HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-30 - Orange Coast Pilot...
Camgaignsget down and di
BJ PAUL ARClllPLEY .............
Republicans boas' of a so-called
I Ith commandment that they won't
speak ill of one another. As is seen all
too often in various local primaries. it
is widely ianored.
But more &Jari!'.11 than the nasty
Rick Meara and wife Chris
celebrate after the 36-
yeer-old aurvtved a craah-
ptagued race to win his
third Indy 500./81
Lakers head home for
Game Five after Dallas
Mavericks even the NBA
Western Conference
finals at two games
Theft or vtolent Q1me
struck one out of fN«Y
four American homes In
1987. accordlng to the
Justice Department./ AS
President Reagan
clashes with MlkhaJI S.
Gorbachev over human
rights In first day of sum-
mtt. / M
AcMce and Games A 10
Bulletin Board A3
Bulineal A7
Qaalfted 85-7
Comics A11
Entertainment A8,9
Opank>n A8
P\.tblie Notices EM
Sport• 81-3
W..ther A2
thinas candidates arc sar.in1 about
one another are what they re doing to
one another.
The "an .. of diny tricks tcemin&Jy
has become an inextricable pert of
Oranae County politics.
And an the 40th Cqnarusional
District, nearly everyone is pointina
. PerhaPI the most common com-
plaint ~ all candidates is the theft of
campe1sn s1sns.
Newport Beach attorney William
Y acobozzi even went a Slep funhcr by
filing a complaint with the Hunt·
inaton Beach Police Department
against the Cbristopbtt Cox cam-
AC:coidina to Yacoboui campaisn
consultant Mark Howell employees
from their sip company cauaftt . a
wortcer for the company Cox hired in
the act of rcmov1na YICObozzi sips
and replacint them with Cox sips. y acobozzi said thousands ofbts sen•
have been stolen.
Ken Panter of Candidate Outdoor
Graphics p ve a written deposition
that be bad confron~ a man tearina
down Yacobou1 sisns.
The man 311qt<ily saJd his em·
ployer at ttome En\C'rpriscs in-
structed emplo}ecs to remove ~
nent's s11ns -particularly
Yacobou1 s11ns -while puuina up
C~x signs.
Rome EnterpriJes owner Nelson
Romero denied ever 11vina such instNctions. -1 woukt fire someone
doina that on the spot. .. Romero said.
Cox campaisn manager Bob
Schuman said they've suffered their
own sian los.sn. fie estimated 800
Cox s1ans were npped down in a two.
day penod last week.
Cemetery. Tiley were llelpl.Jal tile women•• andll•ry of
Davtd Vaporean, c:ams-ip _.
sultant to Nathan Rotenbets. .-.
more than 3.SOO Rosenbera iillll
have so far been stolen.
Sometimes, the s1cns are dz•atd
instead. Rosenbera SllJlS have ._
altered to read .. Roscnest" in,.._.
cc to his brother Werner Ethwd. ...
founded the sclf...actualizatioo ,... aram est.
"'Soctahst pia" additions haw ...
tacked onto candidate Peer S--0
(Pleue Me CAllPA!Gm/_,
whip up
By PAUL ABCBIPLEY ...............
Gale-force winds kicked up by a
late spnna storm killed al least two
boaters Sunday and ruined
beach&oen' hohday plans aJo .. the
Oran~oasL The winds may bave
contribu.&.td to the traffic death ol a
Hunttniton Beach woman as M:IL
No m&JOf' wand-related danulps
were rcporu:d by Oiass.coat poljcie
and fire aeenctCS. aftboulh many
~ kept busy resooodina to alarms
that were trigcred by the stifrtne:zes.
Bccfed up lifquard staffs found
tbcrmelvcs with 1ittk to do as the
wt nds forced all but the most dari.Q&
off of local beaches.
Newpon Beach lifquard Bratt
Ranck said the wtnds picked up early
Sunday. ktti>ln& the crowds h&bL
ufquards did make a ooupk of
rescues when adventurous sw;mmen
found themselves in trouble in the
w1nd-wb1ppcd surf.
Hununcton State Part lifepard
SUpC"r'lltSOf Al Pepito said the winds
Kishel says women's place is in Congress
Hopeful for 40th District seat says she's
fiscally conservative, socially moderate
BJ PAUL ARCIOPLEY °' ..............
While more than half the popu·
lat ion is made up of women, only 2S
of the S3S members of Conpas are
To Patricia Gunter J(jsbel, that
doesn't make much sense.
While she isn•t runnin& for Con-
IJ'CSS in the ~ ConpessionaJ Di~ ~ Republican primary simply on
her pder, J(jshel says more women
should be involved in the political
"Throu&hout the course of the
campaisn I've met many talented,
hard-workina women who should be
running.~ she said.
"'What women would bnna 1s
themselves. There isn•t any one
woman's v1ewpoinL Each woman
would brina her own knowlcd&e and
skills to it. Women j ust need to be
Kishel can poinl to a resume that
demonstrates expansive knowled&e
and a variety of skills.
She earned a bachelor's dqrec and
two master's. one an fine ans from
UCLA, the other in business adminis-
tration from Lona Beach State.
She has published four books on
business. teaches marketina and
manaacment al Cal State Lona Beach
and Oranac Coast College, and has
markeung and busi~rcla~ ex·
pcriencc an the television indus1ry
including CBS Inc. and Theta Cable
Presently, she IS a acneraJ pertner
for J(jshcl Consultin& GTOup.. which
assists firms in manaacmcnt. market-
ing and media. ·
J(jsbel would pul that expcne~ to
work in Congttss to help bala~ the
federal budget.
"I would bnng ... a spirit of
entrcprencurism ... she said. "They're
quick at assess1na sttuations.. malt.mg
decisions. sctt1n1 things goina.
.. Repubhcans aren't so much
against spcndana money as wasting
money. Enlrepreneurs arc aood at
kcepin& the system lean and getting
their money's wonh."
J(jshcJ would v.ork lo slimulatc
business act1v1ty. mcludma ex·
pans1on of the Small Business Ad-
"I think tt's not only viW. but a
beacon to new and small businesses.
.. Apple Computer was helped in
the early s~ by the Small Business
AdmintStrauon and loot at 1t today ...
Kishel said.
Ah.bouab a fiscal conservative, she
considers herself moderate on social
Her pnorities would include ex·
pandinJ child care. providtng cov·
Cf11C for cawtropbic illnesses and
intensifyina drua education.
She proposes the fedeta.I ~vem·
ment provide businesses wath tax
incentives to develop chilckatt pro-
crams. And she ~~ five vouc:bcn
t'o parents. particular1y thote on
"If their chtldrcn are liken care of
they can ao to work, .. she said.
.. By ! 99S. two-thirds of all
prcscboolers will have wortina
parents. So we really bave a bCtins
time bomb," Kishel said.
She also suaesu insurance rdOnn
ma) be the answer to avoiclias
personal tame bombs when
catastrophic illnesses strike families.
"I read about a couple wbo were
married for 33 years when the
husband was paralyzed." she said.
·'She had to divorce bim IO be oould
qualify for aad.
"We haw to find ways 10 1'dD
people who have been SU'ictal. We
need to make insura.noe availllble .-cl
affordable ...
(Plwe .... _. /A91
Kayaker sets his sights on Seoul UCI set for real
shakedown test
of quake facility Newport resident
hopes decade of
training pays oJf
............ ..,u. ....
ltrbud who foanded the ee1f actaallatlon
~ eet ... Soclallat pJc0 addition.a ba•e
beei tateked onto Peer swu•e me-.
From Al
Thcdiny tricksoerta1nly don't stop
with the sign games.
Several candidates charge that
Cox's carn~i.gn is the most guilty an
lhe diny tnclts department.
Front-runners Rosenberg and
Dave Baker blasted Cox when he sent
out "bit pieces" on each of lbem.
However, Schuman said as soon as
the Roscnbcrl piece went out. their
campaian office was plagued by
constant phone calls from a com-
Someone had programmed the
computer to dial into two lines at the
Cox hcadquaners. When the phones
were answered, the computer discon-
nected and redialed. thus tecpang the
phone hncs Jammed up fC?r 45
minutes at a tame. Schuman satd.
When Nathan Rosenberg's cam-
paign revealed that Cox hadn't voted
in the 1984 general elcctaon or the
1986 primary and general elections.
Cox turned around and produocd a
signed statement by the Los Angeles
County Registrar of Voters Office
showing it had no record of Rose-
nberg voting while living in that
It turned out there was no record
because tt was pursed when Ro~
nbera rcrcgjstered after moving to
Orange County in 1983. A clerk in lbe
Registrar's office confinned Rose-
nberg had indeed been registered to
vote there.
Rosenberg said Cox should drop
out of the race, both for his failure to
vote and for trying to raise doubt
about Rosenberg's voting record.
''Here's a guy who said he helped to
defeat Rose Bird.·· Rosenberg said.
"But he didn't vote to defeat Rose
.. I wonder bow thankful Ronald
Reagan would be if he knew Cox
didn't bother to vote for him, either."
Perhaps the dirtiest tnck in the
campaign was waged against Baker
when an unidenufied man stood up at
a candidates forum and called on
Baker to answer to charges of
Newspapers bad received
anonymous letters about the Balter
rumors but bad not published any-
thing until that incident.
Despite his continuing status as a
front-runner, many observers think
the revelation may have 1rrcparably
damaged his candidacy.
Some candidates arc starting to
suspect Cox was behind that, too.
Yacobozzi, who earlier criticized
Cox for seeking an endorsement from
Ohver North, said his polls show him
moving up fast on Cox. So he wasn't
surprised his signs were being re-
placed by Cox signs.
"He acts very quietand polite at the
forums., but bas already used two
vicious 'hit pieces; he may be
responsible for the Baker incident.
and who knows what else be has done
or planned." Yacobozzi said.
"It is easy to S« why he and Ollie
North get along so well."
And with a week to go before
election da). it's easy to sec the dirty
tricks will continue.
From A l
.. A lot of people talk about ignonng
1t. but I've trained m yself to look
forward to the pain. One of my
favorite points as when I know how
much the other racers arc bun mg:·
But Bellingham has grown with the
It was white-water raf\mg. dunng
whnch ltayakers race down surging
rivers and bounce over submerged
rocks. that first attracted Bellingham
to kayaking..
He first picked up the two-flanged
peddJc in Washington D.C. in 1977.
when he was 13 years old. Two years
later. he was asked to join the tnunang
group for the U.S. white water slalom
team. Two years after that. he won the
junior nallonal championshi_p.
At age 17, he become the youngest
member of the U.S. men's slalom
team and got his first taste of
international competition. compel·
ing thou&hout Europe. He finished
ahead or the top-ranked Junior and
third-ranked senior.
He turned to Oat water racing at the
~ucst ofa friend an 1984 and lbink.s
he's found his niche. wet thou&h it
may be.
"White water 1s fascinating because
it put.s you in the outdoors, where you
can act out into areas not accessible to
everyone else:· Bclhngham said.
"But Oatwater as fast. exciting. It's a
lot like snow sk11ng. •·
But the training 1s a full-time JOb.
forcing Bellingham to seek sponsors
to support him an has bid for the gold.
He said the U.S. Olympic Commit-
tee "takes pretty good care of me ...
supplying his lcayaks and some
financial support. Private businesses
aJso have helped. Knotfs Berry Farm
donated some money and has allow-
ed him some practice runs on a new
white-water ride an the park.
"There's no money to be made an
this." he mused "When I made the
team in 1984. 1 did n for the
expcnence Now. 1 sometimes won-
But 1f a JOld medal won't bnng
fame and fortune. 1t will brina an
enormous amount of personal sat1s-
faction, he said.
··competing with the top athletes
in the world for a gold medal is a
worthy goal,·· Bellingham said.
"Without a doubt the bi~t award is
the personal satisfaction. •
Whatever 1988 brings.. Bellingham
sa)S he's not sure what will follow.
'T ve been put11ng off college for
quite some time now, so that's going
to be a factor.·· he said. "Beyond that,
I'm going to pla> 1t by car.
"Who knows. I might make
another go of It in 1992. ··
Lotto jackpot unclaiIDed
million Jackpot elUded all "Lotto
6-49" players over the weekend and
will boost the midweek pme's top
prize to about $21 million. the
California Lottery said Sunday.
The winning numbers picked Sat-
urday night were 28, 31, 7, 47. 34. 1
and the bonus number. 39. The
w eekend jackpot totaled s 16.331.330.
Three ucltets came up with five of
the regular numbers and the bonus
number, and each pays $570,560.
Two of the uckets were purchased in
Oakland and the other was sold an
Chula V1Sta.
There were 193 tickets with five
numbers. each winningS4.S69: a tot.al
of 13.064 tickets w11h four numbers,
each worth $61, and 268,312 tickets
with three numbers, c~ch worth the
fixed SS prize.
Sales for the weekend game totaled
$16.034.648 and prizes awarded to
players amounted to $4, 731 , 979. The
amount paid to schools was
Nine held at cockfight
A raid on a suspected cockfight led
to nine arrests and the seizure of 56
bards Sunday, authorities in Orange
Surf Forecast U.S. Temps HcMlloft ,. n Calif. Tempe ..... ·-., .. ....,,,. ... tO A =·10we•«lp111 ~ ._.... ........ ,,..._ ,,__... • A ,. ~ """-' II .. erllftelcl 10 ~ .. ~City All9Ma • .. u.v..,. ... City IS • .... ,...
~ .. • ~ ~ .. .. Lubllodl ~ .. $8 .......,.... • .. ...... ...,,
lllflwdl .. a ...... ~ ... IO 41 ....... 8olloft ,. a .... Or'9ana ·-··· • 71 NewYOfl&Olty ..... a M Nortolll.Va 9urlngl0ft. "'-IU 5' Mottll PIMM c...-17 .. ~City ~.,c n • OIMN CtwW1Clft. .Va .. fO OrWldo CMtlotta.H-C. ., • Pt"J S1QpNe ~ ,. • ......... C!!. • • :::r ...... .. " CIMlllflf • .. ,.._,,ON CclMRlaS.C. N a "'cM.:9• '°' CoMNllM,OHo • It ="Cltv ~N.H.. a f7 ~Worth .. • ....... °"' °"'°" • 11 ....,.,,..,
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From Al
were blowina 35 to 40 mph all day
"But we did have visitors:· Pepito
said. "They ended up pulling can in a
circle and sitting inside to escape the
"Others put up trash can bar-
ricades. They figured they drove all
the way down here. they weren't
gonna let the wind ruin their day at
the beach-no matter how miserable
the) "-ere."
Misery turned to tragedy for some
boaters who were caught in gale force
winds exceeding 40 knots.. said Coast
Guard Lt. Debra Harbaugh.
Two boaters drowned when their
boats capsized an the stormy seas. she
said. ..
At about 2 p.m., a 20-foot sailboat
an Long Beach Harbor crashed
against the rocks. throwing eight
people into the water Six swam to
shore. One was picked up by another
But David Wright. who reportedly
could not swam, went down with the
boat. Harbaugh said.
Divers were unable to find his body
and the search was suspend<"'d at 5
At about 3 p.m. two brothers were
tossed into the Pacific when their
Hobie Cat capsized three miles south
of Catalina Island.
The survivor watched has brother
flip out of his life jacket and slip out of
si&ht. Harbaugh said. No body was
found during a three-hour sean:h.
A Coast Guard helicopter hoisted
four children and an adult from a 40-
foot craft at the south end of Catalina
when it appeared the boat would
crash on the rocks at 7 p.m.,
Harbauah said.
However. the winds cased off and
the remaining eiJht adults cnuscd
into a cove for the niJ.hl, she said.
lnvestiptors don t know if the
freak storm contributed to the death
ofa Huntington Beach woman whose
car smashed into a utility pole in
Irvine early Sunday.
Offi~ Steve Giannini found the
smashed Toyota Corolla at about 4
a.m. whilcpatrollinJOn lrvineCenter
Drive by Irvine Meadows
Teri Lee Delmonico. 26, was
tttatcd at tbe scene by paramedics
and rushed to Mission Community
Hospital Trauma Center where.she
underwent emeraency SUfJery.
She died on the operat1na table at
about 7 a.m.
Police said she failed to negotiate a
turn. but believe she was familiar
with the road because she was on ber
Four killed in plane crash
PHOENIX. AriL (AP) - A small
plane crashed into a house cast of
downtown Sunday, killing its pilot
and three others, one of them a 12·
~ear-old gJrl, who had been picnick-
ing by a backyard swimming pool,
authorities said.
Four other people, mcludana a 9-
ycar-old &irl who was in the pool, were
injured by debris or flames and two
houses were destroyed, fire depart·
ment spokesman Collin DeWitt said.
DeWitt wd the injured included a
)~year-old man...._ a 30-year-old
woman and the 9-ycar-old airt at one
residence. ahd a man an his 30s who
lived nearby.
It wasn't known if the man and
woman in the house which took the
initial impact were parents of the
dead younaster. he said.
DeWitt said the crash, reported at
5:41 p.m., triggered a tw<ralann fire
that firefighten put out about an hour
Authorities initially reported three
passengers aboard tf\e plane because
the bodies of two adults were en-
tangled in the wreckage of the aircraft,
apparently a single-enaine
8ccchcraft. DeWitt said.
He-sai~-o1d and the
neiahbor were taken to Good
Samaritan Medical Center, The other
male survivor of the incident wu
hospitalized at Maricopa County
Medical Center.
way to work.
Also for that reason, they have
ruled out drugs or alcohol.
Fire officials reacted quickly to a
rooffirc in Newpon Beach to prevent
wands from carryina llames to other
The 4:20 p.m. fire caused an
csllmat.cd $20,000 in damaae to the
home at 2420 23rd St .• said Batallion
Chief Auaust Waaner.
"We were fortunate the house wu
on the bottom side of a hill. so it
wasn't as windy," W.,ner said.
LI took 13 f U'Cft&ht.en about I 0
minutes to contain tbc fire, he said.
The storm caused havoc throuah·
out the state, with snow falling from
the Sierra Nevada to the Tehachapis,
the National Weather Service said.
Thousands of holiday travelen in
the Lake Tahoe area were delayal as
heavy snow fell intermittently
tbrouahout the day.
Several inches of snow f:'led up u
low as the 4.~fOO\ lcve at Frazier
Park in the mountains 70 miles
northwest of Los Anacles.
Several wind-whipped arass fires
plaaued firefiabtm in Los Anaclcs
County as well
The weather service forecast de·
creasing winds today with the onset of
a slow wannina trend.
OC woman dlealn
drive-by shooting
An elderly woman was killed by a
stray bullet in a drive-by attack 1n
Buena Park on Saturday.
Cornelia Mitchell, 82. died early
Sunday after beina hit in the chest by
a sin&lc bullet that pierced the door of
her ~ucna Park home, said police
Off acer Rich McMillen.
Oemcntc Arrizon, 17, also of
Buena Park. was another victim in
the attack that took place 11 on one of
thc-allcacd 1uame~ •houted • tans slopn. McMiUen said.
Mitchell was taken to lhe UCI
Medical Center after lhe 11: 15 p.m.
Saturday shooti..., where she died at
l:S8 Lm. SQnday, McMillcn said. KISHEL CONFWENT •••
Flom Al
Orange County Shcritrs deputies
lipped by a caller found two birds
fighting in the back yard when they
arrived at a home in the unin·
corporated El Modena area about
I · I 5 p. m.. Lt. Tom Conner said. r ·--..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii~~----~--· About 60 people were watchinJ the
contest. and JO to 40 were detained,
while nine were booked. Conner said
he did not know the exact charges.
"It starts w1th adulls setting a good
example Also. we need stricter en-
forcement and scntenc1na. ..
Kishel suppons the slow growth
initiatJve. and criticizes other can-
didates who dcchne to take a sta.od.
But she said what's really nccdcd 1s
someone who can bnng opposing
sides together to work out solutions.
"We've become polanzcd. I would
,ct both sides to sit down totether and see bow we can come up with a
consensus. A win-win situation that mms everyone's needs. -she said.
Kishel isn•t bothered that she isn•t
counted amont the front-runners In
tbec1owdcd field. With pollssboWlnl
many votcrJ rc01ain undeaded. she
thinb her me'S~ will brina them
into htt C'lmp. -1t·s too aoon to tbmk about what
happens ifl l0te,-she satd ... I'm not
planninc 1ny RAR. I'm aonna win.··
Kishel thinks tbe federal govern-
ment has made a aood start on the
drug fight with its "Ju$l Say No"
educauon program. but more needs
to be done
C"ounty animal control officcrJ
seized 56 birds. he said.
dunna a real carthQU&U. but Moms
said the facility wHI provide crucial
tests for construction materials and
bu1ldin1 dcsians.. Eventually, busi·
ncsscs will be able to use the facility to
test tbctr own structures.
The new e1l4inecrina facility was
construaed USIQI special "tilt up"
panels with stitch joinas for maxi-
mum earthquake prot«tion. Most of
the f lciJity wiU bt devoted to tachma
and ~b laboratories. W'lth a
small ponio" llsed as faculty and
graduate st*nt off ace specc.
The dcdic:atioll ceremonies Thun-
day W1U also iDdudc a mwti-c:olottd
laser show u tcienti ts demOMttate
bow lasers arc Uted to tell tllle
efficiency of jet ~neJ which bW'D
alternative furls.: Toun wilt alto be
held 1n the r~ hydraulics and
turbulence laboratoncs.
Perfect Traveling
Spring '88
a I
Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 30. 1G88
Kent K.aensll &1"8 bl.a 6-month-old 90D, DWon, a look throuih the teleecope at Balbo. Pier.
Summer or winter, a pier draW1 a crowd.
