HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-29 - Orange Coast PilotII I 0 R A N G·· E . ,., .... .., rr ., •••Q Good Morning! SUnny with mild Wind I >" cloud' dur111g thi: morning h1\UI' bl.',1111110~ tn1htl\ 'llllll) 10 tlll.' ,111~ rntltlll \\Ith \\C''ll 10 south\\C'I \\llld' I I to 15 mph H1ch 111 1 he upper l>Us to Jo .... 70 l 11'' s t\1night 111 the '"" to mid-"10,. I or rnnri: 111fnrrn.1IH'll, 1nc1ull11w ho.11111g, 11,hm• and 'urling. cc p.1gc \\ -- II THf IEWSIOOM It mih nc,cr re h th· b "' seller IM ·'"" n (;rt,unh \\Ull I be llll'IJKl.'ll IOI I lellcrsN1 l'.irkt·r·, l.11c,1 t >rm~.: < uJ't b.;1,c<1 nrncl, l•111 ( oron.1 dcl \l.11 re 1d~n1 Iii' llur hell promM:' 1h.1t his l.11e'1 'di puhJ1,hc1J title.: Uurd~r h) I Cl IUIL'lll \\Ill IHO\l(k \11 tllh\\CI hi tht" \1addl I n't s1tu.11mn. '"II stin\Ul.ih: \Our 1m.1 •1nn11u11' ind. 11 all 1h.u 1,n·1 nou~h. ome' "'" .i rom 11111 u1p:1,c emhng Hur-.hcll d11 h,1., pH'\ll u'l\ "ritlcn llfl 'll h h'cr ~ 10111\' 1 tcnn" .Ill I l1mpln trigonorm: In puhh~tws h1' 1m n \H'f throu~h :-..~''! 'rl l'uhh hmg 11011-t: 111' I 1t~'' tuk '' '\\rlllcn Bur hen '-' f\1, '•Ill 1k11 r lh.:rs tu th u ,.. of h.1, mg up n border':! Hu1 Jll'l 111 \ ·''t' lh II lhl!OI\ .:i(,ll\C dlll:'ll I do tht' lfll lh1rcht ll " lhl''c "h•l u:d r nt .. , "111 c gu.u.1111ccd 'l'llan 11,,rml b11 urc ~n<: 11nc 111'1111..cd n111111\11 ,._enc' I hl u1c,, .1pp.11cn1h. h l\C t n nhtcd 11 1111 1 rm II ~&1111011 , r the l x. --- QUD1D Df TIE DAY --------- 111 e1 r/1111~' 11 11 /, rr. 1 c' lir; lll r 1 cl fl r11r J11h 11111 \\ nl1£ 111g '''n l •\it:lhc TODAY'S fVfflTI •\\hat '' 1hc 01f1 1111 Cit\ 1ri.:c uf ~c:Y.port Bl.'JCh 1 \W 1q11 :>41 d1tpnpu1 ~ lllJ'llllll 11\111 I \UI lll ;,pt .. )111 p.'llUI tel " l I ;,;>Jl I' JO ll I • tomaY Decco Q Llttle Lotto I , 21, ...S, 2 , .~. 4 INDEX . ....... , ........ . ...... ····•• WednesdaV, May 29, 1991 ~ centl Kids wise up, dropout rates plunge By Russ Loar ten: Pilot l11 gh 'cho11l ll1 up •ut r 1tC'' arc dr 1111 111c.1lh k•\1.cr lit Ur.in •c Coa~t ' h0<1I 01 tr1 ''· \.1.ord1n to the t te cduc.111011 lJ p.utmcnt report rcle 1 ed J'uc~d:i). Duran!? 1he 1,,,t h\C \Cllt)o., 1he numt er-. 111 h1~h hool dropoub h •• , e a.ilk n 5 .. p\ ru!nt 111 the ~c"port-~k:-.,1 n1ficd \lh1x1J 1)1,11 1 I llHI JI} pct1.Clll 11 the 11 1 t111 •tvn Bc.1~h l llll•ll 11 1~' \ • IOI () H t • .i co · r t 1 the report "-t: ''hl"K "-r rintcmk nt Hill 1101111: rcpo11cd ·1 uc d.) &hilt dropout r<1 e 1hwughou1 the ,I.lie r d"" n IQ pert'cnl l \C:r the l."t f1,c \Crtl's, llhl -0 pcrccm in I Ir lllj! l OUllt) f nl\ thicc • ''' i-Ur 1n •c ounh d1:-.tr1d' \\llh h1ch hrn: '' reported tugh i drupout rate' durm~ the 11 .. c."-\C,11 pcnnd lhllll 19:-.() thwugh J9QO Propmll<o an rc.1 ll b~ 6 pc:rC'Cnt m I 1 •u11.1 Be ch l 1\lltcd . .: 1x·rc nt m PliiC'Cflllil L.: nihcd mt.I -~ i crccnt Ill < •aHkn l 1r0\e Unified In ~c"pon-~t .. "'· "h11:h rcport.:d • n ' • percent drupout r 11c for the cla" ot l<i1Jfl, .idmin1,tr 1tor' a\ c rl-. mtcnenttlln ''-!he C\ I k cpan • ~.1d in chool \\ c 11tcmp1 10 1dent1f) oon "' pO"l 1blc thtt!.t )'UUn~stcr" "'ho re h1 •h· rn •. aid I >Jlc \\ oofle,, d1rcl"tur ot rc'c irch und tudent !ICf\1 e for the ~C"f rt-Me' d1 tr1c1 "lhe m'r-c cmph " \\C: pul on c'llng 1.rd' "ell prcp;ircd, th~n the le s hkcl) the\ nrc 10 k..t\C ht)( I before lhC\ gr 1du le ' In the :-.;c.,.,pon :\k :i d1 tri 1 114 "tud~1ll'"1 du1ppcd 'Ul of the da!. of )Q wmpared t1 :t•li dropout., rn the cl.i;; 01 l '' 1-. ' rd1nc ll tht: t re report See DROPOUTS llCtl hie Tots meet cops -like· it lots un' h•t' Pre .hlit' I he' " r n 1 lh~ Rx for poor: Doctors willing to donate their time, skills • 'I h " lhh.rl 11 Sold! .signs show home sale . surge City bleeding under state . -budget cuts · Orange Coast People A flMIER ONE:·----------- . 0 r· • l ' 'I llEcor.tNG PROffSSIONAI.:-------- un wath in mime ' Wayman will not r.un for re-election Attempted murder~suicide investigated :-.. \0 1 t Ill (11111. I heel, pull1.1.: lll1~cl\ _ .. lit l (I :\kdll.I ' l >Ad fi,t('d 111 l'\lrCllll'h 1.Ul l~ 11 I 1 lfo 'l:rl 1 ldton • \\ho ran out of their homes LO~ ANC 1l·L : -l11rcc dozen mm nr1'l!i died 111 ~lemon ti DJ lrllffic adcnti. tat ~1de, lhc: lov.c'l hgurc in 27 )C,11 <>, l"lul c:tJht v.trc 1n I ,, An cit'> C.\1unl). unc more than l.1~1 ycur, 1hc hi&h•'I patrol I ue I w oughcr D\ I (dmmg 1111 lcr the mlluc ncc ol .tloohul m -drup) pcnallt and IO fCI CJ 'Cal bell U aae Cnnllnue to Sll\C -~·· id< hforn1a H1ghv.11y Patrol Snulhcrn 01\lstJ>n (hie( f.d •Gome The ·huur holtcb ) period began 111 6 p m. FnJay aiad anded .. Midnagh1 Monda • Gomez s11d lhc h f.it nhttc!\ comp11red to S9 CM• 1hc me period 14Ht year. lllirty fwe 1f'CCll'k died over the Memorial Di) hohdlJ '" 1964, llid CHP .,...._. Sieve Munday said 'fte loM1I r~ ever recorded durm1 the Mcmonat l>a) "' 1941. when 23 people died, he sakt. and the • 1971. _..." there were 83 f11aht1C• . .... ._ .... atr reported 2,399 DUI arrcsb 1hil JUI, clown JU( 2.614. and '" l.os Anplc County 18" ....... -~~ ........ ., ......... ,._ lUrt tlrj ~nn1d G,rndh1, wilt' ot ... 1.1 n R 11 \ C.inclh1, \\C'l'J'" .11!t'r hl'r hu ... b.incf', ,\'.hl'\ \\ll'rl' droppt'd into thL t .. 111~(' Rt\l'I rue d.1~ \\!1th lwr .Ht' cl.wghter Pm.111b ,incl snn R.ihul fllllral rites co•ted for RaJIV Ganllll ,\I l..1\1 I \B \() lnd1.1 11111 lu 1u111. 1u1 111.:, h11 R.IJI\ G.111dh1 \H'll' llllllpk led I m·,d,I\ 111 the \,Iler' Pl the (i,111..:c' .ind l.1mun 1 rl\.l'I ,, .1lhm 111£ h t' k.1rlerlc ... , ( ~lll 'fl.'" 1'111 I\ ll) IC,llllll' the: 't.'.U\.'h h1r h1' p1,hl1l.il hl'll In ,1 bknd ''' m1l11.ir' hnn11r' I ltndu Ir .1i11trn .tnd I 111111\ ~ricl. (1,1ndh1\ ;i,hl'' \\l'fl' 'l.Jlkl('d ,11 thi: 1'1111\I \\h('rt" lht: 11\C:I' nll'CI Ci 111.lh1\ :o' ·.u-1 Id '''" K.1hul. dre''''d in the ''hll(' ~,11,1r 11f mournin •,emptied .1 '\1>pp1:r urn 1mla1111 I 11.·111::1111'> 111 h" l.1thl'r 111111 the mmhh !inmn ''·'' : 11 " lllPth1 °'' ,1 "uhbcd ,111d \llped llar" \\llh the c.:111J 01 h.r ''hue ,,an. "htll r l 1ughtcr PrnJnl..1, .. I. ~omlu111:d hl'r I lll'th 11ul-ol nwumcr' '' 11d1~d l1L1m 'hllll. ,,, I< 1hul c111p11cd the urn lr0m 1 b 1111boo p1\;r tn mid rl\l r, tlH"ll l,;n II h\ "·''h 11 ,\ hd1-.op11.: 1 '"l''H'r1.·d rn c pt: 111, .111J m1•11111cr... ~ ,,, rul .ind 'cll1 " l:iht"l'nl' 111111 thl '1ll'r \n l11J1111 .11111\ I .rnd pl.l\c I .1 11ll1111111ul 'lllll!. I ' ,, I l•I lhl' I \ICC'l Ethiopian rebels take over capital \Ill >l'-1 \H \B \ I ll11 'I J Kd 1p' t.·11.t.•d tht: l thh'p1t111 1. 1p1t.al Ill 111.: 1 t: I t Ir 1 11..:ht111~ I L11 .. •,u.1\ then tJIO\ed 011 111 th e 1111im1111\:1111I t ''" uf' 1u11~'1(n 1rih •0,1.:111111~ 1 t."11111n "1l·ckul h: ~u ' .1r' 01 C'I\ I'' 11 1,1 1 l•ni \ •1mmc • J'hC lakCl.)\l."r (.'.llTII: ,1 \H ek uftcr l:thiop1d•!\ longttmc ruler. ~kngi~lu H:ule Man.1m, rc''"n' . . .. pre.,1dcn1 and flctl the n uon. and one dtt\ niter th~ Un1k'll 'it 11c' g. \C the rcbe6 1h b~ 'tn 10 mmc into i\tfJj, ,;\h ,1'1.1 ti• rc,1.11 ••d r I the 1,1 Bn 1d the rebck Gmrds taken hostage in New York prison t>f 'i l C 11 'I ' 'I t•I l <1ru: lll)r I'\ r tl<'' for th1. 'late uth n11c aid \CH'.' hrou~ht m ( >ne h1 ' ' rek '' ll m the c: ti wnd1111m 1 ..,. 11•,c.:ph 1111,ptl.il n l I \\llUlllf, II 1 t ,Ide 1 Former HUD directdr sentenced to 57 months 'l \\ \!{!( 'J "\.-\l' ChH' -/h lht '''°'' h'tf '"''" by ORANGE COASTS ONLY FICTIONAL ORAMA SERIF.S Shera! LeBeau Tt In J 11 hes I lh I kilo\\ but \\ell 1 11 ~"It'' 1 lllll\tt OJl\d I doh 1\t: lCll.1111 1.111ll.11d' "1•Jlld\ll\\ Ill 1k111 · I porn llll \IC \\llh (Olk\ \Ilks I'll I II\\ 1dc.:.1 111 11111 I h gli) \ ll~h .1 1ul• 111 (!1111 ..... 11hu111. l 1u •111.:d \" 1.0111c.: L'll '1 1111 k1ll1\\ \Oii lll\e h1111' ''the l\\11kqH"1lk111a.: 1 111111 111 • M11c bl'tl'I 11111l'kh ~1 ·1 pt:d oul . - News of the WalPd Queen Elizabeth's yacht picks up Cuban refugee Police Log ( O\la Mesu -fh t/lt \ Hiil f,llt ti ,,,..; ... n Cl n II li<Hlt llunl in~lo':! Re~u:h Nt ...... tit l11dl A_._. ...... ORANGE COAST llily Pilat VOL. 85, NO. 149 fd1to r', Hollint.•: h4.!·hllflf1 Ho\\ to rt~.l(h us ,1t tht' D.111\ Pilot I On the Co a St ~ ' 11 uld be JU'I .1ho111 n ,1nd I 11lll.1 lk 1lc 1hc 11,unc.: .1111 1 ol lhc.: ""'r..' .. ~ll\" \\I .. t Planner reject reque t for add-on apartment Property owners, residents at odds over apartment additions lh 111 llUll 11 i p l•I nr1"h\''''' t rh1I lh II 'uhm11tl t I th.it lh 'lllPl"hlld' costs may top 1&l'1 Utlhl ti' .md Ill hMlt ti ' Police dog called hero in fatal a~ Bv Rob rt Bar r Or tl UN 11 ~(1 I 0 Pohcc.: nmcc:r Jim \\ c \Cr 11c\icr ha' mmc lmal un I dcd1~ 11ccl partner t.h, n ~1m, l11s Ccrm.11' hcphcrd .1n1nc 1dck1cli. .... 1m '' 1s rnhbcd to de.it h sund.t~ h) .. Ike.: Ill' Ill.II\ " I \Cl\ when K1111 \l.:l" 1111Ht 111\ "l'lllllic<I .111cl his hh: hl·'•J I "' '' dr,1111111 • ,,,, •", he 1 :.in 1u the '11''' \\hctc \\1..• l\CI h.1d ch.1 cd uo"n 1hc k111h: \\rcl.1111 1 !>U,pCl't 111 1111 1pr.11cn1 l.1~1 g 1~p cth1r1 1<1 s1c1nd h) l11o; p,1fl llCI It '' ,.., the 5 )C.ir c;ld Kuns I I 1)llt 1,11 roh C 1Ct I le ChCd huu1 'lll m111utc_., I.lier ,11tcr "'urger) .11 <>r.1ngc.: Count\ I mc.:r •u1 \ l'ct < 11111 in <.1.udcn < 110\l· \\hc.::rc he h 1d l'c.::1.:11 Oo"n b) ptlli,c hlli optcr • I lccl he \CI Suri' s still up, but landmark surf shop is co• doWn Teachers expect back pay aner favorable court ruling l 'n io n l'a 11, t hr drd' io n a pa rt ia I 'ktol) 1n d b putr \\ilh ~chool' O\l'r longt\'il~ pa~ Cutely creative Orange Coast Business Watch -111'11 lllys Fmllln VllllJ -.c••,plansto~ten FOUNTAIN VALLEY Ronman Group S1\, a Santa Barbara-ba~ed inve,tment firm, has purcha'ieLI the 111.000· square-foot •oun11ln \'allt) Plaza 'hopping center for SI 2 million. accord1n~ to Grubb Elli Rc.11 E<>t,ltc ~cf'\>1cc~. · The rct:ul lCnter, at the "K>Ulhe 1,t '"'rner ,,f Brookhur't trect .and T.1lber1 \1.cnuc. "·" 98 percent k,l\ed .it the cl(he of cscrn\\. It 1, .1nchored b' Alh rbc1n\. 'up rm,1rl..ct un<l the CI.um Jumper n.·,t.mr.int , R \l t t m .1 n p I u n ' " u m e n.hab1litation \\Ur~ .u the center m the: futui:c Reput (. u\tomrr: ""e"-port lk.1ch-ba .. ed Langdon "il'on .\rchitectu~ Planning h." been 'elcc.tcd H.l Je,ign it.. '\Ccond ma1or otf1Cc building "llhm the pa\t I mt,nth, for Calik,rn1a'-. l.1rgc't '>"riler ol '"'rrkmen'o; C(impc no;,\llon, L1ngdon W1l,un \\ill dc,11?n 8 threc·\tOI), 11 5,000-quare-foot Ji,tnct office m the cit)' of O\narJ for th e State · Compcn\auon Jn,ur.ince Fu nd. r ht building \\Ill \('l"C Vcntur.t, \.1nt.1 Barl'lara and 'an Lui, Ob"J'X' counue\. 1 he '\e\\pOrt Beach-ba,cd tirrn pre' 1ou'h de,1gncd an ullu:c for the public entcrpmc "'>mp.tn) 10 Rl\eNdc. The new ofllct.' '' 1:heJulc<l 10 open in m1d-J t}<>~. -R.t the DJil_t Pilot Nostalgia bvword at company specializing in vintage tires Chattanooga firm's profits are inflating By Dan George Assoc ·Cl P C Ht\1 l \ '\OOG,\, I cnn Cork) (. t.lkd .1ppcar' 10 b1.: .di bu,me" .1, he ''" bc:hinJ h1' 1.k'i.. 1n a J, rk pan,tripcJ ,u11, but h1' · 'urruunll1og ... 1 1\\; him .11\,1~ · A n ck~.1111 \ 11.trol.1. .i l.1rce llllJJd .mpl.101.: jnd ,, r,1,h ol ~Pl1Jrlul Ill\ c:ar,, 1ru1. J..., und ... 11.·.1111 ho\ch '1r,1111h1 IHml 1h1.: ICl.5(1, clu11cr 1hc tio,1k1..hC bc:h1nd ha' r'.1Jdcd lc.1 thcr l.'h.ur \ IC\\ kct '""'· .1 pc1k•1.1h It' on:•! hO\ ·l'. \\ c'tcrn I· h 1.'r b1kt'. c 'mplcae 111th h.1n,lll·b.11 1 ..... ,1.•k l 11 d' HI thl' lllhf'l\ llC\I Ill .t t,1!1 lh1n I c \jt.(' '·,,nlinc: p'\Jn1p re ill 1 • .1 time "'hen ''1' cnt .. 1 ..ii • ( (lf\ (11..1 nt.1gc ttrC di\ 1'1111l " c pre 'Ide: Ill of I ho; lttthcr rcm,11n' 1hl• uch tic 1 crn1 IO I he nosl 1lg1a ur here 1s 1011 of mtcrcstin • • aid Coker. \hliough rn1umob1le tare nui.,;c up mo't 01 Coker I ire\ imcntory -lwm ~pmdl) turn·ol·lhe· c:ntul) z -inch lire<; "' the bag r1rc,tonc \\ 11.I < \JI o! the 111!/.l.. th~ omp Ill\ .11,o prOUlllC:' IHl''I fo1 'ant 1~ h1 ' "-'"· motm ,,ootcr' rnd 111pla1u;' I '~ pt lire' m .11rpl nc' 111 lh \u I 111,1; ~tu,cum. I h.i\c: 11 m 111 the 11111h om.in,· Lo~cr 11d lie ' al''' 1:111 them on !\ .. r(cn ( ( r I If\: h '' Ph" 1dt"<l ;.i111hcn11, ua' I 11 tll11c "' 111 p ralxl 11111111i0 p llllt''-r in ill' lr11m \II th\: \\ ' I Ii 1111.: 1n l<l!J ~ to m11rc h:lC:nt film., la c 'R 11nm.111.' l>ri\ln£ \1 1 l> 11;.