HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_Jabara Mixed-Use Development Coastal Development Permit and Minor Site Review_PA2018-090SUBJECT: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT SITE LOCATION: APPLICANT: OWNER: PLANNER: July 26, 2018 Agenda Item No. 2 Jabara Mixed -Use Development (PA2018-090) • Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-039 • Minor Site Development Review No. SD2018-001 509 31st Street Laidlaw Schultz Architects Gary Jabara David S. Lee, Assistant Planner (949) 644-3225, dlee@newportbeachca.gov W_1 � U1*1 =V_1 ki 1 •T�eL 11► V • General Plan: MU -H4 (Mixed -Use Horizontal) • Zoning District: MU-CV/15th St (Mixed -Use Cannery Village/15th St) • Coastal Land Use Category: MU -H (Mixed Used Horizontal) • Coastal Zoning District: MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed -Use Cannery Village/151h Street) PROJECT SUMMARY A coastal development permit (CDP) and minor site development review to demolish an existing two-story mixed-use building and construct a two-story, mixed-use development. The proposed structure includes a 2,711 -square -foot artist's studio at the ground floor and a 1,103 -square -foot, residential unit on the second floor. The development also includes a 478 -square -foot, two -car garage for the residential use and three covered parking spaces for the artist's studio use. The project includes hardscape, landscape, and drainage facilities. The design complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-039 and Minor Site Development Permit No. SD2018-001 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 03/13/2018 2 Jabara Gallery Mixed -Use Development (PA2018-090) Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 2 Land Use and Development Standards • The property is located in the MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed -Use Cannery Village/15th Street) Coastal Zoning District, which provides for mixed-use development and is consistent with the City's Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a two-story mixed-use building. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with one- and two-story, commercial and mixed-use structures. There are several structures in the immediate area that are similar in height at two -stories. Additionally, the Cannery Lofts development consisting of three-story mixed-use buildings is located near the project to the southeast. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development in the Cannery Village area. The project has been designed such that it will be compatible with the scale of expected future development in the area. The proposed development has 0.48 floor area ratio (FAR) for nonresidential uses and 0.28 FAR for residential uses totaling 0.76 FAR for a mixed-use development consistent with the MU -H4 land use category. The commercial FAR meets the minimum 0.25 FAR and is less than the maximum 0.50 FAR. The residential FAR does not exceed the maximum 1.00 FAR. • A total of five parking spaces are provided. Two spaces would be within a 478 - square -foot garage accessed from the alley. Three covered parking spaces (including one disabled parking space) that are accessed from the alley will also be provided. Parking for the proposed development complies with the parking requirements of two enclosed parking spaces for the single -residential unit and three guest/customer parking spaces for the artist's studio component at a ratio of one space for every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. The proposed mixed-use development and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Tmple 04/03/18 Jabara Gallery Mixed -Use Development (PA2018-090) Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 3 Table 1 — MU-CV/151 Street Development Standards Development Standard Requirement Proposed Setbacks min. Front 0 feet 2 feet 6 inches Sides 0 feet 0 feet Rear 10 feet 10 feet Floor Area Ratio FAR Nonresidential 1,395 square feet (min) (0.25 FAR) 2,790 square feet max 0.5 FAR 2,711 square feet (0.48 FAR) Residential 5,580 square feet (max.) 1.0 FAR 1,581 square feet 0.28 FAR Residential Open Space min. Common 75 square feet per unit 225 square feet Private 5% of gross area for each unit 86 SF 225 square feet Parkin min. Residential 2 -car garage 2 -car garage Commercial (Studio) 1/1,000 of gross commercial floor area 3 spaces) 3 spaces Height max. Flat roof/railing 26 feet 26 feet Sloped roof 31 feet 31 feet Hazards • The development is located on an inland property in a developed area more than 300 feet from the bay. The project site is separated from the bay (the nearest body of water) by Lafayette Avenue and an existing parking lot abutting the bay. The finished floor elevation of the first floor for the proposed structure is 9.00 feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00 -foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures. The identified distances from the coastal hazards areas coupled with the 9.00 -foot (NAVD88) finish floor elevation, will help to ensure the project is reasonably safe for the economic life of the structure. • The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. Tmple 04/03/18 Jabara Gallery Mixed -Use Development (PA2018-090) Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 4 Water Quality The project site is located more than 300 feet from the bay. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City's storm drain system. Public Access The project site is located on the Balboa Peninsula within the Cannery Village area. The project site is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. The site is developed with a single -story commercial building and private parking lot. The site does not currently provide any views or access to/along the shoreline. Vertical access to the bay front is available along 31 st Street in front of the project site. Lateral access along the bay is available via the Rhine. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view or access opportunities on the site. The project site is not located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. The project is located on an inland lot and will replace an existing nonresidential structure with a new mixed- use structure (i.e., nonresidential) that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing and anticipated future neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. The project will improve an underutilized property in a predominately mixed-use area, which will in turn help to enhance the visual quality of the Coastal Zone for visitors and residents. • There are two existing street parking spaces along the frontage of the project site. Vehicular access to the project site will remain from the alley. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in the loss of street parking for public use. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Tmple 04/03/18 J Jabara Gallery Mixed -Use Development (PA2018-090) Zoning Administrator, July 26, 2018 Page 5 The Class 3 exemption applies to the construction of apartments, duplexes, and similar structures designed for not more than six dwelling units in urbanized areas. The proposed mixed-use development is consistent with all requirements of the Class 3 exemption, as it contains one commercial tenant space and one residential unit on an existing nonresidential site. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City's certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: David S. Lee. ssistant Planner JM/dl Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans Tmple 04/03/18 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 03/13/2018 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2018-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2018-039 AND MINOR SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. SD2018-001 TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING MIXED-USE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCT A NEW MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 509 31ST STREET (PA2018-090) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Laidlaw Schultz Architects on behalf of Gary Jabara, with respect to property located at 509 31St Street, requesting approval of a coastal development permit and minor site development review. 2. The Property is legally described as Parcel 1 of Block 530 of Resubdivision No. 591 in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 136, Page 8, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. 3. The Applicant proposes the demolition of an existing two-story mixed use building and construction of a two-story mixed-use development that includes an artist's studio on the first floor and a residential unit on the second floor. The Project includes hardscape, landscape, and subsurface drainage facilities. The design complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. 4. The subject property is located within the MU-CV/15 Street (Mixed -Use Cannery Village and 15 Street) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Mixed Use Horizontal 4 (MU -1-14). 5. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is MU -H (Mixed Use Horizontal). 6. A public hearing was held on July 26, 2018, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This Project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303 and Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New 12-21-2017 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 2 of 13 Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Class 3 exemption applies to apartments, duplexes, and similar structures designed for not more than six dwelling units in urbanized areas. The proposed mixed-use development is consistent with all requirements of the Class 3 exemption, as it contains one mixed-use development on an existing nonresidential site in Balboa Village. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Coastal Development Permit In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area ratios, setbacks, height, open space, and parking. a. The maximum gross floor area allowable for residential uses is 5,580 square feet (i.e., floor area ratio [FAR] of 1.0). The proposed gross floor area for residential use is 1,581 square feet (0.28 FAR). b. The minimum gross floor area allowable for nonresidential uses is 1,395 square feet (i.e., FAR of 0.25) and the maximum allowable is 2,790 square feet (i.e., FAR of 0.50). The proposed gross floor area of the nonresidential use is 2,711 square feet (0.48 FAR). c. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 0 feet along the front property line abutting 31 sc Street, 0 feet along each side property line, and 10 feet along the rear property line abutting the alley. d. The highest guardrail is 26 feet from established grade (9.00 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is 31 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. e. The project includes a two -car garage for residential use, and three covered guest/commercial parking spaces for the artist studio component at a ratio of one space for every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Therefore, the project will comply with the minimum parking requirements. 12-21-2017 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 3 of 13 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with one- and two-story, commercial and mixed-use structures. There are several structures in the immediate area that are similar in height at two -stories. Additionally, the Cannery Lofts development consisting of three- story mixed-use buildings is located near the project to the southeast. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development in the Cannery Village area. 3. The Project has been designed such that it will be compatible with the scale of expected future development in the area. 4. The development is located on an inland property in a developed area more than 300 feet from the bay. The project site is separated from the bay (the nearest body of water) by Lafayette Avenue and an existing parking lot abutting the bay. The finished floor elevation of the first floor for the proposed structure is 9.00 feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.00 - foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures. The identified distances from the coastal hazards areas coupled with the 9.00 -foot (NAVD88) finish floor elevation, will help to ensure the project is reasonably safe for the economic life of the structure. 5. The Property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 6. The project site is located more than 300 feet from the bay. The Project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City's storm drain system. 7. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought -tolerant species. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the Project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. 12-21-2017 J Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 4 of 13 Fact in Support of Finding: The project site is located on the Balboa Peninsula within the Cannery Village area. The project site is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. The existing site is developed with a two-story mixed-use building and private parking lot. The site does not currently provide any views or access to/along the shoreline. Vertical access to the bay front is available along 31st Street in front of the project site. Lateral access along the bay is available via the Rhine. 2. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view or access opportunities on the site. The project site is not located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas. The project is located on an inland lot and will replace an existing nonresidential structure with a new mixed-use structure (i.e., nonresidential) that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing and anticipated future neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. 3. The project will improve an underutilized property in a predominately mixed-use area, which will in turn help to enhance the visual quality of the Coastal Zone for visitors and residents. Site Development Review In accordance with Section 20.52.080.E (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: C. Allowed within the subject zoning district. Fact in Support of Finding: The subject property is located within the MU-CV/15 Street Zoning District, which allows multi -unit dwelling units, nonresidential uses and/or mixed-use (commercial/residential) structures; where the ground floor is restricted to nonresidential uses along the street frontage. Residential uses and overnight accommodations are allowed above the ground floor and to the rear of uses along the street frontage. Mixed uses or nonresidential structures are required on lots at street intersections. The proposed development is a mixed-use development with commercial use on the ground floor, residential use on the second floor, and is allowed within the subject -zoning district. 12-21-2017 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 5 of 13 Finding: D. In compliance with all of the applicable criteria identified subsection [20.52.080](C)(2)(c): i. Compliance with this Section, the General Plan, the Zoning Code, any applicable specific plan, and other applicable criteria and policies related to the use or structure; ii. The efficient arrangement of structures on the site and the harmonious relationship of the structures to one another and to other adjacent development; and whether the relationship is based on standards of good design; iii. The compatibility in terms of bulk, scale, and aesthetic treatment of structures on the site and adjacent developments and public areas; iv. The adequacy, efficiency, and safety of pedestrian and vehicular access, including drive aisles, driveways, and parking and loading spaces; V. The adequacy and efficiency of landscaping and open space areas and the use of water efficient plant and irrigation materials; and vi. The protection of significant views from public right(s)-of-way and compliance with Section 20.30. 100 (Public View Protections). Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property as Mixed Use Horizontal 4 (MU -H4), which is intended to provide for multi -family residential, general or neighborhood commercial, and/or mixed-use structure; where the ground floor shall be restricted to nonresidential uses along the street frontage and the rear and upper floor uses for residential, including senior residential units and overnight accommodations. Mixed-use or commercial buildings shall be required on parcels at street intersections. The mixed-use development shall have floor area to land area (FAR) ratio of 1.5; where a minimum FAR ratio of 0.25 and maximum 0.5 shall be used for retail uses and a maximum of 1.0 for residential. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan designation in that: a. The proposed project is designed as a vertically -integrated mixed -used structure, located on 31St Street between Villa Way and Lafayette Avenue. The Project will be occupied by a nonresidential use on the ground floor and a residential use will be located above the ground floor. b. The proposed development has 0.48 FAR for nonresidential uses and 0.28 FAR for residential uses totaling 0.76 FAR for a mixed-use development consistent with the MU -H4 land use category. 2. The proposed development complies with the MU-CV/15 Street Zoning District development standards of FAR, building setbacks, public and private open spaces, building height, and parking in that: a. The proposed development has 0.48 floor area ratio (FAR) for commercial use and 0.28 FAR for residential use. The commercial FAR meets the minimum 0.25 FAR and is less than the maximum 0.50 FAR. The residential FAR is less than 12-21-2017 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 6 of 13 the maximum 1.0 FAR. Together, the proposed project has 0.76 FAR for mixed- use development. b. The proposed development complies with the required setbacks of 0 feet for the front, 10 feet for the rear and 0 feet for each side. The proposed development consists of a 2 -story building at 31 feet in height which is in compliance with the 26/31 height allowance. The proposed development provides a total of 225 square feet of common open space, where a minimum of 75 square feet is required per residential unit; and a total of 225 square feet of private open space where a minimum of 86 square feet (5% of gross floor area) is required per residential unit. e. A total of five parking spaces are provided. Two spaces would be within a 478 - square -foot garage accessed from the alley. Three covered parking spaces (including one disabled parking space) will also be provided that are accessed from the alley. Parking for the proposed development complies with the parking requirements of two enclosed parking spaces for the single -residential unit and three guest/customer parking spaces for the artist studio component at a ratio of one space for every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. 3. The proposed site layout provides efficient and direct vehicular access from an existing alleyway. Adequate pedestrian access and path of travel to the building will be provided from the existing sidewalk abutting 31St Street. The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the site plan, proposed improvements, and parking configuration subject to the conditions of approval. 4. The subject property is not located at or near a public view point or corridor as identified in the General Plan Figure NR3 (Coastal Views); and therefore, is in compliance with Section 20.30.100 (Public View Protections). Finding: E. Not detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed development. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, as well as all City ordinances and conditions of approval. 2. The Project has been conditioned to ensure that potential conflicts with surrounding land uses are minimized to the extent possible to maintain a healthy environment for both businesses and residents. 12-21-2017 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 7 of 13 3. The proposed project includes two enclosed parking spaces for the residential unit and three open parking spaces for the nonresidential use, which comply with the parking requirements for mixed-use, pursuant to the Municipal Code Section 20.40.040 (Off - Street Parking). 