HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-22 - Orange Coast Pilot'altty cto..cfy tu..
U.it "'°"""' with inc,.ue..1 cloud
~Mtifts to JO p.rc~t
chMC:tt ol s~s b~
tht' •ltttnooft. hin hldt by
nightfall. TM1p.raturft 1n u~r SOs
to lowttr 60s
I otat~ thundu torms on
Tut"Sd.ay. ~rtly cloud WednHday.
S.~ Weath~r, /\l
25 cent•
City Council · expected ~ to deny police _ claims
~ City officials will ask that
$600,000 in back-pay request for
officers be. rejected -for now.
By Tony Oodero
St1fl Wltlef
NEWPORT BEACH -City officials
will ask the City Council tonight to deny
more than $600,000 in back-pay claims re-
quested by 24 police sergeants and lieu·
Individual sergeants began filing the
By Joel Beers
Stall Wr11ief
claims, some totaling more than $80,000,
in late January and early February. The
action was t:ikcn in protest to the city's
eight-month-long contract dispute with the
police association.
Sergeants and lieutenants say they arc
required by city and department policy to
report lO work 15 minutes early and leave
15 minutes later as part of daily briefings.
They arc no. paid for the extra time.
City Manager Kevin Murphy said the
back-pay issue is still pending and that the
city is only asl...ing to deny the claims to
give City Attorney Bob Burnham more
"We haven't completed :ill the legal re-
search," said Murphy, ~ho noted that the
45 dnys required 10 re pond to the claims
wasn't enough. "This is qu11e voluminous.
We didn't have time to complete Jn anal-
ysis." ·
The top-ranking officers say the prac-
tice of ~orl..ing without pay 1s a \IOla11on
of city overtime regulations and 1he Fair
Labor .Standards Act.
Sgt. Steve Van Horn, president of th~
Newport Beach Police Management As·
Eyewitness to the
. roots-of--pove -Share Our Selves d irector Karen McGlinn visits
impoverished villages of Guatemala -and
learns something about the needy back home.
A s cxecuti\IC director of Sh3re ·Our Sel\ies, •
Costa Me 3's largest charuy. ~rcn
McGlinn has a front-row sc;it in the battle
against poverty -particularly as it rcl3tes to legal
and illegal unmigrants.
"'ay of life to come here. Dut these people are
dying. If they come here and end their fomll~
even SI OO e\iery SL'C months, they can m..1ke the
difference beJween life and death."
McGlinn knows her \\Ords won't pacify the fca13
and biases of some Americant "'ho believe all
undocumented \ltOr kers and illegal aliens are
welfare-sucking paras11c who come> to this country
to live off other . But it wasn't until a 10-day excursion in some of
the most poverty-stricken villages or Guatemala
that McGhnn under tood the full picture. ·Nor will McGlinn' Guatemalan excul3ion
change the image she behe\ie .')ome people ha\c .
of he r. as a banner-wa' ing act1\ 1st out :Jo tal.e
e\erythang av.ay from the people ~ho ha"e 11 and
g1'c it to those v.ho don't."
Newport parlor massages city for permit
,..,,L\\.PORT Bi:.A(H -C.1t> Coun
ell membcr:i. Jre e'pccted tu heJr an
appeal tonight from J mJ,'\agc parlor
operator "'ho "'d' denied a penn1t to
operate b) the planning comm1'>1,1on.
folln"'1ng al)egat1ons of proc;111ut1on
Pljnnang comm1s ion members rc-
fu!.c=d to j,,ue a permit fnr The Get-..
av.a" ma~ .tge parlor Jl 2009 Quail
S1reet an J.inual') .s~ttr rec:e1' ang poh\:1.'
repon that pcta1led pro lltl.lllOn ar
re= 1' at th.st bustnc"
Police allege the bt1'1nc'' I) J front
tor pro'>t1tu11on.
In an auempt to <.UI J4.-\\0 on tht
"Now I understand why the c people come •.
here," said McGlinn·. who visi ted the country an·
January. "It's not 3 celebration when someone
lcj\C:i. their \:Ountf). Thcy.'Cfon't leave on train:>
"'llh people cheering. They cry.
"h 1s a sacrifice 10 end a $On or daughter, or a
fo.ther 3Wll)', 10 lca\C )OUr home, family and )OUr
McGlinn :ud her e\pcrience has reaffirmed her
faith an SOS' m1 ')IOn to help the needy.
See MCGLINN/Blet Piii
AboH•, Karen McGlinn \ is1l!> \\ith a client of Share Our Scl\.e!> in Co.')f.l \1e .i after her return from
Guatemala. Abo\c left, MlGlinn look this pholo of a nali\.C Ma .in boy in a Guatemalan ><.J1oul.
BUSINESS MONDAY Costa m·esa man
President taking a bite out of restaurant business? jailed atter. alleged
graffiti writer shot ~ Restaurateurs say reduction
in allowed tax deduction for
entertainment expenses will hurt.
By Tony Cox
llusnSI Edlof
Between talk last week of higher
taxes and investment in the country's
future, President Clinton made quick
mention of his desire to reduce the tax
deductibility or business entertainment
While thc,commcnt might not ha\.e
stood out 10 the average viewer of
Clinton's speech before Congress, it
captured the full attention of 01 least
one lroup -rcstauratturs. Local
restaurateurs arc concerned that
reducing or eliminating tax deductions
for power lunches and other busines~
entertainment will cripple an industry
that is already struggling, forcing
restaurant clo ures and cutbacu in a
market that has sufCcred many
casualties during the recession.
"Of course it ~ould hurt," said J.J.
Numbers to call
RETAIL ADS 642-4321
NEWSROOM 540.1224
SPORTS 642·4330
Around Town ................... Al
Bridge ........................... 16
Busintss ............................. 18
~ssifted ......................... IS C~d ......................... 16
HOtOSCC>pe ........................... 86
L~I not.lees..................... 14 ~ ..•....•..•••••••.•............. Al
Sc>c:tf'C')' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..A.5
SJ>c>tts. I 1 •., • 9 ' If• I ti It• -I I 11 1 •I • • •I •It• t t 11
Shah. owner of Ghandi Indian Cui inc
at So uth Coa t Plaza Village. "We hJ\e
' a lot of bu iness customers -office
parties, promotion parties or someone
lea"ing the company -and they CJn
deduct now."
Shah aid he's already cut hi
operating costs, and he ha n't ra1!>cd hi
menu pnce in seven year~. He aid he
fears that a further reduction in the
deductibility of bu iness entertainment
expenses -the deduction was lo\\iercd
a few years ago from 100 percent to 80
percent -would make hi bu inc
even more difficult.
Antonio Cagnolo, owner of Antonello
Ristorante and pan O\\ner of Planet
Hollywood and three other restJurJnt ,
ofCcred similar entiment He .,aid he
believes reducing or elimin3ting the
entertainment deduction "'ould shMply
reduce restaurant revenue and ~ould
have a negative ripple effect on the
"lt' a chain reaction," Cagnolo said.
"If people don't cat out, it hurt the gu)
who cuts the meat or the person "ho
grov.s the \cgetJble). It not l'nh hurl~
us. 11 hum the people behind u~ II '
going to fall all the way bac-k Ill the gu~
on the farm.
··The~ ~hould be doing thing' that
grow 1he economy, no1 thing' tlut hurt
II •.
Cagnolo said fine re taurJnb hke
Antoncllo's ~oulu feel the brunt of
Clinton's proposal.
"Thi is a po"'cr-lunch pla~c." he
aid. "If they do that. pcoP.ll' , .. on't ~.1t
out as much. I h.l\c lo la) off
cmplO)Ces, cut dov.n my l..111:hcn I no"
ha'e about 55 emplo)ee , "'h1ch I \\oulJ
probably reduce to 20 or 25. Ir that
happen·, \\IC ha'c 10 S\ .. llCh gear ."
Cagnofo and other restjUfjleurs ... 11J
1hey believe 1ha1 taking clients and
employees to lunch, 3!> "ell as other
bu!>1ness entcrt:unment, arc kg111m.11c,
cost of doing busine~s.
"That's the modern \\J) to conuu...i
business," said Franco Ve:.s1.1. s~nctal
mannger of Prego Ri)torantc. "I ''ould
a ume that cu~tomer who 1h111k the\
c .... c .... ~-. 0 ~'..................... Ownt>r Daw March 1trol11 ~ CMS In hl1 1ucceslful aut~body shop . ..
'lrs a chain
reaction . If people
don't eat out. it
hurts the guy who
cuts the meat or the
person who grows
the vegetables. It
not only hurts us. 1t
hurts the people
behind us., It's _going
to fall all the way
back to the guy on
the farm .'
owner Antone lo R1storante
and part owner
Pldnet Hollywood
25-1ear-old victim in 1ritens1ve care
68-year-old suspect arrested for assault.
B> Tor., t':>ce·~ s· ... ,, ~
co 1 \ ~ll \ .\ -.\ ~'1.t.1m.1r ow~· r • .. 1d{'r t W.l\ n
J 1 I ~unJ.1\ 1ri , nnt;d l with th~ 'h hll!_! o l .1 n n
he 'U'1'-.i.7tcJ ol \\flllllS £C.tlll11 111 hi' nc1 h1'01ho(1,1
Poli .. ~ tounJ GClHfC Quuo: ~ .• ot co~tn \!c . '"
the 1 ~ bk>elo; 01 \\'all:i.:T \\here he In' bl ... hn fr
a ~un'h'-1 "-4--'llnJ tu the ':llnla. h. -.i 1J kn R1 · kh I
ot Cu,tJ ~ lc'..1 l'l'hce
He "d' take n 11.1 \\ C)te1n ~kd1 .. l Center :rnd 1re:11
cJ-~~fc ~~i...m.mtcnm.e ~u::..and ble.i.Lin~,.!c.;.'.-
\.lllld11ll'n. he \JtJ
Ant 'Ill'-' SJr •hcz. b!. v.3, :rc-.1cJ on ,u,1n .. 1 n !
J\,JUll \\ th .J dead(~ \ ~. P• 1 IO C"OnnCd lOO \\Ith lt
'hl~ting 1ha1 \~lurrcJ JI) 4. :i.m l'r1da~. P..'li'-l' ,,111
\c .. v1Jmg ll' rcp<.'rt' '\..1"-.hC"Z hche,cd Ouiror "'I\
v.n11ng ~r.tlhll 1ri t e a .. 1 •1<;Jt lu' h,1m
~Jn\.hC4 , \\h1.1 J~~orJ11\~ to pubh.,heJ reporh ~1u1?hl
a hanJgi.n t\l r11..llt'Ct Ill' l:t m1)~ lrom nc1gh~'rh0< d
g:mg'>. \\.J' t.Jlcn into ;:u,tod~ v.11h ut mctd\. t • 1d
hclJ 1n (1,."l!>ta Me\J J:ul in lieu ol SIO.OCIO bail. R1~d ..
huf ~JIU
Taking a dent out ol the recession
Dave March 's auto -body shop business has flounshed amid the
poor economy because of his computerized, futu ristic plant.
By Jerry Clausen
S• ""' !f
C ali1,uni:i ma~ be hc;alth cr:ucd, but
"orkin~ out nt on 1ut1.l body hop
1' a bit too mu\:h, Nc:\cllhclc • 3n
('l\.l.J'l11.m 11 fitnc'>' 'cc.ker 'It ri~ at Uod)
\\ 1.1tk'> in Fuunt31n \ ,1llcy 11.\ chcd.. out
tr.J1n111g natc:..
Po '1bh, mu,C\ ov.ner D11'~ M:u h, it's
becau'>c Uody Work rep 1r 'hop\
h tenmg, C)~·cat hing, high·tech gl::a\
hi uJe ~lie the 1ndu try in,ide. 1rn
lmO\l unitn Jinablc tep lrOm the
rc'lidcnt1al s ar;agc 10 \Ith 1;h he r:aintcJ
c r u l~ounta n \ llc:y H1 h h1.!0I
tuJc:nt H> nm 'P ·ndina monc •
Murch. 37, a C1.,ron1 dcl ~br re\1Jent,
h been rc1'3it1 l 11 up auh 1n ho
he h 'o"n ·J l '"' u community
k ti n 1n c gr 1fo:.1i n fHml Ollltfen
\\ 't (\lllC 'C,
If 1, nc-v. e't 't\l}f'. ''f" 1 .. ,1 lil't y~ r at
the 1.urner of 'c"hor'-Sue.et .1nJ Slater
\\enu~. 1s the re,ult of lmt for h1' f"' I ion anJ a .. 1n , lll\trucnon
Mnr h 31d that .a' a r:irt-t1mc h~cn,cd
con tr 1 tor he alwa ha\.I one rt of
re: 1Jcn1i I ~'On~1ruct10 rro, ~I or 61nOthcr
goin on the 'iadc in c le1\1n1 ~hoot.
"h\ uttcn 10 the p<llnt that ~ou can
hu) house or •rartmcnt bu1ld10
cheaper than ou coulJ build 11," he aid
When the bu1ld1n mdu tr) b\: n
lumr1n a lcw ~ca~ , t e Jc" 1cd oll
of lt1' cnc'l)' anJ la t roru1ruct1on eff rt
to bu1IJ10& a profit ble moocrn rep u
firm coril&Hz1n1 on dra 11 chan c in the
in urance indu!llry.
SM SHOP .... Plll
Al Monday, February 22 , 1993
Lo ca I 0 n I y ..
Managing Editor Steve Marble, 142-4321 ut. 368
There's nothing --===========::"'llt•••ttl••to•otftffflftt•Mtftltt•ttt•f•••t•tf•t•ll••ft ott•o11••1•t1ototo•t ••tttlt•t•••••••t•l•••tttltoeo•ottttt•t tttttttttltttttttttt••••••tttttlltlltlllltfltt•tottltttttlttllttltt••tttttHtttlllllltlltfttt••H••tttttt , ................. ~ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
&...;;;;;~~~=-=--= ....... ~~~ ,• like kids to make
you act your age
World War II enemy boat captains spare each others' llVas
Nothing I!> more aging than trying lo be
young so you r kid won 't rcg3rd you as an
antique It's a real killer. You never know
when you're going 10 throw out your back bun·
gee jumping. Or doLc off in a disco when it'
past )Our bed time. I !.peak from experience.
Every year my hu!.band and I eagerly await
the "i it of our daughter, son-
in·l::iw, and 9-year-old gr:ind·
on from London. While we
plan all kinds of exuberant
act1Yitie) proving how young
"c arc, our adrenalin runs
oul fa!>ter than our zeal. It's
all very well to talk about
drlnk1na deeply from the cup
of life, but after 60, it gives '
you hiccups. • . Nancy
Mcintyre Th1!1 )Car Bill and I de·
caded to go in training for "' g d our annual Parental Dccath· 5 a.n Ion, a Mrenuous achievement t:ioldtng that belongs in the Senior
A World Wor JI ~torr from rhc
Newport Balbo:i News-Times:
ftb. 12, 1943:
The Nev. Time) reported Capt.
Constanin A. Flink was back in Costa
Mesa aflcr his ship, The Star of
Scotland, was sunk by n German
U·boat. It said he and his crew had
landed an New York and tra~cled to
San Francisco before he returned to
the area. The article mentioned his
son, cadet Edward Flink, was .
attending the U:S. Merch;int Marine
Feb. H, 1943:
when ll was auacked by a Gcrmun
The wooden Star of Scotland was
heavily damaged and burning from
machine-gun fire and Capt. Flink and
his crew were preparing to abandon
ship when they were boarded by the
U·boat captain "ho told Flink the
crew could leave but Flink would be a
prboncr of war. Flank, who spoke
German, pleaded he wus the only
person who could navigate and his
crew would die without him. The
German fin ally rclen1ed, saying Flink
must promi e to never again fight
Germans, and funhcr saying maybe
af1cr tlfe war they might be friends.
The two men shook hands and left
the burning Star of Scotland. .
Flink kept his promise and never
fought Germany again, but he
continued to fi&ht the Japanese,
serving on Navy supply.ships in the
Pacific with the rank of Lt. Cmdr. I ti
M>n, Edward, also served in the
Pacific and father :ind son met once
during their wartime duties.
Jan. 29, 1948:
After the war, Flink, back in Co tn
Mesa, and a respected yacht charter
captain, re ceived o letter Crocn
Helmut Witte, the German submarine
commander v.ho had sunk the Star of
Scotland Witte, a mc111l "orker in
Bonn, remanded Flink he had allowed
him to go with his crew and they had
-.haken hand in fricnd!>hip. He said
"J shake your hand again with thi~
letter and tell you there is little food
here and it i~ difficult to care for my
\\ife and l\\O children. Perhaps you
could remember our fr1cnd>h1p
flinl.. remembered, :md honored hi'>
pledge ,.,,ith a box of food for Im old
Ol)mpiel>. Fortunately, we
di..CO\ crcd a unique traanmg camp for out-of·
~h;ipe Mom and Dads \\ho share our goal:
keeping up with your kids -without winding
up tn tructiun.
After an interview with Capt. flank,
the Nc'w\s-Times presented hi!f tory.
Flink, an Estonian who became a
naturalized citizen in 1921, h:id been
on sailing ships since 6e was 17. His
ship was a four-masted schooner once
knov.n a The Rex, a plush gambling
ship in the J 930s .. lt had been refi tted
at the County Dock in Newport
Harbor and renamed The Star of
Scotland. The schooner v.as 1,000
miles off the coast of South Africa,
Flink saved his crew. He im pro' i-.cd
a sail on the open lifeboat and
brought all 16 men )afely 1hrough,
sailing 1,040 mile in 18 d..iys,
subsisting o n meager rations and raw
foh, to the African shore. lie \\J\
decorated with the War Shipping
Admini.,tration's' combat bar ::ind \1.ir. -CompilNJ b.v Anne Spinn Capt. Flink at the helm.
~~;v~l~~:~~;~~0:.~~~~£;~~~:;:r~;-1:::::::::: : :::.:::::: ::::::: :::::::::: :: : : :: ::::: ::::::: ::::: :: : ::::::::::: :: : :: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::: :::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
Mrong re!>alaent body able 10 endure hundreds
of mile!> of zoo~. theme parks, and other tour· ll•n1ab
-m-:ittrac:uonr,wfth-11 minimum-ohtc·t"n-. ~,.,-------llflfillll-
&>m e\Cn offers a money·back guarantee if n out
you g1"c up and can't focc a'!other roller
coa ... 1er ride or Slurpee.
Facial C'<pres!>aons arc al!>o included in th e
cour!>c One masteri. an inexhaustible supply of
'>male'-' from radianl 10 brave, for every occa·
!>ion l he tJller i!> e'lpcc1:.illy u ... eful when your
son -an-l;i~ ... uggc!.t!I :.i thrcc-da) bJckpacking-
tnp into the \.\ 1ldcr -
1 he toughc'-'I :is·
'>agnment I'> reorg:i·
nmng )Our ,(cep
patterm to JCCOm·
modate )our kid ...
late hours. l:.ven w11h
No-Dole pilh and
gallon.. of black cof·
fee, Ball and l can '1
prop open our lid'-'
un11l midnight. We
have-ba~ under our
eyes that arc loo big
10 fit under on air·
fln°C! SCJI
The 'lemanar con·
eluded l.\llh pcrltonal
''P' on '>UrvMng fun
ouung\ nC\Cr COV·
-Bill Mcintyre•
cred bdJrc fir ... 1. ho\\> 10 remember "here all
the John ... ..ire IOCi.ltcd 1n a three-square mile
amu~cmcnt park, \lnCC the hfe )OU 3\.C ma)'
be )Uu r o"n Second, how to get enough water
from ;J trickling water fountain tu swallow your
1ranqu1lucr\. Third, leg con1rac11om to a\.01d
temporary paralyst\ v. hile 101nd1ng in line for
an SS hot dog. And fourth, eye excrc1 cs 10
1mprme \our \l!l1un Ill finding }Our car 1n a
pilr._ang lot the !>Ill! of Rhode bland.
When our dJughtcr and family arrived la!.t
v.cek, U1ll and I couldn't wall to demon!>trate
our neY.. lun·lo\lng image M the kid!> un·
pJ-.ked their bags. we rallied off some of the
hap ;ic11v111'' ""c 'c.I pl:inned from mountain b1k·
ing to p:11.JJlang kayak .... 1 heir face!. bl;inched
in dl\mJy CJur daughter confc.,.,cd lhcy \\'Crc
loolong furv.ard to duang nothing but flaking·
out on the beach 'uak1ng up the California
v.1111cr \Ull .. lune
While our Thank· Young (our ... e bombed, it
w .i\ a tremendous relief Now we all go to the
beach anc.I J1.:t our re!lpect1ve ages. My hus·
hand and I. bundled up to our car!>, he back
on beach chJtr), reading Our daughter and
her !>f>OU'>C ~plJ!lh about in 1hc "iurf lake arctic
seal~. And our ~l-)car ~~ gr111\0M)n bu1ltb s:rnd
ca\tlC'> and pops bubble gum.
'Von<')' Md11l)'l'f' I 11 l'f' ldtnt of LA1un11
Girders went up
recently for the
soon-to· be
Ncwrort Beach
Centra library at
Boulevard and
Avocado Avenue
just north of
Pacific Coast
Teen arrested for drunken driVing
in crash that kills Newport woman
COSTA MESA -A not identified bccau\c of her
high·!>peed collision on the age', wa'> abo taken to Hoag
Costtt Mc!>a f ree"ay took the :ind WJ'> arrc)tcd later on
hfl! of a Ne" port Beach · !IU'-'p1cion of drunken driving.
\\Oman early Saturday morn· he \aid A sample of her blouc.1
ing, co .. ta Mc)a police !oaad. . \\.1\ taken and !ohC WJS
Man.el Louise Cahva, 74, relc.t!>Cd to the cu-,1oJy of her
suffered blunt-force trauma to parents pending fu rther
her chc::.1 after lhe car \he \\J'> lll\C!.t1ga11on, Ricckhof sJid
Jriving in with her hu'lband. Witnesi.c!> said the Caliva)
Vactor Phalhp Calha, 73, \\J9 "ere Mopped at the red turn
h11 from behind by a car ~1gnal at 19th Street at the end
driven by a 17·ycar-old Lo, of the Costa Mesa Frce\\a)'
Alamitos girl, said Allen when the )Oung v.oman's c;ir,
Raeckhof of Costa Mc!ia traveling !.Outhbound, rear·
police. ended their c:ir a t iipecc.1._. in
Marvel Cahva was not cxcc\!. of 70 mph. H1eckhof
v..earing a cat belt, he '>aid. s<11d
~he was taken to Hoag The C'1 r made numcrou!.
~M~c=m"""'o~n~a~l~l~lu~!IP ... ~it~a-l ~w~h~e~rc~·~>~h&c~_..e~r~ra~t=•c lanc changcsand
was pronounced dead. 1 he rammed into the Calivai.' c:ir
extent of Victor Caliva'!i .without hitting the brul..e!>.
mjurics were unknown Sunday, '"itnes es )3id. Doth cur .. \\ere
Ra eckhof aid destroyed 1n the accident.
f hc 17-ycar-old, who wai. -Dy Tony Uodno
. \-
Newport Conservancy plans program
NEWPOR"l UEACI l -The Nev.port Comervancy "'"
hold a d1,cu sion Tuc>UJ)' night at the tl}Jll Ne"110rtcr on
pl.ins for bu)lllt; the Ne"porter North and Upper
Ca'>tJ\\a~s propertic\
The con\1:1'\..tnC) 1 cding to purchJ'>C the '"" 11'\rnc
Co. pari:ch, "'h1ch arc chcduled 10 be devclllped v. ath
home> Un Tuesday, the site plan. which outlines th1u.tcp'
needed to bu} the l..tnd. will be di'ICu-.sed.
'I he progr .11n from S to 7 p.m. v.111 include ::i p.1nel
<l1scus'>1on "here )lh! plan committee members v. ill an'"n
quc:.t1ons auc.I e'pl:11n how the p!Jn "111 be enactcJ
)'he cYent " free and •~ upcn to the public and '~111 be
held in the hotel') Pl.ita 11 I Room. For rc\ervataon' or
further 111form:ition, call 548-1438. ____ ,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·:::::::::: School lunch menu
MONDAY Rib )hJJ>1·d
pJlty un .1 "' I \\Ith BUQ -.>uce
or h.lmburs\•t, t.\ter tots .,..,th
1--~ ........ ..,..._,_._~ .... ·-.J1nd p1cklei.
