HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-16 - Orange Coast PilotCorona del Mar .Newport Harbor Westminster Ocean View Fountain Valley Buntin on Beach 15 14 42 7 27 0 Estancia Costa Mesa Woodbridge Universi 21 21 . Kewport. Barbor m,11'• Gu Runtl51) trtee to bold off Cotoaa 4e1 Mar'• onraahlna -Larry Braden d~ Sea View l.eacae 1-ttle won .6'J 8ea Kino, 15-14. For b .cbool football roanda 'eee ... a1. . --f-·FAIR . . FORECASTS ON A2 . . . "' . Serving Newpor' Beach, Co~ta Meta, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, F0unt1ln ValleJ end South Grange County ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1985 25 CENTS Refusal to negotiate cost fell ow captive his life, says Jacobsen letter to family captors that U.S. diplomat Buckley. 56, was killed in retaliation for the Israeli bombin8 of a Palestine Libera- tion Organizat1on complex on Oct. I . By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. o.1; ......... Huntington Beach resident David Jacobsen, one of six Americans kidnapped by Moslem terrorists in Beirut, has blamed the presumed death of a fellow hostage on the Reagan Administration's refusal to Coast Treats from around the wortd are served up as dorm food at Southern California College./ M Most leglslatlon went the counfy's way In Sacra- mento this year .I AS Callfomla The Victims' Biii of Rights has survived a crucial year of Supreme Court decisions./ Al Nation President Reagan holds a final strategy meeting before the eummtt while the Soviets announce plans to let citizens who have ties to the U.S. leave the count,Y./ A3 A new study says prevent- ing disease Isn't necess- arily cheaper than curing lt./A7 World Some survivors say of- flclals sounded no alarm when the Nevado det Ruiz volcano began rousing ltself./A3 Religion A tiny Iowa chapel serves as a big spiritual comfort for motorists./ Al Sports Newport Harbor Hlgh's girts volleyball team will be seeking the CIF title tonlght./81 Corona del Mar High wins, but Newport Harbor falls In CIF water polo./81 Golden West College reaches the flnals of the Southern California re- gional water polo tour- nament./82 Entertainment ltallan actor Marcello Maatrolannl finds It dlf- flcult to be allve and amuaing early on Ameri- ca's early morning talk lhow8./A10 INDEX Bridge Cluatfled Comics CrouWC>rd 0.th Notloea Entertainment Gardening HOIC*op4t A12 85-7 A12 87 88 negotiate with the kidnappers. State Department officials are not convinced of Buckley's death. saying that blurred photos of the hostage - released by the extremist Islamic Jihad group -are inconclusive. In a letter received by his family Thursday, Jacobsen argued for the U.S. fOVCmment to waive tbe anti· ncgouation policy that may have cost the life of hostage William Buckley. However, Jacobsen wrote: "Wil· liam Buckley is presumed dead. He Jacobsen, 54, and three other could and should be alive if there had American hostages were told by their been reasonable effort made on his Getting the message out Stadenta at llarlnen Elementary School in Newport Beach releue m__,e ballo~n• Friday Uf1lng emoken to kick Laguna hospital sends in clowns Nursing duo hand out laughs to hurry healing process along By LAURA MERK Of ... Dllf ........ Dr. Strange Glove and Nellie Nune-Wit, more commonly known at South Coast Medical Center as nuncs Ann Hunter and Connie Henry, are convinced that heatin&_ requireu positiveanitudeand lots of lauahs. behalf." The leuer was sent to Jacobsen's son, Eric. who interpreted the excerpt to mean that President Ronald Re- ~n could have saved Buck.la, who was Ednappcd~arcll I 6. I 9 . "They've been told that Buckley's dead. And it's a result of the refusal on the U.S. government's part to nego- tiate or talk with the captors,•· said the younger Jacobsen during an inter- view Friday at his Huntington Beach apartment. Throughout the six-page letter, David Jacobsen stressed that he and hostages Thomas Sutherlan~ T cri'y Anderson and the Rev. Lawrence Jenco coul~ the nu110 die, "The release of the four of us 1s within the power of President Reagan and can be accomplished immedi- ately. Our captors want to talk. but my government refuses." wrote Jacobsen, who worked as head ad- ministrator of the Arnencan Cniver- saty of Beirut hospital until he was the bablt. The acthity wu ln preparation for the American Cancer Society'• Great American Smokeoat on Thanday. w.hnk.ed away by gunmen May 28. The word "four" in the lcad1og sentence was undcrhned -another reminder that none of the hostages bean$ held together has seen Buckley or sixth hostaie Peter Kilburn. , a hbrar;an missing from the u01vers1ty. The letter was addressed to Jacobsen s c liilQ.ren -Eric. Paul of Fullenon and Diane of Long Beach, as well as to the men's spouses. It was contaJned in a pack.age of letter$ (Pleue eee HOST AG£/ A2) Injury claim adds to NB total Seeks $1 Cf million ln connection with Balboa diving mishap By SUSAN HOWLE'M' Of ... 0., .......... -The Newport Beach Cit) Clerk's Office has received another mult1- million claim filed by the VJCt1m of a beach-related accident. The claim was filed Fnda> b> attorney John F. Hendl') on behalf of Charles A. E1''1dge. Jr The claim seeks more than SI 0 million 1n damages 1n connection wnh a diving accident in Balboa that left Elv1dge paralyzed from the sbouJders down The Aug. 11 accident occurred at 3: 15 a.m. in :-.lewport Harborat 1400 S. Bayfront. the claim stated. El v1dge said he suffered the m1unes after d1' ing from a boat dock into the harbor and stnkmg his head on the bottom of the harbor The claim accuses the cit' of knowing of the inherent dangers of diving from boat docks dunng low ude and alleges the cit) "failed to take corrective actions to prevent such an IOJU~ " The name-. of the Cit\ offietals or employees to be defendints were not mentioned in the claim. Hend~ alleges the cit) 1s respon- (Pleue eee CLAIM/ A2) Wife-killer guilty; may face 16years l By STEVE MARBLE Ofho.i, .......... A C'os~Mesa man~ ho choked and clubbed his wife and stuffed her bod' into the trunk of the fam1h car lait year was found guilt' Fnda~ of S«ond~cgrtt murder - Elhot A.ustin Beal. S~. could be sentenced to It> 'ears in state pnson for the cnme and an add111onal five )ears for a con,·1ct1on in 1972 of trying to kill his first v.1fe Jurors deliberated all da) befort' returning the verdict, whidl was less severe than the first-dctp"CC murder> con,,ction Deputy Distnct Attorney Wall~ \\ ade had hoped for. "I told Jurors myself that it would be a tough call, that this wun 'ta slam- dunk first-degree case," said Wade. Beal. a one--ti.rQe mechanic who was dcscnbcd as a heavy drinker with a splat pt'rsonality. was accused of beating and stranJiing Gretchen Beal. 31 and then llaglng a dramau1... day- (Pie9e eee GUIL TT I A2) Pair lose everything in motor home fire .......................... By U A MAHONEY °' ....... ,_ ..... . Ann Lander• Publtc Notas ..... Elt ... A10-11 A9 87 A9 88 Oncie a week they dress in clown outfit.I and wander Wouab \,he balla of tbt South Llpna 9eaGb hospital, patliftl out lausht and fun lO fiospi.al patients. · Their -1 is to brina joy to w people Who have stopped lookina beyond tbe ~Y and au«erina in their lives. Ana whether tbey meet with children OH1duJta. they ltMftJly .chieve that pl. Dr. 9traa1e OIOft (left) u4I Neille Nuw-Wlt wlda fma cut. .. Glendale couple lost the only home they kn"" Fnday when a dropped match 1gn1ted a couch 1ns1dc their motor home, incinerating 1ts entire contents. =~ T-...on Trtvta w..u. C1-38 A8 81-5 A11 A10 A2 t.\Cbwr bu receolly been termed "internal eerobiea" or ''internal Jot· li"I.. by t0me memben of the • rocdlcal profeuion. But whatever it'a c:aUed., professionals have found it helpe a patient's recovery. As pan o( Muntds and Henry'1 routine at South Coat. they have transformed a l1UdanS medical can lnto a .. fun can .. filled with t.lloons. 1oke books. comk strips -the usual • toolJ of a comedian't trade. For more mature pebents. a book tit.led .. How lO Rcpin Your V11. pnity .. ia oft.en uted in the nurses' slapsuct antict. (Pl•• w CLOW MIMI/ A.2) No one was inJu~ in the 12:08 p.m. blue at Via Lado and Via Malap in Newpon Beach, a city firc official said But Charles Pel~y and his Wlft .. lost cverythina. They liter• ally lived out of \.hat (motor home). I \ . ' I Intellect's the thing at decathltI>n .._al ... ta tom tbe 0..... 0 . Pttmo61 O.U. County Super-C.. Md c8er' .,.. will ...., r. illle:Gde:nt 01 Scbocils, in collDeCtion lWlia todal:. compete in tbe 1915 •hh tbe contat. Arw' 'c&b.loa to .. their Tbe tetalution ii C04 .. tbofed by iDtllllcl ia .,.. of _.)' Mitilll, tbe l3 OnQle County Jeai* .. .,..._ lc:ie.ce and o&bet subjecu. fersu10D aaicf. It will be pme:ated to awuded to Peterson in reciocn1tiort ~f his ouUtandina commitm~nt and continuina leadenltip in belpina to found and expand the Academic Decathlon ~m.·• Fcrauson •id. A--.aymu Oil Femaloo. R-Petmon at the Academk Decathlon Newpcwt a.ch, it acbecfuled DUl Awards Banauet at 6 J>.ID. in t.bc ~ to_preeent a Joi.nt R.oolulioD-of Disneyland J{otel Oraad Ballroom.. tM CUlnia l..elia&ature to Roben ''The joint raolutioo ii beina Ferauson wd Peterson has helped expand the Academic Decathlon &Om a one-<iounty competition to the ttate, national and international levels since be founded the program. ............. "~ ...... Claarlee Pelfrey •nm bemde Illa blackened motor bome 011 Via Lido IA Jlfewport. FIRE GUTS COUPLE'S MOTOR HOME ••• Prom Al or ita contents. They are receiving food, shelter and relocation as- tistance from the American Red Cross. Mn. Pelfrey whose first name was not available fr.Om fire or Red Cross officials, accidentally caused the fire while preJ».rina lunch, Pendleton II.id. A wooden kitchen match ~tercd while she was trying to liabt a stove and the woman, whom her husband said is legally blind, could not find the broken tip. The match bead smoldered in the CLOWNING ••• From Al For musical cnienainment -if one can call it music -a bedside drainqe bq bas been turned into a maketfuft instrulben t. The vaudeville-like comedians tty to ma..lce light of the medical field. A hu,e, red Slethoscope is used to check a patient's heart beat. But most times the beat isn•t found because Dr. Stranae-Glovc cbeclc.s the bead, arms and snoulden instead of the chest. The doctor wears a red Groucbo Man head piece and mustache, and hanp a huge plastic cigar from her mouth. To distract the younger patients when they receive a shot, Dr. Strange- Glove wean a fucfigbter's bat with a siren and flashing red Hght on top. On rainy days, her foul weather 111".ar includes glasses with windshield wipm. On the serious side, Hunter and Henry sugested their plan to the ad.111inistraton at the hospital after a tem.inar on humor by Vera Rob- inson, a Cal State Fullenon professor who bas written a book on the subject. The hospital and doctor's commit- t.eel qreed to allow the program and paid for supplies and the humor cart. The two nurses arc not paid for the time they spend entertaining the patients. "They automatically realized tbjs was something we could use:," said Henry ... Yes, that it was lacking. .. Hunter avecd. The two stress-unit nurses have known each other for about I 0 years and have always used humor on the job. "It seems we've been looking at couch where it landed, Pendleton said, then bunt into flame. Mrs. Pelfrey and laer companion -whose name was not available either-were able to flee the motor home un- haniied. Charles Pelfrey was deliver- ing telephone books at the time the fare broke out. The blaze quickly consumed the livina area and its contents including diabetic medication prescribed for Mn. Pelfrey, Pendleton said. .. I don•t know what he•sgoing todo next. He wun•t lookinc for a band- out, he wasn't looking for sympathy. but you could just see the weariness 10 bis eyes ... Red Cross volunteers arc assisting the trio with food, clothing. medicine and a place to sleep, said Mark Rowland, director of Emer&ency Ser- vices. "They seem to be dealing with things as well as can be expected," he said. Volunteers will work with the Pelfreys and their friend to help them find permanent housing. Rowland said. ............. .,, .......... Nurw Connie Beiiry (left), Ann &mat.er 4ru •'4 u clowna. ' the negative side and bow (hospital visits) affect the body and not the good side," Henry said. As they roam throU&h the balls, waving to staff and patients alike, they are almost instantly received with a chuck.Jc. They argue that even hospital employees, especially those in wards with more demands and stress, need to release their anxieties. So if a ~uest is made to visit an employee, they will make a special trip. And soon they will be otferina their work.shops to other hospitals. 0 We stress the need for purpose, not to intcrfere1 to bring up morale and to cstabhsb trust with the patients," said Henry. They hope other hospitals will jump on the fun can like South Coast Medical Center has. CLAIM ADDED TO NEWPORT TOTAL ••• homAl aible for the cervical fracture that his client suffered in the accident. Elvidge bas claimed S l 00,000 in curmit medical and bos~tal care, $30,000 in lost carninas, Sl million for pain, sufferin1. mental anguish and S3 million for 5nent de- formation. He is c · · future damaaes in excct1 of $6 mil on. Beach-related personal injury claims have been comina into the City Clerk's Office at a steady pace Just Call 642-6086 oa.::c 11011 •llld -·· ...... YQll 00 Ill! .... '°"' ,,.,.. Cl't •11>p111-e11--.10111 .... .,,., OOf1'I ... lit ...... following a $6 million jury judgment on beba.lfof23-ycar-oldJobn Taylor, who dived into the water offNewpon Beach and sustained a paralyzing neck injury. A claim was filed in January on behalf of William Burton Judd, 26, seeking $5 million aft.er be reponedly broke his neck divina iolo the surf in August, 1984. Prior to that claim, a lawsuit alleging similar damages was filed by attorneys for 17-year-old Edward Tessier. who was paralyied af\er a Balboa beach diving accident. Earlier this month, another beach- related personal iruury claim was filed by Eric Simpson, a Los Angeles man who said be broke his neck on Oct. 12 when he hit a sandbar after diving into the ocean. The claims are routinely denied by the Newport Beach City Council and are then turned over to the city's claims adjuster to determine future action. Wbat do y09 like abotlt tlae Dally Piiot? Wbat don't yoa like? Call tlae number at left aed yHr mnu1e will be recorded, trHscrlbed ud delivered lo &Jle appropriate etll&er. Tbe same U ..... , uswerta1 service may be Hed to recor4 lelters &e &ff editor on any topic. C..tribetors to oar Letters celamn matt lacl .. e tltelr name and telepltolle .. mber for vertflcat101. No clrcalatlon calls, pleaee. Tell us wbt'• oa '"r m lnd. ClrculMlon 7141"'2"'* Cl111lrled ~ 1WM2.-n Al....., &t1p1rt ........ Ml..at1 ..-Ofllllea JJO W. ley It, C.0.• ..._, CA .... .,._ l4M IMO, C.O.. ...... CA t2t2t ......,_,~" ,.., • ,.. ....... '°" ~.,,."' .... ..... Frri ZJnl EdllOf AOMmarJ ChurctNMn Controller to •111. w .,.. Oll/f/lf .. ----• 0,,... TI$...,._ ...... :r ~ -· • . •. I , l I Mostly clear ;With some clouds w.-enes ....,__. be~dMrexoept for occUlonal hlehdoudlnwllnd~~ .. togandlowctoudt, according to tM NatlOnll tt. . Hight et ~ wtll be "4 to M and lni.nd temS*'•turet wtll ,.,.. f\'om II •o 74. LOW8 wtll be trom 42 to 52. Mountalne and cMMrta wtll lllec> be moettv Cle#, with occaaklnal "'Oh doUda. Mountain reeort8 wilt ,.... NgM ot ..a to n . Lowt w1t1 be 2e to3e. Hlgha In the upper deMttt wfl r~ f\'om 55 to 84, wtth lows dr~ to a r:w;r. of 28 to 31. Hight lowet cMMrt• wlll be 70 to re,. th lows to 48. • U.S. Tempe Hlgll, low "°' 14 Mt.Ir• atlClll'9 •• ' ~ .. ., p.111 ........,.. n a .. "'-.....,....,,_ It ,. NMlfl 42 M ..._... q • 41 12 ~ ............ • n IO 21 ....... n ., ---~ .. N()AA IJ <;. ()pc,r ,. '~--~· ~ ,, ot NewO...... u .., T1 ,...,.,.. IO N9wYOttl IO q Attwllle City 63 .. Noftoll.v .. .. ... Calif. Tem~ Al*ln 1t u =-City 44 11 ............ _ 13 ·"' -.. ..... ~ .. • .. """"*" 19 II Ol'llNo .. 11 Hlgf\, low ,., 14 ,_,. ........ ' ..... CrUI .. .. llMw'cll. J7 JI ....... .... ,, .. p.1n . ._ ..... .. u ... • ,. ..._.. • 40 == .. " ........... .. q ac.on 42 : =:t;.. .. q .. 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In .. 40I 9fld a.i"-51 ae .._II tl:07 p.m., 9fld .... .....,. • Uttle Rodi 16 66 ... '°'· a.nt.AM 71 44 10:04p.m. GUILTY VERDICT RETURNED ••. From Al long standoff with police while hold- ing bis two young children captive. Evidence showed that BeaJ hit his wife so hard with a club that it broke several ribs; then he tied a rope around her neck before bashing her repeatedly with the butt of a rifle. "It was an ugly, brutal crime," defense attorney Don Rubright said of the March 11 , J 984, slaying. Rubright had conceded Beal killed his wife but had asked jurors ro come back with a manslaughter verdict. He argued that bis client was so drunk that be may not even have realized what be had done. When be was arrested, Beal bad a blood-alcohol reading of 0.3S, or more than triple the level at which a person is considered too drunk to drive. Rubright said Beal became suicidal after killing his wife and taunted policcmlln by asking them to "shoot me, shoot me ... He said Beal made a feeble attempt to write a will and repeatedly asked police not to harm his children. But Wade claimed Bcal's actions were calculated. He safd the white- haircd man feared his wife was going to leave him and killed her in retaliation. James Jason Hill, a former Orange County Jail inmate and an admitted informant, testified that Beal con- fessed to him late last year. Hill described Beal as a talkative man who said he had planned his wife's death. But jurors seeminJly rejected Hill's testimony by retumma with a verdict of sccond~egree murder, indicating they did not believe Beal maliciously planned his wife•s death. Jurors were asked by Superior Court J~e David Carter not to discuss their deliberations with the press. The jury will return to the Santa Ana courtroom Tuesday to de- termine if Beal has been convicted of other crimes -a routine, legal process that precedes sentencing. Beal was convicted in J 972 of thrcatenina to kill bis first wife with a cun. accordiDJ to records. He served three yean in a Tennessee state prison. HOSTAGE BLAMES U.S. POLICY ••• Prom Al thrown Nov. 8 to a guard outside the Associated PrctS bureau in Beirut Included in the bundle were ap- peals to President Reap.n, Rep. lloben K. Doman (R-Garden Grove) and ArcbbisboP. o( Canterbury Rob- ert Runcie. While the Reapn Admin- istration rejected the call to negotiate, Runcie sen ta veteran cbut:eb trouble- shooter to meet privately with the captors in war-tom Beirut. Yet Eric Jacobsen, 29, was hesitant to put too much faith in the ability of Terry Waite, special envoy for the archbishop of Canterbury, to secure the hostaaes' release. "Maybe I'm bcinJ overly cautious in guarding that opttmism. I just want to make sure if it doesn't come about it won•t throw us into a serious depression," be said. wu a messaae to read the postscript, which denounced earlier reports from an anonymous caller in Beirut that the bosuges were executed by a firina squad because their captors bad pown impatient. The postcript, dated one day after the Nov. 7 death report, proclaimed: "We arc alive! '" Apparentl).' some- one wan ta to disrupt the possibility of talks concerning our release." Reports that the hostaacs were executed devastated Jacobsen's fam- ily u relatives waited for confirma- tion from the Stale Department. The family memben weren't the only' ones driven to tears by the rumon. Like the finl letter, the second waa a welcome confirmation that Jacobsen is alive, said bis son. "The second o ne brought us even more joy. Until we got it, the word was that they bad been executed." said Eric Jacobsen. The latest dispatch, however, also carried a darker message in Jacobsen's description of bis life in car.tivity. . 'There is so much to say and so little time to do it," the letter bcpn. "We are no lon~r in chains, which is a relief ... EllerclSe is limited by the size of the room," wrote Jacobsen. saying the hostages kept limber by doinJ push-ups. sit-ups and walking in rucles ... At times the boredom becomes unbearable." ' I ll J " oi I -...- I ) tl J j l 'l H I ,, .r Ii Eric Jacobsen said be plans in coming weeks to contact Middle East leaders himself. He would not reveal their nam~. but said they are very "I cry for the hurt that the false report has pven all of you. Please keep the F11th (sic). I shall survive! .. wrote Jacobsen, before signina off. .. AU my Love, Dad ... It was the second communication from the hostaae to his family. The tint letter was bro\l&ht back in mid- September by the Rev. Benjamin Weir, another hostage released by the kidnappers to carry their ransom demand back to the United States. The terrorists arc seeking the release of 17 convicted bombers from a Kuwaiti prison. Re continued that the United States broke policy and nqotiatcd for the release of hostages from a hi-f jacked TW Ajet in late June, although the State Department dcnjcs the aovcmment bargained for those cap- tives. influential. "We're also considering a trip over there if (Waite's efforts) don't pan out," be said. David Jacobsen's letter appeared to be scribbled hastily on su small sheets of paper. In one of the margins "If President Reagan co uld authorize ncaotiations for them, why not for us. America and Russia exchange spies -criminals -all the time," wrote Jacobsen. "Why can't we be exchanged? Ask him." CARPET & DRAPE YOUR HOME IN TIME FOR THE HOIJDAYS!· t I ( There's still time to create a total new look for Santa at prices that will still allow you to fill your stocking. Ask us about our new financing plan & schedule your first payment in 1986 .. ·~ ·-·"'--. .,.,.._ CUSTOM DtUPUUaS Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT /a.twd9y, ~ 1$, 1'8a ION I WOKIJ >========::;::;;:::::= Lottery's losers can win in grand-prize drawings SACRAMENTO·-Everi lottery players )Vith losiog tickets may soon be winnina ~like can <lurina~nd-prut drawinp, which within months will offer partlcipant& SJ million Jackpots that increase periodically by SI million until won. Lottery commissjoners made those decisions Friday in an attempt to attract a greater audience for the weekly TV drawinas, which have failed to beat out prime-time network shows. Staff officials maintain, however, that the show has received dcc:ent ratinp. Voyager detecm fabJt planetary rbJ6 PASADENA -Y_oyaacr 2, speedina toward a January rendezvous with ttmros1 bas detcctecffllnt hlnts of one of the dirt rinas around the'i'lanet, hearteruna scientists wbo weren't sure they would be visible, officials said Friday. The s~ce probe's television camera. now 1 .8 billion miles from Earth. have de~_the outennost and widest of nine riop-12 to 60 miles wide -th.al surround the planet, deputy pro~ scientJst Ellis Miner said at Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Crime decline. --homicide. en:epted SAN FRANCISCO-While the overall crime rate in California declined last year, the homicide rate rose for the fint time since 1980, Attorney Genenl John Van de !Ump reported Fri<lay. Thel'C were 2,724willful homiadesin the state in 1984, compared to 2.640 in 1983, said Van de-Kamp's Bwau of Criminal Statistics. The homicide rate, measured in ~ pe1' 100,000 population, was 10.6, up from 10.5 in 1983, an increase of just under I peroent. By contrast, the state's overall rate for six major crimes, announced earUer, declined by 3.3 percent in 1984. The crimes are homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft. UC halt. lnveatmentll W'ltlJ U.S. fJrm LOS ANGELES -In their first limitation on South African investments, University of California regents on Friday ordered that no more stock be purehased in Nalco Chemical Co., of Oakbrook. Ill. As of April, UC owned four percent of the chemical company's stock, for an investment of about $37 million. The action against Nalco was recommended by UC's Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility, wrucb found that Nalco didn't meet the guidelin~ of the SO<a.lled Sullivan Principle, a widely ac.ccpted code of corporate responsibility aimed at promoting racial equality in South Africa. Survivors say no warning given Thousands still stranded on isles tri mud sea Friday ARMERO, Colombia (AP) - Some survivors said Friday that officials p ve no warning that the Nevado del Ruiz volcano was rousing itself to brina the end of the world to their Andes valley. It poured down a cascade of fire and mud that killed at least 20,000 people. In the ~ent's first official report, Health Minister Rafael de Zubiria wd between 17,000 and 20,000 people died and at least 3._000 others were injured. The Cok>mbian Red Cross esti- mated that a total of 50,000 people were displaced. Thousands were still stranded on islands ID the mud sea Friday evening. One survivor said the first wave of mud that swe9t thro.ugh tbe town Wednesday night was ice cold, from the volcano'' melted snowcap, but successive waves grew warmer and the last was smoking hot. "When we heard the eruption, we left our home aod went to the fire department, but they told us it was nothina and they were not goin.g to sound the siren because it would fri&hten people," sajd Ulises Mulano Ramirez Jr, 17. His mother Letitia said, "We were waiting for the radio to put out a wamina but it kept playing music." Reecuen Crl.Cht} try to pall a 13-year-old Drl from a water pit while (lelt) a Colombian Red Crou worker caddlee newborn Consuelo. BJlda de Rodrlqaea &aTe blrtb to tbe llrl on l"rfday ln Annero, ifter neem, rtam, fiood waten ln a netcJaborlnC town. , Two lndlcted on Ulegal ezport cb.arge11 LOS ANGELES ....:. Two Iranians have been indicted by a federal grand 1ury for allegedly attempting to illegally ellpon 2,000 ponable military radios worth SJ.9 milhon to the Iranian army. No comment was available from local officials, most of whom arc among the missing. Dr. Arturo Castana Ocampo, supervising doctor in Mariquita, said bis interviews with survivors and rescue workers indicated about 2,000 people survived in Armero, at least 13,000 wett killed and 9,000 to l 0,000 bad not been aa:ounted for. Mariquita. about 12 miles north of Anncro is the emeraency center. in a bend of the Lanaunall.a. fewer than I 00 poked through the surf ace of slime. their hves .. dcspite the official calm. and all but one survived. Morano, the father. said a I 5-foot- tugh wall of mud swept his 18-month- old son from bis arms wben at crashed through the town hospital, where they had taken refuge. buned under an expanse ot mud a mile wide. , One of the men -.Khosrow "Simon" Shak.ib, 43, of Los Angeles -was arrai&ned Friday and ordered to return to coun Monday for anoiber bearing. The other man, Hormoz Hezar. 5 I, of Beverly Hills, remains a fugitive. The indictment accuses the two men of attemptina to ship the military radios to Iran via a West German company owned by Hezar. UC IJo•pltal lab roo~• radloactlve · SACRAMENTO -The state ordered the closure Friday of four laboratory rooms at the U niversity of California's San Francisco Medical Center because of radioactive contamination with Phospboru~32. State Health Director Kenneth K.izer's announcement said that although the low- levet contamination is not a serious threat to the general p~lic or to patients, .. the department will not tolerate such misuse of radioactive materials .... " EPA approve. teat of ma,i-made bacteria W ASHfNGTON -The Environmental Protection Agency has approved the tint deliberate release of man-made t.cteria in the environment but a promlllent critic of genetic engineering is suing to stop the experiment. Jeremy Rifkin filed suit Thursday in federal court bercjusthounafterEPAannounced it bad vanted a permit to Advanced Genetic Scieooes Inc. to test a man-made bactenwn in a strawberry field to protect blossoms IPinst frost The suit was assigned to U.S. District Judge John Sirica, who upbeJd Rifkin's attempt last year to stop the National Institutes of Health from approving virtually the same Cllperiment by UC rcsea.rcben without a formaJ environmental assessment. Reagan vetoea appropriation• blJl WASHINGTON -President Reagan on Friday vetoed a bill appropriating $900 million more than he requested for the Treasury Department, Postal Service and other agencies, returninl it to Congress and complaininJ about "this chronic budgetary crisis.' In a statement accompanytng his veto mes584e to Congress, Reagan said be is willing to accept bills above his budget "in the interest of accommodation,·· so long as they arc within the limits set by Congress in its own budget resolution. This bill appropriates S 180 million above the budget authority, be said. A•p1rln lndutry agree. to warning label W ASHfNGTON -The aspirin 1Ddustry, after intense negotiations with senators, bas agreed to mandatory labels o n its p~ucts ~ng of a possible hnk between the pain reliever and an often-fatal children s d1seasc call~ Reye syndrome, Senate sources said Friday. But an emergency .reJula~on put~ng the rule into effect suJJ must be accepted by the Reagan adm1rustra1Jon. which bas oppoted such regulations in the past and is upset over what it considers Senate meddling in the affair. A deasion from the department of Health and Human Services 1s Cllpccted early nellt week. U.S., Britain veto S. Africa sanction• Dl.clpllne advl.ed In •kywal.k tragedy JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -The structural engineen who designed the Hyatt Regency Hotel's slcywalks, which collapsed and killed 114 people an 1981 were guittx of "gross negligence. misconduct and unprofessi onal condu~" a state commissioner ruled Friday. The ruling was the first declaratJon ofblame for the tragedy. J•mes Oeutseb, Missouri AdmirustratJve Hearina commissioner, said the enainoers failed to perfonn tests needed to ensure the safety of the connections which held up the skywalks. ACLU may clJalleJJle rock concert la• SAN ANTONIO, Texas -The Texas Civil Liberties Union on Fri~.Y criticized a new city law bamng une1C0rted younpters from sexually exphc11 rock concerts, while a city cc;>uncilman defended tt as providi!ll contro! over acu in public plaoet. Tbe ordinance adopted Thursday by~ City CounC1.I ~rs uoete0rted children 13 and younaer from performances at city-owned factltt1es b~ p'Oups whote .SOOP, or acts _depict sadistic or ~uoebistlc sex. child molestation, ell1ub1tio01sm. rape, tncest or anal copulauon. ~m erJraled b7 pact on IreJand BELFAST. Northern Ireland -Enrqcd by Fridat1 Britilb-lrish deal oo Northern Ireland. extremist Protestanu and Roman Catholics alike warned that a bloodbath will follow. The lrith Republican Army swiftly muck I.be fint blow. lcillina a poficnnan. The Ulster Freedom Fithten. an outlawed Protestant F!>~· swore to kill any civil ICn'&Dt wbo wott.ed fOr Che new accord, whidl ves tbe Republic of Ireland. landy Catholic, a voice in the aft'airs of m y Proiatant Nonbe:m Ireland w'hile 1u.ara1ued.ns coatin~ 8ritJsh aoveftianty over the province. Boqltal l1rm blac.t •tltten JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -A hoepital la t.bc b1eck towruhap of ~fired bundnda ofwortcn Friday becaute they reNtod to end a four- day wib. Dr. Heanie van W}~ director of ~ca) ~ in Trusvaal Province conft.rmed lbat Ariki"I employea ~t Benpanat.h Hosptal ~ fired. v&O ~)'.~ ref\Ated ao •1 bow many were fired. but be said~ ~re was "laa than 1,000 ... Striten told tt1)0f'U'rl that 200 wortcn were fired Friday but w total could rite to 600 by Mooday. > ... His figures for Armero alone in- dicate the total death count may climb well beyond the official eatJ- mates of 20,000 when information comes in from other towns alona the river in which thousands more people lived. On Friday, a black column of smoke and ash rose om inously from the cone of the old volcano, which had rumbled and belched from time to time but bad done no harm for a century. Military helicopters crisscrossed the gray sea of mud under ram-sodden skies, searching for survivors and plucking them to safety when possible. A trip around the cone in a small plane showed little snow left on it. From the air, the untouched pans of the valley appeared lush and peaceful, their cofree groves and rice fields beina fed by the rain. Alona the river the devl.Slation was nearly total. Of the 4,200 buildings that once made up this town nestled ' ' say citizens can ]oin spouses tn the States WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reapn held a final strategy meeting with national security ad- visers Friday on the eve of deparung for next week's superpower summit. and was uraed by 39 senators to stand firm -.ainst Soviet demands for concess1ons on the "Star Wars" defense plan. Rcapn was pleased by the sena- tors' position because it gives him ammunition to counter any claims in Geneva th1t Americans do not sup- port Star W1r'I, said Sen. Ernest Hollinas, D-S.C. Meanwhile, the Soviet •overnment bas decided to allow 10 Citizens with spousea in the United StstcS or other U.S. ties to leave the Soviet Union. the State Department said Friday. Tbe 10 1nchlded e'lbt spouses of Ame.tkan.s. one with family members lD the Unjted Statesand another Wlth dual U .S..SOviet citm:mh1p, State Dep&nment spokesman Bna Am· men:ou said. MeuwbUe Friday, and a State Oepan.met\t ot6cial. who IC)C>b on the CODdition of anoaymi~ tbe Soma aovemment has • to allow 10 citattm whh apouxs 'n the Uniud ta\eS or otber U.S. oes to lelve the Soviet Uruon. "I think it's a public relataons move. but h "alto an ind.tcation they *I.DI IO tmproYe the I~"' It t.bc aamm1t. •Id Sm. Pl.GI S.unoa. • .. Many of the injured amved an Marcquit.a in shredded nJght.clothes. their bodies and hair caked with mud. Children whose parents had not been found were taken to Bogota for care, said Victor Ricardo, director of national Family Welfare Institute. • The Ramircz family, including Ulises and his four brothen, ran for Most of the 25,000 people who lived in the central part of Annero on a bend of the Lagunilla Rjver -half its total population -stayed an thetr homes, which now are smashed or An emergenC) worker sa\d helicoi>- ters and planes had spotted about 2.000 people an trccs, atop houses and on small fulls. ..They have rescued very few people unul now because almost everyone was buoed, •• said Argemiro Moreno, who was picked up by a helicopter aft.er 30 hours of clingmg to a wooden plank. Wor~d responds to tragedy in Colombia ReUef agencies and governments around the world mobiliz.ed Friday to send medical teams, suppU~ and belicopten to Colombia to help the survivon of the devastati~ volc:an1c eruption that inundated villa&es with mud. ash and water. The United States sent 12 helico~ ten from its Southern Command ID Panama to evacuate victims of Wednesday night's disaster. the Agency for International Dcveloi>- mcnt said. · Charles A. GtUespae Jr .. U.S. am- bassador in Botota, pvc an initial $25,000 check to voluntary agencies for immediak relief. said an agency statement. In addition to the S 1 million in supplies provided in the first 24 hours., the United States sent teams of search and rescue spec\alists. Humberto Serna, deputy chief of mission at the Colombian Em bass) m Washington, said has government needed three main types of cquai>- ment: ponable power plants. supplies for orthopedic surgery. and up to 20.000 tents. He said financial contnbuuons were ~1ng aettptcd at the National Bank of Washington. 4340 Conncct1- cut, Ave., N.W., Waslungtoo D.C. 20008. Checks shouJd be made out to the Fund for the Nevado dcl Rwz Volcano. ~ Los Angeles.based Occtdental Pet- roleum Corp .. which 1s devCloping a large 011 field an northeastern Col- ombia, donated S 1 m11J1on 1n aid. Cbaarman Annand Hammer said the .company had d1verted helicopters from its papehne-construcuon project to help rescue ,·1cums .\t the t.: natcd Nauons. the GcnC'ral 4-sscmbh caJled on Sccretar\.--Gen- eral Ja"ier PerC2 de Cueilar to coordmatC' anternauonal rehef cf. forts. Its r'e<>Oluuon. adopted without a vote. also urged member states .. to contnbuk scoerously .. to rchef and reconstrucuon efforts and to channel tbeir funds through the Uruted Na- tions. ·Hodel turns on faucet to Arizona Pushes button that starts Colorado water on its way to Phoenix PHOENIX, Anz. (AP) -lntenor Secretary Donald Hodel and Gov. Bruce Babbin. in the .. driver's seat." pushed a bri&bt red button on Fnday to st.art the llow of Colorado R1 ver water throuah the Central Anzona Project into J>bocnix. Within seconds after actJvaung the CAP pump, the flow of water ap- peared through the aqueduct shown on a closed-circull television screen ID a control room at the CAP headquarters north of here "Ifs wonderful to ~ a pan of something that 1s being fulfilled 1n our lifetime,'' said Hodel He said he had to keep an mind when he pushed the button that something actuall) was being done at a pump .i-0 m11<'s awa~ But. "n felt great,·· be said Babbitt and Hodel were guided t.hrough the procedure b~ ~ Graves chief of the CAP water system branch Babbitt and Hodel were J01ncd at the ceremon) by current and fonnC'r state and national leaders who worked on th<' project dunng the pa!>t 40 years Tom Burbcy. ch1C'f of the oper· ataons d1vts1on, ~1d HodC'I and Babbitt were "an the dn' er's 'iC'at tor conducting th<' tlov. ot water·· The~ started a pump at th<' Hassayampa Pumping Plant .i-0 miles west of th<' C .\P headquaners .... Burbe\ said tesnng of th<' pumps and canal S\Stem will conunue. and pcnnanent dehvel) ofv.-atcr 1s sched- uled to begm ID Februa~ "The deh\el"\ oi Colorado River v.ater to Pbocna·Jl rcpTCSents a s1grufi- cant milestone' of more than 40 vcars of state and federal cffons.'' Hodel s.a1d ··we arc commmed to dC'hver- IDg ~atcrto Tucson in I 9Q I .. He said the Reagan adm1nistra1Jon pledged that C"AP v.atC'r ~ould bt' delivered to Phoem' b' the t'nd of lh<' Year and "b, golh w(' made 1t and so did the water ·· ~~~~~~--.:__ __________________________ _.. ______________ :,_ ________________ ._.. ______________________ ~·~-~-- • • • -.. • t f, , . , .. ~. . ' • • • • .. . .. - .... ' Foreign delicacies masqileralfe '. as dorm food at college affair ; By ALEX WILLIAMS o.iir'9ltC..111t1F•1 I One of the advantqes of liv1na in such a true meltina pot of people as OranJC County Is the wide variety of foods that arc available. • • To sample these delicacies of diffetcnt countries, however, would normally require many niabts of ttavelina aJJ over the county to dine at the exotic restaurants offering such fare. But at Southern California Collcse recenOy, treats from around the world were bein• served up as donn food. . ... Won'tons from China. natilla from CoJombia, curry from India and sate from Malaysia were just part of the menu at the collcae·s .semi-annual lntemationaJ ~ebration. • ' The one-day affair is put on every semester by forci&n students attend-ina the college. "It is a way to share somethina speciaJ from our ho me- land," said Boonmak Supatomk"I· a student from Thailand. ·--l.D()ljC-Wbo ~meal­aarccd it was special. One of the dorm students, who asked not to be named, possibly afraid of reprisals at the next mcaJ, compared it to the institutional .,.., .... ,......_, .......... Student. llDe up for a feut of eaotlc fooda durlnC Southern CallfQJ'Dia Collete'• International Celebration. DAVIS-BROWN 11UKD-· AM.MD • .0 SAVE ON COLOR TV fare usually sc.rved when he sajd it was"' ... a delightful meaJ and a vast SAVE ON VCR'S ICI I Ill VCll • Remote Control Onlv s259ts • Picture Search •Freeze Frame 13" ltAllUl CILH 11" llAIHAL COLOR • Sohd State l uners • Dark Lite Pie Tube ~ SYLYllll c~ ,::.~:E~: •Auto Fine Tuning • Sharpness Control • Xteded Lile Chassis • Auto Fine Tuning $45995 •Cable Ready • Wireless Remote · .. ,, • Slow Motion SAVE ON DISHWASHERS _t= •. WlllllLPOOL HOTPOllT • Normal Heavy Cycle • S Cu Ft • Energy Saving Air Ory Thirl_p(H•I .-.~~ ... • Dial Action Filter I l llTCllElllD • Random Loading • Flo Thru Drying • Hard Food Disposer • l riple f 1ltrallon s3991s Free Only Normal Inst 1m111111 • II" llear Prejfftie1 • Remote Control • 139 Channel T un1ng • Cable Compatible '1,699 95 • 650 Watts • Interior Light • Cuts Cooking Time SAVE ON BUILT-INS DI YIS-llllWI CllllES I FULL UIE IF IUILT-11 IPPLlllCES FUTUlllll • &MHIOH • llT"tlt • ~MAMIElll • IJTOIH All • IACH • l'lllfl I •llITT •I( ..... ~ • H .. LY• llTO•INW•ll T11 -..n ---:-~L 11.1 01. Ft. ~'.""-~, ' M De ---• anual frost ~ • Cnsoer ·--·~~-.)I thrlprrin $369'5 Only •• WlllLPllL 11 11. Ft. It Frtst • Slide Out Shelve1 improvement." -ranging from business lo psychology. About haJf the 933-member stu-The sct\001'1 largest m;uor is reh&.1on, c,lent body Li ve on campus. Usually 1n which 1hey offer a masters pr<>- the only o_nct to eat at 1he dining gram. commons, they were joined Tuesday All of the students are required to by many of the off-campus students. take 16 units of their rcliJion. Many as well as faculty, staff and alumni. decide to work for the church after Alona with preparing the d inner. they graduate, as preachers, field the forcian students shared in o ther workers or an administrative duties. ways. Durina chapel services, Which Most of the international students the school holds three times a week. plan on returning 10 their homeland there was also a special presentation. after iradu1uion. PatricJc Dey, busy "We aJJ came together on sta2e and stimng ,nd adding spices to a lhrec- sang 'It's a Small World,· •r said foot deep vat of curry, said, "I wi ll . Nancy Quintero, a student from return to lndi• probably in '89, so I ..Mexico, "and. then cachintemation~ ca~ with my family. Ours is 1he student got up"individuaJly and gave largest religion 1n the world and I testimony in his or her home want to help it grow in my country." lan&ua&e." A table of young men. finishing off F'ounded by the Assembly of God · the last of their in.1ema11onaJ dinner, church, the school has bet.n operating had· less worldly ambitions on their for 63 ycan. Staned in Los Anaelcs. mind. "I'd hke some more of this the school moved to it.s current shish-ka-bob," referring to the location in Costa Mesa in 1949. Malaysian sate with peanut sauce. The school is a fully accredit'td "but look at that line." liberal ans colleae, with majors The line, which began forming shortly before the S o'clock scrvina / time, had q_uiclcly stretched around l the larsedaninaa.rea and out the door. J Aware they wouldn't get a second' chance around, most people wert filling tbeir plates to capecity. "I j wouldn 'r want to miss anythina these 1 students worked so bard on," said one 1 faculty member, defendina his large plate. At a table of three pretty coeds, the talk centered on a traditional topic of girls everywhere, with a modem twist. Daung. Or more specifically, • the new computer datina service an enterprising student bad-put &oeethcr+- for other students. It seems for a few ' dollars you couJd join the service, Jnd for a few dollars more the system could be riggec1 to give you the desired date. ' When asked abOut the food· they had just eaten, they aJI agreed. "It was l great, truly unique," said one. "I • thoroughly enjor,ed 1t," said another. i "Mmmmm yes, •said the last. • \ • Akiko Yamacacbl (left) from Japan pa ta 80llle won ton ln a • bullet for fmn.. wblle be~ compatriot, 'foelil Ucblmura\ (below), prepuee tempa.nr; •ecetablee. Tbe Japan-.. fare ... amonc tbe more> f•mUlar cu!alne offered up by foretan •tudenta. ~ included" natUla from Col-l umbla, carry from India aadj · Ate from llalay•la. i ~ I ' Artists win Pen Women'sleagueawards ~ JudfCS from the state level o f the Awards earned by arttsts from lhc of this Judging. Antoinette Wik.Jn ! National League of American Pen Laguna Beach branch were gJ ven 10: San Juan Capistrano, was awarded a~ Wo men, an organization of pro-Wrayanne Lee, Dana Point, firsl in honorable mention for her wate~ fessional writers. artists and mu-mixed media and honorable mention color as was co-chairman Olga Steanf sicians, recently j udged the artwork in oils; Jcannetle Pincus, Leasure of Mission Viejo. for hers. . , on exhibit through November on the World , firsl in water color and second For more information on th~ rotunda floor of Great Amencan in oil; Marge Roley, Laguna Beach. orga nization call Brenda Turner,· Savings and Loan in Laguna Beach. second in photography. Co-chairman president at 499-34 12. SHUTTERS SPECIALLY PRICED Capture the outdoors and create comfort with these custom moveable shutters ... In the colors, sizes and styles you wanlt ... ., _,P" ____ ...... ~~---~·~~~~~~~~~~------------------------~--------mll!lllll~------------------------~ Legislation goes the county's way ''Have you been affected by the meat cutters strike?'· ec.ptW.., PN4 v .... .,, ,. Several bills OK' d , wlll benefit county 1 ln terms of dollars By L18A MAHONEY Qf .. ...., ........ qrange County 'upcrv1sors got their way more often than not in terms of bills they supported in the recently adjourned leaislative session, said Chief Administrative Officer Larry Parrish. rn a survey of State oiUs that supervison supported, 43 out of 83 were approved. Of 38 bills opposed by supervisors, four became law and ._rio~er was vetoed by Gov. George Deukmejian, Parrish said in an a'1nual report on legislative ad- vocacy. Many of the balls not acted on by the Le&islature arc in committees and have been canied over into next year, h~said. Parrish described 1985 as a "quiet yU"f' in Sacramento because of a flush state bud$et and little con- troversy over money. Nevertheless, several bjlls will financially benefit the county, he said. Senate Bill 300, a bill to provide $153 million for local streets and roads over a three-year period, will brina $7.8 million an tmasportation funds to Orange County. Assembly Bill I 575 will reimburse the government for $2 million in unemployment insurance expenses. on a bill the county tS atronaJy intemtcd in, Parrilh reported. Scpatc Bill 7S would limit the liability of aovemment entities under the Joint and 1everaJ rule. Des~ to reduce "deep pocket" lawswta by injured parties who sue cities and othen only sli&htly at fault because they are best able to pay, the bill is tied up in committee and expected to die next year. Escalating liability judpnents in California have scared many in- surance carriers ~~)' from the state. Othca_ ~ hiaJl acl!~ran<:e. and . premiums before thay will provide coven&ge. The bill is desipied to reduce insurance costs and Liabilit~ JUdJ- rpents by limiting the amount of pain and sufferlni·awards to the dqree of fault of the entity involved. Similar bills have died in previous lcgislati ve sessions because of opposi- tion by the California Trial Lawyers' AsSOCtation, legislators say. On the national front, funding for the Santa Ana River Flood Plan is still under active consideration. Parrish reported that the county 1s trying to satisfy congressional demands that an alternative be found to the proposed Mentone Dam. A smaller, alternative dam is expected to get suppon of Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside coun- t1es, cfcaring the way for funding of the flood protection plan. Other federal measures supponed by the supervisors include reauthorization of the superfund for toxic waste cleanup and the Clean Water Act, the nation's primary water pollution control act. BobbleSmJ~ Cotta Mesa TeacMr "I buy my meat on sale and freecu. 't 40--it really hun'l- affccted me too much," Carolyn Helmatb Costa Mesa Homemaker "I shop at Safeway and I've been finding everything I need." .lr.ceG ... 1rv1M Shldeat "It really hasn't affected me at all and l sh~a Voo's." Du Duford Costa Meu Coa11nctJoa worker "I shop at a little non-union market around the comer so I haven't been affected." Beu Bu C..taMesa c.m,.wr &eebidu "I am Vietnamese so I can buy from Vietnamete m.adtcu. They arc not on stnke .. Fruacee Colemaa Cotta Mesa Parop1Pmetri11 "You know. I haven't been to the market since the stnke, but I'm going this afternoon so J'll find out. My only concern as that the stnke 1s over by Thanksgiving so I can bu) a fresh turkey.•· P .. Prb C..&aMeta " .... ~ ... , "I bavcn•t bad ume to buy meat yc.l-1() haven't been aft'ected.'' Robert Hact Costa Mesa Partially relJred "Tbe market I shop at 1s so lous) that ll would be tough to tell 1f u was bemg affected. Besides we cat a lot of ham- burger and there has been plenty of that." Another Assembly ball Will save the county as much as $2.5 m1lhon for foster care services, Parrish said. The bill extends a 95-to-5 fundmgrat10 for ,----...------------------~-------------------------------------- Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care through July 1988. U oder the bill, the state will continue to pay 95 percent of the cost of foster care while the county's share remains at S percent. Assembly Bill 19 promises to save the county General Fund $19 million in its first year. Involving a state buyout of the courts, Gov. Dcu- kmejian has said he will only grant full funding to the measure if it's tied to court reform, Parrish said. A Senate Bill allowing the Yorba Linda County Water Distnct to t obtain $1 S0,000 a year in propeny taxes from the county was vetoed by the aovemor, Parrish said. Orange County officials success- fully argued that the bill would set a bad precedent and unravel existing transfer agreements. The l.cgJslature still has not acted Parham named head of UCI's career center Dr. Thomas Parham has been named director of the Career Plan- ninJ and Placement Center at UC Irvine. The center provides career information for UCJ students through workshops, internship op- portunities, job Listings and on- campus recruitment. Parham comes to UCI from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an assistant professor in the G raduate School of Education. He received his bachelor's degree in social ecology from UCI, his master's degree in counselina psychology from Washington University an St. Louis and has doctorate from Southern Illinois University. He also holds an appointment as an adjunct lecturer in UCTs social ecology program. Parham now lives in Irvine. RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. -· ,_ Oellf C..tn .... , ltZ2 IWllD avo COSTA IEA--541·115' We will buy your china and crystal for cash 714-241-9973/811-905-6650 INEABED 0....tntMd Pfoc.edton ~=:=!!~ ... 'f04JI tNQ bed SHEEPSKIN SEA TCOVERS lrom 129 ea. • Floor Mcrt1 • Car C0¥9n • License ~ Fromet • Srot SHEEPSKIN SLIPPERS Oalhboord Cown StMrir;,g Wh..i Co¥en much MUCH ,,...1 1927 ..... c.... .... 631-7189 DISTINCTIVE WHITE LACQUER OUEENBED FROM SWEDEN Effldent white lacauer flnlsh makes for a str1klno effect wttti tne practf calttv In ease In maintenance. A. Ught'Bnage $ $159vcilue............... .. . . 119 ~-~~~~£:,r ..... ..... . . . $99 31 vcilue......... . . . . . . $24 .3 Drawer set $ 79value.......... . ... 55 .Storage cirawer beneath $ t>ed . $76 value.. . 59 l. F.Oueen eeo s2asva1ue $219 Now, Plummer's lets you enjoyfinewhite lacquerfurniture from Sweden at unbelievable savings , just in time for the holidays ! SWEDISH WHm LACQUER STEREO BENCH • eeauttf\JI stereo t>ench measures 59"x1sv, X23Y4't110h and featur~adJustable sherves ana record dMders. $165 value $125 • '. WHm LACQUER WALL All oressers feature fine white lacouer finish with spacious easv sliOlng orawers H1~h chest Low chest $1269 $1'35 • • WHmLACOUER · DRESSERS FROM SWEDEN • Dout>le oresser S345vcilue $249 ....... • --~-- -- SYSTEM IMPORTED DllECTL Y FROM SWEDEN ' • Basic narrow unit 19¥• "X1 SY2 "x19Yt " S125 value .................. $'91 l~0J:13~~ ... ~~-~~~.~ Record dMder set. narrow unit. scva1ue .................... sa Drawers eacn, narrow unit. $25 vatue ........... $19 Narrow ws snetf w/Ught. value ..... $5! ~wide unit 31 Y2 "X15 Yt "X?9Y," S17Svatue ................ $121 NAL CONTEMllORARY FURNITU Drop lld, $47 value .... $11 Double dOQr set. wide untt. S46 value .SSS Drawers each wkie unit. S31 value ........... $H ~~~~n~~~~~ ~va~~:~.~w~~~Q SANTA W • 15«> E. Wimer• C71C>557-o&11 f81t"•1n arano & N1WPOrt FWv ntton Oyer' ltd> Mia .. VII.JO• 28191 Marguertte PrlCWy. • (714>e5·5252 Clehdeen crown VllflfJV & AWKV PtcWV' • ........... ,-.. , : ) . . I -.~·~~--------------------------------------~--~ ...................................... . Otlngl eo.t DAILY PILOT/ 8aturdty, NoYWnber 18, 1985 I J IOB BGEL&O 'p ?' ,.._..., SAN FRANCISCO -Proeosition a the fa.r..reachlna 1982 onme in .. iliative, bu survived a year of crucial dec:Woos in lbe California Supmnc Court. wbote ruJjnas it wu drafted 10 au.acts The major lepJ issues of the initiative, <tubbed the Victims' Bill of R:i.&hu by sponsors. bave been ~ · sofved ii) decisions this year. Several provisions have been narrowed, but none hu been ruled unconstitutional. The decisions have upheld substantially lonaer seotenoes for criminals with felony records and narrowed the insanity defense. Per- haps most imPortantly, a 4-3 decisjon in February overturned 30 yean of pro-defendant rulings and required ~ c.owu to follow U.S . ~me Court standards in allowing evidence from police searches. .. The oet sum as that a lot more people bJve been in prison and there's probably a lol tougher eviden.- tiary rules in tbe courtroom," said San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Brown...a Proposjtion 8 critic. .. The court is going to carry out the people's wiU ... even if it means throwing out a lot of their own precedents," said another critic, Gerald Uelmen, a Loyola University law professor and former president of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. .. The court can interpret Prop- osition 8 narrowly or broadly, but the genie's out of the jar," said George Nicholson, a principal draftsman of the initiative. "The public knows it can play a role in criminal justice ... Nicholson, the I 982 Republican candidate for attorney general and a lonatime court critic, said the court's upholding of Pro posi tion 8 provisions has been "grudging." but Cblef Jaatice Blrd added there has been "much more positive than negative" 10 the rulinp. The initiative, approved by a 56 percent vote, had at least a doz.en provisions covering a broad range of criminal law. They included an attempt to ban most plca-barJaining for serious felonies; a requirement that criminal courts allow "all relevant evidence.'' with certain exceptions; sentence increases of five years for each prior felony conviction; declarations of rights to safe public schools and to restitutjon for crime victim'; the use of more CQnviction records to attack the credibility of witnesses, and authority for victims to JeSllfy at parole and sentencing bearings. l>roj>osition 8 cleared a potentialJy at to reach for instead of J u:.t th i:-. on<·•·. do "4>nt<'- thi rll! different ln:-trad of ha' in~ anotht>r rlrink . . top and think ~hn1· your liff' i~ r.minµ. 1~ drinkinj! causinf! rnort' blem than flO)vinii! 1!'-it d(':-lroYing \otar lift· 111 laonw~ ·\n: \Ott mj ...... 111µ niur1· \.\ork than \011 c·;111 aff11rd to'~ • \re · ~nu to thr point whf'rt> ~ou can't fun<'tion "it bout a drink or '-'mlf' pilli.;~ ~hat n111 \nu do'~ Ca II Ca rd · u it. i~ a medirally :-.upn vi ... •·'I alcoholism ._,,,..._ arnl drn~ treatmt·111 pro~rram ava il-ahl,. on lv iu M>IN·t <'ornmu- nity h~spita l!->. C:m·l ~1i1 :-.w·c·t·i,~futlv trf"aL ... more> pco-pl•· fnr al«o holism • earh <•ar than am 11tlwr pri vatr pro· ~am ·ava il ahl1•. B~11 lwfort· lrt>atment ca n b.1!in. you h<t\f' to rail. Ju:-t thi-. 111H'f'. du11·1 r1·ad1 for anothf'r rlrirak. Jfr:wh for tht> phonr. It co uld "'ti\ 1· -..mwo111: ... lif1·. v To utlk p11r.wm1tlfr 11 ith " Cart•l ml ''°'"'"'''"~ pho111 · \11111 /oral (.',,,,.£ ,111 or m/111, 101/-/1111• 111 HOO-II.> J.()J Ill~ 11 ·· Cau REUNI rour~. •wrviN' o(f.mul'n·l ... n11h· .. r .. ,... Corpor1ttion. (714) 650-1090 CO TA MESA MEDICAL CENTER HO PITAL 301 VICTORI A . TRF:ET CO TA Mf:. . CAIJt'OH IA 92627 ., ' fatal hurdle in l 982 wbeo the court ruled 4-3 that all provisions were "reasonably prmane" to crime and its victims, satisfyina a state oonstitu· tional requin:ment that irutiatives c.ov~r only one subject It suffered a eetback the next year in a ruling that barred application to crimC$ com- mitted before it pal!ed. When the court turned to individ- ual provisions this year, it was faced with a problem common to many initiatives: drafted with no bearings and usually limited input, they often contain Langu.,c that's unclear or con tradjctory. Nicholson. a former Alameda County prosecutor and assistant at- torney general, said he and his fellow draftsmen made their intentions clear enough even for an unsympathetic court. despite several. ,iudkial Al· tempts at ''face-saving" or .. muddy- ing the waters." But parts of Proposition· 8 seemed to contradict the drafters' purposes -- for example, the plea-baraain1ng. "ban" contained a loophofe that allowed bargaininJ to shift from Superior to Municipal Court, where the process is apparently no less f~ucnt Other portions seemed to ignore exjsting state laws. For instance, sentence increases were provided for prior juvenile "convictions,'' even thou$h a juvenile case isn't a criminal convtction. Provisions on using past convictions in evidence and in sentence increases were worded as requirements, but did not repeal other laws givrng Judges authority to disregard them. When a law is unclear. a court is supposed to try to decipher its intentions. And the overall intention of Proposition 8 was clearly, as Uelmen put it, "to put more people in jail for as long as possible." But the justices also bad to examine each pro"ision, mindful of the tra- ditional rule to interpret doubtful cnminal Laws in favor of the defen- dant. Another consideration was that constitutional problems might have been raised by lateral interpretation of some of the initiative. notably a provision ~uiring a defendant to prove he or she was ignorant of the nature of tbe action and unaware 1t was wrong i'n order to be found insane. So the court decided the insann y provision was a drafting error and mterprctcd it to cover either ig- norance of the nature of the act .or unawareness that It was wrong -a. less stringent standard than Nicholson said he had intended, but narrower than the court's previous standard. In the area of sentencing, the court rejected legal and constitutional challenges to the five-year increases for each prior serious fel ony convic- tion. It also ruled that some, but not all, burglaries could be classified as serious felonies and used to tngger a sentence increase. But t'1e j ustices ruled S-2 that judJeS retained authority under a previous state law to disregard af rior convicfion "in the furtherance 01 justice.·· Even though Proposition 8 said senter<ccs .. shall be increased ... the courts sajd rulings as recent as 1981 made it clear that more explicit language was needed to eliminate f SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Herc arc state Supreme Court votes on cases anvolvina Prop- os1t1on 8, the 1982crime1nit1ative. The justice lasted first wu the author of the opinion. · September ltlZ: By a 4.3 vote, the court upheld file constitutionality of PropositJon 8. sayint it didn't violate the state Constitution's single-subJect limit for initiatives. M_,•rity: Frank Richardson, Frank Newman, Otto Kaus, Cruz Reynoso. Dissent Rose Bird, who said the decision destroyed the si ngle-subject rule, and also said Proposition 8 was so broad it amounted to a constitutional "revision," which cannot be passed by initiaiive: Stanley Mosk and Allen Broussard -who"Counled a~ least tZ'mbJtcUln the initiative. A•r.•t l t8S: By a 6-1 vote, the court said Proposttion 8 could not De applied to crimes committed before it f)aSsed in June 1982 . Majority: Mosk, Bird, Reynoso, Allen Broussard, JoseP.h Grodm, and Appeals Court Justice Arthur Gilbert, assigned to the case. Dissent: Richardson, who said Proposition 8 was intended to talce effect as soon as constitutional- ly possible, and noted other rulings h44Jallowed changes in evidence laws lo have retroactive effect. Juury ltU: The court ruled unanimously that a juvenile's statements to a probation officer or a juvenile court hearing could be barred at trial, despite Proposition 8 provisions requiring introduc- tion of most "relevarit evidence." Majority: Mosk, Bird, Kaus, Broussard, Re- ynoso, and Los Angeles Superior Cou11 Judge Robert Weil, assigned to the case. Concurrence: Grodin, who said he understood the rul ing to be limited to hearings for juveniles. Juoary 1185: The court ruled unanimously that Proposition S's five-year sentence increases for prior serious felony convictions repealed previous state limits on sentencing; also, that a prior second- degrec burglary could be re-classified only if the· defendant admitted the burglary was residential. Majority: Mosk. Kaus. Reynoso. Grodin. Concurrence: Bird and Mosk, without stating a reason: Malcolm Lucas, who said he had reser- vations about the limits on burglary sentencing. February 1 HS: By a ~3 vote, the court ruled the , • "relevant evidence" provisions of Proposition 8 required state courts t0 foUow federal standards on evtdenoe from searches. rather than previous California standards that excluded more evidence. Majority: Orodin, J<.aU), Broussard, Luca.s. Dissent: Mosk, Bird and Reynoso, who sa1d the wording of Proposition 8 was not clear enou$h to show an intention to repeal California constitutional protections against illegally seized evidence. Marc~ ltH: By a 4-3 vote, the court sa1d Proposition 8 broadened previous standards for use of ~riar felony convictions to challenge the credibility of a witness, allowina judges to consider whether a felony involved "moral tua>itude" and then to we~ its value as evidence ~st its Polential to mas eador unfairly prejudree the Jury. ~Jortty: Kaus, Mosk. Broussard, Grodin. Partial dissent: Lucas: who said Proposition 8 required admission of all prior felonies. Dissent: Bird and Reynoso, who sajd Pro~ osi ~did not. repeal previous limits on ~vidence fro nor oonv1chons. tember 1185: By a 6-1 vote, the court said Pro tion 8 had narrowed the court's previous definition of criminal insanity by considering as sane a defendant who couldn't help doing what be or she knew was wrong. But the court refused to take literally initiative language requiring proof a defendant was unaware of both the nature and the wrongfulness of the action, saying it was a drafting error that mi&tlt pose constitutional problems and that ignorance of either the nature of the action or its wrongfulness was insanity . Majority: Grodin, Kaus. Broussard, Reynoso, Lucas, Mosk. Dissent Bird, who said the language had to be taken literally, and did not say whether she considered it constitutional. October lt85: By a 5-2 vote. the court ruled a provision saying defendants "shall" be sentenced to five yean for each prior serious felony did not repeal a judge's authority under state law to disregard a prior conviction. Majority: Kaus, Broussard. Bird. Reynoso, Grodin. Dissent: Lucas and Mosk, who said the language of Proposition 8 showed an intention to require judges to impose the sentence increases. judicial discretion. " The ruling prompted Paul Gann. chiefsPonsor of Prop. 8, to threaten a new initiative. But past history in- d1c.ates sentencing authority invoked by the court is seldom used by trial judges. Justice Joseph Grodin, writjnJ for the majority, said that by requ1ring admiss1on of"all relevant evidence," the initiative intended to allow any evidence that would be permitted by the U.S. Supreme Court. noted Proposition 8 preserved the "privileges" TCCOJDized by state law, and cited an existtng statute declaring the riaht apinst self-incriminatjon to be a ·ipri v1lcge." T hat ruling involved statements by a juvenile to her probation officer, and William Weisman. coordinator of Proposition 8 cases in the state attorney general's office, said the office hasn't gi ven up hope that the court will not apply the same stan· dard to other self-incrimination is- sues. Now-retired Justice Otto Kaus. who wrote the !;Cntencing decision, used a similar approach on the use of prior convictions to attack the credi- bility of a witness. This ruling, too, fell somewhere between the court's previous restrictive-approach and the literal wording of part of the m- . 