HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-25 - Orange Coast PilotTUF.SDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1988 .·Protest resumes againstjet· noiSe · .. · .. Hundred~ of NB residents ask council ~: ·.t o make JW A takeoff pattern equitable BJ PAUL ARCBIPLEY .............. Tbeif peace shattered and nerves fra~ hundreds oC Newport Beach resadenta livina under the John . Wayne~ takeoff pettem peti· tioned the Cit}t (4uncil on Monday to bdp establish a more equita~e fliaht peth system. But some warned of future oeiah· borbood battles should any attempt be made to reroute the aircraft.. Headin& a _poup called Citizens for Air Route Equity,· Mimi SioaJeton aid the takeoff route established in i 974 directed air traffic over the most . . . denteJy oooula1ed areu of Newpon months. Beach. iDcfudiaa Promontory Point, When the new takeoff penem was Balboe laland aDd Balboa Peninsula. e11ablisbed, many felt the node was "Wewboliveundertbistoutebave bearab&c, Mauter aid. It called for been bearin& tbe brunt ... for 14 pi.lots to climb simply, tum left o~er .. SiJlllCtoa aid. · Upper Newport Bay and crwse ~ laid the council should apply . quietly until they rad9ed the ocean. the ume kind of equity in the air-that ··But s.ince the belinnina of sum· it teekl IO auain with its ground mer, it bas been mucb wone tba.o it tramp0r1ation policies by spreading bas ever been." Maurer aid. the burden. .. We'd like to know if the noile has CoUDCilman Phil Maurer, bimselfa increued, if there's been a relaxation Balboe Island resident, aareed that by the pilots." aircraft noise bu increUed in recent Maurer aid it seemed as if pilots waited until they saw the shoreline, then pve their .Planes ••a bia blast. directly over us. Dan Strin&er. iacomina president of t.bc Balboa Island Improvement Association, said more &baa 2.000 people Aaned peti tiOOJ for relief. -.. We consider it the most ~t q~tion r.clng the association,• be said. But Willis Longyear oftbe Lido Isle Community AssociatiOI\ warned of war should &llY attempt be made to return to the oJd takeoff route that took jell directly OVer' that neiab· borbood. ..,. ••ff it's moved over to our place we're ~ to fiabt just u bard to move It t.ck," be aid. Others complained that ICpiCKO· talion on the city's ad hoc aviatiQA comminee was weiabled apimt tboee ~erina the most. That broulbt rebuff's and laments fiom the O()Uncil .. It's 1arible when we have a sore • that pits one c0mmunity lllinst (Pl4iue Me .Jrl'S' / A2) Klller typhoon · . Copter. ·ctaSb ·. ·itiI1s .. oc , ' ~ ... _dePu.ty. · Mother ~ill get custody of her kidiiapped·girl Ftllplno flood victims find . refuge from Typhoon Ruby, which was blamed for sinking a ship carryfng 500 ~pie./ A5 Bute.tin Board Bualneu Ctualfted Comlca Entertainment = POflce Log PubNc Notices Sport a Weather A3 A7-8 86-8 A11 A9 85 A10 A3 84,8 81-4 A2 By JONATllAf'l VOLZKE ·. Of .. ....,,... ... A seven-year veteia.o of the Orante County Sberifrs Department 'fi&S amona eight people lciUed when an Anny National Guard belicopter on an anti-drug mission slaUVJ:lcd into a mountainside i~ Imperial County near the Mexican border, authorities aid toda . .. Marie ~teven. Tonkin, 31, and th~ other seven people on the aircraft were killed instantly when the craft erupted into ~cs after Mbnda(s 9:30. J>.m. crash, Oranae County Sheriff's Lt. Dick Olson said. . . . Tonkin was a~ed to the career · criminal apprehension team and,also worked undercover fpr the sheriff's. department. Olson said.· Tonk.in's family was unavailable for comment.. Sheriff Brad Gatct left for tl\e crash site early today, Olson said. . Teen located in HB spertt 6 years with grandfath er TOLEOO, Ohio -A mother bas been poled custody of her 13-year- old dauabtcr who was found last week in H uot:ingtoo Beach, six years after she disappeared, a Lucas County jud&e ruled· Monday. • -Juvenile Court Judie Andrew Divine rescinded bis order sjvina temporary custody of Charif)'. free· man to the Lucas County Children's Services Board. ' In addition, Divjpe .terminated vi.siw.io.n ri&hts to Cbariiy's~irand­ father, Leroy Freeman. Owity was found at her grandfather's Hunt· iQllOo Beach a~nt Friday. When Owity is released from Medical CoUcee of Ohio, where she is underp>ing psycholoeical and pbysi- cal tcstina. she will be able to ao home with her mother, Karen Creswell of Also killed were Los Angeles Sheriff'·s Department Deputies Roy A. Clester, 4J, and James D. McSweeny ,' 43, both 12-year depart· ment veterans. Three National Gua:rd..mcmbers also perished in the crash. as did sheriff's deputies from Riverside-and Imperial counties; -------..,-----=----_......_,_-=----=-~~~.;;.-...-~said. Sbecould be released authorities said. ...,,... ~-i.....,.. Los· . Anaetcs Cou~ty s~eritrs · Memorial to dral Ylctlma · · -s~kesman Gabe. Ram1~ wd the Cra 1111 dot tlae ••'"'8cape aeu l!luranca Parkwal,!:. lnlDe helicopter was .1mmed1ately . con-u a gllll., ,...,..._ Of tboee who u.e died ~- !:ed by flames in the mountamous nlaa.d oa-la tbe la8t 20 aoatlaa la ~e CoantJ. The . (PleUe ... C~B/µ) ...n.en are pUt of an anti ...... campt'lp-S"tory la OD AS. from the bospiw by Thursday, be said. "It would appear at this time that there is no senous problem of any kind with Charity," Divine said at a news conferenoe in bis chambers. "Everything seems to be fine. There's DO problem with the motbcr.·Sbe is married. She is wortiq. She hu bad another child. She bas a .,00 en- vironment. .. He said it does not appear that Qwity was sou.ally abused. And Divine said a:nJ and her mother will need time . Ult.. - ··v ou have to unden1aod that there is some trauma here ... You're not absent from your motbef' for a period of six to seven~ livi.na under false identities. without bavina some trauma. .. be aid. Victor Gonzalez. Creswdl's law- yer, aid Sunday's meetina between mother and dauab11CrWent well. 'There was a lot of anxiety at the initial meetina. They did not know wbat to expect after six years," be said. But they p-ew close by the end of the meet.ins. be said. Tbc cae, however, is not over. freeman can still file for custody. Bvt Divine said be will dismi• thec::uc if Freeman docs not file a motion with him within oat 30 da.ys. ..I cannot unilatcraily Ctismiu this complaint wbic:b wu siped by the pandfatbet .... lfbe wants to Plocieed with 1be beariaa. pinina antody of Oaarity, 1 have I"' to bar it," be llid. Att!loalb Creswell .-Ii.-. ... Owity in ber fatber's home, Free- man claims be..,.,_ the one who railed tbeaiJ'L When Freeman's daulht.cr told him she was aoina to tet married. (PIH•-JIOM/il) ·Wil~.on acquitted in CM revenge killing Richard Dale Wu.o.i--- Jurors not convinced that he shot down m an accused of his girlfriend· s murder ByBOBVANEYUN °' .............. A S-year-oJd Costa Mesa murder cue laced with sex.-·dnlp and vcnpnce ended Monday when a Superior Court jury concluded that a wealthy San Francisco accountant was innocent. Richard Dale Wtlson 47, was accused oftbe revenge-Style killing of Jeffre)"'Molloy Parker the day before Parker was to face charaes that he .. murdered Wilson's ~end. But after delibcrauna two, jurors in Superior Court in Westminster ac- qwttcd Wilson of the crime. Though jurors said they found the evidence apinst Wilson to be thin and convoluted, the prosecutor as well as Costa Mesa police said they believed there was enough evidence to convict Wilson. ••Just because the guy's found not pi.tty doesn't mean be didn't do it," . remarked a police detective who helped iovestipte the crime. Parker, a 37-yeai--old television actor, was shot on the front steps of bis mother's home on Aliso Drive shonly before midnight on Aug. 2. 1983. He was to have appeared in court the foUowina day in connection with the beatina death of San Francisco socialite Joan McSbane Mills. whom Wilson said he planned to marry. Mills. 33, was found dead m a Beverly Hills hotel room in Apnl 1983. Parker was discovered bending over her body and initially told pobcc she hid aonc in to convulsions follow- in& a ni&bt of sex. druas and alcohol He was charged with her murder wbeo an autopsy revealed that she bad died of 10juries due to blunt force trauma. Wilson, a Sao FranClSCO aocoun· taot, was suspected of havtng killed Parker in revenge for the death of Mills. He was charged with the cnme after two members of bis family told Costa Mesa poJice invcsuptors that be confessed to them. But both witnesses; the defendant's brother. Okel Wilson. and hi s brother-in-law, Robert Hale. later admined to alcohol and ps)cbologi- cal problems. Ok:el Wilson testified that hJS alcoholism and drug abuse had caused lapses of memory around the time of the alleged confession., although be maintained that be remembered the coofeaion clearly. Hale told the 0rante County Grand Jury at Wilson's indictment that the defendant told him be tilled Parker. Hale later recanted., however, sayina be did not believe Wilson bad committed the crime. Wilson ·s attorneys, Joel Baruch and J. Tony Serra. repeatedly at· tacked the testimony of the tw0 key witnesses. In bis concludin& argument on Oct 17, Serra ridiculed the prosecution's case. sayina at was built on "the (Pleue ... WIL80N/A2) ShutdoWn·date . . . · foi: H.~ ai_rport Combo campuses a class act . set·~ proteste~· BJ ROBERT BAAID °' .. ,..., ....... The Huntinaton Beach City Coun- cil on Monday moved ever nearer to dotina Meadowlark AiflM)rt, order-ias tbe f8cil.ity ao oeate main oper-•Uc>m. evict airl>lanet and uproot tbe ND--)' by Sept. I, 1989. Tbe cteedlinc for the lbu1down is ooat;aeent on final approval of a dlWloPet'• -.reement that ,;ves lirDon owners zonina for l 0 yean to buDd 600 bOlnCI and condominiwnt and a l Sere abooDina center on tbc 6S«re pucel at llol• Chica Street nd Warner A venue. Relkteatl near the airport, many voicilll lean of crubel and com- ..a.i-11 about ~ ~ city Zi.h to live tbe~mily, OW'Mll ol tbe airport. an even earlier ....... Patricia Hodtlbikt, I repnllalta- dw Of~~ for an early dollli'I. ..... oftkialt IO dole the ~byautM81daandllautdown 1111 lilbt tchool · IMl openata at the llri" ia 60 •n. DC:t•iW ind oiMn llid \bey ...... • oflriele would lip a ;;;:i···· ... ....... -~ ........ . operations for several years should development stall. · Hocbtchild said tbe Nerios' per- fonnance" '"has· been very poor." They've ipoted requirements limit-ina the number'Ofairpancs as well u rcbuftina City Counol over tbe years. she.aid. .. Eilbt years lllO be mieived zooi111 fof mobile homes OD the propefty and a year .., be ICMllbt hiaber deuity. The Diaries arc .Ull fJyi " the said. ••Joie c:om. bM:k for ~aion after eiunsion a lie did lat diPL" Dick Nerio, I spotielman for tbe airport onen. taid Monday be .-t to lbe Sept. l deed"• fOr tbe cro. of the airport. He iaitially Md ubd for a delly until a yeer and JO days ~llowina appr'C)Yal Of the ..,.ee- mcaL Nerio laid that lbonlY after the Mily receiwed .... fCir a mobile ~omt..owle-..reatcoenl WeDt iiatioefrect ia w ......... .... be ... a part. .. , dida't ... t '° ..., iato any more proe,lem1 ..... l alrcedy bad. .. be IUcL ,..... RJcb. ~ taicl bit tell· dlla ii bonllnd on two adet b1 the ~ilid dliift ii IM) l'lllOll IO tbM& ...-tlii iiJiit: -rwa1 h to aay.• ~11n -AWT/d) Parents who fought combining older. younger studentsnow say tt works - ~ounaer students arc kept scparatt from the traditional high school students as much as possible. The c~ for each tter of studentsareo&t by IS minutes. so the you,aeer students arc seldom 1n By JONATHAN VOi.DE ............... Although some parents protested = to combi.M seventh and . th..,ade pupils with their b.iah counterparU on two Ncw- pan-Maa campuses, a year after 1lleDdi the students everybody •Y' ~mix is 1 recipe for a tood education. educational system. Jfa k.id docs not the ~ys with the okier students. feel Cl0ftlfor11b&c in bis environ· officials said. , ment. bow does ne do weU m The physical educat1on pcnocis ac:ademics'r are 9Cpuate., as as the m~onty of the He bu a teventh..,ade son 1n lunch period, Loofbounow said. COiia Maa Hiah this year and The arran,ement also brouaht anotber dliJd set to enter hl&h advant&ICS with staffina. she wd. ICbool oat year. Monday bis wi!e. kcaUIC: the students attend one BJ. Olnis. said the combined school toaether. m1.1ntenance. tcbool llill im't her preferenGe. but clerical and administratlVe needs the Dlaa 1eem1 to work. were cut in half. In 19141 ofticil11 of the Newpon-"9ie were ealftmCJy apinst n. Some tmcbcn work only with Mae UmAed Scboo1 Di11net ex-· but' IC we bad a year ... .l 1uess older atudeftta. some only with DUded Corona del Mar ffiP we• Ddout, "sbuaid. .. Every-yOl.lftF' S~wtli&c 1e>me work lcbool to indude teWDdl ud OM ita\'Oh9d is matiftl an utrernc with both teparate clastes. .._... ....... becomiaa tbe ftnt 6n IO IDMe it wort -and it is Loofbounow · tDatJ • doal to swallow a ~.. Tbat is one of the advantateS of •mect ia..,....._ ldllool. !.oa bwd member Sbeny the miaed arollmeat. she 11Kl. ~~.:.~~ ~c:'.°:'~.r.;: ~~u':"'!.,O:.a:: :J ~ doal. DaYil Jaiof Hilb. ...... to a.dude O.vu.. said the std:" l.oofboano-Mid. "If there .. dilaict --decided IO COit-........ Md a 4'°'abt the plan WU I mMic tiiedllr, foir a.ample. ...... ..... ...... WOik. WC could ute hita for •venth b-Wl6 _. oppolitioa. •A lac fl die illUa peopk ~ ~ 12*; ratberdlajuttoncor ..,.. pi'D'fl ii .... JOU ... W Ill ... wt Wlft IW'C tMotils." au 1 It .. f n Md IMl .._. ialo -.... .._, .,_ -and they LocAowrow laid die proaiauty .. -.,.. m • M a IOdl -...-._• Loa6aunow aid. ""Cot-ol tM .__,.IM .......... 10 ..-.11il ... ~-11111±Mria -. .., .._ .-..... 1 •ciwl ..aft dollb. ca a r · t-. • allO) ... ._•~TolwCWUl.a __, • • ._, ... , 1CMo1 iM .......... ~ ..... IO,_.idl .... if .. ,lilid.ilM,. · ...... llHNci•.. 1•1•m 1dH!t .. W. 4!'911111 JRll aa ilililll.. ... •11 fed.......,_.. C-.. Mlr Pl' '311 T-• , Newport approves controls oh growth for next 20 years BJ PAUL AllClllPLSY Of ............ FoUowinl more tball rwo ~ of wort, tbe ~ Beedl City Coun.- cil approved revisions in the Jitoeral plan Monday aimed at directina city powtb over tbe next two decades Al with put~ bearinp before tbe council and~ Com- million, tbe ~ revllioos in tbe land u1e and CU'Culation elements of the ,eneral plan brouaht a full boute of interested residents, busi· ness people and property owners. Amon& the contested issues was a propoa.I to include parlcina struc- tures in the formula for floor area limits. Opponents arsued that plan would make profitabfe development of small lots impossible. Seek:inf to ba1a.ooe those coooems wit& their desire to prevent over- ~ and traffic woes. the council modified the formula for commercial and mixed me residential zones. Property owners also complained about Pn>OOSCd reddeled floor area limits (or the Old Newport Boulevard ma. They araued that low traffic volumes on the street should entitle them to larter projects. But city J)lannen said that even while tr&ffic on Old Newport Boulevard itself may currently be low, development will have a direct imPICt on sunounding roads that arc coqested. "The ~~de issues associated with the ce of the land use and circulation element do not support a., JETS' NOISE ~ROTBSTED ••• · homAl another;., Maurer said. cnanc:b over Newport Beecll. "The aviation committee bu beat But Newpoc1 Beecb'a DOile com- its brain.I out tryiaa to addraa this plaints may not be hiab OD tbe FAA i11Ue." Mayor John Cox aid. lia oldWlel 10 cio-Turner warned. He said tbe committee ia fair. ..It ii tnillradne." be laid. '"That minded and welcomes participation · doeln' meu we pve up." by anyone willina to apend the time. Turner allo prailed community "1'here have been years when we poupa that have contnnuted funds couldn't ICl anybody to volunteer for toward tbe teareh for another airport the committee," be said. · lite, a lona-tc>Ulbt 1oh1tioo that Councilman Clarence Turner would eue the traBic burden on John noted the city asked the county -Wayne. which owns the airport -to eeek The council approved seodina lbe approval from the Federal A vialioo residents> proposals for relief to the Administration for a "delayed thrust aviation committee for its consider- propam" that would cue the noise ation. bi&ber development limit for this area, .. planner Patricia Lee ~emple said in her reP.Ort to the council. The council sided with its statr. Council members themselves bad mixed feelinas about the impact of the revisions to the aeneral plan. "It's somethina Iona overdue," Councilman Clarence Turner said. C&llin& it the city's blueprint for the next 22 years, Turner said it would allow some development wb,ile rc-qllirioa needed transportation im- provements. "We've talked about planned arowtb, about controlled growth, and that's exactly what we've done here," Turner said. Councilman Philip Maurer was even more positive. .. The paasina of tbete aeneraJ plan revisions will do more to control future powtb and help traffic than Measure K could ever do, .. Maurer said. Measure K is the controvenial traffic manqemeot initiative 1 ordi- nance placed on the November ballot. · Maurer said the revised aeneral plan was "one of the finest in the area, SO people will know what they can build. It puts honesty into the zooina laws. .. Councilman Donald Strausa wun't so optimistic. .. It's an attempt 10 keep develop. ment in Newport Beach &om over-runnin&. even more, the ability of our road syslem,?' Strauss aid. .. I don't think it will auccecd, but it may help a little, .. be said. U.S. Tempe .. Le ~ n 46 Anctlor• " 21 MzMe • .. MIMllcClly 11 14 ..._.. • M ==..,..... .. • 71 43 llolilDfl .. 43 ...... IO 17 Cilllftzlloft.S.C • 74 50 ~N..C. 70 ., :.ii::.. 40 • 50 ... =.Olllo . '4 aa '4 31 ~Wortll eo M = 42 31 n 32 o.~ 51 34 o.oll 43 • DllMll 32 • . .._ • .. .. .. • ~ lt 12 =~-74 • ., • ....... • 11 HauilOll eo 17 ..... 1$111119 '4 M ..._. ...... ~ ., 1111 ... '4 ,,._ .. • ic-Clly • ... Lav,.. • M Ullll lllodl 72 • IAllllllllll ... • ....... • • ......... a 72 41 ............. '4 • ........ • 17 .... O!t19111 71 II .._Yart!Clly A '4 OldillelM Clly 11 11 OIMM • ... ~ ... • , .... 0 .... • 41 ,....... • 70 :=r .... .. M ... • ......... 0... • .. ......... 70 • ......... • u ll&...a to .. ... U...Clly 70 41 ... AMllNCI II 70 ..... ea .. tr.a,... u • .. • 14 II ,.. .... .. .. T-11 • TMIZ9 7t 12 .... ..-..o.c, .. 40 WlllNt8 ,,. .. 8m01Report .................. r.'J.MO ~-----10 • """ ._.. _, .. , ,zMM: aoo ... ._........., ,,.,... ....... ~ ~ ..... Pll ---.. .. . .......... ~ ....... so.. .... 11 r a '* v..., .... _._ .. •~ u.-...... ~ .. --·-'° C.Hf. Tempe • :t;,1Dwwt4Mw9eMll'8zt :1·111. zAlld 57 ..... 12 50 ,,_ II 53 ~Clly ... 12 -···-II 51 ...... II 12 ... '*'° • .. ... ~ M 53 llJllU.C*zpo 70 ... ...., II A Hllfl\.IOwbUhoura .... Mlf""-....... • 51 ....._. .. .. ..... n ~ 9lillOP 14 40 m. '2 .. .. a ~Clly 70 • i....... 17 43 "-le.di .,. 11 L.A. Airport • a ....... t2 u ~...,,. ... , o.i.to 7t M ~ ....... ...... ........ n 57 ........ 11 ... ..... i.dlllO n M ... Oizlwtill 1't to ..... AM 71 ., ........ .. N .._CINI to 13 ....... .. 51 ... ....,. 16 ., TzllOeV*t 70 25 T-70 .. WllllWOod t1 • .,. .. SarfReport Tldea -..... ,, ..... t .,.., 1 ... , .... , ... , ,.. 14 PoGr ·AIRPORT CLOSING ••• Ironically, some of the most con- trovenial 1Coeral plan issues wc;re· delayed six months. Dowozoninf proposals that brouaht cries o protest from Balboa Peninsula residents were delayed to live the city staff an opportunity to further stud~ options. Property own- ers complained that downzonina duplex lots to~ family Jots would brinafioancial rwn. Ownenofni\llti- f&mily lots where downzooina was considered voice similar concerns. ......... .. u.-..-A.lrpolt. ........ -·-···-~ ., ..... ~ Prom Al . Dan I>odaie. a pilot of one of about 250 small airplanes bued at the airport, said the city should should lift all deadlines to close the airport because of uncertainties when con- struction would start. Officials said that the Nerios souabt the I ~year agreement in order to obtain zoning for their project and to eliminate chances that the zonin& might be changed by a future City Council. The Nerios have offered to bold up bWkling until sewer and water facili- ties uc built to talce ca.re of the added • population. CRASH KILLS DEPUTY ••• PromAl . The UH-1 H helicopter went down in the foothills of the Laguna Moun- tains about 10 miles from the Mex· ican border while on pa.trot for Operation Borda' Ranaer, described u a joint anti-drug smualin& oper- ation conducted by Soutlierii Cali- fornia sheriff's departments and the federal govern.men~ California Na- tional Guard Staff Sgt. Phil Jordan said. Jordan said the Anny National Guard bas worked with local law enforcement agencies on drug-edic- tion missions siooe 1983. Details of Operation Border Ranger were un- available. The cause of the crash was un- known and investiptors were en route from the Anny Safety Center in Fort Rucker, Ala., and the National Guard Safety Office. Jordan said the type of Huey that crashed was commonly used lll the Vietnam war. It had the capacity to carry 13 people 22S miles at speeds up to 130mph. San Bernardino Sheriff's spokes.. man James Bryant said 19 law enforcement agencies from several counties tbrouabout Southern Cali- fornia uc involved in the task force working Operation Border Ranger, but be lcnew no other details of the mission. "It must be new," Bryant said. .. I haven't beard a darn thing.about it." Stall wrll« Dixie RMI/an COD· ll'UHrlell,. ,.,. ,...,.,. llark 8teftD TonklD Supelvi_sors give reen light to proposed Irvine monorail BJ BOB VAN E\'K.EN Of ............ Oranae County officials pve ten- tative approval today to North America's first public monorail sys- tem. lb~ Board of Supervisors pve the olans for a monorail Wayne · with an Irvine park~ away. If the system aoes into operation, it will · te the nation's first monorail outsiJt Disneyland and Disney World. The futuristic railway is, in fact, to be an p:eatly updated version of the C. ~at Disneyland three om:.%°ofTransportatioo Group Inc.,~ oft.he monorail, say 1t wilLbe similar to a. new, updated system planned for Florida's Disney World. PrOponents of'the project, Irvine .. based McDonnell Doualas Realty say it could eventually 6e exte~ far beyond its initial half-mile limit. in a report to the Board of Super- vison. "We believe the t>015ibilities for CXj)UlsiOo UC limitless," be said. "Other nearby hotels, businesses and · shoppin& centers can easily connect to the system, which in tum will --encootqe car poolinJ. bus use and van poolin& to the bµsiness districts." "We have already been contacted by one contnletor interested in a link to the Meridien Hotel area. and another one interested in extend.in& it to the South Coast Plaza area," Youna told the board today. Board members received the proposal enthusiastically. I -rh.is board bas ID opportunity tO make an impKt on.traffic conaestioo in Om.lee County," said Supervisor Thomu Riley, in ~ dittrict the proposed monorail would be built. million to conluuct. And~ it will parallel the $296.6 million John \Va~ Airport expana.ion project, which is now under way, all construc> tioo fvoda for the monorail will come from tbe private sector, Youns said. ''Not one penny will be cbaraed to the taxpa_yen, .. be said. When completed. it will link the planned Doualas Plaza office and retail complex with the new upper level roadway at the airport. The monorail will travel westerly on a 2,-400-foot track alona Doualu Avenue, cro11in1 MacArt6ur Boulevud to the airport. ~ject plans aay the system will initially ... ve the capacity to move between 720 and 1080 puseqm per hour, and that caJ*i,ty could be apuded to a,ooo-~ a hour. The trip from Do~ to the airport is expected to take about twommutes. • COMBINED CAMPUSES WORKING WELL ••• .. lb.is link is bein& desisned so it can be easily expanded from either terminal." said Robert Youns. presi- dent of McDonnell DouaJas Realty. Su~sor Don Roth, whose dig.. trict includes Oranae County's _only existina monorail, at Disneyland, aleo praised the project u an example of the private sector addressina a public problem. County staff members and McDonnell Douatas officials esti- mate that the monorail will cost $3 Youna said that. ~Ill final approval of monorail plans, the system could be ready for operation within two years. '"Shortly after the new airport ~· in 1990, we should be ready with our monorail," he said. Prom Al school campus and surrounded by students that by definition were more mature, they settled down quite a bit. .. Loofbourrow said the trend con- cerned school officials, but counsel- ors at both campuses kept a close eye on the younaer students and found nothing amiss. "There are more role models around," she said. "A lot of positives are associated with it." Jan Kausen, the president of Costa Mesa ~·s Pa.rcnt-T cacher-Student A.uoci.a.1100, said she thinks the propam is f.Oin& pat. .. , haven t beard any major com- plaints, ... Kausen said. .. It was more of a trauma for parebts, becaute they weren't sure what would happen to their child J t this level. .. Kausen said the PTSA plans some social functions later this school year for the parents of sixth-sraden who will attend Costa Mesa High. .. It's a whole new ball prne," Kausen said ... We want to introduce the parents to the principal and explain what their ·child will be involved in with lockers, schedules and P.E.' .. Goin& from elementary school riabt to hiah school is a bi& step .... lf the s-rents uc aware of what's ahead, it's easier for the child." Dori Michelle Beeler, a Costa Mesa High aeoior and editor of the cam"us newseaper. said the combinatJon wun t too difficult for the older student$. · •·we never even see them, so it MOM GETS DAUGHTER ••• haaAl Freeman filed for custody. His rc-questwu~ butbewuallowed CUllOdy of Charity oo Sundays. Freeman allesdly abducted Ow'· ity in Septem6er 1982. The case pined national attention in l 98S when it WU rumored that freeman Wll connected to a satanic cult in northern Ohio. The rumor wu never confirmed, and police fowMi no evideoce of oocuJt activity in the aputment. Freeman'a ln'Clt Friday came after detectives went to eee bim about an automobile repoe:1nlion and the sirt answered the door. He WU arrested (or unlawful ~t to avoid pros.- ecu~tion and ii beiaa held on 150,000 bl.ii in Cou.nty Jail ffe WU to be . today. ~~E Illy Piii MAINOFflel sac> Wwt ley SI., ea.ta M9M. CA Charity was not beina held captive and appeared to be in good phyJical shape, ~lice have said. lo a jailhowie interview, FreeJBD said be never forced Charity to my with him. aayina she could have rctumcd to her mot.her if she wanted. .. , ne~ f~ her to stay. I never lied to bcr. I JUll told her what the situation wu. It wun't that lhedidn'I love her mother, it wajust natural for her IO be with me. I wu her home. l WU her 11.mily " be said. Freeman .ld be didn't think hia dauebset wa a bid mother, but be bad developed a apecial bond with Charity. • .. , had raiaed her ... niabt and day for all tbole yeus. I didn't know •bat die 10 do,' be laid. doesn't faze me," Beeler said. "The only time they bother me is when they run in front of me in the ball." Four more held in CM gang fight WILSON••• BJ JON.ATHAN VOIBE SboflUD pellets blew out the rear Prom Al °' .. ._.,....... window oh car driven by a 16-year- underbelly of society." Two men and two boys have been old Costa Mesa sirl. but she and her After Monday's verdict, Baruch taken into CUltody since an a~nt paaeneen were not bit, police said. said be believed the jury reached the ,..~ta M-· -n• battle earlier •'-=s A car and sboflUD recovered by only reasonable conclus100. '-Va ..... -I-Ill police after the brawl helped "The ~ution's case was month, authorities said. authorities identify suspects in the frauaht with inconsistencies," said battle. Baruch. "We feel vindieated. The No one was injured in the fiabt Leu ·than a week after the Oct. 11 jury saw it u we did, and we're outside a bowlina alley at the Mesa ftab~ a Costa Mesa youth and Santa ecstatic." Verde Center on Harbor Boulevard, Ana youth were taken into custody. deadly weapon. J..ut week, Charles Boyc:tt, 19..,~ arrested in connection with the opt, and Joseph Frank Banda, 18, WU amaed tbil week. Both men face pollible c:birlea of auault witb a "'-'"" weepoo and firina into an ~teddweWq. Police.9id more than two dozen yoUtba, at leut one armed with a = and another with a pil101, at Mela Verde Center at Hanor BoWewrd and Adami S1rect.. Dei>uty District Attorney Dou&lu but the brawl wu punctuated with Their names were not rek:ued be- Woodsmall. who prosecuted the cate, shoflUD bluts and pistol shots, caute of their qei. They faced said be was dis&pPOinted in the result, authorities said. pollible cbarJes of assault with a but bad no criticism for thejwy. ..----------------------------------------~ .. I felt there was eoouah evtdence fora conviction, but the jury obvious- ly didn'uce it that way,' hesaid. "rm sure they were a oonscieotious jury and that they looked at the facts carefully before reechina the con- clusion that they did. or coune rm disappointed. Sut you have to be pbilolopb.ic:a1 about it." A COiia Mesa POlicc inveatiplQr involved in the Wilson cateexpc CllCd eome skept:iciun at the jury's verclict, but aaid the ioveatiption would probabl)111otbe reopenec1 .. Just because the JUY'• found not pilty doesn't mean be didn't do it," laid Detective Dan Hope ... It just meut tbe jury felt tbeR waa't eDOUlb evidence to convict bim. But be c:u't be tried lllin for tbe mne crime. 10 u &I' aa Mr. Willon ii coacemed, tbe cue ia doled. And un ... tome0ne comes forward witb 10111e new evidence, the case will remain inacti ted." .. 