\, .tnJ \ hllu ' ( ro,,111.i: ( )I he I ll'" lnlCI' h,I\ (' lh uJcJ h>rmcr h.1,d1.1ll ,111c 't'r Rl 1..g1t· I 1 !.; lln (Olllllr\ 'm..:er' Ii ~1lo; \\1th''"' Ii ind l h11rhc l>.1n1cl,, and H..111~h < l\1 c n l'l 1 h\; 1:011111 r, £r011p \l,1b 11na • "I "upphl'd 1 ,ct ot ~ lodcl I tare~ : 1 < 1 '1u Cl '' hch•rc he be 1mc \!uh. mmacl \It. \net ah, t tun.'' < o~cr '•11d "I l'OJ11~ "'·'''"g O\\n 11 the ,orncr b.lr. d1111~1ng <1 hecr. 'I L? .-:i c I lrl'm ZZ I c1p lc)(la~. und "c solJ l I lop 1 Cl of tare' lor their (. t111l 1 • II mfl c!> ou1 bu inc,, 1ntercstang It l\C\ ti •lamor \\ c'rc not JU I uld Joe the tare ban er do\lo n at the ornu \l.h1' II ch11nge ~nur rcc.:.1p' out ind b lance \lllH tires " Reprinted from IM DURHAM SUN V LOPER OF GAS SAVER AWARDED S22,000 I 1117 .. ~-... --1•111 IYIE C10•11RI Tr101•l101 NYSE Ups I Downs Nomo ~­°""""' UIC'• pi ...__ ..... ~ ....... Ul'S lot I DOWNS Lau Cl'lt .... .... ...... ... OTC Ups I Oo..vns Nom_. - Ul'S la11t DOWNS l .. 1 ' Chg Cl'lt .--. tO ,. • • • Dow Jones Averages sroc11s Op~" H igh l• .. Clo•• Cht .... NASO Summary Nom• "•"-"'• .... ....... Cho Pacific Stocks Metals Prices ' r , Crans host I ta for two... hundred By Carol Dee Jones Orarige Co;i lDa y P 01 . I c.1 '' ith krnon" S{•lllC r cuplc prc:fcr 1hcir tc.1 "•th ( rl'.111 1\1111 nu ..-. nd1.:r, the \ 11l.11te (re.in"·'' 1 gr.and ix1t for the rand old p.trt\ 11-' h,1,c thl'tr or t l ' porl llurbor Rc-p11bhc.111 , ,. 11 11 "·' 1ca lor t .,o, the _oo that 1 , 'ho turned Ull! ti the lr1.: IO C'itatl' IM mcmhcr<.t11p C\Cllt I here 11 J · ..:1.1 th1.:m II '·~ prc .. 1dcnt hnn Turnt-r. I hi." :\c" pm t 11.irlwr cl uh u11i;m.111.: d m 19'-and bo,1sh 1 rm:ml 1.:1,htp ol ''0 I he •roup p r I)\ Ille ' I ll I c I II h I r... I n d '' ht"1l 1r hip tw wt1rth' tmknr 'I h h , 11 g.1111zcd g '111g Jlf• •\ldcd .1 II the \.1, lllill' lur lhl d,1\., (.)utte .rn under l•'~ 111g -the tc:1 t.1hlc \hi' HI kct Iona.: 1 lu~c t.cntcrp1ccc' \\Cle pro\11lc:cl h\ B ' Monig.ll ,,, ( 1lfUll dd ~1.11 I lori..i Bu1i;co111ng ""h bhh~llllh, the\ r1ckld up the hi I\. ti me t\I tht. pa .. tel p1•t.1led \\:,111 .. \ her rl.1ttt'f\ ,p.1rkled on ihc P' 1 I 1. I 1\oOd and 11\ 'I 00\H'd \\ llh lllbl le~ I l' 1 h 1tr\10m 1n J.lnl' Kingsle\ I here <1re 720 ,, ortcd tcc1 , .. nd" i~hc' and an equal number ''' "Het' :rnd berries! ''Lil Richards and Cl,u.i J.ane Nikon 'en.ed ""'' there a rc,11 ~1.1nd(1ut .11nid lll the tre;m? "I l;i\lor the lemon Item,," conl1dct.I Nl\on. "the lemon t.irl\ arc 011ht.ind1ng" In .111t1c1p 1tion <'f the lcmnri,11 Ch '' ccl..!:11.U tht pt.:aal '1Ul!~l ot honor "·'' ll'\ine Cit~ counctlnrnn Art Ulo11mcr, "ho JU't h.1ppt.:n' 111 he ,, BngJd11:r Gcncr.11, l \MC (Rel.) Coun~1lm tn Bloom1.:r "J' loot..1nl! fol'\\,11u "' the "cckcnd, hl' planned on Join)! ,, little c.1rl~ crh:br 11111~ of hb upcoming \\CChhn~ illllll\Cf,,lf\, In 'pe.1t..1n~ ,1h;1ut . the ret.ent "·" 1n th1.: r.1111 . Bh"1mcr t11ld the .ru'"I "\\JMt made the chlfertncc tn the outcome ""'' the leader.hip 1nll tra111111g, \\h1ch 'lt.trtcd .11 the ,lllp , I he .1111.:rnoon wa-. topped ,,ff "hen Ham. U.1hh111 'crenndcd the ,,111atcJ l.1t..11v .. \m,1n~ th11'e there \\Crt. Betty R..ibbitt, Annl' and Phylli Badham, ( .uol Blanchard, Anita Fergu on. Jud\' frilnco, ora Jorgen~en, Dr. .uah !\.err, >\nn Freeman, M.tr\' Hclr\ey, ht'hn Hart, Bctrbarol \taple. Betw todd.ud. froln Van '1N Hoe .. en .ind Ellen W1lco,. To talk is to tell lies I he \ u~nne'1.: I 1 n; tKl'I 0110 \ hen' ~.1uJ. 'I u t1 ,1 I '' .1 ' s 1h1nk .11101hc1 I h1ng lh.111 \\ h,1t \ 011 ,1d 11.tlh !.,I\ " H\: 'od, "It ' nnt Sl\ 11111\.h \~h.il \llll 'I\ 1h1t 1. 0 Ill 11111 II h , IC", hut ho'' \Oii hide \\hJt \ou don 1 •l, \OUJ ICtl lcchng .. ' I le 11d 1,~n·r ii 1 1 I.in ·u 1 •e L.M. Boyll thl'> )\Ill. I' ir I ingu.1~l in.u1 h • ir ii' Ill ( \ 0 II (~Cl\: I hi l, 1l )I I I h Ill I \ ll'Ok', p:i\\\ t •r 1 ''" km• ..... M.:c l11tk "hl\H'I' \ nd () :-.:.uu11:, 111' ire •h. pl· I 1 u ... rt,, k1 p.mh_ '"'·'c' nr '" 11) 2 \n trC , ' '-I nn pnlc I ( nr,11 ll) ()ut. 'I llJn \.\ h II ,11 C I h tin.ii pc n 1plc ''r1.' 1•1 1111111. I tr.1p \,l·,~r mmd fl, hctrer on I\ I 1KIJ\ \II ind I lltdn t \ titan 111't g1. L ri..h 1f lk t.tkc' rr11per .... m: ul ha• l .tm11\ lh11\ not m' line 11, ,1n L•l1 ~I 111' '\,i\lllJ; \ '"'' , •• u •ht in ,1 11.1p \\Ill 1 I 111\c but 0 111' 1J1t..t' ti• Ir\ "' g..:t tree , 1 .. l<•rd111g 11' th1.• "1hllitc1' I he Hrttt'h !.t.1Le~m 111 I ltJ1.1 c \\. ;ilpok ,,11d , I ht '"1rl.I ,., 11med\ to thu ... • '' h1• thmli. trace 1\ w tho .. c "ho tecl • Ann's opinion stirs up angry responses I >c 1r \rin l~ndcr' \m I 11 1 1.11 t ' r~'pond :11 the letter lrnm l C•'l'n I l·.trnc,J 1n <>n eont 1. .... 't .1~lll I l hC' .. lDlllFI ' h n v. 1 uth p ·o 111c: he n in 1 dna', Jn 1 t her •o on eml! d n' t t ed J ~ C.f'm of ch ll;a\ I ht 'llrt\I ~ ' II'> maa.t life h rd for 'our h1l1ln n '' to maa.t• ti too t"ll" for thrm. • ~ '~\ I In" "ell t 1 \nn I rmlcr~' "rn I tt tevie Wonder produces tune for pike Lee -Jun gle Lo ~IC\ 1c \\ omk r Mln '' ' In I.id. \\hCll I ,,,\\ (11), I thnul!ht 11 \\Orli.cu ,,, "ell 1h.11 I llll I (I cc . • 't <H• .t\111 '1 need am mu''' h'r the 11trn Ju,t le l\C 11 the "a' 11 ''· ' \\ rn d... 11d Ill un 1ntcn 1c:" pubh'h d \u l 1.1\ m the 1....-1 \ngck' I inlc' \lu,h of &he mu•• 11dl1rc'' ~ r 1 '-icl 1t10n• ind "i0\:1al •Jlld1111 '" l h 11 \\ fl n cl c r ' u1 h 1 \ c n l 1m1 roH~d '1gn1fi,,mtl) ''" c hc \HOIC ., OU \1n't l)<me ~othm'' and l h"hC'r 1round' m lhc Koop takes health crusade on the air I !lomcth1n1 $HEALTH$ INSURANCE WHY PAY MORE?OVER 100 DIFFERENT COMPANIES BY PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE BIOKEl$.INC, 2800 Ea11t COMI High•f .... " C...dll .... 92111 WRW (71t)M0-1•t• .., 237 ....... KJ. ,..,-'I' *r ~,,'t;. , .... fJ.,,.,...,,. ~ R,,,_,, R,,,. 16 .JI I..,.~,. I-'" _,,,.. ,,_;.! Canter anniversary gala •• lllVlllld Or n Center ,, bout 01 .1..,,..1'1 1l1l, llr.trl\!l f'flJI I 1 1111\.. '\11 1('1\, ..., mph1111\ c lrd1c,11,1, l tln1 de · ,1.1<l l'ih 1llc d,1"'· \cpl. .:tJ.~9 1 hl' e r 111ge frnm .1 lrl'C, d .1\.·long "H1nhda\ Purl\" for suppu11c" .111d frr ml' lo a puir ''' ·kg.1111 d1nn\.·r p.1111c' C\pCt:ll'd IU he l11~hlight' ul till' -.odal 'l'a~nn . \ ~.11.1 cl."'k.11 \UOC:CI I ,ind hli!h f 11)\\ l hcfttrll'.t) f.1~hlll0 \hO\\ Ml' 1ho pl.llllll'd "Our 111111\ cri.ar~ •~ de'1t;m:d "' b ll l h \.'Ck h I ,1 I l' t lu.• ( C 11 t l' I '._ C\~Cpt1011.1I .1\'111cH!lllCllh during I Ill P·hl h\ c \\,' :u in I ll 11.: ltlr\\,trd," J\1hnSllO ,,11d "\\'c \\cllll to highh •ht the c nll'r 'Clll\.' ol the <. llllCr .1~ 1h1~ .11c.1 ', ka1l111g p..rtorn11ng .iris pr ~( ntcr .m I 1 c.11.1h't l\1r tlu.· "'tc,1 h ''°''th ,,, l h c •I II d l'(H' 11 d c n I I q ; HI n a I comp 11\IC"' \\ ( 11b 11 \\,1111 II) reco 1117.l' thl' Center', 11>m.u~ 1hk \11h111tccr-.ind dollllr s, \\llh11ut \\hom lht•tt.• '"nph \\11uhl he ru1 ( c ll I \.' I I ll ll " I II p I I \ 1 11 l· 11pptllllllllltC' h11 till' ( l'llll r 1(1 1 1:.1~h m•rl· br11.1dh 1111t• lhl' l'°(llllllllllllt\. • 1 hi.' ·u 11tht1 .. , P.111,, • \\It h .11c1 li)t11l,111u:' .ind c11h~1 ,1dl\l11c ' 1h111111.:h1111t th\· <\111t•r, ·''"' m 11k the ll llld t1ll l\ ollllli\t'l ,,1r . suntl.i\. 'wp1 : ' I Ill , H 111 · '' hllll£ d 1.:11 d h\ l l:lllc r \l(C 11 mm.111 1111 111111 in11\ outu: 11 l .1n I \\ 1lk1: 11 u:kh1 1111•n \\Ill h.: 1t\lh: 11\c I uh~·• 111 th ... \Hck St 'C"tr•ml Ill ' 11 111 \\ 111 h( II 111,1,,rmc d I \ ·he \.Ulhtru 11 0 11 ol n C\tCOSl\C pl.1t l111m ''''cm 1hu\\.' thl' "l',th 111 the 11rchc't r.1 ccti1111 ..\n clcg.1111 bcnd11 dinner lur more th.in 600 1w11pk '"II l'lc held there. 'I hc I.' ' c 11 I , c ,1 11 c d ' S I .1 r I 1 g h t h.prl'''"'n':' "111 !'le d1.111 ell h~ I lwmp,11n Owen .tnd Muth r.1blc' lll to r.1ngc in pml' from C\,1100 to _ Z5,fl00. Pmcc d' lrom the C\l'lltn' .11c l'\f'lCCll'd tu Jllhllh .. C thC llhljtlrit) 111 hllh \111m c r,,,~ .1 ''' 1t1c' rnJ pro' tlk 'li~n1frc11111 pnr1111n ol the f\.'\~nuc to he d1,iJcd a mon • the ( cntcr .ind p.1rt1c1p.11111~ ri:gllln.11 arh 11rc.in11.ition' l > \, pl 2h "" ·l 1~1111111 I l.111 '' 111 "'tu he ti '"\. QI .i dinner. th" trnw of ,, dc .. u.lcdl) d1llcH'llt 111tur~· -, \\\''tern themed p.11t\ 1111... CH'nl 1, Cll·lh.111cd Ii\ R1daa1d l.11l!cl, .1 llll'lllhl·r (II bnth till' l t·nte1 ,1nd Op\.•1,1 P.1ltl1l b l 1 nh, l·d" ud ll.1 h.11,11n, c h.111111,111 o t < >< l'"i, ,111 I M.iro ,\t uh 11l e. l'.t.il 1l 1...\ mp horn < >rr h.:,11.1 huirm,111 I .1hk, 111 Io r.1111!... 111 pr1c~ fr11in SI .~50 tt• '11111 ,,. On s pl ~~ I Ill' < l'rlh.: r "111 p I L' ,·c l\ I I h '. r cg IC 0 •' I ,1 I I ' 111~.u111.i11om 111 1 CiJll\ Cun .... c11" t•t "mph•'n~ ope.: r.1 ind chnr .11 "~>rk,, I he 1e,t1\e C\Cning ""' lclchr ti c lhl" uchtcH~ml.'111'1 ul Opr:r 1 Pa1:1f1c -founded here ,,, ,, p1od11cin& comp.1nv "'hen the l c111~r fir,t opcnccl ''' d1>0r-, - ,, n d I h C ~ r cm I h ll I P ,1 c I f I c '' mphony OrLhc,tr.1 Or.rngc ( 1111111\ l'h1lh:irm111HL' \0\11.'h .111d lhl· cti11r ,,k, ''nee tht:\ mo\cd 111 the Center 1n 19Hti. "Ciatu Cun(crt" 11 Ket-. r.rn~e from I°' 111 50. 1\ pt~·\1 nccrl d11111cr , t 'thL' \\ es1111 ~11111h Co.1 t Pf,,,,, J Intel '"II .1bo he fc 11111cd; lH:lcts !(11 the \\1Jnb1nctl u1nner .Hid conccri uc ~511 per pr:N>ll I I k c I s , ,, r \ I •• r I 1 i! h I I 'Jlll' 'ion.,., thl' "'-'' rn th ·nwd 11·" '' .md · <.i,1!.1 < on .... crt'' \\Ill t•~ ·" 11l 1hlc DI the Ccntc1 t-'' 11t1 1~c ,ind I 1d\ctMn.,1c:r 111 nml \Ui!U'I I h~ < c; 111 c1 ·, ·111hh , .\OOll llung, '"" ''·1£l' ,1 'IH.• .. 1.al p11!111dc ll• the ( c111~ r' hllh \11nr.c1s,m ' u t.. • I he Ct:ntcr 11t I ,1,h11lll:· 1111 \l pl ."!ll .11 I 'll 111d s p.m I h" l \II " ·~ 1111.1 h1111 ., 111 the ,t,1~e 11\IJ g u1hl .111d \IP m11lkh '1'•11h~h11ni;: t.1 ... lu1111 U\ 1t11•n~ lrPm lc.1d111 • tit'• •nl.'r' .111.i 1ct,11k 1,, I 1dl '' 1.111 ·~ 111 prilc trum • ~O l•l ,7, ,111!1 m.I\ be purd1 ''l'd 11 the <~Ille r h ' 0 111 c l'lc l!lnlllnt' \ug I I elvton • 111 11 > ~pital ' ith pneumo nia Taylor settles her lawsuit . . . against National Enquirer /h llu \"iii'"'" d l'n" Movie listings Newport Beach I• ·~· Costa Mesa aALllOA Cll'llYll l o• n; t •11 .. A u •.-u lDillloUOS Nr-WPOlf C NI I D< drott w a• A ov• l ot>? ti d10n •t.,..io (OwAPOS SV.ND C PH"'.A ,_. h ftM!lmo i. lo •• f;I:., o.,,., _Lo,... U DO C NlltlA RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. ... , ........ ~'" ... lt2l ...... l lR com IUU-SO Im "° H ,., C ... ~!Y '89 BMW 3251 .... """ S speed convftff bl• to • O'ier 80'9 or bVV W • b/!! oo p ru!rlc>lng 2S n!les U 'I 'OOdOO COf l)h<>ne, pgrOOOd • \ recn d c sPO er $57~ mo .,gs. Co t ISO )679 $23,500 For JUSI $20 w II run your b2 ' ad m our aut· motive sect on, th a p.cture of your car, for 3 con· MCutNe S tUf'days Copy must be submitted by Wed C•ll Candy NOW It 642-5678 to piece your ad and get 1n on th 1 lntrOductOf)' otferl The Automowe Gulde appe.va ev.y S.tUfCS.y • "let tor ori'n.lif' ~ no chlngee can bl m.oe on onglNI copy JOUtH COASf VIUJIGI Jr " ~o r Orf'"pfr Huntington Beach 1Dw4•ns CttAP!(O I l"IUI 0 Ir l• • I Oft Ir .... d1•n ti W • Ir t •• Oa'" )• • c. s .. lrvme htl u •JJVU S n ( NIMA ,,.. . o ... , '""•to ... , S•o,.• Coll! Drop D• Cl f r<'d ,. 2 Tt..lmo • l•u •• M ntt•qv rt l•• Bot~drah H dtO<> Hciw~ ,..hat Abou• lob• w 'd t4POftt (Cft I'" l ro..-• ., Fountain Valley u MU ., VAlllY TWIN locloclroh -. d tt11art1 Con ' I r llro" "" tfvthon Hawit M.nTlJ'lflqu in two ,, ' Laguna Beach IDNAllDS $0Vf'4 COAiT LAGUNA Trvth ••Oar• FllE CllCl-11' Fiii n•aLH --. Ar• you CMftooklng mMtmum. dit- counll wft9' your lneuf1nee7 The F""*' ..,.,,8nee QrO&lp of Com-... '* • P'09'8"' '°' you • Sllfllly dlecour* IOr d-locll ~ .. &pwlwer••• •Good"'*"' • Good DrNier •~at11 k \\ 1td1 \ltc.:t I W \ I in 111' l h1.: \h ~ll:n lllnc" ·• 'hl' h 1d lupu,, ,1 I ,,H 11 t\f)t 11! .. l 111 LI 11<11 11011 I 11 JUllC.:I '1111 (I .