd 1n three run'> 111 ll'ad Kan'>a'> ( It) to a S-2 11ctol) over the Ne"' 'ork 'ankl'l''> Mike Easler Jnd Rieb Gedman lined tOO\ClUll\r homl' run' in thl''>nund 1nn1ngand Boston '"l'llt on to a 1-2 v1Uor) O\cr Oakland behind left- ha nc.ll'f 8 ruce Hurst's '>l'' l'n·h 111n Carlander honored by Pac-10 I orml'f < kl'an Vic" I l1gh Jntl l l\( m hJ-.k1·1ball 'tar \.\ 3\ 111· C arlandl·r 1<, onl' ol I 'tutknt-<1thktt'' on1' Imm l'Jl h Pa- 11lil IO,th11ol """ h,1\.C tx"·n J\\ardt:d thl' I 11nkll'IHl' Mnl.11 \II Jrl' '>l'llllH\ f hl' othl'I'> 1nclutll' \Wimmer\ Hu1gt 11.uon ut < ,1lilorn1a ( 1l·11rgl' D1( .irl1111t -\n1on.1 ind HrUtl 11.t \l'' ol I (I \ ha\l..ethJll plJ1l'r Hla1r K.1'nlll\\l'n 111 < lrl·gon t'ia'll'h.tll plJ) l'f\ l'l't1· '-.t<tnt<:l'~ ol \1anl111d .inti .._un 'WaJnJnl'n ol Wa\h1ngtun Stall' !!' mn.1\I Brad KPt ol \n111na \1a1e. li1oth.1ll pl:1~rr Dan I nnl\\l'l nl \\ .... h111~111n Jnd tract.. and lidJ and l111>1h.11l \IJr >..1·1111\ f a1 lor ol ( lrt:gun '°llJll' l he mnJ.11 ",1\\Jrtkd annu.llh lo lh1· 11ut\IJnd1n~ '1 11101 \llaknr .tthl1 t1· .11 l'Jlh Pal-IO tll\ltlul1on h.1wd 1111 tlt1 1 ritl'flJ iii pl'rlorman1l' and ,1Lh11'\.tment 1n '>dJC1l.11 ... l11p ll'.tlkr-.h1r Jnd a1hkt1ts. Navratilova out of LA tourney 1\1\,fl-\fl\'-111\lll -~ \\ 1mhlnl11n 1 h.1n1p11111 l\l.111 111,1 Na' rn11lrn a "'11hc.lr1·w l unJ.11 from thl· \ 11~1111,1 ..,lir11-. ol l "" \ngl'ln t11111n,11111·llt l'x:i.Jll\t' ut.11>1mhl·d lllf\l' 111 ha net ~ N.111atil11,.1 "hu hl'r lounh -.11a1gh1\\1111hkJ1111 \\ Onll'0°\ \lngk\ !Ilk l\A.ll \h'l'k\ .1go a~f .I\ .1tl'll .1 11.'l"Urrtng IOJUI) lhJt \Urlal'l'd during till \l• 11llhlnl1111 l'hammp111nsh111., \\hll1· lilting. \\1•1ghh 011 \at111d.l\ hn m.ina~l'I \JIU 1 Ul''l<lJ\ \i,1\rJtilma appiirl'nth .iggr.11.111·u tht• pwhk111 Jurin~ .1 "orkoul Ll\l'r th1· \\l't'kl'lld .. Tim" a probkm sh1··, had 1n thl· P"'' "ih1· 111-.1 noun·d 11 JI W1mbll'don. hut 11 "a' n·na1n1' not had 1•nough to k1•t•p h1·1 lrnnt Lon11nu1ng to pl.1~ ",,11<.J P1·tl·r lohn-.on '11l' p1n1Jl·n1 o l lntl'rnat1011JI M.1n.1gt·m1·nt ( 1fl1Up ""itnll' th1·n '>h1·' nor pla\l'd hut ha-. lx•l'n running Jnd ltlltng. l .t,t \.tt111da\ \IW \A.J\ lifting \\l'l~h\\ and "hl·n \hl' \\llkt' upun \unda\ h1•r nett.. wa\ ~llltng lwr · Demonstration mars Budd win 1 DINAl K<dl \1111land -l.i11u1h m \lrtl.111 hurn tr~llf.. ''·" /ola Hudd po!.ll'd h1·r lllll'>I 1mprn\111· \Ill on ul t Ill' \l'.1\1111 1r1 a wonwn., n11k r.1tl' at th1· I d1nhurgh C1.lllll''> l 111·\tlJ\ hut thl' l'\l'll\ "·" 111.llrl'd h) .111 Jilli :ip.irthl'ld 1knwn'>ll a1111n that alt1111'I dl\1 l1ptl'd lhl' ratl' Jnd l''l'ntuJlh hl.1tk1·d 11ut li\l' I\ 11•\l''•'l'-l' B.111nt•1-.1h.1 1 ll·Jd "l d1nhu1gh .lg.tlll\I .tp.11thl·1d' \\l'lt' dr .1pnl .1u U\\ lht· \lon·hu.ird at th•· \k,1du" h.111t.. \lad1u111 :.ind although one wa' rl'mm 1•J Br111'h I\ lompan\ < h;tnnl'l I our rt•fu\l'd to \lTl'l'l1thl'1'\l'Ot l>u11ng till' rtllt' "hll h Budd \A.Un h~ 11111n· than ltJ nll'll'I\ 1111111J\o\11•1 1 Ullrll'I J d1·n11111\trjtllt larn 111g .1nt1-apjflhl'ltl katll't' ran on to thl· tr.1tf.. hut "·I' \tuppnl hl'lml' r1-.1d1111g thl' hJrl'10111 runnl'J Hudd tuof.. Br 11"h c1t11cmh1 p la'>I H'at hl'l:tU\l' hl'I homcl,1nd "h,111nnl l111m 1nll'1 na11onJI 'port 1111'1 th pohn ol r•1ual '>q>Jr.111011 l..no\\11 ·" .1p.111h1·1d 1 ht• h.1nnn' \\lmh <11'11,aul '/olJ Budd rum 1111 apartht•ri.J · r1·pun1·dh M'rl' 1'll'L lrtl tl\ o tliual'> ul thr Lahor-wntrolkd I dtnburgh rnun1up.il authont\ wh1l·h l'arlll'l' hJd \\,1rn1·u uf p11"1hk d1'>1 ur111111 Budd ktl .Ill till' v.,1\ tn l"11:,1t1ng lrt·n.1 '-1l..111n.1 111 the \011l'I I 111011 Budd"•" 11nll·d 1n 4 2' 14 ""'"k N1f..111nJ "•IHIOlh·d 111 4 2" ll7 l hl· lfr1111n \itlll l.1tl'r "I hl' dl'n11111,11,tl111 11mf.. llll' uul of Ill) rh~ 1h111 Jntl I had to tal..l' a 1111d111g al 1111n hu 1 II did not rt•all~ UP\l'I Oil' th,11 nlUl h "Pl'upk lif..r that \l'l' nil' .i., .1 \\mhul 111 "11ulh .\fnta -thr tx·'t lhmg I 1.111 Jo " lll'I f..1'l p un running.'' \hl' '><lid .. fhat ""a' 111\ hnl ran· of tht• w;"11n and th1· l·111\\d \A.-Crl' trt'Oll'f1UlW\ .11 lhl' l'nd I h.11·, thl· t~·,1 1nrpl11111 "' r had " McGee signs for $1.4 million L O~ '\l\JC1l I I "i -l .1 kx1 tn·l· agL·nt m M1kl' ~1 l(rl'l' ha'>ag.rl't'U loj Ol'\\ l1111r-,l.ll contrau lur$1 4 m11l1on "''th th1· '-Jt11111al Baski:t ball A S!>nua t 1<1n d1.1 m p111n' A l akrr n·prl''>t'nl.111\l' ,,11d l\1d •l'l'' 111nt1.111 need~ onl~ tu Ix· I) rx·d '"ti l.lfl Ix "gnnl MtCJl'l' ~'i ".1 lou1-\t'.ll ~u.11d-l111\\,t1d ''hu,1· contra1 I l'\Ptrl'U .iltl'I l;1,t \l'·""" during "hll h h1· l'arnl'd $21101100 l k aH·1a~•1·d ,11.111Tr h1!!h 111 111: point., IJ\I \ca ... un Television, radio TELi:·;\' ISIO~ "o t'\1·111' "hcdukd RADIO 7 \~ pm BASEBALL P111 ,hu1gh .11 Dotlgrr,. KA BC (71JOJ. Hester, Raiders' top draft pick, works out ~ . 11\"\~l<t> l\f'l l11\t·r11u111t dr.tlt 1 hon' "''"'1 I k'>lt'I ha' g11n1 1hr11ugh h" lir<,t drtll' \I.1th 1h1· I (1' \11!!111'' KJ1dl'f' and pronounu·d l11111wll rr.1J, tor u1mrx·111111n --11 ;JO\ thing I I.\ <I\ d ltttk II\ l'I .111\11111\ \,ltd I k\ll'f, <I" 11k rt'll'l\\I f1wn I lornl.1 \1.11t· "I \\tHlll'1l 1t1 \h1111 111\ t1·amlllJll'' 1ha1 I hi1dn t 1'11.'l'll 1.111nv ;11111111d Ill loaltng. thJt I WJ\ f\',1d ' to pl.11 I k\trr l\h11 .1grn·d 111 ,, ll\1'·\1:,11 p.1, f...11:!l \l1111d.i1 night p.1rt1e1p:1tl'c.l ill l\\11 l111111l'd Jrdh I ut•,da\ .,.,:1!1 \\ li 1.111 q11.1rll0lh.11 f.., 11111 ri"unf..1·11 .111 I \1,11 \\ il\1111 ,ti lh1 IL am ' 111 .1dq11,1111 '' ,111h1 11 1111111 Inn 111 \l\'1 "·I' thc I.I\! ol lhrn R.rnll-1 IP1ld11111' tn 111nw 111 ll'llll' .111d 11 ,,. ltnl Jl!11 1.'llll'lll \h111 ll\ ,lltn qu.11 111h,11 f.. 1<11'1 ' llllgn thl· \l\lh rnuml 111 t.. .ind linl h.11 f..rr l<1m11 "-•mmd 111111111 round h.1d -.ignnl 111nt1;H 1, r >lll'l'll ol lhl' l (. pl.11t•r\ dr.tltnl II\ thc K.111kl\ hJ\l ''tinnl u1111r.llh I kkn\1 \\' hatf.. Bn·1 < lar~ of Nl hra'>Ll "untll'f u1111r ,111 111 lhl' I \f t tor thl· t llXCi \l.'o\llll · \\ l' 11· h.tpp' t11g1·11ht·n1Jll111 hl'n' .tnd \\111l..1ng out·· ,,ml < 11al h I 11111 l·lorl'\ I k'ln \aid h1' Ii 1 l'-da \ lwlduut 0 \\il'> ht:g1nn1ng 111 g1·t Ill\ ~·dg~ I k \J 1J hl' "·" J hk to run pa.,.. flill ll'' hut h.1d no onl· to tlH1t\\ 111 him during h1'>l'\1k 111 \t11lf..t1111. rll·ar thl' h111m·ol .1~cnt \.11t..,· Hiatt I ll'\ll'I \,ltd h1· ...,,111tnl tn Ix· Ill l .tmp h\ f hur\d,11 al th\' 11111'\I .. , J1dn t "'Jill Ill 1111\\ .10\ llllll' ..-hl'l1 till' H'tl'fitn' "'l'll' hl·r1· hr \,lid "I 11· got 111 l 11111 f'll 11' "1th I ht1\t' gu" tor .1 )Ith l'lu-. l'll.'111g a\ oung gu~ I 1.ln k.trn lnim tlwm .ind 1h1·11 l'\pl.'rll'lll (' RAMS SCRIMMAGE .. From 81 'uh1n t 11l 1111111111~' h.11 f.., 111 rn11111n}', h,11 I.. II H>ll "'II "'•I' lw111~ 1t1"nl .11!11111 .1~.1111 \\Ill 111· 111 \\1111'1 lw' I h.lt "·I' tlll' q1tl'\t11111 th.1 n111t11H1l'd II• r1·111.11n 1111ilf1\\\l'll'd ,1, 111 I 111 D1lf..1•r<,011 • I l'Jllll 1111!' ,l,1111\ I >11 f..1·1,1111 '' \l'1•f..111tt tl1 11·nqt1111.111 hi\ l11ntra1 t \A.Ill 1111· 1<.1111' "h11 ,,lid thn d1111 t rl'11q~u11.1tl t11n1r.1r1' 1' K11h111"111 lwg11111111~ 111 kt•I J hit .1n.>.1ou., a' 11 ,1ppl ·'" Jlll\h 1111~hl 1<Hlll' Ill \ht1H'01 \h '''"11·11u· "tron1 d.I\ 1t1 du\ Kobllt'>Oll '>Ulll \\1· 11 111,1 h,1\l' 111 \l'l' "'h..tt h.1p1Kn' But 1·111 n1nl1dt·n1 our JX11pl1 11111 g1·t togl·thl't \\Ith Ill\ I don't !..nu" 1111 \\Ill I'll: .111,1htng llf..l' th1· < 1l'lll'' .1 I 1111,1·11111111 hut I kl'l .~l't'I' d<mn 111111' \11ul \llllll' f..lfld ol u1111i11l \\tll hl' mci1k I >11 t..1·1."m 1lw .Ill 11rm· ''n~k wJ,1111 ~ruunu ltllllll'I \\J\ 1.1'>1 \\'1·11 .11 till' Ir\ 1111• \l,11111111 \111nd.1) n1g~1 111 JU'>I h,I\\ 111 k.11t II 111 Ill\ Jll'llpk. ...., .... 111 I >11l..11"111 "011 ltl '·'' \1wth11 1 un1w1 \\ho ha' hn·n ~1·1t1ng hi\ 1:111\IHtr1·111 •1lll't1l11111"l111nwr l 1\( ~rl'.11 < harln Wh111• \\ 11111· \\llll l<11h111\t11l h,I\ rl'krt·J IU j<, 'rU\t\. p.1111up.1tl·d 1n thl· n11n 1unt.1t t drtlh, Jnd lm1~l'U a 111111 1111·r-.1n, 1011'>. I k d rupp1·d ,1 ll'" pJ'>Sl'' JnJ got 1111(1 a hnl'I -.hmin~ m.11d1 \.\llh < h.ir~t·r 11111f..11· dd1·n,1vl' balk D t11l· Rat ld1·\ .tft1·1 R.1t f..ln ht.·t .11lh' .1 h1tk o\ l'l /l'<tlmt\ un an 1 Ill lllll plt-11011 It I \.\ h 1 ll' " < h.1rltl' \\,1., \l'I\ 11l·1111u-. out th1•11• tuda\. '>aid K11ti1n-.11n ·1 llk1·d tlw "·" ht• r.111 tht' tidd but hl' '>1111 lll'l.'l'' 1111' 111l.llrlt'\111 ll ""·l"l'll '"' .. i...1i.. Ill'\ JU'>l ,j\ quilt..•" nn th11uith \nd '"II \l'I'\ \·111n1x·t1ll\l'" < 1111lfll'llt11111 'l'1'nl' 10 lw till' thl'llll' Kub1n1>nn '' II\ 11111 Ill \l'll tu hi\ \ljU.id Ill' Jlllj) \\1th thl' nl'\A. ro~ll' 11 lh11 t t1111\ (I rum 411 to 4i)pla'1'" "di rrall) hJ 1 l' t11 ha11l1 h•r till' l.1,t ll'\\ 'pol\ "Kight n11\\ 1111r tormal " , I 11tl1·n"ll' pla~l'r'>, 21 Ul'kll\lll' J pun11·r .ind pla11·-k1ll..l'f. 'Wl'0ll' r ailing th1· -l 'ith po,1111111 th1· \\aid 1:ard \\ l' \\<lilt pl,l\l'f\ to ht:ltn 1 thl'1 Lan light 1111·11 "·"on tlm ll'Jnl. \Jtd Rub1n,on .. It m.1k1·' \llU loot.. .1t 1'\l'I\ 1h111g .1 plJ~l·r LJ ll do." K11h1n"111 .1ml hi\ \tall" di ~WI c1no thl'r challl.'t: to \l'1' tlll'ir \llUold 111 .tl 111111 "'h1·11 till' f>.tli..t\ ( 11\\hO~'> nJllkll'\ lllllH 111 I ulk1 t1111 I hul\dj\ * RAM NOTES w •r "'·<il' 'l'•l' .. er Mlchatl H1rper'1 tU~CJ >hirion11 I ul'\ av 11ie Flom ro \!I·• '' 111 ~7 Rc.alut> Jtrrv GrllV and Ch11c1r Scott "'~\I l'O en<.1 tia•• nul rePorff<l 10 1 amo C.r$y "a lorst rtlun<.1 J)1r~ (,.__., 0t .-c \ wrttttt' ""made All A1n.,r1Lan plav•nu O•ten,1ve bact.i and Scou \ d ,,.,, '1P reel!"''' ~vi of Vanderbilt Th-ev ' m1\s • ~' cit \Oe<•d 111t , But we "" t ""'"'1 .st tnr \fa"·"'1 Q•'• tor rnem II' a vf"r .. (Jrl)m6' tianutt trv n--t 01 e\lt Ott 1 to '"e caroi You n~eo au tne l1rne ..,ov < ar ue1 10 n•••CJ ma•e '"" 1ren1•l•on •a1<1 l'fj1•<l coach JOhn Rot>1n1on T at •ll' Bill Bain w•li rl't•urt ll'Jda• bul won 1 bl! tAk•no oerl '" the scr1mma11"' oe\C)llp tP'lt.' viorfM1e O' oft~r1\11e h"fl"'ft'' If \ lllT•t 'O' th(' vovno \)UV\ 1c, \UC,. ii IJ~ "'''" \t1ow how ,, 1nurv 1n~v orP \~10 Bai' A \(r1mmave w It .re r •"Ntl4,, .,. \tt:tr t ~' Tr u:r\da~ Pe rez found in New York \I I \'-I \I \1'1 -t11'1\ll.tl \l.1n.1!!t'f lohn ~lulkn ol 1h1 \tl.1111.1 llr,1\1'' \;11d I 111.'\lj;I\ tw 11·u·11l'll word th.ti 1111\\lllf' 111t1 hn l'a\l ual 1'1·11 / """ \l.1~1ng at an 1111dl\1 l1"nl hutd tll ~1'" \or!..< 111 \l11lkn .11'11 .tnnuunu·d th.11 1h1 BrJ\l'' \\1'11• 'u't" 111l111r 1'1·1t·1 1111kfin1h"h "llhoul p.11 .tltl'r h1· kit till' 11.1111 l11llo\\fl1)! .1 !°•lllll' ;.ig.1111\I till' "1'\\ \or!.. to.kl\ on \und,I\ \lulk11 ,,11d 111· ,1111 h.1dn'1 111.·1·11 .ihk 111 lmatl' thl' Pill hl I hut th.11 111 II'/' hrolhl I \l.11 Ill h.td told !hr pl,111 I '.11•1 nt l'.l'l u.11 "'" tn .1 hold 111 '-1·11 \ urf.. I h1• .1g1·nt I 11111 1<1·11 h told \1ulkn thJI ~I Jn11 Pl'l1'1 11·111,\·d '" 11kn11!1 till' lrntl'I hut .,aid lw \\OUIJ tt\f.. h1' ll111th1·1 111 g1·1 111 111111 h 111th l'lthcr ~l ul11·11 Rl'1d1 ur lldl I ,111Jm.111n .1r11•1h1r111 thl· pl.11l·r'' agl'nl\ I fl 1u111J)\'d th1· 1 luh 'o ur11kr th1· rult'' hr hJU ll> h1.• ""l>l'ndnl \l ulkn ,,1111 '\.\ l' h11rx· ht· ,1111"'" up md,I\ I"" 'll\Jll'll\11111 ""·" l'lll'I ll\1' on M1ind<1\ although 1111' llr.1\1'' did 11111 1111111\ thl.' "IJJl1111i.tl I 1·agu1· .1ml I 111111111"111111·1 't•lllll' until I untl.i~ \ pl.111·r undt·r \11\pt·n...,on u1unt' JIP'"" J m.1J1ll f1'.1gll1 11·,1111 ·, ''> lllJO rt1'll'I f hl'rl' hjtJ het·n \llnll '1x·1ul.1111111 that till' B1 ,1\1'\ \\-llttld attl'm [lt to h,111· P1·rl'/ plJll'd 011 thr r1·,t111 tl'd ll\t ont• undl.'r "hit h th1• plJH·r \\ould t1'll'lll' IH1\,1l.11\ Jlld llllt' th.JI 1;,oul1l.illu" thl'k.lm In lilt hi\ \fllll t 111lhl'111\ll'I '°IUl h ,I 111111 l' l.\llUld rt'(.jlllrl' th1• dpp111,,tl 111 thl k.11:111.· ancJ lhl· l1lnlnll\'tll>lll'C APIERICAN JULY SALE SO'Vo OFF BOATING • WIN A fR[f TRIP JUBIL~ ~ fOR TWO TO TAHITI ! l.J l.J '85 • Bar~ain Pnc t'" ' • t ret' C,ailinq I 1·..,..,011' 1 • Dl monstrat t<Jn H111l'.., 1 Hector Lopez •how• Ketan Gandhi •liver medal won at 1984 Olympic Games. He'• scheduled to fight Sunday at the I Irvine Marriott ln a benefit bout for the liandlcapped. • More than IOO l~uJh l'1H\"' anrl t,a1I In Ttw Wat er I 1 Amateurs fight Sunday I on 12-match boxing card • More Boah and lq111p1111 ·111 111 ~ht>rl" Oi~plciys r tn111\ 1111 l\,1tnt1o1111 p.11t-,,·11111q ot I 1ing ~.\I II~ 'it10RtLINf Vlll/\Gf MARINA 1\1 I 11 1fl ,r;t ( lfl t I I f flf~ I I' \.1,Jr1•hrtf"' l>tl\' ... v•"~'"'l ... , ... l "'' ,,, )' "' ~ •• ""'''I' '>1~11· l1n1 l>n·· '1\1 1 ~•1H .,..,, It I< p!i •,,,1w1111 111•'1•• l11 1111l•1 tt11111 ~rlu'I, ~ l I! )1 f HK r I Ol~C.OUNT 1,.,.,11 '!onft•~ 11111 .. 1 llnh .. .. ftt ' f+; .. ,,, ·EX CLUDES [ ORUS WATCHES Gold Coast Jewelry ll111wt111, 101 <>h111p11 < •• 11111·, 111.1111 ... 1n l•JXll 111llud111~ 111111111 lh11 f..1 111 I 11111·111111 '\l.111111'1\,tlu1lo 111 B.tlth,111 11 111' \l,11111tl "·"·1 111 I l.1".111J11 < 1 11d1 n' .ind l tl ~1l'I \ ·" lJllC / 111 \n.1h1·1111 .m 1111 .1 I ' hout llti.ht 1.ird \1111d.n .11 till' In int \1,1111111 I I lotd 1 lh 1'' 1·111 l,1hkd tlw I 1~hl l11r tlw I l.111d11 .1ppnl lwnd1t' tlw "i.rnt.1 \ n.1 h.l\1°d I .11 I I l.11'1'\ \1 h1111l tor 1 t11 I l.1nd11 .1 PP<'il It hq•11I\ .ti 'Ip Ill ,111d ,lfllllllt' tl11 t l'11h11111'\ ''he il11kd l11,tpp1 ,11 .111• thc 1<.1111' l>.11111 Ifill .111d I 111 1>11 f..1·1\11n 111111111 l<,1111 l-.1.1h l<11h 1•11,1111 JH11lt'\\11111.tl hn\t I' i\11f..1 .111d I I' I I\ I) 11.11 I ' .1111 l I 111 Lill I h1 .1 \ \ \\l'1JI It I 1 h.1111p111n f...1·11 'li111111n '''11 fl,tfll,tlll\'I II/hi ( lt,llllJ'Hlfl I< 1d1.1rd \,111d11' .ti lor1111'1 ll'Jtlwr \\l'tttht 11111\1 I >:.1111\ "I 11tlt• l<1·tl I op1.• / .111d 10111111 p1 o J 1 m rll\ l\h I .irn111 111 .1dd1t11111 111 19X4 1111ld 1111·d.1I "1n11n' l'.1111 < 111n1Jk'> ,111d I h'nr' r 111111.111 '-..11111111nlll In lh1 \11u1twrn < .11t t11rn1,1 \111.111111 B11\111g I t•1k1.1t11•n tlw I' 1h111 11111nd h11ul' "'II kt1tur1 ,I.tit • h.t111p111m l111m 1hrou1_>h11111 "1111th1I11 ( .tl1l11r111,1 11 1•1 tor I 01w1 ,, 'tlH•r n1nlull'>I .11 llt1 l'Ht4 ( ll\111p11 ( 1,tllh'\ \\Ill ht' Ill\\' 111 tl'h lt11h11" I h1 ( ·"I I l.11 \I ' \d11111I \\ h II h \\,I\ 1111111\kd Ill I 'i I I ,111tl \I I\\'\ \I'\ I 11 ()I ,Ill.II ( 111111 I I t11ll "1 1ll1111 \ fl'"' 1d1•\ ''"''' 1.11111\1111111• fl .111d 1h1•1 II'\ 1111 h.1111111•1111'1\'<I\1111 Ill It ' . FoR THE RECORD 'M' t t I • I • MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS Am•rlcAn Lueue An994, (fticavo Oo• "'tl I<.,,,.,, ( lly '>•orttl' M1nt11\ute rt .. ~n fmut!lt.,1 Nf .., 'V trl> D••re111 lio\lun 8011 "1(11~ MllWOiJk~ft Cttv11ono wen DIVISION w l "4 )I 4o '1 •8 4\ " .. •• 49 u 41 l6 \/ l::AST DIVISION \I l/ \7 )8 49 " 4Y .14 46 " 40 49 19 61 Tut\cNV'\ Scc><e• All9el• l M•"N•1;••· 0 r f,,,,,, 4 \tau to J 8 >\IOI• J 0 0klOl!<l l ( fl•lllllO ~ Q.rr, I I T P•&\ • c hf'd"ll • ~ " '"' C. •v \ Nt1"' for< "rlt., f'\nta ~ 8a1t1m re 1 W•~•uv'• Gam .. Pel. 'Mil \II ~Ito ~to 0) 46/ )8/ Gii 6 6 6 ' 10 , II II , J 6 I I 9 14 • J6 ' AAMC\ Wtu·r bf • 4 d' M wau,..tt ti O'°'f'e I ') ....... You•11 I 10 "' !o•O"'D '"h I 4 n Oa• "' <I \1.l"O" • o ~· 60\lufl Bov<l 11 8 n 0411,,, t '°'t"'' t 10 '1 a1 t"\1CoQO t~t!d¥•' 10 I n r ... ,,d ,, a'"""•" ttootr>r ~ .. Ntw 10« l 0 .. 1.., 8 letHa,.dl 9 ~ o 10 ol Ball 1no1r Bc.dcllt.11@r 9 10 01 Moflr~\OIA \t.r>rom 8 9 n Tllunoav'\ GamH A11991\ "' l oronlo n \ealll• "' 8c"ton n Ba1t1n1ore ot Cr>1C b\IO ,, CJ1ttr-nit &' M 1nf"lt\ufa n Oot.,and M M1two1J~P.r 1• NAtlonAI LHQUI W EST 01\/ISIOH w l OOdoen ,1 19 Sar 01e110 H ~l ( •nc M OI 48 4J HOtt\lon o 'oO Al 8nlo 41 I \eM ~'II C HO h ,9 S• l Ou\ ,. .... ....,YOH Mon•rfa (l'OCdUO Pt, oot ,,t a P tl\Out1Jt EAH DIVISIO N IO \J 19 ~J 41 J9 " • j "° TUt\d•V'l SCOfl\ Ooc!een & I' t1\0-..-11r1 ' St l 1oJ\ 6 ,a <> F'"'"'" M , ~n•rea 4 Atian1a 7 C nc """'1 • flrft...-10,.. O Pt1 ad•1Dt .. a 17 t1 '"'' ("Cll\I 8 See D f'lh> Wt<lnt•d•v'• Gamn Ult 14 GB 4 9 • II ' 18 j J. P ll\Oo,•11~ !toe.own 1 l •' Doooen Wt>IU J I C·nc1nn"' S01ot1•l"!\Clf' ~ t "' Ntt'N '(yr, Allu ero J l <,1 t 01.' T ulor 10 8 ~I '111 f • 1nc "o •C.011 4 /r At•an•o 81.'<lrt:.\ a1 ~ 8 1 1111<in1rea •'!>m.tn I I JI n HIJu~lon Rven 8 et Ph aoe1or•a •C.ro\\88 • ~ ''•·<•II" to~ .. 1~v •' ~" !J e11· H1;vl 1l 4 n Tllund•V'l G•m•• Cn·• a11• •' Doooen , ~I l "" \ ,,1 SM D•f.'11<' I' 11\tlu•Uh .ti Sa f r • c H C N nr·4• ,.1 Mon•r~o HO'.J\10,, 81 '"~""' I ,., ,, At "'"''a a' Pn 1aoe1ot> .. AnQels '2, Brew•r\ O CALIFORNIA MILW AUl<EE R 't\ I w •0~1110 Do"' nu • Jae ll\f'\ rt OM l l'••• (Ip( nt' lo ,,., .... ltl (;r Cl\ on 8oont !i<"OI d U Tot ah ab I I\ bt I 0 .t V(IUfl' f J I , I (OCC>I'' or ' 0 0 0 0 ') 0 0 t I I 0 4 0 I '>•"mri\ 10 Do • ~' C,arunr Jt1 R e\" .a 0 t 0 t~\ft"t (Jr'' 4 0 I J fM1<>rP I 0 g ll 1 • 1 Total\ Score trv lnn•"9• ao r "bt . ' J 0 0 J 4 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 l 0 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 l 0 0 0 ll 0 s 0 Call~nla 000 100 000-2 Mllwaultff 000 000 000-0 Ceme W M•nu R81 Oowr ~g o E -00hv1e OP (~11to,,.,1a I M wau~Pe 4 l 08 C a11lornoo 6 ~""'•"~eP l 16 Carew 01'(1nr~, Hou•enotOPr HR Oown1n11 81 IP H R EA B8 SO Calltornla Mc(d\11.111 W 6 6 MllwtUkff Oarw•r l 6 11 H8f' Y '""' O• McCo\•llT <I A Dodgen 6, PlrAteS 0 0 PITTSBURGH LOS ANGELES ""'"" p t ,. ~rr·p tt Re• 2D J T•p\n lt1 Moo~· lo TPf'•'e f rot>P rt ~"ft ·~ \\ Aflu\CP'IP o S<u'"'" o Mdlh pt "" "p TOlllS •b r "b• 4 ' 0 0 • 0 0 " J 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 '0 0 0 J 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l.J,, a u < 40"'; JO 8a11or lo L n"'O' .. c • Gi;trr•r t """ 00, B•O< • lo YitV\'"a ·-4iC.•fl\C a< <..,. lo 11 0 l O Total\ Score Ov lnnt"9\ ab r II bt \ 0 I 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 7 l 0 • } 7 ' I 3 0 0 4 0 l I 7 ' 0 0 I l I I J 0 i 7 I 0 I 14 • 11 ' Ptn•burllfl 000 000 000-0 lo• AnoelH 000 l70 10• -6 vOrT'f' "'1 r11 ~Bl \6• 11 OP L H\ A '1VI' ~' I l 08 P ll\our11n 6 I '" AnuPI•\ 10 18 o .. n, ftO C.ul!rr Pr I 1 ~c 1ou 1a SB t &n<1rf>1t•J • 9 S Her\,,•\er IP HR EA8B SO P1"•burU11 ~'"V h~t I A )<.UHY } 41 Winn 1 LO\ AnotlH Hershl\•• W 10 HBP Mar\n11I b• p, .. ,, "" T111AJIOIJ \ I I I I I l 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 WP '>< '""' MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS American LHoue a• 1 11Nc, no ,,, 0111\ 9,.,,, J( o n\11\ l 1, l~I JI tien.Jfr\on Nf'w v ''~ lSI 8»11\ll BO\l()n )u I "' • Aatt1rnor~ )1J 1oc••., M11-N& ,,,.., \ll P Bradt~., \f'a' 11r JI I JI UN\ JI tl•"OM•on Ntw Ynr• /~ ~1u~@n Ba ,,,,.,o,~ 10 y.,.,, t 1r M 1w~u11ttttt 4\ .,,,,.., lft~fi'' 0 fl'frQ1t &~ I/ti \· r -., 81'\fti \ c '• o/ Jl81 Matt ng•., N•¥l< Vt'lra. lit .Y..ur r •• 8'1 I mror~ 6~ ~ G·OSOI\ 0~''0•1 O~ B'"''' fl; •'1\A\ C ly 6) R1Pllif' Ba11 JTtO'P h) tHT\ 801111\ 80\IO<> II\ -IY \ •II '"' C <t 118 P 8roo h Sutt ~ H 8 • ~' (lhf' llntJ 11 l M<1ll u • NPw 'f()r> 111 OOVBI f \ MAll•n11tv N•w 'l'nr• IO 8 •11\1\ 8to\I,) 16 8ut. rr 8 \lfo( /4 (OQorr Mtwa ••tl' 14 (, ""'""" C~ '•110 1 J """" M·Ml'\0111 7 J Mn\f!D• I oron•o 1l T JllPI f \ W1i\nt1 • en\O\ ( '• I J Pw ltltttr M1nnf'\-1')~., 9 8,Jttttr C !fSvPIM'" 8 t OufJf'f M 1!w.,1 k,.~ 8 } ar, 'tfl't1 w ft• "i HOM( RUN\ f \O Cn1t<1uu J6 Pt~••~v S!!nllte 17 ~ •n11m~n Oe• ""11 11 Br""""\~ v M 1nn11\ole I~ Oa ( vl\n\ UfH o.r If J( C.1b\ur !Jf'trllol 19 \ fOl f N BAH '> R H~ncter\on New Vnrh 41 Pt:ffl\, Anotl\, lO Bull•• c lf',ptano 19 W"'"" J( ""'"'' r •• 18 r flli•n\ Oa~••n11 1' Pl 11 l~INC. 18 ll~< 1\1" \I C,., 1Jr v Nf'w r "~ 11 I J Al fl rl\ft\ 01 .. 111r"f b I 116 ~omanl(k, Aneth , II 4, 101 ( >w•"• N~"' f ,. • ' /JI I " •I< ,.,;1 Oe•11tnd I I I 9, <,,J RI• ( OUI'> y,,,,, \ fl•lrP I II~ f\ .... .,,.. ( fli.tf'lll"Hf •• , A ;t"\ ( ,.,,,,. .. ih '°" ~ a~'"''"" c "" "" 101 win. A"9tl•. 10) '"vr \ Q, ""OI'"• 1<"f.\tt\ l '• 10 0 Motet'•, .. ,...,. It -.,., ,.,,t.!fll Uturn' 19 I li0,.•11 0" .. ""'1 19 I\ 1m~\ fl '!JO.,. ~\fhft'I Nfit¥f"Y•• t1 Nation.I LH9UI !IA I I tNu 11• "' '"''' ~. ,.. '!>• \ l4 I tt•• t • , \ l 1 GUOl'rltl'I, ~·· J.. c ..... nn ..... () •11 till JI" ·•\ M.-.ntrn 1 JOO li•JN~ M~llJhV "' ..... n ... a \t I ; \ M filflt·ntt\ ~0,.,lftl!A • ~'91"h\ 1>r•11 ( ll>< •Ou '7 M1 (,,. \t I u, Ml Qft1 Mu'''"" 41 af'lllA 1.A •• ,.,, \' , '' l•ar.,fl'f" (•"t nn.,1 61 J C ,..,. ~· Lou ' 64 u -IY l\on Pr> lellt "' •• •\ HITS MtC.Pt °!>I lout\ 11 l He" \t LOU•\ 112 c. .. vn• \o" CJ•t11u 110 f•e•••• '"'' nno1 10/ \•"'"""' Prl •Ot1or a 104 OOUBLE:S W• •<to MO<ltru H Herr SI LO•"' IJ J (lark ~•Lou" n MaOIOClo. P·llU1u•11ro l? P•r.er (" n ·••• n TRIPLES M<C.to" 'ol l(lu\ II R~n e\ Montreal I \•" v• Pr·1lnOf'•l•' ·• (u1emar St l J ,, • C.·•OO•'t \a1 f 'n'' < l'CO 6 HOM!:: ltUN~ Muro•i. '°'"""'• /', Guerrltl'o, Ooc!eer\, ll J C .,. \t L ll i•\ II Per'•' C. "'mr10 11 II HothWf All& t4 16 STOLEN 8ASJ:: !> Colen'•" \I l ""'' 04 Mc c..,. St l ou•• J7 L OD•> C n.1. a110 )6 Rames Monlru1 H Rtdu\ C•n< '""•'• )) PtTCHINC. (I OtCl\IO"') f IMt<O ( ut onnolo I I I /0 C.uodtrt New 'for• 14 J I 6/ Andu1er Sr Luu" 16 • 1 40 Hawk'"" Sa n 01t\jO 11 I I JI 8 S1ni1r1 Montreeo I I l } 80 STRIKEOUTS C.ooder N•"' fork I~/ \otu C1nc1nna11 1 Jl R•ar• H1M\IOfl Ill V1t.nzut1a, DOCl9el'1, Ill J Ott ton f'11 l•Ourgn 114 ALL·STAR T OURNAMENTS District 62 MA JOAS I 11 11 VH r Old\I Area I (al SH YllW ll l T11uci.v•, Scou OV N111,ono I S.ov ,.., o Dt\l'rlcl Cnompoon,1110 Tllur\ct.v'• Game lat Stovlew) ~JOO,., F-f~tte Vef.,.,."4'"'0 .-\ Octa~ VP"" Not n1 BIG LE AGUES ( 16 II Vtat OIO\ I Section Tournev 0 ,,, ' 67 l [J '" ' 19 l ~ ' TP\unuv'• Gamt I JO DIT O·•tr ,, 67 •• ) ,,, I ,, ""-'' District SS MAJORS ( 11 11 vHr Old\) ArH I (al Harvard Park, lrv1ne1 TuHuv'• Score l o•e For~\! 70 M1H1or M "' 11 l "'v Fore.• win\ Aren I l•llP• Area l 1•1 San Cltrntnlt LL l TuH CIOV'• Score M1\\10' N orin 19 V11110 0 Toniunt'• Gamt \I~ P,,.. \l•f1() T"\ M1\\1or NJrtr Tllur1d1v·~ 0 111r1ct CllampjOfl\llto (al San Ci.mtnttl La"e ~or~\t ,,.\ v • or Mi$\. N " JUNIORS ( ll-vtar Old\l Section Tourntv lat 8 ontn Puk, Anallotm ""11•\' v6 ,,,. ,..,. ..,, Al \\ t/ ~ ..> 0.. V""'"'t' \ \L>tric:JftJ -. ~ fl n tr'~ a\t ,)' ·~~ ,,,. , n "'"' Oto tP\um,.<!t •on"""" SENIORS < 14 IS v .. r Old" SICflon S Tournev <•t L•k• Minion Vlttol Tunct.v'• Scc><n Svv',.. -Nt!\' ~anra A 'I\ 9 4' :\ f a st Y'oroa l da 'l •·~ f ,,,.,. a• e F , t\• ~"'' &• .. a TOf\19"1'• Game > I\ llittra t\ f 1\1 Yro•CJll L n-io U.S. Clav Court tournev (al lnd(an•OOlll) Mon'• Second Round St"91H Afldrr" ti• r ~l E .;OO r ,Jtf V OCI" ,. UtD tjoa 6 J , b ~ ~ .-~~"\ ') ~"" t Pf r'I~\! C.tr"·•nv \Jt'I Pt>Or;; lt•l>Ol •<I· C• ~ 6 1 I' Bor, 81'01'' J\11'\I G•rn ar1,... <1et ti\ ra~ p,.. .. •er\ U'\ .t & I lt O l JO\e l , \ C f'f /lro,Jf' ' 1 Qf'I J<' RO\\ U '.> ' I e l 6 ' G f'"O <I&\ .. ,.,,.,' a 1 .. 1 P11ti Ar ,,, Pl'• .. Ii l ~ J Women'\ Second Rouno S•nvl•• Ail"' ""'" a Al, •1111, 1 B "'" a ,., ::It (,~~"\ I) I\ H~,. ' fll (' 1 10 t ;J4t' Pa-rr C.n.,.. lJ S ~ ~ e , I .,,4u .,,. .. ,, lJ s d.... p,w" s"' ,,.. tJ s C.ati", a !.aoa• ia'v~ • ~ .. ,.. J,. "' r101or,..,., u ~ "'• .. "'"'"' \ I r"4 Ott J .$' \t .... _. \O-' ,. I ,. .a Men'l lournamtnt I at ltYlft9\fon, H J I Ftr\I Round StnGIH . J ' ., ,.,.. J ~ "~' ( 0 v 1.J \ I b Bra 1 .., CW• 1 ~ (1f't Pf'l'1flll' D· , 8 A ,,., 11 " I "I b j JO'" t ovd B '• M Jf"'f JO" A .... -if1'1fi'f '\ I) 6} P_,, """• ~ U\ Or't J1t L tto10u\ us I& 1~ Ya· fl' f•t"••fTtt u !> <l~I Mar f ur •J , ~ J h I b I 8r1af1 T ~&r ,.,.,, U \ •1''' \)t ~ ,,.,, Hvnt1-,. \ouf" Af<•C.ll; .a & b I ~ I fJ 111 ..,•armor u 5 ' Clt'I Jt'tl II. • .,Parda u ~ I ~ } ~ 6 • f •lO P Edward\ ~0•.1'" A'' a ,.,, t ,.,, \r\tfa\ u \ o 1 h b 1 J' " ur 1ot J S ae' C N ''' \tev~ \o..,•~ A•, , " fi ~ ' 7 LA Clis>oen schedult r, o '" ,., ''~fl S11• 0 /6 H "' l'T - 10 r 0' ,... ,. ,.,. .. I J ,. •@\ 0 • ]9 t> 1 d '"' . ""' S61 "'~ ,. (.I ' Tr-~r\ N on Sa• N Uf'f l -.1P\ N·,, t7 pm '/'vflt1 "I ,. ii 1 JO ~JO /JO I 10 I 10 f.itT fr N"' .. ""·""' ~ "" 1 JO r-" ~a• '{llf;<J •' Ot>n ,., e JO o 1• ""'"'' I JO O ,1 •11 d ton'fl' I tO "'/'. W'I ,1o, .. p h rTI,. I& '' .~J•I t' I 10 ;\' "' r trp I tO 'I I <.,... A I utl c ~ m ,, ()., It\ ') JO ' tl' r ~,1 • 1 t r,,,. fl I •O ,t HJt' ''"'"" / to Ut H , "''"" 1 lO tl H Oft•1tn "u,.,,,,. I lO u n ~ (),. 1v~r b tO l J ' ,~, u IVav·. "-.J'O" .. JO u,. \fall fl '"'O' ,. I 10 µ st Lallrlf'r\ I 10 om , no..-~ I JO p <T I "' h '"""" ~ ~ 10 " "' .... "" Oa1ta\ ~)0 om rr J~ nomp 1 lO u ' '"' H O 30 1> m Mo" '" , I •l\Qtnp o l JO r; m """" 11 '"Omf 1l01'n 19 .. ,., .. .. •' 4 ' jft '"' n ., ,, U•o~ N~w Jtt\PY ]9 Pt-t1l•n1' Set ~ f'h I •' Pnr s d I JO 1> '" T nvr\ al Phot'r•, & 10 o"' I u~\ f •t> 11 Ph0ttno1 t norn,-I JO 11 n T "'-.H ' f flt> I) -Pnrfl11M 'humf' I lO D m 'al f eb I\ Hou•lon • homt I I 10 " '" '-'"n I ftl I/ W1un1n~ton • hom~ I I lO 11 n1 I , ~ti> n C.otoe• \!At~ nomt1 I lO 11 m !>un feb 1'I ·" Nl'w Yor~ 4 )0 p '" Tu~n Feo 7\ "' M'""""~'" '10 nm Wea r fll 16 a• D•lro·t 4 10 u" f , Fl'O 18 •I 8 0\IOn 1 10 om c;,~1· MtH "' 1 I l'1,1H"l'I '°'Of"T ,~ 1 U 1'1 I Wt\ M•r " • (. l'vt1'8 t1 ... orrr I 10 Pm 1 ""'' Ma'•,., • 0 •1ta, norT•• /)On"' ~r Y.tt•ll/ •'\ft Antlll'•\ \ ion,..,, \un M1t'(h 9 Ottf"IY"' , Ot' • J Pf' fqf'\ Mt.r(t It "' L Alll.flf\ 1 \0 pm ~P\1 ~A'( h 1 \~At'lfl P\\)IT'lfl I 10 " m ~ • M"" ,., " ~ • ., 1 -• r\()ff°'lfl 1 JO 0 t?1 \Af .V.l't'( r-I\ "' Hn,.nron \JO I'" t *' .y,.,,,. II •' Go '1r<> °!>'A'• 1 JO I'! ,. "'1•<1 M11r • 19 l ••••\ '1 "'~ I iO o"1 '• M•r<rt 71 11• U•~~~· • lO I•"' ~A' Y.o•tn n 11•"" • 'l()mf' I JO ""' ...,..,, "'• " 5~" •~t 1n lO l•m Ir M•• r '>I A IO , m ""' Mtt• • 1• I JO om 1 ~\ 't1h b K) (t ! Jv,,_d A& I IQ U ,,. °\Al Ap' "I,.,.,• I KJ 11 m ""~n I )0 om '" I )(I l " ,,., no P,..,. \u~ RAms uhedule llinlCMllotl \•lvrdev Av\11 10 HCiu\•o,. ".0mf' l~ ff'I Fr da v A.;Q 7J -,, Plllladaton10 al Cc.lumOu\ On10 4 lO p rv Sa•uraa; Avll JI New Engta•d I r.omt1 I p ,., R t9UIO r Stu on ~una'"' \epr I Denver h0'1'• '"' \unaa v ~f'OI IS 01 PMadetOP>•o 10 arr Monoh \101 7 J s .• ndov \to• 29 p.,., o• '>e&lll;, 6 "rr A••an1a tnomtl \c.noe. 0<1 o \-.nda1 (x • I) . ,. "' T omoa Bo• 10 \unOIY vc • 10 . "" Svnoav CK• II '>a n Fraoc \<O t(.imf!J I pm \wf'd&v N .., New Or @an\ "'O'Tl« tom \u<>O•• Nov 10 10 am ~.Jnd•• No, t1 -•' Al anta IQ 1 fT S..,."Ob • Nuv /4 Gr H" Ba., norr t- on u" Monoa. !Jt< 1J Lf•\ Arg@it\ R4 o~•\ (•(JfT~f I 6 " rT A 1 mti Pnr 1f1c RAl<Mrs schedule Exlllt>lllon '>a•v•dd• Auo 10 Sa r Fronc '"' nomt 6 prf"'l Su~<lav Aug 18 W&>h1nu100 no,,.,f I Dn un ~ r da. A.,g JO -o• C e•P ono ~ JO Rl9Ular Seuon ~ .. "04'1 \f'Of 8 flrllf'N 'Y •'"• rf\ nomp t '"'""' r' ,, \O•.,-'".eri1 11 tt1 K artsa' {. 1-. ""' Swnaa., ~..-01 J, Sa,. ~,.11t,.. ~ ' ,,,..,~ "fl"!') !>~•de' \~o• l~ ,. "'" .. E ·~ oro 0 ' ')...,,,,ctav O<' I J ~,...,. Or ean\ P\Un"'f um \vnde• O< 1 iO a• C. he•ano 10 o ., MO"Oa. O< 1 18 -Sen O @90 "O"·t on ,, S~an,e 1 o ~ S nrtaw l'JO,,. 1 \ noav "'"" 10 5..,,,,,"., t4; .. I _,~ ~&" 0 t!OO I :J T' ,.. ar t1ome 0,,. '> n1a. N • 14 \,..n11a-. Ut"( I ~ ·"·'•• o.. 9 a1 At a"'& i om "'' Ot!"""' Ip,,... \ •"'lh Qp, I'> Sea•' e .,o,,., om '>undft• Ul'r 7J '' 11.,,.. \ 6 p" All I fl @'I P.,c,t c HIGH SCHOOL Shrine All -Star Gamt t•I Eul LO\ Anoelt\ C~I S•turoav, 1 o.m SOUTH STARTING LINEUPS Offtn11 l u"' J ·' t'\ '.e PefJro AT -Mike 8Hcn, New00f'1 Hrtlf ~(, To,... H f'I" L~ .) l"l1a (.. M l.Jc,,,fl a i..8P1.1 , LG JO' B'""'o<~' R:,. P • Sf Y.~, )8 "' .,. "ti '8 ... ,. .. ~L ~~a'• r, ...... t T " & J .. , 0 / 6 } 6 ' o I It or v r 6 1 1t '-4V # 4 ,J" I o t· •D Ot o 1 ~IS LB O 7 .1 0 • 701 1c1'"CJ(t'r4 6 11~ T • ' 10 J Ntt\\fi' r.,..,, IV T Jf' ,.&fi e b J 'IJ 'J~" '•'"P' 1n l Bar ~ J O"'•" JttfT' e .... ~""~" 8dnr1 " 110 5t@Jf& tir:.)1.1\\llr.J Mll a Ar'' "t> T t'Tl 9.., r fl\ ~ur·r 'ti Htll\ 00 (f'r \ N1ChOi\ .., M ''"'d '1 r.?4v T 1h•.; Cctr'll b 1ir. ~,, ~,... r dt.t·\''a,..o va~e, HORTH STAR Tll'IG LINEUPS OffenH ,. flt...,,... t11"1 JJ0' ( }th "' 1'>0 Ii.. 6 ~JO 195 G :TO T • 7•8 '>t C v ~., • • 6 I 180 I j • Ja .. ,,. 8 \' r Ar'!O' ~ ~ 6~ "'t:t Y '" rnh,,, a,, -.J~ p,, .. t> 1 a"' Ii( f\ A1t ro f ~ it •"' ll 4' 11 I\ I , t-.i, ~ 6 O\/'. '1' .IP!>" Y d '"' ~ C }()() o-.. Y,~f'fl \ .\I At,... f ~ a \ O"'tr\ 6 J ' . '0 ~ J I ~ 0 ' I •-'~t J tio,.. O\• uOl 0 ".1 Bf< Y.v' 0 Y.iJ'• Vto rp,. lP ( •... 1C A' 1tri Hanah.,.. Hr. ·e· ,..,, ' k'@\f'dc1 10 "',..,. f... r J t-1<1 I I .~ Deep sta fishing DAI/EV'S LOCl<ER <N•woon Buch 5 0 [. .. \\ .,.,, \d t tt N•woort .. .. J ~ .., .... ,. Thi\ w•ek'\ trout D11n1s LOS ANGELES "• 1• "• • ••• RIVERSIDE .... SAN B ERNARDINO ,,, ''" 4 41 ~ ~..,. "' ... SAN DIEGO l<E RH •• \.ft .. Jl ··~ ~ 4'•fl !\AO.Ila MADERA y. liJ, • , .. ' '" 'I N iv•r \otrhr r l ,_.,,. ''"''1-. "'""~·"""' 1 1'•,. TUL AA E fl "~ • rr'• C ·• 'V'~~,1 "' fflf"-~ flf f"rt't l"I t.. .. ,.elii .k ., M ._..,, '• •'" •o,-. ~ dirv•@"" Ott·" •o ~RJ Puwpn,o 1\tt 1''"' Jot•n\ondn .-9, 10~ '" r" r" lfw D4'""' Noott Younij (•~111. UOllf"lr ' l1 t '"""' J.'•PP,.,rmin1 l 'tett. \o tr-l.•Pt• fut R .,., 'dCI t for Iii , ... ,. ..... ,,. .. ..... ,. ,. . ..... 'Pf'._ ..... ' 0 I l ... ~\ """•Mf't'"\ •'" ';,/ f 1,,j n ,_ lJ<~'" • \l L .,,,..,,, ~ "tJ • .,.,, W• "'•' A .,. H t ',,,, \ r •* ( AmpqrQ"nQ I(\ ti'\. IOW '~~.,,., •"'tl L.