5 .. Fall Tweeds A fresh interpretation of updated colorations and patterns distingujsh our superb selection of tweed sport coats. Pictured is a classic grey lJerrinlboae interwoven with subtle sbMles of .. ~ ud Z.veadar. We iavite you to view our coHectioa. 1111111...,_ ... IMO, C.a MaM. CA tM2t OlllllllM ... "42 .... 7t; ......,_ & adll«lll. .,...., . Ju.tcall 642-8086 "* -'"""" ..... ........... ....,_ . .... ----, . ......... ..., .... ~ 1* .. _ ........ ....._ecMorltll .... ., ........... , ...... ~ ............ ............... , 'ZllRel"""""_,., wa.11,•• ....... ...... ......... ........ ._,.. .. .,,., .. ..... ...... ,_ ... .. ........... • Clln 11111 '1 ,, .... • . • • .· .. Newport council candidates to air Views Thursday Tbe Newport Center AllOCiatiOD will bold a lnm for City Council candidet.es Tbunday from 7:JO 10 9 Lm. at tbe Newport Bach Marrion Hotel. 900 Newport Ceater Drive. . Tbe bmat will include oredclennined times llr c:1ndiidlte1' statements. oriPonent debate and a '~D and amwer oeriod from the audience. All mndiidltes &om tbe tfuee di1tricu open for election · wWanend. Tbe bum ii open to the public at no charge. Call tbe NCA office at ~1861 for additional illformation. Ccmtact Jen• talk .iated Tbe Women's Health Institute will present a tee eeminar entitled "lsauea on Contact Lens .. tonilbt at 6:30 at 3150 Bristol St., Suite l 00, Costa .... . Opbthalmolosi1t Gary Feldman will discuss color Jens, bitocala in contacts and personal =-with travel. infections and solutions. Call 1122 for reservations. Friends of the Bolaa Chica Wetlands will speak on the miaratory birds that inhabit the manhlands Tbunday at 7:30,p.m. at the Nei&hborbood Center, 1845 Put Ave., Costa Mesa. The J>rosram will include discussion of the current political status of the wetlands. Admission is free and further information is available at 551..0584. Clean alr hearing .et A bearina on the Oran&e County Air ~ty Manuiement Plan will be neld Thursday m' the Boucf of Supervisors bearing room at the Thomas Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana. The bearina will run from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. and tpiD from 7 to 9 p.m. Contact Kristine K.erenyi at 724-1916 for details. Bdacatlon lundlng .emblar A 1eminar on bow to plan for fundjng your child's education will be held Thursday from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Turtle RockCommunity Park in Irvine. The seminar will cover such topics as projecting future costs, sources of scholarships and grants and obtaininc financial aid. The cost is $10 and more information is available from the Irvine Communi- ty Services Depanment at 660-3881. AIDS lecture Jn Irvine Members ofWomen in Management will bear a talk on AIDS in the workplace at their meebng Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. Nurse Susan Sullivan and attorney Jennifer Gluer will conduct the program, which '-'will De preceded by dinner at 6:30. Call 96<r8680 for reterVations. BubJw w•lon Jn NB Joe Tanenbeum, owner of an interpersonal communications develop.mcnt company lD New- port Beach, will speak on "Managing Men and Woglen Tbrou&h Assertive Communciations" TbUnday at 7: 15 a.m. The prosram will be conducted by the Bu~iness Development Committee of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Call 644-8211 for location and reservations. Ta,.,.y, Oct25 • 6:30 p.m. lnlM City Coadl, council chambers, 17200 Jamboree Blvd. • 7 p.m. e • ....-~ Uaioll BJp Sdlool Dlltrtd ...,.. .t 'fnstees, board room, 10251 Y orttown Ave. • 8:p.m. r .. ta1a Valley City c.aeu, council cbamben, 10200 Slater Ave. Wedn,_,.y, Oct. 26 • 7:30 p.mJl' .. lala \taDe1 P1amlq Com-·~council cl)amben, 10200 Slater Ave. • :30 ~ lntM Plaalq Cemmluloa. OOUDCil c:ham 17200 Jamboree lUvd. ~ - ~Tustin man kills 3 in·fam y, elf .,_ ........ win,.,.. An Oruee County man whole wife said lie '"'depre•ed becau• of hean tJOubk died from a IClf-inftic:ted pmlbot wound boun after killina his two foster children and bia 16-year..old mother~ authorities said toda . Leon ~uffman, 60, died at 10 p.m. Monday after undef'aoioa stomach IUfJtl'Y at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana, police said. r The bodies of Alioe Huffman, g6; William Barr, 11, and Richarc.t Balisterire, 8; were found in a home in Tustin. followina a 9:25 a.m. te~phone call from the house, police Sat. Christine George said. ~ Eada b8d a .22<aliberpmabot WOWld 10 lbabald. Tbe caller .. stated be bad just sbot twO dWdree ad bit wife ud WU . to lbc>Ot bim1ett,·· pobce Capt. s~~ said. The man Jl&lQ& up withoul Jivilll his addreu, but the 911 call immediately pve the home's addreaa on the Police Deput- ment'1 computer. Oflicenarrivi.naat the home in the 1100 block ofMear Lane found two bo)'I and the elderly woman dead and Huffin&n pavely wounded. Foster said. -rbere's no known reason for. tbis to happen." said police Set. Marte BertquilL "Nobody knows what went wrona in there." No moeive for the crime Md beea dcli:illiiDed. police laid. but Hutrman·~ wif8. 8'tt)', who wa at wOft in Hunt-U.-lactt 11 tbc liine of fbe aboolina. 10ld audtoritiea her husband bad been de"'·~pra..,aeed ... 18-4 because of bean trouble. The lboo~ described ~ Tustill authorities as the most • sbock.i!'f bomicide cue in the city's history, occurred about S:30 a.m. in a quiet nci&bbortlood of modest homes. Mn. Huffman ba.d &eft her home about 15 minutes before the sbootinp for her teere'tlria1 job in a Huntinaton Beach office, police Lt. Bob Schoenkopf said. She was in seclusion with friends after the sbootinp, police said. · · Neiabbor Kevin McKenna. 22, said the two "'9 Md been UDder die 11a· a1· care a bar or ftvc yeaf'1 aad each • Id de:y IDOl"Diaa Mn. Huftinaa would Mil diem IO die ~ IChooia tbey aanded. ..1t•1...i ~No oneuoWMS here .... Mw apec:ted it," ... McK•ent Bui IMll be laid of Huffman, .. I uader- "8nd be wu a sun nut " ~~ said several auns WCJe found in~~'*· But be said police ba.d never had any previc>PJdealinas with Huffman except for one Wne we be reported be WIS the victim of I petty theft. .. He wu not known to us, not someone reponed to us. .. be said. ..., ............ '-..... Newport Barbor 111-b School plant manacer Roy A•ery (left) am.wt Peter Vidmar of lntn_, dellftlft ala and-4n1C mnnc-e to Rretchee a red. rlb6on o'ftr campaa' entrance while O~ymplc li.e etadenta Monday. . _Redri Qtions ;white crosses fight drugs By JOYCE BODLOVICH Ot .. 0.-, ........ The 310 swk wbjte crosses lining the dirt bill on the proposed Barranca Parkway bridge is a chilling memorial to those who have died from drug-related causes in the last 20 months. However, what was to have been Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates' monument to ms -anti-drug push in the county hn become clouded in a controversy of sorts conccrninJ the validity of the statistics. While Gates claims tbat the 310 deaths arc drug related, statistics from the coroner's office show that those deaths were not all caused by drugs, and include people who died of other causes and had dru&s in their body at the time of death. Gates was at the scene today of a helicopter crash in which an Orange CountY. sheriffs ~eputy was killed and was unavailable to comment on the con- troversy. As part of Red Ribbon Week. the dramatic scene of hundreds of crosses unveiled Monday was designed to ma.kc motorists traveling thro_ugti Irvine on the Santa Ana F~way aware of the coun- tywide war against drugs. The crosses were erected by high school student representatives from Orante County's Advisory Council Apinst Drut Abuse. .. e--chosc this spot because of the tremendous exposure," said Gates. "This was the lcids idea to show the adult community how serious they arc about 'Stopping drug abuse. This shows the lcind of commitment they have." Gates has been a strong advocate of promoting anti-drug programs. He formed the teen~e advisory board last Novem- ber. Re meets with the board, which includes representatives from each Orange County pnvatc and public hi&h school. twice a tnorttb to plan ongoing programs. Gates said the crosses will stand until Saturday. the cod ofRed Ribbon week. Red Ribbo~eek was launched in 1985 after Federal ~nt Enrique Camarena was killed by dru& traffickers. The red nl>bon now symblizes the .. Just Say No" movement. During the week, each com- munity presents its own promotion of the event. Many cities decorate butldinas and trees V(ith red ribbons. Gates said this year SS0,000 ribbons weR i)UJ'C~unity busmcu leaders and~·vcn to all public and private schools in County. A new theme this year is .. ugs Not Oru&s" and is depicted on stickers with tfuce bears embracing. .. We developed a campaign around love and friendship," said Gates. .. When we talk to young people about death it dosen 't mean a lot because they can only sec health and life. But many kids have seen friends die or end up in rehabilitation hospitals. Friend~ip ts something they under- stand." Red Ribbon Week was launched Sunday when the Los AqeJes --itams wore anti-~ petcbes stitched to the kft sboulder of their uniforms when they played the Seattle Seabawks at Anaheim Stadium.' 4l1C anti~ posters will also appear in desipated entrancleS into the county includiDf appro&imatley 100 bus abdten.. Every~ actpubtic demeiiuy'ICllOOl teacher bas been _liven a rubbers&aDp with the. .. Huss Not orup,~ loSO. Tbe-stamps, donated by Santa Ana businessman Haro&d Willard, will be used to pade the pupils' papen. The week will oondudc at the Subscaooe Abuse Awareness Fair al>d Saddleb9ck Soap Box Gravity Race, at Saddlcbeck Colleae in Mission Viejo. The Ora.nae County Sheriff's Oepert- ment has . two racers entered .from the South County Substation in I..aauna Nipel. The student advisory oouncil alto will have a booth to distribute ant:Mtrua information. 'Underwear Bandit' suspect held Cutoiuoflla.i..- v1etum-boaad fOOCla ROWLAND HEIGHTS (AP)-A man believed to be the "Underwear Bandit" who bas been linked to a string of holdups in which women victims were ordered to tw\d over their underwear as well as cash bas been captured, police said. Bruce Lyons, 33. of the R.ivenide County town of Moreno Valley, was captured after a freeway chase and crash following a robbery at an ice cream parlor. .. Los An&eles County Sheriff 's Capt. Thomas Vener said. the captain said. Lyons was arrested about 9:30 p.m. LOS ANGELES (AP) -U.S. Cusiom1 officials have seized more than SS0,000 in aok1 and held up about 30,000 pounds of aoods in a crackdown on i.lleaaJ trade between the United States and V"tetnam. Bail. set at S 11.000 after the Sunday night atTCSt. was raised to S l 00.000 after detectives found lO pairs of women's panties in Lyons' car and determined he resembled the Underwear Bandit de- scribed by earlier victims, Vetter' ~id, Lyons also resembles • surveillance camera photo from one of the robberies. Sunday by sheriffs deputies rcspoodtng to a repon of a robbery at a Baskin Robbins ice cream parlor. Deputy Chris Wahla said. The bandit was sought in at least 47 robberies in a four-county region. includ- : ing 19 in Orange County sin~ m1d- August. The ~ mostly from the Little Saia<>n area o(Westminster, were seized in two separate raids Saturday and Oct. 14 at an Air France storage room at Los Angeles lntemat1onaJ Airpon, officials said. Lap.Da 8111Ch Police ana1ed Eric Mark Wescott. 21, of Laauna Beach on suspicion of auto thefi and residential burglar) Wescott was anated Monday and held in lieu of S2St000 bail. • • • Tbe<>wnerofacarparked Monda) on Victoria Street and Nyes Pia~ said the vehicle WU bw)larized, wtth th~ loss estimated at S4200. • • • An etchina valued at $4.000 was repotled stolen Saturday from a Lquna Canyon Ro.d location. , ... Police UTCSted Andttw Joseph Przestalski, 3S, oITustin on susp1cton of ·drivilll under the influence of ak:obol. Pnatallki was stopped a1 1:12 Lm. today on Coast Hlghway at Sth SUee\. 1'-talaV.Uey A baft)eque wu held on the roof of Moila Elementary School. 9790 Fmcb St., at 6 p.m. Sunday. • • • A woman left ber pune cont11n1.na $-t50 OD a ...wetop at the Hop niabld.ub OD lrookhunt Street on S.Nrda~illn ud when she re- 1Uned danci111 the purse was, IOftC. • • • Soineoee amt a blunt 1nstrumtnt to ICD8lll ID Window at the Mac U.._,, 17280 ~ St. No property ... taken. • • • f.mty MD••1 -.one brOke a ........ f/61M 1914 vw llabbit ~ • * 1600 b1oct of Rue Gr .... IDok a ~ valued It J ••• ..... .., ........ key '° .., • Mllllldn Pim at fl9S • • Warner Ave. on Monday mght to steal $436. R antmatcm Beach A woman ran to a neighbor's apartment in the 6400 block of Warner Avenue, cla1m1 ng her eslflnlCd husband tned to kill her b) stranalinl her with a belt. The man. who WU waitina for tht woman when ·she ac>t home a link before 9 p.m .. reportedly fted. He is believed to hvt out of his car and frequents Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley, accordina to repons. • •• About 20 people reported!)' un- nated on walls &nd were runn1na around fiPti111 and playina chase m tb.eir can at about l l:SO p.m . tn a resta~rant putina lot at Beech Boulevard and Wal'Da' A vaue. • • • An dderty resident uid she found footprints on top of ber reft"Welator on Hunti ... Street. She's afratd someone tried to enter her raidencle. shetaid. llfewpelt •••oil suona bufllan made ofl'witb 10me heavy duty CODllnlCtioe equipment after smashiftl I chain link ~It I buildiftl site at MOO Bilds St. A 9S- POUDd dnll bl~ J~Dd ~ bucket and I ~ ~ wer'e stoam. Tiie io. -eesj·ated M S9,000. • • • olla _...,. ........ 15..020 Ai:_. ............... ... ~· ........ -c... Wat ~ 1 .. 1 94 t1a; Aw., lfterbw"8n 11au .. alt••--tollita-aw; ••• AbcNtSIAOG..illlillll._ .... \ and a Corona del Mar home on the 200 block of Hazel Drive was ran- sacked after burglars pined entry throu&h an unlocked side door. eo.ta11 ... A heavy-banded thief rammed the pte ofa public storage lot in the 1700 block of Pomona A venue and pried the dooR off several storage units. A 5ho11Un was taken. • • • A crook picked the lock of an apartment oo C~ Street and escaped with a VJdeocastette re- corder. television and $220 cash. • • • A 37-year-old Oral\IC -woman re- ~a man she met at a sinak:s' club tn lrvine cheated her out ofSS,000 in a phony rul csiate scam. Tbc wtpeet d111ppearcd with the money. • • • A man •ho told e»-WOlbn be could F\ Rebok tennis shoes at a -ditcount collected $97S &om them and basn •t shown up at wort ..ace. Investment firm offering $20Bbld forRJR Nabisco a, ...... Aaeeta ... Prell Election Day. J)uk.akis was seeking ·votes in C&litofnia, where the latest ~~'l Geoval ... -~~l ~.!-:;! poll showed Bush hotdinaan I I-point ~ n Mi~ lead over the Democratic nominee in ~of makina "appeals to class the battle for the state's 4'7 electoral co · " in cbaraina that a Bush votes. 9dministration would be slanted .. Gcorae Bush wants to give people toward the rich -including the vice ti&.:-himself a tu break that's more1 in praldent himself. iu;; 1ee Dukakia. who was campaianing somC:.1:5' than the average wor r today in California, said Monday tlfat in · omia makes in a year," ~·s prol>osal fora cut in the capil;&I Duk.akis told supporters in Los An- pam tax would benefit the well-to-do actcs on Monday. and uJd ba ....... ·--· t The Massachusetts governor also wo ve m'-'"U ,_ saVlnp 0 accused the GOP ticket of distorting Bush penonally of about $22,000 a . . • d .rti · year if it bad been in effect the l>Ut hi$ record 1n campaign a ve sing. three~· . ·.: , ~ . • .. We've ~n a carnpaiP, of distor-Sis~ ba1Jd18C ID New Bulb said ~Y. I ve been d1~ tions and. m1sreprtsentat1on and of Ym'k Cl cawecl iJi 11ma•-turbed, as rvc witnessed my oppo-outri&ht lies now for many, !J18111 -1· nent•a campeian of ~ last several . mo~ili.! s," Dukakis tbld a San Diego On d d O h · "Mleb, at .the in~ apJ>C8!s to audience. . e ea • 1 urt clast ~ In. my Vlew, ~ei:c ts no The Republican nominee, stum~ bulldl f'-1 I ~ m ~ncan. ~blic lif~ for ing for votes in New England, sud U __ Dd tu£8 pmjoeophies that diVlde Amene8!1s Monday bis campaign has "complete • one frcim another, a.!'<i that cxctte. documentation" for its coJ'lllDercials NEW YORK (AP)-A firefighter co~ ~ona. them. · criticizing Duka.kis on crime and ditlina tbrouab the rubble of a six-~~ ... will find 1:1~ future by defense. · atory buildina found the last sll{Vivor NEW YORK (AP) -The fevered 1ft:b ofWall Street'tbiddi,.forP.nt fOocl compuiel could ID even bilber ~· bu~ut aoecialitt'S ~ $20.28 billion offer for RJR Nabilco Inc. JC.oblbera Knvis Roberti A Co. made ~ its S9k-sbare leverqed buyout offer for RJR Nabilco on Monday, four days after Nabi1cc,.s ~t laid it milbt offer $17 billion, or· S7S a llwe, to buy the company from stockbolden. "'Our offer is a better one,.. said Henry Ktavil, a partner in the New Y ort-bued invesuneot firm. . Securities' analy1u said th~ Koblbera Knvil tender ofter was more in line with NabilCO's worth. than the propoial brOKhecl by man~ qemeot, and say that biaber Offen may still emerJe. .. There's a pouibility this will be Spoal frightens trapped whales keepina wiw the traditions of her H •• t-'t," B sh 'd f h sh -&Jo...Ahi ha d than ~ tnditiom of 0 , 0_ •• c .elf.not LAA.C 1 '-! w o ~ en c .. ...,.._. s n more BARJlOW, Alaska (AP) _ Two tbe final bid, but it could ao as biab u SIOO," ..W Jay Nelson., aa-.aaalys& witb Brown Bro\bert Hamman Inc. .. It's feuible, but not at all certain." K.ohJbera Kravit said it would offer S90 a lbare in cub for about 87· percent of RJR Nabisco's 22S.3 million outstandina lharet, and would cxchanae leCUritics valued at the umc amount for the rest of the company's ttock. Tbe offer was conditioned on auppon &om Nabitco's board. Tbe invatment firm, known for iu ~ IUCCellfu1 lcvCl'al'Jd buyout bids, said it would "'9in the tender otfer formallt>J:tertbis week. At more than S20 n. lbc offer woulCt surpus the record S 13.4' billion pun:lwc of G"'fCorp. by Qcvron Coq>, in 1984 .. There wu no comment li'om RJR Nabitco, bued in Wimton&lem, N.C., or the executives who said they were co:· buyina the food and tob9cro com . reier A. cbairmu er tbe securities 6rm SbeanoD ""'man Hutton. wbicb is workilll with Nabimn ill propoeed bu~i, laid he was aurprited at ICoblberl Kravil' offer. He declined to comment on IPCIQl- lation that ~t wouJCI re- spond with a biabet offer. On Wall Street, invetton rmcted enthusi•ttdlly Moeday IO K.oblbaa Knvis's ofter. Nabitco ttock lbot up S7.2S a share to SM in New York Stock Excbanle compolite lndiDa. ' Ronaid 8. M0rrow, wbo tracb NabiJco for the investment ftnn Smith Barney, Harris Upham A C.0., .said ·he doubted the ;;:..ment poup led by Nabitco . t F. Ross Jobnson,,would be disturbed by the Koblbera N"avis bid. Reagan signs bill creating Cabfnet post.for veterans eroaty and coopenti~ ~d. ~· He cannot take 1t and.now ciabt ho~ after the struct~~ c:ot-trapped whales reversed coune and .. We will move forward not by be s tfY1ng JO tw;n ~d make ~ issue _la~, JriJ.ling the owner and IDJU~ng beaded back tOward shore, &ustratin& By ne Aneelaled Press succumbina to the buc temptations· what we arc saying. 1 oth,rs. . · · eff'ona to coax them toward open WASHINGTON -President Reagan today signed legislation creating of fear and envy but by following as The vice J?l'CSidcnt w~s cai:npaign-"I:m ~obtn! Get inc out!" shouted waler, u scientists probed an i~ ri. the Department o~terans Affairs, telling vets they deserve "a scat at the table Abraham Lincoln said. those better i~ today m the Ohi~ ctties of R~b~ F1~hcrtorcscuers~t the office for a weak spot that SoVlct tee-of our national affairs." In si0njno into law the bill establi-t..:no the 14th aDFIS or our nature." ~ . COiumbus, Akl;on and Lima before building ID the ~ttan s Garment> breakers could au.ck. . -· ... aaµ--. Bush said Dukakit ..... , ... _.. ... despitc flvino to DctroiL Bush's runnin& District. L "It's . discouraoina,.. federal Cabinet-level .,ency, Rb&an made an election-year exception to his oft-stated · ~ / p•.. Q I li E rbod h · ·d th 60-bi,,.i....-;.. · w·-· opposition to expandina tfie size offederal govemmenL At the conclusion ofa allthecvidenceofthelasttwodcicaes, mate, 0..0 uay e, was travc DI to vc Y w 0 was 1051 e c ._..... DaVld ithrow wd Mon-=to the Nationall>cfcnsc Univcrsi~ at Fort McNair in the District of to the discmtitcd policies of high Georgia and "Aorida -two states year-old building when it collapsed day u the mammals, apperntly .. taxes andaovernmenf spendina." cxl)CCted to cod up in the GOP . Monday, inclu~ a pregnant spooked by a shoal that bas stymied mbia, the pre5ident said that the nat on's debt to its military men and His comments came in a ~h column 00 Nov. 8 _ to help v.:ornan who sumved from the top ~ ror three days, retreated women .. does not end the day the uniform comes oft ... All of those who have -r--r. .... _. served in America's uniform deserve the nation's thanks." Dreoued for the Ohio Associabon of Republican House and Senate can-Ooor, was accounted 1.or by late about 800 yards. "Why come back Dn:ildcastcrs. Polls show Bush lead-didates. Monday, authorities said.. . hCrc when they know it's open up .~--l'J 1. d-.11i · ed ina in Ohio, which is considered a Democratic vice presidential can-"It was like riding a monster, and there?" Se~.u-c 0 et iOr ~ -e• prate.ti m~-win state for ~. . ~~tc Lloyd Bentsen was campaign-the only .. thi!ll Y?U _eould ~o was to Biole>JisU called a ~porary bait . MIAMI ~tern Airline$ demanded that the Customs Service release a With two weeks rcmauung until mgmthcDakotasandMontana. bangon, wdWllllclmWaight,32. toopenmgnewbn:athmaholes. Sl4 millionjcdiner impounded aft.er agents found 56 pounds of cocaine -au Ff ELL'S --a~Sl)'igjtiun ~ not an e9m!y_._ in the war against drugs. Mo1l4ay..!__ . discov~ of a bag of cocaine aboard an r, I 0 rtaaay after 1t amve<lneretrom Bosota, Colombia, was the fourth drug cori65cation mvolving an Eastern tliaht e> ~ ~~.,~ . tllE WE•HT .EAllLY UPHOLSTERY llC since Aqust. The Customs Service said the plane would not be released until -. ,_...., C....,.. • Eastern pays a fine of $896,000 -or $1 ,000 an ounce -and plcdaes to " -. · ... 1122 --., CISTA IU&-5"-llM. improve drug security. i . ; ,_.' f ' I I I WITH ACUPRE88UllE AND HERB PROGRAM ,------~-;.;;--, . ~· I 'or "5 tor e Yllltt) I • Curti. tlPS*lt• '810 .......... 1 •.NoNeedlee I ~ $35 PER VISIT I . Control INICklng . • AchleYe relaxation __ ..._,.__.._.._ __ ~-!'!!!!!.-~--.J • F-eel more energetic ALSO AVAILABLE: Stop Smoldng, .............. Arthrttle, MCI lleclc/Neck P81n OR. LOUIS LU: O,M.0. C.A.. 19!071 BEACH, SUITE C 23361 El TORO OFFICE KOURS: (at Garfleld) ' RO MON.·FRI. Hunttngton 8eadl SUITE 107 . 9am-7pm CALL NOW! ll2•1IOI Laguna Hlllt Weelcand• by Appt . ·Fbm• delayed In shlpplngllu vaccme. PHILADELPHIA -A delay in the production of flu vaccine will keep ~pie from receiving influenza $hots until the end of the peak time for profectiif& paticnts:-Bu afllicscason approaarcs, Mcaicarc suf>scribeii urto- areas of tfic country were told the will receive free flu shots for the tint time as putofaSlOO million program aimed at saving the livesofthousandsofpeople killed by influenza each year. The drug companies say the U.S. Centers for Disease Control took longer than normal to identify the strains needed in the vaccines, in part causinaa two-month delay in delivering the drugs to docton. But the CDC contends t\lc notification wasn't late. ~---·----------------­• Termites Are Now Swarming_ I Bugs Flying Around Your Home? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....___~~~~~~~ FLEAS?ANTS? I FREE ESTIMATES I -hliii-1 VI S S I with rhis - I Utkl 6Pw51C~n1rot, Mc. I Licensed Contractor -#PR534 I OFFERS. •• % • • Current Rate* Annual Yield % • 1 AD I I • . Serving The Orange Coast · I Since 1974, Wholesale Fumi1ation PRICES! I SPECIAL DISCOUNT WITH THIS AO I CALL IHI BISll 8•8-1377 ! ---·-----···---------- •Lunch •Dinner •Cocktails Entertainment in Tile Burro Room ~ 296 E. 17th St .• Costa Mesa 64S-7i26 •FUNDS RSLIC INSURED FDR SAFETY •EARN A PREMIUM RATE WITH CQMPLETB,LJQUIDITY -AT ANY TIME •A MINIMUM BALANCE OF ONLY $10,000 AND YOU MAY DEPOSIT AS MUOI AS $99,999 •PREMIUM CHOCKING AVAILABLE AT MO~E THAN 187 LOCATIONS 1HROUGHotJr CALIFORNIA •NO PENALTY R>R EARLY WITHDRAWAL! YOUR FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE WHEN YOU NP.ED nmM IF YOU HAVE ANY QUFSrIONS REGARDING AMERICAN SAVINGS WE WELCOME YOUR CALL. 1-SOa-24 7-7197 -Mon~~ Sat. 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. MWI HAVE A LOT OF COMPETITION ••• llUT OUR Rl88 DON'TI!' Or.nge Coeat DAILY PILOT!Tuelday, October 26, 1111 A.I . . Israelis shoot six Palestinians in -w. Bank clashes- ·fyphoon sinks ship;.485 lost JERUSALEM (AP) -Israeli ll'OOpl abot and wounded at least lix Paleltinianl today in clubes throu&h- out the occupied territories, Arab bolpital officials said. Tbe vio~ occurred a day after IOldien sbot and killed a 17-year-old Palestinian in the occupied West luak. Tbe death broupt the number of Palestiniana kil1ed in the l 0- montb-old Palestinian uprisina to 302. Si.x Israelis also have died. The army, meanwhile, retracted a rep>rt that a 7-year-old Arab boy ~ied after bein& shot in the chest" with a piu.tic bullet durina a nighttime clash in the occupied Gaza Strip. Two military spokesmen irr Tel Aviv and Jerusalem called The As- sociated Press to say their earlier report was erroneous and that the boy was in stable condition at Tel Hubomer Hospital near Tel Aviv. No explanation was given for the error. The boy, Ali Hussein Abu Amra. wu hit in the chest by a plastic bullet after troops fired at stone-throwing protesters in the Shabura neigh- borhood of Rafab Monday night. an official at Nasser Hospital said . . ~ . MA.Nll.A (AP)-A ship ullk with more than 500 people aboard durina the hei&ht o(Typbooo Ruby, and the coast pard said today only I S survivon were rescued before the sean:b was suspended for the ni&hL The stonn, wbicb officials said · killed at least 76 people on land and Abu Amta was taken inti.ally to left l I l ,000 homeless, tore tbrouah Nasser Hospital and later transferred d · the to Tel Hubomer. A hospital apokes-the central Philippines an into e man, Dr. Moshe Tirosh, said the boy South China Sea today. was in intensive care with a bullet Cout l\W'd officials said the 2,84S-ton Dona Marilyn sank Monday in wound to the chest. the Visayas Sea, about 300 miles Soldiers imposed a curfew today on southeast of Manila. It was not clear the aei&hborbood where Abu Amra bow many people were lost. was shot and troops fired tear ga.s at Lt. Rey Essuerra oftbe coast guard hi&h school students who stoned station in Cebu said re9CUCTS found 11 soldiers elsewhere in Rafah, but there survivors on Maripipi Island and were no injuries, Arab news reports another small island and that four said. people were found floating in the Arab reports and witnesses said water. nine people were wounded today -Esguerra later said the search was two of them seriously-in confronta-suspended because of darkness and tions in six cities and refugee camps in bad weather, but would resume at the occupied territories. dawn Wednesday. The army said it was checking the The Dona Marilyn was carrying reports. 4S 1 passeoaers and 60 crcw members A 22-yeu-old man suffered a from Manila to Tacloban on l.eyte serious plastic gunshot wound in the Island when it radioed a distress call, neck when soldiers raided the village said Carlos Go, aea.eraJ manager of of Tamoun near the city of Nablus, Sulpicio Lines, owner of the vessel. Arab news reports said. He was taken Others missing and feared dead to Rafidiyeh Hospital in Nablus. from Typhoon Ruby included 2S in At Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, the Mindanao Island ooastal city of Mohammed Ali Rweideh..1. 26, of . Cagayan de Oro, 1 S in Mindanao's Nozeirat refugee camp~ uaza was Zamboanga del Sur province and reported in cntical condition with a about 70 aboard a bus that plunged bullet wound to the chest. into a swollen river Monday. Soviets seek Philippines· shipyard W ASHINOTON (AP)-The Sov- iet Union is seeking agreement to use a Philippines ship repair yard. raisi.ng U .S. concerns about potential eavesdroppina on the strategic American naval base at Subic Bay, acc:ordina to govcwmcnt officials. The officials said the. adminis- tration opposes any. such atranJe- ment on arounds that it would give the Soviets close access to Subic, which is perhaps the-most important American military installatio n outside the United States. The Philippines has rejected previous Soviet requests for ship •repair at the Philscco yard but Moscow recently renewed the re-The Soviet desire for ship repair quest. The officials, who insisted on apparently reflects a major Soviet anonymiiy, said there arc in-military buildup in the Pacific in conclusive indications the Philip-recent years. According to the Pen- pines may approve the new request. tagon, the Kremlin has increased the One reason Filipino authonties nun:iberofshipsand submarines in its may change-their mind, the.officialS-fac~cJleetby 40 vesgls.J.Q..UQ~I of said, is that the repair yard is losing 860 smce the end of 1984. ·• money. The enterprise is a joint Approval of the Soviet proposal venture of Philippine and Japanese also would be seen as further evidence interests. of a Filipino desire to disassociate Oose access to Subic would not· itself from the United States. A m ore only be an intelligence-gathering independent Filipino stance was ap- bonus for the Soviets, it also wq.vJd parent during recent base n~o­ cnable their vessels to remain longer tiations with the United States. which in the region, thus enhancing the frequently were marked by bitter Soviets' military capability. --amnrony. --- ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN ENROLL NOW IAIT•llE ClllSTIAI SCllllS # 16835 Brookhurst St .. Foootain VaRey (714) 963•7831 SLATER - i WARN(~ ~ CAU. F1I FllTIO lflltUTD 1~-r--~ .. u..tary Print• s.. If HEil CD .. lll1llctill 1..