Hundreds walk the Newport Pier daily, some to
catch a little supper, others to catch some
Southern CaJifomia sun.
thoughts arc cast adnfi on the blue-gray swells.
F"ishcrmcn wait patiently for a nibble, trade
fish stones none belteve. and compatt their
trophies when they get lucky
Loven stroll arm-an-arm. 10d1fTercnt to the
crowd around them. The loncl) come. too.
finding comfort in the sea of humanity. Visitors sit on weathered benches to watch· ·
the surfers ride ashore. Or they pzc across the
Pacific to Catalina and beyond. while their own O.Uy Pilot photoe by K.atht Kent Riley All arc refreshed by the ocean's spray and
rcJuvenatcd by its ceaseless energy. ~ummer or
winter. a pier draws a crowd. Joee Torree of Costa lleea ebowe off b.la catch.
. Teny f'ortette (left) waita for a cutota• at ber Oala market at the Balbo. Pier. Rick Gate leta bl.a MD, Steftn, 4, play with hla flu•na reel d1lJ'in& an oattnc to the pier.
Life EXtension officials want frozen-head probe completed
ONT ARIO -Ri~de County
authorities should .. put up or shut
up" about an investiption into a
c:ryoaics laboratory's removal of u elderly woman's head for fioeezir1J!
prinapal fisures in the case said
S.uJ Kent. whose mother's head
was frozen at the Alcor lab in hopes
tbc 13-ycar-old woman later could be
revived. addressed 1bout 60 people at
a ~y teminar put on by his ure
Extc11s1011 Foundlluon It ~ RM
Lion Inn.
The county coroner's of6cc bas
rukd that the death of Dora Kent was
a homicide brouaht on by~ a lethal
dose of balt>iturates. Mrs. Kent died
at Alcor's Riverside laboratory Dec.
11, ud her head was removed and
frozen there.
No characs have been filed.
.. Wt have been the victim of, ('d
call it an inquisition... Kent told
sympathetic listeners.
.. What wt did really was btroic.
-we•re not onry U\e Innocent vie ms Slid Carlos Mondragon. Alcor's act·
of an attack. We arc being attacked for ina president and one of the six
somethina posiuvc in nature," be detained.
said. Police Sit. Mike Wilson said this
Kent and othen said they plan to month that it may be another 60 da)'s
file civil lawiu1ts 1p1ost authorities-. before the invest1pt1on 1s complete
involved, but cannot as Iona as .. There's so many technical thinp
possible criminal c~ arc un-that we have to 10 through ... he said
resolved. Six members nave filed
false arrest claims against the county
for their detentions durina a coroners
raid of the lab.
"My attitude riaht now 1s put up or
shut up when it comes to charaes."
Alcor has come under fin-apin
recently for another f'-rttz.Jng. that of
an -elderly F1onda man. County
health offtcials refused to grant Alcor
a permit to store the body pcndin'
results of the Kent invcstigauon. said
Dan Cup1do. superv1S1n1 coron~·s
The coronCT's offict first 1n·
'csttpted Mrs Kent's death bccau~
a doctor was not present when she
died at the lab.
Alcor won a court order to keep
coroner's 1nvcstiptors from cxanun-ma Mrs. Kent's head. 5a)'lll& Ir·
reparable dunaic would result On
Sunday, Kent refused apin to SI)
""here his motbcr·s head 1s.
Dunna coroner's raids of the lab.
some equipment allcFdly stolen
from L nt\Cf'Sll) of Cahfom1a, Los
.\ngclcs was seized Kent said Sunday
most of the equipment had been
n-tumed at Alcor expcrue, after
rttt1pts pro'cd it had been lepll)
purchased. The res.t was upccted to
be n-tumcd soon, he said.
Dunna the confercnct. officials
ad' 1scd attendees on how to "ID up
for C11"0nic prnenation. On sak ~
T-shan.s.. hats a d Calculaloss that
read: ·• ow I lay me down to slttp, I
pra\ the Lord m~ soul to keep. lfl die ~fore I wale. f rcctt me! ..
Newport Arts Com~ission seeking entries for exhibit
Artists who arc reliden1.1 or own a Mi"ltCll in ~lpOf't Beach are invdcd tocompcteia the 19tljuried
ellhibition spontoted bY the ~ 8ada City Ans Commiuion.
AJ)W'Cbue aw.nt ot'Sl .~ Will be m~ for ftni plaee~ S7SO, eeciODd pllice; Sl~ ti.int; and SI SO a-..
Of bar honorable mention_..,. The fint ~calf)'
will become pan of'thecity•s pennanentcollectioa, and aR
wi.nnina entries will be ftbibited at tJrie City Hall Gallery hen June 10.29.
BloltNU coane. offered
Tbe principlel ol biolom' will be eum1ncd dunna
two summer tcSliom. otreml" by Oranac Coast C'ollcif ·s
mcthematics arid ICicW divWon.
The course. wt.ida .._.. June 13. studacs h~
with anpMlis oe bio1osicaJ molecWcs. cdts. ~evolution ud appteCiation of life.
For rqistration information, Cati 432·S772..
EartJaqade pre~
.. EartbQuake ~ .. will .. Iii ~ 1111d llfJ
Capt. Aul lindli of \he ~wpon leKh Jlft 01, •• •••
at noon June 6 at the ~ 8eaCh library at 8
Clcmcetc Drive.
TM ~m is frte and will last about one ho\lr. It
pan of the .. brown ..... leries.. sp6Norcd by the ~
Cenaer~. -r
to improve pb) 1cal Inness wtll bt _tauahl 1n. acrotncs
d..s at Oransc Coast Col~ dwtn1 twa t·Wttk
.a.ions bct1M•n& June 6. • for rqastnt1on informauon. call 432-5772.
=Old 4aulbter ......... ... ...... , ...... .. • ...: ~ ::a..eoa:l.i.-..
historic Al'tJet dWiict. II OM ....
llndiaa aaop • ~-........ IO the crowd, befoft tO Home. the~ U.S. _.._._!'.'I
s~..£cf.=t ~
ttturity oflk:im. and .. pla..CWlhias.,ns
OVU' I fnai1 ..... 1111 'I I 7
wmect stWaned b; tie -•s• ecene and ll ta. ...... ID •
jostlcdthernttlYCt. ~first lady were com.-..ey e.c:iftW
by KGB off teen who locbd ..-laa
tiaht circle ............
shoukkrs to spew people out ol tbeir
White Houte chief Of ...,..Howard
H. Baker Jr. said lk leadlndi'WMM
human riahts Ud Altha•jstaa ==!r d~nawi:f:e; er.::
which lasted l hour, 11 minutes, 'Prnllln•t ... .._ ••~· ' ... • db& wta about 20 minutes lontet than IChed-lkwJet ~ : ~liall God...... ..,_ 1antia1 t.
uled. •••I• Tbe Wbjte House aide said, "'BUed ..... --..
on what we've teea '°· far, (•bee-halt its troop withdrawal if Pakistan ~ said, appareatly refeiTia& qucnt talks) are ~ to be doesn't stop ~Ill arms to to Goit9ectaev's tomeWhlt more IOl-twnultuous ~nver.tJom. Af&han rebel: erant emipation policies and
.. They stnke spiltts o«.elcb other tlhite Houte spokesman Marlin "aJasnc>st. .. 1"hich ~its broeder
pretty ~II. and· they did today... Fitzwater told reponen after the first but still limited criticism of Soviet
Baker said. meetina that the United States u-officialdom and society. A White J:fouse spokesman. sumes the Soviets win abide by their The Foreip Ministry official said
Roman Popedauk. told ~ ..,-cement. sJaned in Geneva, to pull ~vem.ment knew about its dtaw-
Reapn pve ~! a Litt of 14 their forces out of. the Asian na. tion. s. .. We are tryina to c:omict"
cases of refuseniks, di\tided ~ Soviet Fottian Ministry spokes. them, Gerasimov added, .. but we
and consular matten the United man Gennady I. Gcrasimov c~ don't like it when someone el1e is S~tes wants ~lved. The presen-terized the openina round of talks as makillJ us (eel like a pupil. ..
tat.Jon of such h~ts bu beco~ a business.like and cordial. but he Dwina a pid~takiQI session at
regular pan of hi&h-~vd ~QI.' ofTettd few details. the outtet of bis first meetina with
bet-tween. U.S. and. SOvaet o~ Gcrasimov charpd Re1pn does Gorbachev, Reapn was asked if he
. A scn1or ~!"encan offitjaJ, ~-not have a .. conc:tete understandillJ" intended to lecture his coun1erpelt oa •nJ on conchh<?n he not be identified, of the human riahts issue in the Soviet human riahts. "I have no intention of ~·d human n~ts ·~wu one of the Union and objected to others lectur-tryina to 6e a teacher," he said.
1s_sues over wfiich the two ~ers in_a So.viets on bow to conduct their RidinJ into MOICOw from the
differed. but not the only one. aJfafrs. airport 1n their armored limousine,
The same source said ~nistan Reapn's poeition ... is tmed on the the Re.;ans passed by dusters of
also was discussed. The SoVlel Union past and does noc take into coftsider-Soviet citizens standina at the cctae of
has indicated in recent days it misht 11.ion what is baPPet'.U .. \Oday," the fcmsts .
,. .. _ ......... ... ,._._...,. .. ..., .. ... ,.., ....... ..... ................... ,.., ................ ............ ................. -----""' ...... ...,. °"-----· ..... _ ...... ........
There were no parades,
no marching bands,
no cheering crowds ...
This Memmial Day, let us remember and honer
those who served and died in the Vietnam WM.
Nearly 00,000 American men and women were
killed or are ~in Vietnam: their average age ~
19 years old. California suffered more losses than any
other state -almost 6,000 died.
The California Vietnam Veterans Memorial will pay
a lasting tmute to the Californians who served and
died in Vietnam. The memorial, which is being fuOOed
en~ by private contri>utioos, will be located on
the Capitol grounds in SaCratriento. The name of each
Californian who died or is missing in Vaetnam will be
etched on the memorial wall.
If )'OU know eomeooe from CUifOmii WbO wu
killed or ia mir ting in 9Ction in v......., ple1ee
return the attmcbed coupon• eoon •poi.-.
\\e wish to honor all.
_ .........
lllllUT. L*IWI -H..-.. ol ~ "°°" .... !'!••tl!GllMlll~·=···-... oltolldla ..... ···=-. Malle-•••wortllftll ... o/ ... -1 I ...._ .. ~111111 ,..,,.._,,,. IJ9"'t)I ...
.-.... 11!1..-•mOldllMP '!\·-..ttrt 1wrnl~ P,...., llilf(IJil..-et~ 111111 alliti, .. _.... r.::.~ -=,TOod, ~~= 't".J:.. Dlnappinp. the~ ii widefY ~so an umbrtlll tir •• 1110 d
raetioialtbitarehOldi•thehoit.,e1 ln~u~~aaid tbe hoecqa were not pen ola s,nu-1raaiu deal..... -
..,y iaterYefted Friday'° bah. dlree-Week benle ··-rmiil...... . that killed )()() people ud wouoded l ,000. Tbe IOUl'Clt .... --~-ol . anonymity.
Oaamea ~dJJap ColomblaJJ caldldale
BOOOT~ OMombill -Mei ~ wb1Mc:t.i1te ..-•k' ..0 •
newspaper executive and baler piaideatial candideee~9'0M'ftl bis~ nldiostatioae~ Police aid tbe • ...., ..
abduc:tJoa of eewly elected mayors or three unall tow1'I. ~ ~ -
two other towns and tbe ·~ of a 11ction of tbe CIOWltrY'• .,_.. Oil c-:e· Radio SUIUoat laid that Alvaro Gomez Hurdado.,69, tbi toe of Prelidtnt Luw Gomez. may have been wounded in S.-lld9r's
abduction. Aa ._ymous penoa claimin& to be one ollk kid•~ Cllred
tbc Botota radio 11atioa Todela.r. Tben a voice. soundi111 like that of Gomez.
llid, ··Ob, oil. rm dyina. ..
,__en. reo~ 11ellool• bl occapled llOIJM
JERUSALEM -lneU soldiers shot and wounded nine Arabi ill dalla in the occu~ West Bank and Gaza Strip on Sunday, and about 60
Palestinians were treated for tear ps and rubber bullet iaj~ botpita1
officials said. In the West Bank, claaes resumed for about 70,000 Arab junior
bilh school students. Sunday marbd the ICICODd StllC oflnel'a ~n to~
l ,l00.1ehools shut nearly four months.., ~utec)(tbe Palestinaan UJ'N!ftl.
lsraeh officials have wd they are reopenu\l ICbools becaute the upriti111o
which bepn Dec. 8, bu quieted.
'Slllp of polaon 'gem perml•loa to dock
GENOA, Italy -A freiabter known as the .. ship of poilOn .. docked
Sunday after Genoa offlCialsapecd to let it unload 2.200tooso(tox.iccllemic:al
wastes that were refuted by Djibouti, Venezuela. Syria and Gfteet. "The
condition of my crew is very bid." said Capt. Ahmed Tabl.lo of the Syrian
frciabter Zanoobia. ••for three months we have not entered a~ Now we are
all nauseous and sick to the stomach ... Lawyers for the ship s owner, Tabalo
Shippina. say two people have died, poajbty after beina contaminated by the
wastes - a boj in Venezuela and a Zanoobia crewman durina the vo~ to
Italy. Giuseppe Francese, the port commissioner in Genoa. decided Friday
that the Zanoobia could unload in Genoa. He said Genoa was the only Italian
port that could safely load and incinerate the chemicals. The rqjonal Ministry
of Civil Protection pve its final approval Saturday.
SCienti&t confirms a link
between electricity, quakes
., ,.... A...aa ...........
LOS ANGELES - A lcientist detected elcdrical cbanees in the pound
before a killer earthquake jolted Los A,.aes last yar, but be and other
reteareben remain skepbc:al tblt such cban,escan be utcd IO pRdict 1emblon.
The dectrical lipab measured by Musactnuens Institute of TecbftOloty
IC<>Pll~ Theodore Madden are smaller than t.bole detcded in Greece by scientists who claimed they med their meuuremenu to succeufully predict
strona eanbQUakei beneath tbe Ionian Sea on May 18 arid 22. Many
w:ismolojiu laavc bem slr.eptical of the Greek claims and of any lint bCrween
gu&kei Ind variati<ms in unde111ound electrical volitFL But Madden is
llliabJY Allpected, and his fiDdinp will spur tcialtitll to c8muUy <lOelider the aefulncil of electrical chi for prcdicti.na quUa.. llid Doil A8dcnoftt ~ laboratOf)' di,Z at the CaliforiUI lllltitute of T~·a Palldeoa. ""The technicJue is unproven, but rm not toi• to na111 u i
Ted Madden does,•• iaid Al&an Undb. cbief ICientitt fOr the U.S. .
Su.rvey's ~ aperimcnt in earthquae ~ .. Madden is one tbe
smanest l!Y' rve ever met in my life. Elec:trical experiments done by Maddeli
are in a ddleiat daM than I.bole by anyone eltc in the world. ..
Brron b7alr trarnc coatroUen bJcreaMJ
Air t.raflic CllDUollen at Soutbem California•• main radar center made 44
percent mcwe drOft in 1917 C01npared to the previous year, a ~ ~ 5'anda7. Controllers at tbe Lot Anleles Air Route Traffic COGtrol
Center in Palmclale allowed planes to. fly cloter than tbe minimum aafe
dilaance 6S times. up from 4S man in 19'6, tbe Oruee County~ said
in a coprr¥it story. The error rate for tbe center was l .41 per 100,l)OO flilht
opcrauons in 1987. In comparison, the center's rate was 2.67 and ibe natianaJ
ralC was .89 in 1986, ICCOrdi• IO tbc newspaper, wbicb cited federal Aviation
Administration documents obcaincd tbrou&h the Freedom oflnfonnation Act.
Plana bandied by the facility are suppoaed to be l ,000 feet in altitude or five
milat apart. In four 1917 erron plana weft a tbu a mile 11*t-Palmdale is
the pri~ radii control b planet over Soutbem c.aliforiaia. Nev.ta and Arizo~ and haDdlcd nearly l million aircraft operations last year.
.0..enoe Cout DAil Y PILOT /Monday, May 30, 1988 Aa
Crime figuresshowchances
one in four of being a victim
Pentagon plans
new satellite
launch system
Cigarette-cancer lawsuit
set for closing arguments
BJ fte Aaectatff Pre.1
violcftt Crime struck one out of every f'oUr American homes in 1917. about
the 11me rate ~ed in the
previous two ~ the Justice [)e..
pel'lmeftt reported Sunday.
The Butau of Justice Statistics
11id 23.9 peiunt of white homes, 27.1
percent of b(a(k homes and 30.1
perunt of Hispanic homes weR hit
last year by some sort or crime. The
national averqc was 24 percent.
Homes in the Northeast we~ the
least affected. 19 pereent, while those
in lhe WC$t were the most vulnerable.
at 29 pttUnt. The races ~ 2S
percent in the Midwest and 24
percent in the South.
Since the bureau besan collectina
cnme data on a housch<Hd basis in
I 97S, when crime struck one 1n three
homes, the rates have never shown a
year-to-year incrasc and dropped
substantially over the lo"ter ~.
Bureau Director Steven R. Schles.-
inaer noted that the~ was sreatcr
improvement amona white house--
bolds than amona black ones. From
197S to 1987. lk rate dropped 2S
~enc forwhitehomci.whtteuw NEW YORK (AP) -The Pen-
dtchne for black homes was IS tqon plans to build an experimental
pttctnt. The diffe~nce was due rocket •hat would be droooed f'rom a
primarily to tbc fact that thefts from 8-S2 bomber and used ·to launch
black homes failed to d«line, while military satclhtcs into sp1ce. a newt-
thc reductaon in othertypn of en mes ;~ported Sunday
wu about the 11me for both white e hrec-stqt. w1n&ed rocket
homes 1nd black homes. wou dropped about se"en mites
above the earth and tMn blast into
The household rates are derived space. plac1n1 pa}loads of up to 600
from the NationaJ Cnme Surv_ey. pounds into orbtt. The New York
which has interviewed about 99.000 Times rcponed. quotina aovemment
people of qt 12 or older from a and industf) eilpem
sample of 49.000 homes around the Officials haH said they hope a
naoon protot)pe ~111 n) neu )'tar
The Pentagon wants to test the
NEWARK.NJ. -RoscC1pollonc'shuiblnd bas spent fivcyearsfiahuna
to get three ctprctle makers to pay for h11 wife's luna cancer death. Very IOOQ,
be and the tobacco industry wiU have the an1wcr in their landmark court t.nlo.
Tesumon) 1n the product liab1hty tnal tS over. and af\tt clos1na araumenu th rs
v.eek. I.he Jury will bealn dehbcrat1na wbetbcr the Sll btUiolM·)Qf tobecoo
industry lbould be held rnponSJbk and pay its fint dollar in~ The
four-month federal coun trial has been monitored <1losely by both the industry
and health aroups. with both slCics fl&htina for the attention of the nation's SO
m1lhon smokers. A verdict ap1nst tbecomr-n.aescouldclearthewayforother
lawsu1l5 tOtaltftl.mtlhons of dollan in potentJ.a) damqes. ro date, plaumf&
have not won a s1nr.Je c1prcttc liab1hty case of the dozen or 50 that haw aosw
to Junes 11nce World W-.r II
Boy, 10, cf.le. of cocaine compllcatton•
Blood supply not all that safe rocket for a program des1JDed to
develop hght-~e1ght s.atellitcs and
launchers for "anous m1hll1) U5C'S.
including \P~ and commun1cat1on
JOU ET. Ill. -Despite his family's insmencc that he couldn't have dont
u. • corontr's rcpon says a 10-year-old boy drowned because of bis Ult o(
cocaine ''I'll go to m ) srave and they'll nevCf' convince me that my srand.too
used drup," said Geraldine Baker. And~ Baker's vandmother. Wf\o raised
the bo) for the first nine years of has life. The patholoJtst wbo performed ao
autopsy on .\ndrew found a cluster offunaus in the boy's heart -evidence t~
bo} had been 1n,J«ted prev1ousl) with a d1ny hypodermic needle or impurt
dru~. said Chief Dep\Jt) Coroner William Ferauson The funcus. combined
v.1th the cocaine in Andrew's blood, cauted an tnflammat1on of the heart. the
autops) sho~ed "ndrcw's heart beat 1rrqularly while he was sw1mmina, and
the bo> lost con~1ousncss and drowned. the autops) report said.
in 10 blood transfusions will result in
some son of infection. including
hep1titis and AIDS. an assistant
professor at Cornell University of
Medicine said.
Dr. Joseph Ftldschuh said at a
medical conference that the nation's
blood supply is far more con-
taminated than the public has been
led to believe.
The public has been misled. par-
ticularly on the chance of acquirina
AIDS throuah a transfusion.
Feldschuh said at a medical con-
ference Saturday.
He cited a 1987 study in New York
showing that even after pre1Creening
had eliminated homosexuals. bisex-
uals, those with multiple sex i:-rtners
and people with any~ use, one out
of 120 units of bl still tested
positive for the AIDS antibody. Cu~nt screcnina techniques de-
tect the AIDS virus by showina the
presence of AIDS antibodies., which
the body manufactures to combat 11.
However. there is a laa 11me betWttn
the introduction of the virus and the
manufactuPC of the antibodie~.
Feldschuh said.
It 1s not known exactly how long
that lq time is. but research indicates
it may be three months or longer. A
Finnish study indicates 1t could be as
Iona as a year. he said.