4. The proposed project design includes more than the minimum required private open spaces for the residential unit as required by the MU-CV/15 Street Zoning District Mixed - Use zoning district. 5. There are two existing street parking spaces along the frontage of the project site. Vehicular access to the project site will remain from the alley. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in the loss of street parking for public use. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-039 and Minor Site Development Review No. SD2018- 001, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City's certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 2018. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 12-21-2017 i3 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Page 8 of 13 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (Project -specific conditions are in italics) Planning Division The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-039 and Minor Site Development Review No. SD2018-001 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 3. A total of five parking spaces which consist of a two -car garage and three covered parking spaces shall be provided and maintained at all time. 4. The applicant shall prepare a written disclosure statement prior to sale, lease, or rental of a residential unit in the proposed mixed-use development consistent with Section to Owners and Tenants) of the Municipal Code. 5. The finished first floor elevation for interior living areas (commercial area on the ground floor) shall be raised to at least 9.00 (NA VD 88) as the proposed development is located in a low-lying area prone to flooding. 6. The non-residential space shall be utilized for an artist's studio or any use with an equivalent parking ratio of 1 space per 1,000 square feet or less. 7. The Project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 8. The Applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit and Minor Site Development Review. 9. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Site Development Review or the processing of a new Site Development Review. 10. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of building permits. 12-21-2017 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 9 of 13 11. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Site Development Review file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this action and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. These landscape plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 13. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 14. The site shall be in compliance with Zoning Code Section 20.30.070. If in the opinion of the Community Development Director, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources, the Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 15. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 16. All noise generated by the proposed development shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: 17. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the 12-21-2017 15 Between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 17. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the 12-21-2017 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 10 of 13 current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 18. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise -generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday. Noise -generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 19. All trash shall be stored within the designated areas as approved by Community Development Department and screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. 20. The Applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self-contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 21. Storage outside of the building, in the front, side or at the rear of the property shall be prohibited. 22. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Jabara Mixed -Use Development including, but not limited to Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-039 and Minor Site Development Review No. SD2018- 001 (PA2018-090). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The Applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Fire Department 23. Fire sprinkler system shall be required to be a NFPA 13 system due to the mixed occupancy. 24. Dumpsters with an individual capacity of 200 gallons or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines per California Fire Code (CFC) Section 304.3.4. 12-21-2017 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 11 of 13 25. Vertical or horizontal separations between occupancies will be required as per CBC 508.4.4. 26. Garages shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by means of gypsum board, not less than % inch in thickness, applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than a 5/8 inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent and % inch gypsum board applied to structures supporting the separation from habitable rooms above the garage. Door opening between a private garage and the dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1318 in thickness, or doors in compliance with Section 716.5.3 with a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors shall be self-closing and self -latching per CBC Sec. 406.3.4.1. 27. A fire flow needs to be determined for the structure. Refer to Fire Department Guideline (available on city web site) B.01.CFC 507.3. 28. Solar photovoltaic system must be installed as per Newport Beach Guideline D.04. The guideline establishes solar tile placement to allow for safe walking surfaces for firefighters on roofs to provide ventilation opportunities in the event of a fire. Building Division 29. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City - adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 30. The applicant shall employ the following best available control measures ("BACMs") to reduce construction -related air quality impacts: Dust Control • Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. • Cover all haul trucks or maintain at least two feet of freeboard. • Pave or apply water four times daily to all unpaved parking or staging areas. • Sweep or wash any site access points within two hours of any visible dirt deposits on any public roadway. • Cover or water twice daily any on-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material. • Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. Emissions • Require 90 -day low-NOx tune-ups for off road equipment. • Limit allowable idling to 30 minutes for trucks and heavy equipment Off -Site Impacts • Encourage carpooling for construction workers. • Limit lane closures to off-peak travel periods. • Park construction vehicles off traveled roadways. 12-21-2017 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 12 of 13 • Wet down or cover dirt hauled off-site. • Sweep access points daily. • Encourage receipt of materials during non -peak traffic hours. • Sandbag construction sites for erosion control. Fill Placement • The number and type of equipment for dirt pushing will be limited on any day to ensure that SCAQMD significance thresholds are not exceeded. • Maintain and utilize a continuous water application system during earth placement and compaction to achieve a 10 percent soil moisture content in the top six-inch surface layer, subject to review/discretion of the geotechnical engineer. Public Works 32. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 33. Reconstruct the concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter along the 31st Street project frontage per City Standard. 34. Curb drains shall be installed per City Standard STD -184-L. 35. No above ground improvements shall be installed within the 10 -foot alley setback. The 10 -foot alley setback shall be constructed of a drivable surface. 36. Each unit (residential and commercial) shall be served by its individual water meter, sewer lateral and cleanout. Each water meter and sewer cleanout shall be installed with a traffic -grade box and cover. Water meter and the sewer cleanout shall be located within the Public right-of-way. 37. An encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right-of-way. 38. In case of damage done to public improvements surrounding the development site by the private construction, additional reconstruction within the public right-of-way could be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 39. All on-site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality requirements. 40. All unused water services to be abandoned shall be capped at the main (corporation stop) and all unused sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be capped at property line. If the sewer lateral to be abandoned has an existing cleanout, abandonment shall include removal of the cleanout riser, the 4TT box and the wye. Sewer lateral shall then be capped where the wye used to be. 41. The existing public on -street parking spaces shall be protected in place. 42. Parking is prohibited on slopes greater than 5 percent. 12-21-2017 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2018-### Paqe 13 of 13 43. No encroachments shall be permitted within the public right of way. 12-21-2017 19 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 03/13/2018 20 VICINITY MAP s %-;b '0 a w 4. 