-.111t.2 -+----t--+- REMODELING AND EXPANSION SALE!! f inil Reductions J Our CoJla -meJa Slaowroom. iJ Leing 11xpan·JeJ /or ~our . convent ence. W/u/e we remodel, aff o/ our /ine in Jlock /urnilure iJ on Jafe. PfuJ our fa,.fje, excfuJive hne · o/ itnpo,./eJ /urnilure 1595 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa " 345 North Coast Hwy_. " Lagun•Bftch (714) 494-8M2 (714) 642-2050 Ruby lashed the main Philipp1nc islandi Luzon. -with torrential mns and wmd ausu of up 140 m,P!i The storm caused widespread floodina on the island. ttjqe_rinc landslides and washllia away bridaet· Aariculture Secre~ Carlos Domt- 'n&Uez said prclim1~ estimates showed Ruby caused «5.7 million in crop darnqe. President Corazon Aquino's spokesman, Teodoro Benigno, said the six-province Bicol rqion of southeastern Luzon was without elec- tricity today. The weather service said Ruby's center passed about SO miles east of Manila and swept into the provinces ofTarlac, Bulacan and Nueva Ecija. the Philippines' rice--producing heart- land. Government meteorologists said more than nine inches of rain fell at the Manila's airport in 24 boun. Casualty and damage reports were incomplete because of poor com- munications. Figures compiled from the Red Cross and various govern- ment agencies showed 26 dead in Antique province, IS in Zamboanga del Sur province, 11 in Caaayan de Oro, 11 in Marikina. six on Camiguan island. three in Nueva Ecija, two in Surigao City, and one each LD Pam- panga provmce and Bulacan. In Zamboanga, two Philippine navy ships - a landing ship and a hospital vessel -sank Monday after being battered by heavy waves. There Mlrlam mov~ a•aylrom wtm America . GUATEMALA arv (AP) -TU>pi.c:al SlOml Mlriam finally lW"Ded away from the coast after heavy raJns cut short a cychna race in Guatemala and sent children home from 9Chool early 10 southern Mexico. , Guatemala. El Salvador an'd southern Mexico, barely affected by the s~rm that left at least 11 1 dead in five other Latin American countries, called Off states of alert that had been in effect Sunday and Monday. As Hurricane Joan, the stonn killed 21 people m Costa Rica, four in Panama, 25 in Colombia and 11 in Venezuela. It also claimed 50 lives in Nicaragua as it ripped across tbecountryfrom the Atlantic to the Pacific before being downgraded to a tropical storm and renamed Miriam. The storm affected all Central American countries except tiny Belize and left hundreds of thousands of people homeless. were no casualties. Power outages and widespread flood ing hit Manila early today as Ruby approached .. Schools, govern- ment offi~s. Manala's two stock exchanges and many pnvate busa- n.esscs were.closed as Slrong winds buffeted the capital. Most domestic fhghts from Mani- la's airport were canceled again today, but airport officials said international service was normal. The Department ofSoc1al Welfare said at least 110,000of tbe nation's 23 million people were left homeless by the storm. Schools were closed at the Ameri- can bases al)d the U.S. military television stalton said only esscnual personnel were on duty. MaJ. Wayne Cnst. a spokesman at O ark Air Base. SO miles north of Manila. reported no major structural damaae, but said some aircraft were evacuated to an undisclosed .. safe location." Rub)l was \he 18th typhoon 'or U-opical·storm to hit the Philippines· this year and was the stronpt typhoon to hit Luzon since Patsy, which killed at least 175 people m 1970. Rodrigo Roldan, civil defense di- rector on Panay Island, said Monday at least five people were killed when a bus careened off a bridge durint heavy winds and rain, and plunae<t into-a river. , But today, Roldan said 18 peoplc- had been rescued but no bodies foµnd. He said the bus may have carried up to 90 passengers, most of whom v.~.:re either trapped inside or were swept away~ by flood waters. Jenny is Returning To The Oyster Bar Nov. l ~~~ ~ 11:30 -3:30 Alaskan Bay Shrimp Salad Monday -Saturday ALL CHOICE!i 93.95 Tureen of Delaney's famous clam chowder and 1/2 sandwich. -gor,lic toast A.sk voor fOoo server about ftlese SPKtOIS m ixed greens. boy shr imp. cucumfiers, mushrooms. gra ted eggs, bacon bits. tomatoes, onions on reQuest -vour choice of our "home mode' solo_Q dressing Fish & Chips Basket -1 2 sandwich of your choice -Manhattan or New England chowder Served with Delaney's <homemade tarte r souce, green solod or cup of our own clom chowder -uicatton . Newport Beach Garden Grove Anaheim Anaheim Hills ~ WlAyr'WJ Airport Dana P0tnl LaQuna Hills -8.ancfio...c.Jdorn&a - What shall we do about Mother? Oh, I knew the children were concerned. even though they respecled m~ mdependence . l was c.oncerned. loo This neighborhood has tiecn home for a long time. and it was '0 ca"~ to ge t around w'en T tillnad my J n\·er·s license Now even a trip to the hairdre,.ser has become too much for me to manage un my own. »ut bow do you pack up your hfe at my a~ -and just mo,·e away> Then, one day I happe ned to ee an ad for Inn at the Par k an l n rne I noticed the location first. becau e It would he so convenient for \'IStt~ from the c htldren .•. and grandchildren. T hen as l read more about the companionship, dehc1ou food, careful housekeeping and c hauffeured transportation of Inn at the Park. I began to ee how I could rea1l > tat..e charge of my own life aaam. But it was m • \'ts tt to the Inn at the Park that finally convmced me The apartment •·as roomy enouah for au ·m} ~pec1al thmgs. cleverl)' desagned wHh a con\ 1ent kncheneue. It w•~ enurel> prl\ate. }et JUSt steps away from all the compnnaons htp and entertaanment I could wftnt And at was reusurina to learn about the many safety f•tures and carmg taff on Jut 24 hours a dlly. ~ I could relax--------- l thou~ht t he ch11Jren wc1uld be surpnsed \\hen I told them. hut the' \\t.'ren't Pleased. but not ... urrra ed 1 ht'\ J hcen to Inn at the Park tht•m ... l'ln~s No\\ 1 thin I-. the~ le ft that ad for me w fm<l hut tht.'\ anm·t adm1ttm~ a thing. Thl'\ ·, l' ah' a\!-hl·cn ... uch d e\ er chtldren. For tnformat1on or a rwrsonal appointment. plea.e ca11 1-H 1854-.rM ~~INN ~~at the ~~PARI< Full service apartments for Senior living · · 10 Marquette Irvine, CA 92715 1\mc.'n\.an :-1m111t Inn., ~r"e other c:ommunittes m S<lutllt'rn ~ nhforn111 Plt'11~ md1ca1e which Inns mu~rc ... t 'ou Wt-'11 l(lodl~ c;eni.I you mformanon I hlkrt'"t Inn :nlC1u nct Oak11 l nmc Ster hnt.t nm\ on Inn, \'alcnc1a .. ~ .·' I ..... Roaer's Gardens . "Christmas Fantasy 1988" Rooms of decorated trees. •• Omamenti froni around the world .. . Rogers-made decorating accents .. . .. Enchanted Candlelit Walk .. nightly ... NEW TBEACH San Joaquin Hills Road (at McArthur) Hours: 9 am to 9 pm Daily (714) 640-5800 M Or-. COMt OM. Y P9LOTI TU91d1¥, OOlitl9' B. 1MI \ . After two hung jury trials, suspect cleared of murder-kidnap charges· FAIRAELD, Calif. (AP)-S..wn Mehon. whole two murdertriU badl ended in buna juriel, ii he b lbe tint time in I Va years after ditml_. of all cbarp --him ia tbe kidna~murder of 6-year-old Jeremy Stoner. S\fperiOr Court Judie Dwilbt ~ ordered Melton relcalod tom jail Monday after rulina tbat a new witneu who came to police after tbe eec:oDd trial to say he saw Melton witb the boy the day he vanished did not off'er sufficient additional evidence to justify I tbird trial. • But Ely no\ed that proeecuton . . bave tbe rilbt to file dwltl lllimt Melton llliD 411bere ii •bMimtial D1W evidencie," and Solaao County District A Mike Nail laid lhboulbbe~leda& Ely's rulblsBi llUD't liven up hope of . Mehoe. ~ce ii convinced that MehoD ii pailty," Nail said, addina tbat bit ia~10n Will .. do all tbey can to~ more evidence." Melton, I -year-old unemployed security auard. ........ &Om 1he Solano County jail in Vallejo.. He uttered only about a dozen words in abort amwen to shouted media questioDI .. delllltiea tlCIOr1ed him duoulb • crowd al Dout two dozen reponen and Dbotolr'IDben to I van where bis wife; Lauri. bJi father IDd oda liuQily manben were waitiJll. . Tbe S10Der boy's nude and ~ body wu found near tbe s.crameato River in Febnlary 1987, four da}I. after be di~ &om bis Vauejo bome. M ton puUci- pated in tbc leU'Cb fOr tbe boy, attended tbe ~·· ftaneral and pve clues to ~ oolice wblcb tbey COD• tended only the murderer could have known. . r----------------~----------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D Is there a Medicare .Supplemet!_t I~ : buy so 111 have no more medical bills or claim forms? , YES! Blue Shielq's Pref erred Senior plan pays all the bills for Medicare services after a $125 deductible and a $75 Part . B deductible. (Available in selected areas of Los Angeles eounty and all of Orange County) D As a single parent, .. will anybod_Y-give me a break on rates? _ YES! The Blue Sbield fre_[err_ed YouthCare w Plan is for you and your kids. D Can my small company get wha-i tire big companies have-like a choice of h~th plans and the benefit of Blue Shield's cost-saving contracts with doctors and hospitals? 0 Can I get coverage that goes beyond Medicare-like for prescription drugs and private duty nursing? D Can I get health coverage with a lower deductible for my children than my company's plan has? D Is there a program that can help me stay healthy? t YES! Just aslrgaurBfue-Shieid agent or broker. YES! Blue Shield has several plans that off er . more than Medicare does! YES! Blue Shield's Preferred YouthCare -" Plan has special rates for children. YES! Healthtrac "' can help. Simply check the boxes for the infomzation you'd like; clip and return . . ••• < Blue Shield ~ cA California write: Blue Shield of California P.O. Box 7168 San Francisco, CA 94120 . . or call: l-S00.624-5150 City---------------=------State _____ Zip ______ _ Phone _______________ Agent/Broker _______ , -·------- I ICM~1~ . ~---------------------------------------------------------~ H you want simple answers, ·call )'OUI' Blue SNdd 8*D or broker or tall l..soo.624-5150. Blue dCalbmla \ .. , 0 T c u ~ ·, D I_) ... ~ s We lnt.erru_pt .- This Movie For . An Important Announcement Introducing United Airlines Silver Wings Plussar Travel Club. It's free with our 1 year CD and at least 60 birthdays. It's a once-in -a-lifetime offer from Pacific Sa\ings Bank. Just open our 1 year CD, with as little as S5.000 in funds ne\\' to Pacific Savings Bank and you'll be able to spend your high intere t on discounted traYel all over the world. Because \.\hen you open a qualifying account. you'll receive a free Individual Lifetime Mem- bership in L'nit ed Airlines Silver 'Wings Plus Tra\·el Club. This l year CD will give you traYel- ing money for years to come. You'll saYe with discounts on airfares,• cruises, hotels, resorts, car rentals-even spe- cial tours and exotic cruise packages. because yotlf be a Club member. You must be at least 60 to qualify CURRENT HIGHRATE lilGHYIEl..01 8.25%/8.59o/() ' ONE YEAR CD for membership in L'r1ited Airlines Silver ~·ing Plu~ Tra\·el Club. But if you'r a li ttle ~·ounge-r, you can give the member~lnp to a family member or f n~nd \Vho does qualify. To open ~·our CD, or to find out how you can quahf~ for this special offer with other Pacific term accounts from siJ< month~ to five year j ust call 1-800-PACIFI C, or stop by your neare t Pa ~1fic Sa\'tngs Bank office today And get ready to •unnwoAlfWfW• spread your \\'ir\~s for all of your Tin~r.E!Jl ~:;: tomorrows ,... _ . .,..~~ ... , .. PACIFIC ~VINGS BANK In our own •mall way, we make a bia difference. In the Costa Mesa area call: (ft4) 111.-.0; Co ta~ Courtyards area call: (ft4) U l -'IUI fE- M * Onlnge COMt DAILY PllOT/ Tueeday, Octobet 26, 1988 NYSE CoMPos1r£ TRANSACTIONS TUEIDA Y'S CLOSING PRICll WHA T AM EX D10 WH ~T NYSE Din _J..__ NEW YORK (AP) Oct. 25 NEW YORK (AP) Oct. 25 l~ 1 AMEX LEADER S NYSE LlADl RS 1 GoLo QuoTE s , Dow JoN f S Avl RAG ES ·NASDAQ S u MM~R~ ~ -\It -1 -" Sales of existing homes down 2.2% in September million units, down only aliahtly from 3.S3 million in 1987. The median price of • borne fell &om AUIUtt to September by Sl,900 to SU.5001 !!"Dh~ ba1f told for more and un lw lea. Tbe Nortbcut remained tbe COltli· elt ~D of tbe COWlley, witb a med.iaiuAles price ofS 141,400, up 6.3 percent ftom a )Wt'._ ID tbe W• tbl medlen price ... s124.100. lllt 7. I penmt &Om • ,... mtier. ,... r.:a '=-si=:11~.1: tM ' tbl Dlice -.167 100. up I., peftftt. Tbe nalioaal' ap. Dl'edllioia rate owr 12 ......, ... ).S~L 'ReW•WMtbe~1"'°9ollllle COUDtry lllowilll • iaw • el ... ~=.r=::r.:.: AllalnnlDA-. ....... , ...... c •• dle....S 8iett•rd Plln, J ohn 8tacsyDald In °Tlae Zombie." T OAfL Y PILOT I TUMdey, Octobir 25, 1tll Funn~ bones rattl~ in 'ZOmble--'U' BJ 80NNIS l"SVDGBON ........ °"' 0 t 0 HaUoweea .... the kind that make you aeam and laUlh. are the eumce of Tim K.liy's '"The Z.Om- bie." currendy lbrouded in cobwebs OD ... at Sulta Ana'• Way Off Broedway PlayboUle. Tony Revadit10 directa and eoasizea an entb11siutk cast and crew to a quality oerformanc:e and lob of down-bome fun. John Stuc:zylDki is tbe Z.Ombie, a not-t0-j0Uy ~ aiant who achieves succeu by aamply doina the Herman Munsler' walk acrou the stage while puntina a few t.Rly audible words. Brenda Beals WiDtoo, with a voice that could win bot-calling coo tests. is his mother, Mama Matrisse. She ttner&lel laupler just with her abouli~ vocal ranse and eerie facial e~prestJpns. Sa~medi, tbecrcatorofthe-zombies, a "di or of amateur talent," is effi vely rendered by Rkbard Ain, a Way Off Broadway veteran whose artistry bas enhanced many a pro- duction. Flin. a strong performer. otY:m .predictably tint-rate cb.arac.. tenz.allons. Three inn~nt. thoup eccentric. travelers who find themselves stranded in a decayed mansion in the Okefenokee Swamp are int:rpreted bY. Layc.e Gardner, Jim Boper and Gail Seidler. Gardner offers superb silliness. particulartr effective in encownen with Aio s Samedi, providing a contrast between his total lunacy and her jusw-littJe.bi\.a'Uy real world romanticdilemma. 8*er,a Yuppie breatbalizer addict. is very proper and ' cbarmina. providing ua ap- llfOprialefy suave and polished hero. Adomina the piece with alitz and sLamor is Seidler's starlet. Pree» cupied with her own appeanoc:e. even in this tbreatenina situation, her primps and poses are only oa:ational~ ly punctuated with blood-cunllina screams -Cllell't.ia.I to any truly Liabtnina ftubes and tbe baunti• souDds of a rainstorm. '1'be Z.Ombi.e" contains lots of terror-filled tricks and treats for all but the v~ youq. The show concludes this weekend with per- ~ TbW'lday throup Moo-- day at a p.m. and matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the play- hou.te, l OS8 E. Fint St., Santa Ana. with eo1tumes required for the special Halloween performaace. Call S47-1997 for ticket information, fiiabteni~ Halloween spoof. Sheriff c.artwriaht and' Marso, two ..-------!-------- more pawn~ in Sarnedi's deadly pme, are interyreted by Shawn Smyth and Heidy Lozano. Also support.ina is Louise Michael. An eerie spook house atmosphere is achieved by Reverdiuo and Smith, complete with Ouoretclent patio plants hi&hli&bled with spums of &In ,.,, heart · an eitra 11•1•111. Say no to high-fat foods. Symphony needs musicians off pitch. MiCHA£l Calling all able-bodied musicians! If you play a string or wind instrument and would like to donate your time to the worthy cause of muaio-makin&. then contact the Community S)tmphony Orchestra of Oranae County immediately. Actually, music director Donn Laurence Mills has done an amazing job whippina together what's, in fact, a skeleton ofa symphony orchestra in auch a short period of ttme, working with the widely varying levels of ability involved. ---Still, this all-volunteer orchestra, administered by the-all-professional Pacific Symphony Orchestra, bas a long way to 10 to achieve the numbers -ever bear the famous love theme from Tchaikovsky's " •Romeo and Juliet' Fantasia-Ouvertura" in- troduced by three violas? -and, more importantfy, the level of com- petent performance to which county audiences have become accustomed. Barely biller than a full.sized chamber orchestra, the 46-membeT Community ~ympbony --: which pve concerts in a preVlous incarna- tion -made its "re-debut" Sunday evenina before approxiamtely 80 peo~le at the l ,S74-seat Santa Ana Hi.I School Auditorium. rahms' Symphony No. 2 in D M~or, Op. 73, presented the or- chestra's main deficiencies in a (large) nutsbell.N&n-unison bowina.-.aloppi ly rendered rapid runs and weak, tt~id playing of soft passages belequered the upper strings' tone. Some of the worst intonation prob- lems stemmed from the oboe and French horns, thoup; an oboe-born duet in the second movement. in fact. didn't match up at all, besid~ being ... Rhythmic and tempo problems RYDlYISll plaaued the orchestra all · nigbL L Altlioup the players couldn't handle ------the already difficult material at a quick clip, the slower pace allow -111>QlllCIC:Cl well to Mills' direcuon of more of the erron to ic contrasts. The low brass more obviously. establ ed a strong foundation with But there were aood moments as a focu .projection. well. Mills' conducting was precise · s, Chapman Colleac music ~ COITA.... .a.f--~~ IMfAMIA Paalic s Analltcn Onwt-ln £dWlrOJ 14u110r r-f'""'r r.. AMC °""Of 1i111 w.o At11S1S 179-9850 631·3SOI 113-1307 637.(1340 540-0S9' WA CYl'MU NL..L.Un'ON OflANGE WUfWll TD UA Mow'l'S F1'My Twlfl CMwN AMC~ I UA 01y ~ Pm11t t HI--!I 990-4021 121·16'0 912-«IOO 634·3911 0.-111191·3113 IUEJU. PAR• EL TC.O GA..-GROW SANTA AllA WU I m 11 T8I UA ,.,._ Eowltfll ~ ~ _.... Edwlros IMIOI! C:.. IJA .... C-1152-4993 stl-51111 ~M01 142·2166 ~ CO..OMA LA mtADA • I "°-·-I Ed'#arOS):orotQ 11279-1160 "'*'GllllwfYW ·16'1ca.....'.__ and clear. M°"' dramatic phrases panment chairman and fo~nder- received a surprisinalL~ll-bodied conductor of the moribund !-!:========================---' sound, such as the -~nning of Capistrano Valley Symphony, ver- Beetboven's "Coriolanus· Overture. ballypveinf~rmatiyeprogramnotes wo•n-o Y()IJ BE'-IE•m __ Op;-~2. The cellos flpecially-re---from the-pocbum1)nOl'"toeKb work. ua. .. ·y ... U H J 1U.J'7 llt M JOOlf JOSTfll • THE ACCUSf.D (R) U fU IU 111 JG 141 • fllll IY Cllll I fASTWDOO *BIRO IRI ..... , ..... 1' 1110 ........ \··· ~ THE ACCUSED IRI l't.US CO HIT '91UIDID 1111 HEARTBREAK HOTEL tPG· 131 PUS CDCkIAll 181 THAT THERE ARE STILL COMPANIES .•• ... WHO CARE IF THE PRODUCTS THEY SELL PERFORM? ... WHO PRIDE THEMSEL YES ON SERVICE? 'Phantom' will play LA in May • PUNCH LINE (R) U II 2JUIS14t It U • GOf\lllAS IN THE MIST (PG 131 110S1USI0 7 Ullll A FISH CAI.LED WANOA(R) l'l US llG ll'GI ELVIRA (PG-13) ,lUS lllCHUIAIU 011 lllll STll((l IY llU ... WHO WANT EVERY .JOB DONE PERFECTL V? : .. WHO MAINTAIN COMPLETE INTEGRITY? ft American Heart V Association WE'RE FIGHTil\G ~ ~LIFE ..... -----·--·---·-·----·· ---n.•• .. .fl .. ·-·-·-:...m--= ... _ -0-... - . •ALIEN NATION (R) U M2 MSIS12UU Atrium Court Flowers ~ " WE COLOR YOUR WORLD'' r OPEN EVER¥ DAY 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. WHO FRAMED ROGER RAlllT (PG I 'LUS tlG t USIU SS ll'G I ALIEN NATION (Rl l'LUS Dlf HARO 1111 • • OAIVl lllS OPllll • • •~04YS la llllU OU lt UI Ol A 11 fAll UllU $$ MOTii' LIDO CINEMA Custom designs, tropicals Exotics, balloons, & baskets -worldwide and local delivery. llrt••r-, .. , "") &l'-C -Commercial Accounts Are Our Specialty- Atrium Court • Fashion Island 40 I Newport Cnt. Dr./Suite l 0 I/Fashion Island/ 640-2379 IOUY ITWO SAUYMLMOM_, NCll 119.., 12!40 1.-fl l·U .,., , ... Ill TU SlllltO MUOW914 191 ,.,. ,, •• ,,. .,,. •n ,.,.. IOYYlllltO •--~.....UY WRllOllAQll 1N1 1 !>JO a.1• ... ,, .. ,.,,. ,.. IN• r•c PQSIU 10 ,.., '°' ,.~ •"'9CNJA fll IMS J.:11 StJJ .... Mill -Of·-~· ,, ..... •:ts ... 1:11 I .... I f ... llMll•''"-•owa ' IAT21 ~ "'* ,_ .. _ .. ,,. .... IOaafllmOI SAUY,....._I NCllll9 ~ 12:IO l. ... ,,. ·-11:• .. ,~ CIOllM...., ,,.. lt:IO 1:U 4M ... , "M 1•...» ... , ll'lllO ......... ,., lt:Jl.Ut.•...,UJ11 ... IOUY A I -""'9 MMDIII 1111 '"" .. 11JJ r.ss 1e:u ,__ ... --~·---.. ~ ... -··-· ..... .. IOUY~WIA¥11 tollUM••• .... .. ,,,.,,., ,,..,,, .. .. ... , ..... lll(MAft~~ ..... Qll,.. 1:11a:•1111.,.. 1e:u TRY l:JS. YOU'LL LIKE US. cus~o .. o•Al'l:••l:S LICl .. Sl NO 1'0422 DEN'S A f1SH C~LED WANDA J.. t"> M 6 1~Jt.ll• 1663 Placentia St. Costa Mesa 646-4838 ...... °". (N11) 1~ COCKTAIL. t")S6"5 ·. A I O Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Tuesday, October 25, 188a P ~P~R~ll l ------- A .fabulous 40th fFolic -. for Balboa Bay Clubbers By VIDA DEAN Of ... D911¥ ......... They claim that nobody panics like they do at the Balboa Ba y Club. and they have 40 years of evidence stacked up to prove it. Friday night'il present. 40th anniversary celebration gave The clu~house. entryway w.as. a appreciative nods to the pest, oohs 1940s ~TVicc station where amvma and aabs to big plans for the future . guests were greeted by valets; a berber and vigorous, enthusiasm for the shop quartet sang away as auests checked in, and the Main Ballroom, "A" Deck and the swimming pool deck all were decorated in period styles .of the decades since the club opened in 1948. In one comer oftbc ballroom was a beach (real sand) repruenting what the Bay Oub started with 40 years qo, and other memorabilia of periods through the years, j ust as there were members and guests whose connection with the club dates from the 1940s '50s and '60s to the present. One of the hottest spots was the "Drive-In Hamburger Joint" on "A" Deck where "Power Burgers" and fries were served up by bobby-sox type waitresses. (Occassionally music from the Nickelodeon standing be- tween the hamburger stand and the red 'SS T-Bird convertible had the seTVers dancing.) BlllandBeTerly Raywtththe Normann Kendall blC 40 cake. Dorothy Yardley. Some of the close to 400 guests went the '40s route with their attire- BBC governors Bob Baccl and Tom llJdaanhoD were in uniform; Beverl)' Tllompeoa wore pedal pushers, Bob and Badham wore a Stanford sweater {he started there in '48), ,Lois AldriD Dlllr ......... _, .... __ .., Diane an Jlm Slemona celebrate. jitterbugging in big-leg pajamas and Cerbe Feele)' wore a cute black cocktail hat and a dress with fur on the hemline. Others were in a variety of styles - "The only thing I remember wearing in the '40s were full skirts wnh lots of petticoats," said Dorothy Yardley, one of the first BBC members. "I don't have those and so rm wearing a silk pantsuit. "We've always had great parties here ... all of the big bands were here during the 60s ... so many celebrities. during the years," added Yardley, who was at the table with Normau Keeclall of Corona dcl Mar (his brother Ken started the club with friends joining for S 125 or putting up Sl.000 for life membership.) "I have life membership card number five," said Jim Siem••, there with wife Diue. "My fath~r paid for the membership with the $1 ,000 he won here on a slot machine." Partygocrs included Mimi and Tom Cro110D -his father 'nema1 C. Crosaoa was another one of the first members. "I have been coming here since I was yea high!" Food stations in the cchtcr and in every comer of ballroom kept the crowd circulating and .Boward Re- )'llOldt and the Society ior the Preser- vation of Big Bands kept them dancing. One of the hi&hli&bts was the cuttina of the six-foot birthday cake -the cutters BeYerlJ BaJ, wife of BBC chairman BW BaJ, and Memca Deemer, wife of president Tem Deemer, stood atop chairs to reach the top of the enormous sweet. "We're gonna party all niaht long and tear this sucker down," an- nounced emcee (and a governor) Pat MkUets. But Ray talked about.building it uJ) -.. There's a new BalbQa Bay O ub already on paper. We have taracted 1990 as startina time. We will nave more parkina. more beach, a ~nd~ floor rcstaflrant and a new ballroom that will seat 600." ~ h • -: We're chumps .a.or c ar1ty :~'\YDmillil~lllilily~~ilillir:.• UBRA {Sept. 23-0ct 22): Puzzle pieces fall into place, you get what you want, (amity member acquiesces to unusual request. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Amen- cans arc the biggest-hearted people in the world. Also the biggest chumps. Whenever a hard-luck story ap- pears in the newspapers people rush to send checks. Being sympatheti c as an admirable trait. but it's appalling the way folks send money when they have no idea of how the money wall be spent. Recently a Miami resident whose 7-year-old son needed a liver trans- plant received nearly $700.000 from strangers who had read about the boy in the paper. After the child died. the Judge held the woman in contempt of coun for refusing to make an accountin~ of what she had done wnh the contnbu- tions. She refused to pay the balance ofS262,000 on her son·s medical bill. claiming that the hospital failed to give him adequate care (The hospital authorities vehemently denied this. l A1111 UN DEIS can understand tbe desire to respond to a specific case tbat tugs at the heartstrings. • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: This as a message for all nervous wi ves who have the crazy idea that their hus- band's secretary is after him. Please, dear woman, come to the office often. I need a break. Take your husband to lunch. Take him for a walk. Maybe he will tell you about his ungrateful kids. his awful molhcr-an- law and his extravagant wife. I'm sack. ofhstcnang to him. as long as I can remember. Mom is not your average drun.lc. She never becomes unpleasant, m fact she is kind and sweet aU the time. Mom starts drinking wine while preparing dinner, around 6 p.m. She sits in the kitchen in front of the TV with her wine glass and a pack of cigarettes and doesn't stop drinpng until she passes out. . Dad says we shouldlea vener alone. SO WC do until about I J o'clock when we get ready to go to sleep. By that time she has passed out and we carry her to her bedroom. I have confronted Mom with the fact that she is an alcoholic, but she denies it and makes excuses for falling asleep in front of the TV. She ~l~ has high blood pressure and docsn t gi vc a damn about her health. But I care about it. I love my momand it kill~ me to see her smoking two packs of ciga~ttes a day and getting drunk everymght. ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19): You finally arc finished with "losing" situation. proposition, n:lationstrip:-T~d is reversed, you being taking in rather than ~!"stantly giving out. Excellent day for money and rccogmt1on. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Spotlight on your actions, reactions, views. You'll make public appearance, people who previously were indifferent could now become enthusiastic "fans." Stress independence, vi- tality, optimism. 1 GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Trust hunch, r~lize sense of direction is to be restored before day-is finished. Someone "backstage" is singing your praises. Family reunion also featured. Leo, Aquarius people-dominate. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Display versatility, humor. sense of fitness. Almost instantly circumstances swerve in your favor. You could win popularity contest and you rni&ht hit financ. ial jackpot. Gemini promineftt. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You're on solid gro_und despite statements by those who talk plenty but know little. . . . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Read and wnte! 1mpnnt style, make inquiries. Focus on travel, pb1loso~by, rccogn\tion of spiritual values.. Unusual offer might include travel. Member of opposite sex wants more than "flirtation." SCORPIO (OcL2l-Nov~ 21): You receive mcsHV", clues, runts conccmina your "public image." You'll be talking with those famiJiar with law. SAGl'ITAIUUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Individual who appeared "gentle" is now playing "hard ball." Spotlight on work methods security, peatcr attention to fitness, nutrition, diet. Relationship will intensify. CAPRICORN (Dec. 2~Jan. 19): Decision is Mcbed in connection with "immediate plans." Emphasis on adventure, speculation. excitemcnt..mo't'CJDenL AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Discovery featured in connection with land, minerals, property. Older family member is involved, you'll get the money, you'll also have added responsibility, pressure of deadline. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What you had taken for granted could now prove rewarding. Includes work and relationship. Relative who is restless. dynamic seeks rapproch~ment. Rise above petty differences. IP.. QCTOBER UIS YOUR BIRTHDAY cunent cycle emphasizes pressure of deadlines, financial rewards, intensified love relationship. Spotlight on marital status, career, business, chance to prove that you can handle executive responsibility. Cancer, Capricorn people play important roles in your life. . --It later became known that the woman spent $200.000 on luxury items including a diamond-sapphire ring. a diamond-studded gold cross. a diamor:id and gold bracelet and an expensive watch. You say I am tryin$ to develop a social relationship with your hus- band. Why don "t YOU develop one? I look him straight an the eye. He looks me straight in the chest. How can I get through to h~r'! I want my children to have somcthmg I never had - a grandmother. Un-'\ _I fortunately oa~ supports her h~bit B~ARLES GOREN and n_cver raises any complaints ~ OMAR SHARIF about at. Plea.se help me. -HURT-Plcasc. Ann. urge Mr. and Mrs. B1g- Hcarted America to continue to be ,encrous, but to use a little common sense. -J.E.L., LONG ISLAND. DEAR LONG I.: Tiwlks for the wakHp call, bat I doubt that It will lltelp. Americus are a generous people ud dley lead wttll their hearts lutead of Ulelr lleadt. For tltote who have money to spare I recommead legitimate charities, of w~d tltere are muy, but I certainly 613-5245 -\ _.,,., . Fall an love with the boss? Please, Great Wife, I have him nine hours a day. That is eight hours too many. - STEAMED IN PHILADELPHIA. DEAR STEAMED: You've llad tbe last word, IDd Wt bat10D1 ap tlile dl1cu11lon. Tbaokt to all who wrote (on the boss' time) to 1111load several ton1 of uger. • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 19-year-old whose mother is an alcoholi c. She has been drinking for ING IN CALIF. DEAR HURTING: Yoar dad It aa "eum.ler" aDcl )'oa are too, to a letter •esree. Bed! of yoa 11tol1Jd go to Al-Aaon aDcl teana ltow )'H are belp1D1 )'Hr modler ceetia.e to dri.Dk .