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1988-09-01 - Orange Coast Pilot
• J 25CE Chief apologizes for inctdenf in which Intruder flees after police fail to respond telephone and that the.' intruder · C\Cal)fd durma the procc"s .\cop~ ol the reu er 111.3, obtained b~ the Dail~ P1lo1. the 111.a). But \tedciros ~1d the officers d1dn·t arn\C.~ until more than 36 hours later. after 4 p m June~., PohccCh1cf81ll Pa~nl' "ho·\f.rotc Pa~ ne said toda~ ho"'l'' <r th.it a number o f things lc-d to a 1111nd·-.et ·1t1ad1ng to human errur P.a)ne said th:u \1ede1ro•.-1.q'fe "'hen she called 911 follo1A.1 ng the l a m break·m ~1d that the 1nlrtSd\~ had said that S(>mc men 1,1,cr\· t~ ing w kill him and h.: b"roke 1n10 the hou'>t thrOug~ lhe p rage appan·ntf ~ ~·el· ing sa fel\ . BJ ROBERT BARI.ER .............. A Huntin&tQn Beach n~1dent =cd in a ltuer to CJIY offir 1al<11h1s that police failed to r~pond to a 911 cmcrscncy telephone call and allttedly made sc~eral other µfres Engine trouble may have -.a11dThundayla Delta JMll•crah In Oallaa that kllled 13 people./ M A8 A10-11 C1-3 A14 A12 Al v.hen an intruder broke inlo his hou~ 1n 1he early hours of June 25 In a letter lo Cll} Council members and lo Cit) Adm101stt3tor Paul Cook. Duke Medeiros also said tha1 the police d ispatcher v. hom hi'> wife called talked with the intruder on 1he Ftea1 stiff ...-wire r•H• The State Commission on .lud1nal hrformance has been '"'cs11ga11ng three Harbor Mun1c1pal Coun Judge for possible misconduct. including allcp11ons tha t one judge 11\ed 1raffi1: tickets. a newspaper repon ed toda'. Mcde1ro.-.. "ho n:fu\ed c<1m ll1\!'nt today 1nd fa1kd to pro' 1dc an~ information on the (a-,e also da1mcd that pohcelater gaq~ a man mat,h1n~ the intruder·~ deS(npuon a ndl' home and didn't make an .irrc\t In a complaint that}lc filt.'tl "'llh pohre on Jul) 7. \kdc1rm ..aid thJt a d ispatcher ~1d police.' units "crc on TWo Judges undc:r '"'.:!lt1g.i1i1>n1>) the rommtsston. a JUd1e1al "'atchdog l_Senc)'. were 1den11fied b) the Orange Count) Register a!> Bnan ( ancr :ind Russell A. 8o'itrom A third Judge, Su1annc: ·h.t"'. '31d this "'ttk the comm1<;s1on has clc.arc:d her of"an) wrongdoing lollo"ing an _a letter of apolog)' to \fcd~1ro'> o n .4ug 19. ackfwv. ledgcd tnda~ that the call from Mede1r<>'i 'Aas .. ,cn. poorl~ handled .. b> pohc<' The officet' tn"ohcd "c1c d 1<..· c1phned. Pa~ nc said ... Jt'~ not@\)lng 1"(1 happen aga10 Thert.:'s nu \'\(U'4.' f•Jr no! mat'1ng conta t ll.d---1 apologized ·· _,._ Probe of building code violations upsets Lagunans BJ LANcE IGN~S ., ...... ~ Wiping tears from her e'c and tense ~th -nger. <Barbara.\\ c"brook 111d sbe ftlt 'tola1c(t as '"'0 l...3guna Beac!t bu1ldmg officials "al._ed on\o. her propen)• Wednesda~ looking for building code '1olat1ons A small entourage of \\ cstbrook' supponcn. 10clud1ng a man "'uh a vicko camera. f9llov.ed bu1ldtng of- ficaal Edward 8. W1bal. and 'an nJ1stant as the~ 1,1,alkt'd through the l.~re compound of tin) cottages and an studios "This IS li real rape:· ..-.aid Bar ara ~afons. h ttcr- busband. Paul. ov.n the collt'uion o f tome 10 small "'ood and stucco buildings at ~595 Laguna (an, on lloed. . ·_ Thnmpttt10~ the fat~t round in a tiaule oet'IAecn the cit\ and the Writbrooks-o,er the m~ ·s nght 10 uaspect the propert\. L nul \\ edn5- -4a). the WHtbroo\..s.-tturcd opera . saqrn . had refu~d C"ll~ otfa1aJ entrance to 1he1r propcrt) • But on .\ug. l • Soult\ ( ount~ Mumc1pal Coun Jud~e \nhur CJ. Koelle &Mued .an adm10Jstrau"e ~~rch ~arran t i•' 1ng 1h1.• (II ~ \ in vesuga llon.--- Pett'r Gubbons. an 11h est1ga11ng anomey for 1he comm1 swn. "o uld ne1th'er confirm nor deO\ '"'\''>\lg.a·· lions "ere being conduct\'\'! The ne"spaper ba~d 11\ aC'C'oun1 ol the fi, e~month in' csttg;rnon CIO Jc:- fen~ anome~ s. proserntol" 10 - T~ d 1spat,her pj,nt: ..aid rc- poncdl) a~l."('J ~ ~ * t~ intruder w g<'t an 1dent1lk atwn of the "" authotlt) to enter the property. The Westbrooks ma1~\a1n IM an· spec\t~ was made 10 ~ltauon for their part 1n a mxot an~mp1 to recall th~ membcnoflheCityCouncil. .\t leate two other proponent of the recall. "'htch faded. arc ah& Ul 'anousstacesoflaWS\JllS 1o1.1th the cu~ o'er alleged code violauons ves11pto~5 and court 'ltatT ml•mbcr< 1o1.hosa1d the~ had ~o Qt.C\11onC'd b~ the comm1 ion's stalT Ch1efDeput} Public Odc:nder( arl Holmes ~aid comm1-;s1on in· VC$1tgato~ had a\~ ~' t'ml mem· hers of his statT quesuons ahou1 "'hether ('ant'r e\em..ed la' ontt\i;n Trackingthe lrrelevent athlete ·.,STEVE MARBLE · th~he was sclM ed h) lhe Los ~ngeJc Rams. a Weck has btto one of the ff."\.\. l11e,hhfht in 1he1• ............. 1eam that IS all but 3\.1.JC>h IO running backs. Shon, S.WCC\ profC" tOnal foolOOJl ~.tr 'l·r~ Summer dtbncs on fhc kav~) are sull • No. bemg the J.ist p1cl in the \.Fl JraJt •• ·fi·1t was a :ot ot fff40 o~-e )l u 6': ·rit tf;i~tgt C and autumn 'lttm~ miles a""' Bu t the aua~nt~ only onC' t~ing -a trap to Newpon n .1 ~~~11~ c~4Jltr.~c• ~ '".\!r~~ .~~: ' · · Beach... After lha.L 1l.5Jcal ~tale _school or A lill_O~ .. ~......_.., UULJl ..:u_u un..l beb1tason 1saltt*ty-ht-Tr.--h . · .111.erc making fun of me Rut atter _ rnk • v.a f ft , 11 somet 1ng. fi .. The s,tan ~ the ootball sca'iOn mean a Bcathardmad!'thcuipttlS c.-"pon·lka hin prttt) unn). I had a bla 1. ~s of tbinp. mcludmg longer unernplo) mcnt J une. becoming the 13th football phi) c-r 10 ix Almond. "ho no"' I '~ 10 &·~"er c :' La lanes. There are q utnerbacks. fullbad.s. nose honored at liTclc,l•nt \\eel 3 fu n-and-gam~ ""~rt he "'"Orks for a tran 11 con pan' 'l.id an pards. place kicun and llpl ends "'andenng bash throv.n b' fonncr fonthall pla\cr P.-iul abbrt' 1ated footlull <'irttr He "'3' •dectc-d around all over the countr) toda>-l~l..mg for Salaui. • • dead last 10 the 19~~ foolhJll dr · °'' thr work. many sudcknl) • 1sh1ng the~ d actuall~ Salata. "ho quit foot1'all and "t'nt on lO P11tsbµr)h tet'krs and, !n ~on orJ~ IA. l " cui. aradualedfromcollCF. pro\pcrinthc~crbu~nes h.a 3 0 11 pot for :.Kehm Kiri.. "as thc.> 11r-.1 l11C'l''·:'t \\\-c One of the unemptoW'd 1,-. ~ m poor-ttnronttna~""~~C4.il.a-"'w.n..th ~ ~;. named Jeff Beathard . .\nd ~ou ha\c to gure draft and laun(;hcd lrrcle,cnt \\ L'Cl 10 honor .\lmond. he was sclCCtl'<l h) 1hc ,,,., k )" \nd ht' tha' Jeft'preny much cipcc.led 11,H c. bad fo see ll ~ Salata_ e' ~n de' clo~·d 1hc l o" wan_ had the .samd,u.ung.po~ ~I h: no\\~'~ comi• . rophy. which 1s the Oip sidl' of the Hc.<1sman tn ~anada and "o rks for a "~'ntnf f.\l\ld' :1rm Beathard. a running back from Southern T~>· . Hes mam;d and~ t"o ch1lJ rt"n. are.on Stak Col'*, was'thc last pick 1n the , Ova lbe ~t'ar·s lata ha~ had prtth good . In 19 · Jim Krlleher "'3 haukJ 1.•ut lo NFC draft this year ~ that ak>M .usualh luck: ncarl~ e'en., Lo" man Troph' , .. inner ha Ne1o1.pon Bt-ach "here he \\OO tht' \l\ P !\1° t paranten uoemployment . .\nd 1t didn't Mlp been cut .\ndformo tofthc.'pla,<'rs. lruk,ent (....._9eeTRACllING/A2) • I • 'Seiz~re' ofpropert)ra legal laugher 1J PAUL dallPLEY __ ._ ...... It WM d9e kind of thins that k«ps· 1 ... llnce chwn in Minns. "n IClddlm. l•w"-. Thrats of ID•· -= --· - 1111191 Mw it WllS wilh Mai Rumors belan to float thai l\.fad<h was go1na to t.alc Dillman 10 the dtanas • Dall~n. "'ho runs a restaurant on Balbo9 hnansula. •aso't v.om«I He and Madd) wt'Tt lon1-ume fnends So ht ~t out of to•n on bu 1n \. unfued b) the rumo~ nd .o( tht fONm 10 e\rbtn thc'ir IM~ YiMtt the W~otkr atnd~ aMYICrtd ev~ QwstllOO, (~n1' and Humphrey ant•rcd J-ont Q~· "°" t*ll. wtuk Y.1Paetm mu'C'd 10 ~Ill) wm .. ms ..,olot•ttd or nut W .. rlftl. IA)lflt tht quHOOft<i ·~ too t'Om~' fof a s.m~ an'"tf ~ Ud Hu•rt) '"8&k" '1m1l•r dtftttMT'.\. O•mt'lcr EututiH' Manna "-hen he rl'tumed late Tu~' ht' found his horn<' ro~ oil b' that onunous )ellov. pohcc t Pl' :md ~t@OI', wam1na tfC'SPllS('rs off 1hc propcm It had betn ~12ed b) thi: h~ntl' DepanmcnL 0.Uman JUSI la~ ............ OPSaTT/A2) men 1,1, I.lo ~ ere alleged I) ,cha!>mg him. Pa~ ne said that a shon 11me ·tater other residents in tht' ~hc.i)lierd Lane neighborhood reponcd that a man was ··banging on" their doo~. t')1r\g to get 10 and cla1m1ng that men 'IAert> chasing him Police flooded the areai Pa~ nc said. artd q uestioned th<' man 'rhl'~ ran J records che1.k on b1m and no onensei. "ere d1sco,ercd at that 11m\: Pa,nc satd · (Pleue eee OPFIC£RS/ A2) "'The)·~ p1ctung u off one b' one.-Barbara Westbrook said. · S~said t~ ~k hcrdanm that the Cll ) IS en.gaged IQ sel«ttve enforcement. But an attomt') rcpr('<;ent1ng the ot~ said the 1nspecua n "'as the tt ulL of a dispute that dates baclc 10 '\u,.ust (Plear~ CfTT/ A2) in his counroom r ~put~ 01 tnct -~~name) _ Del \\ nght. former \U~n 1!1ar of pro • t"Cutors at tht' Harbor ( tlun . said thl· commission also had q uesuoned him and otbtt proset'utors Ht' -dcd1ncd funher comment (Plea. eee JUDGES/ A2) Delinquent ~:tax listing reads like Who's Who .. By-J<>NATHAX \'ObZX&-°'._._,....,....,. Thous.and of Orange ( ou11t' propcrt}.,hoJd~ lailcd Lo P3' the11 1988 tues on ume. and 1fssurpri in~ who is on the It 1 lnd1vtdual de' t'lope"-tY;tnks and eve:n the tile of ('ahfom1a fa1lt>d~to ante u therr tm>Pcrt) ta'\t"'> b) thc- unt eadtlmr=.tnd ~<eufl\.\.. tax coll~tor Robcn C 1imn· -Oelm:... qucnt ta~ roll. The h!.t for the OraOiC Coa t. v.-h1rb 1s ·pnnt~ orr-pages C4-14 tn toda) • Dail) Pllcn includes propcnies 1o1.11h fil"\t-nmc delinquent pa)menb. although the ta\CS ma~ ha"e bRn paid mtt~n State la1o1. maodates t~ names. p.ropcrt) add~~~ ud a.mo unts due ~ publtshC'd. said ·L10da Rcc~c:h. an emplo)tt m Citron-., offi~ "en Oran e Coon I) nev.-sparcr.. "'111 can: tl>e hslln£s for their area<. Reech said "h 1 le the offl('(' 1s ~u1~ to pubh h the h\t, pa)m'C"Tlts beaJn pounng in a soon as the Q" ncrs 5tt tMLr name In pnnl Pa)men" pick up as mu h as 00 percent afkr pubhc.atton. she wd The l\"C1'1111C dehnqucnq 11 about SIOO. she sa.ld. Tbt Benk of ~099-\ud (Plt•1 -LWl/AS) ~ . . I ' .... a.urt 0 1f .._ 0raaee Coun~y Deputy f?tMnCt At· Aa llmeti .._.,~ ~ Chann told 1urors that -w...Wned df'dt••• Mn., ·atoot.tbcch~rcnanaploy *llOlcbenwochildttn romherex-. \0 wan the aR:ectaon of her e.1- llwlllaod a well-known IUf'ICOn husblDd, Ron Lapin, a h1~·profilc wltoal .be bad accused of incnt. ,JUllCOD. Yt'ho has made tµs name Defn it.at Orly Lapin, ll, b~ advocaiu-. se><alled blood~ess sur- Mr ~ ud cried aftn' die JUfY tel'Y· ' ~ verdict wu announced in Oranac Mrs. l.al)ln, former lsrach be•uty County Suf>erior Court in Santa Ana. queen Orty Hadida, claimed she took .. rm Piii \0 ,et my children," the children after she saw her ex- MrL lapin said. .. rm ao•na to tct my h&&lbud molest t!ltir J.year-<>ld childreo." dauptcr, and she could not get help In doli"I araumenu Tuesday, from the police and courts. · Lapin Mfvoc:atn and Pf'KI 1Ct'S so. called .. bloodless suracry," in which he claims drup lower blood prnsurc before an operation and cauterizina cutti"I instruments stop the need for blqgd transfusions. ~s been criticized by other pbysiaana for llWUtina an un· needed service, because most w,,mes do not require blood trans- fu11ons. Lapin has been under invcstiption by the state Board of Medical Quality Auurance since I 98S. OFFICERS PUl'ISHED FOR 911 GAFFE ••. rn.Al Later, police discovered that the In the report that was filed with intruder was named in arrest war· police. Medeiros said' that the in- raatsand he was.arrested subsequent-trudcr broke into the home. ly on .-nspecified ctprges. Payne said. Durina the confusion Medeiros· .. We should have double-checked wife asked him to bring the intruder with the Medeiros family," Payne to the phont', according ~o the said ... The officers were retrained and complaif)t. disciplined. Medeiros said in the complaint that ··1.1 wuhandkd very badly and I've .,/the aS5isted the unknown pc~n to the apol~ on 1wo occasions. Than kif phone and~c spolce to ttic dispatcher God that ·no one was injured. We've for a few minutes. . done cvcrythin.i we ~an. He He said that the be an_d the intruder (Medeiros) must want us to l<>Qil.bad. got tangled up with the phone cord Ollr ~is that we roll oo eYftY 911 and that the intrudcrncadcd through mil the glass sliding door 1n the kitchen. Medeiros said the dispatcher took a dc5Cription oflllhe intruder and said that officers were being dispatched to the home. .. Medeiros said he waited out front until S:30a.m. and no one sho~ed up. He said he called police a&a1n Sunday at 4 p.m. and that 1t wasn"t until sometime after 4 p.m. on Monday that officers arrwed to take his statement. City Administrator Paul Cook said today lhft he's asked fa~ne to give him a report on the incidents that ~alqcdin Medcirof lettCTdated Aug. 29. • . ' .. ltztendecl Surf Report -Tl dee,---- TOOAY 4:4Sp m 10-cUpm ...,... 3:33pm 7.2•a.m. 2..21 p..m. 10.39 pm u 27 5.A 01 t.#1 -lodey Ill 717 pm . r~ "*¥•127em end-~•17 15 p.11'1. .._. .... 1ocie.-.. 11.21 p"' • -,... M 12.2' p.111 and,_ 119111" 111 11:11p.ftt ·~ ir illfl If Tlf tilllf ClllI f Slf llf fl IE r T ." TllS r11rEITY CITY INSPECTS WESTBROOK PROPERTY ••• ljl lff·I SEIZED fll TIE SI LE IS f I E Mllllf . . PROPERTY 'SEIZED' FOR LAUGHS ••• ~Al -. - i was •)okA\, an o1Wi~urone, but Dillman la~ust the same. "They pullel'Wgood one:· be said. .. I've got to ~gure o ut something now.-:- ""boosc-;--Mlady sa1 . "We even called a security com- pany to' sec if we could get n uniformed guard out there:· · firs an spelled. Dillman immediaJel} called Maddy and asked him for a room to rent. Prom A l 1987, months before there· was wide- spread talk of a recall. In an unrelated matter. t e W est- brooks said the cit y became interested in their property in May 1986 after they filed for a permit to -eirldl:JSC"ltlte'ir patio. The baildina permit was ultunatcly revoked but the Westbrooks completed the RfO- jcct just tbe"same-. Last Auaust, the city filed a crimi-nal complaint alleging the West- brooks allowed people to live in buildi"41 reserved for commercial use, a violation ofzonjng guidelines. The city also said t~ Westbrooks needed additional pa~d parking on the property. Only after the Westbrooks refused to allow inspcctorspn their property did the city initiate a lawsuit against the couple earlier this year, "This_1ocs back more thao a year . Iona before the (ecau:· said Patrick ·Rafferty, an auorney. for the Costa Mesa-based law firm of Rutan and Tackcf.,,..wb ich..represent$..l~it y .- -1 n April, Rafferty_ said-thecity .and · the Westbrook's attorney. C'harlcs . . McClungJr.,"eached an out-of-court he will have to compare what he 'Settlement in which the ci ty a&reed to fqund wilh._city-recordS=Of the prop- drop the lawsuit and the Westbrooks eny before making any dctcrmina- qrced to submit a detailed site plan rions. and allow inspectors on their prop-Wilczak was unable to gain 11cccss ert.J. to at least two buildin s because ut thCWBtt>r s con en<f no were odce<t and Paul Westbrook said such compromise was reached. In a, only the tenants had keys. Still. the letter to. Rafferty dated June 16. building inspector said he was '"com- McCluna wrote: "As I have said to fortable" that he had been able to you repca\edly and confirmed in -determine what the stf\,\Cturcs were wrilin&. we had no 'negotiated settle-~ing use for. -- ment' of thc.diffcrcnces-betwccn the The only building Wilczak did not panics." ~ try to enter was th~ Wcstbrook·s With no qrccmcnt. Rafferty said living quarters. Barbara Westbrook the city was forced to sttk the search stood before her front doqrwith tears warrant. in her eyes and vowed not 10 le t the The Westbrook's current attorney, inspecton pass. ,Sheryll Layne M.Yrdall said the city ··would I come into your bedroom used the inspection to gather infor· and bathroom?"' she said. '"We mation on the Westbrooks that will cleaned the place up and fixed it up be used to reopen a lawsuit. and this is what we get.~ "I got the imt>resslon they were on a nl don't like to sec what the c1ty is fishin& expedition. I have some doing to them:· said Chris Mill- rcscrvations about a city using the • in&ton. a mend whose wife. Patricia, judicial system in this manner," works with Barbara Westbrook on Myrdall said. va:rious arrproje~ . Wilczak would not say if he found ~· '"lfS" obv1otn1t's in rctaliation-for- any·violations in his search. He said the recall." ,.. ·. Maddy said he and some other friends of Dillman decided to Lake advantage of his absence to make aiood on the promise that Dillman 1t0uld pay for Maddy's suffering. · -' "The story was around before he The guard didn't work out, but Dillman wasn't bitinganywa). He sat out in bis ca.-. and roared. They were chuckling about theJOf<c Wednesday. and Dillman was giving a lot of thought to revenge. CANDIDATES SILENT AT MESA FORUM ••• · ·· left that I was going to sue him ~use I always wanted a beach front Of course. the sign was a dead &iveaway. It said: .. By order of the , Orange County Sheriffs Dept. this property has been .seizedJ6r the sole use of Orie Maddy." Both Maddy's But not everybody got the Joke. One of Dillman's neighbors asked him what was going on. ··1 taid I don"t know. I guess 1"11 be in court for a while ... LISTING READS LIKE WHO'S WHO •.• Proa Al it owns i~ Huntinaton Beach. but then apin, the city of Huntington Beach owes money. too. A numbtt of development com-~ includinc the Mola Corp .. stsnaL Landmark Inc., The Irvine ~o .. William Lyon Co., Aliso Knolls Associates, the Mission VieJo Coi• and CJ. ·Scaentrom & Sons. all owe tax -So· docs Seattle Univcrsjty. the Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Cu. and the Pacific Amphitheatre. Several departments of the state of California arc delinquent. The United States of America owes $30. An El Toro resident. Reza Nor- o uzian. owes $33. The Balboa Ful'\ Zone own more than $58.000. Reedy said the county:S property tax division docs not have collectors and will not SC'Ck.out the money owed. But if payments remain delinquent. a I .S percent interest charge is added. The tax colltctor t)"pically waits fi ve years before offering the properties up for sale. Officials said seizures and sales arc rare in Oranae County_ Iwenty-six parcels were auctioned last year. J"' . Perhaps the most cvrious entry on the lis!,. though, is found on thcnj111h .. paae. The county of Orange is $35. 7.6 delinquent on its taxes for a Mission Viejo parcel. TRACKING IaimLEVENT ATil.LETES ••• Proa Al VCcxous Panic:r) award-during "the annual festivities. Selected No. 335 in the dtaft. be played one exh1b1t1on 11JM witl> the Minnesota Vikings bctOre bcina cut. He lives in Boulder, Colo., and manufactures sponswear under the label "'Top of Rockies.'' The yar before Almond was eelec:ted, a pay named lee Washburn wu bfousbt out lo Ncwoon Beach for a wcclt of frivolity. The party p- Plftl'dy did him in for he djdn 't even .,_ up tor the Dallas Cowboys' camp. He llva in Stephens, Arte .• now and aid he drills for oil to make ends meet. IC.evln S<:aaloa tort of squeaked m I.hr met door in 1980. He was ectuaUy the IC!C.'Oftd to last pick in the draft but atned the l.oMman Traplly after lbe raJ aa. pick wna to C•ndl to play '1oebell. Scanlon was I el~ C1ed by the timt, who~ brand newnL..to__,-Oraf\le County tfiat year. ~te the possibilities of marry- ina the county's newest sports team to Salata's zany festivities in Newport ~. Scanlon was cut. He lives in Little Rock, Ark., with his wife and three -chjldren and works as a sports llCftl. Phil mtson lasted but a few short ~ with the Los Anacles Raiden in 19'1. He did mlleh better 11 lrrelcvent Week, wbcrc he tied' long standina beer .chUllin& record. He lelh raJ estaflr ~ and lives in Hyattsville, Md., with his wife and IC)ft. . ~iftl StralWC happened in 1912. Salata stanedlosana his touch: U ~ of hoDor actually IWUftl mak.i111 thc lam. Tim Washinaton Dlayed wilh ~ San Franmco 49en 8nd then with the K811U1 City Chiefs. A toodlall 1triR lhat year ended his career and he now works with the probation department in San Mateo~ John Tugle was the last pick m 1983 and surpnsed the socks off Salata by making the Nt'w York Giants' final roster, He played with the Giants for several ycan but, sadly, dicd_of cancc.c in J.9&6...-I.be year before bis lam wonJbc.SUper Bowl Randy Essinaton returned lrrcle- VCDt Weck lo normalcy in J 983. The Raiden cut ESS1naton before the emtoa s&arted. The same thing hap-~'°Don Chumley the nein year. Chumley went off to play football in Canada after beina cut by the 49ers btlt retired the next year. He lives in Georlia now. Mib Travis set a new standard of IOr1I in 1916. After bcana tut by the Su D_icllo ~ he returned to ~ nd lndualed. He now laves in Jacboeville, Al .. whett he worts nan inddrial-neer. Nonnur JefrerlOn bucked' the trend in l 917 when he liarted a From Al •Dan . Worthington, a busi- nessman and seven-year resident. said he wi ll not accept any donation fbr his campaign. The city needs balancc between the needs of its residents. businesses and outside interests, but the residents should always come first. he sa~d. •Ed Glasgow. a retired ~lice captain and longtime city resident. said he has ··a cautious, conservative approach'" to government. '"The less impact by JOvcrnment. the better:· Glasgow wd. . / •(harles Markel. a retired bus•· nessman and 40-year resicfcnt. said the City Council needs to wo rk together. "If you're rror pan of thi: solution. you're pan of the problem:· Markel said. ··1 could return some dccorumio the council." •Mary Hornbuckle. the only in- cumbent running for re-election. said she is proud of her work during her first term. She needs more time, however, to sec some projects -1-the senior citizens center, general plan update and ttansponation improve- ments -through. she said. •Jan Kauscn, a city acti vist and longtime resident, said she doesn"t have a lot of political (xperi~ncc. "I believe Costa Mesa is a great place to live. and ifl didn't believe in where I lived. I wouldn't run for the Cit) Council." · · ' •Howard Gensler, an attorney and Costa Mesa High School $faduatt', said be would consider projects one by one. ··rm not pro-growth. I'm not anti.,,.owth, .. he said, stressing t he need' to measure each proposal by its benefits to the city. The Costa Mesa Republican As- scmbl~ will sponsor a candidates forum Sept. IS at the community center. \JUDGES REPORTEDLY INVESTIGATED ••. From Al The commission·s inquiry follows "an invcstiption of the Harbor Court by the county District Attorney's Office. However, no charges were filed. ' Most of the investigators' ques- tions f0cuscd on whether Caner fixed 11nets-or fncnds. laliiliCa coun documents to hide a eonOict of in~L made crroheous court dc- ci_SiC?nS ~nd im~perly contacte<l a vacum an a cnmanal case pendl?tg before him, according to the report. · Reached in his chamber at Harbor Municipal Coun today. Caner said he couldn't comment. "'It's difficult to know bow 10respotMJ;"be11id. Gary Proctor, a Santa Ana at· torney, denied that the. jud&c had done anythi• wroaa. Proctor said he was spealtina for Caner as a friend becaute Carter believes he docs not need a lawyer. The ciommission is tryina to de· aenaiae whether Bostrom. the prcsad· inajuctee. IOlicited a S2.SOOcampaian contribution for Sheriffs Set. Linda ~~11111- llMI OFPIC. . l ---11.C... .... CA ............. C...._.CA ... Callipn, who ran unsuccessfully apinst Orange County Sheriff-Cor- oner Brad Gates in 1986. The state Judicial Code of Conduct bal'S judses from soliciting contribu- tions for an candidate or litical orpnazauon. It ifso prcYents JUdacs from usina their offices for political purposes. Bostrom declined to comment on the commission inquiry. The commiuion's inquiry con- cemin& Shaw apparently dealt with claims that sht had d iscriminated apinst or mistreated Latinos. Sba.w said she wn_qucstionecL but she declined to comment on the subject matter. She denied d1s- criminatin& apinst Latinos. Pair taken from unlicensed home •tn.Auu»WPrm- Two people with scv~ emo11on1I and physical disabilities were taken from an unlicensed board and cue homt in ._..una Hills Wednesday amid alleptions of~. Sheriffs deputies took &he res1- den1S. .. 19 and 20, from the home on the 26000 block of Buena Vista Avmiae owned by AJma Smith, 48, who aho is known as Alma Ruucll. Oftkials at die county Dcpartm~-.. of Social Services-Adult Protective Services tint told dcttcuves of &he allqed abutc Fnday. A 1982 coun order prohibits Smith from holdina a care license, said sheriffs Sat. Pete Gannon. Ho~vt'r. durina their 1earch. investiptors found a license issued to Smith under another name for a Los Angeles County facility, he said. = ..... ..: .. . .. ..,...., .,.. .. eoMl9Ct ..... dae Onen Bay PKken _..._..,played IMealift ..... .___ .. Winning lot to numbe~s._,,_..:c-:.:.-..:=:.:.-----~ ..:.~ ...... lalba ii~ ll:lf ...................... :.-::. '= =-~ ................ ...... _.,'!-'•11tnu• ..._. .. ~~wa·~s:;'Of'Sl.S ~.11or alte , Waah~on ,_ me 1111 -.itlt llUIDben malliae, ft~ ol •• = =-=.~ C: Ml .;:; .... ••• ,,, .... -die ~ 1797.000: .. Of lb . will ..... -=,.-..Tl ..... ~·"----· 1A!Dtr1"• •••weekly .. S7U.OOO. Jlne °'* • wrdl • He .afll .. liltil.._.la ....._.._.-=4.14.ll.40.fl.i IA itlcss,.,-.... llaRdl .....,,. llllr 6e ..._ .., .......... I ,1 .l6. ~ ~llPhtt-dlomlii9'fl.clao Iii& lnR , ............. fllsas ....... ...., 1 mr• -~--•~· ...... a •ff•I• ~ ••ldP¢l -. o..1-L lu==~·--•--;aolol ~--t' .... I II .... .....,_ .. ,_ ... .... ~........... Tiit ...... , .. Jfa;lliflltllO ., .... ,_ .. ~ .... .................. ,111 W1t1!!1J. ............ ...,. Al•11•1 "9lftll n•91 .., .. ._ •••41"* Sl.t4rllia& .... ~,_.,.,..,.., ... ~ • I ' ............... ............ ,_ ..,.,, .. _ ....... .UL ...... .., .. ---•er T 'I;' 111 -:=----..... ....... -- GOP needs big win in co11nt-y t.o help Bush lfTom Riley felt uncomfonable with the crowd at the Four Seasons Hotel io Newpcn Beach this week, he didn't show it. The venerable Republican from the "fabulous 5th ... 1upervisorial district found himself sur· rounded by Democrats at a fund-raiser for the Laauna Art Museum. Br PAUL AllCIUPLEY -Zusman. °' ... ...,........ ..His hosp11alu:u1un ~our~ "a on· -remark~ ... zu .. man said A ttlu'ed Ontano ph)'s1c1an checked out McPherson rece1\cd his heart lrom a 11 • of Hoaa Memorial Hospital on Wtdn~-Yt"at-ofd Oran~ founn man ho died of day with a ntw bean He "a~ the third undl.Scloscd cau~\ · _ heart lransplant rcc1p\ent to undergo the Al the request ol thc donor's fam1l) and life.-savina surarry an the Ne" pon Beach on the advice of tht' ~urgtons the 1denllt) hospital. of the donor and the c:au~ of death "ere Dr. Alan McPherson. 60. \ho"ed no w11hheld. siansofrejecting the hean he rece1"ed o\ug. McPhenon ~ught but \\a\ denied the 8. said cardiac surgeon Dr. Dou~la$ R. surgery at the Ma}o< lin1c CH'n though he . .. cine was introduced. a two. to th~·month Sll)' ~ .staruiard. .. Zu.$man id.... ~ 1f then arc no ~omphcauons people can ~ discharged an 14 to 21 da)s.'' rThe first hean trnn~plant 1~ the count) ·was performed pnl 8 ..it l Cl Medical Center Hoag surgeons performed thl' second rransplant le!>s than t"o wcel r. later Zusman ~1d )(\en peopk drc on lhl' wa111ng list for ne" hearts. Democrats a pparently at>ound in art circles - if not Laauna Beach -and a healthy conlingcnt of them attended the luncheon featuring three prom1- nentjoumalists from pubhc television's "Washing. ton Week In Review.' • · JWAterminal named for Eddie Martin Riley, of course, gets along pretty well with memben of either party in his nonpartisan seat, but By BOB VAN EYKEN · county Republicans have been feeling some discom· °' .. ta.Ir,....._.. fon.over lhe November general election. • The man regarded b> man) as the father How can that be? With the exception of some of Oranae Count> a,1at1on re e1\ed of· ~nuine skirmishes an a handful of Democratic ficial recognmon Wednesda) rwhcli"ftfe enclaves, the Republicans genera II> have a pretty Board of Supervisors 'oted unanimou~I~ easy time of it electing their o-.n to pan1san posts. to name the terminal bu1ld1ng at John Yet, most Republicancand1q:uesaregearingup Wayne Airport the Eddie J Manin for maJOr get· Terminal. ·Paut -·CHIPLEY out-the-vo te campaigns. Although the building will cease to be Chris Cox the airport's main passenger lcrm'inal an and Dan a 1990 when the ne" terminal 1s c:omplctcd. Rohrabacher. it will still be used for general a"rnt1on. the COP ..can-"Edd1e;s a person who has al\\a}s been didates from iden11ficd wuh general a\ 1at1on:· said the-40th ..and Supervisor Thomas Rile). -.ho rn1t1a1cd 4 2nd Con· Jhe effon to have the old 1ermanal named p-cssional Distncts, have both said they'll wage for Manin. "I thought therefore that it intense campaians even though they're in two of the would be appropnate to name the ex1st1ng most Republican districts in the nalion. terminal in his honor." Jack Nelson, one of ·lhe panelisu from Manin, who celebrated h1 87th birth· Wash inaton Weck in Review and the Washington day Wednesdaj. was one of Oran~c D.C. bureau chief for the Los"'-ngc.lcs Times, finds County's first pilots and 1s the founder the their reasoning sound. county's first fl)1ng &ehool. Martin ~ 1a- h all boils down to the presidential race. As the tion, which still operates at John Wa}'n? scenario goes. the candidate who wins California Airport. wins the White House. Notwithstanding Orange The passenger term1nat-at John Wa,ne Co1.1nty's Democratic an lovers. the Republicans is. in fact, not the first a\ 1a11on fac1hl~ 10 be fiautt to win here. But ~do George Bush any good. named after MerJ.rn ... they h~ve to win big. In 1923, before he had e'en learned to Consider past elecuons. This 1s Reagan country. fly, Manin acquired a Cunis J 4 The president's populant) was demonstrated an .. Jenny" t.raaner for S700. 1984 when he won a \\hopping 75 percenJ of the After learning to 0} from thl' planc·s Oranae County vote over Democrat Walter Mon· pilot. Ace Bourgoneur. ~1anin and his dale. brother. Johnny. mo"ed the aircraft 10 a But 1n 1986, U.S. Senate candidate Ed Zschau field 2wned by The Irvine Co. at outh maueed 10 capture only 61 pcmmlc<>f .t.hellO&e..heri Main'Strttt and Ne" pan .\ \.en1Jc. in a losing bid to unseal Alan Cranston. Had Z-schau Without permission.and" 1th almo l no I -· won the county with the lcind of margin Reagan experience. the two began ll~ 1ng: passen· enjoyed. he might be in the U .. Senate t~ay. gcrs from the field. • • ,... .. 1----.~0~fcoursc.....lhere were oJMr...f.a.c::.ill.l~olU.lUJ~ ...... --4---<Ml(N'l-l!'J aflcrwar :fan~n~fW'u-iAD-~----=------=-'--· - -.. _ _..._ - 4 ·and 1986 were two different electfons. his illepl use of the land and '$Ought a TermlnalatJohnWayneAi!J>OrthaabeennamedlnhonorofCoaataYlatlon ploneerEddle-...uu. affected by different events. Bcfth Reagan and legitimate lease to A!<;rat\.' h1!. 0} 1ng Cranston were running as incumbents. a nearly service. He approached The In 1n<; Co. and unbeatable advantage. Qther races and ballot issues was granted a lease for the field. "'h1ch probably affected voter turnout. _ _ bcc~me-k.nown as Eddie Martin irport But Zschau's biggest disadvantage may have In 1930. Martin ':lcquircd some surplus been tha~ voters censidered him a moderate, close to aviation lights and a bca on from the a sin among Orange County's conservatives. They federal government and thl' air lield view George Bush with the same suspicion. became the focal point of 3\ 1at10TI in th~ However. Coll. Rohrabacher and other GOP county. hosting such a~nal lum1nanes a~ politicians shu.ddcr at the prospect of Michael Ameha Earhart and Charle~ Landberg. Dukalcis in the Whue House. So the) plan to work In 19l9, when the count) wanted to bard to gel out the Republican vote. ensuring that build a h1Rhwa~ through thl'· propcn~ Oranac County goes to Bush by a big margin to.offset Democratic strongholds an Los .\ngeles, San Francisco and other pans of Cahforni.a. occupied b) Martm's acrodro ml' hl' struck a deal with count\ olfo.ral<; whcrcb\ he was granted an c\clus1'c l~-~e;ir lea<>~ toa 14~,M;re site. \\h1ch 1!> no" the locauon of John~ayne Ai rport Unfonunateh for \1anin. thc C:\Cl us•' c lease was short ·LJ\ ed • .\ftcr thl· bomb1 oa of Pearl Harbor. all Cl' 1han 3\ 1a11on \\3'> prohibited within 150 miles of the coast and the :e" :urpon. "h1ch had c acquired a ne" pa'ed r\Jn\\a~. \\as conven ed to m1htar} use. After the war. the federal goH:rnment. which had put inc tens" I.' 1mpr0\ cmcnts al the airport. IOSlSted that no C'tCIUS1\ c lcasc-s be recognized at the facilu~ and Manin lost his sole right to operate "hat had become the majoc.a1rpon bet"ccn ~n D!!IC?.. and Los -'\ngdes. I lie COntlOUCd tO Operate hlS fl~ tng ltallboilsdowntoOmngtCountydetermining c I f d · b 11 OK'd- who will be the next president of the United States. • nunty tr1· a cou·rt U-n . _ 1· ng i· -. ' And that, Nelson a~d. is a plausible scenario. \:I :J.~:J. :1,..-i, "I think it's very possible t.hat could happen," he- -,u-ppQ.u.i.urte..UJrs.....,toJ....\ll,ltheW.lpo...,.....llsui.. PWl..JaLWn;&J..1ci..LLtpa;&.1'.11"-lon ...... hWJasWldi~o,l;,Lpu..t.pe15-d -f-~~.,_.._--p rov . l i 0 n In rev en tie s&cadilyover the last two decades. clson and hisco- puclists warned that the negative tone and lack of serious d iscussion on important issues so far in this. presidential race could turn off still more of the clectotate. . -· · · "I'm t~oubled by the negativism and gen~ eralities," said Paul Duke, the Washington cor- respondent for PBS. . ·. · The reasons for voter disinterest may 'lie in several places -the risini influence of consultants and the resultant pa,ckagin$ of candidates. media scrutihy'of politicians, declining education -and solutions are needed. Pointing at TV as. a major rca on for the big turnoff, panelist Charles Mc Do" ell said the answer may be found there. too. • 'By 808 VAN EYKEN OfllleOellr ........ u Oran\e County 00ic1als arc brca1h1hg a sigh of relief with Wedne da~ ·s passage ofa st.ate tnal court funding bill that "111 provide S 12.8 million in revenue l<l the county. If signed b} Gov. Gcorcgc DcukmcJian. the bill will provide s1a1e .funding for county couns. thereb~ freeing up rc\ cnuc for other uses. The revenue will part1nll~ plugi J 2~ milljon hole that "as left "hen the Board of Supervisors passed 1h1 \ear's socndin1t ~la tare bu bu•yday. A4 program. If lcfi uni.ended. the · honfall could ha"e cost count) programs numer· ousserv1<!esandjob .count) qffic1alssa1d. When the Boar,d ot upcn 1 ors ten· tativel) appro' cd the count~· $~.~ h1lhon budget June 29. the~ acl no" ledgcd that they we~ rel~1ng on C\p('Cted. but as \Ct unsecured funds. including the trial coun bill. The budget becamdinal ..\ug. 30. wnh the court bill sull pending. .. This 1s some of the monc' ,,e·d been plan ping on and 11 "'"male up pan of that S22 million defirn:· said Lou1~ ~apoh a count}' budget anal) SL John Sibley. ass1stan1 count) admin1s- 1ra11ve officer in charge of budgl't. said after passage of the tentatt"c budgl't that spending guidelines "-Ould haH to IX' revised and programs cut in :".o,emtx>r sf the expected S:!:! m1lhon did not coml' through. But he added that count' ollic1als ..-.ere hopeful 11 "'ould be fonhcommg. In add1uon to the tnal court iund1ng bill. county officials are hoping to mall' ahout SI 0 million fro m the sale of <,urplu' land "We've got to adapt solu11ons in the tele' 1sion ll'Ci" McDowell said. "No one goes to raU1es. to political clubs. We're in our living rooms by ourselves. We're isolated. "We n~ to find some format that allows politicians to talk an depth rather than the chaos of 20-sccoAd sound bites:· Agency expects c!ean ajr in tA by 2010 Dulce agreed. "We've done something to cause 20 m1lhon • votcn to drop out." he said, "We have the, lowest voter participa_lion of an) democracy in the 'Yorld." El MONTE {~P l -'outhcrn C. ah· fomia smog-control omc1al 5:1\ th~ an- confident the) "111 meet fedcrai cle:tn·aJr standards -ma)bc 20 )Care; lat<.'. but. lhe y'fl do it. · "B} the )ear !010. air quaht~ "111 tx· at least as good as 1n Lhe-,n Fram.'1'\4.0 are..i. pro Sabi) better ... said Carol) n C,rc<.'n of the South Coast ..\Jr Quaht~ \tanagcmcnt District. the clean.air a.gene' tor thl' lour· C'O\lnt) Los Angeles basin The area. -.h1ch has tile ruuon· "orst smog. failed to meet the rx .. 31 I~ 7. deadline for ach1c' ing mm1mum <.mog standards ~l by the federal Clean ..\ir ..\l t school at the a1rpon, ho"'e' er. Manin also served as a test pilot for Lockh~ Aircraft and as one of the first pilots of the Oedghog Western .\.tr E>.press. wfuch bccame\\'estern ..\irhne~ He also sen:cq for a ume as personal pilot to· R Mac Millan of ~1ac\111lan Petroleum Corp Manin "'as born 1n an Jacinto. RI\ er· su:ic Coun,t~. an IQOI and no" 11,es on Ba)boa Island Co:K returns frozn swiz:n ln Soviet UnioZJ LO .\:".G Ei ~ t ..\P l -Clutching a bouquet. endurance s"1mmt"r l)nne Co' enJO)cd ·a "'arm home(Oming from rhe Soviet Union '-' edm·'\da' a<. she "as greeted b} don·ns ol r:i m "no con- gratulated her on a sun·e!>.,ful ""am of-one of the world's dl'CJX'>t lale' Co:.., 31. of Los ..\lamato!. s"'am more than ti 2 miles in the 5~-degre-e "aters of • S1bena·s Lale Baikal la<.i Frida\ 1n a feat that too._ four hour1 and :'.U muiutes The lake 1s located 01 male\ north of the Mongolian border .. There ~ere about '000 o,·1ets gathered on the \hor\'' 01 Lake Baika l Thar wa a tremc:nd,\U\ ~ckome:· the 5. foot-6. I ().pound athlete said \\ ednes· da) People from ncarb' lrkutsl "llnt"ssed her ach1e' ement <\ ~elcome banner and a homerous cro"d greeted her Jltl'r she \tcpped off her flight at Los Angele<; ln1emat1onal ~1rpon and s.he said she: lia .. o;a11sfil.'d that her effon s to promote 1nend-.h1p hct"c-cn the two nanons wac; \U<.Ct'<.\ful -. woman dies~fter driving into free • • • A thiefstotc atcle~ 1 rorrset. :i cl01.·l radio and a record pla~er from J house an the 8000 block of fo,hall • • • • Residents 1n the 000 bloc._ of Stardust said someone 'lt3rted a lire in their vehicle "hale 11 parled in the dnvewa} were stolen . . . 4. brov.n 19 .l To~lHJ C amf') \\:lS stolen from the ~O ~I~ l of .\u un bet"een noon Jnd m1dn1ghl \\ C'dne • da). Po"cr tools "ere \t(llcn from a storage ban at cl con~lrul 11on JU~ at Alton Parl.."a) and nd Can~on A' enue sometime "C'd n~.:i) Olympic pins \ all.6l:'d lit S 150 Imm the law finn of te,ens &. \\elh. I 'llO Do\'e St .. dunng non-bu<>1ncs' hour. • • • ..\ burglar entered an unlcx ll'd home on the 600 bloc._ of Lido Pari.. Dove and stole a Krugerrand on a chain ' alued atS.!.000 and an anuque En1hsh coin' :ilued at S3 . .SOO out ol a locked Je"el~ ho' 10 lhc ma tcr bedroom closet 3333 \ 1a Lido . .\ H'n 1 "indo" had been mashed to gain ent~ 10 the loc .. cd car. and poht'c u peel the· thief ma) ha"C' tiefn lool..ing for a pull-out tereo that" 3\ not m the C'ar . . . A I cara1 rolna1n.• d1Jmond nng 'alued at S ~ 600 an<l a "atc h were stolen from a g,~m bag at y1rls' G)m C'-'pon ~qo~ " Coast H1ghv.a\. . I • r • • .. .. BJ OllBG u.ERKX -------A 33-year-old Lquna Hills woman was killed Wednesday afternoon when lhe lost control of her car and slammed into a tree. the California "!:..~Patrol ttponed. Chappell was pronounced deld on arrival at s.ddlcbeck Com- munity Hoepital shortly afttt the 2: 20 p.m. accident. CHP apokesman Ken Dmly laicl • ..Qappell's saster, Hamet E. carey, 40, of Lasuna Hills. was a ,....... in the car and was listed in stable Condition at Slddlebec:k wtlh moderate i.Vuries. • • • TM owaer o( a white 1916 Dc>dte Coll 11pU'lld lht car 11okn Wcdnn-41f ... i8 puUa IP(.c on North c.e. ... ,. • • • Nice amued Weedy Lft Wesa-billit n. o( Capisuano lkach on ~ o( drivina vadn the .. ...... ol .allOI. Waabril, Ml l111J•ld al 1:35 Lm. Wednncfa\ Oft Dailr__said Chappell was dnvmg a I 9t4 t"Tymouth Todor south on Moulton Parkway when the accident occurred. Chappell apparently took her eyes ofTthc road for a moment to look at a small dot sittina on Carey's lap and the car dnfted onto the center median and Slammed into a Utt. After htttin.t the trtt, the car rolled over se-vmal umcs and Chappell. who was not wearina a seatbelt, was thrown from the vehide beck anto the southbound lanes of Moulton Parkway. Carey was wanna a Kat- belt and rcma1ncd in the car. No other vehicles were.anvotved in the cral\'. Daily said. • • • A blond man "1th .a bun haircut reponedl) came into n bu ine m the 8000 block of Warner .\' enue and stoic a pu~ contaanmg S 10 in quantrs and credit card belonging to a customer. Foantaln Valley "Heanng equipment ... C'3 h and .t bnefc~ v.orth a total ofS4.~2 • "ere stolen from an unl~·._ed 'chide partced 1n the 17300 bloc._ 01 ~toJ<X Slfftt someumc O\Cr the ''l'C._end. • • • A black 1978 Datsun :!l\OZ "as stolen from the 11300 hlod. of nta Lucaa sometime ~l"cc.•n ~ pm Tuesday and 3 a.m \Vcdnc~~ • • • SomcoM attt"mptC'd to ,,·al a s~ from a car perked in the I .,000 block of San Bruno late TucWa\ but only manaerd tolC" IW'a'\ 1''tth ~ cauettc taPtS. Coeta lie.a l\ lQ 6 H'und1a and a coin collccuon "c~ ~"'kn 1rom :in Harbor Boule,arJ apanmcnl. The rn1denl v.as in 1a1I "'hen the breai..-an occurred • • • • A 40-H·ar-old Garden ro'c man v.·as artt ted for .illc odh tf' in h.l return a dre s to 'ord trom "uhout bu)'mg 1t He said the S 114 prment ~as I a1ft lO hi "lk and he " ttturn1ng 11 Y..hen hr s.:t 1t do" n on a counter. kfnhe store for ~o 01inutc then returned Ill lin1\h h1\ hu,1ne' • • • "I WU bored I JUl' .... I '-lW :lO empt) baa 1n the tort nd dN 1dC'J to pul a lhirt in n " a B4rn.i Par~ man alktedl) 1old authont1e' arter being arrutcdfar.s.boph1).i~At utl'\C,ll\t Plaza. Peter Do) le. '· "" m'\lcd for alltFdb tali:1ng S~~I \\Orth of eood • • • Somcunc firt'd a t-ullct into Hoh1 V\\ OI) ~h Strttt. So one v. 1nJurtd. and lM ov.ner \lid ht J~n'l kno• ~h) •n)OnC' •llUld v.ant to this bU11da Newport Beeell n unkno•n perwn a\.p1nn ti.\ q..ahf~ for the Ol\mpte h1,1ft na tole four 19 co"!mCD\hr&tl\c • • • Pohcc reco'-emi a l%b \ oll Y. •aaen Ca'bnolet con\erublc in thC' Cit) Hall 1>3rking lot that had bc.'en rcponcd stolen cart1tr b' a "oman at while th<.'' n:um '"a·c; l'\l'f\.-i 1ng. · • • • <\ 1h1cf c~apcd \qth a ~ radiator cap. lea' tn~ heh ind a ~icrC"O. aftCT brea,on~ tnl<' a '.tn .it I J '·' upcnor <\\e Fotintain Valley man. drives car into house By GREG ltLERlt °' ... ..., ......... '.\ 24->'eat-okt Founla1n \'~lie) man lost control of the <'2r he -.a dnv1n1 Wcdncsda~ and dro\C It stra1&ht into the l.a\tn& room o( a l°'-1ll home. pohcc said toda t l OS a m . F untzin Valle\ pola« recti\~ tc\tra.I call th.at a car Md cruhN anto • home on u Rosa l..ut. accord1f\& lO poll\"C ~ Upon am\al. o(li t'\ d1 tted Donald E. Kan&. the dmeJ' ol the \ithadc. ansldc the home tn ""lo put out a firt that ••1s bum in h1 car. on<' wall and the et1hn ol tbt' tv. to~ ~ . Oftlttn rcmo\cd from the home and cxtingw.shcd the fi~ before 11 could 1gnne a ps maan ruptun.'d "hen lhe cat crashed throUJh the •all of1hc home. Pohct l:net' concluded that Kant'' "'etncl<' ·was uthbound on-2t.a ~Oii ___ .. Linc "htn 11 sideswiped a paned 'ehick aad •'Cf'\-cd off the road. Tht. \'aI thtn rolled ICro9S a lawn aDd cn.sbN thrt>utJ'I tht Mdc -all and iMO the lt"in room o(ttw bolnc at t 7117 La Ro Lant Mnl .,,.,., a.rT'C'Sk'd for dfi\l Cftl Whitt mt •1 attd. atha Ka.... Int 22-~<'ar-okt pe l'.'f':t n«. any of die ~•dent oftbc hoav weft 1Di1Uf'ed. Dimitt ~ ror me .- and 1."ar ~ no1 ava~ _. . .. ... .. . ..... Colle DM.Y•PILOT I Thutad9y, SepWnber 1, 1 ... -----~•"' ' . . ' , ' . ' . " iACl4MENTO(AP)-TheCab· fundina PICUat as thcir main ac-couie.,enenled fines. but Teducc LOS ANGELES (AP) -The ------fDmia. r ••ttutt, draa&Jn& its J 98B complishment this year. Pt)'mcnts for judici.al posiuon1 from coa1inuins price spiral for homes is -.ion into the early morning hours The three bills arc AB 1197 b> S44S.OOO to 5212.000 each. likely to dampen demand eventually. 10day, approved $431 million in late-Brown. SB~ 12 , by Sen. Ro~rt ~ The Vasebncellos bill contains economi111 said, as new statistics budeet fundi~ for coun1y trial Presley, O..R1vers1de, and AB l 9E>3 by most of the other funding. It would showed fewer than one in four couns. prison!; state colleges and Assemblyman John Vasconcellos, [).. aive prisons $87 milliion; Universit)' families in California could afford the health care. • San J<>st. . of Cahfomia. California State. Uni· median priced home. Lawmaken. in the final hours of The Brc_>wn and Presley bills mod-venity, community colleaes and stu· Several economists made their their RSS.ion. sent to the governor a 1fy the tnal court funding program dent aid $61 million; health programs predictions Wednesday after stud~ three-bill peck:qc that would restore approve$! by the Lcg1sla1ure last $48 million; tounsm promotion $5.5 1na the "affordability index," whict\ many 1988-89 budgc1 cuts and mod-Septem6er. That ~w rcqu1~ the million with the rest going to various compam house"old income against ify tht trial court fund in& law passed state ~o take over court funding for other programs cut in the budget. the monaqeoostsofa median-priced one year qo. counties that chose to pan1c1pate. ·d De k ·· h tat-AA d t" 11 The Senate adjourned its 1988 beainnma on July I. If all counties .. Vasconcellos ~1 . u !"'eJia~ ome s """'""e an na iona y. lnlionat4: .. 3a.m . and the Assembly had joined, they would.have gotten ~as •&reed. he wil! sign It intact While economists agreed that kt\ at 4:47 a.m. Barring a speciaJ USO million without cuuina any nems. prices in the state arc likely io 1CUion, lawmakers won'l return until/ But a spri~a income tax shortfall The ant}-pornoaraphy bill •. SB5 by continut soarina, they differed on the convening of the new session in put Oov. George Deukmejian's Sen. Wad1e Dcddeh, O.Bonita. was exactly what's in store for would-be December. proposed budaet out of balance. sent to the governor by a 60-6 homebuycn. . The last day's ~s\ion began from When the R"epubhcan govemordroR"-Assc~~ly vote. It would change the The "affordability index" was 24 mid-momina Wednesday and saw ped an $800 million tax increase plari, definition of obscene _matter in a v.:a) pen:eot in July, the CalifoJ"Oia As· the passaae of hundreds of bills. the Lqislature made $ l billion in ~hat prosecutor say w1l_I ~ake obt_a1n-· sociation of Realtors reponed. That's includina a touahe nin& of the state's bud&ct cuts. including the tnal court mg pornography conv1~uons easier. the lowest level since December 1984. atlti-pomography law. a space camp fundinJ program and state college Current state law defines obscc.Qc It means 76 percen1 of stale aNI an official state song. and pnson J?fogr&ms. maucr as tbaJ. which, applying con-households cannot afford to pay off Otherbillswcrcrejectedinthefinal Dcukmej1an. in signing a $43.9 temporary statewide standards. ap-the m~ on a home at the hours, includina ones that .would billion budget, made S472 million in peals to prurient interests and lacks statewide median price of SJ 72.347. exs-nd the death penalty, provide$ I cuts and sctaside $349 million of 1hat significant literary. artistic, political. the association said. Nationwide. 46 billion in school construction mone~" to restore half-year tnal coun funding educational or scientific value. The percent of families could afford a =re health insurance to cover and pnson cuts. bill would delete the definmon of home in July, at a median _price of ilify treatmenl,. ~uitt CJ11,o The.finaf pacltagc pays for the 0ulk. pnuieol iill.eresC change siamficant $90,200. '- GOANS~ Poland !APl -About 2,000 striken canymg Solidarity banners anct marchint behind a cross kt\ the Lenin shipyard today after Solidarity~ Lech Walesa caJled on them to end their strike. However, strikinacoal miners who beaan the current labor unrest in Poland demanded to meet wllh Walesa before ending their strikes. The workers were demandinJ hiper wases and lepliz.ation ofSohdanty. As the shipyard workers in Gdansk man:hcd toward the SL Brygida's church. a crowd of supporters chanted, "Thank you, thank you" and "There is no freedom without Solidarity." The strikers and the crowd sang the national anthem JUSI before the shipyard gates swuftg open. "Every Pole is with us toda)." the crowd shouted in unison. The government welco~ed WaJesa•sappeal to end the stnkes, but also announced that a policcgian died while on duty inside the sttikebound Stalowa Wola steel mill in southeast Poland on Wednesday night. "It is not known ifhe was m urdered or committed suicide under ps)cho- ~I terror or persecution. I --am awaiting results otthe in vesttg411-on. ~ aovernment spokesman Jerz} Urban said today. Solidarity spokesman Piotr Niemczyk 1n Warsaw said lU'ikm ~that a poli«man committed auteide by ahootina himldf, but Md no other detaJ !s. , In a breakthrou&h mtttin& with Walca on Wednesday. smior tov- emment officials promised talks on -reinstatina the t.nned ~ llade union movement and jointly solvina the country's daunting sociaJ and • economic problems. In ,exchange. the officials de- manded an end to Poland's most serious strike wave in ~veu years. Walesa woo ..,.cement to end the strikes from workers at the Lenin shipyard and \he separate Rei-ir shipyard as wcl as the Gdansk pon., after he went to all three facilities to deliver his a~l. Upon his return to St. Brypia's church from the port, a buoyant Walesa said jokinaJy. "More than I 00 percent." had supported his appeal. Walesa's meeung with communist. authorities Wednesday was his first since they outlawed Solidarity in 1982. Previously. the government had refused to treat hJm as anything· more than a ~vate citaen. -Seven other enterPrlses lnJ>Oland remained on st.rike today. ploycn to ajvc worlcco four-month of the $430 million with Deukmejian to serious and delete the requireme nt ~~ housing prices arc just parentina leaves and stop import-pot of mone) plus a bill passed that the material lack educational bound lo lake effect;• said dri_an ation of tiny d<>as from QJJt-of-state Wednesday that ~ould require bond value. Sanchez, associate economist at Se- ••puppy mills... funds, instea~ of tax doUars, to be The ~sscmbly sent to the governor. curity Pacific National Bank. -----------ml!l----------·.-----f" In their traditional good-b'-e used to pay mtercst for short-term by a 61-12 vote, a bill that would He ·s o e of r,. ral ..-· l ; ~ • who Sllid san Jes _""vweh1.ch"'"hoan,.oemco1sn~ . Afghan• rebels inflict heavy speeches. leaden were not terribly loans for bond-1unded proj ects. That create a space camp similar to a _ enthusiastic about lawmakers' ac-saves the state at leas1 S68 milh.on. popular one in Alabama. The bill. tinued stroi:ig despite. dou~le~igit complishments for '1 988. Adding to ..Brown's bill contains $206 million SBIBIO by Sen. Art Torres. D-Los pen:entqe increases in pnccs for d i k Kabul their difficulties was an FBI sting to give counties half-year fundin_g for Angeles, would establish a California ma~y mo~ths -are bound 10 taper am age n attac s OD aimed at uncovering alleged corrup-their courts. It also would revise a Air and Space Center 10 encourage offm coming months. -- tion in the Capitol. controversiaJ pan of the 1987law1ha1 education in aeronautics and space "Eventually it's going to cooL off •• 1988 was not the banner year 1t · p ve property tax revenues to cll1es tccllnology. and we think it's going to cool off ... By 1'k A.noci.a&ed Pres~ could have been,", said Assembly that don't get much of those tax.es. The bill that would declare ··1 Love soon," Sanchez said. "We're looking ISf:.AMABAD. Pakistan -Rebels fired rockets into ,the capital o( Speaker Willie Brown. D-San Fran· The 1987 law gave them I() percent of You. California" an official state song for a mar~et slowdown in the second ~fghar:ustan t~y. causing heavy damage to Kabul airport and pans of the cisco. His power was bcsc1 through-their county's tax re"enues for 10 wasaiven final Assemblyappro\81 by half oftb1s year and pretty much no city •. d1pl~mat1c sources and 1he·Tass news agency said. Western diplomats, out the year by re~I Democrats years; the Brown bill would give them a 42-30 vote. That song was named ..-qwth in 1989." Q!JOlln.1 d1spatches from Kabul. "5aid one explosion at the -'rpon sent smoke known as the Gang of five. The latest 7 percent over seven years. the official state song in a 195 I Rcahors' ~onomist Joel SinJer billowing 3,000 feet into the air. The) said it indicated an ammunition dump unsuccessful attempt to oustr-Brown. The fresley bill would gne coun-legislative resolution. bu1 never 1n said sales. which have been running ~blown up. The diplomats said the first rockets fell around 3 p.m. at the~ in fact. occurred Wednesday mom· , ties un11I Jan. I 5. 1989. to decide law. The bill is AB I 535 by As-about l percent above last ) car airport. The ~ttack appe.arcd 10 be over by 4: IO p.m .. reports said. ina. whethertojoin the program. It would semblyman · T im Leslie. R-detpitc !he price spiral, should begin • ;:::Th=e::;l=ea=d=c=rs=ci=ted=='h=c=t=n=·a::::I =c=ou=n==a=lso==·l=lo=w=c=o=un=t=ics=· t=o=ke=c=p=lh=e=ir==C=ar=m=i=ch=a=e=I. =====::::;:========t=o=sJ=o=w=i=n=th=e=n=e=x=t =Sl=X=IO==l 2==m=o=n=th=s=i. NA TO grounda DljlJtll for alr oo• 'rictlm .. RAMSTEIN. West German} -NATO m1ffwy fli&hts OVCI' Wea qermany were grounded today o ut of ~pcct for victims of the fiery air show disaster. and another bad!;• burned v1ct1 m died. The latest fawity brouaht the ------·-----~-----.:..-____ ___...,...__::__ _ __,___:::....:. __ __, __ __..... _____________ ,......._~---------II death toll to 49. said state government spokesmal\ Jucrgen Dietzen. U.S. • othetals ve sal052 peop e ~ree11ghterjctrof~ Italian air-fortt • THE HAROLD'S SWEATER . I . Unique. Beautiful. OrifPnal. f.aCh Harold's narer-is an expttl8lon of baiJty aOd grace. Months d work go into each ~ to cn:are a spedll pletz of dotJ*w d'8I will be . worn and enjaym rar )913 Ind J'llS. F.asy, Comfortable ~ for Uvfng...1bls ls Whal Harold's Is Al 1.bout. ' ----~---, I ~I I ! ~ • I '"--------_._ _J ' precisio!' flying 1eam collided Sunda} at the air show at the U.S. air base in Ramstem, and one plane hurtled into the crowd and ~xploded into flames. • Mandel• Uld to be 1mprovbJ6 greatly c.-JOH~NNESBU~G. Sou ah Africa -Jailed black le.ldcr Nelson Malldeba_ recuperaun& from tuberculosis. me1 today with the j ustice miAi.sler~~gea.·...,. __ transferred from a state hospital to a large private clinic. Kobie Coctztt · Man~~la's health ··~ppcars lo ha' e 1mprov~. consi~bly" and described ' cond111ons at the chn1c as excellent. The minister d1<f not elaborate on bis meeting with the 70-)~r-old prisoner. wnose release has bttn the focus of repeated international campaigns. HARBOR AREA APPLIAHCt SfRYiet ~. 4 9 -j CJ ,· 7 RUFF~ll'S UPlll.SnlT llC . ... tw I Ill Clllfl ..- ltll ... llll.. mtl llP&-~1111 FRENCH DOORS ~ .,...,__. iV""XY\ I HIJ~ LJUlA< ••wWll&dl~.Wt 70UMmewltlaa ~ . PU B UTOIATB . . WE MANUFACTURE AND JNSTALL . OUR OWN QUALITY1DooR"SYSTEMS -714-855-993{ 714-548-5050 I 858 WEST 18th ST .• COSTA MESA · ALSO ENTRIES. BAY & fRENCH WINDOWS Your Pho~ographic Travel Heldqtrs. •·One Stop Shopping •~Photos • Fl m -Proceaing •c.meras . • Video c.m.r.. •Blnocu ... . .._.. ______ ._PJloto Cl•••• OrMge Coat DAILY PILOT/Thur9d9y. ~ 1. 1 ... Delta probe f~uses ~n.cOnline trouble· GllA~VINE. Te.as (AP> -~bOn ttntercd 00 eft11J~ '"""*as 1nvest1pton and manu&c- nuen· repttlC'fttatives tned today to clrtcnnine the cause of a Qtlta Aar Lu.es jetliner crash that '"lied 13 Bakker i n toP, bid for PTLassets ~Y 100 peo~, many leaping '9lr'OUlh thick smoke and blazing )Ct fuct, Mvlved the crash oflhe Boeing 727 that broke open and burned clurina takeoff Wednesda) moriuog at Dallas-Fort Worth Jntcrnatt0nal Ai ~? Wh) did 1t happen? Tl\afs the question ,.e ha'e toan~er now.~ Delta spokesman 8111 ~rr) said today 11 a bnefing an tlanta. The survivors.. many sutTcnng ,bums, CT&wled or JUmped through pping holes in lbe fuselage and clambered ovtt rtd·bot ~mg.s to safety as black smoke billowed three stories hiah. wnnesses said. .. You beard the thing crumple. so you Ir.new ')'OU were goa ng to crash the whole time," said passenger Penn Wa~. a la~er from Dallas. .. You WttCJUSt looking for a "'a} to get out of the plane. You·rt" hoping )OU weren't going to die:· Ninety-se\.en passengers and a crew of se~n we~ lm M aboaaJ. Jbc aillCTif\. Right 1141 en route to Salt Lake Cit). but the euct count was uncat.ain bccauW> bahies ~ere not included on passenger hsts. The fbght orisinated in Jackson. Miss. IJe•eDeJtaD~tallonedatP.ll••abport GRAPEVINE. Teus (AP)-The.same Salt l...akt Gty-bouDd Della Oipt inYOlved in • crash that killed I l people Wednnday tuacd out ror takeoff today but uamed t.ck, apparently btcausc of an ancorru1 instrument rad1na. a spotnman wcl A.Pt 1141 kt otr its pnwneen after return ans to tht temuoal at Dallas. Fort Worth lneeniataonal .\.1rport. The ftCht. wtuch ori&tnattd 1n Jacbon. Miu., had bttn scheduled to leave hettat l :lf a.m. .. "'Somethina wasn't up to standan:t.'' Delta spokes~n Ball Btny said 1n Atlanta. .. He said ht believed the problem involved an 1nconttt reading of some sort. ---A cou~ of people on toda) ·s Otght said they ~miona the survivors of Wednnday's crash. . • saw flames from the n&ht engme However. Mtcbael Btnson. an NTSB spokesman an Wastungton. said 1nvcstiptors had no immediate indication of the cause of the crash. NTSB investigator Warren Wandel said the aircraft flight data recorder and coctpn voi~ recorder. the so-called ~black boites.