Based on th01e findings. Feldschuh
estimated that around 3 percent of the
population could be AIDS earners
capable of donauna blood that passes
all tests. And that means about one in
3,600 units of blood would have the
AIDS virus without the telltale anti·
bodies, he said.
While the Centers for Disease
Control in Atlanta now esumates that
it 1s one in 40,000. patently false
estimates have been fed to the public.
putt1n& the nsk cf acqumn& AIDS
throu&h transfusion at one m 2SO.OOO
to one in I m1lhon. he said.
He added that one benefit of
privately storin1 blood 1s to lessen
demand on the pubhc supply.
The experimental rocket 1s betn&
pursued b~ 1h1: Defense Advanced
Research Pro,ects .\gency. which
deH~lops lutunst1c proJccts for the
There 1~ wncem on Capitol Hill
that the rocket could be launched in
secrcc) the Times rtponed.
~hhough there 1s an agreement
requiring space-faring countnes to
not if) the l 'n11ed Nations of all
pa) loads &oing into orbit. the rocket
could be fired from rtmote pans of
the world. far from Soviet trawlers
and sp) satellite~ that monitor m1h-
t.ary launchings from the United
Woman JcUled when free~r falls on her
CLOVIS. N.M -A woman listenina to records 1n her hvin1 room wu
killed b) a frcaer that fell on top ofber after 1t was pushed throuah the wall by
her husband's out-of-<'ontrol car. police wd Ora Ltt Byrd, 68, c11ed inst.anti)'
1 n the freak accident Saturday. they said. Ha husband. Joe, was park.Joa the car
v.hen his foot slipped off the brake and htt the accelerator. The car went
throuah the garage door, hit a (recur kept 1ns1dc the prqe and propelled i1
throuah the wall. pohcc said. The f'reeza fell on Mrs Byrd who was SJtUn& on
a couch on the other side oftbc wall, police said
~U!l:· [lg ~-------
FOR -EVERY 100.00 IN
9 A.M. TO 7 P.M:*
n..t'• wtt.t .. _. c .... ..-Coon Juat -.. TM 8r Hlway • Mon11.,, .., ao, ,., M¥iftl• • tM ....... ., tNftla you
Med fttM .... n.., •• ,_, ..., .• rea1lpta totr' 11 100.00 •..,. (IMlu-... ) .... 8'ft ~~Ht. Y•'• aet • tt..
10.00 -............. 100.00'""" "'"'°"'"' ,.. ..... For ........ -....... '119.00 ... tlna.,.. ,.. ... .
.. ..... ... I00.00 •••• ,. ,.. .. I0.00 Ill ,... -............ ~ .., ........... for 21.00, •• , ........ oo.
••••u ••1q ,_ t•.oo 9IMI a WCMMR'•......,,., n.oo. v ... ,.-rt1111 .-tu .. .._...., 200.00.
Y•'• r.-w. ao.oo 111 .,.. llft ...... ...
..... WWW. Jill ...... ..... ... ....... 1•11-•11111 1twwww a a 1 -. •• 1-.
. . ..
• -..
S m oking
On the surface. the essence of the U.S. surgeon general's
annuaJ report on smoking -that nicotine is potently
addictive -is nothing new. Anyone who has ever smoked
rcgularl> then tned to stop knows painfully well the hold
nicotine has on people.
Yet this year's report equates the addiction of nicotine to
that of heroin and cocaine. and in the process raises some
Can 1t really be as difficult to give up smoking as ll 1s to
stop shooting up with heroin?
With such a comparison isn't there a danger that now
smokers will begin to be equated with drug users and. perhaps,
shunned by employers -when their functioning under the
influence of nicotine has no relation to one's functioning
under that. sa y. of heroin?
Adults who choose to indulge their habit ... ought to be
free to do so. except in outlawed premises. for in their cases
they are the only ones affected.
Provldeace (R.I.) Joornal-BmJJelbl
Janos Kadar
(Janos K.adar's) successor as Communist Party chief, the
reputedly pragmatic Karoly Grosz. urges faster mo"4S lo a
freer market. and a party more open to dissent -but only. of
course, from within.
It 1s Soviet General Secretaf) M 1kha1l Gorbacbev's
experiment on a smaller scale ....
His loyalty to Moscow is assured: He first made his mark
in the party on the Soviet side m the 1956 revolution.
· He has considerable e.xpenencc as the party's qitation
and propaaanda chief. useful skills in attracting the attention
and assistance of a sympathetic West and in deflecting ...
internal cnucism.
Just the man for Mikhail Gorbachev to wish well, and
watch closely.
RJcbmoad (Va.) Tlmn--Dl1paid
H ard lesson
Mike Landgravc learned his lesson at La Quinia ffiati School in WcstminstcT. CaJif.
The student was barred from seek.int office as st\ident ~ncil president after he said in nis campaian speech that it is .. ampon.ant lo promote safe sex ...
• The question 1s what lesson school offkials hoPcd to tea youna people. Maybe 'the Westminster board of:
e'HICMloa ihould ask ittelf is whO needs an cchacation. And,.
wbOtllould be lislenina to Whom~ ' ,.,..,..., , .... , ..... , ,.,,,
Thumbnail view of candidates
and what they oppose, support
It is our fault candidates arc
evasive. We get mad if they arc wrong
just once. but won't suppon their
courage when they defy pressure
groups. Here they are. Suppon
courage. Vote for the one whose
platform will anier the most groups
you disagree with. Note: SDI means
Stratcaic Defense Initiative (Star
SW AN: Cut federal programs equal-
ly but end subsidies. Protect Social
Sccurit.Y. but allow opting ouL Raise
taxes 1f necessary. Demand ·open
trade markets or retaliate. Strong and
lean defense, allies share cost. For
SDI research. Stronger drug enforce-
ment and penalties. end aid to
involved JOvernments. Tax imponcd
oil. No JOint use of El Toro; use
current ajrports better. SupPOrt cur-
rent abonion law. Enforce immianl-
tion law, revive aucst~worker pro-
YAOOBOZZI: Support: Balanced
budget. line-item veto. simplified t.ax .
system, business arowth. strona de·
fense. SDI. stiff drug sentences, more
druJ education. use of the military
apinst drua.s. Measure A. improved
education and teachers' salanes. in-
centives for child-care facilities. ~
pose: Spread of Communjsm, off-
shore drilling in Oran&e County.-
expansion of John Wayne or joint use
of El Toro, any reductions in Social
STERNBERG: Limit congressmen
to three terms. Eliminate Depan-
ments of Education and Encr&Y, use
Grace Committee ideas. Support
SDI. Full support for Israel. Provide
drup and therapy at stale clinics.
Finish nuclear plants. permit more oil
drillin._ Voting "no:· on Measure A.
use pnvate cnterpnsc on transpor-
tation. Encouraac private schools
with tu credits. Admit and register
alien guest workers.
IUERNII: Supporc Expanded
economy, workfare replacina welfare,
balanced budget, improved weapon
systems. mili~ry strenJth, stronger
drug penalties, nucfear power.
Measure A, cainpaian-spending
limit. more funds tor teachers and
classrooms -but not adminis-
trators. limited national health in-
surance. improved senior citizens
bcnefils .. tighter 1mmigrauon control.
Oppose: More airports in Orange
County. abortion.
KISHEL: Give lhe president linc-
item veto to cut waste. Generate more
revenues by stimulating business
activity not by raisinf taxes. Suppon:
strong defense. SD . and freedom
fighters everywhere. Much stronger
drua enforcement and penalties. No
commercial use of El Toro. Support
current abortion law. Suppon lon1-
term care for disabled and s1ck. Will
protect Social Security benefits. En-
force existing immigration laws.
ROSENBERG: Suwc>rt balanced
budget amendment. hne-itcm veto,
Grace Commission ideas, sound
business practice~. SDI. Use military
and death penalty to stop the flow of
druas. Have strong drug education
prosram. No off-shore oil drilhna.
For quality educauon. Support com-
prehensive traffic solution for 0ranJ'C
Counly. Find alternative to John Wa~ne for commercial airport. In-
sure adequate (uture water supply for
this area.
LATHAM: Make the tax law give
incentives to save. This creates new
51ving.s. more capital to borrow.
business rcv1tahzation, a stronser
economy, more Jobs. a laraer tax~
and less deficit. Adopt the hne-1tem
veto. Maintain defense strength.
• Strengthen dru1 enforcement and
penalties. Develop self esteem of
youth to build resistance to dru&
temptation. Abortion is a woman's
own choice. L1m1t election c-0ntribu-
tions. emphasize precinct forums.
ULLY: The media-identified
frontrunners in this race are sup-
ported by m1U1onairedeveloperfuod-
m1-These special interests are con-~ to the citizens' slo-src>wth
initiative. Servin& currently as a city
councilman. i promise experience
representation without oompromis.-
ina for developer interests. I will be
tculy accountable to you. as your
representative, for all national and
international matters in the nation's
COX: We must attack the deficit. I
drafted a bill for President Reagan to
completely overhaul the bu<J&et pro-
cess. which I will introduc:c on«
elected. I'll f-aht a.pint tu increases
and for rcttucing capital eains WtC'S.
We must b.e .firm with the Soviets. I
suppon ~I and strona defense.
Oranac County must act its fair share
of federal highway dollars. and rvc
crafttd a proposal to free more than
$2 billion annually for this purpose.
B~R; Elected councilman and
ma>or. The only candidate ex-
penenccd in fithtina against critical
issues facing Onnac County: tnffic
solutions. airport solutions. non-
profit child care. opposition to off-
shore 011 drilina and war apinst
drugs. As your conareuman. I will
fi&ht for: A balanced bud&et. more tu
cuts to stimulate revenues. suona
national defense and opposition to
Communist insuraency in Central
WILUAMS: This buisnessman and
engineer is runni~ to help end
&Cr:rrntlDderinJ, which is a ~
quis1te for improved results from
Congress. In the 1986clection,49,300
Californians voted for Dave Wil-
liams for Congress in the severely
gerrymandered 9\h District. Most of
Dave's work for the pest 30 yurs has
been to carefully rcduc:c wasteful
BYLTON; Our nation is in dire
need of a healing. The answers to our
nation's problems lie in II Olroniclcs
7: 14 -.. If my people. wbo are called
by my name. shall humble them-
selvesand pray.and seek my face.and
tum from their wicked waP.-then I
will hear from heaven, wdl forf,ve
their sin. and will heal their land.'
Glad NB
la dies a r e
Ever since I became a resident of
the Onn1t Coast the Marines., IS a
whole. have never done anythina
wrona or ridiculous. They've been
aood citizens.
And certainly, Onnge County IS a
whole has supported Republican
office holders. and I have approved of
them m sencral. But that doesn't
mean that without question L. or
anyone like me. is oblipted to
approve without question wbal one
such off ice holder does just because
he's a former Marine or a Republica_n.
I was rather indifferent about Gil
Ferauson until I read a Daily Pilot
column by former Newport Beach
Mayor Jackie Heather titled "Never
underestimate political power of an
angry NB housewife."
I hope you read it, but if you didn't
let me quote her in pare
"If you want to know why I am so
steamed. v.e have to talk about
politics in the 10th Assembly District.
"The 10th isa Rcpublican'sdram.
Sixty-two percent of the reaistered
voters arc in the GOP camp.
"The present incumbent. Gil
Ferauson. felt sccure ... But there was
someone crazy enough or angry
enouab (or both) to challenge
Ferauson ... Evelyn »art.
"As soon as Evelyn announced. the
'bi& boys'. fat cats and party officials
descended on her like a ton ofbricks ...
"Now the ultimate intimidation
apinst Evelyn has occurTed.
-Have you read about the stunt the
Republican Central Committee's
Ethics Committtt pulled several
weeks ago? It seems Evelyn was 'tried'
in absentia. for 'unethical behavior.·
"As far as I can figure out, Evelyn's
crime was sayins Ferauson was under
invcstiption by the FBI and \he Fair
Political Practices Comn\iss1on.
Ferauson admits this is true. but it as
mean and unethical of Evelyn to
point it out.
When Evelyn Hart was runnin& for
Newpon Beach Ctty Council. I be-
came well acquainted with her. She
told me she didn't mtend to run for re-
election to the City Coundl or for
election to any other political office.
rm sure that was her intention.
When I asked her why she chan&cd
her mind and ran ap1nst Ferauson
she replied. "Ferauson has done
nothin& for the benefit of the district.
not one thina that he promistd.
Instead he spends all his time in
Sacramento yakin& about another
districL ••
A fnend of mine, another Marine,
says it this way: "He's (Ferauson~ a
jackass. When will )'OU voters aet WllC
to that."
l'malad you ladicsareeenina wise.
lfaher ....... ,. o.u, Pl.,,.
-Laguna Beach recall, Canyon Road
It's a good thing everyone doesn't
act to make laws. The result would be
Laauna Beach
• • • To the Editor: AJI this business about trying to ~II members of the City Council
becau~ a few shopkccpen resent
bein& told to remove outdoor racks!
Can )'OU really believe this? Of do you
think. as I do. that there's a bidden
agenda here -that some m111Uidcd
peop6e woWd hke to tet rid of thex
council members because: ·
. •They would rather be fi nd
with The Irvine Co .. Md tbtj tee
notbina wrona "With 3.200 houtn
alona U,UnaCanyon Ro.d-Which
the couocil.it~AI-• Thty doft t Hice· the coundl'1 ~ition to offshore oil rip.•
• They don ·1 like the Couadl'1
putthasc. Of apel2 'l*C· l"hey
wouldn't mind added devdopimtftt
and sips, but the inordinately hil_h
rent landlords are char&ina their
So let's put this recaJI business
whe~ it belongs -in the trash.
lfthere are valid objections to any
city ordi11ancc. try workin& with the
council to reach undcrstandina and.
hopefully. conxnsus.. Above all. let's
address issuts openly and du-eclly.
with no more hidden llicndas.
• ..
ESTELLE.WARNER t.aauna lkach • • •
session was ovC'r that the freeway and
development would be built ~
less of what anyone did or said.
OM of the speakers during the
5CSSion asked ~ supervison to
please open their beans to be able to
visuaHze the effects of their decision,
and to at the very least delay tbc fina)
verdict until the outcome oflhe slow-srowth vote. Unfortunately not
t'VCr)'one has imqination.. foresiaht
or even heart cnou,h to allow the
people to decide what will be done
with their land for future ~ty
(rcprdless of ttaistered ownership).
And · it was obvious that 1..launa
Lauttl was to be rammed throuah
before the peOple wOuJd be 1J vcn a
chance to VO\e on iL
Appare_,ntly Chairwoman Witidtt is
runn1na for a seat in Coapaa and
appears tMl witla her ""altrctdMld
~ .. tieckatowd. lhewiD 6t
in just fine..
u!co.~i ·~=~='= beeft dMr' '°feed: ~-Witt bymonc,...tt9il~lwIBOMY lild '9iapernw wt al't"i ...-.Y and bit ..,._,....L ..
'Misfortune 5-. peeks under executive c~pet No•tocb
on holiday
a, IWUANN CAP1UNO ..........
NE9i_ YOlltlt -Peel back the
carpel an the 1.ucuuve wte, and you·u ~ a .taovcl 10 dis lhrouah ¥fbaa•s been~ unde:me.iah.
Al lase 1baa s the Lone of lhe
rollicWia .. Mitbtunc SOO, .. a 21().
P'lr CMaiCll of' Corpome America's
'Ont boMCs. dumbc-$11u"&tqies and most ditutrous producu ...
Aulhots Bruce Nub and Allan
ZuUo•s auidma premise at that busi-
ness blunders don't sea the attention
the)' desct'\ie thanks to .. uptijht
execs .. who arc basically humortas
-e~c:tpt when it t'Omcs \0 the faux
pas of their competitors..
.. We ba"c a pat tespcC1 for bi&
busincu bec'au2 it is the bKkbone or
Amcnca. but they have to learn to
li&)nen up a Uule bit." Nash said.
From the Adams Natural Be~
Co. to Za~ Cofl>,. thc9e t11WO ar-~'Cft'ftl bwiness blShcn d.aa fbt the din anct found it.
Amont the biactt .blundtrl; they
roe t lhe Mars candy compuy b
puliaa up the chance to hive MAM•
fcatuftd in the 1982 bol-otfke blodbusltf .. E.T." The movie's
lovable al~n devoured Reae's Pieces
instead. boosuna sales for rival choc-
olate rnaktt Htrlhey Food Ccwp.
And. speakana of chocolate. from
the products-that-<iidn 't-.rt-ofl'-tt•
poW\d (thank God) cki*trMnt 11
cbocoJate ll)hna eel for hair. The
CllCIOt)' also andudn parsnip chip&.
Nash and Zullo, both 40 and both
residents of Palm Beach Ga.rcknt..
F.la.., say the)· met at a pany nvc ycan -so and soon bepn buildina a "cott~ industf) of shame."
i~ ~n. ~ ~ve publtshrd Corp. oatt t'alltd lbcm .. haldcoucu
fhed1frctt0t po~ted .. HaJJof' rcduetioDs .. · the accowlll~ f'lrm
SharM" booU. Maltl!.'f. •illl '1'bc Peat. Marwick. MnchdJ A Co. u~
Bastball Hall ofShamt. the phrut -req~ ckpanurts••: ~ busaM" book lOOk ··a JOlid and Control Data Corp,. cal~ them three months of'rncardl and another '">A-otk.fortt adj"5tmmts. ..
few months to wntc," Nash said. Its
oftic:ial P\lbtication date is June I, and me price is S7.9S. • O.wttt1 ~' att puticulart ~Jy fot coms-nies arc thole that ID~olve lbr Pft$$ At one IK'~
COrUC1'ttl« that ~t awry, the Preli·
dent of Rival P'' food cho•ed down a
new &JI-bed dinner after a per-
snickety collie turned ns now up at
tht a.rub
Nash and Zullo SI) the m
import.ant I son bulio nttd to
learn is not to fear mt t.D;et, As for
thcit ont projc'('t ... We don't )'ct
know v.~ Yoc'll look to uncovtt
m0tt twnc ... Nub id.
In their book. Nash and Zullo
gunlion Cltf')'lltr Corp. Chairman
Ltt t~·s lin«rity '" Uflina evtt)'bod)' to "buy Amerielft" •hen
be appears in ads £1utduna a c:ipr
rolled in the Dominican Rq,ublac:. NYSE UPs & OowNs
And they uk why Coleco Indus-
tries Inc:. rcnqtd on• prom ix to maal
first bin.hday Clrds to the 3.2 mill.ion
Cabbaat Patch Kids rqistcrcd wath
the to)' maker.
The duo even counted up the manl'
wayscorporationssay"u)'ofTi .. ITT
-~ ---
NEW Y<>ftl( !AP> -The folowlllO "'°"'' ,,_ New York $Ioctl EltC'henle •IOdls ~ warrants that he11e .-I.ID
the mqs~nd down tne most bteted on ~ chenoe reoardlen of v°"'"'8 for Fr v No *uriltfl tredlng below S2 are lnl;t-
·U(jed. Ne1 Mid oercen1aoe Cl\enon ere the difference between me orevious clOtlne prla end Frld•v'\Js om. prlc;e
NMW ust 0.. fie\.
1 ~us 7~ + ft uo llj 2 Yi NH 325ofF 6~ + ~ Uo If 3 Fla ... Jt,., + • Uo 1
NEW Y<>ftl( (AP) -The followlne fi.t ~ws ttie <her • tne • Count• 'loeks end w•rr•nl' lh&J heve 90"9 UP the mo5t end down lhe mQSI beted on oercent of cn.nge tor Fridev No sacurillft lr•c:t•OI> betow n or 1000 sf\llrn are 1nck.lc:lec:I Nel and oercentage m.neti ere the difference between lhe l>f'eviou' clo\1ng price and Fric:t•v'' Ml'' or bid pra UPS ....,,,. Le't Ota f'ict. 1 Ro~r wt J, + -1\• Uo 47 •
J s~.n~~Ch .~ i I
7 8: ff j7
4 Judbte 7 1-16 1' Uo • S R~etoer s 3 • ., Uo t Clhoosl•I 21-+ 1' Uo 11. tsrem(O un 2 1-16 + s-16 uo 17
' SttllndCom ~l· + I Uo 17 .
II ~~rv_ir~~ s ~ t ~ 8: lt' FountPWr ,,,_ + 1 Uo I•.
CourlerDlso • + ,,, Uo "· 1 EnvlrPowr J + :-.. Uo 1 14 HCC!nduit l + :141 Uo 14. 19 MereaoA s + ~ Uo 14
1 PAM TrnMI 4 • , Uo I 1 lnsitufmGo wt S • i '-Uo I . 11 PETCO 2 ._ .. Uo 1 n RsctlFmt ~ ~ Uo I Snd&Snell 6:\o + :\e Uo 1 Pruls81o 3 , + ~ Uo 1
H S~m of 9 ., + 1 Uo 11 1 Oftl 3~ + ~ Uo 11 H edNoOI\ 1"'1 + '19 Uo 11 s OslcomTch •t-w + '"> Uo 11 •
DOWNS ....,,,.
1Rexon 2 H•ber ot 3E"' ·= S ds 6~1n 7 lntetl~M I OetaTecti 9 TetcoSvs 10 Numerex tJ Showscen 1 F•lrllHC
1 &c:toAnelv ,.