1 lir Coastal Development Permit No. CD2018-039 Minor Site Development Permit No. SD2018-001 PA2018-090 509 31 st Street 03/13/2018 �� 1 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 03/13/2018 22 Conditions of Approval Magnetic North • Fire sprinkler system will be required to be a NFPA 13 system Project North • Dumpsters with an individual capacity of 200 gallons or more shall not be ICID Z stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet of combustible walls, openings or 52 s.f. combustible roof eave lines per CFC Section 304.3.4 I • Vertical and horizontal separations between occupancies required per CBC Elevations 508.4.4. Sections • Garages shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by means ` of gypsum board, not less than Y2 inch in thickness, applied to the garage side. Renderings Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable MOM rooms above by not less than a % inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent ( 1 and Y2 - inch gypsum board applied to structures supporting the separation �dJ from habitable rooms above the garage. Door opening between a private Topographic Survey garage and the dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than I % inches in thickness, or Preliminary Landscape Plan doors in compliance with Section 716.5.3 with a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors shall be self-closing and self -latching. CBC 406.3.4.1. • A fire flow needs to be determined for the structure, per Fire Department Guideline B.01, CFC 507.3 • Solar photovoltaic system must be installed as per Newport Beach Guideline D.04. 2 Conditions of Approval 3 Vicinity Map (E) Fence to be removed (2) 9'-0'x17'-0" Off -Street Parking Spaces (E) Water Meter to remain Line of WallAbove Line of Deck Railing Above (E) Water Meter to remain (E) Parallel Parking Spaces (E) Cable T.V. Box (1) 9'-0"x18'-0" Accessible Off -Street Parking Space azo Magnetic North P Project North Proposed ICID Z Note: Survey Information 52 s.f. provided by Toal Engineering 1 Site Plan ------�� -- I) �I Off -Street Parking 3% % 4% FS: 7.88' I 16'-0" !-@ (F') FS:7.10' I 1 1 o / a' 0831 RI 1 '-Y'Setback I / \ I It I r I i i I II I I ii FS: 7.68' i o >j i 11 FS: 7.06' 1 I I I 16-0" Easement 14'-0" Alley i I I Space 1 i 30'-0" Aisle 1 I I SB9 05 i nDthtO bD� 1 Z i/ i fGrear4a GDb�e� 6S��I I I I I o I I I t 0 °9 I 688 6641 1' 1. I I II I I I � I I r I L J r PARCEL 2 PMB 78/7-8 Project Address: 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Assessor's Parcel Number: 047 031 25 Owner: Gary Jabora 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: 949.999.5769 Project Description: New Mixed Use Building with Ground Floor Artist's Studio and Single Second Floor Residential Unit Project Contact: Scott Laidlaw - Laidlaw Schultz Architects 3111 Second Ave. Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Phone: 949.645.9982 FAX: 949.645.9554 Lot Area: 5,580 s.f. Buildable Area: 5,580 s.f. Allowable Gross Floor Area: Non -Residential: 0.5 x Lot Area = 2,790 s.f. Residential: 1.0 x Lot Area = 5,580 s.f. Area of structure: New Existing to be Demolished First Level (Commercial) Artist's Studio/Gallery: 2,711 s.f. Commercial) 1,300 s.f. Second Level (Residential) Artist's Loft: 1,103 s.f. Residential) 1,515 s.f. Total 3,814 s.f. 2,815 s.f. Residential Garage: Private Open Space: Pervious Area Impervious Area Landscaping Zoning Information: 111111 PAP Occupancy Type Mixed Use: Construction: Number of Stories Parking: Fire Sprinklers: NTS 4 Project Data 1 128114 N00° 44' 30 W 93 00' 1'-4" - II II 1 II II I �� I II II II II I -- II 11 II II I II II 1491~__ II II I II II II II I I P I I Qeck <I I I I I a9 Dia II II II II II r II > II II I II II II II II II I I II II II I 1 5` —Off -Street II II Parking - -- 509 31st Street FS: 9.00' II II I L ----- J TI 1• 11 11 1 1 GD II II I I _II II II I FZ/ II II I I II II II I II ii II II 1 � II II II I II II II II I (2) Car Garage I II II II II I II II II II I i � II II LI II I II II II II I II II II II I Site Plan P Demo Plan Proposed ICID Z 122 s.f. 52 s.f. 4 I A.300-301 Elevations I Sections A.1-2 0 A.3 Renderings Civil: 65 10'-2" III 5'-10" Erosion Control Plan Sheet 1 of 1 Topographic Survey Landscape: Sheet 1 of 1 Preliminary Landscape Plan Residential Garage: Private Open Space: Pervious Area Impervious Area Landscaping Zoning Information: 111111 PAP Occupancy Type Mixed Use: Construction: Number of Stories Parking: Fire Sprinklers: NTS 4 Project Data 1 128114 N00° 44' 30 W 93 00' 1'-4" - II II 1 II II I �� I II II II II I -- II 11 II II I II II 1491~__ II II I II II II II I I P I I Qeck <I I I I I a9 Dia II II II II II r II > II II I II II II II II II I I II II II I 1 5` —Off -Street II II Parking - -- 509 31st Street FS: 9.00' II II I L ----- J TI 1• 11 11 1 1 GD II II I I _II II II I FZ/ II II I I II II II I II ii II II 1 � II II II I II II II II I (2) Car Garage I II II II II I II II II II I i � II II LI II I II II II II I II II II II I 1.N 1 R N00° 44' 30" W 93.00' 3'-1" 161 L01 4, BLOCK 530 LANCASTER'S DD11ION TO NEWPORT BEACH 478 s.f. Site Plan P Demo Plan Proposed ICID Z 122 s.f. 52 s.f. 4 I A.300-301 Elevations I Sections A.1-2 0 A.3 Renderings Civil: 65 10'-2" III 5'-10" Erosion Control Plan Sheet 1 of 1 Topographic Survey Landscape: Sheet 1 of 1 1.N 1 R N00° 44' 30" W 93.00' 3'-1" 161 L01 4, BLOCK 530 LANCASTER'S DD11ION TO NEWPORT BEACH 478 s.f. Site Plan 225 s.f. Demo Plan Proposed Existing 122 s.f. 52 s.f. 5,262 s.f. 5,528 s.f. 122 s.f. (122 s.f. < 500 s.f.) 52 s.f MU-CV/15th St. Group B & Group R Type II -B 2 2 Covered, 3 Off -Street (1 Accessible) Whole Building Sprinkler System Sprinklers to be installed per NFPA 13 01 4ti D�h1n9 oar X12. 6' Avg. TC: 6.65' 6yS. Architectural: A.100 Site Plan A.101 Demo Plan A.200 Main Level Floor Plan A.201 Upper Level Floor Plan A.202 Roof Plan A.300-301 Elevations A.400-401 Sections A.1-2 Area Calculations A.3 Renderings Civil: C-01 Preliminary Grading Plan C-02 Erosion Control Plan Sheet 1 of 1 Topographic Survey Landscape: Sheet 1 of 1 Preliminary Landscape Plan 6 1 Sheet Index Proposed building footprint: Building above: 1 -Hr. Rated Occupancy Separation 5 1 Legend (E) Wall (E) Parking Lot Landscape Area At -Grade Planter (E) Building to be demolished Concrete Planter Canopy above — Concrete Planter (E) Light Pole (E) Light Control Box (E) Bulding Scale: 1/8"= 1'-0" LS a rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Site Plan DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL �SEo ARChi SHEET NO. \V� OAt D. L4 1 0 TFCC v y4 <y£ A All drawings and written material appearing C-21061 herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the Ln July -2019 Q written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. yT RENEWAL �� 3111 Second Avenue F OF 0 ALS F C Carona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949)645-9554 www.LSarchiteds.com 23 2 1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Local Building shall be as shown on the drawings or will be so tagged by the Officials, all Federal, State, and Municipal authorities having Owner. Remove such items with care and store them in a location jurisdiction over the work. designated by the Owner. Any questions on untagged items shall be brought to the Owner's attention. Remove all other items from 2. Demolition work shall comply with the requirements of ANSI A10.6 the premises and dispose of legally. Safety Requirements for Demolition. 9. Remove floor coverings, ceramic tile, etc., so that the new flooring 3. The Contractor shall visit the site and carefully examine work of this can be properly installed flush with adjacent surfaces. This shall Section so as to become familiar with existing conditions and the include removal of adhesives under resilient flooring and removal of nature/scope of work and difficulties that attend its execution. ceramic tile and setting beds. 4. Contractor to meet with the owner to determine if any additional appliances, equipment, etc. are to be salvaged. 5. The drawings may not show all removals required. Contract includes all work necessary to produce the final arrangement as shown, leaving to existing work which is no longer needed. The Contractor is responsible for the entire demolition of the space including walls, ceiling, all finishes, interior equipment, lighting and wiring, and plumbing lines as required. This includes all items located above the existing ceiling and ductwork. 6. Before starting any work relating to existing utilities (electrical, sanitary, water, heat, gas, etc.) that wall temporarily discontinue or disrupt services to the existing building, notify the Owner seventy-two (72) hours in advance and obtain approval prior to beginning work. 7. Provide and maintain temporary protection of work to remain where demolition, removal and new work is being done, connections made, materials handled, or equipment moved. Contractor will repair damage to the building as a result of his operation. 8. Materials or items designated to become the property of the Owner Demo Notes (E) Site wall to remain (E) Curb to be remove( (E) Fence to be remove (E) Building and Deck t( demolished (E) Curb to be remove( Demolition Plan 10. All demolition and removal shall be brought to a natural stopping point. Any material removed by mistake or in excess of requirements shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Protruding materials shall be cut back 1" behind wall, floor, or ceiling surfaces. 11. Execute the work in a careful and orderly manner, with the least possible disturbance. 12. Remove debris as the work progresses. Maintain the premises in a neat and clean condition. 13. All finishes shall be removed to face of stud at both interior and exterior at all living areas, unless noted otherwise. 14. Coordinate demolition plan with architectural, civil, and structural drawings paying special attention to beams, headers, etc. which are to remain. 15. Provide required shoring as necessary for safe removal at required areas. Fallow all OSHA and CBC requirements. ------ Existing to be Removed 3 I Legend Of tt 26 �1 Ro Scale: 1/8" = U-0" LSrchitects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Demolition Plan DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL 0 ARC y x Lqy T�°�£ CA 061 July -2019 Q REEWAL CF NCA\Fo SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 24 5 Notes I R A.400 1 N Q A.401 1 01,10 1 -Hr. Rated Occupancy Separation 4 Legend • All dimensions are to be to the finished face or centerline of the partition U.N.O. • G.C. to layout (in paint) the locations of all partitions, doors, lighting, ceiling elements, sprinklers, switches, dimmers, thermostats, power & comm. outlets, millwork and furniture for approval by the Architect prior to construction. • It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention of the Architect any field conditions that do not allow construction or installation as drawn. • Do not scale drawings. Dimensions as indicated take precedent over drawings. • Provide continuous metal backing for reinforcing of walls to hang millwork, furniture shelving or cabinetry. • Provide millwork shop drawings for Architect's approval. Millwork to comply with the recommendations of the Woodwork Institute of California (WIC). 