-~e~ found in good shape. The} v.t~ sent to Washin1ton for e aminauon. . ~lta released names of 95 ~avors_. v.htle hospitals v.ho · trea~ victims mu:ntea-1neast ~. man} suffenng from bums. smoke inhalation aod broken bones. Some walked away unscathed and flew to their dcstinauons. of the three engint"S la) sc'eral hundred yards awa~. " -Apparently the pilot made an atttmpt to abon. ... There apparent!)" wasanen1meproblem."sa1d Fred H. Rollins. Delta's d1stnct man.ager for m.arket1nc in Salt Lake C1t). Radt Arnett. an .\ustan attome) who was on a plane that had JU!ot landed. wd he sa~ tl~mcs from an engine. .. As the plane came up to take off. 11 was barely getting off the und and -tbcnatnwinpasdappingas n passed bc}ond us. There ~ere flames coming out oflhe right eogme and the ~ing touched the ground. The plane stancd spinning (and)9there ~as an explosion:· he said. Nearly two dozen in,estaptors from the Nauonal Transponat1on Safety Board converged on the crash _..,,,,,., site. Spokesmen for Boeing and for Pratt&. Wh1tnC), manufacturcr ofthe plane's three engmrs. said the) would also scnc1 investigators. Thirteen fataliues were confirmed. iod&Mtina an infant and t~ flight attendants. 8crT) said. All were from Tens. the airline said. Sixty-one people ~ere t~ated and released from seven hospitals. of- ftcials said. · Howevtt. Delta officials in Dallas would not confirm speculauoo about the engine. and TSB official Ltt Dickinson said: -w e ~ 111 not rule out anytlung. All doors are open_ .. Federal Aviation '\dm1mstrat1on records show the cockpit ere~ had clean Oyinc rtcords .. and the plane reported only minor problems dunng the past five years .. ancludm.g rcpla~ ment oCa wing'1ap controller. Witnesses said there appeared to have 'been a fire or -e,plos1on in an engine on takeoff. Federal .\ \ 1at1on Administration spo~r-sman Jack Barker saJd toda) ... But that was not confirmed. TI\1s was mercl\ ~ha( some witnesses -A ere n"pon1ng." A Delta official said there had been an apparent engine problem. and a paSSCDJCr on anolbn-plane satd he Survivors said the 15-)ar-old )Ct appca.rcd to lose pov.er after lea' tng the pound in baz) sunshine. bounc- ina tbrtt times before at slid along the. around and broke into pu~ces about l.000 feet be)ond tile end of the runway. spuning flames. The plane. its hull burned and ta1l- 1oCC1Jon broken. ramc to rest in a 1fUSY field dotted i>> suntlo""'ers. One Delta spokesman Henn_ Conle} said none of the a1rune's other 717s would be pulled from service because of~e crash. -we don't see anything scnousenougb to pull an~ planes.-he said. • ·~Bush-lambastes Dukakis record on Democratic rival's home turf , .. who arc alrcad) ~omin~ a '~ for 300.000 poor ch1la ren '4 h1T~ ~-....-""'2"-rge--:8~uu~~ -ll&Vl ..._ed..,.,_"l>_u_t_a_t _M_i_eh_a"'"e-1---•m ... porun~~"'!:t-... pan--'~or our campaatn YI ~ an .:.:Esscru1al Duk.air.is' enV'inmfuental r«0rd tn bis ·California,. -~ills" prognm_- • Oemocrauc rivars home state 1oda,. ':,The Dcmocrauc Pa~ ha ne,cr Bush who took an cart' momang chafling that the go¥emor has rC-been 50 united as I\ IS thlS ~ear:· boat tO~r Of the polluted.barbor an peatedly fought efforts to make Dukakis said. Dukaku' home to~n. said Oubl1s Boston Harbor cleaner. Duka.Ins uter. tn a spctth for the Oal.land had sought penn~on from former called the Repubhcan nominee a public school S}Stem. Duk.ak1 CTill· En"V1ronmental Protcctll)n .\gene) inecnbu of the Reqan 3dmmts.-cizrd his-GOP O\aJ for ··ptan ng adm1nasvator Wilham Rud.elshaus ltation·s .. en\;ronmentaJ •recking boolce)-wlule the Reagan admlnis-· to delay a ban on dumping wastes I n crew." --ciaiion cut education prosrams.. the harbor. Out.Im· first admanis- While the t~ n-••And wbac was Gemr •"-le-alt-UallOQ _ ~-· diaate1'tfadcd rhetoric:al s.ah os O\'Cr tbu wasaoina on~ Wbc:rt·~-a.s the man-· but 1t was busuettSsor. Ed King. ~ho the environmenL ro·rmer contender Who no Sll}'S be V.'&OlS to be lhc actua0) filed the EP.\ requnt. - Jesse Jackson denied reports that educauon prn1dent'! He \\'l!S pla~1na A oe" ~llonal poll. mean•h1ie. aides to Ouk.alos had told ham not to hooke~ He was no•here to be shows Bush and Oulal1s m .a dead campaign an several states. found, ~kalos said in p~parcd heat. but a 2·tO-I scnumcnt that the The Democratic notmntt. upon remarks. Dcm0ctauc vice p~1denual nom1- arivinc to Califomta \\ cdnesda} The Democratic nomintt cned the nee. Sen. ~ lo\d &ntsen of Teu s. 1s ni&ht.. said that he ~•II be meeting administrauon's ehminauon of re-more qualified than !)('n. Dan_Q1,13~ le with leaders of the Jackson camp;ugn. media.I math and reading progr3ms of Indian.a. the Republican nollllntt. Cuban released after 27 years " MIAMI (AP) -A Cuban who ~as sentenced to death as a Cl.\ spy and spent 27 years in prison as one of Fickl Castro; top priz.t'S has bttn reunited ~ilh his famil~. Defective pacemakers sold k~owingly '· pfficials charge But the last thin& J~ Pujals Mederos wa.nted to talk about Wednesday was his cxpenence as a political prisoner. .. We're JUSt trying to t"nJO) this tremendous moment an our l1'es.·· said bisdauptcr. as PuJalsJoancd his three children and the SC\en grand- children he'd ne\·er met in a eel- • cbration It hlS son's Coral ..Springs home.--.. P\Ua1s was in solitaf) confinement durinc much of tus 1mpnson~nL MIAMl (XP)-Fonnerexecu'tnes of a Miami-based mcdicaJ cqu1pmen1 company sold thousands of def«tn e pacemakers to doctors. kno~1ng the devices could stop •orlung w1tbou' warning. federal prosecutors ctargcd. Four officers of the Cordis Corp. · ~ intemaJ ml'mos urging that dOcton be informed about the defects and stnl false statements to the food and Onw Adnwnastratioo in a CO\t'f· up of the problems. according to ftdetal indictments returne d Wednesday. ~ Cordis. •hich has since sold lb. heart paccinakcr dinsion. ple,aded pilty lO cona:ahng the def'ccts in federal court in a related acuon. The com~> said the ~grttment co' ers on.I) Cordis. and not the officers Vrho ran the com pan) at the umc. The 43-count ind ictment said the problems affected tens of thousands of the pacemakers sold betv.een 19 0 and 1985. The battef)·po•ered de- Vices are implanted beneath the skin of bean pauents to ~ula~. their heartbeat by elcctncal 1mpuJses. One oftht fotmer offi cers.. Harold Hershenson of"San Carlos. Cahf .. 1s act:used of cnminaJ conspuac~ as we.II as 2l counts felon~ and 10 misdemeanor counts of '1olaung federal la•. ~ -· Thousands al dallats in giveaways!!! - September ~ ~ -, .· -......... ~--~ .... -~·-------- - ·~ . -- Low ... 115 ~ Month. • 1·YNr/6·Event Timer Reg. 399.95 • OWck-Timer Aecc:Ndittg On-screen prompts make timer programming vir· tuaRy error-free HO if1'6·513 q-e ore-.es e•tT• 3-Way Speaker HALF PRICE • .... '50 7915 ,~ Oecic copes personal tapeS and plays two tapeS '"sequence #'14-643 Micro Recorder 2CrMt Off B&W Pocket LCD TV FORT MILL S.C (AP) -Jim Bakker made the highest bid for th<' assets of PTL. moving hJm ' 11ant step closer toward recaptunng the telev1s1ort ministry he was forced to leave after a:sex and monc> scandal. PTL bankruptcy trustee M.C. ··Red" Benton said he expected toda) to formalize the S 165 m1Jhon proposal Baller made Wednesda) to buy the Heniage USA Chnsuan retreat, PTL televmon network and other as~ts. Bakker and his attome). Jim Toms. met Wcdnesda~ ""'1th &nton to outhne their plan. "We·ve dtscuned the terms. •c .. \t· &&recd on evel')1hmg." Benton said ··ihe lawyers are now documenung 11 and as soon as the papers art> rcady ... .and everybod} 's agzttd ~\· probabl} will both sign 11 and then we'll have us a deal •· Toms said Bakker mtends to pn.~.,. ent a letter of cred11 and to make a formal announcement toda' of tht> plan. which could Jot.al SWOmilhon Witt'! CM· 5 Co6or Mot titcw (#25-1043) Onty $1199 Has 640K RAM. 3''2~ 720K ~, disk drive Includes Personal ~\.\.~~; \ OeSkMate • 2 softWare #~· 1600 _______ .,, Enfoy~SW.0 Auto·search finds ~ tasL Memory plays up to 15 Reg. 2Jf ._95 ___ ,~IOAS in any &equence low AaS1S ~ llomtl• •"2·5006 Dual-Cassette Rac:k Stereo ~· 3191! 399.95 A=S~r Includes 7-band EO. turntable and 3·way speak· ers Dolby' NR on cassene ~3-1231 Sampling Portable Keyboard •••• •• •• -Save •so Sample sounds and repro-8995 duce them on the keyboard' Eight preset sounds 10 auto· Reg. 139.95 rhythms "42·4006 s.-~.._ • .,,, • YIDice Actlvlltion •Toi-Sever Operates from any Tooeti-Tone phone• Dual micro- cassenes make changing and stonng messages easy *43·394 letS thllft 1" thtn I Two play. blic:k speedS ~14. 1()t() ..,.. .. ..or. You Just can't mess the t>.g 13/•" buttons! Tone/pulse' dialtng #43-344 Governor should \ gtye OK to truck safety Iegislatiol) ... Go". George 'Deukmejian should not have to aaonizc over the truck safet) bill sitting on his desk. Even the people who don't like it are keeping quiet. ' With a few simple trokes of his pen, Dcuk:mejian can put into law a bill that will help relieve a fri&htcn ing and dangerous situation faced by millions of California com- muters every day. The figures speak for tbemselves. During 1986. the California Highway Patrol conducted 335,474 surprise roadside safety inspections of trucks. Of those stopped, 326.474 trucks received tickets for safety violations, and 22 perceJ\t of the trucks required immediate repairs before they were allowed back on the road. At a checkpoint in Orange County, 60 percent of the trucks stopped were placed out of service for safety violations and only 71/2 percent could pass tJle CH P's safety test. According to state reports, truck-involved fatalit ies have increased 40.2 percent in the last six years and truck-involved injury accidents are ur 36.2 percent. A sad example o the situation occurred in February on the Santa Ana Freeway near Sand Canyon Road. A tractor-trailer ng loaded with diesel fuel was working its way through morning traffic when two of its rear wheels came off one of its axles. The wheels, which weigh about 200 pounds each. careened down the freeway. hit a pickup truck, vaulted a 5-foot-talf centerdividcrand slammed bead-on into a van. CHP investigators estimated that the wheels were traveling 90 mph when they hit the van and killed its driver. The tragedy was blamed o n faulty truck maintenance. Last week. a tanker filled with 2,500 gallons of . hydrochloric acid veered across two lane$ of traffic on the Bear Street on-ramp to the Corona del Mar Freeway and was left teetering on the edge of a 25-foot embankment. · ' No one was injured and the acid was not dumped on the road. but the driver was arrested for suspicion of drunken • driving. - · There are other examples. too many to list. T.he t~we{y-bttl-;--now waitif)g fol=-Deukmejian's · signature, would require: • The California Highway Patrol to conduct a minimum of t00,000 addjtional rbadside spot safety inspections of trucks each year_ The inspections would be ,paid for by terminal inspection fees. , I . . • Regular inspections of e.ach truck by truck carrier$ and operators. Records from these inspectiops would be reviewed by the CHP at annual truck terminal inspections. • Employers to regularly review the driving records of ---:-... ,. truck drivers. ~ -- ,,.--• Acradc'down on bad truck-Orivers by makinJ it easier to suspend their licenses for violation points on their driving records. Fewer poinfs wouJd be neeq,ed for license suspension and violations an heavy vehicles would put more points on a driver's record than auto violations. The bill also would make it a m isdemeano r for a trucking com pany to schedule less time for a trip than can be 8riven within speed limits. · , , Sen. John Seymour. R-Anabeim. and Assemblyman • Richard Ka121 0-Sepulveda. sponsored the legislation ~d . thi~ it will help stern. a .:·sraggering~ rise in trodr-rela ed accidents on Cahfom1a s highways. · . When Seymour introduced his bill he said. "Trucks re more unsafe today than they have been in recent m emory. e can no longer allow a small segment of the motoring publi to continue endangering innocent lives." We hope the governor agrees and s1gos the bill. 1. ___ -r_ir · show safety. Could an air sho~ disaster happen here? San Diego hosts l\\O major air shows: the Miramar Air Show and the new Air-S~America show at Otay Mesa. Each attracts immense er s. Each invites teams, such as the Blue Angels, to pe split-second displays of aerobatics. Each has the potential for disaster. West Germany banned air shows following the disaster. That is not necessary here. But the tragedy in Germany graphically demonstrates the danger involved. not just for the pilots, but for the crowd .... We would like to know tba1 the (Federal Aviation Administration) is doing everW'!ing possible to protect people on the· ground from air-show disasters. · ' We can see the potential for danger. The FAA and the militar). must prOtcct air-show spectators from a plunging Blue Angel that tum5. in a Split second. into a 'lethal m issile' of death. · Su Dle10 TrllHale Toxic cargoes , More and more cargo that is moving throuah the pons of Long Beach and Los Angeles and across the basin on busy urba.n freeways lS highly explosive and potentially toxic. AB 270~, introouced b) Assemblyman Richard Katz, 0- Panorama City, and approved by both bou1e1 of the Leaislature would set up imponant safety procedurn for trucks carryina dangerous chemicals. It would ~uirc the Highway Patrol to 6tablish rout6 for the trucks after public hearings. The trucks with danaerous materials would have to be led by a well-marked neon vehicle equipped with self-contained bttathing dcvic:a and emera- ency communications equipment... The govemonhould sip the Katz bill into law. ~.-y---..-·• -ll.C.---.CA ...,_ ____ .... _ce- __ CA_ lMlt IJftH!t Prea-1'..,..., ..... '* ..... .......... ...... ...... ....... C..lar .. ... .............. ~":.':..!. .... _..._. ,........ ...... .......... ............ I "'Th efact that this lnveatllllltlon apparen Uy60t liJakle the !fW18laUve •ystem inalcea.ll.dltrerent and potentlaJly more ==------Important than the'Nrlterpl'OIJee.-:--00 -.. I Official Huntin 1· -~!! License (""' DO NOT LAMIN~T£, PRESS PASS . OPEN SEASON· ·ON eLUE 8'000£0 INDIANA~l\f &TARTS IMMEDIATELY AND · CONTINUES THROUGH NOYEM8ER2 OU'l llf f'KMllMD~, T.'1.ANl>PMCt'tea~ UJJ/CUJ_ ·Latestprobe·of Leglslature focuslng on dally actlon:s By DOUG WILLIS SACRAMENTO-Thi current in\festigat1on of the California LegisJature marks the third time in a decade that the FBI has examined the workings of the state Capitol, but it could have far:greater impact than the two earlier probes. Not oru'y is tbe current investi$ation the most dramatic - a legislative aide wired w11h FBI lis1ening devices and a late night raid of the Capitol by 30 agents armed with search warrants-but it also ap~ars to target more of the day-tQ-day busi ness of Cahforni~'s law· makers. An FBI investigation I n 1977 and 1978 was based on allegations of influence peddling against three senators b) the angry ex-wife ofone of the lawmakers. and 11 resulted only in perjury charges. ultimately dropped. against two legislative aides. ' The other FBI probe. beginning 1n 1984, focused on multiple inOuence-bu\ing all~tions against fireworks magnate W. Patrick~Moriarit). and resulted 1n the conviction of Morianl} and I 0 01hers. including one former assemblymen and sc'eral local go,ernment officials in Southern California. But the ·latest F.BLim esugation_ accordmg to an attorney representing a ke) figure in lihe case. set up a sling operation using a veteran Capi~ol lll1ider who recorded the :·numerous transactions .. with'"leg1slators needed to push a blatantl~ial interest bill through botb houses of the l..egislatu""TCWilll only perfunctory examination and nearly unanimous votes. · The fad that this i.nvestigation apparen1ly got inside the le$islative system makes i1 different 'and potentially more important than the earlier probes. But the most significant fact abou1 this investigation may be that it doesn't focus on the funds flowing from partie~in the kind ofhigh-stakes legislative battles 1hat get news headlines, but it targets non-contr:oversial measures that have received no press coverage and little attention from legislators themselves. · . 1herc are hundreds of bills with that kind of low prdfile which are enacted every year. with ljttle or no strutiny or even the legislator5 voling on them. · Critics of the Legislature. including some of its own · members. say those arc the measures which have the grea1est potential for abuse. precisely be~use they don't stir controversy that might make money-hungry legis- lators shy away from them. · In this case, the bills pushed 1hrough the Legislature by the alleged FBI sting operation changed the rules under which private business could market industnal develop- ment bonds in a manner that appeared to benefit onl) one firm -the FBl"s sting operation. , "'What I'm hoping this gets at is a more systematic k.ind of problem (than the highly publicizd battles between big spending special interests). This stuff. has been going on for ~ears." Common Cause l9bby1st Walter Zelman said. Assembl) rgan...Pat Johnston. D-tockton. is chair- man of the Assembl) Finance and Insurance Committee. which sent the FBrs sting bill to the Assembl) floor o'er his no vote aOer wha1 he described as a ver) bnef and superficial hearing this pa.st June 22 on a 19-1 vote . Johnston said hc_c.a.st Jhe only vote against the measure not because he su.spe.ctcd aoyone was attempting to do anything shady. but because he oppo es any special interest bill that doesn't have a clear benefit for the general publ ic. ·· ··Most lcg~slators go to acramento \\Ith the best of intentions and with at least an a._.crag~ ll'vel of intcgnty and honesty. 8Ul lhC} become part of an environment in which you accomph h things if }OU haH' political power. and the kc) to political po~er 1s mone) ... he said. "So you ·ve go110 raise $200.000 or $250.000 to be re; elected. and it's hard "'ork. and someone offers you a $20.000 to put through this innocuous bill nobod) cares about. So what do vou do?" he continued. ··When_ the:) 're making sp.ooo a year and ma) be . have two kids 1n colltge. the) re not buttressed against the-SC kinds of pressures:· added Zelman. wbo advocates public fiOiijdng of campaign and higher salanes instead ofjndircct benefits for legislators. Harry Sn}der. Consumers Union lobbym. said one of the most alarming weaknesses oftoda} ·s Legislature is the willingness of lawmakers 10 .. give each other the courtesy of a vote"' if they ha\C no pan1cular reason to oppose a bill. . • That. combined witli escalating pressure on law- makers to rafse C'\.er greater sums of campaign money . creates a situation in \~hich an indi\ idual or group with fT)One y to spend can eas1I~ find a legislator willing.. to sponsor their proposals and see them through the legislative process with link serious scrutiny. ... .. We're talking about insider games -1,JSing the Legislature for your personal economic gain. Business is onto the fact thal you can make more profit invc~ting in Sacramento than in research and development. .. Snyder said. '"The good that will come out of this is this will point to a legislative. process tha1 is controlled b> money on (legislation affecting) economic is ucs. Not philosophical issues. where Demoorats and Republican check each other. but narrow economic Issue . "'here the Democrats and Republicans fall ~II o'er each other"' courting the same campaign contributors." ) nder said. 'Tm very unhapp) it has to. focus on Gwen Moore (th~ Los Angele,s Democrat who picked up the alleged FBI -sting bill and sponsored it). We thinJc she's a good ~·~" • I Zelman sai~ ~ s}stem tha1 !Jlakes legislators so dependent on raising large sums of money. inevitably breeds corruption. Dof11 Willi• is o Assodaled Press writer wt o covers C•llloral•'• uKJslat•tt. · • · Capltol fo11les coDtlriUe as GangofFlve folled again SACRAMENTO -one point durin& Tuesday·s comic opera procccdinp on the A~mbly floor, someone lamented aJoud that more 1ehool childttn wettn •t in •~ 11Uery to sec their legislature in action. Brown because 1t avoids a so-called .. clean'" up-or-down vote just on Brown's speakership. The gana was darin& the NolartislaS, in tight of the FBI action. to do that qain. JICI .. ..... Mortgage servicing questioned WASHINGTON -If you have a home mol'\&llC. you probably think that you know which bank pulls the strings. Chances att. you're wrong. A &TOwin& number of consumers are startled to learn that the mon- paes they got from their friendly local banks have been scattered across the country for servicing. A faceless banker in a nameless metrop- olis is calling the shOiSOn The money you borrowed from your hometown lender. Mongage scn•icing includes col- lcctinl payments. as~sinJ ~~hies adJusung interest rates (1f it 1s an adJustable-rate mortgage) and other details. It is likely that the bank where you got your mortgage has farmed your account out to another institu- tion to service ·jt. The Mortgage Banlters' Association recently esti- mated that 78 percent of its members do not service loans at all. Many banks have the resources to originate more loans than they can service. They lend you the money, then tum the mortpge over for someone else to take care of the ongoing details. The institution that takes over the ser- vicing gets a percentage of 'the payments. There is a difference between transferring the servicing and trans- fcrrina the 11>ort~ itsdf. The bank- ina industry's ability to pool mort- paes and' sell them into a secondary market has meant lower interest rates and a·mgger pot ormoney. But tne .. practi~· or-transfemng SCTV1Clng IS almost always a losing proposition for the borrower. The ~y mo('tgage servicing is whisked·around the country belies the . rqso.• t,hat many customen ~re attracted to particular banks in the first )>lace -personalized serviec. Some not only offer gOod intertst rates but enJOY rcputaJions for councsy, friendship and even com- passion. Personal attention 1s the hallmark~fthe community bank.. If a plant closing throws people l>Ut · of work an~ a long-time borrower can't mcc:t a mortgag~ P.8Yment. the community· bank ofterr shows some patience. But if a meat-packing plant shuts down in Colorado. it is unlikdy that bankers in Manhattan will shed empathic tears. Welcome to the {uture, where banking promises to b¢ less personal and less local. Financial forces told our associate. Michael Binstein. that since Corigrcss bowed to the bankers" demaods for fewer rules ·and wider.-. latitude, banks have undergone dra-·. mati<; changes. Now. the. mortgage . borrower may be the victim .of pr()lrtSS. '. According to Rep. John J. La Falce. D·N.Y .• fraud isagroWingthreat. The · door is wide open foe an un- scrupulous servicing agent or an outside con artist' to capitalize on the confusion of the borrower. And when consumers don't receive adequate notice that their mortgage bas been transferred, they may send payments to tj1c wrona place and end up being chaiJed a late fcc. ln extJTme c.ascs. foreclosures have resulted. Frustrated borrowers complain that their quC'Slions go.. unanswncd. their payments go up· without an adequate explanation_and theirin- su~ncc terms change when the new servicing institution 'isn't able to service the loan on the same terms as the bank thar original!~ loaned the money. -· LaFalcc has introduced a mini bill of riahts for consumers. It would require lenden to warn borrowers about what is likely to happen to their ' loan. That warning would have to be aiven al the time of the mor1111t application. Banks also would be required to notify borrowers of any transfers. So fafj. bankers have only been willina ro support a disclosure rc- quimnent under which borro~ would be notified at tMl time of a transfer. Critics •Y that ii a mcan-inaleu pure ..... tbe-bonvwer won't have the iatormatiob needectto matt an inbmcd c:boice when How true. ... Poll after poll has indicated that the Lcaislaturc is held in contempt by the California public. WftcMver they arc pvm a chance, voten rqister thal disapproval by enacting ballot measures that purpon to clean up the mess. And they didn't. • lhoppina around t0r 1,mona a Capitol journalists fill their news- papcnand newteHts with stones that ckm onstrate lawmaun' venahty. prttymindcdnns and inattention to du1y. The plst week has !ttn ai ll'ft- •1ional spate of 11orin about a yars-loaa FBI iavatiption of Capnot ~ 1M1 is almoJI m1ainl)· be9ded towant andicimtnts 1ftd that. if noth•• cite, confirms the tatpi· cioal &Mt mo.t of us have abotlt the • Cuitol. r. met ~ie or w Lesi .. .......... •ni'-eorthan 11-.•dhlwt. Md ,.._ ~ -npeciall)i ...._in dw Allmlbl)' -not only act • ff llOllr OI dus "C:'DI-bu1 .amott tontC'IOUsl)' in "YI that further tam11h t r imqc. Tht occaaon for the laant exnt'itt ia political masoctusm "' anochtr motion by a dassidcnt band of Democrats known as the Gang of Five to unseat the Assembly's speaker. Willie Brown. The pna. which has been fairly QMlct in recent wteks. soufht to take ad van .. Of a an>Win& !Chism Within Republican ranks 1hat was w1dentd by the FBI investiption. The office of the Rfpublican 'ldder. Pat Nolan. wuontofthotcraickd byagehtsand oft'l of' Nolan's lieutenants, Frank Hill, lS cvidenlly .. ~ Nolln"I' "9cman within ftlJ OWR- caucus hlw mewed their camP9ifr! IO .... M -mi• 1bf Po'm1ial .&cl 1111 Fii iavatiPllOft win •vc •~MdOIWWlcam-... =--MllllC..,.....> ._-, IO llidl if tM iii_. •a 11~ clluc'ft 1n ......... ..... ~ ·•=•er -a... or Pht .. -* .. rl•mol6wao ..mtdll r, 11tealfdp, Nollft• hrs ..... lllw C":-..,... b) o&lillaa llllwr --ID MIM Nolia • '''E'er .... , Tliil kl~ But 10 avoad the poujb1ht) of a straiaht vo1e on Brown, his lieuten- ants -with Brown hels>tna by wieldina a heavy pvel on the pod a um .. -sidetracked the motion into one o• whether to dect one of the pn* members as Brown's successor. It was rn the mancuvmftg and shoutina over those mouons t)lal the houK ctceencra1ed into silhnns. At one point. a ~~n mcm· bet. Ron Johnson. to Gana of Fiw _....~Pace as• .. 'led·~*"t . .. which 1J..; T.:Cib ~i1V of IM ddllt~. When the dust Md ttttkct thn'e 1ull WIS no Sltailht vott of ron· fadcncc on Willae Bro• n'• IPakcnll•P -whidl could have hed I ~IM1it'al OUltOIM -and • lb ... tPeatcer. .. .. Ii was 1 lhaeer of the lbwrd and '' means. tiirrfail --UMnucipated ncnt Wecl1rlday. ,11111 aro.a suU will bt ~ duriftl Ud after 1tw ... ... .,..... ,, . ., ... f':I. ,,, I I '9et' A Ir w aill ,,_.. ..... .,.. .,...IM•> I II T .. ' ! I~ ' ._ I I \ I , .. 8J GaBG natll ............... , A man escaped with cash and several items of fu tuonable tennis dothina after rottbina an Irvine sportina aoocts n\re Wednesday afternoon. police said. At about 4 p.m., a sin&te male walked into the Irvine Tennis Rac- quet. ~)94 Walnut Street, Suite E. The man browsed about the store for about lOto IS minutes before p ulling out a handaun .. and confronting the store manqer. , The suspect ordered a sties rep- resentative into a back dressing room and then ordered the store manager to empty the cash resister. The manllJCr was otdered into another dressing room and the suspect escaped with about S4SO in cash along with tennis shirts and shoes. No vehicle ~s seen and it is believed the suspect escaped· on foot. The suspect 1s descnbcd as a v.h1tc mak, 3S to40)ursold. approximate- ly 6 feet l inches tall, 180 pounds with shon . darlc hair, a mustache and an olive complexion. He was last seen wearing a blue basebaJI cap. blue T- shin and blue jeans. PolicewaDt tool against· prostftutes BJ ne A...aak4 Press • Poli« in Santa Ana plan LO seek a restraining ordtr against known pros- ti tutes who reponcdf y ha"'e become "t "bolder and bolder" to the point of jumpina into cars unsolicncd. Using a restraining order will be quicker and less costly than using undercover officcrs to pose as cus- tomcn and prostitutes in order to make arrests. said Lt. Jame.s Da'•1s. -w~·ve tncd all the traditional ~Ches. ~we felt thiS was "'.Orfh ... our effort. "-he 'said. "They've · become bolder and bolder now," he said ... They're jump- ing right in the car. thtcatening people, stealing wallets." · .Police plan to meet with residents to ask them to sign sworn statements about the prostitution activity. -... ....., Court cui'talls homeless a~eeps a, ne A...aaaet Prest City worken in Santa Ana must sU>R, tM propcny ofho~Jess peopk when it is confii&ted in ckanup ~ but only if the material 1s marked as belonging to someone. a cocan commissioner ruled WcdneY day. . l=be-city recen~ly har begon cl~nina away belong.mgs from 'puJ>lic property if they appeared to .be abandoned. . ·A . request to tempOrarily halt the cleanups was filed by the American Civil Libcnies Union Foundation of Sc;Utbem California and Legal Aid Society of Orange Count}. Commissioner Ronald L Bauer ofdered ·thC city. to store propen y worth more than SI 0 for four months. .and said cit)' employttS can not take . ~Y ~hat is tagged "1th clear identification oflhe owner. -. Mesan 's suit against Wade 8oggs on hold a1 ne Aaedald PTn• The attorney for a Costa ·Mesa woman suing third baseman Wade lcJIP of the Boston Red Sox sa)s he won•t proceed with the $12 million palimony lawsuit against Boggs until. afttt the; season ends. James McGee. the anome> for MatfO Adams, said Wednesda) that prn10Usly scheduled arrangements to iakc Bogs' deposition Frida)' ha' e been postponed to prevent any 1nter- ferentt, -.ith the American League East palnanl race. A four-pme teries betwcm the Red Sox. and California Anaels is ldleduled . to beam tonight u . AM"eim 5'adium. o~~:.2.!:'.!1-'' ---•••-•111a1 fitUEU. la(lS AYM.Mlt $7.00 • =-~·= .••• •1lllUI -... •CClllD.., 714/957-2533 'IMP* Al IClllD "2-1&75 I -. ,, . .; ·-· &AaNDT __ .._ ...... la llil ~ ~ tbe crty'~ addleu. lrYiae Ma Larry Apaft said Voters iii d9e 1r:r" dectioD handed down two ........ '° thtir eovcmment - de¥elop llUSpOrtaUon 5Y*ms that .. , lhftaln rnadentaal areas and PIWNC 1bt ciay's open spece. Si.net IMD. ApaD said, the city has honored its commitment to the electorate. .. Now. t1llO yean later. it is my pi;ivi-to report that the \'Otcr mandate of l 986 has been full y boDored." Apan said last week. As evicknce, Agran cited the East- ern and Foot.hill corridors, redrawn to proteet Irvine nei&hborhoods.. and sdopcion of Measure C, the caty's . . 50%offl. Sunimer.fashions fQr • • yovng ·men, Jumors laadmn open ~ 11tttment Wlth 11ae lrvint Co. The 19M d«tlon ma:rlctd a -ram-'1" point in trvn~·s hist()() ... Apn said. . • -in tbat dcction. l~1ne \OlCl'S mack it dear that UKOntrollcd p-owth and ckv~ot had to b¢ wbordinaled 10 two ovemdana pub- lic objectivei., .. Aaran 1a1d. -The first of these objectives was to O'\O,·e ahead with transportation 1msWO\t ments, but not at tht exl)tftsc qf rcs1dtntial nciat\borhoods. The second ob~tive .wu to adopt a permanent open space preservation plan that would forever save our special h1llS1des. manhland5}·can= qriculturaJ lands from ckve t. .. . . .. -~ offf lbung men'• . . ~ 50~ off! Junior&' Anehor ~ pletlted .,.., ... Reg. $24-26. Blue· and Levi'•·· st°""*sh ule $12-13 jeans. Reg. $26-38, ~ off! Juniors' shorts. • Reg. $16-26, ul;e S&-13 50~ off! JuniorS' summer Jops. Reg. $10 & 12, .... $5&6. .... $13-19 -. ~off! .Nniors' Levi's· so1· stonewesh jeans • Reg: $30-32, .... $15-16 20-35%~rf!Young men's .and junio~' denim~ · 12.ot om bang men's pntShrunk Levi'•· 501 · jeans. Reg. $32, .... 1~.99 12.o:a otrl 'tbung men's . whltewMhed Levi's' 501 ' . jeans. Rtg. ~. .... 27.99 12.01' Om ~ men'• ' Levi'•. StrMt JHns. Reg. $42, .... 29.99 12.01 otrl Lwl'•· Eurojean 1or young men. Reg. $42. .... 29.11 5.01 offt Levi'a--attrtn~to-fit jetlns tor young men. Reg. $22, ~le 1 16.99_ 113 otrr Juoiors' Jordaehe · 1Mns. Reg. $34-42, .. .. 22.66-27.99 . . 12.01 otrr Juniors' preshrunk Levt's' 501 · jffns. Reg. $32, ule19.99 113 offt Junk>rs' denim jKk9ta. Reg. 'S5S-60. ule36.86-$40 25-35%oft'! Young men's fall shir1s ~ sweaters 10.01 °"" ll•rled ,.,.. ' ...... ,., Reg. $28. .... 17.11 113 °"" NtMnecl ...... ,.. Reg. $30-45. .... 11.-.... l.01 ofll ...... prtnt eNrta. Reg. $24, .... 11.11 l.01 ofll J9lpe WGU9n ......._ Reg. S28. .. 1UI l.01 °"" OobbJ shirts tor fO'!"I men. Reg, $28. .... ,. ... 1.01 °"" Dobb; ...... ehlfts. Reg. $28, .... 11.ti l.01 oftl ........ poplin ........ IC&E. Reg. S28. .... ti.II i .. The ll)a)or'S mnarb wett pan ofa ftlftl within the c1ty. '°'lfan mm-~ -siate of tbtcaty-addrns be tioned the Irvine Child ix, elopmt'l'lt dd1,.eetht~ity Council nrett-=--ennrr;--.tncb""i~n-Gflbcdt~ ·s ins. Apan said Ir. me has rnctrd \b new Cl\it etn\tr. I.ht lru n.e RiC}ck s its apandi n& populatt<>n --<>"tt lM JWQlnm, • -volunta ~ pro. past 17 years b y 1mpkmenung a .,.am lO rCC)"Cle ne~spapers. ~~and prosram of .. p~no1ng Y.11h a human a~u~inlnn ans: -ind Pli; . t~ face." city s transportation program or e -au1 buiklina one of the b1gcs1 handq pped. cities in ~rica 1s a ioal that few of Callins t~ agenda for the future us ~kl embrace,:'.A&ran said ... Our , -ambtuous. Agran outhn('(f his pri- pl, instead. has bttn 10 build one of oriues. New roadwll) s. sucb as fhe the best chin in ·Amcnca -a cit} San Joaquin Hills corriftor. must be built ·~pon strona pru1cipl~ of urban built on a ''human scale.·· ~grao said. plannma that.encourage mu1mum In add1 t1on, he chalknged members citizen partic:ipauon an 1nOuencing of the Cit)' Cqunn l"to create altema- the direction and quaht) of our live transpohatt.0n ''stems ·th.al lives... would free residents· from de- As e~mples of mno\•at1,e plan-pendenet on automob1ll:s \ • ••• Woking for the nearest Millen OatPost? Call t,oU free, 24 hours 1-800-Tf:IR-MAP . . . . .. ' . . Kan B11ciE1 ~y:mna·st t1;1'i=~s her.ta1en t~ to teacb~ng Service club has . chaIJge Of officers Terry ZJmmermu ofNewpori Beach has bis work cut out for him. ~ -zimmcrmao has been named ·t · dent of the Newpon-Balboa otary Cub <Suring the club's Ji anniversary year. Hea~ .. sumed theprcsidcncy July l from • Corona del Mar resident and travel -.ency owner ~llu Tiqey. --SOmmSanAntomo, Texas, Zimmerman was raiStd in • Southern California, and is a graduate of Cal State San Diego. He also served in the Air Force during the Korean War. Zimmerman and his wife Lois moved to Newport Beach in J 972, where they raised six children. He iscurrentlydirectoroffiscal services for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and re- sponsible for a $65 million t>udgeL . 8J UTY llOVCJIER ................ · From the time Cheryl Skidmore was introduced to.the parallel bars at • 13, she couldn't practiec . or compete cnouah .. Sbe knewshe bad found the perfect sport and couldn't ima,jne pving up a lift of· running, Jumping and . tumblina with other children -just bec:aute she had the inevitable .. cunc .. of approachjna JO. There was only one thing to do. If she couJdft't play-why not teach? ,.rve been leaching gymnastics to chi&dren at Lincoln Luming Center ._ Gymnasium in Newpon Beach for , twoyean,"saidSk.idmorc. "And I've manqcd to act several J>rOlflms since then. As a matter of fact. my clientele stretches from Dana P.oint to N~nBeacb." Skidmore is the director of gym- nastics for the Newpon Beach city t9arks, Beaches and Recreation De· l>anment. _ "Throuah the -city of Newpon Beach, we go into schoo1s and put on our procram," she said. ··1 aot my B.A. in reaeation and recently got a business l\cense. I formed my own compeny and call it 'Kids Can Do Serving with Zimmerman are La F111tou1udKldlanl • I>kba, co-vice president~:. Steve PUa. secretary; James SUtia. treasurer; and directors R*rtW ... But Ba ..----:w~e~11-.berrer, yCam , , VictorYack,Doll Nooaaa, vkl Ealle udT•m Mattsoa. ihc Ncwpon-Balboa Rotary Club was founded 50 years ago and it has had a wide range of presidents over the years. They include 5th District Supervisor Tltomas Riley; former City Coun- cilman Pete Barrett, the late \Iba Jo.rteueaand School Board President Jim de Boom~ The club is one of the larg service clubs in the Harbor Area wjth more than l JO members. _ Fce~kc:~:cchhru~10 --Newsca.st·e· latdy1 Newpon-tmay.__ . . have the answer for you. • • . The city's Parks,-Beaches and · ·· · · R~~on~panm~nt is ' By KATY BOUCHER · ·•t.a Bamba ... Al.$0 featured is an prov1d1ngaw1devanetyofex-°'._....,,......,. interview with U.S. Surgeon General Cu~on.s_, special e~ents and Not too many people could walk C. Everett Koop. spec1a! interest topics for the fall. away from the No. 1 television She said lhe film deals with Ramon Register, now for health and newscast in Southern California and sharing needles with friends. and bow fitnessclasscs.children'sdance be successful. ,innocent people become affected by pr<>v&ms, calugraphy, art, gar-Jim Ryerso~ of Newport' Beach did his drug use and ftar of comracting dening. bridge,, computers and -and has no rcgrctSr AIDS. holiday era~ ~ourses. As a matter of fa tt. he says it's Seated in a. room stocked with And that SJUSt forstancrs. probably one of the most beneficial shelves of videos from one wall to The fall brochure iS"available at thinas he'sever done for himself. another. Ryerson and Campbell re-th~ Newpon Beach C ity Hall, Ryerson. 41 , has formed his o~ laxcdduringarecentlnterviewbeforc Your local library. orthe Ctiamber ~ewpon ~ch-based award-w1_n· putting in one of their typical 16-hour prod ct om pa y a d a t days. Ryerson recalls the days even of Commerce. n!n& · u ~on c n n aw 1 · s before and when he worked with ' Interested? For mo re in for-his· tfurd video · on· AlDS 1 to _air Christine 1.und and Jerry Dunph~· on mat ion calt644-3 I 5 l . ~~~~-l.ly on th~ Public ~roadcasung KABC-TV, Channel 7. J • • • ~The name is ·what Ramon Did: "I was in West Texas after serving Trislta Smitll, fQrmerCoro na and It is set to air-.tn__ October." said in the Air Force," R}erson said. ··1 del Mar High School student and Lisa Campbell, assocm~roducer. staned workfog (or a real smaJI ·TV her Moot Coutt pailnerDavld .. October t~lfth 1s _'Latino AIDS -mtion. Asa matter offact, I worked Faulll1 of Pon land, Ore .. rep-Awareness.Day.' This video is geared for a TV station, radio station and resented UCJ:lasti~Coll~~eof _to th~ Latlnocomm~nity. lf~eall} a ne~paper all at t_he same time. I the Law in a hiJ}tlycompet1t1ve ~ fiow-to Cducat.1onal film. Jn t~e camed 3Sanc;l 16 m1lhmetercameras. Giles Sutherland Rich Moot Latino culturt, talkn~g about sclt 1s fil!1'· an~ at.ape recorder. ·councompctition. a_lmost taboo. There s a reaJly in-'To give. an exam~le, 1 would go Af\ · · h d umate scene between a mother and out to a big car accident. There. I . . er wtnmng_t . e state~n dau&hter discussing the problem." would shoot som.e 16 millimeter for rega~oal competllJO!IS, Tnsha and Campbell said the video is narrated the TV station. stills (photographs) David flew to Washtngton, D.C.. by actor Esai Morales, who pla}ed for the ~per. do on-the-spot ioier- . (PleaeeeeeDONOR/A') Richie Valcns' brother in the movie. views with the police. and use them -. .. Gymnastics.' I've aot 15 ~instructors Skidmore said the children have who teach kids year-round." the opponunity to learn techniques of so they'll have · the experience to compete," she said. "Howeverr _we like to stress that the compet1t1ofl isn't as imponant as self-worth. Whenakiddoesacanwheel he's been prac1kina for a long time, it makes him feel aood about himself." OM of Sk.idmorc's devoted in-the belancc beam, vaultin& horse, structors is Kevin Papke of H unt-1'9rallel bars, floor exercises, rings, inaton Beach, who says children can and anything else that qualifies as a learn l)'mnastics at any age. · omnasUc event. "I teach k.ids from 5 months on," For the ·eompctitive child, Skid- Papke said. "Sure you can do it. One more has formed the"Can Do" team. thinawedoisput them on top of a big ' .. Children must be 9 or older," she beach ball and roll them around on said ... The team works out two days a their tummy. It's DOI really l)'m· week. We compete against Other ' nasties -it's more of a body recreation centers such as Los awareness class.." Alamitos, Riverside, and the YMCA. Skidmore went on to say she is just as proud -of her teachers as her students. However, u the child gets older, Every year we have a recreation the routine ~ves way 'lo a mors, lea&uc that teachers put toge~her. SlftnUOUS rout1M. . 'i\Ve try to &Cl everyone involved "All of our instructors arc ·uSA· • JGC; " she 'said. " ·1GC' stands for Independent Gym Club. They have safety certificate progra_ms where !he)' spend six hours . of rntense Vldeo (Pleue eee GYllNA8T/ A9) . . G~offers p~esfor clil'l<lren The celebration of a child's first " binhday is traditionally a bie bash where the inquisitive little one 1s onl y awake long enou&h to dive head-first into his or her cake. J .. After binhday No. I . the guest list seems to grow -along with the headache of plannfog and preparing for that special pany day. Wouldn't it.be nice to let someone else plan it once in a-.mll~? Well, Cheryl Skidmore has that m mind and has put to,ether a "choose· your-own·ttleme'' <birthday party of- fered throu&h the city of Newpon Beach. '. "We'll provide everything from face-painting to gymnastics.~· she said. "The parents choose the theme and we provjdc the resL •• The city of Newpon Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department is .providing the Lincoln Leammg Center Gymnasium for childrcn·s binhday parties of 12 w1th aH the ·mmin "It's just getting started." Skid· -more said. "We've ~ot some wonder- ful ideas, The gym is.really big so the kids will have plenty of room to play. We'll do things like ·parachute play; Hula Hoop, treasure· hunts 41nd pinatas." And since the gym is full ·or ........ _...., ... .._ equipment, Skidmore and staff will KeYln 'r-Pk• helpe Wlll Eaposlto, 5, work oat on tlae rlnM•, be abl~ to show them tncks on the -aad thea &i.e. Ste.ea O.•enport, 4 , a helpln& band on tlae ban. nngs, ·and whatever else they q-ampollne at tbe ldllcolaLea~ Center OJ1Dnulam._ -w~l~t~la~~tty be a gymn~stie •• for the radfo. "I'd write the st,ory and send it with the film to the newspaper:'""Ryerson continued. "l"d put a radio rcpon together and leave that at 1he radio station. From there I'd go to-the TV station. I'd write and edit the fi lm myself -and then go on the air and be the anchor"pcrson.' However, Ryerson·s three· jobs ·weren't enough, to ~eep him happy, He put together videos and began applying for jobs. sending out more than I 00 tapes. "One hundred and s1xt{two rejec- tion letters was my claim to infamy," he said. "Finally I got a call from a friend in Phoenix who offered me a job. It was a major step up. I worked for a CBS affiliate as a political and investigative reporter." Then --rlJe big-break came. and Ryerson·s hard work paid off. "A guy I knew had been workfug ou1 here. I went to Channel 11 and then Channel 7. I was a general assi&nment reporter. I worked with Jerry Dunphy and Christine Lund on the 4 o'clock and 6 o'clock news. I opened the first bureau in Orartge County. It was th'° first electronic (Pleaee Me ftW811AN/ A9) : (PleueeeePART IE8/A9) - ............. .., ........... Jim Rfenon and Liu Campbell lo Newport b•clqurten. Women'• love COUJ'8e 9lated The Manposa Women's Center will prnent a IU· ~k ~inar on "Women Who Lov_e Too Much, .. bcainn1naStpt, 8 at the catter, 777 S. Mam St .. Suite·l 16. inOran,e. The llrunday mcetinp will be oondUC1ed from 7:30 109p.m.and the fee 1sSIO. Call S47~94 forrcservalions. A ICITlinar en~ "Myth of Employee Motivation .. will be ~led I for the Ora'* Coua cblipter of the Society (Or AdvaMeman of Man r;n•L The 19.m. meetina will be held at Embatsy SW. Hotel. 132' E. ~ Rold. Santa. Ana. The S20 k indudn dinner ud the soeaker's pmen11tioca. Call by ~at 7314774 or Oifl'Doubek It 637-3236 f0t cletaila. • t- ' . I BJ JOY~ BODLOVICH .............. Fint there were four clowns sm1l- ina before the camera, then tberc were three. r One litUe -very linlc ~ clown wu too tired to stay awa~e. She · li~:r;alked to a larae stuffed chair. lft into it, pulled the bulky wig from her small beadand slipped off to sleep. . But the three remaining clowns (:Ofttinued to mug for the photogra-. pherTh.. • • 11 1s not your average Hunt- i11f.1:>n.Beach family. 'I have 14 brothers aod sisters," uid Barry "Sopho" Eichelberger. "I have been a clown for years." "My mother is speechless about us. She has her Ph.D. you see,'' joked Vianc "Philly" EiehcJberger. The husband and wife team are owners of the Qown Co. Silliness. face painting. rnagjc pmes and puppet shows are pan of the ·entertainment they provide at chi~n·s panics, picnics and special events for S60 an hour. , ... the trade ltttcr the ,liv1n1 room . ..A' cockatoo m a tarae cqc and an 1quarium filled with swimmina fish . add to the cozy tCene. . Viane said she beain the c1own act as a church ministry. Her clowri buddy was• hiah school studenL To p~pate; she oombed the library in search ·Qf books on tht subje(\. Event~y she bepn s>trfOf'ltlina alone, mainly at church events, with an occasional 'binhday pany thrown in. • • "Last sprina I convinced him (Barry) to be a clown," Viane said. "I told her. 'I ain't eutting thatjunk on my face. no way,' • Barry laughed. "Then I saw she was havin& so much fun without me. I said, 'wait a minute. this is an cqua1 pannership:' " . · Barry said the makeup procedure is still sometimes t problem. "It usually takes an hour, but it dcp_cnds. how "panicked we are." he · said:-··1 think the record 1s 20 minutes." "But the lines aren't straight," Viane laughed. To promote their business. the couple ran arr advertisement in the Yellow Pages. The publicit} paid off. Viane, a homemaker. has been clownina for five years. Husband Barry a computer programmer. joined the pan-time act last year. Dauahters Rachel, 8, and Beth, 6, occasionally don lively costumes and multicolored wigs to assist in church- ~laled panies or picnics. "The phone h~n't st9pped ring-- in&," Barry said. '"We have something every weekend ... But, according to Viane, the clowns don't only entertain the younger set. ·c10wn. Ylafte, Raebel and ·~ ·Elcbelbe'1et....Gf. Ba.ntlJaCton Beach are ready to perform. "I like to put on the makeup. but I don't like the shampoo in my eyes." said Rachel about the trials of makeup ~moval. Rachel said her role is easy. "I don't really make them laugh. I make them smile," she said. Inside their townhouse/clown headquarters, toys, books and ,1001~ of Move from _ Michigan "A woman hired us for a S\jrprise 40tb birthday pany," Viane said. "She wanted tb give her friend a kid's pany. The face painting \\'aS real pooular." • Viar\e said it was "a hard crowd to play to.,,_ -There are parts in our a·ct when the clown doesn't sec things;· she said. "The Clown drops something and the kid1·Will: tell you. The adults were silent. "But Rodney the Fanner was the hit of the party. He sings 'Happ) Birthday' in a Shm Whitman counlr) western style," V1ane $aid about a brown Kermit look ahke puppet. "We put a plastic derby and a re<i clown nose on lhe birthday woman. She was a real sport," Viane added. "She probably doesn't have many friends lef\," Barry kidded. The parties, however. are not 1he DONOR ••• l'romA8 to'af"gue their case before three federal Counjudges-0f the Unit- ed States Coun of Appeal - only perk to the d own business. · ··1t is real fun to dri'-e io a pany and sec the reaction of the people in the car next door," Barry said. ··~me times they wave an.<Ftaugh. the k14s art real excited. Mosl of the adults don't look at you." · · Viane said she cnjo)s 1he puppcl show. "The best part is when kids laugh cfUrina the show," she said. "Su~. but when the} laugh at 1h~ nght parts." 8af'T) added. ··vou ~now when )OU walk through th.edoor )OU are an instant celebm~:· V1ane said ... The luds IO\e )OU The} wouldn't if)ou w-ercn't dressed hke a clown." Barry said his parH1me clo1o1.n JOb 1s sttll a mysteT} to h1~ e'\tended family. "Next month we are going to do m) niece's birthday party. E\e~one will stt bow bizarre we reall~ are:· he said. The couple said the clown business as an 1mponant pan of their future plans. • "A fnend asked me r'ttenth "hat I wanted 10 be wtren r gre" up:·· Baf'T) said. "I said I would lo' e to reure and be 3'Clown." "Unfortunate!) ... \'1ane said Laugh- ing, ''Vl!e don't plan on growrng up." GYMNAST TEACHES... . . hoalA8 waldting on safety techniques. The) a.re also requjrcd to take l"O 1o1.nttcn safety tests, then the) re«1ve a 'J'8,lone ..arguing first for th&plaintiff.end--t--i._.......,_;;..._ _____ ~.,. then for the def endan l. Aif~y ar:c all CPR.crruficd and most have competed in g) m- that she's able to channel her enel'g) ~xpenena: to lbt'. OC-West member ofherfam1I> -her 3-:nonlh-old son. _ "l'"Ve~ \I. w h him," she said. "He .. too. "',11 be a f<?r some people. picking up a11d t leaving town usually happens be- cause of ajobchange or financial gain. However, Tanya Newboultl really couldn't think of a good reason --- except she wanted to try a new life and the state of Michigan j ust .wasn't cutting iL. --' - Little did she know she'd pick up . . lock. stock and barrel and land in an affluent beach city Jlnd. wear it crown. Newbould' was crowned "Miss Newport Beach" Aug. 19. "I moved out here by myself," · Newbould said. ''(sold everything and ~~:cf l~~ I warued10 model -and · ~t.wan.uo..liYc.in.LoS- AftlCics. 1 heard this >"3S a nice area where you coutd just go and kick ofT your shoes." Standing S feet 9 inchC$ tall. the atuactive 23-year-oldblondcsaidshc aot a waitressing job immediately: Sheenro11cdatCoastlineCommunity Collcae iand found two roommates . .. , had a ~etacc ocean-fron1." she said. "From \~ere I built up and made 10 many'friei\ds. It really proves )OU can ao anywhere and stan a new life." And she did just tJiaL Continuing h~r education, she en- rolled at Cal 'State Long Beach. She decided to ;.major in pre-law and broadcast journalism. One day at work she was listening to a local nadio station. The disc jockey made the announcement of the "Miss Newport Beach" pageant and pve a phone number. "I called the station and they rcfemd me to Jan Terry who belonacd to .the Ncwpon Harbor Jayttes _:. the organiiation that duts on the event," she said. "That was last May. S~askcd me to send a picture and pick up an application." ._ Taa,. l'fewt.oald Newbould became one of 19 con-testants: later the field was narrowed The contest began. to f 3. • ' "We had ·the bathing suit and evenina gown competitions -then "It was so exciting,.. Newbould the question of your choice," Ncw- said. "Newpon Imports agreed to tic bould said. "Mine was, 'What is the my sponsor and they couldn't have · bi1F.5t accomplishment you have been nicer. They really got inv~ve'd attained and why?' My answer was. and made sure everything went well •pjckina up and moving to Cali- for me." fomia.' " Newbould went through an ex-And when all the vo1es \\Crc in • ..ii tensive six-week training before ap-was Newbould's name they called. peari"& in front of the judaes that She said winnina was a su!'P.risc. memorable Friday niaht. "The~ reaUy isn't an)1hing hke 11 '"Contestants were trained in when they call your name. I can·1 modelina and public speaking." said explain how thrilled 1 was. And I Terry. "Judaes were Jayeccs and local don•t intend to stop here. I plan on businessmen. Pri~ included a two-aoiRJ on lo compete for MLss Cali- week trip ,o Japtn ~ all expenses rom1a.' paid.': -,BY «•I)' llNt!Hr Afterlhrec day·s of com peti 1 ion with Moot Court finalists rep- resenting other law schools in the UnitedState.g, the Hastings team "was judged 1988 National Moot Court Winner. 1 _ · Trisha-is~ 1-984 graduate of UCI and a May graduare of Hastings College of the Law. She hasjoiMd fhc.Jaw firm of~ - Bingham, Dana&. Gould of Boston. Mass. _ Sh.e.isthedaughterofT.oddy ud lteat Smltb of Newport Beach. · ._, _____ _..;_ MlcMel E. Parker, president and chief execu tj ve officer of Parker Nonh American Corp. made quite an announcerflent recently. • The Newport Beach firm has donated $75,000 to the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center_-the. .Jargest corporate contribution to date. "Parker North American Corp., my wife Cindy and I are pleased to coo tribute to a project like thisthat will do something · positive for the youth.'' Parker said. "It's ironic that a city like Newpon Beach doesn't have suf- ficient supervised water programs for its young people. ..The Marian Bergeson.Aqautic Center will offer an opportunity for more kids to part ici ~1e in swim activi ties-whetberits through Corona def Mar High School's aihletics program. in- tramural programs.clubs or city recreation acti vities ... Parker said. •:Programs like this teach kids !}ow to work as a team and help them develop con fid e nee in themselves." ' The corporation established in 1981. is a leader in f easing services designed for the financial com- munity. It offers equipment lcas- in&. investment tax credit syndi- cation and specialized real cstate- leaseback financing. With more than SI SO million in assets. the corporation is the largest owner of bank automated teller machines --(A T.-Ms)ittthe-United States: PARTIES ••• NEWSMAN TURNS TO FILM ••• ~AS . clus," uld Joe V11Larosa. former eas&em con~ aymnastics cham· pion and Skidmott s asststant. ''I'll teach children instruction on thinas such as the W\CYen bars. ''-auh and bUance beam. The cluldttn \\111 ha"Ve plenJy of14me to lam-as mu<h as an hour and a half." W...Aa burelu to accommodlte lbe video in 1971 ... However, Ryerson said althou&h his polition was pmUpOUS and exciuna. it really took iH toll and he wanled to do tomethinl'on has own. He was wonina with top pro- .....,, oa national telcv11ion, but .un hldn•t t\alftl1ed hit dream -that atprodutjas hit films without havina to~ dltoullt .. ,7 diffe~nt cc:nnm1t-.,., approval ... ft. formed bas own pr0duct1on COlll~J with the hopt otrcly1na on ~dicatl. Two ,_.. ·a..tr. Campbrll u~ roOlld tom Arilona and was aivtn 1 ~·1 DllM IS IOmtOM who Ill illle IO Ii~ ba a job. • e(:"i.=llllld ud I) moved to Nl•ll!O't oa 1 SUnday. and on f ~monainalwasinJ1m'1officc ,.._Wm I wained to product.'' ~~............ . . .,._... immediallty toe* I hln• { ' ' • to this agrns1~ 23-)ear-old. and pve her a chance. The pair say the combmalJon has been successful. Their company spttiAJim in educational motion pictures. ndeo '1fWI rcka9es and corporate videos. C1ients raftiC from Walt Disney to the American Red Cross. •yenon's company. Jim R~n Produciions. was fonMd 1n 1913, h • has '*" awvded bilba& honors hm the On• County daaptn ol Ille hbfic R..-. S«wl)' of America tor the prodUt'llOn of AIDS e11uc.1iou.1 ratm .. • Preaded by MA Lttttr From tin'" and .. Doa•t F~ Sltcme." "What Ramoa Dtd" •• R~n·s third AIDS Rim Future p{ans arc to product a .. tuft film 1n Meuco dctcribed b) C~I u 81\ '"ICtion edvetttUf'f ... ~ And the 1'irthda> child can chOOte wt\atever he wants as his theme. •-say they ch00te Mickty MouK." aid Kim Oomu. spokmwoman fOf tk cit). ~e"U provide Mickey Moute Plilft. <'Ufl. napkJM and all IM trimminp. nae. tMtt well be a cen.i• ii..-. set Miele to oprn pm-.a. plly ud • Clik." OolDez llid die ~ will last for two -.. _. M o&nd on Sat•-.,.. n.e COii .. s' '°for 12 childrn. ne ,nee i.chidel 111 ·tct-yp.. decor· --. ..-Ud more. T'lllt oal)' ...... • Plftft• provide .. Ille *-taad~ Ooma laid raervauom and 1nfor· lftll.iOlt can bt obeaifted by caJhne 644-lUI. • • .. • -8'&111•1 a -.. nastics." . l)'mt\a6\... • •• , " Beside$ the practice and competi- tions, the children also ha\e the • . opportunity lo participate '" special we·~e looking camps during the summer and a1 --- Christmas. I g·--.1 rt& '"J:his 'Chnsunas pectal Hohd:a~ AOr _ uuu spo Camp' will be at Lincoln Leaming The-Dally Pilbt wanu to Rpon the ~ Center.~ SM sa1d. "Th~y'll come five sporting exploits of ~ou and your days a wed: dunng Chnstmas va-neiahbors • cation. W~ teach .I) mnasucs _An!'.! Send us a bnef account of tM tiavc a sho" . on the las1 da~ for sporting acromphshment and a , ~nts and fnends. Af\cr lM s~?"' phOtOlflph ifvou ha\e one . .\ddress we present t.hem wtth cert1tica1~. your corresp(indence to Ne1gh- Terry Zimmerman Papke said classes are one hour. borhood Focus in care of the Dail Alf;hoogh Skidmore might not be a:s -Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. ComMesa. a&Jfe as she was as a teen. she 1s ha pp~ 92626. .. . TV PILOT ADS DRAW -SCORES OF .CUSTOMERS Newport's PetCare Company offers 15 different brands of foods for .pets in a variety of convenie!"'tly-sized packages f} •• ,-,w . e,re more than satisfied w.ith the re- sults we've gotten from our ads in the Daily Pilot's TV Pilot," says Lee Hein, Advertisipg Manager for t he PetCare Company in .New~rt ... -Beach. "Our first ad tracked 90 responses, .our second, 60, and I'm confident our ads -will c·on-: tinue to pull people into our·store bepause people who get t he Pilot read it." . • . .. ... ~ We deliver more than newspapers we deliver customers, too.