IS OM'9d 16 ioTchGn
17 ulfA~ 11 Meta g
W•tenlnst A<!Kybs
Penlctllnt un 'GerlMed S GoVldeo 6 Margo 7 Pronet
U•t 0.. .. ., -'" s -, ... 2. -., 3~-~ 3 -_,, .l .. -,.,
·\~= ~ 14 -'I>
34 -~
S'e -~ 21._ -•.i. ,~= ~
• '> -'h ·~-._,, ~-~ .. ,, -.;,
7. -~ l~ -~ 27·16 -• 'I'; = 1:: \IJ -l:.t '1-... -.,
1~~ mi~ VD II I Uo lr ' -Uo 1~.I ~ + 1~ ~: IT\Sft.a ~ loc:t •!I~ 8: 10 Co >,, '•
II X'd'Wa~ 19 • + I • Uo t' 'J M. Int • + • 8: l Ben4v Inc 2 t . f ~ ·~·~ ~ Ja.+l: uo 1 ~ of8 Uo I LC Am n ·~ + .. Uo ii I llYl'Otl • , + . Uo II kcoGrouo 1 • + • Uo 1 ur1N1t1 .... + 3 , Uo i L••' ... " '" + ' Uo ll r.:ncne1s 1~ + '• Uo Js"rCom ' 11 • + ~ Uo Vi NH '2Sc>tC 9>. + , Uo WslnSL S + • Uo 5 8 rokt<1H11! ,, 16 + 1 • Uo
MMN 1 ICeNt>Egv
DOWNS Lest Che •.. -) PC1. Off 31 7
Tbe nation·, aoc cXchaQFt
and rommodit)' markds an cJoted today in ~ of temonal Da}'.
The Oatl) P1lo1's composhc
li5tanp or cw Yon •ock
c-1\anje transactions and~ ina pn wall resume witb
Tuesda) ·s home and CWpCWt
Beach cdttlO
I~~ r-~ II l ~=ii.\ • ~l"V~ t loelPnt "' -. I Prod I \'a -1 ~~re~ -'It I 'il -.. Mite o ... Va -
10 Ali•C~tm ot ::-~ 1l Salen o lO -H HonnHllh 2. -·~wr: Pe• I~ -4>,;, -lt FstR"'° otA J, -J HenM>O wt , -
An•como 1 • -'I Pall~ ·-t, l UnTu 11 ,, I~-
~ ga•eoolnt r,: -'• I I la1rnS1r -~ Mel~ El 19' '> -' Trit o i 1f'1 --. ff E" ~"~ loo -'-i!St o nr-.-1 ,.,. 1l, -,..,
!Device Increases Gas Mileage! j
I Fmally, Amencans can control the platmum<Oaled surfaces of che wear-away the cylinder ....US.~--I : I financial helplessness and frmtra-catalyllc convertcl. Wilh lhc Carbon depos;iassc simply anoda I I Lion they CJtpcrience ll the gas GaSavet. Lhal 22 percent can now form ~ anburm fuel.. responsible I I pump. A dcvacc caUcd Plabnum bum in the cngmc wbcrc the release for two ochet' darimenw phcncm-I
I GaSavcr. paten led by NauonaJ oC heal and energy as ased to drive em c:aUed cngmc knoct or ping. SJd I
Fuclsavcr Corp .. increases the cffi-the vehicle. dieseliqg or nm-on." I cicncyof yourcombustion soeffcc-With 22 ~t more of each To make the GaSaver a mart.ct· I I Lively that your mileage is guaran-gallon bunung in the engine. 22 per-ing success. lhe public first needs I
I teed Lo increase signaficantJy m ccsit fewer pllons IR rcqmrrid. proof tbal the ~docs mdccd I
g3.50ltnc cngmcs. The tn}CCt.or dsdf aatcs onJy 1naeax 11\lJeaF. 1n October, 1982 I The theory behind the Ga.Saver minuacs to install amt wom.s on both the prodbcts deYdoper documented I I is the same as its gQYCmment man-leaded and unleaded gasoline. his clalms by aqmlhng Ga.Sa~on I .
dau:d cousm. the c:awylic con-Platinmn GaSnu is 00S1 ctrec-27 vduclcs opel'Mcd by the Conrord I vener. Both cause unburnt fucJ to tivc and conforms to all federal and Pubbc School Drstrict. Vehicles I I burn. Thear diffcrenccs, however, state pollotioo roquircmencs. In opcralcd by a schooC district were I i I are important The Ca&alyt:ic con-additioa.. increasing the oc111ne r11-selcacd for dt09C acsu to asswe the I Jj
Vetter burns unbwnt CJthaust gases ing .. points diminlleS the need ror public's lnaSl lD ~ rcsu.lls. .
..u----I iD Lbc &ail pipe by uposin& I.ban~ iJSaDiul:A · _E.v.cry GaSawr indudea it 111 I I the platinum. Plabn1.1n GaSavcr Ptoblbly the most valuable asset re:sulls ccaf irmcd by lhe U.S. Gov· I I introduces plalinwn ink> the engine off m:d by the GaSaYCr is the emmcnL I
I instead of the &ail pipe. Plalmum CXlend.illJ of~ life by remov-100.(0) already m llX. RcWl, I
c.nftrin& the csigine increases the iog carbon deposits. Experts 11 wholesale or diSU'IOulorship c:aD I pcrcemage or each gallon bmung Komalsu Mou Co. oC J1p1n men· welcome. I
I from the nonnaJ 68 '° 90 pcn:enL lioncd, ... ..R~ showed conclu-1-800-32 7 • 9078 I
I Without the GaSavc:r. that 22 sivdydattfyouctidno(havccaitloa I
pen:ient would only bum 111 lhc aaal-dq>osiu • I.he canbustion ct.m-9 am to 10 pm EST I pipe when it came in COD&la w1tb bcn ol. caonc. you would Dal Monday dn Slllll'dl;y I ! • ..................................... i
It's a real trip.
we come! In our
Sunday,June ll
Travel section.
Watchfor t
Schedule it new.
(714) 642-482
Diaplay Ad•eftl ....
. LOS AN0£LE5 (AP) -Aa.dtmy
AWVd wiaaen Sbirtey Mac:Laint,
$eUy FWd and ~pia Dukaki1 will
~ IO lmnS With la•, death Ind manilee in a small Soumem town in
die moYle •'Steet MllftOliu ..
Tbe &lm. to be bued on the
•8.TW EdWWdl El T 010
Plelk' I I.a filndl ~400
acdajmed oft·Broadway play about
siit women In a sm11l LouiUln1 town. will also star Dolly Parton 1nd Daryl
Kannah. One of'the siit ~or fem1le roles is yet to be cast.
Sbootina is scheduled to bqin July
J 2 in Natchitoches. La.
·-~ V*tVWT-
_.. •IMTAAM •PIU:&EN'Tm lN
°""'9 .._SD ~OrlllgeMll Eo.nllBnllol ... ,. 1-•-·..-.i·
137~ S.0.7..,. Paalc's 8-11 I'll\ llnw9-ln 121-4070
-""--.... ~ _.., BT•Sl141!11D ·-..... ... ""--.... ..... .... ., ...
GI•!!!!!• -!!!!l:!-!!!:!'!ow~-!:-~!!-~!!!!!Jo I
--~ui-'Olly .... ,,
' · I : ~ I •• rwt--........ a..~ )! ~r~...,._ ,, ......
ClllllllD --a A Tiit STAR AEUASE --e•t••'-•••...,.
·-~ •IA..... •ITllllTl9 WUIWIEI -...o-. ..... s...,s (-....... •mna-. ._.,....... .,.-m-ttn c-•••1 ,....,.,.w_.9
~-·.,,,,.._T'ID. --.a... r-a.wc.. •..-ii-._._. •WIWI• Ml-lttl 17,. .. ,..,. ~ ... c.. e-c-'hlly \Mlt-c:.ow
*Cllfl ... IMICM-.~ "1 tn1 ~ ~ • ~.,.mm-•
01111-· -·--1
look for RAMBO T Shirts. Posters . Headbands and other
Rambob1l1a on sale at part1c1patmg theatres!
"COi.CMS" C•l _, .....
II.JI.~ SJS.7~It 15
'David Bowie: Gla·ssSpiderTour'':
ABC takes a chance on theatricality
-.Ct h:I:; .........
Live Aid notwithstandina, live
rock has S<ldo m done wtll on tele-
vision, either with critjcs or in the
ratings. The eitcitement of a live
concen j ust dOC"Sn't translate to the little box in the livina room. What's
excitina is the event as much as the
But the producers of "David
Bowie: Glass Spider Tour" at 9
Friday niaht on ABC telcvi11on arc
ho~ina that Bowie's lavish theatri-
cality will come across the way four
men with instruments do not.
The one-hour special is a condensa-
tion of 2.S-hour concerts Bowie
pla)cd in stadiums around the coun-
try last summer. Directed by David
Mallet. the program captures Bowie
performina some of bis bigest hits,
incl udina ''Let's Dance." "fame"
and .. Rebel. Rebel, .. as wtll u sonp
from his most recent 1lbum, "Never
Let Me Down."
Bowie as an actor as much as •
lin,er. He hu ·~·~ in 1 number ofmovies(includana "The Man Who
Fell to Earth .. ) IS well as Broadway
plays (notably "The Elephant Man").
But has foremost theatrical forum as
the concen st.aac, where he employs
props, li&htina. dancen and his own
shifts or character to aeate rock
"The idea was to concoct sunaUst
or minimalist stqe pieces to accom·
pany rock-and-roll sonp." Bowie
told the New York Times last
summer. "I wanted to bridae tosethcr
some kind of srmbolist t6cater and
modem dance.'
The Glass Spider tour was 1 major
uridcrtakang for Bowie, the bil&e1t
show he has ever produced. with a
road crew of I SO and production
overhead that rcponedly approached
SI million a week to keep on the road.
But t.healrical sbows aro ~ new to Bowie. He first made a ·
in 1972 with his .. The Ri1eand au o(
Zigy St1f<111st and the Spidcn From
Man," in which he metted his own
persona with that of an imll'MIY
rock star, makina the supportina tour
I piece of theater II well II I Dlvid
Bowie show.
Subeequent toun have varied in
their theatricality, from the quui·
Broadway props ind theatrical bits of
t974's "Diamond [)op'' tour (like
the ··01ass Spider .. tour, cbo~
anphed by Toni Basil) to the awk
simplicity of the 1978 .. Heroes" tour.
Jn 1983, ridina the wave ohuccess of
his breakthroup album, .. Let's
Dance;• he rnounted a tour in which
he adopted a naturalistic penona,
struttina the stqe in 1 powder blue
Enthralllng and beautifully
-CMy fr.,Wlift KAk·TV
"A TAU OF MAGIC that leaves
a friendly glow."
George Michael No. 1
with 'One More Try'
-Shell•...,_ L05 ANGlUS TIMU By Tiie Aued.ated Preti
The following arc the top record
hits and leading popular compact
d isks as they appear in ncitt week's
issue of Billboard magazine.
Copyright 1988, Billboard Publi-
catavns, Inc. Repnnted with per-
I."°"" Mof-e Try" Gtoree M~ (Col· umblel
!YOW PlAYIJYQ l."Sf\etttlf'ecl OrN m•" JC>Mny He .. 1 ~II
l."Neueflty Girts (Need Lo,... Tool" SemenlM
Foa (JI ... )
COSTA----1$, .. , .. -""'* ---..._ -
(PO)•NSE 11 .Jt.l~M.Jt.I~
''R.-0 ... (R}
Sl\WJlUSUUcm U:IS-1'.Jl.S•n s-t·.Jl.ll:a
"ftAll90 ... (R) nuom mu•
•U-'-•1.1-•m900lt-·-•-:• _..._..., ---._ .. EYef'Vttiint Y04X HMrt Dftlfes" Dervt Hel a. Jolln O.tes CArllla ) --.. '4nl ., ... i "Toeether F_.,,.,tlf'" Rlclt A"'9Y CltCAI 6 "Plano In lflt 0.rll" 8reftdll lhm ell a. Joe
E'-''° (Al.AA) 1. "Fooillll S..t" o.tlOle Gftllon (A ttantlc)
.... , Doft't Went To Lift Wlltloul Y&.."
F~ (Al\enlicl
f!'Nlella H ttwl"' Tiit Jeoll !MCA )
''A ROLLICllll l•D TIMEln
-av-~ WMCA(NVI
.... ............. ....
• .._.,,.,. ea"°"° •LA-..DA • ._ .... ._ ,_..... ,..,....,_ ~
.,.., 191..., ..... --•coef•msA ·~IUCll ~--• .,MTOll
"-----0....0... ........ c.. ........ c-.,,..., .. ,..,,. -11" 191.,
•coef•-.-s..c..,,_MWno ....... """'°...,.Co.-..,...,.
·------· -·-
'" 70"'"' • • ··~ J 1JO 4:117:2010:15
LAKEW. CENTER ~ m,.,,.... ...................... caocooeu ...,...,
PMTM ...
11:11 WI l:S1 •• ,. ... ............ _ _... __
'"' ~J:'te.a.
_ _... __ IUml
lllMmGW• ....................
TMI fm'.J'B.09 •
-IATMA~111 ........
lltVll PMT " '"' ........ ~ , .......
AMHINt ... ......
~::: ••llop•it thlf Ml jvea lclftiP can their . "!' ven the Ha~A rlOll ., prqwd iabll11~ ..•• ~ ~n sat an'1:0Pen. cam.-:
cype vebidt -&be men in hilt. tbi ladies an bKk. of
course. Twelve horw,powtr -oulcl tet you beck Sl.800.
Ikuta makes an am""8al poiat lbou• •"'-quaint ~ .. ,n the ft• ~otme 1utom0bilt. )OU coMid buy kn hOiin for 1111~ or.e c:hapell car on the roed. As an example of jUM hoW expensive this was at tht tiiM.
factory .......... IMn made about two dollars a day. and
the ~pullr •everyman'• car: the two puaenerr Olds. mob& SludUd' ltunabout. .. cost $650."
ltuta lddl. .. Obv1ousJy, most of the can~ owned bY the wMbhy few. and car companies slanted their
advcnisina to ilftucnt buyen. The dnvcn and ridCn in
the antique car .. ~y reprnent the upper cJMs." ThcY do indeed. By 1909 the Ida~ in cotor and tht
dream wot1d of the rich was enunciated for the less fortuna~ bUt hopeful 1n idvutisemcnts that dripped
dns. The buitdcn of the Peerless -"all that the name
implies" -show the car with• chauffeur awaitin& as two cl~nt ladies lift their skins ever so sliahtly whilecroslin&
tht sideWllk &o whtft I •farlWd man Mandi hok11QJ o.-lhe cW'.1 door. S .. i&allll)'. the wk of the car is
t'loied. the driver·, area drafty and open to the eltments
In 1910onemiebt.-edowithaHuomobile•hich
sold for S750. Whal WM~ altou& \M.H~lc ad
was that a woman was at the whttl. Many sucb smaller
can 'We'r't ~.,...Was the boult*ife 1 afrec1ion by
claimins their vehides were no1 \be ~bit moo~ tbat soofteo lumbtted down O.Cdut1yro.ds. By
191'. Wallys Overland Co. was spell1ns out the unmistakeable fnCSS1F for the '#Omcnfolk: ••Atty woman
can dnvc lhlS car."
t"'"""' out steam Md psoline autOI h II Y'Aft 111111. finall). trucb Wt arc ttmhldtd of tM peppcey"".._,
ford. "the automobile tiq,;• who put the country • •
wheels with his economical Model T. Ikuta ,.... ..
complain1' about the Model T ""' t,avina lhect
a~n. Ford's reply: .. They have bock abtcwberl -
the P9*Dltf'S.. ..
. Wb1le autoscoaun.aed until tbt early 'lOl IO" IL ..
an "'at')ll\I cSeartts their •ondcrfully individual.._.
carriaat hcntaat from the 1 IOOs, Ikuta klls us ""a J •ere occurina: .. In 1919. 90 percent of all new ems~
open bodic~. b> 1929, the fi1utt dropped to I 0 pen • lkuta's coUection of old ads as prkeleil. 1 JO) to the
fan who adorn ancient can. 1t•1 another Wol1d and the Other bm ot auto tnvaa from '"The Alnena9
reader learns _a lot about it from the UJes pitches that Automobile .. : In 1894, Elwood Haynes'~
reflected the umes. ·car set a 6 mph speed record. l'he lu1tunous 0. 111 •'Ill»
The author 1110 has included a brief'hillory of ncb stllinaforas muchasS20,000. was in businnsw 17,.s
auto compeny rcpresenkd in tbe bOok Md ofTcn andonl) productd6SOcars. Tbefimautocompaayii11•
fascinauna bits of motonna history. . . Un1kd lites.,.., the Duryea Motor w..,., Co ... am.
We find. for eump&e. that the Whak Sewina In 1906a Frankhnautowasdriv~from NewYoltlOS. Machine Co. o( Cleveland, Obio. kept thinkin& biger. Francisco 1n IS da)s. two hours. IS minutes.
•• \
Teens to update se~ test
DiAR ANN LANDERS: Re-member &bis cioaumn? I took. the o~ul tat ll )an ISO when it fint
appca.rCCt. My children are teens now
aod I'd like to 9tt you update it and
run it apin.
The YOU.RI people of today are the
leaders of tomorrow. We must ,;ve
them some coa<ept of bow their
behavior is viewed by society. This
test could be a fair mcasurin& device.
' wllo are ttad.lq ddl c:elama .... ,.
Here ts die lt'71 ..-.. wm r-
teea-apn eempoM a test dlat JH
feel ls .,,...,naae fw IHI? I'll pri11t
.. ebestoee.
Dear O.W.: Tiiie ftnt Sex Test fer T.....,. wu wrtuea by a teee-
apr la lHI. 1'ae ~IC WU ~ p.., years ter, fMr ......... -.asen .... _.CM cest
IM I ,n...t lllldr vel"llea. A&ala. die ~·ell la.S-. tltea .........
....... Id &ala UH Meli teat te
The scoring guide is at the end. For
each yes answer. give yourself the
number indicated .
Have you: me '' •J ,.., rea*n. Tltey t.dJ me D&t lf I ...ay wut te kip teee-
aaen r4 better tell It lae lt ••.
Ever been out with a member of the
opposite sex? 2
Ever enaaged in li&ht making out? nae ee1amJ1 , • ..a ••• die 1111 Tee _,e'So Test, ... iue.I by five
teee-acen fnm Da1M. widl dlpt
.... Dea ...
Kissing but no intimate touching? 2
Ever gotten or given a hickey? 2
Ever said I love you? 3
I am well aware tbt maaJ dra-
matic cllaqes llave ecH11~ alDce
1111. nae Ifft, u it.....,., l"e4'1ira
a aaajer ever'8td ud I eaa &Mak of•
beUel' aadlerltlH tba tlte~gen
Ever said I love you to more than
one person in the same week? 4
Ever removed pan of your clothing
while making out in a car? 4
Do you feel guilty about mastur-
'he94ay, lilaJ JI
AIUU (March 21-April 19): Attenuon centers
around preparation-----------
for puUjng aside the
old. beginning the
new. Spotlight on ....
eommunication. SYDNEY travel, langua1e.
possible publishmg O•••t prop Refuse to be ..,..
lim1tedbypasL lllllllllllllllllllll• TAURUS (April
20-May 20): Changes OCC\lr in connection with employ-
menL Maintain independent stance. Love relationship
"will inrmsify:-Vott-11 get -information -ooncerniQg trust
fund. You'll be trusted to choose financial investment.
GEMINI (May 21·June 20): Emphasis on partner-
ship, JegaJ commitmtnt, marriage. Sense of direction is rcstoTed. harmony returns to bome front. Decision is
reached concerning sale or purchase of furniture. Cancer
native involved.
CANCER (June 2l-Ju1y 22): Diversify. took beyond
the immediate, keep resolutions concerning diet. nutri-
tion. Focus on dependents, work methods. employment.
issues affecting security. Gemini plays paramount role.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be wilhng to tear down for
ultimate purpose of rebuilding on more solid base.
Emphasis on creativity, .variety. change. strong love
relationship. Young person seeks your counsel. approval.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Information ~ived
concerning sale or purchase of propcny. You 'II learn more
about basic values. current market conditions. Be
anal{~'· piece together puzzle. You'U have answers.
RA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Scenario highlights
relatives, visits, derisions affecting travel plans. Money
will be fonhcommg, you'll have responsibility of meeting
deadline. Relationship is rocky but productive.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What seemed a .. sure
thins" is actually elusive. Takegrcater~rgcofyour o~n
destiny -promises of another could prove f~gilc.
Emphasis on payments, collectiQJls. income potential.
Guard valuables.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Moon in your sign
coincides with correct judgment. timing, intuition. This
could be your power-play day. Emphasis on money. love,
greater sense of fitness. Capricorn will figure prominently.
CAPRIOORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Search IS completed.
you gel what you want. manr, an favorably impressed by
your stxle, dedication. You 11 learn a secret, love plays
important role; you'll be invited to jmn .. exclusive
AQUARIUS (Jan. 2().Feb. 18): Stress creativity_
independence, style, willingness to unden.ake pioneering
project. Wish will be fulfilled. scenario highlights
performance, speculation, romance. LeowiU be involved.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Man:h 20): Credit received for
etTon pul fooh approximately two weeks ago. Focus on
promotion. prestige. sense of direction and purpose.
Superior says. Ml owe much to you." Cancer. Aquarius
play roles.
IF MAY 21 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you broke from
tradition early, you arc d~ic. versatile. and many
consider you controversial. You could have been
separated from one or both parents at a young•· Yo u
constantly arc able to revise. review. rebuild and imprint
your own style. Taurus. Leo. Scorpio people play
important roles in your life. Cuncnt cycle higbli~ts
business. career. promotion, marital status, possJble
addition to family. Sept.ember wiU be memorable for you
this year.
Drinkers scarce in hospitals
American Journal of Health re--
ports people who drink alcoholic
bcverap are much less likely than
abstainers.. statistically, to go to
hospitals. Not surprising. A hospital
is no place to go for a drink. When
drinkers do go to hospitals. acc.ordin&
to this repon. they don't stay as long.
