HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-20 - Orange Coast PilotTHE.NEWPORT BEACH • • Inside lid ' Rf' l l~· Cutdt> lt>b hundrc<h cJ new and pr~ 1ied homl".) - Winner of 59 journalism awards in 1992 bin '~" ind thundfntorm ar• pou 1bl• throuKhout thf' d•)', •l•u period of \un~htn• "' tht' fin1I frin&t'\ of thit \llrttlt'• tonn boun<.f' throu~h our 1~.t. Nt'x1 ~«' Iii ' •lofm tOtJld •tut " earlt I\ undl) 26 cents Inside the Pilot Sea Kings, Eagle~ win; Newport bows out Charting future ol the stars Corona del Mar High's Sea Kin~ have earned a berth in the CIF Division IV-AA basketball quarterfinals following their 58-45 vietory over St. Anthony Friday night. and Eswncia High's replJtlllon for excellence in the first round of the eliminations proved out a~a1n,· the Eagles besting v1s1tin8 Bellnower, 79-70, 1n the Division Ill-AA playoffs. Newport Harbor High's Sailors weren't as fortunate, losing a 69--49 dec1)1on at No 2-seeded Bishop Montgomery. Whal d~ it all mean( tt m<.'ans the road to the fin als is )!Ill open for CdM and EstJncia, and they 11..,e to plJy agJ1n, next Friday night. Mater Oe1 H1gh's Mon- ,1rc:hs._..mcan"1life.. pr~ their No. 1 c.redenhJI) are up to snuff. hJnd ing O nt.mo ll1gh a 100-28 IOss in the first round o( the D1\1s1on 1-A pla)offs at UC Irvine for aJI of the details, see Sports, 81 -S • • Hilltop homeowners: Living on the edge Because of recent rains, ~me ho meowners who 11\ e on N~·port Beach h1lls1dh can t bear to tool.; at the receding landscape behind their homh So far. prt?\enlcltl\E.' measur~ ha"e helped r~1dents a\01d ma1or dJmage Unfortunately. more storms are on the way .See story, Page Al 1. ,,. ,. : . . • Orange Coast College Community Service OTfict> will hold a s1 '(·\\>ed~ non-credit fil ness cou~ for pt'Ople OH'r 40 B<:'g1nn1ng ,1t 6 p m locfoy, the Trim to Rhvthm course fee 1> S4 9 For more information. call 432·5880. LEIGH STEINBERG Represents more than 100 clients. ~ Newport Beach lawyer Leigh Ste inbe rg does his homework in · mapping careers for the sports world's most prized athletes. By Tony Cox Busnss Ed.tor W hen DallJs Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman led his team 10 victory in last month's Super BoY-1, he not only assured him)clf of ......_ even-figure endorsement income, he ac hie' ed the !>Ort of 'itardom t h;11 \\ 111 allm" hi s NeY.port Deach-ba!>cd age nt 10 c:.1rn Ing commission checks for )Car!> to come. Sport\ l..1\.\ye r Leigh Steinberg, who hJ'> rcprc'lentcd the Super llov .. I MVP ~incc A1lm;.in CJmc in to the kJguc a~ thi: No I puJ, in thi: 1989 drJf~. bcgJn po;>turing h1\ cfo:nt fur nation:il cn<lor~cmc11t opportunities b)t fJll Rccogni..:ing that Aikma n JIH.I t\\O other fuotbJll clicnu -qu 1nerba1.k~ ~tc\c Young uf the SJn for;.inc1sco -lhr-. am.I \\ .sm:n \loon d the= Hou~ton 01lc" -had oppurru1111ic'> to m;ikc it to the ~upcr B '"'· Stcinb.:ri.! put togl.!thcr prom ' n..sl portlohu'I for c:Jdl or the thrct. In Dc1.crnbcr. \\tth O.s.IJ!> ;,snJ ~..1n I r.1nchcu emerging ,1, t\.\O of th~ t.i\0111.::. h> m.1tc 11 to ti c SJJ \.f Do\\ I he ".:nl tht. See AGENT 'Back Page •The Aire of Elegance Trio ,,111 perform "Musi from the Heart" at the Newport Has hem Kcrnani, O\~er o( Orient Handel, talks lo fire olfi~ials Friday morning ilS he gc lure lO\\Jrd hi -,moldt.•ring -i,tort.'. Just the facts Name: Leigh Steinberg. Occupation: Sports lawyer. Headqu.uters: r.... port Cemer. Residence: Corun., del Mar, First Client: 'Ste-.e BartJ..ow..k1, Ht:1~­ man Troph) Vv innt-r ~nd a cla;smate of Steinberg at UC Berkeltv. Current Clienls: Sri:in~rg represents 65 iootb.111 pla~·l'r~. including.Troy A1km3n, Warren Moon, Stcr.e 'loun •and Ott".v Bled>Oe. His firm 3 so reprt.~nb 35 baseball pla)ers, including \\',II Clark and Matt Williams City scums decision to ·fingerprint . employees· ..._ Workers were unfairly misinformed. ~ ev.port c1 y attorney Burnham concedes By T:.nt Liu.!~ o ~·ll~ ..,, 'ti :-;E\\PORI BlAUt -!he c1:) h;.i, !ormal: apolog1 •• d to i- ~u~ C'mpl 1:.:t.'> \.\ho \.\C'le herd I into the pul 1.:c: '1:.111nn and linger· printC'd a , 1( .. 1. Ill\ ~ .1t .1 1ntb a thrc:itcnmg cttcr ' nt to a d ·p 1rtmcn1 he 1d, ( m Auprnc~ .. ,B.,1b Burnll.1m ~:i1J f"11d;n ·1 he m;n'> · wuodup ·hJ1 p .. ncJ l"-1.. '.\C i..'> :u~O a di\ fli...l.ll \\t.nt loo~m~ lor the ;w1l11.'lr ,.1 11 .. llJ'>I\ lclll'r -.cn1 to Cicm:r..sl \1.: \1..c' D1r1.:dor Da\1,: :\....-d.:rl • ' In an :itt 011 l tl1 ltnJ thC' 1:u1lt\ p.trt). the) ll'l.juc,tcd 17 P..irk,. Uca.:-hc~ and Re 1c.11ion emrlo) CC\ i!ll 10 t1 ( r llCC JcplttlllClll t r llngcrprm11ng un the prcn '~ Lb.)! thS:> \\CCC ups! 11111~ Cit\ r~ I • da"t---+--+--..~-----~:::~~fE~:· :~~·:n econll-11 aze in two weeks levels rug store !M.>nnd Ilk' Uurnham "" krm\\kdged the :a .. • t 1~ \\ ;:i, "h)OI! ··r hc l'mf;!ti~cc' \\lie not tol,! the ICJ,on 101 th le:'{ •('l.' B1..1rn· l1am ':i1J I ha\cn t made up Ol) mmJ 11 \\( .. :in 1l'~u1.:i.1 llnt;1,:rp11n1 Clemente Or., Newport Beach For 1nformat1on, call 644-3181 More community events c.in be found on page A4. Numbers to call CIRCULATION 642-4333 CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 RETAIL ADS 642-4321 NEWSROOM 540-1224 SPORTS 642-4330 Index Arts & Leisure ................... .A 12 Auto Cu Ide ......................... 89 CIJS)lfied . .... .. ....... 86 Community Forum ....... . A 14 Religion . . .................... A6 Society.. . ........................ A 1 0 Sports . .. ........................ 81 CNtl C--"Y ...-. w~ ~ Arson is suspected as fire destroys $2 mill ion worth of merchandise. By Tony Oodero sun wrur CORONA DLL MAR -For the second time in t"o Y.Ce~. Hashem Kerman1 "oke up to 1hc ncY. that his Or1cnt HanJd rug shop ":is on fire But thi FndJy morning. the shop wouldn't \Urvhc :inothcr day. Kermani could only land b} Dnd watch as> Jpproxim..itcly $2 million of his rug' "ere inc1ncr- oted and hi!> uniquely l)led building charred to a ctnJer "The building appear hkc it'll be a total lo !.,'' 'laid Lt. l'uul l feniscy, of Ne"' port Beach pv· lice. The two-aJarm fare 'tarted at Cepr1pcl9'J 0 ,.-........... ,. ... _ See FIRE/A16 A Newport firefighter do uses the remains o( Orient Hendel, once .i uniquely 'Why didn't you wait fOr me?' ~ Mother finally allowed to make trip from El Salvador, but she fails to reach her d}ing .~on in time. By Deena Austin Higgs SW! WllW Adela Lopez huged her dead son and sobbed. "Why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you wait for me?" she l\ked, spcakina in Spani h. Out Fernando Pedrosa, • Central American illeaal imm11rant who won the hearu ot hundreds of Oranp County resident• &hia week when his story wu publicized, Couldn't wail. The tcm11n1lty ill man died Thunct.y at f11phip He1hhc:arc Center In Newport Beach, six houn bc(ore his mother mlMSc a ncar·im~iblc journey rrom El Salvador to act to hes bedside. • "She wi to ncrwua." said lsalu Lopez, Adel a' nephew who li\ei 1n Co ta Mc a. ''She thought he wa no1 •oing to make i1." It ~a a heartbrc:ikina end to month of agony by family, fricnJ and soda.I workers who fouaht a t1n1lcd web of go\iernmen1al pape""ork trylna to iet Adela 10 the United State\, Many blame the U.S. Sttttc: Department for not i \uina a \'l'I to Atkla when it w fir 1 ttque ted. Other bl&JM the Immigration and Naturaliution Scf\'icu for spccJina up the proccu to act her the nc I)' "humanharian parole.'' After her .itualion was ~ublkizcd, immisration offteials "couldn't wurk fa t enouah" to act Adela to her son, family and rriendt said. ---==~~-~ "It eem the mcdi3 attcnllon &ot 1hc IN5\ a1tcnt1on," said Dr. P:.tul Coluni, med1" .11 dire\: tor of Community I h~p1cc C:uc, ~h1"'h • cared for Pedro 3 in h1' fms l monih,, B ut Rieu Cabrcr:a, pulllic info1 mllt1,rn officer for the lNS Lo An clo 01 tai..t, said social worker\ at fiN JiJ not hll uut tlic p~r forms ncce ary tu C.\pcd11c the t11p. "We did cverythin1 within our ~ope ,mJ in our power 10 mO\c it throu h," C hrc r11 iJ.•:. "In th1 particular sc, I'm ure the immediacy ot ttic fact th111 he w• J)in ~:. taken into COMidcr:u1on.'' When Adela finally ~rdcJ TA Airlinc1 Crom an Sal"aJor at 4 p m. Thurlday, PcJf\..lla w ' b.1rcly chni;in1 hl hie. SH MOTHE~- ~~=- 1 ll ).! \.1"J1.:1h.au' 1cp,111 .. dl~ 11.: .. cl\ d the k llt'r aft 1 n.m•>r' "11 .. "U!Jtcd that he ''J' · 111~ to It' m d13r£l' 111 ,,1m mc:ml "') 1 I the par~s de 1 Jrt .:nt ~ c1inl' JPJMf nth unhapp' \\Ith \;1l·d rh.11.,, l11C'd nfl thc kt tcr th. l C'\ nl inc.I :i Jc.11h tllrc:il l'lt) 1•flr ... i.11' 'a' l 11\ ~l.tnabCI "''''" ~turph\ ... ml thl' ,m 'llM " m:crc tNJ 1n l1nJ111g 1hc ;iull "'r of th~· lcucr "\\ ti 1 ~. v. hat the\ did "•1' ulll\11111 • ~rime •• ~I urpll\ a 1d I le ~:11J he: 111~1 ''tlh rc111c,, ntuttH:s ol thc l·mp >\cc "''''-, 1::.11011, \.\ho ' 1d 1h ., dad n 1t " nJ, nc 1h'" kt tcr 111 .. t utrc d 11 ,11ulJ be :a u 1mc: In oa.ld1t1011. Uu111h.1m I\ rn1c1, ing ,1 •ric,:in"~ t1kd b) cat cm ploH·c, 't)tng thcu 11~hh Y.crc " olJtcJ tn the 111\.IJent. lie pl.in'> to lllC~ t \\ti h th~ t"fltjlft:t\'tt"I nd t~C'· un .. 1le the: 1 'ut' Adela Lopez, S . ., pea~ al pre ' tonfcrt'ncc. H ~·r on f cr'nando Pedro .l, .l C~ntrJI Amcri an illcg.ll immigrant, died .it Flag hip Hcalthcare Ccnter in Ne~po• Beach ix hours btofor~ ·he made a near·impo ible journey from El s~l\ador to get to his ~d ide. Photo by Marc Martin • ·' ) A2 Saturdav, February 20, 1993 Lo ca I On ly Managing Editor Steve Marble, 842-4321 ext 366 Ski Comp any offers bli zza rd of great values · N £\\ POR r SK.I CO~IP :\Y' has tarted 11 :ile on A.ts. ""->" board~. cloth ing :rnd ~.:.:e one Peter Gerrard. a man3ger. 3~, that ·•us been a great ea'-On for _l un.;. nJ u e'rc h:mng a great s:ile." Gerrard !>a\ 1h. 1 2 teet of Ill'" 1 e\pectc~d at local reror-b. 3nJ 1f~ r..inK mJ thlt Mammo1h i e\pc"..t:d to no .. J .c that the .. u <;t>i~in v.111 i>nunue thr.>U~h Joh 4 Ne~ ~)rt ·si.1 Compln) ( tl~I-3:::. ) t~ llXJtc:d on Co:i:i.t High\1.J\ in :-.=ev.port Bea:h 0 rOR \IORE 'Kl SEASON HIS ········································· ................... . Ma.~1ne Hirsch. a longtime Corona del Mar resident, former Holl)'H>od ~tarlet and current producer/ho t of "Hidden Talents,'' :i )en1or c111icn program that :ippear on e.able television. HOU YWOOO SCENE Hir ch began cntert:iining at Jge 16. It was during the glamour days of Hollywood, v.hcn she found herself singing, dancing and acting "ith uch . stars as fanc Wymnn, Ruby Keeler, and Alan Ladd. "I w:is alway fascinated v.ith the movies," she said. ··1 \\Cnt to 20th Century when the) had tin open call and was given a )L\·wcck <.cntract." In her early 20s. Hirsch gJ\.C up a full -time Hollywood career to 1aise three children. Howe,er. she continued to perform in community plays, nightclubs, fashion sho\\! and v.eddings. ~~ .. @ ...................................... . Eight ye3r!> 3go, I t~rsch btg3n interviewing local re~1dents and prominent people for loc31 cable. show~. former White House cabinet member Jack Kemp, Noble Pe3ce Prize v.inner Dalt Lama and Irvine Company Chnirm:rn Don Bren _have been among her fa\'Ortte intct'\ile-A:i. HllJOEN T~ .............................. . ""i};;~~gh .. ;;H.idden Tolen ts.•· Hir:i.ch fe:uurcs members of the en1or community and thei r divcn.e 1_aJenh She wants senior to become invol\cd in their communities r.ither th:10 JU'>I sitting in senior cit1Lcn centers. "'Hidden Talent 'goal i!I 10 shov. the -Aorld that age 1~ no ob!ltruction tu using )Our talents," he said. -by Arl)S Ffllig Do )OU J.now someone .. 110 "'ou/J mJke an interesting Pilot Person? If so, give our Reader · Hotline a call at 642·6086. Thanks' Best Buys :iks. Big 5 Sporting Goods (545-0047) on Harbot Doule .. arJ in Co ta Mesa is h.i' ing a :i.Jk on clothing at :!: ·percent off. including p:irl.as. shell ..... ttctch pants and in,ulated pant:i. AJI slJ boots in !llOd. arc 20· to Cityside c::::::::::·::·::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... I . . Public Record -----• 50-perccnl off, ~i...i dothing accc t ne ... 1ndud1ng thermal-. t·nccks. gloves an<.! SOI..~ • .ire :?O·pcrcent off. Costa Mesa makes Sunny disposition 0 .ll0C£R'S-GARD ·· I I ~I ~G " UP'!'F--- ale '· through Feb ~2. and among tt:i. many item~ d1 counted I'> all teak garde n furniture at ~O·percent off. Aho on '-Jlc are bare-root ro es at 30-perccnt off; one-gallon colored no"'er at Sl.99 -including 1mpa11eru., dai~ie . pan ies, begonia\ and gcr.1n1ums; "id.er furniture at 20-pcrcent off an<.! birdbaths at $1 9.99. Roger's Garde~ (640-5800) 1s located on San JoJquin Hills RoJd in l':cv. port Bc:ich c TIFFA~\ &. CO. IS !lelhng J lim11cd-cdition Tiffan) fragrance gift -;ct. and u· contributing a portion of the \ales to The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. dedll..1tcd to research tor breJ:i.t cancer The llm1tcd·ed111on gift et includes a 3.4·ounce ew de parfum .. pray of Tiffany perfume, and a T1ffan) silk carf. designed w11h mouf :i. symbo11c of "Race for the Cure," a series of fund-ra1:i.1ng races held annually. The scarf ii. a 36-inch square. designed with pink ribbon to promote awareness of breast cancer. St)lized runner in graceful motion '°" ard a f1ni h hne. in the signature colors of he foundJ11on -inl and.Ma). The g1f1 -.et !.ell" for SIOO. and 1t 1s also 3\3ilable at fragrJnCe counters "here Tiffany fr agrance:i. are ,t-Jd Tiffany & Co. r540-~330) 1\ located at South Coast PlaLa 1n Co ta Mesa. D HOl.: E & GARJ>L~ \lAGAZl"I:. h featuring the loc::il Concept ~tudio 1n Corpna del Mar in ib March issue. in the "Notes" section for up-and-coming de 1gn ideas The tile featured in the mag,mnc: is a d1men:i.1onal unno"'er. Concept S1ud10 (759·0606) 1s located on Pacific Coast H1ghv.a) 1n CoronJ del Mar, and ov.ner Rici ard GoJdJrd SJ\:i. tha1 11's a ._ _____ ..,._-ii--.,.,, .....-e-!>1_g_n-,.-ir_n_1 -.,.,-.:h tc. h specia ltzes in hard surface materiJI. m .. unh cerJm1c tile and 'tone" The '>howroom I'> open to the public, and 11 d1i.pla)'> different lines. a'> v.ell as offers cu.,tom de-.1gn'> cuts; more to com!__ __,__ -- The Costa Mes:i City Council th1 week decided six budget is)ues th:u had been on hold ~ince la:i.t June. voting on what programs 10 keep, fine-tune or eliminate. However, the city still faces a projected $1 86,000 rc\.enuc shortfall. Barring an upsurge in sales true revenue for the final three months of 1992, the city will have to make additional budget cuts to compensate for this year's budget. Herc arc the latest de\elopment : IPAllD The Police Department helicopter patrol day watch: S210,000. New carpeting for C1 .. ic Center offices floors 2-5: S l 35,000. City-wide hiring freeze. llDUC8J Grad Night funding levels: From $8,750 to S4.500. llfMOVED Cultural Ans Grant.· SS7.500 The city's Fish Fry Float: S5,000 -By Joel Bttrs Ex-mayor Pi~kley : win be featured Former Mayor Al Pinkley, who spe nt 22 years on the Costa Mesa City Council, will be the special g uest speaker at the March 10 meeting of the Costa Mesa Historical Society. he occasffm-wilf-pffl,111'lfffl'-aflt----i opportunity for the public to hear a first-hand account of a man "'ho has lived 60 years in the city. • A °'~A \ti fll, Sl'PER.\JODEL for Guess?. "Ill be at Bullod., South Coaq PIJia at 11 a m todJ~ \\ 11h an) pur1.ha~e of men's or "-Omen'!I ~port:i.~ear, cu~tomcrs may h~ve the opportun1t) to rece1\;e their PolJro1d picture taken ~uh Smith The m eeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. a.t 1870 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa. For more information, please call 631-5918. Even though he had to stand in the pouring rain, Officer Randy Querry of Newport Beach Police Department ap· pears to be taking the \\'Cather in stride Friday morning as he directs traffic on Pacific Coast Highway. " Cecilia Age is elected to chair the Orange County Airport Commission 0 Best Hu) •'PP<'Jr Thur clD)S Dnd Soturdo)s. Uhcthu 1ou're 11 mtrd1ont or a hoppu, JI J OU know of 1J goud bu•, I 'd l ent to gi•e you some publicitJ. C:il/ m~ at 540-JZJ.I, fax mt •t 6-16·4170 or .. ritt to mt: Dell Bu)s, Da/11 filot. JJO n: JJIJ) t., Cu IJ MtsD, Calif. 91617. COSTA MESA -Cecilia Age recently was elected Chairwomaf} of the Orange County Airport Commission for 1993. She is the first woman to head this body. Appointed to serve on the Commiss ion by Supervisor Harriett Weider, Age is a vice-president for Bank of America in Cypress. In addition, Age is a member of the Cypress City Council and was Readers' 'Hotline: 642-6086 \'our rom-n" 1bQull °"" 0. " P •o1 or ~ lipl W'S bf IKv«Md .tnd ~ cW9rlly to («f.lllt w~..,.. L~ tht ""'t ,. hou< ,_,.., ~ ""f ti<' IO !'9COPd lft:!!'fJ to ~ fdi.. tor Of' .,..,. IUpC (~...,to Ow._ M wtlO '""'"' so ~ ~·• CClfl'lmt~u publnlwd m,.nc -1ua. ~·· ,....,.,.. .,,,, ~ """'ti.! !(,, ~•O'..>MJ rh '°"' c~ ~'* ~ .. , .... _ .. ~_"'! ,_,...._ ~~ .... 0..., °""'---.. .... , WiWtl ..... w ............. ... ,,.,. ~°""""' ..... .,...,.. ~ l-l#\111 '°t't'-~ Ttw ~pot\ k~M:OIWA Mtw CM•ly Not PS 144 IOOI 11 publ~ ~y ttwoudi ~lu>'d.ty, 1nd subla1pti0nt •~ ~·~ b J 7 SO ~' 1T10nth by ar~r 1n N~ ~.ch and COIU Mel. H S& ~ month by ma I •"Cl fo-~f'd ~ routes by COIU ~ Comm1>n<1y ~ Inc llO w Bay ~, COIU Mft.J, CA 92627 S«ond-d.w ~ !)Aid. I& C°"-' Mew, CA !Pnce -~~ •I . lpp4o~ stilt> and lo(.al wt>t I POST.-.V.SUlt; S..nd ~ chanpl 10 The Pitoc, P 0 Bo• 1 560 Cow Mtw CA 92621> Copyriftt No ~ "°'"" 11k*aoont t'dl- CO<llll m.tlltr ,.,, ~_,..., htfN'I !NY be rtp.udu<f'd Without wnctt>n pt>flTllMIOn of , ati1 °"""" How to reach.us at The Pilot Circulation Or .. nge County 642 .... 333 ~. Cla5'1fied 6"12·5678 Display 642.,..121 fdfeorill Nf"NI .S40· 12H ports 642-4)J0 Nf:W\, lf)OfU fu 646·41 70 Maift<>Mce 8usiMSS Otf IC.t 64 2 --4 ) 21 8~MH fa• 6)1·S902 Weather lOCAflON Sl2f SHArf L•f•atutch '"'''" ol dMpr from ~ • ..,.. "'" both ill He! M., I~ ••lh Huflbftatooi w poof N~ luth W poof ' Cllfun• «kl ~' M ..... Lap"' kac:h S-7 ..... S.nfltt'Mfttt> M 1M10* °'"'" '·~·•ur•· s• 2·1• 1 m 1 • I .It a..m., • 2S9pm •4 •1J11m•i previously mayor for the city. · Age and her four colle agues on the commis ion C'rve as an advi so ry body to the Orange Count} Board of Supervisors for th e dc\'clopment and admini tration of John Wayne Airport. Each Supervisor appoints a Commissioner to represent their supervisoria l district. -D.r t l1t VU/I) Pilot TIMY b in showt'rs •nd thundentOfms .,. pouib~ lhrou~t tM ct.y. alto pt>riods of sunshint H tht flNll frinlfl of thl1 ~·· stonn bounce through our •re•. ~--~·• •torm could •tlr1 as uriy .u Sund~. • DUI ARRESlS 'he ro11i.1 .. 1n~ fX">P .. \\f'(\' .,,,,~,. 1h,. p.151 1•u ~'on su•pt<t0n ol dr • 'i.J.mkL.lht!...wllu.c•oa> l/:iot>,pn lj 14' hJ\C.• 00/1 l>t'< n Jrrntni on 'U•l'IC' ol J c flmt• .ind JS 1\1/h JI/ ;u~h rr n th..') JU.' '" t 11 urot./ ptuH'll !c-,'U tY 1\£\\PORT 8CACH O lit><IOI Ht rn.il"J,•l ;!f, Ou.>•I<" o ~..t ... 1n Q} ~ 18J l.1 un.t Jk.lc.b o s; • fr•'<io Cabrct.i "), Co.1<1 t.• C \\11 •Jm"' hon 45, Uuco o P.101 C" •l.,1. !-1 , C~.i \1l'\J o R h.11 I ~··l.t\Cli.lt'l J8, $Jn~ AN c \\l(tw.il \\t' ri~n. }4 ~e""pott o J'.1ula B<hl'r, H , '"'JX"' Bt .i 1 0 ~mt'•OO l homi'SO" lb 11.l""'P I .... RJJJld Ht'•' .:r 38 r-; • .,.,p..wt S. o ~ll ph.lme \.1oo<f~. ! 1, '" in1• C <",,.,,,nnt' C.i1t !~ So.I 11 \Urs.in•J COHAMESA o G beM c ... o 23. C to f.•uo o Gvtdo Vo nu1tlo 4 7 Colla Meui c Joe~ n 61, Cos•o tit~ c Mln holder, 59. Cosio ~uo a Thomos Oo. J. 49, (Qsto t.•tto a ls:dro i!odng11'"'· 32, CcHlo ~'t'sc C Joie A.it.onoo·Po•1.llo, 2•. Colto· 1.• o Jomu Loe ~ .. ,, 3•. Cosio f.'\eso c Re,nc (Of!ez·lootz J!. Na ... tJOfl 0 Jomes oter•s 3 1, 1., .. por. Seo-" c Held .\nn B • 30 tc • e Foast o Hec101 Deloe~ oo, 2 I Sorua Ario • n Ct>arlts no. d Clo1 .. 65 So IC Ano 0 Jeflc , Al tn ;; 'l\O•Os 'n So lO • POLICE LOG COSTA MCSA G1slt•r AH•nut': f\ine rt'\f 1 '" t \l ligu1,twh "'erl" st >lt'n (rum \ I• b 1441 Cl~. ·t A\t' l.ut /\ l.1\ • n1~1. The t'\lrnstJn.htn li'>t'lt' \.tlu1 JI S!S t>J~h Orange A\tnut: )omeone ~ole J ~·JL.er .1nJ olmpl rer logeth~r \.tlu('d JI S~ 000. from an e1t lri J storJse ro<lm .u St J(l.ichim SdlOOI 1964 Or.>ngt> ,-.,e ft:b 11 \\t-st P.iulJrino Aumue: Suml'Ot11' pr1<.>d or brol.tt th.> '""do\'\ of fiH• \ehiCI~ p.irled 1n an Jp.1rtmt>nt comple11 .n the SOO b.' >XI. f l'l> 8 .ind toot.. moie lhJn S 10 000 '"uuh of items Th.> 1h1d tool. two ~Jl..t-r, ilnd ocher 1tt·•h \\1th Jn unl.no"n \Jlue from J 1989 TO\ot.l F0tl'runnt.'f J c,tereo b.lcl.f>,)1 I. and c.illulJtor, "'th J combined \.tlut' ol SJ8S. from a tq89 To uU pi, I.up. ampl•loe~. ~Jl..e~ • ('J~r.> k·n~ and a rad.1r delt..'\.lor, together , .. , •th S4,49S, from J 1988 VOl~\\Jf.t'n Jett.i· .1 stereo •nd CD pLl)er ,.,Oflh S740 from,, 1987 ""~n tru1..I., <1nd a stereo, 111e prt')Surt gcu .ind g;ite remote <.ontrol, to r 'alut"J at SJ07 from a 1984 o ot.:i Cel11.-a NEV .. PORT BEACH tl.irbor lsl.lnd: A sener.llOf, TV, ~lt'rl'o .lnd rol.to<> li'>ere •m<>ng tf'wo item\ tal..en from • bo.ll .n the 800 bloc!.:. <" Wtstdiff Ori,e: A ~re t11e .ind .i l.ldder "ere tal.rn from a car parL.l'J tn the 1800 blod J.imbottt Ro.td:-8urg!Jr\ slit ~n the pbuic "'ndow or. o r p.lfbJ at the Harbor Court and reportedly tool. a briefu'>t' conu1ning S 1 800 and • c.lr stereo Newpor1 Center Dri,e: In the JOO l>lock, a "oman reported that ~ v.ind.lltz~ .1 car ~ scratdl:Og 1t OA1th .a ~olrp ob1ttt. N~1>0rt Pier: A woman '"tlo left ht'r purw un.:ittendtod rtpotled th.it 1t "4ll stok>n Vii Udo: A doct.atlOtl MoKh1nt \\<l t.lken from .1n oflice In the )400 block. hnt• y s Dra\\mg held ft1dav. r~h rn· 11, 11, 1 l, lt1, 1; • tte..in• •Oum 0.C<o t Diamond ___ _,,.,.. .. , ........ --~--,,-.-- Gut leellng tells us that this diet war won't be kids stun A s good luck would have it, I have a ringside scat at what is shaping up to be a battle royal in deficit reduction. Bill Clinton's plan? Surely you jest. This has little to do with politics o'r taxe or even the general welfare or the nation, thouah it does appear at times to be as rich in rhetoric as a Bob Dornan tirade. Thi is the simmering, puttering, on-again, off-again, race-you-to-the-salad-bar battle or the bulge between Matt Coker and Jerry Kobrin. You've probably seen the news clips. Matt, the Daily Pilot's arts and entertainment critic, tossed down the gauntlet in a Jan. 26 column by challenging Kobrin to a I nabfest. And Jerry, in a subsequent column, wondered aloud what a gauntlet might be -a juicy German pastry? -and then grudgingly picked it up. Manag ing Editor Jerry, uddcnly aglow with the ensc or competition, gathered together an assortment or advisers, nutritionist.s, physical therapists, shape-up experts, body toners, behavior modification specialists, pokesmen, spokeswomen, advance people. spin doctors, attorneys, banke~ and an entourage large enough to fill a Baskin Robbin's company picnic. Matt took a more low-key approach. He went ~w1mming. Twice, l think. Perhaps three time). Now neither Matt nor Jerry arc \\hat I'd co05ider °' e""eight, at least not grossly so. No J:ibba the Hut matenal. No Delta Ourke clones. Just two gu)s -one younger, the other a bit -ukter -w o arc com ortable in a 01IIClinton sort of way. My underston~ing, at least by reading his columns, 1s that Jerry ha been at least thinking about real hone 1-10-goodness eAcrc1 e and has been war.clling hi~ diet, which could mean any number of thing Mntt, \\ho 'Ill -here let me count it off -11 feet from my de k, ~cem) to be on a real diet. Salads. Vegetable . Water Lots of water. And while he doe:.n't get out of the office much to excrc1'>e, he urc t)pes hJrd. That's gotta count a little. Getting 1n ~hapc, dropping e rcw pound and learning to~' .. no" to an)thmg th:u ta tes rcmotely.goo<l I~ hard. lonely \\-Ork. Sometimes you need a little insp1rat1on. Some role model . Some zero btxl) fat t)pc 10 shame )OU ioto takmg llCllOn. -, So I found ~omc for Jerry and Matt. They happen to be a group of fifth· and suth·grade r~ at Ande'r-.en School in Corona Jet Mar who arc in tr.uning for the 10th Annual Spirit -- Run, a S and IOK road race next weekend that benefits Andersen, Lincoln and Harbor View schools. . "I will run 3 miles each day," advises Sarah Wieland, a sixth-grader. "I will get my body in hape -100 push-ups and sit-ups a day will do me well." Sarah points out that he plays soccer and bllSCball and soon will be running track. Relaxation, apparently, is not among her m:iny hobbies. Becky Cohen has a pretty good regimen, too. "l ride my bike and run. First, I stretch in my house. I run around the block one or two times. Then I walk. the dog. When I ride my bike, I ride around the block four or five times." Ryan Tucker, a si.'<th-grade r, is the sort of kid whQ makes it tough for the rest of us. "I am running around my block 20 times a day. I like to run and swim to build my leg muscles." Reeeeeeeeally. E lizabeth Morse runs and plays soccer and docs sit-ups "to help my stomach muscles grow." ' Matt and Jerry, I gather, have a )lightly different theory on making muscles grow. But, no matter. Matt Sutherlin, a sixth·grader, cuts a pretty mean picture, too. "l run 2 miles almost every night and then 20 pu h-ups a night, 20 sit-ups a night and 20 pull-ups two times a week." Matt -not our Mall -said h1~ favorite hobby 1s doing "20 pull-ups." Reececeeeally. Maybe kids get just don't get tired. I don't know:·Maybc-tt1cyjmn.fon't now any ett<fr. Maybe they're just not refined enough to appreciate t~e value of a edentary, high -calorie lifestyle. Go figure. My son goes out and plays four quarters of basketball, running up and down the court with · hi e>e practically popping out of hi~ her.id, and then heads straight to a occer game, where he spend four quarters barreling up and down the field like a hyperaetiYe greyhound. nd then we go omc, and he run out front and ndes hi s bike about a million mph and then races inside and wants me to play football with him. And that tJkes up to lunch 11mc. There's still half a day left . What nc'<t? Swtm to Catalina? Dig trenches around the hou .. e? Ju .. t thinling about h1~ itinerary mnkes we wheeze. But 1r Matt and Jerry are senou~. perhaps they ought to hook up "1th one of the lids from Ander en. And then pra~. Stett Morblt is tht managing tditor. llis rolumn ap~Drs tH'f') "uturday. · Saturday. Fehn.my 20, 118S M r------------....·············································································································· .... ···········-······ J'•••••oH•••o•••••••••O•••••o••>••OOH•H .. ••••"H•oooH•••o•••••••••••••••••••••••oo•••-•••••••oOo•> .. •••••••HM-.. 0000•0•••-Movie Listings -..i llllcll IDWAMK ~ CINlMA lOO ,.._. c-o.;.. ... 0160 1 O..u • •1 Dey tl'CI 11, 1 U • lO 1. 9 IS 1 TM C.-•..,, CMo ll'Co 13) 11 lO 1 • S $ 1 'JO 9 •S l ._ .... , pf" -17 J ~.lO • 10 I~ IOWUD$ 1$&.ANO ClNlMA '•'-' ltioM ,,_.,... ,_ 640 118 I .._r41'a liwl il<:.. I JI I •)I 10 1 The Vonbhlfte ·~ 1115 7 30 • •S 1 '1S J The Crr"9 o-I 11 lO .l 5 30 t .. ~ • Unto-d .... ,, (rG IJI t J{J l •S 6 8 S IC JO • ) kent .t • w-• 11 •) • U 1 )0 O:JO t H.__rd le-4 !GI 11 lO JO l JO ~ JO. ' JI) 9 lO Aladdin Cl 11, 1. • b a 10 ' U00 CJNlMA t,..~ 111.o oo t ... ~ •'°9e f tl C .0 Strictly lo!lr-!'Col I l ~. 1 9 POaT THlATill 290S ( Coo" lt.ll"*"• oil 6260 lnde<hlne PC 13 I •S. S I Costa Mesa IOWA.110$ CINlMA CCNTH 1/()1 "°"'"" &J,d Mato \1..0, c.-919 •1•1 Al4t4dln ;(i 3 s 1 ' 1 Unt.,...,..._.,,11PG1~111 1:.130 ••S 1 9 s l .._~ 1-w ICt I?, 1 • 6, I 9 •S • k-sf••-tr l2, l I~ 6 JO 9 lOWAAOI ate.MA ~ 1:<111.-..... -~6 JI01 s.-.na.., 'C ~ 2. 4 JO 1 'I JO ~ TWlH CINIMAS .--.. •..i ""'-S--6JI J,,, I 11w t....., · 7 7 • 6 I 10 1 ~ r I J) ~. 'I 30 Alt,.. l JS 1 MfSA CllNIJIU ,......_, '• 6•6~S ....,.,_ 'Cll •S 6 I S ~~1 3 •S e TllANGU SQUAH 19-. Si -I.I_,, V • 11SS I Scent ef o w-n • I • IS 7 3C 0 30 1 G,_.,.,.. Dor (!'(; 12. 1 U • .A 7 • ~ J Uni••"'-. 1 • 1 10 • ~ 730.l ~lO . I( ·~ ~ AnnyefOo,...neu 12 IS 1 l!I •I~ 6 I) 8 ) w ) o .....,. .. w .. ,_ .. ~1J111.3C.1JO • lO 6 IJO 1030 ri.. Vonbhlne .., I), l 30 ~ •S a I.I ~ .. ! A,_ Goo4 "'-n lj I I) •IS 7 15, c s TOWN conu ClHlMAS ,.... ... Coo.· Pli>ta ·s •t•• I PoaN9n fbh I· 12 JO J JO 6 30 9 30 2 ""'--"'-• • 1. 10 l .._.,., lnd "(: 7. J. '· ' • n.. C.me1e,., a.,., rc.1)) 11 7 30 5 ;. 9 •S SOUTH COAST "-'IA~ S~ 7111 ' .... u• .. ,, o.rfP'Ot 12'JO 1 s.>o • IOIS 2 lur •11PGI 11 •S,1 •.JO 7,9JCI J k_., ___ l:JCI •>o 7)0 10 20 50UTH COAST VIUAOI ~ e1 ....._, ~0-11d ls 1$, 730 t •S '1 ,....,_., "~ Nti, •:00 1 Jklt """"~~· •lO., l 0.-.S ~ 710 3 s lOi.. 070 irvlne . fRl UHIVlun'T CIHlMA •<•~ c-0.... a:-. "-"'•"""' WOOOlllOOI CINIMAJ ...,_o Pt.•- C. ... ...-.... ' yY s.-.:lty .... .., J •5 ;J 1' 5 ·~ I IS 10 JO • Unta""'4 Keo" (l'G J 11 2 ~ • JO 1 f ) 3 K-.l.__.IG 11 Xi JC3JO SJO ~ •;15 •~'ti 7 I • 6 8 ~ •) ~ co. ......... o..., GI 11 ~ 'lO ~ I :JO 9 ·~ • American Heart Association 0 Your Produce Store Comt preview this oc~ conmnty located In the heart of Newport Beach. This ~ offm sucti excepdonal amenities as ... * Direct Golf Cart "-Ccess to the Newport Beech Country Club * Specious Two and Thru Bedroom Residences up to 2560 sq f'l * Footsteps to Fashion tslend, Balboe Island and Peninsula Dining, Shopping and Entertauvnent • SpectaicuW Golf Course and SIMlSet Views • Two-Car ~ for Most Residences * Pnvetc, Secluded, /dometk &Jefd Gate • Malntenencc Fru LMn9 Dccor.itcd Model Open Datly 11 li GrerMlc Ortlooc, ~ kech (714) 644-5119 ~~by .usco l'lq)clUa I DELI & KITCHEN SPECK SMOICID ~&\Yl'ITO $?'Eh MCl.ISARI •.••••••••••••..•••...•. PANCETIA ~~ l..U. &.oe s,.cw. ... S&99 I~ .,,,.. -h GROCERY IC.W. ICNUllllN ORCANIC APPLE JUICE Ne s.r AMIL 1/1. C.L PAULA'S SALAD DRESSING 12-.sflimin 9'J¢ea. ................ 59¢h FR~H HA"AllA.'\ l H1 CRAOE AHi CfUNA FRI.SH !IOl iH AMDI ~ CHILEAN EABASS OFS!A NNOW TANGERINE "UT JET FRESH U I PI EAPPLES FILET MIG 0 ROAT r - - -~ - - ---lOL'PO\ - -.. - -- - - - I lDOZE LARGE EGG 01 ..................... IO~A Fl''t~T PORK ~99 BABY BACK RIB VJ. h .... STUFFED '1~ CHICKE BREA T "'J h c:..*-1 0t Wldn<t c.lf•11t --------------------·---·- I 11! 'friun1 Court FA HIO I D ' , I:\ ) \ I \ l ',' '· \ \ ! • \ 11 I I ) • I I\ I 401 ewport Center Dr., Newport Beach, California Telephone(714)760-0403 Houn: 8am-9pm Mon.-Sat. ~Sunday " I I Ahlise,- Lm. ID l?·JO M.f.C..<;...,"' ~-,... 2900 The c:mt • s;. f'Of 1irdlann.aban >46-noa Fi s course -~.emst c~ Sen.lee Oiia " hold a sa ..... eek non-aedit (Jtnes5 coucw for peopie Olo'ef 40. ~mg x 6 p.m .• the Trim to Rhythm course ~ is S49 . fot more '°~ 432-5880 Stress ~agement -Orange Coast ~ Corrvntmdv Sen1a O!fa. will hold a ~~on Slres5 Molo.tgement ~ Penonna.ncr En~t ~ 9 a.m Cost is S49. For information ca.!J 432·5880 Sunday, Feb. 21 Dr. Ruth -Amencan Friends oi the Hebrew L~ P!ese-flt Or Ruth Westhe1mer and Hebr~ Un"'ef'S<t) ProiesSOt Charles Greenbaum in a discussion oi !Yael ' relationships and posttNe parentmg values. at T ernple Bat Yahm, 1011 Cametbac St ewport Beadl at 7 p.m. Tdt'tS are S20 for reserved seats, S 10 general admtS.>iOn and SS for students and seniors f or more 1n(ormataon, c.aD 955-2811 . Music from the Heart -The AJre oi Elegance Trio ..,.,u pertorm "Music from the Heart" at the ew rt Center INFINITI FREE INFINITI LOAN CAR WITH SERVICE ________ -"!'"' ______ ...,..__..,_.......-... _... .... -.......... --.....-~--...._ ________ ...,...........,... •• _ ............ .,, • r -- l.itnfy's ~ musicm ~ 3:30 p.m. in me libr~' ~ Room__, 856 San Oemen~ Or.. pot! ~xh. The flute, W:>lin ~ trio w pl.a) (bssial ~by~. Haydn met Moutt,, .s wel .s seleajoo) from ''PNntom oi the ()pH-a" and .. Bt"aut tnt che Be.lill." For · ormawn, 6.U-3181. Tuesday, Feb. 23 Sales seminar -The ewpott Harbor Area Q\amber oJ Commerce. D<>'phins Div~. present> "Put Yout 199 3 Sall"!I Tht~ the Roof.·· ~ th real esute authol O.inietle Kenned , at 7:15 a m. at the Hyatt Newporter. The cost as · S 13.50 \\-th reservatJons, ~ 15.SO at the door Rese~atlOOS must be rece"ed 2 .. hours before the ~nt for informalJOn, call 729-4400 · Mystery lectur~-E\an Max\\ell ~.u spea at the friends of the library meeting today at 1 p.m. in the Communtt) Room o( the MJ in library 1n "ewport Center. Maxwell is co-author with htS wife, Anne, oi many mysteries under the name A.E. Maxwell. The meet.Ing is open to the public and refreshments v.ill be served. The sub1ect o( Mr. Maxwell's talk tS "Mysteries and Crime and Orange County." for (Tlore information, contaC1 Ann Spencer at 760-0137. Lifetime investments -"The lifetime Investment Concept" is the topic of a sem10.1r by Investment Executi\e ~en Osborn o( Baraban Secunties, held at the Newport Beach Public library, 856 5.1n Clemente St., fl.~'PO"f Beach Se. ling t) hm1ted f oe 1nfocma11on and -reser\.Jllons. call 800-736-6007. ·.--- COLtlSION REPAIR Smiles for life -In a~ this will iudllt.~ diifferenm bet\ldeen "The ~ing a 6 pm • Newport Beach . Good,·~ Md lhe lJdy in ~co 1mpbntologisl Or. P~ Whof1e will Seniots," dur-ing the monchly 7:30 to 9:30 ~in the speo ic:s oi denW irnpbnlS. a m. bttMIM meeting M the Mle Attendees Will leMn Y.Nt impbnts a~. Mattiott. 18000 Von~. IMM. v.ho an beMfit from them and why Jonathon Ber~n c:I Ruder Finn will 'mpl.ints might make a ditterence in one's prt"Sent a special r~ Monthly SHC life. The free seminar will be held at 360 ~ are held on the dWd Thursday S-0 .Miguel Or •• Ste. 601 , ~'pot't Beac::h. oi t>ach month at 7:30 a.m. a the Irvine ~ is limited, so p&e.ue c.all 720-8072 Marriott. The cost is S20 to ~ and (or reservations 0t m<>fe in(0tm.it.ion. no to non~ f0t reet\'3lions, Wednesday, Feb. 24 an 396·9695. Direct Mail Strateci~ -Chiropractic seminar -"The "Direct Milit Strategies ~.Pf<>doce Mirade o( the Human Body, a ~inat Proliuble Results wilt be the topic o( a presertled by Dr MIC:haet Mc:KeMv. presentation by ~ Mesemer at 7:30 d1rector of Mesa Chiropractic, WiU be held a.m. at John Dominis Restaurant, 2901 at 136 B~ay SL, Costa Mesa at 6 :30 C ~ F , . ..;...u W. oast Hi&-...... y. Newpon Be~. The p.m. 0t reservabons or tn1onnabon ""1.H cost 15 s 13 for members of the Newport 642-0313 and ask fOf Joyce ludham. Harbor Area Chamber ol Commerce, $16 Thursday, Feb. 25 '°'guests, and the price 1ndudes breakfast. f0t informatjon call 729.,..400. Sailing course -Flotilla 2--4 of the C<Wt Cuard Auxilary b offering a Saturday, Feb. 27 1 3-weelc course in "Sailing and R SaJ Seamanship " Classes will be held from ummage e -Cub Scouts "':JO to 9:30 p.m at the Newport Beach Padc 301 is holding a rummage sale, 'Harbor Master f ac,lity, 1901 Ba)-stde beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the Cosy Mesa Drive The fee is s 16 for text and Kigh School paflong lot. at F airvi and registeral.JOn. Rt"gt!>lr.lllon. only is S6 Arlington. ~":~r. "a trained boater is a sale Sunday, Feb. 28 Tax talk -"Abol1sh1ng Income Spirit Day -Fash10n Island Will Tax'' will be d1SCUSsed al 7 30 pm. at the ~ICk off a fun-fifled day for the entire ClllZens for an Alternative Tax System community today when Spirit Day at the !CATS) meeting, at 1839 Jamaica Road, Island begins 1n the Broadway Court Costa Mesa. The Otgimzatton's gool rs the ' 1mmed1ately following the Golden State replacement o( the Federal Income Tax Bank Sptrit Run to be held around with a National Sales Tax. Call Fasht<>n Island. Non-stop entertainment 1-800-767-7577. Admission is free from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. will include Senior marketing -The Senior elephant rides. mag.c shows, hve musical HoUS1ng Council (SHQ or lhe Building enteruinmenl by Motown artists, The lndu~Assoaation, Southern Califo.rn'""'=ia--'l=sles=•<...;;dance rlorm~ face painti .,t FACTORY CERTIRED OIL & FILTER SPECIAL .,t DIRECT INSURANCE BIWNG .. 5 15~~ ~ animals. tetelhmenU by Fashion Island mer~nu and a ~ ~~ by Ofympk runner PattiSue Autnef._f0t mon~ information about the run all 640-2203. f0t more 1nfonnatt00 a~t Spirit Day. contact the Fashion Island concief9F at 721-2000 Tuesday, Mar. 3 Christian Women -The . Newport Beach Chn5li.ln Women's Oub eo1dially invites you to a f ashJOn show and luncheon this afternoon at 11 a.m. Humorous guest speaker L1nc;b Haney shares ~ming new perspKtJW!S. The event will be held at the Balboa Bay Oub in Newport Beach. Cost is S 16. RSVP to Adele at 760-3616. Kid's Stuff -Kid's Stuff. an after-school club for second· through fi(th-gradef'S, will meet for the first oi five meetings at 3:30 p.m. at. Corona~ Mar Branen Library. 420 Mat1gold Ave., "' Cofona del Mar. Subsequent meetings will be held on March 10, 17, 24 and 31 . Children c.an register for the free programs in the Ouldren's Room oi the library. for the first meeting. Barbara Klein will present a selection of "minq-buster" games. More (un act1v1t1es and events art" planned for subsequent meetings. Call Judy Kelly at 644·3.187 (or more information. Thursday, Mar. 4 Modjeska Alive -Opal Ki~nger will present her one-woman performclnce o( Orange County pioneer and Shakesperian actress Helena Mod1eska at the Corona del Mar ltbrary located at 420 Mari~ A..,-e. Admission 1s free and tea will follow. Pre-registration is not necessary .to. 4{.le.Od .the..pcogra \ --=~ purchased your .t FREE 11 From Us or Not ESTIMATES tndudea Genuine Honda Flit• and Premium OU. Hondl end Acura 4 Cylinders only . . -fOST-A-MESA -CO~TA-€0SfA MESA (714) 436-5050 MESA . ~~~P:"r.. COLLISION w.J....-'-Wlmlllilm f7141549-8755 • INFINITI (71•) 241-1300 Harbor Lawn-. Mount Olive Morturuy & Memorial Park .r HARBOR LAWN IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE EXPANSION PLAN S OF OUR EXISTING MAUSOLEUM FACILITIES . TO HELP RED UCE CONSTRUCTION COSTS, HARBOR LAWN WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM. . . 2 s10E BY s10E cRrPTS EoR IHE P.RICE of 1 · ... THIS ABOVE GROUND PROGRAM WILL SAVE YOU MORE THAN $2000°° ON MOST AT-NEED ARRANGEMENTS ... Plef!se Cut Out And Mail To: ... --------------------------HARBOR LAWN MAUSOLEUM 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626-2266 NAl'AE~~~~~~~~~~- ADDRESS _________ _ (ITY ____ sr. __ ZIP __ _ PHONE-·--------- ALL SKIS, llOOTS, .. NDINGS & POLES T030%0FF K-2 • NORDICA •MARKER• ROSSIGNOL · SCOTT USA • R.D. • PRE • SALOMON .. ALL SNOWSOAllD EQUIPMENT ON SALE TOOll FEATURING BURTON • NITRO • AIRWALK • SANTA CRt:JZ SIMS • MORROW • ROSSIGNOL • LIB TECH ALL SKI CLOTHING 25% OFF BOGNER • OBERMEYER • C.8. • QUIKSILVER JD • KAELIN • COLUMBIA • MARKER • NILS ~BIE SPORTS LTD -···· ........ 675-9700 2131 C<llST HM: CORONA DEL MAI. \ •••••••••••••• ·: ~: : ON• : :sDO'LA••• • ON "t'ftr8 : • °'J .• • DU•WI • ............... Newport hech/Co1ta Mesa Dally Pilot Saturday, February 20, 1993 A8A Sierra runon in the Colorado River is as likely as a snowball in ••• I think th ey qu it teaching geography about the time l left school - • which v. .as a long. long time ago. This Ob\Cf'\Jtion was triggered by an item I sa'"' in this paper recent!) which indicated that one of my estcemet.l The Verdict upcrior.-., an editor no les!>, thought the runoft from the ~1crra cvada flowed 111tu the Colorado River. It Joesn't. Ne11her <locs the runoff from the Casca<lc • the Ozarks, the Appalachiath or, for that mailer. the Alp\ This w1dec;prea~ ignoroncc of matter!> geographic wa brought to my ..... -.....\ . h a1ten11on rat er fo rcefully when I was appointed to the High Court of American Samoa. Too many educ.1tcd people -a·t least, people with collcg~ degrees after their na mes, a kcd -"Samoa? Whe rc'c; that?" Whl!n 1 said it ''as on the RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. • .._. fw hllf Ctttn •' 111Z ...... IUI .• com •SA-SU llS6 I have always contended that the teaching of history is the most important part of the educational process . Without a knowledge of what has gone before , we have no way of evaluating the present or forecasting the future. And geography is an ir.tegral part of history. other side of Catalina. that seemed to satisfy them. I have alwa)S contended that the teaching of h1 tory is the most important part of the educational process. Wi thout a knowle<lgc of what ha!> gone before, we have no "ay of evaluating the present or forec.1Sting the future. And geography is an integral part of hi tory. Of course, I got a jump on mo 1 other!>. When other children were playing with dolls or tedd> bears. my ti rst toy was u j1g-,aw puzzle map of the United State!>. Oy the time I was 3 or 4, l not only knew all the tares. but ..tho all their c.ipitals. My parent!> -''ho haJ unly frontier, one-room s1.:hu1.>I edu~.1t101h but were widely read -insisted 1ha1 I Ii.no"' geography. My father, "'ho had b.:cn a cu'' huy and lumberjack before 1hc turn ut the century, had \Htndered over mu<.:h of the West and woulJ go through all the Western slate!> with me un m> jig'l:.tW map and explain them tu me. C.irl} on, I knew that the runoff from the Sierra Nevada didn't flow into the Colorado River. Thus. as I progressed through the educational procesc; 1 gobbled up history and geography, <lodging mathematics as though 11 \\ere th<! courge. Since that time. I have traveled a bit, and by pulling all that together I was at one time fair!} kno" ledge able 111 geography. I lo" c.:\ er. l , A pparently, it takes a war to teach the American peo pl e geography. During World War II, we all learned where Tarawa, Saipan, lwo Jima and Okinawa -1ere . A few years later, we became acquainted with Ko rea and later Vietnam. I mu\l :.idm11 th.it prc!>Cnl dJ) A!n<.:a ha' me b.illlcd. \\hen 1 k.1rm.J gco~raph~ .. \lnCJ \\JS l:J'>\ -Belgian Congo. German E..ist Afm . .1. Portuguese East Africa. £·1cn1.h Equ.1lonal Afrka, !tali.in Ea'>t Afncu. Then the ,,,riou<> Afnc.in llJllon' att.11ned 111dcpcndcncc .1nJ -itk>ptcJ' native nnmc'>. Th:H rcall) \.:rC\\C.J thing' \JP -Zam!, Zamb11. Bot'>\\ana. Mali. Benin and Upper Yohn, for example. Apparent I)', it take a "ar to teach · the Amcri an people geography During· \\'orlJ War II, we all learned \\hl·rc Tara\\.1, $.up.an. 1',o J1ma and Oktn:.t\\:.t \\CH. A f..:' )cars later, "e bClJI 1c acquamtcd ''ith Korea .rnd !Jt<.:r \ 1etn;im. (French lndo China 10 m<.: on my m01p.) But that M.:Crn':> to be a tcrribl> e\p II I\(' \I, ) to 1e01-.h gcograph). I "'II tcrmm.11c 1tw. I •arncd J1..,1.u\\iun h~ (Xl1nt1nl!, ou t that ~amoa 1' '>till out there. \\3) 10 hell and gone the other ''de of Catahnu, inhabited b) l.1r!!'-'· bnl\\n. m1hn~ people "ho lhe in f u1111~ l11~ik111g lwu-,c' JnJ the men \\C,1r 'kirh . .\nJ the S1dr.1 "\c\JJ.1 .ire ... 1111 l '<.:r~ \\Jlh ti "ir u >It i;.0111g 1111 > the ~.1 '1 Joaquin <inJ ~J..ramento Rl\cr\. not the (.uk>rJ~l' for th.it m.11tcr, thl' runuft lt(illl ~addlcbJck Juc ... ·ft fl \\ "llll !1.: (l fJdO ellhu Rubert GJrclntr, J ( uruna dd \Jar rtt:.idt nt, i\ J rtt1ncli.J<nl,J!I! and u Ju11gtime UV!it:n.ef' W' lifl· in '\'t>11purt /Jc-Jdl. - BOoK ·svsA\/C UP s2 100 APRIL 2 · f-\VI: TO RETRACTABLE AWNINGS ~1'.y ( M<>lorlzed or Mecbanic11/) H n wn ii/Tahiti -smrrJJ J>-rrrtfrr • Imtilf Ho~-.· Lnnd • Orient/Asia Trn11scn 11nl • So uth TILE .& GROUT RESTORATION VICES INCLUDE: • Re-Grout -rttnO'le .,. ~epl.Ke grout in coooters, sOOwtts noon • Re-Color • vust1ns srous permaoentJy • Re.taulk • ~ s etc • Repa11 • llle:s & grout • Cltan · gr<XA & ceramic surlaces • Seal · Pf'Otect grout & tile • Ma·pa't'V stnp & seal ALL ~RK GUARANTEED Since 1982 l~HEE ESTIMATE: 540-7309 RQ •. 8~8 rout CJ SALE STARTS SATURDAY FEB. 20 10AM -#'-'**~ FIXED AWNINGS II\,,,\' Free Estin.iates! • 1·800-346·5222 EXT. 103 SALE ENDS MONDAY FEB. 22 7PM Mattresses & Futons IN11lODUCl1GOU.TEiCLUSIVE Mii i RFSS LINE-UP! 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THE AUTO SAFETY SPECIALIST WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE IS STILL AFFORDABLE --------~. ~·...---------..1 ------ We provide complimentary transportation to shopping· and a beeper so rou don't have to wait for repairs If you pr~fer. we'I pick your car up· and return 1t promptly. ·w 1th10 S m1i. rad us OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • ANANCING AVAILABLE EASY CREDIT APPROVAL Monday -Fnday ..•.•. 7·30 · 6 00 Saturday •..•........•.. 8 00 • 6 00 Sunday ................. a·oo · 6 oo • MOST MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED •CHECKS WELCOME 4 * allAKEEXPAEBS LOCATIONS c• =::::a• BURBANK, CA 520 s veraugo Or (818) 566 •121 <Comer of Pi'ovtdenoa and Viet ry) ANAHEIM, CA 519 S BroolthUr t .. COSTA MESA, CA 16~ Supeuor Av "ue (71 •) ~·5028 MtSSK>N VIEJO, CA 32S3 ro (714) 581 ·99'• 0 .. • • • I ~ • • • ' : M Satwday, February 20 Re Ii g ion .. Religion runs Saturdaya. Editor la Matt Coker. 142-4321 ext. 388 Chu~ch's Lent masses _ begin Wednesday Building dreams P astor Gene Swanson's ~ries titled "The Secrets to Rebuilding Our Tomonows" · continues at Hart.or ClarblllD C111u'C~ 2401 Irvine Ave,. Newport Beach, at 10 a.m. Sund:iy wirb "Plannina: The Secret to Building Shared Dreams". Regional meetin2 L ocal Christian Scientists wiir' be among those attending a speci1J, two-hour regi~nal mcctin at 2 p.m. Sunday •t SLXth Church of Christ, Scienll~t. Long Beach, 3401 Studebaker Rood, to explore the textbook "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by th church's founder Mary Baker Eddy ... L COi at Our Lady Que«n or Anetls Catholic Cburth, 2046 Mar V&.Sta Dr .. ·----Newport Beach, begins on Ash Wednesday, February 24 with J. moue and the di.stnbution of j ashes at 6 30 a.m., 8 30 a.m., 10 I a m (at Seav1cw Retirement , Plaza), 12.15 pm. and 5:30 p.m. : The 5·30 p.m. SCl"\.ICC \\Ill be follO'o'cd b) a soup and bread mcaJ 1n the Parish Center Hair. : Pt!rtic1pants are to bring hot • meatless soup to be h3rcd v.ith others and a monctal') donation fo r the local poor. Bread and drinks -.111 be pro.,.1ded. Special Ash \\ edncsday Scl"\.1ces ~111 be held at 6.30 am .. 12 noon, :Jnd 7 p.m at St. Jame~ Episcopal Church, 3209 V1a Lido, Newport ~ . BeJCh. There will be lmpos1t1on of A~hei. at all three SCI'\ ices; confessions wall be heard from 5·30-6:30 p m. Women gathe r S outb Coast Communil) Church's Women's Conference runs from 8 a.m. to 3 30 p.m. today. This year's theme is "full Esteem Ahead," helping Y.Omen to rcoogmzc and realize their 1ncred1blc inherent potential.. T1cke1s arc $25 per person. The church holds ns next World continental breiliast and lunch. for more information, c:sU 631-2880, ext. 236. • The Rev. Stephen T. Murray's seminar titled "What faery Engaged Couple Needs for a Great Marriage" continues from 10·15 to 11 30 a.m. Sunday in Dicrenfield Hall-A The Serendipity cries for singles conunues us v.cckly sessions on 7:30 p.m. Wednesday "1th "ToXJc Faith and Singles" by speaker Jack Fellon, a counselor at New Hope Christian Counseling Center m Cos'ta MeS3. AJI singles arc welcome. A $2 donation "111 be requested at the door, which cove~ rcfreshmonts. 'o rescl'\allons arc required for the meeting. but child care i~ a\ailablc b> reservation at 63 1-2885 by noon Monday. A six·\\eek Divorce Recovery Workshop sponsored by the church will be held six Thursday nights, Feb. 25 through April 1, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Designed to meet the needs of those w'to are adjusting to the finality of a broken marriage, the worksh.:>p will explore such topics as. "ls TI11s ReaJly Happening To Me?," "Coping With Your Ex-Spouse," "Assuming New Rcspons1b1llues," "Being A Single A"arc~e~ faent 7.15 tonight an Parent" and "Finding and Room -0-w11h th~ quesuon . Experiencing Forgiveness." ··~hat 's g<>ffi -0.n 1n th>s '11.0rkJ?_'__ 'fhc+.lst-t~ _. .icfJressed. c recent _l...o\.e ln work.shop, the children and Action tnp to the Ukra1~~ and teen-age young people of ,, man) outreach oppcrtuni11es . Y.Crkshop panicipants will be planned by the Missions Ministry invited to be a part of a special for ihc_1993 year arc discus!.cd program de\.clo""'d to meet the ' Dinner will be served. d c h ·1d r-f · n1 l A w d A p .. nee s o c 1 rcn rom s1n&'c : 1ng an r3)Cr, an parent families. l ;id\enture to a non-Western world The "'orkshop fee is S20, Y.hich -all in 411.! hours -will be includes the book "Growing ~resented ,8 a.m: Satur~ay, Feb. Through DI\ Orce," written by Jim -7. '.he c11ent will provide Smoke. For further information, p.iruc1pants Y.ith a "ay to call St. Andrew's Presbyterian experience the m1ss1on field 1n Chu'rch's Single Adult Office at , ll"\-me. Cost 1s S5 at the ~1ss1ons 63l-2885. • courtyard table or by calhng "Seminar on Aging _ Part II: S.indc!. at 854·7600, ext. 308 How To MaximlZe Your Renewal t alk S t. Andrew's Prubyterian Church, 600 St. Andre"'s • Road, Newport Beach, hosts Jill i Briscoe 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the church sanctuary in an address titled "Renewal on the Run" (Isaiah 40:30). She has Carcgiving and Coping Skills" with Elana Peters, M.A., and a panel of speakers will be held Saturday, Feb. 27, from 8:30 am. to noon in the church's Dierenfield Hall A. Peters is the founder and director or Car'c Options, an cider . care management firm in Jrv1ne. .._ ___ ..;__-+-~~1n-tn-man,...eount ries-and is Cost is SlO per person, includin£ continental rcilla<tt and resource materials. Call Adult Ed office at 631-2880, ext. 236 for reservations. ' • 1he author of more than 20 books. Tickets arc S 17.50 including a .. •1 I I : • I' • t II I • t 5:19-5282 11•1·1 11 ..J, \"_I ~~•ion '""'' ~od!I \\/Red Beans & Rice We dn esday Nites 5:30 • 9:00 pm (Stans February 24th) H Come • h S ~ .1 ave Early P1nc ome i a1 s Fun CAESAlt ..a.t ... -....... -................................... _ ............................ , .............. M.tS lmll C-lllM ....................................................................................... h .tS Reel .._A Rice ........................................................................................ $2.H ...... , ....... ~c.n., c ........ , ......... . ... $2.00 .......... Jem• 1tu1.m ... $l.H • ....... ~ .............................. ,,_ ...... ~ . .. ,...._,,...... .... 1111·-.. ·~·~_..... GMeW Qlw ...... St.ts ....................... ...._ ..................... .... ........... _ .... ., ............ -... ~ ... Dltllfl ~ .............................. S11.tS JAC"9nedl ............................... M. IS ,... .................................. ~-. ............... _ ........................... c· ... .,.., JAC!Srto!., 91!!Sl ..................... SU.tl M. IAC!Sltc!" P11S1 " ............. M.H Al ilu•1 ,,,..._._..,....__. ............ ~ .... (...._.) .. ...._ • ........... _ ......... ,.. ..................... ... a... a r...-. '81ta. ..... SU.ll ........................................... r...-. ...... o.i.t ·············· TMIOUT AVUAal .............. _,,, ................................... P .IO TMIOUT AYAUlll H e!~~&?rc)~2~!s hop G assoc.ate minister at c~])Ort 1k1ch Church or Religious . -. Science. leads a healing \\Orl..shop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at the church, 901 Dove St., Newport Beach Coffee 15 e"ed at 9:30 a.m. Donation 1s Sl5. Love doesn't hurt 'T he Spirit of Valentine's Day" Sunday Services at 9 and 10:30 a.m at the Costa l\les:i Church or Religious Science, 2850 Mesa Verde Dmc East, Su11e M, Ca.sta Mesa, continue Sunday with "Real Love Doe Not Hun." On Feb. 2 , the topic is "The Law of Auractton and Money." Mid·\\-eek celebratiens continue 7:30 p m. Wedncsd:iys. "New Approaches to Health and Healing'' will be the -title of a seminar on ~aturday, Feb. 27, from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. The Mind, .. ...._,, t ............. , ... ,, '" ''" Richard ~rtson/Palridi Holiman Body, Spirit connection will be addressed by three leaders 111 their field: Dr. Richard Roberison, head of neurobiological research nt UCI! the Rev. Jim Turrell, minilter of the Costa Mcs:i Church of Religious Science; and Pntrick Holiman, M.A .. who is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Tickets arc $45 and arc available in advance or at the door. Call 754-7399 for more information on any of the services. £a.La Wide.Selecticn o SPORTSWEA R including • Chaps by Ralph LaUien •Ruff Hewn • Reyn Spooner •River City • Kahala •Duffel • Que by Quiksilver . €.$ , ................. "''"°' '''""'· C.hlom~ J.p.maxwell · , ..... ~ .. "'' ....... ,,.. •lli.At •v..• .... ,, • 714/673-7111 -·-------- The final installment is Feb. 28, "Purpose: The Secret to Building O)·namic Community." That days is also Chapman Universuy Sund~y. Faith in fo cus 'What I Delie\.C: Part I" and "What J Ilelievc: Part II" arc the titles or the sermons at Oran1t Coasr Unltamo Unh·trsalist Churth, 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa, Sundays, Feb. 21 and 29, at 10:30 a.m. The sermons, by the Rev. Dr. James Nelson, will explore the theme that faith without works is dead, that it is what we do and how we judge our actions. There will be bake sales after the servi ces. For more information, call 646-4652. The meetln,. which kicks off of a series of regional v.orkshops tha will be held this month in California and Nevada, will f ocu~ on the book'5 central role in the healing m1nbtry of the Chri tian Science church. "Science and Health" is available in this area at all public libraries and through Chri~lian Science Reading Rooms in Nc"port Beach (3315 Via Lido or 3500.B Pacific Coast Highwa)') and Costa Mesa (2880 Mesa Verde Drive East). For further informatio n on Chri tian Science Services in Newport Beach :ind Costa Mesa, or on the spcci:il Long Beach meeting, call 673-1340. See REUGIONJ You Art lnvirtd to Help SAVE BOLSA CHICA D ID YOU KNOW THAT: l Bolsa Chita is noUaY·~,.__--, 2) 4S84 homu arc planned? 3) The jetties will ausc loss of surf & ~ch?. . \o~ BOLSA GHIOA hAND TRUST - 207 21st Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 960-9939 \re arc a volunteer non-profit group dedic.md to the acquisition. ~mervatioo, mtontion, 111d mainwuncc of the entire 1700 acre Bois.a Chica wctbnd1. uplands, bluffs and muas. '\\ c m an rRS SCI (C)(l) qu~lificd organiution. All donations arc furh ui deductible. ;:...... Join us :and. htlp SAVE BOLSA CHICA! ' -JOIN TOvAYtCUr OUT ANo -EN'~7'f 0 S20 Family [)$15 lndividllll [Jsto tudcnt or fJdcr O S50 ~Honor Roll O pccial Donation Namc------~----~-------- Addi:css ---------------- Phone o more exc uses, Joey ! They've go tta new thing at Shape-Up New port and it's ... II FOR BEGINNERS! • Modern Equipment • Full chedule of Claa ea • Ctrtified Peraonal Traine·r .--------------, 1 -latrMwe lac die Slulpe·Up Newpert I .I••• Fer llell•aen Prepam I : IT'S FREE!: I I , I I I I O.e Week FREE TrlAI Memben lalp: • Aerobic, Step & lsomatic ClaHes speciall y designed for beginners. • A complete fitness asse sment with beginning weight training seHion. • lnstru\!tional Seminars . For Alea Fro• Tee•• to Se•lon ire• 3-17-93 .. ------- 131·3123 A Fu_ll.Service Health Club Conveniently Loat~d in W eatcliff Plau 17th Street at I rvine AYe., Newport Beach I I I I I I .J - . ., • I Newport lwh/Coata Mna Daity Piiot Saturday, February 20, 1993 RELIGION Depending upon l\3tlabiJily, tickets "'ill be )old at the door. View Dn-..c at Marauerne, Corona dcl Mar. From A8 Gayness explored Newport Beach, with "PsychologicaVMedical Background on Gayness." The Feb. 28 topic is "Faith Journey Sharing." Sunday at 7 p.m. in an event co-sponsored by the American Friends of the Hebrew University's Academic Forum, and the Temple Dat Yahm Norman Schirr Lecture Series. lndcpendtnce. and \ttoni Jewish identity which has shaped 'und enriched her life. Also featured \\ill be Prorc~ or Charles Greenbaum or Israel's Hebrew Uni\crsity of JerU)alem speaking on "To>Aan.l I lope: For information, call the American Friends of the mbrew Unhcr~ity QI 955·2811. for inform3tion, call 644-().463. 