• C ~'" IP \It" l .1d 1•1', mcd1l'HI 1ml I' IHl\\ 'ltl\l11;cl th,11 I,'' rtpl•1t111r on her 111 h11 >n .mJ thf• rl'pl•r 1lr 111k111g \\(IC'. Ill p 11 he 1 t l hi.: n I \ Prolific pianist-composer Johansen dies of cancer Tl/ listings 7:00 • .. • 7:30 8:00 .i.upa1dyl J Roclly •lld luh'fllle 11\h l l l'l 11 I 11 I llr>·I II I l " 8:30 9:00 9:30 --Jilt end "' F"""" I ~ ll,1 //JC' \ '\f)( 1,1/t 1/ ,., f '' 10:00 10:30 11 :00 11 :30 ..... 1sc;;;;"" Cnmt T°""'!!i't $llow lrl !;re< c_,, • ..... ....,. ..... ..... lefw!y .. ...... ' community Forum ORANGE COAST .... \n lnd111wncl nt ' w-.pa pt>r l'ul 11 h• I I \ P,1g1• .roup Puhh hin~ Inc. Elliot tein, Jr., l hJum.in \\'1111.tm ~. Lobdell, e<l1tor , \ 1H' pws1cl nt tt•\ 1: M.trblc man.1 •ing 1'<1 or Walter Burroughs, 1901 -1989, founding publi:i.her ~ --T-..-y~ ~·~ -.-... -----=,-.-.. ---.... • --:- ·M .. ,,.11• ' r ' . • -~ • . 1 c -::_-;:,~ ~..;._j1;~ ~ ·~----~~·-~--··---...c.tt. -="' SWilt action by city should be applauded \\ c lt1rn111c11 I I lu1111n~t11n fh: '' h t 1t\ \dm1111,1r,ll\•1 ~lti>l bC'l\1,1 •I I' 1' Ollk'IUU! ,1 IH!hh:llllll! OI hudl!CI , ~CC•Ulllll\I? lo •plwlc' Ill 111 L'ltoll 1t1 he.: 1 I 011 un.111thurr1.cc1 c.:ll\ pur h.1 t:" It '' '' th bc~t 11111\t: Jc 1 h 'I'' lhc c nl\ mm • l h na.tRa "~'uld h.I\ m.1dc m the.: \,,,;..c ol un 1u!hor11, I cit\ pmcha"c 1h.11 'Cl\dl Ill cmb.111.1'' 1•!11 1.11 111 re cnt \\Cd;' 'l ct. hL· l!Uld h.l\c hemmed ,111d h '''c.:d 1b•'ll' 11. ind l.1ppcd th· h mJ!> <I the ollcndcr . 1dlmg ll 1.:m cJ 111 • cJ,, th.II IC. lrl 111,1 it.I. he ll tik 'tcp h' m.1.1: .;urc.: 1t c1 ulJn I h 1ppc.:n .1c.11n \ml he.: d1tln 1 ' 1 tt· .im lime 1~c.: l tmg 1t J 1111.: In \p11 11 " , .. k .irn1.: I th.it l'ubli. \\ 11r " Dq 0111 1.11'!1 u nl .. mplu' monc\ lwm :ht11 hull!!..t t< l'll\ C't' 111 I c.: 1111x hm,1 fu1 < It\ t uu.111.11 munhc.: r' .11 .1 1.0,t or ' ~(I I 1 Hlln 11 (•!ll\ .. 111 . h 1·11111 • 1 " : rn1lho11 budget hNtl 111 • ... wl 1 he.:\ h.1u11 t q phi\ cd till" \Hlr.rh.1-.. • (11 the tlt,hl '· 111 In 1 1>.Jh\\ 1hH1t11 111h11u rnl\\ re ,.,11umtu1 •,ti 11nitw - --,.,., fJJ ms,.,_ On 1111, cl.th : I •ltl l<h 1t ti l\1h 11d II I D111111111'y , h. t "'" ~THE..N,~ ~ ~ A/l()(/T QI/. MISS r»5eJ{T ~ M T T SHKT COITrJST- I THAT '4l4S I Mt. l~.ll51 (lXllOUS Senior rights Im; I ti I•\ I 1m 1 ' 111 r < 1111 n 1 .-'' llld h1\t: \.llOl!lhUl1.:d ll 'Klil ~c 11111' .,,rn c ""' m cp11011 1n :he.: 1'1111 1ml lnhl 1rt '1111.l' II' inn·1111111 11 1J l l > 1t1, I tlun~ I m.l.t\ 1" 1 dt t:11 pl 1u· I I ~1111 p.1\ \{°'Cl I '• Ufl\\ I' nl\ ffi !Jill Ill l111\C I \l <·1111' ,.. A v 11M ~R 1 1 t t lK BO;(,· clcd1rin d.t\ \Ill 1.: du the "I 'Cf l) Essay winners \I l 11 \ IU I ~ \l \10.1 I ( I -- h1lh ,, c u1h1.:r Write to usl I h 1111 I I H l \lillu11111 11 Thit 11 1 commun~ news,..,er, and Mie'd Ii e to he•r trom you. letter should be brief and· are sub1 t to ed1t1ng lpn r correspondence will be con idered for a Community Com. mentMy feature Ple•se tend subm ions to tht °'•"P Coatt o.ily ritol, '.BO w. a.y St , Cosu Mesa, CA 92&21 or fa• them to (71 4) 6'46 ·41 70. PteMe include your name, cit)' and phone number f you'd like 'f04I' lefter to be printed. You CM llllo caQ OUt ...... HCJd6M It '642·60&6 •nd die· I* I leaef to the .citOf Thank you for yot.1r 1~t n the Oranp COlll com- munity. Wednesday, May 29. 1981 A Best of tbe Hutllne Winning our streets back l> :\RRIL' '-01 I\ l I k ~. ,. Otr. May 19 c-..i: Mo.ti, , ... .,. .... lhit """'" -.aNI p.ar· Ii.all,. dum'J eM .a~ulOI· ft Th.ortd.t" .ef· '"- l o .. llou d' tlurtng l h t' -rnong hnu" kMi.a> ~ '"" ni: ll'CKll~ \Ul\n\ 1n l>e"'rh: ~o,11) dur through Thun- d .. t , "'1lh "'t'•I lo norlh\Ol'H "'ind' to 1~ mph t o ll ~) \or tJu ''•h . \ J.Olth " .. , lit• jb, ... 1h ·H ·~·""'"°°" OCEAN REPORT "4ounl.t1n-. 'io\lh • lr.11 hod~" ... 1h .... '°" high. 1n lht' UPf't'' Mh lo mid ·o. TOOAY'SSUN Sunrise: 5:55 a.m. Sunset: 7:58 p.m. BOATING \\:...h •ol k• ~ .... t Ill lo U L~oh '" thr •tl.-•~-m '°".t' l t4rt 4-'"''""'''t "''t.fl 1 h..-1 FISHING '"'"llt' 'l h ,,~ ••• h ,..,,. •• ,,.., cw hH•Mw,1-" ('lt\O lthto •1dntn •NI '""J b\h 0 () TIDES l Ill>" J , ... l "' II 1• .1m Full Moon May26 Last Otr. New Moon June 9 June 2 nll:dl 10 Jlll 1.:d ~: ! .,!'\ t h ltll " ,, 1 1 t l• I It ,11hl1n11n11101 1.11c"1dc.: mtm red thL kt 1d1c I hnu,111c SURFING LO< 110 °"' \Ill \H4'Pl Hunttni;hln Bt'~• h 1 l "i-"'J><••l a ..... h 2.1 t 01on.1 d.-1 \l.lr i.1 Ll~un~ 8r i.h l·l 'Jlt(rl't'~ 2·l \Jn (km1 nh !·J 1111 .,tl\) ,,,,,, .... ''"' l111;h '''" ntl le-.. net• 1 ir ' I ' tllllr&bllt~d h• ll' prt~( If ll' i' 11 l I ( \I< Ill 111,1r~c& tn \p11I C 1 't:d c .. 1.:111\\ 'ilk' fll (t11td•lfl\111l 1111' JUll1Jll"ll '\(J <1 p~ I C Ill Ill Ill \I.tr h I'll I lll•O .. , l:S• '" 1lh I l1u'1 d h,l\I' 111tl \HU. d1mrt 11"1\ :! I pcru.::111 ll\1111 \prll 1•1'1(1 Majority pa Ill Ill ., .. --I lll'.lll· Ill pcrccnl 'he;"n t he ~t tlC\\I k '111glc I 11nih d1l,1; J c' Ill{\ 11 p1.:r 1.:ni \I 11ch S111c\,1d tht: m1.:1h.1n l"''i: nf 111 ,,.,llng ~111~k·t,1 m1I ckt 1 hcd home climbed 11• 1 11 \\ h1 h o f -20-.b,,U 111 1\p11l. up 17 p-=t l"lll lrorn ,1 IC\I cd wll=. 170 Ill \l 11 h HH1 111 JlCICClll higher lh 11 lhc 11 6 I HI rcc1ud1.:ll 1 ,1.:.11 .1g~1 \ m irl\cd sh1l1 111 10 1hc ml A Message From Dr. Thibodeau "The cft1l'1cn~y of the chiropractor 1~ dctcrmtncll not b h111 rchg1ou ly folio\\. mg S(imc h.trd .end fa'lt ct of rule • but h) his 11h1hty tu ~trll) tt\\ay trom 'IUCh rule when nc e ary and work out met· From Al ~h!!,lll I\ '' h • I 11 I.. ' huob \mcrr~.en I h111t111 run U uch l n1011 l<>&I 06 1udcn1s m the I o l JlrJO, omparcd II' 721 .. 1mkn1s \\h 1 lroppcd ou1 of the cl.is or JQ"it> Ncwpon·Mcs h s the fifth · lowc t dropout 1 1tc tn <>ran c llac uncd to each 1ndrv1dual case. A hard nnd faM ~t ..... may be applied in the maJOntY of cases, but even the ountv, and the •uni\ '!i 1h1r1)·bc"'1 1mprovcmcn1 r.i1c '"'° A l:tm110 Un1f1ed ha!i the unt 's ll ca handle lhc m•JOrily. It ii the m1nor1ty that re· pat lkill ta laandba1: rhar put the pr1ctitioncr to a (714) '42-7191 (21J) 5916644 dtopout rate -4 I pcrc nt V.1th d1 lnct fa m ma l\C fuaditat , .. , ntxl yur, hool off'1a1h worry thal wopouu may lftCrHll as lnacrventtu11 ,... ... are lltlllcd down 1n MllMC cli&tkt 1ftd etim11uted alloptlwr ia .... 1"' -..wr ... llflllll .. "°°"'•"111!¥•'*1-la.I f LU. Mir a Ulll-· TOMC.>llOW1 ~~-.... .. _ lltlch -· .. --.... -~ I S lo 20 .. ph • ......,. 'oolltf .llh .......... ""''°'· .... ~ .... •• ~ .. .,r.,.14 •·11 11<>•• 1.1.1 ..... ftf"\IW' '""CIM•h . ... '"~'"" \tnfll ... , .. , , ..... , ... o.~1 .... 1 0f'll,UHl '•Im ''" !n,i ,hA1iift4' •• lfl<••>il C.11 ll•\t•H•lf«' '·"' ••hf'fllf l't '.~lftJ\ \J ft !lilt '" •~..t:n" '•"h ~ .. ,_.,, ... "••h.ar• , .. ,., ..... , ,,ft ...... 0 11 .. ,,.. \Anti a1h-' '1"~ur \h lll ··- ,.. \0 .. S\ M 10 '' , .. .. S\ ·o n .... \S " \0 ,, u \4 \1 ,. 1\-j lol "(> •'I ... ,. •• \(I 10 so lol \0 ... ,, ., '" .... --~ "' .. u so , .. t\ ., •ft " .. ..... , ..... ., .. v a.u-_,,... { ...... _ (he• tMlftNti o.n., 11 \\..rti. °""""''' Ct-Ito.I tA tbt'"'"ll ll•(thlf """"'""' tftJM'llh...,. l~·Juf\ tJw4n '''""h' ,, t .... \f'i.h l tlttt" ••• -. '"-"'"ft.ht\ l\f'• ..,,.,~ .. ' '"' '"'~ ldt '~tff-1.r/f& \:A llU•-•< 1, ....... h. PhiU.•rlplii• 0 .. , •l .. ,, ~· .. a .. , ... .. toi "' .. • u ... . .. b. ... 11 1n ttt. I "'' • 1 .. ·~ u n -~ "' ... .., I• • • . ., ., ., •l •• ~ .. ·~ "' "!> ............... ....... \t lnVh .... l, .. r (il• , .... "' ,. \t \ff' \ti.aHf' WAii ... ·~"· '"''"" \\ nllt'ICI"" 0 I \\och•l.I •••••••• Oh•ll••n 11 .... ~ ..... , l••u•Alrm ''""""' \l•ttrld '••n ........ ,,...,.,, .. ' ... ... 40 u •) :0 .. , ll SJ ~ 41 ..... , .... , 4\ SI ~l ., "' 'l 'I) • , 'II •i ,.. \l ~-\Cl .. ,. ., ... "l H ., u lol H 'Rainbow Man' is suspected series of stink bombings • ID Bv Raida-Cardi;; ell .. . \\\.I \ \\,\ \ ' 1110. Ul Hl 111 .. '' " 11 1111 \\ h 1 'l , d I u,·,d.I\ 1111 .t I 1111bn\\ \\l~t.·•I 11\.111 PO•<.' ' l'll .ti 11.1111111.111\ ldC\l,Cd '1'11 1111\g n,111' h' m1ll111n' 111 • ll'\\ l' I" I Jld l\U\\ , ll lht d 1)1 scnl'" or .. t111~ l10 11b 1.1•klll' R11llcn I rc:d11d .. '-111. '' .111 1 'l'll· P:H• .. l.11111cd IC \ 11 •ch '·. I~ bl'IO' 'Ullj;hl h11 .tllt.••(•dl\ d1,ch.11g111g .. 1111k l•omb' .it 1n 01.1nf;..: < ounh churd1 • rcltgt(•ll~ bw.1 k,1,1111g 'IU ti,1, I l hn .. 11.111 ool..,Hirc.--:md 111 the lt.t•h' I ~he < 1 r ,, n g e l o u n 1 ' R c ~ 1 .. 1 1.: r m: , .. p.1pcr ('luring I ·"l(f \\Cd. puh c ud I h~ ~6' <H 11lil "h•' prd1.:1' h1 POLICE From A1 I u.11 \ c.11 I 1ld Chchn 110[ ill llH \11Ul1£"'1(1' <'ll .,,11d •IH' II ltlo..l· 11 • ht. I il•<•hnc tl1.· tlllll , p11hlc < I Ill:(' I \\ h1. n hl• 'l' I h11? I cl ' 11ll he 11HI \n11 .. k \n,t .rn 1ll1lc r h Ip I \ I\ 111111. 'he ' 11d In 1 hl11111n h' " 1lkm • 1hr11uch 1 p• l1u qu 1d •11 1 he d11hlrcn Ctll IO th~ ClllCI 't:O \ l(lfllllllllll\.ollhH\' Clllt: r I he\ .. 1 .. , ' l 111tnt: p.111 11 of11 .. •1 <11:1n \t I k1c Hill h1' Gl'rm '" ,h .. phcr:t r 11111c1 s1 .. (• tate Bare am h 11 '''l'"l llH n did .,lano,1 ,,.., ""II d' lhl' fu1m \B \-.1 rcd1tcLI '" h11nh \\ 11h 1 p " 1111: r .11 • of pt:rlt:lll In fl!• I p crl .. lll fo1 J .. 1cd111.:d ' hool 1;1 1'1u uc.. I or reptat 11.: ... 1 11 "'' h'"'c'e r. lhc • ap ",1, 11111d1 l.u~c1. "· pct cnl I<' 4i .. pc1 ~nt I hi.· 1 l!'i! ·•Pl itl.ant "ho P"'' cd th 1hrc1: cl.I\ lc~t. ou1 llf '.70::? \\ho I '' 11. ull bung 1 he «I t "' tl I ii OI l.t\\ \ crs IO at out l-'.000 "hen the n " 0111cr" .1r~ ""'urn m nC\t \\C k, lh\.' b. r ... alll -/h tht \\\O<t,ltt<f /lrt'\\ \\.c II.: h \lllg Ill Ill hil k Oil h1 ·h sch\hil 1>un,cllng," .11d \\ 1WllC\ "\\ i:'ll '1111 h \C pro •1,m;. but 11 "1rn'1 he a h1 hc torc We're not u:Ju mg our in1crvr11111111 progr 1ms clcmcnl n school level " lhc ~c"pon ·Mc ,, lhs111 t w 111 cont111uc 11, s hool Mothe r Program t hat prcgn nt teen· cr Mesa. lnm nt I di lrtCU cducaoon "port· Oc.1 h th cu 'In 196 whfn I first \: me here, 1hc1 didn~t sci prcanant, the JU t witlMlrc•... aid Khool board •••r Rod MKMiliaa ·• c'\IC ..... ,.... lor ldutltMJn, not Hd 111M11• wh) our ............... I'..: ~ 1lkJ R1 d .:'n Roll n Su.•\\11rl. "'"'" 11 "r1i...:d h1m,d1 "' th(' 'm•>'>t 1.1111o u' p1.1,011 111 the """" \\ho no 1•11. ~' " 11m1h111• l • ut, .... 11d \ 11 I 1 \• • I nh .. c I I R1•I di llt.lt.111 \1, \\ ,lfl .1!"1 I' "'"'P !C<I o l 11 , 1111 l klt1t1111~.1lh '•ntanllt;d .. uni. tomh' .11 •po1tin • t:\( 111, 111 •th11 ,1,1tc' 111ducli11 ( •co1 ~i.1, ~C\\ J\:f,C\ ind ( Olllll'lll'-Ut, 1 l ·ltnn 'ml 'I'-' \ HI \\ hn hi: c n 1h1.: 111 II h 1; 111 .. 11 R 1111t'I" \IJll lie.: 1d 111d R unbtm I ru i.11 i.:\t:Ob I -.11u1 11 J '> 'P""'c ' 1U1e put lh. Ill" thr IU h I ll 1\bl."dl\.'ll c drill h•r lh( 1. hildH·n ' bl ncl11 I h1 Hf, 'lClll'd unprn,ld .1111 !>1:\1.:Ttl !>.11d thn ,1 hl..c :11 h l\C pohlc llO~\ I 1•1 '·'~ 11 (•Id P .1111\\ II llkr, 11 ~.1 , ,, p.1rttdil.irh p111g11.1n1 C\JWlll'll~C I U'( d "' hJH' .1 Ju• bul 11 i:••I 11~ ad • lw ' 11d lu,t1 \k ,1 I h•( m11m11Ht\ rdath'"' 1!11 .. cr P.111\11 l 11tc:n 'ho lH~.1n11cJ lh 1111u I 1· 1h DOCTORS From Al l• 1tc1 .. I he l hrt,!l.m .t"l'K'\ 1 do ' plJ' J hik •• I)\ Ill ..... d It "hOUI 1 be p HI \If C\Cf\ ph\st..i.111, ro111111e, sm.1d1 "'l..1 .... ml "II c'"'"°'~' ,h,1rc I " h11lc b11 '-'' the burden. '" ntaO\ more pcupl\ .._.1ulJ eel £'"0 I me It ,11 C.HC" lJl\,•n 1»11d he u 111•rnlt:r' tlll' ltn11.• -\\h11:h 'l"f"\C' 1!>11111 1,10(1 h•\\•t11C\1mc p.111cn1' 1 month .m c\.tmplc: ••I "h,11 .in be dm1c lor UCICI\ h) ,1 rc:l.111\l:I\ •lll;ill Cl IJl' ol "tlhng 'olunlccr' I '"'' k r u• 1ine ot 1h 1,000 point' ol lish1," he 'atd n ut h hilled 1h.1t mu h mo1c 'need' 10 be uonc n Ill n.111\ lo rclorm the health .ind m.al 1: morl.' th fl<Xll I Jon I ' ..:ET From A1 II 111 '>\C\\ alt m \\ h,1\1.: pure h.i,l'll J hi.tn.!c1111 r .. cn1h llW !Ck\1'1110, ti ~Clll'> .di ' 1u •t' ,., Ho lne' Kmi.:.' I 1111.:11 • ., ml I \r..: .1 II 1 \I al I \I pr form nl \ g•I\: I .ind h.a.I "'" h 1pe pcl•plc tk •'I 1hc11 pc1hn· I rue 11\ prc.!1 11on' 1n Junu.11). th bud •ct pl. n c1m1.11n5 Im C\ er.one I{• h,1h.