TUCSOA Y -Clh1<.ken
nch1l..id..i, cmp s'een i;;il.ld,
fr~h or.int;e
WEONESDA Y -M,,nai;t>r'!>
Spec1JI Mt.-nu
TH URSDAY -Q,<•n fr1t·d
chicken \\11th fr~ bJl..l>d roll
or h.lmbur81?r \V1th h:ttuu~ and
pie I.. I~. r rench fr1(.'), pt•.1<. ~
FRIDAY -lt.:ihJn sp.1ghl•t11
with nwat l>Jlls and r rench
bread or hJmburger \\.1th
prtl..I<• chip-.. pe.b and corn,
~tr.lwlx.•rry shape-up
!ht Nl' .. pon. 84'.i<hK•lll.I M4"\ol 011ly P1loc
tlJI"> 144 0001 it pytJll\hed Monday thtou-"
S.tul'CMy and wbirrtpc>ON loll' h.t•~bW ((,,,
S1 SO ~ mood\ by c.rnt'f 111 ~
kMfl and c.o.u t.WW, S8 se ptl'f mooltl by
m.111 111d l0t ~ nrhH routn by Cmt..
Mf'W Commun.ty Ntowt, Int , l )0 W Bay
\I , Cow Mft.I, CA 92627 Sf!<.ond-c~
p:llt.ap p111d .i COii.i Mt&a, CA {Pnc.n '"
cludoio all •POl!UbW tt.tt• and loul w ... I•
P(JS T MAS ti It. •• Sfnd .def,_ challftl to Th.1
Pt!o« "O b 1560. COIU Mel.I, CA
_______ r:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::.::::::::·::::::::: Weather
To malce a c;orrectlon
II It Tt. I'll •·• polt<y IO ~ C-1 ,a ., '°" ol ~-lo ""°" Ml emw °' cllll'I it.ti Uof> ...... c.el '4l 011, m HJ f~ ,.o11
-~ (Mt~~-........... .... ~......,..
... ,,..
Oft~ Dll'l<tot .......
""'"""' ,..,...~
C OJ¥ii" t"o ,_ ICorlfl, IHU111.i10M, fd1 1t>t11l m.tett'r or tdwft~u herein m1y be
't'ptodut.d W!thwt wtlC\M pttmlU•M (!# ( opyr•r OWl'l«f •
How to reach us at
The Pilot
Or•np County 6'4 2"'4 )))
Cww(ied 642·5678
!Mplay 64 2 ·4 l21
Nf'W\ 540· 1224
~ports 6•2·4330
Nfws, 'POft$ (~ 646·41 70
MaNI Office
8WMU OffKt 642•0l 1
8UMMtl We 6l 1 ·S902
P.irtly doudy ••lff thl1 morning "'''h ln<.ru\lng doudt leading to · JO f>t''C4'nl duanct ot •~ by
lht> •htrnoon R.aln liuty by
nlghtf1ll Tf'mj)f•utur" fn uppH
'iO, to'°""'' b()s
lsotat~ thundf."torma on
1 u.•d•y. p.,tl)' cloudy w~. --
l :ll •·"'· t.O
9119 .... '·' 3 •> ....... 01
•iM ,. 4 7
. ,.,. ..... '0
t: ....... ... .,..,... .. .
1t:21 , "' • '
Terru.a Court: A \\.omJn fti,,mg an
the 100 1.Jlocll rt"partt'd wak1na .ind
S(•e1ng a man 1n hef bedtoom st ....
screJm~ and he r.ln. t1tt1ng "'th
her pur>e and S200
Wal101ct A\enuc Someone pntd oil
the locL.. to _., MOI~~ unit at the
OrJnge Cuunc., lnterf.J th Sh< 1tl'r on
tht' 1900 blu<. I. wmt>t me I.• I\' t't'n
Ft>IJ 11 .10cl 1 l .:and ~ole ~u 18\.1
computer\ and J f,tStr 1ef printN
Ht' item, .. -.ere \illut'd at S2.000
h'>1ne A\tnue: r<.Mf'r tool\ \\'Ql'lh
S\.48 \\t!tt' 1t!en 1rom • ford
Bronco parl..t-<l JI a hoo e 1n thf'
1400 bl.xi.. F elJ b l hf. b.J t.;
wine.low haJ t~n m.>Jlt'd
Pl.Htnti1 A"t'nue: ~ cordlt•,,
fl• t ply>nll" ,)O a .,..dmg f\\llChtnl'
)f't'.lf..t•f), .I ')Uol(iHt' .1'1d t-Omt!
dothrng. \\t'h' ~uft"n lt.:>m a ,1or.it;t!
ruom on the 2000 l>kxk ~lll'I t'
lx.•I\"\"'-'" tan 1CJ and ft'b 7 Tht•
hem' \\trl' \.llut'tl JI SI 230
E.ut Meu \'trde Ori\t' Sore t'
lout. four tori") t>ll a 198., fotd
Mu,1.:ing p.uktd in thf. 2700 bloci..
rrlJ l \. Th(-ov.~r faullll tlw car
J\h"' \•ltrng on mall. cr.ites Tht• tut-S
\\t'tt• \ 1lut-tJ JI S9.0
!.o uth Coas t Ori\t, Somf:'!IO!!
\I ,Jie-J tht' p • t.>n 't'r \idt' "i1l(.fow
ol .l l'J8J lion<l.t f>rl'ludt.> p.1rl.t'd 1n
the tOOO block fl'IJ f, and \tot. .l
~t'IN \.Jlllt'd at S JOO
f.\Jt1nt' A\-enue: Someune '4J~ng
Lo •''-'' trJ,t'ltr d~clu mJde oft " th
l\\>O T Kid} Lt'.m JniJ .l T ·Vl11t from .l
\tori> 1n tht' 100 bloc Ir.
•• Nice: A c.unerJ, teltphune <1nd
SIJ .t") lot.ahy S 1,) 50 \\.ett' t.lkt'n ..
frum .1 c.ir p.trl..t'd an 1tw 100 bl.xi.
Platt'nliJ AH•nu•: A burglJr
'mJ\lwd uul the "''ndU\'" o( 1 C.lt
pJrl.l•tf 1n' 1ht• I SOO block .-ind took .a s 1 so )\t'fE'tl
Ho,pil.ll Ro.ld. Son t'Ont l>rol.e into
tie \\ntc 11 \1t'd1ul lJb 1n lht' 300
bl11cl.. .rnd ~ofe thrtt tt'lttphont'
Nt.>"port Center Ori\e: A gold <.o•n
\.<alul"<l .11 SSO 000 .111d d~•nt'd ror
Sl Cvnhm 1n the 300 bloc!.; ~J)
~. •lt'n ltum ah $h1pp1ng cunLl•nt'r
Monrovia: Crill1tr M rllt'n 1n blJtk
m.:ukt-r ~'-itS found \H11tt'n on J >•gn
.il\U w.lll at Comb, Archttect 1n tht-
1500 block
B.l)'Side Ori\-•: In tilt' 900 bloclr.,
~nll"Ql'lt' brol..e rnlo 1 boat •nd 'tole
.l TV, \CR Jnd ochf'r m1Kt'llJnrou'
mu)tC t>qu1pmt'nt
W•lnut: A mJn Irving in th<> 100
l.>l<lfk ~td M>mt'<>Ot' stole his S 1 000
IJ1ke out of ht) r .l •
Edgewater: In th• 500 blod.
«>mt'one rt~)ftedly •tole SJOO •
worth of )wtJlers f1om NJturJlly
I iiii§ii r:::::::::::::::.
Super l ollo
5Jturd 1y. r •b 20
JJcl..pot S6 6 nulhon
b, 24, l6, 17, 42, A6
• I lt'.lft ....... 10
• CJut-.,. •.•••••••••••••••••••••• .i4
• 01.:1monJ~ .............. King
• Sf'>t..1d •••••••• , •••• , ........... J
On the cover
fhr• rfl11 l;,11, II Ii\ l d
S<h 1 ft•r on the lup·of tht!
l O'.N <kp1th It l>ul/1 Id
1 lf't tm: ttoat t..1111\1ng
through ~poo H~rbof iott
Newport 8Mch/Coata Meaa Dally Piiot
Movie listings r::::::::::::::::::.::::::~::~:.:~::::::::::::::.~:.,.~::::::~.~:.::.:::~::·::::::::::::::.:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::
' Newport Beach
IDWAllOI NIWPOlf CINI.MA iJO "'••l>O" ,., .• ,
..... , 0160
Or~0.1 l'C 11 '1 •30 7 t U , n.. c.-..., o .... "'1.J 1'131). ~ •! s
.JO '0
J ......... n~ l'C ) '1 J $ ~ e 10 s
lOWUDS ISi.AHO CINIMA '~·-• ~ 1-.t__.
•·• ••O 1111 ,
.. _ ... '""' '(, J, • $ 7 10
1 The Vonl~ \ 111$ '1 lJ • H 7 •I~
l n.. ~ 0-r I) JO 3 $ 30 I 10 I!
• Unt ...... Ho..t ~Ill l ':> l 4~ • I $
! k e ... ol•W-" J 11•:> •I~ .l 1030
• o H--rd ........ 1G1 I :W I ~ l XI S lO
...._____;_¥!= • lO
' Aloddln C 1'1 '1 • o I 0
UDO Cll'tlMA ....,_~ !'.'·~ ~ -....,...,. t c.73
VJ '"k'" .. , .. _ 11(,i s ' 9
"o" THlATll ms f '°"'' ~ ... , 61J e160
,,... .. ..,_ 1'(; ' ~ •
.__-LWw.UOI aNIMA Q NTU ~ _.....,~
....... \t"" , ...... .,, .-.
Alod<lllft c; ~ , 9 •
J Un1om-4 Heon .Y l • ·~ 1 ~ I~
) Homeword 10 .. nd o I t •S
• ... ,., ol o Womon ,,, e le{ '1 lO
lDWUOS CINl.MA • "° °'<bft• '-t S•6
l 07
S.mm•rabr ~ • J ' • 3C>
HUIOI 1WIN CINIMAS ,..,._ ..i " ,
~ "'"3' !I. ,._.Temp • t "
1 SNpor • ! ~ JC) All•e • 7
MISA CINUUI '..,.t-,.. I. • 4• -~
Motln .. ..C, t. Ho,.,. Alone 2 I
l Unlor91¥en • •
• S.-ort.by "(. J ':'
c. Anftr •' Dorkn•u • '
! I!. C
• loode<ll Weopon J 1 ?ti 1 3 • l
~, • > ,
Th. Vonl.t\lne < -3 3? ~ •S e 10 s
II A fow Good Men J • ) 1 IS So
TOWH CINHI CINlMAS • Coa" ,.._,, 1!,
4 ••
-I ~ ~;-V-·~----i Unl.,9tven • / 0
J H-d'• IM f'1'G 6 9
• Th~ (eMetery Cl.,b l'G 13 ) 1 .O • •~
SOUIH COAJl "t.AZ.A 1'()!~Ao..., ~4! U
Oto\lndho9 Dor \) ) 3~ 8 10 I~
1 Sommenbr • 3C 7. ? l~
$tent of o Wemon t 4 30 1 ? -1:1
SOUTH CO.UT \llllAGl ' ..,_, al & 1 > ~•0
Crylnt Go"'• • • J • 1 30 ~ • ~
•• , ...... •' -.,,11notio" "· r .. lO 7 Sitk Ol'td ,........ ' • ~ l
o ......... 5 3 6 070
THI UNIVlUITY (INlMA •. •5 Co • t
WOODlllDOl CINlMAS k-'D"<o Pc ··~• ·• •'
Untomod Heon
-4 ...... _. .......
• Aloddln ~ • • •
Grt.,ndhe9 Doy ._ ~ I; 9 <)
--7'~ IMlti•A1'*1oJi I
369 E. 17TH ST., COSTA MESA ~
~ Cabo on Sale
~ Plaza Las G lorias
~ from s275 ~ 3 r'1jal 4 ~Iii Ind hciti '**' resbidlOllS ~
Ski Park City
from s297
3 days.'2 r.gtts ~ ail holel
and it tic::Mls
Monday, February 22, 1993 A3
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71•/650-6070•0PEN 7 DAYSI t• flllW'Qrf llVO CllTM SlWHT A NIWPOtn llV'D )
Rci-IL9U. ........................
K.W. IC'-'\,'l)li~ ORCA."IC
So i.,., Ail.-W, 1/2 G.1.
11 GI., S f'laYOn $159 m.
' ........................................ .
99¢ra. CAllfOR.'\IA CROWS WC£
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1 • C~ far-Z-~4-91 m' --------------------------
Fre h Seafood Brought In 6 Davs A Week
From All 0\.-er The World!
FR£ffi HA"4.ll4.\ 'l ~HI C.RADE
fk ' P£TROU
at Atriu1n Court
l ( H\ Y< ll I~ l 1 )\' I \!I \l J • \\ i f 1i I I\ I /~
40 l ewport Center Dr.,
ewport Beach, California
Telephont (714) 760-0403
Hours: m-9rm Mon ... Sat. &m..8pm Sunday
. ' ';J
M Monday, February 22, 1993 I
---------···································································-································································ t .......................................................... : ......................................................... \ .............. . ClAIMI doHn't resolve the inue in a rea-
sonable amount o( time, the of-
ficen will file • claim with the
federal government.
TAX Se rvice < illhs From A1
From A1
Humorist author featured at Rotary meeting
sociation, said the rgeants and
lieutenants will give the city time
to complete its anol)sis, but not
Police a~iation leader and
city officials hove sought the aid
of state mediators to hammer
out the contract differences that
have led to talks being at im-
passe. The nellt mediation rnl~
arc scheduled for Tuesday.
can gain business will still do
business entenainmenl, but it
will weed out the fr iendly
luncheon meeting." Larry Walde, named
"Ametica') Be t Selling
Humorist" by the New York
Time , will be featured ot the
Newport Dalbo:i Rotary Club
during its "'eekly dinner meeting
Wednesday night at the
ewP.ort Bench Country Club.
Wilde is the author of 47
books which have sold more
than 11 million copies in 53
countries. He hns appeared as a
comedian with Debbie Reynolds,
Ann-Margret, Vikk i Carr, Diana
Ros , Pat Boone and Andy
Williams. and has performed in
49 states, Europe, A~tralia,
Canada and the Caribbean
The public 1s '"'elcome "1th
dinner beginning at 6: 15. For
reservations. call Charles
Godshall al 556· 7844
Yamashita \\On the Costa
Mesa-Ne"'port Harbor Lion~
Club's annual high .sch~I
Student Speaker Contest last
Tuesday. Yamashita, who "ill
move on to the zone contest
against other top speai...en. from
the area, defeated othe r finalists
were Olivia DiCarni lli and
Stephanie Zuiderweg.
The Costa Mesa Hi&h School
Students each spoke on "Does
Today's Education meet
Tomorrow's Needs?" and were
judged bt members of the
Oranic oasLColkgc speech
and debate team. The contest
was chaired by Lions Club first
vice president Mike Schcafer.
Also, it's Fish Fry Allocation
Night at the club's weekly
dinner meeting Tuesday at 6:45
p.m. at the Cosrn Mesa Golf
Course. The annual three-day
festival in Costa Mesa arrives in
late spring.
The club is looking fo r new
members 10 aid the Lions Club
causes of community service and
voluntecrism. If you're
interested, call Bob Dugan at
KJWANIS CLUB: Dana Parsons,
Lhe Orange County metro
columnist for the Los Angel es
Times, will speak on "Ethics of
the Newspaper Busine ss" during
the club's weekly luncheon
meeting Thursday at noon at the
Bahia Cori nthian Yacht Club,
1601 Bayside in Corona dcl Mar.
The public is welcome with a
small charge for lunch, and new
member) arc sought. For
information, call Joel Carlson al
• EXCl1XNG£CT.:UIJ or-
Councilman Ph il Sansone, the
city's ex-mayor, "ill be the
fe atured speaker at the club's
Thu~day luncheon meeting at
12:15 p.m. at Charley Brown's
restaurant, 15 I E. Coast
Highway in Newport Beach.
ROTARY CLUB: The club's
focus. both worldwi de through
the Ro1ary Foundation-and local
thro ugh comQ1unity-based
projects, meets Thu rsday
morning. at 7:30 a.m. al the
Westin South Coast Plaza. Local
bu mess and community leade rs
gather for an informa tive
program. for more information,
call president Ron Schocnmchl
at 241 -1843.
Send items to Joa Ferguson,
Volunteers Editor, Daily Pilot,
f'.0 . Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA
91628, or C'Dll 6-11-4321, ext. 369.
Furthermore, Van Horn said
the back-pay issue hasn't
"Our big concern is that it is
still ongoing," Van Horn said.
"£criCJW_ls on p_a.lI.oLMc still
coming 10 work early and not
being compensated for it."
Van Horn said if the city
From A1
The police contend the city is
reneging on its own salary policy
by not grunting ~ to police
employees this year. City officials
cite budget constraints :is the
reason for not raising salnrie'i.
large number of ma sage parlors in Newport Beach, the council
approved an ordinance last year that requires all massage
establishments to file for a conditional use permit.
At one time, city official recorded a many as 54 massage
parlor in Newport Beach.
But since the ordinance was e nacted, 22 have applied for u e
permits ~nd only three have been denied -The Getaway, The
lnternat1~nal Spa and Narita Accupressure Spa. AJI three parlors
arc located in the airport area.
George Grove, a Hollywood-based attorney representing the
parlor operators, said he will file an injunction against _the city 10
stop them from enacting the ordinance. Otherwise hi client,
Karol Anna Tran, operator of The Getaway, wall be out ol
husincss by next month.
Grove ay the ordinance is a violation of his clients'
constitutional right s and he also plans to seek monetary damages
from the city.
Barry Pierce, general man·
ager of The Ritz Restaurant,
said some people abused the
power-lunch deduc1ion in years
past. prompting o movement.Jn.
Congress 10 completely elim-
ina1c the deductibility of busi-
ness entertainment. He said
The Ritz and other restaurants
have been bracing for that
change fo r a long time, but he's
still concerned about the pos-
sible impact of such a mca,urc.
"The lunch business, because
of the recession, has been bad
anyway," Pierce said. "Of
course it's bad for us."
Clinton predicted in his
speech that he will face op-
position to clements of his eco-
nomic plan from special·
interest groups. The restaurant
lobby appears to be no ex-
Said one Newport Beach res-
rnurateur of Clinton's business·
entertainm ent proposal, "The
industry will scream bloody
murder if that happens."
':::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: r~2------1--DiNNE-R1 .
Navy Seaman Recruit Tra\is~J. Council appointed Luci lle Kuehn I FOR OFFER I STllESSED OUT!
llurro"s, son of Gary Burro'' of as library trustee 10 fill Charles I I
Fine Print
CostJ Mc)a recent!) completed Sword's uneApired term at 11 Jan I bJ~IC 1ra1n1ng al Recrui t Train mg 1) mee1ing. Bring at least-a+ftT.-eartof fooct~eel free to bring more) to....J .,.. __________ _
\..."omm:md m Gre:rr um, Hr counc1 \\Oman from 1974 I I 1'
During their tratning. recruits through-1978 and Corona Del M:ir I support project S.O.S. and th is coupon , then choose 2 meals I
Jrc taught general mil 1t:ll) sub1ec1s resident since 1958, she al o fr ($5 95 ) d . 1 FREE de~1gned to prepare them for SC l'\-ed as trustee of the Newport I om our menu . or more an recerve I
further academic anti on-thC·JOb Harbor Muse um and South Coast
R I · 2nd meal mUll be of eqt.i or lffMr vaJue • one coupon per Plf1Y • coupon noc vafld I
tr .unmg an one: of 1hc: Na\'y's , 5 eperlory. with IM•out • offef only good wl1h CX>Upon and 111> <*'I of food • E~res 3·11·93
occup.i11onal fields "Lucille has bee n a strong I Pepper's on the Island is I The 19 7 graduate of Ne" port library advocate fo r many year~."
said City Libraria n LaDonna I sponsoring this drive to I Harbor High School in Ne" port l(jeoitz. "We're confident she will
Beacl\ Joined the Navy in be an asset on the board' of li brary I help project I
September. trustees, as we face the challenge I SHARE OuRSE• ''ES . • of completing and providi ng LY I
The Newport Beach Cll> service in the new ce nt ral library... I ·\ of Costa Mesa. I
I A =\ I
: I \~ :
I ~' p ~ On The Island I
I ~ ~ Bm&Grill I I ~ ~ I
I -I L!~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~!~
Upset stomach -
I Tight musdH
-Pounding beart
We hive new 1nd COMPLETELY FREE treatment progr1ms
av1il1ble for ANXIETY which may be of benefit. Please c11l to
find out how you may qu1lify.
MONDAY·FRIDAY 8:00 AM :. 5:00 PM
Pharmacology Research Institute
o more excuses, Joey! They 've gotta new
10156 Adams Ave., (At Brookhurst)
In H.B. Beauty ~upply -"untlngton leech
Open 'til 8 m 714 961-5931
Dux• bc<Li arc so well made, they've been known to last for 30,
even 40 yearr.. \That 's about 20 cents per night for the deepest,
~ most restful sleep you can get).
~ Come m, I~ down in' O\ll bed
.. ,....~-----"' You h've tO slttp at t0 bel~vc al
DUXIANA 1111 N~ CcMrr Or,. "JIC"f1 lrldl. C.A 92660
Cll IU Cif I Opt• MQi!, I lk ~-12 5, Or b, ~nl C7141 .....,. AT fASlnO'I ISU"''D
mAHCnlC AVAii.Ail.i -......
~ .. -............ _._ .....
, ___ ,___~ing at Shape-Up Newport ·and it's ...
"•t •l l A lit
.. "• ..........
' t, t I (' t I t
• Modern Equipment
• FuU Schedule of Cl11 ea
• Certified Peraonal Trainer
r -------------~ lntrod•el•• .. e Sllape·Up Newpore ···I
I .1•81 For Bella•en ........... I
Oae Week FREE Trial Meabershlp:
• Aerobic, tep & I omatic Classe
specially de igned for beginner .
• A complete fitn asse sment w1Ch
beginning weight training se sfon.
• ln1tructional Se minars.
For A•e• Fro• Tee•• to Se•lors
L Offer Exoil't'1 3-17 -93 -----~-------
A Full· ervice Health Club
Convenientl y Located in Wcatcliff Plaza
17th trret at Irvine Ave., Newport Beach
Newport Beach/Costa Meaa Dally Pl!ot •
Society Editor Vida Dean, 642-4321 I
If winter comes, can spring fashions be far behind?·
For a subscription to the
Oailv Pilot call 642-4333. ,
~ St. John unve ils new
clbthing designs to Camelot
Chapter, Orange County
Performing Arts Center.
R ain and ~and \\On't keep
real fa)hion IO\C r) :J\\ay
from a really good )how of
new )tyle~.
The Patrone s Tea or Camelot
CSaptcr. OrJngc
Count)' Perform·
ing Ari!> Center.
had more than
100 at Neiman.
Marcu) 'I hur)day
braving the le)
than favorable
berries and fruit ~ebab Chum· ... ame black drc)., a'> one u( the
pJgnc.: '>'a) -,er.cd a<> gue'>h :.irmcJ mannc4utn) on d1-.pl:l)
.mt.I .,.rtd' ·ome e'+etr*°tt~ -UWhcard:'"l'hcre i) a St. John
Chail'\\uman Barb.ira DcMott, tor c\er, figure in thb audience."
p.1tronc s liaison fur the ch 1ptcr • •
\\clcumcd gue)l'>, 1ndud111~ d rn p· U\ 1 llL \\A\ 1 he number 30
Ler cha11"\\um;in Kath y Rolfe-,, d 1 h d (
C . s J I'> Uloe IU :.ti;.nt > l c en 0 a corg1a pooncr (ccn11..r llhJ l ~ r 1 h" .. 30 .. s 1
and chapter patrunc::.)) Bcrn1<e '10'>· I) 1 m) OCtCt) co·
Copp, Peggy Hughe), Reta umn It cume) alter a dozen or '"
Hom kins (in a St. John red JUmp· )ear ul h~n ing the fun of 1.111.:ing
)Utt), J\ora-Joigcnson Johnson, tu )OU on paper. I '':I~ honored :11
Ka Webb, Belly McBride, riona a grciit part) plJnncd b) Mary Lou
PL•tcr)on , '1arlene Short, Jane Horn-,b , \.hry Ann Wells, Cerise
Biel ()he 1) chairman of the Cen· Feele~, Tina Schafnat.z, Tila Lola
tcr Chapter) cool...buok bc1n~ cum-and Adrienne Brennan, and :i lot
ptlcd), Fran Applegate, Maril~n or m) hl\Orttc people came to te ll
B)ers, Martha Benvenuti, Corinne me. gooeib.)c:. It's lime now to turn
Black and fJ'>hton·fo~ard Maggie oll tlu-. m:.i htne.