• Loek la die p1teff ltoek ud fiU oat' wt.ere ud wllea die meat meetl.Df of AJ-Alloa wW m.e lteld. 'ne• go. t coeld save )'OU modler'1 life. ~ "'"~" Se'IQ/a ~,,..~ r------------mcOUPO _____________ , I EUKANUBA DOG FOOD I I ON SALE! I ....... I 40 lbs • REG . S32 . 99 I Both vulnerable. West deals. NORTH • 4 ~:i J JO 3 2 ·)AQJ9 + K Q 10 8 WF.ST EAST + AQJ9862+ K I07SJ Q 74 \/AK 0 64 )752 +s2 +643 OUTH + Vold v Q986S <> IC JO I 3 +A J 9 7 The bidding: Wat Nonll 3 + Dbl r.. P ass Pass Pass East s • Dbl Squth 6 I Pa~ Opening lead: Ace of + Preemptive opening bids arc like finely tempered sabers. Wielded properly, they can sow great havoc among the enemy, slashing lines of communication and laying wa~e to any attempt at a constructive auction. To rc.ap the most benefit from this weapon, it is essential that the partnership has strict guidelines about what constitutes an opening preempt. The one key essential is that it denies much def ensivc ttrenath outside the bid suit. If you do not have such a stricture, the partner of the prttmptivc bidder is never sure whether or not to sacri- ftee, lest he is taking a phantom save. But when he knows exactly what to expect from partner, he can judse the situation precisely and pose hopeless problems for the opponents . a contract t~at did not prove to be a great success. Note that had South chosen to double, his side would have collect- ed only SOO against the 6SO they ACROSS 1 Fabric 6 Trinity 11 Batter 1'4 Can. heroine -Secord 15 Lalltude 16 Ostrich's kin 17 Comic 19 Mass. Unt'll. 20 Heedless 21 Art works 22 Make amends 2.C USSR rrver 26 Cut calories 27 Walked 30 Grating 32 Touehes 33 Hoodlums 34 Snag 37 Associate 38 Parsonage 39 Nevada. city 40 Elee. unit 4 1 Shoe parts 42 Irritable 43 Victor · 45 Missteps 46 Typlsts 48 Ponderosa .C9 Sprinkle 50 Quiet lime 52 Reverences 56 Like: suit 57 Non-drinker 2 3 t• 17 20 32 37 60 Compass pt 61 ComfOl'ted 62 Five: pref 63 Pronoun 6'4 Apparel 65 Garden lool DOWN 1 Go-devll 2 Flog 3 Herb oenus 4 Angrily 5 Spo.I 6 Path 7 Crake 8 Pothouses 9 Mellow 10 Runs ott the tracks t 1 Aloofness 12 Ammonia compound 13 Muffled 18 Sallentian 23 T of AT&T 25 R of R&O 26 Feast 27 Distant 28 Oahu chant 29 Flock leader 30 Doomed one 31 Flag maker 33 Big wind 35 Price 36 Stripllngs 5 7 could have scored for collectin1 11 tricks at a heart pme. Thus, Eut- W est were aoing to set a good result regardless of what course of action South took. ,,_VIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 38 Belgian city •8 Drudges 39 Rescinded 50 -majesty 41 Laughed '42 Cotor 5 1 Amerinds 44 Chemical 53 Ala suffix 5-4 Thia: Sp. 45 Swing SS Night light 46 Gentle sound 58 Grain spike 47 Cup· Fr 59 Siamang 8 9 10 12 13 I •• COUPON EXPIRES 10/31/88 LIMIT 2 BAGS ·I I ! : ~·-J~·· i This hand cropped up in a major pair championship some years a10. East was reuonably sure that his panner would not have any defen- sive tricks oucslde of his suit. And he knew that his partner would have at least a seven-card suit. It wu thus child's play to work out that, qainst any contract of the oppoii· lion, hl1 side could tc0re only two tricka-tbc ace-kins of hearts. A.Ito, he knew that if hit side boupa the contract at aptldn, they could expect to ICON at least nine tricka- _.... spedet and two hearts . I 21 1 WCSTC~irr OR Nt.wP.OA1 B(ACH I -------·---------------·,·········· ... c... up with a nnety-jlldpd bid~nilld bil putlMf'I ~ IO fhie ..,..., Not MPI~ IOliD, fto blid I~ llwl:;;; ............. .,, ........ _., ... IN ll•t WM lfJiil IO ... llli .......................... ' ' • ' by Bit Keane COUJlfT&R CUL TUU by Maratta & Maratta "But, if he doesn't have a home, how can his children come for a visit?" . llARllADUKE by Brad Anderson "Every homeless dog he saw, he Invited to bed and breakfast... -~ PEANUTS ~----~ ----- GARFIELD THAT'S 11/ l'M FE.(:) OP WITH JON! ,f'N\ FEP OP Wt'fH OPIE.! I CAN'T THINK o~ A SINulE THINGr l LIKE. A800T TMIS H005E./ TUllBLEWEEDS DRABBLE Ra.IS 18 ROSS , l I J I I ~ 5 KE E·T SHOOTING ON A BUD6ET - DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ketcham 0 0 ° ! ll1llllllllL I I ! •l l>ECtUEO NOTTO ~VELOMA EMPlY STOMACH." by Charles M. Schulz by Jim Davis by Tom K. Ryan by Kevin Fagan by Pat Brady .. -0rMge C099t DAILY PtLOTIT~. Oclobet 26, 1811 All ARLO AND JAl'flS FOR BETTER OR FOR WO~SE SHOE \MRl™6' eorr~s ISN'T A ~ ~ Jl,lf,T AN'(~ JUDGE PARKER FUNKY WINKERBEAN DOONltSBURY ~I trsMe ' . Al.IC£' ~ WIF6' by Garry Trudeau by Jir:nmy Johnson- Ti.4E WI~ CRtnC. CAU.ED If "A~: by Lynn Johnston ~~~~ I 'LL lA.D"f'\V'AeaJf T..rr~\~ ~~b . '~-by Jeff MacNelly by_ Harold Le_ Doux by J om Batiuk .......... ,, .... ·-~•'-"'¥ .... ..... .... -b. ·-too OM119<,8ltCI-·----· _ ........... ·-·--"' --......... , ...... ... ----~ ......,,.. ,..._,..__.... ........ . S N A P 0 R 1 ·--·--"-• I I I I I _,.. • TARPA I I; I r I , I ~ U t N H H 1· I I I I ' • · 1 c .. Savel6 ot '6 .o· • i .· J " : , . . . Doors open at10 a.m. tomorrow ... for 12·hours only you'll save 10010 to 500/o off our compare at price on famous brand name furniture. Bedrooms, living rooms , ch&irs, sofas, dining rooms ... everythi·ng in c_asual, contemporary and traditional stYles . Come early for best selection. l,NTERMEDIATE MARKDOWNS MAY HAVE BEEN TAKEN. . . ·wHEN YOU USE OA OPEN A WICKES CHARGE .,...L • "'(_)uality 1nade affordable.,, - So" /11" I f .. '-.'11 r il11// '111/l(/111(11. II id·,., ( i1111/ll////I ,\ I WICKES FURNITURE 3 TOUGH G~ANTEEI: If for any reason you're not happy wtthyour furniture When you get It home. we will take It back wittun seven daya WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. If you hnd the Identical item 1n stock ettewhere wrth1n seven days for leas, we wdl refund the difference We will give y_ou a five -year hm1ted warranty apa1nst factory defects 1n WC>rkman1h1p and conltructk>n Deta1l1 avatlalM 1n our ltonta. . ,, ANAHEIM: Santa Ana Frwy and Magnoha Phone 714-821-8550. _,. NUYS: San Diego Frf'Y. end S4tpulveda 8f¥d bet\:Men Burbank and Vidot'y. PMN. ~I-780-2244 WEST COVINA: San Bernardino Frwy and Vincent Phone 811-111-1171 C09TA ..U: San Diego Frwy and Hart>or Blvd PhOne. 714-540-8242 '911QIJJtJCl•tO: Pomona Frwy and Reservoir SI Phone 714-590-2007. TOMIANCI: H8Wthome BIVd. and 190ttl St. Phone· 213-371-1109 Op!n Mondaythru Frie!!y 1~1. 8!""'2 '04. W9r tH -.. __ Poaataba Valley'8 lledrlc Powe, abown wltb Coe.ell 111.b llllner, bad a 46-yard ............ _,Lw,.,.. rma and foar twladowu to~ Barona' to wlD and earn Illa PlaJ'W of tlae Week. TU!SDAV. OCTOBER 25, 1988 Powe makes big run ' Fountain Valley's top back . works lt just like In practice hnebllckerl) were not there and tbe two defensive btlckl were sbu\ oft'. Tbere wu one DB to the left of me, another one in the middle and another one to the riaht. .. It wujusta abon-yarda,e plar, and it turned out to be a bruk,'' Powe uJd of the play.' It was nothing really 81 RICIWU> ov·NN fanc~ W:~~~·" ..., .... Ceo: z ••• .. We bad watched films all week, and we knew it 1 The play ffOfked ~~t the way it was designed., the w.ould be a bard dden1e to run apinst, •• Powe said. ''I way FountaufValley · runnina back Kedric Powe is ~dn'.ttll!nkl'd~anyJonarun~bu~tbe.bolewasthere uled to in pnctioe. JUJt like ID pracllee. It was there, JUSt like It should be. It It was a 46-yard touchdown run in the first quarter, turned ~~ the wh~le pme:~ one which ttWreCS momentum for the Barons and Just likili& practioe, when 1t always seems to work. started a Fountain Valley vic1oty in perhaps the greatest , Nobody's around to really level your bead into the biab tchool football rivalry in Oranse County. around. Son of a trick play on Ibo~~. Fountain Valle}' This is where bloc:kina oomes in. And where Glen Coach Mike Milner bad his offense hne up as if they were Christy, Ryan O'Donnell, Jason Winn. Jim Garvi5ch. aoin$ to punt, only the Barons really bad no intention of 1 • • punllfll. They were just tryina to be sneaky and force Edison to move offside. It didn't work, the Cbarten didn't move. So the Barons banded off to Powe on a shon-yardage play. "We were aoina on the second count to see 1f they would jump offside, but they didn't," Powe said. "They weredisciplinedandbeldtheirpound. Tbeydidn'tjump, • so Milner decided to 10 for it.' · So it's fourth-and.one, tiaU resting on the Edison 46, The Barons, up 6-0 at the time, are looking for momentum. After all, this rivalry ranks up there with the best of them, "The hole was there, 1t wasa big one, loo," said Powe. "I was shocked. I got tbe ball and rJD for a touchdown. It was just like in practioe, the bole was there. There was only one man I had to beat and that was it." Defensive back Dan McCown was the only Edison player to come close to Powe, who penetrated his way throuab the Cba.r&en' liDe 2S times for 137 yards as the Barons defeated Edison, 28-21, in a classic Sunset League matc~_p last Friday . .. Tbe play was desiped to go bet~n the tackle and the guard," Powe said. ··And I think the (Edison) linet.ckers were sucked in and they were walled off. (The Player of the Week Henry Chana and Drew Edbori helped pave the way to a Fountain Valley victory and launch Powe to one of his finest performanoes ever. · The same play that lifted the Barons' momentum also elevated Powe to the honor of this week's Daily Pilot Player of the Week .. It was one of four touchdown runs for Powe as the Barons planted a seed in the league standings which tend to lean more and more toward one aspect - a leque title. .. We knew we could beat (Edison)," Powe said. .. We wanted it more than they did. From my point of view. from the beainnina to the end of the game, we we~ all~ way up. Even after they scored. We came out and we were really hiab. I 1tt up, too. But our center (Christy) f<>l everybody 90ina. He's ra.lly high. And after a big play like that (the 46-yard TD run). anything's possible. "(Edison) is one of the best teams in the ~ but wccan't1tt toobiahotTthis victory and t.bin.k thats il We tiave to play Westminster, so we don't want to come in (Pleue ... POWB'S/88) -=-UClrun-n:er~-Set topu t capabilities-online_ Jo11 f EICUSOll Cross country teams aim to def end titles tnBlgWest, butFresnonarrowsthegap This Saturday at UCSanta Barbara. the UCJ cross country teams will face a tougl'lertimedefendirw their Bia West Conference titles than in the put oouple of years. The Ant.eaten bave bad their problems in recent weeks, but Coach VinoeO'Boyleisconfident the teams can ~t if they run up to their capabilities.. That_aoes for a strong sbowinlat the NCAA rqionals down the line at Fresno too. The difference is that Fresno State has narrowed the gap in what bad become a contest more difficult that catching a greased Anteater. UCI has won three straight and four of the last six men's conference titles, when it was called the Pacific CoastAth.leticAssociation, and the women's title all five times it bas been contested on the conference level. O'Boyle looks at the 10,()()().meter Santa Barbara course as a benefit to Sea Kings topple· El Dorado, 10-8 Oeding, Grantham lead win In battle of No . 2, 7 teams Sea Kings. Strauss and McFarland downed Miraleste•s No. 2 and 3 doubles team5i 6-2, 6-3, before losing to their No. I m the third set of the day, a fact that upset CdM Coach Dave Heffern because the opposing coach slip{>ed Corona del Mar High's water polo his No. I into the No. 3 pos1llon team rushed to a 4-0 first quarter lead without notifying him. and was never headed in defeating "If we get to play them in CJF host El Dorado, 10-8, Monday in a finals., I'll question that and find out what-the rules are there," Heffern non-leque pme matching the No. 2 said. "He's supl>Osed to tell me before and 7 teams in CIF 4-A. bandandbed1dn't. I usuallydon'tsay Chris Oedin& scored two of bis · bo · · · team-leading four goals in the first a thing a ut 1L Next ume, I thank we period. The Sea Kinp oontinued on ~ei::~oe against their No. I w;itb to a 6-2 halftime lead and El Dorado Meanwhile, freshman singles scn- never came closer than three until the sation Keri Phebus lost ber first tet of final pl oftbepme. • the season, dropping a 6-4 verdict to In addition to Oedina, Hapn Miraleste's No. I, senior Kimberly Grantham and Colin Y <iuna score p · "' · c · two pis.apiece, while Josh Speyer o, who is the de1end1ng IF singles and Scott Houston added one each. ~~fnP ~t ~~ No. I-ranked l 8-yeari Goalie Roben Pike, a freshman Po broke Phebus' serve twice to playina bis ftrst complete pme~ take a 3-0 lead, but Phebus came right stopped 10 shots in' the game. One beck and broke Po and held to pull save came on a four-meter penalty. withing 3-2. Each held serve the rest shot. . f k · The Sea Kings imnroved· to ·18_2 .P the way. She came bac to 'Win her with the win and wf11 \lost Tustjn next two sets. ·• Wednesday at 3 p.m. in a Sea View CCI 900eer.fall• to Blola Leaaue match. \ . ·" lfo. 2CdJll.U.l.a tenn,. Colin Aitkens and Jake Seaaraves scored second half goals to leadBiola The Corona del Mar Hiab girls past Christ Colleae Irvine 2-0 in a tennj1 team's sophomore doubles NAIA Oist,rict Ill soccer match at duo or Michelle McFarlancJ and CCI MOI\~· Courtney Strauss earned a pair of CCI ,1oalie Tim Morcnc, who had victories Monday, but it wasn't-10 saves as.Biota outshot the Easies. enouab apinst Miraleste, the No. I 12-1, helped hold Biota in cbeclc the ranked team in OF 4-A. first 4S minutes. Seagraves scored Minles1e. which bu not lost a seven minutes into the second halr matcb for four yean includina the and Ail.kens with seven minutes to pat thfte CTF 4-A team titles. earned play _in the ~· a 13-) victory over the No. 2-ranked CCI fell to 4-9-1 overall. • the men in racina Fresno State. "When we ran apinst them at, l 0,000 meten, we beat them at Stanford (Invitational)," O'Boyle said." At (Cal Poly Invitational) San LuisObispoacouplewceksago, it wasafive-milerandtheybeatus. We found we can run betterat I 0 than we can at S. "lfwerunaswc'recapableof runninJ. we will win the conference championship. We have not run our best race of the year. It's going to be close, much closeT than the pest." The men are led by senior Pete Vicencio1 wbo is considered one of the favontes to win the meet along with two Long Beach State runners and one from UCSB. Fresno State bas good depth, but O'Boyle hopes the rest ofb1s crew will come through. The other six running will be seniors Rick Wilhelm and Greg Houlpte,junior Scott LaForcc, sophomore Erin Mascorro, freshman BenAyersandSteveirQ!ay, who was goingtored-shirtbutpve it up for the team's sake. "Hopefully, it will help us as a team," O'Boyle said. For the women, it's been a case of growing pains since the Anteaters' top retumingrunner,junior Buffy Ra~ bitt, made a move to study abroad in France this year. "One of the thi{lp we made a , decision to do was to rcd-*irt some people." O'Boylesaid. .. We bavc some freshmen on the top seven who are really runnnina well now. We made a decision to develop some people and they are tettin& better." When the team finished sixth, five points bebindFrano Sia&c, at the Stanford Invitational. !evcral women were not healthy. At San Luis Obispo, the women finished 10th to Fresno's sixth as O'Boyle labeled the men's and women's outinp as the worst team performances in bis seven years at UCI. .. If we're healthy, it will be intcrcst- ing tosce ifcan regroup ourselves and raccwbatcapable ofrunning." ' o·&oyJcsaid. ~(Stertiiigof UO) should win the conferenoe unJesnbe has a disastrous day. Then it's a matter of putting four people up there." Sterlina, a junior transfer from Cla.remont-McK.enoa College, has been the Anteaters top performer each week. She finished 12th in 18: l 0 (Pleue-UCl/D) B~:a:--------::tt extends goals Edison High grad no longer sets limit on his NFL career BJ PAUL BARTELT ........ Ceo: $ ••• SAN DIEGO' -M.ark Boyer doesn't get to the the West Coast often, but wben be docs be makes up for it in a bi& way. First, be and his teammates put the San Diqo Chargers away, 16-0. Secondly, he made sure there were enouab peopk around to take notioe. Boyei, who orckrtd 60 tickets to the pme in San Diego, had b- """""'""'"'_:y-w .1ty and friends watchina as the 6-foot-4, 242- p o u nd soft spo ken tight end cautht two passes m the Colts' victory. ............. "' .... ._ 8ruMtoa Boward of Col'ODa die! llar battl• for tile ball lD a 10-S will o.v El Dorado. Dodgers celebrate with fans ,. Nat1onaJ ~ Cbamp1onsh1p Sene and World Servies MVP Orel Hersbiser said. "for you v.inaos who didn't undentand what Alfredo Griffin said. he said. 'Butball has been very, very aood to the Dodgers.· .. We have bro\llht you a world championship and from this perade toda)' and from this 1C1SOn. all the way from pme one, the 100\ man (fans) is alive and well ," Ma,...er Tomm) LuonSa noted that few people outside Los A.ftFles tb<Mcht the Dodeen could even Wln the National Lasue West. He uted some oflus colleaaues aseump&es. "~ Rote said. ·rm eot wonted about the 0ocSaien. rm wonied lbout Su fruatco and Houston.' But~ kno• what? He ._ rill"-leaUtt wt.ea we wmt •t f:!:!.bovc them he w tied wttll Su Fm.aeco and "R..-Craia laid.; •1 promited tbe Giut tans that~ ..U be ia d9e WQftcl Scria..' He was rill'L He was 1.bere ........ ...,. '"NII Llllier ..... -Wt cm bl9t \M Ooc111n. We DowtfeCM ........ lf ... 'tbliM--.1 ...... 't ......................... ~-l.91ordaWd oll.altief.Wtlo-tndatdleelllllol1M---. "We have been out of • sync, but we ..,_ didn't ~ic." said Boytt. "Our offense ts playina well and we're back on a roll now that we have won two in a row." last week the 3-5 Colts beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers JS-31 in J nd.ianapohs. Boyer, an Edison Hiab product and now 26, baled in a sinale pme hiab seven peSte$. A Staner in the Colts' two tiibt e'DCl alignment. Boyer bas 16 receptions for 119 yards this teUOD. "At first my goal was to plal fOur years in the Nfl.." said Boyer. But. now 1 am in my f'ounb year and I hope to contmue to play as Iona u the Loc'd wants me to. l still get excited each time t siep Oil the field. beina able to play api nst NFL caliber players. .. Boyer, whole contract elllJired lMt Fcbnaary, milled the Colts' fi"" three pmeuon pmes this yeer liniila at home in Huntinston Beech widl his wite Juaa ud daUlbten 3-~ Jetlic:a ud 1-yar.okt Laura. n. ~came 10 an eed wheia .,,._ inkedaM"W.,..yearcte.lonA•• 22. LaM -layer bl* bit ., arm lryUll to 1ida.a New f • f Patriot ,.., recutDef. Doctali .. --.......... .,.... .. ........................ tM~IWWlilLlllJ I ¢1 10.nhrllllt_ .. ~1:1.a.:~AFC~&:fl" ... ..... ...., \ s p () R . ' B R f .~ ~ -- B~' Raine. flDda ~-IN---"'TRE~_sh_·E_A_c_BB_as_~ MCUrity at la8t -~ ·:=--=-- $8.S mllUon helps Padre acquire Clark ....._TM A.lledaa.I Pnll MONTREAL -Tim Raines said Ill Monday hi1 new three-year contract with the Montreal Expos finally Jives him the security he's been lacking throuahout his bueball carur. Yankees get four players In return forgranttngwtsh rn.. fte AIMclaMMI Pren ...... lmibllitJ ud ...... llln~ tioDlludielfora~ llllillllium Sula Clara~. OilDll OWDll' 80b Lurie ll6d la....._.. will produceaSI~ And while the $6.3 million pact he qreed to on unday will help Raines. feel more comfortable in the future, it aJso assures the Expos that they won't lose the l&-~::.::::::rL outfielder to free agency. SAN 01£00 -The San Dieao Pldrea. .ek:ina a power-hitter to shore up their offense, obtained first balemad-outfielder Jack Clark lrom the New York Yankees on MondAy as part of 1 five-player b'llde. repon ..-... intemt ~ !u Fi . eilCO •Y-aRa 6w an a1t&aMlilll&I ~ ....,. tbe dty of San&a ~ Wbile lecblel c.oro. will repon on what would be needed to build. DeW atadium at tbe she on fntenlale 237 near Oreat America amutemau oark. Tbe coat of tbe Becbld atudy bu not been determined. CJem,,.. rated tlae ,,_, Raines. 29, said the contract, which includes a one- year option. allows him to forsct the previous nesotiation worries of his career, and concentrate stnctlr on his Jame. " think its important for any player to get a contract signed and not to have to worry about it.," Bil!..~;1 ~~ ... Raines said from his Heathrow, Aa. home. "Now I feel I can settle-down and concentrate on baseball instead of San Dieao leftt pitchers Jimmy Jones and Lance McCullers and reserve outfielder Stan Jeff'enon to New York in 6Chaqe for Clark and pitcher Pat Clements. New York Y ankeel., was I-I 6 last year witb 1 4.18 earned run averqe in 32 ltartl.•Rawley, a left-bander, was on the disabled list in 1987 from Aus. S to Aua. 28 with a strained left shoulder. NEW YORK-Roter Clemens of the Boston Red Sox is the belt player in baseba.111 ~na. Wortd Scrie1 hero Orel Hersn.iaer ,of the Loe Anleles ~rs. accordina to atatistica.l ran.kinas for ti.e pu1 t-,,. years. • thinas off the field." The eight-year veteran, who bad finished two of ._ _______________ _..., the three prs on a SS million deal he signed in 1987 Tbe Plldra. whose offense former manaeer Larry Bowa once called as potent U a ''pop au.n," ranked i9tar the bottom of the. National Leque witb 94 bome runs. By comparison. the New York Mets led the teaaue Booae, DownbJ6 lree NEW YORK -Anaels catcher Bob Boone and designated hitter Brian ·0own~ were among· 12 pla~aranted new-look" free aten- cy an arbitrator Monday in the 19 oollusion cae. 'when he agreed to his new pact, alluded to the arbitration and frce-agept processes he has undergone during bis career in Montreal. He claimed that it meant a lot to him to stop worryins about those things. "Its essential for me because of the way things have aone throughout my career," Raines said. Raines had the club in a holding pattern because he was one of eight t 986 free agents that arbitrator George Nicolau ruled had been victimized by owners' collusion. As expected, and not co-incidentally to the timing of the agreement, Nicolau ruled Monday that all eight could test the free-agent market again. Expos general manager David Dombrowski ad- mitted that Nicolau's impending decision was a m~or factor the club considered during the negotiations with Raines, which bad been going on since early August. ''It put an added imponancc on getting it done quickly," Dombrowski said. "We're goin& into the winter and we need to lc:now how we're going to put our club together. Quote of the day Bal,. ~r. New York Mets announcer who is an acknowledged master of the mala-prop: "We'll be right back after this word from Manufacturen Haqovcr. '' -~yomln& makea meteoric rise CHEYENNE. Wyo. -Wyoming's [iJ meteoric rise in The Associated Press •II• college football poll is a tribute to the turnaround that bas the Cowboys riding the nation's longest regular-season winning streak. A .500 team two years qo, Wyoming cracked the Top Ten on Monday for the first time in--21 years, . following Saturday's 61-I 8 rout of Utah. UCLA, Notre Dame and Southern California held onto the top three spots. "We're certainly happy about it," Wyoming coach Paul Roach said ... It's food for our state, our program, the university. And it s good for the WAC (Western Athletic Conference) to receive some recognition. "However, for our players and our coaches, it's a perirhcral thing. We still focus in on our No. 1 goal, and that s to defend our (W AQ championship." Wyoming is 8-0 overall, 5-0 an conference play and has won its last 17 regular-season games. The No. 10 ranJcjng marked Wyoming's fifth consecutive week in the poll and was the !U$best since the Cowboys were No. 6 to the final 196 7 Jistmgs with a 10-0 record. Magic leads Lakera past Neta BUFFALO N. Y. -Magic Johnson m scored 24 points and added 12 assists as the Los Angeles LaJccrs overcame a flat first balfto defeat the New Jersey Nets 1 OS-93 in NBA prcseason action Monday night. The LaJccrs, 4-2 in exhibition play, trailed 57-49 at the half but dominated the third quarter and took the lead for aood on a Kareem Abdul-Jabbar slc:yhook with 6:04 to go in the period. The l...akcrs outscored the Nets 23-9 in the first seven ~inutes 'of the third . quarter and wound up outsconna New Jersey 36-17 m the period. Also Monday, the Lakcrs waived guard Milt Wagner, reducing the tcatn roster to I 3 players. one above the regular-season limit, the team announced. Wagner, a member of the Lakcrs' NBA cham- pionship team last year, averaged 3.8 points in 40 appearances durina the regular season. 30 TONS OF PUMPKINS ? ........ ~ YES! "See ya next Sunday,, Biii." UCLA walks Pac-10 tightrope EE LOS ANGELES -The pressure's on the UCLA football team these days. But., Coach Terry Donahue says, it's not because the Bruins arc ranked No. 1 for the 'first time in 21 years. ''We realize fiaht now that any wrong move could well cost us the confercn~championship and the Rose Bowl," Donahue said Monday at his weekly meeting with reporters. "And, it might be added, a chance at the national cbampionshi{>. "Every pme is so important at this stage. One false move and you're eliminated. There are three teams that are really ri&ht there." Donahue was referring to UCLA and third-ranked Southern California, who both have 4-0 Pacific-10 Conference records, and 20th-ranked Oregon, which is 3-1 in league play, having lost to Southern Cal. After beatina Arizona 24-3 last Saturday, UCLA is 7-0 overall for the first time since 1966. Donahue was a sta.rtina defensivetack:le on that team. The Bruins will attempt to go 8-0 for the first time since 1954 when they host high-scoring Washington State this weekend. UCLA took over the No. 1 spot last week, after Notre Dame upset previously top.ranked Miami. The last time the Bruins were coUege f ootbalhi top-ranked team wuin November of 1967 after going 7-0-1. "I didn't anticipate we'd be in this position when the season started," Donahue said. "I don't sit around on the beach during July and say I thought we'd be 7-0 and No. I in the country. (But) we've exceeded where I thought we'd be. "Wbcredid I think we'd be? I don't know. What's really important is the next month. The competitive- ness of the confe-rence race has kept our team sharp. Every team has a chance to beat you. I think the players sense that" ASU'a Justin earns honors Arizona State quarterback P111I JHtla [iJ (22 of 34 for 32 I yards, one touchdown), c II t Oregon comcrback Brett Young (two interceptions, nine tackles} and Oregon punter Ted Milburn (only four of eight punts returned, one down at 3) were na med Monday as Pacific-10 Conference playCf'S of the week ... San Jose State's ltevt. Evan ( 12 receptions, 2 I 6 yards, two touch- downs) and Utah State's lteMa.1 Smida. (lO receptions, 208 yards, two touchdowns, I 79 yards in rctu.ms) two receivers who posted career highs in the $line game, were namcd-BiJ;WcsrCOnTerence olfCnsivc co-players of the week.. Cal State FuJlcrton lincbackcrClarta Wrtpt (set up scores with fumble recovery, interception) was named defensive player of the week. Television, radio TaLavmoN 5 p.m. -M>OYaUILDtNG: Women's end Mixed Pelrs Che~ from Les Veoes (lepe), ESPN. 6 P.tn. -aXH191TlON aASKSTaALL: Leken et New York (delayed), Ctlennel t . 6 o.m. -80XING! ScMduled -8obOv Ctvz vs. Lesfle Stewart In 10-round llohHleevvweloht bout from Atlentlc Cltv, ESPN. 1 P.m . -80XING1 Scheduled -Mike Zene VI. Oevev Montane In 10-round fMttlerwelGtlt bout from Resede, Z Ctlennel. 7:30 o.m. -HOCKaY: Edmonton et Klnos. Prime Ticket. RADIO 6 PJTI. -•XHlllrT'ION aASKaTaALL: Laken at New Vortt (delayed}, KL.AC (510). 7:30 p.m. -HOCK•Y: Edmonton et Klncn. KPZE (1190). witb 152. . McKeon said he expected Clark to step in at first base next season and provide punch in the middle of the lineup but doesn't expect him to shoulder the entire offensive load. ·PlaHH• aogatre Herr PHILADELPHIA-ThePhiladel- c:~ Phillies acquired second man Tommy Herr from Minne- sota and sent pitcher Shane Rawley to the Twins Monday in a four-player deal. The PhiUies also received catcher Tom Nieto and outfielder Eric Bull- ock and 1ent the Twins an un- disclosed amount of cash. Phillies general manager Lee Thomas, who was in Clearwater, Fla. alona with recently named manager Nick Leyva, said plans call for Herr to play second base and switch Juan Samuel to center field. Rawley, 33, who was acquired by_ the Pbilhes June 30, 1984, from the Pitchen Jim Clancy of Toronto, Doyle Alexander of Detroit. catchers Rich Gedman of Boston, Ernie Whitt of Toronto, Alan Ashby of Houston also were made free qents by arbi- trator °'°'9e Nioolau. Other players panted free qency were pitcher Ron Guidry, infielder Willie Randolph and outfielder Claudell Washington of the New York Yankees. In addition, Nieolau ~ted new- look free aeency to pttchers Ken ~yley of St. Louis and Roy Smith of Mmnesota, who became he agents Dec. 21, 1986, when they weren't offe~ 1987 contracts by their re- spective teams. GIMI,. eye •tadlam alte SAN FRANCISCO -The San Francisco Giants on Monday an- nounced the team has commissioned The rankinp. compiled by the E.li11 Sporu Bureau and relcued · Monday, pve Oemens a 96..203 SClore for the 1987-88 seasons, with Henhiser at 96.135. Frank Viola of the Minnesoaa Twim was third at 96.091 and Dwiabt Gooden of tbe New York Mets fourth at 9S.169, aivina pitchers a sweep of the fint four places. Outfielder Dwi~t Evans of Bost0n was the top non-patcher, rankina fifth with a score of 94. 