\ (\mb1mn hl•th 1he h1ggc~1 '·" 1111: h : l'l 1n lh sl 11 ·':i. 111,tur. u11d l'tne 111 the dccpe I 'rending , uh th I 1lc h.,, C\Cr ccn \\ 1lson htm.,clr s:rnl I uc cl,,, 1h 1 he lound hlllc 10 hl c in 1hc:: pl 1n r commend I ' the I ·•~lat "'C mm1ttcc 10 e r !iC 1hc 1;i1 SS4 btlhon bud c 1 horllall \\ 1l~on h been ptcad1"1 "11 h the •~&'"'· turc 10 1e1 n c;arl • dtadltnc: lo 1mc up wnh • new ate ~'· fJUH~I 1ha1 1f 1he 1ncw11blc ~ftd1n1 cul and ,., increasa ncded to cr1H = $14 '"'lion def.ch arc eMlier, rather thin taler, 11M'y won'• h8¥C to be qunc 11¥11'e IO Mlatlcc lk .,..,,. • Pirates • I sail into nationals \.uling 1hc lnlcrna11on.1I J~ r4lthcr 1h.1n the l·l~1ng Jurm1r cl.1". Oungc ( o.M Colkgl··, Beth ~1cr.10!!0IJ ind \tcph.anrC' O'Brien lh1pc h• "omc:n qu11. l..h 111 the I~·"'' Ct1,ht W•lc of . . rcta11,1' ~1er.1ogol,1, th\.' ,i..1ppcr •• and crc"mcmlicr O'Rr u:o "00 the p l\.,llc:' ( \1,1,, \\ l1mcn' \ 11lan~ ( h 1mp1on,h1p' an lkrt...clc\ '·"' moo1h aga1n,1 iour·~('.H 'chuul n1mpc111mn, ,ld\,lnl:lllg tu the n.11100,11, ,11 I ,1 l..c Pumha1r,11n 1n 'JC\\ Orll..11" hcginn111r 1t1d I\ ind l,1,t111 I I hr1 lltl!h 1-rtdol\ llch•r• --JCs \he: r 11 H'.tr 111 \\1lfl..111g hll!Clhcr, \kr 11 l!Pl.1 ,111d < >'Hm·n llgurc 1hc~ h,l\C \\ h.11 II wl.'c' Ill h<'lp occ d1llll'IHl lnr 1hc 11,111011.11 \\omen\ lllk .1j!.llll'I I' (;•lhcr lin,il 1, trom .ir11und Ill C'llUOtl'\, in lud111~ '\ "'· Hro\\11, 'i 11 ·, I ul ts, < >111 I) ,,., 1 n. f C\,I', I 1 1m·, <'onnc 11\.UI \11nlord. \\ ,1,h111cton :ind l < I I he ''phi nwrc' .iri.' 11nl1dcr11 the\ II\ 1mpruH' 111 •n l,1,1 \C:tr', '''lh·pl 1 (' lln"h .11 the o 1111rn 1b in H1hton I hl' d1ttch.'lll:e 111 bo.11,, - ,, 1 ord1ng 10 c > B 11\: n, .. h\mldn 't be ,, 1.1 .. 1rir . I\\.' llC\~·1 .... 1kd '"'"l' ( l~{h\ ~l·f11rc bn.tll'>t.' lhC\ I\: I h'I l •l to;! h •.11 .... " ,,11d l >'Br1,•n, .1 C 1b11ll1• lk ,1d1 'l 11.ht { luh 11lt.'rlll'l'I \\hll IC:,lllll:d hl 111 \\h 'll !-oft<.• \\,IS ol 11 \C,11 ctfd "f -J', ''hole '' •" I hl' 1\\11 \\L"ll' 1111 <"11 h• he.· p.1m:d t Jht' I "t \1111\UIC' l,1.,I ~tr I' lhc \ 1. 'me 1n d1' •u1 ... c · l \er 11nc c\pc red u' 10 do m111. h bc1ter 1h.1n 'il\lh (I 1'1 \CM) 111!1 \\c put ,1 lpl ot JHC .... Ull' on our,che ... '•"I ~tcr.mg.,la. a com111111 ., m.tjlH \\}ll) pl.Ill' ll' llll'lld \ .... l IC:\I ) e. r .rnO h." bee ll .ulmg 1c \\ ,1 I I ddl r "\\ c 01 oll l•l ,l pu,1r st .111 tll the e.111\ r,1 '-''.ind ... 11h111! ''" I 1kc ( h Ilk!\ \\il"ll I ,111\ lhlll' h~C I (',Ill 11hn~ I her\.'\,,,., ,, h'I nl lu1.t... ll\nhcll Ill l!Clllllg lhl' he Ir 111 ... 111d Seo DUNN 82 Fo11ntain l 'aller • eliminated.in emiflnals, 2-0 ,.,._.._,CU! • Ma~. 991 The Oat P o ............ Lakers m't close dlmr on Blazers, 96-84 By Bot> Baum AP >V< h W! I POR I LAND. Ore. -• Uull.. \\ 1lham' !I: new hh .. c,"1111 \\11ultl11 t bl· ll\t:r Tue d,1, 111 •h1 "I h id m\ h1g' p.1('krd tln·1uh," he 'illd. "I .. knc.~\ \\C \\ere 111-11g h, ck 10 1he h1rum \\ 1111 1m' ... ud he ...... ·'" re.uh 10 pl,11 a~ hc'<t C\ 1 ht.•c11 lltcr his tc,1.111', cmh.irrn"1n hl(l\Hlllh mer 1hc \\Cet...cn I ·I 1.1 JU.,t• M• d1' tppi.Hlllcd 1n lll)'.:lt 1n I cf1,,1pp,•1111cd 111 our l1.'J111,'' he ,,w.I '\\\:'re •' mu\:h b lier tcnm 1h.111 \\c\c C\l11h11ed \\c hid to gel b.1 .. k 10 pl.t)lll' I r.1il H1.11cr ha,l.:cth.111 " \\ 1lh.11n' rc'J>''IHkd l"• pulling d11\\ll lb rch111111ds 1\1 le.id ,1 dumm.11111~ P11r1l.111d pc-rt c1rm.tn1.t· on 1hc bu.11d .. , .ind 1hc T r.111 Bl .tL r' he.I! the I u' \n11clc' l.i1kcr.,, 95- ~ 1, 10 '>L~' .111\c 1n the We tern Cootcr~n ..: !111,11!> "B111.I.. "·'' unhcl1c' 1hle," l'or1l.1ml c11,1ch · R1lk A1.kln1.1n .ud. "He ~ :. C .. Cf\\\hdc ''Liud; h an m~p1r,111~1n to 1h1 team," kr11111c Ker C\ s 11<1 .. 'tou kn "' he' ,11\\,t\l> gmng h; be around 1hc h.:111, I JU I hotll.:...hc.....sa\cJ wnc cnc.r '\ for I hur~Ua) Ill l ch \n •ele,:' I he Bla1c1 hall 52· '3 rebound nJ1.,m1.1gc, ~<1 9 011 the often ''e board • tnd l..o \nc..les om111111c::d 17 turnO\er '' Portl:ind cut the 1 ... 11..er ' le.id 111 1hc bc,t•OI· 7 'C'rlC' 10 ·2 to U1> 11 .... 11h1)ul "he• r ra111c I hts lc:lt the lO ch Edison winsl On to the Big Al Chargers shock Diamond Bar with four in seventh, 4-3! I he ( lllllllll Ill I J h I\\ h.l\1111 thll \\ 1111111\C, "" ~ 1ph11m1111. dt:,1•1111ni 11111 r ~l i ke lkll1'"'" 1111:11 dlOJ'pnl 1 ~ f pitch 1hrllll •h 1h .. h1•l ... ind 111tn h.11 ~,•1111 • lkht/ ll\lnl 1h11tl lq 11 •t :111; Clllll 11 1 rl1,kr 111t.·1 Jani-c 1 ·• I •ruunllt•r hJ th 011 ht' \\ J\ Ill \: ""n I I .11,, II l \) 11..h I' 11.mdl See EDISON a Angel let one get • ID ninth again t White Sox 6-5 l 111< \( ,, ) !{din ' ~.I" !fl(' ( ht, I 11 \\ h11r ~l'' Ill' r ~" 1 OI lhc hu ,; I ' ~la.n.1 er. I~ ti I mhoq; C1,; the 1mrno' mc:ul ft~ r 0111 Liu1I n Oodi]ers schedute ...... A forces will st Italian power t UCI on Sunday n Sunchry :,u UCrs Bren F"ents Center, 1hc' Id League l"ourn:imtnt continue" >Atth the 11n pla)1\lg our 1,;SA team :u 7;JO p.m hal~ """"the l/.)9(J Y.'orld League and wu" ran~cd No. I 1n the ""orld h1\t )C.tr, "~"ell as "1n1ng 1hc "orld ch.11np1on,h1p 1n 1990 Our l l.)A tccull ha~ imprl•\e.d dr.1nl;111c-alh .. , mJ1h of 1he '\,(X)O "'ho "-Jlchcd thl' l 1$.A 1can1 Jl'fc.11 J.ipln. UIJ 1\IJ)_ 17 Ut L1 I "111 n11e.;1 lu l"hc 1n11lfO\en1cnt ut ou r 11:.un '' lUlnhutcJ to the pl .1~ of Boh "l.1n1ut•\..,on. Stull I onunc .ind .\.,111cr J,1,pcl'. '),1n1uc l,on i' .i.n l'\lfl'llH~h 'lrong our-.1dl' hitter ..,.h,, ·~ .111 ·------1ntcrn.111c1nal f<11onlt:: t-.:-c.111~c of his wcr .ind h1' t>.i/d hr.1U ~ccllt l·1•rtunl· 11 I' .111 \II-Cit· pcrtonnl'r ""h1lc n1 l aguna 8caLh I ll!.!h ~..:tl1x1l 1n b.1,li.l'th;dl ,ind \L1Jh.·\b•1JI '' .1 h -., p11u11 gu~rd (1'1.l,~.Ll'..., ho'l). Sl·on h,1d "'""' 1:11tte~1Jtl'. t-.1,li.etb..i ll tlff~r,. hut optl'd 111 rJ.1, 'olll·\h,111 Jt "i1.111f(ltll Un1,er-.11' llnnc.. .1, hl· h.1, t"ccn J..rH.l\\ll ~1n....-e h1-, htgh .,l·h•"'1 ll,1\ ... 1\.1 .. ,1 rr1•dutt t1f 0 11J A'hl•t1', l'u..:hh .. u,·1.·1.· .. ,/ul I .1eun.1 \o\J,.;,h.111 progr.-n1 l·te t1\nt1nurd h1' .,u,.-1.:,, .1, .111 \II-\rner1can pl.l)er "1 \t:inford lh: l1ltJk the lll"' "'h\~11\e..ir11tf fton1 'l'h1•ol t(1 \11n1plll: f11r l\U1 n.1t11•1i.1l t1.·:im _ 11 ~.l" SC\itt l 11rtt111c "h11 ·p,111nd1·d ,11111\1.'rp;t'' h} the Ru.,,1;111, at the n111\h p.1111\ h• "-111 1h1.• '\,·11111 C)h1np1c' \111.:1 ,·,11npl~:luti: h1' cdu1.1t10n ,1nJ pl.11111!! 1..11~er .It "'tanh111L l\,1n1. .. r .. 1u1n'd h101,1r11.111un,1l 1,-.1n1 !!1' trL·n1c11d1111,i1 111n1r1.tt\1\r,. .1111111J1 ((1upled "-llh ~rc.11<l1hk·111.1.1lcn• h l\l' .1fl,•11cd' B11nc\·· tn bl• ;1 111.1101 r.1 .. IPI rn lllll 1. •Ill ..... U~ll''' l.1\1t·1 (1,t,pt'f '' lh 'c'll\f !o•f 1hi' t ' !C,\L\\ .1nJ In:.· 1 .. \C1' e\ .. ·1uni.: t11,,.. 1!\h Iii· dc,t·p11<•n .111d \l'l·fll.lt-l'lllllll I., .11!),1 n \ll lh•••l' thJt h Ill. \\,111.h.·d 111lk·1h,dl 1t , 111 ......... ,, 11Jcn1 hu\1. 1n1p11r1.1111 thJt l.111e1 1 ... ( urtcntl1 1h1.· I \ \ h 1ro 1 .. in 11r .. 1 pl.t<l' \1L1l1 _, ~-11111.~ri.. I L'-l 11c,· l11h •plrl ...,1111 1ht R11•,1..in • .,.\ b111h 111 1h,,,,. 1t«lln' .11t I I I h1' °'\1n,l.11 ., n1111.h 1, •ILll...:,111111 tht: l ..,\ tn1'1JHlt.11n thl \\ •11 I lt•1i:u1· l1·.1ll I l•(, 'l'h~I' 1he1n nur •lll'f"'lrl •n \lJfl,l.11 11 thc Hrl·n I h1· (Jr.1ni.: .. • ( 1111111\ \ll ..,1.1111.1111, ,, .,h,1h1J,.J I •r lunc., ,,1 C111!d,-n \\,,1 t·.,11,.1.:.._ .111h 1ht )!H!' ,11:.t!lh; 11 " .1!\d thL t...·~.. ''f\i. I ... t I .lllll'f""'' 1'1L.J111!1 h ,j .t •11"\Jlli.: 1 "lie•? h\t11 en i:.1nt1.~ 111.I h 1.1 1h r.\.. JL11n .. 1 '"' 1h~ p 111111r.1n1• .111t.:1 th..: n "' \,, • J 1 '\ ! "' •lll•c .1\1 lH 'h" )' 1\l I I h1. \( d "· 11l ''•rlh "\U nl •1 tll I• 11•1111 "1.·d ,11 11 u~ .h' \1,1·1 1 t\ 'I \!hi\"'' ~~•1..1 Hid II \\c .. , 1 .. r,·r \11t11.1"l1tl _ \ 1r.1\h: 111 \.,h,, J.. l.,p\.:.W!Ll-1 '> JJ,. \• ,1"11 c,, ,,._"·Ir,, IJ.1>1• .u1,l '1.-.1.p1.•11 I t.1tl•111 , \I \11 ..,h1·n101.11I I hi; '•"th·, l\l·\n.tcht:' .1r\ H.lx·t..1 t.·1.u1,:·ll1 l il 1,.111l1fl~t1111 u,.1ch). John l{l;IJ (I •ril·1.1111.1t .uul IJ,111 {1h.:r111 ''\·1.11'lt•rl 11.uh.ir\. 1 h, \l.••••1111• "\1•uth ..... 11.1.1d "ll>nir11 .. ,,1,11 ( .1p1,t1,1n1• \ .1llr1 ., l rrc tJJ,on. l~n.111 {.,,,,\,h.1\\ ind 1i1 .u1 1~ .. nr IJ.111.1 l hll• J."·"h \\.111 Jilli lt.1\h B.11r. lr111l\ '(."hr1,li.1n 'nrn• l nl'1·r,111., /n/11 ( 1.1n1.1 .111,I \t.11t111 \\ .1c.11,·r. \\1111db1hll!' · .. I 111111 B1.·t"l•c .ind K1.tn K.n1ch i:,.)111,1 \\J\j.:..1nt.1' /.i,t.. l'r.:ltl'I .. 111d I t)!tu1.1 !Jl'.tlh .. l\1u~ l\u,, JhC ... U\111\', .;1l•C\l,1\hl''> ,j/\' "'""II \>.>ld•l\lll l{..1p11 \ dlc1) .ind \hJ..1.· '\oh !.u 11 .1gun.1 U1. .11.11 I I .1,h lk•th1n.,:, 'pt1n .... 1r l{l·d \.1nd. \h''""'l• I run\.. .. ind \1J1,: 1\ut '' \1~.11111c .i u111quc ,ind l\\l,1rldllll'. •lflllt•rn1 l1•1 thl·lt IC'J'l.;•11\l 1 ... 111'1• It •hPlllJ ht: Ill!\ I "'t' ~l11 ll•r1un.1tl t•1 r.,. 111.1111,·,l 1111 .... 1turJ.1\ to th .. i.1111\cr 1'·1n1 L.1 .... r,·11\" i'.un '' .1ll l1t1t~IJn1hnµ; ,.tu'"' ._-,•tl.h ·''\\.\'II ,1, 1h .. · ..:1.1du.11e J~ .. 1,t.ltll ....-11.ith .11 l.,, 11·\l u,1111•1011 l .n:1l.."r,111 1 \\UulJ hl.l· '" th.111!.. h 1 Jn/ th'° 111i.\,•1-.\.111.hn~ .1nJ l,lflllf'. I 1\11ulJ .11•1• 11~\ t1• 11l.111t.. ll\\ ·r1,..1111' rn1.n \\.h11 -,..erl. 1c1' '•"'"'' 111 .. nd ... 1111 !1111.• \\.1t'i I ·11 \l""'' J,•hn ( u1 .. 1 11,11:\ lht\h,o>..~ lt·rf\ '>'1\\1 ~r i. 1ttd ll111· ..,hn11 ithl "11111,11, ._,1,1~h .11 II;'\ •f\',JIC I l1Hh. ·' )!h•Up l'p ... 1.111\ 1~h1.·11 1kd \1 tl1 111\ b, ,, 111.111. l\rll K\l,fl I! \\,1, 1 i:r1 .it l'·•tl\ .n.I I rnu .. 1 1h.1nl.. lhl't· lntkf11tn '•'f th\ 1t1n d.I\ ind. !lll"I 111;p11rl.Hllh. l••I 'rlf:I\ ,/I• /h,11·1i. I· U t l1.1rl11 1Jr.1111f1•', 1111111fJ:•ll •1.d1111111 :111P<'·ll"• in tl1<' (lr.111c•· ( 0.1•/ lhul,1 1•ilo1 1•11 r:i l\1·d11r•rl,1.1. Press box ARL INGTON, 1·cJ1ta<1 -Brian 0.,-·ning is torn bct.,.,ecn gra1itudc and ~ hatred. and the \Ohtlile nux of ~ enlOllOO) muke' for one heck of a hitter 1Jo.,.,ning harbor) ple nty of billcrne.ss over tus rclca)C by altforn1a l:is1 year after 18 ~asuns in the ffillJOl"li and the unw11l1ngnc,_., of 01hcr clubs 10 .'!ign h1n1 Sonic, he ~aid, e1cn r:itlcd hin1 a burn But he'-s thankful th"C ·r cx::rs M.!'lnger1. c:unc calhng t"'o .,.,eek' before the ~ca,on opener \\hen thl' 1e~a111 rclca.,cd Pct..-lnca'v1gh,1 and 1ni11or lenguc pro'(X"l't\ frulcd lo 1n1pre'' l'hc Ka ngcr~ arc more th,111 1h.1n~ful. ·rhcy're deltghted, bcc;1u~c l)o"'n1ng h,1., rc,pondcd with n .JSQ incragc, top~ in 1hc 111 .tJOr.,, glnng into I uc.,d.1y nigh!'' gan1c w11h /\llnnc•ot.1 I le hit four tit ht')'' horner' 111 a 1hicc-g~n1c 'enc-, 31 Se <tllle U\~'r the .,.,cekcnd. In other sport;; nc\\~ ruc,da) •·rclCa.)· Nolan Rvan 1' 'chcdulcd to i.tart tn111ght ug:unst ~l1nnc~o1 J .1f1cr )pending I!' day_., vn the d1,<t.1bled 11)\ hc~au .. e 0f prublcn1-, "-Ith ht.'! n~ht .. h11uldcr • Kc1111 Cug.:11! \\;i" upgr.uJc.t !r (ltn ,,111,fac101' 111 ~U(ld Clllltht1on \\llh 1n111ru:' h'-' 'u~t .uncd 111 ;l 1.r,1,h d11nng the lnd1.n1.1po/1, 500 • I he l'h1l.1d clph1,1 Ph11l11!' put CJll'hl'r 0 ;1rrcn l>,1ultl1n ti.1ck 011 the d1,,1blcd 11 .. 1 due tn recu rru1~ p.nn .1nJ •t1ffnc'' 111 hi' 111·cJ.. .111rihuteJ 10 th~ \l.1\ fl •·If cr.1~h 111 "'h1ch hi: .ind 1c.1n1111,11e Len l),l,!rJ n,1rrov.l~ 1111 ~, .. -d !icing li.1lll·<I 8 \Ht:>r 14 'lr.ught 1c,1r, ~11 ~1rcr11ng th t· Niil •c,1,,1n ,H hnmc, the I 11' \11~1.·li:, K1nl!' 11dl hc~tr\ thl' I'll.Ji 9:! ,e,\\(111 Oil th1· 1'1,1.'IJ llC\l ()("\ 4 ,,/,11111~ .11 \\'1nn1pC,!,! •I r.1nl Roh1 n,011. 11rctl .1 ~ ihc l}.11!1mn1c C>nolc' m..in.1~c-r \.1,t "'cc~. \,11d th.11 he 'll prnt1,1hll ,11'ccpl a jt•h ;i .. the tc 1111·.., '''"'tant Cl'lll'l ,11 Bl'osterhous· turn -ons 8 11.:u~h llpll t '''' .\h 1,l."•\\tlK \\C,,·lil' 1m a \r ~ .. t•-\\ 11" ' 1 I '>f''\ 1' "' • \-lf.,,·J•,.J·,1• "f\•lhl hn1•1<I jl!TI I ~ I I I l ., 14 '" '' """ "• ' ,, 11 .. •tlf1oll ' \ • \! ' ' ' \\' !k • ,, " • f 'l ... ' lil\Ol•\UI 't"•I!• '•' \ ' tw ,, 11 ..... w ...... " ,, ... ,. ""m'"'''nt..n ' \ " ' ' ,, " n. • "• ' '" ' " l \ ' 61 \Uh• 11.,,,1.~11 \ • ~\H \' II.I ••1 " "' 11 .. HIR' I ·~--"* )J; Ave Anteaters at NCAA l·UGl·Nt. Ore L1CI h;1' ,, co1111ngcnt (lf fi,c t'Olllpl:l111g .11 1hc NC'AA rr .1 c ~ .tn'tl I 1cld C:hJrt1p1on,h1 p~. bcg1n11u1~ IL"ldJ) Scni<'r ~l .1na 1\~rut...1 c11111pc1c' 1n tht' 1.500 aftC'r ,(·111ng 11 ~ch1x1I 1t'1.tird t1n1c ol I l.t 45 in J lll;1rch 'II 111Cl'I ,11 L l I NC\\port 11 .irhor llei!h p11•Ju<.:t Uul/1 R.Jbl:u11. J 'cn1or, t-01npctc\ 1n 1hc l (100 111Cll''' ~tth J qu.1hf\1ng tune of 9 Jtl 11 l:,opho1nu1e\ l'r,ll'I (H-..,1rJ11 .. h ~·"-'' rn tht" 10,000 n1eH=r1 "11h u qut1!tf\1ni,: t1111e ol IJ (NJ lJ and 11 .. -~uee B1 .1ce1 t'> 111 tilt l•N11nctc1 ltt·IJ 111\h .111 11 "'1 rt•pu1.n1<ir1 ' \I.in I Jlllll·r " 1h1· l•nh 1n,1lc 111n11x·nh1r lrl1n\ l <I 11, '' ,1 1~11-ttntl' B•i:. \\c,1 c·(1ntcren•C tler.1thl1'!1 Lh.11np1011 1•11h .1 1111.11!!1111!