••"''' M••,~w, (a r!t II! \ ""• fl•O\lf Los AIAmltH TUllSOAV'S IUESULTS llno '" ti 11111111 cwon en.ent mHlil\e l il'llUT RACll l'>O •••d• ~ u vn~ v•• • 4 70 I 10 HO 16 20 1000 s.o {Jr ''''• L •V.,flCI ttr U<J•) M·U T rr C 1rdo1e f .rne 11 01 \S EltACTA ~ 9 oao l!S680 SECOND RACE 110 ••ro, Soul Of • Cnamp 1P1r11 & ~ J 10 l 00 '""'"•'• • C.orr.1 J 00 I 00 \ne•tm O(l\f C 1motH1111 S ?O r mt .s 19 '1 EltACTA & I u• 0 \W60 THIR D RACE l'IO 11•d\ No "'"•'• \MH 8rooq1 J 20 7 IO 160 (JH 0111 Hr 0\h P """' I I 70 1000 OH Al'err ue r, I""" $ 20 S 00 ,..,., 11 89 !"OURTH R ACC Jl,O •••O\ \.., " f'1u Dor • •• p "C' 1• £ Ut Sh f 660 '170 J?O 110 110 I 10 ~ .~Nt:".Jry -&''118 T ''"e 118 u E XACTA • , .. a nv 10 Fll"TH RACE 410 <• Ol fH Cifgr .., IQ Dor (.' .. ao (JH ,,. •• 0 "... ... I 1 IO SOO l 10 100 740 J 80 r f • • no Camow T "f H 10 U EXACTA 4 ~ PI O \IOt O SIXTH RACE J)O """ J'' For 1.ovt P 1 1100 rt 'a\ ~wnawav 8 r(IC.•\ 900 HO l210 IUO I IO D ;.e\ Co11eene Hern"'o T me 18 OS \l E X ACTA I J D• a ·~·~oo SEVENTH RACE HO <e ra\ 8<11.' 8r1nr Oare »n • 80 J 00 970 Par "' Priot , Wero DH R n11 T nree Carao1a OH lltucooero 8roo~" T me 11 86 n E XACT A J 1 PO 0 He 40 EIGHTH R ACE J~ va<O\ Bt A 8ea .. 11no Hart s 10 l •0 160 How R•cn •Sev llt1 l 60 l 40 Face Clat• Mvte.1 4 70 T ,,..,e I &4 $1 EXACTA I I D&O \1&10 U EXACTA & 9 4and S I II oa·O \tlS 80 I( n ., nn1no 110.tl\ 0 no••u NINTH RAC E l~ •ar.:J\ 011 ng De.rt re Fon l 110 10 60 S 70 ¥t" t /II 00"" Wa•l r C.~'C" 4 00 / 80 L 4 Pt· 11ra\ '• ard0111 J •u r ,....e 11 as U EXACTA 4 I P4<l t 01 41) A"~' oance • 82S Boxing lol Waihln9!on, DC I Wtllef''#li9rlh Y,a ,, r 81<>< ~•' dtf Peor ., • " '.Juf'IO\ .J~41'1mou\ d~t \or ,_,,. Af""'if'' ,., r ,.,,,.,,,,.on Cnamo10"'"'P Track And field Eo1n1>ur911 Game\ t •I E dtnbur9", Sc111011<1 ! WOMEN 'I & 00 8 •• .... • • ., " '., 9 •• ,,. ,....Li 0 ..... 0.a. \J~"t~ ., ~, # l •-LJ ~ .. ' 8 ., 6 1•\ \ \-i ,. +-lot ,...~ ur A f' ,.-. ,J)~W 161 0 TuudAV'l tranuct1ons BASEBALL ... c>J , ..... rt """'0\ 8 oo. ti~ '• ..... \ " .... I ,,.. ·~· 't-t ~ ,,. • 8ASl<ET8All Hattonol B••k•ltMIH AHOC••lton ~ ,..,, " ~ .., .. ' , l lo • \\ ¥.M'• t 'J' d .... '\' .J\ . ' • ~ ,. '\ \ l.J " , l J~ .. Yt[J.;,,p 1~tJ••' Anh"\ t "''1 I f> \Iii J t•t t J ~., !io: ""' fl f' 't .~ ¥1t t ,._ , ,,,,.r '. FOOTBALL H•hon•I il'ooltMll Lu 11u• A'tA~A A 1N '\y.,. •• , .... ~'" ... ' 4 r w • ' , .... , .. ,. aP r A ... ,. ... ,.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednes~ay July 24, 1985 83 ""' wlfl9f\Olo Ginger Tse, 14, of Marietta, Ga. and her brother Archie skate during practice seHlon for the National Sport. Featl- val in Baton Rouge. La. Ginger la the youngeat and amalleat (4-8, 70 pounds) competitor i n pain altattng. Future champions at Sports Festival Louganis h ead" li s t of compet ilor s i n annu a l even t I .1 I \l'I \11kr11a ''111ur1· \flon1nll. d anir11°n' 'I I t1:1tpl'll \llk•h\ ·'1d1 \\llh lhl) II.Ill If ', lJ t 11\ (I)\ nlfllt. \{JI\ J' !Ill' ,,lt11•fl..t "P"rt' f c\l·I' ,1) ,1111h'' 111 lltl' ""lJl'I 1111 1ht 111\t tt"1l' I hl' fl''I" JI txg1n' t1>d.1' Jo.11h p.111\ .ind d.1flll' d1mpt..11111JO 111 ligur1• ,f..,1t11lg ,11 th1· 12 \11)(1-\l'JI ( l'ntl11flll'\ "11111J1·rn ""'l'0!11>n u·nt1·1 v.h11h ah•• \,I.ill tx· lhr 'Ill' "' 1111, f..t' 'Pt"1'1l'>li.J11ng 1rnt1ng tJhll 11·r1111' .JllJ ·'•'l~htlill1fll( \l11\l ,.,~Ill\ d1111 l ~l't un'-kr"'J' until ._,,1111rd.1 th1111gt1 J11 ng , \ding .ind ll.1111 ll.1n1lb.dl .•fl' \l'l 111 l1t.gin l hur\J,1\ lh1· ll'\ll\t1I "'h1.t1 "·" lt.nl 11l11r ad11 "PT •"t'' '-'I .ind Ir 1, J hl'.I'' la">nte t•1 add to h1~ tl\l i1uld mrd.i1' in l<.''>ll'JI lumrit·t111un 'f ltl\ I\ J fun t'\ t"nl " \dll1 I 11uganl\ "'h11 "'tll gu 1n lht• '>pnn.,: b<iJrd I I J r hur<,Ja, n1gt l and lhl' rlatl• rr> \,1nJJ\ .. II' J rl'al l hanl~ hH lt1l'' •u tp_l'r J1, l'r'> tu 1mprtl\ e an 'ti '"' "'hat tht"\ lan do It \ '>111114 t'>l lnr thl'm ·· I 1 .J~.101'> al,1 "' II '>h""'La'><.· r llro.1J<;i,ting tt1knh a~ he prtJ' 1Jl· 11mm<'nt;in tur L \P'\. "'h1d1 "' ll'k' l\l' '" hour' 11 ti' l'' "l'r Jgt I tw dr' 1ng"'1 ll he t ht' It r't "1m ix 1 !111n Ill thl' 1 ctUl\IJOd \tJ!t• l 01\l'f\11 nJtJt 111um "'I <'r1 .. un\trutt11 \.\11ri..t·r., \lot'rt· rJ1 tn~ to tx· r.:aJ, h 1 hur-.JJ\ f hl' \Jnll' l-;1nd 1•t )a,I m1nutt pr1 pJr.1111.n' v.a1· tx·1ng u1r 1!ul.lt'd al \11utt.1rri I nl•l'T\11\ 1rJ1" JnJ .II ,, "' I< '•"I' '' ll<'fl' tt. tx 'IJ!,!.l'l! Becker's win over No. 366 not easy Wim b l ~d o n c h an1p d O\Vrl 0-4 0 \\'ith loe se r\·ing for n1 a t C'h ""'"'''I.in lk 1.,,, .f '•\ I ~ 'I~·'" I..! I k pl." l .! ' '·'"I 1\-rn lo •I' li.1111p11111 \\ '1 \ \ \. TUCKER. From 81 ... 1 ~'" J ~ I ii • • '"' e' ''1 '"·n ''' , d .1: lh I: ·''' h \ I lll"'l'r 11111 l\t .. ,,·""•l .· 'I n l\·rnt. I ~~~SHISER AWESOME ... " I• \ \ 1'111,11 i I 1 I II ,Ill tlfh h,t" , llh r 111111111.'. , \1, pl 111 1111'1!''' "t11d ,, I'·' " • ti I,' Ix· Ii 11 l' r" I [I •It~· I t ' .. d ·11. 't:· 1 t:""" ,t •• 'l 11t.11' 'tit I I h111lll''•"l ,,11,t • 11 ·11 1,111,tb.111 lk ''''"' \nd tw '~"'1 .~ .. h 1111>-·' l•11t." I fl'1,f l\t. I \\ IJ, .. 11 .. I.. ,,, ·'" "'""' I' ,.1 I t \ I 1t lllln l II\ 111'1 t-.·111·1 "' 111 111 .. I' I.th' " 1..1111" 1! ,1 " I 11, '· " I I I h,I\ • 1l h.tl.t 1 l \',I t \1 l 1 It ul 'IHI!• ll1' ,11 .I 111 "·" .1 '"" h id.I 111111 It Ill' \I• l1.r111ni.I ,, I 111..! I 1'111. fl\ ll, I ~.lllh lh '•' d n~ th, " i..111 .. II \I .. ' ' I" ,~. ,\ I I ,1 \ P' 11,,, .,I ''" idd,•.J I 111llll"i11 II I lhl "\I Oll ltl lllh'l \111 •le\'' I tri.l11.1t1\ .1n ~HI ,11111hk t- tlt.11111' ,tw.t ~1u1.1IHI ,111,I I °''11rf1 I\ I If\~ 111•0\ ~ I! \ I . .. f .84 Ortinge Coast DAILY PILOT 1Wedne&dcly July 24 1985 • I I uw• • ll .. ,, Sh l>ull•r' • '\I• " ,, • f't t• ''' lllU•I 1 ... 1111 lui!f'tf HI 111'· 101 • 1" ''' 1• '' "'''"' 1• 1d11111l~1.1 .. • '\ddHtOn&l liiw• may ~ pur• h.or.t lu1 S: 1u 1 1·,., 1, • 1 • 1 •'• r • 1 r ii •I lwlp "'""'"'' 1 l1wfic1110nt or 1ulomoh1I,., I'' 11 • .t '", r S ,!t 11111 • • 1 • h ,.1 .. -(11-.·1• .... 11.n,i mC"rchlndl. Call 64.2 -56 7 B CLAll"1!0 INDEX 142 .. 1871 ;;;e ..... _•.• ... • .-.''-'-S-.a_l• ___ Aputments 1150 HtusH U11fur11lsh1d Hoa1t1, Uaf•raialau Atarl•eal1, Ual. Apulaeats, Ual. ;;;;G.;.;ea;;..;•;.;;r.;;.a;..l ____ l._OO ...... i u,~,'i~~~ ~~!> 7i'J'~'~'~ A~: ,.c_o_1_ta_M_e_sa __ _,;2~2.;;2,;;4 1_N_e_w,.r_or_t_B_e_a_cb __ 2_2_6_9 Costa Mesa 2724 Costa M111 2724 Aer••••I•, Uaf. Gara9es tor Ntwftrt leacla 2769 ·~R'!"'"en_t~-~2!1"!9~1 'im1ilhl,1ch .1pt .11 l111,11 h ~ m 'i11ir1h• flur M1•' 71 I 'J THE DAILY PILOT \ l AO.,':olt U I• ••+hf •1 -.an11 ....... 1111·1121 •••• irl L CHICK YOUR AO THE FlllST DAY • ··\ f ••• '1 ..... ···~ I•,• .. •--• .,.-, ... -.. •-•,•--•-• .. •,•..,...-'rrmm .. ,, 1 11 rt•111.JI F SrDf CM l UX Corrc!u I ido 1..,1.mrl rh,irmmq Hit • fi, li.i l>h'•O 6 IU IJNIOUr HiR AVAii NOW $J0Ufll)IJ (,1 ..... -. ·~~u1q /hr.• bu t'Ctll\jJI ,,.. ifl.1 lolllf'..,.,, 111111. P•'"" JllHll <,1 l\dli!:o prt:I Pnv1 P<lllV Coitpurf $1:>10 COLDWeu. BANl(eRO 1 l Mil H"'' <1•. l.':>ll fq vii$ 10'10 b•1? \IN I 1071"'I,'1 18181/1111 44, 1 '.11 .. 111 ~ ,., n> 1>4'>-8453 1'001 <;PA <IU•H 110 p1>I« Commtrci1l 1 '"t "' ••· L:o11uu tur 11 I Property 1250 I ,.,, .. , •rieloor ~r·•• niul11 .. _.._ ........ ,,,.~, _ _ , .. v., ill<J<ll gd• C11ll RETAIL 'OFFICE ILDG • .,,. 11:>" ·~., 1or Jt1ck LIDO ISLE S 1,100,000 FOR SALE r 11111\11 Au, k B.1., Jt11 W.tr I dll utsl.ind111q 5 BR N1•w1 Jrt ( f'rtlf'r 1 I 000 •,q l If>• 111 • p111)l hm kid~ pt>I', Jr 11 • h ·~ w11'· P•t'• ~ 'ihJJ If lrvutf' iroui•<l ,,,,,,, I y O $ IJ 2 •, ll t' I J 1 , I 11 your v•tC111" Hu~ is. •t' 11 .. , t HPult'I 1 Of lnr ., 1'1 lo 1<r(l U~!>t Altv lt'I' (IN""' ..,111 ht>Iµ tmanc.e or 7'> , .' ~ I go 1ea'e oplron ' I UH 1 l A~,£ lrg 4Br JB.1 144-IOIO Income Propty 1350 M1·"·' w•rrlt> E .c•c 11umt> - -S1t'•0 mn < 111 ldrty ----------(JO UNITS Pr•C.l'll IO sell ~4f> '>llliO Aql Fulls•• to c.o op tirokt>r-. Coroaa del Mar 1022 May Ir )(ff' SH lip~ m.iil PO C.<11 Rick Hv•"., tir 11 S uperb whitewater view 3Borm Den Re mOdett'O Ag• 75~ 9070 CUS I OM DUPLEX Soutn of Bdy~•OI' 1ow P"C.t' can not Lt> put>hsheO Pash p, p 720 9422 DUPLEX 100 lbt1 ea $210,000 717 rERNLEAF 640 -8 182 by Owner ke1 7b0 1'191 u11yfln1t· Lots for Sale 1400 COROH DEL MAR t LOTS FOP ~ALE JO 1 6 JOJ NdrCl'>'v tllOCk tr• tlhtOt lroC I plans for F rnnc.t• Nur manoy Aql 7',9 11070 R.E. Wanted 1625 IEW LISTlllS GenuonP lnvt!\1111 will P•lY Spyglas!. Ridge. 4Br Fam c.ast1 tor ~our prOPflrly hir B1g-B19 corne1 tot play 11gtt1 prrc.t or term~ No a red patio oec.~ g1mrmc.k!. Patr1tk Tenore SJ75000 63t 1266 Our A1tts11c. Poppy AvPnue I •iir ~;I'~.! 45 IOI OIOe V111age .,,! .. _ .......... Ct1arm 3Br rorm Oen 'WMlf'•i.• I•~•· i h1>w,1• NH Hiit'~ 111•<1 ,IJ1 t1111t1 kll<h kid\ Ok $5110 ~ r l•rt v 'o J~I b 140 H•"' 1111, lt·t >Vf l v M[ <;A V( AlJf 1Bft A•-''' 1rr1fT1t'd Opt<n ollly ~" lrm1119 2 Ir pie ltt"PI 6 prov S l'OO·mr, nSO 1.'8'l or 720 096 I MESA V(HOE 3BR 2hd lrplc 11ti1 gar 1;mcl yard $ 11U0 lluJ 'J5 7 238? Mur Harbor I Mew,ort JB1 tb J $ 7'1~ lrplc. Qt1r much mmp• 5404 TELEREMT 175·11•0 r lwl I II 1• .'Br Oe11 L rg ,, I 1 1• ~ 750 mo Chf'ryl h 1 I t.t1 lhcniticent 2 -s ty 3 • 3 I r pie. well• 11 lll •J•" ~ 1400 mo Pt'i 1~ 111 1•1 TELERUT &75-8180 Nr U 111 1 I 11·1 ·I •tit·~, :--tu .•t•.• .,rl, >N tppl~ {rplrl lh111 1111 $tt(IU di !>\If lo f4fl llt•~I ill!, i1•1 • 'IHllJfc, VAi Lil 1 U11U>'I Stoll() tllllflUI /hr ,Jlu1tJtJ nul t,u in w,h,., ... 'f11~Utt' r•d1f(I ~ HUllf •539-6190• C.w Ql'•Ju.., 10• JIJu " ~ 11 f1vtn\.j l"1 2 Wf'1 btH"ool I\ 1 O(f'dll t;IS JI!' I $ 1400 11 519 f,IQI) u .... 1 ~II, lo·t VILLA BAI BUA • llH .(to.1 lrph l•OOI "'°'' ..,t'(1111t.,. SI 100 ll\11 tlfl l•,1• "'ll 67'1 7691.i cJt 774 '•I ·lh YOU DESERVE IT !OP AHFA ;>u'>O lidrl.i llt I fl • '""'"'" 1<'3 l Mf SA f'INE ~ 14g 744 r il\11 ( ''" Ill•' p.ill(I S6tl0 No pot!> ,.,u 10 l'• Aql tflr H1 1 1 1, 0 Wu l<ttt' ll .. t11q N 1 l'~IS $4b0 .... ,. I r.1qm1 'i'>O 10 I' -1111! I h.1 twnt"ie Y•J• lopt( 11~1 I• oh• $6'1'• mo no pt'I'> ;•;t, AvOtd\.lt• St '••lll 7'.tO vr lo<I;> 517< ~·i/1• r .,111° 1t1. 'I Ur M hrn ,11111 µ<111. rt'iq U'w q 1'> µti >''•'l <,•,11u t,/J 7787 * Mt'c; 1 Vo•1 d1• '1Br IB.1 N•·w tit•<,,, t.1 ,hw'ihr qur ~h, I, r~ I fJl'I t"10 ?445 * I\ tllliNt, l l t 11. ;_Jfio Hi , c. 11 u. n Ar• PIJ(l s~1"" $11:>• 1111 w 1u1h S' '' " ( l f4t' r•c ull 1HC1 11 .. ti(''" Ill~ """ Mu ... lt..••• il•b Avr,c..wo TSL MGMT 642-1803 1 .tq /Bil r '""' µ001 '"' '"1" pc11111 $t,'JO No r>t>t'i r. H, '1 1 I/ 1.,111 1 I 7pm INSTANT IM lwr.11" (j,Jf Iii• lo< 2Br 1 ·~e a Eastsode, pool 111dry rm Quiel !ll All HI Ill 1(11 CunOn I .1~1 1'11114 'ltt•,;rt1!. .\ I.ill· W ti ltkuP'> m1no1 <JJ' w lflfHrr ~ (:drport AVM NOW' $675 mo !>-l'l 2447 WE OFFER A CHOICE W,1111 J ._t•IOLl!llrt ul Qlf'<ll trvrnql Wt• 1 .. 111 0111•1 unv · 111111g trwn " ~1m1ll 1µt to ,, 4Eld h'!P II looking tn CM NEI Or HH ltut1il <>I ui. 111-.1 tor ll1ttl • hottt' ol 1dt<1tl l1.111g TSl MC1MT NB HFAl rv f.42 1603 675 164. WESTUIE YILUCE t'l3H I 1 b.i $68~ New CJf'1t'lmg Poot $ Sp.t No P .. IS I 1 1...8 IU 833·89 I/ CATALINA VIEW 1Ur .Jntl 11111 1000 SQ It •J·H 111c Ht·dec:oratetl No pph $8f.l'l CALL f13 I 6107 or 855-0665 Hunt. Beac~ 2740 2eA11 ba, new cp1sldrps $575 mo Gas/Iv cable pd NO pelS 960~ 1684 111.ul I Wk\"' "•IQ io l'iO llllh t,1 Nu ., ( 01'1 th:p r"q 11 h'IO 1(1<1, Mt",.I t./ I l t'tJ7 s,1it•ltvtl 2 I 2 $125 I rph tJ•" /\ tu 1111 vu•w' Pt1nu .. It 11111u ft 14 fLERUT 175-1160 r11v1,.. 1111 it , J•dt t!nC.I lJttl ro•wly tt•th ' gtl'dl 101 N1•w11111 I Ht $1100 mu l'lllJ l.l.11 '•I (J11vt1 • lty I if Pr r 1H f.7 I I If•'' YOU DESERVE IT C.A f( (I VII I AC.£ ( OM MUNI I 1 lllt1rr11 't llo1 1600 .,q It of l'llfO l UXUHV I"" •'It' •,PA 111 muc;.h~r ~utl•"' 0111111 t •oon ""'""" """"!! I 1" pl tCP n11rrow tvP '\jt•r pr 1v,lfl' 11111111 f I I (,AN I ( tVIN(.> ru1,y 1'• n111 •'"'" trt '>O C.:11 Pl.11 I jLISI ...... 1 tfowpotl (JI,., I\ .,., .. 11. (II San D1Pq< Ir ''''"""Y 21 / 1 Or d11Ql' Av• '' It .,., ~·t (ly JIJ(JI rirtl~ Room a 2900 COM 1 """ .had <'>t't '>Ull~ •1o1lh hill bulh "~ relriq Nr1 c;uok111q f.;111 lies P.1 ~ntr.irtL<' St11' Sh1•r ,I b I I J 1 t 7 CM Priv r n1 ~ t1 1111 11 ll' I (j I I M1·~ I 11111 I 10X2C •,1,., ,HI" (lloly Avl 8 1 llt f )•~1c;t1i4 .. /'/14 , 111· .. [lvutih• g.ir.iyw f 1,1011111 toe i.101a9 I 1 ~ '> \ 1t'5 b40 637 Oflice Rentals 291 1 lf.8 lo 14 i,g4 K ?09 '>'I I 11 St JO 111 1 f Wl'.,lflll NO '>4 I ')0'1? Aql J Ht11Hfl-. 1f1pro:ai (•J•,-,,q t A ( ,,, llJI•~ A· k111 ~ llfl 1111) f,4•, blht. (Ill( fl flH • '>P•U t• tVttl "'"I I ll " l1v1111 NI t.,,11 1,j I J t I J !j,1111 11111 •It; 1 '1 l,h'<I• t C 11•11 01 11<" r' Co\! , Ml'• 'i,M] I rnrJ f (int 1:1:\:' I th A< i vim 1111n 10 ~"' 111 fu ,. t C M l'O!>'>ti1l0t tm 1nlc1 t•li 1itit' .._. h~1h tt.'H, rlM '• t11·~t ""'' •''> $41' t I lllU 1111 I 11111 A (. Dkt, '"'"''" •18'15 f Lou•. HJ.1 67C, t.1100 ..1r1yl1mt' EXECUTIVE SUITES NfWP()flf C.ENTfR F 111 ..,,., '"" 644 b!IOO FREE RENT !! e .. , .. '" Sale 'a .... , '" Salt .;.;..;.--.;;.;...;;.;.:.~;;.:..--- 2 room & ba s1uo10 4 R l SpdC•lltJ~ !Br L'Bil frplc Car parlonQ $435 000 ,_e_n_ta_s_______ rumpu' rm W hlH F r.c.O GArED VILLAGf COM MUNITV cBd1n1 l B,1 1600 sq fl ol PlJf~F LUXURY GdrilQI' <;~·A 111 master suite' D111111q •oom wood burn1nq 111 .. place m1crowavt> 011t•11 prrva1e pa110 EL f GANT LIVING only 15 m111ut,.s fo So Co Pta1a 1u<.1 "'"1 Newport Btvel 'I '>O••l•1 ,,r St1n 01..go lr<'Pwdy ;>4 7:J Oranqt' Av" 6J 1 543<! Hr I• 10 ~.11•1 , Ana 1.,1 MC,Mf1,.1') 1603 2BA 2bu dlw 01sposa1 garage balcony c.0111 lodry $725/mo 846 6451 Corulr I" 11111r, 110<• tt>nnof> A (.. q. tr C..<tl 545.q2, j I l:!O 0387 $400 Ulll 111(1 Munt jtur l!t>dCI Pr OI tJldQ -I mc '> lrt>e ren ptu~ rn~" ... mllnl c1llow ..ince 10 quohh.-cJ pro l"'>~1<in,1ls 700 1500 Sq lt:0e1 t1l tl!ic Ct,111 now lo r1upt L w .. 11., 83'i 08 18 '{ _J / /'I yrd dlol gar new µ,uni fJU.1111 f U' • Ult ' Ho81es hraid1e4 crpt & rtrp., S 1 17'> 24 10 -~i.tr 'fuf~tl''.). co11eg,.. &4'> 84'>3 2280 • alous TO IUCH! appt ont1 _c._._._ra_1 ___ .;.,100=2 Ct a tr al l OOZ .. 1._1 '"''-Balboa hlaa4 2[06 Sp<te1ou·, t1t11 1tl1ve Around S300rent!.hlbttrh Saat1 Aaa *JUST LISTED!!* JUST LISTED! Ule81iB.AU TOWMMOMES Condos For Rent t' • 2 • fr~e. gar d wshr & dock S700 mo "8406 O.tria r t Furr• Hn1 IJtJ kot lndry prr11 vnq employeel male only w.11k to m.1111tt1 SJ',Otm11 •1'11 ~414 THE BLUFF<; DUPLEX TELERE•T 175-1160 Alfordatile iii $140 uOll COROMA DEL MAR tlHI Orama11t 111 •• £ 11 11 '/--, '"" 1BRS12001mo 2BRS706 Twnhmt1 JBr ?Bt1 'I car Dpl• w1appls 539 6140 3407 C Con t Hwy. Cclll Avail Sept 7 lhru June gar natio uttt l•kup frplc Bes t Ally tee Pallo Ap11r1ment Roomy I , AllUNA Hf A<.,H 500 M It Cod~I Hwy Er1c.ln~et p 111i.1nq oce.in "'"'"' $1><'5 mo 557 4990 Unit 3B• tBa M ,v1 11 "'" "') mll1n1ained and well c.onCl Grv.JI 5ld•1Pr '" • olt•tl lurqe 3 Bdrm 8 18 6 r; 68 1060 "l1 It $97'> mo Avl Ownl'r t1. 4BD 4 Bel I I 44 . 7 now• 121312'>8 'J479 A,artaent• F•rnidaed f "'1t "'"'11"11 ( '''1""J rJtJI BR 1•a frplc sep encl '"'l'"' 1 [le'' M.i,tr 8dr pri q.ir S525tmc• S~'J-7965 l>o1 "111ply<I m.11urt< l11rty !4 •0 utrl 4fJ4 7146 11es1or ;:..rop C oll• fr Ir, """''' urn! hroqht and • '•t'f r!u N II) privaff' 3500sQ •1 hou.,,.. '" No Corona del Mar 2122 "'" r•"n1"' P·• N, ~"t~ Tus11n 10 11,,(lt• tm Cluple.< fOWNHOME to1wen1 .. nt IBl1rtt1 $l 'U ~7 ~!i M1sh11r:s I Co '" un PrillO hreprace 640 '!i'Jflt e 1ru1 1 .... ooo • •lcl1en and 0, sm..i11,., 1 011 , " COM Full oc.ean vu Jasmine Ck heights area Beautrtully Cotti Mesa 2624 lBrJrm? Ii• sr1 l'i •AHLIN<, TON AP•<.,111 01111'1 'llJdflOU~ V,.r, <.IOSe 10 lJt'.JC.h 2Br I >BJ fwnto~,.. St,;') 5011y no pt>t<; 5'lb 1440 Hoteh)!otels 2904 1ltJ V 118gt' )5Q 5 18 "<I I ff•CP<. with A C A alri 6 Pc TAMA t '>"t1"' I' Z1r01•a11 r,.;1 ... 6 <;I.Jr l! • hat 'ildnd inror~ "' r • ,. $750 %J·td , CUL-DE-SAC. BfAIJh fwo !.IOry 4801rn 1 our •r, Chdrmer w•tf' c.u:.r ,rr Cdb1nPtS tile and nJrcl wooo floors lhr 1 riu1 51or.~ l11eprace for cory evPnrngs Complt>fely rp Ot>torateo 1n the 1.n1<s1 w.111co11e .. nqs dOO c.irv"I 1ng As::.um<.1DI•• l1•t-ll Ir "' Only S 164 500 75 t j !G1 C::.SELECT ...... PROPERTIES FIHL DRASTIC REDUCTIOM MUST SELL!! JASltllME CRlU I ,.,, mer modt'I horn" I "' t1r11ms 8 den I IV tJ.Jlt1 INO 1.,eplaces a.r C.O'i dlfir;oPO pr •iJll' pr,o •, SIJt1 Gud•d gated N"w port Beac.115 c.c.. mm11 r , , , w•tri t1>11n1s 11 Ch1b nou!.,. ld Ctll l <·s $:?:I~ 000 LINDA TAGL ANE l T c:;e: 759-9100 d"n Prus <;norp and crPan l tiR , 11 iQt' ap1 '"''IPO 1 m Owf'e1 mCJv1ng J' t I 1!• ~.ilS PllCt'(l 10 ~. c,. ') (714) 673-4400 s 180 000 CQu·'· .. -. .. urne I owners hOmll 201 Oen reOone 3 br & formal __________ .;..;.. 2fi!llfl 2 f1,1 ri.' S"f 15 sn 1 000 011, 1o 7r:, 640 1'> 15 16191728-515 I O••t rm o• Oen ftp rrq CASA I( ORO 6£.f. W 181• to4' ?7 19 1n1 u... ; ? 17<; 1 M U f • h ~ t:Jdl•o 2 c.ar gar $1050 All UftllTIES PArO Evl'S w~r·O· h44 :i. I ousts II UfllS •• «t'C Agenl 631-7900 t ompa•e belOrP yO I General 2202 rent N1>wry OPco .. 1t"o Costa Mesa I 024 JACOIS •(ALTY Wilk tt T11tl1 Park custom 0Po;1qn tP..ifurp 58, iq .,., , 111 111" g239K n 2Br 2Ba $725 mo · 6733 pool bDQ cerv ro Qt1•t1<W FAMILY APARTlllEMTS S 1~s11 ... d s 1 ~ o o o PROP MAHCEMHT TELHEllT 171-1110 surrounded w11t1 pluc,to <,p.11 ~111111 1 1""" 1 "<jt' 540 181H '" %0 7124 7141175-1173 Dana Ptiat 2226 ~~~~~~:~"fBdr~' Pt-I'. ~(.'.:r1.,'.',',' :;:;:;;1·;·.~,;: \-i:a~ l•vM wt1er11 you haw • Sµ<'ctac.1Jlilr ap1s USTSIDE ASSUMABLE Balboa hlaad 2206 IUCI OITIICE SllO 365 Wilson 64<' 1ru 1 1~·,•;;~,1~'1.111;·11 " ~b% * 1"' ;>fir 1 ~?Ba -,u11e-; SHWllD VILLAGE WMY MOT ? We!irfield SUURI MOTEL IJ~ y rpnfdl<; IC>w40 .i•-.111 $ I 10 wk 6 "P • ,: 711 Nt-w I ~s~1,s;c1s~; ~~~~~5 IU2€i w C..OR'll Hwy NAw pon Bet1ch rnlrrq T v $ 140 w~ ~QI r11 i cJepu~11 Guest Homes 2 905 p.J•kong S 1 .''i sq It mr. u111 Agt 673 J777 l< A••POrl NB unlurr fJIC. J90 !>Q II S'J 75tmo Com~.1 .. 1 .. 1y dAtor..tlf<<1 R.,,1d, r1ow1 <t90 2<J!J? Prp.,1191 •u~ loc:.11101 8J6 2 204 SQ It 1n COM A C. comptelly <IPC.o• dlP<J 'Jtn••t M.it Arlh11r C..c>il~I Hwy 6 'S 4'100 r41~~~~ti":1~ ;"~ .. ~~2·',',~uw IAJFROIT TRIPUI 2 2. view Frptc & nice Haat. Beac~ 2640 l!-$1l1 rr Ill• sno • '=>ffilttlfll' towntious .. ~ rrptc.&gar Uppt>r !111 yard Aug ISi •4930 l4~1/1 :/'J 1,11 r,'iAI •~orpplil<<' N<'wlyllcd ~lr•a11d!"'Oldl I ,jff'O I ti Cv• )I• S..tc ' w TrLr•r•T MUil IElCH'S FIMEST ,, • Pr1. II• I .ilc. "' I''; " .... hm tor eldt•rlt Xlnl P11m .. WPStcl11f Or fi75 II C,pµ,1111t t '" 1, 1 c,m 6 v•Pw S850 neqo 8'>38 " """ 175-1180 OUIET RESORT LIV!Nf, G.trdt'ri p.111r« I fooo 1r.11v11" s Hl'.;S I w 3 olt1tt'\ 141'> It w : ----------1,,,q, 101 ·• '" TELEREMT 875-1110 Ocean vu 1mm<1c 2bOm •Spt1rklongnet1tet1 1.,,., •••~e11-snU •'lit><; r.1., 1,7;>2 or olf•ct>s G1110 '" ;1SI11 SUPER FAMILY HOME y,,~Jr t J<•IJ ~r r ~ \I->" PJ1rh· , ( 11 fr I t H· • ( J (lr l • 1 rn , f'it11lf( 11,...'t '11 ,..: Sdt• r ,, 'I Wtlll hi 11 o t..;11 fQt II• rt1rldn·r, Ir r 1 .. , n [J ,, 1 T r a ditional Realty fl:\1 -7:170 nu'\'. tlw. (11 llllP Mf· l M U' r ,(I I \l~rtJt tP ... d ..,')~ 15tl l rf.,,h• 1 ·.tt·teh f ""'' '* Joi' EMJOY YOURSELF • r,. •U' A "'"'" 10 IA f Hu ~,. ii Pfld ,, 1 , <°I; 1~ r ( fi() , f1f>.-: 7c,~f w 111 .JI .:OQuar" ltv•r.. 31R NOME WITH :..l.1' n r "'• t1r1gt"' t N~,.. .,. 111""r ,., • Cdrt:J!;!I A-. URGE SEP FAMILY Riii <;1,m1• IOd• Prrceo "' M •• JNV ' 1 r 1,,,. ,, 102 •(10 Gall '59· 150 t P•dL,. •1o.l f-.JI QU•t<I ~:.,9 1501 r ,1 or L 1111" fr .-a Coron• del Mar 2222 w•lt' 5 ••I airy r!PC.Or (J,11 •Cou•I t<llel ,, .. .,., .,,,Ill I ~QU ... WMY MOT? aao b!l'> 1 •1• 4q 1 ?8'10 <rt.• 1trts AmplP ~·rkng $625 Ital f l , .. ,m, I •V•qntllle !!BO dr+·.J~ APARTlllEMTS • J 1Mt ti toon•<; ~"urts s 01r.J\1·At'td I At'OuC{ld or B• I t•·• 1.,p1 .. , 539 6190 BPS! Ally It ,. •T Nl1gti1 done m 11111 ,, 111 •. Sw1mrr11ng poc. 5 1 11mmer ft, ... "' l'if' f,4fi 367CJ ' • i'° B.i, ", • .., S 1 :i' o I q<11PbO\ " " ' 11 J" '''l" 1' 1'11 ... " 1 •"•rt• 1•1•~ \ pur1ds Rentals 2906 WAI ,1 f 0 ..... U"l E 1 l (A c.r • .1, •i. '14 111 t)1 m 1H1111t. Beach 2240 ·~i;St•01J!. Apar1m1•111 , 111 1 11"d"' 1•1"• 'rnO • <; "' no µ1>1s • .-, 0 "' " , p ,, If l.l' r1 ., 11 •1.!> f Wkly ren!JI'> Nw(il P"""' Bu'>mP'> .itlorr..-~ <it't-~ • J , 11 • <lpt. ' I~ 1Bd dn1 qu1e1 Cul rt•• •dC. •four ow11 pvl paror, I ''""' .. , ' I •1•r dP<..~ N * ""''~111n9~ clv1<1I From S'>50 wk w~ SI•'" dP'•"" 400 .,q II " < 1 m1 1, l>Ch l!.I la<t "•t•f •Gnurm ... 1 l.1IChen '· · " • t/1" l" 11 ~1 j!j(J rnt • J ••1' NHr NOT (All IU bt1Y <JI i,.,,1U1 VILLA Newprn1 llt<OC, 7~9 0840 ,() 011 $1.!CJO mo 968 O?fi~ •NPw OrJvf' tan crµI J 11l',11 '11 '" l ''' ;ri '.•.' 1H ·fl• • ti.1 r •111110 • l rq w.,1> •n closets I tllolrn I .11.. i •,<1•, ~~;~;~I 113·5 ltl RENT Al S &7'> 4912 Business 1!1cJ 28 • fJ•' n .. Pc H H• I 111111·1 •C1Jtl'd c.overed prknlJ ,8 1, .•u., •• , lilg Be.ti t1t1r01121 .i bit.· "' Rent"ll 29l~ r ''•tr'I f .. 1 , 111<1 .. n ;i, ... , • 'Jr '1•11 "'"'1 w ~luraqP ~ ', r" 1~11· • "' ; ~ ::' SElWIMD VILLAGE town bl'clth s 1'15 Wk Itel • v S 1 !OtJ " M "~ O;> 1 S~5<J rno 11<1t. I 1C,1, I per rm SJR'ilwk 4'14 r.<no -'!!E"!A"S!'!T~1'!!7'!'T~H-<P.!'r'!!A""f""E""T-"' "' t ~"1 1·1 r11 t,i j 4?4'] IH•·ill "'" , .... 1 ( r1<rt •llCI All lJTILITlfS INCLUOfO ;:::/ ,~,1",'.. ,, l ~~~ • .. ':1: 1; .. '.. ~~:::.'," 11 ... r.·. v~;::g~ I Sur.<,f'!.'>ful r"liltl 1oca1101 •• Jul lu ... 'I uh• ,(i l lln "~I If rit• prQv10f'0 1flt1 <'Hrl II 2Bd TwnhrT p f 11•1·>1< 1, ' ·'" 01 H•· I I Rentals to lPP•O• '.l?OO VI 11 "'"'' 1r., 1r~1L ~1000 1710 S700~·1l~r1 .. t.~34fT90 ''""'shed AVAILAILEMOW ti M ~1111t r N••-.1 ,, Shue 2908 SlL')n,,,, fl••f.4'>• 1•1 <.1v 111 8 7 1 .1 487<> fj.-<;r A 1, ,.,,.. V1s11 our model Daily 9 b ' , •I" l' •" l • M I 1 I,,., A I t ... r·•·rur .... ,,. t >hf tr Br CHOICE 11R COHO Sorr f no pet., 1q " r~ 1·•·1 A (JIJINT A HFAM0SA 16;.11 Parks10e Ln Hfi 147-5441 :,r,r n 11 J 1, l'•u .r "~tl 0 1r1. • Ill 1U.1 11•, ttltl ,,1•1, rt1t1 111111 F1llf11,1!" Irvine 2744 w <; tm•• <'II• Ill, • 1<,c !',Of!f,hlnrhl R71' /Br 1 fl,, ."/ •rorlb110qP i '•"""" A C ,1 tt1rport~ f 1•11 w.1111,.11 "!Ir • or rpl sw.o rno //0 ()8 7£, w ~~ yH c. M 'j, I. '• "''' Commercial Rentals 2918 ( Ci!lfj . R~Y ~:l£~~~E;R~TR. ii~E:~·~~~., :;~~~a:o ------1 Jlf1) 1'J .~•f(,l A'>5 l11stt111l'f -Jp(wdlillq 2b• !•--------·'Irvine 10441yi;1 .1,,,, ·1Af< 111.. r ... .,,c cl.-cr,r hll•ris ~ yd Newport Beach 2669 • I 1 •11 :.i,11g 1,,11 ~'>00, ••cl'> w~I W1nlPr nice JBd 20 ''' Jt :. I •I ••• • • --·.·.;.· t. • .>l!r Iii•• £ 1">t .101 St.t10 rrn1 1080 r .. 1rc1"" L•1 N o r1PI A t)I •j•H.1 :.f,Q', WOODIRIDGE 21DRll $800 r,11 1,t~•·' <;pd 6465 Dc·t11,. w <i71 1,3Jr ,,, H '11\H !'Ill I f M " ~1t1~ t IC' 110 •, tir ')flu: ... 5hop 14 <'10 A" 11 1N 30 I'~ A H,11bo• Hlvd Hdthm Bai11>1 Cmr \.M C.all Owner 650-3386 Storage 2922 '24 648 Sr g('n I 11s~ag1• S 1i S & Up Set> Mgr ;HJ 1,_0 f l1rd SI CM ' H f I-,,,.. p. "' ~ £ I "•''1 • !·•"'"' 71.(1 141)(1 tnmf' '.JY I) I '10 H .. ·' "" tJ(h VIPW pat I() w I[) ANAL, C,1') 1 F ,I) ii< I I q.;r $14100 mo 106 Oirv" fl,, " ,.., ""' ..,r.rd hr~"''" REAL ESTA'F ~A • T Ste,stoCountryClub PRIMEARU2 2$710 c.d11Eves'J4R 1r,·1i, r ... ,, 1110••· .i1J1,1•10 PAT F-l(.I' -r ( tJ Qr<[ I ' 'i l.Jo,r-r .. , 1''11< ~ 9"' C.011d .,, tr1,1c. cl w~h1 fj,. 11'flf 11·•· 6J1 •2t>f, 542' ,.,.,,A,., 1•1 f7'>4 NewdP<.or• 11401 Aputments, Uni. F.1 r ,,,, tl'• ' ''' c.111 I ~i~~\.f.F TELERHT &75-1160 TELERHT 675-IHO IG 1 270 2 it ,. 101 .. 1 ,, ,, ..... •v•' •• r ,,· • c t M 2224 eaera c H .' N 1 f"'' •• ' ....... .. -t . '· I TA"E YOUR CHOICE 01 a ua Hunt. Bubour 2242 Huq.-3?oo 'iQ 11 WPc,1wr1'JCJ __ !!.__.:.-1 " BfAJTfU IB C o p B I •tJ•· lq 1·••1 ,f11l ri11 S Borm w1111 2 BOrm renlal IEAUTIFUL IC.d~Cddrnq l:>lr ... ,;m~~ 1~1 , 1 Hfrr~;c.v"3br s2,b7~ ~llrtr/1 ~ I ;i Pn~,'.~uS(' 1~ ~ w V dJ ~1 ,: tPI'> tlrp'> 10111 11.1tir. ,, T 00rm nomP nP.ar JUlLIARD /1 0 t.> 1.,, ""tr , Q<t• <l IJI ~:i• JPr •11 ir .,,., 19'; ~ ,1orio m" Util<. & valt•t ltt<1, cr,·~ W nrU.11111 "'' SU VIEW -VIEW 11••.ic.t> New r r.nstrncltfJn J "•' • "",. ·I mr1dl'I nr1mr, ' .,, "' '" 1'. c tJ•pr.rl AVAIL Sq 0 ~ ' id vt pr~ nq ir1• I 1i'1114 74 l') 7'1 ~'"'" Sf '1'.r•1• I l I 31J()(I liu1rdtd Gitt ;ill IPa1ures lovely COM firlrm ;.> r .. 1 Bonus Rrri..1 NOW' Sb;•,"''' :,4<! /44 7 •,J« 6193 ~:.~1' ~II ;,~;1 • • fir •· A.t I w1 i, ·"' 1'>00 lmp.-rc.-Jt>I" J 1, .. ,,,,, ,,, .i11111 S594 000 I w•lt• µuor table Beaulrful 181 pvi ~ Qull•I H mQ... Y Balboa Island 2706 "'l 11 w all ,,, 1., Dtil 9,11 rP•mf-4 Wiit" ~ffrJftr1fl 1nq· ">Uft(l ( If .;1r1g r r,tJfn I tr()•• '>•llt' fdtrl .,nil llf'W of F.1Shlf')f1 Sfrtr rt Cir,,._ to PtJ' 1 ir;;µtt ,, f' "'' , 1 i;o '"" s·n·; \\ \I I l<I IC• 1'1, I I tt •'11 '-Ir" Pl• I A r 831-1400 •........ I I f ...... \ ldndo;r,.,,p111y UnivPr'i•ly . Irvine 2244 IL ILOC" TO IEACHI .,, ''" lf1 t.r" l't•I ,,~ sa·1c, '· ,, ~ I p "~ ti $18'i 000 g.-1<> S w,11 .. r r.><l t~c, iwh n " r ..... 11,,r~ I I , 6()0fi • ,.,, , •. , bt/)0 mtr **RENTALS** C.t1ly 1"..drm Guf'SI Apl t./ i Id 11, IH f,.,,. 466fJ (j ' • • .. Daily Pilat 642-567P ln1n1 Coast R11lty 1,4p , w 11111. 1197 F,,.,.,, $450 srn p,..1 o~ MU ~"'• r"" , 11.r tL,,., 'J.Jl•<i 1P 124 Culver Dr ,., I (All U5 RE (,AR()l' t(, • 1£:10 ".l••' tir.11 <,11,1.iq1• fiVINELEA!>f!:. ITUERHT 175-1160 I""'' h11lr1rrt I •,1dt>lr1r 716-7600 Inc.Cl (d ~11'1 ,,~ sr,a•, "''"' I . c t R It B IL ( ... l'J 111• L N• l l 052 1c.7 1 A w,1 ,,, •• SM. l'Jflf rvine oas •• Y a uoi 1.ir1 c h ,, •pu ape 718-7500 Peninsula 2707 .1 r ~11tJA ,, MF ti! flt.,J• Qr H ,.,..,., 1Br b•g 181 1B,. D 1f1I• • C.11 \rr I I 11 v ft t4 .. wl; D-t, tPd t•d N••"" C.ff t p,111 r, 111-; D<JJ n m .. r ... n1 11 :;.,, I' BR C.drpotl n,.w drp' I. if'MI Mil•" I "hi " lerm<; $750 t ·oo Clt'p I 1 (J A 8 1 mo,.. s 1« t, 1<1() Bl•d sr,or m() 67'J '• 198 ~ 'H Q ll!el 111.1 A,,, 11 <w• < Pill t:.iorir Alt Lrq ., c ,, ,, r~r. 1 .. ,1., <'11.1 S.700 rr .,, , ,,, 1 lud!i c.rpl'> l 124 W Billbr,,,, IMSTAMT IM ·• M • " fip5t Rltr ,,..,. • • " ! l'l'J (J(J(J IJwnr 8J 1 1400 j Pf"' ,4 ... l4A4 lo 1 ,o N1c.e Bathf<lr1r 11111, 1' 1< J ·•l i £ ,..,, '""Y " 2Br 28 1 c ,,111tn ''""''l T1J'4TlE R(Jf r , ijH /ti.. P'' Nr, pets 106 F B.1y ,,.. " 'l'111'111'1· 1 Newport Beach 1069 W'D 1.r,n1 111..,t, 1,111,1 1t•·11 1t•1um c.<JVcl pill«, Av" Apt "9 H" JfNNtrEll -j ''"""I Aug '.i nn pPI<, I/ , ii MM~Af.,,f MfNT ILUFFS S 122 500 <,Capinq lr<it:J•C.·ll l,tqor,r $1250/mri t.111 /fiO 1? l'J ~ry rrg <'br. Iba new 1 r1r f,41' 160"1 /31 t V1str1 tl11P11;i ;B,., 1t,a S.1000 mr, ?Ah 8f,7'r tictr Must set> $9')01n,,. Owner C.flMlr:I.., IPrrTIS l.c;,,,JID r ·""' 11\r lfi.t Laguna Beacb 2241 61C!·20t4/649 ?IJSO i-irrir:ierty M.irr F,40 •O '" Y·•'. lntd t•tl ~· '"u w (1 WIDE OCUM VIEWS Corona iel Mar 2722 r'•OWtif~f •1 rr it •., "' Nf'w.,rr,,1s ~1J1ro'> T111 ' • "" • ' ••l<.t & t•.tlh r;11 p,.1s ' ..,<,o;1c <11ch1 lf'Cf HP fJn I Bd unlurn stove 1t1q lJa tat111lo11• ,,.,,.. "' 1.~ M1;<,t slcit1d r.r f'<hl 1 .. t • 1 , .. ., ol '~·11•1 .. n.-, Pont A trptc. pncl gar 1 mtJlurP $ )80 000 1. If S'l t Mj ':>1481 $f,f,!', !io•~ tlt!P no ., ;>« t.M t!>ldil hvtrtg Clcr<;P adult $800 ·mo yrly IP,t<>P IMSTHTIM ~/, 11 , ! fh 1tllflhtl 2Fi.1 I ... r1h1Hl'>" 111111 f 1rn 111 t llrltS i'lll tr plc 1 .1 Ml,t,.A I 1>41 TbflJ F ~•"· w~ n•ls '>'12 1,;;>;> 1 TELEREMT 675-1160 Newport Buch 2769 1 A ? e A 2421 E 161h St Npl HI'> Nr1 I Pl<; S550 mo 64', 1041:1 I (;()flM f JI S fl3l UH t~Par St1opp1114 Cf'r 1 .. 1 $l'10 Nil fr•'I'> 640 1.164 lfldrrr $'i•,ri /B<l•m SL';O 11 .. 1rrq cl<,hw<,hr A !-.h.v" 111• I tln p•!I!. '>41i •1A'i' • fAtt•.u•r ·,,l,•tt'.'-.. i tJ;• C:IJ(lllrl ¥11'W f'jdf ~ <rfrrf $ IO(JO '"" 1ql 4<jC. t60 I * WATERFROMT * fl••tUiloful (fJI rr.t •·•· I lh.t I ,. htrt•• .ti1. t 'tif ,, ~ ' """ ~4UO w 11111 1,•,r; ii'\ I l q fn1 JI . I t 11tr JflCt• 1'\I l,1111 th•J Hr·f•, n.,., 497 '14'11 ,..,, 4'•1 r 71'1 L q 1 u1 J vt •·ot, .iu • hl/la"ol rlr·r ~ ... h riv• 4'17 4411 I ''•·I'll ';! 14 M'>ll ll•I ,.,, , "" t• , bet :>l1o1 lt•lf• 11',I w lJ pnrrl I·' '"''"'" SbO() 1111.n 1 011',• 1~,r1 7 1<1;-,..,~ NU J fl1I • t. 1 $<1J4 mo 1 J 1,111 t1 c,n1k1 M r Avil I II ' I .... 611. '·5 Ill h' • .1 ''' 11 n OJ1nq '" 11l 1t11n t;> 1'•'1 U<" 1nlronl <' 11 1111s ''" <;r rr f •10 t •I'> 7110 (1•1 l'l 1••111 rt \mlo.r M f $',00 " 1 '"'' mo ftlv ti!'> 'l'ifi4 !J.iv1•1lq•• N• .,., :0 1111 Jll 1 ( I pt J11 $1 1'ir1 1•1• 1r f 1v 111 1 ;>O '"'" 1:..0 • • • LANDLORDS! Fill YOUR VACHCIU FIST I FREE )u,1l1ly lflr111r11<i wK•llng tor your hl'lmf' or llpl CALL 675-8860 f I E llf NI ;>A JO Nwpt Eli f'r<,f fl•11• 11 111 .rr.k1 'kQ Im ,.,,,., Ill lmtl /hr 1f1t1 tontlo I <1 rnn I 111,1111• 4 7 4 I 1 qr, <l•IY'• l'rot lltdl<-ii'• pht'> 111 '.o Csr Pl1<1 ( M I\ 40', f rwy $3?5 X S11CI cJr·p 111 l 1f)f, Amml <;hr Ifill'"'' m ll8 I mi Ir ,,,.,.,m \;>7'i I l ''''' !>lb l'r?'> ,1f llPM T ht w.,.~ s ltvm• '" I OW 1 NfR iESPfl-'ATf fo•,h .., 1 11,, W 'M 111 ,01111 l!:l fif'dtrr ~st•r;1-t1J1ng '2Hr <6191223 0501! -o " " 7 Ela S lfiOO "''J incl 11111 1" J• '', IEiO Ll'J• rtn I' rl!> olt Av<1 fi 1 SP'ff ,...1,'llur•• r.r1r1"'-1dPtatP .tr ~11r.1nts r1nly tH W < C)tll)r) /11r :; hd c.111.