1tiative, which might have raised constitutional problems. Noting that Proposition 8 did not repeal a jud$e's authority to bar irrelevant evidence. l}.aus said a provision admitting prioc convic- tions "w1thout limitation" could apply only to those relevant to the hone~ty of a witness -those that involved "moral turpitude," a loosely defined standard that invited future legis1ative action. But the court was forced into an all- or-nothing a pproach on the issue of evidence from illegal searches, and prosecutors scored a sweeping vic- tory. The result was to abolish prior rulings in which the COUJ't, applying the California Constitution's inde- pendent ban on illegal searches, had JOOe beyond federal courts in exclud- ing evidence -for eumple. in surveillance of restrooms, searches of garbage cans, full-body searches after minor arrcsts, warrantless inspec- tions of bank records, and illegal searches that produce evidence against a third person. Those earlier rulin~ were probably the most important target of Prop- osition 8. The new dCci&ion also requires courts to follow future rul- ings of the U.S. Supreme Court, which bas been considering further relaxation of the ban on illegaJly seized evidence. However, another state Supreme Court ruling apparently leaves the courts free to apply more restrictive standards to confeuions and other statements by a defendant The Qpinion by Justice-Stanley Mosk Any such court decision, however, could be changed by the Legislature. which was authorized by Proposition 8 to amend most provisions by a two- thirds vote and may be able to act in the self-incrimination area by a majority vote. A few other areas remain un· resolved, such as the meaning of the court's new "moral turpitude" stan· dard and the broadly worded "safe schools" provision. Some of the past rulings could also be reconsidered if any justices arc def~ted in next year's Supreme Court elections. But Proposition ~. and its judicial interpretations of the last year, have set a precedent. DESIGN CENTRE 181 & .183 EL CAMINO REAL TUSTIN ~ FAMOUS BRAND %~ t NAMES ON •LIVING ROOMS • DINING ROOMS FINANCE YOUR • BEDROOMS Hamilton. House Interiors MARILYNN HAMILTON, 1.$.1.0. 714/731-3133 Heritage Paint Centre MICHAEL KEARNEY 71-1 /730-7045 Fine f urniture At Prices Everybody Can Atfor PURCHASE • AND MOREi MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING SETS • FROM s15900 DINING ROOM Table and 6 Chairs --AU WOOD s49900 WHlE TH£Y LAST SWIVEL ROCKERS STARTING HardWOOcl AT Fr1m1nc s15900 FROM Fllll DllAWINQ FOii WORLD'S LAllQllT CHllllTMAS ITOCKINQll MO PUllCUN •C&MUY Having Trouble Selecting a Gilt for Your Special Someone? Watch for wilt •U66tHtion• lor thi• holiday •ea•on in the Dally Pilot'• uchri•tma• Cllt Guide" appeari111 Sunday, November 24th. • - Satellites to unlock mysteries ofthesea 2-job families a problem SAN L>IEGO (AP)-Polar sea ice, Ud&I waves and other oceanic won- der'$ will become less of a mystery to scientists as they t um to satellites ~pable o.fprovid1.nga "tidal wave" of 1nformatton, manne expens say. The measurements of some ocean .conditions will be multiplied by several hundred times with the in- stallation of the satellite equipment, according to Johrt Sherman Ill. an oceanographer for the National 0oeanic and AlmGS--J)heric Adminis- tration. Study finds stress on working pa rents main source of employee dep~ession ~STON (AP)-Work1n1 parents have long known how hard 1t as to juule career and famil y responsiblhtics, but a new Boston Un1vers1ty study indicates the pr~ lcm 1s so widespread that It is the main reason employees get de- pressed. The study, released th11. week and considered the first of its lund in the country, found that nearly half of worlung parents suffer from the stress and strain of balancing· job and family, and a third spend pan of tht' day worrying a great deal abouJ tht'1r children. Googins and Dial\ne Burden, an asmtant professor of soc1aJ policy and research, followed the lives of 651 cmployCIC$ at aJI levels of a larae BostQ.o-bued corporahon fpr one year, interv&ewtng the(Jl about work and family matters. · The researchers would not 1de'nUf)' the corporation but said 11 was typical of many Amencao companies - only 20 percent of the workforce had a traditional family sc-.Mup, with a workjog husband and"unemployed Wlfc canng for children at home. Googins said s1m1lar studies have been conducteo wi th government empioyces. but none have lasted as long as a year and e'am1ned pnvatc- sector worker~. Tbe Boston 1,J n1vers11y 5tudy found that working moth·ers. tS· pcc1ally 1f the> arc mamed. bear the brunt of Juulint carur and Caauly. The averqc female ml.J'Tled ~t at the company. accordu11 l0 GooliDS and Burden, spent IS boursa ~oo her JOb and bomemahna. oompercd to the 75 hours spent by a ai.ap: female parent. 66 by a married mak parent. 65 by a anale male parent ud 55 by a non~parent • "Mamcd mot.hen are the ones who have moved tnto new roles at borne and at work," said Go<>&ina. "Cut- turally, they still hanaonto their roles at home .. while they love what lhey do at work. It mamfcsu itself in conflict." The Boston Un1versJty study also found that: -Forty-three percent of tbe em- ployees interviewed, both male 8:Jld female. said the SJJ:;ll.Jl Qf managin1 famjly rcspoosjblltttcs ¥/IS the main reason they got de~ at work. Ooogios s!a.Jd one-third of the respon- dents said they womcd a stpufic:ant arnount about their bds dunng tbe day "which has $Ot to be a 1&110 pan of Uus stress-stram depression." Sherman, speaking Wednesday at the weeklong Ocuns '85 conference bere, said at least I 5 new ocean sensors oo six new satellites will present a sharp ·contrast to the scarcity of inforniation now avail- able. The conference, which hlls drawn researchers from around the world, ended Thursday. Currently, about 2,000 to 4,000 reports on ocean wind direction come each day from ships, scientific buoys and satellites. By 1989, there will be between 400,000 and 910,000 reports each day -with the increase almost entirely due to the new satellites, Sherman said. Bridge ofa dlfferent~lnd There la more than one w ay to build a brld.Ce •• SoTiet enDneen dcmonatrated wt~ the conatructlon of tlala brfqe o•er the o.uca•a Rt.er in R!Qa. Latvia, completed lut month. The atructure baa a elngle mut that holda up aapport cablee. "The world isn't set up to have two parents at work," said Bradley Googins, an assistant professor of community orpmzat1on. manage- ment and planning at Boston Univer- sity's School of Social Work. "It as a struggle. Fron:i our data, it's some- thing that docs impact most famil- ies." The study concludes that 1nd1vid-1 ual employees have done everything 1 they can to improve the strain of , holding a Job and raising a family, and said 1t is now up to corporations to help solve the problem. GRANDE ENTRANeES . Dctcct1on of treacherous polar sea ice, which also has a major role in predicting long-term weather and ocean patterns, will be much easier with the new satellite data, he said. "There's probably going to be more sea ice data collected in the next six years than has been collected in the past 100 years," Sherman said. Samuel McCandless Jr., of the Virginia-based User Systems Inc .. said scientists arc "about to en- counter a tidal wave of information coming at us near the end of the decade." An experimental oceanography satellite in J 978. Seasat-A, demon- strated radar and microwave sensors that could penetrate cloud cover to measu re wind speed, surface temperatures and sea ice locations, McCandless said. Most of the new oceanography satellites to be launched will 'arry th ese instruments that can be used worldwide io all weather. In March, the Navy deployed the Geosat satellite that carries a radio altimeter. T he satellite is s.1f1 being calibrated and isn't sending out uscfuJ data. Four more oceanographic satel- lites will be deployed in the next five years, including a second for the Navy and ones for the European Space Agency, Japan and Canada. Preventipn not always cheaper the medical care study says WASHINGTON (A P)-A new Brookings lnstnu--notcostsavings-isthecritcftononwh1ch11shouldbc I tion study, challenging one of the most commonly held judged," she said. beliefs in public health, said Tuesday tl_lat ,Preventing The 129-page study cited screenn~g for h.lgh blood. disease is not nt"CCssanly cheaper than cunng 11 pressure as an example where prevention ma) be more The study said prevention of disease holds great costly than the cure. potential for improving health, but also cames both nsks O~ first glance, Russell said, high blood pressure I and costs. And 11 said those costs someumes are greater screen~ng should be the m~st C<?St-dfcct1vc fonn of than the expense of treating disease after 1t develops. medicine. T.he screenani test lS quack and cheap, and 11 1 In fact the study said, preventive measures only uncove~ a hfc-threatenang disease ra cl lowe'r the cost of medical care and general I\ But 1t 1s more expensive than 11 appears. she s.a1d. The an~rlase it Physicians and consumers m~t decide when current recommenltauon is a test ever) year or t"Wo. preventing disease is wonh the extra cost, said author ma~ang the total cost substan11al even 1f each individual Lo · B R II economist at Brookrngs a test is cheap. I u1~ · usse · an · Anyone Wlth high pressure must undergo repeated Washington-based research center. tests to be sure the first as not a Ouke, she said. And if The study comes as nauonal health expens are hypenensaon 1s confinncd. the usual treatment 1s daily lookang for ways to hold tto-...;n the cost of health ca~e: pills, which can run several hundred dollars a year, for the Many argue that preventing disease is the most etTecu t rest of the patient's hfe. way to reduce costs and u~c that the health care system be The preventive treatment can save hves. she said. But reoriented toward prevention. drug therapy over the course of decades becomes But Russell said 1t 1s not that simple. And she added expensive. that supponers of preventive medicine may harm their Russell also noted that hypenens1on ~enerally cames case by rajsing false hopes for the practice while ignoring no symptoms. while drug therapy to treat It can cause side the real benefits ofprevcnuon. etTects -incl uding fatigue. drowsiness. impotence and "lf the claims (that ~revcnuon 1s cheaper) are gout -that can make life unpleasant or prompt a patient generally untrue. and the available evidence indicates they to quit drug treatment. arc; they may lead to an unwarranted disenchantment "The patient who takes an11hypenens1vc drugs.!l'a) with prevention," Russell wrote. hve looser, but not feel as well as w~thout treatment. she ·~For even when prevention does not save money. 11 !Mild. "Simply counting the ycarsofhfe added by treatment can be a wonhwhile m vestmt'nt 1n better health. and this O\erstate') 11s benefits.'' ,, ~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~ ,..-.... -- (J1111/1t 11 Un mat, Ired Rt·1wt11L f1111malld1·d • i lnh !I . I'.,, •Id ~r •\\II I ... H: I t. I I • " • .! ,, ... ,Jir111..; " tw 111111 ii \.t'fl11 ••• ~, ••• ,, .... tt, .•• ''''-'1•' ..... 1rt'1 r ,r l1ni,h1•-. • I 1111 •• I ~"'' •'l\'d I ...... ,,,,,, • 1 II• 11 , •llu.111\ , 1 111111 ,,,. \\olrj'.l~t 'hr111 •111~ llhl ""t'I t; "~ • 1 .lu1n~ 11hl ,, ... ,.,, l>I\ pr ... •1t.1 ... n ,,, •. ,,, "' \•ht "'fi,,n · l'•'rl•·• 111 1•11t11·d .111.! '" h•d Hummingbird Oe~1gn on Sale No w · nqc; Knollwood Circle Anaheim, C A 17Ul S:?l -iHO Tut>,,·h1 9-f./<;at . 8-" SPECIAL PURCHASEI f ... ,."\ ~-I 'I.I ----../ i --=--~ =-=:::::-=--JI ~ SHERMAN CLAY'S BUYING POWER BRINGS YOU FA N TASTI C SAVINGS. COM?ARE TH IS V ALUE WiTH PIANOS SELLI NG FO~ $3000 OR M ORE. COME I N TODAY! GRAND PIANO Custom-mode exclusively for Sherman Cloy. This beautiful piano combines the a rtistry of on o ld world musica l tradition, with a dva nced te chnology. Custom bui It to Sh6rman C lay's exocti ng specifications. s99~:. 94999 Ge MOS. 15.90% A.P.R. .. ClrTy .... c.tncbl ...... -, .... hi " .... .. • ., ti ...... ti '"' HIGH POLISH EBONY. GRAN D .. • COSTA MESA South Coast Plua 545-0415 15 LOCATIO / I "Familv Owned Si.ace 1879" 2927 l . Bristol Streetl Coste Mesa · Sooth ot South Coast Plaza 751-2324 ALSO IN LOS ANGELES LONG IE..ACH Store Hou..:. MA>•·Fri 9-6 10·5 • 0nnee Coelt DAILY PILOT/....,,.,~-18, 1815 ~esa temple to c~lebrate 25th a~niversary Membef1 of T_,.. .,._, the lint coDterVative Jewilh JYDllOl\Je la the Harbor Area.. WW celebrate the temple's 2Sth annivcnary with a puty toft.iabt in the Newponer Jlesort. I The conareption purchased prop- ttty at 617 W. l;iamiltoo St., Costa Meta, in 1964 when it consisted of a tarae lot and a small cottaae. which was converted to a school buildina. The sanctuary was built on the property in I 967and a pennanent two--story school was completed in 1972. Before the sanctuary was built, mcm~m et for Friday evenina ,ltlYi a the Unitarian Universal- ist Cb • Costa Meu, and at -variourctnnches for Hrab tfolyday services. Party-soen will preview a model ·~ and tcbematic dtawina of the a&nc- tuary bcautificanon project, due to tqin next sprifta and be com~ for Rosh Huhanah srrviocs m the fall of 1986. • • • Temple .Bae Yilm of Newport Beach/Irvine on Sunday will be&in writi..na a torah especially for the. tcmpJe-. At 10 a .. m., Rabbi Moshe Kie1n will beain bjs work in the sanctuary, irucribina the openina versa of Genesis. The spiritual endeavor, under- taken in honor of the temple's 13th (bar mltzvah) year, is to be fulfilled on Rosh Huhanah of next year, when the torah will be welcomed to the temple's ark. • • • .. Volwnet OT Israel:· an 1t- lustrated lecture, will be the featured prosram at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Jewtaai C.mmally Cater of S..dl Or ... •C.Uty. Members Sunny and Gene Man- del will talk about· their expriences oo an Israeli Army Tank Bue in tbc Nqev Desert, and aive information on how to participate in the prosram. Hiabliahtina Jewish Book Month at the center will a disr.lay, arranaed by Estelle Rosentha , director of literacy trainin• for the South Coast Literacy Council. · The display, from the Jewish Development Co., includes chll- drcn's books. fiction and non-fic- tion. All are available for purchase. Tbe center is localed at 298 Broadway. Laauna Beach. For infor- mation, call 497-2070 or 833-1017. ~ ... The Rev. WiJliam and 8a.rbara McQuoid of SL Marie Presbyterian Mormon leader expected l o follow traditional path_ SALT LAKE OTY (AP) -Newly about the direction the church will But observers, including Gov. elevated Mormon prophet Ezra Taft take in the future," said Benson, Norm Bangcrter, a Mormon, and Benson is unlilcely to cnforoe his whose elevation was announced Benson's family, suggested that ardent anti-communist and Monday. allhou&h his philosophlcs apparently arcbconscrvative political views on "May we suggest that the Lord. remain uncban~, he would be the 5.8 million-member church, say through President l(jmball, has unlikely to poliucize the church or coUcques. family members and pol-sbarpfy focused on the threefold enforce his views on it. ltical opponents. mission of the church: to preach the "I feel that President Benson is a Benson. 86, a former U.S. secretary gospel, to perfect the saints and to man of 1feat integrity and spirit and of ~culture who bas spoken on redeem the dead," be said. strength," Bangerter said. "I think be poliucal issues more than any other "We shall continue every effort to outlined very carefully and succinctly Mormon leader, on Sunday became carry out this mission." the mission of the church as he views the 13th president of The Church of He also emphasized missionary It." Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. work -but "only in those nations Benson's grandson, Steve Benson. The senior member of the Council that ~it it" -temple work and a syndicated editorial cartoonist for of the Twelve succeeds Spencer W. "the importance of strong Christian h Ari. R bl. ·d "l d • Kimball. Who led the Church fior •2 b d ram·i 1.fi .. t e zona epu 1c, sai • on t .. omes an 1 Y 1 e. thinlc his political views have yea.rs before his death on Nov. 6. Benson. agriculture secretary from chan~ at all, that communism is the Benson's political views had led 1953 to 1960 under President Dwight bl /:. · th Id Mormon liberals to fear the direction D. Eisenhower, was born Aug. 4, ~~y.'!one pro cm iacmg c wor the church might take under him. But 1899, in Whitney, Idaho. Over the he said this week that he planned no years he has had close tics to several Benson said his ~ndfathcr bas chanics. r:ight-wing groups. including the John always placed his rchgioo first, "and "Some have expectantly inquired Birch Society. his personal political opinions, while -miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil strong. in the end haven't had much • impact on how he conducts his IEWPOIT CAIPUS CllUICI S.Vlces: Sundays 9:00 a.m. Thurldaya 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 882 W. 15th St. Newport Beech 631-0358 MCC OCEAN OF LIFE 1001 W. 17th, Ste. U•C.... Me., CA 6'1-119t 1 1 e.11t. & 71IO P·"'· .... "-.... office.'' ' Reed Benson, a religion teacher at church-owned Brigham Young Uni· versity and Utah coordinator of the John Birch Society in the 1960s, declined to answer questions touch- ina on his or his father's pol.itics.. but ChW'Ch wiU be honored by SMr Ha- Ma 'alot llartMtr Reform Temple ... Sl1ter'IMMMI durina a fashion sbow at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 23 at the May Co., South Coast Plaza. The McQuoids have been chosen for th~r interfaith cooperation of promoting &ood will, undentandina and banneny in the community. McQuoid.is a foundillJ member of the Newport-Mcsa-lrvmc lnte.rfaith CounciJ and was instrumental in the decision to share St. Mark's new facilitr with the temple. His wife is a foundina and current director of St. Marie's pre-school. Show tickets, at $27.50, a~ avail- able by callina I.he temple at 644-7205 by Mond.\v. ••• Norman Simon, cxccu1ive direc- tor of B'na.i B'rith District Four, wiU ltsra Taft Ben80D descnbcd I.he cider Benson as .. strong on principle and compassionate in manner." J.D. Williams. a political scicnlist and a spokesman for church liberaJs. said. "Observing Benson at the Kim- ball funeral, it has been brought home to me that Elder Benson is really at a very advanced age with many io- finnitics. "His (political) zeal may simply have been quieted by old age. Now 1t just seems to me that physically, we may be dealing wuh a much less active man." speak at the meetina of the Newport i-larbor Lodae at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Newport Beach Ubrvy at 8S6 San Clemente Drive. • • • "The Yuppie family" is the topic of the Sunday Forum of St. Mlcuel ud All Aqel1 EpJacopel Cllarclia, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona de) Mar. The forutn will begin at 9: I 5 a.m. ' • • • An orientation for new members is planned It 9: l S a.m. Sunday at the Nel1tiborlllood Co•1re11t1oul Cllvdl, St. Ann's Drive and Glen- ncyrc Street, Laauna Beach. -. .. Oranae County sinter Mic Bell will pe!f9rm with the Pacific Jubilee Sinacn at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the SMpMnl of die Bll11 Ualte4 tlivdl of. ~-t in l..aguna Niguel. Tickets are S 7. SO and can be reserved by caJUna •9S-l 3 lo or •99-2972. • • • Women and education in Russia will be the discuuioo topic of Jean Bernstein Sunday at I 0:30 a. m. at the meetina of the UaJtarlaa Ualvenal· tat FeUowMtp ef Lapaa Bead, 429 Cypress Oriye. She will bue her talk on ber recent trip to Russia u a member of the International Academic Ex~hanac. • • •• Another view of Russia will be presented by Tad Waddinaton at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Ualtartu Ua1venall1t Quella, I 2S9 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. Waddinaton was one of 25 UU youths from the U.S. and Canada sent by thCUU office at the Vnitcd Nations to Canada. (Pleue eee TIC.llPLS/ A9) U.S. bishops hail election of black ------,._----- in leadership post WASHING TON (AP)-Roman Cathol.ic bishops -black and white alike-arc bailing the election of the first black to a major U.S. Cathol.ic leadership post asa potential boon for attractioa black converts and priests. '"Signs and symbols are ciwcmcly important," Auxiliary Bishop Eugene Marino ofWashington said this week, moments after being elected secretary of the National Confc~ncc of Catholic Bishops. His election, he said in an interview, could well serve asan encouraginf, sign to blacks that "there is, in fact. a place for them in I.he Catholic Church. · Many American blacks don't teel that way now, if membership figures are any guide. Just 1.3 million of America's 26 mill.ion blacks are Catholics, compared with the denomination's total U.S. mcmbersbip ofS2 million out of a U.S. population of about 235 million. The low black membersh1p1sreflcctcd in the fact that there are just 10 black bishops out of more than 300. fJut even that perc:cntafC is a big incrcasc over the recent past: Marino was only the third black Amcncan bishop in modem times when be was named in I 974. His election as the national conference's secretary. one of the four main offices .. will gjvc him a voice in all major ~licy and planning decisions. And he said be will use the position to speak out 'about what the church should be doing." That includes action against racism, which he said exists as surely i.n the church as in society in general. His own clecuon could be seen as a blow agains1 prejudice in the church. And being chosen for the position was not only "an honor and privilege" for him but could serve as "a spur to I.he hopes" of younJ blaclc.s, be added. Among other black church leaders, Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Francis of Newark, N .J ., said the new prominence of a black bishop could draw more young black men into seminaries. Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY A C. •11 Wllc1•1 fNm The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Cotti MHI FIRJT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd. Church School 9·30 Worship 8·30 and 10:45 Charles 0. Clark, Minister Coate M ... MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1101 W•r Worehlp a Church School 1:30-10:00 1t.m. Or Wtlltam E. Steel 979-8234 Newport &.eci1 CHftllT CH\MCH IY THI HA UNrnD WTHOOllT 1400 W Balboa Blvd en.-Rev Lawre• ~ T Young WonNp •Ci.. .......... ~ A.M. • ..., ,,...'°"'"' eM .,., c .. , ............. ~ ... Huntington St ech Nonh COMMUNfT¥ UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6682 Hell Ave 8<42~46 1 W0tefttp hmc. 1:30 I 10:00 1:30 lunday lchoof 10:00 Fovnt .. n Vali.y FIUT UNITED METHdDllT CHUACH 18225 Buettard St 112-2513 James A Hadley. Put or Worehlp & Church lchoof f'.JO A.M. i NEWPORT C£N1£R 1.HT£0 MC THOOIST CHURCH I 1I01 .._,.,.,.,. A••· CotONidefMer l44-07'5 .. ....... I Cllilrdl S.. t:lt U . ~ &rlty R Howe SMu"' 1""eJlp at a t:!luac' "' ~ ~"le~ 7''-' 1"«.l PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH Of M COVENANT 9'vce A. Kunt., P•tot Terry MoCanne, DlrectO< of Adult Mlnlatr ... Pi.tre Al'-gr•. Olrect0< of High School Mlnlstrlee Tlot .Alc:aru. OlrectO< of Chlldren·e Mlnletrlel S..J .... -l:JO ' lt:OCI I.Ill 0.dl Sdllll - C!Mtll 1111 AMI 10:00 IJI\. lllnery cart'" ....... - l:JO ' 10:00 Liil [ .... Stnlct -7:00 PJI\. 2850 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa 557-33-40 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mtaeourf Synod) 190 Vlc1ort. It., Coeta ..... Lothar V. Tornow, P .. tor 131-1811 .,_~ ...... °' WORSHIP IERVICE 1:00 10:30 AM Slnlay Set.el & Aelll .... a.m 9:20 A.M. Clrlstiln a..n..twy Sdltol 54181M ST. MARK PIESITI(llAM CHUICH 1astblulfllf & ~rnboret Ntwporl Buch Ru Wilham McQuold PaslOI Asst Puttr Re>bert P Sttwarl Rodjei Whitten. Mu'.>IC Dire.tor Ww• 1:31 l.I. E'9cltitl Clmta 11:45 ll. """'Cite F• Wr. Cll '44·1341 SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAR80~TEMPLIRIFOAM ltiOCll e.r-Ned P K~ 11"1boftt & latlbltH Or ::'.:· ... ~~11-:~~ -·-lIJ ... "" ••• Ct A ....,...,..,.tc.e ,,..., (.... l:JI U . I ,__, ..... Rnt "*r fl...... 1:19 P.& 'rite die ...,.t . .,.. .,. 21M .. "'11 CtUCH Of ROJGIOOS SCDCE --of ... Ul'lll9d Chwtfl flf ~ .__ 2205 MAIN STAEET. SUITI! 23 HUN'TINOTON BEACH, CA 92'41 Adult• & Jr Church 8.00. 9 4l & 11 30 ,_..,, Peggy BUMtt , For lnformetlon Mi-1331 11.• NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH • Roser J. Bers. Pastor Kin Elfert Kroastad, Pastor WlllUIP IEllYIGI 8 AM & 10:30 AM (lnttq1reter for the deaf at I AM) Stll>AY SCtm 9:15 AM lbswy Care Avalable · wn•r ltl httr Ir, ...,.rt a. .. 11 141-Hll TMI MV .... I ti COii....,.. ......... ~ ...... , •• net .. ....., ..... 1 ., .... ,,.,,,,..., HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (OleclptM Of Chtlet) 2401 l"IM et Sente l..o.I Newport 1 .. cti MS-<5711 .! Morn1ne Worship I ~M Sunday School 9 AM ......... ~ .... --~----------------------------------------~ Y• Wr# N WeloMNd -AMI,...,..,, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tUln •I AUlne, Huttllttfllon -..oh IUNOAY: Moring Worship . .. . ....... .... ....... .. .. ..... .... . , 9:00 PM 8Jble School.. ..... . ...................................... 10:45 AM ·Evening Worship.. . ..... .. . . . . .... . . 6:00 PM 1lDda7 ...... Y..-o..,..--._,~ Mill• Fw ra. 0..... Mllloolm t AIOetl H Kerget.. --•a. Msge Iden. Dnctat Of CMet ... f~ DtAL-A-olYOT'tC* -.. 1111; Otftce -... 29 ~ Ctwiet aMoe 1_.. ~onmber I 7. 1985 8130 and 10:15 A.M. SUNDAY WORSHIP Sermon Topic: "" "Hl!!tJ!!!.!tll" I'll,)(\ <;1 J\nclrr'" R,,.J Nrwpurt ~a1 h C.ahf1•rn11 17141 11111880 IEW TNlllNT ONlllTIAI 011101 111w.11t1t1t.,0nt .... (1••••11 ....... tf .. ) •'f111 l1aal11 If llraol11" Of. 0.anor C. J1ckson Bible Study CIHI 9: 15 Sund4y Morn1111 Mtm,1. Hullfll I JunKH Church JO 30 ................... Laguna Presbyteriah Church "'Cltrud of Ckl•••" A ...., dlt$ .... s.11 c..ty_ W 11 .. S.-.......... I Su4al ... .,..,, l:fO • ll:IO.. • I N""!'l c;.,. ~ • ..., lkll#l t.r .U .. W...., ~ fMQWr-, f..cA A MmlCf '416 Poreet Ave• Phone 49'-76M Or • .,._. I.,....,, a...~ ..... Or. (ft .. C.....cl DlAL·A·PRAVI!R 9'·PRA V ' ~..a.T·•• (Rlflnn) RA881 MARKS. •ID SHA8IA T sot¥ICD rn..1 p..r11. -s.1..1o:JO 1.111. hm~y ~IYttes l st r rtdly OI Mo~tll -1'30 RtllCIOllS School Adult [d. YOlllll Crou1>1. S."C)es 1011 Cllllllladl. "'Wl*I ltadl (Ill....._> 844-1119 Cant0t Alan W...,_, Educator~ Van lllMhe SAINT JAMES WELCOMES YOU IUNOAY WOftlHIP HRVICEI 7:30 AM -Holy Eucharlet Rite I 9:00 AM -Holy Eucharlet Rite II 10:45 AM -Prayer and PralM Eucharl1t Rite 11 Church School and Adult Education -9:00 & 10:45 AM • (Mu1lc. Hrmon and child care at 3 Mrvlces) MIO·WllK WOftlHIP Monday-Friday -8:30 AM Morning Prayer Tuesday -10:00 AM Eucharlat & Heallng Service Wedneeday -6:30 AM Holy Euchartat Rector, Pr. John AeheJ • Aaeoe., ''· ara.n Cox, AaelaUng The Rev. Todd Soreneen • Mr. Samuel Shafer The Rev. Thomas Henry• Mr Wllllem Roberti SAINT JAMES EPISCOPAL Cf{URCH 3209 Via Lido • Ncwpon Beach • 714-67S-0210 CHRllnlN SCIENCE •liCHEI BRANCHES OF THE.Ji'OTHEA CHUACH. THE '1AST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEiiPrtST IN l!IOSTOH. MASSACHUSETTS Coeta ..... _,,,., Church of Chrt•.t ktente.t mo ..... V.,. Dr., Coeta ...._ - ChwOh 6 luftdef lohool-10!0l.A.ll. Ree~ Room, -..... Verde Dr.-1 A.M.-4:10 P.M. Mon. thru '"· Wed. 7-:IO P.M ........ P.M. trvlne-Plnt Church of Chrl1t, Sotentlet "8noho left JoeC, lnterm.-.te lehool 4el1 .-01'91Hn ( Y ... ) c'""°" • ._.., lohool 10:00 A.M. ,. .. ..,. "°°"'· ......... Plcwy., ..... 141, ··~,.... 10 A.11.-4 , .......... ttwu hl 10 A..11.-7 P.M. .,._.., CMd c.. -.._.,. w....., Huntington IHcft Flnt Chwoh of Chrtet, lctenttet '"'. OllW.::,""c.. ...... CIMnft a 10:tO A.M. ........ ....... -...... It. Newpott ~_,.,.t Chwoh of Chrtet. klentlet .. Vie L*, *"= .... C--a ....,.. t• I 10'M A.M. ..... ,. ........ 1111 Vie"* ............... A.11..f , .... T-..-7.f ....... Clllld 0.. ,.,.._. ~ -I ao. 11 JO A ... 111r llwdy T-. Ne-= IHDh l111nd Churcltt of Ctvtlt, lotentllt ...... v...Dr c-.. ..., c.....•---·•··· .. A.M. ............ 11111"1.C....Mwf.,C.. ... aw I ,., ' -· I • , ... Ml I I ., ., _......, ......... lllWWI ......... -.-. ... ._, .. _....., .. ,...,.....,._ ~C-~AT ALLl9IYIOll. ' ' \ t Small chapel suits tou:rists PELLA, Iowa (AP) -Travelers in need of a quick spintual pick-me-up can find a small chapel suitable for the purpose on Hi&hway 163 about a mile 10uth of here. It's a tiny white frame chapel in a roMllide clearina carved from a j)Qfllfitl,4, complete with copper-dad steeple and seatina inside on minia-ture~ for perhaps a.s 111Jny as 10 peo , certainly no more. obody is there to preach,'1.nd there i_sn't much of a sign. But across the road, retired fanper An Rus has watched thousands of cars pull up to The Calvary Wayside Chapel and then later pull away, presumably with occupants refreshed by the pause. ' • TEMPLE CELEBRATES ••• f'ro.A8 WeU-known mime, Richard Sue Micbadloa. Shope W1ll perform at 9:30 Lm. at the =Sc6ool of St. PMl'tl d r• in Lacuna Beach. Htsappear-anoe is free and open so the public. Shope nulved bis LnitiaJ mime trainma with Ma.reel Ma.rtcau and tw allO 1tud1ed with Japanese mime artist Mamako. The cbu~b ts located at l I 90 Morningside Drive. For u1for- mauon, call 494-1998. . . .. Btaodo.n Simon. son of Bonrue and Dennis Simon, will be called to the torah as a bat miavah Nov. 23 at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach. • • • Deina called to the torah today at Shir tt.Ma'alot Harbor Reform Temple, Newpon Beach, is Grant Philip Mkhaelson. son of Barry and ..... Tbe Rev. Jim Smote. who is oftlD referred to U .. America's ~ buudor to Sanps." Wlll oonduct a forum on bQild:iQa dfective rela- tionship&. Ke wdl be at the ._... C... C..•..atJOllllird. Newport 8eedl. at 7 p.m. MoDday. For infonmboa. call 8S4-7600. ' • ... St. Maldleft, a milt.ion perish ol the old Calholic"Cb.urch. will bold 1• first Mua at S p.m. l,Oday and continue each Saturday at this time an the Sadd.lebeck' Chapel. 220 E. Mam SL, T~tin. The church. thouah similar to the Roman Catholic Chu~b in most respecu. is independent of the Vatican. .Message_to boss · - worth duplicating DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recentl y -----------an article appeared in your column Sometimes Rus cuts the grass. Now and then he has to chase away a v~-~1 ~kc the youth who pulled. out .-~ that used -ro l>laY hymrrs when V1S1tors pushed a button. Travelers often cross the highway to uk Art and Hilda how the chapel aot there. Every once in a while, Rus aeu curious and crosses the highway himself to find out about the visitors, as he did when he saw a quaintly. dressed Amish couple and their four children enter the chapel. -Retired-Pella, Iowa, fumen Art and Bllda Ru ll•e acr098 the ro.d from the tiny ~Ls ,. ... C&l'ftJ'Y Wayalde Chapel that .eata only els people but la continually open. entitled "Secretary's Pral,er." It is only fair tbat there be a "Boss Pra ycr." I do hope you will print it, Ann. A great man) secretaries would enJOY readrng 1t and some of their bosses need to sec 1 t. A11 LAllDEIS "They said they held their own little service," he said. The chapel was built by the"Young Mr. and Mn. Society" of the Calvary Christian Reform~ Olurch about 20 yeanaao. "Tut land belongs to the niece of the late Tunis Verros, but he said it was for the use of the cburcb u long as that chapel is there," Rus said. Sometimes on a cold day he'll go over and try to crank up the chapel's temperamental beater when young couples drive up to his home wtth their ministers and ask if they can say their wedding vows across the street. "People just come tbrouah and sec it and decide they want to get married there," he said. Start new plants from the parent Propagatina new plants from cuttings or "slips" is a chaJlengjng yet rewarding process, as well as a very inexpensive and convenient way to increase the number of plants in your home. A wide variety of house plants can be propagated with slips. A few of these are African violet, peperomia, special ivtes. begonias, fuchsias, sansevieria. and Christmas cactus or its close relatives. Rootina cuttings is one of the most common plant propagation methods. One of the advantages. compared to planting seed, 1s that you know beforehand what characteristics your new plants will have. Cuttings make it possible to have more plants just like the parenL Thus.it is possible to multiply plants that can be obtained no other way. Also, certatn plants do not form seed and must be propagated some other way, such as by cuttings. Stems for propagation should be healthy and ~Y matured, not son. They should be cut cleanly with a sharp knife. A good rooting !"edium is sand and peat, m.ued .in equal pans. c9vered with a qu.arteT of an tnch of sand. One easy tccbOJque 1s to put the med1um tn a six-inch bulb pan, tak.ina care lo leave the bole in the bottom open. . A 2'h-incb porous clay pot, with a plugged drain hole, should~ sunk up to its rim in tbe medh.~m. in the middle of the pan. If the srpall pot 1s kept ~l!ed with water, that will seep through the pores of the pot, slowly providing moisture to the planting, medium, eliminating the need for direct-<watering. Before inserting the cuttings.. dip the ends in a roo~ing honno~e th?t stimulates the natural tendency ofroots to form on the cuttmgs, so rooting will take place in a shoner period of time with more roots per cutting. . After dippin&, the en~s in rootin$ hormone .. insen the cu~t1n$ deeply enough in the rooting medium to m ake it stand upn~t. If the. cutttng 1s placed near the inner pot, the inner pot can be removed from ume tottme to check root development. A cutting should be transplanted when the roots grow to be one- half to one inch long. For more mformation on plant propagation from cuttings. call your county agent for Cooperative Extension Service bulletins; consult pro- fessionals at garden stores or nurseries; or check the bookstore or library for books on the subject. • About 1,500 people visited the chapel each month when it was tint built, Rus recalled. Now the traffic is down to about one a day, exc:q>t during PeUa's popular spring tuhp festivaJ when it rises steeply. The guest book contains en1nes from aJJ over the collntry and abroad. A few people ta.Ice the church up on its pnnted offer to send them a Bible if they ask for one. Many carry away samples from a display of religious brochu~ and tracts. .~ Rus said the church built the chapc:I after society member DaJe Gosschnk saw one like it during a vacauon in South Dakota. "He had a lumberyard, and he was a builder, and he said he would build 1t," Rus said. Other society members dupped in for the materials, and the soetety still maintains the place. There s a new roof now, fresh land- scaping and a neat gravel parlcing lot. "They keep it up pretty well." Rus wd. • .•. • ;tJ Colorful ChryMDthemuma will ll•eo up the outdoor garden u well u the lndoon with their ~arlety of colon, including yellow, bronse, gold, la•ender and white. "BOSS' PRAYER" Dear Lord, help me to do the things I mustwithoutprocrastinaungsothatmy •••••••••••• secretary will not have to cover for me by lying. If it's my fault let me have the decency to say so and not make her appear inefficient or stupid. Wben my secretary 1s on the phone. give me the common courtesy to refrain from cuninginand talk.Jngover her. unless 1t isan emergenC). lfl ask my secretary to type somethmg that must go outtoday, gi ve me the grace to show my apprcciauon by SJgrung1t,espcclally 1fshc stays late to get tt firusbcd.. ' Help me. dear Lord, to be orpnncd enough to know 1f the files ram looki.ng forarconmydcskorinmyofficc. lfl am notsure,give me the courage to say so. instead of insisting that I don't have them and wasung her time lookin~onlytohave them turn upon my desk. • Give me the good sense, Lord, to let my seactary lmow when I am goina when I leave the office dunn,g the day so. if an emergency arises. she will know whereto find me. When it's time for an increase tn salary(1fshe'senutled to 1t) let me have thegenerosityofspmt togive1t to her. I realtZC tt is embarrassing and demeaning for herto ask for so met.lung she has ca.med.. If a boss will take this prayer seriously be, or &be, will have a secretary who will be there for him or ber no matter what She will be loyal, dedicated. appreciative and no one will be able to hire her away. -HIS RIGHT ARM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. DEAR RIGHT ARM: Here lt la.1w..iterlliew1DU1 bes.es will tab tt seriouty. I'd love some feeAack. ~ . . . -DEAR ANN LANDERS: lf tho~ doctors' wives think they arc the o~y ones who are havina it rou&b they are wrong. . Landlords' wives also have problems. My husband has missed several hohday dinners to plow and shovel so his tenants could get to their parties on time. People calf at midnight to say a furnace is not working or a light bulb ts burned oUt on a beck porch. Oft.en they att not cmergeoCles but be takes care of them anyway. He worries about stoma. fires.. vandalism and even the health aod happiness of bis tenants. ru bet one reason for the &bonage of apartments and the widespread con version to condos is tbe way the cowu handle the problems lanCUords have W'lth bad tenants. Tell those doctors' wtves that it may be toua,b bnn&ina babies mto the world, but ifs not a p1ett of cake providlna them with a place to live. -MAD IN MASS. DEARMAD:no.au4sof wtves ef ~,. ........... ~ mee wW bless yoe for wrtd.q. You letter mJpt also~, taull lile more couldera&e . •Check out the early blooming sasanqua camelhas and fonow up with a planung oftbe Japonias for nearly six months of beautiful camellias tn your garden. •h's time to a pply the first spray to combat peach leaf curl. •Be sure to feed you annuals for a more prolific bloom. •Check into pnmroses for garden color through the winter and into spnng. •Don't forget to water con tame r plants. espec1aU~ ·those bangrng under e,·cs. Most will not benefit from the ram •G ive spcnal attention to any thatch build-up 1n ~our lawn. Water d<X"\ not penetrate as well through the thatch. and msects love to use It as their 1.1.inter home. Tallow trees a good· choice ! JIM WOOD A frequently overlooked tree i~ the C hinese tal~o~ tree, Sap11!m scbiferum. This 1mpon from Chma where its tallow has been used for soap and candles for centuries has become a favorite tree for those who have planted them in their garden. To begin with, it is an excellent street, prden or lawn tree with a tremendous growth pattern rcching 3S-40 feet in hei&ht and width. lt can be a multi-trunk tree or a large shrub to ajve shade from the sun or used u a screen. As a single trunk tree, 1t resembles a poplar with leaves that seem to Outler in the tiniest of breezes. The fact that it is not a densely foliaged tree means lawns will grow well under and around the tree in spite of its ~verall size. The tree 1s considered to be disease and pest free and while it would like a slightly acid soil. it is not demanding about its location. However. the special feature of this Wreath techniques taught Memben of the Newpqrt Hills Garden Oub will learn how to malce decorated arape vine wreaths at their meetina Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in O ubhousc It, Port Carlow Place, Newpon Beach. Spcalcer will be Pat Sawyer of the Rare Fruit Growers Association. The meeting. at 7:30 p.m., will be held at the California Cooperattve Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd .. Anaheim. • • • tree is its brilliant show of colored leaves in the fall . Even without much cool weather, the leaves take on an almost neon red coloration. Some of the individual trees may have purple, yellow, orange or a combination of all those colors come fall. So if you're particular about color. it's wise to shop for your Chinese tallow tree in the fall when you can sec, first hand, what color the leaves arc and will know what to expect nellt fall when it's planted in your garden. This spectacular color in the fall is only one of its attributes. It bas a smooth gray trunk that branches into several main limbs. With ample water and light feedings it grows rapidly ma.king it the pe~ect answer for those "new" home landscapes. The Chtncse tallow tree grows in all I areas of the state. Businessman, commentator, provocateur. Jlm Wood writes a column that will glve you ·''Sometblng to Think About.'' Every Sunday tn the Daily Pilot L....--------~--------------.......... ~~~~~~~:::::::::::::~ Instructor wiU be Janet Brennan. creative director for Roger's Gardens Christmu productions. Members and guests of the La&una [ Beach Garden Oub will tour the l>aul .. ------------------------.. Eckc Poinsettia Ranch and other otter good at this location only • • • Rare fruita that can be grown in Southern California and conditions necessary for development will be discuued at the Tuesday meetina of the Horticultural Society of Onnae County. Enciniw nunerict on Nov. JO. A bus will leave Boat Car.yon at 9:30 a.m. For resevations, at S 16. call Helen Salemo at 49-4-6460 or Dorothy Roener. 494-9549. COR 1aOLLIJl9G BOLIDAY 11llS • L,.a •••er Learn apeclflc techniques that enable you to: •POCua •PIUORITID •uLAX Thu~. Nov. ~l • 7-10 P.M. • HoUday Inn · Laguna Hills 80UDAT l'B.W-11.ARAG& IT a&roa& IT lll.AJllAOU TOO ...,..... Aad1r1• Learn spectflc techniques that are: •P11AcnCAL •uasAllL& •SllP()WSIU1'0 SAL Nov. 16 • 9A.M.·12N •The R Investigate the trenwtndoua proflta that are now Avallablel WllTlllN TILl·YINDING CORP. 211491 ... 11 ,. --J PRIVATE STORAGE SPACE FC>f' RENT BY THE MONTH • You ltor. " • You Lock " • You Tllk• the Ker RESIDENT MANAGER ON PREMISES Your pettOftel ~IA behind~ oocn ) I ~ -.------------------------,...._~-"".'.'"----------------------------------------------.. Of'llnoe CO.. DAILY PILOT/ Saturday,~-18, 1985 Mastroi~nni picks a Lemmon, and couldn't be happier ., IOa TllOM.AS ................... att the cau1e of Mut.rotanOJ'a won- dcnnenl LOS ANGEL6S -M&reeUo Muuoia.nni finds it difficult to be alive and amusina early in the monuna. ud be j uit can't believe the enaay of aom~ Americans when they arile. "How can you be alive and amut-iDf at that hour in the mornina?" be said. "Someone says 'Oood mom- ina.' but how is that possible when you can't open your eyes and your mouth tastes bad?'' .. You Americans,'' the Italian actor Mastroianni is makin4 only his second U.S. publicity tour ID 20 years. The last time was at the behest of promotion-minded Joseph E. Levine for "Divorce Italian Style." This tjme the actor is here out of devotion to his longtime director, Ettore Scola, and his newfound friend, Jack Lemmon. said. "You act up in the momina. cat a biJ brea.klast and then sit down al)d watch the tele- vision news, which 1s au bad." Mastroianni bas bad a chance to observe the strange habits of New Ma1troluaJ World inhabitants while on a I ().day tour on behalf of "Macaroni," his new film with Jack bemmon. Such k>U,..lways mvo early-morning talk shows, and they .. Macaroni" casts Lemmon as a staid American businessman who reunites with a wartime buddy on a trip to Naples. The oJd friend in- troduces Lemmon to a new way oflife and also to the child be bad fathered during the war. ...!!l.had-mel Jack ~while he was filming 'Inna La' Douce' and I was SCHWARZENEGGER TAKES COMMAND! THE #1 MOVIE IN AMERICAI ... _ 139·1770 STMUI DR-11 ... 990-4021 U...S4 ... 154-.. 11 EDWMDS llNJSITY -PAii 952-4993 U. tlJWIS I MITA mil Mi-502S ..... '37-0340 mwMDS lllDA MIC mA11t MAU n tm sa1.sao .... '34-3'11 EDWMDS SMIDUIACl UA cm COfTO .._ _,. 530...t40l UITA II& 540-7444 EDWMDS IETllOOK EDWMDS lllSTOl. U .._ '94-30C3 WDI 11 I IB 191-3'93 PACllC LA mAOA I PACFIC tlWAY 39 Dl-11 .-Tam •aun • FMaY FCU "3-U07 NEW WORLD l'ICTURES or~.....t\ • MACE NlUfELD "'Ot'ue'""' IEH GOlD6lUM tOSU'H BOLOGNA ED BEGLEY JR TRAl\jSYLVANIA 6 S000 CAROL KAN£ JEHREY JONES fOHN BYNl R GE£.NA DAVIS MICHAE.l RICHARDS DONALD Gl88 NORMAN Hll , ••TERESA C.ANllL,. t"''t""" • °"'"" ·~~ <0'"<1'.<<t\10, t..H HOLDRIOC.£. I••• ,, ., r '"'""PAUL LICHTMAN....., ARNI( FISHMAN 1\ .,,... ~. RUOV Dt-LUCA "'""' u,, MAC£. NEUFELOM1C1 THOMA5 H BRODEK o. ........ L .. RUDYDelUCA ............... ~ ............ onv ................. .,......,,.{_, " '-I Y. 'MlRt D l'I< It/RI '-----.. ___ !!fl~!~=";= IOW SIOWllll ..... m.mo ,ate AIWUI Dl·lf .... '90-4021 1M lllOWU 4 _. Piil '52~993 IM llllMS I ..,, llU 179-4141 OJWMDS ClllM CtJmJ LAKEWOOD Center f 1m 1u1 w;; s. ~• D&i~ilO TO LM ANO Dll IN L.A. 111 1---··•••M __ ,,~..,.. --nc-.n °" ..... -· CM.Ulll llOHSOH OIATH WISH 3 I'! lrOO >M S 00 7 ..... 00 ll-00 _..,,_ IACIC TO THI fllTUlf tl'OI U1M J1JO 1 10 7:4S 10 OJ weu 1>1SHn·s M JOWllllT Of NAITT G&lffl ll'OI lit0)lOS40 ....... ,. LAKEW Cenl~r South J11Jlll4 1111/J•vlly II Of! A111t CHHI "AUMAH TARGIT • 11 >0 J 00 ' )0 • 00 10 )0 ON(( llTT(N Of. IJ 1"1>0 1 >000 • >o • .M 10 )0 TM&f WAS nm1 f141' IS NOW • 11.M l JS t OO •SO t 00 11 OJ a tm sa1.suo CDWMDS SMIDUJACX "91111 YIUIY llt-1500 CDWMDS FIUITAll YAWY ... 154-1111 CDWMDS lllWISl1l U _. (2ll) HI.OW AllCFAMll SQIM Ulml ... 417·1711 CDWMDS SO. COAST LMillM l>OUT snHo IJllllUO HY""U TMAT WAS ntnl, TlllS If HOW flJ lilO J >0 t·IO I 10 l•H l>OllT SJHIO COMMAN DO 111 I •00 4:U l1SO A.MHICAN NINJA 111 l1SO •1U 10.40 IANf 'OHOAIAHHI UAHCI0'1 ANGIS Of GOO tl!G-111 121.JO l u •:>J • JS 1140,1010 WAL J DIJHIT'I TMf JOWHfY Of NAITT GAHfl ll'OI 12<U HI t:U 7'41 INS UC« JO THI nmm ll'OI > >O . 10 THI GOONllS rPG1 I 10 S•IO lt·M 'II WU'S lfG AOVIHTUll tNI ,, ... ,. ,,.. wuao SCllHC~u1 >•7•11 ... -137.0340 AMCmMalMU -134-2553 snJY an corro UITl 111 540-7444 EDWMDS •TC1 WUI , .. ltl-lff3 ,ACllC llWAY Jt DI-If WUI I&~ IM llJTmalO IMU ONCE lln lH C,.._IJI I l :M tr•J ,, .. • u • >O 10-20 DOI.IT SJIHO TO LIVI ANO Dll IN L.A. 111 U :U lll t la4S • " 10140 GIHI MACllMAH TAaon r•1 IJ >O Mt t JO 7 so 10·11 DOI.IT ITIHO JIU UIOOU JAOOID IOGI r11 ,. J" J,. 7-41 I ... DOI.IT 1n•10 RAINIOW lalTI to1 12.)1,,. .... Sf~UATI AOMIHtON WMMla U NYAl tN I .... ....... ... ... ,,,_~ 0tt0tflU1nu ,,., .... ,,"..., ..... BUENA PARK -, •:1wa4·(1 11111111 •t11(l•M ... W ti l!fleft pt41ff1 JIU; . ""' . * * * THAT WU THI N, THIS II NOW-1 TIANITLVANIA ~SOOO IN! llVHL Y HILU COP 111 INTO THI HtGHT "' DfATH WISH J ftl fO llVl ANO Dtl IN LA. 1~ I II.a WllllallS-114e ~ .... , ..... , 2. INVASION USA 111 l . AMHtCAN NINJA f9l loHABRA ··"·· UIJ I~ • OHCI a'"1N ~Ill CAT~11u COMMANDO 111 TUOIT lftWl!f ~ ...... "". _. .. ,,,-7 ~~ COMMANDO 111 _,.=i.":,~-~ JAOOID IDOl 111 MCI to M """" ,..., JAOOID IDOi fllt tounna foT 'Otvorcc Italian Style.'" Mastroianni recalled. "It was just 'I admire you ... boo jour 1'. that was alJ. Then we met ap.i.n in New York on 'The NiAht of 100 Siars.' When Scola 1old me he ho~ to act Jack Lemmon for'Macaroo1; I was delighted. I have a bi& admiration for him. Mastro1anru speaks EnaJish 1n "Macaroni," Jncf be seems fluent. lbouah in an interview he sometimes relies on ~n interpreter when words don't Oow immediately. He readily admits to beina 61 , which hardly seems possible. He is ever the : TRIVIA Ii romantic fi~re. Mastroianni bas been a cm.ten of Rome SlOC:C the. or 10, and he h.a.s oo plans to chanae. He is amu1ed by lbe number of his friends who have fled to Swiu.erland to protect their wealth. "Rome bas too much noite and confuaion and too many people ... be admitted. "Bue Rome ts my city. I do most or m)' work el1ewbere, so when I return co Rome it is like a vacation. I ho_ee co last there until the next century. "Jack and I are different in film technique '' he continued. ''In ltaJy, we ti.kc ;.dvantaae of the situation; at the last minute we may devise · 1001ethina new. Jack ;s more atten- tlve to the work (as'it 1s written in the tcript). He comes from another mentality, another education. But we worked toaether with intelliae~ and immediately aot into the groove. .. Top triviaddicts perfect The rich got richer this week as both the GWC Koffee IU1&d and Molra W'1te breezed through all 11 questions and moved farther in front of the pack in Trivia Bowl IV. Turning in nine-point scores to Mastroianni said be felt sony for Lemmon because he was the only American in the company. "He kept tranquil and calm by working crossword puzzles. But it must have been fnafltetina to be in the middle of--------------ap that activity in another language." S ouie men. rhe to greatne'>s because or their upbringing. Joshua did in !.pite or his. Joshua Then and.Now UOLlllYE EIUIEIEIT ''IUQB7'0N 2"AllG.IT '°'~'' Mf~y Lyons SN!AX PREVIEWS INN &~(!fJ•,,1'••1 -l'IST'la Tlt1 ~' V.-\a't" tUU.I\ \J1 4 .... ...._. --... .... • .. • .......... ---··---..... ,_CflC WIOI Dl ... Jn.M50 --mo S&.mt _,_ UA ..-:SI m.-J mra ... BM.s c.JM cenu 1JMm una• --mlTCI. M0-7444 a-..,. SMlllUUCll Ml·Sla IUfTlllTOl ECH EDWMDS lllfTICfOI ....... .,.. EDWMDS WOOOIMICE ~l.-SS u ..a AMC FASNIJll SQIMI( (ZlJ) ffl-IW u-~UTtWAT ~lfll ---1..s~ Tm lJMW -CIEICm 134-2"3 WUIWI& ~-AY JI ........ JW -·-· IMMJTmlmJ IMll ftJ.t54f TRIVIA BOWL IV STANDI NGS owe KollM l().jl<:fl 1111 Moire WNI• (1 1 I • J.M (I) ..... L.Any~(8) Netley Prior Cit lgole(t)... . ...... Lolly I Co (I ).. .•.• ... Qardene H40fl uino..111. The&d!oW9(5).. .. ... . .•. Coluo/P.olle (1).. ...... .. Cllllo.ge P1~ l<IOt (I).. , Jo1V1 Au..-/1-togue M .. Jeto 181 MoO(•).. ............................. ' Tiie .._ 9to!IWW (5) .. Chllk(1).. ......... . -.iwemw11i ... .. 'l(wt(3)..... • 'WGCllJT HB l1"'1 . .•.. . .. 'Fl/ Trff! (3).., 'Jlnl& a-a. 111.. .. . .. 100 " .. ~ .. to.,. 79 . 71 71 751A 74 ..•. 73 70'A as 59 63'-' "'"" 25' .. '" 25.,., 21 """ share second place honors for the week were Larry ltlnc~eobH' lute and Lolly Ii Co. -ihose who answered Calvin Coolidge to the radio inaugural ... Ml-2711 ._ SGllM COAST ft.W &..-.. 4'7-1711 ~ IClll1M CGIST UUIA .. , II• •l-Jll5 a.D CIDI llJT Mark KendaJ.J fust found out that hi.«J one-night stand has been around for centuries. question in the previous column will find a point added IQ their score "today, thanks to submission of proof on tile subject from several con· tenders. The Hardina answer also was documented in a conflicting source, so those answers won't be penalized. Confusing? Quite. Hopefully there is only one answer for each of these questions: I. Sibyl the Soothsayer was a featured !levision performer in what multi-Oscared movie? 2. Name the bar where Jack Klugman's "Quincey" hung out after duty hours. 3. Name the comic strip which includes an unseen animal called "World War JU." 4. When the J(jssangcrs 1mm1grated to America, the future secretary of State changed his name to Henry from what? 5. The song "How Far Away?" was added to the score of a movie based on what hit Broadway musical? 6. Before "The Glass Menagene" started him on the road to fame, Tennessee Williams began his career with a play that closed on the road. .... STAlllll U.-lf UM770 _,.. .. ,.DI ... u1.-10 _,.. IM~I t52~ttJ mTama IDIUlllS SO. COAST "-W S46-27ll ·-EDWMDS SADDUIACll 51l·SllO .,.. EDWMDS 111WJtS1TT 154.Gll U-.A MIC FASllllll SQla. (21J) ffl.OUJ ---IDIUlllS ~ rlltUMt90 -AMCmAMllMll 137-0340 -UACITT c:omJ 5J4.J9ll Wfii9nll -11m•• EDWMDS CllJM WEST ftl.J9l5 LAGUNA HIUJ ..... VllJll EOw.WslSoC.1! EO..aids l 19UN Hjb r.4'11 ~ VllQO M.all 76Ue I 1 49!> 6220 I.A llillMIM • Pl)CJflc sl 1M,(_,, 99ol 2IOO NOW PLAYING -Ill' ~0.­~1 ... w •• Ill'• .... [ ... __ ,.., .. -_ m \ Name it. 7. What was Gaylord Perry's nickname when he pitched for Seat- tle? 8. Name the movie in which Lee J. Cobb shouted, "Don't you under- stand, thcy'IC dustina off the bot..seat. for me." 9. Marlon Brtndo -and Burt Re- ytlOlds arew up with the same boY.hood nicknaroe. What wu i~?. 10. In the movie "Rocket Sbi9 X- M," the space mission was bound for one destination but landed on another. Name bolb sites. wt Week'• .b1wen I. Oklahoma ("Picture Show" state) 2. "When Things Were Ronen" (Robin Hood spoof) 3. Smokey Stover ("foo" comic strip) 4. TWA (first in-flight movie) 5. Dick Dale (surf guitar kin&) 6. "Luv" (play on a bridle) 7. Affirmed (last Triple Crown winner) 8. "John Goldfarb, Please Come Home" ("Rimsky-Korsakotf' line) 9. "Manhattan Melodrama" (Dill- inger's last movie) 10. (J) "Broadway's My Beat." (b} Lt. Danoy Oover (lonesomest ntile} Send your answers to TRJVlA, c/o the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be ~ivcd by Wednesday, otberwi~ _ half the p~yer's last score win be awarded. iii[i *I.\ MIMDA MMln 8rN ~ Pacific s GM~ 529 53311 523-1611 VllU£MA PAM •MISSiOii Viti) Pxlflc s BueN PMI< EdWlt"ds ~ TIMn ~ 1"821...o?O nl4t830-6990 * Mtfi Mll\ 011MGE £.owlrds Bns10I Pacific s Onnge 540-7"44 ~In * CMTi iii& 634 936 l EOwlrOS CKWma <Antff *OftANGE 979 ... 1•1 Ct~ fI:l5i5 634 2SS3 f.Owlt'm s.ddle«>ilcll * WESTMINsn:ft 581 5880 EOwM"ds * f1Miil Cinema West E.owaros Woodbnd9J ,..89_1 ·_39_Js __ ___ 551 0855 [ el'l'IUlHTEOIN ] ·-'" ....... '. AMERICA'S #1 MOVE "A MOVIE FOR ALL AGES.'' <.t.,. SnPt Tlif roo,.v SHON « rv **** 1111GH($TIUlllj(j1 "A JEWEL OF AN ENTERTAINMENT." C--Sd•tl O<MX> TRlllUN( .~-llQ 9' ~I'!!!!~ NOW PLAYING ---·-"-"'~ f_..T_C.. 0.... ~.. 711"* •291l .,. c-a .... . ., ::-~:. tat• --,... c:...c-. .,,.,., •WWiW ... ..... ........ c--. .... -~.::,......_ ~-­Wse•Mif =~-•F 'l'WUI a , 1 TV L 1 s r 1 N l; s ---- -t.GO-~HOGAN'S RC>CI< ''f l ~ff.RE\U cowm FOOT1AU NJAM MTH'S MONEY WOM.D 15fl~o • t "The Ptlentom Tr"""'-" (No Dltt) Animated (Z)MOYIE •• ~ ''TNI IUl\d EMlll" ( 1955) Jf/11 -.brow. f*th Oomlrgue. -t-.30- l Ill PUNKY 8MWSTB4 9 SUPER POWERS TWt ON.ACT1C GUNQANS I= SPORTS AMERICA ••Y, "Thr• Gunt Fot Texas" (1968:.f=" Brown 1~~ -10:00- 1 1:-'V:~ CHAitUN<8 ·~BE.At ;)c,9 13 GHOSTS Qf SCOOBY· l kOEIOIOHT SQUARE FOOT GAADEMNG at COOflER'S ORANGE COUNTY ~~BAU. • • • "Son Of Kong" ( 1933) Robert Annstrong. Helen Mack INSl>E THE NFL MOVIE • • • "Thfee I.JUie Words ( 1950) Fred Astaire, Red Skell on -10:30- 1 (I) OUNOEONS & DMGONS aiooovuo I AMENCA'S TOP T£N OuntE.S YAN CAN COOK GD INTAOOUCWG INOlOGY G TI4EBEAM (%) CHAAL£S CHAMPUH T AU<S wnM -H:00- 1 (I) LANO Of TME LOST QIMR.T PUTTIN' ON THE HITS 9 ABC WEB<ENO SPEQAL I~ SOMETl1ING BIG WOOOWAIOHT'S SHOP INTROOUCINO BIOLOGY MOVIE * * •..; "The Pt11ladelph1a Exper1- menl" (191M) Mtehael Pare. Nancy Allen . \ (CJ) MOVIE -t:ao-Geofgt tiamtUon Susan Sllnl i-;~~Own" (1950) AM It::=' l.llmelWOOl.D ~*~RMrAll"(tte4)Tomtny ~STORY ==Of'llUNOO'EHT Lee~ Mlt1flt Plln'Clton ~ ITM TMk -t 1:30-* * ·~ "In LCM Wrth Ari Older Wom-MC1G MOM ASCOT I COU.EOe FOOTIAU. ell" ( 1982) JoM Rl11•. Katen ~ -t::30- ~~AHO HIS IOI\ -2:00-e 9 GMATDT 8PORT1 I L~~AHO I ~ 1E h y, "Abbotl And Cot1e11o Meet *** "The Egg And r' (tM7) Clau-11N10N {hi Kt¥ttont Kope" ( 1955) Fred det1e Colblr1. F'red Mac:Murray WOW CWl. Lrm Blrl. • MOW . • •• "Shi Wore A Ytllolw .RibbOtl" 'MS OlD HOUSE *~ "The H«Wn Globetrott .. On ( 1949) John Wayne. JoM AQ1f ~ IAOWN AHO =~·· (1981) Bob OerMr, I AMUICA -5:0d--I AMfNCAN STORY AAl>ERS' PlAYIO()t( e QWJ< TAUC ARtJt:.A: CONTNHT .. CNSas FNl/E. CC) MAX HEADAOOM A STUOV .. 8CAALET WA.A OF THE STA.AS AFTERNOON -2:30-ll.ACI< SHEEP SOUAOAOH -12:00-GGIOGET MOVIE . I TEMAHAWl<S FTV • "Zapped'" ( 19821 Scott Baio,, THREE STOOOE.S AOa<8CHOOl Iii Mmes. • di COLLEGE FOOlBAll ~ HEALnt e MOVIE MOYIE tu .. Carne" 119761 s.y ~ • • "Fists Of Fury' ( 1972) Bt\Q (C) MOVIE Piper Laine Lee. MllO K• HSIU • • • "Tbm Sawyer" t 19731 Johnny I ON CAMPUS • F'AOHT9 500 -FROM LAS Whl1Aker. Jodie Foster 80UAAE FOOT GARDENING vmASTOAENoTHE HAAOWAY -3:00-Cl) M•A,•S•H • MOVIE I ~WE.EX 1H REVIEW a a NEWS •t •..; "True Grit A Further AdWJn.. _,,.IC • • CINEMATTRACTIONS ture" (19TS) Wauen Oates. llsa Pelt-• • "Munster Go Home" (1968) 00 LR ON EARTH k111. Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Cano ©)MOVIE I ~ G BIONICWOMAN ** "Grve My RegardS To BrOld -.:; , ~ (f) PUTTIN' ON THE HITS S1ree1·. ( 198-4) Pau4 McCartney. Bry- (1) GET ALONG GANG • NCNA an Btown 8 PIA BOWLHl G CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH Cl) MOVIE e PfWSE-A-THON ISSUES • ••-u "Raiders 01 The Lost Mt" e ~ . e PRAISE-A-THON CONTD (1981) Harmon Ford, l(aren Allen CC) _,.IC '9 ETHtOPIA: THE NIGHTMAAE l) CHAAl£S CHAMPLIN T AlJ<S * ** "Fort Apache' (1~) John C0NTNJES WfTH Waynej4enry Fonde (D) MOVIE MOVIE t * "To Be Or Nol To Be" ( 1983) * • . ., "Garbo Talks" 1198-4) Anne Met BrO<*s, Anne 8ancrott Bancrol1, Ron Sliver 'ID MOVIE ' -12:30-• * '-7 "lcernltl" ( 1934) TllnOthy Hul- l TE.RfWt4WKS Ion. Lindsay Crouse THREE STOOGES MOVIE • MOVIE • • • • "Tiie Gay ~cee· I 1934) • • "Vegas" (1978) Robefl Urich, Fred As1a1re. Ginger Rogers June Allyson. -3:30- «I) WME COURSE I AMERICAN ADVENTURE (I) COUEGE FOOTBAU. PIA 80WUNG -1:00-Cf) FAME Q SUPER atAAGa1S ID BUSINESS Of MANAGEMENT -5:30- O NEWS I NFL ALMS PRESENTS SHEAK PAEVIEWS 111 MClAUGHl.JH GROUP i ~ BACKI WfTH DAVI> HOAOWrrZ QJNBCNEWS fD THIS WEB< IH COUNTRY MUSIC MOVIE t * '" The Bounty" I 1984) Mel Gtt>-son. Anthony Hoe>ltins EV9ING 8 MUNSTERS 8 UTTlE HOUSE ON THE PAA1A1E Cf) AMERICA'S TOP TEN CID MOVIE -8:00- • DOCTOR WHO • • "Two 01 A Kmd" I 19821 George 8 C8S NEWS 89 WNTE COURSE Burns. Robby Benson O NBC NEWS • m WRESTLING -4:00-8 MOVIE VIDEO JUl(E.8()X 8 BA.AHA8Y JONES-• • • * "Plane1 OI The Apes" 11968) (OJ MOYIE 8 9 THE RACE FOA NlJM8EA Chaftlon Heston. Roddy McOowalt • * * "K1dco." (1984 ) Scoll ONE: COU£GE FOOTBAU. 8 NEWS Schwartz. Cinnamon Idles. RE.PORT 0 GREATEST AMEAICAH HERO (1) MOVIE G FAHT MY ISLNI> • THREE'S COMPAHY * • "Mikey And Niclty" (1976) Peter e MOVIE • NEWTON'S APPL£ Syl•eeter Stallone landa a pa.ncb .ln b.la &radie match with llr. T ln .. Rocky m :· tonl&ht at 9 on CBS, Channel 2 . . . . ' ' (I) RISKING IT ALL I Wt<.Rfl IN CINCINNA Tl HART TO HART PRMSE-A-THON 6D TOKUSO SAIZENSE.H ®MOVIE • • 'City Heal'. t 198-4) Chnl Easl· woad, &lrt Reynolds -':30- 8 Cl)HEWS I HE.AOUNES ON TIIAl TOO CLOSE FOA COMFORT • WILD AMERICA ID COMMER CHROHICL.E.S Q1l TAXI ,'C)MOVIE • • "HlghPOlnl (19341 R.ct.ard Hams Ovis1ooner Ptummer -7:00- • CATCH PHRASE II FIGHT BACKI WfTH DAVID HOAOWIT2 8 HOU YWOOO ClOSEUP G STREET HAM< (f)NEWS ·SMALL~ I WHEEL Of FOAT\ME NATURE ID UHKHOWN SOLDIER (I) TOO ClOSE FOA COMFORT (!I PRICE IS RIGHT Qt SAH OIEGO AUVE fD HAAUNOHATO (O)MOV1E t • • "Country" 1198-4) Jessica Lange Sam Shepard A08IH H()()()o Al.AH A DALE -7:.30~ BDAHCEFMll ITSAUVING e mONu. I W'A'S•H BAANEY MIU..EJI (I) ClOSf-lJfl [I EYE ON SAH DIEGO 8 SAH OIEGO ZOO'S AHIMAl EXPRESS -8j)O- • (I) AIRWOLF I Qt GIMME A BREAK. MOVIE • • "forced Vengeance' t 19821 Chuctt Morns Mary LOUISe Wellef 8 9 H0u. YWOOO BEAT 0 D MOVIE • • • * Ziegfeld Forties 119461 Fred AS1aire. Judy Ganand ~ J:ws&JGKT ZONE I JEHHrSWAA e THEBAAIH tri) GREAT PERfOAMAHCES m RACING FROM OAI< TREE C,MOVIE • t • Slap Shot' (1917) Paul New· man Mdlael Ontkean '~MOVIE • * ·~ Supefo"' 1198-41 '$. ~IS TliE NIGHT Z MOVIE • t t The Rrver Rar 119841 Tommy Lee Jones. Martha Pllf'llOIOll -8:30- -10-15- D MOVIE * Cllllq ( 198 IJ IMlle Mclean Jon Blake -10:30- :JJ IN SEAACH OF -l0-45- " SPORTS PAIX -11:00- ••• l!laHEWS e nv T AL.ES FROM THE OAAKSIOE e COMEDY TONIGHT e BENNY Hlll '~T • • ·~ The Ptitlllldelphla &.pert· ment ( 198-41 Mrcnael Pwe Nancy Alen D SCTV -12'10- • DAVID SUSSKIHO -12'15- Q. MOVIE • An UMalurll Act 11984) .Jo1111 Leslie Desiree Lane -12:30- • NAME Of M GAME 8 9 NEW YOAK HOT TRAO<S MOYIE • • • ~ E.xpteu 119321 Marlene Olelrletl CIM! BtOOlc 6D twCN' OH AIR -12'.35- D WPESTt..a -12:45- H. THE HfTCH«EA -1:00- 0 HfTCO'Y QieMOV1E **'~ "A Mlttflf Ot Tune ' 11976) LIU Mlnnelh tnoftd S.gman Falk, John Cassavetes • • • "LOYe Al First Bite" 11979) tri) WOOOWAIGHrS SHOP ~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D .Qt FACTS OF I.ff ''S&ZZlMG. A MAJOR BIG-SCAEEN EVENT ™AT SHOULD NOT BE MISSED. I GOT MY SOCKS Bl.OWN Off.'' --· ""'nw.aec:o CHl'DNClf ~oomm BRING ON THE NIGHT PG·IJ "' ~~. 4'~ NOW PLAYING BREA ORANGE WESTMINSTER UA Movies C11y Cenrer UA Twin Cinemas 990-<1022 634 2553 895 5333 COSTA MH A UA Ginemas 540 ~ IXJl!i!."! """!" (i!O!""UH$ ACClll'TED f'Ofl fHiSENOAODll f -----PUZA --tJMt•t ---cam , _ _,, ..... • K S S2.7S HI two M•h Weeltd•Y•. WAL ·IN * h t M•I O nly S1turd•y• •. Sun° d•Y• &. Hohd1y1 Unleu"' DRIVE -INS :~:~~ JTADIUm C ) ntA T WA5 .,..__ ) CITY anTEA D OAUGf Me1ropohl•n THIS IS MOW OI '1"'' Beverly Hiii• Cop R ) U4 2!1!1) 3901 --0 Oii n. lllCIHT TRAMSYLYAlltA ._ . ec1., , .• o , •• o 0 7:40 &. t :40 tp0~1 :30 J :JO 1 :30 :30 &. t :JO fFRMaNT .. MHfT' (R) ~ua C1>-Hlt T.," ""off (PG) A.-:S 01' 900 ..... TI4E80Ga~-2 :00 4 :0 0 1 :00 t:JIOiW:. :90)1Ck00 DIEAnt _.. ... (It) 1 :0 0 . 10 :00 Phu The Company ijf 1UIJ;ijfft1U •I•Iutj 6 J 6l4s!~~3~:.·i:0) Of Wolvo (R ) llRUSIH ORGOVa (Rt T A-llT l"t ntAT WAS.,,_• ~u• Co.fo41t Pee W ee'• ATS:I Ol:10 0 :30 THIS IS llOW (It) Bit Adventure (P G) ~Ut fhl"DOW •rite \G) l:ZS 3:.40 5:55 1:05 10: 15 AT I :00 2 :4S &. 4 : S co ••DO (It) TOUVS A IM€ TIC .IOU...V CW Phu Co.fo4 it 1:00~~1:110~ NAT'rY GA191:af.:9J lhmDo l"lnt Blood II (l't) 1:0031105:207: ,, 9ACllTOTH€ MoeaD EDM f"I ST.~'SfFta•(R) ~WI Co-Hit FUTURE (f'Q) 1 I 0 I OS 3:25 S:4 Tiie •ru llfaat CluD (R) 3 30 S :SO l :OO &. 10 30 1 :10 &. tO·ZS ~ DAIVC IMS D••• I JI Wk401fl IO W~u4•/U~4er ll Fru U•lt u Mett4 iJ -· ... _ .. , . u-mll •1..aw _,_ ... U -UJ.1111 ..,.., I . ~~--·· _,....u.a au tat ----.me __ ..,lal --ml cm• , edwards SOUTH COAST PLAZA 546·2711 BR1S'O, & Su N~lOWE~ COS I A MESA '' ' ' ' . . -. .. .. _ ....... ~ .. hll, .... {I) 1111, .... tWI (U fl .. PAl' "1tJ11-r· 1Ml.4IM,•11(1) ''AfTEI_.' NI. wt, lNI (I ) ..... Tlf ......... 111 ltill,tlJI, ... llll.MI eawards CINEMA 546·3102 MARBQR BOULE\ ARO A' ACAM5 COSU lilESA "Ill -mil •cuzr'tNI SZ SO Tl l 00 1 ............ ,. 1•11 CUT 1 ... PA) edwards HARBOR TWIN 631 ·3501 .. ARBOR eou,£••RCJ ,, ~''so~ cos r un~ • ._ ""81"' ,..,. ........... ......... .. ,_ .............. t-.MI. .. ,... .. ··emw•R.fm". 11111.tlll. ... ( ... U ) "IMITITmfllm'" 11111, ... •11 (N ) 'Wtid lff ... ,, ...... ,..(Iii) "11.Wlft" • 2111. .... 11111 ''Tllllf•• •U"lll IMl,MI, .. ML ... edwards SAOOLEBACK 581 ·5880 El roROROAO A 'ROCK~I E. ·:"- ''TUaflt ma ,__.. fflCJ ttill. Jill,.,. . ........ 1 .. ... KUim'. hll. .... lNI !""11) 'Cl 7 ••• 11111,e.11, ... (1, ---•n ea.a. sue til a.e ''Tl lift • • •LA"Cll 11111, Ml, ... llll. ldl "TAMIT'' IJI 11111. bA .... , ...... "IUTl-r' 111 ........ (1) 'WIM Ml 11' .... ... 11111 (1) edwards EL TORO 581 .9590 f.l T()J..f( J:~{ A'"'•\ .... ~'t AtJ 4 :..rA ~. •· "Tlf-mll • CUlY'' '"1 ltlM, lllL •11 , ..... "'TIBI _, .. I ,.... ""' ,... (JI) ''PH WH'1 Mf&IM'' 'till. .... ,. (11) ....... ______ ~ 90 1'. H JO .,._. . ...... ...... •'IPl-111 11111. till •• ,. ltJt. ... lllH Em''llJ 1111,1111, ..... , .. CUT ltttl P I j f I °"8nge C099t DAILY PILOT/ Saturdey, NcMmber 11., 1815 PUNKY WINKERBEAN THE FAJIILY CIRCUS "Did you ever hove any little childrens of your own , Grandma?" MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson ''I still think it you walked him around the block. it would be healthier ... DRABSLE BOT t WAANA 1E.LL '{ou, L~Olf.~ ~NO GEl<M~ GARFIELD W f.ALTH'r' PHILAN"THROPl5T, J . WORTHINGTON m WAS FOUNP FACE OOWN IN HI~ TOMATO €>0UP MOON MULLINS OSCAR MATIRIAL ... IAANI<' You F~ CHoos1N' MooH's $N.APPY ¢AB' CoN.PANY, SIR .. 1r wAs r f1 e /. PL~,A$'1.JRE l.AXllN<S YolJ .. J HA~~~'/. ,, ,,. ~ UDGEPARKER • by Tom Batluk DOONESBURY \ by Garty Trudeau BIG~EORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) ··'"' "la he llke thla EVERY TIME his t lo1e1?" DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ketcham I~ l 11-J(, ~ " "Oops!' by Kevin Fagan by Jim Davis SHOE H~,*N .... ~ GOT' M"I 9'KE ~IXQ:>'(ET~ BLOOM COUNTY IS T~ERE AN~THIN6 I CAN DO AROUND THE MOUSE TODAY TO JU5TIFV tiff EXISTENCE ? FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE I'M SO GlF~D '/00 Coul.D DPDP US OFF ~Nrb\AJN ,eu.y. TJ]MBLEWEEDS Y/HA1" PIP'(Ol.I 1HINKOF~E: CHte:F'S Sf't!eCH A11WE ~W? 0 v-- ROSE IS ROSE I'M Wiii,.,_ Na.> r.<11. llN~ A.A .. A. MU.Tr / .-..........- by Jeff MacNally M~1~~ ~AA(( GA'IE ME __ ..... $200 NOT ro-:--..-~ ,, _,, 1H6 COtfC """ If() UJN66( ~10111!~0' 11£ l'#lfEJmM.-ltCrr:tN ~ t+MCH ~ 1rJ l'fflHCf ~'5'tfMH ~ Vll!'Wlh 1Hl5 ~y • ~ FQf.+I OF 5WJCKN!! ~~ /.R_I$ lklr ~ ~ION IEMfN ro 1H£ tN:Utf6(Jf(Ep flWtJ. ~"' !1(()61!E6$ ••• THE MOUTH 15 QUICKE~ ™AN Tl-IE B~AIN ! _/ by Berke Breathed by Lynn Johnston HENCE THE. NAME. 'Cf\~~a\,eu.y? HE!"\, HEH ·····UH ·· · · -eu.yr.r by Tom K. Ryan HIS~~ l!'e~l!MPAF$ftHe CHOt<liP 1"AKll\JG 1Me Sl~OF WA1tft 6 0 v by Pat Brady '"'' i Al.M ALDA ~ t ~/ j "'-----~ I , .._,..__. 