-!, n1,1rl 11f ~ .• IJ ! i'\\11111' Rangers ' streak ends at 14 I hl" I {\,I' I< lll~l'I~ It .1111 lt\11fd 11-~ i:.une 11111111111:. .. 11l'.1t.. 1.Hl\t' ti1 .111 .. ·nd J ut•d,I\ 111!!ht 1n ·\tlin~l"n .,.,hl·n • \1l11ni:,1•t.1' 'Ut'11t..111c -.,,111 I ri.i.. .... ,n •ilcn,t·.I h.1 .. t·J-o.111·, h~•llc:'l 11111111,i.: 1h11' 111 ,, '-U 11\lUT\ tJ\ till' J1\Ul' • lhc l{.111-.!l'I'. \lhO h.1d /hi, ....... th.111 hie tUfl\ 111d 111nl.' )111~ 111 .111\ ~.Lllll' du11n~ 1J1c ,11c.11i. . ...,t'rl' \f\\st~ !1> btl'(lfHC thf ltr'I lt'.!lll 'Ill•\· lhc \lit.I) ''"" ) nil ) .111\..1.:c' 1(1 11111 I"' 1n ,1 11'" \l111ne•ot,1 -.1.pn 1111 onh the 'i.;.\1,nd 1tn1c 111 11111c µ;.111\C' _,.ru111 1111• \••01i11h'f/ /•re\• t.ur.111 11,1111\tlll. l1nn1 pl.1\c:! 11/t,• \lu\ 1111\d 'I '"Hl !"1 'r11trnc 111 1h .. .11lll\h1ll 111 l'l'J'•lll~'lll I 1i:L\~1t. 1 .. 11L1lh! Pl I 1.111.1 .1! lht· I r.,,n1h <>1'c11 1u,,,J.11 I d1J11111,111 '" •ru tO hi' d1T1.:l\h•tl I"' 111 '!'JI .... 11,r,.\11 I \•,Hll I d1d11 t •p1! 11 h1111, but 11 11;1\ 11l!\ hi 111lt\·I, '"",I\ Sampras rallies in clay as French Open moves on to second round B, Rob GIO!:.ler \\ 11nhlcd•ln .11111• \ "-Hh then ~t-•~ .. ,11ur1 ,t,h.·., . ,\·. llctcnd1nl! \\Ollll.'11' Lh.1011'11111 \\1.•n1.:a 'ch:' I' \HI'> t 'l.11 \PUii lll\11,,· Pelt :>.Jmpr.1\ pullcJ Utfc.11i:d l<.1JJ..,1 /rul>Jl..rt\-J ,,_ 1 t1-U ,111d~th1nl ~cC'J G.1ht1cl.i "1Jt'tl11n1 ...,,,, t'\cn Ol\llC Ct1•non11c.1J. cl1n1111,1t111~ :O..l.1n.1nnl' \\ crd1·I "-1. h-1 '>.1bJt1n1 anll Sti:ff1 (i1Jf e.tl'h C(luld Jethrt•111· )clc~ ,1, 1he No I v.on1cn·, pl..i1.cr h' "1nn1nj:, 1he I rench t>ren ,1 111k 1{'\t:r ... 1t ·'' he r.1lt1cJ lr(lrn 1""" 'l·t~ dCl\\O to Jcll·.Jt I horn.1• \J11,1i·1 ,,, 1he I renl.h Clpcn fuc:.JJ~. rct11 ... 1t1rl? ltl 1hc h.1,t·hn1 ln ""111 .1 hea\\\\e1ght .. 111~1\· .. 1 l hl· l .., tlp~·n 1.h.1n1rnn1 .1hJ1uh111cd h1~ ,cne· 1nd·\11lh:\ 1,1\ll(' ,1flc1 lu•Uh! The f1r,1 f"O .. ct' lie thl·n 1:i,.1i :'i.tu .. 1,-1, .1 \ijll(J I Tcnrh llpcn .,e1r11f11i.1Ji,1 ""hll C\1.l'I' .1t puund1n~ Uflf!Ulll.'ll\\ "'llh ~r11unJ .. 1rul..l·'· .11 hL' ll\\.ll i:.tme l_1ghlh-o;ceded /111.11:iar11,l1n hcl',llTI .1 l11)f ·1ound lo,er for lhl· '\Ctllnd '1r<11~h1 1.c.,1r (i,11n'ion ,1 \\ 1111h/edl111 t1n.1h .. 1 l,111 \t:Jr 1 •. 1, 1.·li1111n.111:ll fl·-'. t;.u h\ l.1p,111c'c \ten ·l~cr ~:i11t..o ~ '"·'m.l!)U It v..t, 1h1· lir .. 1 111nc·~.1111p1,1\ .... h1• h.1, hnlc t:\1l\'nt"lll''(: 1111 cl.t\ h.ul rCC1l\Cled h1•n1 II l"O·\Ct Jllt\ll 111 11111 .1 1n,1\lh I he J.(, l ·ll, 11 .J, h·I, ().4 /he ~1nr11ng n11o:11 • 'ct·d, "'~ft: ,,1 'I Jtnl C.'ou11et 1\hu 1ltfc,t!l·tt \rncr1c.1n •ontr-11r11•t Oe1r1c\... Kl1,1.1gno b·.•. h·l. (1 0 .. 1111! ,,1 ..., tior.111 l\u111,c11l'. ~ho "a' f11u~d l.Orro l•H 'Ptttn1i: '" 1h1· U1reL11t1n 111 l'proncnt I 1c.k·:-11. 1 ·11111.111~ 111 I lanll' \1tt11r\ !t'l\11.. nc,111\ ' hour' • ( l.11 l' uli,11i11,h 1hr 1uu~hc't ~ud.1.:c lor me 10 pl.t\ 01i. he ,,11\I ·., \\.11uld "nu1,h r.11hcr be pl<i\111g on .i:r.J'' tiu1 ~e ·rc not tH \\ crnhlcJ1,.1n \t:I " \\hdc S.11npr.1~ ch.1ngcJ hi~ '''ll' 1(1 .11.l,1p1 Ill the '11~ cl:1' of Ruland Ci.1rr<1,, ll1p 'eed .. ~tef.Jn l_1lbcrg .111U lk111~ Uct J..cr "-On h' 'lll~•ng .... 1111 ,11-h.11 1hr\ do "I 1fltln I 111e.1n IU 'rll Ill hi, 1l11e111on. l\Jlll~C\IC •.111! I e:tn 'Pl! "'h1·rc\c1 I 1.1 ir1t 1 d1dn t •PLI JI h1111 , hut ti "''' 11nh 10 nu.·tcr ... 1\\. 1, 1\n111ni: the "1u11cn·, v.11H11'r\ "·'' lq"l.l 1,h,ullp1t1n \i.1n1~,1 ~Jn~het \ l\,lf1ll. the litih ,~ed. v.ho dclc.11cd I 11r1 \h 'ci\ I•~. t. ~ t->c'I 'entng harll .ind r11 \h1n111he nel ".i.1n1p1.1,, \\h11 1£'11 hl·h1nd .l I 111 lhe fin.ii '"'' bu1 then "L'll lhl' 1111,11111.c: i:.tmc,, ~.ud h....-"'·~' up,ct \\llh ht' 'Cf\ 1n1t 1le,1111~· un10.1lhll!.I: I~ .I\('' i:'i.lhc rg and llec-J..er. 11c11ms of h1~\C\r1c opc=1ung· round u p\et~ l.1,t ~e.tr .11 the Fre nch Open . .,.,on C'.1 ~1)\ 1h1~ time by turning the ch11 •Ou r!) 1010 :1 I dl1n·1 1h1nJ.. I "'·I' h1tt~11g lhL to.i ll 1h,11 "ell 1hc "-holt 111,nrh," ,,11ll ihe ,1,lh .. i:cd .. ·d ..,,1n1rir.1' ..... From Bl .... e .,.,ere. gc111ng ~noc\..cd Jll U\tr 1hc-pl.tee. l'coplc lept P·''''"i "' anll v.c 1u~t g(lt fru~ITJ1Cd It ~.1~ ,1 good lc.trning c~pencnce. but I think ~loll ...,,11 conlc 11111..1 play 1nore this )Car·• O'Bnen. ~ho attended()('(' 111 1987 bu1 d1dn'1 \.no1,1. lht ~houl h,1d ~ :ultng progrnm, ~.lid their 10'1 i M:rond pl.ice. ·•or JI lcu,t r1ni\tt in 1hc lop lhrce '" 0\11 \ll\-1)1()11 " How murh t1n)c do 1hey ~pc:nd tn the \\~tcr" ' Dt.:~ntl~.' O'Bncn ,,Ill.I. .. on ho" n1uch fun ,,c'rc h,,, •ns · Tile tl11hhholl' in Ne.,., Orlcan\ ,tJ41uld tie 111ort chf'pp) lh.tn in 8'~1on 111101 ~fi,:r.1n1ola .ind ()'8ncn oa more .>~qu;ttnlctl tKi.:.1n ftin.-ur '-' '1Plol --1<1H: I he OCC ll:lfthall team. •h.ch for thf )("(tlnd ,.., •• • l'lM c lltllnMd 1 hool llDCP'd '°' \~ .. • ••lft . • pl.111' IP d11 11 ag.1111 nl'\1 'rinng \\..i1t un11l 11C\l 1c.1r:· ~:ud CJ(.(. ('l\,11.h Nie~ I r,1111, "ho 111 three \CJr• h,1_., turned 1he p1,1g1J1n ar11und '\\cpl.in un hre.1 \.1ng 11 .1ga1n nc\! )tar La't )C.1r ('3·11 record) v.c lti~t 111 1hc re •1on11I fin:1I , 1h1' )Cttr (,,-'1·16) ..,..~ ~ent a ''"P rur 1hcr and hortfull) ne\\ 1'.tr \\C'I! V.111 It ,ti/ "()nee 1~11 J:Ct (10 the ,t,1tc tl1t1rn,1n1c nt I •• in) thing c:.n hap1x:n \~.; c;ould\c \\Oil both ('1.i1c 1ourn!lmen1) game \Cf) ea,1ly 1h1~ )e.1r and ,,·.,. ""' necc,~aril)' 1hc l\c,1 1c<tm th•I "'"s 11 -1t'" wht'l.\ec"' pl.iy1ng •ell J.tu1 I don'1 ..... 1n1 to "4,lU nd '°'' «-'<k) lxC:lliUSC the (()ranp: t:.mp1re Conference) tea""' wa ru 10 beat u,, M.1 I want lo ~lay k:Jioa,·kc)cd " I on la1e Chp and .11YC 0 Sip .... , -occ -· "'-ICRf COKla, .,.., ... 1 •u:•• ""''11dae' *,.,~a' 'L""' Lond ti.,.. II I....... 1111 11 ........ Ha ........... - h1rth llt -\11Jre\\ I .111J I 1,1\ c\ on ~tari.:h !] I le \l\.t, OUIC JXll.111111, \ UUlll.:C and !I 1n1;h<' ll'llb (at ti'1rth)," .said 11;.)c' . .i Pnni.:t1on ~r.1dua1e "lie thrn-,.., nght, l:iJI• lch .. lX'C.~ v.un11.:n .. ~a~kethall ro.lch ~h~c 1 horn1on announced 1ha1 h\o pl.1)cr .. , furv.,rd C)111h1.:i 11.ollar 11n,1 center ttc1d1 tla'liem3nn (O.:e.in \ 1c.,.,), .,.,111 co111inue thc1r rollcs.iat.: ~arccr' at ul S1111e ~1.1n1)\,1u' .11111 UC San Diego, rC\f>CCll\tly, , In add111un. Thorn1 rin .... 111 be d1rcn1ng 1hc fourlh annual lad)' P1r.-1c C'llrl)' & kc1ball mp 1h1~ \Umnwr :u 0CC fhc fu~I WS,,Kln i tdleduled rur Jvly 15-19 (I·• p a) orith Ille -lated b l!llr 22·2.' I 1-! p.m) lo••-ed P!"'" ~ Wftfact ThonltoR •• (7M)02-• ' For the record Mj I IJJ( II Natlonall••9ll• WHt 01ylalo" W L ,ct. l•at 01¥1•1on W L ~ct American L••gue White l01t e, Aneel• 5 C&l.,OlllOIA CH<C &CO •• , .. w •• , .... '•••. Mell1MILH1UI ........ a... llOUeTOll Lee ..... ....... JI C I I I I I I I 0 • n • I It 0 I I 0 t , ... I I I 0 •••• • ' r • 111 D 00 0 , ... .... •• • • SOFTllALL Hlgh8Chool All-Se•VlewL••I~ (Co•chea' ••lectlona) Co-MMI V191u•I• ....,_, Ahson Ward. Woodbndge, Jr Stacy Washington. Wooabndge, Jr . First Te•m Desi Abrego, Saddleback Sr Shareen Patton. Ui11vers1ty Sr Alison johnsen Woodbndg Fr Kim Carstens. Saddlebac Sr. Kim Kohna. Tustin. Sr Lisa McCracken. Umverslt So Jennifer Whitely. University. So Alt Barry, ewport Harbor Sr Deanna Blac . Woodbndge. So JesSlca Montgomery, Woodbndge So Anne Mar.P R·sQuez oodbnoge So Second Team lily ~ unoz, Saddlebac • So KnstenKir wood. Tustin Fr Hemher Campben, Univers1 • So Jenny Colclasure. Ne ~port Harbor Fr Jenni Hall, Jewpon Harbor Sr Teresa Dunn. Woodbndg :So !?.r- Debb1 e Nas1t a. Wooot>ndge So Veronica Hernandez. Sacld ebac" Jr Shan Needham. Tus in. Jr Jenny Lopez. Tusttn So Kristin Wilson. Umvers1t , Jr •••Dall NUpl•J0"9 CON'l"IJM:lllMA&.S ........ ,, UITPlll c-11•1.1tc 1 c ..... _ .. ...._.. .. ..... Coll-.. ~lOSCllUIS ··--' ........ c- . .............. . ~-.. ' ,._,.. EDISON F om 8 1 ( -BARONS High achool C" $.4' Sl•l,tMM.I ....... 2 . ,_, .... v. , 0 ( ·11:1' (!L puts ti tit· 011 lint' ;Jt ,\/11rriott ' llono_rs to ~lesa pair footllll WLAF pl•wott• 'lllllllFINALI ............ c .... WO .. LD aOWL ............ , lt•d .. l ......... 1 Wft4f•f Jwft>• • Cl 0(-" b.S2·5b 78 FROM HORTH ORANGE CO FROM SOUTH ORANGE CO 54C>-1220 ...... f ~ ..... M $ ~M fun, 30 ft..0 J!JOl>M tr"'"~ 30 P-.1 fn ~ 3('I f·M f !> M ~ -··· .. ,. . I.I "Jt'l't'.I lJl_)._' ............ ost,1 Mesa 1 02.i l ·" t r .. "'~ • ..... t' 1. • • ' 642-5678 From Nonh Orange County From South Orange County ot: 't. oron,1 llfl',t.•::. 1 1 el Mar • 1 .:.2 540-1220 496-6800 l1t tlir / l.11/1 1'1/ •I MS.4' osta Mesa 21 2 ewport each ~· 1 o ••AYPlllON T :!BR 281!1 balcony summ., '2!i00 mo V'f ly st 900 mo Blir 6'12·3150 (•y.p . N1 ,...,,, ·· Bt'.I. l\,' I • 180 WATD VIEW! Adorable QUlet nr Cl I E.nio~ v ew of water & Dr Pool !PB tub suns ts !tom this •P• steam BA 2br 2bo CIOU! 2 BDRM 2 BA .. o•.: db g r S1700 a '"" t:l-"1V Com &4~·92 tv m 1 fJ pl t ly •omodeten Cn ldron & Peta 0 K Staort or long term 1mmec11a1e oc _..;.;.._.;..:;;.;.;,;~~~­ up ncy $2 I QOJmo DOUG MlllllT • • I WM*· -A CUllY LADY Outgoing w idow •••k• gentl•m•"· 9WM~ mtd Ot .... 50 • tor walk• on beech dining llaugtiter and ~la be. good friend 4' 2587 -.. .,.. ..... fem roolft, fenced , ... • gerege w/ elec 1 door o.,.ner t.om 11471 U SE T H I S F 0 R ~ 1 T '--' P L ,.\ '--~ t 't '-..) U R F RE E P E RS 0 N A L ,.\ D PRINT CLEARLY (First three words ore boldface> 25 word moxrnum FREE ADS ARE MAIL-INS ONLY All Call-ils Wll Be Cha(ged Regular Rate. Per ~u11.il l'f\.llt", JL)Ll'.' ....... wtlf!in ..... ... -.C• , ... ...,.,. .,. Mcwe-ln ~ StOO or 3 Day Me .. co Cruise Underground parlOng, refrtg, .-. pool P"1 Ulconte• Apia ahown ••••· dep, eveneng11 a Sac· urdaya. Call PAT ?,_.., .. MDT •Call 1 -900-S..~-0100 • [·ntcr 4 .. .1ag11 "'tXk :.ippcanng in ac.J • L ''ten tu grc"·11pg • I c.1\ c llll'"Jl.!l' t) \lU "Jn chang.c 11 II 1\lll ,,111,1 ll'd I D~lE{INE ....... ~ .. o......,.e< .... o..i,, GUIDELlr~ES • ........... ~ ........... C .. lih tor NewltOft -..Ch ............ 121.oo39 nDIULWT 01!1.ftoR 4U2U Acroaa trom Hoag Hoet> Clean wrth d"W, ~ o Mt up storage Hot water paid 31 :J Hoimwood 845-2140 AllCMORAQI OTI. avMM>fltty. °" the ... 1 "°°'47'2·9049, EX! 158 L l)..., t •• •• NfinU • ,.,.., benefit• , Of' "''° c-. toll free 1 ·IOO·!l62· 3995 Ext ttO IAM· 9PM 7 Oay• •IALIUUll M• a.,.., Ott\c• Bov• and g1r1e, ..,n llU IT ... --seoo-19000 mo 5•9 ... I .... M·' 6 10-2 s .. MOfi ••IDID• t I • w car .. ,n S 1 !>00 l300-Sfl00 P9I' w"ll "'°"'. Ktp 890-7754 IAM·12 Noon MIGHT. CALL: Newcomer Welcoming .JACK Ser11fce offer• the Mt.Ot74, C.M. RHlaUfWll Tl-OJ WAITllll OR llMTlll'P right •n•roettc person DONNA .... u 12 N who en1ow1 mHhng t99-etM, Tuettll , .,,..,... oon ' S300-S500 per .,., .. ll SMQple & IS service· O•T PAID ........... Of'tef'lted a tun and •• •••r anap•"•tal can Otan• in Tuaun, citing oppottun1ty PT, No eao S900 00 per ae•et ... Ot Mark lie• hou11 Prof a 100 Call t·900-230-1n C M Mt.0174 pearance & manner 3938 iSO 99 min) or ---------• .... n11a1 Mu8t live 1n Write PASE • L8249, lllfM. 11&.11 Hunt Beach a•ea Call 1e1 S Lincotnwaf N, Exc.-.nt opponunity Pa~•. 714·752·2772 Aurora IL 80!>42 If you are "*'dly, out· aROADWAY gotng 6 matufe, ~ MAIR SALONS INIUUllCI may new a salee P<>- Now H111ng Sty11sts Agency customer ••r· 8'bofl to flt your llf• Manager Traqi••• vice rep to• personal 9'yte neede Previous Pl•••• call Renee, Im•• M1n 3 Y" aoen· r•all ..,... u~~· 7t•·892·3J31 E'Ct 29t cy ewp Agena Sy•· la a ~ i:>tu• Apply tems and SaledeJC In penon, May Co , Contact Al Quinlan, South Co.•t Plua No 11 1·831-9SSO phone calla pi.aae 2 3 • • l.NTR\' BLANK 2 8<J•m 2~ B,.-\1950 GOLD .t•W•LRY t Bl1•m 1 !SA S925 Rout•400% Martt·up • Oa ly 9-S 548·t 50t Inv. GuarantHd' I· F uur•,J • 'I~':> 9uay ,,...,piper com· l>Ol•OQ room Is took•ng tor an npe11anced Pilllt·uP 1n1at tor a tempor1ry MJ.t•ma po- •·t•on II w111 require MAJOR TELEPHONE r---.