McDonald, \\ho \\a::. \\Caring the -30-
\\eather to <fee ~.r--------·-------...,...--------
•hat St. Juhn h•' I\( AWNING ::ifi[~:~~;· f~~IMl•J;OltJl;IH,_
Society fa~t-paccd ~how
-~1::,1/~~~~:~1~1~·~ I t' I RETUCTABLE AWNINGS
goud \\hen trimmed \\Ith rcJ or """'°"' ~ //1' (Motorized or Mec banlcal)
Above, from lef1, Kath y
Rolfes, Georgia Spooner
and Barbara DeMott.
milit•H)' detJtls, pa)tcb arc good -~~} FIXED AWNINGS
"•lh 'Jgc and blue gcttan~ ap-""""~.,....--..... ,
pl..IU'>C. l-or C\Cning-.\CJr, II' drop 'lt·1/I \ dcJd red. Panb, )hOrt'> !)l-Hb ot all
length, and dre):.e::. ''ere pJraJcJ
At a lCJ )OU hJ\C to h,l\C looJ At left, -P'~r"tt'"l~N"tl.+tt'lrra-----+m-r--m~;..,.,.,-h:rd coests ,e.n
Ret.a Hawkins and at prctt~ tabb tor; pl.1te ol tea
Billur Walleric h. goodtC) -httlc )and\\idlC\ and ca~c), of cuur,c. :ilu ng \\,th ''r·"'·
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A8 Monday, February 22, 1993
'From A1
"The poor are the poor
regardlcs of where you arc, and
my desire to show others that the
poor exist here has only been
strengthened," she s3id.
McGlinn and her 25-year-old
son Michael were invited to attend
the trip by her brother-in-law, a
priest in Kansas City.
"We thought we'd be doing
physical, manual labor painting
sheds or whatever needed to be
done, but it turned into more of a
U.N. foct·finding mission," she
The 22 Mayan Indian tribes in
Guatemala have been oppressed
by 1he govcrnmenl for centuries,
McGlinn said. Often beaten and
forced in10 military conscription,
1hey have led anonymous
poverty-stricken lives fo r the most
McGlinn experienced the
poverty of Guatemalan peasant
life, but she also saw their simple
nobility and beauty. She viewed
oppressive child labor practices at
coffee bean plantations and the
first schools specifically built for
Indian children, where no books,
pencils or paper can be found and
where children learn to count with
bottle caps.
She saw the malnutrition,
haza rdous medica l and living
conditions and the lade of simple
knowledge that could save lives -
such as breast-feeding mothers
washing their breasts to keep them
And she also observed that for
the first time in their civilization's
history, Mayan Indians are
-IC'lttnmg·thcy-havc basic;
fundamental rights.
··1t's amazing to watch them
slowly realize that they have rights;
liJ..e 1he righ t to edu ca1ion, ··
~lcGlinn said.
McGlinn's group also
participated in a historic day in
Guatemalan history, and in the
process met Rigoberta Menchu, a
Guatemalan native who won the
Nobel Peace Prize last year for
her work in showing the Mayan
Indians' plight to the world.
By a -stroke of logistical
coincidence, the bus that McGlinn
and fellow travelers were in
became part or a caravan of
Indian refugees who had Oed to
Mexico during the early 80s, a
lime or intense political
crackdown. The refugees were the
first people the Guatemalan
government ha officially allowed
to re-enter the country as the
nation takes it first halting steps
toward true democracy.
McGlinn 's group had toured
ancient Mayan ruins earlier that
day. After driving down th e
winding mountain road to th e
highway, the bus driver fou nd
their vehicle was behind a police
caravan escorting the refugees
through the country.
"We were locked behind the
police, so it looked like we were
the first busload or refugees,"
McGlinn said. "People were lined
alongside the roads expecting to
see the Indians in their bright
colorful clothes. and here we were
13 gringos. We ~ere so
When 1hc bu!>es rolled into a
village, McGlinn experienced one
of the most moving experiences or
he r life.
"The refugees didn't ge t out of
the buses because there were so
many people in the square,'' she
said. "But the villagers came up to
the buses just to touch them. A
baby was born on one err the buse
du ring this and th at electrifi'Cd the
crowd. Old people were crying. It
was terribly moving."
McGlinn said her most valuable
lesson was learning that human
ties exist rcgardle~s or where a
person is from, how much money
they have or the color or their
skin . That is something she wishes
people in Costa Mesa, Newport
Beach and everywhere would
One night in a dark country
village. McGlinn told a leading
Catholic activist and omc villagers
that taking care of the poor in
Guatemala mu st be harder than in
the United States. But the priest
corrected her.
"He said it's easier to c re for
ours because they arc poor in
materials. Yours are poor in spirit.
"Somewhere along the line we
got this idea that 'This city i mine
and this is how people should act
in my city.' But we are in a global
village. Our success depend on
their succe . "
For a subscription
to the Daily Pilot,
call 642-4333.
From A1
"Building this shop now had a great
advantacc, because price ""ere nt their
best," he explains. ''1 could buy from
gupplicrs and eliminntc the middleman. Plus
the 5ubcontractors that I needed were
available, llnd their price were at rock
bottom because or the recession."
The result is an unusually clean,
highly-computerized hop th t ta~e the
dents out of approximately 300 cars n
month, grossing' app(oilmately $5 million a
year. Not a bad figure for th e boy who
bought old cars for $50 each, fixed them up
in his family's garage and peddled them for
a profit.
March and his wife Laurie operate the
27,000 square-foot shop with about 4.S
emplO)ccs and a host or computerized
equipment and paint booths that offers the
appearance of an aerospace assembly lin e.
The average repair job com customer!'i -
mostly insurance companies -about
$2,000 .•
"What we charge is dictated by the
insurance industry," he pointed out. "The
cost of repair or replacement is going to be
pretty restricted across the board. A
cuscomer s opping or price Is going to Tind
1hat it's no cheaper to get the job done in a
slower, greasy shop down the street .... "
Major insurance firms arc linked directly
to Body Works throu1h a network of
computers, including a video photophone
that sends a picture o( the damase and
identification or a vehicle lo the home
insurance office. Much of the
time-consuming work previously handled by
in urance adjusters is virtually eliminated.
Part of the Marches' success results from
recent California trends toward cracking
down on insurance costs. March said he
could sec the approach of a new era \\hen
insurance firms would look toward trimming
costs and enhancing their cus1omc.t·stMcc
A streamlined, highly computerized
system appeared to be the answer. March
said. But it was costly.
fas11 biply advanced measurina devices
were installed for tens of thoulands of
dollars each to quickly realian auto frames
and w~cels and perform other previously
hand-rashioncd jobs. four Italian-made,
computeriud spray-paint booths were
instolled at a cost of SI00,000 each.
But some fountain Valley residents arc
less interested in repair costs than in what
con truction of the Body Works has meant
to the corner of Slater and Newhopc.
Wrote one resident recently, "No one
could have guessed that lhe-~~na
corner (which previoosly sported run-down
retail operations) would be made beautiful
by the likes of an auto body shop. But that's
exactly what happened .... "
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' °''-· l)oft
~ Bobby Riggs still the man
for all seasons. even after
quadruple bypass heart surgery.
By Richard OuM •
ust fo r a moment, imagine
Bobby Riggs in his prime,
playing on today's
Association of Tennis
Professionals' Tour.
-"111 was more in my
prime, I think I could hold my own,"
Riggs said. "I was fast on the cou rt,
and a great tactician and I had a
great drop shot."
-"These guys today, they're all
February 22, 1993
The Newport Beactv'Costa Mesa Daily Pilot .
Sports Editor Roger Carlson .... 642·4330 ext.387
Slclllill 8
Sports on TV·radi0/82
College basketba1VB3
ball harder and harder and harder.
They're going to miss sooner or
later. i don't believe they could hit
the ball away from me. They'd have
to hit 15 shots hard like that." •
-"1 was the best defensive player
who ever played."
Always known as the supreme
hustler, Riggs has never been shy
. when it comes to a challenge,
though, at 73, he's happy to have
any. •
'Im barely
around from
all the blood I
lost : . .' they
watch what
I'm doing now,
but by mid·
March, I'll be
playing tennis
and gotf again,
and by Sep-
tember, I'll be
hitting the baJI
pretty good.'
-lmf-The Hustler
was no
surgery he
on Jan. S.
He doesn't
say much
about that.
He has
back. and
claims he'll
be on the
court again
soon. An
like that is
not the
order of
dare Riggs
down triple-match point is certainly
easier from which to recover. He is
indeed looking to become "more in
my prime."
IC you compared him to a player
on today's ATP Tour, Riggs was a
Michael Chang type when he ruled
the clay, grass and cement courts in
the late 1930s and early 40s.
AJthough Riggs won.two Grand
Slams in 1939, Wimbledon-and the
U.S. Open. and was a French Open
finalist, most keep Riggs in mind as
the one who put the words battling .
and sexes in our living rooms for the
first time. It was in living color, on
television for all the world to sec ih
1973, against Billie Jean King, who
was in her prime.
. \\,. ........ o. l'..C
Esu'!cia High's girls soccer team r~igns supreme .i n the P~cific C~st League. ~oach.Je.nny Ta_va~e~' champions consist of Christine Dahle, Holl Ferguson, Taia ewland,
Trac.•e Manz, Dena Ja~obson, M1cfie~le Lee, Jo1lyn Rus1ck, Juha Schnurstetn, Kristina Griga_!.tts, 1auren Weaver, Rebecca. Satin, Alison Denton, Michelle Radisav,
Jadne Connelly, Claudia Ruggiero, Ttta Tavares, Amy Jacobso~, renlleatt)', Jaide Kamafani, Tracy O'Connor, WhitneyGilliam, Natalie ainey and Ke ll Jacob·.
...._----------------~--------------~----------------~----------------------------------------~-~ ~ ..
Getting physical Sailors hold an
By Rlchard OuM
Soott5 Wl'Rf' ST. PAUL I : t ~COSTA MESA
• • ••• ~~Y '. •••••••••• . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ..... .... . ....
• • : l • • • . . . . • ••• • • • • • •••••
came tn ''ith a
l>Chool record for
)ingle-sea)on 'ic·
torics. "If you
don't h:ne the
Sile. )'OU\ c got
By Richard OuM
Soans Wtll!f
body has an easy
first-rournl game
in a 16-tenm
••••• ••••• • ••••••• • • • • • • • • •••• •••• •••• • ••• : : ,,,. : : : •••• ••••• •••• • •••••••
rair said.
:-.;cw port Har·
bor (19.6), which
ha won 16 of Its
la r 17 games,
pulled awa) late·
MESA -When
push came to
Sh 0 v e , I 0 p·
seeded Cos ta
Mesa High turned so it enforcer, Oliv-
ia DiCamilli. and elbO\\Cd its first·
round opponent out of the , ... ay in the
CIF Southern Section Ill-A girls bas-
to compem.atc. It
\\JS emotional for u:., but \\C ccr1ainl)
didn't call for ,our game p!Jn to get
an)thing che:ip or ph))iC<tl.
playoff rormat. Ncwporl tfarbor High'i
girls basketball tum found fhat out
Saturday nlcht.
in the fourth
quarter aner tate) ~U\COlao. the Re·
gents' 5-foot-11 ftt hman rorward,
roured out.
After getting &humped in the first
holr, St. Luc) 's ( 1.a~12) came back in
the second hair, holding four dictereot
leads. Dut the Sailors rccapturro the
edge, sank 9 or l l f~e throws in the
final .$ minutes, 3-' econds and "on
with-pltfl-ry of room to s~·re:,.. -. --
ketball pla)offs. ·'They \\Crc ju)! too gvod fu r U). lt ·
''as o trcmcn· .
Pushed by a griuy St. Lucy's squad,
dous )econd-half
effort on our
"1 couldn't believe it," aid DiCa·
milli, who poured in a season·high 33
points and grabbed 15 rebounds as the
host Mustangs hammered St. Paul. 73. p~rt , but "e
49 n Sa.tuIQ~. ___ _ __ tned t~ run \\Ith_
''I thought if 1hey we re a Catholic fhen~ 31 ne be·
school, that they wouldn't be very ginnin_g of ~he
physical. But they were totally pushing game a.nu I thanl-.
and everything. It was one of the mo!>t our girls "ere
physical games we've had all year." !>hell-s hocked.
After the much smaller Swordsmen Costa Mesa al·
took an early shellacking -17·0. then "a)S had a l\\O·
21·2 in the firi.t quarler -1hcy on-one (brcll)
scraped and clawed their way back inlo gomg; it lookcJ
the game in the third quarteI. By any li ke a Kings
means necessary. (hockey) game."
Stcpp1ng up the way All-CIF playe r~ The Mu tangs.
arc meant, DiCam1lli scored 20 poinh "inners of 19
and pulled down six boards in 'the straight games,
fourth quarter as Costa Mc a (23··i) 1nclud1ng a 38-
dcfused a second-half purt by St. Paul poin1 average
and won running away, setting up Sal· margm of victory
urday's quarterfinals match 111 Lompoc, in 10 PCL 'ic·
where the Braves await after belting I o r i e·s. down·
Blair, 80-62. shifted in the
"Our game all year long b to be an third quarte r.
aggressive team," said S"ord men committing five
Coach Paul Zcko, whose squad (14·11) See MESA/13
By Barry Faulkner
<;ilol1S Wnttt
Wl lllTIFR E tanc1u Ha.gh frc h-
man Je<.~ica W.tll7 tnok ,lll ol .!6 minute!>
10 hccnml' .t Ci r playoff \CtcrJn SJtur-
day mgl\t
Walt1, thl' b1ggc'1 n<w1cc on .t team of
rela11vel) 1nexperu.:nccd girl' b.bkctball
playeri., '>houk off her thret· 4uar1e r·plu
case of nerve' 11..1 score sc:vcn fourth-
quartcr point ' J\ the \1'.1ung Eagles
the rourtb-scedcd
Sailors needed
every resource
a\ailable to di •
patch the Glen·
dOrn· asc l{c-
ge n ts ln the
opening round or
the CJF Southern
Section lll·AA
eliminations. 63·
53, as Newport
Harbor ad\'anccd
to nut Satur·
day's q u 1 r·
tcrfinals at Bas·
sett, a 48-47 win·
ner onr B1shop
"as Sa)iDI th.it
wt can't beut
N~port Harbor,
but I think ,.e
put a lltclt scare
into them to·
niaht,t' St. Luc) 's
Coach Oa\t Con·
Nu\C~mun, who entered the game av·
craging 18.9 point and 11 rebound .a
game, pi kcd up her fiOb foul with
2:56 left and the ailors holding onto a
52·-'9 lead.
"lt did hurt them "hen (SU\Cman)
fouled out, but b1ning Mclbsa Schub
on the b<'nch didn't help u bccau t
she was the onl) one that could play
defense against ( 'uu~manl," ailors
Coach Shannon Jakosk) said.
chutz, Sewport Harbor's oph·
omo~ foNard, pid..ed up her fourth
roul with 2:27 left In the second quar-
1cr and w11tched mo I of t. Lucy'
cc>1mback from the bench.
''No game in the c pla)Oft i aoin&
to be ca )," Jakosky added. ''There are
onl) 16 trams that made it (lo the
opening round), o I wa n't really sut·
prised by 't. LUC)' •
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" ralY, 78-77
J IUSNO -Southern Cahror-
nlD Collcac·~ men'• bllkc&ball
&cam out11Corcd h<>'l f re1no Pa-
cific by J 5 puinl in the ~cond
holf v1ull in1 the Vunguarcb to a
79. 71. come-from-behind Golden
S1u1e Athletic Conference -..1n Sn1-
unJ11y ni1h1 in NAlA Oiitrict llJ
Voioc iU ltf Oan1n lJryant cd
the Vnnguard' (17·1 l o~erall, 6-4
In the GSAC) with 22 p<>1nts, six
o 1 t\ uncJ f 1~c steals in a &cam.
high 34 mrnutes a\ SoCal College
\hot 63 perce nt from the field an
the ccond half and outscored the
Sunb1rd , 47-32, 1n the same 20
minutes. Eric Carmichael (1 5
1 point~). who wa 3 of 4 Crom be-
yond the three-point line, :ind 6·
foot-3 center Mike West (13) also·
KOred in double figures for SCC
l .. """"9°'",. 6
Ne~port Harbor's Gina Heads takes it to the hoop in Sailors CIF 111-M playoff triumph over St. Lucy's Saturday. Tars' Michaela Ro~s, en route to a 28-point game.
NEWPORT: Sailors dismiss St. Lucy's, 83-53
From B1
"Bui I-don't f«~~htycd a e0Mistc11t g;ul'le
in 1he first half (Nu .. eman) took 11 to us in the sec-
ond quarter and again in 1he.th1rd quarter, but d~n
1he !llrctch "e hung in there "hen "e needed to"
Senior Michaela Ross, -who led the Sailors \\ith 28
poams lLrebound, and six, s1eals, drained 1,.0 Cree
thro..,., "1th 4 3-i left to gi\e Newport Harbor 3 50-49
lead and 1ngger 11 15-2 sursc
'e\\port Harbor, the beneficiary of 30 turn<ners
b) St LuC)' . "a also led by G en"'ic\e Evarts (13
JX>inb and three -ieal in the fourth quarter),
Mandy Cl.i)ton ( 10 potnt), foe rebound and 1"0
!>teal') and Gina Head'> (nine points. three J!l>ists
The Sailors, co·ch.smp10.ns of the Sc:i \ 1e"
League, !ltrugglcd 1n the fi r>t quarter, makmg onl~ l
o( 9 free lhro""· but took ad\antage of fO turnO\Cf'>
b) )t LUC)\ in the \econd qu;Hter and built a 29-19
leaJ "1th three minutes left in
the first h:ilf,
:-. U' cman, \\ho had 24 point~
and nine n;bounJ,, rallied the
Rcgcrm before the bren~ a> S1
Lucy:s pulled to \\llhin one. 31-
30, at 1hc 1nterm1s~1on. .
It "a'> tia1.:k and forth ur.ul
Se"'port I {arbor pulled -...11y
'Allh J l 'i-:! r n late m the
g..1me St Lu~\ led for the
lourth Jrd final time ~ J-41S,
"hen Nu•=m..in ~oreJ on a
fJ.,t-brc;A la1 up Ai11 •• 5 .33 re·
m.11n1ng an 1 he G ntc t
From B1
N._port H8'bor 83, St. Lucy's 53
I t. LMc-t'• No~ Hattloof .... _
~ ~
'-: ~!S ~ ..... ...,,
~ Tot.6a
......... '9 ftl'f'4t
•: 4 ~ 2: ~ I ' 1 ,
1 • , • ·~ ·c • > n ~1~'5c:u:r 01 4 l
' IJ I (-.a l • 1 1J '2252 -.:. ~C>l~ l "J&!~ 1021
• l 1-1
2 l 5
Q c ' c
9 5 !l Tocallo ?l ' • '1 ac-~.,~
51. "' 11 1• ts e-53 ~ ,..., o '' s ·-u
<;Diil ~ --E.r.:a 1
and l "'-O ,tcab).
Jennifer Ne!ls, a 5-JO senior
Cof\\:mJ, leJ St. Luc)'s "1th 14
• We knc'-' (the Sailor )
1..oulc.J pl;.i). but we came out
10 pro,.e somet hing,'' s.ud
Cl1nl..11r, "ho c team u>ed an
11 -:? run b te in the econd
quarter to pull \l.llhtn 31·30.
"\Ve kepi fighting and that's
our trallcm rk."
In addition lO !'ou ... eman,
th<: Regent~ h:;d '""0 othe r
~t:mer> hut out
like Chm b ert and faonne
Goolagong -and told them not
lo pla) me"
King. "ho \\On ''" Wimbledon
'>Ingle\ lltlc\, had made 1he point
fur all \\Ontcn
Rigg,, ~•nee then. ha' plJ)cJ in
nur,1erou-. celebrity matchc~. I le
-.ay-. that he'll return -probabl)
Tus Coach Shannon Jakosky gets some falherl> Jd\-ice from
Ralph MiHer during Harbor's 63-53 \-idory o~er St. Lucy's.
' ..
Your Home is the Pil lar
From Which Your Family
Grow and Builds H1g.g-. h.id bullied 1l1e gentile
Margaret (ourt 1n the initial
Ucaut} and the Uc&~t matchup,
prumpting K1n1 lu enter the tirtn;t
tu lend \upport fur the women'!>
"'rKk '"' ti~ g.;im
nc '< t Octobc r -for .).W.~.J..U<w.&..--+--an n ua I "Legend) Against
Lcul.em1J" tcnm) tournament
ho)1cd bv P.rncho Gonzalez :.it the
Ne" port. Ucach Tennh Club
Home Loan Rate Ar-'-e -~ti-.Ji .
At a 20 Year Low ~ J hen 55 . .K1~'· upon gaining
"urldw1dc f<imc a~ a -.clf-de\Cnbed
chJu1.i n1'>I b) '>Jying that men were
better than "omen. look a beaung
that night al the J lou,ton
After (Krng) beat me, \he
"'ouldn I do 11 o.igaan," \o.itd Rigg~.
a former 1'e"port Ue;.ich re!l1dcnt
"ho no"" o""n' a tcnnl'I club 111
( ard1fl bv the Sc:a ~he rtaltLCd thal \hC gOI a
lntle fortunate and caught me a
little off guard Nc'I time. 1( ""'
"ould 'vc pla)Cd on a day court or
ctmcni court. he \1.-uuldn't be able
to ru-.h me 1ha1 mu<.:h "
He \1J1d that King wa\
accu,1omcd to the A\tro1urr
~urfJCC, Whtie he WJ\ n()I, enabling
her to speed up the match.
"l was rushed ond I hurried all
my shots," R 1~1?\ \31d • I wa\
o-.erconfldc nt It wa\ the best
Today's TV-radio
10 a rn -Frttsty e ESPN
11 am -Men a T°"r E~PU
Motorcrcle R•clng
2 p m -AMA ScritS ESPN •
Colteo• BHketb•H
4 30 pm -P -Prov , ESPU
6 30 pm -KanUt·lo111ta St ESPN
7 30 pm -Tcxu-Tex.u A&M PT
10 30 pm -Vito Tech-VCU PT
12 30 am -Kansas-Iowa St. ESPH
Pro Mocker
00 pm -KlnQ1·Tampa 81y, PT
Indoor Lacro ...
2 a .m -Bos1on-Otttort. PT
Pro Mocker
4.30 pm.-Kinos·T8. XTRA (6~)
NEWPORT 01!.ACI t -Newport
ltarbor H1sh junior Mara Colai.ui
h111 been named to the 14-membcr
'" All·Sunut Lcap.ie field hockey
tum, by 1 vote of 1hc circuit\
Colaiui wa Hart>o,.1 lone fint-
team Nlcctlon, but Danielle
Dwyer and Mc11n Orog were
each scconit tum aelccaion .
Bobby Riggs, in his prime.
court for her rind the "Ur'>t l<1u1t
for me, but f lw"c no regret-.. She
took me by surprise; .... e \1.-Ctc gre.11
competitor-. She came through
and ployed the mutch of her hie.
And she'd realized 11.
"I really believe that \he called
the other (top plJycr~ on the
v.omcn 'li pro tour) -)OU know,
Your s.tfty Could .,...... °" tt. •
Monro -Miltie Plus,. Sllock1
"rm barcl) "alking around
lrom J ll the blooJ I lost," he !l:iid.
"('I he '>Urge')) \\3.) prCll) )CTIOU •
bu1 Clhc d~tor ) "ant me to ~et
up and tart 'Aal .. tng around fhc~
"at ... h "hat I m doing no\\, liut b)
mid \1ar(.h I II be plJ~ing tcnni ..
. and i: JJI again. JnJ b) September.
I'll bc}11ting the b;ill prell}
I fc hope' 10 be hu!ltltng, loo
"I'll take a challenge un
.tll}lhing,'' Riggs .,;iid. "Golf,
1e11111,, backg~1mmon, football
game'>, ba\eball gomes, )OU name
11 It doesn't affect me bdng
known (a'> a hustler)."
That, perhaps, is what kept th1>
m:in alive on the operating t;,ible.
He \\as bc11 1ng on his life, after
L11111trtl Uftltlltf< f!1rnn11
for p, >t¥'r C6r Appl1t~IX>a .
ltr ~111 Trv,.A App/lu110"'
l-u.11td J } m /36,()()()
MJt, ,,,,,,RIJ
814!!. .,. "'·· a. m
FIXED RATE • 7.S 30/30
A.R.~1 .. · ~.25 NO NEG. M.
JLMBO LOA~ • 7.875 30/30
S1ah1l11C )OUr futurt' b) .,ccunng a low
h~cd or adju)tatilc 111.tn payment .
Call our ctpcnenced lo • .m con ullant
•rnd find ou1 how ca ' 11 1 10 tan
.,a,1ng for the future -today•
--2049 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa
\\, {·'I \l 'I"' 1:1.1111! • \111: ,,,,.I' .. I ' " • ,.,,. 1:,
[ALIJt. PRa:m COtJPONT:Cb~!b-,
I ~MOG I ·Ft~n&RffL I
s 19~~. s :3m~~llOIT~CAll REG. 129.95
7:30 -4:00 ONLY
NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ff :!.lf'i~ L mma .. ,.,, _L ..,.. ... .,. _J
I B~ SPECIAL I ..uiw : ~1<:r ~ WSE I
NOSTCW s 16~~&~ I • MltMM • a M a.t,. I _,.,, ~ .............