9 WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ by Ferd & Tom Johnson Q.1-As South, vulnerable, you hold: Q.5-Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: NoW I CAN 8E MYi~lJE NASTY SELF. 1 +J983 <::;>QlOZ OA75 •Kts Partner open• the bidding with one spade. What do you respond? Q.2 -As South, vulnerable, you hold: •108752 <::;>83 OAQ2 •762· Partner opens the bidding with one 1pade. What do you respond? Q.3 -As South. vulnerable. you hold: + KJ IOla "7 AJNS 0 A8 •A The biddinr ha• proceeded: S..tll Wfft N.nll Eut l + p.., I NT PUI ' What do you bid now? Q.•-Neither vulnerable, aa SouLh you bold: +AJtH <::;>J8 <>AQI~ •n The b&ddln1 h.u procffded: N.nll EMt S.... We.t , ... , ..... , ... 2 <::;> ,... 7 What action do you take? ' •KJ983 "7A7 0 873 •932 The bidding has proceeded: o •• ~· 0 SHARIFF .... .-.~ NN'dl Eut 8•tll I <::;> I o. 7 What action do you take? Q.t-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: +A&J72 QA&Ql5 Ot •n The biddin1 hu prOCMded; 8""' w.-N~ F.ut • • 1 • ow. , ... 7 ' What action do you t.ake? Look for answers on Monday. CHARLES Go1E1 , ................ c ..... a...· ............... .,.... ,.., ...... ..,.. .. a-. •• ,...... L.u.r, llOt c• ... •btt• AYe., C' .... .... N.J .09"71. as \. ., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER HS, 1985 l!l Golden Wnt edvancea to water polo 1911on81 flnele. 81. L•bonte wine Alverelde pole In record-..Hlng time. U. ~.:i:~al Sailors Illeet Mira Costa for title SAN FRANCISCO (.AJJ>) - A s~te appeals court on Friday tejectcd Oakland's attempt to move the Raiders f OOtba.Jl team bllck from Los Angeles, saying it would plaoe an unconstitutional burden on interstate commerce. "Relocation of tbe Raiders would implicate th' welfare not only of the individual team franchise, but of the entire l~e," said a three-jud&e panel of the l st District Court of Appeal. "The · specb c of such 1 action throughout the s(Jtc or across the counlJ'Y. demonstrates the need for uru(orm, national reaulation." · The ruling is certain to be ~ed to the state Supreme 5-A · s top volleyball teams battle for crown at Marina By BARRY FAULKNER Deir,.. Cw• a '' 1 The Iona-awaited showdown between Mltll Costa (No. l) and Newport Harbor (No. 2) for the CIF S-A girl's volleyball title tonight at 8:30 p.m at Marina High School loou to be "some of t.be best high school volleyball in California_." accord.in& to Mira Costa Coach Tuelca Al<Srich. The Sea View League champion Sailors (17-0), who advanced to the finals by beatfog Santa Monica Thursday in four games, will be trying tb Jive the nation's No. l ranked high school team its fint loss ever in a CIF final and its first loss this year. The Bay League Champion Mus tangs have racked up 20 wins, including San Marcos. , Glendale and Umvcrs1ty 'ournament cham- pionsbi'ps, and have not lost a game in their three previous playoff victories over Downey, Mater Dei and Laguna Beach. Mira Costa, which last year lost in the semifinals to Gahr after winnin& the 5·A championship in both '82 and '83. takes into toni~t's match a "real hunger to captllrc the tradition back," sa1d Aldnch , add mg. .. They (the players) have been waiting for th1s moment since last May." AJdrich said she 1s pleased to meet NcwpQtt_liarbor in the finals bc:c.ause of her respect for its program and its coach. Mike Neece. AJdrich beUcvcs hers is the better team, but that Newport Harbor could come the ck>scst to defeating it. . The two teams met earlier in the San Marcos Tournament, with the MuSUnJS corn- ing from a 12-7 deficit to talce a 15-12 wtn m the one-game pool format. The Sailors might have been look.ma toward the Mira Costa-showdown as they suffered mid-match lapses1n lheu two previous· wins over St. Joseph of Lakewood and Santa Monica. They lost the third game of both matches after winn1n1the6nt two, then closed out the matches with fourth pmc v1ctoncs. "We can't make the m1sllkcs we made tonigh~ ... said Neece after Thursday's match. "Their whole team is designed not to make mistalces," said Ncec.e about Mira Costa. "I saw them a couple of weelcs ago and they did not make one passing mutak~. hitnng mistake. o-r scrv1cc error •· The Tars are led b)' Sea V 1ew League M VP Lara Asper, outside h1uen Laura Power and Jenny Eva,ns. and middle blocker Tracy Krueger. Aldrich called Asper, who was the MVP at the San Marcos Tournament. "a tine setter . and the key to their team ·· "I think 1n order for us to beat Mira Costa, Lara (Asper), Laura (Power). aod Trxy (Kruciu) will bave to have aood malebes. they'[l have to be on," said Neece. "They art known for their servina." II.id Aidnch about the Sailon. .. If we can pua t.beiJ serves. we'U be all ri&Jlt. Asper makes tban tough up front. but lheycan't stop us all the way around:· She said the Mustangs plan 10 Cl aurcssively at lhe net when Asper is in the row. The Must.&Jll.1 ost only one plat:" fiOin last )'cat's team and arc led by aU.octd starun& lineup of three scruors and three Juniors. Juruors · Megan MtCallister ' (middle blocker) and Lisa Arcc!outsjde hiner) lead the team 1n lulls. wbtle senior setter Lindsey Hahn tw played well cnou&h to make several all- toumamcnt teams. S6e was co-MVP at the Glendale To urnament along with McCallisier. Sea Kings shock Harbor, 15~ 1·4 ~~t~:r CdM rallies from 14-0 deficit, survives 22-yard field goal attempt to upset Tars C Ji p pe TS By ROGER CARLSON Of ... IMIJ ........ His team bas concluded play for the 1985 football season, but Corona del Mar High Coach Dave Holland was in a "don't-wake-me-up" dream Fri- day night followins hjs team's I 5-14 Sea View League spocker over New- port Harbor before 3,200 shocked and/or delirious fans at Orange Coast CoUcgc. Corona del Mar, with three wins entering the final week of lhc season, denied heavily-favored Newport Harbor the undisputed Sea View League championship, denied the Sailon their first unbeaten league tcaSOn in 43 years, denied the Tars the right to maintain the "Victory Bell", and in all lilcelihood, denied Newport Harbor the No. I seed in the upcoming CIF Central Conference ptaxotrs. • That's the season:· shouted a happy Holland, who bas been one of the key pcnonalities in a 22-ycar history of this backyard rivalry, one which has been dominated by Harbor, I 8-4. prior to Friday night. Sea View atandlngs NewPOrl Harbor Saddleback Woodb<k!oe Estancle Corona de4 ~r Lavune e.ec11 Coste~ UN~IV (,. ..... , L-.-w LT 6 ' 0 6 ' 0 • 2 ' 3 • 0 3 • 0 3 • 0 2 s 0 0 6 ' ,.rtdt.,.. Scsft OVw1JI W LT ' 2 0 9 I 0 ' J i s s 0 • 6 0 J 1 0 3 1 0 ' . ' Corona del ~r IS, PffwPOrt HerbOr 14 Estencla 40, Coste~ 7 WoodbrldOe 7i, Unlvenlty 21 As ifillustrating their entire season, it was an uphill struggle for Corona, rallying from a t 4-0-first-half deficit wi th drives of7S and 26 yards. It finally boiled down to two scenes: •First, the Sea Kings were camped on the Harbor 3-yard line with a fourth down, trailing t 4-7 with less than three minutes to go. Twice Holland elected to call timeouts, first to set up the play, then to settle bis team down. "I've had some good wins be(ore," he continued. "but this one ranks right with them. We had a lot of hardship, a lot of setbacks, but they came back and played football to- ni&bt." Sophomore quarterback Mitch Melbon took the snap and rolled left, then turned and went across the giain to tight cod Chris Greco for the i:-~~'WI• touchdown with 2:40 left. Harbor's unopportunistic Sailors, who had run roughshod over most of the Sea View League, will enter the playoffs as the league's No. I rcp- retentatjve, bu\ can claim no more than a co-championship with SaddJe- beck Hi&h's Roadrunners, who con- cluded tficir season Thursday night. That made it 14-1 3-settinaupthc two-point attempt. Apin Melbon took the snap, rolled ri.lht and found Sean Turner at the goaf line. Turner, who had rushed for 90 yards on 22 carries. pulled it in and buried himself (Pleue eee SEA 1Wf08/BS) DllJ ........... .., Lee...,_ Corona del llar'• Cluia Warner (No. 20) a•olda Barbor'• Dan Hill P'riday DlCht. Seahawks' shot didn't last long, 42-7 Westminster ram bl es into CIF playoffs after quick finish to Ocean View hopes By RICHARD DUNN IMIJ ..... C..; $ •1AI Ocean View High, wruch actually had an outside chance of making the CIF Bia Five football playoffs, watch- ed its season prematurely come to an end Friday mght. The Suhawks (2-8. I -4), pullin .• ofT a major upset last week aga1nst Huntington Beach to stay in the Sunset League's crazy playoff hunt. needed to beat Westminster and win a com flip over Fountain Valley to go to the playoffs. As it turned out. the Seahawks found themselves down 21-0 in the first quarter and 36-0 at halftime, and by the time Westminster's Lions finally caJJed off their horses, ~n View bad suffered a 42-7 trounc1ng tn a Sunset league finale at West- minster High. The Lions (6-4, 3-2) will be the Sunset Lcague·s No. 3 representative in the Big Five Conference playoffs next week. "They came out and hit us and we turned the ball over." said Ocean View Coach Karl Gaytan. explaining his team's first-quarte r futility "Westminster played up to (its) ability." With 6:09 left in the first quarter. defensive end Mike Cover sacked Ocean View quarterback Chns lbargary and threw him for a 4-yard loss. forcing a fumble in the process. The Lions recovered and quickly turned into a score. That was the start of a disastro us Sunset standings Eo1son (Flnall Leewe W LT 4 1 0 • ' 0 3 2 0 7 J 0 1 • 0 ~rlna Wtttmlnster Fountain V•ll•v Huntington 8Hcn OcH n View ' • 0 FrtdlV'I k«9S Ov9r9I W l T • '1 0 6 J I 6 • 0 • 6 0 J 1 0 2 • 0 Fountetn Vattev 27. Huntlnoton enc" o Westminster •2. Ocean View 1 first half for Ocean View. '¥hich was never m the game. After the fumble reco"ef). West- minster qua rterback Stt've Gu lie~. who on the first pla} of the fourth q uarter had to be earned ofT the field wt th a leg inJur: spnnted into the end zone for an I I-\ ard touchdown three plavs later and the Lions we re on their v.a\ to a bigfirst half and a berth in the Cl F playoffs. Cover. pro' mg to be the biggest thorn 10 the Scaha"'lcs' side. blocked a Mat Benram punt with 3 4:! on the clock and the Lions had possession o n the Seahawlcs' 8-} ard hne. T l.VO plays later. Guile). \.V ho rom- (Pleue eee OV /83) Defending champs overpowering in 127-96trtumph LOS ANGELES (AP) -Reserve Mike McGee scored 19 pomts and James Worthy added 17 to lead the Los Angeles Lakcn to a runaway 127-96 vtctory over the Los An&eles 01ppers in a Nauonal Basketball Assoetation game Friday night. Led by Worthy's 14 first-<1uartcr points. the Lakers took tbc lead for good Wlth JUSl 6 VJ m1nutes elapted lD lhc game. The defending NBA champs built a 23-point lead, 58-35, wtlh 3:07 left in lhe fint half and the Qippers could get no closer than 13 points the rest oflhe way. The victory. lhc Laken' sixth stnught on the road, cx1ended ~ team· s record 10 9--1, the best st.an m the hnchi!C's history. For the Oi&>- pen, it was their fifth contCCUtive lQSS after ol)C1l.ina the ICaSOD with five victories. Marques Joho.t00.. beck.after nuss- 1na two pmcs with a beck il\j~. lcd lhe Oippen with a same--hiah 30 points. Johnson helped the Olppen 10 cut the deficit 10 1~ I midway throuah lhc thtrd qua.t1er by soorin& 12 points in less tbao 3'h mibuca. Bu1 the Laken rebuilt their advanf.llle 10 23 points before the period ended and maintained at leaSI an 18-point lead the rest of the way. Rory White added I 7 points for the Cl.Jppers. and Earvin .. Mqjc" John- son finished wllh 12 points. 14..uts and ntnc R:bounds for the Lakcrs. The Oippcrs, who have been decimated by tnJurics of late. were unable to keep up wtth the La.kcrs· running game . .. It was to o ur advantage to make them play a full-court game.·· wd lhc Lalcers· Johnson ... We weren't out to embarrass them. We know most of the guys. so we feel for them. But we knov. we have a JOb to do and they understand that:· The lakers. however. had to lcccp themse lves from a letdown that would have allowed the Ch ppers back in the game .. We knev. the) were going to be short wtth Derck <Sm ith ). Jamaal (W1llccs) and Cedn c (Maxwell) o ut:· \\ orth' said. .. But teams that arc shorthanded have a tcndenc) to play better and we d1dn·1 want that to happen ·· • Polo story: CdM in, NH out Oat of r1ai:la w11a.t ... ne•':l._..,. .. Tww•• .. n1\• f• w lall 291 ,..,... wtdle Story's sudden death goal sends Sea Kings toCIF 4-A tttlegame By ROGER CARLSON Of ... Dellr ....... Corona de! Mar High·s Sea Kings wrote a chapter to their water polo story that ranks with some of the best moments 10 htstof) Fnday after· noon. The Sea Kmgsqual1fied for the C'IF 4-A finals nClt Friday a1 Belmont Plaza in Long Beach after pulling out an 8-7, double*Ovcrt1me, sudden- dcath Vlctory over Lo ng Beach Wilson at Newport Harbor. Mike Story -a 6-1 scmor -ti red in the winner with 2·0 1 spent in the second ovcrome -which means the fin.al chapter of the 1985 season will involve the 2~ Sea Klngs of Coach John Varps and the unbeaten unny Hills Lancers Sunny Htlls beat Newpon Harbor 1n the other semi. l()-8. .. We drew everybody to our side and if lbefc was no shot the plan was to'° to the weak Ide." sa.id v~ .. Obviously e'·cryone pla)'ed well. · Story. the only C«0na playn to ICIOf'e more than one aoaJ, took the pus from Mike Klarin and fired it m from tbe comer 1Pmst W1lwn'1 man-tbon dcftme. '"Tbat was lbe plan!«?'"' into the ovcnime ... aid Story. We "nted to drivt to tet the •JCkout to 1et a 6-oD-S IDd wtclid." Wlhoe bid lived oa 6-on-S itu~ ations \he entire pme. CltjoYtna an (Pl---CGl/D) Vargu 5 teams play Jn CIF tennis f 1H area girls ten01s teams advance to the stt0nd round of the O F playoffs today with matche-s scheduled for 1 p m ln 4-~ 1«100 . unset Lea&ue champmn Manna Htgh. a I~-I w1nner oveT Lakewood Thurs- da). hosts t.he Channel leapae's No. ~ team. Rio M"8. Corona dcl Mar. tht Sea V1tw's o I entf). 1s at home aaainst Riverside Poly ~ Sea Kmp dcft.ated Ml ion VtCJO. 12-6, 10 the fint round. whtle the 8ca.ll dropped El Modena. 10.S. Woodbndac. a I 5-3 wt1'oet o"-er San Gorson10. hosts Llpna Hilla. an 18-0 VlaOr over Lona Beach WLl n Newport Katbor. which do.,,.ned Beverly Hills., 14-4. 11 at Westlake, an 18.0 winner ovtt Gkodak. Sailors strong early, succumb to late rallY' by Sunny Hills. 10-!!_ By JOSEPH DUDEVOIR LONG BEACH -For three quar· te~ Fnda~. the Newport Harbor High water polo team had everythint go 1ts wa' against the No I ~ team in the CIF 4-4. pla,ofTs unn)' Hills For a while. 1t even looked as if the 1lors would accomplish what no other team had -def eat the un- beaten Lan~ But unn\ Hills showed wh) 1t WU ~8-0 coming in. b} malan& all the play~ late in the fo urth quarter en route to a 10-8 wrn at Belmont P\aza to advahcc 1oto the fin.als apinst Corona dcl Mar nelt Fnday at Belmont Plaza. "1 wun 't that el etted when wt~ tead1na 7_..'. sa.td Sa1lon' Coach 9111 &mctt. "I knew the> were a Qllick scorint club and they JUSL Clmt" Oft late 10 the pme." The two tum had met twter earlier this tea10n with Sunny HtUs .,.., nruna both pines by W\de martins. But the l.an()Cft muat have been a tad cdl)' when the Sailon roered beck from a ~l dcfict to take a 7_. ~ wt th 3:4() left tD the t.ht.rd pmod. Rob Mihalko s~ tn a rebound on thr m1-.d shot of Mau Mclsaa topve Newport iu ~ ~ BUl tbe l.Anc.en t90k aitvant111 ~ avcral Saalof CJOCUOM to It' ~t beck in the pmt. (Ptwn-BA• .. /91) L-____________ ..... __ ...._ ____________ .... _____________ _...,_ ................ __________ __. __ ~--------·------ I .1 I • • Oriiftot COMC DAILY ptLOT/ 8&turday, ~bet 18, 1915 \ by Tom Batluk DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau --~-~----------------------------- THE FAMILY CIRCUS by BttKeane "Did you ever hove any little childrens of your own, Grandma?" MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson "I still think If you walked him around the block, It would be healthier." DRABBLE M 1. WAt.ltJ A 1E.~ '{oo, L~O\f.~ ANO GE~M~ GARFIELD WE.AL THY PHILANTHROPIST, J . WORTHINGTON m WA'O FOONP FACE VOWN IN H IC:, 10MAIO 5 0VP MOON MULLINS OSCAR MATIRIAL ... • . I~!( You FOR CMoos-1N' Nt>oH1s $N.APPY ¢,A~ CoMP,ANY, $1R .. IT W.AS f 11 (!' /;. PL~,A~LlR~ IAXllN~ YoO H~~~~~'T'. J.Ntl(t, PO YOO 7NINK 'IE 711() Qft'5 IN J ~Ml.Lie tlOl6H71Me~ • ~7l>CDIJICT • S£Ra/5.MMS Nfi- f 6tmATKNSr ~/ l ' f ~---,,.,, BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) SHOE M~.~ .... l GOT' Ml.( 91K . FIXEDifl? by Jeff MacNally 0Vi ~ l~SUR>.NCE CCMf'AN<( GA~E ME. $200~ 'TO. ~~ by Charles M. Schulz ---------IS THERE AN't'THIN6 I CAN DO AROUND TME ~OUSE TODAY TO JUSTIFV M( EXJSTEMCE ? TM E MOUTM 15 QUICKER ™AN T~E BRAIN ! v~ "Is he like this EVERY TIME his te•m loses?" BLOOM COUNTY DENNIS THE MENACE "Oops ~· by Hank Ketcham I~ f 1Htt ~ \: ~\ ~I ~ 'l)o 1 H.AVE TO Mt' ALL lHOSE LJmE PIECB;mr by Kevin Fagan by Jim Da~is ROSE IS ROSE I'M Wiii~ HaAl R)f llN t.OOAl.. A.A.JI.A. MW't,;& / ,,,._,;:a.- " ) t I . by Ferd & Tom Johnson Q.1-As South, vulnerable. you hold: NOVI 1 c~ •J983 "7 Q102 0 A1s +Kss BE MY TF?lJ~ Partner open1 the bidding with one N/6 TY SELF. spade. What do you respond? Q.2 -As South. vulnerable, you hold: •108752 "7 83 OAQ2 +781· Partner opens the bidding with One spade. What do you rHpond? Q.S-As South, vulnerable, you hold: •KJ1083 "7 A'N5 0 A8 +A T he bidding hu proeffdtd: S.... Wnt N_.. Eu& l • P... 1 NT P ... ? What do you bid now? Q.'-N•ilh.r vulnerable, aa South JOU hold: • 4,MI c;i J 8 O 4Qlt4 +ti The btddina h&• prOCMd.cl: Nert• Eut ..i. Welt r ... P .. I• P ... 2 c;i ,... 't What acllon do you take? ' 'THl5 ~ MIU ltfJ UJfMR 5'.CC~ 1D1Ht ~ ~ 111£ IWNflll,-N;TOI ~ llHCH ~ 1lJ l'fflJfECf ~' 'JWfH ,qlJ')t1 V/Utltfl 1Hl5 ~y C4'M.W ~CF MJCJ<Nb ~~. /.R_/$ /br ~ ~ IKJIN !E1IAfN rrJ THe~l'IWEL ~ N !f(()M£~ ••. r~'i?~ by Berke Breathed by Lynn Johnston HENCE. THE. NfV'o1E. .. Cl\P. ~a\EU'/? HE~ , HEH .. · ·· U'\ · .. · -EilY~ by Pat Brady WEEKLY l&IDGE QUIZ Q.5-Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: • KJ983 r:, A 7 0 87S • 932 The bidding hu proceeded: OMAR 0 SHARIFF .,.--. { Nertll Eut S..Ut l ~ I O, ? What action do 7ou t.ake? Q.6 -Botb ;ul.nerab&e. u South you bold: •AK,71 c;i A&Q.15 o• •ta The biddi.na bu procffded: 8.-. "•• Pf... Ee.- J • I • OW. PUI 7 • Whal action do JOU take? Look for answers on MondKY. CHARLES. GOREN , ................... c ...... 0 ..................... ....... ,.., ..... wri&.t Gwea lrWp Letw, ltotC ..... .._An.,C ..... a. .... N.J.09"17. \ • llllJPllat SATURDAY. NO\/EMBEll t8, tll85 •m - .. Golden WH t IMtvencea to weter polo regional n.-.. a. Lebonte wine Alver alde pole In record-MHlng time. 81. ~.:J:~al Sailors meet Mira Costa for title SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A state appeals coun on Friday rcjecled Oakland's attempt to move the Raider$ football team back from Los Angeles, sayina it would place an unconstitutional burden on interstate commeroc. .. Relocation of the Raiders would implicate the welfare not only of the individual team franchise, but of the entire leque," said a three·judge panel of the I st District Court of Apl>UL ''The spectre o such locaJ action throughout the state or across the country, demonstrates the need for uniform, national reaulation:· . The ruling is certain to be aJ>.l pealed to the state Supreme Court. -A· stop volleyball teams battle for crown at Marina By BARRY F AULltNER 0.., ,,._ Cell J 1 •I'll The long-a..wa1ted showdown between M1raCosta(No. l)and Newport Harbor (No. 2) for the CIF 5!A g1rl's volleyball title tonight al 8:30 (>.m at Marina High School looks to be "Jame of the best· high school volleyball in Califom.ia." a®Ording to Mia. Co_$ta Coach Daelca Aldrich. . ' • The Sea View Lea1ue champion Sailors ( 17-0). who advanced to the finals by beating· Santa Monica Thursday io four gain". will be trying to give the nation's No. I ranked high school team its firs( loss ever in a ·c 1F final and its first loss this year. The Bay League Champion Mus tangs have racked up 20 wins, including San Marcos. , Glendale and Universny tournament cham· pionships, and have not lost a game ui their -three previous playoff' v1ctones over Downey, Malet Dei and Laguna Beach. Mira Costa, which last year lost in the semifinals to Gahr at\er. winning the 5-A cbampiO(lship in both '82 .and '83. takes into ton~t's match a "real hunger to capture the tradition back." said Aldnch, adding, "They (the players) have been wamng for this moment since last May." Aldrich said she 1s pleased to meet .Novpon liArbor in. ~ fiAal~usc of he; respect for its program and its coach. Mik.e Neece. Aldrich believes hers is the better team. but that Newpoct Harbor could come the closest to defeating it. The two teams met earlier 1n the San Marcos Tournament, with the Muslaflgs com-· ina from a 12· 7 deficit to take a I 5-12 win in the one--game pool format. The Sailors m1a,bt have been looktna toward the Mara Costa showdown as they suffered mid·matoh laps« in their two ~viotis wins over St. Joseph of Lakewood and Santa Monica. They lost the third game· of both matches after winning the first two. then closed o ut the matches with fourth game victones. "We can't make tbe mistakes we made tonight, .. said Neece after Thu,rsday's match. "Their whole team is desianed not to make mistakes," wd Neece about Mira'Costa. "I saw them a couple of weeks ago and they did not ~pas.Sing mi~_hi.11.in&. 01J1take, or service eJTor." The Tarsare led b-y Sea View League MVP Lara Asper, outside hmcrs laura Power and Jenn·y Evaos, and m1d<Ue blocker Tracy Krueger. . Aldnch called Asper. who was the MVP at · the San Marcos Tournament, ··a fine setter ... and the key to their team." "I think: in order for us to beat Mira Costa. Lara (Asper), Laura (Ppwer), and TrKY <Kruescr) will ha:--c to have sood ma&cbes. They'll have to be on," said Neece. · "They arc known for their semna." Mid Aldnch about the Sailors ... lfwe can pus tbeir serves, we'U be all riaht. Asper makes tbem tough up front. but they can't stop us all the way around." She 5a1d the Mustangs plan to ~ aggressively at the net when Asper ts LO the row,. l'M-MustangS losl>-On&~ one-plar,: from- last year's team and arc led by atanced start1na lineup of three senio" and thRIC JUOIOfS. Junio" Megan McCaJhster (mldclle blocker) and Lisa A1tt (O\~ts1de hitter) aead the team an lulJs, wbt.Je senior setter Lmdaey Hahn bas played wcU enou&h to make se'Vcral all· tournament teams. S&e was co-MVP at the Glend.al~ Tournament along with McCallister. Sea Ki_ngs shock Harbor, 15-14 ~fot~:r CdM rallies from 14-0 deficit, survives 22-yard field goal attempt to upset Tars C Ji p pe TS By ROGER CARLSON Of .. Ollr .... atMI His team has concluded play forthe 1985 football season, but Corona del Mar High Coach Dave Holland was in a "don't·wakc-me-up" dream Fri- day night following his team's I 5-14 Sea View League shocker over New- port Harbor before 3.200 shocked and/or delirious fans at Orange Coast College. Corona del Mar, with three wins entering the final week oflbe season, denied heavily-favored Newport Harbor the undisputed Sea View Leque championship, denied the Sailors their first unbeaten league ICUOn in 43 years, denied the Tars the right to maintain the "Victory BeU", • and in all likelihood, denied Newport Harbor the No. 1 seed in the upcoming CIF Central Conference playoffs. "That's the season," shouted a happy Holland, who has been one of the key personalities in a 22-year history of this backyard rivalry, one wtiich has been dominated by Harbor, 18-4. prior to Friday night. "I've bad some good wins before," he continued, "but this one ranks right with them. We had a lot of hardship, a lot of setbacks, but they came back and played football to- ni&bL" Sea View standings ~POrl H•rt>Qr ~Ck WOOCll>f ld9e Eatancl• C0tone Cle! Mer LHUM Buch Coat• Mes. University (~IMI) u...,. W LT 6 I 0 6 I 0 ' , 1 l ' 0 l ' 0 l ' 0 , s 0 0 6 I ""*Y'•k-. Owr.11 W LT • , 0 9 I 0 6 3 I s s 0 • 6 0 J 1 0 J 1 0 I I 1 C0tone Cle! ~r IS, ~POrl H•rbo< 1' E"ttncl• .0, Co.t• MeM 1 WOOdlH'IOO. 21, U"lveultv 21 As ifillustratJng their entire season. it was an uphill struaa.le for Corona, raJlying from a 14-0 lirst-half deficit with drives of 75 and 26 yards. It finally boiled down to two soenes: •First. the Sea Kings were camped on the Harbor l-yard line with a fourth down, trailing 14-7 with less than three minutes to go. Twice Holland elected to call timeouts, first to set up the play, then to settle his team down. Sophomore quarterback Mitch Melbon took the snap and rolled left. then turned and went across the grain to tight end Chris Greco for· the touchdown with 2:40 left. · Thatmadeit 14-13-settinauptbe two-point attempt. Ap.in Melbon took the snap, roUed riaht and found Sean Turner at the goal line. Turner, who bad rushed for 90 yards on 22 carries.. pulled it in and buried himself ............... .,._,,.,.. -LOS ANGELES (AP):_ Reserve Mike McGee scored 19 points and James Worthy added 17 to lead the Los Angeles Lakers to a run.away 127-96 victory over the Los An&des 01ppers an a National Basketball AsSOClation game Fnday mgbL Led by_ Worthy· s 14 first-q uaner pomlS, tlie Laken took the lead for good with JUSt 6112 mmutes elapsed 1.0 the pme. The defend.t.ng NBA champs built a 23-point lead, 58-35. with 3:07 left in the fint half and the 01ppers could act no closer than 13 points the rest of the way. The victory, the Laken' sixth suai&bt on the road. extended the team's record to 9-1 , the best stan 10 the franct\iae's history. For the Oi~ pen.. it WU their fifth COMCCUUVC loss after openina the IC&IOD wilb five victories. Marques Johnson. beck a.ft.er m1u- 1na two pmcs with a beck inj~. led the Qippc:n with a pme--bi&J> 30 points.. Johnson bclocd the Clippers to cut the deficit to 1~1 midway throuab the third quarter by scorina I 2 poLDts in less than Jt,; munues. But the Laken rebuilt &heir advanllfe to 23 points bef~ the period ended and main taincd at least an I &-point lead the rest oft.he way. ltarbor's unopportunistic Sailors, who had tun rouahshod over most of the Sea View Laaue, will enter the playoffs as the league's No. I rep- retentative, but c.an claim no more than a co-championship with Saddle· bllck Hi&b's Roadrunners, who con- cluded tlieir season Thursday night. (Pleue eee 8&A Jmf08/B3) Corona del Mar'• CluU Warner (Pfo. 2 0) a•old8 Barbor'• Dan BW Jl'rtday DJCbt. Rory White added I 7 pomts for the Cbppcn. and Earvin "Mqlc" Jobn· son finished with 12 points. 14 U&.11ts and nine rebounds for the Wen. Seahawks' shot didn't last long, 42-7 The Oippers. who have. been decimated by injuries of late. were unable to keep up with the Wers' runmoggame "It was to our advantage to make them play a full-court game ... sa1d the lakC'rs· Johnson ··w r weren't out to embarrass them We know most of the guys, so we feel for them. But wr know we ·have a )Ob 10 do and they understand that." . . Westminster rambles into CIF playoffs ' after q uick finish to Ocean View hopes By RICHARD DUNN DJr .... c.11111-..1 Ocean View High, which actually bad an outside chance of making the CIF Bia Five football playoffs, watch- ed its season FCmaturely come to an end Friday night. TheSeahawks(2-8. 1-4). pullin~ofT a major upset 1.-st week against Huntinaton Bcf,cb .to stay in the Sunset league's crazy playoff bunt, needed to beat Westminster and win a coin flip over Fountain Valley to go to the playoffs. As it turned out. the Scahawks found themselves down 21-0 in the first quarter and 36-0 at halftime, and by the ume Westminster's Lions finally called off their horses, qcc~n View had suffered a 42-7 trouncing m a Sunset League finale at West· minster High. The Lions (6-4, l-2) will be the Sunset League's No. 3 representative 1n the Big Five Conference playoffs next week. "They came out and hit us and we turned the ball over," said Ocean View Coach Karl Gaytan, explaining his team's first-quarter futility "Westminster played up to (Its) ability." With 6:09 lefi in the first quaner. defensive end M1kr Cover sacked Ocean View quanerback Chns lbargary and threw him for a 4-yard loss, forcing a fumble in the process. The Lions recovered and quic kly turned into a score ~ That was the start of a disastrous Sunset standings EOIM>n Marl"• W11tmlnS1er Foo"l•ln V•llev Hu11t1r1111on B••Ch Oceu1 vi.w (,....,, LM91M W LT 4 I 0 ' 1 0 J , 0 , J 0 I 4 0 I 4 0 ''*.,., s.c-s Ovw., W LT • , 0 6 J I ' • 0 ' 6 0 3 1 0 , • 0 Founl•ln Vellev 11, Hunllrigton 84•Cll 0 Wntml"Slet' 42, 0c .. " View 1 . first half for Ocean View. which wa~ never in the game AfiC'r the fumble recover}. \\es1- mmster quanC'rback Stevr Guile) who on the first pla) of the founh quaner had to be earned off thC' field w1 th a leg IOJ Ur}'. spnn 1cd into tht end 1one for an I I ·yard touchdown three plays later and the Lions were on their "'a' toa big first halfand a benh 1n thr CIF playoffs Co,er. pro'lng to be the biggest thorn in thr Seahawks' side. blocked a Mat Bertram punt wtth 3:42 on the clock and the Lions had possession on the Seahawks' 8-vard hne. Two plays later. Guth~\. \\ho com· (Plu.e .ee OV /83) The l..alcers. however. had to keep them~lves from a letdown that v.ould ha vt allowed the Chppers beck 1n the game · "We lcne"-the) were gomg to be short wtth Derck (Smith). Jamaal (Wilkes) and Cednc (Muwell) out." Worth' said. "But teams that are shorthanded have a tendency to play better a nd we d1dn·1 want that to happen " Polo Story: CdM ln, N_H out Sior:y s sudden d_eath goal sends Sea Kings toCIF 4-A title game By ROGER CARLSON Of .. Ollr ....... Corona del Mar H1gh 's Sea Kings wrote a chapter to their watC'r polo story that ranks with some o f thr best moments in h1s1ory Fncby at\er- . noon. The Sea Kings qualified for the Ct F 4-A finals next Friday at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach at\er pulling out an 8-7, double-overume. sudden- death victory over Long Beach Wilson at Newport Hatbor. Mike Story -a 6-1 senior -tired an the winner with 2:0 1 spent m the second overtime -wb1ch means the final chapter ofthe 198S sea.son will involve the 20-6 Sea Kinas of Coach 'John Varp.$ and the unbeaten unny Hills Lanccn unny Hills beat NC"'1)0rt Harbor 1n the other -.cm1, 1()..8. "We drew everybody to our side and 1f there was no shot thejlan was to 10 to lbe weak sick," sa1 Va~.$. .. Obviously everyone played W"Cll Story, the only Corona pla)'CI' to ICOl"e more than one 1Qal. took the pea from Mau Klann and fired 11 1 n ftom the comer ap1nst Wilson's man-abon defente. "That was the plan PA& tt\10 the ovatime. .. said tory. ·-we wanted to drift to tet \be Hckout to set a b-on-S aodwedkl .. WU.0. Md lived OD 6-oo-3 IJt\t- ltiofts tbt C'ftllft lllM. auortna •n fP9•• ... Cd.M/112) Llkiaa Vargu 5 teams play in CIF tennis Five area g1rls tcnn1~ \lams advance to the S«ond round of the \lF playoffs t<>da)' with matches scheduled for 2 p.m In 4-A action. unset Lcaaue champion Manna HIJh, a I"· I winner over Lakewood Thun.- da). hosts the C"hanncl L.eaauc'' No 2 team. Rio Mesa. Corona dcl Mar. the-Sea View's No. I entry. 1t at home 1&11n t R1vers1de Pol~ The Sea K.Jnp defeated Mi 1on Vie,o. 12""6. m t.M fint round, whtlt lhe 8can dropped E! Modena. 10-I. Woodbndae. a I ~J winner over Sao Gof'IOn•o.. hosu Luun.a Hilla, an I S.O \-.ctor over Lona Beach WtboD Newport Hatbor. wtucb do•oed 8e'+'etiy Hill & 4-4 u •l Wcsll•ke an 18-0 wtll~ ovrr OkodUe..' • Sailors·strong early. succumb to late rally by Sunny Hills. 10-8 By J~EPH DUDEVOIR 0..., ..... C:.• $ p LONG BEAC H -For three qua.r· ters Fnda). the Newport Hatbor High water polo team had everytluJw 10 its way against the No. 1 iecdcd team an the CIF 4-A playoffs.. Sunny Hills. For a while, 1t even looked u iftbe Sa1lon would accomphsh wba1 no other team had -defeat the un. beaten Lanccn. But Sunn)' Hills showed why il wu 18-0 roming m .. by rnak:ina all I.be plays late in the fourth quaner ea route to a I 0-8 wm at Belmont P'taza to advance into the finals •'"" Corona dcl Mar ne~t Friday al Belmont Plaza "1 wasn't that uettcd when -e wen leadtna 7 ..... said Sa1lon' c~ lilJ Barnett "1 knew they were a qwck sconna club and they just camr oc late tn the aame .. The lWO lt&O\S had met tW1Cle earlier tb11 K&JOn With Su.n.ny Kills wtnnina both pmcs by widt tnarPu. But the lAnccn must have bem a .S edaY when the Sat1on rc:mtd beet £tom a ).I dc(kt lo tab I 7~ a.d .,th 3:40 ~ft 1n the \bud P'"Od. · Rob Mtha&ko stuffed lD 1 ,...,._, on the muted hot of Matt McUrea to live Newpon iu Wee-eoel btd1r But the 1.ancm ~ .aV9Mlll ol teVCftl suaar e,ecuc.. '° ... ritllln *" lft the pme. {Pl••-••..,.,.., I . I· II !1 II I :· 0t.,ge Coui DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, No"9mb* 18, la.85 El Camino hosts Golden West; OCC, Gauchos on road Footballs should be a-fl yin· at El Camino College tonight when Gold- en West's Rustlers meet the Warriors in a Pac-9 encounter. . Also on the road for 7:30 games thts ·• · evening will be Orange Coast at Citrus and Saddleback in its regular- scasoo finale against Rancho San- tiago. Herc's a closer look: Goklo West (3-3, S-4-1) a& El Cam.lao (t-4, 3-5: last year's game betw~n the two teams turned into an aerial circus with the quarterbacks combining for 835 yards and· eight touchdowns through the air. Io that game won by El Camino. 41 -35. Rustler signal-caller John Hei- nle completed 36 of 53 tosses for 430 yards and five touchdowns. H is Warrior counterpart, Larry Egger, threw for 405 yards and three TDs. In total offense, the two teams com bied for 1.028 yards that day. El Camino has lost four stnUght since opening the Pac-9 with two wins, primarily because of a defense ·· that ranks last statistically in the conference . in team and rushing defense. Golden West quarterback Tim Hanson hopes to take advantage. Hanson's 10 touchdowns and 1,341 yards through the air place him third 1n the Pac-9 in passing. El Camino QB Ron Barber 1s No. I io the conference in that &ategory, having thrown for 1,841 yards and 12 touchdowns this season. Rustler running back Todd Parker needs to gam 197 yards in the next two games to reach the 1,000-yard mark. He could become onJy the eighth Rustler ever to reach that figure. Oruge Cout (l-5, 1-6·1) at Citn11 tt-4, t-•>: The Pirates will attempt to sever a three--game losing streak and move out of the Mission Conference cellar against the Owls. Todd Parker Citrus1 meanwhile, bas lost its last two outings. 55-6 to Rancho San- tiago, and 39-26 to Saddleback. Jo The game against the Gauchos, the Owls led in the late stqts of the fourth quarter before a pair of late Saddlc- back touchdowns decided the issue. OCCwill have its attention focused on Citrus halfback Paul Hewitt. the second-leading rusher in the con- ference. Hewitt pined 209 yards on 39 attempts agarnst Saddlcback last week. Pirate fullback Chris Mendenhall ranks third in the Mission in rushing, boasting a 5.8-yard per carry average. Mendenhall, who bruised a kn~ two weelcsagoagainst San Diego City, was not at full speed last week against Palomar but is expected to be I 00 percent tonight. OCC's all-time record against Citrus stands at 8-2 after a 28-14 victory over the Owls last season. SaddJeback (7-t, t -0) at Ra.ncu SUtta10 (3-a, 5-3): The Gauchos can complete the regular season unbcateo for onJy the second time in the school's history with a win tonight ai Santa Ana. Saddleback bas a bye next week. The Gauchos last accomplished the feat in 1980 when they went on to defeat South Coast Conference cham- pion San Diego Mesa in the Pony Bowl to finish 11-0. Rancho Santiago is coming off a bye last wee le. after hammering Citrus, 55-6, the previous Saturday. That's the same Citrus team the Gauchos struggled apinst before prevailing last week WJth two late TDs, 39-26. ALL IN THE FAMILY ,. . t tJ .. See rhe complete hne of Universal Home Equipment, incl Power Paks 300 and -400 ond T rede• treodm1lls, Computerow, Aerob1cycle ond save up 10 . 25o/o . . ~egulorly '25-40 Save 1641 ~ Pawl",.,. JOO 1006' t\lcxl TREDEX demon1tr1tor1 from $2199 How y0u can buy Universals top fine .itcironte treadmill at pnoes lower • Proform Row9f '149 It.en the inexpensive ones 1-8 mph, ..... w/lED readoUt OI nme, Distance Pace and M PH HUAAYI • Heowy~ "·" i.-t- • ,.... MeoltK• ...... ,.__ •eg .,,, 00 - • ft• 8"• •tzt.M teg •••• • ,_._.. 111tM teg ., •• 00 • •AMft_.. K t49 .... 00 ~21.H Pacific Co~t Fitnc ·~ Company 500 W. Ceott Hlthway •Newport leoth 92663 <714 > 722-9333 From AP diapatckl OLD TOWN, Maine -By 4 a.m ., do:z.ens of men in blaze-orange outfits have parked their pickups and headed for the picnic tables near the Penobscot River. It's chow time! At an houT when most folks arc stilJ asleep, these early risers line up for a hearty breakfast under the stars before taking off for a favorite hunting spot. "h's kind of an incentive to get up and get going," says Matt St John, a construction superintendent from Old Town who's been attending bunters' breakfasts for 25 years. The menu at the Old Town Rotary Club's Hunters' Breakfast, now in its 35th year, is not for calorie- counters or cholesterol-watchers. Plates arc piled hi&h with serambled eggs, ham steaks, pancakes with thick maple syrup, home fries, baked beans, yeast rolls and doughnuts. And it's all washed down by hot chocolate and plenty of coffee. The $3.50 ticket -$2 for youngsters age 10 and under -is good for all you can eat. and return trips to the cbow line arc encouraged. .. They take good care of you here. They load you up," says St. John, who later set out with his son, Raphe. to stalk deer along.Pushaw Stream. The hunters'Drcakfast, usually held the day the deer season opens, has become a Maine tradition, one that traces its start to the hunting boom that took shape in the post-World War ll years. Old-timers believe the first such breakfast was served up in 1949 at the Amherst Grange; the O ld Town event made its debut two years later. Old Town isn't the only hunters' breakfast in the state. but 1t 1s the only one served outdoors no matter how m iserable the weather. Quote of the day Bam Pllllllps, New Orleans Sam ts coach, on the frustrated fans who have twice doused him with beer and last week .pelted the team with lemons decorated with black fleur de /is., the Saint.s' emblem: "I've never seen fans anywhere tJiat ugly." Milwaukee cruises past Bulla Terry Cammillg1 scored 22 points and Ricky Pierce added I 7 to lead Milwaukee to a 118-103 victory over Chicago in a Narional Basketball Association game Friday night. The Bucks took control of the game midway thro ugh the fourth quarter as they outscored the Bulls 7-0 to grab a 94-85 lead with 7:35 remaining . .. Elsewhere in the NBA, Daaay Ainge scored 24 points, Larry Bird 22, Kevin McHale 20 and BW Waltoa 19 as Boston rolled to its eighth consecutive victory1 118-114 over Washington. Bird and Walton each scored 11 points in the fourth period in dashing the Bullets' comeback hopes and handing Washington its seventh loss in a row . . Dom{Jajqu Wilk.las scored 30 points, includ- ing 11 in the fourth quarter, to lead Atlanta to a 122-1 18 victory over Detroit ... Roludo Bl.uk-mu scored 31 points, including eight in key stages of the fourth Commtnc• period, to power Dallas past New Jersey. 11 0-98. Black.man, coming off a 37-point effort Wednesday night in Utah, hit a left-handed hook and followed WJth a 1.5-footjump shot to give the Mavericks a I 03-96 lead with just under four minutes to play ... Larry Nuce scored 15 ofhis 25 points in the first half as Phoenix notched its long-awaited first victory of the sea.son with an ea.sy 11 7-99 triumph over Seattle. The Suns, now 1-9, scrapped their new run-and-tUn style in favor of the set offense it used for the put 12 season! and took control of the game late in the first quarter ... Adriu DutJey scored 17 of his 41 points in the fourth period-and surpa$¥d the 16,000.point career mark in the process as Utah downed Portland., 133-11 8. Devine ftnaliat for Aztec poat SAN DIEGO -One of the finalists [il for the position of athletic director at Sao •II t Diego Sta te University is Dan Devine, fonner bead football coach at the Univer- sity of Notre Dame and of the Green Bay Packen, according to published report.s. Other finalists, reporU say, include Ray Nagel, former athletic director at Washington State and Hawaii; Fred Miller. former athletic director at Arizona State; and Vance Redfern associate athletic director at lllinois. AJJ arc to bt interviewed this week. the report said. Cleveland routs Luers, 7-3 INGLEWOOD -Andy Chapman m scored two oals Friday niJht to lead the Cleveland lorcc to a 7-3 victory over the Los Angeles Lazcrs in a Major Indoor Soccer League game. With the score tied 2-2 after one period, Oeveland got second-period goals from Peter Ward and Gino Deflorio and never relinquished its lead after that. Benny Dargie, Craig Allen· and Ali Kazcmini also scored for Cleveland, which improved its record to 2-2. Los Angeles, which fell to 1-3. got goals from Beto. Juan Cardenas and Neil Gibson. Capitals contain Canucka, 5 ... 3 AJ Jeaaea stopp¢ 27 shots Friday ~ night to lead Washington to a 5-3 National ' Hockey League victory over Vancouver. Jensen was staked to an early lead by the Capitals when Greg Aclama scored at l :JO of the opening period ... In the other NHL contest, Robert Picard and Dave Babycll scored early in the third period to break open a close game as Winnipeg won its first game in five starts, defeating New Jency. 5-3. Television, radio TELEVISION 8 a.m. -PREP FOOTBALL: Riverside Poly at Fontana (tape), Channel 56. 9:30 a.m . -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Mich- igan at Minnesota, Channel 13. 9:30 a.m. -MOTOR SPORTS: Clear Lake Thunderboat Regatta from Clear Lake. Tex., Channel 9. 11 a.m. -WRESTLING: Channel 9. Noon -WRESTLING: Channel 56. Noon -MOTOR SPORTS: Frontier 500, from Las Vegas, Channel 11. 12:30 p.m. -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Iowa at Purdue, Channel 2. 12:30 -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Notre Dame at Penn State, Channel 7. I p.m . -MOTOR SPORTS: Indy car racing stars. Tndy winner Danny Sullivan explains what it takes to be a winner in auto racing, Channel 4. 1:30 p.m. -BOWLING: PBA tournament from Indianapolis (delayed). Channel 4. 3 p.m. -GOLF: PGA tourney from Maui, Hawaii (tape), Channel 4. 4 p.m. -SOCCER: France vs. Yufoslavia in World Cup qualifying match, Channe 34. 4 p.m. -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Scores from around the country, Channel 7. 5 p.m. -PRO FOOTBALL: Raiders' Playbook, Channel 4. I 0 p.m. -BOXING, Channel 34. 2 a.m . -COu.EGE FOOTBALL: Stanford at Arizona State (delayed), Channel 13. RADIO 11 :30 a.m. -COLLBGE FOOl'BALL: Kansas at Nebrub, KJEV (870). 12:30 a.m. -OOLLEGI!: FOOTBALL: Notre Dame at Peno State, KPZE ( 11 ~ 12:30p.m. -COLLEGEF001'B : USC at Washington, KNX (1070). l p.m. -COLLEGE f'OOTBALL: Oregon State vs. UCLA at Rote Bowl, KMPC (7 10). 5:30 p.m. -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Cal State Fullerton at Non.hem Arizona, KWOW (1600). 6 p.m. -COLLBGE FOOTBALL: Fresno State at Long Beach State, K.NAC-FM (I OS. S) . 6:30 p.m. -PRO BAS&.ETBALL: Oippen It Denver, KMPC (710). · 7 p.m. -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Teu•El Paso at San Diego State, KSOO {I 190). 7:30 p.m. -PRO R()CgEY: Pittsburgh at Kinp, KLAC (S70) . ................. r HARBOR .•• From Bl "Those ejections bu.rt, oo question about it." Barnett said. "Plus we started throwin& the ball away. We just didn't play well late in tbcpme," he added. Sunny Hills ti~ the pme at 7-7 when Javier Santiago scored from in front with 5:01 left. ·But the Sailon didn't fold. Rob Stewart took a feed from Joe Andra- nian and blazW a shot put Lancers' aoalie Mike Day to re-~ the lead at 8-7 with 3:SO remainina Unfortunately, that was the Harbor's last hurrah. Sunny Hills countered with the equalizer when Stewart was ejected. Tbe LaDcen' Bill Slope aot S\llllly Hil1I even ud the Lancen took the ad for~ with 2:4S left when Bob Gilford Ill.lied to make it 9-8. An insurance goal by Slopes, bis fifth of the coo test, with l :39 left put it away. "I would have bad hiJbe:r hopes if we had that bia lead late 10 the pme," said Barnett "But with that team, you know they can make something happen and they did. ·we just started throwing the ball away and dido 't play well on offense," Barnett added. • For a while, though. the Sailors looked quite crisp. After ex.itina the first quarter with a 1-0 deficit, Newport Harbor tied it, 3-3, wben Gifford scored. Andranian scored from the comer on an assist from McLaren to give the Sailors their first lead, 4-3, with I: 19 left in the half. Goals by Stewart, McLaren and Milhalko gave Newport what ap- peared to be a commanding lead. Man Son Hing posts 2 wins UC Irvine's Bruce Man Son Hing won twice Friday to advance to the quarterfinal round in the Rolex fotcrcolJeaiatc tennis tournament at • UCI. Man Son Hina, the hiabett remain- ina seed at N~. . defeated Scott Sb nnofPe ·ne,6-2,6-1,and Da~ Stewart om the Univen1ty of San Dieao. 6-3, 6-2. Man Son Kina is the loM remain- ina Anteater still alive in aina)es after Barry Buss wu 1toooed in t6e round of 16, and Art Hernandez, James Myers and Mike Downs were eliminated in thint-round action. Buu fell to third~ Robby Weiss of PqJperdine, S-7, 6-4, 6-4, after lcadina m the decisive third set, 4-1. Myers lost to Vince Horcaaitas (Long Beach Statt), 6-2, 6-3; Brent Oreenwood (UCLA) defeated Hernandez, 6-3, 6-4; and Downs "Nas ousted by Scott Patridie (USO).. 6-4, 6-1. ·eecker reaches to.urney semis WEMBLEY. Enaland (AP) -Boru Becker comblned power ser- vi na with controlled., agmsive srouncbtroka Friday to reach the temifinals of the Wembley tennis tournament. At lut (>l'Oduc:ina the form \bat swept b.im unDfCUivdy to the men •t lit.le at Wimbledon in July, the 17· ycar--Old Wat German wu IC'f'Vina 1 for lbe ma1Cb at M. S-3 wbeo his umeeded Amenc&n opponent.. Mike Leech, tu.med his ankJc movifta acnm the coun to reach a snw.b. lronk:aUr., the smuh went out, sivina taeb his only break point of the match. But after consultint wilb the um- piri, tht limpina A,merican wu unabk to continue and Becker 1tayed on counc tor a clash in Sunday's championship match with Ivan Lendl, the workt No. 1 and defiendina champion. Lendl, unbeaten in three months of tournament play -duriftc which time be b&I won nine f'*Dd P_nx evenu -was even ~ 1mprm11ve than Becker u he crushed Johan Krick, 6-2, 6-1, in jUl1 SI minutes with an awaome display of power. Lendl's opponent an todafa temi~ final wilt be America's David Pate, the only untceded player left in the dnw, who put out Sweden's Joakim Nyatrom, tteded No. &. 6-3, U , 1-S. Bcacr will ~y &DOtha Swede. Anderl Janyd, us the ot.ber '""ift.nal, 1 repeat o( lliar dMlt at the ame ttqe at Wimbledon. -s Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /a.turdey. NcMfnber 11. 1Ma - Estancia has Costa Mesa's number, 40-'.7 u~tangs outmanned, overpowered in season-en tngcontestforboth teams By CHRIS MONAHAN Costa Mesa Hi&h School bas always had a difficuft tjme fieldjng a larie footbtil team simply beausc I.be acbool has a very small enrol- I me,nt~l ,2SO), but apmst cross-town rival Estancia Friday night, the Mus- tangs were even fewer in number. . Missing. 12 stani~g players includ-tna runmngbeck!lmebackcrs Scott ~derson and Mike Syzpcrskj and tlaht end/defensive lineman John Carlson, the Mustangs (2-S, 3-7) were literally and figuratively man- handled by the Eagles 40-7. before 2,800 at Newpon Harbor H1ah. The Eagles (3-4, S-S) took advan- ta_ge of their complement of running · backs, rushing SI times for 270 yards, led by reserve tailback lan Mac- Donald's I 04. Estancia also received a strong performance from reserve fullback Brian Sberrard. The 170.pound senior pined 72 yards on just eight carries and ICOred four touchdowns. Sherrard, wbo acored three of the first four times he touched the baJJ, had been tbe stanil\a fullback, but said be was taken out t' concentrate on playi na defense. ''J'm not surprised we rushed so well, because we thought the~ we~ weak qainst the run. They don t havt' a lot of wciaht on the line," said Mac Donald. wbo broke I 00 yards for the third time th as year. "We arc JUSt a very strona running team." Estancia High Coach Ed Blanton said he was surprised at the case of the victory, but not at the performance of his offensive backfield. "Our offensive hne did a great JOb, espectally Curt Crandall (oenterJ. Casey Swanson (Juatd) and Adam Wal burier (tiaht end)," said Blanton. "Wcd1d most of that without our best rusher Craia Conte, but Ian did a real good job. We're fortunate to have two good runners." Conte. wbo rushed for 32 yards, played all of the first haJf and into tht' third quarter before leaving with an apparent an Ide injury. MacDonald and Sherrard filled in more than capably and by the ume Conte left the game, the Eagles bad a 27-0 lead. With so much success 1n bandlna the ball off, Eagle quarterback Scan J(jnkade went to the air only seven umes. complctinf three, thou&h he aot a &JUl dcaJ o m1leaac out of the three. His first pass of the pme was a 49- yard touchdown stnke to Eric Dom for tht' Eaalcs' fint score midway through the fin t quarter. Dom, wbo has good speed, bad two Mustana defenders beaten by five yards as he cruised into the end zooe. "We really misxd Enc ID the early season," wd Blanton. "He had such &ood speed that he adds an extra dimension to the offense." Dom had missed the first three games of tht' season with a knee 1n1ury After m1ssing on four straight. Kinkade hit Walburgcr with a six· yard touchdown J)eM to put &tancia ahead 14-0. WalbWJa later made ' p-eat over-tbe-thoWder catcb to 1e1 up lhe Eaalcs' fourth ICO~ Meanwln.le Kinkade'• QPP01i1C number. Must.ans quanertieok Paul Rodriau~L was sutrerina lhroUlb a rouah ni&IJt. Rodri&uez. fon:ed to play catch-up the entire ni&bt. Ul1'Cw 34 paun, comp&etina just 10 ~ Estaneta's defenders wne ~ with s1x interocpt:ions. Eight tumoven (six inten::eptioas. two lost fumbles) really hurt the Mustangs as Estancia scored rwo touchdowns off them, while two others killed Mustang dnves in ~ end zone. * EllMde 40, C.. Mita 7 J -warriors, Uni end· with-a tie eo.re Mae o o o 1--1-S-..WOMr9n 1 Ellancle 7 20 U ._...., E11-0orn '9 PeU from Kln&l.MI IROMllllll klek) Unlftl'ldty BlO nmnlnC back Crate Belle trlee to &TOld lackle darlnC P'Tiday•a &&Ille . .... ............. .. alnat Wooclbrldae~ Belle &atned 15 4 yinta u tame tied: 21-2 1. They d ead~ock at 2 1-21 to complete Sea View season By JIM CARNETT o.11J Nel C..1 • ... I "We wanted to win. We weren't able to do that, but our luds have come a long way in the last few weeks and I can't say we're displeased with the final result." That was University High football coach Rick Curtis speaking. "We're disappointed. Wt' had a chance to win, but we came awa)' empty. Our k.ids, and coaches. arc down right now." That was Woodbridge High Coach Gene Noji. The two coaches had just watched their clubs battle to a 21 -21 deadlock Friday night at Irvine High School between the two rivals. Woodbrid~e·s Warriors concluded the '85 Sea View League season with a 4-2-I record, good enough for a playoff berth as the No. 3 tcam. Tht'y finished the year with a 6-3-1 mark. University's Trojans wound up the Sea View campaign with an 0.6-1 log. They ended the year with a 1-8-1 overall slate. The contest featured the play of two o utstanding juruor running backs - Woodbridgc's Dave Townsend and University's Craig Belle. Togc\}lcr, Townsend and Belle accounted for 70 percent of the total yardage for the evening. Tbe two teams rolfed up 623 yards an totaJ offCnsc with Townsend and Belle combining for 435. Townsend, a 6-0, 185-pounder who runs with a powerful. slashing style. rushed for 231 yards on 34 carries. and scored a touchdown. He caught four passes for 31 yards. Belle, a solid 5-11, 185-poundcr. exh1b1ts an exciting mixture of power and speed. He rushed for I 54 yards on 17 carries. and hauled in three passes for 19 yards. along wnh a nifty 7(). yard touchdown run. "Town send and Belle arc both outstanding backs." Woodbndge's Noji said. "They're going to be something to watch next year as sensors." "They stoic the sho~ tomght." Curtis echoed. "They ran over pcopk out there." Woodbndge was the hcav~ fa vonte going into the contest and, 1n the early moments. appeared ready to blow things open. Tht' Wamors took the openmg kickoff and drove 62 yards 1n nine pla ys for a touchdown Townsend broke over the middle for I 9 yards to gi ve the Wam ors first- and-goal at the University seven. He swept the right side of the h nc on the next pla) fo r the score. University punted after three downs on its 1nstial ~sscss1on and the Wamors drove 4~ ards ID se'en plays to take a 14-0 lea . Quarterback Mike Juarez hit John Evers with a 30. yard scoring strike on a fo urth-and-I I situation. e~i-w·iei,..r-• "" trom KlnUiOa CR- '""' kl<J\) E1t~ero 20 run (R~I IOdll Ef!-sMrrero 14 run !kldl lllodledl E1t-SNrrwo S run (kldl blocked) ~l~trd t fUll (Roullnl kldll CM-fflldlle T'l NH lrom ROdr19uU IGnclv IUCk) Anenoanc. 2.IOO ("llmaled} GAMll ST A TtSTICS CM Flrsl oown1 13 ltu•h41·var~ 17·Sf Pttsll!O varo.oe 174 Pautne IP-:M"" Punll 5-26 FvmDIH•fumoln MM! 2·2 Penanlft-verctt e>eN111eo t-70 •• 17 Sl-t70 " H-0 ...l2 5-) .-.0 IMOIVIOUAL aUSMIMG C.M-QldOell, 9·'4, Ro«l9Uez. 7·t , Vento, 1·3 Est-Mc;~ICI. IS-10., "-"•rd, .. n. Miii- ., t·•2. Conta. 7·32, Prior, 3·13. Klnuoe. l-11, ltlctlMO 2·2 CHl....0., H , 8'oolU. 2Aor· minus l . Dom, Hor·mlnv\ • INOfVtOUAL "Au.G CM-ffo«l9Uez. 1~J4-6 174. e ,t-ielnkede, 3·)-0 "· ROMlllnl, ~1-0 o INOIVIOUAL 1tacaMMG CM-Qlleflle, 9• 153, 8eck. I ·21 Ell-Walllufoer 2·49; he!<, 1·49 OVFALLS. • • From Bl plcted e1g,bt of I I passes tor I 09 in the first ha.I( including four touchdown passes. tut Jon Ostler for a 6-yard touchdown. Ostler wo uld go on to cat.ch two more touchdo wn passes and fi rush with 52 yards in receptions. "We JUSt couldn't stop their rush." Gaytan said. "They outplayed us physically and completely man- handled us. "They JUSt came out and got after. us reaJ well." lbargary. With practically no time to throw 10 the first half, was sacked 12 times in tbc game for a minus-'76 yards by Westminster's defense. The Sea.hawks ended the first half with a minus-5 yards in total offense and did not produ~ a single tint down. Barons blank Oilers, but. • • Univcrsny scored its first touch- down late tQ the opcnmg quarter. Belle raced 70 yards the first umc he got his hands on the ball. talc.mg a pi-tch from quarterba ck Ban Silberman and headed around tht' right side. Belle 1gn1ted the after- burners as he turned the comer. and ran away from everyone else on the field. Woodbndge had a first-end-goal at Ute Umvcrslt)' one on Lhe next senes but pcnalucs slowed the Wamor dnvc. and a 23-yard field goal 10 was wide. The Sea.hawks ended the shutout when Marc Ohm. who carried for 54 yards on el&ht attempts. ran for a 37- yard touchdown m tht' third quarter. which followed a 37-yard run by Kurt Szuba -the only positive s;rouod plays the Seahawks would achieve all ntght. .. Wesll'l .. Mr 42. OCWI "'9W 1 seer..-.~ ()cH1' V lew 0 0 1 .,_. .J Fountain Va lley will miss p layoffs for first time in 1 1 years despite 2 7-0 win By JOHN SEV ANO o.llJ,... C..1 •••• ,,..n, It was a strange, very strange feeli~g for both head coaches of FountalD VaJley and Huntington Beach Friday night. Each knew thetr football contest to close out Sunset League play was vinuaUy meaningless. Oh. the Barons did bavt' an outside shot pf reaching the CIF playoffs. But the likelihood of that occurring was as good as Joan Rivers someday becoming a sex goddess. Jn other words. it wasn't goine to happen. So the two sides engaged ID a "Let's Get Tb is Over With" affair and the result was a 27-0 Fountain Valley victory before an estimated crowd of 2,500 at Huntington Beach H igh. For the record. the Barons finished with a 2-3 league mark, 4-6 overall. The Oilen were l-4 and 3-7. The books will aJso show the Barons faiJed to make tbe playoffs for the first time in 11 yean , while the Oilers will be skipping post-season activity for the second year in a row. No wonder the two coaches were so glum afterward. "We'll play aood football and play aood football and then something goes wrong. It1s been that way aJI year for us,•• summed up Oiler bead coach Georae Pascoe. "Last week (against Ocean View) we~ playing forC IF (playoffs). Tonight we were playing for nothing. .. . "Every time a season ends (like this) you think about What-Miaht· Have-Been ... you aJways want to be practicing on ThanbsiVJng." "It'll be suuae .. aar"Ced Baron bead coach Mike Milner rcpr<!ing the eajoyment of a ThanksgiVJng Day at the dinner table instead of a football field. "for the fint time in 12, 13 ycan I auess I'll be aoina home." Rams activate Mike Gum.an .. The Rams activated runnil\I back Mike Guman, and placed auard Duval Love on the irtjured reserve Ii.at, a 1polccsman for the National Football t.eaauc team said Friday. Oumao. 6-2 and 218 pounds. had been sidelined with a knee injury since the KCC>nd week of the tc.aMn, said Rama apokcslhan Soo1t Jones. Ouman is in his 1i1th seaton with the_ Rama, the only professional team for which M•a Dlayed. Lo~ 6-3 and 263 j)Ouods. suffcri ftoom a~ nerve ln his nect. The rookie UCLA, who alto stamd at Fouot.ain Valley Hip , has 1een limited ICticm u a b.ct--Qp o&mtvt lineman for I.be Rams.. At least with the way the Barons ended their seaso n. Milner should be able to stomach his food. With seniors John Peart and Jim Bloomer splittjng quarterback duties. Fountain Valley displayed its best offense an a month. Pean. who completed 11 of 15 passes for 142 yards. got the Barons on the scorebOard first when he connected with tight end Glen Gordon on a I(). · yard aerial in the first Quarter. Bloomer, who was 4 for 4 throogh the a ir for 51 yards, ran for tfie Barons' second TD (from a yard out) and tossed a I 5-yard pass to Dennis Arey: who caught eight passes total ( 151 yards),•for another. Seldom-used senior running back Shaun Wihongi closed out the scoring when he reached the end zone from a yard out w1tk less Utan one m1Dute left in the final quarter. Huntington Beach's highlights weren't as plentiful, althou&}1 the Oiler band was abfe to d1s{>lay Its new uniforms. while five 1Ddiv1duals dressed in water polo garb were able to streak the half\1me fest1 vit1es. The football team. meanwhile. was able to generate only 152 yards tn total offense. "We went into the gamt' . . we didn't know what we were going to do," conceded Milner. "The final score could have very possibly gone the other way I'm JUSt pleased we ended the season playing a fine football gamt'. "I guess at times h ke these there are a lot of What-Might-Have-Beens. but hindsight is great. Going into the season our expectations were high. We JUSt never figured we'd have the type of season we dad." Huntington Beach felt the same way. That's why the whole evening was so awkward. * FOUftt91n VWlfrY 'U, H~ ... di 0 Seen w ~""" Fovn1eln Valley 6 15 0 t-11 Hunllneron 8NCll 0 0 0 0-0 FV-Goroon 10 PHI lrom Peer1 (kklt talleO) FV-il~ I run <Goroon Deu from PtarlJ FV-Aray IS e>eu from lllOomer (RO<lrlovet klCk ) FV-W1"°"1JI I rvn (kick lelleol ,f\fl4lllOI~ 2.SOO Cn llmareo) GAME STATISTICS FV F irSI oownl 17 RulllH ·veroaoe 39·130 Penlno varoeoe 193 Paulno IS· 19-1 Punh l·ll Fvmbles·fuml>les loSI 1-0 ~•lllU·YUOS oenallreo 3·1S INOIVIOUAL RUSHING H8 10 16· llS J1 3· 1S·2 2-32 1-1 l ·SI FV-Pean. l·for·mln1n I, Rtlcnen 1•·66 Vre b. S·IS, TeulGl'ler, l·S, Wlh<>n9l, 1-36. Artv 1·1 Bloomer, 2·1of·mlnv1 J, Aguirre, l ·S H&-NePOll, 3·2, Sklnne<, •·20, eqlolt, I 1·SI. Ron 1·35 INOIVIOUAL ,.U5'NG FV--f>N rl, 11-IS·I, 142, 8toom.r •-4·0 SI H8-fol1POll. J-12·2, 37, Provorse. 0-2·0 0 INOtVIOUAL 1l11CIMNG FV-GofOOfl, •·24, Arey, 1· IS7 NOVV9" 2· 11, Relctlef'I 1-1 Hll-Peonenetli. 1·14. li1:tload1 1·19, Pt.rove ,., * UnlWnnV 21, WMdbf1dlie 21 Sc-. lrY °'*1wl WOOOl)(IOM 14 1 0 0-71 Unl¥en llv l 1 1 0-11 wooo-Townwna 1 run (Stnllll 'OClll • Woo<>-Eveo lO DH S lrOtT'I Jverez fSmll~ .. ic .. , Unt-'84111e 70 run f Ferr to "Ck I w ooo-Jveru 1 rUI! (Smith loci< Unl-Howero 2 rvn (Ferrttt ltl(' Unf-Sllbel',...n I run ( Ferrtll ''" ""~'"'' J 000 !est•mateo G~ STATISTICS WMcl Flrsl OOwns XI li1:vs,,.s·varoe11e ~· 2'9• Peulno veroeoe 10'1 Peulno 9 11 1 Punt\ I 29 Fumot.s·lumDlu IOst 1 0 Penemn ·varos oena111eo 11·96 INOtVIOVAL RUSHING """ 12 14· 1S2 68 8 1&·0 7·36 1 I ~·1(1 WooO-Townsend 34·131 Juertl •· 19 Armll•O'IQ 4· It CMnwtlf 1 11 Jones ) 1 Evers, 1·6 Unf-8•11e 17·1S. Jacoos J I Howaro l 1 Sflbe<rnan 3·1or·mlnus 11 INOtVIOUAL "ASSING wooo-Juarez 9· 12· I 109 Unf-S•lbel'men. 1-16-0 61 INOfVlOUAL RECEIVING wooo-Town-4-31 Ever\ 2 39 &arw mlan 1-26, Ferll9, 1·1 Von<, I S Uni-Alton 4-<&I 8etlfl 3· 19 8alltr 1 ·I WftlmfMter 21 IS 4 ~ Wm-Gulley I I run (WM....-lllcl<I wm--0t11er 6 o." from Gulley (WH....- 'lctd Wm"-Osllff )() O.H fr'om G.,,.... CW...,., >.IGl<l W~arrlf'l910ft 1' !MIU lrom G.lllav WH Y9< •IC" Wm--Ottlet' 1 Den from G.,,..,. CAuslln to Sm11ri1 W,,.,_SmltPI rKOYt rt<I fumlll9 '" -IO"e i<ICI< l•li.d) OV-()tlm 37 r1Jn l &.rlr•m lo.iCk J -'"t,,.,.llCt S lOO ltslimateOJ GAME STATISTICS OV ~,r-,1 do...-n1 • ftu,ne\·varoeoe 27 '3 PH \•r\O 11•r0toe I S Pau1ng o· 16·0 Punt\ i -11 Fu mlll9l ·tuml>les IO\t 3·3 Penaltltt·veros oene111eo 2·JCI INOIVIOUAL lltUSHING Wm 13 36·1~ 151 9· 1l ·O 1 20 I 0 &•40 OV~m I·!.' S1uoa 1·17 &ea.-l·S. Oe rHllQ l·•or mlnvl·S loaf98rv l•·fo<- "'"''"·4 Wm-Gulle v S·JS S1'4!ttev 1·3S Solltv S·1'1. Ptrtn 1·12 Smllll S· 10 Dicll lOn S· 10 .t.vstln l-10 Cover 4·1 INOtVIOUAL "ASSO•G Ov-4oaroar.. 6· lo O IS Wm-<>ulltv 9 IJ 0 ISi INOtVIOUAL lltlECEIVING 0V-8owen. 3 ,. NlflnOOt'I 1 )6 "'" Hemelr•cll , 10 W.........--Osttf'r • S2 Salda na 1 JI M4!ri1MJ I •2 r:an •noton 1 1' Kon•oes I 12 SEA KINGS SHOCK HARBOR, 15-14 • • • From Bl into the oppos1t1on to crash into the first touchdown. with Warner going end zone. the final \ard over the left side •Secondly. 1t took the high-pow· Greco ·toC'd the P.!\ T and Cor-0na cred Sailors JUSt sax plays and 88 v.-as back 10 ll at I 4-, v.1th .i 0., left in seconds to march 60 yards to 1he tht' thtrd quarter. CdM 5-rard hne. where 1t was second Harbor tned to ansv.er hut ~1n m and goa . third pla~ Mike Mc('allum inter· Two pass attempts failed. and the ccpted and the Sea Krngs werr haC'~ 1n Sailors went to Sterling Cobert~ for a busint'SS. uslDg 7·58 of the dod , tn 22·)'1lfd field goal attempt dn\'ing 61 ~ards to the ...;H 1-l hclore Coberly has 15 field goals to has Steve Recd intercepted to get Harbor credit for the Tars in less than two the ball again years with the varsity, but his attempt But onl\ mo ment> later 8111 was wide to the left' wlth 54 $CC'Ond~ Artukov1ch.antercepted leach drfcn\(' rcm~ming. and all the Sea J(jngs had came up v.1th thrtt thcflsl and to do was drop on the ball to run out Corona had regained pos~<,<,1on at tht' clock. the Harbor 26 "Can vou believe 1t?" asked t\ thtrd--Oo·wn. IO.~ ard P3"'" t\1 Holland :.You know. you Sta)' with Chns F~undt to thr ~H IO ~ept th<' it. stay within range. and 1l c,an be dnve alive. Warner hurn IN tnur done." yards. Turner was held to three \arth The Sea Kmgs went into the game 1 on two attempt\, tht'n the Sea Kantt' with one obJcctive -10 sta) v.1th1n went for the loll range b) keeping the b:ill for as much t\lthou&h the) trailed 141 at hall time as possible. hmalm,g Newport t1m t' the Sea Kings had held the hall quant'rback Shane Foley and his for 14:39 of the first 24 ma nut~. and corp of standout rcaivcl"5 to a when at was over the number\ ..,tr<' minimum of chancn. 30:38 to 17:42 for the wtnnen 1n Folc) found Martt C'raia for a ~ tcnns of posses ion yard touchdown pass in the fi"t For a whale tt appeared Harb<'lr quarter. but what appeared to be a maaht run awa)' and htdc -as tht cera1n last-second touchdown ~ Sailors drove 76 yards m ~vc-n pla ' was dropped and another field 1oal the first time they had their hands on attempt milfirtd. tht' baJI. So it was 7-0 at the half. "I told our Foley. ~ho 6nuhcd the nta}\t b\ luds we had 'mt by the (bleep) we're compkuna 16 of 26 for ll 3 yard!. close If wt tay clOIC we can pu1 'cm wrnt to .