>•·1., 1.1o ftr•rc. h11q1• PLUSH 11R COMDO ~Ir 11qt.1 nr, 'imk UlllCJ'• M ~ flw111•1 I" t1t M 'J 'J $44? mn 7Af1 r1 l;>l C.tll A,,., B1t1 7<, 1 ;1 lo4 11 <• •,l\lj 41 1 ~ tfl • BOATS, CAMPERS HD MOTOR HOMES )<,~ S ''> 1 n on1t Bi\fclO[ VILLAGE 100 E Coa~1 Hwy Npl Bet 673-1331 ~ir rn s TORAGf SPACf FIRST MOMTM FRH .. 1h• H;iroor Seit Slorag11 All Sores Info 775 :?305 Annouacemeah 3002 SPIRITUAL READINGS Advice In All Mrillt>"' A Cuunsf'l•nQ 181~ So f l Camino RPal San CIPm Lora 49l 7?9b Lost • FoHd 3004 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 842-5171 let Ut Hel~ Y 01 Sell Your Property! LIDO ISLE CONDOS (181 ~B.i rir.11 11<111l>•· ttrr:Jwrl fir <, r11•w t q1! I\ ,,;11111 t 11'>0 m•1 r11•••lr 1r1r I f,ff t r., f1 11~· d 1'<4 4f>'• I JI 4fJ4 60 1 7 t>rlt1 21J;i Duple• C<11 011 • ~t•qtil.H els S 1700/"111 Av-111 81 t '1',5 n n f).Jy-. '~·" w ,,,,, '"'' r.riol l·JL I rt:.il<. pr•• I <1 w-.lor Sn60 ,irrr1'i~ fr.,n, r. IA Hr,<.111 '" pr•I ,~ A11q 1 77;t8 1.11 $<ioo 11111 1,7•, ri?u JELERHT 875-IHO Reatab Wanted 2909 Laguna Hilla 2250 2!1r 1B.i Prtfln '-•"P'I " w w r , ,1m 1,11,., r x !"N!"'d!'"e-d""""A-v-t"'o-,.;.,;.;.;-;;.e_d.:;.;;tt;.;'I::.:.,. i' :;~·;,'r~" 1~1':1'9'11 hc,,,','1 0r~g,:~ Call Clauified, 642-5678 for in formation & surprisingly low cost. -------- ... r . ...----- 'T>r • .... I IJ ti rt " H [ L--JL...-.11~1 I _..__._I ~ f TPIMH l ( B [ '>' fl A 11 , ,.., ,.,,.,. r~-.--1 -r-1 ...-1 r T-1 ° .. IOHll-Lnl bt••rt 11 01"'"'-"'" 1111 l r,.;f f lr1vPl"f urnt fr,r th• r,1,dt '"•''"''! < ,, "' ,.irr-t f 11 I r '' '' I H<lrm• 1 I '~ t •' LIDO REALTY 673· 7300 ,, 1 11 , , ,,,,.,, v' • r , · f," • tr t S,,.' (Jf.J tjt;wh ,,,,, l'lfll' AT LAST! A Ht1H Rt11tal S1,.ic1 Ytu 0111 Fttl At Ht1111 With TELERENT 675-8860 Or 1t·1p hv 2130 Mt•••" 11¥11 YILU HLIOA l1 '\ ,.., ,,04,. fl 1 r • r •, , 1,10 r P#'t blk'i 10 lJc.h Cnlr tll IWll 0J1o1rkhrtq 111•w C llt1clfl 7Bd C cJ / ".,, 2-STORY MASTERPl(Cr .. qoo Nr1 ,,.,. ~11 ~R'•'' I Ill( 1 rliJI. 1111"''· hkup\ on ° w "r' y(t "m r111 fPf'I II. V rm < ht>cit 1.1rA11 ti; • I" , ., ' ' I l I I J ii"'"''"' h1"v1• Hoyri<1n£< Xlnt IPnAnl Pl fl • " :1 r><,nl ., .. ,, ~8('0 G '2 I ''"1 r< ru• 1"'"" Qr< nr " " 1 ' ''"'"' Vn1 I 1111u'.11,1I n11•1•w Vic ,.. • , ' f hv fi••lr •11HI Prt• la1.ndry It 1'~' 2d' 7c110 ( , T(LER(NT .7··••10 /flR 1 iA .. , ... 1 ...... 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I • LiitkSpur 7'i'I 1/hl • SPARILllC 3 ' 2 • POOL J•f)I JI 111111 1'1' )( tqt> Cost1 Mesa 2724 1 " "111 11•t 1 ~'"" JI• qar $8QO f'T 7866 "'•'.'l ,11 •,•,7 ?64 1 TUERUT 175-IHO 1earm 14<!4 I\ 2Bd1m $570 Poot tr1d1y rn1 Newport Beac~ 2269 c.e1port'> 548 OJ 16 I• 1r•l11 9 "11 ;>11r11ni I .H.1 Stof, All 111ht1t•s ff 1111 "••nu q.11 ;i4•• 1 (.htl<I •• ~ '"' ,,,.t., 1r1t1rm 28" '''"'"'' <foll' IBORM DUPL E.f Stl /1 rm ltJm rm N••w tlpl 22668 PlitCPnlo,1 tbOhonrt 1•ir,o w.111..c.. f,4/ 4qo5 Jtp'> p.11111 •jrdnr 22601 No rwt'> ',48 8'>00 ¢ I I '>0 1 I Pf (Jw111 Aql Carty I Scetti Ward U l-2242 OCUIFRHT IUPLU S1unnrnq Whrl,. wtil"' view' 7Br S~OO '14ll'1 TELEREIT 175-1110 B1C, CAf.11'JN 111• lw11l1m" 4'flr (Ir"' tr~.ir 111111.., 1111 111~'1 Pl>l'>I ~Ci I '"""' rlf1 p •• I \ 1 v r I ~,, S 1 1t10 "!(I ll1 I ~ll't<l lly fl·llr• Ir) l·f' I• r $I 11 lr1dr,, • ''"'' 1 • 1 t 1111 fr I 51~ I l'l I•• '\I ~<II t I•·• SHARP I CLUM :100 :Ill• D W prov pu1111 n1c.11 loc:ntmn 35J H.1m1I ion SliQ'> mn 646 9 "14 1 VILLA CORDOVA '•P•" 11111 C ',odf' Alli'> P,!111l !\ Anr I rt•" All fJ·'~ l>o1<. .~ w 1l••r µ•I N11 pi•fq Ji. no w.t1r~rt,1•rt ill<lrm S'•f.l' '\ 1111 7krl 2h. MP .a V,.1<1e Ip /llfltrr1 $1 l' ~ lip [) W nu •,pl ronl nn ''''' ?"l:t' l f h,ttr Avt• C M ~/QO 4'i'l 4 l'J 1 l Q•Jll•I ~41\ 78'>4 WOODLAND VILLAGE APARTMlllTI nir & •• 1oy 0111 R•'~" \fyl, 1~1\ I) 1tl 1 1n Ir rl 1111• , ' , •' ''""~f~ & Si ( i.1,l l'l1t• ""1111 nti m'"'J'• I I'• lri t ,.;11p•~ •"·l.1l·• NII 11 I , l'l I A ,1 Nell • sru • UHlllf HHS IAClllLta SIOO-llJO 1 llN... llto·SUO 1 HHMIS HH·llH IU, llUl I H T WUlll llCl . u1 "1ua111 Tll IWIUlflT fM-0011 142·110J .... , •• 11111\ '1n4l1• urw b l'wt1ho1lr11111n .1pl' rl IHNNll n 11r I 1NJI IHNl"iHI 1J FITllCSS C(llTllS, TCHIS • SWIMMlll,, ''" ••d Mrt! SOfTl, IO Pth l odtls OPt• .,11, t to I {Mwood Apar1m~nh Nt'wport Bv • .uh ~o 1111 1 hflr O..,lrt·t I 1.11 fln\t •I h4J ri ll I Nl'wpor1 Bt.t<h No Ir I Of .<\\I I I I ,ti I /ill I fl4 '; II Oc\ u1.u I le 11\r•I, "Oii <1 7br ""'' tit I 1'11 P~lt<• flvNll'rn~<i <11n 1111 'I, qr., "'" Aql 7",•t !111111 .., ___________________ _, ••••••••••• We Want to Tell You Where To Put It ... LAGUNA SELF STORAGE 495-6900 •\PA C£\ FR OM $40 month • lfELPfUL RE51Df"IT MA"JM,CRS • CllA"J, SECURI FA.Cl/I n • Rllt ~ONABL ~ PR ICF O • 'iPA (f "i FR OM SX5 TO 1SXJO OPEN 9am-6pm 7 Day~~ w'ek 205U L•tune Cenybn Rd. 4t7.tl00 (1 1 Mile.> South of El To rn Ro.id on l•Kunct Ctnvon Rd ! .... I I - Orar1ge Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, July 2'4, 1985 Lost A r.... 3004 H I W d -----.-......~ •I Hit 5100 Heir Waatt4 5100 Heir Waatt4 'OulH.t (Jf''"'·'" ,t1uflt1 Ur I 9100 Stir WHtt4 9100 Htlf Waatt4 5100 1t1l1 Waatt4 5100 ltlt Waatt4 9100 ........ .. llM •1 Wu ... II tl•y >ollt 1 lur I "' ••<l m, Po1111t11 I •HI• l'u111>y ' IKltPR SEC TY t t..11111 ., 'I VII Allt..t I s Ill ( lt'll1t•ntt! hm j n.,. .. lt'llltlllll(J M1:'.,11111 V11•1u SIHllH t'vi.1o ·lfl8 h44t. II I.' 11170 U.1n~r11 I I OIJN[I I oUl lll N IH I RIE'Vffl V11; ol EI I 01C1 Cull A1111n 11 c;r,.,11,., ti:\4 7'1111 Construction Loan Dishrs111111t Clerk '" (. "''"' """ ...... , .. , ..... 11. t'\t ... , I Wl ff.Jdf ,, .. ,. .,.(" •• f JI ~" ~ ... , I lw( '" 1..ill 1111.1 0.110 ""'', •I l\;01( t I ,p111 :J 'lO ..... ,., .. ,,111~ to {lt 111 I I I r f •II r I CJlJN(J h•m11" 1•111 111• Aust Sh,.p 1111~ M 111• Whl I 1•1111•1 '"'' '"""'" & hlk All'JI """ llljUtf•rt M l>Ol<1t''1 l •Ill ,.,,. M I.Jn 'wlll C,r>1g1 lut., ul c <ii~ NHWl>CHI A1H111.1I Slmltttt h44 1£i~fi tt,.t,t•flt'llC.t;-: Ut t.fJfl If IC 1tu11 1r111t• t11»t11,1!.en .. •11h IOOICfEPER Aulstant •s~l,titJ 1intlt4r u vouc:hor 11 "-.h ~~" , , •1'f f • , s.,.~1 .. 111 Strong UJ'>lon ... , '.... ..... • I, r I " •r c 0111 11 I 1ir1~1111m wt111.h • M.11 1•· I ~· lllHU ll:'ljlllf P~ k11(1.,.,1._1lCjt' tol propw rl >\ lllllt'll.I 111• 11 1001(1(EEPfR F C tHIO (CHt~fflH t1ori litW 1HntJ11lt•r HIJHJ1 ...... , ... , f UlJfHI I 'tCJt'llll llk lJI •ly 8a11c1 '"' lt•q 11•, h'>~• rlnoa II~ NO £i4'l 1'1011 ~ OUIHI ~•dflH .. 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':>< 11w1nr fl1r.t'>ht•r 1111 k11.~ SI '"I l·ldl Pt"'" t,/ J 40'<4 l OS l Ot!'>t•1 I I 0111•.1· If yr p1>1 m.11 .. l'lllt•I~ r 1t11h CM He.,.,J1d ti'10 'i II 3 t <1,,1 c.n11.1 '"111111 ,.,,,., t~l'WJ><HI p,,., flfWAf.t(J f IH I B 1111 .. ny b 11 8hj l f,'iO 'I. 1·1 A IUDGU ASSISTHT LIQUIDATIOM TECHIUCIH •t If C\l._U l,..r It. rtS't• .. t r1 I () • T Ott .·o r •• ,, B.1yhc1111 I 111h• 0 tltilJ 1 "' ·~u l cH ~·--tlhtlf~ V•"llc IW Muu 1 .11 !At th 1 llPw,uil b7 J 0171 lrl~llllll• l OS l PAFtf.tO I ,,, C.U'>I , Meo;,1 Nr orv"'" 1 /tll St Af:WAHD 67', 4 M4 Businesses ft1t J~vf.tJO"fTlt!nl '\ fJfl t1 11 101 IH1c1C)l'I Im ,.,.,, prj f~f·dl f ~t.1lt· '-'' ,~, ... , 11...-~ Nt· ... d~ t ' ""P~J..-f1rJ ... 11fl~ , ..... ,tff t .". l or11~1lt• lf,Jtd Vqu II 11'\t• [,p ttt',,H1f1·,1hlt-' ,,,, t·~l.1l1h .11111q '" ktPI ~ hltoq \V'1t .... n1., frH tnt-• r111<1q ... 1 t1t>p1 • Mu11n-.,n1 / y ... d'!> r, Jrok for Sale 4012 1"<1 •·•P•'"""( ... 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M on f 1 8 5 "Ar Wolfpr 714 838·S1o:>O Investment Opportunities 4018 NVESTORS NHDCO [!ltn $8 000 "' rnmfl Y' nn s 10 ono '"~··~tnwn1 ~ nr d .. 1.111., c .. 11 441 7 '104 fvt•'> ,,ft lPM Mort919es, T.D.'s 4028 t~ ...... l LIQUIDATION TECHMICIH '',.I olloCt" )f-Jp1 I' J' C t~ l.i (H µ t1 J ~ rnrnt-·tS f ••l\1f q.,, Ir , r .. of < ns 'h11f th•• tof g,.,,.q I ... , t i • ,.,,,, } .;f f H•k11 fl t If It Jt•11 • A1111.r, t WPM , .. , , ,, .... ,,.., i• , ~"I • ~11<11111 .1••1t),il ~ w1111 .... n ( 1fTlOHHlll lllfJfl .,,._ 1flfii £1.Hlk 1n11 .. <111•1 ·~ 1.1''1"" ••Cl tr r Jiit 1 o~•trnn M.i" fl Hll• otl If f Wiii h I t-'# llt'lplul lr,1 ( PA lt"tl 111 Nwpl !i,..J, 11 /',<1 (I•, 11 H CJ U t< ~ f f t• I H I u I I Ct1 .. rg1• >Int.Ill Uu~"""•'> HI\ l111Ju,t11 ii l'.11k !1!111 c"l 14 CAN'T FIND THAT RIGHT JOB? HOMEBOUND 1 SELL BY TELEPHONE! ' II If•• t' to; 1 I • ~ ( r 1• t Ill I 'I 1,..,,. I.I CASHIER-HOUSEWARES f ' i-r•. , • , •• , , ( 1t1Wf H It'"" JH• ( 11 f I rl• I 1\,1 11 h' I R Ill CASHIER 11 f II 1 -.1 t11 t f ff T A1 , ,.~ ~· \ •, 4 i111 •P f 1110 J , I lo • ' ,, ;\ Htr. Ap~ I~ Ill ,,. ,,,,, For Child Care Housework j 4 cl 1y-, "i. t -.1•' I"'' wk Mu!>I ~f'""" llw•1d f ttqh ,ti 6 qo11rS '"'""tq t••tOt1I C.,111 /fO 'Ill ,11 I IN11 t~ M ~ 'PM l .<HOl!d dt-'I Mu t CHILD CARE Work Study Procram ftir~ JI t" tl 11••1 If hi") P•H" Hlt' 1111 l111t111q 111•1 t 11 <'°> VI,.,.,,. ~''""' •'I•' I vc11i w~1uhJ h~n· nu111 ., f1H rn t!inr (,_,•II f ,_., ,ri!•f Pl '7' ,, 11)11 • ()£ ti Pvt oly """ s .. o 000 TD l<JI '>alt' II UI'>!; c .. 111 < •·r•u S. r It()() I• /I Hrd • l [ H t.•\I 't\rill ht• t1 Pv"C1 .. fru lh, >' 546 5/ Ill 111.iri Vi<'1 Y\11do"" II 15 rn lflt!f l D 5 ~ 10 000 u~1 CH'U•IV' nr1 ~!'"I 11 (.,11 (JPn1~011 A ,t f 7 '\ 1 I I I Help Wnted •HUR• lOpn 6 1n S.tt u Mor· Vt. JH .. .tit•I ) II ut tf(lu " .''>3 f I 711 ( O\l,1 Ml-'~ t ft4~, .1 APARTMENT MHAGER • 1 I l~I •Mt·~ .• fJ t.i ... I r 'J1t ''••!lt1•d •µt I Pit ~'-(J ()t)t 1 ATTENTION FULL TIME JOB l,.,,, '' tfll I l'J l 1i 'I V••q.1-.;, Hnl ,.111 Ou•tJ< riff' (1fl1t• ltt tf1t (Jl.tf I''. llH H CJl_illl/t1t1flll Niii " .. ,ti ,, t1u\1111~'i'-' 11 +P' Tr 111 f ,, t.•hnr1 ,,,qvuh•d Nn ,.. ,l ... fjl'f H t• llt•I '''Jo I 'r I you ,uP 1H r 1v••r .,.,, ul1I llkf-' 10 q ltf t "''"•'\"', ••• , • .-.r1.-nf t--• tr ti n • fr•·• ? tr 1 ... t-11 { I I q ti r•rl 841 -0690 AUTO MECHHIC !Jr 1> t I • 1 I 1J1h•1fHI • I .t I L ... t t AUTO TIRE SERVICE r 14,ll llf f ~,. A <..•• r I I f h ~ ( ' tt I h-• .,., tr llA!l•!-.1T'f14 t •• .., Ii. I J • ,, ts t I tJ • ., I ,, q\i ti olif>t 'V I )fl If '"'" 11f,1 ~ 'l c t f 11\i ,.,1 ,, .n .. ,., ~ .. 1' I h • ...,., ,,.....,, ~. tt .. s ''" , rr .,. ( tJP...~ hfHfll' ;t>(} 1 '> f i f\to n1•, I t ,JI '( t ¥( t~ll1•1 I t ~·r t , I ,111 ~1t•r >Ld 1lh"I COlllMERCEBAH EOE 151.9900 I MF V H1 TELLERS Part Time . "'" ,,, ~' I r . ' ~ B;111k ~lll ~ n n '\t .,, port r 1 .. , • 11 , 1, 1 1 , , , , , BOOHHPER CLERK TYPIST H1•r II It I " I t 1•111 't' f , ': •. r ,, I• Jtlttf l Jf IJfJH h11t'I t I ' .,.,\I' t /, I' lt•1 ( I l Hl t I ,, (71 •) 759.,770 (71') 759-•77' GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS ' ' I, fill CLERKS ''• '• t I I I J..•t-'1 [ C If ,, llf(.~T•PISI J T .. , tr 1 •• ._ .. 10SllHJfl 1¥ 111 ',, •• ,1(, IU ~ "' II l1hrt{J ·~ ,.,.,J '"'' '''•oOrt t'lt t!t •tC.lJI-' " ( tJU ,, •• It• ""'""' t IJ~ II t If r,} I ,,, " TME IRVIME MARRIOTT MOTEL HUMAM RESOURCES OLERlt CUSTOMER SERVICE I. 1 ". M I JU1rr -4i,.•r S• Irr !>1.~tl No l'l•P"' t'lltti n11C .. SSJr)' l1glll lylJlll!j r. .. ti;lut A'-'!Jly ll• l•l:'f~c,n "' flr.o~ '> o.. r j"" / "lll F iJlu•I C.OSld M"l>ll o4ll ~~l'i ' ) • !J ,, MAR()HAl l ~ I f'11 S 11 t:;un IA~ P•O• ;,>;11 r ,.k I Gt•ll ~ no .... lttU ~" ., • .,. .. • try ~'fl, 5lfll MAIR STYLIST I MH ~11' nit l•Hf1fttt~ IOf '011 .tll}ll " ... •"t ttg H .... I 111• I 7()41, to1 M I' 1 ~~S~O,,':'!R ~~!.IC~ ·Jr H1 OUSHHPH y P•O'• , ... II 11 I \(,;m 41.1m s~ tu 1" Mo• f" 5 t··~ "Olty fjfLJt t NG t"tJ)ttt•~ttt,~ drtwi•~rfi lir OAtt 1ron"'' ll llt'f,.'>'>dr f L •ghl I fP'"ll I "''' 11«1 17f 7009 trlWt• tll•t1,tul Apply "' p .. r~or t II ~o • 10 ' I 11 Bor,•s 011 laµt-7/ll J '"n , ""' .,.., ''111 F,p 111 C i~IJ Ml''>" ii<)tJ ,r r<f.F f'[R ! JIOfl 54!1 55lS uvr IN 1iou~• wmk ""' r ' A•u£~ Au''"" llfCEPTIO•IST or p I Or1 c.11 '1 38 !14 50 .JV,. d• .e.!1< ''IQ II P10 ft• \11J<•d• rec; vpl1or11r.1 101 ovr I u~lol Olloc~ Duhn) 111cluel.. :tllll'"''" '10 ,.,, y t•olilvt 1 .. "fr ti• greet OFFICE M.HA&EI lo• • ft,1 ••I.I 111 C0ton<1 ~t M.,r 5u1>t11v1~a 1Jkkµ11g cornµulf!• 1111.1ut .S Othte ""'sonruH Gooo 1e•<' phOnt:' voice Perm PO'> ·1 •()11 640 8 111) Off t{,f PART-TIME P.ut t ,,,.,. JMlt:tphur1t! ~tJttit 11 P' olt>•.i,1on11t C.u'>t .. M""'' u lf1c... No >t!ll111g r y •no rl·r..c 1111g •• ,.1101 F. '""r .,nc..-,,, .. 1.,, tt!tl [J I I ft ro ~ 11 1, d n 41nlt v~'•!>'• 1r1\J1.,1du8 .,.,.1t1 plt'd$or 1 l;t!llOlldhl r dllO II 1 I flttt' dl.JIJ""' ,. f ''' ""' .. d1a1t• tQn "Ill:'•"""''' ,, .. ,,.i,e a1Jpty ,,, (•"'''>01 r •1ir t11at l Ha9ut1 ot 'J''"''"' ,u111f Cr~dtl LI' >r I .,11(1 I HtHJtulf A.... '>wt.. 10 1 r ubt111 < 11 '•lbl!O •lj• "''"' '" '"', ~ t.i•" 11m1 ""'.," '"''"111,m" vn a Ptt• • .:o• ,.,,, llct't" Day eve SOTIY/CllSTllOTill Typing all/hand phOnM Mtf motrv•ted I 1500 to S 1100 i>ef mo Eitcel WOfkll"IQ CondttlOIU end t>ene1t11 Cell Snetiey et 714 832-76"6 IECIET&IY /laettlfht Ne"" S & L opening Chier etecu1t11e ottte:er ne9d1 ~ret.iry preterebly wtth S&l or mortgage oank 1ng e~pe1 Must ~ able 10 wor~ out of :? otftcea aa work load d1c1ete~ E°'cel tent 1yp111g and st1or1hand requ11ed Salary nego 111111t•1t1.•tt "r'~""•U .~,.•sl tur "' f-.ttH .,.,,, rutt~olf1CJ 1111J1vtcl~1 11 w lCCU' Ht' < lt<t II 11 •.k tll<, Ill WUI I. 111 tl1t1 1 t11iri.111 Htt~u1111 tj'> tllf1t1''>•1l 11111'lOO11111111 h(Jlt•I Cl11f1t1!') Jrt•p,un11r1ly J"1yrnll t1•l.1t•·rt <tllll ''' , '"" .. t• OI I l. H I h fJttt!>C1t1,1I ( <1rnp"l~t DELIVERY DRIVER 111r1 ·,ci.111 lu1<1rtr•U v.rn., ~t .. 11r 11 1<•1J '"1'1 ""~ < .. ill '"' ''"" l'><i /71jlj wl"''" dflVlltQ fecoro OMV p1111t out rtiq Cl C.o,lu 1 MH!o<I Blueprint 161!0 Hr•t•~""''"'-'"' 11,1• 11 Ow11 I '""ttlA nou'~ '>i<ld'Y I RECEPTIOllST TYPIST curnm•'>'>ton (., f AF• l ENE t 'I 1 ii""""''" Hhlll r PA 1""' 64 I 400' ., .. H ' 1 • •Jn• "''111 r""ll & .,.,eekertd h111111a11 1tile We otter ~1111 work '''CJ r.ond1t1on11 & dbov1 ttvfJ1 otgts p11y II you navt t11g11 ~tllr1<ldrd1 dnel en10\ working w1th the public w" w11111 to tulk you C al u~ (Jlttu'>d ttl 63 t 8888 lot dn oppo1ntment ROUTE SALES llllYH 1toble E 0 E call 833· 7890 for Phyllis SECllETllY N8 PR ll<m nd& lt15POll s1ble detail orientec:I SK retar~ w xlnt typing l ktlls Word Processing llMB Pl Pl,ict•1i11,1 C M tr 1r1~ptlrtut1rJ11 4 1fll>< I I•,,,, rn,1n 64'> 41111 ORDH DEPT T YPH1Q 11111 quud p1tw1" ~k ill Howr, .r11;.luOe W(Jf~UllJ ) tt11te1ffy lnd DELIVERY I STOCK f T 7'>0 OglE-St < M r ltur "''·•y """"'"l'l Aµply I DENTAL FROMT OFFICE '" p .. 1,,1111 Mun lue5 W••1l '' I;> t~fJl111 lt1ur'> t~..,pl (I• Ptfdfl N '>II k1 4 lO BHvl b4.l Obt 1 111000 V II ~ ""''"' Av" Ger I~ Ortt10 Ae~ .. ~r lr;rn 'I f(}f MI v H btjlll"lol'i 4 ' o,. .. E•11 CLERK TYPIST ....... , P' I I •••. II I I pf' J V Ht~tJ t ~· I t 1 I ti t rf I( P (j ~t I I ... " /I) I() 1\1 p N> 1 "I lrl N ill ,, •• y ... , ' "''" 11111 lllHt" t rJ .1t1111 Apltl'( I 'u•fShfl • .,,, 1,)111 ti THE JOLLY ROGER IMC. 170'2 Gillette Ave. vine Fit'Q d NB b4:? 2blt DOG SITIH HUH f' "' t1mP 101 smull d y ,,.,,., n0mt-646-4C.'.14 I DRIVER ti.I FLORIST If ult"' p trme 64S 1f34'• r AC, I A5Sf MBl ( wor~r< St.OQ 00 pf'r 100 (JU I' 111 , .... u Paymi-nt No (, ,, ... ,,.,,, ..... NC• S.tle~ [Jf' 1 Jtl~ ., .... ,,a ~ .... u ddt.tr ••. , .... ,.n .. 1 ... mpf'd 1-'nYHlftpl• r l A~l VIAi '10J t11tt f111!-'rpr1'if' fW fl Pt"" ... FL 33482 FEMALE ESCORT I •l(Jl1 of f'Altf Nl15 1 ' ..... <l.,•I lr11 cr.r ~""" 11 ,....,.,s .... ell<; •hll"rt 1'1111 UHU ATIHDHT ... , 1.-.rut •' i t• ~'pit JI At*,·r '"~ to ,,, -3 w ...... .._ 1 .. ,,....,,,,Jtt' wtt11CJ"> Will " 1·! pr •• ,..;,u11 u·~i '~, r Nt o f'lltOy!> 1wi;,rk1119 ,, '""" ,,., A~ t.ihC 11 Oii) • I II h·~C llJJ1t JI fl,JllJ0,1 Ar JT!dl II •~I 1,<1Q4 Wt''>I (.. I t ....... ~ Nh M lllllHj> '/'/"II I 1 i' JCI t.µrt •r•HIFL 1J tfl "' l•t 11 l'o •AH! (,fll ,, ~ ,.. "'' .11 pos1t1on~ dvdtidll•t- ,,. JUI ..i1Cle1 oer•I Nub" •1ttc Carupdn 1 ft cs1r1S )(1111 ,,,._om., 6 r di> u d•l .. jsnC.t-ff•t-!:ttt I 1ud tl·t:<J l.dl1 Jd~ " bb7 '>!14 PHSOHL LIMES UHHWRITH N" I 1>rOIP~ '" d• ~ rl•d.lle wt10 Cdl ellt-I ,,. ly r lit' ii. IJI c:Jprw• 1 .. ""' ~ r1o meo.,.,r .. ,., At 1i.1, 1 1.H<X.t''>~ t'• O•ll~ .. n .. I C·Jl•t~llr•I ,r 4iii ..ti C h~wi 1IS 'id l•J', ' ... 1 II ;[)Ip (...,Jll lllwr 1 9'" 1 """' ~ C,,4 dU08 PMOH WORK Ai1~1C t1fm .. , t ~ ... t•t· 'l•'t"'''a .... n ':tdlrtr t !' ~ 1 µ tu Nn ,.~111r1g 1 Hn 'Htfl'( (f t•r'I'> f\Jf " • t ...,, '"" (,.,11 ')t0Hl1 l'i6t '>~ 1 lftlHtf"f"' r ult (H ~h''' 111nt-• f'l AN' <(,H •I JI I C.AHF R(J 'F '~'. 7 14 250-0331 < .. 01m1~~1on Comp<111, .,,1AtN 1 f t1ANt;f l"''""n ~\lJlJ'>P 1,Jtrtt I ,., I Own 11.tr ,~ ,, •' ''l 1 727 1 l • '""-l COCKTAIL WAITRESS Be11t:'ltls 898-23S'> ,,,, ~'fl ,.,.,,, 11111 wr,ul1J lot ''''"'lit• ( lut1 Hl NPJlt!pfH1 fltt.11 It f; ~ 111'1 l 1111! V I l 1!1 J lrtl f II '' (j f')(( HLfNT tNl.OMf I ""'1 "'1"'"'1Jt-rt,()!I <lt>n tor I omP <tS'\embly .,.,,,,i, "' '' '"P "' 111'1 uµh•l•p r or rnort-'l•i ut ''' ""' '" ''"d .Jnd h•t!11k ' I I ,,, ( J b ,,, I JOO PRE-SCHOOL TUCMER '"' f1 ri fl f C.,( tH 11 F ,1 I rr f--4 'J110 ti •RP 11'' C\J t,4b 0115 f'•I A 4"lH COLLECTORS t t•~H ~ ru I I S MEDICAL ASSIST HT Full Chari• tcretary l1.1·1t ".1 .. 11 I-Rdy PP1in11 I ., .. u,...... r gr.I itillivotJ I I t J'>y Jr lllOpf'tll{ or II RUL ESTATE ASST J.>t I< '"r l:>uSy '11" ,. r , t , t•m,. t.4ft 81il4 r, oj IH>1'>I t,.,,, 1., r ;:. • f•t "~ F .,. SC.' ' GENERAL OFFlr.E AIDE .,,, Pf I ,. 1t • If ti•, I tt •· r 1v '"' ff•' 1 'r MEDICAL HCl OFFICE 4> I tr I • ''"Ul'll I· r t.u y r •'' ...., t-(1f J(..t1t ,_. yrirt I .... , 1.l,,, <ill ~lit llt~ "' ,:,'-Ot t MODELS i ... ,. t " 1 • "~' n .,,,.. rl" 1 I MEW FACES r.J.1,, 111ro .. l')I j , ... r, lJ< ... , l A I ACE<; I Ull .. 11111 '"' 11 ( 1• Dutil''> will oritlu('ll-' I 11 U M r11'1'i f(JI l>1.,l10(;!I RECEIVING CLERK •y llor" ">UfJIJlf (lfc1f'11nq ~ ,011•·0~ f J'tirrJll St11ow 5 ' t '""' '' r 1111119 1<..i!JCl•'"1 tll ilur I 11 .. nm'> tiorilr ! ;n1111,u11., w1t1t c<•lh"< l•ort "",, •. ,, U'-1'1q rn,th•r •1'> J r1 i s r 1 n,... S 1 f> I IW """ Jlll'>lllflll ,.. '''"'' 10'"''" I( lt\111 .. ., '"" ' 1nr10 d ·~ l""''~ <1r1t ,1•1t1.1I t. w11I 1 • 111 ,,,.., ll11l1,., ;nrt IAl·Plf " pf!• '"11 J•Jly tt, t••I• ~dl'i hr•ylf)U'> ti.111~ I r.io rol .... IJ;•lllJ Frni,.loy.... I <PM rl1<1I Prnouc11r,11 1nq ,, tir1 u11 , ..... -.i.;t~r 11 •0 .,_,..., • ..-.._ tS '~ C.ouriPr ',1 Hl r1, '<lhCl Chic HJ•> J1lq, f1lt•i1'-.t• .t•r1d yuur i "',H•q ._.,Tlµlr,y ... f";, IPf"Hl It• A"..,. H \••rc.H1t· f:ilCJf) (1 ~ "" ''"'" '" f [I, ( 1111• I ll•U c dllf ""Vt'I'. lo( ~-' I, t sq II j, •• ~ •• , ,,,,,,..1 p ll He,. rt1qtl Gr.r1c1 bJ.tt•f<>' ' i IV-, r;p,, .,. .,, t•t Nt•wJ• ''' Ht !t J1 I t •'kit 1...-ApJ.I, tf ptlr ur ,.. )1Sft il•(Hl r ....... t. 1 'f, t,'1H 1 a·1'J f OE 1 HTi \prr 11 '1" i"' t '' lt,w 1t1c1 ______ ,THE JOLLY ROGER IMC. 17042 Gillette Ave. COUNSELORS ORHGE COAST DAILY PILOT CPT & LINOLEUM •i .I .\I f H f I f f 11f .. ..,q f ft hi' .J',f I '\ f1 W lo ;\rjill'f 1t1 l •'I ru t\,11lo.,• r tri1r•l I I, ~l•·'hf '' Ill l'M '.1 ' '14 2.,0 II GENERAL OFFICE The 1as1es1 or aw 10 lhe Wes1 a Daily P1101 Ct11ss1t1eel Ad C all Today &4:?-5678 ........... Daily Pilat. • • • • • • • • • • : WANTED: : : AUTO ROUTE DRIVERS : • • • 11\1111 \11 .1 l\lnn I-ri \llt rn1111n • • l-.11 I\ 11111111111•' \', 1·1·k· 1111-. ")lltl • . ,.., . e ~hllll 1111 :\lu-.t ht d1 p1•1ul.d1lt l '.ill • • I l':\I I l':'\l \\, t kd,t\ • • • : Mr. Czarny : • • : 642-4333 : • • • II' ,1 , ~ A ,\ • I • RECEPTIONIST I I RECEPTIONIST '•. ~ . A : I : ........ Daily Pilat ! JOIS FOR THMS : e STILL LOOllH FOii a SHI Ell JOI? • e -Wfll, LOOI H FUllTIUll! e • • •It '"u .or 1 111 I ltglt "-• h1Kil ••I .J1 l l1glt • • .i 11.f \\ II\ d .f It kt I 11 I'd t It < .!. I Iii I I 11 : : .f 111 ()ti t I 1 l llf1111ft ... -.t. •II .... 111d "'"',. t "' I • • \\ I ., k i..: I\ ' ll • I I • d I 't "ll ' .11 ' \\ 111 k • : }',\!fl 'I J;\lfo; 111 th• .ii It 1111~111-. .111d : • l '\t lllllL.'" ·'''" lt I 11.i\ I ll111• '"I It)"' • e \11111 -.111111111 I \\ • "111 I llllllJ1lt It e • • • 11.tllllllJ.! .111.t t• •r,,n I" 1.1t11on e • J> lh 1:1 1 .ti pl II•-. tc ii"' 111.I plt·11t\ ••I e : \l<ll\;l-"Y 1'111 ,, 11 .. 1 I l'·•J>•I 1••111•: • 111dtlt..,llHI r\•!1 l.1\'>,1\\11k l 0 1tt1• e • fu IJ1 II' <;' 1 II• \ 11,l•ttll• I' l"t •lltl . • • • Ill\\ 'l'"I" I .111.f lt.o\' I t. ..... t ltll1l • • \d1tlr \1111 t• 1t.11r1i.:" l ••111• •lll ..... 1. • • .... t ""·" \1 ... I 1..ll-.111~· .t-Ill 111.t . • \•111 11111 1-'.l.od II ltd ( ,, (,•/r1\ 11t1/ • : .. 1.111 1111111•/l••I\ (.oll \11 !-.11•: 1 IYJJ"•Q ,11 II•, 'SQ 0~ I I RECEPTIOMIST TYPIST ,_,,.·n..-.,,,, 11c t *' 'lw'rl Jl '''l ;tf< "' ., 1v~ (tft-i '"'~· g " Q't:!'>!>.,,. ran • (11~:1 t r J )t1 Of .. 4 RECEPTIOllST ' I II .. ' . ~ I JJ~ 4 RECEPT SECTY I ' ' .,,,. I J' '•' MAHGER f''f t If t , , ,, ,, ' ••; ~4' : 11 • A . ( I I t Retail Pool Store . d E ' ~ ,,, , , • .. .. .,. .. a .1 Attsi,.on!.1ble odutl needet 1mmect1dtely 101 roult ~dlt<\ •Int driving rtteoro rvqd Coll M t1cn t;•,O 1 J'J:! DIWll 9·• 30 SALES I l OWE RS BY MORAi Pt , .... ., 645 81U SALES MOSTESS l.Jy'o Pf'• weelo. POS'> t' ~ON P "'('Pl< tH•<l S ·~usl tJt< aw .tc;ltve ha"' 11000 µtor ~onahl, and t>t ('II C1 .. r1• 0 llQr.1 ~f'C ~1 H 11 Sit 111'> C.dll 101 •PIJI '1467S.<")11 SALES UDY •'' 'n,. t<ub•"ll~ ~ Ar t i ,,.. .19 Ben 494 lfiJ"-I SALES OFFICE CURil Ii l 1 r r ""'""9 P 11mt- r '' "''l" ~I,!~ per h• , • ·• tt r•• .,1,rJ 1070 SALES ,EOPLE WAITED Jldr '"ttl'> fl() pr I)~ .;ti F~1rh .. rtl 96'3 '3CJ7~ P [ ~ • J '' A u I 0 .. ,p .. r ""!!Owl Apply in ~ .. r.-,or Bt•f"'r 10 :iPM V •1 i r 8<tr ! fl'POrl:t ii!" H,1rt,or fl -.1 C M f w Worctsld• l a plus Grttdl toca11on pt><>ple ben tthtt. 7:?0-094 1 SEClllT&H 1-'dr 1 I 1mt: No exp req <l relldOfe nrs lie> 75 I 79'< &HEHL OFFICE :>&<.retdry sharp nd•· Perm or P l Bu!oy ott 1.,p1ng req phones sd neg LOfl 645 ( l 10 SECn/RECn tror1t E •IJ Cl sw•tChOoor <l 0.,51< type 50 plus Irvine Mfg Design Lyelta 250 4884 SECURITY &llARD S38-9402 Stnict St1tit1 A"1lll1t Full & p time avdllable Apply 31 Chevron Sto hon '3190 HdrDor Bl C.M Stnict St1ti11. F ul! ser .ice dllenelan1 and sell <,er.1<. .. cashier Mate or ten' Full i:;. ltme Appl~ 2SQO Nt-wpor1 Blvd CM In• • • .,., 10~ s1ore SC. Ptdzd E •P Re1a1t Sa1e~ F T p T dlSO stock pPr!.on :'._) J <lys 754· 156 1 HOROSCOPE SYDNEY 0MARR Tbur~da\. Juh 2;, -\RiE~ 1 \1.1 1' II _ 1 \pnl I 111 I mpon..iol to get au .. ouot1og -ta~l 10\t nt111' ht J\\,Hl' •I '"'l'I' I r1tu' 110 litl'O\l' requtrl'meol'> ta·u·, il"'" lilt-nr\.\., 111nu•t n 111~ 111 hrn t.1 .,, t' 't uu l .10 "1 n IJ' or ~1th puhlit l'\f'l'\ 1.tlh \.\111111.'ll 1 TAl 'Rl'~ t \pnl ~11 \IJ\ ~111 I l1g.hligh1 q·f\.llllll' kt.'t>p 11pt1no, l.,1wn ,IHtl--1••1 P"''1hl111 111 rnwg11t1.111ng .1grl't'nwn1 1101r:.tll I ong dt\l,HI\\ •• di r1·l.1tl'' l\I l!JI l'I p..:rh,tp\ 1n1 IJll••fl 111 fH\0 \l1glllU\ \lll,.IJI I u 111\11111 (,f-:\11'1 \1.1 ~I lllltt ~111 K.h1, "'lH., d••IT r1.1\1 -1c11. u\ un ,,·, tirtl' I'• 11.tlt11' r1·1,Jrth tor ltn1,h111g ••n tllllt' \lu'nl 11ri ,tq1< ndt•n1, t nipl11111wnt h1'.illl1 fl.,.,, t11d11., t.1:tl'nt111n 111 IX'I' ""'fl 11 \q IJI U\ 11,111\\'\ plJ\ "~11111\.101 r •It\ (A'' ER I in1· ~I lul\ ~~ 1 I 111phJ'' P 1111.i rt· .. pon,1'' 'it.Jr' JtJ •l!Ut ~Ill J' 11·r lllt•lt\l'' J, l,lf1I 1( •I .t I\ Jlh! tlllll\lo,1 \f't..' l,tl .... m I 1 1. .. 0 · ., ,,., I ,111 ,, ''\I 1 I \ flH,tl 'I '1 l If I fl ' ' .tll l I .t I 1 \ ' I.IRK.\ h h H. • tp l ' I J i • I 11111''1 1 t ,q11t1 11 t f'I."' 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M' lt.1 .,.,,11 r ,, .. 1 ~· Child Care rl"lAN~ IN Al I Ot1Nlllff1 ~11111 1\ilrl f I f' I 111 it1vi------------<,c1•,,, ,111,. ,,, cnn~u u < M t 11tru t 1 ,,)Jy • 11 t• ,, •• , ,,,, h• ""'NB < M 1r.• 1 f ' n '"' " 1 110• ' 1011110 '' '~, ··tr Cabinet Makin1 I ' ',or. !H ntt It• '1•H'I Oltt~, - • 1" r 1 0 1 •111 Al1 t ~~ ... 1 ,' :, 1 ; .. ~1·,','., .'.~:;:, Cleaning Service Ac ( (It 1r~ I INI I Mod ...... 111 ,, ''''"'" I' 1hly ""IJ'~ ~ • 1111 I'• ,, 0 1 I". ,. I II • .., I I fl. • ...... , ". Acoustical Ctili111 I • 1• •• A1 ' u h1 t~p '"' ., .. ., ,, rrrnov•~ rhy ,,. ttt n •• 1 ,.. 114 7 7<1n • Ar !Ill' I ~1AN 1<4•1 17 l I I' I r I lf1 I ( 1Pf ly '}C, 'oc ,1 11 "vw 111 "'I ur Add ition• /Rtmocltlin1 111 ti •fltil 1•C 1'1 "'Ir~ ,, B 11 t I t,tftel ,,, •• t I A I • •H) '" Cupentr7 f c1 ' r 1 1 I • 1 I•, ,.,,Ct '" ••••n "'"" r. • u Ill I I I ltl l'A H , .. ,111• .,,. •I frt• ttf11,,TI (f t' .I\ ~lfld .,,,'( I 1111\t I"" 111. l!.'ll. '"I ' ' tfl •Ml ,,,.,, •1M ~M HI '" ~l fl ~;I Altll•1ill 1• I ,.,., •• I <If llf P lfltt tt l t Drywall •• Electriul ,, ........ ' '•I PARRISH ELEC TRIC J 1.1hlir-"' ,, .. tu•• ''"I I 11 'thl\ 'I I I I f rt111 tAf\j 'I 'II;; "" ,., tt t. I ' ..... tit "-1 f I t•I , I '" • I• l , 1, 1.--r ~ ,• I I u h • I '• ~ it-'I •• 'I 11 It •I' Hoae Care Service •• HF r ~l .. r. n1h•d ' t • ••• fl!\. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 'I . " '1• h " ICtrbys M11nt 631-5272 I' I •I ... II ·ll f• I " '' I I 111. Household Services 'I " I I I 1 , • Jn1tori1I .. ·. ., (ll • Ir MASONRY I STUCCO Moving • l -1 MOVING* .. ,. "' •• t ' I •• . •' STARVING COllUiE STUDENTS MOVIH CO. . " Muu c Leuus . ~ • Plulta Rep1u .. .. A Plumbin g H hr ED• 7H · 1150 • • '• I .. . t' '. A Pool Serv lteraan . '. , I< [ • EUROPU91 '5YCMIC • •HA f f:i I I I If' I •• Stcret111~I Services I ' I t' ~\ Widew Cle11ia1 I< •'I l' 'V I "' I'. 'i't11n;;,i 1<(A1 \/\IAlll <;Pf( •l ~ .11 ' 0 ' ~ • , }' ,,.. "''' '' 86 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, July :i.>4 1985 Dtliwtrin& the DAILY PILOT ... ,,.,.,. , ;O ' ,, .... '-~ t ,.-1 1.J TEACHERS ' r I .. " .. J rr t~d A, .. , , • '" r 1 £)R , 1 ., t , 1 ,1 t .J '-H1, TELEPHONE WORK I I. f\ .. >I I '·' ', . ' {l '(., TRAINEE B • I A11ction1 , , .. ..-d. v ;i;mmmmmmmm;i;I 6012 Im VETERINARY HOSPITAL hclµ ""'""•"! Out1e~ n •'1• i., 11fflfl "~Cll J~ S1SI ~ "•.!' rH• N flit: ,..,,v,t c o e ri a rd " r> r , ptedS trot g id tt• 1<;.,• SI< '> <:;;i 1 ... t ,., '!•per is r 1, -4 ' Jobs Wnted Domestic HOUSEl"Ef Pl .... f, 2-DAY BANK ASSET AUCTION It J1 t I Otif ~.1 .. l L A~ t , A A. J' OFFICE FURMISHIMGS HURRY! HURRY!! 'l 'J tr ~UANITURF •1' '> Main SI ••• '""t'• ~· ' , ~~ .jl( . ,,, .. ft t I tf L JMBE'P fiAC.• M•1'>u0•'>t• Mogr•y M 1• fet'> 0009,. f·qrn 'JO $7< 768 4 J 77 or S4f~ ':.«8:.- l...,qu1 t fJt!'\I rJft,,, "I·· ... 1·.-I ' 11,J!, C:. ,,.,. I• A l IAAl'ES• ': I '-<'1 DOWN D .. , ,.., ' Ac f L f>il">e ALL-SAYERS LUSE 800/228-8391 114/432-1&61 9020 ~utoa Imported Aat11 larrtt4 Aato• larrtt4 BMW §l 12 M;,;;,;;.;er.;.,;et~cl-ea~l~e-na-":'9:-:14:-:9 Triumph 91 71 ------------I 1f,, h ",,, 1111 If~ 1 i.J(J1 J -.M '" 11~•11 l t•.o ,.l l qhl l1HJ,. ll• l 11 0 CHEVROLET • llHEAt.1181" I HlJNflNC. ION 8£ AC,11 841-8081;&49-3331 WE WANT YOUR CUH USED CARI IH UlfJ (tt•r• • r '-•df• ".. 1••' ~.J~'r' p 1rlC,, J' (f c. ... rv C.P ' 14 !!' 8 '•2• .\ 1· 'ilfHt1r1r. H 1<lt·•••'" 1111,f 11<11 ,, SI t 001) F ''" c .111 78h Haqo "Cl $11111 I (J,..1,.•1 111 flll t IJ t m1\j 111000••11,10 1111'> •'"" .,11, &14(1 Alll ,f Sf-I FC. llON 1)1 r'~ VV I\ U5f t1 BMW <,• LOH IEAOH IMW VCll IJMf SAi I , '•l INI<~[ !!. l I A 1INI, 11.111 N ( """" A·11l I (JN( I HI A< ~1 ( , .•• ,, f ...... ,. 40 1J (714)131-6710 r r • It• In~ Wt•lc. •>tttt OP(N SE'VfN DAY'> SEPARATE EUROPEH ll[ l IVEnv Of PART MfN1 McLAREN'S BMW M f 1111 9 S S 1•11 b b2b s r uchd 51 I ullcrlon CA I 14·680 6.lOI> • 11 691 6701 D1t111n 9117 '111210 HATOHIAH (JI f tJt If rirJ".\fJ (.df •tUf ' lj..,. rt11 •Int onfJ wt tf-' < I 00 ,l:J, 49' 'lf.><Jll De Lo run 9119 1 Dfl ORE'AN ,Julo lull~ .. q111M•Nl ::irn Im Mint 'IHH.l 111( "" must """ • l'i 000 0110 fl'14 77U 1 9125 HOt~DA C. VC(. <'it iii 111 IJ ·~ 'I f •Cf>I C.0110 """ ul ~,,., ... ,, <'5m1;n ~ 1C. 1 1.r.,$7':.0 &'00173 l'e >10N0A CIVIC, WiiQCJll f.11111• r.•t• t .. , ci 1r,r,~., I'. 11111~ q11•<11 ~ lll':.O ()fill l?O 01\'J'l • l fl ,.,,1., A1.1 mcJ l )( A ( ""''" .1rn Im IJµI• ~')I". ffl• P ' C;t•I Cttf d ~b .oo bo 49' Q674 '85 ACCORD • DOOR i!' l 67<!0 r 1 /Ht '• IOJ 1 I JOU ll:ol A11IOr1l 11' Hr ''"'n'''' f!tlHtftO ... ~ r ttJ1,1i) wt f.; I• •ti• $ J. "011 ·I t·I 1•111 I 8:t 'iOtJ'if I 1111111 t111ll hhu l'l ~ 11' "It rlt 1• ;>, 001! m M 1\1 $7>< '1(10 11 If t It 1 11 110·1 TOP SSS PAID for P"'"f-'""'d M11•f"''"~ !!IHI/ IMMEDIATE CASH I uµ M,..rci;d"' P111 .,., I• 1111 I lit P1•l11r ot 11.1, I HOUSE OF IMPORTS dial MERCEDES ,, 4111.' II Porsche II I\ 1<,(, 'A~• .. A " I bl .. 1f1I "H s .. 1 <tnr c.11hc1 "" l?, I •'l 1 CHICK IV.ERSON l'Ol<..,l Ill ·\I Ill l 111 \ HCll f I tlttjhfl\I (Ju•ht\ ,,.,_,, /!; ~ .. r\ II • CHICK IV ER SON 14\ f I "~'1 tlw~ l\J tti. Jlfflf fiP4'f h 673-0900 ~l«t')C, momh $5'!8·1'1 9l6l tlr1Wll cio .... d [nd Rolla Royce C.<Jmrn 1 tPa~e OAC. i, 7 Roll-, Ai' i• £' dnt c.ontl ALL-SAYERS LEASE will fr,lrJ" ,,,, < 1t<v••llP t!OO .,28 6398 mtrnom.. ,, S 111 ''' r• < .i. Autos Imported 7144J?.1'i1,1 ppM""'• !l"''' 1. BMW 9112 J1g111r 9129 Sub 9165 'I! 1lO l'll't , l] At.II HAI 1ll lJ12 SHOO. -I (;,J ., .iuto A C. Snrt t 7'J 46':.0 S7'j00 S48 C..ARS _______ !Mercedes Benz 9145 1 ~ ,,, I•· Volksw1gen 9173 •·II fll JC. I I II • fill hit h 1r1•. "'"" l ·""' "'' In 1 ,1 S, l 1IJ l/filJ p Ill 1 11 ,. ll4 }·1·l I 1ntt ''II I B (J 18. I ''+ , 1, ' l'h•"' ' t • v•·I rn• $ l"IJI fl,(' ill \'I l "~ l•l /Ii ( 111,_ [j llj I"'/./ t •lJ •II t C (\t•lllll If $ l'Jt f (lft( ti~l'llAll 10I M '"' v ti .. ' 111 HAHUll M.ill• II •11:11' "' $61\ll(J A ,H ll ltl' L I CJ fntr H J • ., •• • If I "'~ ,, ,. I I OCI I 'J75 tJ.t·10 O• ~5-1 U~I '• "WE WILL NOT 8£ UNDERSOLD" 5505 tAA{,IC ISLAND If l'IM!Jt'• <>lllf.J S'.1500 •ii'"" $ 1000 ,f,r !