L --~!:!"'--_L
OOlHN ITAT& ATMLn1C COWDOCI a.c., c.-... n , ,,..,.. ,_.. n
hCel c.-... ,,._ .....
.. ft,... .. ft .. '• .,.,.. 1 • t 11 n. , 0 l J
Ollll'W ,.,, .... 5 1011
W1'9 l 11 1 S.--I ll ) w.. 5 l2 1l Mrlart 1f t6
1in 1 0 l l s.dlli I 0 l I~ ~ • 0 0 u lJtllJ 4 1 l .,
~ 1 ' ~-• ?...... 0 2 ) 1 lklilftort 1 0 t ' ftr~ 1 , t ; Pn 5 t 0 12
To&al1 77 II 11 79 Toteto 1J t) U 11
IW'-ftWO 'ICU 45-32 ) .. O°'ll SoCll tOleOt -~ , c..-7
1urO I DIUl'ttll I f • ts110 Pltlfe -Ullty 4 ~ )
ll'* I T~ll IOI* liol'c
Auto SpKtaMstl:
Paul Frech
There 1s only one way to
deal wrtt) the rust that forms
on a car's body pantfs ·
eliminate tt completety. Just
as the dentist would not teave
some decay behind and fill in
a cavity over 11. an auto body
technician should never fill or
paint over rust. To do so onty
invites 'rebound rust" to
return after body wen has
been completed. It also does
not necessanty hold true that
·getting down to bare metal"
will assure success at rooting
out rust. Most rust develops
from the inside out. Onty by
removing panels can the
complete rust problem be
seen. If the rusted areas
cannot be excised and
treated, the rusted metal
should be punched or cut
out. Once replacement metal
1s 1n place, it should be
cleaned, treated, primed,
HINT: On today's frameless
cars, underbody rust can
compromise the structural
integnty of the car
Near1y wery highway driver
has been startled by .a car ap-
proaching from the rear which
seems to "appear out of no-
where." This usually happens
when the startled driver
changes lanes and the once-
1nv111ble car emerges from be-
hind from his or her "bllnd-
zone." This Is the area of the
driver's reatView vision that la
out of the fteld of view of
both the inside and outside
mirrors. Drivers create blind
zones by lining up their out·
side mirrors so tbat a portion
of their own cir Is visible
from the driver's position. To
elim inate rearward bllnd
zones, driven are encourl.Qed
to widen their fields of vlew
by rotating their out_ side mir-
rors 15 degrees further out·
ward. This will remove any
overlap (blind zone) In the
fields of vision of Inside and
outside mirrors.
C & F hu a hard·won repu-
tation that tides wtth you
every mile you drive. Wt spe-
cialize exclusNety In ktepair
and restoration of German,
Swedish Ind J iplnell Uo-
moblt11. Wt handle tMft ,.
CO*Y I Ind dell extremity
Mfl wtth inluranoe compa-
nies. Wt pnMde mep ,.
ptlra ltkt VIM tobe Ind en-
gine ovemu. a.. "' tor
qullltty ··w lppnW8d" •· vlct. ·we're kMlteld 11 2080
Placentia. Phone 14f.1810.
Open ~ ttvN.,. F.w-.
from IAM to IPM '"""'k,, ·y;:,
convenience. Major etedtt
card• .,. Wllcomt.
N=eo:;t Beach/Costa Mesa Oalty Pilot Monday, Fetwu.y 22, 1113 al
WALTZ-INGI: EllllCll wins
From 81
pulled llo\11Y from Pioneer for :i 36-
27 first-round \ictory in the Clf
11 l·AA pl:s)oCC~.
"I Y.a!> \Cry nen.ou~.·· admitted
\\'3ltz, who cl:umed the 1nc\itab1l-
1t) of elamm:Hion helped her put
0~1de her am1el), Y.ith the ho~t Ti-
tJn) ahead, 24-21, nearl) three
minutes into the final quorter.
.. ln!>tinct wa) all ll wa!>," said
~ alu..~lL.aJot.oJ Plt)\Ure~ be·
cause Y.C were behind, but I JU!ll
didn't \\ant us to lo:.e."
Waltz, a 5-7 point guard wtth
firM·team All-Pacific Cuast LeJgue
cred1.:ntial>. penetrated and dished
tor an <i~!>ISI on Jenn) Oralo.e'!> 16·
foot Jumper to sha'c the dellcit 10
24-.23 Y. llh 5 17 left She then net·
ted three unan)Y.ered field goals
in "3 43-second pan to spark J 10-
0 run that left the 111.:in!I (11-1 1)
After a Pionee r free throw
mJde it 25-23 \\.altz 11cd the
game on a dm 1ng four-fool bank.
then cashed in a Karla Dominguez
!Ile al w1th a 14-fool 1umper Y. ith
4: 11 left .
Dominguez, \\ho led the Eagle\
\\llh sue steJI~. denec1ed the en!>u·
ing inbound pJ!>) to Wahl, \\ho
booked home an unrnntested
byin, promp11ng a Pioneer umeout
and a wild celebration from the
dozen!> of Estancia fJ 11hful on
Drake and C)nd1 Richard!> om·
plcted the lO·point blltl Y.1th
b) up), and \\ altz added a free
throw lo ttna>h w11h a 1eam·h1gh
nine potnb \\ ahz ill'>o added
eight rebound), four as)1st~ Jnd
one blo..k to hdp the E.:iglcs ( 17·
·6) Jd\an1.:e to S;,iturd;i~ \ second·
round lash ;ig..110 1 1h1rJ-seedeJ
miss for 1he Eagles. ~ho h:td hu
on just 2 or J 7 second-half at·
tempts to that point. Throu&h the
fint 26 minutes, the Pacific Co t
League runners-up had connected
on only 10 of 44 field go:il al·
tempts (22.7 percent). but sta)ed
in the game thanls to a !ltiOing
full -court pre)S.
''Tlllt's the best we 've executed
our press all season," !l.mf Davi:.
y,ho watched his teom force 29
1iia n turnO\ e rs. e acfli\ e ....,-a-n~---
of pracuce 10 help y,ork on our
defense, ond it 1oho .... ed tonight."
When the Eagle de(endeh
"'eren't m1pping the ball. or pick·
ang off pa-.ses, they y,ere h;ira'>sing
Pioneer !>hooter:.. who hat JU)t I U
of 40 )hots (25 perc<:nt) The f1·
tans (11-11), -.ho held one·potnt
lc3di at the end ot the fir>l :ind
thard quarters hJd JU>I one 11 Id
goal and three point the: lln;il
Laura Cz1ngulJ (IO rebourhh
!>Uc points and four 'teJh) com-
bined \o\llh C)nda R1chJrds t help
hm1t the tJllcr Titans 1n~1dc
Though 6·foot )en1or center
Tracy Me ndoza finished "1th a
game-hrgh 14 point~. she h11 JU~I ll
of 16 field go:ll attempt), Jnd 5·
11 '~ freshm;rn Mana Cnm:ichll
could :ldd only four point!> to her
game-high I rebound'
Drake (eight point~. lour re·
bound~. l\\O i.teals) earned pr;mc
from Oa\ls
"That "':J) the be":>t dekn'c: ~he\
plo) ed all sea)On. Da\ls ":.iid
"\\ c ma) not h:ive pb)ed Y.cll in
certJIO :l)peCl), but \\C made up
for 11 Y.llh a lot of he:m 3nJ dc1cr
m10a1 ion Our ctlon \\:.t'> 1 nt:i,.
A cman~ _ ... rtRr--F":ir.rti"'°"----eW'1tttr.i'*"n'9'HtetHH>-------.-
Costa Mc;a' bcnlh i) lool.ing one \\J\, but tlwir co.lth, lba M<.Narnee, h;i her attention going in ;inothcr d irection Jturd;n.
·she\ h..a-.n't ~1eppcd up th3l ........ .... .,, ..
bag 1..ate 10 g;ime, Lstanci..a r:..-l 0 t : .. JtO : t ' ..a llC'WCJ ~ -.00:1 ~ . Coach Ru') Da' I\ \a1d ul ht'> IJI· ~ , c z ~ 'ftot I :. 1
entc:d f. f)I ·) r..: Jr pi: r fo11rn: r .. he ~· • ~ • :.r4I • c ' 1
"'* • , i ~ c J c
lool-.cd 11!..c J JUOIOr 10 cullcge Mma c c 0 0 ...... 0 Pwu 0 c . ~ , 0 1hc:re for .. ouplc minute' I'm ~ ~ •
JU:.I ha pp~ 10 hJ\e hc:r !or thrl!C T.._.,. 1 936 T....._ IC
more ~l!Jr•. .. E11rn --~~ 9 ' ~~
r he
~ 10 5 _,
founh-quancr uu1bur)t 1n-).OQl<I QOl;S Nonr
':>I\ ltelJ goah "11hou1 a T~lrllt~ ,_ "-
Deep sea
DAVEY'S LOCKER -3 ~> 53 ~>(,.. 4t u ·:i :ins 2S s:a1'! e~.. 7 • • '' •<tp!'\c~e \ 7 rllC•~ "' I ~~ •1cC ~· S6
' K » " ..., •t• 2' tit.it O\'ft.~ 27 .. ~t'IS: ~ U';: )t1 • ( ~·t'
3 S-"' ~ :) "'.lt•"'C
NEWPORT UNDINO -1 ~1 S lllQt'l ' uic ~a s
S~~*I:! -~ .. ·~• _. .. ,. .-...,J.!ft
High school girls basketball
MESA: No. 1 marches on; trek to Lompoc coming up (coach••' ••l•ctlona)
Most Valuable Player
Olivia D1Cami!li. Costa Mesa. Sr.
From 8 1 First Team ")ou l0t>k up the lloor. and )OU 'c1.· h.111 l1I (D 1(.1111tl ,·,, h•J)
1Urnon:n-mrl :stmming-cm~tt pi: 1tt11t 1ro111 rhe riH\n:rotttn-::l'rh-c
~\\OHhmcn pulled tu "i1h1n four un l\\ll o.:1..l\1lll1'
.tl,~t'-1~ ~...r-t>f the plJ~CI\ 011 1cbCJU1id\,11 :'rrq:r~1~mrn t-;..,..._-+-+-.w.l;~~_....~ ...... ;tVtt~a Mesa. Jf ~1...N:1rnce .,J1J "She .1110\\CJ u) 10 cl>rnc: b.1d> 111111 1he ~.1 11 l· Yool Kim, Costa Mesa. Sr
Nina Alexander, Centul) So
!>t ff;ml, \\hi tlcJ for ~6 ll1ul\. rJlltcJ b .. hmJ (110.1 \h nl~ •. ,,Jt,1
'1.orcJ 10 nl her :!3 JXllnl'> in the thtrd ljll 1rtcr \11 I I 1 un. c.1ppcd
b) .Monte\ am.ide bJ,~ct \\tth I ~.; lell, put the
'\\ hc:n \\C l..1011! 1.)Ul on 1hc 111.Xlr "' 'I.If! tl .c a!.1m.:, lhll IUllllllll! Amy Ferne lo. Laguna H1I s. Sr
g.11nc gill going. then "c gut ou1 '-'' u ~I 111.· "·'"' h111111~ ,0111~ n11...: Jessica wa1tz, Esta~c 13 Fr
Sword men \dthin ~ 1-.\7 ahcr C<"l.f \Ina kJ
at hJl(timc, 16-17
Uut Co-.1..a Mc,.1 , bl!hand 11\ l\llH 'c::ir ,1.1nd·
uut. ended the 'uwcn'c \\1th .1 13·:!· run in the
h1urth qu.irtcr. "h1d1 1111.'.luJcJ a ti rec·!'•> 1111.1
b) Jc 'II .1 Lurm.11111 and nine po1nh h) D1C 1·
·our lc..1d "a' 'lapping," ~J1d D1( amilh, "ho
"J' of 9 lrorn the toul lane in the lounh quar·
1cr "I h..ad to p11.:k m} g.11nc up."
She had \I'( rebound\, \I\ puint' anu ,one
>teal an the fir,1 qu..ancr .1~ the ~lu~•.m!!'
opened \\Ith u bang t P.1ul, \\lm:h ma'>'_cd 11'>
t1N doLen ltcld goal .111cmph. J1dn'1 score
until 1·14 was left
Coat• M•H 73, St. P•ul 49
It Paul • Coti. Mau
19 ft pl IP It ft pf Ip
c s "' ... """. ' "' ~ l~A lll)C • Jll
i 1sV •.io1 1 iz•
3 0 ~ 6 ~ • 6 :I '·~
I 4 ' 1J • 4 4 3 "1 0 0 1 0 l .. m&,.,, 2 0 c ~.
00 1 0 0o o e ~c
0 I 0 l.;r:;~l'(I I 0 0 2
~ I 0 I ' I
II IC '' Te lala .t 16 16 73 lcore bW 0 Yatl•" 1 .,, :i 10-41
!.!. p
2• ·~ t :s-. J Sl Pw -,,._,.. l C~• ~tu -L .. COil.i MtU
) OOorf •
htlWweil""" "
i.tuff I "~) ,a,•lll! 111 thl.·m. h 'lHlk l•lli: l!l11nc
10 gu.uJ hl!r, ·llr -~,.: "..: Ju~: g"1111~ 10 1 t h.:r Laura Cz ngula Estancia. Jr
)h""" Jll night!" .. Second Team
Cll,1a ~k .. ..a. "111 .. h 1.l'"'.:111.·<l l111h 111 l11 J 1 Laura Zepeda Centul) Jr
free thr,m-., u,c:J *'' 1ou •h 11ll·""'u;1 pre ' 1l1 Rxuth Val!e10. Century, Sr
tJke J r~-u k.1J 1n 1he 111,1 11u.ar1 ·r . .i ,u1(!..: April VanSweden. Costa Mesa Sr
1hJ1 "J" c.•rr"J h) D1C.1111ll1\ •1r1n "11h ::: OJ Doan Do. Costa~. esa Jr
rcm..a101ng !>I P;aul 1.llllllllltlC.-J '.:' 1.'ll lit 11' 1 ~ ~.1ansa Wa1an. Laguna Beach. Sr
1urnu'cr' 111 11 c or ·111 ng c1~111 m1n111..' Cyndi Richards. Estancia So
The S"ord .. m..:n ""''c: '' l'' 16 1a1111 1 ,· 11C'IJ Honorable Mention .
anJ Clllllm111cJ llll lUI llU\ \:(' Ill the thtrJ •Ill.II · Laguna Hr lls-Jer"' fer Miio. Romy Christensen. Trat>uco
1c.r, hut 1h rcc ol thl.'tr ,1,11tl.'I' hwkJ •'( l B C
The ~tu~t.ang~ "ere ;.i1,,, k\l b) 11 .... 1111,1 H1!!s-April Kargel. Sarah Montanez. Laguna each-ole
Robarl':>on ( t:! p1.1anh, 11\..: th1.1,.,, .iihl i hicc ,1,. Stephens. Sharon Olney. Costa Mesa-Jessica Lurmann. Near
)hi\) and Yuul l\.im {I.; l'•1tt1h . Ill ,c1,,1und'. Kabua ; Estancia-Karla Dominguez Jenny Drake
three .1'~"'" .rnd t\\\) ,11.:.1h.). Century-Ariano Moreno. Rosa Palacios .,L
We'l l
Coil one
of our
M ·visofS
. TODAY'! .
....rO&M ~·--.Y 0...•C........,
"StnVt, AU fe#lu"
11210.... . c.. ..... .....
HC911C ..
IIIIR•Nm Ca ., ........... , a.. Cl• •• , _,_,_v..or... -==-
.. Monmy. F9bNary 22, 1993
I / -~ -110T1Ca ncu w 11nca .-.1e 10T1CU w llOTICll w IOTICll ... IC •nca ... IC mnca ... IC llOTICll .......,_ ... uc llO ll011CI ....,..... Dr .. c... .....
.LO-Q ~,....., ........... CVR a.A ..... WIOJICI "/~ --'i:'--~.-=~ WIOTICI ~ c...-. .. c-
• •u•••Ra O• TMa ~ lo • ~ ......... _.. H. CN. i .:: ... ~-~ = ~= M07l ' .U--0 ftOI' AattMur .::.tMt-:-:-.. ,, ...
11+. • DAY •IPO ... TMI ~ ""'* CllCl'CZ-AO......... 'f't•iu ,_ ~ .. ,-~ _,..A. ........ eOOI W. ADOl"f-~· l•IR11·.... The ,:...,MCI•• ~ VI I aM..e en-, •••• ,, ~fOC>•I• Code MCUOf! TIM ...... -... • J llw ............ ~ .... 11*k.C.... ...... ~. OAOIN4H<:i 936 II ...... ,... IMtlClld .. hNllQ ._,. "°" ::J -. l.0 IS™°_.. .. ""' .. ~ 0.-fll • ltMIPI -..Clft·~A taa1 ~ ID be In ,_.. fM ''*"""O .,.,_,,. ,._. ..,..., .. f~
\J •(atatUT.....a. '*"'°" 10 .,._,...., "°'Or-. C...,.,. f.-v-llle f18 1 1 ...... """* ~ ... = IN:_ Tlri• k9'Mal .a con-tote.._, lfttcl 30 o.yt .,.dOW'O~. et.: ~ ~I) 19'911 ... 0 T ACat_. ...._ lll'f >, tlE I -dOlr'll ......,_. .. "°°9rt """'9t ,,... cM:a.d ~ ._,_,. .,._ ... .._.,on f~ M 0 .· $WIHO C()llWl+lt'f, Mow Oft f*'-14 tl9:)
0 ......... ,...,bll•l'l•d NewpO•& A HEN'INO Of!~ ,...,.., SNM>Y •CX>WNl'f.JH2 ,,.. .. 'I_; .......... l"• ,....&IM\.(•• c~.,., 1 .. ttt3 Md ... ,. .. Via"*°'"· S4M MIC:hM60...... • _,, 8"dt.COS\a ...._ o.11y ilOr'I,... 11ot ....... an ~ ....,,_. ~ Vl•IA EMreda. ~ _.., ... CouNy QM of "*"*' eo nnuct tJuii.. IMiOpeeo b¥ .,;. ~ 1M. Ntowpore e..ic:tt. C.W. TM .......... ... tiled
Nol ~ I, 1S 22. t t • I "3 t MO I& t tS II' M CftCa ..... OeitJ Hoe 9elld\. C* tr..o 0nnoa CcNnty on ~ ,_. \lft(llt' "' ~ rOll all -.: COUNCll l2t6l ..,.. N C4ully ~ of > lft'J '"Deol 7o:> locateCI 111 M~ f~ •5. 22, Mlrdl 1, S... Gtec. °'*"-%1tl 29, 1193 ~ Name(•} tll9d MEMMAS AYU. ~. Yadtt T.oif~ c.wor· ar.,. County Oft f~ • :> "9 .... ""-·C.t Drlv9 So.A9\. Or 1; 11&> Y._&a Envacfa. New'*1 PIHIOI •"°"• Of'' ~MtUMY 15. H111'11P""'Y· Hornbuc•I•, nle tl'f t , tttl """' 0 7v~ =CT· TO.. ...., ~· ~~ •Sol ~Newport~ 1tt3 8utta ftieliaon HOES· Thi• b1111neu II COf\-PMCMt•
\AJ ~ PU8UC NOTICE ,.. ~ va1-c Olli ~ El'C ~ NoM ABSENT ~ dueetd by' • corpoi:atto11 ~ ...__ e.c:n. ""---~ ~Of in. pe"11an, yut.i PUl&JC llOTICI f~ "'_. • Olla ...._ ~ n,. IU!emet'tl WU tied O AO l NANCE I 3-' The reolattanl(a) eo"'" ....._.. I "' t..... .... CMLSOM ~ ~ at IN! n... btOOk. C.W 910:ll """*" I , IS. 22. Man:l'I __, IN ~ Clel1I cl c:hanQel IM zononv cl e ~ LO ttMNCI bUli-Co9'a Mna ()alfy Pilot
II'\ A\ ..., .,, W ah ll'Q ~ ~ yo.JI GO-Cftt07NU ~ Olatl. :::.:.::. I, 1193 ar.no.. COunty on ~ "°""°" "' Sole 0. 1807 and ,,. .. l.W1def lh• flc11"°'-'• '•bnMIY '~ 22, ... en 1, w ""' .... YOU M l lllil D£FMIC.T ~:,:ii;.-:: ,.,,.., • ~~~. .... n. I~ UI09 Orang• A""1UI, IC>-Sulinell NatMI•) Ii~ •• 1113 LO 'ti-~ UllilOEllt A DEED OF rc;;"".,; NN!t"19. Y0411 • .. ., __ ..._. ™~ C>uaif\eSI 11 c~ ..PUii.iC NOTICE -F5"2tZ c:ai.d., ~Plat' Pten-above on· January z. M-878_
N' "" 0 -"'UST DATO .._. ~9"C· ~be In l*llOft ......... _ ~by:ll ~van;-;i--n: ~ ~= ':lh. ;.~~I TectinOlgl ... Ma PU~ llOTIC£ \\I ~ ff# ••, lHO :.,__ or lw vour liltOtneY The F~ .,.,... nenhip FlctMJMe o.i• '" _, ot o.--.1 PW! by lldootlon Swing YOU TAO ACTtc* TO IF YOO AA£ A CRC.DfTOA .,. doing~ at: Th• r-egl1trant(s) com-8iuet,...e ..._ Fel>nlwy I. 15. 22. llhrd't ol Rezone P..,llon R-9i-o& Thb 11a•tmlM'14 Wat ftl~ ~
.. ~ PtltOTECT VOOR 'ROP· or a conungent uedltOf ol l(RAV ~OF ORANGE menced IO 1t11nud tM$. ... ,._.... 1· l"3 THE F\Jll TEXT ol IM or· Wllh the CouMy ci.tll ol •a'ne• ..... ......, _. y a E SOU> 1M decened, rou mu.lit Iola COUNTY, 412 36UI SI... nns undef IN FtdlllOul The ~ pet'IOnl ~ In COlll\IY on ~ MM --.... II'\ "" 0 ERTY, IT MA 'f04I C4am W•lh Iha ~ Newport 8HCh. C•lll au .. ,,. .. Nam•(•) litUd .,.. doing l>UlllneU ... ~·"'!"I be read IM Or~·-· w -' AT A~ SALL IF and"* a copy'° IMP"· 92M3 al>oW on:,., (aJClfDOLE w RAP PU8UC NOTICE o1y Oer1r• <>Nie•. 17 F.., it. 1 3 raa1an The re::,. pef'IOnt a. ..... YOU •l!ED AM EXPLA-eonlll ~i.ve •p-MtdtMI H Lal•. 112 380I SMdl'9 0. G&ain (b)SJBUNGS tOll Corona ...._.,.,,_.. ~~ ~ ~IMNlff N .....,. e.aictt. ~A.~rT~ ~TES -NATION M ntl NJ. poinl9d by ctw ~ ~tn St. Neo#por1 Beach, C.... n.1 ....,,.,,,. wu !led lli Colt.a' M C.W ro~u-...._ __ r . rn , Put>llahtd flW..-• •
-TURE OF THE PRO. tour mon1ns ''°'"Iha dA\e t28e3 1W1ttt the ~ 0.. 01 g2i2e eu. . hamu NeMe City Cleftl Coate ~H• 011ty Pilot 113 E&st-.rrr=-.1;~s* ca CEEDINO AOAINS T of f.nt is.IUMCI of letten M11cnell K Matflowllz. OrMQe ~ty on~ 1Qrk Mlrtlon, tOSI C9rON s ... ...-.nt l"ubl11ned Newpo,I Febtu.VY I, 9, 15. 22. 1993 I~ A. ·While 113 Eatt
YOU YOU SHOULD II P'OVlded in sect.on 9100 20191 Cape Cor.t L.-ne 13, lt!ll lA Cosl.I Meu. Calif. The F<OllOw'ing persons Beacn-Cos~ Mesa DIMiy M 851 Bevt onf Bar~ lslend