-.. • • A IOcel pee Mappty store cerrytng averytNng pet~ neid tor ..., peta .... ~, ............... of. tooct end • .-~ of.,__~ .. -cm•ol prodUcta. ._. Md 001.,. .... WIWI'• not In 11aa1t Gin • .,.,., a.dlrtld Md u.ill)' gonen wtlNn one welk ... : ._.."_... _.. ..... ...,. 4.IOO .._..'-'al dMn, ... IW"9d •9f'•• .. a:al 111.._ ............ Knowt•de•bee.courteou1nMlplul .... 1111•••···· R11ldlng ,,.. ..... a blue end gold memw MIMd .._., end • or9Y "°'1ucet ,,.,... Alhl9y ..•. Open ~ dayt from 9 a.m. to I p.m ..... MIMjed t»y ~ Strotfc*. • 1 .. • ·NattonalH ealtfi Ca.re ·wiris pact ' NaU..l Haltll Care SJ•&em1 IK. rcponed that the'San Francisco County 86ard of Supervisors had (pproved a la~ contract cxpectrd to tolal over $2 million annually to provide a NHCS Denticare Dental · Propam on a voluntaryba$1S to approximately 41l,000caty and county employees ofthe City and Count) of San Francisco. Accordina to Carl E. Bozzo. chairman and chief executive officer of lrvine-based·National Heahh Caye 'Systems Inc., the program is expect~ t~ substalrtiaJ_ly _ increase Qur ~nticart Dental Plan memt.ershiP. io over I 00,000 members statt wide and boost our annual revenues by an additional $2 m11Jlon. • NHCS offcn prepaid dental benefit plans to employer groups, municipaht1es, trusts and ass~1auons as well as to families and individuals, under the name DENTIC."JtE. • • • FaMle'1Froaea Yopr& is now open 1n'the Harbor View Center in Newport Beach. Hilary Banks. manasing_dircctor, began the business in J uly 1987 and 1t has expanded to SIX orange County locations. . . . . . S.J~t=t.u,s&oa B•U•ers in lrvtne~been selected by the WUU.. L oe Ce. to build the intcnor im vements for ns new corporate lcadquarters 1n Newpor1 Beach. Th 3 milhon construe· tion project al 4490 Vor,r.Kannan Ave. shOul<ibc<'omplcaed by the end . of the year. O ver mo re than 30 )ears of residenllal development. the William Lyon Co. has built 45.000 homes. • • •• America.n Stores Co. in Ir-. 1 nc reported that sales for the 13 week second quarter ended Jul) 30 increased 28.5 j>erccnt to $4.5 bilhon compared ao sales ofSJ.5 billion fo r the second quaner on 987. Sales year-to-date 1ncrenscd 16.6 percent to $8.1 b1lhon compared to sales of$7 billion in 1987. el earnings for ahe quarter we re S30.3 million or 79 cents per common share. compared to the prior year uarter ofS36.5 million or 98 cents. per common share. Tnesecondquaaersalesnnd ne t eatn1ngs for American Stores Co. include Lucky Stores Inc. from June 2 to July 30 as well as the additional interest expense and amon ization of asset write-ups relating to the Lucky Stores Inc. acqu1S1t1on. American tores Co .• e\clud1ng Luck}. had an operatmg profit of S 104.3 m1ll1on or ao increase of 8.2.pcrcent compared to the prior year second quarter. Year-to-date operauhg pro fit for Amencan Stores Co. including Luck). decreased 5.5 percent to S 179 million. The year to date and.second quarter:: sales a nd earnings "ere impacted by the results of the cQmpam 's stra teg) of increasing sales in existing stores at Acme Market~lnc .. Skaggs AJpha Beta. Buttrey Food Saores and Alpha ~ta Co. Second quaner li ke store sales 1n all of these subsidiaries remained strong and"Opcraung profits" ere above budgeted le"els. a spokesman said. Add1tionall\. Osco Drug lnc. continued us strong amprovem~nt ill OpCl'lllOJ,PrOfIL OTC UP S & DOWN S •1 NYSE UPs & DowNs NEW YORK (AP) -Tl'le to1tow1ng ltst NEW YORK (AP) -Tne fpllowi119 11,1 '110ws 1ne Over • lhe • Coun1er s~ rne New Yorll. Stock Exc:ti.noe ,tocks encl werrents tl'lel have eone uo s~ encl werrents lllal have gone uo Ille most el!G down ll'lt mo11 t>ue<I on tne most end down tht mo11 bued on oef'Cel\t of d\an9t for WednH<laY, r ce9ftf of c:nenge rtQerdleSS of votume No securll'lfl tredino below-S2 or 1000 o r W e d n e s a V • ,bares ere included. No M<:urllln lredi"ll below .S2 are lncl-Nel end oerc:tnteoe chanoes are 1ne -uded. Net and oercenleGe cna.noes art t1rte dlff9r9nea belW"n in. -91' .. )ltOUS cl0,i"9 difference belw"n Ille Of'tYIOuS CIOS "9 price end w.o~~s tu 1 or bid orlc:e. Ofice and Wtdn~v·s 2 o m orlce La1t ci.e ~d. J Gllwtt-r:-ui•._ +~ uo~c1i9.0 2 1,. \ i?. ~: ~8 rrorp 11 1 I'll Uo lt l 11fi 1 2 ~ 8~ ~ ~ s 12 • 1\41 Up 1 ~ j u .f 2~. UP 1 ! ~~c 1'~ ·~ 8g LI J'• f P• UP 171 u.NVfB + v, Up ll.1 7·16 UP 17. Wlm'cs. 1'> + I/• UP 11.1 I '~Ate s l'8 1' UP ISc. 1f!!-Uu '· 1 , illiQiDle 2 + • UP ''· 1 «~c'or_j) 1~~ l ~ ~~ •,:~ lli I~ ~ ! t ~ ~: li· I Mvenl.E 3~ 1 • Uo 0 ~aroldSlr -3 • I la Uo I 12 UnSftltvds ~~ + ll UP ., 1 KevstCam un 6 , 3, UP 1 0 3 Sevin ofB '• 1 UP ~- 14 Flememslr s •1 , uo 1 9 j• w.en Unil • UP ls !tS ~~o Y + ~ ; ~~ Ji I 1 ~~~Mx 1~:_ t t. ~~ U 1 AmVl)lon 2 13· 16 + S· 16 Uo 12.l 1 MetrOOFn 10>,{, + ~ v P 6.2 ~ ~~~~ ~~ +1. ~ ~~ l': ~u:,,~1:~. 1~ t \: ~~ 1:991 Suri1l~e1lm s 9 '• l Uo J terr~ ,~. I 2 Ve UP • GMl Group s '' • 7-16 Up . n«.()r pf 1 ~ 1 UP .. 7 AtllanFinl 3S +, 3 , Uo I\ ult••. '~ 112 UP .7 AlloyCplr 2' 2 + • Uo 1 1 Mere.de 2~ '.le Uo .6 SoundAdvlet 6 • + ~ Uo 11 1 4 Mc:Ormlnl WI m Ve Uo .6 5 All91oMed l '• + ll UP 10 7 5 ltetlancGo 0 '8 + '•SUP .4 Name l Fr•Yf'!'.lillr 3~ 4 IJrlmGO un S CrownAnder DOWNS DOWNS LA't °'9 ~ct. NMM Lest °'9 z~ -11·32 ll.6 • Solltron 1--''• S , -.J,. t 0 S lnttRect • ''" -~ rd . 11.1 77 u i~ = 1~ ~ !H I r,~~~0 ;~ =-~i l "--'> 1 ,4 t ~~J.ne' Slt -~ 29·16 -+ 16 10.9 ~;INwAsle 9 -'it l::: = .:: \U . I ~=o ~r: = 1~ t UldShoo ,. ew rPhoto • ~ · ~etewev • • 10 !Ke~;~ln !l I 1 t kRedlds s 12 lgnllleln 13 ntrv1>k s 14 nvirTec 1f ~~~" ~~ = ,._ ~ 10.4 11 =., ·i~ -·• 2'• -• ~ I~.~ u fMie t>lla Tr ~ -\'a 11 stAmarie, 1 orelend i• TetecmNwk s lnfotecll Ctf•rnk Proc HPSCll'IC , Merfef'ITrn' J~2·~ = ~ f '1·l 11• ti} ;,.. '~,,. = i ~ = .,; . J ii =p 11~ = ~ ?it -"• .7 ltvmer of !"• -~ '°' -·~ .7 Verily f:i;. -,... f t~ = n .i f.~, n ~ = 1~ ~ s Melllod8 5 ~ = ~ h 2 i=r.,,111 n 11/"' = ; Off 642-4321 Dtrttl m collttt. tu 1uh~c"1hf> lo 11ou r hamtto••'ft po~r . th' .. . , . .._ 17·16 .... ll .. I• . , ''"' 10 • IO"it .. "4 > • > • I 1 ll S7 57 w 14 , 14'4 17~ ti "'' l•*t , ... Jiii. I'-11\ 10 . 1~ ....... ~-1• ~ . . . ., t:~ ,. .. I ~ I • 1Si-9 1~ lS 'I 1''> 41 • G • l6 • ,.,., ,. JO"t 10~ 71 . u~ u~ J~MG .. ~ .. ~ ~ ,_ t.~ ,., '• ., '1 .. I ti ~4.6 . . . . 4'.g ... '· .. new twist on old methocJ.-----CllpJ.traao llna~ of saving for long-term goal tomer1er BJ CHET CURRIER . ..._...., NEW YORK -Looking for a disciplined. systematic way to build up a nnt ea for colleac auition or retirement? Consider a technique ahat Capt. Michael E. Edleson. an assistant eeon9mics professor at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. N. Y., c•lls .. value averaging.·· Edlcson's idea is a nev.• twist on the old. popular stratCJY lc~own as dollar cost avetafina. which calls for iovcst- ina idenucal amounts at regular intervals in a vehicle such as a muaual fund . l Bua unlike dollar-cost averaging. value averagjng provides a saructurc that tells you when to sell as well as when10 buy. The basic idea of vaJue avera.ing, described by Edlcson ill the Amencan Association of Individual Investors' AAll Journal, is to increase the total value of your investment by a set amount each month. Suppose Jou want to build up a mutuaJ fuo account to $24.000 over the oext 10 years to help pay college costs for a child now in second grade. You can pursue thal goal b) seeing that the account's value increases by $200 each month through that 10- ycarpcriod. The first month, you simply make an initial investment of$200. Stan1na in the second month, you invcsa whatever it takes to inettasc the overall value of your holdings by $200. If the net asscl value of the fund's shares dcclinet, you will need to put up more than $200 in ahe second month. If it rises. however. you will invn t Ins. Assumina that sooner or later the fund enten a period of strong pcr-fonna~. you are likely to encounter months in which price appreciauon alone increases the value of )Our holdinp by more than $200. In those 1nstantts, you don't invest atty money at all. Rather, you sell. or redeem, enouah shares to bring the monthly increase back down to $200. perhaps by switching the surplus into a money-market rund. A reserve in the m·oney fund v.111 hel~ you keep the system going in penods when the fund de-chnes. rnak.ina new monthly investments o f substantially more than S200 necess- ary. Spotted a flaw or two in this whole deal? Well yes. Edleson concedes. there are some. For one thing, the mo nthl) math- ematical exercise required make it more complicated and. time-consum- ina than a simple dollar-cost averaa- ing program. · Investing and redeeming odd amounts re,ularly can incur for- biddina transaction costs -one reason why. as Edleson say . value averqina works best wiih a muaual fund that has no sales or redcmpuon fees and aenerous telephone switchina pcwilegcs. Then' there's the problem of ta\es on capital pins every time you sell. You can dodge this if )Ou arc operating msidc an individual retire- ment amnaement that is not i;ubject to current taxation. Otherwise. Edleson sa)"s. there is.an alternative: .. Simply d o nothing" hen the value averaging rules md1caae that you should sell shares." Under this approach, you let the surplus stand in the account for as long as it takes to have the $200 monthly increases ca1th up with 11. If there is still a surplus when the 10 years are up, no complain~ -)OU have exceeded your goal. "This same variation 1ends usdf well to use with dividend rcm,est- menl and !Hock purchase plans. a popular tool for individual in· vestors. •• Edelson notes. In suc h plans, selling in small amounlS is often impractical or noa allo"ed An obvious objttlion to lhts \I. hole arrangement presents Itself read ii)· You art limiting whaa )"Our money can achieve. The beater vour fund performs, the more potential gains you will miss out on. f'nm Dally Piie& wire ten!' .. Nichols Institute i.n San Juan Capistrano and North Central ~ ontones Inc. have sipeda ckfinitavc ~t on a merger of the two Jn the merar•-. ahe sh~reholdcn ~f North Central will m:c1ve SI I .SO in cash ..and one share of Nichols Institute convertible preferred stock for each 10 shares of North Central common stock. The prcfttred stoc:k will be convertible into Nichols common stock having a market value of $49 al the end of four years or earlier iftbc marut price of Nichols common stock reaches S25 per sharC Nonh Central sharoholden will have the option to rettive $31.SO in ca5b in heu of the ~fencd stock. subject to proration, 1f w number of shareholders so electing e1ceeds ett- tain limitations. Cottsummation of tbc mcrwcr is subject to approval by the shareholders of Nonh Central. In connection with the merger North Central granted Nichols In- stitute an option to acqwrc 211.380 sham ofNorth Central, which would represent approiumately 15 percent oflbc number of shares outs11nding. Nichols Institute operates clinical refettnee laboratories and specializes in providing esoteric diagnosuc tes- ting to clients nationwide. .. • \ • • ' .. <¥anoe Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurscs.y, Septiembet 1, 1~ * ~11 --THUR8DA rs CLOSING PRICES Dow drops 29 points l"E" YORK I .\Pl -tock pnces fell 1od3~ amid renev.ed 1Aorr1e!> 0' l.'r the mtert>st-rate outlook The Dov. Jones a' erage of 30 1 ndustnals dropped 19 3~ poitm tu 2 001 '\I Declining 1ssue1. outnumbered ad,anccs b) about 3 to I on the "e"' \ orl. tocl &change. v. 1th 359 up. 1.0.,5 dov.n and .it.~ unchanged. 8 1g Board 'olume totakd 144.09 m1ll1on shares. against 130 ~b million in the pre' 1ou!> ~s1on The 146 68 :--;y E's compos1w tndl'\ lost I 61 to Classified NE~YORI<. A.Pl S.O t Prev. ThUndaY dav Aov,nceci 1~ JU Oedtned 1~~ 26t ync:Nneed 2l4 Olal~ 159 NewhlgM-J Ne.lo'#$ 13 1• NEW YORK (AP} -Sales ' o.m -Thot Ide' Pi ice ~ C!'le9'1M o• ff'le-ll> most ective Ameroe.n Stock E•cnenge luues, t,..d:ng ,,.1:on.1tv •I more "'I n s' .._. V~ LeSf °'9-Am<Sa 1 200000 38 . -1 , F rultLoom 336 100 6~ -• TuHAirCo 2ft 100 ll • C•rnivlCru 1 900 14 • W•ruiLet>B l 1 200 9 • NY Times 1S9 300 14·, • EcnoBev 121 300 17)• -19 Teles~t i~ 600 31. -->s il.V~ ',,,~ ,, • =' ; , GoLo QuoTE S 56J_8 NEW VOtlK IAP) S.0 t """· Aev~ Declined ~l 1073 ~ t16 ¥= ,,, 'lr.~ i••l .-11 =:1ow, 17 11 NEW YOttl( (AP) -Sein. • P-'n Tllurlda~ eAO...nel ~ oLJ:ba ~ ' "'°'' ecllve New YMk Stock Exmange tuues tr.oil'IO ner.onettv 11 mc>f'e INn SI ....W VelUme Lest 0... ..... El!ilEIC S,Sl4,000 231~ Penne PwLI 3,091.700 l5 • -' G«ildlnc 2,571,IQO . 22 • -• IBM i.416 .300 110 • -1 • PSvcEG 'jft SOO 22 • -~ Amer T& T 1 000 14~ -, Union Etee '·m·soo 23 • e iocon 1. ·m 4s'.. -~ MH<ICP t S2, '3~ +2~ Unlnrsco I u Jl e -'• N•vlst•r I , 5 • -' FordMotr s l 12.900 '81,. -.. H•l!)on 1 109,000 l ll.. + 'e UnlTel 1 104,000 34~ -~ GenEICt 1, 101,700 39"• -, Dov. JoNEs A~ERAGES NEW YORI( (AP) -Fin•l Dow Jones tiVet'l9" for Tllur\Oev tec*1 °"911 Hlltl -0... Ind ?023 12 2027 56 1~,U 2002.31-~ 20 Trn l'3 19 ... 9 01 S1' 45 139 0'1-7.61 IS Utt 171 93 171 Sil i1515 177 ~ 1.36 65 Sttt 757 11 760 71 1•5 69 751 Ot-9.CM tndvs 16.S42,200 Tr1111 3.3\0 100 , M ET~L s Quon s tllils ~93',~ , •s s111 2-.m.~ 1i11EW YOM (API -Soo1 ,_._,._ ,......, cY<C8 ~ . S1 l.00 -oo..~o "I'> C~• tClO' _....d0e9d"".O C...., -I 1 Of.I ' 10 • NO"~ a ~ u 5 Oft!·-...... . c...., -$103 IO -_,,.., ... -=-· ""°' ~ .., u... ~ _.. •• PCl'l"CI ... a.10 _.., •• _,.,., .,. .., "". ~ 608 Melall 'fl.-('-·· ., . .,.. .,.,. !'.! -• M S~,.;~ & "4er....,. •o-t O<lh o..o!• ..., • 1681$ -'""'!>I '' C~• ICIOI m:>rl" c-o--..,.u s$00-'36S<K' .... '6'""" .. -V('<• ........ ~'2700-"31 ~· \'°'I N" CQntrK' ,..._.S,WllC)N~ ~ ... t tO<l-"CvOI ~NI NASDAQ S uMM~Rl NEW YORI( (AP) -Moll Kil,,_ ~ -"'9--counter ''OC'k' W OOllecl bv NASO Ust .. ~~ ~ AMled ~ l:H1,~ 16'~ -.• l·m· 'l ~ , I ~ . J! .... ~ l, 177? -~ l, ' 38~ -.... ~s. 271..t -• ... l. 16 • 1,100 io . + 1~ House of Commons OKs Canada-U.S. trade bill -OTTA"~ l ~Pl -Opponents waved the flag and sang "O Canada .. to decT) ~hat the) callt'd a st'llout of natronal so' CTetgnl~ u 1hC' Houst> of Commons o'e~helm1ng.I~ ap- Pf'O'"Cd a s-.ecpang trade b111 th3l "'111 o~ the border 10 more l goods and ~C"\ IC'CS Pnme Mina 1cr Bnan "1ulrone' 's ~'c ConSCC"\'ltl\C'). ~uh 10 of the 2 2 seats 1n Commons. cas1h dchlcd ~combined oppo~tllon on ,..'ednC$da) and ~nl the bill 10 tht' Senate on a I -64 ' ote Mcmbe~ of tbc oppo mon4 mi· naled Senate vo•'Cd to stall the blll, wtuch v.as $lined Jan. :: b P~1tknt Reqan and Mulrone) • Tiie deaJ would amrnd ~"'federal Altutcs to d 1m1nate tanff\ and red\lee ~ b&men in ntarh C\"Cf) factt of tht-SI tt1llton annual tndi• panncnh 1p bc""'«n the -~ mdud1na ~II hu,1· --. \~ touttd 1t as a boon to business and )Obs and SI) 1t ,,.,11 Nt tht S? billion a )Uf in t.an fTs th.at Ca..S.U bU5l anJ coMumcrs .. =S.impon nts. •ho incl-* labor and ~ teiclcii Ill) thtdeal thra.en C1Mdl·s IO\Cft1Pl) The~ a UC lhl1 job& '-lb 'bf. bt as 1 buM• nes~ mo' e into 1hr-Canadian market "This ·~ a "e'r'\ pos1t1' e de' eloc>- ment for JO~ for the yout~ of Canada forthc1reconom1c futu~., ~ulron~ told rcpon cl"\ af\er the:' 'ote In Wastung1on. a spokesman for U.S. Trade Rcprescnau'e C'\ayton Ycuttcr said the L m ted tates ha~ tnvestcd a lot of lime, ent'~ and molle)' nqot~UQ& the deal Tbc U.S House of Repl!ICSCntall\es has ~ proved the bill, and tt 1s c'pectcd to pass• Senne t:tn-s-month. ··we att pleased tht HoUllC of Commont O\Cf"ht'lmaft&)) petK'd tM ft'ff.~ lll'ttmt'ftt beaux M bdie~ the deAJ i IOOd for b6t.l'I countnes.." the spok man Kdl Wmk.la,satd Liberal Parhamcnt memben ... fu~ a filll~ Caud•ao ~ ..cl ~ lbt MttOnaJ anthem, "'() C--ld&. to iatanapl W fut.al ~CM lht' deal •hteb t1 tcbedukd to take dh1 Jan. l and be phneid 1 n O\-et a 10.)11111 pcnod Tiiiey weft pMd b)' Dane> <nts.'wbo W •Mir oa1' mJftialwt CIMdia•ftlilL Protiionmtt of the bill ~ Cat\* ldiU ft_lll tNuam lbat reed. ~fee tnde -Im! ., C'aMda. .. ., \ ... lea thompson .. In 1944, the heartbreak of . . ~ World War II was no match for the shenanigans of Wendal• Oler.. . - :. t.lie Wizard of ,. •:' .. ---~ ..._ .... • • • CALLBOARD -The LP. Reper- tory's Lilliput Players will cast adult actors for three children's shows Sept. 10 at l 1 a.m .... four men and one woman arc, needed. and appoint· metit$ _may' be set up by calling 835-9611. . The Costa Mesa Civic Pia~ house will hold auditions Sept. 13 at 7:30 p.m. for "Monday After the Maracle.·· the continuation of the Helen Keller story .... Howard Shangraw of South Coast Repcnory 1s direcung and funher information is available at 650-5269. ~-RrS-T-OllORROW-AT-EDWAR~~·===~~~~~~ i----1------· TOWN CENTER CINiEll" ~ COSTA MESA 751-4114 PLAYS DAILY AT 1:15 3:30 5:45 8:00 10:15 YOUNQQUNI (R) l'lHlD-l:IUlS·lt.ll ( IMEMA CEH' f Joi >1••t>o• ""'"'' Q79~1'1 ftlOAV II.II UWTil MIN ""° ,..,_..., ROGeR IUMIT(N) ll!&J:tt.5: 1s.7:.JO.t.45 COCKTAJL (") '. TOM CllllS( 5:45-l:J0.10:J5 YOUNG GUNS (R) Tia 5:15-1:1S·t:l0 HTRA'ffQ • (R) . 5· JO.I· 15-1 O:lO NIGHTMARE Oii llLM aT A THE DREAM MAlnR (Ill) llG 5'J5-7•·ttt-ll:45 A Fllff CALLED WANDA (Ill) ... lll a.TIS 5:45-l:tf.lt:IS ROGER ~(Pell 5:l'-7: .. H5 ....aHT RUN 7:45 8ULL DURHAM (R) 5:41-lt:lt TOWN CENTER '., ~ ·wy Br,1101 '< • • ,,._. • ,.,. J • II ·~ '' ; ' • ~ . I , . •• .4 ;, •. lnAUNQHOME (PCI 11) 12 CJ0.2.110.4-JS.•·IS.l:ll·I . . ... ... DEHARO (R) llUCE WI.US ll:Jl.t·•·H S.MO·lO:OO . A Ftatf$:AUED WANDA (R) -UI M TIS .11Sl:4S-4:t0-6;1S.l·JO.lO:lS 8ETRAYllD (R) 12.:JO.J:lS-5:45-I: 15-lO:lO HOT TO TROT (PO) 1Z:JO.Z:JM:4S.7:to.t:OO ~:.,.nu wr:;· Ar• · .... ,._. r-, .~. ~· s' q"" 1 1·~ \ l ,. .... : ..... '. ,,..-; 1200 TUH/WEDl1'MU9'1 YOUNG .... (R) l:IS.J:Jl.S:U·l•H:lO ('HARTER CENTER Warner 11 B•~c~ 8"11-0770 'fOOA\' tt:tl UMTL..,.... . A "9H CALLED WANDA , • (R) .... UI O.TIS l J ·1S.1:1S.U0·5·4S.l:t0·10:15 lftALING HOME l.(PG 1') 12:'JO.Z:4s-4:4S. 7:t0-t:00-10:50 COCICTAL( ) TOMCIUSE I 1:15·1:lO·US.6:00·1:15·10:ZO HA (R) llUCl lllJ.JS 12:15-l:OQ.5:45-l~ll:OO TUCKER--THE MAN A .. aDMAM(PG) 1NS-J:tl.5:JS.7:ll·tf5 MAMIED TO THIE M09 (") lHl-Z:lO· • • • 4:45-7:111.•t-15 HTRAYllD (R) lZ:lO·l.ll:-5:4'-l:l'-lOM A FtaH CALLED WANDA · (R)-ll( CllJIS U:•2:U·5•· 7:1S.t.ll MIC:.C,l()N \llfJ(' T'f!llN e, "'. ,.,~ r • r , "' : : 'I I ~ I' '. f IU(J l'icNt u,,.. .......... AJ191CA• I-·~ (It) -LI( CltllS &:IM:Jl.lt.15 MTRA'ffD (R) 5:15-7:Jl.10:00 lnALING HOME (N11) 5:45-l:tf.ft:H SADDLEBACI<: C1"4i:MA~ ' ' F,,.. r E 'c;• P • ,!t ... ilj ~Ct( •'19 : ~1 ~BC TODAV 11.-~ HON MAC.A• HM:Jl.ltM . llOaUl(N) JZ•-4:lW:• Be9mln Stewart la tbe Fool and Dualel 8rpD CUUUl1 playa tbe title role in .. Kine Lear._'' 'Caine Mutin · slated in China .. LOS ANGELES (AP)-Charlton Heston will direct Herman Wouk's award-winning play "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial" this fall on a stage in China, the actor said. ' "An has always ~n an effective ambassador between nations." said Heston. who rcccntly directed and starred in London, Washington. · D.C.. and Los.Angeles productions of the play. ~~L---~-----t1::11::-t11~-iirue~pa=y,,-,.1~s ~sc~e:'2':-u:r--:r-r~ot.:--;m=1:-;i-· October in Beijing People's An Theater. ,_ • .a.ff F~YFOUA CINEMA$ 9113-UOl ....... A.MC FUt.U!ATON8 -192.9000 --EOWAADS WESTBA()Ot( ~1 -EOWA.AOS UNM:ASITY llS.t.111111 1n>1UH11tlzt TOllllCllUIS( • COCKTAIL (R) U 312 U Ut l M 1.10 • llOllllT Dl llllD MIDJUGHT RUN (Rl 1Z 1H 4U zt 1 H It ti "Artists usually leave a little more behind thao they t.akc a~·:· licston s:a1<1:-- Charles Wide. die.cc.tor of the United St.ates lnfonnatton Agency, said the project w_ill be .. very i.mpor:t· ant in strengthening the rclat~on.~h1p between our two great counincs. The venture grew out of the efforts ofa non-profit association formed by author Bett~Bao Lord and James A, Doolittle, whose mission was to involve pc'rforming and creatjve an- ists from China and America in theater projects. n addition to bringing these pro- ductions to major cities. the plan is to stage shows in.schools. factories and theaters in remote areas. 1.111.lll" .. 1.Mlt• .,._.. ....... ':t= Dll HARD (R) PWStlfl IPll WMOFRAMED ROHR RAlllT (N) "··-"' COlllll TO AllHtCA nu IPL•IUl ... \MI ...,...._...-:r= ........ IS .. " U•>•Utl.'flt 1al ....... ft -~ ........... ....., a..11 IO .-a ., ................... •• JJU.ll ta •• .............. ..-wo M llOI 111 IJ·HJi .. ltlS7Mt:ll ..., ..... MIO,._ _ _..,.. ,.,.,, ......... ..... --·" cawwil -------... ·-... 8UdJ' aad llob Cloaae at piano wttla Bd KaabJ. !Wlr ............. .i~ .... Jerry and Sandy Bet.eel ad.mJ.re cool lee Kulpture.. ~ .. --. . Gourmets f easf to help fight cancer By VIDA DEAN centered wi th terracotta cherubs and OftM...,""'.... topped by floral arrangements with "This is a practice sess1on for the trailing ivy. Aorist and Cancer So- chefs," said Mary Wllsoe, Chair-cicty vgluntecr donated and ~atcd woman for the $275-per-~rson din-die summer bouquets. On each table ner Sunday at the Le Mendien Ho tel was an eight by 10 inch box made of benefiting the Orange County unit of chocolate and fiJled with chocolates American ~nceT Socict). plus a blown sugar swan. But, it was not like a brjde cooking The dining group knew immed1- her first-meal and -practicing on · ately when seated what was in store hubby. The sourmet meal was for them -each place was marked prepared by e1$bt chefs with the with~ 12-i!'ch go!d rimmed souvenir combined expcnencc of more than plate mSc:nbed wnh the menu. 160~. Tomato consomme wa1 followed "1 started my training 1n France by belt pepper/egg plant terrine. when l was 14 years old," said arillcd salmon. (intermission) veal Roberto ~rometta. team captain for loin with wild mushrooms. salad and the I.ts Toques Blanches Inter-~"Toques ~lanches ·:desscct consist- natio nale chefs who will will compete 1ngofa vanilla mo usse, double sau~ at the October culinary '1rt exhibition and fresh frul\. And. then there was in Frankfort. Germany. petit fours with coffee. Appropria1e The-dinner, underwritten by the winn accompani¢ eactrro-qrse. team sponsor, the C-amation Co.. · Committee members assisting" ith • y, mon1hs of prac1i~ ·benefit details included Saa_clr..._ _ _ulC......mt1:.U..-P1:ac.JJo::......5'=ss.JLOll-<ltell'--+----i.._.. and was the final preparation for the Cleese who selected 1he entenatn-mixed reviews from table to table -com~t}tion. Wilsop. a resident of ment ~piano.music for the. cocktail "The salmon is dt' 1ne." said Ann Fountain. Valley;-manged for the ~our w1t~ the ~m~ros1a Stnng pla}-Jues (tablemates agreed) while benefit wtth _the _help of her husband 1n1~unng the dinner. Others were co-another group s.aid,"Who spilled a Lann who 1s Wlth Carnation. chair Au Dalllberc. Ooua Blae. bo~ ofsah on the salmon"'· To start the 6i -ca ric cvenlllg. S..U-l'orter <::ajtlt, :Jo~ oats:-=:-T& wbiiC:'bat tea~k1ng • .,..bo~-...-s--'~"....,.,~~~ the 128 guests sippedChampagne and Patrlcla "Frednclls Dolson, Diana included Geromctta, Carnation eAec tried fancy, fancy hors d'ocuvres Um_.a, Jerey ,-llarrlDgton, Ed chef: S&eve Gevlli1. Firs\. m1crstate shining in their aspic coating. The 128 Sdiaefer and Laaay Wllsoa.. Towers corporate u:cc chef: Wetuer there also found I.he caviar tucked Greeters for the e"ening. includcd Glar, Westin Bonaventure; Michael away in the o utstanding carousel hosts Sully and .l._erry Be11el, "ho SUfer, Doubletrce Hotel: lrosby horses ice sculptures. we~. ctkbraung tnc1r I 5t~ wC'dding NepcM, Stoutlers Hotel Orlandu: .. I'm iPassing o n the hors ann1vcnary.Getllngcomphmcntson Takdlko Yoslaioka. Yo h1·, Ice R bertoGerom tta dll& d'doeuvrto&, had a big lunch," com-he'rtown for lheir special ewnang. Sculpture; Shai~lll KoDDo, r'rvlne W~leon with e fan-:'y bo~ mented MJdel Rldard, adding "and Sandy said, "It's a Victor Costa. but I Bil ... ; ...t Hus Gla11ur H) a ll , l'f!' not !>Chind the sto':e 1~nipt:· t~k .!_l to Qigj and he added all of the Reacncy Scottsdale. ' • 'd oaena .. Richard 1s the award wmning. cner bicadmg for !fle.r . . Diners making their o" n c~hn1ng · . from Citrus Restaurant who earlier 1n The evening will tx' special to the evaluatio ns• included .l.C board Fred ff•ll. Dene and ~lck Doolin. the <!~ was honored as "chef of the ACS -"We should rrutke abo.uL.-c-hail'ma~ Miellelsee Mor~nd...loe Wamba~1b, Gary-811r- dcea<le' at a Merl<Jleii'brunc . SI S:OOO;• Sirdt e c all'\\ Oman." ho and Jerey Harrington. J~ckle !nett ~II, __ Robert Da•lberg and Dr When the ballroom doors opened was glittering in her cocl..ta1l-lcngth Jack Horaa, Mary Cat•eriae and QeriJya Sheets and.husband Mark guests found 16 gorgeous tablc.s gown. Tom Payae, Carnation senior \·p Modllmu. Fat friends beC,ome weighfy, P.roblem ) D&\R ANN LANDERS: I am sick I and tired of my friends being fat and setting fatter. last night. another pal called me all excited to say she is on a diet and has lost six pounds. ''That's great." I told her. Then later in the con,ersation. she said, "I've gained },Opounds since I last saw you." I was speechless. . This stunning girl is only 5-fool· I. ~ She says she is fat because he had a hysterectomy and quit smoking. Another friend 1s fat tx'cause she got a -llivorcc. Still another one gamed 40 pounds ~use she now has• tO cook for her husband. who is on a special diet. The most common excuse is, "I just had a baby." · These are nothing but alibis and rm sure you·vc heard them all. Incidentally. the first woman's hys- attectom_y was seven ye.ars qo. -The husband "Mary" cooks for 1s not flt. and .. the baby" IS now 4 years old. One of my friends has gotten so heavy that her knees hun and she is using canes. The woman refuses to acknowledae tbat perbaps her knees can't carry the extra I 00 pounds she· s ,put on in th~ last 21'1 years. She says theyWcnt bad when she started to JO&- Ann. please .telJ these women that obesity is the death knell to &ood 'health and looks and that diets wor~ only if you stick to t~m. Do )'OU know of a sure-fire way to lose wt'1ght? Please address this problem in )'Our column. I miss my thin friends in - LONGVIEW. TEXAS. DEAR LONGVIEW: Gimmicks ••'t w.nr:To lose weigltl aact keep It elf, ,.. mHt claaage . you ea tire ..,....d 10 eatlllg. Tllis meus •reaklal' old .bablts and learulng a wMle MW way of life. It's ...p becm e eatlllg Is one of lite mest ladameotal pleasures of life. B•t lmplemeoti•g a new mind~et cu be doee, "19 the results are eHrlDMSIJ rewarding. Also, losing excess welgllt wm a dd yurs to one~s lUe ucl t.eiW self'fsleem . . ~ . DEAR ANN LANQERS: M) hus- band and 1 bough\ our first house last year. It's our d~m ho~sc. \\'c "ent way over budget to bu"' It. The problem 1s our ne,1-<lo0r neiahbors. The have a wred ofa car in front and live like p1~. \\c are sick oflooltingat-theJunlc piled up in 1he11· driveway. There are mound of d111 everywhere and ditches..forp 1pc1 L~at we~ never. laid. They stalled to pa 1 n t the exterior and ne,er finished 1t. \l~ , husband ha~ been ms1~k their home and the) don't e'en ha'r lloonng The) li,'e on the concrete lab . These slobs ha·, e been plea~nt and friendly. which is " h ~ "e h:n r n't said much. But m) husband and l h:nc worked hard to make our \3rd and houst look mce:anchh1 tad c' dump nellt door cheapens the entire neigh- borhood. We're ashamed to have guests over. Other than pulling a I 0-foot fence between our house and their , "hat can we do, Ann~ We need some sound ad vice on how to protect our in"e \· ment-v.\\hout ;ihenaung o ur neigh- bors. -FED UP l TE'. -\ . DEAR FED: Tiie fence Is tbe best Wea. v .. CMlcl al.Oplan~ shnitis tlla t wHld block o•t t.he neighbors com- ple&ely. 'Slobs ..._., cU.D1e. Tlte) are ac- ca .. me4 &o kttiag it all lltaq .. , ud see IHmMlves as easy,1oi•1. laid-b8ck folll1 wtto \alle life as it comes. Britons made Kaiser butt of their jokes rlrf Britain are a number of quite elderly men with the likenCSS(.'S of Germany"s Kaisti; Wilhelm II tat- looed on their buttocks. fad among I British Tommies during World War I. Wife of an enthus1HllC whiskey drinker says: "He always sets h!s newly filled alass down, and turns his attention elsewhere for a couple of minutes. appNfi_n1 utterly ~1s. in1eretted in the dnnk. Then he picks up the ala• and donn't put 1t down 1Pin until it's ~mpty. In talks wirh ..a.. wives. J've &famed this 1s a pr8Cti« common amon& heavy drinkers:· . Q. Weren't t~ ~ttle Scahawlcs ' orilinally the Miami Scahawks? A. No. 11r. bul the lnd1anapohs ~ Cokt aaned out u ~ M1arn1 5-blwks. In 1946 '· muti ny. andbrokc under the strain of court martial. All the Piute Indian wqman had to do to divorce her husband was put his belooai.nss outside their teepee. Q. Is it tN~jewc)r) shpps 10 Saudi Arabia ate left open and even un.t- tended sometimes? A. So it"s repof'tW.-hnahy for theft thttc is 1"'putat1on ofa-tw>d or foot. Men go into the woods of upst:atc Ntw York and Pennsylvania to look for SO.year~ ash tttn. The denser the U.ic:kct. tt.f less lilely tht •ind bu bent lhc trees.. That's what the) 1unt. Out or one good tr'tt can 60 budMill bats. That hz.ard calk'd the a«ko -the one thal cu walk u~ do• n acrou the ttihnt -ii •id to be the onl) hard tlmt mU.n a no•~. Squeak\ wMntcaftd. n,., _... "\~ .. I JUSt Laun for ... bW. .. IMl'a an. Yn.. )'OU call tOPYrilftl I m11p. ' l,. .Q ....._. @ansz~:u'°" • tM ...... "'9pef '? A. lrdand 94 \, ' . Two things J uh us l ac~r and Akxander the Grtat had in lOmmon were ep1lept1C' lit and thl' pcrwnal conviction ofeach that ht "as d1' lnl' Rescarcherssa) about 2' peM'nt of the clams in the occaM :ire mo~ than lO<))earsold. but the\ don·1 ""''ho" they know. That passfon for hu)mg unn~n·~"' af} things " known ~ "on1 mama ·· The antdope. too. run" on 11 toenails. A rttonstf\K'l~ Stank> 'teamer automobek ~ntl) dro' e l'tom Lo Antt'n '°New Yon on S.i.SO \\Orlh offumatt oil. differ and wh) call tor 100 11.'ngth~ Jn t'\plana11on. Docsn~t mattu. Our Lo' e and\\ ar man S:l) ~the' m~\..c up a pattern of purpose common 10 all males of all pcc1cs. C'harlcs L1ns1cr J1d t\~ pu<.hur~ wtthout s1oppin He: W'3~ ·-foot-fl Rncarc~rs sa) a man·~ ap1ht' to do a pushup. all else equal. 1 dtrocll) proportional to his heiaht .\t the Battle of G<mlantown '1r Wilham Ho~T. commandcr of 1h~ 8nt1sh arm). lost his dog. \mc:n1."1\n~ found ''· and ~ (rC'OIJC \\ ,\ hmi· ton~nl 11 back v. uh .i pol1te notC' ~ the ,.etcfan in \Our fam1I• ho" th ~ two m1gtn ho~ fartd 1n 1C'tnam lttp1n1 pill, ~or for a ft" ""~ ~. E"l"n Sit\'Cral v.cc~ 1 hen th<' ~)\j\ MJUSIS. And tht, bc-c'ome 1~ff('(t1\~. E"m to. a couple o< n:ullton ~ Mh0ft•1ck \ak~tlwm f.X-tV.1 month\ Ot IO,.-r 11 a 'tttt h ~ u'1h: ~ \h?i , ... , B1 SYDNEY OMAllR ,.,..., 1 ae,aem11er f -ARJES (March 21-Apnl 19). Whal appears to be a loss will be ru:overecl Spotliaht on trips, v1sJts. relauves. 1endency to sca1ter forces. Individual who befriends you could help obtain funding. Cancer native in picture. TAlJRUS (April 20-Ma) 20). Surpri~ element worb in your favor, <XM&Ad ruu.lt 1n finaac1al coup. Mone~ ma~ a ppear to be coming from .. .., d irections. "Emphasis on control. humor. fitness. versatility. Gemim iovolvcd. · GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20» Moon in your sign highlights charisma, sensuality. initiauvc, personaht~. sex appeal. Timing l5 on tarcet. judp\ent proves correct. Read bet"ttn hnes. ched accounung prOotdures aod tnventory. • CANCER (June 21 -Juh 22)' Dig deep for mformauon, be aware ofsouf'ClC material. raliie member ofoppome sex. has ambi vafent f ech ngs. Open lines of' commun1cat1on, 1nvesttga1e tra,cl opportunities. Virgo represented. LEO(July 23-Aug. :m: Chips fa ll into place. you get complete story. major wish can be fulfilled. Focus o n fn ends. up1rauons. sex appeal, luck in matters ofspccula\lon. fa,orable changes occur at home. Taurus involved. VJJlGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ~fine terms. career an~ reputation could be .. at stake." Separate fact from 11lus1on. check st.at us of"big talker." You'll learn secret that ultJmatel) helps ) ou sun 1\ e. Pisces involved. · UBllA (Sept. H -Oct. 221: Look be\ond the unmcdiate. accept challen.,e of deadline. Rela11onsh1p 1s s1ro n& despite dLSputes. Refu~ to Jive up something of value for no1hing. pec1al succcs indicated an working wnb men. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-No". ::! I): Obtam htnt from Libra message, finish wba\ you start. open Imes of commun1cauon. You'll find .. answer" by rcviewint arcane htcranue. '.You'll learn more about an\estments, possible pannenhip. SAGITI' ARIUS (No". :!2-Dec :! I ): Accent style. ab1hty to take SJUlcr charge of youf -own fate. M oon posuioo hJ.&h_h&)lts public appearances, contracts. legal affairs. mamage. You'll make fresh stan. -- CAPRICORN (Dec :!:!-Jan 19): Protect possessions. review inventory, rcahze fam1I)' m<'mbe r 1s ultra-~nsttl\t' ronceming ··rcttnt relat1onsh1p." You·u be asked to pan1npate an prOJe<'t aimed at helping women. AQUARIUS IJan 20-Feb. I ) Refuse to be luru'ted b) one who lacks 1magjnauon. Good lunar aspect co1nc1des "tth creauvuy. travel. change, variety, speculauon. Young per~n requires "more affection." PISCES(Feb 19-March 20): enano h1ghhghtsdeta1ls. rouune. security, ·road map. d irection and purpose You will reach undl'fStanding wtth family member. you·n thus be relieved of burden. orp10 pla)S 1mponan1 role. rt BRIOC [ By CHARLES GOREN aM OMAR SHARIF --- Neither vulnerable. South deals. WEST • 61 "Q ·•A 4 NORTH +A 9 4 Q QJ915 0 Q 5 2 •• 2 EAST • 1' J 10 I 7 5 '1 7 l 0 10.' 4 3 ·O A 9 " some 8-9 points. iouth went o n to game on the strength of his good fit and rufflll& value in spades. West 'led a diamond, Eut took the ace md returned the suit. Obvi- ously, one of the dcfende:n wu striving for a ruff, and if the OCha' bcJd the -ace of hearts, there wu DO way lba.t dedaru could prnast a defemive ruff. lf that wut so, it would sc£m that cleelare:r woUld have to lose a spade-and bis SOUTH Fortunately. declarer WU an at- .. Q 3 complished tecb.nician. He redi.ed ? 1' 10 6 3 • . that he could not poAil>ly ~tee <> 1' J 7 bisoootract. Ho er wit.ha~ 4 3 ----a6le lie' of lbc cards, be 'llilbl be The biddin.a: ' mi&ht be abk lo ensmeer .. Sotldl West Nortll. East c:odplay. l NT p.., . l ~. r.. After 1'innins the second dia- l 'V Pm 2 NT h9 mond in hand, declarft cubed the 4 'V Pau r.. •-ace-kins of clubs and ruffed J dub Opening lead: Four 'of () ·biah· Only then did be-lad a tnullp . In the best of all worlds, declarer West took the ace and gaw hit part- wouJd be able ro thwut any ncfar-ner a diamond ruff, but East did DC>t iouuchcmeof the defenders. In reaJ enjoy bein1 oa lad. Widl ftOdlina life chat is not &!ways P<>,ssible. Still, left in his bud except spedes, .. when prospecu for the· contrtct forced rett;UD ofthauuit away tn.a secm-blear;-tbernJiaymtt"bt I ray -t.be tina pv~ eaatrm.. of lisht at t he en.d of the n,anneJ. Note that it would not Ldp for North-South were playing Ja· West to shift to a spillCk after wia- coby Transfer Bids, so North's bid run, the ace of beans. The def~ of two diamonds showed five hearts crs would get a spade trick .but tbeJ and his subsequmt tw0 no trump would lose their.ruff, and the COD- rebid promised a balanced ~d of tra<:t would still be niade. ACAOU 1 2 3 14 17 20 1 -end ct•ft• 2 Spurt . 3' LOYe god i 4 Muez:zfn•' • towet'8 5 VlrliQO 6 Fr9Wle*a 7 sWiV 8 Flower 9~.nim .. 10 1•~ 11 Tuma: ebbr. 12 - -_,one's bOnn8' 13 Saucy 19 At teroe 21 Fleehy fruh 25 Err.ncl 26 Ship's rQp9 27 L.-nd """' 2.8 Excite 29 Oek end 'feW 30~ 3t F)ord 32 A.tticu&ete 33 Concluded e . ' P'MVIOUe fllUZZl.E IOUED 51 i.ol•ted • 52 AtmoepMl'I S3 FlUtt• 55 eomt>et• 56 Peon of Old • 57 Breed 59 S<Mtl of Qa. IO FMt jit .-'.: 11 12 . . TD WAMILY f mcua ~!!::==;-(' .. Sorry 'bout the way my room looks. My mom just cleaned it~". -by Brad Anderson IN THE BLEACHERS by Steve Moore r -·:e:--=--~ ~ I . • \ ~ #~" \.'\j I, • q./ Darryl and Carl try out the new "stealth" football. DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ketcham ~ l I f ! ~---- "EEYAGG/ I don't need to wake up to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation!" PBAKUTS ME~'s TME WORLD WAR I Fl't'ING ACE"ZOOMIN6 Ti4ROU6H TME AIR IN ~IS SOPWITH CAMEL .. GARFIELD f .. ' 1"C'MON JM~ TELL fti; YOUR SECRET. l pR"(M1se, 1 ~'t eveN TELL Goo.'' by Charles M_ Schulz I ~ATE CLOUDS .. ., .. , (./ by Jim Davis WHA1''5 lMI~ M£.Ai9All POING-HE M~l' NOl &ElltVE: IN l'ME SPACIM(TTI FAIR"t' IN <JOOR &EP ? • ... FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE JUDGE PARKER by Garry Trudeau .. by Berk• Breathed ~S. T IJl!l.JfW"' t:llN #IJW mK/13£ MTN 1¥ 19'/ ~ • 1f111« -IJ!rf Mii. by Jimmy Johnson WE'"' MN 1RtC®! ~ Amrf CAIUR&, 'KYU JOl!IO.~' by Jeff MacNelty ..., by Harold Le Doux by Tom Batluk ~.WT~ ... ~ ... - IULER I r r 1 1 t ACOLL j.:· I t r I . · -~-.... . .............. -................ ... _._._. ..... _____ ....... __ .,, . .,.,..._.......,_,..., ____ .... - f I ..., Piii' THURSDAY. SE~EMBER 1, 1~ Lendl aurvlvH 8C8re to adv.nc9 at U.S. ~AMel• r•llJ to reglater 7-5 win over Beltlinore. .. ·-'-4Gs f~~~l1all was something special Newport Harborgraduates havefon d- reeollections of playe~s. experiences ,. -- EDITOR ·5 NOTE: Don Cant rd I 1\ a former quarter C''I: for the !9./9 Newport Harbor Hi1h football u·am. as wrll as a former Sports Ediror for the Costa Mesa G/otx·-Haald (1955-60). later 10 en e lJ/) cm t•c11101 --~-#rt.,, Da 1 /\ Pilorfort"" , c:;rS:Th 1 '" rhc lqsr of eight art1('/(:s 'on Neu port Harbor High -/9J/./9 0 , By DON CANTRELL ~ .... o..,"°' How s1gn fican1 .. ,a high 'IChool football 40 and 50 }C:lr.i ago'? Swift posittve rcspon51!S t•amc from all the man) Ne .. , pon Harbor High graduates~f that period. \\<h o were intcn •1c,H:d in recent \\C('ks . . "In the late 1940. football 1n Oran~e Count) high hcX)IS "a" more 1mponant 10 more stu1.knts and adults than 11 1s toda' ... ~1d Dr. James H11chman. h1s1or) prof(' sor at W~tem Wa an ton l 'n1' c,...11)._and a f948-49 Tars gndder. He said. "As pan ol a nntaonal culture that had JUSt ('mc~cd ' 1c- torious from World \Var 11. moM ofu, regarded football as a test of .~ oung manhood. a "'a~ to learn d1sc1plmc from adver')1t~. tcam\.\Or~. and lo~ al- ty to school as pan ofa "orth,,h1lc. virtuous nation.·· Hitchman added ... We \\l~rc proud o f Harbor High ... W e kn('" \\Chad a good facult). a "inning trad111on in track and respectabk OO')kctball and '6a.sebaU 'team . But footb311 "a" the sport. \he test." FrolD the sidelines The '11.~"s of °"c" pon lkalh Counc1l"oman Rutheh n PlummC'r a '41 songlcadcr. and ~tr-. Rtlhard lime. he suu_ed up for lJle~m.. (8everl) Claire> Jahrau<. ·;-i I .\nd there "a') Coa1.:h D1d.'Sp.iuld - cheerleader. "ere csst-n11all~ _1hl:,, 1ng. who came do" n t~r be~ch donng same. Jahrau Sl\ld. "We girl-. thought ·a game in 1939 10 1nqu1re alx1ut a footbalJ was the gre:ucs1 of all '\pons. chipped bone in "pJrk~ ~k·Clellan·., 'N.L -.ere 'c~ pons-m indcJ at ankle onC'C Newport Harbor It \\3 J trcnwn-The 1~-.pound Tar~ n~ntl·r th1nl..- dous school. 1 "1sh 11 ''3 th1.· ''a' 1ng he might ~l't tll pla~.' 111IJ schools "ere run lot.la~... · Spaulding he fdt lin1.• The coo h lx'n1 But ycster)ear lootb:ill :it ,_1.'"pun do~n. tool..· hold lli h" fool and had a broatkr dimension that started 10 bend 11 1n different dm·1.· blossomed " 1th good fcllo" \hip. n'7h 11ons. asking each 11m1." ··cxx~ 1lw1 humor and immense human drama. hun? .. Who could forget the p1ctur1.' of 10-McClellan said. "I (3n ~1111 r1.·- )ear-old Jen) Blue. the · 4~ ball .bo~. member 1he pain. but I lool..1.•d him 1n · racing to Da> u:lson Field as ln'>t 3'> his thee)eand said. ·~o: He \a1d. ·c,O;.>J. legs could ca IT) him C\'C~ af(crnoon" you"' 111 be read~ for the nc\I g.am.c · .. He neYer mis cd a prac11l"1..' anu. 1n And there·sa ':'arm relll'ctton lrom i«lgcr :-.c1tt. ~~3-t.l~kk."' ho ~J "Harold hell int '42 fullhad .. • ''••u d do ll for us "hen "'e n1.·cdl'd 11 but Vernon Fitzpatn<:k ('J~ quancrhacl.. "'ho "a l ilied in \\ arid \\ ar 11 1 "a' the rcal1nsp1rat1on fo r Jl.lJ2 Hl·"a~.1 natural leader a moll\ Jlt•r J riJ '1JJ real s.a' '~ as a q~ncrbJ1. I.. · Ralph Fre11ag th(' l'>J '~5 lull- bacl... also could h:n c k d 1h1..· J2 1 Jr~ to lhe champ1on~h1p H '' g.:ill<•r 1 ng st' le of runn1n2 d11le-r1.-<l fr,,m Sheflin's but he "·3, JU'>t J' ~1g 1-:i,1 and po"eriul H1 \tJr pakJ tx·,Ju,t· Sailor ran I..' had lx'l'r. 1h111 nl·d 11;.11 h' \\'\\It and th<' "trn-lt,,., n1Jrl..' d1Jn'1 match up. (Please see LOOKING/82) Vnderdog edge has gone After lean years. Wood}?rtdge has g rown into power By RoGER CARLSON Of ... °""',.. ..... There was a umc "hen the War- riors of W~bndgc High oflcn had that locker room-edge. n s11 ua11on when coaches could point to the bulletin board and a k their pl3~cr'i. "Arc you really that bad?" · Jusl' three years ago. for instance. they ~ere labeled for the a Vic" L eaaue " cellar and listed at 60-1 odds to win the league ~-...._. ch am-';.'-: pionship. e::;_ .-. The War-\~ J;....j riors had a •' J -1 n on· leaauc re- cord at the tiflle "ith '1ctories over Lquu Hills (7--0) and San Marco~ (8·">· and their coach. Gene NoJ1. 1aocd the 119pcr odds o n lo 1he bottom o( his clipboard as 11 readied for 11 Sea View football opcner-wi'h Cor- ona dcl Mar. • The latter felt the effects -Wood-bri. uptet CdM. 13-0. and lfSCd II as a spnRJboerd to finish chtrd in league and pin a playoffs benh. Timn hive chanatd. NoJ1 ha 1akcn a one-year's sabbatical and has been replaa!d by Rick Gibson. And the Wamors~ They're '" PR EP OUTLOQK another le~gue now. \ht.! Pa 11ic Coast League. and the) enter the 19 campaign after "1nn1ng thr Clf' Desert-Mountain Conference cham- pionship. finishing at 13-1 . • -..... The conferences ha' c °'--en done awa_y with divisions thi~ \Ca,!.._but Woodbridge is still No. I. 1n.D1'1s1on VIII prcscason ratings. ··1 don•t think "e'rc going 10 go an and have that edge an~ more:· admns G1bsdn. "They all "no" "c "on 11 and they'll be gunning for u ... "Most everyone ls returning a lot of people and 1t snot going 10 be cas). We cenainly won't be.-ncakmg up on anyone." The Wamors are 2:!-4 O\ er the past two seasons. but still -.11hout a PC L crown -Orange." upset 1hc odd O\Cr ' favored Woodbridge t\\O )cars ago. and Laguna Beach stunned the War- riors a )Car ago to claim the lcaguc 1i1le-and hand Woodbndge 11s onl) blemish. ~•This year) favon1e? Once again 11·~ Woodbn dgc which will be h led as the "Team to bea1." Gibson was hand-picked b~ 'oJi to assume the rems for a) car and he sa} s he has 1t all in pcrspccu,e. "It's already in my mind tha1 \\>hen Gene's beck. M 's back. and I'll return as an auistant. He's been w good \o me. pulll"I his trust in me for a> ear ... said Gibson. The preusurc o n defend1n' con- ference champions 1s a natural it~m. but Gi~n said not loo much of t'ha1 applies. '"f rftfty don't fttl any prnsurc:· -Woodbrilf6e ~IJ Watrlon .... ldl •••• '-'· ~ ~ ( .. lrriM) s.t. ~OOIN& Cet Tuatlft) '-'· D-UfllfWUtv (et lrviM) '-'· • .. .. ,.. lrvlne) Oct. ~.,.,._ let nine> Oct. ~ Meea• (et OCC I Oct. '~ .... ,., lnr!M) Oct. • OI ••• Cet Et ModlNI ,..., ....... ~ ...... ,...,, --~ .._. (•I lr'YNl ............. ,. ...... 1:9. he said. ··1 have the basic 1aff "e had last year.and Gene taught us \\ell. \\'c"ll go in with a lo t of the same philosophic~. You don't fh. a mouse trap that doesn't need to be fi,cd. \\e'll add a few wrinkles. some thing I "anted 10 do." _ That's all Woodbndgcfoc 'lnccd. More wrinkles. A ream-whleh at-.ay gi'c" ~nu e very straight look. Woodbndg1..' ha a reput.auon forcro mg up things" 11h assorted tnck pla~ out ofthc ... tra1&ht look. as well as no-huddk otkn .. e'>. "No huddle? That nught bt• onr of them." admits Gibson. An ad<kd attracuon 10 1hc Sl'J n 1 the return to the pro pect of all 1hr<.'c lrvi~ high schools ...,_.. \\ oodbridge. Universit> and l~ me·-mceung one another 1n no n-lcaguc pla~·. Presently all three arc in d1ITl'rcnt leagues. thus the nose-to-n~)\C con- frontations figure to crcate a great deal ofinterc t 1n lr-. ine. lrv1~d~ls Un1\Crs'it~ pt 'and socs against \\'oodbndgl' Sept. )(). Un1vcrsit) and Woodb11dg,e pla~ on Mpt. 23. The roacht-s of the rc\l)e'\.11\ c schools Sttm to be the onh onl' not ovuly lhrilJed. "We're t",·c11c.xl that the rommuntt) '<'11l see the games." ~Id Gibson. "but rm not cxc11ed about the 1alent ""e ha'e 10 fact" ... Despite ~or losses to graduauon the outlook for the Wamors 1 about thcsameasa )nrago-.1tha tand ut quartitrt.ct 1n the fold and "' unn wluch once -..in wlll offer the balance that defies an) pnging up "Ifs a lH>tcal Woodbndge team:· IHI Gibtoft. "Wc'"Ve M'tt had a kW of saa. but we hl,,c thrtt or four o'er 200 pcl8ndt.. We lr) to ~ann 10 the ball on ckfcMC and pound and c:ounwr on offentt .. OM oftholt who tips the ~·aks at over lOO ii P.A. Ema10n. -bo ~.u an All.elf dM>lc'C as a 1un1<>r uaJu end Md defettta¥C \ldk. Thts )~ar the 6- foot.J. l~. C>nC of fiH' mum•• llal1ft'S. •111 bt rn0tt in· volved •• tlw .......... "'<and ht'·s birl .. moved IO dcftMI\ ~ md. Heft•s a rUdown by pou'ton' 41l1Aln'D8AC'a -Fl't'd ·h•ttr (6-l. l 90) lllM*t ••au JUftM>f' h>no ••••••••••••••••••••• -t,.,. (I'll 11 ..... A.•IC>lta/U) • o.llf .... ,.... ~ Pred 8claweer retan:as to cllrect Woodbddee .,._ , .... .._ Wanton to a CU' title 1ut 111eo-. Scrimmages a wait G WC, Pirates A~ •"-cnl Wttb of prxu~. °'*• Coest and ;olden \\est co1eets• ~I COkhcs tiet a Chan« '° tee their p&a~ undn aamc cOnditJOfts Frida> 1n pttsea50n ...-im- "iC'·""'" Wlt1 "°"Santa M<>nK'.t II I p,m. and M\c two .. tt.U off bffoft tMir ~ opener at Rto Hondo. Sept. 17. The R\I den v.ill cn\trtam C-1tru at p.m at Ora~ c-oa .. t and 'JX'n their ~uo" Sept. 10 as •'" l Lons k ach CC 1n a n o-('()ofn'Cncc 11me · nmmaen coni.i l of dn'n •h~h tan from the and and run fOf a hnut of 15 pla • 1tb ~b 1Cam ~'' "" appro"ma I~ 60 pta~, dunns 1M non· nn ron•~ I Wendell Pickens tJSC football t eam ope ns '88 sea s on ~E\\'TO"-. Ma<.~ ! ~P) -f1ghth- ranked l 'n1,crs11' of utht'm Cali- fornia. led b' dazzling quartcrbad . Rodne' P('(.'tC. 1n' ades the East for the fir$1 umc 1n i ~ 't'af' to take on am.b111ous but unran.l..cd Bo<.1t1n Col- ~ t-amght ~n a 19 ~football Of)t'ner. TheTroJan "'tllhclpthcB<. Eagle" unveil a reno' atl..'d -\lumm rnd1um o\ ~llout ro"d of3~ l'•UO 1'\ :i~sured for the nauonalh tde'{ 1"4.'d f(;P~ matchup bet"cen the I'-'~ -Pac-I 0 champs and the mde~d~l Eagl~. who are beginning their ~Clth "cason since 1883 lnthetrfirstmC'('11ng la<.1 pt 19an Los 4.ngel~. tht TroJans r amc a"a~ 'Altha 23-1" \ICtOI"\ That ~as in the s«ond game of the season. and Peete and thl' TroJans "'~nt on to a respecta1'1c 11-J season .. despite a 20-1 i loss to \111. h1gan . tale an the Rose Bo" I Pttt.t ~· I ~ t · rt"C"ord as be complt1t'd 19" of332 passes for~ 709 yards and ~ l touchdo" m and ranked fourth in the natw n in pa<>stng tflioenn ow. a a fifth 'Car <;('n1or. P~tc has ~ .. ·r_p ofTens1."e stane~ ba<'k. including his top three l q ~ rCCt:1vers -spill end Enk .\fTholter. flanker John Jackson and tight end Paul Green. "I knc" he .. ·as good. but not that aood. -8C Coacb Jack 81dmcll satd after Pccte's pcrfonnan~ qainst tbt Eqlcs last fall. "H~ p ve u •fit' He·sa danacrous pla~er foranydeftn!ie. But our kids fttl they should ha"e won out there a~ looking fontflrd to pla)'int them 1P1n. •• BC, -.bich has aone to four post- 1tal0Cl bowl Stncx 19 l. shpped '<> ~ whtlt gl.a), .. one oftbc nauoa's tousbcst IC'Md"ks •ithout§"j. ~off 10 1917. No-.. · o~ 1n praeason ratmp; Eaps fttl thcf rc lad b" a .,. lt.8906. p • ""nte~·~aa Ml key po11~·n 1987. ~ thl) "°"' ha¥e llw Meded. ~ a.rty at Mille hwer. .-....... after~-.243 ~·--~ ................ USC. it bldo. .,,_. Mst KMI•• &fttll~U~. I LOUISVlll.E., Ky. -wt.o•s oa first? Bill Lyom.. Wbat•son ~The samt player. He will be on thud. too. Lyou.. a ull1ity man for tbc Louis\·ilk Redbank. will cap bis C8"'1' b) pla)ing all Dine posnions in ...... , Amcricb A.nooa1t0n pmt apinst ID- -~ ~ "I want 10 ba\·~ my ~·s min on mlly. catch«. •hen I 90 out to pla~ first bur.-L)ons said.. LyOM.. 30. has pb)ed ~Cf} posation thu scasoa acqJit p1tc:h- cr. but not in lbc saint ptot. -you llC"CT kn<Wo •·hat aumbrr IS IOIQ& 10 be DOI to )OUf name an tbc hntvp. .. hr said. T oniatn. that numbrr •"llJ aniualty be -1 ... or pileher. From lhn'c.. _ L) oos •ill probabl~ 10 10 nght fidd. ldl CC'nler. first ~ • ... sttOnd. third. shonstop and. fi- -As far as baQ& mo'ed around,a lot. at •-on"t be ~ acw b me. Ifs Just a matacr of dolDg st aJJ in oee pmc ... be satd. L)'OOS. who• 111 ust fourdifTt"rmtglo\'ndunng w prne. said the reaction of has teammakS has bttn moslJy laucbtC'f'. -;-we·rt Just tryapg to figu~ out v.ho·s going to pl.a~ ~as rm moving around.·· he sa1d. L)-ons will tak~ the mound •ith scbeduled $Ult« Dettk Boltlho an right f~ld. .. The ideal situation •ould be for "Billy to brcczr tbroucb the fint 1nn1nc,. .. said Dale ~~ns. a part o•ntt and~ manaaier of the Redbtrds •"ho a~ Lyons with lbc idea earlier this ~car. .. Derdt wtll be •""1JlCd up JUSl likt if hr •"C'l't' saarti"' lbe p.mc. lkn ifBall) ~into troubk_ be goes outtorisbtand Dcttkp11Chcs.-o.~nssaid. -w~·~oOt .,..._to let the PfM grt ridiculous. .. ~at wua~ t.tiat bcrcccrul~JUCt\Ma petition from 400 Wis• -anung to stt L~oos patch an the last pmc of tbe season. ~ dicfn 't e\'C:O lcnowo· •bat •-C 1'C'TC doing. .. Owc-ns said. -Ifs a snuauon lhat·s rcalh once-in+ lifcti~. lfsi nitt •11~ for Bill) to bow. oui .. L)·ons..caned-Mr. Redbird-I>) thcfansand mcdu bccausit be as the onl~ original ~her of the first Redbuds team in 1982. said be appreciated IM suppon. -1 thought it v.-as kind ofneaL .. he said. -1 dldn•t know that man) ~ rcahzcd that pn~r •-as w onf" posi uon I hadn ·1 p&a) ed th as ~car. I guess th~ ·u gtt ..:,wish ... Qaote of the day -JMk Merrts. Owoat Tlgtn pnchcr. who bad a 1a~ of Tcha1ko\'sk) mu 1 pla~ed O\'~r the T11tt Slad1um public addins ~-stem dunng the teanfs •orkout Aug. 16, thcn·,us asked •h1cb pectt was being pla)ed: -L~h. I lhlnl. tbafs from bas ·Gttatcst Hns· album.- Dra.ecky aldellned for year S"' FR.AX 0 -The San Fran-~ riKo G1.lnts. •ho ba\ e slumped 10 -Y• ~ pmcs out ID lhc XauonaJ ~UC Wnt_ IOnnalh dCcllrccJl>a\e Dr.in~c \ OU1 Qr t.bc sieasOn Wedocsda) and plan.-.& ~cU~ Downs on w 21-daydasablcd llSt.. Tile G!ants also ailed up left-handed h1uin.g Tim ~ bucman Francisco ~1elendcz from thnr T nple-A team in Phoenix. MC'kndcz.. v.ho had one h111n oght at-hats fOr San Francuco earlier this )car. v.-as htllmg .361 v.ith four home runs and 58 runs batted 10 in 96 pron.for Pboerm:. Dravccky. the ()p<-nmg 0a) pitcher" ho bas btto siaa1~ s1ncc undergoing houlder ~Uf'Uf) an earl~ June. was transferred from the :n~.a' disabled list to the 6Ck1ay last to -ge1 him read~ for ne't ~ear.·· the team said. ., The left-hander fim hcd "nhf:'f .:!-2 record and a 3.16earned-run &\.Cfagc. • Downs, suffmng from an anOamed nght sboukkr~ was pla«d on tht" 21~~ hst rctroacuvc to Aug. 25. when be was bun. He 1s the I 0th Gtant and SJ'(th p1ttbcT to be disabled this ~t"ar. . Batcherpat onlnjareclwwwwe· DaJc tuicbcr on anJurcd rcsene and c • The Rams ~ fourth-~ear JM,tnttt • ~ham •1th c;ght-)car 'etera:n' RJch II Camanllo on Wednnda). Camanllo. ~lclled ~ t.hc :"lie-A England Pat.nots Monda). •orkcd out for tbe Rams pnor to pBCtK"e-and lalcrrcachcd an ait'CCJlleDl •"1th the club. Terms ofw deal •ere not d1scl~. Man•halc. rcscne quancrbad. Mad Herrmann signed~ tao-year S520.()()()-ron11ac1 and becomes tM- only backup to Jim E\ettn. · Hatcher. a nght-footcd punter. undcrv.mt arthro5Cop1c su~f) on has left kntt on Joi~ :!l. The' Rams were encouraged b~ h1\ rehab1t11.auon and left him on the ongmal 47-man ro~ter Monda). but he strugkd m has first punting \\OrkouL -0a1c nttds a httlc mo~ tame 10 be 100 pctttot ... Rams Coach John RobmsonsauL .. Thas 1uU gi\e hem tk ttme.to make sure hc"<o OK and not nskang tt-IOJW) wt.en he comes back. ··we feel \C~ fonunate to <o1gn Rich Camanllo. Hc·s a \n} aood punter:· Camanllo. •hogre• up an Pico R1\tta. satd hr •-as disappointed to be C'Ut b the Patnots but dchghted witll lbc cbantt lo ~tum home. B. SEGUNDO -Dcftmh~ C'Dd 0 Ona Towllind. :anpcedrd by dlr NFL for lO~ ieJuly bcamr be Wltd a d.ni&'ISI. ~ ...... 10 lk Los ~ I.alders Wed• •y Md IOld ~ ht·s bttft a dally uta OI -1:·-~)ftn. 1-e said ""* days arr-~d': • -aJllll fdt-v-wm tomdlaiiii I ._.,...IO do lw d.e rat ol my hfr. -y °"''tftld said lllartly bdorr laki• '*' ill has fint practttt of the )CU. -n..rs all ..... ..,., now. I ltal'Dal a lot about at. .. l~m) lasa~ntonJune22. Tbafs90ing10 be n b lhe mt of m) lift". I ha,·ca IOOd suppon poup. my prt&.ced, m) mother. I ha'e stc>pprd. 1t•s •must that I stop. Ifs oo. probkm that I stop. Success and df1llS don't lftU... I T ooa'Meed IS one of OUK" , Fl. players trrho bave been susprndrd th.ts summer becaUSt traces of dlcpl IUbsiancrs ~bind an tklr S)Slen\S b' a SCCODd timt b) NFl. 1tSllen. Towntmd. •-as a fourth-round deaf\ cboatt eflbe ltaidtts an 1983 after anrnd1ng Domi.QPCZ HiP m ComP'OD and T eus Chnsuan l' n1' tt51ty. He pla)'Cd •• 13 pmn WI season. sun1ng <>nt'. and led t.bc Raiden in sacb •ith Slf?. He has ~91 : sad.sin fh"t" pro scasom plus 4~ matt an poR•scason games. T ooa'MCDd said be ·u be re-ad~ to play Sunda> •hen me lta.iclcB ~ t.bc San Oi('gO ~ 1n a scasoo- optfttl" for both team -rm t.ct no--and rm gomg to do •c-11:· h~ sald. -1 can) •-a1t to tct started.. rm 1n fan shape as far as conditton1,._.Uc. I cbd a lot nf v.c1gh1-hfung. more than I cbd runn•Q&. I just tned to lttp up m ) smngth. •• ComabackTcm Ta,loroftht"Scattk-s Scaha•ks•-ass~forJOchlys~ lht' •llt NFL on Wedncsda) for \ 1olat1og the IQ&uc·s subst.ancr abuse poh .. Ta)1or as the second XFL player thh week to ttttiv~ a subsa.antt--abust: suspensio n. New York Gaants lincfbackcr lawn-nee Ta~lor was suspended Monday. alJO for 30 da' A 30-da) suspensio n as normaJI, meted out for .. phase t•o~ ,;otauon a S('COnd offense under lhc Nfl.·s substance abust" polK!. -\ first offense can bc handled •1tbout ~ns1on 1f a pla)CT undcrgocs treatment. A .su.spnu1on for a second pos1 u' e t~t mancbtcs trcat:mcnL :ind :i pla~cr must satasf~ the lcapat that ht bas progcsscd ..ausfactonJy before being allo'a'C'd to rtJOln his team after the suspntSJon 1s saved. - third posJtl\~ban calls for a lifct1m~ SUSJJC'T1S10n. •nth a pla)er eligible to Sttk reinstatement after a ~car. T"") Ta)lor v.-as placed.on the Seahav.-ks· non- football IOJUI) list efTC'C'l1\e Wcdnesda~. said 'Fl. \J)Ok~n J~ 8TOY.TIC. •ho satd Ta~lor -hn bttn 1 nstnKted ~must st.a} out of"Scank-·~ traani ng fao litics until Sepe.. 30.-· The comcl'bact thus ,.,11 mass the Seaha.-ks' fiBt four rqular-scason pmC'S. Scauk opens the season at l:Xn'cron unda). Mean" h1lc. SI\ pla~~-n suspended dunng the ub1b1t.on season after '1obung 1bc substance ab~ pohC) •ctt rcanst~ncd b) the league. two da~s bcf~r they v.-ctt sc~uled to~tum. Th~) will be:allo•cd to pla~ 1n thC'lrteams.· openers 1h1s Sunda~-• . -Bccausc th~~ h3\(' compht-d "'Ith alJ the condnaons. •e hue reinstated !he sn pla~cn toda~ ... ~spokesman J~ Bro~nc-"3.Jd. . TM s1~ art" running b3 l \ Doug Du"Bosc of San Francisco and Robb-Ru:td1 l.. of BufTala. dcfcns1,e lincm~n Greg T ov.nscnd of the Los .\~Jes R~udcrs and llaclurd Rttd of Dcn'cr and ofTc:nsi'c: linemen Kc\ 1n Gopn of pa lbs and Pat Samdon of .\tlanta. Schroeder wins am•tear dde PEBBLE 8 CH -• 1'tC"en-\car-old l!I Eric Schroeder had a par· on the fi.nal hole Wedncsda\ to edge Cliarhe \\ 1 b' one strokt" and •1n the: Cahfom1a fonaor Amatc~r Golf Cbamp1on~1p on lhc Popp) Hills cou~: Third V.'llS Joon ltt orfulkrtO,n at 2.13. followed ~ Austan Makl of Costa MC!sa at 2~6and Freddie Ch~ of'Oakland at 227. "-lso v.11h a cr«tnable finish "'as Huntington Beaclfs Mike Holmes. v.ho was 11cd for 11th at 231. · Schroeder finished \\llh a 2-0\er-par 74 for a threc- round total of 219. three shots O\eT par. Wi. 16. of Thousand Oaks.. sl.1ed to a fin.-1-round score of79 for a total ofl20af\crcntmng the last da~ •1th a four-stroke ~over Schroedc:r. TeleYisloa, radio TELEVISIOS 4:30 p.m. -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: at Boslon Collqc. ESP . 4:30 p.m . -~"IS: l .S. Open stt0nd· round matches. .\. • 7:JO p.m. -COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Bnglum Young at \\ ~ommg. ESP:-.l. 7·30 p.m. -BASEBAU.:'"'Boston at ngcls. ZChan~I. 8p.m.-BOR.SER.ACING: arrcplays. Channel 56 (Pnmc T1ckc:t. 10 p.m.). 11 :35 p.m. -~'IS: • .S. Open high- lights. Channel 1 RADIO . 4.30 p.m. -(X)Ll.EGE FOOTBALL: L.:SC at Boston College. KNX ( 1070).' 7:30 p.m. -BASEBAU.: ~ton-2\ Angels. KMPC(710) FlllDA V'S TELEVISION 9 a.m. -TEN1'"1S: l S Open third-round matches. USA I p.m. -GOLF: Canad!Jln Open second round.ES~ Lendl survives ftv:e-set ~~~~e Three-Ume defending U.S. Open champion overcomes Manadorf ... P...-81 -- 1...atrr ... S.nta Ana ollttr'. Old Bil Coo« oftm st~ tl)IRg lO deride .who '° sun -F~•ta& or si.eftan Don Cantrell's Special Newport teams ...... ....... ..... .. -..... Tlw'MHn ,.,.._., ... -_...., F...., (ltM·d l ~-....... (tMJ) ~ -Dk* FrwemM C1tG• .. l .... -ec-. 9urdl ,.,....,, ~ -emf Tri.. ( 1941·41) Cllllli; -........ (..,..,, Tk Sbdlim •e« ahr.-a) s in aht-ac1. oAe. 11111&.h a iiCGSt of humor. Hal·s brvtlltt. Frank. a s&out dc(t"n~ \ e end. aid. -1 macmbrr "-hnl m) tw'othcr llollat fll udk) rauect up an the liw oace ud a pus hat hitn an tbc danl. He pabbed the ball and ran JS-40 yards for a touchdo-n, It m* me mad. because I 1r.