~ ''.11437 1€.h(J LOOKING TO LUSE is A CHRYSLER PRODUCT? ~ ~. ~;~c: ;~·;~·~~;" LWlll Y 11' <'v,.Strr•f'I 'IA Cits S AMESF M1~1 TENS s;.o f A H fJ) l 44R<'< Dop GolOPn R .. 1, .. '"' ' fprr f'1 • 1 r 1 r ,. 1 DdP~' St r " 5510 A r, , ! ~-1 ,r-• r~,, 1 t'l p' t J , f '1 f I' , ... , ~'1t 0 lj•#J ""' t f Ji' ..... "' J"'! 5535 Farnitare 6025 •A-~-~-A-<l-ra-LJ-t•~-,-,~,~l-J ~-~------~ Pets Pup~ "101 ~:-io COMPLETE DOUBLE Dii, , n • 1• "' • BEDROOM SET. E IP I • 14 I 8 4 t J r,o I [jl\Jf° F ''H 1 ~ tf rqt rfo..-Jl t,irPf' f 1 t' r1ltl l't. t9 .... r f"~'J'> :of ) • n t i 0: 1 ,, .J .... r ,r, n1 •'>r;q JtJle our, n f I ,.,1 p p 4 ii' 8•1 I' H11 '" ~omern.no lu ~.,11" C1as~1hAd .;os oc:. • .. e11 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS I "'' ' •' ..... ~ , .. f.. fl l ,f I> (.,fitMf 1{, " '1• \ '" 11t ~ JI" 1 rj1~t1r)r • t Lil , ,, t 'f' Jy .. ,;., I tty ' fl._, (J(Pti f 'f ,r 1, j•••1 1 "., • ~ r.~F JUST MOVE IN? High School Student? Call your sc.hool now to reg1SIPr for Fall M111t1119te11 Bue• $c .. el SJ6.2S14 Talk to Al Mitchell for best prices H ti I 1tlv f( ll Bf ACH (,HH f(,l f F< I l 'I' MOUTH ~lwaye a tremendous selection of new & :arefully prepared preowned BMW's In ~tock *'l6 450SL * 752-0900 I 41 I 1vf)1 I bdm!J''' ,,, 'Subm& 9167 I 'G e;,,,,..,, tt.irrlrur• '>UtJltlU $1000 0f:l(l VAry I ''' <l l.J n l t; 1 11 II' t )<1' l "''"S ,,,.•tPrt'd ,40':>164 fl•(llJI (C,AI 0!174111 I ,t does make a dlf· ference where you purchase your BMW $546.76 J 'I ' f !I I 1.-t .-' ·1 r:i ftl ~ t < f l l1AC. r "' c. <.P : • .\ 'lOO r I • p~n 1 ' I 1 I I , llt ,. JIM SLEMOMS IMPORTS ~ (114)131·3111 1 110 DOWN -ALL MHES ,,. , 111 Ap11rr1v'll 1(1(] I (JUAll ST II I !llJ Cl]QI) 14/Fj t·10(> f ,,. ' ,,. 1• ,.. I !ff frJ S.6 Int, lllf 18 CA~ • ,.,. 1t!11•1thOf'11 ... 201! w 1st, Santa Ana CLOSED SUNOA YS 650-1940 MEWPORT CHILDREN'S CEMTER A MONTESSORI SCHOOL • Gymnastics • Field Trips • Horseba ck R1din1 • Sw1mmmc • Ages 21h to 1 yrs FREE s35oo Registration with this ad* Toyot1 9169 ~ T ., • j l Itri I )J ·h11CJ 4j!JJU rn ,1,1 c;.rn(.I ':. 1 ll ',!J !•It •,.H, 1.1(,Q ,, I,.\;> WE CARE New I Used llLL YATES VW-rORSCHE San .Juan L•pt~l rJno 837-4800 493-4511 HCi c,.,,, .1 ', 1 1 ' • ~rid I Volvo 91 75 r1tl S~()OIJ '. • »OH I /O ."MlJ V lvr• 1 ,,,,1 I Wanl Ad Help? Ow• "' b 1QU<1 "" '" 642·5678 ' ,,nrl '$C. 1 I ~ 4, I • t Wut111l11tttr Mith $ehHI au uat STUUY D MOllSOll KAREii M ltlOllSOll Owntrs/Co-Dlrtclors 20221 Cyprm SI Santi Ana Mt1g-.s. CA 9270 7 (71 4) 756-1155 Pacific Travel School :l:'>l 5 :'\orth Muin, Sant 11 Anu. ('a. 9:l70 I M1rl11t Mith School 89J.6S71 f e111te111 Veller Mith $ehttl 't62 U01 E4lto11 Mith School CJ62 1JS6 Oeu11 Vt•• Mith School 848-06S6 CARDEN OF HUNTINGTON BEACH a private school emphasizing academics Carden Curriculum Pre-School -Grade Eight Open the year around 6:30 A.M .-6:00 P.M. 721 Utica Huntington Beach 536-1441 Edith Hanlon, Direc tor I I I G• •tt•• t< s ' . I 1'1 •••• Laguna Enrichment And Resource Network 1,1r1 r,1Pnr•P'f"' 'i!r• f'' '» 11!f> W er, ,r .1 H(•dr ~. (,A '1';1f,•,;. ; p 4Cf7 f,fJ '1 l.E .A.R.N. $111111ner School LACUNA 8fACM ,., .. " ' ol 111 ~ • t. If'• f J I I t ~ Ari t t ,, J • , ; 0 m~r Jairmont 8ci1ool f/N \\l,J flll \I> \Ill/II-'>/ A f/\/'>/ /'NII I// \( llflfl/ I JI frrt111( • -.1 \t\tl"'l\-.i lllJllJ e -.t \t\tl k 11 \I \\IJ• ·~\f(J(Jl\IJ\I ""111\11'1 fll< 1'11111.t(\\1 ·1 omp1111•f\ • \rf ·11r11m11 .,,,,,," ''"''" 1111 'n" h~1111 I '"I I 141111"" (,111111·' k I 1l1 ._ I ttro11 ""'' ( <101flll' (,r•tl"' 'H 1:1"i7 " \ht.I• -.tr,.,.( (714) 774.}()f,2 lnfmllu<llll( r.ur nr·•H \I <•mpu' \ orhM I ind" f .. mpu' r" •II•·, l'ff'" hool I 1~,; \.-111·' \Ir"' (714) 524·8181 '>EPJltl(, / ll 01 Ol<'MJGf O•JtJff Hl (OjlA NI\/. Anna '1 Day School HOUll~ b )0 to b 00 ·~1l l1.lf1lh,,.~,,,,,,Mu\..- ·U111<,,,t·loA 4 Oo•lr.,,,d \t•lt ·~l•l• l.,.•111td•(1•1!,,. P\ly ·~•rc•o""'"""<"'' G'""'"1" 646-1444 J 10 IHIJION· ,IJ\IA Ml\A ft••••,. fllo l ;,,, "'"' lo For furthn information rrl(arding adHrtic,ing phtrement in th1> ~<·hool~ & I n .. trurt ion' Ui rt'<'lM) r llll SUE 642-4321 ~-·. Ext. 306 / ) ------ <JRA .... r.E ((}/ ""'11 \ fJ""'I) PRWATI 1< < RELJrrH> IR Wf I ~r;f V \' K ll<J(J/ American Alrllne Sabre Comouter Training MORNING. AFTERNOON. EVENING CLASSES Call (714) 543-9495 WONDERFUL WEEIC~-;.->) fur 1 hildrt'n 1·111t·r11ll{ F1 r-.1 t hruu~h Si •d h ( • r11d,. t-'1111r l-'1111 I· 11lNI \.\'11nd1•rl11I \\-1·t·k" 'I It rt•t• d ;1 \""" PHI h ~ 1•1• k ft t' I V 'I I M ... 11 l t .... " i,t,.. i .. 'Bt,. •11, '•" ........ •· ... nc1 tt1~t1 lh I t d,r I • '"" 11•, ..,,.,, -GRAND OPENING- • NOW IN COSTA MESA• OFFERING CREATIVE EDUCATION IN A DELIGHTFUL ENVIRONMENT Large Play Are a * Convenient locatlo CALL 646-4334 2070 Mople A .. e. • Cetta M••• , ..... , 19th & ....... o. This Variety of Fine Schools Could Introduce You T~ A New Tomorrow . .. I ' . .._ __________________________________ .._ .......................... __ _._ .................... --------~------- Aatoa, Domutic Buick NEW CAR SALES USED CAR SALES WEIUY CLEAll CARS AllD TRUCKS 1 or''' io , 1111fJ 1 -:, p C1 ~O u.1 'tu •,pc r I 11ICJrl C,11 flur ,,.. 11 \!:>00 1)4<.' ,, 1'17 PIJBllC NOTICE PU8llC NOTICE POOllC NOTICE PU8UC NOTICE MllC NOTICE AMENDED CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION ·TOWN ANO COUNTRY BANK" OF SEAL BEACH 4 185 <' 867 7 05<' Doller Amount• POOllC NOTICE ,, 1 ~ ,,,, ,.. 't p fvtt ' .>+'iJdrl ,.r' t 4 J .., F,, 1 1A 8b NI\ ,, ,., 11/••. r,, u """ C\t~', h..-J ' t unq. Mpn' ~·X.•.tl1nn '' Or H•Q.., l ""' •; (.hih.1 l. H~ P~ l'<I,.. .,,,,i dy!f(lt·/P<) ~t-'•1t1 [ ~ ...... TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ASSETS Cash and duP lrom banks ln11estmPnt SAC.uritte'I (M arkt-I vdlue 52021 In Thou1end1 ~ •F 2 446 ACROSS ,, ••• tfl t,. 1 (>H11)lo , 1H1111111 Nit!;\. 1'1 Ji.Hit t· 1 "''' un•t tt-Ur•t1• ,.,,. 1 7 • ,, ti• nt ' 1, 410 C t,lfTH" tfU1h / 1 '>"'''lh'' f11oc1 ~ / c, .. ~ tr.th f ~ i c-,,, .. , .. ,, , .4 .. nc1tt1 1rnl 1'1 f)ut nril t ''""' .JH rit•d1h•1wt1t t,, Afu•· u ,., t l ftl i ... " '' H•·•••· 11 ,, us ~ ,, ' _i r "' t ,. ,.,., ,. ' f 1\J1t •1't ()t,LhWtJ•" • (} I, 1ut1h ,.1 •t • u N H ... t t , ~ 1 I I.. r" ll f f ~ M U),1111•••• f ••• ,,.,,, , •• ... i "' t '• I• I, DOWN ,,.,.:,,.•rt•• I ( r •• ._,.,., Arlh•i' •• , •. ,v . .,,, 1\ M•-.'1n Jr111t11t•"t'li ~ "iUtHJ'i • I tit · 11 H Wrr,nq f rt•f • (h·•rtV• t •'l' 111 c;, 1trt ''1 ' ' 'fT·• ' 1, t••rt1 e I 't M.,.1•' 1JJ " l• jf ( ,, ., .... , 111 /-;J If l•1n I •Hl l ,.,, •• ,,,. .. l ,, .. , ~, " , ... l •owt ,, /ft ( C1fT>t1••1 lh Non 1nvestmPnt <;PCu11tres Trading account s~urrt1es Federal lunds sold and secur111es ~ 232 None NonP PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED purchased under agreements tCJ resPll 1n domestic olfict!s Noni> • 2 ·•a , , .,,.,,, 1p. Iii' rP11tt l I I J., tr 'n i•rp11opr t t "'' ', "·'"'' ... ~, r.,h t,!i .~,., 0 1 1r1-.p1tt•~ I/ '(\' .\I 1, t•f Mhn•• t 1 f1t1w .. , 1 J(µ(JOfh•f lt ,, ' f n1r• f,ty•~1 ~ ... 010 llll jf, V lC l it• .s" Accnr .. j I' Ill ~ Pl•\I• \4 c1hPllf1,t '.0 rv fOuhr ~ .,, ,., ... l•hl '> )lcl I •·J I'" '.ii-1 u. ,,,. • M.uh I) 1 t Loans Total te'<clud1ng JnearnPc:J •nC<•rr" Lt'SS Reser\/P tor POS'\tblP 1 loan 10-;ses Loans nPt Bank premises F F a E PtC (including $72 capital 1 .. dSPI Real esldle owned other lhAn bank premises lnvestmf'nl'> in unconsohdatt>d 5ubs1Clraries and assoc1a1ea comp.1n1 .. c., Customer s hab1hty to this bank on acceptances out'ltanding Othe1 assets 1111c1uaing None 1n1ang1bfec;1 TOT AL ASSETS LIABILITIES TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES Total demand deposits Totdl lime and savings dt•pos1ts TOT AL DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN OFFICES TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMFSTI(., AND FORflGN OFFICES F t>dt'r.11 funds purcnased 'Ind <,ecunttP' ~0111 11r1tl"' aqrP<'ments 10 repurchc1<,e 1n domPSl•C ott.1 "li Otl1Pr 11ao1hlres for borrowA<1 money 1n( luc11n1J notP balanCAS of US Trt'il<tury Mortgage indebtedness 11nl.lutlcnQ c.aprlal leases Acc.eo1ances executed t>y or tor account ot 1n1s bank .ind oul'\lilndrnq Other 11ab1l1t1es TOT AL LIABILITlfS lflillf.h1c1tnq <iubor1lirltllt'1l •lQlt•<; and debenturAc,1 Subordina1,.d nolP' and dPbPntures SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY I Pref err eel sloe.I< No 'lhrtres Ou1'lt1nding I Common 'ltOCk No i-.h1ires No t••• ArnOuJll N '' " hJ I :>2 05; I 2bt1 8tj "lone None :> n2 l4 648 J:? :? t.> 6 620 7., J<l. Non., 500 a,oo .,....-1--1---1 11u lhomed "} 000 000 No .,hRres oul'ltanl1tnQ Surplut TOTAL CONT"tBUlfO GAP1l Al Reta1nnd eArn1ngl\ AeSf'r11• tor continoencr11' o\rH1 other cRp•tal reserves TOTAL SHAREHOLDER' FQllll ~ TOT Al L IABILITlf S ANO I t\,hl ... ,,. (' 4 } SHARE:HOLOEAS EOUll'Y 1• 6•A fhe und•rtiQnf'd l Jrl\f k \.111rk Prl"'lldf'nt no l S Sh"""' S• V r-\ Conttolle1 of th• 1bove·namt>d bMik •»1c:n dNlll'"" to1 n1m II II<\"" 1tnc:J riot --.-.-+---4lfo1 the other I n111e por'lon111 i..nowtf'dOf' of 1111! mattf'•' Conta•nt«.l 11 '' '" lr•port 11nd I b~le11e that l".1<'11 'ltatement in l'll\1d 111por1 '" ltut< E rtcn 01 ll•P l11nc1f'r'\rQnflC1 for htmsell .lfor1 and not for thfl «Hh,., Ci>rlrt1,., u11t,.IPr '"" 111~ fl1 --1--1~-1~--1 pequr., th1tl thf' to11•901ng ·~ tru., and corrfllet r •f't'.Ulf'<1 on Jul~ 22 tq8'> 11 Se.11 f\l',,('.h l 1l1tnrn11 I A ( IMk Pr111111011nt I ~ Shlllff'r Sr II P f. ( 011troll•r fl11hl1 .hl!c1 C'lr ino,. CoMI 0 111., r>,101 Julv :;>• 1-.11:i ' " PU6LIC NO TICE NOT(S SECURED II\' t. fllutt.111 M • Orangu Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday July 24 198S 87 ' ~ '!.t t I •r .., y,. .. qt-• ",,..~,.._,. ...... ~, ll , .~a 11 I 1 (J t\ii>,(j I ,f',. 1._;}JL Ron•ld A p.,,.uno At lorner tor Netti• W M•y•r Co Con••"'•lor , ...... IQ-'« r ~r ... p .. PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT . ' ''" ! ... .... POOUC NOTICE PU8LIC NO TIC[ NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF COLLATERAL • t •t r ... .. AOOF OJ H AVICE 9 '1' lirl4tl • • Jfi ~·~,. •• " .. t ' ... ,, • ., ,.,. .. ... ,. . . . ,, .... '• •• ,.. • .. ' .. ...... ... ..... ,,. •.;,.l!J,, .... ,. ..._ ·~' 1 M"'~• ·-... ,,. d .. .t •.. w PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY , '""' ~. ~ '. PA CIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK '• ... ..... ~.,, . . . - 11 AR80 R LAWN MT OLIVE . .. -------- • '• . ' -. ...... c ::::: --,..., --. --- ----""::::: ----- -· ·-- -- "' --::::: v -..... 1:1 ... -· -.. .. -· -•~ .... - ...... ----~ --:r, -..... - ..... ---..... .._ ~ ~ - --0 ..... -0 ---~~~-------------------------------------------------~---~~ A ·--~--·-------~----------------...... --...................... --......... --............................. ... 88 Orange Coast DAILY PILOl Wednesday, July 24 198 FUNKY WINKER BEAN by Tom Ba t1uk DOONE SBURY 005£ ~~fi<( BANGE.R.5 Oo"f fH£:..R£. BA~ll.All(.,I l i !(£ If 1 UNDERSTAND / WE'll ™ROW IN P~N'fQ OF RQ061N~ MARC.HES f L.DUD AND -~~'fA ~~\~~ \ .. THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bii Keane "That's o quarter moon." "I only hove a di me." M A RMADUKE by Brad Anderson Of course I II clean the windshield' DRABBLE ~'I ~(~N(iV\011-lE.~ r\~[ .\ ~l;i;:e.·~11(£.~~---i 1-\k.t.1.ir LUkE.. w1-\°"' Ai ~ GARFl~D 8UT SE.RIOUSL Y "fHOUG-H F'.OLKS, HOW AM I DOING 50 FAR? M OON MULLINS CROPPED CROP M/>.YB£ PLUSHI!: WILL t.~ND Mf A I. -c_': 1 ENSPoT WHERE IS HE? J UDGE P ARKER )I ~ ~!) 'I l ~ BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VI P) i DENNIS T HE ME NACE by Hank Ketcham ___ ,, I I' l 1/1. .\SN T A VERY 000D VERSION O~ \\R \\ LS...'1N TODA'( r1~"'t f\JT ..\ ~C' ~11CI< IN '{~ liAOUT~ by Kevin Fagan by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson A~·' ·"~-TER OF' F.'1.1., • ··~~ '• •, SE:~'S .... ~ '. • •• ALL. ~f-4£ ME ~~ A • ... c: B l'--._-.J"'"~-_J-L-JL~ c_ JL ,..--. -J .J[ ) ~ -............ --........ .._ ... by Harold Le Ooux mt sn<ol6 m.LAR I SHOE ,_-HE'( 't'OlJ'f(E ( TJ2All.ING A WAD OF PAPEf<. PEANUTS ( ' . T ' ' ( ' . ( • J , . - ( . BLOOM COUNTY I hUP M nc1<us ro s1R 1 NEW 'l'ORX crn V<lf' IWY 5fAr5 urr ~" ROSE IS ROSE If= 'IOU TA~e. ME. DANCIN~ 5ATtJr2C~W, I 't..L CANCet. DINNES< AT Mii MDM'5 / BRIDGE '\ 1•11 hn "11lnl'rahl1' '-=ort h df',il" ~ORTH • 9 4 /\ Q 7 4 KQ9X 4i! +7 \-\Es r EA~T +K J 76 +•\103 J9X5 62 10 J 6 5 3 +qJ05 4 +K 9X3 SOl T it • Q8 52 K JO 3 A 7 +A J 62 nw h1ddtn~ 'orth F:ut -,outh I Pu 11J I + 2 Pa1111 :J ~I Pa8t1 Pa811 Op1·n1ny, l1•11d F1\ 1· nf \\ u t Pa11i. Pa1111 l..irl11•., .1n1i l(t•nt lt·m,1 n ol t ht• Jun rht• rit'ft•ndanl . "OUI h. I' at•1•11w1f of tht.' mn ... t 'av111{1· hutrhrn nl 1 ht• q•r\ J<a1T11• h1• \\,I, pl:1) 1n$!' \:11 11nt• ha' Ii•\ 11•d .1n\ rh.1r~t·' ,1.1(.tln'I 1 he aur I 111n thrt•t• 1111 1 rump " ,1 p1•rf1•rt h normJI ronlrart Tlw rftifend.1nt r1·r"""'1 th1· lt•ad ol I '11 hH of h1•.1r1 "· "h1rh ht• "on in h.1ncl "1th th,. 11•n ll1• tr11•cl 111 run d1.w111n,f .. , hut ht l'1111lcl nut rl11 0,11 by Garry Trudeau SO fff'IAUY lMT M!B<, RJ(;f(T IN THe Ml{)()(.£ CF ANO'fH£/l.. {)15A'STRa/S l#t~, I JUST CALlEJ) IT ()()ITS I \ by Jeff MacNally 1 NEVER HA'J£ T'ROUE31£ FINDING MY WAY ~OME by Charles M. Schulz .-------------. ~JE.1.1.1~ ~ t ,:. (. \ ·• ;· ~.: .. ,., by Berke Breathed h!'f 1 '1rJf 005111' 1l?(X,fJ/£ II WlfRTP I 1W->tXI 1180Vf 1Hl5 ., l 51/IP IT UOV'r CIJljE 9TCRl/,ITY I R~l/TE l 'Y f'J5/fl ,€/.. Y ~l?lY AlM05T N!Vel? f.i,f;f? Ill t+105T C/1.5€.5 1 M'.w (:;€,{Ill 1HeK6 1 fl. Hf.YI ) ~~ _ff) ,u_ t 'Y. ' X·U Y by Lynn Johnston WHATS HAPPENING, PHIL? ARE. 1fie..y FIGH1iNG- ... ,,v~ CNER 'ytx.>?f ' rrswo~e: lHANTuRI -!Hey·~ COMPARING- No\E.S! 1·1'1 by Pat Brady ~ WHaT l(IND ~ '~"~"" i U5f5 HER CXAJ~~ f ~ A5 A MRGAINING CHIP ? TOO MANY T IUCKS without lrt11ng E.i'-1 ~.11n tht• lt•.1d Thal drfcndt>r fountl the e'rellt'nt ... h1£1 to the tf'n of -.pade.,, anti Im c;1df' rr1llecled four trwk.., in the -.u11 for .i one trick set. "~l;Y rlienl ronlt'nd-; that 11 \\,,, not Ii 1 nl( other l ha n ii had hreuk .i nrl hnl' 11t•fen.;e that h•ri to the· unl11r OMAR €. 3 SHARIFF --l lunate result Therf'forf'. hf' 10'1 l' that ht• should bf' found not g111lt v l.a<11t> ... and gt•ntlt>mPn "l'ht• pro<1Prution 1A ill provt• 1h.1t South I'. 1ndt>1'd. guilt~ ol m.tlf1•.l't1nr1• C'oun~f'I for t ht• r:ld1•n't' h.1~ ph•,ufl'rl mo-.t f'l0{1uenl h .tllw1l Oll'\l(Ultl£•dl\. for t ht' d10,m1'\<,JI of the r h;lr){t'' ln1lt't'1I , Ii.id th<' deftindanl h1•f'n plny1n1e iluphralt• hridgc• th" """'' would nt \ t•r h.I\ t• 1·11m1• to ro11rt I hr pl.n Yo 11' •p11t1· norm.ii At ruhtwr hridl{•'. how1•1;..r dt'h'ndant foiled to tnkl' 1•lt•m1'nt11rv l'rf'r.1111 ion« t o guard .11{:11n<1t the·•"< 1,l 1nv. r11 .. t r1h11t 1111\ Ill' nt't'O' onl) lhrt•t· h1·1irt tr1rk' nnd l1vt• d1a111nnd' tu m.1k1· hh runtrart ,1nd, ,, .. t lw 1·.1 rrt ... lw ht• 1-.1n 1·11111•1·1 t ht>m .... 11 ho11t 11•1 t lnK E.1'>t gain I ht• lc-ad S1n1·1· hf' dot'" not nr1•d .1n 1•xt ra ht'art lr11•k, Soul h 'houlrl h,1vt' won thl· f1r ... 1 trwk 111 dumm.\ In 11•,111 a Im" <11.1mor11I \.\ h1·n ~.a ... t lolln\\' '"'th .1 lo.... 1-.1rr:I. 1h•l'l.1rt•r muo;I CHARLES GOREN hnf''l'lt' tht> '''\l'n' f\1•n 1fth" lo,r" to \\ f''ll. \\ h1•11 <ferl.trt'r rt•.1(<11n<1 t ht> lf'a<f ht• 1·,1111'.1<1h t ht• ,1rt' ol diamond' 11nd th1•n )(t'I h.uk to 1h1• hoard "1th .1 ht•11r1 to rn'h four nwrt• tli.1monrh lur "1•11ntral't 'l;ott th.11 1hert' '' no ' t h1· tlc•lendt•r' r,tn roll1•rt lour p.1111· tr11i.., 11 \\t''' h.1-. 111 <ii.I 1111' 'lllt "Thi• pr11 .. 1•<·11t 111n ronl t•n1f.,. 11 h.1, pr11\1•rl 1t' 1 1 .. ,. ht•\ 111111 n •.1 .. on11hlt 1lo11hl \\t , .. i.. lot 1h1• m.1•11m11rn pt•n.1 Ir \' •• . ( . . Daily Pilat WEDNESDAY JULY 24, 1985 .t!1 America la becoming •country of tea drl nkera.C2. Supermarket• stocking a better variety of food.CS. Celebrate with festive buff et Festive dishes revolve around a s umme r favorite -peach es < clebrate ~um mer b)' gathering fri ends and famtl )' for a frsuve. outdoor buffet To make your buffet as tn\ lltng as the sea!>on itself. 111 whipping up some elegant dishes re"olving around that favome summer fruit -the peach The nl''-"CSt way to enJO)' its delicious flavor 1s with Peachtree Schnapps. a cordial that truly captures the taste anti aroma of fresh peaches First stop o n the p1cn1c table 1s the e}e-appeahng Poulet a la Peche· chicken breasts stuffed with curned n ee and basted with Peachtree Schnapps. creating a fla vorful blend of sweet and savor) flavors. · Spiced Peaches With A. Punch 1s a colorful accompaniment to this delicious main course (in- namon. cloves and Peachtree Schnapps make this an unusual and appealing side dish. The crowning touch to this 1mpress.1ve spread 1s Peach Melba Mou!.se Cake. a light. a111 l'-"O-tonc dessert made with Peachtree Schnapps. peaches and fresh raspbernes. This refreshing dessert 1s certain to create a much-trafficked spot at the summer buffet table. To rnhanu~ the mood of the summer buffet. decorate with lot\ ofprett) pastels.: pale peach. robin's egg blue. buttercup )'ellow POULET A LA P ECHE 12 small, whole chicken breasts, boned "':! c up all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon sail 1 • teaspoon pepper 1"3 c up butter or margarine l 1"l c ups peachtree schna pps2 chic ken bouillon cubes 2 cups bot wa ter Place t'ach breast sk1n-s1de do"n on a lUlllng board. With meat mallet or dull edge of a French knife. pound breast to 1 .-inch thickness. Place about '• cup Curncd Rice•· 1n center or each chicken breast. fold sides o'er and fac;ten "llh food p1d..s In a bowl stir together tlour. "alt and i>CPP'-'r Dredge chicken breasts in flour mixture. Rcsene an~ excess flour to thicken the gra "). In a large skillet. mrl t butter. cook chicken b~asts 5 10 7 minutes or until golden. et sl..1llc1 as1dt' Arrange breasts sl.'am-s1de down in a \hallo" baking pan. Pour '• cup '>lhn.ipps O\l'r breasts Bal..l· in a ~'iO-degrec O\en 25 to \0 minute\ or until r h1c:l..l.'n tC')tS done. Bac;tc frcqut:nth during baking. Remo' c p1tk'i .\rrange hrt·aw, on a hl·ated <.cn ing platter. keep warm. Pour pan dripping'> into s1'.1llet used l'arl1er. Blend an) rec;cn cd flour into the fat unul smooth. Cook over lo" heat until bu bbl) Remo\.e from heal. Dissolve aou1llon cubes tn 2 cups hot water. slow I~ add to skillet scraping up brown bits. Return pan to heat and rnok. !.t1mngwns1antl~. unul mixture comes to bolling. Boll one minute Stir in rema1n1ng ''~cup '>Chnapps <icr"c l h1d .. en brea'>ts with gra") Yield 12 '>l'f\ 1ngs •CURRIED RICE 41 , r ups water 2 chicken-fl avor bouillon cubes l teaspoon c urry powder 2 cups long-grain white rice l cup sliced, toasted almonds 2 cups shredded carrots 1 2 c up chopped fresh parsley In a large \aucepan bring water. bouillon and curry powder to a boil. Stir 1n nee and almonds. Cover trghtl), simmer 20 minutt'S. Remo'c from heat and let stand CO\l·rcd until all \.\ater 1s absorbed. about 5 minutes. ~llr in carrot<i and parsk} Yield: 12 5en ings. SPICED PEACH HALVES WITH A PUNCH 2 cans ( 29 ounces each) peach halves in heavy syrup l cup peachtree schnapps l stick cinnamon (3-inch stick) l 0 whole cloves Drain ix·aches. rc\en 1ng 1 2 cup syrup .\dd ix·ac he'i. rcc,cn cd S) rup. schnapp5. cinnamon and clcl\ cs. Bnng Hl.l boil. <,1mmcr I 0 minutes and remove fro m heat St·r"e warm or mid Peaches arc best 1f made a <la' J hl·ad. ' 1l'ld. I 2 c;en 1 ngs. P EACH MELBA MOUSSE CAKE 4 envelopes unflavored gelatin ~ 1 cup sugar, divided 6 large eggs, separated 2 1" cups canned peach nectar 11 .i cups peachtree schnapps l package (3 ounces) ladyfingers (about 12 ladyfingers) l cup heavy cream, whipped l package ( 10 ounces I frozen raspberries in ligbl syrup, thawed and pressed through a fine sieve (about 1 '" cups puree) '• teaspoon almond extract Additional sweetened whipped cream, sliced peaches and fresh mint leaves for garnish (op- tional I In a large ,,1uccpan mix gelatin and 1 • cup '>ugar. In a medium bo"'I beat together egg ~ol ks and peach nt•1.tar Stir into gelaun in <>aucepan ( ook O\Cr low heat ... umng n>ns1antl). until gelatin d1s\ohe.., and ml\turt' thH.1'.t•nr, ">lightl) 'iur 1n '>thnapps Chill c,t1rnng onJ..,11inall). un11I ml\lurt' mounds -,ltgh ti) "ht•n drupP'.·J from .a spoon -\ rrange lad' linger' 10 t.ll\l'r hn11om of a 10-tnch '>pnngform pan Beat t'gg' white' until ,oft pcal..c, form. gradual!) heat in rem:Hn1ng 1 ~ cup <,ugar. beat until '>tiff peak!> lorm Foll! L'gg "h1te\ into peach ml\ture D1' 1<ll· 1n half. f-old ra\pbcn: puret' and I cup of tht· .. , h1ppt•d tream into half the peach mixture {Please see PEACHES/C3 ) Inventiveness his trademark Cathy Orr nmplea her product . Irvine woman can cut the mustard By BEA ANDERSON 01 the 0.ily Piiot II•" C .ith\ K Orr rl':lll\ l..nlmc, ho" to LUI 1he ·mu~tard , ~he's turned a home rt'C1pc into a tom mere ta I prod ult. no" <itockc<l on grcxer. shch rs throughout thc western \tale'> Thr lrv1m· huc;1nc'l..,.,.,oman. "hose work l'\pcnencr ha'> pnmar· I) been with food compante'\ det 1ded last }Car that \hl· '"-l' gmng 1n market her mu\tard recipe "It took month<; of experiment- ing tu get 11 nght for mass pro- duction ·· .,he said . e'pla1ning thJL "'hl.'n a rcttpt' 1c, incn·a~ed lhl· proportmn' of 1ngrt•d1cnt4' mu\t tx· l hanttl'd to ma1n1:11n fla.,,or and quJht' It tnnl ,1h1111t fnur m<,n th\ to h11.1 \<lll\l,1l ton lnrmula, \hl' .,,11d I kr 11111 ""'l't'I ('Ii. "nur " till' "tir't trul\ Ill'\\ l,\\ll' in m11\t,1rd since the da\\ of tht• u.1r,." 'a~' 11' creator "lt'c; <l1s11mtl\rl~ \mcn- can taste 1c; hased on an anl\locrat1l Russian m ustard rcnrc with a IWl'il. .. \n l'p1curl.'an c,urpn'-\' delight<, 1hc ta.,tc buds tx·t.lU\l' 11 knJ' special fl;nnr to '<llld\\ICh meats and Chl'l'\l'\ and \Cl I! h;l'~ l'\Cn more popular apphl.ll1nn J' Jn 111gred1cnt in gournw1 l ll11l1ntt · 'hl' 'aid ·\c:tnrd1ng to Orr. thl' mu<.t.ml compkml.'nt' lamh. Jud .. gomt'. H'lll'>On and n1hN p.amr meat\ and ,.,or~' cqualh ''l'll '-'Ith lhll ~l·n tx·rr. thh .rnd '>hl·llthh .. 1 t, [1.nurme1 t8'1te:· c;he ..aid. "h,,, ,\I\ UOU\Ulll arrx·al that open' ,1 nt'\\ ll'\.el ol r,oph1st1ca11nn 1n fooJ prl'p;1rat1on h' addtng JC'it to p..ltl'' J1p\ and 'amcs ,rnJ l J,ual dl·ganlt' 111 .1 R1n11d\ ~1.11\ " fhl·· mu,t<mt '' m.1d1• tn1m n.11u (PlcHe ac~ MU T ARO/C3) Max au Triangle chef shares some cooking know-h ow By CHRIS CRAWFORD O.tly Piiot C0<1•opc>f\Mnl "I hJtl' rccipt•,." 1. lain1', Joad11m phchal '.'ic' l'rtht'le<i'i. thl· ~oung t hl.'I oflerl'd \l'\Cral OI thcm Junng his rect'nt apP'.·aranrc a<, a gut''>l l hef Jt Fashion hland·, nt''' ~1 a < u1\lne cooking '>l'hool The 2Q., car-11ld ( 1crm.i n-horn and f-rt•nch-tra1ned Sphrhal. tur- mer c\ecut1\ e chd ot the l'\t lu\1\ r Regt'nn Cluh 1n \\ l \l\\\l1'd JnJ Crl·ator of thc \Une,!.IUI \C\ .. ·nth trl't'l A1 stro 1n Jo,, nlli\\ n I o' .\ngck'>. is t'urrenth upt'rat1ng Llw M,I\ au Triangle rt·<,taur.1111 JnJ ~1,n ( 1ourma<l1\l' pa\t ~ -,hop ht1Lh in the le T nangk com pin Hn l'rh Hills -\dd1t10 nalh. he opcned ""' < iourmand1c;e l\ln 2 in \L num ( ·ourt 1n Fashion l\lanJ 1n .l unt· .\ dc!'.~crt \pl.'C1alt) '>hop. 11 olkr.., .. rn arra\ or more than 20 ditkrt·nt kind-, of chocolate cand' 1n .1J- d111on to fresh fru11 tart\ t.11'.l''> ind I\ 1dual pastries. ,rn<l J 'an,•t, 111 other bal..ef't Item\ Sphrhal. "h0 ha' frcqucnth hl·1.·11 a guc\t tracht•r at \la l u1,1 nl ·, ~klro\l' \H'nue \1.hool IJU~ht J \\\ o-.,l''i'ilOn part1npa11on t I·"' at the N1.·'>'port fal.'1ht\. a1\\h1d1111111.· hc prl'\1.'ntcd a <,ampk 11f h1' cnnu.·pt of"rn1'.:t1llt' Jl· fr.tithl·ur tk ( altlnrn1a" f lrt'\h c .1l1!11rn1.1 CUISlnt') Spltd1al ha' .1 rl·putat1on ·" .111 11n 1.·nt1\1.· chl'f w hn ran crc.1tl' a h11'1 ol nc" d1sht''> 11u1 t1f ( Jllh1rn1J·.., frcc;he\t 1ngrl·d1l·n1<, .tnJ th1' ""' amph t'' 1dcnt '" hl' 1.1ught thl' group nl I~ ho" 111 prep.lit' Aro1kJ Salmon with C iarhc anJ I h\ me Corn \louc;,l.' \\1th Cl.1m' .rnJ Rludian ( rt«rn1 "1th Hlul·tx·rr. ( hampagnt· -;aun· Thc t'>'n 1.·ntrl'l'' tl.-.11url' lrl''h H'g1.·tahk' lic;h and lll'rh.., iht• de'>'it'rt u..,c., fn·,h hl.•rnt•s \la l Ul\lnl' " a room' poll· gonal-,haf)l'd '1. h11nl con\l't 1nl!, t'I on1.· largt' l l.1!>c;rnnm dcmon,tr,H 1nn n·ntt'r flan~~d b> 'e' t•ral '>nMllcr 1'.1tt hl'n Jrt'a~ Jc\lgncJ tor '-llldcnt partH.1p.H10n '' t.h1· d .1" tx·gan. '-lplt1. hat di\ 1d1.·ll Lill' \tud1·n1s 1nhl lour group' "1th l'.tch rcr<1rt111g 111 nnl' ot th1.' ,m,111 l-.1tl.hl·n<.. "hl'fl' thn fnunJ pn•-a\\l'mbll·d .. ill 111 thl' ncu''>'i.lf\ ingr1.·d1t·n1' \, the l'' l' ·nine progH'\'ll'd c.11. h Ll·am pa111, 1 palt'd 111 all ol tht• n·1.·qx' und('r ~pill h.11'., tiuHtanu· F-or the Bru1kd \alm•m ren~· thl· chl'I lir'>l prs.·~art•d .. nagc' ( f rl'lll.:'h for '>IOd.) h\ 'auleeing t hopped l ekn nn1on \hJlhH .rnJ kd .. \\Ith huttl'r JnJ "hill' ''IOt' I gt'nt•r<tll~ U\t' •nt· 111 thrl'l 1'.indc; 111 \Int 1'.' l'l'kf\ lJfrOt 11r kd .... hl' ,;11J In bn1ling g.1rl1l 1.IP\t'' l11r thl· 1t't1P'-' 'iplithJI JJ\l'>t'J 'l h.tngl' the "att·r l'Jlh 11mc 11 1.umt•.., ltl a hull DL' 1h1' .1hout fi, e 110\l'' '>II tht• garllt tln'or '>'on't be \1l in1cn'>1H' '' J re,ult "'u'll 2et J rt-.ilh mild l)J\ 11r.. ~ r hl' \JI mun \hnuld Ix· gnlkd lw ,,11d "ht'l\\t't'll 4 .ind I\! llH1lUlt'' Pt'f ,1Jt'. dt•pcntling on ht''' \OU '';int 1\ • In prt'pJnr~ the .. 1.1m' h•r lhl' ("Ill \h1U\'l ht• .. 1J\l\t'J lhJI !ht\ tx· pl.1u·d undau1IJ running ''·llt 1 Ill \\,l\h ofl .Ill\ \,Ind Dun't .idd ,rn, ,,ill l\i llh' r1·1.1pt· .. ht' ,,11d ··tx·t.lll\t tht• 1. l.1111, .Hl' ..,a It~ enough \I ta rooi..1 ng 1 hl' tl.1111' J nJ ulf n tht' chl'l·u,cd .1hkndt•r10 1111\ thl'lll to~t·tha '"th 1lw rt•ma1ning in~rt· d1t·nh · I U'>t' tht tikndt•r J tll 11•1 ..,,ll11.l'' ·· ht· ,,11d ·I 1h1 nl.. 1t'' the tx·,t '' ,l\ Ill do II .. \1nl't' .. di.1ntt'rt•lk nH1,hr1111111, " t' r l' u n .1 \ .1 I I J h le "' r " h J ,11h,111u1t•J '>h11.il..e' · .\m11ht•r l\t f11r ... h11ai..c, ht' suggt•..,tt•J .1, .1n ,1\11.k · 1' t1• put hulll'f un thtm hr111I lht•m until t rl'f'' 111'.1: ll,1uin .ind then put till' '>\h11k p1l'•l'' 1111 ,,1J.1d' ·'" 111rr1ng ..... I k hut1t·n·J tht.· '11ullk d1'hl'' '" 1,t. 1hcn put -.nmt' l'\ll.t l..l'rtll I' 111 lll''h·llll lorn tn lhl' hllllt'll' ill t'.lt h N'l\lll' 'Jl\lllllln~ tlh' m11u"t' \ltt·r thl· J1..,hL'' "l'rt tilkd .111ll ·'"l'mhkd 1111 an 11\t'n 1rJ' lw p1n1rt•d h11d1ng "ater ar1•und tht'!ll ,p tht'' ... 1.1rt lll llll•I.. 1mnwd1- .1lt'h .' hr ,,11J r ht·w ,,111 tx .noi..l·d .tlk.i.t .11i. n'hl'.tll'd "1th .1 httk \\,llt'I .1r11urhl 1 hl·1·1 Jg.a in L't m ll t 11\\ ,1' t'd hl' JdlkJ fhl' JC"l'rt \\,1\ 11ng111.llt'J t" ( •l'rh.1rd \l tl hkr \pltt h.11'c; t.1rnwr p,l\lr. l'hl'I '\pill hal .Hh l\t'd hlltllllt1-lh\' hll11• ht•rlll'\ ,lflll \ll~.11 Ill ll\t J llrt\ h\lll h. 111 \\,llCf.. thl'll 1.111ll till' llll\llllt' tx·lnll· .1ddin~ tht gd.1t1n I k plJtl'd tlw h11\\ t 11t p111t'l' t11'1lk J l.1r[ll't 110" I 111 Ill l\i h.1'-lt'n Lhl phll.l''" fkton lilltng th1· dl'"'l'rt 'Uf''-h1• .1ddn l l'\ tra "hok hl."f11n to thl ho1111m 111,'.h h I .itt•r tht' t up\"''''' 11nmoldt•d 1111111d1' 1duJ I pl:itr' ;111d lhl '-HIU' \\,I, l.1dkd 11n top \t lhl' llllllhl\l\lll .1' .I" llh'lll 111.1 ·''~t·d him "hrn• 111, • .ir1•1·1 ''1111ld k.1d him I '1'1' h111h '·"' '' '' ' 11r" hut 1'111 11111 i.! • 11 t 'l''' ) 111 D.,., Pttot ~h. bt .... ". 5ch••UI Joachim Spllchal prepares a nagc rr,pi111,kd I lll't 1'['1.'tH'd th, pJ,tr. 'h11p hcrt ' 1' ~l plJnn111~ 11• \'l~.'n 11•' '"' rt''IJur .. 1n1 1n OrJOti!l t 11u111'' ·n1 ang1.· ( 11unl\ h,1, mu. h 111.11 l..t•I pi1tt•n11al " h1.• 'Jld Rut r.1tht·1 th.rn J \t'r. t'orm.11 tt.11lll dl''''' 1'.ind •I fl'\IJur.1111 ~h'fl' I( )r.lnft' 1. 11unt' 1'-n11t •" \!lllh .1, ~1.'' l rh 11111' hl 'J1dl lw 1, 11•n,1tknn11.1 'malkr m11r1· , ,1,u.11 Jpp11,.11 h ··rx·rh,1p' .in thl' 1•tdl·r •I \\ ,,11~.1!!n 1'111 ... ' \p.1g11 .\ltl'I l1lll1llljl hi' \\Ill ( hrl\tlf\' in [ ur11rx· t11r .tn 1" t'rd111 'J1..11 111n hr \J 1d Ill' \\ii I rl'l lll ll .. \ \ 1.1 ( ll I \IO(' hll .1 ,c, ond \I~'''" '1 \u~ ' lh ll\1111\Pfhl\r \If".' BROILf.J) ~.\I.MUI\ \\ITH G ~RLIC A'O TH\ ME I c;almon fillN' "1tb kin on. ahout ;, ounrt'' eaeh 10 doH" ot 11tarlic pt>elt'd t tlutd OUO( t''i ot DQjtt' 1 <;;tOC'k I lo lfl ount't'' ot ""t't'I buttt>r, t'U I In plf'<'t.'4' I bunr h I rr"h lb\ me ~ pot a lOf'' t rhud oun1 "' 1 ream l'u· I' 1 '' .ind 1. 111 111111 1.·111hth' H· 11111 I '>111! .1111.l d1.11n l'l.i. l I'• l '11l11l1\,\.f I' ill .in.I I'·'" 1hr.1 ._ \\Ill ,,rl'\'11 11,111111 111 p111l 1 \dd th1· 1 rl'.1111 ,t .• 1,11n .ind "1'1'1' \\ .11111 ' . Pl.11 l thr 1)\'t'ktl ~.1rlt , , Im r' 10 I \Id \\,llt'I .111J hnng Ii) .1 l'l<lll P1.11n .111'1 rq11.