CONTACT A LAWYER. of IN Calamia Probate #ltO. H~ 8eac:tl. FSS7447 ,. .,.. doing~ u: P4ol Febt\aty 22. 1193 UC Mt\TICE c.1+t' 12fi62.t315
.. OT"""' OF Code The lllM tor f~ C»f. ~ PutlldheO ~a.a.. Usa L.ePe O'Connal. 1081 fREMOHT ENTERPRISES M898 PUB -Thli busltten 11 eo~ ,. ..... c:u.ms WIJI not ..,,.-e t»-Thi• bu11neu 11 ~ c Me Dady Piiot COfona Ln eosia ~ 21TI A&arczo ~. Costa ~ n us TE.E'S &ALE 1()19 four mc:inchs from the duclild by-• genlf'lll pal\-OSI.a .. cal 12626. ...... Cal.I 92G2& PUBUC NOTICE SUMMARY cw duc:ttd C>y' an T S No Aaoe h11t1n" elate no11cee1 nersnop f'°"*Y I , I. 15. 22. l993 Tl . -....'.1 E. Atk'"50f\ 2971 ADOPTG OAOINANCe The ,.g111,e,,t(1) corn. • • • ., u.&45 hll bus1ne11 It con-• .. ,_ • CE tJ.7 I meric.cf 10 ~MMd tJu-. NOllCE. IS HEREB'I' abo'ff The reg11trant(1) ~ Ouded by• 1 ~ ~· AlMZO Una C0$1.1 Mes&. 184355 ORD•NAN I unCI the flc1lll0Us
OMN !hat ori Weclnff-YOU MAY EXAMINE Iha ~ 10 UMsac:l bu9-POIUC NOTICE nentwp C&t 9262'5 flctlt~• 1eMduled IO be 1t1 1\11 neu "N (s lilted
PUBLIC NOTICE <Pt. 03 en 19'13 ,, 9 15 r. ~by"" coun. "you ,.... Ul'Clef .,,. flctilMlul Th• reg1stranl(1) c~ Jar1* F. At!< r\SOr\. ZU1 9\aalneu ... ...,_. IO<C9 and •Neel 30 F d..,. B=ll ~·I 1993 AM ol 1a.d da; ~I AT are a pertOn lnlerflled In Busmen Nama (s) ltsllel CQt018S03 mencwd to ~.,,.ac;t bust-~--o l.w'f, Cost.t Mesa, Stat-ent from 111 adopaon on eC>N-'niom:'A. wtwt. •
NOTICE OF THE CHAPMAH 4VENVE IM HUI• you may file above on Januaty 12. ~ .,... under ll'le f'ct.•-ous c t. ~ ~ folowlnO person• ary 16, 1993, ltld ... The st.ll'"*'l WU filed
TRUSTEE'S SA1.£ ENrnAl«:E TO THE CIVIC w.tn tne CCU'\ I formal R• 1993 euu-Mw Bu.sinus NMM(I) I.Siad Thll bu11neu 1s con-.. Cloon9 ous.oness as edopted by IM I~ lht the County Ciani ot CENTER BUILOINO LO-quest for S~ Nouc:e of Mdlael H lAlf• abcwe Of' JWluary 1193 dUC1ed by llusband *'° El COIJMA AUTttENTIC roll c;al YOle Cvu WI F
Loan No . C A TED AT 300 EAST "" t I "11 ot an ·~ Thtt sUltement • ·" fi)ed ............ '°" Mlt1lon .,..f. M ex I c A N F 0 0 (). MEM8ERS AYES Genis, OfW'Q• County on ebfv. 17470 73/ARIZA T.S. CHAPMAN AVENUE 1t1 lM and appr•sal ol Mlatl as-with IN County ' •ertc ot The FolloMng ~ This sutement. was td The reQ!Slrantls} co-n. COOK:TAllS 10t U Tillb«t, Humph,.y, Hornbucl\le, l'Y 9, 1993 Fseo4
No.A14.5270 Cory of OAANGE Counly of sets or ol any petition '\nor Oranoa C<iunty on~ we1 ~~~OWN wilh .__ County Cletil ot ~ to ttanuct tJusr Fountain Valley Call! ,Bulla, Ericllson NOES .,_ 19
UNIT CODE A ORANGE'. Sta.le Of Clio !of· acc°"nt H prOV'ded 28, 1993 ~ (b ETM e>r.noe County on J1nUatV ness ur1der tne Foctit.tous 9i 7oe ' None ABSENT· Hone Published Newpol1 .... ach
937·7$.035 n11. RESS FINANCIAL section 1250 ot the Ca"Of· F55900e ~ r~·~NC.SUrt) 610· 29. 1§93 Business N1me(s) hied Pidro -nelez 5 Ttil Ir· OAOIN,\NCE 93·7 amends Colla Mesa Dilly P110t
LA MESA TITLE COM · CORPORATION, • Ca.11()1'· nia Probllte Cod• A A• Pvb!<shed Newport e.ac;.. N I 1• 8 O, h 'c 11r' • F559210 •bOll• on N.A Wle C.IJ 92114 Subtecl•Ofl lbl and P•a· FebNary 15, 22. Mitch '·
PAtN as <Nit eppomeo ma coiooration, 11 du Y •P. q~t '°' Speoal Nonee Cos~ Mesa D11ly Pilot ~ort e1c • • Pvl>tisheel Newport Buch-Ptlyllls E. AUunson Th1i 1>u111•,es1 Is cOf\-g<aph 16> of Sub~~ 8. 1993
TnntM unde< 11'1• 1000.,..ing pc>of\t.o Tru'1N uno• and f0tm IS av1rlabl• from l7le Fet>Nary 15. 22. ~ 1, a.evonic Town Hall Meet· Costa Mau Oa•"' P\lot Tl>IS 11..'tlem.nt wu fff<I duded C>'t" an lndlll>due! OI Costa Mna on· Mo-an
descno.<1 deed of U\ISl punultTI lo me powet al court dn 2533 "' wilh the County Cieri! ol The ,.0111,.nt(s) co,.,,. Code Section rrn P4"\a -------::~~=---Will SEU AT PUBLIC N• corile<red .,, thal r::e/• Attorney for UM Petl-e, 1993 lngS, Inc., H?a· Car· Fet>Naty e. 15. 22. Maren ~ County on Febru-menced lo tranuct bu ... Ing ID permit• tor IOIJd PUILIC NOTICE
.4UCTION TO THE HIGH· '"'n Deed ol Tl\lst e11tcU!ed Uonen ~ ~orth Cvson ~ 1. 1993 wy ll, 1993 MSI unel~ lhl Fictillous wasle hl\Jl .. S. l------:-----
EST BIDOER F-OA CASH ~~":~1~0 ;:~~~N ~ LAW Off'ICI! cw KJAK PUBLIC NOT1CE ern,;ttybu~~:: 8?. ~on-M-883 F5804t7 Bualneu Name(s) listed /HE ~u~YT~·~"': ~ FlctJttou•
(on tf\e fOITl'I' ,..,ICh 11• / MclNTOSH, 828 W. ducted by: a corporation PUBLIC NOTICE Publlahlel Hewpor1 Be.leh-above on: not yet ~ . Offlce 77 Flit •.911M .. .,._
lawful tend., on Irle Unoteo ~~e:a:,:a~a~!~ds~ 19TH ST., COSTA UM3 5 3 The ,.g.l1tran1(s) com-Colla Meu Oatly Piloc Pedro MendH ~~Clc:~Men.' Stat--.t
s1.11e51 ""°'°'!ho e1shoer' c .. ,.__ 1 Y!, A• MESA CA 92e27 (Jt4) Fk:UUoue • IT*\Ced to transact buS1-flctlt~• February 1S 22 Mardi 1 Tm• sUllernent was Neel ... ~.,EN p PHtNNlff The F~ pet'IOn$ 1:*11fleel or "°* c:t1edls »"" .....,.. .. t a pa • N Lndet "" Act.tl<l'ls ' • • .,lh Iha County Clan& ol .......... • • .,. ~ bullness as speaf•ec> 1n O w.i COO. Sec· cor~ 1 ln~lru"'tlnl go. &~2827 Bu•lneaa •-"'~ h-"'eN Neine 8• 1993 Ora Count on febru· City C'-"'t IN n 22 8 A al uon 292~ lpayal>4 on Ml 628031. Dr ':""" ot a Publ1sheel Newport Statement :::•:. t!::"'(s) lislod S tatement M-87S "Y ~993 Y Publlahed Newport t:~'Ncos~K, Me!.. Cale;,
at tt>e time of \.Ml a.I "9f\I t>tucto °' cc IJ1 '11 !>Ir Beach-Costa Mesa ouv The follo.Mng persons EJlctrontc Town Hal Meet· The FolloMng persons PUBLIC NOTICE FS&0442 Beach-Costa Mua Oa.ly 92627 ·11.e and tnteresl ~t"Yl<I me<it ~ :>e'ffom1¥\Ce ol tne P IOI Fet>tuaty IS 17 22 are dOtng bUslnesa u · are dotnq business as· ""J 0-left 2218
1., and N)W fttood 0 I! ot.I g1111ons -stcured ' ' • HENDERSON & INUMEA-tngs. W Lyn.u II Pr'Hldenl AMEAIC4N PROPERTY FlcUUou. Pu!>ltsneel N-!>0'1 S.ICh· P•tol Fet>ruary 22. tu HOii .. Kay ue. ~ ,_, Oee<J ol T• .. ~ Ill '"'"•Of 1'1C .. d ng that 1m ABLE, <1701 E. Wl/T'M Ave Tin llalemenl was lileCI MANAGEMENT. <119 Ma.n Costll ...... Daily P•lol M899 AY91on, Costa Mesa. c.i.t
tne <>PWtY n•..,,.f\ef a. orucn or a.I~~ oJ MW'892 1 122, Ht.tnbnglon Beach. with °'9 County on ol Slt9et. SI.It• 107 Hl#\tinQ-~-.. Nam. febNwy ts. 22. MJltch 1, p BLIC NOTICE m;27 '°":C, .. "Cl wai rlOOlded 11 oz PUBLIC NOTICE Calif 92649 Oranoe County on ~ ton Beacn. cai.t 9~ S t atem e nt 8• ,993 U n ... 1 bualn11s 11 •eon. TAUSTOA J.4"41CE ARIZA 1 llJ2 as Aec:otoet s ~ George S Henel.,son. 28. 1993 Timothy p Hopll.ns, 209 ~ Fotio-ng pe<son-s M.-S Fl ltlou OOcteCI b'f'.,, inClltAclu
BE!oi£FICIARV RELIAdLE ""t11: No !12·74''1l5 Ln taz 10$ 4701 E WllT'M Awe 1 122. FS58992 Alabama SlrMI. Hunt.ng1CW1 are OOlng bUslne's-s as· c t Na The ,.glsltanl(I) com
MORTGACE CORPORA ~ ~ Pa;;,t. WlU SEU Fk:tltloue Hunt•ng1on Beacn, Calcf Published Newport a..cn. 8-c:tl. c;a1,1 92&48 ~RO~~ ~_T_E~RI~, PUBLIC NOTM:E ·~~ ~~ ~~-~ ~~ TION recorO.O J4J1V J1 Al PVBUC AUCTIO-. 10 al N 926419 C"•'• u .. ""' n·"-"-•·• · l--Hopk '• •• -~ H I , Ho...-» JH_f_ !'jl('.;H~<:;T o.r.nco Bl.I ,,... ·~ Homlrllno lnOmtra ..... FeOtulry 15 22 March 1 Alat>a/NI SITMI H~-;~ton poft a.acn. Ca1of. 92660 flctltJoua Th• Foltowv\g person• OuSJ!e$t N.lln•(•) list.cs
6<>26SA In a:!. paqe al°' FOR CloSH ta~IJI m~ey Statemeftt !>00 S Be,enelo SL 1413. 8 1993 ' • ' Bead\ Cahl 92649 Robef1 Wallen Wt Alta 1tu.inen Mame at• Clotng l>UtoneH ••· ~on FeC>Nary "· 1993
t,c;\Jll AKords an U'9 °'1.c:.e of tt Un;lecl States tll' The FOllO*'f\9 persoos Los~ Cliltf 9002t . M-864 Thll . bullnHI 11 co~ Vislil Dr • Newpor1 BNc,,, S tatement ' PACIA.,<:_ WA~R u.~.!: Ro&ie O.l«e~ tlleCI
ot "" Rec.otdet or Orlfl9t dal"totd by "a Cun°er-s 111'4! ciomg bUW'HS *' This b1111ness 11 con-Ouc:ted by-husbaNt and C11o1 92660 The Followlng persons 103n ....-.W'QO·--. ··-·--v-Tln IU!etnen -
Count _0 oMd °' trust Cnec• a•a""' on 1 stat• Of CURCI ENGLAND COM oucteel C>V' a ~al ~ PUBUC NOTICE Wife Jud•th M WaltetS, 2521 .,.. doong t>ut<nest., ton Beac:h. Caiil 926<16 ... 111 Iha County Oett. al Oe1Cn~ Che IOllOW\nq n.<.IONI ~· or tM eQv>v· PMIY S35 Amon ~ ne.sh•P The r~l1trant(s) com. Alt.a Vista Or., N~n l.\ASlE.R WLOAING, 1290 E,lc Allen Yaucnue Orange County on Febfu. PAACEL I •-ent v-.reol d•aNn on •"'I' vard Suil• !SS. Cost.a The reg111rant(1) com-CNSi078M7 rneocecl IO transad tlusi-Beacn, Cliltf 92660 Bison. Newport 8Hch, I03n Shangn La. Hunlil\ll-81Y 9. lll!t3
AA und<onOeel 1 611\ •'ll9r• Olh•( I !l&l\Clal W\S\11~ Mosa Cal.I 92626 menc;ed IO tranald bu$I-Adi~• MU unel• "" Ftc:1it.loul lhls buslneu IS c;on-CalJ. 92660 Ion a.acn. CaLI 92646 ,590422
nt on ana 10 ail of tne re.1 spec;.ilecJ"' 1«1on St02 ot CoPley Investors ltd. Pll'I· nest uodw Iha F"!Ct.iliOut ..,nee..,_ 8uslneu Nam1(1) lilted eluded l:lr husband 81\0 Charlea Zwieback, I n ua C>u•l"•U 11 con-Put>l•shed ~ a..cn-
p.oP"f\1 Oe<M:r•:>eel " lex tre C1i1lorn1a F1n1nc1aJ neni>op, A ()ej-11• Um-8u11ness Nam•(•) listed above on NIA wile Fasano. tr.nne, c.l•I 92680 ducted by an tndlVldVal Costa MeM Daoty P•k>I ' ol Tract 1352'6 an tne Ct)' COO•. authonlld lo do •led P'1tnersi\lp, c/o Cop. above on, NJA Stat-m Timothy P Hopl\tOI The reg11111nt(1) com-M1ct11et Just.n1M11, 5209 Tne reg1\lr1ntl•I com-F~ 15, 12, librch I.
o1 Co5U Mew County ()( t>uSille'U 1n tne 11a1e ot ley AdV1sors Inc· 399 Boy· ~QI S Henderson The Followlng ~s Thtl statement was Ill~ menced 10 lrilnHct buSI-w LUCky Wy . Santa Ana. menclel to lr1f\NCI bull a. 1993 Or Sta.I• of CahlOtNa Cal fo•n.a • All PAYABLE lston SllHI. 12th Floor, Numetlat\O !numerable .,. = bu9'ne5S ... .Mii\ the County ~ of nest under tne FICtltlOu.s Calif 92704 .,. ... ""°" ,,,. FtdltlOUI as-=· map recotded 1n .4T THE 'TIME OF SALE. all Boston, MasUChUHllS Tllll IUltelMt'R ... filed STEINE ANN .. co .. 2505 Ofang• Counly on Febnr Busln•H Namt(ll li1leel Thi• bualnHI •• con 8u1<ness Nam•I•> ~ated M 880
8000! 62<1 P• 47 ~ 'IQ"' t.ue and l<lterest held 02116 with the County c1.-of Wea Coast H19hway, Sta ary 2 1993 •bov• on Fobtuary 3, 1993 eluded by c0<pattner1 abow on NA PUBLIC NOTICE
48 of Moseell~s MaPS by II as Tl\lllee '" in.ii real RSC AsSOC1ates, • Cdlor· Orange Coun1y on Febtu-202. N"pol't Buc:h, 9a11t. • F559597 Robert Wanets Th• ,.g1s1ranl(1) com Efle Y~lff
reecxdi ol Oraf\')o COU>lty p1operty S1tv.le '" said nia Gene,al Partnet5h1p, ar; 9. 1993 ~ En ..,.. _. Pvbllsh 0 N wpol't Beach-This slJlltmtnl wilt fllod menced 10 11.,,~ busi-Thts at.element was fdld Flc:tlt~a
Calolort'lla IOQClhl:tt With all Counly 1nd Still• Cl• 2317 Crenshaw Boulevard, Fsec>441 g«:o let,...ses. • e W11h '"' C°'mly c .. 111 of "'" """" the F"1CMIOIJt will! the Counrv O«tl of ............
· lJ 111 900 set•oed a\ lollows. Suite 300, Torrance. Calif Pvbllsneel ..,........... e.ac:n. Calif. COfJ).. 2S05 w .. 1 Costa Men Daily Pilot Orange County on Fet:>ru-Business Nwn•l•I lilted OrlnQI Cwntv on febN-State--t ompravemen r Un. LOT 75 OF mACT NUM-90501 ,...,_...,.., Coast Hwy., Ste. 202. Maw-Fet>ruwy 8, 1S, 22, M1td't ary 9. 1993 boll• NA vy 2, 1993 .........
E.1cepting ~ere'"'" It 8E.R •?32 IN THE CITY OF lhlS business Is con-Costa MIU Dally Pllol l)Of1 a.act... Calif. 92663 1 1993 F5&042 t 'cto..,:ZWtot>acll F55~598 The f'.ollowtnQ persons
I tnrouc;in , •::;:.""{;!' COSTA MESA COUN'n' Oucted by a 9enerlll part· February IS, 22, March 1. This business is co,,. . M 866 Pubhntld Nowpon 8uc:h-Thta tt.11.erMnl wa1 filed Publoll'Od N-pon O.~ ,,. dOong bl.Nness as
SN>¥m on tnl n o OR C.E 'su~TE Of nersl\lp 8 1993 ducted by: a corp0tatlon C D PAAAJNG SEJMCE. Clom•ntum P11n reGOfdeO CF FO:~ A 'AS PEA 'MA P The reg1Sl,.nl(1) com-• M~I T111 ,.g.l1tranlls) com-PUBUC NOTICE Cosla Mou 011 ty Polol with 11'\e Counry Cl~ ol Costa Meu l>••ly Pilot 181 I ~. SanU AN.
FeOtuary 16 ~98'.J H In-R:~~Aorb '1H SQOI( 148 mel'IQed 10 transact buSI-menceCI 10 ~ct bus.I-Fetll\lary IS, 22. M.arQ1 1, Or•~Count1 on~ February • IS, '2, Maten c ,, tz704
strument No 8'>-08205<> 01 PAGES 21 22 RECOADS IN neu un<J• the F1c:t.110US PUBLIC NOTICE ness under the Fact.tiou• 194354 e 1993 29. 1 1, t9')l lin1 LOUoH l.. 100f
OtflCAal Recordl "1 Hoel Of lHE OFFICE OF THE Busness Name(I) isled Bus.nesa Name(s) fisted flctlUoua M-379 F559204 M-&6S Stf'wet\$ •1'05, $Mita "'1a
anqe County COU~ID RECORDER OF above on Jllnuary 20 Flct ltkH.d ll>OW on Nf4 h alMU Na1ne Pubhihed t~-pott Bex.to Calif 1>2704 PAACEL 2 SAID COUNTY 1993 halMH M•flM Georgeco Ent.,ptl1n, Staeement PUBLIC NOTICE Cost.I Mu.t Daily P11o1 PUBLIC NOTICE Thia bu11ne11 '' co,..
Un.t 2 H ~°'c, Ol'c:'"t PARClL NO 141-t34-29 Copley lnvestOtS l.Jmltael Statement • Gecwge S1e1nemann, Preli· The Fol\owtng FlcUll~ F.btu.wy 8, IS, 27, Moln:ll Flctltloua dUC'l.0 oY an lnel""'°"al :~~!~~ e Tiie •trht .lddreu o• Partnetslllp I Delaware The Fouo ... ng persons Genl are dOinQ bus.MH :-Sons 8u•ln•u Name ' 1993 81.taln••• Mal'l\e f111 ,.g11trant11) co.,,
PARCEL 3 octet CO" '110" dU")r&ll~ero I mt!eel P3'1f\et'Sh•e> .,. do.ng t1u11riest u · Tus statement was lited CHIN4f0WN EXPRESS Seae•ment M-857 S "'"'~ \0 lfansad l>Ulf. 1 By Copley Manaoement ,....S OM'S COO"' will'I IM County Oefk ol ,.._ tatel'ftent l\nt .,.O.t the Fictiuou1 Non1ccl~·¥• eu.errent ol IT'• re1 PfOf>N'Y l'tel'f'n P nnet1n1p a MU· TAYLvn M ". OflnQI County on Febfl>. NO. •&. 930 Wes• ..,.. The FOlo•onq petlCl\i PUBLIC MOTtCE ~ fOlfol#ln9 l*JIOt\I Bu-.neu Mame(•) "'~ '"' Ingres. and eoieu ""°I &b0"9 OO'Stfl~ •S put· a • IES. <122 l.ill'to.lpur Avenue. . angetl'lorpe Ave Fullenon. ~ ~ • .. J Ii OI~ putP(>'H ....... IOl'lh Ported lo t>9 3025 CARF· aaehusen:s ~·P Its Coron• d•I M•'· Caltl ill'V '· 1993 ,,,., .. Calof 92632 .• •;:~oa bueawf.~' <193 FlcOtlou• OXFOflO CAPlfAL. 230'6 ~:;· Ol'I aMMtf) •
in Iha Oecla<ll•on of Cov IHD AVENUE, COSTA iene~~OYllOtS Inc 9262:5 ""~bli·..__. ... _ ....... 8Nen-H.tn 0.lf'!I W.n A Ytn lJng AAlqnohe, Costo1 Mua. au.ineu M•1ne A11entC1• 0• ~ Canota Tina LouiM LH enanls Col'ldillons D'1CI Ae ME.SA, CA 92626 y. ....,._, • John Thomu Pm. 423 .. u ......... ... ...... Un 2<11<1 Pll Jay Ave . CJ111I 921)27 600 La""'"• 11 ,, 1>2653 Thi .., s~• w t.a Lis p111mn Tne unoersl9Jl•d d•s-• Massacnusetts corP<H• Costa Mesa Su..t. Costa Co1ui Mesa Da.ily P1101 RoSemead Cal•t 91710 , l(r1'st1n Sepulveda, .. 93 Statement • • E A.re:_ 11!>61 s 11attment ·~
l"Delcirat.on ') Reco,deel c;1a1ms a N l111bilot1 tor any u~ managing genetlll Mesa Calif 92627 Fet>Nary 15. 22. Marcil 1, Ttus bu11ness is con Maqnoli Coata Mesa Th• Foo.o""ng C*:M>tlt ~~''"" Corr.le Lelle o;~·~~ ~ Fel>ruafy 115 1989 IS In 1nc:onec:tness In SJ11d sl••el I> 1(1mt>erty Chat'lofll Park, I 1993 dut1ed by huSl>anCI and c , 92627 at• CIO!nQ ~·nest.. F c f !>()('JO • 1°'3
1vvmen1 No' 89--08~9 ol aiJClrHS °' 0111_,.-common .~.,. Will~ J Sa••Sbuty. 423 CoSla Mesa. Cahl • M-885 w•le R-;,·bb :.epulveela. 493 OUTDOOR IMAGES, T~~:·bu~1ntu IS con-t9. I f ••J ...
°'foe;al Records 01 Orano-OUtqn.ll•l>"I ''"'"39'09 ..,...ec;c.or 92627 Th• ,.g11tran1(1) com-C M H191 Santa Suu.,..,.,. St, b MC!Ull .., ..
Counly Cal1lomr1 Said sit'• wi" be made. ABC A.ssoClates. ' Ca~fcx· l<aren •n T1ullen, <122 PUBLIC NOTICE menceel 10 v.n1il"1 buV. Me~noll olla u1, Founll•n V1lley. C1hf <kleted y ": inO Pvblolhed flolew1>0(I Be.acn.