-... E-,o1E-1--ame -----------------COMPANY ..., Now H111n9 Techn•· IE AT TMl•EACH LAROE 'BR, 28A, eoo-a29·~922 Frplc, nu decor. 2 c. , ............... ,. .. .._ ... , FOUND 2 small blond• Addre s ------------- 0 t $""" 760 r,_....v•v' ~ female dogs vie w . C• ins 1n .. 11\Uers, ac· IY NOON! c;ovnt "••vice reps, p f S -,_,., " 0 • Dll-llUTUUI. S 8087 0 , s.t" e, 30 1 n ""' 18th t Coat a Mesa Nationally ACSVer1tHd Identity 645-8817 open•o•s No ••P•ri· EARNING '°nNTtAl. Phone -------------------~~c:LAIN ENTERPRISES Brand Name Product FOUND Smoll wnt1e wo1111ng "'O"''' '"d weekends E•per tnc• prt•tnecl P•e11 ma 1 r••urne CM come n 1"4:! t.11 out ,., opllc11t0n tt"IC• nocen..vy for TO S1000i-lntormahon call 1·219· •" Mall to Otnrm lof 2 Conte:.t, c.o D FEATURES No Selling • Estab· male poodte Vtc•nity E.'(CLUSIVE ltshed Vending Route ot Newport Blvo CM BEACH & COUNTRY Minimum Investment 724·t560 C UBCO U Es S7 ,000 C all Feat•------------1 L MM N Tl Pnarmaceutocal \·800-FOUND. Tabby cat, w ~ 2 & :' Beoroom 327 1 , 22 blue eyH on !> 2..i Vi· '-PIS v. lrptc .... , b r 1---------c1n1ty of Fair Or & I cro 'W 0 h lc up1 THINK QLoaAL Best Vanguard Pte11 • c II C«mlt I 1r \ 0<'' ge network ,.,arkeltng to \denltfy ~57·3207 ' .,,, \ storag A.II ptan & products LOST DOG !> 27 Femata m a nl nee IOCI Call •7~7t• CHIHUAHUA '\rlC H ,. Sor!'\ no pets I FROM S S mo DOr Baker REWARD• !if: ~. i\1'1()Rf \t.\R SA 54&-2928 In,""''""' it )~'P "ll.r '., . '1\l~ Per~on,lh J002 a\ 330 W Bay St Costa ""•"' CA. 92621 Ann Liu La11r.m N ' p• " e c i!s, 11>4N3 CARLS .IR. NOW MIRING Sntlt Super,. 1 Open•nn l new re· • taurants toon E•ll pr t Otfe•1ng compelt· fAIR\\A> A: S l S IOOK ~. f\Jlly Cof· LINGERIE PARTIES ' ttve iatariH Cati tot 1n1erv•ew 581 ·:'l084 •Pa1a Ira.rung 73&-9807 6am-6pm '1 ctys •No E•perfenc.e Nee Mal<• 510 000 mo 20 •8AM 12 Noon M" lirs w• Prut bi~WI •••-1135 oblll n IO n A •u ts•a•1 -----'----- 1cciuts • ons v.ru lllUn ~ • OCll IM.,...., Ri.• 8-1.,.0644 tOt '°"' ,_t ~ 0 ~eorron~ letters of tn. four JCrombled words be- low to form f01Jr s.mple WOfds &JG CJ..'' laterahz.ed, tor auto hoofing t S'-mt pd NPT SNORES Biie to montl'lty lnlo 831 6120 C •I to book yours --------- now' Debra 963·' 89) Customer Service ,..----------"" Catharine 194·1394 Loc.11 svc \.O 3 P•'l I T H Y A C T bCli •Jll .-f\1 10~ EAAl'\t 18S on 52!>1<. to oc• v" •ZOr • lfa St OOK tnve~ument f1olc gar ct\rpOrt Avl ,.,,orllzeo o .. er 2 10 3 6 1 Ye 1ly 7J1·12~0 yrs Fo• tnfo eJt-0759 U .. .. S•no•• L•••• "" mutu pper ewport f ' weltl w pro<lUGhOn • 18R 1BA n1 NB ,enlr prove,, 1eserve h•S· S •s~ t'fl e.io. tJc.-4 tory O•t.al'loma 011 ooms 270 Gas re1111arts Won I IHI ' Ci.orge 5-19·1 862 rclvt·I J014 '•••·paced ot nos ... --.--...... -...... -...,...--,,.--1 psn Fri tor t v-,, ptms '-ri __ l...____.l..,2 _ _.l._____.l.____.I.____. PHOENIXI• acned1.1ting 11 typ & • • _ • _ • blo.kpQ Cllll Ctnt1~. 1 Roundtrip t•cl..et OC 642 7376 to Pnoem11 Leave,.,.. --0-E-S_K_C_L_E_R_K __ day May 31 , 8pm Al• ri11e b11clt Monday June 3 8am S60 &44·871°\ I LADGN I I [ I 1 I Looking to sel I D 0 1 T 1 I I think that the life expec-...,_,,,__.. .... 1--rlo:-lt --rl ~ ~ =~~,=~= that eztra junk ~ abkts smelled as good as ac Clt1on enttlls _, · .'~' FURN OCEANFRONT NE.v?OH On -nd , no boardwalk 20R ~B A m en1ue11 Sil:~ ..... (":l69<M enttl..., to h,Ht' .!124 stacking up in r .......... 1 s--.-u1_L r=--l~ -r-El ~~,~J ~-~-··· the garage? . -. - . . vou ~, '''""~ Try the classifieds. What's 1un to you is o treasure to someone else For only $ 13.44 you ge 4 l.nes for 7 days. Coll odoy. 64 2-5678 9 r:-~ N; r-.;ul,,1BHED n mis tN THESE S U4.R£S A UNSCRAMSLf ~80Vf UT ERS V TO GET AN SWH SCUM.LITS ANSWllS ~ :q NOOV8 se poo6 se peuews setqV~t\ UMJ6 i1 ~fSnopueweJl MOJ6 WE. T •J~3 •tJ732 • 62 •KJ9 ~Ol •K £ ~· •\97&2 9 6 .. •&7 • 7 ~" H • \ J 10 9 • Q 10 6 • • \ 10 6 4 The biddllll ~ort!s Eu& I p._ 4 PAM :i P .... PaM Pu. South i • :o\ 6 ()pemni d Thrtt ln the ~1d '" v.-' Paa Paa p.,. TWO AT Paste Ads Here Here m PIOOM eucW8'\8 '° k>ue~e 8~1 ~ &~ )fU14J I NOOV8 -91QWnH -~Pf -pue1~ -,(ue40 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE P"' sn,'Ve 3~A -.DA ""'''" 2 prol tem1 E•t1•me!y •o BR " rv ~wt s.i \O l\..,1t!i1!17231:1 ~ S~r 2 OR : l\~ Pl tN\Clt, bay VI w Pool Nr COM ~4 S S-''!IO "'° 644·9'2• h1 NWPT C RaST t'l'f'hSe, :JOr 2 '18• 1enn11 pool 1pa S700 Ton' M2-3eM ,_MITNI ... PftO'fSStOAL BLOG 2 "00M DELUXE STE ... 50 MO·t YR LSt f't lv•te entrance "•v'd ample guett petliilng Ut•httH & lo ..., tncl Imm.a posa ..... 347 MO. no, tOOI U -,11~ w .. 1chfl NB ..,. .... ~2 ,...,,.,,. SmaM Of· rtce °'°" .... e Ea•t t7'9' 84 CM M ...... , I "•'• ,,,,. .... ACflllOSS 63 -...,_ 11 ,, \3 lllDI ... ............. .... word Pfl 1111· 19, .... DMlc ecoeg. • .,..... pos., Nlery w/ .... lend,..,,..., ~to· 17'97 MeMl ope MMe H, f1n Y!r·wrol ...... Hun11ng1on B•ac:h •anulaclurar need• ene'getk;, hltJhly MOii• vated 1nd1vtdual lor shipping rec:alYlng, In• vanlory eonlrol and light u aam bly Clean, non•amo k tng shop Great opportunity lo• advancement Start WMIMOUIE tt·SIO DOE Apply Huntingto n Beach between 1 Ol!lm·2pm, manufacturer needs >402 M ounl Joy Or , ~unllngton Bear.h, C A enaigetic:, htgl'lly moll· vatad individual tor 92648 17 1"1 841 66J lh pp1ng, rec:a1v1ng. Jn· TELEMARKETERS ventory control amt LEAD PEOPLE ltghl a ssembly, Clean westlngP'tou•• Rafr1g. Whtie, runs greet, 5 u12ll2'h S12S John 721 ·0350 f ' t • ~ ' ... \ I I I tl"CATA .. l'MUI • TRAILER NACRA 5 2 w accas· sotlas $1,200 (PU· 9656) 650-8428 • L_.. ... , .._. ••. 40' King & Cho•• l<elch All v .. tow. Al<C F ... d 73 W orld Crvtse1 C hampa. Pedig ree Sac 11t1ca $15,000 $450 7141646-9984. 080. 770-0771. ,\ t I . ' ' I. 11 Acura 1tl7 Legend Coupe A diamond Load.ct. all awtraa, low mileage. new ltr••· telephone , pp. $15,900 72S.9691. NO SELLING non·smotuno &hop Baauhful Sofa lov•H•I, 20' COMMISSION G1ea1 opportunity. for cha tr, o ttoman New AKC Shatt1a puppies. For Sala Luter 16 on NB OR WEEKLY GUAR advancement S1a11 c:ono. oall 111m . H Crl· Sable, full colla r1,1 __ m_oo_r_•ng..:;...;64:.......;6-_g;;..7_1..;2:.:._ La11u9 '90 400 Pat19Ct, hand washed only, white with gr•v taath~. 19.000 miles 50.000 mite w arranty All extras 1n clud1ng telephone tracllon con1ro 1, N akot mlcht sound •v•t•m w e co auto cP'tanoar, moon· rool, memo ry ayst•m , remote entry, etc. etc PP $36,000. IS44·2242. ANTEE. WHICHEVER S9·S10 DOE Apply foc:a $325 641·3486 both parents on p re-I• n JU In 2 4 1 IS HIGHER Monday· between t0Rm·2pm m1se1 5 wks old Marcl'da-. t 973 220 Gas •·cyl, auto , all power . a c . 1tlnl $4,200 362·9682 F11day 6AM·1 30PM 7402 Mount Joy Or Brown p latd couch , Reserve yours now . $3200, 414-5411. Oally b onu5e1, COii• Hun1ong1on Ba3ch CA good conci.tlon, clenn, $3SO 790 8677 •sta & many com· 92648 (714 84t ·3663 _s_~_....;5_7..;.5....;-0;...3;....2..;o..;.____ H(AE WE AREr pany b•n•l•IS W oll T COUCH dark blue, WIN 2 rr .. Dinners train Olfoco & Medtc,11 camelba~ 11 oak trim, ----------1 luppltes CALL er. c l aw fooled $225 Stberoal'l Husky 8 wka, FORE NOON A SK OBO 0!>2·0 t04 blue ayes AKC, Have ijFiOiAiiBilL~Lii5i2i4i1i8i9iOiililltlhrmolul9lbmciliaisi1iifiiiediiil Country tov1ng rm group shots SJOO da 646- UPTO -$475 sotaoect 5275• 3988 eve 895·6743 so lns $9!:> chrs $2!>. •t'chners $75, dtneno $90 d'lks $25 Ille cnb S30 w d S200 973-0848 '11~h l)ocks ~!\H ,1ge /()22 Merced•• t 982 3000 Turbo. beautiful car, I owner, a'lt ellont con• •SL.IP to 50 FT & SLIP dtlton $9, I 50 10 20 FT CIHSIC N B (7 t 4) 5'18·097:J, area. Llva-abonrd pOS• _.;,,_....:,...;......;;.....:..:..;.:.::.._ __ Sible 631 ·8'180 llALBOA ISLAND TAKE OVER LEASE, Sallboat 45·50 Xlnl 89'BMW Conver· close to ua locallon tlable White with S475 752·:>88I blac k l o p . p i n· striping fully loaded. •soo DESIGNERS PRIVAH SALE 4 Kreiss 01von ChV Clllltr , $1800 Toi.11 6 Krllln Martlyn dining ctn.rs St800 IOIAI 760..1577 On-shore moo11n9 on c ar phone up SA 1 ONL V 8-3 LldQ Isle Avatl.lble graded wheels, raM Need p<irtnor d k Lots ot l1Sd1es clothes, 675.9311 ee spoiler, Take PER MONTH * MO COUICTIOIS * En1erta11•"1•nt Cen1e1 so1o11 ol1i.. l-l' w .. 8-l h .. 21 Cl Utg ,\ rugged """ now S280 c..1&:?1:.S:.> Futon Bec.r S 1 10 .'l glll!ISW;'lrO, book s & ___ ..;;...,..;.......;;....____ over lease $575 mo STUFF' ts.t f Memll PRIVATE DOCK only 25.000 miles P l RlwHn 2 1st & Newport Bch •Int IOC 5spd Call 859·3679 22nd off Orange. & security 673 7r,,77 ===============~I Huntington Beach t) 1 ·l 'arnpers. RVs Tr a tiers 8014 If you. fS jUSI Siii 11110 ~OU< own buSlllffl cialllttad ,. a grMI pl.U 10 find office llQU•P"*'I VolvO 1978 244DL Oood condition. '2.500 c .. 240-1628 ' ' ,, (I , ' • I I Cadlllao 1982 Elegant• Loaded, S0 ,5 00. --------- Phone 073·8077 or ---------- 8 73·7C>e4 Cadlllac 1987 Sadan DaVllla, CUllO· n groll & wheels, .. ether up ho I· Ford 1978 Pinto H11tc:hbacll, ewcellent llody & engine $700 6 7f>·17l8 LINCOLN 71 Mercury 1qo1 S3t>I• Low "''lo' full power e "<t oltont, oconorntcal F494478 IU'IUry SG 000 PubllShOd Otit ge COUI 548·797:1 Daily Pilot Mly 22 2'l _M_l_T_S_U_B_t_S-tt_l_0_8 ____ J Jut1e 5 12, 1!191 PRECSIS, fi door, fully ________ w;,_1~'-' to rined S5200 919·3tl13 Pon11 c 11)8 ~ Surtbtro l door. eutomat1c:, p s, r> b sharp COt\d•lton low mlleaoe, S2,'i00 OBO S·l !.>·7836 PUBLIC NOTICE f57t1t fictitious •ualne•s Nem• State.,..nt Early morning motor routes available Must have dependable transportation and hah1hty insurance 0111wor lega bl •Ck tie S:\1t1ng Club Having cab•n1>1 $1'> f<' 8-160 I Hug• Sale Sal only 7 24 Titan Hl78 IO>ldl'd.1----------·----------11 e I w J po• dO<ng bu ) CALL 642-4333 HUNTlHGTON BEACH ca>TA MESA. NEWPORT BEACH, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, IRVINE & LAGUNA BEACH INCREASE YOUR REACH THROUGH OUR NEW LOWER RATES ;~ffi I r~~.6~ pey~ ~~!v i • •or • ') dav,., m,,,,.. .,, : SERVICE f 2~~0~~~!,0~Y I • ' i e -AU. TODAY ASK FOR LOIS Yo111 11ce Oirec1c.-. Rco•es.on•nuvo 642·4321 Ext 310 PUBLIC NOTICE Tl'e C 1 I P • U1ili. ' l•e• Comm1ss1on1 RE· OUIRC:S 1•uu I vs C1 nousehold \JO OCll movers Print Ir• 11 P u C Cll 1 nvmoe1 ltmo • &. ch11u~ curs pn n1 l "a r T C P "''"'" bN In au 4'd11m11se• mants If you 11 1119 a questton hOut tt1a I•· gallty of u rnover, hmo or ch11 ulfeur, Call Publtc u11:1 OS Com• mtasoon 7 14 ,c,e .s151 \ · q1rJ1!1t ininq ~ l HJ All Mal!n end MOC!elt CouftaOU• s.rv !>8-0515 3Qat·9 H8•b0r B C M l'PLIANCE REPA IR 10% O'' S.rvlca CP'tg wled Sc>ac•all~• '" ... .,.,... Que11ty work .... lll'toe 63 t.' 318 ement oncrete JS2 eram1c 1les 352 Conttacto,..•ulldara F h1ld Care 353 TICKLE BUO 0 , .. Lie . B•ooi..hursl Adarns M 1 1•11 GJ!r- nnns Homo OO::t o 15 I(' I'' f1'1 ~·· . . ' 'lt .,...RELl•81.E Hou .. c ean- ing by tne csay locu •rea ..... , ....... D .. Call Yoland a 831•59fi7 CIHMDICLUlllG Homa I amlllt o"•"• dallltler1 8prln• ................. 1.t ''" est ., .. e:ne t< A S Ci..m1ng SefVtea, LIC9"8ed A Bonded 1 1scellaneous 601 Buniol bed S!>O II l'lQ soil side water bed $JOG ban10 $50 v1ohn S2 54!>-6668 ~O•Ctse B•C)ICIP 0"9' nally $289 sac11• ci. SI 65 Sl.1" Clilftl) nq e .. orc·sor 0119 S39'.J s.\cr1f1ce s 18!> 60111 MlllCH used Complll· errle•1 Oelu•e u•ecu t•ve modol w wa11 1111y Cnn d ol1ve1 64 7 · t 999 Elcctr1cdl Jb 1 ELECTRICIAN Lil. J • 1 (711) t)lt. '".; rREl:MAN EL~ClRIC Ouaht)' JOb lo.... tmcu Ftt!l' esl 2.ltir l•~1~7 • '" 1 ,. 1.4·!>0481' 10 4 84 7 t Indiana po· Its, HB at Newland 1 11) tti Sl11 f'1sh Boot 1 ~88 Yilrnahn 00 on· 011111 w ith tow hours, 1980 lri\llor new lite'! S. w111ng , SJ 800 OHO IH5·1117 uvenet Clu;u~p • T1ee T11m tutu I • Sptl<lr Ughting Ror • Set'd Sod StntO 1'J13 (•17 )164) Ont t 1f' 9288 enc es l Dusty's Lawn Maint. ~· If I " \'\,: k y f 1 '~ n1 2 11 IC I (oMIOENIN('j.F IJll st•n1 Decks 361 FENCES.QA TES. urwsc t pa ~111lnl(lr Hew Repair Atd .. OOCI I ""'" mow·olJyo·r.lnup C,,J. P • r· .;ace C'' ~~ 1~ • , 11~-. ~66·2116 j rr Why1 6·12 "'206 PROF. GAnOfNING o\ Handy Man 371 MAINT 10 y•\ lhp He~ Cornn Xlnt rats r I t•• f. l0., <I ."Jtl *HANDYMAN• RON'S OAADENINQ B;g If'! 9\-, ... 