-.1t unt1 tht l!.1rl11 1, \11lf 1,1ht1ul i 1t1'lh.lnl!t\111 \\,l\\'I) P l.11 I !ht' 11.1~1· ( 'll'l l l II\ .1 ... llll l' p.10 .1dtl .1 II 1•111 t ~J rl" , I,'' t'' .ind tPlua~auSPl.tCHAL/C3l I . -·--·~--· C2 Orange Coast DAIL v PILOT /Wednesday July 24, 1985 Frult aalad with marmalade yogurt dreHlng Double Coupon .. dM ...... ON'fCll ..... ~o~~ :~ ~ <::r..~ ';::~ =c=-"l~':":: ~=--~ ... ~Z: ,r.~::: r.~=~~=-:..i::ClollGI"' ·~!be~---· t.lmit One Item Per Manulac:twe11' Coupon aD4 Um1t 2 Newspaper Double Coupona Per cu..tomet. Coupon EUectl'H July 25 thN July 3l l986 Chill~ Save .79 .40 Fryer Leg Quarters per lb .59~ C D AAA AA 1 pact OT II Voll Hl('fl -C..1'1f"I •Ml_.,_..,... 0•_.,, ~ All lllfltto -... _ .... ...,.. .. -............ -.. --.. ---~e.....,. .... --... ·--.. -.. 11-.... o._~·- Star-Kist Tuna Cbwi.t l.Jgbt ln OU ot WUf•r Save .0 6 f /a1D .39 Rosarita Refried Beans Regv.Jaz Spicy 01 V~ta:ncm Save 09 ~ 16 OS can Honeydew Melons StrHI M•JJow F1aYOI ~,.25 BcillPark Beef Franks Summer's hot, lazy days inspire light , tasty salads I lw l.1/\ d,I\' 111'lllllt\1l'r111\plrl' tht' hghte\t nt nw.d' I l \a \\ l\t' rook \\lW k~t'P' a' .n1r1\ ut ,J)Ju ll'llfll'' JI th~ ll'illh Rut lht·r~\ 1w H'a,un w get \llllk 1n thl' u\ual ~lumr ol thl' \ame old reu pc:~ \11h c ';mat ton' on .i ">.ilttu theml' J1c ltnutk'' Her1.· Ml' t '"'O llt''' 'ugge\tmn., In onl· a \l.lllat1l' oflrt•\h tn11t'i tnkr' on a "hnk nt'\' d11111.'n\lon 111 0.1 del1l tllll\ I 1 u1t ,11\d ( hl'l'\t' '-al.hi ..\ potpourri ut lrc\h trum 1n- clud1 ng '1ra\,hlrrtl'' p1nl·arpk fW.1" ~t.lJW\ ml'lon h,t11, .rnd km1 \ll(l'\ .llr 11\l\Cd Wgt•th{'I Ill a big rnlorlul m\'l.rngt• .\ dn'\\lng nf plain \ogun mar111.1l.1ck .rnd 'an1lla Ila' onng" tht•n pourl•d 0\l'I thl' ln11t f 1nal1~ lH'.UTI lht'I.'\\' h,111\ anu .t '>lJll('1lng ot On ton .tnd (•<II Ill l'routon\ top thl' \Ul.1d In lht• 1Hhrr 1n:ipr for ( u111ed ~hnmp ~.1lad. 1he \hnmp "rnm· b111cd \\llh rill' '>llCI.''> of n~lt'I\ onion. grl't:n and red pcp~r~ and l urn Thie, mixture 1s then lm.'>t'd 111 ------- an h1. rh JnJ ga1I11. d r 1.''" ng and kit tor '>1.'\l'1<1I houl'> 111till'1cfr1gc:111101 allov.1ng th~: 11<1' Ot\ tu bknd Whl'n n:ad\ to '>l'I \l'. the: '>ht11np salad 10, '>poonc:J onto er 1.,p k1tu1.t kOH'\ and lW\\lll'd \\Ith J lUP ol (\c:a,oned uouton'> tor .1 touch ol unique 11.1\ or CURRIED SHRIMP SALAD 3 cups cooked rice l pound shrimp, cooked, hellrd and develned 1 i cup •ll ced celery 11 <.•up ~llced green onion '1 cup julienne green pepper 111 cup julienne red pepper 1-:1 cup bottled herb and garlic dressing l teaspoon curry powder J cup sea oned crouton Crisp lettuce leaves In a bO\\ I. com hine Ii r\I X I 1ng1cd1cnl'> Toc;c; 10 blcml C'oH·r and refrigerate '>t:''t•ral hours tu blend lla\CH'> To \l'r\l'. to'>!> 1n croutons. 'ipoon onto kttuct· lea'e~ Makes 4to6'>Cf\1ng) FRUIT AND CHEESE SALAD 2 packages ( 3 ounces each I cream cheese, softened '• cup chopped green onions 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 cup plain yogurt 2 tab les p oons orange - -MANUFACTURERS COUPON ----marmalade ~-:'::!2~ 50 Q'F.'F 1 ,., teaspoon vanilla, extract 'J. rF-4 cups assorted fruits, cut up ·uP or 1 cup onion and garlic croutons IJke Cola • c:J;1on I Crisp lettuce leaves ... -........... -r.•&·-.;.:.:•·•·•· ..... --·---I In small bowl. blend firr,t 1 ...... __ ... _ • ·---·-·--·-I 1ngred1entc; Shape into 20 ball\ Whole Watennelons hd llJJ>fl 8¢ b.) ~ P•I lb Mild Cheddar Cheese flalll WtQP 01 lloat•r•1 Jack Save up to .90lb. for DU.b•• lnclud•• JC> OIJ Lal»/ Save .50 l.4~ sar. .16 StrHIJWcy .15 6pack C&CCola SunshJ.ne Kr1spy Crackers l6oa. bOJ p ............... ,..._-.. ~...-...... -................... _...,__,_,.. _____ ,._ __ ............. _.,._ ............. __ _ --..--09t ........... _ ..... __ -·-.,_..,_...._ .. (about '~-inch) Place on platt Co' er and chill Blend )Ogurt. marmalade and vanilla. Pouro' er frum. ( O\ er and chill. To !>Cr\r, add cheese balls and crouton!> to fru11 Toss to blend Spoon onto lettuce lea' e~ \.fake!> 4 to 6 sen ings 'Gentle brew 1 finds fans in America By JODI PERRAS APW11le1 I -. I NDl .\~.\POll'°l -Barbani Walters sa~s 11 1s a \Cf'\ great pleasure Bnt1sh Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher admits to being "a hard and shameless drinker" of1t Great Brtta1n's Queen Eh1abeth drinks 11 e' t:r) afternoon with cucumber and tomato sandwiches And Da' 1d R. Richards. a native of England and director of corpor- ate communications at Methodist Hospital 1n Indianapolis. has writ- ten a book about 11. What hac, captured the fancy of so man) personalities worldwide'1 Tea, of lOUrsc. the drink Richards' book ca lls "the gentle brew .. Wh) would an)onc \\ntC a boot.. about tea in a countr) of coffee drinkers'> "I behe\C this count!"\ 1<; bl'com- mg_ morr and more one of tea driPlkcrc;," Richards said. "The · consumption of tea is growing rap1dl) If the trend continuei;, in about four or five years. the L1n1ted States "Ill import as much as 1hc U K." Tea. a'i Richards' houk. "Tea· The Gentle Brew," potnt'i out. has a mystical. colorful hi ston. om· that include\ thl' Boston Tea Pan). centuricsofAnttsh 1eadnnk1ngand using tea lea\ cs to tl'll the futurl' Tea has e'en been touted as ha vmg the po""cr to curl' \\hat ads you "People lx'lten'. prohJbh cor· rertl). lhat tC'a rclaxcs)ou. that 11'sa soothtn$ dnnk." R1chardc; said. "H1stoncall). lea wa5 believed to possess all c;orts of medicinal quaht1ec;. but," he said hl' doubted that an)' of that's been pro,ed But Richard<;' book, which 1s available onl y by mail. dor\ not concentrate on tt·a·., hrstor» It also tells how to make the perfect tur ol tea. the d1fTcrencc between Indian. Indonesian. C hinrc;e and herb teas and ho" 10 concert l 7 teatime treats. indudtng crumpcl\ . .,rnnt·s shortbread and tarts. Brewing tea I\ an a rt t hm mmt Amencanc, ha\ e no! \.Ct nw,tcn·d according to Richard\ "A lot of people don't k nov. ho" to makc a lkccnt pot ot 11.·.1 .. he said "In rt:c.taurant\ thl'\ real!\ don't knov.. ho\' ·· - A good cup ol tl'<t 1., madt· .,..1th ho11tng v..atl'r. not JU\I hot ,.,.all'r Ri chard" "<l}'> "" oook " nl\u filled with htnt'I on hn·v.1ng tim\'\ and water trmpc:raturl'., "I find 1 hat tl'a r<'la xco, 'nu .1 nd " something ol a \oothin"g drink." Richard., \.11d "Wr haH· tra .11 home for hrcakfa\t C\t'r) Ja\ .. Richard.,· current cd1t1on of lht• ~ok dm·•m't mention tht• Amen · ran favorttl'. u;cd l('a. hur he plnm to 1ncludt• 1n·d tt·:i 1n ht\ nt'\t cd1t1on tu ht' pnntrd in \ugu\t "Jt', .1n \mcrit·an 1n .. cn11un Noh<xh kiln""' \\ho \tJrlt'd 11 ... R1rhar<f\ \,1td · 11·, v..1dl'h uc,cd bas1ralh hl'l:lU\C of thl' heat· 1n tlm countr\ In I ngland. noho..I> drink' It lx'<.'.lll'C ti doc,n\jl't hul enough "It\ r.tthl'r d1fl1C 1111 w ma kt• rcnlh vuml 1n·tl tt·a .1 nd 'l'r\ l''"' 111 mJll.t· \tn h .. 1d 11rd 1t'.1 R1lh.111' \,\Id .............. ______________________ _.. _________________ _..._a.m ......................................... ._.-.. __ -._. ____ ~~~--- • ..... .. . . ... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, July 24. 1985 C3 Many varieties of lettuce are good in salads By TOM HOGE •I' Wl ... Md P -Writ., (1rl'\'n )..tlJd\ <Hl' '>L'f\ c<l ..ii ..ilmo" RO) po11H of lumh .rn<l dinm·r dq.knd1n1' on )our p1dercnn· f hl'} arc ,11 thl'll hl'\I tht'I lllllt' ol Yl'3t .ind. 1f \OU <tic i.I greens bull, can be thL· lcaturt• ofa hot da) llll'al. The ingrcdu:nt\ u\cd in green salnd'I an:' u1uall} l'ndks ... ranging from w;Jtl'rl rl'S)t 10 Ch lnC\L' cab- bage, hut a ma1or rok '' played h) ll'ttun-. At moc,t 'lll)l't m.iri..l'l\, thl' kt- tuce )t'rt1on I\ dom1natl'd b) 1n~ bt:rg -h1g, round. rompa('t head'> This type \hould be l lcan . cmp and free of lca>vL'\ th.it h.1vl' ragge<l brown an:.1' MUSTARD ... From Cl ral 1ngred1cnt!> and lOnt;11n\ no wine. ~It or pre!>t'r1vat1ves, Orrsa1d. And. although \he u'>e,s a manufac- turer, she personally \upcrv1ses production from !>tart to finish. On weekend!>, Orr v1s1ts retail o utlets and offers samples and recipes to shoppers Her product can be found on mustard or gourmet sections of Von's. Hughes. and specialty markets in Southern Ca It form a. Reci pe' that she ha~ Je,dopt.·d that featurl.' her pruJurt 1ndude· TRI-TIP SUPREME l tri-tip roast, trimmed of most of fat •i:i cup or more mustard 1 to 2 table pooos herbs d'proveoce 112 cup crumbs from fresh white bread 4 tablespoons melted butter (optional) Trim exre<,\ fat lrom roa\t C oH'r "•th mustard and sprinl<.lc on herb\. Roast in a 450-degrec oven 25 minutes (iood hot orn>l<l I Variation: .\ppl~ mu!>tard .ind herb~. roast 10 m1nutt.''>. ttll.'n sprinkle on bread numbs ant.I baste I with melted butlt.'r Return to men for 15 or manutec, You might also ruh'>Ollll' m1nlcd garlic on meat befort.• the mu\tard Thi-. ha'>lt. tdl·a " Jl\o goou on lamh Ml'STARD ClllCKEN 3 pounds chicken pieces Salt and pepper 1 • cup butter 1 can I 1012 ounces I condensed chicken broth l medium onion, chopped 2 tablespoons mu tard 2 table poon chopped parsley I tablespoon flour I clove garlic, minced 5pnnkk ch1ckt•n "tth <>alt Jnd pepper In a large skillet hl·at butll'r I and brown chicken slowl~ In a I small bowl mix chicken 11roth onion. mustard. parsk). lluur an<l I garlic until "ell blended. Pour over chicken and simmer. turning piece'> until tendl•r. about 45 minutes. Rl.'mo'e ('h1ckt·n to warm platter. 5tir panJuH.:es ovl'I medium high heat. srrap1ng all bro" n particles from skillet. A<ld add1t1onal ..alt and pepper 11 needed. Spoon O\Cr thicken and scnc ~ene\ 3 SPLICHAL ... From Cl '1 of tht· bultl'r Hnng to a botl Place 1n the hkmkr and add the remaining buttl'r until the 'klUCe has the proper roMl\tenq. Return to thl' sauce pan and c;l'asun Sltcc the rcma1n1ng garlic ;nto thin piece~. Sl·ason 'almun/and plat:c 11 sk1n -'>lde up Srurc thl· \k1n in a cns~-cros!I pattern to prevent curling. Stud even!\. with garlic pieces. Prc!l'i garlic well into fi sh and bru'>h with oltH' oil Gnll fish 'k1n-s1de do"'n fir,t to mark Placc a 'ipounful ol potato puree into the center of the plate in a small circle Place the \almon -;J..10- s1de up on thl.' purl'l' an<l the '>aurc around the nagc and wnnl..tc "llh th~ me leaH'\ Sen cc; 4 NAG E I bunch celery 12 onion 2 shallots 1'l leek I cube butter White wine ('hop H'gl'IJbl\'\ ( lnl lud1ng celery tops an<l lca' cs) Mell hu11c1 in large saute pan. add vcgctbll's. and saute about 5 minutn. Add white wine an<.l \101111l'r tor awhile. allowing liquid to rl·dun· 1 somewhat Strain liquid Imm q·~ ctablc" Make' enough liq111d liH o;aucc 101 'i to h pt.•nple PEACHES ... From Cl ( arcfull> spoonO\\·rla<l\lin~l'r\ ( hill until \UI falC "\Cl J old rrma1nina I l'up "h1rrx·d c·rl·am ~ind almond ntrm 1 1n1n rc11M1n1ng 1"1Calh ml\tur<' .ind \poon O\C'r ra'iptx·rr) laH'r ( hill Other fa" ontt.'' .irt: Bo'>ton "ho'l' '>oil loO\l' hl·atl ha~ tl'Olkr lcil\n 1.ing1ng from gfl.'t.'n to l1gh1 )l'llo"'. romaine.· knuv.n 101 1h lrt\p grl·c.·n k;l\c.. "''" hea') rth'> c1n<l lil'ld kttlll l'. "IHl h l onlc\ 111 'mall clump-. rt11!> vartc.'t} <loc.·.-. not \h1p 01 "l'l.'P "-l'll anll 1\ U\lllllh '>Ul<l onl} nl'M thl' arl'<I'> whl'H' 11 1\ grown lung. but tht• other 1.,.pc, ate u!>u.tll~ tt\atlahle onl> an ~ea!>on d(pcnd .. to .i l.ugc degree on tht dre\'11ng u'>l'd french dress1nai 1~ good with m1>.t'd gret"n'>. and· a ma}onn::me hase 1') often u)td tor dll''l\lng'I on fruit or 'eaetable '>.!lad '\our ul'am or )Ogurt I) alo;o popular on gn:en\ 1 mtdium bud icebtra ltuact, brokto into bttt-slte ple<"H ream, oltvc 0 11 cc:lcr; and remain· ing wh and ~pper 1n bowl tu in .... l"ll oruaned rncumbe~ and chill until \en ang time fill a largt" bo\\-I -...11h lt"ttuce Pour rnt·um~r ml\- ture o'er 11 and \O'>S to coat gtet"m \et'e" 6 to 8 Part• rnlumhl.·r' \llll' thin and ffil>. With ~ h.·,l\pt>On\ \Jlt 111 medium ho"' I C ,,, \'r ho" I and h:t 'itand .is nunutt·' Pour into 'itra1m·r .ind kt drain ~11>. ><>ur l\ll t)'J}l''> ofll'tlul'L' should be kept m id. preferabl~ in a plasllc bag. F\.l·n thl'n. le1tun: rarcl~ kccp' ltlOll' thcH\ a Wl'ek . I t'ltlll.t' has anneot ongtn\ Has wr1ao~ ')3> Per'i1an king<,, cnJo)ed 11 J\ tar back a, the 6th eentur; 8 ( Hut an Romt: 1t apparent!) -wa' nut 4't'l\cd until the !st centun \ () Roman '-'ntcrs mention about a do1en 1vanct1es. but the main t.•mphas1s was on r(lmaine .. Wl11rh may explain why the naml· rc- scmhlc' that of the Eternal Cit). CUCUMBER SALAD 3 medium-size cucumbefs 3 tuspoons salt Royal banana a cool summer treat kdx·1~ 1s 1n thl' lllatl..l.'t all 'car L l'ttuce can ht: l.'Ooked and \Cnt•d 1n ... oups and even stews. but 11 " usuall) the ce nterpiece for a grcl'n '>:tlad ucces<> of such a d1'h 8 ounces sour cream t tablespoon olive oil •., cup diced celery 1' teaspoon pepper \.\ h1sk \·no ugh hrJnd\ "1th apricot prc'>Cr' t''i to thin plat bananc1' length"-tw and l '°''" l'>l' arrnngc 1n .. undae dashes or on de'>\c.·rt plate\ r op \.\1th \(\)!)(>' o f \ Jn1ll.1 .rnd ')\fa"-l:'>elT) Kt' tr~dm Pour f)rl'Wf\l m111turt· <>H·r Ill' lfL'am \crH' at unc.t• WAKE UP TO SAVINGS -AT VONS ----.,.,,,,--~o_. ....... ,,,,.. HOFFY BEEF WIENERS LINlONl'S PIZZA ~ J P.,. Pw -._. ~ 41 ' Jt"'T P., ~ FARMER JOHN 159 499 .49 ~~-!P._l1~"S~EESE 149 ~9.~S _Mt~.~ CHfD.PAR .. 199 SCHREIBER 6 AMER. SLICES • '~"""IW"~ f.llC'"Y..,.. .,..... I() GOLD 'N SOFT "'4 ,,. _. P..-,un•1 TiJt• VONS BUTIER I Pbund P.-k4t1'1f' 4 1... ut...- DAftN ON YOGURl'S ~t:Ml"lf!<I F1~ ~v.,,....v......., •• ~ll!t!!lll!llfll!P!ll!ll~ ARMOUR CLASSICS O•tWV' 1 ~ ..... ..,N ~erl4"f>t"• I l/f"'""T h;-• <;,l~RUS HIL~ 129 Rt~~~!;~"~,~~ .. ~!_lOS 4~100 E:9.~vYE~~)y~~ ~FFLES .89 ~J.1't~.T~N~~~.D .69 t,1~B£>Yf~!6oAPOPCORN 229 ~.~E~,E~.~~. P!.ZZA "I 2 39 Y,?i,!'i~ \~l~D PO!~lOES • 99 BUDGET GOURMET t ,, •. f"n 11.,,.1~-wd "• 'i"l•ft 10 0unc. p_..._ IS.-Wh LIQUOR J39 ~ .. ~~ES & JAYMES n~1~ 249 G_l~!3~x·s GIN 999 CELLA LAMBRUSCO Ii(,. J f4 a....-I I• r\i~t • OOS EQUIS BEER 4 boiliot °' lJk.f"• ,, ~· ... j,. ''".tli• 449 289 ~~~:s ,~. ~· : .. J 69 ~"(_:•';.,'Hf" ~·.rt~~~ ~~~11;J t t Von• WUJ -.. ... AJI, 9oathen1 CallfomJa Supermal'bt.e' Current DOUBLE COUPONS OR TaJPU! COUPONS \ ............... .-'II\ ... ,,,,.,_ ...--..--...... ,,.. ............ """ ..... {,.....-. _.,....,.,.....,...,w.., ......... ~ ............. , .................. .,...,.,...._ ...._,...,.,._._,t _ .,,,,,....,.... .,.,_ ............ II ...,_. • .__..~ .... I ~ ,.. .. ,.~ ............................ .,,..,~ ........................ .... ... ,.,,.....,,,..,. __ .... _ ....... ,,,_~ ...... ~·--·· ...... ,.....,,... ,_ .......................................... ~--..... ,..._ ""' ..... fttlfl-:x-~~~,:::.·:.~: ~....._. ....... "" .............. .... ,,.,.. •I LI\'> rt "htlll r "°" JUICE !<.tn_.. . GRADE LARGE EGGS VoM One Doz.en Carton . ,.,,.~ HAWAIIAN PllNCH. ,&, Ph •\o60""" F,~ ~ )t,•~ "' .. " SMUCKER'S PIU.sf11Vf3 ~fr .. b-•f"\o \l t)unc"f' J•· .84 209 EVERGREEN TEA 249 vp~s&v~~IQUID BLEACH .59 DEL MONTE CATSOP ~~Jf'8r>tl•4'" no.--. 11s f22~~v!~f.t~PLE .44 ~£~ STYLE BEANS .41 ~'2/'~~!R4~AlOES .3 9 PEPSI COLA Rii-qul•• or 01t't "i~rtt"d Vaflrt1,., ' • 3, a 159 Y~!:i.'~.~ BOWL CLEANER 1 18 :'~~ .. PAPER lOWELS .55 VONS KETCHUP "~6ol••· NIB LETS CORN ~~~vi•• ., "' 12 OutlCe Cotl 119 .43' 22.,.lp~~ ~~.DINNER .3 7 ~£1:!~. MAYONNAISE ] 29 2 99 WESSON OIL ~ 480..n<T IY><t. J79 SEA FOOD FRESH CALAMARI l..•llhfMut "'1u•J ~.89 ~~.~H BAY SCALLDPS , 3 98 t!~H~~T.)olf.?!~ STEAK I 298 ~~~!f SHARK STEAKS~ 3 s9 ... SALAD SIZE TOMAlOES4 ]00 t~ • "" ., ~~.r:~,N.:!. SMITH APPLES.59 ~~~~ ~~GOES .49 .79 FRESH MUSHROOMS ~ ...... . .. WHITE CAULIFLOWER .69 .69 .1 9 ~R-G~ CUCU MBERS 4 100 BLACK. RED PWMS " ,, . GREEN ONIONS ,....,,. 4...).' .,,. t WHITEROSE PQTATl>f~ 5 100 ~!~~"~Bt~.~LA.5 4" pqr .99 LARGE FRESH 99 BWEBERRIES1 • • tlOu1 "' J\,; ""'',. VONS EN GUSH MUFFiftS ~ .. -I • ¥ r * • •-J Y< .. ,, ? .. ""' .. .. , ........ ' SUPER COUPO" LONDON BROIL STEAKS ~ ~ · .. .,. . ~NE~ESS 131B STEAKS 2 29 ~NELESS CUBE STEAK 21 9 ]59 GROUND BEEF PATIIES ,.. .. . . -...... FR~~ ~.HICKEN THIGHS ] 09 FRESH LEG OF LAMB QUARTER PORK LDIN TURKEY BREAST HILL.SHIRE FARMS BONELESS RUMP ROASTS • lli: ~H •.. ~ BAKERY ]98 149 3 29 209 J49 OLYMPI~ ... MEAL BREAD .89 CRESCENT CRUMB -...w. 105 ~~N~ ~~<?_l.SSANTS 139 V~NS SANDWICH ROLLS. 7 9 HOT BAKERY I SERVICE DEU 1U•'t h••LA•lt 0"'" ""'.,.,. .. ,~en•..,, M•u::•• oe .. 1••tet •tu WHOLE B.~Q. CHICKEN 149 ~N~~~ J!.C~ CH ~ES~ 2 99 ~,!_<;._~l~~~!~G .... ~~E 129 unttl t1rm •h·mo\C' ~1dc ol \prtnti ~ form pnn · Ciarnl\h 'rnkl' \\-Ith .1d ,"'~~~·~ d1t1on.il "hipped nl·am. P'';H h I _ ~hl'c' and lrr'ih mint lt'3H'' 11 dc\trt'd \ 1L·ld I~ 'l'r' t njt ·~" .49 You don't pay more. ~ You just get more. ---~-~--~-~~----------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~· I ------·~~--~~---:------.-----~~._..--............. --..... ._ ............. ~,... .................................. . . . . C4 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday July 24 1985 Loaf-ln-A-Roundgreatideaforsandwichlovers Frenc h bread filled with beef a nd tasty sausage perfect fare for a g roup picnic Herl'' a Ill'\\ Ilka to. ,,11111'' ll h lover~ loal-ln·.\-Ro unJ It\ J round loaf ol frenl h h1 l·JJ \tulkd with a f>a\lll) lx·l·I. '>i.IU'-J8l' .ind California ripe oh\l• lill1ng The <.andw1l'h 1' a grl'.11 pat i....1gcd meat 1n 1t'lelt . am pk \ll\ll'trnnrl' 101 6 to 8 robu~t aprx·utl'' To ma kl· thl\ ht'"' 1' '""LI"' 1r h cook a well-\ea\t1lll'J nl l'clllo;il 1111\ ture formed 1n ,1buu1 tlw '"ml· "'l' and shape a' " l.trgl' 1 nu nd lo.ti o l French brl'aJ Aftl·r lht• lllt'.ll lhl\\tll>l..l·d. \IUll 11 tnlO tht• hullo\.\l'd out hll·.1d lo.ti and Wl'lgh thl' 111<11 dt1Wll \\Ith ,I plate or hl'J \\ ohll'll I hr' lllflt:' the meat\ JUlll'' 1010 till' hrt .. 1d which ht•lp\ 11 ''hang tugl·tlwr ·· ( hilJH•n \\Ill lll\l' th1\ ,,11\dl\ldl .\rn.I l oat I n·\ R11und ,, pl·rll'd fart· tor p1u11l 'I .ind 1 .111~'.lll' p.11 t1~' ) OU l Jn tran,port II \\,II Ill IP Ill\' pu.:nK \\ 1.1ppt•d 111 lull .\lwa\\ l.l'l'Jl .1 l ,111 (If < .iltlor 111.i ripeoli H'\\\1tl11nl··1" l\'.tlh l hq addcolor1.11HI lL'\IUrL' l".1 \Jll\'I' of \and\\llh lillrng., ,1nd lhl·11 ml'lh11\ nut-111..t· fl.I\ or 111,11-.t''> lhL·ni .i \ cr- sat1k ingrl:'d1t·n1 r 0\'> a handtul nl lll<ll\l'h choppl·d rtf)l' ul11l'' 1ntn 1u11.i . ham or l'g& \a lad \Jlld \\ ll h rll l\lurl''. or c,tufT prta pod t'l' \\llh 111.irr natt•J \Cl!,l'labk '>. 11rx· c1l11r' .ind dll'\'\l' Canned n rx· 1111\1''> t111n 1 C ,il1- lornia an: pn fi.·L l 1111 .. 11.1\ I. 1 ng or toting to J pllllll 1w1 '\111h1ng ,., qu1tl' a., ''m rk .1, flJll' 11llH'' , c,tra1gh 1 from lhl 1.11• .ind 1l·.1d~ 111 \l'rH· 1n \nond' LOAF·l~-A-ROl ~D l large round loar FrenC'b bread t approxima tel)' 10 to I 2-incbe1; diameter; 112 pound\ 1 I pound lean ground bed 3,. 'pound bulk ausage 11 .& cupo; pitted California ripe olr\ es. cut 10 wedgei. or t•bopped roars el) I medium onion, r hopped I c·up dked green bell pepper 2 eggs 1 1 rup tom a to sau<'e =·~ teaspoon salt 1 1 teaspoon red I ('ayennl' I pep- per • ~ teaspoon ground bla('k pepper 3 tablespoons butter or margar- ine, !loftened Prepared mustard (German or Di Jon-st) lel 'ilrn· h1l·.1d rn h.111 h1111111ntJll\ \\Ith a \l'rratl'<l t...nr k Pull out \Oft l l'n tl'r I rom L'iil h hall k J 11 ng "all\ It> 1-rm h 1h1d. \1alo..l· hrt.:J<l l rumh'> Imm bread th<tl h,1., ht-l·n rl·mu1 cd lrom loaf \11\ 2 tU P'> lm>'>l'I ~ packt·d bread l rumh' "1th ground tx·d ..auf>agc. oli \l'\ on ion. bell Pl'ppcr. l'g&\ . 111ma1u '>JUl e and !it:a'>on1ngf> Rl''>t' n L' rl' ma 1n1 ng brl'ad cru mb~ tor another U'>C Fn a !imall .i muunt o f meat m1xturl· <ind ta'>tl' lur -.l'a'>onrng. addrng 1f nt•ressary I nrm ml'al ITil\IUrL' into a 8 or 9- inLh round Bake at JSO degrees 15-40 m1nutl'\ Spread cut surface u f loaf v. nh butter and mu'ltard. I rft rnuked meat from baking ~heet rnto ho 11um of bread loaf ( ll\ er v. nh top and \l't a large plJtl' or an~ other hea\ >-object on loaf to v.c1gh rt d ov.n a nd force the JUllC'> into thl' bread < ool loaf at k a<.1 20 m 1nutl:'S bcforl'lllllrng. Cut rn to wedgl:'S Mat...n 8 ')l'f\ rngs *Choose a h1ghh ')l'asoncd \J u ... age o r add 1 tcac,poon each dm·d 111cg;rn11 an<l ba'>il k a'l''> and 1-2 m1nn'd ga rlrc dnH''> to ml·at mrx- turt· Loaf-In-A-Round la great with a salad or chilled fruit Plum's Chinese connection still exists glance into a 'nlumt· <if d,..,.,1t Ch1m·~e pm•tn v.11h 11\ man' rckrcncl:'' to pl um hlc1"1\Cllll\ v.ill 111 USI rail' I oda1 plum\ .llL' grt1\\ n l•>m merualh Jll O\t'f lhl· \\orld < .tl1- forn1a 1'> J prrm;1n lrl'h plum center. produung morl' t h<t n 1>t1 percent ol thl· I ~ \upph In '>Piil' of the mudt•rn plum'1, mrgratron 111 the \.\ n t th.11 · < h1nt'\l' tonOl'\- llon \till c"'" 1n lhl· man' < >rrl'nt.il-111\prrl·LI uhn.ir-. U\t'' l1;r 1h1'> \ol• tru11 ~ nr t'\~1mpk 1h1' lrl''>h plum '>a lad rl'l rrx· < him·,, < htl kn \,tl.1d In Egg Roll\ I\ \ll \ < >r 1l·nt.il 1 lw fill rng t .i n he llll\l'd 111 .1th Jnt:l' 111 '>tl\l' 11mt• g11 In!! the ll.1\ 11r' .i t hJOlt to hknd lc>grlhl'r .ind thl trunth1 l'gg ridl r.1nwl-.1n' .m· 1.'.1\\ 111 mJl.l' \\f lh rn·p.11t•d l'~!! roll "'ra ppl'r' \l'rH· lt111I ( lll lH'\l' < h rl l.l·n \al.id 111 f !.()! Rnll' ·'·' .i m.1111 ,nur,l· 'uppl'r •>n .1 h.tlnl'. 11wh1 • •r ,I\ .in unU\UJI rnlr 'l .ti \ltlJI lh'\I \11111 nwr lumht:1111 ( allfn1 Ill.I' '1111.u",\ \\Ith •111 frl'.,h plum .u1 l•l' .ill11hull'd 111 thl' gn:at hcitanJ\l I ulhl'I Burl1,ink In thl· lt111· Ix~ 1, 'hi\ pl.1111 m.1)-'.1 1.in 1111 p1 •rtl·d I_ plum lrn·., 1111111 t 11 \a\\uma pr11' lllll' 111 l.1p.1n 111d through trral .111d l'rrnr H':tll'd .i Ill'\\ lll•,JI(\ rilTl\llll·l•>l11r •ti pl JI\ \llltnl 1111h.--.11tl .111d d11n 1\ 111 •I ,t,1h: l'rtnr 111 Ill., \\ 1r~ tt1 • 11 l'>mr11 l·r11.tl 1-'lll\' n pl1im lhL' purpil'·\~ 11 rll'tl I ur1•JI" 1r ll'I"' l•'' l1.1)!1k t I I lfllJ(lll\ ) qd,1 llllH ' 11\,111 l l l,Hl•'lll"' 1d C .1111111 111.1 pl 111 ,Ji1ppl·tl ill 11q·r !la I "I \ t' l' 1 n11d \1 1\ .inti \1 •p1 u11l•1 I I II \l qul'nlh lrl''>h j1lu111' 11111\l 111 p1 ~ l'cl flJ.JllJll' lhc •ll)!h !11 111 I• 1 1H I • l 11l' 111 J1 I rl·'h plum\ 1\ ill 1 cimpl IL 11 11 fl Pt' II In r l \ l k 11 II 1 IW I It 'l 1 I I\ I . cl in J npt·n111~ 1111\\l •11 1'1•>' r I .. t p.irwr ha~ .ii 1111111 '' 11 I" 11 \\ .11d1 till' pltt111\ l·lll '11 h.t\l' ol h:l\dl'l)t \ \'I It Kdngnat1· rlJll' trc'h UJal.A•PlSll .. ,f { •J !11<4' Co ol"' reatlVP wt,f'r i're" •m: ~!I .t / rrugh1 war 1' rr,i t 11"11 IC • Wholf' ftv 1 I\ ''''\I Nht>n<,C ·"·· ! and hlll<vd ~1uKy. 11A\t plum'i un11I rl'ad~ to U\C -11 }-OU Lan rt''>1<,1 th1'> f-ar Ll'>l Llel1t·a<:\ that l<•ng · 0 11:'\ESE CHICKEN SALAD IN EGG ROLLS I <·hi<'ken t 3 pound'I J. r ut in quarters 2 fre'lh California plums, chopped 11 cup> I can I 8 ounce!! 1 water cht'stnuts, eoar el} chopped (I c·up l 2 teaspoon'> fre<>bl) grated gin- ger root 1 1 C'Up C'bopped parsle) 11 ('Up mayonnaise 1 .. to 14 teaspoon pepper Egg Roll Ramekins Extra plum wedges !'I.Ill' Lh1ckt·n 1n pll' o r tal.t· p.rn '>l·l on lfl\l'l or fal l. rn l:trgl· \kdkt or l.l:llk .\dd hod1ng watl'r hdov. hut nn11ou1H'r Lhll'kl·n ( overand '1r,1m -Hl to )() m11Hlll''> or until IL'nlkr \k•n .intJ honl' lhlt l-.l'n dill·• < 11111h111l' lh1ckl'n \\Ith ,tit rl'ma1n- 1n!! rngn:d11.·n1 ... l'\1.l'nt Raml·~1n'> and plum '-'l'dgt'\ ~poon ahout I l UP 1111\turl' into l'alh l gg Roll R.i111d.1n < 1arnl\h \\Ith l'\tra plum \\\·dgl'' 11 dt'\lrt·d < hlL kl'n m1\- t11rl' L.111 hl' nwdl' aht.1d ,1nJ l hllkd ltl .1llci\' 11.n or\ to dl'\ l'lop J "' r Egg Roll Ramekin' \l.1h• \lit '1 tr 1 r, l r 11f t'J lh 111 J 1.gg roll "r 1ppl'I\ 111 .1n1 unnl·r I n l',1l h \\ r.i Prt r 'l: p.1r,1ll'h 1n,1h11u 1 .. 1 nl h 11 t 111 ,J I '\\ Wt 111Hh 11n c.tdt \Ilk .nltl 1'>11u1lckn Imm d .11eh lr<rn'>kr hcil \\ r,1p P• 111 1 .1c11c~1n 111 'U\t,Hd l llr 'llf' l/l'J ,111d lclllll llllll .. 11.1p1 'l1il ., 1,1pp1.·r " -.1111 "'"' 111 ,ind pl 1hh 11 'l1d1ng lhl' l'-'O r 111n\\ 11••11 tlll' '1 11 p.i\l l'<t< h othl't D1.i1n I 111 r ,qwr 'Cl\\l'I' 1hu1 lli111\kl ( fl\Jl ··t-.'~ 11 II 1111t.'' 111h11\\1.., • 1 m1l·ad cit \ll'J n1111~1 l Ii it l.l·n ' I I ti\ 11\t.: 2 l lip'> d1u·d klt<I\ 1·1 1111~ d hH.kl'll 111 1111~1'\ < lllCKE\, A;\f> REO PEPPER PH-. I 1 pound chwken '1t·<hum onron. pt'<'h·d and quar lf'rt•d \1t>daum 'arrot pared and ha h ed lt'ngth" '"4' ~ 1·up Y. hilt' \aun 't't' rec·rpe ~ 1Jun1 "" roa,tt•d peelt'd <\Wert rt•d pepper,, "ell-drained and qua rtnt>d l'a<,tq .,. • ., rt'< 1pt• \1 ilk \I 111 ,, •11 ICl!I .c 11if California plums are great for plum butter. l .irr111 111 '"hd-h1111nm 1n\1.·rt nl J \l1.:.1111l·1 1111 '" n1rnull' 111 until ll'ntkr l>1.c111 \l.1n and h11nl' l hH l..l'rl l UI into I 1mh p1L'LL'\ \t11 1nl11 h111 \.\hill \.iUll' "1th rul rt'Pl'll'" .ind hl.tl .1gJ 1n Po ur 1nl11 .1 111 h' f1 h\ 2-1nd1 h.ikrnl! d l\h < ct\1•1 h11t 1111\lUrl l.\llh rulk d· nut 1'.1\tf' \l-.tl to \llll:' of d1'>h and \l'llt \\.I'll hrtl\h v.11h m ilk Bak l' 1n .1 Jlll'ht0.ill0tl 42"1 dl'[l.H'l' IJ\C O until l!t1ld1•n hr11\"ll .:.''\ 111 \()minute\ "l r H' hnt :\.1.i l.l '> f1 \l'I' lrl[l\ While a uce: ~tat...e 11 \\1th 4 111hk\poon\ hulll'r 4 tablc'ipoons flour I lUP Lkar d mh·n hroth I t up m ilk. 'ah .ind rx·prcr to ta\te 111,l' hot Pa'l lr)': 111111 I l Ufl .111 purpmt· t1111tr < lll 1 a-pound \Ill k huller until \Il l' 111 \nlall f)l'a\ ( 1raduall\- '>prtnkk \\Ith .1hout 2 1.1bk,poom '-'.1tt•1 m1\1ng \Ulh .1 lork and pll \\1ng d1111gh into ,1 h.1ll Wrap llj!hll ~ 1n <,,1ran anu d1ill Rnll nut .111 11 h\ 7.1mh rl'Uangk Delicatessens off er a treat for all ethnic tastes Francie Hansen OallJ Piiot c.,.,.._,.,.,,. Ha' c ;it ra\ rng fo r lrl''>h t lah ah or ;1n .\rmen1an meat p111a • Ho" about that special ( 1erman ht'l'r 1uu ta'>ted rn Munrch o r thl' delruous and beaut1full) "rapPl'd <:hocolate" Do ~ou ha\e a ~carnrng fur a meat ~ r honc;o and eggs orrarnl' \Cea (beef Jerk~)'' You can ha vc 11 all -and more "-•thin m 1nutl'\ ofFashro n hland or')outh C oa\t Plata Whether ~ou'rc planning a pan) and want <,ometh1ng fest I\ e and unu<;ual oqo u're 1n the neighborhood and want a quid 'lnac I. for lunch. }Ou can sat1'>f;r )OUrcrcat1-..c urges and food tanta'i1ei;,a1 ( osta Mc~·., BalJ1·., Deir or(dobl' German Dclrcatt'\'>L'n or [I Toro BraH> ( arn1ccria }he nch di vcrs11 y so clow at hand g1 \'C<, ~ ourl·uli nal) pos~1b1l1t1cs full reign. The d1 km ma I\':' h1t h 1ngrt·d1cnt or"' h1l h !ipcc1alty 11em to try first It ~tancd for me a'> I wattl'd for 111 ) huc,hand'' c,h1rt~ al lhl' cleaner-.-the aroma of 'r'l:r..,ant Silva BalJl.'i lklt beckoned ml' tn'>rdc. Bcforc I knew 11 . I v.a., 1mmL·r..ed 1n thl' Middle [a.,tnn authcn11ul) of spice\ pal kagL·d 1n hulk. unu'>ual pita breads. baklava. tabbouli, and graf)l' lea ves 1 here wa\ a r horre of Bulgarian or Hu ngarran Ka\hka val t hec'>c homemade '>hl\h kabab. and a wonderful '>electron ol flat cracker bread'> Looking from kft to right I 'aw I nd1an rrce 1n burlap bag' Jordan almonds. fresh T urkrsh apnrnt roll\an<l Sahlab. a Lchane'\l' hot milk pudding m1\ Alat k and green oln.es Iii H ' d1fTcrcnt krnd'>). fresh (ired honn pa ... tnl''>offilodough loadl'LI w11h butter. nut'i and cinnamon frc'>hl} ground. chrck peas. lava beans and df) lcmom from Iran mango p1tkk.,and zcrcshk sp1 u· for rrce prlaf arc JUSI a few more intnguing 1tdn\ 1n the store Ycrvant. who pla)Cd profe\'>IOnal \(l(l'l'r 1n r urt...n . ILa h and (1rC('CC from 1970 to 1982. •Mt\' l'f) hdplul an<l gracrou,. fla.,hrng a broad '\mile and u..,rng hand ge'>tur<.''>. he 1alt...ed about "ho mcst } le" \aurr., and the wclwmcd gooLI nc"'"· ""'l' arl' al"' a"' gt:ll1:~6 111 11cw tn Ing'> " f he 0\ el"\\.hclm1 ngand wonderful Stght'> and smcll'I prompted me to lamt·nt. "lfonl) I had a famrl~ o fliH· at home to feed or the prt>'>f>l'l'I' of an ofliu~ pan}. \o I rnuld hcgin ta!>trngand rrcatrngnghtawa~" V1v1ra. who runo, El I oro Bravo lor her father Ariel. I\ a nothcr Lie light f ul pcc;onah t) who not only he! pell ml· gl't m' l.c\., out of' my locked car. but ga1 l' me a walking tour of ht>r Mcxlu 1n- C arn1ccria. Again my sense of c,mcll. taste and '>lght wcrl' triggered by frcshJalapcno peprx·rc,. QUl'\l'O l'<lllJa (drych<'t''>C ). horn in}. rcquct0n fresco (a typt of ritolta chl'e'>l') and fr1Jolcs. My appetite was heigh tened b) pla!>t1 c tuh\ ofspccklc<l ht-an\ and n cc. largecanH>fLa., Palma'>l'nthtlada \auce. speual homemade choriso. and ch1l1 pod'i of all vane11c'I. Colorful pr natas hanging from the ce1 Ii ng. bullfight po'ltl'r'> on thl' "'all'>. bull hornf> on a trophy plaque. c.tulTcd eagles and cases of Corona and Bohemia bl'cr\tackcd high t·onlrrhute to the authcn11crt\ of thl\ MC\rtan market Tocompkte the selling I\. on tht: right: J lull scale tonillera operation w11h eight huge' at\ of corn soaking read;,-to make tonilla'l 24 hour<, a da} l he t hrdcn-; arc on thL· »4 rot1sscrrc and the pork meat I\ \1mmcring ~nit taut'> Lan he '>en nl 1rnmed1atcl}. Next door. on the kft. 1'> a panadcrra v. rth pan du kl· 1ne\er) shapcandcon\l\tcnt } 1magrnablc One \lop take'> care ol all }Our nred., 1 hl·re are ht:rhal tea\ to treat \arrou'> ailment'> from krdnc} prohlcm'>loa bah>-with coht 1 cndcrcallu'>lnJar'>. Abuellta which make\ a lhocolatc fla\(>rt·d drtnk. spec ial bt'>CUlt .. from Fl <.;ahadorand nan mrx from ·\rgen11na arCJust more ol thc \am piing' from fl Toro Bra\ o .