PAAC1:l 4 ¥<•\!\out .,..an~1. eil)'ess nta genetal partf*Ship lM'\1pu1 Avenue, C0ton1 neu uneser cne f ic\l\OOUs 1~:s 92:::,ne.. 11 con 32706 ~l'I• ,.~~· 1~~!t~~ = Co'\1,11 Mau 0 •'Y Pll<M
An eMctvs.ve use commOfl ~ 1rr.pl1ed reg;11<1 "9 M1• lY1 f Anton ""oci:f'~ana de! Mar. Calaf. 9262S 1843545 Bu$1n•ss Name(sl 1 tt<d ducted b'f "'"o nd 1tnd Jahn Al'CI••"' Rrm1"'9«. ~"::'~00., ~. HctllOY• '11bnJ.Vy 1, 8 t5 22. 1 J
area easement lor yiMd 1'(1"·01.~<>'l. ~ otnt.'f en-• 1 ~rnia gen•', rt Tn1s bu11n111 11 con· Flcileloua above on Al>f>I I , 19'13 wile 11t9• S~t.l S.u.inn., SI OtJl•rntu Namtt(tl ~•tee! M-646
P<Jfpose1 ovor tflat PQttoon cumbt..incPs. to sat1'1)' tne nBers SCP. ~lgonera P: c:r, dueled by-• Qln«ll part· Buslnes. Nam• Hin Qiang Wen Tho ren1slran11s1 com. 92Fo,uft~a1n V•ll•y. C"llf, •bO"' on June t\191
01 Lot 1 ot 1a1d !tact No unp.110 C.b4o<Ji.ll•Ol'I$ secured Y' erpr1ses. • neran1p st t Yin llrlCJ \.In " ""' PUBLIC NOTICE
13526 as deftnt'd • .nd by ~·d ~oo ol lM•I. .v1lh f~n~3~:,;·~~ g~:'!~r:~: The ,.glstran1(1) com· The F;.~,.;" ~rsons This 11au1mon1 wH filed ;:i:.c"!~! ':~s·'F;~l,e-'i:; This but1rt\'U 11 con ~:~·n:1~1~:.,, wu tlleal------:------
1nown 00 the Jt><>"C di' tnletC'>I oilnd other ~vms as 1 s ' " meoced 10 1ransact bvti· are doing business as· w1lh lhe Coun1y C•et11. ot Busoneu N.-ime(s) lmed Oucll?<l b'f an ln<ltV•dual w.ih the Couoiy 0 .,11 .,,1 flclltloua ----scrobed Condominium Plan p<o1110cel lhcreon, plus llef-ner nets ul'lde' lh• Act1t1ous ORIENT EXPRESS l6Zn Ofang• County on FebrV· abowe on Febru~'·~"" The reg1r.•mnlfll c;orn· • -·~ .,.,...-as y 2 VtinGt'S ,, ln'( thereundf'r By· Sllurt Curci, General BuslneH Name(s) ••sled nu-1:1:....... ---ft ·-" -·---~v •v ..... 1.1\CI DV~l _ ....... 1 --~··· ------Seate maftt YOU AR[ IN DEFAULT ,,,d •rllMt'I ll'll·reon, and ~a""!'._ -abOveon·Januaty '· 1991... -~...-;,ea9~2714~. F5eG440 i<mm<n-sflpti!Y ... ,..._,~\ Undo.Ir lt>e F1ctil•CIU5 ary ll, .) F .... 3 Tho Foll~""' ...... on, IJNOER A DEEU Of TRIJSI pla.., trn. r.n3f~('S, 11'l'l ··-w .. WA~~' P_G;lhQM bll JOl'Ul"T Pl/ •111u, -.am , Th1:;, al.llC<'f•810I .., ... lolt'CI iju~·"'l'•S Name{') l1Stll<l se~1 ---·· ..... . --uATEIT TfT'R1 ·um~ pt•n· ... , of 11 0 rv~it-.. and Auomev·m lact Thts statement was Med Jo. S. Ahn, 214~2 £11l1t11i.. PuOhll'led ,...,,..part B(h)Ctl w111' 1no COUt"!l'f C1e11o ot .1bowe on JAnu.-irv 18 Publl..n.d N""pOrt e..acn ate oo.ng C>usoneu u C
YOU TAKE .«CTION TO of ''"' lrus~ C:.telled by Tnos SUll•m•nt WU filed with th• County Clett! ol Line, (I T0to. Cal• 92630 Costa Mttsa 0.ltly Pilot Of•n•JC! Coll• IJI on ft<b<V 19'J3 Cos• Mu~ o~ .• ., P1IOI e M J ENTER!>AIS s.
PROTECT YOUR PROP ~a.d O~J ol lrl)'lil Thi W1\n tne County Cllfil OI Orange County on January FMI Kyon9 ~ri;. 2b4?.~ Fetm.ary 15, 22 Maren , ary 9 1q13 John R mi.Ile)"' f"•t>r\MI\' 15, u . Marc.n I ~!:~ ~·f·'<i~•wporl
ERTY IT MAY BE SOLD Al 101.at 11moun1 ol WJd obl•9,.. OrAnqe County on Febtv-29. 1993 ·=Lane, Oto. .l 8, 1993 F580412 fhie sl.ltC'mcnl w11 11'-d e, ID9J OWbara M. Jona, 128\~
A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU t.oo\ a1 the t.'Tle ot ano1 .. 1 ary 17. 1993 F559207 This business It coo-M 890 Pu1>11sneo NC'wpor\ Beach· w•lh the County Cl~ OI M-t72 41$1. ~Beach, Ca f
NEED AN fl(PLM~ATION publ>CJ' Ol'I ot "'I Not.ca II f51 t0711 Published Newpot1 Belch-Cluc:ted l:lr husband and C~s•• Meu Oa IY Pilot OranQ• County on January 9;>t'.6J
OF THE N,4 TURE OF THE \37 243 .l) Pub41shed ~ Beactt-Costa Mua Daily Pilot wife PUBLIC NOTICE Ftbrul\IY 15. u. M.>reh I t9 t993 PUBLIC NOTtCE Tnos bu•·nau ,1 con.
PROCEEDING AGA1tl5 f Dated: 02103/1093 CoJta Mesa Dally Polol Febt ary e 15 22 March The ,egisttanl(sl corn-183892 8 , 19?3 F,57821 AcUUwe ducted by _,, •ndMOuill
YOU. YOU SHOULD COU RESS FINANCIAL Fet>rvary 22, MJ11Ch I. 8. I 1~ ' ' • mer>eed to 1tansact t>u... Flctlllo"a M-881 Publ.shf'd N...,!>0'1 Bei>Ch· The re91stranl{s) com·
TACT A LAWYER CORPORATION, a CaJ.-IS 1993 • M..860 neSI unesetf th• F"tc:MIOUS Costa M•s.J 01 ty P110I Bualne ... Na,.,. rNntael k) ltannct buM•
2!>37 ORANCE AVE · •B fC>r'ftla corporetlon .. M 892 Bus1neu Name(s) bsted tkl•ln• ... Name PUBLIC NOTICE hbtuNy 1. 8. IS, 22 1993 St•l•ment ness UQClef ~ Ftet.tiOU•
COSTA MESA CA 92627 Trv•••• • PUBLIC NOTICE above on.NA Statement Fl~tltlou• M-647 fh<J FOi 'WM\9 persons au .. neu Narne(sl ltsi.ct
(If 1 w~ 3dt1•ns O< A VERE PUBUC NOTICE Joe S Ahn The Followl"9 persons -111 Clo-nQ bus.~• u ebove on J1nut.ry 19, common des19nat10., or Br: ANN E • ,..,..59 Mi I< Nm ,,.. Cloong C>ustnffl H Buslne .. Nam• PUBLIC NOTICE JAYSON S P4JNTINO 215 t99J
PfOP«11 11 lho~ lbO~'l \llCE PRESIDENT 185H$ Thls ~ement w;n fo)ed SAN Cl£Mf.NTE MEDI-Statement E Cos\a Mesa SI. Cos\a Barbara M Jones
l'IO w1 ..... nry IS g. ....... H to 1800 Nor1h Bro•~ NOTICE TO flctltloua With Iha County Cler\ of CE"'1"£R, 910 s El Camino The rooow.ng p«$0f'IS FktltlOtU Mau Calo! 92627 Thi• 5lalemetll wa~ Al«S
its comp«tt-n or cor ''"Y• Sl<e tOO, Santa CREDITORS OF Bualne .. Ne~ Oraooe County on Fel:>N-Real. San ClefM1'1te, Calif 111 do.ng buS<nets as Bualnea a Na1ne Olk.,. JillUla. 1s. 2t5 E, witn "'' County Clelll 01
rectne11) The •t>enehc1ary Ana CA 9270$, Tat. BUU< SALE Statetnent try 9 1m 92672 HOOD SAllMAKERS Statement Co11a Mua St, Colli Or.109• County on JanuMY
und., 1.l>d OHO ol fl\J\I pho~ 17141953-6810 The FOllowlng petlOfU • FH0443 Sam111tan Health Syatam. COSTA. MESA. 981 B West Th• F0tio....ng persons Meu. Cat.I 9;?Q7 19. 1993
l>y re110t'1 °' ~ l>tf'.Kh <>< Pub11 1ne<1 Newpon (BSYECAUCS. 8T1JOONS, we doing busln111 ar Pvt>hhecl ~port Beach-an Anion. corporai.on. G4S 18th Strfot'ot, Cost.a Mesa. are doonq bus1ne11 u T1111 buainen Is con-detau" on the Obl.gat,on~ HUKRIEOE. WALSH & AS-1 Cam.no Oe lo1 Mareu. San Calif 02627 CON'fROl SYSTEMS 11 ducted Dy W'1 lnd•Yldu.11 secured 11'1.,eDy h.,eto-Bucn-Costi Meu 0"1>' 8 108 U.C.C.) SOCIA TES. C PA'S, 1"600 CoslJI Me11 Daily Pilot Clemente, Caul 926n Rot>ert F, Sodaro, 489 Cor ta Plan N.,.;,PQn Tha ,egl1l'8nl(•I ,om.
fore eJte-<:uted and dt111w Potot Frl>fu.vy II 15 22, (a) Notiee IS her9by Qolden-sl Sit"' #209, FebNill'y 15, 22, March I. Th11 bu11n1u IS con-Washmgton Court. Tiburon. ae:.1'Calil 92~ menced 10 hansact ~
ered •o "'' undt'fl.19neo D 1?'.ll gNen 10 cre<11ton of Iha Wesuni111•«. Calif. 921583 e. 1993 CllJCled by: • corporation c1111. ~920 Omd l Cob!> 4023 Fai, neu un<1er tne flct•i.ous
Publ lh.CS Hewpo1 ~
Costa Me.a Daily Pilot
F•t>tw'Y 1. e. 15, n . 1993 -·nen Ot!cfwatoon ol Do M868 within rwned sel1et that• L 010f'QI Hl.lkred•, Part· M88CI Th• ,.g111r1n1(s) com-v1c1i.1 C Sodoro, •119 man. lallewood, C•lll Bu.1neu Name(•) ksted
laull and O.manrt for s..11 bull\ sale by auctK>n 11 ner. I l~f ~·· Cy· menced 10 tranMCt tlu.M Washington Court. Tibuton. 90712 •bo~ on F•t>Nary c, 1993 ----------
and wnttoo nottee Of d• PUBLIC NOTICE ooout ID be made of 1M preu, Calif 90630 PUBLIC NOTICE nan und., the Fic1111ous Calif 94920 Thi• bualneu 11 con Otlllf'I J1wtllll11 PUBLIC NOTICE
taun 1nd ot olf'C11on 10 BSC UH assets Cl•senbed below Gary A. Walth, Pannet. 183200 Busineu Name(•) ll1ted This business Is con-auc!H by an ine1tvte1ua1 Thi• 11a1emen• w:.1 ru.a Pletltlour cause lhe undeNgllNI 10 (bj The namet and bull· 24512 Via Carina, L19una ab<>Ye on NIA ducted by a gof'ttral plVI lhe ,eglllral'lt(s) com· Wlln the County ci .. 11 ol sell 1a1d property to ~ausly NOTICE OF nen ndd1esse1 of lh• Niguel, Calli. 921556 f1ctltlou• Samaritan Heallh Sy116!TI, nerahlp m~ed to trMaact bual Or.ng• County on flt>N-8ul6.-. .. Mame
said obhga11on•. and'tnere PETITION TO aetter are· TRON TECH, Thl1 buslnus 11 con-Bu.,ne .. N•me An Mton<l Corporeoon The registrant(•) com-MIS undor u ... FICtillOUI ary 9, 19~ &tatet1Mttl
efter the undersigned ADMINISTER INC, ~2 Me<lAW, IR· ducted by. 1 general pa,,. 5tatement Thl1 stalllf'neri• wH fillcl monced to 11an11c:1 ~ Butineu Name(s) llsled F5804'S The ~ per.one
caused aald notice of d•-£STATE OF: VINE. CA 92714 ..-lhlp The Foflowlng per-sane wolh th• County Cletti ot ntu undor tho F1ct1tlout above on Jinuary 28 Publllhed N-pon Blach> are Oolng P>usln.u .. : lau11 ll'ICI ot elec:11on to be OONAU> EDWARD "'1; htted by lhe setler, 111 Thi reglstrant(t) com-ere doing business u : Of1ng1 Coumy on Fabfv-Builneu Nam•(a) 11\led t993 ' Co 11 Mua D II plot THE MOTION COACH. recorded Octobor 30 19'1.? olhe, bullneu nam.1 and menced to tranUCI bYSJ· AL'S ALLSTAA HOTOOGS, •rv 9, 1993 1b0Ye on Octol>ef 1, 1992 David l CObb ' 1 Y ' 11823 Pur1lane Clrcl1.
as ln1tr No 92 742191 In OON'.W~D;,u::Ei;,'ruNO aeld1etses ulld by 11'1• net1 undef IN F1C11t1&!1 3<138 E. Chapman Avenue. F&eo439 Roben r SOdllo This llallment wM fllecl ftbtualy 15, 22, March I Fo11ntaln VaU•y. Calif
80011 Page ot Oll1c111 ..,,.,. within lhrH yea,.. be--Bullneu N1m•(1) lllled Orlf'9lt, Cahl. 92669 Publllheel Newport Beech-Thi• atattm.nl wH lff<I Wllh lho Councy c.... OI I, 1993 92~
AICO'Cll In the office of In" CASE NO. A167498 lore the date auch list w11 above on: not yet Ruillbttaol Desai, 7013 Pel-Costa MeH Dilly Piiot Wllh U\e C~1y Ciani 01 0ranqe Count)' on J""'1ary M-t13 Bonnie Oatn Gou. 18113
'KOl'dor of Ofange c;ounty To Ill heln, bone(1c:lann. detrvered "' sent to IN L George HUkretd• lean Drill'#, Buena Parle, F ~ 15 22 M en 1 0rJl'1gt County on J~ 29. 1993 PUILIC .. OTU-£ v~. ,. .... "~. 12.;. .. Foun'-'1 5-'d a.It Wll be mact1. ttlelitOt'I, COl'lllnotn\ Ctedt-1\ICUoneer are: none Gary R. W•lh Calif. 90620 • ry ' • 81 • ti. t093 ' FS$9292 .. "' ··-1 ....., ,..,.
but WMoYt c:ovenam Ot 10'1. and '*'°'1• ""'<> mey (c) The UMll to be IOld ™• 1tatement wa1 flleCI l<alpesh c. Chanda, 70t3 8, !193 ....... ' FI S 78t' Pvbhsheel ,....., ...... Buch-. flctltJou• Thia bu1lnea1 11 con-Wlll'T'al'lly, ••P'eN "' Im C.tlletWIH be ll'lltf'nlfd on .,. detulbed In Qerl«'al With Iha Cou.rlly Cl.ti ot Pellcan Onv• Buena Pai11 M~-.. Pub!\ had .._...... BMcn. ...... • ducted by: .,, lndtvldual
piled, regard•rYg llUe pos Int ..,. Clf etl '4' or bOCh, as· OFFICE FUR~ITURE <>range COumy on Fat>r\1-Caltf to620 • ' 1 ·--...... ' Co1ta Mesa Did'( PIW>I 9"9fneea MllMe Th• reglltrant(it com-
MUton, "'encumbfancff, ot OONALO E:OWAAO SW ANO EOUIPMENT, ElC lllY ti. 1193 Thi• builnesa le con-PUBLIC NOTICE Co51• Me11 Dally Pdol Fet>tuwy a. 1s, 22. M#d'I Stat...._nt menClld ao nnNct tiu• to pay tne rlfNill\lng pnnc1-EDLUND •II.a OONAU> E and .,. locllleel at: 2341.2 Fa.o9JZ ~by:~ f:ebNWy t, 8, 15, 22, 1"3 1, 1993 The Fdlowlng l*IOnl ,_ ~ tN Flc:ttlOul
pfl tum ot the not•(t) .. SWEDLUND McGAW AVENUE. IRVINE, Publilt*t Newport Beech-The r•olalrant(•I com-.... ~:.,.. ~1<18 M..te2 .,.. ~ butlinMS... lklllneu Name(•) ·~
cured by Mid deed of A PC.THION hu bHr'l CA n11• Co1ta M•aa Dady Piiot menc:ld lo transac:I bust-PUIUC NOTICE CREAll E INOV.AllONS, at>oYe on ~ t. 118.l Trust with lnt«HI u in Med by JUOnH C SW· (d) The rwn• Of the auo-F ....... -.. 22. March 1 1 neu undef the ~· St•t•...ent PUIUC NOTICE 5142 Haclencl.t St, Hun-Bonnie 0oaa
aald note prOV\dael, 10 ll>\.UNO 1n the SuP«\Of ""'-II MARC SWIRSKY -=,.: ' ' llualneH Namt(I) lllleel The Fol1owlng peftOfll f'k:Utl.ua \tnQlOn 8"ch, CtAaf 92141 Thia -...rn.nt w• Med
vllflQla, If "'Y· undlf Iha Court ot C.lklomta Counc1 ~ aucuon Ml be llelCI IS, 1...., •bove on: noe vet are d0ong bulH\tM .-· Flctltleue a.no Elmer, Jf . NQ.....,... ~ _,. County Clefk QI
lemt• of Nfd O..CS ot of OAANQf: on 3/IC>,'93 • H>.30 o'dock .,._.. AMlll.bNI o...i NATUAAU.Y ev us H, S40 .. ..__..._. ._. .. ,,... ,.....,. encia _1St:1 Hunllngton Onnae County on..,.,.,,..,
TNll. r-. d\awget and ntE P(TITl()N teqtlftts Af\4 M ~ McGAW AV· --Kalpestt C Chllnde Polnsenla Av•. Coton& def lteteMeftt Stat...-t Beec:h, \Alf. 12$47 It, 1193
upenMI of In• TN•'" that JUDITH c . S W· ENU!;. IAVINE. CA tt114 PUIUC NOTICE Thti IUlteinent wu Med Mat, C.hl ~ The FOllowlftO pereons The J.ollowl"O perlOnl Tl\lt t>\laln•H I• con-l'U'Jate
Ind °' tN ttu1t1 cr .. ted EDLUND be apj)Oll\l.ltel as D.lted ~11193 -'th in. ~ Clettl of 01y1 Jennn, f1U·8 ar. dOlng ~as. .,. doing tlulMH• N duc.s by an~ Publll N9wPott ~
by aaid Deed of Tl\I t personal repr•wnt.1W1 IO llAf'C SW1RSKY l'lotlt.._ Orange County on FetJN. Sanla Ana Avt , , to.ta CITIVEST PROPERTIES, SANOS APPAAISAl COM The r~l11rant{a) COffto C ~-· .......... PlloC
s.ldaalewilbehetd on 1dmtnl"tr!N ••of•he Publlth•d Ne wpo,l .., .. ,....., ..... .,.,2 1913 Meaa.Caltfm27 1935~port81Yd A·209·PAHY3502'2 MatcueAv ~lo ttaneact ~ Ou --..._,
Man:tt a, 1"3. et 1.30 dK41<!~ 8"ch.cotta Meta o..ey aut.....t ' PMM21 Marl.Margart& (l'•Cll) Co.ta ...... Cal1f t2&27 an11•: Ne•pofl 8H eh,,,... under f\e ~ F•bn.19ty 1,1, 11,22. ,.., pm, In the lobby to IM TttE PEmlOH requnta . The F~ peraone ,.,. .... ,, ~ HO'Wllrd, t~ Edgem.w Cir , CIWeilc, Inc., • Cellfomle C.ltf '2M3 Bualne.1 Name(1) 1-.d M-aeo
bulldlf'l9 t.oc.I~ •t 801 the detedll'\t'I WILl atld Not '•bNatV 22. t"3 are dolnQ bullneaa U ' ,....,. at'9d Newport Anaheim, Caltt. 12807 ~. 1113$ Newport J"""9 ~ Sand-. 3502 aboW on: F•btuaty 6, 19131--------~~~-.--Souetl a...wl• Str .. t. Or· coo1e11a. 1f any, be 11<1rn•n.d ~ RESIDENTIAL MARl<ET· Co1ta Me11 Dltlly P11oc Thia bu1ln•11 I• con-8IYd A·205, Costa Masa. 1 2 Marcua Avenue. ,...... o.,0 timer. • Jt. PU9l.IC NOTICI
8nOf Callfofnla t2'6N lo probate The wlll and .... UC NOTICI INO GROUP, 5&t Oloriefta.. Febfualy •• 15. n . Maren duQed by; a general .,.,,.. Calff 92827 ~ e.acn Clilif t2tl53 Thia atatemenl -· 111ec1 1---.~-;;;;---Al ~ lltM °' tN ll'llU1I any codlelll ~ av111a1>1e rvw Ntwport 811eh, Calif t, 1093 :.ll6t-nerlhlp Thi• t1u1tnH1 11 con-Tnlt butlnen' I• eon-wM the County Oer1l of l'k:...._,•
publleriOn °' thl• nottc., lot tJUlmln;iUon 1n lh• flle CMStMOtM t2MO _l M-181 Tiie rtglttre11t(•) com-ducted by:• corl)Of•llOJI ducted by: an lndMd\111 ~ County on f*"" ••In•• Mw
the 10«AI amount Of tn. VP-kept by the coutt ~ Mdrw A. Jacka, SM OIO-.... .,. ..,..TICI "*'~ lo vtnUCt bu• The regl11t1nl(1) C Th• reglatttnl(•) com-ary t. 1"3 . -....... .. ,
pejd blMtnCe °' the ol>i'ga TH PCTnlON rec.u.-. .... .. • rlttla, Newport •••ch. r--neM undet the ~ met!Ced IO "11ntac1 menced IO lf-.ill!Q bull PIMott• ,,. f~ ,,...__ IJon MClnd by tn. .~ a\11tlotily to admlnlaiet !ht ...,.. ..... c.Af 92MO BWlneaa Ham•(•) ltti.d ""' under h Actltloua ,,_1 undef the ~ ~ ~ 8Net!-.,. dOlr'O bullneaa a.:
de9Ctlbed deed cl tt\lft e.ate unclet IN lf\dej)On. at.111....... Y¥0Me McKay, N4 010-fllclallue 1bove on J'1/flU#'J t, 11193 llutlnal.I Name(I) ltleO Bullnffl Natne(a) li9feel C t Me Olily Piiot J. Q AISOC&ATU. 2..a end ..elmated co1t1. t• dotne AdmlNtlri'Uon ol C. n... ~'°"""9 peraont rltlta, N•wPort IHch, .._.._...... Peal Howard •bcw• on January ~. ab0\19 on• f!et>Nary 3, t"3 ,. 0 • • 15N _ ...,__.. Athan•. Nlaalon VleJo •
.,....._ ~ tdotant .. II t.tlH ~ (Th'8 a"'1!0(11y .,. doing_ butlneta a• c.tlf ~ lt•la.-."1 TNi ~ •• filed 1ftJ JamM C Cendl iC>Nllrt • "• -· t, c:.f. Niii
&1&3.m 71 ... allow lh4I ptr.onal •es>-NEWPORT KACt1 IAT Thia t>\11lt1Mt I• COtl-The FolkMl!lf Pl'W• ...., "' CouNy C)eftl of CltlvHl, Inc •• Jonn M TN• •talef'Mf'A .... ftled •• 19'3 JuquH 011.,011•rlal\,
It 19 pouible lll9l .. IN reeenta41-t• IO .. INll"IY CAY, I 11 21at 5'rMC, ..... ~llld by a ~· pan. ate~"""*'... 0rM0e ~ on MnMy ~II. Pr~ wUh uw Coianty ~ °' M.a74 UtU Athen•. MIH IOn
Ume °' .... 9" openeng act.one Wl\hO< ~"'"O Pot\ a...h, C. taetO nerlhlp tAATH DHIGNS. , ... 21, tltO Thia •~ -fhd ~ Countj on rebni-.,..1 .,. -nca 'lleto, Cllr. IQMt t11C1 mAI! be .._ lha.n ~ ~ llPpnJVlll letON tall· CV ............. A 0-.al Tiie ,.Olt1t1.nt(1) COfft. Monrovia, Coat.t ...... PaHaM Wiit the County Cklttl OI ltl'f t tllJ ~ -Th1a i.uelfte98 la ~ .... .,,..,..,,_.due Ing ~n VftlY ltflpoiNl'lt PM,,..,...p. 171 N LMftOfl f'Ml'Qd 'o '""'~ bUI'-CIM. 12121 Pvbllet'led Mtwport --..,. °'1ln09 ~on JlllNrf • ,....., ............ duClM brr.. M lndt1dlil9'
o.te1 ~ ae11Qn1, now.wr, Ille r*' StrMt. Orange C ... f t2t67 neat under the ~ Hllnttf (nterpnMI lrtC . C.U M ... o..iy Not 2t. 1193 ~ NeWpOn IHcft • I ..... Th• tetlattMt(e• COftlo •a -•• TITU COii-aona1 1~1N• wll bl Jolw'l H. Cha. A o..n.a1 ~· Nemei•) llMed ""9cta, 1eM ~. ,--._ a, I ...,. Mwcti PIMIOS •Rill ~ '9 ~ .._,. --. tequlteel 10 g1Ve noti<A to Panner 171 N. Lemon •bOYe Oft: JenwtY 21. C.. ...... C.. 82127 .__, 1 •-. 'dshed HIWpol1 ~ Coa .. M•u Olilty ll'lol ....... ,... w ......, tte Adlloua
Hll't, -.... T ........ u,"c•' l.n\M'Hllcl ""'°"' unlaM 11...C. 6iMOt. c.w '2te7 tit) ....... "' .,, ... ewm.. '· tlll Coat• ..... Daily ~ ~ es. fl. ~ 1, The 'oloalltftt peraoM .... ,.. .. NeMe<*' ~ ., . T .D . S • ttiey N1vt -....<t ~· er Theodor• \ftwtilld, A 0.., MOre11 fl Jedi.I 117'0 C... w.,. W...· .. _.,. I. 111:> .,. ~ •· ~Oft:.,.._., t, ttea co•MY....... COf'IM"lltel to lho ptOpOMCl ., .. ,..,,,., .,. N Lemon Thi• ~ ... Ned nw.Mr, c.M t2tll PUil.iC 9IOTICI ,~ .. 15• 22. March M,e11 M[DIC au .... ~ ~ ., ,.=••• ..,. ...... ed'on > rne lllde~ Sh«. Or.no-. CMI t2t11 """' -.. ~ Otftl o1 Thtt t>\111M11 11 con-· '· 1,.;s M-1151 ~-~ eo.. ..._ Til!f •u.rn.• .. ...,
,. .. , ..... , ••• , ... ..,, edmHiltatlOft IUUlOf1tY Wiii Thie bualn .. a 11 con-~~on.-..., duef.ed by •,,.,... p!? ,.. ... ,,.. $hOpJ>4nO for • ,,._ ---....._ _,. "9 C°'"Y Claftl fll •t .... ..._.. M ., be 0tat'lled unteat en in., duaed by a 9'M'llf PIP'· 2', 1ttl ...... 111 ..... , .... _... Mlc:tleef D aa Oranoe ~ on .....,., Ck••e• CA eaMe etted ,.,.on ... an Of>. ,,..,..P NeHOe ...._ .. ,,.. T._ Pllet C~ ei>•nm.ntr cl.d "'.., ti, ,.., f'1' .. -6.4100 ~tlon IO the """" end Th• reg111r1n1(1) ~Oflt· ~INd ...,,. 9"c:n· USI TM ,_.. .. ~ ..... 1••• ~OU comp.,. FIND nent•
• AVMMU. TMI ::::;' J:::, c:" ~:: ~ ~ ~~ Cotta ...... Delly ""°' 'tHE .,. ~ IMiNtll •" The mOll4 com~hen-CO•ll Without NI .. ~ ....,.,, .....
..-T-OPS•nlO 9Ult\Of'tty 8UMleM Hema(•) Nead '*'-Y I, ti, 22. M.-ci! PtLOl"8 \:~TOlltO-OATO l TD . ~end curr~ dlteo-Ot =~ lllM In -"*IC C.... ..._ Deir ....
-mY-•T....., A HflOOH JOt cfat.,.,.W. •C>ove on: "*'U.V ti, f,19'J ~ M"""I CUSS.•IE.O (lt}•LACK 'lYI FOO.T· ~.:'-~~endMf• ~-=-....... -~ ,..,, ... , ... ,. IWCM·-ntCPQl.. naelonMOtCMflml41!ionof t"1 -----. WCM, tOOI "'·Intl t. "' _ . ._.... .. • .,.,,,., ....,
NewpOrt Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Piiot Monday, Februaiy 22, 1993 Ba
TO PUCE Al 11 Clll. = 642-5678 II;] re. ar ... ce. M0-1m
( I ' r J r, ' ' ' , ' , f ' "" ' • ~
330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA, 92827
How To Place
A Classified Ad
BY PHONE: 714-642-5678
orth Orange County-540· 1220
330 West Bay .Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(corau of f't/"'7'0'1 BIYd. & Bay St.)
Ttltpbont 8:00AM-S:JOPM Mond3y.friday
Walk-In 8:30AM-S:JOPM Monday-Friday
Monday .................................... Friday 5 :30PM
Tuesday ................................. Monday 6 :30PM
Wednesday ........................... Tuesday 5 :30PM
212 2 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 2 169 ISLAND 2 606 liiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~r
FOR SALE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii N PT H EIGHTS AA £A liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
••••••••• For Lea .. : 28R 2BA X lg 3Br 2•-'IBa. P 110 •Lido Peninsula• Charming l BR, lull
& lrg gar 334-C OOlo Luxury-Harbor View-bath, d w gaibago
BALBOA condo, lg 2 car ga· St. $1150/mo + $750 Huna 1BR 2BA·W Q . do~p. 1 n.rson No r3ge, relrig, washer/ d 1 ,.. d ""2 ,,,,_ ,,,_ epos1 . uor on . ..,... deck w 'Vlew Furn 1)(11$ $775 673-9247 ISIAND 1006 dryer. LJghl & airy• 1 9486 or 548-7726 Uni 673 6030 Mon SJt
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Block to beach, S 1495 mo Ask tor Paul ( 1 BR & 2BR Units BALBOA Hugo rum Oplx, quiet 940-5324 ---------,From $750 & Up)
street Be croa11ve11so NEWPORT 71 O Lido Park Dr. PENINSULA 2607 ---------
opt or'? Only S695K Magnificent 1 eo• BEACH 2169 Lu•ury Condo Nr new iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SSYOU MAY BE
Agt, Barb 675 5511 Ocean & Harbor VU..liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2BR, mov• in cood' 1 H-To S.ach l A WINNERSS
48R 2 1/2BA. comm Tonnis. pool Nr ben 28R IBA yrly S900 f Bdrms clean &
NEWPORT pool, tots of ltghL New •Balboa-Ne~ Sl3SO 854 5609 Aqt 3BR 2BA back s1200 b11ght, gated, lndry
pnl/crpt/bltnds land-.... ,,.,. • Nwpt No Villa, 3BR yrly, ocn vw 075 5069 rm, on bus route. BEACH 1069 scapo $3500 721-0678 Rlty 723-4494 clo'o to snoppong &
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2•nBA. immac, S2600t 2BA I BA Den. :;kylghts. the be~chl
Calm llnllan V11f11, spr1al
1talrcnso Harbor
Rldgo Cro111 A Steal' I
Agt. Barb 875-551 t
NEW 3BR, 3'h BA. AC. Yearfy Rentals! m o Avail 3·15. eve/ Lrg DECK, w/d nkups, SLOW MOW-IN &
FP. SocUfe prkg Walk Nr boach 1 BR $725 wlmds. 760· I 716. day lsc S 1300 mo. utol pd, CHANCE TO WINS
to beac h l ·year leaso N r beach 2BR . $900 725 9119 Ask tor Irene 222 '? 351h 675-1140 642-5858
$2150/mo wsaiOuano 2 sty exec home, 26R, OCEAH FRONT Largo $100 M OVE IN
222·5775 or 363·1293 2 car garago, close to Dock 3BR. 2BA Near _C_O_R_O_N_A_____ DICOUNT! w Side
bench $1350 Balboa $1800 Mo Lrn lBR w pool, s57c OCEAN ANO BAY vws F 3 DEL MAR 2622 ., ~ urn Avail. 72 -0352 $300 '-OC, 1887 Now Carpel & Patnt.
2BR1Dcn Spact0us BeachArea! ONLY $750 very Monrovia Mngr 10
Oon & LR w FP 2 C<1r NEWPORT PENINSULA cle.m tBR, pool, spa 2BR P-,Ba trplc So or 64&-31>18 or 548 2317
Enclosed Gar 52650 YEAALYOA VYINTER gym, sec & only Steps PCH. 322 Marquerite •$200 OFFl JBR
mo Agt 675-2311 5650 l.40Sln~MO to bch Aqt 854-5609 Eve5 722-8949 Dys 2 e.1 w O toi.ups 1~ Bedroom• e SEA I SLANDe UJI( 5!>6-6655 q.u.1q1 2~ J F'a1,..,>ew
Furl'IStledVntur""'lw.d 2Bn, 2'"1BA 2600 s I 2BR Upper Unit ltle, SIO/O r'(\O 548-700t Villa Rentals 2·,,tv g:ued 9011 crse t:>ntc. sare• Only S9SO ··E.Sid• ..
vu $2 975 844-9123 ut• s pd Ca• Aqt Barb Rei1uc<'d mmed occ 675-4912 •UPSTAJRS 3Br 2Ba 6 7 5-5511 3UR ..'OA nt-w crp
Hove A
Garage Sole 1
lnde endent ..................... Wednesda 3 :30PM ---Thursday .......................... Wednesday 5 :30PM
FOR RENT dphc trplc, 4-car gar ~O JBR 2BA gar trpl, drp' lrpk" q.H Ind ""'rn..~;;ru~-,.;;;;;:-r-======~-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==r~.iet:~~~~o.;~4-~~~35C:rm0'"'1~-'--t-<--~~~~.-+~~~-=:>--~--Jt--~~~~~...,.
• Oceanfront, 2BA 20A $1450 mo 81835'}4539 1 2 ltts 721 8898 •MOVE-IN S PECIAU "9
Friday ................................. Thursday ~:30PM
Saturday .................................. Friday 5 :30PM
Rate and deadlines art subj ect to change without
notice.. The publisher reserves the right to censor,
recla s ily, revise or reject any classified
advertisement. Plea e report any errors that may bf
in ~our cla sifitd ad immediately. The Daily Pilot &
The Independent accepts no liability for any error in
an advertisement for which it may bf responsible
except for the cost or the space actually occupied by
the error. Credit can only be allo~ed ror the first
in ertion.
Nanny's five In/out -----SIQO I -~C!en l\ ACCOtnmNG Custom CatHnets CJ.'l p\ C.\l lhe ~ .. ",.,,..
BOOmutNG TAXES 3406 hl9es bu•ll C;lb·n~ r~ .. Lu Qll1i~ l>tJ lilc:e 111\ S500 17 yrs
e-ri rel 1 447·322 t
Full s.rv.c:• Accounting CLEANlNG & Tax•' ~ Yrs e'l!p
to~ disc w /edl CARPENTRY 3510 SERVlCES 3548
CPA 781.ao<>e
• BEST QUALITY • ••British Cleaning
All protKll lrQ '1m II, Setvlce GuoirantHd ACOUSTIC new or remodol he Ins Work Reis Ins & Uc
REMODELING 3408 Tim 723-1305 982-4052
W•fftl•M W•ll TeaturH
ALL ~hOP 'Rest Int /C: C\
Res c. bino\$ Docks.
Aa ttornes my spec:tal'ty
1119 ei.aned 8ostON fin-
Orywall/•cou1Uc•I ce•I f'ences:Wtndows No Ht PIOm4!S for 12 r Call 1ng1, repair. removal ,ob 2 1ma111 642 ag29 Wendy M2·703 Frff Hl 892 70$5 C&C Con••· Compl te
romod•I & repair No l uropoan lcteal Cleantng
The way you want Ill
ADDffiONS )Ob too 1moll F•lr res11comm, move outs
RfMODELING 3410 prtCOI 537-3881 llc'dlbondod 348-9547
Dutch Craftsman 30 Home or 0H1ce
yrs ••Pl French Ora since 1980 • bonded •U c'd , lnsu,.d. 35 Cui.tom and Kitchen Additions • 536-030e ...... ...... Cabtnets 84~52 t O decks, patios, cabl
nets, d00t hanglnq & Rtp,1tr' Atmo.f [)oo(s win-Housecleaning $30/day,
t.nish work 546 OJ 1 e cl\) cM>ir1tts stucco & Ory Keepena In/out $1 00'
wit, *""· g.1tn tile. lie week, exper & reliable Morewte Cenatrvctlon 45 ~ '"' ,,.,.,. .. 2.05417 call I.Isa 2 13-.872-1549 Acldotiren'\OCHC'lutcl\ beth
plumb. tlec:tncaliconctete ,,....PROF'I CLEANING
A IC> Z ~ 1<#$41656 CARPENTRY/ ResldenUal, comm'L
Dami Cloanong Svcs Call Robert 63 t-43 t 0 FJN1SH 3511 Xlnt rels 6.J 1 ·!>967 Ouefttat COftetNCtloft
Addttiona & Rornodell ,.,,..,.. lm~l.t Lpn'e Carpentry COMPAHJON Uc ).-~ .. t .2112 ~ Ol'll rnoldtng CARE 3554 Wood loorse(nl~ doon 434-0713 pgr IO ~2H AltCBITECTUltE C~Cwe E11p DIUlPTUf G 3428 Sec'tytboottk~. Orllt9, CARPET errand a. pr•p•r•
~ detlgn Ideas, tut
& tltCC\61te ~. low I
CLEANING 3515 meals. 873-eeOS
::t·~ r;;~nl Ivan'• Steam Clsanlng COMPUTER ....... ...eo..-u.iu.t&
~ '°°""' 13 "-"¥ nlllc INSTIUCTIOK 3557
Wlr OlllNgl 131-1410 AUTO
DETAIUNG 3442 i.,,...e .. Cerpet Car• On..Sll• lndlvlduallzed
• S8 50 S!MClal • PC lnet.rvctlon
3 rm1 ~ "" hall & beth All Windows Program• Aue_.... Det8111"9 8T3'2244/l()()-801 ·224' EXPERTI 780-3aa8
Oet the bHU C•ll
Keith for guarantH<I
qu.911ty work. &SC>-&230 CEMENT DRYWAll
llSTORATION T.J. ~ C-.. c .... e ......... c ......
Cono Brick Bfoc.fc Uc Lro & amll\ ,.,_.,.. 3448 '217329 ~ O\MI fWno¥e Wiii~ F'8 t
SM: Joe 721·7>47 Low Pres (71•)182·10'» . _,, T ... b ,..""'9htno
Specl•hilnt In tll•/t .. CBllDCAU 3531 E.LECTlJCAl 3610 bergla111formlt• COIOf
o1 your ~t 17So7IOI
ISIAND 2106 •307 E . 2ht St ·c· ~';r. r~~a~~~~~I~~ Villa Balboa s~":;"X:~~;:12; 2 ~a,: ~8~11::-W~.~· ~ ~-~
2BR 2BA lrpl, lg gar. ,_Y_r1_v_1e_a_s_o_6_7_5_2_2_1_2_ Spacious lBA • dNi Goldenrod Unlurn S830 No Pet 640·249.., I -.-or 2 BR s e c u" t'y
C 2 B bog kotchon 642 9797 3Br 3Ba condo, lndry condo WO incl Ftro· Bach. 1 per only S!>OO zon t \'J OA townhouse tr+. ,,\ V
ory r front house S94S Coldwell Banker d w. micro, dbl gjr place,. pool. S 1100 utol inc 673 3474 •tyle. q irage pot><>. ~ \ii ~
porch & patt0, Berber---------226 N N~port Blvd I $700 N l{) '+-' t d N E • Id B v~ mo Aql675-4912 w lkt Ch' C"" poo, 0 p -cp gar w o pets • • 2 r house. frpl, $1250'mo 548 6731 a 0 1na vVe 646 0105 o 662 1982 0
Yrly $10!.0 499 G.32 1 d w & hkups. enc1 1---------v 111,1 u,1100.1 2 M :.tr L g 1 BR w q1Haqe ' • · I lf'f.
Uttl• l•l 2Br 1Ba hse. yard & gar, pet ok. •Blulls towhome, Suites New crrllpnt $775mo 644-9640 N \U ~
rc.>mod perfect Gar. S985 mo G4S S862 $2395 M oves U In! pool spa lonn Sl 100
I t kit YI 4BR 2"~Ba. pvt patt0. mo G7J 8064 Cra•g .+ ~ P. qourme • r Y Eloqnnt twnhso, 2BR w d, '2 car gar w opnr COSTA MESA 2624 "I ...-
St600 mo t>7J 651 ' 2·~Ba. vaulted eeils, Cllll Miko ssg.1495 I N o matter (0 :J 0
kitchen w grnhse w on· 0 HTS 2BR 2BA $925 ............ • E 'SIDE E SCAPE • what you're a.. dow. l rplc. g<tr, pool, N bl 11 LAO 2BR 2BA S 11 -+-' CORONA
DEL MAR no pets StOSO mo ow cpt. paint. ind• AP",,TMENTS ma doing your
2122 Collect (41 5) 457-5089 ~::;_~·7 1~"~ 8';J 1 f;'~ FOR'RENT ~':;,~~~~:;~ ~':;:, hom~town i
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil LARGE b ht 2 St 185 M esa Or 631 .. '50 3 houses to bch, 3Br rKJ ma er LIDO ISLAND newspap er () ~~~· ~e!~'~;.;a~:?i ~;~~;p1:',:~1002;:;~ ~~ef,s s11°e~!~h.1e~~:. BALBOA ~~L~! ::O~~·;~e~ n..
4 1 S<!BOO GTS-60l<1 2230 Pac1loc 645-0968 ownr 87~t8t 1 searching lo t w heth ~na,;t ---------•---------•---------ISIAND 2606 er you re seel<1ng n llMIHJr.l'-
Soll your home
throuqh ct lS'I f·ed
LAACE cleoul 2Br 1 Ba LKJo Isle 3 ~ .J lam rm. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii home. an ap:Jrtment fits in,
house wgar. Avocado rcdcc. :>car gar a new occupatton or 11'========~I Street No pets S67S $2,300 310·277·158J M ,ll<e the r•ghl move even a str~v pet 1-mo 240 2299 C;'l!l owner alter f>f>M Pilot R~al Est41to
• D & R Electrlc • •Handyman Expreu Sav On Moving John Hemy 1 Certof.ed *WINDOW CLEANING•
Qu." e<V'Ce '* pnC4i'S We do 11 alll Wo do •t Lowos.t. Storaqe, prof ~OU P .. .onai ()rg.t..z~ Roof fl() rc.>rO"'f rep.1 rs fl C f5TIMA"'lS
tro..b< hOOC 'I c, st now• Wiii beat any Gr-n Scene undscpng XLNT rep 1 !'lr m n 1ns ~~err.a:>c:~ 15 vrti le> ' b· ,• '"'"11' l I ..J, •David
552·8578 price. 8?J 0499 lrreqat on Tnmm1ng T16!b51 v ... c 7J1 2:156 boo~~ I~ I tt UD y \l Hl'l:;o 548-82 1 3 & Remove I Clean
Bub Ch 1ppe 1 f:•e~troc No Answering Machine ups & M aint St Lte .. ~ i.m.• ~l~SJ' Re Roofs & Repairs N o matter Ou.11tty & prol I work Ell'"""°"•-drSCM!Cl'9d •5990:!:.. 432-8804 NURSING Locl Rel lb..,,,
(, elle f'i 1 fl! what you're 1• N>µt •• ponse Uc d dry••ll c.irpe1111y \ e. •Lawns mow ed front SERVlCES 3848 PET Comm res 760·7122 pl.-.c rool 119 conc1.ie & back S 11 50, cloan SERVlCES 3870 838-1968 .. l ,, ltj8 doing, your Handyman Express
800-245-3210 ups & compl serv also Companlon/HHA Leo ;o, Thunder R oofing• hometow n avail, 831·8809 ror a" y1.u•' '('.11 ""J FENCES Touch of New England prol df .. ill come 10 Grateful Pets Bo.11,j, not .. I Hr.root c~ .i r I Th•
A DECRS 3615 Handrm•n Sen1lce LISA'S CLE.AH SEAL yO<.Jt he>mit pr OV1de care daycare tra•n. Groom .,. th Lie 6.1!11.U &4&-4122
Pamt.'•'• pWmb 'home im Lawn & l.4ndscap1ng• 15 yrs t•P 380-1~75 k>Yel Mention ad 4 d K ' I iiiiiiit. Mon ser clean ups •754-1088•
8ulldlng/1'spelr Mrvk:• prcwe Jeremy 85 7-0940 (310) 43o-6167 TAX SERVlCE 3925 Over 30 yNrs e•Pired! Ultimate Hendyman! PAINTING 3858 fits n. wood C~3f Free HI ... ,,_,Too Sm.n °' BJt PATIO. COURT'fAAO, "'"°°"' PIASnR
Frank 638-0872 European Tra•nod bo6 dHogn. Crtait g.vden '" e W.P . YOUNGQUIST RfPlUR 3880 ~· Hour Tum nround
Ring Paul 080.1533 snllll 11H. 3 yn ••P Aoge•s Painting Contractor ft('('! l"IC1' •IP UolNcry •FENCES OATES• g~Bil~r1 7~ Ov t P.l "lt109 by prons Calllorn1a llC 40:l0~ .._ 1'.,.ir 'peet ,..,.ace .• TREES __ lnvExt patch pl.Utettfl\J Slevo ~P<"C' • !; I &.U5 --Rtdwood 'Ced.v k 'd Llc•60~8 IM custom teatunng Qu.ll t~
Jim Wtoyte 642·7206 HEALTH, BEAUTY TOppt dillf l'llOVt Cl•"' Free l'\l 645-3305 worl< Pro~ms.-No prob ddy (.44 11t>Ob t•vOfll"'J Wii§iff#!H•
A FITNESS 3 7 40 ~.clnup 761-3478 V20 Yn of Quality Wort ll't'llSI •326864 55-ol 7831 Fastest R efund ~"'"'t **CMU·MMM Ot k."'f.I fc>rm :.mall
FLOWER Vard cloa.n up hauling Rdl•rd ~ We: ~ bus ac1.l!l 100 Oy '"'" Special Offer lo loM wttghl o"9fgrown weeds shrubs Rel• f4\ l."09 Ar'Y 1-PLUMBING 3890 ARRANGEMOOS 3621 ur m,111 CPA;''\::! 91 ;'!. 10 qualt!y 1or s wuncrve Eat tree stump Ol'W 1.1wns David Sl(){\no f'a1nton9 tM lood 'fOCI Wini end !OH rree ot H+5239 Interior c•lll'r•Or wall ~"()I\ l rtn s~o long
up to 1S pounds 11 30 dlfs • • O oscourll • • tom1 Si'O m.111 bus 2 Dozen IWMlhOMl rOMI glaz1n 1. it rt hn11hes ~llt.ll~~'c and ~"P 1t on• 100"!. guar llCCtQ lnU •l'POrtS, or •l>NW.I now.r. or c11· lllO' natur.i. 647·2310 LEGAL OtC 540-2890 no )Ob 100 SIT\ll d-.; 10 ., 850-7278 nat•OI'" '39 dell\len1d lo-Ill ····· fbl ,, E•pr••• Palntlflil COiiy I 80().456~ I 8 I SERVICES 3812 Re Comm lntJElft l.Jc'bondllns 537-t 122 Tired of th• ha•sJ•
IMPROVEMENTS 22yrs ••P· he 606866 •No GlmmJc ks • w'Ta.xee? .a ,,._..., br 1"'
Bankruptcy Semi But .,,., pr~' 935-1219 Plumb he•t"'O dr tns I ttle..~ UJy • llY fltv FUllNlTURE HOME 37S6 i. ,_.. DtObot 512 2290 ret1Utd At111y6 30 yrl •Ho u .. Painting• 11.ll low rat ... lree «' t REPAIRS 3622 HP 859-~W~ Clo M Exterior lntenor 1 S be MCNisa 646 35.lti
C .. ms COftetructlon tho hM'd ... tor .,CUI yrs exp Fr" est. •PIPEWOAKS• Till 3928 .... , auaer R.uan Ntw r~8ddlllolll Oave 64~9081 remodel & custom
repan, ~et "'9P1,.1 $peoalze" ~dlll Kunnan CuslOm Pa.nting r9i)81f·r004er 17Y" t•P ~ JOl>S llC'd 9I0-1533 MASSAGE 3830 l.c:'bond refs 873-8143 C l••lll t1i--~~ cone by yatd recoYert Best Pricesf#ort!!! IOt Ret\8n rum S41 IMl60 • R a K Renowetlone ~~ P.JOQI \IOUtHI'' l•lld -~toltlf_!C1Df1 ~
LJC•558!>8~ 662' sseo Room sdd111ona to M eaaage Ther11PY In Plumtw'lg & dflltn ~ ,~..;ifotl' ,. !.._)
BANDY MAN 3710 b th and kitchens! Chotopt1tcttC Ott!QI Moll Last of the Honest Phone QUOIU work Giw
Uc' d 3 '().5919-589e Ina 8CC:.pl.c! C II Nancy Palnters-Ptrftctlonllt arn..ci• c~ ~2387 •TtLE • MAAB&.a;o,
or R-IN 843-90~ Countertopa ~,., •
/aM_........, ,,.,.,.._ In lnt'ut ' clblnet ,. POOL S~a.. t3 yra HP -JEWELRY 3784 Palnt-C srpentry-...... Uc 564290 cal f'RC.£ atlmat .. UC . -'MOVING 3834 SllVlC! 3894 574221 497 ...... . Dryw•ll and morel Rid\ 7 U,S 58N702 QaryMS-8277 Wilham Harotd JewMrs ..