0 P• '" stod pbo&uanph• and l)ptd rtltHtl dttallln1 stories, upcomln1 f\tol•, unnoo 111plcs or aoy olbt r n~s lo\Ohio1 Co'la Mu a and ~~lM'n Beach chutebH to Rrt11ioa l'dllcir "ttall Col rr, Dally Pilot, JJO w. B•r t., Cu t .. Mrsa, 92627. Yuu C'lo al~o f.I:\ lltm• 11r lnlrru t 10 ~6-4170. R,lrur. 1rt N twport Harbor Lutheran Cburch's "Homo exuality and the Christian faith, led by the Rev. Peg Bci !>Crt of the Lnza rus Project, continues 7 p.m. Sunday in the council chambers off the Upper Patio at 798 Dove,Dr., Dr. Ru th s peaks D r. Ruth Wcstheimer, the one-woman media force and well-kn own expert on relationship , speaks at Temple Bat Yabm in Ne-.port Bench on "Against Despair: Finding Love in an Unloving World" will be the subject of Dr. Ruth's talk, which will profile her childhood under the spectra of the Nazis, fighting in the Haganah in her teen years during Israel's War of Imparting J'o)ithc Values To Our Youth." Tickets ore S20 for rc'>Cl"\cd seating (fir)t come, ftr<it M.'T'Ved), $10 for general :idm1ss1on and $5 Cor Mudcnts and seniors 65 plus. ~~~\~~U~~~J'~C3lC S ~upper Jnd Puppet Sha"" "ill be held from 6:30 to 8 pm. Tu1..~.1y o.at Saint Mil:hael und All Angels £.pl~topal Ch~rch, P;.ic1ric ~u sitd h•O ,,.ttlJ prior to ao cHnl d•tt. LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE METHODIST You don't have to go out on a spiritual limb ... ~~~~, Try~ Harbor Luthmm Ouach Strday_ W~ip 800 & l(}JOam MJlr~9:15am Surrlty School 9: l 5am (Ages 3 thru HS.) Nunery Care 7~m to 12 l"'Knl Palrors: BtU and Susan Kniin-Haclctt ~cl+·tce ·: aturday at 6: undas at 9:00 & 10:3 a.m. l I) I A1"'i' A"~.. 11t l\.~OO C"°'u \IN. CA 9!ti16 lil~l-4\_\.ll~ -p.m. :\ Plac~ To Grow a1 loo t.O.ll' \1 C Ill' II \\'I \tll\l•IT SOUTH COAST C0~1 MU ITY CH U R H I Join us lor the third or a 4-v..eck sencs: "How To Make Prayer r You" This ~l"Clr-s mcs"'1ge . "What God Wants to Bob Shank Senior Putor Give You Through Prayer" Bob Shank. speaking ~ #~ ! Wttbnd S~rvicrt • § Saturday Evening· 6 00 pm f "'"---" .c:cc c...-Sun~ay Morning · 9.00 & 10:45 a m 5120 Bonita D nyo n Or. lrvfo~, CA 92715 (714) 854-7600 Sunday, February 21, 199 l Subjec~ Mind Golden Text: Psalms 147 :5 "Creal is our Lord, an'd of grem power: bts understanding f.s tnflnlle." Udo Corona dtl lb finl Oiurch ol (host, Sufdt\I ~ond Church ol Chrnt Sc1tnh1t Ntwp«t Btoch, 3303 V'IO lido Htwport 8f0Ch . Chunh 1 Oom & S pm 3100 Po<ijic Vitw lk ~1 School I Oom Chu<ch & Sunday School I Oom W~ fwning W.driMly lvfn1ng lnlimory Mttting 8pm lnhmony Mtttrig Spm Pllonr 673-61 SO Pllont 67S-466 1 ""-__;;;~-=en Jlii~Gn~-· --- h.lintl'-llc"'Ulll'I~ l\tlntC~"'UHlrat Sc .. '&!• WU.~ PRES BYTE RIAN Woe.Yup anJ ht-Jr tlu.s pr...11,.11, ( nn.SHenlt'f~. hbli..aJ ~.I~ "GONE FISHING" (Lul.c ~ I II l '11 J J\ f-d Wll"\ 21 'l<N\ ' \,, .rnJ I 'i -\ \I 6CX) St. Andrews Road. Newport Bea h. aliforrua ( 714) 6 31-28N."I (acroa from ~'PO" IUrbof H~ ~"'" .ii l~mc & l 'ith I RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Dr. Ro ger Teel. Guest Spea ker Sunday r FmT lftlTED METlDHST auDI (f COSTA MESA 420 W 19ih St 548·7727 I 8et1t'ee? H.l't>Y and ~~,;Jff I ... AT t.DO AM NfJ 1t38 AM CHURCH SCHOOL • ALL AGES • 9 00 At.1 Nursery • Kflderganei • 1 O 30 AM Youth Groups Sunda~ Evenings ~~1rnsters Gatal Gouqh na Wildermutti NEWPORT CfNTEA • UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1001 Mo<Q.-•• .,,. COOOl'O oel "'°' 644-0745 Aet.~ I J '• l)R . .,£~ R 9'DO.l m ~"° 10 30i m \\ ~ .. CllllO YUUll\ Allul ~l'<lJY Stnool PtO•td'!d IOI both s-~·ces ~..,. Rtt "" 1,.ro1« EPISCOPAL a ~ 'WE AAf. A ~ 0£0ICAT£0 To l.ovlNO ANo SERVI>«:; JESuS C-ST As ~ANO S.w~· SAINT JAMES CHURCH eptSCopal . Tradttt0nal 7.30 a.m Contemporary 9 a.m Church School 9 a.m. ChartSmatic 10 45 a.m Wednesday 6 30 a.m Fr David C Anderson Rector 11Embracing Change .. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE - ---3209 Via ltdo;- Newport Beach 71 ~675-0210 • Ch<'d ca;;"P10• ded Services -8.45 am 1030 am. 530 pm Member ol the U111ted Church ot Re'•C'QllS Sc 111ce 2205 MAIN STREET. SUITE 23 SEACLIFF VILLAGE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (7 14) 969·1 33 1 FOR ADVERf/SINC IN RELICIOUS DIRECTORY Call Michelle Manire 642-4321 x. 260 PRESBYTERIAN e =· . ~ t \l.lf~ Pr, 1b1t. nJ" C~ ~r,h ''''PMI U .. •1,h J .1111hon c .lt l \\I 81utl ' It' , ' ._ l\ "' I (\ Ch IJ.:Jrc rr~1' i.ii..J 1::,i) ~JUdtl<'O l 11r .\'I ,\~Cl G.u, Collini .. rnJ Rob ~tc\\ .lrt r .11lllr\ 644-134 l EPISCOPAL ' \1 j,,hn tht Di' int f ri~oPJI Chur,h CoH.l \Im LENT tmNI \ i>4'tlhtn•tnt cuwl '>• nJ" """n al ' anJ Ill l 1' i,.lr<ft·, ~unJ~• ~h<'ol •I Ill Ir (\tnr;oJ '''""'"'" ll~w• LA GU A United Methodist Church 21632 Wesley Or u2una Beach •499-3088 Stmay M00."9 \\~:> & Ctw ..ti.Ill E oucatioo 1 O a m M1111~:ers DaVld Bea des & Vii!#rntJ V,"" • e e· Wesley Counseu~ Cen:er SeMCes Avai at> e MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C .M. Worship • Church Sc hool 8:30 a nd 10:00 o .m. 'ii 0 f ~·1 -- CHRISTIAN HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (01scrp1es of Chns.11 2.!01 lf'i ne at Sar•a 1t>- Ne ... pon B ·ach645·5781 Morning Worstup 10 A M Gene Swanson. Minister , CWIJ Clll'dl ........ Sll ..,,.. ..... c:.... ..... out OlllMW.llU,.._, Jmtsled.llSIC. ..... ---ta l 11 AM c.a .... 1 .. C* c..e ....... 544-74111 0 E p fty P> . ~.. 4Y 5trioo 9 w am Wors ? lu l!> am __ _..C~b1J41CJl·e...Av~ Jal' _ B•o e S"Jd~ \.\·~ tesd iv Ii 30 pm 714-548-3468 i9~ \~:>.'":! S::-- RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Newport Chwch of Religious Science Dr. Juanella Evans, Pa stor "Visualization 11 Saturday, February 20 Workshop 9.30om·2 OOpm w'Dr. Gloria Baltes "Gettin g ln Touch w ith th e Infinite " 263-126 1 Dial an lrup.ratlon 901 Dove St • 145 •51 1231 Newport leach o !1-Jo!IA Wa'f"• A:;,,.,r SYi\IAGOGUE TBIU ISAWf Ull nirlll ·._.,-* Sn-a I !\: ,,a I OOo:n St • S:.ct.i ~~ 1000Fol ~IU~ t'(\ (. l'o• ~I (cwt>cr 1•f <>tan~ l\w) r1iooc w ~~'7 VISITORS Al wAYS WI I C ONK at OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH ***AIM WIDHllDAY, febNafy 24 • Mist with d11tnbution of ashn. 6:30 a m., 8 30 1 m , 12:15 p.m .. 5:30 p.m. and 10 00 am. (Seaview Retirement Ptaz.a) ·Soup and Bread m.11 after the 5;30 p.m. Mau 1n the Pansh Hall Donatt0ns wlM be accepted IOf tht local P<>Of. ***LENTEN IPIAKEI 111111 Theme: ''HEAUNG IN OUI MMI B AND MOMll'' ~ *** WlllCIND MA1$11: Saturday -5:00 p.m Sunday -7.00 a.m .. 8:30 a.m., 10:00 1 m .. 11 30 Lm. 5;00 p m. ·r • *** NM PIY, every Friday during Lent t>eglnlng February 26, 6 00 p.m ~by sc.cr. rJ 1t1 0. ~ Ertnng Pn;wl Sun., Feb 28, 6;15 p.m. -''Meallng ttvaUgh 1'9 Church" wtth Monalgnof John Sammon Sun. Mar. 7, 6:15 p.m. -'1t•Clllng nwough 1herapy" wttt1 Dr. Lou Stoetnr Sun .• Mar 14, 6:15 p.m. -''Heating nwough Player'' wtth Fr. Eamon O'Oonnan Sun .. Mar. 21. 6:15 p.m. -''Heating ThroUgh The lnlttatton SOctamentl (laptllm, Conflrmatton. fuchatllt]" wlflt Fr. Rod .,,,,.,_ Sun .. Mar. 28, 6:15 p.m. -'1teallng Through Fotglvene11 (hconcMtatton)" wtth Monsignor Bill McLaughtln A+ Come Back To Your Church For Lent lll Out ~ C a ll 644-0200 or 6 44-92 18 ~ a AtaLs 2048 M9r YIMa Dr., Newport •••ch ' CHR/5TIAN reouoong rn Exciting, Spirit-Filled, Accepting Church? 'We're here wofflng tor you /" ..,,_,, OASIS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday Worlhlp 10AM -Mld·W.k SeMce Wedneadcry 7:JOPM . ' YOUTH PROGRAr~'s Ages 5-18 Child Care Ages lnfant-4 yrs. I For lnfOit t MJtlon 714 436-1• \ MATICOKER LJ(esr,lt ~. lst Plact Ans(I Enitrtainmov Daify • I st Plaa ..._ __ _.._...____. Wttlcly • lstPloa ..___.......,,. On February 1~, the Dally Piiot received 8 awards (the most In ·. WILLIAM LOBDELL Colum11 lst Ploa Edirorial P• ......___...._.............. I st Ploa LORIANN BASHED A PwblicSmliu lst Plaa the newpaper's hlstor ~>--_µ,~:;;~~~~iiiiliii·~:;;-..• .. 11 !Ill• --- In the prestigious Callfornla Newspaper Publishers Association (CNPA) Better News-· paper contest. No one covers the Newport Beach/Costa Mesa community better than the Dally Piiot. In fact, gl~en the results of the CNPA contest,. no small dally In Callfornla does a better lob. ROGER CARLSON Spons Comage I st Place • TONY COX Bwsiness Srory 2ndPloce ~..-..... • .. .......... TM March ol Dimes office in Costa Mt-s. nttds volunlttn '°' (und·raising comm1t1Cf'S (planning evtnts, 50liottng, goods and servi«s), spealong opportunillft (In titgh schools on the dan~ ot drua ute during prqnancy and on teen pr'S"ancy, ~~ICSJ, OCQSIONI office work and help with bulk mailings for 1nfo1ma1ion, call 631·8700 11 .... -Cllta Miii YMCA The Newport·Cosu Mesa YMCA nffds a variety o( general volunteer help, 1nclud1ng the ~ministrative clerical volunt~rs. general rNintenance, l.lnchcaping. youth sport c~hes and lifeguards lspeci.ll cert1ficat1on reqU11ed) f°' information 0< applications, call the YMCA at 642·9990. -II lecMry ~ to Recovery is .i non-profit organ1z.ition that -will serve as a professional placement agency for rec~ting alcoho!1cs and other drug users. Volunteers are needed to set·up, de.in-up and o((er clerical support f<K the upcoming "'T~n Mttting" ~-2 .ll the Cosu Mesa Community Center f<K inf0<imtion on the meeting or on other volunteer opportunities, all Manny al 722·71 )). .. PIClflc The Opeta Paafic Cuild Alliance, a support group f<K Opera P1eiflc, has a wide range of act1v1t1es (Of \"Olunteers from labeling and stuffing en~elopes, to sumng the ~ra $hop, lo being docents who prep11re children .it Orange Coa~ schools (Of "'hat tMy will Stt m an ope1a f()( 1nf0fmation, call 54·0PERA 1546-7 )72! The guild Where's my-club?~ The volunteers and service dubs page needs continued input. So if your organization needs volunteers, let us know and the Daily Pilot will include a summary of needs in future editions. If there's a dedicated individual or • new program of special interest which may be worth more mention, call in your ~atutt ideas. SeMce clut>'s can look for regular club news in upcoming edit.ions, but we need your press releases. For more information, to register your club with the page or to provide news on your club or organization, call Jon Ferguson at 642-4321, ext. 368. alliance featurt'S 20 guilds wt11ch range horn bridge and tennis 10 org.m1Z1ng the OperJ BJll, tht group's prem1t>r social event lhere is al.o an e\ttnsi"e educ.iti<>n and community outreach · pr<>gr.lm. Orange Ceutty fllr f1rll1 T Oll'I The Orange County Fair and Expos111on C nter on Costa Mesa needs volunteers 10 conduct CentenniJI farm tours for school children ranging 1n age from 5·8 yeJrs old. VolunteerJ will be tra1~ as docents by the fairgrounds staff, Tour guides are needed Tuesda>'S through FndJys th1ough May 28 lwo one.hour tours are offered on these days .it 9 a m. and 11 a m , and docents can.volunteer from one to four d.iys a \\eel.. lhe farm is a rephc.a o( a ""°'l..ong farm ""here th,ldren learn about pigs. ch1cl..em. sheep go.>b rabbits and crops for 1n(ormauon. cull 751·3:!47 Jnd asl.. for l~nda Com,ay at e>.tension 28 or Michelle McKnight at exten~1on 78 Orllll8 Colllty Homeless Tak Force The Orange County H~less Taslc Force •S recruiting volunteers for the lnlC.'rfa1lh Council N<?tw<>fk to WOl'k one-on·one ..... 11h homeless adults 1n the progr.im on basic life skills volunteers need 10 commit to Jt le<bt three hours per week 1n the evenings at kx:.tl congreg;11i0ns throughout Orange County, fo< additional information, call Valerie Cnffin .it 263· J 774. Dr•lllWood Boutique The Orangewood Boullque 1n COfona del fo.Ur, an upsc.ile resale boutoque "h1ch benefits the OrangeWood Ch1dren's Home, is on need of 1.oluntet!rs 10 Cb)I~ 1he boutique stalf with retail ~It.") The Orange"ood Children s Home ·~ Or.Jng<' County s em<•rgenC) ~l?ltl?r for abu~ and neglected children for onform.it1on, call PJt )tJcy JI 760·G640. Orton 8YlleJdl lodlty Onnge CUiiy Brllldl 11 e Orton O;slc111a Sociefy needs pcop!t-to I elp tt•.Kh re3d.ng • .lll.ldl Llbt-1~ .ind txindle rl"Si.;l<Jr m.i1l1f'~ .1nd ClllOtd.n te the <4; I gr lUP R~ul.11 wlunlt~I dul1l'S mclud J>t.>opl~ \Hlh gucxl ll'll•phooe sloll. tb C.lll 5· 10 pt':Op e n the !veal ullmg areJ anti confom th.l1 bfanc:h 1c:1cr1ab I •~c t>i.>cn ~11cet1\e J°' nfOlmJll('i(I Q1t • 61-11!.f.1 . Pedl1trlc Cn:er Research Futdatlon PCRf rJ1A~ n10 t • t )upp< "1 I' J•.itoc c.in l'r rCJ>4.•Jr(h L.borat<X) .u the Ch11a1cn' 11Viptal 01 OrJni.:e i-;l't..>J \nlu1i:ttr) 10 worl.. on lund lalSef'\ >UCh • ~ the i;olf tc..urnJll\l:nt 1n tht• µr.rg. d 3111) Jue 111111 1n r-;o, t•mlx r, hol1dJy card progr dm 1n DL"<.c:mber lhe c.irc.l program requ·•~ H1lunttNS all ) t'Jr kll'I~ to stock )I· >1f:S, "'"ra. booths ;it '1aft br.uuqu~ and \\Oil at ...itcl..u:..d!>c.e in~ Mew p.-1dwg1ng c.ird. f': 1ng c...itk-rs Jnd cleric.al "ork. 1 he card; are dt..")•gned L~ ch1IJrcn \\1th cancer. Coif tournamcnl requirl'l p<'Ople tu ,,ofL as support for l<>urn.imcnt. Charity auwon requ1rt.~ people to JX>•cure &•lb Jnd "°';,, d.t> of lhe e-t>nt For 1nformJhvn on Jnv <JI these progr.im), call hec:utiv-e OirectOI ~u~n Reid thf' main oif1ce JI 532·8&92. South Coast Repertory Theater llle South CoJst R"rp<;rtory lht'J:u need> · voluntct'r) to help "uh u~ering (!.l~ plays frel) f'or miormJt1on c.:ill 'J57-2G02 Als.o . lheJIN Cu 1d of South Co.ht Repenor. nel'<.I> \Oluntl·cr~ lur 0111ce "or!.: . .....,ot;..1,,!\ the suuH!nir !>h'cp. lund·rJ~ong e-.t-nb, ~pt·.ll..ers burtau and contlut.t111g tau~. For information call the cfc:,clc,pmcnl d<•p.irtm<.-nt at 95~-!C.02 .. Saturday, February 20. · 1993 M "' Shire .,.. leMs & Free Medlcll Cllnlc The oig.ut<J:atiun ~ \Gunt.t't'f ph~.i~ nurK'S, 1iharmac1su d t dental h ni>U •C<".,,hOOl)b ;.il\(j tr4nsl;11r~ 4Span sh) fOf f',:irJoi moinmg anti earh l'H nin~ unmsureJ waf1 ... 1n p;illctl~ I If~ med.al C~ler Fo1 mfOl'miiliOn al O..inne Stt'll ng t (150-0166 In the food bmJ J.uuncl.11 aid dallilwl!on IC.l peqple ilft' nt:t.'<frd to p.i ~.. food b<ig> penorm 1e< ~puonr>t "'°' t1.insla1~ <.Od p•o llJ' IOCJd a1 lcxal ma1-.e1.S from , a rn ·J pm on >\t>t-kila)l F0< mfixm.a11on, c.ill lur') c1t C..SO 381B SOmeone Cn1 Soup IOtchen Ht'~r11•n~t.A•1 , p~r 1 1 r1t"l'(.hpc pe to wr.e f AXl and !JI H r;i •cs :11 t~ I 1r~ Un1lt.'<i ~'\ethotl st Church II\. CCIU.l \Wf.3 or to prcpa•t> food 1n ti-f' morrun a, the Rt>.11 Commun.1.,. Ccntt'!f \ vlun:1..>t:1s r.in \<\"Of., <I) man) d ... ~ .b the~ \\-1~ 1n the """"' mvrn1n J~ tl-e R, J Commun11~ ·Center or 101 appro,1m:il• I, thrt'I' hvur ~hrf~ at ... tht.-church Pc1som "ho cans .. :>p;inish woult.1 be espeoal t lpf I for mot•• 1n!onnat1on pit> ~· cal J.u: .. \\ofl.lll a1 631·81i0 Crom 8 30 an 1 pm Vantage FoundaUon *Enjoy Slodes Fine Dining & Receive Complimentary Tickets to Newport Edwa rds Cinema, Presently Showing: GROU NDHOG'S DAY, SOMME RSBY & CEMETERY CLUB I I I I I I I I I I (' Enpy Fine :. J Dining 545-7168 3165 HARBOR BLVD • COSTA MESA ~ Block South of 405 F s Restaurant & Cote I 1 1 327 Newport Center ~rive • Fashion Island. .ewpo~ Beach I I Reservations R utred • 640 -5422 •Coll for mformaf10n ---------------JH-:1 • 1 ncl<et oercoupon wm entree •ouont.ty rn.;e:d • l ICl(91 P9f od •ova obc Sun ·fhu•s 4pm-l1ol'!'I-.I ------------COUPON ---,--~----- For Single Family Residences and Small Units • • Fast Approvals Competitive Rates & Tenns Contact Jim Lauritzen · (714) 760.-1552X242 2101 East Coas t Hwy. •Newport Beach $5.95 Lunch Speci al R,·~u/.Jr A l.1 C1rcc .\fr nu A/,0 A' u/Jb/e EAFOOD ALAD CAE AR ALAD A D OUP f THf DA) CALA~1ARI FllITTI EGGPLA T PA~1IG G IA PRO IUTTO E ~1EL C A RPAC IO A F l urc:J 1.1,, bc:d wtth p.trmc,.:in chcc,c, ru~ 'll.1. ,· 1r' r~ .rnd h' A TIPASTO Ml T \dc:c-uon ol 1.\'lld cm' \\llh 'c.lll'l ,j "lC HALF R A TED CHI KF 1 CHICK£ AL LIMO E \\1th rouu> .:int.1 ' n.:1. c C HIC KEN MAR ALA \\Ith put.\t\l md \('' t:ihlr CHICKE PAILLARD " th rot:u,, ;in,! ,ci:dahl RED NAPPER NAPOLETANA w11h pPtllO .rnd \('~d:thlc .PAST T R FETTUCIN I ALFRED Fcttuunc \\ nh OlU\hf\lOm\, \tl'.101 .ind r.irn ( \,lfl ... h ( '" LI GUI I AL P · T Lin~umc with '.iu,c \''If frt ,h ~.arhl, b.i,11, pine n\ l rnJ '1q:m <'1•' l•1I PE PUTTA F A Tube p.t u in 'p11.:v ll;maw ~.tu c \\1lh bl.i ... k ''I"'' .and :ap r PAGH TTI CARBO ~pa~hcm .. 1th er( am, pancctt.t and r:irn\\ !.'ln ... hcl' c A P AGH ETII W/MEATBALL C APELLINI ALA C H ECCA CA PELLI~I PRIMAVERA C ANNELLONI M 1 OTTI LI BOLOGNES RAVI GNO C HI POLETANA 646-1225 1969 Harbor Bl vd. • Co ta Mc a .1>3 ro 10:00; ril 11:00 Fri &: 1. A10 Saturday, February 20, 1993 ' .. From left, songstress Carol. Connors, actor Dennis Cole and Beth lane of Newport Beach, chair of las Floristas Ball. How to s ubmit your nuptial ne w s The Daily Pilot welcomes the chance to share th e news of your engagemcnr on,edding with ourrcaders. - Pick up engagement or wedding forms in our lobby at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, or send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Wedding Department, The Pilot, P.O. B°'~ 1 560, Costa M~a. 92626. Photos of the couple or of thebride only may be submitted with the finished form. Black and white photos reproduce best, but you may submit sharply-focused color photos for approval. Society Society Editor Vida Dean, 842 ... 321 A heartfelt day for · Isabel and Megan T he day of hearts was very special for Isabel Apkarian of Newport Beach and Megan Nicole Madzoef( of Corona del ~far. They were among the nine }Oung women prc~cntcd in Beverly Hills at the annual Dioce an Debutnnte Ball sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Armenian J Church of North America. :-------------..,. org::mizat1on that rni e funds for Handica pped Children's ChryC"» at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center. Suzanne Hall of CdM was in ch rge of Mannequins at the affair "hen participating mannequ ins and flori!lts (in· elud ing OC's Mo<le~to Busto) were announced. The 22nd annual event took 11111 .... place at the Beverly Wilshire with friends and family members attending. Apknrian is the daughter of Arto and Sonia Apkilrian, and her activities include attendance at St. Megan Nicole Madzoeff Isabel Apk'arian th e drama department. The preview of il!> floral headdress dcbutantc has been honored in ball ct for April 23. Society Mary's the field of ~1rt and design and Beth Lane of Newport will ----· Armenian Sa)S her ulumate goal is to start chair th e ball, ''hich is one of Church, where her m\ln fa~hion design business. Soulhern California's major she is an active member of its 0 social events. The theme this Armeni3n Church Youth l!.AS FLORISTAS -Another year is "Once Upon a Time." Organization. She is tri -lingual, event at the Ik,crly \Vibhire At the premiere party, 160 m:istering English, Armenian that wa~ ot interest to Nc,,port guest were welcomed by Julie :rnd Spanish, and she is a rci.idcnts "·'' Las Florist as· lee of Irvine, p're~ident of the studcllt orjaznmd bm11....-....ntt.------------ an interest in choreography. Songst re s Carol Connors emceed th e party and Sid Engel provided dancing music. 0 FASHIONS -Ebell Club of New-port Dcach and the Tue day Club arc joining forct!I March 16 to present a fa hion luncheon at the Dalboa Day Club. Event chairwoman Ruth Cadwallader of BalboJ Island has announced the theme of the affair is "Spring Fa hion~ for Wee Lassies" featuring Draper~ styles. Yes, a St. Patrick's grccn-:rnd-'' hite decor i planned by presidents Marie Gray and Lorraine Williams . Tickets for the C\Cnt are $40 each. Ebe II Club "a orgJnized in 1909 and Tue day started up in 1958. Madzoeff, the daughter of Michael and Sharon Madzo.eff and a member of Holy Cro~s Srephan ··--~ Armenian Church in Montebello, actively participates in the )OUth program at St. Mary's. She is a junior at Corona d~I f\far I hgh and involved in (71 4) 642-6919 Brochures• Stationery Call Pat or Mark Davidson Typeline 789 W 20th • Costa Mesa FIGGE 'W'edding Videos Custom Designed ' From $500 (714) 75 9-8470 UO Nev:pon Cenur Dme • u11e 11 0 • Nellport JkJ4·h Same rhii1gs were mea nt \Vrite your name on the back of the photo If you want l.Jn 1rr l,'l.J l•intemf'>r.11\: c.1tl·nn·~ }Our photo returncd.i.J2Leasc includ a stamped~ .addrc:, ......... .__1 ,1.,. __ \\'_t>_m_1ll' l\~thc:rifli!..m n .. to go together ... proposa ls on Va/enti1ie's Day chocolate with ice crea m -wedarngs and Figge! mailing envelope. .mJ l'h'!\ t'\l'nl ~u1l Engagemcnt.s and weddings are publbhcd on a spJcc-avail-J l '•'fJW.lll' L1111\ht" ,mJ E\cnt' u P1rn10 able basis. for !110re information, call 64 2-4 3 21 , cxl. 3 50. I J RinhJ.I\, ..J -\nnl\t'l"ctrlt"I ..JFunJrc11'l'r' .J \\ t' lJtnl! Rtupt kif\' .J l\ir B.11 Mn:\'ah..-. • 10156 Adams Ave., (At Brookhurst) In H.B. Beauty Supply -Huntington Beach Open 'til Spm 714 962-5132 r~----------------, ·! 2 EOR .1 g~~~~R ! I Bring at least a 1 lb. can of food {feel free to bring more) to I : support pl'oject S.O.S. and this coupon, then choose 2 meals : I from our menu ($5.95 or more) and receive 1 FREE 1 I • 2nd mtll muat be of~°' i... VU. •one coupon per f*1Y ·coupon noc velld I .,., -.out• ofter ari~ good Wif\ c:oupon end 11b can ol laod • ElPl'9• 3·11·93 I Pepper's ~n the Island is I I sponsoring this drive to I I help project I I SHARE 0uR5ELVES I I of Costa Mesa. I I I I I I I I On The lslood I I Bor & GriU I I I L.!.0.!~~~!.~·~..!5!.l~~!J JFull r Ill\ Rl'nt.11, .Jl\l"'l\ll:I F.k.1lm1." .JTh1:1111. Pmtt" .. Jfhal I ~~11' ..Jh- ( .trYtni.," .Jf..ntt11.1mm.>t11 .J\ .1k1 P.rrlm~. ....._\ uru\ mJ Lmi. 1 ......-n 11 t" I~\\' \\ l''I \,,\>fl '-lrl\ I ill f\ '-tnl.1 .\n.t, l .\ l/:il)4 THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE FABRIC AND PAY ONLY 1/2 PRICE Lots to choose trom I CDer 11-Sllll SllClllS. Tiii --NOW IT rorUllR DfMIND-- MIR&IRITIVlllf HIS ILL Nf W SINDIT IRBNCI , A fl'W meru WIUl ill fl'W frlren l rtll%5, ; \, r.iJcn !l'rVCO Yt1U1 a Olm lM' n•ce iJflJ mtm~lt'. 2337 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach • 631·8220 ........ S-4.fS-Sf.fS FIGGE 'i' ~ ln pcth~Uutl. / .. •t /tJtty·u~ht !J''m • (71-' 6H-69.\} • 240 Nt'J>Ort Ctntn Omt • 111tt 11~ • ~C?Jrt Ib:h NeWPOf! BMch/Coata Mesa ~aJty Pilot Erosion damage has homeowners on edge ~ Hillside dwellings are threatened as heavy rains wash away the earth. By Russ Loar SQIT~ ,NEWPORT BEACH -Retired irontractor C.J. Reynolds ~taycd up all night during the pounding rain- storm Thursday, watching the wate r tear away at the hillside below his Gliff Haven home. "We're just hoping and pray- ing," Reynolds said. "It's a nerve- racking situation." With record-breaking rains caus- ing minor and major mud ~lide throughout Newport Dench, Rey- nolds and other homeowners are on edge. .. J don't dare look at it, .. said Dr. Justin Call, referring to the rain-ravaged hillside below his Galaxy Drive home, which over- looks the Upper Newport Day. His home's foundation is about 20 fee t from 'the clifrs edge. JtJ~I ltil' l.1< t, When it rains ••• Rain toUis IMISU'9d It the Coa Mesa ~in moni- toring sution ol the qr.,.. C.OUnty Environmental ~~-"' Friday, Feb. 19: • Stotm total to ~e: 0.92 inches • Rain sea.son total to dlte: 17.91 inches • Rain season tWl at same date ~ yeM: 8.7 inches • Total for entire rain season last yeM: 11.88 inches • (~in seaton ~red flom July 1, 1992 IO tune 30, 1993) City engineers say there is no imminent threat of homes liding off ttlcir founda tion • but they port Bay. ' Saturday, Febtu&ry 20, 1993 At t warn th:it continued heavy rain City officials are not sure where ca n only contribute lo the danger. the responsibility belongs for hill· DianA Conners, left, of Irvine, and Syl\lia Oa\li dson of Balboa Island didn't let the rain spoil a day of shopping at f;hhion Island. National Weather Service fure. s~e up:iir :i~ng the Upper New-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­casters predict rain through ne'<t port Bay. "I don't think it's the Tuesday, \\ith a SO-percent chance city," aid City Manager Kevin of rain today, falling to 30 percent Murphy. "We arc not the property on Sunday. Light ,bo"er arc pre-owners." dieted for Monday follov.cd by But . Murphy s:ud the city will hoovicr ram on Tue da). ta~e concerted action to remedy .___. __ "If _xou co~pare 'c."'pillL . tH5ide--fl'OSt00-probkms -amt--de- other towns, v.-c 'e been pretty for· tcrmine financial responsibility. tunate so for," aid city grading "We will conduct a comprehensive engineer Rick Higle) "The 'ilopc and thorough anal)sis of all those fa1lu rc'i th:it ha' e occu rrcd he re issues.'' he said. h<J,"C -not cau ed ant s1gn1ficant Orr King:s Road, a group of re 1· lo cs." d~nts a Ire ad) has spent more than No significant los e )Ct, but Sl0,000 on a geological study of se,cral Gal3.'<) Dmc residents are the erosion problem in th eir Cliff appl)ing for emergenC) pcrmm to Have n neighborhood. In most shore up the agging hillside) that ca cs, homco\\ner's insurance does arc cutting into their back )ards. not cove r the damage caused by As of Frida} afternoon. city Oooding, residents say. General Services Director David City engineers ay residential Niede rhaus said the on-again, off· watering compounds problems of again pa11ern of recent rain storms hillside erosion. And county histo- ha'> helped prc,cnt ndd111ona l slip· rian Jim Sleeper sa}'i "cut-and:fill" ping. "The area that ha'e '>lipped home de,elopment i also 10 already arc holding,". N1edcrh:1us blame: \J1d "We're building where people G.il.a_~ Dn'c homcov.ner Bob did no1 build before, because ~hcphcrd 1 not onl} "omcd "e're running ou t or the Oats," about the safety or his home. but Sleeper said. the co t of pre,ent1og add111onal Before the da) of storm drains, hillside erosion "I v.ould h~c to homeowners in low-lying areas knov. v. hose re pon 1b1ltt) 11 1s ':lnd "ere in the greatest danAcr of v.hether anything I bcmg I.Jone... noodTng from the Santa Ana hephcrd au.J River. "Now it's the guys on the rhc Cuy Coun 11 "111 be as~1ng hills who arc getting the damage," the ame quc 11on during a 2 p.m Sleeper S3id. "It's not the Santa Monday study sc\s1on during Ana River they look dov.n upon v.h1ch council member' "'II rcv1c" that's ~u ing the problem; it's the a stoff report on hllb1dc cro ion geological formation they build on the v.cst mlc of Upper New· on." .WE PERHAPS YOUR DAYS WOULD BE EASIER IF YOUR NIGHTS WEREN'T SO BACKBREAKING. Unlike hard bed~. a Du'< bed helps your back ~tay tn a natunal J>(>)1t1on So you lcc:p more comfortably and wake up fttf mg more rc~hc:d and rc:v1talrzc:d Come: tn, lie down 1n a Oult bed You tla\c: to ~lc:cp it to bcl1c:vc: 1l THE OUX BED.THE BEDYOURBACK HA BEEN ACHl~C FOR' 11t1 Nrwpoot c:-. o..~ ltech CA m.o 1rto-c.wa..... r..u Klkhf'I °'"' Moa s. IOt,-fl j Ofh .......... M(n4)MN4Jt '91~ AVAIA&I • N .. ._ .... ._..~Ti DU XIANA AT FAS*lN 15UHO ........ ' * Avoid Costly Fumigations * We specialize in TIM-IOR APPLICATIONS A New Product Designed To Control And Protect Your Home From Future Termite Infestation and Fungus/Dryrot Infection • LOW COIT • ENVllONMENTAU.Y SAFE * ODORUSS * . , IONDED * INSUIED • 10 YEARS ~EltENCE CALL TODAY . FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1-800-300-TERMm A.tic ...,, ow ~..,,. •• 11217 Mt. 901~ Clrcle •Founta in Valley THE ORANGE COUNTY HOME IMPROVEMENT ~MODELING HOW -·--Friday, Saturday, & Sunday ...... , 19, 20, 21 HOWS: Friday 2:00 PM 'til 1:00 PM ~ 10:00 AM 'til 1:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM 'til 6.-00 PM See Everything New For Your Home • SfCUlfTY SYSTEMS • KITCHENS • IATHIOOMS • IOOff«:i • IOOM ADOfT10NS • WATElfAUS • DOOIS & WINDOWS • SPAS -... HllOI DESIGN • ~ • RJINSt..c;s • CMPfT1NG Featuring Hourly • DO rT TOUISB.f W011C5ttOPS • DIMONSTIATIONS • HOMl IMPIOYfMENT ~ • oesP\AYS • EXt9ITS • DKOIATl«i • LAN05CAPtNG • fl& 9fTRTMMNT • Sl'ICIM. HOME SHOW PllCES • MtNG M WttOU fNM. Y Co// 1·800-358-7469 For more information ~~;:.7.~-~:. •An I 8lh • ... ~ .... ··-' ll'Jll'. ion Your Home is the Pillar From \Vhich Your Family Grows and Builds • v . . Home L-Oan Rates Are At a 20 Year L-Ow FIXED RATE • 7.5 30 30 _l.R \1.S · .LJS ~0 ~EG. \~1 Jl'MBO LO!\~ · 7.875 30 30 ~IJt'i1h1e ~(1ur tuture ti~ 'ecuring a ~l'" f ,cJ or aJJU,IJl'>le k1Jn p.nmenl Call ,•ur c\pcncn .. cd loJn lOn,ulc..int' O&Oll find llUI hov. C:I\\ II " Ill \IJrt \J\ llll! fllr the fu1urc l\1JJ, 1 I I I .. ----- 12752 Y.r, \irw aw.I 0antm Grove I • .. I A1 a Saturday, February 20. 1993 Arts & Le I ure Entertainment runs Tuesday; Weekend runs Thursday; Alta & Lelaure runa Selurday. Ecfitor Is Matt Coker, 642-4321 ext. 366 Now You i • See ·Him ·, ~ Erik Seidenglanz of Corona del Mar is trying to levitate a career as a magician at the ripe old age of 1 2, all under the watchful eye of mother and former film/television actre~s Cheryl Miller. W ith one hand, Enk Seidengl:JnL taJ.es five quarter off a green·felt table top · in his Corona de/ Mar home and puts them in the palm of a '1s1ror's hand, f1rml> ''O\ ering the change \Hth the man's finger;,. "Don't open it," the 12-; ear-old commands \\'ith h1\' other hand, tile >Outh p1d.s up J 'ingle quarter, Jiggles 11 ;mt.I vpem hi hand to rc\C:J/ it h." 1·ani;,hc.·d. "No11 opi..•11 )Our.hand." he ln~trUCb The 1 isaor lift his fingers to J1,p/J_1 " qu:irter.s. Though he ha-. only studied magic a little over a }'Car, Erik Seidenglanz is already on the path tr.ave led by I Ioudini, Blackstone and Copperfield. He performs regul:icly at p:iqies and the f\tagic Castle in Los Angeles. He abo appeared on a national cable television show taped Friday, and he'll hit the college circuit oon. To keep hi head straight an the heady \\Orld of sh°'"biz. the Harbor View School student is getting some expert guidance from another former c-hild performer: his mother. 'Huu d you do that'.'" EriJ. is ,j)J..t•J "V''.D 11dl .. he replies mJtter-of-factly. Cheryl Miller ''as in her faN movie, l 9.t4.'s "Cas:rnova Bro" n" with Gary Cooper, \\hen she "a' 19 d:iys old. As she got oldet, Show bu iness is all _in the family for Corona de l Mar's Cheryl Miller and son Erik Seide nglanz. She's an actress; he's a magician. Miller moved from s.wdia to__ --"'-- 0 tory h) lU a t t C o k ·c r Photos by ~I a r e 1'1 a · r t i 11 studio, appearing in 60 mo' ic.., _ campaigns. aod tele,ision senc along the f\taller left the busme'' in the way. mic:J.. '70:. to raise her l\\O other She is most remembered fo r sons, "ho arc now ages 23 and the CBS televi ion series 24. Later <livorced and 11,ing in "Daktari" (1963-69), the NOC Rancho Mi rage. she met and soap opera ''Bright Promise" : uhimntely married Bob ('7 l ·'72) and a.' a "Dodge girl" in Ka sselm:rnn. the o" ncr of a St. three different 1 V commerca.al Louis·lw•ed medical nutrition businc . She and Erik mo\ed into Kassclm:rnn's Corona dcl Mar hou e 3Y.! years ago. T he family a1'1ends Ou·r Lady Queen of Angels Church, where Miller and Eril.. -,ing in the choir. She also volunteers nt his school, where she's IJught {>hilharmo~ic Society finally unveils international series COSTA MESA -Popular Irish musacaans The Chieftains, a mari· ac hi band renowned for 1t!> col· labor.uions wath Linda Ron!ttJdt and a herald~ African company of acrobats, mu'\icians and dancers are among the International Art· bis Series performers the Or.rnge Count) Philh.armonic Socict)· "'•II prest>nr.rrrtrc Orange C'ounr} Per- forming Am Center in 1993-9..t. The Philharmonic Society's en· 1993 Mercedes.Benz 190E 2.3 $384 MO. PLUS TAX 36-Month CIOM'd-End l..caM' tire 401h anniversnry season will be announced Monday. The fhe·C\Cnl "C" series open~ p.m. Oct. 2 "ilh Mariachi Los Campcros De Nati Cano, \\hich, besides working "ith Ron!>ta1.h. re· ccntly performed at Prc!>aJcnt Clinton's inauguration. Les Da lJcts Africain . the Re· public of Guine:i's celcbrate<l cum· pany o( 35 acrobats, musiciam and dancers, perform!> 8 p.m. NO\. 20. See OCPS/A13 @ FU:TCHER J<. ~~ES \I ' " \ i· 1 \ I' .., •••••••• • •••• The Ultimate Reception Hall On The Water Front m·erlooki11g picturesque Newport Harbor self-esteem cla"c ~rnd 1s If} ang to l;aunch a n.lltllnJl campa1l!n requiring ~c;11 bells on s hu•ll bU\C\ r<.tillcf and Ka.,,eltn.inn jhu h;nc a po~t.11 bu,ine-.'.'> in L1gu11J Hill' called ·1 he ~tail Room. I kr onl) current I hlll)\\tiod · connection., 'lime 'oace·O\cr \\Of!... "l\c been \\Orl..ing on gelling bJcl.. 1n10 (ac11ng)," she ~J td. ··Tticre arc a lot of c:t,tang people out there \\ho "ere born after 'Daltari,' \\hO don't quite knO\\ \\ hJt it as. They don't qunc see See MAGIC/A13 . DO. 'T J T GO THRO G H IT - G ROW T HROUGH IT! Di ~, SEMINAR _ \,,01 -rie . ()\tr 9.000 persons \..' ha't atttodtd lJ ' \ A E.\flXAR FOR " l""'rantf'f'd llu,I>• ~ ~l-..llJ dm..,•ll "' tr.W' '"'fU•tv '""' *" rr~1-.U•tmn h~ ttn..iW> ff"("', •nJ ftrst """''h' J'I' lll<'Ttt foul r•vtnmt• $1 ~"I" R ... 141111 ~1• "''" v.h .. a. m 1112~ '4.r'~ ,,. 1w...,.,.. n •d fr•"'a" !' /WI • WEDDING RECEPTIONS • ANNIVERSARI ES • CLASS REU IONS • Accommodating Groups Large and Small .\1al'Ch & April Dates still A \•ai/able CALL FOR DETAlLS (714) 673-5070 Reco~· ~eiy ~, ptt'IOUS workshop ks DJ\ ORCED A."iD EPAR.\ TED '. v l 0 1 l 1op . PEaSO~ Of All. .\Gl.S • Wl St\ Thur day Evemng February 25th · April 1st 7:30 • 9:30 p.m. '\e~port llarbor Post 291 or the American Legion 215 15th St. Ncwoort Beach . T.' A DREW PRESBYTERIAN C HURCH <.'\\port Beach -St Andre~ at 15th St. (aero ll from Newport Harbor Hi'1.h) -$20 Re21 tration I or more anforma11on call 63t~8AS Mon·Fn, 9.) DINNfR Al MARGARllAVlllf BARN STEAKHOUSE NOT2FOR1 fOOO fOR f Vf RYORf IN PARlY INTRODtJCING LOTTO MONDAY Al Least One Monday a Month All food Served A~er 6PM Will Be Free. At the end of your meal you will receive a thank you note for dining at Margaritoville, but NO BILL will be given for your food . WHICH MONDAY WILL BE NEXT? ••• NOBODY KNOWS . l'Qd1ltA\1b• Malmn Cant/no 1 1 2332-W. COAST WNY., NEWPOIT BEACH. FOR RESERVATIONS (714) 631 ·8220 Slnre 1961 • FAIMll STEAi HDUIE Nothing Extravagant -Just Great Steaks er ving Lunch & Dinner 2300 Hatbor Blvd. at Wilson, Costa Mesa in HARBOR -$CENTER Cal tor more information or reservations: 641 -9n7 ... • f " II ., ll ot • " ~ w •• .. .. .. Satutday, February 20, 1993 At3 OCPS From A12 The final three pre!>Cnt:ition) arc returning by popul r dem~nd: Tbt Cbid\alns, the l~JJing upo- nenu o( tr1d1tional lmh m1.a1t;, 8 p.m. Dec. 6; Tbt Canadlun Ilrass, the world's mosH1ccl31mcd br3\s ensemble, 8 p m. Feb 26, .:ind the Hungarian Scatt fulk En crnl>lt•, Budapest'!> famed compJny of IUO danccn., mu!l1cians and i.mgeri., t> p.m. M:irch 15. The release of th" slate of per· formances "a del3) cd as J public deb<ite raged on between OGP~ and the Performing Am Center It was resohed e:ulier this week when the center bo rd'' &ecutc'<e. Committee appro,ed dates the philharmonic society previou ly re- quested to rent Sc,emrom H:all for the Kries. Howe' er. the committee ~kerned '93-94 will be the lai.c )e:ar an OCPS "C' ~rie) that doc not include classical orchci.tra, ch:un- bcr or recunl pcrforrna11ccs "all be allowed at the cenler. • Center offic1Jh pointed ou1 that the non·CIJ'>SICJI C\.l!nlS conOkt \.\llh the philh.irmon1c soctety'!i m1ss1011 Jnd performance:. the ccn· 1cr and other regionJI organtta· tt011s prc:'>ent there. fhe philh:Jrmonat !>OClc t~ ha~ re- ponded th l 1t h:n hitd to ~le b cl.: its P"~nu11ion oC tourio& r· che tras 1and been un blc to 1n· elude rec1t h. or chamber en- sembles in ne>.t scawn's ··c· i.c· racs bcc:11,; c of i tecehion· induced I ck of quality, touring :arti)t . Ironic II.). the d1 puted ~ri~ has bcfume of the mo)l popul.ir pre cnted b) ca!ih-str3ppcd OCPS The: Ch1d1.uns' Detember IC/IJJ appc3rancc Jnd the Hung:111:in St;&tc f oll. Lni.cmblc'!i J-ebruary IC/W !>hO\\ drew )Cit-out crOYwds. A past appearance b) the Canadii!Jl Ur~hs w;a near "ell-out. J"o r a brochu1e OC '>UbSCClptlOrl infurm :.ttiun, phone S53 ::!~22 ••UEA\'EN ANO EARTH ... BAR-B-QU£, RIBS, CHICKEN, FISH, HAM & SAUSAGE Milot~Nal Young tN,gici.tn Erik Seidenglanz's summer-amp trunk is now a table for his close-up tricks. This spr:iwhng, m;immoth '90 Japanese period coo01cl film IS like a Kurosawa epic v.1thout Like You've Never Tasted! -at minimum-age requirement. the intro pcction. Grandiose. Having learned how to deal C)e-Calchmg visuals :ind mcmo- w1th rejection from her acting r::iblc baltle scenes highlight tht!> MAGIC Jr in Rancho Palos Verdes fir t .. ~ got Erik interested in magic. He From A12 tarted tud)'cng a year ago and ~ ~-Jt~ .~ ~~WOOD PIT ~-' p ... , t .... days, Miller was prepared to let film about t"o feuding 16th Erik down easy if, as sbe century warlords (Tai.au Enol.1, u'ipeclcd, he was deemed too Mu:ihiko Tsugawa). figh11n, ror nov. practice two hours a day. me as Lhe young matron. I'm in Milter made a deal with Erik a peculi ar transiuon." thJt he would give him $10 for BAR-B ·QU£ ~ and young for the program that domains and glory. The film 1s trains young magicians to notable ror not only its 1m· She' sLill reoognucd "Ort ht'I new-found craft for every of book over 100 pages he read. ''It drives people batty They 1::.nk read 25 books and SOUTHERN STYLE. MEALS ~no" they know me from · promptly used his $250 to buy 'omewhere, but they don't magic books and tricks. reme mber where. I'm a familiar 'ff e's obsessed," Miller said. f cc, but they're not qucte sure He started performing v.here they know me from." on the tree1 of Corona del · When Miller v.1ts a young Mar. unltl he "as mformed that Jelle • her mother WM not the he would need 3 permit. 'tercotypieal stage mother Julian Myers. Miller's public ''II \\8 no big deal · She relation-; man incc the early "J' there to be a real 'uppom"c da~·., arrnhged for Erik to mom Conscque~.tly, I "J'n't perform at the Magic Castle, real ..cre\\ed up "here hew c · l \\ a 'I Ot'r rnTC \\ un l nl I--"" nc:r M1lt Larwn arranged a I'm the mother behind the trv,,ut tor club'" young person's perform in Magic Castles across pressivc budget (reportedly the country. more than S40 million), Jnd the "Lo and behold, they took fact that much or the movu: wJs him in a second," she said. :ictually fjjmcd in CJnad"' Dc-Erik's firsl performance without his mother present was spite lhc ,broad wul.c helming,' incomprchcn~1\C~ all1Jnc.: sluft· a recent p rty in BrentwOod. "He called me and said, 'I'm mg :ind the fact thJt our m:un a little nervous,' " Miller said. hero 1s prcm much " c;irJllV.1rJ "I had butterflies tn my prude, director HJru'-1 ~;i,1, l.:a- !>tomach," Erik explained. v. J pro\ 1Jc~ nun-~top :u:t ion and "I told him, 'Have fun, smile. : spectacle ;11 every turn. ll \\111 ~Ch £or kids' ~u.;u·UU.:>-4Jlll----J--l---:.!IO:;::>C~a~IOt Of llS lffiJ).;IMu: ~i\\~f 1rOU ·11 ~ just fine ' " . on the little scr~c: n uke the proud mom she is , R.Jllng vn :> l·IU ~.Jk, 1U ~~ r.,,;.,,, "' &,,. c"'""" "°"' & o,,, ,,,. ,&+.,,,,,,,,~ DlocA. cY"J p,,n Fr,d's DaJ..d D.ans HH I ,.~ ~09"~ co1..,,., fi,,, .. J ;..,. ,.,.., .. '"',,.,,, ..'J scv '' ;l 6'a .. ,. . ~....,,,... Pl,, he added "And he was great. b.:mg best. 1 l\e heard." -BJ Todd I n ·nch performer .. pr~1~rJm. e'en though Erik "a A 'ho" ~ Harl) UIJc tune thrc.:c ~c;ir, ~hy of 14. the 3305 Newport 13/vd . Un it A . Newport Beach . (71Lf) 7Z3-7ZLfO • FAX (71Lf) 7Z3-7ZLf 1 Stars shine for KOCE fund drive llUNTINGTON BEACH Bob Dylan, Elton John, Stephen ~ndh,ram :snd Monty P}thon'~ , n,ang Ccrcu :ire mong the t31- tnu th:.it h:hc been enlisted for t-.OCE-TV's "Spnng Mcm,bc~hap r e)tl\ JI," the public tele\ is1on St3• 1 un·~ b1ggc5l annu3l fund-rai er fh~ dme run M rch 1·22 on Channel 50, wh1 h 1 broodcns1 1n c_ o,t:i Mc a and Newport Beach. Programming highlights include: • '1llrtl ..... C...., ._.,. (I OS '11 rna,. lilMdl 5). W1ti die Clit lff M- 111straUo1 ban1J ill plact, ~Capitol cocfuc llOMs tu• It Ille ,... pmiddt, llis uhtott a'ld CoQSrm. •"lift II ,,._ .. lUS p.•. frldly. ~II Sl. IA ctltbrabon of tll• ll1l111ous lntJSll COOl- t4J troupe's 20th anni""'l'f· Uus special Lam tilt ...a.rtioa of tM '1Uloas' SUCCHS l;.roup such d&SSIC secm•nts as "O.id Pat- rot S~dcll," "lumbtr)'Ck Son('"and "Mudie. llud&e. W1Ak, W'iak." • ''ltllry r (t.15 p.•. Sunclap, Marci 7). '-••tll ~ d!fKted Md stamd ii tlle Ltlt role If tllis acdalM filll idapUbOtl of SllJbs,e,,..·s IUSterpitct. Alse stan Dtfi Micobi, w o.c. aad , ... ScotitW. • "8111 Jm I.Mt" (Ip • Monday, M1tci IJ Conceft filll tllltd dUOl\C hlS ttcent lnlHa· p .tel WOl1d ... includes ... sotlp Md CIHUe Mb. .......... '* .... " ~ __.. (t.15 p.a. Tueldly. lbrctl ti. by b1lll llosts a profilt el Mllna'a P'lmltf .... If 11.sa CMlpos.tn Ricbnl lodprs .... ()sQf ............. • ,.llt1 ...... Ill -CIW' II p.a. W~. ~ 10). TM ..,..,._ cil'Ni- clts tile Wt If lllt ~ jw piuist wbo loulld ........,.._asaailpr. • '1 A Ill I C ' ' 71 • Cl8 ldl Ill'' lt:lS p.a. Wtdltsday. Marc• 10). Liza Mu\tnl, hrlldetlt hWI, ,attl Lill' ... and G .. 111 a.st lllMil I p&., If f*foJMn cel- tbrallllC tilt .. de ..; lyrics If OOI If lfold- wiy' s llOll-,.,.._ COllPlsers. Sttpbel Sold-~1•. •. ....,,,_.,.._,T•"(lp.•. Sund17, lillrd 14). Alttriu's PGPlllat M trit Ptlaf, , ... IN Mary CIWwatt tlle spirit of cllddlleM we....., *"" • ....... In 1111 Pft'' (I P•· ......,, ~· 15). TM .,.., .._ Is acc.,... ~ ft.Mt ..... ~ .. ,...... Or- CMstn d .. uelld ~ i-llil*a tM I 1~ ....... ~.,_..._., 11,., ... ..... .-ru-•~<•11.a. ........ lllldl 11: 11 p.a •• ........,. Mardi 17: IN lMS 11.a. s.a,. lllldl 11) • ............ ...., ..... ..... "._. ... _ ............. . shllt .................. ,.,. ~-..... .,,.. .. , .......... ..... • ..._~A IW•W...- (' ..._ ..... llltO II: IN I p.a. S. "r. lllldl 21). TM._...,, c1ld ..... tat ..._ llllar phmmnn .,.. ,., • ....... ....... ... , .. ,... ...... ..... ............ -.............. ........ ...... II Jllllb. • "111111 ,__ •r"' (I p.a. S..,, ..... w. .. ,..., ... u... ... .. ............ ..,.., ••• .i .. ... ,. ..... -.......... " .. ............ :1 ..... ... .. lllltfl II 4 Ttll tlill 11111 JICl 9 'WINNER AC-WOO' AfARD .VOMLWJO.\S '"'i.uu• Best Picture UNFORGIVEN NOW SHOWING! 9 W'INNER .4Ct.IUY Af AID .\O.tll!tfilO.\'S '"',_.u.. Best Picture HOWARDS l"~.END~ NOW SHOWING! m WINNER .KWEJff .41t-tR.O \'O.HJ\IDO\S '"'''"""tc Best Picture lHf CRYING GAMf NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS. NOW SHOWING! $3.75. DAILY BARGAIN SHOWS STARTING BEFORE 6:00 PM ., 00. ,_a-tl.00 II BIG •. NEWPORT IOWPORl.111 ~1 ...... u 11 'hO \ , b. 11 »2oo-"30-100-Ul b. 100-ll0-5oo-700-900 1215-2»445-700-915 12DO-~ 1200-315.m930 b. • ~... 100-300-SC»700-90J • ICllTIFl_..flt 12»~7W-1015 ..... ___ 1~7»1030 •me 1&1 CLa(Pl-111 1m-Jm.~15-1D35 • LMm..,., ,..,I) n»t»J»~T»Ul ---.. , ,., 12»300-SltH00-1020 l~ UNIVERSITY IA~INI . ,•,i ~Rl 1 • ._ ... _,.. *ICllTIFA_..Cll m '° I I 1111 ,__ ._.,.,, .... ...... ........... 130-'30-730-1015 I oo--400-700-1 (XX) 100-315-~~1015 1200-~l<XX! 1~15-1030 11»1 '5-400-61 s-a:» 1030 I ' WOOOBRIOGE . ": '"' •. 1 111>'~', • I I E I,..,. ____ ,..,. * 111• ·-· ...... -~~-' 12~15-~15-l(Jl) 1200-21~700-915 11» 1l>-l»S»7»91 s 12D0-~945 1200-2»500-1»945 , DMJ0. 711). t In) 12»36-~1015 .. .. ,.-, .. ,.., .. 130-~1035 , 2Gl).2»5(». 7» 1 In> 123NIM3H00-101S ·~II) ·---(I) • ..,., If ...-SS (al , 9 TRABUCO HILLS M1ss1oii·vrr.m :.~i\"~ m 1I1111 UJ(PI) ·----(1) • ICllT If l _.. (al II FE t ,..11) '130-200-43(H00-9JO DI 11111 MY(N) oo;m:S&Sal5-1020 ·-•-111 12D0-~9'~ * LllmWUNI 1,..1') !IJ0-1»l»)J0.,.9JO • ICllf •a_...., 11)-415715 101~ ' CH~RTER CENTRE . .,~·"': lo M •• •l .' ~ •amYWI tit ____ ,,.. . ..... . . ......... . LI 1' 1 • '16 ANAHEIM HILLS •· ''"". -•·· l•-~ \ ............. , ...... ,f"'\, .. t•. FESTIVAL 8 ANaHuM • :m ~.s' 1 • '" . A14 saturday, February 20, 1993 Co m ·m u n It y Forum Com,,;un1ty Forum runs on J ~. ThurlcUys and Sat~ Writ• to: Pilot Letters. 300 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Fu to: 64M170 • R••den' Homn. (~letters Md commen .. :) 642«>88 • Editor Wiiiiam Lobdefl ... 642-4321, ext. 351 Editorial ____ F ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Thumbs up to . cable hearing The envelopes please •.. ..A Thumbs up to the Co!>ta Mesa City ll..J Council, which agreed to hold two public hearing on Copley-Colony's recent 1 J percept cable hike, conveniently passed just mon ths before the industry becomes regulated again l11i\ Thumb~ do"'n 10 the same: Costa Mc :\ 'I' City Council, which axed $4,750 in city funds earmarked for local grad night!> but approved $135,000 for new carpeting in City Hall. . 111\ Thumb!ll down to the Orange County 'r Board of Supervi~r), "hich gave Costn Mesa only a "'eek's notice before 11 was going to approve a )atcllite jail 1111e in the city. riiiiiiiiil'. ........ .... ... .. . . . .......................... . t!Dl!J' ....................................................... . Father Coughlin This is in reference to recent arltcles regarding Fath~r Richard Coughlin and the All-American Boys Choru . I have been associa1ed with the choru) for approx~mately_ 13 )'ear). Fir!lt as_jLJ)arent of_,.o""n..,._~-1 -­ of 1he boy~. then as a volunteer: later the .. ec:retJry Jntl a board member. Although I rclligned a\ .i board member O\cr t"'O )Car:. ago fur per..onal reasons, I am )till very much in iouch with the board members. My !>On, Jason, auditioned with the Chorus when he wa!. 8 years old, became a fu ll-fledged choru \ member at 9, left 1hc choru at about 16, and then wai. a taff member as a sounll techn1c1an until he recently left ihe group to allend college in Northern California. In all tho..,c years. never did l sec anything 1nappropnJ1c. Nothing in the slightest. Nc ... er once dtd I \ensc that ~mething was amiss - never. No gut feeling), no "parent antenna" going up. Nothing. I only )aw a hard-working. kind, allmired director. Ye'>, he was affectionate. The boys loved him and s11ll do Father Coughlin was affectionate with parcnt!I as well. What a relief, frankly, to see love and affection surrounding the boys, and the parents, too, instead of a cold, unf celtng lcJrning and training at mo phcrc. But never did I !>Cc or seme anything wrong. I spent literally hundred!I and thousands of hour) over the yca·rs as a volunteer, in very cloSt contact with rhc boy), the staff :ind the board. I can only say from my own pcrson"ul experience that it was all open and above board. There was never anything in all my memories that would even come close to 1mprupnc1y. Nothing. fhe mu!.1cal program of the All-American Boys Chorus i!> undoubted ly one of the bcM available, anywhere. Tony Manrique i one of the finest managers or leaders that I have C\ICr encountered tn the business world. He 1s one of the hardest working, most multHalcntcd per!>On!> I have ever seen . The staff members arc dedicated and loyal. a., well as the member) of the Board of D1rcc10rs The programs and procedure!> of the chorus are the most efficient and fairest of any I have ever dealt with. fhc tra1n1ng. friendship,, adventures and tra,eb that my son experienced with the cho1u~ are irreplaceable and unforgettable. Jason has only po!iili\lc commcnti. and mcmonc!> of h1i. days with the bo)S. with l-athcr Coughlin, with Tony. with the staff. The mui.1cal program iti.clf is of the highest quality Ton). the staff. the board, de)crvc all of our continued succc's and support. The All·Amencan Bo) Choru must and will continue to '>urv1vc and thrive. I know from personal experience of the hard work, the dedicated talen t, that ha) taken the chorus from a small group so mJny years ago to its world·cla i. performance.i. and stature today. 1 re el so 1rongly about the r ast, present and future or the chorus that I wil be happy to talk 10 you pe r onally, and if the choru5 can use my help a'i an alumnus parent, 1 will be happy to help in any way possible SHIRLEY WERNER, Costa Mesa Anonymous caller crawls out from under rock •eain __________ .......,. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . , .............. : ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . Readers rebuttal More reade r mai l fro m t he ... Mark Petracca Fan Club Who is Mark Petracca? What arc his credentials? Surely being an associate professor of political science at U.C.I. is no great accomplishment. Has he put his life on the line in service to his country? Why do I believe he has not and he will not? Why do I also believe he is the type that think others should be forced to sacrifice for his liberal agends? I say to Mark Petracc:i "get out of my face and off my back; you have not earned the right. Go get a real job and I will listen." 0 William G. Gustafson Costa Mesa Con erval1!.m is not dead. Someone should tell Petracca to wake up and smell the coffee. Liberals did 001 "'in the popular vote; 51 percent of the American people did not vote for Clinton. There is an chigma in society that some highly educated and self-proclaimed experts like Petracca can lack the most ba ic common sense. Conservatism is s:iid to be :i dinosaur and the embodimeht of :ill of society's ills (i.e., segregation and gender incqual11y). I wonder how many outhcrn liberal Democrats supported segregation and gender inequ:ilt1y over the years? Quite a few, 1 suspect. with a SO(ial science is that its small theories disappear because they bore, not because they arc (alsc. They arc merely argued into existence. And now Mark P. Petracca, a political scientist, has "proved" th:n eon:.crvativcs will substitute the threat "of homosexuals living openly in a heterosexual society" for the threat "of the evil empire as an e!> ential defini ng characteristic of contemporary conservative thought" ("Looking for a new 'evil' to rally against," The Pilot, 13 Feb.). Yawn. Saying something i!> so docs not make it so. When Petracca ~y:. that conservative ideology has internal coniradictions and irrelevance, he owes it to his readers to point out those contradictions and their irrelevance. and how they differ from other political contradictions and irrelevanciei.. Whiu docs that ideology con tradict? What makes it irrelevant? llow can ii be shown, as Petracca claims, that "the ideology of conscrvati!.m ~as no relevance to the poli11cal (uture of the republic"? For that mJtler, what is Pctracca's definition of "the ideology of conservatb m"? As far as homosexuals in the military, the battlefield lloes not ·re)pcct politica l correctness and only the best phy)ically and mentally should be un-rhc from nncs. There are numerous rca.sons lo exclude homoscxuab: lack of privacy, living in clo c quarters, show~ri)lg together, operating in isolated areas to name a few. Petracca !>D)'S that 1b1· "i.tru~gain,1---- 1scnmination based on sexual UCI professor and Pilot columnist Or. M;uk Petracca preference will be neither easy nor because of religious bcltc:f ... Reading Petracca's llogma, you get the feeling that he is the poster boy of the militant, linear." Neither he nor unyunc el:.c can show that in the history of the world we have ever had a "linear struggle.'"Or an "easy" one, for that matter. Any struggle that was ensy was not a Petracca end!> bis talc by talking about 1he "em;rncipaling 11llc:) of hi .. 1ory." Yeah. Sure Like: in Ireland'> Paldtinc? The former Yugo,IJ\ 1a? 1 he anything-goes sixties. . Let's bnng America together with fairness to all, · not tear it apart by catenng 10 the radical agendas struggle at all. And conservatives arc no more the "custodian'> of contemporary morality" than anyone else is. It has yet to be shown that :ill people in this country ."om3n m the American wor~place? I he i.ubstJndJrd wages P•mJ 10 illegal alien ., Whe re Jre all the)e "enunctp::iting t1dC!io or h1story"'I Only 1n Q • text boo~. of special interest group!>. · Remember an ovcNhelming majority of Americans across Am erica are against homosexuals in the m1htary for M>und rca~ns. Let's listen to the , majority this time in:.tcad or the vocal minority. agree on a group definition of "morality." One al~ lloubts what Petracca tlve rs, that a group's sexual preference 1s also its "cs:.ence ai. human being ... " That's a reductionii.t claim \\tth nu And the people who "rate: poltt1c.1I )t1Cllle 1e:1;1book'> and ht!iitOI) te,tbuo~\ do not h\ e in the era "'hereof they wrne. ln\tead. they rc"rcJlc th e pa!iol to )Ult thcm)elvc), turning the 11dc ol h1:i.1ory into the sJnd) of rhetoric. ~ Keith Bateman significant merit. • Costa Mt!>a 0 Political ~c1encc is a social science. The difficulty As far a letting ''rellg1ou) foi th determine federal public policy," of cour)c it doe • in the sense that many people \Ole the way that they \Ole Don K P1er .. turff CO\lJ Mc: 3 Best of the Hotline r: ::::: :: : : :: : ::: : : : :: : : : :: ::: : :: :: . :: : : : :~:: :: :: :: : : : :: : ::: '.::::::: :.::: :: : :: :: : : ~::: ::: :: :: :: : : : :: : : : : : ::: : : : :: : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :: :: : :: : :: : :: : .. ~: :: : : :: : : : : : :: : : : : : . : . ~: .. :: .. : ::: : ::: : : :: : .. : : .. ::: ........ : : :: :: :::::: • The following is D ~:impling of calls from our 24·hour Rcad1:rs' llotline. If you'd like to get imvlvc:t.J. it 's as easy ;is punching in the following seven numbers: 642·60S6 Ple:JSe leave your name (~pell it out), city and phone number (for verification). Th.ank you! In shock I nm In shock Monday. Feb. 15 Peter Ryan actually has the gall to expre s that Dill Clin ton is tip toeing around as though he is on the campaign trail. Well, no kidding! This guy is the biggc!>L, phome!>t politician "'e'vc ever had in the White House. Until the press starts holding ham accountable, he's not going to do anything. I'm shocked because I can't believe the Daily Pilot i actually starting to take a conservative point of view. They may even realiz.e that most of their reader!> are conservati9e and this may ca u!>e them· to sell more newspapers. Of course then thcy'IJ have to pay more 1axcs and Dill Clinton will love that. Please don't tell Mark Pctracca about this. BARRY ZANCK Newport Beach Father COUghHn We may never know if Father Coughlin of the All American Boys Choir is guilty of having molested five or more boys that were in his choir. There have been many parents and forme r boys in the choir that have come to his defen se and have given him a clear remembrance that he is not guilty of doing this. Reminds me of the bu rglar who an court was told by five w11nei.ses lhJl Lhey had seen him s1c:il something and he brought in 10 witnesses who told the judge and jury that they di ll not see him. JOI IN RUSSt:.LL Co)la Me!ll:t Not lamng I um a teacher who lives in Irvine and my 3-ycar-old daughter allend!