9 ' , ... • • * REMODELING Cu 1 ~ ,. ''" C C r L>Crll • , r, r>lumb • F'en<: s • ll'l8 3 I 1f3 All ros d ""·'I & comm I reo1ura &. m.11n1 Retl· able & reaeon•ble. Refi1 A>'t \11 ~32 9827 Paonl inq Fl)( 1r , (' Jn ... OUSE I do all trade• Low prices C y r 1008 HANDY ANDY El•1C p UrT p 11/\I I.I carpnlr\' ~t (.J 1-4043 aullng :1 i2 .,LT tl~UUNG SEIWIC Ga'IQO WU l!H Jon 645-8112 OICK tlAULING Junk 10 durnp & g _,,. a1tl l'u1ul11111 larpe llUC k w lh htl gatft '10"3798 DUMP RUNS • JUNK rutri1tuta, ttash trcio brencM9, app11an,e1 Mtl\a 7 d'f1J 646· 1' !H SEMl·Retlred rnn CC\Jl Conl! tCIO• De I <11Qn lns1,.r1 Lr9 s SA"f H S 754 •1 ,,.. THE GREEN SCENE asonry 382 OLASS BLOCK fir , • • 1 • "" rk Uc I ,,.,1 .... 11 Rots I r ft II; 'J ') l' REMODEL AddlUona MASONRY OntCI< '\ B .... v ~ V\o :> .. H< Bono lie d 949-4834 Massage 183 tEXOTIC MASSAGE• Sl fl l'\r F <-r by l'l"a11 V MC 76Q.79•H 14hr 8T .. aaaaD OUT? Man go Tt>.,,_r·y 1" CllfrOP< c• I! • sur >:Coted LIU 84 ·~3 SIUPERMOVIRIS "'"• .,. 1<1robas end 11 Tl46.2115 1 HR. MIN. 24 HRI. 722·1171 •A·1 MOVING• 73o.13A CLEAN & EXPERT ,.o, "Jon wau Don•' t;4Mn11 0 C IOf t ~ Y't Lie T.1s11842 atorv 135. 2 story 165 •· -.e. .... ...,,, I' I • W II I y . lb 1·w111 'I A Fonune 40 Co mal• "'"""" CIMI Karen or 29, avel to hoU9..it 1 ~ 631-2'17 1 1'76-e027 ... 7pm Ilk• new 0111v 65K mites $9 500 ORO Musi see 759.i tO·l ave 644·8 "22 oav 4 Wheel Drive eeps 903 PUBLIC NOTICE fs11ee NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION AND LACK Of AUTHORITY BAYWOOO llO~f '>LOS Chevy 1986 0t'lze• A SOS II Cl! ' ,,. 11 yon· rod 6!>K rn• S8 500 e al P•'lrl ISi\ II l•h<l P1..i OBO 759· 110•1 eves f'O''"'P IO'mcd t>:y 111n 644·87"2 d/\y ' bctwe(•11 l':\'(WOOd Of'vl'I· " crir"•"' G•oun tnc • C11h Jeop t 9 71 Cj: 101111& co1p01,11•n" I HOG I runs good nc•l'dS arid Sl•1nger M cKer1n11 work $2 000 ' Inc C~l·fo.,1 "''l.IO•ll· 515·6668 tton l'I, gotrw•ill p~•l•101 whrcn l\<la c 1r11td on 11 bus nus at 120 Ne,.,port Ct'r'l'~I 011•0 SUI'• 2~ Nl'wport f\e ICI\ c I IQflllA ');>U30 W llS CJ '!>SOl•t'° t:lltlC trv• "' o' ~t P'l''"Dt!• 0, 1118<'1 W.P. YOUNGQUIST p ;rg,..., ... ,J;a ' OAll "l r ptt'H<:Mal L c /1 602098 •nsurf'u Free •st 64!.> 3J05 Papering 386 ~E t.u SI J H•"9 · oe Total lnletoor Rc<n"d· • •OQ Sorv Advtce To The Crozy 6JJ. 7 1 ~, Aller 1'1;t! d.l'i! /\0 P4Vl'I • tn tt11 P111• r&!'\O • U ~ Plantscape 3878 PLANTS·EVEAGREE N PUBLIC NOTICE SOUTH lnlcrtor plonts ____ F_5_7_1_t _2 __ _ & 11ee1·S.ltes & or Fictitious m:unt 751·t825 L"'tla Butln••• Name Plaster Repair J880 ,.. ' ~. ~ 5S4 8JI lurnbing 389 24 Hr £00•$46.5522 .. :_,n;G ' ".l.VS •,:. ... • ~ F"'• , .s.a VJ"e' Disc ount Plumbing ~ COt I l r •t· !'.'•POii , .., ~ o" w •• 101 f>, \1 11 (,I' • l 't. Sa,...i ce SCMC!al ._., Off t at Mo Trial Basis 557-4651, &42·0636 Statement The I DI" PUBLIC NOTICE f57tt5 Flctltl~• •u9NHN•m• .,., ..... ft, T!lo U>llOW!ng ~~ 111 OOong bUSIMll ftS WES TE RN P.ACIF'IC C ERCiV, ,,. UJ>P«lf N~J>O'I P .. u SUiia 201 ~ .vi>Ot O.ach Calif rm, Wn•cun ll11t1•1c 1 fits Ltd a NevAr1• COll)Ol8' • 4 UP~' Nt'A'?0'1 PIAZI! RmADlllQ8 by Taf01 Suitt 201, Nl!WPOl1 Ch C1"d P•tl•Prasenl • Cal.C 2660 f!utllfe Wall ~nown n America., O vtlopm1111 PUBLIC NOTICE f571t4 Fictitious Bu1lnas1 N•m• l tete.,..nt 01Mf C01Jntrln5)6.t S,2 Cotporatlon a Wath1"{11bn ----------' c0rpor1t10n 281 t ~ Pac 1 c ----------Hf9+1-y Sauth •ll r9(j•1•I PUILIC NOTICE Way WA 9900l ---------Thia bu11neu 11 con• 'lo tHleua dueteO by I 09f'I U I pan hSNH ....... \.) j I )I' . ' PUBLIC NOTICE c 14190 SUMMONS (CITAC:ION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFEN· .. "' eceotdaf'C• *"" ~ pro'it&iOna o• s.ction im ot IM L.8of eoo. 01 tM ~rtmem ot "'<lwtnet A• tions "• Cl9'~ .,_. Qel* Of9v 11'9 rift o! .. s •P pl>eable IO lti• ~ IO ~ ~ "'"' °" the '"1 ~ "'9'P' , ... ..,.,.,-r.wna1 are on !e I th• o!llc• ol IM C.ty o.rti •"° L'1• 0 • of lh• ~ ol P\.Olic won.1 ol tt!• c ~ of .H"'11~ .. actl~ ~ biCI ...,ii De rec~ s 1 mao• <>" • O'&'* rorrn ~ oY tt1• <>Ct tOt of Pu Th9 ~ attennon of ~· bidders a Called IO tf'le ~ ... requ!r~1$ Ml 1 • eciflc•IC)N, tof UI dndOns u tf' tM biekSlng fhe •bo,,. Cl~ .,. AtPOfO•""at• only ~ ~ • 1 ou;a fOr CM com.par1'90n 01 Dtelt and lh• City ot ~ 9Mcft ~ noc ••Pf"' or bf '"'~ .., .. f\111 ltl• ~1 amount 01 ~It. CCH'eeooncl ltler...-, tM ,...,... .. Ifie l'lgnt to Of deCfMM 1M M'OUl'll of any Cf pot1ion ol ~ ..,.._, •• may be cse.m.d nee....,-, or ••pedlenl oY the ~ of ""1bhe WOl'\1 All bids .. De COl!'P4Hd Oti ~ bM of ~ OQctor of ~ ~ ...... of the ~ .... ol ~-to be ctone Sut>et!MIOft of ~ '°' eny moniee ~ ..., N CIW IO .... ~ •Ml De '*" ••d in eccorcsence ,... ..,.,.... '11 tw Callbnie ~ Code, ledior\ ..o bcl\ Oid .,.. be !fted9 4M on • ~ llO .,. Ml• _, 11 tfle ollcie '11 ._ DnCler Ill ""* Wotlla. 0.. ~ -., 2000 Mlillrl ...... """9119•• 81ect\, Cllla ._ ..... '9 ..... _., _, _. ... C"Y °" .... c....c.. ......... PIMr ~_. ..... _.._ .............. , ._. Cft. Caitocll•lla. M • ...... t .. All al .""'9 tJ. t•1 ......... '9 ...... :J.i 8 _., R I _. poe.-OI IW Ctlf CIM. ... Qr......, ... ~ ti~ .... •... I ... ·--_., ... ,....., ............. ,........ ..... Cly C.... ti .... Olr "...,,_~, ... c-. • ._. r&:: ..... '8 '9 111111111 ............. t• f/I .Mr. ttl•. • .. ._. f/I J:ll P "' .. car~ ......... CMcc...." ... Clf"'""'• ... • ................ ..... 9W .. Cir c...... -.... ..-.. .. Jt#f '· ,..,, .,.. CllW ............... c s , .......... ,.. ...... .., ............ --.. ... ....., ..... _.._.., .. Clr" ......... ......,,c • • .,..,., ... a,c.. ---c:.r""'"'* ....... c. ··--· ,.., . ....... I w 0 . • N. VAUGHN Henry Clay Y1U9hn Long l•m Ch•C ei-n er •~ oeaicateo rtu m annar • ., a d I ti'• •g• c• 81 He was oo•n n B••• C:.l 'Olnla and gtAO• ul'led 1 ~., from Long Be <.h Pot.,. 1ech High Scnoo• •"O rec•"' o 11 s •11· SOCl.alf'S ot Arts O& gr•• l•orn Long Beacr C1•11 Cotle!)e "I ' 1 11e !l•>tVl!'(j nsu•ance b•o•.e• .... •• • i:t1 ,, •• , "' •mtie• OI Hie NCI"'• POr1 Harbo• "10nt club nd 1ecen1 ••· ctp en1 01 tne Mei"'" J011es FeilOW Awa•d t•om 111e Lron1 CluL 1n1err1ational roor .. oa1 Ofl He w11s 11 long 11me mttmoer 0 1 I 1 707 Lodg• OI I BPOE 7 Se t • ng Looge o• ltte Masons ano fl 6e1<11 O' the St\t n• He •• a&m1••ea try n 11 "' I• Auorey Va ~""1 Of ~.-... port ftAC..!'i •o n D11v1(1 l i \.lgnn oaugnter Sall~ P< ~~ec..nam •Iller Vivian I. H on $h WrJlndlOOI O•" en n v 1.>gttn flflO Tttom • n Mectiam prcc ()flod • n oea1n b-f Ka•h • nn• H Vin1ghn Sen1ice1 wtll I,} I •let on Weone<>oav Ma., 29 1fl91 Jtl I 1 00 a m •I P11c1•1e V ,.w Mortu11r-t Cn l'lC!I In Ne .... port a.-c ,, "" ,., I nterment ,,...,. meolatety 1.ono .... 1ng l he 1am11y ' •· questing tl\4111 l!t "" 1 OI rlowe•31 CM lion t>• meoe to '"• riu son • Scnoo1 1n Co•te Mes (71"1) 7"0-34 r: •tt1ht1n Memoftitl P '" Mor• tuery ci11ec11ng (714) 633 SAr1 PAC911C VllW •llCMllAL PAM ~«Ve Mor1UIW,, Cn.,.i • C<ern.10t., 3!IOO P8C!tic: 'II"'* Ori... ~I~ .... ,,. STIRTlll& I llEW IUSllESS11 The Legat Olc>ertrnent et lhit o.uy Pflol plMMd 10 ennounc:• I MW MN'IC• ~ a....aeble 10 M"W but'· ........ Wed now SEARCH t"9 name tor you et no ••tr• c::hatge end .. 14 ~ C"4I ume end tM trip 10 the Cout1 Hou. In Santa Ana Then of COUtM, enef the _.cf\ It c°""*"*' we wlll ... ~ftctltlOUa ~Mme ....... ment """ "'9 ~ Ctert!. pubtlltl OfQ a.-fof tour.-•• required bY .. end then ... your PfOOI' of Qubieation """ County Oetli .. Ptew •oP by 10,.. ,_,, ·iwn • ~ ••H ••IC • .. ~ Not Legm ~ ... U0 W. ..,, ea.ea ....._ Cellornla • VGa1 -. nae lfoP by, .,._ Oii "' • (1 Mt 142~1. !Ji ..... 311. 311 ... ....................... ,., .. ~ .. procedure., ... "~ "'°'*' ... ~-..... ... uone, ,.._Oii .. .,.. ...... ,,.. "*' .... '° ... ,.. ••~•a••· ............... ..... word prouut ig, ..... IO. be9ic~ •• . ~....-poa., NAllt'y W/ emp. lend~ w/ ~to· 17111 NewtlOSM auele H, fl'tn Y!r.W70I .. .,,.. Huntington Beach W H llllTH cn•nuracturer need1 ' ' ..,.,~le, highly moll· Beauutul hotel lobby vated Individual tor gilt 1hpp now accept· 1Npplng, receiving, In· Ing 'applic•tlon1 tor v•ntory control and tuU or P•rt time Sales hght e11embly Cl•an, Auoc1et•1 Wiii train ....... .,.. . . , ...... , ..... ............... ...... 11191 Alll•k. ........ -......; ..... ... .. IMlrtft Ml: braaa bed: lfteny ...,_...,..,,..,a, Meyteg Wahet HaNMt Gotc:J, 116. l!teetuc dryer -"lie 175. Can deltver' 860-MeO Rettig S200 Waehef & Cryer lt25 ••· Po,. tabla O lahwaeher $126 848-6848 ._ Call Neomi, 960·7873. non-1mo .. 1ng 1hop Ext 2649, "•lrtfe•r•ter 2o cf Gr•al opportumty tor __ ...;;..;....:;.;... _____ I alde·by·llde. copper CUT ME OUT ANO W OW IO pc, 12 WIN 2 Free D6Mett pl Ht, or ... ct. IHO Ott oek d*w hulch l!LECTAIC DOU8L• 1150 2 twy -ought •-· Nffd9 work Iron balcer'a reel(• and ballery. 12500 etc 14e-2801. PM. 173-7111 LAX-Maul, 2 kke'9, t· '1'9 Weiueft .... way on June •. 1150 •lteut VI, 350hp, H or $250 both. l•H then 550 hra, 840-21M7. 14500. 145-et83 NSA FILTERS, CHEAPI 50 D ISTfUaUTORS Le•11lng buetneaa Cell Jen t .aoo 3»9171 ')' t' I f \ ' I' . 'I ) ) I 17'CATAMAl'IAN Ac:ura 1197 Legend Coup•. A diamond. Loaded, aft •lltfu, low mtl•ege. new "'••, telephone . pp 115.900 725·Ml1 • C•dlllK 1982 Eteg.nte Lo•d•d. se.soo. •dvencem•nt Start WARIHOUIE cir, S150 650-8428 St-StO DOI! Apply Hun11ngton Beach f)' .. ' ·• • TRAILER NACRA 5 2 w acces· aorl.. Sl.200 (PU· 9856) 850-8428 Lexu1 'to 400 Perfect, hand waahed only. while With Of'•Y INlher. I 9.000 mol•a. 50.000 mole warr•nty All extra• mcludlng telephone, trac:llon c:onlrot, Na1tamtch1 aoul\d •v•••m w 8 co auto changer, moon· roof, memory ayllem, remote entry, ate: etc. PP $36.000 844·2242. Phone 873-e<>77 or---------PUIUC NOTICE \ • ' i I between 10am·2pm, m•nul•cturer needs We111nghou1e Relrlg 7402 Mount Joy Or , White, runa 91••1. tiunt1ngton Beach, CA •norgeuc, highly moll· 5lih2"2Vi, St25 92648 (7141 8·tl-36GJ veted lnd1111duel for John 721-0350 •L.W .. ~· 40' Kmg & Cho•• Ketch Shipping recetvmg, In· AU v-~.::' . '73 World Cn11ser TELEMARKETERS ventory control and ........,, AKC Field S•cnflc e S 1 5,000 LEAD PEOPLE light asaombly Clean, Ch•mpe. Pedigree 080 770 "771 No SE $450 714 &46-9984 ..... LLINO non-1mok1ng shop Beaullful Sofa. loveaeat, _.,; ___ .....;.....;...;;..;..;....;_ ________ .;._ __ 20' COMMISSION Grent opportumty tor chair ottoman New AKC Shellle pupplH. For S•I• Luter 16 on NB OR WEEKLY GUAA· •dvancemenl, Start cond. oak trim aacro• Sebte, lull coll•ra. moonng 846·97 t 2 ANTEE, WHICHEVER S9·S10 DOE. Apply he• 5325 841-3486 bolh perenll on pr• I a ft JU• ft 2 4 IS HIGHER Monday between t0am·2pm Brown plaid couch, m"es 6 wkl old .. •3200 ,.,.,. •..a•a 1 Friday 8AM·l,30PM 7402 Mount Joy Or Reserve yours now • 1 .., __ ,.,, Daily bonuan, con· Huntington Beach CA goOd cond1llon, clean, $350 760-8677 •111 & many com• 92648 (714) 841·3663 S50 675-0320 HERE WE AREi WIN 2 F'rN Dinners '11p' UlKkS Mercedes 1973 220 Gas •·cyl, •uto all power. a le , :1dnt $4,200 362·9882. 873-7<>e4 I Cad1Nac 1987 Sedan 0.Vlfte, cu110.n grill & wheel1, leather uphol· Mercedes 1982 3000 Ford Hl78 Pinto Turbo, beautiful cer, 1 HAIChbacltl, a11cellen1 tr•ln Office & Med1c.ll camelback oak trim pany benettts Will T COUCH d.,k btve lluppl1es CALL BE· claw rooted $225 FORE NOON ASK OBO 852·0104 S1be11.1n Hu1ky. 8 wka, blue •YH AKC Have shots 5300 d• 646· 3988, e11a 895·6743. SL H iye /022 •SUP to 50 FT & SLIP owner, ewcellonl con· body & engine $700 doltOn $9 150 67!> 1'138 to 20 FT Clilaslc N B (7 t 4) 549.0973 . iFpOiiRi BiilLiLi 5i 2i4ii1i8i9iOiimlthmrlolul9lhliciliai1i1iifi1ieidi l Country 1o111ng rm group $47'> sot11bed $275 sotAs S95, chrs S2!> rechnors S7S, dinette UPTO 590 dsks 525. Ille cab area Love-aboard pos· LINCOLN '71 a1ble 601·81l80 ---------.. 1 CONTINENTAL 460 -9A----L-a;...O_A_l_S_LA_N_D_ TAKE OVER LEASE, an!1 rim~ goOd $1250 Sallboat 45•50 Xlnt. 89'BMW Conver· Mull soel 8·12·0567 cloae 10 sea locahon liable, White with Murc:ury 1qe;o s.1blo ........... ............... •&oo $30 w d swo 973·0848 DESIGNERS PRIVATE SALE 4 Kt~'ISS 0111011 Chy Cl\Cllf'\, $1800 Total 6 Kro'"" Marilyn C11n•nll ch.1.