3 1 General Notes • Any door hardware associated with millworker provided doors is to be ordered by the millworker. • G.C. to provide full-time superintendents' supervision on the project. • At bathroom accessories, such as grab bars, towel bars, soap dishes, etc. on or within walls shall be sealed against moisture. Provide backing as required. • Avoid cut tiles and brick. Layout to consider final requirement, adjust as necessary. Notify Architect of changes. Main Level Floor Plan V –2 I 0 I I co M M A.401 1 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Floor Plans DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL �E0 ARCyi v�c,OAAT�Cl, C-21061 f N July-2019OF' C P10 �Q A 200 SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3117 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 215 22,_2„ N Q 58,_4„ 1 PC A.301 0 ° J ° / Acessible Bath/ — — — o --t lerefaJ=P- rking _ 00 ` Fs: 7.39' I --- F_ ° 3% 2% ° — I FS: 7.68' NO = ° J ° 0 ---, 0 O I0 o IT-O" I 20'-0" b 7-6 ° M 000000000 oo oo or� o�or=moo oo o0000000000o � - 20 min. u ° 120 min. Rated ° ° v Rated DN ° ° - i ° ° c? I I I 1 I 1 n - I I I 1 --- (E) FS: 7.10' I 1 3 1 U 20 min. ntry 1 I 6% Accessible Parking 4 Rated UP O — > a a FS: 9.00' 1? 1 q I N Artist's Studio/Gallery L 1 I 18'-0" Clr. 1 -6 O I FS: 9.00' I I 1 0 I I ° I 1 ° I O ° o n - 5,_8„ 0 min. Rated I O 1 0 2 1 ° I3'-8%2 Clr. 3'-6%2 Clr. FS: 7.06' I 1 o ° ° N n — u RG Garage ° °es. Q a o U, 6.2% 1 -1 o° 2% ° N FS: 7.68' i 20-10 7 - I ° I ° I �,I ° I 0 ° I ° ° 1'-8" 4'-0" 6' 4'-0" I 0 ° I I ° ° ° 0 T 11 IN 6'-0" R a A.300 22'-2" N 4r57.1 101_0" 72,_10" 10'_2' Main Level Floor Plan V –2 I 0 I I co M M A.401 1 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Floor Plans DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL �E0 ARCyi v�c,OAAT�Cl, C-21061 f N July-2019OF' C P10 �Q A 200 SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3117 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 215 5 Notes A.400 1 0 �a A.401 1 a 01,10 1 -Hr. Rated Occupancy Separation 4 Legend • All dimensions are to be to the finished face or centerline of the partition U.N.O. • G.C. to layout (in paint) the locations of all partitions, doors, lighting, ceiling elements, sprinklers, switches, dimmers, thermostats, power & comm. outlets, millwork and furniture for approval by the Architect prior to construction. • It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention of the Architect any field conditions that do not allow construction or installation as drawn. • Do not scale drawings. Dimensions as indicated take precedent over drawings. • Provide continuous metal backing for reinforcing of walls to hang millwork, furniture shelving or cabinetry. • Provide millwork shop drawings for Architect's approval. Millwork to comply with the recommendations of the Woodwork Institute of California (WIC). 3 1 General Notes • Any door hardware associated with millworker provided doors is to be ordered by the millworker. • G.C. to provide full-time superintendents' supervision on the project. • At bathroom accessories, such as grab bars, towel bars, soap dishes, etc. on or within walls shall be sealed against moisture. Provide backing as required. • Avoid cut tiles and brick. Layout to consider final requirement, adjust as necessary. Notify Architect of changes. Second Level Residential Floor Plan A.400 1 A.401 1 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Floor Plans DATE ISSUE/REVISION 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SED ARCyi v�c,OAAT�Cl, C-21061 f N July -2019 �Q REVIEW SL SL SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3117 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 20 Li Notes A.400 1 A.401 1 Roof Plan • All dimensions are to be to the finished face or centerline of the partition U.N.O. • G.C. to layout (in paint) the locations of all partitions, doors, lighting, ceiling elements, sprinklers, switches, dimmers, thermostats, power & comm. outlets, millwork and furniture for approval by the Architect prior to construction. • It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention of the Architect any field conditions that do not allow construction or installation as drawn. • Do not scale drawings. Dimensions as indicated take precedent over drawings. • Provide continuous metal backing for reinforcing of walls to hang millwork, furniture shelving or cabinetry. • Provide millwork shop drawings for Architect's approval. Millwork to comply with the recommendations of the Woodwork Institute of California (WIC). 3 1 General Notes • Any door hardware associated with millworker provided doors is to be ordered by the millworker. • G.C. to provide full-time superintendents' supervision on the project. • At bathroom accessories, such as grab bars, towel bars, soap dishes, etc. on or within walls shall be sealed against moisture. Provide backing as required. • Avoid cut tiles and brick. Layout to consider final requirement, adjust as necessary. Notify Architect of changes. I c I c u- I M C C I C I n C c C I C I 0 f C I n I C I I iA 0 o- 0 A.401 1 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Roof Plan DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL �SE0 ARCyi v�c,OAAT�Cl, C-21061 f N July -2019 �Q SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 27 Ptd. Metal Cap at Parapet Smooth Exterior Plaster Adjacent Building 2 1 South Elevation 0 N 1 I East Elevation ih N a 6%2 --I---It1--+---I--- 6%2 I I I -- --- ------ - -- -- --- -- --- -- --- ------ - -- -- --- -- --- -- --- ------ --- -- --- -- --- -- --- ------ --- -- --- -- --- -- -- ---- L' ------1---- -------------------i I I I I I I ----------- ----------------1----- =--------- ----J M V, �oQ10 I a�\ I'-------------- ---------------- - _ T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' Ptd. Aluminum Standing Seam Metal Roofing _ T.O. Parapet EI: 35.00' _ T.O. Parapet EI: 33.00' Ptd. Steel Canopy Ptd. Aluminum Glazing w/ Wire Glass _ Second Level , EI: 20.00' Natural Finish Precision Concrete Block (E) Site Wall Concrete Planter _ Main Level EI: 9.00' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' Parapet/Mechanical Screen R T.O. Parapet EI: 35.00' I T.O. Block EI: 33.00' I I I Ptd. Metal Cap I at Parapet I Smooth Exterior Plaster I T.O. Rail _ EI: 23.50' Ptd. Metal and Glass Guardrail I Second Level — I EI: 20.00' Natural Finish Precision I Concrete Block I I I T.O. Wall ---------------I I I I I I I EI: 12.50' I I I I Main Level _ I I EI: 9.00' Parking Level _ EI: 7.68' 6%2 --I---It1--+---I--- 6%2 I I I -- --- ------ - -- -- --- -- --- -- --- ------ - -- -- --- -- --- -- --- ------ --- -- --- -- --- -- --- ------ --- -- --- -- --- -- -- ---- L' ------1---- -------------------i I I I I I I ----------- ----------------1----- =--------- ----J M V, �oQ10 I a�\ I'-------------- ---------------- - _ T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' Ptd. Aluminum Standing Seam Metal Roofing _ T.O. Parapet EI: 35.00' _ T.O. Parapet EI: 33.00' Ptd. Steel Canopy Ptd. Aluminum Glazing w/ Wire Glass _ Second Level , EI: 20.00' Natural Finish Precision Concrete Block (E) Site Wall Concrete Planter _ Main Level EI: 9.00' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' Parapet/Mechanical Screen R T.O. Parapet EI: 35.00' I T.O. Block EI: 33.00' I I I Ptd. Metal Cap I at Parapet I Smooth Exterior Plaster I T.O. Rail _ EI: 23.50' Ptd. Metal and Glass Guardrail I Second Level — I EI: 20.00' Natural Finish Precision I Concrete Block I I I T.O. Wall ---------------I I I I I I I EI: 12.50' I I I I Main Level _ I I EI: 9.00' Parking Level _ EI: 7.68' (E) Site Wall Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" LSarchitects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Exterior Elevations DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL �,EO ARCM SHEET NO. TQC All drawings and written material appearing C-21061 herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the July -2019 written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. yT RENEWAL 3111 Second Avenue F F Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 OF, 0 A0 (949)645-9982 Fax:(949)645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 22 2 1 North Elevation 12 6Y2 12 6Y2 12 6Y2 I I _______________ ______J ___ _____________________________________________________________________________ L_________._________________ ---- ______ ____J . T.O. Rail ------------------------------------I--------------------- I---- --- -----I----------------------------------I------------------------------------I--------------- - - - - - - 1 I West Elevation a I Ptd. Metal Cap I at Paraet Ptd. Steeel Canopy Smooth Exterior Plaster Natural Finish Precision Concrete Block Ptd. Metal and Glass Guardrail _ T.O. Roof EI: _4o 000' Parapet EI: 35.00' Parapet EI: 33.00' d Doors _ T.O. Rail EI: 23.50' _ Second Floor EI: 20.00' _ Main Level EI: 9.00' _ Parking Level 6' EI: 7.0 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" _ T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' _ T.O. Parapet EI: 35.00' _ T.O. Parapet EI. 33.00' _ Second Level EI: 20.00' _ Main Level EI: 9.00' Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" LSarchitects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Exterior Elevations DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL USED ARCM SHEET NO. C, All oAA D. Lq/� Tin All drawings and written material appearing (r-21061 herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the July -2019 written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. yT RENEWAL �� 3111 Second Avenue F OF 0 A� F Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com ::�9 2 Section Section T.O. Rail 0 ;t A. Kitchen/Studio 1 -Hr. Rated Occupancy Separation Accessible