Q. How much does the lawyer
usua11y get out of the award in a
personal injury lawsuit?
A. forty percent in Washington.
D.C. It varies.
Claim is the automatic typewriter
& Home
Auto ...... 111-na
441 otd Newport Blvd. N.8 .
Across from Le 8/arrlfZ
1988 llRI VII LSC
_/] ~~........_..
has done for evangelists what the
milking machine did for dairy farm-
Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II ate
the Bible. As a pain remedy. Page by
page. Son of like aspirin. In 1913, he
really felt miserable. so ate the entire
Book of Kinp. and died.
UPHOLSTtlY llC. ......... c....-1m --.. mna --sa.m•
~ ano F.ICTS
Q.1-East-West vulnerable, as
South you bold:
•AJUt'763 c;;>Vold OKQ542 •A
Your panner deals and opens four
bearu. What action do you take?
A.-A band that, at first aJ,ancc,
needed little for '1am now might not
even produce pme, especially at
this vulnerability. Since partner can-
not bold two aces, you have one
sure red-suit loser and who knows
bow many others, especially if the
openina lead is a dub. You have
useful cards for partner. Pass, and
hope be' ma.Ices it.
Q.2-As South, vulnerable, you
•AUn c;;>6 OQl'76 •All
The biddin.1 baa proceeded:
Sotltll waa Nordt Em
1 • p.., 2NT .._
' What do you bid now? •
A.-Even if you~ four-card ma-
jors, a bid of three spades now
Complete ..-.1e1on llatlng1 lft SUndat• TV Piiot.
of tryina to find tbe bat spot. Bid
three diamonds, intendina to pw
whatever partner bids next unlaa it
is ford.na.
Q.S-Both vulnerable, u South you
• .U'3 c;;> Q'75' 0 1102 •'1
The bidding has proceeded:
N~ EMI Soa1' Wiii
1 . .... 1
What do you bid now?
A.-Unless partner ii able to jump
on the next rouad, you have f!DOllllt
for only one bid. Thal does DOt
mean that you should deput from
the normal principle of lhowiQa
your suit.I up-the-line. Bid ODii
heart, even thouab the quality of
your spade suit is better.
Q.~Neitber vulnerable, u South
you bold;
•""3 c;;>A OA916 •Atta
The biddina bu proceeded:
So.di Wat NorOI &It
...... _ 2 ....
What do you bid now?
A.-Tbe problem with biddina two
diamondl is what do you do if put·
ner next bids two heart.st A pre(cr-
ence to three clubs now shows a ·
better band than you have. You can
avoid most Rbid problems by rail-
iD.& to three clubs immediately.
1 Door catc:Me
I -~
10 Be c:Meky to
14 Not
15 Tt1eltecotn
18 Inner: PNf.
11-. ..
21 Oelrt
22 Do .nwcwtc
230... 2$P.,...._
30 Undel -31 Frenct'I ,...
32 .. 33 ,.,,. . mMne
47 Tedcy
•• Ellctrode ~ifAOll 52 __ ..,...,
58 .. of: loot.
17 Coruw1noe
by Bii Keane
-Oenttemen, stop your engines.
Dinner's ready:
by Brad Anderson
"I don't know which I hate worse ... stoshing
through April showers or keeping you from
charging through May flowers!"
by Steve Moore
by Hank K tcham . '...,__...._ ___
• Pl.EASE. Goo.. Blf 5$ .M\ERICA .. AND MltWIL~ SAYS )OU'O BETI'ER llU~."
by Charles M. Schutz
0ranl)9 COUt O~ILV PlLOTIMond.ay, May 30. 1N8 All
BLOOll comt r Y by Berke Breathed
#CQ£ PEa't£ ~VE D1ED IN
""". f&tY. .... ~~
• •
~OFTHEl-1 1
by Jeff MacNelly
by Harold le Doux
by Tom Batluk -------I'M NOi SO CONCERNE.D If'5 rHE 'ANO BACK'1J4A'r
A8bu1 CL.IMBING uP 1D l (>.X)RRIB:> ME ! 1HE ce1uNG ... l .,___ ___ ...., ,_-----1
. ~~~i
t===a=============~ } I
by Garry Trudeau
~.HI, 1116MMi TD~
~ .• M/JfS. 'la.« "'4R-
J.J., rrs -.15aJJJl/ISIN6 :::, ~~-..... ----
>fll/6. •
t '
•=--:.=---:.: .... ~ .... ·-·-0... .............. lity ....,. ... ._ ...... _ .... ~-----...
r .
·-OD#~ .......
·•• .. ANaLoo~
• •
Mears, PensKe team up for Indy 500 win
Driver takes race third time; Ftttlpa
regains second after penalty-dlsmls
tM ioaa journey WU thn>uib. ii ....... tomebow filtiftl that a yellow
brict rOlld would lead Rick Mean tilct IO Viciory l..aM.
Glowd riabt fist thrust tri-
&impbantJy in the air, Mean c:roaed
tk yatd of bricks that mart the start
ud tbe finish of the Indianapolis SOO
after the yellow 0., bad waved a record 14 tsmes Sunday-nearly half
the nee -and proved survival was
II much a function of brains II l\ltl.
.. , knew well aDd F we'd Ft
'*k 19 this point. said Mean
weariq the chimp1on·1 flowered
liutand across his chest a third time at
Indy. "I just didn't know when ...
Four years qo, a rescue crew pulled
Mean from a manaled race car at Sana.it Speedway near Montreal and
doc10n told him he miaht never walk
... in.
Sw.wiay, he picked bis way through
a fteld littered with the eight accidents
involvina the peat. the near..,ut
and the just plain arateful.
Roberto Guerrero was tryina to
come blck eiaht months after a
borrifte crash duri~ W:ciestinaat the
Speedway left him an a coma 17 days.
He aot ta.ken out on the first lap,
t.beo was fon:ed to listen while the
Speedway radfo network ran repeated
advertisements for Dianetics, the
positive-thinkina pbilosoph_y that
helped sponsor Guerrero's fiery or-anae Lola Cosworth.
AJ. Foyi. the B-year~ld i.oct
who won at Indy four times in 31
Speedway appearances. began the day
flanked by one second-seneration •
racer, Tony Bettenhausen, and one
third·Jeneration pilot, Billy
Vukovich Ill.
But he ended it in the pits after a
crash on the backstretch of the
leaders' S8th lap.
(Pleae ... llEARS/83)
Rick llean wa•• to tbe crowd from Vlc-tol'f Lane Sanday. boldlnC ap three
flnaen to atantfy bJ.a tblrd IDdlanapolia 500' win. Emenon Flttlpaldl wu MJCODd.
meant more than c.utaon for Rick
Mears and R<>&tr Penske an the
lndian.apohs SOO Sunda) It meant
vktory. too
A record 14 aut1on penods sJ°""ed
the 72rtd Ind) and helped Mean. now
a tb~time •inner. come from a lap
down to a 7.076-S«ond win over
Emerson FtU1pald1 who was tt·
mstated to second pi.t~ after a two-
lap pmalt) was d1 sm1ssed
The first }cllow came out on the
first lap. and the last one was suit out
when Mears crossed the finish lane .
fiUtn&ly in a bnght )etlow Che' rolct-
powcred Pcnske PC I 7
Mears' Penske teammate. Al
Unser. was ongmall) I med an second
place but was bumJX(i to third when
the penalty against F1tt1pald1 was
rescinded more than thrtt hours after
the race.
Still. this was as much a '1ctory for
Penske and Penske Racing as for the
36-ycar-old Mears
Not onl) dad thc1r thrtt PCI 7
raccn domuuitc the event. lcadtn&
192 of the 200 laps. but the victory
pve the 51-)ear-Old New Jersey
entreptneur an unprecedented stven
Indianapolis v1ctones
~we cam what WC,' have and nl tell
you. we're going to bc back next
year," Penskc said
For Mears.. who v.on 1 n 1979 -his
first year wtth Penske -and apin in
1984, this easily could ha'lie been has
fifth. He lost thc 1982 race to Gordon
Johnc:ock b) 0 16 ofa second -the
closes& finish an history -and
finished third bch1nd Bobby Rahal 1n
1986. coming across the finish hnc
less than two seconds behind the
"'They say the first one as always the
best. and maybe that's so.fl Mears
said. ··out I know the Stt<>nd felt
beuer than the first. and this one felt
better than the second."
Asked ifhc could sull win five races
here?, passtnJ tour-ume wi
U nKr and A. . Foyi. Mean siid.
I'm allowed to stay with this--
v.e JUSt might be able io do it. 11°9
nrons team."
Mears., who m~ a lall
m1dwa) throu&h the race ~
help or the rash of cautioa
v..ound up CTOSSIDI the finitlt
undcT a cauuon.
0.d he knov. when the ydloW
came out -.1th thrtt laps to 90 M
had the race m hand~
-No." he answef'Cd quietly.
Then, thinking about it, be
··Well. -. uh about 200 yards to ..,_
fiJurcd 1f the wheels felf off we'cf Iii
shde across.
··vou hate to start badcinaoff
)OU h.ave a lead hke that. It sets• '
bit nene-wrack1ng when you tee
yellow You JUSt say. 'Oh, no: ..
The ~e was filled with tt'Jllllllillljl•·
eight tak10J out a totaJ of 10
thrtt on the first lap. Even
touched the concrete barrier oe
outside of the narrow and slj
track early an the race.
The crowd cstunated at mOft
400.000 enJO)ed the bot.
v.ca t her But the sJ.arin& sun
temperatures an the upper'10s-iiir'lllil!lrf.I
the asphalt surface into a vin
ska ttng nnlc
··There was a lot of traffic. ..
said ·· .4. lot of 1uys were · -
around because oftbc beat "ve
there Th~ were some dole
but evcrythmg wort.cd out for us."
Fampaldi of Brazil. who was q.
anally hstcd 1n seventh place afta' a
tv.o-lap penalty for pas.sins undet a
caution flag. was m.oved. ~ iaio
second J>lacc with 200 laps oom&>lt'lld
b> Chief Slt'Wal'd Tom EJimonl wbO
said the 1netdcnt "feU within the rukS
of compctJllon."
Pat Patnck. o~r of Fittipe)di.,
car. said the two-time Formula. ~ OI: dwnp1on was waved past by •
Harper's sharp shooting gets Ma vs even o:iol~s .
Lak bl t t AgUltTC aJSO J()t kM>K. finishing With 26 to JO. h 1 t d 0 u b 1 e ers una e 0 S op points. mclud1n1 five StraJ&ht fiekl pis as the £a.t J>all "We played well for 31"1 pcnods and then
g d t bl 118 104 Mavericksbrokeopenan8~87leadwithal6-7 enn. A• wcdisintegraled.-1..akcrsCoachPatllllC}Slld. ~·rg UaT • Um e, -run t~t pve Dallas an insurmountable I 05-94 ~en m . b~. -ef,tS.W.> 1'bcv dorranated ~boards at the end and ~ 11 ur es
lead watb :k•l left. Uk.en m. o.a.s 101 routdn't stop them.
DAU.AS (AP) -When Dallas' Derck The fifth prne of the best~f-seven series O.a&u 106, Laken " -1cs not like an cxpcnenced team to break -=--.,,.------------
Harper made his fint shot of the pme, the Los takes place Tuesday at the Forum. where the SUNIW's Sare down like that." Lakcrs fo~ A.C Green Baltimore nally
Anaeles La.ken took little note of the defending NBA champion Lakers won the first Dallas 111. Lallen UM <Series tied, 7•21 said. -eut it"s 2-2 and we have two of thrtt at
Mavericks' SUI.rd, Who bad been hiningjust 43 tWO ~es before .IOSl"I tWO Strailht in Dallas. Dalles II ~::::1:."'.'..Jo ~ horm~ The thjng IS.. In t~ playoffs. home COUrt wins 10th game bv
pen:ent from the field in the playoffs. The sixth game wall be Thursday ID Dallas. 1'11un411V'• ~ doesn t men as much. J.
But it was the st.art of a l5-point shooting The pme was ~t for the fint thrtt Laken •• oan.1. ' Pm. Johnson had hiah praise for Hlf"PC1'. edging Angels 3-2
performance that led the Dallas to a 118-104 quarten with Dallas traahng. 57-S6. at haJfume Satun1av, .,. 4 "He was hmina from the out.side. that's a •
victory Sunday, tyina their NBA Western despite shootina 61 percent for the first two 0 1._ 1 ~k ~;,jo "": ~If necenarvl bag key for him," Johnson said. 'Tvc seen him
Conference finals 1eries at 2·2. periods. • ' • '"'· P • do 1t before. He's very capable.' of a night hke By IUCILUlD DUNN
"I know J've had. bed shootina seriC'S but Maaic Johnson, who led Los Angeles Wlth that." Dllllf .... Ccas 0 a I
when I hit that first shot, it felt 'ood and my 28 points, scored the Lakers' final seven points OveraU, 1t was a good-shootmg pmc for
confidence started comina back,' said Harper, of the first half. includina a three-point basket with 3:07 left in the period to tie the pme at 77. Dallas. which hit sax shots in a row a one stretch
who took advanta,e of the Lalters' double-with 41 seconds to 10 that pve them their lead. He then scored seven of Dallas' final nanc third-of the second quarter and shot 70 percent from
teamina tactics on forward Marte A&uirrc to There were 20 lead chansn and eiaht ties an the quarter points, ajving the Mavencks an 89--83 the field for the second quartcf'. The Mavencks
better bis previous playoff' hiab of f9 by 16 half. edge going into the fourth quarter. shot 5S percent for the pme.
points. The pme remained tsaht for the first eight The L..akcrs pulled to 89--87 early 1n the ··1t's a linlc dcbilitau"t when thetr shots
wrhey were helpi~ out on Marte and that minutes of the third quarter, with neither team final period. But A&uarrc, who finished with 26 att falhng from that deep. R1ky said ''On was a compliment to ham. He moved the ball lcadina by more than four points. points. h1t five straight baskets an a 16-7 run Tuesda). wc'vegot to cover Harper and Aguarrt'
around to us and weaot tbecomfortableibots." But H\rper completed a three-point play that gave the Mavericks a 105-94 lead v.1th 3:48 out on the partcing lot -
Raines' FV, Warriors gun
for seftball-fina-ls costs -==-..,,..--=::.__::
Both must travel
or CIF semi nal
tests on fyesday
The 4-A finals are at Mayfield Put
in Lakewood Saturday niaftt at a. The
other semiftnals pme pits Buena vs.
St Joseph.
Directions to Herit.aae Put: North
to Santa Ana Freeway, left on 5 to 91.
proceed west on 91 to B~(iekt. Left on Bloomfield and pri>ceed
south. Park located on ~ft. acrou
from Cerritos Hi&b School.
There is a similar pitcher's duel~
for the 2-A semifinals at Mountain
View Hiah in El Monte at 3:U.
bturing Tiffany Boyd of top«eckid
Woodbrid&c and Julie Todd of Ar·
royo, the Mission Valley cbampioa
and tht No. • teed. Todd bas led Anoyo io a 21..().1
rccotd and cnterina the playoff'$, her
ERA was 0.66.
Boyd bu kd the Wurion ift the
,playof'fi with three straiibt 1luatouu.
She bas seven no-bintts under be:r
belt thi51eUOn and wu the catalyst to
last year's share of the 2-Acrown witb ~na Hilb afttt tyi.._ ~ in I•
mrunp. AlllOlll'. WOodbridee'a o&neive
looti undcr first·)Uf C011Cb Codie ~~t arc center fiddef Mary
Dupnl, Lisa Wetaree. tlaiftl -
bueman ~ ... and 80)<d.... ·····-c: 1.CI -.......... ft 7'....,. ... Warrion' deenup bitter. .. ... .. a ba _.. CIP""l-A _.... • .....
TheHen tostartfoPSSadlebackvs. El Tor:o
Dodgers win, 2-1.
ter f otltng his -
attempted steal
Finally. 10 WlDI. And finally, Mi19e
Boddtdter is winn~ ap.111.
The Balt1more Orioles became tbe
last m•JOl"·lcague team of 1988 lO
reach double d.i&ats in the ~
column Sunday. and Boddi<Ser ~
has second strat&ht p.me afta
record los1nc streak. as Baltimore
tool a 3-2 ,.crdJct over the Calitania
.4.n&els before 24.860 Aoabeia •
Stadium spectators.
The AQlds had a scare m lbe &Ma
wht""n starter K.ut McCaSk:ill ..
dnllcd on the rilht forearm wit.b a Ilk
dnve. but X-i"lys later proviill
ncpllve and McCaskill walked a~
wtth a ~verc bruue.
Tiie .clledaJe
ToniOl'lt-ao.ton, 5:10 -II\.
Mav 31-eo&tOft, US DA •
JUl'le l-4cla.
J~ 2-Mh--.. 5;JS ~·
June > """4 a ... , 525 ....._ •
June ~ 6:15 -.-•
JUl'9 ~. \t:.JS ....
• OnTV.~S
• A.D ..,,_on KMllC, Ill
Pbdella •ya he's •=p·tue:c::'.:=800 Ruffin Phillies ground quit .. Gii; tea1n Wal from..::\~ on Suoda~ lO • • ' •
btcome the first four-umc WIDOCf of the G t fi . 4 2 won't confirm it ::~~~~i~td~~.~~~p. ~i~hls i· an s or -victory flnt vtctory th111CUOn, claimed l.be lead tn NA.SCAR'•
lonFSt ~on lap 369, paain, Bntt ....... Some o(
bischallenaentqan bcadin&forthe pits in thefmaJ lO
NEW YORK -Lou. Piniella said
Sunday be bu rcsiancd a teDcral ~
of the New York -Yankees. at first ciuna
friction with Man11tt Billy Manin and
then denyina Martin wu the reuon.
laps. Theft. on lap 317. o..tt ...._., ~vrolet rolled
to a S10p oo the apron tn the fowtb tum. · l\lina out ~the rec:ord-tyint 13th caution flaa of the ~tap race.
When the srun Oaa came down on lap 391. Waltrip
beat Wallace to the stan-finish line with Alu Klllwtdl
But the &earn refuted to say Pinidla had quit.
announcina only that a front off.ICC rcstructurina was
On a b1zatTC day that saw Yankees officials in
Seattle tcnmblc to find Owner
0eo(le Steinbrenner, Piniclla
said he would remain with the
Yankees as an advilC'f' and that
Bob Quinn. l.be club's vice pttti-
dent for baseball opetations.
would be the new JCnaal man-aeer.
Steinbrenner, however, said
later Sunday lhto\cb Jeam
~kesman Harvey Greene that .__ ______ _. Quinn had not been named
PlDlella general manager.
.. That's a aood possibility, but that won't be
finahzed un1il after George and Lou meet.later this
week." Greene said.
Quinn. who has been Yankees vice president for
baseball operations for two years after 14 seasons with
the Oeveland Indians and Milwaukee Brewers,
dedmed to say anyth1na when reached at his home.
Reached by The Associated Press at his home on
Sunday mornin&. Piniella was asked if friction with
Martin was the reason for his resignation.
"B1lty's not the easiest person to work wi1h,"
Pan1ella said.
Later Sunday. P1niella was contacted again by the
AP and sa1d "that "as far as the manager is coocemcd.
you know he's not tbe easiest person in the world to
work with at times," adding that Martin was "not the
reason I'm stepping down."
Martin, speaking in Seattle Sunday night before the
Yankees' game with the Mariners. said he and Piniella
had not been in conflic1.
"That's nd1culous," Martin said ... We haven't had
any arguments. General managers and managers arc
not always gotng to agree on players. You're always
going to have differences of opinion on personnel.
E\Crybody has an opinion on players.
Quote of the day
M.L. Carr, former Guilford College basket-
ball star who went on to play for the Boston
Celtics on NBA championship teams. in his
commencemen1 address at Greensboro. N.C. to
Guilford graduates: "There's a challenge I ~veto
you. Grab a hand, and help some kid. Don I grab
a black hand or a while hand or a Jewish hand or
an Irish hand. Just grab a hand."
Strange rallies to win by two
Carth Straqe rallied with a 5-under-
par 67 Sunday to wtn the Memonal
tournament 1n Dubhn. Ohio by two strokes
for his second victory of the season. Strange
twice trailed by one stroke and once blew a three-shot
lead tn his three-way struglc with South Afncan Da•td ·p,..., and Bale hwta. Stran~. the PGA Tour's leading
money-winner in 1985 and 87. took command with a
bunker shot that set up a two-foot putt for birdie-4 on
the 15th. He didn't trail again and got the 14th victory of
hJS 12--season Tour career with a 274 total, 14 under par
on Jack Nlctlau' Muirlield Village GolfOub course .
. . Siient 'hner shot a 2-under-par 70 to win the LPGA
Coming Classic 1n New York for her second
consecutive victory. Coupled with Turner's victory last
week at the LPGA Championship, her first in five years
on the tour, the win a.ave Turner the first bade-to-back
triumphs on the tour this season. Korea's Ok-Hee ll ..
who banled T umer for the lead for most of the final two
rounds. and JeAue Caner, who bad the day's best
round at 6-under 66. finjsbed two strokes off the pace at
13-under ... Beb CUrles chipped in from the back
fringe of the green on the final bole for a 3-under-par 69
and a two-shot victory over<>nme ..... , in the Senior
PGA tournament 1n Albuquerque. Charles, the
defending champion in the event. became the first
back-to-back winner this year on the SeniorTourwith a
pair of clutch 35-foot birdies down the stretch.
Trade of Dorsett imminent?