\ndy Sh~ from JS yuds a~"ly:· out -but the appattnt touchdown And pt.11 them 1tr1'ay !M Sea K.!np ~ay was nulhfitd by a penalty for an dJd -Turner and Wamcr alternately 11lcpl ~•vn-downflckS. sho"ed it down \be Sanon' coJl«tJvc No problem, the Sailors JUS\ hoed ckftn11~e\hroat.1&nerfirs.tallo1t11ns• up five yards dttpcr and Fok) went 71-yard Hltt>ot dnve. culmanaled b)< to Mart Crall ....,th a ptctu~pus for Foley's 6-yard pus to Kevin the te04"t. McOell&nd. 8 ut on thc1r nut po$1iCUton, the C'orona used 4:09 of iHayma tune in S&iJon were intercepted by Gary marchina 7S yards 10 12 p&ays for its Blowitt to ull ttunp. and F<*l'.,.. .. the reop1e{lt ot a rare sack on the next senes (b~ McLaughlin). T hen she fa11C'd field goal. later to be forttd to punt. then a fumble (rtto,crcd by Corona's o\nukov1ch) and finall) the dropped pas~ in the end zone with no t1mt' left Harbor dro' e for 1ts second touch- down at the outset of the 5"Cond half. hut the Sea Kings were. sull wi1hin ran$e. and the' rec;ponded 11.1th the basics -wnh di'<' playc;, counters. traps and dra11.<, a'> Mclbon l.ept pulling the stnntt~ "I was reall\ surpnsed." continued Holland "Our lane realh dominated tht'1rhnc But our defen~d1d at Dick Frtcman. m' defcns1,e coordinator. l1m '-onh and Rem1e TeTT), theyd1d 11 "It''> a great 11.a\ to ~tan ne'lt \'car ,,j) .. • CereN dlt Mat IS, Ne•oerf ..._., 14 Nt w-• ~ertlelt 1 0 1 C>-1• C:ll"one oe< M41r 0 0 1 t-1~ N-"" Craig .0 ""' trot" FO!ev ICOOel'IV •tC' N~Clellano • Dell lfom FCNav !C~ l.iClo.I t oM--Wam. I ,..,,. C'.•eco • ~I CGM-(;rec:o 3 MO lf'Om Malbofl (~ MU t'O T,,_ .. .,~ l ,100 ~"llma..-0 •AMI ST A TISTIC' "" ~ " ..... .. .. ,., , M• 1-t ~- .1 1 I I II I ' Or9nQ8 COMt OAJL Y PILOT I Saturday. November 18, 1985 ------- FoR TH £ RE coRo NPL MAtlONAt.. ClOMl'OlaNC9 WMt w L T ~ ,. .. l'A --I , 0 IOO 210 151 Sell If r enchco 5 5 0 500 2 ... , ... Ntw°""111 ) 1 0 JOO 176 2'2 Aftanle 1 ' 0 100 ,. ,.,,. c:.r.. Ollcaoo IO 0 0 1.000 27' • 121 Ml~le s s 0 .soo tOO 107 O.lroff s 5 0 JOO in no Or.-n .. v 4 ' 0 400 1" 2lJ Tlll'\H a.v I 9 0 100 200 272 Calf o. .. , 1 > 0 700 220 ls.l NYGllnls 1 l 0 100 n 1 110 l"nlladtlllflil 5 s 0 soo 1St "' WallllnolOll s s 0 SOO 1'5 .. , 51. Lou!• 4 ' 0 400 116 m M\IRtCAN CONl'•R•NC• w ... C>tllv" 1 , 0 .100 236 197 S..ttla • 4 0 .600 241 10S llai.n t } 0 .600 %)0. m. SenOleoo 0 .SOO HO 265 KMIMaCllv 3 1 0 .300 '" 240 c.trw Cincinnati 5 s 0 500?17 -PlltaM9h s s 0 jOQ 219 111 ' ~lavalan<I 4 ' 0 400 160 15' HoullOll • ' 0 400 1'2 205 .... N-Eft911n<I 7 > 0 700 201 171 NY Jell 7 > 0 700 n s 15' Miami • 4 0 600141 211 lndlaNooll• 3 1 0 .300 117 231 lluHeto 2 • 0 100 '" 216 ~Y's 0.,.,. 10 • m I llamJ el Alla nla (Cl\enntl 1 11 Clnclnnall et Ralcl9n' BuHalO a r c 1e .... 1enc1 Cllboo a l 01.llu TamPI Blv 1 1 Haw York Jet1 Miami 1 I ln<lllll1001l1 New Ori.an' v•. Grfftl Bn at Mii w11ukH Plll•l>W'oh 11 HouSlon Plllllo.!Phla a t St Louil Siii Dll9o ti Oanver <Cnannal • et 1 Pm.I Ml-.011 at Detroit N._ Enoltncl 11 S..llte 1C1r111s Cllv 11 ~n Fr111CIK0 MtfldaV's a- New Vork Glen" •• WHhlnQIOll (Chi n· M l 7 el 6 P.m.) Oddi N .. L SuMleV'a 0- ltama 61'2 OVllf' •Atlenla •Rai.n 6 over Clnclnnetl •GrMn Bav 7 over N.., O<lea n1 ·c 11vtt11n(I 1 ~ Buffato Clliul>O e l •Oallal IVIJl1 •st Louil IY> over PN~<a PlllJOurotl 3 over ·H~ton 'New York Jell 9 0V41f Tampa 8 1Y Miam i 1 ovlf •tnc1'-"aclol1.i •Saft Fra llCIK:O 13 OVllf' K•n•H CllV ·s11111e JV> over New eno11nc1 ·o~var 41.., over S.n oi.oo •o.1rol1 3 ovw Mlnnnola M9i*Y'• Game •w 1"'1no1on t ovw N.., Vor1< GI•"'' COLLaGI T .. JO I •Penn State l'n over Noire Dame 1 'Nt0r1Jk1 22 over K1nM1 J •onlo Stal• 21 over Wisconsin 4. Air Force 1\h under •&vu S Iowa 10 over •Purdue 6 M11ml, Fie .• It Idle 7 'Okll~ 17 over CowedO I Mlcll!Nn 10 over • M11111M011 9 A11t1nsu 1'"1 over 'Taul A&M 10 Oklel"IOma Sratt 21 over 'Mla100r1 11 'Florida 17 ov.,. Kanluc;l(y I 2 •GeOfole 1 v, over Aul>vr" 13 'UCLA 201"2 over 0.tQOR Stele 14. Aut>urn IV> undar 'Gaorol• 15 'FIOrlOe Slate "" Wnt Caroline, no ~ 16 •evu 1..., over Air FMce 17 •B1vlor 23 over RIGt It "Tt/lllHSH IS ovar Mlu ln"'91 1• 't..$U ~1h over Mlu lu iPOI Sla lt 20 • Ai.t>amt 13 over Soulnern Mtu tt •l1>1>I 'cMnolfl 11e>m1 tum l"ram Ha"all't It-5-'i .... NftL LOGS Rams (1·1) ~ Denver It 11 Pllli.oete>11le 6 l S S..llte 14 17 At11n11 6 t3 Mlnnu ota 10 JI Tam pa Bev '1 It. KtrlU I City 0 14 San Frand•co tt tt ~w 0<1 .. ,., 10 19 New YMll Glenn 24 Nov 11 -11 Allente, 10 e m Nov 24 -Grffll &av. I 1> m Dae 1 -ar New Ot'lean,, 10 • m Dec 9 -el Sin FrenclKO, II om DK IS -S• LOOll , I om Dae 23 -R eloar1 6 o m ll•IW's 16·0 31 New York Jel' O 20 KanH l Cltv 36 10 San Fr1nclK o l4 JS New EnGlano 10 19 KanHI COy 10 23 New O<ltens I) 2 I Ci.v.ta no 10 l' Sin Diego 21 3 Seallte ll ~ San Dleoo .O Nov 11 -C1nc1nn•I p..., NPv 14 -D1<1vtr 1 om Dae l -et Alle nte 1 o rr Dec f -al D..ivtt I Pm Dae 1S -S.allle, I om DK 21 -a t Reml 6 om " All '"'"' Pec1•1c Col..-fooftMll KMdlM TODA Y'S GAMES WMf OrtOOll Stale al UCLA USC et Wt llllnglOll Frt1no Slllt et L.ono Beactl St•tt n Tuu·EI PH O al San 0'-oo Slete n Morltt n• Sl"llt 11 Wn11tnoton Slate Ce t Lutneren 11 Aruw Pacific Pomone-Pllztt 11 Radlen(l1, n Le llt rna at Wlllllltr. n U S•" Oleoo at SI Marv's Occ1<1en111 a l Cleremonl·Mudd Ce l S•aie Nor1t1rldoe at Slc.ramen10 S• Montana et EHtarn Waltllno•on ltadrla\ Cal State Fulllftort a l NorlM!rn Ar IO"a Air Force 11 B 'l'U Oreoon •' Ar1zons . n S11nford el Arl1on1 SIAIP 11 Cal POiy !SLOI at l!lolw State Ntv•d•·Las V'9H I I Ntv•d•-~•"o Wvomlng 11 New Ml•iCO. n West Tuu s r111t 11 Ne .... Mt ,><o \let• Ulall el ColMadO St11e Wtoar State at IOeno S1e111 n S.Ulll Southern Min lu loot 111 Ataoama Marvlano 41 Ct.mlo" NOfll'I Caroline Slllt ti Oullt KtntuClr.v el Ftorloa W11t ... n Caroline •I FIQ<'•d• S•11• II Aut>urn •• GtofOI• Mlu lu lool 11 Ten~n .. Wekt ForH I ., Gtoro1e ftc" Navy el Soult! Car011ne Norlll Carollne a t Virolntft MIU IO l01>I Stett et LSU, 11 llirolnfe Ttch at vano.r1>111 Tulw 11 Eu r Cer0t1n1 ltlctlll'IOllCI at >Nllllem &. Marv Norlll Te.cat ~ltt• el NE t..OUtlllne 11 NW l.oul•ltna at SE LOUlll1"9 n M(NffM Slllt ti SW Lou111ena n VMI al Ttf'nallff·Cnettenoooa " Mldwnt Wl•C0111i11 et Ollto Sl1tt IOWt ., ,,\lrdUI 1Chen11.i ' •' 12 lO lndl1N 11 IHlnol1 ~lllWHlll'rl ti Mlcfllot" Siiia Mlcll~ at Mtnnawtt !Cn1 n11t1 1l at 9.lO a m I IOwe $1•1• at Ka11sat \l•t• Olllt~ Stal• at Mln our 1 KenMt a) NW &lkt Ohio U al Norlllf!'n 1111no1, 5outl'!tl'n l"lfl011 ti Wl \ltfn l"lr>011 Canlral MlctllOlll II 81" Stett lndlen"I Stele II Ill ftOlt State Wetlatn IOUCNoen " 1(1111 Stat" TOiedo 11 llowllno ~~ Mia mi 0 11 E at'-"' M KlhOlll 11 ,..,........, Ar1r.anNt al To11 •~M Illa et .. .,,tor TeUt TKll 11 IMU TCO at Taxu (elw_., et Oflle!IOl'NI ~Teel! e l Tt aH Aril,,.IOfl 1 ... Notre Dama at PWW1 Matt 1(11e_. 1 et fHOJ aotton COl!e9e el SvrlC\IM TlfNlll al w .. 1 W.lnfa ~' state a1 Atmv LaN9'I •• ~,.,.. Columlll1 11 C0tMll Brown 11 0 1rtmovt" P9llll 11 H1rverd lottOtl U a l Holv Crou Ml-tMIC'r.iMff• al M.., HafT\ftlllra VIit al l"rlncalofl COMldlc:ul 11 Rr.oo. l•leno ColOlll al Ru~ Cemmunttv ae.te TONIO"M GAM9$ l"K·' c:..r-. Goio.n W.tl al El Clltnlno P1~ al Bllllrln.IO, I )0 Ml * Anlonlo 11 F~IQn L.OllG lffch a l ~rll04 MIHMC.0 .... ..- 0rl"" Cotti al Cltru• Sa~ ., lt11'CN> S.1111100 Rlvtratot 11 P1!omar, 1 :lO Sar1 OllOO ~ ... ar San OllOO C11v """'*" cal CM!fw9Mt LA Pi.,ca al w.,, I.A I LA South-" al I.A lla .. v I.A Harbor ., Eu r \.A WM..,,. Sta .. C~a Sallta Barbara 11 Rio Hondo. 1 JO S.nra Monica al Mooroar~. 1 lO Corno1on 11 Gl«ldlle, l:JO Vant~• 11 Hancock ...... ,..,..,,_. lrnparlal Vellev 11 AnttlOO. llallev. 4 San Bern¥dlno \lalltv al Mt San .llcin1o. 1 0.Mrl 11 Grou tnonr AM gemel 1.lO uni..s not.o tOGH SCHOOL S.,. Vlew L .. t'IM .... Wj)O(I HerOOt SaOOltOICk WoodOrldQe keoun• BHctl Esiancle CorON oel MAr Cosla~ Ur1lvanl1v , ..... ) 1....-. W L l 6 I 0 6 I 0 4 2 I 3 ' 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 • 1 FMOIV'l Sc-. 0..-11 W LT • 2 0 9 I 0 6 3 I l 1 0 s s 0 4 " 0 l 1 0 I I 1 Corona de! ,,,..r IS. NIWDOl'I Haroor 14 E•le11ela ~. Co.ia Mna 1 Unlversllv 21, Woodt>rlOQt 11 Sunset L .. tut (!NI I Lla9UI W LT Eal.on • I 0 Marina • 1 0 Wttlmlnll8' l 2 0 Fountain V•lln 1 l O Octtn \/law 1 4 O Munllnoton BHC:,, I • 0 l"r1cllv'S S<W•l Ovwail W LT • 2 0 6 ) I 6 •4 0 • 6 0 2 • 0 ) 1 0 Founlatn Vettev 11, Hunt1no1on B11c11 O Wes1m1n"" '2, Ocet n View 7 Sou1tl Coest LH.,ue (Anal) LMllVt W L T El T~ro S I 0 Ceol11rano \letltv 4 I ) Min ion Vltto 4 I I 01111 Hl"s 4 1 0 Irvine 7 0 San C1tme111t 1 0 Laouna Hll~ o 6 o l"rlday's S<WH El Toro 29, S.n Clem4tnl• 14 Ov.,. .. W LT 1 3 0 I I I I I I • • 0 6 4 0 l 1 I 0 10 0 D•na Hllll 31. Laoune Hiiis O C11ol1tr1no Valley 38, El Camino lteat 0 <non·ieaoutl · AneetUJ Laa_,. (llMI) Blsnoc> Amel Maler Del S.rvllt SI Paul Blllle>C> Moflroomerv Piu1 X LMIUI W L T s 0 0 ' 1 0 l 2 0 1 3 0 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 Fr1deV'1 ~H Blsnoo Amat 1t, St Paul 23 Ov9"11 W LT 10 0 0 7 3 0 • 2 0 1 J 0 J s 0 • s 0 Blsnoo Montoomerv el Plul )( 1no1 evell10lt l l"llUDAY'S OTHER SCORES Genlvrv Laatue Et Modena 49. Canvon 27 Sanlt An• 29 VI~• Park IS Tutlln 1t, Slnte Ana Vettev 1 fimciirt LM-Peclflca 45 ICennedv o LOI Al•ITlllOI 24, El Ooreoo 11 l"rMwav Lfftua T rov lS. Bt.1"11 Perk O ~· 21. Fullerton 0 LA Hl l>f't 20, Sunny HIM\ 0 GarcMft Gfwva LM-LO• Amll>QI 75, S.111111>() 1 Onnee Laatue \lalancle 34. Anetlelm 6 West1tr11 29 Bn~a ·Otlndtt 76 TONIGHT'S GAMES 17~) Garden Grov• Leeeua 8otw Grande v1 ~ancno Alemllol 1 .. 1 l!lolM GrencM l Le Quinta 41 Garo." Grovf 0rt"9t LM-Stvenne v1 ~noUe lal La PalJT\4 Perk.) Wemen's Y09e'lbal COLL.EGE Nllfl·~• UC. tr•,,,. Of-I Norther" Arizona 15·9 IS l IS·9 COMMUNITY COLLEGE S.UW. Coast c.tflftr.nce Golden Wo t oaf C.voreu, 1~ I, IS·&, IS·S O<enot COU I Oei Cerrito\ IS·IO •·IS 10-IS, 15·10 1~9 S.CIClltl>ACk def RenchO Santiago, IS 9 IS 10 IS·l2 HIGH SCH04>L CIF ,,.Vath TODA Y'S l"INALS (t i Mlrlna Hltfl) 9 lO • '" -Sma ll !>CllOOI\ FltntrldOt ~Crtd H .. rl VI Br8'11WOO<l 11 JO a m -l·A Sout~ern C1Ulorn1e Cr.rt1ll1n v1 L..A Baollll I)() I> m -2·A NO<'Ol\Off Vl Maonotl• l )() om -l A Rtm Of 11\41 World v1 La Heon 6.JO 1> m -•·A Marll>Orouot\ v\ Notrf Deme Aceoamv 1:30 I> m -S A Mira CO,ln V\ NtwPQ<I Harbor o... ... ~ HIW~T LAHOING -11 •llOi.<\ 106 'cutpln I <•llco !HU I rcx ~ ll1h. 109 rn1c1<er11 DAVIY'S LOCkElt I H••-1 &MUI) -20 eno•lf' 1S oontto 61 veoow1111 3 I roc11. COO 4' ban SO m1tktft1 ~ roclr.llsn OAHA WHAltl" -'4 •nolt t1 ll t>eu 1k •oelllllf\ 71 l'l'\t(k8'~ I '""°'"-ed I mlKttllntOu\ Thi• ..... ,"'*" p&ant1 LOS ANG.LIES -Law Lakn Plru CrM• (Frenc11men' Flat) P\Jddl"O''°'"' L•kt lttV•RSIDI C.nu1111 l.tll.t Pttr \ Ll~e. SktM tf L.ekt SAN llRNAllOINO -C..ct mon91 C:.Vetll Par• Lake. Gtell H.itll Part.. L•I\• Mo1 .... Nerrow1 Parll Lakt VIENTURA Plru Le•t 1taRN' Ktf'n River !Bor•ll Po-w..- 1\0Ull 10 o.rnocret Dam ano ICIU Power l\OUM to L.akl IH l>tlla) TULARa -Ktrll lt"'9<' I elrvMtw Ot m 10 I(•) "°werl'louM encl JOf>MOndalt Br!OQt 10 l'alrtr._w Dam) ,...,, l«Cllt COMMUNITY COY.IOI '-"' C.t.' Cceilluwww G-.... Wftl J, S 2 P 0 rS 1 GOiden WMI Koritlo ......._ I w....,,. Mee.er C<>MMVHfTY cou..ao• Or..,...C.tt t. ........... Or'"-' C ., 1 \.Wf k!O C'a'flto'I I I r au L.. Aa.mttM .. RIDAY'S R•WLTS 1 lOlll .. ff·llltM 11111,...._,.. fMMWle) l"IRST RAC•. JW v1rd• Ola Vl•lon tMllCllfff) 2 to CarOI• C,..ro.r tMA•fltlOI CllH To Pan IH¥!) Time 11 '3 U aJtACTA 14·41 paid 11.0 HCOND RAC•. >SO yarch l.l lMI.,.!_ c~ (Rull) ~20 TH Oii ~II (01dl(lci<H ll) Ptrllcl Tr1d1ll011 !Mv .. a) Time 17 tO n Ix.ACTA !3·11 oald a2060 THIRD RAC•. 3SO vard• t 40 210 )40 220 2 40 Jd lt~v 8 u1lnn1 (Hrm11I ll.00 16 20 Chll\'\NCIM Pav Dev (Orcki.11) • 40 Miu Pollcv l1r1 (Cu1111lnQ11am) 140 '60 HO TIMt 1837 • ., •xACTA <• 2) pa id '3S2 '° .. OUllTH llAC•. 400 yard• Luckv Helt <llardl 6.40 Rhvllln'I Jel Hank (CrN l>lf'I scaJ• Cllbber ce GarcleL Trnle 2023 ... Fn4 RAC•. 3~ vard• Eaw Tfl1 (Hart> 11 20 OulCH h•m (PllkanlOll) I Like Cuh (P111llnal Time. 1717 S2 UlACTA (S-2) PllO Ml 00 SIXTH llACE. S~ verd1 Trevtlll\.'SllOw (L.ckavl 4.60 ~Int Or Sinner !H Garcia> AIH cadaro (Brook1I Time. 21.'6. 4 00 uo UO 2 IO ) 20 1.20 4 00 4.20 3.00 $.40 3 00 l.20 uo 340 0 0 S2 IXACTA It• I) Paid $19 20. SEVENTH llACI . 110 v11d1 Go On HOime !8r00111I 4 20 HO 2"0 Hou.a A.c>e <Pautlnal s 20 S.00 s111wl1ff sun !Bardl 6.00 Time 6601 S2 fiXACTA ()·SI 0110 S2S.20 EIGHTH RACE. 400 verd1. Corneille IMllcheHl 17 00 I 20 1.60 Hot Du ll IPllken1onl 1.00 I 60 SklOO Tu (Noo1.1ezl 1.00 Time. 20 05 n EXACT A (7·21 Oeld '119 60 NINTH RACI. l~ ye rd1 Bru en Brllclll'I !Hart> S.00 2 IO 2.IO Lit• SMes (Pllklnlon) 3 20 2.60 Trutv Hl.HT\Oll (Bard ) l 40 Time 171S. J2 PICI( SIX (9·S·6·3+3 or 9l paid M,33 I 40 to ttlr" wl1111lng llC11el1 ( 1IK 110r.a1l 12 Pleil Six cortM>lallon Plld I 161AO to IO w1n111no llcl!.tll (llv• "°""I SI l"ICI( NINIE l4 or S·3·9-9-S·t,.3·7·3 or II paid I 123 JO 10 II winning 11c1r.e11 (Mvan llOf'lfl) Cerrvov4tf oocw. s53, lk .S9 TENTH ltAC•. 810 nrd_t. Retie• Acllon !Cnohml 13 00 6.~ 3.20 Current Ev•nl (~141f) 6 00 • 60 Fttx Klno (Edwaro1I 1' 20 Time. 666' • ., EXACT A (6·2) P•ld WO '° • U DAILY OOV8LE (3·61 oald ~ 60 Allendantt ' S.4'0 HolYWMd Pan flltlDAY'S R•SULTS (3rd of lO·dtV --IU9Nllld ,,_.....) l"IR.ST ltAC•. 6 tunonos Dear Effie <Mere l • 20 3 00 2.60 Fri.oci1v Laadlf (Sll>Ule) 3 IO ?IO Na lfve Quack (KH nell 3.20 Time· 1.10 31 S SECOND ltACL Ona mile Can(ly Cooo !Lozoya ) 181 20 6J 00 23.20 Lova 10 Welch <K11111tll 40 40 19,00 Neuml•'• Gtrl (Soll1) 3 ~ Time· 1.3' 315 S2 DAIL. Y OOVIU (6· 10) oeld '332 20 THIRD llACE.. 6 lurlOnol. 1Cere1 Caper (l(aefllll 11 IO IM Al>lt Too !Sll>lllel Remember Mv Fetller (Plncav) Time. l 11 2/S 460 •OO 260 u o 4.20 SS EXACT A ( 12·., otld l9l SO ,OURTH RACI. Ona mile Frvr Blue Jeen1 (Mera > S 00 • 00 3.IO MaiAad Cl'lat9ef !Soll1) '3 60 16 IO T"80CflliC (0 ... r.ovuevel S.40 Time I 39 l /S U EXACT A ( H l oeld '416 00. Fll"TH RACE. 6 lurlollOl Ou111'1 Love Buo (AlvrJ) )()_to It 20 1 IO Tammv Lu ISr.o.tnaktr) • 40 3 40 Lore of Zorro lBIKk l 1 40 Time 111 2/S SS Ex.ACTA 11·9) oald '36400 SIXTH RACE. One mllt Miami Cove (~11) 4 .0 3 40 2.60 TH Cte'l Lad (Black) S IO 3.60 Onthffmll (SllOtmaktrl l .0 Time· 1:39 2/S lS EXACT A (3·91 011d S-48 00 SEVENTH RACI . l 1116 mllfl on lur1 Cal>flcorn Bella t Sllmkr) S IO l 60 3 IO L•dv De Serort (Plnc.evl S 40 3 40 Oancl"O Dl1e>lav (~HJ S 20 Time 1 41 4/S SS EXACTA <9·S) oeld sn 00 S2 l"ICK SIX (10· 17· 1+ 3 or 10·9) oekl i66.463 .0 to 0t1• wlnnlno 11c11e1 '''" llOnHl '1 Pick Sh• conM>lallon i>alo s 1,149 00 to 38 winning llCket• (five nor.a.I EIGHTH RACE. One mite Le MlmoH (0 1111¥1 ?'l.10 Bel>Y Grace (Harris) Wiid l(lllv (Toro) Time 1.36 1 20 360 4 60 1.IO 140 U UC.ACTA (4·6) oeld S2'9 SO NINTH RACE. Onl mlle Delo.er <Padro11l 7 00 C4Pteln Doul>ll (MIH I Ron i Trouoe< I Bu t ) Time 1·36 3/S U EXACT A (3·1) oelo 173 SO Alltndef\Ce 11,17 I 4 20 400 400 3 40 S60 Kapalua tnteme-.i (et kaflthll, Hawaii Nick Fek!O 69·70-'7--206 Corey Pevln 67·64•7)-206 Mark O'Meere 67·70-7~207 l!ltrl'lllard Lanoar 67·61·12-?07 Gre lllm Mlrln 10-11..,.._?09 Dev~ ltllll 61·61· 15-20f Dan HalldorlQn 67·71·11-210 Howard Cta rk 71·67·12-210 Anclv B .. n 67·61·JS.-210 koll Slm1>1on 70·10·11-211 l•n WOO\N m 69·61·7,._211 Joev Slnc1111r 72·61·1?-711 Georua Burn1 70-74·69-113 Peter Jee~ 71·n·7~713 We vna Gradv 61·74·11-213 Mauv K1.1remo10 69-61·76-113 Jolln MAll1tt.v 61·6'·77-71J Sam Torrance 11·71·7?-114 Garv Ht llt>ero 69·7•·11-11' l.t MY Wldlllll\ 67·12·75'-214 S.llOY I. Ylt 6'· 70-7t-714 Helt lrwln 1l·n ·6t-2U R09W Mal11>41 11·14·71>-?15 D A Welt>r"'9 n -6'·7>-21,. 1. .. Trevino ll·7S-7~16 Andy Nor'lh 10-7•·72-?16 Woodv l!li.ctH>•Kn 12·74-71-117 L.arrv Ml1t 70·7•·7i-117 JtfrV Pett 7•·70-7+-111 Ntll FlllCll 12·10-76-llt Tom Kiit 14·f)-n-71t w arr.ri C111ncalfo( 74·7'·7>-11t Jim TllOroe 70-74·7r-21t C>tlll• Wat.c>11 71·74•7,._21' w evne L.•vl 11 ·n ·75-?1t l!lnl Glt UOll 72·7'·7...-nD BIJl'I Crtn•ha• 73·70·77-110 Mtrk "°"'"o 7•·7•·73-nl D111rilt ltOM n ·n ·7So-nS 0 1Yld VIII VP1lotl 11·14·1.-n 6 GordCMI BrellCI J, 7•·11-1s-n1 Bred.,_ 7)· .. ·7t-131 I UOOV l"llllllft 74·1'-11-04 ttencsv Somlll'I lt7·n ·1,,_, .. Au1 ......... °"9t (et M1llt1 PMI l~tll Oort 61 C ,.., Normal' 61 J011o1 ~tlfforo 61 M.io• HMWOOO 61 ltDdMr 01v11 •• <HcYOt $«114111 .. Al\Otfl l'orll>fa nd 69 Tom WeltOl'l 11 I BaQ(•Flncll 11 T ...... CMIMntln l .. ~ ...... , Neoomlellll 01 ..... 1 61·10-UI f~I Nekallml 67 1t-1)t Oavlf Of~ 6f.10-1Jt G.t v I( OC11 71·1<>-i. I OtMr' U.I. laf'9t C.1¥111 ...... ,,.,....,50 Cnlt Sfedlw n -P>-1to ' Na A WHT•RN CON ..... ~ ~ti<* OMllefl W L ~. GI t I fOO • 4 ,., s s ·* s 6 4j5 4 7 ,36.4 I t 100 Mrlwett OMJIM ~Ion I ', 900 Denver 1 2 .nt S.n A~onlo S S .SOO Ute/I ~ • ill 0 1111• 4 • .400 S.~amento 3 ' .m •AST•RN '°"'•aaNC• BotlOll Plllled4t1Phla , NewJ_, .. .,. W"hlllOIOll NewV0t11 Atllllltle OMllafl • 1 5 • • 6 2 1 I I c.ntr9ll DMllM MllWl\lkM 9 4 O.lrolt 7 5 All1nl1 6 S C,......_nd 4 6 Chlcaoo . 4 7 lndltna 2 • . ''*Y'• lcttf'ft I.Hen 127, ai..en ff BOllpn 1'1, Wallllnoton I 14 Atllnl• 1n , o.1ro11 111 MllwlukM 111, Clllcaoo 103 D1Ma1 110, N.., Jerwv 91 Uletl 133, Portlll\d 111 Phoenh• 117. S..llle" T ....... •O- Cllll9ar'I 11 Oanvw Allanla al Naw Vor1o. Pnlla<MIPflll 11 WHl'llnglon B011on al Indiana C1ev•ne1 a l Chlcaoo Oellll 11 Holnton s..1111 11 S.n Antonio Utah et Sac:ramenro Phoenix 11 Golderl Slat• ... .S56 soo m .111 .6'2 .5113 -~ ,400 .~ L.Hen 1'D, oi..r-. t6 ) )lh .. 1 LAK••s <127) -Ramt>I• 3·• 1·2 1, Worthy ... 10 S-7 17, Abdul·JabOlr 4•1 1·1 10, E JoMton 6•9 0-0 12, McGN I · 1S 2·4 1•. GrMll 7· 10 1·2 15, Luc.al 4·1 3·l 11, c-4·6 3·4 11, ICUPC:Nk l -9 2·1 I, LHlll' l ·4 2·2 I, SCI<'-' J·S 1·2 7, Ntvlll 0·2 1·4 2. Toltlt: Sl·t7 24·3' 127. CLl~•ltS (H) -Ceoa S•ll 2·2 12, Wllllt 1·1• 1·2 17, Dollaldson 3·1 4·4 10, Edwards 2· 11 2·7 6, M. JoMIOll 13·23 4·4 JO. BrlCIOlf'nlll 2-12 3·3 7, llanlamln 2·1 l ·4 7, MurPhv 0-3 3·4 3, Tl'lornas I·• 0-0 2, Gordon 1·4 0-0 2. Totals: J7-f'1 22·30 ff ~IW°'*11n Laktrt 3' 32 19 32--121 Cllppen 10 25 21 23-96 Thrff·PC>lnl O<>al-MCCiff. Fouled our-N-R~...-Lakws 66 !E JOhll· 1011 ti. Cl'-' s.l !Caoa 101. A\· .tt l..-t.lkll"I 40 IE JoMton 14), CH°"'' 22 IEOwerO• I ) Tola! fouh-l.a1r.ar1 24, Cllootrs 24. TICM!a~. Allellda-11,3'0. COLLEGE NW Clw1stlan 14, Clw1tt C .... St CHRIST cou.•o• !RV.I (S91 -Surrldoa 13, e..1 7. WMr •• KtlMI 4, Kiii! 6, TllOml>SOfl S .... n 4, ~ 12. r o1el\· n 1s-u Sf NOlt™WaST atRISTlAN (M) -Gii· 1111& 2, Llldl •. Oard9n 2, Slldel 6, OISOft S, McGrew 14, O'HIVllf' 2, NewP«I S, Knox 2, WIHls 23. Gllllft 6, Oelaplaln I, Parham .3. Swari 2. Totals: 32 20-27 tA Halftlme: NW Chrlatlln. 3S·27. Total fouls · Chl'lsl Collaoe lrvlna 22, Horth-I Chrllllan 27 Foullc:l OUI Sut· rldol !CCI), Nlwoorl (NWC), Swell (NWC) w ........ COLL•G• l"CAA UC lrvlM 11, l"Klfk 6 Paclflc 0 l I ,._ 6 UC trvlna 2 1 S 1-10 UC lrvtna K«lllG Cemol>all s. Satvalora 4, Wll•Oll I. COMMUNrTY COLLIEGI SevtMnl Cal T~ (II ll4ilrMM l'tiau) °""' 14, Or....-Clast 11 CllrUI 3 1 S ~14 Oranot COU I l 3 2 >-II Orenoe Cou r M:Wlno. Ktlllr 4, S1twar1 3, Urt 2. Miranda I. Lealhlf'man 1 ~WM! II, Cu.st9 10 GOldtll WHI 0 l 4 ..-11 Cuastt 3 1 1 >-10 Cio4<lell wn1 scorlno Tlchv l , Gr\ll>et' 2, e.ro 1. Jtftri., 1. Cook. 1, Wtdls I Cuatla ICOf'lno· Petarton 6, Blum I. HUO~ I. 811ulleu I, CarlOlano I ~ West IS, Cllnn· 11 GOIOlll Wflt l l l '-IS Cllrut ) 3 4 1-11 Golden Wfll .coring Grl.lbar S, Tlchv 3. Jeftrltt 2. ConlrtrH I, lakeikv '· Wldtl I, BuckleV I, COOk 1 Clrrv• M:Orlno: Herron 4, Cunnlnotlam 3, Pfeiffer 2, L·OIOlllkV I. MIM 1. HIGH SCHOOL Cl, 4·A SemtlMft C... ~ L LtN a..dl WIMll 1 L.ono Beach WlllOll 0 I 3 2 I ~1 Corooa o.t MAr I I 0 4 1 1-t L..11 Wiison scorlllO Swwdloff 3, Blt1bv 1, lnlkMO I, Oarnno 1. Loo. I. COM ICOrlno Storv 2. Harmon 1, Lltilns I, Hervev I. McGtov 1, Kl•rln 1 Goalla ...... ~. WIO/llf ICCIMl. 11; Guvtl· It (W). 6. WMv H•1 10, Nlw-1 ".ntlr I Ntwoort Harbor 0 5 2 1-• Sunnv Hllll I J 2 ,._ 10 N-OOl't Harbor sc.orlllO· McLaren 2, Mihalko 2, Glltord 2, Andfllllan 1. Stewart 1 Sunny Hlllt scorlno. SloPa S, Ctll'I '· Relchlf'I I, S.nlalOO 1. Goalie MVfl: WooOrvtf CNMI. t; Div ISHl. 12 .. NHL CAMPaSL&. COH,•R•Nea SntvtM DMt'9ll w L T .... 0, OA Edmon Ion 11 4 ' 23 ., S1 C.JMrv • 6 2 " 70 60 v~ • • 2 11 n n Wlnlll-1 • 2 1' " IO 0. 3 12 1 7 Sl 15 .....,.. OMllell St. Loult • • ' lS S2 SI Clllcffo 6 ' 1 13 .. 14 Ml"""411• • • a II 57 61 o.troll l • • 10 .. IO TorOlltO I 12 , J JI n WAL.al CON,•••,.C.ll ,.atrtdl OM.- F'tlllldlloN• 13 ' 0 M ,. 42 We'11lllOIOll • 6 2 '° 10 ff M V I lllfldtn 7 s , 16 s.l Sl NY llaneen • • 0 16 61 "' New.Jerwv 6 • 1 1> Sl SI 11'111\0ut tll s • > 13 w .. M1MN DMllilll BotlOll 10 s , n 76 S6 IUftllo 10 s ' 21 .. 47 ~ • 6 I It '7 s• Hertford • 7 0 16 ,. " Montreal 1 1 ' " 0 ., ,,....,.. ~ W"""-'°" J, v ancou'tllf' 3 WIMIMt S, New J«w..-J T ....... ,._ ltln.-.,tfl •I K.._ w....__et ... lon Edmollton al New YOf'll 1"8nden l"fl~ al H.,ttord '"""° •. 't: New Ytftl aneert 11 Mo/llt'MI N.w ...... II Ct!Nrf CMca9e el T~O Ottt'Oit ., NllMeMt• y___,. .. ,, l.OUI• .......,.,..,. T orellllo at luftlllll ..... Y-11 ,......,., at ~111 ldmOlllOll tf Hew \'or"-R8""" Ca•rv 11 WIMI ... ~ .. ,,~ NWll• ......... (et~ ........ , ~ ...... '°''' e.dlw (WMI ~nv) oef MIU L11ch (U.&.I, 6•4, So-> OnkKv o.faull); lve11 Landi (C11CNUoValllll def. JoMn !(rt.fl (U.U , 6-2, 6-1; D1vld Pa .. IU-S.1 clef. JOllklm Nvatrom (Swadtnl. 6-3. 2·6. 1·~: Al'ldllf'' w rvo (Swtodlnl Oat ••INlh l(rhMan (lfldla), 6·1. 1·S.. CAlle9e ..,,,. ........... ,.,, ...... ,... Cet UC !NIM) T'*"RNMI.._. l!lrlln SU111v111 (ArltON SI.I Clef. lltol>«I Mtvton (C•I St•I• Fu411rlon). 6-2. ... 1; Scott Patrldet (U. S.11 D119ol def. Mike Oowlll (UCI). 6-4, .. ,. v ine:. Horca.tlH (L.ono 8lldl SI.) Clef. J-M.,_s (UCI), 6·2, 6·3, Aueulllna Mo<tnO (Pffoet'dlllll Oef. $COii Mil<M (\..1$), 6•2, 6·4; 9rtll GraanwOOCI (UCLA) o.f. Ari ..._Nrldel IUCll, 6•3, •·4; CrtlO M ii• (LSSl def, SftMn Ptmlcl'I (USIUI. 6·•, 7•6i ltObrt Sollefu (USIU) clef. Rick 8 udlh (Lov04a), 6·2, .... , Mal'lln ~tndMU (P) Clef. KIMI tu (UC ~ a.rtllfe), ... 2 .... O; ""1v taM• fASIJ) #.Melli WMI (P), 'l•I;' f"f;- .. 2; CrtlO JOMtoll (Pl def. l(lo 9rectv • (UCSll. 6·2. 7·6; Blrrv '"" (UCO Off. Chrlt Smith (U5Q), 6·2, •-1; ltofXIV WelH (Pl def, Jeff Wood (ASUJ, 7·5, 6·2; David Smith (P) dlf. Alllancfto lt•mot (USO). 1·6, •-o. 6-41 Andy ltoedlOlf' (A.SUI dtf, CrelO EMISOft (UCSB), 6-2, 6-4; David Sl-llf'I (USO! Otf. G<a11t Adami tASUI. 6-4, 7·6; II~ Man SOn Hlno (UCll ... SCOll S/loortllft <Pl. 6·2, 6·1. .. _. ........... ~llven dlf Pelfldet, 6·•. 2·6, •r•; Horca1ll1• dlf Morano. 6 ...... 6-4; Gr..n· wood dlf. Miiier, 6·), 6•0; L.auranclMu clef. Sonlru, •·3, 6·1, Jof\lllOll dlll. aan111, 6·4, 6•1; Waln dlf. Buss, S-7, 6-4, 6·4; Roedle« dlf. Smltl'I, 6·3, H . 7·S. Miln SOn Hine def, Stewart, 6-l, 6·2, ~lltllMdO..-.. O.Ol111·S11W1rt (USO) won bv dlfaull over "'9n·Smlth (L.8SI; 9raCIV·EttlMlll CUCSll) dlf. Suar11·L1rt1011 CUSIUJ. 6·3, •·4: Kero-Wood (ASUI dlf. Kneooar· Butc1111 (L.M), 6·1, 6•2, Warllet'·McCavtv (UNLVI dlf. MAYM>11·Gooctwl11 (ClF), 6-2. 6·2; Laurtftdelu-Jo1V1to11 (P) Oaf. Gunar· Durall! (USIUI. ... 3. 7-S. RC>Mnll~Hkrr (UNLVI dlf Mvers·S.undan (U(I), 6·4, 7·6; llarhlm·Hernandtr !UCll dlf. ""°' ... GrMnwald (UCSB), 6·3, 1·S; Colloca· Sulll111n !ASU) dlf. Mllhe1011•5cflnll1mele< !USO), 6•l , 6·4; Kemollh·Shoer11111 CPI dlf ltot<llOtf'•ACS.ms CASU), 6·4, 6·4; OU/Ill ... Hua (UCSlll oef. 1..-J•nldn (UCll. 6-4. 6-1, Glllttl .. Mllltr (LBl l oef. Sulllveri· Medrano (UNLV), 7·S, 6-0;...9uu·C.01$en tUCll de4. Pamlch·Sonaro (USIU), •·•. 6·3, 6·2: Moreno·Welu <Pl dlf. Horcasll11· F1llll (LBS). 1·S, 6·3; H1r1man·W11dmen (LBS) dlf. CrUCffdo·Ullman (LM), 6·4, S-1, 6·3; Smllh·P1lrklol !USDI def. Brown· Devi• (LMI. 6·2. 6-4, Oowns·Man Son Hlrio CUCll def. McOon.ld·COfon.do (UNL \/), 6· I. •-2 Tillnl RIUllll ~ LJurtlldtlu· Johnto11 o.f. ROMnlhll· Borr, 6·4, '·0; Barl\lm·Hernande1 def. Colloca ·Sulllvan. 6·4, 6·3; Harlman·Weld· min cMI. Morano·Waln , 6·2, 3·6, 6·•; Smllh·Palrklol def. Oowns·Mln Son HlllO, l-6, 6•3, 7·S. Hltl\ lc:Met terta a, '"'-AYO'" •·A (S.-. •--> ltlvanlde Poly 11 car.. del Mer Rio Mela at MlltfM La9uN Hl•a al WllA .... ......,, HarW 11 Wesltellle Mllllll111 11 <AP!slr-V tlllw ltedondO •• Sent• BarMt'• Sante Ana 11 ltOlllne Hiiis FoottllM 11 Palos Vll'dea >·A Mlttw Del t i Loa AllOI w .. ..,. ...... <•••~> The too 2S ~ lor $undlv'I WMhlrn SOO Grand Ntllonel llOdl car "9CI, •llh tvoa of car. QUallfvlnt llmt and IOMd In mph: I. T errv L11>onlt, Chevrolet Monie Carto SS. 1:20.651, 1 lt..931 (new rrack Qualltvlno record, old '-d 1:20.n•. 116.717 w1 In Ncr.tember. ttl:l t>v Oarrllt Waltrip) 2. Tim ltlc:tlmolld. Ponlltc Grand Prl1t, 1:2U'1. llU63 3 Darrllt Waltrip, Chevro1e1 Monie Cerio ss, 1.71. Ill, 116.m . •· Ricky ltudd, Ford Thunderbird, Lll.381, 115.199. S BIH Ellloll, Ford Thunderbird, 111'•5. 11S m ' lloOOY ANlton, BulCJ< Raoar. 1.22. 106, 110 76. 7 Dale EarnNlrdl, Chevrolet Monie C erto SS, 1:12.135, 1103~. I. Herry G1<1t. Chevrolet Monie Carlo ~s. 1:n.27t. 11ul6. 9. KYie Pellv, Ford Thundefblrd, I :22..3' I, 1 I 4.S20. 10. Ron llovcNrd, Buick lt"al, 1:l2.)7t, 11UtS 11 Ci.off Bodine, Chevrolet Monrt C.rto SS. 1:22.AS7. 114.311. 12. L•k• ~. Pontiac Grand Prix, 122.~1. 11026 ll. Nell llOftlllfl, Chevrolel Mont• Carlo SS, 1:22.SU, 114.27'. 14. Jim town, ChaYrOlll Monie C.'10 SS. 1:21.611, 114. 174. 15 Gian Slturtr, C11tvrQ1tt Monie C.rto SS, 1:21106, 11)....,. 16 Jim ltOOln.on, Olcbrnot>lle Culleu, 1·13.»•. 1 ll. I~ 11. Hwlhttl MCGrlH, POllllac Grano Prix, 1:23..3'7, 113.145. 11. Rubin Garcia, C,,....rolat Monie Cerio SS, 1:23.319. 113.122 It. Dave Milrcls, ChevrOlll Monra Clrto SS, l:ZUJI, 113.015. 20. Bol>bv Hlllln Jr , Chavroltl Mo/lie Carlo ss. 1:23Mf. 113.000 21. ltlc!Wd Pettv. Pontiac. Grand Prix, 1:22.521, 112.920. 22. lluddv .. k .... Oldtmoblle, 1:23.6Sl. 112.753. 23. J.D. McOutfle, F'OllllK Orand Prlk, 1:21"3, 112.JOL 24. Gr" Sackt, Buick lt"81, lal,911, 11U02. 2S. Rustv wa-.c., PonllK °'•nd Prix. I :2•. 161, 112..G62. Nole: Tiie resl of Reid 10 M flllacl In llme 1r1111 tOdav IJruins 28-poin,t favorites UCLA welcomes Oregon State: USC visits Washington From AP dl1pakh9 The UCLA Bruin!. thrust to the fore of the Pacifk -10 ConfercnC( football race last weekend. will at· tempt to majntain their control ovc1 the conference's Rose Bowl berth when they go up aga.iqst the Oregon State Beavers today. Kick-off time is I o'clock at the Rose Bowt. In another Pao-10 matchup, the University of Southern California i& at Washinaton. • After Washington and Southern Cal suffered los5es in conferenet games last Saturday, 'UCLA and Arizona State were the only two teams left with one Joss in conferenet standings -everyone else had at least two. Should UCLA and Arizona St.ate finish the season tied for fint place. the Bruins would gain the con- ference's berth in the Rose Bowl by virtue of a 40-1 7 victory over the Sun Devils last month. The I 3th-ranked Bruins. S-1 an conference and 7-1 ·1 o verall, come off a hard-fou&ht 24-19 victory o ver Arizona a weelc ago and arc 28-point favorites over Oregon St.ate. "I know we're going to be heavily favored." UCLA Coach Terry Donahue sajd. "What I'm going to do is do m y best to educate my team. Psychologically, the chemistry is all in Oregon St.ate's-fa.vor; "We went up there in 1978 rank.ed ninth in the country and unbeaten in the Pac-10 and got beat, IS-13. I'm going to draw from lb.at experience." Oregon State is 2-4 irt conference play and 3-6 overall this year. UCLA, which ·defeated the Beavers 26°17, last year, bas wo n eight o? its last nine meetinJS with Oregon St.ate and holds a 24-9-4 edge overall. Fint-year Oregon State Coach Dave Kragthorpe is aware that the Beavers' win over Washington will make it difficult for them to sneak up on anybody. "People k.nowwecan play now," he said. "We· had played weU against Washington State the week before, but that wasn't reflected on the scoreboard. Ever.yooe knows what we're capable of doing now." USC ts strugling, They a.re 3-2 in conference play and 4-4 overall and come off a disappointing 14-6 loss to California last weekend. It was the first time the Trojans had lost to the Golden Bears since 1977. Washington has also been having a difficult time lately. The Huskies, 4-2 in conference play and S-4 overall, have dropped two of their last three games. GWC soccer ties Gauchos, l-; 1 Pat Penner scored a goaJ midway through the ~nd haJ( to gi ve Golden West College a 1-1 tic with Saddleback in South Coast Con- ference soccer action at Saddleback. The Rustlers' conference mark moved to 6-3-2 while their overall record moved to 8-7-6. Golden West entertains Rancho Santiago Tuesday at 3 p.m. in its final game of the season. In a con!Jl'lur\Jty college women's match: · OruJt Coaat %, Baktl'1fltld 8: Dana Carlson scored late in the first half and Monique Brus added a second·half goal to lead the Pirates to the win at home. The victory gave Coast sole pos- session of second place in the South Coast Conference. OCC outshot Bakersfield, 32-3, in dominating play th.roughouL Fund-raiser at Newport A fund-raitcr to benefit the New- port Harbor High track, baseball and wrestlina teams will be held T1tesday evenina at 7 o'clock in the Harbor Auditorium. Two ski films and a fashion show durina the intermission presented by the Newport Ski Company is sched- uled. There is a S3 admjuion charsc with tJckets pre-sold at Newport Harbor and also available at the door the niaht of the event. For funher informatio n. phone· the NcwP<>rt Harbor athletic department at 760-3327 d1trina busincs houn. CCI will host ca~etourney Christ Collqe Irvine will hold its 1«<>nd annual Tban1c11ivin1 bukct· t.11 tournament on Nov. 22-23 at the CCI artnfta.Sium. The Eaa1a will host Lafe Bible Collete, Cal Tech. and Paa.fie Cout Baptist Bible Colll:lc in its tour. nameot whJcb bqin1 at 6 p.m. The championlhip same will be played 11 8 p.m. on Nov. 23. Oottlned coadacm cUaJc Former ten nis pro Bruin Gottfn ed now a coach. will conduct a tennis chn1c at th~ Laauna f!-j 1Juel R~uet Club today ~nnana at noon The chOJ~isopen to the pubhcand will feature an u h1blt19n doubles match with Gottfried tca~ina with USC freshman Luke Jensen ap.inst the to~,..nlctd•collcie team of Rick Leach an.d Tim Pawsa1 from USC Oottfned will also hold a clinic at the Newport Beach Ten~lsOub Monday from 9.30 a.m. to 1 P·!"l; for ~111 and Harbor Club mcmbe1"1. This chn1c will incl ude a doubles exhib111on fcatunng Stan Smith. For 1nform111on (!n the Laguna Niguel chn1c phone 496--466S. Chmplon•blp Dabt at Torum PnncC" Moh•mmcd w1TI' fiJ111 J B W1ll1.tm)(>n for M1ch11el \panic', rcccntl)' 'acatt"d h&ht heavywe1&ht 1!hanip1onsh1p fund11y Oh IO;it The Forum in lnatrwcxx.I Mamah Mohammed (J:?-)-~I. PnrKc ol lht· Daaumba l t1~ uf Cihana .• , r.ankt'd ~11 1 h~ lhl' W8( I le I~ thl' 4.UHCnl \tr11h'\ LrYl\C"l"\l,C'lilll l hamp1on. • W1lham\rH1 f' I 'I) 3 p;i\I '¥\mid "1llH11n champl(ln. '' 1hr l Urrent \truh ' l11~ht-ll\'.i' .. v.e1ght title holder Hl' I\ r.111kcll ~., I O\ 1hr WB(' Both lighter-. .u e 17 rhe under~arJ. \UbJl.'l I 111 \I.lit' \ thil'l tl { omm1~\1on appru~.il. "'111 k .sturl' Oh mp>l allernatc Mu:hael Nunn (X-111 '' t11r111l·1 ')1r oh , m1ddh:1Ne1gh1 •hamp111n li1lh .. r ht ... ill' k uh- er1wn in a I (I-rou nder In .inuthl'f prehminar) litthl "'\Ill h11.h1 hea'}''<l:.l&hl thatns;non Vt 1ll1c L.1~ 1!_1 v.1th 18 knod.oul\I "''II rnt't 1 l >:t~1i1 "'ar. 117·1 I) fdward\1\r,ink1·,1~ .. llh)lh•·"'-K< . while the "lo I~ r.inkctl 'l'J r\ 11111\ rr•• In\\ t:ame ln '11<'h.sd \p111k,· l"'V badetball l~ea Applicauon' arc now being accep1cd for 1he Fountain Valley Rcorea11on Department's 5- man winter basketball leagues f1~krt' lrom S I~ 111 \" 'l•c n .~ "" '>.1k til the f Orum hm, o 0 1lt' .1n.J JI 1IJ I 1, I.I tn .t\h'I ' Rosters. hmlled 10 12 players 18 and older alona w11h a $200 per-team fee will bt ta.ken on ~ first-come, fi rst-serve baSIS at the Recreataon Department, I 0200 Slater Ave. throuni. Fndav Dec 13. 611 •• The leaaue will be d1v1ded into D(Tucsday) C (Monda~) and 8 (Thursday) divisions. All pmes will be played at the Recrea11on Ce nter 16400 Brookhurst. ' Class1fication games begin Monday, Jan. 27. with league play, las11ng I 0 weeks. starling Monday. Feb. 5. Officials will be paid nightly al S 14 per team. Newport ll&rbor fand-ra.l.er A fund-raiser 10 bcnefi1 the Ncwpon Harbor Ht&h track, baseball and wrestling teams wall he hefd Tuesday at 7 p m in the Hubor Aud1tonum Two ski films and a fa~haon show d unng the 1ntcrm1ss1on prc~nlcd by the Newport Ski Company arc scheduled. There as a S3 adm1ss1on charge with uckets pre-sold at Newpon Harbor and alsoavailablcat the door the night of the event. For funher 1n~orma11on, phone the Newpon Harbor ath· let1c dcpanment a1 760-3327 during busmess hours. (O(dlllln\ • High school soccer clinic A lfC\' hr~ 'l.hool lni:I \t1u11 linh t .. r player\ and lVal hl·\ "'111 tll' It Iii 'IJlu1d.I\ ~." ~'al f-d1\11n 11111-h <.,, h1111I Ir •HI ·~ \ • .1 111 1<1 I pm The d 1n1l W<>O\l•rl-d h\ th< t <., vr'l'' 111 lC>Opcratwn v.1 1h thl· 'at111n.1I '>•, n 1'"1J'c1.lh1·\ .\ \~OC1.11111n 111 \ml I h d "''II Ill• I tcJl \('\\11in\1111 ba~ac ~>ltU \k1ll\ ((O:tlktTpinp"an.J lr.i111 lJ1 hl' For .oachn tht·n· "'•II '"., h..· 1n\lrult11m "" teath1ng th!.' ti.i'a 'krl" .1nJ <IL'' dnJhlljl tc-.im \lrategaes Tho-.e "-·hcdulcd 111 ¥"" 111,1nu 111111 1nlludl· lorma l \ Ohmpll and 'Jlt .. r..il r Jm ( OJdl Wall (h\/n"'H h .ind oa1h'"'-HuhJn• \nderhcrh,m l al \t.itc 1 .,, \0~1·J.r' \larv.an 1\s..ad (al Stair ~hrthnd~1· I Utltll' l<ut'l:n\ ( hapman C ollc~t· \lar1m < an11 c .sl\1a11· Domingul'I Hill\ '>11-t1 \.. hnud I 1 L \ .tlnn~ "'11h tnan)' high '><'hool, u.sl ht'\ •\ h&ht hrc.akfa\t .inti lun1 h "'Ill Ix rr(I\ 11.kd and alT part1upanl\ v.1 11 n-.t·tH' J H·rt1f1lalc 1111 lOmple11n11 the l ltntl \II p.1rt111pi1nl\ mu,1 amve 1n ~nrakef\ amt \hon' For informa twn and ll'll·phum· r"it"l1:1111m ph'one ( 21 ~ > 708-6l44 Rustlers wrap up conference crown Va q s ' Ne lson All -Sout h Coast Golden West College. second ranked in the state. wrapped up the South Coast Conference women's volleyball title Fnday nigh t with an easy 15-1, 15-6, 15-5 victory over the Chargers at Golden West. The sec crown IS the third Slralght fo r Golden West ( 12-1 ). which has one conference match remaining. Sophomore outside hitter Manna Van Nelle paced the Rustlers with seven kills and two aces while sophomore middle blocker Cecelia Ehas turned in eight kills and five blocks. The Rustlers travel to Fullerton College Tuesday for a 7 p.m. contest. and begin play in the Southern California community college re- gior'tals Dec. 3. In other communtty college matches: Ora.age Co81t 3, Cerrtto1 2: The Pirates clinched a playoff spot in th e Southern Cal tournament with a come-from-behind 15-10, -1 '\ I 0-15. 15-1 O. I 5-9 dec1!)1on O \. c.'r thl· Falco ns an the Pirates' gym The wm improved the Pira tn mark to 10-3 in the South C oa\I Confe rence while dropping ( l'rrlto\ to 8-4. It was the eighth straight ~ tn lur Coast, wtuch was paced b) Jt:nntkr Dciley'5 20 kills. M 1dd lc hloc~l'r' Barbara BAiiy ( 17 ki lls. se ven him h 1 and Michelle Lazorck (eight ki ll<. "" blocks) also had a big hand in till victory. In college action: UC Irvine 3, Northern Arizona 0 The Anteaters have )Ct to ''in ,1 PCAA matctl. but cap1talt1ed on J non<onference opportun11; ""''h J 1 5-9. 15-3. 15-9 win O\-Cr '1\1t1n~ Northern Anzona. Senior Cindy Rohng led l '( I ""11h nine kills and fi ve blcx:k\ .u~J D.1n.1 Parker accoun ted fo r \even ~111-. The Anteaters fra vt:l to ~an l>1l·~11 State Tuesday. \o p h11mnrt• < .irt '\1 '''" 111 In •Ill' I I 11th hJ \ h\·cn '>dn t '(1 I•• 1 h\· .\ ll- \111 th ( llJ'>I I l .. ltul c1r1,· ' 1llc.hJll ll' 10\ ,\f'lf u l l•l 1 ,,1.1 11 T 1in•' ..._Jr1·n f-·rttl"''" ""·I' n.lntt'd lhl· m .... , \ 1luJ1lJ< rl.t\r r 4'1·SIXJ"1 Coast LH~e Mo•I V•tu•~ P!av~r "'A' fl" ~ fl' J \C F ~ F1• U Tea"' ~v\6' "" u1~ s., r .,.., ti>r"llf' Rae"'"" V'••"P' C ""~ H \ \..ar .:>~1\ "' tr / ,.,. d ,..,.,. \lf'fl',,Dlf)f P ,... -, H JI' P&m Pt•\tv "H '" •• l \a V~>w,,., N' l't ,,,_ .,.., .Jr°l\i ~ • 'lttptwn~ftr e H•f" 1 f ,. • I ,,,,. 'Yi',.~ +H .J4 I ~,.., r,11111 ,, y.,, -.1;. tlo n .. f--OJ"\l•H ....... H•ll\ i.\rr.._ Prn •' t r .. ,..,\1• t10 ' l"I"" ~•..,.·ttr ·~ Honor•ble M<t<>Hon A C, D\~f" ,:-T t Kt'v nCorr• Cai Voe., (,rfl• fir v c,.e, ld1 ~, t1 ,, ,, ••" \• ... y '.>• ,, .. ~· ... f ~· .,, ,. •CP .. .. <' .. ,. .. He's building for future Wulpern has goal to bec_?~e another Schwarzenegger_ By RICHARD DUNN Dlllr,... Ceo p lrnl One look at Glenn Wulpern and it's obvious. he's one sizeable character. But under the surface he's not satisfied: he's looking for biger and better things. Wulpem, 28. has come a long way from the backwoods of upstate New York. and now, after winning the Saddleback Valley Muscle Cla55ic Oct. 5, he has hopes of becomina the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. Wulpem has a wa~ to go before bccomin' Mr. Universe, but he hu dedicated his hfe to body building and dilciplioed himself to ultimately achieve that status. When and jf he does, watch out. "To me, body building is oot an end in uself." WuJpem philosophizes. "but more of a means to an end ... What Wulpem intends to do with his built body after he retires from competition is to follow basically the same route u Scbwaneneuer. "I want it to take off to bi11er tht~," he slys. "Once I make a name for myself in body building. I want to move u~ and do other things. I've done some co mmercials - a vuamin company, some soft drink ads -and I want to do more in sbow business. "I also want my rrivate fitness centtr to be much more of a success once establish myself in body building. My aoats for this year -I'm sbootina to wm the Los An&eles championship, and then the state championship. Thote are pretty hiah 1oals, b\lt I've been training pretty hard. I hope I can 10 on to the next level from tbert." WuJpem, founder of Ultrabody Fitness. wtuch 11ves personal tra.inina instruction and nutritional auidanet. witl compete in tl\e LA Champlonshipe in February and then on to the staie championshipa. The National Championship would come nut. then Mr. Univene. WuJpern won the fint contest he entered. the Monroe County (New York) Champ1onship in 197 whUe atUJ atleftdintState Univenity of New York, before wiDJlina the Slddkblck Valley, or Oraqe County Resional Qwnpioa.dup, at Newport Hatbor Haah. So wbilc Wulpem's pbytlque (he'•~. 21 S-pounds} baa beeft turnina tome hadt. h11butinett1ntcmu oould 1et him on a flnancially rcwardina peth. OIDD Wtllpe:m, who recentl7 won the led4leback Vall91 · M~IMei , ba• 'dedicated Illa Ufe to body b&llcllnC. Orange Coast DAIL V PIL01 IS1t1urd1y. Nov•mbet 18, 1985 Ba Labonte races to r ecord His ti me sets quali fyi n g mark at Riversid e In Wester n 500 kl \.fR\IOE (A P) -fern ubontl' '>nlil'>hl'd lhl R1-.er\1de lntemauonal Rat c W8) qualifying record drut momenwnl) ~tok the \putlti-bt from Darrell Waltrip J!ll1 l:i1ll l lhott .ts he;-won tht' pule po\1t1on Fnda) for till' · ~t'!ltcrn 500 ,Labonte, who d 1 nl hed thc: \V1n~lon C up chatn- p1o n'>h1p at tht'> e vc:nt a H-.H ago tourtd tht: 2.fl2-m1lt:. nine-turn road t:our..c at Jn a vera~c \~cd of l l6.'H8 mph That bmkt: the: rt'lord \Ct 1n N11\t~mtier I ~8 '\ h} Wajtn p at 116 782 Tim Richmond took lht· othu tront ro"" swrt1ng !')0\1t1on for Su nt.Ja\ \ rau.' ~ 11h a fa->t lap o l I Ill 4n \. ""halt· Waltrip, "'ho had to IAJll almo\t tu tht• end of th t• Ion~ quahf} 1ng !>C:\\1on· gr<thb\.•d thc: third !>put c1.1 11 ti ~h J U hott l.\al. fi l'l h at 11 <. 7<. I trailing Rick\ RuJd .\h11 wa' dcx.kc:d al I ~) IS<IY Tbal~l\l' a b11 morc.ulan.cdgr. LO Walt.rap. "'14..ilL.wll into the <if>tl-k1lnmeter l 31 ~ mill') rau.· lt:.ida ng f.lholl h 21J potnl) 4 141 -4 121 tn the haulc hrr tlt t"I \l'.H , ,hamp1on'>h1p ~ ahnp IAa\ J b11 up,t:l ""ht•n quahl ~ 1n; c ndt'J "' James Da' I'> a regulc1.r on 1hr \.\ in'>ton \.\ t'\I 'i•11. • .1 tour ~ ho ~ent out uni\ thfl.T t ar~ ahd td ol \.\ oltr •ri hk"-' an t'ng1nt: m hng do"" n thl· 1rad. and \ffi.il l l.'d lhl· ~all D:l\ 1\ ""a' not hurl hut 1111101. Ol'Mh "n1111u1t": , dean the trjc~ enough to n:\ume lj uahh1ng ··oarn 11 "\d1d \l.altnp. a 1~0-t1ml thdmp11111 \.\ l' • .,..ould ha H~ t>crn on the poll· II 11 haJn t tx·en lor that '-<• 112 (Da' I'>) blo~in~ Jn engine 1n turn n1nt' JU'>t h.:lnre \\~ "'ent out I ""3'> .ifratd 111 takC' 11 lthr cari do .... n 1n thl'l · tunht'r I got J 111111.' l ro11kcd cl'> 11 .,..;i," E lhott when "-<.'DI quite a hit l'a rlil·r '-'J' h.iJIPll'I • -· ~1th ht) \llU3llhl .. Th1) 1, 1ht: I)( t I t '..:r run her~ I'm pretty ..:it l\lic,1 " Lab<1n1I.' ~1d H ;ill\ th, race t) 'lCCondary to the lhamp111n<,h1p ba1111.' It' f1 kt· ut M1am1 lut v.eckencd in thd \ K I 1lncJy·un1.i ~ I Danm 1 Sullivan won 1he race .rnd \011 pr.-~11 all~ h .,1 10 lt .. ,i.. in the line pnnt to find him \I <l 'r\\rr1 \1 tM.-.11 \I (lfo~rl Jr for the ch11mp1on\h1p .ind th.sl '~hill the hc.adhnc:'> said:' L<abonfc: \a11J 111.: JnJ t11~'1l'am ml\'> being 1n the poantS ~·ha..e thi; )'ar hm h\ .;JJcJ '"Jt'' not iu much fun, but we'rt '>till ~11111r. I•' Iii:' 1 '' 1 rh~ll' tr) 1n~ to hang onto ~ventb . llO tht pc•1nt \l,t111ltll1t'.I •. ----.... ---------.· Sooners vote t o drop game '.l 1J negoua uons ) l nfort un.lld\ 1l dot·-.,111 :--.11 \\t \ For too n14 tn\ \t '.ll"\. \1 "-l ll lll1 \ hel'tl n·n ·1\ 111 <1 eno w•h fu 11d11 1~ ti'· 1 • ~ ~ • le\ el t1f rare \nd tt'~ ~t.Lrt 111~ to ~11, '" . l 11lt1~~ \\t' t.tkc actH>ll 110\\ tc 1 n '\{111 tlh park till' beaut \ ~~nd gra ndeur t11.ll ~,,,, h. l o~t fort•\ t'r. ll dp pre~erH· 'n~t·tnite. ~e n d \our t.l\ dl dlh • 1hh dona tion to '11H.' '()~(ltllih1 ru nd . p () H11\ ,f ll l \ "t l\ ~l t II C\91201 Si 1Kl1 \\l' ha\e to ,L,k \\(' .L .... ~ tll.ll \1 Ht g1 \t g<'t H·rnt1'1\ \\t' \\~Ull all to enjo~ thi~ nat ural \\111ll lt'r f Pr t!t'lll'l';tt1n11 ' to con1e. i 0nnge CoMt DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, NoYembet 16. 198! ' ' ....,,. ....... -.._......,Jl.-t;,;.1 Cltrl11l/OUJet S4tl Clnllal/Ott~t L I v •• I n H 0 u • e • LIUL 110/DPll'I unnaaY l11i 1t11 f u lalt kffP•tl 81by1lt1er Pvt Ma AndeftOn 875.0300 Exper'd, m•ture ~n t ltlO "" 6 G•th. Womfn for J person ofc, RE. ictSREXU detXtb. ~1~~al~c~~C:L118;1!' LIUl 1101n&1Y mgrnt Some bkkpng. 8elboa ltlat\d OWMf It ·' ..,. for lltlgellon and general word proc.ellng. eom· moving FrenchlMI wel· bu1ln .. 1 prac11ce •I· putlr background help. 13" COlOR TV ISO. 12" METAL. olOll• cabinet SUNDAY eorM Great 1oc; Won't S.Jl11!at1t torney1 Non-tmolr.er lul 3-4 dyt • wt! Salary black and white e&ble S tO Mattreu S&. 9ar Wallece. 1~ta tt~H:. last Cell (7 14) 752~955. _....,.. , Newport Beech s.t\d r• 01*1 Pleatant Ole nr 0C rM<ty TV, new l50 Rt.di s 10 Man'• blc:yc6e s20. Bllre ~ T L~ •A aurne to Hiring Partner, Airport In NB 756-8100 etOf CheYV ttllfldtll'd r.. ROiie< lkel .. S& Treed-:=., puc:t. ~&.~ !· I ----tlC..-1 4ln 5000 Birch St, aulte 2QOO, ••01n••y t>ulll ... 9 le• 1kate1. mlll ••'erc11er 150 u1 ... 1 ,.._I ae•-•-NewPOfl Sch, Ca 926eo ---" Picture framet 509410 ~ Ii ._... ,...._.. _,_, Forgrowlngflnanclalco In rt• llH 11, new 110 Swlvel chair S5 BMket· Metal C41ndle holdef I 10 ~rhta I " H-Buey Elem, tMCher needa p /T llOlnAIY Irvine PIMH cell Mr &-2782 U" 8':,°,f ~_::.~ Electric broom ts lRcAIS!l Off., by autlalde 10.15 h,.. wk Merrlll l;ynch Realty'*"'' Mackey 85 l.045S 1tfP .iectrle ed~ 1rlrNNlf H~ Item• 504·12 Dl.ac.to.ure Statem94ll . Hr !Jex. Ideal lot Plell-competent pereOfl to - S25 ""Yft etrTc hHter S•turoay only !782 8a6Yhlgh chair• $7-110. Cofp Expanding 13050 teacher/aide 759·7649/E work Monday-Frtdey OUll mtm thefmo11at control 1600 WHtmlnater Allenue, Car rime MO each. BIG OPPORTUNITY 12·8om. Good organl11-Full/Pert lime. typing watt. ~Ike new $20 8" Cotta M .... 548"°865· THESE are tlr• on G.M. USA Int'!. 213/837·0101 Prtftllitaal~ uor · & communication 40/50 wpm· lamlllar new 125 17 wHd llquldetlng. bHutlfully GA70x 14 M pair 2• lftlt•nl uu!fl ft ..191-59 10 for'more lnlor: work desirable •• U.S. .iectrlc chain ~w. Ilk• MORGAN dOll111 OOlleet or wn.ete: 2•11781115125. 2• I -Aia'-'ii t 5100 tklll• needed C~ .Judy wtaeroap.11oe, some af1 wectc9f Jrlmmef s2s 75, t" packeged 125. F?8itl4 on Vellant. Cert O,,.rtaal~ · 2HI [j lllifl mation ~~~·;.~r~6-d~lred. PleybOy magazin .. l50 s.2ooe · wheel•. flt F.icon llnd DEVELOPER hu 230 unit Tired or R. E Become a NIOl./IPIUTllll Cuti only 646 111>5 NEW twin bed ~t-othert loo 14~ pelr. apartment tit• ready to Loan Rep R.E. nc r.ci'd 2 METAL toldlng ottic. tr... el'ld bOx aprtnga 63t-3701 go Cash flow end te• IBM M1up for you In the OLEll table• 136 H CI\ 10 150 MCh New matt>lt lWIN mattrHHI boa benefit• s 1001< minimum field • training, 1t1rtlng llWPllT llAOI p!utlc moulded Cftalr1 '9 1 bllhroom 1lnk-venlly ec>rlnga. two matched 1nvea1men1 640-5078 soon 170-6067 Chuck NIUO UllAIY each 4 1wtve1 roctt.,1 $50 New complete Mt ot Mt• new condition $45 .. .._. .I .,. I MANAGER Lib Admln needs 10 llM 40 S50 MCh t35 THi.t Way. , 8 dllhee $40 New newt ~piece 67M278 -'P!' • ••l noura p/wti-. temp po1• Coron I d •I M I r uNd r..,.,..uel ball rae-WIDO ::!. I 760-&leo i' SW encl S15 An· UPRIGHT Eurllce VKUUm T s'-money Of Ilion (long term) l<nowl-1 It 1 11111 tea eet cleaner, llllOfkl great '30. D'I lO,OOOtup No lmmedlete opening for lull edge ol purchasing/ ln-3 PIECE IOlld oak c:tin· 119 em • .,, Fourty n11e gallon oe-credit.., /no penalty Call time Dlltrlot Manager voicing, A/P, Clerical nltt•r Ml, coat MO Mii j S v .... SS.$50 China tanon aqultlum. her-. Oentson Auoc: 873-731 1 sklllt req. Flnanclal/ bHutlful ll5 . 4 tmalt beige, brown 7 loot uaed 160 Stend for ~ti ·J .ult~ ... , 51 ... ,.,, ••c.. couch 150 ~anglng ebav• 130. s111 foot children Exper ence 1lreble. Newport Center .. <JV " c helpful locetlon Applloetlon mey HOln&IY /Ill FrW•r II you are bright, eltk:lent, and like having varied onle41 dutlee. we'd Ilka to 1a11< 10 you Our nev.1 ottloe·showroom Is In NewPO<t Center (Non- smoker pleaH). Call 759-9090 HOln&IY • P /T For Mlg's Rep. 10am-2pm. Mon thru Fri. 631-3324 for 110. Nurtery lemp. 1 plat .. $30 eec:ti T'Need -.. v•7 Mull enjoy working with Budget beckground d• Seturday and Sundey lampt S3·S lS Like new hrlstmu tree along with Lett I ,.... lt2S be obtained al & returned 845-9521 baby clothet •nd ahoee ornamentt. uMd once We orfftl' an e1cellent ben· to Newport Center llOln&IY PI T --50t·l5 New boat l*'der S3S Oust Butte< S l5 elil program, paid 111-er an ch. 8 S 6 S 1 n Permanenl position. 3-SPEED men'• bike "49 S25 ~lterrenean styte 650-35&7 cations t holidays. bonu1 Clemenle Dr , N B or call Fle11lble nours Newporl PlllTill STITlllEllY Four hole s ·~ . .c 14 con .. table S2S Oflp VINYL couch 120 4 \llny1 FOlll> ADS program and dental In-Ramone. 644-3179 Center 640-5470 . Camera/Pleteroom Auls-s alomlmim rlmt. J for S25 con .. maker S5 Skis SS-chalra S 10. Luggage end surance. Salary olu• Salary 18 s9.04 p/hr tant Knowledge of ver-~ore In CF~ need• Siles Size 8 Humanle 1111 bOOt• I 1S l adlM 1111 bool• ~· a1ng1e bed lreme All In ID[ FREE mileage relmbUrMmeol SEm /O.llUTll tlcal earner• end PMT eraon. 5 Days Xlnt IS 180 •kl• I 10 7 and 8 SS-SAO Men• 91Cellent condition ~ HOEmtlllT FIT Respontlble for amall high procesa helpful Mondey working cond1 Eapeclelly S45-363e Lange Mii bOOtt atte 9'h Pleue call 846-8"32 Cal Appllcal'lt mutt apply In Needed lor busy l ag Bch activity office. Good 1PM to approx. 6PM. fine cllentele. 67S-1010 7 S GATLON pr()p8ne tank 120 Men'• 1111 bib• alze _ ___ • person at Dally Piiot. 330 landscape archltectl typing Xlnt lelephone. TUM 11AM to epprox. 125 875--0625 medium Paperback WAREHOUSE dlamenlllng ' Welt Bay St.. Co11a Pleaunt almoephere. e111c bookkeeping ~Ill 7PM. Fri & Set. 9-5. TELEllllllOlll book• 15c Saturdey end Niel Steel and wooden M2·11ll Mesa. Ca. Apply 9-11 benefits. Typing 40 wpm, train rell S57-3200 Apply PENNYSAVER. PlllFEllllllLS ANTIQUE c:t1alr1. one 140. Sunday 8-4 203 Cort. 1hellllng S 10 uch. Cell· 1.m. or 2-4 p m (Clrcule-ablllty 10 organize. good 1660 Plaoentla Ave. C:M 4 s AFTER SCHOOL ·JOBS EARN MONEY PRIZES TRIPS one needs work S20. Buf-Balboa 1111nd In alley. Ing tlle 10c eec:;h Pen-tlon Oepl.). phone manner & exper Telemerketlng Full faee1ed phone oper- fet $35. Matching table -ellng S1 • th"t Bring l/Dt 51 5 / 111 11 e s le es PAITTIIEWlll *SALES allon. Big dollara for hllterlq ... S3S SI• ct111r1 140 PIANO ~ S2S Slipper you plcilup 642-0880. FOUND: etke on Iowa St. Cl It. :.::-:~al ncafion l~• ai FILL Tiii PAY pros. No experience IAILY PILIT Matching coffee end ctlalr, green velvet $30. 812 Termlnel Way, Co111 nr Tewlnkle SGN, C M. IDT'• 494·7095, 8-12PM dally Energetic nanple ---"'-", needed. wlll treln tabla 12081\dS10. Chair ~boeld, t>ra.aa pletad, Mesa Owner Identify. 754-0290 -... ~ ,.......,""' A--I I ..... .,.,. and ottoman s25 New twin 115 CoffM ta~ -!Ve mlQ ...... msl. iiiiPTilltfr new office. new Olympl(: (llllH) e -• II ti 11 you are loOlilng '°' elltre mecrame unique hoics.t 110 Stereo porlable WASHER. dryer. dlth· F d T .., 1 NB Pteuant grp Pfac11ca PIT J)efaonable. mature health progrem with • Salary spending money, or like 120 459 Ogle Co MIQMVO" S25 Leather wuhef, old 1mall ,.. oun .,., m x. yng 4 day wti• alt•nate Set premium, xlnt pay. eves Prior plumbing 1111es a e ••teal Mltfth to go plaoea !Ike Magic M 67 S_2955 Ila aullc:ue la Elec1rOlu11 lrtg1r1tor $50 .. ch male. gray & white, AM RDA pref 640.1122 person for properly 756-2059 mual Guarantee t com-Cell Jim,.., Bob 6 75-50lO Mountain, Knotts 8efry eu or $30 4 panel carved IOld· Rolory power mower E/alde, CM 648-3792 mgmt co. w/btlsy phones Wiii PllOE••-mlMlon Benefits avall-, ___ "' ___ .. ___ F111m, or win Prine and 15-42.usoe Ing acr .. n 120 Heh l50 Puah mower S15 LOST a Frightened DENTALR«:ept/Ortho &llghttyplng Musthave _,. able Full or Part-time ClalK/l"taaraata Award1,Callu1now!We ANTIQUE dlnnenitare J.41> Cene, 4 pron-g S 15 Miniature curio ceblnet greytwtit cat blue collar· Benefits. gd pay. 4'n dys, good telephone manner tor lew oltloe Newport Apply In per.on Mondey 5521 h111e eeverll opening• In Old preeaed g1as1 S2 An Wtllk.,, new 120 Tiree, $25 221 Flower. Cotta In North M... Verde exper req'd NB 642·2626 842• 1603 BeachNon smoker. Send lhrough Frldey C. M., H.B. or F. v 1iQIA lace spread I 16 radla.I 17Sx 1' S 10 eac;h Meta 648-515-48 area P11 chk your gar-llllllL lff1ll IHEPTllllST resume 10. Hiring Part· OATlllH ULH 642-4333 ~=~~';: '$..~h ~~1 i~d~'!,;:t:-11:~: ~: SNOW chelna 15 .. wheel•. ages, reward 641-3220 PIT, front & beet! olfl<:e. for busy lumber company ner. 5000 .!Ir~~ Ste Suite TIE OIL 'I Pl.111111 Creative person w/tales & 1--APT--IUUl---0--- temoer M5 Swlvel chair S5 556--6842 1111. all PHMn~ cart Ptrttalll ExP< not etaentlel. Co4-Flexible hours & con-~~2~ P each. 1S26 Newport Blvd .. Cotta party co-ordlnellng e11per Wanted: Handymen-Re· SAS 2211 Tustin ~venue I 111. Large rolf tubular leOe background prefd. gen I al 11tmo1phere. --Mesa. See Dan. for holiday Muon with Nofth of 2nd Str .. t ' PICl<·UP Urea 9 S0116 S 8 plullc thHllng '7" Newport Beach 648-5073 751--0800 for appt Ttek1i cal/Tr14u SALES CLERK • Eateb-aggrealve CATERING ~~~~~~'.~!!.me:,: AN!JOUE: wicker chair, irvnk S50 Chrome chalra S tO Vacuum cleaner S•O Exercycle $40 Wrought lrOf'I 1tep1 150 Brau pletes $8 Mirror SSO Lemp S3 Dt1hel le Knitted blanket S 1S Sweater• S2 Shoes S3 Dre.... $4 HouMhold 11em1 50t-S3 120-206 Promon1ory Drive East. Newport Beech ply uMd 120 UnuMd wide weight eboul 7S lb• TICKET lor sale No,... Cl111llled Ada era the 5505 ll1hed 1t11tlonery •tore llrm. Call Tuea·Slll SSO Fllhlng lackle rod•. 125 . Ei.ctrlc Remington otter relulMld 645-3921 llTM UlllT. enew.r to a aucce11lul ______ _...._.I need• lnllde .. , .. clerk. 645-9858 g:t"~~e~a~~.•n:~ rte11. ~~r" $1-S2S Zen-typewrller Model 28, Ptue11) Stnlttt PART TIME. for Al-garage or yard salel 11'•. ant lnllUH Office product knowl-plus 1 Rm efficiency apt. Ith 19 COIO• TV, 'WOOi• """' • 111119 rep11r, at 11 3004 t1111nce league ot New-b.tte< way to tell more Dependable. exper'd edge helpful bl.It not nee. P/T 11111'&1111 C II 962 2545 ft 5 149 CordlHt hedge S26 Hoovet uprlglll port 8Mch. Ortho Pro-people! Good pey 645-7448 Angela 261·7044 Lagune 8Mcf'l 494·96SO • • a · pm 1r1mme< s 10 Cordi... vacuum. heavy du•y orem tor 2 Fridays• mo lliTTi~~E~mjiiiiiilii~····jiiii~···iiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiMmoni-TnuraMm. iaakifior~Tiedf gra11 anear1 S 10 Gu motor '3S Indoor out-8•m· 12 30. 957 1805 string trimmer MG Many dOOI' vacuum wllh eitech-ESCORTS 898·~35~ PhleC>Qtomlsl. e11pet'd, !Of houMhold 11ems S1·S5 menll S20 Eureka ranl jt14 mtd·lab In NB, M-F, S11urd1y 9-4 Sundey If canlater vecuum. good 8AM-2PM Of 8AM-!IPM enythlng lelt. Casn only condition with attech· W&llll IM 640-0~ 16 Rt\9nde 3093 Ceylon Road, off ment• S20 20" Mc;triC Tl IU•U Coun1ry Club. Costa ' rotary motor 3 ho,,,..,..; 1 I.I.A. Carpalry Laa4111-ia1 Paiatiat Meaa I S "9Jl1t>l9 hOYrt 3 - -p• "-tii.-.......,._._ ____ _ catcher, llke new so RICNld 613-41 15 S....tnv • h!Qh 1oue11 high ExftArl c bl M k & I Llncart ,-PORTABLE TV S2!'> Blk .. 1 20" bok Ian S1S ., .. el«· t«f'I Peoc>ll ~ tor $2 }] d ........ 1 net 8 er lllllllTilH WAITll INT/EXT 20 Years Exper t •~ t d ...._ ... " H 8 t per ay French Design Reas., By r-..n. prof. fem In Npl Tree/Trlm/Cleenup comp Avera 0 na Room S""+ . BED aofa, blue .crushed $20 Skis $20 Women• 1 r.,. mo Of ou.,.. ... a.. °"' P109' ... _. o c 1 • free est • ref's Attftl' 5pm, "'Ah-.-b .. ~._ 1445 d 1 C · 1 •-,. va111e1 $SO Br0¥1n velour clothlng. pur .... jewelry S 15 Dome shaped W• .,,_,. ~ sUIS Thal s ALL you pay ror call All ed 722•11s7 ..., Of near y. -gar en ng. ompet live Ext•lof Stucco $130+ plallor.-n Ult swivel cnelr 12.S 10 HouMhold ltema stained glaas llgl'lt li1ture Mon only Laguna e:.c,, ""If\ a rocus on ·~"' & 3 llnes. 30 dey minimum _r _. 11ectricaJ prices. Chuck 546-7032 malwlala. 842-0442 S50 3089 Roenoke. S 1-$3 Book1 25' Sport• I 18x 18, red, g.reen, blUe, arM ligtlt hstippg a communiatlOn If you In the MASONRY /CARPENTRY GARDENING MAINT. Apt, FINE PAINTING By Rlch- Coeta Men 979-2977 equipment S2·S5 Satur-, ambet 125 \W'lp drill van-crtlld care Musi drf\19 are~ for a oPPty DAILY Very competitive. lie:. PAlllll wm11 comm'I, resld'I, c M . H.B lltd Sinor 16 of h CARPET. brown com-dey/Sunday 8am-3pm. 3 able speed encl r9\l'WM Re t e r e n c •' r • q to grow elld fulfill your & ln1ured (714) 499-1604 Oullltywork. free .. t. F.V areas 848-3799 Mike t . (;: 2:::tJ merclal, llke new CanyonLane,Coronadel S25. 3x18Jtt sander. 474-lOOOdaysforEva & ~en~·"P~1i!8:1~~. PILOT Doors-Repllr-Alleratlons P425513 "8-7401 Malnt,clean-upt,mowlng. ~~~!1 .. 963-4t14 108''1114 '1 and Mar SOffMlgP'::lc Vlew l :!6~wlthlt~I~ 497-3983 evtwtinos . 642 7431 Remodel-Panel-Lock...ic ELECTRICIAN 1ree1rlm FreeMtlmetnl 12'9"112·9 . $2 per near an S2S J • Dt i 3011 . Cablnets-Wlndow-Fencet Llc.•233108. Small/large Mr. Ellrada 645-3381 PAINTER NEEDS WORKI 1qu111e yard 646-2360 SA TUR DAY HouHhold ~'!V:8:ty s2s 1:~i •"t n Cltrical/Otfict 5400 SERVICE 35 yrs exp Jerry 642.0567 }Obs & repelrs. 54&-S203 HAWAIIAN EXPERTISE Int/Ext, celling•. renn ceb. CENTURY 21 sign• $10 ~·:n~· to~. ~2!191·b~h~I-I heavy duty hedge trim-Llv!Hn Housekeeper lg 11111.IHPll DIRECTORY Cllil4 Cart HALE ELECTRIC Tree trim, 1op, remove, 1~6~~sp'.':~ti~g~7 Ladies gold coat slze 12 r 9 c 0 e · Y I mer 22'\,$30 Caah only. Nwpt Bch hme. Full· H B c kl 1 11 Dependeble w/reas. rates. clean upa. Stu S49-1696 s 1s For t8.le • .,,ns s 10 ltema. car radios, wall I 646-1195 charge, lop Pl'SQ(l. gd · · o. '" ng u CHILDCARE IN MY C.M. TIP ..... ,_ pa.- $-s" heater camping Items salary 631 61 lS charge Bkkpr General CALL TODAYll HOME. Mon-Fri. TLC Lie. & Insured. 546•7013 ISHIKAWA LANDSC'"PE·. _,,, _,,_ Lock box Leal 2S S:iS 2124 Wall -ledger AIR AIP Top " In 0 .C 22 yrt. Prompt! ~ $10 PQf'table .. !:. c---t ........ ace ,wfATERBED pedestal beneflia.842.-4993 . ISIFOllLOIS 650-7143 Lie electrlclen Res, Sod. Clean-upt. Melnl. Reaaret•.Reft334950 , ..... r~at~ •tt.n L"'ht--' ,..11.,.,ue . ..,., ........... rame, UL heater. YI· C Comm, Ind Senior Sprinklers, etc 850-4147 Ill II .,., .,..... .,.. ~ ..., -.. 11 Your Dally Piiot hlldcere my .M. home Cl ,_ S * 11 * ~:;~·~Y c~rc~,~;·~ep'a:r sr,2 ':U~o S:,:Y ':,~I ~~~t:· ::.ir:~blesjT BUSHELFUL ex~1~/P&tt~R. s~;=~:1 ~=a:~,. ~-56~;8 ... ~9:11:1~t: •• 29rn:' job Lftal ltnic" Paf;rlag. ¥u1de SS 1960 blue S8 Like new 642-8-430 Crutches. elumlnum SS Q F VALUES! must ...... , S hrs day 11e• 1•2 ••21 td, •H NEW/REPAIR Qu•'lty No F1111t ull ll2 IHI S Bath tub ••fety rall S 1S .,,.... -• • hlldcere my home N.B.. ' ., • F THI G INTERIORS ayota R5 strips SS ... M thr F, sala"' com-job• to ·-all r•••"nable • p h & .. ~8-9878 S I ~ WA l K •a I e Bathroom scale SS Two mensurete : • ..'Je•pr. C.M. area. Transport to Free .. t .... llc'd. ~1 23~5 ... ttys. ar em ... Noc:. HANGING/STRIPPING EZ·Lln tra11er hitch 1 000 ton we19nt SSO Cabb~ patch 1984 doll. re<J braids, pa<:llter S50 Add· tng machines, very good condition $20 eacn S46-S357 10em-3pm 540 West new king size potowt S5 650_3880 Deve.. ~ •-ti I "-ni achool & back 650-0258 ·• ·..., • ~ ..... ,.. VISA-MC 873-1512 19tti Street Costa Mesa I each Revere 8mm pro-1Kta1 Cl. "9U •1• RESID/COMM'l /IND 26 ...,...,. .. -.._, ____ _ Fe a 1 u r ed 11 ems 1 jector SS Cendlestlck CdM P/tlme AM Ole Help Exquisite Acoustics • DAYCARE my SC. Ptz hm. yra. Do my own work. Lie. Block w1ll1, brickwork, ANDYS WALLCOVERJNG Womens wear S2-S30 I phone, decoralor Item Phones, bkkpg, bllllng aprayed or remove. Dry-0•21 mo 7:30am-7:30pm #278041 Al 648-8126 OOflC(ele. Comp patios. lnltallatlon & Remove! Girl'swear$2-S10 Men's $25 3·x4· formlca toP type67S-2p0bet9-12am wall Repairs 847-7901 FI T.PIT s4&-4256 lSyraexper.646-4834 lnt.patntl~.~13 wear S2-S20 Infant'• ' 01181 table S7 Hermn 10 CLERI nPIST A I' Loving Mom wlll babysit trll c" Brick. concrete. outtom Expert Wallcoverlng In wear soc· S 2 Ac· · key eddlng machine S5 •1 ••~ct your chlld In my home 6 SPECtAli Free Ntght §;r. work. Low cost. call Bob 11a11111on. Reu. Contult· cessortes 50C·S6. linens Pair trailer mirrors for car araatart mo-up, M·F. 631·0179 NB vice Calla on TVt, VCR1 & 83S-4384 or 646-9557 ant Assignmnt 581·8590 50¢ and up Boy's wear SS Double electric GREAT WESTERN SAV· Stereo• 850-4072 HE-MAN toys-Castle S 1-la Pleese come . we blanket SlO 545-lS«. INGS, one ol Callfornla'a APPLIANCE REPAIR Mom wlll wtlch girl 2 yrs or . ' BRICKWORK. Smell jobl. LYNN HANSEN'S Greyskull. Snake Moun-have many febuloue --Waaher·Or;er·Refrlg-etc older weekdys lull time •RENT AN ANGEL* Newi><>rt. Coetl Mesa, lntftl'lor Painting end tain. 11 figures,4vehlcles buys WOOD dining leble S20 leadlng flnancial lnalltu-722-1737. 20 yrs exp. CM area 631-2034 Pftl'sonel & btlllnesa ea-lrvlne. Ref's. 67S-3175 Paper Hanging. 5-49-9677 Patio ood 1 ble d Ilona. nu an lmmedlele & 125 Bogner women's ---w a an I I C!er11 T""" Appllanoe SeM<:e. Refrlg .• Moth« loves babyslltl"". tlatance for ell eventt •--'-STRIP IT OFF THE WALL. 11ze 6 one p.ece ski su11 I WASHER work• good benches S2S Playper. oPen ng or a ,...,II she d . ..., project• 472 1782 lffllll plus hat sso 673-7390 S30 Gu dryer """"" S30 Bebyltema. portable In our Coate Meu wa r .. ryers.-rangee Newborn or 3 yrs up, my • Fast. olean. rw. Wall· KING size bed frame $18 Swr1ctt ple1es 15¢-SOc Offset '"n;et 18 paJra 6<K pair Paperbacks 20 tor S5 A 1 items good ' S30 3 ......... btk~ ,;:;o. crib S2S Swing S9 Crib branctl. dl1hwllherl Lie S22-2323 home lull time. 642·9015 .... t All..... paper removal servloe ........., · $28 Ola~ b b "4 •·~t~"-t Cl i -1 ~ QUICK & CAREFUL llc/t>ondtd. 838-e970 work $10 S1eep1ng bags 1 a Y Thi• 11anentry1eve1 po .. ,.. "98Crt t taa •1 JTict XbeRICXN HANDYMAN LO RATES. T138046 clean SS each Crulw dGoz.etl CM&s2'sdes«9 S20. ttloo. You wlll leern Ille Pe "" rea a.....;J,. 1 ROBIN s CLEANING arwtrv, lenclnn, win-112 ••10 •WE GALS SHOULD• bike 111/tre S7. Men's as atove dra"Wer various ._ ol loanl, Resurt• I • ._R & ....,... •. , ... ._ •HANG TOGETHER• oreuer S20 Sears chlln oreuer and mirror M6. .,....,... ac ng • oollng SERVICE: a throoughly dows, plumbing. marllte. Self Storage Expert• 839.0730 ANYTIME c.oncM ()(' 6 7 3.-7 200 "'"" $10 Ottlcedesk S50 Conee teble, glus le>p YOU CAN FIND IT IN prepare real estete loan Waterproofing• 631-4199 clean houM. 645-9741 tub encl, heullng, etc Typewrite< steno s1o S20 953-1 316 or THE CLASSIFIEDS ~~::it~i!'a!t:.,d:; Drl119W8)'9, pallot. patht, HouMcieenlng, carpet.a & AndYMJeeutlt Lord •A·1llYIH• PJ11ttr/...,,,aJJ L AWt~ turr111 ure um-D11hwesher , West· 9S3·8~67 other general duties. etc. No job too arnall. upholstery.windows.etc. (llc#30405) 636-6244 ~~~!..~i;<:~.!nc. lnl.IExt.peldlplU1erlng. t.•et•u c:tiairs poctures inghouae $25 Chalk 'Whal I Wondertul World Typing of SO wpm Is r• Reas. Mickey 536-0553 .. ,., lallf, 111•1JJ2 FENCE Repair. New & Old. lie. T.116-428 130-1353 cuatom texturing, quality SS-S25 .. oo11 S 1-S20 !>Oard S5 Step ladders, 5 of Shopping. right It quired. AaphalHepalr-P/klng IOll Commercial lnq. wel<:ome Wood, cheln link. petlo'I. • work. Problemt-No Prob· Sears ,.,~ c.ornor9UO' loo• $5 each lee cnest your fingertips everyday! llllJ Piil We offer competitive ept. complex-heevy rOllef. Do You Love Your Hou•? Ir .. H I. Oreg, 968-1118 ITUW. llLLlll lemtl #326364 65-4-7631 Cara,... t '1e tobacr.o S5 leroi pape< 12/ream Dally Pllol CIHtlfled Joe 645-4269 7em-9pm No? Cell Me. I'll L-GATE & FENCE REPAIR STl•.lnl-II, E''a Lath & Ptaat.-...ng "'?uM'IOld iems 5-0c· oeds 11~11 ,..._ S25 eact1 cell 642_5878 end let 1 842-5878 benefits. For an Interview PATTlll ... m your houae ao you cwi Orange Co. ()rlolnal Int/ext patehet, textur•, ';.OIO' l 1 5CJ sq<JMe toot Clocli radio S5 2 twin Ada. To plac. your ad., aaleryies and excellent ...... L.OW PRICES -·-o .,, SSC Salll'?ay om., e-~ L1te 1ac;.tcet1 new S5 Mch C1-ffled Ad-Vleor M6p eppolntmenl, pie ... cell All typee 6-lgns & color•. 1001 Audrey 645-2762 77 l-4229or671·1976 Student Movert Tntured room eddl11ona &4M258 ·a ·r-.e •la'1•n C.·•oe BarbeQue S3 Oars S3 LetlOla Tampa at: Call 64&-2l 13 for Ml. D'a Cleaning. Reaid/apt, •GEN. HOME REPAIRS. Uc. T 124-436. 841-6427 NEW/REPAIR. Quellty No o:.t1 ,.~,,.., Sc.v.eYl.'C eacll K11chen rtema 504· "" Mtu C..~ ~ ,f\ '-.( f) ~ ~c:.. • "" FOf metlculous & detailed Paint Drywall. Carl*ltry NEW WeretiouM Storage lob• lo small, reuonabte ..... , Sr S'fh.i57-' ·i; • S5 W111et Iii• re>pe S3 Ott I ,.,1111 ~\b l'Clt.J lV~ -<b I:;<f' v ... , !~ !!? ~~:::~~~ Aatt HI cl.,enlng S1tlsf1ct1on etc. Gary &45-5277 PTL STARVING 4 WORK. Fr .. "t .. llc'd. 631·23"'5 ,~,._,, s ~ _.1,_ c..oa"" ~~~g:; ca~ ~~ ':: , ..... .., cu• • -...." XOtoHAOCk MECH. guar For appt 549-4294 HANDYMAN LARGE end Fr.. •llmlle. &4 t·5060 '"p""J-.W~------ :w " 0,~, z.c;.-o..1 •·r~ tif.ld "40 e~cet au~; SS I O ~,:."':,~ ... b;::;•·:_:, :: GREAT WESTERN 30 yr• exp. Reas. ratM, Home & Offl.ce ciMnlng by email. I DO IT ALLI Hlghtech Mol/9f t 147526 • •I r g smc,11 ._ S2C, ~ac.h 1S tnow cnatn1 i "'"'o'"'• tov••"'Oie wo<d• freent.Adrlan645-4443 JODl.PleaNcelllor lree ~l·5579Patorlvemag. utln/ 1111... 141WD•lll-1111 T ~·te< ~aoie uir 11t Otttce chaira S 10 1 1 SAVINGS ~en "tlmete. 842-e746 HOME REPAIR. Carpentry -~ood Jobi done rioh_.-S~~ ~ :i,e:~?~: L~oua8:0~9ca8m~~.,~11rf,us1~speeach~~ 11 1 IS Al/ I: ul (I COAST BOAT SERYtCE Houwleanlng 14 yruxp. ~enoee 6 ga'c!'~.tr~r~m, p~J~n!'~! DRAINS CLEAR From 115 t•1nS1UGef'll '"'"'' $45 .. . . . . . . . Eq al Op"""' nit Complete Detalllng retlable,r .... tr .... t. own ump rune. . . • . 648-1781 Of M S.1428 Faucett, Dtepe>Ml, ,..._ter. Patc:hwl'Jf'I< Qutlt $2!. Sa• Pr,,r1aole vecuum s 10 I E::..plOy.;Mi~tt! Bottom CleanlxP11nt1ng Irena. Pina. 64S.G86e ., ... Jim ":hY1• 642·720& •--la· -I 85 1·960<4 M&M 722·90M urday l"d SJrf:l.1y 7S6·191220120rchard I T URO T I HeulOuta 993 65 JB'aex.p.prof.houee-llaall~ .... I JTiff ExpertServtce&Aec*r 64S·952 I Santa Ana He!Qhl• I' I ,. I Ontt•tr ..,,... • .,. I ... men cleaning. thorough, q_ulc*, Ct HAULING • UOVIRd C:re for eldetty In 11:;;;.. 32 yrs exp. RMld'l/Comm . .__..._ _ __. . .._ .... __. _ __, t ented for Huntington A 'T W d p r .... fr.. . 673--0577 Gareoe 6 Verd Clnupa Pfl1111e home Home cool( Uc: #409035 ...._. .. 1t I o u H I 14 I ; ~.:a~o ~lfk:,'!~ ,,:. .//:'do ~en~~. NO TIME ME CLEAN Jon 64M 192 meela. Kathy 54<M 101 WEEKEND PLUMBING. IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO PRIVATE PARTIES Se// your Items tor $50 or less m our famous DIMES-A-LINES pub· llshed each Saturday in the Dally Piiot DIMES·A-LINE ads must be pr .. p•ld so mall or bring them In to ,,,. Dally Piiot office, Be sure to Include your phone number or 11d- C1r•u In your ad. have a prtce on Heh Item & no abbrev1s11ons Sorry. no com,,,.,cial •ds, '1.,•Q• I ,.,_ prodU<», pl•nt1 or animals «:ceptabi. DEADLINE: 12 Noon Frld•y Coeta Mna omce -... , .. , ltrMt Coeta ....... c •. 