\\I left. V1 v1ca prc'>'il'd a bag w11h frc\h roll\ into m}' hand (Pleaae aee DELIS/C5) arcordinjt I<• 111\lv rnd r.111 "" , prvhf'alv l 1w n 1• "rn ,j,., ,,,. temP'rt'ltlll'1' It\ r11•'•'' rlnpptnQ\ trf' ht>.,, lnr L11<;1,.1rto1 ,~ Ne0 II\ to1rvA11r Prt>µ.'lnr.to1 'w'I J " PQACDD P•·a• hml! .,m.11.lht 1\ qUJlf' u sy b•Ji ltvf'pu to!" L'rlt" p1ecf' ol'll'lh to~1t Pr NI ,tJ,, \\ Stir-fried turkey wrapped in lettuce leaves pn11 hlf1Q ,., t11uljt Wni ''ii<'" t\<.h m 11 Pl" v of t "'"' I '' • ;<,I~ ft<.t r ... , ~ .. r r • •1. ·~ • "suJc<; f l< II jJr ,.,, ''' r, A"",,• J .... ,,, t "" .1.11.11 "' (714) 675-2566 ' '"I l • ...-. ........ ..... /: -i ISLAND MARKET • M+>ilt dPpt 10 acrommodare boat ordP r'i • ~ r p s t. p r 0 d II (' e • Fr e h r I s h & s a I a d ~ • BarhP'lllPd meat cook ed tn nrdf'r • I t1rge \t>lecllon of Impo rt ed hef'rr• & wlnP'i • OpPn 8 00 AM In 9 00 PM dally 500 Sout h Bayfront • 673·8580 1111' '1 11 -lr \ uimh1n:111on 11! gr 11u11d turt..n .ind 't•getahlt'\ " \uHd "''"11fll'd 1n k tt lllL ll'J\t'' ) ou II h nd 11 .1 light hut tlJ\ 11rful flng1·r loud ~mt t.in \\'f\l' "' .in ·•Pl'll'lltl·r 11r .1\,1ntl\\11 h LETTt C fo. R l ~OLE~ I pound ground turkt•y 1 , rup watt-r ! lAhlMpoon' dn "hill' \\lne Ci.11642 -5671) J Put a lr w words lo work 101 you Z tablespoons 'lOY sauce I tablespoon cornstarch I teaspoon Insta nt chicken bouillon I tea.,poon ugar 1, cup finely chopp.-d bamboo shoot" 12 cup finely s hredded r arrot z green onions, s liced (inC'ludinR tOp5l It lt'tture 1.-ave'i, rinsed I luf or Bostnn variety) < rumhlt• 11.round turk~' into I 1 q11.irt nllllOWll\l' \DI(' l:l'l<,CIOll: \.1 1trowa \l· ll1111.h) UOlO\l'fl'U ~to f, 11111lllll'' 111 11n11l mt".tl " 'l'I 'll1rnng Ollll' \tir to hrt•ak m1•a1 inlo -;mall p1ele\ drain < omhrnc water. wine. 'iO}' 'alln'. l nrn'ltarl h. bouillon and '>ugar in I. tup gla.,, mca'lurc. 'llrrnng to dl'>\Ohl' l Ormta n h and hou1llon l\dd to rnokl'd turkn along with hamhoo ~hoots carrot and on1nn\ M1tro"aH· (high). unulVt'r<'d. 5 to 6 mrnull'\ or untrl ml\tt1r(' hrnl\ and I\ ,11~htl) th1l l.rnl'<I . 'i\lrnnp IWlll' \t t.1hk plan· n 'ipoonlul of \\.Hm t11rkt'\ ml\t1tr<' in C'l'Oll't 11f t':ll h kllllll' kaf r old up kal from top cllld l'<llltln lhrn fold rn "tll'' l(l ll\ t•il.1p \h11111 (1'il'f\1nv, ... .._ ____________ .......... _ ............. -...................... -...... -....... -.................... __________ ....,.._ ______ ~--------. ------- =---··.._._..- Orange Coaat OAIL Y PILOT 1Wednesd1y, July 24, 1985 C8 There's a variety ofQelicatessens along the Orange Coast DELIS ... From C4 Ju,t tr\ thc:\c. I hope >ou ltkc th1·n1." \h(· said A woman 1n line at thl· ca~h n:gl\h:r spcke up. "She'<, a \WCcthcart, \uu'll nt:vcr m1:ct a sweeter pcr'>on" Driving away. I 'hook rn} head in d1~behef a~ I thought about m) total 1mmer~1on and wonderful adventurt' 1n the Mt:\1can l ulture without having been \outh of the Border Forget the long drtH' to T1Juana I ur 111ng the: wrner and guang lclt. I arm cd at the Globe (Jerman lkhcate\o;en Mrs. Kohlru1is wa~ quick to tl'll mt:. "We don't advert11C'' Pcopk know about u~ from Anaheim to San Diego W1.:'H lx-l'n here 16 )cars and put 1n a grea t deal of dlort .. Ob\ 1ousl} their reputation ha'> spread far and wide .. fhc roast beef ne\ er comes off the meat sheer " While 1 was there for I 0 n'11nu1es. ~1.x locals•came m for a '>an<lw1t.h. Which bread would they j \Ciel'!'' Tht: (.)erman or the Baluc rye, the Katenbrot or the Vollkorn. perhap~ a poppy seed roll. Othcrco might wander 1n for the potato pancake or b read dumpling mix, the spat1lc or the apple buncr, the 1 chec'>e lalo..c or heart} len11I bean \oup 1n packages. "Jo tdhng what ~~nalty item \OU might select Let your mood and mind noat from one German mustard to the chocolate to the beer and back 10 the mustard again To enhance )Our 1magina11on are I artifacts from Germany -be 11 beer steins and scenic posters to I porcelain figures of rabbits and birds to linen and wo()d tnnkets. I he smell of sausage penetrates the I air -the meat case 1s bnmming "11h t...nod.v. urst. bockv. ur'lt. bratv. um Westphahan ham. head cht·cc,c dnd tilet mignon. \1r Kohlruss. w11h his com-I mun1t) c,p1nt. offers me bones for m) dugs Cute tables with I chct kcrcd cloths are encouraging • 1 me tu c,11 down and sample some of thl' "'ondcrf ul fresh pastnes or ma> he a kuchen with cointreau or mampan or ">Choko 1ort1:. Should I grt a p1cn1c basket read) or go home and \tan a pot of tea? B) nov. 11·., neanng dinner lime. I feel like a horse \.I.ho needs blinders on Outofthccornerofm) e}c I see an Italian delicatessen and an Oriental ~pcc1alt1es shop. The drn1ccc;, arc endless. the smell s a nd c,1ghts d1' ane. The dchf.ht of such a 'a net} of trul) ethnic. au then Ile \lore~ 1n dose prox1m1 ty to m~ house led me to the belief ... If 1t's Tuesda}, it's Belgium." Wh} we could .. go nau"e evef) night" To e~penence each dehcates~en wa., hke t.1k1ng a tnp abroad (at a fraction of the price) Evef)Onc should d1<.cover the new smells. tC\ture'> and colors, the artistry of patkaging, the s1m pltctt) of bulk 1tcmc:,. Whl'O combined, the) give a unique l'Ontribut1on to cooki ng and d1n1ng pkasure -"right in your m'n balk~ard" Happ) cau ng. Pan aghurJal Buen pro' echo Gu ten apfl(:ttt Halibut good choice for summer salad 8 ) CECILY BROWN. TONE ,., , ood l!dllO< Halibut 1s an espcc1alh good cho1n• for \umm(·r salads because 11 \.I. Ill Ix· 1n pknttful <,upply and 1<1 low 1n fat and c;,od1um -a plus for health watchns. It 1s also adaptahlt.· for th1<, U\C becaUS(.' II flakes e3\l l) am! ha\ a m1n1mum of hone\. I kn.' 1'> a <.alad rec1ix· that call\ for p<1<1lh1ng thl'n marinating the hal1- hu1 .inti adding 1Uet:h1n1 . red onion .ind thcrf\ tom:noc\ -crea11ng a u1lorful comh1natinn HA LIB UT SALAD '" cup while wine vinegar '• cup water 2 tablespoons ollw oil Z tablespoons dry white wine I tablespoon s ugar :i .. teaspoon salt '• teaspoon dried thyme. <'rushed S peppercorns I pound ha libut (bontd, skinned and c ut Into I-Inch chunks ) I cup thin s trips i ucchinl 11 le mon, tblnly sliced 1 J ('Up thin Strips f('d Onion L~ttufe Cht rr y toma toes, halved In .s I0·1mh \ktllct 'tu tugcth<"r I \ 1n1.:g.11 \.l.,ltl'r ml "1nl'. 'ug.sr 'alt 1h\nH' untl rx-nrcnnrn' Bring to .1 hoil 1 o\.\'I and <.1mnH.'r lor I) m1nu11'' Rl'turn Ill ,1 hot! .ultl halthu1 ~1 mml'I gen th . lllrnina hsh 1! I ncU''i\.tr} for J to S m1nlllt'\ or until halihut bare!\ flal>.e\ "'"·'n I ll'\tl"d \\Ith .1 tork I ,1\Cf hahhut 1uc,hin1 und kmnn 1n a bo"'I and add the 1)11,11 hinp hllu•d Refnacrntc. t m l'll'd mrrn1ght Drain add un1nn .ind '>t.'l\t' on lcllulc·hnu.J 1\l,111•, < 1.1rnl'h \\.-1th them 1um;H1x'' \1,1kl'' .i '1'f \ Ill~'\ Brookhur~I. J ounui1 n V t.11 k\, 775-7977. Antoine\ hahan "vtnrkct PIJ\t' I 5 4 3 5 J d f re"\ Rd 1 r ' 111 c 552-3354 . lia(lcl Hea \en ''' l I 71 h C n\ta "1e~a . 642-4567, BalJ1's Dehcates~.:n. '69 [ I 7th ( osta Mesa, 6J1-0855. C aleuno's Italian Deis, 2750 Harbor 01.. Costa Mc\a, 549-0968. Campu!> V1llafe Deli. Me~a Rd . and Bndgc Rd .. nine 856-1011 , Catalina's Deli 835 W I 9th Costa Mesa. 611-W~O < ountr} J...1H:hen Och. 51'lt1 Walnut AH·. Irvine 559-40B. Dagwood'~ Deis and ( atl"rtng .,109 \.\ Balboa Bl . N\:"'P<>rt Eka<:h, 675-9151 F-ra ncesca \ Italian Dell 16 7 ' IPlnt:A't:.(mtaMe\a 642 -15Y5 (1allo'-; D1.·h\atrcs~n l900 [ < oast H1ahwa}. ( orona del Mar, 675-7404, Gary's Dell. 1309 E C oai.t H 1gh- way. Corona del Mar, 6 75-2193 and 4881 H1rch t.. Newport Beach 752-5401 , G1org10·, rre'>h Pao;ta Facton 2200 Harbor Bl Cos1a \.k'a 642-2261 , Globe [)eh. 1928 Harbor HI ( u\t,1 t\.k\a (1-l l , ... b~ ( mrd1e '> l>\·11 1 l~ \\ Hakt.'t < O'>lfl \k\J 5'1ti 11c~ 1 hl· ( rOUI llll'l fkh ol '\t'V. j)()fl lkad1 111110 Hr1 .. 1ol ">trl"t:l "-orth. '\le\.l.port Ht·alh IJ"\"l-1 H IJ C 111\.1.n \11\.'t.'I Rl·,taur,1nt IOOIJ Hr1\tol \trt"t"t '\urth ""ev.~wn Jkalh 1J'i ") IJ554 C 1reck D~:h. I 4~20 C ul\.t'r Dr Ir' 1ne M~7-ll!S26 11.w .. rn·.,c ale. 332:> ~ev.pnrt Iii 'ic\.l.port lkar h 6"'-466!S Jtu.:kof) FJrm' ot Ohio 11Jn2 II\ lllt' •\\I.' "-iev.pu rt Beach 642-4 \f)~ llont•\ hdked Ham < o P UC) L C 11,1,t I ltghv.a~ ( o rona del \far 6 7'-9()()() and I 1.JIJo~ Beal h tll ltuntsngton Bearh X-lb-1\515 Hughe' I 1dn \far k.et \-1 n \. 1a I 1do ''-'"pot t lk.tl h t) S-5600 Ju-:.1e-:. Ill" < rl·,1m Parlor and l>ch 2115 \.1 ,t1n H.Llhoa. 6 7'1-7 224 J...raku~ Ot•hl atc,,en I 6tJ::!"" Bn1ukhur'>\ f ountJ lll \ .illC\ XW-1 ""IO Lu1g1\ \.\aterlront Deh 341b \'1a OportC> ~l"•"Durt l'kalh 6 "'5-~~n2 Main "'11ee1 Lumh and (om- pan} I lS~ IX \.h I >urmo11 l:.a\t, I r \ 1 n l' t1 ti (l I J ' I 2 ' c "' ' o r k (,ourmct De h ~td 4 ~ C 0,1,1 High· v.a} ( oron.t dt:I \1a1 2<1.\IOb9 Our Ht.'ro C atl'f1 ng \en ice. ~2511 \\ <Jll O r ~ l"V. port B l'iH h t\1'·2-l'il P1errt''~ ~e.,,.port Liquor and Dch '.!'144 \\. C oao;t H1ghwa) '<'"port lka<:h 548-2112 <)u1l-KomN Och-Groce!) 61 ~ "' Bal>.cr < C>\IJ Mesa 957-4082 Redhill Lunch and Co 3001 Red Hill Ave Co-.ta M~. 540-1115 t'basuano'\ Delicate sen and Baker'\, 16062 Golden Wei.I Hunt- ington Beach. t!48-3338; ~hamrcx.: k CXlt and C att'rsng. I() I I Bno\o Dr < o~ta Me~a 642 -S~Y1 ~tr Rodge~ Ltd . ~70 E 17th, < O'>ta Mesa b45-2252 South< oac:,t Oeh Caterer\ 103' Bristol ( O!ita \.frcoa 641 -82 0"'"9 ______ _ No Games ... No Gimmicks ... Everybody Wins With Stater's Low , Low Prices! 16-0Z Meat Dept. Savings Frozen Food Favorites Pork Back Ribs f>N • s1.99 Potato Skins .-.A~: ... 51.47 . Meat Bologna :.u~; • s1 .29 Italian Sausage 3~yw·,;.. i'•O:•·. 52.49 Boneless Turkey ,"!-:i~~.. • s1.69 Beef Bae~ Ribs .e sgc Red Snapper :::.~~~ .. s1 .99 Butterfish Fi I lets ·~1~~ • s1 .89 Chicken Dinner v 52.49 '" .. .. Pot Pie .. ~v ~ .. 39C Orange Juice .... 51.39 Grapefruit Juice ... I 'It "'' 51.18 Carrot Cake :;~~::· . • I 51.99 Fish Sticks :-. ·:·--51.99 Shell-On Shrimp lJ:!;.r • ss.99 Lender's Bagels ... ,7gc Compare these Low Prices Grocery Specials ALL V,t.RIE'TIES MTN DEW. REG DIET OR C1'FFEINE FREE SLICE OR Pepd· Wh ite Bread <t' Pineapp le Juice Solid White Tuna ,·:·· Cheerios Oreo Mint Creme Dove Liquid Grape Juice .... H~ '" ... s2.25 Murphy's Oil Soap Libb 's Corn :f~:~w" .... ,. 45c Charcoal ... Mas~ed Potatoes :i::..:::·:.: . 51 .39 Dove Bar Soap Mayonnaise ............... ,..,. 51 .45 Alpo Dinner age ggc 51.15 51.19 51.79 age 51.18 53.19 55c 57.75 ZEE NICE N SOFT COLORS OP ACCENTS 2 PLY ~ .. ,, c '. ~~~ Bath Tisue ,. ~ .. , c 'I •• • • • Uta 4-ROLL Garden Fresh Produce Mangos ··. · 4ec Potatoes 1gc On ions :· .. · 25c £.••q.A "4~Cv GREE•. . . . ~ .. v Tender Hanging BJ'IOc.'c.'oli Plants 33~. 93.99 Low Liquor Prices Tequilla . , .. 58.99 Se~grams Gin 54.99 Wine Coolers 52.59 Colony Wine s2.39 Coors Beer s2.19 Liqueur . 57.99 HI RA~ VvAL"'E ~ • Q .:. .... .:. M" Ten High Lord Bourbon Calvert SS.99 Sff .99 • "•l , .... .,.,,o.,,, ••Cl • .,-Al N('R'r' l'IUCU UTECTIVE 7 l'VU. DAYS Dress'·~ ·:-.:r·r~!:6;'' ....... ".. 7nc Ready rust c"!c'x~:.. 8& Det AU Saltines :.:.· •• ~ ··:'" gsc s ersent .... ,.._ T\Ma ... Th-h1 I ... ''·''' f .,,, ~ ••Jt •l.t ' \It '\U tt " ,, ., ... '". '''·'"'' -~ ... ~ 25 26 27 -~ -28129 130 3I t1 f1111 I .. , "'"'"" ....... •M ..... , .... , .... ""·-· ........ ,,. f'fl<I> ... u. ,, • '""'"' f'I••• Cookies :~=:;:-· .... 51 .29 :I.99 6' Potato Chips ~l:~~£~ ...... ,s1.19 Ol I b 2 S : • • • • -~~~----~ ...... -q ...... --~~~.-.. ..... --.... ----............... ~ • .------. .......... ,~, ....................... ,~, ....................... ~~• .. ~a ................. s111111112 .. 1a1111 .... 1111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT 10 nesday, July 24, 1985 Experts agree: Markets' variety on the increase f odJ\ \\IWll Jl\.Upll J1\lU\\ !11,1J ti cn<h. n>n' l'r.....itmn '1'1'11\' 111 111\ 11\ on ca' 1a1 l'\OIH. pr oJult' 1111pPt ll'd spcc1a h1l'\ and rt·g1011.1I \ 11w1 '' .111 fooJs. \.\-'h l·n \llnll ol \ fllt'lli.j' 11111\t rcspt:T ll'd loud .1uth11nlll'' d" CU!)Sed loud at .\11 I \(ll1ng \\tlh Amen l a\ < dchnl\ l m1t..-. ho,tt·d h:y Krah l lll Jui 111~ lhl· ,rnnu.11 Food 'V1Jrt..l·ting t 11,111utl' < 111" l 11 lio n 1n ( h1t.igo. a \\ltk r.1ngl· 111 o bc;,en .1111111\ \H'fl" rn.1dt· 111.1t1l .ilh upgr.1tkJ t.it..l'-lllll loolh .111d pr11dUtl' lk p.lrl llll'lll\ 'I n·,h ht·rh' ,,wuall\ lru1h and 'l'gt•1.1bk' lru111 rl.'\t'f'l' ,t•a,o n'> .ind a hrnad rangt· 11l l·thn1t 'IX'l'l.il- l•t'' 1111111 nt'" 1111m1grJnt p11ru- l.1t1\ln,.11t· n·Jd1h ,1\ .11l,1bk 1o lu 1\ Ill l"\ l'f\ \lllfl I l'l1Hlll gl<I\\ Ill.I\ tx· nn1 "'hl·,a11t .. \nwnta n u111l.t·1~ ,., r1.·turn1ng l\I \111l r l1t 1I~ \\llh J rt'dl\tll\ l'f\ Ill lrnh 1ng1cd1t·n1' · '>aid R1d1a rd '\1mn111 lung11mt• a \'iOuJll' 111 lht• latt' g1t-.1t .l .1111t'' Ik ard . lll'\h hl·rh\ illHI I Ill 1x11 t1.·d \JU\J~1.· Ill l .I' 1.11 < h11lt:\\' " th1· hnttt''>l food trl·nd 1n Ne" \ urk right nov.." hl· \a1d a nd prt·d1 l·tcd that "the: nnl big mm t' \~tll tx· 10 Me \1l·an loud - not fl'\-~k\ -hut J Utht•nttl ~lt'\ll30 \.llOl-.1ng." '1t:'' ) orlcr Bt·rt (irccnt'. t'rn1l-.bt>til-. author. food n>lumni'lt. u1ut..1ng leat her and lt•k\ 1'1100 rxr- '1011itltt}. J l\u ga H' o pinw n\ ·· \ mnKan' "anl strong tl;n or' 1 n lht• 't<<h:· he .,,lid Nev. ) nri..·., Aa1n.11.1 "all..1 11·' tau ran 1 t 111\\u Ila 111 , not.. b11111-. a uthur and ront..111g llJt ht 1 11h· sen t:d "'iuncrnhuh·t, h.IH' dr.1- .. \t thl' \,1mt· ltfllt' \upt·rm.trl-.t'l\ Jfl' nlll'nng .1 v.t\llth ul food' onn• found 11111~ w -.1x·t 1Jll\ 'tort''· lrom "Bland 1' hannt·d W1.•'rc '>t'l'tt\g gll.'att•r 1n tt•rt'\t in nl.'v. \ul)l'rmart..l't 1tt'nl\ \uch "' hcrhal 'tncgar'>. '>harp (Please see CELEBRITY /ClO) Chefs Jane and Michael Sterns• Three-Way Chili Cups JERRY MEAD Two very good wines ata very good price f 111J11~ ~0110 \,lilll' \\IOl'\ l\ll0 l that rart .in llllUHt'ntt• hut ,qnt'\ J' good ,1, tht \\\ 1 I m .ihoul to d1'\t nh1: .it pnt l'' .,,, rt J\onahk .in· 31 lht· 't:T\ ll'a\t unu,u,rl l ht• I.it I that thn art· holh top 'Jnt•tal' .i ( hardonna' and a C .iht·rnt·l mal-.t'' thl' 'alut· ali the grl'Jtt'I Robin''i Rest 191H Sonoma Cbardonna} ($5 01 II.'\') \ t'f\ lorv.ard ( hardonnJ\ .1nima lhat " mo~l appt•.ihng r ht \Olt'll m.1t..1·, \UU v.anl to IJ\te r lw tl.i\of\ Jll \Outhful and \l'f"\ llu1I\ \\llh tht th:irm of a< hl'ntn HI.int hul ''1th lh1.· true t 11mpk,•t) nl lht• C h.ird1111 n,1, gra~· \1 0'1 of thl· grarx·, t 111111.: Imm tht• 1.oul ( arncw' rt·gtl)n th.11 rt'\Ult'> 1n 11,l'h audit\ Robin's Rest 1982 Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon (~ 'i or k"' l \ line H'JU\·ttH.lnnt.. < ahant•t 1h.11 v.111 tontrnut to 1mproH' o\l·r tilt• \hort tt•rm I 1-~ \l'3f'.) l ht• Ila' ur' <Hl' \!Ill ~m11ht'ul 1n 1h1'> hnghl. ht·rn -\t\ It < ah1:rnt·t that h." l'n11ug.h tannin to kt '"u t..n<m \ou h.1\l' a mouthful 111 v.1m \lllhout tw1ng "" h,ir,h "'to 11lknd. ( ;rn \Oll '1\11 lh1· Roh1n' Kt'\I "llll n ' "'' It tlot'\11 I l'\l\l I ht "Allll' \\J\ nlillk al .1 v.l'll-t..nov.n '\;11rth < 1>.l\l \\lnl'r\ l11r .1 lamuu' '1nnartll\l \\ho hat! .i llltk too rnut h fruit Rather tha n lm\l.'rgral)l' pnt 1.·., t11 h ,., t''tahli,hn.I l u\tomt'f'>. lw h.1J 1h1: 'urplu' madt• tnlu "•nc 111 ht· '>•ild thn1ugh a "nl•gouant ·• I h" " hn11m1ng .1 ll1mmon p1,1llltl· ht•t .ilJ'>t' "'1n1.· 1..in h.._· \t11rl'd .ind '"Id ,11 1 lalt'r dalt \.\hen thil\t: g1apt'' gt'l 11rx· thn h,l\c 111 tw r•t t..l'd' f hl' \.\I n1. \.!fl' llt'\\ \c I 1 I\ ()lJ h,I\ I.' d11liLult\ l1nl..l1ng tlwm 111nl.1t l < ,1lil11rn1a \.\int \1 ,11~t·trng ~,,1J f ilth \t \JO ffJOtl\Ul f -l ("\I °'-11-11"41 lc1r I0\,11 rel.iii ;1\,11! ,1htl1I\ < l i \\IP \C1'\l\1 \"l l fK ltm lfunt\lngt r l11ngl1m• pro d!IL t 111n ht'.1d ,1 nd l h.1111 • -----__ s.~ ...... -roi> oa s~ \&! {,GOOO ~l e 10-14 lb. •• l st~, 9~0 • Beet loin ~ote WHOLE TOP SIRLOIN LIMIT ONE LB. ... - .. -- • Sall.SbWT steak • Chlcken trtcasse • • 6 pack • 12 oz. cans • Regular or light COORS BEER ..... ,, •• , f •Veal parmigiana ' Frozen • .. 4 . .. • • • 6 pack • 12 oz. cans •Regular. Diet or Caffeine Free PEPSI, MOUNTAIN DEW OR SLICE LIMIT 4 SIX PACKS 10 pack Assorted varieties p.1gnl'mt1'ol•'r ft1r K11rhl'I h.i' .1 Ill'"' fltl\lllllrl I k II hl' m<t l..111~ 'r.irt..li11~ \\Int\ lllllh l llll' \h.1d11v. (f l'\~ l.1hl'I d"\.' 11 n \,t11 I "" < >h"P" I IJLJOI\ •• t thl ( Hlhl p '.111 •Ill \.\I IL'r LB. ARMOUR DINNER CLASSICS EA . CAPRI SUN DP.JNKS EA. B111l1 < .. rtw11 < .111\un ,111d "ih.uln ·' < ll'd .ire ""' fll'd h\ ( 1 kn n • • I >1,t1llt·r.., l'rn 11111,h ltw \h.1d11\\ < 1rd. ... r11t..kr..r"'1nr1L·r, .. 1 .i h11Ill11 •ti ~11ld mnl.tl' 1 h" '1·.11 I lt,1\1· hn·n 111.itk u11tll'1 l •inlr.11 r ,11 c h,111·.iu 'ii k.1n '> "P·" ~ l111g "1111· l,1 1 lJ I f lufll\irll'l'I h.1' .I ll'!llll.1! 111 '11 h1 llll' I lrll" ti! lhl' ht \l 10 lh1· ll11\ll)l \\ .ind , ... 1111 ru"h c1111ugh I dna \ .tlln .ind 01hc1 < 1·n l1.il < '""l 1.:r.1 p1·., 111 111.tt..l .1h1111 1 .:;<i ll(lfJ l "''•ii h11hhh 111 I 1x'i I 111pl1)\ 1111• llll 'il\:ll\I 1· '1Jll'l h11d1 l h.11l1Jll'f. •l\l l"" d111 lllHI lllt lll11d 111\ ,lfl'> Iii \\ 1111'\ \~"n t 11·.1d1 111.11~1 I m:1t .11"''" 1 •1x 1'1 n111 '\11 1 111<1 < h,11d111 n.i 1!11111 thr., l 11111 "·"I.ti tl',!t•.r1 .. t ( ,ild11rn1,1h;nrl ·n~·tw·11 lo.111 1\.'o1J,1, ttlcat 1111 h.1mp,1,•11 pr 11l1tl l1111 .and tht• gr ark'' h,1\ l1•·q•1 1111'. g1111( into d1,1n1p.1>'"' p 111!111 111111 .11 tJmnu' \\llw111<. "' ~'fl" .111.t \11n11mJ 1 h1' v. ill lw th«""' 111m 1h.11 "' m ut h \fla r lo. It 11~· "'11w v. 111 lil 11 .i h flom th1. ~r.qlt' "' ' '''' " tl1111 \PUr<.l' ll \h1111ld ht .1 p1 1·11> P•' .ii m·<. tar P<>T <H <1fll l> -I 11w1111111wd 1 h.11 ~had11v. < r1·,·k pt• kd •fl ,1.·H·ral gold nwd,11, "'h" It ni.i• 111 tht· un<.lcr.,IJ tl'llll'lll 11! the \1'.11 Not 0111'. did 11 "'111 .1 gold .11 <>range < 1111nh v.h1d1 hJ' the· hrn.id C\I lil'ld cil lllnlf)l'tl!ltlll Ill• duding a ll the t11p 11,1mc' hut 1111· hrand d omtn.11rd tht· '>J1:.trld111y \.'o-lnt' 1.alt'jl11n .!I till' \.in I 1.1nl t\t11 r.11r "111n111v l\.'o-•1d11uhk-~11ld.,,111tl '""gold\ rhl' h1flh1•\t 11wd.1I 1111 ,11H 11th1•1 huhhh at \a11 I lillH l\t 11 "·'" ,, \I fl l'I r hc• lom· ~old .ll nr.1ny1 ( ()llflt\ v.1 n I 111 Jl0<2 Hrul "h11 h ,tl\o ,, 1111 yold .11 ...... n 'J<tlll l\l 11 r hl' '''" (Please ue MEAO/C9l SP41c1es RED SNAPPER FILLETS FRESH WATER SHRIMP ....... .. F're1b • G.rade A HALIBUT FILLETS F'resb • 21 2!> P41r l.b ALASKAN SALMON Wbole or Hall f"rOMD or Delrollt4td DUNGENESS CRAB ............................... .. 8 OU.Dee )a1 WESTERN OYSTERS .................................. . RETAILER COUPON LB. LB. LB. 1.1. La. IA. PEC tEMA8lf AT All ~oVTHCPf'/ "' :rDllNlA A.1.PHA 8rTA MAllKrTS l")Nt.Y 96 oz. bottle DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER WITH THIS COUPON P'llC't Wl'TIIOllT COllPOI" SH 9 UMIT ONE aorn.£ ANt> ONt COO?ON PU CUSTOMER wmt A WINTM\IM $$ 00 PVICHASt l"EI COl11'0N U CWDING UQUOI TOI.ACCO AHO D.AIJ'Y P1lOOUCTS AND COST or COU10N mM COUPON lfnCTIVI THVRIDAY, IUU U TKltOUQ" WIDHllDAY, JU1.J JI, I 9H ~Kil I 11 a a as s es es ·assn as 64 os DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE • ChWed EA. •Meat or beer DON A.LL TAXAJI L[ ITEMS • wt RESERVE THE RIGHT TO U M QUA.NTTTlES 4 75 OS bar DOVE BATH SOAP · ·:.:.:.:· : .. ~'?ove 'floz • Wb.11• or plnl •I.Deludes 4C t)lf label EA . MANUl' AcnTRER'S COUPON l!I I •lfMAJll r AT Al I SOlfTH[llN r At1rn 11NtA Al PltA 8£TA MA11KrTS ONLY 12 PK . 12 OZ CANS WITH THIS COUPON RIQULAR OR DIET 7·UP ,..ire W'ITMO\IT COU10 N \l49 ON ONI 12 •ACS It OVMC'I CAJft COUPON IPnCTl'VI TMVUDAY, JU1.J H TKltOUGH WIDN'UDAY, 1UU l I, I 9H a a a a t a -- 18 en bottle HEINZ BARBECUE . Requ!CD SAUCE :~~ ON COLOR PRINTS WTTII i:vzn ST.v<OA.al>Slll IOU.Or 110 t ,. In Ot OllC COl.01 rlI>IT nl.M (C 41 l'IOCCSS ONLT) H OUQNT 1)1 rot DCVtl.O,,NG .\)It) "'"""'c Wl W1U arvt TOU A U ('Ol!l) 5.tT or r1111T1 Offer d~• not Include reprint• enla111•m•nt1 •; hamea or tUm 1equlltno 1pectal baodlJno IA. IA. • •• Oranoe Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, July 2~. 1985 C7 Those colorful castor bean plan ts are deadly Hy DOROTHY Wf:!l.CK ~lo-191 UC ~aH .. 111--- \mall du Id r l'fl .11 '-" .,.. l: II ~ 1111" n l11r thl'ir propcn\ll\ lol'.lt ,tlrlto\I ,1n)th1ng \nd that ''.tlmU\t ,10\- thang" ran J..111thl·mor111ah· 1hl·111 \CrtOU!>I) all-1l 1t\ tht '-l"\'d ot thc rn~tOI lx'an The Ii vc:-) l'U r-uld \1111 ol 111w of ourl•mplu}'cc'I, ht'> )oung It 1l'nJ and their parl'nl\ had lhl' '-lilr \ l'xpcnenc:c reccntl) olli nJ 1ng11u1 iust how po1!>onou., thc n1\tur ht·.in '>l'Cdscan 1)1.· rhd'lO} \ <.1)l'nt ]4 hours an an tell\IH'lareand lhl·n were ca ref ull) mon1 tornl lur a t1111l' Jftcrward One) oung-.ter l hl'"-l'd bu l did not swallo1.1.. \e\ L'ral ta\tor tx-an ,t•cds. theothl'rchl''H'd \l'HTill .. ced'iand ...... <1110 .... l·d IHll' • • 42 oz. < h 1.·r thrl't' hour\ PJ\'4.'d bc.·t\.\1.·cn thc time the Ot>)Hhcwl·d on the Wl'd' .10J thl· lir\t .,, mptom - ' on1111ng-OH Ulll'd In tx·t v.n·n the hoH had eatl'n the1rd1n11L·r und drani.. n11llo.. l>nn~1ngthl· rr11lk ma\ ha\c '>J'l·d 1hc11 li\l''i bclauw 11 brought 11n thl' 'om1t1ng that alcncd thl· IMll'nl\ that 'lomethmg wai.am1" Had the} not \Om1tcd.1hcbo>" wuld ha' c J1cd before anyonl· knc" the} were pm,oncd. I ht· parenhqul·ned thL·trolder childrt'n and learned that thl' boy\ had been \ampltng 1hc ca'>tor hcan \Cl'd".1 rhq tmmediatel} c:nntal'tl•d thl'< >range County Pu1\on ( ontrul < cnll'r \.\-ho<tJ\ t')l'd lht•m to talo..c thl· bm' lo an l'mcrgcm; ho\p1tal 1mnwJ1ateh fhcre"' noavarlahle ant1d11tt· lorthl· no1-.on . .,u prompt • .. • Regular or Unscented • Includes 25¢ ot1 label TIDE GIANT DETERGENT . 1JMIT 2 ho\p11alcarl' 1Hruc1al ( a'>tor bean' tont:.un a po"onou\ '>uh'>tanci:lJlkd rinn 1hat 1\oncof thl' n1u\t to\ll wmpoun<hl..nown l 1m amuunt!l-containcd in from on~· to thrl.'e \eed\-can be fatal tu <I" hild.,.. hill: two to (.'1ght "ccd<> ma} ha H' l'nough pot<>on tu i.. ill an a{!ult In th1Ha'>l'. the plant wa\ \u old and the seed' 'IO largc that one o,ced u>ntaanl·d enough ncan to kill a child aml po!>s1bl) an adult. Swallowing a ca!ltor bean seed whole I\ lc'I' dangcrou\ than chew- 1 ng on one bccau\e che.,.. ing releai;e., the po1sun from the seed wh1k the un<:hcwt'd \eed ma) pa'>\ through thl· intc'>t1nal tract an tact. \\.hen the ca'> tor bean'> art: lht•1.1.t•d thcnuncau<>t'Sburn1ngm the mouth and throat -the b<l\'> ha' l' bl1\tl·rs from th1 .. effect -and ' • 12 oz. • Assorted varieties GINO's Jlso ma> muse le\1om 1n the lining of the \tomach or 1nll'\t1 ne\ and Jctual pcrfonrnon Otherori<!m \uch a~ lo..adnc) and hH·r al\O may be damaged 1>e.11h rc\ult5 from c1rtulatory <:ollap!ot' What can we learn from this near- \ raged)., F 1r5t of all. to teach young 1. h1ldren to nc' cn:at any plant part~ -lea vc\. \ccds or flowers-other than those g1 ven to them a~ veg- ctablt>s or fruit'>. Children too )Oung to undcr!itanJ and follow this warning need 10 be watched when thty're playing outdoors c;;econd. to look at the plants that Jrc growing around the home apanment o r neighborhood to scc If lherl' arc any po1<>unou\ plant\ and p;in1culartl) thernstorbcan 11) ou Ii nd castor bean'>. get rid ol them 1t~ucan or at the 'c" lea~ • • "' ..::-.. ~ s.c. >> :::> ,, ( dap off and de'>tro~ ~cd head\ before the.,. mature lftht!tl'>n't poi.sabk. t~a<."h )our children not to touch the~ plants -e.,.er Tht 1.as1or bean gro"'s wild alongi.ade road'> anJ \treJmbed\ 1n all warm Jrea\of( .tltfor naa )()) ou need to "-atch for tl 1.1.hen )Ou'rc 'aca11onrng '-'Ith ~uurchaldrcn too ~me of the \c\.cral hundred .,.a net its ofca .. tor bean are stnktng- 1) beautiful aH·uJured foliage so they have hcen w1d<.'I\ planted a~ ornamentals an pr" ate and pubhl· gardens. In '>ub1rop1cal reg1om such as ours. plant\ freq urn ti ) gro" for 'ear\ and ma\ become small trees · 'We ~mplcd retail nur~nn 1n OrJngd ount' Jnd found that none ol thl.'m \(.'11 l ,t\tur bean plant\ but nol +ill ol the \Jlc\ people v.cn· J" art ol hu1.1. d:rngl·rou"> lhl''>l' With merchandise coupon below • 96 oz. DOWNY FABRIC SOn'ENER JUNIOR PIZZA .. --.""""' .. ..-.... • 1 lh. package • Limit 2 MEADOW LEA MARGARINE 12 pack 12 os ccms • llequ.Jar 01 Dtet EA. 7-UP PIJCE WJTHO\TT COtJPON $3 49 EA. wmc COU'.PON la.ow e 0 1 can CONTADINA TOMATO SAUCE EA. nus OIJl'CN l!tl ltM>Jlll ONLY AT '1.0ll'TlUtlN r Al lfOPNIA Al 'HA l!CTA MAJllC£TS ""•nt•t.n 'P'~-, r ~w•th 1ny f'l•rt1·H1 1f•J • o•• •n•' .n Jf''t" '1n•1 <J•• r '.llflll nu SAV11'1•.s •fl•" r • r ,, lloM ·~· •'•"' Of'f'tl NOT TO INCLllDt ltTIJUt Ot ran COUPONS 0 1 COUPONS ovu $1 00 IUVNt> MAY NOT txCtED V~ut or !TIM SU.JICT TO STOCK ON KA.N"D U C\.\lt>tS UQUOt TOL\CCO AND OA.lWY PIOOUCTS NO MJNIMVM PUICH.A.St IEQUllJ:O UMTT ON't m:w na MAHWAC1Vl.U s COUl'ON AND UMJT TWO DOU.LI COUPONS Pill CUSTOMU COUJOM ID"l'ICTTn TllVMDAT, J\U 25 TMJtOVOMWIDNllDAT, m.f SI, l .. t • , . ... ... Sweet HONEYDEW MELONS 16 os can DEL MONTE EA. LB. GREEN • Requ.Jm or f'htocb Cut BEANS ( No Sall 'nlrlettH not lllciuded) £.A . 16 os ccm ROSARITA REFRIED . 19QUICJJ • v.ge1anan BEANS . Spicy EA. nus O Ul'ON ll[[JlCMAAll < N,V Ar SOll'TMCPN C-'l.JfOllNIA MPl<A llETA MACl!Cr"' "'•••nt '"" JP' ~n '1 ng •111' Jr y ,.. Jt\ul•l ' ·• .,.. ... o"d tilft, DOUlll ntc )A~H ·• •h•n r''-' pt.r hj1'• "'• ••n om• NOT TO INCl.Ut>t IETA.ll.U 0 1 f'IU COUPONS Ot COU10NI OVll s I 00 IEf'VNt> MAJ NOT D CHD VA!.UI or fT'EM SU'UICT TO STOCI ON KAHt> D CLUDIS UQOOI TOlACCO Am> DAJIY PIODOC'TS NO MJN'IWUW PVICKASI UQUIUD UM.rr Ol'ft mw n• MANVTAC'TUUl'S COUPON A.HD uwrr TWO DOU.U: COU10WS Pll CUSTOMtt COUPOlf IPRCTIYI TW'UMDA.Y, JUU JI TDOOGKWSDMUDA.T, m.f )l, lffl (' Large TROPICAL MANGOES 24 OI loaf SKAGGS ALPHA BETA 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 6 COUDI SKAGGS ALPHA BETA CINNAMON ROLLS II COUDI SKAGGS ALPHA BETA .!:: 1 3ac HOT DOG OR BURGER BUNS e COWll • "010 • f'owtiere<I • A.PPI• Spice SK.AQGS ALPHA BETA DONUTS 10 01 p•g • Canot Call•• Corn • Iron SKAGGS ALPHA BETA MUFrlNS . SC u.n ... EA. IA SALi PRICKS IJTICTIVI THURSDAY, JULY 25 'nlROUGH WIDNISDAY, JULY' 31, 1915 AT ALL SOUTHIRN CALIPORHIA . ALPHA BETA MARXITS plants can be Boch ~cdsand 1he foh 1c of .,.ouna secdhngurc po1o,onou~. The rnlorandpatternofca torbean \CCd'> make 1hem panaculal'I) at 1rau1vc 1och1ldren r he !.CC'd5 are abouc v, to 'I. inch long mouled brown, gra), or black '>h1n). and 1nteresuna in appcar- Jncc They make natural pla)· things, and any small child who happens 10 fi nd one wi ll , almost 1ncvitaol), put thnced in has or her mouch r So be for'Warned. Don't let \-Our children become the next vaciam'> of ca.,tor bean seed poisoning. ••• QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED: Q. A1 a cblld I remember being given caswr oil and It didn't poi100 me. It cHtor oil made from castor bean 1ttd1? If 10, wby isn't it poi1onou1? .\ ( a st or 01 I 1s 1 ndt:ed madl' f rnm ta\tor bean ~eds but 1t 1\ not poisonous The pan of tht· ~eds that contains the to\Jl suhstanu· nun 1s not !>Oluhk 1n oil The ··prcsHalo..c" or '>ohd \Ubstance that remain!> after the oil has been pres~d out LOntain" nun and I'> IO'-IC Heating the prt:!>\la~~· ma\ 1nact1\ateordestro) the ntin I nndentl). large amount\ of castor oil arc uM'd as lubncant!> tn 1ndu'>tf\ '-O that castor beans ma) be gru" n a\ an agncultural crop for their oil Q. After reading an article a bout children and accidental poisonings , I got som e Syrup of Ipecac to indoce vomiting as tbe article rec- ommended. Bot now I'm wondering wbtn it sbould be used -witb all cases of poisoning or j us t certain one '> -\ lt' .. agood1dcatolo..et>p~~rup of Ipecac at home tor po1'>on l'mergcnul'\ h"' 111 hdp thl' '1( um 'omit the pot\on Hn"l'\Cr 'Om1tmgl\notrel- 11mmt:ndt:d for all 1: pt:'> of prn,on- tng It \hould ht· 1nduu.·d onl~ nn thl' Jd' ice uf a douor So U!>e It onh "'hl·n 'our ph\ \1uan or po1 .. nn uintrol center 1n'>trucl\ 'ou to de• \II • • • Q. We just moH~d to California a few montbs ago. Tbe house we're renting is surrounded by oleander busbes. Our neighbor bas w~rned us that tbese oleanders are poisonous and tbat we should kt'ep our children away from them. ls this true" \ < lkJndt·r, an· rJnh·J "1th l3\tor ht•Jn'J'' rofl'n'h t11\1, plant\ Jnd ,tll !l'.tn\ 11 the rlJnt Jll Plll\(•nllU\ l \ l'O lhl· drtl'd k.I\ l'\ A ,hilJlJnht·1. •nll''l''1.·n·(, ill Ir 1m eating J ll'" k~I\ C\ f '1:n thl '>ffilllo..l' trom hurn1ng 1•k.tndl·r t°l(u\h at- in h '"ml' rx··,rk· T ht· dTn t' t1t thl' to\lt mJtt·n.:il .trl''tmilJI ltJthn..,.,·<•I tht•dt.Jg d1[lllJl1' .ind 'ho11IJ l'x-tr1.·.itl·J h, .t nh' ,,l 1Jr Brandied cherries delicious H' t ECJL \ BRO\\ '\-.TO~I-. A, F-ldil0< lirMhl\tn!! d1lri1~·, '.J '.i' •r tt \\J\ \<I rur ur· '-'\l'l"I rrd hl'Hll'' 11 1.';Hh 'urn ml rt1nw ,, lllJ"l\ \nll'fl1.Jn ho•r'l'' I• '''ll '1,1,~ 1111\ \Cl ~I\ t'O •ll''l°ll lht' rk.i\U"t' •I J.un~ th' 1 ni.i v. .irll t" tr. 1t th" t'.Jr \\ '·~t 't ' 1u gr.in th 11111ml nt -11 I l·,t hl·m °'(.'J'<H ' \h1 Ir( Ch·• th( l'.lf' ,,,. h.1\t' m.1dt Hr.ind < lwn11•, 111 '·lf''ll' "J'' .tltl·nn11. tht' pr1•p••f11t•n' 111 '11~.ir .1nJ hr.ind\ 1,1:1~ p1t1t·J 11 •In· fllllt'd, hl'rrll'' rt Ill•" 1ng the \lt'm' 111 111•t I 111.tl' '"' 't'ltkd •Ill thl' ln1n1uL1 g1H·r1 h•'ll" I 111111" l'd ti t th ll'ttl'r 11 "1 I pr• 1d11 l' .1 ""r , kr •ul "•lh 11, t 11111 111 \t'l\l' \,•r Ill' 'l'.lr11 tll\t.11\h l lt'l' .111d t11~-.11.l i',.,!d1n ' ( 11 111'1 111 t"Jt 111r tlW 1\1 \11 •I' • J ,I\ "-l II""" I ·'' ' RR\ '1n l II F RRI !