DALLAS -Dallas Cowboys prcs1-EE
dent Tex Schramm·said Sunday that he •II• think-~-an~nt can be rached that
will send disgruntled running back Tony
Dorsett to the Denver Broncos.
.. We have reached a tentative (financial) agrt:C"-
ment with Dorsett and he believes that he's reached a
tentative ..,-cement with Denver." Schramm said ma
telephone interview from his home.
"The ..,-cement that hasn't been reached is what
Denver will arve us for his rights."
Schramm said he had not spoken over the weekend
with Broncos officials. but added ... I have discussed &he
situation briefly with (Broncos Coach Dan) Reeves and
I think tha• we can reach some kind ofaarecmeot."
Dorsett. who has sought a trade from the Cowboys
since assuminf sccond-stnna duues behind Herschel
Walker last fal • aartt'd in principle Saturday on a plan
that would move him to Denver. his finanCUtl adviser,
Bill Love. said.
atld aren a...IM Jivin& chase. Waltrip openccl up a
wide lead over Wallace for sev~ oftbe last nine lap&.
Wallace closed the pp near the fmish and tried to drive
inside the' leader at the end, only to firush two car
kn&ths behind at the checkered Oaa ••• France's AJala
PNll, leadina throu&hout the nice. won lhe Formula
One Grand Pnx of Mexko City in I hour. lO minutes
and IS. 737 seconds. Another Mclaren-Hood.I driver.
Ay..._ Sau of Brazil, was second, 7.104 seconds
behind Prost. Third place went to West Germany's
~ Berser, driving a Ferrari, 57.314 seconds
behind the winner. Prost averaged 118.19 mph ... WWy
T. R1M»s led from start to finish. despite a spirited
challen.sc from I" Hoerr, to win the third round of the
Trans-Ams series at Scars Point I ntemational Raceway
in Sonoma .
UCLA captures softball crown
SUNNYVALE -Lisa lonukcr Ill pitched a six-hit shutout and Janice hrts
drove in two runs with a double lo pve
UCLA a 3-0 victory over Fresno State and
its fourth NC AA Ol\·1s1on I softbaU championship on
UCLA entered Sunday's double-elimination finals
undefeated, but was forced into a second game when
Fresno State used a two-run seventh for a 2-1 victory.
The Bruins took a 2-0 lead in the fourth inning of
the 1itle game after Stac-cy Sunny led off with a sinlle to
left and lorraJne Maynez reached on an error by third
baseman Gtna LoPiccolo.
Both runners scored on Parks' double to the center-
field fence. Parks was 3 for 4 in Sunday's games after
going 0 for 11 in the first three days of the tournament.
UCLA added a run 1n the seventh when Shanna
Flynn's single to left scored Bea Chiaravanont.
Fresno State loaded the ba.ses with one out in the
bottom of1hc seventh. But Longaker. 31-4, worked out
of the jam.
Lalonde retains WBC crown
Doll LaJODCle of Canada stopped Leslie
Stewart of Trinidad with a smashing
overhand right in the fifth round of a
scheduled 12-round fight Sunday in de-
fending the World Boxing Council li&ht heavyweight
title in Pon.Of-Spain, Trinidad. ltefertt MarUa
Deattu of the United States stopped the fight in the
second minute of the round after Lalonde had stunned
Stewart with a powerful right in the first minute and left
him wobbling around the ring. helpless to fend off a
series of powerful combinations ... Alli ... HipM of
Canada set a world record 1n the 200-meter breaststroke
at the Canadian Olympic swimming tnals in Monreal.
Higson. 15. was umed in 2 minutes.. 27.27 seconds..
breaking the man of2:27.40sct in 1986 bySlllieRoner
of East Germany ... Frequent foes Rivlia and Great
Communicator renew their rivalry today in the
$300.000 Hollywood Invitational at Hollywood Park.
Rivlia is the defending champion in the turf race. and
Great Communicator was lbe runner-up a year ago.
Also in the field arc Skip Out Front. Swink. Roa
Normand, Baba Karam and Political Ambition. In
racing Sunday at Hollywood Parle. Word Pirate,
seventh at the three-quarter pole, new past pa~tter
Perfecting in the final sixteenth of a mile and scored a
I ¥.-length victory in the $84.150 Will Rogers Handic.ap
for 3-ycar-olds on the turf. Ridden at 119 pounds by
Eddie DelUHsuye, the Ken1ucky-bred Word Pirate
clocked I :40 I /5 for I I/ 16 miles and paid S 13.60. $5.80
and $4.40. The victory was worth SS0.400. pushing the
colt's career earnings to S 186.398 .
Television. radio
6 a.m. -TENNIS: French Open. from Pans
(fi ve hours}, ESPN.
10:05 a.m. -PRO BASEBALL: Pittsburgh
at Atlanta, TBS.
11 a.m. -Atrro RACING: IMSA Camel
Grand Prix of Line Rock. ESPN.
11 : 15 a.m. -PRO BASEBALL: Cincinnati
at Chicago Cubs, WGN.
ConferenC'C finals Game 4 -Boston at Detroit,
Channel 2.
2 p.m. -HORSE RACING: Jersey Derby,
S p.m. -PRO BASEBALL: Dodsersal New
York Mets, Channel 7. _
reg,onal final-round pme, ESPN.
7:30 p.m. -COLLEGE BASEBAU..:
NCAA Western Rcaional playoff (delayed).
Pnme Ticket.
4:30 p.m. -PRO BASEBALL: Padres at
Philadelphia. KFMB 060).
S p.m. -PRO BASEBAU: Boston at
Ansels. KM.PC (710). •
Sp. m. -PRO BASEBALL: Doda.cn at New
York Mets, KABC (790).
6a.m. -TENNIS: French Open. from Paris
(five boun). ESPN.
11:15 a.m . -Pao BAIEBAU.: Cincinnati
at ('bicqo Cubs. WON.
Bnacc Ruffin employed a pound prne Sunday in
def ea tin.a the San F~ Giants.
The lcft..banded 11nker-ball pitcher scattered nine
hits over seven inniQ&S and allowed only one fly-ball out
u the Phildelphia 1Philhes beat the Oianta, ,._2, to
complete a three-pme sweep at Veterans Stadium . ..-
The Oiaots sroundcd into four double p&a~
"Their s~nalh is my sttcnath," said Rufl"an, 4-4
who walked two and 1truck ou• two ... l'bey have a lot of
auys who can ruch a low..nd-Lway sinker. Fonunately, l
was able to spread the hits ouL
"I'm probably goin110 have to re-adjust how I pitch
aaainst them:• •
Steve Bedrosian pitched two hitless inninp to cam
his third save. Mike K.rukow, ,._3, took the loss, endin& a
personal threc-pme winnin1 st~k .
After the Giants took 1 1-0 lead, the Phillies came
back with two in &he second. Chris James walked and
scored on Milt Thompson's two-<>ut triple. Thompson
then sco~ on K.rukow's wild pitch.
In the fourttf. with two outs. James homered deep to
left, his seventh of the season.
In other National Lcaaue pmcs: ·
Padres I , Metl I : Kcjtb Moreland's run-scoring
double sparked a five-run seventh innina that broke a
scoreless tie as San Dieso earned lhc win at Shea Stadjum.
The Padres won their first game under Manqcr Jack
McK.con. who took over when Lany Sowa was fired
Saturday. •
lcavina with a sore elbow as the Yankees rolled to the win
in the IUnadome.
CanUaab I, Braves 1: In Atlanta. Jose Deleon and
Ken Dayley combined on 1 four.hitter for St. Louis' l 1th
victory m their last 13 pmes agajnst the Braves.
Pl.rates 4, Rea l: Andy Van Slyke drove in three
runs with a grounder and a double and Bobby Bonilla hit
his leaguc-leadina 12th homer for Pittsburgh at
Blee Jay1 4 W.U.e Sea i: Rookie Pat ~ hit •
solo homer and Sil Campusano toorcd the winnina run on
pitcher Dave LaPoinfs throwina error in the seventh
mninJ for T orohto at Exhibitjon Stadium.
Twlu I, T11en I: In l.be Metrodome, IUrby Puckett
drove in three runs with a pafr of homen as Minnesota
stretched its winnina streak to ei&ht pmes. Puckett bjt hit
a solo homer in the third innina and a twO-run shot in the
fifth off Doyle Alexander that pve the Twins a 4-3 lead.
Riverfront Stadium.
Astrot 7,CMs 1: At Wrigley Field, Rafael Ramirez's
grand slam hiahlighted a six-run sixth inning and Nolan
Ryan picked up his 266th career victory as Houston
snapped a four-game losing streak.
In the American League:
Brewen 7, h4la.u %: Tom Filer continued his
comeback from arm problems with his second straig.'lt
five-hitter and stretched his major-I~ winning streak
to 10 games over seven seasons as Mtlwaulcec beat host
Royall n, Raqen 1: At Royals Stadium, Willie
Wilson drove in four runs and Bo Jackson hit a two-run
homer as Kansas City batted around in su<XlCUive
innings. The Royals scored seven runs in the second
inning off Ray Hayward and added four more in the thir4
off Dwayne Henry.
Yutea 7, Martaen S: Dave Winfield drove in three
runs, two with his 11th homer, and John Candelaria
pitched five innings for his sixth straight victory before
AWedcl 5, R.e4 Sea 4.: Camey Lansford, the major
leagues· lcadina hmer. sin&led and doubled to k.ey two
scorina innings and Gene f.ldson pitched 311> inni"P or
one-hit relief to lead host Oakland to its fifth consecutive
* * * ftadns ,, Ml'fl J Aatres 7, CUba 1 C.rdlNh J, llraves I
SA• OICGO ... W ~ MOUSTOte C111C.t.eo IT LOUIS ATLAlfTA ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .... r-.. ··-· c;.......,rt --· -· ..... '" s.Ni.e.c ... _ ..
-cf J-o
so•• .....,cf ••1 • GY-ct s1>• OMnouct ,,,, c-11 s•1• .uwct •I J t KAN*1-•I It ....,._,. S I J t MO-cf 1 t t t OS.-ll 1 111 °'9rll•a •li t .. _ .. •t i t .... ,, Siii ,....,...,. Jt l tMdi4ed •11 1 Gl'Wrn ..
l I I I SlrwWvrt • 11 t GOrm 11• 4 t t t 0.-rt 4 t t t •-•rt l t I I Grtllrlrt
I I 1 t Mdt""'• 4 I 11 -II JI I t 5-'9111 4 t t t ---J t t I D-• •Il l..__ .. ••1• .... ._.tiff ~i. Jltt --, ••• .,_ .. • I II s.-c , •• I --... • IJ s ....,,...< J. I. T,....c •• IO ~c • o • t ._., > o • • r.-c • o • • i..wa J t 11 ~· • 1 t • c:..111 •O JI W-• ttOt CJc11111lll )Ill°"""°"" JtlO ~· JtOt ""'-...
1 t I 0 -• f 0 f t 1tnt1 • 4 t O t -• I f f t Devlft e t t 0 t ·-a 0 0 t 0 ~I .... I t It "-lot> t t 0 0 C-D t t t t ~· '*-• 1101 ~ ••••• --.. ... ,... ._ ... ......,,. .... ~. .... ..,...,... ~-1 f I I T-J7 1 n 1 T-a 1 4 I E~ • T-• 6 II S T-M J I J ac.... ... --Y\<1111 ...
San ""' ..._ -- -t-1 T-D > t > T-
• I I I
4 I I • • J •
J •
I I I t I t • t
I t I t • • • • I t • • S-°""99 - -Slf.-6 ~ 111 --I San"" --y---__ , c-~ ••• -·--141 .. ~ -•• --~ W-ltlll ---(J) E_...,..., Go.v;. GY-A-- -9'-l e-~. l(rua .,_._ ~s-~ ... 7, c..ic-2 .:.~ o--..... ... -.,_.., DI
Dleee 1 Hew Yon I l~ 0-.. 4-S. 0.C-S ~ ..... I, --.. f -AHal. ~ .,,.._ I.Auk 1, A-
New Yon 6 1-...-1. -· Hit--(21, c..i.ca-111 Ml I LQe-$1 u.A 1, A-1. Slf-v Krua ,._Slra~ se-<;y..,,.. J 1•1. CJecl<'°" 111 n-1-. Hll-AHll C1J ~
Hit-Mell .... -<•J $1-S-'-(6) ~ Cl> ~ v:---~ J-1 Sf'-S..-• M It U .. to • M a U .. to
• ....... to -.. ~
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,_. ._.. w --= -..._ ~ E•r1n•1 '' '"I:: .. IO = ~ ... , Jaift"!lt. aJedl-....... Wl9'Nll. ~ ~ ----· Clillllofa • M a • M • U .. IO »-«-. ........~ (9) 0-MMWlt UI -lfM tl\IM 161 ~L,._. 7 7 6 a t • llNYft M-T ....... lfl. l"WN1I ISi, ~ IE~ ,,__, ......_ "-I I t t t t ~W,7·t S 4 J J I I Ill $-II-MJ~~. ~J.~12. T.-Alllll IMJ t t I J ...... ..
ClllcWlelt 1 ~ ""' Jlftt, Mil'-~W.>l t S I I I I 0-U I,., t t I I l ~L •-'" -.. ....,_ lnl .......... U... ........ l•J 2 t I e I ..... ..._..._. .... 11., S 1 1 J I
HI, ~ ._,.U 2•J t t t t t c...e.IL.>f S t t S J I = , .. , > 4 • J t ~ .:., ," :-:-: ~ Mdti.:·~;·-..:-::: .,.::: ~ .............. ~ ~ ',..:.. ~ =:. : i ! ! : !
Geft f I J I I t I I T-t:Q lir-#IM1 .... l»'«. -..ca. "-0. a.::,.. · T-J& A-1',tll ~w..-s 1 • I I 1 t
11-U-i S t J J t 1 ~ f I I I t 1 ~ ,t~ ; t ~ ~ i * * ."r..':'."'9C:.. (... ......,,
H-«-'· "'*"· TWtnl ,, '--J A....WCS ,, ...... 4 ""'91fVI ........... ""'· ......... . U.1 ... h lltl1,., Ct.....,., "'"'• ......... ~ C--.. T'lllN, KIK ..._, ""'*-· ~. 1'*'1, ~ oeTllOn' -IOTA 90ITOll . · T-4 .. A-10,I• T-2~ ........... ..,... •rlllil •OM •rlllil
...... I I I I ~· 4 I 1 I ....... ,, SI t t LAMH .. •I 1 t *
Jones wants
another start
== ~t,~~ =.a ::;~ ::=.· n:: =: .. :n~ .......,. 7, ...... 2
.-..r• • t I 1 -· J t It o.e ....... t e I e ~-4I1 I ~-...-·· C\A'IS'-"'9 ~U • t It .._... It It """*d S I I I ......... < • t t I •rllM •tlllll ~rl • I It a..rt 11 I t ........ 11 t t iw:o-9' J I U Mlllvr la S > t I ,._.. • t I I
....... I I I I ~,. t t t t ·-· I I. t ...._. t t t 1 S.--c • It t "'"""la J t t I De-• It t I ~.. J 1 It ... • I 1 t °""'91lCf fit f "-"'Cf • 1 l t Cartlrd <It I I ,_.t J t It --c at 1 I ...,_c • t t I ....... J t t -.01' J 1 t t __,1'1 •I I e ---•••• o.ie .. •ttl SO--• ••• , ......... It.,_,. •tJt ... ..,.
Clr-VELANO (AP) -...,._ct 1 ''' ,.... ••• 1 ,_ "•11 • ~->•ti ._,. ••t• I;. ......... t t t t tCllft -.._ S-M 4 It t T-• 4 1. I
Odell Jo..-the ~ourth T-.. I ' I T.-• ... • ...... .. -....... a-• • I,. ...... . I It
....... ,. ...... .... • ....... • ........ --· ••>t -< ttlt pitcher to l<>te a no-hitter in ...,. • • ... , G9N ~ • -.--. "' T.-• t 11 • ,.. • t • •
lb . h . -111 ---· ......... t. kll OP 1110 ._...,_ e n101 1nnin1 tbi1 o-w.-... -..._... ta. Loa •••• w.. ca-. --.. ea : ... , --~n ~•Id t'L-to th··'-Df"--o.• I, ---l ~ ............... ,............ ...... ---· __, , .._... I'"° Ina ~-4. ...._ p ~ 1171 • ......,. ... 0-......... -er... t41
be'I tamed a =•DCftt • -·-· ....,., -. "-• • ·--• ............ I.Oil I ·m' ' 'ob . • .... _ . ....._ ........................... d).~tll), --~ • ...,,. ..... , •• ~,,. l_OO ·.1n UJIC" hw•U~ _.,.. lfl • •• .,. .._.1..1-t ' 11 • .1 • • .......... w ·•ecs .,_ ~t'S' stafll-rotatioa, • " ·--IO ~ I t t t 1 1 • M •• -.. ... .... ..... ...... • .. rd like to rat and the.n .....,.. Vo4 1 N f • • • J "*"" J 6 4 • J t ""W.H f I t t t t .._._ .. -.. lt...-'1n fi--.... ~· M I I t t t -.,. W.>I Jt~ I t t t 4 ~ IO u.;a .,..,. ·~ ... ..... C1 tt·> 1 • • • t CIM6lM~> • 11 1 • , , day~ ... ~ .... ~'th .. =•.N ~ : : : : : ~ ..... :~.:...:.:.:~ .....,~.....: ... ~:..:.:
DO-nl UVU ~ WI Ofte I......_. 1t I '1 I t t I -lllln I. -~ ,.._,. I -a 1·n ....... ni· ....... •-t·.--y "'=• 1•11 .. _. "'"'· "'"*• 1•1•· •-i ~. '*1•• 1•11• MO? · """· ...., ~ vUJ .._ ••-~...._...,a; TlllPC. ~ ,...._ ...... ......,., "'"-y.,.. ~ ,_.,,., -.C..J ,...... ~ ai119t . T t\ -.o.J'lf ,_,. ......... T ........
ThC third 1n1u.llJ Or-.. C..ncy Pabw\11'1
Ana Cnt&cr Triatbloe wsll lab piece Sunday monMia II\ Ind uvund Lib M&aao. V14=10. 1"bt f.jt nr.-1m tft the frcih wata ilU SWU I t
1 a.m. trom I.he IUlli~area • tbc DOrtb bath.
•mmcdiateJy follo'Mld the "" bike ntt oVtt a poft10a Of the chaJ ftliftl 1984 Olympic
bicycit tOld ~ Site. Tlie compeiitioo COO.-
d udes with a IOk nin over hillY ta'raia.
Thil ~ • tun flt&d or uoo athktes it n pecicd, indudint tame of the -ortd'1 top mn
and women profniionalt. Jn addiUOft, tberc wi,IJ
be an opponunhy for I $0 indqlsndtnt or
COrpOrltc 1POntOftd rday teams to PllticiP9CAt. For moic infonmtioo about the race, phone
Caliromia Athletic Prod~onat 146.()81 3.
Voluntetta arc ne.led not only to help with
the btkc, swimmintand Nnnlntracet but for the "'IJlltalion and pro.~ pany as wdl. A.IJ
voluntcen will ~tve a commemorative T·
1h1rt 11 well as a picnic tu~ followirc t.he
Tboec intettsted In bclptn& out should all
John Bodenbura 11 an-1444.
PerMJ la'rltadoaal a t UCLA the fastest of».lap runners at sea level. Karry
"Butch" Reynolds and Innocent Eabunike, ~II
compete 1n the 400 meter rxe at the Pepsi
Invitational trade mttl Sunday afternoon 11
UCLA's Drake Stadium.
Reynolds ran a 44.10 last spri"J 11 Omo State,
while Eabun1kc had a '4.17 1n Zurich last
lllmmer The only runners to run the dis11ntt
faster than Reynolds and Eabunikc are world
rttord bolder Lee Evans (43.&6) and l..alTy
James (43.97). Both those marts were mack in Mexico City durina the 1968 Olympic Games.
Cart Lewis and Jackie Joyncr-Kenee will also
compete in their respective events.
The action beains with the pole vault and
women's lon11ump at noon. and the men's mile
dotes the day. Reserved seatu11 1s S 16. non-
reservcd is SS.
Wl.aaer'• Circle 6olf
The s111lh annual \\'1nnc1·s Circle Golf
Tournament will be htld Monday, June 20at El
Niaucl Country Club. There will be a ladies' 01aht and a men's 01aht.
d inner and pnzes Proceeds from the tour-
nament benefit South Coast Medical Center an
Laauna Beach.
For more 1nforma11on, phone 499-7229
WJa.fte water ~
A White wattt raft1~ tnp IS slated for June
24-2S down the K.inas River located near Fresno
presented by the Ncwp0n Beach Parks. Beaches
and ReclU.tion Depanmcnt. The two-day tnp Wlll 1ndudc all occessary
equipment complete with &uidcs. life·JKltets
and rafts. provided by Kinp River Expcdillons.
The cost of the lrip 1s S 188.
For more information. Phone 644-31 SI.
~ dcbes ,,;,,,.an..,., .. Tla.cis arT available for the Antels.-M1l-
waukot ~PIM on June 24 to benefit the
Jefflkrpn Kidney/Hean Fund.
llinpn, a 26-year-old M1u1oa V1cJO H.,tl ~h. Meds new ltid~ a new ban and SI00,000.
Without t.tw ktdfteys, Berpn will ~ n on 1
dialysis madunc -thlft times a ~k. four
hours a day -for the mt of hit hfe. Without a
8'ew heart. doctors have told him the te$1 ofh1s life amounts to lea than t~ ycan ~ sum of SI00.000 is Mltded to supply
Bctun.a wrathnalNS freshman football C01Ch. •hf\ thott cssent11b.