79S. Evans suc- ceeded Toronto's Georae Bell u No. l in the American Leque outfield, followed by Kirby Pujt and Jose Canseco. The rankings, now in their eighth sea.son. are used to determine what draft choices are used as compensa- tion for free aacnts. They also are used to compare players. They combine statistics such as battina average plate appearances, home runs and runs batted in for bitters, and starts, innings, earned-run average, saves and strikeouts for pitchers. The statistics used vary from position to position. Bears defense stuffs 49ers CHICAGO -Dan Hampton and Steve McMichacl led a defense that set up all ofChica&o's poinlS and shut down Joe Montana, Roger Craig and the rest of the leque~s leadin& offense as the Chicago Bears beat the San Francisco 49en 10-9 ,Monday ni&hL Chicago's victory, which made them 7-1 at the midway mark, ended the 49ers' 11-game road winning streak one short of a league record the 49crs tied a year qo. It was mostly the work of the front four -Hampton. Mc Michael, Richard Dent and Al Harris -which almost completely shut down San Francisco after Montana hit Jerry Rice with a 23-yard scoring pass on San Francisco's first possession. RobbJ•a: Yoa mut be able to .nu.a -There-~mcsant c past, John Robinson recalled, when be and bis coacbina staff would wal.k off thefieldaftcra loss muttering. "If our guys could just pass a little bit" The Rams can pass now, considerably more than a little bit. And Robinson fmds that fri~tening. "I don't want our peoP-le saying. Well, OK, we~ a couple of plays, now Jai:n (~verett) can throw. lonf"t>nc and we'll score.' Things happen to people when somethin& comes too easy .... .. Passing is easier (than running), it's mod, it's sophisticated and everybody says, ·wow, what a great pme,'l'm not degrading the passmggamc, but you'vcgot to be able to run, too." Sbaaa,,aa aot •Tf.a6 •llo wUl be QB EL SEGUNDO-Who will start nextatquartcrback for the Los Anaeles Raiders remained a mystery Monday as rookie coach Mike Shanahan furthered the uncertainty by clamping a lid on any word rcprding bis plans. Shanahan benched starter Jay Schroeder and replaced him with backup Steve Beuerlcin for the second time in two pnlCS Sunday after Schroeder proved ineffective in the Raiders' 20.6 loss to the New Orleans Saints. pbll Clalcaco rannt:f. back Keal ADdenoD elad• i&9en' cl ~"back Jeff Faller. . S~anahan refused to discuss the team's quarterback. s1tuat1on Monday. Bnlcl.Ua•6'YeZJ cJeaa bHl olllealtla FORT WORTH, Tex.as -Former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw, who bad been undergoina tests for chest pains, was given a clean bill of health by doctors Monday and wiU resume his NFL broadcast duties for CBS. Sprinter Johnson suspended for two years OTTAWA (AP) -Ben Johnson, who tested positive for drugs after winning the Olympic !~meter dash, was officially suspended for two rears by the Canadian Track and Field Association MondayJ. while his coach was supsended indcunitely. In addition to the suspensions of Johnson and Coach Charlie Francis, the Association announced two lim- ited inquiries into events surround- ing the sprinter's positive test for an anabolic steroid at-the Seoul Games. Justice Charles Dubtn. l he inquiry will begin shortly. Johnson, 26, was suspended from competina for Canada for two years, retroactive to Sept. 24, the day he tested positive for use of a banned performance-enhancing_ steroid and was stripped of his I ~meter gold medal. the aold medal to the International Olympic Commiuee•s court of arbi- tration for sport, Dupre said. Francis, Johnson's personal coach and the track and field association's sprint coach, was suspcndest with pay until the personnel committee of the Association can review his saatui, Dupre said. Francis earns more than $40,000 a year from the Association and acts benefits from track and field sponson. • pomtcd by Jean-Guy Ouellette, tbe Association's c hairman. A preliminary report is expected within ei.aht weeks. ~canwhile, the Association will investiptc the unauthorized de- parture from the Olympics of Mark McKoy, who was supposed to run in the 400-mctcr relay, and the refusal by Courtney Brown to run in the same event Both incidents followed Johnson's disqualification. · P(!ts Unlimit ed But the Association left the touah questions about its handlina of rumors abotJt steroid use l>y JOhnsoo and other Canadian runners for the commission of inquiry-~~ by The two-year suspension was levied by the International Amateur Athletic Federation, the world '&ov- emi!ll body for track and field, and ratified by the Canadian body. sajd Paul Dupre, president of the Can- adian Track and .Fiekt Association. There is no appeal of the suspension. Du)ke said the Association would inv~te 1U1tements by 1evcral Canad11n runners and coaches about steroid use. includina comments by Anaella l~enlco, Anaela Bailey, Yolanda Jones and Gary Lubin. Dupre la.id the Association bad been aware of rumors about steroid use by its athletes bul didn't take action became it oouktn't find evidence to support the charJCs. .... . ... ... .. . But Johnson can appeal bis loss of • Centurion • Bridgestone •Cannondale • Custom Pro Bikes • Cruisers • Mountain Bikes c • Diamondback • GT ALSO ~,,.w..~ """ lllllcA 111«1 0 f714t5St-5607 ... r Dupre and Kyle Mcf>uffie, chair- man of the Association's athletes council, will conduct the inquiry, ~na witb three ~pie to be a~ At the end of the t~year suspension, Johnson can apply to the Association for reins&atemmt. He will have to pa111 IW'Oid tat. •. ~~--------A----~-~~---~---~--Oiange CoM1 DAILY PILOTfTueed•y. Oc1otMw 25. 1... • He bad three unassisted ta~n, three assists, tipped a pass. blocked a field goal and ran an interception 62 yards for a TD. KBVDf TBOllAS Betaacla 4 A junior defensive end, be has seven unassisted tackles. two sacks and an interception wbicb led to the Eagles' touchdown. _J_A80___,;;;,_1'f_f,,....-RAB--B-E-* Lapn&Beach Crabbe, who doubles as linebacker and kicker. made four tackles and kick- ed a 4S-yard field goal in the Artists' 28-3 loss. · llANft'Y BOmLLA Coetalleu .... A S-foot-l l, 180-pound senior, he rushed for 89 yards on 18 carries. scored aTDanddownedapunton the Huntinaton Beach 2. • JASO!f G01'SALVES HantlaltOD Beach A S-foot-l I. 170-pound senior defensive back, he broke throuah to block a punt, wliicll netted tbe OiJ- en a game-turning TD. . .. CHRIS LIPPINCOTT EclUoD A 6-foot-7. 251-pound offensive tackle, he graded out in the Chargen' Big Game with his best effort of the season. DEAN MARTINEZ Ocean View Bonilla, Mesa's leading rusher, gained I 09 yards on 21 carries, caught a 10-yard pass and scored a TD apin.st Tcabuc9 HiJJs. ~;; ,.,.-A 5-foot-10, 190-pound • senior running back. he ran • ~ for 81 yards on 16 carries. ,:~1 caught a l 2-yard pass and · ,. ~ scored a touchdown. '2;J Top 10 -----Lut weell:J pla~f4yarff or more - •96-Mitch Steinke (l~t), touchdown run (vs. San Clemente) • 77-David SaJladay Costa Mesa). touchdown pass from Rich Schones. •62-Pal CaJlaahan (Corona del Mar) touchdown run wtth interception. • 56-Mike Belfe ftrvine), run. • 53-Doug Cunningham (Huntington Beach), touchdown run w1th fumble. · • 50-Scott Seymour(Woodbridge), touchdown pass from Fred Schweer. •47-Scott Seymour (Woodbridge), touchdown run. •47-Jim RobcTSQn (University), field goal. •46-Kedric Powe (Fountain Valley), touchdown run. •45'...-Jason Crabbe (Laguna Beach). fiefd goal. •44-Randy Martin (Irvine), run. •44-Manny Bonilla (Costa Mesa). run. •44-Rich Schones (Costa Mesa). rup. •41-Brandon Bento (Corona del Mar). interception return.· •40-Patrick Reilly (Edison). pass from Greg Angelovic. Last week's rasltiJlg leaders 1. Kedric Powe (Fountain Valley). 25-137; 2. Mike G raff (Westminster>. l 17-116; Jim Roberson {University). 15-113; 4. Manny Bonilla (Costa Mesa). l 2l-l09; 5. Scott Seymour (Woodbridge). 18-102; 6. Greg .\ngclo,1c <Edison). ' 16-95. Last week's passing leaders Ord:f e County ~ school " ootball Datily Pilot selectio ns -..,...1. Mlaaton-v~jo (7 -0 ) 2 . Ftn. Valley (5 -2 ) 3 . Woodbridge (7 -0) ·~ 4. Edlaon (6 -1) 5. Servtte (6-1) 6 . L08 Almttos (6 -0 -1) Nash, who starred on both offense and defense, cauaht six puses on offense and didn't allow a recep- tion in Wamon' 28-6 wan. 8BAWlf PLABERr/ Saddleback KJSOOLDI Jrrine * The 6-foot-1. 210-pound linebacker made I I solo tackles and assisted on two others in Irvine's 6-0 loss apinst Capistrano Valley. ---------------------· MIKJtSEUI Wenmlnater A S-foot-11. 245-pound lineman, he distinguished himself against Ocean View's Todd Norman on ,both sides otthe hoe. Warriors hold on to No. l ranking ...,_., . l .... ..._ .. , ...... , , .. IM l • ...._,.....,., , .. " l-i--..11-.1 ., • Baron s bypa ss E Ison to 8th In Division I ' -i-....-v.-1 •·I n s c:-.. (o-1-'Y-l , .. u • o-i.. ,.__.., •. , • 1 C.......~C4!Nll ~I .. , • ·~llell-1 •·J l6 t ·-(~ V....,l 4•J n IOa-l-l H I~ ~YI I V-le(Or-l 1.~C-llloiwl JAr-(~) 4 l'K""-10.-Gro .. l s. 1(......., •Ger-Gr-) • trcw (,_I ,,....,., .. _., l. T "''"' l-VleWl • .......... '"*""*'' IO S.-.. 1411& (f::r-vl DfWllOl9 w I s...i.-le 1--..1 2. s... _.... t•lll """°") ) T-Cllv Ullo -I tC-CU'.Vl S. -. '*"91$.0 IS F V l 6 "-Del IC-ll ... l 1 -..,..ia 1ac-1 • W.-•l~ll ... t+I .. •+1 .. •·0-1 s. l>-H 0 S-1•1 •• S-H l6 S·l·l 1' ,.,.. 11 .. I .. s-t 13 t-l " ... ., .. , ,, .. , 111 S-1 .. S-J ., •An-~~· .. 1 ue " '°""' ,_ co.--1 • ••1 " •·> 21 .. , 21 • ., 1 , .. ,"' ~..,.. •·I .. l. ...... _ (~ C.-1 , ... 117 ,.. • , ,,.,__.cu. ~) , ... 110 •• , ,. J ._,.,., ... l~•l 1-t '°' ~t U 6 (I S.-ISeM. h i 7-t 11 ~; ~ t=-~~=·c-i. !.1 :: S-1 It 1 $1 -<S-W. l'el 1.. » .-2 11 I ~,.._.._ .. l M ll f Seme ,..._ (F,_,,.., .. , z. ~ • It l'-ll-IL°'P-t-1 IJ ; ~u= 1=..~-•J .. ~~ ': OIVU* IJI > Pef-1 (Seo\ Gto Ytv I t·t 11 I -I• Ctw1t1..., <°"""""<> .. , 100 • Herl ('OO'""l S-2 61 l Y...., CIVISl .. ft IQlvmplcl •·t to S ~J (S.ft G.o VIY I .. , S. ). ~la (Tf1·Y-yJ S.t 6' • f l Tw. ($9Ulfl Coe61l 4•3 •S • T_....,. 10.S ·Imo LI l 6· l .. 1 s.m. ..... 1c..,1.,.,1 •·> _, :i. v ..... c·"""""' 1A ..... 1 1-0 ff I Cer"'°' ,,.,, G-'91 vw• S-H Jt 6. ~ (Oft.·tn"" Le l •·I jO • K.a1-. 1£.....,..1 t-1·1 14 1 Oft!erlo °'""l•n IOf.........:1 .. I " 10 C-Y•• ($out" Coa••l 4-3 1 I OH Par>. ITrl·Y-vl 6·1 Jt Ot,..,, ~ (l'ootll.lll S-2. .,_ t S•rr-10.AN.e) •·I 21 ls.utlt c:.. .. 1. s-1 10 ,,,_ 10... ·lnvo Le 1 •·J IS °'""'°" rv I hll COar-IWlll•"*lll 2 DOii L..,.. lleM!IM) 111....-.1•··· • We""" IVallt Vitt•I s r•ort~•-I Velie lfll••I •....,.Ai"" (SW•al 1 .. _,..l'en lSWf•I ,.,....,w.....u .... 1 •a.r-1..-1 10 El ll_,,. 1-•-•I •IGHT-MAH ILAllG•I I Cmo K.lotra (l'r•.,.ne.I 1·0 IOI l Pe.-Pol• 1""-> 1•0 101 J Let"" ~Trf·C-"'I .. , .. • .,..,1wooo r~> 1·0 n j F a•ft a..•1•t (Oelolllc) .. , ... •IGMT-'IAAll (SIN.LL) •·I 60 I C-1 Cnrl••'911 1-~-l S-1 ll 2 1--..,.1oo Cfw't.llwt I V1clorvl .. I tt J -l llte (-O) S-2 21 4 L-l'IN ICN•"1eoll S-1 II S ·.n. Ow SM. (~ \f-1 S-0 •·O 7·0 t·I 4-2 •·O 1·• ••• S-2 N High school football ~og __ c·-.........,. 19tne) ~MTAIM VALLEY 0·2·0) MAltlHA ( .. 1·11 SAOOLEUCK (2·MI COltONA on MAJl (6 .. • I) (SuftMt ~. , .... , (s-ef LAetw ... , • ., (S. "'-~. 1·1 .. ) (S.. V\ew L"""9, l ·0-1) n Ma1., o.; 11 0-E-•nta ' 13 I• Cemoad " 7 Munllne•on 8Hc11 0 JS El Toro l l o -serv11e J6 ,_s.ma 13 San Clefneflte 0 l Mkllon Vleio ,, 10 F OOltllll 21 1~ 20 S2 S.nlfel'O • 21 EI ~ 7 O Los Alamitos 2' 21 Serr. 12 U Looun. Mills 11 20 LOl19 8ffcn Potv 3S 6 Mlll lton 71 0 Santa Alie Valley l 11 Cosio Meu 12 J2 OcNn VJew• 0 6 Wnrmln'1.r• " 21 NewPON Hertlor" IA I• Unlvt r11tv• 14 2' ECSIM>11° 21 10 MunllnotOfl lleecfl• 21 7 T1n11n• 17 14 E11encre• 7 O:r.-Wfllmlnsitr• (al H8) cn.-ecs1son• (or OCCI ~CSM· (ol SA Sowl) o:i.-s.cscs~ • <•• SA &ow11 N~rfna• (el wn1m1M1w-1 N~rn. v onev• (er w~ Nl-Untvenirv• I•• SA llowl) N-TU1lln° <et OCCI Nlo-Mun1ino1on 8ucl'I <01 OCCl Nl~n vtew• <a• I N1l-Ellancia• (al OCCl N 11-•I Newoort Harl>Or-• HTM. BEACH (2·5·0) MAT•a 011 (J-4 .. I ~g$1TY (J.}-\) COSTA MUA. (2.·4·0 (SUl!Mt LMtUa, 1-t-0) (~ L.eetuo. 1.1.01 (lea vw LAeella, 1·0-1) (l"l<Mlc C..lt L .. 9". 0·2•0) O COf'ona dll ~r 7 11 Fountalll "allov l2 7 \NIM 1) 13 Et•encl• 23 2 Paclfk:• 7 34 OcHntlOo 36 0 Mlulon VleiO 41 22 Rancho Al•m\101 1S 10 N-oorr Herl>OI' 7 11 Sanl1 Ana 10 11 Woodb<1cloe ,. l4 Gerden Grove 7 7 I.Ont 8uCll Wiison " t Edison 1.t 7 Foorlllll ' 7 r<a1fllll 7 14 ,,.,Of ~ l l 31 Hunrtne1on k actl " 3l 0-Hiiis '° 12 Coron• def Mar 21 6 EdJM><1° 21 14 9l"-Am•t• :zt " cor-Oii ,,,.,, •• 7 WOOCSbrl6"' I• 21 ,,._,,na· 10 21 ""-Mont~ 7 24....._,~ • 12 Tretllieo Hlllt • ,. Olt-Ocean Vie•• <a• W\11'1\Mtrl 027-<rnl>I lal SA Sowl) 077-E\1~0 (II NH) Q2t-t.ffuna Hiits' <•• NH) N>-Wnrmlfts1e<• (helme) IQ-SI Paul (er OCC) N)-Seddlebedt• (SA 8owll N)-()f aftM0 , (al El Modena) Nlo-f=ounta1n Vai\ev' 111 OCCI Nl0-5erv1te (al SA 8owl) "'Nil-Tustin• (I I INlftl) NIO-.t Levuna a .. e11• . EDtSOH 16· 1·01 •VNitE (S-2-1) MIWf'OtlT HAa90'l 11·6 .. ) W.STMllfSTE:• ll-4 .. ) (Sed\ c-d L.M9Ue. 1·1-1) (lee .,.... ~. 0.-2·0) c s-.t lAMlle. , .... ) ts-et LM-, 1-1-0) 1l Ulll-slrv 1 0 Sent• Ana 21 t v~ 20 7 El ~na 0 21 Vat. P1r1l IS 10 ac.. v ... 0 )OM n IS 21 Ca1><11rano Ve lev u 13 Tuslln 7 1 Hunrlneton ~ 10 12 E-anu 1• 71 L01111 h.ctl woan 14 7 Woooorkl9e 17 10 LI Maora " 1 ~,,._ Valin 12 21 Male< ()el ' I• Foolbll 13 1' L~ feac:tl W~ 21 'Mluloft 1' A2 SI JoM 8oJCO 0 27 San Clemente J lA. 5 ddllhC*" ~lt1a• 6 21 Hun11ng1on 8eacn• 0-~ 6 I Unl't9nltv• 2• II OaMa View' 1l l. Fred Schweer (Woodbridge), 16-30-1 . ~ }ards1 I TD.._ 1 Gr.cg_ _...., __ t-Aneelov~(Edisont.+3-31-0, 174-yartts. TTD;J. nn} 0' e1I (Mater De1). 13-23-1. 165 yards, l TD; 4. David Henigan (Fountain Valle)). 10-lb-O. 1 ·3 yards, 0 TD; S. Steve Scheck (Newport Harbor), I S-25-1. 144 yards.OTO 6. 11 FOUl\la•n Vatlev' 21 7 . Valencia (6 .. 0 -1) On-Marina• (e• OCCl ~ltslon 'lflolo' ll>Ome) O?t-et Tuitlft• ~1n V_...,. (a1 Ha) ,..._, Dene HiQs• N.-£1l1nc'-• ll'IOmel l'O-el Huntington 9-cf!• Rich Schones (Costa Mesa), 7-27-3. l"I yards. I TD. · Last week's receiving leaders I. Jim Stanley (Newport Harbor). 11 -82; 2. David alladay (C'os1a Mesa). 6-59; 3. Tony Pena (Mater Dei), 6-90; 4. Alex Zaldivar (Woodbridge). 6-~9: 5. Patrick Reilly (Edison), 5-72; 6. Scott Seymour'(Woodbndge). S-65. Last week's scoring leaders I. Kedric Powc(Fountain Valley). 24; 2. Scott Seymour(Woodbndge), 18: 3. (tic) Kcalii Clifford (Mater ~i): Gary Smarr (Un1 vcrsi1y), 12 each. j 8 . CclM (6-0-1) 9 . El T oro (4 -3 ) . 10. Ca~ Valley (4 -3 ) . N4"-QcHn v ...... (al H81 N10-.I Wet1m1nirer• ESTANCIA U·l·ll tS.. V\eow L .. -. 0·1·11 n Cosl• Mow 21 Leouna Hlh.s 17 l.Ot Amlvos lS t.aoun. 8Hcn I• Or•~ 1l Tustin• 7 Cw on• oet ,.,,., • 0'27-Unl11.r1llv' (el N1woort) N._11 Ntwoor1 H1rt>0r• NM-SadCS~ck· c111 on·1 Nil-El Toro• l•I MV) UGtlMA aEACH tl·S· 11 (f"adk C..lt ~. 1+•1 ll " L.owinotf' ,, 20 0 Nwlt Vitti fl 7 3 Oana Hills l 1 7 E Jle.ncia JS I 6 San C'-lt 10 ll 6 LAOUM Hills' 2 1' 3 Ora~· 21 02t-Tral><lto MIH.s' (11 MV) N-.WOOdtll'IClot0 l llOl'Ml NIO-CoS11 Miu' fl'IO..,.,t ) Nll-<orona oet Mar• 1110mtr OC•AN YllW (l ·•·OI (~ LAM!M. •·2-t) It C'fl)(fts D Ne-I Mar'llOr 20 S.nll AN Va..,, 14 Wosl«n 0 Tu"ln 0 -Founreln VtlltV" 13 WnlmlMIW"' 02t-+4tn 8"cfl• (a t WmSlr) N.-ECSI_,. (al Miii &Mel\) Nl~rfM• (a t Min 8ffcrt) N 11>-E IS$0tl0 I'*"-) WOOOMJOGE (7 .... ) (hdlk c.tt ~ 1 ..... ) o n Sen c..,.,_,.. ' 10 2l Foottlil 0 l 14 Unl'l'tnltv lJ 0 71 lnttM 7 10 14 CIHWOll 0 31 14 Cotta MeM0 7 11 2t 1. .. un. Milts• 6 ~an90· (al El NIOCleN) N.._t ~ a..ct\0 Nl~TrabUCO Hiib" (•I lrvtne) • I UCI RUNNERS EYE BIG WEST FINALS .•. BOYER ..• POWE'S BIG RUN. • • ' From Bl at Cal Pol and fourth in 17:34 at Stanfo wccksearher. R nding out the top seven are ju · r Nicole Ritchot, a graduate of 1son Hi&h, sophomores Kelli Lewis and Paige Eicher. and freshmen Caroline Plier. Seda Jones and Andrea Sansom. For the NCAA 's. O'Boyle feels the team could break the into the third s_pot, which is necessary to make the ' finals. ifit runs up tocapabihties throughout its top seven. Stanford. Cal .. Arizona, UCLA and Washington are the top competition. For the women, after Oregon. Cal and UCLA. it's wide open. "If we can be in the top six with this tcam.asyoungasit is, then I think we've accomplished what we wanted to this year with the reds-shirts to prepare for next year ... 0 Carlos Barefield, a safety for OCC's football team.could have been beat wbilechasingSaddleback receiver Scott Miller, who took a bomb from quarterback Scott Stark right in stride behind the defense Saturday. Bu.the t stayed with the play even after Miller outlcaed him for about 30yards. L Milferpined73yardsontheplay, but hcfumbledatthe I-yard line courtesyofBarefield. who finaJly c.auaht him and reached in to stnp the ball. Comerback GunnarWolfe re- covered 1n the end zone and the Pirates had held on to the lead fora while longer. "He just finished the play." Wo rk- man said." He could ha vc slowed down and watched him go 1n fo1 the touchdown. Luckily he was faster than Miller." OCC eventually lost the pmc m the fourth quarter. 19-17. gJ\ mg the 3.3 Pirates losses by one. two and seven points. "It doesn't make an) difference 1f it's two points or a million. we came up short," Workman s~ud. "There's a million ways we could have done it.·· "We've played just about the who's who and lost by just a total of I 0 ~in ts. And the seven-point loss was a Joke (San Diego Mesa). They never scored off our defense." 0 Golden West quarterback Joe Napoli, who was a key factor alon$ with the defense in the Rustlers tying Fullerton through three quarters at- urday. hasdemonstratcd the con- fidence Coach Ray hacklcford show- ed in him before the season was wcll- foundcd afte-r Napolt had watched and practiced for two years The Huntington Beach High prod- uct has completed S4 percent ofh1 s passes. has taken advantage of s1tu- ationsas theyanseon the field and is getting more confident all the lime. Shackleford said. , Fullback Lee Miller. whodoesn·t have his number called too often on the run. gets the ball when Napoli picks up blitzes. OnceSalurday tl brouV't a 13-yard gain. and the other ume 11 would ha' e provided a touchdo~ n passe"<cept a fumble at the one was recovered in the end zone by Dwayne Baodaruk. "Ever} catch Lee Miller has. ever) single o ne and there's been IOor 12 of them m last three games. has been an audible." Shackleford said. "h 's a play "e hke. that '-'C run in bl112 s11uauons. Two other umes 11 was lipped. "The' were leading the conference 1n pass defense. and for Joe to thro" as well as he did .. we were pleased with his passing. "He's had seven interceptions. but three have been tipped passes. His second 1 nterception that led to a touchdown (against Fullerton) was a very ~ood pass. right o n target. but 1l was upped:· While most defe nsive pla) ers. let alone a quack cornerback. "-Ould be hard-prtssed to keep up with Full- erton runn111g back JeffAndrt"-S (nation's leading rusher) after he"s broken past the last defender. Golden West linebacker M ike Cover showed wh> hacklefordcalled him h1 fastest guy on defense. On a 28·yard gain. Cover o utran him to sa' ~ touchdown. From Bl Jl'romBl our passing offense." said Colts head and relax." coach Ron Me)er Powe relax? He hasn't relaxed all Ong1nally drafted in the ninth year. He rushed 21 umcs for 94 yards ro und b} the Colts in 1985. Bo}cr against Mater Dc1 in the season only started at L:SC as a scmor and openeT. then picked up l 54 )ards-a was used pnmanl) as a blocker. season high -against El Toro 1n a 35·3 I win for Fountam VaJlcy. .. Tight ends at CSC don't catch a He went for 139 yards o n 21 camcs lot of balls," Bo}er said. .. At USC I in the lcque opener against Ocean learned how to block and that is 1.1.hat View, and thCTC's c:crtatnl) no sign of got me noticed b) the N FL scouu.:· the Barons relaxing. But Powe sull As a senior. Bo)er "'as named to the has in the back of h is mind ~hat ..\II-Pac 10 Academic team and gradu-happened last year. ated with a degree 1n business. "Last year I didn'tget the chance 10 play," Powe said. "Well. I did. but I .\s a senior at Edison High. he • fumbled a lot. I JUSt wasn·t ready to caught 48 passes. nine for touch-play. Three straight games l fumbled downs and led the C:hargers to the One fumble against Senne was a big Sunset Leag~e and Big five utlc 10 factor and then I fumbled against 1979. For his efforts. Bo}er earned Long Beach Poly and after that Ocean All-CIF and All-Orange Count~ View They gave me a chance. I JUSt honors. As a Junior he filled 1n at bl w :t .. quarte~ck. leading Edi on to e1g~~ Po~. a S-9. I 85-pound 'lcnior. as consecutive wins b} thro~1ng for 6 -not one to hft weights Nor does he ) ards and ~ven touc hdowns. have any mkhng to· pla} college Denver 1s next on tap for the Colt!> o n ne't Monda~ night's tele' 1s1on o fTennA., ··coach Me) er 83' c us the ne't tv.o days off. and I can't v.a1t to get to Hunt1n1ton Beach and res1:· ~1d Bo)er -.bo will fl) bad.. to In. d1anapohs tonir.ht. "\.iy body takts a beating. but th~ wins make n caster." football, which might surpnsc some people since Powe 1s one of best runnfog bee.ks in the unset League ··we lif\ every da} after football practice," said Powe. 1.1.hose fam1I) 1s from Conneclicut. "You ha\ e to v.ani to do 1t, and I don't. but it's something you have to do. M) dad ~ould SI} that 1f I didn't hf\. l v.ouldn't be as good. I tbou&ht about what 1fl did hft more. what 1 v.ould''e done {on the field) \hen. ID ILL IEW 'II LEllllS • And 99 cents. tnctudlng tea .• MOfttft dcl I Id end ...... A1 .. dull 11112.72. Toe.I of~--17174.51. DrM oft 11275.17. On ll)ptoued • (13000/30l132) ':" -i' . ·--_; ....... Kedrtc Powe . ··in hilh scboot. -you ~\O hk.c footbaJl.1n college. YoU have to lov( tl. And 1n the pros, you have to ltvc 1t. I don't love football.'' There are times on \.M surface. such as long touchdown runs which lead champ1onsh1p teams to vtctory. when It appears love 1s not a flC(or. Ju.st ask the Edison ChaJ'ICf'S. .. OnnQe Cout OAll.Y PILOT/ Tu.day, October 25, 1988 . "' Golden West Community college players of the week Orange Coa•t Nl'L STANDINGS ......... c. ........ .... NewOrlMns bma S.n Francisco Atlanta Chicago Minnesota Detroit Graen Bay Tampa Bay N.Y. Glentl Washington Phl*'91Phla Phoenix Danas W L T 1 1 0 6 2 0 5 3 0 1 7 0 c....... 7 1 0 5 3 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 Ent 5 3 5 3 ~. : 'l 6 0 0 0 0 0 Pct. PP: PA .175 llO 137 .750 230 140 .625 175 151 .125 142 220 .175 157 13 .625 114 131 .250 102 153 .250 160 159 .250 151 216 .625 177 161 .625 199 171 .500 179 160 .500 191 116 :250-T31 166 AmericM c.• ance Oen var Seattle llaldln San oi.oo Kansas City Cincinnati Cleveland Houston PlttM>urgh &uffalo N.Y.Jats Miami lndlanaPOlls New England Wast W L T 4 4 0 ' 4 0 3 5 0 2 6 0 1 6 1 Centr1ll 7 1 s 3 5 3 2 6 East 7 1 ' 3 ' 4 3 5 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pct. pp: P'A .500 167 140 .500 141 160 .375 174 206 .250 102 169 .111 102 132 .175 236 155 .625 130 116 .625 174 196 .250 169 213 .175 171 139 .563 182 16-C .500 159 161 .375 150 156 .375 125 192 ,....,,, Sew• Chicago 10. Sen Frencltco 9 SllftdaV'• Gen'9S lbms el New Orleen5, 10 e.m K.,,..s CllY at ll•lden. 1 o.m. Atlente et PhUedelPllla, 10 a.m. C!llcetlo el New E1191enc:t, 10 e.m Clncll\Mtl et Clevelend, 10 a.m. Graen Bay et Butl~to. 10 e.m Mleml at Ta~ 8,ilv, 10 e.m. Ptloenl• at Delles, 10 e.m. PlttSl)uf"gh •t New York Jets, 10 •.m. New York Glenl5 at O.troll, 1 o.m. Sen Otego ti Seallle, 1 o.m. Minnesota et Sen Frenclsco, 1 o.m Westllngton at Hou51on, S o.m. ,...Y's GWNS Deriver et lndlaneootls, 6 o.m. COLLEGE AP ToP 20 Recwel Ptl ~ 1. UCLA (lSl 7-0-0 l, 171 I 2. Notre Deme 119) 7+0 I, 14' 2 3. SoutMl"n Cellfornle IS) 6·0-0 1.()16 3 4. Miami, Fie. S-1-0 1,024 4 S. Nebraske 7-t-O m s 6. Florlc:ta Stale 7-1·0 119 1 7. West Virginia (I) 7-0-0 llS 6 .. OklallOme 6· 1 ·0 762 • 9. Auburn 6· l·O 706 10 10. Wyoming 1·0-0 653 12 11. Arkenae' 7-0-0 Sl6 13 12. Oklehoma Stele S-1-0 .,. IS 13. LSU 4-2-0 342 16 14.Mlchlean •-2·1 Xl8 20 IS. Clemson S-2·0 217 9 16. Svrec:use 6-1 ·0 269 19 17.SouthCerOllne 6·1·0 251 II II. C.-918 S-2·0 In 11 1'. AlllDeme 5-1·0 ISi 20. Oregon 6· 1-0 151 Other rec•lvlnQ votn : North C•rotlne Stele 139, Ind'-ff, Brtotlem Young 56, Texas·EI Peso 11, Wesnlnoton 16, Soutr-.em Mlulssll>PI 13, Cotoredo 9, Taxes A&M 6, Plltst>ur9'1 s. Armv 2, Houston I, lowe 1. DMlien II 1. Norin Dellota St. 2. Eett Tex•• St. 3. W•t C1*1w, Pe. 4.Teua~I S. Portlend St .. Ore. 6. Secremeflto St. 7. WIMfolt-Seletn St. I. Jackl0ft¥tle St., Ale. t. aowia St., Nd. 10. MlltlH"' COii. 11. 9ufler. Ind. 12. T--Mertln 13. lloomallurg, .... ''· Nortllem MlclllNn IS. Mlllenvllle, Pe. 16. A-.nv St •• Ge. 17. cat-Devit 11. N. Cerollne c.ntrel 19. Alhlllnd, Ohio 20. AU8U't8t19.$.0. .... ---'""' ~ 7-0-0 IO 1 7·1-0 7' 5 •-1-0 n 1 5-2-0 .. • S-2-1 64 9 6·+0 59 11 7·1-0 57 2 7·HI 50 3 1-0-0 47 9 6-2-0 44 12 6·1-1 39 6 7·H ) 35 14 7-1•0 34 16 6-2·0 25 11 6-1·0 19 • 6-1-0 17 tit 5-2•0 IS 7-1-0 13 6-1-0 12 119 6-2.-0 t i · • Pat Knowl• COMMUNITY COLLEGE SeutlllMd .... ltMllkMll. C.. ... _ • Rec. Pfs. LW 1. Fullerton, Minion Ctn. I Ill 6·0-0 121 1 2. lkrafleld, Western SI. So.Ill 6-0-0 115 2 3. Glendele, Western SI. No. 6-0-0 102 3 4. ltMC:flo Sent.. Minion Cen. s+ 1 IS 5 5. Moonlertt, Wslrn SI. No.(1) 6•0-0 12 4 6. ~. Mlulon Cen. S-HI 51 6 7. Mt. Sen Antonio, Mssn No. S-1·0 SS I .. El Cemlno, Minion No. •· H 50 7 t. Anl9IOM Vettev. Foothill 6·1·0 16 nr 10. Riverside, Mission Cen. 4·?·0 t 9 OtMn: Sen llemerc:tlno Vellev, 6·1·0, 6; Orenee Coeat, 3·3·0, 5; Cllru,, 3·4-0, 4; GOiden w .. 1. 3-2·1, 1; Los Al!Hlei Valley, 4·2·0, 1. 14 10 13 15 . " It GOLDICNWDT For Rustlers' U-17 Million Conference Central DiviJion loss toFuUenon. OPPBNIB .,. ............. The 6-foot-3, 23,·pound sophomoretilbt end out ofBaker, La., caqbt four ~ for 37 yards, three of·wbich led to fint downs -one of tbole on a third- quarter touchdown drive u owe rallied. and al~ blockod well. DD'ENSB Pal&Mw ... , The 6-foot..0, 2~~ound sophomore inside line er out of Marina Hiah had five primary tackles, four assists, a fu,mble recovery and made several key audible calls headina up the Rustlers' defensive front. JPGA =-: INclln 1. Joev Slilc:telar 2. Chip lkck 3. Senc:ty Lyle 4. Ben Crenallllw S. Curtis Slr•noe 6.KenGreen 1. Merk Cetcavecehl• I. L.enny Wec:tklns 9. 0.111d Frost 10. Slrie Pete 11. Peul Atlll98' 11. Mertt McCumtler 13. Tom K lie 14. Grev Honnen IS. Mike ltelc:t 16. Jeff Slumen 17. P9ter JKOOsen JLIDltHI 19. Pevne Stntert 20. F rec:t COUPiet • MeMV ''°'..,. '694,651 "53.33t "27,695 S60Ul4 SSSS,147 ,545,37' SS43,0l2 5513.900 '513,711 '502,700 .... ..., M71,545 1461.154 M52,2'3 $441,509 ~Mtl,145 S425,M7 S«W:Tft S31t,M7 6 21. lrua Lietzke =~· 56 22. Jodie Muc:tc:t 10 n 0erv Kodl 31 24. LMrv Helson " ts. Scott Hoch 19 2'. Merit O'MHra 27. Den Polll 21.llloOTwev (hc>mel 2t. Scott VerPlenll 30. erk Wiebe 31. I ll Gleason 32.0.nBerr 33Ai11Mot'Mn 34. Crele Stec:tter lS. Tom Welson 36. Meftl lrook s 37. Nlc:X Prlu 31. Den Foramen lt. 0.11e ltumtMlls 40.G-.~ 41. John ~Hey S341.lt4 $341,714 S337,113 $322,161 $303,350 S2tt,570 SJH,2'5 sm,611 S2t0,4S1 Stlt,900 S213,S4S '277,0'9 un.216 '271,237 "'6,300 '263.ltl 12'9,557 '2S4,f19 '2'5,121 OR.ANOB COAST For Pirates' 19-17 Mistion Confaence Cenual Division loss to Saddlebeck. onBND K•Grta"I The 6-foot-S. 230-pound sophomore wide receiver out of Edison Hiah cauaht eeven puleS for I 07 yards, one for a 3"-yard touchdown from Mike' Crowe, and two as the Bucs drove to a field aoal. He blocked well. DEPENSE BWCnft The 6-foot, 194-pound sophomore strona safetri out of Marina H~ ha~ ~ven primary 1aCkl~ SIX ISSl.SlS, one quar- terback sack, two "Big Hits," caused one fumble apd one inter- ception, an4 hurried the passer four times. ~. Donni. Hemmond '3. Steve -'-I S243,61S .,.., ,_. ...... -, ... ._ '237,530 NHL STANDINGS -<:amllllll c. ......... Catearv Kines Edmonton Vancouver Winnipeg Toronto St. Louis Detroit Minnesota Chicago Sm""'8 DMllen W L T Pts 5 1 2 12 5 3 0 10 3 3 2 I 3 ' 2 • 2 3 2 6 Narrts DMllen 6 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 6 1 1 7 1 13 7 7 3 3 Wiiies CGI .. •OC. P'atrtclr DMllen NY Rangers 5 2 1 11 Pltt•t>urgh 5 2 0 10 PhlladelPhla 5 3 0 10 NY lslandan 4 2 1 9 New Jarsay 3 4 1 7 Washington 2 6 0 4 &oston Buffalo Quebec Montreal Hartford AdamsOMlien 6 2 0 12 4 5 0 • 4 5 0 • 4 5 0 • 3 4 0 6 MeNlllV'• Scer'9S No 911mes schec:tulec:t • TMMllV'• 0-Edmonton et Klii9a, 7:35 P.m. MontrMI et lllotiton, 4:35 P.m. Chlceeo et QueOec, 4:35 p.m. C.Jeerv el Pllfsbu«9tl, 4:35 p.m. Buffalo et Hew JerMY, 4:4S o.m. GF •1 45 32 30 19 41 21 29 2• 35 29 .u 36 25 21 30 GA 25 39 35 25 30 29 31 37 37 .. 19 33 30 23 33 36 22 37 •1 35 33 Toronto et Hew York lslender5, S:OS o.m. Wesnlneton et Vencouvef', 7:35 P.m. VOLL•YSALl.L. """ ldie9I *" CIP RANKINGS S·A 1. lnl!Mi l. S.nle ..,,,_re; 3. Mlr• Coste; 4.. c.... c111 Meris. w1ua....,16. .......... ..__, 1 • ....._ heclli I. Oo$ Pueblos; 9. lllhOP Montgomery_; ... --Del. 4·A 1. Gehr; 2. Hewtlurv Perk; 3. Thouaenc:t 0.ks; •. Mervmount; s. •~ '· MerltlOroueh; 7. Sell Oallrlel; I. Euierana; t . Loulollle; 10. l.one IMch Wltson. SMALL ICMOOU 1. MeYflelc:t; 2. Cele; l. Chedwlck1 '-Mltm· moltl; S. Vllleftove ,.,._;' 6. u.ny ~ 7. La Slerre AQdemy; I. Llnflelc:t; 9. St. Met'Nrets; 10. CMtt Union. 