-:!'- • ,, • \llh 1' d.ir I. ' ~· 111 .trhl pit ;,I I 1<1 ht• ' tlu 1 I 1, lo. ' I ,1 ,. \\ l'•,l\l \\ l tt.:ht ,, \. '' '"'' ,ut-1 1 r~ ' lo. n•p t hl I ·" I , lliJll 11 ." ' h rnpt.111,' n l "ll h " I\ I • ., l'" ,h,1111.t t.11..1 l.11 I..\ .t•ht \\l'l'"' "1 l I lllllll 'll~!.11 I'. "'' \ .. 1·'111 h1 If l"' .11r ·" br 11i.111 d ·'' 1 u 11 1. \\ h1 n rl'.1,h 'l••ll "'' f'lul "'"' 11 ind \ti\ t'li'.I ill .I I" •1 d.1•1. pl.IL• tll Ill lh1• fl'fJl)l1'l.1! •T , ..... out of ,.,,.., • '• t r ,., 1 u .... r""t \cl AlllO~ l•ll A D•llf l'ILOT 4D YISOI MJ-1471 -----~---~--------------...-------------------------------...-..----------------------------------~~ , i C8 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, July 24. 1985 Ginger ta the predomina te aplce in pork aate . ***** Boneless Round Steak 1ss ***** Boneless Rump Roast 169 ***** Drumsticks or Thighs Leaf Lettuce I ,1' • ·~t. •.f ~ .79 .• 39 pie Thomas' ~English Muffins 119 pie Lady Lee i Tuna ,. . .... /,A N i A ,, .55 pie Flour i Torti/las .55. * Quality • Selection .,, Value • Service • Guarantee ***** Frying Chicken WHOLE BODY 50UTHERN GRADE A ***** Sirloin Tip Steak BONELE5" BEEF ROuNO l~ 199 ***** Farmer Style 139 Spareribs I \IE ST "fl )l A1" • ***** Lady Lee Bacon Fresh Corn Valencia Oranges • ·"lf e H~r. 177 , .• 12 .~29 r Citrus Hiii Orange Juice >f l f < T I t•ll l £ [.; h4 Jl C I N 199 • ,AR1E TIES ~OZ PM (, .29 P' Coors d>Beer Bali's sate uses traditional Indonesian spice mixtures ***** "\ate" in Ralt. rder~ to b11' of meat. poultr> or fish thrl'aded onto skewer~ and gnlll'd. much ltkl' thl· Middle Eastern kebabs The Indonesian pork \ate ft:u- turcd here 1s marinated an a mixture of ground ganger. onion powder. ground red pepper, peanut butter and fres h lime Ju ice. It may sound unusual. )'-et n's been a tradltlonal I ndoncsaan spice combination for hundreds of years -and it's quite delicious. Gingl·r 1s used 1n man~ countries .rnd l Ul\lnl'' In India C hsna 'inuthl'J\t \\IJ I hl' Ph1 llppinl'\ HJ\\Jll plu\ ttw Nc.·ar l J\t Ciingl'r \\:.I\ U\l'd IJ\ l\hh· 0\ tht• t'Mh Roman\ and in tht· looking of the.· M1ddk Age\. It 1~ not con\1dcred rom nwn rn thr wrst, yet almo~t cvel) [;urupcan cu1S1nc has tis o-w n gingl'rbrcad - and what would Amem:a be h~e without pumpkin pie or ginger ale'> Our ~econd renpc u\e'> no k~s than ti' c tcaspoom of ground ginger 111 Ginger Bed. Don't tx- ****• Top Round 187 Top Sirloin Steak Steak BONE.LE.SS LB BONELESS BEEF LOIN ***** ***** Pork Lol 139 Blade Cut Roast Chuck Roast 51RL011\j CllT l B FIVE STAR 0UALITY LB • ***** ***** Hlllshlre 199 Fresh Oregon 3 3 7 Sausage Bay Shrimp POLSKA SMOKE() LB l B •• BEEF OR BEEF P(lLISH ***** Fresh Sliver 297 Salmon CALIFORNIA LB J\IHOLE OR MALF f"Hansen's d> Natural ~-Sodas 6 VARIETIES 6 PACK n Ol CAN5 169 f"Hebrew A> National Salam/ OR BOLOGNA Ct-tU8 120Z CHUB 219 r !"Almaden &Mountain Wines ~VARIETIES !5LTR BTI. ass ***** Fresh Dover Sole FILLET ~: ZEE . , ....... ,.2 57 BAfHA00 M 4 PACK no s f PKG .99 rZee Paper Towels PPiNT5 l2 5 F AOll ~6 7 f"Rnal i Touch Softener F"BAIC ~ Ol BTL 149 f"Lucky i Vodka 80 PROOF 1 1~ L TA B TL 649 For Your Shopping Conwnlence Longer Store Hoursl WMkd1y1 Seturdey Sunday 8 1.m. to 10 p.m. 81.m. to 9 p.m. 8 1.m. to 8 p.m. 0vt .............. ~ ...... f #ftMofH ..... "'6-t• .. h ........ ......... , "" •• ,..,~ ,_...._., 'v4f ,. , .. . c...,. ..... , ... h '""'' ..... 111114 ....... , ....... .. ~_,,. ........ , .... •fl (jJJ•M•" .. ·~· .ilra11.J to ll\l' th1\ ,unount 11 11.l'l'' l'\al·th thl' right h111· "1th thl' gar he: pl1Y.c.k1 H"d pl.'PIX'• Jnt.J tut nwm. T hl' d"h ni;I\ lx· mac.k .1lw.1d and td)l'atnl. .md 1' .1 ftnl' tumpan' c:ho1l.e with 11n.· .• 1 ~11n"h ol Y.iltl·rmdon p1c:kk or lhutrll."\ ~ind a 1nannatl'd rurnmhcr .,,itad PORK SATE MANADO 2 tea1poons ground glngl'r 2 teaspoons onion powder , J 11 teaspoons salt P loch ground red pepper 1 :i cup water ' 3 tablespoons smooth peanut butter 2 tablespoons fresh lime juke I pound boneless shouldt'r of pork. cut In l·inch cube In ~1 large h<1"l 1.omh11\l' ginger 1 onion pl>Y.dl'f salt red pcppl'r -water peanut hu11er and hml' JU Ill' .-.ur until blended. Add pork 10" v.ell to toat rumpletel~ C o\\.'r .ind refrigerate for 2 hour'>. Rinst.• 12-inch bamboo '>kC\\t'r' with water. fhread pork on skc" ers Placl' on a rat'k 1n a hroilt·r pan. Place under a prt.·heatcd hot broiler about 2 inches from heat source. un til cooked through, 6 to 8 minutes, turning and bru<,h1n~ occasionally with marinade. If des1 red, cook O\ er hot coalc, le H minutes, turning and bru\h1ng occasao nall) w11h marinade -Y 1eld 6 porttons GINGER BEEF S teaspoons ground ginger 1 •, teaspoons turmeric l teaspoon salt l teaspoon garlic powder "9 teaspoon ground red pepper l '• pound beef flank s teak, cut diagonally into '•-lncb slices 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 beef bouillon cubes 1 cup bolling wa ter I can ( l pound I tomatoes, broken up '" cup Instant minced onion In a large bowl combine ginger I turmeric. salt, garlic powder an<l rl'd pepper. Add flank steak. tos\ well In a large heavy saucepot heat I oil until hot. Add flank steak a kv. pieces at a lime: bro" n about 2 minutes on each side Return all beef to saucepot. I Dissolve bouillon cubes 1n holl- 1ng v.ater. Add to beef along v.11h tomatoes and minced onion Bnng 10 a boil. Reduce heat and s1mmt·r co,ered until beef is tender. about I hour 'ien e O\ er cool...ed rtl.C 1 I desired Y 1e Id: 4 to 6 ponion':> Ice cream expo at 1 Disneyland < rt·a11ng lhl' v.orld''> largnt \Un· dal' mu'>ll'al rntuta1nmcnt di\· pl.t)'i and pnte'> Y.111 highlight·· \II .\bout Ice Cream'" e\po Satun.la\ and Sunda\ at the D1i;nc\land lotel E~h1bi1 Hall. ..\nahe1m · h.c ueam '°' er'i can sausf\ the11 aste buds trom ahout 40 bontho, an<l v.111 be able tu take home a hall gallon alter Knudsl'n and Smuc.ker represcntala' cs hu1l<l a g1an1 '>undac on \unda> u\ing more than 14 ton' of Ile ln:am and 7 000 r>m111<.h nf topping Hours nl th1.· C\ ent .lrl' from noon to !S p.m \aturda) and I I ;1 m 111 t1 pm <;unda) ..\ poruon ol thl' proceeds will be donated 10 the Bo) Scouts of ..\menca. Orange ( ount\ Council • • • Winl' and lood ltwt·r'I 1.an '\UP- port the Long Bcal·h Opera h~ attending a "inc and luod fr'> ti\ al lrom 4 to 7 p.m Saturda\ in the.· Long Beach ( on,en11on Centl'f .11 the foot olthc Long Reach Frcn••.t\ • • •• I 1gh1 1-re\h rru1t Des\ert\ will he taught at I 0 a m \aturda\ h> I .1rl,1 F.illgatter at M~ f a,omc fhrng' < <)Oking 'ic.. hool 141711 ( uh 1•1 Dn .. c !nine C n<,t "~20 fur 1ntormat10n. call '52-11221 • •• Tv.o classes on p1c..n11. larc and one on C rcolc d1shec; will b\' offered at C'cst Gourmet 14 Monarch B:n I Pla1a, outh Laguna · Ro> Pingo" 111 he featured at fl \0 pm Thur~da~ and Rets) M oulton will teach at thr \amc t111ll' on Tue\da). Both arc ahout Pll n1\., and cost $JO. (r~olc coot...mg v.111 ht· prt'\l'ntl'd hy Chef T} rell at 6 'fl I, rn nt'\ t Wedne'lday. Fee l'i S'S or 1nfot - ma11on. call 491-28X8 • • • T wn part1ciria11nn dav~l''> arl' 'ilhc<lu led m•xt "'l't•k at Ma ( 11 1<..rm· lookrns \Chuol. Ir ' 1ne J arml"r' Randi Markl't. r <l\h1on lc;lan<l Kt· net• < ~Hl'\to "Ill tt'al h tht' ha\lt \ ul hn.·admak1np ,lf 111 \u a m I hur<..cl,I\ .HHI at 6• \or m ·\11t' I 'I I F t.'l' " i ·HJ "Jnnhl'rn Italian C 111'11\l' "111 h\· I prl'\Cnh·d m f"-OllJ\\l'\h\ \ntu111n I Orlando and l>on.ttn I >t~\.1nt 1\ .11 10 \()am \1 oml.n .ind on \ui' 'I c O\t " \I 211 f 111 in fiHm.ttion c. all 7 ~4 '11<18 N O m ~ t I 1• r w " .i I yo11 r •· clfJ Hl'l vour h o m 1• I O w r llf'W'•P•tµ1•r r11•· Daily Pilat 1a1., 111 •• Orengo Co111 0 All Y PILOT IW•dno1d1y July 24, l98S C9 Soups can have place on menu even in summer lh fOM Ho<.t-~ "' Wlfte _,.., ,_ Wrlle1 \lo\I p~:upll· l'llJll\ \11up v. 1th fJ\Ottll'' 1,1n11.1n1t lrom ruhu1;1 \t'& MEAD ... FromC6 doubk·gotd, .11 \I ''L'nl 10 l\l!C Hl;\nl de Bl.rnl' .tnd I 9!!~ Blant'\ 1k '\lu11·1; I.\ tin.II \.I gultl \\t•nt to nun- ' inrngl' Hrut C omplett' \.u1 l t.11\\ 1',lll rc!>ult\ all' ,nJtl.lhk h~ \l'ntl1ng $4 (i n- d w..lt''I pu'ltagc ,\. hanJli ng) to 5 I \\ tne V. llllll'r'I PC) Oo\ ')~44 \.in I t .ttlll\l(I 1/41 21) I KL" 1'0 "\I> <) l IC fl. L ) The \onomJ < ount\ \\ 11\l' \htmC.t'>e tl \ullion 1' u11111n~ up \ug b-11. ind t'\en 11 \llU iHl'll l 1nierc'>ll'U 1n pa' 1ng outragl·ou' prtln tor \.\11\C!> .it JUl lton IJdm111nih the mom•\ ~~lll'\ lo a ''ontn lilU\l'I thcre 1\ mm h to gl'l l'\l ltt"d .thuut to r the w11ou\ tir l'\ rn l'J\u,tl '"nc hob- h1n1 I hc '\hu''lcl\l' I'> "hat m.ikes thl' \\t'd.cnd l'\llt1ng f ur \\h3l Jl\11>unt' Ill ..i p1u,1nll'. l ll0\1denng I "h.i1~ouge1 \Ulll.1nv.11wandd1nc .ind be l'dUtJted ll\ \l)me of I 'ionom.1\ mo\l famuu\ '1ntner' K1ck1ngt'\t'nth1ngoO on Thur'>- da) night I'> .1 til'lllng with 65 top w1ncric~ that 1ndude\ a "pig roast'' barhetlll' .ind J,rnl'1ng under the '>lars 10 li'e mu'ltl Thi'> e"en1 can be suhslrtbctl tu \epara1ch for onh $~5 w h1ch ha' to bl· .i sh.·al · The re.,1 of thc weekend feature-. lundH.'ons an111hcr d1nnt:>r pcr- '>onall1t·d \l\ll') 10 '>e\Cral 'er\ ndus1' t' '' 1nenrs .inll a seminar on '>P.trkllng \.\ 1ne, that te.ttures a 11'>1 of thampagncma\lcr'> 1011 kngth) 10 go 1ntu hcrl' .\11 tho'>c ml.'alc. all that" ine and all the rcst goe\ for onb $150 per person .\dm111ann~ to the auction 1 f dt>sJrcd lOSt~ a 011 more For turthcrdeta1IHuntalt \\ 1ne l\ho"- ld~e 50 \tar~ \.\.c\t )pnngs Rll \anta Ro<ia Y5401 . (7071 579-057" ".\P.\ VER ION -Speaking ot auct19n!> the ~apa Valle) Wine .\utt1on ha'> lo be cons1derc:d the prem1crc\t~n11n th1Hounlf") toda' '1ncc the dct line and fal l nt lht• I kubletn ~auon •. d Auction You\ l' prohabl' re all t'lsev. hl'Tl' .1bou1 the nd1culou' prices paid tor \\111l''>. man\ unrelt'J<,ed so I "'un't bore \ou \\1th another 1;uch ll'it1ng If )OU get the 1mprcs'>10n thJt I'm borcll ''11h Jut11om \Ou'rc right L1~c the \unomd c' l.'nt. thcrc s more rca\nm lo Jlll'ntl than to hu' a bullk ur l\\U ol \\lne It has a1.,;, turnt•d 1n1n "the" '>lh.: 1.tl l'\ cn l of thl' HJr in ''Int• uiuntn. \\llh a11cnd- Cl'' c:oming lrom all<;, er the nJt1on f \\'f\ \\IOl'f\ !or \U II '>l'l'm'>I hmt'>J 'ant'I\ ,;, hu\pll.tlil\ l'\l'Ol'> .ind 1hcf{J'>l1n~ hl'lon• lhl' aut 1100 '' ,, m.11or hJ\h I he '>Ile 111 tht• l'' col the gull l<llll\I,'. Clf lhl' IU\UrlllU\ \ll'atfo\\011J k.nnrt umkr g1an1 ll'nl'> ''1th h.tnnl'r\ th 1ng. I'> a \Cl'Ol' right ou1 ul '(1al\l1' ""llh l'\l'f\· onl· w l'.trrng 1hc1 r hl''>l <,u mmt·r tinl'r) \lpp1ng "Int• and l1rn.·n1n$ to tht· l'\ l'f·\O·\mOtllh ,ind "'Ill) \111 hael Rro:u.Hwnt auct1onl·rr n- il.JO rd in .llrl' It 'ou 't' nt·' t·r been I 'uggc'I '"u pl.in 111 Jttrnd 111 I lJ n To St'I 1111 the Ill' ttalwn 11'>1 wme tu '-apa \Jilt'\ \\ 11w \ut 11on P () Bo' l.ll ~I lkkna l/4~14 \IORC Rl \l• l T\ -fhe "In· lllf\ hJ\l' ~lll JnOt>lllllt.'J Jt thl\ \ l'Jr ' ~ ldor Jdo V. nl C 1 IJ\l \\ tnl' t·urnpl0l1l111n '"htlh naluatl.'d v. 1ne'> !rum C Jlil11rn1J \\ .t'lh1ng- ton On.:!llln and ld,1ho \pomorcd a' 11 " h\ a top Reno holel·l'3'>tnu lhl re\ult\ are lrl'l' 111 t'XlhJngc for a 'iclf-..iJJrn'lcd \tamped l'n"t'IOD{' to Eldorado \\ 1 Ill' W 1 n ncr'> P () Bii\ '1lll/. Reno '-l'' X45115 Cottage cheese filling fo r crepes COTTAGE CREPES 1 1 cup milk , 2 large eggs 1 :i cup corn tarch I tablespoon veRetablt> oil 11 tea poon baking po"'der 11 tea poon alt ( ollaRe FilllnR. '<t'e rt>t1pc l O\alted butter '\our r ream and \li<·t•d tresh \t ro" berrie., In .111 t'kdlll hkndl'l \.\h1rl llll(l l ht' I llll I I>; t'gi!' l 11111 \l(ll l h oil b.1 k tnjl ptrn lkr .1 nd \.1 It \In 11 l \OHllllh P111ir .1h11111 ' 1.1hlt'\("'111t11'' h.tltl'r 111111 .1 h11t t11kd non \llt k ti nr 7. 111d1 '~ii kt ( hott um mc,l\u rt• na·n t ). oil tw.11 '"' 1rl \11 h:it trr tOH'r' h111tn111 I ht•r medium ht•at cook until 111p dr1r' around cdge'i - ,1h111;1 \11 \t'l11ndc. I urn .rnJ u iok lllh1·1 "dl 1111 .1 It'' rninutl'' I urn (l\I t •frp1·.11 \\1th 1l'm.11n1ng h,1lll't \l.1~l'' I' \dd C t1ll<1gl' f tllintt lo u•n ll'f 111 l-.1d1 ll l'I)\' I old 2 of)l)tl\th' \Ilk\ 1l\ t'I lold 11thcr '>ttlt• to m.lll' .111 \·n'Vl'lopt•' .ind '>t'.ll an lillrng < hill \l \l'r' lr"l!l ltml· qt11lkl\ hru"n \lulkd p.HHJ~t·\11n h11th \Hin 111 ,1lillk1111\.1ltl0d hulln 111 .1 n1111-,lll k 'lkilll't '°ll r \\' topfl\·d \\Ith \111H lft',1"1 .tnd \tf,l\\h\•rrt1•\ \l,1k,·, f, \l l \ ing' Couttgr Fii lln1t· ""v h 11\ l~·.11 l l.iritl' l'1/JI. thnrnu1it1h \llr 1n I p1111 \nl,lll llllll lll.lnl\l \h' lllll.1y1 l htT\t' I 1.1hk\po11n \ttg.1r .ind l(J.lllll lll 1lll1ll' 111111ltl1,1\(1' 1:table to tlt:>ltculc herb broth The c-ountl) fulk o f f-rance .ind man' ot 1he1r cit) cou~ins com ume 'ast arnoullt!> of 1;oup in the:' cour-.c of the )ear. from the classic f-rench onion \OUP lO a wide ranac uf vegetable types and, for 1he gourmets. frogs' legs 1n whne wine wi th 1otock and egg yo lk<; Lierman) ts a natio n of soup lovers, with tavontes that run the gamut from marrow dumpling and turnip with duck to eel soup and a t> pe in which beer 1s the chief 1ngred1ent. Britain does not haH~ too wide a 8 Ounce Pock~ WHITE MUSHROOMS ~('lcct1on, but what ll has IS i ood from a thick pea soup made rn Lancao;h1rc to 01land's fa med cock-a-leekie This 1s more like a stew containing a whole chicken simmered with leeks. on1on!o, nee .rnd prunes The countnes of Scandinavia make a dazzlrng arra) of fruit 1;oups tn \ummer, man) o r which can be \erHd e11her hot or cold Tht:>) f1.:a1ure su.ch ingredie nts as elderbemcs. blueberries, ·plums and peaches. Most are sweetened and some Americans and other Westerners prefer 10 eat them as dessert'i Ital\ is knov. n as the birthplace ol minestrone but there .ire other line ~oup\ sue h ih .i robu~t nee and bean m1.>.1urr and an cu and cheese r.onsomme pain 11; the.' tredtor of the famed hot weather soup known cti. pzpacho, a deltghtful m1i1.turc of raw vegetables, almonds and spices, sen ed ice cold Russia, of course. 1s famous for ll!I borscht. "· 1ch ranges 10 1ype from a light clear beet brolh with a dollop of sour cream for sur .mer to a winter m1 \t urc of beef chunks. salmon or 'cal, with an assortment of vegetables. hard cooked eggs and mushrooms China offers a number of soups. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- from the meat and noodk "on tun ~l"'ed 1n ( h1ne~ rt'st.rnrant\ hl"rt• to ~transe m1\lun:s ot doj amJ sna~e meal, v.h1ch probabh tind few faM in the \\t'\t · fhe l 'nned S1.ttc-\ ol tuur\t', ":.i treasure 1rovc of 1;oupc, ranging from chowder!I to ) ankee bean and such gourmet soup!» .t\ turtle Here 1s a tast~ frutt soup from lhl· So\ 1ct L kraine CHE RR V SOlJ P I pound pitted sweet cb~rrlH 2 cups water "\ stick cinnamon ! ounces orange juice 1 lemon, tbloly sliced '. t·up sugar, or more lf dtlired 1 1 C"p IWttt wbll~ WlAl" I 11blt1pooo corouarcb . our eream Put half thC' ("hen 1e1.. 1n pan w1tb \.\atcr Bnna 10 butl anJ simmer unttl tcnder R ub cht>mc~ th rou&h ,tn11ner into another pan Return 10 heat Add unnamon oranac JUIC< lemon and r~ma1nrna cher- ne., 1mmt:r 3-4 minutes Add \ugar ,rnd halt the wine Simmer. s11mng unul sugar 1\ d1!1solved D1ssof\etorrlstarch 1n10 remarn- 1 n~ "rne. adding water 1f needed \ur into .. oup .\\ .. oon as soup thtl kl·n'>. remo' 1.• lrom heat and <ienl· \.\llh '>Our crt'am ~en es 4. EA .79 I" Of The S.01on BARTLETI PEARS LB .39 In 6 Inch Po•\ SOFT HANGING PLANTS t"4 2.99 ------c u ............. ) • ............. " .. 2 Or P1.9 ~·~ CROWN RUSSI VODKA 750.ml KAHLUA 8.99 2.98 .99 MYOJO CHUKA ZANMAI WO~ TON SK lt~S .59 1.95 1A5 ''11 .__., 1.75 LITER 6.98 LIAN GROUND BllF DOES NOT IA9 £.XCEEO n•, FAT .... I 5 liter Golden or Moun101n ALMADEN CHABLIS 21 ' Or Boni• KIRIN DRAFT BEER I ( GROUND PllOVIMI VIAL EASTERN I 99 MILK FED La. • Boke Broil or B80 Frozen LIMIT 2 STEAKS noz .55 LB. BONILISS RUMP ROAST BEH A7 llOUND I .... Foster Form\ BBQ TURKEY BREAST LB 3. 99 ALASKAN HALlaUT •nAK• LB 2.98 ,1~.. 8 PACK HUOHIS "' "" , PICNIC 8U ... ~,/:r . -~ PLAIN HOT DOGA9 I OR _.., HAMBURGER 12 Ounce Con Aasorted 6·PACK 7·UP OR LIKE 1.79 2·LITER SHASTA REG. OR DIET ASSORTED FLAVORS c m -CAftUP Zll TOWU.S 11 Du.MOllTI ~g~E .69 • .59 Al.sorted Tissue 4·PACK NICE & SOFT 7 Ounce 8og Ai~rr9d .ff O 'GRADY'S POTATO CHIPS 1.29 I W Ill I CT H •• .... 1" ~, LAKI 10 LAKI { t -.:: · l MILD CHIDDA• ti ... _; l 90l IA9 TINA'S •U•RITOS PKG 1 5 oz ~SORTED VARIET IES .29 Hormel ~ 0 1 Pk9 Smoked or ~ LIGHT & LEAN COOKED HAM .ff 8 0 1 HUGHES CREA M CHEESE .79 St~ umm 1501 SANDWICH KIT t? 0t Con WELCH S GRAPE JUICE 2.99 .82 Gallo Sliced 6 0 1 SALAM~ OR PEPPERONI I.ff ll'rec1ou1 lb 0 1 Pkg MOZZARELLA BALLS'-2A9 TOTINO'S COMIHllATIOM PII.ZA MY CL~StC 3 29 2'J 15 OZ SIZE e WI ACCIPr COUltONS PROM ALL 01 HI• SUPIRF.IARKllS * ~ A~ ... Oftty te '°°' S. ................ Jft LM A ........ ~-& 0-..-~'- I C--, ...... _._, ............. -.... 41w tll .... ..,.. -•hoo..t "°' ""'"f''M lo~C_..,•-IMC~ l (.,......,.,.,_ _ _.,....., ..... ~-·~ .. ,,-.,_, ...,, GU .... °""' _ .... _,·-·el It 00 ............... ~ed ~ S.t> .. ·--·-°' ....,, .,.. ............ 1.,, .. , r~ ,,.,...led ... -• "'61-ol '"-,..,., ,..., ••n • ' ................... ~""-·._...,,. ... ' "-.............. --·••911 ("> •····•. f~ .. _..II tvtlitt1tv .. *' . ...,.._ t1' ..... ~ ...... ~ I .. ..,,..., h~(O I 4ic)U\ 0 "-" t\ .-lvohd t ""'1ec1119 '""'" _ • ......_.., ..,. .. ,..,._ 10 Ott. 11'""1 >vly )"\ '"'" 1 .. 1, }I ~ II V"""'•oed o..i. • ( ~· t ._. ou..,...i --.Y - -I.Am TTN -ca•s .. MAY .. A,.._ N &&ell .-ca&SI - 8 !> :ir a. " • CALPI ·o SOF'T DPJt1KS Ov,...o.iy S<i1lur · ,. (j1 P• ;:i BEAN THPEAC, SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ,,,- USDA (CHO ICE • I 1.99 ·. 1.29 '""tJ \·• " C0111 1i~t· v /•Mt Hft~!> SNUGGLE *' FAB.!ll_C ~OFTENla i:'J :· ~ : I • 19 ____. 2 .99 }I\ : lh .. NU\ "o\( • ., ' s2=c • $ • -0 4 $ ; a 7 o s a 04 ClO Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, July 24. 198~ CELEBRITY COOKS AGREE: BETTER VARIETY OF FOODS FOUND IN MARKETS TODAY··· FromC6 a~cd r hl.'l''>i.'' ,1n<l t'\11t1l '1.'gl·tahln. btlh:r kllun~" and thl.' ltkl' ··On a paralkl 11 l'lld. < 1rwn ,,11d, "Wl"r~· in llw nm.ht ut a rL·<l1"tll\l'I\ ol prcn 1m 1.1I ·\ml'fll ,111 loml,, · l''· penall> ~uulh\\l.\I .in<.l l11dwn It\ a pr1.·oclup.111un 1h.11 \\ll1 hi.· "llh u' fot "U11ll.' l lllll.' ·. Wl.'\l C'OJ\I l"OOll'f\ \\J~ ll'(')- resen1~d at thr rcH·p1111n h' c alt - forn1.sn Kl.'n 110111. \lat L>t <I ">llll't'" ful BB(· T\ \\'rtl'' 11n < h1m''l' l·ooken. cookhuok .1ullH11 and cooktng teal hl.'r "Thl· 11cnJ '°"a11.1' hl·'h ingre- dient\ continUl.''> unahJll•d 111 ( 'ttli- forn1a rkrt' 'IUJX'(lll.trll'I\ h,l\ c.' been in the forl'fronl ut l Jff)tng fre'lh 1ngrrd1enl\ -l'>IX'l'lalh Regular Ground Fresh Dally 5·1b Pkg or Larger ~:~ Fresh t'\Ul1t rngret.111.'nl\ Ith· fr\'\h ~111 gl'r." II um ' 11d Hom. \\ho'' otkn crl'dtlt'd ""h pupula1111ng Jn l a\t, Wl''il 'll) k ul rooking. \ta11.·d "Mtlll' anti mott' thl' lll't1d 111 ( alttorr11a " 1n lht· m1 \Ing ot ingn:d11.•nt' from Ea1.tt•rn (A\1,10) llll\tnl''> \\l\h frt·~h nJIUral 1ngrt·d1t•nh of "l'\lt'rn < .. uropcanl rn1s1nl.'' rht' bknd1nl!. of rooking '>l} k" ha ... pro<lun·d \Oml· of th1.· mo,tt'\traord1nan \'H'all\l' foo<l 10 1.0nll' 10 till' lln111.•<l Sti.lll''> in a long "htk .. .lanl' .ind M 1l·had Stern. noll'd lck'' t\ltHI pcr!>onaltuc.,, cool honk author~. nt•w<;paper and magaL11\c \\rtlt:r~ and authon11e!I on A.mcn- ca·., heartland cooking. 'aid "The trt·nd H.mari.h 1t•g1on.1I \llWlll,111 food t'ln'l u 1renl.l ,ll illl .. "It " ou1 b1rthr1ght Whal " \l11l~1l'tH t\ 1ha1 "°l' ~•rt· proud ul 11 and \H' an· twgrnnrn~ tu '>t'l.' Anwn- lJn ru11,1m· a\ fabulou'I} dnt'I\\' l'\~ltl.'\"l'l' l>f our 111l'lt111g pol hcntJgt· .. 1h1.'\ "aid C Olllnll'nt111gon lhl' r1.·n·111 pupu lant\ or nouvl.'lk l'lll\llll' and ll\ t•xct·\<,t'\, thl.' \tern" !><ltd that 1nd.1) "Trtt.:1-..l·d-up csotem d1sh1.·, arl' bl:ing pu'ihed a!.tdl· in fa' or ot familiar an<l rcltabll' ml'ah lk· s1gm•d tu make }O u feel good 1t1th1.·1 than r h1rh1 Pudding I!> in. rnoU!>\l' 1\ Olli In 1h1~ agl' ot nn\1l'I} t·unitort loo<ls are enJo~ 1 ng .i rcnat'>· sanll' .. &; [ __ ... ...,~ ~ ---·· --· 1..1 ,_I I A racleA Onl' ofttw ll'lt'pl11111·, llH' hulk! rahk·l>. 1k~1gnl'd ti\ ,1 1nh11tr 111 lht· \ll'rn'' t.on111bul1011 10 \ml'lll'<Hl \'lltl~lllg. rl'lkl tt·d dov. n honH· \nll'1 •~.1n loud' ·\rnon~ t1.-.11u1l'<l d1,hn "t·r~: < tllltnna11 I hrt'l'-" ·" ( 11111 (Up\ ( Jjllll ( ht.'l'W Hl\lllll\ ,tn(l l p'1d~ l>tm 11 ( llll tnllJll I I\ l'· \\ "' ( h1l1 CINCINNATI :l·WAY CHILI CllPS l pound ground bct'f I medium onion, choppe d 2 garlic cloves, minced l c up barbecut> ·aut•c l c up water l tablespoon chili powder • , ounC't' UDllWt't'lt'nl·d chot• olah', grated 1 tn<1poon freshl y ground pep pt.'r 12 ll•aspooo ,Rrouod a llspkt· 11 t uspoon <'innamon 11 teaspoon cumin 11 t~aspoon ground lumerk 11 teaspoon salt 1 ~ tuspoon ground t•ardamorn • .. teaspoon ground cloves 14 teaspoon ground coria ndt•r Margarine 60 thin white bread slices 11 pound pasteuritcd proress <'heesc spread , cut into '2 -inch c ubes Bro" 11 111t·a1 "11 h u11 w11' .111d Fryers Fresh Whole Frying Chicken (Cut-Up lb 79'1 · .. 59c .. Ripe Jusl Shce Md Serve. Red Flame Grapes Sklnless Franks &c.01c11 euv ~.: 79c Veal Scalloplnl F·e~11/~00 ~,'4" ~ Fresh Perch ........ ,... • •23• ~Boneless Ripe Of White Pertettes Seedless Pork Steak Beef Roast Avocados Fresh Mushrooms Blade Center $ Shoulder .. 139 Safeway Ouahty Beef Chuck. California Hass Small Size 3_s1 ~~··~$149 Rib Steak Large End Safeway ~ii• Ground Chuck Chris' & PiH's -----------~ 4 .~ --::. Drumsticks Or Thighs, FreSh Foster Or Zacky Farms Fresh Frying Chicken ~98c SpagheHI Sauce Prego Assorted Flavors $3ji• ~t [)<,..~ l+)t E•c.l'f..o ?•. ~ '' lb •1•• Hidden Valley °'~~ Anthony Spaghelll Cheese ~,~:'°'~}I>':!.~. I~ SOLID WHIT( f 1 ~~ ©Star-K~ flflll!.;.....-----... ..---~ -,=o.---Frult Drinks Albacore ·-~~-.. -----)----.. Papttr TOwels Mangold. Prepnced 59' Fresh and Ripe Perteet 7 5 Sq Ft Roll As A Dessert Topping 59c ~99c Large Apples Gtsnnv ~'"' Sweet Reel Onions Green Onions ~~. 4 ~s1 00 Totlno'1 Pina ~·""" diain \dd b.1rhl'llll'.';1Ull' and Vnlll'I ht ing in boil "ittr in lhrnulttlt' ;1nd \fllll''> < il\l't. \till· rlll'I \0 1111t1l•ll'' ( uni \() llllllllll'\ .it 1u111l1 ll lllPl'lalUll.' ( lfl'.J\l' 1·10l h llllllltn P·"" "1th m.11g.11111l < ul htl.'.1d '"ll''> "llh l 11\lh round 1uok1r llllll'f tla11~·n "1th roll t llf pt n l'H''' t n II> 111 u fl tn pan' 10 1t11m hn·ad \Ufl' Ua~l al '"II J dl'&ll'l''> I ~ m lllU ll'' < onl l{,_.1111n 1• ltolll pan'I pl.ll't' 1111 u1ok1l· 'hl'l'I ~pnon om· H'.l\pt11111 1111 ml.'al ml\tllll' lntn l'<tl h r up. top \\ tth p1 UU'\\ dll'l'\l' 'l"l'tld ( 011· ltnllt' baking until prm.l'" t hl'l.'\l' 'Ptl•ad tx·~u" to nwll l op \\tlh ,1dd1t1011.il 1 huppnl onin11' ti lh'· "n·d n(l .1pflt'llll.'" CAJUN <.:llEESE BISC'lllTS 2 r ups flour • 1 tt•aspoon ground red pt•ppe r •, teas poon salt •, r up m argar ine 2 cups 'ihrt ddf:'d sharp Cheddar <·beese 11 c up finely t•hopped pt>ran~ 1 1 c·up milk 2 l'ggs. beaten 3 ta blespoons salad dressing 50 to 60 pecan ha lvt's ( omh1m: lluur .ind 'l'J'>t1n1n~., c:ut 111 margannt> 11n11I nlt'\lUH' rnc:mhk' n1:H\C: l rurnh., \<l<l all l'On\hllll'tl 1ngrcdll'n1' l'\ll'PI 1x·ran,. tlll\ "di ~ha Pt' dough into l-1111:11 hall\. plun· on ungrl'a,,_.d lOOkll' 'hl'l'I ro p l'Jl'h \\Ith J)Clan Bakl.' al \~II dl·grl'l'' 15 to IX m111utt'' or u111tl golden \enr \\arm 111 al room ll'nll'll'raturl· -l 111 " dO/l'l1 l lP JOE-DOWN CINCINNATI 5-WAY CllJLI I pound ground beef I medium onion, cboppt d 2 garlic cloves, minced I cup barbecue sauce I cup water 11 ounce unsweetened cboc· olate, grated I tablespoon chili powder I teaspoon freshly ground pep- per 12 teaspoon ground allsplre 1t teaspoon cinna mon 1t teaspoon cumin 1 i teaspoon salt 1 1 teaspoon ground carda mom 1 ~ teaspoon gr ound clove 1 1 teaspoon ground coriander J cup tomato juice l 7 '• ounce package macaroni and cheese dinner Hro"n mtat v.11h onwn' and I garlil. drain Atl<l hadX-rnl.' \3Ull' and wat1.·r: hnng lo hoil. ~llr in 1 cho<:olall' anti 'picc:,. t o'er: \Im· ml·r 10 minull'S. Ciraduall' .i<ld tomato Juice. !>llrnng ocl':i.,1onall\ Rcmtn l' from heal Prl.'p<HI.' l>11lnl'r a'> d1rl'Cll'tl on padagl'. t'\l"l.'pt u\lng 2 tahll.'- 'Poon' milk \l.'n t' rhtlt mt\tUr\· O\t'I r>1nm·r lop \\Ith shrt•ddl'd chl.'<.ldar ( hl'l'\l'. l 1dnn bean ... drained l hopped onion~ and OH· I tt•r trarkerc; 1f desired 4 serving' I wealth of minerals in avocados I k~11th~ 'umms:rttml' d1n1ng nll'<tn' mhrl' than lo\\ u1loric'> Nu1rn·1111.kn'lt' food., -lhml' tlw1 '>UPPI} lib~:ral .1moun1' of 11npor I· ant 'Ila min' Jnd minl.'ral' tor llw rnlt>rll'' ingl''ltt>d -arc la'>l hcu1m ing a ton\uma prekrl'Oll' < ahlorn1,1 J\ocado., art· J n.t111- ral' ( nn1a1n1ng 11 \Jluabk '11 .1m1n<., ,.ind m1nl'ral' C ahforn1,1 .1\0t\tdo\ url' high 1n fll>1.t<.,<,1um a nulrt\'lll n:rognlll'd ,,, .in 11111H11t an1 da1 h Ol'l'U for mn 1n1:11n111g good ht:alrh Bar-8 ·0 Sauce 14 ·OZ Bottle Star-Kist. Solid Whrte Tuna 6'h-oz Can Frozen, Extra Combtnabon 14 3-oz Stle \1U<.l1t'' '>ho\'. that fH1la,,111m- ·rll h lo'" \odium m\·al\ hl'lp lo rnflll.l' high hlood pre.,sun: < al1- torn1a ;t\ nlado\ lOlllcttn a "hop- Bef·air Frozen ping 540 mtlhgram' ot fl\>lil'~\lum 12-oz Can f}l.'r hall' That's niorl· 1h;1n 111 .i 79c 99c 99c 99 C mt•d1um '>Ill' han;1na' \nd J\ mado'> arr narur:ill~ lo" 111 'o<.11um 1110 1 h\' nn111111t• tht• urgt tor po1a1<1 -"""'""------------!· 'lal:id '>lrtl>..l''· 10'~ 1n ta'>l~ tn:\h Ool ..... Grala •tc.AlloRI FREE One (1) 24-oz l.Daf M,., Wnohrs ........... ....... '-· 4 FRiE .--... --,-.. -u-n----. Safeway Ylta•I• C 100 mo ..... llOTICI Playtex sa ... c1er ReolJllw TtwnPON WI! f'..-00<1 to ""' °''' "' !lo """ ()(1 "' l)l•frll" AtJ~l'"I IQ t'lR'• °M•N• M•t' "''""' r,..., QUt t>f ht ._nt• rtW\ ~·' '" o' 1. ·•~ "'"'"'WI,..., *"' m.'l'V turn ofl .,r. • 1 1 r F ,,,..~.~~ '' ..,,,.., it.. 1n:11 .,,,.... ~-4 r,., A.y111 ;>t 111\"i .i-., -"",,. .. ''"" }I\ •'lll~ 10 ,..,,_., 1'•11 y. I P' 1<1'1F ' Clf\lj>\ . . -. t • • •• .. a a sac Pncn Ertecttve Jiiy 2!> 3 t. t98S at Sefeway St«es in &>uthem Qllfomie {except C8talln8 md Beil) Seles In Retail Ouet'll!tles Onty • 1f'1' • ,4 M a • t · rt ••• ,. t • j ' .. D I ( <t11for111a <l'm·acto rulk•, and dr @ awn light 1n .1 lOlortul dl'hrn111\ <111d Dish putt1\\1um-m h treat' POTATO SALAD A LA AVOCAT 2 cup cooked and cubed ne" nr ro11e potatoes 11 cup thinly s lked celery Del ent 11 r up diced carrotll erg 2 green onions, thinly s lk ed 4 radishes, s liced Liquid. 35• Off Label 2 tablespoons plain yotc urt 22-oz Size I teaspoon Oljon-lltyle mu11tard '• teaspoon white pe pper '• teaspoon dlll weed 2 California avocados 14 cup lemon juice Lettuce luves 1 o'>\ tngethc:r potlltOl'' l l'kn l.1rrn1'. green nnwn' and radl'lhl'' Ill a l~trRt' oo"I Ml\ togt•lht't -.ogu11 mu\IJtcl. rx·111w1 and <1111 Wl'l'd f)Ollf fl\.\'f J)Olaln mt'\tUfl. and "'" until "'l'll rnatl'd hl\I tx·torc ''-'1' mp, '>l't'd tx'l'I Jnd 1 ulx' SAFEWAY ·" <H.au°' Pour km1111 1111u.' 11\ l'r ,I\ tl\ .1<lu l utx•, .md jll'nll\ 'ttr 1n1n rot.1tn salJd • • 1 '~ tr4 •' ,,. "' Tr awe 1.4·s~ ,., \/ • /1 t I u"''' I• A M \';\1or I/ 1•1 rttct ·aenn rereme010 c e cd . . . . ...... . . \l'l\l 111 lllllJH' kJf lllJ)\ 11n I llHll\ 1d11.1I ,,1f,1d pl.Ill'\ \1.1ln I \t'r\ 1 ll!l' \ TOMORROW: FAIR • FORECASTS ON A2 Serving Newport Beach, Co1t1 Meta, Huntington Beech, lrvlne, L1gun1 Beech, Fount1ln V1Uey 1nd South Orenge County ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY JULY ;n 198'> 25 CENTS Beras e 1 4 urtin Coast Laguna teachers have re- ceived a 1. 7 4 percent salary increase./ A6 California A f rre in a Los Angeles apartment building in- iures 12 people./ AS Nation Drug raids in seven states. Puerto Rico and Mexico break up massive heroin ring./ AS World ~ports that actor Rock Hudson is suffering from liver cancer, or AIDS, are denied./ AS Israel releases 100 Lebanese prisoners whose freed om was linked to TWA hijackers' demands./ A4 Food An Irvine businesswoman turns a home re cf pe for mustard int o a com- mercial success_C1 Max au Triangle's chef reveals some cooking secrets in his Newport Beach class. C 1 Sports Angels bounce back from Brewer beating with shutout win./81 Tony Hunter stands out rn Rams' scrimmage with Chargers.IS 1 School's recruiting tac- tics not a classified secret./82 Entertainment "The Tempest" Is a blending of styles and colors at Shakespeare Festival./ A 10 INDEX Bridge Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Food Horoscope Ann Landers Mind and Body Opinion Paparazzi Play Review Police Log Public Notices Sports Televison Theaters Weather BB A3 A 11-12 B4-7 BB B7 87 c 1-10 BS A9 AS A7 AB A 10 t A3 87 B 1-3 A9 A9-10 A2 Oltllr Piiot p/>olo Dy lllc ... •rO ~_,, .. , Jim and Terri Wahl of Pittsburgh take their children, Christina, 8, and Sean, 9, for a tricycle ride in Balboa. Sidewalk trikes only for tykes Newport bans three-wheele rs on walks ~nd tricycle re ntal shop owner protests B> ROBERT HYNDMAN 0 1 '"• D•lty Pllol Stall J 1ml· 1, running out 1111 flt'OPk ''ho \\.tnt to 'ihJrl' J mk .1l11ng lhl' Halhoa lx·.tlhlront Jhoard trll\dl''i huilt lnr l\\l1 l hr thrl'l' '' hrl'kr\ '"II tx· hannl·d lrom the Ocean F-ront \ltk· ,,,ilk tx•g1nn1ng \ug ~. rhl· i'•k\\pOrl Hl'dlh t II\ ( llUlhll .1ppru' l.'d thl' han th1' month 1111111\\ Intl. l11mplJ1nt' 111 \Jkl' prohll'rll'> .ind a·ddl'"' nd 1 ng h' '>Oml' t nl' l k ll'>1'r' r hl "" m•r ll tlh d•nlp.1n\ !h.11 r1·nt\ thl' lhlll ''hn•l1·r, ,,11J I 111·,d.1' th.11 lhl hJn I'> unt.m '\.