12121 I I ( J' I My neq\bof wu 1ao.in; !WI' e.11 end peraonat»e. detell melllng llaf, etc. 78&-3330 Ref'•· r... Cell Kw Conl1ructlon Clean-up• IU•AlllTI No Overtime! Call Any . _ _ . :!, '::;;:_; ::•:::._ ~:= ori.nttd Good typing Computlze Boolckaeiplng & 673-2340 mtQ/6-44-2151 Traetl & 1,... HeuHng · Love. cere lor eldet1Y Time. 648-1712 ...--------. 10t • --end pnone lkllla. Top pay taxes-SBA Joan·ptyroll Prof. HouNCIMn. tng, 5 ~ Fr• •t. John 645-e730 State lie 751.6410 P!J! I T [ " f I C I and beneflta. 842-4893 S 10/mo Guy 640· 1245 exp. lac*. relleble, wttly· OREA TER NPT /C BEST Bonded Companton @urop.., lwot 1--~, ,-,-,-,~,-,-0 r. ..... o ......... ~ ... ••• o.o1..i a.ntlfal otc . Perm Lloenled Typing ~ b4Weekly. OO'a 642•92&4 Heullng~up.p~~:~~ Aides & Rat .. for elderly. Card & Pal~. Pal, I ............ __. __ .__ ......... _,, _ __. , ;~.~~1 . .;. ';;_ ~'1 ::,!' PIT. Tues. Thura 9.5 Why pay more? trllten moYlng. 7 daY9. 548-7415 LIY9 In or out. 833·2009 Prwnt & Future. 1 free 'I ~;~?~ ~rd~~~·kl~~· Cell Anne 645--6233 Xll eoA8TAUetioN .H,. ... Rooni & Board for Acttw eS0-2758 Diane 631·'"4 Non-~kr. WI.II train Refa TYPING.S/H-BOOKKPNG New-Remodel-Addition• ..... t ' aty Senior Cltlzena. Xlnt cool( ..... IJU -r~'d 642-e339 FAST/ACCUR. SERVICE 722·1137 llcl44I0831 FllWI lie. LVN. 55&-H77 lrft""'iij68F REPAIR ,, .... ,,... .,. veRsAnLe.. 640-om AeMooe'"''NO TRI aniet o' raJ1t!at c AN BEAT AAY a10 av - aM Um•-.. • II I 1111 WeheYelrgdeleentryrvo-....... ROOM ADDITION'S Of. John Caroompu O.C. J.O. INT/EXT PAINTl ... G 5044. 122·7537 • -•tnlll II II ...:..!::_ e..ctt Cltl• NfttP0'1 8Mch 6-48-4021 "' •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilt tect 4 Med ecc typing &pert try s.vtc. 873-8 22 Be 2014'81 Hou ... & Apt "--rat•. tllaa 11 tkllle I lnletMI In !Mm-Repaif·AemOC:t'l·AOdttlOna 1 • IMtf!l I Ceeli!ll 1Quallty WOf'k 195-5765 6 ' hMlif 11111•\1 • t .... \,..f t ~ I I· I I I I I I TODAY'S REAL ESTATE CLASSIFICA TION8 1M2·2790 ARE IN THE REAL ESTATE TABLOID SECTION lnO computer 131•6480 0ocw .. tc. S4Mt80 --I RAINBOW PAINTING llllUl.... I 8UIL.0 ~ AEP IA a ....... H IW a• 111-r 0u,.:~ ,, our p()tlc:y BATHROOM I KITCHE.N County Airport Web, 11e1r1. r..Ungt Xd3'n::o::lfn.M*"Odei ~Ing done r1gt'I 850 JEFF lie.... ~~=l1NO, ~~8 .,.. omc. need• en e11-Ooor1, wlndowa, motdlnOt Top Oueftty. L.ow Pttce. C.A.8 8111 Co 482 .... 27 A A A p l'ITINO lnU perienOe peraon to oC*• j '478108 Don ..... 94, ,, ...... UC. 131·2345 Htg AIC. Ref rpr• 1\1 EF LOWEST poulble p(lce ,..,. ... , 11111 •te an fBM PC. account-, ~1···-au1•0 APT OR HOM A/Tiana A/C lyt le 458H3 10 Step SeMoe. M2-323S COmt*te '~" Ing bedlgfOUnd, In A/P, --'"' .. -Oullllty wont AM9on&ble A/A, peyrott, word pro-mlll JOCe • ....,.,.. ftom I 18,tOO. {714) ... •• D AN SAL YER PAINTING JM-toll oeeei!ng. Call 556-03~ Fr• .. ,im.t ... &45-1003 fM..M10(213) 429-2aat A Llncan ~ 142&824 .~~ •. -.------- for appt 11>oon-"'*inp-oey Wlf\-ATC Commetcfal Drywlllt Cii CXWA UAVICi Celt Anytime . ...._.2017 dows, compleie petihe, ~ In Comm'I Mow...oQe twic. mo. 120-GLASGOW PAINTING Are Y04il W1N1owt ce.n1 ... PWY addltlona, quaNty wortc Md .....0·1 ,,.. .... , S25 &4~5737. tn-812t 1nt1EJ&t. 30 yn .. .,., , BllbOe WtndOw WlilNnG H I 1 ppurence, UT1449 "eul 541 IMO ~ ncoa,,924 tfif'I, 142·1214 80311.tbcM •. "'41SI ptwent~Y Wiii Ki'1'CHEN I A 1 w a r ' 1 1 .~ TIUI ~I'm amell, my Pflcet are W1nOow 1'911d'I train S7S-&0To noon REFACING ~fled~r..o the aO•J Topped/~ ~ amell 12 ~•r• up comm·~....; CeM IOf tr• •1. &42-oMt ~ 0., &424171 up,'*" lewne 761'"'3471 George or~ 64&-.6&44 & heul he_. m.7100 I -=-r-' - .... _.. ...................................................... __________________________________ ;,_;__...___.;; __ __. __ _:__~~~---- \ ,I. i;;;;~----"-iiiiira::::::------::==~r.:----:------=::':':"T::"....;--~------"'T'!"--~----~~~------------.... ------------.... -°':;•~"99::.:C:'°91:::~·o~A~l~LY~~~l~O~T~l'Sa~tu~r~day~.~Nol~ .... ~m~b9'~~18~.~1~115~--~·7 :;::, .. .::.._al 1111 llwal IUI ......_ ruutue 1114 11Juellu11u 1111 C..pn MH Alatll...... tlM ..._ "P'.., llM All• •••lllk !!!; To rnen.ge 1e unit• West-IAI-f&Lll'm. PAY ' ... 1111 H•ndeom• 1' •0 '•· "Pt AtiMo4r...,. 1200 1MI VW ~ OlrT109' MIZ'71250. pla.p/b.atc. VOlVOI IOOl 4dr, 4110d. •WI 11UY Cl.eAH. ' -.. CM. MUM be hm-~. Wiii tr.in, , .... ,...... ... _ 1.,..l bmlbk.l/CJf'9Y If~. King G w•t~, com-Cotvtllr eng Sttong. tMt M\/fm .. .,90 ~ 201r ~.INf. *· meroon tan LOW Mtl.!AOI fled • ..,.;. etnct "*• S4 p/hf11t111 Mnic.mc> -• •-RMI , oak trim. new cones ~•175.~ Recent bf .... t>efWY, mon,.,,.eno,.adntc:ond Int '4800 e7&-tN6 DOMUT~&IMPOAT OOod twtent:' 54cuti!• In &4$--0032 Opport11nUI• avallabte I 8 Hu I 4 4 ' ' round IW. dMl1 S 1e50/090 15200 642-8113 __,:_ H8 -~~-·-~__:..._.:,_ wfth the L08 AHG!l.IS Hun~. Cent« I mahogany coff tbl ~ Unlverlolty Athletic C b ll50·ltse _ VW '64 lug, Orig ownt, IPT.111111111 -aDIUL TIMES ClrCW.tton 0.. Nowmbet 14, 15, 18, 17 upnote bfn Club Ctlr. You Memberlhlp tOf .... 1150 ._ /4 T MBZ '111 4!0 8£1. 142K mi lt1f'lf IMCtl tond & ona tnt helling ooupleto 1Mn9Qe S~et•I opentno• P•rt l)ll'llY*lt tn OUf dOOt to F~,:i:;•eo:::r.,iJ' ... & ha¥e 10 ... 9bo¥a 10 ap-752·2$$5 Mon·Frf, t-4.30 Ff.!!£ .. 1 ~ Camp•r IUfll'f. ~ pelnt aeooo. sacrff\c .. 2800 7&9-70 12 12Unll•lnCo.taM .... (1 Ul!\9, HO\.lrl 10AM·3PM doof ~ ..... FREEadmlMiolllP-rtcl Pfecl•l• C.954-1757 W£OOIHGGOWN.S1zit i o ,,_.... Xtta g.-lank, oeo 971~*8/dytM"'.vw ·eaBuQ, eblt gd P•raon otc to hav• Mon·'1rl, no uper, nee. ~~am oi;::ntMd JOln us now. 4 deyt onr:' ITALIAN Armolr•, lrg Satin w/Med PM''' I =t~ln~7~ MBZ '12 3000 JOnt oond oond. l950r 090~uat OU116detob~28reva1Jlor PlldV(,lely Hlringlmmed. m .. w:!,..9wn~ OM&Bf ... Promotlona 11100 OAK: din M1 trem$2~ 644-0?IO - ' All Service R.cord• Mlltl2'41 ·1044 :i:..1~~':"' feduQ.. Call SU., &&2-6843 ·2pm ()( .• pm.tPm. Train-213~9 ~= ::' .:~ :,,s:> ~· ,. ... ,.. .. ....... / S1U50 (71'4) 641-MM .,, ~. MW palnt, 1--..:.=.:::..::.:::;:;.:.,__ llllJll 1111 f/T Ing It P'ovtded Potent'-' ANTO. CNr·fYWOOd luffet WICKER. Etag1tire seo. Fr• Oid m b:ih· lcMt Mii MBZ SL <4!0 79 S24.000 tlret. t>rlt1, lhp1lln1 IPT 11161111 ~pref, t>ut not nee. to Mrn '300 ~ 11-c:ond. '360. &4&-15277 cn.ir seo uaorled tbll tut> NMdt r-'lnllhtng tfl or t>et otr Cell 83t·1400 .-.o 12300 816-tMS Exp mature Cple '° cere 7 1322 A• l0t a.n.. =-95~~ :,t 2411 ' --.... $10-$50 • Couch 1500. leetm1Mlng 5-48-3305 ~1 113 ROnd. 250 m o. Ch111 Of e7J-0320 LOU "''1• • •1• I fOf 52 Unlt1 nr 8eCtc 8ey ' • · king b.cj 1200, New ... ve meaaege 550-068e Ull cond $350 11~29 Of belt otter 892.5064 ~ 8otl WM. Women lllfYUJ.,... ... llPT aMiiiiiAll whirlpool port dlh Wltlr 'M Honda 200 RXL, thlny ~ mu1t hav• r•nte1 &. Part time Thllttdeya only e Men or W ~ _..~ S350. Botanlc a arden ~REE to good home 10 mo red, 500 llrwt ml. S 1000 VW '74 BUS. IN'f, ye&/wht clettc.i exp. Man mu11 Mu1t hive proof of In· I work klOl"*l<* .dept LES 9157~ 133 China ec>m~~SO Make old rem Pltbull1 had w/helmYI 873-8224 i nu ball. low mt S2100 obO h~ ltr~ melnt tklllt. aure~. OOOd driving r• ~ult be :O\Jrt•oua: 21 c:u tt. W•tlngl\OuM OFFR. 5"4M25e Iv mao 11'1011. 551·3~ -e~ or 642·6443 AMa req d. 833·3363 cord, mlnl pickup or .nthullaatlc,. Nlllty, no Frotl Free Refr10.I ,,..,. KARGES dining room Olli r--it A1t1 lemc"/ vw '74 Super a .. ,.. . 111 ... ll&OllP tlmlllef. Deltvery publt-expel'. l')ee. Cati l<evln, er, ~· 1~ Y" <>kl, breaktron11·w1c1e117'hlgh ct .... UI Partl MU Conv Blk on pearl Wl'lt, rr6A01'7• ~WT. In Nwpf18ohh•t1 pit;,._ =~~ 1 00C1tlor•ci1 In &&2·55-44 S600K •• ? ,.'?,.,,_ ~~~bere Tr.•dltlonat Burtwood. I ~·l~tat 1147 Q~~ .. __ ,_; t I n *'ll ••-• ..... S4000 080 Mo-8394 PIS, elf, 4dr, lc>Olla OfAll --'llVI In , .. _ •I ... . n 11... ()(.-. ~---1tmoet new Thi• bfMJI.· COM N{ffoN s YFE --·"". OOI, ... ac:--"--"' - -$750 080 847-7131 ~ <Mpt ....... ~,, Commt11lon potential PAIT Tm ... •1 •a11 front currently on .. i. In '4x2x2 .200 080 c;. Snap-On Value btwn .. low w/bl90k Power1\.lll vw 7 9 ~bit. 2 CIOOf, mutt hive vllld Cl.Ill nmlngofl10-l15 p/hr, Newlpaperhomedellvery, *..a.5 ... I* furniture Sloru et BefbatlKOfsaJc 549-80S4 H .000-17.000. 1 1,000 Exit condl (021412) ltlct()~lfl, xlnt tt8MC)O, FOR0 '75TOR1NO 18,7()) drl\«'a lie ~ llfll · Apply In peraon, 2091 ..,1y morning to 5 AM Refrtg«etora 1129lUp 11oooowttlaaeraflcel0< · FIRM5"46-8748 ONLY S2300obo540-.752 orig ml 2or.alc351enc req 833-3232 Kerry ng Rldlter AY9, Sutt• 108, 1500·000. p/mo. Clll WUh«• 199 .. Up beet Offer (714)760-3448 IBM IYP4'W!'llet model c •VW '80 Bui. ,.., r9btl xlnt COOd $2200 750..190 I · Irv I n• Tu•• day 5-42-8015 anyllme. Otyer1, g.aalelec 199 a Up O o o d co n d I t Ion 4 D MI Dri"/J"" mtr, gu.t"antMCI. ~1r1111 FORD ·77 T·btfd. ~' e!~ ~-~. :J.~2-~PE~E or ca11 --PAIT Tm "Com~:~~~:!. Home E~:"ci!~'. ri~o 22 ~~: U:~:o After 5. 1 tul 11750. OBO <41M-2552 trans, eng 1u11y retltt.run• ~IH t>uiln•N Hr· APITY OLIU I S_~I~ weak.end work AU. APPLIANCES Ibta.S95 . .Ratten. Antique HT OfSIGNERS Ofc tuY<n 8!n a;;;y Bluer a~2. ex-v:..~t ~:'1 ix!f 1~--· ~~ vloM. Exp ptef'd. UPS, Harbor Munloif>el Court f>::dt~ar:~~ ~':!: FllllJ ......... ~~~~:~~~ Fllea-dralllng untt .. tc 114~~':''f1~2~ wnitet~ Mike otr S2250 OBO M2·3St7 fed ExptMt. Nwpt Hiiia h .. openings for Men & Juen Cai>l1trano er... bHu..t ......... 759·933610 497-6995/E ' MERCEDES '8'4 500SEC 759-t870 or 643·2542 FORO '83 Mutt.ng Gl Cntr. Nov·Oeo. 854-5787 W<>rl*l. If you type <40 Wiii treln. (818) 887-6975 UNIQUE FURNITURE LOI/~ SEAT:lk new-:-M"uted 'II '(Ip w /c:el tu 1 a r phone , haa everything, lo ml, 1 • wpm and are lntef.Jlled 1~'47 S. Main f\t. prwn &. gol{l llorl!I deeor· Pttl I A.alaal1. 1149 OlllKll aunrool, xtnt c:ond , attt Dt."Uc tleo top, lth1, air, all pow91 In xtnt benefit• Ind •••rt· PIUllAIY OLlll Senta An• ••or style. Sac. s 150 ehrl11m .. YorkieS. MAJ;, 8 Thi• 2 Or comee with p/1, 543,500 or 111um• euick .,, t&6ra Sport• "'ag wl"lla Ptic.d le: r Ing Ml•ry ol se.99 p/hr, Exper. part time. WMI<· Btwn Edlng« & Warner on obO. •fl 6pm 673-t330 wk• AKC. snote. $300-x1ra cap Ivel tanll, ate leate 557-4758 Cpe. 1 ownr, lo mt, 12995 .Quick Hitt Only $690< '40, hrt p/wk. Call d1y1 only , Th• Guild Mein St. See IM Beert MOVING Din rm lbl &. $400. EY91 658-1839 prep & more (Seu0002) ERCEOES OBO 5<4M240 840-4277-or M0.-3535 833..0-411 ext 350 ror In· Dfug. Newport ee.ch. lll·l••o · · tt••t M b9eUt Y9flow •••-•-.... te<Vlew. '4801 Jamboree Apply In P9l'M>n to Re4d . "" chrs. Sofa, MW cabinet Good home for 2 lovely -'8 t 380SL. mint, toeded 12 'll FHI llllOI .... ., -•llT Blvd, N.B EOE Maclnnlt, 11110 S•n Open l0-6. Sun 12•5 Mite:. Darkroom suppllee Hlmtleyen cats For eppt ORANGE COAST S32.500 OBO 875-3083 • Ulll llYIU A v 8 2872 S. Brl.tol, SA __ Miguel Of GE dbl d()()( lroet-lree 855-3011 Of 831-1527 call 854-8107 •fl '4pm Jeep/Renault , Auto. air lull power, u10, • · budlet ... 11. Call Teri 966-10711 EASY ASSEMBLY WORKI . green xlnt oOncs t9 C\I tt' Olk/ lua/brua· Din Ml 2524 Hart>Or Coet1 Mesa MOB 80, lllnt cone, lo ml, AM/FM, c:us, whl COYef AM/FM (UCU10 XAYJ ......... ••• -$800.00 per 100. Guaran-... ....., srmu 1225 Call 673-7319 • '37g. c:of lbl '450 b Hlmelayan A Lovable bell Mt-IOU ,_toe> Prle»d '°' qulell Ult. CIUIM (IDVH0911 PHI ...... --teed Peyment No Ex· S6-lt2 p/h plv • $ s · 11 of fur CSA reg 9 wt11. sate Only 13500 llHI C~ C°:'rtyard•. Styll1t perlence/No Slle9. o.-mtul<in. N~ Miii~ ~ KENMORE gaa dryer l•roe ;~• aof~~ t~~v:t "'°"· MS 150, ~ 132 Tracks H3S _8-4()...4277 or 840-3535 c:tlel'I et. 645-1559 evt tell1 tend Mlf·lddrepecl Mvtt be exper. Cell Pl'lll. ~~xe S';~g.1~~:· wlll u~ll $300; bdrm $400; LHASA APSO: Gentle, lov-CHEW tg ciUS/C 'h 1on, MITSUBISHI 83 Starton ......,/1...... .... •tamped envele>pe:. 550-9622 1 ng din Mt S350. 5-43-4705 Ing, cuddly guy 3 yrs Old. big window, nice orig snr1, air. crulN, xlt cond IUll tlfM/ p911 time kitchen EL.AN VITAL ·903 Refrlg'• 14-20 cf Ill Ye<y Looking for a nice hOme cond need• a short S8700 obO 7811-4356 Mlp&CUhlef.Appty ln3~:, En:r3~;e82 Rd, Ft. PIT •ITllHLP cleani35-S200 Cuh ~·~:~rn-~r~t~' toadopt &spollhlm.Otc block.S650 586-7t85 MuSTANG .71 MACH 1 THEODORE ROBINS FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HA•&Oll &lVD (0\tA Ml\A 04'2 0010 ~ 270 So Brlitol ce, For Watch Store. To 631-3701or966-1366 n 1· ouc · · 751·9070, hm 780-6006 . AIT ACtPSIPB /1 ...... ~... . • chenge batterya ln11111 drur, It oak game Ible lilt um 0..10 P/I . . am m #112. Co.;~ Meu F&GTllJWlllU bandt&Nlee.M~tth•ve REFRIG. Seara 17' lrost· w/<4upl\chrs.Klngm1tt& Persten Kittens. adorable Auto AM/FM 8 track cass Great lnlr New --------'IOF•F&ll..-r 751 2 factory workttr1 needed. good menu•I dexte<lty less. Ice maker, xlnt bOx spring. TV, mlclo home relaed. CFA All su~ clean iull cam • paint FrMhly redone en-CAO '69 Coupe 0.Vllte, no Auto, AIC. AM/FM ca .. •CtRCULATORS•-Apply In per1on 8-3pm. exp. h9tprul bl.II not nee'. cond.1150. 646-1188 wthr/dryr, lrUhcompac· shots S200 • 646-1373 shell (lk;•tTJ21951 per glne FlewlHe 13500 dents. gd llret, chrome, (Lle•002 ZEU) lObO HAllllO• llVO (OSTA M l\A 042 0010 15415/Hr Part/Full time 17390 Mt Cllffwood Cir, Call 642-9667 from 9-8. Wlhr & e4tlc dryer-xii cond tor. etc (213)592-1048 Snlhlzu AKC gotdet1, 2 yr 14111 obo Greg 720-9097 etc Nda ~work At 11 UHi No expel'. nee. 534-1-400 fountain Valley SEE above Cluelfled MO-S300 bOth. 845-9H 1 •ilctU.."11 l S Old M. well manne<ed. NISSAN 300ZX 'M Low S375 675-5 87 eeeeee eeeeeeee eeee tlon 5100 for ed lllled F 't 14 2.u GT BMX ..__ 150 546-4258 mlles S 11.900, Ole CADILLAC EJdOfedo '83 RE. LOAN AGENTS U'al Ut .. • crv.-tf.· 863-1400.., 644~1968 Exclcond Cleenl n·tmkr, I•:. DELIVERY DRIVER . . I llY Flllm'E cond. $300. Matching Timber Wolf/Germ Shep to mtteage Fully loaded •• STlllOlEll n drapH, sneer under pups. avell 12/'4 S200 s11.950 pp (tggc()5e) LES 957-8133 drapea, valance, queen obo 642· 1806 evs/wtcndt CHJCM Dys 2131539.914() ut P •1Flllme. NewPort Beech .... d & 1 d THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HA•&O• 111"0 (0\lA M U A o•'2 0..)10 Dally llot motor route 42" I bl 2 --uvtpr amp x-con WANTED Male Beagle for 4 5 0 0 eve 1 /w k n d 1e • erea. Exper nee. Good rnd d neS I f teevee $575 obo. 644-5974 Sl"d services, P"rebr--' fV.'m•....,,.N 714/497-2022 • available In Huntington •, drtv1ng red , muat. a 4 chrs 100 673-6071 _ v v ...... ~ LI-, ... ,,.~ •• e • 548-3-407 EOE/M/f /H 5 .___ 11 1 1 "COMFY" sheep skin cov-with papers Call· 'II UTQl 11• GU ---•-••-• Harbor area. 1-2 hours • p........ y ng room " • ers grey, flt Volvo seats. 968-9484. 5spd. Cast. 4X4 (2G77964) '°"SCHE NABERS 4 door Loaded with power • ft e TtUllUl!Tm floral print. 6 dining room great cond, uaed 6 mot Pa'aatt ._ Ottaar Slttl AUDI equipment (IKRE4641 • per a ernoon. •Good voloe? Need your chalrs.640·6454 $135. Paul efler 8 • H=-~~)I CADILLAC 114HI • Call 641-4333• Mon : daystoyourtelf?Wepay All French Provlnclat· Din 831-6364. HSI s.a..a~vlu John.o:.i&son : d F Id 10• 5 p M• e ~ull lime .. '°' P•brt time set orig $280011C $1400 DISPLAY CASES (2) Whl KIMBALL Oak 5'711 Grei\d Cff'•C'., LARGEST SELECTION 262~1~~~ ~:'t M ay-r ay -. . e ours mull e U · cot tbl Mt $550, elegant plexlglass. 6'x2'x2'. Ideal Plano Like new 12500 •' ft otla1e model low mileage 7 l4!'"0-...,..,_ I:• A k f Art • pertenced on phonel. I&-solallovest $650, occu for travel agency. tr1de Celt 673-2840 fVEJlal'lllN Cadillacs in Orenge I ~ "'f"" s or . • $15 p/l\r plu• com-cht1$150.Xlnll 5'434705 snowa.etc:.WAY BELOW I El ~ Coun1YI Seeu11oday1 u1-••te<1M••1v11 • • mlstlon 1011art. Call Joe, .. 1....., E n:--i:"' COST! 7..,. """l TV, ttrH , tclHaiCI w E. c-Hwy --... - - Or n"• Coast • 550-9022 "" .... ue ure>pean ... ea .. -,v-v.... .tA•A ~.... 540-1110 Loaded w11n ~ equtp •e 8 W e Iron!, professional con-HEIRLOOM HANDMADE -flat 1 lKBRS651 • Dally Piiot • ~ Wiii . verted to • bar Beautlfut OUtL TS. c 1930. greet 25·1 SEARS CONSOLE 6 7 S-e9ff 2600 Hart>Or Btvd 111,HI e e Senta Ana, IUFW)' WOf'k burled wood & ~ Christmas gifts. $175 to COLOR TV Xlnt cond. FORD •72 Wfndow Van. COSTA MESA Jonnson & Son • 330 W. Bay Drive •No telllng, no exp. nee. gtau mirror. St950 $325 720-3912 $125.646-1188 new trans. new pwr. gd e&1 •14011PfhYILLl uneotn Mercury : C t M Ca • paid -'Cly. part ume evet. 760-1039or733·1109 """Y $2200 !>'40-0812 PORSCHE '69 11E. 100% 2626 HarbOr Btvd. C M • 08 8 eaa, "' e Call Kathy, 662·55"43 C et B k 6' S f ~ Maple hutch S87 Ken· TrH1 .. rt1tiH •-ti -orig, grt cone S9000 obo Loaoed with power equip-714/540·" .. "" t em ec 0 1· .,.,.._.. more wsnr S25 Fireproof -na ''"' 751-10 1 1 /W 535-8 155/H meot Lealher mt · 'It toe>. ~ •eeeeeeeeeeetljeeeeeee••··~ TRUCK DRIVER wtDMV country print, $1 25 080 strong box 18x12x7 139. CJ111ica 9045 PORSCHE •73914. xtnl, wirewneelcoY9fs& much Printout. WAREHOUSE & '494-2300 All good cond. 548-5833 Ptwtr 1Nt1 7012 ·65 CORVAIR Turbo Corsa runs/look• nree1t 2nd morel I 1233A) COUNTER HELP. Chrome/Glau Wall-Unit . • 114,Jtl Hanka Electrlc: Supptys 33 .. 72 .. SlOO 846_8904 REMODE~EO nouse sell· 17" Glasper, 135 np Mere, great cond· a clasak: ownr S3900 85•·&489 Jonnaon & Soo 646-7777 x · tng applls, wrought Iron tow hours. rebll trellet $2700.&M.0530 PORSCHE .77 91 1s Uncoln Merc:ury Coffee tebte (Flnlandl• fence. doors & windows, $3900 548-6030 i t la rt.. 91-T 1 new...,.,. 2626 Harbor Btvd, C M YITllllAIY lllP. make), bleach birch, etc 759--0128 na M ,. -arga. ownr. -... needs PfT l<ENNEL HELP. large. 1250 646-6235 . 19 Ft WELLCRAFT 115 AUDI 180 ..000 12000 aec:urtty all amenttla. 71"5.40·5630 exp. pref 20-30 hrs, SCR lM LETS ntp Jonnson O/B Fully Must Miii eei1 offer S 16 000 750-9207 CAOlLLAC 77 ~pe c;e COLLECTOR WANTED "HUii I Sii Orn&t C.Uty'• elkst Litcelllltr'CllY lultl. "" '"" ,.. ,ulity, Y~S. Hnitt. I luUlt 2'2' lat'8r .... "--•· •--S4t·5'll Part time opening In Laguna Beach I Laguna Niguel area. Earn up to $6.00 per hour for schedule may v.,y. Tek· King sz bed. exit cond, n • equipped to ttsn or ski 640-6137 or 75g..~7 PORSC HE 82 924, VIiie t>lk 'ti® tan lrttlr.lwwo..I...,;,;. Ing appl't Mon-Fri bedspreed &. 1h••I• ANSWERS Ory, fest, sale supef --loaded. xln1 cond. call \ loaded real wire wnts, -;.;;;-;;;;;:;;;.;;;;~;;;;;;-;-;; 1oarn-6pm. '125 Me" Sacrifice $200. 642--4651 lemtly boat West rig 759-9564 all 15 or wknds side dam11ge drive 11 lmT '12 Lftl Of C M 63 030 trailer 494-6126 LARGE SELECTION OF _ _ _ __ away S 1900 Dealer Auto atr pi s. p/b Undet .. · · 1·1 ~~:ao~~vSl::. S~:; ~~~:: ~',:: 19. South Coasl Bay Boat. NEW & USED BMW'S! PORSCHE 911S '75 Sll-1 8 181789_6672 1~SBPl 30.000 mttes (1FTT~5 WEllEll IAlllEI Cl I Poss all S8995 Liii lllOl In ver annlv •327· to mt. -SHH chr $50. Other LR Items MANICURE ob~~ for car t.6-1919 VOLUME SALES mtnt $11,500, 673-8886 CADILLAC ·77 Seville, xlnt Johnson & Son W ....... kend 720-9881/D S.6-7500/E My neighbor was taking • SERVICE & LEASING TOYOTA '72 Cellca good I cond pwr llhr many Ltncatn Me<cvr.., collecting for monthl y subscriptions. Mileage allow- 0';1y PllotM~~o( N-In town? CIHlllled her cet to have II 20' SKIP JACK Bimini, 3670 N Chefry Ave. LONG tranapo'1a11on car' $595 ~ts $5 695 640·77~ 2626 Harbor Btvd CM I R V I N E A R E A ) Cll't help you meet meny dectawed, but Insisted on rod hid rs. trim tabs VHF BEACH obo 751 -8619 I CADILLAC 83 Fleetwood 7, 4 ~40 5630 2:30-10:30 A.M. Ptctcup of your need•. &42-5678 telllng the cal •"-wu $9000 080 760-7 160 (No Cherry exlt-..05) ---Brnm S 11 900 Lo mt otc - tructt & clependablllty • gotng for a MANICURE 25' Ellmlnator Dey Cruiser ( 71•)111·1 ltO T~~~t!:~ '8.!:n~~d 5 ~ j 863-1400i 644· 1968 hm 0i~s ':nT0:;.-;'0 s!;~ must. $90 per WMll.nd. , ~ Cus:om In every respect Trad•tns Welcome mi $3995 &44-6234 1cHEV 79 CAPRICE obo 979-6375 Nancy ance paid In addition to hourly wage. Experienced preferred but not required. ~~I. 642-4321 Uk lor ~l :; ......._ llUl~~~OUllt ~:, ';~u11h~:taits Musi OPEN SEVEN DAYS TOYOTA 8 1 COROLLA-Pwr air am11m c,..n clnt OLDS Toronado •3 WINDOW CLEANER Eitp 4iALi ~ OWN~ 30' SEARAY WEEK-4 S9d new tllff gd cono COf'ld $ 2750 75 '·• 738 Btklvf•yt toe> tearn ,,,. FT/PT. Rel, beeCh ~111es: .--.......__ ~.......,-e . ,. 4 ENDER Mint c;ond 2001\p ·D~~rvwERYTtOEE'f=r ~le_a~· $2795 964-6797 I wr '"All llAIH Nds -k S300 722-86M Owntrenap.8~82« ~~~···~a'1f1 l. •r-.• r·,. Mere cruisers Only 500 TOYOT A 81 Corolla. 10 USEDCAAS 4 TRUCKS •IJNITIACIOOOSTf ~ .. i 1..:~-~ :x.·r-4 u; J ' ·r:-1 ·* hrs 4KW onans. wind· McLAREN'S BMW m1. xlnt cond 1n/O\Jt COME IN OR CALL FOR Loaded With power eQU•P· Em,1-tat Wut.. 1 • • , # , \ • lass. VHF. etc Orig ownr blue/It blue int. am/Im . rltff •-uw. menl s ........ 1n1-1or 110.e _,_ 5535 ' ' · ·, 7,, l ~. ')~ bought e bigger boat M-F 11119. S-S tllt 6 cass. air $4 100 675-565 I [ ,.. ~t~LO new !S;k"';'Jo53At Muat be •t LNat 18 ,,.. old II• __ ., __ ,..___ 'I "LUCKY 11" Must be 626 S Euclid S1 -11&11 Ex Mgr for• major corp. a GAIAGI SALi ADS NOW 1 , aoldl Asking S3'4,500 tn-Fullerlon. CA VOLVO '76 242 DL I CIEYllln v prev. owner ol Mfg Co. CLASSmio l'f CITYI ··• • .._ spect at our docks today! 714.680 6300 1 1 A/C stereo. very clean , 1821 1 BEACH BL \ID JoMson & Son Call seek• cha(leQlng polltton SH llLOW Admiral Vachls 01 N-· 2 l3·69t·67o1 $2 tOO obo 675-7625_ I HUNTINGTON BEACH L1nco1n Mercury AM PM w/pro09Ulv Co. 963-3627 port Beach 673-5200 -VOLVO 79 26<4GL Very 14l ·IOIJ; 141-SU l 2626 l1art>or Blvd CM 10 • 0 • 4 • • Buying eno Hlllng al e 1a1L.... ,.__ • 1124 .-tow miles All luxury -I 14 S40·55JO MR KIRKLAND -_.ta tH · 34 Sportfisl\er !Win scr-~npj~ equ1pmen1 Auto $5500 *'12 CHYnn• PONTtA?: 83 LE 60<l0 ..... ~·-~9"'1 ext·. 107 ~~:,~~.r,r~c:-::·~·I~ Ptaia1aJa '107 llybrldge, just hulled. wtth out••~ Dys 720--0941 ev 'wknds1All lac:1ory OQIS Ctean 4 1011deo N pwr S8600 Dn ~~ ebout.64l·5&71 SAT 368E 15th St CM outolweterSYrvey Elec-552-·4488 'sharp'$13.950 8~-3966 833-0651 eves85•-8llfi1 ';::::;;;;::;;;;=:;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;iiiiiiii~i&m--i:.iiiiiiiiii~ SAT~~~ ffl-el 10-3 ~~~t1~~~e ~~:C: t!u~~~~ I ~~~'.s~:~n g;!1~t ~ W D 111 W • 1 --- 1613 E. BAY AVE & oar Items 642..0303 to bollom $29.500 PP •••• II TODAY' s SYDNEY 0MARR (Btwn Ha I Street•) Ente< SAT 9-7 20th & Tustin Wkdys 818/«3-8983 or I thrugateaBatboaBtvd Windsurfers. Auto Whls, 2131686-0462 or wknd1 a.-ab......-,. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Tru11ees NY NI! entire Toola. Clothes, Furn. 7141492-1766 ..,.._,.. contents 1950 s llne Bikes much more JIAt H Fml ltll-llllDIOft of MW &. home Incl lurn, brte·•· ' · -. oarefulty pt.,e.Nd brae, grandfather clock. Sil 9·4, 2221 Seybrook Ln Tw dsl1, glass. A/P, '4 kw, Dfeowned IMW°I .., ....._ ________________________ __, pot bellled stove. ovtrlg· Fairview bet Wiison & sllp, poss ownr financing. ger & mucn more Priced Avocado. Dresaers. pie-All offers considered Bkr • ---elf ACAOll SJ Footpaih' l"f'EV10UI PVZZU t<>t.YED to sell Cash preferred lures. b<)Ol(s, hovsehld 960·7'467 II dOl9 ._ • • s.a Steno cn0<@ Saday, November 17 No Htly birds. THANK-Sat 9.5 1754 Sant• An• 41' HLLIWS OUSSIG ...... ---~ , Tussl• ss Judan s son ARIES (March 21 ·April 19): favor or fundin& comes from YOU Ave Lota of Berble doll 1937 tw eng, nu aurvey, puidtll• ytJAll • 1~ 6~~: ~ ~1,~gasi unusual source. Be discreet, emphasize powers of persuasion. Lunar stuff, boo k 9• furn slip Illness forces sale ~~ ,. P•@t••• 61 ~wauan ooo'" cycle hi&hlia.hts friends, desires, fulfillment ofemotJonaJ needs. C. • 1 • llU ctotnes. plc1ures. etc TryS39.500 Bkr960-74117 ~ 1s J-1r,-''"'" 63 Book unit TAlJR(JS (April 20-May 20): Focus on contacts with those m f!U tlf S AT ONLY 8•m to lpm EMERGENCY SALE! 17' ~·~· 1n1 16 OuH IOVnd 64 •t>•ade positions o f authority. You'll learn more about rules regulations ll"ll21 ESTATE SALE • Much 983 A~BOR ST Bumper Cresthner wltrtr $395 .. ,... 17 Punctu11•on 6~ Esera'* ti10..• . . . I . h ' ' y •be-,,-china, glauwere. many pool dtnelteaet aportl~ ~5-8746 Q~ mar~ &6 Greei. Q°" n ghtS and pcn:ruwons. Love re ~tJOnS Ip grows Strong. OU art In& misc Items, orlenlll rugt. gdt, 'clothing. M~h more _ __ __ n 18 Framework 67 Rei!1nc:1te seriously consid ered for promouon. 2315 Pacific Df. end of Sail 1Nt1 7014 ----.. •--•l 19 Scram• GEMINI (M ay 21-June 20): Emphasis on travel ,fchilosophy. Ac.cl•. Sal/Sun 10-4 SATtSUN tam. 385 Moo•• 20 00ci. wOfi.•• . , . . . . • ...... __ --Vl1ta. furn . 1port1 10 f1 Oday Sprite. Includes BMW 3201 '83 beige air I communacat1on., l~terest m metaphys~cs .1s heightened. ou ~me ESTATE:.Sat/Sun 9-4.30. equip., h•no gllder, trplc, all rigging, sates & trlr alloys snrl ·Sier c.aa· 1 ~~ ~~~~Y, ~'::t><e• f!'O~ a~ ofspantual values. Burden 1s hfted. reach beyond previous '428 OeSOI• Terr (Coron• antiques, b<)Ol(1 S300· 744-721 t very to ml, mint cd, ortQ 2 4 411.,9 hm1tat1ons. . ~:3;1~~1:Ctf~: hou .. TICKTOCKER Sidewalk ·72 ~ 30MK 11, $33K with I ownr S 12.600 751-2224 ;>6 w11c11 CANCER (June 21-July 22): You I~ more about financial • Sele Sat Nov 16 1oem10 cnotce NB mooring BMw 3201 83 exce1 C<>nd 29 us1nd1an resources of one clo9C to you. perhaps business panner or mate. Stress Fumllure, high boy. •ntqa, 3pm 540 w. 19th St, CM Crulee/race. 9 bags. wind Lo mi 5 IPd 54.1nroof 30 Cny ot ,.,_ DOWN 1 P('Ut;eht'~ } G~• 3 Ange• • in f'•C!tS~ '' ~ C.on•ll!<e>u>< h u•t individuality, imprint your own style. You'll have opponunity to make colfeetlblel. c1o1na. 7 ·9, Clothe4. mite: oo<>d• ind. 11e<eo. depth ind. I ru11y to~ded s 10 995 PP 3' way uci "tQ" f'reah st.art. Romance will flourish. jewelry, boo ks 709 I ~ 141 VHF pressure water. Lie: •I llmx9971 Days 3J ..,,,... ' .,,,..,Ml•''" LEO (Jury 23-Aua. 22): Focus on teaching. intuition, public Ac:ecla, Set/Sun 9-4 ut. s ~ '~~~~~~ow Ille 2131539-91'40 ext 4500 ~~ ~=• e ~u· 6 Sul~~ n:latioos, abibty to impart knowledge in aniculatc, entertaining S•ll~n 10am Ant1Que1 ~ ""'9E • ra ~ ev/wttnds 7141497 -2o22 40 PonMI .. 1010 q ven•so" manner You could be offered lucrative contract. Don't rush. Key IS to eppl •• crystal, eepfMSO Refr9'hment• Handmed• 78 Force 50 Ketch, dsl I BMW 74 2002. wnt w/blk 41 Re4ued U S) IO lranS•IO<\ . d. . tc t'al mech. gtent 1tuffed bMf llama. SAT Nov 15th 9 to auxiliary. dst generator. irlm blue Int t ownr slate , 1 e .. s11no w aJtan sec,topcrcetveyouro~~ n1. · . . . 48100ofcha91er 5 t9451Mc:L.aren H.B 1011 of equtp4Tl ent Atptne atereocass.clean: •3LNn•no l?Souventr ~00 (Aug. .23-Sept. 22): ~versify. make tr;'qumes, k~p S•llSun S•m-Jpm. Color WICKER· 5_7 clothea & Divorce forces Hie 10 10 ml $'4600 Ev l 44 Noul..a 13 Whiled•""•~ confides aspirations ~nnccted Wllh employment. Soctal act1vlt1es aportl aqUlp, wom.n·a Brookhurtl/Ademt SIS Montegornery 15 w/tr1r, 2 BMW '80 728t 66k mT drk 47 ~~~~~ame ~; =~~·•i::,.," '-:i 11\,1\(l(""'~ ,, l"·~\11\ \~ ~ .... ' Atgt111• 1'111f' ·~ l •"~' .,,.,, ,6 Atlt'n1JA1t. • \II 1..11"' resolutions con~mtna rest, mcdt~llon. diet and nutntt~n. R~lat1.ve TVa, bikes. merble tt>I•. ahoea, c()ftume1. Morel Make offer 645-6646 675-9288 or 0y 497 -•884 l 4~ Sr11p area i 1 Fieci.te accelerate. clothaa, jewelry, hOUM-1' •-·-141 Jlbl , Sptnaker & mo<el blue 5 spd ' xtnl S9soo 8 PM ~ Leg ••fl•~ UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Good lunar aspect hi&hl ights chanac. hOld ttema. S.25 to s100. ua -S3000 obO 997-7695 Mr Reinhard 835-2556 :, p,;;,~,ef 21 ro snet'"" ""t""'"' "' U'lvel, variety, physical ~ttractiqn, significan t creative end~vors. ~;:"r,;.:;nM~ec1nc :!If:' fi:O,a.'~~.,~ S.mct s.a1,.nT DATSUN **-* ·74 2602, .--......... --....-...---.,.---, --r---....-...,...--, \Q (',., .. , .. •• 1\111- 4 C:.(lflllk Mon~ comes from surpnsc sou rce. Yoong person pays meaningful .. 1 · .. ,~1 1.. _. s,,t:" 1t21 2. 2 av1o Fmt Ceu SUN 10-4 515 Baooni• c .. n• c;e..,..,.. . we .. er ••• c ~U compument. • 8d lvrn trundle bed. 637 RamoM. 49'1· t 738 t 5 t< MAN MARINE STEAL 12000 646-8103 ~RPIO (Oct. 23-~ov. 21 ): Check lep.J docume!1l1. be pos1t1~c lam':. m..:C l\lhld Item•' ~ •---L ••• DIESEL GENERA TOR DATSUN ·a 1 .,]OOSX 14 coocenuna souroc matcnal. You could have someltuna of value inl '-~~· • New '"" 1n c:rete. Origl AM/FM P0wet. 1o m1. ---------oftlna. Be aware. alert, ready to protect nghts. Member ofoppos1te sex 1 f XM[v SALE Port cost l6300. se11 $3000. sunrl Btitt olT 875-66S3 17 proves valuable ally. IC.ta.... 1114 I Lor•nt, olf Ford & c a111so--1376 DAT SUN 83 T 80ZXI . SAOm _.uuus (~ov. 22-CX.C. 21); Relative confid~s .1eeret. .Be ~~~~~·.!::;.~~~!~ Ancn0t1 121 Oentort1135H Turtx>, 1-top 51Pd. 2 •2. 20 dilc:reet, realaze ahon tn{> may be neccuary to complete m1u1on. MaJor .. IWll mT I : Ile'# powder coet whit• I e11 irtru. saooo 494-5-453 1 domes_tic 1clju1tmen~ 11 h1Jh~iJhtcd. M~e inquiries oonccmma1ew.ry Suoday. Or•ng•iL~ 1~0°~r~!f-oneSt Sl501" 67s-07<40 °•~ OATSU,.. 84 3oon 2•2, financtn1of 1utomoba1e.. an obJect, luxury ttem. I C08lt ColleOe· '••rvtew a ~ WOf1h 01 collec· 1 I U,./hck1/lteratt uaum41 S325/mo ••. no CAPRICORN (Dec. 22~an. l 9): Define termt steer clear of A<Nma. Colt• MeM Ad· tablee a ireaaureet I 11121 c:Nh 730-3& 12 Oennl3 28 21 .Ubful thinkit\a. ~meone ~a~ somethillJ of val~ from you -and I m=.•1~6":J.=:,E· 1M OVING SALE SEA 1 15' SllP ON BlLIOX HONDA e 1 Pre4u<M. 5 in•)' not want .to ~v:t anYlhina 1n rct~m. C..)'clc hiah. trust your own CLIFF MoC>lle Pr!( 890 w is L AN 0 1 50 rno IPd :;? w ••n. am1tml 31 Judcment and lfttWb OD. PerfeCt technaq~. . . . • . BUMPEA pool table. ex9 15ttl, Ip: 2e Hf HOIG 111-790-7302 ~ 8735&~~· •lnO ------~QUAIUUS (J~. 2().f~b. 11): M oon '" y~~1 SllJ\ coanadn Wlth WOOi at'9lg NG·"'°'*', .. , HOIC> $at 1e1Sun 17th SID£ TIE Little , .. .,,., For 37 chariam&. pc:nooalall_. ph)'1teal 1ppeannce, willinpss lo state VleWS II). queen.i. ,,,...,.. ' Pteue pat1l on .. ,... 10-1 ,., fl bMtn SeltbOet HONDA 83 CMc. ,.,.. infonhria&t.dynanucmanner. Thiteanbcyourpowcrplayday. You'll ~rNa!CWNllteml ISUN 10AM, 8drm Suite. t73-071e 1500-S mdl. Vtctona r.i ... 4_t ____ _ be ma.kin& mo~. love ~ very ,...ai_.. 111 ~ Ct'pt-. oin.tt.1 -~ 20000 ""·m t QOnCI PllCD (Fe~ 19-Mateb 20): Answen are found in out-<>f-way• I!. lklO'f St . one bit N. ht. An11qut Sew Mactl. ~~;~~No IM A~ ~ ~ deya. - 4-+--+---+-- You are ca ..... !* now of finishiH uai•ftment, of rcach~'n Bey. blltW <>ranee 1 F"9-Mlrrora. Bedtpre•d•. s~ tie 1 2s· u10 -- • • ~ .1 ci•:... -.... Id .._ 9'1on Saturdey oNy ~ mot-. 1990 P011 o 1 LAM80AGHINl ·14 Coun-prevlOut h mtlluOlll. Ex ... .._evmtsoocur. youcou. uicU -~ H'IHomel SWALl!S AMCtiORAClt 11Ch (Ser •00003•>1 .. to appear befpret.he media. . PU.11' P" lmll lta..s3&-t710 pr1ot Into o.ry t ..a s.'8-1501 Aecs1ian c.1 cw ~ IP NOVDIBBll 17 II YOUR IUJlTBDAY you &~ in&cllle, lo),I, ~ °"' I MOM ti ~ti -illpa AVllllla.tJM -W-30· 32' TlC, 9.000 '"' 14$,000 i i..53.......ji--~__.--+-_ teetimenlll, 11CD.1ual. passion.ate. capable of meetina daldlinc$ and ~ .= llll 3-S' 3.S33 w eo-t Hiity T11dM OK Ott 5-42~ bandli.nt rasponnbUity. M~or domatic ad,juluneftt occum:d tbll '1117 l ·»-3«11 • HIPI 9cfl t-5 .. ~" MAZDA '12 "'"" IMSA kft r_w. coi&id have &&dcd lira.ty~ raickoce nwiLa111.101 Taurus. 641-0?M Mkt*" IOIMYfRIRd doll I ~Of'-NeeOt Cancc1' Qpricom pmom p&av 1mpe>nant roteS:r=· life. Whaiever 1 s.t/lun. 0tc """· we111-Csse• •14 Df•• N -1002 do• do i 'th ......... 1-t .t..~ ....._ ·-MOVlNO SAU. S., New. •10fy9. geer, '*'9. 1 __ ~ , you t ,.,. --..uoa. mm IWllY mcuwa .... 1t.. f1lmlt.n. ~ '*-bl!-. mocon:ya.. tNIC ~ 20 lt¥Mrft .... Mil 74 450 Sl.C 'CO c:nct left ao someone else. Duri.n& this mon you. couad ooMhado map-,_, M4t <>r-. A.¥1, "'' ...._ &e 10 S200 COM ~ ,.. "'°° Dir I ~ 1\IMd noa ..,1 career or bulinna move. 1n Decanber, love plays panmount tole. Mot*"'-'• a o.i...., 2012 s !. Ordwrd 142-0>'M Ev a1uoo1obo, S11~ ' -I -~-~~~~~~~~"'--~----------~~~.a-~~~~~-----~~~~~~----~~.;-.-------------~-~~~~~~~-----~~-~~ '. "'"""~., ,, o" ""'"•" r. • . . ... , .Jq .,.,nou naf\lf' •l'l R•ll•C'UIOU• • 'l'l'nn,... ~ llAOrttlt l'lu! '>lo lortl'l ... 1ttl <, ''•l'<l•f11m...-1 ~~ All•~1..ted f.(I Ball1>n· Blll'lt'r , ,, 81111'1 '' 11 I\ 9rMoe C0Mt DAILY PILOT/ SetW"dlly, ~ 11. 1185 1 IWF llJnC( w llOTICE NlJC fl)TIC( MUC 11)11C( ml! IOnC( YJ11ftJ •• 11 •• • • .., -ITA~ '"f•lillft"-:::: U..llAW ~NQ.... ·em· .W Mlfl ...... WNIC: Ot"""fONtP«IOft re::ww.-w.v=r ,,_....._...,.... .. n.e... ._ r'rtiii ,.._......_...,...,. • ....... It .. ~•""".,_~ IO.I0.010 ot IN Newport ThetolM'llPl"IOM•• *:'&:=a. ~ ..,.... ._... ;::~= ... :.:..!i AN O~~E00f THI! Cfl'Y'OF N!WPOAT BEAC .. AMENOIHO seot1111-lll Cod9. ~-~ .. be """9d to aowtdeltoe preaented dOff'9 DW1nM • M • w .. ._.TRulT~lC11T.N1211 Nottoele.._!t:~ 1111911...:.• OoMeNotloft. CHAl'1rn1""40 FTHENEWPORTISEACHMUNtCIPALCOOITO bllllte.lllli'm~...__._. eomr~•lain. MoMlil. 1'311 QNy Ln .• ~ .,,._, ~ on Deoe1Mer 1. 1 It 1 UlU Cotdtto Lane. AOO WON>tNO IN SECTIONS "15.40.038 ANO 15.40.050. ~) ~ Oouncl" lhlll hftll a ol ,_...•Mt forth In Section Hunt1n1ton .. aoh, CA, -..c.ilf.-... a.m.,ln~I (lf1tle Mlll60ft~t L 20.16.0rvol ~---Codt.•llmltedat>cw9. Ht48 ,:=: 'i ~ ...... Jr • OrtnQe CCNnty '""'* c AIM M. 21122 The cny CoUnojfot the aty of Newpon 8eloh doee ordeln .. ro11ow1: J~1nCZc..on 1s.::'oao,,,. ~ ChlfMr':tl:l. :1~ ~ ~1; w= =!~Y~ ...... ·an-:-:.: ~'=~":'a: v=.·c: ~";'· MIHlon SE20N ..!.:_gMptW 15.40 of the Newpon a..cn Munldptll Codi la Ord. 1711 .. 1 fJ*1), 1t71). ' =~ HunllnOWI g::. ._,.lngton IMQll, ~. CtllfOtNa, Peel*N•. 0'900f'( CNN. Hta& emtnuwu to ,_,: 15.AO.OIO Ml• ll*lty. ".ny lllOdon or pottton ot thll CMptet i. cMdeNd Thi.. bUtlneM II con· .~-::.... II con· ~ii:~~~ ~-r--Mtlllol\v.to,CA TMFFlC~~~SO~OtNAHCE ~=~~~-,.,.~~;;7~ootllldeledV816d.(Ord. ouc~~~lnd_... ...::-huliMnd Md .... men. tltld, Md .,,_, Inc., Thie butMw . la oe>n• ~ I. ·-OtdlMllW .... ,be Publehed Oftoa tn the offtC6al 'fl'll9 etatefMl\t W4l9 Ned lNI 8. a...., ... , w111 petition l"9 CcUt tot an ductild ~ ~ J 8ectlona: M'WI.,.., of .. City, MCI tN w .,_.. be t1ff9ctt11e t'*1y .t-after the wtth tht County Citr!'~ Or-• .. ·~~. °' ~ ~:Wt~~11: = ac-=::".,.. hied 15.40.010 Flndll"G. dat9 ol ltt ._Uon. _,. enoe County on oet-n . .,. ~ on NOWtnw put9U11111 to eoctt wtth the~ty ei.tc ~Or· 15.40.020 Purpoee. · TIM Ol._,111-.. lntNduoed •a,.:,.., mMUnc1 of the Cit)' COYhcll of 1"5 ,_. •· ,_ 1 us.a. an acoounttne "'09 Courlty on Octot>tt 29. 16-.40.030 Trtffto lmpte1 L.lmltatlon. IN Gfty of__. leedl held on the 21th day of OctOber. 1965, and wu PublltMd Orflliot eoeat ,.,. pur9U81'11 to ProbMt Codi 1t'5 _..L. _ 16.40.040 Definition.. ectopttd on lte ·12th day df ~. 1M5, by the foftowlng vote, to wh· Dally Piiot ~ t . UI, ~ Oranot COMt t121. and to compel fAlt· .,_,.. 15.40.060 Prooedute. '° °* PtlrDI ~.,_ 11. 23. tinder of H••t• and PublitNd 0nino-CoMt 16.40.080 FMa. A "'~·"" ...... ....,_.._ ~ Co 23 · • 1115 ~. ~ 1, 1916 •u•p•n•IOn Of PO••!• DllV PltoC No\«n6tr •. 18. 15.40.070 Appetl. ~ c:::; ;:,;;; 8lreUee ~. Hart, MaufW a.- 1 H SA· 141 punuwit to ProNM COdl n. '°· tNS 15 .... ,..... .. -~......... 1--------1123.1." S.-124 ,....,,.....,........., uo• .. ,. Abtent, ~blr'I HNther, Pk.Immel' ~------~ ----=;;.;;...~;.;,;;;;;;....._ ...... ~ r.:.~. -:m 16.40,010 ll'lndlng The City Councll OftM City of Newport 8Mcflttnd9 tnat Phllp Ma!Unt, M.yor PICTTnOUeMlllll.. ......... ....... ..... oongeetlon of atree\9 and lnterMCtlona. ,,.me accldentt. lnter1-fl'\Oa with ATTbT: w.. E. Raigolo, City Olertl ... ITAW ... ,....... v...,, CA l'ICTlllOW ....... emergency Yehldea. and general OVW«owdlng of ••latlng r*Oh~• Publlelled Orilnfe Cout Deity Plot Ncwetnber 18 1H6 The followlne pettOnt.,. The follOwlr'O peraon 1a ~ (11') .....,.. um STA~ haYe reautted. °' will eoon reeutt. from Inadequate phulng of commerdlll. • Sa 1•9 doing bualntaa ea: Alcktlla. ~ lluelne9 • o!;;~ ~ ~ The ~ pet90ftt .,. lnduttrlal end realdentlal ff:'owth, In relation to tr•ffto capactty, wNd\ It • 111" V*t VleW. ~ AY KlAA & ASSOC.. "' &a. ta. t4 15, 18. ~ bUllneM •: Emmett. harmful to tM f)\lbllo hMlt :J Mfety an4,_genetll Wllf ..... (Otd.. 1Zl1 88 1 ,,.. .. ~--PWUC-MmCE Gr::~·a::1!n.. IH 1 ~ 11111'9 Anita Cir.. 1oes ' · . & PwfY-;-Dln {pert), 1179; Ord. 1715"SS1 (pert, 1978). .. 51_ -~ _ _ WatMt ''°'· Huntlngton Fountain V...,, Calif. 92708 F~ ~. Mllaloft Viejo. CA 1S' 40 020 Purpoee TheCHyCouncil of the City of Neiwport Bwt1 ~ ~-....,,_. _. ee.ctl, CA 92M7 .,!.."1., ~Ou!i"~ v9:; ":!phen L Emm•tt that~ oft~ condltlona can be avoided, ellminated ot ...,.__, _.. l'Wt.JC MUMtO Thi• bualMM la con· c.Mt t2rOe · W fl)llC( 2~2 r9Clela. Mlaalon by enectll"G the r~. dea6gned to permit maf()r ~l onty In thole DUlM °' ..-.vn.Olllmn' ducted by .,, lndMduel Thlt bu9'MN It con-VlelO. .,. ... of the City of Newport a..,ot1 where adequate trenapot1•11on fdttea llUUl LLLJI C. POllTP AGIDCY Of THI Kelly s..iorw duattd 11y. .n ~ ~!!??"'".,ue .. .,.... Larry exist, •• being Implemented, 0t win ~ lnltalled In con)l.lnctlon with tM ( AMt °' ""£ CITY°' Thie ataterMnt wM m.d T.,-,Y l<trr T~~ ... 21&48 ~t which wlll accommod•t• tM traffic ,..,._.ted hu IUOft Aqe'o"'-. TO AllllllU HUWnNQTON MACH wlttl the County 019111 Of Or· Thie .. ......... ,,. ·~"..., ...---\n.1A c 9 ..--·--.,, _,...,... HottG9 ~ k llTAT1U•o. A--I llUl.TM'Al&Y ange County on October 29, ... "'9metlt wu ,,_, doing~ 11; SNton 8 • ..,.,. mtnt, Ot wntf'e other trip gerMr•tlon• reductlona .,.. adopted -"6dl wlll creditor• of tl'I• wlthlr To .II hen, ~. NOUelNG MVINUll 1985 with the County CW11 Of Or· erown and AUOOlltee. 2511 MWll · • 28141 ~te trafftc lmpaeta. (Ord. 1787 SS 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 178518 1 (pitt). named tr~., that • etedttotl and corttlntetit 90ND1 ,..,. :TM& County on Ho¥wmber W. Sunflower I( 15, Santa =bel, Jo, CA 1978). tMlllt tr.,..,., II ... to be oredltcn, .lld ,.,_,. -"° (PAUi COURT "'°"CT) P\lbllttltd 0rlt'09 Coe1t ' ,_,_ A'::, CA '?,~!°'I TNe bue!MN 1, con-16.40.030 Tratnc lmpect Umltatlon. (A) Limitation. No buNdlng Of Qrlldlng medt on pereoM ptoC*t\ may bt otMl.._ lnt.,...ed NOTICE 18 HEREBY Deity Piiot Nov.mber t , 11. ~ Oranot eoa.t .x>aton ..... rown, 2511 duct9d Illy.~ permit lhall be lleued, end no conatructlon lhall be ~. lor In)' lletelNlftlr ""lbo4. In the• ttltdl« tetet• ct GIVEN tNt on Deoamber 2, 23 30 1"6 OallyP!tot ~w 1t. 23.:,. ~ K·15· San,. St9'1hen i_.. EINMtt ~not atmpt ftom thla Chapter until the Pfenning Commllefon of the ™,,.,,... lftd ~ ULUIC. PORT'ER ltl51tthel'lourot7:30p.m ' · S...129 30. Dtctmber 7. 1"6 Thi:' l>ullMh I• ........ _ Tlllt ltattmant wM Ned City of Newport leech lhall mekt •written finding that the propoeed pro• addf'Wel °' 819 In~ A J*ttton '* been ftltd Ot .. '°°" U.Mfttt .. -------- SA-1" ducted by: an lndMdu.i~-~ wltfl ~County C1e111 ol Or· (I) la••=• 11 d to OOMMeltoe oonetnM:tloft wttMn 1btJ <•> .......... ot ;=~ ~ ' :_ °= ~~1 ~:~~.,!~ ~':oo Co~~1~ Mt.IC ll)TlC( --------ShttonS.Brown 1 · tyono.:tober2t ........... ~F9Wel;end S ... ITH. • anoeCounty~tMt Street. Huntington l*leh. "8JC ll)TlC( This ltlterwt WM flied (•) wll neither CIUM nor mue worM an unMtlltaciory level of llaffk: The n..Mf•> ~ CtfARLES A. ~EA bt Celltotnl• 92645, ttMt Re-ftCnnoul eue .... _.....;...;;;;;=..;.;.;;...;.;.;;;;...._ with tM County Clet1! of Or· Publlehtd ~ ..;vto. on 1ny "major," "prlmary-modlfled" or "prlmery" """":or addrw el the lntend« flPPOlnMd • '*'°"" ,..,_1 d...,..opment ~of the MAim ITAW '9Cnnou99UllNIU ange Countyon Oc1otler 17, Deity Piiot ~9 11 <') .. .....,.,...._lmpro MWlatotM......,ofthelnllHM..,.. !!.~~.,.:LEO w wtat""9totdmln6aterthe cltyof Huntl=~Wlll Thtf~perlOfllar• MMmSTAftlmNT 1985 23·'° 1....,.. · • llll•rrtid_ .. _.__._,,,J_ .. : .. ~-1n __...._____to-..._.. 1111 !"NUTT. · -.teot1tle~ llOldepul>llc ont'-doing 1>u1 neu u : The folowlng pet90tl la ,..... · • ...,,.; _, ... ..,_ • .,.._, .._. • .... -.._wt• °'' The1 the prqierty ptr1lo. The s>Mhlon r9<1uHt•l propoetd IMuance of tM Produc.ru Acton Con· doing buelt'9tl ... Publllhed Orange COlll1 Sa-125 .,........ • nent her«O it delc:i1tl«f Ir ~to tdmWlter the ~·Mum-fwnlly~ IOrtlum; PAC. 72t w. t&th BALDWIN ENGINEER-OallY Piiot Ho¥ember ti. 23, (o) ....... ~) ebcwe ..... OClftlitlMllOft of • ...... ............. gener• Iii! fbrtine. E~ ...... under the ~1 Ing .....,_ Bonda t9&$ St . Coeta ...... CA 92e27 IHO, 1073 Corone Lane. 30. t>ec.nber 7. 11t5 PllW••-•Rt Of ., ......... dMftJ btfOnd .. ..._. ..... mtnt Oood.tll of ... C*· dent Admlnllilt••tlon of &-,.. A (Pmm Court Pro-Donn Greer. CNttet R. Cotta Meea. Calif. t2t2t S• 154 rta.JC fl)TIC( = ....... ae the ........... lmprou.......e 69 entlolpeted to ••••••DI' talft ~ ~ knowt t•MI Act. Jtcll In th• aggr•g•t• Jud·'°"· 729 w. 19th St .. Peter Baldwtn. 1073 Cor· ...., (ti) .......... of .... ap;prftel ........ ~ ........ .,. .. Ten Cele" and It A '*1na Oft IM P«ftlon:amount not-tCHXcttd '25 Coet• ...... CA 92e27 ona Lane. Coeta Mtea. Cellf. Pl8.JC NOTICE ..._ ilif OMdutlon cleWMlned et the tllM of wNolt .. In IOeattd at: 3* Harl>OI *" be IMfd' °" DEC£M8ER• mllllon. Said Bonda relate to Thi• t>Ualn... I• con· tMze MAm STATW .. MIR to MJ other TP0 ,....,........ Md "'9 elr ..... Tnlllc Bf'ld .• un" Kt. Coeta Mee& 4, 1M5 tt t:30 A.M. In 0ept.p he pre>pottd ftnanolng of e ducted by: 1 Nmlted pat1ntt· Thi• 1>1111ne.. I• con-F1CTTnOUI ..,.._,, The followlng per.one .,. c ...... -..... . Callfomll, No. 3 llt 700 CMc: Cerri• multl-f1mlly congregate lhlp duewd by: an Individual NAiii ITATbmNT doing bu1lnH1 H : L•*~S. °' The .,..,... name ueec Drlw W•t. Santa Ana, CA elderly hou1lng proJtot ChatlM R. Judeon Peter 8-ldwtn The tollowlng pereon is P1tl1ltnnt Apartment•, (fl .,.... M ••n;pted purwt to eubeectlon (D) of tNa llletleft; by Mid tr.._cn t1 MIO 82702. 1 known u Palm Court and to Thll 1t1tement wu ftltd Thil etatemenl WU flied dOing bulinta -20432 Senta Ane A\'t., ,. ..................... aucfl .................. eaoeptloft............ location Ir. TAKE TE~ IF YOU OBJECT to thel I> • 0 w n • d b y with the County Clet'lt of Or· wtttl the C«inty C*lt of Or· CADELL COMPANY L TO, Santa Ana. CA 92707 "'9 ......... ~ the Hcepeloft; or CAFE. gnmlng of 1tle petition. you BWC/Vanderwood Com· ange County on October 2t, "'09 County on NOllM'lt>er 3088 ~bro<*•. Costa Roger Ebttt Turner end (I) la ,_. el a ~ '°"I ,...., pMeed ..._. ... ==• Thal Mid lllUll lthftr If lhollld -=' .::Z:: at the I pany ~of approx-t985 8. t985 "'1m ~n1e ._.~ze:_,, 3088 ~,:r .. ~t1~·w~=: _,..,1 .. 1•111.,...... lmproe••*'' ,,..,.,.. ~ ••.••--.t ~-:-' .. to"'-11oe ~ ~or .. ~00::. ==~~un1ing!:;8'.:!c':: P\lblllhecl Orange~ Publlehtd Orange Coe9I Klltyt>rooke. COtlta M-Newport a.di, CA t2teO ... _ .. ~ UNIOH LA.NO Trru CO. tlorw wtth l"9 ooun before at the northelllt comer or: Dally Piiot November t . 15. ·~ Howml>tt 18. 23, Calif 9252t . n.11 1>u11n ..... con-(•) ~... I of the~ of ...... In ...... In ....... , ..... ~ ...... 18322 8Wtl aMI., Hunt· IM htettnO· YCNr flPPW• Atlent• AY9t!Ut and L.ak• 23, 30. t915 30. ber7.1ee:A·l37 d~:ib~~!=~11con· ~~.'r-=~~':~er, 3":.:::.~..:::.::r=~·=--=• ~=on~er~::!: =~~peraonorbyl ::'w:'~~t':~~~.=; S.13t Lonole M. R.ed TtUlt.. ..., "' ...... elopment phaelftt ..... .,,. """ ............ ow 8. 1Mf. . -~ IF YOU Ai.E A CREDITOR Mid heerlng and uprw l't8JC ll)TIC( Mt.IC NOTICE Thi• 1t11ernen1 w .. flied Thie atatemant wea flltd 11•• .. •nte M h •wat1per; end TN~ ~ ~ pt 0< a contlltgent etedlt0t of their opinion. for or agalnat __ ......_-.· .;;;...;.;~~--wtth ttMtCounty c..rti of Or· with l"9 CountyC*1! Of Of. (0) .... lrt ..... d e OOI ,.-..... tnf11o...,... tnc1uc1ng ........... tht ~eon wttfl who+TI l"9 deellllll, you muat file Mid propoeal. f'IC1TT10UI ..,.._ .. ACTmOUt .,..... ange County on November feTs C«lnty on Oc1obtr 29, .._.,......,end.._, .. .._ c.ipicttr; Md dalme ~Ill fifed le lJn6or' your c:lellft Wlttl the court 0t Further lnfonnatlon may MAim ITAW MAim ITAT'lmNT 8, 1985 1 5 i~,...... In e ...t ......... to the clrculetlon~ Land Tiie ~. 113Z ,,,_,, It to tN per90t\al bt obtained from the Offloa The fo11ow4ng pett0nt art The fOllOwlng '291• ,,_. a' · 8Mdl IHd., ·~tlngl~ ,....mattw ..-ited by of ttMt City Clerk. 2000 Main doing bu*-' ... E.ntre doing '-'-:'°"' are Pul>hhed Orenge ea. Publllntd 0rlt'09 Coelt ) HMftnO. The ~ng Commlaalon ahelt • publlc heeling. ftOttoed Bwti. c.lf. ~ Ind ttw die ccut WftNn tciw monthe Street, Hunt'"Rton l*leh. Marl!etlng eee P~..idlo 111 MU LCAHY & AS· Dally Piiot Nowmber 18.13, Deity Piiot NOllM'lw 9, 11. In the FMIWW provided In Section 20.80.050(8) of the ~Mwpot't 9Mclt &Mt dey tot IWria dalrna from tM dete of """ i. Callfornl• 92848, (714) Coett ....:.. CA 82eze · s 0 c I ATE s MAR KET . 30. Oecernbet 7, 19'5 23. 30, 19'5 Munldpel Code. end lhell male• lta written ftndlng• aupported by the weight 11'1 c:redttor tMl"a. o.o.m. IUanct or: ltner'9 .. prcmded 536-5227 ~ ttMt houri Mttoaret L Bennett, M8 IHOIADVERTISINO INC. (2J SA-148 S.·128 of the evtdllnce. ber 3. !tl6. wNclt'I la ttw In Section 700 of th• ~ 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Prteidk>. Coeta Mee&, CA O'ROURKE MARKETING, (C) Exemption. Any commerclll or lndu1trlll project whk:h hM. grou l>ullr*9 ctay tl990!9 tht PrObtte ~Of Callfomla. Mondey thfough Friday tx• 92e2e INC .. 151 K1lmu• Drive. Plll.IC NOTICE PlBJC NOTICE floonr•"'*toot .... thM 10,000equertfethn .... Mldooat....,...or cona.rnmatlon daN apeci.. Thetlmeforfllll'9Clalm•wt• cludlngholldays. Thi• bualn••• I• con· Sult•H·9.Coet1Meta.Callf F1C-""' --u Inf tw,..._. .. hew.an Aww O.-,T~.,..,.""" fled al>OW. -L ~-not 9lCpft prior to four Dated: 1MM5 ducted by:.,, llldMdual 92&2e •••rvv• --f'ICTmOUt ....... , • ....-.. ......._ ·~-.-So fer• II mown to Mid rnontN frOftl l"9 date of the CITY CW HUNTIMQTOM M81'Clfl' .. L Bennett Patrlctl D Muleall Mat MAim ITAT'lmNT MAm ITATDmMT _, .. _ Ot any reeidentlal pro)eci of 10 Ing unite°' .... lhalt be Intended Tran...,__ Mid tiwing ~ et>oW. MACH MDl'VUOPmWT Thie ltatement wu flltd ketlnO/ Acr..rtltlng 7 c.U: The lollowlng peraon1 .,. The followlng '*'°"' .,. exempt from the requirement.I or this Chapter Intended tr.,,.,..Of UMd the YOU MA y EXAMINE the A QI .. c y • A 110 I• If. with the Coun1Y CWll of Or. fornla Corporation, t 51 ~ butlnMI u · doing bu*-' ae: Nona K (0) Exoeptlona. The Planning Commlulon lhell except any project ftom following addlttonel bual-file kept by l"9 court. N you I • ........., a.ft ange C«lnty on Oc:tobtt 29, Kalrnul DrM Sult• H·9 . IV RIO VIS1' A LIMITED,. Enterpr.... 317 ~u the requlrementl of this Chapter, nw. ,.,_ and addr ... .,.. • peraon tnterteted In Publehtd Orange Coat t985 eo.t1 ....._ c'a11t 92828 · Ctllfornlt Limited Partner· Ad., Cotta Me.. CA t2ezt (I) If" at\111 ftnd that the cny ha laued a bolkllnQ °' grading '*'"" tor the within the 1nr.t 'f9W'I i.t tM eatate. rou rNY ...,. Oalty Piiot Howmber 18, ,_ This butiMH 11 -eon· lhlp Rio Vitt• Oerden AP*1· Joan Knight. 317 ......_, protect pttor fo the en.cttYe date of thle Chtlpter and that the pet90n to whom put: NoM,. upon the .-outor or~ 1985 P\lblltMd Orange Coat ducted by: a oorporatlon menti, 15552 MllCAtttlur Rd., Colla M9ea. CA 82e2e tuetl permit WU IMUed hu In good faith and In tellance upon ltlCh permit Dated: N~'"'* 13• ltttatof, °' upon the at· Sa-151 Dally Piiot HovemMr 9. t8, Thomu E. Muleahy. Ex-=~15 Ste. •4'>. lrvlne. CeHf. Thi• bu1lneta I• con· dlllgentty commenced conatructlon encl performed and lncumMf eub.eMtlll 1~ w "-"'"......., =itet~.C:-~--=Ot _.: 23. ~. l"6 ecutl'WI Vice Pretldent John Min" t8 552 ducted by: an lndlYldu&I llabffltlea fot wottc and materlell ,._.....,therefor No ,.h....,.. ...a,._..._ a Tr• ..... ~ • the ON'f..mi ~-" S•t22 This 11atem.nt wu llltd • Joan K'nlght ~ lal . ··~, · --..-_,"' · ..,,,,,. .,.._.. "8JC NOTICE with the County Cieri! of Or· Mec:Arthur Blvd .• Ste. 440, ™• 1taternent wu llltd au .... ant Iner .... In trefflc volumea may be made In IUCh protect, ell(oept In Pul>llatltd Or.. COlll1 lllet. a ~ ,.queet at•I· -------- MOe County on N<Mmber lt'Me. Calif. 92715 with the County Clerk of Of. accordance with the provlllon• of thl1 Chapter: Dally Piiot No'ftifnMr 1a Ing rhet rou dellrt IP9clel 8. t985 DaYld K Lamb. 18552 at\09 County on Oc10btt 29• (II) If It lhall find that trafflc during any Lift. or p.m. 2.5 hour peell treftlc t9&5 • "°**or: theflllng of an In-MAim STAn.NT ,., .. MacArthur Blvd .. Ste. "°· 1985 period on MCtl leg o1 each critical lnterw:tlon will be lncrMMd by ttee then S.1~ \W'ltorylnd~••11 ~ The lollowlng per.an..,. Published Orange Cout Irvine, Calif 92715 F1IOl17 1% by ttaffk: geMrlted trom the project during that 2 5 hour -... -C. Ot ol the petl-doing l>u9lneM u: Dalty Pllot Noveml>tt 18 23 Mehtdld RMaallh. 18552 Pul>lllhtd Orange Coast period· Lift or p.m. . tlorworaocountamantlooed IHfERN.ATIONAL METAL CROWLEY 30. Dtc«nber 7, 1885 . . ~.~i's Ste. "°· D~ Piiot N<>wmbet 9. 111, (Ill) If. by• vote of four-flf1h1 (4/Sths) of the memberl ellglbte to vote, It lhall PdlJc ll)TIC( :_~,..~c!:' INV£STMENTS. LTD .. 3857 Reuben H . Crowley. SA·140 AMRazl, t8552 MacAnhur 23·30• 1955 s.127 mike• declalon. 1Upported by• written finding Mttlng forth tt1 reuone •.. MM K. .....-. At~ ~e!!cn~.';:eec,'*'· pasaed away Novem-Mt.JC ll)TICE 81\<d .. Ste."°· lrvtne, cam. theNfOt, that tM ~·of tM project lnctudlng trip generation reduotlona. re =."' Pt•• u, -Robert J. CtydHdal• ber 7, 198~. A resident _.....;...;;;.;;=..;.;.;;..;.;.;;;;... __ 1 92~! butlnn• 11 con· outweigh the project• antlcipeted negative lmpect on tr~ l9dl-:::..:.-._.. 8333 Canoga #3M. Wood-o f Costa Meaa . f'ICTITIOUI -.. ducted by • lknlted partner· rtllJC MJTIC( tlea. ni. City COuncil lhalt not grant the exc.ptlon under thla IUbtectlOn (ltf) llUUl -:,: Or Coelt land H ... Calif. 91387 Survived by ru. lov-N.um ITAT'Dmlft..t lhl on appeal or r9Yl9w until It lhelt have rtrst made the flndlnga f9qUtred by thll (..., ......... anoe Wllhtn Can. 3318t s. . The fOlowtng perwon 11 'Toon Mlnat. General Pan-f'ICTmOUI ..,_.. aubtectlon aupported by en eftlrmetlve vote of four-ftftha (4/5tha) of tta Not U.C.CJ~ 22~= November 15· 18· Lion DrM. Dant Point. Caltf ~~ .. ~fe Patay, llOl'lS. doing l>u9lneee.. ,_ MAim STA,_., membera ellglble to vote. 10e le '*'9IY .,_,to · i:s.53-4 t2t2t nuucrt Crowley of DENNY BYERS AHO As-T1'lll llatement "' flltd The followlng pertonl... (E} Action The epplicetlon '°'any building greeting°' other permit on• er.dltore of t"9 within Thl9 l>u11nes1 11 con· O r e g on. Ric hard SOCIA TES. 280 t Hunt· with tl)e County CMt'il al Or-~ butiMll u : SNS protect whk:n Is not exempt from lhl• chai>ter shall be --owc:t eon-::-:~:· ~ ducted by: co-pen,,.,.. C rowley' of Costa lngton St. •7. Huntlnglon ange County on NOYamber ...,.,. ........ Pumping. 16271 dltlon.;.., _ _,,, .. _ • _..... , to bt "8JC Jl)TIC( Wiiiiam Carl Beach, Calif 92848 6 1915 Vlepolnt, Huntington e..cn. -·1 appr.._.. or uw111ed within one year from the date on which Mtd made Of! Thll 1t1tement .... ftle<I Mesa; step-daughters. Denni• A. Byers. 2801 · ...,. CA 92848 application hu been reoelved end eocepted u complete by the Cft'f. Any her91naffer deal;lrtbtd. Mena °' tNtaTloN with the County Clet'lt of Or· Suzan Landreth of Huntington St •7. Hl.f'll· Put>lllMd Orange Cout Steve R. Southward, eppeel to the City Council from an action by IM Pfenning Commluk>fl on.,, The~ Md bullneae ire MM. AM> anoe County on Noveml>ef San Clemente· Sher· lnglon Beech, Calif 92648 Dally Piiot November 18, 21. 1927 t Cindy. Huntington eppllcatlon"' a determination by the City Councll to review.,, ~Ion. llddf ..... or: .,. Intended PWIWt. 8. t"6 D A h ,· ldah . Tt111 butln .. 1 It con· 30 Oeoember 7 1915 Beaetl. CA 9264e lhal1 be made within IM time periods Mt out In Sectlon1 20 80 010 end t,.,,.,.,Of9 ere: Mdhatl W. ~I CW '211111 ry . .ec o o, ducted by an Individual · • SA· l'3 Thi• 1>1111neu I• con· 20.80.075 of the Newport Beech Munlctpal Code In the ewnt KteOn 11 not Vaught, 1411' o.filqulet CONDIUC19IO •AllT P\lbllthtd Orange Cout also survived by four Dennis A B'f9'$ ducted by an lndtvldual tutn on an ~·lion within the time Nmlt1 ~.-. _,_ ......... _ ..-.... ....._ ~ !Mnt. CA ft714. A./ =~ Delly Piiot Novembtt 18, 23 SlSters in Mall.; and With the County C!er11 of Or-"8JC ll)TIC[ Thi• 111tement wu flied deemed approval of the project which othefwtM i. conelettnt wfth the of the oNll office SA-t3t ve gran c I ren. Thia rtatement wu t11td Stew Southwatd _,....,... , _ _,,, ......,, ·-• .. -.,. ,,,. ~€omle 30, Deotml>tt 7. 19&$ fl d h Id ange County on November with the County c1er11 of Or· ordlnencae end o.n.r.i Plen of the City of Newport Beach. (Ord. 178'7 SS 1 or .,,.... oMce NOTICI 1a HEREBY He waa a member of a. 1965 FICTTTIOUI ....... ange County on Oc10btt 24, (pert}. 1979: Ord. 1n1 SS 1. 1978: Ord. 1785 ~1~). 1978). of the lnNnd9d or II: GIVEN rhet on IM 51t1-or: the Mupruc Lodge. F'B1N7 NAiii ITATRmfl' 1985 (P} lxplretlon. (I) Alff approwel ..,.1ec11n _.. .. _.... ~ cti.plw Mint•.,_, Nolltmw, 1M&, 1t1e Botrd .,_JC NOTICE Memorial iiervicet to Published Ora~e Coul The lollowtng perwon II '29012'7 lhelle ....... WltMnM~from"'9deteofappfOttelNallHldlnt,._ All~~ namee of, TNlt ... of the 0oean rua b h Id S d Deity Piiot Novemt>e< 16 23 dOlng butlneu u : Publlehtd Orange Cout hae not beeft ........ --to --e....a.--.n ... _.... ... .... and tddr-.. IMd by the View ScMof Olltriel or: IM _TmOU1 _.,._11 e e un ay, 30. December 7 t985 . . BACK BAY CLE.-NERS. D~ Piiot November 9, t8, OOftltruetloft .. -;t{'--apww -.... =.., Intended tr~ wttNn County or: Orenoe. Stat• or: ....... --2:PM. H.arbof Lawn SA·l45 2675 Irvine Ave. t1 1·B1, 23,30, t915 -._ _ l_lllJ....,.... ... OORli,..l•on,......._...... el tlW .. yw9 lelt.,_.. 1e1C Cellfoma, ,_ermined that NAmaTAn.NT Memorialeharwl In· Costa M .... Cellt t2e27 s.121 :1£1f"9I, -,... ..... CottwnlMhR or CltJ CCMlftOI Me 11111•1 .. I peat ao flt• ld'il!Mlf101tle 1tlefolloMflOland bulldlnol. The foltowlng P9r90t1 '-r-· --------Lindley p Hoyle. 401 4'weftl,.......of......,,or_,approw ... :=1neoiaard•oe.-.1Mt Intended "-*-.. are: and..,.._,, .. not be dOi,buelnwu: t e rment prlvete . PllllJC NOTICE Santa Ana Ave .. Newport cMptlftor••latpiledOOMbllCllofteoh--befondM...._._ none. neeNl!ltotldloolpurpcw. T EHOINEERINO. 3303 Harbor Lawn Mt. Beecn.c.111 92ee3 "8JC fl)TIC( tM ... of epprowel, h ,._. .. c...-tu'fn., ae, c...'l ehll Thel'IMMl(1JIN!~ anct .. bel•tto1t1ehlghelt ~~~.~~-.!~~·7• Olive Mortuary , FICTITIOUS IMJlfNlll NAMEITATU•NT The fOllowl~ pertons •<11 dolng business u . CEDAR LODGE LIMITED. a Callfornl1 Limited P1rtrw· tlllp, 1052 Concord St Cot11 Mesa. C1lll 92826 0.vld H Bll81. Jr 8 Ai. grla, lrvlne. Calif 92720 Thll 1>u11ne11 ta con- ducted t>y • llmlted partne<· tl'llp 0.vid H Bllet, Jr Tiiis statem.nt •11 tiled with the Coun:y Clerk of Qr. ~County Of'I Oc1ol>et 30. 1185 • f'2I072t Publlatled O.~. Coalt Dali:: Noveml>ef 18 23 30, l>ef 7 1985 SA-135 P\lll.IC NOTICE 'K:TITIOUI aUSMll NA• ITATl•NT The following perton• .,. doing butlnet-t at DAV ID STE ELE ENTERPRISES. INC . 14 Cherry Hiiis Lane, Newport leac:h, c.tlf 9~ Donald David Steel• Baeai.r. u Cherry Hiiia Lane, Newporl Beach, Caltt 92eeo Thi• bu11n .. 1 11 con-duc'led by a COf POI II IOn DonBanle< Ttus bu1lneH 11 con-....,...._ 8 : d ..-_...._ ........_ ..........._ -..._.. ....._ ~ at the IMtftded l>ldCl9r tor purpOlell ot 099'· ....,.,a -· ..,..,, •~" ni-1-....... ,. 8 ...... ducted by i nlndlvldull ftCTIT10U8 ....... frOM the r :•;;;=;w----no ......... 11 ....... .,..,...,N(I)-.: Male C. 8Clrld ~care ~ T'Modore Wall« Pat· ...,,.""' .... '6· orsv· 5.,, Lindley Hoyle MAim STATUmff ..... etert of .. ~ ~.170l1 QfowQr. lnd70t oNd en tereon. Jr .. 8749 Shannon WALTZE This •t•temenl WU tiled The folloWlng ptr'l()n• .,.. <•>Alff.,,, ......... In aoo•nl•Hoe""" ... a..peer,,.., .... de ~ 9eeori CA '°' l"9 per10d ~ Rl\ttl' Cir .. Fountain Vllley, wtth the co~mty Cler'll of Of. doing bullnw •: B & w •doptlOft., ... Mlbetotlon ...... =within M ......................... M21. . '*'*' 1 ,...:tT;= Calf. t2708 Frank Ernest, Mr •noe County on November fr-. 2100 Canyon Dr .. JlllllFMelofthla... ........ ........ .......... ~...... The1 ... e· 1*11-Januerys1.'1t11.. Thi• butln ... I• con· Waltze WH b o rn 8. 1985 Coeta Mtea. CA 92te7 to"'9e ........... endaull11.111nttJooi .......... te~,..1111d nen1 '**> _ IOtd In ICMOOVADDMM ~ l>y: an lndlvldUl April 18, 1930. Pwd '111UI Andrew Ch.,._ Blan1on. Hnll 00111•hllon. An 14pow• prevt1•1J .,....... ..... --09'*'• '* ..,.. pool Meedow View School, heoclort Walter P•I· eway November 14 Publltl'led O!'lnQe Colli 2100 Canyon Dr .. Coe1a ""'°" ..._.. befond M _..... "°"' llta .._ -eccounta and la~ at: 5702 CWtl Drw. Hunt· tenion, Jr. ' D111y P11o1 Novem1>er 11.2a. Mtea.CA02t27 eufllrutlOft ..... e.,.,. .... tt........_.,.... .._._:.ahali .. ...:...: 14t11 01fl1C111l1t "o•d. 1ngtOt19eacl'l,CAt2Mt wllhl'Nlthe•=:'b::'ot~ 1985 ln Laguna Hilla. 30 Deceml>et 7 1985 Gregory S Wallace. 230 tlOft ... If a buldl -.......,. ~ ..___ .__~ --• __ lrvlnt, CA t2Tt•. .... ef ..._ ,._~ ._. __ ..._ Mr. Waltz.e attended SA·1~ HfOh Dr . Laguna Beach. CA • _ ..... -.-. --... -.. _ ..,...... The~ n8'M Uled 1 enoe ......,..ty on...,.._..,._ N wport B h ________ 1tzest .._Md 1111fll11•111nttJ ......,... ..... la ~:=,...Id ..al......... by Mid trMllWon tt Ilk! ..., ef ._.. ,_. 8, tH5 e eac P\lll.IC NOTIC£ Thi• 1>ua1n... 11 eon· lleft. T1'e Plelw•• Cemml11l1n or City ...,, ..-,... _. locMIOa la: A-' ~ Mo '111• Elementry Schoo l, ducted l>y: QO-Pet1ntrt •':·of. r'IWleed ,,... ....,, ..................... , .... NlleM Pool..,. .. ~. AH prOpoMle muet bt ,. P\lblllhed Oranot Coe9I and graduated from FICnTIOUtlUI•. 11 GregoryS. Wallece p11111,.,.. ...... end11teflllltt .......... .._tor•,,.....,,. ..... ,.,~~ tr.-., la Otf¥lld no 1e1er tNn Tue. ~November 18•23· Newport Harbor NAME ITATl•NT n.11 lte1ement ... ftltd ................... to ..... c-...... mated .:. :... conaum-~ No•lill'lbel H , 1tl5 ... ao. bet 1· 1tl58At47 High School ln UM8. dJ:: :!i'°::l :"°"' .,, =-t~~ g:-ot! ~: (., ..., ............. ~-.. """ ..... c...... ....... Pool ~-~": ~·: .. a:~ Mr. Walt.le WU a lone (1) SPARKS OF TRUTH 1985 lllitudn ........ Of ----. ...,.,.. M .................... ,. ....... Calfomlll ~ ew.,.., Sdlool DllMot, ,...., I time resident of New· INC (21 SPARKS OF fRUT~ ,_ ....... to IOCllllt"*' ................... en a JWtr....... 0.C. .... I. . lt'99( Hwlt1naton 9eacl'I .,_..,. llt\ftl't port BeKh --..t W CHAPEL mt Grtce Lant P\lblllhtd Orange Coeat 15.40.040 o.ftnltlona. The foflowlng term9 uted ln th .. CMpts an.. M¥e Thie Wk II M>-Celforfti.12141. lldlwfll 1>9 ,..._ ""'-employed· IUTIUby ITPu 2·C. Coat1 Mlh. C1llf Dally Piiot Nowmber 9, 11. the~ Indicated betow: jeet to CellfoHile UNbm oPIMlf.,.._tofduodon P'IGTTnOUe .,._ .. 92626 23. ~. 1NS UNSATl!FACTORY LEVEL OF TRAFFIC SERVJCE meent .,... Pl'1od tommerclll Codi ltctton Coctt leotlcwl a«MU, In ..... STA~ Cannon Electric of Rev R1et11rd Allen va11an· a...133 tratnc MNtce which 1s wor18 than Lewi of 8eMoe ·o· tor one hour 81°'· • '*' of • publlo rnaMlnt or: The folowlf'9 per10r11 wt Santa Ana for ~arly dlgh1m. Cautornla, 2901 d91wmlned ltCCOtdlng to atendard traffic englnMrtng acilcla 1,.!"9 tlerM "':....._th .,. °' IM lcHtrd ot Truatw, on dolna ~ •: 25 yean. Mr. Waltz.e Grice l ine 2·C. Coet1 PROJECT lhall be Mt lned ._.. .._.__ .._ 1 ptectteel · ~ om No\le!Her H. 1NS ac 1:15 M~GNIT CONTROL ,_ -·-.ived b MllN. c1111 9M28 11t• w--r trm .,, ,., .. enoe tot ... Cllllfomta Envtronmen-claim• Mir be 9ted I• p.m. In tt1t 8oerd Aoom et 1.IOUIOl.EVELSWrTCHESI "" •w vi Y '°"'• Rev Donald 8 Aller. c-. ,_ nu1ew. tel Qu""Y Act (Celtf0tnla Publle Reeourcea Code S8 21000 .. eeq.) MCI the MICflMI W. V ..... 14111 1.._, 1 ltlwe, ~ CONTROLS CO.. 3506 Michael of Maul, torn•• m1 or-Lane 2· ftCTmOUe .,_.. edmlnfstrattYe QU6dellnea •t•btlehed thereunder. ~.AGM. ~ CA a.di, e.ltotnta 12147. Ced4lllc A.,.,_ Ilda F-3 Hawaii· Todd of c ColtaM ... Callf 92&29 NAmSTAW LEV£LOF8E:RVICE 'O'lhaltmeenthatlewloftrlfflcMfvlceMtforthM tt7'0::.•'-deJtor Any r~ l*tOfl Co«IMeM,eeif.mzt • N~wpo'rt Be1ch JoAn Ver• Vallandlgham The'~ per"IOne.,. .. ~ of s.rvtca ·o· .. In the Hlghwey Capedty Menuel (1"6) or MY ::i '~""' CNClltor ,....,. ..... .,...,,..... "°"'[I~ a.Moe . CaNfornl1 m 1 Grace u.n. doing ~aa:Jotlna.t tubelqutnt edition ttiereof. provkted, howe\w, that ltlCh ll¥tl of._... wtflltlt bt C:..' _. I, 1'16. ti. gtl4ft •~to Co.. C11lfornlt, UO& O.u,hter, Lori. of 2-C Cotti M .... C1llf ln\'tltment,311tAE.C<*I et\811no49'COMdthemotteppropNteoftMfoffowtngc:rtterla •JPPICMll: befOte~l'la dey rellelfle .... ~---c.-.c A.,.,_, Ilda ,-3, Santa Bar. beta; H · 92828 Hwy. Suite ..e. Corona o.t J lntef'Metlon ,,_......, utHtutlon of 0 90. • ..-.... -.. ..-d lltda .. opened Cotta MeN. Celt. 12'28 wife Joyce of New· Stanley F Tkaczytc Call· ,,..,. CA tm5 ) ..__.., • • --· Pf~ 9'ICfl bid ... •• Thi9 butlneea ,, con-o . tornll. 2991 Grace~ 2· M'lchH I L. I ran non, othtr crlt«le Mlee1ed by the City Ttefftc E19nw which ll't ~ flilat It Oeeect:imt. '811 died, ~111--l!W(l)ptt• ducted by: a oorporatlofl por1 adch, aitter, c. Coet• tHM, Callf. 9282e 3518A I:. C04llt Hwy, 84'lte IUbtectton (I). and which hev9 been r-.vttwad end epptOYld "' "" = .. Clll •• ........ ... ........ Of""' writ· E. Vamon ,roet. Prelldent Linda Burnette, VWa Barbara J Connor. Call· •e. Corone o.t Mar, CA ptanntna Comm .... on. -=...., t11'1 bid...,_, TNI ........ -fifed Park; mothet, El!Ja. torrtla. m t Oraoe 1..ane 2· 92125 CNTfCAL INTEMECTION ahelt w any lnttreectlon opereltlig It lfl Oelw __ "n +v OtMA COo!ee °' "'8 """' and wtttl the County CWll or: Or· beth Harrta, Jothua c . Cotta Mtea. Celt. 92829 Th•• l>iltlneta la eon-uMltllftletory lewl of trefflc MfvlQe atther pttor to 0t u • r..,n of• protect 1 ... ..._ ,_,.,_ 11. oondkloM ot IN .._. ... .,. County on November T Thi• buel1*t I• con-duc1ed by en lndMdual on lnY "mator .. "pr1mety moc:Nfleci" °' "prtmaty" ltt99t. • 1 .......... 1111..nctoMca e. tM& ree; and three dueled by a c;orporttJon MICtleel L. ltannon "MAJOR ... :PRIMAR'f·MOOfFleD" °'"PRIMARY"""""~--... t52 el IN .............. ..,._ gTandchlldren. Pa· ~ Aictlatd A Yellen-TMt ltatemen1 .. 11111111 i.... the GeMr.i ..... *'--MWrMim ,.._. for ~ Orange C099I clfk: View Mot\11•rv dlgNm, Pr~ wtth lfle County CWll of Or• VJ r'-1 of the City of Neiwport Bwtl, Orculatlon t • • •• OMllMd....,..IJ'• ~ PIOI ~ 11 n -~ '211• l'hlt 111terMnt wee filed a,. County Of\ Oc1obet 2t. ELIGIBLE TO VOTE lhell mMf' ell membera lewfulty hOtd6ng ofb ~ Ing 9Cl1Alilfll11t ancJ WW. ao. Deoernber 7, IN$ ' ' Directon. 644-2700 Pul>lllhed Or•noe Coaet -"" t"-County CMt'll of Of· ttl5 thole ~ from votlnQ dut to • oonftk:t of lntnt. (<>rd. 111111 1 lflll bf IUO P9' ICIUl'9 IA-t42 Tlli. 1talttnenl WU llled W'l1n !"8 County Cltr111 of Or· lnQe County on N~ber e 1te5 D•I~ November 19, 23. :Te ~ty on ~-,_ (pert), 117': Ord. 1777 882. ft78: Ord. 1715 SS 1 (pert). 1078). ~ "*""- 30, 1>er1.1u 85a., .... 8, tt6 '291.-? ~P\lbl~N °'lnllf OOlill ~15T.40.0SOProoeckn.Sub)ecttorevtewbythePlannlngComml•on.the Mfl!!!C( llkll'~:.=---------.. ..... ,.....,.. o...,,... t . tt. refftc Engineer. exw~ proftet6onei dlecretlon .,..... --------... 1~Pll'*"td °'"'99 Coael 23. · lt85 A) D•• rnlot .tr.me • ltl'Mtt end Int__:...._ ·.......... .. .. --· '° 1tle """'Md OOllllMloill!. fta.IC fl>TIC( November 11.23 ... ,"2 • ..-. ............ _. ..... ~In~"'_.....;...-. ....... .--...-...-....._ '.,..-..i&\0•1~_..l.\ 1. t"5 ~effected by t Pf'opoted project. i.llllna Into eocount ~ '*-,,_ ,._. ... ,. as 11111 to ._ Mid lltennoul -• ,.p.--p ., ______ 8A_,_1_3t OhetlCWendioc.tlonofthepropotedpr.,,•Wlil•thecNr80Woftfle dcM1'9 CNH~.......,, .. ._ .. to U..llAI n h,t,: •• .. ,_. wNdl .. terw the protect: --'"-'. • ....... Jflll 8 * .....,. ._ low TN~ f*I0"8 ... -~ t '~ P'lalC NOTICE rtalC llJ1lC[ (I) Oetttrn41Mt ff the pr.,, when comptett, wtt1 cw or malt•_,. ., c.w DsltiiW, CA ttat' COit ._ to IMllW ttltd ~ llullnW • ~ PlCTITIOW .,._.. PlCmtOUe MllH•al urieetlefectory lewl of trllfte ~et eny llJCtl ttreet 0t lo•"°*"; hon 1~0.. 2007 °":.,, ..-, _.,Oii.... .Joli .~2) TPM IT/.R· MAim ITAmmfT MAlll ITA.TW-11' (C) 11'*'*1tt ltMClard trip generation flour• of profeG1 ........... 8::· eor.,.,. .... .war:'~\=~ ~fW ~~)w:; '"95• ol ,,,, ,...,,_.,..~ ,,_ ~ l"'IJor." 1 .... 9'11•---....... ....................... , • .,~i..­,...,.._ ... ,"' lt -f•-1~ Pi .... ... Ml)_, .. ,.._ ,,_ ~fl•1n I -•WJ ~,,t .... ~, .... The to11ow1ng S*10tlt .,. Tl'le 'ollOW!nO ,.,_,. .. C''6•1, ,.... ..., ...., • .............. _... •= •• • ••• o... H ~ an °' 11 .,. .., to..,. rt'/ INTMIM ITM'9NO tam OOlnO buel-.. 8lh'1 doing ~ • I<~ Mii • Ill} lie ... ,,.... ........ aM ...... M ........ 'r ~. 0.,.... i)i; 111 ... ' -"""*1 Awe. .,..;. * Auto Painting, tat lndUltflll "'a~nt•n•n• Cofftpeny. .. ... I • c I • , IR ., CtlJ Co..a. CA... ..... Detaf et H\lntlfltlOn Tulin. Cellf l2tlO • Way.eo.ttMIM,CAt782t I ·.;~t::if32t. ~ e.t&llllft crftlt1a tot clkulallng trtp oener•uon reducttone....,,, ffWI , ... w c~ HI 111111\ D• .... '* -,...