44. Clerenc:e ROM 45. Mortis Hetelsky 46. Don Pootey ·'~ellltter--41. Doull T ewtll , 4'. Tom Sleckmenn 50. Corey Pevln 51. Tim Simpson S2. Ed Flori SJ. Curt Byrum S4. Tom Pvrtter 5S. Larry Mia• 56. ltooert Wrenn 57. Wevne Levi 51. Nick Felc:to 9'. Jim Certer 60. Jim .... '1. ltay FloYc:t 62. D.A. ~Ing 63. lobbv Wedklns 64.A,._Me9" 65. Fuzzy Zoeller 66. Sew ldesteros 67. Fulton Allem ... llloO LOf!r 69.Hettlrwln 70. lr1MI Fexon 71. Devis Love Ill 72. "°"" Melll>I• n. Tommv Nekallma 74. Kenny Knox 7S. Jemft Hellet 76. John Huston n. Devld Ectwerc:ts 11. Steve Ellllneton 7'. Rldlerd ZOkol IO. 111oO Gllc:ter 11. Devld Otrln 12. C.tvtn P9ete 13. Ruu Coc:flr•n k TomBvrum es. H.i Sutton 16. Mike Hulbert 17. Jotln Cook a. L.errv ltlntwr 19. L.oren Rooerta 90. Jey Don Itek• 91. s.m ltendolPl'I t2. MK O'Grec:tv '3. ltoc:co Mecllet• , 94. Didi Mast ff. Mike Sulllven "· Kenny P.,ry t7. Tommv Armour ti. wevne GredY ft. "°" Slmolon 100 . .,11111 Tennvson 101. Ptlll lleekmer 102. luddV Gerc:tner 103.Merk l.ve l04. Delle Eldlelbereer 105. Ired Febel 106. IMO Aoki i. O.\fld Grehem J.C. '"-c:I .. Sender 111. 1111 9tltton m. e>evld cantoe 112. Romta 9IKk ltl. .-1 .. twooc:t 1 l4. lobby c.,,,...., 115. 8ar""9l'CI Laneer 116. T .C: Ctoen 117. Klltll Cllerwater 111. 0-... Afdlel 11t.Jedl ..... :m·m Paulng off . 1m:01•~_a~_G{ Corona del 11ar wyte) Matt llaCI• lwli• on dartnc tile Sea m::~ look.a for tile open man while El Dora o•a -xlq•'11>-8-mm-leape .tetory Monda 1206.331 s20un Slt7,517 S191M9 $190,073 Sl",454 Slll,.476 Sll2,0S9 Slll,736 $179,120 S174,029 $173,620 ""·549 "".217 SI .. ~ Sl .. ,354 """'4 S1'5,202 S1'3,t11 S151,n6 S1S7,1n S152,156 .i51,n1 '150"4)2 11•,JCM 1147,a7 1144,493 UU,32t 110,512 1140,144 1131,131 1131,491 1137,ttl S134,47t S134,462 U31,n4 1127,641 SIU10l9 1125,192 S12S,471 S123,6to Sllt,350 S117, 132 1116,153 1116,019 S11S,Ol5 S114,t44 S113,5115 S112,7'5 }111,536 "SlOl,301 SlOl,Ol2 1107,15' 1107,013 S106,t72 S104,5'1 SlCD,m 1101.- stt,017 st7,762 st7,324 stU01 sts,"2 stS,"3 ltl,231 Sll,067 Sl6,IH sa,t2A tn,176 *·"' tl2,M7 ,.. .... Hltlo ldie9I tlrtS NON·L•AGU• MltWste IJ, C.... del Mer S Slllllll Ke. Phebus (CdM) lost to Po, 4·6, def. Ketr, 6·1, Clef. E. Hel\$0tl, 6·1; hln (CdM) lost, 1·6, 0-6, 1·6; Kr. PMOul .(CdM) lost, l>-6, 4·6, 3·6. DNllel N\cFllflencl-StrauH (CdM) def. Ketler·COl'tl· te, 6·2, def. K. Henaon·hllerc:t, 6·3, lost to hktlOVdluk·K•lser, 3·6; Ac:teme·HOYM (CdMl tosl, 4-6, 4-\, 3·6; Frencla•Mendlatet (Cc:IMI won. 7·6, lost, 4_., o-6. Q, •AHKINGS 4·A 1. Mlreteate; 2. C... .. MM1 3. Pelol Verdes; 4. Sent• 8enNlre; S. ROlllllO Hiib; 6. lk-1Y Hiiis; 7. P ....... Y ... 1 L SdMde1 9. w .. tleke AClldemY/L.A. II. • ._ J·A 1. S.n Merino; 2. Cuo Vellev; 3. AllOUr•; 4. Dene Hlltt; 5. ~ HI"'; 6. South Tor· renc:e; 7. Celillbesu; I. w .. tteke; 9. Atnembre; 10. Arceelle. CltOU COU..,..Y ...... ldlell .. Cit' ltAMUNGS 4·A 1. CemerlllO; 1. c:...e .. NW1 3. Ce· nvon/C.C.; 4. Sent• Arte; 5. Tholnend O.ks; 6. Anteloot Vellev; 7. V111e Part!; I. El Moc:tene; t. '"° VelleYj lO. Sen Clemente. ...... ICMlls ..... CtP RANKINGS 4·A 1. ~Verdes; 1. ,......,.. ...,_., 3. VIiia ~: 4. El Toro; L UM R .... ~ 6. Sen Cllmlllle; 7. Senfll AM Vf/leY; I. in.1 t. l.os Al9mltol; 10. Lone 9Mdl Wiison. 2·A 1. Aliwre; 1 W1t•r1 .... I. SOUth Hlh; '· 'St . .....-1s.M.; s. MMro .. y;. 6.. Yucellle; 7 . AmWo Grendt; I. C.la111co; 9. Lom.oc; 10. Sen Lull.~ -........... . -...sar.. l.allen 105, New JerMY t3 T ........ 19-lallen el H-York, 4:30 p.m. Dellu et lndlene, 4:30 p.m. PtllledelPtlle vs. Phoenix et BlrmlllOhem, Ale., 5 p.m. Atlante et Houlton, S:lO p.m. Secremtnto et Sen Antonio, 5:30 p.m. Uteh et GOiden Stett, 7:30 P.m. ...... v-...... SNllle et ai.ert. 7:30 P.m. Mllweuk• el 8ollon, 4:30 p.m. Ctevetend vs. Detroit et Devton, Ohio. t:30 o.m. o... ........ DAY•Y'S LOCK•R (.._..,. leedt) -3 DOeta, n enaien. •bonito, 1n a.llco 11eu, 11 MM bell, 21 medlerel, 1 wtllle -bUS, i meko .:=, 1 1111'9 llleltl, MO .,_ _.di. M• LANDMG -1 boet, 16 •neien. t bonito, I send 11911, 2 rock bell, 160 ICUIPln. WAT9a '°LO .... ldlell llOM·UACIUS c... .. ,,., ..... .,.,.. • COtON dll MM 4 2 2 2-10 Ill Ool'edo 0 2 3 )--• CoroM c111 Mer ICOl'1nt: Oed""' 4, Grentt!em 2, Youne I,_.,., 1, Houston 1. OOelle Mftt: .... '°' II DorMo -1119: UllUl'nl 4, ... 2, Fell'• d*d '· ........ l. 0.... -~eflfofd 11. ClP llilKIMGS 4·A 1. Sunny Hlll5; 1. C... .. Mall S. l.one htctl Wlllon; 4. VIiia Perk; S. Fooltlll; 6. Tuttln; 7. El OorNo; L New"'1 ...,_., t. F uie.rton; 10. Mllllk911. l·A 1. '"° Velrt; i. El Toro; 1. -.-, 4. Sen Clemlnte; S. ltowlend; 6. Minion Vlelo; 7. C.... MMlll L • .._, t. hUilllMI v.-..1 10. Fon· tene. PlalC NOTICE Ml.IC M>TICE Mt.IC NOTICE NI.IC llJllCE Mt.IC M>TIC£ NI.IC NOTICE NlJC M>TICE NI.IC fl)TICE "8JC NOTICE rtaJC NOllCE T-tornla. WILL SELL AT PUB· Dl'Mii IUtn J'°i LAKE no.r. ........... ,.. dlrecclon de la corte •I: may be oth«w!M lnletaltad granting of lhe petttlOn. you M011Ca Of ~ punuant lo FOUNfAIN YALL•Y : NO~°' •AU LIC AUCTION TO THE FOR IT, CALIFORNIA ............. Y•...., .... OAAHG6 COUNTY' SU· In the will Of .... , •• Of bOth, itlollld lither llPPMI ., IM ----Ille Aaclevalop-A-Y -co--· . YOU ARE IN DEFAULT HIGHEST BIDDER FOR -~ 471.,_ to Ml • ......., 1t1M PERK>A COURT, 700 CIVIC of ELIZABETH BERSABE towing and atlle yOUr ob--· ~ ment Lew of ltla State of _,_ rvnaai-1 UH. DER A NOTICE OF OE· CASH. pay1ble et llma of Ol"enge Co111 ...,. I,_• ............ Cemet Drive W•t, Same 80RRAYOAKAELIZA8£TH tectloneorlllawrfttenObJec· ~POUllT--=-Clllfornll (Healttl I Saf9ty r~=-: UNOUENT ASSESSMENT eate In lawful moeny ot·lhe Delly Pilot October 18. 25, ........... ,_...., ..... Ana,CAll7201 B SIGALA t1on1 with Iha court belOfe YAU.IY.-CY'°" CodeSecllofl33400eteeq.), • eo.t 1 LIEN DATED Febrllary t7, Uniled Stat•. ell righl, tl~le. NcMln'lber 1. 11188 ......., Nlimt ..... or Tiie neme, ~. and 0 A pa1ilion het bMt1 ft'9d Iha hearing. Your llPPMI· CO-.-TY lncludlng wtttlOul llmftatlon Dally Piiot 0c1:::" ta 25 : 11188. UNLESS YOU TAKE and Interest In the following • T322 a ............. (lllled "° lallphone number of plain· by SANORA BORRA YO In ~ mey be In pareon Of by ~ ANO Heelth and Sef9ty Code Sec-1Ha • ' ' ACTION TO PROT ECT delcrlbed pr~ eituatad ..._,.._Mell). tlffl lllomay, Of plalnmt the Sl.f94WI« Court of Cell· 'J04M an~. THa POUllTMt tlofl 3:M33. An acooomlC T320 : ~~:tto0~\RTz. ~u~~ in=~~ot 1 !;'~:.C, Ml.IC fl>TICE .,::-~ .C:.; ~.:~"":!.·v:i~ ~=1~1'~::~~'rc>F.9A "'~Y~~~;~c!0~ vALUYcrrv =.~f': · SALE."' YOU NEED AN EX· 9093 .. lhoWn by map on llWO.I ............. -..... mero d• talalono d•I BORRAYO be appolnlad .. Iha decHHd. you,,.,.,""' NOTIC~~HEREBY ~oflhgreamert' . .,. --------- PLANATION OF THE Illa M lntlrument No. Boot! (CITACMMUUDIClAl) de• DIAi CAL,INDAMe abOgado dal damandanle, o.,.,.,.. ,.....,.tallve lo 'J04Mc:teimwlth Iha court and GIVEN lhM on T"81d9y No-on,_ and 1¥al6abla °' ,._ "8JC llOTIC( NAT u RE 0 F TH e 421 Paget 11·12 ot Maps. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ,.,a '!, ....... , .... dal damand«'tt• tue no~-lhe •Illa of Ille mall • copy Of 10 Ille pet· vernber 1 , ... et l :OO'p m vtew In .... ofllca of lfte City ----------------- PROCEEDING AGAINST recordl of Ol"enge County, (AvilO. Ac:uudo) Kathleen ... , ..... _.. ...... ll•ncuboQedO.•~ lchael decadent aonal r~raaenlallva .. '. -n....• .• Clartl at~ Hall, and may •• YOU. YOU SHOULD CON· Cellfornia. Aanahew 'Ou11... The ........ ...._ w. Bfown. Law Olficel of J. The t*ltlOn requeata po1n1ac1 bW the court .....,.., °'ettie ,oune;.n Valley b• aum1n1ad 1>y any ITlj Of • TACT A LAWYER. The purported •treat ad· CharlM H. RanlhaW Tru11: UM_.. e w ..... Cranor Rlclllar, •ooo aut100t1ty to edmlnleW • foufnoondieffomlha,...Of k,, Community o.;. .._...., pet'IOn. All f.n. •'1•-"0P l On Howmbet 8, t1188, II Clr1IM 'and other common =· Murton, Jr.; Sid-llllfl llllH -......... MacArthur Blvd.. WHI ...... under .. lndapen· llrlt ~ of ...... • and -Fountain wteClllWMI .... lmpec1 Aaport UIS Of .. 10:00 a.m. II IM Main En· o.lgn•tlon, " any. of Iha ney ; Cel'l 8. Jadlrt. In-,. ... I 4 • h , ..... Tower, Suha 5500. NawDot1 dalil Adltllt .... atlofl °' b-,,~"'~!.GO~ ijCHy COunc:ll wit! hold hH ~·n P'•t: ........... . trinca: OLD COUNTYtHI properly Oeseril>ad allyanOObaK-MOR ..... e ........... hach, CA 112te0 (714)..-Acl(llllleut'*"Yll-tllec.lllomla..-. ....... ...._.8 pubichMrlna_,lhaPfapar..,.foflhaPf and Tiie !c=""t peflOnl ' COURTHOUSE. Corner of abo\19. for which the under· lndul1rles. I Co. Partnenflip ........ , .... ... ..,. ~. IOW9 .. ,.,.,., ,.,.... no. time fof .... ..,.... Counoll ~ at certNted by Iha ll8V9 ..,.,.._., "" uee Of Sycamore&SantaAnaBfVd. ~ mell• no rapreaan-YOU ARE BEING SUEO ••llileilat lat•I•• DATE. (Fedla) OCT 21 taMIO Mke lftMYacelOne "°' expire .,_, IO tour 1 llllltlrAvenuetocon-Comml .. lon by ~Iha F1Ct1Uou1 luelMH In the City of Sanll Ana. talton Of werr~: 181 BY PLAINTIFF:(A Ud ............... I ............... '917 ~ ---court~ fliOn"'9 "°"' ....... Of IN ... ..., .... Of Iha follow· -.... , on Oc:tober 12. Name: , ... Spof11me •• County of 0r-.. Slate Of T.,._IMM, nla damandendo) FIRST ... II_,.. ........ • .., L ••ltllio °"""' ~ ...... uilnl_..,. ...,_noUcadMO'le. 1n1-• 4lltt. 1•,lrldlaevellebetfof,.. Meeon !MM c.llfornll Callfomle. under the power The pur1)0ftad o.rier of AMERICAN TITLE IN· -. ., .... n~..., --. ....... lht ...... YOtl MAY !XAMINE Iha ., --......:.....io. lrid De---In ...... omce 11111. • of .... putlCHlnt to Iha*"" Mid real property It Ille time SURANCE COMPANY. a ......... ,....... • Putllllotd °""" COMI .... ~ la ,.. .... kepi by Iha cour1. "?.!. ....:"'".t.i~ .. 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County, Cati· aw60ft, or ancumbranc.. A....,.,,.._ ... • 'iiililiTi .... II Q I I --M ffllltfed unlaH an or Of Wf'I petftlort Ot IOCOlil'lt 21 tl71 lrid TOlfllo Hera. '6" • dOn -' ..... Ttllt ....,_ -OM-fomle, Aonllld O. ~. e 10 .-, ll'le aum Of pelt due .......... ,._ ,_ .... ... ..... nt llMl lllJd ,.,__ -an •provided In wtlon 1ff0 ,... ........ ,-. 10 ... , •• It dill• ... In ...... 11f I_,. .... LawCorporatlOn,•.,,.._ HomeoM•'• 111 uraes1111. -11111 aa ........... -= a•taollan10W.peete1onlrid Gf Iha C...... .....,.... .._ P'4'Dllf IO'lh'tM. aowt. ... .., lie•..._ nil••••• -... tor Oran .. Tr" Con-il•~reblr....,-ltlf-. .. ,......_ ... ,,_ ••--ftt .,_IOOd.,.wflylNCOde.A,..._.tof ..... _1 •a ..., --.:--•"'1allll .... -..... c.M,Clcrld~ domtlllim Owner'IAMn., IN .._ °'*""' lrid ineer.... ...... _. 1e.... • • ~--oaurt aJ1o111c1 "°' •anl lhe Nattoe""9olu--..troM oi.:t.....,--,.... • .. jlWIC ._c.wier• a.. ta,: Lleroflolder under that ••-lluNtflllt -. •• ...... 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Election 'BB Vote 'yes' on Proposltlon 97 OverlappjnJ state and federal rqulations are the favorite whippina. boy for critics of savemment because the dual reapouibilities usually result an wasted t.axpayen' dollan. But ror every rule there's an exception. Cal-OSHA is such an exception. Few people would dispute California's record durina the past 70 years as a leader in protecting state worken from health and safety hazards on the job, or that Cal-OSHA was the national model for state job'Safety proarams. However, in 1987 Gov. George Deukmejian eliminated Cal-OSHA's budget. Hls decision was challenged. and a state appellate court ruled California must continue the program. That decision is still awaiting an appeal to the state Supreme Court1 but Cal-OSHA was shut down. Since then, the federal government has taken over private-sector workplace enforcement programs. There's not much to compare between the federal and Cal-OSHA programs. Federal standards arc not as strict as Cal-OSHA standards. The federal OSHA program bas fewer employees than the Cal-OSHA program had and conducts fewer inspections. .. · Proponents of Proposition 'Tl point out that during the nine months since Cal-OSHA has been out of business its federal counterpart conducted 65 percent fewer inspections. They are also correct in their claims that Cal-OSHA could quickly shut down dangerous job sites or equipment while federal regulati(>ns require a time-consuming federal court procedure to achieve the same results. There arc other compatiso11SrbuLthc result is the same. The federal program cannot match the standards or efficiency of Cal-OSHA, which bad a quicker response time to complaints and better prosecution record. Cal-OSHA was and should ~ be one of the best worker safety programs in the Unite<rStates. Opponents arc ri&ht when ·they claim there is a duplication 'Of funds and responsibilities between the federal and state programs. But voters should also remember that penalties a~inst violators and federal grants paid for most of Cal-OSHA s budget. If the Cal-OSHA budget is divided among the population of the state, Cal-OSHA's share would be about 25 cents per person. That's not much of an investment for the superior service and standards we received from Cal-OSHA. Proposition 97 would restore funding for Cal-OSHA. It makes good business sense because taxpayers are the ones who eventually pay for higher insurance, medical and welfare costs when a worker is injured or killed at an unsafe workplace. California's workers, businesses and taxpayers deserve more than the second-rate federal OSHA program. . ' V dte 'yes' on Prop9sition 83 Clean water should be every Californian's concern. Polluters should be forced to clean up their act,· but there's a reality we must face. That reality is some polluters arc small communities that cannot afford proper waste water treatment plants. . 1 One of California's most effective programs to improve water quality resulted from a series of state bond issues for grants and loans to small communities that didn't have the money and couldn't get the funds to build good waste water treatment facilities. Since 1970, California's voters have approved four bond issues to help pay for this program. Proposition 83 is a $65 million bond issue to continue that program. If approved, almost half of the money would be used for 20-ycar loans to l>8Y for water reclamation projects that cost less tha.n dcvclop1ns new water supplies. It would also pay for grants to towns with fewer than 3,500 people to pay for pollution studies, planning, designing and building sewage plants. However, no grant could exceed $2 million. Grants could be made to rural communi1ies that have a financial hardship, but resons and retirement communities would no1 be eligible for the program. And money from the bond issue could not be used to treat agricultural dra10age. Proposition 83 will continue an effective state program to improve the water quality in our state's streams, lakes and estuaries. Rush hour Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley's proposal to restrict truck traffic to nighttime hours is no way to solve the gridlock that looms in the city. The mayor's idea is to Jcecp the roads free for cars and buses durina rush hours, requiring trucks to travel at off.peak times. That would necessitate changing deliyery times. in some cases, with shops and warehouses requa.red to cha.nae working hours as well ... Most truckers know the difficulty of travel in . ~sh hours and already restrict themselves to off-peak dnvmg because they can travel faster and get more done then. Independent truckers especially know the loss of c~cicncy thataoctwithdaytimetruck travel and havealrcadyshif\ed to niaht-time schedules. ... Tbe way out of Los Anacles' gridlock is no~ to curb the trucks. It is to create smoother systems of transit from one place to another. That is beina done now -years late, and all the more expensive bcca~se of it -an~ on~ ~n hope that the new capacity is not used up by the tame ll ts ready for use. 'l'toeulHI Od• Newr Ctroalcle ORANGE COAST ,., .. ....... Piii [Mor Alwer'*ll Dwtctor .. ,.., "" ..... ....... u. w......,... ... f•C... Ciiia, •••• :·:.= ...... ....,™" ...... ...... °"(Mir c..... •c.-. ..... (.., c.,.111 ..... ............ ....... ..... .____...., .. oC •y.-.. »O , .... ~ a.... ...... ·-:ae..-.c. .... CMlait ........ •• , ..... ,.c... --...... , ... ,.........., 0rMge Co9ll OAILY PILOT 1Tueld9y. October 21. 1911 • ... . There's no substitute for door-to-door campaigning From my vantage point at the sink looking out mt ba.y .window on the cross roads o Newport -Lanes Dorothy and Marian - I could sec the two earnest young men park their bikes and ring my doorbell. Short-haired and dressed in dark pants and plain white shirts, my visitors were young Mormon missionaries, Elder Richard A. Rob- inson from Alberta, Canada and Elder Dustin R. TuH from Arlington, Va. JACKIE HEATHER householder or arc they dealing with household staff, I wondered? They smiled and said their mission was to Mormon. boys _grow up expecting reflect the teachings of the Church of what most Amencan boys expected Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for during the universal--Oraft era of the everyone. 19SOs: that when they neared These young men will sec a New- adulthood thcv wouJd have to serve. port Beach that very few people Soon after their 19th binhday. glimpse. In addirion to expressinf my most Mormon young men stop work admtration for this dedication. am or leave coUcge to spend two years as writina this column to deplore 1he missionarfes.Very lewyoung women • loss o f the aood old "waJk.ing the went on missions until the 19705, and precincts" by the candidates for the now they make up one-eiibth of the upcoming City Council electiQn. total. according to James f:illow in a Has any council hopeful appeared May issue of U.S. News and World at yourdoortoask personally for your Report. vote? I truly believe that you test tbc About two-thirds of the mission-commitment and competence of the aries ao to other countries. while the cand idate only through this old-time rest wo rk in the United States. Nearly approach. all live on family savings. In addition I will grant t~at th}s i~ n<?t effic:ient to savina for college, Mormon farnil-use of a candidates hmned ume. ies put money away for their son's However. Newport is still small mission yoers. enough to win election one on one I must have been feeling rather rather than buy.it thr?ugh the mails. depressed in my wheelchair prison I am a case in P,?tnt. ~n my first recovering from my pelvic fractures election, in 1978, I II admit I ~as full and their gentle concern hit a rcspon· of beans. I had done everything my sive chord. We traded a Book of early mentor. Sen. Robert Taft.. had Mormon for the 75th anniversary advised me t? do. I tho';lght I was book about Newpon Beach, their pretty well trained for the JOb. mission field. As chairman of the Planning Com- Over the weeks we have had a mission and state president of the continuing dialogue. I was interested Plannin' Division of the League of to know what they thought about California Cities. I knew the planning Newport Beach. They ~ not en-end. _ courqed to read and get involved in l had worked closely with Coun- local secular activities so their im-cilman Milan~stal. whose vacated prcssions are purely from their con-scat I ~n.ted fill. I was endorsed by tacts on a door-to-door basis. all the hv1ng e -mayors in the cit}. Were they gettina to reach the Pat Kendri beld a modest fund~ raiser for me in her home. Nonna -Hilker agreed to bt m y ttcasurer. I bad S l ,000 and, except for Norma and Pat, I wasn't indebted to anyone. I made up a brochure and for three nionths. l went door to door. Those three months more than anythina else prepared me to be a councilwoman. When you walk the city, you quickly find out what works and what needs attention. You find out where people arc hurtin~ and-where people want government to get out of their hair. The first time I ran. I thought the city needed me. I confess, tti'C second time I ran, I needed the city. You sec, during my tenure as mayor I bad a stroke. I had a choice. Either I fought back and proved I could be a functioning human beina or quit and hole up with m y 1ypewritcr. -Oncc4g1Jn, going door to door was the key. I had to humble myself to appear, limp and all, toask. "What do you think? I would hkc to serve you for four more years. Would you be willing to vote for me once agam'r Many times the paramedics : or firemen. in their otT--Outy hours and not identified in any way. would JOln me. To teU the truth, I fell guilly about this. How could I be a tough negotiator during .. meet and confer·· 1fnow. in addition to Pat and Nonna I was indebted to the firemen? I rationalized my behavior because I am the Fire Dcpanment's No. I fan. I knew that anything the~ wanted within reason, I wouJd get for them. I will always treasure a letter to the editor from Alice Horliclc, whom I do no1 lcnow and have never been able to thank that ends: "Our meeting was brief, but you impressed me more than ifthe president paid me a visit." So. council candidates. 1t is not too late to put on those walking shoes. Jact.Je Hulkr ha Ne.,_rt &ad re.Jde.I ud • former mayor of ii.It dry. Millions to free t he whales , . but how m uch fo r people? Arctic Circle efforts surpass concern by most of us for hungry and homeless BJ SUZAN NIGHTINGALE ANCHORAGE, Alaska -By Tuesday, itwas~nning to loo.le hke an Irwin Allen disaster movie - "Save the Whales. .. The military, the oil companies. the srcenies.. the Eskimo whalers. even the rresident -who phoned in his mora suppon -h~d marshal~ forces in a compelhng true-hfe dram-. Naturally, the networks followed. The entire nation watched the risky mobilization of up to half a million dollan worth of resources a imed at ~ rb~ California grar. whales, tra a half--Oo~en icy miles from II ety. On the front P11e oflhc Anchoraae Daily News. below the story about the whales. was a report that five milhon Amcrie1n children may sufTtr from chronic t\unacr. Below that stOty, at the bottom of tbe paae. The As- IOCiaced Press rcponed that two million people are on the cdac of cleltb from IW'Vlhon m Sudan -the mutt of summer noods and years of war. Yet 1t 1s the whales. blmadtd and bloody, that haunt. that CIP'Utt our Uftllinationt and our pnyen -and, no dOUbt.. our doUan if we thoutht dMy •WOUid Wp . · Wtiat doft this 11y about us1 AboUt owWkies? 0r CM tm-.inatlOM. for that .... ..., Surely, the w"8in teem Ck>ticf lO t home. We have seen compelling photos a nd footage of 1hc familiar gray beasts. pspin• for air JUSt feet from humans willing them to h~ waitina for them to d". The) are mammals without arms. a sister species unable to save nsclf. Then. too, there are onl) two of them -not five m1lhon. not two million. but two. And onl} six miles from rncue. These art b1tc·siz.ed statistics. numbers ""e can under· stand and absorb. and so maybe affect. The ironr. 1s no1 lost on local biolotists. 'Ever)' )car, probably dozens of vays drown or are crushed by the itt, but nobody e\iCf knows about it,.. one biol<>1ist told the Associated Press. Ab, but this time ~ know. and the sound of a whale psping for breath into a m icrophone is d1st1nctlY dif· fttcnt from a trtt falhna in the torest when no one's around to hear . Alaska National Guard Adjutant ~l M-.i. Gen. John Sch•etTcr put his ft,.u on it when be told the Nrw York ·Times.: "Whenc~cr thc) can 10 on a m11&1on our au)'1 are C\c1ted about u. but this has a dilfmnt na"or -it's hb totftl out and frttU\I Iambi." lanttli ni*. thtte 1s no end to the anthropomorphm•a ... These •~ brocMI' .... IMls. cndan,rmt and ift-J,tiil W'Mtes ottUpy I pttltt "' the elWf'D -., -CWft the htan' of lk lNicnol who atiU hun1 attd rnel'I ---...... ..a.L If you doubt n. consider this Where was the call from the prM1dcn t when seven Eslomo whalers -not three whales -were lost on the ice in June? It is not fair, or e'en logical. Notbmg a&out this cffon is. and maybe we err tn tfYln& to ans"''CI instinct with loaic. Tho whaJes aren't oonrpetin,with the homeless ~omen and desperate men of lhe world. Would that ir "'-ere otherwise. but the resc~ funds supplied b> the auaro and VECO and ARCO "-OUld not h.ave aone to hunlJ')' children tf the whales had kept their witsand made u to the dubious safet) of the open seas. That is a different financial -and emotional -pot. Sometimes. the world 1s too blgand too impenonal and. yes, too messed UJ> CVa\ tO lf'Up; WC are SClt'CtlVe In our con~ms out of self-defense. We tau on what we can. bccaust wt can. Jt is emotional tnqc, pure and simple, So cxecurivt1 1n Manhattan walk past slttpina forms huddl~ o~er 1t1tes but fttt about three dy•na whales S.000 miles awa}' Herc 1n Anchor.,e. some people do the same -while others hotly debltc the menu of ats00.000 ~uc cffon 1n the ~ of Alaska' economic deprtssion and the wot1d's ll"t'ater C.'lf'KY· h 11 a ctct.te as Old as the problem of Med.; t.owe~ er MW and wondrous the tech.ololY that lllC'COfnPllftlCS 1\. Whom ~· decide to bdp. and hoW. is an 1nstJnct as m)'stmout .s &M .......,.. hd .90ftll ()f the •hales l~WS I s-.~~ ..... ,.,.......,., ~ ... . • ·' , ,: Lr · : ~ r l,.-_ -----~ .Political . . vandals decr ied To the Editor: It is indeed ~le that in the city of Newport BC8c1I ~ are individuals wboR taMe offm play, intearity and, honesty is IO ~ that they must SCoop to vedahsm and other &mdbica1 tactics in an effort to win an electioll. Specifically we ~ rdmina 10 the dam• and ibeft doae to almost all of Ralph Rodhcim's c:unpaip sianL Ralph's opponent bas apeciaJ in1erelt orpointiom like Newport 2000 and SPON wbic.b support her, and attempt to influence voten throush unlimited mailinas. Rodbeim's contributions come from individuals with limited moun:es. Rodbeim WU di&mayed to learn that funds ~t for si&n advCJtisin& were wasted. In our opinion, nan;ow special. interest sroups and theii supporters have no place on the City Council. Constructive, prosressive leadership · repraentina all the interests of New- port Beach citizens should be the aitaia for electin& a City Council member. A person who bas a proven trlCk record of community terVice. and wbo stands for values md b:isb ideals Sboutcrbe eleCted. That penon is Ralph Rodbeim. JJM and KA TIE TUCK.ER Newport Beach HomeR ailch boon to Mesa To the Editor: What will a "'yes" vole on Measures H and I (Sqetstrom's Home Ranch project) mean to Costa Mesa? Multi-story bui"1in&s. which will allo"Wforover7Sacreso(tbe I~ si1e to l'm\ain open sp11ee. Over 2.000 trees will be olulted on the fint pbae alone in and around tbe prdens and J)Ublic recreation areas. • Theft will be bener traffic Bow due to aipificant street and freeway projects. A bedly needed fire stalioa and police substatiQn will be built north of the freeway and ihere are many more benefi~ttom tbe projecl for our commu!!!l'. The Qe.auty quality .of all the Seaiersttom projects bas rude I powerful im~ OD the appearuce and the posibve im.tiJeofCosta Mesa. Our city's revenue and property values have benefitted peatly. - A yes vote on M~ Hand I will insure continued quality develo~ ment in C.OSta Mesa. NORMA HERTZOG-WAGNER Cosu Mesa Questions linger on Watt's stand To the Editor: There have been a number of forums where candidates for the Newpon Beach City Council have appeared, however many important questions rc~n unanswered, es- pecially in District 5 race. As an example. Mn.. Watt indialaa on her brochure that she was respon- sible for the ail]>Ort aareement. It was my undcmandina that she and SPON opposed the apeement in its fiDal tonn. Also SPON has brouabt suits apinst the city. Some of the:le suits have been filed by a nortbern Cali- fornia law firm where Mrs. Watt's daUJhter works. (think Mn.. Wan should tell us that as president of SPON. if she will continue to authorize suits tpinst the city if sbc ii elected to the council. If litigation is in npr~oCJ"-~-would this not be a conflict of interest? As a concerned citizen. I believe these questions need to be answered. DEBBlEORAY Newport 11-=tl Today is Tunda_y, Oct. 2', dlle 299th day of 1988. There are 67 dQs left in the year. Today's tuahliabt in hislory. In 1962, U.S. ambetll'k>r Adlai E. Stevenson demanded beb-e die U .N. . ~~~~=~~5im~:n:.: existence of missile t.tel in °'"' Sl)'lt\& he ...., prepared to wait for ... answer .. until bell &eeza over ... Stevm1<>n theQ praented recoQ- naisance e.ttotopllphs of the tie.. to the counal. On this date: In 14001 Geoffrey c::bavar, autbor of'"The C..ntntNry Tales." died ill London. In 1760. ~ lll atcended t.M Bnlllh tlu'oae ..,. ... ..... of pndfathtt, Ki•~ n. ID 1112, the us. ~lie United ta.a ~m1'd ~ .,titla ¥ellll MacedoiaiU d~ Ille w .. of 1112. '" llS4. me ~-• l.11111 a. ipde took PIMle -.... Cft. wWar••heh+ '11dlf/I 600 "'" dwqiid -...... ~ llll• t.Gpem idla -.. 1 .... •vykmll. In 1911. tM Ca tin 1 Wa Pri-.~bM--· ...... .... ..,, .... c.-til All .. ............. v .. ....,.~ ....... ., ......... • OrMQeCout DAILY PILOT/ Tuesday, ~ober 2s: 1988 CALL 642-5678 FROM NORTl4 ORANGE FROM SOUTH ORANGE 540-1220 496-6800 Check out Today's Class1f1 ed Section for Details I cLAssiFIED INDEX 642-5678 I . ..,.,, .... 1•1 c...a ... ... 1122 C.11 .... 1124 Iner• ..... 1111 •:... ..... lllt ...... • .. , ..... Cella... MM PllOllNORTMo..AWCO. 540-1220 IUFFSSPHTACIW Attractive duplex·3 SR, 2 COLLISGEPark;)Br 1'•Ba BALBOA48r.lp$1500 'IH7 *ILlllTIALL* ~~----- PROM SOUTH OAAW CO. • MDO FINT HW VIEW BA. patio, deck, F/P, '8 home. Frplc, dble gar. lrg 1aoo WIYll'11W BAYFRONT Condo 2Br FURN & lmmac 2BA·gar & 2BR 1BA. lndry room. gar.park view ·$ l6S covered P•tlo. feooed yd. Enjoy breathtaking view• $1150 Bachelor Stps to ocn close to ahe>pa & bUses. TM DAIL y N.OT CHECK YOUR AD 1 E~~ep~:~~;.·rp:.11~~: 6~~ Linda 721-0118 Grubb & S 1100/mo. '* 5S6·0347 & sunsets from this 3BR I BALBOA Coves 2Br, den. $450-$850 'till June We'll accept Sect ClASSIFIEDOHtCE HOURS THE FtAST DAY lhe I.nest tn upgrades Ellis Realtors TOWJ:4HOME 3Br 2-;-;e&, 2BA beauty wlleatures lr~c. ~a. doc!t!2300 S3S-6786 or 67S-6•09 Housing. $876/mo. r~one S..Wle M·f ss2s.ooo. Call Barbara Spacious 1 Br condo fp, 1.auo. $lOOO tQO numberous to men· BA FR NT C .. 0 2Br. 2257 MAPLE I oo AM & 30 PM '"• "• • "·~· "' '" •0• "'•-· up,...,, w/d, F/P, wet/bar E'SIO"E Condo 28A 28 ,. tlon. lmmed occpy poss· den, dock for oO' boat. FURNISHED DELUXE 2BO TSL MGMT ~2•1 sa1U1aay e oo AM· 11 .