·as an ~nd and couldn't catch that •ell." • .... '* -~ Miler ,,,.., Liii ... -.. ~ (lNt) l.nlic Milkr. tlw' 1943-45 coach .. ttea.lkd some amusement~. Home teams provide the pme ball and tbe offaaal ball an 19-45 "-1IS )ellow •1th black stripes. Harbor liked 11. bcca~ llSJCIY)S ~ )t'llOv.t •1th dark bllX' aumben. Great for ball-handling. as .ti as clecepuon. ... Sant.a Ana Coach Ball Cole dida'\ lake at. And be fumed and limed o,·cr the phone befo~ the Tar pmr ut1til Malkr. the home team coacti. pve an. Malltr lauabed. then said. .. He was rcall) upstt.. So •"C tool a tan baJJ and .. anltd 11 w1th blacl. stnpes. The paant •-as still ~t v.hen the pmc stancd.- Malkr also ~mc-mbl-rC'd i.'nd Rod MacMillian. Y.ho -caught a pas for our only touchdown again t Full- C'f'lon m 1944 and couldn·1 remember iL He hadbttn hit hard earlier and \l C dac1n't know it. One pla,cr Quipped. ·wr should ha,·c. knodcd him out earlier:·· Bua Miller added. -·Rod ''as a steady. dedicated pla~cr ·• Rclauvc to memo~ los"-man~ hav~ tM habit of ..a~ mg ~e\l fl()n·s first football champ1onstup c:ime in 1942. but Rollo Mc<'lcllal) "'11J cor- rttt tkm. He pl.a)ed fullbac k on the first cbamp1onsh1p team -1hc-1936 0ranar Lca&uc 8tt utlc ,_,,nncn. And thttc \l1' that •onderman roaonamed-PapaG1no-~ "'\ny time the ·49 pla~crs dro\e h1~ ~n. ~nc. b) his Italian ~urant after prac11cc. the) "'e~ cordlall~ greeted ·-11h ncb pastm'S and soda pop. One ~ntly complained one da~. ·· P:ipa Gino. I ~ rhe pounds at prat11CC and )OU put at nght b3cl on:· .. auvcs .. hke Carleton Mca~. ·4 ........ --...W Wettt ta_..,) ~ -b1Pt1 Frelt• (1NJ--4S) Illa MM -Kelttl Eneleherdt ('G) ............... , .... ail -Cart oe.1C1 n":r-G> ._, -Edwin Miier ( 1942) Teddi -9aO Robins ( l"S· .. ) T_... -BOit WOOdhOule ( IM·50) ._.. -Jofwl Klnelton ( 1941_..,) ~ -.. Clel1t (1' .. ~'7) c.... -JlllWI $Nfw (1NJ .... } ca -V...... FitJN"lc« 11 .... G ) Lllllt ... -Mii Srnallev ( 1"9·50) ...... -.... 8et'rv ""'·") r a '* -Hal -.... 0919-42> All **' -AA ....._ (1,..) Ma)ft'. 1 16S-pound hMbacktt an 1941-49. when he first hncd up ..-inst tht 2S().pound veteran and looked hjm in the ~ e . Muniz said. ~1f you can•t handle me. you don•t belong on this football field.·· Ma)'Cr and Muniz later made All-Eastern Conference on a clum- paonship team at Oranac Coast Col- lege. On the somber side of Newport football. thcrc·s the passing of fallen comrades. who wiJI long be rc- me.mbeiCOby fans, friends and rela· tivcs: Fitzpatnck. Manuel Munaz. Don Trips>. Ralph Ege. Bill Bcnuleit. t942: Jun Brooks, Don Vaughn. 1944: Gene Ltt. Rod Gould .. 1945: Bill Brownie. Paul Robertson. 1947: ('ljff Tripp, Brue( Ellerbrock. 1948: Bob Blaisdell. 1949: and t\lO endear- ing kids from the ·1950 Bee teams. James (Jughcad) Hanson and Glenn Cant~ll. Nor an we forget ·4& tacl.le Ted Millctfs sister. an<'). a manelous majottlle 1n 1949. he had the promise· of a budding 101.1rnahs1 in -eartin )ea.rs. but he lost her hfe on a mission to sa\·e someone cl~ m the high mountain count~ of Ne,•ada wnh the Reno arch and Rescue Team. quanttback. and Gi.'nc Mcl\1ac;ti.'n.. The} \\ere all special. . 1948-49 end. •ere acqµ:untcd ¥-alb We'llclo~w1th happ) mi.'moncsof the antics and ph~Sli.:<11 challenge another who al"'8)S warmed the qainsa At Muniz in Tar scnmma~.. cock.Jes of an lnsh heart -and that McMasttts flid. .. Hcv.-as--so-bag. )'~ -wan pngly • .blondc.haared kid, ~hp he •-as quack. You had t~ go under bad a habit of making sounds of him or o'er him -}OU i:ourdn·t go tnumpbant gridiron music \\h1le through him." gesturing the shde movements of a But n was a sh~k for an innoct'nt-make-bchev~ trombone after his ~faced bo) from Chicago. Eddie lcam would score in ~ndlot football. He dreamed of Stanford. Heo dttamed of becoming an All-"mcri-.. can. And he dreamed of a glorious crowning in the Rose Bowl. But all those lofty dreams from a )OUngboy's fanciful visions of gndiron am~ mortalil)' would never be realized. But in one's hcan and spin. he - and all the other radiant youngsters across America. endure. forever. 1 * , Oii ... ~ wM fin.I OOIH -Of el IN llldMdu•I$ lnvotvect. oo one tQf'nmendecl ,,.,. r.....a tNn C.0.Ch Al ........ Seid .. -. Ir.:. "He wes !flt tc>lrome of • eoect1 tllld Nd • er .. 1 lmoK1 on me end menv WflO •Wd for him.'' . . • lno1ln IHrr*I "I' cOlllW Ml el IN k,_ of ._ ....._ -11 , ..... of Peclflc. St-•• 11rHI iMOvelOr, Often Miii lrwln IM11111Hliom ®on ,._, • • ,.,_. lrwln's 11roteen wllen et Anllocll Hlefl _.. ... MMCl!eel, ea well H -rds Dllw P.-... (._) Ind ..... C:-1 Ille lefW a Slenford irodud wtlO WWf'll on to Mii> Pomone Colleee to ~ dlemPloMhlos In lfSl·Sof·SS . •• LAI -..., IN Tan' lootoe• COICJ\ clutlfte lfw WW II _.,, was CMta ~ Hltfl's fonl irlnc..... Hla -"'9 c:lau of 'SI waa com• -.0 of ... """"*' ' . ,..,..... ~ an end IOf .._ • .-In rne 'JOs, ...,, on to 1111a1rn1 • ~rtrer-on11ne tor 1T111J1V ¥Mrr Wl1tl IN San Jose M/KC!Xy . T .. Tr.....-, '4' ledlle, mlueo • BM orectlce In • ., 10 lluv a i.wv calf end _, dilmtHed llv Coec.ti Lft -.... ,,,,_, relefti.ci, llowtW<, 11 rne ure<ne of .... lculfural IMCNr ...... Mal I~ IUWd .-i .,.._s ·-fuMleci. ._.. ,..,..._. r9Qlled Mttlnel wfltl ~ var-.., wtlO llM IN MY fooltlall In tne ne~. Tile rule of """"° WH 'W.V on Ille -!lift.' CM' Yer.., WOUid pOcll UD M o.n and llO llOfM Yerdlev wenr on lo ftfl.~l'I an 1A·lime N•A• KOrlne r.cord wlltl Ille 0.1ro11 P11IOM • No --i.esed IN lerl· tut>e Pllvw In ,.._ He WH Didi 9raa, •n end WfKI ltll'Jlled IN uoWct wlin a 7'-v-.rd·eod·uouncl Dlev'ior a TD ... m.1 G.roen Grove in • 13-0 win • Former "-lntendlflt ~ ~ la n ... resldn Jn.. o.remont --.-a-~ wM Ille lftl ICllJW of IN TomtKtone £pltl0fl end one of Ills ldilMiels. Clffllno wilh Ille ONtll of a VOUl\ll Mexlc1n·Al'Mf'i<.1n IO!Oler in \/lei· nem, wu ruel lnro ,,,. U.S. Conoreuloner •-e1 He alM> oeM.ct "Fre1m Jennies to Jet•,.. a wort< on Ora.nee Counrv • 1vi11o0n ""'°""' " A •-lter oldie New Zeeland crew n Dda tM Ue1 of die 132-foot yaclat. Tlae IOwla will meet Dennla ·Colmer'• catamaran for die America'• C•P lD San Dleco. SDYC.passes reSOlutions Yacht club hoping ~~~~~~-'--toprevent future --~ Cup controversies On thee,·e of the stan oft he :!7th Amcrica·sCupbet"-ccnSan Diego YachtOubandtheMercur)Baf · BoatOd1>ofNev. Zealand.San Diego YachtOubh1scomeup~11h ascn~ of resolutions which \\.OU Id. hopeful- • ly.Prcctudcanyfuturc .. meckc) . moux-contro,crs1csthat prc,a1I m tkcurrcm upconungcballenge. Such uSDYC-s dcfen~ oft he hallowed yadUU\I prtlC Y.. flh a 6().. foot catamaran' cnus New Zealaod·s 9G-foot waterline ( I JO fttt O\ era II) mooohull. -Wfwcwin ... saysSDYCC-om- modorc Douslas Alford.••• c -.111 conlidtr as vabd all challenfs ~ mYat prior to Oct. 14. 198 Then SDYC. 1nconsuli.t1on •1th th<KC ~will tn\'ttconc to Kneas C'haltnsrofRccord and ~nt all tkotbcrc:hallmltn. ""TMCbatlcttsrofRttord will theft consult witft chaJ1m9c"n lO ~· their vicwsoa the pamcular1 of the MXle~t andudln&tbcdatc. thc numbcrofrKn, lbecounnand the tJPr,of'bmt. Wr w111 do the ...tmt ouaa with ~till ddmsc can-d~ - Al of'dait isdnaprd to tet AIMrim .. C11P2lh!an Ditto an 1991. wlricll .... whit SDYC had =.nif ~Zalandtr idlllcJ fQ ..... 100.)'ftlf old Dilldaroiftaid .......... htcOuld rt "!L ......... =·a.wr ..... .,., .... A•ma"S("tl'ct "rn11.•~· dll*llo6n'dll:le.,._ Te,.1tcMllilClr'atitw10n.,_ha, ...... -.c..,..,«i•-• ~IDYC' ..... Mwta.MP ... illRllllLWIOD98ftttthr _.afdwAw ..... _tt.l1111tift ..... llrnitC!clnMtlnt the.A.,.. ••recltlM lllie( .. ' • That was how New York Yacht C1ubgotawa)'with nammgthedatcs and typcofboatdunng tbe }cars they defended tMCupat Nc-wpon. R.I. from 1958 throuah 1983. Soon after tbe sun NYYCwoukf put out the • word that; · -if wt win. we wall entcnain cha~ forlbencat Cup races 'immcd .. tely afta tk tht" Kncs is over:· h 's•lsowhat AustrahadK1 when they defended tbe Cup at Perth. Australia in 12 mctcn:Only the Aussindidn•t win. But"': Dennis Conner and the aew lbe c:a1ama1an docsn •t wia. lt'saola fOft10ACClOOCluS1on. as nwsytbink. rcprdlaloftht known speed of a catamaran vcnus the ordi'*Y monohull. ttere•sbow: I mnembcr a few yean back when Buddy Eblen chlllrn,ed Pat Doulae·• I 2-meter toa "'8\dt off New~ leKh fer whet was IO be known as the IGmbttl)' Cup. Most casamuan drvotecs weft Matt thiit a...·137-f'ool Polynnian c~ would nan~ud IUdr from the 12- maerColUMbia. AM to ii did on 8 breery bn1 10 tht -*'lllllrt. .... lkdownwind ~---died.andtodid Paty Coa.wlUcll•dladinlhrwatcr 9'ileCal1r•ia.WfflllllM&011•toof' • ..... --= ... .,wi ... by -·~I .. . kia••~af'r«ord&Mt c-....-. PolyC'.'on bydsflt m....mo"'1a20-maltrourw. ~._. ........ ,., llilit,oia ' catamaran capsizing in a breeze of wind? I can also remember the ·Yachting Mapzine One-of-a-Kin~ l'CptU offNewp<>rrBCacfl whflt a hard sail catamaran. like the onr Conner will be driving, "cnt belly up betWtto the Balboa and Newport piers.---· Boats with heavy lead keels do not capsize in anything less than hur- ricane conditions. And don't forget that Conner. with. linle or no catamaran eApcnence. has dismasted a catamaran three times. and capsized one once while .. pracuc- in& .. forthe America'sCup. And there is also the poss1biht)' that New Zealand. with that acre of sa1 I on 117-foot mast could blanlr.cHhc catamaran dunng pre-start man- euvers. Or is it possible tha1 lhc 133-foot New Zealind is in fact faster than the 60-foot Stars It Stripes. After all monohulls are known to sail doserto the wind on a beat to weather. Oh well, those arc just some of the .. What if(•. Of'oncthinawccanbettnain. When OennisConn~rand the Stan& StripnettWarrivcat lhcstartinahne in a catamaran, a red protest~ wdl be hoillCld IO tbe spreaders ofNcw Zeal8nd. Michael Fay falled to act the New Y ort supml'.'t coun to uphold has ~amuon that a race bctWttn a c:atanunn and a monohull is not a .. IMICll ... JustJCeC•nMnCi~. tired of'heari~tll oltbc prl'-ratt lhiltlioe. · i1 flat out: "Gone.d and racc-a.nd then proent ... And Fay lmdeclaftd lhal istucd) wbM ........ if'ht ........ ....... ._,.~..-at. by eidlcrc a , wt. irill llilill~ IO bt .._..._by• in....._.ya'dll- ......,: nn.m~candle )lij...... -,.1 "''°* Yod.S. ,.....c-. . .......... ....c., follawt~..,..e:-T1t61hd'-'~~ _ .. ,...,. AmerJC1'1C~ Twins' Viola Wlns20th He ats Texas. 10-1. to earn 1 OOth Victory of his career p,.. fte A111da ... Prest . Frank Viola became the mltjor lcaaues' first 20-umc Wlnner Wednesday nl&ht. and Kirby Pucken hid two Thomen and five RBI as the Minnesota Twins beat the nu .Raneen, 10-1. in Arlin&ton. ..__~•_?la. 20-6, who failed. in two p~evious bids 10 k~'a,.;: the first M1nnesoi. pitcher to wtn 20 since Jcny ~n i~ 1979, was in. command from lhc start. CJ'UlllnJ ~has I OOth caittr victory. He allowed five hits in seven tnn1np befol'e ~rman Gonzalez aot lhe last six outs. . P\:K'kcu I~ a 13-hn Tw10s attack with thrtt hits, ancludina a paar of solo ho mers, has 20th and 21st of the leUOft. Vi~. whose earned run average dropped to 2.36, llNCk out five and walked three. He lost his shutout tn the sixth when the Ranaers ~a rua 0!' left fielder Dan Gladden's fielding error, ·allowina. Oddi~ McDowell to score from second on Ruben S~'s Smale. EIRW~ in the Amt'1'1can League: . ~dlledcs?, lle!IS.x t : In O aJcland. S.torm Davis won has nmth stra1aht dec1s1o n and Mark McGwirc bit bis 27l;h home run as the Athletics completed a th.rcc-pme senes sweep. .. Tlcen t, f!IUte Sox 3: At Com iskey Park, Lou ~hataker drove an thrtt runs and Jae~ Morris improved has record to 4.0 against Chicago this season as Detroit ended a four-aame losing streak. . Y ... ees t, ~arlaers l: In the Kiogdome Dave \Ytn~eld drove in three runs and Rack Rhoden pitched a 11x7hnter as New York halted a seasoo-hagh six-game IOSU'f itlUlc. • ~ah l, ID•W.• 8: 8 111 Pccota's suicide squeeze drove m the only run of the game m the seventh inning and qwt~c Lcibrandt scattered sevenJ11ts as Kan~ City prevailed M Royals Stadium. • •~en t, Bl~ Jays t: Don August co m iiilecrwiill two ~tcvers on a nmc-h1ttt'r and Robin Yount drove in two runs wt~h a homer and a single for Milwaukee at County StadJum. * Tillln t , WNte SU 3 .,..,,. c:.NICMM> ...... . . .. ..... --.a 4 I I J Gelilllvcl 't 0 t .._._, 411 I L"""tJb • • l 1 1 .... • < 1 l I .. "-'_. 4 0 I I .,_._ lit • t I 0 ..._ r1 ) 0 I t "-"' lt ll IC'Mmt.., 1000 .......... )2 1 1 SeleH Jtll ........ 4 I t 0 -"'!!... I 0 0 0 ._...c J t I I lot•tfl II ) 0 0 0 """"'cf 41 l l•Fl ... .., 1000 M;O.u lo .JIJO °""*' •• l 0 0 • H•:ao J iii T_.. Mtllt T-DJlJ -.. ... -- * ,..... 10.....,.. -IOTA T9JtAS ..,_ .. 5 I 0 I 5 1 J J 0100 j J l . 4 I t 0 5 I J I •• 1 7 7 I 0 O 1 t 0 0 j I I O 4 I I 0 .. ..... M<.~ct l I I 0 £ .. •ct t oot, Flele'flrU tt I 0 ,..... JI> 1010 Sllfra '1 • 0 I O -··-1000 e>.rMYH lOOO 09< .... ID l 0 0 0 ~·· 7000 MS......,c 10 10 9-lll 10 00 W•rM>ll> too o IC.,.,.._.711 < 0 I 0 ··-·"" J 01 0 .... •1 .. I tlJ-f T-41 ltlJ It T-l4 I I t a... -tsJ __ , 0.... W1NW1e a11 -Wiii! ... .,. UI ....._~,,.c~1 I.Ge Del ... 1, Cit~ J ,._,... ... , =-· W:.:-i.:'°s:!:~: ... !·':Ti. ,.,..... 1111 .__, SF--1or. tC.ft'91\I ..... P M •••MIO -. ........... -ISi ltl --It "-~-1 --I GMne Wltw119 ••• -G-171 E~. G-. "-''"' D,. _.,,,._ 1 l C>e_.,,,.._e f T-t ,...__. ..._ I.•-lffw• -~ ... 1 m 1 IP Ma Ea M 50 -W.IJ-U > l -· -0 0 V'9le W»6 ' 1 ? 0 J j . ,,!ft:, ._. I 0 0 0 I I °=' l • O O J .... ~. ) l·J < J 5 J 0 I( ..... \,..11-17 I 1·l < 5 $ f 0 ... , l·l • 1 , • ) -• 1·) • ) J 1 J ....... 11-J J 1 1 I I ~ l 0 0 0 0 t ........ aJN-S.0 .._.,. I >1011 U ;' N 1-, -•# F onl C-I 0 0 0 t I .,._, '--c-r...,.o -. -..--Mel(..,. F«•• T_,., A-11,lf> IC~. i.c-_, Tho<O 11 ... • •. .____ , * -T-a.J1 -11- All.IQ 7, ._ S.. 2 _,.. OMl..UC • lltrh.. .., _ _. 4 t t t l'loltfl,e If • I 1 I < t J t ~ct < 11 I •I It C-0'1 J I 1 I 2. 0 0 p_.,'°" • 0 0. ) I 0 0 McGw .. 11> J I ) J 4 t 1 f l.-"o )D < I I 0 Jto• ........ , • 110 4 0 I 0 .._O 211 ) l I t • 0 I 0 _._,, I 0 I 0 Oell9M:lll 0000 -~" •020 II J I t 'I'-l4 7 l'I S -. .......... ..--., --1 ._... .QI tit , .. _, GeoM WIMllle aa1 -M<.Gwlre lltl ~ 2. Oelllfl'O 1 ~ •• OelllenCI i »-01 ls -Mn. hinl•not1 ... McOwtrt 12'1. o--4711 II ..... ,. lltl, CanMCO C:W) • " ..... to , l 0 0 l t , , 0 0 • I ' 0 ""'' It- .. ..... !ti J f I 0 tooo •••• lllf 1000 J 0' I I I 0 0 • 0. 0 •-1.l I < I I 0 J I I I J 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0000 1 0 I 0 I Cl 0 0 D 4 I J * .,_.,. 4, ._ Jevs 2 T--"O -. ....... £ ··-.. .. ..... If-" 5 0 2 I ->or JI> • t I 0 ==~ :~.··: ~;· :;~; U.W. .. 1 t 0 0 0...r1 JI I 0 l.-11911 IOOt MIY-C9t 1000 Gailll J 0 I 0 ,,__ID l 0 I l """'~ , 0 I I ll<OCll fl> 0 0 t 0 M<Grill IO < 0 l 0 Sur""'1< < 0 I 1 llertlilW ..i 4 O 0 0 JCnt .. 211 > 0 I 0 G<-• 4 I I 0 s-U ) 0 0 0 1..•la 4 0 10 T.... MJt J T--. .. ~ • 4 '4 T-••I •1-2 •• &:.• Wim4N •a1 --:.;:,1 .~:•-4 l-l.-0 ,L.09-lQ<OO>IO 10, MA· ---.. ~-. 1..-d. °"' Gr-"a-.Y_. Cll) se-4.-<t ltl ~ 1111 $-MIYour111, aroc>. T-l"-l.11-11 Cerul!I ....... • " ..... to ' . . 0 0 0 ,._,.I Wt•t 5 I ,,..... l 0 CltmU I ~ I I 0 ) ........ Oo'CIOCI lo J ...... '" .... .... F--lo I De!W I" ...... .. ~ """"'9t--v-. F'lrt• MOI· ~---T...,.O l>aoermo T-2'tl A-11,"3 ....... . ..... 4 I I I ......,,... ~ 1 I I 4 I I 0 li\TlwM C4 S 0 I • 000 1 C~ll> $020 JtOt •-IO 5Clt0 I 0 t 0 lt-rf S I 2 0 4 0 t -i ~---· I t-1tt0 ..... Ill\< < t 1 I •• ., ....... 100• , Ot 0 ,,,_. 2 t. 0 J 0 0 0 GGr ... "' 1 0 0 0 •100 ...,,,,. 0000 2 t 0 0 ICNM•lr"" , l 0 0 0 1. u ........... 0. 0 0 T•-• 0 0 t 0 T... M > > ) T-• 2 I 1 ._...., __ -~ ---tl-J ns • • • .._, 0-_..,. ••• -·-•• , 1..o.-sen Fr.net.co 12, ~· 6 .. • .......... '°"8. lt91t ·~••> .. _.._ > CJt>. A-UI ..... ~--• H aea MIO , , 0 0 .. -MtWs p 1 O.lrlencl'• Maril llcGwlre foll01n tJuoaCb wlda 8WID& u be atac• three-nm homer. In lhc Nauonal League: P .. ret I, Meis S: ~nd) Ha"kins sun1ved a threc- run second innin& to combine "nh Mark Davison a fivc- hiucr and Roberto Alomar's RBI do uble broke a sixth· innina tic as San Diego earned the win at Shea Stadium after bein& shut out an the first two games of the ~nes. C• I, Aa&rot I : Rac k Sutcliffe patch·ed a SIX·hitter and hit a two-run homer and a double for.Chicago in the AJtrodomc. Sutcliffe. 11 -11 . retired 13 straight after gi ving up a steond-il'Ulingsangle to Rafael Ramirez. The nght-hander struck out five and "alkcd one for his 10th complete pmc. llell1 t , Plram I : Kai Daniels hat a three-run homer off rcli~vcr Jim. Gott in the bottom of the eighth mnmg to lead C1ncinnau to L~ wan at Rh·crfront Stadau . - Rookie l~ander Norm Charlton. 1-2. alJo"ed ci.&ht hi~s O\Cr eight innings to get his first ma1or-lcague victory 1n four starts. The 2S-)'ear-old Charlton "alked thrtt and struck out three. ~· I , Braves 4: In J\tlanta. Scott Tem survived a shak) start to..,. in his fourth straight dccmon as St. Louis extended ats "annang streak to four games. . . Giuts_S, Pltilltes %:San Francasco"alked three umes an the I I th inning and pinch-hiller Ernest R.ites· sacrifice ny drove in the winning run as the Giants tnumphed at Veterans Stadium despite managing only three nus. * * Yellll ... 4, M9t1Mt1 Rwell 1,......,..0 _..,_. laATTU Cl.avtll.AllO ICAM\AS CITY ··--.. , .. !ti .. , .. !ti .. ," .. • d 1. •00 0 JOOO -l G-1 '-0 0 oc l I I C JOO ~ ltl6 1 0 I I J 0 0 c » I 4 I ·-Cl 5 ', ......... ct • 11 O· Fr.ncoa • 000 WV. \llct ._ 211 5 1 J I •-11> • 0 I 0 .._., l• • 0 I 0 S.-11.,. JI> ~ l• 5 I J 0 C .... ft 4 0 I I CM'letcf • 0 I 0 art1ICl'I ~tf • t J > AO.vii Ill 4 II o 0 IUUlo_e A II i. o :Te-,.lo ,,_., JtOO •-"°"•Oto ""'-" •0 1 0 w-.. ~· <0 00 at-c-"'))>O Jec-)D <000 T".0.." G-.d ttlO ._ .. 1000 ~c ..... •O IO FW'\.te:ll> ,..., .... • t O t P,-lb • O I 0 ._, 1 O I O .._,..,.w ~c •It I OU.......n • tt 0 ~"" 10 IO °"<O'eu ~" < t I t l °'""c T.-a 4 It < T-)4 I 4 I T-J2 t I t T-_...., __ ----·---.. --4 a..-----· --... ---1 --c... --..,._, GetNW-•ll -W"'4'IO f GetMW-•8•-.._,..e 1 E-0.-. JCW• LC>9-Mw V~ • ' ~ C 19 I l08-<•...,."C 1 I.~ I ._-""""° ••-t "-C""'5 ~·• • s-z ..... .,_ sa-+-1111 ·--...... 0 41 • " ••••• 50 • M •••M IO ~ -·--_ ...... e 1 I •1 S w.:c::ll I 1 l I --...--u .. <1-J I • J I 1 ,_ J>•J l 0 t 0 I lllUIO-7' t • • 0 J .,,._... ,..,,... McC•v F n• c ... *-· 0..--TIWO, MCC-T-liJ A.-IJ W * C4*I J, A11r'es 1 acMIO NOUS TON ••hli ...... ~ .. < 0 0 0 I HlC"r<l At 0 0 _... 4 0 • 0 0ar-111 • 0 1 0 Gr-i. <O lt -~ <000 0..-"· < t 1 0 G.09'o' lo < 0 I I L.oOt Ja < I I 0 U!Jo • 0 I 0 ....,_. Ji i t 8el\'1 JOOO ._.,._, J 0 0 I Atroo• < > O I 0 Jectl-tf JO OO,Trt V•MC 0 100 $ylc:Ml!f f J I t 7 •em.u n l 0 I 0 o.. ........ 1000 c"""''"" 1000 ... _,,.,, 0000 Wal>•tlO"" I 0 I I OStn."'P 0 0 0 0 T-n J • J T-n I • I -. .. -.. a.-...... _, ........ ••tit-I -W""""9 lltal -........ S E-Suldfftt O~lO<I I l~W •n --..~ -.-11-0 • ...,,... ... ........ 1(0\( F" "'' tto-,__ -T""• _.._,, T-177 A-10t l$ * ... 4, ,..,.._ ~ ~ATI .. ,.. .., ... ....... • S t 0 0 lM• o U ) II 0 u ... 111 5010 s->o • •• ._.,. J ll O Oen-• •11J -· <0,0 EO•U<' 'tt! GW-ct .J 0 0 A ~-.lJt_ l 0 I 0 ...... ID < 0 I I Fr9ft<O" 0 0 0 0 l"r.nce c • 0, 0 c_,.. ) 0 0 0 "'"'""" u ) 0 I 0 Onie• 111 I' 0 0 0 ··-"" I 0 0 0 111\C'C"'°"c ) 0 0 0 ......... OOtO CftCCl>Cl'!b lOOO ,,.,,....,. JOOO ci-nono 1000 c_.., •1000 w _.,..11 1110 GottD 0000 T-~~~ 114,4< ~ .... __ , ~ I• -O)o-A co-w._ ••• -o .... • 11 £-E .. •h l oe-P "•""'9'1 l I '"' cJ-eol 4 78-Ler•., Ion Hll-Oe•t .. C l•I sa-£0.•. 1 ID ~--• Sl"-lO••,. ... MaUIM\O l.~11<-1 -·-$ ft-I.•" .. ---GO. ... S..~ W•-~ ~Ill ~ .. IMI . .,..,,,.,. Getl L ... 5 ) I l 1 1 , 1 ) 0 ' 1111 • a.-11 IP M a Ea M 50 C:_....W 1-1 t Cllll.-,.._W,11-11 l"•-51' 1 ••• 111 $ -._ ~l.•·11 5 ) J t 1 :::::.. S«--°"""" ~ : : : ~ T-ll) A-lt1k .. _.__ Urtwwoe I...,.. 0.vtld'Mn Fnt ~ ~;,~i·~· c .. -. Forsch dealt * .. -.::ra ".::8-ro!. . to Houston 1~~": w-«:4 ~-~~ ST. LOUIS (AP) -The 1 1 1 o ~,,,., l o • o St. Louis C.ardinals ac- 1 0 0 I T-19 1 t 0 I · • • 1 2 1 IC-1. • o 1 o quan:d utihtyman Deno~ ~ t1 ~ ~ s:~. ! : ~: Walhna from Houston •,, 1 w-.. l 1 1 o Wednesday and sent vet· ; : n =• ; ~ ! : cran right-hander Bob 1 o o o ""'°"' 0 o o o o Fonch to the Astros: who 1000 L_,,P 2 11 2 ov••".., o o o o are tryin~lo stay in the race n. u ,,, 1 ;::-'• .; ~ t; in the N West. ._..., --Fonc . 38. ranks third in ::: =: : ~~ St. Louis history with 163 ~~ ~~·~~ career vie orics, 1.079 ~ o.. >. -vor• , c.oe-Seft strikeouts and 2.658 in-:,•· =..,v""s!,,~MC:= ninp pitched. He is 9-4 in ~~-1m )()pmcswitha3.7]ER.A • " • .. M to this year as both a staner , and reliever ' Houston Manaacr Hal Lanier said that Forsch could receive bis fint start in an Altros uruform as early as Fnda~. WARRIORS -~ r.-a1 d 11\,Jurtd Eric ~r ID \~ \hlf ptM of tht teMC>n and procttdtd l have a dram wa10n. complct1n1 8 of 1'6panesforl.l6l ~ardund cj&)l touehdowns an d1recuna his team t 0 s l • 0 the CIF utk. d Hc'1 back. bayer. trongtr an obv1ousl) c•s>tntnced k "In OM Hpcct v.e ha't' ham bac but an another we ha\ e a 'el'\ ann~ritnced hoc:· caut1onc Sch~r. "Obv1ousl) v.e need t proicct Fred in ordtr for ham 10 d lh1f\IS. That wall be the ke). th d 0 0 (.' offensive line." g s . d Schwccr's time at summer passan camps appears to have paid off. a well. "I spent some ume "1th ham too. 10101 OHr coverages" sat Gibson. '"He's a much more seawned t· quarterback now." Backup as pro\ 1ded b) JU n1or ngfi hander Gary Fishel. • ti RUNNING BACKS -J un1or o Seymour becomes ihe third Sc) mou to make ha\ pr~nce felt at ~ood bnd&C (Man "as a starter 1n • 3 an '84. and Dann) "as a fret' safet r• . d ) I. r l e starter last )Cir,. He's an the same mold .\ 5-foot-I 172-pounder. he gets tht' nod 0 ' c Ran~ Ramos. v.ho is beaog mo'ro from last )Car"s back.up role a tailback to flanl..cr an order 10 mak d room for Se> mour, ~He'll surprise a lot of people:· ')ai Gibson. "Ramo~ "111 be the ba lo.up here." Make Yur)(o\ 1ch. "hose older broth« John v.as a three-, ear starter for Woodbridge. IS at ru11bad .. aJong wath StC\t' Masters. a t>-0. 100-pound Junior w1th 4.6 speed an the 40 Yurko\ tch. a 6-1. 1 IO-pound scnaor as a returning staner at linebacker. He sa" acuon a( fullback s~ringly. gaining 41 ~ards on 10 carries. "He's a compeutor a.nd one on one he'll i.et Jbc JOb done.." ..s.rud G1bs.on "He's. one of our test kids and \\111 rotate "1th Masters. "ho "111 \C't." some acuon." The trans1t1on 10 nankcr \1.3<, J natural for Ramos. \\hose good hands and precise routes art' a tradcmarl "He could ha'e started at tailback." said Gibson Backup for Ramos is G.ir~ Gab n (no relauo n). a 6-3. ~OO-po1,md Junior whose name pops up 1 n SC\ era I categones . "Gibson is probabh · the second best athlete o n tht' squad," ..aid the c°'ch. who rescn es the :--o. 1, label for Ryan Nash. a returning Staner an the sccondar). -Nash, who runs 11 4.4 40 and lS eas1l) the fastest pla,er on the ti.·am . wtll also be used at ~anker in 1:t:rnun situations. ~81'99 Coeet DAILY PILOT/Thutlday, September 1, 1• -.. - 1~ ·-.~~ -. I"' Warriors' top pr~pects : Ii : ~ .,.., ............ 1 Ht.. Ktn Audaben. "r<b 5-9 CbN Blade$.-v.·r..cb 5-10 Pmton Bordok. wr-cb S-9 Mam Craddock. 'M<b 5.9 Punttt Dev.an. olt>-o& S-11 Jim Ecklund. lbrb 5-0 P.A. Emersdn. te-de 6-S Jon Etlinacr. c-dl b-0 Gaf) Gibson. te-de 6-3 Breu Gordo.n. "r-cb S-9 Kent Ford. cb-tb 5-lS Gary Fishel. qb 5-9 Mike Hansen, dl-ol 5-1 0 Demian Hartman. olb-" r 5·11 Stan Huang, c-lb 6-0 Erik Lcb.s, ol-dt 6-0 Steve Madden. olt>-rb 5-9 Steve Mutcrs. fb..lb b-0 Ryan Mattox. ol-dl 6-3 Joe Maller. og-dt 6·! R>an Nash, cb-v.T S-1 Cl Kc'm O'Connell. og-de '·"' Mike Pa)ton, og-de iHJ Rand~ Ramos. olb-tb-"r n-O Fred hv.eer. qb 6-3 Scott Sc)mo'1r. tb-fs b-0 Mark Sampson. og-de 6-1 John Sola.tcr) k. ot-dt 6-~ Todd Strek. "r-de b-l 8 111 Underwood. og-de 5-11 Wa~n Wt>lchhn. tb-db S-11 Chns Woxt'n. ol-dl b-' Make YurkO\ICh. fb..lb t,. I ~lex Zaldt,ar. "r-db t>-0 tight end. as "ell as some deept·r effort!> to ht m as a "'1de rcu~t' er. figure to keep the opposition bus~ "He's "orked hard on the oll- season and he kno" s "'hal he ha'> to do. He kno"~ people lo.no"' ofh1m "'PA . has sorl)e 1mpro' 1ng tu do 1n "'· . Yr., CeelDatt 16S. Jr .. up from sophomores 170 Sr., mum1n1 leuerman. ns Jr . up from sophomores 160 Jr .. up from sophomorn 180. Sr .. rctum1ng.lntnman ISO Sr .. dad not p~ la.st year 230 Sr .. All IF in '87. I IJS Jr . up from sopho mores !00 Jr .. up from sophomores 160 Jr., Texas transfer 160 Jr .. Cabnllo H1&)l transfer 180 Jr .. up from sophomores !IU Sr .• returning letterman 17S Sr .. returnina,startcr :?05 Sr .. returning starter 180 Jr., up from sophomores 165 Jr .. up from sophomores !00 Jr .. up from sophomores !15 Jr .. up from sophomores !15 Sr .. returning starter P U Sr .. ret\Jmtng starter I .. ll Sr .. returning starter I ~(J Sr re\Urning leuctman I l,o,IJ Sr .. returning starter l9U Sr .. returning starter I .,0 Jr . up from sophomores I < Jr . up from ~mort"S ~15 Sr . re1urn1 rman I 'ii. Sr . up from sophomores I 0 Jr . up from sophomores IM Sr . returning kncrman ~~5 Sr . returning letterman ~ 11 Sr .. returning Staner I .. Sr .. returning letterman DEFENSIVE LINE -Tackles 10 the 4-4 dcft"nse are Lt'la~. Maller and Woxen. "Ith Miller at on.: side and tht' other t"o rotaung. O'Connell and Emerwn haH' the inside at defen!>l\C end!>. v.1th Gibson ap1n ID a bad.up rok cen.aan artas gotng from the inside to INSIDE BACKERS _ Yurlo.o' ich. the outside. We're ta long him ou1 .. 1dl· one of the Learn leader'>. and Masters. on dcft>nsc because of hrs <;au "11h ga"e the Wamors a t' pical Wood- the quickness 6f In anc and l n1' er-bndge look at ansade hQt'backer Stan ~)...hope.full) tus J'.cac.b "ill help ~-Huang .and Jun Ec}d1Jnd are also 10 as v.elJ as forcan~ the quancrba I.. to the picture and figure t~ action. thro" o'erhim Huang (6-0. ~05) has stanang e\· On~ again. Ga" Gi~un att"> a'> a penence. Ecklund <)-{\. 1501 did not backup pla1 as a Junior OFFE~SJVE LI~E John Solarcz,k (6-!. !I-) and Joe \11llcr. v.ho added 25 pounds to be-com~ o-!. 215). art' at tackle. Solarcr~ l 1s up 15 pounds.. as "ell. as both ha\\.· v.orled hard ID the ofT~sca~n Chris Waxen tb·3 !~5 1 offcl"i bacltup Marlc Simpson (~I l~Y Jr 1 1'> probabl) the pulling guard. "h1le Mike Pa\lon (6-0. I Ol aod Enl Lckas(6-6. I 80)arc m the hunt for the other side. Miller asaJso a poss1b1ht~ for guard Stan Huan& (6-0. 2051 started at linebacker 1n tv.Q games a'i a 1un1or and is at center. Ke' an 0-C onnell (5-9. l 0) ts a backup at 1..enwr OUTSIDE BACKERS -Ste\ e Maddt'n (5-9 1651 1 up from the sophomores and Demian Hartman (5-11. 175) 1s another hard-hiller. The two gJ\ e \\ oodbndge a solid loo\: here "Thie; 14' one of the rr.asons we run t.he 4-4. ·• said Gibson. ··bcca'use we don't ha'\C the hugc.sitt. So. we onl) need tv.o do" n linemen who are b .. 1 \amos pro" ides backup. SECONDARY -~ash. who high Jumps 6·3. as a basketball pla)er of note and cam.cs a 3.9 grade point averagt". would get a 4.0 from his coach Al splat end as .\.Je'.\ Zaidi\ ar. a mirror image of Ramo~ v.ath the !.ame hands and mo\es. Ga" G1b\on 1s a backup h~e. too · KICK~G GAME -h"cer and EntcrSon and his 6-5 frame loom<, Pa)tOn are sound punter... but "He's a go-aftef-lt t~ pe of\ud ." said Gibson. ··He'sgomg to be our Demt k Odum this ~ear We're going to put him on the mone' recel\er and tell him. "th'at"s ~our Job: -a t u&ht end. Sch"ecr ma~ ha\c anedge becau~ of ··wc·rcgo1ng 1oget ham the ball and has hands and abaht~ to d o someth•nl! leL h.un do some c:famagc:· sa.u.l '-'llh.tM-ball ananemcrgen " The' 0 1'\' Gibson. "Whcnc' er ~ou ha' e a stall conducting a St"arch for :i "pla1..e- . rteeavcr of that size -he's h~ Pete kicker. Schmitt Qf Laguna Bea ha }t'ar .igo --.. Ram o "ill return l11.. l o lls . except PA. as a ~lltle qu1cler .. st> mour. ~ash or Ramo' or Shon dart to a quaclo. relc:-ase b' th1..· poss1b1h11es for punt returns The other comer ",II be either Ramos or Chns Blades. t~ latttf' a 4.6 t~ pe m tht' JO. 813dt'S has an Cdgt' v.-11h Ramos set-for offensH e d ur). Se' mour. the tailbacl. 1s at free safet}. "'1th .Ga~ G1bsoo. again. a candidate 10 fill-in. · KK¢s-get tough at-plate Wallach's two-out RBI puts Montreal o.ver Dodgers, 4-3 MONTREAL (-\Pl Tim Wallach was con' meed that 11 "3 the Expos· actions that spol e louder than any of their words. And the result "as a rare .\ugu t victof)' for Montreal. v. h1ch C'losro out the month b~ beating tht' Lo A~lt's Dodacrs 4-J \\ edncsda~ ni t. he fapos. "ho ha' c lost lJ o f their last 17 g.arnes to drop out of serious pennant contcn1100. ha' f felt pressure from "1th1n recent I~ be- cause of cnucal comments made th as -.-cck by pitcher Denna \tan1nc1 about his teammate . Martinez's claim that Mon1real pla}cn have "given up and stopped. try1n&," created tension 1n the clubhouse. so much so. thnt mnnager Buck Rodaers called a closed-door mttuna before Wedncsdn' ·s game to clear the air. · Wallach said tht' manager ac- complished what he had set out 10 do wilh thcenrounttr. but insisted that tt was not the reason for MontreJI' first win 1n four pmt's. ,, '"The mcct1"} had nothin& to do wilh (the -.an). Wallach said a.s the former UnaHrsit\ Haab (lnmel and Cal Sta~ FuUcnon tar slumped an his locker chair. l1 / TIJe .clJedule AWAY Todav-tdle . Seol. ?-New Vork, •JS om Seo!. J-New V'ork 1l 20 a m • Seol .-New Vork 10.35 a .m • Seol. S.-Allente, '.a om • SeoL 6--A.llao1-. 2..AO o m HOME Se.of. 7-HOUSIOll, 7 JS O rn .. On TV Cnennel • •On TV, CP11nne1 11 "AIC games on KA8C (799) "We haven't been "11rn1 ng ~a use we h.aven't been gening the h1t11ng, espec1all} "1th t\\O outs... added Wallach. "ho dro'c an 56 vfh1s 1!3 runs °"1th tv.o OUL last SC3M">D. "Ton1&h1 we did·· Wallach. "ho has i.truuled "1th tbe bat this season. dm 1ng an l)nl~ Sb runs coming "into the µme. on- tnbuted a b1$ two-out RBI "hen he s1n1Jed home Pascual Pcrt'z "1th the v.innmg run an tht' ninth inning on a t'-'O-Stnlo.e patch from .\l~Jandro _p.ena. 5.·6. Pt>rez ~a.s runmng for pancl\-hatter Graig Neules. v.ho stantd the rail) wi th '\ t"'o-out double. "'(Ncules's) numbers ma' not be the greatest. but he's been h1111ng well for us this season. espec1all~ 1n la te innings:· Rodgers said. The fapos. "ho had lost sax straight to the Dodgers. had a tough tame v.11h Los .\ngeles stan cr Tim Belcher untal the fifth inning. With a one-run 1ead gt\-Cn ham courtCS} of Rael Dempsey's RBI single an the founh. Belcher had St) mied Mo ntreal on Just o ne hit unul tht' fifth Bckher got htmsdf into trouble "hen he walked \\. allach and aJlo" ed a two-out single to Re\ Hudler. Nelson Santo' ema doubled homt' both runners and scored on pitcher John Dopson· o ppos11e-fidd double to lt>fi . "I felt scrongand I had good control with all m) patches." said Belcher. who allov.ed fou r hu and truck out elght in Sa\ 1nn1ngs. Dopson. meanwhile. lookang for has first "an since -\ug 4. lasted until Mike Davis led o fTthc seventh w11h la sinale. the I 0th hit ht allowed. Btat Dopson los.t has chance to win when John hc\b\ follO't't°d Da\;SS hit with an RBI tn°pk off Joe Hesktt.h and came home wath the t~ 1ng run on pmch-httter M1ckC) Hatcher's s1na1C qlinst ltff Pamtt. 11-3 The deadlock lasted 1.1n11l ~cttles bcpn the ninth._ ··M) JOb here as to produce runs whtthcr I dn\t' tbein an. or g.ct them to S<'Onn1 pos1t1on." said t.ht> seldom- u.scd • ettle . Tflen acquire Power, Lynn " Angels o_vercom.e 4-0 deficit. to top Birds CHICAGO (AP) -Tbe Dctroat T.,m. tryina to hold onto tint place in tbe American Lequc Ea.st. ob- tained ~ Ted Power from the IC.an• City Royals and Fred Lynn ft'om tbc Baltim0tt Orioles WedMt- dl ftilht. l,nn was Kquired for ahrtt m.Jnor !ape pllytn 10 be named la1er PoWer wu obWned (or two pla)en ft'om d9c Tllft'" Toatdo fann team. celCMr ley ~and kft-handtd . fildtlr MMt Let. Tiie Tien fatvc bttn bcKt b) a~ 5&wler Jeff R.obinton was piMled oa die I S..y datablcd last 1his week due to a ama&at1on pfobkm. ...,biHJAIM Trammd a\ out a~ 119"' wi• I polft UUU[). 0.\~ ..... wflbtd I l"J'ft lllJW')' · y.-.., __.. caldttr Man NGMI ._ ..-.. ":.J:"" becau1e of a ....,rillat 1adR1}Knalhlit bodwnd ~-a DUnect mutele n. ....... -.......... J:ll ltA .... I IMlll t. la._"'- ..... a 111ra11. ,. •-"' ..... lllf•n. .. 9.1'1\ .,.,.., =. t---«e-Cltw. Ml • m • • • Ka -°"'· .. •"' • .... P--«e-°"'· us • lft, • • Oil TV, ClltMll l •M _.. • IC#C C79. I Armas: batagatn makes t~e erence. Halos tn7-5wifl' \ ' Amcncan l<aguc Wt contender "'h1ch IS tr)101 10 ~"nlC • do._n..,.-ard s'-1'1. Rehc'm ht"rman Corbett and Bl')nn Hat\_t), 6-4, kepc the Onolcs 10-<-httk. and the-ofTt'osc scored five NM •n the tt'~nth thank.s to a homer b\ Joh.no\ Ra} and t nan s•nalcs b) Jim Eppard and Dick holield After l~ Ono~ uoo 11 5· -Ton} \rma • dbu the '""ti' accounted for \h( go-ahead run ln \~ Armas' hnndov. n the Id\ field lint ln~ktd 1n II) JoyMr. •-bo doubled ~fT \lark \\ alhamson. 4-6. ••need to third on an 1 nftcld out befott Ch1h O."u was ..abd antettuonall) to bnnl up .\rmas. Aft.tr Jadt Howell was walked 1nt~t1 nall~ S<-hofiekS •al"ked •uh me tmri loedcd ~Hane). b-4. blanl.eJ Salum re fOr ~ft.nil 1 l ·) ...... fcW tht 'ICt<>f' • n.t OriOlri:. afttt bl()1111 ng a ~ \tjd_ made at 5-S ti die ~th n Cal Rapkcn d ubkd and nHnued to ttutd ~ ~ Heodri<'l l 1dtt'd tM blJl for an mor ... ~ ~cd •1th OM out. Nl ~'I Jtfttcd ti): htt 5'afticd.'1 .,, jtft&lc. latta~ ~wter Ja~ :T1b U\ul out the A1"1Fts on c-., tuts for"' u1runp.: but Ra~ Jc..1 oft'tht lf'tttth :i1h has ftfth hofM'f. 1 .. r ---- .. OJ .... CoeM OM.V PILOT/ Titundey, ...,..,,., 1, 1tl8 ~ R. . -' .WESTDIYWON w L P..et~ GB Lit ....SW.U ..... .. , Oakland 4 so .627 7.3 Won 3 43-23 41 -27 Minneso~ --74 s~ _561 9 6-4 Won I 37-27 )7.Jl Kan11s y 70 62 .510 13 7-3 Won 1 38·29 32-33 ........ 68 65 .5 11 I St/'> 7-3 Won I 31·33 37-32 Teus 60 71 458 2211> 5.5 Lost I 33.35 27-36 Chicqo 58 75 .436 ~5111 4-6 Lost I 34-3S 24-40 Seattle 54 0 .403 30 5.5 Lost I 29·36 25-44 EAST DIVISION Detroit 15 57 .568 3.7 Won I 42-23 33-34 Boston 73 59 .553 2 4-6 Lost 3 45-23 28-36 New York 69 62. -.5:!7 5111 3-7 Won I 37.30 32·32 M1lwauk.cc 69 67 507 8 6-4 Won 2 41-30 28-37 Toronto 65 68 489 I011 5-5 Lost 2 31 -3) 34-35 Cleveland 64 69 .4ts I II I l 5.5 Lost I 35-30 29-39 BaJtimore 46 86 .348 ~9 4-6 Lost I 29-37 I 7-49 Wednesday's Scortt ~rl• '7. Baltimore s • 1 waukec 4, Toronto 2 Oakland 7, Boston 2 Kansas Citv I, Cleveland 0 Detrou 9. Chicago J Minnesota 10, Te~as I New York 4. Seattle I Today's Games Boston (Gardnc-r 5·4) at ·Angels CT. Clark 6·2}, 7:35 p.m. Milwaukee (Birkbcck 9-61 at Detroit (AleAander 11-9). 4:35 p.m. Texas (Hough 11 ·1 4) .H Toronw (KC) 8-4). 4:35 pm. Kansas Ci1~ (Gub1 za 16·7) a\ Minnesota (81) lcven 9-12). 5:05 p.m. Onl> games scheduled Friday's Games Boston at An1eb. 7.35 p.m. Cb1ca10 al Clev_eland. 4· 35 p m Malwau~ce at Dctron .. u-pm Texas at Toronto. 4.35 p.m. Kansas City at M1rme:i;or.i. :05i>.m. Baltimore at Seattle. Hl) p m. New York at Oakland. 7:35 p.m. NadonaJ League WEST DIVISION w L Pct. GB Lli Streak Home. Away DM1en 77 55 583 6-4 Lost I 36·31 41 -24 Houston 71 61. .534 6'' 5.5 Lost 1 39.27 32-3S San Francisco 70 6] 526 71 ' 4-6 Won I 40.28 30.35 Cincinnati 6 6-l .5 15 9 6-4 Won 2 36-31 32-33 San Diego 65 67 492 12 6-4 Won I 39-28 26-39 Atlanta 45 88 338 J~·. .J-7 Los.L.1 1.2.-43 13-45 EAST DIVISION New York 7f\ 54 .5111 -3 Lost I 42-23 36-31 Pins burgh 71 o:! .534 71 ! 3-7 Los1 2 37-31 34-31 Montreal 67 6) .508 11 4-6 Won I 34-30 33.35 Chicago 66 65 .504 11' ~ 6·4 Won I 33-31 33.34 St. loUIS 62 "I 466 161 • 7.3 Won 4 33.35 29-36 Ph1l.adelph1a 54 ., ·.409 24 Wednesday's Score 3.7 Lost I 32-3,3 22-45 Montreal 4, Dodgers 3 ~n Diego 6. "'le\A. York l C,h1ca_.so 3. Houston I Cincinnau 4, Pittsburgh I _,, St. Louis 6, ..\tlanta 4 - San Franca~o 3. Ph1ladclph1a 2 ( 11 innings I No games schcdul~d Toda.} 's Games . Friday's Games Dod1ers at :--.e"') orl.. 4:3-p.m. Cii1cinn:m a1 Chicago 1:05 p.m San Francisco a1 Monlrl'.ill. -':35 p ut. San Diego a1 Ph1lad~ph1a. 4·35 p.m Pmsburgh al '\1lan1a. 4AO p.m. St. Lou as at Hou~1on. ~:3.5 p.m. _,,,__· · ffruse to add his .. expert ise ill Seoul UCl product to be commentator for Olympic poloists When the L'n1tcd \ates 01~ mp1c water polo team begms 11squeon for the gold 1P1Scoul latcr1h1~ month. a formerstandoutpolom 1n h1<, o"'n nght. Jtm Kruse."' all be back :n th<' m1keg1ving the peopk back home lt1s expertise for N Bf· T Krusc,aproduct ofl 1( landa • former member of the na t t-0nal team from 1973-79. first gained ht C"<· penence 1n telev1s19n as an an ah st 'l"tlh ABCduring t,h\: '84 Games. Thl'i time. he v.111 be teamed "'1th eith er Don Cnqu1 orJ obn abe.r. K.ruscadm1t.s to being tOtJll~ surpnscd when he \.\<lS hired b~ .\BC "ABC wascasungabout loran ex pen commentaior fort he 01} m- pics in 1984.'' Kruseexpla1nl·d. "and I wtnt through a long 1n1cn 1c"' process. It wascomplctel) a stroke or blind luck. · ··1 know the) talked IO a fe\\f pa-;t playersand coaches. but I happcnc:d to be the guy the) settled on. ··1had 2crocxpcnl.'ncc. but thl'\ were looking for some bod) who v could relate to the pla~crs. v. hat the) were thinkang.. etc. M) JOb l'i to be cducauonal in an cntcrtainm~ fashion. You',eaot torcmcmberthat lhtlup1t11nga1 home in Duluth .Ooesn t kno" all that much about water polo." Since his work wtth lhc • 4 01) m- pics, Kruse ha s kep1 his hand in broadca.sl.lll&bydo10icomme.nUll) wor1con water polo. and OCl'a 1onall~ sw1mmin.., for the Pnmc T1cketl·ablc network. Kruse says he as a b11 appn~hcns" c entennaan area of the \A.Orld tha11i. ~u&ll) volaulc but alw 1 op- tim1111t that the 01~ mp1t' \\ 111 pr~·cci.J smoothly. .. , btbeve that when }'OU'\c got R"aia.Chinaand the llni1cd Stales theft, bopefull). It will ha~ca qudlinadTect." he Yid. Kn*. who tef\ for oul on Monday. will •mvc nearly two ~~k.s befoRtheopen1n1ofthe wairr polo competlUOft. k w1ll g1 ~c him tame l() revitwhttno~uud).,amefilm-. , and~ly,et tht fttl ofthanp Knate bttac,·es rhat 1hc American\· fi"'pmc will be tnuc:al to an) medal apirauons. TbcU .. meet\ Y..,.._v., 1n 111 firit IHI 1n the prelimiftlry round .. lt(thcft)ltch' Yutotla\i1a)I\ unponant rot \WO rca'°"\.-Ald Knit ... Fint. it eta mna1'°h oftM ~' m11ch or8'4.St'l'Und.1t Co-'d"' ck tone ror the toumamC'nl. TM U.S. hn tobt one oftM two ... 0.1hutoad\anttfrom1t\ lnckd forarhantt ai •medal. "'I'm n:mllyconfldtnt ~lrh th•~ DElllS · B1osrumn SP ORT s CcnuM~i~ T team. though. They have ~me seasoned veterans that ha' c -;ta)cd together and kn ow each other and tbercare even brothe rs on th• team." Kruse has been assured th~t Y.atcr polo will not be ignored by NBC. alttlouah the success orthc .. squad may have a bearaneon how much air umethcsponr~c1 cs. ··They've told me that wc;·11 get a lo t of air t1meand a couple of games arc supposed to be shown in their entirety." hesa1d ... We got a lot of good exposure 1n 1 Q84. ··ecs1d~. w1nn1nghasa way of keeping people's attention .. , 0 Z Channel w1ll tclev1sc fi, e baseball games made available to the cable channel 1n Septem~r. The games are (all tunes PDT}: New York Mets v., Pittsburgh on Monday at 10:30a m.; Pittsburgh vs. MeuonSept.12at4:30p.m.: CY. York Yankees vs. Cleveland on Sept., 14at 4:30p.m.: the YankC'eU$.... .BostononSept.15at4:30p.m.:and YankttS \S, De1ro1ton Sept.JO a I 4i30p.m. Ma1or Lcaau e Baseball makes ~vailable to pa)-cablc channels ~v cral pmes per wcclt through a~v per-v1cw pool. Pa>-<:ablc: channels -such as Z can purchase tcleca'1 rfghts to those games. 0 On Saturday, a pon1ble prevteY. of 1he Nauonal Leasut Champ1onsh1 p Scnes will~ 1elttast on NBC'\ Game of the Week when the Dodgers v1\1I the New York Mets on Channel 4al ll.15a.m. The Men own 1 decided advantage dunnatherqularscuon aaa1nst the C>oderrs this scuon. having s~ept the most recent scnes at Dodger Stach um. 0 Pomona~butd KMNY (I 600> is c1rry1n1 radio cove,. of the Photnlll Cardinals NFL team thl\ tatOn The llll10n IUIM> CllT) m& covtf'lltofC•IStatt Fullerton fool· bell •in this year. Cl Ralph Lawltt, returning for hi' s«ond ~aton u pily.b)··s>&a> an· nounttron tosAnerlnClij)pen bltUcball wlecamon KTLA <Chan- nel S). will bt "::by formtr N 8 .\ COKb Hubie who will pro\'idc- colorcommcnwyon KTLA'1 1911-19 20-tamctcbcdedtofOap- prn • ieleasts. tht 1ia1ton announced. AMmalCAN L••eu• Mllll J, °""" I eALTIMOlll CAL#CMINIA .. ,,__. .. ., _ _. 5 l l 0 MCLmt lb • 0 0 0 • 1 1 o ltev ~ • I I I , I, I ~<~If 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 JOVMI' Ill I 2 7 0 l I I I Ownnedll IO O 0 I 0 I I CDev1s rl 3 2 l 0 4 l 1 t •nNt C1 4 T J l J 0 3 0 E-rd If 3 l I , 2020 Miller< 1000 1 O o o a-c 2 o o O 3000 HO'tlel&Jo 0000 1 0 l 0 Schoflld " J 0 l J M S 14 f T...,. J1 7 t 1 Scer'9 w ...... .......... --.-o-s ~ • • sJx-7 ~ WiMlno. ltll -Ar-met IS) E-Slllo., He<lOrkk DP-9ellomMe 2, Celi· lornle • LOe-e.111mor• 6, Celllornle 6 29-()rtui.ll, CIUOl(tn, JOV!Wf. Arm" l11t-Treii.r (fl, ltav <SI S9-9Allderl0n 191 SF""ClllOlltn ...,.._. TtDOt Sita TllurtnOtlCI Wlllmtoll L,4·6 c;....,... I~ H ll Ell IB 50 61lS3312 0 I 2 1 0 0 0 00000 I 2·3 3 2 2 l I Fra'4f 61·3 II I 1 I 0 Corllett l 1 I I O t HerwvW,f•I lt-l 2 0 0 1 2 Siil pf1cn.o 10 2 batters Jn II'• 71h, Thurl'llOllO oltched lo 1 batter In tt>e 1111 H9P-How.. (bv TllUrrnondl Umc>oret-Home, Fora, F1n 1. Hend• .... S« ono. Clerk, Tlllrd, Evar>s T-, 11 A-21,'21 NATIONAL LEAGUE E•PM 4, ~ 3 LOS ANGELES MONTREAL eerllbl abrhl>t 5000 lhnflll •OOO 5 0 3 0 DMrtnicl I 0 0 0 I O o O Galarrg lo • O O D • I I 0 Broolc s rt J 6 I 0 I 7 3 1 He\ketll o 0 0 0 0 3 O 7 O Parsell o O O O O l 0 I 1 Nett~s 011 I 0 1 0 3 O I O p.,ez pr 0 1 0 0 0 0 O O Weflacn 311 3 1 1 I l 0 1 I Foi.v 7t> 3 0 0 0 1 O o 0 Huoter u 3 I l O I O O O S•nloven c 3 I 1 2 O O o O Oooson o , 0 ~ I 1 0 0 0 ON1•on ti I 0 1 0 J I .I ~ Se111b Griffin u Gl1>son 11 M·D•"" r1 S"-lbv cl . Slvot>s ID MHtclV lb wooo~n 311 Ji.ncltil\lb Oemowc aatchfr 0 ~-Dn Hollono SCloscl i>n AP-o Tl!Ah 0000---~-- 16l11 J T9tall Seer• bv tMlroel JI 4 1 4 lft ANMI 000 100 020-3 Me!ltr'MI 000 OlO 00 I -4 Two ou" when w1nn1!19 run scoreo Garne W•llM19 RBI -wa11ac11 ISi 0-Loi Angeiel 1 MO"lrH I I LQ8-Los Angeles 10. MOntrnl 2 78-Santover a Doo\on. Nettle\ 38-S~•Dv SB-G•t>son 1 1171 S-Anderson IP H It ER 18 50 LM """91itJ a.icner Hollon 6 • I 0 12 3 3 ) ) 1 • 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 I APPi• L,5·6 • ~ Ooo'on 7 10 1 1 2 5 -HnMtn _ 11 1 -1 _o Q Perrett w ,.!! .J 2 J o 4 1 o --Ooo\Oll Olltnecl ID I t>allt< n '"e l!n. Hellltln oilc~ 10 1 beuer tn '"e Ith Umoires-Home, Marsn r-"' Renl\tlrt SKond. DeMu!ll, Tli.ro Wef'Oet\leo' T-, 11 A-12,061 ~ LN9Ue INdtrS AMEIUCAN LIUOUE BATTING (39' aJ De•,l-~ 80''°" .JSS. Puc1<e11. Min~o!e l•t. Grttnwt 8os ion.~. Wlnfleld, New VC)f'k 333 Tr•mmen. OelrD•I, l 2S , ltUNS-8 0911'· eo.ion 100. , • .,,KO Oa'< lal\d, tt, RHenoerson. New Vorl< 91 l\f\0111or Mlh••ut!M, 91, Pvcl<ett, M•nMSO!e U lt91-Gr-wtll. 9olt0tl, 103 Cenle<O 0•' land, 100, Pucklll, MtnnelOI&, 96 8re!!, ICen>eS. City, f4 W.,,,ield, New Vorl\. 9? HITS-Pu<klll, Mln11not• 115, 8ooo~ 80\ ion, 173, Gr .. nwtll. Boston. 163, Molitor. Mil we.-... 1'3; Yount, Mo!Weuliff ISi 00U8LES.-8-l, 8Mlon, )7, 8re11 IC•n "' Cltv, .36. Greenwell.· Boston. 35 OHencMttofl, Oeklerld, Jl, Rev, A,,...i, -u, T 1rt•1>1.1". l(enws Cllv. 33 TRIPLES-Revnolos, S.111111, 10, Vount, Mtt w•u•te, 10, WllSOll. Kensu C•tv 9, 6 ••• 11ed wltn • HOME RUN~ll'9CO, Oeklancl. 34, MCGrlff. Toronto, 30. McGw1rt Oa .. tand 77 Geen l, M•nne~ta, 16 Hr~. M•nneso11. '5 Murrav, lelhmMe, 15 $TOLEN l-'SEs--ltHencNrson. New Vorlt 11, Mol•IOI', MllweukM, Jt, P•ll11. OtlfOtl, 38 Ca11Meo, Oei\land:'34, Wilson, K•nHI Cl'lv. lO PITCHING ( 12 decis1on1)-Hur\I• Boston, 16·4, too, 3 "· GDa1M, o~ •no 14·4, 111 ) 31, VIOie, MlnMlOle, 10-6, 769. 2 34, Gu1>1c1e. IC.enMt Cltv. 1'·7, 6t6, 110, Roo•n,on. Detro11, 13-6 ...... 291 STltlKEOUTS-Ciemens. Solton, 251. L1"9\ton, S..ttte, '"· VIOi• Mlnl'C!lOla, 163, H~e. MllweukM. 16.L MMooce. Sean,. lSO SAVES-Ecl\er$11v, Oekleno, 3'. Rtaroon. MlnnftOte, ll, OJontt, Clevtllnd. 30, Pleuc Mllweul!M; 2t. Tt"IJP9!1, Cnla90, 1' NATIONAL L.aAGUE BATTING 13'6 11 l>lts)-GPtrrv Atlante .l lt, Gwynn. Sen O~. 311. OewM><I, Cllt<f !JO. .lOI, Get1rr11>1, Montr-eal, 305. Palrneiro, Cn1· caeo. JO.I ltUNs-e..ri.. Sen FrtllC•SCO 91 ~. ~. ts1 90lldl, Pi1111>un111, II. Ven!.lvke, Plfl.out9fl, 16, Clerk, S.11 l're.nC1lCO t• ltBl-Clark, .S.n Fra.nc1sco '2 GO.vi\, HousJon, •· Vel)Slvi.e, P1t1\bUr911, u . Straw· llerry. New York, 12. EDevil . Clnc1Mall 71 ~ITs-Gllerr191, Monlreel. 15', Pelme1ro, Cll~l>O. IS4, Dew,on, C111c100, 1S2. Sea, ~. 1S2J MCGM StLouis. Id OOVILEs-<i•lerrelje, MonlrtaJ. l1, s.bo ' TENNIS , U.S. 0oen (et ...... Yartol MM!'• '"' ·--~' Ivan L'tndl (CHCllO\IO'ttkl•l del Amol Man· \CIOr1 UwMO, 6·2, ,..7, 6· 1, S·7 6·0, Andre ........ (U.S I oer Pntl 0 JoMson IU s I, 7., 6·3. 6·l. Jlmmv Connon IU S I def Ag"'''" ~ (Ma•1tol. 4·3, 6·7 6·,, Jo111n Kr1elt. CU.SJ o.f. Tornm11 Ho IU S ), •·~. 1·6. 7·6 MlehM I Cneng IU.S ) dtl Luil Mallar (8re11I), •·'· 6·3. 7·S Ken F1ec;11 (US l lead\ Guillermo Peret·ltolclen (ArlMflltnal, 7·6 6-1 6·3 1·3 'usoendecS. aart<neu Of,,.,, 1dvaf1C1111> in· cJuOed· Vann~ Noa!l-.l-Fra'1a) Lm f.'tavo11e (US I. JOflel Svenuon (S....ec!tnl •"II Al'Otrl JarPIO ($w~ - ._., ""' ... s~ Steffi Gr•I lWett Gerrnenv) def EliHotlll Minter l-'ullr•ll•), 6· I.•· I. Cnt.s Evert (US l o.f COften.11 Men 1ntl (Soe•nl, 6•• 6 1 Otners ldVlnctnlJ lnc;tuoe<I Menu« 8 Me-N•a (9 l)I garla l, Helene Sukov• 1w111 Germanvl Lor, McNeil (US ), 8aroare Poller IUS l Kater ne Me~v• l9uteer11) •net .svtv·a H•n.o.a 1wn1 Gerrnenv). 0...Mellllllne OAVaY'S LOCK•ll (....._, INatll) -1 ,OOIJJ, 111 1neler1 60 veotow11~. I t>arrecuoa 2S rock fbll~ ., c.i.co.Deu, 60I ,.nc1 Pan. 330 rnect<er•. 60 scutoln 10 blVe oerctt , stno "'°"· 1 Mlle • N•WPOllT LANOtNG -S ooal\ 'n a1191eO 103 Slnd bass. I t>arracudt, JS vellow· te~. IJS mac-.erei. II roe• f.sn 16 sc!Jlo•n 1 ~,,, .. d, 730 c•flco Dess. 71 croekef' 1 c11>e1on Titls weett's trout 111arm LOS ANO•&.as -a oUQi;et Canvon Creei. C.'ltlc Lelo.t 111va•seo• -Hemet t..•~• SAN ••llNAllOINO -8111 Beer Lili\e Sanle Ana River. Senta -'n• R.vrr ''°"'" tori..> s1rver ... ooo Lake . SAN Of.GO -Cllvamac• Le"-e MONO -Convict Creel<, Conv.ct L•ke Oeaomen CrHk. 1:t~ry Lake, Oeoroe L•••· Giits Cr..... Gre.nl Lekt, C..reen Crffli. Gull Lelle, Hilton Ctfflt, June L11t.t, Latt.t M6rv Lff Vlnln9 CrMll, Lff V•nlf\G Creel<. llOulh torkl, Lllllt Welk.er Lelr.e, Lltlle Well\er River, Lunclv Lake, Mam.. L•i..e. Memrnot,, Crffll McGee CrMlt, M1Q Crfflo. Owens River (Ben· tori Crou l1111 end Fl,,, Sorl1>11sl. Pine Cr'""· ltOO<ntol' ,,,..., Rocto. Creel< lPer•d•st Ci mo 10 Tom'• Platt. Tom s Pl•te uo,1reern 111 Roe• Cr..-Laktl, Rutll Creek, S11erw1n Cr~. Sii-Lake, TIOl>t Lekt Trumoul l.ewe Tw,n LlllH BrlOl>tOOl'I, Twin L•io.41' Mem"'llll, Vir· alnle Cr..... lllr11lnl1 Letlei. w111<.er River (Cllll$ Fial Cemoground to town ol Wa lker LHvill MtlCIOwS C1rn09rou11C1 10 Sooor• lrldetl KIRaN -Kern River co.rr--rat Dem lo Kltl Po•e<llouH, aore11 Powttnou" 10 O.mo-c.r11 'Oetft. l\lbelle Dem to Sorell Powernouse. Klt3 Po.-~ to Lelle l..,l>Cl•al \ ...... llAC ... .... Mir .. ..-.... n ••~n u11• .,., ... ...,, •• ,.......> NIT aAC8. • fuflonu Elnl'NI Nole IS~) 1.20 SOO '3io L-N Tell (019uln) 12 60 IS 00 HMO To ~ (OttYlfH) II IO Time: 1:11. u eJU.CTa <J·l 1 oald muo MCA*O llAC.. I 1116 mile• L.uett" ..., 1~0111 .... 11 eo n eo 11 '° 0.0. T1W Kid (Solhl • t IO 1 60 E aettc Nll!tor CSIDillel 710 Time' l:G '- 12 DAILY DOUaL.a 12· 121 oald t?SUO ~D a ACa. 6 ~ lelow Tiie lfldlle <Sreven&I 11 70 • 70 3 00 ""'*... (Soll&) .. s 00 '60 Ma. Merle '"*''uelll 3 '° .Time: 1:11.l U IJlACTA 16·11 peld s79 SO POU9TM ltAC.. 6 turlonvl $.-d Oft TN 10r1-) 9 60 S 00 l IO Oet11 E* a..vtv (Mira I IS 60 I IO Tral Glt1 (Corral) 4 XI TJme· Ill t. Pff'TM •ACa. I m11t (li.ort) O.vs ~ e v IMcCerronl '10 310 , 60 T .... Glow (Solitl 3'0 7 IO Ceslanlllle ( .. U ) UO Time 1:362 II IXACTA ll·S) oald U• SO MPL -ON--0~~ lllMI• •-11 Gr"11 II\'. 10 • m SM Oie90 ............ I om Allenf• II Detro.I 10 • m Delle' 11 P1lltburen. 10 • m Miami at Cnl<ffO, 10 • rn M'-toll el ButfalO, 10 •"' Pftlladlionla 11 Tamoa a.v. 10 • m .._..... 11 Clt1e1Mell, 10 • m Sall Fr111C•tc0 al New Ortea~. 10 • m Ne.-York Jet1 el New En9lelld ' I o m .._IOl'I at llldllMOOltt, I 0 m ' SHttte 11 Denver I o m Cte11.W.n<1 11 Ken .. , ''''" 1 Pm MMdlY WHlllMIOll at Hew y,,,.. G11nl\ S o m SUtTl4 •Ac•. • lurlon9s Elldo<ll ($1-sl Ml Go F~ II (MCC1ffon) ,,.,..,. C~tl'*'tet (8aH) w....-v-s trBftMCflem IAUeALL A~ LN9Ut 6IO 0 0 l IO 9ALTIMORE ORIOLES-Traded • Fted 160 560 L'f!WI, ourf..iotr, 10 rne Detro• l •ll«' tor rnr .. Time 110 1. S 70 mlllOI' INeue !Mverl 10 11t1 llarne<I later UVINTH uc•. 1 m•le Perceive Arrooance (Soll\) Peremoum Jet (Mcc arron> PtlOM Orele< (()(1194) BOSTON llEO S0)(-Cellea UJ> JoM Meruno. cal~. Sieve Currv. Roo Woooward 9 60 • ao 2 60 8tld MIU floc:llfo(d. pi1cnen Carlos Qui,,tena, S '° 210 aylfietdef. from Pew1uc11e1 ot Ille ln1trnetlon.1 Time: I~ U aXACTA-16·5) l>lld-59000 1 IO L._,. C•lled uo Jollll T""'"'''"· 0;1cner. •net ltanov Ku1ctier, ln1teloer, from Pewlud!.el el· '2 ~I( SIX I 12-1·9· 1 1·2·6) .,. d llCl.'31.20 10 rwo wl!lrlfl\9 llcltets ('h' l!On9'l, Mid S l.275.90 to '° wl11111fto tidlltl' (five llOl'lftl. a1Gtrnt llACa • ., f..rlOll9' Roo An Plunder tMCC.rronl s.oo ) 20 160 Mounleln G"°'t (SOhll t •O S 20 f'okerlto <~01.•I l IO Time 1:13 IJ DAILY nt•ll 12+11 01ld Slit 70 • " axACTA (M l Paid S1S4 00 NlllfTit llACE. I 1116 m1lft Prlre Sllot 1s1even'> • ll 20 s 60 • 00 Ple¥lno Tll>l 1a i.c._I t IO •IO Vleora ISJbll .. ) 7.10 Time 1~2 '5 •XACTA lt-•l e>aid 1316 SO t.2 lATa OOUBLI 11-9> P••d Slt 00 Aire110ence· 21.010 Mul\111...Nndle. "-930..604.- Les ~mltos waoetlSOA Y'S RE.SUL TS ( 12'11 ......... -"9rllWW ,,_..,., lectl... s.of 5 CHICAGO WHITE SQ)(-ltecat>ecs Ken Pat· t«son. ollcNlr. trorn V111<ou~er of IM Pec1fic co... Le81>U1 CLEVEL .. ND tN01AN5-<a".O uo Scott Joraan. oulflelder. Ir~ W1lh•rnlPOl'l of IM EHlern LHllUI K-'HSAS CITY ROVALS-Tnt<led Teel Power, Plleller, to tlMt OttrOil l 1gen lor two minor lell>ue otevtrJ to l>e named laltr MILWAUKEE 8REWE1lS-C11ea uo Garv SMffield, lnfleldM M1~t Felder •nd OarrVI Hammon, oufflelden end Mark ICnudto.n, Tom F~. ano 8rven ClullerDUC~ P·•Cller' l•om Oenv« of tne Amer can Auoc1aro0<1 . OAKLAND ATHLETICS-<etteo uD Davt Ollo end Jom Cbrs•. .Ptlc,,eo. Lance 8llnll'1'J1t1io, Inf~ end Fel•• Jo", oul· t~. trom Tacoma of 1ne Pac1flc Coast lNIJIA TE>C-'S ltANGERS-<a ·eo uo M •e Jetfco•t eno Sco11 M.av. oilGl;ltfl. Jt rrv Browne, se<Olld oa~n. •11<1 Owevne Henrv_ D••C~tr from Olclanoma C1l\I ol tl'le Amer•t•~ AUOC•l llOll , .. ST llACa. 400 vard~ TllKaS* (Cr-) 13 00 7 60 1 llO Nat*MI \.H_. OeMl'I S$noor (PlllUtnlon) Blue eioc..-(White> '60 • 60 CHICAGO CUBS-Cereo uo M•"e H••kev Time 0>20•t J2 IXACTA (4·11 oeld S7UO UCOMD •Ac•. 350 verds 6 00 end Mike Caoel, ollcners Oouo Dascen10 and ltole1'do Roornes. outfielders, end Rocli. Wror1a. cetc:ner lrom IOWa Of lht ,.,,,.,..c.,. AUOC•l hOfl FOld'~onl\' (Odrdltnl 11 00 I 20 3 20 Wlllte SeletNoder (Whl'91 l 60 3 00 Tectoll (Lewlal 4'00 Time 0-17 If J2 IXACTA (3·11 oelO f77 20 TH•D RACE. JSC verO\ 0--t A!IO CnerrM <Tr" I l UO 10 IO S 20 MIH RllOY ~~Ml -1)80 to-- Minnie tentnl IDIW ldcM!ll 3 00 Time 0-11 t6 Also lten CC 9rown, Reel 8ff thecktr Peri OendV, Soutn.tnt 9e11. Conc1Mt, Lob SMI, lme ltOtllel Cneroer ScrelcMcl L•llle Townl>OuMt. Molll1S TrHwrt tt •XACTA 0·21 H id S10060 PHILADELPHIA Pl·tl).LIES-'C1¥eo uo JOM lti.o,1111, caicner, Tomnw Barrell lnf>tklet end Salome &trO•H, A .. • Meel'tC 9 I O•wi.v end Scoll Ser11lce, oi1c11er,, trom ~·ne Of 1ne lnlernahonal LH 9"' PITTSBURGH PIRA TES-PurCNteO Ille COlltracls of eer.nv 0:~1tl1"C. ou!l·e'aef .·~1.t>en 1'odrlQue1. catCM<, Da've Rucker, oltctter and 0ennv Gom•ae • trr.e~ trllm atJH•io-01 '"' Arnerieen Auociatoon lte<al ea Fef • Fermin, tN>rtstoo. Morris Madden, S<oll Medvln Rick llHd Miguel G11c.. •"d llter>ev Kramer, ollCMr\, t nd 0rtSltS 01\trlde. t;rll t>lltmfn, from Buff•l9 Senl Al PtdrlQ\lt snor1,100 to l uft•IO Added 11.cente Pa••C•Ol P•IC"" •no ltafldV Milllgen, llr\I t>laernan •o '"-'r .-0-man rOiter ST LOUIS C.A•DINALS-Ac.outred Oer=v-~TH •Ac•. ~ v•rds f<tvlno E•n Hom. <P•i.otlr1e1 •teo Mr Cecne Creek (L.echv> 4 20 J 40 w1ttlne. lnt..kler. from 111e Hou''°" ,.., •os tor 260·,eo-aoo Fortell, 011cner CllOwn Sia (Creeeer) 3 IO SAN FR .. NCISCO GIANTS-Movto Davir Tlme 0.103' 12 axACTA 17·•> oelcl s21 40 Ora vKll.'t, Pllcller, lrom tlle 21 aaY' d•Ull4t!O '"' 10 the 60-dev "" Placeo KeUv Down' ohcner. on "" 21-ct.v "" retroett·v• 10 -'Uil ,S ''"" •Ac•. lSO verdL Olar>e Oerllno (Treuure) sn.,,...., ltoe1<e1 (Cteeeer> Mv Ml\I ltevenue (Pilllefllonl '10 s 00 3 to , ltecelle<I Freric;teo Metel'!Oei .n11e'Oer, from 6 60 5 60 '"'-'II-Of IM Pacific Coas1 l.ta11ue Tlnw· 0: 17 7t. 3 IO BASKETBALL AIM> lten WOOCl.llOCk LM!v. Klo1omV!eOV, '~ts CM!'l\O, JIJ Actor, M•U Ra.Mt•leOV, Diamond Lu<k1: Sc;r-e tCNO" N- tl •XACTA (l·ll 11eld 15160 SJ DAIL y Tll•LE (3+3) oela S?90 IO SIXT" llACI. lSO verda Tlltt Hlos A Sm.ill ICrt-1 UO 2 IO , 20 •11p1no Tne· c.,,, ITreu urel I IO • 00 FOB 811t ,,._...,) 2 60 Time 0:17 IO AlsO Ren Merrlenn GOkf, ltaaar Aoollo, SC>nef\ul, Gooellinw 0 TOOie, Seal' Bvnef' MIU lt11teeladv, Olemon4 LUCl<S Scratched: No Tn" Tono11h1 U •XACTA 12·tl oe>d SS3 60 • HV•NTH •ACll. JSO vardi. Siies So Fa&I ILeckev) 12.IO S.IO 6 20 E•\UY A en.mo (Ceroo1t ) 300 300 SClnlllllle (FitlutrOI) 12 20 Tl~: 0,17t0. Tln>e 0-17 tO AIM> ll•n Heels N Headeellft. Meado.., Hall, Fried Freclion, S1HV Rule, H !Ill Oes.«rt ~. hdvlnos Ho\nl • U llXACTA U·31 Pala S.U IO. •IGMTN llACI. 170 varol. JoMnvs Oue (Wlllte> 1' 00 • 60 S IO Soul Of An Oldle (Proctor) H O 310 Rtoert .. r (Pllkt nlOll) • 2 60 Time OMOI AIM> II.en a.au Decloui. Tovo11 Te•k. -'nov Tet s1u1e. ltic,, 9eoourn •2 llXACTA CS-3) oald 5'200, NIHTtt •Ac•. 400-.,.,rcn PurM '3 ooo Whitnen Wonoer (Creer> 14:'20 7 60 S 00 'FrlliOU!ent FreOdle (Proctor I ISIO 12 40 S.ileo (~8') ''° _... TlrN. 0-:20.'3 " IXACTA <•·II oeld '307 ao 12 DAILY Tlt~ll IS·H I oeld 11..32210 "tt911dence-J.321 .Mlituti...H•nclle· 1SSU9' . Ne"9Ml.a.sar.-.. AU«letierl NEIN JEltSE'I' NETS-llelea&ed Blrcnone, -rd • ~OOTIALL ......... ~ ..... LRtue "TLANTA F-'LCONS-Wawto Er11< Krerner, Qu1rtert>ec1t S111neo Rici<. DOl\nltllv. ount.,, eno LfOl\lrO MotcfleQ ollem•v• ta<kll Clelrneo Ctwrtu Marlin nose tacll.le wno was ov tM 111e Houston Oilers CHICAGO 8EARS-C141 tnea Gtrald Rot>· lnson, cMtenslve end, wllO was w••Yecl bv •M MlnnHOla V1"lr19s DENVER BRONCOS-AnrlOuctd Cra19 Morli>n efld Barnev Cnevous w 'I De re1a,11eo IS N rMlme Cl>llt"" Ml'1HESO'(A Vll(INGS-S.9"ed P1u1 Coi· ftriec\, h9n1 end Weoveo Gere10 Rob•nsO" ~tlv• end. M•Chlltl Dvrr1111e ottentlvt lineman. eno f:leTclitr Louellen, defe'llive t>eck SEATTLE SEAHAWKS-S19fled Jell 8rvar11 defensive t na HOCKaY Netlellal Hedotv Lt .... NEW VOltK ISLANOE!l.S-S11111eo David VOiek, r1911t w<AG. to a Ntovtar conire ct SKIING US OL 'l'MPIC TE-'M-Narneo D111t>or N\olellek 1wno.n1> coecn • COL La GE GATEWA'V CONFERENCE-Narnl'O Tracie 0 111-e 1111orrne1lon cl•re<lor ARIZONA STATE-Named JI V Htttn•n VOi· UfllMf beSktlball IUtttent Nit.VV-Narneo G1rrv w r.11111 usls•ent OhlletoaN coactl I ncl Gtr1t T avlOr her.el rran eeer WILKEs-Hemeo Torn McCuire \DOn\ lfl• torinellon d•<Ktor UNITED ST-' TES COAST GUAltO ACADEMV-Annouf\Ced tl\el, Sr>eun Mlv, _,, lniortNlioll cl•rettOI' ,..., -II vtfl adml lslratlve duties Of tOOf'll recnnoclan ·okllih~ma ·state may~ br~ak.thr~Ough Cowboy~ could be ready to.chall enge in Big Eight By DOUG TUCKER ,., .......... They may have the be'it running back in the , Big Ei&ht and they defimtcl). by all accounts. possess t~e league's lop ICIC'k returner and wide receiver. What's more. the) hnH!. a seasoned. veteran offensive hnc and a head) voung quanerback who appears 1<1 haYe all the tool~. Could th as finally~1hc y~ar Oklahoma State breaks the Nebraska-Oklahoma 'itranglchold in the 811 Ei&ht? . Coach Pat Jones resists the 1emptat1on to say yes. · "I thank if ~c don't ha'e a lot of •nJuries in crucial areas ... Yr-ell. it sounds hke a broken record with me. bul . . l think v.c ha"'e been a IC$ll1mate contender every )t'.'ar ~tnct 1983 bu1 one. an 1986. And I 1h1nk we'll be a contendtr apm. It's just 1mpos11blc to k.nov. about th1n1s hke 1ruunes and momentum." There was no doube. in the mind~ of 94 media ~prnentauves who pantc1pllttd in the 811 E1&ht's annual summer poll as 10 ~hal m1&h1 happen. Go1n1 with the h1story-rcptat~·1tsclf tfieof). Okla- homa prMttd 60 first-place vo1n and 711 total poin1110 Nebraska's l2 flm-plact bellot' and 686 poin11. There was almou equal unan1mny 1n pttd1c· una lht last-plate finl\hc~ KanYt Sta~. which ha1 won only tVl'O pmcs o"cr the pa't two teat0n1. was &abbed te\'enrh. cd&tna out a K1n111 P!Olflm that i1wualns1n the 811 E1p111ncc bra11n, Kanw S<e ia 191S. 8nidn IM Baa Two °""Oklahoma &ate. which mumu bnyof'oft'tntiwc &altnt. was11\en dw tliltMtt& uaJc ('Onticknmon. 1M Cowt>oyt ,ot IM oUler two ftrst·sUtt vcwn and ffrr PK'~ lhinl Mead of'Cokndo. MattOUn and lc>Wa SC.IC. a.Jahoml $1alt W111 M m'111na lll•Umc ~ ll8der Thurman Tt.oma1. •ho com~ hit eUlibility. lut the Cowboys ~tum· Junior t8J COLLEGE OUTL'OOK quanerback Mike Gund}. styltsh wide recerver Han Lee Dykes-and d~'et)thingrunnrng back Barry San~ers. the nauonal leader last )ear an kickoff returns. · Sanders' returns included 1v.o I 00.)'ard touch- down runs and punt returns for touchdowns of73 and 68 yards. Gund>, a JUmor. completed 170 of 287 pas~ for 2.106 yards. O} kcs. smooth and fast at 6-foot-4. nec:ds onlr 354 yards m tus senior Kason to surpass the Big Eigh t career rc~iving record held by Nebraska's 1972 Hc1sman Trophy winner Johnny Rodgers. SuU. Jones con 1dert his offensive line tht team's areatest strcnath. .. We uvc almost the same crew ... he said. "Onlyonestanfrl5 not back. and he really spht the time wuh another gu} who 1~ back. We think we can~ very aood up front.'' Oklahoma fiaurcs to cwericncc a dropofT from the squad thil went 11 ·I and didn't win IM nauonal cump1onsh1p only because it lost to M1•m11n the Oranae Bowl. W1\hbone quarvrback Jamelle Hohewa), Oklahoma's lop rusher the past three seasons. 