·......:.car.. lno. A ;m~'°°'~T'&:• ~~ 1MO .._ COi,.,.. trom 11 llPdlc mellUl'la propoted by the~ n.. ,., ... ......_, o.rw · ..... .,&:';I;·:., ~~rr~·~rpo·,.~ MeN. CA tzt2t COCill Cotta ...... CA 92a7 4ftlf111 llfb lftellp•cMclllty ftnd thlt In)' IUCh,,,,...,,.. '*' ....... ~ 2 1> CA.... ··-A• . ~:, ::--~.rn· jduc'l™.:s ~~oon-::--.:==~ ~:::tM~teml YIMdltyot .a--• ..:. ~ = p,: r=:. ==-~ '::oon· Wlllelm&ootVanderpool TlmTl!Omee $, ~ tM b .... for perl= the ttef'flc.,,...... .. ~ -.:......... lllil~E ... =z:eo. l.J.~~ldl~ ...t~:,.·~~a::'°'~ ..,rh~C:of":: trr:~ u.e detltnnlriaflona to the P1anntnQ OomrnlellDft wflh .-"':..'=t;'=~ ~~t. tt. -~~C.:ot"::. =Coumyonoatooer29. = Of!October l,, ~(Otd 178788 f(pert~ 117 .. 0rd. 1766881(p91). 1171). .... o-.lyen to. ...UI :,;..CN!ty °" "'°" .... ,_ ,_ 11.40.olO Feet. The llPC*etlon .._. b9 eocorne-111ec1 .,, • -• -.. ~ Or-.. c... ~ er... eo.c •sU•ililiCf bf reeotutton of the Qty CoUf'°4 to ~ IN ...,,.. of ........_ "-'" .-,... tOd•,.• ,.. o.ty ~ ~..,.. .... t , 1•. Oellw ,._ ._......... I. tt. A & Hll,.,. INt C(l'laPW. (Ord 11.t t 'I 18 1 (Ptr1~ 1t1t: Ord. 1JW • 1 ---~:.'I aa.1 ... Ma? M ftM. ~~"111.,.•111111:_ ...... ~ i°: 13 lo tMS 23. '° ,... CUtt>. 1171). n. .. -.,.,. . .... .. .. • 1 , • .,_ ______ -' ... 130 aa-1n -1 ... 40.070Ac>PMI (A)AnydlitenntNUOftofthePlennlngComfv'lll~eNI ... 1IO ....... "'"""' • ' IA·141 . \ I COVER HOME PROVIDED BY COLDWELL BANKER -- - ,_ . . A PECIAL ADVERTI ING UPPLEMENT VOL. 4 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1985 ~COUNTY CIUIDll TO REAL ESTATE ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 642-s&1s M•aBlf IUP Find the lina.ncing that's right for you In Cefff«nla, • home 11 financed wtth • loan MCUred by • deed of trutt, commonly referred to • a mortgage. Mott aend«a off., fulty amorttzmg loen• In whld't you repey the prtnctpal (the amount borrowed) Md the In..,. OWlf •~period of time. Aa you pey off the ,,. ...... you buMd up your equtty -the ourNnt velue of ycMK hofne rnw..1 What you owe on It. MMy lender• Ille> off., home loene that •• not fulr emorttdng -that ... the monthly payment .. not MOUlft to pey off the IOen OWK the~ term. In IOfM OMii, tfte,.,... ~t CM be gr•ter than Of ~emount borrowed Md CM require ,.,.. .... , Cit-* wffft eewr• lender• to flnd out wttet 90lft ptogr.,,. ~ offet'. Mott k>ttnt can be 1'nOnthly peyment1 do not. ADJUST ABLE-RA TE LOANS -The lender can a..1ncr--1.-.M-1OfdeerI111 the lntereit rate on thw typee of -. at lpedfted lntervma to keep P9Ce with CURW'lt mllrket condfttona. Some lenden offer adjuttabee-rat• eo.. on whld't your monthly P9Y'Mnta may be fixed for lpedfted pertodl of time, regard ... of lnY cNnge tn the lnt.-t rat• Index. L COVER HOME PROVIDED by COLDWELL BANKER INSIDE pg. 2 M.tcet Map pg.· 3 Proflle pg. 4 Century 21 The Real &tater. pg. 5 Lido Aeelty pg. 8 The Dalebout Auodatlon pg. 7 Unique Homes pg. a Sotheby'• International pg. 9 Lynne Valentine Propertlea pg. 10 Grubb ! Eiits pg. 11 Grubb & Ellla pg. 12 a.ot'ge Elkins Co. pg. 13 Great W•tern Real Estate pg. 14 Waterfront Homes pg. 15 Cote' AeeJty pg. 16 Rk:k Alderett• pg. 17 FWmu of Coat• Meea pg. 18 Aemax of COOaMeaa pg. 19 Aemax or' COOaMeaa pg. 20 Harbor Realty Hunt & A..oct.t• pg. 21 Belboa l.i.nd RMlty pg. 22 Open HOUM Olfactory pg. 23 Open Houee Directory pg. 25 8eyrldge pg. 290eeert Prlnoeaa/ Oelluvllle pg. 27 e.lcourt pg. 28 Fairway One pg. 29 Turtlerodl Pointe pg. 30 Ota.Hied pg. 31 CtMelfled pg. 32 CIUltfted pg. 33 Homee On A9¥1ew pg. 36 Cotdwefl Bani!•. Coat• Meaa pg. 3t Cotdwefl B-*•. NftPOt1 ORANGE COAST llilyPilll m ---...... PROfil.I COLDWELL BANKERS BANKING ON SUNNY FUTURE By CJDUS CR.A WFORD !Wlr .... Cwo $ , I Marian Phillippi, manager of Cold, well Banker, Costa Mesa, bas been associated with the company for I 0 years, serving in offices in Dallas, Denver and. most recently, Orange County. "The Southern California market- place is exciting." she says. "This office bas bad consistent business for 2 I years. but just in the last year, it has outproduced itself and set all kinds of records. We've bad our best year in sales. we've taken the most listings we've ever had bcfo1!.z we've had the most agents in the omcc, and we arc talc.inJ a larger share of the market than ID the pest" The company's record-breaking successes are attributable to a com- bination of factors, says Phillippi. "I think part of it is due to a change in management, part of it is a reflection of the real estate environment today, and part of it is a result of Coldwell Banker's more aggressive stance on training. They're giving the agents a lot better training than mer used to, and they're also providing legal counsel, which makes our trans.- actions m\Jcb more successful and easier to accomplish." Phillippi points to a big change in the market this year. "It's turned into a seller's market, .. she says. "We arc seeing in· the Costa Mesa area that homes arc starting to apprcciaic, and those under S 150,000 sell very quick- ly because there arc so many buycn out in the marlcctplace." Overall, she says, "We're op- timistic. We have a good office, with full-time agents, and we anticipate doing a lot of busineu in this area. Following arc profiles of six of Phillippi's staff. TAMARRAH ANDERSON Tamarrab Anderson, onJioally from Lona Beach, bas resided in Oranae County for 13 yean. A real cata&e ~t since l 97S, ahc is one of her offiCe'• top prod~ "The tt.UOO rm in real estate is that I l.ove doif\& things for peopk," she •ya. "r m people-oriented: I love to It' tnvotvul" Her patest 1ucc:eaes, she ays. • a a "arc the people who arc satisfied with my business. That is so important to me. Most of m y clients have become very good friends." For leisure time activities, Anderson enjoys the beach. "a lot of bike ridin&," and "spending time with my famjjy," which consists of son DIANE BAUMGARDNER Ryan and twin daughters Brooke and Nicole. Diane Baumgardner grew up in Houston, moved to southern Cali- fornia 20 years ago, and resides in Costa Mesa with husband John and SOD Jay. "I've always been mtercsted in real estate," she says. "h 's part of my family background" In her five years with Coldwell Banker, she has been named to the Listing Circle (as a top producer and top lister) and wu top agent in her office in 1983. For the third con- secutive ~· she is in Coldwell Banker's ident's Oub. A member of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors, she specializes in REVASAMUE~ Meta Verde, Mesa Woods, Plaza del Sol and Wimbledon VilJate. ~Wde bcr work, "I ~oy tennis and abort tript. .. lbc says,• and I also serve u editor of the Wimbledon VillaeeN~ ... Reva Samuels and her family moved to Orange County 13 years ago to escape the harsh winters of the Midwest. They reside in Costa Mesa where son Joel attends Estanoa Htgh and is a member of the school's tennis team. Currently the top agent an her office. Samuels has been among the top agents every year since 1981. .. I like the industry," she says. "It's fun, frustrating.. and very hard wortc. Success docs not come from luck: bard work creates luck." The role of the good realtor. says Samuels, "is to be another pair of eyes looking at a property. to. help ch en ts from making a mistake. I work very JEANNTNE ST AKE hard to make sure that once people have made a dc<'isaon. at's going to work. They're relymg o n me to fulfill their dream." Jeannine Stalce grew up an West Los Angeles but has resided an Mesa Verde for most of the last 25 years with heT husband Roy and children Monica, Eric.(currcntly an Air Force pilot), and Kun. a student at USC. St.alee began her real estate career almost six years llJO. and has served over half of that time with Coldwell Banker, where she is currently one of her office's top agents.. ' .. I had always wanted to get 1 - BERNARD TOWERS involved in real estate:· sbe sayi. In fact. I took my first class about 20 years ago, but I just put it off because of the k.ids. Then one day i JUSt decided I wanted to do it, so I dad!" Outside of real estate. Stalce enJOYS coordinaung weddings for her home church. Newpon Harbor Lutheran Bernard Towers has served as assistant manager of the Costa Mesa office for the past six months. ass1sung in the training and advmng o f new agents. Born in South Africa. Towers came to the states five years ago. He resides 10 the local area with wife Mary and son James Gray. age 2. Sance Joining Coldwell Banker ao 1982, "I've been very happy with this company," be says. "It's extremely progressive in its policies. and the company is expanding rapidly. We now have network telev1s1on advenasing, and I think that 1s going to help us with name recogniuon ... A specialist in Eastside Costa Mesa. RAYMOND ZARTLER Towers says. "I think I have very good rappon Wlth most of my clients, and I think 1 work well with a lot of buyers." A native of Clue.ago, Raymond ZartJer moved to Orange County 11 years ago. In 1982he101oed Coldwell Banker at his {>f'CSCnt o~cc and 1s current! one of its top producers. "Coldwell Banker may be a btg compaf1¥.-he says. "but they don't show 1t an their office management We have a chance. within hmats.. to act as mdependent agents. .. One of his main concerns about re.al estate. says ZanJer. 1s that "ll 1s the largest SJngle investment most people make, and I re.ally feel that the aacnts they're dcallf\f wtth should be of the b\lhcst professional ahber and have all the trai nmg_ and educabOn they cancct, I th1n.k ColdwcJJ Banker really tries to do its best to su that people UT treated ri&hL" In bJS free time, lartlcr's hobby 1s restorina Mustanp. for himself and othen.. Re raides in Newport ee.ch with 1<>ns John and Karl. Oldest 1<>n Jeff is a Marine Serpnt .... ---·, IL -.1111. .............. . a.ow matttet pttc. In ~•e #port e.c:t'I. Gorgeous bay 8nd city light ... in OoYef' Shore.. Pr..ugk>ua prtvate exec:utf¥9 home. Large IMng end famlly rooms, eect1 wttn fir• ptac.e. Formal dining. Breakfast room. 4 Bedrooms. 3'n baths. Pool. Spa. 3 Car epnge. Cd tor a appointment. 546-2313 ... _ .. Pmlf llW llE ......... ...... Un6que 2 story Spanlah Oeeign. Qult:,r1°"'. LOYety ktt<:Mn, dining, tMng areas in bath downstWa. 2 Large bedrooms wtth prtv•te bathrooms upataJra. Areptace In Maatw Suite. Nieety appointed. Amenltla galore. Communtty pool. 546-2313 am-. ....................... ,,.,. For tt'9 eopNatlcated buyer. You won't find more for your money In this luxurious, WKy :.x:e & private com~x. Many amentttee ere In this epecioua 1 bdrm with oceen W.W. 646-7171 uwmn 111• -· .............. ••• Former butldera model on a large corner k>t. Greet noor pfan wrapa around poot Fantaatlc entert9'nment ar• wtth ftreplece, bath & wet bar. Kttcnen & bfellkfast wee opens to pool. &46-7171 ... .-.... -................• ,.,.. Exoetlent Famtty Home. Sparkling aotar uatated pool. ChHd-aafe aide yard. Spack)ua 4 bedroom pfue fmnfty room. Gr .. t locatJon cioM to fNtwy· thing. cati now. 546-2313 0 i FW".U ................. ..._ Atfracttw Bayctest home lltueted on a targe comer k>t framed by beeuttful lhruba & nowera. FMtMtk: home for family and entertaining. 5 Bdrm, 3 b9th, family room & 2 fh'eptacee. Me-7171 WIHlmM Nlll -· .............. 1112,- Attrectlve atrium floor plan that's Hght & airy wtth c.thedr., oefflnga, quietly centered wfthln It.I we.i ~grounds. Col de NC location offers compt.ie prlv8C)'. 2 bdrm plus den. &4&-7171 ~-+ ...... 111..- LcMlty home on a nk:e street. A k1t or-upgrading has been done. Too many amenities to mention. Thia la walking distance to the new downtown redevek>pment area. Thia one w.on't laatl ....... .-:! .... ,, ...... Seller wants ovtJ Super ranch styte on cul-de-sac street. 2 Are- pfacee. Added tamtly room. Spacious. Spotless. 4 Good size bedrooms. Call now. 5-46-2313 &46-7171 wrmn .................• ,..., ... With peyrne111ta 1W dw\ $1,000 you CAN afford to buy In Costa Meeal This motivated .... ._priced this tOWIWK>me eo.. th8n eny au. In town. 2 Bedroom 2 bdwooms. Pool In complex deWeable •• neer fedco. Let us 8how you how to buy.546-2313 nlllll -........................ --G.-..t Opportunltyt Near achoola. Three bedroom 2 baths. Double garage. Celt quid< - Th6a won't lalt. 546-2313 ... ,_ mUIM .............. 11za.- Thls la a former model that has been pro- feeek>nalty decorated with aophfstlcated treat- ment of top queMty materials. Too maay Im- provements to mention. Enjoy comptete privacy. tt hu tt ... , &46-7171 --Ill.II:. . . . . . . . • . • . . . • • . . • • ',_. Lowty home. Courtym'd entry. Vert prtvete. Taat9tuly decorated. Huge, very private btld<)wd. 8Mutltwly 19r;deeaped. Bubbling epa. ~loan. Clll to .... M&-2313 -= _, 1111'1'1. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • '~ Looks Uke a modeHI tn a very prtvate & MCluded complex In Newport e.ctt. Super locatJon. You c.n Miil to the Wld. 1 bdrm. brk:k flrepteoe, formal dlfttng, Clllhedtal oe1•nga & moret &46-7171 ---.................... ,, .... 8-uttM pool home.~ tloor plM. LMng room wtth ftlrepeec. ~9'took.a rw yWd end pool. Come .. It* opportunity. 546-2313 liYllllf 111118 •.....•............. 1111.111 Lovely home that awrOUftdl en invtttng pool wtth maxtmum prtvacy & extentlw decking. Open end airy U-ehaped noor pten lndudee, dual fireplace In tMng end famtty rooma, wet bar & mote. Quiet comer k>t. 646-7171 --,_-············· .... ··· --Not • """1>r1ntt Exc1tlant atarter or tnveator untt. Community pool. Cell qutckl 5-46-2313 -•1-ILIT .....................• ,...,_ 1 Room to add another home on tNt large corner lot. Wett<tng dtltenoe to the new downtown Coeta Mea redeYek>pment area. 2 large bdrma, cozy ftrepfeoe & double garage. Exceptional home! Me-7171 lllllTLllllY ...................... 1111,1ie Large Woodstream home In a very~ end tranquil neighborhood. 3 bdrm, 2'n bath wtth double garage and ready to be moved Into. Hard to beat at this price! 646-7171 IT'9I " m -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u1e.- 0n1y 'fl block to the ocean. Loyety, upgraded 3 bdrm home that's great for entertaJnlng. See the ocean from your front door. Gr•t view potential wtth 2nd story add on. Low.! priced beectt home. 646-7171 ........ ULll................... ,,.,.. Save Thouundal Act feat to !Me adwntage. 8 Neerty new townhomee in Costa Mee&. Attract- ive 2 bedroom mod•. Cllll M&.2313 "'..r mt 'Im .•................ 1111.- Bright end eunny 2 bdrm gsden home. L.-ge country kitchen lnc*ldel dlNng area. Cozy .... piece In IMng room for cold Winter nighta. New c.rpeta & pmnt. tow.t priced In Newport Terna. 848-7171 --llllT-....... ······· ..... ,, .. VA tenne offentdl OR Aaume exlatlng low ln•est VA loen. Vwy n6cety redocorated. AK conditioned. Single story, 2 bdrm untt.,communtty pool, Great Costa Meu lo- catk>n. 548-2313 ... -.. -................ .. One of the Co'Jntry C.Ub9 top k>catk»ne CWW· k>okJng the 1 ~ch flllrway. 8-uttfulty decormd 4 bdrm home ·Mtti CUltom poof & IPL Extra wtde ~ Better · We onet Me-7171 :1ow ~t-vA i~: &eier'~u !!=: carrytng wtth 20% down payment ...... ty cjf JCOrated. atory condo. Communtty porJI. GrMt eo.ta tocatk>n. 54&-2313 -·-·-····················· .,, .... a... In the West8'de. Large comer lot perl9Ct for kldl & peta. RV ecoee1. A 1tttte T.L.C. wMI make thla your dream home. Thi• 3 bdrm home la a beat Yllue on tOday'a merket. &4&-7171 ml-Wiid ............... l1U,111 Charming rem0dll1d home. Large llvlng arw. Famtey room. 3 large bdrma. Oeelrabte cul-de- sac loeetlon cloM to echoota, pn, golf COUfM. Cati now. 546-2313 -- YIA Uto IOH, UDO 1Sl1 $1,251,Mt Panoramic views of bay & bluffs. Double lot with bayfront home + apartment upstairs. Could be duplex or single family residence. Darrell Bryan Howard Lawson 673-7300 LIDO ISLE YIA UIO SOii · S34t,Mt -Corner location at Via Palermo. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, great potential. Sunny patio. Owner w i ll listen ! Virginia O'Brien N IAZJOS · $349,Mt -35' wide street to street lot, steps to bay, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. A great retreat. Lowell Stade N UIO SOUi · $115,Mt -Large boat dock. Great baystde home featuring 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, Jacuzzi, 3 ·car garage. Adjacent to greenbelt. Roger Brown N UIO SOii · $495,Mt -Extra wide lot, large pool, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room home. Light, bright. lots of windows. Corner location. Virginia O'Brien N tlllt-$),Mt -A great buy for a 4 bedroom + family X>m home. Bright & sunny corner location .. otivated owners. Virginia O'Brien N lftlll-$347,SM -Street to street location + a very lovely home with many details that will catch your eye. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, formal dining room. Howard Lawson N UIU · Slll,Mt -40' corner location at Nord. Great potential, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, den, 3 car garage. Lowell/Javed N •ITHE-SUl,Mt -A beautiful family size home on 67' wfde lot. sparkling pool. 5 bdrms. 3 baths, sitting room off master suite. John Martin tnmtT CREST TOWMOlIS C(IW POOL/SPA & TDllS U.JAUCHIT IODI ctllT OC.ClllT MIActllT UWll(CMT • 2 11.+I, 2¥1 IA • $111 .... • 211, 2~ IA • r··· • 411, 2¥1 IA • Ut,• • 211.2~1A • 171,IM • 3U,31A • $171, ... Carol Mulvey VERSAlLES COll>OS C<lll POOL, SPA. Cllll t0JSE. GUMD 6AT£ 111 saeu PLW • ....... #111 1MMlllPllll #114 · 1M Miii Pim Pl 4 1• .... Pim " 14 111.tlA • SltS.MI Carol/ Javed • 111.llA. $ti .. • 2 11. 2 IA • 1121.511 • 2 U. 2 IA • lSS.• • 2 11. 2 IA • $2JJ.IM JOAN CAIN ····························~ • • ! OPEN HOUSES : • • • • ! SATURDAY ! • • • • • • • 31921 S. CST. IWT, SO. LACIU -(12-3) ... Come & see • • this unique oceanfront property with a view you • •won't forget. Private steps to sand. Guest quar-• ! ters with view, below garage. All new! Asking ! • $699,000. ' See Phyllis Hayden • • • • 124 N TllHTI. UIO ISLE -(1 -4 ) ... Eye catching • • quality bullt home. 4 bedrooms, 3¥· baths, large, • : I o v e I y Pat Io . $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 0 . See Gib Walker : • • • • • • • SUNDAY • • • • • : 717 ST. JAMES IOU, CUfJ UYH -( 1-4) ... REDUCED : •TO $299,000. Immediate sale owner moving out • • of state. 3 bedroom home In quiet Cliff Haven. • •Huge lot with children's play yard overlooking • !wooded canyon . New kitchen .: • See Howard Lawson • ! 145 N ..... lM ISLE -(1-4) ... lmmaculate 3 ! • bedroom, 2 bath home. rernodefed with quality • •taste. 45' wide lot. $379,000. See Bob Newell • . , . • ltl SClllZ PW.I. Pl 14, I.I . -( 1-4) ... 2 bedroom, 2 • •bath, private spa, outstanding ocean view • ! condo. Community pool/spa/guard gate. ! • $215,000 See Joan Cain • : 121 N lJICA. UM ISU -(2-5) ... 5 bedrooms. 4 ! • baths, family room, quality throughout this • • home. Asking $465,000. See John Martin • • • • 21 (ICll( CMT, I.I. -( 1-5) ... 0cean view in • : Newport Crest. 4 bedrooms, + famlty room. 21.h ! •baths, approx. 1.900 sq.ft . Walk to beach, • • pool/spa/tennis. S 179,000. See Carol Mulvey • • • • 41 llYll. ST. ClllCl, llC CAIYOI -( 1-4) ... Beautlfully • • remodefed 3 bdrm, 2 baths. family & dining • ! rooms. large master suite + sitting rm & fire-! •place. Expanded Broad moor. Plan 2. $695,000. • • See Gib Walker • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VI.LA BAI.BOA C<ll>OS 2 a.it P<O..~/SPA, 6UAltD GA T£ 2tO CMilll u. • 1•.1 BA • Slll,000 2tO CMilll lN • Pwit.l•.l BA • Sl49,500 llO CMilll lN • Pwit, 2 •. 2 BA+OO • $219,000 Joan Caln 2tO CMilll u. • z•.2 BA • $147,500 John Martin 2tO CMllY lN • z •.ZBA • $119,000 LJn<Sa Jacobs SATUllDAY NOV. 16, HM/~AGK S IEW USTllC VIA QUITO, UIO ISU SUS,NG A perfect family home with 3 bedrooms. 211? baths. large !amity room + wet bar. great for entertaining. Virginia O'Brien 673-7300 NEWPORT BEACH 611 UIO P•H HIVE · $295,0M -Completely remodeled. now 1 bedroom. den. 11h baths. LOW, LOW DOWN. owner may carry 2nd. T.D. Community pool & boat slips. 2nd floor umt with view. 611 UIO PAil tttYE-$250.HO -Bayfront high rise 3rd floor unit. All new kitchen & appliances. Community pool & bayfront patio. Slips avail- able. 1 bdrm. 1 bath, great view# Gib Walker WEST •EWPOIT OCWFIOIT-$625,0M -Cape Cod home with fantastic view. Oceanfront patio to relax and enjoy; now's the time! Jerry Bogan I . UY HEIUE-SMS,Mt -Enjoy the view from this 3 bedroom. 3 bath. bayfront home. Family & sewing rooms. pier & slip, adjacent to sandy beach. Claudette Taylor HPTHE Hl-$275,• -Excellent corner duplex on fee land. Quiet beach area. Steps to sand & ocean. Tennis & racq. ball courts. John Martin COlllHCW. IUlllHIC JIST IEHCO Tl $415,Mt - Owner may carry 1st T.D. w/low down payment. Approx. 6,291 sq.ft. on Newport Blvd. Across from City Hall. Will also lease all or part. Call for Information. Leasehold land. Bob/Wyvonne UlJIY Hm-$55',Mt -A decorator will love this great floor plan from the front entry courtyard with pond to the pool/spa, putting freen & fantastic view of bay & lights. Javed/Gib LAGUNA BEACH '11 Itel HM & 615 llCI HM -$300,000 each condo. 611 has 3 bdrms. 21Jr baths. den-615 has 2 bdrms. 2 baths. den. laundry room. Ocean view. BOTH ARE BANK OWNED WITH GOOD LOANS. VERY LOW DOWN Linda Jacobs IAVINE ...... JIU.$ • UH,• -Turtlerock Glen townhomes, 2 bedrooms, den, 2 baths, spa/patio off master suite, patio off ltvtng room. spit level. A beautiful place to llve. Pam Trinen Lido Realty 673-7300 Lido Realty . ... -··-''J . -· ---"" _...:~ .. ~. _ • .:. '_.a.-• • -• ~~~--=-~~ .. ---="""""-.. _ -.. ~--.•._ ......... _. r-. .... --~~-~~~·_.-.-__ ---,.___ = ... 4141 -· --• -----i:=' - THE DALEBOU T ASSOCIATION M YSHORE.a AuthlJn1'C New Ef9arld Cc»- onaal on one of the prem.er bayfront tau in Hewpon Beach ~ ... "' the tuf1W'Q balln The targe doc* can ..uy berth two lbcty t001 boats Thr• bedfoome plus nwd'• room. Faut baths ~~ entertalr'wlg atea tnllde and OU1 8udt for two famed Nm ltW8 1n 19-' 1 and maantaned as Chou(1I rt were yes1.erday ...... ..... . ............... a.-.- oovo ~ OlstJnctNe Etched ~ ~door entty. Hand~~ In foyer. Luing room #'l1h freptace and ~ wet bat. Fabubls bay wtw. Fout large ~ooms. Jacuzzi wrth retractabte roof. Oak pane8ed den Family room wrth fueptace Poot ...... ••.oao. DOVER SHORES Thd home has been 9'egant.ty remodeled, but not Wed sn. Thtee bedrooms Three ba!M Oen large enough tor poof tabte Dtntng room. o.ghtful krtchen with commetca.aJ gas stove Tt'wee fireptaoes. Sky- lights lntetcom for from G8te-AutomatJc l.ght- 1ng and spnnklets. Two apaa. Spectaeolat v'9w of bade bay and mgh1 light$. A aubstamiaJ reduction . .. .. Now sm_ooo Open l4'ft 1~=---1730 CWuJ DfM DOVE" IHOREa .. Who can ask f()( tnOfe'? Th11 lovely three bedroom home is so near perle<;t&<>n. 0 1mng room. Oen. ArtJsttc use of f100< to ceiflng mirrors. Pleasant v1ew of patios. rose gatden and your own pier and ftoat...large enough for a forty foot boat.. .. . .. . . . . . . . . 1775,000 DOVER SHORES ... Exciting bay view enjoyed from entire living are.a. Fabulous family room with custom walnut bar and wtne storage. Fan- tastic home for casual parttes or formal enter- taining. Four bedrooms and four baths. Con- vertible den. One bedroom and bath Ideally located for maid or guest., .................. lll0,000 Open Set-Sun 1~:30 ........ 1141 a.nu.go Ort¥• 8AYCAE8T ... Begant In f!1Very respeci. Richly appointed master suite downstairs. Second mcmer suite upstairs plus three bedrooms. French doors and windows. Luxuriantly ~anted yard with pool.. ................................ ssao.ooo DOVER SHOREI .. Thia amazJngly apaclous re9'denoe has four bedrooms Including a master .ulte with high beamed ceilings, a two-etory llvlng room. a grand dining room and a kitchen with eating space. French doors. Hardwood floors. Brick patio and spa. Access to private beaches............... . . . ................... 1535,000 DOVER I HOREI ... Executive type home in an etegant neighborhood. Wrought-Iron gated en- trance with push button call 1)'8tem. Park-like yard. White brick pavets In traffic area. Back bay view. Huge living room With picture wtndow and flreptace. FormaJ dining rOOOL Ihree bedrooms. Large f81YMly room with wet bar. Spacloue yard plumbed f()( poof Three car garage ..... 1821,000 A REAL EST ATE COMPANY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • DOVBl SltOMI . Vew home of peaoe : : ~ tranqulrty Supert>ty deSlgned and • • deconl!ed. creating a gracious environ-• • ment for entertaining. as well as affording • • the best tn tamly IMng. Standai-ds that : ! detenrine the tnA'y ex.c:eptional are found • • ~e in abundance. The entertainment • • eree aocommod8tes 200 guests com-• ! fortabty. Walc-behiud wet bar. Bectricaily : • operated lkylghta. 5peaous room fOf • • bAlrdL Ctyst.111 c::har.deliars. The family • • erea cooaists of three large bedrooms, • : fabulou• master sutte wtth aitbng atea and ! • fireptaoe. HObby room eaUy convertJbte to • • two ewa bedrC>Om$ New solar heated • • poot Spa wttn wa1ertal! Babora1e aecurtty • •system. AJf of thb and much more • : .................................................. 11, 17!,.000 : • °'*' 8un 1_.:30 124.t Poteril DfM • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UOO ISl.E . Spend the holidays In your new Udo home! Ughts. Boat parade. Parties. Club house activrt.es. TradlhonaJ family home. four bedrooms, three and Ofl&-'haJf baths. Separate d1n1ng room. Oen wwth wet bar. One and one.half k>U with vacant room ............................ $475,000 Open Sun 1~--·---·--125 Vla Koron WEITCLFF ... A wonderful opportunity awaits the person with an eye for quality. This four bedroom. three and one-half bath custom family reskSenoe Is located on one of Newport Beach's most sought-after streets .................... l450~000 BAYCREST ... Cheerful four bedroom famlly home. Wood burning fireplace in living room and family room. Artistic french doors and leaded glass windows. Dining room. Spa conve- nient to master bedroom. Automatic ''=and sprinklers. Security system.................. ,500 0.,... Sat 1~::30·-·-·--· 2000 Windward Lane 8AYCREI T ... Highly upgraded family home. Parquet floors. Four bedrooms. Three baths. Substantially remodefed kitchen. Artistic trench doors to covered patio. Custom, child-gated pool and spa ....................................... 1291,000 BA YCRE8T ... Four bedrooms. Central recep- tion area providing easy access to huge ltvlng room. family room and bedroom wing. Two flreptaces.Olnlng room. Pool, plus extensive sur- faced area. New price of.. .................... 9215,000 BAYCREIT ... Original owners are ottering this flawtese home at a fair and reasonable price. Three bedrooms. Superb location. There Is a magnificent backyard with a free-standing gazebo. There Is a .unken unobtru8Mt RV area. A most unu.ual property ............ NOW IMl.000 Opeft hl·lurt 1-4:IO~······ 2CMO .....,._, U. COUNTY CORNDOR . . . Move-In condition. Four bedrooms. New country kitchen wtth flre- p&ac:e. Thermador MH-deanlng oven. Triple 9'nka. SeQarate 700 square foot panelled bonus room. Security system ......................... lal,IOO °'*' Sun 1-4:30--·-·· -&at 22nd ....... 631-7300 LAGUNA BEACH· . . . In Arch Beach Heights ... ocean and city view. CatMdral celling8 In ltvlng room. Three spack>us bedrooms.. Two baths. Three decks plus patio. Exterior has U9ed brick trim. Efficiency kitchen wt1h mk:t0'#8Ye oven ...................................................... ,. ""5,M WOOOMIDGE IN IRV• . . . Choice neigt.- borhood. Two bedrooms and den home. High beam ceUlnos. Good sae yard '°' the area. Easy walk to the lake and shopplng. Property In excellent eonditlon ... a former modef ... 1111.000 VILLA BALBOA . . . An adult condomlntum overlooking Newport Harbor. One large bedroom and den. Air conditioned. Subterra- nean garage. Security gate. Community pool and spa. ................................................ 1115.000 NEWPORT CREST ... Attractive two bedroom and den condo. Master bedroom has front and rear decks. Wet bar. Dining room. Two car garage with automatic opener .............. t1n.GOO Open Sun 1-4:30-----···--·· 12 Kleloe Court INCOME PENINSULA POtNT ... Rate six-.plex among fine r~dences. One two-bedroom and flve bedroom units In good condition. Owner wlll exchange for industrial/commercial °' trust deeds.................................................... I 11 ll,000 CORONA DEL MAR ... This beautifully crafted edlface has the tlexlblllty of a home tor large family, or a duplex with three bedrooms up and two down. The ocean view Is ~acular. Over- sized lot 50 X 118. Quiet to&tlon-tust one block to beach ..................................... tl30,000 Open tun 1-4:30. .................... _.... 2111 INwtew PENINSULA POINT ... Custom triplex wtth a great three bedroom owner's unit. Owner wtll exctlange for Industrial/commercial property or trade for trust deeds ............................ IM0,000 CLIFF HAVEN ... Warm, comfortable three bedroom owner's home plus two bedroom ren- ~~~. -~~. ~-~~~ .. l.~.~~~ .. ~~~ .. I.~-'.· .. -~~:. ~.~ .. ~.x~~~.:; CORONA DEL MAR ... Attention bulldert. Buy this exceptional forty-five foot tot, ptua the avail able forty foot lot next door. An unparaHed opportunity to build alx Income units In an area reknown tor .resldentlal Income pr~lel. ......................... : .................................... tal,000 CUFF HAVEN ... Warm and charming duplex with two bedrooms In each unit. Preaently ueed as a sfngle unit, but eutly convertlble. Beeutl- tully land1eaped and wen matntatned. Security system. OWNER WILL CARRY FIRST TRUSt DEED .................................................... '211.000 Open l un 1-4:30 ........................ 1111 Cllft Drtwe COI TA MESA ... Centrally located four-ptex. Two, two-bedroom units. Two on.bedroom unit•. Always rented. Oependab .. lnoome. New ~:~u~~~.' .. ~.~.~.~.'..~~~'.~~-~~.~.~= 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH ......... _. ................... ______ ......... ___________________ ;...;_ __ ~~~---- TllTlUICI *U Uftl -In spotless condition, maintenance-tree yard, 2 bdrm plus den. Neu- tral carpets, new appliances. $176,000. N •TA FtWIC -BeautlfulJy decorated, Impec- cable 3 bdrm, ~bath townhome In Jasmine Creek. Owner transferred. Must sell. $375,000. llllCITFll WTlllff -Near to tennis, high echool, shops, parks. Four bdrm, 3 bath, guest room, all In top condition on large lot. $339,000. IACI UY MAIA -Three bdrm behind gates. Wood and glaaa design. Newer home wtth family room. Unique upper bay area. $385,000. I LIT• LIT -Magnlfloent 180° vtew of Dana Point Harbor, clty Hghta. SM Clementea' Sea Pointe Estates. 10,000 sq.ft. at $225,000. Ull ISU -Large open spacest 3 bdrms, 3 ba. New England charm. Close to comm. clubhouse, tennis and beaches. $480,000. · A IUl llU .. -Finest family llvtng .. ~ bdrm, 3 bath, CdM netghborhood overlooking harbor, tasteful decor, lovety yard. $485,000 WTS9l IU Mll -6,750 sq.ft. lot, possible R-2 zoning In great Costa Mesa rental location. Neat '2 bdrm Investment home at $118,500. Ill U U -A sharp decorator perfect CdM hlllalde adults home with a big pool and a little view. Two bdrms, 2 baths at $335,000. PICK OF THE PREVIEW Every Friday the Unique Homes Staff previews new llstlnga from all brokers. Thia week's pick: See unique listing titted Snug Little Sleeper. - I LMLY URSTlll -Harbor Ridge townhome with serene view of city and beyond. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, Impeccable condition and A. C. $647,500. ••A IMI llU -South of the highway, In olde CdM: 3 bdrma. 2 baths. deMghtful street a bk>Ck and a half from beaCh and bfuff. $350,000. P1111111 POSl•D -r o· Shor• epectacu- lat, 4 bdrm, o·s-· O \-,.,;.n, gractoua entry, end m11gnltlcef -~of Beck Bay. $495,000. SIUli LITILE SLEEPER Just a wink to Big Corona State Beach, this home In Olde Corona del Mar Is a dream come true. "It's been a night- mare to the out-of-state owner.'' The 3 bdrm, 3 bath ftoorplan allows ample room for sleepwaJklng, and Income from the 2 bdrm, 2 bath Income unit, will let you sleep llke a baby. There's also room for Imagination and nego- tiation at $429,000. Snooze and you looael CUSSIC TllTUllCI -Near high school, quiet ·area, good assum. loans, easy access to UCI. shops and transportation. $172.500. •ua P£1ftCT -Not a flaw, 3 bdrm, pool, spa. Ocean/CdM hlllfdde vu. You'll love this home. $395,000. Tlll Y• ClllC( -5 bdrm with 2 bdrm rental or 7 bdrm home near beech. Newer conatr, all fMturee, lovely CdM area. $569,000. Yll CM II m -Beams, bricks. newer 3 bdrm home 1~ blOck to beach. With help It could have vtew. Nr CdM State Beach. $334,950. SllJI, SOOl, llClll -l o~r VMr# Hiiis (Lusk) 3 bdrm, apotts 0 ~~· ~. 3 car garage. large yard. ~ ,<J<JV. •TI .. -01 ooean, sunMta. jetty. Extra 1arQe lot. 50' frontage by 162' deep In <>Ide CdM. eunc:t you dree.m home, or nMJtore. $799,000. 01( Of l 1111 -Belcourt find . Better than new, cleaner than original. 3 bdrm. picturesque land- scaping. custom touches at just $795,000. II Oll flVOtm -On the Peninsula, on the Bay. lots of charm. enormous view. sandy beach. 3 bdrm. 2 bath and cabana for $490,000. l llC UICAll -West Newport duplex, 4 bdrm-2 .ba and 2 bdrm-1 ba. owner occupied. good condition, next to beach. $219,000. PASAllU COTTAGE ~ 55' lot just otf Ocean Blvd .• older home to restore or replace! 2nd story would have grt vu. $399,500. CUlllllC •tc ....... -In Olde CdM, duplex each with 2 bdrm. fireplace and patio area. Owner will finance at 12%. $309,900 lllCI Tl Tll IUCI -Bank owned 3 bdrm. 3 ba home with 2 bdrm. 2 ba unit. In CdM and open almost daily. $429,000. II Tm CUf'F -Above Newport harbor, Incredible view, 4 bdrm, 4'"' bath, pool. spa. Needs flnish- lng touches. $345,000 LH. FlllU FllUCS •Ill( C4I -A winner! Newer 2 story, ocean view. sunny street leads to beach, patios. decks. 2 flreplacaes. $575,000 IPEI SITllllY 1-1 ... $575,000 ntlr..w 4 bdrm. 3 be. 2 frplca. view F. Scott •u1111,nau $485,000 1111 ...... View. 4 bdrm, 3 ba. family hOme M.A. Anderson ... $429.000 -~ 3 bdrm home +-2 bdrm unit H. Markes ... $350.000 111...W 3 bdrm. 3 ba, l 'ftlota. So. of hwy 0 . Markas Ulla"' $339,000 ...... Large lot, 4 bdrm, 3 beth E.. Tabak IPEI SllUY 1-1 ... $799,000 ...... IW 3 bdm\, M8 It alt view M.vonGeldern ... $429.000 -~ 3 bdrm home + 2 bdrm unh N. Murray •111111 " mu $485.000 ·ant•dcu• View -4 bdrm, 3 ba. family home B. Hutchings •""' $795.000 . ......... Cuttom. 96eg8nt 3 bdrm P. Merry ... $309.900 .1 .... Duptex, 2 bdrm, f\repleoe MCtl J.Skahan ----~~~~--------------------~--------------... ----.................. .---... ~· PAGS 8/SAT\MDAY NOV. 16. t----------------------------•DAU.Y PU.OT /BAL UTATI ~ . SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 759-6700 NEW LISTING-BALBOA PENINSULA DUPLEX ~-~ \Ve have just listed a duplex on the Peninsula that has a four bedroom unit and a three bedroom unit. Near the ocean, yet conve ni ent to shopping, this property represents an excellent value at only $315,000. BIG CANYON COUNTRY €LUB-REDUCED We are convinced that 'this is one of the better buys in Big Canyon. It's a Deauville model Deane home, with three bedroms, three baths and a den that could be a .fourth bedroom or maid's room. The original owners have given their home meticulaus and loving care, and it shows! There are lots of amenities including a spa, steam bath, air conditioning, built-in Bar-B-Q and much, much more. Now offered at only $499,500 .. LIDO ISLE We recently listed a small Lido home t hat is an excellent buy. The lot is forty-five feet wide and offers tremendous potential fo r expansion or remodeling. There is an existing very livable home with two bedrooms, two baths~ family room and a south- f acing patio. Offered at $345,000. LlDO ISLE BA YFRONT DUPLEX Two bayfront homes for the price of one! Built as a duplex with four bedrooms and four baths in t he main residence plus two bedrooms and one bath in the second. Both homes have excellent bay views. There is a great sandy beach right in front and an association-own ed boat dock nearby where you can greet your yachting guests. Offered at $1,150,000. FIFTY-FIVE FEET ON LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT p Situated on the east end of Lido Isle, this di stinctive co ntemporary home has five bedrooms, five and one-half baths, including a maid's room and bath. A large formal dining room, family room and breakfast area complete the living quarters. A much desired fou r-car garage is one of the numerous amenities. Waterfront patios of generous proportions offer the opportunity for gracious outdoor entertaining. The existing dock and slip will accomodate a large boat, and may be enlarged. Southern exposure ensures the maximum enjoyment of this choice estate. Offered at $3,750,000. BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Ideally located overlooking the third tee, fairways, lakes and greens are included in t he view from this dis tinctive golf course estate. Custom built and occupied by the orginal owner, t his warm and cheerful home offers four bedrooms, three and one-half baths, plus a spacious yard, pool and spa. The owner has moved and would like to sell this home. Offered at $1,200,000. BA YFRONT-WILL TRADE If you own income property our owners will consider taking it in trade on their lovely French Country bayfront home. There is a bayfront livi ng room with deeply toned architectual wood paneling, marble fireplace, french doors and towering ceilings. Five bedrooms plus four and one-half baths, a large used brick patio and a large boat dock. Offered at $1 ,175,000. A DISTINCTIVE BIG CANYON ESTATE "".~rely does a home with such significance become available for purchase. More than a home, it has become recognized as a work of art. There are six bedrooms, including a breathtaking master suite, plus five and one-half baths. Situated on two custom lots overlooking the Big Canyon Golf Course, it offers spacious gardens that include a Koi pond, gazebo, spa and waterfall. Offered at $3,750,000. HUNTINGTON HARBOR-NEW LISTING \ We have just listed a former model home on Trinidad Island. Located in an area of fine custom homes, it has three bedrooms and three baths, vaulted ceilings, skylights and a thirty-five foot boat slipr Owner transferred. Offered at $359,000. CAT ALINA ISLAND A penthouse co ndominium with a spectacular view. It has three bedrooms, two baths and a spa off the master bedroom. It shows like a model home and the furniture is included. Realistically priced at $299,000. - .. L--__ SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REALTY __ ~ 5 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach, CA 92660. (71 4) 759-6700 - __________ ... __ ._ .... ____________________ .._. ______________ ~~~~--~ - '>9 II 36 AILY PILOT/ftAL HTATI HAllOI llDIE •11 IAPOU-CUSTOI VlUITl•E llOIE Beautiful new custom home In Harbor Ridge. 4 bedrooms, formal dining, study/library and a bonus room whlci't may be customized td your needs. Un~ obstructed rolling hill and night light views. Located on a cul de sac street. $1, 195,000. IEST VIEW LOCATION -In Harbor Ridge Crest. Water, city lights & woodsy lo- cation make this lowest priced 3 bedroom "Renaissance" a must to see! Guard gated community In exclusive Newport Beach amid multi mllllon dollar custom homes for just $399,000. Orriel Smith "HlllOR RIDCE LOT" -One of the finest lots in Harbor Ridge ... unobstructed ocean and city light views. No roof tops shown. Included are plans for a 10,000 sq.ft. authentic Chinese home. See and compare this one at $895.000. IELCDllT TUIRIOUl IUCOUIT -Beautifully decor- ated custom home built by Jim Peters. 5 bedrooms, family room and study. Ap- prox. $400,000 in upgrades. Corner lo- cation with exceptional landscaping, very private pool. A wonderful way of life. Valued at $ 1.390,000. •u IUCOUIT-PIEllUI lOClTIH I• IUCOUIT -Located on t,he greenbelt just steps to the pool and spa. This customized townhome Is decorated in all neutral tones and Is easy on the eyes. High ceilings, crown moldings, nice cabinetry and shelving, along with pri- . vate spacious patios and other I amenities make this a good value at $679,000. DUllATIC BELCOURT -A very exclusive 3 bedroom townhome. Dramatic entry with circular staircase, large family room with fireplace looking onto a lovely courtyard with waterfall and spa. Orig- inally a model home. Over $ 150.000 1n upgrades alone. Asking $869.500. also for lease o tion at $3,750 mo ·-· #3 C ivic Plaza. Suite 170 Newport Beac h, Cal ifornia 92660 760-8333 THE ILIFFS SIRl£ l.EftLIUIFFS IUITl -Finest comer location. Best priced Anita in Bluffs. Inviting kitchen, family room, pretty patio, f\replace. Sparkling clean 3 bedroom, w/convertlble den. 2 bath on fee land. 199,500. LOVELY GIEEHUT LOCATIO• -Sapacious 4 bedroom townhome with large rec- reation room Private spa, community pools, close to shopping and recreation facilities. Priced to sell at $233,500 fee Sue Thomas - ILUFFS COHO Oii TllE CREHIEL T -Lovely condo in the Bluffs. 4 bedrooms. 2'Ji baths plus bonus room with beautiful greenbelt view. Great location near pool. shopping and schools An excel- lent buy at $249,500 Mane Fargo "•" OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION THIS WE~EKEND. PLEASE CALL. IRYINE BIG CANYON CHOICE LOCATION llt IRYlltE -Cozy 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo In Irvine. Private location surrounded by tall trees and running brooks. Just steps from pool and spa. Also. tennis and volleyball courts. Well priced at $71,900. WATERFIOU FOi $3SO,OOO -Lovely 3 bedroom Woodside plan. One of the best locations on Woodbr~ge Lake with many upgrades. Decorator wall coverings, new drapes. tinted windows, mirrored walls. and wood and marble floors. A must to see!! NEWPORT BEACH HW,ORT IEACH $22S,SOO -Here is what you've been waiting for: Take over the loan and nothing down! 2 bedroom Cape Cod townhome with lovely views overlooking Irvine Ranch. Walk to shopping, pool and tennis. •EWPOIT IEACI COHO -live in Newport Beach for only $ 119,000 ... near ocean, 1 bedroom completely furnished with decorator furniture including dishes & linens. Great first home for your son or daughter. Guarded gate w/communlty pool and spa. Marie Denny IALIOA PElllSULA Cit.AT I.COME PIOPHTl -Well located duplex on the Balboa Peninsula. Just' 1% blocks to the beach. Lower unit 3 bedrooms, 2 baths & fireplace. Upper unit 2 bedroom, 1 bath & sundeck, a 2 car garage & 2 car driveway parking. Bank owned. Priced to sell at $230,000, bank wlll finance. EAST ILIFF •Ml lllOtll-WT IUfJ -3 bedroom Lusk home ln'deslrable location. large corner lot with quiet location. Room for expansion, Great potential. $249,000. Bob Schandel or Sue Thomas. WESTCLIFF •123l llCIUllt-WHTCUff Nil .. -Large 4 bedroom on huge corner lot. 3.5 baths. Sunny rooms w/spaclous feetlng. Owner Is ready to sell now! So call Immediately. $399,000. Marie Fargo. A HIE FllD -The last custom lot available 1n Big Canyon Overlooking the park on a private cul de sac street 1s 15,000 sq ft of prime building space Owner will trade tor commercial or industrial property $649.000 SPYGLASS •zs llSSIOll HY-SPYGLASS FAMILY NOIE -'A very special Nantucket model on Spyglass Hill. Spectacular view of .mountains and clty lights. 5 bedroom. bonus room. formal dining room, farnily room & 3 car garage. Pro- fessionally decorated and landscaped with entertaining back yard. pool, spa. BBQ and flre-nng. $569,900 Todd Gross CORONA DEL MAR FREE MERCEDES IUZ -That s right -a free NEW 500 SL Mercedes Benz with the purchase of this home! Elegant. new contemporary home with ocean view 5 bedroom. 4 bath beautifully appointed Asking $595,000 Lois Cornwall DOYER SHORES P£1f£CT COIPl£ 101£ -Spectacular water and night lights view!! Elegant home with warmth and charm. 2 master bedroom suites. Prestigious location! Pride of ownership. Man¥ extras. including swimming pool $695,000. Vergilene Hull IESI YEllE IOlll PllftCT • IUA ftll( -Peaceful setting with mature landscaping a('ld custom child's play-yard In very desirable location. Large 4 bedroom ( 1 BR downstairs) home with dramatic 2 story entry, step-down to llving room. Great family room with plantation shutters. Two stone fireplaces. Priced right at $240,900. Ann Marie Murphy SllTH COAST 1mo Uft • s• AT S11T1 CMST PUll -Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath In South Coast VIiias. Condo shows very well. Unit Is conveniently located In comptex. near pool, spa and carport. Mediterranean atmosphere. Price includes 3 points for VA buyers. $8 ... 000. Ann Marie Murphy . (714)7 I • ru IS Ulll L.91 , ... , -........ Beautifully decorated llfld maintained Lido Isle beauty. Four bedrooms, 4 BA, family room, separate dining room. hardwood floors, French doors, large bricked patio and an extra large lot. Near beaches. tennis courts and boat docks. Joan Lewis/Danny Bibb IUll llllZU ·--Homelike living in this latge 2 BR, family room home with cathedral ceilings and skylights. Under market. call Linda Oeth or Liz Beazley PllTHlll HIT· I 111,111 Rancho San Joaqum Views, golf course, park, lake , city lights and mountains. Two BR. den 2- car garage. Some coordinating furniture included. ' Manlyn Bulkley -tnl SPACH 1111,MO Glamorous. m~tJculous. 2 BR + den plan in Rancho San Joaquin. Views of lake. golf course and dty lights. Thoroughly upgraded. Decorator neutral carpeting Continental flair throughout. Marilyn Bulkley 111 CAIY-..:-11111 HTITI ...... Presently 4 BR. 2 'h BA. formal llVing & dining room. and perfect for expansion! Prime cul ~de-sac location, over 'IJ acre with views of golf course. mountains. and city lights. Available under great terms. Submit yours. Danny Bibb/Stephanie Grody F&llLMS °""AT 11111 IMl,HO Steps to sand. Ocean view from patio. One year new and magnificent! Two master suit.es, beauti- ful decor, mirrored walls, custom tile work, etc. Terrific kitcnen wall all built-ins. Owner will help fi nance or lease option Micki Cooper ... .,,,.... 1211.- Lookmg over the canyon and city lights. with 3 BR, 2 BA and private decks. Great location! Two- car garage. Move-in oondjtion. Hallie Strock FllTUT11 Nit. Ml 1412,111 Completely remodeled and redecorated with beautJful custom woodwork arid up-graded fix- tures throughout. Large yard with sparkling pool. Stunrung and unique family room retreat. Two bedrooms. Hallie Strock/Carolyn Mason II•" F• Tll llUUYI UM,111 Be "in" your extremely special, highly upgraded, gate guarded community Bag Canyon home with: 2BR. den formal living and dining room within walkmg d LStance to Newport Center. You can be "in'' for tht> holidays. Maralou Ingold IOU lMM IT ITS lllT 1111,MO Only one block to the bay or ocean 3 BR, 2 BA & loft. Added bonus unit over garage for extra income. Leasehold. Ann Peters B.lll&M mllDTI 11•,111 Three bedroom, two story plan in McLain townhometl. Quiet oom er location . Seller will help with financing. Submit offers. Martha Macnab #2 Chic ..... , lull• 100 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE SERVICES I UTllllY NEWPORT PENIN .,.. .. 111UMle. 2BR l-5 M. Cooper' ' SHORJ!X:LIFFS ··-u ....... ..,.. 4 BR, FR, Sa-1-4 J. o.v;. HRBR VU KNOLLS ..... 1111 ........ 3 BR, FR 1-5 L .Epn 111111 mG CANYON ·--. ..,.. ....... 3BR l-4:30 .L.Epn VILLA BALBOA .,..,.. HlllM,#1• 2 BR oondo. pool, spa 1-4 L. Oeth HARBOR RIDGE ..,..,.. u ....... ., 5BR,FR,Ss-1-4 M. lngold BELCOURT ...... 11 ............ 2 BR. FR 1-4:30 S. Vogt SPYGLASS ...... Hm.tea., 4 BR 1-4 J. Dehay BEACON BAY .,..,... ., ...... .., 4 BR. FR. wtr. frt. 12-4 M. Manon mG CANYON ., ........ ,. ........ 5 BR, FR, pool, spa 1-4 C.A.W.on SHORIX;LIFFS ...... " ......... ..,.. 4 BR. FR. apa 1-4 M. Propp SPYGLASS ···-, .......... 3 BR. FR 12:30-4 B. Aune UTllllY I SllllY SPYGLASS HILL 11,.,..... ,., .. ....," Va«:ant Lota 84..S~ M. I.ngold CA.MW HILANDS ..... Wlwt ... '' .. 3 BR, FR, pool 1-4 D. Godahall mGCANYON . ,,,..,.. , ......... 5 BR. FR 1-4 . S. Grody WOODBRIDGE " ..... 1 ......... 3BR, FR, Sa-1-5 P.a.lley .. UITll -...... Lovely 2 BR, single story condo with terrific view of golf coune. Private 2 car garage, uaumable financing, community tennis, pool. Martha Mac- nab .. 1AL11A • 19 M. Un.f ... ,. lmmaculate older two s1ory home on prime corner location. Three bedrooms, den, break.fut area and dining + dock and sandy beach. Walking distance to everything . .Priced to 1ell! Martha Macnab IM.lllmll9 ....... Four bed.room, 4 BA. two story home, recently remodeled with old world crafmnanahip and charm. Steps to the best ocean beaches. Extra boat or car storage. Price Includes the land. Martha Macnab 644-6200 Ull llll--llllalt Ula.- A bett Strada location. Four BR, 3 BA with entire 2nd story master suite. Cathedral ceilings, gourmet kitchen, indoor spa and more. Amwnable financing. Martha Macnab mlllllUI! ....... One of the best buys on the bayfront today. 59' frontage with large dock and sandy beach. Four BR 3 'h BA home was remodeled within the last 2 years with a new tile roof, new gourmet kitchen, new master bedroom, bath and powder room. Seller ls ready to Sell! Submit off en. Martha Macnab 1-, TWI YUU llWt 1111 .... This 2 BR. 2 'h BA. townhome is in a gated oommunity of 24 homes. Two fireplaces, formal dining room, 2 car garage, laundry and storage rooms. Owner is selling for I~ than he paid!! Carolyn Mason 11111& 111. ua llPLD na.- Two bedroms, dining area, fireplace, new kitchen cabinets, disposal, gas range Each unit has new hot water heater and drapes. Back unit -I BR. new refrigerator and garbage disposal. Each unit has a private patio. Mary Lou Marion 'm UITD 142t ... Show to your fussiest buyers! Warm and charm- ing Carmel plan with 4 BR and 2 BA. Formal living and dining plus cozy family rooms. Large cul-de-sac lot with lush gardens. Sandie Fix .. • lllllT. .... .. ... ... ..... Five BR, 3 BA family home on large lot off erlng ocean view. fonnal living and dining, plua a private deck off master bedroom to survey the city below. Sandie Fix ....... , --11•.-Plan 3, 5 BR, 3 ~ BA and family room. Traditional and clulic. Highly customized and accented with black marble and granite. Loads of amenities. Sandie Flx 1111 ---··--11•.-Juat reduced! Owner moUvated! Beautifully dec- orated and lmmaculate. Nestled among the tree. in the heart of Newport. Two BR, 2 BA, upgraded kitchen. Community pool. spa and tennis: MUST SELL! Micki Cooper .. &..-ml• 111 Un.Y 11.1•- Thh home features ample U1e of brick, wood, & beveled gla.m. Amenities include a pub room, den, formal dining room, large ~~te, 3 guest BR, pier & aUp, 3 car garage. ~rs ..... --fWIUI ...., ...... sae,- This desirable .. BR, 3 BA 2-ttory home of fen the best of Newport Beach lifestyle. Fabulous ocean, bay and dty views. Located on a quiet cul-de-ue street within this prettictoua gate-guarded com- munity. Spa, pool, tennla. lt'a all here!! LocaUon- locaUon-location. Danny Bibb/Stephanie Grody l • r .u 15 RF. IDENTIAL BROKERAGE SERVICES .. OAIYll YllUIWI IUl,111 Expanded 4 BR, 4 IA BA. townhome. lmpressive entry with large circular stairwell. Large bonus room with built-Ill T.V & wet bar. Could also serve as a fifth bedroom. This home offers fabulous potential and is priced to sell!! Danny Bibb and Stephanie G rody .. lllYll-YllY PlfYITl Sltl,000 A well constructed Broadmoor home with a private comer local.Ion. Lots of trees and large yard. Includes, 4 BR,. 21h BA. spa. and great potenuaJ! Very well pnced and owners will trade down or for Palm Sprmgs residence. Danny Babb/Stephanie Grody MYll SllHS-UYFlllT Sltl,IOO Beautiful 3 BR bayfront. Highly upgTaded. Fea- tures hardwood floors. stained glass skylights, large formal hvmg room and dirung room over- lookmg bay Fanuly room and billiard room. custom kitchen. full secun ty system Stephanie Grody/Barbara Aune Din., ... ,.. 11,121,IOO This 5 BR. 3 IA BA traditional, 3 years new home. within the private community of Big Canyon, offers the ultimate in privacy, nestled in the trees on a large secluded lot. Extra large family. living and dining rooms. Very light and open. Owner will exchange for smaller home or consider terms. Danny Bibb/Stephanie Grody • WYll-llll llTTIH 11,010,000 Dramatic. contemporary home with lots of wood and gl~. ldeaJ for large family_ Overlooking gorgeous park Five BR, 5 BA. billiard room. study. children's play room, large hvmg and family rooms. fonnal dmang room. large pool and spacious courtyard on an oversued cul-de-sac lot Danny Babb/Stephanie Grody Ullll l•H IOIOO 1141,lto Exceptional 4 BR contemporar y home w/panoram1c ocean view Crom most homes. New European kitchen has st.ate-of-the-art apph- cances! Large FR. fonnal dining room. new solar- heated pool and spa. Security system and private beaches. Good assumable financing. Lois Jacobs PUflmH UYFUIT . 12,111,000 Magnificent custom home of stone. ~d glass .. On'"' of Newport Harbor's most exciting location.CJ. Ocean and jetty view. Three BR including mar-Velous master suite with library and fireplace. Separate den and dock. Barbara Aune UY _,.I Im ftlW 11,1 ...... On the bay near the harbor entrance. Magnificent quality and construct.ion. Three BR, 4 BA, 2 fireplaces. den. Perfect decor with finest quality material.a. Brick terrace to your dock. Barbara Aune ..... ... MYSWS IMt,111 Skylight.a. Mexican pavers, wood ceUinp , 2 fi~­ places, 3 BR, lncluding private master •';lite Wlth sitting room. Three-car gar•ge, eecunty gate. priva~ beaches and cloee to the Balboa Bay Club , Pri~ lncludes the land! Barbara Aune # 2 Clwlc •••••, Suite I 00 IO nn • IAll • L.91 SIU 11,111,IOt On the beach. Fantastic opportunity for de- veloper. Can be divided and have two lot.s-<>r building four condominiums or two homes with apartments. Drive by 312 Via Lido Nord-and call Barbara Aune -OTlllT • HWPllT 1U01 Sltl,GIO The wonderful home you imagine for Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas. Grey wood siding, vine cov- ered stone, shiny white enamel trim, circular dnveway: and large sycamore trees. F.aster cus- tom charm! Five BR, formal FR, DR. den. Large secret room. Barbara Aune AU Tll 11111 • Tll WMLJ 1211,000 Memones of Cape Cod in a California setting. Th.as beautifully remodeled Lusk-bwlt 3 BR home 1s all you could ever hope for. Complete with paddle tenrus court and delightful amenities Coby Ward Wllllff llYI IWIYI 1211,JOO L.I. There's an ocean view from this splendid large lot, and on top of that you have a 4 BR Lusk built home at a bargain price to make your holidays merry. indeed! Coby Ward .1&111111 •EEi a.Tl....UY 1141,800 "Plan 2" 2 BR, 2 BA, family room home With high beam ceilings and formal dining room. Situated on Large com er lot with lots of privacy. Many "built-ins." Security system-24 hr. guarded gate, community pool and tennis. Donna GodshalJ ••Piil •mn sa•,eoo The home everyone wants, 3 BR, 3 BA, 2 family rooms, formaJ dining room. Outstanding location with some bay and ocean view. SeUer has purchased other home. Liz Beai.ley N..aTH IEOD 1211,000 Three BR, l ~ BA home. Channing Westcliff location, close to schools, shopping and cultural activ1ues. Ideal for investor or Cirst time buyer Out of areil owner would like fast escrow Gayle Amato 1111 n1ma.m -.1•1111 11•1,oeo This tri-level home with 3 car attaC'hed garage features loft area. Could be a library or den. Three BR. 2 ~ BA Skylight in master suit(' Community pool and tennis. Gayle Amato Tm 1M IS snow. S211,HO Three BR. 2 IA BA. Extensive use of French doors and crown mouldin~. Oak plank flooring in kitchen. family room and laundry room. Custom plantation shutters. Convenient to shopping. air- port and freeways. lst T.D. is assumable. Gayle Amato Ull,111 Four BR Baycrest home m top oondition and perfect location. Two fireplaces, oversi:zed pool and cabana. A perfect home for the family that needs apece and a place to entertain! MAKE OFFER! Paula Bailey ............... -...... Comfortable, well maintained, two-story family home. Only steps to sea and sand. Wood paneled family room with built-in bar and sliding glass wal.14 -that open to large ocean view deck. Priced for lmmediate sale. MAKE OFFER! Paula Bailey 6~t~200 a .... __,..,, 11~ Three BR, 21h BA home in tum-key condition. one block from South Lake Beach & Tennis Club. Woodbridge Lake. 100% wool Berber carpeting, levelora + other outstanding upgrades! Paula Bailey m .... YD PDIKISE 1u1.- Sophisticated Villa Balboa condorrunium with bay and ocean view. Stained glass skylight. wrap- around balcony, plantation shutters, air condition- ing. Owner will also le89e option. Paula Balley " & WTIOITll.. 1121,- Complemented by the expanded library adjacent to both the lJVing room and master suite. a fonnaJ di.rung room, the bright kitchen with its expanded breakiut room. and a 9e<X>nd bedroom and den complete the design. Combine this Wlth the panoramic ocean and harbor views and you have t his beautiful "Miramar" home Ed Eecano/Maureen Wlute U11 FH1aaa1 • wam s1,z1.,_1 Remodeled, sing.le story, 4 BR. 4 BA home with · over 106 ft. on the water Huge waterfront yard with room fo r pool. Private community behind guard gate. Lender will provide excellent financ- ing. Price includes the land . Maureen Whjt.e/Ed Eeca.no & llPlll110&m.. Sl21MO Complemented by the Library adjacent to both the living room and ~t.er suite. CormaJ dmmg room, bright kitchen with a spacious breakfast nook and second bedroom and den complete the deslgn Panorarruc Views of the ocean. harbor and ctty lights. Maureen White/Ed E9cano 11111111111 •IU.llAIY S4t1MO Three rnasstve fireplaces, with the thmt one m the romanuc master suite. Great warm gracious elegance throughout this unique and dramatic "Kensington" expanded w1th a loft Beaunful views and privacy combined with contemporary design offer an excellent home for formal e~ taining and family liVlng. Two more BR, ma1~s room and fanuly room enh.am-e thlS home's ex- pa.nsiven~. Ed F.acano/Maureen Wlute Ullf I IUSSY 1&1111.. SIH,111 This 4 BR. 3 BA. {amily room home IS a "Laut.re- mont" in prestigious Harbor Ridge with ex- panded loft and spectacular view The home offers a secluded private spa Maureen WhJt.e/Ed Eacano PllH111Pt Wlll Fmrm 1141,• Enter thru gorgeous cu..tom wrought iron secur- ity gate to thia 90phlsticated 2 BR, 2 ~ BA home, complimented by the library adjacent to both the living room & master suite. Unobstructed ocean view. Maureen White/Ed EBcano IUlllT man ... m1m11111n .-•• A~. breathtaking remodeled ''Lautre- mont'' home offering brff thtalcing OCMn and o t y view. Crom all major rooms. A 90ptusucat.ed feeling I.a c:ruted by the spaaous marble entry and wuque spiral l\aircue lead.mg to the added loft Maureen White/Ed E1cano lllWPOllT BIACH CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX -Ol.D C.D.M. · Pnde of ownership is reflected tn this beautifully maintained duplex. Each umt features two bdrms w/numerous amenities plus a fo11r car garage. Great rental area. Almost $300.000 of assumable financing. Offered at $360,000. UNOA TAGUAHEm PEAK OF PERFECTION. SPYGLASS HILL · Full 180° view. A very special home with class & comfort. Professionally decorated. 3 bdrms. 2 baths & family room. 2 fireplaces. wooden shutters. designer blinds, hardwood floors. Very private spa in arbor settmg lovely landscapmg. $557,500 land incl BELLE CHASE LEE CUSTOM HOME C.D.M. · REDUCED $100,000! Most spectacular luxurious custom home rn old C.D M .. 2 years new. One block to ocean. all glass entry, trench doors. plantatH>n shutters. Submit on down payment. DOROTHY HARDCASTLE EXCITING CORONA DEL MAR BLUFF LOT · Prrme area between lnS91rat10n Point and little Corona Beach. Your dream home will command spectacu· lar vistas of the 1etty act10n, night hghts, & tide pools. Sellers will help with financing. $950,000. MARILYN HILL OUTSTANDING PROPERTY IN OLD C.D.MM. Pl.US INCOME · On a very picturesque street. large 3 bdrm with family roo111, wet bar, 2 fireplaces in an authentic Spanish motif. Includes separate and very private oversized 1 bdrm mcome unit. LINDA TAGUANTETI NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT POOL HOME Flowing floor plan for entertammg S-Opfusticated curb aweal. 3 bdrms, 21,; baths w/spac1ous family room opening to large pool and dect $340.000. MARILYN Hill DRASTIC REDUCTION! NEWPORT BEACH BAYFRONT Now only $1.075,000 w/land Custom 4 bdrm home w/pter & slip. Magohony trench doors & windows Picturesque bay. hght, and hillside view from master suite & retreat lower bdrm could be maids/quest room Perfection. move rrght in DON OeTHOMAS BAYFRONT CONDOMINIUM · Will trade for commercial property or units. Beautiful unit offers luxury and securrty for carefree ltv1ng on the water 1n Newport Beach. All rooms are spact0us 1n th1S 3 bdrm, 3 bath restdence. S550,000. TRUDY STUBBUFIUO LIVE IN NEWPORT BEACH FOR UNDER S)I0.000 Has everything you want! Fireplace in master suite. air cond. walk to beach. 2 bdrms. 2 baths, den Shows hke a model. Good assuma~ frnancrng. $177,000. MARIA 8£RCOVITZ or LINDA TAGLIANETII ON THE SAND IN NEWPORT · Magnificent ocean view. 5 bdrm, solidly butlt, gracious home with a very private landscaped courtyard. Upgraded kitchen. maKfs quarters. and a complete security system. $649.500 Fee. SALLY SHIPLEY I JOYCE DABOL T NEWPORT'S FAVORITE FAMILY COM- MUNITY · Choice lot & location! Outstanding 2 story, 4 bdrm decorators home. Customized & upgraded w/French doors & wmdows, hardwood floors. large lot w/spa, patios. room for expansion, R.V. storage. $369.000. TOOOY SMITH NEWPORT EXECUTIVE FAMILY HOME · Spacious "pride of ownership" two story, 4 bdrm, 3~ bath home in mint condition near community pool. Separate guest/maids quarters & bonus room on pool size lot. Priced to sell!! $329.000. TOOOY SMITH NEWPORT GOLF COURSE CONDO · Enioy views from every room! 2 bdrm tn-4evel home on Big Canyon Goff Course. Gated entrance, sunken Uving room w/fireplace. wet bar, 2-car garage. $244,000. KIMB£R BUTTS fTS A CHARMER, ITS A SLEEPER · Small charmlflg duplex one block from ocean. Each 11n1t has cathedral ceilings & fireplaces. Always rented. Would be a perfect home at the beach. DOROTHY HARDCASTLE LIDO ISLE CONDOS Four 2 bdrm condos in super locatH>n. Steps to community tennis & beaches. Short walk to Lido Village, shops & restaurants. $199,000 each. CATHRYN TENNILLE LIDO BA YFRONT DUPLEX · Two bright & sunny apartments. Each has three bdrms, two baths and fireplace. lower apartment has formal dining room. live rn one-lease one or convert to single famhy. Beautiful sandy beach. $869.500. CATHRYN TENNILLE LIDO ISLAND BA YFRONT · Spectacular turning basm view! Prrvate pier & shp. Four bedrooms. 3~ baths. den 3 car garage. Totally remodeled plus room to elpand. Community tennis, clubhouse. and beaches available. Conservatively pricey tor location at Sl.750,000. Bill VINCENT BRENTWOOD BETWEEN BRENTWOOD a BEYERL Y HILLS · Two bdrm, 1 ~bath desl&ner's home. Tasteful & elegant. Larae pool & yard. Imported Italian cabinets, tile. granite. Mirrors aalore. Motivated seller! $359,000. FRED POUIAN COSTA MESA EASTSIDE COSTA MESA-FAST SALE NEEDEDI · located on a large corner lot. Substantial two story, 4 bdrm, 3 bath home has 1ust been made available. C1ose to parks and shoppinc plus room to store your R.V. or boat. $174,000. JOYCE OABLOT /SALLY SHtPlEY OLDER CUSTOM HOME ON R2 LOT · 3 - bdrm, 1 >i6 bath. Bright and chetrful! Close to new shopping mall and minutes to the beach. Priced for quick sale! $124,900. DONNA WEBSTER IRVINE WOODBRIDGE HOME · Fantastic location on a quiet cul-de-sac. Walk to Woodbndge Village Shopping Center & lake. One level home w/yard. Ready for occupancy. En1oy the many amenities: tennis. pool, volleyball. S 159.DOO. SALLY SHIPLEY I JOYCE DABOL T LAGUNA BEACH BEACH HOUSE FOR UDNER 1100,ooon · Only $95,000 l.H. for custom 3 bdrm, 2 bath 1.500 sq ft mobile home tn family park 1n .Laguna Beach. Ocean view, beach access. security gate, 1 yr home warranty. MARY JANK ONTARIO IDEAL HOME a INCOME IN ONT ARIO · 3 units on large lot. Live in one. rent the others. Two 3 bdrm units. one 2 bdrm. 3,245 total sq ft. Quiet. residential area. Annual rents $16.620. Asking $152,500. LES PEREIRA PERALTA HILLS ONE ACRE VIEW ESTATE. PERAL TA HILLS · Magn1hcent home deSlgned 1n the Enghsh Cotswold tradition. Sweeptng staircase, view from 110 leaded glass windows. tenms court, pool, spa, sauna, & stable. $1 ,990,000. DOROTHY MITCHELL TOT AL RELAXATION IN PERAL TA HILLS Lovely rambling country home. ~emodeled & re- decorated, newly landscaped. Three bdrms. 5 baths. sparkling pool / spa, equestrtan fac1hlles, view of hills. Room for tennis court. $598,500. TRUDY STUBBLEFIELD/DOROTHY MITCHELL SANTA ANA S/W SANTA ANA CONDO ONLY 913.500 Two bdrms. two baths. New paint. poSSlble $500 carpet allowance. Commumty pool, beautiful greenbelt. family area. Minutes to Mile Square Park. Vacant, short escrow possible. GORDON LEWIS POOL AND SPA HOME · Entertam family and friends in this larae yard w/BBQ, swimming pool and spa. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. enclosed patlO, hreplace. Your children will enioy hne Tustin schools. A ~rgain at $142,SOO. LES PEREIRA 111'1 n llllT 1191 PIESEIT PEIFECT Your home reflected your position? We offer for your consideration this majestic home high atop Spy Hill with views of the ocean, bay city tights and mountains. Offered ~t $559.000. 759-1501 Immaculate, gorgeous landscaping. sparkling pool, superior location. It's all there. This Turtlerock beau ty is listed right at $314,000. See 1t and you'll agree. 759-1501 · lovely home is only 5 doors from the ocean. Now bas 2 bdnns., ut has approved plans for a second ry if desired. The value is defi - ·uy here at $269,000. 759-1501 Forget yard work and just enjoy th beautiful surroundings as you pend warm days by the cool poo that comes wtth the condo complex . Lovely 2 story condo for $159.550. it-you'll like 1t. 759-1501 ._._.... . .,,.,, -~ Ill MA Ill I• MPl.D A most lovely 3 bdrm. unit for the owner plus a 2 bdrm. unit to rent. Or rent both for an excellent in- come. Please call for an appoint- ment to come in and view this immaculate, upgraded property and examine the financial possibilities. 759-1501 LET'S· TILi TEllS II Ullll VIEW $19.000 Down. ~ume lst of $195,000 @ 12. w.-,, 2nd ot $35,000 ~ 10% and you can have a large (5 bdrm.) lovely home in prestigious Newport Beach. Call today. 759-1501 his 3 bedroom. air rond .. Carmel model. It is in lovely cond1t1on throughout with many upgraded features plus new kitchen ap· pliances. Prime area. Beautuful andscapmg. AJl for $259,500 59-1501 II I CUSS IY ITSELF Belcourt Hill beauty avaJlable for only $425.000 2 bdnns. 2 11'1 baths. 2 fireplaces. Light & airy home m gorgeous like -new cond1t1on . 759-1501 .. Tl WllTlll FM Magnificent location. Slip for 50' boat. Excellent home with beautifully flowing floor plan. 4 ·bdnns., & 4 ~ baths. Form.al dining room, family room-a real dream home. $990,000. 759-1501 .. IUTY CllM LMll Vacant 2 story, 3 bedroom condo in perfect condition. Priced below market to sell fast at $126.000. 759-1501 111 ... 11111111 "'-. Everything else is too. 3 bedroom condo only 1'- yean old. 2 story end unit. asswnable loan. Owner will oonmder carrying a 2nd. Bright, Cheerful complex. Only 6 units total $135,000. 759-1501 Plll.-WITIVIEW Large 2 story home in hills above Newport Harbor. Perfect for the executive family. Large bonus room, family room, and all good things for the good life. 759-1501 ...... YlllllLF WITI IPLEIMI Beautiful houae, gorgeous decor, prestigio~ gated community of Jasmine Cret•k. $350,000 will buy this plus much more. Call to see. 759-1501 1111• wm aam•w Liii Pretty aa can be. Excellent home for the young family. 3 bedrooms. 2 blths. Quality built by Wannington. Please call 759-1501 for financing. IAYllllT BMutlful 4 bed.room. 1 story family home hu just been listed. Located on a lovely quiet street in a dmnble area. It is spacioul and a lovely place to entertain. Priced right at $269,500. 759-1501 llVllE TEIUCE Terrific location, large com er lot, pool and a large 4 bedroom home made for family living. The price indicates a serious desire to sell. A real value at $3QO.OOO. 759-1501 Tl PWIE TIE PllllllUI High cathedral ceilings with circular staircase accepts this beautiful 4 bdrm home on 'a cul de sac in Irvine. Huge bonus room. One of the largest backyards in tract. Stained glass windows in the foyer. Immaculate and lovely. $237.000. 759-1501 I ?.-If IUll Charm and tradition best describe this lovely 3 bedroom home. Great location on tree-lined street. Excellent Tustin schools. $171 ,000. Call for an appointment to see. This won't last long. 759-1501 ........... Is yours in this immaculate 4 bdrm. home with gorgeous pool. Irreplaceable harbor views are yours too. Beautifully landscaped extra large lot. Call today. 759-1501 SlllPL Y llPEI Bright, airy. well<ated-for family home Near pools, parks and greenbelt. Upgnded carpet. Ule entry, over-sized yard. 4 bedrooms. Call to see. 759-1501 NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2970 Sen Mlguel Drive Newport Beech, CA 92880 (714) 751-1501 Ullll VIEW HME~OICEll IJ!l,100 Value. charm and super location! $329.900 with a good existing Cl$umable loan. 5 bdrms . lovely curbside appeal. Commuruty pool Many extra amenities. 759-1501 llLllA PElllSIU -12,200,000 Magnificent location on the bay. 3 story home. Situated among the most elegant and exceptiona l homes in the entire Harbor area ThlS horTlt> needs interior re furbJShmg and could be the how place of So California. 759-1501 1111,IOO A truly lovely, well constructed home JS offered at a bargain price. 3 bdnns, 3 full baths. gourmet kitchen with walk-in pantry and cook island, fonnal dining room, family room. On ~ acre Call 759-1501 llSllESS If Ylll IWI He re as an excellent opporturuty to have your own moVle & video rental s hop located m a busy shopmg center. Call for appointment to discuss details. 759-1501 FlllT , .. llWS Pretty 2 story home Wlth manicured grounds swrou.nding a large gor~ pool is ready for a new owner. 3 ~. family room. all for only $209.000. ..uTELY ...... Prime property in a pnme area. Well cared for l story home with 3 bedrooms. Large patio sunroom. Qwet slreet. excellent school di.st. Only $147,000 759-1501 NE\lff'ORT llEACH-REDUCEO TO S 1 14. 500 A 2 bdrm. 2 ba condo with mini ocean view In a ~curity gated c~x. Community pool and spa. lender ~d and land included In price. 631-1400. MITT ANY WOODS CONDO Charming 2 bdrm. 2 bath condo In best Eastslde Costa Mesa location. 2 story ~r townhome in attractive co~x with pool & tennis. Be~d ceilings. firep4ace & 2 car anached garage. s I 39,900 631 -1400. COSTA MESA OUPLEX-S160,000 A most desir~ 1ncomt' property. Backs up to Costa Mesa Golf Course with 2 bedrooms. firep4ace. patio and garage for each unit A reasonable price. 631 -1400. EASTSIOE C.M .-MOOEL PERFECT A wonderful r~ modeled 2 bdrm & den. Wood floors. cozy flrep4ac~ and trench doors lead you to the wooden deck. the centerpoint of the spacious yard. A real charmt'r at Sl79,000. 631-1400. TERRIFIC IN TUWn.EROCK Beautifully upgraded & eic~ 4 bdrm & famity room detached home. Separate master suite & dramatic cathedral ceili~d formal dining room open to a charming atrium with fountain. Very open & airy with pleasing neutral colors 1n a super corner location across from park. Communi- ty pool & tennis. SI 92.500. 631 -1400. NEWPORT HEIGHTS GEM Complete pnvacy 1n this precious 3 bdrm cottage surrounded by fabulous gardens. Freshly painted with cathedral ceilings. cozy brick firep4ace. berber carpeting, & walls of windows on xtra large lot. To see It is <o love It. S 195,000 631 -1400. NEWPORT MEOfTEltRANEAN STYLE With white walls. rtd tile roofs. and nower filled balconys. A highly upgraded 3 bdrm. 2 I /2 bath condo with beautiful decor & bonus or office and laundry room. Sun fiNed and spacious. with skylights. mirrored wardrobes. & parquet noors in quiet corner location. Community pool. S199,000 631 -1400. NEW..aRT TO\IVNHOME wrTH 000< Walk to the beach from this 3 bdrm. with attached 2 car garage in a security gated community This 1s a 2 story quiet end unit. O ffered at S235.000 631 -1400. NEWPORT CONDOS-SANK REPO'Sll FABULOUS FINANCING OPPORTUNfTY-FLEXlllLE LENOERll New condos. just steps to bayfront beach and ocean. Immense root garden with 360• view of Newport skyhne and water! Call to see these unusual 2 bed & 2 bed + den units with spacious rooms and custom amt'nities. Now priced from S224.CXX> to S329,000 631 -1400. EXCrTEMENT ON PENINSuLA POfNT W ith new restaurants. new shops & of course Ruby's on the pier. 2 bdrm. den and 2 bath ready to move Into & enjoy. Sold complete with fabulous furnishings & de<or and terrific view. Security bldg. S289.000 631 -I 400 CHANNEL.FRONT \lfrTH OOCK-UJS,000 lo~st price In Balboa Coves. A nice 3 bdrm. with remodeled kitchen & new carpet. Covered waterfront patio with down channel vistas. A quiet, secluded community clost" to ocean & Udo shops. 631-1400. LNIGE HOME ON PENINSULA POfNT Steps to cornmunitY be~. tennis & ocean. An unusualy wge 4 bdrm & lamffy room home with nice south patio on a Ch¥"*1g "country" lane. S359 ,CXX> 63 1-1400. ,, NEWPOln'--4.JKE NEW-WITH OOOC Custom & lov~ with pier /float for 30' ~ + side tie. Oak splral s?Mrs. steam bath. fabulous kitchen. SKUrlty systMl & oak doors through- out this 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath home. Enjoy the good life on the water In a home of distinction at a reaS<>Nt* price. S539,000. 631-1400. 603 36th St.-Open House~ 1-5. NEWPORT HEfGHTS OPPORTUNfTY Panoramic ocean & Bay views from this spectacular wooded hiUside lot. Bring Bulldozer to remove eidsting disaster & build your dreamhouse. Lender owned property at a fabulous price. S385.000 63l -1400. NEWPORT-ONE DOOR TO OCEAN- FRONT-NEW LISTING Spiraling Spanish architec- ture commands your attention to this 3 story home w ith Mexican tile & carpeted ftoorlng & many decor· ator features. Three bdrms. 3 I /2 baths. living room with ocean view & large family room. Enjoy spacious Wach living. low maintenance balconies w ith built-in planters. lender owned & financing avail~. Call to see. 63H400. S395.000 NEWPORT'S CHARMING \IVEST BAY AVENUE An 1ntrlgu1ng property with many poss1bthtles. Presently used as a duplex. the owners unit with two story living room. formal dining & some bay view . Can be 4 bdrm home or 3 bdrm home with Income unit. Close to elementary school. 10th St. bay beach & ocean. Call to see this one. Well prked at S395.000 631-1400. MODEL PERFECT IN la'VINE TERttACE A beautifuffy decorated. charming home. 3 bdrms & den with 3 tps. small views from living & formal dining rooms. Hand- somt' landscaping enhances both the swimming pool and play area. Model perfect. inside & out. Priced to sell at SHS.000 63 I ·1400. PENINSULA PT--PICT\JRE PERFECT! Beautiful up- graded quatlty. French doors. 3 used bfidt firep4aces. hard wood ftoors. 2 patios and orly 7 years oki. An assumable loan of approx. S200,000 at 10.SCM> Interest, fixed ratei on this 4 bedroom family home. You must see to appreciate the excetence of this home. S444,500 631 -1400. aA1.80A ISt.ANO--V-.w HOllW A charming spacious 4 bdrm. 2 story t~ home wfth hardwood floors on comer lot with 3 car park.Ing & views of the Bay' PavHlon lights. S44S.OOO 631-1400. PENINSlAA ~NT VIEW lov~ 2 story famlty home perfect for gracious entertaining. Three bdrms, formal dining room. den with wet bar. wd ~lpped kitchen and dramatic soaring ceilinged family room with skylights. p4us rose gardens and bay ~~tty views. Double g¥age plus bonus p.wldng for 4 more cars ptllS full security systMl. SS 59 ,000 63 I -I 400. BA VS.OE COVE 2 bdrm & den condo with bayfront patio In private gated community.just a short walk to Balboa Island. living room with fireplace & wetbar, top quality decor throughout. Attached 2 car garage and comm. pool & spa. Price Includes land 5595.000 631 -1400 IRVINE TEftACE-SENSATIONAL VIEWS A most attractive large family home with a beautiful custom pool In the courtyard ~ry. Spacious and ~n with 4 bdrms. 4 I /2 baths. family and for,mal dining rooms & upgraded kitchen. Close up vistas ot an the Harbor act ion. SS95.000 63 I -I 400. UDO ISLE TRADITIONAL A rare beauty on a SO' lot. • Large two story 4 bedrm famty home totMly ret>uflt In 81. lovey master suite with tp & bakony. family room. formal dining. plus fabulous eat In tltchen wtth ~ry gourmet appliance. Abundant use of trench doors. etched gqss, used brick. and handsome oat< cabinetry. Sunny brick patio with fountain spa. Bank owned. I OIJb down + I I ~IMt fixed. no points. $649. 946 631-1400. ColbNA DEL MAR-VIEWS SensatJONI views from this unusual. wet! buitt 3 story duJ*x above !;hln.1 Cove & beach. Owner occupied 3 bed. with f.p. on topmost ftoor. a 2 bed rental on middle leve-1 & a guest studio with patio at ground level. A spacious and Immaculate property with separate laundry and 2 c.ar garage. S785,000631-1400. BAUIOA ISLANO--.A YFltONT DUPLEX See the. boat parade from your patio on the south bayfront. This terrlflc new listing has panoramic views of all the harbor action. Both the 3 bdrm & 2 bdrm units are always rented but property Is a great size and super location near town tor an owner occupant . Furniture available for sate. S895.000 631-1400 GI.AMOUR IN NEWPORT-70' OF \IV ATEllAtONT With dock capacity for s~eral boats. Wais of glass surround this chttrful one story 4 bdrm, den bonus & fi)mily room home. Built 1n au Shape around beautiful bayslde patio with custom pool. Wonderful gourmet kitchen with every amenity. subzero frig. warming drawers & electric and gas cooking to mention a few. Price Includes land for this wet! located property. S998,000 63 I -1400. BAYSHOfts-6]' OF WATERFRONT With ~ oramic views of the turning basis and Pavilion. A very weA malnt.il~ 3 bdrm h<>lne w ith famlty and formal dining rooms and separate guest or maids room. In guard gated community w ith 1 private beaches. Owner may consider trade for commercial or lncOCM property. S 1.600,000 631-1400. UNOA ISU--.«UM>NAN IXCUISIVE The dis- tinguished two story entry leads one Into this "manor house" In a guard gated community. Se>Mtng ceilings and stained and leaded glass windows frame spMtdfng bay vistas throughout ~ Interior. The formal living room Is circled by the 2nd noor gakry leading to the • bayfront master bedroom surte. There are by me 2nd noor gakry leading to the baytront master bedroom suite. There are three additional family bedrooms. a gourmet kitchen and family and formal dining rooms. The beautffully landKapecl terr.ce leads to the dodt for a 1¥ge !>OM. Sder wfll consider lease option. Priced, lndudtng land at s I . 975,000 631 -1400. 3 111101 ISWD EICLUSIYt PllVATE ISLAID Incredible 5 Bdrm, 61h Bath, NeW custom home on New- port's most exclusive, pri- vate Island. Featuring over 8,000 sq ft of the finest con- a tr u ct Ion w /gourmet kttchen, 2 family rooms. a 3,000 sq ft Master Bdrm Suite and a 4 car garage. Ex<*lent assumable financ- ing. $4.9 Mllllon. 69 Lll>A ISl£ PRIVATE GUARDED ISlAfl) This lovely brick home with 5 Bdrms, 6 Baths, 5 FIRE- PLACES and a pool and spa la the ultimate In waterfront llvtng. Ex<*lent western ex- posure a ssures sunny rooms all day long. Included la a large pier and slip flt for a 60' yacht. $2.3 Mllllon w/terms. 0 USTltG 30 UIDA ISLE PllYITE CUUIED ISWD Fantastic Main Channel lo- cation & VIEW of the Bay. Lovefy 3 Bdrm, 41/z Bath A d ult-or iented home wNERY PRIVATE POOL. Home Is In excellent con- d ttlon & priced fairly for quick sale. Includes private pier & slip. $1.295,000. 14 UIDA ISLE PllYITE CUlllED ISWD " you're looklng for a buy. thta 11 ltl Super 5 Bdrm. 4 Vt Bath home w/prlvate pier & IMP & excellent Island lo-cale. Wonderful neighbors. The home needs a little cos- metic TLC to make It a lhowplace. Don't miss It at '959,500. ,, COIL ITLJ\LTT © 1nvrs Tnrnr conr nnr 17 Rl>GELIE DRIVE HARBOR Rl>GE CUSTOM Featuring 11,300 square feet of the finest quallty construction available, this 5 Bdrm home w/complete servant's quarters, private pool & spa and situated on top of Harbor Ridge Is all one could ask for. There has never been another home llke this In Newport. $3.4 Miiiion OPH SAT/SD 12·5 HAllOI llDCE CUSTOM Adult oriented, this 3 Bdrm, 3 Bath custom home offers the finest In amenities; a private pool & spa w/an In- credible view of the Pacific Ocean, Newport Harbor & the Palos Verdes Penlnsula. The home Is but 3 'It years old and features all the modern "goodies" in the kitchen & baths. Excellent assumable financing & riced at $1 ,395,000. 10 ROCKY POlllT ROAD SPYGLASS HILL CUSTOM Spectacular 2 story custom home on the top street of Spyglass Hiii featuring 4 Bdrms, 4 Baths, a very pri- vate pool & spa & fabulous views. Quality construction w/over 40 tons of rock used. New to the market & priced to sell at.$1, 150.000 w/excellent financing avail- able. 20 HIWIOIOUCH HAllOI HILL Brand new custom home w/beautlful ocean view of- fers the finest In this newes1 of gate-guarded com- munities. With over 4,400 sq ft of luxurious llvlng space, this home Includes a 3 car garage & is fully fin, lshed In used brick. Fantas- tic corner location w/all the things one expects. Major price reduction to $795,000. 5 llAllOl ISlAID EICWSIYt PllVIH ISWD Cozy and done with superb taste, this custom situated right ON THE WATER, of- fers a large yard, private pier & slip and the finest address in Orange County. Situated amongst the best homes In Southern CaJ. this delightful home Is )ust that ... home & reasonably priced at $3.25 mllllon. IOI USTllC 48 UllA ISLE I PllVATE CUUDED ISlAID Spectacular bayfront cus- tom with 160 LINEAR FEET ON THE WATER! Featuring 4 Bdrms & 31/t Baths w/famlly room & den, this adult-occupied home is im- maculate and In move In condition. It offers the finest In bayfront living w/a pier & sllp for 65' boat. Includes pr ivate courtyard . $1,350,000. 23 UIDA ISLE PRIVATE CUAIDED ISLAllD Strategically situated w/a view to the main channel, this 3 Bdrm home offers the ultimate In Newport Beach. With your own pier & sllp right In front of your home. you can "dash away" In your 60' yacht. Located on Newport's finest gate- guarded Island, this lovely home Is offered at $1,095,000. 21 IUllllC TIU IOU llC CUYOI VIEW HOIE If Its outstanding views you're looking for. this love- ly Big Canyon home offers the ultimate. With 4 Bdrms . + a large f amlly room & oversized lot to accommo- date a huge poof, this lovely home sits amidst mllllon dollar homes & Is priced to seU at $785 ,000 w /exceflent assumable financing. Cft:RM l~ 6 COWIS ISWD EICWSIVE PllVATE ISWD This quietly elegant home with 196 LINEAR FEET ON THE WATER, features 3 large bedrooms, newly remodelled . and all situated on nearty '!. OF AN ACRE . . . ON THE WATER!! lnciudlng a private pier and sllp, this SINGLE STORY Is just for the dis- criminating. By appointment. $3.2 Mllllon. llO USTlli llT llLIOA ISLAID Quite possibly the BEST BUY on the waterfront, this 4 Bdrm, 4 Bath home has it all! A 3rd story family room w/a HUGE (21x30) sun porch offering incredible bay views & a PRIVATE pier & slip to accommodate your· own 40' boat + a 3 car garage are just a few of the many features of this home. You can't beat it at $1 300,000. 1 MUii IEACH CllCLE SPYCLASS HILL CUSTOM Fantastic custom 4 Bdrm. 4 Bath home w/spectacular views of the Pacific, Bay & Night Lights. This home is adult occupied & Im- maculate. Includes a private pool & spa & all the amenities one expects in a home of this magnitude. Ex- cellent. low-interest, as- sumable financing. Re- duced to $975,000. ~u 1.s 23 AUCUSTA WE llC CAIYOI CUSTOM Fantastlc-~olf Course cus- tom home features 4 Bdrms, 4 Baths + private pool & spa & 3 car garage. The price Is Lot Value ... ask your own agent! This prop- erty has DEAL all over ltl Owner wants a sale ... NOW Offered this week at $759,500. --~ --------- 3 COWIS ISWD EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE ISWI This incredible custom home featuring 4 private Bdrms, 31/r Baths and over 70' LINEAR FEET ON THE WATER. offers the finest in waterfront living. Only 8 homes on the entire island and this one has THE BEST LOCATION! Very adult oriented wi the finest main channel views. $2,950,000. Country French at Its best, this 5 Bdrm home with Western exposure assures bright sunny days year 'round. Curb appeal with Vt Brick facade & a slate roof. this home Includes a private pier & slip + a 3 car garage (that's unusual for a water- front home!) Priced to sell & lender owned at $1 .3 Million. 0 USTltG 1945 BAYSl>E DRIVE BEACWRONT CLASSIC-CdM Located right on the jetty with your own private beach, this older 5 Bdrm home offers casual Newport living at its finest. Nestled among $2.3 Million homes, this quietly comfortable home even features off street parking for 9 cars! If It's a buy you're looking for, this home Is at lot vaJue. $975,000. llO USTltG 5 IH£CA IAY SPYCWS VIOi IOIE If it's GAEA T Bay Views you want with NO obstructions (roofs et al) this lovely 4 Bdrm former model HAS IT ALL. Very private pool & spa and completely re- modeled last year, the o wner has reasonably priced the home for fast sale at $649.500. Definitely. for the Rich and Elegant! Exquisitely and ric hl ~ decorated custom e tale with expensive, qualit y windo w coverings and wall papers throughout. The master bedroom suite is perfecti on with a huge, white brick fireplace, high ceiling, a quaint, private hideaway nook, and a large, sumptuous ba throom with ceramic tile tub and separate stall shower. Every room ha a plendid view of the incomparable Big Canyon go lf course and the impeccably maintained grounds are enhanced with a well- sheltered and private pool, spa and charming gazebo. Other fin e features include 41/2 ba ths, 3 fireplaces a nd a 3 car garage. Motivated sell er will consider flexible terms and exchanges! Expanded 0 f'a0¥itte model featuring a dra· malir 2-•lory livi ng room. a gorgeoua gourmet kitr hen with 1·01.y. adjoining famil y room that opens out 10 a swimming pool and apa. Super· bly loratf'd t'nd unit with 1011 or privacy in ao exquisite park-like 1e1ti ng. pecial feature. include a beautiful buih·in headboard and huge wall·unit that covera an entire wall, plua a 1eparate rhildren'• bedroom wing with 3 bedroom•. bath and 1mall bonu& room. BiF Canyon! One of the grandeat addre111e1 io Amt'rira! . f'ller haa already purchaat'd a large1 homt' and wants to 1ell. Large auumable loan i1 available. ) -.. #I RUE CHA TEAU ROY AL BIG CANYON NEWPORT BEACH .. (I. \""ii( Fl HOPI:\\' ti\ It-: \l 0\ "'t l't-:HB t .:~7 \(Ht: "'111. \\ n t1 \t '',' 11 H 1.' 1 \ 1 L \\ '. ,650 1quare feet or exacting old-world 1tyl and quality high on a m ... ive hillaide betwee the Pacific Ocean and the Mi11ion at S.n Juan Capi1trano .... with incredible. 1weeplog view from the ocun to lbe mountain• with cit light• between! Thit aplcndid architectural muterpiece baa juat been completed aod proudly await• ill new ma1tet1! It features a long. winding driveway that leach to a gated motor courtyard. and a grand and imposing, turreted front elevation, 5 ~droom1, 1tudy, 5 ba1b1, a huge "Great Room" with full bar and a atone fireplace. Priced at only tl,295,000 with 1ome it• nearest nelghbon valued at 13.000,000 to 15.000.0001 OPEN DAILY, U:OO to 6:00 SlHl P!PPEITUE BEND (la th lit nMe of Bear Brud luQ) SAN JUAN CAPIS'l'liNO High above the beautiful Pacific Ocean with forever viewa of city lighta. mountain1 and the Orean. thi1 1uperbly rrafled villa ii the pride of the muterfully planned gated community of Seapointe Eatates. Juat a few 1hort minutes lo the World Cla11 Ril& Carlton Hotel and the Dana Harbor Marina in North S.n Clemente. the Se.point development conaiata of 248 cuatom home 1ites and bout1 a larger country rlub type recreation center. Thit fine home offers 5 bedroom•, atudy, 5 bath rooma. 4 fireplaces, formal dining room and 2 large family room1. Submit term1 and Exchang~! 19 lllAUELJ.A.. SB.APOINT !STATP.S NORTH SAN CLBllBNTE (OPBN SAT. A SUN., 11:00-6:00) .... . . . .. ONLY PlfLOT/ftA&, aTATW SATUllDAY NOV.16, 1,.,/~AGa f7 ill'll -""' -@'Ii -•'" -U!tl -Mil> -i!Sljlj ~ Cfili ...... iilillSl11 -•ill'I 1 I I LIDO ISLAND I I I I I ·1 ''TO SELL YOUR HOME CALL BOB I DOVIE'' HARBOR RIDGE •Liil llYFlllT 11,410,000• nauu YILU IUmlPIECE Lido Isle bayfront,custom, three bedrooms. 3 baths. Award-wtnnlng tile ttoors & walls thruout. Master suite has steam room and hot tub, lnkebotl custom carved bed, headboard and credenza w/canopy, french armolre. leads to master bath "To Stay". Carved wood wall sculpture 188x94" "To Stay". This Is a must to see. Many Items. too numerous to list. ......... • Liii llYFlllT Mll,000• Commanding view of the .,..... v.?eek-a-bo< of the mountalf'\• ·o l llld conve-nient 3 -">BY. Doc' avaJlable ' -· ,..., rofesslonal decorated S _....,,tones with lmaglnatl· and artlstk.. ,IJUChes. CaJI ...... , ... IOI I tftt( KOOP 101 IOOP. JI. SPECllUZlll II IEWNRT IUCl'S FllEST IDIES •PllYATE u111 e11111m• I 1371,000 D Just reduced-TENNIS. community POOL and · spa, ocean and city light views. One story 4 bedroom. 21h baths. family room. 2 fireplaces. wet bar. Offer lease option. I .. , ... ,.., I I I • 11L101 PE1l1s1u • I 1211,000 1.1 I • ClllTIY FIEICH • Two bedrooms, two baths. formal dining with l!il SPYGLASS HILL IHllll llllE CISTOI SPYILISS LUSE-13,000 fantastic views of ocean and pier. from this ~ na 5 Bdrms .• 3 baths. formal living, dining, family oceanfront condo wUh securty gate and under-] · 11,311,000 den & spa. View of city lights & water. ground parking. Will "trade" up to $400,000 I Quaint flagstone path leads you past lush land-IM 111"' IMP 111-12H range In Newport. D scaplng to the entrance of this Country French 1H I llYIE IMP · home. Oak hardwood floors. 3 fireplaces. 5 I bdrme. 5 baths, family room. formal dining t roodmed. gourme,t kitchen. b 1 dre 1 aktast roo 1 m. ex-SPYILISS HILL, C.1.1. •IAYCREST• ~ : en use o crown mo ng. a gran te spa 1121 OOO Four bedrooms. four baths. formal dining. tam • w/room for a pool. Wiii trade commercial or , rm .. large yard with lots of trees. room for pool I i • summer home. Ask for Large 5 Bdrm .. 3 Bath, formal dining, tam1ly Steal at $295,000. : ~ IM I llYIE lllP room. breakfast area. oak & tile floors. Large IH I llYIE lllP ,.. yard, beautiful spa, expansive views of city, ' rJ water. & hills. Lease option. It Is a great buy! •VILLI llLIOA• ' I • 011011 RlllE. 1111,000 i I LUSE IPTIOI 1711,000 l'wo bedroom. two bath. ram11y room. 1acge n· Panoramic vtew of ocean, Fashion Island. llvlng room with bay & ocean view. Low down A real value. Catalina, plus on a clear day you can see the I Queen Mary. Features oak entry and family •PlllllTIRY llY•-•121,000 IH I llYll lllP f room and five bedrooms. Wiii trade for com--. ~ merclal property. Ask for Bayfront home with 4 BR. 3 BA. huge master • . •I llYll lllP suite, formal dining, room for two boasts. wtll I eetl existing option, low down. Great terms. wlll • •w llWl·l• .. ,IOO• 1· trade up to 5 bdrm on or off the water. •,. .. ... I htle I.., Great South Coast Plaza locatlon. One bdrm ... •Ill• llllE • one bath. Overlooks terinls courts In gated 1 I community. 1111,000 IH & IJl-1211 Devonlhlre 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, family room, I I dining room, NEW PAINT, CARPET, drapes, brick deck, kltc:hen & en~ Complete ocean. • .llSllllE CIEEI. •111,000 ,........... .... • . ftbax~ cltynn:..~ngn.t~~tv"!:'yard wit~oo~1'{;: ~ t••t """ Two bdrm, 2 bath. fireplace In Lakeshore. near I wu -"' • ,vwv ·South Coas1 Plaza. ciose to lake & tennis. I WILL ... _ n11n F• l•ILLll Outstanding bay. ocean, ctty t1te vtews trom this -a 111.1111 ,_.,.. ------Plan 6. 3 bedroom. 2'A bath, huge master suite -• 11•1111111.. w/atttlng room, large breakfast area. study, 4 IEllll•·llSTI IW 1111,000 I I comm. pool 2 tennis. e.ohelor wants out. A Massive lot with fruit trees on ntc. street 2 · Ask for -I ...,.. lllP great buy. baths. Owner bought another-must Mii. -·-........... 111&111-1111 I 234 E. 17th St., COSTA MESA. 631-1266 . ' i _I ·•-------·•-••---WB-·s-;sps- ) f'AGI 16/SATUllDAY NOV. 16. HU•.--------------------------------... ,,"'•••~or •-•• •-·- IEW LISTilll CLIFFHIYEI The very best location In prime Newport. Cor- ners Cliff Drive. Huge lot -95 foot frontage. Spacious 3 bedroom, ranch style home with family room. Remodefed kitchen and baths. Amazing lot with pool and view of Fastilon Island. Large rear & side yards. Assumable financing! Just Usted at $33-4,500. Open house Sat & Sun. Call Rae Rodgers 631-1266 IEW CISTll • YllTMlll IESlll Prime quiet NEWPORT ..,"ftTS locate. This elegant home has ,~ v.~ feature from th~ massive oll!'-1-.uxurlous master suite. 3,-400 tit. ,,, 1982. 3 flreptaces. Antique Frenct 1J . mantles. A superb prop- erty S-429,000. l,;Xcfusive showings. IAI llllDS 111-1211 WESTCLIFF NIL lllE Rambling 4 bdrm., 3 bath residence with coun- try kitchen & family room. Most prime lot & location. 3 separate yard areas. Immaculate condition. Asking $265,000. Call ... ...... 111-1211 COLLEIE Piii CITIE Beautifully maintained College Park 3 bed. Used brick fireplace In living and family room. Large bedrooms, secluded yard. $136,500. CaJI 1111.YI 111•1111·1211 IPll IH ·1-1 2111 y...,, • IEWPOIT VIEW PllPEln 1111,100 Unique townhome filled with creative upgrades. 3 beds 3 baths, 1 bed & bath downstairs. Walnut paneled den, expansive Master suite, coffered oelllngs, stained glass windows. View of Catalina. Call for showing llllLYI 111•1111-1211 llTIYITEll 11111 IFFEISI IEST "VIEW" llY II IEWPllT 10%11WI Exquisite VIEW home lrl' quiet NEWPORT HEIGHTS. New Everything! 3 bdrm, 3 ba plus family room. Shows llke a model home from the gourmet kitchen to the formal living room. Open beam ceilings & a marble hearth fireplace. Broad ocean VIEW from r living room decks. AMAZING VALUE! REOUCE0-$31-4,500 ask for IAI llllDI 111·1211 PlllE llSTI IEU TllPLO Well maJntakled Eaatslde -best location cloee to shopping. All 2 Bedroom 1 ~ bath 2 story untts. NEW ON MARKET. No vacancy -high demand area. Asking $239,000. IAI llllDI 111-1211 E-SllE llUIEI IEW um11 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath country cottage -totally re- modeled Including copper plumbing. Complete new kitchen. Beautlful prtvate rear yard. Stone ftreptaoe. Workshop In garage. Just llstedl $169,000. IAI llllDS U1·1211 UE lllCOS IEWEI c1m1 IEWPllT IElllTS Expansive -4 Bdrm, 4~ Bath. 3 Areplaces. 2 Courtyards. Anett quality & upgrades. Large Island kitchen. $378,000. IAI lllllD U1· 1111 WESTIUFF • IEWEI lllTll Stunning 3 bdrm, den home. Prime secluded area amongst Blue Gum trees. Professionally decorated -An entertaJnera dellghtl Premium lot with large pool & spa. $399,000. Shown by appt. IAI llllDI U1·1211 IEWPllT IEllm • S 111,IOG Cozy 1 bdrm cottage wtth guest room. Brick fireplace -very llvabte wtth large lot. Prime quiet location. Motivated eeUers . 1111111&1 Ul-1211 PRE VIEW lllG PROPERn I specialize In view property. My video film wlll help you compare properties In seconds. IOLF COURSE VIEW Quality built 4 bdrm, 5 bath home with long pool. Separate pool house with sauna. Rose garden & many fruit trees. Thia home makes a command- ing statement from the street. Interior needs your personal touch to decorate. A Big Canyon Bargain for only $995,000. IAU PETE 111-1211 IEWPllT IUCI 1111111 Reduced to $86,600. One bedroom condo In gated community, walk to beach. Community pool & clubhouse. No view but the price Is right! ULL Pill 111·12H --r- USTSI• COSTA 11111 Owner's loss your gain! This home Is perfect tor a couple. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. double car ~ Com- pletely remodeled. New kitchen and bathrooms. Almost new roof, plumb- ing. Insulation, forced air heat. French dOor'S and windows leading Into a beautiful private backyard with covered patio. Nothing left to do -you can relax and enjoy yourself. Call today tor a lhowtng. llTI W• 111-1111 . ;. - USTSm-ilSTI IESI 1-2 • 1111,000 Builders, carpenters, architects, ptumbers, elec- tricians, handymen, etc. This home Is waiting to be remodeled. Plans for a 2nd unit Included. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, alr1gle car garage. Large lot on a very pretty street. One of the few houses left on the block to be remodeled or added on to. Don't wait. You'll be ~ you calted on this one. $119,000 . 1111 ... 111-1211 IElDllT IElllTS Delightful 2 bdrm, 2 Sa home. Just as pretty as can be. Sleps from CUff Drive. Charming backyard. This home Is for the person who likes peace, comfort and private enjoyment In his own castle. $275,000. Can today for details on this special home. 111'1••111-1211 -REALTORS ® IEW USTlll CISTI IESI TIMUI 1111,..- 0 u let well loca1ed complex 1s townh<>U98 styte unl1s with apx. 1000 sq.ft.12 bdrm, t 1h ba 2 story w/prlvate patios and garages. Pro1. gross in- come of $22.500 is conservative. Land 1s lease on ex~. terms to 2021 so purchase pnce 18 tu!ly depreciable. These units sefl fast. lllf •1 *1JI I 131-1211 CISTI •SA llPLDD 2 s4de, by side totally remodeted duplexes w/apprbx 1000 sq. rt. per townhouse styte unit. Both properties show .Jery weetl. Rents of $695.00 per unit on 2 of 4 units Justify Pro1. Gross Annual S 16,680 Asking S 188.000 w/usumable ftxed rate loans. Owner may con- sider trade up for local income property "" • &11 1 u1-1m PllCD Tl 181 ""' . IEWPllT lmlTS Mii• Contempotary ~ nome fM!unng Jots of wood and gfMe. 4 txttma.. ~,., batt1s. ~ate dining room ..ws tamfty room. Sedud9d patio ~ ftlld ,,,... Pr1ced l'1gl1t I S378,000 JH • 12 I Jm?S U 1-1• 3 STllY Ufflllt 1141J. MWI Sc:>ectacul8f 3 ~or~ ~rqnt #/VU!ft#s from .,_,,, room pk.as rental unit. One of a kind ~operty OWC 1st T 0 '#Tth 10-.4 down ;wt f19/., or i.... option for quatifled buyer Off~~ •or ~ mere prtce of S 1 100 000 I I I ·~DI B I I I I OKER Ml!MllA 234 E. 17th ST., COST A MESA • 631-1266 . U8P1 • rAGllt/JATURDAYNOV.1~1,.S• .......................... _.._ ___________________________________ ~~ ......... ...._,~. ---- ~AGI JO/SATURDAY NOV. It. ltU --------------.. ----------------·DAILY "LOT /RMI. ISTATll ~--,.., u n t & As soc i ate Home improvements real estate brokers recommend: REAL ESTATE Ml-4111 . 2121 s.. ............. •4 . . .,."....., S,lak"' ae ~e Designed to please the most dilcri.minate, this 5 bedroom. 7 bath, luxuriOUJ custom home is located at the very VIEW-Top of Harbor Ridge. lSO° view, bay, city & "Sumeta over Catalina" VIEW. From warm library to family room with one of 4 fireplacei to gourmet kitchen to 40 foot pool and spa-It reflects the ultimate in quality. Muter suite (over 1000 square feet) with sauna and fireplace and breathtaking VIEW. 24 hour guarded gate. Uae your hou8e u down payment or submit trades. Offered at $1,950,000. Call Jeri Hunt. ITrlfllpr ........ ., 1-1 <J«o•a tie/ 111« fJ•vut«-0,JIOdlllll'I Great opportunity for the live-in- investor. 2 Separate spacious young houaes on 1 lot in C.orona del Mar! Master suites with pri- vate decks, dining area + 2 car garage. Charming area -conve- nient to shopping + entertaining! Assume loan $385,000. Jeri Hunt 7)..5, !) .etJH ~ a.."'. S..u ~ Spacious, Palm Springs, 2 bd, den, 2 baths, fumiahed model! Attached 2 car garage. Aaking $139,900. With lOOK usumable loan. Can be leaaed for the hol- idays. Vee Stinson ~ !J•teelllewllt9 Real Estate sales opportunity positions open for the aggreeatve and motivated, who want to get on the road to a more suoceafu.1 career. Grea\ commission schedule and professional environment. Call me-Jeri do tlnlah the buement If that'• a feature that wlll make your own tenure In the home more enjoyable." 1 Poll reeutta support Zinn'• advice, 1 with brokers aaMHlng return on I lnveatment for aetected home lmprove- menta pro)ecta. Nearty thr .... fourtha of the brokers eurwyect (73 percent) agree a Miier wlll get back 11,000 BS*lt on Interior painting within alx montha of aelllng the 1home. About 70 percent say a llmHar lnYeltment In exterior painting can be ~r~~~~=r~'"4;,ff :!9· broker• nationwide aay homeowners will r• coup the coat of .energy efftdency Improvements, $1 ,000 worth of land- tcaptng, and $3,000 worth of new :arpetlng. Real eetate brokers are more lkep- tlcaJ about whether o1her home lm- provementa will pay for themaefvea, If undertaken Just prior to the sale of the property. • EJghteen percent think a Miier wlll · get back the coat of lnataJllng akytlghts. •About 14 percent predict a aetaer will recapture the expenM of putting In a dealgner kitchen. •Onty 7 percent predict the eeHer wlll recover the coet of lnat.aHng a hot tub. ''On tome of theM Improvements, the queetlona II how ctoM to the time of aale doee the Improvement take place," Zinn commented. "A h<>fn&, owner might expect to recover the coat of a major kitchen remod9llng through overaJI app·rectatlon of the house OYfK a period of aeveraJ yeara. whereas he would be leU likely to recover that cost wtthln 8'x months of Incurring It." REALTY The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm UUIWllt••11&t11.IAI S1..._ Walk to the beach from this lowest priced 2 bdrm 2 bath condo on the ocean sld~ of the highway. Fireplace. wet bar & porch. Private corner unit with 91ew of the hllla & city tights. llMll lllJm.. Illa,-LL 70 feet on the bayt Spacious 3 bdrm home with pffK' and float, private patio & pool, GOOvertlble buement, famlty rm area and formaJ dining area. Owner may help ftnance. UHi ..... -• IWLll ....... Motivated out of town Miiera. Custom bullt on beautiful Poppy Ave. In Otde Corona del Mar. 3 and 2 bdrms. private patios, flreplaces, all bit- Ins. carpets and drapes. The rear unit even has some ocean view. .... , .. _ .. , .... Beautifully and completefy furnished In tasteful contemporary. Private deck, mirrors, bar, all llke new. Full security bulldlng. Owner will finance With low down to quallfled buyer. (213) 628-2828 uff11n man uu 11.a•• Located In excluslve gate guarded Bayshores. Large 4 bdrm single story home with family rm, oversized garage. wet bar. 2 fireplaces. spacious bayslde sund~k and room tu add more. 88 feet on the bayr n12 .. ,,,.,, "'"• ._ .,.. s.. 1~ ,. ...... um.- Harbof Realty offera a complete rental department to help you find a nae. ptace to rent or to hetp you rent that garage apart- ment or home you do not want to Mii. Pteue catl & aak for the rental <Mpartment. ... 111..n 111..- Large coatoma.ct condo wtth beautiful gourmet kitchen. apaclout bdrm, 2 full bath• and a den. Fefl out of eecrow -owner wants quick ..... ... .. ••• '211,111 Immaculate 2 bdrm condo wtth magnificent vtewa of the ocean, bay & city llQhts. Party size deck, fireplace and gorgeous Roman shades. Setler may hetp finance. ~ ••••••• , 122..- Hlghty upgraded 3 A ~ '1 12 bath condo. 2 atone.. ti~ e. \J tie.M, wet bar & over- atzed 2 car gt~., .... Community pool, IP• & tennis. _..... 112Ull Cute 2nd atory condo In full MCUrlty bldg prtced to NII. Flrepltaoe, private aundeck, light cotor1, mirrors, mini blinds. Hlghty upgraded and~ a tiny ocean view. • "". Jll llf ..... Freehty pejnted and beautlfulty matntalned 4 bdrm home with a brand new kitchen, formaJ dining rm. den & work lhop. The peri9ct home for an aotlve growing famlty. Private pier & noat. DAILY ftlLOT/HAL •nAn ·--------------------------------SATURDAY NOV. 16, tteS /ftAG• 11 NEWSMAKER S Real Estaters joins Century 21 network Costa Mesa-based The AMI e ... taten has joined the nationwide Cen- tury · 21 organization. The firm will continue to be independently owned and operated by Terry McC•rdle, but can take advantage of Century 21 's advertising program, nationwide refer- ral system, and training program. • • • Shella Godbey has Joined the Irvine- based relocatlon department of Grubb MCCARDLE GODBEY a Elll1 Co.'1 residential brokerage· services, available to anyone relocat- ing in or out of Orange or San Diego counties. Godbey, who had been working for Grubb & Ellis in the Saddleback area. furnishes infor- mation aboot Orange County and San Diego to relocating employees. • • • Robert O. Deane has been ap- pointed manager of research and product development for the lrvln• Community o.v.-opm.nt Co., a division of The lrvlne Co. that develops 1• 11.L.at, .. UIYH ... -.,1.1 This cl.usic mansion is located on a secluded park, offering golf course and mountain views. The 8300 sq.ft. home includea formal living & dining rooms. family nn adjoiniJlg a large. co~­ merdally equipped' kitchen & sel'Vlce area, game rm, 5 bdnns. (1 w/k.it.chen facility), g_ym, office, master suite sit- ting nn. 9'wing rm, 11orage. 7 'h baths. Thia home is accented by used br-ick on ext & g&rden walls, along with half- timber walls w/plaster or brick infill. The roof is a 1erles of wood shingle pavilllona w/copper finials and donnen w/a>pper wells. Seller wiU conlider tradel for commercial or resi- dential income--aubmit all offers. PRICED ro SELL u ....... . residential communities in Irvine. Newprt Beach, Tustin and Orange. Detlne -who heads a newly created re~arch department -Is a former president of his own consulting firm, The De•n• Org•nlut10n of. San Ramon. Ju.nit• Fltzp•trlck was the top- selling agent for August at Coldwefl Banker RHldentl•I RNI Eatat• Ser- vlcee' Irvine office. Fitzpatrick also received the quota buster award in August for top listing and selling activity. She was also top salesperson for the Irvine office in 1982 and '83, winner of the Listing Circle of Honor award in 1984 and the Gold Circle award in 1983. She has been with Coldwell Banker since 1982. Jim Curr•n of Huntington Beach has been .selected to head the newly created apartment division for PCM Qf C•llfornl•, an El Toro-based firm that DEANE FITZPA TAICK 111 OIUL .Beautiful Balboa cottage, steps to So. Bayfront -s1x bedrooms. ~y ameruties Priced to seU at a bargain pnce for this one of a kind value. PllCE HHOH 1481,000 CURRAN RICKETTS manages· condominium and planned communities throughout the state. The new division manager was formerly community manager in charge of six homeowner associations. Dorothy Rk:kett1 has joined PCM in the role of community manager. assisting the boards pf directors and taking re- sponsibility for servicing seven com- munity homeowner associations. . . . Jennifer Yeti.net and MlchMI May- cock have joined the Laguna Beach office of Grubb & Elll1 Co. '1 residential brokerage • services in .... ttre' Pacific Southwest region. Yelland has lived in Laguna Beach for 13 years. and has worked in the real estate fielti for five years as a property manager and sales agent. Maycock is an 11-year resident of Laguna Beach. . . . C•rol Jeff• has been honored as the sales agent of the month at GrHt w .. tern R .. I Eat•t•'• Newport Beach office for September. In her eight years 1M •&Z Most exquisite home on island-plus income unit. Custom remodel. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. formal dining room. pnvate patio, chef's kitchen. Wmner of Que Linda Award 1982. Siii.MO with the company. the Newport Beach resident has been a Winner:s Circle member for five yea,rs. . . . Monty Lo has joined Coldwell Banker'• Anaheim office. A native of Hong Kong. Lo is fluent in two Chinese dialects (Cantonese and Mandarin), as well as English. He had 12 years of real estate experience in Hong Kong before moving to the United States and also holds a bachelor's degree in industrial administration from the University of llllnota. Jon E. Nlcholaon has joined The Aoe1 Co. as director of finance and accounting. bringing five years of experience to the Newport B~ach­ based develop'!lent firm that special- izes in single-family detached residen- tial projects. Nicholson is a former controller for J.D. Stout Co., an apartment ownerand manager YE LLANO MAYCOCK 101 am11. 3 bdrm. 2 bath plus 2 bdnn, 1 bath unit OR all one residence Subrrut ali offers Owners motivated 1421tMO ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIVES OF BALBOA ISLAND REAL TY BALBOA ISi.ANO UlllQut all b11d cottiCt 2 8R ~ 2 BR reai $339,000 [~sh cot1act 4 BR. 7 BA + lolt. fomitl dlnmc rm. Sill SJ90,000 "9w Duplp One of , S I l I 3 BA + 2 Bfl, I~ BA unit 1495.000 Sef'lsatlOll'4 hOme S I l I · BA Ind II& rea1 u111t s.m.ooo On the water Room lo ttPlnd 2 BR resiclene' •/I BR 11111J1 P11ctd to pluse M.lny amt111t~ Doc•. 3 8R. 2 BA i41S.OOO sm.ooo Remodeled low PIK 't l I tion J BR. I BA + I BR. I BA S~.000 Low 1111ee l111t h SI\. I , ttfms 3 BR. 2~ BA mo.ooo 100 M• <MrSlled lot. 4 BR. 4 BA Bly._ Ooll't lll4SS SS?S.000 Duplex 2 BR. 2 BA. new rt11 u111t l ols ol chJrm SJ91.SOO BALBOA PENINSULA ~rt loW\!rs S.ylront loution Condo Vtfy Ir& 7 811. 7 BA. PlllO. S«unty pool, 111a11111 Sl*f SJl>O 000 l Mlf lot CloSt 10 bf Kii low p.'ICt 1 Bfl. I BA $185.000 COSTAMESA0 4 ~· Old duplu ~ii loutlOll rood rtnt.s l.232,000 llpl 3 umu + 1n 11• quartets Eaceotionatty pi1eed m~.ooo No B.~ront l.14 811. 2~ BA rt:Sldence. + 1r1 1 8R reti unn NEWPORT BEACH Price to Mil al $649.000 Vtnlllles tOlldo 1 Bil 111 BA Priced to will SI I~ 000 ......, rl!llOCleled Soutll S.,tfont, l•ttlf bllnd .,!Ii Pl'! bljllCW eo.lltrr desCI' S l,050,000 Litt I /1 l*>ct from S I \,I ath tondow1t Pnnd lol Qlld ""' 11~9.000 .. L9Tm °'*' ~t:Sllil I ~. 1913 Co.in A# N e 673-8700 .201 MARINE A VE. Balboa Island Realty ANO INVI! -rMENT eeMPANY r-- l I · I l HOMES FOR SALE 1 IEDROOI 220 E. 19th St .. Costa Mesa 546-231 3 $117,000 Sunday1-'4 2 IEDRDDI 110 33rd Street (Nwpt Penln) Nwpt Bch 644-6200 $344,000 Saturday 1-5 1466 Deauville, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $87 ,000 Sunday 1-4 * •600 E. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 631-1400 $289.000 Saturday 1-4 2943 Perla. Blu(f s. Newport Beach 640-5560 $310,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 115 Via Koron (Lido Isle) Newport Beach 759-9100 $285,000 Sunday 1-4 2 BR plus FAI RI or DEi 12 Belcourt Drive South (Belcourt) Nwpt Bch 644-6200 $695,000 Sunday 1-4:30 2137 Channel Ad, Peninsula Poolnt 631-1400 $595,000 Sunday 1-4 **31921 South Coast Hwy, South Laguna 673-7300 $699.000 Saturday 12-3 3 BEDRDDI 288 22nd Street, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $169,000 Sunday 1:30-5 * •603 36th St , Newport Beach 631-1400 $539,000 Sunday 1-5 823 15th St (10) Newport Beach 631-1400 $199.000 Sat 1-4 265 Bay St. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $177,500 Saturday 1-4 :; 10 Chatham Court (Belcourt) Nwpt Bch 675-6000 $795,000 Sunday 1-5 617 Corwin Court. Santa Ana 546-2313 $98,000 Sunday 1-4 308 Holmwood (Newport Heights) NB 631-1266 $314,500 Sunday 1-5 730 Malabar. Irvine Terrace, CdM 759-1877 $287.500 Sunday 1-4 6 Montana's Norte. Irvine 640-4868 s 194,500 Sunday 1-5 2516 N. Duke Pl (College Park) Costa Mesa 631 -7370 $139,000 Sal/Sun 12-4 3319 Nevada, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $157,000 Sunde/ 1-4 3300 Ocean, Olde Corona del Mar 675-~000 $799,000 Sunday 1-5 321 Orchid, Olde Corona del Mar 675-6000 $350.000 Saturday 1-5 321 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 631-1266 $399,000 Sunday~ 3 Aue Chateau Royal (Big Canyon) Nwpt Sch 644.-6200 $495.000 • Sunday 1-4:30 707 St. James Road (Clitt Haven) NB 673-7300 $305,000 Sunday 1-4 145 Via Undtne (Lido lale) Nwpt Bch 873-7300 1379,000 Sunday 1-4 v 1905 Yectlt Enchantreaa. Sea view, N B ~79,000 Sat/Sunday 1-5 - 3 IR 11lus Fll RI or IEI * * * • 2926 Perla, Bluffs. Newport Beach 722-6460$379,000 Fee Sunday 1-4 901 Almond, Eaatbluff. Nwpt Bch 760-8333 $249,000 Saturday 1-5 2345 Aralla, Eastbluff, Nwpt Bch 642-5200 $245,000 Sunday 1-5 1953 Arnold, Costa· Mesa 645-0303 $1 26,000 • v 16 Belcourt South. Belcourt Sun 1-5 760-8333 $869,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •633 Cameo Highland Or, COM 644-6200 $368,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 3047 Country Club, Mesa Verde, C.M 645-0303 $295,000 Sunday 1-4 *9440 Daisey. Fountain Valley 546-2313 $159,900 Sunday 1-4 2030 Galaxy Or. Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 • 1730 Galaxy Or. Dover Shores, NB 63 1-7300 $775.000 Sun 1-4:30 J **3301 Giibert, Huntington Harbor 631 -1400 $539,500 Sunday 1-4 2707 Hiiiside Drive (Harbor Vu Knolls) NB 64-4-6200 $255,000 Saturday 1-5 3441 King Court. Coate Mesa 645-0303 $199,500 Sunday 1-5 ••300 Kings Place (Cllff Haven) Nwpt Bch 631 -1266 $334,500 Sat 1 :30-5 1631 Lincoln Lane, Newpoct -Beach 673-5354 $317 ,500 Sunday. 1-5 1 Little River Circle (Spyglass) NB 644-6200 s.495,000 Sunday 12:30-4 v 17 Monaco, Harbor Ridge. Nwpt Bch 760-8333 SS.9,000 Sunday 1-5 15 Montetey Clrcle, Spyglass, CdM 760-1900 $398,000 Sat/Sunday 1-4 8 Morro Bay (Spyglass) Newport Beach 644-6200 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •• 1244 Polaris Or, Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $1 , 175,000 Sun 1-4:30 * • v 41 Royal St. George (Big Cenyon) NB 673-7300 $695,000 Sunday 1-4 21 Aue Grand Ducal (Big Canyon) Nwpt Bch 759-6700 $499,500 Sunday 1-4 * * 5911 Seashore, Newport Beach 644-9060 $798,000 Saturday 1-5 2040 Shlpway Dr, Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $249,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 209 Via Dijon, Lido Ille, NB 644-9060 $680,000 Sat 1-5 166 Via Havre, lido Ille. N.B 645-0303 $349,000 Sunday 1-4 334 Vista Trucha, Bluffs. Nwpt 8ch 640-5560 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 v2008 Yacht Resolute, Seaw1nd, N.B 644-9060 $589,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .. 4 IElllOOI * •2658 Bayshore Or, Bayshores, N.B 631-1400 $1 ,600,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 502 K. Street, Balboa Periln. 631·1400 $444,500 Sa• 1-4 14 Morro Bay ($9yglala) Newport e.ecti &«.e200 SS.9,000 Sunday 1-4 DAllY ftlLOT /llSM. •STAT• ~ .., ,, -- ~~ ~ ---~~ .. 1220'0utrlgger, H.V Hiiis, N.B 641 -1400 $419,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 * • 1Burnlng Tree (Big Canyon) Nwpt Bch 759-6700 $1 ,200.000 Saturday 1-4 124 Via Trieste (Lido Isle) Nwpt Bch 673-7300 $-460,000 Saturday 1-4 115 Via Wazlers, Lido late 631-1400 $489,000 Sunday 1-4 1215 West Bay Ave, Peninsula, N.B 631-1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2301 Wes1 Manley. Santa Ana 546-2313 $175,000 Sunday 1-4 4 IR 11lus FAI RI or IEI v2 Torrey Pines, Big .Canyon, N.B 759-8477 $525.000 Sun 1-5 29 BaJboa Coves, Newport Beach 631-1400 s.475,000 Sunday 1-4 * •2812 Baylhores Dr, Newport Beach 673-4400 $1,380,000 Sunday 1-4 **63 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) ~wpt Bch 644.-6200 $795,000 Sunday 12-4 * •2773 Bunting Circle, Costa Mesa 548-2313 $289,999 Sunday 1-4 21 Burning Tree. Big Canyon, N.B 780-1900 $785,000 Sunday 1-4 2830 Carob (Eaatbluff) Newport Beach 67S-6000 $339,000 Saturday 1-5 220 East 22nd St Eaatslde, CM 631-7300 $239.500 Sun 1-4:30 1356 GaJaxy Or. Dover Shores. NB 642-5200 Fee Sunday 1-5 •• 1805 Glenwood, Baycrest, N.B 644-9060 $329,500 Sunday 1-5 •2001 Kewamee (Irvine Terrace) COM 640-0020 $-412,000 Sunday 12:30-4:30 •706 Malabar (Irvine Terrace) COM 759-1501 $-435,000 Sunday 1-4 232 Monte Vista, Coate Mesa 759-9100 $174,500 Sunday 1-4:30 •324 Morning Canyon (Shorecllffs) NB 644-6200 $649,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 *34 Morro Bay (Spyglass) COM 759-1501 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 *2015 Seadrift (Irvine TMraoe) COM 759-1501 $390,000 Sunday 1-4 * • 1 Muir Beach, Spyglass, CdM 780-1900 $975,000 Sunday 1-5 • V 16 Napoli, Harbor Ridge, NB 780-8333 $1, 196,000 Sunday 1-5 3234 Nebraska, Coeta Mesa 546-2313 $155,000 Sunday 1-4 2105 Ocean Blvd, Penlnsula Point 644·9060 $395,000 Sunday ·1-4:30 228 Orchid, Olde Corona det Mar 790-8519$575,000 Saturday 1-5 1829 Port Taggart (Harbor Vu Hma) NB 759-9100 $329,000 Saturday 1-4 18882 Seglnaw, Turtle Rock, Irvine 631-1400 $192,500 Sat 1-4 850 Sandcaltle, Harbor View Hlltt . CdM 76()..8338 1339,500 Sunday 1-5 1148 Santiago Or, Dover Shoret, NB 831-7300 S5eo,OOO Sat/Sun 1-4:30 ••1242 Somet'Mt Lane, Oorler Shra, NB 644-9090 $430,000 Sunday 1-5 ••8861 Stlll~I. Huntington Beach 960-8355 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2852-Stromboli, Mesa Verde, C.M 645-0303 $255,000 Sat 1-4 1807 Tanager, Mesa ·verde, Costa Mesa 645-0003 $298;000 Sunday 1-4 1724 Terrapin Way, Baycrest. N.B 646-7171, $339,000 Sunday 1-4 -. • v 14 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge NB 780-8333 l1,410,000 Sunday 1-5 ••.tS33 Tremont (Cameo Shores) COM 644--8200 $&49,990 Saturday 1-4 125 Via Koron, Udo Isle, NB 631-7300 $.t75,000 Sun 1-4:30 330 Vista Trucha, Bluffs, Nwpt Bch 760-8333 $249,500 Sunday 1-S 1215 West Bay Ave. Peninsula 631 -1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 **1410 W•t Bay. Newport Beach 631-1286 $875,000 Sunday 1-4:30 •2716 Windover (Hrbr Vu Broadmoor) COM 675-6000 $485,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2015 Wlndwwd (Bayerest) Newport Beach 759--1501 $269,500 Sunday 1-4 **415 Baytide. Newport Beach 759-1501 $925,000 Sunday 12-4 •2000 Windward Lane. Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299,500 Sat 1-4:30 I IEllllll 1863 Samar. Mesa Verde, Costa Mesa &46-2313 $239,900 -Sat/Sun 2-4 I II ,111 Fll RI tr DEi ""2731 88yshore Dr. Bayshores, N.B 644-9060 $719.000 Sunday t-4 7 Hermitage (Big Canyon) Newport Beach 644-45200 11.295,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 • 7 4 Hlllcr"t. Big Canyon. Nwpt Bch 673-3700 $2,450,000 Sunday 1-5 2100 Leeward Lane. Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $.t35,000 Sun 1-4.30 2786 Lorenzo (Mesa del Mar) Costa Mesa 631-7370 $169,000 Sunday 1-4:30 * • 24 MIMion Bay, Spyglass 760-8333 $669,900 Sunday 1-5 •33 Moentpelller (Harbor Ridge) Nwpt Bch 644-8200 $750,000 Sunday 1-5 ••1• Otikc:rwt (Big Canyon) Nwpt Bch 644-8200 $1,850,000 Sunday 1-4 * ••324 Morntna Stw Ln (Dover Shrs) NB 759-e700 $1, 115,000 Sunday 1-4 .,... • * 17 NllPOll. Hwbor Ridge. NB 790-8333 $1,495,000 Sunday 1-5 3800 Oclet'I Birch (Spygt898 Ridge) NB 644-8200 $585,000 Saturday 1-5 308 Poppy. Corona Det Mar 873-8414 $435,000 Sunday 1-4 1833 Pon W ... bourne, HVH, N.B 840-7268 *315,500 Sunday 1-5 •• 17 AktaeMI•. Hwbor Ridge, N.B 780-190Cl $3,400,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2115 Senttlig9 Or. Beycrelt, N.B 846-7171 $255,000 Sunday 1-4 ...... e Trafetgw, Harbor Rldoe. Nwpt 8<:t\ &40 4981 11.950.000 Sunday 1-5 126 Via Lorca (Lido Isle) Nwpt Bch 673-7300 $465,000 • Sunday 2-5 •""'2003 Yacht Resolute. Seavlew. N.B 644-9060 $485,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I IEIROOI • 1120 E. Balboa, Blvd, Balboa Peninsula 631-1400 $1,750,000 Saturday 1-4 * *34<>-Vla Lido Nord (Lido Isle) Nwpt Bch 759-6700 $1 , 150,000 Sunday 1-5 8 IR ,1us Fll RI tr DEi *•LOTS 84-85-86 Top of Rockypolnt, COM 644-6200 $2,750.000 Sat/Sun 8-8 955 Lansing, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $143,500 Sunday 1-5 2000 Miramar, Peninsula Point, N.B 644-9060 $550,000 Sunday 1-4:30 • V2008 Yacht Resolute, Seaview, N.B 644-9060 $589,000 Sunday 1-5 CO II DOS TOWllHOIES FOR SILE 1 IEIROll * 240 Nice Lane # 215, Newport Beach 673-4400$124,500 Sunday 1-5 *240 Nice Lane #211, Newport Beach 673-4400 $219,500 Sunday 1-5 2 IEIRlll ••20 Land Fall Court (Newport Crest) NB 673-7300 $168,000 Sunday 1-5 •• V240 Nice lane. # 105 (VIiia Balboa) NB 644-6200 $158,000 Sunday 1-4 101 Scholz Plaza # 116, Ocean View, NB 759-1877 $180,000 Sunday 1-4 * • 100 Scholz Pl, PH 14 (Versailles) NB 673-7300 $215,000 Sunday 1-4 35 Valley View, Turtle Rode Vista, Irvine 6«-9060 $237,000 Sat 1-4 . 2511 w. SUnflower #T~. Santa Ana 556-6047 $78,900 Saturday 11-6 2 Ill ,1111 Fll Ill tr IEI ••36 Canyon 1.a.nd (Big Canyon) NB 631-126e $267,500 Sunday 1-4 12 Klak>a Court, Newport CrMt, NB 631-7300 $173,000 Sun 1-4:30 ••2792 Longwood Court. CM 546-2313 11$1,500 Sunday 1-4 ••38 ~ (Aencho S. J . VKIM) Irv &31 -737b S191,500 Sunday 1-4:30 3 IEDROOI 2010 Barranca (Bluffs) Newport Beach 640--0020 $169,000 Sunday 1-5 •302 Campbell Lane. Costa Mesa 645--0303 $164,900 Sunday 1-4 340 Otero (Bluffs) Newport Beach 640--0020 $240.000 Sunday 12-4 *689 Vista Bonita (Bluffs) Nwpt Bch 644-8138 $160,000 Sunday 12-4 • 3 IR ,1us Fll RI er IEI 312-314 Jasmine, Corona Del Mar 673-8494 $350,000 Each Sunday 1-4 240 Nice Lane. # 110 (Villa Balboa) NB 759-9100 $182.000 Sunday 1-4 *675 Vista Bonita (Bluffs) Newport Beach 759-1501 $260,000 Sunday 12-4 *428 Vista Roma (Bluffs) Newport Beach 759-9100 $212,000 Sunday 1-5 4 IEllllll ••27 Encore Court (Newport Crest) NB 673-7300 $179,000 Sunday 1-4 •2912 Ouededa (Bluffs) Newport Beach 759-9100 $225,000FEE Sunday 1-5 412 Vista Flora (Bluffs) Newport Beach 640-0020 $229,000 Sat/Sun 12:30-4:30 DU PLUES FOR SILE 2 IR ,1us 1 IR 1611 Clltt Dr. Clifftiaven. Nb 631-7300 $295,000 2 I~ ,1us 2 IR Sun 1-4 30 601 Acacia, Olde Corona del Mar 675-6000 $309.900 Sunday 1-5 1215 W. Bay Ave. Peninsula, N.B 631-1400 395,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 3 Ill ,1u1 1 IR 2511 Seavlew Ave, Old Corona del Mar. NB 631-7300 $630,000 Sun 1-4:30 3 Ill ,111 2 Ill 200 Diamond, Balboa Island 759· 1501 $385,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 305 Larkspur. Otde Corona del Mar 67~ $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •Spe •Pool ••W~ * * •Wllllffront l Pool .... QM~., gu8f'Ct Git• __ _ - Mattress that feels good is right ChOic"eT• By JACI KELCHAK • 'i , ..... SCOTTSDALE. Ariz. -Since sleep Is necessary and the hours spent steeping often determine how a person wlll handle situations during waking hours, sleeping should be taken seriously. One major step toward ensuring a restful sleep Is a comfortable mattress. And only personal preference can • determine what Is or what isn't com· f Qrtable, according to a local bedding dealer. "When buying a mattress, logic comes Into play a great deal," said Burt Lobock, owner of Sack Time. a mat- Amattreashoald not be too hard; lt should be flrm with a lot of •apport. tress and bedroom furniture store in Scottsdale. He added that a mattress must feel good In the store because "it isn't going to feel better as time goes on." There's only one way to determine whether a mattress is comfortable, he says: "You really have to lie down on It, roll around and feel If anything Is too hard or too soft. To me, buying a mattress Is llke doing a true-false test. If you change your mind, you're usually wrong. You know If a mattress I& right in the first two minutes; you shouldn't talk yourself Into it if It doesn't feel just right. "Make use of your preferences. Switch to another mattress. Look around, don't take the first one." Consumers should be aware of certain qualllies and factors. Lobock explained. Concerning construction, Lobock said all manufacturers had their own ideas and modifications. "But as long as you buy a brand . name mattress that wlll be backed up by the manufacturer as well aa the store, you should be safe," he said. "If It feels good and Is a national, warranty brand, that's the one for you." He said when checking for a war- ranty. make sure It Is written; don't depend merely on the word of the salesperson. A buyer also can choose the fabrl.c . •'I don't see a big thing with fabrics. Knits are fine: a good, firm cotton rips less easlly and slides less euUy," he said, adding that cotton fabrics aren't seen as often as others because they cost a little more. Along with considering the outer fabric, the consumer should make sure that the top is qullted. Otherwise, "there's nothing to hold the layers of cotton and foam together," Lobock said. -. When considering size and firmness, Lobock again stressed comfort. For a couple, he recommended either a king- or queen-size mattress. A bigger mattress allows a couple to stretch out. It also decreases the amount of "roll- In" and adds more Individual support. A mattress should not be too hard; It should be firm with a lot of support. Parents should be cautious when Vacuu1n interferes with TV's reception a. -I bought a vacuum cleaner about two years ago. When It was being used, there never was any Interference with our television set. Lately. every time the vacuum cleaner Is being used, horizontal lines go shooting across the screen. What causes this and can It be fixed? A. -In tom• caeee, the UM of a vecuum cleener ceu... electrical lntertwence end llttle can be done about It. In JOUr c::IM, elnc. the cleaner never CMIMd anJ trouble In the pat, H ta llkely that the motOf bruehM Of eome other perta hen WOfft out Of .,. demeged. um.. JOU knoW eomethlng about euch things. better talc• H to a ,.,.., ehop. a. -I recentty changed a washer In my kitchen sink faucet according to the dlrectlona I read somewhere, but there Is stlll a leak from the spout the same as before. I used a washer that fit perfectty. What could be the cause? A: -The cMncee .,. the ... t of the fllUC9I Mede tome WOftc. llUJ a feucet .... tool, ..... ty caMed a .... ......,, Md follow the lnatructtona on how to lnMrt tt In the tauc.t and UM It. T'Ne tool amooth8 the ... ~ whectl mer beoonMt rouoh after a long period M time. TIM enablee the f8UC9I w...._ lo.et down properfJ on tM .................. peeuge of w...,. u wtltt roc.w flnt repair, be aure to turn oft the weter to the fixture before JOU begin. a. -We are getting ready to finish the basement In our house and are having considerable debate about whether to have a suspended cefllng put up. Am I right In saying that a suspended celling makes It euy to get at pipes that run acroaa the top of the room? A. -YN, that'• one al the lldYen- tegM of euch 8 Olllng. "8 IMll Of MJ trouble develope In the ""*" after the C9Hlng ................ ........, • matter of llclng out one °' more of ...................... _ .... pipe. Another .......... of • auepended c1•ng le the lllMl"W In -'*=" rec111ed lgMlng can be UMd. Reci1111d ................. loob .,.... """ tnneeueoent ...... then when UMd wttte regulllf c1•ng ...._ Q. -Every time I use IOl'('ethlng like varnish or shellac or lacquet, It makea the surface of the wood darker. I now have a piece of unfinished furniture which I would llke to finish eo thal the color doesn't get darker. How can I do It? A. -AnJ ftnlehlna metwW l9ftde to dertten wood a &ft. One WllJ to prevent thte eomewtutt le to MNch the wood n,.t with a oomtnerelel woodbteed\. buying mattresses for chlldren for the first time, Lobock said. "Use your own Judgment. The first mattress should offer support. Keep In mind the child's weight and how actJve the chlld Is," he said, pointing out that a the elasticity of both Is gone, then you probabty need to Invest In a new mattress and box spring. lobock said a good mattress should last the length of the warranty for Its best wear. It may keep longer. but "I "To me, baying a mattJ ea l• llke doln6 a true- fal.e te.t. If you change your mind, you 're a•ually wrong. You .blow lfa 1D11ttreais right bJ tlJeflnthromlnuta. '' -BurtLobock chlld Is much lighter than an adult, and doesn't need a hard mattress. He also said that kids would be kids, and would Jump on the bed. "The harder the mattress, the higher the child will tty." He recommends waiting until a chlld Is 10 or 11 years old before buying the second and last mattress the child wUI need whlle at home. But how doea a person know when a new mattress Is needed? Lobock said all that may be needed Is a new box spring. "A box spring to a bed la llke the shocks of a car. If the shocks are no goQd, It's not gQing to ride good." A good way to check your box spring Is to feel 11 with the flat of your hand. Feel the box spring ltseff; don't feel It through the mattress, Lobock said. Press hard at the feet, head and center. You wlll notice usually that the middle Is broken down and feels springier. If this Is the case, then the mattress ltseff stlll may be good, and you probably need just a new box spring. If Owner. Sack Time wouldn't wait untll the end," he said, cautioning that this could cause backaches or other physical problems. A person uses a mattrea constantty for many hours a day, and may not realize when It's time for a new one, Lobock sa.Jd. "You'll sure know a difference when you do get the new one." Toilet seat bumpers will protect ladders t While you can purchase small rubber pads to use on the tops of wooden ladders to prevent damage to the side of the house, an excellent emergency substitute ~n they are unavallable Is the type of bumpers used on toilet seats. The bumpers can be screwed to w<>C>den ladders and cemented to metal ones. Luxury home price depends on. region NEW YORK -In real estate purchaaea, as In International commerce, the value of the dollar ftuctuates from region to region. According to John Ballantyne. · publisher of Unique Homes, "A luxury home In, say, Kentucky or Pennsytvanla can cost anywhere from S200,000 to a mllllon dollars. However, In some of the more excluetve waterfront areaa of C.llfornla, the same amount of living space and the same typea of amenlt... may cost two or three tlmee u much. "Then~tf oo look at a etmllar type of In HOUiton' s River Oake," B 1tyne added, "one of the moat affluent com- muntt191 In the country, a minion doUata mey batety get you through the tront dOOf'." But, said Ballantyne, "the butc Characierletlca making each of theee a hlgh..00 ,..._ denee are falrly conetant throughout, eometlmee quite In,. dependent of price .