For ticket infonnauon. phone SJ l·H67 or ..,nt~ Jeff' Bcrpn Hean Fund. 23276 S. Po1ncc
Dr .. Ltauna Htlls. Ca. 92653
Bn'oa Scott cbarlty l"DJe ~ tttond annual Byron Scou Children's
C111s1c has bttn 11vcn final approvaJ by the
Nattonal Basketball Anoc1a11on and will take
pl.cc on Sunday. July 24 11 UCl's Bren Eve nts Center
This ch1n1y IS one off cw to gtl approval out of
the hundrt'ds of requests put before the NBA
each ycu
Top NBA players will pan1c1patc 1n the event
10 hoj)cs of ra1S1n1 S100.000 for chant)
For more 1nformahon. phone 661-711 7
B one abow at TaJ.r6roana
Horsts or d1fferni1 SllCS, breeds and colon
wall pthcr an the arenas of the Oran~ Count)
Fau1rounds to be sho..,n. JUdic<l aradcd and
simpl) 1pprccia1ed dunn& the Fair's Juh 1.11
ruo in Costa Mesa ·
The opcn1n1 v.ottkend. July S.10, will be
kicked off with a Western Hone Show -ao
open rompe1111on which wall feature co~bo>·
style ndini. More than 200 entncs arc eitpcctcd
to be saddled up for this cvenL
The M1n111urc Horse ' Show will be held Saturday, July 9. l.t
111brpn horses will be featured July 12·14
while Andalusian hones and Tennessee WaJk:
1n1 hones will be "fhown July 16 and 17 A
H uoter and Jumper Show will be presented Jul)
16, featunna two n n15 of horses nddcn Enghsh-
Trophies and nbbons will be gl\tn 10 lhe
winners of the compe11t1011. The deadline to
f'CllSter for the shows rs July I.
For entry forms and more 1nforma11on. phone
the cntf) offi~ 11 7Sl·.FA1R or wnte to: Orange
County Fauvounds. 88 Fair Dnve. Costa Mesa.
~etball abootl.ZIL camp
Des Aood's Bask.etbalr Shoottng Camp.
dir-ccted by Western H1&h School Coach Greg
Hoffman. will run from func 20.24 and June 21.
July I. The camp 1s11 Western H1&h in Anaheim and
isforboys1ndgar1s.qes 10.1/ Thecost1s ~IOO.
and the camp runs from 9 a.m to noon daily
For information or an apphca11on. phone
827-9927 or12~872
Blrd b.Oplag.to Shake slump
Bost on tea m mates
try to even series
behind, 2· 1, 1n the best-of-seven series. Game 4 will be played today 1n
the Silverdome.
percent and Robert Pansh 44. 7
percent. The Boston rncrves ~
averaamg only 11 . 7 points per pme.
PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) -O ne
week after one o( his veatest per·
formances, Larry Bird " strualina
with hisshootinaand denyina rumors
of illness.
"I feel fine, m y state of mind isaood
and rm not discoutl&ecl" the Boston
Celtics' star said Sunday bc(cm
practice at a bi&h school aym near the
Pontiac Silveroome.
Bini's three-pine slump fueled a
perilitent rumor that be bts mo no-
nucleosis or was tested for the illness.
But it was only a week since be scored
20 points and made 9 of 10 shots in
lhe fourth quarter of Boston's
scventh-pme playoff victory over
"Larry looks fine. to me, more
rcitcd than last year," Detroit Coach
Chuck Daly said. "He's j ust waitina
to have a bi& p me. He's capable of 30
or 40 points any time. Just look what
be did in the seventh pme apinst the
"We've been down before and
came bacjl to shoot well." Bird Slld.
"We JUSt have to take the same shots
we ha ve been and hope they start
Bird said the Celucs ~I continue
10 rely on Kevin McHale, averaging
29.8 points and hitting 62. 7 percent
from the field against the Pistons.
"Our best o ption is to get the ball to
Kevin if he is in the right posit ion in
the post." Bird said. "But me and
Robtn and Dennis and Dann) have
tO SCOrt more Or Wt Cl'n 't win .
Ofang9 Co•1 DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 30, 1MI
, •I
Blondie wins Cal Cup agai
race wiped out
by heavy winds
BJ Al.MON LOCK.ABEY .................
The fi fth race of1he California Cup
repu.a was laterally blown out of lbe
water Sunday when 30-knot winds
and four· to SIA·foot seas off Manna
del Re) kept the I I ultrahJht d is.
pla~ment sloops safely 1n then ~nhs at California Yacht Oub
Ba~ on the four races. Pat
Farrah s Santa Crul· 70 Blond1e was
the winner. duplicating htr victory tn
the 1986 (al Cup
C1l1us. the defend1na champion.
v.as the '1c11m of t""o d1squahfica-
11ons after lvJls 1n the second and
fourth rales and "ound up last.
Sk1pix-r C '-' Spencer of Los An·
• geles Yal ht ( lub fouled Drumbeat 10
1he ~cond ract" and Kathmandu in
the lbunh ra<e
C111us "'as the fa, ome this )'Cir
bt.·1.au~ura ne" fractional nswith 10
fC<t adMd to ~ ma)l.
Tb11 wu the third year the Cali·
fom1a Cup has bttn Mllcd by the
ULD8 ma~is, all raun.1 70 fttt It •as
the lhtrd strai&ht win ror designer Bill
Ltt's Sani. Cruz 70-s
Final rcsulu, four races
1. 8 1ondle (SC·70) P11 Farran Lono
8Mdl VC, 12 5 PO•lll•
2 Kathmelldu ISC·701, Bob Doughty,
Cellforr\la YC l• 7S
3 Pvew~ll.•t INM·701, Rov 01,~v eve. 11
• Pandemonium (NM 67) 8 111 Twl,t·
O.s McC.itum, R1chmono YC 20
S Monooos.e 11 ISC.701. Paul S1mo11M>n,
S.11 FranciKO YC 21 7S
6 Orumoee1 I SC· 70> Don A vres Jr
NeWOOl'I Herbor YC 2S
7 Barrecu<la (NM·61J M11Che 11 RouMt
ICYCl 21
• (l\H I•"' P••••\00·'6 01Ck Pen•
111t19lon ILBYC 19
9 Sw1f1~ur• 111 NM·61. C..OrQe
FOIOne< R chard I/ rg •O San D1e90 YC, 31
10 Hot~ Ca·•forro.a ISC·701 JOl\n
Wint~s•M" 111 eve 11
11 C 1,..,, SC 70 C w S~nc.e<
Star Duater triumph•
Strong "ind\ earl\ ~lurda' oar.ht
and Sunda~ morning made 11 a fast
finish for thl· ~Jl'ht'> tn the <. abnllo
As 1f to pro' e that trad111on didn't
count for much Sunday, Howdy
Holmes who se ride ov.ed more to his
famll) 's control of the Jiffy Mix
com~n) than his racing skills or hn
quahfytng speed started dead last in
the field of 31 and v.as su II running at
the end
Dann)' Sull1\an. ho"'ever. was not.
The handsome one-ume New York
Cit} cab dmer "ho parla)ed a 198S
"1ctor) here into a stinl as the reigning
Pla}bo) of the Western World and
appearances on ·~1am1 Vice" and
"Late Night 'W 1th Da' 1d Lettennan:·
led v1rtuall~ throughout the first half
But he kissed the "all on lap 102.
then k1s~ the da> goodbye.
That signaled the beginning of the
battle royak between Penske team·
mates Mears and Al Unser Sr .
Scotsman Jim Crawford a nd Bra·
zahan Emerson F1111pald1.
Mears and Unsn. the defending
champion and himself a four-time
winner. were arguably the best drivers
left. The} unquestionably had the
best cars
On Lap I 09. L nser flattened a
rabbtt -not the dnvmi kind -and
Mears trailed b) enough so that 1he
re mains splattered the face shield on
his helmet
Mears rcla)'ed the inc1den1 via a
radio inside his helmet to owner
Roger Penske in th~ p11 He did not
sa) whether h~ caught the foot. but he
must ha .. e It marked the bcg1nnmgof
L'n~r"s end
On Lap I I 3 Mears and l I nscr went
side b) side n111ng the fourth tum
but \.1ears stood on the pedal longer
down the stra1ghta"a" ~tv.een pit
stops and usmg the rest of the field as
a shield. the~ pla)ed cat-and-mou~
for I 0 morr laps
Three laps later \.1ears stroked his
whiskers. collected his markers and
took control for good
The pole·s1tter had backed off on
the first lap to let Sullivan tale the
lead bttau~ his n~ "as 1n front
Mears ga\.C awa) an earl) lap to the
lealkrs under a ~ello"' flag when he
pmed 10 correct a handling problem
But all that -;talking paid off Wtth a
quarter of the race to go. Me.ars took
ad"antage of a }ellow flag by return·
mg to the pits ~h1le Un~r sta)'ed on
the track. When Mears exited. he was
p1cled up by the pace car as the
leader. effecuvel) putting a lap be·
tween himself and the field
.\nd at tbe end, Rick Mears was
alone . .\lone with this thoushts. alo ne
"'th the fear that all the c~ che
danger. the sheer screwiness m1g.ht
still Jump up and cla1m'f11m too.
Then came exh1larat1on
Beach to Dana Point ~
The 7S.m1lecoune\00k lhcyac
from Los Anaeles around Cat.ali
bland before firustnns otr DI
Po1n1 The late finishers~ hit
JO-knot w1ndt.
Overall wanner was Star Dus
skippered b)· Jerry Gaupell o(
Beach Yacht Oub; «eond
Cursor. JefTFanNell, Newport ff
Yacht Club. and third was B
salver. Stemer and Adams, Lo
Beach Yacht Club.
T roph) winners 1n class:
PHRF·A-1 Siar Dutter,
Gaugnero, se.1 Beedl YC, 2 Curtor,
Ferwell Newl>Of'I Hart>or YC, l .
SllVff, Sle10e<"·A<Sam,, LCln9 a.en V
PHRF·B-1 :U Ce,ral, Jeelt-F
Alt>erl l/ovai>ers YC, 2 Rvtttm, R
Good1og SOull' Bav Yad'lt ltKift9 C~
Tru'' ~ Sam Patrldl, Sl8 YC;
Man,naoroa Dave OwOl<ltin,
Beach YC
PHRF·C-1 Cruwoer Ratlblt,
Desmore vvc 2 French Kiu , 0
Lorentwn CBYC J Hol Foot, &er
Hall S&YRC 4 5,reoa E L D ~...,..._.
Shore 1ne vc
PHRF·D-1 True Luff Cale T
~ CBVC 1 (11,re de Lune, Fre
G•bW" Daria Point YC, J Elan.
Mill\ Bar-a Cor l'lll1a n YC
INDY . • • ,l"romBl
Vogler and should not have
penalized E'en Vogler suppo
that. telling F1tt1paldi. "You
ahead That'\ Y.h) I waved you on.,
F1tt1pald1 !>a1d ··1 was gotna out
the pits and Just at the end of the
wall 11 "as \ello" situation. I look,
to m) nghi and there was no
there Then 10 the first tum. V
pasStd me He wu do:nc a flying
He slowed dov. n in the seconb t
and he "a'cd me back to
"Y.. 1th all Lbc expenence I have
v.ould be real stupid to pass a
under a \Clio" s1tuauon. The offi
no" confirm m) second place."
Fm1pald1 said be was hav1ns pr
lems gemng past Raul Bocscl bcca
of a handling problem
"I think Rick was a good wan
F1rnpald1 said "l thmk I would hJ
g1\ en him a hnJe better ume 1fl
ha' e got ten passed Raul . It w
be nearl~ 1mposSJble to pass Ric"'
Mears 1oolt control of lhe
m1lhon race after passina Unser,
defending champion. for the lead
the 123rd lap.
The shm charyr from Bakcrsfi
the eighth winner of three or ns
races at Ind} pulled awa} sccmiQ
at" 111 after every caution pcnod
he got his car handhng n&ht
He led 89 laps. mclud.Jna the last
Soviet shocks Navratilov
Teen-ager ousts
final U.S. woman
from Frenc h Open-
PARIS (AP) -Soviet teen-ager
Natalia z,ereva won a tenmssummtt
meeting w11h Mamna Navratilova
Sunda). the final blow to the end of a
2S·)car dom10at1on of the French
Open by .t\mencan women.
Amencan men did bener. wilh 18-
year-old And~ .\gasst advancmg to
the final eight on a 6-4. 6-2. 4-6. 6-0
victor) O\er Magnus Gustafsson of
Sweden He became 1he youngest
1J .S. man to make a Grand Slam
auarterfinal 10 the :!0-)'ear-old
;:open .. OQl.
Ovcnlf. II v.as a good da) for
youth Of the eight "inners. five were
18 or younger. and the women's field
has only one quartertinahn ol<kr
than 19
Zvercva. a 17-vear-old from
Minsk, ehmanatcd Navraulova. the
singles lilies and confilknt of reptn·
ing the top "-Omen's ranking as 1he
tournament began. Navratilova said
she was hindered b} the constant!>
changing skies and winds that S"-ept
over Roland Garros. The match was
held up b) rain for abut 40 mmutes.
But she also said she under·
estimated z.,.errva. "horn she had
beaten. 6-1. 6-2. twice before
"!fl pla}ed her ngh1 now. I kno" I
wouldn't lo~ tv.o sets." 1'1a' rat1lo"a
saad. "E'er) time I have a match hke
this I go into the locker room
afterward and sa\. ·1 must be dream·
mg.· rm pinching m)Stlf Ma)' be 11's
not real. But I didn't pla~ the tennis
rm capable of ...
Zvercva said she. too. had tro uble
rtalmng she l\ad beaten a pla .. er
ranked among the greatest e1.er
.. I can't imagine I Y.On toda)," she
said ··1 was so surpn~ I pla)'ed so
luck) toda). not her "
After the upset of scvtn-ume
champion Chns Evert by 16-ynr-old
AranLu Sanchez of Spam on Satur·
da) and Zana Gamson's 6-1. 6-~ los~
to sixth-seeded Helena Sukova. a .B-
)Car-old from CzccbostovakJ.&..
Sunda\ 's first match. Navntilo
loss left the F~nch O pen wom
quarterfinals w1thou1 an Amen
for the first 11me smtt 1963.
In that stretch, Amencans
v.on the women's crown 11 ti
The 31-year-old Navraulova
she might ha'e been subconoo
thmk10& about tht loss of Ev
cloSt fnend and compenion thro
stoned '17.match series. But the
time French Open winner said
E"en-Navrat1lova era would goo
··The era 1s not over yet. The
o'er v.hen I sa\ it's over. not w
>OU SI) it's O\'er." she said ..
result m1fht suggest )'OU are
but therr s an old sa)'lna in C
'Don't hop before }OU JUmp.'
jump the sun. -
bere'a won the French
women's JUn10r title a year IC<>
last ~ear's men's Junior cbam
sprang a surpn~ as ~n on
final U .S. woman in 1he field, 6-3. 7-6. --------------------------_....,. to win a spot 10 the quarterfinals.
Gu1llcnno Perez-Roldan. an
)ear-old Arscntme. upset scco
Sttded Sttfan Edberg. 7-S. 6-3. 6-
"It's not m} idea of aJasnost.' said
Navntilova. who saved two match
points in the t1ebrcak before finishing
the u~t by wackang a backhand
volley into the net.
Tbc wmner of 17 Grand Slam
with your
Bird was 20 for S7 from the field in
the tint th~ pmes of the NBA
Eastern Conference ~ includins 6 for 17 Saturday _.hen Boston lost.
98-94. to the °"roi1 Pistons and ~ll
Bird isn't the only slumpina Celti.cJ'.
Bird hat "'* 3S. l ~perclent of his
shots in the series_ Dennis Johnson
37.2 percent. Danny Ainae 40.S
"The Pisto~ have nobody who can
guard Kevin. He has a mismatch no ,---0--N--1-,"--SJ--9-9--50---1:•.!
mattCT wtio rs g~ing him . If he .. I
keeps hattm& the way he has. we have
'-"'~d; dinner ~tn lut1ngs •nd ads an
·h~ Da ri• Piior' Dtattbool.. ~Tn Fn-
l ------.... • • ~ ' .. "" ... e a ... ,,. ..... .. ' 11 • = . ' • • f ' I . ' ~ -. ' . 0. a • I
I d ... •• ....
.,,........., ,_, ...... .,,...._
c .... ..,,,.. .....
-..-~ -~
to t~101ngtoh1m" FAX-IT!
.._ M TM ...., -Qrp 2 ClilMOllt
L"ltad Stoc• -..._To s.t ~°' 11.ns SEAR$~WARIWfTY
• OMlEJt ar '1HOllE1 Z CA t•nHMl•ISA1-.uH&t4 --,,.....,.., ,......... -... , r.. ,...... .. Jll/1llt-JM1
·-1'm._.CIM FWllt llD _,... IU1 •~ ... It~
,. -vt• '::-~· !'9 :=II
(tt .. _.., -......... , . ..__ A ,._ --., ....... ""* ...... -......... ~ ... --.......... ..,...._ -'"'........ ,..,.,...
(71 .. ) 64.2-4333
FREE OIL .... 11•1•
11111W ca fl.10 Mm ll 1 I CllDI IT 111:
DetrOit Mtlwaukec
8ollon I
...,. DIV1llON
W L Pd. Ga Llt
J4 14 .708 M
14 22 .S22 9 8-2
24 23 .SI 1 9'h 5-S
22 26 .4$8 12 4-6
21 21 .429 ll'h ,_,
20 27 .426 l )Vl 2..S
I 9 lO .388 l S1h 4-6
32 IS .611 7-3
JO 18 .62S 2'h ~
28 19 .S96 4 ~
25 23 .S21 711> S.S
23 22 .s 11 8 4-6
21 28 .'429 12 s-s
10 38 .208 221/i 4-6
Suday'• Scores
Won 5
Won I
Lost 2
Won 2
Lost l
Lost 1
Lost I
Won 1
Lost 2
Los& 3
Won 2
Lost J
Won 1
Won 1
...... ,
13-7 ll-7
14-10 10..Jl
IS.12 9-1 1
10..lS 12-11
10-12 11-16
11-IS 9-12
8-15 11·15
16-8 16-1
14-8 16-10
12-9 16-10
IS·l 1 10..12
14-12 9-10
9-13 12-15
7-16 3-22
Baltimore 3. Aalels 2 Kansas City 12, Texas 1
Milwaukee 7, Cfeveland 2 Oakland S, Boston 4
Toronto 4, Cbicqo 3 New York 7. Seattle 3
Minnesota 6. Detroit 3
Boston (Oemens 7-2) 1t Aasel• (~try 2-3), S: 10 p.m.
Kansas City (l..eibrandt 2-7) at Oeveland (Swindell 9-1 ). 10:35 a.m.
Texas (Russell 3--0) 1t Minnesota (Blylcven 3-4), 11: 15 1. m.
Milwaukee (Hifuera 3-3) 1t Toronto (Clancy 2-5). 4:35 p.m.
New York (Dotson S-1) at Oakland (Welch 8-2), 5 p.m.
Baltimore ('Tibbs 2-1) at SeattJc (lan15ton 4-4). 5:35 p.m.
DMsen Houston
San Francisco
San Diego
St. Louis
Natlonal League
18 .600 6-4
20 .565 I 'h 5-5
25 490 5 5.5
25 .479 5112 4-6
30 .333 12 4-6
31 .354 1 I 'Ji 4-6
15 .681 6-4
19 .604 31/J 6-4
23 .52 1 71/J 6-4
24 .489 9 5-5
24 .478 9'h 5-5
27 400 13 4-6
Suday's Scores
Won I
Won I
Lost 3
Lost 2
Lost I
Won I
Lost 1
Won 2
Won 1
Lost 1
Lost 1
Won 3
Home Away
12-12 IS-6
16-7 10-13
14-13 10..12
12·13 11-12
S-16 10-14
13-15 4-16
Dodgen 2. Montreal 1 St. Louis 3. Atlanta 1
San Diego 6, New York 3 Pittsburgh 4, Ci nci nnati 2
Philadelphia 4, San Francisco 2 Houston 7, Chicago 1
Today'• Games
Doc11en (Leary 4-3) at New York (DarhDf 5-3), 5:05 p.m.
Ptttsburgh (Drabek 4-3) at Atlan&a (P. Sm 1th 1-4), 10: 10 a.m.
Cincinnati (R. Robinson 2-3) at Chicago (Lancaster 2-4). I I :20 a.m
San Francisco (LaCoss 3-4) at Montreal (Martinez 4-6). 4:35 p,m.
San Diego (Whitson J-4) at Philadelphia (Rawley 3-5). 4:35 p.m.
SL Louis (Carpenter I -0") at Houston (Deshaies 3-2). 5:35 p.m.
~ . ' •• ••
Hltfl scMel
Q, "LAYOf''S
(T-..Y"t 0.-. l:lS)
4·A s.rNllMll 8..ene Vl St JOMOll (lA .... OOd) ., o.i
V•lle P8rll.
Fount•ln Vtllev '"' St P•ul 81 H8f'lle~ P•rll
l ·A s.mMMI$
K8ftl>edy .. , Cl\8rl8f' 0.11. •I lt.rroyo 0.11.
V•lenci8 v1 LA Mlr848 •I Cerrllos COll8oe
Wooel0ri008 ,,, ArrO'IO ., Mounteln v ...
CorOM Vl ~ Hllli •I Allele P81'k
..MlBICAll L8AeUm
Ortlll!I It ~ 1 a.au1M01t• uu•o•-. .rll.. .., ...