1s amona onl> five rftUfftllll o~n11"e starters. and he 1s coming blclt from m.,or khtt SUfFf). . The others are auard Anthony Ph1lhps, cenier Bob Latham. halfback Anthon) Stafford and split end Carl Cabbtneil.. who ahematet wnh sophomore Anie Guns A ppana hole will nm ar 11ati1 end. where w ckplned Keith JeckiOn was a t~11me 1ll- A1MnC1n. Ntbruka could be po1\td t0 take mck the tttlc n last shared wnh &ht Soont" in 1984. Srruor ~Slew Taylor 11vn the Hustenellpert ,Uy .. diet crucial l'C*tlon. .. Alto bllck tOr h11 1tn1or ~•r it .._.~ IPICiUill ~ TlMJlllll•t oUuidel.....,, • one of die most lifted dw Hutllm ewr Md. Md ..... ti411ft.. Wl~k .. ranked second in the B1g Eight an k1ckoff returns. thud in pun1 returns and fitih in all-purpose "ards. Alsoboostina the defense "''II be hnchacler LcRo)- Etiennc. M1,soun could be on thr nsc m Woody Widenho(er's fou nh >tar as head coach. The Tiacn ~turn 10 defcn~1ve stancrs and will bt opcratin& their triple op11on olTcn~ for the ~ond year. Gone is halfback Darrell Wallat'c. lhr Trgen · all·Ume rushing leader. but ~\.en oncn'i1 "'e starters ~tum. A stable of pron11S1ng running backs 1ncludcs. most notabl>. Ton\ VanZant. •a high • school All-American.whose coflege <'areer has been slo~ by injury. If the defense firm, up a) c'pccted and VanZant blossoms. the l 1gt"r~ could tx sifting throu1h bowl bids when the IC'avcs 1um color. Colorado quarterback Sal .\unese. tM Bit E1aht's otfens1vc Nev.comer of the ) ear. 1s back for hisjuniorC'ampaign . He also hit 23 of SI passes for 522 )ards and thfft touchdowns and 1s one of eight otfcns1v<' ttancrsbeck. The Buffs ranked founh m the nation last lelton with • rtBhing a' eraac of 306.4 >•rds pcrpmc•nd have rbe1r top fourhall-camm t.ck -Aunne. fullbeck Ench K1ss1ck and halfbecks Eric Biefticmy and J.J. Aann1pn. loWI Statc•s Jim Walden 1 back for 1 SttO seeson IO 1upcrv1~ thC' f~clonn' rtbuilch prosram. K.anw State's Stan Parnsh enrcn h1 \herd yar after ao1n1 2-19· I hts first IWO tcltOns. K.anut haJ a new head coach. H-)ear Glen Malon. who took ovtt from the fittd Valelmw and promised to 1ouahC'n up t .,...arn and dia• C\'Ct")one's anuude. T-. an 1ndtpendent 11ntt the Minou Vlllly Con~dt'ODPed footblll. also hat a lle9CI COlm 1n 31-yar-Old f>t, 1d bdtr. the roun he9d 11181\ 1n five yttrs and the )OUntnt caeda •• Div1tioft I·"· 1'111 Oolden Humaane could hf hard-vn~~ 10 ... tnudt 1111pro~t on Jall year·1 ......_ alt~ the tdttdult i1 mudl ,._._, IUt tOPhomott quanc1•'t T. . RuWrJ 111-k 1fter ..-na '°' l .051 ~ 11 Saints ready -to cha~lenge 4 r rs NF WcstPaiT PROOUTLOOK optngto shake---------- p ayo f letdowns ::.~~ kicking game and special BJ BIUC PREWIIT ,,_...,......, The NFL's oot d1vis1on on paper durin& the 1987 regular \Cl$0n be- came a crumpled discard 1n the ~ playoff wastebasket two weeks into 1988 with the fall of the New Orleans Saintund San Francisco 49ers. Coach Bill Walsh's 49c~ posted a I 3-2 record, best m the league. to wm }their fi~h NFC ~est title in ~ven ~ Jim Mora s runner-up Saints not only came of age in their 2 1st season with their fir~t winning record ever, the 12-3 mark "as the second best in the NFL. San Francisco's. offense. starring quarterback Joe Montana, record- ._ breakinawide receiver Jerr}' Rice and halfback Roger Craig. ranked No. I m the NFL and the defense also ranked tint. New Orleans was founh on defense and had one of the league's best rushing attacks, featuring half- backs Rueben Mayes and Dalton Hilliard. But the Minnesota Vikings. 8-7 and $CCOnd-placc finishers 1n the NFC Central, inflicted back-tO-back em- bacrassmeots on the Weste rn twosome. They beat the Saints. 44-1 O. in lhe conference wild-card game and -went on to San Francisco for a 36-24 victory over the heavily-fa vored 49crs. "Having the be t record. the o. I offense and No. t d efense isn't enouah.''.sa1dCcaig.. "Jt was a IC'>S91l for us all." "Somethtng's missing some- where:· was what struck Michael Caner. the 49ers" All-Pro nose tackle. Walsh pinpointed a couple of thinas. saying he wanted a stronJer pess rush and more speed at wide receiver and runnmi back this season. He'd also like improvement But lhe coach of t~o uper Bowl =ion teams (1981 and 1984) , "You don't want to just throw parts out of the machine. cspec1ally when you've bffn so successful." Mora believes his Saints should be better because of what the Vilunasdid to them last January. "The competition picks up when the playoffs stan;· he said. "Thctt's no time for an avcraae cffon . We knew that going in, but they reminded us ofn." The 1988 Saints and 49eA. who split twopmcs last year. will tc teach other in a season opener at New Orleans Sunday. The other two NFC West teams. the Los Angeles Rams and l\tlanta Falcons. were 6-9 and 3-12. rcsptt- tively. lasucason. The Rams' trade of rushing champion Enc Dickerson helped bring them se\'cral tugh 1988 drat'\ choices, including running back Gaston Green of UCLA. Atlanta got the No. I pick 1n the draft. linebacker Aundray Bruce of Auburn. The Falcons. who switched to rookie Chris Miller as their starting quarterback late last >tar. 1A.erc the NFCs lowest ranked team on both offense and defense. "We can't hide from 1he realit> of our situation." said Conch Marion Campbell. who knows ho~ far the Falcons must go to catch the 49ers and other 1Qp teams. Montana, who won the NFL pa~ ina title and threw a club-record 31 toud1down passes last season, has been the player most respon~lble for the 49ers success on offense. Steve Youoa, the backup whose salary is almost as i)igh a$ Montana's, thrcw l 0 TD passes lnd averaged 7.3 yards per rus~in& attempt in rchef appearances Ml.IC ll)TIC( •• DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS A READER SERVICE OF THIS NEWSPAPER COLORFUL TOY SOLDIER Th11 roSy·chffktcl roy so•01u will sland at atten· hon 24 llours a uy tncour 19""1 au •hO pm your way to lfl!Oy '"' nolldav spmt Measur109 4' tall 111s ftltlv. gart 111e1ucses a bughl reo 1acke1 w1lll 9010 lluftons and lho\llfff tnstl1 toyal blue pants •nd lfltfty bCl<k toots Our color poster is Pf1nlK 1n wltttprool non·fadt '"" 1no 11 •HY to make 111st Ihle ttlt potltf Oftlo plywooO •nd saw 11 ov11 ----------------0 •7.0 Tor Soto•tr •OO C 2 IOI StSQD I 12 11"49 Cllll09 13 llS lP1(IUrl"9 700 pro,tettt """' ------------=--:- ~---~---~,.---~~~- c:.IJ --~--~~~~~--....--..-, ,,, "-'' , Joe Montana 19 ezpected to open tbe .-.on u San Fran- clllco'• top quarterback witb Ste•e Yoant ready ln raen'e. last year and as the staning quar-placekickeT Monen ~ndersen are terback of the not-too-distant future, other key otTens1\e v.eapons. ~II-Pro "There's cenainl not a weakness Andersen was 28 for 36 un field toaJ there." Walsh Sl)'S of the quarterbaclc attempts. Wlth one of ht'> mis~ on a position. last-second Jock "-htch could h:ne There could be real competition. in beaten the 49ers. fact. fortbestanin&Job. Montana 1sa The Rams' roolcae pros~t'> 1n- good bet to open the season as No. I, elude two first-round p 1c1cs. <Jrttn t>ut Walsh would probably swftcll 10 -and w1Cfc recei\ier .\aron C"oit. Youn& if Montana had a fe1A. rough Charles Whne led NFL rusher'> last pa$Sing da)s like the 11-for-26 ex-season Wlth 1.374 ~ard'> but ~oung pcriencc in the M innesota plavoll quarterback J im E\ertm thre" more pme. , interceptions ( 13) tllan touchdo" n Mayes and Hi I hard combined for pa$SCS (I 0) OtTens1' c tad.le Jacl 1c l ,425 yards rushing for the Sam ts last Slater and center Doug m1th; bort. season. and the No. I drafi pick 1s with more than I 0 ~ears of C\· runnina back Craig Heyward. perience. ~ett P(o Bo" I selecuons Quarterback Bobb> Heben and last season. Marlin fi~hing should get better- iiilproved conditions atnlghtmaybea beilefifto anglers Marlin fishermen are looking 10 lhC' ntth1 t1me$kyfora h nle help to lmprove marhn fishing o lTthe outh· landcout Last week's full moon cond1\1on hampered btllfish anglersand onl) a fcwb9atsfoundan) action 1n nearb' waters With the change in moon · phase, It ts hoped that the marltn "111 nay up longu and be 1n a feeding mood. Dean Plant at .\nglersCl:ntl.'rtn Newpon (-64:!-6662) ~pom 1ha1 there are scattered marlin around Cata I 1na and near the :!6 7 Spot Pnvate sponfisher<o trolhn[! lures offlong Po1ntand the ltde are find10g b1llfish Jack .\lbnght and Jim Jenksof~e"pon. li~)ung on buard the·'Kea-Ka1 .. caught and rt"lea~d four stnped marlin tht) pJ'>t ''et'I.. v.h1lecompeung 1n a !()(:al b1llli\h tournament Plant added that Ed ~fanin ot Newpon. was fishing the "Sun Run- ner" ofTt~ \\CSt end ore atahna and ran tnloa school ofb1gdorado f he colorful game fish h11 a trolled hm: and the 'IChool Clf20-pound fi'lh chafied the boat" here angler\ harvested fo ur ti'lh Big game anglers should i:\pcr t good ac11on on striped marlm lh1'> v.eckend wnh an outside chanle that a swordfish or t\\O m1iht be landed Planl'schans show that man' ma rim are being taken on lures. \\htli.·~me hvtlllackerel tatche') ha' e ~ho been reported Trollers are choosing gre('n black and bla~k/purplecu'i1om marlin lun:'> for earl~ morning fishing and then changmg O\ er to hol pink or or.in@e dunngda) time trolling For an updalc on fishing off the coast or going fi h1og ~tth the ngh\ gear chcck;Mth ;\ngkr'sCcntcr. Ml.JC NOTICE ... ' J. J11 NIEllEC OUTDOORS 0 Good schoolsof}ello\\1111 and yellowfin tuna are heading up the beach from Baja. Bill Brown oflrv1ne and his youn1 son Charlie fished aboard the .. Spint of Ad\ enture" opcra1tng mini-long ranJe 1nps ou1 of H&M LandinainSan D1geoth1spast Wttk The pa\rofav1d anglers caught good numbersofyellowsand tuna w11h both turning 1n fish to lh(' 8.\( for point rec:Ofmt1on. Good fishmg cond1t1onscx1st rn local "ate~ for an e>.tended earl> fall season M 1kc Keating who sk•pJXr!. the .. Sp1nt" is optim1s11c about thc ftsh- 1 na offSan D1ego and chann<'I waters 1A.ell antoOctober W1th a few albacore being taken olT Morro Ba) this wee I... there t'> still an outside chance that the alb1es will sho" up close enough to thr beach to be caught b~ boats running out of Southland land1ng,s. Localh. sponboats running out ot Dave) 's loCkerand ~ewpon Land- ing are finding a fair bite on bar- racuda.sand bass and bontto. Some yello"sarchmingonthc I I spot and under Ooaung kelp pan1ed but tne bite has been htn and~old depending on the ban and boating pressure. Look 10 good fishing to return to the local waters as soon as the summercro1A.ds havcdepaned and the kids ha.,.e returned 10 school. Both landings ha\'e aJI da). thrce..quaner day and half day boats depaningda1ly with twiliitht tnpsS<.'heduled. ' .. .. • a.._ COMI DAILY PILOT I l'hur9d1r, ............ 1, 1M8 ..... !WIC.. !WUC ... ~ !!M !Ilg '!M..,. .. P!M !P!!C! ~mp !WI mtlE W .. i MUC mncr ..UC llJlll .... ·=--V ...._. lftill fir~=~ ....... L_. ~OfLOT ftM U• "!!!l'Jl~=r MiiftlU9MllllllM Mnnoul-•• MTmlUl• H•M ":1:&U~1r 1 ='f'4:Tr .J::1=.-=:::::z: ~ &.:.. ON-:>.U~,·~ ... Bftl:JI ~..,._..,. "'&:.=:'£,..: .. ~':.,_!.,, ~._::•:.,..: .. n. ........ ,._.,. • .,..... -Mii....., al .id Onlep ......... ,... CORDID .. 900K 2tl, IUH••.... ............ ......._.. ,_......,_... ......,_ • ... ....._. Pl ALCOllOLIC ..._II to M peid oNt 11:00 •"' Ar9' Allu•IWI PMll 41. a AHO .. Of T"9 tol=Jtne "'""• KMHT INDUU"IU. MDIT\.Y "°"MOTHER. T .. KOAOCKTtLECO . TULLY M~I COR· T"AYILODOl·COSTA a ~ICW(I) .... -tr ... '-beefl Tiie lntUrWll CclMpenr, • MllDILLANOUU MAPS, ._. ........ ~al _.. ....... IMS. •311, • ...,,,,, DrM. Co91a ...... 1101 Hlmltton, Huntington AHOI). 1 ... 1 ~· Nuevo. MUA~ MACH, -t-e• U.C.C. ....... by the Depart. Cellfornla ~ M MCORDI Of OMNGI .... ,10tltlou1 lultneM 0.... ...... C.. t2U7 C*. -IMoft, Clllf. Ht41 ntne, CA tl711 NORTH, 100 Newpou ... .. 9"..., IMftl al Aloof'* hwwept Truat .. , or 8ucc .. 1or COUNTY. CAL.IPORNIA. OE-N a "' e ; M A O N O ....., a.it K~. ~ ....... M. "'-9. 650 ~ llllloP, t50I Hainll· W .... Well. ,....., Sier· ......... Coeta ..... 1 NOTICI II Hl9'1BV C.... I Trwt .. or lub1tltutecl IC:UllOAIFOLLOWS. "'°'f'"118,4,. ..... lt, ..... C.... M1M. Clllf ._,a1110No.D-a,l,Coeta '°"· Huntlng1on e .. ch, ,.Nu9WO,irvtne.~tl711 Celf. -1 I ONIN .... er-. of TNe 1 .-. .,..-., and T""'99, ol INI cer'9lfl Deed THI IA8TEAL V ,4 00 ......... , Beed\. Cald. ~ ..... c.11 tMll . .... . Thie ...,.... • con· .M Mlr'I Olen, Ht5 <:Mk <MANPMNCO MANN and vnV-" of_,.. efor'IMld of Truet Hecuted ti( P&T OF lll'AN:ELS 1 AND ..,.. Tllll "*'*' 11 con-Tilll ~ II con-TNt bu9IMIS 11 COfl· chioeed ~.,. lndhlduel Knall "...._ a.n ~ ...,...,~ a. ...-In lfede, thltl#el, H l A S C H I a. Al IHOWH ON 'I' MAP n. ~ ....,... ....., w. en lftdMduel .,.,... by an lndlvldual duded by an lndtvldu.i Tll• re9lstr1nt com· C.. 1110I curtly No. (HI) 650-4t-0t06 :11 ve111 and good ... ol HOOlll'INGAANER. A rMr· ~ .. llOOK •· lll'AOE ...._,....,..to..,.,_... TN r .. letrent co"'· '"• , .. 11trent com· Tiit re9ls1r ent com· INnCld to trenaact bull>-INn ~ Olen, 1107 Md M6s4t-4403 (llertl, ~ wll De con-tledtNn•Nl ... andMP-11 OF lll'ARCIL MAN, IN tied In 0r-. County on _... to 1r9MeCt bUll·,,....., to tr~ bu1t-fNnCld lo tranuct buSI· ...a under IN flcl"IOUI .... 1teuw1 Roeq, South TIW.-.CW end L.IOeMM, ..,.,..,..., end the conalder· •etw property, Ind re-THE 0,,ICl OF THl Marc II 7, , 113 fl l.E ,_ Wider .. flc1ttlou1 w _., tfte ftetttlool ,_ ~ 1"' flcttttout ........ name or ~ '111P1 ie.c.ll.t1030 ...._ bullrllll ~II .... ._.,, toeetller wtth ..... Mercflt, 1tl1•1n· COUNTY MCOAOI" Of N0.'211227 ~ ._.. w MIMI......._ 1W or MINS ........... n-or ""'*' ....SeboWonJulyt1, 1.- Yln CN Cltueng. 1107 l,111JlnMea.ln"'9CfiyOI ._ conaldlfetton fof 1111 llNrNnt No. 1152, 8ook IAIOCOUNTY,TOGl'THEA T"°""8 J. 8ume. 11142 ......... OllNIA ....SllbolleonNIA llleed~onJuly15,1t88 W.,._W ... Moftterey "oed, South MllllOll VlefO, County ol Of ......... and -'91-•t of 13173. P188 &OI, OI °"'°'81 WITH THI NORTHERL V W.... Or.. Huntington ..,,.,., ~ Meroele M Rowe Lee 11W10P 1llll ...-nent ... ~ p ,, ... c.11. 91030 ... ..... of c.Mfornia .. .,..., llotnM (or "8cordl of Or-. County. 14 00 FUT ANO THE ...... c.lr ..... ,... 11 I '*'' -filld Tilll ~' ... tli.d 1llll statement ... filed wltll the County C"'1! of.,.. Tilll bu9lnMI 11 con· -· tMI 1bUll1r.,-.,, It .._I II IO ~ r>ald on or ~ and ~ to WISUM. V ,, 00 RET Of a.. Cope, 220I So. _. -Co11nty C11ttt o1 Of· .. tfl9 County Cllfk ot Or· """tfll COUl'lly Cltfk ol Of· lf'9' County on July 21 • .,.,... W. •..,_.,pert· ebOut 10 be made to ...., IN 2111 day of Sep-,,_'*'elnNoticeolOef""1 lll'Al'CEL I . Al SHOWN ON 0euwen wer. Santa Ana, =County on AuguM t ,-. County on August a, .,. Couniy on Augutt "4, 1t11 __..41 ..... CHIONG KWONG LAM, ......,, 1tlt, at the 9ICrO'# ~ recorded April A MAP Ftlll> IN BOOK .... c.11. t1104 ,._ ,... ,_., ,... F•111 r-• Tiie re9l1tren1 com· Socl•I Security No. ctepartmen1 of TIEMPO n . , ... • tnetrurNnt No PAGE 4t Of IAtD PARCEi. ~Holden. 192,,. Sen ll'UblllNd Ofenge ~ ~ Ofenge Co•t PublilMd Ofange Coaa1 Publllhed °''"9' Cou1 ::::-...: ·~.,= :::.:::,:.;.:.-:--= =~ ~~ ~~1::: :;:s:::s~ =:. :,j .. =-end addrW °'IN =:aero. Fountain Vlllley, ~'= :r,~·· 25, t=.= t.'f~~·· 25. ~:t~Seotember 1, I . =.:= t.~~ 25 • ....... CW or NIMS ....... ...,_. Is 2,, <:tty ol LIOUftl Hiiie, County Uflder end pur9Ulnt to Mid bell1lcllly•wt1C1ee~ JM'9I N. SnlllnO, 1712 Th-184 Th-• ....S ..,.,_ Oii NIA AIM'9urat. In ltle City of of Orangl. State of Celi-Died ol Trull ... 11 public ttw ... II being conducted ""'ne Dr.. Huntlng1on .M Ming Cllen ~ a.di. County of famla. prO'<lided that Ille De-auction tor cash, tewtul Ffft lleMen. clo 8tenl9f leecfl, Cell. t2M7 Tiiie .....,_,, WM filed ar.nae, ~-of Clllfoti ~:~,,_.nt ol Alcoholic 1ftOMY ol the United Stat• J . ....,, 1,11 Dove SCrwet. 1llll ~ ... con- .., ""County Cleric of Of. tltlt. ..,. Con~ot hal •i:>-of Amerkl. a ca1hlef'• 9'1111 ''°· ~ llleectl, ductwd by a ear-• pertn.· ~ County on Augutt 1, The location In Celitomla PfO¥ed Mid tr-'tf of said cllec:k payable 10 Hid c.ltornll tHIO. Dlrwctions ltliO • ,.,. oA "" dllef e11ecutM9 offlCe lloenel. Tnltl• drawn on a ••at• or IO "" abOYe PfQl)lrfy mey fhle acawment w• flied " nl110I or prtndpel bualnea office Dated A19'11 HI, 1918 natlonel btnk, a check be obtllned by requM1ing w1tft the County Clerk of Of- Publlltled Ofenge Coas1 of"" lnMrldld tr-letor 11· CMAWllAteCO MARIN, dftwn by • a1at1 or ltdlrel IMl8 In writing from tfll ange County on Augutt 10. STARTIN.G A NEW BUSINESS??- Delly Piiot Auguet 25, Sep-..,. lllW llAW, ,,. .... ,., CNdll union. or • cMck belielldely ~ 10 ct.ya , .. tembtr 1, e, 15. IHI Al-... t1u11r-. ,__ _.......... drlWn by• atate or i.cterll hm the llrat publlc:atton of ~ Orenge eoa.1 The Leg•I Department at the Th-909 and .... 11111 uwf by the CMIOMO KWONG LAM. Mlllngt Md loan uaocla-... notice Delly Plot Auguat e.-~f---___ ... ---------1 Intended trenaflfor within Tr•.,..• _. ........., 11on, or •Ylnot bani! spec;. Said .... w111 1>1 made September 1• a. IHI ally Pilot Is ple.-u to an-uw.. yeere a..c paa1 eo ,., Tr•••• .. fled In MCtton 5102 or the wltllOUt ~• or war-Th·881 nounoe a new service now avail- PACIFIC VIEW •MORtAL PARk Cemetery• Morluary Otlapel • Cremator; 3SOO Pacific v-Drive Newport 8acn 644-2700 HA~LAWN MT.OUVE Monu.ry • Cemetery CrtmalOtY lt25GisierAve Cotta Mesa ~0-5554 NRCI IMOTHl"I •u. IMOAOWAY Morturaty • Chapel 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 .... r'1Flewen 2983 Harbor Blvd. COsla Mesa. CA .. ·MO-JUI • known 10 1111 Intended Publlllled Orange Cout Ftnanotat Code and ranty,upr ... orlmplied,as able to new businesses. tr...., .. ere: NONE Delly Piiot Sec>tamber 1. authol'lnd 10dobullnen1n to 11111. pounalon or en-we will\ now SEARCH the The property 11 cteacrlbld 1N8 thll atete, al the m.in tn· c:umbrincel to 11h1ty Ille 1n ..,_.. u: All stock In Th923 trenc:e 10 Fnt Amefleln ""'*" ~ due on the -..C llOTIC( name for you at no extra charge. trede. •turwt. equiprMnt Tttte tneurence Company n«* or not• MC1Ked by and save you t he time and the and fOOd • ol 1 ce<lein W NOTICE located at 11• Eett Fifth Mid Died Of Trust. to wit 1 ~!!!.~ .. ~U S ,....,,.,,.1p1uer1abuslnea Street. 1111111 Cttv o1 senia So4el,11tt6.r>lut1heloltow· -·· .. ··--· trip to the Court House In anta lcnowf'I -"LUIGI'S PIZZA" '1CnTIOUS ....... Ana, Celifotnl• ... th•I right, lno ... lmated COl11, ... The:::::::'°"' .,, Ana. Then, of course, after the and located at 1162 F>tecen· ,.... ITATDmNT tltte anc1 Interest conveyed pen.a end aovencee e1 the ~ · search Is compteted we will file u. Awe In "" City of COS ta The following pertont are to encl now hitld by 11 under ttme ot the lnlttal publicallon I. Gu NA 8 LE Ac H "OUr fictitious business name Mele, ·Oounty of Ofange I dolrlO bull,_ u . Mid Deed Of Trust lt1 lhe ol thl1 Notice ol Sale· 81AUTY SUPPL V & HAIR ' S1ate of California, enci EL[CTRIC BEACH TAN· P'OC*IY tltuited In said sa.924 80 CO . tte c South Coast statement with the County Clerk, ,,.,-., '"' 1o1towtng at-NINO, 19092 Beach Blvd ·iCOUnty and s111e descnbed NOTICE ,0 Hwy · Laguna Bch., Calif publlsb onoe a week. for tour c:ohollc .,._ ...... l!CenM (orlHunUngton e.ach, Calif. ... t2e5I "--'-S as ranulred by , ...... and llc:enMI); on Mi. ti.. & t2MI A LEASEHOLD ESTATE ...,...IW( OWNER Katheryn -'-' H~, --... '"""' wine Number 41· 192723, Carta Deanne Conde, IN AND TO THE FOLLOW-YOU ARE IN DEFAULT , ,25~ C.1allna. St • n• then file your proof of publi· now llMied 10 premises 1702 Seol1sd ... Clr ' SlanJ INO· UNDER A DEED OF TRUST 8tecti, Cellf 92e51 cation with the County Cler1<. located at "LUIGI'S PIZZA" ton, Cetil. 92648 · ' DATED February 23, 19.8,.!. Jem.. Sco.tt Wll\t tteln, for ttle __._localed 81 Lett(..Bilhop,950e Ham PARCEL'Jll UNiESS YOU TAKE ""-' 2'4 Cat.ilna SL. aguna 1182 ~ii;• AYlnlHI tn ltlo.n, HunUngton Beach. THAT PORTION OF LOT 8 TION TO PROTECT YOUR Beed!, Calif. 92e51 1111 dty of Costa Me,. Calll 92M6 OF TRACT NO. 7111, AS PROPERTY, IT MAY BE Thlt bullness Is con· County of Ofange Stele 0j Thll business Is con· SHOWN ON A MAP RE· SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE duc1ed Dy: 1 general part· Celfomja ' dueled br a gen«al pan-COf\DEO IN BOOK 268 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA· ,...., · '*'lhlp PAGES 42, •3 ANO 4"4 OF NATION OF THE NATURE The ragla1ren1 com· Thlt the emount of The reg1stran1 com-MISCELLANEOUS MAPS , OF THE PROCEEDING mtnCld 'lo lransacl bust- purmaee prioe or conSldar· menc:ed 10 transact bus+-RECORDS OF ORANGE AGAINST YOU. YOU ,_ under the fic111lous atlon In connection with said ,,... under the l}cllllous COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DE· SHOUl.D CONT ACT A LAV.:· bu"'-name Of namet trenaflf Of Mid lklense (Of butlnllt name or names SCRIBED AS FQLLOWS YER. • lteled lbovl on AugUll 15 . .,._)andtaldbullMU. llltedeboveonJuty28,1988 PARCEL NO 1, AS NaTAMENCANTfTt. "' lndudlng 1111 ettimated In· Clf1a Conde SHOWN ON A MAP FILED ... ,~NCI COWANV, I F388370 ~IOfY, 11 the aum of Tillt 1111ement was fried ltN BOOK 64, PAGE "49 OF C .. 1 • celftMl'edeft. ., Thlt atetement was filed 1100.000 00, wtlictt consists """the County Clerk of Of. PARCEL MAPS IN THE 9F· .......... U4 r.t Fifth wfth '"'County Cler1c of ()t. of the lollowjng ange Coonly on August 4, FlC£ OF .THE COUNTY RE· ...... leftta AM. CeM· 1ng1 County Of\ Allglm I. Caall '40.000.00; Prom· 1918 _ -CORDER OF SA10 COVN· ..,..... .,,..1 (7'4) ~11 1988 lltory MM seo.ooo.® ,.,. TY. DATED· Augull 22. 1988 'ltU10 That it hu been egreed Publilhed Orange Coast I PARCEL B: Published Orange Coe.st Published Orange Coaet between Uld Hcensee Ind Deity Pilot Sepltmber 1. 8, A NO N-EXCLUSIVE Daily Pltot August 25, Sep-DeHy Piiot Augusl II. 25, Please stop by to file your fictitious business statement at the Dally Pilot legal Depart· ment. 330 West Bay. Costa Mesa, California. If you can not stop by, please call us at (714) 642-4321. . ixtension 315 o r 3 167iand we will make arrangements for you to handle this procedure by matt'. II you should have any further questions, please call us and we will be more than glad to assist you. Good tuck in your new busines~!' Intended tr~ .. •• 15, 22, 1988 EASEMENT FOR INGRESS ltmber 1, I . 1988 . Septemblf 1, I, 1988 qulfedbySec: ?407•oflhe Th·919 AND EGRESS OVER • Th890 Th·l85 ._ _________ .__ ..... ________ ..... ___________ "!'f 98B_CHEV,ROLET · -~i::::J!J Home of the .. Serengeti Blazer .. Ai:ZJM•Jfil Call our tnepdly salesmen fo r details 579-51(:)0 l -800·228-7240 1707 1 £.Jmpenal Hwy.· Y~rba Linda Caltforn1a • ,..,,.,,,., . t.ninl ... li•• THEO~ ROBINS THE~STOAE 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 642-0010 o SADDLEBACll Sales leasing & Se..Vice Parts ·IRVINE AUTO CENTER 1-800-831-3377 714-380-1200 SALES , BODY SHO'J> l l;ASING ~I GMC:TRUCK "rJIE. SMART STOP" . • (714~) 540-9840 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA eJIM &LEMONS IMPORTS ACUAA 1001 a..••· ............. Salee•Leeeing ~·~en• ~ CREVIER & SALES• SE RVICE• LEASING 0 NEW LOCATION! ~ SANTA ANA_AUTO MALL 150,0 Auto M•ll Dr., Senta Ana ; 835-3171 Newport/SS Fr~dinger • ,Sales Dept open 7 days $ef'Ylce-.. Mon -Fr• 7am-.,Opm ' 1; I) BUENA PARK STANTON PACIFIC OCEAN :. ----. - ---. . , . HONDA "~ COUlnY°8 QUIET LEADER OF THE IMPORTS" • (714) 540-0713 ~~· l'::-i.---· - _ .. S Z Kl , • o~E. .,. f 1t'4E. vf'."1 O I 5,_~ 5vivf( • SAA Cus1omer Sa11sfact1on Excellence Award Winner .no-1001 23663 Rocklteld Blvd 1.ake Forest. Irvine Aulo Center • t l'/j'/, HOUSE of IMPORTS, Inc . Mercedes-Be11z 6862 Mam hc~ll'r Boulcvnrd Uuc:na Park IEBYJCE 213 or 714/MERCEDES M·F' 8a-6p M ·fo' 7n-6p Where 1·5 and I 9 1 meet. Sat 8a·2p .·_, CONNELL CHEVROLET ·I 2828 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa ·~ G ~s k Orange Coast Jeep Eagle Cutomtr Sillsf•rllon • Sitt~ Ou 1: 1 Prlor11, . , St nice 541 I023 • ~~Ing 2&24 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa • low .Prtte1 • No G1mm1d11 • Great Selecho~ • Friendly Peopl! • fueltent Service 18835 leo<h loule¥Ord (714) 142-7711 •1uCH 1 LINCOLN •RCURY --SALES -I:EASING SERVICE -PARTS (714) 848-7739 16800 Beach BIYd. (714) 596-1008 Huntington S..ch, CA 92647 • R· .. .. 'l 11 41 l BORDA DBAL&a Df QRAROE CO . SRln • ~rvttt • Part" Lf'astna All Makea 963-1959 CALL 842-5678 FROM NORTH ORANGE 540-1220 FROM SOUTH ORANGE 496-6800 .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT l'Thursd•y. September 1, 1Na I Cl Ch eck out Today's Class1f1ed Section forUeta1ls tr=;§5iiimiirnmim=iiinmrt11 ••""'! ..... •• ....... c.t. ... , .. .,. .... • .. , ....... • .. i ... •· ~ I LUXUAY DOVER SHORE • •1 C....lllia 1124 Wus~w·:ux!A~' ....... 1eac. 2161 Lux condo, nt betl, 2BR WEST Newport 3BR THI DALY PILOT Ct.ASSl,.IEO 0,.,.ICE HOURS fellpl>Ofte S..V.C:e M·F eOOAM $30 PM S.IU<ctey 8 00 AM.1 t 30 AM ~ Cou<l1er M·,. I 00 AM·$ 00 PM Ol.A...,._I lllUeUCATl()Oj -· ·-· -· -· OIAOC.•NI! W• It '9 &¥. . ~ ···~ ,....,. ,,.."" h• t••M '"-'' \» •M '' \•ltM i.. ... _ • "A,j . . ' .~11 ~ ~ . --~ . = .c !· .... c .. cK YOUR THE '1RIT,DAY f"• D•.,. ,.. 'r..-•n.,. ... ..._. .... ~t...,-4(\ ~ •• .-tcU.MIM >; .,,.,., .. tl((\lf .... \if ,.,..,_ ....... -~ IUln m Ifft home •Br. 288. ~200 sit iii(. garage. newty <*of· mf IJl1lll on quiet Slfffl Im· •led, steps to beyfbeech Hlgtlty upgreded 28R 2BA mecul•te condition Gar-, . 910 W. Balboa Blvd. fOt the dlectlmln•ttng, ~N V1EW LSE-fdM tlW8£1111 0.-lociuded Lease S.900/mo yrty.\elS-9650 1275,000. C•n Lynn• 13500/mo •BR 2 18A ............ S2•00l mo 64'0-7781 --,,=-=~c:-=:-:----:- 1 ...__ 790-5000 HOUM, 3-car gar. remod Flrepl.ce, veutted c:ell•""S d•ys. 854-, 17 • eves •2BRl 28A s~_5!~ yrty 2'MSA 2 aty, lrpk:, pvt •GA Tf.P COMMUNITY• roofdedl, S 1275 petlo, w/O hkup. dbt 8: • • ...... WESTCt.1fF 2BR. dbl g•r· w/opnr -All new• S 1 5 BEAUTIFUL 2BR 28A age. flrliplac. S 1350 521-6400 or 650-1206 w/~I course VIEW BAYFROHT Condo 2BR NEWPORT HTS AREA 48r S1 All<> 1BR avaH II $1650 281. gar. lrp4c. din rm s 1395 Frotc -· oar OCEANFRONT 38R Ip MW decor-in & OU1 880 mlefo, W/0 tikups 2 car I petlo Lovely $24'00 .;-M.A.V ... ARBOR WOODS-NB dtlf gar lndry ht!up ~ 2 bltr.s lrom ~ New ~ I WMll to Newport Cntr 1 ~ Sorry no peis •NEWPORT CREST 3BR I carpet , car attcn gar :.:1.:~=:::~~~ "". 1u .. , 2BR 218A.~echedS1195gar-28dnn.2'h8.. $1070 ~=. :n:" ~l~g,:, 759-9506 °' 673-537 ................ ............ \t\Xl\_1..:11 4.\ I ~A,:;,AVUHMS-,; eeew 11tt1st 642-~905 931.31Mc213,c21-11J6 ... llTmlU No Pet.1 s 1395 720-, ~5 gar w/atr• st0tage cen-BAYFRONT Condo 2BR tr• 111 AR meJnt' ind den. dock tor 80' t>oat Nice 2BR 1BA, w/d hkue>. SOtry. no pets, 6«~ Yeerty S.-750 tncd ywd 1 Cllr end Qlr· ................. -... •'"<• '.,.., .. ·-REALTORS 38R. w new C""tl C•"' u. --•-w.--Remodeled tum/unfum '"'"' ,_ ,.,. "'' "' ... -· lltea ....-.12500/ ·" '' n -• r~ _.., --• •• 1 u. Kttctiml & bath Levek>uf'5 :rr On Eutllde. $875 28A28A M>uM.2cargar-IULlmtJl 1-age W8"1 bcil. pools & • ::"';.::':7.-."':.::;"',...''~ BEACH DUPLEX ~vm TEA~CE NB •28A 1'h8A Condo ..... fllllSID b9rt>eir $650/Mo Year1~ SPACIOUS ,,.._. Pf'C>P-• •L.Mge patiOS & yards CALL 642-3850 Bkr 631-9299 or 4'9$-0589 -2523 "' 751-2787 laL ltac~ 1141 lennll $ 1100 Avt now DELUXE 38R 38A 2 "'"' DOCKSIDE RE 722-9730 erty with good lncom. o•ted comm Near new •Sm8U pet ok •• ._,.. .... --.,. Ju11 ate.pa to cx:Hn tl0me,3BR2'~8A.2yrs •CWJ>ortsw/storage 1•BR128Anewcatpet.new W•t ~-Sleps 10 tor'9GetedComm$19951SPACIOUS 38r 21Ba Furn 2BR 18A wmter bdrms /VC, ue>grOS ga- :,.,:";;".~';",:;;_: ;..::= beeehea. E.cfl unit with 3 Old l21501mo Bkr •Pool· pelnl In/out fenced yard bCh 38A 28A yrty 2 car S40-0299 or 854-8693 townhOuM .-y pnvat,e 1300 s/f stps l>dl Fpt "'""""_4 _ .. ,_ bdnM. 2 beth• & fir• u1111••••11t I IUllllZIAPTS gtdlV, no pets Sl200 oarege fK Avt 9 12 •HARBORVIEWHOMES Pool 1ncng1r NOpe16 pallO. caf)l&-H80 $975 -• ·-, .. ,. ·~ ... pl•c e , upper with •• 111• eoo W WILSON mo lst• last -7sec S11500/mo 861r 642-3850 38r 28a H"""" u............,. $1350tmo * 6'2--0576 N..pet 81a.-~2 ...-....... ,, _ bek:ony towerwrth patio · 847·9CM1 M--F 7-or • ..,. .. , ..,,,--__ 131.1.00 ...... "30.ooo · ...... ...._. ZlM llUMl-IMI 964-088111w91wttnas llMl12 L~sr,.:.~~ S.at~ Cuat •••re s;~~o2 ,=si:artt•no - ~l\TI let Kl" 1 j 18 R COndo located In a laL ... ...., 2142 PENINSULA YEARL y liAR.BM VIEW HOME'S 21M Ertttance otf alley $500 ... ,,,.1, '-· •1~,,,....=, ~~:t ~ood;:10~~11n~!AtJillitlNdf6NHXR9ouR •1eA iBA. speaous a 2e1 oen 281 obi 08, c t.ElN 1BR A1cc6N66 1M 1nc1 67S-78'0 REAL ESTATE "~ •• r,'3,:_g897 I gw.Q. ix)o. & IP• ~v1 lmmed possession 2BA MW, upper, gwage S850 Avid now S17501Mo iyr AOUlt. quiet gateCI 1rac1 ft.U IT Tm ID lmmed. S7SO -ssoo sec 28A. 1 ml to ocean some • Lg adorable 2BR 28A ..... 213 373-9'88 N °' Plue 5650 w mOS1 R od'""-28 SI d •• '.--·· I . I . AIC 2 r lrp4c, 2 car gar w 0 -uOI 775-2580 6' 1-1'°6 em "'""" -u 10 REALTORS _,_ 650-7636 °' •32-1166 ~A t 21~~~~ gtNt toe, lg petlO, S1200 LUXURIOUS 28r 281 HOuM Charm Wh1 ~ BY own•r· Vers11lles 2bdrm, 1b•th, garage 2BR 18A. lrpk:, yaro, gar· g I *2 •Great 38R 2'~BA 2 den B i g Canyon &publeab j firs. t~ befbef gar condo 18A G•1ed sec parkl1'Q. S 1o 75tm0-age $895Tmo lT9"8 1"'81 2144 story Nr bMCh Garage S2650""1Tlo 6U-7699 -tnctry $12~fMo yrty .• ...._' ·_... ood. Avall•b .. 911 67~999 K ' S B ......,. ....... Sl3.SO ... ..-1 la1Ma blaU 2'M 631-9299 Of •95-0589 ... .._grnd p., .. ng, G 8181888 505215059 enwOod/lSth t. kt, •TURTLEA&k+ .. .,..... r ... ig. mo ....._. . ., ... $118,0od 613-8••3 • Sherry Costlow 631-22•2 W8"1 to lJmv HIQh Sctil •CNrlntng 38R 18.A "'m •YEARLY $1100Tmo• WI~ 38r & 28r ap1s II 1--••y a.•-FURN 38A, lrplc, garage I *EASTSIOE 18R 1BA 38R 28A yard w/grndr hM on Peninsula P1 ..,., mJllTS 0.UH 2 Bdrm garage 114'5 W BafbOa Blvd --"°' t>lk to the waler ,,.,ane W/O hkop i Sl290/m0 6'6-lOS6 WI D. gar-oe _b19 pa1t0 Supw,38R2"t9Atwnhme P8flllng. steps 10 bay s.. •ft• 1lam Sal. 9 3 28R ~ condo widen. S1400/mo. Wini• only • -.. • · $1050/mo-Winter only 2 Glf'llQI lndry hkup Nr Refs reqd 67s.3063 "'Clll 6'6-3631/tve msg Fem I din rm 1279,71• 121 Pearl 818-U6-5768 ~~~: 5N•0.,P9230 15 S650lmo UTC.OXFOAD COURT YIW IEITILS • bcil S137S Agt 675-4912 ;x.uth .,... 1 New J M Peters 2BRl 2BA WWTD IDTIL I la1MI 38A 1'/•BA hse. End yarcl COndo . fp, oar pool. spa • I ·-. • ••Mr~ 2bd.rm. 1blth ger8gt' ~ .. I llar 2'22 Ihe.~<M 714 lelltytfl4)160-0714 Palaaala 211'1 cOYered palfo Conve-S13951m Adults, no pels IAT18111W NJCF3BR28ASinglOtor) parking $1075 mo LRG ............ beaut 2Br nlent tocetionl S950/mo Wortt 955-2800 18R & den. 281 2-sty exec tlouse Yearly ren.tal Av..._ble 9 1 673-'999 291' n~r -v ........... "'· • ..,... ......, .&EXNFRONT 2er 281 hotM FP 1 b Pie RE 673-1900 .....,, ""'""'" ..... condo, tum, lmmac frpl No pets 721-1677 Home 759--0685 town • -ar ya 8181888-5052 50!>9 •Id l'*up gar No· pets --------z • wld. 2-<:« oar gateCI • .,----$12.50/ • 67~99 1 Wtnlw. 9115188-5125189 38'_. Obt garage. large = leM~ 14 comm poo1 & SQa on tne ..," •-LARGE t>nte a•ry S1udl0 mo * * * * * * * $995/mo * 673-19~ y•rd Available now1 bey Walk to Balboa 154 38R/2'"'8.A condo gar apertment YNI!) rent a 211 _ •• ~ UfRll--• $1195,nopets.6'6-36271 LNG nouse with S220otmo •2~·17S2 $1050/mo 645-9219 S7501Mo -u111s Clll Bot> ...._~ .,_ S2l I' -••• ••• _. LUXURY OCEANFRONT Liz Agent oc:.r\ .,... 18', 181 2 0955-2900 E675--0181 ... , ..... ,e gate mo E..cll I no ••Pan d • O Conde>. 28' •<Sen 2B• flrepteees, patio. new BIG CANYON Oceerotron1 new c:us1om AYI 9110. 213-928-18" POttofltiomodeUnc:bolce. P8fkin0. Wtntec rental •BEAUTIF\LL ~·~Me peint & carpets Ooean 1..0vety2Ek.48n.2:.,.a..on-J:OndO. JBS 2BA "'14y COZV Ownstrs ~ w /._._.1 • loc:atlon nex1 to oreen-S13001Mo786-1906 IUMet,&ooean vu 38r s i de ol highway OOlfcourae.2catgarage !um cable TV 2c:argar No lutctien Steos 10 r-•- belt, pool ... sehool Lrg 2\.\81 condo, w/O pool S 12001Mo yearly Call 159-0079 s 1995 No pets Uttts Po Wtnlet ..,., S.-50 Mo incl uttls M~ Bonus1 900 Sea .SR JV.BA ~ lddtUon. Chlfming&quiethm 2BRI IP• S12501Mo631-1153 •11 7pm213t•56-8907 S2tc>Otmo 673-6607 8181247·2~htfT\S9 l.Mle6'4-2611 $599,000. Great buy• 1BA. lndry & carpo<t Pv1 BIG ()c)Mn t1t9W •& 2Ba ------- a.I lltate f11 lalt C....W ... 1122 Won'tlutlCellPATRICK patio. lum $1•00 Avl ~IPl..s . ....... 90't~~.llp.g11 ... -----------------------.i TENQRE "721-1200 or 9110-5130673·1568 "W•lwfaMs & Strean>S ' I OCEANSIDE-VIEW 48R l g P•llo -pvt dee ii. / ******* "710-1702 ii ft.LA IYTIE IU tBA. 2BR & 1'1l8A or 28R 48A. lumt unlum Avail S1100IW1n1er 6'5-3330 ... II Im Lo 48R 38A blrght & 81 ~ .... I Aemodeted 2Br-Stuo10 pool 1ec gar w/Of)flr I Turner & Assoc Rltrs LM PllJOllLI ew 111m 111.111 I I wi den. Frplc:. w/O l"tkup. 1011S-./30 S•OOO mo •• ..,. ~TME ' entert•lne~·. delloh7 ~ ~~:• ~~ .. c:n~t!ht ::: I S7s0-$10So -seo No CALL •94-1177 w .. to LlOoShops 9IM9 ...,..._ NETWiDM Very spaci ous with --• --lnd~y. · i 1275/Mo yrly I pets Velma SA9~2.,.7 I PRISTINE 3Br 2b• ram 38r, 288. 1arr pat10 COLD Well BAN~eRO bOnuS/I °Tr· ~G ~ VILLA a.Ibo& penthse. 631·9299 or 4'95--0589 Completely remodeled rm • trp4c, 2'" cw gar . S 1500/mo, Leese. I H yar C 2•den, pro dee, MC g•te, 38R 28.\ -tamoly rm or 14' spa TOW strong rel$ - VIEWS & aerene canyo_n comm pools, wlls to bch. C... ..... , 122 •th bdrm O/W, W/O., reqd AdultV<efd $1500 Mttlno1 ·c ~ul 11P~R 1 "'c~ 1279,900 642-213.4 Agt i 15001UO Lerge, modern lncd y.,d, 2 car garage. "'°' 1 yr leaM •97-A433 one -IO ""•"'-Redec 3Br 2Ba no peg plNse $1275 mo. c-.,......1 ~he;t. TENORE 721-1200 .. lalt lf ;~ encl pat 0 g 857-2523 or 751-271'7 Are)'ou t"41 spottjng90tl_ associated tJ .. t..... A' ' ~ -•• • .. ;;.".,... 710-1702 BIG CANYON gar, lndry.'642·99181 •DELU~E• =t~J:::"tyou ....... **EXT RAOROINARY CUSTOM CONDO . -. '"--• . ., .-:.-ON p. 38R 3'~8A condo. dbl Bear/MacArthur. St CMtmlng 2 0<y Npt Hgta gerage, toP of the hne all Albans 2BR 28A.. Dys 1 home on • quiet c:ul-d9-illf-AY •" the weyt S2000lmo 83&-04os-Eve -73..1-l.52B ::. r:...~~I~~ C.U... 1124 $950,000. •e.-8230 E'SIOE2'Br. 18&. lyPlace, remodeled kitchen BX& IXv 2"3: .. 2 e; ludtn faraa •,!~A.n:~PA •. 1~t,1::C~ okl•oe. 1,!!"'*'s:uT~015 .. P8eEtLsl w/bdwd floors, FR Unique townhouse Poot, 1 ..., .. ,.. .. .. ..._..... FP .... ltt I t--•· 1-......i ·Call 10' ..... 1575 0oeen Blvd $1225/mo S950mo 6'5-0968 Avt9l 7 w/ueed .,...... • uv • n .... -. ,__..... 673 535• A t oek entertainment center appt. Principals only 36 ACRE renc:h sit•. NW • g rEASTSIDE 2BR. Frplc + book~. Separate •74-9320, 6'2~8533 _ ArlZonl Trees mount11n CHARMING 3Br 28a home wshr/dryr hkup p'lt\IO No ' 1Mid'1 querters PrlVate E Side •BA 3 new BA. Nu views. S 13.6s0 with easy In Harbor V'-Hills POOi Pets S82Slm0. 292 E aedllded blcttyard wllrg kit. nu roof. nu FA heat ..-ms. 675-~08 & spa 12700 Ava<I 9 1 16th Place =A Open Sun r edwood P•llo ~ Nulkylts.tlle,Olkflrs.Lg M Call0wner760·9618 12 ... 5'8--0168 ....,,.., lfnd9CaP!ng loC, trML pp ~73 ft81 au-. 15 JASMINE CrHk 38R ~ ~ct!: OPEN HOUSE SAT 12· Vi~ Spnngt-1 turnlahed S2750 1&11'1111 •• J~IA ..,._ + 8 faCuUI tub A 337 • ~mes. Prlnclp•ls ..-. ~ 1 thru Nov. 11 1 ........... IM Fncd yard, gar . lrplc Qt9M 11*9 In one.of only. 48r, 2 '~8•. Aulno S4000. Irene -.. ._.,11-· S1250Avt9/10~8985 ~·a most S190,000 631·1193 131·2048 before Jpm -• LARGE 28' 28a. enclosed d ea l r•ble n•l gh · ;;;n;.... 11'9 LI.~=;-,; llM Cute 2BR 18A Duotex gerage, patio Bu1•Hns. bottlOoda gerege, lrp4c, lg pa1t0 Air cond1Uonmg No pe1$ ...... Cenyon House fRX • 2 ol River-Side ocH nstOe of PC H 1895/Mo Call 832-5262 •&.ram rm. nu kit. huge '-PU• for equity 1n $975/mo 87S-.912 Ag1 E SIDE 28d h Wk • •• '.n -••• lot. ~ cul de sac Newport Beach home I se g cou -1941K. 75~1397 54g...02l7 WALK TO Beactl!I Studt0j pte, No pets. 2661-C Or· .. Liii nlll · S550-38r 281 S139S·28' engeAv $9001Mo -$400 ,,. Him •PlllllT-•. LL ...... 1125 188 s 1025 Lg yO. fp, wl!J dep 858-3933. 646-1078 You d tove INI 2 bdrm. •BA 38A, 3,000 111• 2 RV CASH fOt your R.E'. equity hkup, gar 786-7322 Agl E'SIDE 3Br 28• duplex nr 1~ beth end unit In the _«eea, 2 fr~. 9•2•0 s/f Any c:oodlllon even 1f on a .... 2124 221\0IOr•nge N-pets. 1 V ....... Greet built·ln lot. 3 car o•r•ge, foreclosure. . gar S100<rMb-"2"1dults ator•o• In bedroom '412,000. 845-2967 Agt •(71•) ~•9·2607'* •SiA ~house, ~po(I 8.50'"'390, ~9036Jeve c:toeeea. + llldlng mlr· 2 Vacant Duplex IOts. ~ :.:•· j;~1c~:~~ ESIDE 2Br 1B1 apt s61s rored dOOrs. Neutr•I col· Bllboe Penln. $275.000 SHOP v_, ""' I ora ttwouohC>Ut. LUI, but E•. Sold .. pkg. Prins S980/mo 647-754'0 .. Wllertr .......... not leeet. ttlet• I•• peek-only. 8'1r 673-3031 AJ HOME! 2BR 18A bu1fl·1ns lndge IUUllS U1·1• e-Ooo ,,..._ of the b•yl dlltllw gar yard Nu1ro· 1 1139,000 Newport North VIiias. dedwd. c:et' ok 1982,.9 TRI ~ 28'. 38a. Oen 111-11• &end new. nevet oc-uake classified Meyer 1850 549.J•S• lndry rm. h1>6C. dbl gar· ~-38' 2'A>Ba. mas-m __ _ age. 8/c. pool, spas GF~E El KJ NS ter bdrm wl r•trHt. advertising the best •BRITTANYWOODS 11250/mo 1yr -secunty ~ l°l~li'~'\"i • tHlelully upgraded way tO S8Ve time Townhome 38r 28a r 8f8r enc es req d ~ •• tr'0 • .,. wl m•ny •men1t1e1. • and gasl S1tc>O mo lease Ava•I 721-0935, S.8-1923 afl nd "· $415,000 * 75$-7653 10/1 631·2• 18 631·9295 lpm evM 1011 ----------------_ ..... , •. , W.'1 give you the down In ~ fOt. atlare of own- er'lfllp. YOU make the mWy p)"fntl & .. lhwe 11PPr9C You receiv• 100% tu benefl11. Mu•t IWwe de8r'I Cl'edlt. Aat 117-«k>2 Dyl, Ev, Minda .. llT .... Cloee to beedl. 38drm, 29A Up And 28dnn. 28A Down. Bullt-ln1. fire-.,.._,*-1371,llOO, alllllLn ,.,.....,. ... , .. , ...., ....... ... lifiill---... ultlul 38Al 2 'ABA flofM, lg rnetr. aulte w/ frpt. .... bettl, gourmet "*'*' "*'Y ammel "'* c.1 tor -.ipt. SM9.000. -11m11&n 11M111 c... ... 1111 llU ..,~-ISlt1 lpectacutar view of __ , ~ 3400eq.lt. ...... .,.. .• ,J..Snl or 1274304 J r---------------. I 0 IESI PllES I I A small, quiet complex. Studio or 2 I I Bedroom & 2 Baths,. ''like new" I I wtth a balcony. or private pa ti~. I Fireplace, pool, spa, laundry. pn-I I vate garage. NO PETS. $550 & • I 1850 Up. + sec. Call Vefma I, I Ml-1"1 I I lrislltH S19riq1 I I ~ & StuaM~ I· I 1BR, 2BR & 1'ABA or 2BR wi den. I I over streams & faJlsl Fireplace. I I washer/dryer hook-up, pool. I jecuzzl & garage w/opener. $750· I I I 1050/mo. NO PETS. Call Velma, 1 ... 1 .. 1 -I •-------------· *UKENEW ALA •OAlf A APTS. l30 w. Wleon 1'81.MGllT ...... • ... ~ ~ _. . >~· Merrill Lynch Realty •LF llllllE OO•llS Proposed Irving Co Oowncoasr Goll Course backs to thts new• Berm 3' 1 BA on COM h1llslde wtth some ocean VteW massive mountatn 'VleWS $725 000 lll-1110 let U1 lltl• Yn Sell V ,., Pr.,.rty! . C111 Cla11ifit4, 642-5"678 for information & surprisingl~ -low cost. Today's News TOday! ._ __ In newsracks by3 pm Community News Along .the· Coast (71 4) 642-4333 Home DeHvery 311 YIDS 0 Tl ICUI IEWPIRT IUCH 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Newty decorated washer-dryer hookups 2 Parking spaces $1200 Yearly (714) 111-2111 ~·············· ...... ···· : •ESA VERDE : • • •Two 2-Bedroom, 1-bath : : upper and lower. Yard, • • : endosed garage, $690 plus • : Oepostt. © : : 2111 lioitry PIHi i :111-MIJ or 411-1 .. : , ..................... . ~ . • I rrr:. -. .... --, ............. -.,a ... u.uw -~ .......... . • ,, __ .,.._.,... wi.C'i1'ft,_ ..,_ . ., ..... ~ IUN• lo.CWl--.llMll& ~-·,:'xi:.: d15iM VIEW. o1W 10 lllflllT pool. Mii' ........,, llH+ • ..... ._. -..... . ... Upp9r 1M....,.,. t•+ lllt ..... 70 -------~.-~ lilillllll>lliiii. -.... ,.. •••• •Ill•. ·=~i:: -... -_ ...... '"•;;u·--llMlr"""'!ll==-=~~= ,,._... ... ,.,.,...... !Nlry ""' •-4111 OI N4-t321 .. Deft, & dining 9-oondO. Pool, epa. OCIUA&IT t• ..._ _... •· ....,_, --·-""" o. di•, t..wa. uoo + utM9.l•W-,.WWW•"'""m!l!!'!'!'!"•WWWP-!!1 w ~ ....... IPlto • ..... ...... P"'...... at1ar... ..._ --....... _ ll'oS ~JM bc:f1 721-ICNW0#721·1020 .___~WI__;,+ OMllrW 141-1833 ..-... _.._ t•t00' TaW "2-1I03 -·-•••·--· I t ""'I ..._ ---· -• "---*' 1121 ~1111 .:!!:., .. P• ~AOF. Fem to atir .. t ,....., t30I. . CHil.DCAM "1 Md llgflt --------,,__Ne,_. 17S-1117 IASTW tM 1BA. WIO _.,., -·1· no s-t•. ,.,.,28A "°'* 1blk to awn.,.._ llO-M13 tlCMIMt!MC»ng lrvlne ..:.._ l'llUED ---liilil.. llli ~ ........ orpt. "°' ~ IV•llU •iflll\ .... ~= 11LL-..11 bct1~too +~ut11a . • 111111.. 1:10-11:a..ft 0 AO,.; ""'1lllU\ ---..,. IS WDWI~ NICEMllllpor1HQfta~ *9A21V....... -........ ..... ..... ~ FTfJllTtrtiMP .......... . \ ...,. ... -llJ., IMil S::H•. Hlllmo. nuw BIG IJ7 •t9r4rt111721. , ... Ger, poot, 991 1 "°' ,,_ ntamkr"" 11 1~110fo:· Ill Hlld•!lf, na-1001 GoedP9Y•loomJ• 1111ian. I. •1. no ,.._ 1121/mo. ·lln Ol 751-2717 •• aea l"""-.. 211 -pd. a1w. No s-t•. prtvete tlome. Conve-..,. ..,,., 880. M!Ohi 1-1pm o... or Frank •.,..,~In per90n. \ --~ t~ae. W1'iiDi -1'419A 2 tlJGEll "'::;.":; ........... MO-G13 or 1'0-1418 *".,..In Nwpt Hat9 "",'lftdry ""· °""..,.. ap'd/F child care ~~_,~M -W Ill ... •• • llOrJ • ...-. ~ •iM • 1401 .. ........_ o&AiW9'0NT..,,, 28f. 8350/mo. 142.eMe IO ... .,,. lold. 55 ....... '°' Intent a • 'I' ------· = I .. •..!.!••:!!'~. ~=-~.,.. sen11LllE ·-~-· Fwn wtnter. Garage, ...... " ... ~N.oflTi on,,.•ttiStreet. =T~r:::· HW'M-~--=· ,. ---• Frig, ......... 9tOW petlO.Nopeta.$10&0/mo nte -t • "91111 vit. -, '81.AnclrW'IPr~ ........ e.it V1a11Je ..... .,.-BA ·-.1AiTiiiiar1812MOry ~1-1-l•IPTI lnd.Nopeea54&4155 •11w1•1• I' 111ln·rsdal Nl1mkr~;,reqd. Ctudl.N9 • .._t-i7MHI ,,.... .,....._., OI """ ...,. , ... ~. Poot, • ...., GE d!W. seow. a noon, ello .... ..-. ==':"":r.:"S""o=::-=;;-J pello.lrP.pool.ape.tdry, flllllO• ....... No peta. Mol'owe1te ·:~·· ON=:.-T~E F~~:c~ln~=~ 10d0, ltOfaQe only, &a -HOUSEKEEPER/Nanny dey,_..NOQl.132-8915 EXCEL WAGES pwt. No l*S-l&IO Up+ lnolM9 ..._IOH ..... White Cw-" a Frig, • 1tcwe ,..;._ f • 1100/mo. A¥elf Sept. 1. I ;a -. ~ or out A11eb1e .,,_,. time 11-.m a.c. YILMA S.-2447 E'llDE ar tee .,_.,._. ~ ..... _. Ind. No pett 54&-4855 W. ..,.,.an ro.!'t. 117 E. 21at. 9'&-1234 Jli ~ dependlbtl Som. Eng: aBlllL mP wortc: eleetronlca . ...--•. --lllO/MO. 759-1177 llah r.ad. · Xlnt 1 Entrv 19¥11. Llcltlt alclltl Oth.,e. Info 1·(5 ....... ,... ..-... lndry fllc. no •Cloeato3fwre •EASTl lUFF TwntlH flllll l•U ..._ lill• IHI _.7_..: L ~ P Y· req1d. c.I eafbar• f()( _.1-ooe1EJlt1tl0. 111Aeoe.._.w1pw1.-.ige .-..11111mo.271 '0'E. ~55.7S)andSouttl Apt.181'28A.2cairoar ..... ·--.... -"~._. .. ,.,,....,o ""--V appt ll0-2001 7~CAllNOWI .,... ...-. Aaao 1·28R *" Pt. 144.o452 Plaza No .... 11025/mo yr 1-. ......, upper SB<. 281, .. a111111m ... It oould ..... you MALE Certified Nur ... __ . -----------.... ______ _ ~ •lpwt ........ d/W, E.ii>i IM/28A twr"'99 •LMgaPool&OedtArN 144-1010, WMon-Ftl -tum. OCWl YieW! E'Sld• CM. 10.qlt. AICHl(114»Ml-5105 A*.~·· toe ULllam ......., ellc llloW9. ~ cebte, ,,..._ w-d. ,_ like new •~tllyContrott.d w-.. 'Miit to beach! Gar. d/w, S36IMo 5»-9050 Iv meg I • •IBlm dlMbtad 01 eldarty. Wiii Electronic part r.cognHIOf'I Haw h.nd car we1t1 ~ & ...._Good 1120. M6-40111dayi •=~~ l~~-decor wfd. Wntr rntl S1350.· 11•1 lveln/C!"'. 840-5335 ~d. Full Co. beMflt• detlil buslw Dn1dlill1111•1111 1n T ~ T" I "°"242t/ew. 1 wtcnds. •...., l.aandry Fac:illtln l1HOlmo. 751-tS 14 25th St. 173•7333 l.L .... WI;' ~WV:: Mature pereon 10 ear• for ..,._, '°' appt. c.Nert.._.. Auto pwec ~ a 1:rs11 t. E'iiDE 2 iro 2ftr 1•Mta. •eow.r.d Pll'lclng 38A 2~ on tne bay. lnwnUon Con"'1tlon. lnfMt 1n my CM tiome. 5 ll0-200l tlffet1/Mettegera. ' --------1 ....,crp1111pnt,J>etlo,gar. •PrtwMIBllconyto •wmnl11UaY• LMva dedl, ""* vleW. hai1•~ Lat Paudlnl, Sept. 1s..11. ~. Lit• Melcpg, ... PIT •1ner11n. QOOd 1 ··-· S116. Awt 1110 a 1011. Gerdanl •8flU• prime locatlon. Vear ftlt Mind to mllt trw Into. 116-5327 aft~ eoee. ..... office of 1 na-=..:: .::~~ Coft'9 w thl d!f'919llCI,, 213Cebrllo. 751-3031 eEllQentAtmoel'lpet'a 38R28Aywty $1800 ...... l2395tmo. 3336 (21S)4'0--4408 PAAT·TIME Babytltter tlonllpeyr°"GO.t.~ ... oon••••• ~. HOMEYJurnlltledapc '°' e&onyNo~• MR~~wntrlt&so~llLldo.Mgr.975•9299 Wlllalffl .. 111 EITABL!St4EO-klfn&ap-wanc.d, my N•wport 1ng lndlvtdu111 •w1x1n1 ,Wl•lllB 11 ~19Repta.Pool.1 ..., ~ ~ ,_... MR28Awln1erl1150 tt 1171 ComervtEWSulte ptru~l25,000 Bw:tl"°"'9,Tu&Thur, C8Alklll.Poaltlonr•ExpertencaaMult.N rec.'°°"" l9undry room. l4151mo 541.757,j 2911 ... St,Comerof 28R 18A win19r U75 1-nw &n;:I ...._._ ... ~&l!!__~1 a.. .. lnCll lnvntry. Ven Couver. agea U .1.148-4220 ~ ~mad ~ ..... IP-& C.. lyndal42~2 "-"Jtar.....,,. ~ •••••• 8f!Mo6.Coet•Meaa 18R 18Awirmw la5 _... • ....,,. ~· ....................... WA 1·20lla.4 30'3 !!I!: ,, ... ptt-... ...,..._ -----lnl Olllr IMO to MSOlmo. , 71•/Ml-11.. WIP .... ,-tel. New earp4Ptl ~ S10n IPIQe a11t on w .. tetln i•;t ,,.. teem wcwtter attitude. ~ _,_, +taOOOFFUOVE-IN LAACJE 1•. New~·_ -drapee, View, patio, u111 .... 111 lll!lrJLLM• lllf -1---......,. CAll(714)640-1880 15/HrPwHime U-IPTI. ~ "-lndry tac. 111-nu peMSl575tmo543-731s ~ •• .. ,5 · c..Laura.•1-2212 ~~ ~...:O~:;r,st. Wcatflcld .......... tali A/t=-~~25 tor TOii s10.=:1.:'No ••I 11111 F~,!11~~~ny flllftl' 12N012 or t42•1I03 •• Uta • Air/ . ...., ... , ....... 2:'~ 1i?:;d-n::t = llll!L 17! ms E. Coat• Hwy. . ::;~::h~1~ F~~A~~·~~;E~~HIER ~'?:'ti=~~ F~ Sorry No P9lal soeo.c Pta:ra. °'*'~ Sp1r1111no etHn ••roe vit.t. (7141 eS0:2s1s Rl'N8HIED ROOM. TV, -. ... 1• •FT '•-•••II Weat Marina Prgoguet•. '°"* lnqulrlel & book QOOd OMV '900fd. -...c. upper. eundedt, Apta. Femlles wale:Ome. ptMIM, PoOI. 1480/mo 1t1TMS~Cllff OAIVE 14S-1711 John rHervatlone. Busy .-v et.EENCO .e...._ ... 8 eer.STIIOlmo~ Pool & IP'· ShOpplng & 38Rl28Auppe<1Ablklbcil lndutfla.Coron1De1M1r Nw1>t8ctl.Agt541·5032 lilltaf.... DIS *UN\rlS* pMNI. rnodetn facility, . ~-.. •n l•I ~ ne!Qhbottlood partc next adult•. eov.bale. trpl, 144-2777 ~ t~owth poten-GENERAL OFC. door. Sorry. no.,... ... ldty, ~r. no pets Le him bdrm/wry lg BA F~ LEASE 1'81 • FTIPT. C.il typing for Property 'C.~I II ~.r,:' ~~ 28drm 1V.Ba 1715 1 1275 yrty. ~ Kit PfW1 gd MC Ml Jolo 2400 S.F. 1'9telf __. fnlllll\ ADS <-:.:c: MIF) A yd• r Sy• t em• Arm, Co91a ....._ Opp -.,,_!'M_n. l11r99 w/IOf1. v'9w.-Jaeuu l. -28drm·2!:.~ 4Br. 2Ba, Oceanfront OfSt~ ~:2tmt11~r1_ss15: ~-:'=t:t:U111 UU1111 • ~~·/,1-552~ ~~i: 14~ AM'« Kath • :'i!:':r Pf~ wkd --~ From IHO tftll• pd~ • •-11450 Wlotec; ftimlshed .._. • " IDr' FREE °' -· .-2 ... 9141Mpnr. landecapect ground•. IS1 .. 107orl5S-OM5 COSTA MESA on tti. bW:h, vtew of NEWPORTBCHCONDO ........ ML tllllll•alll M.La-fUlllT .. ,,_&ape.petio9/declb, 111-1111 llUrl. 5009 Seuhore Dr 281V28A PoOI ju avail Medleal office with 7 Orowtng CMI Englnaerlng PIT 2809 VET HOSPITAL e.p·d gar9110fc:erpor1. Sorry, MESA VERDE. Two-2BR 8'1-9170 now Fem. IS50+inu111, rooms. oe>mplet• plumb-Cal.· Firm ... it. ENTRY ~115-1353 ltllmll groomer no pees. 18A.yPper&low,yatd, .... hUI iiii 7to-8131 lnQ, only 1.59 per eq. ft. LEVEL Accounting Clerk ._.._. ' PIT Of FIT. lagu a.::Mkw.llOO .cl ..--0-· MIO+ dlP 00g l 2STORV 2 BEDROOM Introductory offer. .., .. JI lo Piiat In the bllt· W _, ..... 8MCt't 49i-5371 1 Bid oom IMO 2H7 Hickory Place 1 1BEDR& 11 • ocee1 n 1•A Bath, patio. cable ROOM w/ pvt. antranoe & SELECT B&G 751.5'00<> lng/Q09tlno Pfoceea, m. _...Ml ... •llllll 29drwl 1"'811795 751-9483 01 411-1936 " •• rep ace . r91ety. no petL S6951mo. blth, lum, lot• of ttorage Ing a rNle dutlet Send FIT for auto Pl'tt •tore. ••••- 29drnt 281 l850 1750/mo + •. AVfMlty ***548-24582*** 1 b1oet1 to oc.an, PCH X PRESTIGIOUS CANNERY FOUND ..___.._...ulMtl raaume a .Nlary Nttory -..U.C tlevevlld C.f OIL ~WAY --·-Sep(. ll1~att 7pm, ~ MOOL m<t 1sl VILLAGE, NWPT BCH. ._...... to Ml-.·Fuenteut Robert Md need OMV Pflntout, 'The Pr Coeat Del C08T A MESA • 28r wlf1W. yd. ,,..., apts Spit ...,.. iBA 2BA frp4c FURN 28r 281. lrg patio. +teat 980-2058 Iv. msg OffiC:el, groa rent• from BljtlelelGddenrOd Belrl WMtllm Frott & See C'9ude •' Pltot :i:c,.:i..... tor 2511 or.,._ "E" 1195 ' ' PoOI 0\'9f1oe*lng 81y $225-$550 111-M11 ' HU8 AUTO SUPPLY ""' •• .. 1136-4120 Cal ,:5f>M gt .. , vtew. S900/mo. AWJJA immed $1395/mo ...... /m!llll 1711 Avcel Mgmt, 425 30th St. AllOC. 14725 Alton 2120 Harbor Bl.CM enarQetfe pereon 10 Conteet21~7224or Ml-6350/d875-5494/e -• •123-1208* FOUN D on i t t 7 , Pnwey.IMnl,92718 "9tour0ittrlc1M 11111111 up 213-et3·54845 , PM W mtll COCKATIEL vte. Nftport . mfAl UlllTllT 3 days during the . VMa::ul:ficld 29r 1'Mle wtgar crpta I t..... ll4I Furn 2BR, Oeck. ~ blk to Wkty rentllt now avllll PnfelilMll Id.I..• Bwfl Identity. 45-445-7345 -. Ult. PIT ROA preferred but willlng wealCends and tlollday drp9. bftina, fncdPetlo • D ocaen. Utll9 pd. Winter l l47.00 Wk. & up 2.274 --. ' COM Int. dulgn 11rm, 10 train. ~ ~oup ~t mull hive,. .... I ~120 Cll 1·5PM Aid tBR Op1talrt, 4 seoomo. 1to5W.Balbol NWpt Blvd, CM 1445-7445 I-Ill m FOUND Gfwl Parakeet. varied du1 .... o.,.,~. prac11ce In Newport ...... car wtth Vaid c • .. 1 Vlctottl 'E" .Sf20 bb*t to belch. Sep Blvd U . I 11-3SM370 · 1425/mo w/ 1 yr leue. vcty E.dleon Plant, Hunt· Offented, xlnt organ I BMc:t\ 4 day week alter-~ llcenle, proof ~~Apt~ ••• .ooe.d oar;r:• frplc. 4Br 381 lrpte w/d ltallh It l•eu Prvt erttraneelreaerved lngton Beech 531-0334 111111. It typ & blckpng. nl1e ~1urd~ f.40-1122 lnturanea and OM Poole....,';... No.,.... IBlllTIH 53l-tee1or52 7"5 furnlahed. Steps to 1714 ~~·"'~';: o~~ FOUND """' Blade and ~~~.~11~·~~~.1. -a-.,. ~C:O~ =~Y ' 1 Bedloom IMO ~ tumilNd....... LG Olli 38f 2ea 1 loft f/p, beeefl, Oeeef'I *-· 9mos F/U 3 roomt avail 3BR/ -~~.. oe--.......... Dog. 'klnlty -· .. _, allow 29drm18el750 19rcompl lphort9-TV. wl d tlkup nr Hunt Har-poaalble ywly. Parleci 2~CdMm.ne 1450to Incl. Immediate POI· Sprln'gdale & Wett· ••AOMINASST•• loc*lng for I rewerdln.Q CO::..C: appl .,... ~-·"'-'*~ bourS1150mo.18fS580 '°' tamlly. $1150/Mo ·seso trpl, gar . .°dawthr, ....ion.142-9347 minater, HB on 8/:W. Sml.,.getlcoffieeneeoa ::I:? Good' ... ary i to yat. C08TAMESA ,.._1150FFw1 .. t1t.ei 133-5'432t3JM0..9513 l73-02111\11emtQ needfum.720-tSM miWIMmlt 112-45748 ~~·~-~ sieri...!ct='in!:~ 141.W , 20IO NMlpof1a142-2111 ""81 1i44 •II llf--2 BR t1ouM to there, wshl Newport Ctr., Fllhlon Isl. ... WllMltt ~ pt1one1 It type & & colletlOnt. ~ ........ ·~ '695. Great East· ......... _11~ Pllll???? 3BR 28A. gar, frplce, dryr, yrd, gar., E. Costa The Ettlciertt A,ltematlve On I/23rd. at the Wedge! ~ comc>ufer. PT. w111 Center. 840-1122 • -J . ,. ~ 28R 28A ._. 111H •••-dlatl/w, IQ deck, park Meal 1450+ 1100 see Fun MN1ce or an•-•no 213/191-4521 train. Call btWfl 9:30-12 .,. loct Gar. cebte M ~, _.... ni.-. ~ 2+2. Will 1tlort term. view. $1400/Mo yrly Avellnow722-83381eves ••rvlee /mall only. lOST· ..... f T Poodle Of3:30·5•MS-93S1• lllRICT Qaer\ a oozy 1BA M 10. • P"'t ......... ..._ ... ...-• Wea1PIA Condo New & eso-2157 11S-<4137 840-5470 · _,. em 1 oy Grnbtl WINO, lndry rm. llgtlt carpet, ver11e•• n1ce1s1200moe7S-'2543 • •-.r•.a.• No ••• NEEDS ME04-1111r--1•1s llUIEIEIT ..... --... ···-SorTy,Nopet9.131...&427 binds. ~53 Hamilton at BEACtfRONT Fenutv38A2BA m1trBR ftlYPLEllUTl CATION. \{kl CDM-UCI UH• ~-;::i~-F DELUXE towmouae rw SC ."Ttutn •795. M&-9714. Lieu... »fl ll50 mo yr1y 64So2878 Wiii a.toma to ... your ~'::ti~~ 'f:.:1';.'::" IESSUIEI The Dally PllOt II loot!lng Or call Erle 11 45-42-432 Ptlll.a. 39r 2~ pado. tlperttllnQ dMn 2Bdrm ..-COTTAGE. ooun -·-NEWPORT BEACHffont needs & tutel Ottlces tor QUlllltled lndMdUlll9 ext 205 eertum, pool .i.e. 1enn19. 1'Ao81 ,.740 All utits·pd. *-· frplc;;garwe. deck, -..........,. duptelll 38drm 2bath from 200 •II to &soq,alf LOST FEMAL~lmelayan Rupontlb le ... 11 -tom.nageyoutti.carrlert. -------- dbtl ger wloprv. l1200.1 flrto. eer. Sorry, no pM9 .... to-bet\, AV.U now ...... turn a r 2o.30y.rs Mo-to-moorleuetQany Chocolate Point eat on motivated lndMdual for Manegement .ax~ience I NEED HELP TO DIS 754-1177or14S-3807 1M0Wllllce 45-42-4905 l11151ndutl 497-3144 PleyaR:E.873-1900 M/F. N··~O Avt 9112 lengftl 1520 ~ulmeg Pl. 1127 vicinity Newport J**-yp and~ of t1e1ptul, but w\I{ treln. TRIBUTE FLYERS 147S/Mo 4'62-5712 Trey Co.ta Mesa. 3 bfks so of ~htt'Chrlsty' nHds ~aper advertlt lng .... Siiiery 1375/wtt + N E W S l E T T E R S 405 frwy II Harbor. Ideal ~food. 631-8180 ,,,aterlllL Full-time Tue-GAS + BONUS PLAN. 8'1-3U7 FEMALE rrnmt wanted to r · from .15e NHN. LOST Lldlea eult beige 3 Fri (9am-6pm); Pan·tlme ,HRS: 11AM-IPM Mon· Ill ftJITlllftl n 2bf \Sa apt. In N. gent on preml ... , Mr. ~ IMlt 0 N Eva~s Set & Mon. Excellent Fri. . bp'd •PTIFT 17 50/H UriQuna S537.50+ cHIP '-+ llevMy (714} 541-17.~ Rewerd 's 100. ca1i company benefit•. Apply Call Roger Starkey. up. a.1LAufa, 4i7-22~ utl. 497-0179 8fokar Co-op _ "P.. T.,..... 714 673-0300 In~ at: .., 45-42-4321 JC205. 9·11AM FEM. n~smk lhr S. Coast Cluelfledcanhefpy<>uwlth n'a-•-DAILY PIUT .dlityforappolntment. U•H&Plll31 •• condo, pvt. BA. encl. ger. '/OW apedaj ~ -..... ~ Ful Of P.9't time. w/d & PoOI. 1425• Sl50 Medi wtlettler lt'•'*lno Goklrl Aa4rtever. '9d male, 330W Bay St Ml.I PILIT Gard•n•, Corona de dep. Ind. utll. 556-42_55 • or tr ' '*-eolar.145-3865 ,,_ · ~~-· ... W .., It Mar. Cati Dorothy a ' ...,.., -... • • 173--2291 Mon-Fri 45-4 The Daily Pilot rt: eeking part-time drivers for afternoon deltvery of newspapers in the fotlowing areas. -ti NEWPORT BEACH -ti DANA POINT ti HUNTINGTON BEACH ti FOUNTAIN VALLEY ti SAN CLEMENTE Three hours per day between the hours of I 2 p.m. and 3 p.m .. seven days a week. Must have a reliable car. insurance and good driving record. Earn S20.00 to S30.00 ~r day. plus bonus. CALL 642-4321 xZ09 -ASK FOR ERIC BLAQE ~;mily Pilat. , If you're 10 or older. a job as a newspaper earner might be just your size. Just send 1n this coupon or call: 642-4333. Routes are available now! It st•d .. J. le I llily Pillt carrier! r~m!Td-;;k-;; tin;:;::~;~~;:,, ing a Daily Piiot carrier. . " I Name I I Address ·I I c1t-v--11p I I ::':: "'...,,... _J ·: l• I . .., St. -----~~..!!!! ___ ..._ llTllT ... ....,.. ...... ... F~::i.!~t!= -······ Pwt-Tlme ,Of Full-Time -om and acceaaone. com· EJ1pe11e11CecS .. bfeeci•. Exp pref d. D•Y• o peny. Wiii paint on wicker 55'4 + vec.tlon pey. MC> Nof*. lllllboa 175-el64 bukett, tramee and fab· bltMr needed IS9 .. 550 ...... 1fm .... nee. Must have DOOd -If-Me FIT or PIT Dey copv ••. PIMM ~ -H" ... Offlmlle.~.-W;M. Jeanne 2.50,0410 Dellverle111toek for -------- --------· phc>toc:opy/oftlce supply llllmY WlllD In !Mna. Oppty tor ad· Llotlt ... etnbly work. vancem.n,. Over t8, Ar'row Mfg Inc 185 dear\ OMV. M .00/Hr. loOlft, C.M. 54S-4978 Mon-Fri. 752-o48t Ill 'R .. / 111111/llllllL I M... dw'IOMV~ Part· Time, hours ftexlble -Cal: 145-4032 Dwight 125 ROCHESTER. CM ...... IT IA9l1. l4M1 Must M¥1 !Mn ear. OMV Techillc:iel1 llllstant. Will pnntout. H·M DENTAL trWn. NB.,... 54e-t373 lA8 Ug. 8ctl 414-4561 MANAGEMENT 111111111111 Full-Time. bp pref' d l ~ mel.ntenance. Bii 1ngu1I h .. pful. Saler comm•naurat• wlexp AcJpfy at TSl. 111 ~. 17t St. • 1A, Costa Mesa 142-110S JOll OUR TW1~--- MANAGJNG CARRIERS. THE DAILY PILOT IS LOOKING FOR TOP QUALITY MGRS WILLING TO WORK HARO. WE OFFER XLNT BASE SALARY PLUS OVER $300 IN BONUSES EVERY MONTH. GENEROUS GAS ALLOWANCE & OPPTY FOR ADVANCEMENT. JOIN OUR TEAM & BE ELIGJBLE FOR FULL MEDICAL COVERAGE, CREDIT UNION, 401K PLAN. IF YOU'VE GOT WHAT fT TAKES, CALL ERIC, 642-•321 EXT. 209 O,R SEND RESUME TO: DAILY PILOT, 330 W. BAY ST., COSTA MESA, CA 92626. ----------------- Motor Routes available in W11t.i11tlr l11tllllf11 l11oh F11iltlla VIII" NO cot:t ECTING NO SOtlCITING Dettver .one Day a Week - Must have dependable car and ptoot·of ~ . ... • Alk for Joanne Ct..-y ,. . •I ._.. ' ·. --=·~Ii .. hi! I ..... I ...... ,m1!!1'•11nii I • A..... .. ,...... 1111111.... NH ............. , • u· liiiii •• aE-........ ,,. ••U Ml tmUftlldlill HILi Ill II A••• • 1"111/llllFJ ......... ifli56wAt£lccw ... •-M Ii In U . 11111 • hOwa. ..,. .... .....,..,......'ult t i•• Mo""'''......,. ,,...., Mede -mTWI Wotdcwacu1 ... towpm v.y~ Good cond llOOobO ..... ••' ..... --~Alli '°' •R111•111n-.. liuet\ oc .,...,, . ...,. 14/IO Ht ~fT 1'111t nD-H" 1a L.--. 1or • exP'D ~ cwo11oaa11 in~ 11CM101 ~ l200 or 11000 19' (J7tYl•l uuoo Mii 'W ~ M40ll .... ,..weelltw. Nocd-No .......... nee Ben-COOK lnW.-ng menu. ~. -PhoMa oan-bOttl c.11Etlk112·2718 • & z IMPOATS (ISSCM) •• t.ff ilii6li ...... Mwll ..,,. ,.. ..... A4'fl/ir 1" ...,._. ,_... ._......._ prot.Mlonal •nvlron-.,., ofb ~bl9 KITTENS na-1a..&../... 410':!.,S.:t!..t 8 I Z IMPORTS ...,.1 111111a,,..... good dri¥--· Tiii -"*"· Good ~ tor the rletd·WOfjelnQ. eble to F04111 GO'eaou-bee4h•I .,...., _ •-_ M0-5411 ~~ ~,_'=..:: 121:::-J:a~·M. =-~, ~ %::":..:::'~ ==-~F: ~~%TL~ 1 JIU,..=:~~~~c:. 410Meln~~CA '"•no1. ln1urene1. ClllCJ11Ut2·MOI. 11&-·-to...., &S*;· "'*11113-0t10 7HIH7..S780 18lfitiPSOJi1P: IM,5epd,greet cond ... ftrlllrt'.._l .... ...,.., bllllng _, .... _.. .... --...... dlA*.. ... , 8oet, ~ 8ucb ._.. .... l6900 Dys .... -···-........ ...., HMa ceii ORO. CTY • 1 Top NO"·ffftOklnt ollle• • ' UH/mo. 5411830 ett e 551-1114 E¥M eso-6-4$4 •Ex«*ant oondftlon• .......... Ml-1266 111111-·n ,.,___ .... helnlet, ~ ........ Al6I tot' "'°'o Flni9Nftg Count« '°' Merine Complex in ......_ ~ ·~~ FAEE 35· ....... 8cti boe Mill 300SE T·---... ,.. 8"00. 4"4-1521 John •-••--._._.,_. uper LIS'O. Ctwtltlt, eM-1MO a.ta PIT FIT. 81\gnt resp ~ a..cti e 30,5 _..,,_, Inf,"-•-·~-... I ..,....., vu, 111-1-:---=------...... ,. • ••• Pl.IT Alla to ..... & ... RE -pert0ntoworlit 111new1"' Mon-Fn 8'~517 lnlPoC& contrOlt, S2750 ellpforpowert>oal lnU· vet, 71K miiea. 111.oeli.nl ...... , ....... ·---~ IOO .,...., wt Top Produc:9f Ali MIDlllllllP/T laO lnCM.150-2424 • OI0.176-3175 ~'°'Do!'..~ eond S1',Soo OBO. -·II ll•ll ~ company ._...turNIMd ~ 1 .-..on omo.. e>v.t-v e1erin.ty .... la ~or 7"'·8464 499-4864 ·--• • •- _..1111cwM11oti..u ... 11-onal to as-Pwt·tama AealNnt oi.-L:u.lncOml Potentlel lootlM,.y81rport· Full Oey llT&llLll FULL AHO PART TIME l•lt IMt .... , ... 1 .... llTlllJM ~.l~/dl,r ....... . = == ::i~: ~ ~ '--::' ~-,_ ~ ~ ~ ~ordai.~~~· ~-F~.7~~~; con1ec:1 ~~C::NE;r~!~0!~~.~· 1'f .-¥ ~rnJ:; :'US: 25' to 50· ei Balt>oe Fun spec1e~1s1 ~ned :;c~~ts;) ~r,tiga .. . .... ~ bW & build -Ma. to f -. . '80 E 171h St • CM ... by tie Mak ft Zone. Fr• Perklng/IOf ., ................ oullomw r9pp0rt. Tr.in. ;; 1 to 1~ Mduet MIBlll•IT SALES Jewel•ry 11ore Call· Mike w.,.7;8 ° er teNnta. 873-7763 13380SLRed "1g19 • ......0 Pl ... Int• growth pot9nllel , orover.v-.. tlv-"'°'*I dlrie.i PIT neec11 ... t1obeC(kMles, ftfliiUIJllUITll. · IOOOSD81-Grn •3219 ~ JLl--~Ula. FT/PT. Cell er I lloante, c:utr9nl In-.. I. l6.90tw. Hander90n~ FMI. P,efd, flex. sciled. Needed lm(Mdletely PIT, . OACHSUNO·MIX ... .,. ... / 85 380SE P-Blk •78g5 1ale1 8eaCtt BIVd Alf¥I at ftyder Syalttml, .,,.,_I , aODd drMng ,.. C. Stereo. 8'2·3154 CM neat l amart Wln11on ' F /T Reeept ' Kennel 191 lolltng heat1 lailes 11 11111111 1111 Ii t90E Bl-Grn • 1&08 ~ 642-083,. 141-3045 cord. 7.40 per hour. gal .. 6-5595 T-S•l help/As I I 1 De 1~ old. Ha• lhOll 831·114•0 ...... PUllWlll . '""····· Call Roger .... -.n-... n ••• , ' . d I I en pi.en· 6'6-3177 1119 mlg 1111•.... KZ 656 o nly Stnce 19e9 ····:· a..uw T~ ttltO Fri-.... !19'' Cft1P1nglnt catW • Ill.II UIY 1:.!'!~03~ A:1!·~::1• , 1,000ml New rur tire ----=-.-.WI• dey, 142~21 bt 205. Si,;:1:.C.A.E. f°· In wi..Bl;MO Good ~f~~ Set /Sun t0-5 Mllure, ftTl&L PIPPllS bllu.,r~_!un•up. x1ni lllUl ITAIZl (9052704) SU.95 ~~o-e.:~ ---le6ar'4i ..-.c::,.,.~ per10f1a11 typing U!ills nltn*r. Gift Shop on Wtrrll/WllTllll Fewn & White '50·$100 c:ond. M:>OObo 650-"838 • C)'I, pwr/11 c:.u, A/C BIZ IMPORTS -r """"" -r.11 •-~ 0-Min. ayr. Ex<* Balboe Island 675-0322 ExP«~ 1y !Of MCt1 to ONLY RESPON-(7-322) ~.995 960-5481 Venoed ar1 m~lng. ~ming newapeper MINl8TAATOR to hand.. ~ :ltP· lent Wed-SUn l"*1tel , .. ,:'rent In~ S I B L E • LO v I N G ncb ' tl3S ........ loMll 410 M.,n Street l*IOllallty. T exp MW able. MOO/mo be llc'd + E1epert NO • ...., Jan 752-8522 SALES PERSON NEEDED .._,,11reno Cai. 11.41-3712 .., "'*'"' ' halpM.131-HOe Call&ee.24321-8pm. ~S1500/mo.+ _, For S TATIONARY Mour1 4K-02t2 1 1BeeCn81vd Mwllbe*"a6a~ , 1Na In Coeta ,._,eacrows,81c:. MUST FT,.._,,. tart lmmed. Juen ,. __ , AOULTSI M7-7l94 o1 ·= Huallngton BMch CA bonuM9. 9end rWMM W'".. J!!'!'l!..w.,_ STORE CdM Flt, 5 ... Plllll• ~-10H 1R1 IMI 842-0&31 HI Ill IP 1 . PLANT LOV£RS... Very to: LISA WILSON, 18 "" or Wft,,...., .,.,...., CS.ya. Xlnt working oon<ls ..... ---'ll C .1•11 ..,..,~ progreulve Interior Corporate Ptaia NB "9ededlor Ellcepllonaily l tnel GrowtngCtv1IEnginMr1ng S SCHWIN BIKE •-llALLY l""'t••tl•,Efl awl 19C ec.-Co. la loOltlng for l2llO or c:.-121_;200 • •Shcw1·term ellant• Phone for appl Firm 1Mk1 ll'larp person Good condition Lile New Clutetl. 111-up tor dt 11• ... 142· llli FIHlwllcf Ctrc:uletlon dep 1"'9nt lnt•nt9d plant care •Long..l•m 873 .... 762 I 111p In IBM Display ..iohl St25 53M316 ..-c1Jng rig NEW ur .. • .,... • ..-. ....-1e11Cect eduh people Fir PIT ~uat •Terno.'1*"\ Writ• Xlnt typing skill• 'ti 4·30pm or 8-9pm Tim& •t route eupanlf9or. MU91 heve rallable ear & in-•llmTUUll. * raq'd (85 wi>ml Good MENS c-nn 1o Spd & 14,MO 4 C)'I, S lpeed menual ~ rellable v.hlc:le, euranc:ia. No ••P«lence Several poaitlon1evaileble 1 n • h o m e c 1 e " c: a 1 Phone 11c11ts nMdeO to LADIES~~ $40 81 Also pwr l b, c.ess AIC ( 7 ·3141 ::' ~ra---rec«. Gdood' necaaaary. 2t1-e100 ... llllft In ell.,_. of o c. ~wwortt, P&r1 time becit up on PBXJR«ep1-MdeM comm·1 EDGER Ml·tlll se 995 11111 ,._ ...... 0 L. WEAVER ~8'6-9540 Ion dMk Send re.aume 10 s . ...___.. I I =-.ear alowanc:41 & P/lWIM 1111 TEMPORARIES Mr f'*ltea at Robet1 175 obo all XLNTI ~ lo..a. ,__.s m e rea.r end l>Ody Oll(21 •)!..C: .. ~tW'Mw, Flulabla hour9 for atu-. ,._ .. !!I'll' I 71.,547-0550 100%FREE llCllTUY a.in. William Ftiosl & 780-0124 or631·2250 •'65 CHEVY ~. ton Re-~-"JCll'ttll I worll .. ......-....... 1. dent. 15.50 hr. MS-1066 ....... ..., QSIPOttunlty to jOln F I Auoc 14725 Alton 16a61 Beach Blvd ....., 3 --------national ,... •tete mar· 11-1111• ft.II °' comm I Real Estele Pkwy. lrvlne CA 927 t8 lull! laltl butll eng brMM new ul· 842-0831 ..,2-111 leave messege ketlng lyatem with un· (liUi + Commlallonl ~ In NB Typing -p11ry Ures S 1800ob0 __ alter 5pm lllVEI WORK PART· TIME DELIVERING NEWSPAPERS. EARN UP TO l600/MONTt'i. MUST HAVE RE- LIABLE VEHICLE, INSURANCE, ANO OMV PRJNTOUT. MON- OAY-FAIOAY 2-5 P.M .. WEEK- ENDS & HOLIDAYS 4-7 A.M. NEWPORT /CORONA DEL MAR & LAGUNA BEACH AREAS. CALL 142-4531 EXT. 205 ASK FOR ROGER ST A AKEY S~ially uFor 10U OFFER 0000 THAU FEil 21, t911 13.11 l't.US I t.n Mt FCM EACtt MTTEfUI OAOEMO Send to: ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT, Reader Matl, Dept. 0871, Box 4000, Niles Mt .. •9t20~000. llmited .. rnnvs. For ln· -1 ~···-' ~E b•Ck· -..1a...... . ... ··so MAZDA RX7 Silver *** f 11 n -· .,ound-feqd;-Send &~ .J~~ • 57 -n... Ill orma on. ee I Jeck Gteat job, flex l'tra. will eume to: Jim Sl'larp, 4675 • l Sk1boel $1000548-6213 rm I I AY9'9 at SELECT t .... J b t ... _ BETTER HOMES & r-, on o • mu1 ""'neat Mac:Anhur Ct ;:900 NB ~ 1.,.... •GARAGE SALE'* I I GARDENS I per90nable, new office CA 92M3 °' 825-99.81 ' ~. am!Quee, digital sta-I ...... 79 CHEVY CORVETTE REAL ESTATE 751 _ 5000 locatlon·Harbor Blvd.. •1 port Blvd. CM tlonery '!Sike, mtsc: SAT Super al'larp, musl see- Coeta Mela. Call Linda .. OllY P/T 50 s.tec1 Oulers 1:30-5 312 Carnauon 1111 •R ' Now $8,999 (451413) btWn 3.1pm, 755-1155. SW1ta Ane office seeks New errlvals da1lyl Aw. (In courtyard) S-10 TllCI ~,. ~ · · Ray Fladboe Honda ll&tm Le>c*lng for a profeaslonel ollic:e environment? Lynne V8'afitlne PropertlM, Inc. II now ln-tervi.wtog, Contac:1 men.- ager. 8oO Schandel al ,..taurent PIT Sec:tetery 15-20 hrs PIMtT1YI lt•4tano4 11 ...... II 24 ~ ~ J 1 lrvl~~o~ter BUSY WATERFRONT <es-per~~· Appheel'\l must 200y Old M T 6 C taurant Wtling mature b& rutly C8f>9ble of Word 30 r eJuca" able E1sibi movmo sai.i Lo1s yt, euiomeuc. utendeo '---~.::;__ _ __J ~------- lndMduaJ1 M/F for l't0$t/ Perlec:t WIP. Call ~aria 11.!0. S&OO. S'4&-la33 of.,... ltafft Elec:tromc:=s~ l cab st\ell •hde wi12d~ M YW ....... W1• .ft.Y'lllTI YIYMJ YU c:uhler pc>9111on1. e•p 250-a887 f<>< appl fuait•rt 14 antq1 llMn• sml a~• tarp, bed 11'*· "8W hres Xlnt c:ond Now $5~99 4 Cyl, pwrlslb. c:ua. AIC pref. Apply Mon·S.t 11-4 lllllTllY ANTIQUE ROii top a:&k pl~. b•bY ll'l1ngs cur2~ :· ,a;i~11r ( 1LEB 1441 Ult (7-306) $9,995 2'08 Newport Blvd. NB I S350 BROWN le 1.,. kltc:her\ m1SC. furn Sep1 II YW a...tt o..,, .......... lo..a. 1111...-. /lfflll Reel Estel•. No op reqd chaJt & ottoman S 150r 2,3,4. 123 E. 23rd St HI-HU IVC. Bladl. IPf c:leen. on1y .,.._ ftrcol'ttll WOr1t under •tr... 3· 10 n ... -·'· ery .._... $75, CHANGING I able naca, book•. c:ol1ec:1Jbles • YW"'"' IU 842-063, Experience 8 Mull Able 10 ~ hrGI. ~ 1dr 660 tv· BABY Crib w/c:anopy ESTATE. 70 YfS of me. I j M .999 (1EA0647) 16661 Beectl Blvd hOur ~ .-1 per hour •HnUYllHlflt -' S15 675-781.3 futn J 11uftLEr11sa1 onl)-1fw .tMe Auto, Xlnt cond nov. '1l Fmll•D PtCI ... tll•IT (213)402-2644 FUltime for Real Es1a1e COMFORTABLE SOFA & 8em 678 W 181h St, btwn DODGE ·U 12 pusen-s7.m {2CAV558 IP And Pw90n Friday lor ~teuranta Co. Calf Terri 833-2050 MATCHING LOVE SEAT Nwpt Blvd. & Placentia gar Deluxe SE350 beige ll YW lotf'I 4 cyt. 5 speed cass. AIC lll-IUI Coeta Mela Interior de-......_ 1 a FUT• _111__ lllc:ell«lt coOd S375 lor FURH. lmall refr1g & otner w/camel Interior Loaded B<and new, 4 lefl This one 17.3401s5495 a1gn rwm. 9-"5 30 M·F •-•w .--" -r1 both 875-1131 kitchen appftanees. 2 like new only l&Kmiles 59.322 (0~51 ... ~lo It 15.50/Hr.642·2050 • ..Ul•lllOI Small office. light tyP."9 TWO 84 melc:run 1 loitlt•.paholabl9~ New uru . uk1ng aYWYMIClllL -.IH H NEED V9raatlle person to Now ~Ing Nwpt Bctl.,.. 261-604° couch.. w/2 lrg loo~ i'°'hea. misc hsetld SAT s ,-, 0 0 0 DI y 1 t m. IVC, Ilk• MW, Now S9 •99 ~ ", ...... be receptlonl•l, hendle •pp_. I c: e 1 1 on s ~ 1 1too11. expensive slip .30-S.MSCt14'Yenne St 759·6600. evenings (1MFP09t) 1 ;.&Nt:.tiB!vd PhOfl8 calla, do clerlC:al •HOST/HOSTESS mllwtlll COWl'I Also some an-r ... .u. 6lS-734l Mr Wood MYW1e6ret.. 2 -063 1 woril. SofM compul•r Apply In P«l<>n Floor r.tlniltilng eo nee<is I tlqYel 54P>-4439 y~ lll4 Aati 5 IPd. AIC, eas1 aupet MERCURY '86 Lynx 28K IU'IOWi.dge helpful N9W matunt & exp'CI Super-1 .. n , 1 •herp No'* S5 999 m1, 4 ~ gfeat cond office In plealant Costa TORTIUA..f\L.ATS vlaor. [)ey9hlt1 Musi have I N:w Daybed Whtie & uav sXLE rurn, PIO-I C1aain t04S (P6998) •. em/Im eats S3800 ObO Mesa surroundings Call 1740 So Co.st Hwy knowledge of ltQO' re. rau. wlmaureues ' nlc table fllh1ng gear MEA¢EDES 6 3 ·69 548-3367 or 646-0657 fotlnlW'Mw.8'2-3986 LaguneBeecl'l,CA =hl~g equJpmenl I irvnol~e~:';,~~~ S:l•5 c:lotl'llng~mtsc. 18553 cond LUI Ol lhe ·~;,:~ ~ft. ........ 68MUSTANGcomp11yre-t nglllh & referen-1 Coltonwood Sat 8•4 made beauUes! s10 0001 ........ stor.d. new pamt. new •••• .. ••• .. ~··~<!>-••••: ~~5:166ery neoo-..... •t""4• (E.1111 X.M11gnolla) obo. 833-3544, 120.-0566 1n1. new engine, new tires : Kl>SI Kl)SJ Kl>SI t T~UW..WTH Cll~~:h::~:.:;:r:1:5 2 1 1t.,.rt.lwla '1H b•la ..... ti =A~~-~:o~:: x1n-1 : • • a :FOfCuatomCablnelSl'lo Kg sz waterbed St25 .......... Salo! cond &OK ml, $1200, 4 Sul.ER TOP WW 631-639/ Maple nil• stnd S 10 Conl•!f1P . sofe, enter· IC)M(I. 646-3655 home or t i FUii . Medlt.,r to drawer drssr talnm t cntr, bdrm furn, 'll lft 891·2335 ask fOf Jotln t t T1Am1 w/mlrr S125. Malcl'ltng mllC hsettld, women's s.z t t Prw:tlool Teecher 1o co·: king hdbd $50 548-244'0 :,~~.e:!~2 t::s loo411.-..1 '· ..... L.0 .... 0 .K .. l•••••t • ' J U.S. • leec:ft UCI ~&JO< LARGE-Maple. hu1d'I )(lfi1 ~,,,....--------hi • t. t lrvlne prlVete school FT cond $500 OUEEN 1121 SAT onfy 8-'2. clotnes. c:ytlnd8'f • automatic:. t W:.. lllTS YO u ! t & PT _.Mlllt be state-IOta bid gd c:ona $175 l'IOu.Ml'lld Items. womens :::°°~~ & er:=~ ·: NO MONEY DOWN/ t t t ~. 786-7494 DOUBLE Meple dresser ltloel bul(ets 1008• W " $1995 OBO Must -10 t namu & mirror S300 Balt>oa BMI '" aney 8')Pf.aai•'" DRIVE ONE HOME TODA YI t t t P.E & Extended Day Care CASH ONL yt 645-1572 . • t Our IN -HOUSE ~asmg program malt's n t • Are you between 11-16? .• poaittonl avall 997-8333 LOUls 111e 15th e11rung set·j '•Wper!!tioa 1 Ml-l1M., 1 • 'ny for you to qu.ihty to LEASE-TO·O\IVN t t compl S•OOO Al'\IQ oak f ... Mh 7112 ••1 •111 t a br~ MW C~r~t car or truck (any t • Do you have spare t1'me? • •1BIMAUn.I• 54 'roundlble LtOneloll'll -.. • ~I Of a latt ~ usKf v~c~ ,,...,., • • • ....... •!• 1#16cNIs1450 SSt-.4669 cCtssiC 3l Monterey • maktl For dd.11111 Ull:: I -·'I • t Would you like to win an t :~~~~c';g"~ ~Wllran =." ... :1:::·= aetlltmHIZI t JOE CRAVERO t • Educational Trip to •• Good ProdUc:tS· 2 mlif1ieu.. trvt\dle, new 198' Frplc, bar. C:Otn· 5-IGrey str°"•· ,,,,,.,. • OR • • SACRAMENTO and a • Exc:e119nt Enwonmll'll $265 c:mpltt 840·8733 Pl•t• galley 50 HP Grey ... thw 2-2. Mex> •• DOUG PHELPS •• t C II S t•au.tenteedHoorly . QlJEENSIZEMATIRESS Perllln• S25 000 ~ 50k m1 $5600 t 0 ege ChOl&rSh ip? t Wag9 PlusComm1ss1on g BOX, OUIL TEO• 833-3544 <>< 720-0566 Val 673-5852 t fONL YJ . t t t •No Experience Requoreo BRAND NEWI S t5S Sail loats 7014 I 611 HID...._ t t • Would you like to earn up to •• Cell lmm41d.'alelylor Cell 846·4293 2-2. Loaded! sunrool • MH...: .... :.••• • $100 8 Week Or more? t Appotntmenl Raua.n d1~111 wt36. •60' MAC GREGOR 28 $6300. Utte new! 760-1781 t SHEILA 720-9870 •.. ~ lec:tory owned demon-.. t t TRANSPORTAJlllMI &Ml\ ••mra·-·-..1 t --•"EIP/T opval glau. Retta!'\• itrator. MacGrego< 25·1 '12 .-cmo t CHEVROLET t • "'1" NW .JUf"U\~ t ·~-~Cl\r t>a.reat>inel. $5500 n9V9f tauncneo• (21705)$2,495 t t • PROVl>EI> BY TRAKO AM J t 6-tpm. Nr OC Airport 8" blklwl'll TV & misc: $5-Bolh boats complete with B & 2 IMPORTS t CAdR 546-1 200 t • Start lmmeo. Call &..Iv $450 723-0828LvMsg 1relle1.1 And. .sails. 960-5481 2828 t t m1g. 842-0940 (Pam), Mec9regor Yac:tll Corp 410 Main Street t HARBOR SlVO .-t t If you qualify, you can start 553..o&a2 (Gary> I SACRIFICE!! (714)&42·6830 Hunt1ng1on~.cA • COSTA MESA • t t • TRAVEL AGENT • ................... ~ • earning money _. NOW! • Agency Iles opening lor I • and continue • Apollo Agent. salary llftltl . OUR FAMOUS : through the summer : =~:~~~S:L4~~ llST SELLUI : ... .. Trawl Agent I •w11erbed (l 14) 498 3321 1::!!~: =~1~~ ~~ :6'~~Dryer • -Min 2Yfs exp Apollo •2 CHAIRS t . ttalNd only Uniglobe for •COFFEE TABLE ••••••••••••••••••• ~Travel 892-7700 •2ENO TABLES •Relrlge<llor ~TURN UNNEEDED MERGHANDISE TO .. BOB 642-4321 .r255 Of 531.•814 1eava mso ·-HAS RETURNED! , ~.i.ao ... MfRf EL•M ' ........ , ..... ....... ... .. For M.M you can advertise your Garage Sale 1n the Daily Pilot. There Is a 4 hne minimum and the pnce 1s th~ same whether you adverl:se l day or 3 days. It's a great way to turn those hidden treasures into cash. We .. 8'90 ottering a 9•1•• te ••H• 9a1 ••• S•I•• for t I .... Thia guide Includes ideal on how to advertise. how to plan, what items to 1811. plus ideas for a better gar1199 .... ; al9o a garage sate atgn. pricing stickers. lnform8tk>n on ctty ordln8ncee and Inventory sheet. You CM purchaM your Garage Sale Kit for S 1.00 when you P'8Ce your ad at: 6~2-1678 .. ~=,._-IOO AM to§ioPM I• ... MI -tt'3DAM .. " .. .. SHARP! Sofe·IOVllHt cl'lalr ottoman. dbl 1cotcl'I · guard never • .1tted.' Cost .$795, Sac $275 960-8062 LOW Oak barlloots, 2 ra1- 1an 10las 8 It • 2 reclmer chelrs, sm de1k 2 lamps. 2 be19• n1ghl- 11bles. 722-0150 VEAY 11\erp sof8. love seat. c:l'lalr, ouoman Seolchguerded. never uMd $275 843--9295 t--- .. ICtll&aOftl M)S •HAWAIIAN PLUMERIA 1 plentt. FlOWERING 5· gallon sin 24 10 elloo9e from 645-4445 OCTAGON dining tbl 4 IMlll«Mt• etlrs L~ El.c Organ. 1 Obi b9d I cornple11 648-5 S2 Sl(ILLSAW. lg too4 cn..1. I •'99 ledden .oider gun kit. elK hedge tnmmw IBM elec: typewriter Stre>M StrOller high· ehelr, car-... t retng lg "9h-tentt 722-0 1 50 VERY sl'larp toll. love ... ,, cl'telr ottoman Scotchguarded. never .... 1275 843-9295 W9*tpool Wlf\far;; $200 OE dtlMlr ~ Wfle9 "*r S 175. 5..pc; fMtr BR -... tMIC. 131-9102 NAME ADDRESS CrTY AMOUNT ENCLOSED 8.JCI>. Oy popufc'l• dt'~ O•tnf's·>o·Lfl'lf' w1I 'u"' Fr o..-y <,_..ltl• oay ana Suna,..y 1n 1u own c~ss·f•c.-1 o,., ,... t"" C ~ 4.0$ Since ttt1s 1s a s1>«1al orft'r ~ ttavt a TtiursoJ9 noon ot'adl1~ ana asx prt'pay~nt for al ads This •s 00tn to al prova" p.]rty advt'rt•strs tor ~rcl'landtSt' not ovt r s 1 SO f proct' mus I bt' ltstto 1n ad) ana no ~t"V•t11t1oru w ill bt' ac:ct'ptto Al ads-~ run Fri.day Saturelay and Sunday Tht'rt is c1l S·l11Y rri1•·11mum 111 104 P'' lint' So~ loW cost ~s·A·U~ ad Is onf)' s,3.00. ,PEAOLINE·: Tnursaay noon PRICE: S lrnt' minimum • 3 dcly~ • • IC P"'' on~ = > i A,U 11<1~ ..,, ptt'patd I> COtrur"IQ .,, l"'t' o ... I "'tor "' P~l' y.oui ..a or U~t' ltlft CO\IP ,.., ~· .. l()w 11"""" p,,rry rn•rctl.clno•st' 1. n, ""' '\. .,,.., ~rC•a1 llds Pt'lS l1vl'Sll)C~ prn.:iut,. .,, pl.•": - Each ltt'm most~ E>flC"d 1n t ht' 11<1 w!lh no •1•rns o.Jt'1 SISO STATE ZIP OATES TO RUN 642-5678 DEUNQWNT TAX LIST 1117-11 I! Punuant to Sections 3381 through 3385, Revenue and Taxation CoM. the Pubt6ehed Oellnquent List In and for Orange County. State Of c.llrotnla. "-.,_, divided mnct distrtbuted to various newt-...,_.of..,.... olnlutetlon pubUlhed In Nld county, ..for pubfl- catlon of a portion thereof In uch of said newspapers. "'91.JSHED DELINQUENT LllT w W!Jl!f MYC9R !!Mlmlll wll,'J ...... """"o.,., Ai-. .,.. c:: •• t.r ..... , .......... ,." .-...... D•••u •. ,,., ,,. ... rn.,.. ........ AF c:.t11r a.1111 '~AP ou.111.at.J... ... ,..,, .,., ... aat .. ,. ........ 11t ~ LA. Hun...-i 1tMtMt:1 .. ,..,, toot ... ..., ~1 ' . AP 1,.....ao. •· a M -.,.iiii, auu1 nu ......... ,,.. Dr, H\111&-.. , • 6/7 "·· H~ ... CA AMaO.nUftlillltMBledl. ttl.alw. ............. Ollnll* a .......... I D -Dr. " . 0 I ......... CA ..... ~ ,., ... , ........... I.CA llbDr.11·'-........ CA -...;CA ~ ._,_-O , "' \'el••••""· '*"'· /\P i...... LA. Hun...-,.._, ,._.. ,,..._ AJ> CA ..... , •• .._ J . AP ........ MDI Pwll. U OU-Ul·M-. 1194oe ... , ..... 1s1uo10.aN.1tlOI ... CA at•·••·M.MIO, 11to 20 1'WIM•TrC.OTYtuor ,,....11.,NMU 1•• •··~·· .... ,4,. .._... '!* Dr Hllftl A1111w II. HwnUncton AP -.1-..oe, t2G M 1804 ltttl ..._.. I&. Hun4· Jer,u, Paul D , AP Olnl C91 lA ~ 0 ' -Dr, llt11 ..... ..-1w11.CA .... CA i...... LA. HYllllftPll' .... ._., CA lll·lll-ll. ... 70 I0'111 ..._CA .... CA IWINf ~ D AP ........... ~ J , AP 9lldl.. CA -.....,, O.OU"'l 0 F. a.Mwla LA. 1tunun1m ....._ L.wry &., Ill hrr hr. 9-, Ill OU.Ml·t· ,, ..... iM46 IM•lll-11. IHUt tll AP-.ltt.O'f, taAM IOOJ AP 14Mll·ll., 1,01071 ...._CA 1 ...... -11~ M.tiOI .. 1'°4t llT-1~11 ... ,. llll lwftit..W Ml H~ ....... Av, Hwit.lnllOn ~ Ln. H1.1t1~ taa H'*-Dr. Hwilllll'OR 1'&11 IN • Tr C.O Tr ~ 8-y Dr, Hw.~ Or • aww a. H~ ._..,CA ' ..... °' . 8-d\, CA llech. CA (j 'nanl, Mtwwy 1Wt. AP ....._CA ._.CA a.to. 8Kt.y J AP L.aadav. 8orlt. AP ~. J.,._ 0 , AP AP ltl..05l·IUOIO, I& I 81 161·114·11., If.~ k '401 Villi Pldflc ,_,. 11.k'k, OIMeri, 1-r , AP O»-Ml II 162'1,. ...... Ol4·111-IO-. '2.124 M 212 OU.161.ol. 11.~:te 802 Na Hl.ldlon Dr. Hvntil\l*I er-a, H11ndnplft ............. J .. AP "7-07.olD' .. ,.....,., 11...... ,. 8-dUi L.. Hian~ Hlr*d Av., H~ Aiha-1 Dr. Hvnlll\IWl'I IMth, CA CA .... tit WkNtll AY, 0 r-a. ... ..,... -..ch. CA ._.,CA 1'&11 IM .. Tr Co Tr ti/OT ....... 8Mch. CA ....._CA 8Mch. CA hel, Mhch S A2 °"""wlU, DoMW IL. /\Pl aikl>MW. Johll ~ 2nd, .._...., Itta M . AP AP .,,._..,....,, ... M 116 ltlllo. ....... J , AP ,..._.., .....,.. 0 ' AP llM-llMIUOIO, 17911 117 026-1$4·07 IOIO, •111 411 r. ... 1~·11 • ,!!t"• ... 11 ......... ' 11a 22 ..,, Wktllw Av, ffvrl.lneton .,.1..-.. •a.a••• ltlt OU.111.ol., IU4HI 1181 H.-11 ..-z S\. Hvnllfll'On 1404 ~ Ln. H.wit· H·--•--W:::: CA n, er-a. H ....... &Mrh, ...._CA 11' -Dr, .......... i..-111-Dr,H~ 9-:h.CA lftl'alllMth,CA -•-· • CA APllT.O'f.O'f2 •• 711Tttm BMch.CA Mwermuur, Wllllem OM·IU-OI , tl,12310 220 OH-164·1& M>IO, Ull 83 14 .... 29 , 172UMI 9711 lebednl, Datochy J , AP ~CA 11'7·1J.I•., '2.m M ltM BMdl.CA i..-, ...,_ s AP -Poff. Oery R , API .... ...-.ftk'twdH..AP 1\tallll•TrC.OTrlUfW .._......_St. Hundnpln Waad,C.WD,TY.AP Mict-1, AP OU.161·31, 0-. Av Hunitntion llOI l..ak.tl6dlt Ln. Hun1. Pein lloyel a, Hunll.npln lll·Ul.ot., .... IO 1112 ln-AP llT..o'J.oTI., 11,JUJll M •* a, H1111linpln I, Robert L. Citron. Orange County Tax CollectQf, State of 13,nl.&4 1'402 Surfdale Ln. Bwl\. CA • . '""°" BMch, CA Bw:h. CA , cMINpoMI Av, Hunllnl1on am H1111tiftC'On 81. Hunt· 8-dl. CA Celltornia certl"' .. follows· Hun~ INch, CA ,,,, .. IP-Ol 5010 tl 13 27 -Call, P1Vida M-A. AP ....... CA ~ .... CA ,..,.. John s~ AP ' '' ' • AJ> OU:2Sl·ll6010, "53~ no ~1 Av H~nun,\On Mehood, Denni•, ~ 1-.oa.17. M23 61 874~ T I • T r C o IOI,,.._... &Net bw: N7·1t·ll8, llt 61 7111 ltto2 SurfcWt Lii. Hw11 8-:h.CA ' 02~.ltl-04 . U.Ol~.00 Ill VW. Pmflc Dr, t1until\el0ft Tr•1a.ttU·00·2 •l or IOI,,._....., Sine\. AJ> ~ O. Hvn-..- That notice la hereby given that ~use or non-payment of the ""'°"a.di. CA l:nlUnd St. Huntlncton a..m. CA w.u.. Pwl Htrvy, AP 111-11.om. tu7 • • 11th .._...CA totalamountduefortaxes assessmentsandothefchargeslevledln w..-.wWWnr Jr,AP a.ow. a.rt c. AP Bw:h.CA Sheron L AP m .au.u , M1941 101111.Hundnltllln8w:h.CA Wood.a.t.D.Tr.AI' t .. -y_, 1a.•7 fort ... Flsca0I Year 1987 1988 shown In dollars and 023.ni.oi. 195118 18411 nt-iu.27 .. tn1.08V111a~I 8othn» Bobtt1 A AP 1 .. 1~~., , ...... 40 '21:M6 M~ Ct Huntln11on 411 ,._.._.Screet lnc 11'7·1'-111•• IQS.2I mt ,... -.a '"" " • SenckMcle L.n. Hwn.inp>n Mar Tr Lot 17 BUI 902 Ind ' ., 3 O .. ._., • ,.., llllith, CA ""-Y· Va-I. Ap N 1 ... Cl. HunUncton cents oppoette the description of the property contained In the list BMc+t. CA rw LGt •a eo2 ou-iu-os soio, n 3 1 Vil !knl• Ln. Huntif111on wr.n.tGJ., 11,oa M 413 8-11, CA befow the real -es on which such amount• were a lien were ..... rdthar'dl H AP AP OM·IU.21.IOIO. 1314 06 1111 ~St. Hwiunpin ...... CA TIU. bw. TY c.o 'h-1./w .... H1111*Wton a.ch. CA IMM. DllnaW Maril. AP ' .,...._," · O C d ' OU-271-14 .. 11.975.12 ltsM Yillla •1 Mu Tr Lot 27 Bile Bledl, CA A.llftl. 'nlon\M 0 .. AP Morrie, Clelr M • AP oa-, GiJben Olen, AP tn·IS-IM, l1,1'UI 'm2 by operation of law, In my ott1ce In range ounty, eclared to be In Sendc:Mlle Ln. HunUflllOn 802 _. Pw Lot u Blk 602 Jotvwon. Chrill A.. AP 149.094.20., i 1.1ee.12 21332 151.a.1..o1.. ~ia.~ 8222 m -n..ooa., 11_,.5 12 17192 Snw•ll 01, Hunllrl'°" default at 5 p .m .. on the 30th day of June. 1988. BNch, CA o. Robblo, ~n M , AP ~-!:2•128 13,~M~ 1111 a-~•Y Ln. Huntl~ K.lncfllher DI-, Hunana10n Pedta,.c.-t Hy, Huntll'lf\On Bw:h. CA AP 023°271°14 ~10, M38 74 024-1 .. 04 501.0. 99091 123 .:.i. 1CA 1• uni naton &Mrh, CA ... Bl!edl. CA BNd'i. CA Woolf.Willie, Jone1han T "'·f It"" I be tt535Sendc:mlleLn.Klmt· AlabalN SI, Hunt.ancton .... HM C\artc,VictorieAM.nr TIOebwe.TrCo'h-&/oc HIMWer.DtbonhW~APLn. AP U"1·lll·ltl , ax""""' au """" rea property may red~med by payment of ell IJ'.lllOft 8Nc-b. CA &Mrh. CA "" ou-u12-12 $Clio. -.62 149-0IS-13.. 169$.27 tt22 Summtn. llobtrt M , AP m .1,_.,.., 1312 82 17082 •t,&$3.ll 7tll s-w.u a. unpaid taxes and assessments together with addltlonal penalties Grenon. ManJ.yn v, AP DobrHln, Piul. AP ;11~~Ste!!:°Cf°" a.nance Ci. HWIUllflon Ul·311·08, l89038 20742 hdfirc.-tHy,HununalOl'I H~8-cft.CA end feel aa prescribed by law, or may be redeemed under an OU·21l·.2l.. 82$8.'8 t~ OU·llT.19 ,ll08 t8Redbum '"pec1e:::,'°" A M AP~~ .... _,Ila F---..1-Catamet'en Lon, Hun1.an11an BMdl..CA ... z.wa.-. ~ H . AJ> '--tall t pl f ed ti ~ U\, HWIUl\(\dn 1't 8lk 2 Lot 13 ' .-.-.·ruu • .,.,_,......, 8-:h, CA Frill«, Mary £-, ru-tn-IS.IOI , 11,00S 47 TIM ".. men an O r emp on. BNch, CA Suawper Int', AP 02S.l63-02., '3S"174 IOI$ AP 149-0M-4~. t '7$90511'751 AP 151.Jet.12., tl.~431 W -17·117., 125770 17042 SnwaU Ca, Runu~on Attwttlon Is hereby directed to the "Addenda " to this Published Delinquent Llat. The properties listed In this A~denda were also, by operation of law. previously tax-defaulted to the State of Callfornla for the totaJ wnount of taxes, anessments and other cbarges levled In the years ·and tor the Fiscal Years specified In the Addenda. By referenQe herein. said Addenda Is incorporated In, and made a part of, this list. -AH Information concerning redemption, or the Initiation of an lnstaHment plan of redemption, of tax-defaulted property will , upon request, be furnished by Robert L. Citron, Orange County Tax Collector. Santa Ana, California. Hayo11~ ltw&n 1-A.P CIM-JOa·IUOIO. 1218 ~ lla.4 Florld1 SI, Huntlnaton y.,. Mar Dr, Hun\112ilOl'I 207t1 ~.Lo.. J:lun&-hdla~Hy .. llw:l.tinl10n ...... CA _ 023-212-11 .. J l.624 72 ltSSI Dt1roll Av, Hun1in11on -aey"· CAW H BNch, CA in..on Beech. CA BMdl, CA Nell1n, Peter, AP Seecull Ln/ Huntlna1on 8"ch,CA 02S.:~·16 ~~96 .. 1~ AP 148-0M-411.~IO, '32364 AP Ul·Hl-13., $81UI Smith, Larry R , AP 937-IS.UT., Sl,16348 m5 8"ch, CA ~ 8]Drpard, O.vld J , AP ,.,_,, • • S . R · . 97111 V..-ck Mar Dr. Hunt· 20902 C.1anW111 L.n. Hunl· 932·11·111., ttet.tl Ult52 WiMtrfall Cl. ffunttna10ft Strout. Don&ld R , AP 014·211:12 ~10, tt6 ~ 810 ,,_,.w.,.. I. unungton in..on 8Mdl.. CA lhf'OI\ a..ch. CA hdflreo.t Hy. HuntlftllOI' Biid\, CA 023-211-05 . 1$44.62 7232 Lit· Callfotni. St , HuntJnvton BMc+t, CA lfland. 0.Yld L... AP T I ..ti T r C o 8Mch. CA.. Raftduao, O.vld, AP tie ~ Dr, Hunl.lnelm a-:t.. CA Lindbot-t, l..tonlrd 0 • A.P ltt-OIT·l I.. M~ 21 H02 Tr• IR· 1123·00·2 Pel•u. &ra.ude:r. Olona. AP m -IS-UI llM2 38 7tll BMch,CA AP oi4-211·1260W, $482 07 o2s·174 IO . tto3 11o 912 H.uWPoinl Ci, Huntinaton J_,,n M . AP 1!11-381-36, nl·1'1·183i5, tt338 18932 W111tffall 'a , HunliJIC'On Shlporo, Ma.run Boyd Tr. llOCalilonue St. HunUnJIOO f'lorida SI, Hun11ng1on 8"c'h. CA 11,T~Jll 8172 Ewl,._ Cl. Plldfic <=--Hy. 8-cft. CA AP 023-291·15, Sl,71778 8-eh,CA BNm.CA ~.n--G ,AP Hunll.nCIOfl&Mcb,CA H1111tlnpJn 8"ch,CA a--,tt.niWIE..AP 1"11 ~ a . HllllT· Dlllotl. Haul C , AP ~ 025-IU·U. f90~ ~ 908 1'8-0l't.21., '726"48 Hoe.,npm, -Gery AP 0.lft. hgy D. AP '3T·l5-23t-SUTt SI 7175 ~ BHch, CA 024·213-0'1 , $129 87120 C.b· Florida SI. Hununglon Herilor Po&nt Cl. Hunul'(ton 151 -03·22 SOJO, $227 45 tn-17-let . '31118 18ts2 Welftfall Cl. Hun'""'°" Sura, David , AP fornieS1.Hun11nauin~.ro. s.;c:t;cA p kk AP Beech.Ce 1411 Northport Dr. Hunt· Plidllcc-tHy.HunuJlCIOn Blltt\,CA 023-291 •. 26., tl.010 90 19815 CA . nt0n, atr • ~lh~I. .BIUy 0 ., A.P lnflC>n,BMch, Ce CA Mcntpn«)', Cnif L , AP ~lime Ln, Huntl.ngtcin McCendlua, M.rlon o25·IB0-2l SOIO. U0.&7 149-10$-11 , 1312,08 94TI Bluluo, Ake.I, AP Kent W., AP 137-IS.247., '832.08 21052 BHch, CA IAnard. AP 024·232·33 3102. 2lll Flonde SI. Huntll'lglan MoklheN Dr, Hunungton 151·501-0:S., '407.70 2019'l 93>-52.197., t 776 84 81tl PooWde Ln. Huntll1l'Ofl a-1. f.c.khanh H., AP ~11.70 805 Frankfort Av. BHrh, CA Bekh.. CA Cape Cot~ Ln. HWIUJ\&100 8lndcovtt a . Huoli"l"On a..d\, CA 021-292·42 5010. '246 80 HunlirlltOft ~h. CA 02$~~~r~~o10G•rl~a4~~ MA:Elroy. s.~~n .... M :,~31 BNth,CA ~.:...CA,.._,~ ........... rt J AP '37·1~2'7 SOIO, $41 IS I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and 19791 we~ Lii. Hunt· · 1.e.m-03 . 1,.,..., ~ .... Sa&M. Ru.hen c . AP -"'· ._...... ........ r. 21052 Poot.de t.n, Hunt--correct. ""'°"Beech CA SbwUwki. Jamft J . AP 2808 f1onda St. Hl.lnllf\&100 'ndew•* Ci, HW1llngt.on ·~-51~50. Sl,997 18 20281 "3-52-221 ' S'720 25 nos BMch CA I 0 Robert L Citron Or•"99 County Tex Collector Stet• of California Executed at Santa Ana, Orange County on September 1. 1988 McMuU-: Mlt'h»I L AP 024-Ml-ot.. $88215 208 ~? () ... BNt'h(CA u,hU--Ln. """'~ ~I Dr, Hun~ :r:n.1s.i41smo, 12224s 023-311·28 S2 072 72 19757 unWw1on St. Hunung\Of\ .... ..,n, Jen• · ,._,.. Crowllunt. 0.~ R · AP a.-h. CA a..cft, .CA l. • JIOH ....,... Ln Hwll· ShoftdlU "t.n.' Hu.nunp:in Beldl., CA 025-111·17.. 124998 715 149·151·38., $1,727 46 21442 Mlldwll, 0-ks E., "AP iftC\Ol'I a..cti CA · 8-.-h CA. fWndenon Roy M AP Ow~Av,HununpmBeach Dodcalcll' Ci. Hununato Kurter, St•ve, AP 933-U -223.SOIO. Ust 98 a.&! ~ S~y AP La ·T~lle, Lyme.n 0 024.301.12~ i 1.9SI 88 20895 CA BNch, CA 153·023-02 5010. $853 SS '* ~I Dr. Hunt-es1.1s.'2•. 1932.08 21ose Jr AP 023 312 08 $198990 Coe.Mew Ln. Hunungton l\Q., Reul Edward, AP Hill. Chari" Mtk~ AP 18082 Colcht!Ster Ln. Hunl· lflC'OI\ 8"c'h. CA Poolside Ln HunUnC1on leM8 ~p,Harbor'Dr.'Hu~t· BNtti,CA 025-182-085010. S58038 737 14'·152·29.5010, S4118 '""°" BNch,CA Mc<;racltln, Kelli, AP 8"c'h CA ' lnp>n Beech CA Unan Jouph, AP Willienw Av, Hunlingum 21301 ~I Ln. Huntin&IDn M<Quown. Ru..U P . AP tJl-S2-227.6010, '520 92 Vl~aon Philllp AP Lopn, 'Manuel. AP 014-302-10.. '957 27 7871 8"ch, CA BMc+t. CA ' 153-024·22 5_010. '222 64 uot Bridppoi.nt DI-. Hunt-937.1~a. l2,044 sO 7901 --023-'2l..1)9.;-H 310 IS SMI ~U-0, HW'lbflPW' er.cti Wiiliam,, Gr•&.-A HIU, Rona1d f', AP 1132 Wadtbriclce C., Hun~ infwt-BMch, CA • port Dr HU-nlfftllOn The following abbreviations are used for the words set opposite Pral.dlo Dr · Hununiton CA 02s-1a2.14 . Sl,424'14 u1301 t•e.111-03 . Sl.849 46 2t32l lftllOI' Beech, CA .,...y. Jcmpb A . AP ~CA ' them: a.am, CA ' C M O A.ociatn A.P 8Nth Bl. H.un\JnCtOll BNc:h. Bulktwed Ci, Hunungt.00 RodrifUn, Clou~. AP W.SJ~ 1708 37 8208 AP m-l~W SOIO. ~ +4 ~achtf Estatt!I. AP 02.5-023-14 . $2.980 98 2121 CA 8Hc.+i. CA 1~4-48 , fl.213 01 81~1 ~nt Dr, Hununcton 7IOt Bayport Dr, HunllnllOl'I Adm -Administrator Admx -Administratrix AP -Assessor's Map Parcel Number Apt -Apartment Assn -Association Assoc -Associates Bldg -Building Bros -Brothers CA/Cal/Calif , California Co -Company Const -Construction Coop -Cooperative Corp -Corporation Consvr -Conservator Dept -Department - Dev -Development Dist ..._ District Div -Division Ed -Education Entrprs -Enterprises Est -Estate et al -and others Exec -Executor. Executrix F & M -Farmers & Merchants Gdn -Guardian 013-'41-l6 t29 12 t83U Alabame St. Hununaton Rancel, Nlt'Olu. AP Felmoulh Or, Huntington a.di. CA 8w:h CA Hwy· Highway Woodlands· Ln Hunun 8Ndi. CA 02S-ltl·18 3202. S'1301 701 T'Npllo, Mlcl\ael L . AP BHd\. CA Heun, Joyce Y . AP • R AP Hwys . Highways Bl!acti, CA · &ton E. & s. ProdUC'\ion Corp. Jay C.. ltA. Hunt.aflllOn 149·11M5~ tl23.14 93111 F o k , Henry . AP 1133-$2-243.SOIO. t481 96 HT~ .• "= U •net Inc_ Incorporated Bryan Thomes Randall AP 025-031-08. '428118 200 Bl!«ti. CA Southlhore Dr, Hunungton 153-032-10 .. fl,182 02 8182 2012~ Welttfont Ln, Hun1· Coho Dr H tlntton BNch Ins _ Insurance •lh AP 023·3~t-08 ~IO E. U\b Av. Hunllnfton Zunbl!roff, Dll\lld M., AP BNch, CA Whitbum Ci, HuntJ.ngton tnp>n BNch, CA CA • "" · t3 ~IO lt50~ Woodlan~ ~h. CA. 02~191-46 ~10. S22.95 2.118 Stephent, Dldufo D .. AP BMch, CA . , Weever, MlchMI C , AP Flboal J p A.P Inv • Investment i..; Hunungton BMch CAJ GunneU. Robl'n c. AP Florid• S1, Huntington 14.9-172-12., 1987.14 9712 Aywenan, Kark.our Ar\ln tM-52-278.. S800 63 20092 937•15-380 ::; 53 • 7401 Jr _ Junror Ward. Charla ~· AP 025-031·13 SI 647 90 218 BNt'h. CA Hifbtide Dr. Hu.nt1ngton AP 163-032-23 :.010, 1829 79 Beyf..-t Ln. HunUnJIOn Seebl ff 0.. H """°" LA -Los Angeles 023-351,'te 127M~9 ·634~1'oront.o Av. 'Hunungton APOU.181-4e6020,St4698 llNd>,CA 1191 8umhem C.. Hunt· ~CA ._..."'CA . un ' ' Beach CA 2111 f1oride St. HunUngl(>n Plunkett. All«I 8 . AP ""'°" Bl>ech CA Colvin. Pet M . AP • ltd -Limited ~ 0 , Huntlf\&100 ' BNch CA 149-172-14 1783.48 8832 8mco hb Lid AP 833-52-31S 5010 $305 IS AP 937-IS-atO 6010 117140 Mfg -Manufacturing ~h·cf2'3 .3s1 .111 ~010 Rohn&. John M 1'r. AP s~ Ma.run Jr Tr. AP tfiChtide Or, H11nuniton 153-041·21 ,$44.M8'8T6R 8111 C..pehopl' 'a . HU.RI· 7401 ='&°"· H~t· Mt -Mount f2 712 11 6345 Pn~llfo ea" 025..034-0S . 132~ 04 200 02S-200..e4 . i3.858 82 19791 BNt-h. CA 11 S« I Por NW114 '""°" BMdl, CA ~ IS.390 5020 P04 00 H ' BHt'h CA • ~ AV\ i HunUfll\O" 88l'h 81, HuntlflllOn &.im. WeJll, Pewr Mao-Chien.. Winall Stehon1 AP Pwry, Kenneth W .. AP . • NA -National Association ununcton · BNcll. cA CA AP 148·181..07.. 11,084 12 l$3oOSl·l6 t i 698 30' 19472 tJS-52·3$3.6010, U48 10 '1401 S.blulf Dr, Hunt· Natl .• National ~S %"~~ ~· W ~ AP 02S·034·07, '324 88 200 Milla. Stan fell F , AP "41 Rodlpclnl Dr, Hunt· BNt'h Bl. HunUftC10n &oach, 20152 Bayfront Ln, Hunl· IApln BMrh~.. • 0 N I N be l! • unt Rochft~r Av, Huntington 111·130·12, 152.30 Garfield lnslon Beac'h. CA CA lftllOI' Beech. CA Steete. ""'"""y A.. n.r 0 # -um ·' inaton BMch. CA 8-:h. CA Stret'\Add Loi 12 Blk DSl12 AP 148-111.07~10. "9 34 0.ly. Kl'Vll)o s. AP Jacob, TbomM 0 ' AP 937-15-407., tl,03111 ?402 NT & S A -National Trust • 023~~r: · f:;~·: J' ·8~ Jacobif. Rohen A , AP Ptdenen. A M., AP t:MI Rodlpcl.n1 Dr. Hunt· 153.071 •01 5010; S649 76 "3-S2-3" 5010. $4340 8182 Coho DI-. Hunul'lf\On BHdl, and Saving& Association Tumbl!ny ' 0 • HunUngi.on GU-042·0..3303. $23649 200 111-140-24 . fU3222 c.,.-. lnslon 8-ctl.CA 1to02MilfordC.Hunul\i1.0n C.peho& Ca. Huntif111on CA.Dami J 1 c -AP S & L -Savings and Loan• BNm.CA . =·~St.. Hunungton fieldSt.reet Add 81.kC Lot26 t4:';::~io ~ ~i/21; ~· ~ Newland Fin~te ~-S2-l53 5020. 11117 30 t:t1.11.8:e soC::. t 268 22 SECY -Secretary 023W;r· s~P~ 1siut~ AP 02~2-04 3402• '™oa AP .. n 1.u 0-i• ~0 1 0 21912 ~view Ln. Hunt~ Brin Robert E AP 1112 <Apehope c . Hun1. 1331 Coho Df,.Huntinfton ~-Senior . 1·4 1 . -I -200PortlandS HUllUftll.On U_,17203 Garl1eld St.rtt .Buch...cA -1:s3-sS3·1:S,"Tr.1947B 8371 ~BMt<.h.CA . 8Mch.CA St -Saint/Street lf2.15 Ml'adowood a , ffunt· 8Mc'h. CA Add Bile C Lot 2e Andfnon, Joh.n W • AP Clarkdall' Dr Hu.nungton Lynch. Dmlae M-. AP eon-y,... f'rank J~ AP USA _ United States ·~-~Id 0 AP AP 025-042·04 5010. '329 1~ Reynold.I. Jackton. L .. AP 149.193.2~ .. SJ.274.&t 21911 Bnl'h. CA · 933-83-ooa:. fl,477.72 1684~ t31-11.010.so10. »n 10/. I on 381 83 3102 •1 ill 68 200 Portland St. Hu11ungwn 114-481-03 , $223.14 22031 ~KT'ftt Ln. HW11mgton 1 Bh;ew•* Ln. Hununiton 7331 Coho Dr. Hununaioo of Amer ca !"""" • • • Bnt'h CA • SuHn Ln. Hunllngton BNt-h, CA KulJli;, ~ J .. AP Belch, CA BNt'h, CA Vets • Veterans 111295 W1ngedloo1 C1. Hunt· Hu~1. Rkhard o . AP Bl>ach, CA North. Lanny £.. AP l:sf·l~2-09,5blO, $24 26 Ttuet Lynch. Denlle M. AP Wood. w Kurt, /J' &-And 1"':'8"ch.~ p 02S-042-07 .13.356562190s· Lyncll.Dmla M~.A.P 10-184·165010, $168 111 Nomed Cl. Huntlna1on t:J:S-83-0085010, H80S3 t:IT·IB·IO:J.5010, ff240S &I A d / 024 0~;_c1f · tl-:2~~·1 ~ ._.St. Hununt'O'I Be.ch, 114-48~5 5010, t M2 20 211181 Ot'Mllview-Ln, Hun1-Bead\. CA 116'45 Bll.lt'We* t.n, Hunt· 19502 Ranch Lo. HunlJJlllOO or • n or · · · CA 1232 OuVl&sv Dr, HunL· lnf'Oll BNch, CA P1unk,11.. Md>ael o. AP ""'°"Beech, CA 8Nc-b. CA : • Number I 14lh St.. Hunungt00 Beedl. Ball. ~,_ G . AP IJIC\Ofl Be.ch, CA Wllfl, ThomM J . AP 1$8-17$-13 , fl.261 16 5931 L.orito. Md\ael H Jr. AP Sdliettr. 0.vld H . AP ~CAV . Doneld V AP 02S·04-4-21 . 121480 217 O'Sha. Brendan J . AP 149·201·14 , t l,03456 21S22 S.Ufield Ln. Hllntlngt.on t33.Q.042 , '31247 11915 93'1-ll·lllSOIO. 1~346 OUJ>~la II I03 6$. S2' ~11 Av, Hu.nung\00 114·S02·03 5010. $524 64 Art'her Cl, Honllngton .Btedl, C. , m-wr Ln. H1.1nlintton Inst 8anch Ln. Hunl.lnf'O" · • ae.d\,CA 22032 Malibu L.n, Hunt-BMc+t.CA Shore. M~Lk. (\P18Mch.CA a.rh,CA 14th St. Hu.nuftilOn &e.ch. Metdwllon, Allan R . AP IJIC\Ofl8Nch,CA G..-t, Beny 8., A.P l:sf..175-11 . Sl.820M 511fll• l\alher, M•ry J , AP Men1lon Hiii, AP PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION CA Nicllolas. Ge Id W AP 02S-o+4-2t , Sl,083 77 1308 Kun, Sendra Kew.lilt. AP 149-282·1~. $892 ~ 21372 Bellfield Ln, Huo~ngton 933-83-049 .• Sl,470AO 1111129 tS7-18·134., Stt4 86 TR 024 016 08 •1'!.n38 ' •21 Alebem11 St, Huntington 148-022·24. S9~7 80 8191 Au1u11a Cl. Huntington BMch. CA 81..._.et.er Ln, Huntlngton 12249 Lot I UnJ1 291 of Pro-. • ·· • ,.,..,.., " 8tech CA Pl'N\lnp>n Dr. Hu.ntJ.ngton 8Mdl CA Deffner, Diile T. AP 8Nch CA ~ Loclt.ed on AJ> 2 3o411·10 131h St, Hunungton Bl!ech. McGlnn11. A.Ian O.vid. A.P BMch, CA Dollmhl. John R . AP lff..111.01 , 1629.48 5921 ~ Cerloa A . AP 1'~ wilh en Und 1/36 C\J. II \ p I ~~. 1·23.. SI 114 00 222 Relhy. Jacloe M . AP 149·282·34 ' 12.033 74 21431 Kenbrook Dr. HWIUnglOl'I 933-U.ot7 . S337 47 17027 "''"'Lot I L. "".J!' ~4 01~01~:!1"iJ Memphll Av. Hunungt.on 148-023·01 . Sit? 14 -ern lAmon\tff Ln. Hunllt\gton BMCh:'CA___ 81uewa11tt a..n. HunllftllOn AP""m·fS-1:12.. ~33 'rt The._.Assessor's map parcel number when used to describe propeityln this list, refers to the Assessor's map book, the map page or block number In the book and the lndi11ldual parcel number on the map page or within the block. A parcel number as for example, "044-363-05", would mean.Sook 44 of the Assessor's Maps, Block 363 (Map Page 36, Block 3) and Parcel 5 within that block. The maps referred t o are avallable for fnspectlon in the office o f the Assessor. • • v· ""' • a-:t.. C. W11dwaod Q, HunllftCIOn 8Nch CA 1'9el, Yeh..ctwm1, AP 8Nch. CA 12249 Lot I UN\ 308 OF $1 ... 7.IOS0414thSl Hunt· ~John G , AP BNch.CA oPwe, St.am1hiu. AP U9-182·06.SOIO. $14442 Bucksblum, Sol, AP '""'~ Located on AJ> 2 lftllOI' Bl!ech. CA O"·OSl -241.. S27S 66 202 PoruUo. Hf'C10r M , AP 14t-292·03. 1832 50 21322 ~II Catbecll Or, Hunllnf\On '33-83·104 .• f4)4 71 17040 l-411·10 T.U-with en Nicholaa.. Gentld W . AP M~ Av, Hunlll'\llOf' 148-023-15 , tt.332 40 8172 Plne\tff Ln. Hunungt.on 8"rh. CA Bluewet« L.n. Hu1111ngton Und llM lnl In Lot I Ol4..017-02 '381 88 S22 t31h Be.ch. CA Whl~ Dr, Hunt.angt.on BNt-h. CA l«ht. Cluutopher J ., AP 8"ch. CA Sumc:. K.rilRanl "1vw. AP St,HununitonBl!ech,C. 8-.-h.CA W-1\, M_,,.,. AP .IMl·W-01 . fl.04840 18081 ~a.mi R. AP 911·11-ttt,SOIO, 171301 . McKlnrw~. Leon E Jr AP AP 148-023-15.6010, l508 02 149-34a..12~ JJ..129.116 9161 lvorycreat, .Ln. Hu.nun,ton W.U-108., MS8 08 17048 72tJ Cotlo Dr, H1.111Uft110n Btftheeni. Bi.Uy J . AP 025-053·17 . Sl,129 86 214 8172 Whl!Htone Dr. Hunt· Melinda C1, Huntington BHch, CA 81-t« Ln,~ HuollllllD" BMd\. CA 024..0234M.,f20S.0741112th Knoxville Av: HuntJng100tnp>n8Hch.CA Beerh,CA YMhlNmi, Ryula Eddy,BNtti,CA Mention H iii, AP St. Hun11ngt.on Bl'«h, CA Beed\, CA Bolin, Velma A , AP Bnnk. J-A . AP AP 1~·243-03 , S2.892 60 Manley. AllHn Otdu>1-. U7·18·310.. U U .58 TR Huddle, no~ntt. AP 148--023-2'1 . Sl27 20 81 IS 1411-371-11, f l,707 48 22321 8002 M-1ield Dr. Hunt· AP 933-83-112 . US7 69 12'2' Lot I UNI 331 OF f'T'O. DuatW ~rtlH. AP 025-0M-03., ~~ 23 911 Pennlfll'O'I Dr, HunllflCIOn Herwich Ln, Hun11ng1on "'-'°"Beech, CA 17~ Bluew•* Ln, Hunt· jlc\ Localed on AP O 024·027·20~ 13.405 3~ 317 HU..""-'°" Sc.. Hu.nllftilQn Belch. CA BMc:h. CA O.vw. Randel E , AP 1nf1on Bnch. CA 23-411·18 ToteU-w11h an All property Is in the Township South and Range West of San thh St. HununJWn Bl!at'h, a..ti. CA Barry, Mar&att1 J . AP Wnah1. Larry w , AP 1se.20~ .. sa.211 03 6022 ,._, Sun TR. AP Und 1140 l.nt in Lot 1 Bernardino Base and Meridian. • c. MdCcnDe. Rohen R . AP 141.ou.21.. S25U2 8121 149.-371·". u .351 04 223111 MatMwfield Dr, Hunungton m-a.022.. »47.31 21372 AP 837-16-31$. '424 86 1'r IMPORTANT NOtlCf: The n•mes published are those appearmg on lhe t8'1 roll Taxpayers who h9Y8 dtsposed of property since March 1. may find their names Usled for the reason 1h•1 present ~s have talled to pay 18"es. Ni<maa. Ja1eph G . AP 02!1-0S4-22SOIO, S71..S26 207IPennl.fll\On Dr. Hunu.nct0n Harwich Ln, HunllflilOn BNch.CA Brookhum St. Hunllnl10n 12525 Lot I Unit US Of 024·031·14 , '3.276 78 21$ lndianapciba Av. Hu.nUncton Betd\, CA llHc'h. CA Chen. Ju-Chen, AP &Mch, CA Projl'ct 1..ot'1l4'd on AP 14th St, Hu.ntingwn Bt!IK'h. &Mch, CA S.lcedo, Ubeldo, AP AP 149.371'.2s 5010. $598 U ISll-243-16., '2,$70 20 8132 Ent-. Jeck F , AP 023-411°18 TQCe\~ with• n CA .-Johna1«1, Roben B . AP 1'8-024·40.5010, f462.15 22391 Harwkb 1.i), Hunt· Manorfleld .Dr. HuntJl\gtpn 835-11·127~ M17..57 21372Und1/40lnlln Lot I Moaer; Joteph, AP ·~..OM-23 , 12.231112 915 821S Deerfield Dr. Hunt-1Ap1n BNdl.. CA , Btet'h, CA • Brookhum S\, HunUngion AP 937-11-355. Slln 08 TR 024-033-20.5010, 1174 39 Hwitlftl\Oll S\. Hunun(IOn lnf\on &..ch. CA Malek, M1noo, AP Jones, Don C.. AP BMch, CA 12281 Lo1 I Unit 371 OF Hunuf111on Beac:h C 1y Blk 8-:h, CA Lotlem\111'1 ~Inc. 149-371·28 . 13,6e7.20 22421 IM·i.t-30 . fl.149 00 6101 l.oUueft. Edwln A., AP Pro~t Lot'el4'd on AP 212 Lot lend Blk 212 Lot 10 Will. Carlon !., AP AP 1~21. l6t0381222 Karwdl Ln. Hwil.aJ'\llOI\ Manorfleld Or, HunUncton as.t2·130 .• 11.14112 21371 ou.0'24·08Topthttwllh en ~-22 . Sl.318 14 1109 1'.idpfleld Dr, ae.-h. CA • ~CA Brooktlum St. HuntlnpJn Und 1112 lnl m Lot I Odmwtl.. Harold T . AP IJabM'M S Hunun,ton Hunl.lfll'Ol\&Mch.CA Mld....,,S,SwnnT.AP NaJtR, Lucuno A . AP Blldl.CA Khelef. S1mlr. AP 024-03&+08~ 1491.08 Hunt· Bnch,CA AP 141-028-22.SQlO. $12608 1'9·1"11 -31 $010, $26006 1,_·l47·14 . 12.23486 1181 Mo19 Dewlopneot Oro. 1117-40-0'1t, Sl,3'8M 11105 .----------""T"---------1 Inc'°" Beech Cl'/ Lot 7 8lk MdC.lnley. Shermen W . 1222 Rldpfield DI-. Hunt. 22312 Wellinsfonl Ln. Hu.nt· Norbrook Dr. HunUf111on AJ> tlf-17-481 , 135153 ~ ShoftliM Ln. Hwillnpin 111 Lot 8 Blk. I lo AP 02s.06e·04.. S2,134 55 bwlorl ae.-h, CA lnf'Oll &Mrh, CA , ._,h, CA 11•'1.ot 2 Unit 21"°1 Toe ae.-h, CA ltnud1eon, Niklu Lor· Bender, Gary L · AP hUer, RictYrd J • AP 1007 Alablml St . Hunt· AP 141-0H-22.5020, 1688 26 1'twnP". Wlllwn Joltn Dmdenkl. Drlpn, AP w11h A Pw Und 1no Int l.n W. T. Newl.and FAultie r1i11e. AP 023·091·07 023-143-16 . S6S7 82 60ll 17th 014·042·11 . f:"ll 10 1104 '""°" BNt'h, CA 1222 JUdtirlleld Or. Hunl· AP 148-3'11·3'1., '3.305.M 1"-241n03., t l,'43.ST 1832.2 Lot 2 ~ted from AP llrv.ner. Alben D.. AP · S2,0S2.22 112 13th St., Hunt· St, Hununaton Beach. CA Palm Av.. Hunlill(IOfl Beach, Cniyton A~nl.I, AP lnllon BNch, CA 22322 WalUncfonl Ln. Hu.nt-P'leldbury L..n, Hun\lni'IOn l5l..JP.0t -tal-12-0411.~010, 131.85 Inc'°" Be.ecll. CA Lither, Edwerd R, AP CA OU·081·2t., M.361 26 324 Blddon. Rkhard A. AP lnc'°",Btet'h, CA BNch, CA Mola~'*'' Corp. l~ s.tdWe Lrt. Hunt· Cendl'lmo. Jemes A AP 023-144-20, $1001:1'1 eo8-ljirrls. DllVld A.. AP Qay Sc.. HuntJll(IOfl lle«h.. 141-026-39 , 11,31022 8222 S.ldwln, Eleanor Tr Amador. Dlno L . AP AP-.17-490-1457.U lnltana..ch,CA ARTAXEARAl~~ffl 023.ot4-t13t02. $34598 1111 t61h St. Hunt.al\ll\OI' &Ill!\ 024·052-31~ tl,830$6a!t~ CA Foxhall DI-, Hun11n1ton ~. Chertea A.. AP 1,._m.11 . Sl.t~.22 18301 PM 21e.te Perwl 2 Unu M.P.M .• AP t5-41-002 .. .. t•lh St. Hunb"l'O" 8"ch CA I Peril St., Hun""-'°" • AP OU-061-30 , M.36106312 Blerh. CA 1~1-0lll-17 , $852 SS 207111 P'\eldbuty Ln. Hununaton WI02 Toe wilh e Por Uncl IUll.72 21.SI 8urwyor Ci. ~. A~y. ·AP CA Pwry. Boben C, AP CA 0.y SI. H1.1t11.1ftC\On ae.ch. J..... Boben Cherin. ColllM Ln.. Hunlln1Jt.on 8-d\. CA Int In\ 1n '"-1 2 of PM 8-dnpin BMdl, CA 023-002·28 . 1754 1M1 1827 ~. Jttry E., AP 023-144·23. $196 28 Hunt-Oty of HunUncton BHch, CA AP 148--02'7·25 · fl.001..24 BIKh.. CA Gery, ~ V . l.P 219-211 s.r.Wd (l'Oll) AP Welt.en. Wilham C • AP Na1ft St. Hununpin BNm, OU-OM-IA., 1374 34 711 t31h IJIC\On 8Nch 17thStnoel Sec AP 024-082·19 50IO, MO 6!1 T AP OJ&.Oll-31 . fl2.707.t2 llM Pe~ Dr, Hunt-AJ> 101-0ft.Je.. 11,864 INI .,._ ... 1·22~ M10 17 (9242 1$1·283·01 -....Oii, IU78 OS 21812 CA St. Hwmanpin 8Mch. CA uon 8lk 11$ Lot 1$ 8 R I l SK I I Por Nl/2 2820 HunUfttlOn Av. Hu.nt• lnc\On 8Ndl. CA 20712 Mi.ion Ln. Hunt· Huntl"l'CJn St . Hununpin AP m-n...-s .. MSTM 8urwyar Cl, HunllJlCIOn MorWn. William R AP Johrwon '"'°"'9 K . AP AP 024.ou.ot ~10 990 42 T lnflOll 8nch. CA ShlpUo. M&rk ll"Vlng. AP 1n11ar1 Baech, CA Baeth, CA Jl'N 21'·211 Palttl 2 Unit 8-:h. CA· OD-O&l·:MI., 11,424 12 '18(M 023-llS-10: l80Ul 909 20tl\ Oebl•, l.eona AP 8 R 11 Sec II Po, Nl/2 no-n, ~ J AP Hl-027·88.5010, $53 12 AP ISl-On·M.5010, tf64.22 Reilly, Caro&. A, AP ~IOI Toe wilh 1 Poro Und AP ,._41.0186010. NOUO Shipley St. Hunt1n(lon St. HunliflllOn Seid\, CA 023-146·23, fl.2~l? 20 ~23 OU-082•32 1&1214 ·• 2~13 11m Aahbl.irlOn Cl, Hunt· 207q Mlmlon Ln, Hunt-1,_·Ml-23, 1773 t8 192.40 1/70 Int in Parat! 2 of PM Ull2 Swwyw Ci, Hl.lft'-' a.ct\, CA Hart~ Ronald W . AP 17th St, Hununpn Beoth. P l1re\I, An1t•. AP ~lliwett .,St H U I iftlton ._,h, CA iRPWI llNd\, CA HunUlll'07 St. Huntlf\l\00 llt-28 81inPt.ecl from AP illpln Baetb.. CA Codclmcton-Randt D. AP m -11) 18 r n ue SU 21s11CA 014-091·17 5010, M7 25 808 a..cb, CA ' un na on ShidJtor. R. Merli. AP AP 161·101·11.. U..086.46 ...... CA 16l·ID-01 TAX RATE OH·Ge2·U5010. Sl3266 St.HununPinae.ch.CA Hov.e Charle 0, AP lllh S\. Hun\lnpln BeKh. l'8.o>4-03 , 139161 21161 20l91ColimaLn.HunUftllOI' Sowlo, Anlhor\y J., AJ> AP-.11.507 .136571 1122 M.&n St. HunUQCIOn Ooldberi. -T.-4, AP 02S.147-0$ .. Sl'4 ~ Hunt CA • ~ Propertie., AP Lot'hlN Ln, Hunungton Beerh.CA l?a-402-19,f7M2S3392Gll· PM 21t-28 ~ 2 Unit AREA N-117 a..cti.CA OD-111-Sl , 12.282~ 52.41 1~1..ot~h~~~~~Sa-c-a. CaroUN c... ~1-215010, 127.03 2411 a.di.CA AP 151-103ol2 ,S517.188422 llWt Dr. HunlJrlCIOn 8--h, »'1Dl'Toe wt1h I Por Und AP 02J..082.2J 5020, SM8 85 _,.. 1!k. Hvntmpln Bmd\. ~Biii SI~ I ~\ AP 024-101.CJI .. 1$47 7t 510 WN'-'dl DI-, Hunu""°" 8udfNm. 0.vld 0 AP C..llM Dr. Hun~ CA ll70 Int fire Pwwl 2 of PM Hodder, Odile R , AP 1m Main St. HunUl'l(\On CA Stodter' Fr w T ll&h St.~ &Nch, 8-:h,CA l-.OU-32. ~21 14 84111 8-ch.CA Banlf-. ~-AP 21t-• ........ from AP Uo.oll·IS. ..... .M TY 349 a.ch CA I • ancu r, CJ\ ~ Dr, Hun""-'°" l,._.11..o:I. i3.JOl.14 llJSS2 m~l lAl 1'1 a J Pw"' Lot and ~ GUben c . AP 1-j, Dtbr1I u.ne. AP AP023.m,1s.11,l4:SOHOI Bunertield. c:;. o..n ..... AP 02$-071·22~10. f29M 8-:h.CA a.wwv.. a--Trptal a.-.t Ln. Hun""-'°" AJ>-.n.aoe,1*$5.00 JWGILot ltBlkJ -cm..oes-u . 12.fM7 ~2 1717 --~ ll80 84 414 20th l8th St Hunu""°" &Mch, 024·102·08~ N0'1M 612 lOlh MOS Whlt.tlenda Dr, Hunt-Pa...iko. ~ M .• AP "'°' ....... J-H., AP Baeth, CA PM II ... Puwl 2 Un.II ............ Michael. AP Pwtl8t.Hu.ntmc-8Nth. l!k.Hllllli'llplnl>Mch.CA ICA lk.HwilinplnBaetb..CA "'-'°"Bw:h,CA Hl·00-41,IOlO, tt24.17 1SJ.10t-l3., 11,uo.ao 1201 AP 111-u1 -0S.50I0,60t'IOl'foewt&haPw Und iao-•i• .. iua.1417431 CA Howe. C D.. AP 1-. MkhNI S.,. AP ~ Oearlfe., AP AP 02&-0'11·22..5020, t3UO Mil ~ Dr. Hunt· A'*-w Av, HunllntMHI 11.lt'7.l01'502~L.n. lilt IM Ill ...... 2 of PM A..._ La Hunll71\011 Ml1llkln. fffil E , AP OU-IM-08., 1170 84 402 20th 02S-161°18 , U ,202 32 4111 OM-102-0ll .. 17111 SI 627 tth MOI Wbl"-7dl Dr, Hunl· "'-'°" Baech, CA lledl, CA Hun&illpln 8w:h, CA ll ...... Wit tram AP ....._CA ' on.op.JO . IMO to 1727 lt.H-lirlplnBtlch.CA flllh St. HunUl'lg\Ol'I Beech, lc...HunUftllOllBlerh,CA ---~CA ....... Uilnll 1.. AP T I • T r C o L..tv, ~ C AP lSl·-.01 a.-. llmf'llld D , AJ> l'wtl l!k. HuntlnpJn 8-:h. ~-u~-~hia313"1~~ICAT1ylor Mlctl.1 A AP Anra.Laune~ a-. Roneld J , AP =11 ·~1·7rf~.-~ Tr•1a.1m.oo.ttuOTJohn-1,...ll·M. 11,TION '11411 ....._, "-Y K , AP u .. -. ••.. Mt.12 1111 CA a...lllcUonLot S8lk419 OU-161·· St.~1908. 41, AP OM-l0J·l4.: lf710 IOI ett-tOMn~ $61104 1010 C.. ' ""'-•-·-. Orilllllit Dltw, AP ,_.Ln.H........,BMdl. ....... ~at.Oil.» ats ..... a, ••tipa ._., ..... NlflC)' Mey, Ap Md lAl 7 a 419 (at&h St. Hun,.,___ S..h CAr...Av.8.untUICIOllBaeth. Clllf mk fk, Hunltfll'OI\ ~;_ •-p ..... m .m.tt, ll,50t58 1152 CA ...._. Dr. ff......,_ CA • IU.O'fl·l2 . 111332 1701 -·-· ' .... CA ·-.. _ ' ~ ~ Dr H1111u11aton VonRilldl.Oemaidr AP ..... CA ~ ...... &, AP LMe9l.H1111ti711cJna.dl. m.~~s.INl~~CAJP°""""Co..lnc AP lryln.n-R41h,AP ..... o..r ... , AP ....... nbr11:119 1411 -..ea.CA • ,,...12.oa.1u12141'ttoi ,,...__....,A..,r.U ll~l.oT. P2UO au CA a., Hw:~· 8-:h CA OU-JH ot IO U 17°'s 94 OM·lOl-21 .IUIS .. 403tdl ....... 6010, 16014 1117 1.-..-1 • lanUftl'OR W..ipa Dr. Hun~ ... lf.Ot'7 .. tl.IOl.14 not AdleM Dr. Hvn~"l'O" ....,..,,.. Denlel L ' AP A.Min al do AP Hua ton Bnch 1 '7lh lk., H--8-:h. CA .._...,. It. Hun""-'°" -..etl, CA ....._ • an 1'&11 bw • Tr Co TY &/or 8-m, CA "'-a, Hunlirlpln 8-11. ...._CA I -..crn.oi., _.. .. IMt yany • ~ Cl'l-...hlrn. Yotmf. AP._. CA Jftdldll, _.. '"· rv--...,.,._, ....... J.M. AP .... Frid W AP CA a.1eoy, Loul1, AP ...,_ k HUftCinpln Bwtl, OU.II~ 8*.IO Hunt· 'T'P ~Bl~ Ol4°11MJ.6010, ITQ.41UIAPoit-lOMt~.14'U1 ,......_.,, •t08 HTt 111·&11., 11.0IOM tcml &71-4f2.0.. 11.MOf t ... I ~ '-PhL..AP l .... l.ot.8010 tA.•'1 •t CA lllllalldnplna-ti. ::-1.-II ~~~5L!t Lnr . AP 023-1$4-0t~I~ ~a., llundnl'Oll 8-:h, 1111 ~~St. Hlol?I• ==::-c:.wCA Dr. H.-. ~I.ft, H..,._. ==~ Ln, H.in~ 1:-a. .. = ..!!:! =-CADr. H1mUllpe AP~l.6010 11•12 Ham flMlO Kunl.lnl'CJft 8Mch ........ llorlllld K. AP-:::..._ .Oer&Jd s AP • a-.. Ian.,.,,., 111--.n1t10. M30• ~ OllMr .. ,., CA a.-. ....., ~ ,., Tia 11 kllWSll1 o-.M. RollMt r . AP !r:-~~4~ I Ilk Ol4·111-'12. f71UI Ill IUI m.117-415 ,' llltlt '1003 • .._...~100, M~I !It 1111 ..... 11 WI Av. Hwit.s tlt-411-40, l1,4MOI i•12 --~~ .. :-a~ llf.Ml.IUOIO. 11,411.'6 APlla~~i~a~t :'::3~~=$~0. UllADrl.l.AoNrdO,AP ~Hun*'ltonBw:h. =...~le. Hwianpin ::. .... CA , l&nl· :ri:1~c:"m1181311 =-'CA LA. H1mUllpln .,, I La.' .......... =~"'911.H......., 1711 I.Me le. )H ....... CA OH ·uMi tolO IU 8t AP OM-IU.IUOlO. Nll.U ~ &.-8 , AP l>Mtt"-le J ff 1i1a11oJ Dr, HuallnllOfl ~ Mwm1 S AP --=-CA ' A A...._ ,,_..., AP ..... CA ........_, Roneld R AP Hw......, 8'edl 0 City 8111 m ....... Hunt1ftl'On m.m.n, ff.Ir&• Mll Owflll. Al' ~...-.1~1 ... CA 1'8-dl·M . S2.UIM 0 m2 ...-;::· .. ~~:~ ., .. u ......... ,.,. -~ l•LAm: Al m.&M-11 11 11614 'm JllLot•endllU18Lot21 8-d\W •1CA.. J p ...,_.. St. HunllntlOft ~.Olt'70 ll•I ._. ~ ~ ~~ .... !!~ Da.-Q,Hundni'Oll a.ad\. llertll Dr "Ulltllllton A..a.. La, H11nllllf'MI -•rll, 11.#7.H 1711 .._ 8'. H' ' a.-ti I I, I~ , A 8-dl.-CA · -1 -~ ~. ~-· CA ,.,.. • ..... CA ...,_ 91.. H ........... 8Mdl. ..... .,., · OrilMt. Luhr I!· AP IM·lll-lt. ta.-111121 l&h .,_.., ..._.. AP ~ 9-11. CA ._..,CA f' It Corp ~ AP -,:.-~ Ville Antoalo, AP CA CA ......... IUNM m "·~ ..... CA ... 11a.10,'7»•11iTw-~ .... o!.:'t_l~UI AP 111·*"°2 . II.MUI ......... ~llO.-l.)tlt411 d ............. ~ ll ... l .. ~ 11•• -· a.J.t.._.,......_.., .,......_,,,,_3rd AP llUI ... Hi ............ a..il ...... I. U ,_a, ff..,lf'Gn ..... -... CA ' 1111'° aJZ~Dt.Hun""""" ~ Lft, Runanpa ... ONMMl .. IA. HW14 r-1eJ Dr. Huu .. -. AP ~116010. II• '1l m.aM-a 5010, tJ.1555~ CA -.111-11., ...,.14 llt ll&h CA -8wtl, CA ..... CA ..... >•' CA ...... CA Tl811k21Wl112 -....... HUM17PW1 °'!:" 79'llchli'dl --~ ... t!: -:.~-~CA. .....,, ...... '~AP r--. a-..... _,., ·~nr'°!!· aaaa fWIPl;pa ... N.Y ,AI' -a.........., L ,., ....... ~ a.. AP ....... ,._.....,.,AP ...,ea ou.1-1 • 1.---_., -AP ,.111-•. ta•T• 1111 ........,., ... n um _, • n••...-na ...... aa . ., .... , .. ., .. .,41111 ..07 ., ,...,.,...,,-..IMIAr-••.,•· mt• 1202 ......... a.-tJ 8 . AP ]..1,tti k HllMlllf'OI' 8Nch, !!!:,!""'~ l}•IUJ ~ &.a. 11•1'1..-.................... ~CA ~ .... ._ • .,._ .................... _..... Dr, H• •r:rz Plfll II .... '-:ti. -.lll-ll.td40lllt2W""" ...... A•,• zc•-S ·A ... CA _..111,....,._nlMI ..... CA ..... CA PlrillllCA CA .......... , 8-..tl, CA JCLDl'li 111g n lw, AP CA ,_ .._... D~ U W"-1et Dl•n• A ......, Dr, Hu...... ......._ ...... r: AP hr.II De•td AP llllllllJ, 1M9Y I AP " ·~ "'-' L , AP ...... IUialll H . AP tD-Ml-OlMI · llhM 122 ._._ .... .....,O.AP .. Mi.ai~ •11.11 lilt ..... : ... ,. .. '1ot .... CA 1'1·111·MllOI, lltT 10 .... ,, tl.lM.1t' 1_, ......... ~ -1m1 -....11.1111 ..... 11111 -.1a.1l, ....... eH 11111 9'. """"""°" ........... 111.:n. •1•• Ill ..... a. ............ ~ Dr. Hunll ........ TrC.OTYlll 11711 ......... La, HUM-t..... ...... ••t1..,io. ft ......... ....... ........ , ...... l1* .. ff ......... Aartl. CA All WH..._...,_. ... CA 11111111.CA .,_, .._ w :; --=-.._CA ... CA ..... -CA ~ ..... • 11 ei A..,., CA......._, Jatin DMd. --~=~t.a CA .... 111 .. :naae, 1nia .. ':.9'i.. 'l:r.i .:,~ ~i. 0.:.;·,1 :::f't..=..! * 1---.i,~aTi.:fa ~.,;. 't 1/.-.':·.J: u:::t.e~ : •• ~ F-~ wn..-lllJ AP-..1-..u.11.llllHll .............. HllM.lfll\Oft I ................ 0 .............. AW!mDr .... , .... ~CA ........ ..,....., °'· a.....-1""" ... ·-....... ,,.. ,__ IA ...... ... -• .-....._ 1M 8L. • ....,.._ ~ .... CA ..... CA ... CA CA ' ....._CA ,.._Cl &'rt CA CA .,,_... ......... Jr.AP ..._ ....... P. AP I 0 IL~ LAP ...... ill llMM-11..-.Mlln ... a...10 Tr AP Pl I t L t ·7 IR& ........ L • , = -L ., 111 _,.,.,._ ..., " ••11• -·• '"'' _,....._ •1.111• --.,... "'' "'.::z..._ ... , _ C'c.."" •--1-.. •• ,,.. •11 !iiijJ '!.1M~11~ ""' •-"· _ .. ...,_I!; !f".tl 111• ........ 9"th 11th Rlw ,_LA. ...... ~._. Olr at•&.-.... &a. H•-.-.... a,• a 11...... c..s.-a. ......... "'8 ..... ~ atnl ...... &a.R .... ...... _ ·• ...._, ........ f17Wt• --h~ ••Lil.!!.._--...... W ..... CA CA -I : TI 6 Tr Ca ..... CA .... CA ..... CA CA , ' WWW. -.,Y, M-AP n.:wlllll. ··-IL rwr -· -~ --.a... F Jr, AP .......... &. AP Trlla-1-...1 -!_~. -. 0.... 0, AP W kl u ~ .............. -..aoe. tlAllUt Ill -..111.11..111t. tt•n ,., .......... _. ............. 1611 ......... Wilm !91.A.. U IQ'IJMl,i ............... -•iiiiLt-Laf u64 ~--·:--1• ••TT 17'11 .. lfullll. t ... == ~ 14 Hunt· ~: .............. t ......... La; .................. &., ....... 1;.'iii ':-"'=:-,;• Cl Q , .......... CA 0. ~llPO \ .. Otenge CoMt DAILV PILOTIThureday, Sep*"*-1, ,.._..,.Cl . . • • .. , .- • ' ~- --Pr'RLJ! __ '11111· !!L'2f!fl:'Jl~k~fl~J'~!.J1~~1111J~~~1~_f~~~-lr'~~1~1:r,~~fr~~1u1_ 11rPi!ff [~~~~,,!~~f '!~~1~w r~~;~f~f!,~rf e~if~idUe_ ~1~~~bw~rbi;h~n1~urrb .. 1191 JfbJf;IJi~Jf_;1ir;1 fi~_JflrfllrJf!rffi-f .. f 'J:l~I ,; .JJ!,,IU:!l 1,Jlr ,, fr '~~1111,,. aiil ,,I . ;I : u ,f .=I : .• ~lJ;~iJ;;~;J,i •••ii .,.J .-;i .• ;J ff=! ~!_ 1P-Jf;;~2,&;_ ~~j,~rii!~~[:atJ:~ .. ~r ~~~~rt ,~ ~~-. ~r H =e 0 ~ ~ !!~j~ .~ ~r;~~~ /.~. i~ ru~ }fd; .Ir .,I! ll:!4 cnl .. -_(')_... (')_ .. .I -• . Cll ! f li'~lf ~li'!j fl~ lffi 1 ~~~ R 'lit! I.~ -~~II ,.-;n 8of ='~~II t!'"' ~ I' f~" 1~' ~-==1 ... £! . !""I . ?! .,. • ---. . . --ti. 5. tj. t! j . ... -!f<l ... IA -Iii • !I ... * IL & !. -,,, .. Q • • -I:' g ... ~ !h -. . . • · • ~~ s• ~ .. , ... ;. ~ ! ,.. ..•; ! ~ ... ,; v-~; 11 ~ ·; *"li e.~~ t.H°r~I[~ If>>; ~ >; >R I ,,i l _ . .. __ 11o11. ,.,. r JI 1P•J.J•f J 1 ~ £~= 1ai11 •~r., la;1, ·. ' · ~!' g~~ it :~~ gh s .. l ~ :.~ 1 ~~ l'£~J•PH~ ~ l • l • U ~ §'; ~~"PF" e r3 ~jJEl'" fO ~~J ! f ~ •!"' ~~i "' • ~> :d ""' > . •-? •0~ Ii .f"jl z;.• ,•-i.11 ~I' :0 I -I' -r , l!ld '• ,,[ii ,rai; fsd . ,[iii; I! f51; ,.;1 J! ,.;1 ,_.;1 J:;: §~;j ,.;1 M f ,.~mr 1 fH;1 1!;1 §~;I §~~ ~t~ J; ~~9~~~ u. ~~9F~~ l~ [i~ !IJ I1~ ~h ra~ JA~ Is~ ' &l~ h~ h~ ·~ i!~ m h f 1i; f n 'hi; f h l "'!~l'J·8r'~~i'~'ff_f gf l1!lr!'r11H_ ~~llrJJ~E~,~;~,~f IJ~n,~f irJ!~JJ•!f~e:_· r~f ~_· fr~£f !~~J·~;r~~~e~1M~"J~~, 'b~;~_ ~;;i~~wn~~9f ~~,~~i!!j 'i_ .. J~i•1ir'iJ1 !i;i~f i!!r11~ri~bf!1;Jf r~'l!f1J 1 '-~f if1I'-~'~{_ ~l(f !(f l1J1'.PJ' -P!"Pili • ~J ~", ,, i, . ,~ r Ii r~ '~iJ ,.~I! ·M ,I "!' "~ .,.~. ~ ! ~f ~ ;t~~ "g ~F~~ ~ g i~r~ l j: ~ ; )' w p •~r= r ~ ;$ h' ~;; =~Q ~ ; JI~~ ! J f .iihr »,. r ~ J J ~ ~ h; .J E~· h !la~ L '= p J '"; 'I ,D ,JI ,ti 11JI , .. ,. -., -' · t . J ~r· I 'J"·' J J J a f r-111 rl ,~. J I ' f f-· • I · r-.fi · ?' • r; Jt ·. 5 f 0 fii "Cl • • ,. ac. 11 [ t 3;a l ~F .,.ii I J i' I I ,~., • ·r ... r · · r "'· ·. : .. ' I R' ' ! : WI! .. ~ i 11;1 al;•at =~ .. !l~ : I r ,E J ~~ J E~ ~~ ;~ ;P n~ Ji~ J; ~ ,!§·~ ·~ !?; !I;~ h~s?; ~ii?; II~ ~~ J ~ M 9,; ~ l'~ g • J : . J Ii~::~ ~~ ii?;~§~ i?; ! i?; . •?; ah f c. ai ?; Iii-,. ~~!~r 3 . i~I ~·~I! II! r . ~-J;I; • • ,. -_.,a_ .m:r_ ,rrr _ [l;11:!f!r!::!•:r~';nu;u:1 ·;~9!!!!;!:;,~!!(!JH1:1Hb!D1~Plr' :ii'!•!;ii !~!r!:;1m1~:!r!:i'!1!f h~!b!iH~~Hli~!~!~iJUht!~~u,~!h!~!r11!&~11n1n~~!!t~!111!!r:1111~11 I If._ ifit· w!1~·:,11·1!Q;l:ft~ ~d ,J !J f ~ f F!!~r:!!~ 1!1 ~ 1~1~: !1~! fU f~f!~;f !l!f !1w;f 11!rrf :~ ~H~~!r !l~r :~J Uf !IP~r ~~-~ f ~i_ ~i!i~r :;I f~r ~~r f Pll~; UI f if '~~ nr fl~ fn f;J f;I f!J" 'nr f!f '!'-~~~ ~ ·~· . ~·r fw f:, e ~ ! I= 1-. i~ ··~ •l bJ ., l.f f~p ·~~ ~~r t. 'i~ firJ·r .~~ ;!~ =· ·f•r p~ •• ~ 1~ ;c' tp r r f~ •;I ~ -' -~ •p •r •r = pc. I . '1. : '•u•1111;r ·Jih·~:.f! '·~ !111= J~'..m u f; f; 1~ !l~i~ .~~ f ;~f h?;t r~.: rs~ J::~ ~~;I t~~ !§;1 ;~i~ ,~, f G~ f!m~!~ h;I ~-;I h~ iM~ h~ '=~ ,,~ .~.Ej !!?; r.~··f rf ,h ,,~ r~~ ··~ r~~ Ji?; J!d~dh fir; ,~, 11!1; dt 1lf: .. ' " .. I -t t Orange Co.t DAILY PflOT!Thur8day. ~ 1, ,... C7 --- • .. f I - , • .. f • ' • I .. -I ~ Orenge eo.t OAILY PILOT /Thur9dey, ~ 1, 1.a 1 .. • ,. ... ' Ol•199COMI DAILY PILOT/ T'hur'IMJ, 8ep9 ..... 1, 1 ... .. j • t .. TAX RATE AREA!MH TAX llATE AREA!MU TAX RATE AREA !M71 NIJC NOTICE NI.IC NQTIC( ConUnot'd _ -1'.il llAl'.E frvm Paa C IO AREA H ·Off TA• RAT£ AREAH-HI TAX llATE AREA 11·"5 Orange CO.st DAILY PILOT1nu.1rld1y. Septemb« 1, 1918 • Cll TAX ft.ATE AREA K-tt4 .. 1 c.a.,c..DM.v,._OT,~.1111a-iaa 1, w TAX IUTI! AA£A H-ti• -! -- .. , . TAX AAT£ AflEA la.tt! TAX RATf; AREA ll·"J , !WI .. TAX l\ATF. AAEA aa.t?• AP tJ0-47l-..OZ ~.11» &+t '-l 24* Wr,~,.., I> ·~· .. H..J1a CA TAX RATE AREA lt ... lt l.lcsoN AkUO.-,,...._,,.. Al' 'M I t,; ~, ~ °'· H CA ~ Orqyn 8yr.l>fl lJ nt.fJtAt.4 TAX RATE AREA H -tt 3 W.iloJMCt1t17 IA»t• J. Af' U • U 111 )010 h i • l2~!i Cam1n1i... V••n''" .....,.,,.. ILlll (A f'r..i.1 i;I -,,•;fhttn t"al A .. ~ \.4 j,. " .'14 ~l 2: • .t·.2 Do-rt1yt11ll Or ·l.Ac\IM 1"1111 (A, • . TAX RAT£ AR£A H-ttt • 0r-.eo. OAJlY PLOT~ ...... , ... t , 1W TAX RATE AREA H ·ltJ TAX RATE AREA H -107 (;,........,. T,.u .... Al' !)).(> Ul ti 01•, '•1 JI fl ._. l..n IAC\IM lhll• I A Mts.-n M· ~I II Al' 4~ 4'2 M '2' I II 2 1 •II fll Ln t.c'.,,. I A ~""" it.r, .. ,, r. "" 120 442 l) llin~ U 24 I 1 ... 1 K im 0 t ... ,.,.. II CA TAX IUTt: ARE A U -10 TAXUTt: Aa&A U.111 TAX RATF. AREA 11-11! TAX RATP. AREA 18·111 Til &Aft AUA-.1u TAX RATE ARF,A U~ltt TAX RATE AREA ta.Ill TAX RATt! AREA U -U t [$.,,,...,..,.. A " I A• 'II' 1'1 14 U •l • ;14 411" l I Mr.,it.a.ry IJt I') r • ' A TAX llATE AllEA aa.141 TAX llATt. All£.,\ ta.I~ TAX JU'T'l! AREA U-l~l TAX RATE AREA aa.uJ Til&Aft A.HA ... u AP SJ4 1). 46 )O'Xj r 236ll V-,._ (') I~ HJll CA AP ... '"'°"~ r.l'2 J:)~l• v-,._ a i.-- H.Ja·CA (.-t •M'\t Af' .,... W-~ ltr Al' tn •·CllU I U 2fl tr. ... l~I II 12 IW ~4 n.t'"l <~A• l:IT-. l"A ~r.aM ~H•I& ~ W ~J• MCA t411 14 :DH AP 06 1)1 It VIit r."2 1 i '>412 ~~· TAX RATE AREA &l-l ~t M• 12 U11• S 7,,,., nn J.. I' AP TAX RATE AR_EA U~l 11 ti) Ul (.of t Uli ?lf 11er. •INTY [Jr fl T.r-' CA ,_ "'""'~ ~ Al' 81 l ?V' I) Nn 11 7 it.;1.'"' I• l'J T4.r!'J A lluvlt1C ""°''" t .