> day care around 1he corner from the Laff Stop. The reason I cho~c this specific day care i> it is an exemplary neighborhood that it is in and I feel safe doing so. However, I definitely will not fcc:I the same way if the L:iff Stop becomes topless. I wa nt no part of the clicniele that is allracted to this type of business. Allowing the L:iff Stop to obtain th is permit would force me to take my child elsewhere Therefore by helping one bu~ine~ many others may be destroyed also. MARGY SALCEDO lf'tne CdM or Mexico? I want to leave you an editorial on the Coast Highway between Corona del Mar, probably the headline should be pot holes when will they stop. I'm talking about the Coast Highway between Corona dcl Mar and Newport. 1 called the city of Newport Beach twice and find out that Cnhran PJ"c" ou r wonderful high\\nys that seem 10 be like the streets of Me xico rather than one of the wc:ilt hte)t count1c'> 1n the countl). We pay m1lliom and millions of dollars every year in gasoline ta:ttes to main tain these: roalls. The Coa'>t Highway 1 an a1roc11y. The people that dug up the h1ghwa> should be forced to repa\e 11 in :it least the condition that 1t was in before they dug it up. 1 he quality of the work wa:'> sc riou ly inept in m) opinion us "'ell as the 111n1ng :ind no" we're getting ready to du 11 again on Mariner's ~hie. When will this stop? Docs somebody have to h11 one of the)c pot holes and get in nn accident anJ create: another la\\)Uit that the city will be dragged in whether ii is w11h Callrans or not. This i ridiculous. When is somebody going to say, enough. What do we pay taxes for? Why can't the city force the state to Jue the c roads? Ma)'bc what we ~hould do h organize and stop paying gai.oline taxes. After ••II we're not getting any benefit from them. With the exception of the Newport Coast ro.id ;ind our wonderful councilman Mr. Cox "ho has built this wonderful roall but yet the Coast Highway which b in his district i!> on atrocity. When tlskcd about it, he shrugs tm shoulders and says, "That's Cahntn)' JOO." That was eight m<>nth.!> ago J asked John about 1ha1 ;inti )ttll nothing•~ done. Out )'e\ "e have :i tx::iutifu l new roall thJt we .ire ll')tnll 10 be ch3rgc:d a toll on "hu.:h t!> equally ndu:ul\)U!I b tlm punl\hmcnt for the people or Corona lid Mar? One \\Onder). IU CHAIU) llOLMES l\cw port nc.1' h Junk mall CongrC!lo!IOlJn OilnJ Rohrabacher ha again U'>CJ the citizens' money mliculou~ly. We ha'c rc:ccived J four-page lcgJI 1Le O)er ca lled a tJX gun.le for oilier AmcnCJJl!ll t lc ha 1ui.t 1.ikcn Jnd copied the tax guide whu:h C\.Cl)boJ)' can get for free and he: hJs '>ent 1h1) out to Goll knows how many people at ta.~pa)cr · c.xpemc Jnl.I for thi> "c pJy his s:ilary Also going to grafC1t1, ma)be a horrible O\ 11 look :ioll I find 11 as unsi$htly u!> the next one, we houlJ just ignore 11 for a while. lcJvc it where 11 ii. beCJU\C the minute we pend the money to get rad or 11, these people:: come back anll do 1t again. Like spoiled brats who have to get your attention and every11mc we do it, they're going to be baclc-again Citic arc wasting too money O\er Jnd o'er. Let's sec what happens It's ~crtainly worth a try. Of course we have to put up with the un~ightltne of it but maybe it i worth a try. LYNN MERU:.S Coi.ta Me a 1 didn't write that kids at Pomona were going hungry. What I did ~ay was that some of them didn't have a proper diet :lnd that mtlny of them don't have lunch money. Naturitlly, I couldn't re i t writing obout thut, even though I suppqse ii did give 1hosc C3rpc~ the ~atbfact1on o( seeing thei r gripes in print. Now, I gucs Anonymous Caller is also pleased that I have c~pq.scd the outrageous Free Lunch scandal. But, yes, Anonymous Caller i quite correct: Kids at Pomona School "certainly aren't going hungry." Thank God. Ye , some arc .crvcd break(Mb th ere and )'C , S02 of the SSO children at the ~hool qualify for the federal government's Out there's happy news, too. The children at some of the Newport-Me a's more afnuent school!> aR lending a hand to their fellow kids on the West SiJc. Students at lbtbor View, Andersen and Lincoln ~hool in Newport Ucach uc underwriting cholar hipi for up to 70 kids from Pomona, Wh i11icr and Wilson Khool for neitt Sunday·, Spirit Run. An Independent Newspaper Published by ~sc Community News, Inc. H elp me out here. 1 wrote what seemed 10 be an upbeat column on the after-school ports proarom at Pomona Avenue elementary school There wu • lot of positive re ponse and an outpouring of help. ,... ••• hool·luneh program. (The possibility that the now·Jililed Stephen Wagne r may hnvc included lunch·ptogram fund arnona the $4 nullion he looted fr.om the Ncwport·Mesa .chool di ttict ha brought the J cd into the cue.) Maybe I am becoming overly 1kcpt1cal, but my toke on this is that Anonymous Caller i-. again t feeding these kid Otherwise, why bring it up? Othtrwi c, why be 1nonymou ? The little kids will be joinina an expected 6,000 ~ople m the SK/lOK, run and/or walk, which las& year raised $62,000 for program5 in science, 1r1, music, computen an<l physical educ3tion ut the three E3 t Side schools. IGds 7 to J 2 will run 1 1pecial one-mile cour&e, youngste" 6 and under wilt 10 a half·milc. AIH. lumbtrina columni t art not cliaible for the shorter coun.cs and will be expected to make the entire SKs or (&asp) the full lO. Elliot St~ln, Jr. chairman Jim Grtt1ing~ publisher Tom Johnson assoc~te publisher Then come this anonymou phone cill· "This is about the Pomona St reet (sic) school kid\. Tho~ )'OUnptcrs certainly aren't gomf hungry. There are time when whole classes are getting rec breakfast and frc:c lunch and lhc majority o( children at that JChool arc aettina 111 free breakfa ts and lunches." • The probkm I have i, why me? b Anonymou Caller bcina thoupt(ul because I \tt'Orry about school kid not t acttina enouah to cat? Or 11 AC one o( the vocal nlinorny around here who actually obJCCt to thinp like poor people bc'ina fed? On the Coast There is 1 certJin validity to my cynica&m in such matters. Perhap~ you recall the whinin& last :rhanb&ivin& when the Hard Rock Care welcomed '°me 600 homeless people and fed them turkey and trimminp. That limple act o(fcnded an astoni hing number or c1ti.tens. About 1 dozen of them culled the Daily Pilot - anonymously, of course -to bitch about these heathens inv-ad1ng, as one put ii, "our bcau1iful Fashion Island.'' t ·1 This concern that student al Andersen, Harbor View and Uncoln -and their parents, 100 -arc show1na for their lcu·fortunate mates acrou town is the kind of thins that'a 1up~d to happen in our society. h's 1 whole lot more productive than complaining about free lunches for children who need them. Ind M•rtln '1 t0lum• rvn1 "°'" Tu~1d•1, Tltund•! •ad S.turd.,-. Wllliut s. l.Obdell editor & vice president Steve Ma"* rnw;ns editor W.ller~ 1901·1919 toundina ~~ Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot ARE From A1 -' 5 45 a m foriday mornin& and took more than five hours to put out, Heni ey s:ud. "We received a phone call from a resi- Jent who hves ac.ross the alley behind the location," l ltni cy aid. "She had hc:ird :in explosion and looked out and observed the bu1ld1ng on fire ." Four fire engines, t"'o fire truck and battalion chief headed out to the shop at 2421 E . Coast Highway and battled the blaze for houri.. By noon, firefighters "ere till un3blc to go inside the smol- Fine Print r:::::::::::::. Berent Forbes o( Ne,,port Harbor HtHh School ~tlt!nd<-d lh<> Presidential Youth ln.iugur.il Conlerem.e in Wa~ington. DC J.ln 17-:Z 1. She I) among 500 high ~hool 'tudenb from acro)s the country ">elected 1'} th~ Congres)•On.ll Youth leader)h1p Council 10 experitnc the tnJuHur,111on of President Cl n1on Conferencf' pan1l 1p.1nb \\ho repre>entt>d th1•1r "<llOOls and commun1ti~ \\t-re \t•lectt'd by their luyh <oenool pnncip.ils for demonstr.ltmg awdem1c adm.· icnt, dering building. AH that was left "'ere the ashc!I of mil- lions of dollars of rug imported from around the "'orld fhe bra\\ lettering outside the building \.\J) melted, and the gl:is-. windows and doors burned out. "lt look like lallt )Car 1n South Ccn· tral LA," ~aid Robert I lclm, "ho run\ The Tra\el Centre ne\t door to the Ori· cnt Handel. Frida)'' incident was the third ttme in tw o weeks that Kerman's shop was hit by either fire or gunfire. T"o \\eeks ago l·riday, an ar!IOnt)t plashed flammable liquid on the front door anJ window uf Kcrmani'r. rug shop and set 11 nbluze, cau!>ang uppro.>.1m:itely SJ,000 damage. 03)'> Inter, gunshots fired from a small caliber gun left his i.hop windO\\s pep- pered with holes. A dazed-looking Kcrmani said he ha~ no idea why someone might be terror· iting him. "I 1W1sh I did.'' he said. "Never has anything lit..e this happened before." The cause of the fire hadn't been de· termincd Friday and arson invcstig:uors ''ere unable to go inside to inspcc1 the building because it 1s in danger of col· lap)1ng, licnisey ):tid. A con truction crew \\as b1ough1 in to shore up the \\UJI) 1:rid :J>-" Uut lil<;e the fire tv.o "eeks ago, Hen· l)C) s.1id imc'>ligators ~uspect l·r1da}"s blJ1c w;1s 1he "uric: or an arsonbt, al - though 1hc) ha\c no mo1i-..1:s. ''I k {Kerm3ni) doc:.o't hJ\e :in> kno,,n ..:ncm1e'1 and he doesn't hJ\c any b;11J hu inc .. s dealings, so "e dun 1 ha\c lln) spcc11tc d1rc~1 1un to point lo," Hc:n· IS~) .lid. Other'> 'peculated th JI Kermani, "hu 1s uf \t1ddlc Eu<.itcrn <le-.cc.nt. may be the 'kt1m of raci JI b1go1ry. r- Saturday f!ebruary 20, 1993 Ate "If this i:. some land or h:ue cnmc, that \\OU Id really bother me," !>:lid Helm. .. They huuh.I be punbhed.'' • While he didn't rule out hate crime a) a mOll\:e, llcn1)cy llaid there ~asn't any e\1dencc to support 11, either. 'I he fire comei. at a time "hen local Coruna dcl ~br men:hunt) hJ\C been "orr) 1ng about a recent rash or burglar- ic and th efts "It's a )hamc that tl11 happened an our sea1.11dc cummun1t} ,". -.. :m.I Lu\ ens Ha) ton, an oftacial "ilh the Co run a del Mar Chamber of Commerce. "We thought "'c "'ere ol>li"iou to that t)pe of thing " , I ~ l<'ader)h1p and c1tizt•n .. h1p Part1c1pJnl'> lt•1rne<l u( the elector.111 and JHt'mlt•nt1al tran);tion proc t· -''> lw meeting G . " c 11 h I RS h 1 · ;~~u~:·::1~;;~~.~: c111n.~~:~), Ota tax q LieStlOn! a t e Ot I ne JiroOM ~nojugs CALL NOW FOR A ___ lC.tt"n-'ldt'n..i;.....lKr--) an ____ J ~-l'acl_.;.in.:_-t-l:----~-ny time d artn--g-p us In ess 0 u rs. / ---------+------F~R~EE EST/MA TE 714·645·8512 N n-, l'l'l'\ 011 tr Th rd ~ c • )'> Timothy J. Ml•tc.ilf. ~n ul P.it C. Mete .llr 111 .lo,IJ \1t·'>.l h I) lut c...in.1h.1 l11r 1tw l'er, .in C,uh \\1th t id1cuplt'r l\11t1·Subrn.1rn t> ~tu.:ulron r our tu. 'uppon 1•111orcl•nwnt 1 t 1tw llfl•lh" ZOrlt' U \t'f :.llUlht'rn 1r.1q Tlw i.i:1uaclron, \\h • honw port i\ \Jn Dw:,'O, I) .1Qwrd 1h1• Jlrcr aft t ,ur l'r L' !> S "-•tty tt;i,,I.. h.:in l.• ~1001 ·'"I \\.l) 1>Jrt 01 1ha~·-!J11µ ~roup orU1•rt><I tu !>om;il1.i h> rt.>plJce tht• .liter.Ill t:.ur t·1 USS R.in~er a11d g ~toup lo ~uppc)•t ti 1• rt•l t•I t Hort ul C>per.11tun ~t· tc>rt' I lope • lt•nlt r SQO. an OrJnnl' l ount\ l't r1<X011n~ fb Ccl\tt'r '>l pport ~ruup, elt"l tt•d \\elinda Morg.in ul Murg,rn \ t rL.l"l!ni., \ Poli RelJt1011.,, ro "Ql1'l" .:anti. \·1n• ptt'.'.)ldt nt It r )()(Ml t•• t:t\l> lor 191)) Ccnlt•r 500 •> ,, group ol 01.mgt.> Count\ ·l.;;1 ~t prufes .. ional ... e'e<:Uh\t.., and · t•n1rcp1cnt•ur> "ho \\iluntt't.'f th•:1r 11me to pru\1dl" '>upport I 1 II 1• pcriomung .11h cc•fllt•r \1r«"e 1'184, the &roup hJ> r.11 ~ m.oa• th.in S750,000 to J,..,,,1 the < 1·n1er in rnt.~t1ng 11'> .1 nual lh mtJblt> nt t"ll • Robert Bollar and 0.l\id C.uollo ol "°t: 'port Beath l.1\\ I rm Cumrr "> \\h le ate .lmuns lhrel" new p.inners r1.•<.en1ly appointed tu the firm. Boll.i r concentratt~ on 11hurant.e mJllt'~. tnclud1n~ h. d fJ th l1tig.111on CO\t'r<lb'e <b ""l'll ,h 1n .. ur .rncc brnl..er h.1b1lity . l:JruHo handle, b.ml..ruptq m.1tter'> t:onu•mmN hu!>•nl''>'> cl1t:nts I It-h.1 ... 11~1 pr;\c.t1ccd in a 'Jlll't't 111 Jrt'-'' including m>ur .in e dt•h.>n)t' l1,1ndhng an1ung utht-r 111Jtll"f'>, CO\N.lge d•>put<',, to"c~ Jnd l1t1gJt1on Both \\<'rt> .ltJm11wd to tlw C1l11om1J B.H m 1986. • Cul J. Kyml~ of C~a Mt.>sJ h.l> been Jppointed to another four·)'ear term on the Mctropoht.in Water 01!>tr1ct o( CJhforn1J l>O.lrd of directors. Htt has ~·"t-d on tht' SI -member l>OJrd 'ince 197 l . ~)'rnla ·~ c h.i11m.in of th• M\VO lx).)rd > spec.1JI budget tornm1ttee ;md p.irt1c.1path in other bo.lrd comm1ltl'e) A dt•\t.'lopment con)uh.lnt, Kymla I) ,l fornwr Newport Oe.lCh counc1lm.in .ind sef\.t"d J) an Orange County deputy \UpE'1'1SOf from 1963 IO 1967 t ll• wa~ gem•ral manJger o( tht> Moulton Niguel Watt·r d1stric.t ftom 1966 to 1979 ----------- • ' Internal Revenue Service Answe~. Assistance. At Your Service. Quality Work In Costa Mesa & Newport Since 1969 State license #392707 Chinese Food For ThouQht I , • I RESTAURANT COMBINATION PLATE FRIED RICE OR CHOW MEIN WITH 1 ltem ......... $2.99 2 ltems ....... $3.99 3 ltems ....... $4.99 ~-~- ·-'-~ ... ~ We believe that Education is most important: That is why we are donating 2% of our gross income to the Newport Mesa Unified School D1str1ct . China Doll 424 E 17th Street Costa M esa 722-7552 171h St t (. . ...,. • u,,11 I '~ t-b,ir, ~ ·l~l llan Q ~ h1 \ ~ llarn· ~ t to I • ,, I ·1 F A19 Saturday, February 20, 1993 MOTHER ~rom A1 Family members feared he'd die so lhe) t ailed ahe airline anJ de)perately tried to get J\dcla on the phone with her son. The plane v.as ta\iing do\\n the runway. Officiah \\Ould not stop it ~o family and friend wiuaed at Pedrosa's bedside an Flagship. Nora Rull, whom Pedrosa called his 'econd mother, hoped he'd hang on. "I v..a sort of pushing him, saying. ·You're strong I crni!ndo,' · ... aiJ Rull, a !\c:.\\ port Beach re'11dent and H>lunteer at flagship. "1 aid, -ihc's there Your mother, he's 011 the p!Jt\e Hold on. But he ,,ud, 'No pucdo. no puedo' -l can't." SL' hour' before h1-. mother touched JO\\ n at Lo'I Ant!cle International Airport, he gave in to the leukemia that had plJgucd htm for one )CJr "He ~'Ouldn't talk anymore," Run rcmcmb<:red ··nut I l now he 'ICnsed C\erythmg. I 'IJ1d, I crnando. ''e're \Cry proud of \llU, )uu\c been 'cry couragcou-.. l'm proud of )OU and )OUr musher w1ILbe. too. I'm gutn~ to tell her that )OU lo,cJ her \Cl) much'" l'cJru ... J nodJcJ te:ir:. '>pilltn~ du\\.n hi:. chcel~ ·1 hen 111, \\lthcrcd b<1<l\ SJ' c up and he J lJ JI ;; 15 pm • I h.u.l t'>t c:.n '0 't rong," Rutt , 11J "Uut aftcf\.\arJ, I brolc d111\ n." r Jllltl) member-. ru!lhed to l -AA. t11 m.:~+-~ ilHJ gwe ti, r the ~nm new' \Jcla~ Lopez h<ld .ii ready \: 1Jur~J ..i grueling trip f.rom h"·r tam. rural to\\n ol Nombrc Jc Jc,~, ncarb} C hJntelango on the border of El Salvador anJ Honduras. • She had never been to the United State). She h:id never been to a cit> During her 57 year\ of life, he has endured e\i tence in a home with no running v..ater, no electricity and dirt floors. II is an eight-hour Journey 10 the nc:irest telephone, \\hich is why Pedrosa' four brothers, a sister and his father won '1 learn of his death un11I M>metime today. When Adela got off the plane in Lo Angele • family member whio,ked her mto a prh.aae room and told her her on "as gone. She didn't want 10 believe it and collap\ed 1n her chair, Isaias aid Her olde!>t w n, who illegally came to America four years ago and worlcd as uo aulo boJy mcchJn1c o he could end hi family money, v.as gone. Barry Uo)J. a Westminster chiropr:ictor v. ho v. as at Pedro a's bcJ ide, aid the immigrant died peacefully knowing that hi!. mother was on her \\ay. . "People ay this is the most awful ending 10 a bad script, but it wasn ·1," said Boyd. "He could hove died a nobody. But he didn't. lie died loved." PeJrosa's body \\ill be flown to El Salvador for buri:il. Adel a, '"'ho '' taying v.ith .. family in Costa Mesa. will return home Wednesday. Memorial service for Pcdfosa will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday-al--lk~t(}FHHA~ 20-i W. 17th St. in S:inta Ana. · Pastor Dann) Deleon of Temp)e Cah arao an Santa Ana, the largest Jfopanic chu rch in North America , "'ll preside. EVERYBODY'S DOING IT! Retina.nee • Purchase • All Types of Loans Lowest Rates in 25 Years 4.25% ARM•· 6.0 Fixed• (5/25) BMS MORTGAGE CO.• 714 · 261-6806 "We work for yoa -Not fbe lender" ·4 391 APR 'ti 5 APf( ~ca1 Estatt' Brol<n -Ca.ltfomaa Otptartmcnt of Ru.I E.statc A Kitchen or Bath designed for you with ... -- Mr.Z's Euro-American Kitchem a Baths Showroom Z.Sil Inc Custom Ektidefs & Remodelers 20331 IMne Avt Sia 4 • SanlaAna H9:;Ms (71 4) 434-6544 We've Got ft All! Integrity • Se~ • Seledion Low Prioos • Quaf Work NO-WAX Li.Ol.BJM STAINMASTER CARPET S650 yd. Sl 450 yd. Atms•ong • Camblay Man01ng10n • Vog1 II . IJALIAN CERAMIC TllS S250sq.tt. APARTMENT GRADE CARPET F nezt • Plush • Sa.ilony ln$1ilted •1th FREE Paddong OAK HARDWOOD FLOORS NO.WAX S290sq.tt. Trad tioni11. ~ °' Paique1 S625yd. ·Frieze ·Plush lnstanatk>n & Services Available lac10'I Gib _, lot 2 YN' • l.UIUd ' Bonded DESIGN CARPET American Heart Assoctotion .---· ..... ~--- AGENT From A1 portfolios for Aikman ant.I Young 10 ud ogencie and major corpornt1on~. And in January, when Dalla!> and S.an Francisco were about to meet in the NrC Champion hip Game, Saeinberg called the ad agencies and reminded them to keep an eye on his clients. Dallas advanced to the Super Bowl, and prior to the big game, Aikman signed on as national spokesman for sport apparel ma~er Logo 7 and for trading ~rJ company Cla!i.sic Games. Aikman, v.ho played college ball at UCLA, al o benefited from the media h>'J>C during the two weeks prior 10 the big game. "No event in sport:. has ahe impact of the Super Bowl," Steinberg said. "The media blit£ during the week leading in cro SC!> :in athlele over from being a ~porls star to becoming a household word. It's staggering how much power the Super Bowl ha to take a tar player and elevate his profile." Aikman\ stcll:u performance in the game took care of the rest. As MVP, he :iutom;uically did the "l'm·goina·to·Disneyland" commcrci:il ofter the gnme, and Steinberg plans in o few weeks to pick long·term offers for Aikm:in 10 be a spokesman for companies in three or four Stlected industries. Steinberg's goal is for Aikman, who ulready has commercials and his own televi!lion anJ radio shows in Dalla , to sign long·terrn nat1on:ll deals that will give him annual endor!lcment incorpc of more than S 1 million well beyond his playing days. All five lawyer!!. in Steinberg's firm have been working on Aikman's endorsemena oppor1uni1ics over the Inst few weeks. "la's one of the mo~t exciting project I've been im·ohcd with in my 19 year In the businc • " Steinberg said. Steinberg' firm gets commissions of about 4 percent on player conaracts for ahe 65 football players and 35 baseball players that it rcpre~cnt!I, and the firm gets a 1 S·pcrcent cul of cndon.erncnt deals. In Saeinbcrg's eyes. Aikman, the "big, blue-eyed, blond·haired, h:indsome quarterback of America's tcum, who had to '\trugglc through nd\crsity to achieve !>ucce:.s," i a marketing dreum come true. He belie\.e!I the 26-)e:ir-old quarterback's Newport Beach/Com Meaa Dally Pilot endorsement opportunities will only be limited by his desire for privacy ant.I di,1a11e for glitz and &)amour. "It's not like he needs any ol ahi~ ... Steinberg said of Aikman, who is scheduled to make Sl.2 million in salary from the eo-.boys next season. "He likes to do some of it, bua there's no danger of O\lerexposurc, like with the Refrigerator (Chicago Bears lineman William Perry) or someone." Steinberg has many star clients, b~t he hasn't had a quarterback slart in the Super Bowl since 1986, when Tony Eason was injured, and his team, the New England Patriots, was routed by the Chicago Bears. Steinberg took his son, wife and moaher· and father-in-law to Inst month's Super Bowl, and the whole family enjoyed the thrill of seeing ahe game unfold perfectly for Aikman. "The whole afternoon was magic," Steinberg said. ''I rode with Troy In the limousine from ahe Rose Bowl 10 the hotel in , Santa Monica, and there was an air of toaal unreality aboul it. l asked Troy, 'Do you realize whaa ju~t happened?' He just !>aid, 'No.' lt was amazing to think how much someone's life could change in one afternoon." LIMITED TIME OFFER! Two Great La·Z.Boy~Chairs. One Low Price! · Right now, ge any1Wo La -lBoy c airs for one great low price . Special note: if you only need one chair, we have a special price for you too . 2 FOR The Kendall La Z Roe er s smart!~ td1lored '"1th soaci:-Sd\ ng slender arms and " button tufted bac~ • -- Tht A Jl'Urrt rectrnt:r ft:aturt.:s cont urea r1r ms .inu butt. •r tJhc 1 tl• 1,111 ng TracMron at its rno'>t e L·giint. the Hemingway high reg rt:..oelincr boas s chst111cttve wing cha11 styling and Ch1ppc11d;il legs The Austin rocker recliner features Q1llo"' arms and a channel st tched back and footr(~t Tne Stratford h gh leg recliner features "'1ng chair St}hng and cu"ed Cdbnole legs C:;J.11!~1!!.111111!.....1 The Tempo chaise recliner reatures clean. sleek fines and reclines to the full ooo~ comrort of a chaise. Additional Savings Throughout The Store laZ Bay Reclining Sofas .. .From laZ Boy Lounge Chairs ... From '599 399 La Z Bof Modular , Sect1onals ......... .From 1499 w ( ANAHEIM fi2A South St 11 Collt:&• 12 blocks 011th ul Lincoln) c l 7 40 L"'Z BO( Sot as and s Sleep Sofas ......... From 499 Tables and Lamps ............. From •gg Entertainment s Centers ................ From 699 r U R N I .SATl~FACJION --- COITA MESA 3115 Hart>or Blvd. ( 1 /2 m11 c:outh of 405 Freeway) 4340744 EL TORO 23641 El Toro Road 10n block North or Rockr1eldl 583-07'4 Mones lhru f'ndoy 10 em 8 pm, S h.nday 10 n G pm, unrt v 10 m-5 pm I, Sports .. Legends invading Newport ~Jimbo, Martina, Bjorn and Tracy are a sampling of what's in store for Dukes' fans this summer. W hile thumhmg through 1hc Nc"'pon Beach Duke~; '>Ummcr <.ehedule, 11 • appc.1r 10 he more ol a Hall of f-..imc parade for ca on·t1dct holder' than mcrd) World Team r enn" Arc you ready for J1mm' ( onnor\, ewport Beach'! How about Martm.1 i\,1-.rattlcw.1, o r B1orn Borg'> TrJC) Au'\11n, tht league'\ late 1 sign on, 1\ al-.o €Om mg 10 1hc: John \\ a)nc Tenn1\ Club. home nt 1he dc:fcndin!! Wc<.,tern DM:,1on chump1un Uul..e' What doe' 1h1\ ml·.in 1 h mean' 1h.11 four of \ • Sltllrdly February 20, 1993 The Newport Beach'Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Sport~ Editor Roger Carl~on .... 642-4330 ext.387 . ' lectlon B Chene Nagy·bowling/82 Classified 86 Automotive/89 BELLFlOWEA ESTANCIA ••••• ••• • ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . .. .. . · : : ,,, .. · : . -· .... . . .. Estancia ousts Bellflower from the CIF playoffs - ~ Pierson steps up and gives the Eag les the ul~.mate edge . By Barry Fa ... ~ner S~"S 'I·.,. C.O~>"IA \H ~ \ -It fg ·~' urc.:d a gu~ thl..'~ c. ,It ~1.sr~ ... \lark \\OulJ ha\C t 1 );i\ m a g.ime th.ii lcaturt:d .. ~n:: ;..a;_~..nf"l.-..-.~~~-h-trl·~k-11,-=-~a1~.o+-~.,.;....._:...~-'-~~~~1 -1he...Dukc>' >C~,n~hc~.,.teM-Wi-11 --l---'"-• plcnt) u! lx>th team!> back· ing 11 up probably he <,cllout' Club tennis It\ going 10 he ~reJI.' 'aid Dukc,.o.,.,ncr promote r I red 1 u. he rm.in. ''ho tHchc,1ratul the rc1.cn1 \u,11n ''gning 1\u,un. "l. "111 pla~ tor the R 1k1ch ~ d)!c 1n till' I .... k rn DI\ l'll)ll \t .l)!C p ,\u,t 1n " '' the )lHlllgc't pl.i)cr ltl C\d 1..·,.1mpct<' .1t \\ 1mhlcd1m ind 1h1.. l \ Opcn ( 14"'hl In 1~74. t\u\t1n hec.1me the · )11un~c,1 pla)u tu .,.,m the l \ Open. ddca11ni: Chm } Hrl Au,1111. 11H.luc1cd into 1t\c Intern iltl\11111 cnni' Hall nf hmc '" C\\ p<'rt R I . la\t Ju h. "'ill he I he ftr,1 of the four m 1rquec name' tn .1ppcar in :'l.c\lo port Bc.ich I he Dul(;' 1\pcn thc \CJ\llO ,1gJtn'l R.ilct)!h Jul~ .. Borg. tnductcd into the lfall 11f I .1me in l'I "7 .... ,11 Jppear ne\t ""Ith the l <'' Anl!1: k' \tnng' Jul 11. NaH.11110,,1 "h'' kd the \tl.mt.1 I hundcr 10 1hc \\i<'rhl !'cam I cnn" champmn,h1p l:ht ~car. n"'mc' 10 111"' n Jul\ J I. 1hcn C unnnr,, .,.,ho pl.1H:d hlr 1hc \iring~ la't <'••~nn. "'Ill \Cf'\C .md \lllk\ thl' H tr for the Ph0c: "" ma-.h "'h<' 'Nt Jul~ ~J Au'1tn and Um~ .ire pl..i~10~ m the lcJE:ue for the flr,1 llme M.m W1lamkr. Jl\o .1 I ir,1 'car pl.1\\: r "h•' .,., •" '1~nc:d IJ'l m11n1h ti\ lhL ""\."\\ h: ''(;\ \1.1r<.. " 1h'c 11111\ 111p n.1111c pl.1\1.'.f \\h11 \lol ll nu1 turn up 1,xall~ 1h1\ ~ummer Uut. he', fnur out nf fi\L 1lugh1 tu p.1mpcr am tenn1' hull Prottttln1 the fa\orilt "daughter": In alld1t1lln tu Am) hJ11cr and 1-\..itnna Adam\, the Oul..c., .... ,11 alw protect Rikard Bergh m the Apnl 1 World 1 camTcnni dralt. \\h1ch me.i n' the teJm "'111 no1 \elct:t an) pl:l)cr~ until the t(1urth .. rnunll AnJ bccau'lc the Dul..c' ftnl'hcd 1'>91 J'> runner ·Up to Atlan1..i, their turn "'on't come up in the draft until the I Ith rnvnd 1n the l.:!·te.1m league. r rai1er. !O, a n mg t.u on the \\umcn\ See CLUB TENNIS/11 A neld or dreams D id you know that Co~ dtl Mar High Is 1 haven for local major league baseball players? In IM off-sea.son. tmt Is Nurly every day, c1tcher Damon Berryhil (Atlanta Braves) and Infielders Rich Amaral (Seattle Marintrs). Jeff Gardner (Sin 01~0 Padres) and Chris Donntls (Houston AstrosJ wort our 1t CdM Btrryhil( 1 formtr L1gunJ Beach High ll'ld Orange Coast Co/ltgt standout who hves In Laguna Nlgw/. re· pol1td to spnng tnlnll>Q With "" pttchm ll1d C6tChtis on Thursday. Amlrll. In E*>Cll Hl(Jh and OCC protiJct. ~s In Ofln(JI. wNll Gatdnlr. I/so 1 lormtr Estancia ll1d Or· """ Coast 11nslbon. rrsldes Jn Corona de/ "'1. Oonnlll. IWIO jJllYfd It S04Ah T OITlfJCf Hlfh and Loy· oll ~ • I fomtlr Ntw Yat* Allt who WU plcW up bf ,. Rotfdl Mlrllnl ,,, thl txplMlon dnlt. """put on .-., Dfc. 18 ll1d cillmld by,,, Astros HI &WI tt ""*9ct ,,,_. Qlfrtfll CdM 1MUb11 "COICh Sea« M.,-s . ... ...,.,,, ••• Lllfl&N ,_,, In 1912. Gatdnfr llld MyNI,.,. ....... occ In 19'3 ""' '* Bfr· f11t/1 lltd AltslJ t*1fd ,.,,., "" ..,.,.,, Yflll ,,, ,. "*"'a.· ........ -llkunl Du•• l 'tan u J I II~ Ir 'u i I m I c ~I .i a "\I rl-.) \1.uk" 1'1 ·:~n h 1J ·t ,, t .: .. 1 g.111 c.: d the ~ca~ n to '' re: tt t: !>1 t· I gill "i1h 1eamnia1co; J :n I ,111.~ ner .rnd ( b, f-rc.:nL .• 1!) th~· l:agk ~ r <1rned ;i, l. "'lllOt.! lklllll•Vler. ~;.~ n J tr Hound Cll ti l-AAh~c;h:i •• tb.ilp.n ftg.1m1: I 11J.1y n1gh1 "I Ill Ill prctl} "ell Ion :-11 · a1J 1hc 6·fuo1·C> .P1er~on, \\ho dram.c! 6 ol .. I 1eld goal attempt., :o post lu-. l11g!.e51 • 'wiing tut al 1n IS c.im, '· Jmt on:: r.ijnt oft hb ~ea,on high "I :.1ned tnlk111· 10 a lkllno"cr ~u\ one 1ime bu1 llUr roa,h tulJ me nut io· do 11 ;in~1m re . o I kt' pt m\ mouth )hu1." ' • = • \\ h1lc P11 .. N:1n kt ht~ 1n:.1Jc ... ~ rrng !lf'CJ~ \vlumc,. f ..iulkner, an All·Cll· ._,c. n1or. had plc.:nl~ of \C1b1agc t ,, 1J to h ' ~~ po1nh 9-for-16 hooting p<'rfor l· an<.c.: -tndud.ng .111 lour th1 -<'·f)()m:. r 'ld f \C rd1ound' Estancia's Clay F rcnz (30) dri\CS for the hoop, but Billy Field is there to rt•jcct the .lttcmpl in Friday's duel. See EST ANCIA.!14 NEWPORT MONTCOlllERY : :.···. :~ .. ··· ..... • • • • • • • ..... .... .... . ... : : 1 1>• : : : • ••• •••• ••• • •• speed kiUs ~ Bishop· Montgomery has it all, and Newport Harbor doesn't. By Richard Oum $clorts WIUI TORRANCE -Olsbop Montgomt ry Hl&h's Andre EnaUsb didn't exactly as· tonl.sb Newport Ha rbor Frida)' nl&bt, but tbe Knl&hts attn't 21·2 and sttdtd tcond In the ClF Southern Stt· don Ul·AA boys basketball pla)of'fs ~· cauH or EoaUsh alone. They sboMCI •hy In tht sttond hair, 1Mn1 tht Salloi:s a lesson In fottlan lanauaac: SpHd. COii sf!iliilOiY . ·WJ•· ~ r-.-. : ,:~·: • • • • • : • . .7'I .... ... -... ~ • • • t I I e • • .,. -··-· •... =~· CDMROLLS • Sea Kings bi..mp off Sa nts. · and it's on to the sem1fma1s! By. Dennis Bros:er.11M Spar~_.. ... LOl\G UEAClf c,, r.11 J d1.I \I r lt1~h bv' b:i,kctl°lJll c.l ..... h P j ii 0111, \\ j... di, ... U' inf I riJJ~ l\ll!ht\ 5~·~' !>,I ).._ ,• \l<.Wr. \J\Ct !>t \ I \. \\hen· a mJn Jr ro;i•hcJ .1nJ •d .. nt111c.I h1m,clf a' u ,, mt Ir m U .LA · I c.unc here 111 ''nt.i t \t \n1lu.1n' ' R11..I.) Pri•e. hut I h.1H , ' 1 "J" r ..ilh 1mprc"cd \\1th h"' ' 1 teJm pla}cd," the m.in '1 \\ h1le 1'11~e. tht 'I pounJ JUn1ur ph~ ttrJ,tc:d the I, e ur \u~un:J Co:i. 1 l utc Nn--port U1rbor's slow pace kept Bishop Montaomery at arm's lenath in tbt lint hall. but tht Kalabt.s -(bam· ploas or tbt ~-tlulon uaaue -la(fll up See NEWPORT,.. CdM's Fabian Bohne ( 12) ~oc up for a uuckct friday night. l ... ~wr~ Corona HI Mar's Bill 1"""'8 (10) W.ps with Sunny Hillt fot In Of coni tOft, Sea Kings sock it to Sunny Hills, 3-0 ~ First·round CIF opponent no match. for Jason Boyce & Co By Richard Oum ~y,· I· 11 f"!RrO II Sunny lhll., lh h 1h,ln'1 1'nov. mudt Jboul J.l!'>On Ho cc, 11 found out quick!\ in l·ndav·, flr,t ti'und Cit-South~rn S.:·c1i\'n l>rv1\Kln I pl .voll amt lk-.yl.~. Corona Jcl Mar'' Junior h1~. rJ, 1 •1H1cd th ~ Km • "'onng .• , ~1,11111 • ( dM -.hut out \unn 11111,, ' n. an NY\-~ '~~~ .. ~ \OC\Cr .. "I hat' J ln Bo cc," CJM o h ~ay H I '-&Id of 1hc oal SC\en minulc , 42 'ccumh inc~, the 111 t h:alf. "It h:iJ hi nanic all over 11." In uud~m:uk t) le:, lk>) c r ... J t\) the out idc ~1th \parl..hng rmol, thc:n pun and ._kkcJ a ri ht-footer from ahout· 15 )'lard uut to he d 1 a 1·0 edge. •·1 he ~ncr the ~tier. 1h1t' the "''Y I kcl," lk))'Cc pre 1un on the U.n<'Cr (12·7· ). the rrecway Lcaaue champ on. ~h •ere hm1t(d to ''' \hol • includina only 1wu tn the Krond half. For Do c. a J'ar~c At~mcr n. Ii wu • h pt of ht ynr .... See BOVCUI .;. U Saturday, F•brualy 20, 1993 Catalina waters loaded, but choppy •ars are keeping the btte slow ~ When the we ather slows down, deep sea fishing figures to come back with another flurry of action. F htiing off the Southland coast is sci to explode and as ~n a thei.e pcsty storm fronb stop blowing through angler'!> should be in for some good deep sea action. Waters uround Catalina Island arc lo3ded v.1lh fish, but ju\t ""hen 1hc bite gets going the waler turns over and shut\ off fishing. Yello'A&ail made another showing on the back side o( the island earlier &his week for anglers on • board the c;ponfhhcr ''Amigo" skippered by Mike Thomp\On and running out of Newport Landing T"'enl>·lv.o 1;11h \\ere decked as pa sengcr rigged up big sliding sinkers and fohed live squid off &he bottom. Thest! )ellov.tu1l v.crc caught off China Point v.h11.h ha'> been a ho1 spot for island fLSh1ng 1hi ~car Yclluv.' Jrc v.c1ghiPg in the S· 10 12· pound clas'> !'\cv.port Landing spokesman, Ke\in Pfcif, re· ~om th<it there are hungry schoob of small bo- nito poppsnit up on the lee side of Catalina and thJt hm11' of boneheads in the 2-to 3-pound cl;,1,., are bt:ing <tacked by zrnglers heading O'-Cr tu the 1'>land v. hen the right school of fish come Outdoors up 1 l feed < n chum. ·1 lie IJrgc .. 1 fl'h caught out of ~cv.port bay th1 past week "as bnJc.:J b' Jeff Pmc ol Co)ta Mesa. Price headed out the Tanner U;mk'> on blX1rd 1hc "Amigo" and bo;Hcd a 20-pound cow cod 3'> pJrt of i.I full l1m11 of great eating b<.>llom fish. CoJ)LJI 1i .. h1ng 1., rated as "poor" due to off color water and 11 lud.., like thoc condittum could stick around for at least another 1v.o "c.:cks ·1 here arc still a few clear streaks of clean water and these :.irea' arc producm 'tome kee sand bas\ and leaal bt1libY..L ~re b1t111g on ancho\IC'i. :'\c" port \ ball cboat '' not makmg ban on a regular schedule, I ut v.hen 11 does head out 10 drop a net and make b:11t, it isn't 1.1~ ing too I mg 10 fill the huge ne1 v.1th anchO\IC and small sar- l! 1 C) All 1h1-. h'c l ail in our ncarb) water I'> a good indication t 1 bi:ucr fl~hing tu come ln1nc and the \;mtJ AnJ River Lakes continue to l1cl out tro· ph) clJ\S rainbow trout Anglers fahing from boat!. and ~long fhh· .. blc shore line arc hooking into bo'>'s that arc "eighing in the 5· tu 9-pound cla.,, and Jl\O s1ringing lots of catchable trou t in the I 1':. to 3-pound range. Cloth lakes arc. being stocked weekly v.1th trout and the Santa Ana R1,er lakes arc al'>O geuing planted with channel c:ufoh. The R:11nbow Cla))IC fishing event is in full ~tng at these tv.o populJr Orange County lakes and anglen arc hooking into tagged trout that .trc being turned in to the bait 'lhOp!I for cash award\. hshermen jre competing for biggest trout and hea\1es1 five limit. each of v.h1C.h v.-111 be worth S500. Orange County creck!I arc still running too high and access to Trabuco and San Juan Creeks is pre.,,enting the fi sh and game truck from reaching these )\reams and. stocking thtm with rainbow trout. Once stocked, these two creeks should provide ~oglers with good fi!.hing into the spring months. A fou r wheel drive ve hicle 1., recommended when heading into th1-. foothill country. 1 rout can be c<.1ught on lures, worms, ~:ilmon eggs and Berkeley Pov.er 0.;1t In the bleachers ~~Qlflll ft>bl'4 ._...,"'t •C .. ""< ................... "You mOfon' You passed 1t to the wr~ team again• .. WeU, I guess it's Inevitable.· MINOR REPAIRS WELCOME • r-----------------1 TUN E-UP PACKAGE I ·Otagnose enome ·Check alf'filter s2· 295 I · Spark plugs • Inspect mers, ·Set timing betts & PCv I · ~ust cattuetor or •Chemically dean 4Cyl. I tuet Wlection caiWe~ I •Idle & air fuel •Standard ngibOn & mime addlbOnal parts extra 8 Cyl. $36.80 6 Cyt. $32.80 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Weekend telev1swn radio ._ llll/IBB, tab/111, or •11J Just • tour, there has ta be something tar the intrepid Softba ll Coate Meu WOMEN'• MAJOR 1 Barz.art Przza 4 PO•!':b 2 !>les 2 3 ('~e) Scrappe1s Sfrtke A Pose. h.-t'll Tarts 0 WOMEN'S MINOA 1 Steeiers, 4 pO&tltS, 2 GIJM 8andilS, 2, 3 (\le) c11aner Hospilal, Curve Batts Waco. o MEN'S 8-1 1 (t.e) Diamond Ooos L~pest Down tr Dirty T OIOS 2 pc>•.:S, .C (W) 8a1t • Meanwhile at Sunday's 6-Garner {ho-hum) heavy hitters rack up four more perfectas. I l )OU like gambling, skiing :ind/or hi4itory, there arc tv.o new leagues forming t Kona Lanes which (e~cusc 1hc pun) m:.i) be righ t up )'Our alley. The leagues will be forming in mid-March with the !IOle purpo e of heading up to Reno, Nev. The leagues arc tcnt:Hi\'cly being scheduled for Thur.,day at 9 p m and Friday at 6:30 p.m. The league, which is ope n 10 all comers, plans to trek to Reno in November or the first week in December. The area 1s well knov.-n for gambling, skiing at nearby Lake Tahoe and many histocic sites including Virginia City. An>onc wishing more inform:ifion · about the league should contact LouAnn Towner at Kon:s Lnnes. the 817: SlOO for the 300, and $34 from the "Deat the House" pot. • The "Ucut the lrouse'' sco1c, v.h1ch had dropped to 76 , wa~ topped b) thr~e bov.lcr:.. Joining I lornacck v.c:re &b Kocnin~ v. ith 793 and J.:imc Dery v.-ith 769. Dery v.:..i the O\'crall ~econd·pl.:ice fini)hcr v.1th 1,493 for $210 while Koening,\ w:is third, pod.:et ing Sl70 for hi\ 1,423. Other tJ\hcrs included Jim I.cc, fou rth, 1,415. Sl30, Gary l O)amJ, fifth, I ,IO • S !US; Mike R1uo, '>IXth, I ,3'J 1, S90; Urucc Leon~. -.e, cnth, l ,387. S 70, ~nd Ut1Jn ·1 inslcy, Ct!!hlh, l ,1h'3, SSO. The bc'>l bu"'lers 111 the Southl . .rnd come out to Kona Lines c'cl) Sunday at '.JS p.m \1lcllJl<>r'> :ire .1h~J)' \\Ch;umc.:. • The sthcdule ii. bJclc. to normal for th!\ "cc~ ·1 he Pot o' GolJ return\ S.1turJJ) night at 6 JO anJ the 4-Gamc l\o-Tap rolb Sunda) ;it l pm •\\ho \\Crc the tllp ~hooter'!> fr12,m th~ mo t recent sc\s1on' of <ten1or leJgue pluy at Kon:i Lane'> 1 Re.id on ... •The Orange County Men's Bov. ling Association's 4 lst annual Singles and Doubles event v.ill be held at Kona Lanes the last two weekends in March. If the current scoring condi1ion holds up, a number of records will probably be set. So, how good is 1he scoring? La~t Sunday saw four bowlers (another Bowling Rancho J lunt1ni;ton· Uoh Oordwcll, 195-2 14-245·65-1 (ha~ the high 3\Cragc Ill senior play \I.1th USO), Larry P:dnrncr, 190-200-533, Mike lnncJIJ. 171-170-182-523; Ca' George, 213-511. record) throw perfect gJmes in the Sc.ra1ch 6-Gamer. Mike Hornaeek led the group of 300 shooters and was followed b) Jeff Lindcnmu1h, Brian Tinsley and Bruce Leone. Lindenmuth and 'I 11\\lcy -~ere p1accU apimw.:.::ich..othu-on tkt?-tcle l'ON: and matched each other strike fo r stri~c on lane-. 17·18. This was the first 300 this c;l\on fur Leone ;inti Hornacc~. (1 lornucek rolled a 299 m the 720 Scr:uch league al KonJ just t\\U "cch'> prior ) The top c.:is he r fur the c"en1 v.Js Uornacek \\llh 1 :506. Uc)1<.lcs the 300 g;irnc, Homa de alw rolled an 817 enc~. v. hich is J n:itional av. arc.! scori: lie received S420 for the "1n and pid.cJ up SSO IM Recreation sports standings DonnJ I lcddcn. l 7S-2.S7-S6. ; Sall) Chiappone. 195-514, BJ \\olff J71 -17h 5fJ5, Dori., l)Jhl, 157--W:?. Gene S1mp· in .. n.i. 1 on) Chiappone, l I $\1.ingcr {Co'>tJ Mc.:,.1 Sc111ur <:1t11c.:m ( luh) John 1'.ca h, :! I .:?·2 lh "l.'\O, U1ll Gatmcl, ltl3-230·573, Ocurgc-\t.ll'iOll. l'J~-~U~·'·l 1;'1\~ lfoscnholfcr, lSO-l, 6· 176-5J:!. Ju.tn1ta \\'c,tlJlc, 1 91~. s. t\l.arie 1\.Jmball, ISU--l 2; [\f JrtC Crudt•ll, 175-.S"''· t.,r.,ul.J NaJJ J~. 1-2 J76. I red Puppec.:l. .:?O\, l k;inor ~1c.:bcrt, ISJ. GO\•J Tuner., 13ud I lurn. '.::llS-190-S();i; ~l:irk I 11crn1h. 17:!<? I 5-5.S.t. l l>rC~I llJ rrc If. I S6-.tSO, ~ 1 ~ R~ c.: nho!lcr, I h:!··rJO. Uem D L\, I 2-49 l, Slurk~ Ru 'lanJ, IS'J.-tSJ: I kkr~ \hc.:.1, 1Ci5·445, Slurlq l 1 1 ll'~h. JS J·l 17 A I ti I u d e s , H o O u e Mm T-. 19t&. .. t~ pom c MONDAY D' 8umlchael'1 Te im · tar •..._ -'*' 1:1 • ~ 111 W L w L KMlrnef 0 . pal'CI .., • •• •• Cini potJ ' Unck1 • ... oc..:s 3 0 • OIG.a. lor I~ (!~ llEN'I C-f H!nVT!et!ime 2 2 ~t.'VY 1. H.wy's 2 I Men's !.~!.!il 2 ~ 1.'ssr. .t~ 2 I 1 tie) Fi. 'y Loadtd T Cl JT;l)afOfS Ca~xs /.:ies I 2 Mac s Raiders l~. 2 2 2 points. 4 (lie) Bur basketball A'ttO ltst l 3 1,e-4~ U:tr;;ar's ' 2· Comm11n1catlon, Blazing OB ·s I 3 Btic .. J,US 0 3 Coat• M•H Buu.11ds, L41ff'PQOst Line • TUESDAY D SUNDAV D Oflves. o W L w L w L lll!N'I C·2 Jae!< sons 3 0 Jae~ s Sur1~a•d 4 0 loose &.!'Is 2 0 1 (lie) Goat Hill D1 iman s 2 I Spr '\leis 3 ' JMM'ot'S 2 0 SPC>IUi>aQe. Willderers, 2 PW & R« 2 t Rm Rucl.lr~ 2 2 C11ar~e·s I 1 po111!s. 4 !lie) ea. park Me m 1 2 Sch,. 'tt PtlG:o 2 2 .s;;ut, Sq-ve tfS 1 I Budme11. Club Hoag , Pedc~~i311s 1 2 St.Jr.I Ouc~s 1 3 t.•cn Sc-1s 0 2 Phoeru. 0 S1eeters 0 3 .ktw.~ 0 4 Pi!: Po I Pa!:tfS 0 2 ~MON~Y. '10.f RO·.flA TIC Pl L'S . 6as·Cll•rKf"fl SllMk Ab.tiOrlH-r MESA TIRE COMPANY AUTO FITNESS CENTER 548-9182 Your Safety Could Depend Ori tt. · Monro-Matic Plus,. Slrocks luzmrtl [,,f,.t1/fJI' Ir 1mn1t r,., f41•rt11tr , Ir ,,,,./y1l1<Jnt, lor fAtht T rvr£ ~pp/Ji-1/MJ• lmuttd J l'.ir 36,0t.10 \Ilk ll1rr1n1t SALE SJ 4":. Rrt. IZl.H , IC COASTLINE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 2049 Harbor Blvd . • Costa Mesa I ~u'S't ~~m cntWo"!c oMPUTERIZEDI I SMOG I F~~nl~=~~ I , s199s ::g~:~ · • SET TOE-IN I I CERT. s399s REG 129.95 7:30 -4:00 ONLY . MOST CARS NO APPOINTMENT ECES RY t4 WHEEL AIJGNMf.NT AL.SO AVAJLABlfl L artl£S s.1." _l_ OILartCwHANs.a.,, GE _J fMliT PRE-ENT C-OUPONf I 1 FRONT DISC 1 SPECIAL I BRAKE SPECIAL " tll>f\ • OIL & FILTER . 1 r • FRONT END 1 uBE I Sfi9!o~CAR I s 1·UP6To s950FOIL I • Machlnf Disc & Pack Bearing I MO T CARS I • Inspect Rur Brakes EXPllf.S J-1-U L --DP!~ !:.!_·H_ -_L -· !!!!' !!!!t·~9?!! _J MAJOR REPAIRS WELCOME ------------------.GRAND OPENING SPECIAL MACHINE SHOP SERVICES VALVE JOBS: • Cylinder Block Boring • Cylinder Head Work • Flywheef Resurfacing • 4-cyl. -$29.95 w/o cam • 6-cyl. -$29.95 w/o cam • V-8-V6 cyl. • $69.95 per pair Most Cars ~-------------------Formerly Or. Ta.v & AW.motive SeM:e 11• E. 111H ST. • COSTA .U Complete Engln1 Rebulldmg Machinist w/20 yrs. expeoence --------------------COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR & . 85H5980R WE HONOR ALL VALID MACHINE SH FACIUTY r·-------------------1 DISC OR DRUM BRAKES I . Replla •m• . Reutact dnln5"0t>fl I ·Aepedcwtl981btatngs(wr.t~) $4999 I ·~t.~system (most U.S. I 'Of891 cars) I • Seml-metllic lning & 11ry adi*Oonal parts I ............. COM ·Most Cars Per Axlt • Oott noc.., IO,.. c11c.,... ~-----------~------., 98599 COMPETITORS COUPONS --------------------~ LUBE ~ OIL, FILTER ; . • Up to 5 qts. Valvoline Multl·Grade oils 1299 • lnstaJI new filter ~ * • Chassis lube (where applicable) • Diesels slightly higher • MOST CARS (Pl.US DISPOSAL FEE) ·-------------------\ ilot ' .. • • • • • • • • p • • Newport Beach/Colla Meu Dally Piiot Rebels' loss may be OCC's big victory ~ Former Ocean View High standout biding his time with baseball on way to another shot with football. Y ou might say that Randy Karliner i.s playing baseball between football seasons. The former Ocean View High multi-spon standout is currently pitching in the Orange Coast College bullpen. He eosted his second save of the cason last Saturday in the Pirates' Southwestern Tournament victory over Pima, Ariz. Karlincr' college sojourn began at the Univer ity of Mississippi, but it was short-lived. After red hlrting in 1991, K.arliner had hopes of being the i.econd-string quarterback at Mississippi last season, with hopes of succeeding two-year starter Russ Shows for the remainder of the Colleges three years with the Rebels. Ka rline r had played in parts of the Rebel!.' first fo ur games of the season, including the entire third quarter againi.t Georgia But it soon became apparent that Karl iner had been replaced by true freshman Lawrence Adams in the backup role. He became disillusioned and headed back to Sou thern California. "I don't thinl I was treated fa irly at all at Ole' M1i.s," said Karl incr. "I JU\I became fed up ." Shortlr. after Missmipp1 defeated Air Force in 1he L1l>erty Bowl, Karliner left Mi'>'>isi.ippi for Hunti ngton lkach, knowing he would not return. AlloO a baseball star at Ocean View, Karliner contacted OCC firlot·)car bu eball C~h_Ju.bn....t\ll.o.lh loOOO aflu_enmlliog ~~~~--- Pre cntly a closer. Ahobelli halo i,aid that Karhner may work his way int o a starting role as the season progrelo\Clo But what about foo1ball? Karhner hJlo 1nd1catcd that, ye • he plans to play for the Pirate football team this foll. but at dcfemivc back. ''It' been fu n," i.aad Karliner of returning to baloeball. "1 hope I can play ba~ehall, (but) I Mill want to have a football )Cholar)hip. I love pla) 1ng football." •Jamie Nelson, who was in charge of the patche r nnd catchers for the Orange Coa..,t College baseball team la t eac;on. has 1oined the coaching taH at UCLA. Neli.on, 33. '' a 'olunteer coach and wall help the catcher and handle the fim baloc coaching duties for the Bru ins t h •~ sea'>On. Ncbon ha had other coaching tints with the Minnesota T"1m and Bolsa Grande High, from where he graduated in 1977. He playe d profcl!saonal basehall from 1978 to 1990, including a hricf i.t1nt "1th the Seattle ~IJnncr an the maJOr lcaguci.. He played with even \hfferent orgao1zat1om during has career, reaching the Triple-A affili ates of the M1l"aul ce Brc"ers, N!nlo:i'I C11y Ro)al!., New Yorl Yanl ccs. C.1liform a Angels .rnd ManneloOta 'J WIO). Nelson i lurrentl) pu r uing ht) A)~1.itc Ari\ degree at R1'e~1de Caty College. He h"es 1n Corona •Melody l:.a rle, a fo rmer futancia High standout, I) h.i"an~ a olid season for the Chapman Uni\crs1ty ba)l ct!;.ill team. c"cn though the Panthers arc 'ltruggltng Earle Wa) named the "'omen's At hlete of the Weck an the C:ihforn1:'1 Collegiate Athle tic Association after scoring 29 poantlo an a lo~ to R1,er ade and 25 in a setback again t Cal State Lo!t Angeles. Earle is leadi ng the Panthers. who had lo t JO st r:ught entcnng ti:e "cckcnd. w11h a 161h-point a'crage. •Form er Southern Cahfo rn1J College bru.l ethall player Jeff Dackmore 1 coaching on the fre~hman lc'cl at Centul"\ High. A student-teacher at the school. Bickmore plans to go hack to Aui.tralia at the conclusion of the sea on to play profe1tlo1\.>nal basketball •Elena U1rch, a former Estancia High Mandout, i an the starting lineup fo r the Sacramento State women' tennl\ team. Barch i a senior. Local schedule Toder 8Hketbell College men -SoCal COiiege at Fresno Pacific. 7 30 pm COl\eot women -SoCal Coleol II Fresno PKlflC 5 30 p m Hsgn school girts -Clf playotts ~trst roun<I) St Paul at cosu Mesa (OM~ lll·A), 4 pm . Es\JOCll It Paone« (OMslon lll·M), 7 30 p m . St Lucy's at Newport HMbof (OMSIOO lll·M). 7 30 P m Track and Field Community colleoe men anCI women - (}rJnOt Cout at Long 8ucil Relays (Cal State Long BeW!l High schoo -1993 Sunk1st lnvrtltional lnOOOf Meet (at use. 11 45 am. Buu Ralphs. Newpoft Hatt>or, boys $hol put. at LA $90'tS Arena. Newport HarbOr boyS 4 • aao reqy 12 t5 pm. at LA Sports AreN, Monie Hllll. COfona Ciel Mat, gll1S 880, 5 45 pm) loftbetl COfMU\llY colleoe -OCC at Fu erton Toumameot lund•r loft bell Commootv college -OCC at Fullerton T~ Does your car slal1 bani? ldleRouah? Give Poor mll••? Gall Usl we•re Ille DltveabllllJ, Experts Carburetor Rebuiking •Fuel lrjection Tune-Up • Smog Certification Open Mon-Frt 8:30 t) 5:30 Cal 'l,,1!l=-= 2945~Ave. CoslaMesa .. s ... " Saturday, February 20, 1993 U BOYCE: CdM kicks Sonny 11118 out or the CIF IV playons, 3-0 From 8 1 "It wa\ a rough )tun. nnd \\ ith their record, "c ga'e them too much rc'lpcl.I at the b~inn1ng.' i.a1d Sunny lf 111) Coach Mike Schade, "'hOloC tc:am ha) lu)t in the: fir)t round four i.eason~ in a row. "fhat'll "hat happens "hen )uu get Sea \ 11:w League team) C<.l\1 ilo a tough draw." 'l he Sea King) (21·1·6). ranlc:d No. 4 an the tin.ii Orange County coachei.' poll. arc the Sea V11:"' \ No 3 reprclocntall\C, having ftnt\hcd an a ~econd-placc tic "llh Saddle · back, but losing a coin·01p, "ha~h put them on the road again)! a league champion 1n the opening round. Friday\ victory on the road, com· bincd wi\h Glenn High'i. 4-0 victory over visi11ng San Marino. guarantees Corona with a home contc!>t on T uesday againi.t the Suburban Le.igue champs an the i.ccond rounJ of 1he pla)offs. CdM. "-h1ch attempted 1 ~ of it' 21 \hot' an the farr,t half -w11h the wind to '" bad.. antrc.N!J ah lead 10 2 0 -when 'cn1m lullhac ~ Jctf l:kllat11 "-Cored \\-llh I\ manutt' kft JO t ht llN h.111 on :1 'c..r,1rnblc m front of the net O..,._naor madftddcr I .rnner Kupp g.1H: ( d \1 a ~ O lead lah.: 111 the 'e1..ond hall ~hen he drahhkd through tralh~ tr1in1 rn1J field and '-1.:orcd t rom .1hou1 Ill '.1Hh OUI un the rlt1,hl \IJC 'ulfcred a l nec: injury la t fall. pre· \C~llting him from beini at 100 ~r­ ccnt (or most of the ea~n "Th:u·~ the old '1 unner. 1 lc's ge t· ting into it more," I hie )atd. ''\\.'c arc )prc.adana the ~oring around und C\Cf)boJ)' I) •citing hungry for 'u;ih, ... r11erc goal ccper (Jell Johnson> had a great game Cc1ght loa,ci.). I le kc:pt 11 from being cmbarr11s5mg." Becau')e of the: "'ct and mudd) cund1t1on), I talc:-., "'ho u~u:slly pla} t"o goalie) lc:pt Unan !>rmth (four ~J\c:1) in the ncl the "hole: game ~math trn<l JUntor ·1 am Timmons h.n e helped the Se• Kings record eight ~hutoul!> th1~ )Car, anclu~ang I· rt· day's. "\\'1th the tough cond111on~ ou1 there, II tal..Clo a v. lulc: to gc:l U'>Cd tu 11. .. ll.ilc~ .,aid. Sunn) 11111) nc:H'r threatened of· fc:m,1\CI). in either halt. "We "a-tcd ~O ( lmt hull) 11\in· u1ei. on our part,' S1.hade .mi "II tuugh to come h.J-.J..:, (I hc Sea Kin~-.) could go all the "'ll) the!'rc !>trOrg Jnd "11h U ~C'c, th1.:~ re d;in· gurou-. ... , he:\ J1dn I ~II '' ,,!Jal 1..mt! ul pla~1.:r i 'ft;.iS, w I trn:cJ iv <hi m: be'>l, bdl re: Ilic~ coulJ get tu I.no" .sbuutm.:,'B,.c JHJ "lhc\'!laJ· j:J~I IU \ IU l th I ' ~h~I tllC) tl.J .. CIF OIVl~N IV Corona del Mar 3, Sunny Hiii• O \..J ~ 4 A v .) • • .. t f., $_ .t' t • J CdM's Jason Boyc.c (left) mancuH'r) p.bt Sunn) Milh foe. Rupp JO AJI-( II pl.1,cr IJ:1l ~c.1r, 5'4 I ., 1i•C!: ,...,.--if .. 0 commmdly college basketbal DCC women rip Riverside, -82-58, in playoff tuneup Fitting finish for OCC men's season, 106-66 RlVl:::RSIDl:. RicJrdJ Ku)pcn and Colleen I latch scored 18 points apiece: to p;i..:c the Or .1ngc Coa)t Col· r1.11ch1nl! the I ager' (21-1:!. h hJ • ORANPE EMftlRE CONFERENCE -\ d ~ j r~ in tu ~ .. ( 0$1 r\ .\1 l:~1\ • :!O pv111h b.,1 nu othl·r Coa~t pla)· er 1.outJ n .:in;i c Jouhlc figure Orenee Coe•t 82, Rlvef'llM 58 ~Coae1 ......... ,. " ,,. tp ,. " pf t11 !>l..J,un er • .lcJ r m!,1) ~ . night in "hat h.1.., - b1.·1.\1me t~1 1 ... JI IJ,h· ORAHCE EMPIRE CONFERENCE Riverside 1oe, Orange Coast ee ""'•nld• Of•ne• C•••I f 2 ' 'O , 1011 fur 1 he Or .rngc • 19 ft pl Ip .. n pf lp lcgc \\omen\ h..1 kcthall tc..lm to an 2-5, romp o\cr hmt R1HrloiJc Cll~ College 1 raJJy m~ht Ill the Or,1ngc l:.tilparc Cunfcrcnce lan~lc for bvth team' I Tot•I• C ] H 1-' • , '! •• (l J)t lullq!C 11cn bJ.,l.ctbJll ~1. .1,un. lhc: PtrJIC~ \\C:rc cru~hcJ b' 'I\· ll ~ Rl\Cl'>IJC, 106·6(>, ti" th~ l 1- gcr-. out:1wrcJ C11.1 .. t b) 20 ~')11\1\ 1n c.11.h hJll I he fanJI ·number' -.ho"cd J 5· 2~ U\Crall OlJrk. 2·1:! 111 the: Or- Jilt!~ L:m1 ire Cunlcrcn.:e I • ~ e ..._QC.•~ g I lC M •ii' ' 10 ~:Ill' • ·: ""'f"\\ ' !t~ ,.. ~ ' 0 ~ ~ :2 c c t J 3 I 9 t 1 l 20 ) c ' ' , 7 \ • 1 C I 3 D t l ~ J 7 9 ,_iltl ~hoottng 51 pcr(cnt in the l1r't half. the pla~ol f·bounJ l'ar '"' (25·' O\erall. l}.j Ill the: \\Ill· fcrcncc:) ra~1.:J tu u 44·.11 h.1ll111nc lc.1J anJ ncH~r looked back Ill Ja-.· Jdf Putc:r not-.ltcJ a 1.:am·ht£!1 -IJ,1 th1 U.u(1 P1lul Orange County's Largest SK and 10K Ffoad Race February 28 , 1993 Fashion Isla n d Newp o rt Be a c h 10K Run · 7:30 AM SK Run and Walk · 8:45 AM Kids' One Mlle Run • ~:45 AM R~istratlon Begins at 6:00 AM Edward9 Big Newpott T'Matef Parlllng LOI . ~= =r1 l\.f'I ftlr blrtlW .,,,,.. IT. /14 prti ~propma • lvwy a.. ......... °" gp..-a Oyrrc)ic .... ... j'.W9llrtl • OOlllf...-0..,.. ~ to~ c:nild • Prine Gl'9nd Pf\ft • 2 round trtp ttcketl on ~"*1Can Atrnnee to l ondofl .ttladWl .. 1 .._.tDTopS~n111C11 WU -=t'l rKa. ~by..._ T~,,.,... _., ...,,.._ _. ,.-. I S2T5 gift"°"' T~ .........._ ,-..,..._ ~ • ~ Kllll' OM .. ·~-Mt IQr;ia T 12 ,_...d n.90 10 ~nI'll1J81' r-. ,_ KicJI II rcJ ._ °""' __. 1 '1 mll t.a lla'1r'tg • 10:00 AM ..... --,..,~...,...,,... Blrl•~ •la o.n., OWi ON Ycv.n. \iloglll er.s. KA9-t ~ 0 N1g1r11 ..,.. • <>-Oardlrl ~res p,,,,. an .1-Mllllll ............... -.~ .. ~ I Eawwdl Thlmr i:wM1Q 10t e 00 MA 10 :J:> MA • ~ Dey .. ow !Mnd.Pw1k'anll .,.. lfM!ed 5Prt o.y • flt ...-0 wl'w1't bllglJli • , D NJ. .....__..,_,..,.,.. eroeaw.v c.cut. ~ motW.,,....,.....,. '"' • Tiii; ~ C---. ~hi .-'Id l't9 i:,., Rant • Ac U 1F a f t 4 : NIWpClr1 a..en f71•U ~ ·-Ol.''1. J' ' 4 I'" ff'!W""' If l( ~ D'l MJ.:;Am '(1' ~ I ~ FOR !~FORMATION SPIRIT RUN HOT\.INf t7141640.:'10l k· b.:~ ~ I \l A 11 95.9 KEZY ...... I A ~l 11 <..) •IWPellT . . ' ····································································••e•••e••••• P'ttptaca11•1-ec:c ;• '!, E n t r y F 0 r m : ~ PmlJ F ••• : VI C.tierv r .. lni.l ..-..n: """ .., , ~ s.to.rnl ~ ~ ·11 ' • ·- .-... a...,.,,,., -"""' ... .. Dlvlalon Codee: • -Mii"' ••• v . ......... . I • .. ............. -0. ....... .... ................. ~-0.-... ... , ....... -.,...:-.:r ·----___ ................ • •• . . ........... ,;;, ...... ~==:.=:..-=--·---.. ••••.-• ....... a " _, ...... ~--·--..... --... ··-. -.......... --..-.-·~ ..,_ ........ _ .. _..., .............................. -----------~ 1 .. M Saturday, Februllry 20, 1993 ... ". .,, .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Century mark for . ·Mater Dei lRVll'E -Mater • Dt"1 High\ Nu. I· .. seeded Monarch) r ""aged Onta rio High') Jaguar in the fin.I round of the CIF Ol\1 ion I-A baslctb:ill pl:i)Olfs f-'rtdJ) night, bhtzing the Mt. B:ild) LcJguc rcprc)Cntatf\C!it, 100·2 , at UC lf'IOC MJter Oct 1mpro,1:s to 27-1. On1Jno C'\:tt~ at 13·1:? CIF I-A FIRST ROUND Mater 0.. tOO, Ontailo 21 °"tan. ..... , Del t.Mrii """' (~ Wut .. ,.,., ,.., CtAol Total• IV ft pflp .. ft PHP 0 s c 0 0 ' 0 C0£""'7 0000 COJ S<A 2116 0)'~ !01 4 0 ~ 2 'I\..._ 1 '16 0 I ? lo&l•l'iC!f 2 0 ' I cc.i v .... 01oi 0 0 () °'~ 1 0 l '6 !Oll'ITM l?OS I I J 10 'l'tiC.«ll ' J 3 11 1 0 ' 2 ~ 1 2 2 16 ~O•O Jkl.JOll 3?0 e 0 c , 0 V.•-;11 l 0 I 6 CCC!:IW 121• '"'" 0000 2 , 1l Toi..I• JI 6 't '00 Score bt ~rton .. .. P., _. " 'P • ESTANCIA: E From 81 .. I havina run talkin1 back and forth," uid Faul~ncr, whO sat out the final 3:16 of the Cir t hair with three routs. but ~red J3 point in the first 8:05 o( the scc- onJ half to help the Eagles (lS-11) slave orr the Suburban League ruMcr-up (15·9). belt 1181111Dwer that team• can't ju 1 rocus on Faulkner," Panel explained. "'Jltis team is really com· ina toec1hcr." The Eagles put rour .strong quarlcr t.0- 1c1hcr 3gain!lt the scrappy But>, 'Who matched them shot for mot during mo 1 of the end-to-end action, finishing 33 or .63 from the field (53.2 percent). "When teams srart taJkin', it's goi.ng to wor~ 10 my advantaie, because I'm going to st3y focused either way," Faulkner said. "I thought they just talked themselves out o( their own game." Oay Frenz Estanci:t hit 10 of 14 first-quarter shots to claim a 22·18 lead nfter one period, then dr:tined 7 of 12 10 keep n 38·34 edge at 1he break. Frenz, conspicuously devoid of dialogue all night, saved his pitch for the foul line, sinking eight straight founh-quarter free throws to clinch the Eoglc • fifth straight first·round triumph, the 15th in their last 16 playoff debuts. "Oay wants to be in that" situation," Estancia Coaeh Tim Parsel soid of the junior guard, who added 11 as ists and six rebounds 10 his 18 points. ln addition, Estancia's M~n Chapman (10 points on 4 of 4 shooting), Joel Warrick (six points on 2 of 3 three-point al\empts) and BcllOower cul it 10 41-40 with 6: t 9 left • in the third qunrtcr, but a Frcnl 19-footer :ind a Faulkner three-pointer p:idded the margin. Pierson, whose lanky build and sudden surge ha~ people comparing him 10 two-lime All·CIF standout Matt Fuerbringer when he was 3 sophomore, then netted four of the Ellgles next nine buckets to set up Frcnz's parade 10 the foul hne. "Mark has a lot of similarities to (Fuerbringer).'' Pa~I said. "He really came through tonight :ind J think he h:is :i lot of untapped potential." Ch~d Kinney (six points on 3 or 5 from the field) all nailed their lanes. C1F Ila.AA FIRST "OUND The "'in i.ct up potential re· \tngc for futand a, wh1<.:h now faces 3 Friday night rematch w11h top-seeded Morning.side (24-4) 3t a site to be deter- mined. "We 're no longer Jim Faulkner and the seven dwarfs," aid Par cl, who cited his team's ability to handle the Bucctineers' press as the main reason for their 62.5 percent hooting (30 of 48}. htancta 7e, .. '"'°'"' 70 ····-l•&wa. ......... .. ....... 0 0 0 0 f..... . 