•s, s 1800 $475 752·?88 I b I a Ck. IO P . PI n· low mlle!I, full power, striping fully lo3ded, occollNll oc:onom1c;i1, F494471 On-shore moon119 011 car p h 0 n e , up lµ•ury 56.000 Pubhshoo Or.11•11c Co.!I'' PER MONTH * NO COWCTIONS * Early morning motor routes available Must have dependable transpor1ation and hab1hty insurance CALL 642-4333 HUNTINGTON BEACH, C'a;T A taSA, NEWPORT BEACH. FOUNTAIN VWJ:Y, IJWINE 6 LAGUNA BEACH INCREASE YOUR REACH THROUGH OUR NEW LOWER RATES ~83 $2.60 per day Tti ti 9 A ... vou p 1y z •o• j i ;c~~VI~~ ~ 2!~!~!r~.~~ • I I • • • ' C A.LL TODAY I ASK FOR LOIS <;erv1ce Ctr ctorv Repros ntnuvn arpentry 3510 ement oncrete 352 eramtc 1les J528 642-4321 Ext 310 ·~--------------· Contrac:tor•·•utldera For prompt ervice •a r prices r«it 1b1l11~ a con p m;r w \th n1eg"''f 10 b Ck 'S QU hly 100 • c AAA Tiie & M arble '1 9 ~970 PUBLIC NOTICE The c 11 Put>. LI ues Comrnl1sf\111 Rt· OUIRES 111111 II us<!d houset1olc:I goods mover , print lhOll P U C Cal T m1rnt>c• limo I & Chitttlf(!~JI ' t pnnt their T c P num· I bor In ell \dv< rt s•· 1 rnen11 It you h ove t'I • questoon iil>Out the le· t gahty of a mover, hmo ! or ch11ufleur, Call r Public Ut1:1oe1 Con1· i m1ss1on 7 1 1.555 •t ts 1 · ~ , lr1rf1t1untng J418 ~ COllll•RCIAL R•PIUO•"ATION. SERVICl::, SALES Licensed G73·800t All .._.," afld Modots Cour19009 SeN 558'°5 I!, 3021·1 Ha~ B CM PPLIANCE REPAIR '~ Off Servu:e Chg •tad ~1•1tza tn •'' trende au.thty work -price 8.31·1388 JACK K(M·.J OY ltLE ~ MARBlC NSTALL R(PA I~ All l;IOO!o OI p IVf.H!I W ISIHOs;j ,.\ Sea . • · · i 1.~ THE ORIGINAL DEAN the TILE MAN h1la Care 353 TICKLE BUG · '"~ ~ 1 L le, llroo .. t1urs• A.i,m I MfH oltl G r• C1en• ~1on•o 3 I!> lt'.IJl 11,l St1! "I~,. l \ >4 SAT ONLY 8.3 Ltdo Isle Av.••1>'blfl graded wheels rear 549.191,1 Oa•l'f Ptlot M•y n . 2'1 Lois of lad1ea clothes, N~~t~~7~er deck spoiler, Take -M-t-TS_u_a-1s_...;,t•_l _a_e ____ 1June 5 12 t9'1l total !60 1:>77 ol•nwilre, books & ----------over lease $575 mo PRECSIS, r, <1oor, fully STUFF-164 E Memll PRIVATE DOCK only 25,000 miles, 10 ned S!>200 Entc>llamn ent Cf'.'ntor, sot111 o;n., .14 w w 8·1 h ~ • I 4 I b1g I\ •11990<1 11 .. tl new S280 &16 ~fi:i~ Pl BtwHn 21st & Newport Sch alnt toe Sspd Call 859.J679 01 ~f;3J ·22nd oll Orange & 673 ~5-.7 Huntington Beach ti 1.w Futon Uee1 $110 ''I C1rawor lega bl.tCk foJo Satlong Club He111ng cab.net S15 r r ~-160 Huge Sel• Sat only 7 1scellaneous 601 Bunk bed $50 kof\g sott side water bod $300, ban10 $50 v1ohn S2S 545-6668 E ~erc1se B•cycto o• •go n;llly S289 socrr•ocr> S 16'& S1a1r ctrmblnlJ e~nrcosor, orig S:J!>!J s.1crotoco $185 00111 never usod Co,,...put erizod Oolu•e o~ecu hvo model w warranty C11n deliver 647·199<1 Electr1c,1I Jo 1 ELECTRICIAN J ' 1 10 .1 84 7 t lnd1anaPO· hs, HB at N•wland 19tl> 16 Ski Fesh Boat 1!lB8 Yamaha 'lO en ciine with low hours 1988 Ir lier, new ttrO'i & w111ng, $3 800 OBO 615·1117 • n•I Cre,rnup • Tree Trom- enc es m1r't1 • Sp•l\lr L•ghlong Rpr s • Seed Sod Snc 1!'173 {473164 B tl ,, lb '3'88 I Dusty's Lawn Maint. "'rnHlly .......... H I I· n ~' • ;> 11 1!1 \ Decks Jb 15 FE NC ES ·GATES. New Repair Reo ... «1 • ' p • Jl 1 8 :;I.I !'.8 Jorr Wt1yto 642 7206 Handy Man 371 •HANDYMAN• • • btl •OI • ~, 7 ***REMODELING Cu• I .,.. ... E•e C 1•1.>a ·•·, • -Plumb. fen s ·~'I 8'18·3118 _..,,...REPAIRS Homa Rental PROPERTIES "~ 1 C111•po111t'J'·•tc • 0 yv. t' G ..,1;.1~ 5'U7 1 CALL DOES IT ALL "• r I 1ttor at C11\flOf:NINC.0f':ull """ l 111 c1a.c.1po•11Prmicl•~ c:>ct n•ow ·etl\JU·Clnup r' a t.lll.'S 9f>ll·2l16 PROF. GAROfNING ~ MAINT 10 v .. thP n. , Com'• Xtnt r••• '"'" •• r,.1•.-<'l r 18 t,.-.n,1v .. price• l.':'"-::--::~.,.....,----- Small & Ilg rep "~ ot h•C SECOND MAT£ •encos pouoa plumb· LA.N S AP1N.. !>ea 1ng elec p1a1101, ary JIOnt\ .. 1..,, '"''Pl n1 wall Int e,.1 pa nung l 'll 68 t. ,fl kott~ "" balh r•mOdel I\ 11ati1tlon1 Lie asonry 382 49Sl97 ABS 93q.4Q()() OLASS BLOCK (1 r i. All r•srtJC'nlu11 & comm 1 • t Cust • "" ~ I.IC •opturli m,\1nl "•II· tJ0 n•h•rt I vGtll R~•'i •bl• & reaaon•ble. "''" 039 'l'>J~ Rf>f 11. fl!I ·1 32 · 982 7 =R:-:E=-M::-:-:0::--=D-::E:"'.L~A-d-d_.;.,lt;.;lo;_n_a Pa1nt1ng MASON"Y Oil r K ~ fJ 0 " NORK Donn Lie 11 848·4834 " ' UP YOUR HOUSE I do all tr•des Low prlc •• Jlly 650·3008 HANDY ANDY !:Ice Plumb P 1n1 l 1 CLVPf•try etc 631.4r,4' auhng 172 .,...LT HAUL NG £'.RVIC. Oa•&;t 'Yd Jon 645-8112 0 1(.;K !'> HAUUNG Jl11H• to ciump & go"· eral hauling L•rgn ltu~ltl woth llft gnt• ~.io :1798 DUMP RUNS • JUNK rum11u1a, traah, Ir•• b••t>ehea, appoancea Mo"• 7 dya 846·13~, Massage 1830 •EXOTIC llAllAGI• S2fi \othr r or by man V MC 160-1119 t 24hr aTA•SS•D OUT? Manage Ther py n ChirOPl'aC v" I ;,wt ccpteci LISI 8'30053 SIU'll'llOVlltll Fr•• 111r1ucirohe1 and HI 11416280 1 MR. MIN. 24 HRI. 712·1271 •A-1 llOVING• 730-183 CLEAN a EXPERT For " Job Well Donel Sarvtrig OC eat IS yt1 UC T·tS11M2 security Ponl~"'IC 1~8.t Sunblfd amµers. RVs & Tr dtlers 8014 If you ra i'JSI 1taniog your OWi' ~ .. ,_. d-1*' .. I gl'MI pl~ 10 lino ottice eqot~t 24 Titan 19'8 10:1ded, ---------- l ·tloor aurom,"•<: p • p l> sharp conc1t11on low m•ll'tt!}• $2 500 oeo 6·15 7836 l•lle new. :0n1y G!>K PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE moles, $9 SOO OBO ----------_______ _.;. __ 1 Mull see 7!>9·1104 F57114 ave 644·8722 dl'lV Fictitious Wheel Drive eeps 903 Papering 386 'IYE G• S!"<I ,.,., 1 Total 11'18• <'• Ro.., J e •no Se•~ Advice To The Crazy 63) 71"2 Plantscape 3878 PLANTS·E\IEFIGm lN PUBLIC NOTICE SOUTH lntortor p1,v11s ----,-5-7_1_1_2 ___ _ & treas·Sales ~ or Flctltlou!I "'"' nt 151·1825 Linda Builnesa Name Plaster Repdir Jd80 lumbtng 389 24 Hr EDDt5*5522 .. ~-',G t ~u.,vs ',S .. S.: c·.a '~ '.'JS'e' Discount Plumbing r ' ·P·r pe• '• 1 S.19:.> P1)•' ·;. ' f. ' ~ "'.. . . . Statement PUBLIC NOTICE FS711S Flc:tltloua au.tnea• Name ••••e.,,.nt Th• lotlo .. mg per Service Sr:>oclal lb Otf EflGY ~-Upper I 11 Mo Tri•I BHll Pl&ll S\lile 201 557-4857. 642-0836 Bffcfl Ca I 92 Wu!ern l'ac tie 1 nes lid , I Nth' f1JI COfOOfllbOI • .. Upper Nowpo'1 PIAll ......... bV Ta,ot Sv!!e 201 N pct1 ell. Ciro Paat•J!lr•••"'' Cell F1.1ture Well ""°"'""' In Aont1lc111\ o, .. lopmtnl Buslneas Name Statement •' '· ,.1nfl Pl'' ·~ ire do1no t>Us • Ht n TOUCH BASE TE CH1t;Ol· OGY 606 Po1nset111 Av eou11 Co•o• 11 oo ~1ar ~. "2!1 011. d ('; Jchnson. 601; Po 11~"11 1 Aveol!e Corona not M 1r C t •<'6:.>S ScOll D Se •blHJ!)ll 705 Popp\I CO•r>tl.'I 11el M r C.111t P.?62!1 ''"' uua•,,,h, '' corl• OUth>d b1 • 1ener.1i PAii• llfllio" p 11111 II!!) str 1'11 ~) COin• IT1>'nted •o •r '~~ct uu:s•· non ullU r 111u Fie.• ''°''" Bus r en N Ul"e(s) llr.t llbo\" on J nuary I 1911 Olhef counti H53e·9tl52 Corporal°" a Wuhuigton ---------- co-po111t0t1 2 1 l'aCJllC ---------- -···-, - ~v SOMth • r.o.,at PUILIC NOTICE Way WA 98003 ____ ;._;,.;,..~.;;..- Thl1 bu11ne111 Is con. 'tctnleua Oue~ by " o•net•• par ........... _ ~p lfle rto 1tr•nt(1) com metlCed IO trentKI C.Ull• • Wl8fl PUBLIC NOTICE F5711t fictitious Bu1lne11 Name F41M055 Put>! s~ O• no Co I Da.fy P t M v 111 June 5 ' J I I W I PUBLIC NOTICE I . ,n PUIUC NOTtcE ~ ec~danc• ,..Ith tri. Pf0\1111o<l1 et S.C1o0n 1 nl of the Labor Code the Staie ot Ca ior D 1.ctQI ot 1n. Depertm9"1 ot ln01.11tt al Relation• that! d•t••m.ne tr'l e general pr9111 mg rat• 01 .. age, P. p41cAble 10 irie ~ 10 be done, co~• of the ••teat venere W10Q9 rate dete1mmatloN are on t • at m• office of the City Clef\ •~ 11'1• off•c• 01 th• 011ector °' Pub•ic"WOtlta of the Cl.Ty ot ~uN~on Be acfl.~ No biG ""'11 be reo!lleG un eu '1 • made on 1 t>lanlt rorm f\i•n tiled by Ch• Olt.CtOf ol Publlc: Wotti•t T"9 1pec:ial lfteMOOf\ Of PfOI PACINt Olddell •• called to ,,,. P'Of)Otal f9qU!f~t• .... I011h In tne II> tctflc.at°", for ~ dwf(UOna u ti-the biddlflO 'fl>• aDO~ q~ .,. llOOfO•lfn-'• only, t>e•l'Q given •• • l>aaia for ttle compar t on ol bids •nd th• City ot H~ hadl doe• not expreu or by 1mplieattona IQr .. llM the .ctual ~ of WOl1I. •lll C:CNTMPO"O ~~ but tffef'<IH ttl• tigt'll 10 Iner .... Of c'9C'MM IM a"'°""" OI M'IY ClMs OI p()l110f\ Of lht ~.••may t>e d"med nec:e ... ry Ot el(~ by tN °"9c10f Of ~bite Wort11 411 bidS • ..,. t>e c:ornpateo on tM b•••• Of th• Oirec:tOf Of Pubtlc W~• "ttf'l\aM Of '"• ciuentlll.-of WOf1t to be OOM :. 5.IOStltutlOn ol ~ lof any moni.a W!ttlheld by tM City to ln""9 ~ 1"4111 t>e .... '""'eel WI a«onMnee ._. pt~ll of the Calfomia OcMrnrMnl Code, leCllon qeo (a<f\ w ........ ~ °"' °" • *"' '° " ~ .. the oMc'9 ol .. Oir'ector Of ~ Wofb. 0.. ~re-., 2000 Mein ...... Hwinltngton INctl. Callomle! et'9I lie_..._,, ... wllt ... City Oet1I .. -CMe c.-, Second "°°' ~..,, ....... -........ ._..,..., .... Cf\,~°"• ...... 10-00 AM ol June 11, 1•1: IN 111111 ....... 'W • _.., .. , _.. Po9ed of .... Cir ~ ... Qw Ailomer IN Direc:tor of ""'* ...... • ......... '•--.,_,.end IN,.... of Micl ......... lie repoMd '° tfle Clly CoUftcl of .... Cllr ef ........ I .... di M .. ,.... ...... lie ..... on MorMley, f'9 t• ol Mt. 1111. • ... ._..fl 1:tO Plll. .. .. Cir <:OMNI C.-••"' ... CMa c.-..... Cir ....... "'°" ............... ... 1¥ Mid 01W COUNI • ......... __,. ol ~ t, ,.,. ... •• VAUGHN Henry Clay Y8Ulhft long ,,,., .... "1C •••d· ., •ncl d.01C8lecl hU "'e'llt•rt.an t:llOd at tne age or 8 He .... , b01n m 8••• Cal •o•fttll ancl utd· uat.O n 1q27 rrorn "'"g Beac.tt Po •er" t-41g Sc:n.ool nd r9CefV411d 1 1 A • oc: •••• o• "''' ee gr•• "O'TI Long Beach C•lV Coll99 10 1931 He l"'"ee1 •s *" eng•nffr U" mg Wo•IO Wa• II In It!• A•my Tra1111><>rt SeN;c:e 11'1'\0 ••"••d as a real estate 11nd 1ns.u••~• b•oke• H• ·~ 11 cna1 ,., me'TIO•• ot ''"'• New • PO•I H;aroo• Lions CluD •"'d recent ••· c:10 enl or 11'1 Me1v1n Jones Fellow A ... ard trom tr>e L!Ofls Ch.lb ln1e•n•1iona Foun- Oahon l+e was • iono ••I""• ,..,."Tlt>e• of •t e 1 F. ~ LO<lg• o• 11 BPOC: 1 Sea •ermg LOdpo Of lt'le M•aons and El Be•al Teme>to o• 1 e Shrine 1-4• Is. &u~ .. 9d tly hll ... 11 Auour; Vaugt1n 01 ~• ... oo" Boac.!"I son Oav•O L "•ugttn Claug ter Sall) I( Me cl\am 1111er Vivia n l Hm•slv Ulllnclto•ll Oa•·•n A VaUQ!'ln 11no Tnomaa A Moct am o•ec~o,.ct '" aeMh r.v "•'h . nne H V.1uglln Serv•<:•s will h• t•f)IU on Weane,dll'r M•v ~9 191 I 1100 • m at Poe tic Vic"' Monua ry Cl n•I 1n Newoort eesct1 ""'"' n1e•Me111 'rn- neo•atetv foUOWloO The family 11 •• quest•ng that tn llW of nowe•1 ooni••1ons be made to •tio Pnr· sons School '" Co 1a Me • l114J 760-3406 f'tr'1a11on MemooaJ Pa·~ Mo•· tuary d •••c•1ng (71 <1) 633 ~7t PAC9'1C V.W ..._ALPAMC c.m..ery • MOtluWt~ Cl\ac)el • C.en1111orv 3~ Pec:1tre v-°'"'-~t e..eti .... ,,. .-111T111S mLlllllWH Mortuary • Cl'l•Pf!I Cremation 110 8re>.owa., Coeta Meaa ..... ,. STIRTlllli I llEW 1a1•ss?1 n~ .. teoal Oepenment at tttt 09!ty ~ I plMMd 10 11\nounGe a new Mnlle• 1..ia &Die 10 NIW l:>uli• W• WIH now SEARCH lttt name lor ~ at no ••tra c:h*ge and NW YoU ,,... time and tttt tr p 10 the Court ~ in Santa Aoa Then, ot OOUt•. •tt• ,,... ...,ci'I .. ~ .. Wit Mt"°"" llc:ti,.ous buliMIM natN atat• men1 wttt\ 1fle County o.nc. pubWI one. ..... fot tour.-•• ~ b) lew end "*' Ma 'fOU( ptool ~ pu«>aceuon W!th County a.ti ...... llop ~ '° ... '/04ll ~ ~-· ····--~'IOt legll .,., ....... Sia w.. ley, COiie ..... C.-0 ... " '°" *' not llop .... --Oii ... • (7 ,., "2-4111, lats ..... ,,, • ,,. Ind ........... , ...... '°'you to ........................ ·~ ........ ~ ..... .... ......... Oii.,. ...... .. ,,.. ~ ..... to .... ,., '!That must be their bedroom window. It has a yawning over it." 6000 M<mMIN6 CLASS MV NAME 15 C~ARLIE Bf(OWN ... WELCOME TO 616LE SCMOOL ..---------------------------SHOE llARllADUKE by Brad Anderson by Jeff MacNelty . . y ,, ' "Well, you can lean on me n little, b1JI remember, I'm frag11e " Pf ANCY ARLO AND JANIS OVSllBOARD J, f WH~f, 1HOl!bH- t M~~ ,S o W~~'T? 'PQI ~ ....... "1L.C 0 C:.'• !il.JCE .. /INTO TWEO I~ ~S 0 • - by Jerry Scott ROSE IS ROSE ~ C1.EM i-s Gtv1tt; PA~ A ~'~ ~ "'~ ~~~ I ... by Jimmy Johnson FUKKY WINKERBEAN »41? J~ fHE. f>f ACK I 'w'~f ~'RE 001 ONLl./ 1WO TO ~~ flRC.,i' H lD E.D ANO f<)R'Tti-rwo t DIVIDUAL..5 by Chip Dunham FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Brian Basset DRABBLS ..., .... llt lft MMNl\l5 .............. .. ----·---"''••°MCMICll "' Pasta. Pouibly the wortd'a mo9t ~ food. by Hank Ketchum W~EN K£1t~UP'S 'IELLOW,Ti.JEY CALL IT ~TAllD I by Pat Brady by Tom Batluk by Kevin Fagan I . '