\t' '>I, )I I -0'2 -.010 U 110 JIJ ll~22 ~''"") £Jt Tot• CA • ColL•• J "' (J Af' TAX RATE AREA IS.lit H•t•I K .. ra fJ Al 81\ 1~1 ti ... ,. n: ··"" ~•lrf f'JT•.ru t A K.a"IM , p.,.,.)1'l!!Jl f' tll )II ,.. a: '"?II l• l l> l ,,. cr7 J2 1 • l U ' U ':I 2')l' I '4rAttq..r.., f,Jr Pl T""' l A "" ,,.. C.a I "'1 t... rw 11 l • ,.._, l•.,..Jd A Al' TAX RATE AREA H -lS7 CA • tll )UJr.! U liZ: ~' ~IMI f'41dw.fl t..r.. K Al' M<A'\1bur7 IJr U T·•o C:A 11z1.:u2 u 'r.• 91 ~ i ""'-'~"' II"'""' "'" 1 Llt••o ~i--ptt.T• J "' Nf! G'MI Rd r... , ... II na' tll ))I Oii U :l4 "' . .1 ..... =· l•H 0 • ')I' 'lCnlr. CA • ~"" ~ ,~ n .T,, oT ..... M P'Jl•A .. fA M.,.,tl > 1111• Al' C.:A Btlllnta '~"' J Al AP~ 1n tll J) ll4I A.I.pd t.111 R4 ,........,... "' ... C.A AJ' Qt U2.o? Ml~ :t.»J1 .,,.....,. r o.111 M i...c--1111it CA . AP Ill Ot M l ) ?"JM. ...... f a.lllaM ~,.ILUA CA . AP A)l. Jn( 1n :u. ~pod f al\a M I"°""""' Hrllt C.A TAX RATE AREA 11-171 121. n &c1:0 "'"" ,, Af" Ill :.l1 -0• m 74 ,~, ~u•.i ) r:1 nJJ2 J't.1J1rt1lvh • fJr l 1>'!2 ""~ , •• ,..., T ..... M t:i T-l 'A ~"I I .' • :; ' .. I ~NI I la <.:A Tor .. c.·11. ~ M•t-i J AP ~-¥-Al' flU n2 TAX RATE AAEA 11-IU AP llJ ~,, IJll U l • ' ?4 Ill r l4 )(J ,, :n n u 110 >'I J IM I ".....,,,,,..,I~ ~l '.Ml Vtow ,,II•'" l>t T«01'11 C T•#fl CA fl TOf'> CA f <;n CA • Mlill« ..... ,.~ J Al' AP 111-""l.tf• S •1 ,,. 'f4 tit. I Ji mv? tl TAX RATE • AllEA I S.17$ lll)2 VMl.<l w•...o~ I" l-M fl T...-c. CA Tt-CA lht'Wt I(" 1•1 Al' TAX J\ATF. AREA H -137 TAX RAU. AREA 11-lU llJI :• m l07 D rt.ift.l 1'14. r:i 'lfll? J:.A ... ~ ,.~ lit .. ~at1Ht Ch••I"• Af' Al" *-IU 12 )010 t1211H tlt T4 214 U 7l JO"'l'll £> ~I M1U~ Or 1_...,. y,,,..M ~Tiotn ('A H.1U1t.CA c·u111._ Jwl·• II Al' » 14 •1 •• , •• 12 il c. T.,...M D T-C:A "" m • 2 it i ~h~Wy U T-CA TAX AATE Allf!A Sa.177 I , ,~ ,. .... XU ""~-.-m l:Mtl s,.. •.....,.. D T-CA _ Al' m.4n •wit n a • zs.-1 s,,.__..., .--a T-CA Al' ~ .. .)O» ••• U> ?WI ..,... •• .._... D T-CA P'--..J ,.,,_, Tert,._. AP nJ.41 m .... » u.91 ~,..._,. ,,_IDT-0\ AP SD-C-2'70WIO 121 • ~· S,C-• ,._ l'J T-CA nea1 s~" y_.. CA A~ IU 0'2 ns MNU ~ &J<wwww.. .....,.... l'J T-CA "" ~ 111 »It n a • ~ .,.._. ~ l'J T-CA Al ~271 ,,.,.. t Ir. .. n.a s,... ..... ~ n T-CA -......... ..,_, ~ Ai' ti) 4tl )ti ~1• t 21 14 r..: "°:''7~ • .. ., ' Cit OI• .. C0Mt DAILY PILOT/ Thuraday, leptemblt 1, 1811 .J. 371 ,_ flalC.,. .....: mm nag mm w mncr Pale•• !WI.. 91 mta o.ua..d a:•woll, Torry. AP lllrdw,I. Vlttd J , AP "-'"°"• 0.-., s. AP "" m-m-00010, ..... Ht~o':" 1~;5>f, m':J .• .'ai:"E'?"r:; ... '!'r.i:r.:::.a'•m:.fo Sfl.ll:t:c · -wa.-c1-.............. a, ........... 171\U 220tt tff·Hl·ttMIO, l107tl ....... 0...11..~ -... __ • ..__-.... ... _.....__,. .. -, .............. ---·-. ... ..... --. ,.-• .--. , ...... • ..,_, ,. MIN lut lllllw Av. l...-............ Dr. II Toro. CA )Mtl Tr. Top M , l.lcuni !lilll. CA Malt .._.._,..'"'• -.... ..., -,,_ .._..,, __ '-" -· ---~ --•••• _.. -....,._ .. t.o1 .. r a.i..rt AP W..CA ,,_., lc4W'l I., AV ltml.CA Uctitwwd&. o......,. I . CA. LlG" Akb ,.._..., bollumoc.M,_.CA ....... ·--.eo •1trrr'. ••.1n.tt'n112 ..... kMl N , AP Nl·ff·IH5010 ..... ~, ,., .. m.i.5020,M1440AilU.JJl13~10.t)llM Woed, "*"' T . AP,., Ul-Jll..ff. 161711 17 AJ!au ... c.t., AP ~ ...... D. AP .. ~ ol IA .... D ....... CA -.m.aa. 11.Jntt 14* Ultl~Or.flToro, -.1 Tww 'tot> l\d. Wcune _,. ,.,_..,. 8', ~ llt-CM -UO MIO, UH 49 •1 1.-1 ll. 1'nbuco C.· •·111-lUOIO. MM 11 ....... l l.oltlO ltM ,.._. ,.._., ~. AJ-...... .., IOlt. tll5 02 .. • 'let' Av • ....._ H.1Ua. CA HIU.. CA HAUi. CA Ml'7t ~. G Tc>ro. IQ'llft. CA lml lrtio ,._ad, 'fne-. PW\ ,.__ Pl. New1*1 Tr• .... orfa). __. IM*- •111 Le,.._ D 'IW9. CA CA • aw-, Mar\ift 1.. AP Cody ~y w ~ M.-Mf, J.,. C , AP CA AP IU-llJ•IO . tl.11$ .. 21 ,,_,CA ....._CA ,... ...... 11161 ~ a..-,. ,__,A AP AJ-m.nt-IUOIO, NIS71 Hl·H ·UtllOIO, t48180 tzO·l4tU5010, t lOt 10 IH·:UZ·07 .• 3010, Ul7U ...... ldwerd R . AP....._ lk. ,.,._~Ca .....a.. Non.-8 k , .. •10.e. *"°'1 e.d\~, ...... , ••a *6z MNe~Av,....,_. m 11 ,._brlclpDr.llTOl'O, uuan.Top.IW ~ JIOtl ~ 14. a..-ht0..4toMlO. t.U371 ,.,_CA u ... w.a....JUd.71 PaOPU-TY IN ~~tm -.....or11Taro,c;A ~CA • CA HWl.CA • Hml.CA MlllLothOltt\.llToro.CA APDJ·llHl.t l,JIU413 .... ldto ....... ,.,._ con•M••a. ~ .. ,, w Ka~ • CWllOl\.-W•yrw A , AP AP nl·04-23U020. 1'115l2 OWilba.Jvo. ~lft ' ,,,, en.w .ouo:ao. 92714 Wr11h1. J •tfry, Al' .... , ... ,) •• 1'raburo Ca· ~CA ,. ~A •A.AMMim.CountyofOf· TAX UTE ... au.a MIO, t l.00'2• mu Hew~Or. a Toro, AP 920·212·"4 . HS8 tii ...,., Al\k'Ape 81, i..cun-........ a &010, .. 0, 'II n,.. CA AP -..11111.IOlo. In' 1'7 ,CITY ......... of Cell'Ofnia. •••• U. 1'401 So"a. A-. Av, CA _,1 Troe Top Rd W.U"" HUM.CA mtlLodlGltt\ ll:lTon>.CA AP U$-11,.17., t l,lltM I lll•9:hoPlmad.'l're*Mo at01I . ..-i81,..c, lent• --I 7t ~ Hllll. CA MWI. ~ .J , Al' Hlaa.. CA ' Hiii. Dtnftlt P , AP Pt ..,__,, ~. ~ le. Tr9bum Ca· CA AM. COul\ty. °' °'Of91· "°"-.~~I. ••·240 , ,,.,. t221$ c...nw-n-A AP tu-W.17 . u .11ui 2elM ,., f».Jl.1~$010. "°428 11,_.CA ..,. ......,.. Co. AP TAX It.ATE ..... ol c.llfOtnie, tU21 Ol'ftlcill. Aoben, AP /IJ) e..au.14 . N.4tl M .... ...,... Dr, a 'hin>. CA 00•2u .n ~O IO t•e 74 Taa.p Av.~ H1U.. CA *12 Nl9ly Ct.ft. Mwmon ~ ~ t._p , AP -..&41 .... , •1 ~ ltotl Uh H·llt L1119 For9lll Ortlle • 10I. El llMll-4CI, t l"3S42 UUI Mati LM Allur• Av, AP tM..0S.U0$010, M.O llO ttMI '1\'W Top Rd, t...,urM VleP,CA '33-114·2'1 , HO 70 14 1,__. Oi.n Dr, Trllbul'o Toro. ~ °' Of"Of91. -, Dr ll Two. CA W.-HIU.. CA 21216 "-bridte Dr. El Toro, KIU.. CA TAX l\ATE OulUwy. ,..IMMI LM. AP Twpoluo, 1'rabul'o C.,._yon. , CA / ..... of c.llforlM, 19327 • • K.w-My, lrdwant J , AP CA AP llO·t.n-3'1'°20 t229 31 AREA 11·117 Ht·M·l41 $010. '209 38 C1' AP Nt•ll·l$0 . t 'l4UI ,. P\&Jll'&.~· ~ Gftcller Aoed n . eemtoe. .. r:·=:~·~~ .... 26412 ,,.~"rio%':1'w:;'24~~ 2&111 n. Top Ra: a....,una 11*~.!:~~n;::.·~ ... ~~ ... ~·12~ =...~=.c~k Dr .• ,~liu.1s . tuau2' 3315 :r:,c=.;c;:.,~~ ... '.~ ... R.AltTIE71 w.-a Hilla. CA 2221e SUmmit Hill Dr. y.i 141':·~ Puu A p f"l t ldatont Co. AP tU·3•·17f.&010, 082113 O.,blly, 1'rtbuto Canyon. AP tH·ll-171., t ll2.31 ~Cl. Co.1a MHa, T--~ ~•I<, Whll· _ _,_" • ConlrWM. o.nk-1 Jt , AP Toro. CA l2C).J83.cn t i 500 IO 23572 111·431,01 . $$2!150 21841 31254 C.OUntry O~n. £1 'l'oro. CA. 2940 C..yon Lake Dr. CA tlor, County of Lot A ... ·~·24&·04 '102, ti.~ 'll AP --~-293 ~20. $4118$7 Mw:Kef\lle's i ~-· H llA, K.eny Cl. El Toro. CA CA uo.11..-.~10. 131'1,t() ~ C..-.)'Oft, CA ...... Of Cellfo(ni.. Iii.I • NW'NNI. RldMrd L . AP la.31 Loe AlMlllOI Av. 22211 Sunvnlt Hill P. fl CA 1' -~"" 1 AP '13·431·02 . U IS 21 Dobkin•. David, AP I 0.yllUy, Traburo CanyOfl, AP t»-12..otl . tl~l 31 P&OPERTY IN .... Md l .... ~ it t27-402'10 $010 *637 $6 &..cuN Hilll. CA Ttwo, CA Mod«k Mkhnl AP 11931 Karry Ct. !!'Toro. CA ,,.,Jt.110 $0l0. S'l44 21 CA. t.n Can.)'Oft 'l'enw.lr Dr. IRVINE MMNt to be medo to AbllcUt n402 Gellup 6. a....,un.. LaM FOf'ftl ~rtws 820•372•12' t l,aat 62 · 24n2 AP It~\~. St.161311 M1t5 ThlAtlot Ck'n. £I Toro. ar.odiow. hftr9)' S . AP 1'tebuito CMyon. CA ··...._ CITY l .. •1"9 Cotnpany, Inc Hilla, CA TAX RATE AP 931-05-292 . $904 24 0~ I'd ~ Hill•. 21n1 Karry Ct. IJ Toro, CA CA ,..., ..... t2.37U4 a O.y· AP tJt.12-073 . Sl.305"' Tr....,.•). ~ bu• ~ AREAll lM 22111 Sunvnit Hill Dr. El CA ' Slitf'lincBuddenlllt'.AI' llly,Tt.alucoCMyon.CA ltoQ Caft.)Oft ~Dr, ,......,_.1a10127Por .. TAX RATE • Toro.CA AM ln-tnwnt eo '"'" 1115132.11., '3~50 251162 TAX RATE AP uo.•--6010. f7e36'1 ?tebuito<T-n)'Oft.CA TAX RATE "°*"" Boulovwd, oo.noy, AREA ll·lll •110n, \! Lyl~. AP AP 120•372•34 ,2 369 &4 Wicklow Ln. r.i Toro. CA AREA 81·!0 I O.yllUy, Trabua> C.t.n)'Oll, A•E .... 1•007 Countt ol Lo• A~ .... Moult.on-La Pu Com· t38·05·2t4 5010. $8117 88 Ulll 8attft.IS $1 L.cuna £1111, J Tyaon, AP CA .J n n co ..... of Celllornla. Tl\o inw111y"8n,APll25·221-03 . 22178 Swnmlt Hill Dr. El HUii.CA' · 818-ltl-0$.3102, $551 :18 MW'Ptly. Kevin B. AP TAX RATE pr°'*1'flObetn1ntterrod l1 Alloo K.noUa "-idalel, '4'1.$fTr 11237 Lot A Porn( Toro CA Im~ SaVinp Awl 25flll Oalway Or, £1 Toro. F'lelds&ont Co, Al' eao.M-ut . Sl.17483 9 o.c. AREA 11-Hl TI & T t c 0 located •• tile M>ovo Haled AP t2'1 • U l ·O l 50 IO . Lot °'8fu., DonAld S . AP AP g30.392.o1, Sl,3400 CA 833·111·52 , $2.8711 18 10 fodil, Trabuco C.t.nyoo. C'A 1'r• lR·l92S·00·2, Ollvcr 9111 locatlona. Sold propeny M0 ... 2-94 ~ 2 T 7 R 8 Por 838-0)·296 501~) UIU2 2~12 Cadillac' Or LA&un1 AP 113..f4l-OHOIO, ~29 97 ~-. Trabuco Canyon, t\.llQlo, Mel-.. L , AP Rk h rd J el al AP lo deectlbed In gonotal u : Sl/2 2217~ Summit Hiii Dr F.I Hllll.CA ' 25"1 Catw~ Dr. El Toro. cA 9'0·f&.4I05010,7 S7~24 I Ritt«, 1...0ollt £. ~ t SI 1•42.lf t 2'3'i2 3i Medlcal EqulplMnt of 11\0t TAX RATE . TAX RATE T-.CA Owlnc-, Mktlatl 0 AP CA J>to~. Mark A. AP Daffodil. Trabut-o C.t.n)'Oft. 132.t7·0)0 . ..-IU274 Almond~t..n:ltvtR('.CA podletty~knownoa AREA II 1 tt Mc-Kee, S.n-eu W . AP UO-)l2-01 JI Ol u 22 ss DI.Ion. J-M. AP 133-121·12 ~10, ll,OJ.4 t9 t2 CA AmeOfo, ~HI&. CA HiONand FOOl(;WO Podlotry AREA 11·11! • 191·05-302 5010. t 790 47 .,.12 c.dillac' Or ~ llJ·l4f.04 5010. $183 98 ~Illa. Tnbuo> Canyon, William Lyon C.o , AP Huct-. ilhllln D . AP T"'X RATE Otouo ioc.tect ot tile ot>ove ~ Summh Hnl Of-. £1 ' Ml02 ~I. FJ Toro. CA Ct-elO·M-~3 , PSI.JO I But. fM·M-2tt. $$2121 4014 A lllled •11 loca1i0ne Tllo $.ie WIUIAm Lyon Co . AP or-CA Hills.CA AP 113·11 42·04 5020. Hard1n1. June, AP l«Cup.Tlaburo~yon,CA C.U.SononO.W.i...,una AREAH·ltl ondl ... e.ck willl>Oc:on· CiUd11iat. John A . AP 1133·022·0 . Sl2671 81971 Glen, Willie J , M' TAX RATE Sl.397.tf 26102 Dontp.I. El 153-131-00020, *391126 30 AP 9'0·911-520 , Sl,811280 39 Hilla.CA ~9«' on°' oft., lhO n4-'14·02?., Pl'41 24533 MiUS\1"1nRd,Tra.bucoC.· en.os-308)010. 144~6\ &DE• 88-•07 Toro.CA ViaYl'licia.Trabl.icoCanyoo. Camalion, 't'r1buro Canyon. -SI.tin. NIChalls C&rl, AP 7thdllyof8eplember.1988 • ~ Clff Cl. El Toro. CA nyon. CA mas Wes1&rove Ci. El Toro. n.n n co JHayerl, MaJid, AP CA CA T~X RATE SSl ·Ol7·0I . S2.279 o4 61 M tho oboYO lltt9d II• 10-Dl.hn. Thott J.ohn. AP CA 613-643·1&.. Sl1U4 26032 81.rkllll9Nw. Robert K~ l!ll1ou, Diane. AP A.1(£A 11·!5! lknntnpln, IM11t'. CA c.tlone. So ft< n known to 133-0U-28. 12.008 20 2109) Pll.rnlen, Je!TM!S 1., AJ> RK'hlt Lynn y . AP CUfct.n Ct.£> Toro, CA AP I 3 3-l 31 • 2 S SO 1 0. t30.911.520 3102, $26$ 54 39 the tninefel ... all ~tlnotl Wood Hollow Ln, Tnbuoo 938-05·319 5010. 1938 64 794.111..0, t913 12 25%82 AP .Sll-&43-16 5010. ~5 62 U .097 14 1 Mandl'vllla, Carnation Trabut-o C.11yon. ,.,,_ ond oddr ..... uMd TAX RATE AREA 11·181 C...yclft. CA 2'343 Ws(crow Cl. El Toro Ctlnanta Dr. M.-v""/), 28032 Chfd@n Cl. El Toro. CA l'rabuco Canyon, CA CA "PMalll~ ... ~. • tJ4.'I ~ 'l1le , ..... , ... are •• ~ Tr.,...,Ofa '°'tho ti\!' .. Bera. ~ R , AP CA CA K rkl1u1. 7.1van. AP Mc Mannen.Ca.ndac'l'M . Chick, C R . AP"' '"...,..,,. • -.,._. 1U1 peat. II dlftlifonl ll:S.04S.H 5010, 113166 WtH . Lu,_,. A>' lllM0·273102.. S627 l7 f\P 03·131 ·28 5010, lal-118-455 . $2,23918 27 ~"-Ct.M-Viep. eMIUeul le die Dellll· tromtt1eabove.ere...Nono. l\rid, J•mH p . AP n= CO-try F.mr TAX RATE 7'4·1\l-04 . $$9! Ill 26472 21S22 Kenmare Dr. El Toro fl ,046 89 3 Allyuuni, f'1orvnar, 1'nbu£.<I CAnyon. CA ..... TuU.t ltt1·11. o.tect; Auguel 31. 1911 110-171-04 5010 U S2 S4 n.buco Can)'On. CA AREA 88 %03 ~p11a Dr, M-Vttp. CA CA. l'nbuco Canyon, CA CA Butl«field, ~ J 3"1. ..._ ~ C-· 2\445 SpnKwwood El Toro Boenma. Andl'l'W, AP • Rodau• David AP AP 113-643.27 5010. $$32 fJI Ma.holder. WtllJem C . AP 931-18-0 S SlllO. S884.84 AP llt-311·38q Si.1~M PROPERTY IN ,_,, ..... ...._ ") . ...,., CA ~ ' • ISS-043-41, tne'M 211111 'JM-l\S.21.,' $2.3!1602. ™ll 21522 K~l'Vl\al'e Or, El Toro. "1' 833-132.01 , tl,253 75 12 27 rtonm.r. Traburo Qa. l.5nl Minerva Ct. MillllOn HUNTINGTON ,,........ .. , ....,..._ , .... AP llO.l7l·Ot.~. "4~7 83 Counll)' Hollow Lfl. 1'nburo Ahao Meadows Con Candon Dr. Mmion Vi!!p, CA AllytSUm. 'l'rabuco Ca11yon. nyon. CA Vlt)o, CA _,.......,,°'°""'Tr-· 21 .. 5 ~ !I Toro Can,yon,CA d omlnlum Aun. AP CA Mock . K~n . AP CA WtdwOf'th,Ronald J .. AP BEACH CITY ..,., CA ' • 125·212"°4 . 147 !1611-l088S Du~ Douaw 11 AP 613-l44-\9.S102, U79 tiO Thor, Jamn M . AP 931-U ·4'1 $010, »41.19 39 TAX RATE PublleNd ()fonge Coul ~ WUbam. AP TAX RATE Lot I 194.132.0S Sl.59144 i61in 21$61 ~Or, El Toro. W -132·035010, ~4203 8 P'loninar, Trabuco Canycn. AREA H -HO Delly Piiot September t, 110.111.21.. Sl,057.tO »346 AREA U -115 AP 125·212-0$. $4756 Tr Pepl\a Or. it-Vwp CA CA A.11>""'1". ~buco Canyon. CA TAX RATE 1Ni 'DI '"'ood EIToro.CA l08ISl..ot4 Pott.r Doyle J AP AP l\3-M-4-195010. ~189!1 CA Gabberd. Ja.mee L~ AP Al\EAt4-00l Tl\921 ~ MJch.wl G AP llbott. J..,,_ T . AP 794.141.3,s Sl.NOtill .26301 U541 K~ Dr, D Toro Hu~ Richard, AP '31 ...... 72..5010. Sl.03825 16 Anwrtcan SIOrlll" Sys. I 0. 1 0 . ·Robbins, Charin. AP 9311-25-011 1l.0\96ti ~ Vtrd ci M v CA 153-132-09 5010, '47$54 !I vi....i....,.~bt.11.'oC.t.nyon le m. In c . A p ·-1e llftTIC( .~~ ~!!t ~1'; 3? ID-02).53 . t l,0'12 16 21101 Via Lo.nat, i...cuna HJJls. CA CA u,... · l9llOn ~p. Sterlin& Build~ IA , AP Via f elloa. Tnbuco Canyon, CA . 1117·241·21 5010. St.151169 W T Newland ~lt" ,.._ "" CA ' oro. ~ Sprow Ln. Ttabuco Stoud~. Wahf'r 3rd, S.11tt St.even H AP 613·645·09, $124117 21~n CA # Crou.nan, Jerry A, AP 23151 IJ Toro Rd. El Toro, C•rney. J ohn J . A~ llOTICE CW AP llO.ll2•13 ~ $5411 lfi Caft)OR. CA -AP 93t-2$-0l3.5010~-$3311 794.ieds , 147$ 02 ·251142 Sierbna Ln • .£1 Toro. CA Mc Sorley, Andrew M , 831·U·tt2 5010. S770 01 34 CA 153·5~·19.. S~ 02 846£ 9fTINDID TMNIHlll 21432 PopUrwood. 'El Toro Willilrn Lyon C.0 (CR), 2)788 V11 Lomas, La~na Vi.a Vlento MlllMOfl Vttp. CA Afshar, Oholam R. AP "1' 1133·132·15., $2,738 80 S nor-. Trabuco Canyon. OalLM Ct. Hwi~ Bt'ach, NOTICE IS HEREBY CA · AP 133.031.11.. $1 3°'2<1 Hills. CA Maynard l\l('htrd N. AP 113·1152·01 3102. Slfl2 76 Via Lan1a1111. Tnlbuco Qi. CA ADDENDA TO CA GIVEN tl\lt CHARLIE'S KHman Ben AP HU~ Mill Sttt-am Ln. Hall. MnyAnn . AP "'IM·221·0CI • ti05~ 14 ~91 21422 MdnlOlh Ln. El Toro, n)'Ofl. CA c.entUI)' Amencan c:ot'p. PUBUSHED WT Newland Ena«-CHILI CORPORATION llO.l'2·lt ~o t £7BO 21 n.buco C...yon, CA ilt-2S-103 . $1,17002 2$7~2 i-.t"'"° o; ~t-vM'p. CA AP W-132·15 5010. S692 67 AP 131..aa.~. ~703 9 DELINQUENT UST Ler-<•· Ralph R . CJt) AP ""°" .,.,.,_. oddteu tS 21442 ~ Ei ~ AP IU-031-to , 1130 24 Via i...on-, W,una Htlls CA CA ' AP llJ..152-01 5010. tl•4 54 S Vta L.an1Ana, Ttabyto c.. ~ Trabuc.'oCal>yon, CA 153-J~-42 . '60? 87 8411 717 W•l 1!hn Street eo.te CA oro. S2lU MIU Stream Ln. Ba.nk. &-Nnty Padl11. Na· S\Clpdill, carol~. AP 21422 Mcl11toah Ln. El Toro. nron, CA AP 931•"1 , ~78 53 1 The V.i-t O . Hunllnfton BNch. Mooe. C.. '162e, lnt9nda to 8'art.nk Wayne 1. AP Trabua>C#iyon..CA l.IONll Tr AP 9311-2S-lll2 784·2~18 S21l480 26701 CA Sanpn. Mehnad. AP A.lmN.Tnlbuco C.anyon,CA pn>Jlft'\.l8 ahown CA trenelor to ELEAZAR llO.ll2·l8 •SI llH 84 2im AP 113-051--44 . Sl30 24 Sl,054 94 2$'177 Via Luma& ~ro Or MISPOf\ \'IC')! Crttn. Wilham W AP 153-132·17 5010, '331 09 I Bay""'ood Hom"·Santa 1n I.he hSI below were W T ~land f'A1ate GUITEARIZ ond SABINO Val.wood 'i:i,.;.,,.CA 2lm Sllen\ Spnna Ln, LAcul\llHllls CA CA . 11).11112.oi. 11.71390 21~~1 Via L.ant.ana. Tr•buro c.... M. r I. r It .. A p leplly Ulle9led and th<-N oelty. Ir• H . AP OUIT'EARIZ111tlOM bull,_. w-~ 5«-rano N. Trabua> Ca~ CA • • Smith RoNJd E AP KJrkwaJJ Ln. £>Ton> CA nyon. CA 93l-U ·S70 5010 $$0.72 19 taxes and/or U01!911'nf'nlS 153·5:14·58 · $9~ 51 BUI 8ddr ... It p O Bo• 11853 .:ielft. AP 1110·21 l·Ol 5010: Seery°' °'"91r\e& Urtlan 714.231.i2 . St.004 ~ .2$-432 AP lllS.1112-02 )()10, 't11112 42 Pohl. p~ 8 . AP an. del i..co. Trabuto Ca· duly leV\t!d for lhe fi9cal Qarkdalt Qr. HW'llllll'O" Coat• Meaa. 'cA. 92e27 11\e tlO.NS 18 21062 QuHta ~v-~Pp ,:~~B~l~lp~ :j TAX RATE Terttno Dr. M15510n V•<'YJ• ~61 Kirlc.wa.11 Ln. f'J Toro. ~3;!·1~!;.:1~ T-r:4t!:'c"8 n1M:ifi;' Ch 1 W AP YHr1 1hown. The said ~·~-land F..1Jlate tollowlng property oow Xp*·,~:~·f~5 5010, f'w-.o(Par AREAH·!.OS CAEM:urra. Esteban. AP Terbcadl.WilliamH .AP nyon.CA . • 831~-~a.:'~10~''20282 3 a.axes,ond~~nts Ni~ •. Kenne.Ui. D . AP =~ec:a2~.~~ t lOMllS Z!M.21 Alia Loma ~xand«. Atiu-iy J . •714.232.12 . $1,04891 25312 113-683·02 . •1.93972 26181 l.u10. Angel B . AP Bria Ribera. Tnbuc:o c.. andotherchargesttawn 153·$~4-70$010, S34lllll tl\o uock-ln ·tr•do II T CA · AP as:s-ol2·14 . Sl,!197.118 Ko111.ria. J•ltry A AP ICAmpln1 Dr MISSM>ll v .. ,, &m Cl, D Toro, CA 133-132·44 , Sl.349 99 4 Calle nyon, CA \U\paid as of the dale of 8422 ClarkdaJe Dr. H1.111l· lftorcl\ondlto fl 1 OI' ~il-o, Guy I! AP 213'1 LiftdMy Dr, TnibU<'o 920·151-43 Ul6 48 24971 CA ' 1\euwman, Roy G AP P-nora. Traburo Canyon, J>to~ R~U p , AP the publication of lhas no-!rlpln S..Ch. CA ~I; gc)oow~tt'011d. Ul-U -4118 5010 S847 3S C.t.nyan. CA Wells f'ul!O Dr Laguna Thoml«I Mark H Jr AP 1113.1143.19 . $1 701 84 261" CA e:U.aa.582 • Sl.~7 42 Ill Via 1.ltt. WT Newland f.&lalt' lrede of tl\et oortaln buSlnel 21231 Serre v .. ~ El Ton>. w~i4 ~4f·~ ~Mg~151.43 ~I~ ~ S2 794·242-08 . $$83 ~ 26112 f)nyvale Ct. El Toro. CA 133 ~st 0.a11.1"':32 ~ 'J.Of'"P· Tnlburo Canyon. Thele proput 1es Wf'rt' ~I~.:~~ 15~~4•1~1· known. CttARLIE'S CHILI CA · ' ' MtnnoCl,M-Vlt)O,CA AP 119~·lt3102. l30999 •• · ' . ..,. decl.attd 10 be t.ax-df-' ' AESTAUAANT locotod et N R AP Lazy Olen Ln. Trabul'O Ga· 24t71 W!!lls F'erao Dr, Han, RoNld A AP 29135 Emyvale Cl, El Toro l)'llU'TI. Tnbul'O Canyon, CA AP 931.aa.592 ~10. SU9 60 f lt.ed r Hun\lfll'Clll 8"cb. CA 2271 NewpOf1 Blvd Cott• 939.~~~:.i;·102 e1-S33 76 n)'Oft. CA i....-.na Hills. CA 7J4·243.C>t .. S9U 8!I .• 252$~ . AP 833·132-$8 ~10. S259 2~ 19 Via Tonua•. Trabum c.. OU or non-payment w TN-land FAtal<> ~ CA.*'° tllel .OC.11on 211115 SnT V · El T f\e~. ~ W . AP Ludwig. Guy. Al' T•n-eno Dr Miaton V•<')O AP 613-1563-19 )()10 $26:102 32 All)'ISum, Traburo CA· nyon, CA of •Id taxes and/or Hartman, Erk S . AP Oftly ·Tllo t IOf ot CA •, Ill.a. oro, 133•0l2·32 , t l.699 16 32041 UO·lll-09 . Sl,77912 249-11 CA ' '29l" Emyval• Ct. 'El Toro, nyon,CA • Rook, Oary M . AP ~nll and other 153·801·14 . $8419.08 111702 orty' It ...,r:':ct to ~ &en: . ~ C AP Luy Olen Ln. Trabuco C.-Su.ce ~h Dr, Laguna KuhnH J oan AP CA , Standard Pac1lk l. P . AP 931·8&·&09 5010. $137.%0 3 charJft ~vied In the Drybrook Ln. HuriUn11ion merdel Code Sochon lll06 1139-t4~n, '841 42 ~185 nyon. CA Kil.ls.. CA 784-3111--02 't 211& S1• 26031 Landttk. KenN'lh I\• A.P 833·132•ti6 • SS:IS 40 16 Al Via LaWf\Ckora. TrllblM:o Ca· ye&n and (Of' the fl9C&.I ._ti, CA • WttNn tl\r .. yM(I IHI 0-• T C lAtllOnen. ~ E . AP T1>p9 ThnCt & t.o.n Aan M Ct ~1 \' I 13·1163 $3 3102 S668 53 l)'Slm. Tnbuco C'•nyoo. CA n)'Ofl CA rho W T N-land F.a1111<> f ~~ ~ ~ 13J..012-3~ S737 87 32021 AP 120· llll·•O. S803 27 c:''-'*' ~ lf'JO. 211112 o;,ndfto o;_ El Toro ColU.lllJ'Of', David, Al' I~ Ol~nn Ca.IY1n AP ~ wn. N1l.ltr, Luann Mar1a.ret et al, ~· ~ at: ktnownlto the 93t·t4·l&4 l8l'l l I 214~ Luy Glen l.o.. Trabum Ca.· 241M2 Elipttw& l>I. t...acuna I.AP 714·:tll·l2 . *3.l90 06 CA . 133·.l:lH2 5010. 5190 91 3~ i3141·61T . 51,790 ~ IS V11 be r~':"~-== AP 153-eOS.()1: Sl694U351 C~A~~il·s•CHIL~~~R~~:: CypftS'"'ood D Toro CA nyon. CA H1llL CA • • 126o2l Mon~ Dr. Mi~ AP 113-e63-53 5010 S813 33 All)lalUm. Traburo Canyon Carcie1a, Treburo C.nyon c..dt a , HunUfll'CJfl Br.ch. ATION llas uMd thO follow· •1za ·Mathe AP Morna. MtC'hael J . AP Bttcht. John R AP Viep. CA 211l l2 ~ Dr El Toro CA CA manntt M OIMr laX--de-CA I ddltl 1 b 1 939 84 2';'; $0tO S~G2:1 l6 133·102-09 . S9U 1~ 21381 eio-221.19 . Sl.027 89 25:\.'12 j CampbeU Edward L AP CA ' 8erlff<Jfl. Matil Domld AP 931-48-117 ~10. 512'1 "6 faul'81 propenies lnfOf· W T Newland FAtate ng o odno dd "1 1IOU 2~~ Gl'O\lf'W~. El Toro. ffch Countl)' °"1 Traboro &rntlty Ln. t.a«una HlllJ 1194.383.{)8 .' '4.047<16 25iui:l Fl~ldJIOne Co • A p AP 833·162·22 ~10. S:t-40 74 13 Via Car<'ela. Trabuco Ca· ma lion concerning ~-WOf'lty, Rldlanl c. AP ~~~~IE~n CHl~I c~~~it CA CanJ::. CA CA • Mon1aR010 Dr, MLililOCl Vt<'JO 113·1111-28 ' '5117 74 21345 141 Pal9da Vallt'f'll!! Trabucu n,yon, CA dempliOn. or initiation of 1&3-tot-10 . .11,728.90 19721 ATION T«J Wot! 19th ~ CttvatlO R Jr, AP o1Ce, Do.let.. James. AP ICA ' Md nU»h Ln. El Ton>. CA C.nyon, C.4 BaywOOd Uomt•!l-$aota an iNtal~I plan bf re· Elrnttft\ Ln, Huntln11on Slreet, Coale Mfta. CA ond 1138-94;244 5010 S768 14 833·lOl-IO ~OIO. S21>S 89 TAX RATE Cronin. W1lha.m M . AP Ho'"-, Jon.than R AP Vt"N"Wn, Robt-n V AP Marpn1a. AP 9ll-118-697 · elem don ma be ob ~ti.CA CHARLIE'S CHILI AES· 21t42 f'lrwood D Ton. CA 21401 Htch Cou11try Dr. AREA 88-t06 7114-IM·Ol . $1,!m 9S 2!17!11 lt3-671-38 SOlO. S527 94 1133-163·25 . U.~28 42" Via '4LI 11 $1 8r'INI Ribera, lab~ from ~ Oran e W T Newland ~late TAUAANT. 102 McFadden. Everet!. J-1...®u AP tTrabucoC.n)"On CA S.ni.o Or Mi_,., Vlt>JO CA 211f51 Pittsford Dr. £1 Tom Joequltl, Tnbuco Canyon, TtaburoCanyon. CA g Sa1e. Robert A . AP NewpOf1 8eoet'I CA n41ilhw llJi-M-l~ 5010 $I 15113:! I Hawk.a O.V>d I.. AP CA CA • AP 931.11:120. S843 96 49 Cowuy Tax C.OJlecwr, 153..eo5-18 . St,029 50 8311 of Which oro 0 · pert of this 21412 F\rwood. G Toro CA ' TAX RA.TE Ko<'ellOC. N~ L A!'/7 ... 392.20. '6111 62 2W2 CollU\S. Gary D AP AP 833-183-U 5010. sn~~ Via .... ~ra.. Ttabuco ea. whoae namt" •ppt-an In Huntwell Dr. ~unun,ton purch&M ~ >«-·TlttTai AREA 81-Hl ~1 ·1~ ~~. = S.rtn111a Dr. M._ Vll'p 1113·873·21 . 11.831411 21421 25 v .. Joaqu111. Traburo C. 11yon, CA I.he published delinquen1 Bfwh. CA •-Tho"''~ tronslor w111 V1•ta AP U9·114·272 ., ,....... . ~--CA f'a.Uurlt Ln. El Toro CA n)'llft. CA Rt~. Kenneth 8 . AP noticf:. W T Newland .:.lalf' be coneummoted on Of: eftOf l l.5Cn°40 2$252 Tanoak Ln: Joh-. Harold C . AP CAL.and p uJ J AP Wlllllo. MX'.hwl J Jr AP AP 113-673-24 ~10. S77216 Cr11p. Ian J . AP 931·M·103~10, l23016 2 ~y laX debulwd Sinor. R1d1ard L • AP ~omb« 24, 19H at tl\9 l'JToro..CA 837 .... ·021 1635--26 26101 ,,_, • • 7&4·3112·2' $$1)39 25!l00 21421 Fa!lurk l.n El Toru 1133-171·11. 12.113~92 18 El Vta Panen~. Traburo C.: In ...... f ... _ ta t!J.ell-03, Sl.1~4.2 8421 offtoo Of ond ci.ima 10< Off~ 1 ·-· I{"-e20-Q42·01, 11.$28.90 2$142 l.,-' CA Vaquero Traboro Canyon nyon CA '"" or u.., xcs. !Mpclief Of-Hunl•n(ton • ~Ida. Ch~. AP QuatJ • ._YN 1 .... !arhan Rd Laguna Hilb. .,.,rena1a Dr. Ml.SllOO V1<'J0. CA • M• 1 J L AP uort1ment1 .and ottwr Beec:h CA · debt• ol tl\o tronaleror may 939·1H·297 , Sl.407~ 2~21) CA CA . CA a i\t , osepn, ha f ,._ f'' ) . ' bo lllod with PAUL ~Ln.EIToroCA AP 1137.ae.oe2 S5867? Kf>t'rw Kevin P AP TAX RATE AP 833·l71·11SOI0.»~9$7 931.~-117SOIO, s3ti939 27 e rlftl or tn.: ~a W.T.New14nd&1 .. 1e KONAPELSKY AT ' "'·-• "-·.'k 1 --· Kim, ll~rt S · AP "'"" ' ,. ""' ' • " 18 El Vaquero Trabun> Ca-Via Honraclo. Tnibuco c.. YHr 1983184: Helard. Wtlt...m E. /.P · • Hadley, J-w . AP 21701 -· ............ --"'.1120-043-0ll S81t l4 1:->082 7114 . ...,1.1$ •• ,,7.,.,48 26061 AREA 88-t34 CA c l)S-tll-l' '756 $7 IM81 TORNEY-AT-LAW. 245 Fl•· 1139-et-e20 5010. 1312 S7 K1U... CA Ma Or t .u "•Jts Via Rlofnohno, Mtwon Viep. nyon, nyon. "-1 ' chor Avenu. Su1to 0.2 21293 Tu~ Ln. £1 Toro, CA Youn&. CMryl l. .• AP CA...._, . ._una ,.. CA . Witten bug Llvin11aton Mc Coun. Jack w. AP PROPERTY IN o,_ a . HWltJ.n&l.On SN.+., Coat• ....... CA. 921126 . Col11n1 T om AP 93'7·~100 . 963224 26i01 Borne H.vold E J AP Clavedanovtc Slephl'n Cl"ftthne HofTM'OWnt'r Jnc. A P 833 172 011 • 931-9$-1)53102. $172 01 26 SADDLEB•rrv CA DATED Augutt24. 1988 Ut·94 ·6U 0SOJO S2~7 62 Quail Crftlt, Ll(l.U\a Hills. ' OO r W . AP 7&4-591-19. M77 19 Alln. AP 625-391·04 t-17 56 Sl,148 12 21 v.. La11110. v .. ~ Tra~ C...-3'-ft. ~ OUtTINaz 213021\IPf!loLn D Toro CA CA ~=I~ 11•124 118 ~111~ 211122 V1a M.,..Jacla. Ml.!IUOn l'r 12043 l.o( 3 l'rabuco Cal>yon CA nyon. CA VALLEY UNIFIED TAX R "'TE ~ ()fongo Coast Butkowslu .Mich.el K.irlcf191.ncil Jf'tVIJft'r L ' Lacu Vttp CA CttstJine Ht>mc.'Owners Tllldall, Jon W · AP ~. r.larpm L · AP SCHOOL DISTRICT " Delly PilOI September 1 An I h 0 n y . A p AP t)1.al·li6 . Sl,t!H:i6 CA· I W~Jker. W1U1am r . AP ,..,.,AP62S.391-16 $47:16 W -172-115010. $2$420 21 931·115-1183102. S98 91 ~2 . AREAl4·013 1Ni • 939·8$·202 ~010 S400 00 2f701 Quot.al Creek, Laguna l20-~;~.~~n•SI :~t~ 25~4~ 784·"1·20 , $3,724 911 2fll!l2 rr 12044 Lot A ~: Latteo, 'l'raburo Canyon. Via r.&IU\UI, Trabuco Ca· Tll925 21103 C.Ue Dt Pueo, El Hlllc CA l'.athart Rd ._:. H lls Via Mare Jada. Misllon V1l.'p, AP 62$-391·1'1 · S4H6 Tr nyon, A • W T N~wland f.111ai. Toro.CA Kailey Doris APc · guna 1 'CA 12044 1..otB Carner, C ary. A P Ma1lhews.Bruc:eK ,AP TAXRATE !hrthorn. Charita AP "8JCNOTIC£ S~ Char~ R AP l937.99.131 '11.l:l3S02670l A Robt"-'. J l..awererx'\", M1rt.1RM, Eduardo._ AP 833-173-165010. 166721 6 1132-28~3~35010, S~710~ 70 $ ~23 I t!MSs.4 2()412 t3t-U ·210 3102, 11211 IS ~ Crttk. Lacuna H1Jh l20-~t:e;"·.k~ 2~~ AP 714.m .24 . t4.~ll28 937-89·092 . S88H7 26005 Via Lauro. T1-ebuco Canyon, flor de Sol. MllllOI\ V~p. AREA 88-M3 ~1 ~ H u 21143 Calle Dt p._, fl CA ' I, 2t172 Vta Mare Jada MUMOn Alhenon Av.~ CA • CA a..c-ti CA un nit-Of\ Tero. CA . Ma~r. Dull C AP Northn.p Dr lAguna Hilllli Vlep. CA ' Kills. CA Bt•t. Alter M AP SpallOfK' Cynthia. AP Balk, John P . AP w T Newland r. SIOCktt. M~I S AP 93'1·111-15$ $33311 26701 CA W_.,,, Mkheel J . AP P rice, Saven, AP W-1'1l·lll ~IO, $50i5o8 10 932-28-3:16:iGIO, »8612 64 1!11·03?·9), 11.28238 PM Vein. Anthony :.w AP llH·llS·2U5010. U38$9 Quall Creek, L1cuN Hllh. ~~..QCl)O~·f~~,'1 714-111-17 , S8)38~ ,2$702 937·98-0885010. S51881 Vlal..anp.Trabu...-oCanvon nor de Sol, M,_ Viep. 101·08Par2PcwoCPtrand 161-Ul-lll , t l.9130tl ~I 21 \71 C.llt O. Pl*"O, FJ CA Np · -it!'una Monls. M""°" V11ep,'CA 24342 F.as1Y>ew Rd. i..a«una CA CA Por o1 Par I BtlWli Dr H 1 niton Toro CA McLauchhn, Leslie N Hilll. CA Murrey, FT"fd C . AP Hille, CA F'ieldatont> Co· A p Ferron. John O.vis. AP Property we def au lied 1n ltllCt. 'CA . WI 1 ~wll, i... •D , AP AP 937.89.197 . $580 74 MceonneU. John W • AP 1 .. .e21..oe . SZ,672 01 260~2 Holden. JeUerson D . Al' 1133-232-S? .• '826 Ill 30 Via 932-28-"7.3102. St4.0~ 62 IHI fo r tlte-1..-xu. w T. ""-lana~w 838-U-218"311~ 0 133$ 55' '701 Quail Crfflt: ~na =l ·~-,,~1;;_~6 ~:~2.: Cn.e\a Ver<W, M'ISIOn Vie)O. 837-98-ll0.)030. ~1~8 29 0. I.ACM,_, Traburo Ca-P'1or de Sol, Mi.ion Vtep , uu11ment1 and othu AP 161·531·37., $472 20 21132 CalJe Dor •~ El Hill&, CA u '-.-na 1 ' 'tr CA ' 243114 Larchmont Cc. ....,guna nyon, A CA char19 (Of' the f'ltC&I Y.-r 30032 M raJ O H I Toro. CA ' ' M00tt, 8tn>ft E. AP Belcher. Cary L • Home May, Same S • AP HUis. CA Willa, Thomu W. AP Jphn Laine H~ Inc. 1111$1... " . unt l'lfltoO TAX RATE AREA 81-117 937.ee.2oa . 11.186 06 26701 ~·2$~1 ~20-062~· 7114.121.oe . S2.S71 16 20032 AP 937·98-l to S<HO, $7$2 115 133-241.07.5010. S34 I 3~ 8 AP 1132·28·3511 . 11.109 26 82 ae;\.~-land l'Jalatt Qua1J Creek. Laguna Hills. ' Hl'._C -n •er.tu Verde, M1910n VM'jll. 243t4l...,~tunontCt, 1..a¥umi Via NacnoJia, Tr.t.bucu O.· f'lordeSol J ohneoft, .Leo, A P CA • i..._una ._ A CA Hille. CA nyon, CA M<Corm.-lt, Ullde S . AP PROPERTY JN Byrne Martha C AP Mucad1l. Jo&e AP Ca. Lorna ~rs S.ftdha\&i, Stuan, AP i.-r. Cra11 A . A ·28·3615010, ~48 llO Hl·W.01 . 1382.37 201)1 937.ee.221 • ~02 '26701 ~12~ tu077 25091 ,,,_. Shoftnake ~AP u 1.H -11no10. 128~110 w .241.ouo10. f44839 10 nor de Sol, Ml9Non vM';o. HUNTINGTON s•-Ln. Hwihf\&1Dfl B&ankmbur1. CMI J AP ~I Crefok, Lacuna t{llls. ~ Wy. Lacuna HJlls. llf7 ·20-044 . l7S9 62 25861 24392 La.rdunont Ct. l.all\lna Via li&acnoJia, '1',...buro Ca· CA BEACH ~CA New~ Dl\aw 930· 19"430 ~010 1$$ 05 CA CA u ·--t.to. MdMOn Vii!"'. Hllle. CA nyw\. CA c-r. Matlhew l. Jr, AP .-.. noll CaminitO Vtno. l.Afuna Rm«. Roland r . AP Duwnhauer. "-"" p CA"·--· I" Salber1. Jan~t. AP Kahltt. 0.vtd WayM AP Nt,za.40UOIO. 1637 36 20 CITY AP 151·533•17. --ltl B8'12 Hiiia, CA 937.-t-240 • $1,2811 70 26701 2nd. AP 1120·0&4·1 I ' Sl+83 43 AP H 7-20·072 • $928 60 937.99.120 . S682 30 24376 1133-241-13 ~10, SJ21 )I 20 f'lor de Mar. M ... oo VieJO, a.u.hlre Dr. Hunt1n1ton N1chael1, David, A I' Quall Cfff'k i..,una Hilb 2'241 CVfllfJUl'Ct Rd l.a«Una 25tl31 M•r~n«-MiSH•on lAl'<'llmont Ct, Laguna lltll'I. Via Maanoh•. Traburo Ca-CA T "'X RAT'E ~h·T~-.land &tal.t' tJ0-18-430 . $1, 162 .. 22161 CA ' ' Hiiia. A Vil'p CA ' CA nyon. CA Twlu Carl F AP " AP CAmlNlo V.i.no, Lacwwt H.1lla. W~n. Judith L AP 1,_Dl08VI~ F!!t, l~ 2.~!1 AP '997.20.10'. '6116 06 AP 1137-98-120 SOIO, 121141 Akins O.Veloprncn1 Cu. 912-28-412 5010, '62438 ~ AREA H -087 ~ulfJ: Vans !~ ,.!l. ...... 1 CA 937.-.291 . $106704 26701 ..,. l .... Dr. llO\IV po """ 25715 Ma""-nte. Ma.l<>n 143111..archmont Cl. l..aiuna Sent• Mar1ar1u , AP f'lor de MN. M-VN?.p, l5I-............ 1•1""' '"" """ AP aG-lt-4311 ~10. t 22 IHI Quail Cneti 1 ~•A• Hil.IJ Mir-• ~ Hills. v ...... CA ··~ HUIA, CA 153-241·20 , H .22tl 30 2 Vuo CA Oalloot Dr, Hunun11on 221Slc-nitoVmo.t.aauna CA ' -~-'CA ~ etin.•_.._ J Stele) Merit, AP °'°'-.'t'rabucoCarlyun CA Arml\l'Ol\I. Shary L . AP 8Ndl,CA ' Hilll..CA .._ 0.VldCfo.rald.AP Veal, Jam~ £, AP AP 9)1.ei.oo7 Sis7a1i '37·'8·170$010 163293 Holloway. Ken W AP 17l·IOl·S4SOI0 '847654182 W T New\andt'..aiat.e Menhal1. Ann w .. AP m•m 1184e..24 20101 no-ot1.02 s 1.81H2 2502s •m Povtda M:_._ v 24308 S. Ct.~"' um~. 133.241.20 3102, u n 39 2 TAX RATE Raquet Oub Dr. Hunu"-1tt1 Te,&or. Jamtt R . AP no-1M)4. Sl,251 10 22121 Quail Crftic. Laguna Hll.ls. MO-Sc. lAcuN Hillll. CA · _.,.. ..,_,., CA Via Otorou. Ttaburo Ca AREA H ·tft .._...,CA ISl·M5-0I · Sl.llR _... 20241 111C"'10Ua ....... MAm 8TATl•WT Tiie '°'°"""" port()nl .,. doltlO~ ... OAACELAND PROF· 'ESStONAL BUILDING. 180l2 rvtno Blvd., Tu111n, c.llt. 12MO -' Emeeto ond Orule M ~a. 9031 Bek:ero Of • Hunt'"9ton Boo~I\. Celll t2l4e Thia bUslnon 11 eon- OUC1ed by· l\ult>and Md wife The registrant com. menced to· trenMCt ~ ,,... under tl\o fictitious buoil..-ntmO Of Nn'IM lleeect 9bOY9 on .A*f ~7. 1N8 Etneato Coponoro Thie 1t•tomon1 woa filed lllf1tl tM County Clef'tc of Or· = County on August 10, ,_ ~Orengo Coat Deity PMot Augl41 18. 25. Seo••,lber 1, •• 1N8 Th-'8e Cernin110 Amor. Lacuna CA CA . R•ynold•. Ctrl. AP nyon. CA • ~ Ln. Hun\i"C\Otl Hilla.CA H«u. Darryl W , AP Boedc, SU-V•n J , AP t37·H.·1765010., $70386 La~l1n. Kevin J . AP PROPERTY JN a..th,CA •--------- ........ &rT~ A AP u1.t11 .281uo10. S9303 620•101·0S .*2l4262 251'4~ TAXRATE 243545-ee Ci..1..a&un11!111b,833-243·05~110, '611169 5 Mwillo,Kl'n114'lh M .AP COSTAMESACITY WT1'1ewlendl41ate "8.ICNOTtcE t30-lt-4f2. 166)84 22066 2t701 Quall Crttk l...agvna Erldl.lon Wy. La~ HJJ1-. ARE A 88-Uo , CA Via Olorou. Tr•but'O C.· 6ot-031·s02 3010, H 34 32 Surdodt1&1 ..... •.'11 .J-.,.~ •• n': '"o3'7~ 1-----------ComlnllO Arnot. i...,una KUle. CA ' . • CA Unocal Lend & Dt-vt>lop nyon, CA 2fltl ltrr• Pnk. Ln, ., """ .,.. ~ ' f'IC"'10Ua ........ HIU..CA Howard Phlh AP Coley. W•llOO D. AP men1 Co AP llJ'l-N·lllO . ~. W'1frfdo S . AP l'rabut'oCanyon.CA TAX RATE ~ Ln, Hununcuin MMmlTA~ Campbell, f'rtdu1ck 937 .... 2911 • '6488!' 2f>701 120·) n .24. ~IM 25281 Cempc>. RtCh•rd Af 14172 20 '24376 S.14' Ct. W -2Sl·02 5010. '947 29 3 Phlll1 ... ~ 8 . AP AREA 15 Jll 8Ndl, CA n. folowlng persona.,. Oflte, AP H0-21 t.40 Quall ~ Lq\tna Hills ~llano Wy. t..acuna Hills 25-351 04 , $993 13 17 LcW'la Hills. CA Via Maya, Trabuco C<inyon, ~l-04 )010, t l,147 M • W T l'tewland F.a1a1AO doing buaineaa •· 1731 29 22315 Cam1n1to CA' · CA Jllll'lli.ne C'l'ftll Ln. ~f\11 M~ John ~ley A.I' CA Intl Hllhland View L.n. K.Mlr, Fred, AP m -513·22 • COPY CEHTEA. 3400 ~ ~ H1Ua CA 8'eue, V~rnun H , . AP Hilll. ~ 137.ee.isM , t 7IS 911 i 4368 Ford. Clydr L Jr, AJ' ~yon. CA Rap,\, Twr.._ J , AP 12,480 20 20S72 Camfield Ln. !MN Aw .. ~ 8Mdl, Kmer.V~J~ AP 820·134 ~. '84182 2$3ij2 APl2).JSl-043102,$33900 941tt Ct.LAcunaHilla.CA 2S)..03 S2,116862!1Vw er-.~E .APU7.3f·Ot7 Sl.36JOl 'lfl.4$ Hunt.lnpln~.CA Qllf l2te0 no-21-441 • 11.25' .. 22321 TAX RATE Pike Rd, ~rw HJlle. CA 17 JMnune Crttk Ln, •Y•· Trabuco C..nyoo CA 80tl·043.01 ~10. •1.20~ 4~ A.nahftm Av.p.u. Mew, C.A w T Nt .... ...,.... Ei.\11\l' t<lyollo N•o•l•h1, 952 CMni.Nlo 'nt..ron. t.e1una A8EA .. HZ . Ev1na. l{ichal'G 0 . AP ~Hilla.CA p 133·2U 03 ~0 1 0 , IN&• $~ oi.n Dr. Mi.run. Ch('ryl t.. AP LAuolncloAw .. Long Beocl\, KIU.. CA \ , • 1120·141·23 , '836 00 2~~2 AP ·~·S51·04_$0l0. Sil\4 11 TAX RATE 1.11• Oii fl Via M•)'•. l'rebuco C.t.nyon, CA Property WI deCaulWd in ISl•'8t·04 . S351.53 20461 c.t. 90I03 .n.ompmn. Jun C , AP • ,; Chaplein ftc!. 1:-1una Hiils. 17 J"nitne Creek Ln. AREA H ·!tt buc.1> Canyvn. CA Tt1~U. Merk A . AP lH.7 !or 'ht tho . C...mflelcl Ln. Hun\lnaton Tl\lt bU•lftft• I• con-tM-42·otO 1128 28 2~1~ Standard Petilk" L P ~ CA L.uuna H1t1s. CA Ntnk.t.l Bnen p AP eot-043·03 5010, fl,2113.16 •-•meftt1 and othtr BHdl. CA OUCted by. an lndMduel C-IO P.:.tim. 1.acun.t ll3·3'1·l I S'lll 04 ,26262 Ktt\!Utt, Oflendo W . ~ liioodwll'>dll Plll'\IWTI, AP ·m.o5·, 11.387 i8 25 Via lllJOI S~ Olen Or, ~ for lM f'Uftl YNr W. T Newland Ee\ai.e Tl\o roglatront COlft· Hilla.CA L)'TICWy,O T.om.CA 1»111-ao. '84228 2S041 IH-351-14 .'4t88210C'INr Br•nrh. Gery D. AP . 1'reburo c.nton. l'rebucoC..-.)'Ol'l.CA 1-'8'1· AP 16\·Ml·ll., S722.U ~ '° tfWIMCt bual· Slltt, Marilyn AP Lappin. eo.rt J-. AP ~ Dr, 1.AcUna H1Us. ()owk Ln. i.....una Hills, C:A lt·241-l4 . J l.873 _... 24018 .....U, Owen ~. AP I0412 Dr.w Cl. HwiUfll\Ofl ,_ wnctet 1M t1ct111out 9'1-4UH7. a1.1u u 22435 11a-•1-1'. U.Jt7 oe 21882 CA AP 1»-»1-h . M96 81 1 WoodlWM s"' M~ vie,,. w-m~ ~10. ss14 11 •-~H• ~10. ta.s:se 111 PROPERTY JN 9-dl. CA ..,..,_ ,_ °' """" C...U.to Peaflm. t.e,un. ~ Dr. El Toro, CA 11.eynoldL Monty C AP Crwk Ln, i...,u ... H1llA CA vi. lJ\rneN, Trabuc."O ea. ltltJ ~i.nd v-Ln. T W T Newlend &\ate ...., eoov. on ~ HJUa. CA AP Ila.Jal uo10. $$18 46 820-111-31 . 118112 :t~ CA Orewtt. Cherlet, A.I' )'QI\ CA l'rebucoCMYOf'.I. CA Hu NT ING 0 N ••rrlo, Robert . AP "· 1t71 ewu., ....,_I H . AP i1102 N Dr, El Toro. Cdflo Dr. &..cuN Htl.ls. Sirna.. Enc Wilham Tr, AP llt-251.01 , Sl.tJl 48 14001 od. Mtdley R , AP O\IMI-. ~ W., AP BEACH ltl·Ml-OI. '801 M U32 iu,ollo ~ -.-.oa. 17111 02 22* APe20-171.31 )()10. 14 42 t2S·Ml-20 , tl.119342 83 ao..ctiAv,Mlaliorl V~p,CA 211.-~10, S:t7281 $ eot·OSl,295010. t l.3U2'7 CITY ......,.. Dr. UunllntJlon Tillll ll*l••I ... ftNd CallllilillO Arroyo. Sec, RI(' L . AP J.5851 Calll.. Dr, (.fCU"" 0.bo'W C1ftk Ln. Lal\11"11 Al •••·2'2.:01 !IOIO, 813 ~ Vlo Mlarfu. Tnburo Ca-1n1 I =-LI\, 81adlw •• TCA .............. __ .... ·--·-...... ~°"""of°'·· ....._.. ff!U1, CA 1113-4 II • 81.nt 43 21.!lln Hilla, CA HIU.. CA HOOi BotlCh Av. M!Mlaft '°""CA ?..--CA ,_ __ .. _ ... Coun'Y -· ~ ,. • ......_., V..-.n, AP Midtftol l)r, II Toro, CA Bulin. Jolln J . AP C.-k. Ronald. AP Vlej), CA ... ,. Thomlt r , AP .......,. Co.. AP TAX It.ATE M•rlo, FrHk C . AP tt11 ' .... Ill, '84001 ~~ ~ khenl I AP 120·lll·S5 . tl ~l764 2'ell tH·37l-l4 , t l,03344 26 1-Gl5010, 124812 8 -...&,It, ll,Ul 10 JICl82 ltl·la-11. "8t.'12 M02 ,__ a..6MD ..._...,,, LaguN llMll.ot 5010, f l.100 •• c..&lflo Or. lAfuila H.1lls. CA ,..,.. Crwlt Ln. i...cuna la 8fDong, 1'raburo Ca w 0 C4 a.~ Ce· AJUtA ..... , Tnainoa Dr, H1&n\1"1\on rtuu.-Or-. eo.1 ..... CA 11m M*'-' Dr. fl TOl'O. M•~•. ShQ.11 AP Hllll. CA • TAX RATE ,_.CA ..,_. ...... TCA .................. ____ o.1w,...,. '"'',.,.,., ,, 1 • ........, a.. T AP CA no-211.-~ie• um AP tts 111.10)02, 1nuo AREA U.UI ,.... Dr\•'°9=11tm e.o. ,.._., o.nw "-· AP ....... "\elft, PacncM a . c10 ,_...-11 --11, n. ,... • -• *34 , 11.m 11 22.IOI Chambln. Stan H AP ltftocty ,..,_ Rd L.alu.na 25 J-ine ~ Ln. loll&• Nerior1te. AP -.o7MI 5010. 11,H I 24 ......_., Jolul R . AP l.•ckyor, A u , AP Th-IH Cillllllllno Toal•. l.Afuna ttl-421-015010, t t.3Jt t 2 Hilla. CA I .......... Hllll. CA ---. n.nuo It v ..... ~ ""'· 1'l'-leuro Mt.-..01 ..., ft 1'4tl lll·Ml·ll. tl.112 u l5e2 ltdal. CA 11402 .. ..,.._ Or. El T9'0 Mo•rhx'Mf". ~' A . AJ' .,,_.J?l-14 ~. Pl 21 Wyett. OrJnrlll .,__. AP ~ Canyon. c.,_ CA .,...._ Lft, Ht.111!.l"l'O" MW 0 , H ........... ~. -~------- CA . AJ-ao.m-12. tl,'Mllfl H J-lrw Creek Ln 111 ... 1·12. ta.090 .. 21131 LaaltJ, ~ 0 Tr, AP ....._CA CA SMIU-. Plllldl 1'. AP -I lldntyre St. t.atun. I.....-tU1ll. CA ., ...... Ct, El Toro, CA •n O•t)' " AP ......,,.,, 90l0, 11.111 $S w T ..... Wid ..... MmlDUI .,_.. TAX RATE ttl·•n -10 $010. "52 12 KIDl.CA AJ'"n&.n1-1u1*. t10113 AP 111•1-&250t0. t4Mlt ._.,:eu1oi Pti~ 12 -. OllMlw Ln. ~ TAX L\Tlt ..... ...,w•rM·~ .-naw AA£A U.111 21511 M'*""-Dr, El Toto. O'K.wf9, llachard tc.vtn, H J-.tno Ct"'k Lft, 11111 ay\lttl Dr, D Toro. V• llllonu, ~ ~-~CA •••• ...... ,. ltt·Nl·tllOlO. l lll.N n. ............... .. CA AP ... 171.ot. f'79714 ~H.U..CA CA 11,_.CA ,...._ llil'tlMI H . AP ---• -Ollllr)' 0. Huri"""°" ............ . a.1•ood Home•· Lo. wt.I a,r,_ Ln. ~ Jadi '-Ph AP liltLoM. hlritta,... AP ..... ~ 9 AP --·IUOlO. Sl,OIH2 8-.KCA Dl"'llRllFllD l'A Chai••· •1 k111 , AP AU-. AP 113 ff2.12. HikCA tis n ·u . t J.CMM ,e 40 111 ... 1.n ao10. 121• )I 1--..,.10. -,.21 ·20 • M91 OllMlw Ln, ~ .,.... rw.u. ".AP .....,. m c.r.... ...... ~. llO• 30ll1 11•a .as N. ...... II WlNM. 0.y,d L . AP'-"' a. Lft t...,una •m ..___. Ct. II v .. ,,...,,..,..._c-,_. ea.i-,CA ttl·IM·ll • ..,.. _. T·· -·-,.,.,~c:., -""'--o.itt M El Toro. Ttn.CA ea.t7J.lt. l 1,t24t2 151$2 ..._CA l'w9.CA CA Hehf•'•· fP~ul, AP......_ La, a...,._. AA -•s. ..._. ....... c.wlo, CA ,,,, tll·4'2·U · f lotta ..,_.La. LAiuMHiJla.CA "" ... f'll 2H020, ... _,2 .,r.:-+-· tc.Mon D. AP ........ ,._.,k LP , AP ...... ·IUlp, 17MH ...._CA AJl&A fC.fff 1 ... At~ ~Or.,...;c,AP ..U ....... llToro.CA ('..otieri, ic-..11 1' AP 4' 1_.,..iw Crttll Ln, ·M ·tl7S0l0. QOO •&·ti, ll,lllH It -... 11t111111 v..-1.,.11, c:..r .... ' ~IUIOr, ,... .. .-..... n "'*' .._ ""'" A. AP ... rn.M. aMUo ~1 .._..~CA ... , • • •• oa.i. a ,,..._.°""'°" ~~.CA PROPDTY IN wT ,._._. ,..,..., ,,.. ""...._ 11 oon-..,.,._ o... M .11 Trtn> 11Mn•. 11.31110 *$1 .,,._.La.~H1U..CA A•••v• a.r110 AP hro.CA • ........._ T-M . AP N•w--•a••ca 0 c:-..a. JeM p AP w-.:•..-••• CA ....._. W:p, 11 Torv. CA ~to, Aftlhofty, AP nt-f'lt.JI'. 11.M .. to I Ka ... "• ac»ft•ld, AP "" •m.to, fT101 tt -..111.tt, ·-tt ... • .-vn1 s-1.,._.u , ... ll llMt Tfle f9tlalfMt com• ' .. .,. .... _ .•!-7•r. J:!'", .. o .. 21A7.P1 -. •·•· ~-uen ......, ea..-i.n. ~ •·tt-•1tao10, 111121,...... .... 1'r'MutoO.yon.11 .... v..._....,..,......_ CITY ......... 1..11. H~Ufll'ul' __.to.,......,._ --•c. II.-. 4·11 , ... 1 I .. Whtw ~ 1"' ~ Hdll,CA -· lhMncti Otfft. II CA ~CA 8ladl CA ,_ _., IW ....._ All&A...... ,.,. .... Dr.llT-.CA Hl8a.CA Twe.CA ,., ......... l\:m•n,., ,,, 141&tl. "'"'° . ...._ ..... ,..... .,.... tt.old A Jr. AP A,. ..,...., J AP Til UTE ''-~. "°"" A • AP ~ ,.,.. c-,... -....... v .... LA. TAX MTS .. 'tr to4 ~ 0-. ......... °" -...... ••. llM14-l4 .... a 217'1 no.a.1 .01 MIO ,,., 54 ....... 12 ..... 127t II CA • ,,._~CA AA&A .,... =' .............. l ... -="~~-~-~ Mu~Dt~~MCAa.a !f,!l~•w11JM.L...-AJl&All-IU ~,.!h==M o-. D wu ... a.erf.l.lw_1• .. tor1 _,., ..... lll•Ull~~ ....... .a.c..m ----·----·'-'--,...,. --·--•AP---·l4 ... ..,. 11:11 ·-... , ,... ,.. ,, •• _ ... tn 1'rlllr7LotA .... at --.111. IUllM JU71 O...a.o. •ian, AP Kltln. hUl A , AP ......_ ......... P . AJ-.......,..,.,._C:.. ,,.._°"""'-~ ..... ,, ..._r1, AP .... 0.-,ClilflefOr .... i.-116.CA .,_,.,..O,llT-.CA -.ua.flMlt.a.. N4'H lll·J12-t7NJO\. HH22 ................. t II CA ., ... , LerrJ:, AP .... HMt, ..... Mt SELL ~ ~ti Al •. lb ..... 7 M'"'Tr r..t. Metk C. Al .. Giil 1.-IM ....... -&..Olma ... ..,.._-· ... Ollrl. D Taro, -.i.a. -17 at llM?Jlft IYHtt .......... 0.-Dll.... • M ' llll7LocAPorofl« ...S:.111, ... II »eo7 Hllll.~ .... CA CA -........ ~C.. ... •n-. v .. La. CA ,_ ~. PsW D , AP w..rf..t 0. II~ CA Dr-. MaAlhd v ... AP .... awt. V AP ._,..._ ...... AP CA • ,_._c:ii..w.. CA ....... 0 *'3 ..... ,, • p Pt:A o.._ C... at"m-11 so10 ... .,.. ......, JarMi o . Al ~•·•· 111a11 na1 ....... 1t.1tu1 ·,..1 •N·•H1t10. 14e1.11 .... 1.1111111i.. AP-.111.1ut10, MIT•,., .. ,..., .. , •• ,, .... ,. 1hrout1h c led ClllW: .... .....-. '· 1. 1lllt ::"cA. hilt Av, r.:J:o~i~.: ~,, nw ~ ... ~ • 011119al&.1--... ~· ... at.ft, II ,...., ~ ~ II ... _ ::-""' ~ A•. a... °" ...... -M .. I i • . .. ~ ..... w •• -.... ' ---- .. AN ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBfR 1, 1988 I I ' I ) ' . . · .. Start uses. two treatment a~eas for injurie~ Personalized . ~ -plan works Stan Physical Therapy in New· port Beach o ffers a com· ptthensivc approach to treatment with twO component trea~ot centers; an orthopedic sports ~dicine practice and the new Start Spine UntCC. Ro~r Rommelfanger and Michael Roy ~gan tht'ir physkal ttwrapy praetice in Newport Beach eight years ago. thrtt years ago the business ~came Start Physical Therapy. -'l The physical tMrapy cenm offers care for post surgt'ry and stroke rehabilitation. t'valuttion and trnttnent with an emphasis on onhapcdic and sports medi- cine. Patienu at the ce nter are ttferrcd by th'tit physician. The main function o f physical therapy is to return any rypc o f injury to normal an~ to help the J>9ticnt to speed alpng this process. Many oft~ area's local ttudcnts have received crcatmcnc at Start for sport injuries such as injured kntts or shouldt'rs. A vital pan of physical t~rapy is education. The p&ticnt has to ~ taught how co manage his body. Ofttn petients nttd to relearn simple body mechanics such as how to sit and stand. Scan offers 1'9ticnts an educa- tic>Ml program including ont-on· OM inf ormacion, training. litcra· tun, video capes and tiw laccSt state-of .the-art computeriu d ~uipmcnt. Teresa Barbancll and Mary Mahoney manage che back center. Start PhysicaJ Therapy is located at 360 San Miguel Dr. Suire 301 in Newport Beach. For more information, call, (714) 7)9-0300. with Gilano Have you always fdt )'Ou could I~ those extra pounds and inches 1f only you had a m~ personalized rout~? Something m0ttchan just a nameless body in a crowded gym! Legs by Gilano in COSta Mesa. is a body reconditioning program chat uses· body building exercises 1n •••••••••••••••••••••••lil•••••• .. •••••••-.•••••••••F~ 'addition co diet and cx~rcisc, on a one.on-one basis. Ben Gilano, per· Physical Therapists, lepr l1Fr1Mt•1•, •••HI ..,, , ............ .., .......... .,and ... . .._ of Start Physical Therapy and the New Start Spine Center. continue to offer... ............. .... , ..... ...................... • Evaluation • • Hands on Treatment. This approach is utilized in proper postural alienment, body mechanics. manual therapy techniques. soft tissue mobilization, therapeutic and stabilization exercises. • Patient Education "Backschool" is a three session . proeram designed to teach Preventative back care and · maintainance. ......... ., • '*• 1111 Body·fat and fitniss computer • wrtao HOtJllS AVALABLE • .... "llltAll"1Ca. Pllpw.ll n...,--.... . .. .. ...... •..• •• •1 l1up1rt I••• (714) 711 11-1· ' I D Get th·e ·best ... Sonat trainer 'and owner, says his program specializes in the legs, hips. bunocks and abdominal areas. G ilAno's sign on his door says "Please leave your ego at the door" and he means it. "I have the kind of program that a person needs co put all thett cffott into this program wMn tM come here, and n<>t come in with an ~ctitudc problem. if they do, 1 cell chem co lcavt' and comt' back wh('n ency If(' read)," he said. (iilano's program is baSt'd on tht' exercise program, ·which ht' rtt· ommends training at lt'ast chft'C titMS a Wttk and a di('t program which M plans for the client himself. "When someont comes in who is serious, 1 ~igh and measurt' tht'm, go through,an nercisc program Qn tM equipment and give them a diet to follow co count calorics," he said. ~ Mt'dicaI and Su rgical Supplit'S Inc. in C<»ta Mesa, has a variety of "They are monitored all <><her da)'$ . equipment for medical problems. Ostomy sup{lies, back and knee t>raccs, ttwy call to tell me wh" they ha\'e and respiratory equipment are only a few o the items available. Cathy eaten when tMy do n<>t come in." Cunnin&ham. manaser ~ offers in-home consulting. for more Each person g('ts pcrsonalittd information, t'all (714)631-I263.li30 ------------------. training, and although everyone is uyO.,,. ~ com•-ltv ~ ... t , ..... , .... •Crq llllsa ...... ..... , n11C..A111VI•• ............ ·~ r! .,_ ...... [ 0 ...... .,_ •• .,. .. c ..... .._ .......... • Ce'9M _.Ca Hu .... Y• .... ...... Qss []( ............. __.,_ .. ..... ' HM E. Ce..e a... at ....... t:r";i..... ltt·7S75 ""..:: diffrttnt GilAno says that most people sec ltSWtS in 10 da)•S . Training snsions arc S'° each . and include pietuttS, measurements and results. Gilano said. Monthly peytnftlts and financing programs aft available. t f()( men information. call (714) ~l-6959. • . 2 -NIAL TH ta/Alt AcMrttllng 8upplerMnt to the DAILY PILOTl'Thurld8y, ~ 1. 1• J .. Tennis buffs • appreciate the]WTClub ~rious tennis cnthusiasrs will appreciat'~ the exclusive setting and proleuional atmosphere of the John Wayrw Tennis Oub in Newport Beach. Built by John Wayne wd Ken • Distributor offers products for a variety of problems Patsy Shumaker, an indt'pendent di.suibutor for Images products and the ~volurionuy new 1'onScems product c.an offer 1nd1v1dua1s trcat- m~ produas for baldness. acne. wrinklH, cellulite and several e><her common problems. as well as. an odorless environment Shumaker. wnh .in <Alice .rnd wn.rehouse an Anaheim. c.ime!> her merchandtSC en tht-prem1s.es 'These products .irt" !>1mplt-w uK and people get results. he-s'ad A new produa Shum.ikc-r recc:m- ly acquired. :'\onScents ' Leolatc-- a natural volcanic miner.ii cum- pr1sed ofh~drated alumn1n11 ~•lil .. tt' adsorps odors Adsorpcaun 1!> " chemical/elen n cal actaon that causes odors from smoke. banen~ decompos1t1on and Other ~uurces to be polled anco the 'on tent~ packet. Shumaker ~1d (Pleue eee DIA~ES/P5) Choosing a pharmacist is as important as choosing a doctor Willig in 1973. the club has become M important as the doctor you ucnts n~d all rhe input from pauenc record kepr tor the purpu>c- prominent inrernationaJly among ch~. today's complicated medi-m~ical personnel the\ can f.<"' of detccung drug 1mer.al!1vns · Ait professional, as well is beginner cal use of drugs -which can What better sour< e for drug there insurance S<"rvaces or b1ll1n_i: tennis pla~rs. literally save your life -arc taken for information than a pharmactSt. a SC(lltCes. can rou t.ill.. to 'vur The Tennis Oub feac urcs I~ ·grant~.Ynwefind many shopp1ng knowledgeable person m the field ' pharmacist when \Ou \A.a~h· and the healch of \Our fam1h and friends I Dodie Johnson. owner and f>har - mac1sr of the Medi-Rx Pharmacy. located ar PW E. Coast Ha~hwar in Corona dcl Mar has bttn serving Corona def Mar and ~ewport Beach for more-than l 'i \ears I-or mor<" informauon.call •"'l4 f>-\4.-'i-'i COUrtS, sauna, spa. massage, child for pttscription.s and drugs with Price should be the la c consider-These are all ques11on' \Vu c.att, fuU bar·and mack counter. as ttp.rd ro price like one might shoP ation in the reason for choosm~ a should consider when lool..m!-! rvr .i weU as a var~y of pl.~d social for a sack of pocatos. pharmacy. pharmacy. As when choo~an.!! .1 twnts such a.s bridge. dan leagues With all of the possibility of Docs )'<>Ur pharmaca~t take an doetor. expert~ in a I acid. e)pc-c1a lh and monthly touma~nts-and talcing rne-dic•rions incorr~ly, pa· in<erest in you -and l'Ou r health : ls .i medical. 1s important to \uur health parties. . -r.;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiimiiimiiimiiimiiimiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w "We are ncx like any ocher dub. as in ~ don't just come in. work out and lea~. people will come here and ~d an ewning. reading the papn. having a drink or 1usc socializing," Michael ~cArdle, g~n eraJ manager, s'aid. The John Wayne Tennis O ub is located at 1171 Jambor~ in New- pon Beach, next to the Ncwporrer Inn Resort. f o r more information, contact the club at (714) 644-6900. ·EASY BIRTHING Theueeilnlle....,_. ......... blf"*'O ...,..ice S!} .LAURIE MILLER HYPNOSIS CONCEPTS Of' llME. CA 250-7355 llED BULTB llSUUICE? aft' you been C&J\C9 r turned down other insurer? DON'T GIVE UP UNTIL . YOU'VE TALUD TO US! WIOrn:R: GUAJWITDD BINIWABLE HIALni PI.AMS ... . for iDdiTid...U and families ' * MOST Pll-llJSTING * . CX>NDmoNS COVERED. <Mart.~.~. elc.) Don Kott Van Center Southem California's Leading Pealer for t'1~ Disabled Announdng the all new Apollo Van. Designed for the Dlsa~ Person on the go. Luxury equipped w ith all the a~nities you need. or we can custom design the right van for you. Several Financing plans available. VA approved over 2 5 years e xperrence Call 1 (800) 262-5688 for further Information . Don Knott Van Center 405 Freeway - Avalon Exrt Carson. CA lhll there ~ others who cared •bout my ~' and _. Me to be there for them. re•lly ~lped me. stay commit- .... ~ Our: specially trained leadef guided us n enit., helping us find anc;~ lo our weight prob~m,. • I ~ the Inner Circle. Now I feel comfonabte wllh my new thinner figure and confident attitude . ._ _., .. ._ .. " ..... HEALTH 88/An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOTIThut'9day, September 1, 1988 -3 ' ---·bife after Breast Cancer ==--==-A few words abotit Breast ReconStructiort. 1-.,'IN'l\C.on l..._t bttN UMtt llHI ........ l~nl 1n1lwU.U..~tlwt '""'' l>K•>h<4n ~rn1 • ..-.J Tlw \"-s tw.tlth ~ .t1 ... ,._. Al\4 li<"t"'•I M•chr-1 C.mn olftn 1h,.,..... "''lllC..I rnv..iu,.. Our "°"1dC"'1illcJ~t< WfP""' ... 'J'<'(Wll>I 11' .......... l'<'C.-iruct""' ... ,.,i...~tornknbr••""•I th<owm. """'"' tht U1'«'r ,,.. .. ,_ 'lour loh:., .......i •lmft .. .u. ,.,.., b.'<ly ~·nd .elf··~ Santa Ana Hospital Medical Center 1901 North Fairview Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706 · Telephone: (714) 554-1601 . _,1 -. ....................... ., .......... tl"ll"""""""" C..r!\ Jn... fk'ft .tftd trNt"'"" \M\ ~" •f\"~ &It fl"r'l" ,U ,,,. .iw.... ........ ,.~ ........................ """"'"'pmt,lrm n.,. ""'"' llf ...... b..Jin .anJ ,,,.,, ~,_, .... .,.. fw ,.,,.,,.... t ... t~ll i.,_.,, tnn.,,..J 4 ,_ Mtfl:IU~ ,,..,...iu ... "' ......... ~ .......... ""'"' '""' proHnn n,,.,_ rrnodurt'•llow.1,,..P<oc ...... ,>1 .... -........ ~rwtltlft h• ~n•t tht-t1nwc.t thf.m.stKh.tim) N E T \\' 0 R 1-- STAY HEALTHY STOP SMOKING Treatment for Physical and StreM-r•ted PM\ .nd Addictions . . WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN TREATMENT FOR WEIGHT LOSS, FERTILITY, PINCHED NERVES, BACK PAIN, ARTHRITIS, HEADACHES, HERMORRHOIDS, TENSION, SORE NECK, EARS, EYES, NOSE & MOST PHYSICAL PROBLEMS. · ~e119~ eAc#fJ#llct#ee ~11ue - 31 YEARS EXPERIENCE , · FIVE GENERATIONS WE ACCEPT INSURANCE AS FULL PAYMENT· 884 W. 19th ST., COSTA MESA ~Z_ ~ · . .. . (714) 648-0339 ,~ " • $100.00 orr ALL PmlllERSlllPS (expft! H-88) • 2 oomplde wdgllt rooms1rni Instruction • <>wa 50 aemblc:s clwes each .ek, wftll cerUfled baSlructors ~ • Racquetball a squash courts l'Rrz Instruction • Sand wolleybalJ • l'Rrz ChUd CaR • rm. fitness training JIOI Js 'al'llo rteupWt le.:lt. CA l2llO (714) 7S24115 4 -HEALTH U/An Adwrtlamg Supplement to the DAILY PtLOTIThundlly. 8--mber 1, 1918 Regency Readiness features earthquake preparedness kits The ooe thing that all Cali- fornians have in common is the knowledge that there arc earth· quakes in this part of the country and at any time the "big", one could happen. And something that noc everyo'1c is aware of, is rhere arc things to do in advance to prepare for thC disaster. Regency Readiness in Sa.ma Ana provides Eanhquakc Preparedness • Kiu for individusls and fam1l1c) that want to prepare them'5dves for an evntrial emergency situation. ThC' kits consist of provisions that will be needed if an earthquake docs happen and the possible necessities to survive uc oot available. For more information, contact Regency Readiness at 1413 E. Edinger in Santa Ana, call (714) 5'42·3310 . DepeD41 .. OD .... olkltdOMD, all ltema wU1 be beneficial ID tlae trftDt of aa eutbq9ake. ftNDIR LOVING PAINLISS CARI POR THI WHOLE FAMILY. W. ~ '-'· .Hecfive ,,..,..,,, for all ~ of ~ and om·• 1fl. ond.,. ocapt al fomtt of fnwrance . W• ..._ o n•1lrllio1tid ond o LkenS«I Mossosr-Proctmol..,-on doff and ,,.,.__ ............ 0¥0iloble . ' , ·--~- P~lf.IC CHIROPRACTIC CENTERS DI. ICUIY A. JOHNSON Palmer Graduate 2360 Newpoort Blvd. Suite D Cqtta MetG, CA 92627 . ' . ,, . Lasers becoming popular in treating.foot problems The use of lasers an medicine troubled area and upame~ dam.tj.!· began more than 10 VC'llr .lgo and ed cdls -wh1lc: at tht--..i me time cruted a revolution m mam f'ield\ steri!Wng and cauteuztnF the sur- o( surgery. Today, owing to a gre-at rounding tissue. T his S.&\t-\ msuc. deal of research and study, lasers are controls blet'dm~ and helps prt'\.t'nt employed successfull v 1n swelling and mfeetion. a1lmems can be trt'Att'J "1d the luer. ht' said omt' 01 tht' cun- dmons nov. succe~~r ulh treJtcJ include Thick fun~u~ na1h w,m, J eep root callouse) • ahn kn1..1v. 11 as • rnJ nen.e tumor\ ,:\.e1.ru!' ... "· · ..... c .• ft'W. I( \'OU h.l\t' • 111<1! f'''>t'>ic:-ir. .J'IJ would Ii c: murc '"l••:m.HH .. "l ur how la~r!>c.in v.orl..1orH1u '""nt"lt Lase'>-Podu.tr\' A)~UC1"tt'' lH < h .. ni:t Count\ with office:~ m ( u~c" ~tn .. Fullerton °'•":" Hills f"• .. r.\..! Perelscc-ir; .:.rc(tvr o r :• t ( ,.,t .. Me!>.! PV<!1.itr' Gruw;:> · .. '">t" contacted •t I 'l-00 Ad .. n ' ::-iu tl' .'t • m Costa .\frlMI ( )r , .. -i 4 oP<hamologr. dermarolog}. gen-In Pod1atf)', a wide' araet \ ot foot Poro1<.sratos1S1. m~ro~n na1h ecology. podiatry and a growmEl Im r.::=========================================================================================::. of fields that prev1ousl\' ust'd con~ntional surgical techniques Lastrs have only recently been used to treat various f00t problems that ttquire the removal o( damaged tissue. Now, m most cases a precise ray of light -a laser 1s used m place • o( a scalpel. Albert Perelstem, D .P.M .. l.aSt'r Podiatry Associ.1te of Orange County said. Today. the Laser Podiatr. A~· sociatcs of Onange Count) use modern mt'd1cal la.sers to rel"ve and correet the discomfort and d1sabhnl! effeets of a variety of common fooc PfOblems. Lasers· provide us with a Doe tant mothers t too little? ~ry special and precise rool. Ir is the precision 6f the laser that makes them so unique for man) procedures. he ~id. The l~r emiu a beam of Ii that treats only t~ desued are.1 and sterilitts as it goes.-T rutment can be performc<f in a fraction of the normal ume required by conven- tional techniques, Pcrelstein said. Btcau~ they arc so fa~t and precise. sc-arring and PoSt operauve pain are g~atly minim12ed and treatment can often be performed in the doctor's office, thus reducing the nted fbr expensive hospital stayj . ~said . "Imagine, knife.less surgerv. that's exaetly what the procedure involves," Perelsre1n said. A la~r beam or' light is pinpainced on die IMAGES ..,es JmageJ ha sevcr.U proJuccs Shumakt'r is a di uibutor for. as wdl as, wart-housing tht' products 'Shumaker 1s a big .iidH>C.He of the merchand1>e he ells. "I would always use the produC!!o. I know thev work and I ha' e (.rnh an the company ". "I Stt the re ulu . .;ind people "ho use these product <;t-e the re ult and they are .ilway ~ppy with 1t." Shumaker said. Other products Shomaker otters from. lmagt's art: Second Chance ShamPoO and Condmoner. a half regrOWth product: Great Tan !?Ives individuals tans with or withoot sun: and Wrinkle Repair improves wrinkes over a period of tune. Other Pfoducts clear acne, 1-row strong nails and lashes. get rid o f unwanted hair, helps reconcour fatt)' bulgn and cellulite and an anti· aging produet. Image always lus new produets coming inco rhe market, Shumaker said. for ~ore informauon or ro order produets, contact Shumakt'r at WeSt Cod lmagH. 280 N Wilshire. Sutte ll lA in An&Mim, or call (714) 972-1'76. • You probably have great expectations · -for your baby. But are you expecting --enough from the hospital where you'll be giving birth? Since all hospitals aren't the same. its important to choose one that meets all of your demands. --· / The \\bmen and Children's Regional Hospital. part of Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center. is one of the best equipped. best staffed facilities of its kind. More than 300 births are recorded here each month, because physicians know there's no safer place for maternal child health ca re. Our staff includes more than 90 obstetrician I gynecologists. neo- natologists and pediatricians. And we offer many ways to help make the childbirth experience more comfortable and more meaningful for the whole family. These include such options as semi-private or private rooms. rooming-in of infants. flexible visitation . birthing rooms. and shortened length of stay for mother and child. What's more. th~re's a complete curriculum of prenatal classes for parents and siblings . Special services include diagnostic testing of the baby both before and after delivery b} h~ghly qualified tec hni- cians and taff members u ing advanced techniques and equipment. These are a few of the many things we believe expectant parents ought to expect from their hospital. And it's also good to know that our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is standing by in case of the une\pected . So call us today for a·free booklet with all the facts. ~ ... call (714) 966-Sr~ 6 Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center ., I HEAL TH 881 A.n Advertising Supplement to the DA.IL Y PILOT !Thursday. September 1, 1988 -5 .. I •/ THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW PAMFUL BUNIONS.