2 3 24 6 I l 13 frw S I I II S 0 I 10 W#!'d t 0 0 ' • 0 2 " ~-4 ' 2 10 1 0 517,___. Ill) ODO'OKh'lty 30 06 t. I l 5 "*"-I 0 2 ll • 0 • ,, J3 1 It 10 T• .. le 30 12 I 7t ac.,. ltr Ouartef'8 ..,._ II II U 21-70 Ea.a n 11 11 24-79 ,..... OOtfl BdllOwtf-Sit• 1, ~ I Es llncll-~ 4 Wimc.\ 2 Cl'.lllmlll I l~ flMl -- £stancia's \\<lrk Picr!lon (32) shoots O\er Bcllnower's John Smith. ~ 4 11 1 6-1~ Mhr Os> 2' ~ 1t r-100 JOQM.:a Vu<O ·~· c.-· "-':lfi "Jim's got a lot of recogni· 11on this )'car, but we've told our other guys it's because the> \c nlso done their job so A brief melee erupted fol- lo"' ing the buzz.er, 35 some fa. tancia rooters streamed onto the court to shove BcllOowc r pl.i)cr , before admtni)trator) quelled the dt)turb:rnce bdore it could c calatc. -:li~J!Ol ~1(·~2 •-1 NEWPORT: for bk>clung out Engli!lh, :'ltc" port Harbor JUntor fOl'\\ard WJde Tift grabbed SC\.c:n of h1 I I rebound 1n the first quarter as the Sailors ~ciud aA 11 8 c-dgc ~ .. ,.l~ ' end; and shooung guJrd f:.nc Val· kl)' canned all three of h1' thrce- pointers in the first h.Jlf murc guard P.iul l".inJr to go up 31-:?7. U1 .. hop Mont· bo;irJ under the pointer after that and we got a ht· "'e "ere pbying not to lo..c in tht' " 1tor .. · !llde. tie carek)S. We were not going to first hJlf, r Jthcr th;in to "tn the From 81 Scores Aft c r 0 u t· beat them :u their game . 1 he)' re g;ime." 1h ·ir 1r.jc~~s_in_1he final 16 minute), c:r ... ,ing a l\.\O·point half- 11mc Jcl1\;11 and out~onng the ~Jil >r' 1->, :!~ 1n 1hc ccond hoilf 3!1. ilic hm.t Kn1rht., earned a 69-~9 a CJ.u scoring run 10 take the h::;d for ~ooJ Engli"h\ in 1J1.. oucl.ct put the Knight~ Jl:~:.id. 1~-1 1 . \\Ith 6:47 ... .uo.uriJ.Jo&g...1.1J.lhei;;;....;S..,owil~--""'""'o""t'-':?l.:2_bccilU lhe}' dLlJU h.u~~-l he-Kn1ghts. 26 ol-.ft-from the ,,~ •... 5 ~!,o:;1rr.u - -ors, 20-7, 10 the "JY 10 plJy." field. ce rc ;itnl) played a" 1r "'innin!l btancla 71,8du"'er7o thud quarter, Valldy (ll point ) ne11eJ a trey \\3S on their mind tn the 'ccund So!"tn CJ 1.. .. .1 ~4 the Kn ights "'11h 5:23 on the clock 111 the ~cc-16 minute,, The) "'on their IOth ~ ~O!ta~~ r~:~~~' '3 cau cd 'II'( Ne\\· ond quarter, tl~n teammJte Jay Straight gJmc :.ind IC>th an their \11.:luf). But th:., game h:id t\\O h..11\cs. "Our game plan \\JS whd," Newpon Harbor CvJdl Uub ~1.er· 'en s:ud. "If w~ h.1d been ... bit.: to stick with 11, 11 might ha .. c been a d1Hcre11t stol) · • r-omon:. £• f:Ae.1.)(1 ~!I port turnO\ crs, Tufano snapped 1n a three-pointer la~l 17 ~~.;,;r.i~.:,;,;si;"~~wport 0 drJincJ 9 of 12 Yt ith 4:16 left and Shouk" fol· J\e"port "'h 21 ol S~ from the l ll!(lt~h. J 6-foOl·6 ~ntOr for· "'arJ Y>ho came an J\.er:lging 21.5 p<nnh and 11 ,'\ rebound a game , h;id I 6 point\ and only five re- bvunJs He hud onl) four potnt!it Jl1J one bo:ird 1n the fir!lt half 3!1 :"\c\.\po1t Harbor (12-15) shot 50 p1;.rccn1 from the field ( 12 of 24) and '1)\umcd a 21.J-?.7 lead at the bn.::ik fa cld-goJI at· lowed "'ith a :.hon bank. gi,1i1g 1he ficlJ , but only 9 of 29 in 1hc \Cl· tempi) and out-Sailors n 23· 16 bulge, 1hcir l.irge!ll onJ half. '-Cored lhc S>lil· o( 1hc game. CIF lll·AA F1RST ROUND iH), 22-13, Ill the fourt h quarter But four Ne"' port I l;irbor I urn· •· Montvom•rr et, Newport 41 kh Instead, the sto') read) uni) llhhop Montgomel) tn the sen>nd half I ullo\\111g the run .1ntf .1 lt,cn llOH .. OUI \\ith ~.5 1 on th..: C.llld ... luJJ J,unt:son \1.m1.J on a IJ\Uf) \\Ith 4:24 rcrn:untng Uut Ul\hop Montgomery \\JS far from though "'1th 11 sermon on :iccckrJuon. M•w..-rt Monte-rt "It \~a) J soot.I fir!ll hal f (o r U), O\ers follo\\cd :ind Di)hop Mont-ffftpftp tettpftp but I don't know if it':. :I\ good a!I gomcry's Kareem Mutric (1 5 ~~WI ~ ~ ; ~ = ~ ~ ~ : Yie c;in play," Scf\cn !it:ttd. "The poinb) scored a 1hrec·po1n1cr \'-Ith ~J ! g ; :~ ~" ~ ~ ; :~ l.e) h tu l>U'.ll:..1111 it and \\C didn't; :?:19 rem;.11ning to pull 1hc Knights ~-> 1 1 a JOrct • • r 1• ''They controlled the tempo an the first half and we got the tempo the way we hkc 11 in the second half," Knights CoJch Doug Match- cll said Y.h ll knOY.) ''hy Y.e d1dn•t )U!itt:..1111 10 \\ithin 2~·23. ;;... .: : ~ ~ ~ ; ; ! ! It !lpun cJ :.i.;ain, th1-, 111ne 11-3, to garner J ~7-36 kad he.1J1ng into lhc: fourth qu lflcr Onl> 1 tft\ three-pointer at the 3.l I mJrl. ch:sn~cll the <h~1ls on the l. .. urc- 11. It :.tQycd clo:.e until the second ~'::... ~ ~ ~ ~ "In the ,c ond quarter, there half T•ta•• 21 l u 49 T•tal• 21 11 u n Ramy ~houkl), the 5:ulor ' 6-6 JUOIOr center. scored 12 of his team-high 14 points 1n the opening H1 minute~ Jnd wa\ rc':>ponsible •~-ttr OWll1en \\a\ a 1ime "hen \.\C \\Cre up 23-16 "I just :iskeJ them (at halftame) *"'W-"-' 11 " 1 13-49 (I I I ) d h I h ' I . d 11 ._... ~ • ,, 20 Z?-" After ~c .... port opened the tl11rd quarter \I.1th a b;i.,~ct by supho- ou r Ol l\UtC\ C t JO \.\C I rC\\ 10 p ;iy I C \\-J)' \\e \C p J)C J • l-,.... ;Jlllis IC..;nl OW'#_ • , ) : 1 T~ the b.111 J\\.t\ I hey sol a three-)CJr," M1tchcll :ud "lt W3) hl.c I--~ -~1 ranZ COM: Sea Kings march on to the semifinals . . From Bt dJy·,. gJme JI Long Deach \V1Json High, lht:. Sea Kmgs proved once :igJtn that one pla~er c.1n't defeat five working together. ·11 WJ) "l odd Merriman "'ho l>Upplk~d the impelu bchinJ tlie SeJ Kllll''> l:lte '>urge fur-1 l output l1 om the field 1n the period "But 1h1: gu)') kept )Crapping Dann) (~lac· Millan). the malle't gu) out there. got u about three offensive board:. .inJ a cuuplc "The more (Price) tri~d to do him-,elr at the end, lhe harder at became for them," said Orm. "Jle's an outs.tandtng talent, but II wai. going to take more than one guy to beat us " At 4.5-4 J. Merriman 'curci.l on a nice b.lSC· hne dn'"c, la)tng 11 1n "''h the left hand. He then tnlerccpted u St. Anthon) inbound pa.,5 Jnd dro'e for anoihcr la)up lur a 49-43 le.id. and forcing the S.11111\ IO U\C a llllltOUI Wllh 2·15 to pl<iy 11.ey !ittC:ll . " ' Chm Quinn\ three-point play nine )CC· ond) into the fourth qu.11tc:r ga\C CdM (15· 12) a 29-27 lea~. t he: S:.1111i,'(11-15) led again onh 0111.:c, 33 ·32. '' 1lh 2.0J Ide 111 the third per.ioJ, before ~lcrt1mJn l11t '''O field go.ib to g1\c Corona a 36-33 edge. Price f1nhhcd "1th 19 poin1s, 10 rcbou11dl. and s.tx b locked Scores s hot s, but the Sea .McrrtmJn r11mhed ...,,th J gJmc-htgh 2-t poinl'I Jnd four 11nportan1 11ffcm1 .. c rcbuund'i. He wc111 5 for 5 from the hdJ in the lourth quarter (h1111ng ht) la't ,e,cn ~hot a11cmp1' overall) and comerti:d J cr1111.:al thrcc-po111t play to t hange 1he momentum <ihcr St An· thon'" h;id s.nui:k to Orm pr.med the Jcfen~i'c d forbi of )ta11- l r Eli \\ cnJdl .rnd bacl.:up F.1h1an Bohne a!>ai1\\t Pnc.c, "'f hey bolh <l1J a grcJt Job," )a1d Orri . ·Our plJn "a 10 nlJkc )Ure (Price) J...nc"' we ~ere there. We wanted tu rub some :.,1,cat on lum and mal..e him ge t the ball .iwa) from where he \\a111cd ta get 1t." Clf DfVlllON fV-AA Paio Verde 67 T~ P.ims 62 SI BtfNrd ~ U01N Buell ~ Corona del Mw 581 Sl Attlt'trr cs bnng ~ Morro Bay 7~ K 1 n gs notched l 3 0 f the final I 5 poinb an th~ final 3.40 to pull awa)' from a two-point lc:id and win going a"ay. "Thi wa\ not a I 3·point game, not by any s.t retch of the 1maganation," i.aid Orris. The victory catapulted the Sea Kings into nc.ict Friday's Clf· 'cm1finals against Banning (R1vcrs1dc) at a \tie 10 be selected by Corona dcl Mnr. "'ilhi.n one point J t .io. 39 on ... bank )hot b) Price CdM had endured J cold-hoo11ng !ICCond qu:irter "'h1ch <jll uw-cd the Saint 10 o'ercomc an early )e,cn-po1nt deficit and take a 27-2t> halftime le;id. "They \\COi 10 a l-2- 2 zone, and it bothered us J Jiu le bit," )aid Orm of his. team's 4 - No. 1 puts it on the line ~ Costa Mesa heavily favored in tonight's opener. COSTA MESA -The top-~eded Costa Mt J High girl basketball team is hungry for a test, afler wanning its la1.1 18 games, including a 10-0 Pacific Coast League record wl11ch fe:uurcd a 38-poinl avcraae margin of victory. The Mu stang could find some stiffer compcrnaon today from vi 1ting St. Paul, which brings a 14·10 record in to the CIF lll·A pl.ayolf opener at 4 p.m. Co 1a Mc a, led by cnior Olivia OiCnmilli's 19.8 per-game 5eo ring av· cragc, 1 '"II :ippro china its best ba kctball, according to Coach L1~a McNomec, and will likely have to begin bringing it le"cl of play up 10 match future pl yoff challcnic . "I 1111 h1ven't seen what this 1e1m can do yet," said McNamec, who return to 1hc bench after serving 1 one·gamc su pen ion for the final reaular·se• n conic 1 St, Paul, the thirJ·placc entry from the Del Rey League, 1 lc:d by Meli Ridge, who helped the Swordsmen sct 1 sch I record for · ngle-JCaJOO wins.----_,• Ridge average 18.l point per game end 6.8 rebound • while alw owning 1he school single·~uon re.cord with 34 three-pointer • • o th Paul Zeko's squ d allO relics hu~ily on l.oric Lc~t"i ( 12.J ppg) end Oma Monie (1 l.~ ppg). wh1Jc Monique Mar1incl (6.4 PPI) 1111J Colleen Quire (.S 7 rebounds per same) round out 1he tuning lineup -If 1 ri.rry l'lullnt r c'IF IV·M QUARTERFINALS Coron• del Mar 58, St. Anthon~ 45 CoroN clef Mar St. Anthonr 4-~ ~ 'f>tncd l~ ~ .... ~ Adlr Totala ,, " pf tp '• " pf tp 3 3 2 g ~ ~ l ,, 1 5 4 ' l\;•ft • 0 l ' 121 4 ~ 30 •1 13 3 I 24 ( •c!ll I 0 3 2 I 0 3 l IA.lr;.M l 0 I & l 2 I I r-1 1 0 1 2 I 0 1 2 -..Wu 0 0 I 0 • 0 0 0 0 21 15 14 ~ T•l•I• It 5 17 0 •~-by Quartotl Cor"'•dll M.11 II I I~ 22-~ S. W.., It 1S 6 11-4~ lflOlrll c~ ear .... o.i MM -~ I St A-.. IVl'Jy -HIJ••O I, Stmorlu I TIClnal....., ~ K) le Thompson came ofl the bench to core lib. of his eight points. in the fourth quorter for CdM. Chris Quinn had 13 boards, 9'point . High school girls basketball Tars host St.· Lucy's ~ St. Lucy's led by 5-foot-11 freshman. NJ:.WPORT OEACJ i -The Newport Harbor • H igh girh bJsl..etbJll brain 1rus1, which just led the • • Sailor 10 their fir!itt·evcr !lharc or u lcngue champi· on'>lup, wall get a well·r~'pectcd ,1ddition for the CIF Ill-AA pl.iyoffs, beg1nn1ng tonight at 7 o'clock ng.imst vi\iting St. Lucy's. Coach Shannon Jakos\..y, '""ho ulong with U\ istant Jack Jokollky guided the T:m to an 18·6 record, the Sea View co-title, and the No 4 seed in lhc JJ.1cam bracket, -will be joined by Shannon's fa. thcr Ralph Miller. a collcgia1c coaching legend, who compiled n 672-370 rcc.:ord at three OIVl!ition I ~hool \ bdorc rc1i1ing lroll'I Oregon St~1tc rhe Sailor lil..cly ~on't need much coachin" wi dom ~1g:irnst the GlcnJoru-ba ed Re&enu, who posted a 14-J l record D\ the U.i c- line Lc1aue\ lhrrd-placc reprc~cntati~c. St. I.UC) 1 \ i led by S·foot·ll fre hn\an forward Stacey NU\IC· man, ''ho averasc 18.9 points and I I rebound per same. ~enior Jcnn1f~r Neu. a 5·10 forw.trd/ccntcr, contributCJ 8.S point\ end 6.~ rebounds. while 1he St Lucy' backcourt Include S· J ruor Courtnc icho n (.S..S ppa) and S·2 junior Yami Reytt C• 6 1 .,,, per game). J he SJtlm • v.inncr of 14 o( 1hcir la I IS, ::ire led by ~nior All· 'If· 1indu11t ~lichocl:i Ro'· who 1vcro1c 21 .7 poinh, 5e\.'Cn re· bound . th1 \; c 1.tc;il5 oncJ t~o fl i 1 • ~·~o.i.,p,.­ CdM's Chris Quinn (33) defends against Saints' Joshua Howard. Eagles on th1e road ~ Estancia opens playoffs at Pioneer High in Whittier. WHIITIER -The fatancia I liih airls ba ketb:>ll tc:lm, win· ncrs of nine or its la t I l games, take~ to t,lte roJd 1onigh1 to open the CIF lll·AA play· offs ogain:.t ho t Pioneer. The Eagles put their 16·6 record on the line :igain:.t the 1'i1Jn,, the Whitmont League champion'I, "ho bon tan l 1·10 mork. Though the Whtt1ier campus will be new to the fatancia pl.t)'• crs, Eagle Cooch Ru O;ivi hos elreody experienced 1 pla)off vie· tory in the Titan • gym, while cuachina Woodbrid&c to a Cl P title two cawns aao. 000 Will rely On 5·(001·9 JUOiOr forward Laura Czinaul1, v.-ho lcod the team in sconna ( 11. points per &~me) and rcboundina (9.S per 5contc'll) 10 help produce un· other pica anl c'pcricncc Dnd sci up a po1cntiJI ccond·round clu h ag:iinst third-ceded Aleman)' The Eagles only two lossc) dur- ing the recent roll were to Costa Mesa. the top i.ccd in the lll·AA Oivi ion nnd the third·rnnked team an Orange Count)'. Leading the Pionter auock 1:. 6- 0 cn1or center Tracy Mc n<lo1a, who is averaging 14.8 point and 12.3 rebound~ per gJme. Maria Cnmacho, a 5· 11 ~ frc h· man, and 5·9Yl junior O:iwn Woo add to n llizublc front line, a'erng· ing 7.6 3nd 7.3 ppg, rcspcctl\cly. In :addition to ('e.tinauhi, u fir,1- 1cllm All·PaciOc Coast Lc.igue choice, the Eagle nre kC)'Cd by coaches' fir Heam All-PCL frc h· mQn point auord Jessica Waltz. Waht 1vereacs 6.4 point per &amc, end also conmbules 5.8 a · sim end 4.S rebounds Sophomore CyRdi Rich:ud (7.9 potnl$ and 8.7 rebound$ per pmc) Is enothcr Es1ancia 1t1ndou1, hev· ina earned second-team all·lcque rcN&nition. The Yl'inner meet the Akmany (22~)-0lcnn (9· 13) )Utvivor •n the qu:irtrrfinals. -a, •"'1 J'aulutr ; .. Newpc:wt Bwh/9°1ta Mna Dally Piiot ; Satu rday. February 20, 1993 •• • I(, CLUB TENNIS: caught the World TeamTennis feve r. DCC swim teams splash to easy Victories Billie Jean King, director. co-rounder and official spokesperson of the league, said thn t murquee numes from vi iting tcnm are not the only rcnson why Newport Dcach fans llta~cd in their ~ats last summer. COSTA MESA -lhe Ornnge Cou~t College 200bao-1Carw1(0CCUIOUO:li.tttwoy(OCC1t0t90110ttd women' S\\ imming tc·1m n tendcd ih 'llreak to ri2 ~ lite-• Mi:M.1111 (0CC), • !IY 1) 2 Sd> tOCCJ 6 GI 07. 3 ~ From 81 • 1occ1. !i 1!i o c.lual meet \ICtoriC> 1n I "'" Frida), oren1ng the cam-200 lltt ~-1 FtfPQft COCCI 1 09 11 2 llMIOfl& (OCC). 211G8 .... lflllt paign \\-1th u 166·71 \ictur} U\Cf 'i:.1ting P;tlomar. • •:IO ~tt re 1-•. P»clr.M " Tenni ~sociotion (\Vf A) Tour, continues to be pra1 ed by Lieberman. who brough1 Frazier into the league for the Dukes' inaugural sen.son in 1990, when Frazier, then 17, was the league's Rookie of the Year. "I'd ay th:u (Aui.tm) i n marquee player, bu t I don'1 expect her to bca1 Amy Frazier," Liebcrmnn said. "They're both marquee nnmc ." Frazie r. the only original Duke, reached the Round of 16 at Wimbledon l:m June. Of course, i.he's No. I on Lieberman's safekeeping list. "l talked to Amy (Fr:lller) nod (R1!..ard} Dc-rg, :ind they Y.cre telling me 1hcy want buck 1hi yea r." King said. "Newport Beach finally got the piclurc that it's a team sport and 1t has tnkcn (the city) three year) to undemaod 1hat. 'fherc was a huge difference (lai.t summer) than thrc:c )'Cars ago. "Three years ago, if Jimmy Connors or Martina N:1Hat1lo'a come to town, 1he CanS' would lcuve after the} played. Out (last i.ummer) they didn't. Th1.: fans there are sl3rting to develop an nppreciation now, (The Dukes) keep adding sponsorships and it has become n community type thing." The Pirate men :ilso ~t:.u tnl their 5eawn "ith :a con· \incang vict()ry, do\~tni; the Comet~. 136·63. 1 he men\ vktory wa., hi •hligh11.:() by the ~inning d · forh of Grunt Fcrgu~m in the 50 lrcc and 2UO !Jrca,l· troke and a Juublc b) C:r .11y ~h:~tillan in the :?00 :rnJ 500 frcc!i.t} k !!I. l·crgu~111 '' :.i fin,1 -~1.::.ir ,.,..1mm er lor Coa')t hum South Afrn.J NON·CONFERfNCf. Men Orange CoHI 130, Palomar 30 Hneter C •:llQ-1 ul.~UllUQwt 1P1 2 M~MJl'am;.o 1F-1 3 l•plel! tOCC) •OO medlty rm1-1 Qfa·~e Co .t tC"111 Err~ . c.o.?>-. Sit.it), c Oc 71 1000 I tt-1 li.ttei (OCCI. 10 38 75 no st!OllC et f\itO 200 ttt-1 1.·~1.1-bn 1occ1 1 ~2 93 2 Oii (Pl • 53 oe 3 L~ (CCCI 151157 _ .5D-lc.t-1.,f11~ tOCCl.'"ff~4 2 ~tro1PJ 3'57, 1~1111'CC 24 07 2~ IM -1 Sauer !OCC), 2 O~ 34 2 Emfl'lOO!> (0CC) 2 09 46. 3 lt.Omt'Stn (Pl '2 15 82 3~et di1tng-1 la'.'on!a~e 1P , t.•et.'a'lama:i \P) 3 Trpltt! 10CC1 200 t1-1 SJ\.'tl 1occ1. 2 11 7Q 2 (),.,;in IOCt). 2 20 13, no IM'CI . 100 l•te -1. P1'0mw, 50115. 2 G .:..en tOCCJ. 52 OS 3 P~. 52 70 Brie Dy '"I) • Fomlly ond lcnnls, in that order: Newport Beach's Robyn Ray, director of tennis at 1hc Newport Beach Marriott Tennis Club, 1s one of four U.S. senior ph1ycrs to be selected to play in the 511.tuN NurlleeC,IO•dy .. ..,. Newport Beach Dukes starlet Amy Frazier Winning, of course, helps to keep the interest of the Cans. The Dukes, in their third season, won the West Division title before losing to the Heritl!Be Regatta slated Dubler Cup in April at the Olympic i1e in Barcelona. Spain. Navratilova-led Thunder in the championship. 'Makilg Strides' run scheduled Similar 10 the D.1vi Cup forma t, the Dubler Cup matches nation against nation in a week-long competition. In addition, beginning April 5, the week before lhe Dubler Cup. R.1y \\ 111 vie in the World Single!. Championships for seniors in Barcelona on red clay, his least favorite \Urfuce. Nevenhckss, Ray 1s looking forward to 1he trip and playing in both tournJments. He plans to tai.c his wife, Erii..1, and eight-year-old daughter, Amber, to Spain. demt~ tlrm11) man.~aymls e c recent National Scniqr Indoor Champion hips in Salt Lal..e City. Utah, bccau'c of nu that truck Enl..a and Amber. "lt \\35 hard to call them up and tcll 1hem that I wasn't comi ng," said Ray, 0\\ho was seeded No. l in the Nn11onal Indoor singles 45s division. · L:lst )'cur. Ray ad,anced to th e singles fin.ii of the National Indoors. and in 1991. he won the double 111lc \\ith longttme partner rred Drilling (Wa!i.htngton. D.C.). By the end of February or in early March. Ray J> c>.pccted to be named the nation's top-ranked pl.1)er for 19Q2 b) the Un11ed State!!. Tennis Aswc1:rnon ( US1 A) in the men' 45). •Add In: Ne" pon Oe3Ch seems to hn\e f1nall) • Digger 1han before: Today's A~~oci:.ition of Tennis Professionnls (ATP) arc in abundance. unlike the olden days. "'What we ha"e tod:i)' 1s grcn1 depth," ~J1d Oobby Rigg~. the 1939 Wimbledon champion and a former Newport Beach resident. "There ;ire 50, 60. 70 or 100 great pla)crs to<l:1y. There "a~ only a handful at lhc. tune \\llcn...LpJ:i)ed." • fourlh time n charm? Member~ of 1hc John . Wayne Tenni~ Club .ire looking for a lm k 1espcct.-lnose f10111 ttre Lngunu 1gucTRac4ut!l Club, .however, plan to -.erve no mercy. The fourth annuul ChJllengc Cup. a double~ competition bet\\-een the t\\O club~. bi Feb. 27-2'.\ Jt the Wa)nC Club. There are four doubks team~ 111 each dlYision fo r men and \\Omen "uh ratings of 3.5 to 5.5. Every g:ime counts to\\ard the team IOtal. l..agun11_N1gucl o"'ns 1he Challenge <:;up' pcrpctunl trophy. ha\ing \\OO the f1r~t 1h ree competit ions. Why the match m the fim place? Both clubs arc O\\ ned b) Cecil Spc:irman. Richard Dunn is JJ Vail)' Pilot ~purls Hritt•r M/1ose club tennis column appears tuiC'e monthl). . PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE5 PUBLIC NOTJCES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ,PUBLIC NOTlCES PUBLIC NOT~ES Mastefl Or Hun1.ng1on PUBLIC NOTICE Thi5 s\illHnenl wn 1t1ec1 This stalement was 1°10<2 Tn1s "''·"M>en1 was t ed h·~ :.utefT'lent w;u. l~e<I This su1ernen1 ,.,3s red PUBLIC NOTICE San Leon Irvine C ·I • S..>Cf'I. C ·I 9 2&UI Wlln Ille County c 1m o1 wth Ille Counrv Cleflc or w1tfl the Counly C ef1o: 01 with lhe Coun·~ C 11< ol w-th '"e County c er11 01 9:!71 4 PUBLIC NOTICE Br.id Powell, 9709 H~I Fictitious Orange County on Fet>ru-Or~ County on J.Jl'!UalY Orange Cour•ty on Feb<U· Orang County un J.snu31'f Oraf\941 C0U<1ty on Fet>tu Fictitious T" s ous1,,os is co,.. ---------I haven, Tu1unga C11or au sine•• Name wy t 6, 1993 29, 1993 •rv 9. t 993 29. I 993 . a.ry s. 1993 Busoneu Name duct.cs or an ll'Cl•YIOw STATEMUfT OF 91042 ltate.,..nt F5001U O F5592t8 F5&0427 F559223 F5&0082 Statement Tne reg1sualll(>I· corn- MMDONMI NT OF Howiard Fisher, 12408 Or· ~ fol1ow1119 PttSon• Publtshe!d N-pot'I Be3c:h· Pvbllthed Newport Oe ch Put>l1shctd Newp(>(t Beach· Published Ne...,l>O't Beath· Publ"•hed Newt><>n Beach The FollOW•l'ICJ pcrsoris mencf(I 10 trons.i..t l>u~ USE OF FICTITK>US ~I °' ' WhilM«, Cal·f •r• doont;I business as Cosla MHa Oa1ly P1lo1 Co•t.J Mos.l Oil ly P1IOI COSlil Mes<l Dil•lv P1101 c o.1.i Mes.> 0d 'Y Polo\ Costa Me~a Oa y Pilot .ire Oc>inq bu· nt'S~ as B~~~,,.usns<.le~.·~~ :.~~~~ •USIN~•· NAME This bUSl1'eU II co~ (.a)TEN0£A CARE DIAPER Febfullty 20. 27. Ma1ch 6. February 6. 13. 20, 27, Fet>tuilry 13. 20. 27 MarCll February 15, 13 20 27. Fel>fuary 13. ~ 27, Marer> fal8ALBOA. l!)LAND COF I DOve on J•"l.lary IS ~ tolioww.o pe"'°"s ducted by II part SERVICES (b)AGGRES· 13 1993 19'JJ 6 1993 1993 6 l9')J · FEE CO (blSUTHERL.AND lll9J haw abaMoned the ,. ol ... a 91'* . SIVE LINEN ' UNtl'ORMS ' S ~· S.J.gi!) S.l gl6 Sa ·920 ° S.J g)O ENTE RPRISES J:'l "hr "It MehrOU d N-ilH u nefS,,.p SERVICES (c)CADILLA sa ..-or-A""""e BJt DO.t b and Iha F1cM1ou1 Business The r•g11tr1nl(1) com· BUILDING MAINTE~NCE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE C t 90:\lb:> HIS ~1.:11~1 ,.. as f, ~ • Name PSVCHOl.OCtCAL, manc.d to trM\UC1 buSI-t 211 R.tcn.y Sanl.a Aria. l.lYoy Cb'lon Suttit'r1'1nd ... in l"'e Co..only Oe• or SPEECH 6 LEARNING nest unel« Iha Fietittout Calol 9270S ' Fictitious Flc llllous Flctltlou• 1.101 Non~ S~v Front. Bal· Or.inqe County on J anuary CENTER. 328 Apolena Businest Nl)ln•(•) ••Siad Arg•ncor D•velopmenl FlctJtloua Bualnes• Name Bualness Name Buslne u Name .Fict itious boa lsllnd C 11 92662 19 i 9JJ Ave Ba.lbO.l llliand. Callt abo\le on 1970 Corproallon Calolorn10. Bualneu Name ,.. Stateme nt Statement Statement eu,lneas Name This o ... s ness s con F557932 92662 Kat ., La B•M\t.1 1211 RolChey S-.lnt.l Ana. St atement Th F 10 "" pcr101u The f°Ol•O"" ng Pe">ons The to ow '9 per om, are Statement . cueteo t.'V JI!\ ind • ..:u.1 Put> "'t!.: N~r'O" Bui;n lht F1c1111ovs Business This 11asement w,u fol.CS Cat.I !12TOS • The FonoW1nt;1 persons are d~g Oi~~1~ 11 are dotoq bu~ neS5 as dOt'lQ bus.N!ss u ,. Tne f ooow ng per:1oon1o Tne reg \'' ntlst co,., Cosa Ml."~ o .. v PlolOI Ja~ Niime reten«t IO above ... ,IJ'o lne County Clerll ot This bus1neas It con-are dOtnt;I business u TRIPP ANO ACE PROOUC· oui<e PROPERTIES 6852 JOBFINDER OF A'4ERICA. ate dong Du!> 'l('SS as mt"Oee<I 10 tran~ct ous .. u ..., :» F•~'V • 13 zo WIS filed In Or11n9e County Orang• County on Fot>nr dueted .... a corpo<atiOn (l )C & c PROMOTION 0 s s p 0 H 393 s L MUTT s BALBOA ClUB MU undCf l"e r Cl. Olis • 1 l on Novembef IS .. 1991 F11e arv 16 1993 The r;g1str.:1nt(s) com lblAUlO CARE 3109 Lm ~ N 20~ 35~ ~1~•: B~~~~.ta ,/ 9~ni.n91on Be.lChHC~y92b~t' agun.t 111 P.Hn S:rt:-cl Ba bOll 9.,~"r.n N;»i•'!ll• ~ ,.1eo S~ RO'I ~ FSIJO'O FH0905 rnence<1 to •~sacl bu1t cOlll Way Cost.t Mesa, 9:~or1 eac ' a ' Rou Cranmer 6852 Pre-Chrasllan M.>non Oulll. Caiir 9='b6t ' abO••• l)n N A 1---------~c. D Pai."on. 326 Publt~d Newporl Bt3th· ness under lho F1c1J11ous Cali! 92626 John Joseph flrockm.ltl sod•o Oravc Hvn11n91on J!lJ Holly SI , L.19un.1 P;i .,, <;trfi'I Co•por,il on Le<oy C S111•wr J"iJ. POBLIC NOTICE Ap()len.i Ave . BJlbo.'1 Is Co11a Meu 0.1.1y P11018usinHs Name(s) hstod Chns Ahc>.,ds 4t'9 Main 201 JSth sueet Newport U1ncri.Ca 1t 92648 Be.1c11 CA92ti51 Cahlom t 11 1 ~·1 mSut"1 '"~ sl '"'"~"' ... is rcdr---------1~·~'.1 9:1662 Febt\13ry 20 27 March 6 ill>ove on January 22 St '216• Hunu ngton Bt!.>Ch Ca' 92b6J ZC>Aa Cril'1rner 6851 Prr-JC'lf•l·y J.>.:.,soll, J•U Hu y OT.lt>o.l Li 1 9 tA>I .. in !N! Cou "¥ o ... , O' Flctltioua , ... s ..... s.nes• w.as COi\ ' • 199l Be.lch ~~t 92048 ,.h ' C d 0 4 S L B CA "'' ous neoss s CO" 0ra""'1 °Co.• v F~ Business Name ducted by an lndtvtOual 13. 1993 , 0 ,.,, l(~ie 419 Min SI ..... a11e:. S.ci.t0<0 olem;tn. s' ·O • .ro. Hunt ll9lo11 1 <19una eacn dUC'ed b, 8 coroorlton 5 !r. This sta19mefll w;n filed Sa 9S8 Argencor De,, Corp. Or· ,276 Hunl;""'On Beat h 1788 Castro Lano. San BNch, CJ"' 92648 9;!GSI Tl'e regisiialll(S) eom 'V ' Statement .,1,., IN Count Cieri< °' l.lnc:lo Ben.lyi<lez. Pfesodenl · .,,. JON CJl•I 95130 This busrneu as con This business is co,.. .., FS60083 ft" f ""'ll Pf'' on" Orange County ~ JAnu""f PUBLIC NOTICE Th0s swttmenl "'as l~ed '1t:,1 1 92b64:,ness 11 con· T111i buflness 1s con-duC1ad by hust><md 3nd dueled b'f" a corpor:11ion ;~~~~nd:, "J:e s..i;.~.~~~s P,.,::, !>Md Ne"' ~ Bf' .., 1·0 00o~ b~s ,,.., ai; , 19. 1993 ""'"' 1he COYnty Clenl o1 u ouctod by co partners .... ro Trio reg151ran11s1 com. Busmen N.:irne(s) listt'<l Cosl.l Mes.\ D.i y p ..,, 0 U ,.., SlR11ICC:S 14 ~bl•~ Newport 8each-Flctltlou• Or'.",1; County on January ~:P by a general pall· The registrant(&) com-Troe re91stron1(sJ com· menced 10 lranaacl bu~· a bove Oil J3nu iry n. Fobn..:iry IJ, :!O :!7 M.lrd\ flc"':'f'f ~ 1 E, C<lsu MC'u Costa Mou Pil04 February a usln eu Name 26. I 3 Th 1 t( ) mencO<l 10 trans.lei busJ· menced lo 11.insac1 buSI· nn1 under the F•Cl•lious 199,, 6 l9'1l C • 9.'I ::# 6, 13. 20, 27• 1993 S t•t•m•nt F558724 ~~e~~s ~~~s!C1 =: MU undo< the r1c1i11ous ness under Ille FK:: liOus Bus•ness N.:1me(s) ~sled Pa;., Strttt C<><P<>f•ll on Sa 131 0;i • ..., B Wa~oJ~ uJ • s.a-1122 The FoAo.,ng persons Pub1•1hed Newpor1 Buen-nes.s under the Foet•liOUS Busmen Nama(s) losted Bus•l'tss Name(s) ksted et>ove Oil 1 6 93 G:i M LvnCh. Sec T•l!'S ~ o~m ~ E.. Cosia MKa ---------are doonQ buSones.s as Costa Mesa Daily P1101 8us ness N1me(1) ltsted above Oil J3nu•ry IS, abo\<e on 1987 Chns Oullll Th•s s\.Jtemef\t ..,.., t e.i PUBLIC NOTICE CA 9.~. PUBLIC NOTICE RED 1.ftU.CUHTON AS-' 199J Ross Cra1'MOr Th<s s1.1~~en1 wil' r~td y., ' t>us ness " con ---------SOCIA TES a Cahlornoa fabt\llry 8. 13. 20. 27. ibo,,e on J1nuaty 23. John Broc:llman Th.s s1a1ement ... , M&'d "''th lhe County C1er11 ot ~'!' i:ec~ ~:n~lol Flctitlou• OuCl..:I "" ll" Ind '('(lua STATDl!NT OF ganerel ~rslltp 2910 199"3 S 913 'c~s Rho.di This statement was r .IKf "'1tn lhl' Counly C.en. ol Or<1nge Counly 0t1 J.inUMY 29 ~3 y ·"I Busln osa N•me The ·•· IJ str11n1C5ol com AllAMDONMl!NT o~ Red Holl A..-.oue. Su.le 200. a Thia statemenl was Med 'Mlh the County Clerk or Orar19e Coull!y on Fobru· 7. 19:)3 F559220 S t•tement n•tnceo 10 11ans ~ bus.. USE CW ~ICTITK>UI C1~" "'Q1~· Calif ~2~ PUBLIC NOTICE Wllh the Counly Ctartl ot ~~ 1~nry on fel>r\I· ary 16• 1993 F54J09()g P F554S8~ Pubhshed N""Po11 9ucn The Fo ow-"9 oe<sC'l\s ~~~r,.':'e~a'::,!,:i.c~:~~: aUSINl!SS NAiii> ....... n eaia, ey-Qfange County on J.-anuary -r ' ubl•Shed Nowport ~ ...... C 1 M 0 p 1 are oo.ng bu· 1neo 1 as b J 'lua 2· The following pat'SOtlS moulh Court, N•wpor1 Flctltlou• :le. t993 F54S0873 Published Newport Beach· Costa Mesa Ol v PolOI OS a es.l a v ·~ ,,}S NIZDAR '"'TERNA ~ J"e 0" a ry •• IUlll• abandoned Iha UH°' Buch, C••·I 92'660 lki•ln••• N•me F5 5872t Put>bshed N~ Beach Costa Me-.a Oa y Pilot Ftt>ruary 6, tJ ~ 27 Febfuary 6· ll . ;:o 2 • TIONA.L lb)UNOHICIAL Da J B--.. ., w i.e• ""0 1he F1c1t1tou1 Busines :::;~ AE °'1':,·1 29 to S tateme"t Publlstled N-port Beach· Co111 Mesa Oa ly P1lo1 Fet>tuary 20, 27, March 6 1993 l'93 S • OUAATERS PRODUCTS Th~ ,• . .ieomenl .,.-. !leo Name TAYl.OR"S MOMS Cost M ~·1 9~ · ~ Followtnt;I persons Costa Mesa Daily PolOI Jan· Fet>ruaty 20. 27, M<ltCh 6, 13 1993 sa926 .a 9t IUOP). I 102 H1M11ri.1ge Ro ,.. '?1 tn• Co..ro•y Q;ffti, QI COOKIES, 423 Co111 Jen• OS"wood 327 Dnl\ tre dotng buS•ness as· u-30 Fe""·~"' 6 13 20 13 1993 . Sa 953 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE S.inta Ana c a .1 91705 Oranpe County on January Mesa. Cahl 92Q1 tey • · • DIVERSIFIED PROPER -• • --• • • • ' Sa g4:1 John E Raoz..,~ 110: .,7 tlll l The Flct11Jou1 Business ~c.i.~~~orona del TIES COMPANY. a CahlM· 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE Fk tltl-Huntroeqe RJ . Sa.,1a An.t • FS58844 Name referred 10 at>oYe a.i. · nl• g•neral par\/\trahtp. S.911 PUBLIC NOTICE Flctltloua Ca• I 9270S ., was tiled 1n Orange County Th11 bus•lleH la con-2910 Rad Holt Avenue. Flctltloua Buslneaa N•'"• lluMneu Name Th<S oi.s•n•n 11 <:~ P b!,, 00 Nc•DQ. Be :.h on July 23, 1990 File dud9d by; • ganerll ?M· Su••• 200, Costa Mna, PUBLIC NOTICE Flclltloua lkialneu Name Statement Stat.ment dueled DV ind ""1UDI Co la Mtou D Y PllOC Jane ~ F•6'2t0 nership Cal.I 97628 auslness Nam• St•t•ment The Fo< ow•nt;1 persons The 1'0tl0w•fl9 ptf'SOtlS The rag 11r1ntis) c~ u 1" lO r.t><-.. "f 6 13 :'O John T and Kimbeflv C The registranl(s) com-John 0 Me1ra, S Wey FlcUUoua Statentent The Foll0W1ng persons are Oolfl9 tiusio•u as a<e OO-ng buso~s as met'ted lo lri11n~1ct bu'>'" I '91 Parll (HU5band and Wife), menced IO tl-..CI busi· mou1h Courl. Nawpotl 8uslneu Name ~ FotlO)Mng pe~s are doooq bus·ness u PIZZA PETE ORIVE IN. 701 T 0uc 1-i p 0 INT c 0 ... ,,. s un\:l~f L'i e "Cl<' ous Sll 910 423 Coal• M•H. Cahl n8est und«N 1t1e 1F1.ct;11:; Beiae.h,Calol 92660 St•tet'ftent ired0tngbusinestas MECHANIC ON WHEELS. Edgew1ter, Newport MUNICA.TIONS, SIO 31st Bus•nus N m•(•I ~IN PUBLIC NOTICE 92627 Ull1'ell. ame 1 11 Ranney E. Of1pet, 2910 Th•. FolloWl119 p«aons OPEN "HOUSE 0£StGN, 2905 EUesmere Ave , Cosl.l Be~h. Calif 92661 Sir"', Suile C. ~pon 111>ove °" f •l>r\.lary I 1Sl'\l Thie butlnan wu con-•J:::: cr.M June 8· 198' Rad HJI Avenue, Suite 200. are doong tius.nn• u : 1613 Ponclet0sa SL. Co111 Mesa. Cll1I 92626 Balboa Beach Treats. Inc Bexh <:.JM 92G63 Jonn E. Rad11~s ___ Fl_c_t-lt-lou-.--- dUC\ed by huaband and aata Cosia Meu ,Celtf 92628 CANNERY VILLAGE Mff3 Cat.I 92626 Owighl MeOatlan RObeltl C.i1lomoa 704 EdCiJN'tler, J<>"n L~IOn Garnaf II Ths s~'f"men1 ,,..., l!<1 w.re This •talcent """~~ T"I• bu11rte11 is con-MORTGAGE, 510 31st ,,.1chMil M Funk. !813 2905 l .. Slftefe Ave . cosi.l New1>or1' Beach Calif 260 Cagney Ln tt 120 .,,,'"' 1..,e Coun1v o .. i. or Buslneu Name Thia llatemenl wu f.lad woll'o IN eou°::"'1yy Ftbnl· dueled by a ~I 1)1(1· Slreat. Sutll H. Newport Ponderosa. COiia Mesa Mn.i, Cahl 94$26 9~1 N•wporl Beach. Calif Ora"l90 Cour!tv on f ef>tV Sl•temenl Wllh ll\t County C1eA ot Orano• on .,.,..,,.P Beach, Ca~I 112663 C•hl 112626 S1even Roger Cilt•son. This business' 1s con-9266.> NV 9 t U Tl>to ~on '"O ~'M>f'' Qfanga Counly on Jani..wy •rv tt, lt93 Th• regl11renl(•) com-John Leighton Gall* II, Donald MichHI Mu1r. 1944 Continental Ave dUCl.CS by a eotpor1uon Thll bu11nu1 is con Fseo428 t• • .,.'IQ~"" 'a 29, 1993 f M09tJ meneed to transact bu•· 260 Cagney Ln. '120. 29725 Pre11on. Laguna Costa Mesn Cahf 926"7 The r•g1str1nl(s) com-d!Xlad by an lndividu.I f>\.il>l!sned Newport Oo.ac!1 MUT1 LYNCH!) ;'JOO W Publilhad Newport 8Hch-Pvb111Md Newport Beath· neat under the Ae111.10ua Newporl Buch, Callf Niguel, Cllol 926n This business " con· menced 1o lranSM:I bu Th• reg1s11anl(1) com· Costa MHll Da ly Pilot Ocu ,, f rollt Newport Costa M ... Pilot Fa«>ruary Costa Meae 011ty Pilt>I 8 u11ne as ~mt(I) ~aled 92663 This 1>u11neu 11 con-dUC1ed by· c:~panners neu un<S.r the F1chhou' mencad 10 tians.tcl bua Fet>Nlry t :) ~ 21, ~.-Ch ~\.h1 • .C "·~~. ,.~ , ... 6, 13, 20, 27, UrJ3 febf\lary 20, 27, MlrCh 6, above on· A~at 10. 1981 Robaf1 O O.L..onQ. 18006 ducted by 1 genetal plt1· The reQl1lr•nl(1} com Business Name(s) Uted nest ulldtr IN l'ICt 'llous ., 1993 • ....... ... ..-~ ........... Sa..t23 13 1993 JOl\n O Meat1 Skypatti Ctr #200, Irvine. nanhip meoc.d 10 lfans.lCI buso lbOV• on Jalluary 2s. Bus.Mu Namt(s) ~•'ad "' nia 12J9 Suftl.M vr.a., -----------1 ' s.957 Thd tlalamant wu fMd C.lal 9271• The registrant(•) com-nes5 under 1ne Fict.h°"" 1Wl above on N A Sa 9ll Cd M~ C. 92~"') PUIUC NOTICE ••lh the County Cleltl ol Thie bu11neu Is COi\-rnencecs to lr-anMCt ~ Buslnau Name(•) hstad Balboa 8MCh Tr.a, Inc: J \..eignlon c.m.t ..... UC NOTICE This bu .. ,,eu 11 co,.. PUIUC NOTICE Onlnoe County on fet>N-duc:led by a ganerel par!· ness und« lht f.tiii.ous a~ on HA Pele J Bowat, Pf"Hldent Thia ,,,...,,_.,. was U.c! P"UD Cluc1tld by • eotpont'.JOn STATDllUf1!!",,.,.. ary ti, 1993 ~p Busmen Hame(a) llslad Ow1ghl M Rol>ef1s Th1t slatame'1t was hied 'Mlh the Cooney Clet'< 01 Flc lldou• Tl'le ••1i11tl•ant(1) com MANOONM ""' ..,... NOTICI OP Fseo877 The ragl1,r1nt(a) com-i bove on Januwy 1 1m Ste~n R Carlson with tne COYnty C1aftl of <>allOe Counly on Jilnuarrv mencf'd 10 trlM.IC1 bu., USa CM' PM:TITIOUS AVAILMILITY OF Publllhed Newport a..cn. menc:ed lo ltWtU d bUsi-Mich"t M FllM ' That 11 1emen1 was filed Ortnga Couniy on Febf\1-29. 1Q9J av.in .. • Na.... llau undaf the fid1tiou-. 8USINltS NAllR AMINAL "RPORT Coetl Mtu Daily Pilol "*' und• the Fictltiou• Thra atatement wu fifed With "'-C<>Ynty Clet'k 01 1ry 5. 1993 FS592a.2 The St•tetl'Mnt StntU m•I•} r 1~ Th! fOllowlnQ penon1 Pureuanl to Sacuon Ffft\I 20 27 Marett I Butlineu Nlf'/la (a) llatac:t "°""" IN ecx..y cs.ti of Orange County on ~ 1'590071 Pubilohed N-pcn Beech Foilow!'IQ per-.one •l>OW on Nov.,.,,bef '9111 "-lllbendoned"fle UM °' 110.(d) of CM '""""'~ flf'Y • • • abcwe on: NIA Ortnga County on ,Januwy .,., II. 199J Publ•Shed Newport Be.tCfl Coal.a Mesa O•'Y p lol ... ~ bu*'9U as M\lft McGre. tnc: .. o..i M th• Flctltlou• 8u~~~ enu• Coda, notice I• 13• '993 s...:O ~~ U Ned 21, 1~ 1'5e09t2 Coal• Me.. oa 'I Piiot ~•bt\IWy a. 13 20. 21. 11~ 5 v:'~~!'t..:· V::: Ste Tret Name ORANGE TV heNby gi--.n "at the ~ a a waa ,N9024 Publt9hed Newport Beech-l'ebtV#y 13 20 27 March 11193 1Mne t t271S . .uitement wH SERVICE. 2~1:~nn St.. nua1 report '°' fie 11SC111 PUIUC NOTICI ~ the~~ Publllhad Newpcrt 8"Ch-Colla MeM Delly Piiot 1, tt~ ' · · Sa t it 1TV 'sen.<" Company, O,.:~ ~:;:,.~ ~V~. ti.t Gt.-C!' J~~ ::!: l'lotldeue 2t, ~ Coeta Meu Delly Piiot FebNatY 20, 27. Mltet\ I. Sa 929 PUIUC NOTICI Inc , Ca11rornl1 CorQ 2f." t"3 .,,._ Ave., Wtettnlnllet, tlon, • ~i. ~. .. ...... .._.. l'Nn2t Ftt>Nr( a. t:t, 20, 27, 13, 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE llloltOla '"'°° Von l<.w· nll2tl CA 82tl3 It evMlhta • the found• ........... P\lblaNd Newport INch· t"3 S.sa-954 fllctltMue ~s ,uo. ~. c.I ~ ~ ~ Th• '::= :"":! tton"• pltnetpel ~ '°' ~ ~ F~ persona Costa ..... o .. ty Piiot SI 91' PUBLIC NOTICE FlcUU.U. ......... ....... Th • bu• MU •• ("~ Coll• ..... 0 Not ==-fled In Orenoa ~ spectlon =\..:n-out: .,.. doil'O buaineea" f.onwy I. u , 20. 27, "'9&.tC NOTICI .. .._ .,._ ...,,,,.,.,. duCted "r • corporMaOn ,.bNlt.., 6, 1J, 20, 2'1, OQobar s. f"3 file ~ t (a)NEWPOAT HAA80 A 19'3 ll'lcttttaua Seat--' n,. folowlng '*"°"' The r90111r1nt(a) com-1te3 = F548Gt ' ' • .. ~,: = P.!!_!!1~ HOSPITAi. (b)CENTUAY S.111 ............. .. ....... N.-~ FOllOw\nO ,.,.ont .. OOmO ~s u ~ to ttanNCt bUlli s.911 Hal v PNM c I ._....... HEAl.THCAAe OF CAI.I-•uatuH ..... ............ -doing~... ¥ARTAON. 1537-0 E.att -o.ind« IM F"tC!WOut --------- Thi• ·~· .... c;on.. =::'ot :! ::::c::: .,. FOAN&A. 1501 E. teth Sl. "'91.JC NOTICI ............ n,. ~ ~ fheProduclOroup, 12lt Md.oden Avenue Santa eu-.. Name(•) ... • PLUG ducWd "r"' lnd1¥1dual n,. ~ .. ~ Newport IHCh, C1111 ..... Th! Folowtng S*W• .,. dC)lt19 ~ ... Conw1y A~~. CNU Ma. Cttlttl 12~ llllo<4 on Jtnuery t ,1113 Thl9.....,...,. waa Med office la eoc.-al._ tMat I• .. doi'G~• (l)l'ANOI M O NtU M ...... C. 9'Qt ~.tric . ~ Martt ~~ tlWt fie CounlY a.ii QI 500. "° Newport C.. Newport Harbor Haellh htlHH -. TCS lll), 209 I c.b (b)OISHSION, SSI H ~ lOIM Sdlraft, ~, tS31 0 t.aM Mcladden ,,., Thi• ....,,.,,. ...... o....,. coune, on ~ OrM ...___. liNdt eaa. ~ tno.. ~ • •••• _. nie It. IA ..--. CaM .....,... 8hrd.. la Mt, ... -.... A\19" l• .,_,., SMta AN.. c.M ~ tN ~ o.rti or 12. 119:1. fotftll--· . tnh ... ••OI. COie....... Th! ,__.,.. ll*1oOn8 IOl3t =.rr• IHC". Cahf. rNCUloa. Calif~ 112105 Or~ ~ on F.orv-IN ~ N.-pot1 a..cn. F d I , -I I CeM. '"27 arw doing~• ~ '· fnrtQual.. 20l I lnan °"* adwllf. 181 Thie bua.lneee Is con-ery 11.·1113 c-. ..... ~ F*'*Y ~I ~ iincv~:) Thi• b\tll"M• la con-CALf,I a MIOCIATU, ~ .... IA ...... 1.lu ltlubeth ... ,,In. C.-.y A'M.., Coate ..... ~ w. • °""°'.... ,... ••• 20 ..,, Merdl I.,,_,.., -· duded by:• COfporallOn 110tt •• 1Nc9. 8""9 CaM. IOl.1t 1.s hron, tMna. C.. c...r m The rer••r•ntl•>. com "'*'"""' ~ ~ '.,, Sd5t ~~ ,..._ °' The r•Olllt•n'lt) COtn-toO, Huntington ·~· Anot1 llllflC'lal Jr .. 209 1 117'• Tllla b\t ~· II con-l'IWIC.cl to nnud ._... Coat.I ..... Deily ........ "'"_.,.... ··-......-~lo ..... t butt-c.llf 112tot7 ~ a., la ..... Tllla b\tt lneM le c,on.. OuCIM by:~· rw Ulldar fie f'"tCMIOW ~ MOTICI ~le Aot*t w. ,,... under ""' RcMklue JA CalM a Ana c •-. Cellf IOl.1t ~ "r. M lrdl1dl• T,.. ,_..,,.,.tr•> ,_.. • 11 w ...,_.., ..-. '*':1 '° 17. Mardt &. "° ......... C-*' Off¥e ~ NafM(I) titted CalllonM. I 701 t ~ Thie bu11neu It c~ The r•111tra"t(I ) com-ft*1Cad to tf....:l ..,_ ..,._.Oft -#l'rurt 4 t.:l U t ...... 11111 ..... IOO -a..cn' al>owe on OC'tot»et fl, 8fwd ...... to01 """"9-duCtlG br a,.,,. .. .,.,, mene.d lo •lr-..d tlru9i· N .. ~ IN f liOW Acul WWW, lftc... ,._,. ,...... •--••• ......_ • ____.. • 1ttz 1on 9-dl. Callf 9*7 ,..,..,,. ,,... Ul'ldef .,. Flctittoua lulNA NerNt•l •tied --. .... _,If,.... __ --nca· .... I MIM c: ~fled H••@O tl ~It~°' cal· Thia buslne .. I• con-1he reglatrant(a) com eu..n. .. NafM(t) •IWod abo¥e on ,...._., 1, 18J l'-w 1 ••• .... fl9d :..-_,.._ _______ _ The ~II penrona I ~.Com Mna o.lfy fomia. ldwn I . MoftOn. d\ldad ~ a OOJ,oilllOlfl ~ lo nnud tM.tll-Move on: .J.nuaty 21, lriaft 0 ldtralt _. .,. ~ Oaltt -' .... • 1 ... fOll\IQ ~.. ,:. ~ .. ,.., JI. ,,...,.,,., ClO Th• re~tr1nt(•> COITI-' MW """' .,. ~ ,.., PILOT ca.A ... ....., Or-. c..., °" ~ • at F -- THE QllNCI UNUM-..... PILOT CLASSll'l•D IMl'ICN ...,.....~ "*""-Hame(a) FllM U....... IU "'9 MMl()l'I you're flf'Y 1, ,.., .. , 1 1 A1 mo. eua ..._..., 0rwe. tt'• th• •••v-to-,.... """" ""' ~ .._.., ~" .... cHnt tot • .......,.. N i nu n-, 1 ""'*""°" ...... CaM MEET sec~•. lnfofmdOlr ..... ......_~~ --~ • you·,. ....-. ................. ....;· .. ·:.::--... pectled ~ ...... ' horM ~ C... ..... 0.., ¥tMO OOMI lMTl"-ec.. u ..,_, -,,....... ~. auo-~'f c:.b 1 ,....... S e ll your ho"'• • ,...;, =~ or ,__,,,,JO. 21, ....._ m llfl """"-.,... :::-ea: ... ~ ......... Glll~·bfsltlllnde lflO..J ....,..,~ ....... ~·---~••irt1y pel t.t• -.CM.tr7tt .......... . T9ftf u .. ~. MA °'""'9' clndled °' ~ ..,. ..... .,. ______ _.!~Ml!!l.!~~":!'~..,.!!..!"'~·~ .... ~~·!!n,. .. • •• t > ,. • . I .· .. . . ,. • .. 20, 1993 Ml.IC IOTICll ".UC ,..... IJO -.,.... ..,.. -•IC •na ~ .. lrMIMCl ""*" ---•n• INftOlf • ........ ..,. -•IC IOTllCI ..,.,... NMMCIJ ..... ---•nc1 ~ WW.-N,...... ""-=---= W..,., IN~ ,,.._ MM.,,...,............ ~ abowe0ft.'*'*Y'·1Ml ~ .... -.:tta ---------•eoel,,.._ ~·· ..... Pl A lal ..,..., ~t) lilMd ........... .,_.. .. NMteC•> ..... ......... ~T..ay Plil•haa ...... A."-'Oil -.::-A.on~~l,1193 ••in-. =~'etwurf1,1~ ._l•n•Mw =:'~l.tl93 •11n111._ :;::1~~"': ............ ,_ -'""'" .... ,•IM TNI .....,..;;;1w• lied •itu Ult 'hll1 ••ta-renl wet '-.0 Matl•I"' Thie -•rNM Wll tlliCS ltlhMHt 0..,.. Cowncy on FtON-8tlll•llll =: ~ TM Fo1°'~"8 1*Wt...., IN Courcy oe.ti ol TM fal1 •• IN'90ftl Wif'I IN County Cletlt ot the F~ !*Wt Wlft IN ~ C1eft1 ol tN Flllln 'll• ~ Iii'/ I, 1•3 .... n..=~· ~Iii'/ ti, tta> .. ~ ~ .,. Onnoe COUt'IY on F.oN-.,. dolftCI. ~.. Orarloe County -FeOr\r .,. ~butineU ... Ofanoe ~ on F*"-.,. ~ bueineU a: ...... ----, IEACHlM "ESO.tCH, *"'t 5 !993 V~ OIAI.$, to1 .... ""1 11, Itel r-' tlMAO=CHECIC l.AllOAA· wy ti, "'J MAIN ST .. IU AUTO Published Ntwl)Of1 .. Koh MOHS A GRIP LTD~ ... 7 ~ :,:'J:,~':" ,.. ... . PMOOM =~·:a.neoron... PMOeM ~~~I~ • '""°T =::.n.~c:Jt =1 ... CoaUI ... ,. Oaoly ,llOI ~~J'San~. coeaa ..... Oa Or '.1amet 8rigugllo 1544 Publiehecl NifwCIOl1 ~ 802 I , C.cinu toi H• l"ublit'*' Newport Be~ Calif 1847 • ~IMCI ~ e..cn. ~ lM Hal, l202 E~ FetiNaty 13, 20, 27, Mar"' Jenel S OIMI .... , V\a F*'*Y 20, 27, MltWTW Or. #4, S..00.. Coata WeM Oa~y Pilot lloCrope •9. eoione del C0ttll ..... Daily Not JoMpft It~~. 1901 Costa Mff& OW, Pilot lyn Circle, H untington 1, 1183 Mertun. San aemenw. tl. 1113 Calif tMet Fet>Naly 13. 20. 27. ~ Mat. Clllf t1a25 ,.oruary 20. 27. Marth f Gl~o. #I, Huntington jl:ebnlarf 20. 27, ... ch e. IMdl. CIM _,.. s...33 Caltf mn Tt••• bUflMH It co~ 6 1993 Thlt \)UtlnHt It co~ 13 19'3 e.acn c.11.r. 92641 13, 1993 Thia busln•H ,, c~ ---------1 Thia buS1ne11 II con-1------- 0UCted by 1111 Individual ' S.934 OUded by. 1 corporation ' S.941 Th11 twalneu 11 co~ M.., duded by-an ~ PUIUC NOTICE ducted by an INllVid\191 l'lle reglltr•nt(a) com-The reg11.,1n11a) eom. ducllfd by lll'l inOIV14utl ... IUC -nc The r•gl•ll•nt(•) co~ • .._ •• ..._._ Th• reg•a1r1n111) com-menceo lo trensact t>usl· PUBUC NOTICE menc.o to tranM1ci 11ua;. PUIUC NOTICE The regtstr1n1<•> com-rv '"' I menoed 10 tr1nNC1 bu• r ...... -mtneea 10 11anuci t>usl- neu under the flCtlUOU• neaa ""'* IN Flc'Ullout menced to 1n1nuct bull· nM• unoet \he Flctltlout 9'aeAMu Na...e nea unc1« M Flc\lllous Busmen Name(1) lilted Flctfflouli 8utln... H.lme(•) ltt..O ,lctltloue neu undff the F1CUllOUt '1ct1Ueua lullnetl NarM(I) llllild SUl•••t Butlnell Name(t) 11-.cl leM••e1t 11>ove on J1nuaty 29, •-'•-Mam. •bow on n« ~*-.., .. ,.._Na,... 8u~ne11 Name(al lltted helM• NaMe •bow on· Fet>Nery 1, 1993 ~ Follo#lng persons ~on· f9i>Na,., 3. 1993 The Following 1993 ............ 602 8, Colleen Llndbefg, ............ •l>Ove Oil NIA ..... _, Und• '--Hal .,. doing bulinffl ••. JMMI• s. Devit .,.. dotng butlneu James 8'10\IQllO The F0410Wl"9 penona Vk:e Pr~ The f04IOW1ng pefl<W\t Joaepn K. M~ttrey The follOMng persona Thlt ~t 'lltU file(S MESA VEAOE SHELL SER· TIM ata191M'1t w•a flied RABBtT CONSTR Thl1 1tatemet1t was Aled .,. doing busmen u · lt\lt ti.ti~ waa hied .,. dOlng bUSlnftt aa: Th11 11a1ement wH Iii.ct 11• doing butlnesa u : with the County Clertc of VICE. 313t Hett>ot Blvd., w4th the County C1erl( of 201 Monce v111 with the County Cletlt 0( BOYCE ADVERTISING, wilh the Councy Clerlc 0( PAKOZA INTERNATIONAL. With Ille County Cleflt or LOOICTEST, 1130 McFad• Or"'Qe County on Febru-Costa Meta, Cald 9212'9 °'Mge COUl\tf on Febru· C<*a MM&, Caht Orange County on F•bfu.. 301 Avenida Cetntos, New-~ ~ on Febru-305 Montero Ave .• ~?0'1 Orange County on Fet>N-den Ave. •220. W"tm1~ •rv 5, 1993 Oefald W1yne Pamam. wy 11, 1993 Ronald A. Piel ery 5, 1993 port Beach Calil. 92l560 art 9, 1993 BNch. Calif 92661 NV II. I~ tlet, Celtf. 92683 l'S80077 26412 Payuo lMie, Mlt· FMCMIU MonW l/lsta Ave 'MOOM ~ W.H. Boyce, 301 'IMCMT7 S.bu Oz.onur, 305 Montero '1Seo904 Tetrf Blanld.nahlp, t43$2 Publithed Hewpott 8Hch-lion Viejo. Clll1f 92891 Publllhed Nwport Beach-Mesa. cai.t. 92e27 Publl&Md N-port BMcn-Avenlda CerrilOI, Newpon Publlshed Neo#pott 8Mch-Ave., N-""?0'1 Beach, Calif Publithed N-pott Be~ 9MCh 8llld • Wntmlnster, Costa Mesa Oa.ly Piloc Thia bu1lne11 la con-Coata Wesa Diiiy Pliol Thi• butll\eu I Cosui Mesa Daily P1I01 Bffc:h. Calif. 92660 Co•ta M... Daily _.dot 92611 Costa Mesa Diiiy Piiot CTalh1I. 92683b I I F~ 13, 20 27 MMch ducted by-an lndMdUll feorwty 20, 77, Marcfl f , dudedThe r~l1antralndlvlnt(1 F..,....,,.... 13 20 27 March Thi• bualneu la con-Fet!Na.ry 20 27 Mwd\ g Thi• business Is con-Febt'ualy 20 27 March 1 11 ua neu 1 con-1 1993 • • The regl11rant(a) com-13• 1_3 ~··1o 1r- ·--' • • • ~ by; an individual • • • OUcled by: •n Individual • ' • ducted t>y· an lndl~al • menced to transact bull-..,.., ...... ......, -· I . 1993 Th• reglstrant(s) com-13• l993 The reg111rant(a) com-13• t99J Th• reg111rant(1) com-S.927 neu under the F1ct!ttoo• Sa-IMS neu unoer the Sa-932 menced lo lrW1l3Ct bv9-s.948 mene-1 to tranud buSI· Sa·"' menced '° ttaosact busl· PUIUC -TICE Butlnet• Name(•) M11eo ..,1•1 _ Uft-&ut#wH Name(• __ PU_B_L_IC_N_O_T_IC_E __ 1ness und« tn. ric1111ous PUIUCNOTICE ness undet lh• F"ict1&1oos PUBUCNOTICE neu under the ActitJou.t ..v at>oveon:Apr111t11 r-..-.. v'""'" abcWe on:197t Business Name(•) llsi.d &usineu Name(s) hsted Buslneu N1me(1) titted FlctltJoue Gerald W P.,,,am PlctlUou Aonakt A. "9«roti ___ FJ_c_l_ltJ-04'-.---1 at>ove on. Dec:embef I, Plc:tltJeui above on February 10, F1ctlll04'• •boW on· NJA ......._ N Thl9 tlltement was Med • Thi• IUltemenl w 1992 1993 Tern 81anl11ruhlp aMe with the County C~ o1 lkaelMU Malfte With tn. ~ aualneu N•me Samuel w H Boyce h9'neu NaMe S.bu O:ronur au.1""9 Name This llalement wu filed • ........._. ~ C<K.Wlly on F•btv· SlaleMeftt Or.nge Counly on St•teinent This sa1ement wu 6le<I • ._,._..., Th11 statement was filed St•t•m•nt with the County Cle"' cl The Following pe<aona ery 16. 1993 The Fol.lowlng persons wy 1!, 199l The following pertons w1tn IN County C1et11t o1 The Following persont With the County. c1.-o1 Tho Follo...ng P9rtor'll 0rlW'ge County on JllftU*"'t are doino buslneas at: ' Fseo874 are dOing buMMn as· F .,. dOW'9 bus.neu as Orange eo.,inty on Febru-tre doing l>usiMss as· Qranoe Counl'f on Fet>ru· .,. doong bus.ness as· 29. 1m TIME AESEAACH, 2799 Pu .... , ... __, N ,. _ __._ AABBCT SASH & DOOR, AMERICAN BUSINESS ary 9 t993 WESTCO FUANITUAE. ary 16. 1993 EXCALfBUR DEFENSE . ,559224 Hlitbof Blvd . Suite 144, .,.. ... ..,. ewpott _....,,. 201 Monte Vista Ave., ~an: ~ COMPUTER SYSTEMS, ' Fseo429 16333 H•lt>ot BIYO., Suite ' F5$0872 REPRESEt'JTATIVES. 1509 Pubhstled Newport~ Costa Meu. Calol. 9262e Coala Mesa Daily Pilot Costa Mesa. Caltl. 92627 o.... ... DI~ 123J Manon Way. Santa PuDI sl\9d ,.,........,... Beac:n-222. Founl.lln Valley, Cal1I Publtsn-1 Newpon Beact'I· N Broadway <;anta An3, C M D II p 1 Michael W111i•m Tw11ty, Fet>Naty 20, 27, M.ltch 11, Aon•ld A.. Pieuoll, 20t FebNlty 20, 27, M Ana Calol 92706 1 --..-· 92701 Cahl. 92706 °11• eta • V 1 01 7092 Trask Ave . W•tm1~ 13 1993 Mont• Vista Aw . Coste 13, 1993 Nels A Anderson, 1233 Co$1a Mesa Daily Pilot M1tk ICltz. 2250 Monterey Costa Mesa Oa1lf Pilot Sh1elah Doom1k, 21306 Febt\lary 8, 13, 20. 27, stet, Calif. 92613 • S.-942 M .... Calif 92627 Marioo Way. Sarita Ana Febl'Ualy 13. 20, 27, Milch Panlntula Dr., Corona, FabNary 20. 27. March 6. S.ach Blvd .1201, Hu~ 1993 This buslneu Is co~ Tr\ls business Is co~•------- Calol 92706 6, 1993 Calif. 91720 13. t993 tlngton BHch. CaM. 92648 S.921 duc:ced by: an lndMdual 3 Unes . 3 Doy•. 3 ducted by' an lndiYldual This bu11neu IS con-Sa937 Thia buslnesa Is co~ S;t-944 This bu11ness IS co~ The reg1stran1(a) co~ Dollars .• Merchandise Th• regiatrat'lt(a) com- ducced by an lnd1111dual ducted by; an lndllridual ducted by an lnd1111dual meneed lo tninsact bust-under ssoo mtnced co 1tansae1 busl- Th• re91strant(1) com-The registrant(•) com-The regrstrant(a) com· nets undet" the FICIJtious 642•5878 ness under th• Fictitious 888 OBITOARY OBITUARY 888 OBITUARY 888 OBITUARY 888 pm----------------------------------------------------------------..---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BO AND Cathe rin• .la~,.• Boand, 72, of Now- port Bemch, a home- maker ol 53 years, died Tuosday, Feb. 2, 1993 In N owport Beach. Graveside ur- v1ce1 will bo provate at Pacific View Memonal Park; there will be a put>lic memorial mass at Our Lady Queen or Angels Cn thollc Church in Newport Beach Saturday, Feb. &, a t 1 t :30 A M. Catherine Boand It survived by Harry Boand. Jr.. her hus- band; one brother, Frank Jotoph Rod· mond: thrff daugh- ter•. Luclnd• Mary McDermott, Tere•• Jaynne Evins and Evans. SocvTces ' con· ducted by Pacific View Memorial Par!( ond M ortuary, 644· 2700. Nicole Annett• Boand: 1----------1 two ~andchlldron, Sean Jeffrey evans and Tyler Jerome If You Mow it, Trim it, Fix it, Build it, Move it, or Cleon it. Advertise it in the Pilot Classifieds. •Coll 642·5678 To ~ace your ad today! • GENEMJ. 1002 COSTA MESA 1024 HUNTINGTON NEWPORT CORONA NEWPORT liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 1040 BEACH l 069 DEL MAR 212 2 BEACH 2 169 -----------------Newly Remodeled liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil How To Place 4 BR. 3 BA Ranch Mesa Verde High on a Hiii llewport for $30K atyle. Formal living 4 B A 2 BA h 0 me ~ Cl 'fi d Ad room wlth fp. FOlmaJ .~ asst 1e done. New oak "'tcllen NEEOS new fam11y1 with breakfast bar Vory quiet, secluded 4 ~. 2 ,BA Showt like a model Priced lo selll Oarteno Ander- son 5a6-(;()72 Upgraded 2Br mot>1lo home, beach close Lois Jacobs 760-838"' Ocean View 2BR. frplc, garmge. 10 of hwy & across · trom pa1k S1250tmo Lola Beach Area! MEW'°"T ..i•OMIULA YEARLY OR Wltll EA S650 'M().S In~ VO l-4 C.. ..... BY PHONE: 714--642-5678 Corian counter lop• & yard & encl courtyard pantry Large p ie N&eds somo work, but shaped lot. sellofS ate ready to ERASTAA 8•1·St77 Wanted to S690K cash 7~8384 Trado dl11 hm 2379 sf -Ope--n-S_U_N_2_-4pm __ _ NortJa Oran~ County-540-lllO deall ' S2J9,900 ':--....--------P8Ce .. lle r Anne M cCasland LIS'teo co Waves Crash best foe/vu, Lag Leia •33 OahMa F urTll$1'ed. Unbl'Nhfd BY VlSITING OR MAIL: Reel Eat•l• 751"4a30 2 BR, 2 sty w/co:r.y Ip W.rld $549K 951~233 38R 2Yl8a, So of M2·5221 ~a.c'NB/SC & gar. Prtced way low BOUSW::.C / PCH, walk to beach St-400 780-8384 Loia Grubb & Eiits Villa Rentals 67s.4912 330 Wtsl Bay SUUt Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ,__. ., "'""'*' »Co ... , 51.J Owner Wiii catryl fOf th11 area1 Muat Mii ......,, 4 BR. 2.75 BA, 2 aty,•---0-e-a_pe_r_at_e_!__ Quick. Low, low down. CONDOS family room formal 07900nly S 135,900 963· FOR S 11 T w:: • OcctanlrOf'lt. 29A 2BA d1nmg. Ip. Beautifully • Pool Home, 4BR A&..&.O COSTA MESA .2124 IWr unit duple,, lrpl. landscaped grounds! 2BA, Sl()l( BELOW Perteet for the Sp<>t1t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gilr, lmmacl $1950 mo 2100 1p. ft. Owner will APPR •. Beautilul Nut liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yrly I aae &75·2212 IFIED HO RS: C.:LA T.,._ l.iWC·S:JIN MoM.,•f,.W., ~aJk,ls l:leAM·!-..ltPM ~fride, finance $50,0001 SOR 3BA single story. 2 OR, 2 BA in gated MOBlLE _3_8r_J_Ba __ c_on_d_o_.-lnd-ry-.• $267.000 tpa, S299K * Forclo· complex. Pool, spa, 80~r 1100 DEADLINES · ... BA 2BA STEAL "'~ Gre1t Locitlon1 drw, micro, dbl g1u David Mier aure tennis, volleyball & 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • 226 N. Newpon Blvd ERA STAR IT! Success 669-5455 bike trail co beach! 11 lQ 58A 39A .. lamlly S\250/mo 5-48 6731 Mood.&7 ............................. Frtdq 15:SOPM H3-7900 Thousand Below Marwet Hurry on this onef LIDO Peninsula w/vtew rm, chnlng rm. 3 car 2 BR. 2 BA w /giu. $1"'9,00 10r, Ip, PVI beh/bay. gatage. Avail lmmed. Blk to behl 28R 1BA Tu••clL7 .......................... M onda7 6:30Pll Pool Home Mutt soil In 30 days! Bank Ropo In Down-$20,000. 45 El Pueo. I yr lse $1850/mo dphc w/gar, lrplc, relr1g Wldoelda7 ...................... Tueeda7 0:80Pll 3 8R. Ip on llvlng Hurry! 5149.900 town HB Opn S•t/Svn 675 7422 Jackie 790·5000 $1000 Dy 557 6290 lodeJMndeol ................ Wld..DMCl.a7 3:80PM room, covered patlO, ERA STAR 2 BA cottago Needs ...-NEWPORT BEACH Aemax SC/NB 631·5550 Ev s/Wkndt pool & Iota more. 8 41·5 t77 work L..nrgo tot Per-Lovely 2Br 20a, lge •Bluffs towhome, Thured&7 ..................... Wld..oeect..7 0:30PM Ideal ft1m1ly homo wllh 1 t r h d I h d 1 N •---------1 b cc or ;an ymen lot, t poo , spa. r ••2BR Dplx. Quiet, 19 $23 95 MoY•a U tnl Pridl!l1 ............................ Thu.rsd&7 8:30Pll st time uyors taxi---------S195.000 Bay. Sr. park 55 •. 4BR 2•"1Bn, pv\ pn\10, c r 0 d 11 Pr 0 gr 0 m fOUNTAJN Chock Me Out SS4,SOO Bkr 675 624 t yard, new C4rpet, sngl w/d, 2 cdr gar w/opnr HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE GENERAL ••••• 1002 For add11onal real estate listings please rum 10 the regular classified sectlon Ba1ga1n Duplex! 2·2 BR unite, Ip, gar, great for llr5t time lrl- ve 1 tori Income It $1 GOO per mol Live cheapl Walk to beach, Only $210,000 David Mier l!RA STAR H :t.7900 Centr•I Patk Rare 1 story home W1th 3 BR, 3 car gar, refinished kitchen, b•throom cabin••• Submit offer $25"',000 Dlemond Prepef'ti .. (714) 842-4098 Executlv. Home on cul-de aac n•ar golf COUrM 4 BR, tamlty room, 3 cat gar. pool & •P• Own.r ttanaferred OUI of 11•1• Maka offefl 1392,500 $214,000 VALL~Y 1034 Scllei wan1s ou\I 4 garaga, good area CDll Miko 856-t495 Diamond ,1; BR, 3 BA Nu paint & S825tmo. 847·7540 Prop.,.tlee 1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii c · N-t t i'••·-----· HARBOR VIEW ... 1• arp "wor roo , rm 1• •3 0 7 E. 2 t •l St •c • (7 14) 842-4088 01kc IO Beach d i n d HOUSES/ Ocean and City ligh1S n, .,am rm an 2BR 2BA, frpl, lg g::u, view•. 3f)R, 2\~DA Spar"ling Pooll 3 BR, 2 BA. Cathedral bonus rmt Appro• big kitchen 642·9797 Well malnlDlnod Prl GENERAL 1002 $185,000 4 BR. 2 BA ccihng1. tons of win-2300 sq ft Only CONDOS $945 Coldwell Banker vato IOcatlOl'l $2750 on 120· deep lot w•lh dows1 Popular Green $299.900 963-7900 FOR RENT chUd proof pool & V1'11ey tract Lowest Pt1LO Catch V 3Br 2\.?Ba townhOme, PARK UDO .•• c 1 1 hb '••••••••• lmmacul•te. End unit lncotne Properties •P• Wall ot glass hv· P" • n neg or· TotaHy relurbished. 31• 2~r gar, pool. spa, townhome. 2.•torv Pride ot Ownership llV> room with now hood Refurbished BR, 2 BA Upgraded clubhouse. $1225/mo • .,, • h t G t JBR 1 ·~BA Patio Low m•1nt lrl ·plell carpet Newly Uled • ru-ou reo 1(1\ & appliances 310/494-8864 Comm--' a 1100 Perfect lor owner oc-kitchen with b<eal(fast l11tcncn1 $244,500 French wndws. Bike IALBOA ~ cop&nt. One 4 BR. two noo". Inside laundry ERA STAR 10 Beach! Ownera ISLA.ND 2106 CONOO-Oulet neigh· BAVCRES T ••• 3 BA. 2 large town-New cement drlveway1_....,.. __ 8_4_f_·_5_1_7_7__ mull sell aoonl bor'hhod In good area, Comlortabl• family house units garage. with RV parking For Large Families $299,900. 963-7900 like now apl\ M 3BR ':::· ~~~ ~~-d~ Front unit mochf1ed for Peceaetter 5 BR. 2 75 BA. 2 sty -ERA STAR 2 bd mini l>ayvu apt St250 2\o'/Ba. dbl gar w/opnr, wheelchair acce11. Re .. ~•l•te Lots of space Remod 84t-5t 77 l bd furn'd &Pl St400 lrplC, dfw. w/d hkups Newer carpel Incl -2 •221 4 bd furn'd house S12SO ..... II t I water~rdrv $2000 SA00.000 ...., ...., kit, new carp, sky· •• unit ua .. e 0 •bout ... ___ Oceanv.ow Schools Wate...._,t "-9 IUtn R bl t ---Investors Delight ••"•"A hghta. Large fam rm easona • ren . 7 .._.700 Buy one • buy alll 11Nu.eV Prof landcap1no Spa. 3 BR, '· 75 BA plus ln.etOO Cannery A°"taJs, Inc --.,,.------,.--,---• Four 4-plexes. lmmac. ISLAND 1006 $299,900 den. Gourmet kitchen. Ce&¥ 2Br front house, t ·800-247-e209 HT8 2•R 2M Se29 cond. 3 BA Wld thr" ERA STAR Formal dine Hard· potCh & patio S.rt>or 1~~---~--= New cpt, 1>411nt, blind• 2 Br. Easy to reot. di.-841-~177 wood floors In IMn-cpt gar w/d No pets Elegant twnha•. 2BR P•Uo, gar, no pets lreabl• area. low Huge Furn Ophc, quiet groom Wood buming • • · · 2tnBa, vaulted cells, 7eo-1713 °' 957•1778 m•lnt. New roof• • .,,_ street. e. creatlve/lse1---------fp Fr .. nch doora l .. d Yrly. 11050· 4~~1 k1lch11t1 w /gmhse win---------- Closed gar. Don't miss opt of? Only S695K HUNTINGTON 10 chlld eal• pool & Lg 38R 2BA. frplc, dow, frplc. gar. pool, lhla chancel S-43.9,000. Agl, Barb 875 55 t 1 BEACH 1040 apa plut yard tor play. nlc• Iron\ polio, $1400 no pets $1050 mo Bargain Duplex RV access Flnlshod mo. 1 gar•ge. No Collect (415) •51·5089 r--------'-'1 E QJrage with extt• stor· pets. Ag1 856-3120 asy money. prop by CORONA 2 Miies to Beach •ge & new roll up Utll• , .. 