Parking a ] I I ] I ] I I ] I I o o o I 0 0 D Artist's Studio/Gallery C O N O _ T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' _ T.O. Parapet EI: 35.00' T.O. Parapet EI: 33.00' Roof Deck Roof Deck EI: 31.00' Second Level EI: 20.00' _ Main Level EI: 9.00' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" _ T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' _ T.O. Parapet io EI: 35.00' _ T.O. Parapet EI: 33.00' io Roof Deck EI: 32.50' _ Second Flo EI: 2-0-004 _ Main Level EI: 9.00' Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" LSarchitects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Sections DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL SED ARCIi \G� oAA D. Lq/� Tin C-21061 N July -2019 IQ EWAL \FCFNCA\I— SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com so LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Sections DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL A.401 - ,EO ARCM SHEET NO. TFC1 All drawings and written material appearing C-21061 herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the July -2019 written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. yT RENEWAL �� 3111 Second Avenue F OF 0 A� F Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 31 2 Section Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. Roof EI: 40.00' R R T.O. Parapet _ EI: 35.00' I T.O. EIa3300' Roeck 0 32.50' ElfD M © © © of Deck Roof u � Q � O lel EI: 31.00' I I 0 � � � Q T.O. Rail tudio D I I EI: 23.50' I? m 0 � � I I 0 a In I Second Level i i II _ 20.00' q I 0 Artist's Studio/Gallery � Q 0 / Residential Garage I O ED 0 0 � Q I o 0 R Main Level i i E :9.00' 1 Section Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Sections DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL A.401 - ,EO ARCM SHEET NO. TFC1 All drawings and written material appearing C-21061 herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the July -2019 written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. yT RENEWAL �� 3111 Second Avenue F OF 0 A� F Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 31 Ar Commercial Area 1 993 sf 2 346 sf 3 1031 sf 4 341 sf Total, 2,711 sf Residential Garage A 350 sf B 128 sf Total, 478 sf 19'-6" 38'-10" 1 I Main Level Commercial & Residential Garage Area Calculation Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Overlays DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL �SE0 ARCyi v�c,OAAT�C)A C-21061 f N July-2019RENEWAL �Q SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3117 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 32 N M N 0 Lo Residential Area 1 514 sf 2 108 sf 3 473 sf 4 8 sf Total, 1,103 sf No J �0: Private & Common Open Space A 225 sf Total, 225 sf Required: 5% of Gross Floor Area per Unit 0.05x 1, 103 = 55 sf < 87 sf 22'-2" Z Second Level Residential Area & Private Open Space Calculation I Scale: 1/4" = V-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Overlays DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL SED ARC ,/T v�c,OAA�C)A 9 C-21061 f N July-2019RENEWAL �Q SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 33 a. Z Second Level Residential Area & Private Open Space Calculation I Scale: 1/4" = V-0" LSa rch itects LAIDLAW SCHULTZ PROJECT 509 31st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 DRAWING DESCRIPTION Overlays DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW 4.11.2018 SDR/CDP Submittal SL 6.6.2018 SDR/CDP Resubmittal SL SED ARC ,/T v�c,OAA�C)A 9 C-21061 f N July-2019RENEWAL �Q SHEET NO. All drawings and written material appearing herein constitute original and unpublished work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without the written consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625-2322 (949)645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554 www. LSarchitects.com 33 A B C D E F G H PLANS PREPARED BY: D�� PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION NOTES TOAL Z &- CONSTRUCT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY. ENGINEERING, INC. ts' 14' 20' 20' &- CONSTRUCT CONCRETE HARDSCAPE. � O 0 8 16 PARCEL 2 INSTALL 4" PVC SCH 40 OR SDR 35 PIPE DRAIN SYSTEM. 1 PM4B 78/7-8 I -INSTALL 4" ATRIUM DRAIN. NDS TYPE 75 W/ RISER AND ADAPTOR OR EQUAL. SCALE: 1"= 8'I I o 50 1 1 p3 \p9 INSTALL 6" DECK DRAIN. NDS TYPE 9206 W/ RISER &ADAPTOR OR EQUAL. L AVNIL D ES U R V EY IEI N G 1 I 166 ° I d �o�h I 6�INSTALL TRENCH DRAIN FILTER. STORMWATER QUALITY 1?� I I 1 / 1656 Al a hed, f 61ti° 65" dp I 7� INSTALL INFILTRATION TRENCH DRAIN (LENGTH=22' MIN.) WITH TRAFFIC RATED GRATE PER DETAIL HEREON. ° ° ° 139 Avenida Navarro San Clemente, CA 92672 a o °. � RECONSTRUCT POR. EXIST. DRIVE APPROACH PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STD -160 -L-A. 9 4 9 .4 9 2 .8 5 8 6 °. °°I'0. "" �� �° °'. / �T a I 6• °.. www. toa l e n g i n ee r i n g. c om 13 °. °;';' .' ;; a.' ..° ° ��' e, 1560. _tom 1�611�5� / 6g11�1jG• �y \ °°. p &&-RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STD -180-L. ° N✓ d �° .6A2 10 INSTALL 8" CHANNEL DRAIN. °) 7.46r- �� / _ N 00'43`t3" w 93.00' 19 1 _ _ - _ - s 50. I ° I 11 RECONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER TYPE A PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STD -182-L. 1135 arr °0 1N �\�19 3,2% 1d' �' --7.68 5 +° ,2 .jc• y' Z7JOOQR "doll y ' IfZi4°°c . ,S ° 1 6.80 TG a QROFESS/ o ; I lip �Rk 2 ORT BEACH STD-184-L.I 12 CONSTRUCT PRIVATE DRAIN THROUGH CURB PER CITY OF NEWP 'fS_6.33 INV o0- IV - _ .a f6'`IjSA 6.72 TC I 13 INSTALL SEWER CLEANOUT PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STD. w Zm V a ' ° ° K° 6.25 AFL II I No. 59275 A < `. \ .I ° ° ° °' °. ° 0 e�'.. e°k I 1 L627 I COVERED O a v v': ° „ \29 ° I �',i0 I yT� CIVIL �o�? 'i ° I a R IO ° '6. ° ° d° ° d v o I I I,°: .'. 11 OF CA\.\ I °. CARPO T..'. . la� I. � ° a� ° � ° 'I, � .� °� a ° e e: I ! 1 I BIZ lb,�� Ioso°°,° KEY NOTES �C O ° ° Aq p ° 12 G ° I F ° a 5 1•° g9 I�.e I° 2Iµ2 6.23 FL 2 ° 1 ° °' ° p\d t2 5 Cx1 1�EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE. 7:.68 7$0 I°. ° 8.82 1 ecK te5� I P I POR. EX. ADAM L. TOAL 3.2%) 4% FS ":FS a ° 0 a. I P C&G TO o -� FS A \d 9 ° 2o- EXISTING WATER SERVICE TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE. R.C.E. 59275 ,° 2% ° ° ° . n \a' 's °. REMAIN \ectc\° - I DATE: 7.27 °. ° 1% 8 9.6 k et E 3 EXISTING SEWER LATERAL TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE. �. ° J F- F'. = 7.88 a 8 i7 ° , s �s 2.00',1. 5% 2% c� �6 6� I /FSo �• . Existing building 6 °DF µ\t 6. 6. i DS I I . '.� Z EXISTING UTILITY VAULT TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE. PREPARED FOR: � _ ° ° 7 80 P °. 1'EL 1 g� 8.86PARKING JeLo6°: q UNE °OF . _ FS rSRI�TO ° sosg3sTA STREET, h L- J TG R40F ABOVE d PMB3913-9 pf- \ I ; .- <..- _ - _.� a� 0� (0 0\�I� S w �6 REMAIN 16?1 EXIST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 W ° 5 1V N- COVERED d-.-. a�. 6. S0. _I p'. n So Mte 11 o - I i%i PARKING ° ,. J I S F' II , CARP©RT �. 6• Th 1 ° k ° PROPOSEDLBUILDING 1 80� `�� �: ' ° �:�° (TYP.) ° I �. I 3 v..- y Q 8s, I...r II {a - z N ° 1i ° - � I: F.F9.00 Finao• 1 o ` 13, I 4 ° 1 y0 r.° In N a m I. 7 54 7:60 mea C 09 01 2� I :5 FS :y :FS:.6% Sena ° \ v:. <I ° UJ �` (�,-- \ I'.:. a ° . �--.. 8 71 Y ° 6g1 \ ae5h I IW o0. .+�I 13 00 M o }I a . `I: af :7�3 fs:'�l II 1p v ° ° ° F a . A ° y1 �' ° <I% ' 7W7: /.. JOIy�EX ,II .,° 6% 9 y a B 1• 4 8.501TG�� I ,.; L- 1 z / I 7.68 ° 8.96° ° EXIST. ° a ..p a �p� ° . b 1%: (R a PARKING ° / ° I d I ". II; �T FS ° 123 a a-. ° FS ° . 'A� "1 7.50'INV I rn ° a I: a ° '8.76 °1k51?p ` ° ° a. °1• I Isl e't EX 2 OUTLET (TYP.) w <2 SII qq AA F 9 ; "' " / o L. ° ; o I 11'. }� i v :. ° 'o. ° ° FS. d B,S6 1 • 1 �, F1j� II rf Edi. v 3 } °.a °z °�. cfik:.r_ , ° °M ° .Q °.. 14 v TO BE REPLACED 1�': I�, I °\ ° a ° a w 1• ° 8.501TG �� F; o 06 4 r° 2gW/FULL H.o°CURB 11:1 �, `" ' .'1GARAGE .°. °' ; .° ° ° "° 1 7.38 INV I I�Iif.I a .� '2% `?�' fd• 5. 3 ':. ° Ovl°° : ^° ° °. ' 9:0' 0.'a. °a. ° ec 3 I S'.. o, �is�: Se J m Li 1 �o. Q. ''.:..... 0.o _L,..::';. ." ° a <T STEM o a 1. ° 1 -':.. R:1'(1 `'5:� /: p„ d L' .. ° . ° 'I:_ r0. n II '`, .,! . CID a I::':'..; 0.7.68° ° . \aa I p;. I 6:5%'..:.2.010,iN 1, X5 �.., \\ JOIN. EX. FS. e<° . a \E, v°° .. a . ° °"...,. ..�." b . i:.;':':; '::.'.'.':.' ' DS to/ b .0.. a a DF. �. sz . ° o.a.l. 8 DSI Iv:Hk%`.`::..:.`:.%g61 INV 12 11 I x -.--y--_ - -<^ -.-------.----.--- IL 9�6 .a, .^v J!•eID.6.07 FL - !mw�. 'din IJI J _ e . \A\i9 0 ; Jt + ° A n �. � B� V30900�G• h% S �} �a 7.801 N 00'43'08" W 93.00��~ Ba 9.00 �7g��50.T.G_ 9 b a ° a i�d• 4� .. 1 FS TW 4 6• . TW,_4%55� 6:551 TC 'y6 J�\° 7.26 IN ° 5 \ Z cc 6.07 FL L. P d . ❑- > ,6 LOT 4, BLOCK 530 ° ° I 1• LANCASTER'S ADDITION TO NEWPORT BEACH'Y 643 yap ' 6 L- 6`1603 Z �° ° �'� °.° a f31� I 6• I o 11695 6° N I I I I L_ _J > 4 e \ w 16' 1 1 RO° 20' 20' 263\ LEGEND a HARDSCAPEof Z Z 0 --100-- CONTOUR (EXISTING) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTES -100 - CONTOUR (PROPOSED) 1. A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE BUILDING 5 100.00 SPOT ELEVATION (PROPOSED) C 7 DEPARTMENT PERMIT FINAL CAN BE ISSUED. AT THE TIME OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INSPECTION, If ANY 010 U OF THE EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE IS DAMAGED, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, QQ 100.00 SPOT ELEVATION (MATCH EXISTING) CURB AND GUTTER, AND ALLEY/STREET PAVEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED. ADDITIONALLY, IF EXISTING UTILITIES LLI Q m ==4"== PROPOSED DRAIN LINE INFRASTRUCTURE ARE DEEMED SUBSTANDARD, A NEW 1 -INCH WATER SERVICE, WATER METER BOX, SEWER J LATERAL AND/OR CLEANOUT WITH BOX AND LID WILL BE REQUIRED. 100% OF THE COST SHALL BE BORNE Q Of m Of --SUB-- PROPOSED FORCE MAIN LINE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER (MUNICIPAL CODES 14.24.020 AND 14.08.030). SAID DETERMINATION AND THE C9 (7 0- EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. FM PROPOSED FORCE MAIN LINE . Z 2. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC PROPOSED PLANTER/SCREEN WALL RIGHT OF WAY. ALL NON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY COUNCIL POLICY L-6 AND Q Q J L-18. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR ' :Z: w A SECTION LETTER 3. AN APPROVED CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK ACTIVITIES REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS /APPROVALS �_ C N 10 SHEET NUMBER WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. E In addition to any certifications required by the agencies having jurisdiction over J ` • DS DOWNSPOUT 4. SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL PERMANENTLY MONUMENT PROPERTY CORNERS OR OFFSETS BEFORE STARTING bi N o FF FINISH FLOOR GRADING. this project, the following approvals from the Civil engineer of record are required: Of j FG FINISH GRADE 5. SURVEYOR TO FILE A CORNER RECORD OR RECORD OF SURVEY WITH THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. 1. Foundation forms for improvements on or abutting property lines is required 0 •a' FL OR FL FLOW LINE EVIDENCE OF FILING SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION. NOTES prior to concrete pour. L FS FINISH SURFACE 6. ALL WORK RELATED TO DOMESTIC WATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A C-34 2. Location, size, and depth of all drain lines prior to backfill. o 0 GFF GARAGE FINISH FLOOR LICENSED PIPELINE CONTRACTOR OR A LICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. 1. ALL ROOFS SHALL BE GUTTERED AND DOWNSPOUTS SHALL CONNECT TO THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 6 INV INVERT 7. ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A C-42 SCOPE OF WORK P.L. OR fL' PROPERTY UNE 2. PAD ELEVATION BASED ON PER FOUNDATION PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PAD W/ DATE: H. SCALE: x LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR A LICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER AND SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO GRADING. DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING AND ATTACHED GARAGE. 6/5/18 1'=8' PA PLANTER AREA SURVEY DATE: V. SCALE: TC TOP OF CURB 8. ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOT RELIEVE APPLICANTS OF THE 3. WHEN AN INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR UTILITY TRENCH IS PROPOSED PARALLEL TO A BLDG FOOTING, THE BOTTOM THE PROPOSED PROJECT CONSIST OF A NEW MIXED-USE COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL BUILDING WITH 4/17/17 N/A LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TO OBSERVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY BE RECORDED OF THE TRENCH SHOULD NOT BE LOCATED BELOW A 1:1 PLANE PROJECTED DOWNWARD FROM THE OUTSIDE ATTACHED ENCLOSED 2 CAR GARAGE AND COVERED CARPORTS. DRN.: A.A. DWG. No. TF TOP OF FOOTING AGAINST THE PROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR BOTTOM EDGE OF THE ADJACENT FOOTING. WHERE THIS CONDITION EXISTS, THE ADJACENT FOOTING SHOULD q TG TOP OF GRATE TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. cliD.: A.T. C - O 1 CR BE DEEPENED SUCH THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE UTILITY TRENCH IS LOCATED ABOVE THE 1:1 PROJECTION. PRELIMINARY PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION APPD.: A.T. ,0 TP TOP OF PILASTER 1 TW TOP OF WALL JOB NO. SHELT OF N 17190 1 2 A B C D E F G H S 2 N 4 5 ,1 A A B I C I D I E I F D 16' 14' 20' 20' I PARCEL 2 F — —_ I PMB 78/7-8 Z I I i o 59 � p5 �y2 X66 0/ 8 16 SCALE: 1 "= 8' L — — J 16' L•3 1 619 RpD C III 20' f63 R°°tt 2 NOTE FL THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE USED WILL CHANGE DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT THE CONTROLS NECESSARY TO PREVENT NON—STORMWATER, SEDIMENT, AND CONTAMINATED RUNOFF DISCHARGES FROM THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. I k6 n SE '5T W W V) 6•� I L— I L- 20' LEGEND xx—x BMP DESIGNATION IN CALIFORNIA STORMWATER BMP HANDBOOK — CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION, BY THE CALIFORNIA STORMWATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION. CDZDZ:)= GRAVEL BAG BERM SE—s PRELIMINARY PLAN, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION E I F G I H TRACKING CONTROL BMPs 0 STABILIZED CONSTRUCT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION TC -1 CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS TO AND FROM SITE. APPD.: A.T. ENTRANCE _j�� EROSION CONTROL BMPs EC -1 SCHEDULING SCHEDULE PREPARED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE ON—SITE DURING m CONSTRUCTION. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL Of GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE PLACED WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN (2 ROWS, 2 BAGS SE -6 GRAVEL BAG BERM HIGH). SE -7 STREET SWEEPING STREET SHALL BE SWEPT OR VACUUMED DAILY AND COLLECTED MATERIAL 3 AND VACUUMING DISPOSED OF ON—SITE. STORM DRAIN INLET SURROUND INLETS WITH GRAVEL BAGS OR COVER EXPOSED RISERS WITH 5E-10 PROTECTION FILTER FABRIC, AS NEEDED. WIND EROSION CONTROL WE -1 WIND EROSION WATER OR COVER MATERIAL SHALL BE USED TO ALLEVIATE DUST NUISANCE CONTROL FROM ANY DISTURBED AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL WM-1 MATERIAL DELIVERY IF MATERIALS ARE STORED ON SITE, THEY SHALL BE STORED IN ORIGINAL N AND STORAGE MARKED CONTAINERS AND COVERED FROM RAIN AND WIND. WM-2 MATERIAL USE MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH Of PRODUCT DIRECTIONS. WM-3 STOCKPILE SOIL AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL STOCKPILES, IF PRESENT, SHALL BE M MANAGEMENT SURROUNDED BY A TEMPORARY BARRIER AND COVERED. SPILL PREVENTION AMPLE CLEAN—UP SUPPLIES FOR STORED MATERIALS SHALL BE KEPT ON—SITE. WM-4 AND CONTROL EMPLOYEES SHALL BE EDUCATED ON THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF SPILLS AND APPROPRIATE RESPONSES. SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE STORED IN WM-5 MANAGEMENT APPROPRIATE CONTAINERS. FULL CONTAINERS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. WM-8 CONCRETE WASTE AN ON—SITE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL, BE CONSTRUCTED, USED, AND MANAGEMENT DISPOSED OF IN A MANNER WHICH MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. SANITARY/SEPTIC ON—SITE FACILITIES SHALL BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR WM_9 WASTE MANAGEMENT FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. NON-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WATER NS -1 CONSERVATION MAINTAIN EQUIPMENT TO PREVENT UNINTENDED NON—STORMWATER DISCHARGES. PRACTICES PAVING AND APPLY PERIMETER CONTROLS AND VACUUMING TO PREVENT NON—STORMWATER NS -3 GRINDING DISCHARGES. OPERATIONS ILLICIT CONNECTION CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ILLICIT CONNECTIONS OR ILLEGALLY DUMPED NS -6 / DISCHARGE MATERIALS ON SITE TO THE ENGINEER AND THE CITY INSPECTOR AND SHALL TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION UNTIL DIRECTED. POTABLE WATER / EXERCISE CARE DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT UNINTENDED NS -7 IRRIGATION NON—STORMWATER DISCHARGES. NS -12 CONCRETE CURING APPLIES TO ALL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. NS -13 CONCRETE APPLIES TO ALL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. FINISHING YEAR-ROUND BMP REQUIREMENTS 1. WHERE APPROPRIATE, SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AT THE SITE PERIMETER, AT ALL OPERATIONAL STORM DRAIN INLETS, AND AT ALL NON—ACTIVE SLOPES, TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT PROTECTION FROM STORMS. 2. WIND EROSION BMPs (DUST CONTROL) SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AND MAINTAINED. 3. BMPs TO CONTROL OFF—SITE SEDIMENT TRACKING SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED AND MAINTAINED. 4. APPROPRIATE WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROL BMPs SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO PREVENT THE CONTAMINATION OF STORM WATER BY WASTES AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. 5. APPROPRIATE NON—STORM WATER BMPs SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO PREVENT THE CONTAMINATION OF STORM WATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 6. ADEQUATE PHYSICAL OR VEGETATION EROSION CONTROL BMPs (TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ESTABLISHED AS SOON AS PRACTICAL FOR ALL COMPLETED SLOPES OR SLOPES IN NON—ACTIVE AREAS. THESE BMPs MUST BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. IF A SELECTED BMP FAILS, IT MUST BE REPAIRED AND IMPROVED, OR REPLACED WITH AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE AS SOON AS IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. THE FAILURE OF A BMP MAY INDICATE THAT THE BMP, AS INSTALLED, WAS NOT ADEQUATE FOR THE CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH IT WAS USED. REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS MUST RESULT IN A MORE ROBUST BMP, OR ADDITIONAL BMPs SHOULD BE INSTALLED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PROTECTION. 7. A DISTURBED AREA THAT IS NOT COMPLETED, BY THAT IS NOT BEING ACTIVELY GRADED (NON—ACTIVE AREA), SHALL BE FULLY PROTECTED FROM EROSION WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT BMPs (EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL). THE ABILITY TO DEPLOY STANDBY BMP MATERIALS IS NOT SUFFICIENT FOR THESE AREAS. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs MUST ACTUALLY BE DEPLOYED. THIS INCLUDES ALL BUILDING PADS, UNFINISHED ROADS, AND SLOPES. 8. SUFFICIENT MATERIALS NEEDED TO INSTALL STANDBY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs NECESSARY TO COMPLETELY PROTECT THE EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE SITE FROM EROSION AND TO PREVENT SEDIMENT DISCHARGES SHALL BE STORED ON—SITE. AREAS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN PROTECTED FROM EROSION USING PERMANENT PHYSICAL STABILIZATION OR ESTABLISHED VEGETATION STABILIZATION BMPs ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO BE "EXPOSED" FOR PURPOSES OF THIS REQUIREMENT. 9. THERE SHALL BE A "WEATHER TRIGGERED" ACTION PLAN AND THE ABILITY TO DEPLOY STANDBY SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs AS NEEDED TO COMPLETELY PROTECT THE EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF A PREDICTED STORM EVENT (A PREDICTED STORM IS DEFINED AS A FORECASTED, 50% CHANCE OF RAIN). 10. THE AMOUNT OF EXPOSED SOIL ALLOWED AT ONE TIME SHALL NOT EXCEED THAT WHICH CAN BE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED BY DEPLOYING STANDBY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs PRIOR TO A PREDICTED RAINSTORM. G I H PLANS PREPARED BY: TOAL ENGINEERING, INC. * (60F) O CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING STORMWATER QUALITY 139 Avenida Navarro San Clemente, CA 92672 9 4 9. 4 9 2. 8 5 8 6 www.toalengineering.com / QROFESS/0�,, \ L. ��ppPl1 GOTOq� F � No. 59275 A \yT� AL OFCICA_\F���\/ I ADAM L. TOAL I R.C.E. 59275 DATE: PREPARED FOR: JABARA GALLERY 509 31ST STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 n i a N z 0 N 1 w Cy) O 1.0 DATE: 6/5/18 0 rn V. SCALE: N/A DRN.: A.A. DWG. NO. l� L C-02 _ O2 12 APPD.: A.T. } _j�� OF 2 315 W m J ~ Of Q C7 Z m CL O .W 3 Z M Z w 0 u� 0 N Of N w M Cy) O 1.0 DATE: 6/5/18 H. SCALE: 1"=8' SURVEY DATE: 4/17/17 V. SCALE: N/A DRN.: A.A. DWG. NO. l� L C-02 _ O2 CHD.: A.T. APPD.: A.T. JOB NO. 17190 SHEET 2 OF 2 315 A 2 3 a BENCHMARK NOTE: OCSBM J-782 ELEV=7.142 NAVD88 DATUM, 1989 ADJ. EASEMENT NOTE: THE PLAT FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT A TITLE REPORT. UNPLOTTED EASEMENTS MAY EXIST ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. A B C D E F G H PLANS PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING, INC'. SCALE: 1/8"=V CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING STORMWATER QUALITY 139 Avenida Navarro - - - San Clemente, CA 92672 _- - 9 4 9. 4 9.2 .8 5 8 6 - . - - - - www'.toalengineering.com 5�3 1 -AND s` © ALF u VIKTOR P: MEUM 16' 14. - 20' 20, NA No. 8682 f'ARCE1. ( ( r 9F OF CA0F�� PMB 78/7-8 f 4 12yi• V. 1 I 658._ ��6a1 Geed fd. 612. 65 I VIKTORP.MEUM P.L.S. 8682 DATE: G 1gt' g1 1t. T 1• - f 6•°v - PREPARED FOR: $ 6 b q2 v $ v v p9p � v o- 1• II V v1• ..7 p a v N 1�00'43' 1393. 10 Y a W 00' Ova 10 6a v- Q GARY JABARA 7. volt1qg I d.. $. e . b $ v 7 • $ 62 q2 vMp . b @Al o0 Q G ° Q ' ° §. - " tr' v o m q # § 1qY �4g A Tv:v m' 7.42 -^ Q° a '$a ti m a m Y'Q 4 Pv 1A .m N 11 �• § (N0 ro.v Q 11 ate' ;v ¢ § • - § NA �d ° Y'1 Ay y8 Shi ° Y lG J811 ° m v Q ..$�.' Lu vim „" am : p° q° -. �' i�58 �; a ^". ' Exist bU §1 B v 6� ra E a m p V. Y. ..PARCEL �'1 .m $ _ ,p. V Qm. , ° ��,� pIi>? '"'^"i7 9.i v. a m PMB _.136/48—°9 '. W °v m O pOt > . '§ ,� .. m ..$ �v �•q- .'T q �Qv---v,—ro v 1.n�, § Q . 13q A'2 00, 0- �' b QQ1�Q °.. pa ,Y — ro.. �.+—TJ .---des ��• 1. °f° m V �-_ ✓� v. $?° fey I 6 (0.o ) 'v -ate p ,. .. —►—� v'6— .. .4 mjl p 4 � _ $ v : v of M ` Y �Q 0 jo t 'po YQ , I m v Q 1y b m . § ?'l Ag1 2 b 168 AD. $ z { m p(6 1 ? �. �. AAA O 2tQ f V. v p. Q. 2` 8.56'�1• 1�1 < � b ° 12 v �.� va r�.v 4 $ a.q b.v 5 1$• _ Y .v 2�°tt9 $ . m' ° § a. V p v eje' I/'t 5 �atP _ _ , v m / Q q j v .� v tiv § v 9 v c' $ � 9 a .m v 0 .. .mlp m' [ p': a e�.Y V W O met io m b J. iro o- . m °-.. o.b. m �O •3� ii �''! (?`' m vo-Q135. ."a.o' ° .. :g�tr ) )n� '.v 6,1 f 689: m fel : h ° y $ . a 61 N 00'43`0 W 93.00'6• 7.00 °Qp OI j• • p rt m 4411 Q a li bQ 1��0 EAT 4, BLOCK 530 U LANCA=:TER':s A[}f}ITIe}I`f Ti} NEWPORT f:EACfi 6936y$t• 63e 61603 W 9 D Q i W zo LL Q is, 14, 20 I 20 � U rn c Z 00 v 2G�, Z M m M CL p QW Z (-) ; V d W W LEGEND B C ----- GRADE BREAK LINE 5° INDEX CONTOUR LINE — — INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR LINE — — — — PROPERTY LINE —X X FENCE 4 O 0- MSE WALL 0 CONCRETE SURFACE MASONRY WALL WOOD WALL DATE: ROCK WALL i F.F. FINISHED FLOOR 1/8"=1' F.S. FINISHED SURFACE SURVEY DATE: T.G. TOP OF GRATE INV INVERT OF PIPE T.C. TOP OF CURB E.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 5 CHD.: - AP D.: VM T.W. TOP OF WALL 9 FOUND MONUMENT A SURVEY CONTROL POINT a BENCHMARK NOTE: OCSBM J-782 ELEV=7.142 NAVD88 DATUM, 1989 ADJ. EASEMENT NOTE: THE PLAT FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT A TITLE REPORT. UNPLOTTED EASEMENTS MAY EXIST ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. A B C D E F G H PLANS PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING, INC'. SCALE: 1/8"=V CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING STORMWATER QUALITY 139 Avenida Navarro - - - San Clemente, CA 92672 _- - 9 4 9. 4 9.2 .8 5 8 6 - . - - - - www'.toalengineering.com 5�3 1 -AND s` © ALF u VIKTOR P: MEUM 16' 14. - 20' 20, NA No. 8682 f'ARCE1. ( ( r 9F OF CA0F�� PMB 78/7-8 f 4 12yi• V. 1 I 658._ ��6a1 Geed fd. 612. 65 I VIKTORP.MEUM P.L.S. 8682 DATE: G 1gt' g1 1t. T 1• - f 6•°v - PREPARED FOR: $ 6 b q2 v $ v v p9p � v o- 1• II V v1• ..7 p a v N 1�00'43' 1393. 10 Y a W 00' Ova 10 6a v- Q GARY JABARA 7. volt1qg I d.. $. e . b $ v 7 • $ 62 q2 vMp . b @Al o0 Q G ° Q ' ° §. - " tr' v o m q # § 1qY �4g A Tv:v m' 7.42 -^ Q° a '$a ti m a m Y'Q 4 Pv 1A .m N 11 �• § (N0 ro.v Q 11 ate' ;v ¢ § • - § NA �d ° Y'1 Ay y8 Shi ° Y lG J811 ° m v Q ..$�.' Lu vim „" am : p° q° -. �' i�58 �; a ^". ' Exist bU §1 B v 6� ra E a m p V. Y. ..PARCEL �'1 .m $ _ ,p. V Qm. , ° ��,� pIi>? '"'^"i7 9.i v. a m PMB _.136/48—°9 '. W °v m O pOt > . '§ ,� .. m ..$ �v �•q- .'T q �Qv---v,—ro v 1.n�, § Q . 13q A'2 00, 0- �' b QQ1�Q °.. pa ,Y — ro.. �.+—TJ .---des ��• 1. °f° m V �-_ ✓� v. $?° fey I 6 (0.o ) 'v -ate p ,. .. —►—� v'6— .. .4 mjl p 4 � _ $ v : v of M ` Y �Q 0 jo t 'po YQ , I m v Q 1y b m . § ?'l Ag1 2 b 168 AD. $ z { m p(6 1 ? �. �. AAA O 2tQ f V. v p. Q. 2` 8.56'�1• 1�1 < � b ° 12 v �.� va r�.v 4 $ a.q b.v 5 1$• _ Y .v 2�°tt9 $ . m' ° § a. V p v eje' I/'t 5 �atP _ _ , v m / Q q j v .� v tiv § v 9 v c' $ � 9 a .m v 0 .. .mlp m' [ p': a e�.Y V W O met io m b J. iro o- . m °-.. o.b. m �O •3� ii �''! (?`' m vo-Q135. ."a.o' ° .. :g�tr ) )n� '.v 6,1 f 689: m fel : h ° y $ . a 61 N 00'43`0 W 93.00'6• 7.00 °Qp OI j• • p rt m 4411 Q a li bQ 1��0 EAT 4, BLOCK 530 U LANCA=:TER':s A[}f}ITIe}I`f Ti} NEWPORT f:EACfi 6936y$t• 63e 61603 W 9 D Q i W zo LL Q is, 14, 20 I 20 � U rn c Z 00 v 2G�, Z M m M CL p QW Z (-) ; V d W W B C D E F Q- Vj f, U) 0 0 O 0- a 0 in n DATE: H. SCALE: i 10-27-17 1/8"=1' SURVEY DATE: V. SCALE: Z 10-19-17 DRN.: MSF DWG. NO. - TP -01 CHD.: - AP D.: VM N - JOB NO. _ SHEET OF n. 17190 1 1 3 (o I I I I iy9y Roo e 26 ti9t cid LIGHTING LEGEND Symbol Equipment A LIGHTING INNOVATIONS SOLID BRASS DL404 DIRECTIONAL LIGHT 2.5W 2800k LED 12V — 20W MR11 LIGHT EQUIVALENT LIGHTING INNOVATIONS 12V LED TRANSFORMER 150130OW MULTI—TAP 12-15V STAINLESS STEEL 120V POWER SOURCE BY OWNER UL 1838 APPROVED FOR UNDER—WATER LIGHTS USE UNIVERSAL POWERLINE BUS USE AUTOMATED ASTRONOMICAL LIGHTING CONTROLS CONTACT JIM HOMAN 949 874-4455 USE LI CONTROLLER/SCHEDULER—TIMER USE LI UPB MODULE PER TRANSFORMER USE LI DIMMER/CONTROLLER W/ DUAL SHORT ROCKER FACEPLATE (MATCH EXISTING COLOR) USE LI BREAKER BOX MOUNT INVERTING PHASE COUPLER USE LI COMMERCIAL POWER SURGE ARRESTOR W/ALARM USE LI—ZNF10a—W NOISE FILTER — VERIFY AMPS MAKE UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONS USING SPEARS DS 400 PRE—FILLED DRI—SPLICE CONNECTORS ALL MOUNTING SCREWS & FASTENERS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL USE 12-2 GA. DIRECT BURIAL LOW VOLTAGE CABLE BURIED 6" MINIMUM PROVIDE SEPARATE AUTOMATED ZONES PER OWNERS REQUEST USE WATERPROOF SWITCHES IN EXTERIOR LOCATIONS DL 404 CB LED R` 41/2" 15/all f LED: 2.5w - 2700K Lumens: 180 Im (=20w halogen) Fixture: Cast Brass Warranty: 5 yrs. LED - Lifetime Fixture 66 e PLANTING LEGEND SHRUBS 1 Dianella Little Rev Flax Lily 2 Podocarpus Iccee Blue Blue Yew Pine 3 Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine GROUNDCOVERS Provide 3" layer shredded bark mulch under all shrub areas. Provide sample to Landscape Architect for review and approval. R & S Soils 2" — 4" Forest Floor LEGEND 24" Box F1 Q ° Gallon Quantity Type p � ° I N o2_ a 74 E c �� cz v�� v 13 Is�q e. Oji° _�a 14 °. .0 ° Dv °° a 111 l I Aa o v II 1p9idi� II X50 N 00 a) rn I d- 7 rn d- /5! ting building LO N ° N 9 D 2L. D aD9 w I 54 i • i, Q. Co �O 13a° ati. i I `CQ o 1rc 16 W ' a D II C0 _ r k ° II I of j° 6 I °. � a 0 v1 ° D 8 1 9 Q ���p° A• RAMP & ENY 1 WALL PER A ° 1X51 k° l ir 1 AC T I CHITECT'S PLAN a ° O CO 'T. 56 I� 1 jhce y6 1k 4 II rn -N � LOW VOLTAGEi W/SHROUD UPLIGHT Q N lo RCHITECTL ER ARCHIT'S 081 FINb° PLANj I (U� ° � ° v'L. pa v° $�. �6? c 3 0 i 0 J Roo e 26 ti9t cid LIGHTING LEGEND Symbol Equipment A LIGHTING INNOVATIONS SOLID BRASS DL404 DIRECTIONAL LIGHT 2.5W 2800k LED 12V — 20W MR11 LIGHT EQUIVALENT LIGHTING INNOVATIONS 12V LED TRANSFORMER 150130OW MULTI—TAP 12-15V STAINLESS STEEL 120V POWER SOURCE BY OWNER UL 1838 APPROVED FOR UNDER—WATER LIGHTS USE UNIVERSAL POWERLINE BUS USE AUTOMATED ASTRONOMICAL LIGHTING CONTROLS CONTACT JIM HOMAN 949 874-4455 USE LI CONTROLLER/SCHEDULER—TIMER USE LI UPB MODULE PER TRANSFORMER USE LI DIMMER/CONTROLLER W/ DUAL SHORT ROCKER FACEPLATE (MATCH EXISTING COLOR) USE LI BREAKER BOX MOUNT INVERTING PHASE COUPLER USE LI COMMERCIAL POWER SURGE ARRESTOR W/ALARM USE LI—ZNF10a—W NOISE FILTER — VERIFY AMPS MAKE UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONS USING SPEARS DS 400 PRE—FILLED DRI—SPLICE CONNECTORS ALL MOUNTING SCREWS & FASTENERS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL USE 12-2 GA. DIRECT BURIAL LOW VOLTAGE CABLE BURIED 6" MINIMUM PROVIDE SEPARATE AUTOMATED ZONES PER OWNERS REQUEST USE WATERPROOF SWITCHES IN EXTERIOR LOCATIONS DL 404 CB LED R` 41/2" 15/all f LED: 2.5w - 2700K Lumens: 180 Im (=20w halogen) Fixture: Cast Brass Warranty: 5 yrs. LED - Lifetime Fixture 66 e PLANTING LEGEND SHRUBS 1 Dianella Little Rev Flax Lily 2 Podocarpus Iccee Blue Blue Yew Pine 3 Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine GROUNDCOVERS Provide 3" layer shredded bark mulch under all shrub areas. Provide sample to Landscape Architect for review and approval. R & S Soils 2" — 4" Forest Floor LEGEND 24" Box F1 15 Gallon e5 Gallon Quantity Type TABULATION 122 S.F. NEW PLANTING AREA Dianella Little Rev Flax Lily 18" Ht. Blue Tuft in Entry Planter Podocarpus Iccee Blue Blue Yew Pine 5'-0" Ht. Blue Hedge on Building Wall Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Vine on Uplighted Architectural Fin ■ � o � N o2_ a 4� E c �� cz v�� v c C:::)� N 00 a) rn I d- rn d- rn LO N N rn Q U Co �O W ' U C0 � o J O CO Oi rn -N � I� V J Q N (U� 3 0 a 0 J Date 21 MAY 18 Revision 0 0 A -0 Title PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet 1 OF 1 Scale 1 "=8'-0" Job Number 18-103