-• 1. Bunions are • . bone deformi· ries rhar form 1t rhe base of rhe h ig roe. 2. Bunions are not caused by poorly fit· red shoes. orlthough bun- ions can be painfully aggra\'aled when shoe don'r fir properly. 3. :rreannent of .bunions begins wirh an examina- tion by a Podiarr ic Physician. Laser POd iar ry Associates of Orange Count)' are specialists at tre2ting f ocx disorders. like: bunions. 4. When rreatmem is required, L.aSer . Podiat~· Associates use "'f·"the -safest , mosr modem . tc:chnology available. Isn'r ir finall y time ro stop the pain? Call today. for a free consultation . -. Pacific treats pain of injuries, ~tress Pacific Chiropraetic Cencer in CoSta Mesa offers pauencs the most qualified ·~Ni.~ and the latest techniques for injury related acci· dents and therapuuc relief of pain caused by everyday cress. Dr. Kurt Johnson. owner of Pacific, announces "Patient Ap· pttciarion Week:· Oet. 24 through 29. Pre-exiscing ~tief)ts will receive fttt up-dated x-rays and new ~nts receive a free x·ray or exam. Johnson is currently encouraging pattnts to bring in their children for a scoliosis screening. This can idmtify and correet developmental problems in the spine at an early age, son has donated his ~rv1ce throu~h as oppo~d to discovering the-• food drives. Approxi~ately S7.000 problem in the chikl's teens. worth of chiropraetic care "as~' J ohnson opened his praeticc m donated co patients hr conmbuun~ Costa Mesa in 1966. A kt) faccor in can goods co the OranAt: Coum\ his success, is pinpo1ming ituauons Food Distribdtion Center of Oran~e that cause pain relating co the spine and SOS of Costa Mc a. or related injuries. Johnson is also cemfied h\ the "So many people are nor a•e State of California as <l Workman s how their lifestyle and envir<>nment Compensation Disability Evaluatbr, impaets their health." he aid .. and I diplomat on the 1'ation .. I Johnson breaks down individual board of Chir-0praetic l::xamincr~. stress faetors by cmocional f'aqors, Pacific Chiropracuc Center 1 environmental factors and locatedac2360Ncwp0rcBlvd .. Su icc job/home faetors. D. For more information. call (714 1 Since January of this }tar, John· 646-2200. Hypnoth~rapist encoµrag~s self:.hypnosis . . . go beyond any method in ach1cv1n~ control and calm, Mill<"r said. A registered Hypnochcrap1st. Miller sajd the bencfics Include • inctta.sed self confidence, a sense of tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ well-being, reduction of fat iguc and Feed ~II ~ and relief and discomfort Laurie Miller, owner of B ypnosis Concepcs in Irvine ts succe sfully teaching women to use ~If-hyp nosis to relieve the discomfort and anxittia associated with drildbirth. Miller's easy birthing pr~gram resches a process of dttp relaxation dw can complement childbirth methods like Lamaze and Bradl&y. and in faet, can help each woman to • . • during pregnancy and dclivcq'. Hypoosi.s is ·becoming an ac. llOd &Soul cepced tool, she siid. People now Y understand that it is a natural State that everyone goes through .each day. Hypnosis is the stage JUSt Join flriMtley CfMroprKtic: end S.0 .S. ( .... oW before Sleep where the body I ....,_) 1n ........ the Medy or <>r.,.. CountJ. completely relaxed but the mina can ---~. S•P••mber 29. 1918 From 7:30.,. to 7:30 ,.. focus anmtion, eliminate discrauon 111 Al._ u.c,i-and accepc p<>Sitivc suggestions. ... ••It l h ( 1 11you .. ictwoprac1ocpatientorhaYl!t>eenioa Miller a so .uses ypnosis or 111 :;:r:,~ Within the past montl\. three C1nS o1 toed .. 1 wei3ht control, scrcss reducuon, self esteem. stop smoking. self-hypnosis Cosca Mesa Po diatry Group 1500 ~ Avc .• ~tc: 20;\ Co~ta \k~ C:dil41mia 916!6 Ill Cor1ol 1 1...-.tloo and many more areas. ------''---"~ II you heve,,.... beell.Jo 1 ctwQPf~tor anl1Jttu11erestld.-he H ypoos~ter.LSJoca.ted at. -- 2 C8'11 ol tood • i oornpleleeunY\ltJOn 17100 Gillece in Irvine. For more - 546-8242 1111 ,;._._ . information or to . schedule an lllll ;;:~x'¥bnre)ansdfood appointment, call (714) 2~·7355. Frtt Consultation With This Ad .. , ML 9TA1D CIMO mlMCAL PlmSTUY CIM a.llAC11C . ,.,...................... . 1111•.c....ttwr .. C-illel-Priestly, SOS ....;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ host food drive Gar~en (;lty-Volkswagen OF WESTMINSTER 1987 Winner of Service Aw•rd v~ ~ t~ ''DRIV-FOR l:.IFE'' Campaign . (MADDJ M.others Agai~st Drunk Driving -. Sept._ 3 7 600 Westminster Ave .• Westminster . . .. ' 114'89·1-9 378 8 -HEALTH II/An Adwrtllil119 ~1.wt to the DAILY PILOT[Thur9d8y. ~ 1, 1tll ·. --. PriestlY-ChirOfM-actlc. aruC.sos -{Shatt Ounelves). will host a food drive to assist the needy of Otange County on Thursday, Sepe. 29. The drive will begin at 7:30 a.m. and end at 7:30 p.m. This is the 1Kond drive this year hoeted by the Corona del Mar chiropraciors. They offer ~rvtces for the food brought in. The COSt of an adj~t is three canned goods. six cans for a complete aamination and nine cans for x. rays. . . Chiropractors at the clinic includt- Or. Kevin Printly, Dr .. Carol LeBlanc and Or. Doug Hackman. The chiropnctors encourage indi· widua1a to clonacc a lease one fan of food. SOS will dituib..ate al) the food coll«ted to dw hunRfY. ~y Chiropractic is located at ll67 £. Coat Hwy., Suitt 105 in Corona del Mat. For nM* infor · IMtioc). call (11 •) 67'-7113. .. ,r Vans make life easier for wheelchair-bound persons Duung the last SC\eral }CM~ cht: go"cmment hu made It e.i~1er 1,1r the disabled population h\ ., mandatory r~uiremcnt~ tor lac 11 ues such as public h.md1l 1ppcll parkmg. wheel ch.rn .1ue,-.1hlc buildings and restrooms. curb cu1' ram{» into buildm~ anJ pubhl bu' 1ransponat ion. With these changes. u1 her pt°"plt have felt the ne~d co make l hJn~c:-' an d1fferenr .. reas to m .. l.e \ltuJt .m, less difficult m the t'H'n dJ\ lie ur the handicapped Four 1nd1\1duab wl l• 11,1\t" 1<w. bmed their rc:-!>Ourcc~ to rr"'"t' life easier for the v. hed ' lJ 1 r n .. u 11J popu l.mor. include Dor Kutc owner of Don Kutc \' .rn C t:r11t• 1ri Carson, Phil Xelsun. K ort ..:c.-nc'J ma~ger, Mike Moone\. llv. ncr 111 ' Apollo Rt\COn Moturhume) JnJ Orthodontist recommends -two phase treatment for kids . lniuaung onhodont1c 'm:.umtnt at a young age usuall)· me.in' t"'" ph.ast'S of treatment will b<' neces'· ary; one neu age se~n or e1~lu .rnJ the <><her around age 12 or I '· Dr Les Scvnes, D.D.S .• M.S . ochudon- ust, said. ' Starnes., who has bttn puctiun_c for 22 years. has offices an :'\ev. port Beach and Irvine. He treats both children and adults. The goal of the fir c pha e o t treatment is to develop the 1aw 11e in order ro accommodate . .ill the permanent tttth and to relate the upper and lower jaws to each ochc.-r. ne said. "Children SOmct1meH·xh1b1t early signs of jaw problems as thcv __ , IEWllllEPT TllTWIU. llllLITllllZE TIE•YYll ii&IMISCLE llallES grow and de,elop. chi' l Jn be recogn12ed ac an e.uh J~e -tJrnc.-s I said I( children after J~c )I'\ .ire found co ha\e this 1.iw J;screpenn. the) ere candidates tor eJrh or-I thodomic treatment "The ma1or il~h-..nca~e v i J tv.o-I phase cre:umenc 15 w m.o.1m1ze the I opportumt) co accomph)h the ideal heatthy, functional esthc.-t1l rel.ult that w;JI remain suble 1hrou1-=hout " 11feume. Starnes ULJ To find out more about ochodon- tic creatmenr. or to )Chedulc.-.in appointment w1ch Starnes. l .ill 1., 1 I l 720-814~. The l'cwport office 1s ~located at 1401 A"ocJJo A\e, Suite ~- 0-nipln ia proud to announce today's bdfd new solution to the A«e· oW proWea:Q. ol bow to treat mUKle injuries which requ.i.reJ>oth t)ot _. ODld &benpy. ~ ls the fifst product to effecttyety _.... 80TH oryo-end thermotherepeutlc methOds WITH COM- PFll •DN. Thia 11..,_.,_ and innovatfYe new therapy ls ..,Yto ... -M men meeey, le9ky ~ bt1gS or '99trlct!V-heeling peels. A . ... I J ?Hain ol hot Ott Icy ..._ elow9 b' conipt99e ~ ... .,, -,~ o~9 ~jU.; Rom.u. R\b<.Z\n<,I.. -\pu ... , ... c) oe r .. 1)c\! cvc-r..Jt\.! .,i.,, ., • •' manager lov.cr r .. , J· \t': ... • ~•"t' ,c T hl\,t.:roup• .. ~cfr, . .:nt•l·~'<-J. ad apL\t' ,tc~1·. t• n ,, built Furd \ifl)V. •1 "' tt: , •••• ,., con~f\)I) f"•\\c' '( ... : ,,,, t that enitbl e thr-J_, .. nt.! !<"''" '•• gah .. n11t:.l \tee. t ••l "'' :''-.-ru get into the \ .. n '"· '1.t .· ''"'· l.n t ch.1111..i.n rr.l•\t ... -·.: ·' ..Jl l )· t• van 1) .ad.1pttd ... rru:t • c • tu.h .. 1 ad.i.pt.H1un~ '"'' '°'c .. , l • "' the and1\ 1du.il wlai 'pern ... · t-: .. r ind,\ au•I nec-J~ a wheel ch.£11 \X 1th vur ,.:1."t'" 1• c< • ·c .. ,. lnd1\1du .. 1 J\fapcJ!h•1,, "'":1..t .. •1 t'. ingche nec:dturt .. 1.• •11:, "tr. .. .,, on th~ \.Ins 1nduJc r.i11" t' Jt , .. n ·us men wanceJ t•• i.:c-· •! c . '"'" t pt°•,c,-1..C • C "'"""' ••I •t •Ut\.'ln ••t't t' .a(, "'t " ,--..J _,, \a' ... C" Fu r .,. oft" ,. h ·· ..s • • , .. ' .. •. " • Dv•. K .. : • I , " -\ ~ < l 0 t ( ,H,,ir. •t . ~'\4X I .. f .. ~,"'.. • \t•• ii A JOINT PRESENTAT I ON WITH ( )R \:\(;E ( :< >L ·, .. r, 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California NOVEMBER 4-5 6;·1988 BM~"\O\\' Produc tion' PRFSF~T~ Ifs the hdt ticke t for aU health enihu iasts. -The Heal.th. Sports and Fitness Show 1s one of the largest shows of it kind ever to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center. This event will showcase the newest in product technology and trends and tflie"tatest m relevant service~. Athletic,lothmg & EQULpment ·Health Glubs • Aerobic Ctfnters • Outdoor Equipment Exercise & Physical Fitness • Tanning Equipment • Athletic Footwear & Accessories • Vitamins • Activewear • Books & Magazines • Pools and Spas Medtcal checks • Heart • Blood • Cholesterol • Body Fat • are also a big part of the show. Jn short. 1f your business 1s involved in manutactunng. reta1hng or servicing any facet of the Health. Sports or Fitness fields-You should be In this dlow . Sign Up Today. Booths Are Selling Rapidly. -Call us to reserve your booth and guarantee 1oca11on (714) 567-3222 • SHOW ANO SELL DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC AT THE HEALTH . SPORTS AND FITNESS SHOW HEAL TH 88/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, September 1, 1988 -7 .. Sporting House has more vatiety Offering more variety in fitness activitift than most 1clubs, ~ Sporting House in Newpart Beach appeals to business pro f essioruls in the local area, Dennis Murray, sales manager, said. ,TM 4~,000.square-focx dub fea- tures 11 raquet ball courts, two squash couns, three sand volleybaJI CQj,lrU, outdoor pool, free weights, aerobics classes, basketball court and weight training equipment. An0<her papular f~ature at the club is iu restaurant. The restaurant serves.soup. salads and sandwiches, as well as beer and wine coolers. "We are a full service club with somtthing for everyone," Murray said. With such a large facilit)'. people do not gC\ the feeling of being crowded, it is a quiet place. he said. Oub hours are 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The Sporting House is located at 3601 Jambortt in Newpart Beach. Fo r more information, call (714) 7'2--0,'6,. We're specialists in making painful foot problems disappear. Call today fpr a free consultation JA.l1~~A.W~. ADVANCED CARE •M EDI C AL G R OUP PODIATIUC 4"D C:DOOlM. R'lM:- 10900 Warner Avenue. Su•I• 202 Founta•n Valley. Call!lornta !12'708 714(9~57 MEDIFAS l'llRICIAN 8Uft'.llVIRD WEICHT llEDUCTIOJf PaOCllA.M THE HEADACHE AND STROKE PRE- VENTION MEDICAL CLINIC AN· NOUNCES ACCEPTANCE OF NEW PA· TIENTS INTO MEDIFAST A PHYSICIAN SUPERVISED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. ENROLUIENT IS LIMITED TO PA· TIENTS WITH MEDICAL PROBLEMS AS- SOCIATED WITH OBESITY. 1 Wetclat Watchers' Inner Circle poap la more latlmate eetdq for poap dla· popalar unoni lndlTidaala.,,,.llo want , ca..loa ln wetcht lw. Weight Watchers keeps up-to-date ·Weight Watcher.s has been successful for 2' years-in its reduction and mainteruce pro- grams for overweight persons. , Since its begining in ·cw Yock, Weight Watchers has expanded its offices throughout the United Srates and kepc its programs up· to-date wi th oew plans for individuals and groups. A unique concepc that hu helped the Weight ~archers program wo rk so well, is all the , ·aff at Weight Watchers has been through. the program. "Every- person has had a weight problem, that helps them when working with 0<hers," Kathleen Roberto, director of public relations, said. Sneral programs are available, including the tradicionaJ meet· ing, members follow a diet program and attend weekly group mtttings; Inner Circle. members follow the diet plan" and a~end smaller group meetings (10-12 peope). This prog~m is designed for individuals who need a little • St,_ • Headeches • Neck Pain more support in losing weight, Aia Ac-Work program is avail- able, Weight Watchers will come to the place of emplo}"ment for group mtttings as ~-cu as mak1n~ sure· individuals folio~ the diet p1an.: Weight Watchers has centers and _schedulccLme«ings all ovu Southern Califoria. To fi nd the c~er near your area, call 800-333-3000. Or. for more infor- mation, contaet the main office in Santa Ana It (714) 83'·~~22. • B8Ck Pain • Joint Pain • Mulle Cramps • Numbness in Hands, Arm,, Legs or Feet • Pain Between the Shoulder Blades • Oiffjcutty Sleeping If So CaH Today For Your FREE CONSULTATION .... !'?.r.~ ]:~~~ .••.•.... :-- · lrom ·Dr. Les Starnes and Staff Me6iuo lorrow........................ .9·1 • Jcnon ferro. l-..:0-11 I .......................... ~ 1(-f~ ••••.. ---····-·-··· 9·1 ltr>S1y Cloflo: ............... -.... ~ ....• 12 .... a.-............................... 9-23 I rie T-...................................... 9'3 'Jo-.~ ..................... 9·13 .. ....., '°"°'-·· ...................... 94 Juloe c-............................. f.16 JeMico & Brody W~....... 9-4 AM..o Hocediy •..•.........• ,....... .9·11 ~cw.. ......... -.............. 9·24 NM Dltric:lo:. .................. -.... f.24 0..-"-·-·--·········-·· .. : ... 9·26 ...., t.. ................................. 9-4 '.Jennifer ....,._.. . ................ 9·17 OaWd ewtidl......................... •·26 • ........, Mom$ .... ~···-· .... ••·••· 9.5 Chorley Jocob .... • ... -....... 9.1, Alicie .....__ ... ---····--· 9 27 Ge ...... Plwu. ............ -•. -.... 9.5 Oonoello .... ..w ........................ 9-11 ..... ""--····----··--·-"'· .,9-27 o.-1 Rahe<ty ............... -...... .9-6 lt)'Clfl Serro ......................... 9-19 s.. ~ .... -...... :.......... ..9-6 S..-lucli ·--.. -..... -•... 9-19 Tncoo ca-. .... _ ........... -......... 9 77 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~ .. -~ .. -~.-~ .. ·~-·~-.. ~-.. -~ .. ~~~~~~~~~ ............ -.......... ~19 Dt'IJlllllUIN:S .. ..,...11'1111• ;&CCW:ID .. .......................... Oi\ .......................... ~ ..... .,,.,,... .......................... _ M it-, 0..-.................... . 9·21 ,....... Glalpw .................... -f.27 Coool G1l•1 •• 9 -···~··· •.. -.f.21 lti'i' MCDiliOiili'i.. . ..• _ .......... IF21- ~ VW.C.. ...................... f.21 FOR l~'FORllATION A.W BIOCHURE.1µ.ASE CALL Ml·~ ......, --.. ...................... 9-9 ,_ c.r-.. . _...... .. f.21 ~ o.ti ................................. 9-9 .,.,.,._ ~ ...................... •·23 WIWAll P. WCCIODll':o:: .. P.C. ~w-w.. .... ~ ............... 9•10 "--0..-W ............ -... ,.n PACll'ICA MIDICAL . ...o.Aey ......................... ,, •·•0 ,.., .._ ............................... n 18800 DELAWARE STfEET, SUITE IOO HUNTINGTON BEACH, 142-5354. l ~i Avocado Aw. 5'* 30I Newport leach 72o.e1~• aw.ii. .................................. . ..._,.,.,. ........................ _ .. JO --sa.;. ................................. ... 8 -HEALTH 88!An Adwrttling Supplement to the DAILY PILOTmv...y, llpeember 1, 1111 --------- Western Neuro has caring environment w~ cue ~omes as impart· ant as eutt ... " that is the real 1dea t>ehmd Weaem l':euro Care Center m Tusnn, IUthie England, director of patient services. said. ··w e focu:. on a process ~( greater family involvement in the rehab11tration pi:ogram or in facilitaung tht' development process o( our p.i· nenu," England said. Wmem Neuro Care treats adults and ~hildren for neurolog1Cal prob- lems due to ~d iniuries or in the case o( children and mfants. near. drowning accidents and e~trerrre premature 9r complicated births a:. 9-elJ as chronically ill children u . ,,,. FV Medical . offers special treatments It is i\oc very often th<i1t a per nn finds his pamcuTar career lit'td rewarding personally. as well .& professionally. but Arthur Gu1ltord has combined these traits in his worl-. in orthotics. Guilford and Barbara Bcr~c.-r o i Fountain Valley ··Medical Surgic.ii Supply find their wo rk tn the field o f orthotics "very rewarding · ·w e offer special solutions for speo.il pe<>plt ," Guilf0<d said. A.nd that they do. G uilford provides orthotic/prosthettc equip· • ment custom.izied to fit tnd1v1dual wearers rOi individual problems. Pauenrs with p0lio. spinal and paralysis problems. masteetomL quadriplegics, scolios1s and man\ mort. ~fit from the devices devtlaptd by Guilford. Guilford has developed sc'eral devices to suit individual problems o( paticnu. as e>pp<>Kd to using ont birth. The ure Centers prup.im focuses towards remo' an~ 1nf.ints from the neonatal or pedum ac mtens1ve care unm. ot llr~e . .ind more expensive hosp1t.il' tn " more no rmal environment with oi more natural home-like .1cmosphere. where the famtlv is involved in che imeracuon of thetr child. EnE:land said. "We encourage tam1lies t0 bring items fr~m home cu make the chiJd 's ~d o r room to be more home-like." she said The Care Center also provides rducatton.il classes for families co become more aware of the patient s problem and • how co help 111 rehab1ltrat1on NO< only dQ we provide a more personahttd atmosphere tor rhe paueots and fa milies. we are le~ expensive than rhe hp~1cals. _linl!· land said. "Our patients mmsfer from accute hosp1rals when the\' <1re stable, as most problems o f chi:. kmd are long term. our program reduct's che amount spent o'er the lonE! period o( ume · Currently. Western !\:euro C.<1re Center has ~ 7 beds. Western l'\eu ro Care Center 1~ located ac 16'i ~. Mvrtlc A'<' in Tustin For more information. c.ill (714) 8U-9l00. Nina Saway of Hunttnaton Beach &IHI TtfflDe Greaa of Anaheim ba•e both benefited from Ga.llfonl'• caetm-•wecl deTtcn . device for everyone. he adapcs his equipment to the needs and w.ims of the patient. "He has a spec1.il 1nterr:sc in people and tnd1v1dual need~. :\ma Sawaya. a Zl year-old pal10 patient that came to Guilford. said . .iw.a\a wanted a leg brace wn h a built-up device for her leg on the tnS1de. so that she could purchase shoes without che buila-up on thr out 1de. Fountain Valle\· Medi al Surg1caJ Supply is located at I IOW Warner Ave. in Fountain Valley. For more infomwion. call (714) 839-9304. ·/ /" I .__ _________ ------- Nari.a wltla father. Noppadol ''J eep .. Sompruoac lD ._.... Nearo ca.re Ceater's pediatric anlL "Tiie ..................... .. ,_. __ ....... _ • Hair by Hair System • Hair Transplantation • Hair Analysis •High Frequency Program '• • Hair Extensions • Hair Weaving • Custom Ha1rp.eces • Service & Repair Oermatu is Orange Count~ ~ most compiete 11<1·' ·~placemtn· :r"'tr We otter the most advanced proctsS •nr ti!~ correction ot Ila r less & ~aldness D E RM ATEX I:S TE R~AT I O~AL 16.1:'1 BNch Blvd . .::-..~ :?.:I: Hunu~on ~ach .! blk~ SO o( 41\5 frttY-A\ 841-8803 HEALTH 88/An AdYertiSing Suppjement to the DAILY PILOT/Thunday. ~tember 1. 1988 -9 \ .. • -.. .. Volkswagen· dealers~sponsor ~ss Drive for Life CampJign - At Volkswagen, we pride fatalit~. ourselVfl on our heritage of German BttWttn now and ~pt. \, we design and engintttmg that hope you will visit your Volkswagen produces some of the ~ per· dttler to sign the Drive for Life forming automobiles avail.able. pledge and petition or call 80().444. We also understand thai no VWUS. matter how ttsponsive the handling, Then on ~p<. 3 we hope you will or superb the engineering, or how . join us in support of ~ADD and po~rful' the brakes; no car can be make It a point noc to drink and engineered to perform accurately drive on this day. and saf~ly with alcohol 'in the And during the day, remind driver's system. others to do the same by driving A For the second year, as part of ~ your ljghts on. cupuncture a£' a cure .. •• r Volkswagen's corporate commit-WhathappensonQurhighways as ,, ·"' ment' to help reduce the numbe.r of a re.suit of drunk driving is a crime. G°'f Chen Cheng was among the first f~ to be uthricis .and many more with acupuneture. He has alcohol-related highway deaths, ~ Pl~se join us on~~. 3 and shed certified by the Califorrua State Medical Board as a cwo offices, one located at 864 W. 19th St.. in Cosu will spqnsor the Drive for Life ~light on this sobering topic. Urtifted Acupuncturist. Now with m0tt than 21 Ma.; and 279 W. Badillo St. in Covina. The Cam1>9ign on behalf ·of Mochers Visit Garden G ey Volkswaj:en of yan oi nperimcc, Cheng trcau problems such-as aumbas to call~= (71-4)~})9 for <:&ta Mesa; Against Drunk Drivin~ (M1'l>D). Wescminsm at 7600 Westminster, aahma, rheumatism, epilepsy. weight, tmsi~. u\cl (213) 967-6922 for Covina. l.aSt year on the first Drive for call (714) 891-9378; or South County ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ll;~~~~~~e=•~y~,t~~~c~wa~~~n~ea~r~ly~~~Volkswa~n~l~ll~ach ffi~.in ~ percent rcduetion in alcohol·rclated Huntington Beach. (714) 842-2000 . • ' Voihwag~n s~~rs the ''DRIVE FOR LIFE" camPaiin (MADD) Mothers Against Dnink Driving Saturday Septe~ Qer 3 The Most lmportant· Part in A Car Is a Sober Driver · ~ Couty-Volkswagea - 18711 Beach Blvd . Huntington Beach, CA (714)842-2.000 · 1988JETTA ·. ''Don't' wait for the quake! After it happens it will be too late!" Derffiatex has solution for hair loss ... Nib Bunhart is Jn nample of what Decnmex's Hair-by-~ir systtm can do for indmduals who arc losing hair(uppa photo~ The Hair-by-Haar ll'llllDelll is a non-surgical hair I ...... proceu. After w process (ao.. pham~ cu•omen att plnwd I • cht ~ full look oi their ....,----~------------------------------------------------"-a...a....i--J.....i....J.....l~J....J.....lii.--L....!I per ..... mhair. . 10-HEALTH II/An Advertlelltg Supplement to the DAILY PILOT~ ....... 1, 1W I .. • 'Globe Life caters to the hard-to-insure W~n insurance qompan1es ht"'Jr chat a person wants health. life or t ccident insurance, one of che first questions asked is .. do }'OU have: &n)' pre-exis&ng health cond1tk>ns (' If your answer is "yes," chances are their answer will be ··no ... Globe Life an d Acc1dem In· surance in Riverside changes chat answer with its unique conc~pt of providing health insurance coverage co clients with pre-existing con-' dicions who have noc been able to previously get insurance CO\'eralotl'· .. Also people who have 1n urt'rice and are ~ying high premiums will Fountain Valley Hospital gets MR system Fountain Valley Regional Hos- pital and Medical Center has installed a powerful magnetic rnonance (MR) system thac enables physicians co Stt inside the human-body in ways never before possible. The Signa su~rconduccing magnetic resonance .syscem 1s ') Caf>9ble of acquiring images so detailed that they approach the fine-line anatomical 'drawings found im ~dical cext books. A further advantage of ~he system 1s potential for providing a series of excellent images in shdrter stud)' titnes, ·eventually giving more_ f)9tienrs access co the unit's s~iaJ Caf>9bilities. Because the syStem is con- sidered non-invasive 11 offers fewer nsks than some d1agnosuc alternatives. ln some-instances. 1c may reduce the need for lengt hy hospital stays. chereby holding down health care costs. According to MRI clinical manager Jim Wa lling. che M.R system, supplied b)' che Gener2.I Electric Co., uses radio waves rather than Ionizing radiation co make detailed images of che human anatOm )'· ''The addition of this newest imaglllg modalit) complements and will ~tatl) extend the r.rn~e of high qualit) d1agnosc1c ~rv11.e alrttdy available co che commun1· cy residents ac FountJi' \•Ile\ Regional Hospital and ~!C"d1c.1l Center, .. Walling smC"d According co Wallin~ ... These images are of such am•zm~ l IJr1t\ and detail that phvs1c1am Jrc Jble to pinpoint beam lesioM. 1dC"n11h prbbkms of che spinal w lumn. the hean, abdomerl , •nd vther organs and us.sue mabe~ • "MR ma\ someda\ \IWJl11e and quantify chemical 1.h•n~e' in d~d cells, and mus comubuce to che detection of liie-chreacen- mg illnesses.' WaUm~ said MR ma) allow ph} ste12ns to nakC' more-complete d1agnosLS ot bram damage monitor mflamma- uons of thl' spinal column or bonl' marrow. more l.CCuraeh .pred1et the recOVCf} oi stroke pauems and dett'rmme che 1vailabl1t\· or ozygen co tissue such •S the hean or liver It 1s che mo'>t promising medical imaging S\ seem de· ,velo~d co datC' due co 1t) potential oi exp<mdin~ rhe horizons oi lJ!e-S2\ in~ medical cechnolog) usually be a"ble to get insurance .--------------------------....------------------------- chea~ through Globe. · m e Sears, manager of the Rl\er)ide office said. We insure peopll' w1ch cond1uons such as diabetes, eprlep \. heart attack or surgef}', cancer and ~\t~r?I ocher conditions normally n0< cov- ered by ocher insurance companies. Sears said. "If someone airead)· ha in- surance with some of these prob- lems, they will save moner ii the\' change their plan," he said. Glo be doesn't raise its rim ba~d-on individual policy holders, che\ ar~ increased on ah, overall basis ... If the races att increased, tht'n 1c 1s increased for all policy holders in California. We have had a 3 pe rcent increase in CM lase seven rears." Sears said. · Anocher ~efit of Globe in· surance is that it canncx be canccllt'd fot any reason. "It is guaranteed ttnewable,ft he said. These policies are for individuals under 6~. Globe Insurance is al o che "larges< wricer of Medicare supple- ~ts in the United States," Sears said. This targets the 6~ Of older age group. ,_ Globe Life, b&~d ouc oi Okla- homa. has bttn in business mce l~l and is a nationwide compan ·. For more informanon. Globe Life and Accident lnsura nu Co .. locacl'd at 1-°'90 Magnolia A~. Suite 204 in Rittnide. ma)' be reachtd a< 1-800--02..+482. BEST Equipment • Ostomy Supplies • Back Braces • Knee Braces • Respiratory ,Equipment • Diabetic Supplies • Mastectomy Supplies 1r•· DISCGUIT willl •is ... l1llcllMd s.glcll ........ Inc. .·BEST · Service • l1n-home Consutts •Fu t. Free DetMwy • Medicare BHltng • AppffcatlOn. Assistance • Full-Servk:e Store •Rent .. s&Sales ' JOHN WAYNE TENNIS CLUB Who: California's Finest Tennis Club What: Reacquired Membership Sale When: Now Through Sept. 1 Stfl -: ·Where: 1171 Jamboree Rd . How: Why: Phone 644-6900 Tennis, Swimming, Golf, Social Activities, Chlld Care ... All this and more tor only $4001 ·: BES-l-Medlcal a Surglcel SupplJM. Inc. We have reacquired a limited number of memberships worth $700 -$1000. We are forwarding.them to you for this incredibly low price. Call now! OFFER ENDS SEPTEMBER 15TH 4270 East 17th St. .Costa-Mesa. CA 92627 I Breeze Center CATHYC~Mgr. (714) 111-1213 -, tr NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER Adult and Pediatric ·.Neurology and Rehabilitation • ~tionally recocnized • Subecute are for infants and adults • lndMdual family envfrpnment • Compre~ve therapy program • Physical and occupational theriapists -Neuro peycholopts -- -Speech and la~ therapists • 24-ffour nursinC and respiratory staff f ~ -Clink.al social workers and case manacers -Pediatricians, ,eneral practitioners. pulmonoloetsts. neuroloctsts and psychiatrists . All W orkini TQgether .. 165 N. Myrde AwetM Tt1et .. CA tMIO (714) 832-9200 HEALTH 88/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, September 1. ·1988 -11 ; t . .. \ "' .. Fishing for an alternative to· costly medical supplements· that eat into your social · security funds? Then FHP Senior Plan., will be a prize .catch. You see, with Senior Plan there are: ~ • No monthly .,aYments.• • Only $3.00 for prescriptions. • Just $5.00 for office visits. •100%- and surgery atan FHP designatedhospilal And ~'s comprehensive coverage means you can imprOVe your Medicare benefits. · Because FHP Senior'-Plan hasa -special contract with the Federal Government, your health care is provided at substantial 'Savings. 12 -HEALTH 81/An AdverUlll.g luppllt1I ...... OM.Y Pl.OT~ -It~ 1, 1MI_ 1 ents: ., Your only experise will be $3.00 for each prescription and $5.00 for each office yisit at par- ticipating FHP physicians. FHP Senior Plan is a federally qualified Health Maintenance Organiz.ation with over 25 years f . . 0 expenenc.e. - But remember that as an FHP member, except for emergencies ·and out-of-area urgently needed ....... care, all of your health care ser-· vices must be. provided or authorized by FBP. Send us the C:oupon or phone FHP at 1(800)225-4347 (Ask for operator #353). ,..------------, v-.r.1•.,._m._ti11• err••a1rac:a-. I Plew.... ''d .. Wm d ., ~FHP'• Saiior ..... .1 NAME ~. ADDWS • i . OTY I ~~~~~~~~~. ~™~n-==-=-~---=~n~,-=~:__I ~l'H0~~'-==--~-'-~-===-=-=-~1 _Raunuhis coupon J FHP SfrUor ""'1 Administra!ion 21520 s. Pionerr Boulevard ,. "-aiilll Cirdem, CA 90716 I I I 1-800-225-4347 t:!l!M : Senior Plan. .. ·: ' lmnium health care ~thepmniums.*.. ~ . : 1;; ___________ ;:1 •Requires Medicare Part A .and B. Special programs are availa- ble for those with Medicare Part B 'only. .... __ ·. J -• -.. ' . JOYCE -BIDLOVICI OCC celebrating 40yeaES of service Focu-s marks . ·firs.t year Neighborhood Focus hwust ulebraledltsflrstblrffiday. M y personal thanks to the faithful readers-few, some, many, thousands-wJ\o ha,ve en Joyed our extended feature sect ion. So folks, keep sending in those great story ideas. Think sports. too. • • • I wonder ifRobert Wilson is looking for a good woman. The Costa Mesa bachelor j ust won $50,000 in the Caesars Palace Hall ofFame Keno Tour- nament in Las Vegas. Rohen said he felt "lucky" though he had never played in a keno tournament before. Congratulations Robert! • • • Carlos Vllla, a m ember of Boy Scoui Troup 311 , needs historical inform~tioo about Boy Scouting in Cos~ Mesa. • Carlos, as his Eagle Scout project, isptbcring material to be displayed an October at the Costa · Mesa Historical Society. ·• <;arlos and troop mem bcrs are interviewing people who _we're active in the scouting program during the last60 years. Anyone with information is asked to call the H istorical So- ciety at 631 -5918 and leave a ~message for Carlos. • • •• This is for any woman who unwillingly watches football, not because she undentands the span, but because.the man in her life is glued toa chair directly in frontoftheTV. B,uthclpison the way. You, BJ .IOYCB 80DLOTICH ............. Tbe year was 1948. India's Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi was as- saainaled; Burma and luael became indeoendcin nations and the Berlin blockade led to the formation of NATO. But in Oranac County. a small piece of hiltory was also in the makina. Tbouab Fullenon Community Collcae was founded in 1913, fol- lowed a few years later by Santa Ana Collete, a third coll* was needed to serve the arowina coastal communi- ty. The institution was fininily named Oranae Coast Collqc. The first classes were hdd on its present Costa Mesa site, formerly the Santa Ana Ajr Base, Sept. 13, 1948, according to occ representative Jim c~tt. .. After the war t.hc Santa Ana Air Base was doled,·· h6 said. ··0ran Cout Collcae bouaht some of tfe land for S l f'rom the fedtral iovem- ment. The same buildings were used for classes ... until new buildings WcTC built on campus. "The first ·>-car there were 533 students," he added. Tooay, more than 26,000 students arc enrolled." ~mett said the base enveloped more than 900 acres. The parcel included Orange Count~ Fa1r- srounds, Southetn California Col· Iese.Costa Mesa High School and two surroundinJ housing tracts. • • "Basil Peterson was hared as the collesc's first president in the winter of 1947. He ~t up shop at 'ewport Harbor High School," said Carnett. "He hired a staff and reall) built the col&eae from the cround up. Because the colle'e opened m doon in 1948, though ll "as offic1all) a .cbool in 1947. OCC has been celebrating its 40th b1nhda~ for more than a year. TM cdebrauon has included reu- nions, special homecomangact1 ' Illes aJumni prcscntauon. concerti.. pla'., and a commemorauve ~Uth an- niversary cxh1b1t hcJd last !>pnng 1n the college's an gaflci: Ca.men said the college's final fling -or the last candle on thl.' i1 an1 birthday cake -IS ~pt I J The pan)'. sponw red b) the college's associated students, runs from 11 :30 a.m. to I p.m. in the campus quad Students. aJumm and members of the community arc m vned to attend. The quad will be adorned w11h thousands of colorful balloons. The college's 50 student clubs wtll ha' e informational and recru111 ng booths located an the area A frtt barbecue for all student!> wnh a current fall rcgistrauon card begins at 11 :30 a.Ill A skydiver will Jump into the center of the quad at • (Pleue MJe 40/ A9) By JOYCE BODLOVJCH ot .. Dli9t .... -- First there were fu ur clo"ns smil- ing before the came~ then there ~ere three. One httle -\l'f"I h111e -d o"rn was too u rcd to ~ta\ av.ake She simply walked to a large stuffed chair. snuggled into 1t. pulled the bulky "'g from her small head and slipped otTto sleep. But the three remaining clov.ns conunued to mug fo r the photogra- pher. This 1s not your a \erage Hunt- ington Beach fam1I \ "I ba' e 14 brothers and sister._:· said Barr) "Sopho" Eichelberger "I • have been a cl own tor \cars ·· "My mother 1s speechless about u\ She has her Ph.D. ~ou ~ ·· JO~ed V1anc "Phtll} ··Eichelberger ihc husband and wife team are owners of the Clown Co . S1lhness. face painting. magi: pmes IJld puppet shows are pan of the enterainmcnt the~ prondc a l children's parucs. p1cn1cs and spcoal events for S60 an hour. V1a.ne. a homemaker. has bttn clowning for fi'C:.,.)'cars Husband Barry. a ·computer programmer, joined the pan-u me act last )ear Daughters Rachel. 8. and Beth, 6. occ:as1onall) don "'cl) costumes and mulucolored wigs to assist an church- l'flated panics or p1cn1cs .., lake to put on the ma\.eup. but I don't like the shampoo mm} cYc:s:· said Rachel about the mals of makeup removal. Rachel said bCJ role 1s cas' "I don't rcall) make them laugh. I make them smile ... site satd tOO,cansoon bea footballexpen . Clowna Vlane Racllel &.lld Barry Klcbelberler of Bwattncton Beach are ready to perform.· througbaJhrce-pan footbaJI -• · •. . a.It ...... ., .. ._ Inside their tov. nhouse/clo" n headquarters. to.) s. books and tools of the trade httcr the In ang room. A (Pleue .ee FAMILY I A9J workshop offered at Orange Coast College's Community Service Of- fice. --Titled"TuesdayNight Foot- baJI for Women,'' the session m~ts Sept. 13, 20, and 2 7 from 7 Nui:sery cultiv:ates gi:owing clientele ' HBaskS · roadw~y ·cleanup· to 9 p.m. Registration fee is$35. BJ .IOYCE BODLOVJCH The workshop is coached ey °' ... ...,,... ... retired football pJayerLarry lnuant ·Junate Jntemational is a Bryu. A former high school, fittinanamc fora company located on · JI · · nearly four acres oflush greenery. community co ege, university Situated at the west end of Costa and professional coach. h~is Mesa on Canyon Drive, the full- cummtly a sco.ut forseveral NFL service plant and design business i clubs. littered with a fleet .of tru'<:.ks Bryan will present lectures, emblazoned with the comi>any's show firms, conduct question-multicolored parrot loao. and-answersessionsandbringin The trucks arc used to transpon specililu.est speakers. DooL. olants, shrubbe!}'~ and flowers to prizes WJll be awarded and each local and out-of-state locations. player will receive her own play-Owners" Gres Wallace; 40, and book Andy Blanton, 37, both LaJuna · . · Beach residents. cond.ct business Registration 1s underway in from inside a ponable building OCCsCommunityServiceOf-located on the nursery site. Their ficc, located in the college's Stu-small pended offices are decorated dent Center building. The office is with pttnery. open Monday through Friday The company 's list of clients is from 9 a .m . to 1 p.m. and impressive: Embassy Suites Hotels. Saturday from 8 a.m. to n oon. For 8albo9 a.y Oub, ~he Chttse~kc added information call FICtol')' restaurants m Beverly Hills 432-5880. ' a~ Marina ~I Rey, Pacific· Am- • • • petheatrc, Irvine Meadows ~m-Geaerieve Koniall of Hunt· _pi_~~ Cn-stal Coun Don J~ fPl ....... ecllOl.All/ A9) M~n rntaurants, The Jonathan ... Oub in Santa Monica and Los Anaelcs and Lincoln Savings corpor- a&e headquarters in Irvine. But those arc just a few of the accounts Wallace ind Blanton ha'e sna&&C<l since buying the com pan) m l9~oton was .employCod b~ the former nursery owner when the opportunity arost to purchase the company. He a1?Proachcd his baskct- ball·playing t>Uady as a potentta1 partner. "h wna difficult dccisj~ at first." Wallace said about the puct"hasc. ··we had to think about whether plants were a luxul')' in the early 1980s. That is ~hen interest rates wctt up. '"A luxury to homeowners, ma)'bc. but for hotels and restaurants. plants arc the finishing touch. The} are what create ambience." Thouah Wallace was scm1-ret1red livina oftinvcstment earnings .. he was in the market for a M" bustncss venture. And while he admits to not .• being a plant cxpcn before the Y..11h school bells about to n ng. Hun11ng10n Beach cit~ offi u als arc concerned about the 0 ' ervo"'1h of trees. shrubs and '1ncs along road· ways.· So con~med. in tact. that· a cos th ·~II be charged to homrowncr.. if overgre>Wths are not tnmmed ..If we ha\ e to ~nd out a ere" and cqu1pmern to do the 1ob the cost "'111 ave~ about S 7 3 an hour ·· ~•d D&ryl Smith. the Cit~·., park trt't' and landscape supcnntenden1 "It would be easier and cheaper 1f the homeowner does the ~orl him~lf or hires somC'o nc to do 1l ··ht' added. pun:bas.c. n js business sa""~ com---bined wi!Jl 81an&on's nurset:l>--&nd --~ o.llr"-'...,...~·~--- (Pleue .ee JlfURSERY /A9) Naneq_oWners Gre& Wall&Ce and Andy Blanton. The overgro"'1h ,m pr" atr Pflll'· Ct1) s0me11mt's l'\trnd\ l)\Cr )1dc- walks. bike la ne.. and \trc-t:ts to obstruct v1s1on and cau<.e IX'OPle to walk into the street to a' oid the shubbcr). It 1s a safet' hazard int.>\ en ' Cllol•te.rol te8f1a6 offered· Sl. Jowph H°'C)ital 1n Oran •1Jl o~r cboln\d'of "' ' {Pleue 11ee TRl)QONG I A9) ... Women'• love coane •lated The Mariposa \\omen's Center "'II pre!ltnt a 1~ ""'ttl s.emanar on ··w omt"n Who l o 'e Too Much."" beJ1nn1ng ~pt. 8 at the ttnlcr. 771 M•1!h •~ uite 116. 1n Orange The Thonda~ ma-tm1s ~•II be conducted from 7·30 to q p.m and the ftt is S I 0 Call ~4"'-M~4 for l\'Sef\'lllOns . .\ stm1narcn\ltlcd .. .t lh ofEmplO)~-MGttvabOG"' """ be prcsr:ntcd Sept ror lM-Otaner Coesi chaplcr of the Society for Advan~tnt of ManllCftltnL Tht 7 p.m. mttltn& •'ill bt held at tk Embetsy ~ Hotel 1325 E. 0)-n Road. Santa Ana. .Tbt SlO includes dannn-and the spcakc-r's pronuataon. Cal Mewat 7 1-8 '•orC11fft>oubd•t6)7.)2)6for ... ...., • -Apa~ ~ys -voterma•datel achieved -;;/ ~ollcewant tool-.gainst prostftutes •1 ,... .A.aeeialetl Prus Polioe in Santa Ana plan to Sttlc a restrainina order ..-inst k.nown pros- 1itu1e1 who rcponedly have become ~ and bolder" to the point of jumping into cars unsolicited. Usina a restraining order will be quicker and less costly than using undercover officers to pose as rus-· tomen and prostitutes in order to make arrests. aid Lt. James Davis. .. wc·ve ·tried all the traditional approaches, so~ ft!! this was wonh our effort." he said '! .. They've become bOldcr and bolder now," he.said. ~Th~y·rc jum~ ina ri&ht ill the car. threatening people, stealina wallets." .. POricc plan to meet.with rcsidel'ts to'ask them to sign s~"Om statements about the prostitution activity. Court curtails homeless sweeps . • , ,... A...aaletl Pren City workers in Santa Ana must stOR the propcny of homeless Jicoplc when it is confiscated in cleanup sweqJ11, but only if the niatcriaJ is awbd as belonging to someone. a ll~·_J••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Q)Ult commissioner ru ~~ day. The city recently !:las begun clean- iDI away belongings from public property if they appeared to be abudoned. A reqaaest to temporarily halt the cleanups was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union foundation of 1 Southern Califoma and Legat Aid Society ofQranac County. Commiwoner Ronald L. Bauer ordered the city to store propcny worth mon: than SI 0 for four months, and said city employees can not talcc ~y that is taged with cle.r identification of the owner. Mesan 's suit against Wade Boggs on hold a, fte A.111m ... ..._. The attorney for a Costa Mesa woman sui~ baseman Wade • .... of die Red Sox says he "'°""t proceed with lhe Sl2 m illion ...aunony lawsuit ...,ftbt" rrs until after die le8IOll ends. James McGee. the_ aiiomey for-W..., Adams, said Wednesday that preYioully ICbeduled arranaemcnts to IM.e ..... deposition Friday have ... posCpOned lo prevent an~cr~ with the American ue Emt peMll\t race. A tOur...pme lerics betwccn the Red Sox and California AnJelS is KMduled 10 bqin tonight at 1'8Meim 5'8dium. ~~~~II WI II •-•ntu I PIEBJ. YDETS AWMU. $7.00 ._ :.-:·= •••• I 112-115 50%om Summer fashions for • • young ~en, JlllOrs ~om-...men'• ., ..... d ....... Reg. $24-26, .... 112-13 54'MI om Junlals' ........_ Reg. '$16-26, .... U-13 ~ om Junlcn' ......, tDpe. Reg. $10 & '12, ....... ~oftt ....... 'Anchor ...... LAM'a'atoue s••h ..... Reg. $26-38, .... 113-11 ~ om Junkn' IAvt'a· 501 · atoM: ••h)eana. Reg. $30-32, .... 115-11 20~35%om Y• men's and juniors' denim jeans . 12.ot om._.·....,. .• prahrul* Levi'•. 501 • ..... R:eg. S32 ..... 11.91 12.cn om .,.. men'a whill: Hhed Levl'a' 501 • ..... Reg.~. - .... 21 ... 12.cn on,.,......,. .• . Lwt'a. Sb9et ....... Reg. $42, .... ,21.19 . 5.0tofttl.wl'a'atwtnlHo-ftt ..... ,....,..... Reg.$22 ..... 11.91 113 om Junlcn' Jonlechit' ..... A9g.~ • .... 22•21• 12m om ......... _.......... · Uwt's' 901· ..... Reg.$32, .... ... 113 °"' .............. ... =:::...SSS«>. 25-35%om Young men's fall shirts.and sweaters . 10.0'I °"' •• rlld ,.... 115 ....... Reg. -.... 17 .. l.tt CIMD1llllg .._-llML "-9--~-- I , • -. ' ' -M S ., LEsuE EAllEST Val ·'s trac~.record doggone impressive Winter festival in need -~Df1Je1p __ Sure, it's hard to get too . enthusiastic abouta winter festi- val when you're still reeling from thedogdaysofsummer. But officials pla nninJ the 25th annual Winter Festival m Laguna Beach are hoping you 'II remember an event like this' doesn't just spring upov~rnight, it takes months of planmng. °First and foremost we arc looking for an anist to contribute to the CTCation and design of the official Winterl'est '89 poster, planned to be distributed throughout Southern California," said Patricia Rewaa, rccently- named.coordinator of the event. Sponsors arc •lso needed for the festival, which is scheduled from Feb. 17-20. Tht festival will be a celebration of ans, sponing events and eating. Spons6rs can ado pt a whole event or help fi nance by donating goods or services. Activities will iacludea IO- spec4 bike race/ride, a skateboard oontestand surfing. golf and mpuntain bikecom petitions:The an work of college students from • throughoutOrangeCountywilJ be displayed a nd entenainment is planned along with an I nter~ national Foods Festival.. If you arc interested in getting involved in any way, call the ChamberofCommerce at . 494-10 18 or drop a nofe to Rowan a t P.O . Box 396, Laguna Beach, CA92652. • • • And before they closed shop last week. the Sawdust Festival donated$2,00010 Laguna Shanti, ·a n orpnization that offers prac- tical help and emotional suppon to people who are seriously ill. "We treat anyone with a life- threatening illness but over 90 percent of o ur clienis are affected by AIDS.in some way," said Steve PesklH.executivedirector of -· · Laguna Shanti. ':The money we receive from the Sawdust Festival will go directly for suppon ser- vices for all these clients." • • • Speaking of healthy donations, the Jrvine Health Foundation has given a$46,000grant to UCI to establish a health center. The Greater Irvine Health Promotion Center will provide research and consulting services to Irvine residents and local orpnizations interested in fi nd- ing ways to enhance the health of their em ployees. The center is located in the Publici>olicy Research Organiza- tion at VO. • • •• And I have lotsonittle bits of info rmation about local resi- dents: (Pl_..MeAllT/A9) • ..u.nm epracecl ap lor a parade · A crew pampen tlae Pll&rlm. tbe oftlclal tallglp am- •11•dcw for ~ Coma-~. wlalcla wlll l•Ye Friday ·tD l•d tbe America'• Cap Parade. A boa .oyaae_puty at tlae Rita c&rfton ID La0aa Rlpel wW cllmaa wtt1a~wa'riqpodbye tioa8 kl.I ult lelift9 Dana Palat llaitMw aad ll•da for -Diel•· At ~t. a crew tau. dOwa ..U. down dar-hll a drill; Tim Leary of .. Daaa Polat (aboYe) painta tM llartlaD. Gale OD the ........... ..., .... ;.......,-.... ........ • l y LESLIE EARNEST .... a.., ........ Val may not be quite the ladies man he once was, but ht still perks up when a femaJc strolls into the room. At IS -rou&hly IOS in human terms -the Kerry Blue terrier with a lifeume of trophies and a steady string of offsprina to bis credit, now spends most of his days just loUinaabout 1n his Irvine home. But his golden years must sparkle with memories. Val has sired 16 champion dogs for femaJe tcmers from all over the country. accoroina to Carol Basler. who bas ownccfher pnze Kerry Blue since he was a sillcy-baired pup. "He had young ladies visit him from Detroit, Utah. Cbicaao. Kansas, OkJahoma, Anzona and Seattle." Basler said. "Docs be love tht ladies." But Val, who has a waterfall of hair falling over his snout and tumbling d~n his chin. is more than just a pretty face. The temer was one of the top d<>I$ mhis breed for five years. according to Basler. Over the years be has ""On 100 "Best of Breeds" compcuuons in dog shows around the nauon. "He wasa star dog. let me tell you. Hewon all ov~( the place," Basler said. ··He's a rtal special dog to et dog nuL" In part. Kerry Blue terriers arc special because of their unusual appearance. Jn fact, a picture of one of vars offsprings recently appear~ in the National Enquirer. · Val ID Illa flory eta,-. (•boTe), and u he la today with owner Carol Baeler. last lmer three )'Cars ago. But, even I{\ a breed where the dogs arc expected to tum beads. Val bas been a standout. Basler said she has been approached repeatedly over the years b)•dog owners wantin& to breed their females to VaJ. Although dogs art not usually used as studs past the age of I{), Val sired lus Basler said a man called her from J...a nsas aslung to arrange a liaison bet"ccn his frmak temer and Vat Basler tried unsucccssfull) to persuade the man he should use a younger dog. So. "'hen Val got tht" green light from (Pleue ~TRACK/ A 9 ) Laguna festivals get mixed reviews By l .FJ'UE EARNEST Ol ... a.., ........ • Another season of fcs11' als has vanished from the can) on in Laguna Beach. And while artists pad. up their wares and cleaning crews t"rasc the evidence, festjvaJ officials arc g1' ing the season mixed reviews. Officials at An-.\-Fa1r. "h1ch doubled its entertainment budget after moving this year 10 a slot between the Sawdust Fcs11' al and the Fcstlv"I of Arts. sa) attendante "'as up ovef' last year Still. the~ an11c1- pated a bener turnout. "I think we expected a lot more people in the can)on:· s.a1d uc Krause. vice president of pubhc relations and advemsing for .\n-.\- Fair. K.rau~ attributed "'bat she Stt as an overall downturn in fcs11' al attendance to a general decllnC' in Orange Count) tounsm In pan · Krause said". a fi nger can be pointed at med1\a1tcn11on to gang' 1olcnce and frtt"'lf) shootings ..If s fear of California. baStcally." "Krause said.·· .\s great as our ""Cather has bttn. I "ould have thought that peo ple would ha' e left the heat and aone to California. but the) dldn•t come:· . Do"n t~ road at the-awdust Fcs11val. officials sa) the) had a prctt) decent showing this summC1'. "Our ancndance 1s holding its own." said publicist Tina Arana dunng the last ""eek of the fcstivaJ. Attendance was up 4.000 over last year. accord1'18 to .\rana. Ho"cver. the arts and crafts fcsuval was open two extra days - ''If )OU look at our average daJJ) attendance. we were dO'<''Tl slight!~. approx1matclS 1 1~ to 2 pcrcenr:· said JeffQuaghno "dust Fcs11,al bus1- ncss manaRer (Pleue ett FESTTV AL/ A 9) ~TWo Coast artists savoring success . While Festival of .\mofflc1als "ere singirig the praises of a season JUSt pest. at least two artists "ere basking in the gloty of a record-breaking sum"'er at the an sho". Savoring success "as ~11chacl Hallinan. who received the h1gh co;t price ever paid for an ongmal fcst1' al pc)Ster. and Chns Ho). "'ho raked in 90 comm1ss1ons. enough to ket"p him busy for at least anotticr 'ear "I've got enough work ·to do. that"• for sure," !Mild Ho). a Dana Point resident who JUSt complcte-d his eiahtb )'car W'tlh the Fcsu' al of .\m "It's a dream come true ·· The graphic artist "'ho paints domestic and ~Id animal' said he expects to~orlc through n~'\t ~um mer to complete the work hc no" has on schedule. Meantime. Hallman. "'hl' created "lxtapa" the offiC1al Fcstl\JI ot .\ns poster this year. said 11 \<Jc; Jl<;o an 11nportant year for him lk!>1d<."S pulhng in a whopping.$ -,sw for hi., original poster. Hallinan '-11.l hl' found buvers for his other work as well. · "I'm elated,'' said Hallinan. who paints weckda~s from his Uguna Beach Slud10 and "ho also dtspla~ his work at the Sawdust Fcsuval. 'I sold 14 painungs. "'hich 1s evcrythiJg I had.'' Hallinan's poster the first Festival of -'.ns poster to go into a ~ond pn n11ng, depicts three Indian women on the beach in Mc\1co in the long shadows of late afternoon. The work rtprcscnts a turning po1ot in the 1mpress1on1suc paintC"r°s career. Prcv1ousl). Hallinan. "'ho JUSt com- pleted his 12th ~ear at the Fcsuval of Arts. had pam ~ landscapes.. Then. during a tnp to Me\ICO four or five years ago. he spotted thC' "omeo walking home al ong the beach "It changed C'VCf) thing:· Hallman said of the effect that graceful '1s1on had on him as an anist ·The~ were somethint the 1mprcss1oni~ts ''ould . love to have painted·· -B.r Leslie Earnest -=-=Bre·altfast by the Sea ·celebrates summer's €nd in Laguna The Boys and Girls Oub of Llpna ee.cb wiD hold facilities. sos )2nd SL. Ne~rt Beach. • Barbara West at 34-4350 for more information CIJ0Je11teroJ te11tb:ag offered its fiftll ......i Breakfa11 by the Sea on Labor Day, nm Moodm=-7 a.m. to noon in Heisler Park at the foot of WUdenlell9 .Udell at Hbraiy Mynlefor -of SJ . . . --..... . . ·Sealon' aatrltlon .emfnar a _. • paructpantl can el\JOY ""-.. JUICe, ham ud all lbe r.ea Ibey can caL Tbe event coau.::.-=.:db): .e'~~~ <&T ...... 20 ~ ........ ..tllbe impeadi•end oflk10Urill -and die relUl'll o/ lot.al mideats IO the city's ~ llcilitiel. Cal 4~2Sl5 for llddiboaa.I iabmation. • The Manncn branch of the N~port Beach Public Ubney. will pnsent .. Wilderness Jou~>.'' a slick ~by Jim Solliday on his travels thtough the wilds 01 ll Wcstem statn. Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. 1;k prapam 1s fret and the pub.he is invited. The titwMy branch is located at 200S Dover Dnve. and mort iatbnnation may be obtau~ b)-contactina Llnda Mdwecney at 644-l 14S. ~ The Oasis Senior Center. m COnJuncuon wtth Coastline Communll) .Collete. '<'111 sponsor a nme---Wttk coune ent1tl~ ··Good, Nutnhon for the Senior C1ttzcn. .. starti~ Sept. 8. Dinah Bahr. a ~1 tert'd dltlletan. will be. thc instructor for the class. ~ hich will meet Thursdays from 10:30 to I 1:4S a.m. at t~ center. 800 Marguerite "ve .. Corooa'\dcl Mar. Call Coa time at 7S9-S404 to prc- rqistcr. rnan1 canen fonma Ja 'v Opponunitia availabk 1n tht lnl~el and tounun £c6aa• 70at1J dab operdn• ilMlatry will be e1:plored at a ff'tt travel ~ forum • The Lquna Club for Kids. located above Bluebird 6 in Coastline Community Collcir·s fountaan Canyon Park. will ~10 Its faH 1ehedule Sept. 8. Center. eo1~na ~1th the opcnans of Khool. Several ptp111ms lwo-bow semaur will besin 11 S p.m. at the ue •vaala~ 1nclud1na before school, kmderprten -· 11460 Wll'Mr A\'C.. and is opea IO lbt pubht. nncbmcnt and the after-school drop-m prosram . ..... 11111• 41 travel dmies YoiU be ofl'nfd iuri• IM fall The Lapna Club for KJds operaln on a drop-in basis •••· bceituai• Sept. 7. providi111 a llnK'tUftd and uprn 1tcd 1tm~ for It ..,...-. .... Adcbt1onal 1nfo~t1on '1N} be obtaanc<I by ........... 76)() (., . St Joseph Ho p1tal in Orartgt' v.111 offer (hole terol t~una Sept 8 from .:! to 1 p.m The f« 1 S per pcnon No fasting 1s n«'C' Soar)-( alf "T"? 1-for an appointment Women'• Jon coane •lated The Mariposa Women Center will prt"Se nt a su.- Wttk seminar on "Women Who Lo'e Too Much;' be&1nnina Sept. 8 at the center. 777 . Main t.. uite 116. in <>ranee. · The Thursday mttungs 9"111 ~condu~ from 7·30 to 9 p.m. and the fee 1s SI O all 547-6494 for rcservattoos. BmpJorefe motJntlon •tadJed ; A RmJna.r ctllllled, .. M) th ofEmplo~ MOU\'ltion .. will bt ~nted Sept. 8 for the Oranee Cout chapter of the Societ)-for Adva~m~t of Ma~t. . The 7 p.,m. ~t1na will be held atEmbus}' Swta Hold. 1 l2S E. ~er Road. nta AM. Tbe $20 fer anduda d1nMT and the \l)Calier's ptCtoentatioll Call Ila)' Mewat :7ll-l 774<W:Otft'Ooubekat 6.l7-2J6for....._ -Police want 'tool against prostftutes BJ,,.. Aleoda&e4 Press • Police in Santa Ana plan to seek a rauainina order apinst known pros- titutes who reportedly have become ·:bolder and bolder" to the point of jumpina into cars unsolkited. Usina a restraining order will be quicker and less costly than using undercover officers to pose as cus- tomers and prostitules. in order to make arrests, said Lt. James Da\ is . .. We've tried all -the tradiuoo-.il approaches, so we felt this was worth our eft'on, •• he said. ••They've become bolder and bolder now," he said. "They'reJump- in& ri&ht in the car. threaten-J.ng pcop&c, stealing wallets.·· Police plan to meet with residents to ask them to sign sworn statements about tbc prostitution aCli.\'.it):' Court curtails homeless sweeps •1 ne Aaeeialed Press ;-.. City workers in Santa Ana must store the property of homeless people when it is confiscated in cleanup .-eeps. but only if the material is marked as belonging to someone. a court commissioner ruled Wednes- day. The city recently has begun clean- ina away belongings from public property if they appeared to be abandoned. A request to tempor;trily halt the cleanups was filed by the Amcncan Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southml Ca1ifomia and Legal Aid Society of Orange County. . . Commissioner Ronald l. Bauer ordered the city to store property worth more than SI 0 for four months. and said city c~ployccs can not take ~y that is tagged with clear identification of the owner. Mesan 's suit against Wade Boggs on .hold .. BTTM Aaeciatii'"Preu ~-The attorney for a Costa Mesa 'woman 1uins third baseman Wade Boas of the Boston Rt<! Sox sa)'s he won't pnxieed with the SJ 2 million palimony lawsuit apmst Bo$gs unul after the season ends. Jama McGee. the anorney for Ma1fO Adams. said Wednesday that ~Y .q.cduled arrangements · to lake .... deposition Friday have. been postponed to prevent any inter- ftlence with the Amcti~n Lcaaue Eat peanant race. • A tiDm11me series bct~n the led Sox and California Angels 1s ielled..-t to bqin tonigtit at AM' r'm 1114Pm. •• Agran says voter mandates achieved ; -. 50% off! Summer fashions for • • • • young men, Jumors 50~ off! 'bung men's . .;;.,Jl~.offl Junlors'.Anchor pleated pants. Reg . $24-26, atue· and Levi's' 1tonewnh Mle 112-13 jeana. Reg. $26-38, 50~ off! Juniors' shorts. ·: b Mle 113-19 • Reg. $16-26, sale 18-13 50~ off! Juniors' Levi's' 501 ' 50~ off! Juniors' summer tops. Reg. $10 & 12, .... $5&6 aton.w.sh jeans. Reg. $30-32, .... 115-18 . _ __..;;__ __ _ 20-35% offl You~ men's and j~ors' denim jeans 12.01 off! "'ung men's preshrunk Levi'•· 501 ' jeans. Reg. $32, Mle 19.11 12.01 offt "'ung men'• whitewashed Levi'•· 501 · jeans. Reg .. $40. .... 27.99 12.01 off! ¥oung men's - Levi's' Street Jeana. Reg. $42. Mle 29.11 ~ 12.01 off! LeVl'I' Eurojean for young men. Reg. $42, .... n .99 5.01 off! Levi'•' shrink-to-flt• jean• for young men. Reg. $22, .... 11.99 113 off! Juniors' Jordache' Jeana. Rfg. $3-4-42, .... 22 ... 27.99 • 12.01 pfft Juniors' prnhrunk Levi'• 501 · jeaQa. Reg. $32. .... 1, .• , ' . 113 offl ~nkMs' denim ]Kata. Reg. $55-60, .... 31.H-$40 25-35%off! Young men's fall shiN and sweaters l 1G.01 °"' Marted pm ........ Reg.S28, .... 11.11 113 om Pmttwmec1 .. : • ....._ Reg. $30-45, .... 11 .... 21.99 l.01 oft1 Wo .. n prtnt 111"'8. Reg.124 ..... , .... l.01oftl .... IN .. nehlrta. Reg ........ , , , • · l.01 onr ~ ahlrt9 tor • YG'P"I men. Reg. S28. .... 11.99 l.01 °"' Dobbr ........... Reg. $28, .... 11.- l.01 °"' ....... poplin lhlrta llr ICM. Reg ....... ... UIM ....... -=~ ,__ ~·---...... ........ ___ ................................. -. . ,,