2Br IBa hH, LARGE bright 2 masler th• bHchl Each unit D•" -•'D d $212 500 bdrms, 2Y'IBa, 2-car apacious 2 BA. 1 B A ...._ ara.nA 1022 S&S bullt giant. • BR. oor • remod/perfect. Oar, f 1 S 00 gar. Or .. t cul<l•aac 2 5 BA. Dramlllc entry Pacesetter fp, gourmec kit, Vrly gar, rp c. 11 /mo loclltlon. Easy to rent. lead• to tiled foyer Real l!atate $1600/mo 673-6511 2230 Pacific 64S-0968 Uve In one, rent the HARBOR VIEW Huge llving room with H2·5221 other! $210,000 963· HIUS double aided fireplace _S_u_b_m-ll_Y_o_u_r_T_e_r_m_•_I 7900 Beavtilut custom t)ullt with conversation Large 2 BR ... cunty M o n e 'Y • M on • Y • famlly alze home on area Sweeping tlalrt complex, walk to SC Money! large corner I04 with to master •ult• & Plaa & Cullufal •11s Vrly 3BR 1Y•Ba, g.r, LARGE clean 2Br 1Ba w/d hkupa, lt300 hOUN w/gar. Avoc..do Ch•rmlng tml 2BR Street, No pets. '6751 cottage, frplc, g•r. no mo. 240.2299 W/d hkup $1200 L. Vance A11r 873 ... 062 Nll'T HEtQHTS AREA 23 unital Owner need• fabulous harbor bath. Giant bonus center! Seller In a to .-.. may &Utst Of VIEW. 4 Bdrm1. "' room With wood floor· plckle, Muse ••Ill trlldel Al 2 BA with Balhs, l•mily rm •nd Ing. New Calif. roof. S9e,800 l--------- enek»ed gar, Euy to game rm Trad1Uon&1 S385.ooo O•~ Mier X·6g 38' 2~Ba. patio & lrg gar. 334.C Ogle St. S 1150/mo ~ $750 rent , building only •tyflng·showa Ilk• P8C .. et1er ERA STAR \hr .. YMF• o&d wlttl model! s1.m,ooo Re .. E•t•t• M 3-'7900 large pool and MC M2·5221 gated. 1950,000. ONN SUN 1·5 2 S tory Hlatorlc•I --------- Ouptea by lh• BMcn See 1133 Ebblkte Rd 8-uty. 3 BR. D•fleen NEWPORT Perl~ fOf owner oc-Comet of ~own Or. Mderton 636-6072 BEACH cupent. 3 t>bcita '° EM STAR 1069 COIONA DELMAR 2122 depo1lt. G0tdon, 642· 9486 Of 5"'8-nM liiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~iiiii a .......... bch, 381 OPN Ha• SUN 12·3 2ea. 2 trp1c. NirdWd 1 MO FREE RENT ftra, oceain vtew . Av.U 4J ~ 2~a.. w/d 4/1 '2800 875-«>:M hkup, Obi attached l>Nch. dou~ '°'-En-873-4400 M1·S177 ck>Md -age•. aepa-Baink Repo CL&iii 38r 2S., MW 911', yard fl22.S/mo, 1744 Vie I.Ne~ .-f ....,. 2 2558 Of~ Ave t1 A. Hove A Garage Sole ! We' Hep You Wri te A OOD Ad !! Call one of our friend~ Ad-visors TODAY!! '42·5171 DlellMMMI Prep a,...._ (7t 4) Ma-4098 rate Y8rds. Put \he FAX 673-7918 Aarec:tM 3 BR. Gr•at toOfa .wey1 Thia le Int.not ttec:t locaitlon. ,.ady to f'Ol 1381,000. 1200,500. Darlene OP•N auN 1a.• c..... r.,...., <ar gat. 714-e27.e107 -II••······ U .950.000 2BA 3BA ~~:~· at~-..7'10 _______ _. 'SVAN CORKSTT 1~---,---...,.-.,...-...,. . w en u a: w x w •MUTAR M1 .. 1T'I Ander.on ~72 •RA STAR M1-e17'1 Coast N-port Prope ,_ Le ... 1 2BR 2~ >Ont loc nr partc8/bU9'· condo, lg 2 cat Cle· neu, 2BA 28A, frp6c., Juet Ueted. 2 .. ~ B,.ar 't'-eA' rage, refrlg, weAhef/ lndry. ~~-~-~ 4 BR, 2 BA. New Ber-~· 9q .. • a.a dty9f. lJQt1I & •lryl • teoo/mo. -a- t>er ca,,,.t. P-ogect •----------1 & .. c.h <Ao•• Cheapol BA East Stuff t~m. 8*0C* to b.ec:h, 1 1495 wood floor• Ea· JASMIN! CRE!K lt'a • houtel ~ Bf:t, 2 Faatl.HH pr9Mlef loc, mo. A11t for Pllul1---------1 ..,., I pancted 11vtng room Plen e, 38R 2'hBA. ~~1 1on1 •-2~urt> •P·1 "'•ew gal«~. new~~ ..... -_ .... ...,..._ .. __ • __ llVDfl 2144 ......-; PM fOrmal din• T'ry MOClvMedl $5".500 ,..--. p, _..,_, auper pelnt. ..... cant _.., .............. 110·1 ......... . 110•500 down. Pay .. ,..915'0-./&kr Prlc•d to move. ready for your on.,1 ac.an & HarbOf V\.1,1• $97I Pl ,,., month. 1214,000 S519,000 380·t211 4'8A 2 1128A comm 28A, 2 cw o-. hiQh i I . " 1--------DllVld Mier No Co 1 Financing In pool, ..... _ _.""'ht ... ~ ~. f11>11c. IO .,.ro, =~· ...... -~. COSTA--~• 1024 •RA 8TM ~ ..,.. "' -......... ~ ... ..... -.-. ......... .,..... p nt/crp1/bllnct1/land-"' ootf, tennl1. Pllf'k . i •••n1 .. ••••••••l·--~M~1~ .. ~1~7~T;__ Offered by lender ~ 13500 '2t.o&7t ••aoo ~ M0-•800 l ------~--,. o.rt cn .. pt owner tor qvel buyer • Low Monthtr Prne. Will be • barga1nt 2 Wit~ dwn 2 '"· 2 NEW 38R. 3.,. 8A AC,1---------~ J j GM9d oomc*.c. 2 •A. Ju11 Reducetfl BR. 2 lty In proc•u ~ BA. 1eoo aQ "· Wta ~P. lecur• prtcg W9'1t DWPOIT 8ppto.. t:MI eq ft, l'flrne £M4btuff COf\do of being retufb Patio 8 8 I b O a home , to Naef\ 1........, ..... •••CB a .. t locauon, c:toee to w /larg• yard 3BR gar • comm RV SJC>t>.900 °'"' op-12160/rno ~ - J $apa Owner m<W• 2~8A. 2 cw P899 p•iktnn Oood H•r• Po'\UNIVI 39CM2M I -~~22~5~"T:!7!_1S_!!Of~36!::J.~tnl~_fll••••··- • l::t-lr-l!.!out~of=-.,..;::M:a~ke1 __ M ____ So_._ Co • •M 8TM I· II' , l t .. ,OOO rf tl'llCM tor • bour t>uyl 11 S900 Mt.ef'I? OC£AN AHO BAY VWS .,.._.... &207,000 ~ David M,., ....... CM'IMC & Paint. el1m.11 Ni••lrt p ~ e'l-.cNM Ag! a RA 8TM C.tm lt.allan Vlf ... aprW11 nR t Oen lpeclOUe cnl~. ~ fol' • new M >-'7900 ttelrcau·Harbor DWI & Uil w"P 2-e.t lllJ72WM e~t? ,,. •f•d RidQe Cr..._ A a...tll £ndoMd OM, U.50.' Y..tw .......... , 2111 • Looking to sel that ext~a j~n stacking up I the garage Clealtlecl TodaJI M2-M78 1•11 you compare USF. Ag(. a.rt> 87 .... tf ~~·~11 Hr bMct'l 18A ••. 1125 coa11 •Without h..alie TH --1-.--.bl-uff---1 .. oc.-"'.Wa• Nl'be41ch3A • MOO 642 5678 °' WOtryl ruor s t~BA. pecJO, 9.,, kr, 2 •'Y ••ec N>m., 28R. ~Hot C ... eMM CLASSlfit 0 :39f\ 28A hM, ~ to bch 9'• No peta 2 car 99rage, cloM to • M2•M7• 0 , ..... tal tt200/mo 790..,.t tMachl13to , ____________________ ..... _. ..... ...,...,. s..t41 CE Sa %Q Newpot! Beach/Costa M~ Dajly Pilot Saturday, February 20, 1983 •7 DWfOat lllOI tt'~L~! =~-: ... coiiiisiiTAiiiiMISA---2·62iiii4 COSTA MESA 2624 lAGtniA DWPOIT IENTALS ,TO UJfTALS UfDUSTal&.L 2788 "•rm1no t0t • ~,.,..1-lillliiiiiiiiiilii••llEACH 2648 llACll 2669 SHAU 2724 WANTED 2726 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiil UDO •• • •MD 91 you're .... lOQ 1 £.SkM, loe 2'atty, 2M iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1"ii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii11iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ W h M ""'ltCe Bo.I ator -...... lO ==. ..a.. home, 1111 ........ _ • ..., fet..-·-ry 1 'hBA, patio, cab.. 1• r• ----· _, 1 --v·-·.... ll'rUil M Ind o.-n Houae • .,., t-4 Y__.. SC-.,a to ~· C M Prof shr beaut SUPER lftpot\ ce>vpW age yard . P'tacenU. 28A. l 1950IMO ...... new OCCupatiQn Of Mow.I tl--1 .., ' ry tac., no 18R 18A, lndry fac, Large laec...,_, rP feniod 3811t n-. q~. wfl ht'I .. g•rlS & gooc:t Ave CM .. S)() al .. 450 , owrv. eT .. tet t hen 1 av ay ,,.._ ft ..--II peu, lg fncd Yd .. 75 11\ew, 220 Oon Or • 1. $550 . ...._..187, 646-c:of'lv lot',~ amena fll'lancH aeek sng1 1072 st S l200 .. 280 •"'-catpet, 24~ £Iden 642·~5 S7'""'mo 1 1 ... 51 1. 4599, (a1a. ....._..7~ 1425 mo 64 .. tM3 f d UdO ••· 3+3, tam'"'· APARTMENTS otw. blind• & ~-•USTSIDE• ,..89"'~ 310.5M:.110 •••••"'•'••• y";'d :"~C:~ .~~. 3~;.;;.,.~~ POR RENT rTow~:a~27 aJI ~~= ~':r~ ----------~ft&""ARTMENTS "~~i;t~;J:,.~:-:. Mn. v.roe &t2..esog ~IQ-...... ~ 2 , •• let• you CeMINI• co.la -~ ..... Of WOttyl ...._.et111••• Ma•n o1JJIClllD1S ca• ~ •fter 6PM. No pets. 2323 Elden NEWPORT FOR RENT futnl5hed BEDROOM Th• ~llot eta •.&. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •&.Mio P...m.ua•• iivou MAV aa Ma-7aM BEACH ANO BATH. a-ui1tu1, Hed -------- Lu•Uf'Y·H•tbof v .. w-••••oA A WINNERSS mASTSIDE large 2Br 2669~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Qul•t parldik• scrtt•ng The mo.i.t compr..-i.., BUSINESS It LOST • .......... 1BR 28A·W/O-8""'""' 18Clrma, cle an & , .... B Cle iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii grpt tor b•lur>g ana ••w And c ... rreoc Cl1t9C FINANCE ._,,,.. b '" a, paUo an. UAt ......... aooMS 2706 runn""" FP Pools FOUND deek w/¥14tw Fixn/ ISLAND right, gated, lndry hght & c heerful S825I 18A Nwpl ·-v-~ ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Spa -Stcxa,,o', T9ni''• '. lory or good~ 81\d &ef Unt 873-«>30 Mon-Sat ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2ii6ii0iiii6 rm, on bua route, mo Call 673-1105 spoil••• w/Mex1can r• .. vte•• a1ounc1• Ct •• 6 -• ••.......eta Close lo .......,,....,.... & 0 -1--P~ 29R 2°'" WiO L.atge deek and ---------SSOO 0~a-' fOf V..,_ ,... -_._ Ch _,..,.,.......,. e•sceptlonat 1BR P•~r llln, 3 yrs new, ~...... ••P" g,. pat-Sh ............. -·······••1111 .,_ '" .._ .,,... S790 .. Up1t arming tBR, full the beach! .. sns 8 .. ....... ........ t\Ou$• fem onlw no ....,, .,. ...... ~........ ---------Lab, ml•, Mut«M 7t0 Udo p.,.k Dr. l>ath, d/w, Q•rbage SLOW llOVE-·IN & Clwnstt•, patio, fttg, ____ "_r_ .... _-_._-_ ...... __ pets, • 1450 Wlc:" Ut•I, end-unit lownhome at BUSINESS male lo$1 1/1193 No . C:lt1p, I person No CHANCE TO WINS gar, $550 2 Persons •2BDAM $700• S200 sec 173 1140 N W 9dqe ol Hut'lt•"9 COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY ha (213) a: ........... 1 U .. 38 No P 1 •.02 s-· 1~ Beac .. Contempo co r _,_.,-1 * •• new r 2Ba pets $775 973-9247 642.·AN • s _.. • -........ " REAL ESTATE condO ateps to beach , -::::---~--..:.:::..:.;~I~~=-=-=~=-,,.,,.,.--Ltg upsta1ts IBr lBa, •180RM $600• 811< to bch, NB, IBR/BA furnlahlngs. C1~an 2904 FOUND 2/tS! V•~ 2-car gar, w/rJ hkups Charming Ltg 18R with $100 MOVE IN Frig, dshwshr, stove pvt entry, no cooking 3" • N/S ~soo mo Cockllt•I Bwd In .... v ...... IM 17!5-3819 bay view, 1 hous. DICOUNTt, W Side near l 9th & H•rt>or. incl No pets 5'15-4855 5450 mo 557-6290/0 tncludtng ullhlles ~ntty Balt>Oa Island. ---"'......,,r-......,.----1 from bHch/South bay Ltg 1BR w/pool i S75 pet Ok, S595/mo ~ 631·5550 Ev/Wknda Great place! 640-9779 ---------•"RICH FVT\JRE on~ Call & 10 e73-9•2~. wirurw COftCiO Nr new $995 973-5887 .. S300 see,' 1ae11.....,nc,...,.....,,._d...,ep,.;-..;..,_99_7_·_298e ___ 2.BR 2.BA Duple•. gar, BUSlNESS OFFICE billion lndu.uy S3-4K 28A, mov•ln Condi Monrovia, Mngr 10 MO~ IN aPECIAL 1 ~ blks ,,.om bch, COM Lrg beavt•ful furn L.aguna View or main cash w1dy poss FT/ LOS T CAT Tennla. pool Hr bch 646-3618 Of 54a-2317 1ef( lrpl, beam c tngs, p orch, s 1 200/mo room 2 m n 10 ocean beach, ocean & v.1. FOR RENT 2769 Pl. Ho se111n9 Ho s BU.ck & Wh•t•. wlOt S1350 854 5609 ....... BALBOA f dJw 1818) 359-4539 & shops NJS. $595 lage. Shore 3br'3ba csown d qualified Buy one bad ev• Loll . ....,,. • $200 OFF! 3BR 91\C gar, . N/petS inc:• Ulll 723 5051 W/2 great guys. Pool d•r9CI from mfgr Call ,, •• , Ltncla tale ..... Nwpt No Villa, 38R PEN1NSUIA 2607 2VIBa, W/0 hkups, S695/rno. 642•7142 --• ...,A.-~..,.....,Abou,..,.--t-0,,,,_u_r_ maid, uw incl $600 H • w p o rt H a rbor Cory 1-800-949-2158 WARD! 818~910-~BA. lmmac, 12600/ garage, 2233 Fairview •MOVlt-IN SPECIAL! M-..ln Speclall 2 Furn Nwpt Cre•t pool, pref female 723-0636 F ront age, t 2 oo-Cl•y•: 714/675-858 2 mo. Ava.it 3-15 eve/ t H .. To Beach! S1070/mo 548-700t Lg clean 2br 1ba. gar, Years Newl, 2BR, fam-lbeennish, spa,3 close~~ •LIDO Spacious, nuiot 2000 aq ft, From eves & wknds wknda, 760-1716, csav nu cpl, Of'N, stc>fago lty complex, Average ac •gar, 5 + n ..... ., .. S t .5 0 548--4.5t t A VE NDING 725-91 18 Ask fe1 1,_0 2BR 1BA yrly $900 $300 OFF 1750 No Pet 640_2495 renl $637.50/mo wta e._s_m_kr_._s_~_s_o_64_5_-600J__ 4b1 Ilse Lg pal.Jo. spa, S SS BUS INESS$$ Lo:.t Clog at Orange Co .... 3BR 28A back S1200 Mov•ln Cost a .-nr bell Fem 23-39,n s mall ol1•co, S'25 mo Swoip Ma.t 1 S yrs oed OCEAN ifiiONT Ui,.ge yrly, ocn vw 875-5069 Town."\omn mo lse 95().8 3t0 Rooms In quiet E"side SS35. viii 723-0400 3,500 s I, 70 0 sf Hanohng Name Brand (beige Tan • Black). Deck. 38R, 2 8A. NeAt 2BR BA Oen SPACIOUS 1 BOAMS 3BR 2YJB -=Ea,.-s..,tba...,..u"'"'tt""'C,_om-mun--lty-CM hm Shared b3lh, I 900 9 I SlOla $800 mo Food PrOducts such Deal and Needs Medi- Ba lboa $1800/M o Lt 1oEC ' &ltylghts, Rents from S660 2BR , .... Ba •:..~,gar~BR 837 Amigos wav 3Br kilch, lndry. s25o and N Lagu:,'a 9ocean '"1 Cmr 55 frwy & Del as H ERSHEY· S. cal Attention Oevas-. g K, wld hltups, .,. • _.10, • $300 N/S 722·7031 dpli., 2ct 1 a. great M •r Ave 'S48·3833 HOR•'EL. ETC. ••o ta•--~ Call 6..,, Furn Avait. 723-0352 ts 5 1300 w/n1 ... 8 tvt 3 Local.Ions o r 2Br/den, 2-car gar. f 1 d d """ ... ""' v ~"-' ~ e mo. util pd, _. •-· S l vu. rp ' w · yr ' gar SEWNG INVOLVEO' 4538 642-0504 ONLV a7 •0 Verv 222 '"1 35lh 675-ll40 •Lush landscaping 548-7397 pvt patios 644-6458 pee ou• Npt Hghta Fem "'s s700 Ol·9'JO --....,..,,:-=="'=-=--- 8 , e Healed pool home, lg studio rm w/ CO""•rRClAL Service accounts ae1 LOST DOQ clean I R, pool, spa, • OCEA.NFRONT • •G•s PAIO •Unique 1 BA duplex, l.A.RGE 2Br 2Ba. I -car ba & ,_.. en t. Avl 311 N/smkr 10 shr Water· nunL un bw pro!es:.ionai * I I Q t I I W/0 v 1 1 $975/ .,.. .., ' Golden Retriever, 13 gym, &ee •on Y slops $895/m o-waler/gas pd p 1 rp c, PVl pal o, gar, .ear Y 19 N/pet. so:.nn 646-7013 h on I Twnhm, 3BR PROPERTY 2778 locators Natl census to beh. "01864·5609 1Br completely furn • ~c:r!!:g'!t':.''0 hkup, g ar. No smkrll/ mo. No pets. Non--'f"' 3BA, Ooc lt Avail. 1igures snow ave yrs old 100 lbs, name •(714)646~""'''"'' • pets. S650. 646-1105 smkr prof 673·9111 $500 • Sec 723-4191 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil . Mandy, Cosl.11 Mesa •PCM'toflno-H.V . Hma ......., •Av. storage RENTALS TO 60 Cent • P•r Sq. Ft. gross earnings ot area (Saiii.. Ana & 48R 3~BA. lrplc, dbl ---------LO Studoo Versailles NB BA. prvt BA. Kitch r or Rel:l I Center on SJ,400 mo Rag 8 22nd St ) mossing gat gmdr $2400/mo CORONA MONROVIA DANA POINT 2626 Steps to beach Prkg SHARE 2724 priv H• ceol Wtrtroot NeoNJ)Oft Btvd nrs wit Min lnvo1ot ~•nee Feo 14 pm ~10 Of 873-3174 S31·53t9 Laundry. Gated $7~ Prof N s $4JO ~ \• (310, 4 29-11 t t S5 936 Call R EWARD! 548-2672 •SU ISLAND• l.uK DEL MAR 2622 QUALITY LIVING Furn StudJo efficiency Preston: 722·7223 2 Blks to bch-W New-ut•I • dep 646-2902 OH•ce 6. Warehse C-2 ~~i!;2~5 l ost Dog!! 28A, 2 'h8A 2600 s/I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fiomllle lam~carn. unit, ut1i. Incl. S400 O c•8"frontl F1o1rn'CS portl Full hse pnvs, NB •LIDO ISLE Wallt 900 st. 2 17 Avocado---------S HO RT Red gold I• 2·$l'f, gai.d, golf ase 2BR 1 •118.l, frplc, So o f IPS ~Co mo; S300 dep 24721 ' 3 BR, 1 3/4 BA O/W. non·stratl, pool, Ion-to PVT bch, bay, ten· St CM (619) 726 CONDOM VENDING male ma br"d Ap. vu $2.975.. 844-9t23 PC~ 322 Marquente 1-----..,..------Cordova 240-6114 W/O. Garaqo Wkly. or nls '722-8275 nis 2 ~lry, 48R 3BA, 8100 (714) 540-0488 ROUTE, prox 40 Iba P.T R. Eves 7 22·8 949 Dys $599 $1400/mo 9 8 2 ·5155 • LG. QUIET. PVT HSE MISSIN G s~e 2/1 .. •U Al 3Br 2Ba SS&-e 9 55 •AT THE BEACH• NO ClrU<Js. smkr. pets Bog Prolotr. .... .. rJpht, frplc, 4-car gar. ===-=-~--~..,,.---Move In Special!! LAGUNA Spect a cular Back Cozy rm , pvt phn lone, PROF M 35 • PVT DUPLEXES C II Amer.can O• 11 Founo, please call Steps to bay & beaeh 2BR Upper Unit, ltlo, Large l BA Apts • BEACH 2648 Bay view . ''ont row cable. Pauo, sundk. BR BA S500 utol, cable lender 24 hrs 950-t0 2 0 $1450/mo 118/35~4S39 bute, safe! Only S950 Close to tho beactil 2br/2ba, lrpt, w ood Ip S450 mo 646-4400 pd Avail 723-67 89 & UNITS 2786 1:900 858 3933 LO ST Tooy V•rulfles PH 2BR 2BA, utila ~7;:'~:p~· Barb Call Sadie M2·t40t floors, e•tra lrg loving Back Bay NW-Lg hse. Quiet prof rem snr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil EARN $4000 MONTHLY O range Cat wotn $1050/mo yrly IH 0 ' 8 k H Apt 28A 2BA, gar, lnclry tac, room. 759-3506 nts/ an provs w d Lg rm upper 2Br 18A Olde Cl 1BR II LOCAL SODA.SNACK very buShy i.' 2 IS space, pool, spa, 100· CUTE 18r 1Ba. upstrs. u,~39 O::ac:e S great view, 220 Cllff wknd 838·8460 days $395 N/smkr No pets CdM no smoking ean, 'Sma ROUTE MUST SE:LL t Avocado A>1e CdM nia,rv bch759-3705 trplc, deck.~ g.it Or S1150581-4489or •Spectacular Ba'{fronl Emply'd e41·5 0 2 0 pois$..a1507207015 $675 • dep, 800226-9999 FAMILY HEARTBRO· VILLA aALBOA $825, credit worthy $995 Move• Vou lnl 31o.596..enO view 3BR 2BA: $1595. BES T VIEW. NB Ponn •---------n .i-3055 LOCAL PAY PHONE KEN REWARD. 673- ..$990-1BR 1BA 7208081or833-8162 2BA 2BA, bluns, $795. •OCEAN/ISLE VIEW •Also, 1 RM , private Lrg 4BR al beach, S~~~.!;';~~aho;~~lt.:r~ ---------1 ROUTE $1200 WKLY i-3_1_1_2_or_64_S-_33_2_3 __ W/iO Incl Outet Loe LAO 3BA 28A, gar, rrpl, Cal OKI Agt, Pam Sunny bachelor, re· en1ry. 5 395. 673-6103 gar, short term Ok, okay All amenities INDUSTRIAL 2788 PAICE.O FOR OUICK LOST : Motorola PC>t"· • 212a ' St t00-18R 1BA d.ck $1350/mo 412 S48·S880 or 979-3848 frig. patio, Berber. •UOO/Beach/Tonnosl $425 5 48-5475 675·3616 or 723-0132 SALE 81)().749 2GOO tao•e Ce llular Phone Oceen View ..,F.,,urn..--t--"'1"'1""2nmlll'lrlr<rs,~~1:s98 .. E.~~~:; occ. S595 Inc utl 494-4262 -•TEP&-YO-BEACH . nr SC ' P E R H.8:1 819 rm •AUTOMOTIVEt Locs1a2001 llll!fa ~~~~p0ten on Feo •~1'1~1n1_,tv __ _ -:--...,...-:"':"-· ----3BR 2BA. new crpU PILOT CLASSIFIED 2BR 2BA. gar/carport. 3BA 2BA. $350 uld Private oath K.tc.hcn -~~~ Oceen View Furn S . of Hwy 434 112 paloo, d w, frpl $900. anc, Neat, clean & n lnClry puv Empl a dull 14100 10 4000 Sq Ft 11a1 Mus• sell 1 ·800-. •PenthOuH• Goldenrocs, Unfurn drps, frplc. gar, lndry II a the &Ok.Ilion you're mo yrly 73 t ·1230 sml(.dronk1ng 540-9635 SJ75. ut•I 645·95-15 B 11 rates• 770 2232 488·7632 MetyAftn M c Gui re Bach 1 poi only, SSOO rm S935 832·5086 searctung fe1 • wtleth· --------- ...... 770 ut•l inc Gll 3474 •MOVE-IN SPECIAL! er you re seeking a Whitew a te r Oen Vw! C dM·Shr lg 4BR hse, 1 Versa11tos M aate r OfC V;arehse, 19tn & VENDING ROUTE • Jacobs R"y 8H&G . 28R 28 t home. an apartment, 1 nse lo sanCll 2BA pvt rm avt 01n1ng rm, su i t e Ammen•he . Pumona 1250 sq I\ Priced Right • Poss •:rREETOP VIEW• 3 • new carpe • a new occupatoon or 2Ba, gar $1 200 6801 l rplc, w alk lo t>ch, gnrago secvroty, 1 2 incl gar. S800 mo S850 Wkly Income • Villa Balboa 2.-1, d w. Inge, patio/ s%'ri·~~~·~~~;;· ~en ~y pol Seashore 973-4e74 _S_4_2s_ .. _u_1._1s_12_J_-4_5_12_,._u_u_1._1_2_2_G4_1_1___ 631 ~608 ot 557-3881 800-780-8882 Lost Prt Bull, Reward. Fa male Brow n & While LOSI 2/14 Mon rov1a & 19'h, 722-8392 Gar avail 494-4262 2BR 1 V:.SA lownhouU· SpactOU• 1 BR • Oen • dock. w 4 hltup S895 I NEWPORT NEWPORT ~~ 8 ~ID a,~~u ;:r':. Walk to China Cove ~.· ~;~o°No ~ .... : COSTA MESA 2624 COSTA MESA 26.24 BEACH 266 BEACH 3002 PERSONAlS 3002 rusoBA1S 3002 _ place, pool s 1 1 oo .,.,.... ..... .... mo Agl 675-49lZ Lg 1BR w garage 648-0105 Of 662·1982 Villa Balboa. 2 MIU sns mo 844-"40 2~~A~.0:s1~.!;o~·c• & February Special! DOMINGO SuttH. New crpt. pnt pooVspa/\enn s1100 COSTA MESA 2624 M830gr 64~';'~1. See 1 Bedroom , 1 Both APARTMENTS mo 6 73-8084 Craig ---------• * C. S IOC. •. MOblle Home. 1 BR .. bonus SOOTH COAST METRO 2186 •m, $6 15, q;is.•wtr pd, adult prk 759-5590 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil * £'SIOE ESCAPE• Pvt 28A. 28A, IHg, up- tlrs unol w a.ecl\'de<I patio Small pet OK• P & J Prop 7J1 .... 661 LAC 20A 28A Small qui t comm , pabo d w lndry rm. $800 185 MOI:) Or 631-'750 ALA MOANA APTS $2000FF!I t & 2BR, d'w, be3u1 pool ate Rec rm, lndry rm, close lo sho ps and buses $5~$650.MO 530 W WILSON 722 9012 or 642·2288 I 2 Bed room, 2 Both • Lots of Windows • Pool spa, rec rm & BBQs • Lorge close s & goroges • R1..1rn1"9 lreo,..,s • lush londscoping 646-6672 • Fabulous Back Bay View • Exclusive Newport Beach Location • Private Patio or Balcony 1 Bedroom from $855 (714) 640-1~64 SERVICE DIRECTORY CABINETS CHILD CARE 3536 ELECTRICAL ~ 3610 HANDY MAN 3710 IANDSCAPE & MOVING 3834 PAI NTING 3858 PLUMBING 3 928 ------1 REFINISH fN G 3 S 00 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !AWN CARE 3 808 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii T1I ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nanny'• ltv• In/out -.-.C-C_O_ITV'W'Tllf ___ G ____ , Cwatom Cablneta ga· sioo • -'-~' ll n un&uw rages bu•I\, Cabinet p.\ Cal!M~wcJ'la~ IOOmuIKG TAJIS 3406 1 ce 1111 s~ 11 yrs •lllK• u..a 121J1ln 1~1 ••P rel a 447·322 t Full serv.c• Accounhng CLEANING t6o!r•~,!°o "'!,j~, CARPENTRY 3510 SERVlCES CPA 78t-aooe ACOUSTIC llMODElDfG 3408 3548 . --- •D & R Electric • quick ser.nce.tow prices tlOUC>ll:~hOot Spec:l~~ll 552 -8578 Bob Chappell Elect11c Ouoltty & prof I work 2-* hour response lie d Comm res 760-7 122 •Handyman £.press We do It alll We do II D .A .W . Land•c •p• nowt Wiii beat any M alnt•lnenc e Svc s price. 89J 0499 SIOCO 1984 5457J9 No Answeri ng Mac hine , __ c_ .. _1_1 _1_14_4_q4_._1_!>_2_s_ Est.malors 1ado<> u spal~hed Green Scene L.ln<tscpn<J drywall t&1pen11y 11111 & l ro9al1on. Trimming pe1nh1ig roof ·'VW':1tt@ & R~movels, Clean H •nd'.l'm•n Ewpre.. ups & Mamt SL Loe PUBLIC NOTICE Pe rteet PaJnt1nv Tho Ca I P\Jb •C UI I lnL E11t lreo est I r"I Comm•"\ t0n RC l1'1pt ~ "Ible wo11t •('I s ou1R(S 111.11 all used __ R_._w_e_4_S-4 __ s_e_9 __ hou ~ohold goods. RAINBOW Cl,.cle M a1nt. RKess;on Proof P .,,.,o.ng & Cr.l I~ I Ph~ Q • ...,IP!e N '" ( •ntttc' (.M 64 6-2387 mover• print their P ·~I 1tt:.1 Hcnl..E --------- P U C Cal T number Apt O .t 100 Free e:.t POOL 3894 limo• a11d ch,1ufl uri. ~· ,.,. )d'H 6.36 17 .S SERVICE pr.nl I htm T C P nu m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I• I ~ • Jn111119 Co<1tr lt1or Bf" b.111 IOI stn Qw.llityl l,.::l s:i:,i..;Jt 144-9702 •TILE • M AIUSLE • Countertops F loor1 Stiowers 13 yrs •lfP FRLC. ta.l•matos U C 574 ~~1 4 97-8485 800-245-32 t 0 ... 599025 432-8804 bor on all advert. Sang1ovaniil Painting menls II you h.Jve .:l Custom inl •<l and Cool Wa t e r Poota•--------- •L.owna mowed h ont queslton aoout the le lone r1noshes Lie Cl wl< y r'<'OI c. ""l cliom TUTOR.ING 3930 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS 3740 Special Otter IO ~ •llgN lo qiW ty lot S lt!CenlM Ell Ille lood )Oii • w and 11>5• up lo 25 ~s in 30 d'f' and ~Mp .. «>'ti 1~ ~ 100'\ ~, .. , 147.2no 6 back S 11 50, clea"· galtty 01 a mover. umo Bond•CI 89 3-0222 6rvc, ..c>,.1 p rrp.3tr, ''-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ups & compl serv also or chauffeur, coll Sm.11Q iotn cat>ol'elS rst 775'1'1~ avail, 93 1 ·8809 Pu1>1tc Ut•lll••s l•ttncn OOOfs .. p.t~ LISA'S C LEAN SEAL Commission rcmov.ll I room 11 • llahan•I' 1ench•Lngh1h E .. pero•tict'd teacher woth Ooqr•e s R•- ra•H 837...122 8 Lawn & Landsc;ipll'IQI 71 4·!.!>8 4151 ume '';l'o rel s !>4&-576e Mon SClr clean-ops r--S-a_v_O_n_M_o_vi_n_g _ TOP QUALi TY 3906 , ________ _ (3 t OI ~o-et 97 Lowes.1 Stc>fage p101 "•"I compc11t•ve iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil WAll RAIN GUTTERS PATIO. COUAT'JAAO wnoo. XLNT 1ep I hr m.n ins mt e t. l•C,648221 p C S..... bo• 0.1.g'l Crt•• ~Mo.ti Ill Tl67t>S) v MC T.11·:?'3!>0 &50 5(){'16 6SO-J.J5') "'·~ IH"'11Q COVERINGS PM1 ait.a. 3 Jf1 t •P Roqt1s A n gll!.ll'1 5,,. Pi"O 3932 "'llMn &!boln 1~ •------------------1 ga•• • .,.,~ c l'Q r ' -NURSING ~b'•"'ONl~I r. ~· I • TREES f SERVlc£s 3848 ~i;~c~ 3 1 · 3910 Hu&t>.v.O & wire Te•m W..,ptr ln4U' otrno-al 13 ••S t'Pwt tt pe<1tdlQl.as ..... ptompl " ldy TM>-Oef? lop p tdi1'emo.. l ewna · 1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii8iii6iil ROO Fl NG ~ 751-3478 ,. Yard clean up hauling CompanlorVHHA l.Jc:'d 't'ouPtt10'\ll()rg..,,.,."' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili-.iiiiii•--------- o\19fgrown wH<ls llhrut>s prof taoy w J con• 10 Nl\lfS°busnesu•rill'JI Joton Henry~ Cflrt ff 1 WlNDOWS 3933 It .. Slump n-1·~1 YOVt hOIT'e,ptO>tict. eve bOCt._._IO w up JQir noo1.nn rerool rr"il•rs t'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -~· 15 ....... t•P 38C>t975 ,......... . .. .., '' 1• ""HI "4-5239 ··-1ratuat11e ~I 6S.37 1 !» .,~s local busmeu he d Hels 548--92 1 3 tWlNOOW CLEAJUMG t f'RLl:. C.5TlMATl:S 3858 PET 3 8 t 2 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SER Vl CES PAlNTl.NG IMPROVEMENTS LEGAL R e R oofs & A•palf'e Loe,, Rf'la. 1b Y11 01•al r P c11tc R1g 8 36-1 ~ •1621368 SJ I 347l7 O•vtO HOME 3756 SERVICES •W .P . YOUNOQUI ST iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Palntln, Contractor 0 t-*-.. p t .,. __ Oual paon11nq by prot·ta r a .,.._ e • ,.._"d UC • IO~I 1n$ dll'ft.arw'lrlll'\ 'GfOOt'!'I ....ltn F1M •t 64~ 3305 '°""91 Mtm'°'1 a.J • ditC1 •764-1011• 3870 •Thunder R ooftng • For all your rooting ~a' RerOOI e~rr UC 6;)al«M6-41U PILOT C LASSIFll!O 11 • t1'e 1•~~ you c l'I count Ot\ 10 Mii e myriad or m.,-chan• CliT>e Items. becauM our columna eompel quahfle~ buyers \0 c-a•! Taki llRlllOB al Ill' LOW M0tmU RATEi ldullllla JU business or lllllca lor anlV- w , a --~., . . -. 88 Saturday. February 20, 1993 PEltSONALS MEMl !ISBIJIS 3018 EMPLOYJONT 5530 ll0'10YMlllT 5530 ~.=:u·c..::::= PUUl1'UU IOH JIWll,ft, FnS SPOalUfG COST& 1111& 1124 PUSONALS 3002 ~ a11 yOUt neeost lil•••••••la UT 8025 GOODS UTTMI IATTMI -----• Nwpc Ben Vacht Club •--a.a.-STY ST .,.~ wr .. •tO-.ENT Memo.rshlpl Very re -... .._. HAIR U I -•atP, .....-• - duc.d Pr •cal Great Propeny Mom' Co new Irvine/NB aalon. se1nnre r 5 533 ' Medi lrMt Ofc: hate> lk.tsy buMneH dlsl rlCt Ga 11' 1~ GRUT CONDI ~i.r. "*'a/WOfnent So L.o ( 7 benCll3 c:Ok>+' go6d ra. ~.. .Just puzzl e rin g (n•w TANNING ... fof •ale I I 10 0 (coal aooo). ~ Bay UVE vote• Of aacrology IA(l'llly funl Enioy Ull 9AM tPM Dally R w Station mtl. •74·39SO reveals future, love, Ing. fishing, 01runq & B.....:.. Co ..... ,. ..; .. • • • • • • • • money, and success aoclarizfng 640.:7755 ·~._ · ~"' ... 1"1 II you love ctuldren, b• Please be aware that ci.~). Aoetcer. *950) MC S380 Cla• Coffee Ta.bl• end sic 'fenlt. watch (new ama• Book 0t T .... Wolff ·~ Ctyalal 24 Sun• ONLY n --------- Call nowt 1 900-976· Do vou Hiii• •0 •ak•? llev• 1n Education, lk.111 if'l• 11111nga "' lhl• cat· phone Sland, Saas St,300) aac:. l520 pvt ~· of uuge on dlWPOIT 1>ed1 n 4.'992.aa• llACB 1119 2332: $2 99 min, 18 • Bakers & Counter hra, or••• opport. uJ· eoory may raquW. you .... &42 4321 ut 307 l=P,...•_'1_Y,__6..,3_1 ·-1...,364.,.,._...,......,..._ da~. M S.2255 eves W anted: Watc h•• Tetco, Hollywood, FL •rvc. '°' -rly •m, al· •rv • comm 960-et 15 10 call a 900 nvmbef EMPLOYMENT ternoon & ave •hllls, In which th•r• 11 • 1---------Patek, Phllhpe, RoleJI., Cartier. T1llan y, all mOdels• 673-0365 TV, !LECTIONJCS. STEUO 6080 _____ , lllACllA c ..... .... UMd 4 ' dual u.,,... & tr 11900.7~7 •STATaeALll Pe nfriend Wanted FfT & PIT Wiii train •-L-E~GA-L--=F1...,.L"""E,.._,,,C.,..LE=R,.,.K.,,. ch aro-per m inute. ~•CHANDJSE B1IUsh lad keoo to l<atio M cguire-., Pre & [nergotlc & depend--~ mako contact MIF 18· Bake Shoppe 965·71172 ablo peraon. Good at· 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MISC. 6015 S::: 5..w.:~~ YACHTS Fine f\lmltura, art & lii•imili•illliiiiiiiil ~aaorlff. Onao-of·a-42' GRANO 8ANt<S ' kind piece•. Just rafurb. >Ctnt con 24 Ple:ase write to ----------Food S arvlc. Woltler mosphera Team envi· I •---------- Bryan Gilbert, 232 EMPLOYMENT needed ConvolHunt ronmant . Full·tlme . MERCHANDISE OFFICE Holdenhurat Road . 5530 hOSl)ltal FIT days. Costa Aesvmes: 0 M errick, ·--------· Breun Wheelchair Liit FURNITURE a Bournemouth Dorset, Mesa Call Alan for appt 500 Newport center lor Ven & Bus St 500 VldeoO......,. ..... TURBO GRAPHIC 1f Five g ames. Like newt s 1 oo total. 850-6706 Wood. ~7.500, O B 964·9385 or 873-<33.7 Groot Brrtn1n. 5'11·55115 Dr . i1800. NB 92660. --------080 Call e4e-t029 EQUIPMENT 6047 SANTA ANA Slnglos ConnecUonsll Bookkeeper 1-. Printing MANICURIST! Sharp, APPUANCES 601 1 1"'c,,...AM.,,....,....,,.,,,P,....,/R~V'""M-e-m-t>e-,..-.,,-P --------'II HEIGHTS 6184 Contact w/1000'• Co AJP • AJR, Data Tho Community Mor· Multlpl• al11ll1;ulons na· iiimialiimliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fun and EJ1.c111n9t Entry, Phones. good kct Plac:a. Pilot Cll'lsal· oew Irvine/NB salon tionwlde: $695 • No ••• E ..uthl For Ad Action t-90Q.835-"t665 X:Jt comm •kills. start hod Busy business district. Moving-Mu•• ••Ill lo trnslr 800 85 1-6853 Mveu's •t· o"oa. Call a $2 /Min, 18+ 25hr wrk wk, 640-9053 ___ M_2_·S_e_7_& __ . __ Ex_c_e1_1on_1_o_p_._4_7_4..J_960_ Rofrlg, Mont. Ward f ~ .. Signature SJS, 25 cu _Oueen ___ P_a_lm-.-. _8_tt_1_a1_1. Desks. chairs, filing -Jr-. ------------------__________ 1PfT, Ktdcare/buddy to 6 ft, •tra clean. almond S20 oa, gal plants St. cabinots & moral 525 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENJ & 7 yr boy & glri 3 10 5275 eso-ouse CM •had•, pine . rrull & Up e3M1828 AD-VISOR 6pm, m-f, in C O.M. tr•••· ts gal S20, 5530 5530 5530 G • apply tool Rofs Washer/Oryer St 25ea & uy Herb plants 135 klnd•i---------642·5678 reqd, $75 wk, 644-8094 Aeffi~~..: 1 ao. $1, Lilac $10 CS74·9422 Desks, file catbmets, "--;;;..,;,,;;;;..;;...; .... -.._ .. , ............ ---------"" t RfSOl RCff l l ~~ • DRl\E\~~ • PERSL ~SI\ E ~ ~ The Huntington Beach/ Fountain Valley Independent is looking for an experienced retail salespe~on. We offer a salary/co mmission package as well as full benefits (medi cal, denta l, vision), a 401 K plan and credit union. Please send a resu me with a daytime • HARD \\ORKl\G?? phone number to: IF THIS IS \OL ... \\'E :...no TO T ,\LK~~ HB/FV Independent 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Attn: Wayne Rowan • phone call~. pleac.e EOE By CHARLES GOREN w ith OMAR SHARIF and T ANN AH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRlDCl. Q IZ Q . 1-Bmh 'ulntruble, 81! ~outh vnu hold +KJ 84 AKJ 1054 •985 Panner opt'ns tht b1ddin1it wrlh e l'l 24 pornt twn no trump Whet do \OU rti.pond'1 Q.2-A-. !'>outh \lJlnl'rabll'. )OU hold •KJ65 AJ 876 +A 1062 f ht b1dd1nll hllll pmcttded Nor th Ea.st South West l • Pasa 1 • Pass I ~T Paat; '! \\'hat do vou btd nov.., Q .3 -Nt>ithrr vulnt>rahlt' '°\1 •uth ... ou holn +KJ6 K 1 \QI066~ +84 T he hrddm.: he' f"''• t>t'dt>d :"lorth Eut South We11t I • Pu& I Pus I Pus ? \\hat do \'1111 hid n11v. ·• Q .4 -AH !->111J1h \Ulnt·rithle, \llU hold +AQJ3 J762 9 +K QJ 6 Tht bidding has proceed~. South West North East 1 • Pasa l Pus ? What do vou bid now'' Q.6-A,, oulh, \'U.lntrable, vou hold. •K 10873 A 74 65 •AQ8 i'ht bidding he" proc:ffd~. outb West North Eut l + Pus 2 + Pue ? What du \OU hid now'! Q.6-.Ne1ther vulnerablt. • S.outb VllU hold +o42 K3 KQ9872 •K r> fhe b1ddin1it ha.' prrl(t'~t'd North East outh West l + Pu 2 P&JJ11 2 ST Pass ? \.\.ha1 a«t11111 d11 vou take'' Look tor 1tn'>l4t'ri. un Mund"' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 Tannrs snots 5 Dance 9 Pull awev 14 !Gt! nouse Vlf 15 Cn1nesepor1 16 Sun Pf•f t 7 Otapar11g1n9 remerk 18 Ren1 I.lid 19 01y s muc.n Fr 410 tntrtellbl!' 22 S.rd1 23 Currier s par1n8' :l 4 Belle( •oe 25 Snow removing IOOI 28 Albertan. e g 32 over re&<ll stvCllOusty 335~ tculptvre1 34 W•st 35 Floor co ..... Je K1nos 3 7 Biblical n1me 30 High kilt 39S..O '° S.V.1ty 4 1 ,,., ... ,~ 43 Safe pleoes u Like 1 Claconhve letlnC 45 S•nole 411 a.ono•no• 2 3 14 17 20 25 21 27 32 35 41 49 About-lace 53 M .. t c.ut !>4 Cness pt•f !>5 Anll4W ~n 56 Comparable 57 ACldtCI ~ Brrt1..n .ChOOI 59 sy11em 60 C.o.rv room1 61 Auto scat DOWN I SPMGll l)fOblem 2 Give the eye J M1~e Ctoudy 4 Pulis tnrougn S Oun Plrl 6 P\it 1ogetl'le< • 1 A<1orat1on 8 Soap •noredient Ii u...,..1worc1 10 $el beck 11 Sp.rrt 12 Oott Scot • 13 Fool pettl 21 PreY10u1 nlQhtt 22 Oo1•11 P&nl 24 Motlt9n while routing 25 Herrong 21 -of Commons 27 lnllNtnenl 28 lndlen food 29 Aeflactlon 30 Buabal1·1 Hanlt - 3 I Approeehe:s 33 LOOI 30 c.nnemon °' mac. 37 Dmrected 39 SP!'in«le 40 Cr-t sound 42 Bei!ed 43 LlnQ&fl c:10M by 1e 19 45 -Sttt«• 48 EPQChl 47 -llaght 48 Plana part 49 Red 1'110e 50 Loc:e11on 5 1 Shof11y 62 Fut time $4~ tO 11 12 13 Aecept Wknds Cell S Lennon 7 59·3 7 82 Coast Claa•lc Newpo .. 8Ch Loe! Shp I 25' & Slip to 50'. GoOd Condition M ust •· SOLID mahagony door, be sotdl 642-751 t TRANSPORTATION FURNITURE Newport Properties iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6014 36", hand carved, 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•••••••••• NEW $160 firm PP1----------I 662·2433 eveS/wknd Cherry Queen Anne dtn PETS a GARAGE SALES Possible ltveaboor 631·8480 or aJs.810 I SALES Great caslll $ t 01hour guarantee· C:am S 18-24 hr Out- sldo sales for nauonol rm, never used Ible & ----------ANIMALS chrs, 1>ulfet & china w/ COUECTIBLES 6049 BOATS 7011 mrktnq firm represent Ing F11es1one Make your own schedule' Cati 800·998 2886 watcrford cut gls drs. 6017 mirrored bk, curio llt 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ends. $2300. 323·55731• Large Bronz-e B ell from Old Fire T ruck S300 646·0754, Eves. COSTA MESA 612 4 ·90 Boston Whaler, 15·1•••••••• Superaport, 40HP Ya· TRANSPOITATIO hama. oover & !relier. KITTEN WANTED M y eat just died and I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil want to adopt a new QI '"'NT a .., •LEI Whol S9000/obo. '675-8251 CAMPERS, RV'S, "b3by," ""Oferobly a ~ • .,.,.. • .... hou!I• o f rurnltural male Ple;ise call mo Oueon BR act. Girls 7. at 642-5226 BR ---------- Smart lady wtth rctafl exp, to work in de- lightful gift shop. 30/ hrs per wk benefits avail. 549-0300 ex 405 Duncan Phyfe table and English oilk table Old China cabinet, Colfoe table. Four chairs. Misc. call 842·78tt •·c-O_MP_U_T_E_R_S-6-0-1-8 TRAJLERS 801 pc wh11e canopy POWER BOATS Vrstt the anima l shelter, set. Bunl< bod•. Sota 2075 Newport Btvd 1111 beds Couchea end 7012liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. McGuire gtasstop bam· 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii boo dJning tblo w/8 1' STOCK PERSON FfT Good staning pay NB 631-01-44 aftcr2?m chrs. $3000. Olf·wht sofa $200. Cstm cock· tail tble $500. Bare• Iona chr $150. Japa· nese screen 644·5633 IBM PC JR w /IBM Color Display Monitor and IBM Graphic Printer, -+ Library o l M anuals $500 total 85CMS706 Mo...u Trap: Agatha Chri.stit"s play, "M eiiM Trap.'' is now in i ts 40th ytu , tltt longnt·running play in thutncal history. Agatha wu a Virgo t~pt. IS, 18901 which Is tht way it should M , htr Mtm 1ry rultrship br ing plant! of commun k ation, of writing i nd of wnttn. Shi' u id, "I had no 1du 'Moutt Trap' would M S"uch • hit. ,I rtalty 1urpriHd mywlf!" Prier to rd chlng th! London stage, direclors, producen madt changtt. Agatha in· tisted, "Changt' it b.ck to m way!'' Htr way prond tht right way, ttrv1ng u an oampll' 10 all of U) - do 11 your way. ARl t:S (M.ar~h 21 ·April 191 Rt'· ~tnctiun-. .trl' 1'l'm11n-d vuu ti g.am •I Ii~. •I lt'.a\t two ma,.,r w1,1°...-"111 ~ full1llt'd Focu~ on un1Yl'.-Uht) com munica11on lanituaJtt' art1sttc t\fHt'~· 1<•n AnuthN An,.." in plltUfl' TAURUS 1Ap~20·M•\ 20 F<><u• un l1>;11dt'r•h1p 1n1ll•t"'" nri~inoalth grNtt'r J,.,.;rf'f' ol .... 11-cc•nlldl'nct' 0th C'I'\ t\pr""'>~ w11l1ngnl"'>' h• tnllo .. \Our h·oad Lov" r .. l,.11•n•h1r h ... ,., up u'<.• Aqu.ar1u., ptor.,on~ l't'pn"'f•ntl'J Cl:~INI CM.t\ ~I lurw Wt Oun t gl't (.aught rn m1JJlt' of l.1mrh m••llt'\ d1•putr M1"'" f"l'"'"'n hrghhghl\ pht hli(jph~ puh1 .. t11ng trolvl'I "'fMm111n of h11r.,on, <.,1ic._ to u111111hnJ111o mt·th 1Jd• pl'\)Ct"Jurt'~ Aqu.ar••n pl.>\' rolt• CANC[R t lunt' 21 tulv 221 l>IYt'r ~1h r1•.ach bt'\ond prt'Vl<•u;, lrm1tat11m' i.. .... r n-<f'nt n•'l<1lut11in\ conH•rr11n1t drt•I nutt11111n 8v •dJ1n1t to 1<>.ardrobt-""u 11 m•lo.t' Jl'11n1te 1mpr.>Hml'nt in vuur •r· P""anct' P1\pul,1r1h rat1n1-t "''.i"' LCO I luh 2' Aug 2. 1 Tf"'t l'Ktpt" •h•rf'\ n ""'I~ mt•nJ ch>1 h.... .>ttt'nd 111 m .. •h•nrco1l pr11h1 .. m:. rn '''""'"""" "'1th o1utomubill' t111uk'holJ pr • .Juct• l~.al Un1tll' "'Ill •1r1111:h••n -h• \vur ad••ni.it" "4:1•rp11 "1n p1durt' VIRGO ( '\UI( n 'wp1 n AlCt'nl pr.Ht•c•I mtth•oJ• •trt'.imltnt P'"'' · dur.· It"' b.i'" '"'"'' d11n .. 1• • .rh l 11 ... ~ t .... m"'"'8" h•r ' .. lu•blt· hint l'ut r,. q ... , ... , rn "'"""It -\HU tit.. .tm•n-J ti\ '!UI~ lo. r..SJ"l>n ... ~ \•••la' ll8RA l°"'P1 :n l\:t ~~ I mpht\" ''" l't'.iuh art mu\IC •1•und tll H•ur 1nnf'r vu1Ct• I un .. r A\J""("t h1ghl1ghh l\•m•ncoe, Ch'411Vtlv ~I) le v.ant'tY 1•1 t'\ pt·rrrncl'• l>oml'~llc ad1u•tmf'nt in ,·luJ,.., t>.-•u1tlrc..11un ul ~Url\lunJ1ng., SCORPIO tt'lt-t 21 Nl.lv 211 I •••~ bt.•\t•nJ thf' 1mmt>d1•I<' follow thn•ujOth ''" 1nnl'r ur1t•" hi\ U• 11IM• on dur•l>tl' go.)<h l'll•lu•I '"" "' r r\•pt'rtY N(·~'''" """' .ii"<' l1n1~h""I dun t n•m.i1n ""' lonJ< •I thr f<11r p,.,.,,, 1nvulv..J SAGITIARI U C°'ll1•Y n fl."< 211 I mph""' 1111 11rg•n1111t1<•n '"'J"(1Jh1b1li t\ oiWlll"\'n~~ uf dt•..iJhn~ Mon,.) n•u thou1tht lt"'I "'111 u1m .. h.11 I. 111 ',1u rn !»<'mt' w•\ \"llJt'r 1nJ1.,1Ju11I tn vul"..J l'l"""hl\ 1.1m1h m1 mbt'r Hur r11h' CAPRICORN ru ... 2:'·1an IQ) \1tl('n ~ 1•1t•n •mrh••1Lf'• d1r. ct wn mulllfllr(ln poHtnt'r~hap I ft'dlbtlrl\ m.u111I •l•lu\ f'r••f"CI "'Ill l>e 1<•mplt't ..d .. orlo. •omb•fl••' with.,., ... , VJ(ol1 lion 8urd1•n t• r"m''"".t \t•u ll ••\ r rt'\.' .. , bird' AQUARI U ''"" ~cl r .. l'! Ill) (.\ell' high ,,.u·11 ...... rh .. trul\i I• ''" up f'\'r1un11\ I n • lunit ,,.,,1111'J1' Bf. dm-. t 1a1. .. 1n111a1"" '""'' "" );"'""~ t•• h• .. rt 11f m .. 111'~ Nt'lf> lo•\11 • nthll\loll\m "''" lwnrvo PISC'C5 l lt·b I~ M,.rrh 201 \\'h~1 .ippto.;i" tu llt· I.ii.,.• '"rt " .c1u1llv thl' f'l'dl thing rr,lC1<ttJ """rdtnRh It• m.ih• IAm1h m•·mbt r ''"' \\" h.i"" Jl'\.1Jt>J 11111'\ 11 '"ur ~.1\1 M uni•\ will l>t' m"Jt• 4v•1l.il'ilt· Ttmf'' II HBRUAR' 20 l 'i ~OLR BIRT H OA) M uth• r h•d ""'" 1nllut'1•cf' 1h.1n J1J l11hu H•u .,, ..... n"11.-.. • mur1un•l .and "'m" ""l'I \ 1•u •rf' f"'H hit t o11rrr LUrll ( JOll"r f"'"''"' rJ1t\ .. ('\ n11, ... In ''''" hlr h•u l.n1"•• plt•nr\ o11'1.1ut i. .. ~1 Mt' • ••n•111••r1tJ l><•th " t1••urml'I •nd 1-t••urm11nJ ( urr.-nt •"'It h1ghl1ghh l'iu•1n"" ~··ntur.-. 4blhl\ I'\• ml"t't J1•11J 0 lint Jurin,.; rr"" mar••ill ,.,tu• l""'I • t>h' .iJJ11, .. n h• t.im1h S.•Jlil'mbo r ~111 l'i• vc•ur m1•.,I m••m••r.at>I, month 111 I lf'I' 7 pm or c:alt 722-'Y.IO 1' umps t<lds clothos, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Loving dogs currently toys. SAT ONLY, 7 AM avail. fem bo11er. older ON, rain or 1h1na golden retriever, male 3 80 Vlllanova. C M, sh1h tzu, colltefsalnt otf Fordham/F•l r . t 990 Duffy ta. alee· trlQ boat. AM/FM cau. canopy, boat cover, run• g reat $9500. 82 1·2066 or &e1 ·2176 Bernl'lrd mix (short near Fairgrounds. hair), 2 white kittens ____ ...;;.. _____ , /'"tort\ mu•t ho11r m~tw '""'' tlf'nc, r'•· th<'r~ 11w/J ""' · w m"m povr -..Y•p/{' • (1rot1io• fkm .. JiJ h1w 1 ht rho•« bttwttn btlnc ttDttOu tn 11tht" or )OUf"(tlf ~J likt black irnd ... hltt tod•} f'u t tralnlnc •Dd bt· lltfs CC>fttt Into play ind pllt It U1t NOi molt\lliot1 in lht ftnal dfcljloa ind •nlon. \\t 'rt ID I ptrillcl ot WllDt· lnii mort for OUn.tho. tt tttln& tht 1nal nffd othtn bait. Tht rtar ot i:oln& ~1thout, lmOnJ Olhfl' r1t"lon can built mtntmtnt. t\fn thou&,. )OU htht•f m 1lu11i ni: tlmt •nd h1kots. I ht rMin culprit today h pUt. It •po1h ~l'\onal lltP9lllt~n. and muy 1C1• or l.tlldftt'Sl I\ 11 Sbouh 11 ~Oii tt'e nor tnflill!fl· lt m•) Df\fr hf "tnou&h. ~ 11111 •hat )~ al\C' I~ ..... ,., JOOd. \no 11 \ml \l•.rch 10·4prll 20 '' ' .w ·~ •'m'-h~rr~r -.1111111 1b(- 1 r to ~~ • .trt" 1hc ! ~""' •llJ ~" ICI lhcn 1l\Cl ~r \It\. Don't l'c:' ~Ul'J'!~d ti poopk i.... l "''" ~dt hm'I: 1n th. mouth ho..,.~~· ,.l'IJ 1n t ,.,_..,. ,.,. 11 u d "' r,l\cr l~ut\11 ii lhl\t') i\pnl ~I \11) lO ' •u" •'IC:f\ i.'1111,\ I d 1A1lti I ollh llnJ ph' 1.~1 ~lllrhulc lh,11 "'' •>I Jl(zl,d Jc• c .. , 1 , '"'P'I'' '•111-.:ll ll thu\ .1r1J >(( "hlll • ld>\l.tni. t n 111 1 • u·11 \•L \ 'UtKlf. 1• th1\ l>rtngrng ' ' l.1•1otnt ~ '" 1111J h~rr•nrn 111 tf\, ~ I 1 l'C JXrk.1 l•fmtn1 II Think/ \11) 21-Junt lO 1ll\l1•r\ c•llrt h!pUh ll'(lt, C\pc• t11lh "hln -..:U-tndu.;cd If wu Jun·t 111, h•t1•n1ng 1,1 chc hr• en rrC\•r.I, 11 , 11111< "' l>r<a~ lh'm the pJ\I 1nJ mo11kc • 11 v. ''·"' l'h1' \\tll mun IJ1.1n~ up ta• i• d ku th~t I'" Lcpt wu rn ~ \ rt\l,1111 IUI I .1n1~r I lrtl1 Junt ?I Juh !! \n 1•IJ h.1t •' rttun" '" • d , tr• 111~ •n•t.ir 11 ,1 11 • min "l"l"ollcnl th;in C'\1r V.l)J! h £1.l<>J AnJ v.h.it t• l>dJ :.t>1 ut I :'\ r... th' ,hilKC' 1• cki11 hut nnl C•,11\ m.ik t.1 brul h h1'> > I U le~• 11'1 llf l!ftCdk• 1 J 11h.tl.•''" I fli 1 I ( ommud Jul.• 2..\·.\•i· 22 I• \t'Cn•' th.at o•• er• arc 1.,>1,i1ng a>Ut nn •llll Ill lhr IOllTl •lf ;.ilJC1 ll(ln, f4h•I• 1nil ~11 Jr.•'' s. .. ncun • ll'\1n~ to tud1 1 nu • le'" " 1iriJ 11 " l.t\lll \Ccn •• r111 • ti nl t I ld 'l'llf\Cttfln I" to look thrqugh theu 111CtMJ\ to liCc 1hc11 root mo1rv-.1ion \llrp (I An1lpt l Aoa. ll·Sq>c ll Conmnt do11bl) ~'°"" progrci.) tllday U \UU ••6Ccood sum" deoik>ns and "'"'k for altcmatl\CS l.Jlcc hs1cn1111 10 4nolhcr pcnon v.ho oon~t•nll) contr1· d1tu )'00, ifs fru.s1u11na. ind 1.lroos1 pi.1in1lc\\ 10 lfln\ince the llf'fll.l\JIC \1C11putnt to chaogc If •hat you're looktng for 1s truth, mu 11 ftnd 11, C\tn &l ti mc&ns m1k1ns 111111&}.cs Ubn ti l1l1nttl Sepe. lJ-0«. l2 An ulJ p<1llcm rc·-'llrf"« tl'lda~ ,.here ~()II fed oM•&•lcd tc> ~ •&•lll\t pcrll'n~I v.1•h~' in fa'1:ir of •hJI oth· Cl\ V.'IQI from \Oii ~atch the unde11)-. ins mo11\~1inn~ l>ch1nJ hf111& nl<k a11d "''"II 10 anJ 11 ' o 1 .n likchi 10 hclld • Jf\IJ&c or .k.!1'1< I"""' ~lo t i l>ntrtl OC1. lJ.\o,. 21 \OU tl\11\ 01 .. IUJlt' tn ' W re· lat,..;1!\lllf'\ 1:;J" !>er.ten r.a,,M nd .,.,C,U\C lll1\ Un wnfll)C all CUii· • l'l'ICd I 1,1, fot ru~' 1h:a1 tr14tr N'Plf'C bcl'w\'k)J anJ 11\ pioli~ I<'•' •I I " r> aflccl " •! \• Tllf ~ •i:l1unu1 II .\'plrt1 '°' !l·ll«. 21 An 11rrvr1unil) to .aJJr.-rt4.\ 1h11 ""' llc1lcctcd lltft.11<" ansn The ttnJtn.~ lo So "'crhu.lrd •h<11'' the JU•lt '" r 1ht 111u.u1un, "111 the icnu inc rt c•f '"''"' and canni •111 no1 l>t lr.~1 ''" 1111.1-c ainccmcd (. •prkoni II b t l Ot<. ll·J•o. 19 [Mins for othen IC><l•Y brtnp WIS· f1ct1Un. •nd a feeltn, ul t-e111g JM" l.lf mc1h1ng valtJ Thcrt' h1JVC been hmn in lhc p111 )OU felt you sh~uld l'C r.k11n1 more:. for 11thcn RathCI lh•n find c-cu~\ again \01dl m4l c 11p tur 111\l time .\quariu• ti tulo-1 Jan. 20.Fcb. 19 '11\1 fulfill • m~tol mr11m11'ttltl\ t1"1~\ th.ti h•• 1-..\,n 1n the V.t•rb for q1111e a v. htlc fodav 1~ an rnJ•n' anJ l>tginnrng "' 1ctl\1t1t\ thai rrquirc JI\ urhnc ,;;cnfM ~nJ I tno1tunnJ M H'UI r.irt PIJCU II 8tllc\tl ftb. ?O·Marcll 19 The ftchn~ 111 •.nhn~ IO llf •lone r\ r•al, 11!11tou1h there art ll\.tl\llK) lhat rut •tiU tn the put>h;; ITtn.t ni .. 11ndcr ... 'l•rc' 1hr th1nl 1n1 th•t ~"t•u'rc n •t lot.all\ fire, l>ut l nee lll\ut\cJ \l'U11 !11 .... l'l\Cr 11141 Y.•hlUck I\ Ml I~ cmouMc a 1hc wmp.an'r ol 1ntC'rc"· Ill fl(1>plc lh~c \ '11) •as Eatabllahment , 25\l'l', generator, roo air & dash air, ateep cs. ltlnt cond In & M any •JC1rH . 460 FOf Chassy $1 6,500, 838-3t92 RV: '8 t HAAVEST 4'0 DODGE. Low m Rear Bdrm. Dual Al Awn ing. Ganareto Twg hitch. Ell'.tras $9500. Ht-0730 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTDS 801 • '83 Ya.n.ha ta Scoot-. $700 0 890-0055 AUTOMOBILES BMW 903 '84 633 cal >Clnt. anrt phn, b tte/btk, au pWf full records, garaged $10K. Pat 252·2121 CADIUAC '82 ELDORADO. Full loaded Leather Int Nice-must IH 10 a pracl $t9SO 761,,..291 DATSUN t972 240Z, worlt. Brake, bod good. interior ok S500/obo 63 t·7•80 FORD '9 t F350, 7.3 0 .... 1. 4 4. 5 apd, XL T Lariat. crew cab, b•dllner, tow pkg, IOaded Own, many more Jftras. oa· r8ge kep t. asking $1 5.500 f11m 758 1846 MERCEDES 91 30 '72 MERCEDES 250 4-door h rdtop w rlh sunroof, 6 eye. d~I cerb Ruos ~II. good body, g .. s1000. cau Bill, 646·714CS '84 380SL 43K m 1ros, Velentrno red, phone, alarm, aheapsklns, $26.500 7 5 .. 7859 Sund•J. February 21, 1993 8 t ' SL Midnight blue, 2 tops, calm whls/tlral Stereo. atnt condl 64&.1869 or 642·3850 1nct "ou Aakt d. "M )' turios11y Is arouHd and I turn to you for htlp. Plu k Inform mt': John f . Ktnnecly Jr. -hit Lodi•ul 1lg1'." -K•thlttn Ka)'t, Stattlt, Wuh. Rnponse: Tht ton of tht l1tt Prn idtnl 11 1 Nov 25 !>agittarl•n. During 1993, Ktnnl'dy Jr. c-ould btcomt lnvolvtd In an tmbar· ,,.•fng lovt trl•nglt uni-ht i• vt ry carl'ful Ht ie Mnslllvt, 1p1rilt1al, t mol lonal, po•HHH u trutntory ~rct'ptlon. HI• futurT 1n law and politln not tHct ly ahlning bnght. Cour•gt! ARIES (Much 21 ·A pril 191 Ntw Moon 1n Pr-.ch highlights emt'rJlf'nct Imm rmtltmnal cocoon 'ihmoe yuuruwn l111h1 lud thl' w•y 1Mp1"' une tC'mJ'U rarity ronhnt'd to homt h0$p1t•I C.old • "" ~ult' will t'C' 111 •flf"Ct Lrti n.'p~nl tod TA URUS IAprtl 20 ~1.ay 201 4iud dtnl~ c1rcum>tancn turn 1n your lour. wl\hl'• art granted yuu win fnt'nd' ind 1nflutt'ltt' ~pl• Attf'nuon rt• vulvt~ around homf' b•tte v•lut1, huu1f'hold prl>dut h mu111I \Hlua Monty 1nvulvt'd CCMINI (M~v 21 Junt 20) fotu\ on lradtrthlp rrumollon. produn1on. ~dfJ prftl13t You IJ bf In rhu11t nf •nttrl1lnm1rnt for pol11tul or cti.mtv CAmpa111n You II rtttln gtft that add• to wudl'\lt.. 1mprov1rt 1ppnr1n('tll CANCt:lt (funf' 21 July U l lunar pt>tllmn h11hl1~hh tr.vtl pubh•h•n" part1(1f'<lllun In tpm1u1I advf'nlutf " Stn-e pf humor aaan• •Ill~ C1vt full pl•, In 11\lf'llttlu•I CUMl':'llY TIUr\I\ .,_,,,}'!., ~1'11\•nt pl1y ml" l l O lluly 2l Auf 221 Atunt or\ ,.,.f~nA •nd wn11ng lhn•11 .. n, ch.in<• l'lttlln" thll could lf"<td 1c1 tnffntnl'ful r1rl11ton1t11p tou ti IHrrl mol'T al-nut m try f ph,uc.tl •llD41"'" C.11Pm1n1 \''I" .:..,111•nvs tnv lvcd VlllllGO (Aua 2l ·~rt "' <.111 ,,,. <••~N "'l''""nt1nt1 t hn t•f •lll'C11un, hlff'tn l'1Kn Mn.•n h1 hltf'"' ltl'•I niht r11bh~ •rf!'f'lr.JU" m•rtfll la• 111• (11ft1h ll!tm~r My Wr •h• 1\lt C'mlnt ''" t'OU JOll "'"f'' lfl u I "'"' lllllllA f pi ll•Ort 221 O.,f1nr trrm~ 'et' plan"I Pf"lploe. ~1tu41111n" d• "1c.-\ .i<'luo11lv f'\1~1 Wnrlo. mtthoc:h wrll bf pt\1pt"rly dt'f1nt"J -dut1M> ourhntd w ill fnor vour l'ffllf'1~ 1'111et<S 1nd1v1du al a.ty\ "Con~1dtr ml' your 111h1· SCORPIO !Oct 2"I Nlw 211 "ou II h•Vt' addtd ""'P"""b1lr1y lvv(' rc•la 11\l Mhlp h("ll' ur. df'.tdltnt f'l"''' you o1IS<\ havt-up~1rtun11y h> hll ftnanr1o1I 1AClo.pot t •rr .. orn n.attv" J«I•.,... You htlptod mt' uncoe .ind 111 nc>Vtr forg•I 111 ACITIAltlU (Nov U °"< 21 1 Pr()jt('t rnmplt-tt'J "fuM" to bf' hrndtr\'d bv outmodtd mt'fhodt nilt'!I d14'CardtJ rqul~t11>n• fft'I frH ind H V -lr•vf'I opponun11y '' rul r.hould not bf 1g· non'd ltbra l 111ure"t prom1nt'ntlv <.APRI CORN (l)t'< 22 Ian llJI M•~h frnh ~••n tmph,.ru rndt'rc-nJ· '""'" fttl'dum l•f thought and a,11nn ~hurt trip 1nvolvtt '"''""C' who NV• Wf' mu.,t find 1h11 documtnt• C.htd. Nnk b.llanct 11gn•turt' I.to mvolnd AQUARIU (Jin 20 F•b Ill) Th<lW who thought "Qu m1.-Md th" bcMt will bf' tft\b.lrr.-J btc1uv you t'mf,_f • v1<1or (mph• tit thl' unl•rthodu\ f'lt mtntw or ltmtng 1urpr1w M ontoy p1c- IUI? hrlghtft th•n ong1n•lly •nllclpal• t'd Pl f}t (hb 19 MuC'h 20) Nt'w Moun tn vuu r 11gn h•ghhaht ptrtOn•I ttv. popul•rily. Mn•u1hty .,, •PJ>"•I Ct'll'br•Oon du" 111n1~lll -you II ti. told b~ ont you admtrT • 'h1u ,.111y •rr thr ut • mrvw• C.cm1n1 r."'"'n1.J U fUltl.IAO tt I \'OUa lllTH· DA'\'· C'urrrnt t)'flt' 1ncludn lravf'I """"u' "f',...'""' of htvt pvbh1h1na advl'rtl""I hrlpina lf't mf'tMJf t.:NM ind ltn•llv C'Vmpltt1n11 m 1/ln c ... mt• nt, . g•ll•nu r-n.1n pl•y "'""""""' M•lft 1n Wr lfflr r11.,Ullrit)' 111(,...._ • 1n M•r<h, tflC't•I •<llYtltH •n•l•ralf you II a. m .. ,. ut\kl<•\19 of buJv 1m"f!t lhmna th11 "' yu\I II d1>e1..>vt'r 1<1ul 171•1• tou ano " .. ,..,,1,. p.-. wnw of th• r1J1culout arr 1wnrn tnfll'1 ''' .culttd thin•" Augl#t 11r1011 "''"'°'•. bl•'" 199) I\// men "h< h"'" a.hit•"CJ grt'41 thin.: h~1a "', 11.111 1mrt' (Jt,., in \~,·rt \f.ir1kn I ht ''-"" \foon todin In tht' d1n or t'l'it•. brln11 out the drtltnfr 111 )OU 11·~ 1111r to 1Jd1·bark a1nd lndultt our rrt.al ht .ind HM1lht )Ilk . f.ntl"l) I~· th tf'f low durln~ • '"'° tnoon, •nd It h 1 ttood Idea to cet nln rut u d rtln. \rif', I I Am I ~tau h lO·i\pril 20 'r>U I\ C\111 tlnlltl<11'14J l~'llfJ\, but 1l.1n·1 kn'*~"' l c.11' un wmc •·.t•ih 'Iii lhB tJU~) \\)U Ii.! "'''rT) v.h.t\ ""mn' U) 'rtnJ1ng ... ~ lj\ll(t 11mc, \nu II tic hi 10 ll'tt n to thr •uhtlc \ul('C' lhJI l•lko untkf'l~nJ1n1 :anJ rn '•Vhl hi' ,.,, \ICl'n' ctnot•lR\ Ta11ni1 (I ll11tl ptil Jl.\b> 20 \hht JJh , ... , re run'°' "1:1" tu cl p-1 I pll'JC•h 'l.artcd 11', notl)' m1p. "l>!t "' tn<ttn~lc 11thct\ tu hdfl I Im ni•,hl '"' :1n10: kcltn" IA\ l\>11 l"'.f\• I\• th•• to tit" 11 lr><m t•f ICJCChon S,>t lfllt l\1•plc ~" lncJ and n rJ "''"I< 'J>.k't In :a J~~ 1•1 ,...o thr 'UJI· pt•<l •111 t-e the" f\(' l'llh(lll (f('tlllnl ti Thlnkl \f11 l l·Junt lO OIJ ·•'<IC.:11 ,.c u•11't' 11.11<\.,.,crcd """h a llulc prutiina lln.;,.tlhn• to 9'· 'Cf'I wrf c aJ'P'•t"n'n llf tuli:cn C\· c11w-,, wu dr~ for dcqxr 1n v.cr• th;ll .11c "'" prcll). but ire the truth. <4.nttr II fttll J1111t l l·J•b' U 'l'•tch lhc 1enJcncy tn ttM I In an~cr ttl ha\I) rnmmcnh mall • hy oth· tr'~ 1) one ltl!O'Nt how mu,h prrnure )1iu\·c ktpl un.JcrM·r or 1lu1 t)R( ll'INe ,1111..,, mn ~r k the• t:lJncl'i b.\Ct ""''"de lnJ r«I 11t1ll help to rt· (Mr }llll anJ ttcp Mc 111 propel J'>t~INe ''"' ,, t o.•all41 Jib JJ...\ ... u lcid.tv, 'U f'bn an oapc 111 1vt.>1J unplcaurit po'J'lc, rl nd lht!IV :-ft\'Cf llr lu lie I Plrd, thil n IM)( I lc-tW•l\I ltnd IC•\lSl'lllKll\ (Of '"-1•,•·~·Md R.\ R Olh rJ me fctl ~ h 11 lcfl-Olll. 11\J lhcu: tmy l>t c'flla1n1111 10 do bier r • .., l»k1111 11 1c!rca1 \1ra-1I AA1t}1tl A ... 1J pt U Tbc IC.MIKY "' ftel C\'llf111 ,j_ anJ n ill ' l•iJ 111111 the \k11.'ll th11 w """'""" \~Bii I <hngi at U r-»•td lid II ' In ntakt CMUn i.uu out of rnolth1lb Rclaotton tech· nuiun i11nd (llhcr mctho<h that m11n· 111n pc.i~e or mind •ill help get a han· dk 11n tou1.h> lllu1t10n; IJhn II 81lanctl Sept. lJ.OC'l. l2 II ' I d•V lo &n Vrllh the flow, Or ri\k Jtllin& IJ\crwhclmcd v.11h lido of emoMn The "'"rid " lcu than per· fed 1he11e d~ys. 1nJ a1ten1pu to force 1mJl(ll>1blc dromJ I) ltkrl) 10 brine oul the cynrc rn )QU and damrtn fu. turc dreams You hl\'t an .allund .. 111cc ol opf!Ortun1rv \U1n>uncl1n1 'II t>ut UC 'hlli'lllll II) 1£fklCC lhcm in ,,, r of only k11~1na 11 current l'fubkm\ '-rplo (I 0...lrt) ()(c, JJ•\Ot. l l uit>lt for ncv. WJ) to 1pp1o;ach •N k anJ pla)' lod•t It'• t•SV to hump he d' •1th uthcr stubh()r11 1)-pcs v.oo v.-.n1 to r11n 111t d1<w., htc )Q\I Ile ., illtn to u>mprt m1~ a11J remain l>pcn hl '""' ;11vn• s.cltt.mt• Cl ~pinl \01 U-Dtc. 21 I ,>J;y ll<x n't Jfl ""''rJ1.11 tu plan, but th•t \ lk1 t~\C It> punt h ocht11 111crc·, more than one wa 10 M\'\\ 1 pioJ ume •nil b)' rcm11n1n1 f1uJ on 1 nslf route, )'OU narrow the puccnh1l k11 ,,, h.il ciould preo.c 10 be o be lier lJca. F.nco111ace your 'Jl0nlanro111 ,.Jc CapnC'Onl (I l,w) Dtt. 22-Jan, It Your moody stile OOcln't ho-1uc1t mlKh, but When it dou, II makes up fut lt"t tune foday, lht ltndency In feel aut'1Y f1>r )'l'Un<lf 1nJ blow up al ochcn for past action• dcmonttratct th•t JUU haw.n'I bec11 11\•fll 10 your· stir tftOU&h Dotl't blame ()(he n for tomrthtf11 )W wtm'I do for )UUl'Stlf. ...,... II KMw> Jae. a.rc1a. It Crutn" 1irsc arc ''l'Ofllo ) t Ille CICMUl'lftl tick kCC'fll lkt11& II tt)in& IOM(th1111 M1I "htn thtt Olit'Un, C1• 1m111e "'-""' the p.ut 1'11 1nnucnccd 1h bchl'\'WOr 1nJ .. 11 )\IU11Clr •tlu •re \\)U 1mn 111 r1t ~" Plttr• 11 ltlif,t) Jtb";.2t-'911U It f'h< It'll IK 1111,11id hth 11\J )\"II.rt hhl to uy •wr haf\1.1 11 re· tkWt•llflt Uh ''"""' '" tllllfC t)~ in 1QVf heed 111 11 Ofk'C, )'1-.W c the Clllftlpktod piUll" of tthM )Oii Hnl Iii <rttlt ill a fta\h lllh Wi.\ lhC • 1111 ol i ~d fCllM lhll " IClUlly PliCO. flllur< '73 450 S E, by 2nd owner, looks Ii~ new, only 89K mil Must see!S6500.•93-0379 •et t90I! 2 .8 . 1't< ml, take over lse, $361/mo. Smoke au. ver/camel 75•785 9 PONTIAC 9170 •ag Flreblrd 5·apd, AJC. AM/FM cass, bit. etulM, pl ateet, p/bfak••. red, 4 7K ml, M .995. can M2-.. t0 LY Mag SOBARU 9200 •~ M'7 MatcNMcll Low m llea, g ood •h•P• 11700/obo 642·t 120 TOYOTA 9210 1993 Cellca OT, Red, 15 apd, anrt, a/o, p/w, atateo/caaa, c:rula•. XLNT c:ond, 1$K ml, l3000 obo, 75MM>e7 VANS 1225 •t-l'ORDVM Good af\a p •, n o amok•. n o drtpa ......... ~1120 VOLVO 1230 VOl.ISWIGD IU5 I 8MChlCoata Me~Daity Pilot Tt reel's highly rigid pa-.st>ngcr compJrtment and 10111 md rear crush zonc .. Jrc dcs,gne<l to off er cupJnt prote1.t1on in thl· l'\l'nt 01 a coll1s·on id('·1mpJct beam) in the door:. hclp rC)1:.t intrusion o~~ttuekltte~.~-.----------------~ A l 9'l 3 T crccl mixl<.•ls Jrl' J\ .l1IJb~c "1lh opt1on~1I our-.\ hl'CI ABS. 1or imprO\ l'<I ::.h:l•ring rnntrol during ak n .. on slippcf) suriJCl..,, km.~1· 1 S·l1tt>r. four-c., lind1.: 1. )ln!-ill' o'uhl'ad m (\\Cl\e·\Jl\C en'-1ne orr..:-r .. cb:tronK tucl nwrnon 1or spiriwd 1x:rtorm,1nce Jnd excellent m1 l .1i-;I!. \Vith an aluminum h1.•Jd Jnd c.:isHron loci.., the engine olier> 82 hp at 5,200 rpm and 89 b ·It torque at 4,400 rpm lhl' T creel tv. o-door ~t.111<1.lrd l'dan teams tht• I S· tl·r engine "1th J lour SfX't•J m.rnual , tr.J r rn1s-.ron. The D>. .1nd LE modC'ls 01for a standard fiH' pl'<.'d manual tr.rnsmb.,ion ,rnd an optional tJir1. "iked autom.lt c. T ,, !J's 36 month )b lluO-m1le ba~ c ne .. v-\ch1dc r.m.· I \\Jrranr appl1l"> 10 .ill componl'nts other trun normal \".Cilr and mainlt'OJfl(l' 1tC'ms • .Wd :ion JI GO month limitc-d .. , arr antic:. co' er flO\H rtrain for &0.000 mill•) and corr<h1on MASTERS IN NATURAL GLAZING Saturday, Febru 20 1993 • # 1 CENTER for 14 YEARS! FuU S.rvtce Detail Shop • 3-year Guarantee • Ehmlnates Waxing • Excellent For Clear Coats • The more you wash It The better 1t looks • Interior Cleaning • Fabric Protection • Engine Cleaning • Hand Washing p!: •ior.11 on \\-1th no m1ll'J~c hm1tation To ota d1.J Cl'> hJ\C compll•t1.• detJlls on th<' l1m1ted .iummatic transmb~ion ·1111: 1 CA . AWM CASS I MCR llt8C303 M,395 93 FORD RANGER'S •: ~ -m re ~ 0«':9D f NJ 7' P!u 1 smti•. 110 Ir.'»'\ .. 0l)D4 ~ t .'Ult l'T. l f~ -;-.e ..... " iw.» ·a BUICK LE SABRE Fu.LY LOADED. M:, CASS , CAUISE I MOREi STI( 11112tt 12.1.c1on $8,795 'II FOllJ •ST LXCONI. I 93 FORD FESTIVA1S FOR OF1· ··DODGE CARAVAN SE .... CABRIOLET 90 FORD f 250 '11 FORD T·BIRD '89 HONDA · PRELUDE '92 FORD BRONCO XLT '90 ACURl LEGEND COUPE Y7UlllO,M:•IX.KR.AMf¥ HllPOWCR ~CASS & M~fR{O MOONOOQ & a.:nt.J• 0 fUUYLOADl:O OlW lAHKS ~NTAl.IU~ ~.IUITAlAll r\A.lH()t.0{0 lHTHr:R& ~I lll0315DeMllOt STlilMO:US lC'1Vnt11 s1uo•1M01f0\ll91t (7XllW ,,. •1112S0\1117j $9.695 $10,795 $10,895 . $17,995 $19,795 THEODORE · ROBIN 2060 HARBOR BLVD. OF CARS, COSTA ~ESA • (714) 642.:0010 ' :! . • : 11 -I I I I e I I I I I t I J • I I I ; ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-1 ~ I I I I ~ -----·-- I I I :~ •.' Mission Vil..'JO Imports 1s proud tQ announce the arrival of Mer-corporates and electric defrosting element. "The ~OOCE Cabrio- cedes-Benz, ftrst four-passenger comertible in more than two let combines the fun of a convertible and practicality of a four- decade) ·-the ne\'. 300CE Cabriolet. Based on the 300CE seat coupe with all the safety and engineenng qual1t1es o( a Coupe, the Cabriolet introduces a safety system feataring a stur-Mercedes-Benz," said Mission Viejo Imports' general manager, dx, out-of-view roll bar, standard driver and passenger air bags Louise Murphy (pictured with sales manager Pat Bolter). Test and a l.ugc rear window, which is made of curved glass and in-drive one at Mission Vic10 Imports, 28701 Marguerite Parkw;iy. ACURA HUlfll«iTON IEAaf ACURA ac.i a..m & r.-DMlt 19131 8Ndl El., So d Galfilld .... ACURA MZ~ CADILLAC MAIERS CADtUACllUICtc Sales • SeMce • Leasilg Hart>or BIYd 01 Cws, Cosu Mesa 714/MO-fH>O Au.EN CAOIUAC HONDA COSTA mA HONDA "Your Local Honda Dealer" 2111 Hllbot 81\id, ec.. ...... 431-5050 BMW TRADE-INS ·-.... .... ceasrs PllSI r.ABRDET a.Nat. ... 91111 4 Dr, Air. Ca, f .a W111r I Aia.•Or.~ r.---.'1Kll ~ C2JINOOI) ~ '2f'TN!Glt -q-"95 S9,995 'aBMW '15BMW 10RRI '•NISSAN 325 7351 UEllCllff 300ZI s SPO. .... ladil Nlill Ml,AAm~ ..,, PGll S1 0 995 S1 -CREVIERGBlv\W SANTA ANA AUTO MA e. L Ui gel pmmal. LEXUS lD\JS Of war .. tlii In,_ HIM of ()angt Cl¥ly ~ lor lmmldil• DeMlyl 22 F"'f 118Ndl SW 714-m.-; 211<9'6·- 17K ... Ml,AliMm ~C., loldl10.. ~ ..,.,,'" s14 995 S1 -, ........... SalD 835-3171 (55fWr. E-.J OLDSMOBILE AU.EN Ol.D9MOaE 11 " OrVQI ei.ny s.n o.oo r,....," ,_., ~ H9'll 112 ... NOAll REEVES COASTA&. ACURA ~~ ~Selecton --H.11>ot 8MS o~ FWy, CO. lliiiiim2JOO I 1 In Orange C(Ufy °"OO-fMWl)'-11 AYflY, ~ Nt-0800- PINSKEHONDA S-.·-S.~L~ 13750 8llc:tl Bhd. w.mr.. 11~1'7·Tm ------------TWRNLB·u.------1t----m:Aett Ol090el:E TUSllt ACURA WE WNfl TO BE II AGAIN IN 19121YOOU. SAVE t.OlEI S FIMWIJ. JM'CloM 11._. .. ALFA ROMEO IEACH MIORT1 30 ~ c.r.t DrM T~ CA 92680 71 ~ "Now loaMd In the Tutrln .WO~ AUDI TUTTLE CUCK Al.IOI 40 Aao C..r Dn111 IMle 472.7400 • CAE'f!EA lllW EICIWI •lldClll ol ntw & CMllAly ~ 8MWa .i.ayt in s10Ci. Sain. SeMce ~ Edrvw 111 S5 F....-.y S.. A19AaoMal13s.3171 SAOOLDACK lllW 4SO .. ld IM'tl • , :zoo SfEAIMO MOTORS LTD. EICUNI BMW DEALER Salls · SeMce • l.Mq 1540 JambotM ~ 8eldl. MN444 SADDLE BACK Sales Leasing Service Parts IRVINE AUTO CENTER 1 ·800·831 ·3377 714·380· 1200~ The Ultimate in Customer Service ... The Best Selection the Be l crvice and our price will convince you. TIU' ULTIMATE DRJVlNG MACHINE NeltlpMt Beadl & ITERUll llOllllS, LID. The Ultimate In Customer Service 140,__ ~ ..... ~ ........... ...._,_ 640-6444 BUICK MMUll i'D.<MM LAC Sllee • llm!O • StMCI 2IOO HMlof M... c.. .... 11w..f1• M'.AIQN IUla( co. tOt Ho Otlnd 1#1 S.ru AM 147.f111 Nabers Cadillac & Buick Where there's ALWAYS A great deal going on. Sale • Service • Lea ing 2600 Harbor Blvd. Of (Jrs Costa Mesa 540-9100 MCUM CADIUAC mRUHG Since 1939 TUS1rl ldtJ C... 7U/731~. CHEVROLET Al.LEN KANE CHEVROUT Hew& Vied • 7&00 W.mnatr 1 btlt* Wiii of a..cti BhdlM-m3 CONE.l CH£VAOlET Siies • Serva • lMS1ng • Pw 2828 ~ BM! • Colli Mesa S4f.1200 0£Ull0 MVAOl.ET ·GEO Olaity Silts & SIMce 'Tht Natl ~II 11 Town· 11211 BNch BM! • Hlnfl!llon BNch M7.a7 GUARAKfY CH£VAOlET .<iEO 711 E 11111 Sl. Situ Mi m 1111 JOE MACMASON CHEVAOLET 21 A&.coC..rOf . hr. •1222 CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH ATW CHRnl.ER.fllYllOU'TM ~ 9odr Slq> a!OStr\w Sain, SIMce, Parts·~ I Olyt 2929 H.tlc>t !IMS, CCIII Mesa 3 Bts S ol Sin °"00 F l'W'f o" Hllbof &Nd Mf.1134 HUNTINGTON IUCHCHRYSLER Pl YMOUTH 16661 8Mch 81\od Hll'lfl!llon 8Mch S blocQ So °' ~ Fwy 1424131 SAHT AAHA CHlt'YSLERASUZU 1405 Aao Mal Or, SaruMI S41'"71 DODGE TUTTLE CLICK DOOGE <IO AIAo Center [)I • 1Mll l»l* HUNTINGTON IEACH DOOOE 11 VNI COHVERSOH HEAOOUAATERS 16566 BMcl'l 81\od Hin~ 8Mch 112 mi 10U11 ol flt .o5 Fwy 714-MM.$15 TUTTlE CUCtt TIJST1N DOOGE 40 AIAo Ctnltt Dmt l Ullin nMIOO AllAS DOOGE 2925A HM110r Blwd Com Mm 5•6-193• FORD m>JONOFOAO t2118Mch8twd ~Pail! 521-3110 J0£ MACPHER$0N FOAO 2 Al.Co Cera• DrM. T Ullll 132·»00 TUTTLE CUCll fOAO 43 Aao c.r. DrM m. 472-6200 THEOOOfl£ ROiie f()fl) 20eO Halttof Btwd eo.a....... Ml•10 TEARY YORK FORD Still• StMCe • ~ • Pw •Body Repair 1 l2S5 8Mch BM! Hlnllglon 8llc:tl Ma.a11 Serving Orange County for Over 70 Years ·~ '- Service 1 SU Z U Parts Body Shop Daily Rentals 2IO lllW Blvd. of en GMC TRUCKS AU.a QllC TRUCa 11110..,..~ Sen Diego Fwy .. Mly. ll!DIN ...,.. 112 .. lllCUM ClllC l1IUCI( MD '10Mf1AC CMM&..LAC Sftt ll)t TWIM•C:.. 11•n1 .... ~~ 241DHMoflllill.C.... ..... ,. ... _ INFINITI CDIDmA...,, "'WIMI 1 locll Otalet'' ........... c.. ... . ·~-· ... ,., 714oMM• MY fUOOOE HONDA Salls• S.MCI • ~ • Plltl • Body Repu IMltAl.loc.r. 11W30-1'00 AOGEJI llll1EA HONDA Salee • SIMce. OecGIM 19232 BMcll Bhd, HinllglOll BMdl . .,.115t HONDA SANTA AHA 2114E F,.Sl,S.ruAnl 5'7.-S HYUNDAI TVTTU CUCll HY\llDN "40 Aao C..r Onw IM'tl '7'2-7400 HlNTINGTON IE.ACM HY~DN 16661 Bc~Cll 8lvc1. HUl\llf'ICl!On Be.ch . •~2·063 t FOR $96 ONLY A WEEK CALL 642-4321 EXT. 332 ISUZU MY fl.AO(IO( llUZU Salls. s-:.. ~. Plltl. Body Res* IM'tl Al.Co c:.. 714'&30·1'000 THEOOOAE A09NS ISUZU 20IO Hllbot llhd . c.. .... 142.oGlO IOUTM COUNTY llUZ\I 11 Vol!IM Rodeo O.llr US.A 11711 8llc:tl Bhd~ Hlni9on 8eKtt M2·21DO JAGUAR IAUOIMOUNI 2001 &outt Manet.-1#1 . NII'-" f71..ao2 lllEWORT WORTI 3)(IO w c.. H"'f~ """'°" a.eta m400 BAUERJ AR BAUER:atW The #1 Dealer In the Nation in Range Rover's Annual Review Visit Us And SH Why/ BAUE R OI9Ji10JJ~ 2001 So. Manchester Ave. Anaheim, CA 92112 971-2002 JEEP HUN11NOTONJUP EMU 10751 llledl llhd ~ 8Mdl .. 1 ... OIUMQf ~ JIDUGU ~ ~•HMotllhd c... ...... ..... , .U, lllGll Ol IMTA MM ar_, t C.,._ T1...W1• Tumrcucc., uau .OMIO..Or,hilw mJim Wolida Fill Ard l.1911 Oelllr TUllln A/AO C4lnllr 114-SM-4IOO LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER * GREAT SELECTION * * Immediate Delivery * IS 400 • ES 300 SC 400 • SC 300 SC400 is now available in Ferrari Red.! Your Best Buy is In the heart of OranRe Cou111y 1 13590 Beach Blvd., Westminster Beach Blvd. at 22 Freeway . 714/892-69p6 LINCOLN/MERCURY IEACH UNCOUf·MUIOURY 1SIOO BNcn 8hd Hlnfl!llOll 8Mch 3 8locb Sol.ch al"" Sin 0. f wy .... mt COSTA MESA LINCOlH MERCURY Stitt SIMce I lNq 252' Hirtlo1 81\od c:o.. Mesa 11~540-WlO RAY FU0£IOE IJHCOUMl(RCURY Sties• StMCI • l~ • P11ti ·Body~ 714-l)O. 1'000 SANT A ANA UNCOUf.MEJICURY In Orange Colilfy SIU 1 la 29 Ai.Ao c.n.1 [)I T LeU\ S fwy 0 ~ ~J111 MAZDA IEACH MAZDA 17331 e..cn 8hd ~ 8llc:tl 2 ""' to\#1 oC tDS Fwy 714-t.Q .... CAWIEll~A 1 •2S W Blkar, Colla loleu MS.J.334 DAW> J. NUJlll MAmA ~~--va 1• S.S StMce S Fwy• Ab. Llpn Hla 117,2400 INN MAZDA l.11111" ONltr In tt. HIWI • S.111 • S.- IMlt Aao C.. m.-.o MAZOlo/WI Of 1MNA 'AM 1700 Mallctetlt1 Awe . !MN PM n.... MERCfDES ' ~MCJroM:Mt 23113 ADddilld, El TOIO 111.-e ~OIMIORTI IM2MlllCllWt1#1, bnl P• Ds.12M n.ETCMER JOHD ll>T<*MI 1301 <Ml s........., 8Mdl ltMIDI MITSUBISHI "°°"' IM.lQ ..... 11m? ... 81\id Hin~ 8Udl -.em:1•• ... nmu eta WTSUMM 31 Aao C..r DIM M1t 472-7• NISSAN CAMPtaL~~HACH 111l5 8Mdl llhd Hin~~ MH111, l....u TltnU CUC«~ Jt:tl'll l~FlMI Mot "Hltlor lM c.. ...... MN410 """'-., 1119 "l ~· ....... lOAIMJC...Or. ,.,.,...c.... IMeu llWWUllWM ... ., • c..; Dt. llwle • •1·1111 1 7331 8aedl 81\od • MltlQIOn 8-:1'1 2 mt Sol#'! ol 405 fwy 114-t.Q ... JOE MACPHEA90N OlOM>lllE 2345 H Gtllld Aw s.tu Al9 542•11 IMY£ASm OlOSMOIU I OMC TRUCK 2150 HMIOf IM Colla ..... ........ PONTIAC DAYlDJ. Ml.UPS PONTI.AC ~lity ll!My ..-va UIClt 1968 Slits s.- u~ .... 5 Fwy .Mot 137·2400 IOI l.OHGPAE PONTI.AC , 3600 8Mctl 81\od --. ... 71WG.a51 MClEAH PCJIT1AC • GlllC TIIUC. TI.An Al.Jo C.. -, 11•n1.-. IOCHWOATS 1'low kit.I*' 111 flt T U11111 Aao c.r." 30 Ai.Ao Cental OflWt T *"CA ~ 71 ... M1C SATURN SATURN Of SANT A AHA 1350 AIAO Mii [)I Sllu Are 1152.a32 SUBARU TVTTlE cucn TUSTlf SOIAAU 40 1o1Ao Clnlt1 Or T I.Siii nMIOO SUZUKI IOI lONGPM: SUMJ Now ltnmecN!e Oeh9!y M ModM 11 ~ 13600 8Mdl 8'lld •2.as1 T\ITlU CUCQ TUSTlN SUZUIU 40 Aao Cenltf Or T~ no-4IOO TOYOTA TO'fOf A Of CCJIT A liOA , ... Hlltlof Bhd c.. ...... 122.aoo JOE MACftftEA90N TOYOTA 44~C..10f. T1.9111 112.J111 llU. MAUY TOYOTA Plltl oplfl • 3 SMudly 111118-llBhd ~a..dlM7.S Wl)MTOYOTA Hows.... •• , S.111. s.-. Plt1S • l~ 1~8Nc:ll. ~IN-ml llW WOI ~TOYOTA 30UC.-Onw~-- VOLKSWAGEN ~~~ ~,.....Y.11: South County Volkswagen/lsuz FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES • SERVICE • P tf.AVICE AND PAATS Ofl£N 111-F 7AJl,•1'.M. 18711 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 142·2DOA VOLVO Saturday, February 20, 1983 •t • The vehicle: 1993 BMW 740i 1· The price: MSRP - $54,000; As tested - SSS,705 The guts: 4.Q...liter, 32-val1.e V8 with four cams, producing 282 horsepo~er and 295 pounds-feet of torque; front engine and rear-~heel drive; (he-speed automatic transmission; large, fo ur-wheel disc brakes with anti-lock braking ~ system; and indepe ndent MacPherson strut-based suspension ~ith gas-pressure, telescopic shocks and front and rear coil springs and anti-roll bars. The lineage: B~W's f ull -siLe, luxury sedan i freshened up for ·the 1993 model )'Car y, ith an all-new V8 power plant and subtle st)'ling change'>. BMW 7 40i sedan outclasses the othe r luxury cars s1mng~ .. 1nt1-r111l b.us .lllcl g.l'>·prt·~,,,urc, tcle cop c ~ 1oclii Jhsorb1:r~.: L CXU) toub its "n•lentle>:. pur>uit of pcrrect1on." "h1le lnttnit1 tnes to go onl' better hv 01icrin~ "upcrior pcrformJnce 1--.a--•-_..._.~cs-8+,•n1 ~~u1tho itself \'1 1th-c>ccclk CcrmJn <..'ngtnl'l'rtn~ .met unm a led st.1tu::. t the heart of the ""401 IS a 4.0-liter, 32·\Jl\C V8 \\Ith fou r c.1m ... producing 282 horscpo"cr ar:id 295 pounds-feet of torque This splendid pO\ .. cr plant, At more :h.111 Jr13 •1 ht.::. n kn::.:~. •he 7401 1 :oo --+-b"'lg .... t""'O,...\\m-;rtor o• fm1•101.1 Om.: r.ltl''• but 1t tu'i'lers :.urpr1:i1ngl' .,~ l I\ IL' qu.1li~, i, c'trl•mi.;I. e:rth~ lo~i,ttng ~tlfl l~l'nC<!n tht 1nhnl' 6s U>C'd 1n 8,\\\ \ > 5-scrse:. ,(•dJn'> and the hull..ing Vl 2., in 1l'!> S01L and 850(1 coupe. took .rn 1111pac..! )1.. rhor thJt un!ocl..s door:. and S\\llChcs on 1nte11• r Jnd h.in1rd lrgh~, in CJ>e o: an accident; CIUl'-C' con·r r. cc in:~r.al nd cator; on-board tom1m:~r. n: l c nornv Ind (jtar; rean~'mfo\" dctro:.tl'r • .'.I.: ' ..i~ ... cl mJte contr · ' ~., ~pJrclle con tr ob 1or lc:tt .mu n_ h1 :. U("!> fh'\' er ) •. mroo1 r't1Cro:11:l rl•cf, Jutomat1c \.Cl"'' 'r n '>'»tern that can !.>e pro gr .mimed to !>·i a:ch on"' hl•n the car i., ' The lu\Ur\ -.c-<fan ~l·~nwnt hJ) gotten a lot more Auto Review compl't1t1\ l' -and con)(.>qucntly .1 lot lx1ltl'r -O\er th<' last few )Car!l. But ror ml', the (Oniu:.1on O\Cr so mJn~ l'\tcllcn~ choice) 1n this CJtci.;or) has JU)t been cleared up. BM\\, \\Ith 11.S nC\'\ 7401 sedan. has ul•ated the b~t of all th~ ''odd.,. The .. 401 Ii.ls the lu,ury and qu1l t ridc ot a Le\ us. but doe>n 't go "° IJr that 1t 1mulatt>S the driver from the rOJd It h,\s more po\ .. cr th;rn the lntm1t1 Q45. It ha> more l'H (\thing thJn a comparably (!riced Mercedes, but ~till oiler) that wonck riul Ct:rmJn engineering ,1nd '!>t,ltU!>. In !lhort , B.\\\ V h.h '>Ct thl' nc'' standJrd for lu'<ul'\ sedans m the $40 OOO·to·S60,000 price range In fact. all thsnp con-.idt:rcd, I thsnl.. it's a better car than BM\\ '> o\\n 7S01l, \\h ch CO'>l.:i nearl $27,000 more .. C.\DI LL.\(' Cll.\\Cl\C Tll E \\.\Y 'or Tll I \h .\Btll'T .\.\I EHIC.\\ .\l"Tll~IOBl[ES. 11\C 'ear> tu dl•\ clop. • · I t "a., , .. orth the ".111. The St\·cyhndcr cngm~s u5"cd pre' 1c uslv in B.\\W '., i ·SC'r I(') mooeb \\Cf(' good p<mer pl.mb, but they didn't hJ\C the gu)to to oiler much e c1wmcnt in a 4,000-pound ~dJn. The nc" V8 ha' nearly .1!. much J>O\\l'r as B<\1\V's \'1 2!>, but it b tighter, mort: fuel ct11c 1ent and ~Ce!'!h morl' r.:-.ponsi\c. Thl' 7 401 leJ1» Imm Zl'ro to (,Q male> per hour 1n ., 1 !lC'Conch, and 1t\ rt·p~ rtcdly capublc or an l•k•<..tron1<..1ll~ l11111ted top speed 01 149 mile> per hour 11·~ .11)0 good to l..no" 11 }ou're cl.iring enough lo l>u r!'>ue '>Ulh ~ix·L·d-. th.lt thl' -Hl1 hJs grnul brJl..c:. It Ml> large -rwarh a h>ol in di.HTil ter -four·\\ hcd d1,c hrJl..l~ '"th .1 ~t.llld.ird .rnt1-lock brJking ~>))tern. Tlw car's 15-inch r .1di.1b. s1k'<..'cf·,Cn> ti c l>tecrin~ Jnd indep<.•ndl•nt sulopen .. ion Cfl'.llC Jn (''cellcnt ro.1d feel. The <.u)p<.·rhton k·atur1:::. MacPherson )truts and double-p1,01 lm\l'r .um, in the front, · semi-traahn~ arm::. 1!" the reJr and iront and rear <.:o'I (Of • 11,1l10 01 t l' nl'g.tt\e sde, \0 . ...'11 hJ\C to j)J\ J Sl ,300 g.1s {., zilu ,.,, -tl.1; -.;o t;l~ a repont.·d 1u Ql 1..:> per gJllon m th dm in.:; Jnd 2 2 mile:. per gallon on tllC' hit..:h" ,1\ -but then .1~Jin, th :. cJr docs have a \ 8 It .1lso gl'I JU>t ,h m.im mile:. per i;allon J:. B\\\\ '> ~"·C\l1mk r 5351 In Ul''1gn m.: the ... 401':. e'tt.·r Jr, 8\\\\ d1dn l ~ tO\> f .ir ,l\\ ,1\ I rom tlw cfa,~:c good lool\s of tfw llrl'\ 1<.>U'>·~1.: rwr .lli<>n i 351 l hl• l' ,tL'rtOt loo~ \\ .b lfl..'">ht:lll'd VJ> \\Ith .l 1\ lcfl'r u.'nll•r grdle and nl'\\ alloy '' hvd> . T ill' 7401\ 1nt1.•r1ur tflo::.1gn 1::. .11 .. 0 l:3\l\\'c:q~1l.'­ cti1cicnt. tomtort.1blt• and unclultl rcc.J. 1 hl• c.ir h.i::. a long b t 01 ':ancl.:trd interior i1.:Jtun..'.::., inclucl1n~ JX.1\\ l'r, td(•:.1...0p ng >IL o.'ring \\heel; 10·',\.1\ po-.,t.·r trunt 'l'Jts; three nH:mon ~cuing) ior the dm...r'!-~c. t, ~tccring ,dwel. rront )eJtl l·lt height .rnd ous ck• mirror!>, elm~ r·~-J!ld pJ~n;er-sitle .1 rb.1.,: ; •.id1u>!.1blc rl'.H hcJd rc:.!rJint!>; pO\\Cr locks ,rnd m rror . pO\\l.'r \\lttdo.\:-' :hone-touch il·.ituH.' gorgeou' lc.\thcr uphob•cr\; \\,1:nut in:craor trim, rear Cl·n:er Jrm:c : \\ :h ,:o•J;,' compJrtm1.:n: ~lJflcl ng, 1 O·)jX'Jker >lcreo \\ lh Ca.55ette., and pre·\\ ring for trunk-mountl•<.l CD plJ~ er and cellulJr phorw \ '. 1:h illl tho 0 creJturt~ com:orr'>. and the one) I c.Ldn LJbL th.it dot!ll t 1c.l ., ,my(:!l-1-00rn ior option-. 1\\ Jrl.lble <>pt1on~ indudc J rnJtn'.t:nancc plan $1,950, L0ll'ctron1c. damping cvntrol S 1,470). a $1,i95 1ncll'ffil nt ''l'Jthl•r pJcl..Jge that consists ot ,1u:om.1t1c !>1,p wntrol, !>ki ·saci.. and heated '>l?J~. .rnd a u•llul;,ir phCJnc anq Sl\·d1x. CD changer both 01 \\ta '"h ,tr(' cfeJlcr-tn)tJllC'd C\tr ch T hi.! -40 I !C:.tNJ iOr th S arl1c1e didn't ha\e Jm \>pt1on.1l l'qu prncm ll had a te>t price ot SSS, -os J"1:r Jcf l ng c!dt\l'!'\ and thC' ~J)·g<JZzler • t.l, t ~hl c.1r' bJ)l'~pr ce ul SS-t ,000 ~ ltrn: mor\ ~han 111 prcb:ib' l'\l'r to be Jbl.:? tu spend n <' c.ir b ... t for thv":>c :ortunat~ :e, .. \"ho can ,i:!Ord' I l 1l nth&:• prtCe fJnsc, the ~4Q1 I) ~lr.'lp \ the I l 't lu ur, sc·dan on the l'nJri.et. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J • '1 ...... 1. QUALITY USED CARS At \8/ue Prices-Hurr y '8 7 STH AVENUE '8 5 RIVIERA ~ .. , . ·." . . ~ ..... ...... ' - SUPER SAVINGS ON ,, l. Untl now some thought L.i~UI'; mports .,.,are oetter engnee ea '84 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM lo,. m.le• P.' a p "" tttt, c111iH . 1.000 1r11na c'" 'v~ mMl)u t''t•As "I! ~ LOii< m•lea, many ••tras. t<t llO•e ,.., 1 super Mw!re> ... _,. SUPER eoWL ~ COURTESY CARS!! CHANGE Introducing the Cadillac $e\1lle STS with the Northstar S)Stem At it's heart is a 295 HP v.a 50 advanced IS ON THE It's first scheduled tune i;p 1s at 100.000 m1:es at 60 mph, 1t s road sensing suspens on reads the contour 9f HORIZON the road one inch at a time. FtJrther enhaoc ng drr.er confidence, traction control helps hm1t unwanted ~'heel spm an any speed. And dual airbags complements the inherent safety for the Se~ 1 e STS. v.h1ch e\en passes 1997 federal Side Impact Standards . CHANQINQ TNt -YOU nmnt AIOUf AMERICAN AUTOMOBILESt SEVILLE STS AND ELDORADO TOURING COUPES IN~. 1 .,,,,., .. '89 BUICK LE SABRE 11 ., I Cl'O•e . $4988 . $4988 '89 COUGAR '89 NEW XR-7 YORKER su~<e"IN&ed """''<t, urv fu , , , , ... a~o~s A tl\fe lftOStle '""' 72 '89 CADILLAC '89 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE · ELDORADO UN e1toys ,int cono ... ,..,. $1.0,988 '91 CADILLAC SEDAN OE VIU.E l °* '"' • ""' " c.a,.1 .... ' .J ti>' ._, A I ml.I( •• ,-.. .. . WE BUY USED, CLEAN, LATE MODEb AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS ... NABERS BUICK has been cho en, t>t>caus" 0111 g•eat tocat•on tull seNIC f cihlles and reputation tor out tand1ng cu<.tom-•r <.a(t.-.tac11or. as YOUR DEALERSHIP to take ad" ntag or 1 St> outs ta ng value~ -h•S • 'ou• chance 10 buy a Qua' ty Bu•cio. automob•ln at much r ate· than nor ma sav nos Choos' trom Par!.. Avenue LeSabf Ct>f11U•\ Roadmac:ter Rea~ or°""'' ta·i.. E XAMPLE O F S AVINGS: 1993 BUIC K Le S ABRE (U Jl1.201 Mlle ) ' ' , I . I QUALITY! ''Hyundai Offers Performance And l)urabiUty At An Affordable Price!" 1993 HYUNDAI SONATA. • Power Ritck & Pinion SreerinO SALE PRICE .......... $13,993 :~~:·=~;;;rs CASH REBATE ........ $1 ,000 • Recbneno Fron! Bucket SeatS NET COST • AM/FM Stereo Casseae • Rur Child Salety locks gzfy s 12 99 3 24 month or 24,000 FREE SERVICE! 24 MONTH FR.EE SERVICE! "You won't find Tercel, Sentra or Civic with this FREE Maintenance olTerl'' 1993 Hyundai Elantra ·-(036205) • Air Conditioning • full Wheel Covers SALE PRICE .......... $10,043 • Recl1n1ng Front Buckat Seats • AM/FM Stereo Cassette ·Remote Release IOf Fuel. Hood & ()ed(Jld • Dual Remote Control Mirrors 2' MO#TH or 24,000 FREE SERVICE/ CASH REBATE .. n • ......-...$7~ NET COST ONE $ ONLY ECONOMY! "Hyundai o.lf ers more car for kss money tban tbe competition/." .. ,1993 Hyundai Excel • Rack·and·P1nion S1eenng $165 • Power Disc Brakes ONE per •Full Wheel Covers • • • Reclining From Bucket Seats OHL y month • FOid-down Rear Seat •Dual RemoteM1rrors and #0 MONEY DOW#! 24 llOllTll Of 24,000 Ille Yo•t $51111,,.,,.,. .. Don! FREE SERVICE! .... s,,. ...... -.......... s...-.. ""'~ __ ._,.... ..... .__,......,,..._ ... llf\--~ .. ~ VALUE! "If yoa'tt in t/Je mariet for a Honda, Nissan or Toyota ... !Jere's IJotr to -.ave tlJoasands of do11an/'' ~-· ·-· .. ·:;. ... ~. ·.--. .. ~ - 1993 Hyundai Scoupe SALE PRICE ... $11,493 CASH REBATE .... $500 -NET-CO • AM/FM Stereo Caasett• • AutomatJc Transmi$SIOl"t • AK Condttlomng •AlloyWbeels • Power Steering • Ca.rpeted Floor Mats 24 •O#TH Of 24,• FREE SERVICE/· gz~; s 10,993 Every:aew 1993 Hyundai automobile come• with sclJedaled •entice and maintenance at NO CHARGE For 2 years or 24,000 miles!* All '93 Hyundais Include a 3-Year/36,000-Mile Bumper-to-Bumper Limited Warranty, Hyundai Roadside Assistance, a 5-Year/60,000-Mile Powertrain Limited Warrarty and a 5-Vear/100,000-Mile Anti-Perforation limited Warranty. 13600 BEACH BLVD. WESTMINSTER . Beach Blvd .. and 22 Freeway ... Cover Home Presented By Gisela Burmeister REMAX South County, Newport Beach S11 Pa11 17 For More l"forMa/io" A Special Advertising Supplement V ol.17, No. 8 F eh. 20, 1993 ~ \ ·. ' L t '.l.l f.Pe t o~ v:isuido~ YAOAUTA2 PAGE 2 / SA1URDAY, February 20, 1993 'ti :J LEESBU'RY COURT • Over 1/2 Acn Eatate Prope11y • Award Winning Pool & Sp!! • 5 BR, S SBA. 3-Car G8lll8" • Ouutandwg Tropical Landac:ipang $2,500,000 207 EVENING CANYON • Pr .. 1181ous Sbott our. Prop.-ty Sit• on Nearly 1/2 Acre Parcel • Backs to Canyon • Harbor View• Low Tall Base an Mature Neighborhood $2,125,000 NEWPORT BEACH • 4 Bed.room I 4 O.lh • Pier A Slap for 3 Boal& • Gated Co mmunity • Voted l!Mt Buy!!! $1 oso ooo Lea1ehold O 11c: IAO A2. J~ AT20:hH0kJ .; • • NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE 4-4 LINDA ISLE • Appn>ll lOI OD ..... Water • o.. or the Larpt Lou..,. U.d.I .. ,. • Full Sau Pool • Sea • 4 BR. 48A • l CarWfllt SZ.11:t ... l..ee•t..ld 11 CHATHAM COURT • Cluak: Elepnoe • Deconbve l\ODM1l Pool • 2 RR. 2 1$ BA. Oeo • Gourmet Khcheo I formal Dlnlnt SHS,000 NEW LISTING '1to COllTI! POaTOtlNO ...... .,.... .... _ _.._ ....... ........ MORE LISTINGS It O OWU'Y LANE • ~ ......... -MllAM.I> ., .. .......-.l .... _ 2171 PACIFIC AVI. • 1~.\ .... V.... .... _ 9715 PORT IOY AL ....... c-. .............. 1•1 W. Mec:AlntU& • a-..n .... a-.-. 17171 AaM>l.ADA • aa..n ...... a...-.-. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PJLOT I REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE EXTRAVAGANZA! BALBOA COVES S.Uly1·5 S..U,1·5 BALBOA PENINSULA Suay1·5 BAYSIDE DRIVE SUU,1·5 BAYVIEW TERRACE Slt/Stl• 1·5 BIG CANYON S.Hly 1·5 s.Uy1·5 BLUFFS Slt/$411 2·5 Sit.ray 1·5 BONNIE BAY HIGHLANDS ...., 1·5 CAMEO HIGHLANDS S..ay1·5 CAMEO SHORES .....,1.5 CORONA DEL MAR s..a,1.5 ....,,.5 .....,1.5 S.US-1·5 S.US-1·5 COSTA MESA ...,1.5 DOVER SHORES S.VS-1·5 S.US-1·5 HARBOR VIEW HILLS S.U,1-4 ~t/Sm 1·5 HARBOR VIEW HOMES Sit/Sii 1·5 IRVINE TERRACE S.VS-1·5 LIDO ISLE ·5 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Sltllm1·5 NEWPORT SHORES .....,1.5 .....,1-S SAN fUAN CAPISTRANO .....,1·1 SEAFIARE .....,1·5 SPYGLASS s.t/1191·5 VlLIA BALBOA .....,, .. 1111111uCnes llalMIClftS SDI£ Oca9frttt 21 .. Ctlll} 3 C.,..ratt CllCM 25 "-lr1tll D1caJ 221n ... GVlstas.rt. 312 Vista s.rta 2312 Fr11elsct 734c ... ...., •• 4S01 fllrftelll 211''"' 4MDMll1 2525 OC8111 C-1 •CI Dirts CAlllrts 1711 .. bdet 11mP11w 1m111rt ... 12%7 hltll• 2I01 """"9tw 1711,111W .......... 2D15 ....... Ttn1a $689,000 $799,000 11sse1 mg,ooo Hlrtll11 $1 ,095.000 Scblllet $449,000 Rtdl $699,000 Fester $879,500 o.tn/81rff IJ $370.000 •t111n $310,000 SWl1all $459,000 Jean $699,000. swa.t• $1,295,cm SU $749,000 Maney $439,000 Mcllfftp• $135,000 lpc• $339,000 LJK' $389,000 ,,.. .. 1$ $439,000 '9tlnH $2, 795,lni Jt.... $529,000 Jtaa $1,049,CQ> ......, $825,000 , .... ,,,.,.. $410,000 ...... $1,395,000 --VlaJllme_ ___ _..,,.. __ ~000 04 SI.ta Ala ... 115C...lt OSU..lt IM71vt.F .... muu.a.-n11 ..... ,... ... $49,a Ct Jiii $339,000 C.-Slal ...... ,.... $1 .-- --szss.• .,,,111 .. 11.-.- Mllt $224,- SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 3 BAYFRONT PROPERTIES En1oy baytrom living a: 11S finest 60-teei ot doci.: Iii ih1s rar~l-J ava l2'l ~ 0f'Cl.lve ~· ·2 'lomes Comoie:ely re'.irtished A or 0ue pr"lle~) • S1,790,(D) VIEW PROPERTIES nus newly remodeled home otters 180 degree ocean. bay & city hghts views' A pr·vate spa highlights lh1s 38R 3BA floor ptari $825,CXIO GATED COMMUNITIES Small pnce for largest lloor plan 1:1 Ba~iew lefTD 38R. 2 ~. maslef Y1'1ft retreat Ftsntly room orrnte 3111 Oet3Ched seomry garage ...... PAGE 4 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTAlE PRIVATE CmlPO•D • WUllTA SS,995,8DO Fabulouscompoundwrth 1tsown povate gale ollers200 fl of oceanlront footage on Vtcior1a Beach. Each home may also i., sold separately DOYERSHORES CUSTOM IAYFIUllT $2~715,0lll Remodeledcustom twostoryhomeonbayw1lhdoc:X Largeindoorpool 5BR great view across bay to Fashion Island. BAYFRONT CARJIATION COYE $1,975,000 Build your dr~ home' One Quarlef acre on Ole water with pr1va1e beacn Mosl presllg1ous locauon in CDM P1et & doci< permit BIG CANYOI GOlfER"S DREAM $1,395,000 I he l)Jmbef ooo ·premieL 1ocanorun.81g Canyoo-targe pen1rn1Uta-lol - w11h 180 h of goll course frontage on 14th and 1 ~ holes BEAUTIFUL LINDA ISLE One of !he largest lots on Linda Isle Pnvate pool & spa Room lor oo· yacht ~1 be porctwed lease hold or lee sz.1a.a HARBOR RIDGE VIEW SIT! $1.215.000 · One of a ktnd ClP(>Oftu111ty to build your dream home in this Pfesllgtous . private community Plans available Trade considered. MARIWA &Olf & COOORY CLUB $1,llD0,8DO Goll c001se View on 1311 la1rway complelely f\Jrn1shed. highest QOahty constrti:bon This home is truly a special ottenno SPECTACULAR VIEW IN LA&UllA $995,CIJO En1oy white water and city ltghts views down Ole ooasthne Item ti1s contemparary 38R 38A home localed tn walk111g d1S1ara to t>ea;h. JWU -SAi llEGO COUITY $975,CIJO 9-ac1e estate tn Ile scemc Pine Hills area ot .l.lltan 6,000 sq n home, 5-car garal)I! bam conal orchard pasture I OWNER MUST SEL1·12 •ITS $IQ,. Oon toassthesebyl All2BR lBA andarorox1mately$W<aund F11st I I 0 I $6361< s assumable plus !he rer may carry or ~ SUPERB UDO LDCA TUii $895,• 1 Wonderlulhomel01enterla1nmg ~10!13011 deeO Viewolbaylrcm master 5BR 3 SBA A must see'" I OCEAN VIEW. IWllOR VIEW HILLS $825.• 1.:.r et serel'.e cul de-sac lot.llfon Vrews lrom all ma101 rooms lmmac tall! "rid t•on A must see' CUSTOM I NEWPORT HEIGHTS $119,CIJO ...ies11a:i1~ 5BR 3BA residence with ocean v~w lrom INS!er suite Marbil:! rrirrors a]'O wood plus tn· law QUarters 3·car oaraoe NORTH LAGUNA $199,CIJO Comoletely remodeled 4BR 4BA lam1ly home Walking cl1s~nce IO ~h ocean views from large master su11e CAMEO HIGtl.MDS VIEW $&99,. 38R h<1!le With ocean Vtl!W located next 10 161ti fairway of Newt>orl CoaSI Povate beach netgtboltlood Very <J.net & p11vate BOAT PARADE SPECW. S&&t,• Beaut1fulh<me on bays1de ot Pemnsulaw1lh great bay views l1reolas & income uOll kitty comei to Quiet bay beach SOUTH Of lllHWAY IN CDM $Q9,IDJ Nice coaage tn great locatlOn 3BR 28Ahone ¥w 11 sunnyyaro a~ Da' o Near loot bndge. Owner must set I Make olferr LOOllll FOii A COSTA MESA 4·PLEX? SUA,900 Now IS lhe bme IO boy Dlese UOlts All 2BR. 1 BA some 1tw11l mQJnla•n Y1eWS and calhedtal cethngs Fully renled ner ¥1111 carry 111 CAJIYlll MCLAIN $405,IDJ Glamorous 2BR towrl\wse on the 41h !airway o1 Pll!Sllgtous Bt0 Canyo Goll Cc..irse t-t;ge masler su11e and bath overlooks 1h1s beauMut vtew SAi .IUAll CAPISTIWIO CUSTOM $395,000 Charm oalore in 1h1s newer Victorian on !Ml 1 /4 acre 3BR 2 58.\. lor~I dining room w11ti bay window hardwood lloors 3-c.ar garaoi-"'lh RV storaoe. ouest hoose 80LF COURSE VIEW • PUCUTIA $311,• Beauti~IJM PeErs ·Fairways· home, 3BA 2 SBA l>WltatJonsi'lJcefs On first fairway ol Alta Vasta Country Club EASTSIDE CHAlllU $315,a Outstanding remodel on large corner lol has !he look of Oleold m1xe<h11Cl new Large bonus room can be~ room 011n exua ~rage FCMllTAll VAWY FAMILY HOME $314,IOO •BR 3BA.2-stocy. new klthen marble entry and hreplace wer bal 1n ~rty room. cul-de-sac street Large ya1d IEWPOllT IUCH BEAUTY $339,000 Great 3BR home in Newpof1 Shores 2·StOfY, lee land on bestsUeet in lhe shores frenchdoM tresti~mt&l.C)Oraded~11chen valedselers BAYVIEW TtlUIACE $333,000 Lowestprrce detached home tn 8ayv1ew Super comer toea•.on Very I ~l'I and bright 6 )WS old bl.·lt by Pe.leis 2BR 2BA ~ano se111 - WOIOEIFUL FAMILY HOME · $299,. 2·st()fy48R WalkloHu•11rigtonC~11aJPa'( or1·112m ~Ullet>-:h Very large tireplace CAMEO SHORES·CDM SPECTACULAR SOUTH COAST IHlllES $251,000 26R plu: I OP ~ r undo •Ill g.allO tnb'llU NII Souri wu· stxwino WfY •QI ~'Y large JOIClOUS condo BAYVIEW TERRACE r allJlous ~ ror;; 1>0« ~rt>ot to t.Jgunund Pltlan Us Goll Courw leR home on flls ~ site O'ttrloGa. ng U. Id t111.• SPECTACUUR SUFAll $255,a V ~ rllO tBR 28A1.0fnefoenttiou,.nn03~community to ~e3" ti' -y !ti'~~ POOi ind S'9 [OJOY WM ol pOOI EXCUJSIYE UlTllG 111 TME IWFf1 $2M,l50 E.<pansive VltW ol 9reen0t ., ~* Otr1ilcl 28A 1 BA I w I a~oaraoe COli'Dit! yrem ltd k1tt.n baf'IS Frtrc dclols c.iroa & marl' 1 LAG .. A AUDUBON WITH VIEWS $235,• Home b.lt LO Nl.IJ•e ~!\ Ver; Ol'•Yilt loclbon 38R 2SA haHtto.iOd OQ'S 't.IJil&..1 te1l1ngs f Is \e CUSTOM HOME IN TUSTIN $235,• ~ lSAllOme!Jlp11mec.i ~ IOQ' on CloselDIChoob A Ir .iys Ow rr~tv • Wll ry2nd T 0 OCEAN VIEW IN VIW IAUQA SZZA,• Th s IS h best pr ad ocun v.r-; ~ u~t 1n h tOmOlex. ldlll IO« eQ ry ~ll'IQ "l rr..ulilf su tM huge dasets brgt WTS. COSTA MESA $211,-~y toiyootorn..ivein lhis38R B BAt nh0mehas2~replas Olior.tlOn stlutiers ~le lloors na.i• al colOrs' ·in c:lotlU lOWlltOUSE DI THE llW:FS·CM $115- Remodeled 2BR 2 SSA condo his oty & ocean ' Two-w garage secuNy OJ S Yat !.ed I ng IOOn\ .-iti f f'C)IQ MOYE·lll PERFECT 11 •VlllE $1M,• uwe tlOse to~ and OOMt cki>I Gorgeous tow~ leal.lm naitral decnl ~tabon shoi:a 2<¥ aaached omgt. ---1---4 EXQUISITE TUSTll IWICM $559,a Bener Ulan a model absolutely sllnntng J M Peleu Alme11a G~ lrc.1110~ and Ile bes! Ol .IJOOladu --.-: ...... TA MW Ciiivii"UICE S1•• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38R 1 758A ()(I large lol 1 ;,ar.1ge w, 10 ~ CIO:se IO beactund COUtty 10 ~~·"'9 Cent11 VINTAGE NEWPORT, IEACOle BAY $5'7,SGG Wondtrtil lam1ly home w11tl goes& aoanment P11VJle tennis COUit t:e.xhes and 3 docks lof ~ Bay ownlf S PmNT DR MAR Ill CORCllA DEL MAR $511,• Prtde ot nersht0 Shows ltke a model tloo1e 2BR plus den Ligttllnd atry Arr concl1t1oned built-in cabtnets some kJtn1ture mcluded LUGE LDT • SOUTH COii $451,• 2 totiaoes on eitra wide 40l118 lot in nice locabon Boll 29R 1 BA homes. A.SSttne loan Owntt ~ ! IEWPOIT CRIST VIEW Stuor.ng 28R end unit home Light brighl ~n ftQCll Ocean View W•A •GUEL OCEAI VIEW S2IO,• 38R, 28A ~on QUlel cul ·de-sac Celllral a r f1rePIQ 111 cxuy living room Clo3e 10 beach ~no. "®no For~ COSTA MW IM.Plll $251.- k!ullys1llalld Mfl nwalkingdtSWalo tnangleS(JJa!t 38A,28Ar.r house lof ltSidtlC OWNf Ind~ 18A incane Uftit 1n front TOWIHOME II ALISO VIEJO $1~ L I pr(ed 38R lnlAI 3eJI lem CQl'Ml.lflly v. ti POOi spa *1nis trails l1~1 & b11ght wtU ...aADEDTOW1111•111.1. $171.• 2 s10fy 38R 2 SBA 1-<al OlllOI • I uroon PtrlKt qradld lo tie max• New llJC)IQrus & bl~ Fittotu. ~. * We have a world of reso urces to make your move a successful one ... 65,000 buyers and sellers are referred annually. \ NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT j REAL ESTATE 3TA c I lu I , V A I :_,;j J.J t"' I 7 lV't llAYllllT AU $1,950,000 Your O*fl p11vate sandy beach dock and soace Iota large house and a s-ai 0i1raoe COMPOUllO IN WllllTA $5,995,000 f abolouscompoundw11h its own private gate offers 200 It of oceanhon1 lootage on Victocia Beach Each hooie may also be _ __....._...__. sold separately Pltrtda ll••Jlft m-mo WllATICllCOVE $1 ,175,000 ~1ld your dream heme' One C).laller acie on tie wa1er v..tl prwall bexh° MOSI pt1Sl1g1ous location 111 COM Pier & dock penM llAllOI VIEWS llUS ... l ...... Extra large lot SBA. 38" Sonny COU11yatd 1n Ir()((, central Alf,, bey & French w1ndoln oa!Oft On ea Buy lcsd ...,......, 111-?m c ..... MlllHI 72'-7250 WE PARCEL $1,350,000 8ay1•nnt w ltl ccmmercia a"d ri?Stdenbal 10nu19 50 It lrort age 19611 d!ePIObay Includes permit tor new doc to accom modate 2 laroe boats McCIHlpl 721- <.t ~ATURDAY. F~bcy~ry 20, 1993 I PAGE 5 NORTH LAGUNA $&99,000 Complerely remodeled •M •BA 1¥111ly home WalklOIJ d~sianct to~ ocea1J vie lrom large 1NS1e1 3U1le ...__...;;_.&..o-_. CMale ..... tt 721-7250 ... t I j ( I PAGE 6 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACHLCOSTA MESA OAJLY PILOT I REAL ESTATE Family Neighborhoods Harbor View Homes $599.000 £\Ccllent 'i Bd '1 s1ory famrl>' home wi1h many upg1ad.:-s Susan Scanlan Balboa reninsula $355,000 1.. h,11m111.: b<".ll h collate on beach side lll '''t'l'I 1,11,1llv '"'"'" a1ed (,updated l·•to>.11 lll<lltl•I' de,~ Ronda Hein Harbor Vrew Homes $485.000 I' pul \I I t\.i ~1n11.le SIOr\ m \\Ontiertul , 1•nd1111 11 \ to>t\ lt~hl L oi:. of ne\\ \11•~1.hil'' Hinman & Scanlan Balboa Island New J 8d Ca~ Cod bayfton1 wl many amenities & dod. Bob Berc r; 1 .us .ooo Beacon Bay Na lot. beach house.~ 'iO h slip and stde t~ Good loaoon J 8d I Ba 0.'Tler w1A entMain ofen.. \\1U trade Marte farco S 1,250.000 LH. Spotlight Newport Budl Bnnd new 7 8d 1 5 8a Mediterr.\l\Un estae•. Caron .. H•IMS $1,795.000 Newport Heichts $595,000 Newl y remodeled rontemporary·looltine tradltJOn ftOOf plan. ~nch doors. loft. new kitchen & baths. pool MarcJa Brashier Udo Isle $625 000 Laree 2 s1ory home on 4'i ft lot l..ar&e 1111· me & d1ntn& areas plus sunn> lanai open- ing ro sou1h patio YWSOn & Lewis Batshores $899,000 4 8d family horn~'' ~ ... 11n~ .. ~11tn,., I n SI) le l.tmtl) room Tum .. l'\ Debi Bibb Bayfront Living Beacon Bay This beau11fully mamtatned 2 story horrie offers speoacular. unobslruct· ed bay Vte\\S (, a sandy be.xi\ dt ~'Our door Debi Bibb $ 1.350.000 LH. Balboa Peninsula Choice butldin& site on Newport's mos1 private island Boat dodts, rennas rourt. beach & gardens Howa~ Lawson St.69S.OOO Promontory Bay Custom bu1h. t.Pdt· tlonal 5 8d bayfront home Prm<e dock for l boMs. CrHr ftoOf plan for enlertav\lnc Debi Bibb $1 ,699,000 Hubor ISiand Drive 70 fl on the bayfront• 5 8d home \\-1th pool. dodt & float for a la rce boat Very privare Beverty Morphy $1.950.000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--. ~unn1ne 4 8d 4 RJ hornl• \\llh tt.trd~n'> pool(. )pa Bibb. Par1ch & lohn on Baycrest S~2S .000 6ne cif f\J\<le<;I \ mo\t u1111n,.•111f 1t le.> Bd h<'m~ '" O\ t.!1,11ed lr>I " , 1 I p 11 pool l· sp,1 Mert1 & chm1cs1nt: Ba) hores $899 000 lhis home h b n •Ii•" &I t ' I mal t.hnll•i ioum•l't. uct • ... • 1 ' l'1 \ rd pmdle moll p k•clo. Debi 81bb Lido Isle Superbly loc1ted Lido bayftont -.uh p1u . slip & bays1de declt C<>Beu & Tharner $2.095.000 Unda Isle ew sophtstoted contempo. rary home elqu1s11 e tn every detail ~~nful paoos pnvare dodl for larce >-acht Shirley Hams $3.750,000 Corona del Mar family room m.lster rl'll'C?.lt \\ I t<' beach Donna Wall $&35.000 tasmifte Creek Lo\ el~ sin~le le' cl, 1 8d 2 Ba home \\Ith c:Wn Ou1et loctll•oo l<ll'Ce pateo .vu sltyt1chts Sue T\o.nas · S445,000 Coro•• Hlchtands P1oure perfen, lachl & bncht• 2 l!d plus cot) den, ~rd· ~ood floors be~m cerhnp pool. v1e11. Carole )ohUOft $529,000 Coro1ta del Mar O.s11ner custom horM on •1de lot. Courtywd entrt '*I bla(t bottom pool Nauhcal theme H-..... & W I° !I $615.000 ; Corona del Mar LO\e~ ru 1om11ed • 8d home \\llh l..im1I) ~oom un an e\tr.l lilrge pnvate IOI Lu<;h eardcn~ ll:oi punJ Mary Ellen & Bob weclan Sn•.ooo Corona Hic hl011nd l'iO cxe<1n c. c11y lietit.s \1C!'\\ 4 8d rusiom home \\!Ch .:oorrn~1 krtchen. ~family room. pool f '{'-J Hinman & Sc.in Ian SI 175.000 Old Corona del Mar l O\, 1e'"·'' tqlt blodt to beach' Remodt"led \. r l' <.°'I Sl) le home (, euest COil ~ C'n .f" 1blt.< k I HillaryTha~r Sl .l'4S.OOO C:.-.0 519o,... New 1 Id ·a.lcoun styi.• home. canyon se1onc. oc.an \itew S.ra H..... $ l,tH.000 '\ 644~1600 Featured New Listings Baycrest Onmauc remodel loated on quiet street ' 8d 2 7'> 8a Merti & SdunM!slRC $599,000 1oom s luail"d on ~ ~r lol Hurley & Stephensoa s.cn ,000 644-1600 Featured New Listings C.Jneo Hl&lalaach This fantastk ell.ecu· tfve lt-model has I~ all! Chris Uact..y $925.000 Featured New Listings 8" C.nyon Expanded Plan I with 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. pool & spa Kare• Betson S 1,250,000 Belco•rt Exquisite 4 Bd l S Ba w 10\<e- ly lutchen & den Belcourt s Best 811}1 Zenz & Perewotkl S 1,375,000 Bl& Caftyon • Bd • 5 Ba custom Mediterranean estate I t.11hway ~lews &Jbb & Lqraftd $2,49'.000 .. C'.Mjoll J6 Rue G.ud Ducal 60 Royal St Geor~ 20 Pinehurst 10 Cherry Hilts '24 Canyon F•irway Crz•ollfP .... •tSSuney . Harbor W.IKI Drift s~ Hllrbor lslend Dyive ....... ,,... ... 1206 s...+ Mlle 1221 Poft9lde .. , ...... .. ...,.., l C\fl ~ 1ru1d9 1 YAc I •, <. SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 7 $2,250.000 Sl.900.000 $479.000 sun (1-4, $'99,000 lunlMI 96».000 8'a sn•.900 s.. Cl $1.M.OOD &67'.000 Sun (t-4) .,,.000 Sun (1-4) Sl.Jn,000 Sun (1-4l s1 .m .aoo Sun (1-4) $1 ,.,,,000 Sun (l-4) $950.000 Sun (1-5) Sl.250,000 Sun fl-5) Sl.~9";.000 Sat f 1-4) Sl.595,000 Sun tl-5) $2 49";.000 Sun ( 1-4) $699,000 Sun (1·5) $55Q,OOO Sun (l-•e-30) $1,9'>0,000 Sat/Sun t 1-41 $599.000 Sun (1-4) $MO.GOO Sun tt·S) $875,000 Sat/Sun (1-S) $tlt,000 Sun ..... , ~-000 Sun (1-4) $1.19'.000 SM&ln fl-4) $1 ••• -~ (l-4·)9t $1,.,,,0DD Sun ..... , Carol Allison Stella Worden Stella Wor~n Duncan Forgey Donna Wall ~rbara Hutchin&s Beverly Morphy Borinie S.mncton HutChlnp/Cranieri DlppelllWatd FrankSennft Kay~ $1.950--~ (l-411·5)~Yinllt0n $8'9.000 Sun (l-4) $995.000 Sun (1-4) OFFICES HOURS 8:30 A.M. -5:3Q P.M. SATURDAY & SUNDAY . • --• PAGES /SATU RDAY,F·e·b·ru·a·~ .. 20···1·9.93 ............................... N.E·W·P·O·R·T·B·EA .. C·H·/C.0 .. ST·A~M~E~S·A·O·A~IL~V .. ~.L.O·T~/·R·EA .. L·E·S·T·A .. TE WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. ' NEWPORT SHORES in comer loc<11t0n close to l1ubhol1~· !XX"'I & tennis 1A."alk to ocean Impressive l ,..., hnd, •''ltn. 3 bd & 2nd stOI) gallery ~ertook­ "'9 1.uq, h in~ mi " vdulwd ce1hng & frplc (lH) t,~ l -14l\l S.239.000 UGUNA BEACH El Morro Ba~ gat.?d mobile home pMI< R,•r1uddcd dble wide 2 bd "" deck & ocean vus "u~nwr tr..lm ro ~ach LH t>-~ l -14(X.1 S7Q.900 COSTA MESA'S \'('ndome complex \'-comm pool \.·.1;x ( ... xi 'I\,. 2 ~I\ J bd twnh~ Ill'>;~ 1n h'-1ng room P."•0 & gar il9" l t'-l~ Anaheim # 12 B ""q -l 4lXl s 158.000 IRV1NE'S DEERFIELD complex "°" pool. )pa & ten· .. ' P "'""ood model 2 st\ "'2 mast~ & 2t, ba. :•1"' p,ltr. &. tlhk> 'oldr~ . h ; :4 ),) $Jo6 500 NEWPORT KNOLLS frc,hh. paint•>d comer unit "" 2 '"'-S.. rtx·1 c.ltl-''t ~ t--_,,_-cv11; Cl\ .:?r1ooking po<'.\! Pnc,-..:1 • l •\'I ,, <. 1-< 'I\ H b..'\ OCX.1 COSTA MESA \.'t-,a:-· ., : M t'l-1 2 b3 t~1.nhol....._, in .. ,. ...... ' Ot~~·' : ...... t "\-.\ .lh '"'I !'\Q" '~ . . ,.,,,.,, ·. • :.;•• 5-:"4 \_11,I COSTA MESA .. 1 : I.,~, .! -:1. ·l :x: ... -• , .. 1 l:t' .h' ~ '"' .1r ::J.ll • ..., ... , M\l " .. ,, ... ; ~. • ~-I l •NtJ BA\'\llE~' COURT 1,. ;n --, ...... 1-. , ,,, • ! N ·'' "\, 'i'-·· .. .. J ' ·h pioo. .... \. .... ~t \ r".. ... .. COSTA MES"'S L ,.,9' P.)O• f:.:i ... hk. ;->dmt~~ r~- ~ .... k ' .1'.!Cl-c~ :.,~111, • ,_ ~ I'"' h. . . VlLU SIEN" · '°'' "'' ·u~ c~<.K J bd ~nhm tn ' , "l" r H•'i<f!'lb T p -<•·d. •I\ ,,.. ~, n. a-ren !\ ~ ' "'"i""''"''\; ;"'11\J ~··· l~~ .. 1 S279.000 OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY ONLY 253 Santa Isabel. Costa Mesa 3 Bd Hse Reggie S2t>9.000 1750 Miramar Dnve, Pentn.!tula Pt . 4 8d Twnhm J1U Andrus ~5"'5 000 301 Narcissus, Corona dtl Mar 4 Bd Hse Olga Matthev.i.l.is Olsen $1 149,000 OPEN HOUSES SAT & SUN 286 Princeton, Costa Mesa Ellie Reese Carla Broffman 1620 K,nt Lane. Newport Bch Michelle Reese. 'Debora Jackson 4 8d Hse $265 000 4 8d Hse S415000 400 T ustln. Npt Heights 3 Bd Hse Marlene Hassel!Manny Stell1no $419 .000 2212 Arbutus, Eastbluff, NB 3 8d Hse Kathy Fox $469.000 4520 Cortland, Camt'O Hllnds, CdM 4 8d Hse P Harruon-B Tompkins.A Freema n S629,000 1595 E Ocean Btvd. Penln ula Pt. 4 8d H~ Jeff AxtonVidu Lee $795.000 202 PHri Avenue. Balboa I land Mark Jackson 1821 Kings Road. Cltffhaven. NB Manny Stellmo Ashley La"'iffle .. 120 E. Ocunfr-ont. BaJboa Austin Oa!,.'ne5 Rob G1\'m 30 l 'orth Star ~ L ~ li'Tlmmrun John \t.\!'i< 3 8d" Hse $&30,000 3 Bd Hse $895000 3 Bd Hse SQ4c, C.Xl 3 8d Hse ~: 14':> (XX) OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 2101 15th ISiennl. Nnr.1>0rt HghhJ Bd T\l.nhm Ann Pt!... ~ r':l • \. 259 Ced&. Ne\4-i>Ort hrs 3 8d H~ Kenn~ Jo Ru:zo $-11 CJ 000 215\1a Ni~. Udo Isle 2 Bd H~ M.-,ur .?n £m ne\ ~oQ 000 543 Aliso. Nnr.i><>rt Heights 3 8d H Marlene Hassel ~9.000 609 Iris. Old Corona del Mar 3 + 3 8d Duplex Maigo Stu.art $565.000 15 74 E. Ocun BIYd. ~lmula Pt. 2 8d HM Maly Ann ~tt $575,000 1249Vt W. ~ 81. Pc.Nmuia. NB 3 Bd Twnh Lonaine Fanuigtoc1 $614,950 416 Bclwe. , ...... Pt. s 8d ... Jil Andrus s 767,000 1100 Su t...e. H..rbof Vu Hllls 3 8dHM ~ Pht1!lP5 $775000 402 lk>twe. Patin.sole Pt. 3 8dtiw Owiyt c.Not\ .. $880,000 321 Poppy. C(ISM 6 8d HM Diarw Cannon $949000 2506 W Ocean.front. P~lnsula 3 8d H• Otga ,.~~'S.'lA Obr $1 395.000 2 10 E"'mi ... •. DO\IC'f Shoff.a S Bd HM MONCA RuggWri Sl,895.000 . BA YSHOll£S Bngh1 & chamung 3 bd home v. (am· 1ly rm l.Jving rm v. be<'lmed u1hngs, remod~ lutc-h ·n & baths & WJ)drate 2nd Or 'mastn suit v. .un d .. ~ Fr doors to pnvntt P"tlO Ptivcs•e beaches (u-il 631 1400 . S495 000 P£NINSUU gre.'lt 2 bd beoch ~ hugt> IMng rm ""benmed ce1l1ngs & lruge fireplacit ~I R·i . ,, to bay beach 673-6900 ,.. $2<)3,000 NEWPORT J bd, 2 bath l uy upgraded home ~1th dtnm~fam1ly rms Lushly lanc:ba~ \ibid C to back h1lung & biking 631·14 $319,000 PENINSULA POIW'r Highly dG1ra.. COf°T\Cf lot across from ~ stg:iis ~ bay & ocean Su1tab&e fOf ~rge family home REDUCED' b.11-1400 S.375. MESA VEii.DE l.ovcly ~ bd hofM \I. formol d M\g & frplces in IMng & fnmib/ rms lmm.aculat ~ m.'lmt, • nar.ctt garden 14' pool 631-1~ S.390.000 BLUE LAGOON 3 bd rr.ul11-lcwl Laguna lk ch condo 1.1. OC"n 1A.h1I• ""'''"'° \ W'.A.'S Gated oc ~f\Wd,• tommuni!\ .... beach. pool & tennr 631·1400 $4J9, NEWPORT BEACH 'S glam0<ou-. SMfa C'Qmpl "" m pc.o \fl-l Ek iuuful ('M!nlhouM 14"f2 m4 'l't ~llll(' patY-'It t~h< 1lou < o!nn vk-v.1~ 631 1400 $449.CX ~..ist, ()( EA ISl.ASD lk t P'"'-'d 2 bd ~nhm v. dC"n in gati.' guarded commun I\; ~ pool 1enn" SP-' \._'hite c.arp.11 ~ p.')\ \!r • vau.ted c~1l11llJ'> 631-1400 ~9 • NEWPORT HEIGHTS Compktely charm.109 beauti.fuDy r~ ~-d 3 bd home v.;~omcd ~lings, d ining & family nn) · ,,t 1n lutch.n 631-1400 .. $499.000 ING CANYON ~ 2 bd twnhm dining nn & Ht-tn kitchen on comer lot li«mnQbc>N bnd ~ & atyrd, ft doorl. CIWTI ~Ing ~ d«or. Lovely l.)ndtalpcd & pnvat pool-s&Md ~..-d. 631-1400 ~. -.. . ••. $649,950 S,.flOi~ I# IJ!e~Ret. P., ..t. .. t.i.M. ..... • tMx • .---...... ~ ... • ... .j •...... NEWPORT BEACH omCE Z4S6 W. COAST KIGHWAY 714-631-1400 BALBOA ISIAND oma SIS MAllDft AV£. 714-673-6900 ..,_ .. .. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAl ESTATE SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 9 WATERFRONT HOME.S, INC. Realtors® Exclusive Orange County Affiliate of Sotheby's lnt.ernational Realty P£NINSUIA POINT Lovefy 6 bd trochbonal ··New England" style home with dining, f0tmly & hobby rooms on large lot w/bf iCk potlo. lawn & trees Hrdwd firs. frplc & fr doors in fa~ rm & stained glass windows 631-1400 $767,000 NEWPORT AT THE BEACH Super value for xtm mce duplex. S1 ~ to ~n uw tn upper 4 bd v.. den t~~. ~~-~-~ .. bd .. . .... $499.900 COllOM DEL IM8 du~ Enchanting country ish 4 bd home wlbearned ~ hrdwd ftoors & + 1 bd unit • -1400 . .• .... ... • S549.000 PENINSULA POINT lmmoculot & charming 2 bd con.ag«. ~ carpd. frpk: & bnck pobo Perfect for weekend get-.,-woy 631·1400 $575.000 BALBOA ISLAND duplex with 4 bd up & 3 down. frpkes, large IMng . & __ d_arung oreas Super mcome1 ORASTICAU V R.EDUCID' 673-6900 . $595.000 MID PEMNSULA Ocean & bay vus from 3 sty 3 bd contemporary twnhm. 2 wet bars, 2 frplces. dbl ga· rage & cunry Steps to beoch 631-1400 $614.950 . . CANNERY VILLAGE Contemporary des1grwr 2 bd condo w den. 3 ba. 2 patlOS & fabulous bay VleWS Boot shp avo1lable 631-1400 . $619.000 CAMEO HIGHLANDS Immaculate 4 bd home ~ famJy rm 3 pnvoli yords & community be.Kh occus ~1~11~op«n bu~~.~~nd po~ . . . . $629,000 NEWPORT ISLAND Freshly painted canal front w/ dock for 30' boat Duplex w/2 bd down & 1 up can be converted to single famJy 631-1400 . .. . $649.000 UDO PARK DRIVE bea uttfulJy deconlted furnished 2 bd condo wr'bay & night light vus High rise bldg ~ doonna n. card room & pool 631-1400 .. $675.000 BALBOA ISi.AND Bcand new 3 bd luxury home, U,pe Cod style w 'dlrung & family rms & bonus r'X>m/ office White ble. marble f~, woshed woods, top apphMces & Euro flxtura REDUCED' 673-6900 .. .. . . . . ... S830,000 BALBOA ISIAND Duplex or single ram1ly in sunny comer locatt0n HQUse ~ '3 bds, office & family rm + 1 bd apt (or 4 bd home 1 673-6900 . .. $679.000 HARBOR RIDGE CREST Gorqeous·rare 3 bd Cas· ablanca w dining & family rms & soph1suc~ted hbrllry atrium & pnvate courtyard w spa 631-1400 $699,000 BALBOA Contemporary tn-le\iel 4 bd v.'Ood & glass home on comer lot, 1 house to ba~front ~ great ws Solar spo on covered patlO 631-1400 S699.000 LAGUNA BEACH a 3 bd 3 level home w true warmth & charm Fabulous vtews from every rm uv- 109 rm w/18' ce1hngs & rock frplc. • 631-1400 ~745,000 PENINSULA POINT w panoramic ocean vu Charming 4 bd U,pe Cod home v. \vrap-a-round vu deck on large comer lot 1 house from sand 631-1400 $795,000 CAMEO HJGHLANOS Open bnght 3 bd, new gour· met kitchen & family rm Fr doors. skylights & beauti ~-~~ y~ ~~-... ..... $798.000 UDo PAD DlllVE spectacular views of ocean, boy & city lights from this beautifully deC9fdted 7th nr 2 bd condo Secunty bldg 631-1400 ........... ... . .......... $865,()J() \ UDO ISLE BA VFRONT chamung trad1tt0nal newly <:a:rT>Cted 4 bd home on larger ~th f&eing lot w dock & private beach Downstairs den gst & 5pa· c1ou.s eot m kitchen both OJ)('n to landscaped mtenor E3't>1400 $1.875.000 PENINSULA POINT Gorgeous 3 bd home on cov- eted &lvue Lane DecoratOt' kitchen wlbnck floor. d1n- ~l ~ looUy _rm_s ~ d~n .. ....... . .... .$880.000 NEWPORT estate. huge lot. Mam house. appro>. 6000 sq ft w15 bds. dining & family rms & bbnuy. gst house wlkitchen. pool & spa 631-1400 .. $889,900 MID P£NINSUIA Rare opportunity to purchose 3 od]Oinmg lots in preferred loaltion Steps to ocean & boy beaches. 631-1400 $925.000 BALllOA OCEANFRONT &>st buy, magnif1c >nt vus from all mll]Or rms of a 3 bd Tudor style hou~ ~ 2~ ba. Grut area between piers 631-1400 .... $945.000 CORONA DEL MAit Terrific opportunity to create a spectacullir property on doubl lot w oldt•r 3 bd hom Two hooses from ocean blvd 631-1400 $995.000 llAUIOA ISLAND bayfront duplell. gr~al r"ntal units close to town w/bay & city hght views Each IA. 3 bds & loft 673-6900 $999,000 HAIUIOll aJDGE ESTATES w fabulous bay. ocean & city hght ws Largest model w14 bds. family rm & bonus rm w frpk & wt?t bor 631-1400 . . ................... $1,195.000 PENINSULA POINT ba~hor • pnr-w d )uhl1• c r· ner lot. w dock for larg.? bo.it\ l'ih\. acce-. .. lo th-f chapnel & ope!') water Pm:ate tx>ach ~ pro11•c11•J swim area & bayfront p.1110 to \'alch th~ b.w·, ,\(· bv1tY REDUCED' 631-1400 BALBOA ISLAND new & ~.Jutiful 3 bd 1'1.1 .. di:,·r· ranean bayfront home roof deck ~ doc!. f,.,r 2 ~1·~ Glass block. granite & v..ood ~hdt.·rs 631-1400 .. • l .2<l!l,l)00 PENINSULA OCEANFRONT nt.'w 3 st).· honit' '" .l bds & den & spectacular ~ Top qucthl\ amen1t~'>. AC & secunty & 3 car parking 631-1400 SJ ,J\)C) 00U NEWPORT HEIGHTS Out\tandmg h.vbor oco•.in Vll'WS from near new cu!>tom tn·l;.'\.,•I 5 bd h•>nw in beaubful tr&d1110Ml "tvle 631-1400 Sl ~ll!l lX)(l OCEANFRONT Vintage B.ilboa homl' IA. 5 bd .. on 2 beach front lots Dining rm "tun ruom~ bc,mwd .. .._.,,. 1ngs & bnck p0>llo + studio apt 631-1400 ~1 600.000 MEXJco•s exdusn;e ~·· 1 '[_.,~ H,,da" C•)r?m1unit,. Exciting mult1·k\ld 6 bd oct..u1:ront v. ,,,,...,,Jin•] 14;,';.'r· fall, pool & fabulous V\.IS 631-1400 Sl.~.llOO PENINSULA POINT BAVFRONT <;runnmq con· temporary furnished arch11cc1ural g\!m on ma111 ch.in nel IA. 3 bds. dcxk & 'fll'ctan11dr \it."' 631-1400 ~2 oSO non DANA POINT 3 c •ntiguou., oc.:anfront . '" • ,.,,,'l· mficcnt VIC\\'S up c d()IA..n , o.i.•t Okkr .I 1...J • \ o middle lot IA. sun porch & den 631-1400 $J.6%.lXX> LINDA ISLE w large boat d°':k Elegant rcmod\'11>d b bd, each w'balh & bdkony, hvmg, tlinmq & cnl, rt.llll· ment rm'> Huge reduction' 63 1-1400 • ,QQS.<lt)(}. IRVINE COVE The ultimate m contemporarv lks19n & matenals Spectaculilr J story 5 bd hom~ IA. p.ln oram1c ocean w . pool & ~pa 631-1400 $3 <)<)<l, 99ll IAGUNA BEACll r.lbul,.,11s oceantron1 vtlla M<l1n house with 5 bd + 3 bd gue t hoo$e "'1th 1tt1nq room, separate staff quM 'r$ 6 cctr gar<>gl' Private landscaped grounds With pool paths 10 th~ ~'•'<h REDUCED' 631-1400 $Q,OOO,OOO Sit•o""""' '-11'1~,,.,_ IA ..... I.MM. .... tllN ., • ..,. ... ,.... tllN ... -. • ...t _.' ...-... NEWPORT BEACH omcE 2436 W. COAST HIOHWAY 714-6Sl-1400 . BALBOA ISLAND omcE J IS MARJNE AVE. 714-673-6900 PAGE 10 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE O PEN HOUSES / 111111 1•/11' 111 flUC f' 111 DO\ er Shores Bay front \\ll '\orth <.,1.:ir I .1m• l )~)( n '>.11 /~un St,149,000 ",1 \ Bl1 lir.'\ '\) .l\ front • Ill I \ c...O v . ' \\ I ~ ''"j .. . . -;::::> • '.,d J<>h ll Sl.h9:;,ooo :\ewporl 1.,1and Bayfronl )Ill\ I B,\ , 11tt.•).;1' • r"nt,tl unit Ho.it dn, I.. IJ;h'' .. 11nnv p.1t1u $649,000 <.orona del Mar Steal 11!' • \ · 1111< I HA f;Ul"t ~; Int" I • .,, 1 .. 1 'Jlu1 (m 1mm1'\.I ...ill•' S599,000 lo ta Me c1 Bargain lllf<. 2BA, P J llO, ll~plJCl' I ri 'hi~ p.11nll'li & •Mpl't<..--d $159,900 • , BILL FEENEY .. ' WATERFRONT HOME S, INC·. REALTORS F XCI U S/Vf O RANCl COU 11 1UT/l IAI 1_· -------------- ()/" 50TJ..J-E--8~f)N-A ~l 'tttJl1 h 7 5 -10 5 8 • 631-2 100 Linda Jsle Estate llBR o ;BA • l.11);1' J1~ I. Dr.:imJt11 horn• ·h ;;--;·on iht• b.n SJ,9<l5,000 Lido Bayfront Bargain IBI< \ ; IJ,\ 1orH1•mp ''I dod , '-.t1u1h 1>r1&•n1.:111on· tx. ... 1 b.Jytront \Jluc! SJ,795,000 Custom View Est.lte ';BR. -1 '>BA n1•w fomilv horn1· Cn.•.11 1:>.1 y Vil'~'''· rx·rl\'1. I ion' $1,595,000 Lido Isle Traditional JBR, 513A, fin rm . office, rn;i1d4', CU4'tom home l<1..'Cluc1..'CI S200,tXX>, will c:o.ch down $995,000 n\l 14llll . Big C.rnyon C.oH Co urse [ t.ite IUI< t> ;BA .... f'~ , .. t l.111'1 1.11 ti\ ti •nw l>ut,t.1nJin8 ~ult• our" '••'" '· h1~h1 t , u .. r.1m ~u;iht\ S2,595,000 Linda Isle Cape Cod ... nf{ 1 --n' , '"·' ,, ,.i, ,,, ,, , 1.,r~1· 1hi.: i.. R1-du1nJ S70Cl,OOO "''nth r1 nw,)t'l,,J. h"I' I.ind' s 1, s~o;.ooo Dover Shore Bayfront 1HR, 2BA, Nl' bJv trontJg1• w / Llrg1• 1h1<..lo. L<>Wl''t pnH'<l havlmnt on hnR{'r 'trl'l.'t"' $1,149,000 Bay hores Bargain 3BK, 20A, Fm Km , turn·!..l'Y hornl' &•aml.'d cl•1hng, fr door., h.:irdwood floor. $6491000 BELCOURT'S BEST OCEAN VIEW HOME .. J~¢" E-lcgantl) appo1n1cd v.11h km of \iart>lc and flarcjv.,JOd f'k••n Cus1om •BR :l..5BA plus 4 car gara,c t.hm buth· •ft\ ~~ran! v.ith pool 4.. \p& $1,850,000 BELCOURT FORMER MODEL CUSTOM GALLERY HOME fl \ 1>n \l\1Cl'IZCd C\l411C k'tl \ l~I .. a 1u •UI•• Jrc-c h•rm pc•>I ~ •p.1, .t uu 1.u.1 c .inJ • rrc •1 c r• •rr-. u $1,650,000 •53 BEL 0 RT DR. O. BELCO RT TERRACE Plan "8 '' TERRIFIC EXECUTIVE HOME c~~ ~ EWPORT HEIGHT CHARMER ~ SELLER WANTS OFFER $449,000 BELCOURT FORMER MODEL PREMIUM GREE BELT LOCATIO BELCOURT TE I MAN 10 PRJV ACY AND ELEGANCE 5,-'00,000 BELCO RT HILL VIEW PREMll'~1 SINGLE LEVEL L X RY Drama It.: Catalin.i l'«ln & c1ly Ligh1 \.1C:V.' I.e." rt\ 2BR. 2 581\ plus pm-ate den ufhcc H.u~t'ICIJ o."'r' ~ plan1atton shuuco Qutelc c~nnr. 0 K 1 $625.000 REDUCED I MILLIO SELLER A RIFI CE! 2.24 ACRE HOR E ESTATE Maut\c matn holl'lt', 7H \. plu' lar1c f:UC'I hno-.: 1 \ b.>\ I.Ill , ran.:h h.>U\C, rmall \lrl.tm,. f'l~•I <1nJ 'J'"' Autv v.,irchou~ for I ~ 2tl car' M.ikc offer ' WAS $5,900,000 OW $4,900,000 SATURDAY, February 2o, 1993 I PAGE 11 I J~tdu ly upgr;idcJ ·WR I Ill\ v.1th j •·•r ~Ar·~·· I (Jf~oUJ n<'llll'~ ~ m.in• , U\h•rl fl .tlUI<:' f'l1'(4•'SIUll• all~ Jc"itncJ re Ar ~:u I ".ti, • .i.1m I"' l .\c \I", en· ,k cJ M:fc,ncJ rat o ncJ.1 r c h1IJrcr,·, r.I ' 1 l.-'95.000 EA\1EW C IL\R..'\IER OCEAN & C.\TALINA VI E\\S .659.000 EXCLL' 'J\'£ IR\ 1'£ CO\ E PREMlll~I FRO, T RO\\ LOC \TIO!\ J ,800.000 BA K BAY HORSE PROPERTI' RED ED $SOOK -Ml' .. T . ELL! ~~~ o~ 1Ju1IJ 'iur oq.-n dfc.tm h"m' ""'' C\lltlC• <~ •• r v.1 I '.ul'\ \ t.. "' • WA 1,650,000 0\\ 950,000 PAGE 12 I SATURDAY, Februasy 20. 1993 COSTA MESA corfA MW FAMl.Y llllE Sl.,_ 'BR ~B \ t sm \ hC\mc: rc:m.>deleJ Excencn: '"onJ ( IP~ t1 -.hurd1e 6.. C Plau !'o p1..1' .\~I. for ... CO,SIE COR.' '-1t,\C: in cond1t1on :!BR 1 BA home oc la.rre c\pJnddble R-:! lot. ~c i.n u .st:s">e A.i.: nn IJlcr \ I.. fo1. .. iTE\T \lfTCH£U. COSTA MEIA CB• I S11i.lm Thi' "»parklmg ~ 3 BR. $A coo ~ u • ''''-' .,, pnced C'f'1'\00 n C '"i F~ u.~ " .. ut -~lime" ,n,,J .. oundry <:.:le f-~:a..-r ,\!· t 1 nLl~ : .... H gJrage COIT'.m p.; • ~2 \,I.. lor ... K£\"i' -\.'CHEZ 640-5611 ~I I BRJG llTO~ P~G . C ~\I . MOVE IF TO MEJA VBllE l141- Tcmt1L opportunit) for fi rst tune ~crs Th" ~BR 1ownhome has been c:ompfetel) re- furh"hcd · every inch 1s like new. No de· fcm:d mJ1n1a1 nencc 10 deal with here A real \lC:.sl \\I. for ... A:"'liE McCASLA.. ''1> FABUI OOS NEWPlllT INIJllG ClllJO 8154,900 \\'onc..lcrfu l :!BR " .:! fu lt ba1hs. Lovet) step- dn" n li\lng rm " fi re place. Two garages. \,k for .. JACK GIFFORD )PE'\ l "S 1-4, 2330 VAi""JGUARD WAY #G-103 EASTm DfALI Sl 68,000 \ c:"' "»rMc1nu\ ~BR 2BA townhomc including \\J,hc:r J"'c:r. rdrtgcrawr. Owners ha\C mo,ed ,\. oHL JO\IOU\ A~I. for ... A~'E McCA L.\.'liD COSTA r.ftA TIMIRll1E 11•,000 I h1' I •wrc:lpoint t nd uni! features 2BR. 2V:!BA. 1 c.:'-' 11lc. hnc:i.. patio and 2-car attached garage. \c.: lief\ Mc.: mo11va 1ed' '"k for ... KF:Vl'i ANCHEZ 64().5611 100 ASPEN LANE. C.M. 2 MAITIR llml $176,CDI I .:t'>t'>1de bargain. 2 car attached garage. fire place. comm. pool & spa. . A'lk for ... DIANA C.<PPEL lilMT 8 ... ~ 1111.- With a giant sundeck off the master! Extra lrge bedrooms & closets plus a big 2 car attached garage' Gated courtyard. Immaculate, upgraded & priced to sell! Ask for ... ROBIN TENCH uam n111B ~,,. JBR · I BA plus a family room on a 7200 sq ft lot · Quiet cul-de-sac street. Hardwood floors. Ask for ... KEJTif RANDLE XlOO mil Rm IUI •t IZll-uz:x::..-cs 3BR. 2''!.BA. sunny lcttch· wn-wi-td 2 cu garage, fireplace lm.1 -Ta ' • kJil.ich home. llr...&ILL & DO~ ·~ \\'EBsTER f.Allm CJl 5BR -38A comer lot 4BR -2BA comer lot Dll for detaaJs Ask for ... RJTA WADE MEIAW.. sm.• $259,(X)() S249,000 Lrge 4BR 38A 2story home. JBR. fuJI ba1h downstairs. 2 car att. garage. Lrge yrd Ask for ..• Rfl'A WADE OPEN SAT/SUN J-4 EXP,,_. fAllm FM11.Y .._ You must sec the interior to appreciate the spacious family room and newty remodeled lrge kitchen, 48R 1¥•BA, 2 fpl. nicely decorated living room -with custom bookshelves and moldjngs. Ask ror. .• CONNIE CORN M&F-.Y .. '41 .... This Mesa Verde 4BR, 3BA pool home has many exceptional upgrades! ~ew carpeting throu~t. newer "Pella" windows throughout fcatu.nng French doors & bay windows. 3 car gar, huge ooontry kitchen, wood floors, security alarm plus more. Aak for • ..JAC1'1£ RANDLEMAN/ CINDY RANDLEMAN NEWPORT BEACH .. , •• I 1111.- tBR IBA spaciou floOr plan m gated a ""i th pool, spa. & gym. 1 block to beach. Ask ror ... KEITII RANDLE .,,.. ·-'141,,111 ~. get urnedC sew re. take advant•ie of th~ red bot deal in Newport Tcrncc. 28R. 2BA. family room, vaulted ccilmas, fireplace, & more. Vacant. Dme by· 10 Riptide Ct.. then call me. A.Ill for-DELIA DELGM>O .... 1EAC1 ma s111,m Owner will carry financing. for less than ren1, own your own 2BR + den. Walk to beach. feel the ocean breeze. Let's negotiate. Ask fM ... RAYLENE MlRACLE _., lfACll All LEll llM ROO Lo\ely light & bnght 2BR in plu!lh ~ h:,\ comm. Oosc to be ch. Many ame01111c ... _ c.:.11 parking. long S l .500. M k fOf' ... RAYLENE MIRACLE UY I ICUI .. '1•1&1 This is an accllent bargain for a Vcrsa1llc penthouse com e r wut. (2BR 2BA) v.rath ,,e"' of the bay & ocean. Ask fOf' ... WALTER MITCHELL mrmn1• m.llfl ,._. s1•,100 Lovely 2BR. 1 BA town home with auochcd garage. Subject to lender appro\"all Newer tile floors, carpet, paint, faucets, fixtures, ho..-cr doors, mirrored clo ct. Excellent quiet location overlooking greenbelt. A.lk for ... E'LYNN MAREE KEMP 720-11 74 * 10••• uaR:E * R•.• JBR 21.'iBA attach. gar . fpl.. walk to beach. pool , spa & tcnni . · A&k fer .. .ROBYN ALLE BAY .. lBmll '211.111 Largest Ooor plan in exdusivc &ated commum\\' 3BR 3BA w upgrade galore. Light & airy 1n tu h & greenbelt scttjn,g. Marble (O'jcr. full ~u•· nty sys. & plantation butters. Low assoc due' ancl. earthquake insurance. k for ... DIANA PROSSER llW I EIDIM llETAall 11 ... ..... Perfect for either an executive or family Me· style! 3BR, 2 master uitcs, 2 patio , small ex- clusive complex. Very impressive! Ask tor ••• RAE R9DGERS IBGIPBIU ..... 3BR, 2BA. clean home on large lot only ~ block to beach. Private comm. including rec. area, pool, xtra parting. Ask for-.U7.JCH\JCK JONES f I& •Al •&II~ 111119 11 M1 .... 8aycrat bargain exec. ranch style. 4BR l~A w/approx. 2,600 sq ft . Formal living rm, traditional fam rm., great for eatenainina,. Ask lar.-DIANA A STEVE ::'\T,I\_...,., 11n yt "rt t-•· •T">"'°)I'""'• " NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 13 NEWPORT BEACH · $220,000 BAYCIBT s.a,• $130,• PREE RBIJC1DI $489,000 Large 4BR 2BA pool ho me. Highly upgraded. Walk to beach, shopping & restaurants! Ne"er Thi 1\ 1t' Lo'cl} upgrc1dcd one Jc.:,el humc tn lnine\ quiet L nt\l. r-.m P.1ri.. \'ery bnght & pac1ou . Office exclu 1\.e. duple'< in oldc COM Two paciou" :!BR unit . .._ ____ 'i.1cnfice )ale .it S465,000 N>th w f pl. 6. laundf\ fac1ht1es! Light & am! k for .. J\'E . L ,C\Jl.A . k for .•. ROBERT MI L7L-;,IK""'E~N.----~---~As"'-k~~8~A PRO ER ___________ ._. 1 Br llCI BAY VIEW £ \tr.t \\Ide lot, ~133 W incredible views. 4BR " c"ra lrge fam. rm/game rm. frml dining, lrge h\lng rm. courtyard. pool & !.pa. Seller mu t -.ell and "111 trade d,\wn 5'-. for ... GISELA B RM EISTER llllC Ill.Mii 1611,000 1BR. 1BA . .:?.1()(1 \<.! ft remodeled home on quiet . .,cdudcd 1-;land m Newport Beach A .,umablc (i 5' c $3~0.000 loa n A~k for ... l.11..i CH CK JONES NEWPlllT tEGKT1 1611,000 Wonderful (iBR 'home great for entertaining \'lfh large deck\, Jacua1, sauna & open floor plan <iun,ct. (.:ualtnJ • some ocean vtC'-" -.ill "11hm "alkm~ d1 tJncc to 'ichool & beach. \ Ii. ror ... C ROLE •"RA! KEL TRADIT10Ul REllJEICE • NPT tEGKT1 <\BR that h•1' been e\pJndcd app 1.000 sq ft Jnd remodeled m 19 '. T"o ma,ter .,uttc<,, 3 f': H \ \lllll l.nfurtmhc:d) plu' I}! fam11\ rt"-1m ,1111,·t (.UI lf,.,.ic. be.1u11lulh upgr.1dcd S5St>.O!Xl h i. for ... R ~f. RODG .. RS ABSCl.UTE BARGAll l5tl;,000 I \tl:Ull\C 2 't' 4UR, 38A. plu den or 5th DR ( u'tom b ench door-. 6. "indo"'· Light & open wi th grc.I! ;,un cxpthurc L.lrge prh•ate lot. O"nc:r\ "'ant m mmc A5AP. Le.1 c or lc:t\C 11plltln pu,,101c \'iii. ror ... E'L\' N MAREE KEMP 720-l174 18.COlllT ltll.W Ulllli___m.&.,•--- -... " ccping Titalin.ltll.:can + cit)· light \IC" . in~lc lc\cl :?BR. 21 !BA condo total!\ upgraded ,\. 1n h,•,t loc.u1on Guard gJted commun1~ "Hh pool ~ p.l k for ... RO'i FEl..SOT HROR VIEW HOMES S&&0,000 \\ 1mdcrf ul f\BR '>omc~et " C\piln<lcd Jin in~ rm den 6. UJh t.l1rs BR 'k~light. (. trad hchtllll!. tpl . updated kitchen " natur,11 l1,l1, l.thinct-. So man\" ameniue A mu't .,.:e! b._ for ... E iTHER \' NK PAllllAMIC VIEWS 1876,• Ju .. 1 11.,tcd by mom atcd seller. See the occJn & ha~ from the turning ba in to Catalina from 1h1' 2 cy 3BR 3BA home on Kmg Road. Grc.it v. luc. ' A~k for ... CAROLE FRANKEL WOllJBH. HAI• VIEWI $726,• G raciouc; living -HighJy upgraded -24 hour c- cunty doorman. Pool -spa -billiard and card mom Wall to beach. Lido hop , re taurant &. theatre A.,lo. for ... MF.RLE 8544903 £LJZABETH 476-8028 BAnml W/l.AI& DOCK $1,M,m ·Ralph Lauren" totally remdled cottage tylc 'cuing 4BR, 3~~BA, commercial grade l1tchen " nool.. eparatc dining room. <ipac1ou "Great room" ovcrlookin& the ba). k for ... Pt1ARY OITUWO HAMOR VIEW lllll S799,• S2CI( RBIJClDl •. .ASICING $184,900 Spectacular 180° view of ocean. 4BR. 2~BA, pool Lrgc;>u(>gradcd ~BR . den, 1 1 ~BA, 2 car g.trj\!C & a end unit I mile to beach. Comm: pool. t1:nn1,. p . . Ask for .. JIM DIGRADO and private R V 'itorage Prime location nn1 h' llf.AU1H. CORONA DB. MAR $829,000 pool and ~rec nbclt Probate -.ale on double lot rc.uJv for enher two Ask for ... DUSTY II.ARRIS (EXT. 1241 re 1dence" or twtl duplc>.c . H eir~ arc anxiou-. Drive by 701 Murgueritf Jnd make an) offer Ask for ... GISELA BURMEI ITER NEW l.iDllG IPY1iUIS Sl, 190,000 Beautiful Ne" Bedford "" fabulou ocean & hght view. cu tom kllchcn, expanded ma,ter BR, pool & \pa -Fabulou location k for ... ESTHER YANK PAllllAMIC VIEWS $1, 198,• lln-.urpa ~ed cit\ ~1e"' ,\. lll\CI~ !"la\ ,,c"'' fr\lm th!\ 4iBR P'gl."" Hill home ulo. ror .. JA 'E Sl 'G \II~\ TOP Of IPY1iUIS CUIT1JM IPIBIJOR $1,599,500 Spectacular recent! • expanded & cu tom1zed la rgest uthp<.nt model 6BR, 4 lnBA + big bonu with h1ghe t quality and ta tc. Lrgc prv. gated front yrd. & back yrd. w/pool & pa. Fab- ulous view of ocean, harbor, & Catalin~ l le. k for •. JUUA LIAO IRVINE llftR ITAllTBI $287,600 OVcr 1900 q ft detached 3BR/2.1"zBJ\ on end of cul-de·sac lot in Northwood area. Step to one of twO assoc. pool centers fcatunng e\CI')'· thing from swimming, tcnn1 , and court V-l;lall to aunas and huge clubhouse. New paint. All th1'l for only $287,500 Ask ror ... BJLL K.ELU.'Y 73().6J.&J _ 1WD MAITlR lll11I $218,600 One up and one do'-"n Thi 4BR;3V:BA home that 1\ nearly 2.300 Ml ft . hurt .... alk to com- munity pa.r~ and !>Choo! Central to hopptng and freeways. Reduced to S299,500 Alk ror ... BUL KELLEY 730-6343 2 STORY SPECIAL $299,000 ..i c;paciou., BR . .:? ~B \. f.1mil~ mom. f1rcp1Jcc .inJ much mnrl m.1!..c th" ,p·c:ci.11 ht'mt .1 famil) delight' R\' .tecc,., & lrg. ~Jrd ll\\\1 Ask for ... BILL or OO"i"'i \ WEB. Tf.R 8 lllTI $850,000 Fanta<;llC 8 unll building .' 1111.., from tl\.Cdn \II ~BR 1 BA "' garage . ApprO\ GSI ll.000 p1. r )Car. J\ sumc I '\t · 2nd ..., 1th S 151lK Ask for .. J l \t OIGR\00 WESTMINSTER S11NING 38R HOME $247,900 5p.ic1nu' l\<\(I <.q It hl1mc "ll•'d' •rt:r.1dul J..11ch1.·n .. \ I ' J B \' I IL l.!l. t-,•nu' rm •n.11.:1: ... hk .11 f.tmth nn 11r m-.tr 'tl f1. rrJl11. lol.'.1t1on. '' 111; 11.' \tile Square P irk' \ k for .. J \('" c;IFH)RD LAGUNA I . lAGlftA BEACH 5UR. SBA 1.u,wm h11mc. lln l.1rl!c.: hit ""·•h:J n l a~un.t \'1l1Jgc I ht' J500 'll It 'rx'\t1I h1,m1. 1, pcrkct~.ind re .1th l<'r a L~1gun.1 'ummcr. k (or ... STI:Vt: ~tIT{"'HEI, --- lAGtN llUS DREAMS DO COME TIU $284,900 1 1!..c nc" J",ud \\inntnl! JBR 'H \ htll'lC, picture pl.rlcl.l'' Jh,m1. katur1.' ,11. l' !.1rni' fl'Klm lar~c m-.ir 'le. 11,,1d1.· l.mnJn ,\ ' " • 1 l.e1ltn}!.'· l ''"' t ' r.111.. ( )\, n..r mi 1' Ill' 1 \1. , 1 h.1, purcha,eJ • n11thu h"ni... \1. '1c.:r '" •' i.l"l'l "1th 1ln.in1.·1ni: Pr 11.cJ l"-1. '"' 1 "' '1k' Hurl"\. "''II nl't l.1,1 \.<;Ii. for .. J011' \\, \ 'T\l l K 040-~11 DANA POINT NO UllJTY Bill $174,900 Fabulous condo " d1rn·t heh al.'u:" .1d1.1ccnt 111 the Ritz Carlton l.1~ht c.I.:. ,un. 2 m<..tr 'tc nc" carpet, windo'' co,crin£' ,\J. trcshh p.itntl•d in &. out. Move tn no'~ in ttmc for 'ummcr Re memhc r )OU only pa~ the clcctnc hill Hn.1 p;"' the re t. Ont\ S'>.000 dtmn c.\. o~ncr \\Ill P·" ill nl"in rccurnn.i; c~1't' A~a.. for .. JOll!lit \\. \ 'T.\l.FK M0-~22 BAPIC REPO $225,000 -· - PAGE 14 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE WALTER MITCHELL • aeactrs roker ® !::=:::=====================: ,, .... ,..., _k c.t.1;.. HM9 ,..,. ,,.., -- ---' l.nl ,,_. -· .. ...,..,. ......... ltlllM .,,,,..., llNfll ~ CWC.• rlWJ fl,,.. ..J e.11-..... tlu~,.., wit f •i•/.• ,,..,..., Mi ,,.,, ~· 6-f-' _,, ,,,,,,,;.. .. """"-$M ••« ,,, ,,... .. ,, •"' ,..1. &.,.,.. .. ,.., •• ;,. """' ,.,,,,;, _, ,..,. l'ricetl ... ..,.. ,__, -... A STE.AL AT ....... , ..... -........ SS11,I00 .. :4. °'".._~ ~BULOUS VIEWS A '#I• f ..,...,,. ..., Nfl llUfl"f ,_.. "9t 2 W-llllidl ,,,.. _,., NJ,..•, It..-.,,.., -.. -' _,,. t.,.. 11JA.;. tl##t. ,,.., IH111Ht1 witli (•6flit1u 6., -' ~ ;inll. &o.-1, t#Uflli llttni# Ju.r ·· ,tull N11f¥C, •lf9MH ~it tlllef. ,__ ,,_.,, l#W~ 6/Hd-' HA cUitt•u, 11.fllt-' ,.n-,. f ,,.,;,Itta. 116 •II• t1 16. ._,.. 11/CED AT UST .. ··-········ ................................................••.•• S61 S 000 VILLA BALBOA'S FINEST ~ thb rmrc«>' &.,...... ..., _,, 1--. ,_., 0"9r4 a 6ii 1-"9 ~­ ~ ,_ .,.., ,,, ... ~ ,,,_ ............. ~,.. MJ ._,ti(IJ tilM f'-n. TIULY A MHAIN AT ...•.• 1111,000 ... 1'f ma it'aM: •l SI \SO rnue1~ c..,,_n ,,.,,, ,... ·c.. r .. ,· (2 •lllWr ,.;,_,J l•,.te1t6f• V•ruiillu 2 • .,u, ,.,u ,..,..,,., Witli.•t • '-•" dN •ifl#f f ...,.. ._,tf(•I S.• lfHHl.I 'aliU. ,,_,,,...;, ... _, "CWI• lli•llll•. .,...... lliH ll . ,,.,., ,,.,,, '"t'tl' •• ,.,, •• ,,, F.;,. ,..u..-,.. ....... '··~ t... ,, ... , Tr•I-l•,.u•'1fe. •tifal .. w et1•••i'-,.,,., k•tli. IH61U.. ,,..,,,,..._. ,_( flridl ,... ...... 6., l lH 1 WONT UST AT ]UST .................... $169,000 LLEI IS ANXIOUS........ . ....... S1Jf,000 A HEAT VALUE AT ONty ................... SIH,000 A• •XC#llMt .,,,,,ff_,,.,., -•lffN ,.,.. 1 6-J,... + ... """"-· &.-1111• .. •( .,,. """· _,.,. ''"""""',,.... IH11tiH .. ,. .. ; •. 11/CED TO SEU FAST .................... sns,ooo MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY! All oUcr1 C1nsjJcu' W MJ t OCIAJI M8'S ,,._ t/H1 .__. ,,....... .... ,.. ,,.... .......,,.. ~ .,..;1 • ..,. (1 ..... 1.15 .. ). Ast ................ ,.. • ,,....... ......, _,, """,. •le ... ..J ..... t#Hls. ,.,._, ............ ,..,,. •.R:'lflhul 1111.., ,..., ,,_.,, ~,1 w ,.,.... .. ,.,. ................. . _.~ .... u MIST SE.LL. ........ _ ............. 1111,soo .. ~. ~~f'i - -,T" ,-.., t t ttn \. f #rl A'l...,•• ,a,Tl')f"'\"' LI "" .,.-• ,. . ""' , NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 15 • . Bob & Dovie Koop Why li st with just one agent! Call the Koop·team! 760-5000 E xt. 128 or 760-1580 Bob Koop Dovie Koop ******************************** Bob Koop, Jr. *************************** BEST DEALS OF TH E WEEK * * * * * • • C0"1A 'ff~A ) 8 a1tooa1 I· rmioa1 II c T M C.ubh "''" dow a (Uu II pm< I 0 a n.><n I rrlXll doon poDd. nmock led k 11<.bm ''°""" moldin&• ~lumbcd , ... IW ~llJ'dM, ~--.P••o. 11111< cupon • u i..1 aon le! #'CS oo C fi. dctalll Sl811,YOO ~·;;~.~ Bott KOOi• Jll ttr ROH l(ll()P 'll . ' . 'ewport Beach Condo Two bedroom, 2 lf}. bath w1th two elllr.s large master su1tes. Close to Sew "Canyon Park" and Wt.ldhlc Reserve. Just a short Jog to lhc beach Only steps away fmm A~ •ation pool and spa PRICED TO ELL AT $159,500 UOlJ KOOP **************** 2 story, 5 BR, 4 BA, formal duung room .• huge farruly room 3 fi.replaces,situng nn 1ll maslcr bdrm. Large back yard has spa and fruit tree$1 S49S,OOO 5649,~9 BOB KOOP * * * * * * * **************************************************************************** LEA ES I~ ~EWPORT UEACH 5 Bedrooms , 2.5 bath . 4 y«::an. old, skylights. !>lCps to bca<:h 2,350 4 Bedroom., 2 Baths, lots of park ing. skyligl)ts, s teps to tx:uch St .9lr A ORTEDAPPETIZER~ HANK' Dll' 1/3 cup lox diced mto tn inch pieces 1 /3 cup green pepper chopped 1/3 cup onion chopped 2/3 cup mayonnaise or unul moist. spread a li n le tabasco 2 -5 drops to spice it up. Serve with pany size pumpemicklc bread. Let everyone build their own. POOR MANS H OR D'OEUVRF,S I l~e onion chopped fine I cup mayonnaise 4 or 5 drops of tabasco Mix well, pread on panybrcad round, or any bread lhat has been cut mto squares (1 shce cru st removed and quartered) Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. BroLl until golden and bubbly. CA\UO llllOM.1-..S Spu.ucular VJU• ol ocean A mnu Cll'"'ua! JMUOOVC11oob&dlcouoc ... a1r IOP"'I bcldl. ranodcled 111 IA 10 iro; Mtdll A COOi~ rwy blmd K<amt\11 blcx.11 alMI fVI in Ir llucc mu ter !tit 1nd'pl & llUllll l'l'D w/J& 1ub io8A Room1oadl 2ftlt," BAAU<~A <.11) ~·cc! ll,IS0.000 Jl~!l.Ne IJ(lll 1(001' OCF.A,,l"ltO,, \OkO~A l>U. MA.k ) Br) llA ~u. 4 C• &anac pnvu p"!f arc.a, !be flOUt c...un, o..u.n JC'-1)' VIC:-1 Tb.I OC1 lbt becb ~"°"'al lor 2 nc"" Willi trou> COMU1I A plamlll& t•IJ cwar;il Grca valur • SJ,S00,000 51,lii1Mi SU&\tIT Al L 1 kAJ>t.S I' O.C. OW:-.'J0 R \.\ A~TS Otlf' llOft KOOP LAK.t.. ARMOWHEAD PIUM.E OOU'COlJlSIH.OCA TlOt-J S bed 101XD. 1 be1D. -.ty, ~ a--. IAr&.e du• ·• Ja.uw . 0:w 11acDt llAI '"" .,_ c-..,1r1cty 1911odd.il andb• Ill -fllnwtl ~· WuhnilcforO C boaleorcoodo, Paln:I Spnnp lll'll'OC Or 4S·SS fMl t'-r Doe• "<iry -u.·· .. ,,,., ... BOil KOOP T v.o bcdroarn, fv.0 bath, pcnthoWle l \UIC With cornJlWldlJ'lg VIC"*S Of oc:ca.n cl harbor New paull, carpets&. mUTOl'Cd wall. Thu is I.ht best value. Pnocd to G1YC A"*•Y· SJS0,000 '385,Mt BOB KOOP SANTAANA ApproXJ mately 29 ,000 sq. ft. oflcvel clean land for9 uruts, (townhomes). ame your trade. SUBMIT ALL TRADES IN ORASGE COUNTY AS KI NG $415,000 BOB K OOP . Suialc ltor')I clcUdlcd IWO bedroom, IV>'O beb, rarr bice baa yud Wllh fNll lrru ,....o c.ar •icbed a-ncr ...w. ca1npmao1 olf .,_for I uia Mmy ~ 8~~ Sell er Will c any I a T D Ask 1111 ·J $245,800 515~18&0 BOB"'KOOP OCE~OHT CORONA DEL MAR lttaody IO buikS I.baa pnmc rmidaltal Ulc lflP"O"tld far 6,000 Ill ft bcmc ... @ brrdl llkma YlCWI s1u1 • s100,ooo s1.a~,eee SUB~IT ALL TRADES IN 0 C. OWNER WANTS Ot!T! BOB KOOP EASTSIDE COST A MESA 1'7 Del Mar Completely remodeled. Luce R·2 l~ Owner will leuc: option. O•t1t1 •ill sell Owne:nwill c:any. $319,900 801 KOOP JR.or BOB KOOP R. , ' I .l ( I I PAGE 16 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 Pettit Joins The Prudential California Realty Team EnNt,'Y, ethics, crNttvity and t~nacicy. 1ust J fow of words to d~rrbe Dayna Pettit -the newes1 member of The Prudential C1lifurrna Realty's • Nl'\\ port Beach Office A :-.l·wport Beach rt")' ll nr fu r 2 8 } cars Pl.·l'•t h.h al\'a)~ tJl..l.•n ,l!l ,1 l1\ c interest 1n hu LIJll'rnunity Currently :.lw 1., prcs1d<.·nt oi ':>1w.1k Up Newport, J nlJn profit group cJL·d1c.Jtcd to issues conrronting our city. She is also \.in· chalf or the (1\ 11 Serv1Cc Board or Newport BCJch and has been an .irc.i coorclm.llor for Newport Bc.ich Community Police Board fur the past 1 2 years. Her latest pro1l'Cl has bC'cn to start the Balboa Carden Club. an orgJn1zat1on ded1catC'd to l1ft1ng the level of beauty and prtdl' 1n downtown Balboa. where she has 11\(•d fur 20 year., with her husband, Uob Pettit. Bt•furc beginning a rt•al t•statc c ar1:er. Pettit gained invalu,)blc cxp<.•rit·nce in rnarl..et1ng and s.iles as c>oa.•t ut1\c assistant to tht· l hJ1rman of Bu ldl·rs [mpunum <rnd pu~nal customer representative fOf. Sclndy-S~ ch.1irman olthe W ickes Companies, owner of Builders Emporium. "lhJt was a very e\c1t1ng time in my bu .. iness c.ircer," she !klys. "Excclk·nt customer rt'latiom and !>l.'I\ CC \\JS of p.ir,1rnount concern. and 11 h.1p~n:. to be an arcJ 1n '"h1ch I rc.1lly thrive. ThJt's one.• of the r<.'.l'>ons l turnt'd to n•al est.11c as nl) >econd c.irccr after I retired from the retail bu)1ne:.s." A:. 1.1r a:. Pe ttit 1:. concerned. service 1:. rhe mu:.t unporrJnt aspect of rcJI <.»tJll', and she <.•n1oys providing her cl1c.•nts wit h the best service possible. "I consider myself to be a facilitator by pa5!>1ng property from one person to ,1nother 1n such a way as to create ~t1~fJct1on for all involved," she said. "That's what s.Jttsfies me and ma~t~ me happy." The Prudential Cal1forn1a ReJlty is Vl'ry pleased to have Pettit as/art of the Newport Beach team, an she is hJppy to have mJde the move to wh at sh1.' cuns1dc1:. to be the bei.t office in tm' n. YS: .. MUST SELL" Upgraded Plans for 1 .800 sq lous $75.000 price reduction. EDUCED! $474,900. -A FABULOUS BUY. At $419.000. this is a wOnderfufoPi>ofrunity. ·Move in· condrtlOn, but pnced for quid< sale Owners are leaving the area. and looking for a quahfted bUyer. HARBOR VIEW HOMES. $419,000 -LARGE CORNER LOT. 4 BA. Pool & Spa, HARBOR VIEW HOMES •• Lovely front and rear landscaping New kitchen tile. skylight. Very bright and sunny south·f acing rear yard. REDUCED $489,000 Call for further detail a "YOU VN:.W HOME-PRICE REDUCED CAN 3 BR 2 BA model in Ph. Ill, large pvt. comer lot Many upgrades. BUY Comrrunity Tennis court aocess AT A REDUCED TO $515,000 ...._-=========----~~ GREAT PRKF'I "EXQUISITE TASTE" H. V. HOMES 3 Bedroom. family room. Fr. doorSI win· dows. ceramic t•le. best location. Near school /greenbelt. $469,000 4 BEDROOM TOWhttOME 289,000? Lovely. quiet location. 2.5 baths. attached 2-car gar New carpet/paint. Near • .__sc_hool_s_i_chu_rc_hes_. -------J CHRISTA a GERRY LONG ~,.., ...... broken. c .. "ornl• .,._ ot ...., &t91e. ~ONGS OF NEWPORT ~.!!! _AND CHRIST A -640.CONG I 84()..5684 NEWPORT BEACH/COST A MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE ROBIN TENCH CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN SIDE OF PCH Irvine Terrace remodel model perfect w, giant ~-like yard Just listed. Priced to sell. Perlect foe a couP'e. Great poteotJaJ to add on . $589,000 TWO gorgeous fonw model homes Ill the gated C°'"""'*Y of Jasmine Pn VefV brite w,open Iii *""5 & tons of up- grades. $424,000/$399,000 Steps to the Ocean Elegant .Executive Condo IHORECLIFF CONTEMPORAR OCEAN & CATALINA VIEWS W/fabulous pool & spa. Soaring Wlls of glass, marble. glass °"*ipnite. (Reduced 1 M1l- llonl) Approx 4500 ~ $1.8 MILLION CORONA DEL .... 'P OCEAN PAN Oceanside of PCH it Clmeo I bnte 4BR4~BA wspedacuW~ pool Views from most MifY room. $1,195,000 BALBOA CHARMER BUILDABLE R-2 LOT ~ location w/potfl., for OClll1 vh9ws. Lot 25 x 90. Slashed b ... S27 NEWPORT BEACH/COSIA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE t 80° 8<1(k BJ~ VIC'W! h!f a \\-ide lot-80xl 33 Onl' ~to'), 48R 3BA Mu-.t '('II! Sl 160.000 Duplex 1BR 2BA N<;h S4b9 000 "'" llOU'I'' lrom ex ('JO 0• 1UhlP lot . I 1 SO llOO SATURDAY, February·20, 1993 I PAGE 17 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES fORCLOSURE \.1 '' l .\n.1 h p ,., ' \ Jr.., O 'Y> lull\ 11111d ~tl<•I .1rt•,1 ~4-1000 C.I S5'1 4 I FORECLO URE ' 'd \n.~ 4 ;ll( • 'm : 111 8'• (,\I u~d 111 ti< ') ' 1 (~1 \11.., n anJ~·"<I Sl4'1 Un<l WANTED l ah• lo• rn c < ()\\ '-.iu•h or 1 lr\!h\\,I\ a RF/Mrt< . . . t 60-sooo ~ COVER HOME CORONA DEL MAR CHARMER On(r 2 lum11..'\ from Ocean R e moc.Jcled in 1 9~7. Thb nne "tor~ 2 BR, 2B/\ -with a ~l!pa ratc office c.'t fan1i lv roo n1. on an ,l lm o~t c.Jnuhk· lot. ~City say~ t"' n homes nka~. Se ller want~ to t r..itk f H San Ju,rn apistrano h li)f!'\C propc rt) or ju"l ~in1pl v SELL. . ~ Open ~ aturda1· 1-5 215 Point ettia For more information call Gisela Burmeister at 494-0870 Re/Max South County t>'J.&Pft_ 'l~~ u"1A Y • • PAGE 18 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT CREST OWNER WILL ~CARRY • NO POINTSf Move-in ccmd111on 3BR. 2 SBA townhome X·LRG deck. formal din PRICED TO SELL AT $255,000. PEACERJL • PRJVATE. ••• Upgr&des Din rm . woodbum1ng fpl lovely hrdwd flrs, planlllbon shulte!"i & an office den off master ste . comm pooVtennis 28R 2 5BA Asking $279,000. ' OH SO SOPHISTICATED! IMMACULATE 3BR 2 SBA rownhome SpaclOUS kit w dmmg area. for din rm . vauhed celhng. sec sys . dose to ·pool tenni~ Come see for you.self Asking $279,500. NEWPORT BEACH VACATION AU. YEAR 'ROUNDI Exec. condo an exdnt gated comm Walk or bike to bch & shopping Amenines mdude pool, spa & sauna OFFERED AT $129,500. 1AKE AN EVENING STROLL. BEST PRICED 1 BR condo an model.perfect cond PartJaJ ocean view Enioy walks to the bch & Lido Villoge Comm tennis, 2 pools Gated community LOW PRICED AT $164.950. LIVE THE PENTitOUSE UF£J BEAUTIFULLY appointed. sunny comer, penthouse features 2BR. 2BA an quiet loc.ab<>n Tree and fountain Vle\.VS. HIGHLY upgr&ded w/nle & flXt\.lres, fpl, shuttm & more• ENJOY pool, spa, clubhouse. exercise rm Walk to beach Offered at $115,500. ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS! WONDERFUL 1 BR w/ext use of marble. custom wall covs & drapes, frpl Ocean V1ew off patio You\:e GOTTA SEE IT at only $199,0001 A BLOCI< TO ntE Bf.ACH •.• DUP1.£X, 4tl 3'2. ea umr has laund . fpl, 2-car gar + 3 extra spaces 30x I 10 lot Spac patio REMARKABLY priced at $549,500. CORPORATE-OWNED home in ideal area for the GROWING FAMILY SBR, 3BA. 2-stot'y Somenet model w/spadous backyard & attractive wood deck, lovelr Euro kit Oose to school, park & community pool A TRADITIONAL home priced to sell at $564.000 BELCOURT HILL CONDOt Spac rms., 2 fpls, din rm. Approx 2500 SF. Central vac, wetbar. entry lar 'nook Seller will hstenl PRJCED 10 MOVE at $565.000. SPYGLASS DESIGNER HOJllt Highly UP· GRADED w/CUSTOM fabrics &-well coverings' PAN· ORAMJC VIEWS. 4BR. 2 SBA, EXTRAS ind; crown moldings, bay windows, new ldt., ror. din .. fpls In llv. & ram nns . J.car garage Shows like a model' Pnced below comps al $695,0001 BRING YOUR YACtm DUPLEX w/82' of wate.r frontage & slips for 3 boats 2BR, 2BA unit up, I BR, 2BA unrt down Could be SFR Owner wiU take less 1f COE IS prior to 311/93. Offered ot SIH,000. 33 7 7 Via lido Newport Beach. CA 92663 OPEN 7 DAYS t NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE In Newport Beac ______ ____ LIQUIDATIONS MUST UQlJIDATEI Owner wtll cany thiS 3BR 2.58A, Newport Crest t~nhome FABULOUS upgrades PlantalJOn shutters, Berber carpet and BEST yet MOVE-IN COND1 Pnced for quick sale at $255.900. . HAIUIOR RIDGE UQlJIDATIONU •• .A de1Sgne:r's shol.vplace1 Lt. hrdwd nrs.. custom verd" ~ crown moldt'ng 1 serene Views' Make offer Loan balancd. $392,000 Submit all offers Aslung SSff,500. SftctACULAa OCfAN VIEWS! MUST SEU th1S corp.owned 3BR. 2 ~BA. home w1ncrrdible ocean VH?v.1 from every room 2 ftreploces, breakfas1 nooll wn deck. $519.SIO. OCEANFRONT PROPERTIES SALT A.Ill a WAVES CMllllNGI &eathtalung ~an views, 3BR beachfront cottage with 1n<:<>rne umt Beachfront palJO 30 x 1025 lot. ONLY $195,000 GREAT LEVEJIAGE LOW DOWN! RENT PAYS THE LOAN! Spec::tacu1ar duplex, JBRI 2BA up, 2BR, l BA down Pe~mic whit~aterl COMlal views EJc. ceUent prkg. l..ge as.sum loan. Submit offel"S!trades etc OFFERED AT $1,249,000 OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY ONLY 240 N'ia l.n. 1216. ~ lk.xh $164,950 1-4 I 16 Ima Loa, Newport Crest sz1q ooo 14 201 I 8ammca BM! • Newpcxt Buch SJ()q Cl()() I 1 406 E. 8elboa BM! , Balboa Ptnin S42.5.000 1-4 20 15 Pon Prowoor, Nev.'POl1 Bc«h ~000 1-4 2003 yacht Vindex. Newport Beach $629,900 1 4 2173 E. Ocean BM!, Balboil P111in $725,000 1-4 27842 Goldenndge, San Juan Capo $825,000 2.S 334 "L" Slrftt, B.l>oe PtNn $92.5,000 1-4 101 v .. Gmoe. Udo .. $1,185.000 1-4 LIDO ISLI. WALK TO VIUAR a lltOfS ... Open ftpln &. gotge0US IOUth-faciog pabo lends to «ntmalning Bright/auy, 2-.story, SBR and farn. rm. S«nsibfy pricltd at $765,0IO. BAVVIEWS • PalCE HDUCU> ... El.EGANT JBR, S SBA hOl'M on one of IN Island's best stS HUGE lot, FANTA.STIC patio, formal dining, d«n/ game rm w/pooJ tbl. Kit. wlful amen.ltial S.l'lllbty pnCQd at s1.11s .... BALBOA PENINSULA INCOME PltOPEatv ... Stroll to the BEACH from thts TERRJAC duplex• JBRl28A. 2 lrg decks & fpl up 2BPJ2BA. fpl & 1»t10 down Great rtnt.al aiea, washer dryttr hoolcups, 11' counter In kit & boths 4-av gar Uppn ~ for lea. SEE IT TODAY' ,$415,000. , PltlNE INVU~ NOP'E81Y •.. OpiJ( nr bay & beach JBR"28A up, 2BR l BA down BEAUTIFULLY redeu>f um~ SubrM your otfcr Asking $550,000. . TAKE IN THE MY QUZl'.8 ... 0swn flrpl, ony lut , frpls in hv & mastn bdrm Call to we tod.Jy1 $'75.000. PENINSULA POINT-DnAN HONEJ ff4tmod . eled & enlorged JBR, 38A hclnw on &J' \ot in rn<J\le· In cond Sep guHt hw, country· kit , U'I flow nrpln, trg yd w'l.w.11, paoo, dtt.k. Wa.'k to the Wedge A dream eome tn.re ror Just $719,ooe. BAVFRONT LIFE • SNAaTLY STVLEO CONDO ••• UNJQUE 3BR. 38A hol'M ~,th the fttt of San Francisco inside 8c suruc Newport &~ Bay out 11de Quahty, Artisan ~Mtrif & more DRASTICAU..Y ttduccd 101tD et Ut5,0Mf SURROUNDING /\REAS SOUTH COAST ME1110 UQUIDATIOfll .•. J'lir So ~t Pl 1>«rlorm Am Cntr Mob offer lot CIUh out. will (<>Mlder lease C4" H~ MOTIVAlm & ng ONLY $111.900. ATTENTION IRVIN'E INVESTOllS ..• P~ttve cost\ flow1 Spoc 2BR. 28A ~thowe unit v.: loft High c.etls. open s~ \MIN & temfte IOcale ONLY SIU,fOOf C1.AUIC EASTSIDf. auNGM.OW .•• PUNJY al room for a garden on thts 2BR, 1 BA on R·2 loc. Room to tiq>an or build An0ttwr hse on !he b6ck. Call today for details 1' GRf.AT lnw:strnmt at $Ht.Htf SAR AND SOUNDI GOllGEOU9 2 yr NEW. 3BR. 2.5 BA. filnl home Many u~. ram. '"'. den, top.of·the·llrw lut app1anc. &. LOTS of windows WORTli YOUR WHll..£ AT Ul•.SMt CAHYON ANO NIGHT UGHT vmlal Hk.Jhly upgraded 3BR. 2 BA siJ'9e-stor,i home i,, great arl'a for kads ~· rm w;trpl, lam nn , qwct locadon In arta If VoU rt tu.y...1. VoU'I wtint to '" this today Priced to ttl fast at •IM ..... f714J 6 73-7 300 Rock solid in real estate ... ' \ NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, Februar}t 20, 1993 I PAGE 19 Advantage In Newport Beach!· PANOllAJllC. HILLSIDE A GOLF COURSE mW9 from th11 ~.IQ.US 4BR. 3.5.BA luxury home in a aerene area of the Hunt Club' Bnmmmg with custom amenities the big country kitchen fea- tura an adjoining ran111y r<>Om with pub-style bar, maid's qtrs + BA, spacious master suite w mag- n1f1Cent bathroom retrea1 The grounds-boast a sparkhng pool & spa w'lush landsalpe1 I. Ofhr.•d •t $125,000 Ask for LEE DRUMMY BllAND NEW CAPE COD STVLE CUSTOM HOME. LOCdted fin exdu~I\, !Vil~ Penm .. ul<1 Pnm1 1Nher.i the hving 1s grd,10\b & c.i.,ual Thi., 2·sto~· 4BR. 2.SBA home h.•.itur.::. ,, p.inor<1mir occlln "''~""' from th rooftop · h.c..k t\11 high ~nd .,mcn11Je~ 4'bound m thh lxauhlul home at th1~ mcontf>Mabl•' locauon Offered •t $925,000 Ask for JO KING or MARCIA DOSSEY Ake o L at th~ UGHTFUL 3BR. I SBA home ln Eastslde neighbor· hood al the end of the cul-de-soc HUGE R-2 lot has potenbal for income units A HECK OF A buy! Offered et $305,000 Ask for DANA BLACK ABANDONED CllY VIEW HOME. High- ly upgraded New Bedford featuring one of the larger floorplans in the area. Show like a model. Ko1 pond in entry~ lacquered wood patio, French doors & windows .. Walk across the street to tennis, spa & pool. Seller is very highly motivated and 1s offering thie TER- RIFlC property at $629,900 Ask for GIB WALKER ~HARP OCEAN "VIEW PLAN N3 T0\\1\- HOME B.!<1ut1ful 3BR. 2 SBA Newport Crest home featunng dmmg room. hvmg room with woodsey pnvate view from lovely deck. &rber carpeung plus an cxean view from the luichen & bedrooms' Call CAROL today for ..i pcrsoncil showing Offered at $269,000 Ask for CAROL MULVEY · LOWEST PRICED ONE BEDROOM IN VILLA BALBOA. Model perfect & m gated community featunng tl'nms. 2 pools & ~ven1ng walks around the commuruty Walk to the beach & Udo village shops Central A C plus mor~ Call today to see this convenit'.'nt property offeredat $164,950 Ask for ROBERT TAYLOR INCREDIBLE BAY A OCEAN VIEW 3BR. 3BA beach home on the Peninsula featunng a family room & great open feel Spacious 101 x 35' lot ts idully located right next to the beach for a low, low pn~ of $725,000. Call today to see this fine beach house. Ask for JO KING o r ANNE DENNIS GRAND ENTERTAINING IN NEWPORTI SPEC- TACULAR bc1i. ocean 01\ hght \llN !tom uu~ 4BR -l '>BA Dramatic 5elar hrated 1nrloor pool v.. re!Ti)CWO.: r"Of All room~ excl'pt masll'r suite ad)Otn the pool' J'."300u~ luklidl l hrl'akf,,~1 3tl'<l vaui:~>d cdang' aml?nith:'~ abound Tlie ULTlMATE for JUST $1.495,000 Ask for GIB WALKER CORP RATE-OWNED. A MUST SELL SITUATION. Beautiful 3 year old custom home with incredible oceal'\\.l.h1tewater Catdlma sunset views from every room' Dining room. ma~ter suite w/romantic fireplace, hv r. "'-Vclulted ca.?1ls, frpl & wet bar Nicely landSCllped Bnng an offer & owner wiU worit with you REDUCED TO SELL AT $529.500 Ask for JO KING o r JOE BOYER . ... l Ii 7 I '• PAGE 20 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 Newport Beach Design Ho11~ '92 Home of Mn John Woyne A sec:I. .. ~ lenn.s estole wtlti o mogntf.ceM ..,... 5 c111•om0red bed•oom l ll'IU . 7 5 botf>s T enn11 c0Uf1 ond pov1110" Pool spo sovno Wine cellor 4 lirep!oces Ar11sl's stvd10 & veranda Home office retreor ond pony plonn1ng room Priced of $3,900,000 Coll Jvdy Muncy ot 729-7161 Loauno laeach Perc"ed ho<;ih obove 1"e cro1f.1ng blue Poc1f1C Ocean, 1 ts !>eocl11f Monor. one ol rhe most spec!Ocvlor homes ,.. Sovtl-.em Col fomoo Th11 luxunovs estate oopro• 7000 so It et1ComP01M1 mogn1l<ent while wo~r oceo" ...ews of Colol•no lslol'ld ond it.. entve logvno Beoch coosrl•ne 6 bedrooms, 7 5 bcJths Eloboro1e pool, 1po ond woteno11 $2,499,000 Col HM~ ("),_.jo n1 ~1\8-4116 M111fon Viet• T rvlr pq11111le, IV11unovaly oPf>O!Oled, lvlly lvmlshed Medtlem>neon eslote. The unique wo._,.ront locot!On 1nclude1 ov.r 286 f..i on Mittion Vtero loke lndvd.t 111 own boot clodl Fonlolflc wnM11 frOl'll .,,.ry room Newly cons1r\Kled .. th o?PfOll 7 ,000 eq i... 7 bedt00ma, sin bolh1 Gourmet kitchen Morda QW!tefs wdh ~ room ond kitd••• ,.ool, apo and _., S2,995,000. Coll Lano & Jerry Foionea. 201-3366 Gt.at 10/1\lly home. to ... on quiet cul de JOC. Just mini.ltes to the beoc:h. Feoturet '°""" room, dOning room ond fiteploce. SS0,000 apent on upgrodes. Profeuionolly londacoped wifi built in BBQ. S325,000. c on no-0611 I •. Corona .... 89SI buy in rhe oreo. Old Corono del Mot chorm. Remodeled in '92. Updated ond upgraded. New kitchen, baths ond coipets. 3 bedrooms, 2 bolhs. Cory fl~ 2 co1 goR>ge. A must ,..1 S•99,500. CoU 720-0611 Newpcwt hoch Wondorlul oc.eon, sunset ond harbor - from this 3 bedroom, 2'~ bolh Seoloare condo lools like o model Only 2 ~ ,_ Front row locotoon Pnst1ne condmon. Secluded o<lldoot Wing o1 IN b.oc:ti S•59.000 Con 720.-0611 Costa Mesa bcellent cond1hon. LC>Yef., condo .. th 2 moster 11.11111 Formol d1n1.ng room, vaulted G8ll1ng1, COi\' fiteploce 2 cor olloched goroge Community pool and spa S 178, 900 CoU 720-0611 Corona del Ma,.. BeSI bvy for o duple• on old Co<0no ~ Mor Owners unit 11 o 3 bedroom, 2 both plus o 2 bedroom, 1 both rentol uM NI exceHenl investment oppottunity 2 co1 go· rage $370,000 fond ovt the ~111, can 720-0611 Newport hoch Pnced 10 selll 2 bedroom plvl den, 2 ~th1. Recently remodeled with rnony 01Mnt1111 Two ftntploce1. Mosi.r suite with spo tvb Boy .,,,._ from bokony and poho $599,000 Coll 720-0611 Newport hcKh Sunny ond bngh1 wilt-i City light ond svnset 'lll4IW1 3 t.droorns, l V• botlu De"roble end unit will be recorpeled ond po1nled Cory lireploce Added fom1ly room Pnced !Of '°11 IOle $389 ,()()() Coll 720-0611 NEWPORT EIEACH/COSTA MESA DAil Y PILOT I REAL ESTATE ....,.....hoch H1199 P'Q redvction <;.wt home for rhe lorve fiom1ly &tet-1,.,,.i., rwnodeled ond pPOnded P011ol1no on qYMlt cul de 10C 6 bedrooms, Jin bolhs. <Mt 3,200 aq feet French doon ond windows S759,000. cc>n 120-0611 Costa Mffo G<eot lomily home Wolk to Khoob ond shopping 3 b.droomt, 2 bolhs tMng room, f,reploce Hardwood Roon C:O-..red pot.o. 590r\l1ng pool cind spo ldeol for en1Mc11n.ng $219,000 Coll 720..()611 Sea Island DeluKe 2 bedroom, 2 both lo; the most corelr" ~lntyle A lobuio..,. \'Of\141 Uppet un.t ..,.,., c_,,.'Wl•on oreo ond fireploce Morble bolln, cedar dosell MClll'f ti.,,.11. "'' $515,000 Coll 720-0611 Co.to Mesa Well epl 3 bedroom, 2 both ho!M wtlh o spoctOUs k11Chen ond lo'91 br.okfost bo1 Cozy 1..,,,ng 1oom leods 10 pot.o ond pnv0te ,ord Moched 2 car ~roge S 179 .000 CoD 720-0611 Cotta Mesa Gof990Vs 3 b.droom, 3 both condo with mony custom improvements. Dining room, .. flftploce Built tn chino cob.net ond stereo cente< All flooong upgioded with morble ond plush coipets S 179,000 CoU 720- 0611 Co.to Mao lolJ of home '°' the money ~ bedroom 1n great fomof., neigh~ Oolc ond Spon· 1sh 11le floot-1 Newer corpels flreploce, domng oreo New wood renc1ng "' yotd with lrvtt treet ond RV po<lung '2CM.900 CoM 7200611 c...... ..... Custom buok. bfond n9W • bedtoom, Jin ~ ~ floo,p&o., 1ncludft lom.ty room Wllh vouh.d cWMgs 3 morble fl.w. p6oces KdCh.n w;th wn.te wothed cob.nm ond granite counters Oceon .,, ... S939,000 Col 720-0611 Costa MflCI Bnght ond spoc:rous 3 bedroom, 2in bol+I condo Vou led c.J.ngs lorge moste' ,..,. .. w1ttr WO oo cloMos Cory f,~ '1 COi ~ Sl99,000 Coll 720·0611 Newport hoch Pnced to MUii J bedroom, 2lh both m o Lng 111ed floorpton looded -th U9Qt0des Gourmet "•tchen Pnvote enclosed olrium. Night light ond moun1o1n .,,..., Oteri1ted tile 1po l ocoted in Crest ol Horbot IUdge. $695,000 Coif Tom & Sharon (VOQ't IJ. lmso". 673 8728 C...Me.o T otolly remodeled 3 bedroom, 1 both home Ve>11hed ceJing1, lom>ol d1n11'1g room, llr9ploce ond lotrttl'f rOQftl P~s· a;onolly leNhcoped •tltl n-.. tOCli Oftd •lfMm• Spoftalrng pool ().., ll0.000 It\ upgi:odes 12•5.999. c.al 7204611 .... NEWPORT llEACHJCOSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 21 GAIL GRABNER (714) 148-3111 (714) 73M033 •_Pager ui~d f Joull. D1t.e.OM ~owt.e on Top of tfie World in San Clemente $199,000-$429,000 1.3 ac. -2.58 ac. lncrcd1blc parcels. Beauttful ocean, mountam, city light \i CV.'S·. Build the ulumatc hme on thc.sc large lois. room for tennis coun & pool In sccldue4 pnvate development. only 22 lots.. Homes listed SL~ aulhon. Tremendous poteottal for apprcoauon ApprO\~d gated com· munny Proposed 9 hole golf course. Where else could you find such luge lots wi!.l'I these VICV.'S for th~ prices' Will Trade HURRY! ~ FIVE Lots Ava\lable now. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 2200 CANYON #C2 Costa 1e a Bluff: Private cod wut COri1~porary upgradco home to bcacil. 3 Large bed· 3200 CLAY rooms, 3 baths, formal dinUlg room 0\-erlooling sunken li\-1~ room -.111)116~· place. O.c1 1600 sq ft . Wonderful neighborhood. 0\\11cr lll0\1J1g out of state · wants it sold now! $209,850 BcauufuJ remodeled Newport Heights cottage. l.Jle a nc-A home in~1Je & out. 2 bedrooms. Bay ,.,ndows throughout and har<h\ood noors. Light and Bright! $369,000 Lind• J. H•rtm•n (714) 729-5122 Cell for. prtnte .......... oftheM3 hom•• or •nr In Col8-Park. . Co ~~eg e Po!IJ2 COLLEGE PARK -Att ordoole ' r1ei~s 111 n 1 eol locot1on1 CJoc:0 t shO n J A solu elv ~ e ver\ best ouvs 111 Collec~~.::e_P~c::-1'_:"=hl::~~~~::=:-~:-:--=--:-;:-;'~-=r-o .1 oe0 oo 3 r • o~ 0001 1 ~1ese .... t • roes. You cont o oro iO vo111 2111 Columbia -Reducedm • $245,900 Luxury Living In College Part. 'IA'l{ txJv o ' · -~e This h~ t\'.l5 o.,er $30 OCQ in fl.IS' n~:r · bsl 3 yeas <Yd is OOQe0..6 Al ~ aK,\J "tvJ cont b.J,1 o er ore f t :oc ess Vo • , ce s r mcdelOO !Chen. 3-txim. 2 toth plus fornity rron MUS SEEll &N ooo tiv€ in o r :ce nc ·, 1ane S!ecd ot lJOO..:'r con.stnJC K)() 21 ~ HANOVER • $229,000 ... ~· • ,, H • PAGE 22 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTA~ BELCOURT $1,195,000 Will Trade Custom~· 58R private PoOI & spa Gated EAST COSTA MESA 695,000 ~ lot<; appro1 8 000 \Q tt possible Zoned R-1 ~lders??? HUNTINGTON BEACH $325,000 3BR llcyhghta plantation ahurteta • Watk to beach Neat ~ SATURDAY 1-4 SATURDAY 1-4 SATURDAY 1-4 SUNDAY 1-4 SUNDAY 1-4 SAT/SUN 1-4 SATURDAY 1-4 SAT/SUN 1-4 Big Canyon Irvine Huntington Beach Big Canyon So. Coast Metro Bayview Terrace Balboa Island Big Canyon LAGUNA HACH $1ff,000 Fabulous newer home on q\Ht cul-d•sac street with dramatk: ocean and coastal views Four bedtooma, 5 bath • All quahty craftsmanship Private master aufte with separate otflee and luah gatdena. Gourmet ldtchen with gran.lte count.,.. Just 1 ahort w1lk to beach Excellent financing avwlabli NEWPORT IEACH $'45,000 Hidden In S.vvlew TefTac• · thrM bedrooms, 2~ bath& • only 5 of thMe models built. BNlNtuf ldtcMtl wtlt'I breakfut nooil, dining room. lwQe muter b.ooom. Thia home le tpOttna throughout wttn ,,.. KarMtan awP9f, th ftoor'lng & fttep&.ce, ttc~ and mofe. Securlty g9led • w8lk to Back Baylll IOUTM COAST Mmo $149 900 s.ctuded ''Wlnwood FOfest" • ThrM bedroom ~ home bullt by Wlllam Lyon. Two 11ory end unit wtlt'I an Nkle toe.don. Ught and bright with new carpet, paint, counter tops & dlthwuher. Thousand• of lmprove-menca. Wll ... VA of FMA. 2 Cw llltached ~Ill UNDA ISLE 4,999,000 Elegant 4BR, 4\18A • A we muterptec;e • PnrM bayfront BIG CANYON $1 ,195,000 Oeawlll• with beautiful golf courae ~ • prlv1te pool BIG CANYON $895,000 Broadmoor home on 14,000 SQ ft lot • 4BR • family room BELCOURT HILL $639,000 Elegam 2BR townhOuse • guard gated, 2 nreplaces, View. PENINSULA POINT $400,000 JBR w Bay V..-11 A Sl.000,000 ne.gtibOthood• Wa to oc:an BLUFFS $399,500 50R w security 1y11em Immaculate condrtton on g1eenbet1 EAST COSTA MiSA $259,000 Redone · 200 1BA alngle l1m1ty home w fireplace & wge yatd NEWPORT HEIGHTS $319,000 48R single family home on R·2 lot latge ya1d Potential 118 CANYON $1,395,000 6M, den. ~ room. pool LNM 15.500. mo IAWllW TllUCI $3",000 38R & ~ • eecurity ~*' · Hlg!tly upgraded : The Terrace · 2BR on lwge coc. lot • <>wr. wtll trade BA.YYIEW JERRAC 343-,Gf)ft-- Med Style w skylU new earpe1 Roman Shades & Securrty LIDO PENINSULA Liuunous 2BR penthoule • Spectaeullt bay & ocean viewt $1 ,200,000 $p«:tacufar bly & ~ ....._, Lage 28A, 2BA, comm pool $975,000 Premier localion · 2BR, 2BA • magnmc.nt ~ views. $659 000 llM*Ulltt cond1110n. Highly upgraded 18A . bty & ~ .. $519,000 Lowest priced penthOUN on in. ~ont • It'• a tteall $449,000 Compleltly lurnl1hed • 1 BR w unobt~ed bay ' Mght v1ewt $429,000 S 100.000 Undef mailleot • Lowet1 priced blyffonl • Quick ult OPEN HOUSES 1 Canyon Court 23 Sprlngflower 419 21st St. 25 Pinehurst $350,000 1000 W. MacArthur #135 41 Gannet 315 Amethyst 2 Rue Chantilly f ~COSTA MHA $205,000 Eutslde townhc>Yae • 3BR w1au eond • AnKMd ga.r11ge $1,395,000 $205,500 $325,000 $895,000 $149,900 $399,000 $696,500 $1,195,000 Nina Roshan BJ James Mary Jank Lynne Valentine Ann Marie Murphy • J. RothellN. Hull L. Valentine VJ Saxton 2 CIVIC PLAZA, SUITE 100 640-2500 NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 23 VALENTINE· PROPERTIES 1992 . HONORS OF MERIT! Ylcter Y•ck ii l Top.Producer By I of L1stmgs _ # 1 Top Producer By Listing Volume I ------il-2 J.opJ>~~'f Soles Vo:ur~e #2 Producer By Number of So 1<>!' PERRY MORRIS MORTGAGE CORP. AND FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE CO. Host Annual Awards Breakfast at Las Brisas!! ' . Thank You Patti an d Debbie The staff at \!olentine Properties give our best wishes on_d congrotulotions to our top • performers on their accomplishments, as well as to all the Volentin e Pro perty Associates who day by day PUT THEIR HEARTS INTO IT!! 2 CIVIC PLAZA, SUITE 100 640-2500 NEWPORT BEACH - i ' 11 I t . I • - PAGE 24 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAJLY PILOT I REAL ESTATE $199,000-$589,000 NEWPORT HEIOHTS Two BR c-Ondom1n1um located close to achools. chUfches and shOppmg HatdwOOd floofs. bnd1 pat><> S•ndy Long 11119,000 USTSIDE Great location tor this starte< home. Big lot and lots of square lootage Three BR, 2BA step down lamlty room Karen Knoc#N 1288,000 BLUFFS Picture perfect. highly upgraded with tile, French door~ shutters. crown moldlngs Three BR 2 .BA Salty Sltlpl•y 127fl,OOO VERSAILLES Penthouse with p 1no1.im1c view from this 2 maste1 bed•O• r>• sryle condominium Walk to beach and snoppmq B.J. John•on IZH,000 USTSIDE Large family or care taclllty Spacious 8BR. SBA home Currently o~ratlng as a recovery house Kar9n Knoch• 1418,000 CORONA o n MAR Cottage on R 2 lot for }vat $425.000 Best potenha tor e•PaMIOn or new dupl .. Walk to village P•t• B•"•tt 1425,000 MESA VERDE Locateo at 6th tee ot Mes. Verde Golf Course Three BR pool Prtvate locatton with lots Of trees Loi• Jacob• 1439, 000 USTBLUFF Expanded single level home on cul-<11 .. uc Four BR. 2 7BA remodeled with parquet floors French door& lefty Shlpl•y $ .... 9,000 JASMINE CREEK Totally redone new oak k11chen floors anc1' cabinet& Vaune<l ce11109s. l~ht and bnghl, green belt toc;.ation a.st buy 1n Corona det Mar ,, • .,. ,.._,.,, ...... ,000 OCEAN 8LVD. Two BR, condominium In security gated area Overlook1np bay ocean and jetty Walk to Co1onc de Mar VIiiage Holly Tait Ma'*a• l4f0,000 ltAITllLUff Single level 4BR. 2BA, home, remodeled wfth many custom features. aecurhy 1ys1em Extra large lot •tty •hlpl•y l41HJ,OOO CORONA DEL lltfAlt·OUPL•Jf a .. eh cot1age plus rear 2BR, unl1 One block to footbfJOg. t.adlng to b9ach Great rental or owner 'UHt ln~tmanl AIM,,.,.,.°' •u..,.,,..,,.,,., 1111a,ooo LIOO llL~ Oversized lot desirable 1u1 end locatlon Grtll npanalOn potentlll tor 2nd 1tor;. Three BA, 2M KMI .,,..,,,,,,.,, 1 .. ,000 We just won the top award nationally for our marketing brochures lst out of 15,000 Offices Call today for our late t · · BUYER'S GUIDE 16 Page~ of properties throughout Orange County. With 300.000 di tribured , our home are elling! 644-6200 Smithcllll's-Custom Ocean Front Lots. Call for Pre-Opening lalormstloa Rod Daley, Frank Hughes . $625,000 . $849,000 $849,000. $1,075,000 •HORECLll"FS Ocean view from moat room1, large come< location Pr1va1e beach acceu ThrM BR Ternflc buyl 11.J. Joltn•on 8AYSHORES Extri wide lot. etepa to beaches and Marina LMng n>0m wtth wall of Roman b<lck. fxttnllW uae ot exotic wood• Three BR, brlcil pa11o. llOllAlfCH •UCH Oc•an 11\ew. Flv• BR. SBA, CtJSIOm hom• with pool and spa Private b9ach club and tennfs Oc•an .id• of HWy. TtHlf.......,, lla4•,000L.H. •Mrtr#O •nCTACU&.Alf Unique Md fabulou1 custom SBA. hom• f\JU of wwmth and tradition. MountaJn ·and city vte'MI. •~US.HILL e.tter ttuin "dOwn co .. t vtew." r~ single i.v.I •BR. wtttt unper~ vtew. to C.tal\na. AM ~ ., ,_.,..... _,.., If ,1.0,000 OCllAll llL"Vo-DU~U Extra wide ooe1rt V10 bay ~ 1>'°'*1'/, Two , story lrom houM, bad! uNI 11Vlliab6t tot INN $1,550 mo 1pec:t.cy1at view c.-...,,.,, lf,Ha,000 CCHlfOU N&. _,,. If .~.ooo Don l'Hl'Nn ltJ•6,000 CORONA DEL MAR ConlOf k>catlon. ~uUll vtaw. of ocean ftttV, C.ta11na Ind wt\fte watw Perleet fol r• mocMI or ex,,.,,.ion. ..,,,,,,. o.flt ., &.Me .Mc••• 1 t ,n s,ooo &tlW con• AM ,,.._. ., hrr .. .,..,,., l•t•1000 Souttt of Hwy Unot>stroctect-vtews o1 t>ay. harbor and jetty COfona det Mar charmer, SBA 2BA Linda 0.tM.ol• J.c.obe 1e••,ooo CORONA HIGHLANDS Cofona del MM'• besl kepc secr.t. Ocean and city llgh11 view Two BR home Priced II lot value Und• 0.th 1711,000 l!AST8LU" Executive hOrne, remodeled, customlz9d and expanded. Panoramic aunnt vlewa. Country kitchen, French door1 ··~·h~ HAR•Olf RIDGE Hlghly customlz9d and model perfect. Private outd<>Or 1pa. E.-panalve c:l1y llghta view ThrM BR, 2~BA. Ann P•t•n or luu,,,.. .,..,,_, l16t,tl00 CORONA D•L MAR Ovaralztd lot, l arge yard with spa. Four BR, 4 YJBA, upgraded gourmet khch9n Large yard with 1pa lol• Jacot.a and Und.9 O.llt 11n ,ooo &tLaOAl•LAND Eirtt• &atge rtoorplan, newer kitchen plua br.akfut room, slttJng room wtwet bar Spa In mailer. Root deck All#» ."""""" •l!AVIEW What 1 view! Top strMt In th'-aesi Buy'' gated oommunfty with aalOdatlon 1enn11 and pool, Corporar. owned TOM ..... on 100 fl ~ of S.ytrontl Recemly r~ ~a MY _ _ _ _ __ PenthOusiliedrOOf'f\ WI h ~ views Ociilrl Wlwl tom ,. 58A. 48A. on ~ lllf lot. Space for &atge boa1 Prtvate ~ ~ pool Md 111-.n11 ~ DfHt ,,..,...,, 117•,000 lfod ,,_,., w lliMeJ ,,.,_, J 1,4llO,OOO •nou•• ~•EllAl.o MY Expand9d <Apehom, 48R, 5 BA Bay, oc .. n AaoN from b .. ch. brand ,,._ 4BR, J~BA. and night llghta views. Poot end 1pa, aleo superior cONtnJc:tjon Guard gated c:om- 1pa on view IJde. munlty ,,..... ,,,.,,,, lt,01•,000 ,,_ ,,_,.,., ,,.,_.,,,,,.. ••,••,ooo • • NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 25 A REAL ESTATE COMPANY c......aftll ... TNre ... Simply no other r..-ne. on the mattrec t '#hlch · offers the thoughtful .,,wonmenc of tnl• ~ Enghsh Con.ge Thfff bedrooms Three and OM-hal1 baths Thefe'a a view to be .. vored, an Impressive pool and a~· guest cottage $1395.000 LINDA IS&.a ••• s.rene ~ On the bay· front GrNI t1oor ptan F1ve bedrooms Four and ~ bache LMng room ha.a 2• foot oelhngs View CMstmu boat parade. Dock will aoeom- rnodale a large yacht. Land II also avallable for pYtc:haM Prlc:e reduc9d to . St ,•90,000lH KINGS ROAD ••• CA.11tom home bUltt to capture the moat spect.c:ular wwtet viewl, lnclUding both thameta It\• entrance to the harbor and tunMt vi.wt of c.tanna e.dr()()IN are located on both floors Electric: stairway chair allows convenient IOOMI to ttte mu1., suiCe Ex.ception&ny wellbu1ll $1,425.000 Open Sa1·Sun. 1-4:30 ••••.• 1201 kings Ptac• THE VINTAQE ••• Thll T.,rK• c:ond0min1um II located ~ the pt~s VIOi. Country Club In lnchn Wefts Thia a~cular property ts located on the penthouM i.vet ovef1o0klng the golf course pool, and mountain• Featunng e11panslv• UM of marble granite oak and top quality hatdWat• ••. • s 1,295,000 LONG 8UCH ••• Rare opPof1U~:;;n~...;;..,::::;'il=~----rnuc:n ~· 100\ige e ••cu area Two SIOl"f ~ bedrooms Four and one-naff bath• Thia custom home 1 un.que multJ·purpo .. dee4gl\ allows fOf maid S Quat18fl wl1h I npatte entty lmrnac:u6ate 1n•ide and out $1 199,000 alG CANYOM ... Mottvatedm ls lhll seller really mot1vai.csm Just c:onak* tn11 Original listed price wu 11.295,000 Ust price h .. been dropped to St50,000 s.tler wanta to ... an offerl Popular Plain One Thr" wtnga Muter wing. Chlldren'1 ~.~·~. ~ .. A .. ~e~ .. ~~.~ ....... ....., 1-4:M ..... 4 WIHllll Poet Lw MllWPORT amAC:H ... lncome ptopet'fy. Fan- ta.9'1c view of the bay Two a1ory Two up~ unit.a. two lower untta. White sandy beach la a favorite ~ apot tor wind -~~ayaken and the lllce C.ntraly and co~ located. GOOd totkl Income. Eaey to,..,,. unna· ............... 1875,000 LDION HmQHTS.nMUST SEW SUBMIT All OFfEASI DRASTIC PAICE REDUCTION! 'Custom home. OM-half a<n. Pattc like aentng. Views from wery room Four OI ftlte bedrOO(na. Thr" batM Huge ,.,,,.., room TWo air condhioner•. Two fur· .. nac.e Large 1am11y kitchen •.. .. sns.ooo CORW HL 11M •. .JU11 what mak .. !Na Pf°'*'Y WOf1t\ the money? Two !Nnga. One la the ..,._.dd locailton The other la the uncommon lot n. c:Nrmlna r-'denc:e .. localed jua1 th,.. doora from <>o.an BouleYard n•a tltuated on a ('5•118) lot. the poufblMIH are~ ............. S7•9.000 DOVD SHOR9S ... E-v onoe In a white, an •ldraordill8fY plopel~oomee on the market. Thll " MM:h • property. It *lum entry. S#9e *'Y Four bedroo!N. belhl. Thia home hae ... hit ... h .. ,., .. your Imagination. Thia " .......... _ ....... ~ .................... k ........... $725,000 --· •• ; 1~-... 19001•11•••°"" R HORES ••• This luxury home features an lmptes.Ne view and a list of outstandlnQ fea· turn Marble entry Crown moldings French doon Pella windows $craped ceilings. Air condrtionlng Security system Library wtth nctl bookcases. Hard· wood ftoof1 Master surte with a sitting room. Pool and 1pa ' . ...• .. . •. $985,000 IAYCRl!IT ••• Price reduced! Lovely ·family oritnted nelgtlbomood Four spacious bedrooms Thr.. baths Thia home hat an upgraded kitchen which opens onto a beautiful patio and poot Private mastet aulle com~• with COW1yard and spa. Lustily landtcaped S.CUrity gated entry ................ -.. $589,000 WEST NEWPORT ••• This duplex Is steps away trom the ocean. Large comer units wtth oversli.d patios. These unhs have been extremely well main- tained Upper unh is tour bedrooms. two baths. Lower unit has two bedrooms. one bath Ortve by only. ... ... .. ..... . ............. $589,000 HARBOR HIGHLANDS ••• Th1S home 1s emi- nently practical Five bedrooms Four baths t pnc 3, tOO sq tt Extra large lot. New kitchen ap- ances Refinished khchen cabinets Near n'1W oor coverings Two fifeplaces Two forced air fur· nacH New roof. Very W911 pncedl S575,000 llAYCREST ... Exceptt0nal Bayerest property Totally remodeled with quality and styie 'Thre. bedroomL two_arui one-haH baths I~ dining room With a flre~e new wtndows. Frenc doors SubZero refrioerator An new hardWare Cotf9fed ~lings New Tandsc:aplng . $549,500 llAYCAEST ••• 11 takes only a glance to realize this ta a home of exceptional quafrty A highly pr• fened location Large manicured lot. Sing.le level Four bedroomt. 5.auded master .wt•. Two and on-half batM. Conan khc:hen. Alr-<:Onditloning and more ..................................................... $549.000 Opeft........, 1-4:30 .. 2021 WltAwMd Lw BAYCReST ••• Enough la enougttt Where have you bMn? Thia la one of the finest homes In the aree. H'• bMn on the mancet a yeer and hasn't sold. Out of town OWMtS want this ptop«ty gone and hav9 reduced the price accordingly. Now truly, th• be9t value In the erea. Four bed.rooms. Thr" baths. Meticulously malntalned ................... 1495,000 0.-......... t-4:ao ... 191S LeewMd Lw PmHllSULA. •• Prtc:e reduced! Custom duplex. ~ from the bMtctt wtth an ocean view from the root top deck. 8ullt In 1985, this home •hows bNutlMty cathedfal e.!Ungs Larve patio CloM to ~--~ ~~-~~ .. ~ .. ~--~ .. ~1:79~ UYCRaST ••• DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! This home compliments Its Ntural surrounding. Four bedroom• TWo and on..half baths New paint New carpets throughout. Scraped ceilings Two fir~ Large ~haped lot. Over'.Ued two car garage. .. .... ..• .. . .... .. .. .... $399,000 BAYCREST ... E.xcepuonalty wen srtuated' Sut$t· Ing with posslbihttes A sensible price Excellent t1oor plan Four bedrooms Two and one:-half baths Generously proportioned rooms Beautiful coun- yatd. Oualrty yoo can see Comfort yoo can feel .. . . $485.000 Open Sunday 1-4:30 .•. 1939 Santiago Drive COSTA MESA. •• Two story dream home Dra- matic entry with a spiral staircase Exclusive gated communl1y. ThrH bedrooms. Three baths Lott music room. Downstairs hbrary. Beautiful com- munity pool and spa .. This home lends itself to low maintenance hVlng. '; .... $385,500 CORONA DEL MAR ••• sandeastle condo- minium. End untt Two bedrooms. Two bchhs N1c:e-Jy upgraded Tiie entry. ltallan marble tlreplace Wet bar. Sun room Scraped ceilings Shutters through- out. Wrthln walking distance to Fashion Island. Bal- boa Island and the beach . $299,700 BAYCREST ••• Th1s Is one ol the best priced p1opert1es In Newport Beach Seller 1s relocallng end extremely motivated Single story Four bed· room Two bath Hatdwood noors ttlroughout Brick tlreplace Two car attached garage S295 000 NEWPORT BEACH ... Absolutely aoorable ~ enof'mou$Jy 11tracttve Ushng 1s SJtuated 1n one _ ol the detlrable locatJOnS 1n Newport beac:ti This one reee!Yes high praise tor ns tasteful amenit es French doors French windows SClaped ceii·ng~ A must ... , S:.>9~ 000 FOUNTAIN VALLEY ••• Popotar part.s~ estate model opening to a lovely backyard Single story Ttv" bedrooms One and three-quarters baths Separate formal dining room wtth a bu11t-1n cabinet Marble entry noor .. ... .. . S237.ooo EASTSIDE COSTA MESA ... Bu11dable R·2 lot Excellent corner location Existing two bedrooms home ~n ptovlde a solid rental Income until you are ready to construe1 two condos on thla convenient site Fenced yard Detached garage........ . .... .. . .., $225.000 ftSTCLltrF ••• Wonderfvl location Close to ev- 8YefYthlnQ. Two •lory. Two taro-bedrooms Two and on.natt baths Uv1ng room fireplace Inside laundry This unl1 has been upgraded and shows very ltght. Communi1Y ~I and spa Motivated ... r.r • $214 500 WESTCUtrF ••• Affordable. yet you must have an eye fOf POU{bllrtles E11celten1 location Two bed room•. l'wo and one-hatf baths Extra large mas1er bedrooms Fireplace In the IMng room Quiet petlO Within walking distance from evetythtng you need . ·--... • .. ··-·· •• -·-··.. $205 000 COSTA MEIA. •• Well-plaMed WMk'eta•i.d CondomJnlum In v-~ Cfeell Two story One bedroom ptua conwrtlbte cten Of two BA One and ~ bath• One of the nicest locatioN In the compte• In mint condition. -· --s 169 900l.H --- .. .. ' . I PAGE 26 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 IALIOA H....utA 2117 I . Ocean llYd Marcia Bents IWfPI 1HI Vista CcM.lcMI Kerry Thompson COIOMA DIL MAI 2907 Setting Sun Ro~ Bents J21 Oceon llYd Heidi Stoot<well COSTA MHA 9J6 Dohllo Carolyn Um 1597 11¥9rakM IC Dave Wong HARIOI ltDOI 27 C4Wnlrf David Prince HV HeUS 1424~ Jen Ewing 3911 londune Ln. Barbara Graves llMHI TlllACIJCDM 1911 Tahuna T9fT. Doug Meeder "OMOHTOIY IAY 5)6 Marbof hland Dr. June Davia IA1IOA HNINSU\A 2117 I. Oc90n llYd. Marcia Bent• 2112 a...watd "'· David McCulloch 2127 Vista~ Nan Doyle 2112 Vista lntroda Gall Yori( 1955 Vista Caudal Kerry Thompson 410 Ylsto Onande ChUClt Coleaworthy 2t15 vtsto OmolRI Jeff Ewing COIONA DIL MAI 1231 l<rytlde Of. Barbara Mllfl 2'07 s.tHf\9 Sun Rot>ert Bent.a l212 Ocean~ Kriin Dands COSTA MUA 9)6 DoNo <:Molyn Um 1ff7~1C D1vld Wong WllWff Ult Mo v.ato Jo.n Akerman HVtlW 1911~1.n. e.rt>wa Omw NV MOfl9I 114l "· Marltalgh ~Vemon 1 "° "· LaYf9flf -=~ Suaan Welt COLDWeLL BANl(eRO Expect the best. $12t,OOO Ul9,000 $1,190,000 $1,195,000 $229,900 $269,000 $179,toO $615,000 $795,000 $771,000 $1,191,000 U~t.ooo Uff,000 $241,IOO $Ul,t00 $U9,000 Uff,000 $149,000 $1,190,000 SU tl,000 $229,900 u ... ooo UI0,000 M27,000 Mat,900 Sfft,000 Gl· ·---... -..n ..,,,., llVM TlltlCOlll "11 Tafluna Ten $711,000 Doug Me«l9f UDO llU 121 Ylal Udo loud $121,000 Stew Sutherien '"'IWfJI 116 Lawer Woy $294,900 Davtd Prince NOMONTOl'Y IAY IM ~ Wand Of. $1,ffl,000 June Davia 1111 IWfFS $ut,OOO Yoo Wiii never finO anolhel' one f1ls good! lnertd- lble locdon tor Ille ptlct. T tlTI Uy concllon, crown mouldings, quarry Ille erllrY 6 ldfchen. A/C, securty sys1em, oenerout nnoe. woni last • thts pncel HAllOI WW MW $7'1,000 ~ 1111 6 ocean ¥ltWI from MC*ldld prf¥lll lftlino. 4 bd, fwnilY room 1n u•sac 1oc11on OI Hart>of View Hflls = 120-81ck Bly, rnoJ.nflff~ · T remodel Generoul UM ~ .. I UMd br1ck. 2 ftreplacu, fwnly room. 2500 sq.ft. Thia ~ hOme has grut aR ~ or cPlt n. lined llrtll UNDER $300,000 lAOUMA Nl8UIL $•",000 Gfut ~ Single tamly detKhed hOme on \>\ + ICtt ICl 3 bldrOOm. 2 bll\. tUTYll WTADI $271,000 ExcepliONI flmlly 11om1 wtt1 4BR, 2 58A. T1* propeny boutl • llrge yd wlll llTIPll "*' '°' ente'1Jii*'O Thi home llsO ftlllnl 1 IMno room. loonll dir*lg room, ~ room wtti wet bar lhe maA9r sullll " complttt Wiii .... Ind • 1UC> 3 TAT?l IA R \ TOJlq Y llAO J\~=-M AT?.0~\H:l~~R TA()qW3\.1 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE -- MllGl '8•11lU SUt,000 Bllbol IOWMome di 'tie'# ol .. biy 281\, 28A ns 2 ur garage Wiii 111e tl"1y n1 e«11n CCU* qlS Onfy 8 yus Old Wiiii m bay, baCtl Ind "'°91. . $300,000 • S7IO,OOO _,_CONDO .. ... Gorveoua upgrlded .. ~ .... ...... fnlnl row wtlll .-oeut & Clllllnl ..- .,._ Hlgl\ vUlld celnga. ... Ind ... ~-&par.,' bl1gN Ind~. ___ .. _ OXJOID COUIT "42.000 8esl 'On "' Pn-IOCltioll 3 bd, ~ l!tKhed , oanoe. t>1..utu1y muuinod Fctnd\ bestlnl floors. f'l*Ullon ~. nMr1I cdOl'S h\1-oul llAllOI NIOtUNDS $itt,SOO Ant inprlulons lft ~ RetnOdeled wt11 C.-. , & flntsst inCOtPOflllnO Cernle 11111. COIWl ~ 1lnOpS. 8ert>er Catpet & sllll flOOmO °'* ~ . tA1UreS ~ I ralStCI wooCI ~ CtJZ:y f~ 6 c"*'1il Cet*IQ$ Sol¥ ~ poOI ft NnWOIT .., $.US.000 This Gilt IS bnnd MW' ~ rtduced 'lrlll llUI• "' MtYfWIO reoone. incwno ~ roca.... Ind floor c:owmgs ~ .,., bnl.ft hi My ... lovely fltnCfl door1 Ind wlndows ... fWO PllO we.a for dertlhf IQ .. --.... °"~ ---""*'-• Prapei1y. 0-. use Mlwpol1 HllgPCs ..... ......_ .. 2 bCI ·-., 1 ~ bl. 1 bd 1 • CCll'M -.,. '**" .-no wlh 9ool StlC* ..,, lllll. ~ uponded MllOI .. ~ $419,9'0 Mo1*QO $0011 4 Del 2 Ill. wane 1D aie ~ ~ crossino "' Shel Scrapeo cethngs Ind ~,.,., Ml'iWOlf MOl1M VlW $509,fOO PJwrUn com. loal'lan ~ ., ~ ~ llO°' ' ~ * pnvlll ;l!t lovetv nt wono.1IJ ~ ~ VttY flOllt Wld ~ hOlnl Wiii ""*11 oec:0t, masw e w111 ano lushly~ WIST N1W'°'1 $519,000 sa.-cl • ICfOU Ill ...... from I 8ay badl °"""" Bay, dly -& tnOlnMI YllWI 2 ~ nlW .. '* .. **"' ....... 2 llfl/ly eel- .... """" ....... be*'OOl'll ...... Wiik-in ........... .... •c.noee ta1,ooo llG CNM)N ... ._, AllO '°' ..... ~ mo. .. ....., 1"'1111flflil. .. MW 2 M_ f be home LI)() IRMI> SMt,000 40 l ... lnuda IJdo 3 bd & 2 ~ Move tl IS 1$ Of DPft .. W0¥9d plal'I ' pemwts l.llQt bfd P*> wllh good sun lllPC*n MMIOl ll>OI CIUT $51',fOO Just ~ Don t 1111$$ lltS pi(1Uft petfect three bedroom 2'h ~" ocean view condo 1n a oite OiJNOe<1 eormuvty Just remodeted #111'1 all new llOOf covcmgs 1nctude mrt>le, Ille & catpetJng Sellef wtl piy hOmeOwners dues tor 2 VAfS IWWD nttACI $625,000 ~ of stD owner uys ., Ml hs gr1C10US 4 Del or 3 bd plus ~ room home IUnetous ~ leans wdldt hiVdwood toots. leaded olW _.,. ~. gOtgeous DO.an ~ ..., !OWiy pow ,• . SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 27 SUNlll .. c... & .met VllWI from .. fDllaul ---hUe condo II a Otlil'CI Giii cornn'UlllY ,_ .. budl Only 4 years old & hardl'f ""' II, .. lm- INQlllle 28R, 2BA is hliltllY uPOflded II Cll'*Y mllble & rose c.arpdrlg. ...Wl $691,000 3 bd, 2 ~ fllTVly hOlnl In SpyglKS Hil will SPECT ACUl.AR 180" ocean YWIW Upgraded Wiii new carpet. crown moldlng, trtsh _. & bnnd new ~ lnciUda llO( lib outJjde mas1et '9MSULA ~ $775,000 S~o•s 3 bd bniily bQtnt )Olo@ 011~ c~ appeal Ylarm & ll1VlllnQ ..,, French oocn & wlndows Muter suite Yolltl fnplact & Yoi! 111 CIOSet Pretty trorc ccutyw professiona tiodscapee IAYSIDI COYE $ 779,000 ReclJced Knost $300,000 tor last sail Owners sales $1,000.000 10d 11W2 $942,000 &IPsltl remodel by wd lcnoWn arcMec:t 28R. 2~BA wltt bay view. WTIWFf $7IO,OOO Tradllional etegancet New custom 38R, 3~8A view residence. Extra l¥OI IMrlO room and dnnO room wt1h SOaMg 12' ceilings! 4 hand Cal\'td ftreplaces Flriy room will brick floors nS Wilt room. f ab- ulol.IS used bficl tenaclS • I -----.,..... Aaac.1M 5 Id • bldg locllld neat ..... ., .... Haftlcu ~ ~ '* 111 .,.. eap. llOllll WU wtll growr.i proposed """' dMlop-l'*t,.., ..... u 111 condo specs -.o MY $7",000 $300,000 Pnct R8'lldlon Ttn'lhc OCM1 nt ~ *WI ll'om tU 38R "°"" on q\111( ~ dl-ac This newly ~ nt PIC*d hOrnl ai. ruoy lncWls a 3 car Qll'IOI eno has great polln· 1111 IO add on a large ITllltlr "* OlD COIOMA Oil MM $115,000 Gteat 2 yr old ~ $ty'e hOlne in old Co- l'Ol\I dll ftbr. sCMtl ol PCH 4 Woe Del.. 31"1 N. veal apen floor ID\, hWdWOod floors liot1I CJll)ll · flO, 3 fwteplaces, vaull!d ceqs, large ma~ wite WICtl ~ & Jac:ulZI !lib Also tor lease at ~SOMno . UDO ISU $825,000 Sunny lJOO ISie' AN ~ rooms in Olis QCle!'I & chffrtu4 Meclrterranean QCle!'I to a l.lrge & SUIV') pn· vale SOUltl t~ patJO Cozy tam 'f room wlll1 fte· plKt CBR P"1' "NXlS large MaSf"'f SUl!e YoQI Sii · uno nn Grea1 corner IOCanon Qll!Cl tl'lCl o! L •ao lllCOUITl $US,OOO f~ t..wlrY 2BR Plan B T .,,.... C"l' '( t MOP nu Ster ,. •!e • :m .. on;: rm • r 1 , room wt1n flrtp!Jce ancs wet tw Goom'lt' '·cnen ..,, breaA1ast ~ea HIQfl ce ~ •c-a.1'0 ~nGJ "'"' $paC1C)U$ rooms ~ r ,,a... c"cii. SCSI pnce Ill BelCourt 1Ul1\llOCIC nnACE $145,000 Oazztng 180" oce¥1 city tq'(. 1111 and mournt1 .. ~ tandSCQnO l'I bol1I lronl and bKt ptds t.ge ~ home w 48R, 2~•8A , plus a blQ tamly room which ncludeS a wet bat, ~ shJftef'S Custom Europelil bruS tlxUts vanllles, Conon cW'lter tops and Showers in a bUlroomS WIST OCUNFIONT $949,000 One ot tw last remanno ocean front IOtS 111 New po11 8Nctl This property is ldU!J)' sltlaleo oe tweer1 2 fdlieS so '*' are absOlute'Y no view ot> S1ndons The view is ol hi ocean wtllle •"11er & ~ Pre>pMy IS 30' x 60 & can xcam-""*' • angle lamity home COie*' Dll 1111 St75.• WondefM COi .. 14!0fllY home on OCeM'I &Ide ot PacMc Coast ttgflwly 48R and 3~. °'" Ind flfT'ly room One block to OCeMI . . ' ,... ,~ ·u·~ '"'~ ":1 ',,,..nn• -~ PAGE 28 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 DOVER SHQAES S721,000 Gorgeous SBA plus farrnly room single stocy Jlomt Over I/, acre lot Wllh pool and spa Beautrtulty remodeled and expanded In 1990 Upgrades includes new kitchen, new master suite French doors bay windows and plantation shutters Lyleen & Jeff Ewing CAMEO SHORES $750,000 Price Oras11cally Reduced $1.000.0001 Bank wants otter This 1s a very special propeC1y srtudtl!O on tl'e 1 4t~1 :ireen of tile Pe11can Point Golf Course Panoramic views of the ocean ri111s and •a1rv.ay make this a one of a kind opportunrty to "treate a personal estate south I p I• I "' P1>t):J1'• Btcrl..ll I Carol Mock $715,000 Have to see to bl'heve Totally redone by renouned designer John Cottrell, tnis 2 bd, 3 ba condo ~ drop dead gorgeous' Watch the boats go by from the kttchen. dining area. & IMng rMrn ('le11 Ol>P.ns to garden atnum with fountain ~,. ---~~-· ---=--------_--• -_ _;;: _ _. WEITCUFF 1175,000 Irresistible ctwm• WonderM custom hOme Otl a very speetal street in Ntwpon Buch teanmno 4 bd, 3 5 ba, formal d!OlllQ room. famaly rqom and POOi · HARBOR VIEW HOMES $775,000 Fabulous customczed fOfTTler Somerset New Eoro desion custom kitchen Wl1h sub mo, Conan counters Ex-large family room, 1ns1de laundry master suite with walk-In clOset & double srnks both fronl bedrooms expanded 3 ft. smooth ce1hngs Sec system A.C. skyhgllt ~ Barbara Graves HARBOR Vl!W NIU.I $711,000 Expansive hln & ocean Views from secluded pr1vate setting 4 bd, family home In cut-de-sac location of Harbor View Hills. Jerry Finster BALBOA PENINSULA S 1 400,000 LIDO Ill.MD Capture the surf. sunsets and Catalina views 4 bd, 3 ba, family room and SU,TEARANEAN Trustee ule to settle an estate No probate court approval needed This ts a 45' wide PARKING are only some of the benefits of lh1s Cape Cod home designed wrth elegance Bayfront lot Wlltt dock f()( large boat Remodel exlS11ng home 0t budd your own dre1m while keepmg the casual hfestyle in mind -~~---home NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAJLY PILOT I REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSES Saturday & Sunday 1:00-4:00 2117 Ocean Blvd Charming Balboa Cottage 3BR.2BA Balboa Peninsula SS29,000 2907 Setting Sun Spectacular View Home 4.000 "New" Square Footage Corona dd Mar Sl,190,000 SEE MARCIA ori'ROBERT BENTS at 211 70ceanBlydor 2907SettintSun or all them at (714) 644-90.60 SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 29 · BONNIE ROSS DYER Professional Performance & Results (714) 644-9060x191 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Expansive Ocean, Canyon & Hillside Views! 3915 Sandone Lane $795,000 Su11rise to sunset, you ca11 e12joy tlze. views from this wonderfully secluded Harbor View Hills llo"1e. 17ze cul-de-sa.c street locatio11 a.nd beautifully landscaped yard create a "mini estate"feeli11gfor afamily lifes tyle. Four bedroonzs, 2.5 batlzrooms.family roo"1 and 3 car garage. French doors, bay window, smooth ceilings, vaulted in living room. dining room andfamily room. Pla11tation shutters, parquet.floors. light neutral carpet. BARBARA GRAVES (714) (l44-9060x119 (714) 720-9963 0 .. PAGE 30 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 FREE FORECLOSURE LIST Call Diamond Property Today! Foreclosur~ homes include Bank, FHA, VA & PMI. Foreclosures in Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE DISCLOSURE All payments are monthly calculated at 5.25% (APR 5.993 ). NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT (REAL ESTATE Investment advice for your board -of directors Oe.u HotJine: ml!mber m.11..~ Jn 1mc)tmcnt ck-c1s1on Our a S0C1atton's bo.lrd of directors \\Ith rca~nablc care. placing the . __ c.J.O't..agrce hmv_ouu~nc fund.5------+i~fe'Jt5-e~JSSOtiJT1nn ~fore n1" or ,hould.bc in\{!)tcd. One board member her O\\n, he or >he"''" not be sub·c<:.t to inshts on 1nvt! tmg 1n S<.'cond trust deed, liJbilir~ if thl' 1mcstmcnt should pro\e to to mil 1m1ze our return Does Cahlor111.i bt·, in hinds1~ht, il poor c.ho1ce 1,1 \ r<'quirc our rCSCf\CS to be placed m Two 1mport.1nt point-. Jrl" mJdt• m thi:> pcc1tic t)pes of tn\C~tmcnts, '.>UCh as CorporJllon) Cod(' 5<'<.t1on. First. the C.D) or money marl.ct acwunts? Can boJrd member's dec1)1on w 1ll lx• I.'"',\ board mcm~r. be held compJrc'<.l tht• ckci>ion \\h1ch \\ould IX'r..onall't 11.>ble 1f our principal t) kh t? h,1\ t> tx>cn m,1de bv .1 i1ct1unJI "ordinary prudl'nl J">t'rson'' pfoCl.'<I 1n tlw bo.ircJ rncmb ·r ., s;Jnll' fX>>1t1on Your .it t wh -· "111 nm IX' r.omJ>.lH'd lll \\ h.n .111 DMI E. c.. Condo Hotline Concc:rncd Dear Concerned: Th<.• C.:il 1 •tn J , St.llut<.•s do not ~1w 1tw bo.ird iln)' dl't.>1fod a""'' 1.mcc in th•:> rl•g.11d Tut.• StJtut~ nl'•th\ r rl'qu1rc r~r\l") to tx> 1n\ l")[('(J 1n :>pt'ClllL t)f)l') of accounl!., nor identify the t)~ or Jllowable '"' estment ' hides for tilt-board's con)1dcr Jl1on 't our CC&R's or b)IJ\\:> 'hould be cc'lrhult<.><l •• h .:i h.rndful of dl'H·loi>t.'" h.>\<' 1nc ludl'Cl nH~tmcnt rl'C}U•r<.1m1•nh 1n tht."'.'>l' 11 Ulllt•nt-.. I IO,".e\('r 1n ni1ht 1.,,1ioc-. 1}1.• .ird>) oblig.1tio1i:. conc111111ng , .\' t11wnt-. l-. t 1,1ntrolk·d IJ\ 1t; ltdu 1.-H\ l 1>0n 1b1l1t1t• to tlw .1'50C1.lt1011 E.11..h l)<.1,trJ nwmh1•r > rl')f>On:>1h 111~ 1 > m 111co1 pur Jh. d J S'!<.-'>\ 1,111on 1' dc.:x r !Jt--<I '' C.1l11orn1cl Ct•rpor.111 in) (odt• 'x-t.tidn ~ 2 3 I Thl' St.'<.tmn ll.'qUHt'' ~J<.h bo.mJ m1 mb..:r to JX>rlc.>rm his or h<.·r dut1<.~ an ~ood I.11th, m J mJnnl•r lx>l1cH><l to l>l' rn the be-st tnll''l'~t ol tlw corpor.1tion .1nd '"th )UCh C.U<' ".b an ord1nJr h pru(h.'nt pc™>n m tl 111..c ~1t1on "ould u, • undet sim1lclKirc 0111sc.111n1s " Ttie )C(llOn prO\'tdl':S further prO\ 1de> the l)OJrd memlx?rs mJy rel\ on apprc>pn.1tc l'\pcrts '" lhc hdd \\hen making ttwir ck•<.'bion) In ~nee, the section st.:1nd~ for the propos1t1on 1f an 1nd1\1duJI bo.lrd ''onJ1nJf"\. Sl)i."Culator" or .Hl "hrcf 11.lf\ prolt.>ss1ona tn\l~tor" \\uuld h:iw clone. Tlw boJrd mu~ !Jk1.• mlu ACCOUnl th(' ammmt 01 mun..: to l~ 1n,~tt'tl :he prl"Sl'f\ .1t1on 01 l Jp11al. ttw curru .:ind long·h.•rm llC'etl., 01 the a~soc.1.111on, and otht•f tl•h:-.:Jnt IJdOr) "hl'n dNt:rnunuig \\. hJt ~ rx· or im (?)trf'l·nl \\ ould lx• mJ r~ b) d CJrdul. c.>ut1ou), "prudent" pcr:-.on in the ...amc .. 11uat1on J) the curn•nt boord member.,, M.l 1m1zing the r.:ite uf return should not be the onl) locu~ oi the bo-,ud m1..•mbcrs. '-nnd th(• l>o.lrd •'>-t'nl1tl<.>tl tu 11.•h on 1tw J>~ 1.111un's 111' l"lmt:nl courb11lnr, .md ,111\ iscr 1n m.11\ing .1 ch M(•fl I '''l.Olllnwnd \ou Cc.ln)ult \\ nh .1n 111\l"'~lmPnt Jd\'t)(lr "1th 1.• p t•11l'llCl' in mH•,:111g ll r ommunlt\ .15!K.c1.1:1ons .rnd \\h(111ndlf t 1n~b tht1 un qui• iduu.1f\ 1 h: ho 11d 1111.:n her:. pl.I\ 1n tlw m .. 111.1~··11K·n: 1)1 rht• ,hso< 1.1:1on 's t111Hf, D.n ,d L t .Ille b ;in .111orn1.•\ ".th Fiori', ~ulllt \'I~\ .1!kl·r ,\ \\uoll·\\ 1111~. ;,i IJ\\ 11rm l"mphJ,iL1n~ tht• p1,1ct1Cl' 01 IJ" in 1h1.• .ir1. .1 or curnr11 in t\ .l!>.)U(.1.lluln~ I 11.• t.:.inn11! 111d1-.:1du.11!\ rC'~ponCl to quc tton .. but '"" ,in \\tr .1; mJn\ a) P'">'O!l• m th1..• "t•cl..h Hothn.:> column A.I rl~nS<'S .1r1.• b.iscd on curr(·nt C.1 lurn1a l.lt1.• l.lw and up1)n !Jets prl·x·nlt'<I You 'hlluld comult ~our O\\n a ... ~,.11 on:, gll\dning docum ·nt-. or lc-gal coun•.d on .in-.. 'IX'Ci11c m.ltll r' Submit )Our quc..t1on) 10 Commun1t\ ~1.111011 H1ltli ne, 230 1 DuPonr Drn1', Suite 500. Ir.inc, CA 92"'15. Bangkok business leaders attend real estate seminar hosted by Coldwell Banker The Newport Beach of ftce of Cold\' ell Banker Res1denttal Real EstJte hosted .l ~minJr for a continr.nt of busin~s le.ider:. from BangJ..o • ThJilJnd recentl) at the Newport Beach Mamon Resort. Among the group o( 42 ThJ1 nationals were many of their country's major commercial and ~1denttal de-.ielopers. The purpose of the scminJr was 10 fom1hanzc the group with American real estate businC?S:. opportunities, according to Steve Suthcrlcn of Coldwell Banker's Newport Beach office. who co-hosted the Newport Beach segment of the Thai tour of the United States with Nitaya Pichedvanlchok of Coldwell Banker's Cerritos off~. "The Thai busin~ community t) \ ry much 1n tune '"'th and inter~tcd m U.S bus1ne)!; pract1ce>,"Sutherl~n s.J1~. "The :>emmJr included an O\iCf"\.1e\ of uur real est.ite laws and practices, financing. our natranJI relocation and referral ability, '15 well as a prc:;cntation on the Ne'" port Beach l1fcSfylc and a \1deo presentation on spc.•cific Newport Beach homes for sale. We then follo\\ed up with a tour of Newport Beclch and Th<." NewPQrt Coast." Coldwell BanJ..cr ha> an on$01ng relationship with the ThJi busmcss community that will be enhanced with the opening of the correspondent office in Bangkok shortly after the first of the year. SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 31 BANK OWNED ............... $369 ,000 South of P C H 2 bedroom, 2 bath newty built condominium ~ Light, bright and $CConds llWll'/ by foot to all shopping! r~teu· rants omentties 2-car pati<Jng, vicl~d laun- dry facility plus built-in c~t refrgerators combmat1ons Beautifully appointed and pnced for quid< s.'lle NEW OFFERING, VAC. LOTTIS0,000 Great CorOM. del Mar R·2 lot wtll<:h can be purchased independently or with a conu9uous comer parcel City night hghts ocun & t>ay view5 obtainable from a proposed second story ~r may ~rry shoo. term 1st TD & note ... , r.._ ___ 116 ·----...... SURF IS UP ••••.••••••••.•.• $2,398,5_00 This is one of very tew homes in Newport kach that can offer action hke this and at ~ s.a~ time offer se•ene colorful ocear sunsets From e1~e1 tile main house or 9u~· house its st 'I pretty (""ll)Ct" the s.a~ almost 365 d.,.,.s a year a tTont vard o! wMe sand IS al tN-t ~paratcs the surl from this B•u" ~ & guest tlo\.-se OWNER WILL TRADE ••••• $425,000 A i.,rge 1rre9u1ar v-'Cant parcel with btNding p1ans for a new tll·level view hom< IS awa1tm9 yoor insp«t1on and appfoval The city has already rcvtewcd & approved a 3800 sq It bu11d1ng pr~ct JUSt two blocks to the ~ter s edge ~r will tr&dc • SECLUDED SHORE CllFfS $795,000 This new offering has tons o f curt> appeal but that's not a1 w,rm vsed bnci< hreplece & plenty of room tor a bag Grand piano plus 3 8drms 3 batns S. fam ly room LMng & dining room view-, 01 the ~ue Pac1f1c & Cata .na Island A sOd 101 $ 9000 SQ ft oarcel only steps ~3'/ b> too• to pnvate surfing beach NANTUCKET STYLE •••.•••• $6~ ,000 Fasucliously rebuilt home end income unit span~ no costs for high quo&hty metenals and wofi<manship HardWood floors. used bock and mortar wood bum1ng fireplacc.s quaint bnck coort)ard and ltiref!·Gar pati<Jng plus new ~eryth "'9 ~cept the concrete footings BANK OWNED ................. $465,000 Top Right quoht) 6. ~') t>u I~ •ront un t beautifully hn1she d 3 ~droom 3 • bath condominium home Vaufted ceilings u~r patlO sun lounge and d n1ng " ~ng balcOfl'i 2-ar enclosed garage and kwndr, tac1t1t-, pt\h built-in freezer rcfngerat0< comb•nahon Light bnght. and airy DUPLEX OH WIDE LOT •• $699,000 A coz:y owner's unit wittl flreplece end open beam ce1hng have ~ted the c:Nnn that ttlrs bc4Ch town is all about. A sunny garden patlO end 2·bedroom income unit are also smartly nestled on this extra wide parcel, one block to the water's edge .. NE.W Off£1UHG • .!.: ........ $i10,000 A· two bedroom hldc~oy retreat with .the ~t and be:stest pncc '" town wa1 to shopping amcn1t1es, ~r1<et pharmocy, nower shop & ban6< RccrcatroMI orca with pool, spa & terrace Home hM cozy fireplace in IMng room Very clan & neat • I , ITll .... .. , PAGE 32 /SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE Smithcliffs enclaVe launches ·unprecedented sales strategy In a move unprecedented 1n the residential real est.1te sales and marketing arena, all 26 estate homesites at the historic Smithcliffs enclave in LaguAa Beach will-i)e sold by fou r prominent Orange County brokerage firrn~ According to Phil Reed, chief fin,rncial officer for Brindcrson, developers of Sm1thcliff, the four firms chosen to list the. cu~tom homesites arc Rogers Realty of Corona dcl Mar; Coast Newport Properties, Prudential Clltforn1a Re.ilty; and Ctubb & Ellis of Newport Beach "Rather th.rn hire an in-house sales representative -who would be placed on site -the 26 homesites will next to Em~rald Bay, the configuration of 1hc land forms a 'pcninsulJ,' aeating a natural -sense-ol privacy and exclusivity. It is perhaps the most scenic oceanfront property in Southern California. T wenty-si>C, one-quarter ~re homes1tes are offered with prlCeS expected from S590,000 up to be divided among the Four prominent Orange County brokerage firms ~ hired by Smlthdifh to handle sales for the 26 hometitn. Pictured four brokerage firms from left ve, Ronald Mazzano and Milt Naylor ol Grubb & Ellis, Connie Musenti of Prudential California Realty, lloger S.S,000,000. The architectural 0t1entation of the private &Jlcd enclave, as repreiented by the monument ~Is. Wfought . iron fencing and private entry reflects the history of the est.lie by which will handle the Mckinnon of Rogers Realty, Danny Bibb of Coast Newport Properties, Md Phil Reed ol Brinderson ~rent com~ny. listings and cooperate with other brol..<.>rs to facilitate the sales," Reed said. "We realize this is atypical of the way thing'> are usually done, but Smithcliffs 1!.n't a typical piece of property either " Smith!=liffs is the last significant parcet of oceanfront property approved (or residential development along the Orange County coast. Regarded as one of Orange County's landmark esute Mesa Verde Four ht'droom~. den & 2~ bath•. A clu1ic New England 11yle highUghted by a hf'rrm~borw bnck wallway. Hardwood Ooored kitchen & entry & a newJy re- modf'll"d kll l'hcn "/itranitf' & oak. Rl"al private ru r yard & aweeping view o( park. Pool & 8pa. AJlld•« l3H,- F airview Villal!e Townhouse Open Sun 1-5 24~ Falrbrook Way, C.M. :!RR :.!R \ • Elr~unl -Rt'dt'<'oralt'd and p~raJed. Bu.ilt-i.n Bar & BBQ. J(j1cben ,I{ Uatli la~tt·fulh done. O"m·rs havf'.' purchued another home. ANXIOUS! For 1uur di-rri111111al111g huyt'rM. Super Bargain Open Sun 1-4 413 E. Bay, C.M. lmmanilulr '.\ l1t>rlroom hilmt' in fint• Coata Meta area. 38R'e highlighted by \\ood "hutlf'r,... ~k)li1thlll, frnf'.' wall covf'.'ring. & lueh Landecaping. Price weU urufrr f'oml' "alc-,1 • .... , Re4.ee4 to 12•, ... Virtually Freestanding 2HR. I V!HA. Double attached garage. plu1 a big private lawned yard. Fircplacl" 111 liv1n1t ro•im Thie and more for llU,- Duplex On The Bay ... Pier 4 Doek JBR. 2BA. Fircplact' & blt·ina. Patio & t un deck on the water plu• a large lBR unit ovl"r ~aragc with a Uving room, IUtchen, dining aru w/privale entrance. Owner amuou1! 2919 Newpert Blv•., Newpert Bwll properties, the property has a colorful history: Smithdiffs was home 10 the famous aviatrix "Pancho" Sames in the 1930s; ~nd movie classic Wuthcring Heights was filmed at the estate. located rcpl1oting its Ofigrnal desigfl motif. ... -ICI For more information on Smilhcliffs o~ , to place your name on an speci.ll interest list, call (714) 752-5100. IMPERIAL CREDIT INDUSTRl~S . INC. Alill 't ,o1~awt *' e •u•twn LOANS THAT WORK JUMBOS to $1.SM+ 95% LTV to $300K ----ZER9 POINT LOANS 80% CASH OUT REFINANCE HIGH END RATIOS -OK For )"OCM" Home Lo.In or~ cal JIM SEVER OR MARCO BAI.JEU CALL (114) 251-4062 SEVEN MYS A WE.EKJ ~ CMDIT N>Ul71"1E .. IHC.. • ~ i.Mdw,•"6 •r ,.,._, ...... _ .... i1t r-. .... ,.. ..... °""',..,.,,,, ...... ,.., .. a,, I......,.,,,,.. ...... -----..... s ••..-.F«•no-.,.........,.,,,.. n r • ., .. ...,. t • ..,,,,....., .,...,.....,_,,..,uo . ._ .. ....,...,...,,l'OIM .. .. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE Coldwell Banker agents honored SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 33 Doug Meeder -has rccci"cd a\.\,1rds 1 ' uubland1ng production since ~").,.nning his ctlrccr eight y<.>ars ago He "·" bt.•t.•n awarded the Pr~1dent's Club rL')iclcnttal proµNt1l) lor 2 I \l'Jr> \\llh Girling joins Prudential California th<? pa)t 19 )CJr) at C olclM• I Banl.;c:r. The Prudential California Realty [\\1ng\ ~n. )c.'11, 1011 L'Cf her t\\o \<:Jr> recently \\Clcomed Bing Girling as a Jgo ,h ,l p.irtner new mcmb<.>r of U.S Newport Beach Oa\.e Wong . bring-. Jn accompli:.hl-d tC'am. A 14-)ear resident ol Balboa what's best ior them -1n u•hcr word -Vil t('ll then the truth .rnd I "'ill be str a1gh tlorward ''1th tht•m I just Wt.'m to put pcoplc ell c.•a)C." •' r r s.lll') volume placing him in the top 5 P'''Cl nt o ( all Cold\, ell Banker J )St>Chll t') r Jt1on,,1dc. He I) one of the )Oun 'L~I )Jlc") fl:<ord 10 Colc.h ... t 11 B.in~t·r h,1, uw bland, he brings 10 >ears ot real h o l')lJtC experience N~ ac 1c""1·d ~~~i.ll-~lt>:. c1 ... ard::i Jt--hri-----t-anac::Orona cl M.u with him to C1rl ng I) 'l'I'\ ha pp\ to ha' l' 10 nt '<.I the Pru<lcnt-W t~a1m-.--------1---- ~~. ~t:.'-~. ts 17'"" com-pany fliSfOry to recci\(~ the ch.::) gnJtton of wn1or re)1dcnt1al •"-~ JIC jerry Finster -I) a third ~cm•rJt1on '• d"nt of N<""port 6Ci1Ch ~1ving him Jn , 1 •• 1nt.1gc 1n becoming ont of the m.i1 lr , al \ t;),IC Jgcmts tn the ar<."a He is um·nlly marl..c>ting from tht• $300,000 :o s--so.ooo price rJni.:c LM,\tne Shaw -beg.Jn her rNl l~IJlc JrL"t·r 1n 1977 She ha5 Nrnt-d numerous .ich1<.>v('ment award). such d~ l'r.~1dcnt's Club . .lSSOC•Jte 'ice pre)1dcnt Jnd lntcrn.lt1onal PrC)idcnt'~ Clrclc '1J,, t) 1omcd b)' p.lrtner Eric Shaw \.1.ircia Bents -a name long rc~pt.'C.tcd tn Newport Beach real C)tale Ben~ bcg.ln her CJreer in 1966 and 1u rwd Cold\ ... ell Ban~er in 19 71 . She 1s 1•\tL•ns1vely involved tn local sooal and 1 ..11 t1cal !iCencs She rs an ~~rare v1ct' p11 .. ~ de~of Cold'Acll Banl..cr and a wns ~ll'nl member of the Pre:.1dent's Uub She is 101ncd by her son Robert to rurm an C\en more dynamic team lyleen E~ing · year to date, she hJs lit.~n named one of the top five Luld'''-'11 Banker s.-ill"S as~1Jtcs 1n 1utht.'m Calif Ewing ha5 tx.'Cn a con'.>btcnt member o1 the Pr~1dent's Club .ind PrC)1dent's Circle , repre-.cn11ng ti\.'. top 1 percent 1n the comPJn> Sh..: hJ) .. pccializl'd rn N e\\ port Bl'ach hr<'\.inu'.> companv. Prior to real C)tate. Prudential e ''-Otl..l'd in acrnunting and >t•ll His dect)ion to mamt.ltn:. "" CNt1fil'<f Public Accountan1 bL•comc a rcJltor ''' ('n;{" followed 26 yeoars Stc\.c Sutht.>rlcn hJ-, \\OrkL'<l a) .:i pilot 1n the iul t nw ·n tht: r<.'\1dl ntkll rNI er.1tc U S A.Jr Force and bu!>int•s., )trl(t' l'J i' 1. 111:. m.rny ) l'Jr'.> ,]) , f\\ o )Cars .l':i vice s.>k>s a~cnt .rnd 1n salt•) mJnagcment prt--sidcnt of hnngs to h1, bu\l'r> ilnd 'Cllcr), not only mJ1ntenJnce and a depth 01 l''PNll!nc.: but .i con)tJnt enA1necrtng ior \Jnl'ty of m•\\ businl''>:. contact!> Co1den \'\c~ Susan \\1cir -)UCCl"">S h.:is hll'r,1lly AirltnC) He \\J5 follu\\1.'CJ hN )1ni..t: dJy one ol hl•r real nt•\er able to put c· I" do\\ n roob 1n the " mg cstJlt! CJre<:•r \\ 1thtn the fir>t t\\O \\Cck.s, r,hc had listed and sold rv.o home-.. This Air Force. ar:id his 1ob at Colden Wt>:.t degree· of WlC~ and performance requi red a r~gulJr commute to Los earn1.>d her the S 1, er Cerclc .md Angde) "I waritt-d a career thJt would D1){1ngu1sh<.>d At.h1(".ement J\.\.Jr<b Jllow me to be part of my Donald Pfaff -is one of Newport comn'lun1ty." he SJ1d. "I wanted to Beach's t)l")l ~nown real est ate f1gu rl'S )Ctlfe do.,,n and ha\.e time for my Crowin 1 up 1n this arN, combin<."d with lam1ly Real ~ate was perf cct for 14 )t.>ars in the real estate bw.1n~. has me, and I've been happy ""'th my SJ' en Pfafi J )IX'C1al ~nnwlcdgc 01 the decision e"cr since." commuM) PIJft ""ho ....,,.....cd .u a St.lte With his bad.ground, Btng ha5 a Dirt'c..tor of thi.' CJl1rorn1a A!>)(X1at1on o( good feel tor whJt 1t t.lkes to relocate ReJltor), t> 1oincd by lull· ltm(' ass1stJnt "I mo ... ed Jround so much 1n th e » Ker') Thom1Mn Air Force," he S.1)~. "th at I really Ke ... in Ka nda -h.h .i solid rc.11 lState under~tand the problems and bJd.groun<.1 l\anda, "ho \\Or~t'd in c ncerns thJt J rt)(? .. ,hen JX'Ople are apprJ1s1ng tor J number of )'CJrs. h..is .1 m.il..tn~ a mo .... e. This gM.'S people a good scn>e ot \Jluc ror both rL-.;;d<•nt1JI foeling of conirdcnce that I'll do .lnd 1ncoml' propcrtv. "Protessionali)m ancf kno\'\k'<l~l' ol <eal <.')tat~ 1u>t permeate the ort cl he sa~) "starting \\.1th our man.t~l r Ma,..inc Mont~omcry, .:ind mcludrn!'. all or the agent> Thcr1.· ·~ a real fcelin~ oi cohl--.1\.encss J t<'am >pmt and ;i' reeling thJt pcuf>lt• arc \\lll1n:.! to work wi1n me thJt rl'allv cn10\. · While pur,,u1ng a suu .. 1...,,ful rc·.11 estate career C1il1ng h.ic, .llso ru1r11!ed his desire to t.-it..c-an JCt1\.<.' p.irt Ill hb community. He is a pa-.t prc~1dcnt ol the Little Balboa blJnd Propcrt\ Owner:. Association. a communit\ coordinator for the ,....e-,, port 81'.H'h Police Department, and a mcmbt•r ui Speak Up Newport, a nonprot1l l!roup that brings important eornmun111, tSSUC) to the attention 01 C•t> 1111iu.1I-. As a member of the Co' t•rnmt•tH and Poli tical Alfa1rs Comm1lll'1.. or tht> Ne" port-Mc-..J As:.oc1at )n or Realtors, he 1s active. in thl' ~ol 11 .ii affairs of community, stJltc and feder.il go,ernment th.ii Jlfl'.'lt thl rcJI ~late tndu:.try. He and his '"fe Vid1e hJ' e J son, Dave. ''ho 1s a vtee prt.~1dcnt in t lw mortgage di\ 1s1on of Shc .. mon Lehman in SJn Franc1:.eo, anJ J daughll'r, D~. who 1s tht• mcmbc..•rsh1p dtrt'Clor tor C1t\. Uuh Hl Lo) '\nbelc ===============::====~;;;;;;:::;;;;;::;::::;;;::;;;;;:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;.. __ ..;;;;::;;;;::;;;;==-. a\..__G_AY_LE_A_.;;.M_,!\~TO ___ , What an Opportunity! Related Sellers Motivated! Moving Out-of State! TWO GLAMOROUS, RECENTLY REMODELED, CUSTOM HOMES ON NICE, INSIDE'' street rn PRESTIGIOUS BAYCRESTI Need to have relatives nearby but m their own home? Here is your answer-THESE HOMES ARE ONLY TWO DOORS APART! OR-purchase one of the homes Whtch has nice, nice GUEST QUARTERS WITH t br, comfy IMng room with fireplace, sun room. bath, and its OWN ENTRANCE ANO PATIOI BOTH HOMES ON ONE LEVEL LIGHT ANO BRIGHT AND-HERE THEY AREi 1800 GLENWOOD (Comer of AshfOf'd), 4 BR, 3 baths, large enterta1nment1fam1ly area wrth raised oe1hng. new whitewashed oak floors and party~sized whitewashed red oak wet bat. The kitchen has wtutewashed cabinets as well, top quality apphances. all new tile, charming eating area over1ooi<ing POOL ANO PATIO. Mastet BR and bath have newly installed wallpaper and drapenes-afl bedrooms and baths refu~. redeeorated. Frerich doors. plantation shutters. FORMAL DINING ROOM, 3-CAR GARAGE With new st0<age system-ROOF REPLACED, t=RESH LANOSCAPING .......•..•.............................................•............................... $695,000 1114 CIUllWOOD 4 BR 3 baths, beamed-ceiling tamUy room, 3 fireplaoes ... INCL- UDING GUEST QUARTERS dncribed above. AH have been beautJfully remodeled-- the ORE.AM KJTCHEN IS All NEW WITH LOVELY WHITEWASHED CABINETRY. quality lpphnca, bay garden window, anr.cttve tile: vautted oeillng In expanded living room ~ French doors to generous patio oveOOoking POOL ANO SPA VERY SPACIOUS FORMAL DINING ROOM wfth raised ceiftng. MASTER BR SUITE has fir9P111Ct, MWing room Of office, Frend! doors and wfndows to loYefy garden, patio Ind pool. LUXURIOUS MA.STEA BATH IS TOTALLY NEW with SPAfT\JB. NEW CARPETING THROUGHOUT HOME, bay wtndows In bedrooms, MCunty system, wtl'9d for .-.0, new''°'• cablntea In garage, NEW ROOF-VERY LARGE LOTI -•• c.. •• c.. ........ ,. -• -1-5 I 1• It 11 11• tm Tl Ill Ill I HI H E~HIR t. J .. )~ ~J;'l(" I 11 ~ CB 1s9.1a11 . . - 721-4120 or 720-1760 NEW LISTING 55 CANYON CREST Unbelievable value. Three bedroom. 2 1 2 bath, livmg room and master have flreplaces. Formal dining, family room, two car attached garage. Complex has swimming pool and tennis Jui,t carpeted and painted. Vacant. .. Owner may finance .. .All thl for $310,000 77 PELICAN CT., BAWIEW TERRACE Detached 2 bedroom 2l'2 bath. Great location. Gated community. pool. New carpeting and paint. Owner may flnance. Uke new for $353.000 116 CORSICA. NEWPORT NORTH SALE. LEASE OR LEASE OPllON Hlshly customiz~ and upgraded 2 bedroom 2''2 bath end unit Nt>w kitchen cabinet • bulk-In refrl~ator and v..lne cellar stay. Vacant $249.000 240 NICE. VILLA BALBOA Ground Ooor comer unit. 1 bedroom ptus den. Gated communlf\1 pool and clubhouse. Walklng distance to beach and hopping. Ne-..· carpeting and paint, wcant. •• Owner may Anance $170,000 Tot~~~Jotc?.~ew~~5c~t~ YJ~t!f~~~. 3 bedroom. 2 bath Mon.co. Shows beautifully. Painted Inside and o ut. new carpdlng •.. Vacant ..• Owner may finance. Call Glayle Amato ..... rcll•9 M•k foreclo•a re• fro• $199.080 to $2.908.000 • ) 2£ 3i)~q C1 I I ')S '(16Uld9!J ,YAOHU TAZ PAGE 34 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 --- 3TAT23JA...1 TOJlq YJIA.0 Aa3M AT200\HOA38 Tr ~W3"1 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTAT •• Coto de Caza's ·Hillsboro now in its final phaSe H ii lo•11 dl' l.va·., bL''>t selling tullt.•1.t111n or 1.uge luxury homes, I!> no\\ in 11!> fin.ii pha:>e of sales. The l•ht ph.1 ... 1.• 1111. luck•'> >ume of the best h1mlL'> a\ ,11l.1h1l .lt Hillsboro. offering 1. ul de-sac loc ..1t1um .ind O\c.>rs1zed lots. Prn .. t» >tJrl 1m111 J~ low .:b S335,000 on l'onw., r..1n~1ng trom l,170 tu 3.920 ..quJrc lcct. \ \ e lll ~l' .111\ 1 •nl "ho's been thinking <•1 bu)lll~ ht.•rl tu ,11.1p b\ .rnd see our :.election bt·llHl' \\l' re .,old out," ~id lkcl..v Bo" 11.· t hlbboro ~ile~ repr<'!>(.'ll[J! ,\ 1 • 8u1lt U\ A \\ l.rl'\~tonc Homes. all 1ur ol H.11 L1." ' <l1~Hnct1\e and elegant ()(), pl.1r• ,1r1.• "' .11l..1ble In the past year, • ... 1x111 11. uho!cl t•\ N) other nC\\. nom£> con in •• mit) r Coto de C.lLl, .• ccurd1n~ t1. . ,,,(t, report by Hanley & ,.,._.Xlclll ~c-stlecJ in llll pt.·.Keful gated P uimmlln t) ut luto dt• Cu.a, Hillsboro < .111 he rctld11:cl f.l>tt•r and ea'>icr th.:in , ., <'r before bee .1u5l' of tht• recent 1p1. ning~ of Al< 1,1, Q,o ,rnd Portola Parl..wJy) Coto ullt'r) 1t> re)1dents mcrous .lmrn1t1cs, mcludins ch1ldnm 's ¥!..., and pm jte fac1l1tit>~ that offer golf. 'L•nn1~ and hor'L•back riding Hillsboro's Plan 1 includes 3, 170 ~ua e f<'ct with (our bedrooms, three bJths, J study, family room and formal sunl..en living room. Two sets of French doors open from the entry into the rormal dining room, creating a wm(orlJblt' ,1tmospherc (or entertaining. A winding slaircase starts in the entry and lcads upstJ1rs to a roomy master suite complete with a retreat, fireplace and double walk-in closet'>. The gourmet kitchen has a working center island, spacious nook and walk-in pantry The Plan 2X offers 3,259 square feet, lour bedrooms, three and one-half baths, a bonus room and a three-car garab>e· The home features a dramatic entry highlighted by a curved oak· railed stairca'>C, and a formal sunken living room and dining room with a fireplace. The home's entry leads to a fam ily room with a conveniently located wet bar, a - fireplace and wood box. Next to the • , family room is a large kitchen with a garden window and a center-island wor area. Also on the first level is a powder room, interior laundry room and guest bedroom with its own full -bath and a door offering access to the back yard. The second level of the home features a !;wish master suite with a fireplace and tvvo other bedrooms that share a full bath with two sinks. There is also a large bonus room that can be used as an extra fom 1ly room or a children's play room. The Plan 4 has .3,668 are feet with four bedrooms, three and one-hair baths, a bonus room or option for a fifth bedroom and fourth bath, a library, a family room with French doors and fireplace, a fully separate formal dining room with French doors, and a formar sunken living room. There 1s also a fully enclosed interior laundry room. A pub-style wet bar serves both the family room and dining room, and there arc --three fireplaces throughout the home. The Plan 5, Hillsboro's largest Ooor plan, has 3,920 square feet with four bedrooms, four baths, three fireplaces, and an office and bonus room (or an optional fifth and sixth bedroom with a fifth bath). Elegant amenities in this spacious home include a retreat and fireplace in the master suite, two walk·in closets, a separate tub and shower, and a spacious dual sink vanity in the master bath, a_ walk·in linen clOset-, ~ fully enclosed interior laundry room, a pub-styfe wet bar off the family room, and a three-car garage. E ach floor P.lan features large kitchens offering the latest amenities and conveniences, includ1ns: nd-laid ceramic tile in a wide selection of designer colors, hand-finished oak c.1bincts with hidden European-style hinges, lined roller-mounted drawers, and lined, adjustable shcl\.es. The appliance package includes a Kitd1en.Aid dishwasher and trash compactor faced with oak panels to match the kitchens' cabinetry, and a KitchenAid four-burner gas range with gtiddle/grill, self-cleaning aual oven and microwave. The large, deep cast Iron sink features a white-on-white European-style faucet. Other fine amenities Include two central Jfr cond1t1oning and hNting sy)tems, S<1(c1y· gl.:iss r rcnch doors, ceramic tile or l\.lrdwood entry Oooring, rounded dry·wJll corners and t'land- limshed ceilings. Exterior~ foature wood. roll-up sectional garage doors with window insets, extended roof lines, plus some exteriors with anracti\'C real stone or brick detailing. A·M Homes. a Crcystone Homl"> Company, has been rankt:'d on the Builder 100 list of the nation's largest home builders, and is r.mked one of the top 10 builders in Orange County by the Los Angeles Times. II has received numerous awards for outstanding des~. construction and ITl<lrketing. including the Homcbuyers' Choice Awards for construction quality and customer service. Pacific Creystone Corporation, the parent company of Creystone Homes, is a home builder led by a strong. experienced management team, building upon tradition to meet today's homcbuyers needs throughout Northern and Southern California . To visit tiillsboro, tal..e tlw l·S freeway, e>.11 CJSl on Alicia Pkwy. Turn right on S.lnta Marg.irita P.ukway, right on Plano Trabuco Road and procccd to the-Coto de Caza gate. After driving throucll lhc gate, tr;wd three miles to r<?.leh fiJllWuco by taking a left on Coto de C.ua Drive and .i leTt on Vista del Verde. Hillsboro's model homes entrance will be on the right. The sales office is open 10 a.m. to S p.m. Call 714/858·065S for more Information. • r NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAJLY PILOT I REAL ESTATE Weinstein joins Co(\~t Newport Marcy Weinstein has made her mark in the residential real ~L.lte brolcra~-- busm~ in JU)t thrce )hort years. \\'1th tremendous l..nowlcdge of the newly de .. eloped 'IJcwport Coa>l, she -.old nine lots 1hcrl' in 1992. Wein~ein ha~ a strong bJtl..ground in tommerC'ial dc>Srgn, and an in nate talent for env1s1oning the PQ)>1b1l11ies in C' 1St1ng properties. She ~ys one of the keys to her success is the ~b1lity to sec homes through her clients' eyes. "I've always been fascinated by real L~tatc, and particularly by seeing building take place from the ground up," she said. Weinstein believes in ser\'1cing her d1cn~ ft~t and foremost. She has strong ncgot1atin~ skills and says there is a "wm·win' in every s1tua11on. ·1 take pride that I am helping m~ client> realize their own dreams," she SJ1d. ''I pro\lidc clients with the be>t service possrbte-and the knowledge nec~s.lry to help them make a very important decision. When I know I hJve done C\Crything po>)1ble for my clients. the rc, .. ard> come bad. to me." V\ emstcin I> excited about working with Coa>l Newport Properties, the number one residential brokerage company in Ne" port Beach. "I'm cager to learn all I can from the people m this office," she SJid. "The agents here are the cream of the crop, and the marlo.eting department is one of a kind." Weinstein 1s vice president for Newport Coa>l board of directors. She and her hu')band have one son, Macklan Clay, and live in Har bor Ridge. In her free time, she enjoys running, ,.,.alk1ng her baby, and scuba diving. SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 I PAGE 35 Muncy is tops at Tarbell Judy Muncy was named top sales agent for Tarbell Realtors Ne,.,.port Beach office in 1992. The award-winning agent is well known -~ ....... ~L..energyL ne&otiation skills arrd commitment to clients' needs. "Her dedication and hJrd ~or!.. has paid off, not only for her but for her home sellers and buyers," said Gene Passafiume, manager of Tarbell's Newport Beach office. Judy works night and day and CO\lcrs a huge-market area.·· - Muncy's enthusiasm and love of helping families with their real L>stat<? needs is contagio.u:; "I truly en1oy ·helping my home sellers and home bu~ers realize their dreams," she said. "My greJtc-st sense of accomplishment comes \.,1th a client who is 100 percent satisfied with my real estate services. The real estate business isn't about selling or buying homes, it's about helping families." Muncy is a member of Tarbell's Preferred Properties division. specializing in lu"ury and e:.tale properties in the coast area from Laguna Beach to Huntington Harbour with an cmph.:isis on the Newport Beach communities. As a member of Tarbell 's elite sales dub, Pro-100, she joins the ranks of Tarbell's very best in Southern California. She was recently recognized for her exccllenc~ in SJb -. • ,., . i. fil ;.. ... ' ~ ~$-iE w: -i.. .. ~ ili" ·::: 32 Spacious at Tarbell's Pro· 100 lunc.lll'on. Muncy hJ!I al)Q recC1\cd hL nor') I rom The Dozen, J group of the nation's top independent real ~tatc comp.Jnies. The Dozen J\\ ard place:. her amon~ the nation's top fi._e percent in real estate salt') Muncy currently represent.:> La Roca. the estate of Pillar Wayne Uohn Wa>ne's \\ldov.>. La Roca \\JS selected as the Design Home of the year by the Orange Count\ ChJptcr of the International Society of Interior Designers in con1unct1on Y.ith the Children's Home Soc1ct\ ot California. To cont.-ict Judy Mu nc\, c..'lll Tarb<'ll·Nc" port Beach: ,-14 l 720-0611 Realtors to host the annual civic leaders luncheon On Wedne.day. March 10, the ~WI Single Family Attached 2 & 3 Bedroom Homes 'ewport-MesJ AssoctatJon o( Realtors will host its annual Civic leJders luncheon for Newport Beach and Cost.1 Mesa c1cy managers and council members. All association members and guest are invited to the luncheon at The Rirz, 880 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. The luncheon -sponsored by the ~atit>n's's Government -& Potttieal Affairs committee -allows guest to hear and speak firsthand to council members aboul local issues of concern. Each council member is W.ed to give a bnef updale on a community issue. "This luncheon is an opportunity f0t two-way communlations," said committee chairwoman Maxine ~tgomery. "It 1s important realtors convey the ~ge we are concerned about local issues and we want to continue open dialogue with ou r elected olf te~ls." Due to limited seating_ reservations are a must for the luncheon. r ickets are $25. ANse send checks to Newport-MeM A55ociat.ion o( Realtors • •01 N. Newpon BIYd., Newport Beach, 92663, Attn: Rose Carey. tnJOY lhe!IC "') h~ oc~ borne. in the carcfn.·e ambtencc or t.hi~ ttcach t.'Ofll mun11 y near ~ooll l!(:bool\. fine medical fad huc1;. ciu:ellcnl . --·--.-shof'l'Jlnl?. n=M.lur.um &: entenaanmem ' •(''to I ~"6 'f/I • l'm'OI' """1J • 2-lor.n~ll,d fOM('rJ • C,;nt d c.-"'"' • s .. ~-1 pon1 -.1 '1"1 • 2 F1rrpl«" ~l11ll1.1 , ___ ls • \.'ot1/lftl cn/t" I • /'10 litnlo Rocu' -- PAAGE 36 / SATUADAYL. Februc;try 20, 1993 '\t; :iv r lO:Ji t ~I '..J Ac. American Home loans Approved Mortgage ea1 coast Fenanc1a1 Central Build1~g & loan Cert1f~ Funding Corp. Chase Manhattan· CMS Mor.!gage Svcs. Community West Mortgage Countrywtde Funding First Pacific Financial F ronthne Mortgage Gemini Mortgage Glendale Federal Bank # TYP£ R A A K A B A I( K K K A s PHONE (7 14) 955~3633 (800) 333-2191 --(714) 494-2005 (714) 833-8394 (714) 348-8700 (714) 760.e671 (714) 73(). 7049 (714) 588-2698 (71 4) 255-9600 (71 4) 863-1111 (800) 843-7846 (71 4) 963-15f<> (310) 781-6800 Household Bank B (714) 261-1818 Independent Mortgage, Co. R (800) 829-4579 Mant1me -Mortgage A (714) 241178 National Pacific Mortgage ,_...,,_K~......,(~714) 558-3278 Newport Financial Group <it K (714) 851-0202 Oceanv1ew Financial R (714) 65CJ.0855 Pacifica Mortgage R (714) 2~4155 Shearson Lehman Mtg. K (800) 624-3165 TLC Financial Svcs R (71 4) 396-5862 VP. Wickline A (800) 400-1441 West Coast Mt9. Group R (714) 248·~ WestCal Financial A (714) 720-8440 KEY LENDERS AND RATES 30-y .. r flxed INTEREST ~ POINTS LOCK- RATE OWH ('!!.) IN A..P.A. 7375% 7.375% 7.375% 7250% 7.250% 8 050% 7 375% 7 500"X. 72~ 5 1.375 12 7.55 5 1.375 12 7.55 10 1.375 12 7.55 -------10 1.875 30 7.48 ~,Y_._-1.815 21 7...43 20 1 000 00 8 19 10 1.250 21 7.54 20 0.500 IS 7.59 5 2 375 45 7.53 7 375% 10 1 375 ---7 500% 5 1 250 7.625"'· 10 0.000 7 500% 5 1 750 7 375~ 5 2 000 7 375~ 10 1 250 7 375% 10 1 625 7.500% 5 l,500 7.375% 10 1.500 7 500% 10 0.500 7 625% 10 0.000 7 375% tO 1.750 7 250% 10 2 000 ----7 375%-10 1 250 7625% 10 0.000 ---7.375% 10 1.500 12 .. 7.55 30 766 21 7.66 . 30 7.72 30 762 21 7 54 21 7 58 30 7 69 45 7.56 45 7 59 21 15 21 21 25 21 766 759 7.49 7.54 1.66 7.56 30-y••r adJu•t•bt• A.P .... 4.<>00% 10 1.625 561 560 203,150 2.125 ----4.250'Ye 4.125% 4.t25"X. 10 1.375 203,t50 203,150 2.125 2.t25 10 1 125 5.57 ---10 1 500 5.61 203.150 2. t25 ...~ 20 5.000% 25 4 .250"X. 10 -----4.125% 10 4.250% 10 4.250"X. . 10 5.<>00% 20 4.500% 10 4 950% 20 4 500% 20 5.125"9 10 4.250% 10 4.500% 4.625% 4375% 4375% 5 125tr. 4.250% 4.125% 4875% 4 000% 10 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 20 -t-·nt'll~-,s-17 -750:000-vso- 1.000 6 21 ----1000 626 0250 609 1 375 6 29 1.250 5 94 0875 619 0.000 5 36 , 000 6 27 2000 628 1 375 5.99 1.000.000 203,150 203,150 203,150 203,150 500,000 203. 150' 650.000 500,000 203.150 2 750 2 875 ~ 2750 2875 2625 2 750 2 125 2 750 2 750 2625 0875 1.000 1..500 0.750 0000 1 750 1 625 0000 0000 1.500 6 2• 203, 150 2 875 5 94 203, 150 2 500 6 34 203. 150 2 875 6 24 203, 150 2 875 5 48 203, 150 2 125 5 79 203. 150 • 2 375 6 31 203..150 2 875 e oe 200.150 2 750 6 10 300.~ 2 750 5.83 500.000 2 500 AOJ. INDEX fAEO. L6M 6M L6M 6M L6M ~ l6M 6M L-W-6M HS IV H S 1Y L6M 6M ITS tY 6CO 6M L6M 6M 6CO 6M HS 6M I TS 1Y 6CO 6M H S 1Y L6M 6M ITS 1V H S t Y L6M 6M 6CO 6M 1TS 1Y .'*' f -. ,... L6M 6M l6M 6M 6CO 6M Bolh hxed & acJfuSlallle programs.,. 3()'3()oonventl0nal IT10t1gllgeS Type OI Lendef. 8. Bat*. K •ITIOf1g9ge bet*er, R. monglgl btolter; s. UW!gl' loen ~ benkenendbn>Urlaft .....,byltltClllomia ~ OI Real fSlale as t111hlr a~" Of CotpoiaDOn For inlormdon cal Calif DAE 11 (916) 227-0931 ln'9t'Mt A ... kw~...,... 11 ltl WIOduc:IOty ,..,. lot mt tn1 ~ penocs Down P.,,...r IS wnount 01 ~("'I. d MliM pnc:e) peld IO lenOet pnor IO 5qWlg IT)Of1g808 oonu,c:t PolnU are% ol IOW\ Ilea.nee peocj ID letlOtr ~I lme ol lo9n dollrlg Lodl4' II .. ~ OI d9yt ~ p ......... ra1t P'10f 10 doting A.fl.A. II flt VAiii ~ ..... whK:I\ II an esbmited lnnual OOSl ol 1'18IOln101ht ~ Al A p R • .,. ca~t.o by Monglgt ...... Co bM«S on. $203, \50 "*'~ .. SIC**"'°"" &AS f700 toeal I .. The A p R.-a._lnc:MMd WI .. Chll1 b CGmCl9AIOn ooty When~ tor. io.n. F-*-' Tl\llh-tn-Lendlng law ltquqS ~IO c:eblllte en kP R ~IO eed'l loen ~ ............. fie,,,._ lerlOef .... ., ""'* ~ lllfTN Al~,...~,..... tNlllllTU'l'I OI $203.150 Margin (WI 'll.) 11 a.ndlrs profil mergin. IOOe• • lc:tUll rate 11111 lwst ~ lndei."' baU lotMaing ltl ~,...,..,... (Mi'Vln. lnOe.11 • HewAai.} 110 . 1 lf\Olll Cottd Flolldl, ITS. I Yw T!W4.11'Y 911. L6'-A a 6rnonthLIBOA, 6TB •6-n)onlhTrMSUf'Y811. 6CO•&-monthlll9f'80'C1"'11C1tloldll>C>Sil Adjlol..,.....,.F~lllhepef'IOOl>elWMn~ 1M• 1~6M•&-Monf\I. l ·YW• I Y.., Al,.._ll.C)leC:SIOCNllge Venty ra1e and terms POOi 10 applying for a loan Al lenders prQlllde toan1 witn Odltfent rates end 1~ lot om.,.,.. IOan amouna The lnlomwl"°" prtNnMd ii"°' II\°"" to melle • IOltl F0t a ~ gulOe on how ID atlQP lol a mo11ga9e sand a $oC 50 dl9cil peyat>te to MorlQ90t News Co , 1505 E 17th SI , Suitt 211, S.ru Are, CA 92701. (714) 836-1177 COPYRIGHT c 1993 ~~Co • In Ille regular classifieds, (Secli111 Bl DI todays Daily Pilot! ifijPii:~ .. Traditionally styled Oak Harbor Sp.1rta Development of "'c" port 1~t.-.1ch offers the n~~ attached and ktac~ homes on the cast:.1dc of CO">t.1 \les.:i. l~led amid old trees. Oak Harbor ll'Jlures three-bedroom t\\O-Jnd-hJli t Jth homes with ample space for both de and rear yard;. The extenor hJ> l!\tcns1\C bnck ~'Ork, ''hich .ldds a dt>tinguished flair to the English Cape Cod architecture Th<.' cxc11cmcn1 of the ''cll-de5lgned 1 oor plans -....1th the use of "indows. ... k~lites and glass bloc~ enhances the l\atural light and airy ambience. The use I t t rounded walls and corne~ add a very '>pcc1al feel ing, and the ceilings arc each 9 feet high except the 18-foot-high living ruom The home showca~ details such a; rcJ1'-<'<.l p.ml'I t.•nt') door., ''1th gl.h> lt\)('r~. tilt• l'ntnt:>. '.iulwd ceiling.,, ''ood burning 11rcpl.:icc. O.ll.. cabinetry. GE appltanu.., .md ccr.im1c tile countcrtop, Ai..o up>tJir> laundf) area and d rl'Ct acn. '>> to a l\\O·CJr garage . 0.11.. Harbor oilN> Spl'Ci.ll financing p.1Cl..agc-; '"th low d°'' n p.1) ment; and lease 6pt1on plSrh. Pricing .u $255.000 to S:?"'5,000 Sales oft1c.c open noon · S p m • Saturday and Sunday. or call Rusty Guinther 631 ·6389 ior a pmatc >howing at 2rs £1dl·n "'e , bet"e<:'n Sant<i Isabel Jnd \.\ 1f)on NO POmTS AS LO"' AS 8~ARM 7J7£\ • l'r fln4 Got.lea Sa.te Bank, FSa I 0 ... -S&S·GOLD 304 ONYX Great fairly floor. pier\ -2'AI.\ ft m1ly lutchcn, den, bllcont~, P•llos & roof dtdl ...,,.. 1'1 • .-1111iUi•iii1aii:ioar-I '~ lut#r /n "1bol /s/and SI/a I L/lt/ngJ" ~....... 6154811 CllUCll ..... • .. U111 • llMJ ~-· ..,_. IAUOU •NM WICMtl • lft4M ~ BEU 'Ol'RT lllLL.fii ........... l fl.S,IH Top-of·lhl"·l1n1", .... a modrl. ha• lhl" lar,r.i n,,,,rpl .. n. 3BR. J .;B.\ anti 3·r"r ~"raF" "1""rl•• ular cot• li~hl & orc-an .,,.,., #S ~OllTIAWPTO~ \sk fer: ,.arily11 T•ikHll 20, 1993 I PAGE 37 101'2 S IU ER ,ltjPl .R S.J. C·lPUTlt-00............. 189.000 .iHR : ~8\ l-.<u c~r-""° : ...... , r,,.J-, • • fr ,...~ d·~r• •rwf .. .......,..,, R\ ~ ... ..11 ... . •.11~rl•ll. fru11 lt't'f"t, \•n q11 .... 1 cvJ..df' •• ••u"Jf~ r~J.ho. ! ltftn. ~n ........ t~b ~ "" • , .. f'i ctr t 7 • rn .,.. •l"tt Ask F•r. Jen, JHe~ 5BR. 5 "B\\ £,qumlt f.uropun Crafl man.lup 2'.! Ct. mhnp in li'111t' nl\lm. hah~n marblt u>f'd tht]!.u1thuu1. ~ourmtl Lttrhrn. tOmJllt'lt ,.Int rt'Uar ,. ·pir.tl •lltr• ,\ JM':"lrr rarl -. hbr1n & t''rrrt•I' room. •t'paralt rnlr.nrt .maid". quarttr~ ancludtai: 11,anr u .. ;a. Lrdroom. balb & mucb mort'. ••• fl.19'.IM II Pa. .. la PROPERTIES ALA CARTE 3 11-F-,.1-•Jcoa•. r•p.rt lltNH-11 ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I S:tS.000 Z I S.l:LIH.1"6, ,'\f!•perf ~· ···-············-···· .. ··········•····•·•···•····••·•······ 1530.HO 3 1•', LllriulJHlr An•., C4.W ................ Of#'• .fMll .'i•• l tJ-4 .•.......•...... llZSO •o 2-IMZ Str11n... up-1\1,_..I ......................................................... IZ 10.fJOO ZU.7 PIUINt El Sk-. Lap-'"1,_1 ................. -·····--·············· .... $I U .tHHI ... rr~ r~. c..a. ·"~ ............................................................ 1z-1t1.:stH1 :IU 4UJC.tN #f;J ........... 1114 .... "If)' ac.vr ... £.\. YOL' CU ' 0"'\~ l'nc.-d 1 ..,,....i, ...... r••r-n t.lr u"'• 11... " l ft --'>-1.>·..W~_.. .. n.,. lmdlt. clrn. l..u 'l<>o h.•i.n~nw ~' !BR '"'' ! fvU b.t•u t k,.-u•r• •"'4• •• •••ht<I ~,1,..,-. r,~" -\11 ... W : ,., '""r h.• r""" .t •• .,.,, t..<-.,,., •• • , .. .,, ,...,," • .-h ,. •• ...... I '"°Pl"'«-.............. f,.... •• ,. \J c-J fH ... ,, ... n. .bk f er: Fra, .. Ellk1'1 7.t.'ffflfE CaEEII ............. #IS. ... ~ "-th.I i..., i...., 1.....1 "' tf._ •• <•rn lMil I l """ .......... r.i. ... 1 ~•11 ............ ·-' ... .. r... ,,,,.,...,... ,....,. ,.,,., " ,..., c... ,...,....., , __ ,..., r ..... ""--"'· h•.-·-~~h ,...; .... ,,_ .. ,,... .. l.o·h , ........... ....,. AA fM-: lw c ...... ...._IUI IU1 l'OOTHIU ............... $,,,,IHJO E:~CLLS~OJIDI n sTl\ 1•,..1., ••• ,,..., • lt•oc~•· i,.,.. •HM l ·II\ 'I" •• .1. ut• &.iltt• ••• f\Mf,.___. •U ~1uftto '' • tdtten 1ttf ('f', r tfor U ul..r U•flil"' J"~ ._Uh ""atu(,, 1 l\a11t fW .... ....., .,U" .. th "' ..... •'"' ,+-fth pf ft',, • I lull .i.. t, \! k For: G•~ S•ll~ METRO 5 Corporate Plaza 714/720-9422 PAaE 38 / SATURDAY, Feb~ry,20.,.1~~~ Nelfep~T BEACH{.COSTA MESA DAI~'! PILOT I REAL ESTATE REALESTATESHOWcAsE Premier Lido B a y f r ont 827 Via Lido Soud, N .B. OeaC" "0\'JCr j lf"k '80° VICWS, 31 • on the : . .i·· r , ,. ·s :• ~ ~a, '·on: Od' J S t.Jeau11f1..1~ entry brick courtyard, 3 tv ;· , . 2 'h r ;rrs 'ec .... · r-8 · uograded 1n ·90 Lots of granite ~ ..... ~ l,; ild'C ccno"un iY •c OL.i] n 800 block for only $2,000.000 J ... Mendoza, OwMr/lroker 714-883-1252 714-875-1422 Corona del Mar 3BR in pnsune condition. impeccably manicured yard. 3 <:llr gar, '"inland" , comer location of Keel & Outngger REDUCED TO $520,000 Kerr Realty C.11 Betty at 760-9700 COSTA MESA -72 UNITS 2080 Newport Blvd. 53 Singles ................... 18 1 Bedrooms UMl8UI HOim ·•· con be 6 bedrooms, 6'h bOths, upper level hos master suite with I 1reploce plus on odd1tionol bedroom both facing the water, lower level hos living room ond dining rqom on the bovf ront, with nice patio overlo0~1ng sandy beoch, with his · n her lom1ly room. 01, rt con be 4 bedroom. 4111 both mo1n home , with seporote 2BR. 28A oportment rho1 hos l1111ng room, d1n1ng oreo, lutchen, seporote enrronce ond seporote goroge unit, could be for grondporents, college kids, maids quorte'1, rental 2,!i 11 con be 5BR. 5 'h both mo1n home with l BR. I BA opo_rtment MAIO TO V1S11+1m 1 tn AMUST 111. 3 CAI GMAGl a • LOT Ml> A IWI Corona deJ· Mar Ele - ON BEAUTIF~l UDO ISLE, . MA)N CHANNEL - 4 ,500 + sq 11 Completely remodeled ond refurbished just recently w/ top·of·lhe·line upgrades ltohon chondel·ers, spect0I gloss rreotmenrs, hand pointing on sto1twell, to nome o few 489-0502 mM._,Aft,IMlllD Will Trade for House In Newport Beach of Corona Del Mar (714) 960-5495 CCIII for Alt Appokltrnent 671-2312 or 551-9212 or IM-1131 or 673-9272. • I Call 642-5678. ·Put a few words to work for you. ~-, .• • GARAGE SALE HINTS Before your garage sale, determine what items you wish to sell. Make sure that everything is clean and repaired. liJj JAJH \ TOJlq Y JIA<.J ~ 1 c!1 .. .1 J ' q('tlW 1~1 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND •Spa •Poof •View • •Waterlront li Witenront-an~ool V"G1ve Address at Guard Gate 'HOMES FOR SAU! 2 BR plua FAii RM or DEN .,.. • !>!>09A Vl8ta o.t Mando, L_.a Wrtd, u.g Hiiis 'l:>t 3233 '54.Kt«ms Open b v •PP' 1 3 BEDROOMS • •ti0:" Up~ lalle, HuntongtOf'I e..ch •2 ~261 $249,000 Sunday 1-4 . 4 BR plua FAii RM or DEN • • I t33 fbbbOe, Hwt>ot y,.._ Hnts CdM 7 l--4400 S 1 295,000 Sunday 1-~ • 0 Gle,,...,ood, 8aycrM1, NB ? I 877 $895,000 Sat Sun 1 ·5 • • :1.1oe Oc.an 8IYa C0«>na o.. Mar 8!.4 9028 $1,8".000 Saturday 12-' 6 BR plua FAM RM or DEN . • • • :l06 Via UOO N<>td, UOO Nora, NB '11~2"2 12,195,000 Sun.t2-5 •' d PC>fl Ounl4t1gh, Newport 8"ch • 1404 S76t .OOO Sat Sun 12 !> TOWNBOMES CONDOS FOR SALE 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN e J R~ Footai~. &g Cllnyon, NB 7~1900 5525.000 .. Suno.y 1·5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN • • .,..14 Skyswt Of Ja~lne ~ CdM &4._91" sset,500 S.t Sun 1·5 DUPLIDS FOi SAl.B II ~ II ·ATTENTION: SE1tERS Be a part of our OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY!! If you hove on ad appearing in this tab or in the clas sified se ction , you may place your OPEN HOUSE in our d irectory fo r the low price of s7.50 per listing. For this week '..s. Q_pen House Directory, see Page 54 Call Classified · by Thursday at 4:00 p.m. 642-5678 iiljlilil If You MoW it, Trim it; Fix it, Build it, Move it,,or Clean it. . Advertise it in the Pilot Classifieds ~ •Coll 642-5678 To place your od today! • • .. • • ' ·- PAGE 40 I SATURDAY, February 20, 1993 SHOW UK! A MODEU FORMAL DINING $194, 901> Beaui r 1 1rnrnacu1a1e & 011ght JBR 2BA home Harowovo lloors. wO!lllertvl lrg rear yarO perfect tor entcriaininy 169C0N) 691 Congress. C M AUDREY SAVOPOLOS CUTI & COlY $335,000 A rare opporturuty!• 38A 1 siory IOcad in prest1- gi00s upper bird Meu Verdt 1BR of! entry, great tor home office Cul de sac 11y lovely pat\ Walk to golf (27BLE) PAT O'YOOl.l·DAV1S NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT I REAL ESTATE fAIUlout WW OCIAN, UDO IAY, CIWf. .. L MOl,000 Spacious 3BR. 2BA master ste Y.1 ·In clolet. Jacuw bib LarQO ~ ~ formal dining atUi ~etr1Ce ooots. spa terns ct. 24 hf ouaraed sec 88 ShcXt strol 11' belCh & Hoag Hos-. '23 ~ERllE MAHONEY tmU OI NO MONEY DOWN $239,500 1700 SQ 4BR, t~•BA 11arnt ~ ~ • usy qualify sd'ler hls1wred • rut rieeoeo Mwet kltctlen. roof & mott (2Ml) TAMI AHDEHON ***COSTA MESA'S TOP SELLING OFFICE*** AFFOIDAILE EASTSIDf $1CO,OOO Quaint end unit has 28R t BA on srngle level Great ror first tirne buyer or retired couple Paint and Ber - t>er rype carpet on!y 6 mo new Pnce mcludes 5 yr old tng Cozy fireplac~ 1n l A and Lg pnvate deck patt0 1n rear Pnced to sell quick (24ELO) GREAT 2 STY TWNHM/l.OW ASSOC $1'6,900 2·CAR GARAGE Your own hOme on a quiet oreenbert<catneoral ceil1ngs:1 ¥cBA/2 masters/low assoc lee great locauon 2 ca1 gar with d1r access Incl Washer Oryer/fng (23TIC) PRICED LOW TO SEU. FAST111 $14t,500 Lovely 2BR townnouse wltfl newer gray carpet, newer appliances. ca111edral ceiling, 2 car attacfleCI qaralJe Low assoc Fee Great ne1gflb0rllood Ou1et •OCafloo Owner wants ou1"'' (t 6HOR) HIDOEN O,POITUNfTY $149,000 3BR 28A twnflm With 2 car garage and pnvate laundrv low down passrble1 Pick your carpet Close ro lrwy (1 40EAJ 2 MASTll llDIOOM TOWNMOME$152,900 MO'fe 10 condrbOO Neutral cotors. many upg~s. Mexican pavers. cathedral celling, 2 car gar Low assoc lee "Mr Clean' Mves here. (23MIN) IAlf ON MAllCIT $179,900 Single story C1pe senes has 38R & 2BA. Beauti1UI grounds. community DOOi & clubhouse Large patio 1n rear Close 10 shopping and beach. Hurry before rt s gone (42GLO) COSTA •SA $114if00 This SUl)el locitiOO IS In tl'le 8ro<*view Condo Complex 38R, 2tnBA IOcated ne1r relulng pool a· spa Washer/dryer & mlero pills range are lncklded 1n pnce Call oow for pnvate shOwlng (62SEA) FOllClOSUll LOOMS $114i900 LO\'efy 3BR, RV access Remodeled kitchen & bath. Lots al Ille! Skytlglltl. Priced to sell tut Bike to Ille belChl! (t9MEY) INCtOSID COUIJYAID S1n1to0 LOTS Of 8RICK. 8eaulJfUI 38A home comolltelY remodeled. new lcltehen, baths, bncll lll'tp13ce, 2 French door's. Prtvate COUl1ylrd. (22WAL) NICI M.Y ... AT Cotl)O fJllCI t1n,t00 U¥e in deslr10le C.M '~..1. ~ rtery· flilV:-IChOotl, Soull'I coui Piila, U\I faiVOl#ldS. YOU'U LOVI mt $197,000 4BR. one story si>aCiOUS home wi:i enclosed pal>O for a blO family Pode.at ownership neighbomoocl Garden Grove schOOls. (560AV) POSSllM1ESll IROW MAim CM $191,0QO 3BR tv.BA. o~r 1500 sq n ·LMge master ste Neatly new kitchen. neat bact bay Newport RMera o11ers DOOi. tennis, spa. clubhouse Great SChOOIS (36MAH) . UU'IMAft It TOWNHOUSI UYltG $1",500 38A, 28A. flmlf'f roonVkrtchen combtne<I. Latve V R wi:i fit'epllce & wet bar 1 BR & BA down Cen- tral air & security syStem. Oversized 2 car Oat Oe- Slrabte encl tflfl (34TIM) 7 Y'EAll NEW $1",500 T a.ste1ulti decorated tn-IMI 10wnhome wC1 3BR. 2'h8A. End unic lloodeCI w11ti Mllght. Fonna1 dh- lllO area Wlltl a wet bar L•oe master BR m. Wiii vaulted ceihog & walk-ri closet. Lush landscac>lllO Private wood Cleek. (23VAN) llWAID YOUllllf $1",fOO With lhrs gorgeous a yw new, 2 Ns1erS + Oen model In qulinl C01MUJ1tY neat buch. Vded cetlinOS. llreplaee, wrap lnMlCI PlllO. 2 car ga1. all lllCklde<I for YOOf enJoyment. (22'PAC) NALICIUT NONIY $202,fOO Three BR, tV.BA. Nlw Clflld, new pM'C Inside. New kitchen C011111r . . • Ind floor cowmg, Pnced to NI qulelely. (30ROY) mAl A DUL $210.000 Chalmilg 4BR, 1t'•BA. pt1Ylle encloSed courtvwd. RV access. bubtlllng T wllh new heallr, hstl paint & new ld9chen bllwoorn nooma. lllY· llcttsll tie'# flmace & roof. Large -1n ,.. yard. (22MAP) - JUNGU fMll $214,"9 = 2 muw BR 10wnhome Will 2 car cf! S30.000~~~2V~ .,.... •• $216,fOO l.MnQ In Ill back l>IY area. 38R wllh 11..Qrae mas-• •• 2'hBA. tam rm. tnpllce. UWaded~ &cellft schools, Otyr'l1J6c pool SCia. .... cts. (1Vf/I t 500 sq fl (24l.ES) ,...,,.. lMNI u1a.ooo This Mesa Vttdl Ccullry CU> VIia has l 1111 ~ llClractve llfOll'dl. POOi ' spa WU. ~ ... • VA garage, 29A Will fllnly nmt • up. ldlctlefl • 2 lg pillol. 57 111111. Wiii *'>