\ 1· ~nl 'uppprt lrlllll n1•hn1h \J1d I larn R,l\11lu'>'l'l1 "h11 h ..... ll" nl'll 11ll'..1n f-rpnt \\ twl'I \\ 11rk' .11 1lw h..1'il' nl I hl' H.ilh11,1 P11•1 1111 I• H'.ll'i \\ t ll'll'I\ l'J ll'r11l11111pl.11 n1, '"holh ,,1ml IP me \\Ith p111hk111' R.l'im l\wn ,,11d h1' hu,1111''' ,11 pl r ,J., "'.I' ii\ l t:I I .J , \\ hil, 1 ltl'.111Ir11 \\I 1,·I \\, ri..'..1 ,, fl nh hi< \l ll'\ \I\ Ill t-11.lfd\ L \l..Jll'' h1.'.h h tHlll'rl'll." .inJ illh \Uppltl'' th1• ll11n• "hl'l l1•r, '" '' 111 ' IPr ur !11 -l1 l JX'f\t'111 l'I hi\ hu\lnl'" 'l'u•plt'llll•l\ r1.!1n):lht•m I t11•, 1 fun hl't.JLl\l' \1IU l(\'l l11 ,11 ,,,fl''''"'' I 1l'n •m Ir 1111 ~•th 11 1.:1 ., gr.1ndr.ir' nh l'' It, i 1<.1, ·"l (Please see TRICYCLES/ A2 Interior chief w ill attend area meeting on oil drilling By ROBERT HYNDMAN 0 111\e Dally l'llol ll•lf l \ lnta1or \nn:lan I >1111,ild Hodd ha\ J1.n•pted .in 1n' 11.111nn h' Rep Rohe rt Rad ham R-'\1." ,.,. 1rt Bea1. h to attend J lm .• 11 ruhli1 meeting ron1.l'rn1ng .1 rroro,JI 111 allo>w oil dnlllngotl 1hr Orangr < o.i'l \\ h.ll JX'llplt h.111.· h > \,I\ .1h11111 I ht' pr11p11,,il \l hr1. 1bt.-r ,,11d I ut·,.f.1' \\' "n1· .. nu.-rnl·d th.11 1 '" ,., l11l.ilh ha11.• ll••I hl'l'll h1'.Hd Ill lh1' '' \ '1tl ll l' I ..1.;1inJ lk.h h 'h• > I .1 P• 1n,·J .1 n111ra 1111 1 ,lrillln.: I h1' \\l'l'I<. ti 1 t-\ I h;n:1n!!l1tn lk.h t \\L'lll ,l)!Jln\I lht•, •l\ ' '•I I'· ·, ti h1~ I .. 1 l'I' "l' 1fhh11rt· drill ,,~ ',,:re. ' n , " hh· ' \\ t " ... 1.1:hl ~ 1<,p1t'l'n1.111'c' 1r,•1 1, t 11 Ill\ 11111llll'l'I1<11 ~hi 1 '•'"!'' Police investigate causes of major traffic accidents B)' STE\. E MARBLE Of ll>e D•llJ ll'llOI lleN -\n 11, \l'ar -oldmanrt"tumingtrom J m11ton \dl' dub mcctin~ in !'I.el.\ Jll•rt lil.'J1 h "'J'> l llkJ latl' T Ul'Wa\ 1n J I lun11ng1on &alh 1olh'>wn and lour \f•Uth' \\C:rl" -.e'creh injured tn a 'l'pJrat1.· jll ldent earl\ 11.da' "hen thl'tr ar l ra,hl'd into a hght pole in I mt.1 \k'>J pohl.l' t1lliu:r\ rl'pon1·d \ll'' l'n 'Vtanin Plant a rl"'>•dent 1.11 ~ nl nlln'>ll'r "a' thru" n I rum h1• nt" m11111rl H It' Jltl'r '>lamming into a lfu1ll.. \l'dan that ariparentl) pulled 1n (Pleaff aee CRASHES/A2) OCcuts Laguna route money Reduced land a rea m ay co t the c ity 85 l 0.000 in fees B' Lh,\ \t \llO,E'i 01 tl\e o .. ,, l'OIOt St•n ,. \\' 11'11ul t• • tr.i .:t ( 11unl• r ..1 lr'l'\\.J \ n ghl· 1m1•• !fill" rt .I ., I.Ill ht'rl' ' ;i f'I. rh.t;" " .•lll'O lht• c n ar lh 'ar 1 t .t ' l.1\I \ 1: .. t , "' u,1111111\ 111 .!. , 1ppra1"''' I l <>I lht •1rn1' l\ 11 I Ill! 1 ht'll ' 111.lf)\ \ 1.tn.ll?l'I Th1.· rnl'l'llng ha'> ~rn 11.·nt.11111.·h .,et Im \aturd a} morning. \ug 11 said Aadham .11dr l31ll Slhrc1hl.·r I ht· mrc11ng "Ill proh.1hl~ bt.· h1.·IJ .11 .1 local \1.ht)ol \Ill' in thl' 0<-.1,h l ll1t'' area ll11dt·I 111d .t ho't 1•1 I .1hh•11 1.1 lllll!Hl'\\111n.il dl ll•g,llt'\ ,11111 11111 ,• ,t "'mrrnm1'l pl.in Juh In 1h.11 11 11ld 11p1.·n .1huu1 ,..i ,qu.1r1· n1tlr' 111 ll'd1 .1 "·"t'r' 111l I l untlll)lt1•n lk.11 h .111.t '-1'\\plllt lkJlh t1111fhhP1t ,, 1t1pl11 r.11111n .ind Jnll1nt1 I tw .1!!rl'l'nll'nt .11,,1 ,,111, 1111 1•11•1l ••II J 111.I !!•"Jn II 111t1 I 1J,1' 1 .. t1,• t •Ix 1'\f 1111hl' \l'.H :1~lil lll'.h I 101 dt'' u" 'I .11n:,' 111 0' , 1 .... \I ;. 111ppil\l llh 1111'11< ' ,• • pl.111 I .tdd11 1•n I .1~un II i. 1 1 II Interior Secretary Hodel "1 IH' "J real lOUJ1 lor u' tx·1..1u" \\l'·, l' hl.·1.·n tn tnit tnr <;11mt' t1m1.-111 ~1·1 him In hold .1 m1.'t'l1n11. hl'fl' It• li'll'll 111 \Ul I I pf.111 h,I\ ,lfl)!t ll'd , I 11)1, 1.11, , 'l'\\ f)<lrt th .11 h ,111.t '""' 11:11.111 H11h ( H'll \\ lh' 1 1•1 I fl~ I ll'\J,11 I•• ,1 ' ,, h " • , ,.,f.nt' ,.11 irg.1r , pp.' (Pleaae ffe INTE RIOR A 2 l \ . ' Plus~ 8~~ L A Gl:"4A/ A2) Alzheimer 's disease hurts m ore live s than patients ' Judge reconvenes pre-trial hearing in boating deaths Families of county vtctt ms gtve -and receive -s upport I nn·d 'urneonc Ill th1 m' I hl ir .11111' .iround mc and ~l't' nw .1 kl\\ I tw ""m.111 "'''' 'iJX«1!..1ntt .11 .1 It'• l'lll l!•llh1·nn~ 111 ml'fl Jnd "llnH n 111 I h.111111· < ount} l.\hti\l' \flOU"'' 111 p.1tt'nl\ h,1\l tht: drl.Hkd \l1ht•1nwr', tl1"""l \h1 "·" 1w arh .11 t h1 r nd 111 hn 11111t 1.11.111~ t Ml' cit .1 hu,hand hl·111ic ll l11k11·d hl'lph''' h\ lht dl'il'.l\t' lh.11\ d1·111i1fl\IHllfl h1' hr.1111 H'll' I 11111 llf lt\t lllt'n 111 the .iutlit•nt1.• 1umpnl 111 • ROBERT BARKER PERSP EC TIVE (, 1hl'1r krt tn pm' 1dc l·omlorl J h1.· tl1\tr.1ugh1 "uman "1rnt 111 ;in int r1. .. 1,1ng numtll:r 111 j)('opll' ~·10~ ill'' a,1.111·J h\ "h.11 ' harirrn1ng 111 tht H lo\t'll tlnl.'\ .ind 1i.111mJt111·d h' thl' \l'l'm111gh nt '1·1 l'ndtnll 'tr.i111' put on th1.•ir n"n h'l''> .ind IX '"111.11 finjnl.'C\ Tht'\ 1. an !11\l' t hl' 11 111h' 1 h1.-ir homl'\ and thl'H fll'.lll' 111 m1nll T hn often d1in t k n1'" "h1•rl' to turn lrn hl'lp ·-11 1.on he.' li k1• fl I" ing de.1th · ,,rnj I l•n Brrntl11. ,, llunt1ng1trn 11.irhour m.in \\hO\l.' "'fl' .\nn " Jn \11hl.•1m1•r'\ '1ll1m anti" ho 1n,riin•d the rcn·nt Ill t1<1nah1l'd tl'ln 1\11111 mo,1c '()\l ,ou ~cmcmhcr 111\t'' 1ha1 <1tarrl'O Jo.innc \\ O<ld"arJ Brtmh1 fl!( ~ml hl "' '>ullcrnl t\\11 ht' Jn JllJl l\ anti h.1<. had t"o artcrtal h\ll.l" 11pc1a111in<; \lnu· hi\ \.\Ill' "a' d1.1p.n11\t·tl ·" h.l\ 1ng \l1humrr'' (Pleaee eee ALZHEIMER'S/ A2) Len Broido -------- B\ .I E.FF 'l\l \''I\' Of ,,,. o.ii, ""°' •••" \ prt 1r 1.11 lw.11111~ It> 1 ",, lk,i. h h,1,1111 lh.ir1.11·d 1111h flit "1111' ,,. 1 \l,\llf:!hl1'I \l,t\ 111,k1t•d 11• II I nl 11\\l.I\ 111 J" ltnll't"ll rt 11\ l h\ \l11nll tf'.ll ( 111111 li11t,.., \\ I .till I' I 1t \ '' ln1 l"'llh -,1(1t•, pi. ,,•111,•d ,, ··~· 111" "'' I 11t·,;1." It ti I . \ t t•d I"' \\ l '1 I ,, .111 ~·· l\I f'.tl 1 , 1 I t11.ir•nll 1 ll I 1111 < \,l1llo01 '1.i.h .... h 1)~·pt1I\ Ill\ ' ll.lh1 1 .1nl11 ... 11d thr ,, 111 l'd .in'''' .1kn1 .1h.H1t I h1111,.e tlw, .1\\' I" 111,il ~ h1 ,.1nd11d1n~ .1r1111111rn1' I i\11\llf 1111 \\ht•lht'I \lfl ' '1 'h• '-'t d ~ 1"" nl tzhl't'n 1 "h11 ht ''·"hl.I hr 'l'l('nJl)(1a1 lllht .11 ~·htt d l't1111 1 I hl l ntran11' 111 \ .111. n I\,,, 1. ... 1 1 h. h•h..·r Tlw 1 \ t .1,h 1h1 ""'' ~i.i1111iz ;.11, 11knt ( lf,tn!o'l I \Hint\ lll'IPI' -l.tlfcod '""" n" .11111 1n1u11tl I ;11lc-, tPlnae: ~~ BOATING/A2) • I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday July 24, 1985 ~ - OK expected on airport expansion By JEFF ADLER OfU..o.lly"94 keft l\n order thnt \\.OulJ per 11111 C )1 Jfl&l' County plannl'~ to resumt' "orJ.. on lhc John Wa~ nt· .\1rpon npJn\ion project and tht' rdated ~nta Ana Heights land-usc: r>l:in wa\ awa1trng appro"al b) the \tJ\c < t>lll\ ul \p~~-.11 toda> l\ttornc) \ reprt'\cn11ng ho th thr count). Newpon Beach and t\H> commun1t> group!> asJ..ed the 4th Distnct Court of Appeal in ~an ta \na to permit county plannl·rs tl> rcsumc lhe1r work on thl' t'xpam1on and land· u....-plan "htk 1111: ll'rlfl\ ot a l.'.omprt<hl"n'>1' e lOUll '>C:ttk·ml·nt uH·r a1rpon matter'> arl" n>mpktnl. IX-put) ( ount> ( nun\cl Diln D1d1t'r '>Jtd he had C'\fX't tl"d thl· appeal'> coun to appfo\ t' thl' reque)t sometime Tuc'>dn). H o~r-vcr. a court derk ~ud thc paperi. had hot ~n -.1gnt•d a<. of th1 .. morntn~ Thl' appctth court " l01l\1dl·rtn& the count\\ appeal nt an Ar>nl Superior Coull ruling h\ Judgl· Phil- lip • t:hwab that the courity '1olated PH'' 1ou!> court order.., hy li11ltng 10 \uhm1t its SI SO m11lt0n :11rpMt t·x- pan'iton plan for Jud1c1al n·v 1cw. In ruling ~h"'.tb llircl ll'd l:ount) planner\ to \tup , .. Mk on the e' pan'>ton plan I he lfoan1 o t i.,uper' l\Or\ voted r Ue\dJ) \O endorw the tomeptual ll'rtll\ ol ti l'Omprt'hl•n\IVt' n>Urt M"ttlrmc:nt aimed at ending yea1 ~ of ht1gat1on that pitted the count} again\t Nt·"' 1x1rt Beat h the: .'\1rport Wor ktng Ciruup and Stop Polluting Ou 1 Ne"' pun Superv1<,or'> are scheduled to rnn· sider the settlement Au~ 13. As pan o l that !>ettlcmcnt, all r>art1c\ agreed that planning nct1' 1t1cs ,re: lated to the expansion tould rc!>umc j 'TRICYCLES BANNED ON SIDEWALKS ... From Al ~1d ··..\nd thl'lr ~kl\ 1nurt1 " spotless·· The three·"'hl't'k" "''II~ alto-wed on the street' and \:>arJ..1ng lots. but Rasmus!>Cn Yrd the: tnqck ban on the Ocean Frollt s1de"'allo. "'htch runs bct....,een the BJlhoa and Nt·"' pon p1l'r'>. "Ill hurt hi'> hu<;1ne,., ··That '>lde""alJ.. ,., thr t.n It ' '\\.here thl'' "'ant to ride .. ht: ..aid Rasmu~'>l'n ~1d ht· wa'> kft out of thl' dt">CU\'>IOO'> thcit led 111 thl· ban He aho said a -.k:11t· r>Jtrol that ~en1 his emplo:yee\ throughout the: area to ensurl· that renter-. dtd not rrdl· on the '".k"alk' "'J'> not g1ve11 l'O<>u~ht ttme to n pe ra ll' ''Tht') '>l'l lhl\ wh11k thing up hchind mv halk · hl· \atd ··1 found 1>ul b) al'Cuknt that Jl1 th1\ wa'> going w happen I 1h1nt. J kv. people felt th11:atcned and 1n11nrniated b) them (lrtC\dco;) and ..... intl'd 111 du some· thing JOoUt II .. ( harhe Bauman prl'S1dent of tht Balboa Improvement As~oc1a11on . denies Rasmussen's lharge\ "He was no tified of the mecung\," Bauman said ··1 think he'<>JU'>t up~l But there "'ere compla1nh e\presi.ed at the mee11n3s ·· Bauman said the Balboa lmpro,e· ment 4.sSOC'1a11on - a peninsula group representing bus1ne~M!S and residents -recommended that the Ctt) Council take action again<.1 tht: three-wheelers ··There shouldn't be an> of those on the sidewalks." he ~1d "The side· walks are for pedestnani.. ·· When they approved the ban July M. council members said proble ms resulted when the wide three-wheel· ers are ridden among pedestnans and other bicycles on the beach sidewalk, which measures less than 12 feet in width. City code allows half of the Ocean f-runi )1de..,.alt. to Ix• u~d b} Oil H:le) The otht•r half 1s for pcdt<,tnans. W11h less than su feet allo-wed tor all whcl'led 'eh1cles, not much spate 1s left U\ er "'hen the LnC}cles are prcst•nt In add111on to complaints from tht• Balboa Improvement ~ssoc1ation the C ti) C ounc1I re<:et"edleuers from local re~1den1s urgmg a ban. Ncwpon Beach pohc«:' intend to l)Qltfy people ndtng on the sidewalk airer .\ug 8 that a ban 1n in efli:ct. Violator\ "''II be warned, but Clll'd onl}' 1fthc "'arn1ng 1s ignored Eldc:rl} and handi~d people. and young children a~ tncyt'lc:i.. art> exempted from the ban. "I don't know how they intend to enforce 11." Rasmussen said. "All the> 're doing~ fomngthese bicycles mto the ci ty streets where it's much more dangerous. But it's out of my hands .. BOATING DEATHS HEARI:NG ORDERED ... From Al and thrl'e 11\ht•r, 1 he pr11.,crutmn ha' argued that Earle\ ""a' ncghgt·nt 1n r1perJttng the boat w11h too nuO\ peu[lk on board. "-tlhout proper t..nuv. kd~w ,,f ho"' to na' 1ga11: ht<. "'a~ 1n111 tht• harbor and aftn dnnt.1ng at a Halh•"'l't'n pan~ earlier 1n \he t:\t•n1ng .. .\ reac;onahh: JX'r\on 'h11uld ha H' seen a lot of dangt•r · C onk~ told the Ln un Tue\da\ < onln \lml E:.arlc<. '>r>Cd into the ti.irhor at more than thl' legal limit of 5 J..ncJt\ .• ind "lhcrclure re'>r>0ns1blc lnr the death' 111thl'11,e pa!>o;cnger' trapped 1n tht: ho,11 J\ 11 \ank aftt•r h1t11ng the hum "Thl'rc\ ab'>olutt•h no 4untmn 11 \tr E:arlec. .... a .. going 'i m1k\ rx·r hour th" \\nuldn't ha,t· h.iprx·nl·d .. < on· k\ }Jld Hui E-arlt·..,· auorne\ <1Jr' Pohl\on d1<,putrd the thargt· thJt h1-.t lll·nt wa!I Lnm1nall\ negligent arguing ill> L.trk'> hd'i argued Jll along that the harl"ior "a' nut \ullu:1rnth marked anJ that the huu\ "'J'> huJJen b' the l'Jrh morning dart..m:.,, . r hc1 l' ... nuth1ng dhout the lall\ ol 1h1\ l'1'>l' 1(1 ind1latt· \ 1rl Larlc' had a d1\regard l11r human lilt or 1nJ1t- leren~c tu 1.un\e4ut·ntl'\ · PohJ..on ~1d in hie. u1ndud1ng argument ''\.\-1thoul a douht he made a rn1\ta!..r l h.11' "h' thl'\e death' <>lturrt:d . Hut a 'rtm1nal m1\taJ..l'' J don't think so." Pohlson said The Earles case could be a land- • mark in boating law, because Earlei. was found to have a n 0.1 J blood· alcohol level after the accident. a le\ cl that would make him legally into\· 1cated 1fhe were dnvmg a car Statc law makei. 1t illegal to operate a boat ··under the influence" of alcohol. but does not define what conslltues being under the mOucnce. Earles has admitted he was dnnkmg earlier, but claims he wa' ~ober enough to operate his 20-li>ot ~JX.'Cd boat Both pro'>ecut1on and ddcnse at· tome-vs maintained that E;irk'> 1s an experienced boater. "tth \Orne ex· penence 1n na' 1ga11ng .\nJhc1m Bay But "'hilc C onlc} ..aid [ arles' ex· penenct• mean'> he <.0uld hJ\C ~n reasonahl) cxpectc:d to <l"'Old the ouO\ Pohl'>on said 11 tndt<.atci. Earles wai. in ('Ontrol of the s1tuat1on "lf,ou I.no"" the harbor1<,darkand )Ou k·nu"' there are unlighted buO)'> )OU should be slo""1ng the hed do""n:· ( onle) '><!Id altl'r thl· heanng "If :you·, e been dnnl.tng 'ou·, e got to be especial!~ rnrelul ( onlc~ noLcd 1n ht\ Jrguml·nt 1n court that Earles had left tht· harbor onh an huur tx·fore hi\ 1 a m rrturn. and ..aid he should h.nt· known ho" to use the sencs of nav1gat1onaJ lights at the entrance to the harbor designed to help boaters steer their wa> 1ns1de . liut Pohlson maintained Earles was sober and sufficiently expenenccd to know what he was doing. "V1rl Earles was an expcnenced boater. He knew how to control the boat and he was controlling the boat that evening. ··The onl}' thing V1rl Earles did wrong ... wa!I to go too fast."' Pohlson !>aid. Earles 1Hharged with five counts of manslaughter and one count of operating a boat under the mOucnce of alcohol. He faces a possible i.1x-year pnwn sentence 1f convicted. Earles blames the government tor the accident, saying ll would not havt' happened 1f the buoy had bttn properl) lighted. He has filed a SS m1ll1on claim \\-tth the U.S Coast (1uard. the Depanment of the Nav), lhl· .\rm~ ( orp<> of Engineer<; and the c 1t~ ol \cal Beach for lea\ rng the buo}' unlighted \1m1lar cla1mc, ha\C been filed by rclall' c\ of the passengers -who died .ind '>Un l\Ors of the crash. The live passengers who died in the { ra'>h. all friend~ of Earles. \\Crc John Aako~. 22. Ro nald M-.ef\, 22 A.nthon) \utton 27 Kath\' WeaHr 24 and Patnrn1 Hultng'>. 20 ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP ... From Al dt\t'a\l' fi\I.' ~ldf\ J[l.O Hut ht n .1li1n tw hJd fl> ~l't in' oh cd 1n olht·r ,1l t1\1t1n . fl \()U .Ill' !/Ping to IJ~l· lJfl 111 \omtont d\t: ••>uh.t'L'l11IJ~t'lJrL11I 'our,ell 1011 he ,,ml Tnm ,10d tJnnnl trom rqiulJr dJll'\ ''" tht: ll'rlnl\ \tfUrt\ llro1d11 \ci1d llit· ,al.unit\ ha' a"'alo.em•d 111 him J dt'\lll' 111 ·.it) \11luntn1 llllll• mun1t\ \l'f\ 111.: JOll J fl'JlllJlton lh<tl ht• 11v.nJ .t 1kht Ito '-Ollt'l\ lkltirl' h1., "'it'·' illnl"'" hl' "'J' .1 h1gltl 11mpt·t1lt' t' t'n\r,•pn·ncur t;r \.11d I h pournl J l11t •>I t'llt'll!.' 11111, hi\ t onlmt·r tJI hurglJJ a lJrm h1"1 Ol'" 111 I 11011 Bc.ll h .ind .1~11'"1\ d' fll.111 nnl 1 .. r I.'\ r.JO\lllT1 But 11 '·' hl· \il!d hi.' dl''11t1' 1111, .1hnul .in h11ur .1 dJ. 111 lhl h11\111c:" ''I ll h h1• h.i' '11 tualh lur nt"tl c •H'r 111 J "''" I I• n .. v. plll ltl ,1 1111 cit t1llll' ,1, ,1 '"tunluf lr\tlh (1ood"'1ll tndu,1111·, .ind 'llho 111g;1 r111.1111rn' th.11 lw ,,11d arl' 1wr\t>nt1I "1th him .tnd lw d111·\n 1 \.1.1\h ''' d1"' Ill\\' But Ill' Jn11tn .1 1111 11( hl\ 11011.' hl'lp111g Ill !(1"1 llUI Ill• ml "J[l.1 .1hout \l1h1 mwr ' dl\1'.1\•' .tnd tr>!!W lll h p \11t1rll\ Jnd tli·11 \ll'lll\1'\ I k' .1 11 1·111lw1 111 1h1· h11.1rd 11 dirl'1 l111•, 11 tl11· 1 >r.1n~w 1 11u111 c h,1pter •ol \11IH l'lll"r ' I )f\eJ'< ind k ila tt·d I JI\· 111kh \ ,.,.,< 1Jt11 in In I ll1· l(n111r "lll'.111q11Jrt1rl'd in I ' \IJ \11'\a hul h11l11\ monthh fllt'l tlrl)!\ n \.\ \lflllfl\ll'I lfr .1111111tlH'" .Ill' v.11r~1nt; tu It 11 I Ill• 11 ,1111! \OllH"ll 111 c11ndui.1 1r.11rnn~ Just Call 642-6086 r>rogram' 1n hom1· \l'll•n!:(' through· l)UI tht (llUlll\ fhl' org.J1'1/Jllfln al\11 ruoll\ht'\ Jnd d1,tnhuH:-' lttt·ratun and hl'lr'> 'P<•U\l'' 111 '1l I 1 m' 11 nJ J')\l\tanc1· It, 1mpcirtJnt 111 twtr th1• ht'Jlth' tam11\ nwmht·r'> ht' ,,11d hnJu\t· \l1he1mrr 'd1\l'a\l' -1 J,·h1l11.111nr 11lmrnt th.11 nt1\' Jlll11 ' ,1hou1 ~· m11l1on \mat( J O' - ' m rt·.1\lng fht·rl·· .. n, J..n11"'n, 1irt• 11r c.iu\l' hl· -.31d In'"' "Jr' -h' 1•1•11 -.1h<1ut ~l pcrlcnt 11l lh1· p.111ul.11111n .,q·r 'Ill 1' pn:d1t tl'd tc• h,1\l' \l1h1·1nwr ... 111'>\:a\l' cir 111'\t •ii 1 1 ~1 br.:s1n·rd.11t·d dl\ordcr'>. h1• ach.kd 'J hl pr11hl1 m I' h,1d l'011U"1h 111 l>rlJt.. tht· u•untn ··Ill' ,,11J ··Jnd 11· .. gt t11ng "'"r'>l' h<•ta11\1' l11ngl"' ''' " 111trl'J\IOll \Cl rap1dh I h• national 11q~.in t<1t111n .11'" h,I\ l11hh\ l\l\ Ill "l.itr,Jnlt'Ol11 ,inJ "1.1n I r<1n< l'>t'' Jnd llrc11d" h1m,1·l1 1" \\11r !..1ng lo 1 h<111gr lfl'1Halltt' 1.,,~, lo pro' ult ht•tlrr rnnli«1t , t1\ 1·r.1~l· l11r \ ll llltl\ lie \Jiii man\ 111mp,11111'' ht' ""n tndudrd t \t'mpt nw111,il dl\•1r1kr' lr11m I u 11 c o' t"rilj!l' 111d l h.11 r11ltt \ n1.·1·cl' Ill tx· d1angn1 ., I k al\11 droppt•d h\ 11•11 1111\ .11 lht ...,,,,1,11"lnunt\1111111• 111 II 11111t1J.!t11n lkad1 to 1,1 ~1· 0111 \.lnlt 111" t1\l.'f.1)!l l11r hi\ lr\lk \ d m 1 n "II .11"1 V.. ,, 11 l.1 11 V. aid man \J rd \lulu .Ill .in 11111\ 11.k 1p I•• ~II pt'rlent 11 !lll'dtl,11 41\t\ 1111 \l1hc1111er' '"'""' • \1'ltil undtr \111.1.11"lnunt\1111l th1 .:11• '•~ •l:JI\ 11f ,1gt dlld m.irr1cd 111.1 ix·r,011 v.ho" d 1g1hlc fir• 11do \J 111 Im "'1 k Jt<,pla) s Ii t' 11f dt"fHl '""n .111d fru,tratiun or .ingul\h "ih1· u\l'd to hl· an a' 1d hndge pl:J\er .111d 1t·11n" plJ~t·r and read aoout a houl. .i "rd \he no longa <:an rt•Jd .ind 1an hJrt·h lCJmmunicate. hl' \Jld Hut \hl· can \till pla~ lennl'> Jnd hridgl' ,ilthough not nearh al thl' lomix·11t1H· Incl !)he onn· enJO\ed i.,)il'ldO pJniupatc 1n those at t1v1:·e., ht· ,,11J bt:tau\c 'he ha' a r;irl' lorm '11 \l1tw1mn' \hl· don lot\ ol i:lerohll '> and 'l'll:nd' .1 lot Ill time loo!..1ng JI doud\ • rnd hirth \111·' 111mrul\l\t'I' ll<h . he '\aid. .ind dm·\ l.iundf) a umplc ol ttml''i a d.J\ "iht· hnomt:' angf) when 1trm' 1n· It-fl htn~around the huml' \h1·\ ca\lh fru .. 1ra1cd and doe'>n 1 l'O)") \ll1i;1t11.1n' 11ut'i1dc thl' home hl' '·' "' "111nw11mt·, 111 the morning ::.he call'> him h) h1\ right name Other time\. \hl' dm·<,1f1 rcml'mbcr his name rn .111\ him I)\ her wn·'i name. Aro1do '·"" 1 ht• c11i-:.11111<1l111n -.\l1he1mer'\ I >1\l-.1\c .ind Rdalcd J)1<,order'\ .\\· "1• 1.Jllon I fll -meet 'i at ' p m on th1 11''1 V. t·dnc'>da' ol the month al ttw "ll·n1or < 1111en\ < enln al V.. t•o;1- m1n\lt"r < 11\ Hall The organ11a110n ., 1111 tll " .11 .. e n v.. I YI h \t ( U\lJ \.fr\J I hl· 11·kphonr numtl(:r I\ 1. l 1-f J ~ .t.., What do )OU hk1 Jbuut tht' Oat I) J'ifpt°' What don't )OU llkt" Call tbt number at lt>ft and ~our ml'"321' "'ill tH· rt'1•ordt'd, lran'ierlbed and dt'livt'rt'd to tbr appropnat.-Pdltor . Th(' samr 2 t-bour an~"'utnl( 11t•rv11•4• m wy bC' ust'd to record lt>tlers to the editor on any topk C ontrlbutors-'o our l,t'llt"n C'olumn must lnc-ludt' their namt> and tl'lt>phonr number for vlrlft<•a tion. No f'i rC'ulalion calls, pleast' Tell us what'<i on \our mind Clrcul•tlon 714/6'2-4333 O•llyrtllot 0•11 •ry 11 Ou• antffd ":::~~r Daily Pilat ClH•lfled •dvertlalng 714/6'2·5878 All other dep.,tment• 6'2-4321 MAIN OFFICE Keren Wittmer ... . ' ~. ,. • ., .... 1# Fr•nk Zlnl R0Hm1ry Churchm•n • I -1• I ,,.. .. Clrcul•tlon Telephone• '•• au~" •• ?'... ...._ Ro~rl l C•ntrell IMt i,• How8'd Mullenuy A •.,. • .,• t 'J' , .. Oon•ld L Wllll•m• ,. 1,.4 c 11,f• Peoor e tevln• VOL. 78, NO. 205 ...... High pressure-boosts mercury High pressure bulldlng north of the city 1111111 help keep 101111 Clouds from spreading Inland lhrougn Thursday and that wi ll allow temperature& will edge up a lew degrees The mountains and deserts will remain under a dry, northerly flow of air. the National Weather Service says Overnight low clouds and log wllt blanket the area trom the coast to the coastal valleys, but lair skies are otherwise expected Lows tonight wlll be 1n the 60s and highs Tnur'ldOy wtll range 1n the mid-70s 10 m1d-901 Along tne Orange Coast 1here will be low clouds and local fog late tonight and early Thursday morning from the co88t to tho coastal valleys otherwlae latr skies Lows tonight in the 60s A little warmer Tnursdoy wllh highs In the mid 70s to mid 90s. U.S. T·~mps lllll• !loo ae IJ LOUllVtll• 83 i.• 7• HI M""'ph't VO Lo A.4Ji•m1 Be"c t 8(1 b9 ·Q ~~ "'0NTS Altl•n• re 45 M1lweOllM I l I SS. Alt>uq"*'ll"" OI 6' Mpl• SI P•ul 88 07 Warm -Coia,... Atnt1,.llo '" 68 NUh•>"• 91 11 ""'l\Qf "9" 60 ~ Ntow (Jf ... n> 92 12 SllOwe ra Rlitl l'lumH Snow OccludeO.....,.. Slahonary &.,.. Allene• 117 lJ N.,. YOf• 18 62 Nt-w ....... S-..Ce NOAA US Oeot ot ~t• A.tlarlll(: C 11, '8 6' No<IOI• Ya 10 70 Ault•" lb 7S O•larioma c;,,, 93 10 8t1Utno<" 80 SS Oman• 41 n B•r""'ngt•111•.-II' 11 Oolando 85 ~; Calif. Temps Sania Ana 00 64 81tmafC• ; I 62 P11o1.o.tP'tl• 78 Sanll C•u• 64 ~ aoo .. .JO sa·,,_.,, •05 $A 8os10tl 79 61 P•1t11>ur~I\ IA •5 H~ lo# In< 14 hl)IJ<1 ...cling •• 5 Surf Report ,. SJ Po<llanow~ Elulf••o II •9 •m Casi* •O 52 Ponlftn<I <>• 81 61 e.~ .. ,,...., 97 7) en.,,..,.,. s c:. ;, 76 p,011"'0 .... l(flll 18 S6 fur.i.a 87 S' l OCATIOH llZl I HAn Cha1,..11><tW\I ~l 60 Reletgh 17 61 fffltno 101 H Hunhngton a..c;h 1.3 -Cha1~ll• N t 8) b8 Rli>•d C..•ly 9 1 ez l anu,t•• 119 70 R~ .i.uy Newl>Of1 1·3 , .. , Cl\ey9nfl<ll 81 5• R<lno 89 5• l 06 Angei.1 83 58 4011> 511 .. 1 Newport 1 3 laJf C11teago llO 02 RIChmonCI 87 oo Oa1<1enc1 75 69 22no Str..i. Newoo<1 1·3 l•jt Of\C'""•" 8~ ~8 SI loo•• 86 .71 P .. oRol>lff 100 81 8-lt>oe WH OA 1 3 fllf C~en<l 1J 51 SI Pet& Tamo1 • 88 75 Red B!ulf 107 81 Laguna 8MGll"' 1.3 -Columt>u• Cl•• 77 53 San L •k• C11y 85 82 Redwood C1ly 79 59 SanC-1e 2·• -Conco<CI N 11 ,, •2 San Anlon•o 9 • 75 SllCfam8f'IO 100 04 wa1 .. 1emp 68 OallU fl WCltlh e~ 73 San Juan P A 89 75 SaltnH 89 55 Swell 011ec11on '°"'" well Oa)'lon 18 52 s .. 11111 ~ 59 San 0Ceoo 76 10 Oen••• SA 56 Snrt,..1por1 12 SenFrenc11eo 7• 57 O..M0tnv. ~·· 73 00 69 Spo~ana 89 57 IS•n•• 8aroa1a Tides 0.lrOll 74 S• Syt1CUl4' ,. 46 Sc°'111on 97 72 Oulultl 81J 6• Topeu ae 111Qll, low '°' ,. l\l)ufl endlrig "I ~ p m 90 Ef Pno 611 6• TuclOfl 99 76 Bartlow 103 10 TOOAY Falt Dan~• 11 61 74 8tahOP 98 b 1 SeGonCI high 3 3• pm ~2 fulH 96 Fatgo 93 04 WaJ.h1ng11n1 82 63 Blythe 107 7!1 S41GOno IOw 10 33 pm I A 80 53 W1Cllll1 7 I Ce1e11ns 89 82 l'lag11at1 94 Otano Rap1<1> 78 56 W1lktt• Barr• 73 •9 Loog Elflach 79 85 THUAIDAY a ... 1 F111• 8 I ~6 Monrovia 92 82 r11t1 "'O" • 16 a m 33 HA11f0fd 18 •9 Monl .. ey 83 52 F1rat low 9 31 am I 8 ~· 9• !>• Extended Ml W~ton 79 81 Second 111011 A 30p m 5e Honolulu 90 75 Newport 8N(h 70 6A Secono IOw II st pm 0 8 11ou11on ~2 16 On1ar10 92 63 tnchen*PO'•' 81 S9 Palm Sl>flf'O• 108 75 Sun Mii loelay Al 8 00 pm ,,_ Jackl0f1Ml 8• 13 MO.Uy cl<Nlr but iOnMI IOw <.louOt Pauoena 87 81 Tl>uflOay at 5 59 • m en<I Ml• again " Jeciotonv>ll• 89 12 •n<I 1og aiong 1"8 1mmee11ace eoes1 Rove<llde 93 82 7 591> m Jut-. .,. ~I High• a1 Ot!IM:MS 7010 75rangingup10 Sen Befnard•no "'-95 83 Moon ""'" loday •I 1 04 p m MC• al K.,,_C111 B!> 11 11\e 909 onlar>O •a•iey. lows m<ally 1n Sen Gal>f..i 87 11• 1 I SO pm and rl-aoain Tl>uflOay a1 LAIVegat t<I«: 80 1"8 60s Sen JoM 87 60 2 14 pm CRASHES KILL ONE, HURT FOUR ... From Al fro nt ol him I le died al thl· I ounta1n Valle> ( ommunt} 1-fo,p11.il trauma center about an hour after the l l pm accident Four rx·oph: nd1ng 1n the l Y7'i Buick. 1nclud1ng the dnH·r. Rufino Esteban Macareno, 33, of llunungton Beach. were injured 1n the accident All were taken to a Fountain Valk} hospital w11h moderate 1nJunc.-. Sgt. kfl < oix· -..11d 11 appear<. Plant was travl'l1ng.it a high rate of .,rx·ed on Gothard <itrt'l"l north of Warna A venul' "'hl·n Matan·no dro\ e onto Gothard from a <,1de <,trcet Plant h1t thr '>•de ol the car and wa' hurled into lhl' •Meet. J')<lhCc \lated. ( ope !>aid test\ -will ~ rnnductcd todav 10 determine how fast the moton ~tlist wa) going Macareno was n01t1tcd in the: fatal accident Four youths traveling c;outh on Harbor Boulevard were seriously tnJurcd at about 4:30 a.m. today when their car rummcd u light pole at SunOower A.venue. Polu:e said there art· prl'11m1nar> ind1r<.tt 1ons that one or more of the }OUth!> had been dnnk1ng. Two passenger<, 1n the car, 1dent· rlied as Jack Len and Jason Yasmcnt, both 17. "'erl' rushed to the Western Medical (enter trauma unit 1n ~an La Ana Two others. including the dnv- er, were taken to the Fountain Valley trauma center Their names were not available earl> toda:y. Jim Riche}. a Costa Mesa fire hattalton chief, said a hydraulic pryi ng tool was used to free one of the passengers. Police said one of the youths lost an car and sufT.ered broken feg in the accident. Investigators said it was 100 earl} to determine what caused the accident and said that the result blood test<; to determine the presence of alcohol have not been completed LAGUNA MAY LOSE FREEWAY F UNDS •.. From Al l he '><lk ol ti.i lllfl''> along ti r oro Road" pro" tdtng more than half lhc monc:) necdl'd to rcpa} the deht Pa)ment for the rnrndor plu~ Jn unspecified amount of park land the tOUnt~ [lfOffit\nl to r>UrthJSC d\ r>art of the deal " to makl·1 up thl' re'>t. f\t•n with an adJU'>lml'nt I agunJ Beath ~111 \1111 rt•Jl11e mort• than\~ m11l111n !rum thl' tkal I rant.. \a1d "\\ l"'rl· talking Ill pern·nt at tht• mo\t," ht• \:Jtd and addt•d "We don't think thac \h11uld he an} lhangt• .. f-ra n k \;11<1 u t) ofliu.tl\ hope an <1ppra1\al will he rnmph:tl·d this \ummcr 'o the lUUnt\ Lan hcg1n making "progrt·~, .. pa)nll'nt\ 1ntci J tru<.t fund Hut ~hadd\ \a1d tht·1l''<. reall) nu rush ··Pa} mcnt'> arr not dur lor \Orne t1mt' ··he <,aid l nder terms of the ortg1 nal rurcha..c agreement tht· count} h<i\ { uh11l l l/MlS to mah· a dccmon on .... ht·ther tu bu) the free"a> comdor In the meantime. the county 1\ ~upposed 10 plai.:e SS I m11l1on into an internal e<,cro"' account and guaran· 1ee the Cit) a "n:ac;onable" rate of interc<,t Laguna Beal h otlinal\ agreed to ,t·ll on part of ~)tamort· Hille, for a frt•1•" a) ngh t of"' 3\ 1 n l '17M wht•n tht• ut} wa-. 1r11ng ral\t• lund<, tc1 bu) the t•n l 11l'52 2-acrt• l.i) la morr ll 1 ll<, grcen- hel t .\t th<.' time. plan<, uillt-d lor a'" Ill e1ght -lanl' sce111t h1ghwa ) < urrent lOunt) de-;1gnc; 'how up to 17 lanes "'here the prnpo'>rd trel'W:l) tUt\ through ~~ramorl' Hill\ Laguna Beach acccr>tcd ;i $1 m11l1on do"n payment from the lOunt) morr than fi,l' ~earc; ago. but final purcha\C arrangemcnl~ didn't COAST OIL MEETING ... Fro~Al the plan ( •l·ntn \\.Ill gl\ e J -,ltdt: prc,en tat 111n 1111 lht' to pt( ,11 1 he 7 10 fl m merttng 1n lhl' ( it) < ounul lhamher.. ~·hmh<.·r <,aid the ·\u!l I I mn·t1ntt \\Ith llodcl will run lrn aho111 tw11 hour\ The Interior ')ecrt•tar. \\.Ill hr IO' ttcd to makt• opening \l3tl'mrnl'> I lodel will he fc1llowl'd h) pn.>'ien· IJtlOn'> lrom lulJI ut) ulltuJh .\ 4'i·m1nutl penml ff)r puhltt dt'>lU\\lur. .>. oii 111110"" \thre1bcr '>.lid lmal rc\ldt•nl\ .,..ho would like to 'IX'ak at the: meeting make a pnnr rcquc!>l IO wnt1ng to Baclham'soffice W11h < ongres!I in recess dunng A.ugust. thl' meetiog will be held JUSt prior to the full House discussing a vote: on tht• propoc,al 1n Septcmlx-r. HUTTERS CUSTOM Designed, Finished Installed \tan lalltng into place until county c;upcr> 1sors began to push their frcewa} plans 1n earnest i.,uperv 1sors have proposed build· ing three add111onal freeways throueJi Orange Counly -the San Joaquin I hits. Foothill and Eastern freeways. Ex-prostitute sues former lay minister By the Associated Press .\ former Bap1st la} m1n1stcr 1s he1ng sued in an Orange County small da1ms coun by an ex-prostitute he wac; acqumed of raping earlier th1!> year C) n1h1a Young. 28, seeks S UOO 1n damage~ from John Randolph Sykes. a lormer Christian youth leader whom she ,accuses of bearing and raping her last February at the Yorba L inda home of } kcs· parents "He handcuffed me. made me go ur>sta1rs and forced me to have sex with him Then he stole S43 from m}' wallet," she told Orange Coun1y Mun1c1pal C'oun Judge Gary Ryan at a heanng Monda) in Sanra Ana . Thl' woman, who worh as .a Jet mct·han1c, said pl\n of the money will be reimbursement for wa~es she: lost when she tes11fled dunng Sykes· en minal tnal. 32 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-6841or548-1717 HEIRWOOD MANUFACTORY 19n Placentia Avenue• Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ..