HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-29 - Orange Coast Pilot' .:i ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1988 25 CENT -Injured-NB di Ver gets millions Confidential payment shocks officials; ~-~w law expected to cut such liabilities By ROBERT HYNDMAN °' .. ....,,... .... The insurance company rep- rest"nting the city of Newport Beach has dropped Its appeal and settled a lawsuit with Jo hn Taylor. the man who sued the city after ht d ived into the ocean off Balboa in 1980 and Nation A memo to Attorney Gen- eral Edwin Meese Ill cited a plan to bribe a top Israeli official to keep Israel from interfering with a $1 billion Iraqi oil pipeline projec1./ AS California New evidence supports meteorite theory for d inosaur extinction./ A4 Coast ,surgeons at Hoag Mem- orial Hospital Presby- terian are ready for Or- ange County's first heart transplant operation./ A3 Index - Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classified A9 A3 A7-8 B4~6 88 broke has neck. The settlement was reached last week, JUSt prior tQ a scheduled hearing before the 4th District Coun of Appeal. said Wayne Austero, the Newport Beach lawyer who rep- resents Taylor. Austero said this morninit that Charges dropped vs. wife of Wisely· Judge concur s that eviden ce ins ufficient in incide n t a t OC J a il By BOB VAN EYKEN °'_....,,... .... Charges of smuggling drugs into the Orange Count) Jail were dropped Thursda}' midway through the preliminar) hearing for Gail Har- n}lgt_on. 1A.1fe of convicted killer W1lhe Ra) W1!>el). . Hamngton. a Newpon Beach resi- dent. was charged w1th smuggling a small amount of cocaine and mari- juana concealed an a markJng pen into the Orange Count) Jail last -'\ugust. The druJ-filled J>Cn was allegedly received b) a Jail inmate. Lance Warner, with whem Hamngton, a law clerk. was consulting on behalf of the American Ci' 11 L1bente\ Union. After a da} and a half oftesumon}. bo\\e' er. Oeput) District Attorne> James Mulgrew told the court he would not be making a motion to band Hamngton 0' er on the charges. "Bastd on evaluating the evidence, we JUSt felt that we c<>uld not prove this case ix')ond the shadow of a doubt.'' said Mulvcw. Judge Jacqueline D. Thomason concurred w1th Mulgrew and dis- m1s~d the case. · Orange Count) Shenffs Deputy Stan Blaszak: the Jatl guard who rePortedly found the drugs 1n Warn- er s posse~s1on. tesufied dunng both days of the heanng. Blaszak t'Old the coun that he had not seen Hamngton pass anything 10 Warner He also said it IA.as not unusual for pens to be left in the that area of the jail. where Warner and Hamngton had their consultation. although a seulement has -been reached, details -including the amount of the settlement -will remain confidential. However. a ne~spaper account published toda}. c11ing an unnamed source, ~ported that the settlement was for S3.75 m1lhon. Austero re- fused to confirm the figure. ''The term!> are confidential ac- cording to ~pcc1fic terms of our agreement." he said. "I won't com- ment-On 11. ·· Austero said he would not have Sky show feared fighting the case before the appellate coun. "'I t~tnk we were still going 10 win," he said, "lb.~I) )l.here are alwa) s uncertainties. ~ By agreeing 10 the settlement. Transcontinental lnsurance Co. will forgo a second he an ng on 1 ts appeal of the September I 9t<-I coun decmon in which a JJJr: ruled that Newport Beach should pa' Ta~ lor S6 million for his IOJUrtes . . The JUr} found 1ha1 the Cit} was negligent in not posting signs warning beachgoers of the surf-related Marian Bergeson. R-Newpon Beach. dangea :.. to spon!>or legisla11on -passed last Taylor. then 18, broke his ned. ~ear -that provides protectton when he accid~ntally struck his head against such lawsuits. unless negl1- on a sandbar wb1le diving into a wave gence "'a" 1n,ohed near the Balboa Pier in Apnl 1980 The ne"' la"'. which became efTec- The acc1d~n rendered him a quad-tl\C Jan I "ould not have efT~ted nplegic. . Ta~ 10 1 ~ t J'><l The co , decmQn shocked c11' ··Th~ bill "'as not retroactive." officials i Newport Beach and ail fkrgt~un \aid this morning. "'Bui the along the coast as fears spread thaT'""Judgi: .!"°a~ ha' e taken It into ac- c1t1es would be held liable for inJune!> cuunt caused by natural conditions. · E'en w . Bergeson said she 1A.as Those fears prompted stale Sen (Pleue .ee LAWSUJT/A2J -Panel probing Kelly 's startd on moratorium Councilman faces conflict-of-interest 'claim on property By PAUL ARCHIPLEY °' .. ....,,... .... The Fair Poht1cal Practices Com- mission confinncd Thursda) 11 1s 1nvcst1gaung a complaint a~nst Hunungton Beach C1t) Counetlman Jack Kell\. The complaint that Kell) was guilt) ofa conf11ct of interest was filed agajnst him in August 1987 b) homeowner Salh Graham Graham charicd that Kell} had eJterted influence on other council members o'er a building mora- tonum \Ote on a prOJe"CI on Mood ~ Circle "h1le owning propen) on the same street Graham said Kelh also failed to report ownership of ihe propen) on economic inter~t forms as required b' La1A. ·The counQI appro' cd a 12-month moratonum on building a fourpleit apanment building at the request of neighbors" ho 1A.ere concerned about traffic and parking pro blems in the area. Although "ell) did not 'ote on the moratonum. Graham called on him to e'<plain his JUSllficauon for panic1- paung m discussions on the issue. Kell\ admmed he had. indeed. failed "10 report the propert~ o~n­ ersh1p sa) mg It ~as due to oversight. He -sard he d1dn"1 purcha5e the {Pleaae eee KELLY/ A2)' Man slain in his home by r-Qbbers By PAUL ARCBIPLEY and ROBERT BARKER °'_.,.., ......... A Huntington Beach man 1A.as shot to death Thursda~ after am' 1ng. home and coming face to face with three men IA. ho IA.ere in the process of robbing has famil) Luis Ramon Rios Maninez. ~6. was pronounced dead at Fountain Valle) Regional Trauma Center where he 1A.a~ rushed after being shot in the head. said Huntington Beach Police Sgt. Bill \an Cle .. e. '" le1 him 1n t 'o'O other men forced their"'a~ in \"an,.Cle'<'~1d .\llthre<' ~am1.d handguns \1antn<'l 1A.1fe and mother-~ere • home as "'<'11 as a neighbor It' ing in the fourplC\. \"an Cle' e said The suspcns s1ole S 1.000 m rent mone,. he s.a1d Maninez amq:·d at home on h a~ motorc\Ck 1A.hen the th~.men were inside 'He tned to enter the house through a gara~ door. but rt was locked. V-an Cle'e said Comics Entertainment Opinion Paparazzi Police log Public notices Sports Weather Date book A6 Datebook,, A3 B6-7 B1 -3 A 2 Harriniton's attorney, David Hai&h. said he expected the charges to be dismissed. (Pleue .ee JAILBOUSE/ A2) A eolltary Buntl.nlton Beach eurf er paddles under a breath- taking aun.et aky. Klld temperatures and partly cloudy e.kies are expected to continue through Saturday. .\ccording to "'11nesses at about 10 a.m. a man knocked at the door of the Martinez homc at ~961 ~oonshado"' Circle, cla1m1ng he "'as making a dehver. When an occupant opened the door He knocked on tht' door and one of thl"' gunmen opened 1t Manrnez tumeeand attempted to flee and was shot on~ in the bad. of the head. \'an Cle' e said \an Cle'e said p0hcr are 1n- (Pleaee eee ROBBERS/ A2) In the beginning the Word , then came Bible Answer Man It's 3:0Jon a Friday afternoon. The live radio program begins in two minutes a nd the star of the show hasn't arrived. Two employees look womed. They'll have to air a prerecorded tape if he's late. At J :04 p_m_ Walter Martin swmg.s his white Cadillac -license plate JUDE 3 -into its parking space in front of the Chnstian Research Center in El Toro. The broad-shoulde~ man strides quickJy throU&h the front door and heads to his office. which doubles as the radio studio. "The fint one (caller) as 1oing to be on in 30 seconds;· announcp Joni Gray. the center's 'public afTaiB manqer. Despite the rush, Martin still takes time to chat about the wonder of the technology Lhat will carry his voice lO m ore than JOO radio stations na- tionwide. EasiRJ back into a welJ-stUfTed anricb.atr and pro_pping his feet up on a cushiop -tt eases the poor cimalation ~in his leas -Manin UNCE lcoont PEOPLE IN THE NEWS swings the microphone into place and begins h is broadcast "h 's 'The Bible Answer Man.· Walter Martin. live over satellite radio across America to answer your questions Monday through Fnday ... and every Saturday night. Our switchboard iull lit up. I'm talking to Mel in Corona. California ... For ~ next SS minutes.. the 59-y~r-old Man:in listens to a barrage of questions from his ca11ers. some of whom arc confused about certain sectlon.s of the Bible -like Mel - and others who challcnsc him on his literal intcrprct.1t1on or the Srnp- hltes. A.n agnostic in his younger years. Manin considered becoming a law., ycr. a profession ht' thought would suit his argumentati ve naturt. Instead he became an ordained minister, but he ·never lost his appetite for matching wits with those ef difTenng views. o\nd there arc many who disagree with him. As an evangelist, Manin considers all religions that do not adhere stnctly to traditional Christian teaching as cults. Mormons, Christian Scientists, Buddhists. Herbert Armstrong's W orldwide Churc h of God . Jehovah's Witn~ the New A.~ Mo,emcnt -these and mort art cults an Manin's book. U nlike the occult. most cults have their roots in Christianity. but som~ where aloni the line they broke the roles ofChnsttanit)'. often by profess- ing allegian~ to someone other than Jesus Christ, Martin says. The occult, on the other band. consists of reHaious poups that practitt some form of devil worship, • (,,__ ... 11181.,S/il) .. ............. ._ Walter lla.rttD, tlae Bible A.Mwer Man.. broadcuta bl.a nadonally 8JD4icated talk alltow from tbe Chrletian Re- eean:b Center ID &J Toro. Mesa man held on three rape charges ., .IONAnlAN VOLD.II _. .ISNNIPEll WDD ... .._ ... _ A Fouataaa Vallry l:Mllin e 1 nan wbo wu 8CXl11fd but ncvet eba,.ed in connection with two rapes au& ~ was lmsted Tbunday oe · • of thole m111a and • ~ involvu'I• womau who waul Y attacted lUt wee Doma 'I. Panichu. 31. was .,... iaaed aftiiihamt ill Cosu Maa aftit a -.mat -.. .._ an ~ ., Municipal Court. said Fountain Va._ &SAUit chaf'IC$ from ral)C'S that al- ley Police Set. Larry Ciritwolcl lcal:dly attum:d tn June. November Potier wa1lC!d outside the homt fbr aed on Jan. 20. offiaals •id. Pln- 25 minu1a before brtakina down the ictias 11.-..y at~ed two of t~ door. •ffc would not ectnowleds be ~ at his F:.ounwn"'Valley bus1- was illlicle. .. mvestiptor l.arry Moit-neu and 1bt tbll'd •• • room at the .,mery o( tlw IM.nc Politic t>epan.. lrvi.nc Hatton.. man iaid. Oriawold aid Ill fll. tt.e dCICd lrvilleand Fountain Valley':'~ victims-two aa.~Mdall· W9fti111 ~Oft -cw. ~ .... -.. , ....... illcidla• '° bim l&lndi!ll near tht dOCMwalo!'~' lidhciritia. • •• iftoil tht wilt ....... '*'.,... Di!llric1 "~~·Ollce ~ PMichas is ecc:u.ted of 14. t0uel drdined to '&Jc ~ •n• Pu- \ Viejo wife freed in ·death of husband By JEl\'NIFER WEBER Of ... O., ........ A M1ss1on V1eJO woman Jailed Tuesda) on susp1c1on of k1lhng her husb3nd 1A.as released late Thursda' after prosecutors dC"Chned to press charg<'S against her Francis Joan L pton. 57. kf\ Or- ange Count) Jail about 9:47 p.m .. Shenff s Lt Richard Olson said toda). He did not kno"" 1f she was accompant~ b\ fam1I). friends or an anornC). The 01StnC1 .<\ttome) ·s office has dechned to press charges against the woman. but the 1n,estapt1oa mto her hu1band's death 1s connnumg. authont1es said. henff s deputies found Alben EUJCne L'pton. 67, crumpled on his Ii' 1ng room floor Monda)'. the ,,ctim of an a~nt bcatin1- But an autopsy indicated the man died ofa mas.stvc heart an.ack. Olson said. Because of c,,dcnct" found 1M!dt the couple's home and St&JU that Upton suffered trauma to his head.. authonttcsanntcd Franos Upto n on suspacion of m urdcr. Oc{lut1es found U pton un· conscious tn the coup&e's .home at 21816 V ta Saruatr JUSt bef()rc mid• niaht Monda)', Olson 11.1d. Upton's wi"k was ukep •hen offi<as am"""- Albctt Upton called autbontia Uionl> before midnilbt ud re- quested that they C'Ol'M to bis ~ Olton SIKl The pho.nc line -Sl dead. bowc,·cr. clunna lbt coovtt1a- uon. A shcn1f1 desk offittt ~ bitk . mo~t$ laser. and u .. ~~:m:=~.:: .(Pinn .. m&Tll/ &a) .. .. . ,_nu.~ .. rail conidor. Officials were looilna fO the •rator ef a rail control tower who d111ppeared fr1>m his post after the a«ident. Amtrak Nia.ht Owl. en route from Washinaton to Bos1on. Authorities reported no deaths from the 12:34 a.m. derailment oflhe 9 The Ni&ht Owl's two engines and lO cars lei\ the tracks after hitting a track maintenance machine caUcd a ballast regulator. 0 LAWSUIT_SETTLED ••• ~Al disappointed that the apPeal will no t be considen::d in coun. "From the start. of course, I felt that the decision should have been the other way," she said. ·~his case simply points out that the bill was indee<fnecded." · Newport Beach City Manager Rob- ert Wynn also said a court decision would have been welcome. "I did personally want it to go to an appea-J, borsince it was the insurance company's money. they bad a right to do what they wanted," he said. '"Bu~ I was a little disappointed." The settlement was negotiated by the city's insurance carrier at the time and attorneys for Taylor. The city, Wynn said. has no say in the agreement. According to Bill Brown, the city's risk manager. Newport Beach was insured by TranscontinentaJ In- surance Co. which provided up to SI 0 million in coverage. with the city responsible for a SI 00.000 deduc- tible. ~ohn Taylor The city is now self-insured:ei Taylor, now married and the father ofa 4-month-old baby girl. could not be reached today for comment at his home in AJ\a Loma. But in an interview last summer, he said it was more im{>Ortant that he prove a point than win a large coun award. "You know, I'm not out for the millions of bucks," he said. 'Tm out for a normal life - a house and everything else that I wouJd have been able to hope 'for before I broke my neck. And I want to raise awareness. Now that I've broken my neck. I want o ther people to know about the dangers." Taylor said that fighting the con- troversial coun Cjlse had been es- pecially trying. ''After seven years in a wheelchair, you pretty much have to put a lot behind you in order to stay mentally hcaJthy and go on with your life," he said. "Otherwise, I think I'd be lying in bed with bed sores, watching TV with the curtains closed like so many other people I've seen." JAILHOUSE LA WYER 'S WIFE CLEARED ••• From Al ••f thmk it was a very forthright and upstandin$ thing for Jim Mulgrew to do," he said ... If he'd known all the facts. I don't think he would even have filed the case." Harrington, 25, said she is still bitter over the drug charges. "It never should have happened." she said. "Those charges never should have been filed.- Hanington. who already has one civil rights suit pending against the Orange County Sheriffs Depanment for allegedly being harassed by Jail officials. said she is considenng a lawsuit against authorities fof wrong- ful arrest. "That would be the next step," she said. "Someone should be made 10 answer for what they've done to me." At the time of her arrest. Har- ringto n was acting as law clerk for her husband. who was nearing the end of his unsuccessful six-year fight to win a new trial in connection wuh the death of his stepfather. Roben Bray. Wisely. a former Huntington Beach resident who acted as his own attorney m his 1982 trial. was con- victed of first de~e murder for killing Bray by rigging a truck cab to fall on him. He was in.wall~ Gail Harrington sentenced to death. In the }Cars following. however. he "as able to ha,·c the death sentence overturnc.>d. and to file a number of m o11ons "h1ch "on him pnvileges at the Orange County Jail, including exclusive use of an eight-man cell, a computer, law books, a law clerk and legal runners. o All that came to an end last month when Wiscly's motion for a new trial was denied and he was sentenced to life without parole and transported to Folsom S\ilte Prison. Jail officials said at the time of Harrington's arrest that they believed the drugs had been meant for Wisely. Both Wisely and Harrington said following the arrest that they believed the charges ~re a ploy to get at Wisely, who by that time had become a well known thorn in the side o f the legal system. Despite her feel'ings of resentment. Harrington said she was happy about lhc dismissal o(the charges. .. Now I can at least sec· m y husband:· she said ... As iong as you have charges pending against you. the California Depanment of Correc- tions will not let you into Folsom. Now I can tell them the charges arc no longer pending." Charges are still pending against Warner, Harrington's co-defendant. His preliminary hearing will Continue on Wednesday. BIBLE ANSWER MAN TAKES CALLS ••. From Al according to Martin. His views rankle the millions of people who belong to what he views as .. cults.·· Martin's recall of the Bible 1s uncanny. As ca11ers begin to recite the Bible, Martin frequently interrupts and finishes the passage word for word from memory. He credits God for a photographic memory. Lori from Granada Hills 1s o n the line. her voice resonating over a small loudspeaker above Martin's desk. She is upset that her husband ts not a Christian and is unwilling to accept her faith and her faults. Martin puts on his marriage counselor's hat. Martin: "He's blaming whatever faults vou had -and-you probabh had them before you were a Chnst1an -he's blaming all these faults on your Christian profession ..... "Let me give you some quick advice, OK. The Scnptures sa) 'Wives be in submission to \Our husband as the church 1s 1n ·sub- mission to Christ.' Live before him a life of exanu>le so that you "111 win him tQ Christ. Pra} for him that the Lord will open his mind and his spirit." Sherry from Chico begins her call with a question about I John. .. Where is the Trinity involved in all this? That confusc·s me ... I've been studying about 11. ·· Martin: "The intent of the passage. I John. 1s not to prove the Tnnll~. The intent of the passage 1s to sho" the relationship lx't"een the Father and the Son . ·· Sherr) tries to interrupt several limes. Manin: .. No" listen. You can't learn if~ ou don ·t listen. nght?" Shem : ·-rm not too much of a listener.<· Martin contines 10 explain the Tnn1t\. Shem listens. But . she can hold out for onh so long. She tells Manin she IS a' member of the United Pentecostal Church. another church Man in C'onsrders a C'Ult. .. , heard \OU tht' other da' kind of maligning them and I couldn't undc.>r· stand "h'." Martin'. "Whoa. "a11 a minute. I d 1 d n · t m a I 1 g n t h e L' n 1 t e d Pentt'costals. \OU kno" ~hat I sa1&" Sherr): ··You said .. :· Martin: .. , said you were thro"n out of the Assemblies o f God m 1915 because you were heret1Ca l. and ~ou were." Sherry: "We beheved m one God . we·re being persecuted just hke the Apostles were." Martin: "But you were put out of the church." Sherry: "There was a split ... Martin: "That's right. You were put out. You are no longer considered pan ol the Chnstian Church.·· The rapid-fire.> conversation is a textbook example of Martin's per· ception of how various Christian sects have strayed from the true path. Sherry: "But that's kind of like the thing that Constantine did to us when he put us in the catacom bs because we believed that Jesus Christ ..... Manin:."You weren'teven there m Constantine's time. The United Pentecostal Church came into ex- istence in the 19th century. Constan- tine "as in the founh centul"\. You got ~our histof) screwed up~ dear. An~ ho". I gotta get ofTthe air beciwse we've got a station break." Despite the argumentative. even hostile. tenorofhis voice. Manin sa}s he holds no malice toward peo ple hke Sheff). "What I o bJeCt to 1s being charac· terized as being some ogre who goes around bashing people." Martin said. "Do I not have the right to dissent"" In fact. Manin sees a problem with members ofhis own faith who are too t1m1d or intellectually ill-prepared to fight for hardline Christianity. "Walter Martin is rocking the bOat ... because . he's saying there is a difference." Martin's show can be heard week· da}s from 3:05-4 p.m. on KKLA 99.5 FM and Saturday from 9:30-11 p.m. on KPZEAM. KELLY PROBED ON CONFLICT CHARGE •.• . . From Al pro perty until af\er he filed the economic interest statement one year. then sold the parcel before the next filing, "so there was a glitch in m y system." • Kelly said the develoi;>ment mora- torium had no economic impact on his property. He aJso.said he felt he had the right to discuss his philosophical opposi- tion 10 actions that affect an individ- ual's propcny. Only in extreme situations, such as "grave·matters of public safety." should a government ORANGE ~ Pilat COAST ..... MAIN OFFICE IJO w~1 8h C:• C ••~ '-"'"' CA enmy place moratonums on pnvate propert¥· Kelly ~id. " He said he assumed the issue before the FPPC concerns his failure to disclose property ownership. ··J don't know what the protocol or procedure would be to rectify that. chastise me or whatever ... Kell) said. Sources said FPPC investigators visited Huntington Beach in Decem- ber to examine records at City Hall. Ho"ever, Kelly said he wasn't a"are of the investigation until he wa .. told ahout it bv rcponers and hasn't been contacted by the FPPC 'Tm not aware of the dimension or the subject of the investigation." he said. FPPC spokeswoman Sandra Michioka said the complaint against Kelly was "pending." "h 's the same thing as an invcstip. tion. but I am not going to say that." Michioko said. • , She also said the commission had not set any time line for completion of the investigation. D•llJ Piiot 0.llHfJ I• OuarentMd ~ <1.1"'" &• ·~to~ C~•• ·~ CA '1f>lt CiaMole(l•O. 642 367& ~ & .0.lll'I 641 4J:• Justcall 642-6086 '-'41~, r. lt• • , ~· not .,,.,.. ~ 1•0tf t. ~:)()~'°''-Qllr1 P'l~ •no1t:iuc., .. ~ -.-.a VOL l 1,N0.21 .. What do }OU like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like~ Call the number above and your me sage will be recorded. transcnbcd and de- livered to the appropnate editor. The same 24-hour answenn1 service may be used to record ktte~ 10 the editor on an~ topic. Con1ributors to our Letters column m ust include their name and telephone number for vcnfiC'ltion. Tellt us ~hat's on )Our m1nd. Se•.,...,.. tl"C s.. ' ti .OU 00 "')I ,.,, • "'' , °"' CO<., Cir r I ,. W ' 10.& .... ~.-"""1,• .-~-fl: Clrcue.tton Tel1p.'°"9e I.AMI ()rA"'P~t .... , U.S. Temps ~,..,. " 20 :::o:.n. II $4 ., 40 .. Le ,.._Yortc Clly 27 11 Albuqu.tque 55 ao Ok!Moma Clly 13 41 ~ 11 -06 OmlN 47 30 Att.nt• 55 32 Otlllndo 51 42 Atlentlc: City 29 18 ~ M 1S Aumtln • 44 f'tloeNll IO 5$ ..,..Ol\8 ,, 41 BeltlmO<• 31 13 Pltt9«MKgh 2t 11 Calif. Tem ps Sell!• ..... • u Blrmlngllam 5t 2f P~.Melne 23 02 .... .,.. II .. " II 8olM 34 21 Pottlend.~. 5S 43 T--V~ 11 .. 22 ::::· IOw '°' 2A ,_. .... 91 5 a.m. T-Boltton 21 ,, Allelgtl 44 5t 11 _...., n 4t Y_,,,..Vly 8uffmlo 24 05 Repld Clly et 35 Eink• " 51 cnan.ston,s.c . 5.2 3t Reno eo S5 ""-" 47 Extel\~ed Charleeton.W Ve 3e 21 Richmond 39 ~~ 77 53 Cllatiotte,N.C. ... 21 St loult 51 u 54 Ohk-oO so 20 Seit Ull• City 21 21 '"-Aot!IM 11 M FeM ~tlnuill Twedey...,.NON 43 :::111::d City $6 41 Clncinn•ll 40 29 San Antonio 70 ., 52 lnUWIOI. lnflt40a. Clevelmnd 25 19 S..ttle 51 45 a.cir-to u 50 Columbua.Otllo 32 14 Spell-41 se a.11"9 . u .. Smog Report Dellu-ft Worth ee 49 SyrllCUM 24 OI 8en 01eoo 11 52 40 Sell Fl'Wldeco 81 6 I 34 25 Deyton Tempe-St Ptrll>g 81 Pollutant ~ 11\dea (Oii)! °"'° o.n-13 M Toe>eQ 5t as a.n ,,_ • $4 ~·100 ---101-ltt -Stod{ton 5t 90 O.MolnM 4·1 31 T~ 91 : High, IOw tor 24 noun enotno at 6 f.tft. ..,.. ...,y w•..-U: aoo Oeltolt 2t 20 TulM ee ....._ . ,. _. ............ ~--· Duluth 11 19 ~ ............ s-ici .. WMNngton.o.c. 34 22 ..._. 74 41 todtY"• pel ~. EIPaeo 45 28 Wlc:Nta 57 4281g ... S2 27 Elle 23 11 ...., 11 " Seel e..tl to~ IMI .•.. U-41 Falt'bllnka ·11 ·2t Tide s ~ IO 41 IMne, Sadilll~ I Iii~ .... ---~ Flagltetl 57 27 IO .. llQuM IMcll ~)...-·-·---·· .. 42 Q,and Rapid• 29 11 CuNwClly 15 IM Loa Angelle Air110t'--······· .. ··· .. -17-42 ~ ., ,. Honolulu 79 • TOOAY Lono~ 1t .. Houlton 75 54 Arlt low 1:31p.m. u::: ., 42 Surf Report ~· 37 28 Secondhlgll 9:2'p.m a.e McwlMbello IO 41 ~.MIM. t3 a& IO 52 Monterey st • LOCAT'IC* ... ...... Jaeonvtlle M 28 L\T\MDAY ....... 12 46 .~ lleectl a-.. .. ~ 21 11 Arlllow t~.lea.m. u .....,,,&Mdt IO 4t "'-MIY·......_, t-4 =a ~City 57 41 :::r. 6:4ea.m. ... Onlano 16 .. 40lll .,,_, Newoot1 1-.. LM Vegee • .. 2:14 p.m. 0.7 ..., 99'1nQa 7' 44 ttne1 s~ . ......_, 2-4 Ul1le Aodc 12 a7 Second hlgll 8:51 p.m. 3.7 P...oene ft u llelboaW«lge 2 .. ... loulllllle .. " ...,.,.... ., . :: ~c:.!:: 1~ ... lwl-•6;18p.111,-&alrdey• ........ dlno n 14 ... Memphis fl .. 1:90 Liii. MCI .... 891*1 91 $i20 11-111. Saft Oe11111i1 81 47 ..... ~., Mllml8eectl ... a Moollrtlel 1111:34p.1n. .... ...,.., a.... Me 7t 47 .... dlrection:w.111 Mlwllul!M H " • 2'.ll a.m. WtCI -Jt8llrl .. 4:56 p.lft. ..... ~ 7'0 ... 8oYlflMlt ROBBERS SLAY MAN IN HB HOME ••. From Al vestiptin~ the possibility tb.at Man mez may have recognized the gunmen. He aJso said police are attempting to find out why the gunmen picked out the Martinez home for a robbery. It's very unlikely, Van Cleve said. that the gunmen ·drove from Los · An~eles to Huntington Beach to rob a residence at random ... There was no G • M l ssile launched VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE (AP) -An unarmed Minute- man 3 intercootinentalbafllstic miss- ile was successfully launched today and flew 4.200 miles to a Pacific Ocean target. the Air Force said. The missile was launched at 7 a.m. and about 30 minutes later its re- entry vehicles were tracked to targets in the Kwajalein Missile RanJe in the Marshall Islands area. according to an Air Force statement. The launch was the I 30th in a series of Strategic Air Command oper- ational tests of the Minuteman 3 weapons system. Air Force spokes- man Capt. Thomas Connell said he did not have any infonn2tion oo how many of those launches had been successful. The launch command was sent by a missile launch crew flying in a Boeing EC-135 aircraft. Airborne launch capability is intended as a backup in case ground-based crews are unable to send launch commands to Minute- man missiles. The launch crew W;lS from the 4th Airborne Command Control Squadron at Ellswonh Air Force.> Base. S.D. flag pole.> there with a message saying. much. 'Rob Me.' " Van Cleve said. Another police source said one of Van Cleve disclosed that police had the gunman who claimed he was a identified one of the three suspects deliveryman carried an invoice and a today. apparentJy though the license plastic attache case when he appeared plate of a 1985 red Toyota Tercel that al the door. The attache case carried witnesses saw traveling south on ropes and other items. appa~ntly Beach Boulevard. intended to bind the victims. The The man was identified as Mario source said that for that rcaion. an Antonio Duran. 21 , of Los Angeles. · assumption was drawn that the Van Cleve said. The license number motive was robbery, not murder. of the car was 2FPW049. Van Cleve said Martinez and the A handgun that apparently other occupants did not kno w the belonged to one of the three men was suspects. found near the murder scene. Van All three suspects were described as Cleve said. But the gun found on Latinos between 20 an.d 25 yea!'S ~Id. Viewpoint Lane wasn't believed to be Lt. John Foster 'Satd the v1ct1 ms 1he one used in the slaying, he said. apparently were Nica~guan a~d had Police also recovered some of the fled the Central Amcncan nation to stolen money. but would not say how escape the fighting there. He aJso ---------·----described them as being affluent. T h ree t o s plit lot~ery priz e SACRAMENTO (AP) -Three players of the state lotto hit all six numbers this week, each winnmg Sl.449.9673. the state lottery an- nounced Thursday. The winning numbers were 11 . 14. 20. I. 30. I 0 and the bonus number was 43. Wednesday's .winning bets wert' plac~n San Diego at Del Cerro Wines & Spirits, at a 7-11 on Venice Boulevard in Los Angeles, and the Casa De Oro Liquors in Spring Valey. Two players picked five numbers plus the bonus to each win SS97, l 18. Five num bers without bonus were picked by 779 players. each winning $789; four by 16,580 for S33. and three by 228. 994 for S5. Fos.ter said the three gunmen mus~ have known something about the family and that cash was being kept there. He said the thieves didn't steal jewelry or other item~. DEATH ••• From Al deputies to come to his residence. but noted the situation .. had calm,;d down:· Olson said. When deputies arrived minutes later. the} found t he man un- conscious. He was declared dead at the scene b) paramedics. Neighbors said the Uptons moved into the quiet cul-de-sac last year and that Albert. apparently an inventor. spent a lot of time ~n Jus garage. Several neighbors said Albert Upto n looked as though he had bttn ill but recently Sttmed to be better. MESAN FACING THREE RAPE CHARGES ••. From Al officials said. After talking with the women, both 18. Panichas would offer to show them around the Harbor Boulevard facility and attack them. Griswold alleged. After talking with the 22-year--0ld woman last week. Panichas walked her to her hotel room and allegedly raped her. Montgomery said. If convicted of all of the charges. Panichas allegedly raped both women and forced each to perform other sex acts at the business. Panichas could receive a maximum sentence of 86 years m prison. Griswold said. He reportedly paid for the airline ticket and the hotel bill in bringing the third victim to Orange County from Las Vegas for an interview. Mont- gomcf)' said. Employees at Pan1chas .. business expressed surprise at nl'ws of the man's arrest, but refused to discuss him or the company. He wa\ being held in Orange Co unty Jail in lieu of '200.000 bail Through the centurtes, ftne wood shutters have b9come synon ymoua with luxury and good taste.· T eday. Heirwood Shutters give an easy elegance to any lntertor from Colonial to Ultra Modern. No othw wtndow covering pertorma lta function with such t>Muty and grac.. Shutters fltter Mght with an lnftntte variety of atytee, r9duoe gaer., btock out heat and cotd, maximize the vtew and expand lnterk>ra wttt'I dean, atmpte Nnee. UnMke other wtndOw treatment'I, 8huttera 1ncr .... your home's value. Wfth Hetrwood StMMr'• )QI mey ctM>OM Louver widths of 1V., 2'h, 3~. Md 4'"· We Mlect the nn.t woodl 9411_.. MCI aftlir a large Mlectlon of colora or ....... 8ftCI .. • hllp you Mtec:t the beat dMlgn for ~ wlndoltl Md atldlng glau doon. Serving Cattfornta since 1953 FOR FREE ESTIMATE Call the office nearest you • • pending his arraignment. Griswold said. Investigators believe there may be additional victims. and ,re asking women who may have beeh involved with the suspect to call Det. KC'Vin McKeown at Fountain Valley Police Department, 965-4465. or Montgom- ery at 6ro-3737. "Our feeling 1s that it's gone on so long there arc probably other victim s out there," Fountain Valley Sgt. Pat Zehner said. .. ' Spring semester lasses slated at Coastline College . Coastline Community College, ·unlike other local colleies. will bc&in its spring semester Monday, ofTeringcol~rcdft classes from three to 18 weeks in lcnJth at the college's Newport Beach Center. 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Courses available include papermaking. water- colors, Japanese, lip reading. memory techniques. computerized accounting. ans and crafts, world geography, Pacific Rim culture. Chinese brush painting., securities investments. legal assisting. real estate investment, creative writing and literature. Mail-in registration forms arc contained in the class schedule available at the five Coastline campuses. Returning students may register b) phone at 241 -6262 and further information 1s a vailable at 241-61 76. Ski fllm at Lagana High .. Ski Time," a film by Warren Miller. will be presented tonight at 7:30 for Junior high and high school students of Laguna Beach and their guests 1n the Laguna Beach H igh School auditorium. Admission is S3 and tickets are available at the cit> rccrcatton department. 515 Forest Ave .. or at the door. Call 497-3311 for ticket information. Violet seminar in CdM Gene Nalbandian. a member of the Afncan Violet Soc1et)·. will present a seminar on "How to Succcssfull) Grow African Violets" this weekend al Roger's Gardens. 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road. Coro na del Mar. The presentations are scheduled Saturda) and Sunda) from 10:30 a.m . to 4 p.m. Call Roger's Gardens at 640-6800 for more information. Computer users meet Orange Coast College's IBM and Compatible Computer User Group will meet Saturda} from 9 a.m to noon in OCC"s Science Hall. The annual membership fee for the group is $20 and '1s1tors are welcome. Call 432-5880 for add1t1onal informatton Alarm course offered The Coastline Regional Occupational Program will offer a new. tu11ton-free course m secunt) alarm S) stem tnstallauon. to meet Tucsda}s. Wednesda~ s and Thursd1t)s from 6 to 10 p.m. in Room 181 of Costa Mesa High School.'" Students must be 18 years old and reside w1th1n the Newpon-Mesa. Huntington Beach. Irvine. Saddleback Valle'Y or Tustin school d istncts. Call 979-1955 for more 1nformat1on or a class schedule. S{llall buslness conferences ~ sen es of frtt conferences w~ll be -0 ffered to small business entrepreneurs Tuesda) n:&}m through March I at the U.S. Small Business Adm1n1strat1on Office. 901 w_ Cl\ IC Center Dn\e. Suite 160. Santa >\na. The d1scuss1ons will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. each Tucsda) a-nd are sponsored b> the Sen ice Corps of Retired Executl\ es . .\ppotntments for free ind1\1dual counscltng may. be made b) calltng SCORE at 836-2709. Literacy tutors' classes Classes will beJin Tuesda) for 'olunte\•rs w1shmg to tutor native speakers m basic English reading and wnttng skills. The 12-hour training sessions will be di\ 1ded mto three-hour increments from 9 a.m. to noon on four consecuuve Saturda}s at the Dana Niguel Library tn Laguha Niguel. Call 493-3800 fo r additional informauon. Friday, Jan. 29 •No meetings scheduled. Monday, Feb . .l • 6:30 p.m. Cotta Mesa City Cou cll, council chambers. 77 Fair Dnvt'. • 6:30 p.m. Cotta Mesa Plaui.D& Commission. S&•dy SetsJoa, Cit) Hall. first floor conference room. 77 Fair Dnve. • 7:30 a.m . Newport Beac• GeeeraJ Pio Otureac• Pro1ram, Oasis Senior Center. Newport. Beach. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 29, 1988 1t A3 Hoag set for first heart transplant · 8 1 Gar.G 1.LElll.X premier hean suriery center. Dunna tht' °' ... .._....... past )ear. Foulke said the hospital lured All that's nttdcd is a heart for surgeons veteran transplant surseons Aidan Raney at Hoa.a Mcmon:i.l Hospital Presb> tenan and ~u&)as Zusman from Sharp Com- o . munuy Hospital in San Diego. The to proceed with l'tf!IC Count) s ~rst r S~on.s. who work as a team. have heart transplant o peranon. Hoag officials completed 79 successful heart transplants said Th~rsda> . at Sharp said Foulke. Hoaa s hean team 1s awa1t1ng a donor • heart fQr a transplant operation on an The hospital also spent approiumatel~ unidenufied. middle-aged man "A hose S80.000tn remodeltngand newequ1pmont heart ls deteriorating. said Peter Foulke. specifically for the fledgling transplant senior vice pres1den1 at the hospital. program. includtnJ a special stenle re- Hospual officials have no idea when a covery . area. said Fo ulke. Anotht'r donor heart will be a vailable. $400.000 has been spent on general The heart transplant would cap }ears of expansion in the past )'ear. he added t>fTort b\ Hoatt to ~ome the <'Ounty's With facihues and the surgical team .. Rwtway rubble read} to go. all that 15 nttdea now 1s a donor heart "So much reall) depends on the a'a1I· ab1ht} ofhtans." said Foulke. ··OM of the biggest problems wtth gettina heans is Just the i eneral al4arent'Ss of tl'le public. The) JUSt don't kno" about it. about tbe need. '"There aro an awful lot of patients 1n Orange County that need heart trans- plants. Transplants aren't experimental medicine an) more. the) 're cfTcct1 ve treat- ment." he added. .\transplant opcrauon can cost between S50.000 to $ 70.000. according to hosp1tal officials. Finding donor heans is the rcspons1- Giant aewage pt~ line the north end of runway at John Wayne Airport a s a Jet preparu to land. County work crewa are in the process of moving sewage Unea and other utilltiea wher e the airport's new termin al and parking atructu.re will be c onstructed. Work will last for another month. b1ht } of t~o reglonal donor organazauons the Los ..\ngeles.-bascd R~onal O rgan Procurement Agen >. which includes donors from Orange County, and the Southern Catirom1a Orpn Procurement Agenq. "h1ch CQ\ ers San Bernardino and .,; R1' ers1de counttes. said Foulke. l 'C'I Medical Center in Orange al)() 1s rrpone,dl ) P,01sed to perform a bean transplant operation as soon as a donor hean 1s a' a1lable The center recent!)' recruttcd Dr. Richard Ott from the l 'n1,ersm of .\nzona m Tucson .. which has a hean transplant center. UCI officials ded1ned to comment on the transplant program ( Donation from gay Baptists rejected FR.E '\O (.\Pl -State Bapttst leader'> h.i' I.' refu~d to accept a S3.000 donation !rum a San Francisco Bap1t1st church "hnl' thl' ml'mbers include unrepentant homo~xuaJ!. Tht e\e<"Utt\t board of the rafifornia· outhern Baptist Con,entton turned do"' n the olTe r 10 the con,ention's Cooper· au'e Program that had ~n made b~ the Dolores Street Baptist Church The-board said 1u dec1s1on Thursda) 'AU ··based o n 1ntcrpretat1on of b1bl1cal pnnctple "'h1ch places the Dolores Street Baptist Church in conflict" 11h and not in s~ mpath~ "tth. the purpose of the con' en-tt on ·· Tht (. ooperall' e Program sponsors m1ss1om. seminanes and othe< church al tt' t11es Dolores treet pastor the Re' Jim Lo"Ader. said the \.Ongreg.atton at his church 1s about 30 percent homose,ual Hr has contended that the Bible affirms homosewal relationships that are faithful. lo' 1ng and canng. He "Aa!. out .... ·f the stale Thursda\. and could not be reached for comment on the board"s al 1ton The Re' Richard ~eel). pastor of tht' Ci rand .\' enue Baptist Church 1n uth an Fran\.1sco "'as among those against u l 1ng thl' donation State senate exempts cities from sales tax .\CR.\ME'-:TO 1 .\Pl -The state Senate has 'otcJ to e\empl local go' ern· mcnts from the \ales ta' but appro-.ed another to \UbJeU them. "Atth e\Cep11ons. to the clcan-14aler requirements of Prop- os1t1on 65 Despite "Aarn1ngs that 11 "A ould help nch agencu:s more than poor ones. the upper house ga'c a 2+5 rollcall Thursda~ to a measure b) Sen Quentin Kopp thal 140uld C\empt maJor purchases made b~ schools. c111cs. rounttes and special d1stncts from the sales tax. "h1ch 1s 6 percent of the purchase price an most pans of the state The e'cmptton. 1n Kopp's 8416. "'ould also appl~ to state agencies until June 30. 19 9 Lawmakers also appro"ed another "-o pp b11l 1ha1 "-OUIJ ll't the' otersdcc1d\' ti statr IQA1 and fcdrral agenl 1es -"tth se' era I e\cepuon' --.hould ha' e 10 meet thl.' requirrm\·nts 0 1 Propos1t1on b5 the clcan-"Aater 1n1t1att'I.' appro,ed in 10 t> Both mea)urcs \\Crl.' ')t'nl to the ~s· sanbl~ Thi.' 'lilt' on the Propos111on fl' bill. 8 264. \\3S '2-3 Kopp. an independent lrom an Fran- cisco. s~ud his 1a' proposal "ould eltm1na1c an "1 llug1car · s~sl\•m 1n "Ah1lh state and IOlal go' ermenl agencies shift around sales la\ mone' and "-Ould sa"e mone~ for tin3.0.CJall~ strapped local go' crnmcnts "ll 1s stupid for one go,ernment enl1l~ to pa~ ta\es 10 another go,crnmcnt ent11~:· he said ··The source 1s the same - th\' 1a,pa~er" He said the bill "ould sa\e cmes S5'' million a 'ear (OUntles S3' m1l11 n ~ix·•1Jt d1stnc1s S5 2 million and ~hool J1~1r11.·ts Sr 2 m1llton The Propos1t1on 65 btll "Aould put on the ~oH·mber ballo1 a proposal fhat "AOuld ntcnd tht>clean "ater antt-tO\ICS requ1re- ml.'nts of Propos111on b5 to man~ of the aCllllnS of IC¥al. state and f('deral agenocs 1n California Propos1tton 65. an 1nittat1\C placed on the ballot b~ en' iron mental groups and Dcm<X ra11c lcg1slato1>. requires the go'· l.'rnor to ''sue a ltst of \.'hem1cals knov. n to cause cancer and prcproductn c problems. and proh1btts putting chemicals on the ltst into dnnl ing "Aate r It also r~uire 1hat "jlmtngs be g1,en to an,one npos.cd 10 chemicals on the ltst £\emptions in the "opp bill ml'.'lude storm 14ater runoff. acuons to protect public he~lth such as the chlonnatton of dnnk1 ng .,ater emergrnC) duch.argcs and rekaS('s from publtcl~ O'A ned S(''A age treatment planh 1'.upp \.ltd the bill ""ould pamall~ close a loophok that "as frrquentb cttrd b' Proix)\1t1on ti5 opponents. while recogniz- ing some ··,ommon sense" eAempttons But 5en \tanan Bergeson. R-1'ewpon Beach. contended the bill 14as premature and that the Legislature should watt unul the propos1t1on·s impact 1s full~ kno"An hl°f orc' apph ing 11 to go' ernment agencies Striking LA nurses sent back to work LO .\NGELE (.\Pl-Count\ nurses returned to "orl earl\ toda\. but labor unrest flared in ne" quaners· as pharma- cists announced a onc-<ia' sickout and doctors\ 014ed to stnkr the count} 's largest mt'd1cal center. A.bout 7 5 interns gathered outside the 1.445-bed Los .\ngelrs Count~ -CSC Medical Center this morning. wcanng their white lab coats and stethoscopes while chanting "T"A o. four. sn. eight. make the count) negotiate .. fei.s10nal union 1'.'ollap\Cd at about 2 a m !\fean"'htlc Los .\ngeles ( ount\ spokes"oman Tob~ \hlltgan said thl.'re "A as no 1mmcd1ate "-Ord o n ho" 'Atdrh the: pharmacists· )tckvut "as being obc.er' cd at count~ ho<;p1tals and health ccnte~ In a temporai: order signed at abc,ut 2:30 a.m . ~upenor Coun Judgl.' \1 inam Vogel legal!~ halted th<.' nurses' stnle a1 the count~ 's rcqu~1. c11mga '"clear sho"' mg of imminent dang<.'r to the publtc health and safet' .. a lOUnl~ spol~man sa id ··\\ e ha ' e bet'n sen ed "'tth a coun ord<.'r and "'ea~ hononng tht' 1nJunct1on .. said Cher \fclnt~re. a spokes"A oman for thC' n IC\' Emplo~c:es lntemattonal l'n1on Local t>60 :'\urses 14 ere telephoned a1 hl~me and 1old to rcpon for dut' \kl"'' ll" ... ud earh toda) but brol e ofT at .., a m afler both sides agreed on o ne ttem The~ "Atre e.\hausted "E'ef)o ne ·~ gomg home to get !>Orne slt•rp The talks "111 resume tomorr014 tSaturda) I at I 0 am . ·· Haight said The stnke b' the Ell. local. "'h1ch n:prl·~·nts the count~ 's more than 5.000 nur.,(''I and nursing supen 1sors. ~µn at 5 a m \\ edncsda~ 10 a dispute o'er "age~ and staffing le' els The doctors 'oted \\ ednesda' night to •••••••••••••••••••.--J stnke the hospital. and talks Sought b' county o ffi cials "llh the doctors prO- \'0gel proh1b1ted union leader' lr\1m p1cke11 ng or perpetuattng the 'itnll' 1n an' 14 a~ and ordC'red nurses to rC'tum HI "l1rl '.\u~s appeared to be comphtng "'tth the order." tth none' 1s1ble on ptl'.'let Im<"<, JI C'Clunt,-L· C Local 660 spolesv.oman ~tit.,, Ha~ght said the union had not set up a <i\Ste m to check. "hether m members "en: com pl~ 1ng v.ith the order Tails "'11h count~ negotiators r\·-.u med Count~ officials SC1ught Vogel's l'.'o un order as the nurses' stnke created "hat upen 1sor Ed Edelman charactenzed as a hcalth-1:arc cns1s 1n Southern Cal1fom1a Pou cE Loe CM woman fights off rape attempt BJ JENNIFER WEBER °' ................ A man who offered to help a woman move alleaedJy tried to rape her Thursday after she tu~ down his offer of assistance. Costa Mesa police sajd. The woman. 25, was mov1na from one apartment to another in a Fairview Road complex. Sat. Sam Cordero wd. A man came up to her and asked if he could hell> carry bolles. She refused his help and he left, Cordero said. The man allsdly then hid inside the aperunent the women wu mov- ina in10. police at<!. tri1De SomeoM 1>9_nched in the door handle ofa 1980 Volk~ Sciroc-ro and stole us 1\CftO while the 'tthidc -as perted in tM 1000 block o( McGaw A"enue bctWttn • Pm. and m1dn11tu Thuflday. • • • A bbct 1986 Che~ AsU'o Van. bccnte number I PVIU71. was stolen from \be 20 b6ock of Auto Center Ori~ between 9-l 0 a.m. Tbul'lday. • • • TM tOtt was ~hect on • 19'S TO)Oll Van 'fl1Ule It WU perted in the At about 3:30 p.m.. the man allegedly came out of h1dmg and assaulted the woman. Potier said she fought back. scratching him in the faC\". He took some money from tht' woman's purse and fled. police said Police surrounded the comple in the 2300 block of Faimew Road. but the man apparently escaped before they got there. Cordero said. The woman was shaken but not in,urcd. The assailant is dcscnbcd as black. 30 ycan old, 5 feet 8 inches tall. ~flhs 170 pounds and has a shon afro haiTCut. He •'ll "Attrina a blue wuform. 4800 block of PaJCO de V qa ~twun 6 p.m. Wednesday and 8 a.m. Thunda)'. The van's stttto and two speaken ~ stolen. • • • A thld'snmhed in thC'willldowof'a Volklwa&irn Golf Tbunday cvm1na and stoic the stereo .,h,~ the car was parbd 1n lhe 17~ btock ot 0..mlef' Street. I s~o 000 bill for shoulder surgef). pohn: said. The man checked into the hospital on Jan. 22 as James L. Kolk. r . of Ul£una Beach.. .Aft.er lea nng the hospital \\'wnesd.ay. a check with the Department of Motor Vehicles and an insurance company showed thal 1he man also goes by lht' names of J im \'an Belt. James Vanderkolk and James Tice. said Laguna Beach Poll('( Lt \\'1lham Ca,enaugh. • • • Pohce at I : 14 a.m . Wednesda' f~ a dog that was stuck in the roots of a large tree near St. Ann's On' e and Ga\ iota Onve. Buntlnfton Beac~ T140 bags of_what appeared to be cocaine.. al~ly v.-ere found If\ a pocket in clothing left for.cleaning at Pnme Cleaners. 9932 Hamilton Ave. Officers tested the material and found it to be cocaine. reoons inchcated. . ' . Thte"cs u~ bolt cunen to re- moH~ a lock lo the tack.room at Huntington Crest st.ables. 6902 Ellis A "c .. and stoic S l.300 worth of horv nd1n1 ~u1pmcnt • • • BuraJars entered a home an tilt' 8000 block of Ma)or l..aM thn>ush a front sl1dtnf •1ndow and ,.ote an SIOO tCle\'1 ton set and v'Mkoca~Ue tteonkr and a $200 camera ••• Someont tnteftd a home an the 8000 bk)(t or fton Cirdt throuah an uft.i«Md fton& door ud Mole a l'l50 <Oml*\ disc pla)-er and 11 compect dtl( &aptS • • • Thtc\H Siok SI~ equipment varucd ., s t.000. tOinputtr ~ ment val\Kd at SS. -and a~u'°. Newport Beac h mC'onl.' '\Wle a 3 ~mm amera and a ~uttC3se lOnta1n1ng clothing. JC14· <.'In and other items from a blut' 19 J Bu.1rl l ' larl parl ed Tuesda~ night on \\ C'St 15th treet. The '1ct1m esumatt>J th\' io<;s at$~. l "''.! • • • .\ "andal tirol r fi\C globe hght fhtun:<, and poured black tnk on the carpettng vf an apanment on East Ba\. rau'l1ng an estimated S650 damag\'. the apanment manager told pohcc \\ l-dnesda) Tht' 'andal ap- parcnth cntcrcd the empt) apart- ment b' bll"almg m throu&h a shdmg glass door • • • Threc s1a1ned-llass windows. togl'lhcr \\Orth an estimated SSOO. "<'re stolen Wednesday ni&ht from a pragc on West Balboa. the v;ctim told police C09ta Meea i\ S600 sterc.o s tcm v.a tolcn betv.een 3 4S p.m and 4:05 p.m Thul'5da) from a car parked 1n the 2200 l'>lod. of Founta10 Wa) East • • • An tmplo\tt 1s ~ltd of steal· 1ngS 1.5~~ \\ortb oh.1hcr-vt.d1sbcs and tables from a part) rc.n~ 1-- nmtTht' theft Last •ttkcnd • at lhc rompan) • "AvchoLUC m 1100 bl ., of Baker trttL • • • Someont •ho rnttd a Sl.SOO cement m1ur 1n Jul) is~ of hi\ 11\1 SIO~ lhe mad\tnt. Wonm at Red· E-Reata.Ls. 207 ~ Harbor Bou~ ard. h.nt tned c:alh• and nh"I the man. but he appamul as noi at the idcfrns he p~. ' • • • ~ Michigan man gl'I a rude wt'lcome to Caltfom1a "'hen someonc stole $800 "AOrth or \amera equip- ment from his rental lar v.h1ch ht' -was unl03d1ng at 3 motrl • • • .\ man from Orange left tv.o Porsche Q 11 s 1n ~torage a t \,ewpon Sports Cars 1n ~ptrmti«. g1vt ng o rders not to mo' t the cars In late Dettmber. he told police he s.a~ the two parked tn the sho" room On Mooda). he sav. thCf'O parked an front of the business. When he wtnl to ch('(.'k on the cars.. the custom ba l scats in one of them allttedh had been removt'd and repla""'1 "A1th facton ~ats The loss ... esumatC'd at S500 • • • .\ L l'"-ta Mesa man on Tuesda' allc-g('dh bit and choked lhe womar 14ho li'c' v.1th him in the 1000 blod. of \t1sMon Dn,e. • • • ..\ gun "a .. stolen last weekend 1n thr 00 blcxl of Center Street The v.eapoo ~-as 'aJut'd at $422. 92 • • • .\ Ro binson's emptoyee was ar- ~ted Tuesda-on suspicion of crand theft The 2l·)t'&r-Old Huntmr.on Beach man alleged!) rang up 16 alSt' return~ cred1ttng them to an ~mcn­ can upress acx-ount. .<\n investt.p - tton b} the department stol"t' 1n- d1C'3ted the account number he was crt'dttmg "Aas actual!~ a subaccount of ht 0 " n .\menc.-an E~prcss ca.rd Cycle passenger clinging tolifeaftercollision in HB f By ll08EllT BAUD ............... ~ pa.SStnJCr on a motorC')de that struck a laf'l'C tNCk a.nd tractor,. ,n the d v.-nto•-n area of Hu•rinl'on lkKh late Tb.ursda) rcponcdt) ~ be1na kept ah\e •oda) on hft 5uppon S) tcm Pobct wd f&n\ll) membm or ~pbtn ~. Culj • o(Hunt1nston 8cacb ha'~ made arra.namtnt to donatir ~S of tile iC\'tttlY ir\jured man to other petlCDts. 0.tias was ndi• on tbc bed. of a ~ 4riw.. by lkmant J. Bn<tatman. 25. ofHununaton Beach either man was wanna a helmet when the motOf'C')'<'le pulled awa from a red lttht and tl'\lek a t 'f>bttl tNC~ and tractor as 1t was m.ak•• 1 left tum from Paafac Coest Hilt'lwa) onto 17th treet. The tna ... malu" the tum on a IJ"tt1\ am>•. pobcr 5&1d. 9nd1tmen. ~ho a.rTCSled on • usptOon of klon drunken dri~• .. •as ~nrd in aood condition toda} 1t Founwn Valle)' Communit~ Hot-petaL .• IU~ ~ bead in- JU~ -• I .. --~---r- Contras anil Sandinistas ~estJme ~ace talks warily SAN JOSE. Costa Ria. (AP) - Hampoed ~ mtStrust an J conflict-inJ p1s. Nacarqua's le~\ist Sand- inJsta aovemment and Contra rebels resumed direct talks today in the · effort to end their six-year c1 vii war. Neither side issued a statement before beainning the second round of neaotiations. Roman Catholic Monsivior Bosco Vivas, the auxiliary archbishop of Manqua and the mediator. de- scribed Thursday's first meeting as cordial but admitted "the task is difficult.·· The two sides ended their first . round of face-to-face di,cussio~ Thursday night after slightly more than three hours. Viva5'said each side asked for the recess to consult with advisers and prcperc responses to the opening statements. ,,. He said the talks would end this afternoon and that further meetings would be scheduled 1f there appeared to be any hope of progress. The Nicara~uan government rep- rnentativcs said the} wanted to hmit the talks to the mechanics of a cease~ fire. The U.S.-financed Contras de· manded discussions on what the) contend are the social and political causes of the war, which has killed an estimated 40,000 people smce it bc&an in November 1981 . kiding on the negotiations as the fate of a $36.25 m1lhon Contra aid request submiued 10 Con~ss b~ President Rcaaan Wednesda). The White House 1s anucapaung a narrow vote next ""et'k on the proposal. Chief Wh1te House spokes- man Maritn Fitzwater has acknowl· edged that defeat would spell the end for the Contras. The Sandmistas offered a shghtl) revised version of a negotiating position first ou1hned b) President Daniel Ortega dunng a ,·1s1t to Washington last Nov. 13. That proposal calle.d for a cease-fire from Or_tega asks pope's support • VATICAN CITY (AP) -Po~ John Paul II received President Daniel Ortega or Nicaragua today. stressing the need for pea~ in war-torn Central America and the rights of people to live .. under the prindples of a re~J democracy." The pope. who heard Ortep sharply criticize U.S. "imperialism" at their last mectanJ fi ve years ago. peeled the ~ident of the leftist government with the usual diplomatic honors. but in a cool manner. At the end of their 30-minute private talks and a 10.minute exchange of gif\s before photoaraphers. the pope wished "~ace for all Nicaraguans .. and Ort~ replied: ··1 beheve we must make pea~. ·Th~ pope and Onega spoke in Spanish without inte~ters. The Vatacan communique said Ortep explatned to the pope the prospects for peace according to the Central American peace. plan and "asked that the Hol)' See encourage this process... · Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro declined to say whether Ortega specificall) asked the pope to put pt'C$Sure on Washington to stop aiding the Contra rebels who arc battling his leftist Sandinista government Ortega·s request came as a delegation from his Sandinista government began the first direct peace talks with the Contras in Costa Rica. · March 15 to Apnl 15. Thursday the government said its arm) would halt offensive operations March I to gj ve the Contras time to move into thrtt cease-fire zones in northern. central and southern Nicaragua covering about 4,500 square miles. Inside the1ones, theContras would be permitted to retain their arms and to receive food. medicine. clothing and other humanitarian supplies from the International Red Cross or anr other recognized international rel aef agency. At the end o f the cease-fire period. the Contras would be expected to hand over their arms to an inter- national commission. accept an amnesty and return to civilian life with full constitutional guarantees. ''This is a real insurance poltcy, because it allows them (the Contras) to receive aid and remain intact as a military force dunng the cease-fire period." said Paul Reichler. a Wash- ington auorne~ acting as a technical adviser to the Nicaraguan negotiating team. While in the cease-fire zones. Reichler said. the Contras would be able "to Stt with their own eyes that the Nicaraguan iovemment is em- barked on an irreversible course toward full democracy." But Jaime M-0rales,-the-chief C,on ... tra negotiator. said any promises br, the Sandioistas .. lacked credibility · and suggested the best insurance policy "would be full. irreversibk democracy.. before any truce. not after. "We understand there's a great deal of mast rust here.·· said Reichler. "We understand that the Contras don't trust the government. and the op- posite as true. too; the Sandimstas don't trust the Contras." For their part. the Contras asked thegovernmentto agrccto I 7changes in Nicaragua·s constitution, as first proposed several months ago by the internal opposiuon in talks with the Sandinistas. Shultz protests beatings of 3 Americans by Israeli soldiers JERUSALEM (AP) -lsraelt soldiers battled stone-throwing Palesunaans 1n scattered protests after Moslem pra)ers today. and police arrested six worshipers who raised the outlav.ed Palesunian flagat Jerusalem's maan mosque. In another development. Secretaf) of State George P. Shultz telephoned Prime Minaster Y1tzhak Shamir to protest the alleged beating of three Americans by lsraelt soldiers. Israel arm) radio reported. A Shamir aide dented the repon. U.S. Embass) officials refused com- m ent. The three U.S. citizens. West RABBITT INSURANCE FO R 30 YEARS! Bank residents. have filed a com· plamt v.1th C .S. consulate offi cials. Sca ttered clashes were reported after noon prayers an the oc~up1ed \\-est Bank and Gaza Stnp. After 'iolent protests. the arm) imposed curfe""s on a distnct of Gaza C1t\ and the West Bank refugee camp 4-1 Aman. The anu-occupa11on protests began Dec. 8 an the West Bank and Gaza Strip, v.hach Israel seized from Jordan an 196 7. Israeli gunfire has killed 38 Palestinians an the violence. accord· ing to U n11ed :'\auons figures. In an interview with The -\s- sociated Press today. Shamir de· fended the beatings of Palesunaan protesters b) the army and police. He said that although there have been some exceptions. Israel's poltcy is to use .. reasonable force"' to end the RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. violence. In Al Aman. about eight miles nonh of Jerusalem. soldiers hurled tear gas at about tv.o dozen )Ouths v.ho had erected bamcades of burn- ing tires and O\ en urned garbage bins. After imposing the curfew. soldiers patrolled the empt~ streets. banging on doors "'1th their truncheons and shouung; "Sta) inside:· At Jerusalem's Temple Mount. about 100 )Oung men and women shouted anu-lsraeli slogans. raised the Pales11n1an flag and threw a fev. sto nes after noon pra)ers at the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosques. About 6.000 worshipers attended. police said. The Moslem prayer leader had urged people to disperse peacefull~. saying they should not give police an excuse to intervene. Second opinion on heart attack, a5ipirin offered LONOON (AP) -A six-year study of more than S.000 Bntish doctors pubJjshed today found no evidence that men who take aspirin daily can reduce their risk of hean attacks. The research appears to contradict a study of about 22.000 U.S. docton reported this week that sugests aspirin taken every other day c:an cut the risk of heart attack by 41 ~rccnt. "In contrast, the unprom1sin1 re- sults of the trial in the United • Kingdom suggest that prophylatic Panamanian (protective) aspirin had no effect." said the rcscarchen at Oxford Uni- leader hit versi ty's Radcliffe Infinnary. The researchers pointed out. how- • e'er. that the U.S. study found about over drugs three ti mes as many non-fatal heart attacks as the British study. "so the posiuve result from the United States WASHINGTON (AP) -A U .S. carries more weight than the null senator accused Panamanian strong-result from the United Kingdom." man Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega For that reason, the collective today of turning his army and his results might indicate the benefit to count!) into a "giant criminal ex-middle-aged men of taking aspirin ercise." daily might be to reduce the risk of eo-Alfi D'A R N y non-fatal heart attacks by about one-.xn. onse mato, -. .. h. .... h .0 fi d .d speaking after a conviCtecfKmciicari-t •r~. -t e " or ~eam w · (deaths from strokes and heart at- tacks taken tottther), and both sua- sest some increase in the number of strokes," the rescarchen wrote in the British Medical Journal. The U.S. study, one of the larwest ever carried out. involved 22,071 male physjcians. Of the 11 ,034 who took aspirin every other daf., I CM had heart attacks. The other I ,037 d<» 1ors took a placebo, 189 had heart attacks . The British study involved S, 139 doctors over a six-year period from 1978: Among the 3,429 who tt>ok aspirin daily. 148 died from bean attack or stroke. Among the 1.7 10 who did not take aspirin. 79 died of heart attack or stroke. ··Although the death rate amol\I doctors in the British study who took aspirin was 10 percent lower than among those who did not. it mainly involved diseases other than heart attack or stroke and was not statistically significant," the article said. Moreover, there was no significant difference in theiocidenccoCnonfatal hcan .attacks .and .sl(o~e. ~t~n .l~ ... groups. In fact. the research team said. disabling strokes were slightly more common among those who took aspirin. drug smuggler told a congressional "At pre~nt, neathet the United heanng tllat he gave Noriega a States nor the United K.in~dom trial $300.000 cash bribe, said he expected results suggest any reducuon what· charges o f money laundering, drug e\'er in overall \8SCular m ortality trafficking and possibly arms smuggl---------------------------• mg to be filed in Miami. o ·Amato did not say whom he expected 10 be charged. But. he said o n "CBS This Morning" that ··Nor- iega has been involved in these activ111es for a number of years." Tes1ifymg al a congrcssaonal hear- '"S Thursda~. drug trafficker Steven M 1chael Kalas said N oncga borrowed a corporate jet from an American drug smuggler to fl y to Washington for a 1983 meeting with President Reagan. · Kalish said Noriega was a "full- scale co-consptrat~" in an elaborate scheme to ~under profits from Col· omb1an marijuana and cocaine deals throuih Prnamanian banks. Kahsh is nov. serving an eight-year prison term. He told the Senate permanent mves11ga11ons subcom· mi nee that he chost Panama as a safe ha, en for illegal drug profits m 1983 because of its stnct bank sccrec't' laws. and qu1ckl) found Nonega to· be an eager business partner. Nonega has consistent!) denied allc-gat1ons of v. rongdoing. Lebanon hostages reported alive, well BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) -The nation's highest Shiite Moslem clenc said today he was cenaan that all the foreign hostages held 1n Lebanon are "alive and well," including Anglican church envo) Terry Watte. ~··tte is the most alive among them:· said Sheik Mohammed Mehdi Shamseddin. head of the Supreme Shiite Council. which gov- erns the sec t's religious affairs. He did not elaborate. Shamseddtn made the remark ~ur· 1ng an an ten 1e" w11h The Associated Pre~ in response to a question about a claim rccenth made in a West German counroom that Wa1te had be~n killed b) has cap1ors. Shamseddin. 53. 1s a moderate"' ho commands the respect of both Iran and Syna, the most mfluentaal Middle East powers in Lebanon. .~ Waite, 48. vanished Jan. 20. 1987. m west Beirut whale on a mission to negotiate the release of hostages. No group has _claimed responsibility for his abducuon. Alain Mousa. a Lebanese inter- preter at the kidnapping trial of Abbas Ah Hamadi an Duesscldorf. West Germany. told the court Tuesday that he had obtained information that Walle had been killed. Mo usa quo ted a Lebanese Shiite informant as telli na him the lodnap- pers murdered Waite because they thought a heart pacer he had was an electronic device sending out signals to lead to his hideout South African plane wreckage found PORT LOUIS. Maunttus(APl-Thewreckageofa South o\fncan A1rwa)'S j umbo jet that crashed m November and killed all 159 people aboard has been found an the Indian Ocean at a depth of 14.400 feet. the U.S. Embass} said today. The embassy said the mformat1on came from U.S. Na' y Capt. To m Ingersoll. who heads a team helping South African searchers with special sonar scanning and {>hotograph1c equipment. The embassy had indicated parts of the Boeing 747 "ere located 1oda\. but the South African Depanment of Transpon. "h1ch made an announcement about the plane 1v.o hours after the embassy. said the find actuall) "as made Thursda). The cond111on of the I I hvman remains and debns found dunng a five -nation search of the sea immediately after the crash 1nd1cated there had been an explosion. .$. officials said the Navy helped South Africa because 11 has equipment the South Afncans lacked. They said South Africa ""as paying the NaY) for its services. but the> dad not knov. how much. WW! ,_ .... c.ri lltfe! 1'22 Ullll IUI .. CISTI •SA-541-1155 Senate halts AIDS link to life insurance DON'T J UST GO THROUGH IT-Divorce,,GR OW THR OUG H IT! Reco • Six Thur'-Ua\ E\i>n111~'­ ~ery Feb. 11rh. \larrh 1:-th Oi er 4.000 hai·e atr 1•ndPd \Xbrkshop 14 prmous "orhhop· ·T . A '\UHE\1 "S P R ESB\ TER I..\'.\ Cll l HCll \l:.\XPllRT BE\Ctl ~1 \\[)REW~ H I 5TH ~T -\rr~ lrom \t"f"'l'I 11. I• lt11h $:?0 11,~ .. rr111op fot morf mform.auon. rd <d J .:,!885 9-S \fon -fn ~----------- SHOE SALE VPTO 50%0FF WOMEN'S ... ,.Tron.. Pe ·IJo ............... MEN'S F11s1•11v, ••=•t ... odael'e ld«ted style$· broken sizes -all sales final Monday rbrouah Friday. 10-9 S.turday, 10-6. Sunday 12-5 .. . -: ··-~ r . . . ---·., . ~ . . ' ~ 1 . I ,.•, .. 41 _. .J; SAC' RAMENTO (AP)-The state Senate has killed a bill to allow the insuran« industr) to den) hfc insurance to AIDS-infected people. b} making Al OS testing a condition of coverage. But the upper house advanced to the Asscmbl) measures under which pregnant women could delete the AIDS part ofthe1r routine prenatal tesllnJ. and thous.ands of prison inmates would be examined fo r the deadly disease. The measure. SB 1432. was narrowed b) amendments for:gcd dunna discussions between Doolittle and opponents, principally Sen. 'Prest· dent Pro Tern David Roberta. 0-LosAngeles. Even w11h the amendments. the bill failed 17-13. with 21 'Otes required. lacked assurances that counsclin& would be pro' 1ded for people notified of positive test results. Doolittle argued Ulat tnc measure was needed to help control the cost of insurance premiums. Cnt1cs said the prqnancy test bill, SBI003. v.ould encourage women who lest poSJtive for the AIDS 'arus to have abortions. a nouon that Doolittle angril} rejected. The Senate approved the bill Thursda)' 1n a 23-4 vote. All three measures were introduced b) Republtcan Sen. John Doolittle of Rocklin. Roben1 said the amendments came as a result of concerns that the government would end up pa} 1ng the health care costs that the insurance tndustl) would ha'e a'oaded under the measure. But the amendments did not address other conc;erns, Roberti said. such as the impac t that a false report of positive results might have on a person's life. "All this bill does is provide necessary info rmation about AIDS." Doolittle said. But Sen John Garamendi. 0-Walnut Grove. disagreed, contending that women who know they were AIDS-infected might dcci~ to have aborttons. fearin4 that they would pa~isease on to their offspnng. The bill that would have allowed AIDS antibo<i} tests to become a condition of life insurance. 1n its original form. would alSQ have allowed tests on people seeking general health care coverage. Sen. Art Torres. 0-Los Angeles. said the measure would set a dangcrous orecedent and Acid rain linked to . - death of dinosaurs LOS ANGELES (AP) -T iny fossils with excess strontium suggest dmosaurs and man) other species werT wiped out by intense acid ram caused by a huge meteonte that hll Earth 6S mallton years a.go. says a study published today. The study b) Scnpps Institution of Occanop-aphr geochemistJ. Doualas Macdoupll "1s the first piece of really tantalizjn1cv1dcn~ for this hu~ acid rain event:· said Ron Prinn. a Massadluscus Institute of Tech- noloay atmosphcnc chemist who helptd develop the acid-rain theory ID 1982. But Kevin Padtan, a p1lcontol01Jst at UC Lkrkeley, disputed the theory. 1r1ntcntc acid rain rally fdl on Earth. .. why do the fish 90 throuah un· tcatMd? Why do the lmrds, amphi- bians, snakn.. crocod1"" birds and tunlcsr· he asked. Prinn arautd that qp in under· around burro--s COU-ld have wrvived the downpour of hi&hly COfTos.i,·c IC1d. Many ~ xicntius •nd seof· oams suppon I.ht COllb'O"aMI the- ory that a pant mNOritt or lhowa' of meteorita siNCt tbr Eanb 6S milbon yean 119, t.....,.... mall UllDCtion b)' kkkina up dust that blocked sunliabt, muina the plaMt cold and dirt and kiJli~ food planu. Ot~n SI) intrntt hat aim. oft"by the mctcontc 11 ii plunfe(f throuah the atmosphere made oxygen and nitrogen react to form nitrogen ox- ides. which mixed w1th water to make acid 111n that either directly killed many creatures o r destroyed their food. Some of those who dispute the metconte th~ory argue dust and Jas from catastrophic volcaruc eruptions blocked sunh.fht to cause mau ex· tinction. Padaan and many other biologists and fossil «pens believe gradual evolutionary 1nd climate char\IC$, not catastrophes. ~ tt· sponsible. Macdoupll al\81)'lcd the raultS of several previous nuchcs or the proportion or strontium...S7 in the fossihzrd shells of tiny oca11-Roatina orpn1sms caltrd forams. He bind strontium-87 lt¥Cts were ....... dur- ins. masuxtinctlOftl I.Mt occ\lfTed 6S m11l10n, 94 m1Uioa and 22S milhon )'e'IRlllO-• The ftDda .. published todly in the journal Science. suppon the ICJd.. rain theory btcame tcvete acid l"llD would hll vc hnirned erosion of n'.)(k.s rich in strontium-17. •h~h ~ hive ~ to tea and bttn 1n- corporatfd into fonms' lhtlts. The ,.in ··-. n conot1~ u bianery arid.'' he uid b)' tdephont from la Jolla .. The bfthly acidtt nun o-..er a prnod of 1 couple )an miald ccna1nh hive contnbUtld to-some of th~ txl1nct1on ·• • Death sentence review first from new liigli court By Tk AllOdate4 PrKI SAN FRANCISCO -The state Supreme Court's decision to rttonsidt>r the death scnten~ o(a man convicted of shootin11 store c~rk marts the fint time the new conservative coun has llJUd to reconlldcr a death sentence it bad upheld. The death sentence of Ronald Lee Bell. 38. convicted of mul'dcr committed durina a $30,000 jewelry theft. 1s one of four the 00\ln bas upheld out of seven 1t has c:onsi<kf'Cd. ~ vote by four of the Kven justicn was uneitpected in l~t of the 6-1 vote that upheld Bcll'5 death sentence on Dec. 3. The order granuna 1 rdlcarina was ~ by Justice Allen Broussard. tht> dissenter in the oriJjna.I drasion, and by Just1ca David Eqk$on. John Araucllcs and Marws Kaufman. ~fcnK lawye" who petiuoncd f'or the reconsideration claimed the coun had impropcrlf rt)«ted Bell's claim that jury selection in Contra C05t..a County ll racially b1atcd. Jlany owed aacJalmed mUlloa• SAN FRANCISCO -Wb.lt do Pttsi<knt Ronald R~n. fonner prc1adcnt Riobard Nixon, the Un1vtn1ty of California C1ass of 1902 •nd the San Francis.co Bay Arca Puppcteen Gu.lid have in common? TMy arc among thotc owed m0te than SJOO mallion 1n unclauncd Califoml8 KCOUnt.s and targets of a new "Claam What's Youn" prosram initiated by state Conuolkr Ony Olvis. "My job is 10 ftod dte rill"tfbl ownus and 1111'1'1 Ova' l.M moocy to them,"· he s.atd in a DrWS confctentt Thunday. A t'ampaian was launched b)' the controltcf's ~ in nud.Jufy and the new toll-f'n:.c number. 1..80().992~ 7, ... put in ~in Deumbtr Since theft. $2 million bas bttn ~urned to~ 10 percent o( the people caJltna ia. Oavts sud. The monq is in •.U. Cbectint acc®nts. siocks and bond$. 1nsuranct proceeds.~· wt ~ depolin and 1nbmianm lbat hllvc pc unclaimed a• C--.ia faunaal inMttUUOfti ror more tha.n sc-vcn )U11. Jet f1611ten cru.IJ; oae pUot d•d INDEPENDENCE -One pt lot pal'IC'huted 10 •fnY. bUt the f ttty c:ruh of two F-A-11 Henn Jtt rie.wn over the 5'ena NevNI ltft another vC1lT9n pilot dt.lid. nt IWO $2) mtllion )C1 f'Shttn ciubtd at 10:20 1.m. ifhur'litay diri• a .,...ina lnis.tion over Ulit mou&aaas. Thi~ OltbiC Pllina ns found •t the beK of the foothills. about IS m11ci 80Utheut Of lb11 eastern Siem town and about 17S miles north ofl.bt necta. ~ , -----------c-------------,-~---........ -,...----_..._,.._..,...... __ ~-----~-"""!"'"_...~ ......... -------.... --.... ml!llllllll!ll' ............ Utah clan Dieml>ers charged in bombing MAR.JON, Utah (AP) -Five polygamist clan members were in jail today and their leader was in serious con~ition with gunshot wounds after a 13-day standoff ended in a gun battle that killed one law officer. The clan's matriarch, Vickie Sina- er. tcarf ully pleaded innocent Th~rs­ day to four fedqal charges stemming from the Jan. 16 bombina or a Mormon chapel near the fenced ip compound where the clan lives. In January 1979, Mrs. Singer's polygamist husband, John, was shot by police after they had cone to the com~und to arrest him. .Vias , •••• Orange Coast DAi!YPILOT/F'riday. anuary I " Memo links Meese with bribery2plot on Israeli··official WASHINGTON (AP)-A memo foreign officials and n specifies tkat to Attorney General Edwin Meese III the anorne) general may take I~ from a lon~ta fnend cited a plan to action to stop a v1olat1on whenever 1t bribe a top sracli official to keep appears that the law is about to be Israel fro interfering wnh a S I brol..en balhon Iraqi 011 papehne prOJCCt. However. 1t wasn't known 1f any sources familiar with a cnm1nal pa~ ment to an lsraeh officiaJ was 1nvest1gat1or1 of Meese said toda>. ·actuall} made or attempted. An attorney for Meese denied .. Since the .... p1pehne project was today that the attorney general did pnnc1palh a subject involviDf an) thing wrong. whale a lawyer for the . for.eagn rdauons. Attorney Gene1') friend. E. Robcn Wallach. dccijned Mttse had \'Cl') hmated involvement comment. . 1n discussions concerning it. ".Nat~ At tbe Whue House. spokesman Le"1n. one ofMccse's attorneys. said Marian Fitzwater said Reagan .. has toda'. full confidence in Ed Meese." He said ··tie acted correctl) and with full Meese has never offered to step aside and pro per execution of bas duties _in because of the 1nvest1gat1on th1~ regard. No actual o r potcoual Independent counsel James C '1olat1on of law was brought to Mr. Has brother, Harald, who was not a clan member. said Thursday's dawn shootout had g)ven the clan what it sought: "National media at\,ention, a platform for their religious dogma and bloodshed ... Vlckte sm,er (left), widow of •lain poly&•· Beldl Swapp. wives of wounded leader mtat leader John SLncer, and Charlotte and Addam Swapp, ~e carted off to jail. McKay. who 1s 1n,esugaung Meese ~teesc·s attenuon dunng his limi~ed 1s focusing his probe on the memo. pan1c1pa11on in d1scuss1ons regarding allegedl) wntten in 1985. said the the project.·· Lew1n said. 1 sources. who spoke on cond111on of The attome' said Mccsc had told anonym1t). The e:1.1stence of the the independent counsel everything memo was publtcl~ disclosed in he ~no"s about the project and has today·s ed111ons of the Los .\ngeles answered all quesuons on the subject. Times. This morning. Meese avoided rc- Pedera1 authorities defended their decision to go in after Addam Swapt>. His wi ves -Singer's daughters ment of Corrections. the clan leader who had declared has Heidi. 23. and Charlotte. 19 -and The nine Swapp and Singer chal- 21h ·acrc mountain ho m estead his brother Jonathan Swapp and John dren. all unharmed. were released to outside the authority of the law. Timothy Singer, 21 . were charged as the custody of Swapp's parents. FBJ pedal weapons and tactics acce5sories to lhe bombing. The four Ramon and Harriett Swapp .of faar- to capture the bombing appeared before a U.S. magistrate view in central Utah. .. ;. pee e .. walk"t(ffto-mrgonshed ··wim ··Mrs:·Sin1tr;·bat·entCT'Cd ··no··· "l:lntil Thursday. authonues had toward the log house. but the team's pleas. All five were held wi thout bail ruled out an a rmed assault for fear of attack dog hesitated in its run at until hearings Monday. harming the children. six of whom are Swapp and its handler was k.illed by a U.S. Attorney Brent Ward said a 6 oqounger. bullet fro m the house. said FBI agent federal grand jury would hear FBI psychologists dC{'.ided. how- Cal Clegg. e vidence on the siege and shoot-out ever. that nothing would alter Swapp, 27, was shot by an FBI next week. Authorities did not sa} S1.1.app's belief that onl) an armed agent and was listed in serious but whether they would pursue murder confrontation would bring about stable condition today at the U niver-charges under state law or whether Sl'h~ers ··resurrection," authontaes sity ofUtah Health Sciences Center in they knew who shot dog handler Lt. said. Salt Lake City. -F.rcd House. 35. of tb~ State Dcpan-Swapp sent a rambling letter to . -· G o' :\orm Bangener Wednesda~ cla1m1ng d1' 1ne power and sa}1ng. ··You represent a government I no longer recognize." Swapp wrote that ··"e w 111 defend ourselves in any manner as we see fit·· Inside the 1011. nouse Thursdav. FBI agents found 22 firearms. inciud1ng 13 nfles. cases of ammunition and food that would ha' e enabled the clan ··to hold ou1 for a }ear easy." Clegg said. T wenty-two sucks of dynamite were 1n a car at the compound. which was strung wnh fishing hne and hooks at e~e le,el. Clegg said. The Foreign Corrup1 Practice"» .\ct porters who we're wailing to question bars L' .S. catazens from bnbing ham about the memo. Girl, 9 , recovering from a~putation of feet CHICAGO f.~Pl ->\ 9-\ear-old girl whose frostQatten feet and ankles were amputated after she was· found abandoned and locked in a cold. fi lthy apartment 1.1.a~ transferred toda' from a hospital to a cltnac to bcgm rehab1htat1on. Darl1.1. an Carhsle len Wyler Children's Hospnal with thrtt baP. of1o~s sent b' -.-.e1l 1.1.1shers . .\Judge in neighboring Indiana said today he wllJ rule next week on a request to release the girl's mother. Darlw an Bntt. charged w 1th three fe lon) counts of child neglect. wuhout requanng cash bond. Reagan denies knowing of spying AI J J SIZES AND FIRMNESSES WASHINGTON (AP) -The White House denied any knowledge of FBl surveilfance of opponents of the administration's Central America policies today. and said President Reagan was concerned about the practice. Reagan has asked FBI Direct?r William S. Sess1oos for a report. said presidential spokesman Matlin Fit.zwater. FitzWater said Reagan "is con- cerned because there should be no investigation of Americans for their political beliefs." Agency documents show that FBI field offices directed by headquaners to investigate opponents of the ad- ministration's policies questioned the extent to which they could monitor "seemingly legitimate pohti- cal activity." The questions arose dunng an FBI domestic surveillance campaign that began in 1981 and eventually ex- panded to focus on hundreds of individuals and organizations op- posed to U.S. intervention in Central America, -according to the agency records. . FBI headquarters in Jul)' 1984 repeated its instructions to the field offices. adding the proviso that "it is imperative that th~ investigations art closely supervised and m onitored to ensure our invcstiptions do not infrinJe upon the np.ts of these individuals or groups . .' But a month later. the Denver office sent a message to the FBI director saying. "Denver concurs with New Orleans that in spite of attempts by the bureau to ·clarify guidelines and goals for this in- vestigation. the field is still not sutt of how much seeminaJy legitimate gol- iticaJ'activity can be monitored." Senate OKs civil-rights- restoration W ASHJNGTON (AP) -A four- year battle to win Stnate pa~ of a $WCCPina civil ri&tns t>ill culmanaied in a decisive bipartisan victory tempettd for some supponers by an amendment puttina new limits on abortion rights. .. This is a bis day for avil rif.tts in the United States of America.· Sen. Edward Kennedy. D-Mass.. said Thursday. "While the . Danforth (abortion) amendment was a disappc>tnti.na tet-beck. t1'ere was an overwhelmina bipartisan re.,JCction of the Reapn administration's attempts to weaken the four major civil riahts bills." said Ralph Neu. executive ditectOf' of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rilbts. 11'c restoration 1c:1 is in~ndcd to overturn a 1914 Supreme Court naJina that tc::aled ti.ct \be l()OpC of rtdnaJ civil riahts laws bani~J crimination by recipients of funds. Tbt civil rieb11 confereftCe of 200 member lfOUPI WIS the ~ fora brhind the~ .mich •YI lbat if any put of an institution receives federal money, the cntire iambl&ioa is prohibit£d from di1Crimiu;:3 •inst women. minorities. the and the dilablCd. nc ........ bmt buritcl in lht knl.tt ., tlti.,._, .... --• 11.NCtiontst. UICtJCS SIDC't tt WU flnt intrOduaid in l 984. INCLUDING SEALY POSTUREPEDIC AND SIMMONS BEAUTYREST - ' f .. 98 TWIN SIZE EACH PIECE POSTUREPEDIC FIRM REG . 25999 EA. PC. BEAUTYREST SUPREME REG. 27999 EA. PC. -POSTIJRePEDIG Fl~M-·BEAUTYRESTSUPREME Full size ea. ·pc. Queen size set King size set SALE ENDS SUNDAY JANUARY 31 Reg. 359.99 SALE 179.98 Reg. 899.99 SALE 449.98 Reg. 1099.99 SALE 549.98 Full size ea pc. Queen size set King size set KING ANO QUEEN SOLO IN SETS ONLY '2000 QUICK CREDIT AVM.>8£. F VOU QUALIFY Reg. 379.99 SALE 189.98 Reg 899.99 SALE 449.98 Reg. 1299.99·SALE 649.98 3 lOUGH CMM..T.Mlt I : W 1Dr tny ,...,,, you're not "-PPY wKh Yo"' fumlure wt'8n you get It home. we • ._ I bldt wit*\~ dlya. tf you ~ idll.-c.l lllft In *>ca 1la1 ...... ~ ~days tor...._ we wll refund tt'9 cllsooooa. W. • glw you a Ive-yes IJmllld WTMty '* 191*!! lldory defects In wor1uwulNp lind oonlWclon. o.e.11.-S.,. In our .._ ' • I Private pilots blue over the changing times Pnvate pilots and the businessmen who cater to them don't like the trend they're seeing at John Wayne Airpon. General a' 1auon traffic was down 23 percen\ last m onth and dropped 12 percent during 1987. The n osedive is not restnc ted to John Wayne Airpon. one of the busiest general a' 1at1on a1rpons in the nation. The same thing is occurring all across the Cnited States. Ptlot conte nd they are being taxed ana regulated right out of business. then there's the insurance proble m . General a\'lation is feeling the same insurance p inch that has hit e\el]one from automobile owners to c ity govern- ments. Coun Judgments and claims have been large a nd the insurance mdustr: has responded with sky-high rates. Pm ate pilots also complain that airspace regulations fa, or commercial airlrnes at the expense of small planes. The rules. the) sa). are driving the little guys out of the sky. The complaint is correct. but who should the finger of guilt be pornted to'? Someumes. the need of the mam demands m o re attention than the wants of the few. ·T o ugher airspace regulauons ha' e and will come because of concerns for safet). Commercial air traffic ts rncreasrng. The skies are cro'-'ded. and "'1thout ne~ traffic rules the sk) over bus) a1rpons '-"Ould look like a freeway during rush hour. ~tost pm ate pilots have good safet) records. The) re1.·ognize and respect their responsibilities while fl ) ing their planes. But the instances of near midair collis1ons bet"'een small pm ate planes and commercial Jetliners are increasrn~. Those re pons fnghten airline passengers and people "'ho II\ e near a1rpons because "'hen thrngs go "'rong in the sk). the 1011 in It' es and propen ) 1s great. Perhaps the biggest problem that general a' 1at1on has to o'ercome is the perception-whether it"s Justified o r not - that man) pm ate pilots are CO'-'bo) s k) jocke)s. There has to be a place for both commercial and general a' 1at1on. but the times are changing. General 3\ 1at1on and recreauonal pilots have to face the fact that the costs of the business and sport -fuel. insurance. airport fees etc. -arc going to increase because the demand for space and safet) both o n the ground and in the air 1s becomrng more intense The Deep South The plight of the rura·I outh 1s no stereot) p1cal mirage co nJured up out of literature. It's all too real. ... Presidential candidates are probabl) a"'are of thl· magnitude of the problem in general. but it's not been mentioned during debate so far in the campaign. Of course. lo"' a and Ne"' Hampshire ha' ea d11Terent set of pnoriues. But o nce the campaign reaches south" ard. the sun 1' ors of the cauc uses and pnmanes had best be kno \\ ledgeable a bout a problem that ts as broad in scope as an) other faced in this segment of America .... T hose with some kind of blueprint for a soluuon should make points with Southern \'Oters. who -whether rural or urban -have a btg stake in resolving the crisis. Macoa (Ga.) Telegrapb aad NeM's. Phony elections .\full ""eek after o ne of the m ost brazenly p hon) elections e'er !.Cen in this hemisphere. Ha tti's mil ital] regime ti nail~ managed to stuff enough ballot boxes to announce a "'-'inner .. e\·profeiWr Leshe Mantgal. trongman Gen He nn Namph) and his cromec; clear!~ arc confident that the) can count on Manigat to presen e the substance of m1l1taf) rule behind a pseudo-democratic facade Canada has alread) anounced that It w ill no t recognw: ~tanigat as H a111·s president. The Reagan adm101stration should folio"" that exam ple and reinforce 1t v.1th tough economic sanctions -w1t_hhold- ins all go' ernment-to-govemment aid and discouraging pn' ate'"' cstment in Haiti and purchases of Haitian ex pons. :"\amph) and \.1anigat are ruling hapless Haitians on borro"ed umc. and Washington must strive to make that ume as shon as possible. Tbe Albuquerque (N.M.J Tribune. Contra aid There are times. m foreign relations."' hen a ch1efof stat<' should resist the urge to stick out his Jaw. narrow his eyes and be pugnacious. This is one of those tim es. President Reagan dearl~ "ants to see the Nicaraguan Contras get more L' .S. mone~ for a rms and other mihtaf) • uses. But now 1s prec1sel) the "'rong time to be talk mg o f more direct aid to the Contras and more direct U.S. involvement. Instead. the next mo"es should be up to Central .\mencan leaders."' ho are ti] mg. parnfully, to put together a sustainable peace plan for their region undel; the leadership of Costa Rican President Oscar .\nas. Patience. rather than aggression. should be the .S. stance in the meantime. The .\nas peace plan. which alread y won a Nobel Peace Pnze for its author. remains a fragile ho pe. but the best hope. for long-term settlement of that region's wars. Funhcr aid to the Contras nov. wo uld shov. U.S. determ ination. as the president says. but not in the way he intends . .\ 'ote to finance the Contras no w would show o nly this nauon·s dct.e rmination to sto newall an) progression tov.ard peace ORANGE COAST llilyPillt P~.! r~, 3.ip I '""' M' ., J. "' S.., S• Cos•• ~ CA AOO<~ C'O't f ~ 8o• tSfl() ~·· ~ CA 92fo2' St. CIOflfl (Mla.J I>Glr Tlmn. o.r..., C.tf Editor l• a.it "'"' [~• er,....W S,0,1$ ~ ~c..... ''*'"" Dirtdoi -......... - ··1r nine rounds make a full fight. Larry Hi:Jgle went the distance.·· ·t"l••! 'll~~ G\~ -7'{-11• 'ill "1' ~~ -~-~ WAVt.~~M¥'! MIJJllJUT &GU.t.~ 1 WU OUT TD 1U 'Mt•···· Larry Hogle beat political odds, Irvine was the winner Ex-community develop-men t directOC- silently slips from the public spotligh~ Penod1call~. a person who has ~r' ed the public excepttonall} well lea' es the public spotlight to go 10 the pri' ate sector and little note is made of the person·s depan ure. Such a person is Larry Hogle. who has just left the poslllon of d1rect0r of commun11~ de,elopment for the c11~ of In ine No one ga' e lafD much of a l·hance to sur' I' e ..... hen he took the posn1on in l 1P9. eight and one-half 'ears ago In me "as. after all. in the lorefront of planning -perhaps the larg~t and tinest master-planned lOmmunll' in the nauon. ..\nd the prt>ssures "ere intense. On one !>1de "3!> The lf\ine Co . "h1ch o" ned '1nualh all of the un- dn eloped land in the cit~ . ..\nd The If\ 1ne Co had a general plan for the arl'a of 11s o v. n. de' eloped 0' er nine ~l·ars b~ a crad. in-house planmng staff aided b' some of the nauon·s best planning. consultants. On 'et another side v.ere the comban.ed landov. ners of the nev. \'illage of'.'onh.,..ood. a huge "indov. of land on the Ir' ine Ranch not o"ned b' The Ir' ane Co. but under- going an tense de' elopment. .\nd then there "ere the O"-ners of the industnall) zoned land I.!' the then-In 1ne lndusmal Complex who "anted to de,elop their no"· slrateg1call~ located land for com- mercial uses. or sell the land to com mcrnal de' clopers. Then 100 . .therc "as m~ good fnend Bill \l. oollett. first~and-al"a's Cit\ manair,cr of Jr, ine. wt th ideas of h1·s ov.n as to ho\lo the planning process should "orl... Fin\11~. and cena1nl) not least. there >'3S the C\Cr<hangmg. alwa)S· 'olat1le Cil~ Council and its Planning Comm1ss1on. Long-ume councilman and penod1c Ma)or An Anthon). a rcured Manne. "as a strong and d~nam1c force to sa' the least. Ho" could a professional planner stand up lO these multiple forces? In 1v.o v.otds. most couldn't. Dunn~ the first four \ears of the c1t\ of ll"\.1ne·s life. the c·1t) had gone through four different cit) planning chiefs. Each left rather qu1ckl~ But then. the a'crage span of Cll) planners in California 1s t\loO )ears. Then came Lam HogJe Herc .... asa quiet. unassuming and lo.,..·l..e~ed personable planner from the cit) of o,nard. In those da\s. O\nard "as prett) 10 .... -1..e) nself. and fe\lo felt that this ne" man "ould last long The oddsmakcrs ga' c him a )ear -some less. Fe" thought he would make the a' eragc t"O )Cars of his colleagues. But Hogle surpnscd them. He learned fast. "orked hard. rolled with the man} punches, built a strong if undermanned staff and lasted for eight and one-half years -~ore than half the life oflhe city of Irvine. Not that e\erythinJ was ros). [\er)th1ng seldom 1s in municipal life. Some Cin Council members thought he .... as doing a great job. others did not. A.nd mll estate de' elo-pers are alwa) s unhappy about the length of lime 11 takes to process plans lhrough e' el') go' emV'lent.al MARTIN BROWER Junsd1ction. But Hogle was in' olved "'1th man) breakthroughs. such as the develop- ment agre-e-ment for If\ inc Center. the first in the stale. MaJOr effons included the con11nua11ons of Wood- bridge and Tunic Roel... the ne\I, Spectrum and Westparl.. and the exclling In inc Business Com pie' (lBC). .\las. tt "as finalh the IBC that came to haunt lafD · Depending on deliniuons used. the limit on com- mercial square footage \I.as e\ceeded b~ his depanmcnl·s staff and the road-1mpro' ement fees "ere under· collected. And so a c hange had to lx- made and atlcr eight and one-half ~ears. Larr) Hogle 1s oul If nine rounds make a full fight. lafD Hogle "ent the dmancc lafD 's ne" pn' ate hfe \lo 111 place him ~ the consulung business He will have an o ffice 1n II"\. me and consult with teal estate de,elopment firms. which have to put their prOJC<"IS through the entitlement process - the lengthy and complex go' emment approval road. Certainly Larr) Hogle understands that road well. and the master· planned cit} of Irvine 1s lx-tter off for ha' ing had this dedicated public servant as part of the process for such a large part of its life. Mara. lttw9"tr peblld~s t.bt atws- lttltr "Marlia Browtr's Ora111t Couty Report.'' Lindbergh was lucky he got silentfilmsratherthan TV "Good evening.. ladies and gentle· men. This 1s Dan Blath<"r. and our fl·ature 1ntcrv1e" this e'ening will be \lo 1th Capt. Charles Lindbergh. here m Pans after his lumultuous reception last night o n the completion of his flight from l"~v. York. the first single- handed. non-stop. transoceanic night 1n the h1ston of a' 1a1ion. But fi m. som~ rccorde'.d moments on film .. ('.\11n~ minute-s of vanous films of Luci..~ Lindbergh as ~oung pilot m \\ 1..consm. taking A.rmy tllght train- ing m T nas. re-sign mg from the -\rm~ \lo 1th the rank of captain to act as an a1rma1I pilot 1n the Middle West Commissioning the Spirit of St Louis. In' est1gaung Its engme. Talk· 1ng to baclers and manufacturers Arri\ mg 1n :"'ev. Yori... Going to hotel to take last night's rest before de- panure from Roosevelt Field al which the hea' 11> loaded plane bare!) mal..es 1t off the ground. inlO the wild blue >onder . l "Now. Captain Lindbergh. ccruin questions ha"e anscn about your quahfica11ons as a p11ot. and I think the Amencan public 1s entitled to a frank e_,am1nat1on of them before the). well. before the) elect you to a ~rmanent hall of fame of some sort. )OU SC'C my point?" "\4ts. sir. Mr. Blather." "~ell no"'. I have here a ~port lhat there ~re hrce v.1tnnstS tn Ou. Mo1 cs on the n1pu orNov. 11. 1925. who heard the air controller tell )'OO that the weather in Omaha •H threaten1ni. and ncverthelcu you pcn1stcd 1n m ountina your plane and W.ana off." .. Yup. Gum I did.'' "So then )OU admit. Capt.a.in L1ndbef'lh, that you defied ¥k pracuce and proettded without a_ny consideration of the c:orucqucncci to c.hallenat the weather and the canons of sound JUdirncnt and .f\lSl ao• into that airolanc and flew ofT tMre 10 Omaha1°' .. Well. Mr. Blather. J didn't think the nU. •'ll too .tr~t. I mcaft, I had a , bunch of mail a·nd some of it might ha' e been \Cl') 1mportantto people in Omaha s11tm· up waiting for it, and I figured I knew a little about the weather and could maybe deal with It." .. Hah! So, Captain Lindbergh. you arc setting yourself up as a kind of one-man ex pen on the weather. even tho ugh ) our colleagues advised against it'> Now, isn't 11 true that CAactly three wttks later. in ~m­ ber 19::!5. )OU ran into weather in southern Minnesota and actually had lo bail out of) our airplane?"' .. O h that. )eah. That was the night of the freak bhizard. Had to stay up unul I ran o ut of fuel. When you run oul of fuel. you don't have any altemauve. You JUSt bail out. hope )OU \\-on't land on a tiu 6r Oh a radio station antenna." "So then )Ou have one instance of dmegard1ng \I.Cather advice. a second instance of going up when others might have anticipated the possib1hty of a bhuard. And now, Captain Lindbergh. )Ou have jusl crossed the Atlantic Ocean. but you told them at a press conference that at one point you very ncarl} new your airplane down into the ocean be<'ause you almost fell asleep. Now. have Jpusquoted you? I waqt to be absolutely rair." ''No, sir. you hncn't m isquoted 1J1e. Ex~pt for one thil\&-I didn't tell the prns conferentt yesterday lbat I almost fell uleep, I toad lM1n that I did fall aslttp ... "You did fall a*'tp! At tbe controls of )Our one-cnainc plane. aos-siaa the Atlantte Ocean for the first time. )'OU arc tclhna us ~ou fell ~!" "Hmm." "Do you tlunk n's respons11* to U')' to CTOU'lhc tla,cn.c Ocean .... )'OU are 50 tlf'cd )OU caft'I even MY awake?" "Make$ u a lot hankr. yup. It'd have betn easier 1f I hadn't been ~. o.dn'& ma~ to ltl mutb s.lttp the n•abl be~. t.bouJd hive amnlN that a lmtt benrr _ .. ' WILLIAM F. Bue KLEY ''And 1f you had hit the ~an. Captain Luidbcrgh, you m1gh' vcr) "ell have landed on a ship and hurt perfect!} innocent ~pie. 1s that correct:· "There's a chance of that. Mr Blather. Not much. M ) plane's onl) 27 feet lon.g. 46 feet at the wings. Thai doesn't use up a lot of an 18 million· square-mile ocean -" "Still. )OU took that chance ... I'm afraid, Captain Lind~rgh. that I have to conclude that the American ~pie ou&hl to think tW1cc about givmg you a ffying licen~. That's thiu c~1sodes in a not very IOnJcareeT. m which you took chances 1mperihn1 not only yourself, but others. I am very reluctant to come to this conclusion. bec:au~ I have a great deal of respect. u officio. for the first man to ny across the At-lantk s1naJc-h.anded." "But. Mr. Blather. maybe a.II that upericnce helped me to -.. ''Goodniaht. Captajn Undbergh " llrMMae 1'. ,,_.,.,.Jr. ,. a 6ptll- ~tefl eelfl..,,,,t. Commeat8 welcomed The Dail)' Pilot wrk:omcs )'OUr ~ on r111ttn1 of public lGICft:St.. Leucn and lonarr artkJn of commtawy must be seancd. Tk) shouJcl be lyptd ~~rl)I ..-nntn and llml 10 LETTElS IO tht EDITOR . Datl) Piloc. P.O. Boll U60.Cosia Mae.CA 92626. Knowl dgeis bestwayto save children To the Editor: I am addressing m yself to you as one of the members of"RESULTS" from Corona del Mar, part; of a volun1eer national organization of some 90 such groups that devote their elTons to lobbying both on the national and local le' el for support through 'a nous agencies. legislation and private enterprises for lhe rchef ofhunier 1n the world. It as an this connection that I would hl..e to mform )OU that on Dec. 10. 1987, The U nited Nauons Children's Fund launched its St.ate of the World's C!uldren 1988 rcpon. This repon prOJC<"ts the fact that the greatest opponunit) for improving the state of the "orld's children 1s informing and supponiog all of todaf s parents m appl) ing what is al read) kno" n about basic and inexpens1' e methods of child protec- tion. The report calls for a grand alliance of all possible resources - teachers and rehg1ous leaders. mass media and go,ernment agencies. 'oluntal) org.an1zat1ons and peoples' mo,ements. business leaden and labor unions. v.omen's groups and health sen 1~ -to c reate an informed public demand for. and pract1caJ kno.,..ledge of the methods thal could bnng about a .. re,oluuon an child sur"' al and de' elopment" The repon states lhat the 11,es of o'er I mllhon children ha'e bttn sa'ed b~ the sprcad of oral rch~dra­ uon and 1mmunizauon. Immuniza- tion 1s the success slof) ofth1sd~de Ten years ago. fe.,..erthan 5 percent of the dc,elopmg "orld's infants \I.ere 'accinatcd agamst diseases that "ere l..1l11ng 4.5 m1lhon children a :rear. This \tar. 1mmun1zat1on has reached SO pircent for DPT 'acc1ne and 40 percenl for measles. and is now sa' ing more than I 3 million li'es annual!> The L' nned Nations· targel for 1mmunmhg all children b) 1990 -considered unreahsttc m the earl) 1qs0s -1s nov. "11h1n reach. If lhe present trends conunue. more than 70 percent of the "orld's children "'ill Ix-immunized against the main 'acc1ne-pre' entable dis- eases b) I 9QQ. T S u ·;-.. DST RUM Laguna Beach Donating blood act of decency To the Ed11or Wh~ should Orange Count~ IT) to tackle an issue such as coastal C\pans1on "'hen "c cannot e'en sohe a simple problem \I.Ith an ansv.er thal hes m our o"n common dccenq ')The problem I am speaking of concerns the blood shonage that 1s current I) pre' alcnt in Orange Conn- i) It 1s appalhng to than k that" Ith so man~ health~. po1en11al donors "all..· ang around. some "'ho are less fonunate ma) ha'(' to postpone needed surge!") becausc others arc too selfish to donat(' blood. Of course. there are such altru1st1C saints that do agree to donate. e\cept the) tend 10 forget one minor detail. to sho" up for their appointments. Others actu· all) folio" thl'Od'gh wtth t~ir prom- ises. some do so on a f't'gular basis. Ho" e'er. good. decent people such as these arc ob' 1oush few 1n number \l. hat bothers inc funher 1s the number of 1d1011c eAcuses for \loh \ some refuse to donate For instance. .. , don't ha' e the ume .. <\II 11takes1s 30 mmutes of lime that might ha' e othel"\\ 1sc been spent "atch1ng reruns on TV Which 1s more important: doing something useless. or helping to sa'e a hfe'> h trul) angers me that in an age "hen \l,e are all tr)1ng to nd the \loOrid of hunger and nuclear arms "e fail to assist our fe llo"' man in something as simple as donatin& blood. HEATHER MEEK Corona del Mar High ~hool 1'cwport Beach Too bad, Danny didn't ;.~~~~ rules j I rtttntl) rtad tht anicle 10 t~ Thursday. Jan. 7 sporu sttt1on on Oann_y o·Ne1I. It ~ms \'Cry obvious that Danny a_nd his famih arc very stlfish about tbe ~nt actions taken ~ Danny transferring to Mater °'i. Thcrt is no doubt in my mind that if Danny turns out as a mnd-out athlete at Mater Dei, in whatever spon he plays, that he expccts bc<:aute of the school's ~putauon. that a scholarstup offer could loom an b1J future. What 1s betr'I o~ooked is that v..hcn an athlete c'ha09C' tchools ••thou& chan&int ~. tbm he/she 11 obhptcd by a CJ F rukto s.t ou& one fuH ttaSOn of that ~rucular sport. Theftfott, Dann)' will not be abk to pla)I comprtattvcly u.nul his senior )ftt al Mater Det. So why all LM h)'PC O\'cr him •hen he '1\ould bi~•>~ al CdM 1n the fim ptau? It -as orobably the stupedest th1q he coukS ha~-c done. Ouny. maybe >'® thou.kt ha\t checked .i1 the &cu out fint;...===-- ·~ I .. I.aeon Pomeroy a A..oclata de91&necl eemce/technoloCJ bulldlnC in 8eeond ph.ue oflntne/Koll Venture. Irvine/Koll Venture 's second phase ready By ROBERT HYNDMAN Of ... .,., ......... The S 16 m1lhon second phase has been completed o n the Irvine/Koll Venture in the Irvine Spectrum de"elopment. which eventually wtll be a I 6-bu1ld1ng. S:!OO m1lhon high· technolog) complex. The rtttntl) completed add1uon includes a 123.000-square-foot mult1- tenant mdustnal and o ffice complex and an 81 .000-square-foot scr- ' 1ce/technolog) bu1ld1ng. according to offic1ah for the Irvine Industrial Co .. a d1" 1S1on of the Irvine Co. The Ir' me/Koll Venture 1s located near the interchange of Alton Parkv.a) and the Santa Ana Freeway d1re-ctl} across from Irvine Center - the urban con~ of In ine Spectrum Technolog) Plaza consists of four separ'3te two-story multi-tenant buildings wi th mdustnal and office space. The four buildings are de- signed lo appear as a single archatec· tural natemen1.., said Glen Allen. prOJect manageP'f'or the Koll Co. The comple>. has been designed to accommodate research and develop- ment. asscmbl) and admm1strat1,·e offices in unllS from 800 lo 7.000 square feet. >\lien said. When completed. the Irvine/Koll Venture will include a 760.000 square feet of haghl~ flexible space. from multHenant 1ndustnal to smgJe- tenant corporate hcadquancrs A thrce-bu1ld10g 185.000-square-foot first ph~ was completed earl) last )Car. After-tax incomes up; savings at 40-year low WASHINGTON (AP) -Amcn- cans' after-ta,\ mcorqes grew a slug- gish 1.2 perttnt last year. tM poorest shov. mg since the last rcttss1on . .,.. h1k their sa' 1ngs rate fell to a 40-~car 10 ..... the go,ernment repons Economists e'\presscd concerns that the~ v.eak shov.1ngs v.ould lead to a funher slov.dov.n m consumer spending and raise the poss1b1ht) ofa re<'ess1on this )Car Thursda) ·s Commerce Dcpan- ment rtpon shov.ed consumer spend- ing. after adjusting for mflauon. rose JUSl 1.8 percent last }ear. less than half the grov. th rate of lhe pre' 1ous tv.o }ears. Since consumer spending accounts for tv.o-lh1rds of O\erall economic acll\ 11 \.fun her weakness an this a~a. espec1all} without ofTsettmg strength 1n other sectors. v.ould be enough to mgger a recession. The depanmenCs repon po1nled out the cracks that ha"c begun to appear 1n the consumer-dn,en re- co' en.. .,.. h1ch has nov. lasted a peacetime record of more than five \Cars. · .\mcricanf disposable. or after- ta'\. incomes edged up 1.2 percent la.st }ear following growth of 4 percent 1n I 986. It v.'<ls the poorest shov. mg since the recession 'ear of 1982 . .,.. hen after- ta\ incomes ircv. b) 0 6 percent W1th slower grov.th 1n incomes. .\mencans had less monc} to put 1010 sa" 1ngs. resulting 1n a drop an the sa" ings rate to 3.8 perct'nt. the lov.cst this figure has been 10 40 ynn. since a 3.1 percent sa' 1ngs rate in 1947. The sa' mgs rate. which had been 4.3 percent 10 1986. represents sa"1ng.s as a percent of disposable income In December. the depanmcnt re- poned that incomes. before adJustmg for inflation. ro1.C 0 ., percent while personal consumption spending ad· "anccd 0. 5 percent. the same figure as m No,embe'r. Economists said the annual income and spending figures highlighted the dangers facing the e-conom). With mnauon picking up and income v owth sluggish. Amencans arc Stt· mg their purchasing power SQUCt'Zcd. NEW YORK CAP) -The follow1no 11s1 13 8 rockwav &II , + ) 1 Up 1 7 t ~"OWS 11\e New York Slodl E11ct11noe I• viTodSl\O of 3'· + • UP I slo<ks 1no warranls 11'111 !'lave 90ne up IS 8allyMf9 17 • + 1 • UP 1 0 •he mo" 1 ncs <X>wn tne most t>a~ °" 16 ~nlHome 1 + • UP 6 1 perc~nl of cl\lri9t ('99ardleu of vol\.lme 17 ritPtr wt I • + , UP 6 6 tor T"und1v 11 N>icl .s 147• + 1'2 UP 6 4 No secunhes rrad1"9 oetow S2 are i~I-It Oelt1Alrl • '\ "> + 21"> UP 'l • uded Net i nd Pt!rcenl~ C"-rt9e' ire the ri FedNMlg w l > t '"> UP 6 .• 01ffer.oce oerween tne Pf'ev10UJ cloilno I T1ttdtm ' 1 ~ I '• UP l c>'ice i nd Thur\da v'' 2 P.m. Pf'iee Cfntr~P '• '• UP Di~ no 29'• + 1'-UP UPS · • MHI 1 roup 1 • + • UP 9 N1nw LIP a-. Pct.u 1 s Sl1nctex 1~ + ~ UP ·', I Trlcenlrl ~ .. + 1',•. lJp . 6 WMS Ind 41 1 + • UP 2 PSNH l-JSOfO S + .., UP l 6 DOWNS ~ ~~=~f:' n ~·.~ +! ~ e: 1U 1 PSN~~t6otE u 'l . -°i.. IPct.11~:.:· S MmNY 8 2'• • UP 'l 2 PSNH •.25ofC 6'' -~ i blM 1•. >. I'• UP 9. 3 NewhllRK S -1-LC Am n 4 ., ~ UP 9 4 P1lrckPtr 3i.t -'• MoroGrnfl n 6 ''> UP 9.1 ~ &everly ~ -~ FIB fl( 1dl of P • '-UP 1·· Ga~blew 3>• -'• 10 ArtraGro ·~ ,..., UP .• WickH WI 3l. -• I I SalanlCP 9l. .i. UP .3 • Divert. Ind 3'• -• 11 Transcn tnc ~· • 1• UP :.> 9 FabriCtr 7'• -'1 6 0 • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, JanuaJY 29. 1989 A7 COMPLETE NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS, AB Execs favor slow-growth initiative t ~ Most think measur e will hurt business ~ut are_prepa red to vote for it a nyway By GREG KLERKX °' .. ....,,... .... A maJont} of leading Orange Count) executives believe passage of a count)w1de slow-growth initiative .,.. ill hun business but many are prepared to 'ote for the iniuath·e an)WB}. according to a recent UCI ~Ur'l.C}. Most execuuves also say 1987 was a bettu )Car financially than 1986. despite a stock market CTaSh and the dccl1n1ng C.S. dollar. The findings of the 1988 Orange Count} Business and Econom1cStud- 1es program at lJCI indicate that the maJont) of 190 Orange Count)· chief e'ecut1\ es from a v.ariet) of fields also belie' c that 1988 will be a n even better }ear. "'What we've found is that last year's optimism v.as not unfounded. and the business forecast for this year ISJUSt as positive. in spite of October's de' astat1ng stock market crash:· said Dr. Jone Pearce. associate professor an the UCI Graduate School of Management and director o f the studies. Surveys were conducted in person betv.een September and December 1987 Pearce wd lhat last )car. 79 percent of the executives surveyed Irvine Co. 's court battle may last year BLOOMFIELD. Mach. (AP) - Tht' coun battle between t.,..o Irvine Co. heiresses and the man who bought them out fi' e years ago could stretch into next }ear and cost nearl) s~o million. a compan) lawyer said . .. Gi,en the defendants' estimates (of 11me needed for tesumoO\.) the trial could last foranothenear:v.h1ch upsets us a great deal.:. attorne~ Wirtiam Campben said Wcdnesda} The case pits Joan Irvine Smith. the granddaughter of In me Co. founder James I n inc. and her mother. .\thahc Clarke. aga1gst Donald L. Bren . .,.. ho bought out their share of lhc compan) 1n 1983. The tnal opened in -\ugust in M 1ch1gan . .,.. here the gJant de" elop- ment compan} ~as incorporated. h scd.s to ,determine the compan} ·s .,.. onh in 1983 and .,.. hethcr Bren paid enough for their 11 percent stake. Smnh's attome\. Howard Fned- man. said 1t v.111 be June or Juh before he finishes calhng v.llnesses. Rebuttal could take another }Car. dnving coun costs to S:!O m1lhon. Campbell said. "'We have u11ed tha t the Judge impose some guidelines that v.ould great!) shonen the intended presen- tation of the defendants. which v.e feel 1s inordinately lengthy and totall} unneccssat) :· he said. Campbell conclusfed earlier this month 10 v1AmtflcQ 11 Mnlbl Tr 12 Na~tr w t& 13 PvroE"9v 14 ToKoCO \S SoclEQo n 16 "4tlmMar \1 MlllU$ n \I Enltf'raCP tt GCA Co n ~ V1llev Incl Mc.Oonld Olfl>old viMlnvillt Tewt1lnd s U Black Oeci.. OTC UPs & DowNs said the)' e>.pectcd their financial performance to be be'tter in 1987 than It had been in 1986. That pred1cuon v.as "enfied b) 68 percent of this year's respondents. she said. Onl) 8 P,Crcent reponed lov.er profits in 198? than 10 1986. ~ h1le 24 percent reponed no change O\er the pre' 1ous ~ear. Lookmg ahead. 73 percent of the eXeCUllVCS SUf\ e}Cd th IS )taf expect 1988 to be e'en more profitable for their companies sard Pearce. wuh 24 percent pred1c11ng no change and 3 pert-ent e>.pecting to make less mone~ an 1988. Pcartt J1d half o f the uccuuves who expect improved profi ts this year said lhose profi ts will come from increased sat~. Only 21 percent named cutting costs or closing fac1lt- t1es as the reason. .. lt seems clear that profitab1lit) as dri,en predo minantly by sales. not b) a squeeze on expenditures an the count) ... said Pearce. F1ft)-fi'e percent oftbe executives surve)ed said th":, expect to hire more emplo)ecs in the coming )car. compared to 41 percent last )ear In both }Cars of the surve). onl~ 9 percent of the respondents said the~ planned to reduce hinng The stud) also asked execut1\C~s hov. the oropo~ slov. growth an- l1 atl\CS. 1f passed. might affect their companies. Pearce said 78 percent of the e>.ecuti\>es said that emplo)cc ava1l- ab1ht) will be reduced should the in1t1at1'\CS pass. and 61 percent be- he'c opponun1t1es for their com- panies to cA-pand m Orange Count} v.111 be restricted. "'But surpnsingl}. man} of those .,.. ho e\pect the 1muau' es to have these negau\C effects on their bus1- nes~ said the\ v.111 '1.-0te for rhem an,.,..a, .. said Pearce~ f>eaii:e said a detailed anal'\ si!> of this finding suggests that the most important predictor of eAecutJ\es· p(rsonal support for the inn1au" es "'is .,.. hethcr the~ e>.pect them to result m a more desirable commun1t" ·· ( • FRIDAY'S CLOSING PRICES °"'· " s-. LMt °" t:: • .» 11 ~'-t :; .... .... ,+J =.·,·i to \ ..., l~. , ~ l-· ... •"2 1• '!;?:'_~ '"I l.+ "-• t::~ I Ult ff~~ Te11111d ] .\it-• H',,.' j 1 -i• ... ·:f: l 1 ~ J::~: I I ':r. ~~ tt ~~!l ' ,:\9 l=. ~~ 1 ,''-t lt ~_.,.. \ t 0 '--" T wlr "II n I ~ 'H ~· 'l' Tlt.n I T1!~ I ~~,., •" 'I T OJI I T d •1 T 0 T Cl 4 TOI I~ • l:...' 1 jw T oofftJ .Jl 1 '°""" ' t +-' . .0 10 • +:;J"ua" J,.,,.,.. ,.., .. n TWA \( 2tt TWA of HS UO TraftVI\ I tA • 1114 TranlftC 2 2le 10 TrnCoa 9 1 U 1? ll7 Trnscao •~ TreJ\ICO I TNIS<_PHn Tr8'1E& • tS TreMCll 1Ai ~ •-t Tr•,,,_ 240 I llt + l'>o Tre• pl 4.16 I ft + '• TflC:on '6h II • TriC,. pl 2 50 '•+ • Trtaln s 12 10 SM ~ 1-Trtl"CI I>' 12 . t •-• TrtDun • 1• 2• 2~ ~ Tri<l'lr u 1 t + .. Trnlly 50 ~ ff"' Tr.tE<>G lj 10 I t Tnte ,. TuH•• ' 1' t e " .. l~:~·. S6 ' ~ ¥i':t : TuuE~ l II I 1-f I .. T ..,.,,Os 10 13 ff o .. hco1.. • 1• 1•1 .. ., T~ u It >\ -u-u -u~ 2 20 • 99 1...- Market closes higher u .,, 10) .. ,+ U I 2 0. 11 I* 2'1-+ • UNClllC Ole 10~· •~+ • UNUM .0 l + > U~G 1 .. 1 "> U FG r • 10 ' ., ~11.aco' 11'> Ji "'+ ~ U PCt ' a JI , U T • I • I) 2m. .. "t l't NEW YORK <"P)-Th<' stock marlctcloSt"d higher after a da~ of trading that demonstrated 11s contanuang unccrtaant) about the d1rtt11on of th.c C'Conom) and stocks an general. U X 120tJ I "-+ .. u x pl~ 1 • , •• The Do" Jones a .. erage of 30 industnals ro~ :?I 18to l.95821 U X p1 10 7S ' 107 + .. U X Pf BO ISi SI >--1 U X *' 6t I .. u~mle 9 lU IS~ • Un Frst 20 II .. i + 1 uvvr ' » u » Gainers outpaced loSttS b) more than 2 to I.,,. on th<' ~e" York Stock Exchange, "1th 1.052 stocl s higher. -U>5 lo"er and 442 unchanged UnNV s 561 1 1 .. + • UC"'° s I I• 11 Im t+ • UC:arb I 50 I '1~40 1-1 1 S'• + • runt« I '7 I 11 14 •+ '°' 81g Board .. olumc totaled 211 88 m1ll1o n shares. against 166 . .i J m11l1on an the pre\lous session Un I pl ) 50 l I )4 • I Urt I pl 4 z 1~ 41 > + I 1 Urt I 6.0 +I UEI ~ I rJ 60 tt-..+ 1-.. The NYSE's composite 1nde' rose I ~I 111 144 13. u .. e • o1 2 13 100 • • • unEl ol 2 9' i. ~ '+ • UEI olH I tJlO ".t the ".mencan tock E:\change. th.: market 'aluc 1ndcA "as up 1.97 at 269.10 UnE '" I .i. II 4 S't • • Un?c pr 7 ?S m I •-1\o u~Pec.-2 11 lit• ;"' Ut"ll t:• n 41 • • Umeci: , )0 s 331 "'•-+ '· u ... , .. i 91 II 604ff ll ... "' Un•1• ol l IS ltl 61 + > u,,.., 1"•+ • U4M 10 ll l S ,,_ + BUY 642-5678 t1CtT~, ~ n, ,a ~~ : through classified WHAT AMEX Drn NEW YORK (API Jan ?t Pr.v. F"fff i3 Aovanced 0Klineo ~ m ¥ocNi~ ot1111uue\· New lli9ns 2 New IOWS .. AME~ LEADER S GoLo Qu oTES 1 ME T~Ls QuoTES WHAT NYSE DID NEW YORK I AP1 Jan 29 Prw. Friaf elev Aovanc.o 10 'm 0Kltll*O " ¥ncl\anoed '" '60 01a1 •Hue\ 191.1 l~ New fl•Qll\ 12 New tows 17 9 I NYSE LEADER S NEW YORK I API -Sales, 4 om Fridav once and ~• cna"9e of rne 1S most ac11ve New YOf'k Stock E1ecl\anve •nues trading nahonaltv al more than s 1 Te~= 3r.~ LAast· thf-. Pl.JDS NwMx 10.629.SOO • _.. • AmEt Pw 7.070,800 >,. + '• UnCar~e 4 124 000 20~. Feder ts 2 SOI 'l>O SJ>_. • + 2>• A~r &. T ?:fi42,400 297e + e Mer11Lvn 1 · ~ 14 ± >,,. SFtSouPac 1 ·.u1. -1 ~M I 704, 112~ -1 1 tl<J>d&).' 11621,100 43 , + • enElct s 1 617,SOO •S + '• icon ' l.S70 100 •2 + '• iCOl'P s 1 SS6.SOO 21 • + l a ar9ld' 1,S43 300 26~• + • U X Coro 1.463.600 ~.. • _. , Dow JoNES AvERAG ES NEW VORK (AP) -Final Dow J~ !fa~ IOI l=r'lda...I ttd1 1~ 1~7 I~ I~+~ n m ~ 190..iff·9~71 7~ 19+ ~ 16 ,t ~,'~ ffi-n hs 1: jffl: h7t~t t~ lndu5 2JJIS,SOO Tran 6 S17 700 Utib 2.-5£,'iOO 6SStll ,...__ n.~.900 NASDAQ SUMMARY NH electric company declares banki-uptcy ' MANCHESTER. N.H. (APl - Elcctricil) 10 ove:r 360.000 cu tomers of a power company an New Hamp- shitt will S\a) on. but 2.000 of •U cmploycc:s were Fttina no peychecks today afteT the main owner of the Seabrook nuclear power plao1 filed for blnkniptcy reorpniiaition. Publtc SerYtee Co. of New Kamp- shire became the founh la~ U.S. compeny to file undcJ' Chapter 11 or the federal 8ank{Uptcy A.ct Thurtda).' and the first major 1nvntor-<>wned utib&;~ such protcctJ(H'I since the on. Tbc fiJina came t•o dayi afttt tbc state Supmne Coun dcn.ted tbe comp&n)' an cmc~r;<l ralt incttUC pboldina a 97 la• •tnsi .. ~ fOr power P&aNs Vlnttrai:r-commettial operation. At• M"M t'ODftt~nce. utihty prni- dtnl Roben Harri9oa said PUblic StrvK"C toOk the ection becautt theft WU ·•a very hilb• pmblbilily,. lhmt crtd•ton WoUld" teft to bee the utihty aato anVohlnwy benkrupM:y M early a 10dly. Pl~ today for 2.000of PUbbt Strvtet'1 2.600 emplorca will be ddlyed. wed~ a ttf'lt~~ on aueu. bul clcctnC"•I service lo the company's 365.000 customen wtll continue without mtrrruplJon, Har· mon~id. The company hll a 36 pefttnt stake m the plant ~ bk h was com· plctcd a )·rar and a half ago but has bttn unable to 6Unnount e\·tcu1110n· plannana obst.aeles to a oe>mmrmat optratin' license. KamlOl'I said Public Service will continue to push \he rat~ plan at had proooscd bcfort the fiJina. It calls for a 15 ~rcen1 mcreue foUowtd by a three-year rate ftenc. W'llb later iM1"Cl.lel lied lO the COit °'""' ..... Seabrook cntJCS and SOmt com· pany projections bad~ tbe plant would dcMlbk or ~en tns* ra~ -tld .treed)' are wen above the uuonal a~ Ooe _,,.omincnt cntic. Ma.uachu. ttt\S Gov. MdaKI Dubki IT· i1tt1ted that""'"" Tbunday. Public Seriic'e. wtudt li1u Sl billaoa in -. inctudins S2. I ....... ••k iMo Seabroot. Md '° ~ bundnds or aultions of dollen to ftnittl tbt SS.l billiOn plant and~ b montb lo \&a out orbank.rv~ coun. ' .. • , • HoRo st uPr s. ...... y.Juurylt ARIES (March 21-April 19): You can C$tabhsh ".important" rc:la-__ .;... ________ _ tionship. focus o n secu rity, h o m e. lJ8RA (&pt ~3-<Xt. 22). Good lu1i.u .ojX'\.l coincides with communicauon. spmtual values. stro ng pou 1b1ht) of·Jo umcy. You'll be asked to disseminate ~nmcnt data. lmpnnt style. highlight pioneering spirit. ·scoRPJC) <Oct. 23-Nov. 2 f ): fn tunio n is on tafltl. fa mtl) member is sincere 1n seeking rapprochement. Emphasis also on the occult.arcane subJ~S. books. N~ could con~rn possible inhentance. Aquarian pla)'s rolic. pro~rty, long-range SYDNEY prospects. Member of opposite SClt IS attracted to you but 0MAIR has other commit- ments. Scorpio pla ys ••••••••••••• outstanding role. TAURUS (Apnl 20-May 20)~ Be ready for quick changes. keep plans flexible. realize relative who bqins journey \\1 11 be retracing steps. Loan could be in\·olved. protect }Our cr~ll and cash. You'll make exciting d1SCO\Cr) -celebrate. SAGl'M' ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21 ): Diversify. make inq u1ncs, realize legal commitment is solid dtjpitc comments to the contra') Focus on public relations. rcput.ataon. pa n ncrsh1p, mantal status. Gt"mini will prove loyal. GEMINI (May 2 1-J unc 20): Emphamc patience. d1plomac). w1lhngncsstogivccrcdit where due. H ighlight famil) h.armon). rcaJitc do mt"Stic adjustment will prove favorable. C.rcumSlanccs lead to profit.able transacuon. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19): Be ready to rebuild. re' 1se. poss1bl) to relocate. Lunar pos1uon accent.scare of pets. employment. speC1al attenuon to diet. nutriuon. general health. Taurus. Scorpio pla~ roles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18). ~ ready for change. tni,el. vancty. cxc1tcmcnt that acconfpa.n1es imponant disco' Cr). Ro mance featured. crcat1,·eJu1ces flow, style as 1mpnntcd. populant} gro"'s as result. SagJtt.anan in picture. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Moon an )'Our sign h1ghhghts anmall\C, personaht). charisma. ab1lit) to choose quaht) as contrasted to quantity. Mam tam aura of m)Stef'). be discreet, pan1c1patc 1n cland~llnc a rrange- ment. LEO (Jul) 23-Aug. 22): Relat1onsh1p grows strong. much that occurs 1s behind scenes. Focus on illusion. drama. ab1ht~ to m )sllfy "audience " Member of opposite sex as fa scinated but reluctant to adm11 1t. Capncom in volved. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): Don •t mmc-e words with one v.ho attempts to get something for no thing. Realize ~our contribuuo ns arc v.orth plent). propcrtY. and ho me improvements arc d1~t1nct poss1b1l1t1es. Libra figures prom mcntl)'. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22): Finish v.hat you start. realize )'OU arc On nght track despite ObJCCllOnS b) one who lackscourage. Spothght o n prest1gc. career. dealings with mdtv1d uals an postllons of authonl}. Taurus tn\Olvcd. IF JANUARY 30 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you haH remarkable sense of humor possess intellectual cunosat). arc scns1t1vt" concerning appearance. wardro be. v.e1gh1 body image. You seldo m are sausfied with status quo, do plenty of traveling. tend to scatter )'our forces. Gemini Sagittarius people pla) important roles in )Our life MaJor dornesuc adJU.Suntnt occuu 10 March. could includt: actual change of residence or mantal status. Ma) will also pro' e significant. producu,e. memorable for )OU in 1988 A family member's views on nursing home, neglect DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am weal') of reading letters in )'Our column about hov. fam1I) members n~cct their km v.ho arc 1n nursmg homes. Lord kno'-"s there 1s e nough guilt to go around "'tthout piling on m ore. M) 88-)ear-olcf·m~tht'r 1s in a vel) good fac1ht} for the elderl~ Evef') time I set' her she complains that her sister and brother do not wn te or call I don't want to tt'll her that the~ both ha\C been dead for 20 \Cars So. I listen and sa\. "Well. rria'be 'ou'll hear somcth1hg tomorrov..:. · Whenc,er I v.alk into mother's room she asl s. "Wh) ha,en't )Ou bctn here in suC'h a long tame"'' I don"t v.a nt to tell ht'r that I v. tt there )'t"Sterda) -in fact I ha' e rarel~ missed a da~ 1n eight months. Some da \S she docsn' t l nov. v. ho I am and asks. "'\\ h\ doesn't m\ daughtt'r come to see' me..,.. When ·1 tell her that I am her daughter she sa)S, ··~o. }Our hair 1s gra~ \1~ daughter's hair 1s dark bro"' n ·· he t>ren takt"S out pictures of me "hen r v.as a bnde . .io ~ears ago and sa~s '"&('?" I can understand v.h' relau,es are rel uctant to '1s11 the "elderh more often than IS absolute!~ nect SS31). Jt as draining do be around a person who is argument.all' e. nciat1v(' and often 1rrat1onal. And 11's al!.o depressing to see my dear motht"r. who was a v.ondcrful parent a nd fnend. an suC'h a confused statt' I Cl) C\CI) time I ka\C her So please. Ann. ~1,e us a break. - SAD IN DECATU R. DEAR SAD: As uul, tltcrc arc Two sides to enry story. Tbllll you for lcttla& H bear yova. It's .ot raew to me, lacldC-Dt.ally. I bve ttanl U a lot ud my ~~art goes oat to all of yoe. Ali LAI DEIS • • • DE.\R .\l":-.-L.\NDER I read the column 1n tht' Buffalo Ntws descnb- ing tht hum1hat1on of a woman v.hose husband ran an ad 1n the paper sa)'ing that he \llOuld no longer be rnpons1ble fo"r her debts. Fo r those v.ho behc'c this ts a nev. approach, I offer a bit of research On .\pnl :!3. 18~4 tht' :":1agara ~ntint'I in Lev. 1sdon. N Y pnndt'd tht' follov. mg ad' t'n&scmt'nt '"Whcrtas m' v.1ft' Catht'nnt' ha' mg tloped from m~ bed and board without 1ust prO\(>Cellon I forbid all pe™>ns to harbour or trust ht'r on m' account. for I am de· termined ·to pa' nothing of ht'r contracting ··Funht'rmore. 1f an~ ix-rson hl>.e~ her better than 1 do. tht'~ are v.elcome to hff":" te-ph~ Hov.e-1 Poner( .\pnJ 6 1824)." If you choose to pnnt th1~. Ann, gu ahead -OO"lALD E. LOKER. Local Hist~ Spcclllhst.. N Lagara Falls Pubhc Libra!') (:--; Y I DEAR DON: Tl:wtks for tbt re· sc~rd1. Ab , "tbt more tblngs change tbc mort t)aty remain tbc same:· • • • DE.\R .\~:-.;LA 'DERS R«enal~ m} father a nd} ounger sister v.ent to a national park lorlbc da~ Wh1lt" there. m} sister found a C'h1ld 's pu~ There Our children owe us, and owe us big The~ a.re some parents who be- lieve you don't have children lo.IC3P dividends. They say you can get bigcr tttums clcanina the bottles out o f your basement. As m y kids have told me man) u mes. they didn't ask to be born (and ruin a figure that was dC$tJned to "alk down a runway in a bathing suit). It wasn"t their idea to h ve an the suburbs awa) from public transportation. makmg ll n«essar) for us to pro' 1de help me ri nd m y car ke) s when tht ) a car for them . .\nd "'t pushed for att lost. They can lhank me for fouq cars ofcollegr "'hen they would st.a)ing up until m 1dn1ght to set the bave bttn just as bapp) to take lime last trayofcookiesoutoftheovcn for off watching ~ Jeopardy" and finding the Halloween puty at school. They themselves. can breathe wit.bout havin1 an allow- We have never for one moment ancc iocreut. Tltey can let me touch bought that theory that kids owe )OU them -Yr'ithout flanchina. nothin1-The) oYre us and the) owe us Tbe) can tell their friends not to big! smoke or use ti.cl lan1uaat around We plucked them from the jaws of a me. l abhor both. They can play acnct1( mess and molded them into tennis with me once in a ""hale and be the bri&ht human dazzlers they att considttatc enouah to tut the t.U today. W e straightened their teeth .. only whtte I am standlllf. They can corrected their overbite. their spc«h. take me to lunch occasionalJy and their walk and their attitude. We sent pick up the (heck. The).' can put 1•-ay them to camp.. introduced lbcm to the butter a11d the milt when l am sporu and mutic. and cnc:ovr-.d sic k. them to think. We tct thdr broken The)• can thank me by in,todUC'ina bones. cooaect their fevm., stitched up me to their friends or by sayiQS they their bodies and hvcd abOve our lite somcttuna t cook. Thc)•c:an show mcome. theirapprcciahon for all mysecnfka We ~ wbc1\ we ~ tired. b) lf'S-'m"J their phone •heft 1 call advited when wc ~n't asked. buna LMtead ofl}'1111J 1n bed hstnina to me around When wc ~not wanted and ba"int an anxtet) at\Kk at the M>Und abowed up b puatiJll eYlfY-cllf of of tbe t>cq>. Once to a~ they can ourtiws.Atpa11anocloMllicn6ce. remember~ iOCxl lbillp ftom -carved. permaotDl pl9Clt for each • 'their ctu~ood. or tban "''° • liullilY· anacture that Too often we kt Ucts off' tbe book w\Ubelbereb'dllllnlortter.Nooae b)' "~"'the)' doa't owr m 1 ebt will OC1CUPf dm lpCM. thiaa theiroi~. Trw.. lbey're no. wllO oppc.e thil tbeof}i •Y DCM aa eeclOWmcnt lhaa >'OU ca.tb ift IMj ca.-imlpw boW kids CCNkS after 20 )Un.. or are the) aa an ~--ayway. Naive little IOob. U'elllllrt that You hopt 1Will a.a-. tn Tilcre .. a mi.Dioa ·ways. "aluc a IM )C8I'$ ao on. n.e,·re u W1aita Ibey are imall, they cao Ft lO"C:lllaalt thaa mums counay ~nd me a....-. o( ... Mle9 I am timf or rtSpCC'1 b .a.c. ~rents old·fuluon .. buty talkina lo IOmCOftt. TMY can cd cftOUlh lO earn ••- • "'as 1dcnt1fica11on in 11. so-she "'rote to the girl to let her know that she had found the purse and that she would send 1 t to her Toda) m~ sister received a letter from the girl's motht'r saying that she 1s glad m) sister "admmed that she has the purse .. The v.oman added. "Yoq can keep a dollar but please return e'el')th1ngelse .. Fortunateh. m' ~aster "'ho 1s o nh 8 'ears old.· ~as· not aware of the hosule altitude and accusatof') tone that the "'Oman d1spla~ed in that letter But I "as quite upset b~ 11 .\fter all m ) little sister did not ha't' to v.nte to the gin an tht" first plaC't' he could ha"c kept the purse and forgotten all about 11. But "c v.ere not raised to be dishonest and she is the l ind of pe1'on ~ho v.ould do tht' nght thrng Ho"' sad I tho ught \\hat could ha'e been the stan of a lo,el~. long- d1stance fnendsh1 p 1umed out to be a sad d1s.a ppomtment. I hopt' the mother v. ho "'rote that le•:-:r sees this one m \Our column and realizes the damage she could ha'e cauSt"d had m' sister u nder- stood the ungenerosit) of ht'r words Sign me -J-1.CKSONYILLE. FLA DEAR JACKSONVILLE: If tJlc "'omu ruds my colamJI s~c cu 't belp bat sec berscU today. Ho1' empty arc me Uv of ltlote wbo arc suspklou u4 tnstlag and sec tile worst ln c. Tbt) miss out oa all tile f in life. • • • DE.\R .\ -..::-.; L-.\. 'DER · Please S('ttle an office argu nt Who pa~s for the re mo' al of o'rgans fro m an organ donor's bod'., II seems onh fair that the rt'cip1e nt and or the fam11\ should talt' care of thr cost sinC't' th~ donor has alread) made the ulu matt' gJfi. \h co-v.on er sa\S the donor's fa m1i) pa)s the bill. true or false., - \fJDL.\ND. TEX.\S DEAR MIDLAND: False. BUI Brewster, uentive cllttctor of tk Uvln& Buk la Reuta, us asked me to make It clear &Mt Ge redpieet pays. RcmoviJa& erpa1 for tra.u- plu&aU. Is trulff u a replar Hrgical Jrocdatt ud Is oftea covered by lanrutt. "t'llher \Ulnerable. "lorth deals. '\ORTH • Q 10 s 2 A43 J 7 6 +A Q l \\ r. EAST • t..8 3 +J6 10 I 6 S K Q J 9 l A K Q 14 +J6S4 J +9 7 SOUTH + A 9 7 4 7 •• 9 s J l • K 10 I Tht b1ddm1: Nort.. Easa SMttl I + I l • J • • • • Pats ,... Pus ~run& lead: Fhe or - \\uh t•·o relaO\tl) ~"eel hand'>. :?., poml are a raltSt~ nf'- ccs~1t) to cua) a ~or-sun 1ame Wht-n dJsi nbution&l faaon me tnto account, thro• an auidrhnn out of tht •lDdO•. Despte the fact that each 'dt hu t :\actly lO polDtJ, a una that t''Cft a t•o-k\cl contr11L1 could be too hiJh, both pain can mate n1M &nckJ at a .;or-swt cocuraa . 8ut that compeutt\'t tuallOft arc d af • fllC\IJt tO Jldje, M> It d usua11y riaht to bid OM fOf il'llUf'U)( South dtd >~~ th.al, Wttb a happy O\ltcomlf, Orange Coafl OAIL Y PILOT /Friday, January 29 1988 J TV L 1s11NGS Halln\ert{ Hllll of Ferne * etarrtng Glenn CloM & Keith CarredtM In 'Stonee For lbtn'a' Complete te .. vlalon ll1tlng1 In Sunday'• TV Piiot. cm - Why t h er e are no hairy rhiil os · Q. Hov. come rh1ncx:eroses ha' e no hair'' .\ '\atural selt"Ct1on T ~osc ~1'1· mgl~ v. nhout hair bt-tter sun" ed the heat The' d ha'c hair l'llltcle\ 1nudenwll~. JU'>\ nu hair gro"'1ng ui.:l ofthcm Q Ho" long docs t take J. (Jtlish farmer to fatten up a fish to ,. the marletabk "'eight of ~ pound or '>n .\ '\:1ne months. about l.M. Bo YD ~ d.J \'-11h n \\ nat 11 ta ugh• "l!m \\a<. h ~ .l \I. rap pa~ ages Q \\hat s the nonhemmost um-• 't. ., t" n the v.orld" .\ L "'" fr"ll\ 0 1 .\1asb at Coil~ .\ ac..._a north ol Fa1rbanki. People ..-. th ihe heahhacst tl'C'tr. n•H 'n" Je J'e those "'ho grev. up 1n Te\a'> .\n z '""· '-ev. \fe,1co and ( o Jradu ()r \' the dent.al Sul"\ e~" ~ug_g~): Thre-e th•ngs tii ure m0<;tl~ in home ii'-i.;uih A 1~. _ e-.. ~ ta1ri. .\nd 3 Dvo'' When Dr James .\ '-a1~m1:r '"' entcd t>a~ et hall his"' 1te ltl t"d the game. a lot .\'>a \.\Oman .. he couldn t pla' 11 in puhl11: though la"' JI Springfield \IJ\C.. proh1ti1te'd tJlat Did ~ou l no"' 'a1sm1th once waH•ne of Ca nada's tor laaossc pla~ers" He "o und up JS ~h~s1cal educa111.m director at the l n 't'rs11~ ot "'-an!kl<. --18Mi1%Umll~------- L'ndt'rstand the Japanese art' ~11- ing small can\ 11t o\\ gen no"' In bars mostl) To tho~ "'ho think 11 clea~ the head .\nd e'lcrg11t"i <. osts about S5 for the car. "'1th a mask Claim is snails l an g • ti' e "ears "11hout ea11ng To entertam h1m~l1 >n ':It\" da~s. a Los '\ngclcscati dm er"' 1th a degrtt in ps~ cho10$~ uSt"d lo lea' e a S!11all gift-"' rapped bo' 1n the bal ~attrom tame to u me In the bu' "a' nothing but a note. "(nmc doesn't pa' "The game got old. qu1clJ~ He d_thought 11 m1eht teach him to trll <J l ltr'>t glanct \\h1ch passengers v.ould ~teat '.th1C'h v.ouldn't. But some tooi.. the bo\. some didn't, and loot..s had nothmit to ACROSS 1 Clutctl 5 SloP«l .,.a, 9 Otsma~ .. ar 14 Before p ref 15 Gloss over 16 StrMm 1 7 GrM'< DU 011c. area 18 Very bad 20 Instruments 22 To the poonl 23 Percneo 24 Mr RoQef"s 25 Coomnet 26 Soho pan.es 27 Morto-ge 28 BefWI· Obs. 31 Loc:a1ed 3" Sojourned 35 Sgl . e.g 36 Dairy food 37 Shamfned 38 COin 39 Wap.tl 40 Ana ved (1 "Attactl!' •2 Som 43 Memorable limeS 4' Appeel .s Holows 4 7 E.x-PortlJOUeSe colony 48 Artk:le CHARLES GOREN 51 Stt1 wees 53 FOf1lged 55 New- 14 17 \\ l''' cJ .i he.srt. J.nd .a~ .(l('n a' dumnH appcart"d dcd.uer \01~ chat 20 ht' ~a' in dan er of lo~ng 1hre-r J1amond tn, 1., and ;it lea t one 23 trump m, \tter ~innm1 the a~ \'' heart(. hC' IC'd the ''' N d•~· rnonJ from Ju mm). E ~t. r~m<m­ ~nn, the old ruh1\'. 10 .. ,O\rt and hon r \\tlh .in honor:· pta'C'd tht ~ucm anJ \\ ~1 "on thr ind . a \«Ond 11me for h'' 'idc ~hm produced cht .I~ W~t \h11ttd to 1 \;lub 'a heart ~ nunu.iuon ,,,old be no ~net\ ind ded arer uo .&n dumm\. To ttp Ea orf the le2d ~ ran tM quttn of •pade'-. \\'~a too the irtJ &nd 'onunueJ hi attad. on d u Decwer ..,. on on the tab and 1 I J'9~. frtchan& tht JICk and att \f1er dr1•m1 thC' t tru.mp •1th the ten. 11 •as• 1rnpk m.aucr to kad tht en t'f diamond rcw a lin~ a.pintt the t'tjht, thm 10 f()t'tt 04.tt tht 111111 or c11amt>od • ~­ cl&rcf cadcd Uf' 1oun1 onh l'llC trump thd ti t •o a1&nwndJ.. 2 3 .. Eas1ernen 5; •n ttus area 58 St~sn 59 Condernl"ed 60 Manacle 61 u~a•s Of AeoubhC&f'S 62 .t.s•on snes 63 Sh\JIS '" DOWN l Goes "IUOQ'} 2 .v·t n pref 3 Ma I drini.. • Group 5 Roundups 6 FriendShtp ~ Failure 8 Sehl Ol'g 9$~ 10 Cieense 11 Be•Qf9 t>foeom1ng tnDel l~ Son ol , .. 13 In cue that 19 Otatnbe 21 E.Ji~ 25 Summer dnnk 26 Rng - Bens 27 Aoprec••t• ?9 Cu•,...<Mtl()n 30 Frost wort. 3, \ $Ible 32 Unused 33 H<Se 6 7 ~ Rld'I cakes 48 CNer yonOer 37 Gr<Mt 38 LO()I( 49 L.-ge bird seen::hlngly 50 Lowity lit• 40 SOlnt ol 51 Fau pa __ .,,.. 52 USSR rw. .tl Cauter1M 44 Stags 53 Peek cowir .t6 Seoaratel) !>" GOff 9l'IOt .t-Hontiers 56 Dodie unior1 8 10 11 12 13 ' ' FRIDAY LY . 4PM TO 12 IYllD nlGHT anu ru 29th. 1988 APPLIAnCES TU'S Ano UCR'S STEREO on SALE! on SALE! EQUIPMEnT ~Wa s h e rs ../Portable Color on SALE! ..; Drye rs ..; Conso le Color ..; Refrigerators ~ Projection TV "'Rang es Camco rders Ano m·oaE! ~Systems v-C omponents v Car Stereo Microwaves. Teleohones.Portables.Furnlture and Accessories 37'' BIB SCHEEi TU ' ------~ ~-; ---· .. ., ~--.. 'en* TODAY ONLY ! SAVE 011 UCR'S, lllCLUDlll8 4 HEID . STEREO I Hl-f I, Cl Ill CORDED PllCED FOi QUICK CWUllCE SAUE 011 HUllDIEDS Of COLOR TV'S Ill SIZES FROM 5" TO 50" SAUE 011 SELECTED AftllllA UIHllLPOOL FllllDllll CALORIC I MlllC CHEF IPPLllllCEI SAUE 011 KEllUIOODWJUC, 01111¥0. PIOllEEI. JI BOSE lllD IOIY COii IEllTI VHS Video Cassette Recorder with One- Touch Recording 14-Day Programming 0 Hl'f $1S Pfi. '-"'"''" NITM s169 11~(. "1 ( t I~! r • 19" , COLORTV 19" Diag. Meas. Portable Color TV wtth Convenient Automatic Fine Tuning : OHlV SIS l'f P 1111r l·Hl"i WI Pt s149 C1HC Ull '1 1 f < AlC. 1 '"'"'.A• • o I\ un •llA "°" Frigidaire 14 Cu. Ft. No-Frost Refrigerator w/ Reversible Doors 88 Sansul 10" Woofer, Three-Way Loudspeaker w/ 80-Watt Power Handling Capability 549 52,500 Express Credit Available* ·s.. Our Soles CounseJors for o.talls 'Al._...,_ ala4H I*""""* IUlll lft .. I..._. wM THO....._. Ol1 9N ''tr..•.._• 2'Ht .. •HL ClrcuH City Low Price Guarantee ... • II w11f11n 30 da(s of your purcllase from Clfcu11 C11y you tino the same •lem for less at an, 1oca1store,1nclud1ng ours. -Ne 11 refund Ille d1lference plus 1~ of lhe d1tferenc:c Th•• ofl••r e.(Cludes the Circv•I C11y Outlet C.nter I JO Day Return GuarantM ... V Ctrcu•I Clly will gladly give you a full relund w1th1n 30 oays of purcnase 11 you are not Hlt1fleC1 for 1ny reason We ask Iha! you return the merch1nd1se 1n new cond11ton w11n your sales receipt cation 1ne1 1ccea1oriu . The Intelligent Choice! FM>AY, ..... UAltY 29\ OM. lt 4 PM TO MIDll&HT PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, JANUARY 21th ONLY! OVER 100 ITDIES IN 12 STATES ---nrange County Loc111on1---. J, Orettte l anr1 Ane tt01 ~ C'MIPf'l!llft tUt I lrltlOI j114)1J'-Utl t mllH noro1 ot lo Ceatt "HI (714) SolS-1100 Hwn.,,,.I~ ••ectt 1111 ~t Aff. (11•)$. .... Let~•Hlllt ,,,.. , c .... 0. &.• lout•• (714) ts~ 1114 . Sin Fem1ftdo Valley Location• ....--_ ....... 'IMNwf• 11•1tWk..,, II 111.J7 O.•timllir• •>t>t v~..,181 '" ..... 1111 (llfl JM'4'4 (t 1•1 112·> I t ' -l1n Q_,i.t Vlftey Lontlon1 MoftlCJ .. , WHI Co.tfte 1150 "•u l11 l ltN ANNA•• (714) t is.MU 1111)tM-Ull - , I CllCUIT can l •n ••rn•r•no IUTUT Clln'll 111 I I ..,... 11111. IUMPIC ll C714l .... m, an If A•llCl """..-12131724-1111 10u111..-... ... ,,,., .... 2000 • \ • 111J Pilot FRIDAY JANUARY 29 1988 j UCI crushed In-baseball opener by Arl.zona, 17-6. 82. Estancia glrls upset Tustin In Sea View basketball. 82. UCI wilts under 4 pressure,-100-80 UCI'• Wayne En&el•tad cuta underneath Long Beach State'• DeAnthony 'Lang•ton D.-9.... .., ..... ._.. for a revene layln u the Anteaten' Frank Woode look• on during aecond half action. Long Beach State defense stifles Anteater s· attack By JON fERCl'SO!\ oe .. D.-t,... .... l'CI Coach Ball \1ull1gan had one thing on h1~ mind .i fter Thur\da~ night°'> ga me .ti the Bren E'rnt'> Center .. It's a good thing I the nC\t game> rs onh '"Oda\\ J"'a' and not ti .. e da' s lake· after '-'C pla' a ·\Jturda~ and ha\ e to "'all until Thur\da\ .. ".1 ull 1g.an said .. '-' c rt•J lh nc:ed 10 come bad and pla ' .. · ~h," "Th·e~ JU\I Ix-at the hell out o t us .. Mulligan c,.i1d ··Thl·~ pla}ed grc:at The) ·rc: a grc:at ballcluh .. Thc:) Jrl' thl' -l'->crc, of Lo ng &aLh State ""ho prt:'>'>(.'d and shot the ir "a~ past the .\nteatc.-r'> I 00-00: 1n a Pacific ( ua\t .\thkt1c .\s~1a11on baslctball game: It "as 1he 49ers· founhLunc,etut1 \C "1n butonl> their second 1n the IJst 10 mC'eungs "'Ith l '( I and the .\nteaters· "orst loss in t"'o ~ason\ at the: Brc:n (ent<'r It "'a\ a pcrfe1.1 d1spla~ o l "'ha• Coach Joe Hamng1o n's phrlosoph' oftum1ng hi\ talent loo~ has done for Lo ng Bc:ach a loser for the last "" )Car\ "I tho ught lrom ~inning 10 end that "'a' one ol the most cons1">lent gamec, "'c pla,cd · ~1d Hamngton "Our pre\\ "'a\ good earh. ma1nh becau\l' "'t' r,rn a good oftense and "ere able tu get the press ~t up .\ndre Pum pla)c:d rcall~ "l'll ll>-naltht ·· W 11h \he: ~me pla)ers "'ho "c:nt I ~-1 Q uni: ~t"ar ago. the 49ers 1~­ prO, l'd 10 )-3 w 11e 'ian Jost State tor founh 1n the PC .\.\and 11-6 0 ' era II Thoc,c .amc pla,ers. ha' ing turned w a full-uiun fast-brcal µme a'cra1tt.' PCAA standln~• Cont "'bnn• w l w l Ntvaoa Las I t.in 7 , 1e UC S1nta Ba•t:>a•• Ulal' State Lon9 BtaC" Sra•t San Jo~t S11•e Ne .. Vea cc:. S•a•e UC Ftt~"O S'•'t Ca Sta•e ~., e•'()r Pac 1 c b 1 t. 1 s ) s ) . ~ • • 1 0 , 0 8 TlluncUY'' kortt ,, 11 e 1 .. . ' ~ .. ... o ... i;; Seac,. S•a•e \IC .. -:: ~~ Ca S•a re F" e••o• '! P 1 · •• UC Sar ta Baroe•a !)(> NP ... ·.·,. • 0co S•••e 6J Ntvaoe·La \ ..,eoa\ 8' • • s•ate 71 S.turcU~"' GI~\ Ntw ""e• co S•a •e a• ..1" • • e· rie S6 at 1 p .- Fr t\no S•a•e 1• Ca .,.,.,.r:_ ., .. ~ LO"O &ec)C .. S•a •e a· J~ a•·· Baroara !»an Jo\e Sta•e 11• .·.s· 'S'l'~ • ). p m PaCJhc at Ne. aoa La~ • t ,.a\ 8 pm A.O game' 1 • 7 )Ci ~" P\\ ""'er 5 6 point'> ~r gJmt ~1''l'JJ 111 -J and ~hoot JQ •· r. lt.C' •1\K•r an'tl·.id uf -l:' .. The' ha'<' J · .,., •rt· .. 1.•n •idt·n, t' and arc.doing a 1 ml'ft" 1h1ng,'> thJ n tht·~ "'l'rt' tx·fon· \l u1 1g.in \J d Th1.r'>dd~ n1if: l n~ &·J,h I •rlt'd l (I into 2n :~·~1.:'l"" l\dud1n~ '>C'l'n .n the .\ntc:.ih'r' fi-,, 1 111 mt·, Joy, n ,oun Jnd r I ' l 11\'rl t"nt 11 11\ ~h•>l'>t .J l-r.<.1 \uO\C.'..,ut'nl1· l ( l k tl 111 .1-~. ued "'1th 'c"' \ll'\l•l• t.i:t· Jor \1 \lh JnJ 4.\ )\1.'rd Thc: .\ntea1c:r\ l r' leJd "'J' l.41 Jltcr \\a~ ne Engd'1ad hit a thrl'<"- po1nt _goal Jnd "'hdc tho'K' l'J rh turnu't'r'> llnh Ju >untt"d ll•r J ·' Lt,ng Beath lead the r rt'\\urc "'a~ n·kntlc~' 1hrnughuu1 ··'-' t' d1dn"1 handle 11 1 tht" prt"'>'>I · s.i1J l < I forv.ard Fran~ '-' ood\ 1n J ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Super Bowl media a story in itself BENNY R1cooo 'iAN DIEGO-( O\tnngth1\ gamc as a Journalist ha\ ~en an C\ptncnu~ 't cs 11 ha\ ~cau\t' co' cr- ing the"' nii:rs that 1.u\ er the pla~crs 1\a \ton all 1tH>"'n Theda) stans "' 1th the Broncos at the La Jolla :-.1a rnot1 -\'long a\' ou ha'c ~our ;\fl pin on 'o u'n• allo"'ed to enter thc: 1n t1:n It'"' arl·J The inter' 1c"' area 1'i a tellJ "'1th tablc!>and chairs Pla\ers'numt'll:r'i and naml''> arc on a sign on the ta hie The media g.a1her'i tht•rt· and "'am for the arn' al of the pla\er'> Jbhn El"'a~ gc1~a m 1c rophO,!ll' and an clc\ a1cd podium tu h1m'>Cll John gets about ~00 rcponer\ a1 a llml' asksn.f.h1m ... .\re )OU a one-man team ·· Th.c que\11o ns ge1 m ore nd1culous a<; the ~'is1on l'nd!> El"' a' sho"' s remarl ahk pa11cn1.1: in rieldingal!que'it1o n'i3nd ans"'tnng them De\te1 \t anh:' o n the other hand h3'i h1!>0"' n \lo3\ of dealing with thl' media Theda\ be-fore ~1anle' did not sho"' up and left 1he media hanging ( oach GabM ~~s Ot\tcr "''II be here 1h1wfa, In come" Oc\lt'rdrc'><tt"d in a '"'t·a1 o ut tit He sm do"' n and the first 4UC')tlun "\\ h~ didn't \{IU sho"' up H'\ll'rd3' ., .. [);.·,1amu,1 haq; ll'll i1l t· he "'a!> facing hrs motht·r gc111ng the llld fifth dcgrr<' about"' h ' hl' d 1J 11 .\nd l cc p in mind"' nmt·n ha' l' mon· \lamina than me n in Jrgu- mcnl\ [)("<tergeh ur and k a' l'\ the mom and 'ihcd\ thc mc:d1a Ille he "'ould a blocker on third and lo ng I\ coupk ol minutes go b} and bal h o mes De\t~·r "'1th a Redslom; puhllut\ man Dc\tcrsmat thl' tahle and the PR man~}S ··0e,1cr"'11l ans"erque•,. uons ·· hrstquesuon ··'-' h~ d ad ~oucome bac l .,.. Dc\tt'r's upanc1 shout-; to the rl'po nl'r"> In front o fh1m . ·· 11 ~ o u ha'<' an~ qul'Staons for me "'nte them d o"nand I'll an!>"' er them 1n "'n1- 1ng ·· He turns thl' o thC'r "'a} and then tools back at thl' pre .. s and houts Containing Elway big question for 'Skins SAN DIEGO (AP) -R1ch1e Pe11t- bon ans"crcd the quC'staon with the pattence of someone who has been listening for mo re than 30 }Cars 1n pro football "No.·· said Washing1o n\defens1,r coordinator. he didn't expct't tht' Redskins "o uld gtt the eight ~cks on Denver's John El"ll) in Sunda} '\ Suptr Bowl that the) go t o n Mannl'· sota's Wadl' Walson an the FC champ1oruh1p pme "I don't mean to sa~ this the "ro ng "•>.'' Peutbon said "Wade 'W ilson'\ a good quanerback But he's not 1n the same class with John El" a .... Thus the questio ns · How can the Redskins keep El" a) from dod11ng and dancing and put- tinJ up somewhere bctwttn 27 and 40 points. as he has done almost all season? In shorthand. ho " do )OU play Don the E" The 1nswer: You don't You If) to OUl5COr'C h1m. "You know ao1na 1n that he's going to be on the move." said Charles Mann. who "'1th Df\ter Mank} presents Elwa} "'1th as quack a dcfcns1' e end tandem as he has faced 1n his fi ve NFL seasons "We kno" for sure th1lt o ur tongues are going to be hanging out chasing him .. Washington has been ""orling hard 3t II. I Pla't t'rs dC$Cnbed 'W edntsda' ·s "orko u1 as o ne of the hardest-h1ning C\l'r. "Gu}S were getting hat out of bounds:· Mann said "I mean. th()S( wcrr o ur o"n teammates ·· One common method of contain- ing Elwa) 1s the "sp) .. 'i)Stem - assigning a defender. usualr) a linebacker, to shadov. Elwa) and then attack v. hen the t'lusave quanerback breaks out of the ~ket The ob1cc- tl\ l' -to bnna him down or makl' ham hurT) has pa~s. Although Pet1tron and head coach Joe Gibbs Wt'~ not tipping their hand, that as not likel)' to happtn Sunda)'. c:H·n loud er .. In ~nt1ni' .. I 'u' l'd 11 and shoutt'd ··Good for 'ou DC\ll'f · Thc:med1a pco pk g.a 'c nw a' i:r: d1..appru\ ang lool For a mt,mt·nt thc:rc: l lorg.ot that'"' a' nt ttin~l·r J plJ \Cr I l..nt'"' t'\J• lh "'hJt l.JUt'\t1on' t'Jt h plJ\l n•,1,going I 1ht: J\l.l'd f ar,1 1hc:Rcd,l1n' I Da,t•But1- J~l· : D11ug \1, t111,1m., -hlat l 4uarte1hJ1.I. 1 l>Jrrt·ll(1n·cn -nh' n111thl'l·d1hk1,rx·hu1 h1l>P"'n 4 ktl R11,t1l -IJ\l ~mt· ' Rick' \,111n11t-r,-1h1·,1nl..t•and l \Fl h \rt \lonl -hcahh f 11r [)\.•n,l·r I .\~'>•~tant cn;ilh ( harlic \\ C'>I-his m us11.·al chair' plJ' 1ngJl'lt'n'>1'c ha1.l'>.: Rith 1'.J rll'-upn ghts. \ J1mR ~an ­ lad.11h11t·a1lindlal l er 4 Thr~ .\m atto ' -~ou don't haH· to asl QUC:\1100\ thC\ JU'>t ')tan tailing.' ~te'l''-'at\on -age nM b k rl·m1Jh ( J!>lllle -fumble rt•- tO\ t'n E:..:tl h JllU rnah'>t has ha'> l>" n "'a' 111 ac,l 1ng the: ..an·c: ~Ul''>t lOO'> Jam Lampk ' hasfourpro plt'"'llh h1m atall11mcs 1 n am h1schir boards note:~ l'11"\Cra!f. sound s',. tern etc Tt'd 0a .... ~...,n no" "'or~ang 1n Oallac, ac,lsJoe C11hM ahout the .l-\ dc:frnse oppo~d 10 the \ . .l foe: Tht'asmann 1c, tailing tail ing tJll 1ng E' Cr\t'l' hlrn street pcopk tall to them!K.'h non the \trec1.-. 'Joe Jot•\ that onh ht' tlrc:sse<i better It's hat l 111 '1 1 hcad4uan ers and thl· Pla}er'> .\ ,c,tx 1a1 1on press con· ftrL'nLc .\re thL'\ '>1111 around"'"'t i:~·· ..a~'Gencl P'hJ"' "\\hJtdo ~oudt' "'1th the S-l m11l111n that dues produce tur thr unio n CJ~ h 'car'". asked the mLxl1a "\\re pa~ t\~nw'> c,a~ s (1cnc "The pla,crsau1hun1ed the stnle the pla)c~d1d not a~.cpt theo"nl'rs· proposal. and the: pla' Cr'i 1.·hose 10 lomeba1.l I "asonh al't1 ng on their dlfClllOnS .. Bad to the: med 1.i "'''rl 1ngart'a. a l rO"'dgather. lt''>Jal l Donlan JaL l . "'ho d trC\ t<; 1hc: managemt·nt 1.u unsel. said "Thl' unitin has a Rod ~rlang mind an tl·rm'> of their PRO FOOTBALL dc.-mands lt'Hl•n\tJ nth chang ng \\ e tiITcr them hl'11n hent'fit'> t8Jn thl'' ·, c had ht-tore "'t"rc "'ilhn~ 'l' nL·g~1a1c huHht union "'on't rr· (ug_n1n· thl' '>' \ll'rll "'h1l h 1 ~ tht· Jr .i t: 1hc n ght 0ff1r'>t rl·fu1.al \tandard pl.l~er~· ~tintracl\ c:tc ·· T he un1t1n rt'Pft''K'ntall' "'run'' c:· d11. l10g tht•1r re"l.\1rJa, anJ tn ang 1<1 let Donlan l nt'"' thl'' re taping him ( ool Ja1.-l dot•\n 1 ha t an !.''clash He' w d ean ~h.a' c:n t .,iv!..'> lil t: the bca.rJ on h1sfacc d1dn·1,h '"' urtMleJ rol upse111n~ him He ... m\ n..lmc ,, •n tht• louds°pea(c1 r m tx· n~ pJgt•J I get Ill tht• pho nl' and 11°' m'"' k 'ht· ne<'d'I a bah~ s111er for .\'thk1~h ~. Jaugh· tcr I "'ond cr 1fDntn \tan ... , "'ould bab)<,11 ht•r --.hale an'"c~ 'lpn '-'n ting c'er:tx.xi~·.,que<..11 n' II# W&&J WaalllnCtoia defenaln end DUter llaDley la tbe center of attention dvln& • , ...... coelerew Tlaanday. llanley had to be ,_...ded bJ C.C.Cla Joe Glbbe to attend. Prep basketball: More surprises in store tonight? ·~Harbor. pecktd for last 1n the and v.1th the rtil 1ood hoocer in Crara Re«.-w ~u ~ m1.ucd lac wttl .. 81 ROGER CAAUON Sea View. shocktd Corona dtl Mar, at CdM. ThC' Barons Sol a )Ump w1lh a 7().44 Other Suntet pmes toni.aht \ianna l.l-~l ... .._....... •Laauu Beach. pt ktd for fifth in the \'IC101) O\t'rOc·un V1rw 1n ~ finl round. but at Ed1t0n (l·J), Westminster (2-'l 11 Hunt· Sttond·roundplayaeuundttWl)'•ne"~ Pacific Cout Lt .. ~. roUtd throuah four att lt)IJ\I to rtbound from a diJUtrous 0-2 1ncton Bnch(l-4). A.11 pme bqan 11 30 duteuon ton1aht 1n prrp basketball and st,.1ah1 PCL foes before Nnntna into Wood. effon Wt v.tt di.IC' putl to nu. panly to In ~Sea View Leaaue. C'oroM dcl \tar Fount.am VaUey H1ah Co.ch Dl"e Brown bn41tWtdnC1day n~L subparshooungand panJy tothcopposmon (l·l)rsat ev.portHartlor (l-4) T\atin( -0) offcn 1 pttd1c11on th.at fe'1n1rould ara~ Yt1lh. Qcun VLcw. which a~ 10 stnll&lc .... a roach I ha cc to.~na 11 do,wn to l~ \'\Slts Est.anoa C2·l) and Pn1' cn1t' (l &a) "The S«Ond round IJ ao•na ,0 ha1>c Its 01'1 the ~•> 10. S-6 nOn·~UC rttord. •-u term said 8rov.n. but thats 11\-hat II tfa\Cll toSaddkbedt (4-l). 1urpri~ too," 111d Brown as his t~m packcdforfif\h1nlhc unteLSo•he"'a"''~ amounts to (poor sboot1na) "-1 coaches.·~ In lhc Pacific Coast La&uc. "oodbn t ~for its Sun1et Leque cruc1al 1t Ocean Coach Jim H.ams' Scaha•kt a"' ervo>1na dt' 1~ 111 thnc t.h1np ind tl')' lO be fundamcn· (s.-0) " It Trabuco K11h (:!·l >. Lquna ~ch Vn.. • o~mc cdac 0\Cr Fountain Valley and tall~ sound. but 1f the bell IS not'°"'' do•'n. (4-1) '"''" 10 Cosa.a Mna (1 -4) and wun1 h mncd off with a bana in the firit round.. Manna )OU re hunu".. Han (J..2). u.ndtt MW (()a(h Jot Reid. " at For instance: '1be)' 1«m to be aienina bcntr all the RccaUina the first-round confltn. 8"!•,, Orantc (0.S) •Hununaton 8cae:h. pecked for last 1n lht time ... ••d fountain Vallty's Brov.n about said~ "Both teams pla)t'd rttll) hard.~ JU t In the Sout.b Coast Lna1.at. lrv1nt <1-3) •s Su"tet, buncd the No. I ped. Wnlm1n1lcr. Ottan V1~ 'Ocean View 1s rttl iOltd at t.bt ha~nC'd lo btt tbt l.9~ts.ItWUa1°' hk'e at 0.na H1Hl{2·1) lft a kt)' matchup tov.'ard • 9l-60. at Wntmin1tCT. 001ntCM1kc rohn), lhc1nsrddTOdd onnanl our [dl)()ft pmt (I 6Y-Ol \ltetory). Wt mack CIF 4. pla ff bMb • • ,. .. ,, kmn \nk.itc:r., lod er room Jlt<"r- "' JrJ -\nd J\ tht: umllil l~ ltt holh team~ h.1r~ vndnnl'ath dOd grab a nn!> J r '" nr lll><'r 1 pla~ed n ght into ll l .!1.;lr,· 'h l l h.s • tlt'I P' u'> "'hl' n 1 he referee-~ let l.:" r j. jnJ J 1n • •di tht" lll k~·ta .. l • ~ \ -..i1..! 1-,.1 L vl'lg Beach u~nlt"f l )t· \r • •II' L Jntt!>hln .. " t"'rc gving t "lJ' ;x· 1plt d '"n Our 00''> art" r lt;f ~;dd1le'> arc r1..'ugher \\ 1.:'l I 1 I J J 'idndle the pn·~., 11 ... ~ r : t It lht• t>a\l et 1-l ) per\.t'OI n 1•1. fa•,: >iJlf .... 11h m1i.l-range JUMP<'~ t ... ,uJ , , .., ... , n ,. "'a~ 11 PJllt'nt c· 1.1j!r1 111 1.1>.l' tnl· "'all 1n.,1de mu,h t'.ir1' d' l nng &Jl.h denied the pas'> l'"l\IJl \l, en c:n 1urned 11 l'' c:>r "'hen there '"J" • J pr1.·.,.., ·· \tulhgan ..aid ··\\e "':rL' -nJhl1. 11• ha ndle the: ~Ht''' JnJ ttwn •\l t11t·d ll• mal e ad1ustmt'"ll'> JnJ ~11 .. ,1.•uldn't ha nd k 1i '-' t" JU"t ..t ~1pkti:h pdn11.l cd 11e d'> "'t'll \\ '1JI I "J ' lwl ing I 1r "'l'fl' l"ll f rg l,: .... h ,m1.· tt1 t.ilr 11 t..ut and lln<' :• :urr n •h1.' m1ddkand atta,l tht rrt" Point guard Ke' in flo,d "'hl h.td lour turno,er\ 1n the tirs1 '>('\CO m1nutL·\ turned the maJont' 11 the pre'' hall-handling re-!>pc:in-. bd1 t) 11,er tl \t a~e H~s for a "'h11c bu1 all the \ntc:atcn had trnuble h l d ing 1n1 the ooh "'hethl'• 3g.3 O'>l the prt·..,~ or an thl' ha lkvun o fTen'><: '-'1th a I: . .., lead L t)ng &ach \\.ureJ nine StrJ1ght -l.aPP<'tJ b~ the first ot f11ur threc-pnint goal'>!-' Rago \loon. "'hu .. a ..... l· tl-!he tx-nch to .,,urt' .i ,areer-h1~ :.i f"l.'tnts on 0.. 111 I I '>h11l1t ~ Pu~" "hu had 14 P\ll Ot<, 1n thc: • r,· 1-,.,1.-fin 'hl'd "'llh : ' point' I rd'.,u1.ind1. J nd lour J')'>l\t\ .. ,c,tx">d' t.ould Mndk Purn · \1ull•g.an "-lid ··He., ICX' strong and (Pleue .ee UCl /82) *** No. 3 Tar Heels , stunned \Vake Fo rest pulls upset : Fullerton \\'ins first in PCAA From Tbt \s odatt'd Press [)J' 1J ( Jrh k kd d '>('('Ond-half , •'1ll ~J, :hJi '-'J' .. JPrlCd h' (\am h, ·, \"•' trt·l ·hr""' "'1th thrtt ,l,\l'lJ, rl'mJ n1ng JI. \\31._t Fore'>t ""'C'\ th1rJ-ranl t.•d ,,,nh ( arohna. '' -.. Thur-..1.i~ n1gnt tn .\tlanttl l '··'' l •nl1.rt·nlt' b.i~..,etba I '• .11 ng "'' a'> mln' a' 1-l points J' • r iht• <.<:,11nd ha f \\ale Fl'rt'~l 1 : . ..: n 1hl ~< ( -_.., mcrat11 u~d ~ • •. l ;-..• nt-,h : ha,...-;ige w 1. ut a •.; . .:~ Jl1i(1t ~' 'r--'2 \A.Ill' l \~5 •t·~ j · ng l .i· ' l' h t the fif'it l"O 11-• : i" ntcr-. Jn..! t al Bo'd capptd thl ,rr.·l·"' :h l"'C. m 1re Bo)d addt"d J rt :>-\ • th'l'<'·Dl.llni oac;let "'llh Q 5Q k1· · hnn~ tht Deml'n Dt-arons .... ., .... J .t .\ 1:.: run ''-"enng mort' than ti.._., m1nutt"" g..t 'e \\ ake Fo~t a -; -edge: Ralph "11k' capptd the rJ •, .. 11h l"'t' lrtt throws "'llh .J OJ k!t Ran11no \mllh h11 a thrte-p.11n1 t'IJ\l (1 ll11(' thl' SC'l1rl' at --\\Ith ::: kit "'ut '-'ale Fol't'!>I rt'"~ponded "'>th '"''' trr<" thfll"'" ti' ( arh le and a shon JUmfll·r b' Todd ~ndcrs kt1 l t•Ni hit a thrtt"-poanter ",th 50 't·umd" l~tt 10 bnng ~onh (aw. •J1<.: l 4-.\1 "'1thin8I-Oand R1~l I 1•\ hlod ed l\\·ss.hot fro m thr ba .... ·linl· "1th : 5 ~'°onds left But the Tar lk,·1' ta It'd 10 capn.ahze \lo hen Pt"tc l hu. utt "'a' l alled for traHhng h' h•ukJ h h'' hit both end~ of 3 t"ll.1nu' Iv \4:a tht' UJl"CI In rt .\ .\ rnat1.hu ps Cal Utt Fallt-rtoo 7$, Padflc to: Richard \1l.1n1.1n "-l'rcd I poancsand Henn T urner JJJrd I points and I ) rebound~ 1-lead the Tit.ans. l I·-. 5· I ~) t<' J 't\ wn <''et Pacific (0-. "·I '\ l in a ~auk o t wan less PC'~.\ tl'am'> Monon made 4 of ti thrtt-point 'hot\. 1nd ud1ng thl"C'(' an the first half th' third thrtt-poanter. "•th I 40 l't'ma1n1ng 1n thl' half. ga .. <' the Titans a '~-2 1 lead Pacific s Dom ingo Rosano hn 1 thrtt·poan tl'r 35 S('('()nds later 10 close tht first half ~a.th the Tnans leading 35-:?4 The T 11an~ went o n a 14-5 run dunna the first ~\t"n manutt"S of the S«ond half to stture the 'lCton C'hnsuan Gra~ \C'Orrd 12 points and Dan Embnck I 0 to lead the T1 T'\ en u ·Lu Vqaa 17, FfttM Slate 71: ~rald f>ldd10 scored 2S po1nu and Keath Jame-added l3 u N o. 4 e\ Ida· Las \ ~ ('·I. I I) 0\ er- camc 1 sh.1g1sh •tan to cnute pas. the \ ISJtll'\I 8ulld (:?-6. S-12) Paddt0 srottd :? I of h1 poenl5 on thttc·pou\ l and Jam lu l fi \'e thrtt-po1nttt\ as~ Runn1n' Rebels ustd the lona shot co pull away 1n lht nd half. L l \' hit 16 lhtft-potnttn - 1nclud1ng Q of 1-4 1n t.be nd half - as the Re~t K't hool and PCM rcrordi for most dutt-po1nten in t pmc The old l'U'Ords ~ 1'4. and ~ -OOLL9Q&(D.) ' Replacem:ent QB has 1nore than ------thlg .interest _ UClrlpped Lak= :-0dl.:!1:·~~~15-94 by"Arizona Estancia u sets Thursday niab~cad Los Angclei to a R"I in OJ>el .. e· . p 11 s,.94 . NBA ViC'IOt')' O\·cr lhe Ku~ ln .:.-... £ s Vi I d Sacramento,lhelakm'32ndvkt°')'tn40 ea . ew ea er r,':: t~:a'r.n. :~ J= ·~~eJ8 ,e~~ ID T,P~~ -;~~H:ko~ rr.. TM .UMda&H Prus consccuttve victory ovct lhe K.inp. The la.st nme the dolled a thf'Ceo'Nn 1n~ an the fim Lum kin•s basket cipliaary raJOns., aa:ordinl to New· K.inf. won a pme from Los An,gelC'S ~as on Feb. 18. inning as the CJnivmity of Anzona pon Harbor COIC9 Davia B&idL LOUISVlLLE. Ky. -Ed Ru~n·s investment in the Super Bowl cannot be measured an monetary terms, even tho ugh be paid $200 for two tickets to the game. 198 , ""hen the frartchi.st was located an Kansas Cu~. handed UC t a 17-6 season-opcmna ifts Eagles past UaheultJ u , htS1hm t i: The TN-La.kers rolled lo a 36-14 lcad With 1:34 left in the ba~balJ loss Thursday. bost Trojl.O.s, becked by Shelley tir\1 quancr and led throu&houL· Tht Antea1ers K'Ored once in the Tustin, 42 .. 41 O.vit' 6S PCfClCR\ lhootiaa from the A 22-4 run pulled Sacramento top of the fint innmg but then field, unproved their recofd to M . within 40-34 with 8:40 ~ma.ming Hak ovich ignited a seven-run 4-2. while Saddkbeck fell to ().3 in Rubbcn quanerbacked the Washington Redskins 101 3--0rccord d unng the NFL stn ke earh~r th as season, ajv1ng the regulars a 4-1 record to wo rk wn h when the} ~turned. in the first half but the Lale.en Wildcat firsL league. used a 12-2 burst to take a S4-38 Jeff Huck. who was 4-S a year ago Patricr Lumpkin sank a eiS)lt-foot In 1heSurue1 Leasue: lead with 3:48 left 10 the half. With a 6.82 ERA. suffered the los:s for baseline shot with I :OS rmwni.na as a • ..._..__. t i, w...-1eetet They ncvertra.1led by less than 14 UCI. Estancia Hi&h upset Tustin, 42--i I, in ti: ShtrY1 Rttd scored a ~oal Rubben. who wall q uahf} for a share of the team's Super Bowl payoff. is assured of S 18.000 al read) and said he could make an additional S9.000 -7 5 percent ofa winner's share - if the Redskins beat the Denver Broncos. ~ints the rest of the wa) and Arizona extended 1ts lead to 11-4 a girls Sea 'View Lr.ague basketball hi&h of (6 poi.nu 10 lead the Oilcn three umes led by 25 points ... In after fi ve inn in~ and then came up game Thursday at Tustin. ( l l · 7, 4-2) put the Uons (o-6). Tami other NBA action. Beraanl lllag with a sax-run sixth. Shermct was hit The Eaglesa.re 13-7 overaU and 4-2 Chick added 14 points and Stefanie scored the first eight ~in ts of tht: by a pitch an the mningand later came in league. lied for seconcl, with Pcmpcr. who helped Hunth11ton ··1 guess yo u could sa) v.e put them 1n prett) good posjtion:· he said ... but Lhe} v.ent on and pla}ed the rest ofthe season and had some big v.ans. As far as putting them in the Super Bov. I. that's reall) not fair to sa} ·· fourth quartCT, sparling a 12-0 a round to score. and Kevin Lon•{).. U niversity and ju:st a pmc behjnd Beach's socccr team to a 2-l vie10ry WortllJ burst that snapped a 72-72 tie and for-S. 3 RBI) drove in two runs Wlth a league-lead.in& Tustin (I )..9. S-l). over Fount.am Valley with liA 10&lie pov.ered resurgent Washingto n to a I04-90v1cto~ over double. • Estancia led by ai many as ~en saves earf1tr 1n the allemoon. tcOted Nev. York T he Bullets won their eighth consecuu'e The Anleaters added two runs 10 points in tht first baJfand :M-26 after tO poinu. • Still. Rubben as proud of v. hat the stnke team accomphshcd . With the former Una\ersll} of Louisville pla}er at the controls. t~e squad beat replacement teams of St. Louis. the New Yo rk Giants and Dallas. home:-game under Coach Wes UueW and are 9-3 each of the final two innmgs. Heath thrccquarte~ButTustioralliedand PeaW.ValleJ U ,OceuVkw41: o' era II since Cnseld replaced Kevta Loepuy on Ja n. 3 lane garnered the victory for Anzona went in front 41-38 wilh two minutes St.aety Hisab 9COfed 13 points. ... Cleveland·s Brad DHper ty led a balanced attacl while n nkmg out ~ven in seven left. iocludin& niM in the fourth quanct. "11h 18 points and the Ca vahers held Houston wuhout innangs. · Shawna Newbern, who bad l 3 as the visiting Baroni ( 1 ).9, S· 1) a basket dunng an 11 :41 stretch of the second half en Jeff Oberdank powered UCl. dnv-points. 13 rebounds and five blocked rallied for the ~i.n. route to a 109-85 victor) O\Cr the host Roclccts ... In 11\g in two runs whale going 4-for-S at shots. countered with a basket and lo the Pacific Cout ~ue: .. We were JUSt a bunch of guys ti"\ ang to ma~l' a name for ourscl .. es.·· he said "We were ionunate to v.1n lhosc three games. We didn't ~nov. v.hat to e \pect But d uring the first game e' ef}bod} seemed to l~1'11e together a s a team and we reall} Jelled. Demer. Blalr Rasmassea. making only his third start the pla te v.nh a home run. Last year then Lumplon hat the game-winner. WMArWp H . ,.,..._.Billa as: of the season. scored ::!3 points as the Nuggets beat Obcrdank. hat .298 Wlth five homers Tustin had t1J.o more opportunities. Randee Mahonyscortd l4 points and ~fih,au~ee I 22-113. and moved 1010 second place 10 a nd 29 RBI. John Sccburger aJso had but a tumo\'Cr and a missed shot in ~ Mil.lat bad t2 points and l2 the \hdv.e!>t D1' 1s1on a $ood da) at the plate . ..soing 2-for-3 the final seconds gave Estancia the stciis to lead the Wamors (17·S. S-l) ~· .. You've got to ghe Credit to the coaches and the organization. The} brought 1n so me quality pla,crs:· Three of those impons -v.1de rece1,er .\nthon) Allen. dcfensl\ e back Dennis \\ oodberr: and light end Joe Caravello -earned roste r spots "'hen the regulars ~turned. Rubben did not. "Of course. 11 v.ould be nice to be o n the sidelines in uniform. An) bod) v.ould ~111 for that:· he said .. But I have no regrets. I'm glad the~ got t1d.t'tS for me and I wish them the best. .. l'in rooung fonhem all the ~a~ ... he added "~ot onl) forthc mone). but n·s a great orpn1zauo n and "' e still got some fnends on the team ·· .. Quote of the day Nick Macarcbuk. in his· first 'ear as Fordha m's basl etbaJI coach after coaching at Canasaus College in Buffalo on v.h~ he tool his usual fi,e-m1le Jog despite the bhuard that struck Nev. York Cll' Jan b one da' befo re his team pla~ed Pnnceto n ··.\re ~ou k1dd1ng" This (the snov.) 1SJuSt like BufTa lo.1 feel n ght at home This as hov. I get ps~ched for a game." Dodgers sign Marshall, Howell Tigers make off er to Gibson DETROIT -The Detroit T igers have Ill o ffered slugger Kirk Gibson. recentl) declared a fn:e agen t b~ an arbitrator. a one- \ ear contract e\tensaon v.11h a no-trade clause. the team ..aid Thursda'. Spokesman Greg Shea · declined. howe,er. to confirm o r den~ pubhshC'd reports about details of the contract propo~l 4 Shea said he: did not knov. there had been a response to the ofTer The Detroit ~c~s reported Thursda) tha t the offer 10\ oh ed a SI 3. m11l1on base salar) this ~car with the poss1 b1ht) of bonuses ra1s1ng that to S 1.535 m11l1on In the 1989 season. G ibson v.ould fC'C'Cl\'C a guaranteed sala~ of S I 5 m illion. the ne"spaper said. Love shoots bogey-free round SCOTT D.\LE . .\nz -Da' 1s Lo'e Ill parla~ ed a nev. putter and the best score o i his cart'cr. a n -under-par 63. into a three-strol t' lead Thursda' 10 the first _round o t the Phoenl\ Open ·Golf Tournament. Lo'e ~3 fi01shed offh1sboge~·free roundv.1tha n ea&le-par-b1rd1e·b1rd1e stnng that accounted for four of the nine 3's he scattered across his card on the TPC Course LOS .\~GELES -o ui.fietder ~tile Ill Flyers beaten, Hextall injured Marshall a nd pitcher Ken Hov.ell. ~ho had agreed to terms o n a one-~ear contracts the 'ev. 't orl Rangers ddeated Ph1ladel-' both filed for salal"\ arb1trat1on ha'e Jolln \"aobiesbr1>uck made 35 sa'n as ~ "'~th the Los .\n~eles Dodger\. the team ~1d Thur~a~ ph1a a t the pectrum 5-2. an the ~HL Marshall. -8. pla~C'd in I CW g.ames "llh the Thursda~ night Fl~ crs goaltender Ron Dodgers last season. hming 294 ~1th 16 home runs and Hext.all left the game after the second penod v. uh a n gh t n runs-batted-in Ho\l.ell 2~ had a ~ record v.1th OOl' shoulder inJur: and '"as taken to a hospital fo r :\·ra~s sa'e and a 4 QI earned run a'eragl· in 40gamesv.1th Lt•s He\tall v.as hurt earl~ 10 the second penod v.hen he v.as Angeles last year strucl b' a Ranger shot In other :"'HL games John Marshall signed for s-t-<.i ~.11 He had as t'd 1or-~"ad~a.D broke a th1rd-penod 11e v.1th his third goal ot S 795.~ "'h1Je the Dodgers had offered s.-.: 5 OCX1 1he game and 'e"' Jerse~ rallied for a 6-3 '1c10~ o'er :-\"O terms v.ere announced on Hov.ell s agreement , asning P111sburgh 1n Jim Scboenreld's debut as the He had asl ed for S:!45.000 "'h1le the Dodgers had ()e, 1ls coach In Bosto n. goaltender Reggie Lemelin offered S 185.000 recordtd his third shuto ut of the seaso n as the Bruins Hov.ell ~as opuonC'd to .\lbuq uerque of the PaC1fi< beat Quebec. 3.f• Lt'mel1n faC'ed onl' I 9 Quebec shots Coast League last .\ugust ~!'d inJured has shoulder He in secunng his ninth career .shu1out · Doug Gilmour underv. ent surger: Oct -to re mo' e the 11r ot the reg1stl'red the ~ond three-goal performanl e of his cla' 1cle in has n ghl shou lder carl'eT and addl."d an ass1sL leading t Louis to a 9-1 '100~ 0 ' er '1s1ting ~ti nnesota. stretching the Blues' "1nn1ng strea~ to four games North Stars' Nanne resigns ager Loo Na.ue resigned on Thursda~. ' Minnesota '."orth Stars General Man-~ sa) mg he feared the pressures of his JOb would ruin h is hea lth ··1 -.ouldn't d1,orce m} self dunng the game from the stres' of~ mnang and losmg.:· ~anne 46. told a nev.sconfert"nce .. This g1,cs me an opportu nu~ 10 enJO~ hod.e} a lot more and a lot long.er ... :'\annc:-said he felt no o umde pressure to resign. The ~onh tars faa le-d to male the pla,ofTs last season lbr the first 11 me since 19~9 and are fo un h in the Nom s 0 1\ 1s1on Edmo nto n Oilers star Wayne Gttttlly said Thursda~ he's read~ to pla~ again and e>.pects to be 10 the lineup for tonight's game agam st the Ca lgaf) Flames Gretzk~. ~ho hasn't pla~ ed s1 nee severe!~ straining a ligament 1n his ngbt kntt og De-c JO. said the l nee is greath 1mpro,ed ... r m feeling strong. 1"11 g1' e 11 a go ( tonaghll ... he said after a strenuous SO-minute pract1~ 'Tm at the pornt v.hert" (the k.net') as prett} "'ell 100 percent Edmonton Coach Glen Sadler v.asn't read~ to make an) C'ommn mc:-nt Tbursda' ··\\e'll stt:· Sather said .. If he's read' he'll pla~. af n'ot. he v.on·1 .. Without Gretzk) in the lineup the Oilers ha .. c a reco rd of 5-4-4. &.ood enough to !>ta~ close to the front-running Flames an the chase for the overall points champ1onsh1p. Television, radio TELEVISION 5 •J· p m -PRO BASKETBALL. Boston al Detroit TB t> p m -BOXl1'G Doug DeWitt 's Jose Q uinone!> in If .. round m1ddle1A.e1ght bout. from .\tlaii t1C (11~ :-..J .. ESP!' -3(1 p m -PROBASlETBALL: Atlanta al La~e,-.,. Pnmt• T icket. SclecTV. T BS. Q p. m -BOXING: Iran Barkle~ '!> Sanderhnd \\ 1l11ams an JO-round m1ddlev.e1ght bout. from .\tl anuc C1t~. SJ ltapcdt C hannel . (:. 9 p m -PRO BASKETBALL C B.\ - Rex he-!>ter al \\ ~ o m1ng.. ESP!' RADIO 6 pm -PROsoCcER Lazer.sat Baltimore 1dda,ed). KMJ'l;Y ( 1600). " 30 p m -P RO BASKETBALL .\tlanta at Laker\ K L.\( <P OJ. ~ 30 p.m -PRO BASD:TBALL M1l- ~aulee at Clipper$. KRTH (930). ~ ................................................................................ .. .. ' ~ .. > ,, Sports-on TV for weekend !· Satartbt ' RADIO ~ Y I p m -COi.LEGE BAS:IET'BAU.. ~cw Meuco ~ TELEHS10 ' State at l (I. KPZE ( 1190) :-. 9 a.m -COLLEGE BASKETBALL Wake Fo~t at 3 p m -COLLEGE BAS~ALL: Washington at :; Virginia. ESPN t;CL.\. KM PC'l ~I O). ! 10 a.m. -P RO BOC1EY 'c:-1o1. 'ork Ran~ at 3 p.m -COLLEGE BAS&ETBALL: WasJungton !·Boston. WO R. tateat t:SC KS'\ CIO Ol. •• l l a.m -COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Geof)Ja Tech 6:30 pm -PRO BASIETBAU.: 01ppen at : at North Carohna. Channel 2 Den\ er. ""RTH (930} ;· 11 a.m. -MEN'S GOLF n1or l ms Gamt. from 7.30 p.m -PRO BOCK.EV: Minnesota at K.inp.. •· Oahu, Hawa11. Channel 4. KLAC (SiOl •: Noon -AUTORACJNG 24 HoursofDaytonaearl~ 7:30p m.-COLLEGEBAS&.ETBAIL; Long8ca(h ~: 5f.a&CS. from Da)tOna ikach. Fla . TBS State at UC Santa Barbara. KPZE ( l 190). • I p.m -MEN'S GOLF PG.\ Phoenix Open. 1:30 p.m. -COLLEGE BAS&.ETBAU. Frnno : Channel 2 St.ate at Cal St.ate FuJlcnon. KMNY (1600). ~; I p.m. -COLLEGE BAS~ALL: llhno1s at Sunday •· Anzona. Channel 4 •' I p_m. -COLLEGE BASg£TBALL: !'/~ Mc,ico ·":! St.ate at UCl. Channel S6. .; 2 p.m. -HORSE RACING Tht> Do\!, n Handicap •• from HaUandale. Aa . ESP~ ·;: 3 p.m . -OOU-EGE BASKETBALL Washinaton al ·:: UCLA.. Channrl ?. ... 3 p.m -MEN'S BOWLING GreateT :-...e-Orleans ·=• Oawc. from Hl.f'·e)'. La. (dtla)ed). ChanMI 7 ·=: 4 p.m. -COLLEGE BASIETBAU. P1u I I Boston .-. Collqe.. ESPN. ••• 4:30 p.m -WIDE WORLD OF SPOllTS: \\orld ~ G)imnamcs Champlonsh1ps. mt n·s aod ~omm's fir13l~ =" from Ronetdam Holland f11pcd) upcr Bowl PftVl~ • Channel 7 ~ S:30 p.m. -PR.O IA.S&.ETBA.l.L NC"VO Yort ll Oaao. WOR. · 6 p.m. -COLL.EGE BASl.!:'TBAU.: Louis~1lk at Memphis Statt. ESP . 6:JO . p m. -PllO I AS&ETBAU..: Chppen at :· 0m,~er. O\lnnel 5. • 7:l0 p.m -PllO HOCKEY· Minncsoll at Kin ~ Prune Tteket. SclecTV. : . a p.m _ cou.go.B a &£TSAU.: Paci ric a• tv.S.Las Vtps.('hannd 9 I p.m. -1IORSE llAaNG: Santa nJt.a repla~ Cbannd S6 TELEVISION 9 a.m. -PRO BAS&ETBAU.. Philadelphia at Boston, Channel 2. 9 a.m -SPORTSWORLD World Pro F1gurt l at1ng Champ1onsh1ps. ladan and pairs. from Land· O\er. Md. (taped). Ch3nnel 4 I 0:30 a m -llllFJ1f'S GOLF· ~mor ins Game. from Oahu. Hawa:u. Channel 4. 10:30 a.m . -COLLEGE BAS&.ETBAU : otrt Damt at Ktntuck). Channel '7 11:301.m . -cou.EGE BA.SIETBALL: M1ch1pn at }r.KUst. Channel 2. I e.m -COLLEGE BASK.ET9AU.: ~Paul at Nonb Carohoa St.ate. Chanr~I 7. I p._m -SUPEll BOWL Pait-GAME: ChanMI 7. I.JO pm -M!'Jn GOll: PGA Pbotl\1a ()pt-ft, C~nMl 2. 3 p.m -PRO rooftALL: Supcf Bo•I - "a h1naton " ~n~er. from n O.CSO. C'hanntl 7. 730 p.m . -WOMEH'SSWIMMJNG: Ptppefdant ll SC. Prime T l('k.ct. 8 p m -BOSSE llACING: Sant.a Anita ~)'I. Channel 56. BA.DI() ) p .m. -PftO POOTBA.L. Supcf Bov.I - \\ash1n1ton "'· ~n,er, from n Diqo. KN 0070•. with tv.o RBI. win. pest T111buro Hills (4-14, 0-6). The T im St.an1nger was the founh of Elsewhere in the Sea View League: Warriors a.llowed only 11 points in four l:CI pitchers to take the mound N~wpert Harbor U, Corou 4el the second half. against the hard-hittini Wildcats. Mar 3%: Jenn) Stucker scored 16 Jn colle.,c action: Staninger had one stnlceout and points and had 14 rebounds as the Freuo State $t, ua ti: Yvette pitchC'd a scoreless eighth inning. Sailors ( 10-8. 2-4) held off host CdM Roberts poured in 23 points and The .\nte.atcrs 1A.erc to resume their (0-6). Leesa Agent added 20 as the host three-game stnes with Anzona toda) Chantel Deford. who sco red su Bulldop (9· 7. 4-3) broke a ~ v.1th Dean Dout) on the mound for points. ~as dropped from the te.am game UCI winning streak in a PCAA UCI. Doul) was ).) last season. follov.10g the game due to d1~ game. Biola turns back Vanguards, 85-7 4 Baola College. ranked third na- uonall~ 1n the NA!.\. pulled a1A.a) from stubborn Southern Cahfom1a College in the st<"'Ond half and posted an 8~-74'1ClOJ) o'er the Vanguards in D1stn ct Ill basketball Thursda} night at home. The" in 1mpro\ ed the Eagles· marl to 2 1 · l 0' erall and I 0-0 10 d1stnct pla~ CC foils to 8-11 and 6-2 T he.game \!,as close for.much of the first half. but B1ola utilized a spurt in the la~t t\l.O minutes to open a ~3~ le.1d at the breal , The Eagles then began e~tending the m argin 1n ttie !>econd half and v.ere up b) 21 (11 -t91 v.1th 8 25 remaining in the game SCC V.0Uldn't Q UI{ and was able lO sha' e the margin to eight points v.1th 3 23 left betorc B1ola put the game a~a\ The Eagles dom inated the boards to the tune o fa ~:!4 rt'boundang edge 10 the game B1ola's Johnn\ G nflin led all sco rers "1th 25 ·points. \o\ h1k JefT ~tart1neau added 1- The \'anguards rC'Cc1,ed J sohd effort from freshman Jeff B1c~more " ho connected on 7 of I 0 from the field and fin1!>hed "1th a team-high 14 points. Four other sec pla)Crs reached doubk figurt"s. "'h1le Jeff de La'eaga tallied all eight of his points 10 the final fi,e minute-s ~hen the \'anguards made their last chal'gC' SCC m~ts Fresno Pacific on Saturda~ n1 gh1 at ho me in m ne\l o u11ng. In ant.~her college game. C'llrj.Jlw Heritage 97, C'llrin Col· lege lrvi.De 'S: Center Da'e Kar._st~ dominated the 1ns1de. sconng 28 points and leading Chrisuan Hentage (9-11 ) to the '1cto~ over the Eagles ( -13). CCI fell behind 58·35 at the half and v.as ne'er able to threaten after that 1n the loss at home. Dan Klatt nad I~ points 10 lead the v.a) for the Eagles. v.ho '1s11 Cal Lutheran Satur· da} night UCI. • • From B l 1umps too high \\ e v.ere outmatched on the front line The' v.ere not onh stro nger. but had quickness a nd Jumping abtht) and the~ pla~ed hard·· Leading scorer Morion \\ale~ hit onh I ~. but 11 mattered little Not onl\ Pum scored inside. but the center conib1nat1on of Langston and 6-9. 150-pound John Hatten ac- counted for 26 points and se'en rebounds .. Ear1} 10 the game. the~ tool o'er the game:· ~tul11gan said .. \\ e got some good shots. but couldn't make them go in. We should ha'e gone to the 1ns1de a fter v.e missed the 13· I 4 footers. Instead ofgetung 1t an.side. ~e got into a JUm~shooti ng contest and v.e missed. w e·,e gone against the \"t>gas press and not had that much trouble 1f the ball goes 10 the hole ·· L'C I ne,er cut 11 to less than 01ne a nd three consecuu' e three-point goals. tv.o b) Moore. 'la'e Long Beach a 50-33 lead v. ath 1.35 left in the half. Warriors rout Trabuco, 6-0 Woodbndge goallc~r Meliua Gover e>.pcnenocd a once-in-a-arur .situation an h1ah school &irts ~r Thursda) -she rttardcd a shutout ,·1cto r) without gcttJng a single uve. The Wamors topped vmung Trabuco Hills. 6-0. to raise their Paetfic Coast League rec.ord to l-1 -1 as the field pla)ers stopped Tra.buco Halls from a sing.le shot o n goal. Suzie Baldwin and Melissa Robles each scored tv.1ce for Woodbndgc. which 1s nov. ., ·;·I o' erall. --~anv.tut? 1nSunscrt:tague pta~ Oceu V lew 1. Marta.a t: ffrcsa ~tathaO\. ~uh an assist from T nc1a Cook. seored the onl~ goaJ of the game as host Ocean V1e1o1. 1mpro'ed to 2-1 -t an le3gue pla~. Man na fell to 1-1-5. Bu tial'" Bae• t , Fouta.la Val- ley J.; K erT} Kelter headed an Lisa Lt1ker's rrtt kick in the second half to &l'e the Oilers the ,·1ctor). upping their rttard to 3·2·2. 7-S-4. Sconng fo r Fountain Valle' (3·2·2. 9-S-4) was Deena Hau,er · Shadid to a ssist Workma n a tOCC Orange Coast College football coach 8 111 Workman bu l\dded former Bolsa G rande head coach G reg Shadid to his staff as a defensive assistant. 1t v.as annouhC'Cd Thurs· da~had1d coached at Bolsa for 11 ~ears. S"-as a head coach 1ncludll\& a CIF Central C onferencc title ID 1986 "hen the Matadors v.ent 12-0. He wtll C'Ontanue to teach at the high school le,el v.h1le has specific defensive duties ha"e not )et been determined. COLLEGE BASKETBALL R0UNDUP ••• From Bl CSL\' held the old league mark UC SaDta Barbara M, New Muico Stau 63: The Gauchos· Bnan Shav. v.as limited to SC\ en points. but Bnan Johnson came through v.uh 17 po10ls. includmg five thrtt·point goals. and Camck DeHan scored 16 a.s host L'C Sant.a Barbara (6-2. 14-31 held off the i\gg.ics (4-4. 12·9). Jeff McCool led New Mexico State with 22 points. hitting 7 of 10 from thrt'C·point range. Freshman Mike Do~le hll forea ght points and grabbed se' en rebounds fort he G auchos." ho hn 56 percent from the floor and 88 percent from the line. In the Pac1fic-IO- UCLA II, Waslaiertoa St.ale H : Dave Immel scored Ii points and the Bruins made the ir fi rst 11 shots of the 5CC'Ond half 10 coast to a victory O\'er the Cougars at Paule> Pavilion. Gerald Madl.ans added IS pomts for the Bnuns (4-4. 8-10). The Couprs (4-4, 7-8) have never beaten UCL\ an 30 tnes an Los Angeles. UCLA led JJ-31 al halftime. then ~nt on a 2S-13 run. capped b) Trevor Wihon's layup with ll:S4 ~mam1ng. to we a S~ lHd \\ 1lson scored eight of his ~ants dunng lb.at run. ArtlOU ff. Arix.u Stllk •t: Scan Elliott scored K\ en of his IS points duri ng a 24-S second-half run as the to~ranlced Wildcats (9-0. 19-1) pasted the Sun Ot-nls (S-4. 11-7). The un ()t-,·als. down 4)..24 11 half\ame . scored the first four points of the second half before Anzona IA-<'Ot on a 51 .-minute run that turned the game into a rout. Tom T olben 's thrtt-pomt pla) gave .\rizona a 6 7-33 lead v.1th 1308 to go. Sta.Dford 71, 0recOG State 5$: Greg Butler had 24 pomts to lead lhe Card1 naJ O\er the Beavers. Howard Wnght added 22 as the Cardinal used their superior height to o'erpov.cr the Bea\Crs in the closing minutes Stanford 1mpro'ed to 13-6 o'crall and S-3 in the conference. good for second place. v.h1k O rego n State dro pped to 9-; and 3-4. stretching a lo~mg stnng to lhrtt Califonala 77, Oregoa 74: Harmut Onmann. a Junior from ~nnan). scored one o f has two baskets ~1th 37 seconds left to pla) to &JVC the Golden Bears the 'acto" over t~ Ducks O rtman·s basket broke a 73-73 tie Orego n (3·3. 8·7) came back wnh a free throv. b}' forward Keath Baldersto n with ca.gilt seconds left to pla). But the Bears (6-10. )..S) sewed up the victor) on a dnvmg layup b} forward And) Bngham with 1~0 seconds to pla) EJ~hcre. Tnlfle 17, St. BeuTaa.tt M: S1xth-r11nked Temple, led by M11ct V~k's 2S points. scored 13 stra1&ht points an a s.rcondo-half spun and t.M ~Is went on to dtfeat t • Bon.a\-enture in an tlantJC tO pme Miclairu 7', llllaol1 14: Glen Race scored f3 points and eighlh·ranked M1ch1gan (6-1. 17-2) ran oul to a 16- pomt halftime kad and cruised 10 a Big Ten HCtOf) o 'er No. I 3 llhno1s (4-3. 14-5) 'ieu1-El Paso U , C.lorade Stak SI: Chns Sandie sank two free throws With 11 SC"Co nds remaining as ~­ ranked Texa.s-EI Paso (6-1 . 17-3) fought back from a 14-point first-half deflcit to cdic Colorado St.ate (2-2. 11-5) 1n Western Athletic Conference pla~ S..t.H.r11 Mluluippl 9$, LMlsville t%: Case} Fisher scored 22 points and Rando lph Kc)s and John White hat clutch baskets to key a late comeback. as o. 20 Southern Missasstpp1 (4-1. I s:2f"butlasted l.oUl$\'ille (I ·2-J().. 7) 10 i Metro Conkrcncc matchup. Artists forfeit two La&una Beach Hi&h"s SO«Cr team. No. 4 m CIF 2-A play and the P1c1fic Coast Lta1ue lockT, has bttn forttd to forfeit two pma btt:au.w of an inchpblc pla)~r. A student from The Nethctlands. not v.1th one of 31 CIF-approvcd eJtC'hanat PfOlrlmS. compc1ed in both matches wath Oransc -a tic and a vit tOt')'. and the re"ersals leavn Lquna Bexb S..2 Col~ege·basketball scores •• ~ .. s.nmrw '1 Tll<NllWllll 71,W ~ • -. £....-n a.. n. Wr $1 ,, .... ~ 71. "'-Oltr ,, , .. I I FoR THE REcoRo .... WUU•'f eottF••aNC5 ,.edlk ~ W L 11 • 14 lS :u l' IJ 7S 10 1' • lO MidwHI OM"-! 1 1 7 • 11 lt , n Della\ o.n~., HD<.1\10!' Vit i\ 11 II 711 n 11 SJs s n 11 s.. s ~ !>en A"IOtl•O s.<ra.,,...10 ,, 11 '61 t ' 11 ,, n •21 11 21 m " ' EASTE•N CONFE•ENCE 80\•on l>ol'lea.O". N8,9'1nQfOf'ti "It• Voo Ntw J .. '4'• ~· .. ~·· Detro-• C"<•09 y. ...... ff •"Cl •"• C:•·••"C AllMIK DM.-. )0 11 11 11 11 n •• n • ll c-a: o.v.~ 1' •1 n 1J 1• 16 10 " 10 10 10 11 f'llvnda'('\ kWH ~~ 11s S.c-e..,...•o •• 'h•'" "''2'0"" 04 ... ~... v,..-. tO C••t •"'<I 'I>' .. ~~\•or I S ~•t" 171 "I> ... , .... I,) T__,.., Ge"'" A• • .,,. et l..H~ 7 lO D ITI IV,. • ., ... A1 ~ 130 D,.. l'>d •re t ' p,. •<Ito .. • • lO o,.., 8 G-\fOf" •' O•'"O. ~ s 0""" "it• Jt•H~ t • '" <•llO S lO D rn ~.,,_. •' Ot ., S lO o,., '""°'" • t ' l"l>""A"Cl 1 )0 0 .., V'•" •• GQ\Otf' S••'t • 0 ... S.turCll'f'\ Ge"'" ~ •' Otnvt" 6JO om O.•ro.t •' N•w Jt '\Ct 4 )0 of""'! ..... , ... "'Sil'O~ •• C~f'•• •"O • lO D f'T'I Ntw Vor• •' C.,<•90 SlO D m 'i(N\11)'1 •• o •. ,., s lO 0 .., *"'-•• S.• Ar•D"oe S lO om -'"•"'• t 1 V't " 6 lO o .,_ *'•..,..,•o •· ?"C.., • 6 lO o""' Wndt'('\~ '""I •~II" ••• 80\l()t' ..... Ullr~1 1 lS, Kintr1 M 101 Ut .cl() SU liOO -) ' •• • • > ' LAKEIU ti ISi -Ao•••• 10-ll 6·6 16 C.•tt"' • • • 12 •oo.. JeOO.• s 11 l · • 1l kO" 1 t 0 0 'I JO""M>f' 6 10 • 6 II C-7·5 1 7 1 N< T.,,,..,o\OI" 0 S l·I I SrN~ 0-1 l • 1 ....,._ I • 1 1 • ~ • .-o-, 1·3 1·2 6 Y•""«•\ I) 1 7 & T1>Dt")) 1) I Tole \ I ' I I )1 :It 'IS SAQAMENTO 1,..1 -'°'"'~" I·• 0-0 1 •"'O"ot t · la S S 1) • e rt I 1 O·O I ~ •~ 1 9 S e ' T~.,.S I 1 0 C I• M<;(.ff ) II 3·) t 0 ~ •• S 11 I 4 I ~ T~ 1·• O·O I P "''"'' 1 I I 1 ) Ooo••'"" 1·1 0·11 Tv.- 1 lo o 1 ,.,\M>f' • 1 o o 1 "To••' la t 11 n .. kwt bY Ouen.n l..••t<• 1' 21 ,, 16"-'15 S.cre~"'O 10 71 16 1'-ti T"''tt 00-"' )OA-<OOl>f" S:-o.;.o O...'-\. "T_,O" lh-.;"Cl\-L••tr\ SS C.•tt" 13 !>e<re,..~•o .. L T"O""O'M>" 10 .t.\ '1-\ll-L••tr\ ,. JOi'"Mr • s..c,.,..,..,10 7• T~tu\ t To•e lo., s-LA•r'\ n S.cre~"'O n A 11.-.0•<'C-10 ll), COL.LEGE M~N lone eucti SUltt 1°',. UCI IO (~AAI 1..-tuc:ll St1• UCI ~-~ "" . ....-.~ ·•""0-\'0 .. W• ,, .. "."' •o 1 > 1l ) I 1 1 • 1 ' •• l 0 ) 7 L•O.' 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INAIA °"-1 110 s.c.i c.-... .... .. .,,,.,. ltl!D119 °' S 1 I 17 Me·•.., .. _. 1 1 l 11 0 all" I I ) 10 He"""•" ) 1 7 OeL•.,no• ) 7 ' I E c" o o • o Oft<• o o o o s ...... ~ s o 10 Mo\r"C:I I 0 ) 1 W .... • S 1 17 Alf• enotr I 0 I 1 C.• M ., 11 ) 1 15 L'9""00' 6 0 1 I) J-."'O•t I 7 () 1 ' Me"\l t iO 5 1 I I) -.0" I 7 S 10 8 <. ... mort 1 o l '' ""°'1lent11r o 0 O 0 0 Tott '\ n , IS 11 To••' )1 ' •• IS tte•o '"f &<><t •O· l1 Tn<tt DO"' OOA \ SoCe C--0 a:>r L O""OO' I ""•"'' .-.o Bio• -V..•• ~•" W'lr< I Tte""'<• ... sec Chtt'"-" Hffit." t 7, Chnst Coet9t 6S I NM-cefltweflH) °""',.... H..-.. °"'''' c-... .. ",,... ..""'"' ll'H 'I 6 S 1 11 T"O"'lO\:ll' ) 0 1 • .,. Fo\•r 0 l l Atot\ 1 l t a""°"' s 1 • 11 ,, ~"· , 11 0-1_. 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A.111..1 De•·\ Lo••"' )2·)1-..:J Sit•~~ U-D-6' I( HI 9!.Q!!!" ..J2.·Jr.-M C"e~ J1·~ L¥•Y Ne!\o" U ·n-.t a S.-W Jt•U• ... 1 De•.CS FrO\• ll·~ .>ofVl 1""'9'1 WIMWOM ... • ., JKOOW'n E•F-· &tees Falle' Tcom 1(11t loo Twn c ......... , 13.,........ • 9•· ,,,,. ••• ~ 3' U-.t T _,..., • A '"'OU' II! ,. l+-10 l l l1-7C Oe't 00vl1'Hi »->S--1t Sc.o!t-1' lA-70 Aocco M.o •'• lS lS-10 o • .,..., 09•"' --~l'G Me•~ ... ...., JS l7-n • ,._11 1'·U-n .,._,, ~~ J1·ls--"1 JevDol\8,.1>.• n·l~ l(attr. CWAf••'"" ~~L ... lS l S-70 P,. a .. c.•rr1er l6 :U-70 ~ ... Of' n-1s-10 a a.,,,,_ »-J1-n 11·»--n 1'·,,_n l1·»--n l~lt-11 1'->1-n •·n-n ll·J1-n 1'·l1--n 36·37--n 1'·l1-n lA·Jt-n lt·n -n lt-11~n i.·»-n l1·»--n lt-11-n 1'·n-n lt·l7-n 1'·»-1• »·lt-1• 3'·0-14 :U·«>-1• 1'·»-1• 3'· JS.-1• )7· J7-7• )1 Jl-1• to-l+-7' ,. ..... ,. WevneLh• »·M--t7 0-v ECS•atO\ :U-'))-61 &ooov Ct•~'' ll· M--t7 Oavt &en D ·U--.7 Frtes Coue>'fl lS· n--.1 8e" Crf'l'\ne,. U · >1--'7 GH MorN" l S-~ aoo Lonr U · D--61 A.~t• ,,,_ >S·n--.. JOM Acse<n\ lS·l,_.. He• S..l•O" ))•)S-.- Ho#tl'O T,..,, lJ·)~ Oo<I '"-" H · ~ J<WY S ..ot .. • H·~ T C Cl'lf<' l1 »-11 J ,., He ~ ll ls.--.e L-.•G TnD"'l>M>" )1· 16-.a T.,.... P ,.., It< ll 3s.--.e 8•..,.McC• ''"' 1'·l?_.. o.~ ... "'°' '°'" JA ~ S.!>Ov L ,,. lS U...... o.~"'°"' JA ~ '-••Y K<)C~ )A )~ L•" tit ~• r H ~9 Jod,. II AO lA· )~t 91.0 F .. O" J·mNe'loro ""''"• eon.io AMY Nori~ l(f'\Grw n '"•• ... s ....... M •t .. .,..,..,, Jee• It_.. G•"La~ .io.• Atiwt S•tvt E "' ..g•on llooov We(!>. "' St-Patt ~ Je<'M>" HoC\ Pr.ct lt<"•tO Zoo.o "" •• lrt>G C.,r• 1 Stre-x a ·• ~ •• a•o-• J .... , ...... 9 <..Ct I. t •l•t F ... 16" A .... Ktftr • """' 8 c. .. ,\V Teo k""'' ,.. :U-10 0 C• ~\! JI )2-70 o •• , ir ........... 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S'ht He\.• "\ ))· :i.--.t ,,,.. •• 11.-H ~9 l(f"°""V ~f'y ~O" S l'l'lOWI" H-•C.•M"' Q-11.\e•t>ot Jt• .... , 0 •'<I Pr.-" }A lS-.f c •·tr~f llO\.f )A JS-.t e~oc· C:.a•(J•f" )6 n--.• EG Ooufl~'• lA·l~f F_u ,zoe er l&l~9 800 Ee\1 .. 000 o ... .a PfOO'f'\ Aav l'IO•C ll :i.--.9 '-•"' '<I le }I lS-.9 ),. ........... ,. COLLEGE WOMEN Frnno Stat• St , UCI q (~AAI UCI Frflfte SA111 .... ,,."' 1 • • n 1 1 s • .. ",,.,. ?eH.\ I 0 S 1 QOOfrt\ S.. t"f'\I C J 1 E \ Cr•..rloro S 6 l • ....,....,... ) l 1 • 1 0 s ' I 1 0 I 8•0•" I ' ' 1 I 0 :-0 Af"•'\•.a• 0 0 ~ _..,_ ... ,,. 0 I : ~ ... -41, 0 ~ ~ I) ..... :.~ f ~ I I J~"\O" ) I J l E a"1l 1 l l s ... -='•, ,, •o 1• 4 "'!>••, l'O It I~ S9 ..... .., ,....e-S: '"e\""'O S'•'t-l, t7 r~<H ·o:, .... ;>o•' ''° ... ~ "PC"'" ca ' .. l>"'t HIGH SCHOOL. GIRLS Huntwt9t0n 8Heh 41, Wl1tl"IWI'* 40 CWnMI Lff-) wn~• H~ 9eadl .JC>-°'"'"\'")I"' o ... ·c~~ .. ftll41D .. " .. 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Ftnt DMt-7.JO FllltS'r ltACE ··~· ' .., 4 <>.•u \I S.X =·~fl c .. ,~ Ci~"' (• •y•. ~~:>~~"' -~ ... .(, Se·--: •• e>_ : .... -:-e :. -Of' .. ~?'· .... s.e--~ .. s . .. ~-· ...... SE COfllD llACE O.i:t : .. ~ ~; :>" (t \I ;,oc ~~ .. « Q ;~· S.•p,: -: A •H . ""..::r t• 4 O a"'OO'A• ~ _., s. -ll :?:>c"' -L ._Soe<.•• :,.. .~· .. ~. ·. -.J u.~ • ...- -... >-... THIRD ltAC£ PKt .... -.-....... ,. .... --., :·n .. s~•"•"' a ·a~"'V"f'C -..... '-S,...•u .e ... ~tt" ... 'i ~s.~ .. ~ .... 6-•C• -· ... ... -0. ... 1..:.' -' ... -, =f'\,,-.-.,, .... ~ \.C: :,-~""-C• o•-.r -C o ... W' ,. ;:JC: .. _~ ... A 1-\ , ... -...... &tot-: ...... -...... ''"'<IP''""· Y•O•...,,: ··-co... • ..lte't" -.. :>.· ... \J '): :>.e-•r ... °" ..... 9.·~ s-.... t - FoutlTI4 ttA.CE O-act -• ,....,.\# \l :'X : .... "'O .,. •t ' : JOC ' : "« ~,,.,._ -0 0-- "'°'"'"0. .. &e ' Yo" 4 .t..-.... \.f &.-:--• S..<• ~-. a..-~ a .. ·: ,..,.. .... s ..... : g P..tc'O" ,. FIFTH •ACE Oaa ... s 1 c ....... jooo . J<J'W '"I j .. .,, .. rf':-..... •--.. ~ :>.,, -a. ~ C>..-E-• ;:-.......,.. ,... .... ·..,,....~ ce .. --.a·~ ... f"""\•• ·-· ~-"'\ ~ ·o-_, ...... ... e:•t• A~·,.;..- -" " ·u '~ <..x P•hr ..,~­ ;!'••:~: ..... ., •t •f""-- &..>It':' a ~·..- ~l,)lTt1 ltACE o ,_. --t <. -. ;• f Sf )Q( -~ !l•tt!f v ·~ ..... v. :rii. !,.#, ... . :-"' ·-3 ... ~:--.. ·; e~· "·~. "'"'C•\ '........: * ':e.!!• ... .. .... s .... , ........... -....... ... ,,., .... ;,. ... _. Y• :::>-~~ ••P: •;41• £•: .. PU -...---.,,. , .. -,-.. -_ .. ) \~ .. :>... •.t "'. -!• .. NINTH llAC( <>ea :~-.'. \.;IC)C \ : . --: . . -.. -·· .... ~ .. !~·=-~...,,, ' • ) .. 4 : ,. ·"'--~··· .. \-=· \ "" •EH'TK llACE <>ea • -• :,. • \-' )Q( ..... ..., qt •• • • .. ~ .:>.. 3':. .,,. -'K' _ .. "! • ••: • ta• ~ •• .. ,, .... J.-~ ,. -, s -If -,._ .. ... t ....... -. =· ..... :·..-..-,. -· ,. :t_. .,~ ""e-t: ... .. ~, ~-.... ~-. _,.._.. v..o ... ~ ~9 .. ., Yo'•· :--ax"' ...c: . .,..-.... Soft • iwr-.,:r ......_... ,__.. a. ..... , ~ .. .. _,~ ,, :lOt e>r •f" -K •e• !>~·p· . " 9e•P\\ ~·QO-*¥ 11..-. -" p_, ... Sl~ • ooc V..cJ .. l'O e~ .. ~ ·~ e..~, -K''"' ~·p• -P =>.-w \1 60( li••c ... oro: ~-­......._. """'t 11...--._.roe--·--ooc .-. . ..,, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A ME~BER OF THE MOST ~ TRADITIONAL 'TE1'1'1IS CLUB IN CALIFORNIA FOR ONLY lf YOl' C ~ >\PPRECJATE A Ql ,.\l tTY AT~tO PHF.RE \'<1TH l ~PARALLELED ER\ ICf S A:\D FAClLmf. PHO~E OR COM I~ TOD Y' THJS OFFER EXPIRE MARCB 3 1, 1988 JOHN WAYNE TEN IS CLUB REE RD 'E\: 'PORT B ACH (1 • • t . CALL 642-5678 "--·~,,.,,, ..... ...... ~ .. ,. ................. ... W-~-'~C~911"' .__ .. ,~ ... ,, .... _ .......-:• ..... ~ ~· c:n1't ..... ...._ ............... ~ ..._. ............. -..... ... I I . I 7SQ-Ql()() COLDWeLL BANl(C!Rtl Pnoed under mancet One owner. modem bay1ront. 3 decks private spa. docic fOf 55 ft boat. 5 BO 5 BA. very open. oentM atrium. 144-1010 Sell y .. ,,.,.,,,, Cll OinWW. 641-5671 for information & surprisingly low cost. ,, ~~··· 0 -•• c 0 a a a au usu s;ss; a a a a a a a ' .. Orange Coast OAJL Y PILOT /Fnday. Januaty 29. 1988 •,:..•.tE ---------------•.:_ ------------~ -. --- :: • -• ,,! _,,_ :~·---------•.· .... ,~,:-", .... :,._ -..... --------_.,',)= -~:.=-~---~·.':.. .................................... ,,.,,,,,,,,, .. lUlA:\TEED '400 PEP WEEK wtnf -PO""'T1,..EN....,m...,w. TO I 1000 ~ WEEX ~~­•l'«D CALL MR. INGALLS ~ ---(71') 112-1•• ---....... , Motor Routes ava ilable an Costa lesa Hu1ti.po1 leacll Foultlin Y1ll•J NO COLLECTING NO SOLICITING Detiver One Day a WflfJ/ll. • Must have dependable car and proof of insur8nee. 842-1444 Ask for Joanne Craney , : . " : . . . AH ORDINAHCE Of THE CITY COUNCIL .Of THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH •WM>ING SECTIOHS 10. 12-010 AND 1.12..020 Of THE NEWPORT BE.4CH MUNtCIPAl CODE TO MAXE rT UM.AWFUL TO GIVE FALSE lHFORMATION TO AH AHllllAL CONTROL OFFlCER AND GIVING THE ANftllAL CONTROL OFFtCEA POWER TO ENFORCE THIS ORDfNANCE Seettoft 10. 12..010. f .. "9pcw1 '° ~/Al*nel Con17of Offtcef. Arif per50n .no Ma.res WI),.,. statr-ient to a peace~ 'Y al'Wna. COt"'•o oH<e< c~"' ~ W'l "Wt"er "later .ai to ·~ o~oes o• ~~ W"1~ me •"'·er·~..., s.oeao "9 tne of''Oe' ""1~ ~:>t~f'\Ce of 'VS or'* otfoc.a ~ ... t ies _..., tne •no~ '"4! 51 a1emer• s ta se -st/I>·, c/ am.~· lectbl 1. 12..020. Allt:horlty of PWlk Offtcen r. En:,ta;MC to....,. Cltattons. 2 Par-ng Contro. ~ ~ P~ ~ St1 nave tne oo-.r tc -nai<e &~es,s '°" _.., ~.o-'::! -• oe • 2 ~ s Cooe fll"tltled Vtll'>ICleS anc: T rdc a.no tat any voat.or o• tl'lle f ~ MICtlO"S o' '"le c 4~'l<I enoe Cooe $ectl()t' •'.)()() er"uoed ~rm.or. Aeo ... -reo Secton 4'5-' er ~..-.: ~·atoc)l"I Catd 1(901 WM Vllhldle 5ec1IO" S200 9'11 ., ()spr.ay °' -tele"W ~es ~ s~ · f""t11eel l>oertllOl'1't'g ol ?\as.es Secti0n S202 r •itieo ?er« o' ~f Sec1'°" S20' .,, tiec -aos secs.on 22500 ent ""' ~~ of S C>OOn1; S•....o ~ 'Y Panr"'9 Secbon 22502 ent *' Curb Pwtt~ ~'°"' 22505 entitled Sta1e '"'9"'••> Pn "llj; ~'°'" 22s•• er-1·iec: ~rre ,..~.,,a s.cuor 22s·~ 9"tltled Vna111!1"C)ee •e'°'-oes SecT"Y' 22516 enttneo -odr-90 l/r.oes Sec\ICW'I 2252C r-• '>eCI St(IC)C)lng 0., ~,~ .. a, a,..<l Sec1..:Y 22700 emrtlecl A~t PrOhtbltecl (31 The ..-anne Otrector W>O memt>fYs ~· '"t sta!'I of the ~ar1ne Dec.rt~t as se>eaf~)' ~tee: t>1 t~ ~ .. ne Drector .. .a.-e ·~ ~ 10 mae wr~s t~ a-, ~tior OI Cl'\apter S of ~ 3 of the Ca!~ornoa ~ar!XYs a-.c Na~ Cooe T le • • .,. ~ Cooe en 11.a Rec:tuttOr'al Act ...,119$ TrUe 17 Ol ,,.,., Cooe eintrtled · Ha'bor RecJil.a~.crs Cr'tAP19" .. °' ~ trws CoOe ent<tlecl ~ °'9pt• 7 '6 :>I ~-s C':>de enlltled ·...,,...,,.at t.a<ge W'CI Gnapter 7 20 ot u.. Cooe .,,t tied A.rwnai ~ r<: Sl'la... l'la'.oe the~ 10 maae at~es'1 tor .-iolatl0t'I$ of l'\e tc:>l<Jwo< IQ MctlOfll ol Cooe' SectlO"' E Joi J60 1'11Poc:i-Gw'b9ge ~ Sec-0" 6 ()4 200 "T ~ng w-tn Puotic Ref'u:M Cor•a "'f!'S 11<>0 Secborl 0 06010 ~ t.as<e (4) The~ PWk ~ "'5 ~.a~ "">e XMer to make WTeStS torr, IOl''V ol 0-.aoT• 12 '° 01 tne , ..... 1)()11 8eecf'I M uncat>a :/..oe enbtled Sac:JPC)llng s~ ""° p.,_~ ~ .. tions ·~ to p.w11.1ng of ""9hOes JC::erse -soec:torS srlal,.,. l'19 P<JW9' ·~ ,... e rres1s •or .,.., eoo. ert .. 4C :S...s.~ UoenMe mrld ~ -·~ 6 ~ '"'3 Cooe en1:tled Hean'" W1d Sart-1a1'<>'" -·" ·: -=' . ..,,, Code entrtlecl ~ ~ "-~..es ano st-& ~ l'\e po.., 10 l'!Wle .-res-s to-• ">i' :-s ~ Sectol 12 40 060 of Cooe ~ •'fld o.,...~ !Of c.u,.,, Pu"PQ99S Pfot-b"l8d 6 ~ ~ S. W'IC>M Z><ec1or ''°" "9$$1111"1 ~ Serw::. Olr"ector tne ~ For91"'\&.- fhe ~-" ~ Foremer' and ·~ ~Ae ~.,..,.... tne OOW9I' to ~· erTesU tor..,, v'<IO(at "°"" ot ~-6 04 '::! ' s Cooe (9) The F ... 0-' W1d II "'*"~ ~ v. stsf'I ot tNI ~• °'8plr1mr4 _...,..... the~ to malre .,.,.... for ,,,.., ~ of Tl'f'e 9 ot """ Cooe a ~ of ~ 25000 Md 22S • ol U. ~ 'lf/l'W:Je Cooe ,,,.., ~of OCl"9' st-. or toc.i __, "*1ed to llre 9UPP'lll CM• Of...,._ ~ ""'_,,, 11'1CMfO' of &Ute or IOC* laws pert~ to U"9 ,_..llO. uee, stor.ge or cfillCJ o.t °' rc.w-.. "' --1• CW 1'ie same CO be ~ onCle l"I 1'w dfrt»J '4WC*)W adOObOr: Thie ~dln9ncle ~ beCOrne ~ Ot' Fecwu.y 2• ..... • n. °'**'°' ._ tOd..IOed a! a ,...,.., ~ ot h City COYnc1 of IN C4y ot llillll:tiort 8eldt Niii on , 1 oer of~ rtea, ~ iidopt.s on o.e ~cs., ol ~. 1981, °" ....... io --. AYD. ccoiou..::e.::.Lll••PDlll:I• Cox ~ .....,,., . ~ s.n.cw. StrW. Tut'* .. I STARTIIG A NEW BUSlllESS?? \ AN ~ OF THE CITY C~ OF THE CITY OF NEWPO«T BEACH ._...,..,AND M.ADOl"llNG CHAP'T'ER 20.74 OF THE~ BEACH llUMIC1- PAL COOE l'EJl'T u•to TO ADUl T DfT'ERT USE'IT BUSINESS ( ....... Ccim- mh 'u• ..._..._ .. No.•>· lee .... , 1: The Crty Counol of the Crty of Ne~ Bead\ does hereby Ofd as folows 21..74.010 ......,._ The Crty CourlCll of the Crty of Newport Beac:ti finds that adutt enter1alnment businesses. as defined in thd Q\aptet. because of thell yery nature. ha¥e c:su.n harmfuf 98CX>nd.-y 9'fects on the c:ommuntty The harmful sec::onda:ry eft9cts on the comtnun1ty are: A. The rek>c::ation of existing commerc:ia1/resadentiaj uses t>ecaA• of a tear on the part of the Pfopert)' owners that establishment of such a business IS an indication of a downgrading of that area; and 8 A dea ease In property values in adJOU'klO areas becau• of the tnetease in crune, rek>c::abOn of e.iushng bu:uneUeS and OYef"all det~atton of the neeghbortioods OCCHM>iied by -..ell a "98; and C. An tnc::rease in cnme. espec1auy sex~elated ottenses. in the mmed.ate vtanfty of IUCh a UM; and O. OetenoratK>n of the physlCal condloon of stTUctures near such 1 use because of the lw of property ownet"S that est.abkshment of IUd'I a business I'S a 11gna1 that the ecooomy of the ne.gtit>omood rs unstatJ6e and the COi 1:99quent retuc1ance 10 inves1 .n suc:ti properties. and ' E. cruz.ns in .,... surrounding adUlt entertasnment businesses are sub,ect 10 • ia eeMd urb9n btlglrt and decnaed qualrty of kfe and F SYbst.Wltial numt>en of aoutt enteruunment bu5lneS3eS we assoaat ed wrttt u nrlul l8XUal 8Ct.Mbes SUCh .. prost.rtutJOn The City Council further finds that the restnctJOnS and d4M!lk>pment standards contained .,, this Or~ianc:e tend to mrugate. lfld possibfy ~ tlle harmful w::ondMy .ttects on the community assoca.ied ..tti 8dutt ent~t buSlt~ The Qty Counal further finds that the pnm.y purix:-in adopting t.hlS Ord.nanoe as lhe ~ of h8rmfut ~effects on the c::onvnunrty The Crty Counci turthW finds that 1estrtctioc.s we det:elopment standards cont.-.eo .,, this OrdliMnce we unrelated lo the tuppressicw'I of tree epeec:t'I and do not brn1t ac::oess by adults to INterietl "'1h Arst Amendment PfOlecltOn Of . 3 Fond!&ng °' toucning of nude human gerlfta1S oubtc reg-on OUtlOOlS °' fema.ie t><easts Of °' ' Masoch&sm erottc Of sexualty onented tOrture beat.ng or the mf\ctlOl'I of pa..n °' 5 Erotic Of lewO touehlng fond oig Of other contact wnn an an-imal by a ~.,.,¥' Deing 6 Human excretJon unnallOn menstruatlOt'I ~aginai or a.na.i 'nQa110n i< Specified Anatomical Areas· means 1 ~than complet.~ covered 1a1 numan ~ia.s poDee region 101 °'1t100'.1s1 aoo 1c te-naie bfeastfs) b9ow • potnt unmediatet)' ~I.he tap of tbe areota.. and 2 Oeat1y deptcted human genrtab in a state of se..wat stunul.atJOn arousa. ()( tumesceuc::e Of hum.an ma6e genitat:s in a d'Selem bty turgtO state eve" f oompletflfy a1'0 ~uely covered • L The· estabkstwnent of any aoult entertanment C>uSineSS Sha! noude the C>Pe>~ of such a busnes.s as a ne-buS-ness the ~hon of such Dusrnes.s °'the oonvws:on of an elUstlng buSlness loc:atton to any ad\At entertamment bu5'0eSS use tt'I! expanson of any eJDStJng buSlnllSS. the atterab<>n 0t en·ar~t of any e.usung busd'leSs or an)'<>' the uses wrthm such 1 business or any addrtion to eir.rst.;ng uses Mlt'n an exrst.ng busmess 20.74..030 SpecWIR111rtctkw.._ A. Loc::a1ion Aestnctions Uses ctassihed nerean as adult enterta.inment buStneSS be permitted 11'1 C-0 C-1. C-2 o.st.ncts "lnd commeraat areas of o-e Olstnc:t.s Ir dlS1netS rt shcl.i be unlawful to esta.D11sh any suc::n adult entena.inmer business loca.bOn IS 1 Wrttwl frv&-OOndred (5001 feet of he boundary o any residential drStnct as Sl"IO#n ~ the Crty of Newport 8Actl dlStllci•og l'T\aD °' .., o hve-hundred 1500 feet o• an, resadenbal use Of ~ Wlttwl one thouSMld f 10001 feet of any Ott'lef aoui eriterta;nmer-t ous.ness :ir 3. Wrttwl one thousand (100()1 f-1 o1 &:')' put>'ic 0t P'1V3te school ~ Cllaff~"° c::Mc or cuttura, burlding. Chur"ch °' beact' B Waiver o• tocanon RestnctlOnS 1 Any prepeny owner 01 hlS authCWU:ed agent may appt) to the P\arnng Com'""'5SICY for a warYer of arry IOcatJon restnct-ons coritmned an ttus Secbon The P\a.l"l"W'Q ~ aher a pubic~ may WaNe any k>catJon restncbOns rt the foi. ~ findings are made L That the proposed UM not be contrary 10 the pubic 1nt•est Of "'JUT10US to nearbr propertJes. and that the sperrt and tntent of trns Section be obsel ~ ana b That the pr()p09ed use not en&arge or encourage the ~to• an -":l&f'I bight area. and c... Thal the esta,,t)jtSl'lment of an aodrt)()n.8.1 regu.ated use in the ar• not be cont•a')' to _.., progr at" of negttbOltiOOd CX>n'9rYa tl()f"I no«" 11 1ntertere W'th any Dl'OC}' a,.... of urban renewal a.nCl ct. That ~* reg. dalions of the ~olewpOl't OC>98'Wd. 2.. The prooeOure for the pubflc heel •IO wamog k>Ca1JOn restncbOnS 111'\811 be as se· •Ot"tn in Secbon 20 80.050(8) ol the P .. •port 8w:tl ~ Code. ' the ume ngtti ol llP998I as prCMded in Secbon 20 80 070 of uvs Code C. tn add hon to the '-ld Ule oonirols lf1d restncbOnS as tel forth In thlS Cl'lac1er ott. restnctlOnS. oon110ls lfld ~ established in Tiae 20 ol the Ne wp()f1 Beac:fl ~ CoOe shall ll>CJtt to the W"2 U98s that .,.. the aao,ect ol ~ Chapter o Amorta.ateoo Any 8dutt ent~t ~ • dilelled in this Chapter " exastenoe as of the en.c:tMI dale of this ~ lf1d wt-=" ,,_ ~ ae.er "'W « 10 ha'f'9 a legat. nc>fllCOnfomMg ltalUI. Shat W'tNn ttree (3> ~ Iller Jhe da•e ot. tNs OrdiMnce. temvna1e II~ ol IUCh bUSlneSS noc., ~IJCl8 Mth tne CYO'<llSZ()os ol tt.s Chllp1er .,.._.. Doah p "'1111 • f .._ The follow"'Q dew4llk>pl • e tt standwas to .. ·81Ck'1 ent~ "'* 11111 .., the Oty A.. Oft-street par'nng lhel be PfO\'lded .,, ecc:or-a.m Secbon 20 30 035c B ~ ~M .... port ew::n ~ ~ lfld 8. Al ~ st*' c:or1torm to Qtapler 20 06 of the Heapo11 &wtt ~ Cooe ano c. The "11enor ol.,.,, booblor. lf\8I be adeqlaasety igtRd _.., ccnstn..aeo so ch.a• ...-y por11on thereof 11 ~~to the d9rtl or act. ac-._,. r '*.,. • .., "'om tt'4 counter or other reg&Mr stllllOn.. and 0 . L.obbJ lf1d enttw1m -llhcUd be du ;ciled IO• to n•'*"'Z'e OOStruc\#1 ot Mfl wllts cb1ng ~~and E. ~ dllipll.._ or act. prornotlOI• matar• .,_. noa be ~ 01 edtbled 10 •to be~ to the puibic. trotn ~b•• Mia a '•or W81Cnys or Mwn Gaw-pubic OI ~ lf1d "°' ~7S ... be COl ... 9d ~ .,..._Seas a•r· If.,,, po.-on or a.-of a. a_. or the ~a'IOn ._.,.to elf'/~°'~• hlld to be \ll•cou•ula:w or -.. =-irMllid c.,.,,, court o1 c:oqi 111 "1 ""_. ... euch 1mtlllcllt) .,.. nae .-.cs aow pr~°' c:fm 111 Ot ~etlOnl ol 0. ~~CM tie •1n u•lllld Im.ad proA1'c ...... OI ~ .. .,.,'°°*end. ... ptOulllCllllS ol trw a.pt• ... dedwed lObe •••llble. • .._!eo1~erei!!!E•E•~c;-. ..,.._ ................. s-.,. .. s...... TWNt -.cosere •-,. .. r.c.... ••-~-TI 1&1..•a """' ~·Ollila* , 8rOlllf .... OciaaW.. ~• ... } ------ TllE PAlllLY CIRCUS by Bil Keane ~1 know who you are -Mr. BADwrenchr" MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson ,](;r __ .__ ... "Get your tail ott the scale .. r m hght1ng every ounce!" PEANUTS I l(N0.A.. -.. = ~ .. 5 ... :~ : i<..,Ju.1--= j°"15~SQ I GARFIELD TUMBLEWEEDS DRABBLE i SME ~5"' -~5<:::­-\ ~·Es-.>,-=-5 '- • INSIDE OUT by Kevin POPf! -=-~---? .< .-!:._ l l -_) ' <. ,, -~17" ~(-;; • / • ,_· • -.....__ -_, ~~---· . .. . _ .. ~--- .)- Cairo praetors DENN1S THE MENACE by Charles M. Schulz : by Jim Davis by Tom K. Ryan ~f ~~MIV!\116+-tf~R{. WHll..E I ~ ff.AK NI' 'Nffff:/ !. ~~...-.---~~~L...::::!:=====-:!~~::.J ~~- ROSE ISROS~ by Pat Brady BLOOll COORTY · GAMIN AND PATCHES T..V.T HIPR:> WEIG~ 0\/82 8,<XX> ~NDS ,_ --- 1-21 l 'D ~IDE U~DER WATES2, ICO 0 0 0 by Addison FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston SHOE JUDGE PARKER FU1'KY WINK.ERBEAN HOW WOULD~ RE.5RJND 1D ~A'I KIND a: ~ LINC 1kAi LE~ 1\51 U5ED, CJNCX.>~ DOO!'fESBURY by Jett MacNelly by Harold Le Doux I ()()N -THINK ! 0 T BEL..EVE n OR NOT, r ·o HAVE ~ ZED I l'<NOW YOU, OA.VID I GET IN YOU :IF WE P'IOISSED "'OUR CAR AND ~US ON ~E STREET. LJP TO THE HOUSE 1 I WANT AeeEY I TO HEAR ~ AeOVT" WHAT ~VE BEEN DOIN61 by Tom Batiuk EP'I FOi~ ~R00·•6 , 1 ~~.' A StMPl.£ NO ' Will... 51$FIC..E by Garry Trudeau J I C C P I N I I I r I s 0 , ,. 0 i' I I i P 1Jl0N I t I t I ( 0c..,.. ...,..,.=-.... ~~«r:r~-::w. .,., .. r-.--. ~-.. - ~-.... ' m '..,,..,.,. '· r J , . JAN.29,1988 D\lll' Pll.DT ENfFRtAINMENT GUIDE IDL.4/M>.5 . ? . , me .. 1116QOO ... Acting undercuts .'Night Must Fall' O.doot E.ditor. 5lill ..... ~Savaerltea.._ S'WEAT ON VlftYL .•......•••••••••••••.••••••••..• 1 4 By JOHN ROOS long before Steve Earle and Dwight Y oakam were the lat~t hotshots of the countr)-rOCk music scene. Amarillo-born Joe Ely was tearin" up clubs and bars witb_ hiso•-nexplos1,e mix of rockabilly. country and rocL But the raw po•-cr ofh' sv.at-induci°" coottrts was larJdy missing on his ,·in~ I efforts. Until now, that is.. Wnb the release last )'car of-Lord of tllc Hiabway.~ El) and bis band ba\'C earned ou r undivided anmtion with songs that alternately burn ana endear ,.; th natural ease. lkwitw ---·"- ITllUSTBAVEBEE1'.-M001'STRUCK· ••. 8 The revicY.s for -Moo~ .. the romantic corned \ starring Cher and icbolas Caaie. ~from exuberant to luke warm. Most of our critics are charmed bv a fi Im tha • think is extraordinarily wdJ writ~ wdl dirccied and ~ e' 1 acted. ext v.m they11 do an I~ tum to rene" th~ honor film -Anguish. .. -~ . •· t·B.Ao A BA,MMBR. •••••••••••• : •••••••••••••••. 9 When this party was over~ the house really v.'3.S a wreck.. But the host and~ were lauafungand enjo)iog t.M sight as tbr waaerfiont rcsidmc:c crumbled at their f~L Donna and John Crean of e-'port Beach asbd friends -includmg Mr. ~kv.'Cll. at left -to join lbcm tbr a Sunda) afternoon ~111on put)' at their almosl four«tt lot on M~ Drive. The idea was to bring doWa the nisling hou~ 10 makcroomfora21 .~DeWA-*Uum-st,lr home facing the Back Bay. · · UJllDBR A SPltLL .................................... 12 Down to earth with B1GirG tE~ , OS -ie 0: • Po ~ ·~·ex:, l~~!) e ~t ... ~s-· -..::•: ~~ ·~ "'€ rTOf ~ :: Y • f:"S:" ".Y r.,. '.:SI ~-· r:•e ~ TSAe" ~ ~S ~ -e -... ~-ei .O.""€'d.- A. ()II ·~ or.o. e :xXJ! es ·o Jc: t e'".C A .. :., S -gr• T.Y'...Z '1Q S;"l(!~e 1.;'"0.6"~1 ,.~ 00~ • 1987 ~~Deca-E·'".e J)e'~--~,:rs~ tos' O' "'e T CY~ S-0.-., 'l'1d ~·~()r" L1J:f:1 ~A - ··~. --,.,,,.."". --(.,. ·-··-. -... -t JJ -· • '.J . ~. ~ . ~ =-.: .... ~: ! t :-• r · 98G -~ .e--.r:-::-:r ~· A-"? :-: ::r-· -.e-~ '.':.re -' no:-;~~xst,-e~ =~ _5:>:;. \ Perforrrorce Tue atUCI -- - -..... -: • ~ : -:: : .7 .. : : -: : _,, - : .. 1'~ oe o--·-ie • oo:> ;)j -~ ! :-: .< 'leoies Yev o.r.~ •. , ... -.... --.. -. -..... !·: :'-:~-:--:;:--': ..... ·:.-·:--·· .... .~c ~·-~~~­ •-.-c :· Je:. c:J:7•--= "" P~~JA • :: -------· ----- Calendar I I A SM TW TFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Friday I\\() nu.es Lf" >.~TM AJTK~S- 00 fS ABSaL'TID' BRl.1lA. '"l ~ftiedp>d -·~~bM_· •COSTA .... ._c- 54lttr •CllST&-. ........ a.- JJt~ ·-........... ....,, . . ......,.,... .__....,., •ws ,_.. ~-..-r....c-.-..._ II'! .. UllWmACM ·--• ---....... c.. a.... -111' DI-Ml , ______ , u_,..,u.._ ... 19 ,• "You're wbat?r' ----=== ----·-------rm ~ ---... ~-5 --"'=· ---........ .._... . ,IA?? ====·· == -------...... ._.. = ... -= .__ =-===' JAY LENO AT UCI TUESDAY ••• hoaJlaceS Coastline Chorale auditions Feb. 1 --··· -... ~~, u & .,,, Dares 1> 'ii lAl ----·-----__ ,_ r....--. ~ ...... ~~ .... .. JliL.a a...... .au -i....· I 5 0..Sl... I -~ .... ~1-., www•1u _ _. ~"'·-==~ ~--=-=:: 2:W'r-::.. al -~ -=S!5C 'Jlf:•~ I.Mi 19999 149!! -.. -:-. ----..,,...-~ ,~ --- TURNER"GOUACHE SAVE 40°/o 212: Introductory Price Of1er ~ Modll troa hlOb qua:b2y PV"'ft'5 Q'DCl ft?l1c:les ~ID ll c::okJU.. ptus I~ ~· saul.39 .Jlll •~c SAUl.99 ~· SAU J.69 ~D SAU 5..29 --- .Jiii 'i& au ~69 SALE PRICED Fat A UMITED TIME! :-. 29!! ...... I II tf 2 2 '"Dl LOSANGD.ES ,..,. -.-ry..,, m -933-9284 ........ ni··~ 1c:11•»~ II • WEST L.A. ZORA'S ~~lhC 213-477-0ISl ,... ..... ... . PASADENA .. s a:.,_,_ .... lla-?9S-4M.5 .._ ~•c ~ 51:11 • » ~ » SID • - llY1llE/ =.:;-' OJOVDS&LaTT CIG Ctc::;a en... 714-250-'735.3 .............. tal ... a.-. ... I lhd 111-505-~ -..r:• ... .. , ..... ,_ C> Calendar Continued llOBEltTO llONDINELLA Coo- iem poran JUI and 'ocals lOIUght lhroU&h Thunda) at al Carmdc:>s.. 3 510 East Coasl Htgh•..a~. Corona dd Mar. 67S-19:?!. CAFE LIDO, 2900 !°'tt'l>O'l Bhd Jm L)nnt Quan.ct. 9 p m.-1:30a.m. Taaday MAJUL l'X SPESCEB JUZ ptaru.St tn Lhr ~ bar at the In~ Htlton a nd To-us.. J 79(X)Jambortt Bh-ci 1D If' Int. T ocsda~ and \\' cdncsda) fnwn 9 pm.. lO I a.m. 16}-31 11. CA.FE LIDO 2900 '"'1'0'1 BJ, d.. l:acr~on •1th Ab Ta)k>f and Wa)"DC Waynt lODigbl 9 p.m. to l ·JO a.m. JORN llEh'DE&SON~'D WV-'D .. ,.,lb Leigb Downs appear Lhr SttOnd and founb T UC5da'~ a1 Mcadm.tart Countl'} Club. ·16782 Graham SL. Hunungt0n 8c:ach Wedae.day CAFE LIDO 2900 Nc-a,,on Bh d prcsc:nts Lhr ew-Yon Jan Cocuaec- tion aonicbt 9 p..m. to I:)() Lm.. Prtday BETTINA GllEGOllY--'~ Sec- ond Reapn T crm and Vt "ha1·s . .u.ead 1 n J 9&r GfCIO') as smt0r c:oc respon- ckn1 for .\BC-TV Nc-a'S.. 8p.m. South Coast Community CbW'Cb.. S6.SS and $4. Sporuored b) UO. To Onkr uc:Uu b) pbooc. call IS6--SOOO or T dtvon. 6~1300. · FOR D\Jl.Y PILOT READERS ONLr. Cie---------~---&r»----- • Ordef ,our udle'5 b lltsDel "°"" ... ~ S'> ol! ~ UC~ b the~ pedore-oes ~DIVES AllUlAIN E 5unct.y E~ Feb IA 7 JOp m ~~Feb M 2:00p.m ~ EW!rnnc. Feb 17 &.-00 pm Th~ Ewn.nc. Feb II 8:00 p.m ~ Eviening. Feb 21 7 JO pm Mtd Sundat ~ontt Feb 2J 2-00 pm c...--• ill •• ., .. .. 0.--..... .... h'! on .. ..... ..... -~ , ..._._.,c._,. ) a..-.._ ... S...,. llali9o. • ~ _ _... ___ ........ K"'9C.SECftOllS .... TD>~ ,o.l._OI..,_ ., • ...,,..,.,,.a 9~5-, ---.... ~---a.. ................ Saaclay '-auoos and 1ofonn.tioa, cal 49-'-6531 . HYPNOSIS: AN ALTEaED ST ATE TllEllA.PY .OU be pramk'd ~ OocWd w Schafer. M-0. pubksb- cd aulhor and rccopi:zed apm on b'lJOOS.lS 1D the tlena9r Room at t:CI :? lo 4 p m. .o\dnumoo for adulu 1s SS. snuon and SludraU.. SJ. Fu 1nfonmuon and rncfYatJOGs.. caU 831-6631 ~ AND UXX>VE.ll\ ISSl1BS Frtt ltttma 6:.» 1-..10 p.m Patbwa}~ to [)Qlco•a ), 113.50 .. ~CMJ,. • l..anP'>. Swlr 20S. fount&Ja \ • alk'\ 964-?2~7. - llload•J .. ilt' NOW-LECTUJlE sgarn I .._ .. ""M.,...m. J07 Odn>m .. l..apm Beach.. pttStOU a Sl.1.~ lec1ure sntCS on 'i~ C'\~ as 7:l0 p.m TO"'lhc Ron S...... » JtJftC1 lttlum-at the Gett) Musru:rn •tD dlSCUSS Lhr Rm of Modcnusm th.roush CCZUlOC. l..agu.na H tlb Sc'bool studmts -~ be I adm1tud rnr °' dwJt and ftt'C1 ,~ acadmuc cmha b atltDdancr ~ mwaoc for nxmbcn ts SI 0 for the sencs Of s~ for a smgk lenurc. 000- mcmbcn.. SIS and SJ For mer- ... .,.. ~ llOOMITllUCX .. ,...._ .......... ~­I. --·-____ _.,_ H S ___ _ WWW iliiilO --0 --.. , ...... ,.. ... ___ _ ,. ...... __, ...... -·-..,.·-,__ .... ....... .._ ___ .. _ _ .._.. _ ... _ 11 ....-,_ ___ u -----.,, .. , ----· .. -. ... --... ~ -la&Ma -™ --__ ,...119f ,. U:.» -.,. , ,. .,. ~--­••••oa&: --.. AllCftOM •• • ...... ,..u -----.... ... . ra.a-. ..... -- ~----a. ,,.CM"f_., .... . ~----.. . • --· ----·----...... ,. -.... -. ------. -.---· tWUlft~-- •• 11 1 .. --·-·· ___ ,.. ,.. COUCll w... • . ,. .. __ ~ -_, ---Of ,.. ---__ ,IS_ _._ ····~ ..,.. .. __ .. __ .....-Calft _., &OWi -• 11m.- • 1 f ( I c I ( ·- Opening this week UGll. •A GA.LLEJlY SJGBT Th.:nc:b) lO :U p..:n C OChQ UOUS frtt u-am SCf"\ er ~ I.ht an colon) 1.0.mort lhaJt ;o paruapw111 ~ SpecW nlubf\S a~ ~ pon .. n1un "° mttt t!x antso.. T1utt trams •l.JJ hr~ ODr &oca Bbat Cu}oo. ' Coast H •. ~ other l'l>O from .a pnilr lD t.ltlt blod of G~~ Sutt1 with picbp .at t.bt "~ For ~ a~ lloa to ndt ti.t uua.. a.D tac c.lll:ICI ..... o( c omom:r a1 ~101 GOU>E'S WEST COl.J..EGE F'10t ~Galen I s-44 Ciadrn Wat St. Ht..."l~ 8cacb.. \UJ« Slln- pGSJ---' nl.ou O" fi~ an pna 1np Sa.L:Tda~ F da~ S} :'!'lpos.l~C'I fcat-ro dcmocstnnom... ud U ~ rta'p(ICIO of a.D ~ lblt o( L.\PS Pnnu 1n Lbt ~ &o':l J IO S p .., . cocun N-o ~ · Rqlwauon ftt 1s S.: S plm for a:i 09tJ0.'Ul t -hcoo rncf'\ abOQ. c -9 1.J9'ii: ~"EWPORT 8 EACH SA l 'TICAL Ml 'Sll"M -1 ~ " &lboa Bh cl. lJO" ~ -\\ atn't'Olon b, H... .~ H \IOfJI acjgt kx:a.. art1Sl a.zx1 at'C'b..&«1. OD~ tltrol;gb Nb !~ Tillr \f~·s ~t co&ic· bOrl o( boau.. modith and tusaoncal ~ bt 00 L ()pcoD l uc'5da~ thrc fnda, aooa t.o ' p "1.. EDWARDS GOOD . MOR~ING VIETNAM ,_,,__.._ [!J ~-... ..... ,.._ MT,_ ..... .. ,.. .. .. _ .. _. ... ........ -MT~---........ -.... ...... .. Na_ -~--.­,__ • ....... 1.-rcm. ~a.a mm9caml cm-aw -· mea ~caa El '"mm'-- ~d.-.o•ds HARBOR TWIN 631 -3501 .,. .. :•s .• : ,. •·.so-::s•a•s& -... ...... 11.-~ .. ,. .. ... ,,_ ..... ,., .. ~-··-­.. ..... -M"T,..~28 ........ - ed ""' o•ds LIDO 67 3 -8350 -- .. E•P~· B •• : AT •'A d 0 0 .,_ .. _..,,,... ... 9A.,., .... n.• .. ~~29 ._NIL .. ------.... __. .. .,., .... ---....... ..... 1iltr ..... ~­~-­--.r:-.- ~::: ... -~~ S A ~C>L.EBA ::• 581 -5880 ~ • ;: ~_J._ ,.. :i _..:•· t.= -·.: .. .: .. r ..... .-.~ ...... __ ._11r ......... ---- • 1IU. ~"'a.--.....,..._ .. ,_.._.,_ .. UY,_ a::a Ila.~.,._ - 1m11••·---~ ... .. •• u a. :t. ' ... a:Jll .. ~dwords BRISTOL 540 -7444 6$i.ST::>... .. -WAC ART~ SA .. '& A- -...ir -------.. ,~ Q.Z.,l.L W ~dworch MESA 646·5025 1111£•C>QP T S...wO ... •iTH ST c o s•& MESA .,. -lW"' ,... re ~-........... .______ ..-----. . . . . . . edwarcts FOVHT Uil 'I All£Y ln-15eO 9"00«~5-. &• Eoo.GE• FOV.~ ..... W~fY S£1D" UlllSSlll SS.00 .___.,..m.,.. ...... .,.. .. ... , .... ni&~ a.IL .... ,., .. •:--.-..~ J ... ,.._ ...... ~ .... .,, .... , .... ~,, . • "!. -a1So. ... ..... 19:" ... _ II n .... ...... ,.. ... , ... Mt,_"'9 ~ ...... ------~c·::·::s \I S~:'' !JC Ul __ 3~~220 : : • . :. • ~ • :. ti! • ·~ •• :. ; .. . . ... . • • • . . lafLI ........ a.. .. ...IHITIHI'" .. •ti& -...... _ ------------~ Ad• : ·:: \ . A 3. "A ~ -• 5 WA.. ~ f>I '': : • ' • ... w . .... .. ... ~... -. . - • iill~~u111tl~~~ n ~ j 1!.•ri:-!~[. gilil.1~1 r ~ .... JI 1 a~ .1 • ia' 1 a r "l [ 1 "4 ~ i t1air•·1sl8.'~i . e t:· I l aa ~]~ ~gfl~-3 ... ' f ;j~l~·Ue.s~•u-~ ~ a1 • . •--anrJf ..... f haUi h!libr (I' I. ri ~ 1 ~.i1 .r1 i'.~~: ~ r ii.f fl !! (I QI~· ca i't=; I~ h ;i f 8 .... J. II~ f U!!~~lh1bU. t; -·Ji.d !-• 'h ,.; }. 11' i;,.~--~i I ~Si ~!t ID UI ~ •Jifl JIJ rl Q. l. ~fJl'f JJ Bj,Jf!Jl ft !j~i.~j J !f J sj 'J:~~ S' ll'lj f ii ,11 Ii' Ii 'I ., •11•r1 I t~f I~ ~ '·'. r.~1111!~, ~'I~'~ .gl . ·1n1 ·11 1~ u t!· ~l·' ~ rnUfU.~· r11t r ~ ! J~i!.lllf J' ~ ff.if.! e. 1~!11·ui; i "f. Ji! .J: t1 1 laf lg.;;"l ,!·a f t,•1 . J!;. :r~IJl1lr dtl . ~ •• 1 f • r!tlil . a·lf, !. 'J! ID , . i ta·rlJrJl · •n Q. &• 0st t ·t ll~:· . -1·· I ·!·~ L I • ~ It ·~ ·1• ~ .. ~ •• -~ \;:;o,,.,,& i : s· ~ ~ ~l (/) ~1r~~i~~fl~r~IUH ~!~~H!H1Hl;ri·:Pt~~ , , ~" dlf~!Ur ifl ~ _ U §J~ia[~-~~·;1;~~i~;~~n~dq3 ~t~~t~l1;-~i -·. :iJHh~I 'rr ~ ZS.ii l-"f ~ ~;On 5 .... ":a " ~~g 6 ~1 d 5taQ. ...... 11 tu} J l[· -~7 =-~·-t ·~? t1hi1a~~eiuf "~~~u~1J ~:'.u w i ~ t''ag~o ij ! li, '!l.!HBR(Rl~·''l![js•"·z~u . ){3:1 8 .1 <"':) . ti ~~1 ~n~ ii -f f ~l.f~~~'Jwi~f'1\s~g~I~ d f (HJ· o •i S~~~nf H J ·:~i ,hl!ahl riJh!f:·lu ti .d.~ t: li!~I :-1:3:1' i~~Ji~1'U~H[l?Bw: If 1rs;u 31llj}~~11 ~n . ' : · ... · rff HU i f ! 0: ~rfhitr ;.~i ! BJt. -a~!:• ~ 1·.·=lu lai!)"fl i ' ' , B!·~~[!!.a( " ~ l rg l.!l" a'5 2-.... . ~·!. ~ ~ i r f .. ·a.~ ., f@'ff n et§ r;a l t ~ i~~ ... ~ J!t l r l;o f ~ 6 ~-& A•I 11.f :111a sir!!'n .......... J. ? hO " dh fit !~ r_~s~~ l J~~w~f~i ~i t h}~j ~. ~UtJn, I thi ud1w tiH1 ltr~rh:~hi,~J h~1tJ t:;3 liJ~U.H!rfi~iPU~n1;J!i~'1iHJJ!f!i?Jl~~: ~;~· ·. ~~n;1 r i [! cs i!R?t ~hiJn'i~a-1!11 rt, .... -IE i'. r•;iia •{ f ~i s ~ hh ,::,, J . f. •h , .. , .... ' - a. i~nt;i 'ls(laf r~I :~fr! ~;J.i. 11~~h~jf R"J ~·~t'\'. "& ·~ l JJ~bl!. a ~ s11r'1r ll iii ~ :Hdf~ d!~~ir~r'h;J~l!l -,ii· ~ I l n · , 1i , ir taw~i ifJ __ , a-~-h§ ;.11-•f w ...... .r ,twJH ill.~, ~ i1ra.lu11 2.tl~l• ~ir.!n:h 1 h[J. N-. ~· . -~~Rli-. ii~gi~i ' ~ ~ · : 2. ei 'a f h_~ ! Ii' i1!i l!.i f~ ~ a .: l ! : hrir·~~ f il~ r ~ ~ -~. 1f r1J·hitt e . 1 1~(i ,.I Fu 5 a 2.~h ~ig~ .... s-.~ ~~fa~ k >•r ~ JiJ.tJ~ Jlh~Jf "1 . Ii' danl~ ~u•J hwf~a~ar, rhts Cl) Ui1= IJ:l"~flI~r~lJ!itfill~f r n~:~~r~~}rHPi Ii ~ > i I J i Q 1;:1_ ?-g-9 ' .. 3 if 'I l J l ... It l I . • Q ! n E~aH~ ~·~rhH~ !H.!hiH!; ·!·~~~,'.Hh~~ .~H!f · ~ .g J: -- Patm•ani The party was a smash Sledgehammer-wielding friends help NB couple demolish house By VIDA DE.Ui .............. \\'hm this pert) ·~o,n. t.br home~ was a •Tttt.. kt t.br hoR a.ad boues.s WC1"C laug:lung aod m~i:ng w wg!lt as lbe •-aitt&oat re5Jdcntt crumbk:d ~• lhe1 r fttt. 0-aDd ,,.._en. of Neo-,,on 8cac:.b ~ fnmch to pn them for a ~ aflcnooo dc-o>obnoo part} a1 lbclr a.lmo5l iJar-actt lot OD Mesa On'~-Tbt tdca •<IS IO bring ciow-n lhr 01sa1,. house to maie room for a ~l.OO>iq:.wc-foot ~ -\nld>rilu:m-stylir home &ooi the Bact Ba~ Tbc <rOWlUDI ~ ~ •bm t1x bclldoztt tore down ant corncr -finl •i:tb John dn'ln& tlx bea'~ madu~ md then .._.., r.ai.a ba'"lll& a p> n 1L (Ebsen admnini ~ •"a.S bcutr &l ~· c:awmran.) Earber ~bad W:.cn dedvh2mmcn and knocked boles m the walls. pauncd lbe .. ~ (.a.-W1*n an hC'r rok as Josrptuae me Ptambtr au1oera.phed t.br baJhroom wa.i acar lhr ph:unbu1I) and splaoered pamt aD o'-a tk carpcung.. \\ lw a ~ ,,_. ...... wall cocnmacia.I and pamlCd -ai at Carmdi)s-09 lbe livins room wall to ad'\--crusc ber lnubancr' caler) bdoRjlmllll b\'dy sitll the~ twruncr. -1 bdped lbcm (lk Cnam) tcardow'a a~ 10 ~~ Hrlls wbrn ~ bad a drmolJUOD perty. -sbe SDd. -So_ tblS as DOI tiU ~· S'WlQI a1 a~ draxd •omu. rm mer IO womaa.,-sud dolh·~ ~ner Mr. Blaelwdl (-ariJl&JQDS)JlnUl a dab m ba:m1 -lllolc womC"D I put oa m} bsa '°'"t me. Thi!')-9CSl1 mt c.br mccst praam.. but I had to SJ~ them aD ~Nobody cm~ then~ oa m} (•onl~) bst. n.c,-ha'~ to eana tlaaL - ·rm dome a tittle punnaa ocnsack bie:tt.. became I eat1 't bear IO ma.rt OD umdt walls., -sad Darlem M laft. who bad am~ 1ll1'.b daasbia ... r•, botbend -a:nd ~dog Barne,--fl'aml:iQa 00 walls botbcn me. 100. -~ Jadit .... ancndraa with husband Su:pcl'-nor o-. . T-aae, toot a S'WiJls &Ila UfJID&. bat mack hnk bead-a~>-1lw spot was lbc aJRa bracr and lbc ~spot oa tbr boasc.. -aped~-~a rr.-~u the WM spot. , I ,, John had to agree. -1 mncmba •hen ttu:s house was ~ng bwh. -51.Jd DC'tlbbor Pai Cu.~ Mirtill'• mom Mary lllll l.l1Cd io b'~ here. (Muhn was ~• Tbc llillbn f llarTJ' and .,._, b' c DCJ.1 door. lheD T-and "' t E .. ~ b \C do-~~ sm:c1 and a..anct c..i....._t~ ..-ni at the pan~ 1&M then as.- Co-. SI.Id. -11 ·s bad of sad ao stt 11 go. But r m glad I.be Cream boucltt iL Thr)-..,n budd a aac:r ~ .. _ -1 doa"t know •-bnl ll •-ill ht ficusbcd. -said DocuU... -Tbrtt ·s so mud! to do co grt lhc kJl lll sbapc. -John -sded. --. c b3 'c &II oar permits and SR read) to sun gradlgg. T rttS bed m blur W1D s&&\ and ~~ and bhliNJed lrttS •-ill hr mo'-cd. md a re... •1:.11.br dinu~&cd.-John sud. Tbc oc-a-~ Cover Girls gather to benefit ballet Publications models raise funds to help Center Dance Alliance \ f ...,,_..,_ .. ,.., ...... compound wl1l tg,c a boust for rmpio~ttS.. a~ g;t.n11t and •orksbap and tttln1S roan and sv-i:mci1cg pco'. Doom aod John ha' c been fastmg for etgbt v.ccU and snD ~ 'c four man top>.. bot ~ pat ou: a T u:rrup Rose spread for- t.be bo..tse ·~ -duh. f:aptas ud aJl the tnmmu:ip •·nb doc1orcd-up ~tr di ppcd 'itl ••bes nrs.. GIJl('SU also tocfudc'd ~i},.ed:s GJeria L UICf fn C 1 0 ti'&. soon 10.bc ,,.cd lAil C-and II.a AJillrim and ofl--ed Je)tt ~(t-.1> umcs lO lliltm Bate ud lWO amn to.., a.ti &.Dd Sier basba:od 0.. lkH1 t Olbm •-ett lleG &.ed. ~ and T-Fa:ules. band lc:ader Bay C.-.ift and Piiar Wa,_ a:13G 11.idimni Wdlly. ..._ .... ____ .. ,_ Greeta• Al ... De I •• a.ldwta wbll .JoA•ne ... Ge.e ...... ... Even in winter, Catalina isaffislandforall seasons It you haw not been to Catalina alety. you ere l11llSSll'lg one of our most beau11fuf resort areas. Ounng the ,..... WV'l1• and eal1y spnng the ~ of the manand from CataliNI Island es rNl/ly breethtalcing. It almost looks e you CW! just steP over the ocean The ~ ~ of the ~ look rna,esuc ns.ing up out of the ~ The hlls are very green. whdl makes the cnland tour a must at OMS t me of the rear The buffaiO are roanung ~e an the intenot It IS atso deer and W\ld boat huntmg season urifil Apnl The restaurants and the hotets are changtng Also. U°'e bed and break- fasts are temfic.. The m at Mt. Ada and th1! Garden House Inn 81'8 hire> of the finest bed and br.sfasl IMS 10 be tOt.ftd ~·-The Aaltaurante Villa Ponofino is beartdut wfttt fine food and hC 1111 nt .-vice. The Busy Bee on the ooun front IS the beSt for 11.mc:h. And Antonio's Pa28 Par1or as soon mov· ~ into a large <>eearHTont bulding. The dear. crisp w wfth the deec> bM! stoes and the spat1clng and.,,.., bngh1 stars •. _,.,.. a ptacef H IS e8SY lO reach by bOat Of by ptane. The schecUes are varied. Whe1tw you pUf1 to~ spend the day or say kw a W88kend. u.. is pWtty to ... and do. There •• 90etltC tours. glas:s-<bottom boet tnpS O\.nng the ~ allOftlhs there are Sun9et Buflet cna. and ====-=-----'---------------. T igh1 Oinng boel cna:-to Two Harbors. Abo Top of lhe lsUnd Dinner Tours al Cat&llna s ASl>Of1 .,. the Sty. The '*"PgroundS are """'I good They •• k>Ca1ed where the <*' brd part used to be. for tho9e who cwi remwnber that WOl.oerfut pi.oe tt was removed dunng the ... bee-,,. u.e was no one to care kw the 8'WNlls. and t91ta. equipment. Pan &a1t1n9 was added this last surrv7* and is SU possble this month. The beautiful bu.1dtnV c.a.d the Casino houses • kMlfy theat• and one of the largest t>.a ooms in the country There are ,,,.,.,, ~ o&anned on a yea1-1cu.ct beSIS tor the balrroom. This IS 8 ~n:! pCace Tours are ooncu:ted dllily n.e •• t>*es and golf carts to tf you are ~ a long °' shor1 rent and nde And small t>oats-, n.. vacatot. put c.tdna t:saand on 'fOJI IS also scuba dfW'ng locm instrucbOn bt You afway$ be g&ad you did Catalina Passenger S er vice: a h igh-speed crossing . In spnng 1988, Catamna Passen- ger Serw:e W'lttoduc::e the Cataina Ayer. a~. 500- pauenger high-speed luxury catamaran Oesigl1ed to make the Newport Beach to Avak>n channel c:r0$$nQ .,, 90 tTW1UteS. the serw:e Wtl m81ntaan essenualy the same 8tT'IV8' and departure times. thereby elloMnO passengers more time on catahna !stand For the mt time. a private state-room 1$ avaKa.1>6e. accommodatlng 125 for pnvate partJes on our regu&arty scheduted tnpS to Catlllna. Luxunous penmeter booths and over-$tuffed cn.-s in decolatOf c:o- ors and tabncs create an ~ Bowl Sa/11/I THAr TDll•I SATfllAr 11% ,. 11% lff Clothing • furnishings • Shoes WI• ,,,,. Bat Blllll' 1 t PRIZE: Poi.o ,.Ralph1-uen Blazer (\·alue $435.00J Runner-up will receive COLE·HAAN Boat . hoe (\·alue ;"'75.00) Predict the eiact Super Bowl score and bring in this entry form to Garys & Co.• -llledskins 1Name ---1 vs. Bronccis ---, I ----~---· i~=-t --_---~~~~__;..~~-· I I -' Phone ------- #119 Fa.IUon I.aJ.Dd •Newport B•c:b • 7fJ8-1622 • Bu1Jocb Wn.hire WinJ 0,-.M...-W• ,...n..:A hi l._.S... IMS-. 11-6 °' etegant intom\allty Sun kM!lrS may relax ano enJO) the sights trom the SlnSedl ' The cockt811 ...., 11-=:k ban .... located on the first and second dec*s Four c:Got ~ monttors on eedl deck will ptOYK1e entertavnent and spea.a Catallna information Large ~ wnndowS ltM'le paswigers to en'fO"I ~ detai of the l'lafbor and rnanne • dunng 1"8 cros•ug The C81a!lna Ayer set the standard for commuter 9el'¥I09 to CatMna. . The Cat.aW\a Ayer be aval- abte'" the~ ~ f()t pmat• charter. ac:commocsatJng groups of up to 300 for c:ocll\811 petties ~ Avalon's . ewest S~ALL INTIMATE HOTEL \\'uh ~" Bnb.U..4 A."'N'r.i:ies Jw• Off Cruunt .~tvnu .5 up jr"'1l w ·&xii llt11! S A LO\ UY UTTU lilA'D AO,OS.S nu ~ A."'0 A a ~-rlC unu HOfD._ nn PLACI ro ll HOl'i.EY. I1i ff'O rT " F \ YOalTl SPOT YOl CA.' Jl ST AU...U QA \'Ol CA.' OOA LOT THl All IS Q!SP ~-n CllAI nu ST AAS AU SHt'tv a.Gm 1lt1 Of THI~ AU Ql:lTl A SXitn TlfllCS IOATIM; !li-0 GOU "-'"1> TEN. TOO • .D" Y1fl NA TI°"'U All BJD-lX. Y THEY W1U wtlCONl YOU llsd• Oat.. P.O Boa t•1 A9Slon. CA 9U"IM (2H)>l~'6 P&rtJeS. ca. porate tunaJOne and meeting:$ LENGTH 118 feet (3 fe9t kJnger l"-1 the Cat#na Hoktayf WIDTH 40feet(16teel~\han the CaUlina HoliOay) SPEED-30 mph p S mph f&st• l"-1 the Catalina fiol.oay) ENG NES. Ce1apebr 3518 produo- ~ 4 000 total hor9el><l •• CATALINA PASSE.NG.ER SER- VICE INC . 400 Ma.I Str... Balboa 92661 673-5245 Heart Atta:k. Rght it with a Memorial gift to the American Heart~ TiiE AMEJOCAN HF.All'J AS6CDAJ1CW MB«mAl.fWRAM. ,,, ~,',, ', --,-·'' -.. -... C.taffe• ,.,._, i:i.•-.s.t.••J' • IDltlsllM'l•C..........,.. . 2.....-~ ...... Lolllfl'I •Cad .... _.... ....... • C.0..-., Van~· ...... ____ _ .. MTa ... .,_ ... ............. Lt n1• .. •c1z' 1 O&Y'W,_OC.- NOIMA110N CONTACT: C.Vlll LOCm WOMll 6•18 •71-IU4 I - -- -------------Sp• cw...,.11 14,....... ------------ ., llAW _. TOlrf Mi Et f 1 lrnagll 1e a lllrge teCtJon ol Costa Mesa as ¥ercianl ~ Gn> Boero, a liteliong ,....,.,t ol the--. ~~ ,..,...._. .oo.it goets grazing on the &Ind ·wound 17th..,_. tn theewty ~the.,. was known as Goat tel.. As pr~ Ylllues •1Cteaed. Goat Hd beCarl oe Angota Hi1. Boero says. Sn:ehegoeabmt~rNnY~"'~•~rtwas na!urlt u.. _,..,, Gn> Boero and his partner H.ntl McUul9n opened thew rst~ tt f-..ected the --s ~ and r.stonc past. wt.t you go so Gn> s.. OOn t k>c* for • ,. {lhat ••lllhed Oecedes ago Mlh tbe open reds~ Loot lr-..d tor the ~ resta6a"d that for 2·" ,..,s has been the best kept aec:rec wi town. It's a i;Uc:.e --. peope can come and enioy them9eMla. Mid McM 4er\. The duo'• fl•ldlbp dMes bee* nw1y 35 ~ -'*" McM._. beg9r'I worb'9 as a manager aJ the a.f's Inn for eo.o s tasr.. who was ~ know • ~ Gn>. At IN age °' a young G.nc> was ...... "'in ....... Mllert The-.. Boero. wt'O died in October. left behnd a eeg.cy The •0111J •1 d ,,_., CM'9 to Atnenca "'om bty and twougtlt ....,_ l'wn the t.-m °' -••eg ~ s ~_...,~lilt and line toed. Pap&Gn>wasehef at the Ambn· dor Hoeel wi Loa~ tor t3 ,ws Defore .nJing in Corona dll W.. In 1~. he opened his °"" l*tert and .... .,. Sbdo c. ~ Gn>'s on IN .. proudly ~ on the fanily ttadibon of H Cll 1 ti food and holplt.alty eo.o and McM._. rww ....,_, trom.,,. )Oie tt'8yh9ve come in cont-=-wn1h. and~~ .. tNt tt'8y h9ve leemed 10 G.no's on the Hll The ,_,,.,.. • truly a piece to come tor a good ..,._ Pottiol-.19wrs.. and ~are Int~ ,.. ...... ~priced. Old customws • ... • new • be p1easa Illy ~ wtth .. impowww•••b S*t•led llt GR>'s. The "*"' Is,_ one ol the c:Niigea. a.I .-.a Ak::8la hes beer\ at GR>'s ~ n:s opei-.. •-'V and tmk• pnde "' .. conbr*ll.lll ttyte °' c:ooklng ..u. a twd of ..._.ic:.n .._ Ax.a lkes to br8lk lhe Nies_,..,, " comes to cooking and bt 1-'ts .,. ..,. bJ.,. ~ ....,. of his a..uons ,..,. • twJI ol l'IOl pepper 11'1 "*"-but not enough '° "*'• ... c9rw ... nobCe_ Ax.a..,,...,., thal.,. ---up.,.. .... buds much the --... ~a. but"'°"°""~ too l'lln9. He hor'9d .. °'*Wy llkill under the dil ec:tJ0t I of P,-OS. l!p9'idll1Q 16,,.... With ... Bob.,.,,. Corpor-.on and ..., wcftJng tor .... Pnglr. A pnmeaampie ol Aic:ma's ....... •a oliNlyf\ie.. ~ • the oellticlit c:..i.d Gn>'s Pot Al. This O.-bOn la I,_. ..... on WI~ dlllh. a 80W"dougf\ rol • sQ'"9d With~ sa,ge.,., •GPC*S...,, 17.ned ct 111 1 A.,.., dllh • the CHdlen Pot Pte.. · G.no's 1an·1 .,. n-.n ~ nor is the food ~. The food afters Ylriecy Wltt'I an emphais on lftor and ~ lngi edielfts. s.nce lb <>pea q . the ~ •• ·ac~ .............. , .... 11 .............. ,......9"tlc ., ........... =...._ .. ... 2-. .... u.-. 3 3 •.-ec ·--= 2-. .......... O F THE WEEK .... ._ .............. Glao Boero a.d ckf .Jew Alcala at GlDo's OD die BID iD eo.ca Ila&. rest-.... hes g8S'led a reputabOn in the communty tor oflenng honest tood and fnendty ~ ent.1'.-'"'9111 ~ nigtrtty at 8."30 wilt! Mher Gene OeV ... OI Jim Knight at IM keybo9rd Ewry ~.Gino's ._n.es dlnr9 5"9' ots from • 10 9 P-"\. The..,......_ ofter a menu out of the past With pnoes to makh. Dinner ems include Cllldten tned st8lk.. pot roest. ~ With meatbefls. hot t\rtey W9dwtc:ti OI meedoef and gt"WJ ... pnced a! $5.95 With Items pnc:ed at ~ $2..96 San.dey and Sund9y morr.igs. GR> s ~ Items tNt .. help ~ the .....,., stwted .aaOe 1he ba9c:s: egg<:~ ~ • halimrt Jt1!atta.. omelilt1le C«ona def Mar • ....... ~-and b 1Cheo11 ulads and sand- w:hes.. The chdlen QI rMI ~ IS a ,_,taste treat. Masi rtems .. _,.....,with delk:oou:s l'IOme fnes ano toast .rtti tell'f The dinnw "*"" on.rs ,.,_ Five Specqts ., addibon to tasty ~ Chicken. wtood lender ,..cy steaks and pnne nb o.nn.. pnces on the mslU ~ trom $7..25forlasagnatoS13toS16 tor YM ano seCood I! I I i:1JO' IS. A. big '*'Y. planned lor Super 8owt 54.rioay ?tans .tso we under..., tor a V.-WtJne s Dey celebratK>n. Cal the~ Jot more ll'dormatJon The mono in Che k>bby bddt)' states-'"Whwe "-lds and rnemo1 • rnelll. .. When you cine al Gino's. JOU, rwwe the QPC)Or1Undy to mee1 .,,.,.. new '"-'d:s ano ..Uyoura.I\~-.. the~ k9CJlw:rllt In town. G.no's • open .._.... days a ..-tor uc ano ~ 8nd .,.... bl_.fast on the ...aencS. Codctal hour ststs at •:30 p.m. Gino's on the rs loalfed at~ E. 17th Streel In Costa Mesa. For r 8:9el watl0ias or more informatJon cal (714f 65G-17 50 I-~ 2-.....,~ Aol the shrimp ., the 1111 >ied ftour. Do not Dour the tal. Pus bunrer.,. ffying P9" to mall.~ 1he butter ISl'IO(. add~ ga1c. Add the ftllnpand ce>c* on one llCie untl llhnrnp ct. igea color Thm tum and c:ooll on 00.. licill (be CS-.. to not OM1 '°'*). Add ..... .... .mow to c:ica. Nkt 8dd QPWS. ternor'I ,... and cre9ft. When the .... ..,. to bol i~ ll'W9"P and contn.la coub'U .... to reduce. ........... ~.., ... llhnmp ..,,. (dout*bolmriililChodia• " ted). ......... ~ put .. 9brtmp bee* ~ ....... tor .... mnilllS.. ~on a plallW and ..w ~ pe11a and• cabM aaortll•" ol ..... W"9d 1111 ,... .......... Aid Ml PIA'ei a. ce• -Iona and bfoccal .. a niiCla OOhliC)lllti•ll. S... '*>· tm0N llARGAlllT A Ya -. ..... , .... 0. "'--?2,1, .... -...... ... ............ In ............ a. 9"llr the""' of a...,.., ...... and add ...,oded lftDdWa.. ~"'~~ 7'a:t-U11U "'tk 7'~1 eArU ~, ,Jlu ~ /« v~ ~ '£lJtz, s..u,, '..1Jt1UZr114d '..1« tie '..1iut 7u.e 9. 20 ~ 7M ~ ?2utaaa..t ?Pill & ~ o. c?l s..u,1 . -e.u Ga~ I«~ U TUN>AY I ...,.y llATWHS (714) 540-3840 'llO, .... Al UM9t ----°"~-­~ -... r """ ~ ....... 1-=-e• Q I c{)HN IDMINI6 Champagne/Wine SUNDAY BRUNCH Starts: Sunday, February 7th Time: I 0 am t o 3pm 'Sit Down Se rvice Menu ' featuring LIVE HAWAIIAN MUSIC Also ... Enioy Cocktails & Pupu's on the Patio 3-7 pm Sundays with Music by the Highlights RESERVATIONS RECOMMEND£D 2901 W. Coast Hwy. ewport Beach 650-5112 cO-IN IDMINI6 o.ly Ptoc Dllteboc*/ Friday.~ 29 1988 11 \ ( • •• Out On The Town --Dmmg our ...-1th Judy ---_.------------------------------------------------- Under the' spell of embraceable Mancuso' s Some months bad. I v.-as apposed absolutel> gorgroin. a mockm and that a rcsuurant caJkd Mancuso·s dcgan1 hotel plopped do..-n 1n the had opened 1n The Red l.Jon Inn 1n middle of an area that's stJll con- Cosu Mesa. A inss ~~ dncnbed lemplattng what tt •-ants to~~ n -the~ Mancuso st on. -and told uov.-s up. • • me that the o-..."nn"S had Qthn res-Mancuso·s leases space from lhc tauranlS in Pa.Im ~ Scottsdak Inn and 1s not o""ncd b) 1t. Tbr ~ Parad1K Val~ '""~Cf that entrantt 10 lhc rntaUBDt rs through v.asJ · ..... an o~n e\pa.nSt of dkt«onrted .Menu coptn. enclosed 1n the ~''-lobb~ \\e "'~led lO our table past Stncd to strengthen my assumpuon the m~KUn at the baby pnd •ho. that ~taDCUso·s v.-as a m1dd~~ at 1ha1 moment. was cnpl>UCd m thc famtl)-St)lc ltaJ~n restaurant The strains of~ ~wm·s -em- pnccs v.cn lov. -and the menu braccabfc You - ttems looked hke prrm standard Into the romantic dimness "'~ stuff · v.n1t The mood v.-u ~t up and I -...as I had good ~pons, too. from enchanted. fncnds v.ho had dined at Mancuso's. The s~ll lastcd a.II c~cnang; Man- But noth1ng I had heard or rad cuso·s is a fint-ralc danntt hou2. prepattd me for the rcaht) of Man-aJv.-a~s has bttn and probabl) aJwa~'S OJso·s.. W'lll ~ Fim of all. The Red l.Jon Inn 1s Considtted OM of the finest res.- --------=----~ Laura.nu 1n both the Scott.sdak and I Palm Dcscn areas. acconbng 10 sou1tt1 ~. ~·s has at- tracted local custom~ who lt'e 1n or tn' el to those rnon areas Now Serving SllllY IEllCAll llEAIFAST Tbr pnccs a~ a JOke. caul) 20 perttnt less than the dosest caliber of com~uuon. Mancwo's bu)'S the most e~qu1s1le meats and produce and p~ all d1shn in accormntt JUDY CullUlAll •1lh mauun:t. ~ Mancuso's onguw rcapcs.. From _.bt r,e 5eCn. ~·s qwle a coot. Don •t ~misled by t..bc simpbcu~ of lhe menu.. Tbcrc att no laundt} lut rxplanauons htte. J'ISt enormous p011ionsoO>Quufull) ~food. :-.lot nou\ellc. Mancuso s1sa meal- cat~·s dream<0me-uuc. We •CR espccWI) taken v.uh tht veal dlShcs.. the ~t of ""hKh •""a.S a veal chop incata. •1th •hate •1nc. lemon. buUCf and capttS CS2 I. 95 ). Easah t..bc larJl:st \cal chop (',·e "'~ been 1tned m a resmurant. this beaut) •ould usu&Jh cost m or st'm doll.an ~ ·,n ~urants ck,,n enough to e"CrtPfJrchast such a ht&b- ctan chop. Pro\encale (Sll.Y)) or a S21..9S ~ncuso·s bas e'er)1.bsnc rm ofknnc oflhn:ic kinds of medallions loolang for in a restaurant" at· (bttf. lamb and val) an beamaaie mospbere. ~ttt. ,,aJuc. bve muSIC sauce. Omo the Manland soft shell that pkasn.. a rompcteal wi~ sr.e-- crab In cg balttt. lcnion.. butter and· ard and CODS&Steolt) sood food. It"s caprr saUC'C ($!2.9S-lbr) probabl) the ~ind or cst.abhUlrncnt ·~ need a.iv~ )OU mo~ than one crab but the mOf'C of~ 1D Orutt Count) mn\U ~ 't specif}). GenaaJ ~ Ren CJoha.rt bas . • bu-n \\llh l.M MM»CUSO bmtl) for But at •as to be a ,,cal ni;&bt and I )"Can and runs the restaurant as 1f tt's couldn°t C00\1ntt m) c:omparuons tus own.ex«UU,ed~f Mlkt Pcm is olhcnlut One had a nch pbnn of )"OUng and capable OSSO buC'ro (\eal WnU). Sim~ for hours 1n a double reduction of ~cal stod. then sencd -...1th a sptC) te>mat<>-enncbtd SAUC'C with CTUncft\ wt1d nee on the stde. · M) otbet -iasier-copped out and ordtred ~ Milanese or Francanie. I'm 001 posJU\ c wtucb ont 11 •-as CS:! I SO. ~ithcr •-a)) and ll was sood. bul nor as iPCC\ICUW as m) 'cal chop E' tr) 1hma comn wil.b soup. Wad. pasta and a m td-mc:a.l palate deanJcr or .\ancs Ma.ncuso's speaaJ cham- papt·fla,ored \mlon SOl'brt. Tbt sa~ too. •-as s;pecial with t>.& sbces of fmnd. radac:duo. endl,,-e and butltf let tutt dressed 10 a musurd- Sttn led appk c:lda vioa.,m.e. One or the dnstns p>t 1mmedtalC mnnbtntu p tD the HaJJ of FatM" a lusoow dad chorob~ m~ fla,ored _.,,h Grand MamtCT and not at all unit kt onr I make from a Julia Child ~ that tiles ro~'tr 10 pttpare. OM of ow dcsJtru •'ti a dr) Bladt Forest aie. thc onl) d1sappo1nlme-nt of thee' en 1 Dg_ Noucu11 thc pnct.aJ- 1) untouched cake u sbt po4'rcd us ~ rofTtt. our ~tress "a'fllt off 10 fttch ~ ~f I admitted •o ham that tbt cake •'a.S noc ttmfac. -rm tal1n1 1r ofT thc LMnu.- proclatmcd Pnn. addana ""that's OM of the ~s v.e don·t rmkt OUnthes and rm ~ cran about II C'lt.htr -• ......... Clllriitlfaa "' "' •1• -=...=.:lllllim ... •••mill:=~ One of the belt reasons to eo to a .... rnuurant 1s to .,et ,,-eaJ hk.e Man- cuso·s sen es. 11 can·t be found 10 an> supcrrru4et that's open to the aien- cra.I pubbc Lt&ht caters mipt want to make a meaf of oix of the txcellenl panu ·We ~ to t.astt a re.-, and I'd espccu.11) rtte>mmtnd tM fc1tUC1M AJfndo tn a sublundv nch.. ctauK:al .\Jfredo sauce of cram and chttst To m~ lk'ltght. rofftt anned as 1( b) magK". tM ,.-asllCSS bad read our m1nch. I lo'c 11 •hen rntaurana St' that pan nght and doo't 11\Ue you sat ~ ,.,th a half-finlshcd ckssn\ ~ )OU ti) to sainaJ lht Med ror coffee lLfs fa« 11. alme>M anyonie •bo's JOln& lOOrtkf lh1s und of meal 10 this kind o!rcsuuraDt 1s automaocalJ) a cofftt dnnker ...... •1• Served w/ Tortillas. Rftlnt!Jd Beans & Fnxr ~6 ~tt!! 9:11 ... 1:11 ,. ei--··· ~. 8enquea ·eooo.. ~ .... 11 ...... 2111 nr_._ \ iu oil« potl /« Ml ,.,.U o/ '7Jauu1 (~•· w"*-'..tl..,•rflJkl.M.) $99.00,. "•k {'7ta ..ti ,r rs 'IJ' /#1 '-'-'«I/ ~·· • 0-""""" ~ {"°""' ,_, ' ··~) • 91Urms /« IW "' ._ ~-....... &rl#4 ~~··"""' • ~ c 4 (Csr#1'1q ds .. r,.. • ~llMI# <!""1 .. 1« ,., rnu#cw 100-554-2371 • ~ ,, .. .,,. .. ••1«ssoa1e11• (•• r FIMrn' 0 ' (1 4 ~b ipOf"t &J(aa aan ~· ~ ............ c......_., ••• ""'~- I wuh I could sa) that·~ sampled the S't'>tttbreads "'1th cban~lc mushrooms CS:! I.SO) or the doubk FTnKfl lamb chops -...,1.b masurd sauttCS23.9S)-ore,ent.Mdudhna <S~.95> Soef'\ed three •'a)"S: rorante. or an a ~Utt of bing chann or raspbc11~ I v.ould haH bem happy lo tr) thc lobster. shnmp and scallop CSI:! 95) Wbok pmc nuts toooed a pcrfcctJ) pest~ hngu1n1 csii95). and the fcuuccmc carbonan (SIS 9S). Wlth .,mm>us proporuons of t.con. prosouuo and cream (S 1 S. 9' ). was so aood I couldn't gtt 11 into m) mouth wtenoup. Soup. salad and sortlt't an included in the pnct of the pasta -a SoOd value est• u ran t Corne See The New Warehouse • Salad Buffet • Oyster .. Bar • Outdoor Heated Patio • Fresh Fish & Seafood Daily 3"4SO Via Opof1o, Udo M8rlna Vilege ... wport 8w:tt FOR INFORllA TION OR RE8ERVATIOll8,PLEA8E CALL 17S-47UO _J, _ .. ~-: -~:. -~. . .. - ·Exquisite French Country Cuisine served in a quaint atmosphere makes tM Plusot PellUltt the best kept seaet in Newport BNch. loin tn their JGlh ~ C~ion -"h 10 )'ftl o6d lunch and din"8 tpe<W price! ~ Sl.tS-S.S..tS Dinnen U.ts-Sl.15 Feb. )-10, ,. 4251 Miiitil .. w.y NNpwttwl\ Dle~ OutOnTheTown Huntlngton Beach: The disposable city Don't cha hatt II •hni )OU Just mtss somcth1na.....lht car acndent.. lht pbnecnsh. UrKY Doo'scolumn. the pta" rolla~ftl.. YOU know. whctl 11 bappmS ri&bl before or naht afttt )OU •WC there. 8adt in 'IJ, Unck Don stood OUI on tbt sand rootm& for lhr H un1- 1ncton Pier to fall 11 dJd.o ·L ~ ochn •«kmd.. Unck Don dro'c b) but as luct •ould ba"~ 11 lht '*' fdl down a da) bitt. But one of lht nwa dudes in Cit) KaJl bas awM up wnh a bnllwn Idea Tb.as •ould sa'c on both 1nsurantt costs and ~~l)k>)-mcnt 1n lht 01). ~ wd that 1f 1br p.cr •oulda lasttd (our )-ears. un1muttld. lht o~ .-oukb 9\-cd rnonr) ~ man is a p 1us. HB ~ts ~kt ht lucty to ha'C' such a pcnon ,.ofbn&forthcm So I.um up L'nck Don's aonna ttU )OU ho• "'~ can 1mplitmrn1 this S.U) 's 1osK Tbcrr's math 1n"ohcd.. so pa) allntuon, h •ould go hl c 1h1~ Take the n-plattrnc11t cost of the faicilll) and d1' t<k n bl the ) ear1) ansurantt prnn1um llus v.ould ttll )OU ho,,. rmn) )ears the bu11dtn& would ha'c 10 ~t v.1tbout tnSUl'1nC't. Pbnned obsokscentt Sa' c the 1nsurantt m<>ne")'. de5'p the bwld1nc to collapst at lht nJht UrM W hen n don. ttbutld 1t ,., th lhc IMUrantt ~m1ums )ou·,c sa'td. Think of all UndeDon the Illes and cmplo)~l ~ou could l c 1 gt't from the pro,&t and n v.1>Uldn·1 C'OSl a dime ~nl " ~ pttr C" Cf) fow ~can.. Oe'S«an the bci h tin I so lhat ~ fall apart al ~ 1ntcn-ak The pter this 'ear Ctt) Hall nnt ~ttr PollOC' departmcnl 1he follo•"Tni ~car The h~ The peer apm Tbcat) •"OUld M\C'f sro• old The man. s a srn I us. I m.q:ux If he ·~ ,,.OttJng 1n the real •orld 1n pn'att mdustl) He •ould ~'ol· u1t0nuc thr 1nswana and consllUC- uon 1ndustn Tktt •ould be a re-. dra•biach. of course. So •bat 1f John Gustafson at lht End Cafe has to kus olThis bus.incss and fi~ lus cmplo~cn C'~ four 'C'2n. 8u1 \OU •ouldn"t .. ani a gttd~ local busancwnan·s need to pro' Kie a """' for himself his fam1I~ and bis cmplo~cn .. h1k pro' !ding a nitt scnite pl.aCT for k>ca1s to d1nc to t.aM: ~ 0' er publJc •ort.s ,.ould '°"., llDlJILDING. I( mC'mOI) sen cs corrccd~. 1n ·u "'hpl the H B aod Sul Bnch pten collapKd wun·1 Sul Bcach·s NOT insu.mi and HB"s inwmi. V.bosic tot rd>u1h a ~ear sooner. and •hose is still stand.Jn&" Helping artists 'Relax with Tax' m~ Reill ~1lh Tu •ill be beld al The Ous .\rt I nst11u1t of Panom School of ~ ~301 Snth St. Los ~nair-tn Rqistrauon forms an a,~1lablc from Cahfornu La•1cn for lht .\Its.. I Fon ~la.son Ccnitt. Butldloi C. Room ~S5. San Francnco. 941:3 Of ~(41S)77S..7~ T~ rcgistrauon •tll be~ for Visa and \tastC'TCvd f'CSn'"at.tons onl) FiM Snlood cf PrirM Muts /7:) SIP£1 llWL \!J'SlllAY SftCTACllAI , WIDE SCREEN PLU ' 1 • Sl Draft Been • Complimentary nacb /. • 50c Hot [)op With All The Trimminp • : • (~Menu Abo A...U.bk) 1 • From J p..aa. • Come Cbett On Your F•"wiu TNm! Wil!li!!llliw.1111 ~ 'ilJllwu CHATOOIRWI> ~LOBSTER 1lUlmQ OR CllPfN) FOfC TVIO (~lJry QQm~ Or.i y~·s Day) \ulc 0 •• ..,. •• __ .. ~ • ........ ..., .... __,,_ .. __...,_,, II _. ..... , ..... ,_. ... ~ Te._...._ ............ n'eM..,.. Lwdt M~ -Friday O••d!MI .,...._. Lwlt a.-l Dinnn Son -Thun 4-:30-11 p.m.; Fri A S.t 4;30-Midni(bt Piano 8e.r • CcdWll Nicht.ly m The Lowlp «II e. "" .51. • a.-.... 541-.JHI Pageant of the Masters seeking models The Pagcan1 of the ~astcn needs 'oluntttn 01 all a wpcs ~od sues to J>OK 1n -1i,1ng pt<turn · Those .,ho •ere unable to ann>d 1hc firu cast sign-up carl~r this month a~ urged 10 caJI 'a.JIC' Shut.a.n1 Clillng director. at 494-3663 •tt da~s btcv.«n 9 a m and 4 p.m~ to ma.kt an appointmait S1 nee r11. o com plctt cases ~ sdectcd. 'ol u n t.ttn arc rcquaro:f lo J>OK onl . :'' cn olbcr ,. ed. This 'Cl! s prognin .,ii 1ndudc ~lpcurn ~ H~t Fns.hmulh 1-J°' of lht V.attrs·· Edmund humpcn 1"'T'lc urfer.. Fram. \tc:wpn 1-The R abboo Dan.. er 1 .100 Cb1par'1's 1 lhc balltt dancers The Lag ...... .;;-.s Fnt1' al a.nd the Papn1 ..,,II n.a"I from Juh through .\ugust 2 11-IE ITALIAN VERSIO OF 11-IE SUPER BOWL. .. Its how ""e star! vour meo A btg, boun Ju boN! ~ salad i "" .,.. tomatoes seasoned crou on.s and o her goc:x:l ·n --gs. 1o; ·c me :ion our ONf" soeco '"""'se oress f"'-0 Ano once vou 1ntSh that oo.vf •·• bnng you another Ard crot er c so. fresh so\od you I e Then you'U enpy our au. n:I( Ito ion dishes I e veo1 pcco:o ono fettuccine Alfredo Fbstos :ho '-''e .,.,. 1 e res" • • e res:auronr A he ....,..,.~ gorl;c:: .... •eoos· c s 'JOv con eot F r.eicfly seMCe Arlci moaest pnces So come enp, ovr svper [)().vi salad eep g . ng IOU mo.-e -so r'CXJ eeo com ng boco-b more 1k ()/iit~'-· rTAUAl RESTAlJ NT ~'S IN THE GA.RoEN. • l)U2 ~~ ""'° lor"'anc~ ~'11Cf' z • 2' 111) s.c...~ 8'wd ~Id/GI e.ac: .. .• n ... • • • -· OutOn'lbeTOMl Cl Please Don 't Call Me Rembrandt Getting Ely's sweaty rockabilly on vinyl ABBEY DEAR Jo11 Rcros . UM! 1au11ni ~ Eh and hrs band comCOrubh llic1 oui bhsunns roclen hu -,•~ 'ow Gona Lou.a -.u. •dl u the folks} ""'Sth n- C '' .. &1 moa amporunlh ~ w~ tk ·~ and nscncc of El~., COtnposll~ \tos1 o( m) SOQPTilm& comn from dtrttt t\~fXDCn it;DOdJ". aroo od &ht \.lrC'CU and ~ 1 •bat"i ioeni on 1n frocu of m~ ~a.­ of'fcTcd El~ -&i tbt soap an rail) f ICUO«l.aJ ........ I m..p t lai.er chanF t.h1cip bu I.be dsarx1c:r or pbtt - Ooc ot'lm l'D05l 'n-.d ~on -1..ord of t.bt Hllfnra) -cs t.bt adm- ~ loot at a aty tbat prom11i0 much men llm9 n ddi'cn iD -t.rtin to L.\.- -1 ... u~a-to& oltmx in L .\ then and ODt ., I wmt out •»Un&. -be o.pia;IMd wtuk d.ucuu- tni llx '°"1°\ tmpralJOIL ~l..ootJ .. at all t.bt billboards.. fcdaiis the p1a of &ht CU) npallCDarll an cmpu-ocu._n all loobd bU a prop or a mo~ .c K1.. To me. L.\.. bcc:anw ns Entcrtaln~nt B"-MASTER50U"l0S OJ s• Come Jotn Tbe P1llll Tue-sda~ through Saturday Hap~ Hour Spcclals 4-7 pm \ton.-f"n Jee Sly ,..c .. · 11 ll:ny at dle.C...+ •e s .... ... IOllMUI OutOnTheTown llTl!AK a. &EA..ICQ+ 8 8 BOBBY Jt<G.EE"S Our a.aw ~) • ..tms t'\ft'J .a) • ~ ~· 't'uu.. ta frooa ro--t lor tJw lCilUCI 8lld ,_ at a..., ~ wlwft lhe mmo fUJ.W'ft ea.nus lih prom rib ol him ... ,,.. ~ tJw rmn.t t r.a. l A dluitt s&aks. W.W. Gd C'UGI.._,_. diwn. E~ f'Dtnt lJaduda CMll·fnala t.ad. fresb '~· aad • t.np t.o om award ·~ ~ .,., .n.tf din Dtt.)UUmD~.-d r ct ID tht Wn& CGm:&"s _,. na&q nCNdab r .. a aiPl ...... w ..,.ume. ma.U rt ipeOa.I wu.b lilt . lD ~ 8ac-h.. J.S..l EM& C419& Hict-a> For rewr ~-·---WJ -••• o. ..... s.: , CAFE UDO C.te Udo • ~ C-.-" \ an.er.. only tapper dub , , located• 8efboe p..,. •• m \.!t Lido • w'ell '-'a foc-IU f~ ....tood ~ a.od ('QO\ftm ponty ~ ~ "" Clwl r~ ,_ .....,__ usu..u ud cm)' ...,.._. o( d-.t1 r.--and bwecwd) decor nau • pttfe-n .,~ e..tt lor J01U diaiac n pet91fta! Cafe Lido • .-.. 1~ renpY.1u ol ·Uw Prn'•l"toUt SouthHa C."1rlon..1 Rnawaat "" nt.tn' --tt A ward C .at· Utt l>rDIXf' ~ 1111til aud ~ ~ JR2 d! C:a 17~ , .. raft'.i.- THE CASS"Ell\' ,,_ ti.kine --.,.,.f ,_t ad-' "ms-pan·, C&D.!M'n \" {n fraJ. Mal teafood and F-t· .... .._, c~ "iod wr ntt. as-n fo1· Lu.ch. f>iDnt.r. ~ 8nmdi Ud t MmPICD' Harbor ~ ~. aiPd> Gld Saa. ~~ f..aJIJI) ~ ~food ~-wpe-rb dam cbowdtt' 1010 La fa, tta o,~-;- CliZYHORSE STEAIHO' E C'~ll} din &( •1! cl.a • AulbnU.IC ·~·tt1:1 dH:n! '"" &.aw.mt a.ad t.aloon. f ea1un1W pnaw n . I tn.h -Aal •Ah aDd t.btir f&IJIOUI 0llaa Yutttd HttU l..und:i.: . r n Dinar ~­ .-.uom ~ Dllr.<" a.Dd lne LD ~ ~J,,..A) ~ff ffd Ea:n.~ r ~r..a " -141 ~~ ISi!. P Alllt.S ID [ REST Al: llA '.'I Rdzn ~ aa t.iw P~ Resl.a:lnnt. r...-...tf) Tbt C~1-. ~ atu:IC locaJ ciJJWn ( ~ 11\"'t"f I - \~ Parkude"1 f•. duulier f&ltt :.nn...sn •uak.... pnmt nb and frt:li.tl wafuud ~ ~1 ~•rt w"fd at r-cr. r.. · ; -p 3.f Da1h Luncti ~~ sun at ooh So4 • totn-ed .n • 't\Df'l. ~t.t ~~ ~ Cl&U 1 tJ;t • pttf ttt lw:w:c: lllltttmC 9'U.b .a.:i p.iClA:I: cWnl (It • ~ &!t.t>rnuo.111 ~ • th 1 ~~ iA'~tD~~ meet • olf e-rf:d T ~ ...,.. 16.:·~ ~unt u:i \C..c ~i..ut P1au.. FtA. \'alln iU -\ :r, .... EL PESCADOR PncucalJ) & ~ 111 IU 09'0 time. Um local.I) PQPUlar uW> httD mncinc .u cw • L ..c:arn t.ci w.not tbt arf\ l • ~ ~ ID pm1W CDNta Dd &D f'~Dcm '&nth o( -t...c.d, ci:wl Dub ~ ~'f'TV meal LO pin{~ ~ LO bf' ~ an bi" Th.and.\ ,U,lu l&.all&.11 'pttl.a.I~ end ( CbttM<aSt p 8e.r eDd pt bucm m tlw ~e--.'fnh ac· cr;cn pe med b,. le! lums &:Id rrieodly Cattt.. l..AJach ". r 11 .. Dm.att mptJy .. to 11. uJ Mid. DJl.e fn A ~ .OJ E. 1;th St_ C09Ui Ma&. ~JU I THE &EX RESTA L"~"l{T Located oa Ll:w ocan!ror.i 80'W6 from tbt S..-pan 8eacti p.er n. Rn • tbt Oraairt c omt mt.lit ndaliive Mafoc;d ~L Wftl llnowa for lrht. Hawauan ~ (nb w f'C'\IOCU ancl spec-hnnc UI ~ ~ Wand ~. ~nd.tr --1 and pmw meau. Tbe Ru Rftaur'&A • tbt daoett ol ti •di a Y1llUlr'L ~t ... lbf' pre· upo. Tm-f'l·Ho41da' .-vd ellfl&At au.in ~' Bnmdl. dJ:UltT c 6"">-2i6f; {~ rntt'a.uoa.. \"w t perC.. AIL LOf"T ~ l Bu " ( ,n!J !ta:~ ..ca.n ,_ dJa.uic •rt!: ~ e-mpb.Ma .. n frr,G -1 d. ()\..in bar "'• f'O~l ~th ., t i. beJ Utt ('°Pf'o (<• dan_., rurlrth from a p 111 '-' ~'t'ftd ~ fr .. let > ·= fabc~ "'U.nda' Brnnrh I#~ ~ _..., P < H " Lacun.e Bnc::. T A LE OF T H E W0HAL£ U ~ ._., I •I~ t.d; llO!f' w a pW.c .. -~~ , .. ..., can du:it at ''""' II bUn U,1" lbf' ft>-~,. JI( «s \;-l>K! _.,. i:-n ~· "' bl\ • -~tt ' lU1 ~ -.1ib •boor~ : C\a. - (. • id and tracl 1""-"'&. f •' nt...n 8.rf'.aAfall -•a \t .o f n . l...:rn ll ' \I ..-. r n Duu:iitr ' I~ \l...n. ~l :-.oil .uad ~ 8ruDC -~ °'~"' &r r.. ~· • ........,. ~~l t•all·~ ~Pt ii• t-1 '4,a A ...,. &Jt. a r -~\: THE W AKEHOC E llEST A l.~'I OOnmc dJXn a """ ...1 ~-i-t 8a and a b K~ oi b"•U ~ W ar~bou.w Rn L&i:.rant. J.xa~ ID Lido .\lann.a \' al • \''8 Opon.o. <-. - .A tbt ~ rauwrasiu located l lw W1ltttfn:ml.. lD additlOD to • wowdeJ fat mdll, .,,. ··~ ... Ut'&1 pbu Cot ~ d.isi-. UCI ta bnDcf Dee lwaud Uutt · lW'red bno pe1IO nw W' an ~ ipf'n ( ~ lcnc:b 11 :?:.>" diJs. :i t rt .\I o ::i d a ' • T 1.1 ta d a ' :, 30 10 '1 f·1da'<'-Saurda-. . ).tl ~ ~~ .5--14.. ..lf)tt . :.ia. Br.men 10 • ..\.~ _p ~ \IA,.r crt<L• c:anL att ~ For r~'"" at nil 71' ~:; .. -) "INDIAN Bl"IIHARA Cl:ISISE OF ISDIA Pttt:.a;» the mcc n.cJU.::i( - tftt.A Jant I.JI H .muartOC S..CC.. Bl K H..\RA.. bnap ~.' vt"' uw ta:..•t ~ •'CH:laptwtt ·~ Inda. \! • -I •be iood a: Bl KH"R." n p~ .a .. TIJJICk.or Clll\ tnl Freui ~ C""ta~ u:::.Qut t..at~ and dl.>l.UIC\J'-t .art -1 e-acb d \'.ou.1! Cuad tW food ~ ~IC and 1-~ ~ "-i ;~ ··-~~ §<J warm and ·~ uwt n !ttis liu r..;aw Upt ~ : 1,a\ • .I Wtt: lwx!; W!" 't'Ci : 1 ? Ill.. .. ,,'lb lwllcil n a• L~ C>m.or. ~td p = l . p..m. fna.a •• :.t ~. ~r; ti. !I pm ~ 'lit.liJC:o &:Id ~ wul Olden <'•-Coc,tnaeath lu::.~ !· .c ti» H ~ti..~· .ci 1 er.t.n ;i! ht 41);; fr"fl' &.1 8"c1l t£ Edt~I f.A1.: -"'e -14 , ... _ r;1 ~FAIBIB Gll.ASO OISSER THEATER l ... p"'T"-• i.t d '!l•l'I« ar~ pr I~ pl' JCl;xU.A• &It ~l"' I.a ~ _,,. f'*'.0 ·~ • lU ' l l1wo """•·~il ~·' t....;Jft~ r .... r b.u lAl u( rJttl iJ,.aud .!i.a::n .. ".. • '• .>: W IX• ("--t'CU t !!tekfll th pt'•br-. and cl.aR &:Id &.!:it \~ & wntd ui • pt•a:rac ~ · T~ ~fnl~nru&od~•• : .. ..., b,, u UJIA dinfttt &Dd a ; ~ ~ -1i:nt' l';raad OillM'f Thta1r. io<Clud • • tbe G!Wld Huet l lft ~r.a at 1 Hut.el .,..a) {'.£ --~ :-1 . . . ·- GISO OS THE HILL " .... -· ... y \i-la~ "'TY•• !ncrAt-~ __ ,,_ mttt • I. :n.. • 1..,£1 l AD It.al R~a.. p..m ..... ·~-" ."'1ia.. ~ • -• •::: 1 ..... ~·~ •• ',. f.. 1;t.i ... ·~· C .. a \tna C: F.'-4 1;;.,,1 ~ ·~!'\atone~ d~· •-~• 'abtf"'f'f l_lliil_CE I 0 I I IA.I\* ii •=>-•AST l·":S ii\1_RAN I S ....-.VL BAil A• ~•1• • -..... ~ a.. m1 ......._c-. .._ v.;.- ------ k:z-cwww Ctild .... • IUI~ i,_ ... A ·~ ...... ~·· 4 -..... ..... 1$.t.S ' • * * * * • -• .~- • • * * * • •• -... T'S .... s..1ta. -, -·-~-* * ti• Te • * ' ' ' lff'!!U,'£:.fLpq(t. 5'lif.-I "-t i..tm "-• • • .. 1 ,,__ .. -\T:. , ·~_;;-m. ...... l..·· .. :~~,,i'A,· ....... ~.·--.· ........ _ ... ~.La.·.· ......... s.···M'1111•~-. ............... ~ .. :.· .... ~~: .. ~11111 .. • .. 111111111 ... • ...... ~ .... • ........... im ··-., . -_,"...._ ..... - IS '·. Out On The Town ORANGE COAST T HE BAR.S Ha\t tht primt c..f 'WI Life ch<>C>6 1n,( Crom Ow ut~nsh" 25 11.f'm mt-nu Stf'ili1 5'afood . BBQ. Mn 1car d1 hes 1ncluchng salad bu dnd mure WH tem charm and ,. unll') amblanre Btta:kfast M-f i; 'VJ 11 Lunch ~t.f l l-00-2::l0. fhnner -: ni,ghu from 5:00 p m Happ~ huYr M f 4 JO-; p.m Sat tlllteduh Li,t tntert&i~tand dan;.1ng Banquet facilitjes 14962 Redhill. Tustin 159-0115 T H E ORJG INAL BARN FARMER STEAKHOUSE y~· Thr~ art tht orqm&I famous fL•r their •>M ·and·l ·half pound Pun.erh~ •lf'aks aod futunnc d."pla~ bruil1 nc Proudly 5uv1ng f ·r .?6 } tan Mu' •nc and cro-,nc <A 1th C ust.a Mesa' !'e• location an Harbor Center OO'Jt ~n" Off Walson bttv.~n Marshall's and Edv.·uds Theater Serving M-S.t 11 a m to clustng, Sun 3-d oaing _ JrJo Harbor Blvd . Cost.a Mes& r).4 J .9-:- 808 BU RNS -uperb as tht • urd :.u describe thu fine din1ni esu bhshmenL Serving :-.r ... p.Jrt for 18 ~e~n.. spenalmag in Angu ra~ beef. tht finest 'o..i c.in gtl <\~ futurinc fresh f,h \U I and chich n Tbt linen ,,.,ertd uble-. candles and fresh fl.iv.er-add lo the elqana. with t.uulM and h1ch back chain for pm K' Flicbnnc Lanttm1 and ch.~1cal musu: capWtt Ltw charm •rut and "'•nn 1unosphtre. Open r.,r lunch and dinMr ~unsivt "'mr hst 17 f ashlOO Island ~~ _'1).tO 8RJSTOL BAR a GRILL Our 18 m1lhon ~novaboo makes ~ a lucaJ FA \'ORJTE. Speocw dunk pnrft and daJt) lunch and dmner specials art our speaahy Our newt) cttated menus pfOYldt a wade \&nety of ta.ty tn\l'MS. Open dady 6 1 m. to 10 p 111 Breakfast Wf'\'td all day . En)O) fabulc>Ui Champa.net 8run~b •ith 50's It 60·• dantt m~ic 3111 Bnst.ol St.. Coat.a Mn.a, ;;.s· · JOLLY ROGER Greet Amtne:a.n fwd and at th« bet pnC'ft-Tht J olly RGpr has alwa)"S bttn known a «ood famtl) \all.le rauutanL The menu fn- tuns bttaJUut. luocb and di.non from ea dJSbes.. rncfdW cakcs. butTtrs. sandwiches. salads t.o cvmpltle dinners of wafood. tnh, clucken and dtlicow dts- wru. f anul) owned for 3S yan 11nlh the frie11dlitst wrvb U> wwn. 400 S Co.t Hwy_ Llcuoa Beach. t9'C ·313'i •• RE..\L '.\r11. \ <1rk chte5Kllkt \t •. nda~. thr Jt!h f rida)"& from 11 .. m l• • 11 p m and dtnntrs only on "'a turda' and ;;U~\"! "I p m tD 11 p m \·altl parlunc Locattd an the lo\ II Cent.er,'" ant. 1 201 \'un lo\arman a1 \11chtlson 17141 r ~· 11161, THE ~cCHARLES HOl:SE T he gracious J»ct of another tra ma) ~ found m tM \'ictortan charm of the McC'barlts H~ an Tustin Completeh renu\ .. ted and dtc0rattd m anuque ck chmutt Tht McC harlts Hou.~ ufftn 1 menu of old famtl)' rtclpes .-~h t\~ltt tht sp1nt of tarlr America. Different dmntr entrttS prepared sp«Wly each ~·tni"' Rtapttnt of Sou~m Cahfom11 ~t Wnie"· Promt11nr Nnrcomtr A,.-.rd. Lunch. dinner. afternoon le&. tab OUL M wed 11-6; Th-Set 11.a:JO. afternoon tea 2-6pm. ~ S C St Old T~. Tusun 731-4063. THE NEWPORT OYSTER BAR A.~D GRILL Briehl and atf) with a rolorlul seaside Vi<1.orMln flalf, Tbt N" port ()y5ter Bar and GriJI 15 cuual seafood dtn1ng at 1t.s btsL Ru Chandler, who abo o--ns Tbt Rt1 Rn~urant. has created a fun spot to sip an Anchor Sttam bttr, pttl spicy shrimp and tn~y nqumteh prtpattd frsh It's homt of the .-orkfs best l1ncwna clanu. Optn all day from I l ·10 a.m. to 10:30 p m .. to II pm on fnday and S.turday 011h1.1. M C . \.15&, A.£. Diners. Located aaou from tht Newport Pier 2100 \\'est OcuJa. front. Nf'WPOrt St.th. 67S-997i Ql:IET WOMAS ~ locally popular restaurant b proudly in IU 22nd )~r of litf'"l<'t • on Pacific Cosst Hwy in Corona del Mar f1JDOUS for mesquite broiled swurdfish Ir a !'.mall. Jn· umatt atmOJplwrt the Qu1t t Woman arvn lunch ~1-f 11-3 dtnMr n11hd}' 5 11 , ~te nia:ht ~nu 1111 1 ·30 a m. tnteru1runent. fine w.-.oe Im r«k~ib. sattU1te dJSh. CaJI for ~wls •bout bolDI' de,ll\wy. 3224 E. C Hwy . Cor· oaa dfl Mar 640-1 «O THE WBITEHO 'SE RESTAURANT This unprettnllOUI restaurant has btto ltt'-inc Amenan home cook· lnC {Of nee.rt)• 9() yUl1 DOW ancf It •• fttlUll btuu all &he tame! F rah IOUpa ..J.d MDdw1ebes and ~­ made mtren. Stn,nc brukf•t lunch diAntT • f tetUfUll fuU ba:r and In~ tttrtaJl\Jl\fl\L Locates Ima.ck dab tn tht he.tt of Laguna Beach at 340 5<i Coeat HW>' 494-880b zt.;BIES Pu.reaod wap&e.Juat li b niot.htr't ~~! 1lwy Rl'\e 10 cc. lobMtt wla. file\ m on. pnme n"b. nbt and chKkfD at lM most rtaon · able prica an a.ta MDL 1llilW dl.llDttl ..-.ed 00 ..,.aaJ mstic:a - optn i n!lht.t Cflwrou1J1 poured low ~ d.rUW. Ou.r Oill1Gl'.DC'n ba~ btai cominc beck~ lt'TO Located It 17 l 2 Placenta in Coua Mesa near 1 ith St. Call tW>-8091 or 631-9800. Zl'BIES GILDED CAGE Right MT~ the ~trttl frC>m Zubia SpKJahlf' art bruasttod ch1cktn ba~ back nbo and filtt of ~olt All dtn~l'r< ..ff'\ td v.1th !-.tlad baked beam. cum on th~ cub. ptJlatc.es and hot rull Lunch -pecws M-f from 4~c Tbt G11dt'Ci Cue as a 1o1 of fun for tht v.hole fa.mil~ Large danct floor \\Ide ~n plus T\ .. ' for ports $pt<' ~tors. A great \It• from all ~u including the bar Call 645-d09J Uf 1)3 I • 980.1. SEWPORT LANDISG RESTAt:RAST The St'&-piirt Landing Rtsi.aurant perfe..1 h Mtuated on the bayfront ad)dct>nl lu tht Balboa fun Zone h• .. t 5<Jmt fi nftt lucaJ wafood as "'tll ~a m.""1 P'"LICIOU3 locaoon. rtnt' fuud and a molt HOllllC loU llit-CIL~ yet CMUal }Oln lll fur lunch dt~r "unday brunch Ot ~rha~ appellUrs and cocktails from ~ o) tn bar Tbt brNth- "'ki1'ft \~'as acttntf'd with enter· tainmenl. Tuuday-S1turda) h1ghlighttd by 'tee! Drum M>Unds uf tht Canbbtan. on Sunday a!Ur· nuons frvm 3· 7 p.m TM Newpon l..andmg . ..a Wuw.e kiaJ favorit.t Optn i da)-S. Rnenauons pleat call 1:141 675·:?..173 Valet puklnc f \tnlng5. RU MPLESTILSKINS One of Ltw best ktpt wcrtta ol ~twpCJrt IS tht food It this popl.I· 1.ar nicht club If you ~ pu&a .• this is the p~' OnJ)" ~ cboKut 1nc1edaenu art used 1n our "homt- mack • · sa~ and uch dWi is prepared in tht light and health)· trad1Uon of Cahlorni.a cuisine Th-unique -chalkboa.nf' meou wbJch chances daily allows )-OU to ch~ porttvn aius to fit yow appeUte land your wallet!. OOtr- 1ng 1ndude uch fa\onles as Sp.- ghttu . Clams 6: Ltncu.rnj and Scampi Alfredo aJoni with somt ol uw own cttalJOftl lake Mttiaut L.uarna 1.~chwao Sullops ~wurdfash Mon&ney and much more. Compleu appetiur menu and don't mLW OW (resh homt· made bread' Comt tarly to avo4d tht late nl(ht CTUneh or stick &.r•IWld and danct to M>CDt of tht btsl tnttrta:inmtnt 1n town! Open 11 .JO 1.m. lo 10-00 p m •etkda)it; 1 l 00 p.m v.eelc.tnd l 14 Mcfad- den P!Kt Newpun Buch (at the S t't'l>Ort Pier I t)i.1 'iOZ.5 CABllELO"S Thia uhn~amart haven ol n.ttp- tioaal I tali.arl and Continemal Cuiauw ia Ont or~ matt reward· me~ to dine. Frah pes&a and 'pecw -ticht-uuca an carefully ~ by thrft al the fmnt ltaliaa chef&. PWliO bar tDLft1aiD- mt"Dl complenwnta tbt tun at- m ospbtre. Alfresco dioins Cwuthtt pe:rmitttn&I. ~ (or OiruwT 7 nicbla froa 5:30. 3520 E. U.S. H rrry. Corona del Mu 6i6-l~ • Ill AJICELLO"S ' n.. e-.rd W1DIM'f olfttt an n - t.ema\-e seeCK1 ap«iah11nc •n pM&M ,"tt) cioppl.oo aod thv:r fAllllOla bandm.ct. piua. &Jc.ab- li&bed Mncie 1973 &hit faa1Jy owned 181.Wrant Ml ca~ * hearta o1 luililn rood 1ovtn. Maay ....... ~bemlldded &oi.lw.ar.dy n&emn-.1De1N plua aD you cu ., hmdt bufJtt; Luac:h .. Mon.·Fri. D1qner 7 rughu a •Hk. l 7 502 8tacb a& Slalft H unllr gwn Buch. 842-s.505 NICK'S PIZZA &'ORO An l talla.n dela&bt' Fam1I) .,v.ned & perated for O\t r HI \e&I' ~1dc 01P1tlro & f a.mil)' art pltbf'd w tn\lte )"OU t<> s.l\1>r their authtnttc ho~~t ltaha.n ..auce All prtp&nd •,th uni) natural tnpe- dienu oo a.rtic1aal fla,-ors or pn ~" at1\·es. DCJ added ~uiars. OnJ)· tht finest lnfJ'edienu att used A au 1oaueft &tt fla, ortd ··uh \inUlp ltala.a.n •-mes. WEDSESDA Y SPECIAL All-l -Can F.at SP&«httu v.-ith meat saU<"e. soup or Wad & g.arl1c hrt>ad S2.2i> 11:00 • m to 10:00 p m. St:NDA Y SPECIAL All C -Can Eat Baked ~ •1th soup w Ylad It prhc bread 3.25 11:00 a.m. t.o 1<>00 p.m B FFET Ahtra)-s ~· deliahcful tnttee to ctaoc. from includ1nc ptua & pr· lie bread f or s:l-9!; Offered ~1o11 Tu~ Thu.rs 6 fri 11:00 a.m 2:30 p.m. EVERY NIGHT fanuly mrht . full coune dinrwr Yolth combo plltt. soup or salad. prhc brtiad 6 deseert. Prices ranee from $5.95 · r..95 Come on in and upe~nce I t.alJ.an cooltl.D& as it should bt Menuoo Nick's name & rett1Yt a complimentary etas of wiDt Of beveracr of yow <"boiee. 10585 Slat.er SL (at Euclid) f oun&a.1n \.alie)' 171 41 963-0'lr. VlNNlf:S Tbt best Italian food prepend from the freshest 1ncrecf itnu uaiog DO p~rvativa, salt. augar. or ncaa fau.. Owned by \Inn~ Col.ancitta oC Brooklyn Pizza WorU. lamoua for hlvinc TIM Btst Pa:u in Onnp County by The Grae Pm:a Hunt. Z70 E. li th t. in Cost.a Mesa. 722 9264 VILLA NOVA A btautiful bey"'-creetr. ~ romauc ~tune th.t has made the VilUi s~.. a ''speaal kind of platt-for cwtr fifty 1Mn. ~rb CUWM from Central and North· em Italy lttwd in Old World charm. E:awnsift wioe la Dinnn niehlly. P\ano her. Pull tMOU lJI 1:00 a.m. 3131 ~·est Caal HW)• .• Newport Se.ch. 642-i c:t-19\EBE LI'S RESTAU RANT Ir you iovt Ch1nae f0tJCi. you're cu rt to tnjoy d1n1nc hert. as La's pt"vmlStS truly 1ulhent.K Cbinae food. Tht menu offers a 11rlde \W· wt y ol uotic dashes. from a la can.e to oombtnationa indUthnc C...tonat ~ Szechuan st)·le Bruth&a.kinc deaK in a supremely beautiful atmol:phert. TfOP'QI dnnb toqumdl )VW lhirst.. Open ..-...n da.) a wtJtk fof lunch and dinnt.r. 8961 Adams. H unlinltoo Bn<a 961 -9115 THE LOTUS ~ lbe Orint and t".lptnnltt the b<'ftltntt G Ma.ndarUI and s.dlwan Cvisina. Authmu.c Ch1ae1e dtahu upec1ally pnpared by IMlttt chd UIL Tbt Locua c:&I\ olfw cvhnary mater· Pll!Cla to >-out Uklni. Tbt ~ly din.inc.,. it dominat.td walh pec- tw. of &he lAtua ~ • t~ symbol ol punty ia aw... cW. um EQJo7 fine ChiMW d111iar • ..u • ...u.. spvita aad ti.o.;pi tAJ . 1ty el the Laba. Locwd 1n Harbor Coe.er at 2300 Ha.rl>of 81Yd. m Ca.ta MfM Call 3331 .M_PA,• ri California ~ Rest.awant is one of N".-pott's mo.t cootem por&r) restlW&n\&. f t•Lunnc U · quisiu Japuae djn.ins anduchng MUh1. seafood and unb. makes th~ 1 truJ~ pleasurahlt d1ru~ u - pentnet Loe.ltd I t .Ll.).) \'t.a l..Mi<> in :-.;t.,..-putt Bnch l.umih ho •ur- ~lon Fri. 11 Ju .!· \ll d1n~r 'l J0· 11.l' -; da~ 1 •H Happ~ hour pt<ials 5·1l\-6 . All maJOr crtd1t cards a«"tpltd Ca ll o; >05-;5 for 1 nf onnal klll. CROWS HOUSE This ao,-elv CoounenuJ res-~urant '1t~ted 1t the romer of PCH and Croa-n \'allt > Pb") has been a courme•· fa\untf' for (l~ .. r I~ )"tan no-. Fine d.iru111 rodnads.. dancing. Ja, ~ toten.am · ~l. ~ ler bu. happy hour, h.n- -q~t facilities. luno Stf'ltt. ti· tea.1'\t wmc !Jst. '.12802 P.afic Cc.st H~· .. South Lacuna :-.;quel 499-2626 EMBERS A tndst ional conu nentaJ re,g t.aura1n. steak tartar spmacb salad flambe. CMfi&I sal.ad. .11 prq>e.red la~ b) a ¥!~ qualalritd narr T rad1t1on•I courmet dl5hts uch as bf'()('httte a la Rtrentt. \eel a ~ f~. CflSp) Long l~nd do<kli.ng. b1111adt. mu quitt bro1ltd •peoctak n11hll> Sl 2 95-Sli 95 Cuckwls. fu U Wt.M last. l.ullC'h l 1 00-2:30. dinMT 5.JO lC)OO ffn. trvatJom ~ t>46-2'ii 4 Localed adJ8C'ftl1 lO tlae ~ Mesa ln.n 2M2 ~ Blvd . COit.a Mesa.. MEDITERRANEAN ROOM Airporter r-Hotel Congtnw and 1ttludtd from tbt hus) airport sutTuund1np.. Tbt \lediterranun Room offtrs .uperb cununenlal C'Ulllnt f0t lunch, dinner and unda)• bn.inda. Tov enLtrummtnl n11htJy in tht Cabart>t l.uunct. The Capt•m's Tai* 1$ open'°' dtnu'I 24 hours. Pt rftet fot wat.ch1a, C~hlorma u~ ~ the f'1rcht DKk Lounct Tht A.1rpurtn Inn • locatf'd at I .oo MacAnhw Bl\.d tn (""int 'S.'\.l.r.70 RIVIE.RA ~lu to IJKWUS Mf\·ttt ID en tltpnt. inlim.tt.t aLm01pbert. Ea- penJ) prepared rununental dishes ~ Chef Rt<"ba.rd Bersnt"r. s1.ntt 19-;o This award •innmc rft• t•urant ~J>Y ulftn an eatemh-e V. IOt hst, and tl.C~b tn tablies.tcH prtperaUom ind Oambt'I.. ()peo for lwK-b l l .30-3 p m • Dinnn fr••m .) p m E1~llent be.nquet fanhtee C"-d un. and bol- Mla\ • 1:n1 s Brilcot COIU Mesa. :\40- FAENCH LE MIDI ,.. Thu ia a lnat -9'ftptt " SoCM MY n's a\ .. nl p:rde. o~B lba.l it's ci....c. All acne that Swm Chef WaJter Rut1haann'1 naisine ptu\tnc$1t ii ol an iftllO\-.tiw and txqu.i.s.itel tUN&ed eutbenuc:ity. An mchutins CUMtry Frddt w· l.tnut ud u OW World ........... ity rettl)' found t..heM.,.. NltUI liw tt~ ~.., '119 oUtilandinc t'Wlim. o.,.n Tua thtvuah Sun l<K lunch and diantr. lhtll uada) bn&och .. the talk ol •ht tll'ln~ :M21 \'aa Lido, Ne.part Beech.67~- IVEXICAN c FU tic dE I ~ B c c c E c p p p s y - Ifs h~e m1nu hun' T• ~ 1fhe' At h.ts .., JUD frooL Cenli sbou tbrc>4t h1$0 studi -r on u Grall maru De time tcdn mon tJOn• & annc • C1 - FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1988 25 CE T 3 de~elo~ers are ~B slU:mlords Old buildings targed for city crackdown owned by redevelopment project firms By ROBERT BAR&.ER .............. Thltt high-profile private ~­ developmenJ officials ba..,e bttn i<knuficd as owners of, detenorated buildings 1n dololo'ntown Huollnfton Beach that have bttn targtted in a slum cleanup campaign. officials California Rep. Lungren'sconfirma- tion as state treasurer delayed./ A3 Nation Gunfire ended a standoff by a polygamist clan in Utah, leaving one officer dead and the clan patri- arch wounded./ A4 Attorney General Meese agrees to review FBI surveillance of U.S. peace groups./ A4 World tsraeU army officials say some soldiers have been court martialed for brutaJity ./ A5 Index Advice and Games Business Classified A9 A7.S a.-6 88 8 7 Date book Comics Death notices En tertamment Opinion Paparazzi Pohce log Public notices Sports- Weather A6 Oatebook A3 86-7 81-3 A2 ad.nov.lcdged Thursda} Tv.o o f the de\Clopen h<l\e ~<>­ ~upend mg In lhc do..,,,ntov.n area of Hunungton &ach A third v.as m1u'ally selected to lead the re- de' elopment cfTon 1n the Mam Strttt-H untmglon Beach Pier area. but subsequent]) dropped out. Wife of inmate lawyer cleared DA drops charges of drug smuggling filfo-county Jail By BOB V A1' Ent:N Of ............. Chargn of smuggling drugs into the Orangt Count} Jail •ere dropped Thu™1a~ m1dv.-a} throuah the ~rehmrnat) hcanng for Gail Hu- nngto n vqfe o f con' 1cted killer Wal he Ra) \\ 1sel} • Hamng1on. :!5. was charw:d wtth smuggling a small amo unl or cocaine and man1uana concealed in a mart- ing pen into the Orange Count~ Jail last .\ugust The drug-ft I led pen v.u allqedJ) rt'C'tl\ed b) a 1a1I inmate. Lantt Wamtt. v.i1h v.hom Hamngton. a lav. clerk.: "-3.S consulting on bth.alf of the .\mencan C1" 11 Libtn1~ L nion .\fter a da~ and a h.alf of tesumon~. hov.t\Cf. ~put) Di~tnct "uom~ Ja~ Mui~· told t~ coun he "-OuJd not bt making a motion to bind Hamngton o'er on the cbatJts.. -Based on e'aluaung the eVldtnc:r. v.e JUSt felt that v.~ could not pro"e this case bt'ond the shado• of a doubt:· said ~\fol~ Ju~c Jacqueline D Thoma.son concurred v.1th \tulgrtv. and d1s- m1ssed the ca~ Oranet Count~ henffs Dcpul) St.an Blaszak. t~ 1a1l guard v.ho reponedJ~ found the drugs m Wam- er·s possnsion. tesufi~ dunng both daM.~~ hcanng. told lk coun that ~ had oot Seto Hamngton pan an~lhmg to Warner He also said 11 was not unuslW for pens to bt left m the th.at aJ'Q of the JaJI. v.-he-re \\ amer and Hamngton had their consultauon Hamn1ton·s attome). Da\ 1d (Pleue eee JM:LROUSE/ A2) And one bu11d1ng in the cleanup a.rca t ha 1 v. as sm&led out as a possJ bk pthenng platt (or Sat.an-v.orshapen as O"-ned b~ anolher ckvelopcT. Ip add1uon. one of about 35 bu ildings alon1 Main Street that failed to conform v.1lh eartbquakt Sta/ldan:b IS o""ncd b) tM Ol)'. The wtdescale failure to mttt earthquake ;tnd health and safety standards an the downtown area was illustrated m an e1ght-mtnutc film taken b) acny task fortXand shown to Sky show C1l\ ( ounc1I memben \1onda) night Offi~1als \aid the\ v.erc shocked 10 d1\Co• er th.at such · condiuons eA1st and 'dcrcd an 1mmcd1atc crad.d''"' non errant ov. ne~ T"'o I the housing areas poN)ed 1n the !ilm al ~Ir and :? I:! ~ Main t . r .:pi>nedh belong to Robert J Kour. The (ll\ as cngag~ an nego- 11at OOS I.I. llh . ).,,ou~ for a JOIOt \en tu re rede' clopment cffon of the second 0!0<. uf \1a1n Street ........... .,_ .... A 80lltary B-tiqtoa Beach aarfer J>9ddles under a breath- ta k i n& aky at •neet. Mild temperatures and partly cloady akles are apec:ted to contlaae throaeh Saturday. -\notherde,cloper Dick Schv.aru v.as 1den11fied as lhe ov.ner of'the fo rmer O ark Hotel. a1 !:?8 Mam St The hotel was reported as h.a' 1 ng bootlqgcd and possibly unsafe gas hnes and for ba,1ng doors dcad- boltcd to fire cuts. officials said Schv.anz v.as ~lccted as the 1nuaal de\ eloper to bu1l~ a hotel at the former sate of the Golden Bear n1ghtcl ut> on Paetfic Coast Highway and \1a1n StreeL But~ later dropped OUl Of COntcnllOn An empl) 1v.o-stOf) butldJQ& that v.a.s said to bt an apparent mceuns platt for sat.amc follov.ers 1s owned b~ de-..elopcr Frank \fola. He bas been selected b) lhe cit} to ckvdop tM Tov.n Squvc proJect 1n the dO\i\TilO'A-0 area. Mola saJd Wcdoesda} that he plans to demolish lhc bu1khng ,.,,bc:n lhe prOJect gets under v.a). Has work.en ha\ e boarded up the hous.t. on 4 21 MaJn St.. on SC\ era.J occasions. and (Pleue .e DEVELOPERS/ A2) Businessman held in rape of job applicants Had be-en accused but never charged in earlier eases- 8) JOSATBA.t\ii \'0 1.n.E Of .. O.., ....... .\ Founwn Valle' businessman ~ho .i.asaccuscd but ~\er charged 1n connccuon ·A1l.t tv.o rapes last ~car v.as ~led Thunda} o n susp1eton of I ~ s.t\ual usault ch.a.rgts '"'oh mg the t'll.O past allegtd '1rums and a third '1cu m Thomas J Pan1chas.. 31. v.as ar- rnted at ht:S home tn Costa Mesa after a v. arrant v.a.s issued in Harbor MunlClpal Court. wd Fountain VaJ- ~ Pohc~ Sgt La~ Gns,,.old He is accused of 14 S.C:\lW assauh charges 1n\olvang three v.omen 10 June. '10,embtr and Janu.a~-. Gnsv.old said Pamchas allcgcdly attack~ t~o of the v.omen at h1S Fountain \'aUe) buSJness and a lh1rd m an Irvine motel room Gns,,.old said each of the a.llqicd '1ct1ms -tv.o I S-,car-olds and a U- }car-old -reportCd each 1nadent to authonues. but officu.ls from lhe Distnct .\tt~' 's office m1t1.all) decli ned 10 fi~ clwirs against Pan- 1chas ··Each cue v.a.s taken to the D~ but the depuu~ ""ett concxmed lb.at 1t "-OuJd bt a 'cast of one pcnon ~ufing against one other pcnon.- Gns,,. old said .. \\ e couldn •t llC1 a v.arrant Offio.a.ls from lbe Distnct At· (Pleue .e BUSI1fE88llAJlf I A2) House robbers slay JIB man,·2a BJ PAl.1. ARClOPLEY ............ "-Hunungton Beach man •-as shot to death Tbursda} a fter ronfronung thrtt men v.tio had ,ust ~ his f.a.m 1l\ Luis Ramon R1os \.tartmcz. :?6. •-as pronounced dead at Fount&Jn Valle) RcgronaJ Trau~ CrnteT •here he •-a.s rushed after btlng shot 10 the bead. said Hununiton Beach Pol tee Sgx.. Bill \'an a~ .. e .\crordJng to wtl~ I t about 10 a.m. a man knocked at thedooroftbc Marona home at 961 \.foonsbaido- Carclc. claJmm& he v.-as rn.aiJnc a deh\Cf) When an occupant opened the door to let bJm •n t•o other men fOfttd th~ir 111.a' an~"''" \an Cle'e said. -\JI three· earned handguns \bn1na's •11e and motbe:r ·~ ho me as ,.~II as a netghbof 1J,1ng 1n the fourplel. \an C'le'e Yld. The suspccu ~tole S I CXXl ,.. h IC'h .,as t~ rent m~ be sa1<1. \\hale th~) •ere inside \.1aruDC2 am\cdat ho~ He ~to enlt'f the bouse through a door from t~ pra.gr v.herc he v.'3~ confront~ b} the saspccU One oi thcm shot \.i.an.1 ncz 1 n lhe head The thrtt suspects fled to a red compact car parUd up the st.rttt. \-ar (le, c saJd_ ~" v. ere last Stt1l beading south on ~h Boule'ard at Warner -\-..en ue ~ .e llURDER/ A2) Bible Answer Man gives talk show callers the Word Council conflict charge in HBprobed It's 3:03 on a Fnday afteme>Qp. lbc uve radio prop-am begins an two minutes and the star of w shov. hasn ·1 am vcd. Two emplo)ttS look ~omcd. The') ·11 haH lo an a prerecorded tape 1f he·s la le.· Al )i)4 p.m. \\alter Maron swi ngs his v.h11t Cad1Jlac -licetUt plait JUDE 3 -into its parting space in front of the Chrisuan RCKa.rCh CenlC'r an EJ Toro. The broed- shoukkft:d ma.n stridn quickly throuab the f:rool door and heads to his offttt, wbkb doubles as l.bc radio stucUo. ''The fint one (calter) is aoina to bt on in 30 s.econds. .. announces Joru Gray. the otnters public atram D'Wllltf'. Despne the nash. Manin suU takes ume to chat about the woodc:r oft.be l«l\nolot.Y that Wlll ca.ny his voice IO men chan JOO rad.lo stauons u- .tioftWldc.. UsaJIJ t.d LDto I wdk\ufted anncbair and .proppinl lus fet1 up oa a cushion -at eats the poor Luc£ lc101 • arculauon tn bis lcp -Marun Swtnp lhc m ICJ'Ophont an to platt and bqins bis broadcast. ..It"s ·The Bable ns•n Man.' Walter Martin. live over satellite racho across Ammc:a to answer )Our qucsuons Moncb) lhf'O\Cb Fnda) ... and C'Cf}' ~lUJda) n.llbL Our swncbboard 1s all Ln up. rm LalkJ na to Mel m CoroM. California. - For tbc next S5 mmulcs. thc 5~ year-old Maron Ll5tens lo a berra,r of questions from bu calkn.. some of whom a.tt confu~ about cena1n lttllons of the 8Jbk -lake Mel - and others who challenae bun on bu lateral mterp~ta11on of the Sen~ tu res -\n agnosuc in his ~ounger }ears. Manin considered be<-omang a la"-· )Cf. a profession he thought v.ould suit his argumental1' c nature lnS\cad ~· became an ordamcd man1sttt. but he RC\ er lost hu appetite for malchmg v.ns •1th those of d1ffenng \ 1ev.~ .\nd there ~ man~ "'ho dasagrtt \ttllth bJm. As an CV'al\IChSt. Martin C'OIUldcn all rehg><>ns that do not adbctt stnctJ> le 1radiuonal Cbmuan teaching as cults. Mormons. Chnsuan Scientists. Buddhists. He~ .\rmstrong·s W orld•ade Chu rch o f God. Jcbo..-ah's Witnesses. the :'l'ev. ~ Movement -~ and mort are cults m MartJn"s book Unhte the occult most cults h.a'-e thtir roots 1n Cbnst1an1t~. but some- •bctt aJont \M hnc the) broke tbc ru1es ofChnstwul). oftn b)' profess.- in& al= to someone other than J~ Martins.&)'$. , ........ llDL&, A2) ............... ._ Waltm Ila.rd.a. tM Bible AM•• llaa. bna•c•• M8 aatlcc•"J 8JDCllcated talk ..,_ frm tM C......._ Jle. eeUcll Ceate:r IA SI Two. Hoag seeks heai·t for first transpla ot la OC a,umunn ........... Al ...... , ...... ii • llCln. - ·-RE ·L ESTATE SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1988 25 c·E~T FPPC investigating Ball Costa Mesa mayor iinderscrutiny for alleged discre pancies in · 84 campaign mllttt The document said the croup qualified as a comm1tttt Oct. 26. The follov. ing da). CJ . Scgerstrom cl Sons g:n e S4.600 to the group. The de' eloper lasted the contribuuon an ats maJor do nor statement that 1s required under campaign laws. BJ JENNIFER WEBER ... ..., ....... TM Fair Pohucal PracttttS Com- m1ss1on tS in'"csupung Costa Mesa Mayor Donn Hall for alltged d1s.- crq>ianc1cs an'oh ang a pohucal ac- tion comm1utt that backed ham an his 1984 race for the Ctt) Counctl. Hall said Fnda). Ocean View's Craig Rice gets two of his 18 In Seahawks victory over Fountain Valley. /81 Coast Mission Viejo names Wil- liam Talley as first city manager. I A3 California Consumer group kicks ·ott drive for a sweeping insurance reform in- itiative. I A4 World .\ comm1ss1on spokeswoman con- firmed tha1 the FPPC as looking into complaints aga1ns1 Ciuzens for a &tter Costa Mesa. but ~ould not discuss an} details Hall and then-1ncum~nt Coun· c1l man Enc C Johnson \loCre lasted on a I 984 statement of organazauon as controlling the pohucal actton com· Councilman 03, c Whttlcr. who v.as elected an 198~. alleged Fnda) that the donation paid for last-minute '"htt pieces 1hat cos1 thousands of dollars·· ma iled a v.eck ~fore the S o' 6 elec11o n. C1t1zcns for a Better Cost.a Mesa nc' er filed a sta1cmcn1 that ll re- A California 111Chwa1 Patrol officer in•est!C•te. the era.ah Kene where one man wu killed and a woman critically cc1' ed the monc~ according to the said the an' ~ugauon stems trom cit~ clerl(s office not hang more 1h3Jl a clencal CfTCJr Campaign d1sdosurc l-.v.s require Hall said t)le treasurer of Cmzcns pohucal action cummmecs and can-for a Heuer Costa Mesa. .\n d1datcs to account for both do nations McKenzie. arodcntall~ andtcated and npcn~s '-"hen a candidate 1s ft 1hat the l\l.O candidates -Hall and listed as comrol11 ng a commmee he Johnson -ran the commmee has 10 rcpon the group's financial \1cKenz1e said he d~ not re· actl\ 1ues on h ~ uv.n d1sclosurr m.:mber flllang ou1 an~ papcrv.o rl in stalc:mcn t. (On nC'C11on \I.Ith the committee Th<' The unreponcd donation means group's founder .\lben Pan -. e~ ··Donn Hairs ele\.llOn --.as a fraud ·· could not be reached for comml'nt Whttlcr said Hall said he lmev. the comm1t1el.' .\lier a thrct·hour meeting v.tth a <'\ISied and that the committee ~up- FPPC representall'C Fnda~ Hall (Plea8eeeeBALL/A2) DlllJ,..., ----~ injared ln a head-on colllalon . Soathbound traffic wu backed up all the way to Newport Beach. Donn Hall . NB man pleads guilty to fraud Ex-head of In tech faces 35-year term in metals scheme BJ GREG KLERKX °'_._,..., ... .\ ~c-v. pon Bea, h ma'l cons1derl"d to ~ the mast~rm ·nd behind .. mulHr"•ll1on Jol.ar prttlous rrieta l\ fraud s.:heme pleaded gu11l~ Fnda: ·o f:,e fe.on\ ,harttes a:;:o·c rig fcdera. prOSC\.ut '':I \ta11he\lo \ aien: t'e : ' ~lea.:ied gu ·. before l D1~\'"let ( un h.d~ \1anue Re-al • tn·~ co .. rt~ o• mail fraud and '"" ' '"unts l'li inter· state transponltaon ot stolen prop- ~. satd l ~110~' T er. Bo~crs. \ alenu~ 1s tr1e tc.~e· p~ aem c:. I ntecn In' C')trne:ll ( • rp a '""' pon Beach ;:>f'e\. ous meta memart.etang firn that ar~h l\lllc:i a.opro'- 1m;uel~ •. people out oi s: m1lhon an 1n,cstmen1s ~t v.e-cn ~1embcr IQ ..: and Febru.11"\ I Q86 Nicaragua and Contra negotiators agree to re- sume peace talks in two weeks./A4 PCH head-on kills Balboa man \ Jk n\l,l '~ht·duled for ~nten ... "! .., .. Fet-:: He 'a.:es a -na,irttum .,, .a~ rpn<.. ~andafne".>iuptc S, : -..,, .. s.J1.: S. "e'"' \ a1ent ,r ar.d -:.: 1~~ suspe-.: James Eg!1t s .1 .-'e"" P'-n S.. J, h rem a an in , .is~od' ~ ;'10-.t ba1 a~ <he fedrral ;:rson..gn T•'°""!ll"3 Is anc Bov. ers '31..! \a lent ~ • adm1t1ed \1.~ , 'era >re• •I, n1.1de~1~ oi urtraud· -.. c'1er.·~ v' tht tr\ estmenl fi'"'T' ... ~1ch a l~ed ' fl.one ed a ar es•· ;-, -ts "( 11<. ''' p.-incpals ...ad B "'e" Index Advice and Games A8 Auto Trends B4-7 Bulletin Board A3 Laguna Nigue l woman is critical after cars tangle with OCTD b u s north of LB Classifled 85-8 Comics A9 By JONA'THA.111; \'01..llE dn,cr or pasS«tgcrs of an Oran~ Count\ T ransit D1stnct bus. \lo htch \lo ll al"so in'ohed an the 4 30 pm \lon'Ck n~r El ~forro trailer parL. JUSI nonh of Laguna Beach Ci t) hmllS Entertainment A6, 7 °' _ _._ ....... Homes Real Estate Paparazzi A6 Public notices 88 .9 Religion AS Sports 81-4 TrMa A8 Weather A2 .\ Balboa Island man was inst.anti~ killed and a Laguna ~1gud v.oman left an cntacal ond111on an the intcnsa' e care u nit at a local hospital after their 'chaclcs slammed head-on on Pacific Coas1 H1ghv.a). authonu~ said .\ Cahfomia H1ghwa) Patrol dis- patcher said a car dn,en b~ Barbara .\sh. 69 cros.s.ed the htghwa~ ·s center dt\ 1der for an unkno-.n reason at ~ 30 p.m fnda~ Her car crushed the front end of a ptd.up dmcn b~ ~o tnJunes Y>ert sufTettd b) the HB Council vows to move ahead with downtown rehabilitation BJ ROBE.RT BAR&ER .............. Huntington Beach Ctt) Council members said Fnda~ that the} 're dctenmned to speed ahead Wltb rdlabilitatton of old downtown bu1ld1ngs ~1thout rqani to who lbe O"Tiers may~. "Tht bottom hot 1s to get nd of the bu1ld1ngs or to bnnatbcm up to code It's lime to~t tough. w c·,e waned so Ion.a. -City Counalman Tom Mays said. campaign to clean up downtown rcu1~ a shot 1n tbc arm Monda) -.hen a film taken by a downtown ta k forct of cit) employca dcplC'ted slum-hke II\ ina conditions an lht upstaJ.n of some bu11d1np m the fint three blocks of Main Strttl It~ kamed la\ef" that some of the bwJduws sin&kd out tOrcnnc:um 1n tht ttabt-mmutc film clap belonard to businessmen •hob.a~ llJtt:fJ\CDlS. °' .. "ho arc nqouat· in& ~enu. for redevelopment proJeCts. The pro pcn) O\loncn include Robert Kou~. v.ho owns a num~r of buildings an the S«Ond blocl of Ma an Street and frank Mola. v.ho has bttn destinated as the de' eloper forthe To"nlot rede,elopmcnt proJC'Ct. Mola's building. a 'acant t\l.O-Sto~ res1dcntt on "th StrttL reportcdl) had bttn a ptbcnng place for unauthonud v1SJts b) satanlC' wo rshapcn befort It burned lut •Uk.. Another propcn} OY•ner was identified n l>Kk Schv.-aru. •ho at one u mc v.cts s.cl«1ed to do first phast ~,·cJopmcnt on the Mam Street-Pier area. Furthermore. a bu1kimg ov.T1ed b) the city 1s one of about 35 bwldmp that fail to meet earthquake safct) standards. Cat)' C ou na I m.tn \\.cs Banrusier. who saad be rcfwa 10 •-alk ID the area it ntpl bccaux of UMa\Of} rondit10m. satd !\£ bche'cs thal the dc'-dopcn that 01'-n bwlduigi that ha'e come undt-r tin ~ ~ict:uns o( aTCUm siancc (1'leMe ... OOOllCD./ A2) Bailfecluced in money-laundering case 8JGaBOPDIX ....... _ .. ..._-c=,~-·,-, llil ... 1dYCld fnday for a H.aincton 8nclt hip IChool IC9Ckf ~ of lnndcrina • .,.., 0( dolllrl tOr. ~-­.. ,... ck:l!Pitr a prolCICUIOr's eott- cerm tblt I.be IUll*' may annnpc to •~ dlit couauy. 1-H071•t ~ a DIM Point lilidrllt ud tackr al Ecliloll Hill' SdMjal Ms berO JD jm_I ..._ INs Dec, n... .... uttil*aMm10frDOOrY .....,... , .. , ... ' ... ,... Ford. 41. ol. .. ..,.. Sboft. ~ dilc ~ ola ' Edv.ard Ra,mond Ort'm ~ .... Orem v.as pronounced dead at the scene .Uh \loas t.alen to \llss1on Hospual Regional ~1ed1ca l Center in M ission \'1c70 v.n h maJOf 1 n1un~ and.,,.~ in cnucal condauon la te Fnda~ night a nursing supcn as.or thert said Paul Hop an~ ~ of Laguna '•gucl. v.as the dn,cr of the OCTD bus. Thc ncarl)~mp1~ bussv.-enedto the n ght from the nonhbound lanes to a,01d 1he coll1S1on betv.een -Uh's car a nd Orcm's small pad.up truck. but \I.as slrucl broadside b' .\sh. authonues said · .\uthor-:1e~ ... ere _-isure cnda\ n ght \l,t:.i: ,a~sed .\'"'.a• to umi' rrom th.: .._ .. uth u~..! ane in: On:m·s p.J:l-i 8.:>th .J~ ... e,.e Je· sm:"rd in thr 3,\.1dcn· .!rJ had t tx- pla1..(.d on r.a1~d lni. ,. · ~ 1a en from the scer.e The ru~h-hour ., • ..!~"· iar.g.lcd lra Ilic for hou"" " t ~ e 1'r•n ' tr-a\CIC<l haghv.a .lJ'"• ~ • ~ S31d Commuters 100 r:~ •o• J Fnda' Ml-ape reponni \ \I, t":r ba.:~ed up l\. :--:ev. pon Bea ... h ... n 11t' ine accident also sn1rled the traff1, ·1 A 'n Laguna Can~on Ro.ad thl .t lJ ~ -.,aJor ea!>t· \l.CSI anc~ qo vernor helps line war chest of Gad di Vasquez By JONATHAN VOLZKE Of _DlllJ ....... .\Jthough still unopp<>S('d an his btd for rc-dcct1on to lh~ Board of upcn 1sors. a Fnda~ naJbt fund-rai5Cf for 3rd D1stnct Upcl" 1sor Gadd1 \'asquc:z at the ~ Menden hotel p ushed his \lo archn1 O'tt ~S3SOJXX> marl. The ~ Menden e'ent v.as amona Vasquez's l3rg1:1t. but the supcf" 150r ~ a little hcJp from hrs former boss -Go' ~rte Ikul mC]ian. &fort his appointment to the board a lnlle m~ than a ~ur ago. \"asqUC'Z Yf'ed 1n OcukmeJa.an·s Democr•,. hold .,,nu.I O,..nge Coun- '1 COll~Mtlon. A2 .\ccording t1. ;x ice rt"N'i<. •n· · . .:\ ,~ sent ,3,r 1e\lo el" and p·~1ous meta ': .. hle.h as pa\menl :or n Cl('\.1~er · n' tstments. .\uth\.•'1t1C'\ ,J\e ..aid there 1s lmlt h re :hat an' · :he monc~ or good< v.1 e,e· be ·.-..o,erC'd and bchc't tha• the "ll3J\.•'°'\' ..,ithe s: m1lhon v.u spent n dn.i~ arc ·fast I 'mg·· \era I of 1.,e In 1r-c n <-uspectS had ·drug probkirs a .. 1. •rdtng to po11ct' rq:X'rts Jnd J Dc-ccmbcr sear(h ot \ alcrune-'>home turned up a' a"e''\ ('Plea.9e .ee GUU. TT I A2 l ............. -.... ao..Oew.Dt • Cwldr11111crowd ofsoo...,,a ... wat _....._,_G••dt v.....-. I; M1 Veqo foothills &1 the land IS tMult- out ·Tiac b°ecaAtn tell~ t.bat Sl' m&lhon lldditiona.l 'tblcb •Ul be• tk roads bttWttft no-a.Dd lhr year • lba1 ~ bt can Sill WlCS Wick.. fi,~ can hiab. from lht Mca. biointff to tbt ()ftp border ... thr l<>'tmOI said ... lt Dd ohoundi likt 1bc n&a na F~~\ d11nna prak .a-. doesa'l u? (P N -OOftaMJa/d) , l seeking interim gement job in Viejo ., .. uuwna ·-----.... , CoAa Mal city mlDll"'f' Fftl!I ~ is beina consideRd as • iatenm Cit y ~ an Minion V.go. Ofuer Couoty s newes1 city. SOrab91. wbo ma~ Cotta Mea for l s )at$. said ~rsday he bad M ia~iiew last Saturday with the Mission Viejo City Council. He is one of five cumnt or former cit) manarn the council is consider-ina for the interim six month post, Councilman Chris Kttna S&Jd. A decision on who could take the reins of the city could come as earl) as toda)' or as late as next Wttk. Keena S~lld. "I lhlnk lheT'c's an edginess on the pan of the five of us to 1ct the ball rolling, .. he said. Mtssaon Viejo fonnall) becomes a cit) March 31 . The counal v. ants to get an tntcnm manager "nght now," Keena said. Because the jOb will not be permanent at first. the counc1lmcmbers are looking for someone who 1s a consult- ant. Thrtt of the candidates Sorsabal. fo rmer Anaheim manager Wilham Taite:, and former Santa ~na ma02ger AJ. Wilson .....:. are workmg P'red Soraabal as consult.ants nov.. The other two. Bill Lmle of Orange and L) le Alberg of Hemet. are current cit) managers. ~!though the council onginall) thought the) v.ould not hire the acting city muaeet as t.be seat•s pe:nnanan ~1. Xeeu said * caliber or appbcanu has forc::ied me members 10 ~. Tbcintaim penoa would have &o &pflly and comptle for the pmnuecn ;oo. however. . A full-time employee probably .' ~n·t be hu 'td to lake ovn the city untiJ Jul)'. when the city-. fiscal year staru. Keena said. In lookana for someone to 1uidt the infant city. Kttna said expcrie~ and •vailabality are critical. ··we need s0mconc who's willina to spend a lot of time on tbt job and can get goina right now ... he said. ~l could put Sorsabal. who for the past month has bttn actina as El Squndo's interim city manqer, out of contention. Sorsabal said that even 1f Mission Viejo offered him the temporary job. he did know if be ~ould take 11 because of the El Squndo commitment. Sorsabal took a year's sabbatical after leaving Costa Mesa about 21h )tars ago. Sorsabal said the questioning in his interview Saturday centered primar- ily on management style. how he would handle given situations and what would be his fir.st actioru.. Irvine buying federal funds f roin HB By GREG &LERK.X °' ............. The Clt) of ln •1ne is working out a final agrttmcnt to purchase more than S4 m1lllon m cut-rate federal funds from the Cit) of Huntmgton Beach for use on a mulumilhon dollar road cxtcos1on proj«t. The proposed purchase 1s the largest )Ct tn Irvine's rccent ~enture into P.urchas1ng Fcdcral-~1d Urban (FAU) Funds from other c1ues for use on projects that require 1mmcd1atc fund1n,. Last )Car. the Cit) purch~ approxamatcl) St..:! m ii hon from the ctt~ of Benicia and the count) of Shasta. Purchasing federal funds 1s a nev. loophole man) cmes arc usmi to get around federal funding restncuons. • said Rob ~cCann. senior transpor· tatlon anal) st for If' 1ne. Man) c111cs and count1e-s r~e1' e federal funds for prOJe<'tS that cannot be mmated for se'era1 )ears. but federal guidelines proh1b1t the use of the monc) for other purposes. B) purchasing the federal funds at a discounted rate. the purchaser gains much-needed funds at a lov.er cost The seller rcce1n•s ··c1can mone\ ··for use on an~ proj~t dtS1red b) Cit) offi cLals. said \kCann ··1t reall) benefit~ bolh agencies It helps us better use our bu) 1ng power:· said ~1cCann. If a final agreement 1s appro' ed b) both c111cs and the Orange Count~ Transponat1on Comm1ss1on. If' me v.ill purchase ~4.1m1lhon1n F~L' funds from Hu~ungto~ Beac~ ,at a cost ofS3.3 million. for a net savinp of S47S.000 for Irvine. The rate of exchange 1s 80 cents on the dollar. said McCann. The Huntington Beach FAU money is slated for the widening of Golden West Street from Pacific Coast H1ghwa) to WamCT Avenue. said Les Evans, director of public works ID Huntington Beach. Evans said that because of restrictions on FAU funds. 11 would talce bis city three to five ~cars to complete the nccessar) environmental rcqu1re-- ments for the project .. Cll) officials don't want to wait that long to get the project going. said [\ans. With the Irvine money. frtt of federal restrictions. the city could move through the environmental process in several months, he added . JAILHOUSE LA WYER 'S WIFE CLEARED •.• From Al Hai~. said he e\pcctcd the charges to be d1sm1sscd. ··(think 11 v.as a \ Cr) forthnght and upstanding thmg for Jim Mulgrew to do:· he said. "If he"d known all the facts. I don·t thmk he v.ould e\en ha\e fi led the~·· Hamngton said she is sull bmcr over the drug charges. "h ne\er should ha\C happened.~ she said .. Those charges ne'er should ha\C beeo filed:· Ham ngton. who alrcad~ has one Cl\ 11 nghts suit pending aga1Dst the Orange Count\ Shcntrs Dcpanment for alleged!~ bcmg harassed b~ jail officials. said she 1s cons1denng a lawsuit against authont1es for wrong- ful arrest. .. That would be the next step:· she said ... Someone should be made to an.swer for whal the)·, e done to me:· At the ume of her arrest. Har· rington was acung as lav. clerk for her husband. who ~as ncanng the end of his unsuccessful St\·}ear fight 10 win a new tnaJ ID connecuon with the death of his stepfather Roben Bra). . W1scl). v.ho acted as his ov.n attome) ID his 1982 tnal. v.-as con- victed of first degree murder for killing Bra> b) rigging a truck cab lo fall on him He was in1t1all~ Gall Harrlngton senten~ to death In the ~cars foll u'-'1ng. hov.c,cr. he v.as able 10 ha'e the death sentence O\ enumed. and 10 file a number of mouons which won him privileges at the Orange County Jail. including exclusive use of an cigbt·man cell. a computer, law books. a law clerk and legal runners. All that came to an end last month when Wascly's motion for a new trial was cknied and be was scnteoocd to life without parole and transported to Folsom State Prison. Jail officials said at the time of Harrington's arrest that they believed the drugs had been meant for Wisely. Both Wisely and Harrington said following the arrest that they believed the chargn were a ploy to get at W1scl). who by that umc had become a well known thorn in the side of the legal system. Despite her feelings of rc-scntment. Harrington !>aid she was happy about the dismissal of the charges. "Now I can at least see m y husband." she said ... As long as you have charges pending against you. the Cahfom1a Dcpanment of CorTt<"· 11ons v.111 not let you into Folsom. :"low I can tell them the charges arc no lo n_ger pend mg.·· C harges arc still pending agains t \.\ amcr. Hamngton's co-defendant. His prchminat) heanng will continue on Wednesda). KELLY CONFLICT CHARGE PROBED ••• From Al discuss his ph1losoph1cal oppos1 11on to actions that affect an md1v1duar~ propen). Onl) 1n c'trcmc s11ua11ons. such as ··grave matters of public safet).'. should a go\emment cnlll~ place moratonums on pnvate prop- e-rt). Kell) said. He said he assumed the issue before the FPPC ~ould be oHr his failure to disclose propcn) ov. nersh1p ··1 don"t knov. v.hat the protocal or procedure v..ould be to rect1f, that. chastise me or v.hatever ··Keli~ said Sources said FPPC tn\CSttgators \ t\lled Huntington Beach 1n Decem- ber to C\am1ne re<"ords at Cit) Hall • However. Kell) said he wasn"t aware of the mvcs11ga11on unttl he v.as told about 1t by rcponers and hasn·1 been contacted by the FPPC "rm not a .... are of the dimension or the subj«t of the tn\est1gat1on," he said. FPPC spokeswoman Sandra M1ch1oko said the complamt against Kell) was "pending. .. ""Ifs the same thing as an invest1ga- t1on. but I am not going to say that. .. M1ch1oko said. She also said the commission had not set any time line for completion of the 1n vcstigat1on. BUSINESSMAN CHARGED IN ASSAULTS •.• From Al tome\ 's office v..ere not a' a1lablc for comment. but a clerk there said each case is decided on an ind1v1dual basis and "there could ha~c been 100 different reasons v.h\ they d1dn·1 file " · Pan1chas allegedly met the 11rls to antcrv1cv. them as potential sec- tttancs or markcung clerks at his finn. Western Communtcauons De- velopment Corp . Gnswold wd. After talking with the girls. he ORANGE Daily Pilat COAST • MAINOfflCE VOLl1,N0.8 c would offer to show them around the Harbor Boulc,ard facthty and attack them. the sergeant alleged. He allegedly raped both 18-}ear- old women and forced each to perform other sex acts at the businns. but did no t rape the 22-year-old. a Las VC$8S woman whom he met at an Irvine hotel Gnswold said. If convicted of all of the charges. Panichas could rett1ve a mu1mum sentence of 86 }can in prison. G nswold said. Employees at Pan1chas' bus1ncss cxpn:sscd surprise at news of the man'1 alTCSt. but refused to discuss him or the company. Gn.swold declined to state wbctber P.nic~ wbo is 6-fect. 5-incbes taJl and wriahs 220 pounds. is married. He was beina held in Oranae County Jail in lieu of S200.000 bail pending his arraignment. the sergeant said. DeMy Piiot Dellvery la Ouer9ftteed ~"'Git) ,..;Ja, .... ~ "GI .... ,,_~ •• s JO P ... 1111' .. ,. r , -..... Cl«'t • " Justcall 642-6086 . Whal do )Ou hkc about the 0.11) Noc?Whlt don't )OU li.U~ Call lbc number above lad ~ mnsqc \o\ill be rcmnkd. transcnbed ud de- hver'td to the appropnak edltor. The same 24-hovr ans"'mna ~ ma be used to record le.ttttS to the editor on an~ topic. Contnbut°" \0 our Ui~ column m.ast utdude t.Mtr name and tdepbone number for "mfication. Tells us ~hit's on )OUr mind. °""'"'° '-'"°'' ...a ""'"' ,.. .. ,.,. ' -UICJY e-, .. ~ ~ lW' ~ 10 ..... -.--. •• c.. ,-: Cli11lal1R Til°JJS.• U.S. Temps .. 90 IT ZJ D 21 M ZS ZS 11 51 • • 40 .. . .. n • 3t 11 36 .. .. • 3t 2$ 12 21 00 SI 22 11 JO n ,. Calif. Temps 53 ZS n ., • 11 ... 15 13 31 • 2S • • a 12 IC M 21 OI IO 2t • 11 51 2$ n 11 10 43 12 10 OI ·14 Sl 44 • 30 32 14 47 32 24 OI 11 33 SI 24 It 50 .... ,. ,. Extended .!. ................ _ ... _ Tides TOOAY 1:01 Lftl 5.1 , •• ,,. .0-5 12tpm at TODAY 12'.M-21 1:•41Lm 5.1 2-14 p"' .0 7 ._,,,,. t·57p m a 7 n. -,__ IOCll¥ •• 50 ~ --•I llpm n.-l"-iocs.,111 1.~p .... -_......,. 4:56 La BmLE MAN TALKS ALL CALLERS •.. From Al The occult. o n the other hand. consists of religious groups lhat practice some form of de\ al worship. according to Manin. His views rankle the m1lhons of people who belong to what he views as ··cults.- Man in's recall of the Bible is uncanny. As cailcrs begin to recite the Bible. Manin frequently interrupts and finishes the passage word for word from memory. He Ctt<hts God for a photographic memory. Lori from Granada Hills 1s on the hne. her voice rcsonaung over a small loudspeaker above Manin's desk. She is upset that her husband as not a Christian and as unv.,lling to accept her faith and her faults. Manin puts on his mamage counselor's hat. Manin: ··He's blaming whatever faults )OU had -and )'OU probabl:, had them bcfoRlyou were a Chnstian -he"s blaming all these faults on )our Chnsua.n profession ... " ··ut me give you some quick advice. OK. The Scriptu~ say 'Wives be 1n subm1won to your husband as the church is in sub- mission 10 Chnst: Live before hini a life of ex.ample so that )OU will win him to Chnst. Pray for him that the Lord will open his mind and his spint ... Sherry from Chaco begins her calJ with a question about I John. ··where 1s the Trinit) involved in all this? That confus..--s me ... I've been studyinJ about 1t:· Manin: ·'The intent of the pa.ssagc. I John. is not to prove the Tnnity. The intent of the passage 1s to show the relauonshlp betv.ecn the Father and the Son .. ·· ShelT} tnes to interrupt SC\ eral u mcs. · Manin: ··Now hstcn. You can't learn 1f)'ou don't listen. nght'>'. Sherry: ·-rm not toor much of a listener:· Martin conuncs to explain the Trinity. Sherry listens. But she cart hold out for only so long. She tells Manin she 1s a member of the United PcntecostaJ Church. another church Manin considers a cult. ··1 heard you the other da) kind of maJignmg them and I couldn't under- stand wh).'. Mamn: "Whoa. v.att a minute. I didn't malign the U nited Pcn- tacostals. )OU know v.hat I sa1d'l-· She~: "You said .. :· Marun: "I said )OU were thrown out of the Assemblies of God in 191 S b«ausc )OU were hereucal. and )OU were:· Sherrv: "We behc\ ed in one God v.c·rc bCmg persecuted just hkc the ~postlcs v.crc. ·· Manin: "But )OU v..crc put out of the church:· Sherry. ··There v.as a spht. ·· Mamn: ··Thafs nght. You ~ere put out. You arc no longer considered pan of the Chn stian Church." The rapid-fire conversation 1s a textbook example of Man1n·s per· cepuon of hov. vanous Chnst1an sttts have stra)ed from the true path. Sherry: ··But thafs kind of hke the thing that Constantine did to us v.hen he put us tn the catacombs because v.c believed that Jesus Chnst ... " Manin: ··You v.crcn't even there in Constantmc"s \1me. The United Pent«ostal Church came into ex- istence in the 19th ccnturv. Constan- tine was in the 4th century . You got )Our h1stot) screwed up. dear. Any-. ho ..... I eona get off the au because · we'\e got a station break." Despi te the argumentative. even hosulc. tenor ofhis voice. Martin says he hold.s no malice toward people like Sherr). ··>what I obj«t to 1s being charac- tenzed as being some ogrt who goes around bashing people.'' Manin said. ··0o I not ha\ e the nght to dissent?" In fact, Manin sees a problem with members of his ov.-n faith who arc too um1d or 1ntellectuall} tll-prcpared to fight for hardllnc Chnstianll). Man1n·s shov. can be heard wcck- da)s from 3:0S-4 p.m. on KKlA 99.S FM and Saturda) from 9:~ 11 p.m on KPZE AM. MURDER •.. From Al All thrtt were descnbed as Lat1nos betv.ttn :?O and 25 )Cars old. One was S fttt 8 inches tall. v.c1ghed I SO pounds. had bushy brown hair and wore gray pants. The second was described as S fttt I 0 1Dchcs tall. 165 pounds. wcanng a Levis jacket and blue jeans. The third v.as about S fttt 4 inches. medium build. wearing a red 1ackct. DEVELOPERS OWN 'SLUM' BUILDINGS ... P'romAl ··chased out"· unauthonzed people. he said. The house was gutted b> a fire last v..eck. The c1t)-owned building that falls to m~t canhquake safct) standards 1s occupied b) Pier Reah) at 220 Main St. City code enforcement workers made a door-to-door 1nspcct1on m January at the direction of Paul Cook. who became city administrator last fall. Cook said he had received many complalDlS at-out downtown con· diuons and decided to make the area a top pnority when he took the iob. He said he was proud of the downtown task force for filming the ··.~ conditions. Ov.ncrs ~111 ha\e to rchab1htatc or redc,clop. he said Cook said he v..asn 't embarrassed that the film shov.cd the buildings ov.ned b) the rcde,clopment figures. ··But I would be embarrassed 1f I ov. ned o ne of the bu1ld1Dgs.'· he said. Doug Lange\ 1n. v.ho owns prop- crt} in the downtown area. said that he had been ny1ng for years without success to get city officials to crack down on owners 1n the arta. Langevi n said he ~clCOmes the city's action but said the publicity is giving a ··black c)e·· to conscientious owners. Other people have complain~ that -~-v i ' Through the centun., fine WOOd thutters haw become synon ymoua wtth luxury and good ...... T odey, Helf wood Shutter. give an wy .-gaince to eny interior from Cok>nlal to Uttra Modern. No other window covering performs Its functlOn with such beauty and grace. Shutters filter light with an Infinite verlety of styles, reduce glare, block out hNt and cold, maximize the view and expand lnt•lor• wtth dean, Mnple Nnea. Unffke other wtndow tr .. tment1, shutters Iner .... your home's value. With HeirwOOd Shutter'• you may chooee Louver wtdthl Of lV.. 2'A, 3 '.t, and ·~- We -.ct the finest woodl 8V8Hab1e Ind offer a ,.,.. Mlectton of colora °' ltalnt Md ....... )QI -.ct tM belt del9' for yow Window llnd lldlng ... doota: . Servtng Callfornla elnce 1953 1t has been the pohq of ell~ offinals to allow the do .... ntown area to detenoratc 1n order to build senti- ment for controversial redevelop- ment. Development Services Director Doug La Belle said toda) he docsn 't believe owners deliberately let their propen ) ··go ba<1:· But he ackJ\owl- edgcd that some !Tiay be wa1tina on redevelopment d«isions before tak· mg steps to bnng their propcny up to standard. Mayor John Erskine said that the city is faced wnh potenual liability problems and will take action to ensure the safct) of the buildings no matter who the owners arc. FOR FREE ~TIMATE Call the offic:e neareet ~ 1£2LWDOD~ • • .......... ~. a Ill' _, ... 1118 Aw&.Olilll.._CA_., (7M)I• •11 (7Mt --.1111 (2L1~'M~~