• 10. khOflld.. • 0. 0
• 1 ' • ... • , 0 • 0
)lit ~i· Jt1t , •.. &...... , ... , • '1 Dwlwledh • 1 1 1
J 0 t t CO.VII rt It 0 0
•••• Helldrdl" ••••
• 0 1 0 Ho..aJI> t 1 I 1 3100 Armad •OOO
1000 llooNC )011 .. 1.
Jl, s, T.-tc... lilf .....
Jt J. J
..._. 1tt -,._, ~ -tit •1-1 ~ WIMIN Rll -~ C•>.
E -Epperd Loe-tl8111mont 1, Callforllla ' J&-lyM, Cltlt*en. Hlt-+4owel (3), Oowfl!N
(7) S8-JoY1*' (3). ·~ • • .... so ....._.
aodcllck8f' w. 2·• • • 1 2 l •
Nltdnfullf S.S 1 ,.. t 0 0 1 I
McC••klft 4 4 I I 0 4
C~~ll 3 0 0 0 2 I
M~onl•t ~l 0 2 0 2 0 Buice 1 1•3 I 0 0 I 0
8ockllcker potc:heel 10 I baller In Hie tt11
Utnl>frft-HOml, Crall, Finl, Gard8, S«:·
ones 8r811'\19811, Third, Scon
T-2 4' A-24..MO.
NATIONAL LB AGUE Ded9en 2. ...... ,
LOS ANG.LIS MOHnt•AL ., .. _. ., .. _.
Sell 21>
MIO.vi' r1 Glt>IOll 11
M8r\lll lb
Sllelbv ct
Sclo•cl• c H•mttnlb
l 0 0 0 lta!Ns " 4 0 I 0 40 10 WtOIWd 4040
lltl ero.irl JO)N
4 0 0 0 Wallldl lb 4 0 I 0
3 1 l 1 G•lerrt lb 4 O o O
l 0 0 0 Folev 2b 4 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 .,,,.,... 3 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 RMCI c 3 1 I 0
3000 Oopsonp 2010 NeltlnPfl 1000
Hfttlelll p 0 0 0 0
• 2 .. 2 T..... J2 1 t 1 Sc_ ........
t.es A,..... 1• 100 eoo-2
MenlYMI 000 000 010-I
G•me w 1nn1n11 Rat -Gll>M>n (4). E-Ge l•rr-OP-Lo• Anotlel 2, MOntrHI
I L09-t.os Anoelet S, Montr..-l S
Hllt-Glbton Ill. SNiOY Cl) Sa-MIO.YIS lSl SF-&roolu
... H ••11t H SO
LM .......
HtolllMr W,7·2 9 t I 0 1
OoolOll L. 1·2 I 4 2 2 • 3
HHl!..8111 1 0 0 0 0 1
UmolrH.-Hom8, D•rllng, Flrlt, T•••. * onct, 08"1$. Tnlrd, Fr~
T-224 A-lS,311
SUNDAY'S 11t•SUl.TI C2Stll el .... ., .__. ... ,__., ,.ST lt.ACI. 611> lurtono\
W•rO'l 0.ywtlcomt ISlbUlel 54 60 21 60 7 40
&ll•tron (e.nderH) IS.lO 6 IO Iron L•rll Min ( PedrOl•) , IO
Time I It
SECOND •ACE. 6 furtonol
F8lr1Y °"*' (Slbltle) 24 ?0 UO 4 00
Pnrnltrt (Grv°"") 1.00 UO
80IO T ootlder ( Plncev I 3 60
Timt I 104 u DAIL y DOUaLIE (4·4) oeld JASS..0
Tit•D ltACI.. 6'i'> 1unon9,
AMoconnor 18tec:kl Slel'lt Arrln l (Otte~.,.,
Mh• Sorlnkltl (St..._)
1010 •OO out
• 00 out
Time. I IU
l1 l.XACT A C•-ll oeld 12UO. f'OURTH •ACE. 6 turtono•
Tlll~d Cef!Wl lDttllYI ISIO 100 SIO
VtrY DouOle ( P9drol8) I 00 4 40
5-1itll Dude (Strttfti) ' UO
Time I IO•
S2 IXACTA (7-6) Mid SIM 60
IJ DAILY Ta~LIE <•+71 oeld S2.MUO
• ..,_.M.ftUIC
emetefy • Mortuary
hapet • Crem11ory
00 Pac1hc View Drove
N~p0tJ Beach J 644 2700
oriuary • Cemeterv
1625 G1Sler Ave
Cost .. Mua
540 555•
NRCI ..OTitE"1
Moftuwy • Cl\epet
110 Br~w1y
Costa Mesa
UO JM tM .. ...
NBA "'8Vtlftl
( ........ Sewfl)
StlMIY"• SC..
Ot llU Ill, L.atien ICM (Seflfl lied. 2·21
TNaV'• G-80,ton •t Oelrolt, noon (0.trolt IHch ~IH.
2 II TlleMav'• O-
Oeli8l •I LAllW1.. •.30 Pm w.......,.. Game
Oetro11 •I Botton. S Pm TtlurMllY's Genw
Lelltn •t Oell81, 6 Pm
Pr1d9V'• G-
80,1on •t O.trolt, 6 om. (If nec.uervl
Setvrdav er SUndlY O•llu •t L.alrer•, 12:30 om (If MC;8\Yrv J
~V'• Gelne
Detroit •t Botton, TIA llf -servl
~veridl1 111, uk.n ,.,.
LAKllltS llMI -Wewlllv l ·lt 2·> 11. Gr.en
S·IO S·S IS, ADclul·J•bber 7·1> 2•2 16, Scolt •·7
2·2 10, Jonn\Oft 10-n 7·7 21. TllOmOton S-12
1-1 11, c-2·S 1-2 6. Rembb g;G H 0.
Tol•n ..... 20-23 ICM DALL.AS (I 11) -Aoulrrt 12·21 0-0 2',
Perkin\ 4·t I I t Oon81$Gn 5·7 0-0 IO, Henitr
12·11 1·1 JS &leekmllft 6·11 l ·l IS, Terp&ey
I· 17 O·O 16 Sctvemllf 1·3 1·4 3. Devt1 2·2 0--0
• Tot•h 50·tl 13 14 Ill
Sew• bv ~ l &k•" -2S. 32 26 21-104 o.n., 23 JJ' JJ ~11•
TtirH ·oolnt 00•1,-H•r-l , Aoulrrt 2,
JoMson. C-Fouled OUI-.._ ...
bOUNh-L•lltn .. <G,,_, 121. Dain •
IT•rPltv Ill "''"'''-l.8llen 27 (JofVl10n 121
0•118• 21 (&IKkrNn Ill Totet foult-l.81ltn
?O, O•n•• 21
(ti ....,.Of._., TrtllMIM)
IC1n•o•l l lOOl>tCI l e"lt Sttwert tTrln~l In
lec:ond mlf'lutt of flftll round of KtledlAed 12·
round 1'9ht 10 ci.ftnd WOftd &oxlno councn tlt18
(L•IOnde I• 31·2 with 26 knockout\, Slew•rt Is
2'·3 with 11 11.nOCkOUltl.
MtOOLEWEIGHTs-lt•mon Aoe1C1anO (Ar·
oentln8l won unen•movs 12-round Oeelslon Ollt" Anlhonv Loo•n IJemelcel 10 win vec.nt Con·
tin.ntet of A,.,,...IC8 fttlt
.,,,. aaaee ....... t ••
l'""'9dll ....... .... ... ,.. ,..
lftdleA1Ullt M , .... ~. *'*9 .........
lft •a II I •· NmllDMI ......... __.,,
Cit ........ c:NIM.,....., .......... "' ,..... .., ..,,, .... cem.111 ...... ,..... ..,
-----~--. ........ .. UflOMttlll Ulllt -.... _., U.S. ,.,,,._ 0. et t
a.m. UT 1MIY, •·••Ill; 1. •ldl MMtt m . ..........,, No. 1.
Ptnlllt-Olt¥Y \it ,.....,, .. llA t IE,,.MI\ ,.,........, Cl), lr .. M, No, JO,
~<Mvv "'· -..... NMflle , Al UMer (11. ~ • .s-• '· --.-0.W VI, '" ..._ l'UllWW " MkhMI ~ (10), NNWtlll. .........
11, MIWCll·C•wontl, "' '-"• ~ s. lobbY •.nt1 ( 1'). Dl*lft; atllO .... 4,
L.AM•Judd, ,,. ..... f'llMlnl,
6. Jim CllWford Cltl. SconMcl, No. IS, 1"7
L.AM~~ v,, 1't ..... ruMllW.
1 •eut ...... , ••• lrul, No. ........
C:0.*0'1tl. "' ..... """*-
. L ""' ic,,,..., cm, ...... ''"'-Ne. '7, "" Mtlrd\-CO.wwth. ,,. ...... """""'
' QICk Simon lit>. C..-"-leedl. No. tt, LOle-Cotwortt\, 1H ..... r~,
10. Arie LWr.!C!Yk (6). Hellllf'lendl, No, 7,
LGle·Cot-tll, tf6 ~. rUMlftt,
11 Ktvln Co4Jen C IJ), PIWK V.,dft, No. 11,
M8rcll-Cotwortt\, ltS .. Pt. rUIWllM
12 HowdV HolrnM (33), AM Anor, Mid\.,
No tl, MIWC:trCot-'11, "2 a.., "'""'"9.
1J AJ UftMr Jr tSl. ~. No.,,
Merell·Chevv vt. Ito 1811'1, rumlfte. l4 • .... v~ovldl tit (231. CMll"MOld, Cetlf., No. 56. Maf'Cll·Co1wort11, 17' aw., rwt·
IS. lt8110Y Lewll ( 111. HltlMlof"ouOf\, No. 24,
LOle·CCKworttl, 115 ..... runnlne.
16. ltldl Vo;W CH), ll\dl.er1pella, No. It, 1"7 Mllfdl·CotWOt'ltl, 159 18o1, acddlnt.
17 lt·•octtv ,,,_.,. (21), P•..-.. No. •· 1'M Maf'd'l-Cotwortl\, ISi left, 91111n1.
11 •·Dominic OooSOft (21), s-n., No. "· 1tt1 Lol•·Cotworlll, 145 lePt, IOH of cootent.
lt lt·Tero P•tmrolll (H), F!Nend, No. 23,
Lole-cot-111, 1'3 teM, ~
20 Mmflo Alldretlt l'l. Neurell\, .-._, No.
6, LOle•Clltvv VI, 111 181>1. elletrlcel.
21 •·JoM ..._.." cm. 1~. No.
"· LGle·Cotwortll, ll4 leP\, ..n.~ n. JcltlmY ltU!Mrford C30t, Fon Mntl, No.
17, Lol•·Bulc:li V6. 107 leln, creSll.
23. Dannv 5'1111ven (21,.,L.oul•vhll, Kv .. No
9, Ptnike·Olevv \'1, IOI laM, CT8Sll.
24 Steve Cllenev (261, Cermet. Incl., No. lS,
1917 M8rctt-Cotworlll, 73 laPI. crtSll.
2S Ludw'9 Htlnvetll Jr (lll. CAMde. No
71. Lole·Coswortll, st 18oi, cr•ill. 26 A.J FoY1 (22). Houston. No 14, 1''1
Lole-Cotwortl\, S4 lePI. cr8"'
%1 Tom ~· 1141. Peredhe V.....,, Arla .. No 11, Lole-Judd, )2 leot, Cl'Hll.
21 Teo F•bl cm, ll•ty. No a. /Nrcti· Poocr..., lO .. Pl. cr•lll
2' Oeretl o.iv (ti, trtlel\cl, No 10, Lola·
Cosworttl, ll 181>1, ~· lO SIM Foa (1tl. Jenesv ... WI• • No ....
I ... Mmfctl·C......, V6, 2 ~. l\altWfl
l l Scoll &r8Yton 111. Coldw•l8f', Mlc:ll , No
'1. Lola·8uldl, 0 leot, cruh. l2 •obW!o Guerrero (12), COlotne>le, No 2,
Lole·CMWOf"', 0 leot, Cl'8tl\. 33. TOiiy hltenheuwn (241. ~i.. No.
1', Lol8·Cotworlll. 0 lePI, Crttll.
Time of r-l llOurt. 77 "*"'-· lU
MConch w._., •wr..-144.IOf mPft.
•tcorct-170722 mllfl, lobOv •-*· lM
LAP lffderl-o.MY Sulllvtn, t1 lePI. •1c:t1 """"· n leo., At l,lnMr, 12 ~. Jim Crewtord, I leP•.
Memera.I '9umament
( ., Duellll. ONe,
Curll• Slr•ft08. Sl60,000 13.70-..,_.7
2'14 Devtd FrMt, 71.220 .,.~ • .,
H•lt trw 111, 71.220 10-61•·10
Jofwl Hv\ton, )t, I IS
Ando'ew MHM. )t, 115
• ............. 1 LaMtr .......... . --~.Mal =...._ .... ,
"9dl.MMt , ,....... """"'·.. ..
o. ......... .. "'°'···'" .............. ,,.
Jerllvn arlla, 13,112
Tr1ill JofW!Mfl, •"21
Vldll Ftr90fl, U.20
.... .Jonft. •.620
Ptlll ltluo, Ult
Amv Aleotl, Utf
Allee •ttamen, >.-
Lori Getbeca, 3.Atf
L.eurl .... en.on. 3.All CollMft w.-er. 3.Att
.. -..
SeMer'I ttumament
(et AllM191,....) .. lob Olerlet ... 1.250
Orvllt Mooftol 2U50
Don&* 17,t7S
.... lolh 17,'75
TOIN'llY Aenlll 10,IOO
Don MesMnNl8 •.110 G.w Mltchel 6,110
L.ou Qrlfltm UIO
aoo--.u10 •• ., 8"11o 6,710
Ari Wtl6,710
Clleftlt Stffofd6, 1l0
(et Pwlil)
M9N ·v .................
i§ ,. .. ,,....
"".........., 7.-.J•71•'11 n+n-n ... ,..n·n ,..,......n ,, ....... ,.
1 .. n-n• .,,., .. , .....
•n-n-n ,..,.....,.
n-11-11-41 10-1s-n-n n·n·,..n ,....1..-11-n 71 • .,..,....n ,,_.n-1•
7)-"'°JHt ,, ..... 1)·1'
,._,, .... n 11-61·'1-n
1•10-a-n ....... ,..,.
7Hf-,,... 71 ......... ,. ... ,, . .,,_n
•t-70-77-10 70-10--16-70 1•_.,..,..n n-1' ... ·n
71 ...... 11-15
...... .,
6'-61·11 ,,...,.71 , ........
6t-73·71 1•-n-'1 , ... ,, . .,
10-11-n ,. .. ,.n •n-n n...,.n
7S·7MI 11-12-11
Anclrt ANHI CU S.I dlf. ~ GutlebllOll
(Sweden), 6-4, 6--2. •·6. 6-0, ~ P9rea·
ltolidtn IArlelltlnel def ~ Eclber'9
tSwedel\l, 7·S. •·l. 6--l. Mell WllMIMr (Sweden) dflf lt-10 A911f'« (Hllltll, 6·1, 71,
6·3, Emlllo s.nct1t1 CSHllll dflf. Y8Mldl Noall
CFrt.-l, 4·6. 6-l, 7·6, •·2.
WOMmN , .................
Netttle z...,...,, (Soviet Unlolll dllf. Mllr'llM
N8YTllllo¥• (U.S.), 6-), 7-6, Heline U.ow (Caecnoslonkle) def ZlM Oerrltoll (U.S.), .. 1,
6·2, NlaMI ~vlf'(Aullrtlle) dlf. Svt\lle t4Wllka
(Wftt Gwmeny), 1 ... 1·•. ArellfQ ~ CSHlll> def. C.ttwlnl Tenvler <Frence>, .-2.
H .
CALL 842-5878
'.;.5, ·,..,:. ...
.:~ • 1-
.i ' •
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t • ~·.q
.. • • 1_,, \
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~-,..,,.,,,,.. .... ~~ ..
: -•' I~·
..rt• -. ,,., ... ....
tlf • •• .
,.. .. ~ • . .. J
"'d-.. :'> ": . ., '
'I • ,. •
'/~ :. . . ,. . .
•NEWPORT CAUf. 38A 21"8A condo, 2 car ger.
tenni.. W9llt to beed\.
S15IO. (213) 427-11Je
2 Bedroomt. petto. "° peta. 141-S77t, , •••• ,. ...... U17
Of~ Coat OAll..Y PILOT/Monday, May 30, 1 ..
--4 llnes 7 days-
Pr1v&tt ~ only. Mo Reel I 0 80 Estate, COnvNrcMI, Auto-
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*Poof •vtew **Waterfront
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6«-9060 $329,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5
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IOll'S Ill!
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759-6600 $599,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5
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6 BR plus FAI RI or DEi
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Eli-pm, ~ hn!iw ....... It liH C'tw. [ttra
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CALL 142-4531 EXT. 205
bl Third \\brld oountries. hun-
dreds of thousands of chtldren
are in des~te need ci food .
clothing, medical care-the
basics of life. ThC$C ~ and ~are even denied the
opportunity m attend school.
Motor Routes
available in
Costa -Mesa
Huntington Beach
Fountain Valley
Deliver One Day a Week -
Must have dependable car
and proof of insurance.
Call 842-1444
Ask for Joanne Craney
COAK ~· M~
·ITAllT llOW· .
II te IS Ye•a Old
Ot.nge COllll OAJLY PILOT/Mondey, M., 30, 1911 ..
• ''", ><Al~l'"JI ~' wO
CO,,& Ml '·A ~.J. cin1ei
'llmlf•IT 5 llP9ed. ~ .... ~
rool. custom ....
(2GRV021) .....
: f), ..;at&•_,., el.~;
rc.•,Ta. AAt "& •,1, ·14 •
A Great Place To Work.I
TafVM Is one of the lalvest and most successful upscale dcscounters 1n the United States -and we·,.
growing! Exciting expans!Ofl plans include the opening of a new Target stc>f'9 1n
We tnvtte energetic and ambitious 1ndividuats -hke you -to consider the t0Uow1ng po5'ti0ns
•Cl ... lf
• Merchandise Attendant
Aec.tvlng Clerical
Plilrbms dencal and paperwork functions fOf
merchancftSe reoeMtd by the store Matflta1ns store
recorda ot recetV9d merchandise. prepares
Merchendlae Clerical
Plfbn• derical and paperwork functions tor
men:handi8e inventory and for store management
Figure aptitude and attention to deta11 are
Dode Per8on ~ and cMcks au 1ncom1ng merchandise..
comf2lltl~. Moves merchandise trom
doCb to NCeMng room. .
=:"'Md~~~ layouts. potnt-0-
.. ligr*'9 and •ldcaps according '° merc:NindlM P'WntlttOn guidanee Coordinates
and MIPll ¥1111 WOf'k of ~m employw
CMtt CoUritir Counlia .,,.. C8lh ,.,..-=ce.peoDta.i:s. ,,,.,_ necessary
~W!Ofk. Figure IJIC!tude ~
et.ve8ecll~ ~ rwdlelldile and PfiPl'WOl'k tor rerum .,.._. to "91'1dof• and ~ .,.,,...,.,
Store Detecttw
Apprehends shophfters. wntes 10Y8Stigatt0n repof'tS
and maintains secunty and propeny
Sales Floor Speci•llst
Responlfbfe tot merchandlSlng and custome<
seMCe for sates noor department AssurM stock
levels are ma1nta1ned, sets and takes down ads
SMCk Bar Manager
Manages fast'i)llOed hm1ted met1u anedt bar.
Pfew>us NS1aurant or fast fOOd supeMSOry
81lP"flenc9 IS required
Count/Price Ch•nge
$uperv1MS updaM of 1rwenl0fy counts, assu,..
pnce changes are made
. --.,_ .. ·T. . ~T~"l
All •I A@. PllFll ... i't .. _.. .... ~!!l:I ?....., fft .. Wlld Alt....., Qs' a....._ 1IEJ•r .i11111 .. -.11t
• . ·.
ServiCe ..
1-800-831-33n 114-380-~200
· SERVICE . ,,
Open Sat. .
··T~RLING 540~9100
2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
Auto.._ Dr .. Senta AM 1354171
·Newport/55 Frwy. at Edinger
7 SeMc9 Hours: Mon.-Frt. 7am-10pm
... ..... ~. •;I
I -.. . .
• • -l~·t.~ .. '
''OAANGE~ QUll1&.W80, THE ..:o..ls•• . . -
4t (714)'540~13
2&e0 HAA80A avb. • COSTA MESA 1
405 Frwy, East 1 Block to
6633 Weetmlnster Ave, Westminster
714/849-8333 1-800/26-CHEVY
t1 FWY.
You too,, can' get your
• · Dealershlf> noticed
Your ad will co~ out th~r~e tfm~s p~r
week tor sao.oo -·color l'reet
c.lf714f 642~J21
and a Sales Rep wit a.I you.
. ..
445 [.Cent ..... , ....... ....
(bttw•• .. ,... ...... ) (71') 17J.Otll
Servill6 Oro"# Cou~ty ~vu 20 yea •
2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
• 540-9100
8882 Mancheatler BoWc¥ard
Buena Pll:rk
-13 211or7~,M-"' •-""-p M-F7a~p ..-........ Where 1-15 and 1·9 l~ Sat. 8a-2p
2128 Harbor Btvd., Costa Mela
• low ''lcea • No G1mmid11 • CMMt Selection
• ftiendly '•ople • bcelt.nt s.,vice
11125 IMdl leYlo•d ............
(714) 142·"'' • (211) Jft.1461
Thse De.aPns rue aeu. to tJ.1l
~ allt~ ..eeds. CkcR tat.
.ap f)ol ti tocdti'*9
. '