>o AM .... .. ....... ........ .. ••• """"' Chambers ""'s·1050 M 1 .. Ible Children & pets OK Yearly $4750 near bay and ocean, fr pl.I au::-:~-:.:.: F ~=~ ... ::::· ... ;•.':,, .::·. ::: ~ar. ona ag Yd, sml complex $1275 526SO/mo OoUij Nerbst LINDA ISLE 2 story SBr. gar $ 1100 yrly, also cua•• lfry 11r DIADlllfftl •·• •• •• _. ... , .. , ~._...... 7 4-4060 8-5 M-F WaterfrHt ..... llt 720-3980 or 76()..5000 boat dock. $10,000 ocean view furn ~BO Quiet bldG on E'S.0., ~u•uc:••o0" ou o<1M .• ., .,.,. '"" "• ' ......... -."" FABULOUS New contem-llALTHI 111· 1• RU~ WlttrfrHt ..... IM. ~BA lrpl gar.St 100 w/lOll of wood Aaslgned .. -· '• ,, ., .... _: ·:' .: : "'.:".:.;·,:=::. ,porary 2BA 3BA condo. _ ./ IU&.TllS Ill· l400 w1nte<. 992·2923 I parking & laundry facllf •-· ,.... • ,.. .... ... _ , ... ,,. ~ ~. ..... '1>anC>f8mte views ocean & ' STEPS TO~ BEACH 2BR ties S5301Mo 938·0552 IVllUILE ... __ • ·-' ......... ,.,.~............. ..... harbor $3500 ••EllAYlllCWlllY ~t'\X'I i...1r I~\ ·11 LIDO ISLE 4BR. ~With arage Vearl ' . _: -!':.~' ,::,~ ~::: ·-·~· "' ....... · .... "'' 1 LINDA ISLE WlttffrHt ......... Nwpl Hghts. Bek:oun style REALTORS . • new carpel, FA/DR. Lg $10001mo Agl 122-n16 1 *USTSlll* tlJGEll '"""... BEAVTIFULL y appointed IULTm 111· HOI detached twnhm, 1-yr • patio, 4S' lot. 3 car gr. Evenmg. 7&o.1755 LG 2Br 1' )BA Townhouse. •• • • .......,.. ... • • ..,,.... 4 bdrm home w1lh new, 2-car attch. 3BR 21r/1ll $2750/yrly 673-7767 .----Garage. pallo. laundry ·>:; ''": .. ::::: .. ...,.. den/guest., 1amily and10 Nthebeach.pVtrd,de-2.58A.Ceram1et1le&OAk Parlllng $IOOO/mo -----"9rtH•el•u 21221 room,$850/mo sen8•t11E .... .-. • •• • • ... formal dining rooms. per· luxe duplex. 3Br 2' •Ba. cbnts. Mo-to-mo ok, ktds 7141 650-t824 UUT LIC&Tlllm BRAND NEW 2629 OR.ANGE. -~ ·~· '" '"" •' lect for eleganl entertain· ~~~: v~\~· S~Bo;)::::1t Cl~~e·rv~~ -.HARBOR VIEW HOME ~~~tT~~~:~ ~~sa~= 2Br 1Ba • large loll TSL MGMT 6"'~ UHi 1-2·1 • APfl ~~mT~epeS:Sa~~o~s ~~~~ 673--0421 or 963-3977 Kemo. 760-5000. 3Br 3Ba • bonus room. us>-looking auracttve Plaza Huge sundeck $ l i 95i mo CLISE Tl ALU =E ABOtJT landscaped terrace lead· Spacious & contemporary ~Al &V ~raded. g•roener. Sec gate. loVely clubhse ~vail now. 646•0645 11M lff ing 10 the docldor a large 28R 1, 18A 2 story, lrple, flltU'lrWL ·I S lOO/mo 647•7526 agl & pool, gym $89S mo. llYI 11 llllS 2Br 1Ba EastStde loc yachl nice carpet Garage Lo \t\X ·i \VI' I~·\ ·11 I* MUST SEE' HVH New C2._eshlre RE 759· 1877 2BR 11 rBA. close to BBQ, pool. laundry rm II •lllTllll 631-1400 deck Oceanside of PCH. • Ille. carpet, paint, 4Br FIH WSE IUP beach. $950/mo 900 $725/mo. E-Z In. SPECIAL S 1.950.000 I s 1300 Agl 675-4912 l1E l\LTORS 2Ba. lam rm S2350/mo 8 8 aches. Bay 1 r 0 n 1 Sea Lane. 644-2611 149 E. Bay - ---LIKE t(EW. 2Br 2Ba beau I. 1t 760-07 IS * w/dock-Outet Fam hmes. -ON BEACH 2BR 2BA TSL ~~ ~2· 1603 •New GE d/w, Stove. & \~;~~~~· .. H~~.1 SPYliUSS HILL twnhse. xtra lrg. s1oso.! •NEWPORT CRESH NO FEEi! Agt S48-9449 Fab view 1g deck trplc I *Lllf IEW*-.~!:~~;':carpet& REAL ESl'-lE Spacious SBr 3Ba Lux ~~9~t:S1b9~~8~,:1ga1~1g'. Townnome 2Br. den, nice OCEANFRONT -Balboa tam rm. pV1 gate. dbl gar Come see the dlllerence, Drapes Home A vail 1111. ·1 $1550. Av.ail 1211 or 3erl2Ba. gar:' lg sundk, $2 100.2131928-1844 completely remodeled. •Closeto3Fwys REALTORS $3500/mo Lse opt LUXURY 2Br 2Ba condo before. 722-8567 remodeled. $1800/mo .,..._ t M 2"'Z4 Beautiful 2BR apts. Pool. (40S.S5.731•nd Sooth ___ $750.000. 63 t-S866_ _ Obi gar, frplc. pool I •NEWPORT SHORES• 760-8618. 673-6148 "" I HI • rec. room. laundry room. Coast Plaza lfWPOllT CREST 1 .S99StMo. 1st & last 4.sr aBa hse on canal Lrg -- -Ready tor Instant move-•Large Pool & Deck Area "IHT I llHHT" W&LI Tl Tllf IUCN + $300_:, 642-5290 lam & liv rms. new c~rpet S~~°le~11~1;;~:'~~~o;g~: ~.liB ny Int Only $640 to $65~/mo. • lnd1Vidually Controlled Beautifully decorated 4BR Enjoy CdM at Its best In NEWPORT HEIGHTS 210 & paint Year~ $2 tSO/mo trplc tng lg patio pool ~ "' t 12uOO.OF~~~N .~~~~~~~:ir:~:'" • family rm. $275.000. this sp•c1ous & luxurious 'B' E. 15th St. 3Br. 2Ba. NEGOTIABL 67S-S447 sec$ t57S Bkr 760: 1468° • •New Laundry Facilltles C!!llBarbaraChambers 3BA 2't8A beauty. garage, frptc. vacant 3BR 2BAOUPLEX /1 1 ---IPUTIEITS 530W.Wllson lmmed oocpy possible $1200. 756-8558 & a110-0n Balbo: B~edc THE BLUFFS-FULL BAY Beautifully lar'ldscaped. TSL MGMT =~~=~~:~~o Short or long term 1se , P VIEW ... 3 Bedroom. Pe1s quiet large. clean Apts 722-9012 or ~2-1603 ' Child & 1 OK. Newport Heights hm 2BR Walking distance 10 the ok Available. $2100/mo Pool& spa patio or deck Sorry No Petal Gardens • S28sJ~n od:.ie sH bst 1BA. gar. lg yard. wt d beach $1100/md 1se -Agt 780-1108 Prime locaiion •Elegant Atmoshpere mo. g er hllups, $1100/mo Quiet sec. Jacll 818·984-2484 -h s' 600 $52S• dep. 1BR mobile •Sorry No Pets 720-3980 or 760-5000 I neighborhood. 645-3698 -Upper 4BA 1• ·BA. 2 car Bae elor home. Secure. Mature Fl• 1111 RUMRC garage small patio 112 1 Bedroom $65S adults. No pels. 1991 I Newpor1 Landing, unl(fue ..... IUITl 44th si $1650/mo' yrly 2Bdrm 111.ea $805 Newport Blvd. ~6-8373 2881 Bear St. C<>mef' ot Htl ·1 . . . separate condo. spac dk, Featunng 4BA 2',BA. pV1 Avl now. 213-597-4704 '22IO V&llll&ll WAY -----Bristo!. Costa Mesa Rtase1f C11•os I \t'\\ I \'l "'i l I'~ \ 11 2BR. 2BA. dbl gar. proless1onally land· - --COSTA MESA 11•1..a.12 .. aiaerar zllz REALTOAS . $1200/mo. 548-9909 scaped P•llo & up· Ap11taeat1 M0-H21 mle81iBJIU MESA VERDE. 2BR 18A. XLNT E's1de locatton 3BR grades loo numerous to LJW -•Great E-•stside ioc•. upper Quiet cul de sa0. l•-•L.--RENTALS AVAILABLE ' P BA f le t 1 mention This Blulls H' ..... Ital htate Fer Sale ... -• ' gar· rp · rt·P ex. beauty w111 not 1as1 lsl11• 2606 1 & 2 Bdrm apts statt &PllT9ll'TS s700+ 2867 ,,.,,ory • . al 10071Shorl term & winter Costa Mesa 212• 380 Woodland $995/mo lmmed occp11 posSlble • I I $61S Gar. C•ble avl Sp8fkllng clean, larg• 498-1936, 75MM83 • i JC •• tadl I 5850 10 S l 400 Avail 1113· 646"9906 Children & 'pets OK IAnlfW L1Hl1 I 1111 Grnbll w/BBO. lndry rm Garden apts. Be•ultlulll Mes11 Verde, spacious 1 "'"r .. I ICWI FlllT llPLU Walertr~~~~grr;es. Inc 'Dru Poiat -.2126 Short Of long teim...IS.t. 3er. H~a 600 . s/f, laundry ,_SQrry, No pels 631-8427 1 l•ndsca_ped-..51rounds JIB...J'.llBA.,2 SIQ!Y, p1t19. lltffrl IOOJ •4Br/2Ba upper 21s Marine. Balboa Is mc!SliBJIU 28R house • bonus rm, $187S/mo Doug Herbst ~8;~e;·,7&rJ~~~=~~ie. 1BR Apt Carpel, drapes, Pool &spa,pattosfdec s. gar. W/O-llOOkur(.' I• ACRE {ntl. horse prop-•3Br/2Ba lower 673-6900 1BA. fenced yard 3 blks 720-3980 or 760-5000 _ ---stove. lg fence pa110. 1 garage or c.•rport $750/mo 72l-Ol 16 • ertBacyk. 38B8Ryh0uare':. t~~~~ S79S.OOO hlHi blatl 2106 TIWHllES to Doheny Bch. Avl now ~ ~~A..V CHARMING CapeCod~Br close 10 shopping. av•tl ~~ fm RST SEE & Sun 12-s. 20291 i\etk 1obay.SBR3BA -· 1=----=----... y.. I ,._, .. ,,Fer lt1t $985/mo. 650~_029 KU"IFU. I 6w751~7te7r0/8yrTlyhuNr·s~Stast. . now. 650-7244 --2Bdr~~Ba S81S 2BR 2BA. f/p, new carpet. Cypress. Santa Ana Home 2-car gar. w/d 9 Ftreplace,vauttedce11tngs. Foaatiia \t'\'\'I 1,.'l'I' I~\ II (8l8)795-2965Sun-Tues EASTSIDE 1BR upstairs. 131E18thS1 646-6816 encl gar .. allblt-lns,nQt H hi 756-9162 A 1 dbl gar lndry hkup pool --cableTV hkup.refsreq'd --------shops, $750/mo. eig s. g · mos a1 $1600/mo or yrly & spa Sorry. no peis. Valley 2134, RCALTORS • New. beaul. 2BR. 2BA. No pets. SS75/mo 3S2 2Bdrm 2Ba twnhse $865 810 CENTER ILIFFS at$2200/mo 721 -1196 '1 Bedroom $820 s?XCl6us3Br 2Bahomel 115 4912 upstrs apl for yrly lease Victorta.64S-8161 825CenlerSt 642·•1424 TSLMGMT ~2-1603 . ._.,a 1111" * .-.2BR . Den. 1BA I 2Bdrm 2' tBa $1090 wlfh park-like backyard -w/ofl street parking. --I TV SHARP & CLEAN 1 & 28 1IO PllllAllC VIEW I SH, SUI, HllF, 1 cottage 2 t 4 Apolena 666 W 18th St 642-4905 in good neighborhood PENIN~ULA Y~AAL Y S 12soi mo 675•9168 1fR ~~~~s·fs~~· ~: :ets. ...__tfi:--.... DishwaSher, encl garagie. SllSnS I Close to town S 1350/mo I OCEAN VIEW Lg iwnhse $1325/mo gardener incl •Cute 2BR !BA tower NEW decor. spacious, Ae~s req'd. 147 Flower WWW:::. -=w.11 cable TV. From $635/mo. EXPAN_?~D.trhemodeledt& Beautiful temod·eH1e! yearly673-5686•• 2 mslr BR. 2.SBa. 2 car 968-2420or963·3048 duplex.sharelaundry No 2Brl 1'tBa F/P. deck, --CallNOW645-8161-· I Sorry,Nopets645-S5n upgra.,_,, tS proper y, S . 5800 /d 11 unique & different from . home Close to ailing1 cw••1115 gar lrplc spa new paint Hu at Buell -2140 parking dl w, w ry . gar. n-pets -s IPUTIEm Spar .. lln~ clean 2Bdr'"' · 8 1 A · Clubs lor ocean & bay """ cpt's 1295' i mo' 955.2717' • •Ln. 3BR 2BA upper Yrly $1500 837-8547 2BR tBA gar 6SO/mo " ••• alhl otrers '7 the I~ ts t views Pv1 dock avl. Call 2BA 2BA HOUSE NEW luxury lbr 3ba,pool, du'Pfe11. garage. fireplace. --• t BA t BA $565/mo Large ~ttractlve Apts in a 1 '·•Ba 750 All utils pa. 1 et me o ong1n con-, M h 1 Bryll 5495 714 Beam ce11tngs. brick trplc 2BR. den. 2Ba dupleK spa 2 garage. walk 10 laundry hook·up, 3 XTIA L5 11R l&YfROIT Wallace Street.C M Call beauttlul garden selllrig. Garage. Sorry, llO pelt 1truci1on.2bdrms&bath IC ae 1 • f amily rm. pa110 Quiet Eside loc $850 beach Move in allow-, decks.s 1300 w /trplc. sundecll. lorappt 631 -1879 Pools.garages.!~0pets. 1960Wallace M2·4~ were added below me S127S/MoCatl NATALIE Pret2adults.1ct11ld NO ance$129S/Mo 1s1>dep YILLAREITllS SIOOO /mo675-6565 **lfSAPllfS** !Bedroom~ •TOWNHOUS~ main level Master bdrm S48-6569 or 7S9-6600 pe1s 175 Tulip 6•6-9036 960.3384 • 301 lYMAM ste on main level has an Memlt Lynch Really 81)~01 Pea1a111h A small, qutel compleic.1· COSTA MESA 2BA/1'hBA. frpl. ~ pet1D. enl•rged bath area. -•2BR Duple• quiet. lrg 3BR lBa hse near MannalBACHELOR PAD. almost 2607 Studio S58S 1BR $650 & •• 2 lllO C8J'port. l9o40 altaoe, J&CUZZI tub. sky ltgnts. ON Bay 3Br 3Ba House yard. Iron! uM garage H1 Nice area schools oceanfront $950/mo 2BR 2BA S850 · Ltk• -• $800/Mo. ~S~ 1eparate ahower & walk·' Shp. view. deck gar. good area $780 543·A Reing wl d. dtw $1200 1 2BA w/vleW $1050/mo ATIRACTtVE 2Br twnhse new & vtry pvt" Frplc, •USTSllE llPLE' an cloMI Highly up-ICfreai•elMu {OZ21 newly redec orated BernardSI 647-7S40 631-6358or846-5168 1 2eR • Den $13SO •mo near Ferry. gar. patto pool, spa. lndry Isl • ;i _________ ,.. graded 1hroughou1 $3500/mo 818/790-7302 •NPT HGTS loc Lg 3. Br 3 B-R 2, -BA T h X DOCKSIDE RE 722-9730 lndry Malure tennants sec NO PETS 549-2447 3BR l 'tBA. ltreplace "' wllarge lam1ly rm &12 BLOCKS TO BE:ACH t RENTALS AVAILABLE · ' · wn se ·1 $1050 Yrly 673-4866• patio. g•rage. 2BR 1BA spaoous dtn1ng/llV1rig rm DUPLEX 2Br 2Ba-2Br1Sh0rt term & winter 2Ba trplC ~ar patro, Ira rg Mstr 6R. ~-car gar. W&Ll Tl l&LllA ISL -8A_cHELOA ~side apl pat,lo., garage, new patnl. pet., AU ullla pd area New 1111cnen ap-1•,ea Newly remooeled 5850 S 400 newly decor 0 pets Avl fenced yd. Frplc. W/0 , lBA & den. 1' •Ba 2-sty 2Br lba covered parking. Kitchen. patio, qu1e1. carpet, appltances ' p41ences. inllde laundry I SS29.000. 67S-3286 to 1 now $1295/mo 720-156S hkup. $995. 963-69S6 e.ec twnhme in Bayside lndry rm.Nr bay & beaeh. prllrig, tndry rm No pelS. $950/$825 250-8002 or $550/mo. 9~954 area & enlrance 10 home -Waterfro1t HtlltS, •Clean Mesa Verde lg RUSTIC 2 tedroom House' Co¥e Frplc. sundeclls. 1234 W Balboa S850 S59S incl ut 720-156S 650-5194 12BR. 1BA. new Ber lrom a11ached garage •RARE Fiii* II 3BR 2BA dlw, 2 car gar-Lar Fron• & Rear Yd w/d, 2-car gar. galed Vrly Agenl 751 -3261 •BAY TIMBERS-• crpt, completely re· This IS 1ruly a rare beauty' 4·Plex wilt! panoramic c. age. patio fireplace No re.s Ut1ls Pd comm. pool & spa on lhe •NEWL y FURNISHED• 18R frplc cable pool USTSIH SPIClllS modeled. gw. gr1 IOC ss10.ooo 1 views 2Bddrms w1 1tn hre· l\taltors 673-1900 s 1100 No pets 640-2495 $750 Mo-dep 631 -4147 bay $2250/mo 240-1752 OCEANFRONT 1 BDRMS patio ~ar· No pets 39g 2BR 1' iBA. garage, wtd1 $750/mo 722-7543 11 •• 100 places an ba conies =+ -' -A a1lable Grea1 location • .$67S 650 .63S7 hkup $850/mo 548--0168 ----------'-• $975,000 30•1, Down Ii IHI •LAG 3BR 2'>BA. 2·sly,I bviae -2144 Beauhlul trg 3BA Duplex. ~ 1 Bk 675-4606 W Bay I · --I 2BR 2BA Condo. ~nclOIM '°' · I I L' 1 :\: Damon Agt 863-1500 • 0 gar, lrptc. pa Ito, tndry hk· lurn or unlurn Xlnt W I usl see r f'SIH IEW a&•LH garage, flreptaoe, pool & t ,l·l "\,\. 11 "-J' ~ I Dys. 642--0342 Wknds. PtataHll 21 7 up Small pel ok S 1300 UNIVERSffY PARK 4Br Bay loc. 2-car garage 3BA 2BA. deck, s 1300 vriY EASTSIDE Sharp & Clean Apl. w/kltchen. $500/mo sp•. WShr/dryr $8451~. rr=••l\11'\'\ -------Neweryearly 2BR 2BA 67S-4912 Agt '2Ba comm pool I $1500-$1750/mo. yearly StudtO.kttchen,$60Q Yrly 28R Washer/Dryer Non-smotter.642-7334 $650 dep. Not a.,..., --------LOWEST PRICE 2 sty 39r ' · Y u · NEWPORT PACIFIC 606 W Balboa 964·8058 gar. $740/mo. 5'46-9950 -S!J 10 11 111R-.• JASlllE Cll-ltstl•r Stt,ltt lttaclt 3BR 28A 2 st lwnho se I $129S/mo. no pets SS8· 1545/d S24-6J44/e CARPORT. PETS OK hllup, pvt sundeck. encl p••ISIH LIYllll complex!* 84S..2454 -----I lam rm 2, tBa guard gate Bkr 642-3850 1 new carpe1 /pnt 2 car gar Dave 64s.3683 I BLUFFS , · _ __ ---Jog to beach. 2BR 2BA. RENT FREE TILL NOV. 1 SE.MSA.=ll.~~"'l 5429·900 891•1702 Agt WELL furnished 39r 28a 1 w/opnr, OIW W/D pool ----,-3BR 2'hBA.enduntt,pool. 3BR 2Ba steps to beach. Easts1de 1BR Cottage, lfreplace, patio, 1BR Lg2Br2Ba ln 4-plex,encl COLDWeu BANl(eRO · _ oceanfront S 1600/mo I $1000/mo. 839-9673 !Univ Pk. 3 BR. 2 '• BA. 21 mint cond. garage. great oondl Carport. lrplc. encl ~ho, lndry. w/lott. view, iaouzzl. gar. hkups. d/w, p•tio. SBr 3Ba Lux Home Lse $900/mo 81-81446-9392. cargarage yard d/weic l$ac3.SOvb cl. neaNrby BLUFFS Condo -3Br $1300/moyrly 673-2880 sec. s-72l 4 NOPETSI 631·6107or855-0665 Bch.Nopets.540-4484 I SPYliLASS HILL 2Br 2Ba c1os\! to ocean ELEGANT new 2Br 2Ba 2 car gar. 19so sq ft. pool,! s142s1Mo 760-8384 Agt balcony. appil, lndry. stor811 rm, 50 + s750 From $950. Utlls pd. S79S+SSOO dep. Ellis nr -· · 1 /mo 1 yr lease 011 · •-..... .--~ .... ----------------------------. sf~.~. :;1~~~11 1 1 Ctrou •erMu 21221 ~~1P!i4~nJ!2.~1~~i 5950 1. 644-7220 or 7S4-7781 ~';1~~: e~da~~~/'P~0~p E\l)t'ltthd>t.~. WANT OLDE Cd_M_ prop-: 2BR 18A duplex. wood 38R house Den. dble gar.' Newpert Beac~ 21691 S14SO/mo lse 640-7185 1 UI•• ••• r ef°ty .. cash or cash to yourl g:;~h Nosrs'6~'m~at~n~~ I c I ea n Wes 1s1 de I tdC'LUs1VE GUARD• 'HIGHLY upgraded New· -~ loan (loreclosures ok, S 1000/mo ~ $300 dep. •GATED COMMUNITY111r I port North condo. 2Br 12.IH 000 ne1 10 )-OU • Agt·673-S599 ~ater 640-4090 cred11 check S48-3898 II 115 CAIYll 2•1,ea s 1700/mo w111 SPECTA<:!uLAR contem-1 Htl •eu 10 41 ••• 2••0CU1FRllT AVAIL NOW 3BA 2 •BA.I BEAUTIFUL 2BR 28A consider lease option porary, remodeled. I • -· newcrpl veryctean xlnt wtgottcourseVIEW Also 497-9918 baylronl. Europeanl GREENBROOtd LAAG-,$2000/mo & 2Br 28a loc $1300 mo M~rg1e 18R avail Frplc wel bar j kitchen. 4 BA S' t BA., EST FLOOR PLAN! . Nice• Frplc ~gt 673·S3S4 Agt 979-8280/S40·7355 . micro. WID hku'ps, 2 ca; llfWPOIT lflllTS turrnng basm. view. large Xlnt condt Pnme 1oca1ton1 2Br hse on Bluff' 3 bllls to -gar wl xtra storage cen· Cute 18R, yard. s1nglegar-sllp •south P•llo $340,000 Margie Agt beach. ig d~. dbl gar1CLEAN 2Br tBa duPlex. tral a1r All mamt ' Incl I age Avl 1111 Dftve by ........ , 979-8280 or 5'0-73SS st 3 7 5 mo n -PE't s S72S Gar. ~I yard. no Sorry. no pets 644--0509 3305 E 15th SI $675 mo --S4S-2820-D Gary pets 1954 A Meyer I Sheryl 631-1266 •D NWI PIYllHT't I t •-'" 1 9 722-6453-N Creo11 check S49-348• I *1•••11EW " .. Ell : We'tt give you the OOwn '"I 1 -IC• · ---""" ra. 11 ·~i.~~"\· chg lor a share ol own-I N N light 2 Effi • Oen 2 BA E SIUE 2Br duplex. lam 3BR 2BA, 2 car gar. trplc • 4 • .: ::Stlp You make the br""hl 2eA 2eA Outside w/SPECTACULR VIEW' rm balh, lrplc. w/d &I 0/W. micro. w/d hkups.if 1 .., · 2723 Ocean Blvd cable hookups. lencedl lrash comp Yrly S 1400 -··--•• • mthly pymts & we share Dover mdl Frencti doors.,$28001 67S-6900 yard gar w/elec opener Agt 67S-66701722'-8S20 ...---------.1 •pprec You rece1 ve crown moldings. new ceil· mo 1 758 94 11 --B rfl 1~/, tax t>eneftts Must 1ngs. etc SS 15K 48A 2BA home ON THE Avail~ • 3BR 28A. freshly painted ut· te y have clnn credit Agt Owner/Agent I BEACH at Big Corona 'E s1o'E 3Br 1' •Ba. den. re-Upgraded crpt & window 957..fi002 Dys. Ev. Wknds 6191568-1657 ive msg Breakers Onve Yearly model. nu crplldrpslktlc.l treatment Frplc, sec sys -$3900 /mo w in ter mtrroredw•rdrobe.lp,2· tem, aulo sprinklers B PlllUl·PlD LIDO ISLE Charm1ng1 $3000/mo Call Carl ai car gar. $139S/mo Greal locl Grndr lnc1 1 eauty SIX one bedroom. one 3bdrm. den. Lovely patio.! 540. 7000 Sandt. 673·2749 1 $1950tmo. 760-5064 I bath units seelung In-wlll exch tor dupl or trtpl I vestor. Must see to be· tn COM. Irvine. Lag Bch I --. • lleve. Great value at or Lag Nlg ~~-• $234,000. SELECT BEl · CALL Carolyn Ross at . '{_• ;~ TEA HOMES & GAR· 673-7677 What•• your home •e'llce tpeclalty Accounting? Alteratlon1? Auto repair' Aclvertl .. In cla111f led. ' .. ~. Merrill Lynch Realty mALLYIPllllEI Cuetom ~ rw. LAN~ V1efo, J.M. ,....,. PW! 4, eu.tom ceblnet•. top of the .,,. l!Pplel IC99, .xc:fttng yerd .,.. with gazebo. brick patio and fountain. $380,000 711-llOO Sell Y.., Pr.,.,tyl C. ClnelflH , 642-5671 for information & surprisingly low cost. L .. __ -- In newsracks by3pm r 7H: A popular I qultt--ooe that you'll love. Ute calico for the butterfty muettn for the Oif'ecitons for Si Double Stz99. 13.25Pt.US11.25 P FOR EACH PATTERN ORDERED. ..... ........... ............... .,... ....... ...... ., .... .......... , ..... . --....... .... •CNY&ll: ;? • ........ , NAME ADDRESS CITY AMOUNT ENCLOSED L<INU I. 2. 1 ····---~ '· OUR FAMOUS HAS RETURNEDI Back by populctr dtmand Otmts-A·Ltnt' will run Fnday. Satur· day and Sunday 1n us own classirteatton m int Class1l1t'd Ads Smee 1h1s is a Spt'Clal offer. we navt a Thursday noon dtadhnt' and ask pre-paymtnt for all ads. This 1s optn to all prrvatt pany adve-msers lor mtrchand1sl' not over s 150 (pri<l' must be llsttd 1n adj and no abbrtvlattons w ill bt acetpttd. All ads wlll run Fnday. Saturday and Sunday Thtre Is a S·hnt' minimum at 20C per lint' So y04.Jr low con Olmes-A·Une ad Is onfy ... S3.00. DEADLIN E: Tllursday noon PRICE: S•hnt m1n1mum • 3 days • .204 pt>r ltnl' = S3 00 • All ads Mt prl'pa1d by coming into 1he Da11y Prlot 10 ptact 1our acror usl' thl' coupon btlow • rriva1t party mt>rcnand1se only .ids No com· mtrc1o1t a(!s ptu hvtSlr>c k. product or plants Eacn item must l>t prtetd in the a<I with no lttms over Sl50 MAIL TO: Oimes·A·~ Daily Pt.!ot HO We\I Bay Strt't'I COSli4 Ml'Sa CA 92626 Da11y P110t nours Monday-Fr.c1rly 8 00 AM 10 s 00 PM PHONE STATE lift OATES TO RUN $3 00 MlNIMVM 4 WOADS "llH!Hf NO A8allfV1ATl~S • .. .... ... ... •sue•._. .. m... ..... ....... •• ..... , ..... ,... ... h1t ., ... s.p11z ,_. 1n1 .. -• .. ~.J:.no=1 111111,..._ 1m 1tw: 1111 me ••• :w,2.*'*'* ''•'• 111 ·JI •• .. 91111-.1• 1111 Uf'• r'Mli wanle&. CNll E'!G CU. UN swOI liW FOA LEAK COiia .._. PPHOuA w__,.-!!..~ -IEJ'REI_."' ,«'.*£~~ r, .. 3M tlfiiA dbl~ ..!':..L,Cower:1!~'D ~11 ~d:dk~ :=•o:.::-;J"'~1'1 2400 1f offieelr.C•ll. ..Mftllllll I 8711 U .,,._..., ....._~ , _,,,,.,...~, -.• .. ••,,. •..,,. ' • -.... ' ..... 75 3 • . I ffonti on ~ ltvd. o,_. job-EZ hOutt le•· ••111111 .......,... ~ .___.,'*'IP.pMto,nol .... up, ~d t OP&ttl _. 1 A"9rlpm P'tl"O M50 .,.._ COlflpeC ,..._ 75e-0635 I Ible~ Wiii 1rmn " '1111 • HANDYMAN_..,. te>c* to 111111 1 ' I I l~J:,i...o"~~~Hell 1IOO~~ RIVER l lRVl.NE Room f« rent ME A Verde NOn ...... r. ,....:..--= on tof), 8-~ com-1 .. buMd lerge ~ Ho o.wn tr.,_ l"llf' ~ •llfK lllf. TSL MGMT 642 1800 dOM to alt, W/D. tcltc:Nnl no pets. Lrg ~ & yd, 20 "!I:'..!...-mlelion Must be neet & .. IT Flllll I ,,_ 9llf> requ.,ed [iiiiif •· '31-3134 1 •BACKOfflCE• i:Jlb. remode6ed very • , prMlegel. utll. inclUded cable, w/d, pvt phone.. a20 -'Mo ut• perlOMbte ,._ office I M.: Gtegor Y.cftt• Piil P/T I Busy Newport lle.e,, C119ft 28R, 1BA, g¥. Eucullv1 TownhouHI S395tmo. Sff.0711 1 $375 ... dep. 540-1955 I 722·N32 eo.t. Mw location Hwl>Of Blvd The ~ NOC M9 ~-1831 ,,_.,, .. ,CM. I 080YN .. 5-7170 Plldo. frd "'·no pet• 38A, 2BA. 2 car gar, u••---M/F share 28' 1't8A It ,,... CM. Call Cindy~ medl•t• openlf\91 10'1 -~· 8eecil Pubtlc Lo~•MEDTECH a1151mouec. 911-1487 OCEAN v t E w -EC M ...-.... .. __ _.. --1~. 755-1155 t~ Ulelpeople LlllPIMllll•/ I &ryfhM.,, open J>OS-Part time~ ~ 818·44e-8993 llfll • · · ........ • ,,_,.,.,, -I& --~ rype 45 ...,.., lind .., ••a---lhon or a ltt>tary ~ ....... ,lml -·= .. Wkly rent• SlS5 & Up S)Mlo. g.w $400/mo +v, Prime locaUon 500 8' bey $8/HR · COMMISSION 1 h&V'e OOOd. ~ .. 1ftU I PlllftlM eheMng boo6cl tS-18 hri •LAB ASST/ LEBOT i21Jiiii1A~'!'!ir;r.itiliiiilRi!g.-iii-•-mi FURNISHED. 2 BA, 2 BA Color TV frM coffee utll Ml-4414 Ill met view offtce v .... pwtung Work your own hout1 di• llOf\ eliills c.11 ft90gy Eap requHed in pt 0• P9I" WMk P011104e ntOht• Mon-Fri '""1 *1• -\ ,.,_t • eoodo,oceenv1ew.poo1, h .. 1ec1 pOoi a itec>s toM/F share 3BR Newpc>n1 $1275/mo. Modified trlbutlngadll9ftttement1 1 BteWw"2-'321 C1e111ng und«wf1t1ng & and weekend• Fleaible1Newpotta..:tt,M4-l025 ~·~~~·,:t~!:j ~8:2.g~:~~~~5~j O<lMn.M.id1vc&kltch'1 Shores 2 blk• from' tr~ net. Bo•t 1hp1 _Cellt..uren.~t270 1 , 1 lundlngofAE.loana.111nt ~chedul1ng Contact -11.Pmf ... llH mo. SEACLIFF I all!. 985 N. Cont Hwy. bffch, 1450/mo lnciudel •11.....,... 645-7800 IPllMIT 1111111 lllLY PUT ul, benefits. E 0 E Al1t usan W&fren, Newportjf/T Mon--Ft1. la• Few•• MANOfU4'"2M2 .... Ill.I 11r t.guna8each48'-5294 uti11t1MIS0-20a3 llllPllllTll'm Semr·retlred couple f0t'Llnd.tlynl73-0Sl1 Center Bfllnd'I UOfwy (EJToro}(714)770.1t50 I .u lll Tl IUll I Used bfck F/P, frig d/w,1 L.BCH furn studio $550, MIF stlare 48A. 2BA H.B., ~pr ... ntlng. over 325 Some exp1r1ence 1 ~':99'~ c5~ gar. patio. 875-3842 $325, S425, pvt en r. home 1\9# 11th & Palm bulldlngl in Orenge Co. maintenance. CALL • Del Ivery o..a. ·ers ~::V2f:>o 11;~1::·1 Marw to choose from. Stu· pool, n·smkr, siral t 1450/mo +S100 dep. H1~ One c.it does It all for 837·995e or 855-0665 f ,IV · dloa 2 & 3 bedrooms 35+.494·0451 uhl,lurnqrunlurnNeat&t youroffic:e~needa.1 •U..US• ........ lllllT I •W LK T BEACH, Great location. Startlnii Prlv rm. bath. Newp 1 gc:~3~2~M•t. Call Nocoettoyou. 7~2-l122 Immediate apen1nga with Fronroffice,enthu11Ulica1 PART-TIME NEAR HOAG • lrg 28A 11 $575/mo. 875-4606 Beach twnhm. Separ tel •-...&-~ I pi----t-1 or without experience ch .. rlul. good oltlce11 21a. new c:.rpet $850. II entrenee. Nokltch. aui.t. N.B. BA avl 1111 In 3BA ...._. ......., •ELECTRONICS 1k1N1. competitive ..i.ry, N 0 , . • Lrg 1Bft w/mlcro. gad •, Tll UY• non-smkr. S400fmo. 1nc1• condo. S290/mo +dee> & • •MECHANICAL FIT Incl. S•• Contac11 ewspaper e rvery Drivers Needed. p<>ol, ..,._ S750. 1401 Su· 3BR. 2 V.BA. close to shop-utll. 548-0723 •1. ulll. M/F, pref mature. :1-........ •SOLDERS C8fol 631·5664 perlor A~. Ma-1838 I ping & dining. Super view &31·2011aft2;30p/wtlnd -..-•PLASTICS ---t• Monday -Friday 2 PM-SPM . Weekends dW I ,Big deck. YrlM S2250Mo, me r-•PACKERS DRIVER friendly person to rsw lfHltellMl4t 33l6 Vl1lido875-9289 t SO COAST METRO NEWPORT Beach near vice -t•eover ••l111ng •TRAINEES dotocelfooddeltver,..to & H I'd 4AM 7AM E 28r/2 plrHng spaces,! Room & t>.th 1n 2 story beech. M/F, prof pref, ~o cornt*'Y· Owner wishes ALL SHIFTS OPEN the corporete communi-0 I ays -. arn Up tO Xtra lg ~tlo. S t2001mo. home. Lndry & ktchn w 28'. $400 Incl 11111. to retife lind ofter• l.4 yr I Need 1 h 125 peopte ly Monct.y • Fr~ days 150-1124 btwn 9Mi·5pml ... Ill lllWIPTS I $vllegel. Great for col·1 A11all Nov. 1 173-5083 t>ulinela at reuonable '°' G;~·GrOYe /Hunt· Meyer11of'1 Catering I S600/month. Must have reliable. • •-Slll• •WITH BOAT SLIPS• students. '325/mo. NPl' Ben 3 hses to bch.I tenns. Write: 2021 Busi-i ington Buch 1reu Irvine 211·1178 - • ·-EXCLUSIVE BEACH c l M0-7796 Iv ""SI I Prof M/F to lhr nice 2811 neta Center°' Ste 214 APPLY TODAY ---------transportation ·n a & d . F:~. ~-==~~48SJ~"e Has ~~~~=~BA on cottage. Alli 1111. $5"5 Irvine 92715 Of 752-0322 TPI ~ ,BoatT"~':d~d bllt , I sur nee a goo •CUFFHAVEN2BA2 A lhe. BAY! 1100 si t. W/D1ltt1l1/•teb ll11 lnctutll.873-6021 ·~T·LIU Bl4 12792V8118Y-vi9W=214 not nee 23iw eo.st driving record .. MW decOI vaulted 1: hkup, fr~, micro. D/W, SU Ull llTIL NPT Crest 3Br 3Ba twnhm "T'WlbOW HAS SSS Garden Grove33373-0505 Hwy. 6'5-0901 lnos. . gar. En our pvt bd'll nr b .. ch Poot spa 1en·' ' 1405 & 22 Freeways •n the I Call 714/642 43 33 t 205 Sf"SO gw11ge. n ts. •Boat lips Extra• Wl(ly rentals now avail. nls 25-3S n/~kr '1450 '°' TOs $10.000/up No Bndgecreek Butmess Pk 1111111 WllTll. -e X . s /mo Agt 34 Sorry. no pets. ~!:p7i~v:"cM& ~~6-· ,2~r45 &31-5737 or 645-.1553 I ~~ ..... A~67.3c.i73110en1 .-ASSEMBLERS to build Musi h8119 econ YehlCle & .... 1.A -11 · ~ .... 1 ...... --• 1n1. Good~. 11e. hrs Between 7 AM-7PM . •llU•UTI* ....., _... I I IProesslonat Fem n·smkn W .-..a g sailboats. Will train Musthketodrive1ca1tt0< Beall. 38' 2Ba twnhse. ON THE BAY 1Brf1Ba ea11 I •• 1111 shrgreat 3Br.3Ba In CdMI v ... _ I Apply Tam MacGregor I Info, 645-2003. A sk F or R odger. A/C, gar .. w/d hk up, new 1100 sit (sublet) ,pool, 2724 •1411 111...UH i256:mm 2nd wanted I Yachts 1631 Placentia. - carpet & drapes, trptc, 1 lndry. walk to Bal Isl.IN 8 shr 28R 28X Beaut 1----Custom Laguna hOme. 2 Costa Mesa I lllYll ========= •========-=~ 1rack tights. cell Ian. nr Beautllul & quiet. OGean View Penthouse PROF FEM. Non Smolter R·2 lots 15¥.+ yield 3yrsl •TIEITlll To service established c::=: • Hoag Hosp. $1100/mo Dys . 6 4 2 . 6 6 4 3 w/G v le Poot , to stlare beau11tully furn. 46% L·V. Call Dennison a lunch route. Earn $60 10 4101Hilarla N·720·3841 'I iac a~u:~~~n~s rm' exec. home~1n901rvine. 21 Auoc673-7311NOWI STllEm! S75daily.yourcar L0t1s TSL MGMT 642· 1603 • • • master BD. ~ mo. sec. I I Kit 979-0747 -----,Spotless 1Br lurnished. 1. ctbhse. ~ard gated, opt.I dep. & refs. Ruth eves.I trlflftl T.D. 1 Sports mmded indtylduals • 2::::zi'-ri~D*o Sblk to b<:hc winter rental,j turn. $6 /mo. 722-9345 ' . 854·2026 I 2nd Trust B!eJ for sale. h1~ par~1u~~a1t:~:s1~Hrl MYCLUlllS F IC pool N d · 650/mo, ouples only. IAlUI ISUll Shr 3BA 2BA bayfront hm qual Irvine indust bldg I · Mature counier woman. 'f9So/mo'. 8!:.o~:r. 650•6039/E 2131977•6418tNlce 2Br/1Ba $<425/mo. n.' on Bal Isl. $500 mo. • prime tenant & owne;I llLLlll CUii sew•ni exp. 8 • but not lt•Hlt 7'1 smk. Bob 675-3607 I utita Call 71 4·673-7403 S225,000. 10% int. will For electrical wholesale! :S.. •r.k or;:,· g~~~ ACllSI H• WCI 'Walk to beach 2 BR BALBOA Penln bayfront or 213·926-6653 JIM consider 10-1. disc. Chas, business. Apply 1916 548·6485/D 645-4840 CLEAN 2BA, lg 1111 rm. 1¥. B... I '57251 • M/F for master bdrm ; STEPS TO BEACH 2Br "545-7118 or 640-1494 Placentia, Costa Mesa, room 1505 perking ut111 Incl No • "·enc gar, mo Monday-Friday 8·5 · pet• Sl115 723·12S2 225 La Paloma Apt B. all amenities. $500/mol 2Ba 10 Newport Buch. ••••ct11eat1 . FL-·· ··Ml!•£• EASTBLUFF 2BA 1' tBa.' Bayndge condo 2Br 2Ba now. $490/mo. 722· 1978 -• I •ii FT /PT w/exp, bread & but-. . 637-7918 I yrly. 673-3722/att 4 W/D, gar.. patio. avail V::t I r ... •zs! CllEEI - - ~~go~Wa S950Ap~~8, =:;=,:::,o.=::i.1· semi-pvt spa.·pool, pvt Hlfll tr HI DPNITllITT ~~~~s't:·=~;ic~~ Apw1ment l.~4--0906Y lffll"11nadlnctU9ifled. ~2o'.~2:C~:r.·2::~51 2741 fNlllnAOS We are 099nlng 8 new O.llyP11ot.Box.1560.CM1 UU11U store 1n Westminaert 92126 Of call 964·6344 , lllllf IAllll Mall. All sh1l1s, lull time. GENERAL OFFICE Pos- AUTO ROUTE CAllllll Earn up to $600amont part-time delivering newspapers. Monday-Friday 2PM-5PM. Week- ends and Holidays 4AM-7 AM . Must have reliable transportation, in- surance and a good driving record. Call 714 / 642-4333 Ext 205. Ask for E side C.M 24-hr access ID[' fRE£ part time Housew1v11 itton in Westminster $150/mo * 631-6155 MI. . welcomed! Wiii tram clerical exper nee P1s I S1ngte car garage in CM.I Cal· .. 'S FJMll I call 895-1222 nr 0 C. F&Jr. complet. • I YIDIT (r) ll•UL IFFICE encl. dry. secure. elec. ••• &a,• aa11~1 S90l mcr.751-3531 ._ rw&.·!l'.'llUL -rNewporl-Mesa-.,_~ ...---......... .-----' , 405 fwy Westm1nster Mall 8-4 Mature ~son able •••ercaa 640-6070 or 894·1435 1ohandle 1-personollioe I.I. S.Jt Ital FOUND COCKATEEL on~ Ask for RoM or Dan 642·7088 ••• 1 0 I 2 4· v I c I n I I y CASHIER/CLERK GOV MT JOBs•siS.037 Beach/Stater. · H B Gtl1 Shop, oc Airport 10 $69.405 Immediate Z719i 8<48-4434 PI T. Depend1blelfl•• Hiring• Your area Call ·n-s·m-·IF·F•l•l•l•L•llH--FOUNO LhasoApso'malet Bettie before 1.30pm1 (Aetunc:t) 1-518-459-3611 ' Cornef' VIEW Suite wtute & apricot. ;0122.1 • 852·9186 1 EJlt F311 lor Fec:teral List 1 FULL SERVICE 1 Beach & Atlanta. Hunt. CWI CIEEI Ill 24 HAS. Westclllf & Irvine Npt Behl Beach. 969·8656 fof P I Oese & P I ·! . - •Sign space &YI on' Westclttt Found older male dog Sprl~~. Now rtAccep~~ llYS I ULS! l•M101 w/short gold brn hair, resumes for· A FUN JOB' 300, UO 1111 SI n !~J::s1~. ~~c ~~~!I * IUUIEIS Are you tired ol t>etng un I 1617 WESkLtFF DAIVE I Ana Ave & 20th, CM· * LUI IUTlllEI employed? Are you hred Nwpl Bch. Agt 541 ·5032 • 650-9032 For new LAGUNA BEACH! of heapng "'You are 100 --------' 1oca11on Progressive young or too inexpen-CORONA DEL MAR ' FHll: TllnE Co . grea• appor1uni1y I enced?'" or. 81e tired of I 425s/I private office wilh vie 20th & Irvine. Costa For awtm Send resume the same old t>or1ng IOb. ~-------------------lllilliiiltllllllliiliitl' ~y;' ;t~,ow & J"~~ Mesa. 548-98« 10 Attn· Larry Ayres. CCI. with the same Old t>or1ng mo. LOST B. 1 384 Forest Ave. Laguna people and worst of all.. · ig orange ca · Beach. CA 92651 The same old t>or•ng pay- Rodger, Between 7AM-7PM neut mate. w/new flea _ -check? COiiar an~s to Ttgger DATA ENTRY $YES$ 111C Elden & Mon1e Vista. /COMPUTER 'Wetl·Our company 1s loc)I(. CM 751·8199. ~778 OPERATOR ing toe .se,veuL giLy LOST Black Cat. last seen Varied resposibll•fles gals who have ambition. 