•• With It• national perapectlve on luxury hooting market•. Unique Hornet hae devetoped wnat Ballantyne calts "the 'geo- graphic price disparity' Index of ruxury reat •tat•. AQd while price It an Important part of the dltt.rentlal equation. eo It the amount of land your money buya. If you Insist on living In a prime area of the nation's C8$MtC>t, for Instance, you could pay eeveral million dollars for two acres of property; If you don't mind llvtng In Austria, you'll get 500 acres for your money. White · It may be common knowledge that price Is not the real Index of luxury. according to Ballantyne, "balk: perceptions of the deeirablllty of living In one area u oppoeed to another drtw price. Yet price remains the beet Indicator of where the demand la." •In Manhatten, S3. 75 million wtll buy you a etx-atory, eteYatOt Mrvtced townhouM brownstone juat off Part< Awnue, wtth the accent on ~ and unctut- tered urben IPllCI. Or, tf you prefer, roughly the same amount wtll buy the foflow- lng 1111--.: •A Ff911Ch-8tyte m8nl6on dat- lng to the Mtty 1900tlnWUhlng- ton o.c .. comptete wtth twtn eotarturM, 15 primary roome and a etng.. landecaped acre of grounds. •An oceanfront Colonlal In Pebble Beech, C.tlf .• wtth tuet under two acret of rocky coutNne. •A 900-year-old cutte In Aus- tria, wtth 500 acrea. 11 r c s1 k E a I Newport Beach. A name synonomous with all the best in Southern Caillomia living -sunny beaches, exclusive neighl:x:>rhoods, fashionable shopping and so much more. Bayridge makes the most of this outstanding setting with contempormy condominium homes ottering the high standards of quality and design J.M. Peters Company is known for, and astounding value, too! Bayridge. $125,CXXl All in a gated commtµUty in Newport Beach. Dant let this exceptional opportunity slip by - act today! --- •I '•U•ll•hfY fOQu•mmtmts IC>C>IV on Ol~n A vovr combtne<I oousellOld income tor tne cutt(lnl calendar year muat not 1uc..oo '416-40 t• noo§tlnold 11rkll•noo 1u all »dult oe•- ~'' rf!So<llOQ tOQettlf>r I Pleaw see SAi~ roi~tlhY8 lor comoletti d111.81ls -. -------~· -' SATURDAY NOV. t6, HeS/PAGa ZS ,,,,., •. ~ .... ,. .... ,,,, .• ,-..,, .J.dll\I ,,101 ,, • I•• f "' l,1t.·, fh•ftf f•V 1#f 1111111h•t1 t I (714) 71;9 XCiHX ( • .J PAG• J6/SATUaDAY NOV. 16,. HU Private Country Club Homes from 188,900 or Town Luxury from 179,900. Under SJ00,000 fully furnished flexible financing, includingjixed rate. We know vou! You've decided on a home in the desert. But ' not just any home. It has to be right. That's why we offer you two totall y different ways to live luxuriously .... and perfectly. Be picky. Or pi cke (<L'i the French might say!). The gate-gua.rdetf: .. IJesert.Princes£ Our golf course villas line a private 18- hole championship golf course with nine shinihg lakes. Each home boast~ cl assic high ceilings. rich carpeting. completely-equipped kitchen and two baths. There are sw imming pools and sp<LI\ near each home. A 12-court tennis and racquethall duh. An exclusive cou ntry duh. And special privileges at the new I >esert Princess Resort Hott{ operated hy Prinn·ss Cruises. the ·to\'e Boat" people. f 2 . DAILY PILOT /.lfaAL HT1 The stately and gated IJeauvt'lle. French elegance onl y minutes afoot from the new Fa4'hion Plaza and the famou s Courtyard shops of Tahquitz-McCallum Way. Lovely accommodations deco rated by noted designers. Tennis courts. swi mming pools and exercise facilit y. A concierge to assist you and a valet and maid to earn·. clean ' and pamper. Tres magnifique! Unbeatable rL'Creation at the Desert Princess. nparallelecl elegance at the Deauville. Take your pick! i f1111/ 1r11lurr11( ll1//l /11i/U•lflr• /~1/111 lfmlll(,\ /11, ti/Id (;1bra//11r ~Ill /II~• 11( ( 11/1{11f111,1 /11{t1rm11/11111 ,,,, b111H1'11/I ,,,.,. (/Wl(l/l flll//,//11'11/ltllf 11hlr"' '"''" •1/J11,, "' Pm t' l{Ull/l'J 11/ -J' """' •'1 /111h/11 tl/11•1/ J J ,,.., ttllrf •llhft'1//uc 1"111~1 , " 111/b11u/ "'"'"' h _,.,,,,_.. ~ '.lt1// f11t/U•lflt'• ,..__....;.;"'=""..;..;.°'.='"''--+--~ OE.l.UVILLF l>f..\ERT. t "/ • rRI.'-~ F.\.\ ~ . DESERT PRINCESS l OUNT 10 l I L ii to. IU \OK I \'ista Chino at Landau I 800 (l).f ""rl P 1\ . I M · S P R I N G S On Amado. a hrit•f stn>ll ~L"I of Palm Canyon Driw. I 800 ,l.J.l"' O~'il AILY PILOT /lmAL •STATW SATURDAY NOV. 96, HeS/IPAGK J7 ·spectacular homes and estate sites behind ded gates in Belcourt. Newport Beach's exclusive, guarded-gate communjty of sophisti- cated townhomes, luxurious single- fam ily attached homes and custom home sites where you may build the custom home of your choice. MANOR CUSTOM SERlES PLAN 60 2 Chadbourne Court 4 Barrenger Court 2 Weymouth Court 4,536 Sq . Ft., 4 and a den or 5 bedroom, 4 baths, 2 story, famil y room, huge master suite with retreat, 4-car garage. $775,000 TERRACE COLLECTION 34 Hillsdale Drive 2,254 Sq. Ft. o n one level, 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, sp acious living room with fireplace and wet bar, garden kitchen with spacious nook and window. Ava ilable in D ecember $440,000 24 Hillsdale Drive 2,676 Sq. Ft., 3 bedrooms, 31h baths, 2 story, form~iving room, lavish master bedr~ and second bedroom with private bath. $455,000 Newport each. J 14 HilJsdale Drive ~ 3,010 Sq. Ft.. 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, spacious family room with wet bar and fireplace, opulent master bedroom retreat with luxurious bath. $465,000 40 Hillsdale Drive 3,340 Sq. Ft., expansive living room, spacious family room with second fireplace, garden kitchen with green- house window and large nook, 3 secondary bedrooms, 3Yi baths and lavish master s uite. Avai lable in December . $505,000 Other Terrace Collection Homes Available. See Salesperson for Details. CUSTOM LOTS Belcourt makes it easy tQ buy your own lot cmd build a dream home of your own design. Choose fro m a half- dozen remaining custom sites priced from S260,000. ~ BELCOURT. OVER $105 MILLION IN SALES -COME SEE WHY. \ ll••t ''VfA\(lt ~H l.,.P..ltC'-.tf•_.• iotl ., '-'tClll•"Aq t.-_,C._.AIHPlil -.lltNi BROKER COOPERATION WELCOME l, PAGa Ja/SATU•DAY NOV. 16. HM DAILY PILOT /llSAI. I Big Canyon is a Lot Smaller Than You Think . , One of Orange County's biggest names 1s growing smaller vveek by IJ'veek. day by day. lot by lot. 81g Canyun. Where you'll find custom lots with vievvs of rhe spectacular 819 Canyon golf course. Saddleback Mountain and beyond Where you can build a Med1rerranean scyte home ro take advantage of a Cal1forn1a scyle of fife. Outdoors In the warm sun and cool breezes of Newport Beach These are me custom home- s1ces of Fairway One. The last at 819 Canyun. Come and see them before there's nor a lot left. Custom Homesltes From S320,000. IRVINE PACIFIC NEWPORT BFACH A Legacy of Style ·s..~ office lecat~ ~ Ftrll ~e 8anlit, open dally IOam to 5 pm I CMC Plaza Suite l1S Newport Beach. CA 92660 1714 PILOT/~ UTATW Anew view of Turtle Rock. It's a view of tranquil hillsides and striking natural beaut)' With sophisticated comforts of elegant homes plus the privacy of electronically- controlled entry gates. And it's more. It's a special view on living that can be seen in each of the sophisticated homes of Turtle Rock Pointe -luxurious homes displaying the atten- tion to detail and unhurried craftsmanShip that ~ hall- marks of J.M.~ ~ompan)C Interiors are large, dra- matic and feature-filled. There is central air co nditi oning. Special, hand-troweled ceiling treatments. Hand-finished oak cabinetry. Hand-set ceramic tile in the kitchens and oak-framed luminous ceiling light ing. There are gourmet appliances including Jenn-Air tri -convertible cook- tops. And there is much more: including a sensational recreation cen ter with pool, spa and cabana!" Come share our outlook on this very special part of Irvine and you're bound to agree. Turtle Rock just doesn't get any better than this. *A Homeowners' A~ahon ftnan cially supported by all residents maintain<; n!Crt'ation f~l1hes and common are.1s AU. our ..ales repre-- 'it'nlallw fnr details ~~e JOifite ffiOM $220,Cnl 6 Monterey Circle Irvine, Calif (714) 854 -2363 Sales office open dail.v from 10 a.m tn 5 1'-'"· Lnter hours by appointment. IRVINE lne Qua Ii t)' l )f L1 tl' SATURDAY NOV. 16, 1995/~AG~ 29 ii TURTLE ROCK I • Tradition&l Realty 631-7370 BIG CANY• BUY OF THE WEEI Miii ESTATE Prime cul-de-sac location, OYfK ~ acre wtth golf course, mountain and city Ilg ht vtew. 4 bedrooms, 21..'l baths, formal llvtng and din- ing rooms. Perfect for expansion. Good terms available. 1816,000 IWB UlllllTll-UIY 11 lllW For more Information C911: DMIY l•I •STE,._ l_Y BrubhfiEllis RE'ilDENTIAL BROKERACE CROUP 844-8.200 VILLA BALBOA SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES 240 Nice Lane, Newport Beach. Drive to Versailles Security Gate on Hospital Road between Superior Ave., and Hoag Hospital. Ask guard to direct you to 240 Nice Lane. Open Sunday 1 to 5 PM. -215 LOWMt priced 1 bdrm at $125.~aded with track llgtitt, mlrll blnd9.. light eok>rs & mirrors. P--..... option Of O'M* rMy c.ry 2nd. Mary Ann Mc:Outre Herbof Reetty • 105 OM bdrm & den (or 2nd bdrm) • 1158,000. Ntcefy appoi11ted. Sunny wtth m6nl view of OCW\' llgtlta. Unda Oett'I & Lil a..ztey Grubb & Elb "110 Lergest two bdrm & den et S 182,000. Dramatic llYlng room. MotNat9d owner wlll con9'def al on.a. Uncle TegllW'lelttl & Merle BerCOYtt1 , Geotge Elkins # 112 Two mu1• bdrm IUlt99 a1 S 185,000. ~ ~ condition. Contemporary decof. T enns ..,....,.._ e...ty MOf'phy Grubb & EJ'6I •211 F1nea1 oceen. herbor & Mgf'IU view a1 $219,500. Very lwge ~ bdrm ..tte & den (2nd bdrm).. Roman "*'-· perty-.a.d d-*. YW from ..,.,., room. MetyAnn Mo0uWe Herbor AMfty Community poot Jacuzzi. Gate guarded. Beautifully m86n- talned groundt. Security parking. Elevator. The ftnest Newport BMct\ llfMtytel GEORGE ELJC.lNS GRUBB & El.LIS HARBOR REAL TY 759-9100 200 673-4400 More..,,.. .. _... --~"bug"ttlla year. If you have • ~··•l'•not_... ueed .... It now weet\ a Cb l'ed Ad. Ocean & Catalina Views Priced So -Rirbt At $180,000 See thia . abeolutely 1pecial Ver-..m. condominium, profeuionally 6 tMtefully decoratea. 2 Bdrma, 2 Batha, mirrored ..U. A wardrobe cloon, C11eplace, Would make per- fect Newport headquarten! Pleue 0Q1De by-Open Sunday 1--4, 101 Scholz i116. We' Irvine Terrace! Eapecia.ll.y thia beautifully cared for 3 9dnn home. Lota of 1tyle with a charming prden A patAo. $287 ,500. Come to ow Open Houae on 1unday 1--4. 730 Malabar. <?M.ilee ~ £4t.te 759"!1877 .. - COLDW<?U BAN~<!RO ---- for ~or COiie ~ s.twdly or s.tay. 644.90&0 759-1997 ... 1114 2N. --. rw So. Cst Ptr.a.1196.000. 54e-.3M8 OI M-F 10-5, 5'9-308 t 00 rT RIGHT I w.Lllftmtl eoe...w1,_ klldl. THE MAL EST ATEAS Pmceton Model In UN'Yer· b9'll & tWb fl'pec. Nice 546-2313 alty Par1t VllllOe Ill. 3 beck ~ + ,.. """-AMI e..... la AIGHTHOW Bdnn 2 beth,. Co\'ered ..... ... CdM'• .,... patio. Good locatlon In buy et 1231.000. P-. UlfW WllLJ ~er-. l14UOO Properttee 720-9422 a Hamea on a Lot htM .... ~ HOUSE + GUEST C.M loc:Mlon, ecroea 1812.4 cue.-Dr, Irv. OP of Hwy. saK & ~.:. :--• $205,000 111-.,.. T . S217K. l 73-540I PERRY Z>MMEAMAN Attr. AVINE TERRACE BY (714) 432-4732 OWNER 48r 2~ M. beet 1--------toc. 1311,ooo. 17&-3280 UllW ITlllB ....... 2 bdrml. 1~ 1 _ 1 _LIT baths, alley accHs ... , ..._ Needl IOfN TLC. Ful " fnlnUlge In CMd Cor· price I 115,000. one D.e M9'. ~ btoc:t to -------.. boetl .,....... 3,000 8q. ft. hofM on 50 ,_. II !Mo ........_ Garden on 40 Traditional Realty 631-7370 .... could '* for large pool Off ~ and buld. Cllb........ ______ ..,, w..am UllWYILlll .. 4 bdrm pool home •I• In QNel condition. Sec:tllce al S 158,99911 C.-PATRICK TENORE •• H J PETE BARRE TI REALTY 131-1211 ------- '1F'G':\.J!! Condo. Under ~ at 02.000. Muat Hiii 0..-146-1262 or ur be H S2 p, & • -•I Ole be to Sf! bE pk Pl ag SE Dor ( "'l'i .. BE> 46 I AD! m1 3 to PO tO or Pe • * Dre. Set A Wtl ho po VA f I - Pr et Ba loo llgl Ou to SSI Trl COi 00• '"" I --.. II Tote ba hOf Ill Ab "4u TEI I --~ ~ -~--..--~ _ _.._'-' __ ._ ________ .:. __________ _ • .,,... ..... • •• ...... C..ta .... l PfllMllU.-rl • IAIY• lltHI Lg 2 Story Ooeanfrt Ooplx LAG. BCH 2 BR Mobile Pniuall 211'11"2_.,B;;;;R;../den..--.. ;.wet--ba--r.-..2-'l12BR 1ba, W!O fikup, o/W. BR PENTHOUSE: Hew· Fantastic lot and income Abaolute bargain • don't Best Buy On The Sandi Home. Low space rent, 2 1 ear g., /mo bath, lnteroom & vac. $800 +-MC. GOldenweet & pOf1 Heights, ocean view on 2 lluoe IOll. Owner ml .. thl1 onel PrestlQlout $389K_. Agl. 759-5o80 CIOM lo beech $48,500. yrly, Utlll pd. Daya, Jacuzzi/BBQ. 11250/mo Warner. 644-9906 1000 aq ft tar-raoe. j.eCazz.1 wants to NII and la 3 bdrm, 2'A bat~ 8<EC •-YllW (71') 5• Hi797 days 21319• 1·2939. ev" & rent. 135 E. Wilson nr -•• .,_ ••-tub S 1800 MUST GO OPEN TO ALL OP'FERS. townhome wt/security ~•r-1 wtcnda, 873-8230 Eklffl Ave. Lie opt llYall. •--· THIS WEEK. 831-8000 Pl.MA R.E 673-1900 pool, spa I-tennis. Tr) 1111,IOG Ltt1 fer Salt 14M Luxury 28' Condo ocean •NEW PLUSH! 3Br 2Y.Ba 1Br 188, ocean view.~· ' bd rm m pool Y\J &UlllftlTUL 1~downF(NoquaUlytng) Spectacular townhome, 3 NB ocnfmtlotonPenln Pt. view, MC. bldg, 'unrum. 2 atry Twnhme. gar. AVI ::~~'. ,:C~=1~_.~; exit"'ioc. r Sl980i mo' Of ... ue. or details call bdrms. 3 baths, Catalina '5x202'. approved ptens EMr, $1000/mo-1 yr IM. now 11200. untrn, · 760-8782 or 975-98a9 Gorgeous pr-Of!•=•I Patrick 7eG-8702 agt. view Call Marilyn IOI" o4 condo1. $750,000. 997·8382 or 838-3094 Villa Rentala 675-7015 (mu Zi ff -------deeor. V04J won t a ~ Coombs 831-1266 Cannery VIiiage Realty Blgge< la better 2 stry BETTER BUY In~ 1 ·ii~ ,.~. 873-3717 Unfurn o4BR 3BA. lrg lam *Sharp clean Eaatslde 1 1 a o. ng, w d, 'bdrm 2ba dbl gar crkl1n under$300Kt •bdrm, 2¥• t 1 ·~. :'.l;l~;r; R rm. 2 lrptca, lrg yd, gar. 2Br tBa h04JM. Fncd Yfd pool, Jae. Avt 1211 $650 trplc $1250 at 539--6190 1>alh tlome w/rM pool + ___ , i)........ h t ti' tltt $2500/mo. 673-7538 & patio. 8flCI gar. Hew 552-6007 afte< 7pm Best Rlty tee spa sac rl ti ce at ~ p ty 15... paint, crptt & drpa. Lndry , $239.900 w/tenne. Call rlf!! -Ce •tl ll&r 2122 area Must pass credit 2BR l'DEN TOWNHOUSE BAVSHORES desirable p AT RICK TENO RE lllllUU UITlllFf IWfT .. 111,IOG 2~ IOI( Pll•L naa c~. No pets $825 + Single story. atr I cond. guarded gate communi- 631-1266 OR 7904702 In this planned communl-1 BR condo. Walk to with VtEW Build your 2Ar 1Ba bPlx upstairs, atv, aec dep. 770-5629 Middle ol trac1, open to ty. Prlv beaches 2 Bdrm, ty, you can walk to Eaat-beach. Cheap as renting. dream home In HUM· dShfwshr, gar, refrlg, mjr greenbelt $156,500 furnish. To June 16 blufl Shoplng, Ten· CaJIPete83t-1266 BOLT Co M 5 000 wner 42•"'1 Larkspur759-1763 SJll ...... T AskforJ.RAgt786-7500 $950/mo (2 13)697-0'88 nla/Swlm Club & Inter· ' financing . CaMy Turner. 2BR 1BA. dtl'lwf. trio. w/d Clean spaci~us abode 3Br 2Ba. 2 cer gar. No pe11 BIG CANYON. '6eaA.ltllul m.dlale/Hlgh Sch11ol. ~ ; (707) •43-7036 dys, (707) access. carport S9SO/mo appls provd d no last Lse S 1150 (818)888-5510 Twnhse w/goff course w Ocean breez.es and long !II ••2-255-4 eves 111. lut + $600 MC <Mp. 539-6190 Best Riiy fee or (818)346-0440 p\11 2 car gar tennis. pool •ltlOll• •--.a..1 ranoe ;::::' lrom ::;~s "' MAUI CONDO. Lovely2BR 673-7181 3Br 1Ba nr Westcilff. Lg 3BR 2ba Townhome. Air, $1700mo. Llnda~S-0632 Older Beacher.::. ~ S2~ y • PIOIATI ftlCfl SALfl 2ba. f\Jrnilhed unit on 28R 1ba. 1/pt oceanside bekyrd, gar, w/w crpt, un· pool, 2 car garage. OPEN HOUSE SUN 12·5 beekons the handyman .,. ...... 1 I Llrge 4 bdrm wlformal beach at Klhel. Owner wut of hwy. Front hM, gar, I furn $1200 mo 759-0618 $950/mo, 552-5093 Ill CUY• lmW 10 restor11 it'• quaint 1 1 • dining rm huge yard • 4 finance w/$5000 dn. F/P w/auto dr opnr & WI D!EASTSIOE · 18r, 1Ba. No 1660 iqlt Lux 2Bd 2Ba• Prestioious elegant exec style Just ltept to the 21.ct&raUa garages ~ Gala•y Or $l06.000 pool. Owner Sl200/mo. 759-0980 ' gar. trig & stove. No pets. den. gar. gated $1290/mo modern condo Lrg 3BR t>eacn and tie,,. femlly 1111 Excellent buy al Agt 85 2· l67T/eves 326 Marigold. Charming 1 rnpon Adlt only $550 (2 13)399-80-41 Owner 2'1'fBA~ w/dln rm. trplC picnics at the ne.tby Ou x _ 2 doort 10 sand $349.900 Call PATRICK 640-06Tl o1e CdM. 2br l 'nba, dbl Credit"' req'd. 831-22o42 NORTHWOOD CONDO pool. spa • TENNIS park $15-4,900. You'll 3C::2baea. MOdem bl",; _TENORE 831-1266. leMrt rtf ISIO gar $1'50/mo. 873-5-408 CHOICE RENTALS 1BR $875 mo to mo $1495/mo Crd Ck Rgd agree It's PRICED TO "V -E z 3 ... 2b mod kit pet 0 K. Vacant Call SELL . FASTI $295,000. 673-3n7 ~ ~ \: ···--1111* BEAUT. Ocean/bay view • move "' a Agt. Carson. 552-2000 760-8702 A t Cannery Village Realty r ----•• twnhse 2br frpte deells no IU1 kids olt many gen Don't walt..eall today • ASPEN CREEK RESORT best loC in CdM , , .. 75 ' other$ avail •t Rancho San Jo~quln VIiias BLUFFS 38r 2Ba. n;;;., Ml·lUI USTILlff Chair 15 11 your back 673-6366 or 673-3735 •NM110* 2Br, den. 2"1Ba. al e, crp1 , drps. paint, O/W Large private rear yard IEllCll 121.111 door. Professionally dee-. Exceptional Eastside Jbr crpts. drps $1095 Very S f200 No pets 759-0666 Good ioc.11on 3BR 2BA ff 3,~ orated. Sleeps 8-10. Cov-Canyon pr1Yacy nr beh. le se4ecllve Walk 10 tennis. _ 21 Only s185 o0o teenold. REMODELE10 5 B 3~ba. ered prkng. sauna. spa, 3b/2ba dbl gar Prof. cpl ~~~='ca1[r~~~~ goll & Senior Citizen's COZV 1 BR house on _ • Call Pete Johnson famllyrms.3rp9ic50&0poocl $150 iier night. Dyt $1300/mo.Agt 760-0189 Best Riiy iee Center67~152 Canal $1200/moyrtylse 631 1266 Asking 4 • · all 2'1·0292. Ev 651-8514 le L 2141 Call lor appt 675-2332 • owner 646-0917 or HllLMI FlllT UW ae&f\ & private 18r 1Ba Llt•u AC. ·-p - 645-6266 Bkr '°' appt I .E. bclaaa1t I UY I MUI YllW with yard & trult trees. \ileoRM 2BA HOUSE• 0~~~:~,2~Yk 1~~na;!!::' WMtalC A· IELOlllT PUI Mf" Wtrfnt T /l /IHt IHI Custom h()me oo Bluff Perfect for Single Of coo-Frig, w/d. Great view Nr Lido center 500 36th 'I ;, ~~. ' • BEAUTIFUL •BR + 4~ be.. Wiii sell or trade S110,00o overlooking water. 2BR pie with good refs S575 $1250 lse 55f-3037 St s 12501mo. 644-726& 4600 sq/ft. Call 720-170• equity Asking $295,000. 2'hba upstairs. lg 3rd br No pets 5'0.,.752 3BR & !>Onus rm. spec. Eastblul1 like new 2Br ua• ... Ill 3 BR 3ba. Gd terms. or office w/ba dOWTI, 2 OtTt I oen t.acular ocean views. 2•11Ba • Oen s 1000/mo Ill OUT• 11.i SBR SomerMt High up OwnrAgt tell stale & fpls. 3 car gar. Pvt pool 1 ~1 p\11 patio $<485 fee $2200/mo. '99-6216 Open Saturday 2.4 409 b.bsotute bargain -don't grdt $398.50016-40-7258 must deal! Can add oth« 2328 Pacific Dr. Red4f'ed 54S 1 Teter t 675-8861 VI A 631 1661 moss this onel PrestlQlout RE. notes or cash tor to $2250/mo. en _ 1100 Jll Wiil sta oma • 3 bdrm, 2'A bath £xEC IU• VllW HIES nghl trade. (6021 K. Granieri Unique Homes UNIQUE 2 sty 1Br Cond Hiiis area brllllant fir plan +LIDO ISLE 3Br 2Ba A111 lownhome w/aecurlty, Somerset, 5 Br, 3 ear gar 996-5567. 71'1677-5292 675-6000 Of" 759-927• view of waterfall & lakes. 1ac,uz gar ret11 /ow n no"" No pets $1700/mc pOOI, spa + tennla. Try PrlnOlplls only OPEi Slll&Y l I I · 1 eves & wkn~s trpl, micro. 2 car gar. pool 539-6190 Best Alty tee lse Bkr 499·3'00 10</, down (No ~lfyl.ng) $315.000 firm 6-4-4-0530 • tatl 1 Jasmine Creek Plan 1. 2Br & spa s795 5'5-3 t t5 or Close to bch & Shops S. HV Hms 'BA 2BA S 1800 01 lease. FOf detalts ~ 1U 1 lllClll ll • Oen. $1750/m o 549-2••7 eluded setting Charming COM 2BA 2BA $1200 Patrick 760-8702 a;t. llAllll VIEW HIES Sparkllng hOme 3 Ddrm. Ht111n /Ctai t1 83 1~8838 of 6-i0-6188 xlnt 'br 2ba f'\OUse In 2Br 18a f'\Ome Hrd'Nd Broket 640-566.4 llW USTIH lam rm, tormal d1n1ng, lrg 21 2 Luxurious tor •--1 Rarel Mesa Verde Lrg din rm. nrs. !role, 'Nlndow seat Nr ..,.h 2Brln....n. 2Ba. tip FmUYISUll *~•1m1n* Dream home behind p\11 security gate A ONE OF A KIND gorgeous .-1ate Wiit\ 2 MC)atate gulMJt houses. tennis court, pool. 3 spas, pUITI tr ... • mueh more. A RARE VALUE al 1799,90011 De1aJl9 cell PA TRICK TE~E 631· 128e/7eo-t702 S,_,lal, highly upgrade patio Verrry interesting. "·a•ral 0 """" b d G "" """ M~aeo MOdel,2bdrm • S317.500 -~-homeyspot chlldol<$650 onus rm. gar ener Lovely patio arage beam ce1ls. patios. gar den et 52•9•000 Nume<-l&HY IT&IFFEll l Ulf flll utlls paid f'\urryl 539-6 190 S 1350/mo 957-5875 S 1275/mo. 497-3718 S 1195/mo 496-1563 oua features Including SU Liii llUL TY 2Br 2Ba + stove. retrlg t Best Rrty fee Daaa hfat --Z1Ii Convenient Studio Close VIiia Balboa 2B, 2Ba Italian Ille, lkylltea. cus· IU IHC gar $595. Others. Fee ST&IT P&Ullll HARBOR BLUFF TOP to bch & shops Bath-ocean view. trplc. secur tom wind~ and d1oors. • 63l4 Telerent 675•8860 3Br .-2Ba. gar, all bttlna. 3200 sf. 3BR 3BA. $2500. ~/~~ k.~l~~:f,~l8"0 1ty $1250/mo 645·2016 floor to ..... ung mrrors.S l~C t RarellttleBungalOw Only$950.Pet7tee~1. FabutousVu •96-7009 -new Berber carpet, etc ·~ t H I • l OI& Pm1ate & clean at $335 TELE RENT 675-8860 S all 11 F Laguna charm 3br 2 ba YILU W.U& Won't last. Delight to see ,.., rt stones throw 10 ocean --uper tbr sm Yi a. r trplc, ..ialklng dJst to t>ch, X-19 1Br Condo, ocean Call Eric Loeke 760-5000 • .., llWI 539_6190 Best Alty lee drs. court yd. quiet. $525 North end $ 1600/mo via.... lrom balcony pool Of' 6'0-8397 •.. C..t1 •en 2124 673-3313 or 673-'803 675-5061 spa, l\Jll sec $855tmo Super South Coast Plaza SMALL house 1n Etside ----_ -851-0892 or 640-0937 locatlon Tennis, pools, CM 2BFt 1BA w/yd $700. EASTSIOE 1 BR. Clean. nu S~~5 ~at 2br l ba, gar · 3Br Executive House, spa. sec 1BR $64.900 OCEAN vu apts 2BR tBA. paint. Garage & yard. ...., arden allowanoe white water v1eWs, lease YH •mn IT REALTORS~ -2BR $75.900 • 3BA 1 l>lk to bch HB $6501675 $650 Avl now 998-3-434 '96-5095 or 673-JJtJ 11600/ mo. '97-3522 GA TEO VILLAGE COM- $85.500. Ask for Darrin •aom aw.n 1. _, 2152 MUNtTY 28drm 2·-.aa 63 l-1266 " E'slde lovely oldr. 2 Br lba Ftutaia Llt•H 11•.i 1600 SQ f1 01 PURE llllH YO • ·~i~\·P PllP IUUIElllT ~dining rm. huge yard, Valley 2134 3er 21,.,£1 Condo p\11 yard. LUXURY Gara~ SPA in •• ,... .~ r ,. 114/llM 1~1 ~ l~/m~a~~34now. Artistk toucties enhance pool $975/mo. 1~1/last • master suites Dining Thia popular family home I !I' --• I • 21-. · m8SSlve •-5br 3ba jacuz .sec:-dep 21315 1'-3905 room. woodt>urn1n9 llre- la ioc.ted In deSlreable lelltta 11 la -Eastslde 2Br 181 Optx, lg around $800 539-6190 place. microwave oven S..wind 3 Bdrm 2'hba BY OWNER, Condo wlyrd. • wBAVFRONT 3BR 2BA kitchen, encl patio w/gar Best Alty fee STEPS TD IUCI !>'Mite patoo ELEGANT plus bonus area with ad· 2Br tV.Ba Nr SC Ptza. Upper Duplex, wahr/dryr, & yard $750 ~8-3155 Condo 2 Ms1r Bdrma. LIVING only 15 minutes Fii--. -dltlonal Bdrm & bath. S78.900 owc-2 556-60•7 frplc. gar S 1350/mo. EASTSIOE Jbr 2ba condo lot lttc' 2140 lrplc. microwave. nr 10 So Co P1aza.1us1 eas1 llOWS. ••w Large lot wtth room for -720-2590 or 6-46-7213 • • Rttz/Gon Avl now S925 N-P<>f1 Blvd & sooth or Prestigious ' Bedroom, 4 """" 1329 000 Sr Albans Twnhse 2Br quiet, gar .. frpl, patio, no 979--7990/W 786-5680/H San Diego treeway 2473 Beth !amity home ~· .,.,..... • 2Ba. rip. 10 pats112,500 pets. refs $960. •117·21o49 Bloek to oceen Ill hse !nod Orange Ave 63 1•5439 By IOOlling bay, ooeen end lll-11H 937-189t or831-7956 BAYFRONT4BR/vu $1800 E'SIDE COTTAGE (older) 'petsunnywprtblllspd ·~-rt leac~ 21'9 appt only Hghta Owner IM --------'BR Vu boat dock $2500 • $<425 Info 539-6190 -Out.Of-State :':n~ llt~ilt Stan 1100 •Br 2 siory tlome $1800 I 2• 8' Iba, wd/b4Jm grip, Best Alty tee FA ULOUS Waterfront St at' Ce111 l tlr• 1 sell Pr ;;;.;;;.;;o;,,.;~~~~-1 Th II ty leaaes gar. Lg p\11 yrd w/pool, _ Decorator FURN. Cof\do J I& So · Ice ~ llH&Uf PAii In e :~!tie~t locations w/d hkup. No dogs. Brand New Exec. Twnhm, $1595/mo 673-0896 1 t~s~~ !: Beautllul highly upgraded Waterfront Homes. Rttr $825/mo. 557-2337 exclu~ guarded area. 3 1BR ooeanlront house, 2 bdrm, 2 bafh coooowittl tonslder stz .. ble aec:-20x'O Buddy hm. Lrg 673-6900 1 FURN. Contempo brloht. Br· 2 ~ ba. deluxe kltcti.. patio. yard. garage Yrty, carport near South Coast Ondary fl.....,,....,. et k>w ---------1 llv/dln area w/pullman I cm941rlut 2 sty twnse. 3br. LR. FR. DR. hydrobath. S9751mo 650·2'93 Plaza S6951mo Pers interest ~!;.":"'"' kltch. 2BR I ba. very nice den 2ba dt>t Oat w/d lnteroom. 2 car gar. pools OK Oft..,. l>y hrst • .... t-..1-1_1 .... ml RU anctosed patio All unit-Selling anything with 1 pooiiJae $eoo. 5~7934• & 1ac'1 112 Ml. from He!Qhtl area 2br gar patio 251 1 w Sunnower _, Stunning large newer lzed Agl 5•0-5937 Dally Pltol Clusllled Ad _ OClMn, avall. Dec No kids Ok ea~ly you~ $725 ·w ood.Side Vlllaoe Call 1111= 3Bdrm. 3~Ba Country ---is1a1mplematter Kid/pet ollshari>2brhm pats $1650 mo cell tast 53~190 Lll8orBart>ara631-1266 ,42_1 French Ellate Gale Hive something to sell? 1 11 call 8-42_5678 style lnela huge p\11 patio 536-3975 or 969-2155 Best Rlty tee guarded pr Iv a ta rural Classified ads do 11 well u moret 539-6 l90 Best lee ELEGANT TownlOt CiiStom * NWPT CREST exec 2 Br 1 •; :'h ~ i >. j PETE ' BARRET r R£ALTY *---* llUll-~ ro1a11y exctttng 4 bdrm, a b•th, mocs.1 ~ homt -~ at W 9,900 w/TEMotal. ~baolut.iy won't lat. Mu11 ._ Ctlll PA TNCt( TENORE '31-1211 Of 7llCM70a WM*" •t • • community. Large lamlty luc~ll/ fuaa lS7Sj1utli11/ fual 1579 l•I PITS II home 5 blooks to bee<lh. 3ba, yrty IH small ocn w ftW# room. llbfaty Pr'* to -Westside 2Br IB'• fncd 28' 2.,..S., fr'PIC. i.m rm. S985rmo unf 838-7488 -----•• .... at $422,500. VIKING 20 .ac A &NCH EST .ayes patio yrd $815. 622-1100 lonn.I dining rm 2 car 2 2BR den 2'.;BA * 213 Nobel Ave . R.£. 751-7864 "' "' "' garage Grdnr '"ct sty. • · Nr So Csl PIJ & o c Air· --· Lg 28' !Ba, gar, wld htlup 11250. Call 962·5822 condo, 1860 sdf_} lplc:al 11 • pon Complex 3 ·Bdrm r.s••-v V.'-''-$825 No pet. 2178·8 highly upgra '""'• u y FM •Y 1421,IM S.nt• ., HZ .,.,,,y Pt810enlia ~S-7Na MIT llTTlll tvm w/TV, trta Com~ 2ba. frplc, patio. IOd vrci ---------•Studio w/full llltchen, all hu pool, tennis & jK All $1075 mo 1ncld1 grdnr A apectacular trl·level Streams, pondlr:ig springs, large Wantad: A r91Pottatbl9 utlla pd Only $375. ,. , ... Plld $1950/mo $750 MC dep 5'8-M75 home:.~;;:lr;I ~c.~: •dull for beautiful a..22. Teierent $7~ 756-8100 Of 720-8090 -•• • • ... ,. .... , oaks. pastures. riding trails, pen· townhome. 2 master 9Ult· ----------..... ..-~ & ettoance .. 2'A bl trple al e P'AfVATE PTY/~ 38drm 2 Bath Newporl 1BR 16A. trplc, w/ba.lc thlu-.out. old fhtlur-. oramlc Views, paved roads, metered pool/Jae. 's 11061mo: atruct_ ed euc:.twnhmetn Shot ... Yrty $975/mo s12s1mo.s 1162aecdep theettleal flOhtlng, wood &40-~2 axdU.llW QUlll'ded .,... VIII• ,_,,.,s 67~1015 Trldlllonal Realty =z· =n~tOf:.,= water, underground utll., excl. flnanc-OP£N SAT/SUN 12_. = ~C:., ~ k': 38, l '1t8aCondo. siooo . _ 831-7310 getee. ReduCed f« QUidl Ing. Private estate wtth eleet. entry Newpoft Ht.. 326 Ogle, lno ,~ ~o ·beth, Inter· s 1200 aacurtry. Famj ~ taltlllee _ o-ntnG .... and ~t. Oell• 28' • petlO. pr, unfum. no eom 2 c.r 9arao•. pt'tlf"d.-No peta &45-.3765 tM ~ "buQ" INt ., De10NO e3M2M gate. From 155K. riet• s1eo "7-4219 Poolll)ee:uDla.112mr1o:te..yrty tbfktobclh.Lots ye ar 111011 ~ .... • caN '9ERCE 8t Viking Reelty TIOY <48R 2ba ooeat1. Avail Dae 15. of privacy& Of'l("O .. 2c:et ~~not Qilf('ttno ..._. ...__.. •• -_, (~ ---S1006 dl.leount S 1850 per mo Eva gat New crpta. t>ntnt. ~ .... It now WllJI a ""' __...... _, -S57-.3118 53&-3175 Ot 054165 "'* $1295 67$-2907 Cl••laed Acl. • lla 1 room · 38r 2BI upper 0., EASTSIOE CM. BacM1« mf .... ..af •SNrp 2Br wlfrplc on ~~~~~~~=;i_ __ u~n~~~m~9-:· ~~~~pet~•· __ c;rpt. 1034D Valene! unit w/11rge yerd. QUIET RESORT LMNG 40th St. 1850 8lk to bdl....... 1111 NB M/F Ill< c::6Nfl 2 bOnn • $750 No pets 54S-7983 Stv/refrlg. ~ •Spet1cling helled pool 673-&38 OR e42-98M PY1 ba. pMg9 furn IUMY ~if: IUULllllY tBr lBa. 1922 w.naoe. •Lrg 1 & 2 bdrm, E'llde Condo. 2BR Hibl.. •Cout1 ywd vte. dining Nwpt Penln 38drm 28a. Relporl ';~-bus 1385 ·~ blklboh 1435· BrMthtalllng 180" oc.efl Gar. refrlg. U9Stalra. No redec quiet pool $41M garage/pool. PT9f adutta. •V!Qt*1• BBQ.,.... yrty mtla 11050-$1200 utlla 41M-7346 No pet• Need 2 resp non-1mk plus Ml mountlln Yiews. pets S520 Agt 550-1015 1834 MonroYla 54&-o336 no petl. 1725 mo. Eve •Twllgllt dine In court yrd VIiia Aefttlll US-7016. Rooms: Npt 8ctl l'lol.lle rmmt• 3BR 28A upatra, WOOded and .. .,,.. one 1Br 181 $~~ $350 846-2848 dya 546-9341 gu.bOs . H.l.n/ . OC98l1 vu. NB duptell block to Nnd. Your own · S565/mo-S735/mo, lrg · •Specious Apartmentl Via Udo Blyfront 38r 2'~ Aelp-n-.,..r. -mo+ w/trplc New paint, crpt & private patio. Evwy room ~r 1~ ~:fc ~ bMYt 1 & 2 BRt. all EJSIOE deluxe lwnhOuM •Your own pvt patio ba ept w/lge auncSec*. Yr utll S 100 sec:. 675-3823 drps. George 67o-11ea b<lghl and 14egant, lllle pe · bltlnt, frplc Mult IM. w/y11d 2b< 1'~ba. S725 •Gourmet kitchen IM $1750/mo. 675-8990 Nloe furn rm/emplyd fem. ----- new, bu11t-1n IPP!iancet Br 2'A8a COndo w/2 car 3&6 Avocado 2548 Orange. &42-2520 •New dove tin crpt DELUXE DUPLEX· 38R 11 ktch prvtga. utlla pd Prof male Mele• prof fem lnc1Udlng mlctoweve. atteched gar. Avail 12/l T1l ~ 142-1412 E/elde ru1t1c tmt tBR •Lrg Wiik-in cloMt• H'•IMI 112 blk to ch.nnet $250/mO CM 546-2573 '1aocst111~~s'usr~~:+sPf: 18drm$1 150/1250 N--smkrs only $950/mo. fq>lc. $465/. $565 •G•ted coYefedprkng N Lido center 50036thl--------=--'"' 2 BdrmS1850 640-4950 or 760-~20 &YllUIU.. No ":,.;7234 /ltC>fage S~ 1 12501mo &u.7269 Furn m1tr bdt~a. _JStlr dep 722-6678 leaW m9Q 2 BdPenthooMS2500 17251 28d t 'hB tBr, frig, range, llUndry, MC pets_ · · kltch, pool, gar ~H't Prof ma..-to thr w/N~ Weterfrtlt h .. I fM T mo G 'nd a pool, carport No peta LA MANCHA APTS LL UTILITIES INCLUDED LIDO ISLE Bay View. 3 utlls, 1st, last. See 28r furn CM Apt w/all own~ E/:de 1:1 $550/mo 28drm 1Bath $625-$675 1 & 2 Bed oom bdrm 2 bath, new decor Ev/Wknds S4S-8833 CM. amenttlet 5350 + 1150 H 1· 1400 room262'9 nORANGE AVE . 93 t W 19th St. 546-0492 ou pd, no pets 642-5073 2 .,. _ _. oom row' NHOME S 1350/mo. Yrty LAGUNA BEACH furn utll ......, 631-7550 Lv M911 "--. .,.,..r S7J..0072 6191753..0719 . """' --lat-TSl lllfT U2-1IOI CW M Ml Large !Bdrm, pool, lndry Furnished & UnfumltMd pd, pool 1265 Prof/bus Prof straight male thr 3Br Jllaa• z.&M -ALL UTILITIES PAID $550/mo. No pets Visit our model Dally M . NEAR Dover & W•1citff. 1 n-amkr 40+,TV.494--0451 JBa CM Condo. Gareoe. Unfurn tBR 1BA apt. no Compare belore you rent. Carport &42• 14ot Sorry, no peta. :~alf:m!f1· .::J:~· Ull WAnu.T 1ennla, pool, jac. w/d gar $675/mo Incl uhls ~tFll!ld Newly deco<ated CUiiom , LA QUINTA HERMOSA nopetl &4S-6&.e"'m9Q: Roomforretlt.675-3813 N/smkr ~50 1 utlll Dy Agent 67~ &H--lr.W. design features, pool Dau Pttat 2'2' 16211 P111!11de Ln, HB _._ -474...0435, Ev 751-2224 --·•-•• bbq coVl''d garage, s.ur· Newport Height• smell Mature Fem. has unfufn -la I h I P ti i I 11 la 1L •m FIH rou~ded Wltf't ptustl lend-Hurry! Studio w/carport, Ml-1441 guest houM Garage room w/ba to rent to non Oulet 3Br 3Ba hM, UQ •11tA? n 1 N t no kltcf'ten $250 fee 5735. 1495 No..... &45-2390 • tmk wottilng/fem 25~ Bch W/D. micro, DIW, ______ _.. ... ___ 1ee1utlful Garden Apts i~~~ 1 & :Bd~,:. 5 TELERENT 675-8861 911 IMc" 2'41 .,...,a CM.,. ... 546-1307 eft 6· view Prefer n/tmkr 1BR fba yrly unr 2nd fir on Patios/decks, spa. Hut Wison &42 97 Nwpt Hght128r 18a, pool. $450 Hugh 549-8211 Ba View le ~ paid. No pets 365 1 • l 1 LIQ upatU's 2BR 2BA, 2 w • nur belch. g.-ege lndry $725/rno. M/F non 1mkr Nice room W()(lc. 494-2 t66 Home 'I · c an. sa e. 28drm 2Ba $720 -....waa• ---t>alca. var. nr beach No Lro Pllllo. trplc, Qr•t 16018 '15th St 650-8213 wtthln w.,ldngdlstanceol S62Sm0673-1943 398W w11sor1 631-5583 -"-11n pets. 34112 La Serene. condS675/mo832~190 occ $300mo 557-2783 Resp/F20'1toshr2bfCM 2Br 1Ba trplc garage ----12BR 1BA, PY1 petlo, gar, $875/mo. 581--4077 R~ated 4Br 2Ba. . . apt avt 12/3 $298/rno ·~ S8501rnO 67s'..S809 °' w/d hkup, quiet. No P91• S Condo 2+Den 28r tBa. No. end, ocn vu, encl gar. Yrty $1350/mo. Neer OCC. nice furn utll •aec: 646-S37 I Iv m90 553-6500 A!« IOf Jim .aaaliB1811 Wat• paid $675/mo plcious F ' nr bet\, bMm Cli'-. gat, E 631·8335 D 738-e155 f'tou9e, $200, n-~kO fem ----~ #ti 2038 M~ IV.Ba. garage. frplc m-utll pd $995 494-3044 only 862-1314 Reap /F rmmt lhr w/Ame Cosy !bf unfurn Incl all aH•TmlTS TSL MGMT 642-1603 tulle view. Av.it now Cozy 1BR 1 Ing! empl IUlllll mYI -' S375 mo utll Ina H B ulll. carpor1 Year round ..,._ --$n51mo 492~ or ,.575 S900 Yrty 28r 1ti.. ltOYe New Condo. mat M, pool, Mfr-0322 or 841-2030 rent $650 &7l-8958 ~~Fill Lge 2Br 1ba, unfurn, new adult only No pets • refrt.. ~ _.1 s..s-5182 lndty, utll lnct. pvt, 5 min -- lmmllQJlate large Garoen crp11 & levolort. K~ra lge 2'4t Incl utila. c:.ble, atove I "' ....... · 10 bctl, turn. 548-4260 Resp n-amkg l9m stir IOe DELUXE 3Br 2Ba. lrple, Apts Beautifully land-sndck, cov earport, IUI. IMcll refng. 191. tut ~ dep. Spect•cular 1Br tBa, Nice CM home bch mst bdrm w/same. of 28' gar no pets •;, block 5 ca· e d r 0 u n d s 'wooded lndscpg, streem. 1 1 A, u. • . Refs req'd 41M-7988 bey/OClatl VleWI f~. 2 "' • rm 2ba apt $230/mo• ,,., utll lrom bay 559-7 t94 pootf spa, pa~o/deck No 2 pools, rec:. rm, $650 ~r. lndry rml S540/mo. Superb location • Aerou c:.r oar. lndry, yrty s 1200 ~ t.:;11k~c:".,:;"·= ~:~2~1s11 s:n Laurel Ctrlla ••I •ar 2'22 pets 8~2692 eves t6551 Pro Clr<*t . lrom ocean & partc. 28r VIiia Rentals 67S-70t5 $350gmo+,dep 54e.2328 _ an _ Bachelor SS30 Lg view AptS nelCl to Park T1l ~ 142-1111 2Ba & 18r !Ba. Heeled Slape 1o bctl Upetrs 2Br or 631-1601 Lrg 3BR 2ba CM hM, $1 200 3BR 2ba, garage. 18drm $595-$615 f!rplc vaultedcelllnga lrg pool year round. Lush 1Ba View 2Br 2Ba lavish landscape. $366 • balcony 708 Avocado. 2Bdrrn w.aa $705-$7 10 spa Prvt bateony · 2BR ;!BA. gar, lndry. 4 landscaping. Sec. garage ctwMtrt ~ crpt fng & Prof. M/F -rm & ba w/pvt dep & •11 utll &46-6460 B" !75-5219 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 Newly redecor•ted flex. °':i*N~treeta 1 ~~ & elevator 41M-8083. range. Both compl.redec:. entrc, klteh prvtg.s. 1 blk 281 111tBa. Ir pie, pool -----Cf'tUd ok No pets 0 t>.llC · l>M_; 16 · Orlw by 1807 w. Bllboa bch, 111, IU1, uttl. lneld. nlMITI Fm1U $800tmo (7141759-3319 2Bdrm 1·1.ea 1715 631-6107 or 855--0665 Call Crlig 631 2&6 • ..,.. ltacll lllt Blvd & call Betty $400. mo 676-5S35 or (8181790·9921 3Bdrm 2Ba S600 •• V d .,,,,. 3 .... 2 ... f~ bMCtl 36f 26a 751·6650 Moo-Fri 10-4 Quiet haven tm bf pvt be •Dally computer updates 151 E. 21st 54a-2406 ""esa er e 'VV .,. .,.., f lo S '095 ' --_ NB I ..,..:.., Sr ' ' •More leadt, f .. 1er MN **Brite & sunny 2Br -----dbl gar. rrplc, din-rm, Ip pal gw 1 /mo. VeraalllH Bach, elee · · or"""' · axec. no •AJI ollent11Greened 1Ba, new crpts, sundecil, 1Bdrm $610 patio, lmmac. unlurn. 216 35th St. Agt 759-5080 reng•. frig, 2nd lvl smkr $350, &M--0369 •20% off to alt new Clients patio Carpon S600 No 28drm 1 •1.ea $705 S350. mo. 673-8632 28r 2B•, pvt patio, painted 1Bdrm SIOO. Retrlg, dish-w/bltcony, MC ~te l Rm or thr HB home. Male •"8 IN'\ In OC Aegllter pets 760·t7131760-6531 131 E 18th ~16 PIClfUH & cieen. New orpt1, enci waaher & stow Included. prkng $650/mo tat, lat Mnlor citizen, like dogs. Hunlington Bch 841-5e1 t BIGhelof 18d Ills pd -----... gar. No petl $650 HO PETS S45-4855 t $200 MC. 640-0437 deln. 538-0921 Stlwe 2Br CdM houM Paho, ~arerm~ S6s0 Bachel0r S525 Tl .... EI Oolot• 840-5504 1BDRM EASTBLUff VERSAILLES CONOOS Roommate to lhr hol'9e Wshrldryr, gat. trptc:, ate Ville Rentals 675-7015 1:1re1' 1e h s 642-= Brend ,,...., lpaidOul IBR BANBURY CROSS APTS Neat Shopping Center. No 2Br 28a. All .,,,.,.. .. 1250. mo. u'". lneld. See $375 + ·~ utlls 711()..9204 C.. • -~-I 1 w/dln. pvt dectl, pool, 2 & 38drma $650 Up pets $710. 640-1384 MC $980 Agt 631-49e0 at 834 Wlleon, Cata Mesa Spec 28r 2BI 8ay9IOe Or ta t11 2'24 AYAIUIU 11Wt carports, ~i ::· Qc. 16761 Vlewpt Ln &42-e604 1 BEDROOM APT VERSAILLES -LrQ 1BR In ~rm or 1torage or ept to lhr Pool, pvt bctl, 1Br IBa Upetalra Refrig. Westside 1Br 1BI, carport ~&th St N t ~· .IATI ftll• ON THE BAY. quiet loc•tlon w/mlnl offtce_ 113 ~ CloM nftn*r $525 fll()..19&6 1981 M1ple Ave $430 $625/mo 662-1700 . $595/mo a31~2&e • Extra IW 1 BA 1bl.. Clttt SIOO/MO. 650-30IM OCMn vi.w, futl MC. to M*t Bch In LaQune Young working per-eon or Soerra Mgmt 5so-1o15 TOP AREA MESA PINES Curt Hefber11 II agt ceila., r,ple, pool/ap1, 28r 1Ba. $1600 mo + utll. S795i mo. 844-7211 agt Bctl. '225/mo. 544-392& student, 2br 1'M>&, pool, 280-1 hi llar tBR, Hile,_, cozy frple, 28r + Den nicety dee«-encl Q., Hunt Hrbr WM. 1019 W. Bay AV9. Aeroee f11 lllllft IT ....... ftfl nr OCC & 405 trwy. $310 E'Sl<le 1Br Iba, J:'• no pvt b.ek/sideyrd &. patio. ated lg' patio ~r S6e0/mo 846-354 l from bay.6f3-t&74 GATED VILLAGE COM-1 .-a_.,.. '.+utH +dep. 540-0430 5 Garage, pool, spa, Quiet. ~.:.. sc' ED S I MUHITY 28drm 2'ii8&. ._ -pets Vecanl I mo S640Nopets549-2447 """-a Unit Nt FURNISH tud 0, •LmlllJIPT* 600 • rt of PURE ... F/lhr2b< 1baeptc:klleto 756-8557 S850/mo 766-7«3 r~, w/d, g.-, pool & 2Br 18a. 102 Antlbee. Don ~UXUR':· a.; SPA In Witty rentlls. Low r1te1 beck bay, quiet, no P9'* 2Br l''tBa 323 E. 18th IRlll IEW POOLPatlo.frplc.X4ge =~ N~·~S:~ 87S-2720/675-12'4 metter ·l\Mt~ Otnlng St35 & Up/Mly. Colof $250 &4't913t bef8pm Gar:i:· frplc, patio No 1Br $580 2Br $680, $500 M/F 21.30, S475/mo. NEWPORT MAAIHA APTS room. woodbumlng th-TV, mekl MtVlce. ll'M laeun• Bctl. M/F, 1tr8'Qht pets 95 Agt 550-1015 ~~anu sec. Unf E·slde 557-2&41 Utltapd. 111 +lat + S250 On the wat• lwc.unoue ptece, m6erowtiW1 own. c:ofM, helted pool ~ prof, 40'a-50'a ..mecfto • 2Br 18a completely r• ~-u Ill Quiet !Br. frplc, pool, MC dep. ~ 2Br 28e w/Den, W/D ptMt• petlo. ELEGANT stepe to oceM. Khdl • stw 3b< hom6. 1 bill to hn1slle<.t 2052 Garden AIAITml'TI p1tl0, gar $615 No pett. hkup, lg kitchen, trptc, LIVING onty 15 "'""-avlllt. 915 N. CoMt Hwy, betl, trptc, 199. prv beth Lane $775 mo 645-3081 IL_... FIR 399 W. Bay St. fS.S0-6357 1111111' • end gat. PM bctl I 1895. to So. Co. Plua. IUtt-' Lagunl e..eti, 41M-5294 $4004500. 499-4820 n -•• -------3BR apt. W/D lltlup, lndry Sorry no petl ~ BIYd I ICMh of ...... -Fr0t11 apl,2BR tBA,patlo These attrae11ve new 79 IP&lllll room, frptc/gat/lrg dectl. . •ALSO• San Diego freewey. 2473 -ta. wMASTER Suite PM1o 710 James(8t8)709-6715 Apts feature pool. spa, 2 Br 2 ba garden ept, Ill *895/mo Br2BIStarttngatS1395. ~AV9.'3\.-543e8y Witty rentela now avell. Promont°'Y Point 2 BR. <7141642•11271650-7743 private patios or decka, new crpt, pllnt &. ~. 2221 ALABAM~ 780-0919 IC>PI onty $129.50 wk & up. 2274 S7~209 2BR 2BA, ~apt w/lrpl, garage Of carport, In I waah/dryr hkup. Encl TSL MGMT 642-1903 • I Nwpt etvd, CM &4&-7445 gar No pets S700tmo. beautifully landscaped garage, $695. 559-1838 1 _ 2BR tbe d..,.1_ ,_._ ... C'ltlltate 'I ID I .. L•E Are~ planning• mow? 679 w 18ttt 831·821;J1e semng. Heat pald. •-n·-•• .;.., ~ Wtr/gu' pd·-.."!:.!'.:"& Clwlfled .01 will Potnt 1 Bedrooms $575 .,.s ...._ _., -..-· · _., )!)d<1ou' "nQll' on.. l~b• CloM to • beh, 3026W.eo.t~New you In tne right dhctton •Mete Verot 2Bt 1Ba 2 Bedrooms 1'1• Blth $685 H 1 ~gat+pool & frplc. All T•lbert. S525/mo. Aft c!. two bt'dtOOm dpt' cle4-n/nlc.fy f~rnlef'ted Spof11..,.~ ~ 'TV to find ttle home you New crpt. d/w, garege 121 CllTll min bttlns. $575 F .. &424 &pm/Wknda 897-1300 End gar 637-79f8 ...,T'"' -v-· no need. &42-5878 $650 No pets 640·2495 COST A MESA TELERENT 675-8880 IUWlll ft.Ull •STUNt; 'Jf"l LO 1 & 3Br \Comer CenterfPlecentla) 225 Le PWQma. M5(). 2BR 1V.ba. Walle to l>eedl, 2Ba Garden Apt Pool Open Dally 1oam-6J>m ......a-.:.anu· WIT llT1 c:IMn, *'° g.-837-7918 S555 & s125 110 w 18111 142.1 U4 ~-u 111 S360 1& Opht t ~. SOf'ry. No Pets Tlw Ill Whet• you l\eY9 * . 28t 1BI. Walle to Com-n0t1·smoket Oflly w !7th , •Sc>ectlCUUt llP1• 'In Isl year\ rent muntty entr 1. dOwntown near Whitt,., 548-3829 College Prk Trt..ptex 2Br. ..... ,... .... • ' & 28', 1 l 2BI IUlt• fURNISH£0 or $650 No petl 492-4M3 t'"lbl. D/W oar-lndry ~~flO ·~townhOuMe FumllMd 38r 2BI a IOIM An tcity S650Jmo 645-7738 Frp1c, vaulted ceillnQ•. dbl *~ UNFURNISHED w.i11 to bct1 s1100.'A~N Wettllde 2 Sl°'Y 1''1 t>ll Attractive 2Br UpS1elrs, gar pool&. sp1 No pett •Prlv1te balconl.. Or flT•SS June 492~&63 patlOI, dllhwllher Kids blllns Gar wash rm 28drm 2'-'88 $695 G1rden petloe 01< No pe1S AVlll fMmd quiet Nr trwy & "'°91 666 w 18th CllltlS. nm. lrg & IUl'"Y 28r 18a, ~ S7251mo 64~6 mag S6751mo 766-7443 S-2739 914-4163 WIT llT1 A C, fin ;i;sV:-~114~~ WOODLA• YILLAGI AllAllTMlllTI lhnf ' l'll!Ot our l"°'n \lylt .11)1~ Ouitl comfoflabit' 1m111 (IOU lo lrtt••f) & So Co"' Pl1u •lltlf only minult\ 10 rhf "'"" CM es··~ NO Pf rs PHASE .... •lfU ·~-1._. ...... ... ·-....... 11 2 .. II• NH-11 II w. llhT a IOT w am 111CL "41 II J "'W--• •3 SUght~~ eoutte _.-.! s.Ty. .. __ ... •2 wtmmong......... • -..... ~ 28dnn 2 Blttl. Eastllde ~ !Bdrm •Streeme a ponda ,..._ New erpta. WMk SIOO/rno 28drm t 8-th *~' .... ..., t tt I. f:'~. MOO Some No pe11 or wa1erbeda. .......uv NOT ,. ... , L $750/mo Moet utllt paid. •f avWI ~ "' .. pd, 492-4883 323 Elden 5"48-7864 ""'"' --. Sunny, dMr'I 28R 18A, -•1• gar, rndry. No ~t1. WI lffll A-...-. A~f1tMt1h MOO/mo. 483-2710 11n1 • -.ctton of ~ Ill-fl I 'M Nnrpof1 8u<h So llvtng? We CM of* linr" 1555& ~ V-. I 7011 lf>ll'I \lm•I ~~ ~-=--" ~~ LW. from a.n ~ ,.,1 on~ .. ,• Ing In CM NB O!' HI Fr~, nof1tl of 6•2 SU l think of us' nl'Sl ·for tNlt to Mct'9dden, ...t on choic. °' ldtial llvlnQ McFadden Nfwport 8u<1'1 No TSI.. MGMT 6'2· 1803 $pACIOOI 38t ~ . .eour: y1..,1,,~. IB,.,.. llC.,. •ty Condo Adult' SS· or-ti trl(l• 1.," P :)"'' C•ut-~ 1950 • 1 n , .,,~ rn15 C.CSIMeca to <Jo..Cer11 Whltevet the Fad Aotl 't1m ol1 tl'le market Wnt1 11 Clau1ftf.d Af'I r111 N· \"' • ~~ ·~·11 o ti me {vv-ptv;re ~17 7 U1e At1IWll A4 1ervice when placing your od ... o Doily Pilot ad number will appear in your ad . . we toke meisoges 2-' hours o day ... you coll in ot your convenience during office hours ond get the respon5es to your ad • . • this 5ervice is only S.5 ,,., week. For mer. infOf'motion and to place your od call 6'42·5678. DlilyPillt F -~~~ ~~-----.................................... ~ ..... ~a.-.. ~s-.&11 .. IZl!l .... llll~ ....... a .. e: ..... 1.w ............ . 1of5 BANK FORECLOSURES LEFT Approx., 3600 sq. ft., 4 bdrm, 3 ba., + separate den. Formal dining room, spacious kitchen wtth bay window, large master bedroom with spa tub, sauna, skyflghts thru-out, large walk- ln .closets with mirrored doors. Secur- ity system and fully landscaped. Call today 113-1311or143-1115 Merrlll Lynch Realty let Ut ..... YM S.11 y .. ,,...,.,, Cel...,..., 642-5671 tor information & surprisingly . low cost. " 110 lllTE AYE, llLIOl ISUll Loca,ted at the Ferry Landing, down- stairs as commercial, upstairs ~ 2 BR/ 1 Ba apt. and 1 BR/l Ba apt. 30'x85' lot, two car garage, deck view of Harbor. Will consider leaseback. $385,000 consideration to brokers. Call for brochure. 714-111-Ha (tw'HI) IUITiflU •1 Y1EWt ................. &....,.. ...... ,,., ...,,,.,.w 4 Bdrms -3 baths -formal dining room. Oak plank floors, double pane windows, leaded glass. 2 fireplaces. wet bar, to name a few items. Has good asswnable loan and is priced to sell: $550,000. .,_,. .. IUlmm Ill-It• The fun :zone area in Balboa ls undergoing a major fel)OVation. 207 Palm Street is localed in the middle of the action at the fe rry 1.anding. 30xl00 foot lot, 1800 sq. foot bldg., includes the land. $166,000 as- sumable first. $300,000. C.Onsideration to broken. Call for brochure. l1Ull-Jta (..._) DESPERATElll WAY BELOW MARKET llJOWNER Ccwonadel-C'-* • ...... °"" OPEN MOUeE 8AT./IUN.1~ 3 bedroom. 2 beth. family room. CMfYON a <>Ca.AN V.W .... .......... (714) .....,, Spruce up ho1ne, but don't go overboard in your effort to sell variet:Hy appeats to the prospectiYe homebuyer,'' said Zinn. Decorating, dMnup and carpeting were the top ttwee fix-up items rec- ommended by real estate brokers In atl 98Ctlons of the nation except for the South, where mofe brokers rec- ommended yard work and tandgcaping (24 percent) OVf1t carpet reptacement ( 17 percent). Yard wof'k was teest recommended by East Coast brokers (6 peroent). pethaps because many of thoee IUf'yeyed ..,.. in urban centers where houte8 heve little or no yard space to c:uftl¥9te. OttMw ftx-up efforts recommended by fewef' then 10 percent of the MOiters lnctuded exterior painting (5 peroent). general maintenance and repair (5 peroent). roofing (4 percent) and kitchen and bathroom Improvements (4 peroent ~). When asked what homeowners should not do In antk:fpation of semng a houM. S4 peroem of the btOkers warned &bout ma9c~ major lmproY&- ments or home eddhlons. wontcaffy. about 7 percent adYt8ed 9glltnst r• piecing carpMll~. and 5 percent coun- .... 8Qllll* adding. 9Wtt'nming ~. fWehlnG a b• 1ment. remodelng a katc:Nn or ~aling the lntertor. 1 ,.. • Award whlnere Damla llarrt.oD, (left) ezecad•e Tice preeldellt of R•acb. The MCODd qauter eaded wltla Brown •mac Ballden Sal• Corp. of SaDta Alam, preMDta M.1• 28 anlta at Vbael&D4 wood8 ID Ba1dwlll Park. Otlaei' awarda to a&enta Dottle Brenna ud Bonte Buron for ftnt-qaarter atandoata baclade: Irene Bolts. Vicky the tint aacl MCOD4 qaarten of tile~· At n,ht are Ka.Dafoe, Velma Crow187, ~el8oa, Dorta llor- Pflck Lehnert. aecadn 'rice preeidellt ud Terry rt.oD, Jim llaDloa, 8teft aa4 Joe Bolas. O'l'fell, preeldent of the firm. ID the Ont quarter, 8econd qaarter 8taDdoata: Velma Crowley, 8ubua Buron 8014 38 u.nita at Sammerplace ID Plallllpe Stewart. Joe Bolb, Jim Grabill and Dorta Mont.on. Deciphering the mortgage loan market ~ recentty u five or six yeara ago, the mortgage loan m81ket wu llke an old-fashioned ice cream market -all you could get was "vanilla," or a 30- year fixed-rate loan. Now, just u ice cream cho6ces have muttlplled to 31 flavors and beyond, choioel among mortage loans have expanded too. The reeutt among many consumers la confusion. Even though 50 percent of aH atngl&- famfty home loane originated In 1984 were adjustment rate mortgages (ARMa), many borrowers still don't understand Its complexttlee. And they' re even more confu9ed about graduated pa}'ment mortgages (GPM). wraparound mortgagee, and the 15- yeer °' early payoff mortage. To clear up thls consumer quandry, the Mortgage Bankers of America and the nla Mortgage Bankers A&- atlo are distributing a pamphlet led "How to Shop for a Mortgage." The brochure deacflbes various mortgages and explalna typical con- tract terms. It lncfudee a primer on govemment-baeed mortgages and ad- vtoe on ftndtng a home loan with the best terms. To obtain a copy of the guide, eend a Mtf-addreaeed, stamped business size envelope to CMBA, 1127 Eleventh St .. Suite~. Sacramento, CA. 95814. Western' s the I ash ion in A1nerican furniture IJ IA.RaAAA MA YER • 2 ,,.,_ A recent informal survey of New York City restaurants turned up at least five with menus and decor based on the American West. This fall, an American furniture company Introduced a 24- plece collecilon based on the West, and Tex-Mex cooking has been Ident- ified as one of the hottest trends In fast food. Even Western movies are back In fashion, says Mary Emmerling of "American Countey West," a new decorating and source book. The author, who has been Identified with American country decorating, about which she wrote several books, sees a difference between country and West- ern decorating. Both stytes are Informal and rustic and feature lots of white on walls and ceilings as well as fotk arts and crafts. ''However, the textures are quite different, and Western country furniture Is usually oversized and comfortable. The textures areTough as In adobe, stucco and animal hldee and baskets," she said. Even the accessories are outsize. Antler• are often mounted over the flreptK.e °' extertor of the house; rough animal hides may be eking over the arm of a eofa. ptaced on the noor or hung on the w.ltt and American Indian woven ruga, pottety and baskets are often dec«•tlw elements. Emmerttng 18)'9 lhe IXpecil this ~ of decoration to ~In the comtng v-ra. an optnlon out by the Introduction In Oct<>ber of a INge new fumtture ~ by Lane Co. Lane and the Museum of American Fotk Art collaborated on the collection of Western·atyle furniture, which In- cludes characteristic wood pieces brought by Immigrants from Germany, France and Mexico who came dlrectty to the West. The furniture wu In- troduced at a recent furniture market In North Carolina. According to Or. Robert Bishop, director of the museum, Interest In the look to Emmertlng la the fact that l"e Memt to flow In and out of doors. Porches and verandas which are a feature of Weetem·atyle homee are uled as llddttlonal "rooms" by West- erners. She traveled through the W•t- ern Mctlon of the country'°' more than two yean, gmthertng matertal for her book and photographing the homes that are deecrlbed and pictured In the book's largeet Mctlon. She recalls ''Three years ago, people Jn the know said country was dead. but sales figures dldn 't bear the experts out. It was one of the few times that the tastemakers said 'forget It· and It went on despite what they said. ·' -Dll. llOlmllTIJlSllOP American West hu two major eources. The distinctive cofM palette wu popu- larized by the use of deeert cofon In makeup. The palette· which Includes white, betge and Q<*t, turquoise and red "Just looks right to uM, now," he said. Bishop added that W•tern styte wu a kind of American country. Which contributed to tts poputartty u a home furnllhlngt design theme. Country appears to haw a epectat llPpMI to American• that even ~n authorttlee cannot dlecourage. "Thr .. YMf8 ego, peopte In the know said country WM deed, but ..._ flgur• dldn'• bMt the exp91'ta out. tt. WM one of the few ttrnee tMt the taatemakert Nkt 'forget It' Md " went on cteaptte wti.t th9y Mid," .ac«dlng to Blahop. feeltng quite dttterent there compared. to the Northeat. "EverytNng teem• bigger than me. The qu.Nty of light kept rNdclng me thtnk of the worda •epectoua lklee.' " She came to ... the nunoe of Weetem atyle u an lnteraietlon of lndlan cutture Md the pion .. ,. who went W• In WIGOM· "Ohio WM the dumping ground of Amer• bec81• wMf1 the pion ..... got there~ beg9r\ dumping rMnY of the thlnga they had cented 90 far In ~atton for the r.t of their YOyllge. ~took with them only thoee ttwnga 10 totldfy made they could wtthetMd the ..... trtp Md IO lowd that t"9Y couldn't .,.., to per1 wtth them, .• lhe Mid. Once they got to at.at• Ike New Mexico, TexM, Wyoming, CGtorado. _ _,,,._~ Among the ~ .... of Neveda llld ~ end ~ ~ota.. they found lndlan rugs and bukets, lndlan blankets, and the aott wood known as ptnon from which they made new fumtture, she aaid. It took preMf'lt-day Europeans to help Americana recognize the Western culture. "All Europe wants to know about cowboys and Indiana, to weer jeans and eowboy clothes and to admire the tradltlonal Western blankets and Ind Ian rugs," the author noted. "Once you begin to look for ft, you can ftnd Western motifs In many area of ltfe," lhe Mid. She r=led out cowboy gear, the Navajo na now found on fashion sweaters, fabrics auch a sheets and yard goods whOM deetgna and colors reftect the tow and angular llnee of the.meaaa. Weetem-atyte boeta are now a ttatua falhlon among the youth of Europe and even teether handbags and belt• sport Western motlft, she said. ("American Country W•t" Is pub- llahed by Clarkaon Potter.") Use turpentine when paint drip• " any pM\t drtpa on the hsd IUftllce of a kitchen appflance wNJe you .. SMlilntlna the room, wtpe It oft lftwnedl.. 8tety wfih. doth .,,.,.. In turpen- tine. Any container of turpentine lhould be kept COW99ed except durtng the ... MCOtm you are ualflQ tt. I 1 ~ t< " n & s k a p c b II Fl f c ta te • FE ro wt ln1 he ar Pl.I Mi ao wa Sh on so I • He Be arE din wit SCE exc Ill Gra 8VE pa1 slo fan ent cor .. Cue fC)(I plal Cot ace dee .., a... gwi akyi the vak. MESA VERDE "'""' n1.-er1ght and sunny 2 BR. 1 'h BA, 2-story condo in quiet private location Is just adorable! Living room with fireplace, kitchen with eating area and front patio and mini-yard with patio shows excellent POt•tlal. This one won't last! Call now. Tllll"I r-.Y -1141,IOO Well maintained 5 BR, 1 3/4 BA home In Mesa North. Super for famlty with children-located near schoots. An Investment you'll never regret making. See It today! •••••••n 1111.-Spectacular 2-story, 5 BR home with kltchenffamlly room combination, formal dining area, llvtng room with fireplace and enclosed patio wtth heater. Superb family home romanti- cally decorated-to appeal to all. This home can · be your famltf's paradise-call to see today! Ufnllf..... 1114,IOO Flawless 3 BR, 2'hBA townhouse was the model for the complex. Beautifully decorated in superb taste. Ideal community living with pool and tennis. Be the first tq see this home! Call now. .. Tl UKIT 1114,800 Fabulous Eastside home. 3 BR. 2 BA, family room with fireplace, formal dining and large yard with patio show great potential. Instantly appeal- ing Inside and outl Move fast on this beautiful home-an outstanding buy that won't wait around I Pl.II .. PUntml 1111,IOO Mint condition 3 BR, 2 BA home with brick accents and Indoor/outdoor feeling from sliding walls of glass, vaulted ceilings and atrium. Stunning Yorkshire model with easy care yard on quiet cul-de-sac location. Seeing is believing so see It today! · COSTA MESA 1UA .-,. '9111' 111.,_ Here's your Introduction to good neighbors! Beautiful one story home In the most desirable area of Costa Mesa. 3 BR. 1 3/4 BA, formal dining, rec room and fabulous master bedroom with refurbished bath. Professionally land- scaped proves very appealing. Call to see this exeeptlonaJ home today! TAii llfMTlll 1211,llO Graclout '4 BR + iltn Mesa Verde home has everything! Located near 2 golf courses and 2 part(s, beautiful yard wtth pool and patio, and side hldMway patio off the den, new add-on famlly room and teen quarters with It's own entry. Bring In your offer! All terms wlll be cona6dered. ,_ .. Fiii UUJ 1211.- Cuttom Meea Verde home with 3 BR, 2'11 BA, formal dlnfng and large living room with ftre- ptaoe open to s.weeplng vtew of Mesa Verde Golf Cout'M 1&th t ... AemOdeled In 1982 with deluxe ICCIHC>i'iee. A pace setting home In highly deelred area. Call for.your appalntment today! ..,......... ....... Large '4 BR, 2'A BA Bucoota hOme with 3 car gwage, ~ pat to with flreplt, wet bar. lkytlght, profwslk>nafly landecaped. Overtooks the bMt vt.. of Colt• Mesa gott courM. Greet value for your money and prioed to NUlll A MEMBER OF THE SEARS RNANCIAL NETWORK NEW LISTINGS FlllOLllllW 1111 ... Here's your chance bargain hunters! 3 BR, 1 BA home with large yard. An excellent home that wlll be sold by morning! Don't wait-call to see now I Ill ,.. llMTIH1 1121,MO Owners just transferred after having completed extensive remodeling. Picture perfect 3 BR. 1 V1 BA home In Costa Mesa. Many new features too numerous to mention. Easy to see-call now! Will ..., um 1111.- one owner home ready for your decorating touches. Large corner location on quiet street. Well maintained 4 BA, H'4 BA home In Eastslde Costa Mesa. Don't delay. Homes llke this sell fast I .... WAITS 0111111 1221,IOO Have you wanted to move up from your smaller home? Here's your chance to obtain a large spacious home In Eastslde Costa Mesa. 3BR, 2'n BA with separate study and large family room. Large pool with solar heat and cor.y sun room. See It today! --' 11111 UNI ~ Ideal location near the Wedge. Large 4 BR. 2~ BA home with dellghtful atrium and large rec- room with wet bar. Well appointed master bedroom with balcony patio. Owner will carry first. Call right away! MTllW&Ta sat• Beautlfulty decorated 3 BR, 2 BA home with 35' boat 1Up In qu'9t, private location. Bright, open and sunny from end to end. Gorgeous view! Furnlahlnga. Included. boat la negotiable. Call nowt WllWlllT 1471- 0utatandlng archltecturaJ dealgned waterfront. Warmth of cedar and oak combined wtth ttallan ti.. make a VfllY lmpreulW statement .. Amentttee lnctude muter aufte With M09UOUS bathing complex complete wtth sauna and lkytlt apa. Sandy beect\ and pier for 40' boat com-P'9t• thla eumptuoua recreet. Don't mta letting UI ltK>W you this spectacular home. 645-0303 HARBOR AREA .. UlllAY l1M,lll Immaculate! Beautifully upgraded and re- modeled. 2 BR, family room &11d large yard with lovely landscaping. Vacant and just waiting for new owners! Call to see th1s one now. ASTUU t1n,111 Lowest priced 2-story, 3 BR/2'h BA condo on fee land In the Bluffs. Terrific wooded greenbelt vlewl Modern decor In luscious creams. Call to see lmmedlatelyt IPHT&llUI UY Y1lW llM,111 Large 1 BR condo In prestigious elevator build- ing with comforting security. Walk to shops. Boat slip possibilities. Lovely pool. Call now. WUTIUff...... 1211,111 The perfect home for a family seeking a prime location at a realistic price. Nicety kept 3 BR, 131. BA home with large rooms. vaulted wood ceil- ings in living room, formal dining and large lot with yard plus pool, roses and fruit trees. An outstanding buyl Call for further information now . CIST• MILT 1244,118 Spacious Newport Heights home in excellent location features 2 BA. 1 'h BA. wide open family room with double fireplace to living room. 2 patios and vary attractive kitchen. A beautiful home that radiates warmth and charm. See it today! 111.lllTHll U41 .... 3 BR, 2'h BA custom U-shape home with family room & living room with fireplace. Cupboards & closets galore! Plus-separate guest suite with 2 rooms and a full bath. Lovely pool and spa and new patio. Oon·t miss your opportunity to own this exceptional home! MST Liii YAUI IHI.- Custom 4 BR. 2 BA home on lido Island with living room wtth fireplace & wet bar and lots of windows open to large patio. Extra wide lot on excellent street-to-street location. Priced right to sell fast! Must see it today! llWPllT 1E11m auo.- Thls 3 BR home is designed for an entertaining family. Well equipped modern kitchen and sep- arate dining room make It easy! The sparkling pool and hot tub is surr6unded by wonderful landscaping and plenty of patio space for outside fun. Bay and city lights view! A tasteful home you shouldn't miss! •WPllT ISUll ..... Very sharp waterfront with dock and two skSe- tlea. Extra large 3 BR with family room or designed and zoned to be a duptex. Very special island known for Its quiet llvlng. A good buy for someone who loves the beach and wants their boat In front. " llUNmT 11..en.- Elegant home provides '4 BR. <4 BA. sunken conversation pit with 11reptace. fonnal dlnlng. farnlly room. forever vtews of channel, bay & ctty lights frs>m both ftoors and boat dock. Very lmpreaajve throughout! Call for 9PP0fntment to see today! 2211 DRiii ILVI., CISTI IESl .. • NEW LISTINGS " lllU ...-r .. ,.,.. Authentic Balboa oceanfront. Livable, spacious 5 BR, l 'h BA home with spectacular Catalina & sunset view. Excellent location. .. ,.... 1111,111 Impeccable taste and refinement, exquisite home with gracious country feeling. Family room, hobby room: 4 BR plus maid's. Best location. N•llU Um.T 11,Hl,lll Custom -bullt & decorated home + new guest apartment on 70' main bay frontage. New pJer & slip for 2 large boats. sandy beach. sunny patio. ........ U,211,111 The choice Is yoursl Spilt 75' Bayfront lot or take as Is. OesJgn & bulld aJI you'Ve ever wanted or ask seller to bulld to suit. CORONA DEL MAR MIUllll --aan.- EJegant 2-story home with 3 BR + FR. Lovely large wrap-around brick patio. Ideal end lo- cation and a peek of the ocean. ~11••111111 ..... Ideal Plan 3 with 3 BR. family room, lovety decor, lush private gardens, ldeaJ location with open feeling. Security, pools, tennis. JAllllE 11111 1141,111 Most desirable Plan 3. Slngle level~3 BR + family room. Resort living with 24 hour security, pools, tennis and lush greenbelts. U1111""' au Mtl,IM This lovely Broadmoor family home has It all. 5 BR, view, lovety yard, master suite with fireplace. formal dining, famlly room. community pool! ........ -... ..... View and Income toolll Immaculate units oceanside of highway with view of bay, ocean. 3 BR. 2 BR and guest. interior garden atrium, trench doors. windows. ........ .. .• Walls of glass, skylights. vaulted ceilings and atrium accentuate outstanding 3 BR home. 36' pool, pool house, near beaches! ... ._. 1111.- ~ large BR plus den, expansive deck with pool and spa, lush landscaplng, breathtaking view. Fabulous price. Beautiful. ..... ,..au 1111,111 Fabulous 180° view of Harbor and Ocean from this stunning, totally upgraded and remodelled 3 BR, 2111 BA home. Appointment onty. IPTIUllal ...... Set'9r1 designed this 5 BR home to Insure maximum privacy for parentt & notsy teens. Gorgeous custom home-priced rlghtll .... Ill ... 11,..,.. One of a klndf Unique oceanfront tot. Un· obttrucied panoramic view. CaH for detaH1 and showing. Owner may carry; subordinate. ........ 11.111.- Fabuloul With eenaatlonaf view of Llttle Corona. waves cruhlng on rocks & jetty. Large famlfy room with retrac1able roof, 5 BR, 5 BA. A MEMBER OF THE 1111 SEARS ANANCIAL NETWORK II I llTllllAY ~ JI,..,""' 2 BR. Oen $237.000 E. BOWIE ...... ,., ................ 3 BR, View $379,000 G.ANDERSON ---Ml.._ 3 BR, FR $425.000 M. MATIHEWS ...... Mllf...,lnlln 5 BR. FR. Vu, Spa $485,000 G.ANOERSON ...... HM, ......... , 3 BA. FR. Den, Vu $589.000 G.ANOEASON WIST .. ,., .. ,,......,, 3 BR. FR $798.000 G. LIVINGSTON SUIDAY ....... 111 "'s .... 2 BR. Oen $225,000 M. GUTH utTalff ....... 4 BR, Vu $225,000 T. BOLAND UTmST , ........ 4 BR, FR. PIS $329.500 E.CORKETI ......... -.u 4 BR. FR ~0.000 ...... ,. , ......... ..," . 3 BR. View $379,000 G.ANDERSON " llU,..., ,, ......... 5 BR $395,000 0. BIBB ---Ml.._ 3 BR, FR $425.000 R. BOLAND ..... ~ 1142 •••• ,.. La 4 BA. FR $430,000 E. OLSON ...... 1111, ............ 5 BR. FR. Vu, Spa $485,000 G. ANDERSON ' IU,_., ,, ..... 4 BR. Gtt.houM $550,000 H. THAMER ......... -.u ntl ......... 3 BR. Oen, Spa $579,500 $.EXLEY ..... HMY .... lmllh 3 BR, FR, Oen, Vu $589,000 G.ANOERSON ---ant ..... ~ 3 BR,V6ew $625.000 R. KURTZ unuam 1111 ... -.. 5 BR, FR $719,.000 E. BOWIE ..,.. l ..... .., 8 BR, Vu, PIS $749,500 L. McLOON ..... Nlftll.We._. 4 BR, FR S1,445,000 J. DuBOIS ..... 1Uftll.We._. 8 BR, Fr $2,835,000 L. MURPHY COVER HOME ..... a.-.- Bfg Cenyon manlk>n on the belt lot ov.rlooklng four golf hotel and lake. Ave bedroome, luxur- loua matble mast• bath wfth sauna and ex- erclM room, MVen bathl, paneled llbrary, huge f amity room with wet bar & flreplace, formaJ dining, Incredible ·outlkl• entertainment area with ber~Je and MCluded epa . •••••••• BIG CANYON ...... . ..... Prestigious gated area. Pool & spa, A/C, pan- eled game room Includes wet bar. 3 BR. 3 BA. great location. view. -'un• .. ..,... Unique combination of location. de9'gn and value In this former modet home. 4 BR, family room and gorgeous garden with pool, spa and kol pond. .....,.. ...... Fantastic remodeled and expanded Plan 1. 5 BR. separate master suite, extra large famlly room, large private lot. .. UIYll ........ Stately, private. elegantly handcrafted hatd- wood pa,.,..llng. pool & spa, view of gotf course & lake. A very special home. .. UITll ...... 5 BR custom on golf course. Fresh landecape, pool, spa. entertainment area. 12' beamed cell- lngs. formal dining, breakfast area, hardwood floors. wet bar. PIWaA Ml.,_ Older, charming oceanfront 5 BR, exc.llent location with beautiful sunset vlewa. Com- fortable and cozy, can bulld duplex on this lot. .... llU ...... Sensation al sweeping views of bay, ocean, New- port Center and mountains from belt unit In Lido Park hlgh·rlse building. Full securtty . •WNITll.All ...... R-3 lot In premium rental area. Forever ocean views. Existing units always rented. Beautfful location for new triplex or condo. Setler will hetp finance. Lmllll .... Lido European estate, 75' lot, elegant courtyatd entry. Strada and brick patio surround fabulous 2 story. Formal OR. FR & library. WUT •WNIT 111 .... Forever ocean views! Two 3 BR units. Lower has large patio and bonus room. Corner location. Inside stairwell connects units. WUT •WNIT ..,..,.. Flneet In oceanfront living. Exceptlonaf detail throughout. Recreation room for urMtn(tlng entertainment. Elegant master tulte . OTHER AREAS .,.. ., ..... Bright and clean 2 BR condo with coot, ahady backyard to enjoy aummer barbeeuel. Near shopping. pools, tennis. llll•IW 111 .... Attractive 3 BR home wtth IP8 & 2 petloe. Wafklng dlttanc:e to C1ub De Caza for twlmmlng & tennis. Rural llvtng at Its beet. UIU••ti an.- Dramatic oceanfront condo, 2 BA, 2 BA. furnlthed. One year new decor, atan to beech. breathtaking vtew. A perfect summer home. mnuma a..,.. An etegant estate In Three Arch Bay onty 1 ~ . years old. View of coast, '4 BA, makf a QUa11er1. library, security syetem. Owner wm trade. 2181111 JI-ml lllD, llEW~I BEACH