1 Big Canyon. October 18 POS1t1ve atmosptltfe. FIT 1mag1nauon and en1oy 18 years old. answers to ~~~;'='IC ofllGe working with others Hillary. 548·~21 _ ar Must t>e 18 0( over and a I --"'U High SchOot Grad No LOST. Cat. 6·mo M gray. -· I exp necessary on-the-Whl underS>de, wtflea cot-, For catertng van Must be job training For an exett- Cl...t Cltulat 1r:==~-----.; tar. 10/6. Mtsad<>WVoew capable of delivering ing new career. cali 9~. i-;;;;;;;~;;~iiiiiml •r• (; __ _.._ ____ ... Track. H.B. REWARD• catt!f"ed lunches. S6 to (ll_., .... _ ••• 2 11 I !eeir ltnietl SPUT b1rus $150 640-9494 or 846-<4113 $8/Hr Must brn~ DMV1 ,.,. • .-•- $2.66 per day Clean'Tii;T$yelng-Repairs L T fem Cat, NO TAIL. printoutg7~~~~7 itchen. WISnUSTS Odors & other carpet set· brwn, blk. beige tortoise MAKE $20,000 OR MORE That's All you pay for vices. Paciflc Co 751-6339 FIREWOOD. RALPH'S PAINTING. Eitl./ sheU mix. 1011. vtc CIPY IHI NSITIOI 1mmed1atelri without a 3 llnes 30 day minimum Euc. Orange wd, free dehv Int. Wallpanar. stnp, fr Acacia & Avocado COM cl••nt·•-to 10 n e · · ••HI llCrtle 642·928l or 545.3177 est A•as .... Lvic. 962•4701 · Available 1mmed1ately 1n ..... ...., w1 g in •· In the .. S 100 Reward! 675·6198 CdM Court Reporting tremety busy Costa Mesa SERVICE 'veways., pat os. paths. II T•I• FREE EST Exp Painter Peneaall 002 Aoency Must be mature. salon etc. No JOb too small _ Int/Ext House & Apt reliable. de1a1l·oriented1Pa1d 1ta1n1n,9 in Reas. Mickey. 536-0553 Househ.otd repairs. paint, Reas 24 hou s 821•1811j person $5 hour •Latest cutltng anc:t styhng ---refurbishing car""ntry · r · c s 675 73 techniques DIRECTORY ~~~f K~~~~;~Er:~. w~~~s drywall etc. Gary 64-5-527_! PAINTER NEEDS WORK all andy • 11 •Full time t>enehlS FREE 811 541•3283 IAN •HANDYMAN• lnl/Exl, oeillngs. refln cab DEE Ill HllHS PIZZA medical. dental and hte INCREASE YOUR REACH • • -Big & sml Jobs-Work guar 25 yrs e•p Refs 964·3837 DEUIYll NOW HIRING' insurance GET IN OUR IMPROVED' tH•IC 1)1 Call Bruce 847-0780 MICHAEL COX PAINTING WI 11·111/111 For more info call Anna at new a.. •aOXtlfY Guaranteed• •FENCES·GATES Tree trim $12/Hr +MATERIALS Musi be 18 w/own car. 1n-1 631-7990 hnlM ..... '1 custom Tile & Brtek Work IOump runs. C.M.I N.B References 675_.006 YttArtl ftry liuH surance & good driving HSTISS WAITH llUIW Pllll (PA Tl IAVINE CONST area. Jim Why1e. 642-7206 PAINTING & WALLPAPER FrietMI!! ~~~~4;P~~~~I Apply NOW Woody s F0t more Information Xtnt Reis. 843-9044 )' REMOVAL RELIABLE' Please Contact Fountn Valley 775-(µ00 Wharf, NB 675-0474 CALL TODAYll Ckil• Care 18 181 ~yrs 1n area 642·5937 Patty 540·7796 MOTOl IOUTES lllllllf. CllTI •II -T IUCll .... IUCll WEEnY PAYMENT CALL 6424333 between IAM & 7PM Or nge Coast Dally Pilot-_ CLA§§IFIED ADl'EBTl§ING SALES We are ADDING to our sales staff. If you can type at least 45 wpm and have -great telffommuniealioo s,K11· 1tS---111'1-e-.PAJR--1---- off er you a base salary + commi a yUldplace to work. hll Tl•e .t Part Tl•e A ... 1111111e. Do yourself a favor-Call us. P eggy B le,1las er ~ I• V e••e•• 642-4321 . Daily,.lat 330 West Bay St. Coat• Mesa, CA -------- &II FH LllS SO RONf BEACH M Cf AXOCINd SERVICE RAINBOW CIRCLE Maint Does Anyone Know · om Gar/Yd Qnups. Trees INT /EST QUALITY S ? Of one Loving enYlrOn·,Jon 645·8192 PAINTING EXP 636· 17SI Where he ts? ? ... Y<MJr S4trvloe Directory ~eMntatlve ment. acti'llties. meals. 1 -~------Please Call Me TURN UNNEEDED MERCHANDISE TO 142-4321ed.310 yr up $85/wk. 968·9108 .. sc•Ji•• TOP QUALITY PAINTING I ' I WDClrt Prompt·Rellabte-Reas H•••I mce 18 yrs o .c . 839-1886 ;Proi Asclno FREE ests. GARDENING Fu1i service ' i.r1te••• Dt•tshCI Jiii CtVe.1N w anted. room & board • salary Many de- tails. Call Sandy 1n Costa Mesa. 751-6858. .,1., .... mo llKIHPD Exp d Par1· Time to Full- Time IOf Property Mgmt1 firm in Costa Mesa. Send1 resume to: Personnel.1 136 Rochester St. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 $40.0 per Week I .. to start 1 4.80 ' 0 For M .N you can a<NertlM your Garage Sale tn the Deity Piiot. There Is a ~ line minimum end the price is the same whether you advertlM 1 day or 3 days. It's a great way to turn thoM hidden treasures into caah. we are also offering a ••I•• te ••"• •• ••• llill•• tor t t.M. This guide Includes tdeas on how to ad'*1i•. how to plan. what ttems to aen. plus idea for a better garage sate; also a garage sate sign, pricing sttck••. Information on city ordinances and Inventory sheet. You can purchase your Garage Sate Kit tor $1 .00 When you plKe your ad at: Clataifled Advertising 6~1.-S678 .. -QNitii CNil IWLV Pal.OT I Tueeday, October 26, 1188 • I I It t•I H• ..... , •I 19 llllw•~ •U r..m.... •at t ..... ldw/-..~ MUC !!ILi llJg 1111.DJltl llm/111111911 rm T&Un? .-.. TRAD'LJemeetownCNna ' ... llOllC8Gr p 11 '1 11!.c r1:1111 ......... 11711 • ,_., I P:_:a:: 1~°' .::! =:cc:'=.:111':,~ ~200~ ~ !:; :::0-Wllll 111.. ,o!IE~...-: == J:1 1 .. =-...!~&;.':.' c=:-:,'::c~~ L.in*9dQPPCW1unetytojOln end computer beck· .,...200t Ctcm detk ~ pteld 37,000.Mllll. • cte*lldel . 119 •••l••••• · ••1•••• .. ....,.. .. _.., MMll'r IMM, natlonal,... ••mer-ground requited Outgo-Ken , "f t JOf9bed new s1000 ... loeded .,. .. opt6onl. WM.UY •••• t JI...,-.....,. upo11 .:J. euttcoftttec: 11711 k.elng .-n wt. ttl un• Ing ~ty and pro-~or:..;:, ',~ $3tO ~lo cab. llQhled, E•tended w1rran1~ a•11n..,. ... II ........... • uMlf CONTRACTOR. TNJ .._.... II .... limited wnlnp. For n-feiaJonal aOi ' bMut "'*" $150. Mf8t S 13,500 Fltm. "5-17• Ol!!!!l!l" -. to Jiii( • ... IWI the M6d ..-.11ir. a.,....,, formation. cell Jack must Pr:W~.: ~~· wNM. tablel4c:hrs.csbn~al LeewMtg(2fELm> ..._1mJ",_ ....... P 11 11 •...-,_toll T"9 r .. latrant c..- llllllEllUT TMmE S21MIH WEEI A~ME~E~~TES& estetebeetcgroundE ·~d"' MOVING WASHER & """"11~ 840--822t nc TMIYAUft-:.:O."-.:t:::.:.c;t .• : =iz.-=-~~-· :::-1...:r-=-'..::! G"RDENS rnum•• to· tqu .v DRYER G od cond .-_-::n:• ... U I F •A L ......., ctn CCM--.. ..._. •.... No ......., ~ ...,.. • ....,_ ,... or ,_ " Corp., 42" MecArthUr. o · llJUWue Ofd -· "°'" -~· NOTICl 18-HEAIBY f ............ H 91rtbldtofapertodoflonyr ..... ~ .., ....... R!AL ESTATE 751-5000 Suite loo, N.8 . t2t60 No Muat be aold t>y Ttiurs. POWWICk @ ta6' v,e.1 tuto, OOod tHI. GIYIN tNI on~. No-P'I IJ tlf • ..... ~ 1we (41)..,....., ._ -°" • •i11niswnH•uu phoneeau.,plMM. s1s ... 080640-ft10 ,...,. .. ~ ..... •op. 140~. 115 ... 11 Of .,.,,...1.,... .... i00~.l'I\. 1•~irc,_.. ..................... of .... .,..... w .... .. E•••b E/Colta Meta RE. llm/lllllL lfl wantedl wm P•Y toP tu QI oe al• frie wttce ~ ooe "' • eoon .,......, • ..,.. o 1 t , n 1 A ~ tMIM end .._.,. WundenNn. a.-U..-:ttFI I 1 C . dol# tot ~WOflclng mak1t '300. Selw1 L.-dy '11 Timi• l)Oleibl9, "'9 FOUfttaln V~ = ,__ ........ P11tof11•ioe boM .. 1111n Of._ 9MrCt ._... nanc a o. IS PIT RE Olfic.. Varied large COll)aclfy tefr'IO«· l<enmot• W/Oryer lg CllP /lqllw:y '°' Oommwnlty De-.... ·-............ prior to ~ ""' .... wane .. ~ Deal&nQ wHtl alt aspect f Me6ilng exp. & pleaant talka w/emphati9 on"'' t 6311144 1300 pe1r many potted Long bed, air, am/tmcw ~ (the "AoenCY''J II •1° I 11111 ..... of tN oontl'eot end INI w1111 .. Countya.tl tlf Or· our lmpott compa'n~. twitch board operator I ganlnd & front office. a ore • pW;ta and ot"9I' mite. S 1100 obo. 8..e llllO end.,. f:ountaln Vlltr/ City ... • • 11111 ••• ..... "' ltle '°"" Mt '°"" In Miii County on OGtoller ti, sai. and marlcetlng, eel· Reoept. to handle Mltet Call Pete 751-5000 ........ =I 733.2e29 UI Councjl _.hold a 10inl pu0r ...., • •..,.... • ,.._ oonweet ~ 1111 SX200 console with 40 In-k llw'"9 It tfle City Counr ...... • 1111111 • • ........,.,. 10 lectlOn 4MO · ,_ =~1~111·~ln 7:~t coming lines. O<ganlle SllP"ll CLElll ltfltl<t) 1111 JOHN Wayne TaAnls Club. 1018 VW Van XuiomattC. cit CMmbert at 10200 -...._ • ~ .._. of ltle ao.tt""*"' Code of Publllfled ar.,. c... lndl ,... · 1 C II S meaMge center & •tnall F I I t I M F I fa:=Itut lllf Ufetlme Family Cherter tunrool Orig Ownet .. ., Avenue, Fountell'I vai-C. el ........ ..... the Sate of Clllfomie. IN Delly Piiot Oc:toMr ti. at. v ... ue . a uun pick-up & drop oft u • me on· r ,., ~bef•hlp, $600 or 531-8102 aft 6 m i.y, Cellfornla. to conelcler 1). contract wlll contain Nollemw 1.a. 1• 975-1215 Cell Winnie, &.42· 1603 ;:m-4.00~ s4.5~hr ! PIECE SET: CQUCh, lOve-1>991 o,.,,. 780-1075 .,. P IPS>'"oval of~ No. C... .... -~ovlllclnl permitting ·ltle T130 •l(I* nee. n· .. ., hi back chair flofel t ••n 1 10 the City C«'ol., Ar.-The name end~ of tucceuful l>ldd•r t ... •M ·--·-restaurant etlt1. Apply In person. patfern all •Int • IM tt " Cll d 1 ... 1 AldlVlle>pmenl Plan (the the court II (II "°"'*• y ~ eecuttlel for any PmUC llJllCl _ ..... ,_, IOllWIS ..... Tan $800 080 540-1861 elac:C Cocker § anlef I Cl ~ "Ameodmenl"). dlr9Cdon di • CCW1e •It ~w!Wltlclby .. OIS-__ ............................... __ ()pht~y office N.B. Currently has posit.fons 729 Fared St .. C.M. ..... . PedigfMd 3 ~. old iid f ,elAB CLXsslC The Amendment ex1ends ORANGE COUHTY MUNICI-TAIC to en1ur1 perr " .... Pref1t el(p'cffront & baott avail fOf HOSTESSES •548-5525* BAKER leatllef lop coffee eedl · oJr h Reitored new motor/ the dMcllM for IN Agin-PAL COURT • CIHTML. formmnoe under fie con-PtiCnnGW-• office. PIT. '31-7577 PteaM apply after 10.,,; table S 130. UphOI. bed W a go om• traniipaintltkes cy·a oommei1CM11nt ot lfN. 700 CMc Centlf Otlve. trect um 8TAW ... Ht••-•-tooffioeorcallfor•nntm Tl&llll . bench S90. Kendell 517 53450 646-9000 nent domalln proceeda to w.t.SantaAM.CAl1201. ...., .... ...,,, •r Ttle90llcNllll..,_..,.. -----•-• --· F chuf hit ........_. dressing table $125. De-J '-/F /•.... Implement the City c.ni.t The,..,., addrW. and ._...,...Ca.tu doil'8~ . Ftt offc w/some beck 5 3~~oe~ ~~tau~~· :,ed pr~ec~~-i::: sign rattan tofa. 2 covets ew .. , arf' an atn .,.rt At.. Aedl*oc:>m111t PWo ...._. number of plein-Publlatl9d OrMllt eo-1 CL"\Je 1211~21M W. tklllt, venlpuneture, • 7~33~· . port Beach. ECE cert • SfOO Aallln table $20. llU 19ild Hond Cl IC = l>:.n '**"r' ~1MI to ~8"«~. or ~ = Piiot octablr 11. 25, Batt>oa lffll .. Ne•pott EKG.1~ ~~Exp e11,p. M·F 9·2 &.4·4'1442 All xlnt. t60-0513 IAIU ~ new ~n~ ~K· ml ... : Vo4K pr~·~ ioQt~ nombre,:' :.=·/: ~ 1 TSlt a.di. CA tHIS only. . ~AIL ULU WIS IUlllUI I Elderly, but LOVELY. fuf at $2000. obo. 536-5429 thl C«lt« C«lt., Ar•. • mero de telefono del a.I~ ~t~.:!:!. PllTtmf .. IPA ~~~~= ~RN Foot board with rails, a vetY ~~· Re-deys, 646-7600 ~'i::t:.o~ ~~~ PmUC ll)TIC( a.di, CA 12113 ~~·~~20~~t!r for MaMg., 645-sS95. $400-$1000/WK queen sae. 646-4293 ':r,.~ repairs.en:l~~ tton under eminent dOfMin tlenelaboQec!O.•)~ ~~~con- Wiil train on eomputlf. In W.IS P/T CllU uamT (end worth~ penny!). I ..... 1 Ill Rt~~~ "' to ~;!::""·~~40'0~ YIC~A~-Th• r1011tran1 com• 476-9411 Unique children's educe, 6 .. M 12 N W/Ught. smoley glass. A Poon. 979-2748 • 1 I• mAA• tlle Amendment Is~ the Mac:Artllur Blvd.'. WHt The fotlowlnO per90n9 are menoed to tr1"19Ct..._.. bulf. _ 11 al c 1 M * " • oon steal at $2501 675-7978 Olfict W. I property lnc6udld Within IN Tower. Suite 5500. Hewoor1 doinQ bullrtlel •: ,,... under the ....... ioua PAIT Tm on ttore. 05 a esa. •No NightS/Wknds ian tut While, maroon interior 5 boundarl•• or the cu 8Mctl CA 92860 (1141 J 0 H N N Y JENELL ~ ,_. °' MlfMI Hou1ewlve12 1tuden1s. Cf'l!,~Jweekud d55ays.7 ,.S660at l0-5. •S7/HR +comm/training Corner bed set $200. Cap-I~-· 1147 lpeed air condition!~ Center Aedl ~t p,;f, 955-3Me PROPERTIES 719-A/B/C llated lbO¥e on Nov. 14• No hi I h -y, ""' •--1 •••a.a• •111 lain bed w/4 lg drawers ---... M I FM . .....,.... . . Alabema S • I 19M w r ng ouse-_., --5250 Alt 5pm/wknds MINO COPtER ,.. cauett e . tect Area, wNell boundar-DATE: (Fecha) JUL 20 t .. Hunt ngton Arthur A p~ deaning. M·F days. wkly Wiil WJl P/T mTI I.I Ill· 1141 · 644 6965 S650 OBO StLVERREED sunroof, 59,000 miles . .,e tllole described In the ttll leach, CA 92848 Tllll ...-..,. _.. Ned pay. We train, Need car Newport Imports new aaam' ••-__ • . EX .._. aewonlc: I $57001 MUST SEE; d11Grlt>lion ol land tlled ...._. .. K-... Cllftl, .. ~ Faye Weber, 719 wlttl ttlt County Qer'k of Qr, Merry Maid9, 548--4513 boutlQue Weekends· Sat ---_..H COUCH 8' Loveseat 5 . WJlter S 150 080 ~ purtuant to Health and S.... ., TrtolldM OaMe, ~ C Aiebeml St.. Hunt· 8llOI County on October 6 •PllTTm* 10-5,Su~ 12·5. Wllit~ain. 141-1111 trHl·llH floral de~orator fabric xlnt. Mutt MM. Mi-8670 IJl-IOla ~1f.m 1~ =3~~ ~;r,; 0.::~~=18• 25• "1'.:~i;.~9~0n, 1NI ' NEWSPAPER DELIVERY Call Karen, 722-4000. TYPIST/RECEPT $650 both or best offer. p a· •-• J Eat of the County Retorder In .November f . 8. 1918 ducted by:.,, lnOlvlOu., · ,_ 2-4am, 1e50 per mo. Live •SECRETARIES• For CPA office In N.B. 645"9442 . tll -au I ~ lhl County of Otange. ' T318 The r1gl1tran1 com-Pu~~= 1 ~ Costa Meea, light van •RECEPTIONISTS• Work 4 hrs/day assisting NEW Daybed White & B(ACK cfilneee §fi.,,p;j The Amendment la being menoed to trlnlllCt bull· ~ber 1 UIM ' ' req'd. 646-2432 l -Spm. l •GENERAL OFFICE• office mgr. 833-8086 Brass. wltnaltresses & Puppies Males& Females Ste•llnw procelMd purau. enl to the "8JC M>TICE ~~ lhl llctltloul • • 13Jf --------,,...;;,,,· -------•TYPISTS• trundle Complete. $245 born 8/28. Both parent• I 1 Community Rldevlk>pment .,..__ name or na1M1 PllTTI•E •DATA ENTRY• WlllElllSEPEISH •840,8733* OFA certified. 1500-up. BM Lew of 1he State of Call· NOT1CaTO ll1tedaboV1onN/A PlllJCllJTICl Quality photogt'-i>hY 110_ lmmedtate career position Lift 70 lbs. operate forklift. Pet breed & ahow quality. f0tnla (Health & Safety Cocle CONT'llACTORa ~:i:=' wu flied IC Gl1I dlo neeo. del•ll person or temporary assign-GoodOMV.546'3671 DESlllER 720,3939 rt!T~=J~~,: s~.::.:-g~.n WlthttleCountyClltkofOtr PICTmOUe_ .. for gen office, no typing, ments In Huntington Part-time experienced l' SDfl POMERANIAN PUPS 1o OF N~ BEACH an0 available for review In View ange County on October 4, um ITA~ wlll train. Mon-Thur 9-3 Beach/Fountain Val-Sales.pefson tor ladies' wks old 1 blk-mate/fem lhl office ol the City Clltt( at Bid Deadline· 11 ·oo 1NI The tollOWtlO penona .. 'tlll XmH. 833-7816. ley/GardenGrovearea. ready-to-wear.Non-smkr (White) 1 white .male raised , .. ,. ....... CityHat1.anomaybeexam-o'c:lockAMofthe iatdayot ne.7 dolna....,_• Dawson & Assoc.. N.8. APPLY TODAY pref. 645-1665 llll--AITIHI w/TLCS200-$2SoWkdys ~~ lnec:I by 9"Y 1n11n11ted per-November, 1NI Pu~ Ot'tnge Coelt AATAAGEOUS. 14474 , • ._.., ._.. NO FEES EVER M=tti'i' 851 •2234 Eve/Wknds 1540 JAMBOREE ROA aon. An Environmentll Im· Piece ot 8iO Receipt: Bull, Diiiy Pilot October 11. 18, OuMr Of!Ve, Suite A, lfVIM, -H -•Mt JP11 Pllsmll Warehousing 642 7858 Open 7 days a week pact Report has been Mii Otftce. 18$40 B Slr .. t. 25. November 1, 19&8 CA 92714 WIU TRAIN. Stat.of.the-12792 Valley ViflW ar214 111111! S235 Firm • Extended service HoutS prevloully prepared for the Huntlrigton e .. ch, Cell, T314 SU11n R. ~. 22966 art equipment. 5 dya/wk. Gwden Grove 373--0505 • POODLE PUPPY. SALE 7 a.m.· 10 p.m. Mon-Fr project and certlfilc:t by the fornia 92647 Caminlto Rio, Laguna Hllll, lndudlnQ Sat. Typing & At the 40.5 & 22 Freeways lllDllTELY 650-5921/eves msg Home raised (Tea Cup, MW .81 3201 1 City COUf\Cll by ReeotutJon PtoJect .1d1nt1nc1t1on P1aJC ll)TIC( CA 92853 art '**ground helpful . 0t /\'... I Toy & Min) Alf colors • • 1 e No. 7403 on October 2&, Name: Movino and relooal2 This bulinllS II con- Pleasant, friendly at~ Brldgecreet! Business Pk c••-JW ... ) ~able ; • g ~ $250-$700. J51-3465 . W/bfown Interior: arm, '976 and la available for r• Ing a two-claMToom r• M0nca Of due* by. an lndMOuel rnosphere Apply Pen, SECWAIJ .-60 ..... ~oun COf~S • • tereo. 5 VilW In the aarne office. loC:atabll building, and tlll W.....,. Th• r1gt1trant com· n)'M 1660 Plaoenf x .....,..,, 4 cane brass P1ut1 llU soeed . 720-5330 Ti'I09e Oe9lrlng to teetffy In conatnlCtion of a new con-"CORRICTID COP'r menced to tranMCt bulf. A '"to,, Mesa ia COM RE Appraise! Ofc. We are in need of 15-20 chairs $150. 548-9909 HSI (2AHF(45) fall()( or In opposition to the crate foundation. A PE.AMIT APP\.ICATION ,,... under the flctltloul ve.. a . IBM PC W/P. 67~3n2 people lo helcft out our GAME TABLE & 6 chairs DATSUN '83 280 zx 21l2 Amendment will be given an Place Plana are on fM« FOR DEVELOPMENT ON ~ name °' namet Plllllll·flll ti•• Secretary FIT position =::~l!,~1c:.~~I~~ China cabinet & m11ch1n0 XQflaOE player plano. OrlQinal owner. Auto· ~~to 00,:, at 1111 ~ H ~i 16::C: THIS · SITE IS PENDING = lbO¥e on October 1· Expertenced. Needed for t>ttkp, proplmgmt. ll4>-be-willing -to ·ieam uall stereo ~ab1ne1. Other Story & Clark. circa 1900. maflc. Power. ale. Fully :iuen ~ .. w1'r:i ~A 92647 un Ing on . BEFORE T~LIFORNIA Swan fl Mk commen:ial ~ and pref. 4'h days, typmg aspects of our business furn. & misc. 642-9281 ~r: ~~~°'bring Joaded. $7600. 190-1781 oonliOW.O 11 llllt ttme. 11 a N01'1CE 1s HEREBY c~~t6sEtt =~P--Th!l..-elelMnt .-. flled repairs. 499· 1566 60wpm, Lotus/Word PM· including customer Mr· MAPLE gale-leg din table, · -••• 'II Ci...t propoled action on the GIVEN that the ebov1, MENT: Oemolltlon o4 a put>-with ltll County Qer'k of Or· rect nee. Salary comm. vice. Inventory control 6 chrs $500· beaut maple German made Imperial -naO Amendment Is cllllllnged In named SchOOI Dlttrlc1 IOf lie r•room and ftll con-Miii County qn October 3, m-. TllClll with exp. NB loc. Phone: and adminlstrallon Men-hutch $500 Barbara Grolrian 9 · Concert 4-0oor. very good con-court, tlllrl may be a llmi, Orange County. Callfornla, ltructlon of• 1 new putM1c 19N To co teach In enriched L. Smith 852-0117 agement training · avail.· 666-lOS8/d 644•41491e Grand. high polish black. dltlon. Gold. 38,000 1auon to ,.,11ng only those ectlng by and through It• r•troom,30ft.by60ft.wlth ,_ envi ronment Mon-Fri SECR able for those wno qual, 20 yrs old $25,000 obo m 11 e1 . S 6 2 0 O . lllUIS!llMd II the public Governing Boerd. hlfeln· a viewing dick on top. Thi Publllhed Ot'arlgl COMC 8am-12:30. 12 units and nARJ lly Arstcome first hlredl MOVINGI ANTIQUES: pp 5-45--3866 (7 14)498-5877/eve hearlngdeecribedlnthlsn<>r after rlflrred 10 u "DIS-new tactlty wlll be edjecerlt Deity Piiot october 11, 11, ECE required. Com· Non profit organiz. '" Cal.I for appl NOWI Secretary.sideboard, 1ea • lllZ ,.,.1 lice or In wrill1n cor, TRICT", win recelve up to, to the Newport Pi«, of1 the 25. November 1, 1NI pe1ltlvewages. 786-7494 Costa Mesa. Must have 975-12t6 cart,endtbl1.lrgdreuer Sprllq 11941 IRS 2-ltrlfflll respondlnce delivered 10 bu1notlaterthanthe8Cloft-public beech, end will r• T315 ood aldlls Con nial of-w/mlrror. Fr. Prov. uphol. - -Like new Interior & ex, lhl City CoullOll and Agency stated time .... led blOI tor Jocat• 1119 Dory' fleet thirty Production Inspector ~... Good. kqe e w••Rt1AISf e down chra wi""b8Ck chr terlor. darl< gray. 1979 II Of prlo< to tlll public hear· the ilWlfd of a eonlrect for f1Y1 feelto thl W•t. p•c' •te .-W MicroSGope exp pref but fi-. wor mg con, lllRftW • · ·• • s 49 5956 Ing tlll 1bove project ft ... ,. not nee Good benefits · dltion1/benellts. E.O.E. We need 10 hire 54 people tables. Danish matched 5 SllFllUI I' 10" 7200. J. * 1; rurtl\er TnformartQfi s Bicf• lhall be rtcel\lld In L~t: =" ~~t MalONAL PAM $5.00/h~. Apply in perso~ employer. 979-7900 fGor ~~llons_1ln V G~rden rn_~~?J1,'"~t6'1~~~1~4 TRI-FIN mini-nose rider. * * * deaired. youmayconlect the the pllCI IOlnllfled 1bOV1, ;bRT BEACH. ORANGE c.m...ty •Mortuary Scrantom Englneenng SEClnUY rove ount ... n al •s· . . Like new 3 stringer laml-'84 MBZ 500SEC Pl1n~ Department •• and thall be 09lflld and COUNTY 'O~rematory Inc .. 3550 Ced1llac Ave. Part-Time oppty in invest-~tJg~1~tE~K~OLER New wht sofa/sleeper nated wOod nose '& tail Full ANG, Spoiler kit & (7~4buNT !t~ YAlLEY :~.~:!/'cn'~.a' .'::d APPLICANT: CITY OF S500~ View Drive Coste Mesa (near HarbO< ment advisory field SHIPPING CLERKS $400, 100 watt stereo bloel<. $250 suspension, 16118 gold AQINCY fe>ft COMMUNI-pl NEWPORT BEACH 644•2~ & MacArthur) _ Qualif ications. Word FORK LIFT $150. Cold Spot frig plated ANG, custom thru TY DlYlLO,MINT, ~ bidder llhall be 1 s-::~~fATION NUMBER: PlllFIEAIEI Proc. numer appttlude, ~BOR $250. 2 bikes $20/ea. Ask for Brian &t~ru.Toomanyoptlons K~ A,........, lee, licensed con1r1c:tor For furthlf Information Detail-oriented person interlace w/chents. 4 Apply Today,Don'1 Wall 830-1980 & 455'-0315 842-1444 to lttt, 8')9<011 MOK. ret.ry purauent to the au--. o4llM phonlor write the of; good Engltah slulls WILL HtSIOy. Mon-Fn. Send 100% FREE TEMP-PERM QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS 27131J292 1-i1 4!_~ .. °' Publilhed Orange Coat and ProMlalonl Codi and 11ce lilted below b1twMn a TRAIN. Pleasant. fitendly resume to the Vieth Co.. TPll PElmlll & BOX. OUIL TEO! .. -l...... ~e:alot Octot>er 11. 18. be lieenMd ~ 1111 loMowlng AM and 5 PM , _.days. atmosphere Apply Pen-4350 Von Ka.rmao :490. 12792 Valley View ,.214 BRAND NEW! $155. rift . Mercedes Benz 88 300CE • T308 ~~ · . file pubMc fllerlnQ tot nysaver. l660 Placentia Newport Beach 92660 or Garden Grove 373--0505 Call: 846-4293 _ black on black. rare. Each. bid. mutt conform oat.Ion No. S-18-197 II Ave .. Cost• Mesa call 476-2828 __ At the 405 & 22 Freeways Roll top desk. sohd oak Trau~t .. a make offer 722-8748 .. 111,...,. MnTIC£ and be rllj)OllllVI to the :m"':r ~19~ 'tn •1•Lm comoL SEClnlRY PIT Brtd9ecreek Business Pk reprod, $325. Solid 84 190E $15 950 (3343) ,.~nu contract documents. Mwlna Del rwt: Callforiila. 111 • s 1000/mo phones map61 nutch, coif lbl. end INll, 1111 7111 82 380SL 32k ml (2344) 9'22"110NI Eactl blddll' lhall tubmit. Callfomla cOaatal eom. Full t i me M on-Frl typing 11 bkJtpng Fie~ I . tabls. UZ5; Eldrm set ~1 1 1 _. •--" 78450SL$22900(6287J 1crucicieJUD1Cw. on!Ntonn~wlttl mlltlon sOUtlieo.t , 7am-3. :30pm $4150 Hr hours' 64~· l470 M~F trC lljjlt On. hdbd, 6 dr CheSt. mte ~CG .. IVwMI-$ 500 8-' SOOSEC $36.S00127T7} ~OTIC£TO-oEFE:NtrA . tlll oontt~ document•. 1 Ofllce. •PO. Boll 1450. ,24 No experlenoe nee: !Mo-• L : AID stands Medttr $275· 6' $e1 raham alue 1 · 87 w $32 900 (5638I (A AculaOO) \Ileen · lilt of the PfopoMd IUbCOnr WltC BroedW9Y Ste 3IO eflts. Apply In person SEClnlllY /llECEPT. tatatl . Hldeabed coucil. ~ 1 $800 OBO 67>5895 85 w=: $32:900 (5688> v1r.:!nor. Michael ''~: ~rectort on ':;: '&:t 81 Long leach, CA ioeo2 (213' ..... TAPE Full time. Typing 45 wpm. bX'?fXd Washing mar cost $900, Mii $200 ; r• .... , ..... 7012 85500SEL$33,900(5189) Matll1ws. Donna M . ~~ntrectlng F~ ~~Or . Coelt 729FatedSt .. C M Customerservlce&gen-chine (1933) w /orlg. cUner chair, beige $125. F .. 1.14-MH M1th1w1. Jesse Torret. Prectlcea Ac1. Govllnment ,.._., Pleot 0c:t:::'25 2& *548•5525* Mal Otfl()8 stdlls needed. certificate of guarantee. Alf exc cond &.46-2006 1986 BAYLINER 10 Rosa J. Bulonl. Dominic D. Codi Section 410011 llQ. V~Me · Costa Mesa Please call $525 obo. Good c:ond S Cuddy. 19'11 feet. excel-•••••••la•-• Bulone. et el Eect1 bidder '""*' aubmll • *lbl ESTATE &1111 645-3350 &46'9228. 675-6299 OFA. Loveseat. Chair. lent condition. w/traller. -_ .. ,... YOU ARE BEING SUED= Md! bid certlflld T33·1 Sec Ottoman. Never used. 18900 64o.53tt:J 5 lpeed stick. Immaculate. BY PLAINTIFF· (A uo 11 esta . or ty/Administrator for •re1n••y/nP1S·T WHIRLPOOL side x side Scotchgerd ... rtbtones. · low mllet. moYlng. must damandendo ) FIRST *1 clllck payable '0 P1aJC ll)TIC( expanding successful --retng. 21.5 cu ft. 1 yr old. $275. 8432 9294 1987' BOSTON Whaler. sell, f owner $2600. AMERICAN TITl. .. E IN· tlll DISTRICT Of a bid bond Newport R.E Ole. Real Excellent benefits. looking loe/c:old water dlsp Pd 13'. 8HP Johnson. gal-750,g392(#1FON!H9) SURA"'CE COMPANY In the l0tm Ill forth In the I(._ Estate Of escrow exp for person with positive S S · ed lie 11 " · a oontract documenll In an ACnnoue .._. .. helpful , not req'd $7/Hr attitude who Is depen, 1400 sell 75o. 550-0443 vana tra r, 8 new * * C':IOfnla 00tporatlon amount not 1eu than 5% of ....-ITA~ + bonuses. Call Patrick dable & flexible. Pis. call • equlpmenJ · Exceptional DAY:= :.;ALINDAR the maximum amount of bid The roieowtng peraon1 are Tenore721·1200 Oarleen9A-5P6442 9060 A haactl 111 Call a value al 200·675"1358 PORSCHE '84 911 Carr .. ..,,,... ... ,..-:::~ ahguarant .. lhatlhebld· dolngbulln•u1: .. 11' "'-Ft •-I f f 32' PACE SF, Cat. eng.. rera • Met. blue/Ian ''""'"'lft '"'°"" et der will enter Into the Flla Sporttrne watehel, 3 RESTAIRAIT TUOIEl-Prtsclt11t -·-·" • r I• Oa'I Pilot LOADED. S12K (N.B. sunroof, al e:. alarm. thliaoowt. pr(lpOllCI contract If thel~llliilllllllllilllllllilil"i°'linla-·----·(i FT/PT flex l)rs $6/hr, gd ocemaker A,1 SHAPE. I Y mooring also avallable). chrome alloys. new tlrff. AlettwerpMMcelwtl NIM II "*"Old to IUCtt11 '"str~~un~•t=~h p~=~ benefits CM 642-0411 $400 firm 650-0380 l'V msg AO-VISOR 673-9201 Sb r a , ~~8 w room I Mt iwoeeot ~raw.,,.. ~9'1n ~';:=t ~=~ With Managemenl Abllt, * TEACHER-Prescnool GE 18 cu ft l rlg w/lce· 33· CONCORD FIB 29.900/ 72 1·8968 wrtrieft "'''nee llMllt Mauch aec:urlty will be fOf, ties. XJnt benefits Call ECE units, FIT small maker. almond GE 642 5678 SPORTSFISHER PllSOll '11 TllU lft:: ..... '°""If,_ felted. mornings Pau1494-3137 quality school. C M lleavy duty wshr/gas • Flbergl&ss. new tanks. Black tan lnlerlo ~ = oewtto"-'"' The DISTRICT r...,.,.. 1 dryr, xlnt condl 721-1445 twin V-8s, radar $36,000. d. ,ti 1 $ 1r5• 00 If · ...._ -.. • the right to reject lll'f Of .. ,, """"' con on • . ,.. -.... ,..., tMd9 0t co _.,.... any .,, &.4..-~ 645-6673 "'lllD-°" tlllle,,....., regularlt• In 1ny tMO• Ot'ln &ICT111 ~TICI TIYITl '11 TISL =:... .._....:: ::' .c 1~·to the PfcMalona Coast guard tetzed boats. 4Dr, 5 spd. good c:ond. ettr ,_, Ill e.11111 of Section 1773 of I.he L.abof tnventOfY, datff & '°' s 1995. 53&-3008 twtMr ..,,... "°"' ._ Codi ot ttie Stat• o4 c... catlons: 805-968-5120 Uc •2BGA,330 oewt. fotnla. INDtSTRICTllelob- (7 days) TMnt .. ....., ..... ,.. talned trom ttie ow..:;,&: Inf S.H-lest Ith I ............ Y•...,.,.... tN o.p.rtment of 1977 Duttleld 18' e1ee1:1c atn ntic .. ~ .. ;:. :':'~ ~~~~'rat~~ :;"C:: Baycru1ser1ngreatcond coNFiscXT€6 cXfts ~_,_. ... _,., and t111 eenera1 S 10.000obo 852, 1999 TRUCKS VANS & MUCH "':.':'IN ..:. -=: prevailing rate for llOllOay • Ill 4 MORE. Setzed In drug & ;_ "'8M Moll). == ~ ~"T. ~ crime ralda. Up to 90% .,..,_ • .-II ..... rf _... t __.... ..... 1978 25~ Catalina F.G. OFF! 455-1.._.1 Ext J .,...... .... ..._._ ,.... be perormeu or-· er .. , Sloop. 7 .5 hp Honda O/B. . . ..... ..._. ..._ • ...... :=. ~-=:,== T abefnacle mast. pop.. d9 • DIAi CAL.IND~ rat• .,. on Ille et u. DIS- top, e11,cellent condl1ion. per• P!•n•tar ""• TRICT omce located at $8900 646-9212 r18'1111 .. ...tta • Me-1"'40 B Street. Hun11nglon 20• CAL -'len ...... 9" .... oor1e. 8e8ctl.. Ce. ,.~ -be exo.... t con-UN_,..• .... ._.. °"'81Mdon;;q;;;t:A': ....... dltlon, Sallmaster out· 11uaJI.. 1200 ......._. "° le .....,. of.....__ rat• ......... ...._ ;;;=.~ board. North sails. ~ ,,_ .,_...,.. ,...... $2300. 846-9097 Pp ltll..._,, c-..111w FUN AFTER SCHOOL WORK 11 Y e&ra & Older Work Evenin91 & Saturday YOU CAN AVERAGE PER WEEX s7500 OJtMOREI PHONE: 498-3321 All Tunaportation Provided By An Adult Superviaor WOil 11 YOR OWi llllllOllOOI -·---- The Daily Pilot has a new way to turn your Hidden Trea5ures into CASH CAL 20, 1 Jib, 1 Jenny. 1 'll .... U main. 7.5 np Evlnrude -~ O/B. $2200. 962-5396 Poww 1t..,1ng, Caaaette. eves. 538-4020 dya AIC. (Pe978) l9.997. ClT&IAUI W&ITD l•••I 111"'"'' With ubln. 30.35 Ft only. ...1111 STARTING A NEW BUSINESs?? $ 1 O!!epayment 4 Lines 7 Days s 10.80 No charges In copy °' ~. Pr1Vace panles onty No Commer~. Real Escate, l\utomot1v~. Boating or Employment Ms ~r• ts no prlte Omit to wnat you can advent~. It you nttd to Id your coum. high c:Nlfr or any ~d merctiandlse-c.111 the Oally Pilot C~ulfied s~ or uw the <oupon-w lllijhm NAME ADDRESS CITY Dally Plfot, JJO VI/, leiy Sit.. Colla Mn.a. CA tz626 642-5678 PHONE STATE ZIP AO COPY· 4 line minimum, ~ppropilatey 4 words per Rne. AMT. ENCLOSED <ire» one. VISA or M.C • ..._...._ _ _...;......;..,;:- ..--1111111 Are you • IUblc~ to w Oaly Pffol? drdt °"' YES I NO Call 8081537-6514 or 'M htlttM FlrtMrl 608/923-4339 AutOfMtlc. pwr ateerinel. Ct a,..at cateette, AIC. tltt. (78A) •• ..u.. ,. 1-4,987. a kW"iSIESEL kOACER 111111 ..... .... LIGHT PLANT. FrHt't ... 1111 water c:ooled. RetMlllt to 'II..,_ 4 .. • newt S 1850. 646-9000 Automatic, a ~ curtM. 1U,./Dllbfit111J1 r,'~~bil~~/ (P:W:) tm S101N7 ~l'!,"!!Ml'!!"!'l!"-A'!'!Y!!"!!llL!'!!'""1i!f!l1!iiii/ii!!191 111•11 .. " .... 233 19th St.. ...1. Beech.* 875.0234S • The Legel Dep&rtmen\ It the Deity Pffot I• plMMd to In· nounce 1 new Mrvtce now 1v .. 1. able to new buliMMel. We wtH now SEARCH. the name for you at no extra charge. and MV9 you the time and tM trip to the Court Howe In Sente Ana. Then. of courwe, after the ...,ch .. completed ......... your ftctttk>ul bullf'9lll name 1t81ement .eth the County Clerk. pubttth once a wellc fOt tow ~· .. requAd by ... llAI ''*' flle your proof of pubtf· cation wtth '?-Countv can. ~ stop by to flle your flctltlout bulineM lt8tement at the Dally PMot Legal Depw1- ment, 330 Welt Bay, Cceta Mela, C8'Hor"'9. " you cen not 1top by, .,..... c..e ue at (7f4• 6'2-4321, Extens6on 315 or 311 and we will "*'' arr~t• fOf you to h9"dle ua procedure by melt • " ~ lhould Niw env turther ~lone ...... cell UI anc:t we • be men "*' geed to Ml6lt lOU· Good luck In your MWbwinnell