ActieftNne ...... Mee W•tch & feweky repair PUBLIC NOTICE Perfect Pi14nUn9 Ceot Weter P-1• TOlORJNG 3930 Antlque/f'lne .,..._,slry In xt. Ir .. Ht Wkly pool Clng, Chem Plumb elect c.tpentry ~ .... ndt •7~39.S The Cahl Publtc U\ill lmpecceble work. rer• arvc. equip r•SHlll, t,... paunt hie masonry .. c . U.• Commission At R•yM&--4589 nt. 77S 1722 ll•ll•n•fTtencfi•Eno1t1h ~ "t\; Call Rick f• 848-5917 QUIRES that all u ed
langlowennl Palntln9 E1cperhto~ed 1eachsr • Craft•MaR LANDSCAPE a household goods l!urepoen IWN with ~f" I A4Ma1. l:r' Tllo, painting, re root, IAWN CAD 3808 movers print their Cu•lom lnllut and retH N -322• t•palr and mc>fel Aef'I PUC Cal T numbef, Im• flnlsM• LIC'd ' GtJTTE.ltS 3906 .
St•fN' H 1•7 .. t lunoa and 'a'~"•Vf9 nond~ 893-0222
ptlnt their T P. num• .... All ARMrtc ... Tree ~IQ~!.·=..-:-:-= WAU Fr .. hev-celle aervto• Removal, b9' In .. acsv.tllle·, honchGocn .. '9ter.ott CloNfWll s.w.
s~ "' 1n •• ""°"' Trim , S•nlor Ol•c. ,,.,.,... " you h~ • ~-1 "°°"' ••• A.lit\ gutter I II~ &. COVUIMC$ 3932 .ceunt AMerica Ftff Ht &314M1S ~"°" •be>U' th• i.. um., e•p dltel'• 6'8~1M ~"(atd~,... TRADE cal now1 7M-M2t oetltY ot • ~. llmo IOl\A~ i-'s-4111 ~ltWltel•m D.A.W. LaodH•• or cl'laulfeur. c•ll: TOft QUA&.ITY ~ classlfted a.n., ................ ............... -.0. ~\)VIit ... ~compecttitr• --..... Nllll ..... ii s-. 0., llirrfb.'llte .. IOOflJfG 3910 ..... .,.. s.nc:.1-... .. 5731 . ~ lntlo•t. liC:1'~4• "' ...... ,. ............ Frmtk 1364411 Cal 7 ,.~ ... ' 5.25 7'4·$M_.1SI 6SO~ 650·l3S9 ~ .... ,Mf ~ -----·-~
T8ka idnlllage ol Oii LOW MONTll.Y RATE!
Adl8llls8vubusiness11 senlca lor only ••
For more lntonnallon
Call 6112-5678 x 31 o
' I
( f
' -
•• '.
... -
-Monday, February 22. 1993
COSTA 1115& 2124 COSTA lllSA 2124 COSTA MIS& 2124 DWPOIT UllIAJ.S TO l mousnw. 2788 -----·i~~~---11-----•IUACH 2619 SHAD 2724·----ilil 28R 28A Ape. ~ a USTSIDll i.oe 28r llOV9 IN ..-CIA&. lll&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •AUTOllOT1VI• ~ le75/rno 1 ~ p.uo. °""· 1 BA. ffpl, beam ang., t aoo 1o 4000 SqF•
lllPLOYIOJIT 9u<t tt ... 11. rind 11.
, LN&. •• , o.v•·-3 , ... o c.......,.
OOIWa ••• Mefctwlnd'M ~
under &500 ------•JIWIJU POa ..... Ta 5"w1 '9d1.......... . 251--------
830 Cen\er 5'. See "alftt a~ 1825( Md gw. d/W. N/pets 1BA Nwpl Hgt• APl •••T VI ... N8,..,,,, --· , ..... 111""~-....
MOf M•·C>1~ mo. Call .-n-110$. 1885.'mo. 842·7142 •Pollen w/Me111can Lrg 48R ac NKh. ---.,..~ P!a5011ALS pa~, ..... 3 v-• ,,.., gw, •hott term ok. OFC/Wa,.hM. teth &Lim•••••••••I ..,,, 10 WOl1& "' ., a A.IT IO SID. IOATS 7014
~lful gift ehOp. tws pet •· __.. Cett'-f, ~ MACRA c ........ evafl Iii•~ .. «>II 7 bendl3 cokW gold a.a. uaecf 4 .,,,_, ESlde, ig. ~. 28A •••••~He1tel t8R •llOVm .. N SP9CIA&.J 1775 Bkr Ma·U80 $425 ..... IM7S ~ 1250 eq ftll '~BA. pi!Uo, cable dwnatra, ptiUO, tr1g. ~clean 2tw ttN. gat, Incl gar. HOO/mo
avall, Inc.try tac, no gat, '560. 2 ~ nu cpt. DfW. at~. •21DRM $700• CM·Prof ahr beaut 431~ 0 , ~57-3881 1---------pets. lg tncd yd. se~ No P ... Ma •M4 S750 No P.c &40.2495 r.mod 38R hM. quiet. PEJtS()JIAlS 300.Z -.-... -1-0-...,.--...,.---1 puaal• rlno (new d\.i tral)Ne a " ......
2448 Elden 642-5325 T L • 1 IDRM $IOO* conv loo, many amen• ~ • .-.n a ~t 0Wftw10ftlll Frig. dahwahr, atove S•251mo ..... tM3 Sell your Ut1wanted SERVICES 5533
:;,;: = ~n6: 11eoo. •723-6'347
St~) uc. '520 P"' --------~nfriend wanted IMlttY 63t-t384 YACHTS Buy It. S.U It. Flnd It.
Claulfled. PMot Cleeetfted 3BR 2"'1Ba, garage Incl No pet• 545-"'855 """"="",,,.,---=-~--:-hem• the eas)I wayl M2•M7• 2BR 1 \1'18a, patio, 18R1----------1 He-Mlnut .. Te •ach To place yout ClaHl-
WI0<\111941 ) Location• ~ 28A ~·· gar, l.AAGE. PRIVATE un-fled ad call &42-5878
Brittan lad lllHf'I to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil••• 7018
COSTA MESA 2624 COSTA MESA 2624 1-~~~~~~~~
548· 73417 1 ~ bfka from bch, fumlahed BEDROOM
potch, S1200/mo. ANO BATH. BeautllUl,.lll••····--
A PO...._ 2626 (818) 351H539 ~ qUJil pat l4k4t Nlting, susru-w:ss L
make conlect. M/F 1&-••n•n Wenle~I Wetolt••liiiiiiiiiiiiiliii••lii
24. Plea.-write to: ~ be ewer• that P ... k. Ptiftllpe. Role•. 4a.'.....a8NfD. .8ANIUl ::n_
BJ_y,an Gilbert. ---•~lftoe ln .._ _.. CMtJer-; Ttffany, alt Just returb. Xlrtt c:ood.
Holdentturst Road. egory may require you tnoaetal 873-0365 Wood. $87,500, 080.
February Special!
1 Bedroom , l Both
2 Bedroom , 2 Both
• Lots ol Windows
• Pool , spa, rec rm & BBQs
• Lorge closets & garages
• Running streams
• lush landscaping
Costa Copn in Costa Mesa
an a great fot biking and a&'W a; ~
running. FP. Pool•, FINANCE •~ Al>out Out
Bournemouth Oon11et. to call a 900 number ~9365 or 4173-3372
G,.al Bntoln. '" Whleh there la • OffJCE
Furn Studio efficiency
unit, utita Incl. S400
mo: $300 dep. 24721
Cordova. 24<MS114
BEACH 2648
2BR 2BA, gar, lodry lac.
g,.at view, 220 ChH
Ot $1150 581-"M89 or
Mako the right move
P1lo« Roal Estate
Spa , Storage, Tennls.1,.•••••••-W/0 , Large deck and 1•
Single• Connectlonsll charge per minute.
Contacl w/1000'• PuaraTU'U &
Move-In S.,.cl•I! 2
Vear• Nowt, 2BR, f•m· fly complex, Average
rent seJ7.50/mo w/a 6
mo ISO. 850.S310
patio. Sharo spaclot.11 1 _________ _
end-unit townhome at BUSINESS
Fun and Excltlngl EOUU'llENT I047 ___ .....;. ___ _
1·900-83S-.665 )(31
$2 /Min; 18 • N. W. edge of Huntlng-
b•tbhaft Comfluanlty ton Beach. Contemp0 OPPORTUNITY
DOaS 7022 937 Amigo• way. 39, furnish ings . Clean 2904•---------
or 2Br/don, 2-car gar, 35.+ N/S. $500 mo., MEMBERSHIPS .,. ti .. A 4 ,,,,.58 Including utllltlea. 30 8 P•• pa oa. -._. Great place! 840-9779 A RICH FUTURE In S28 1 APPLIANCES 6011
Must Go! 10 Min To Open Sea
Oeaks, chair•. fthng SAIL: 45, $450/mo
LARGE 28' 28a, "1-car • bilhon lnduslry S3-4K liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
gar. Yearly , .. $975/ N Laguna oceanfml cash wkly poss. FT/ NwpJ 8ch Yac ht Club Movlng-Muat S•lll
mo No pets. Non· dplx, 2Br 1 Ba, great PT. No aelh119 No $ Membership! Very ro-Relrlg, Mont Word
cabinets 6 mor•I 125 752-.2 .. t ·
& Up63t ... 28
ami..r pref. 673-9111 vu, frpl, w/d, yrd, gar. down II quahhed. Duy duced prtcel Great Signature SIS, 25 cu -0-9-s-11-s-, -.,-,e--c-a-b-ln_e_ts-,
Fem n/s $700 497-9490 direct from mfgr. Call family fun! EntoY sail· n. 111ra clean, almonc.t Good ,. _ _.1.lon. Must Oc••nfrontt Fum'd CO')' 1.S00-949-2158 1~ i.... • ....,..,.. • 3 BR, 1 3/4 BA. D/W, N/smkr to shr Water-. n...,, hshn...,, d ining & S275 850-0t88 CM be aoldl s.t2·7511
Cl•••lc Newport
a.ech Loci Slop 10
25' lo Sllp to 50'.
Possible lrveaboatdl
631-8480 Ot 675-8107
WID Garago. Wkly, or front Twnhm, 3 BR CONDOM VENPING socializing 640.2755 WaSher/Oryer S1 25ea &
.. Ill $1400/mo 982-5tS5 3 BA, Dock Av•ll, ROUTE, Re1rlgerato r S180.1---------• II s500.+ Sec.123 .... 191 848-5848 PETS & '-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia
--------------------------1Spect•e ul•r Back ======== Big Profits. ANIMALS 6049''
Bay view fre>tit row Share large "°" .. on Call American DO· EMPLOYMENT ---------liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TRANSPORTATION
2br/2ba, lrpl, wood Penlrt9ul•. Smoker.a fonder 24 hrs. , .. •••••••• fURNlTURE 6014 floors. eJCtra lrg living okay. All amenities. 1-80()..858-3933 1• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Vlllt the animal sMltar,
room. 759-3506 nts/ 675-3616 or 723-0132 EARN $4000 MONTHLY CMrry Queen Anne din 2075 N-pon BIYd 1111
wlmd 838-8460 days LOCAL SODA/SNACK EMPLOYMENT rm, nover used: Ible & 7pm Of' call 722'8301•
chrs, bullet & china w/ Loving dogs currently • S poctaculat Bayfront
view :>BR 28A: S 1595.
•Also, 1 RM, prtvato
ontry: S395. 673·6103
• LIDO/BeachfTonnlsl
Private bath. t<llchen/ 800-228-9999 r1 d 1 d avail. fem bower, older
Q .1-Both vulnerable. as South
you hold:
•KJ \ 84 JoAXJ 1064 •986
Partner opens the bidding with a
22· 24 point two no trump. Whal do
you respond?
A.-Thi8 ia not a matt.er of points
u much H how many acea partner
holds. We would Jump to four clubs,
the Gerber Convention a.sking for
11ce. If partner shows thrtt, we
would rontract for a grand elltm in
no trump: if only two, a small alam.
Neither rates lo depend on any-
thmg m{1re lhan running the dia-
+AQJ3 ~J762 09 •KQJ8
The bidding has proceeded:
lndry prlv. Empl adult. LOCAL PAV PHONE liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~,':'or~ ~\ ~u~lo '~i golden retriever, ma .. CAMPERS, RV'S,
S375+uhl. 645-9515 ROUTE 51 200 WKLY. Bookkeeper 1. Printing onds'S2300. 323·5573 ~~~na~u, m~~lli~S:~~ TRA.Il.ERS 8014
South West North Eut PRICED FOR QUICK Co. AJP • AIR. Oal~ Duncan Phyfe table and halt), 2 white klUona liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
SALE 800-749-2600 Entry, Phones, good English oak table. Old 1 • Pua I Q P... STEPS TO BEACH
? 2BR 2BA. oar/carport, COMMERCIAL
What do you bid now? pa llo, d/w, frpl, S900/ REAL ESTATE A.-You have located at lea.at an mo yrly 731-1230
eight-card fit. so there's no point to -W-h-1-,.-w-at_•_r_O_c_n_V_w_! ••••••••11ANN-•O•UN•C•EME--NT-
introducing your spade suit. It'• 1 hse 10 sand' 2BR ---------••
aitnply a question or whether to 2aa. gar s1200 sso1 BUSINESS OFFICE
rai8e to two hearta or three. and we seashoro &73-4474 FOR RENT 2 7 69 LOST a
reel the hand ia just too good for the former. Make. an inVJtatiooaJ J·ump Yettrll'. Stops 10 sanctl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOUND 2925
comm s k llls, start China cnbinot. Coffee---------
25hr wrk wk, 640-9053 table . Four chalra.
'85 E•tllbHahMent
26~', generator, roof,
air & dash air, sl"ps
6, 111n1 cond In & outl
Many et11r11s. 460 Ford
Chassy St6,500,
Property Mgmt Co
needs lre>tit ofc help.
9AM·1PM Dally AW
Brown Co. 540°2121
Mose. Ca.II 642·78t t SPORTING
GOODS 6065 McGu1t• glasstop bam· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii boo dining Ible w/8 838-3t92 chrs S3000 Ott-wht TANNING BED for
sofa $200. Cstm cock· aole· $1200 (cost -RV-:-·s_1_H_AA--VE_S_T_26-.
,,, I Ible S500 Barce-S2000) Mont.go Bay 440 DOOCE. Low ml
Iona chr St50. Japa. Wollf System. Crystal Re;u Bdrm Dual A/C. nose acroen &44-5633 2• Suna. ONL V 22
Large ll•ehelor. FP. 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii to three hearts. $550 94~1 87. 646-1• RATT!Ml.BAnANl hoot• o r usage Awning Generator
bed' 7t41$9 hUch Ell#eM
$9500. 99t.0730
mond suit and both c~!.Q_be _ _v.a:~lS-~~ .... _.,.+lft.-M.o--.'1"1tl-t--4599, J818l:4$.~...a!..!7~s~o--1-~oe10--wiMr.-.~mi~L~b a.war, d-fof-Vt d -Oo~ .... ~u:.:.:ll::!k~e:!!t~o~B!:!!•!::k!:::•~?r="-:G~AEA T COND!
St.50 .., ... .,, ... ,.11 a , m •. neu ere .,-.___.,. malo, lo$l 1/1193. No Ba~ars & Counter Sota. l.oveMat (Just TV ELECTRONICS ay own
Q.2-Ai. S-Outh. vulnerable. you
•KJ8:S AJ 876 •Al062
The b1dd1ng has p rocttded·
North Eut South W~t
1 + P... 1 • P ...
l NT Pua ?
\.\.'hat do vnu bid now?
A.-Partner h8.!l 11hown a balanced
hand of no m11re than 15 pomls, so
you are not inlernted in more than
game. W1t.h your balanred hand
there u1 no reason why you should
look for a mmor-1u1t game and pos
sibly derail the auction b\• Jumprng
to three club11 Bid three no trump.
Q.3-Neither vulnerable, as South
you hold:
+KJ6 K4 AQ10862 +84
The bidding ha p roettdtd
North Eut oulh We.t
1 • Pau 1 P .... 1 p .... ?
"' What do you bid now?
A.-With your essenuaJly baJ.
anced 13 point.a, thl8 hand iA w~ll
· suited to play game m no trump. If <'-you play that s Jump to t wo no
trump would be a gam~ force, bid 1t.
• However, in modem methodA that
would bt' only inVJt.auonaJ, 10 you
would have to JUmp to three no
Q.4 -As South, vulnerable, you
••Psychologist. Psy-collar (213) 586-4931 srvc, !or early om, at-cleaned). Rocker. • • MOTORCYCLES
c h1 Blrist s. MFCC. FOUND 2/15! Yellow ~frnT1P~ ~11 s~~· ;~!:~eao!:b~~ -t'e".:. iSiiTEiiiREiiiii0iiiiiiiiiiiii60iiiSiiiOliSiiCii0iiii0iiTEiiiiRiiiiSiiiiiiii8ii0iilii8
_.JU.08.13 .. A74 66 •AQ8 APARTMENTS
The bidding hu proceeded: FOR RENT
South We.t North Eut
1 + Pua 2 • Pua
LCSW's wanted to Cocli.atlel Bird In the sharo attractlYo Now Katie MC9utte's Poe & phone Stand, $255 Vld-,,.._.,... s-t•m · vte•nltv Balboa Island Bake Shoppe 965-7872 •Ill 642-4321 ext 307 -..... •-
ROOMS 2706 port bay otf'teos Call Cati & ID 873-9523 """~--55 TURBO GRAPHIC 18 • '83 v.---tao ') E elyn/M 650 1722 Food Servtc:e Wortter days, ..,_.,..,, • ..,.. f Llk I .....-• v og . LOST c•T Ive games e ~ Scoo\er. S700 080
What do vou bid now? ~ needed Con1101escen1 ---------1 SIOO total. 65().6706 890-0055
-Ob • Small on1ee. $1 25/mo Black & white, with hospital f fT days. Co$t.a 11.•cncHANDISE A. viously, t he bquf'l!t iodn IS Rooms In quiet E side 3,500 s/f, 701e sff ono bod eye Lost Mesa can Alan for appt uu;~
whether you hould re id 11pa es or CM hm Shared oath, 900 s/f store $800/mo near Linda lslo RE· S4ll-SS85 MISC 6015
raise partner's sull. The club rt · kltch, lndry $250 and Crnr 55 frwy & Del WARD! 818/308-9 104 --------' GARAGE SALES AUTOMOBILES
aponse has improved our hand and, $300. N/S. 722-7031 Mar Avo. 548-3833 d ays: 7 I 4/675·6562 HAJR STVUSTI Sharp, iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimililiilimml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& k d new lrvlno/NB salon. Braun WhoelchaJr Litt
81.nce we ha•• suppre"•1'na such ey· -------------------ovea w n s f v & B $ cnn ""' .,.. ., .. Sp•cloua Npt Hght• Busy bus1noss district. or an us 1..,..,..
ceJlent support for what could be homo. lg studio rm w/ COMMERCIAl Lost dog al Orango Co S10Uon mtl. 474-3960 ODO Coll 646-t029 ---------
our best fit, we opt for th~ r1use lo bn & pvt ent Avl 311 PROPERTY 2778 Swap Moel. 15 yrs 'old 11 you lovo ctuldron, bo-CAMP/RV Mombeos hlp SANTA ANA liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
BMW 9030
three dubs. N/pel $500. 646-7013 (belgo · Tan · Black). hovo.ln Educal!Oti, flex Multiple afllllattons "3· HEIGHTS 6184 '84 633 cal Xlnt, llt'lr1,
Deaf nnd Nl oods Modi· hrs, great opp0n. sal· t1onw1do. ~95. No foe iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil phn, bl blk, all pwr,
Q .8-Neither vulnerable, as South RENTALS TO
you hold.
Olfico & Warehse. C·2. cal Attenl on. Dcvu5· ary • comm 960 61 15 to trn11fr 800.851.Q53 lull reco1d1, garaged 900 slf. 2 t7 Avocado l.ltod owner, Call 650· Movtng Sele D•ll1! S10K. Pat 252·212 1
•642 , K S KQ9872 •K6 SHARE 2 724
St., CM (619) 726.,_ ... _S3_8_64_2_0504 ____ LEGAL FlLE CLERK SOLID m tiaoony door. Furniture, haenld
8100 /(714) 540-0488 ·-LOST DOG Cncrgot1c & depOfld· 36", hand c ar.,,ed, llema, b ikes, every-1---------
The bidding has proceeded. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
North Eul South West 2 Blks 10 bch-W Now· ---------
1 • Pua 2 PU8 port! Full hse p11vs. DUPLEXES
2 NT Pue ? non suaot. pool. ton-& UNITS 2786
What action'do you take? nis. 722·8275 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Cozy rm, pvt phn hne,
cable Patio, sundk,
Ip S450'mo 646-4<'00
Clean, 1 BR, small
$675 + dep,
A.-The one bid tu rult out 11
\hree diamond -that would show a
sub-minimum two-over-one re-
spon~ with little more than a good
djam ond suit. We feel it's close be
tween thrtt no trump and thrff sped~. but with our lhree-card sup-NEWPORT
port and slightly unbal~C'ed hand BEACH
2669 BEACH 2669
we pl-efer t.hree pades j!i!iiiiiii!iiiiiii=:ii!i!!!i!i!i!iiiii!i .................
0old R lf 13 able perse>ti Good at-NEW $160 hrm PP thl,.... musl nn! CADILIAC 9040 en ° oever, mosphoro Tft~m -vi &62-2433 eves/wknd "v •-.. old 100 lb v• .,.. 1572 Orchard Ot 11e 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Y'• · •· naf)'\e ronmenf FulHtme I' "Mandy," Costn Mcs.i Resumfts 0 Mcrr~k. oH Santa /V\a Ave
(s A & "" ~ CO~CTIBLES ----------.1 '82 ELDORADO Fultv area nnta na soo Ncwp0rt Center IOi'lded Leather ""
22nd St,) m1ss1n9 Ot. •800. NB 92660 6017 N.co-must s" to •P-slnce f'et> 14. pm . "l"n11~sroRTATION ptecl Sl9!>0 761 ~291 REWARD! 548 2672 MANICURIST! Sharp, U\nn
new Irvine NB salon. L•rge Bron&• a.II lost Dog!f Busy t>vslness d1str1ct from Old Fire Trude DATSUN 9060 SHORT Red.gold lo-Ellcellent op 474·3960 S300 646-0754, Ewa
male mix .brood Ap-Pfl, Kodcare buddy to 6 _________ 180ATS 7011 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
pro'lt 40 lbs & 7 bo & g rt 3 10 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1972 240Z, n"ds MtSSINO Sinco 2 14 , yr y 1 COMPUTERS 6018 Gpm, m f. In C D.M worlo: Bra lie. bod)'
If Found. please caJI Guys apply 1001 Acts iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '90 Boston Wh ler, 15 good, Interior o~
650-1020 reqd, $75 wk, 64•~ IBM PC JR w IBM Color Supersp0rt. •OHP Vo-S 500'ot>o. 631·7480
LOST "Toby" Display Me>tiHor and hama: cover & trailer
Or•nv• cat with Recept Wknds IBM Graphic Primer, $9000,obo. 675-8251 1---------
bu n 1 1 2/I"' Call S. Lennon 1 Ut>rary or M nuals FQRD 9015 very s Y 81 ' "' 75n..37•2 co~st Avocado Avo. CdM .. v u S500 tOIJI 85o-4S708
Cf,'.lSSlllOd IS
F AMIL v HC:ARTBRO 1--N-C1W-"-po_r1_P_ro_r_c_r1_•c_s_
KEN. REWARD. 673· SALES Great cashl
3112 or 645-3323' SIO/hour guarantoe whether you· re t>Uy · iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
'91 F350, 7 3 Ooesel, 4 J1 •
+ Fabulous Back Bay View + Exclusive Ne ort Beach
-'locaITon -
• Private PaHo or Balcony
1 Bedroom from $855
LOST: Motorola p0 ,. Eom $18·24 hr Out lablo Collular Phone 11do aalos for national
QO Fctb-1 OUl. vlCll.ll1¥ mrklflg Orm represent·
ol Ocean Olvd & Tng ~restono~ a e
L;irkspur 1n Cotonil your own schedule•
dcl Milr c311 673.1 __ c_a_u_s_oo_9_9_e_2_e_a_6 __
1ng. selling, 01 tusl
looking. cl11ss1hod llas
HUM> Duttv ta' •l~c
trlc bOat. AM/FM cass.
-c:mopy;-blr.lt cover.
runs groat S9SOO
821-2()(,6 or 661·2 176
4 , 5 spd, XLT Lariat,
c rew •cnt>, bedllner,
tow pl\g, lo;aded dwn
m&ny more alias. ga·
rnge k.e pl. aaklnl , 1rm 758 184
1 L19M
6 Loud sounds
11 ~Y 119n1ty
14 Greek marketplace
15 Came out
111 lnp
11 Htgn·P'ect"on
cioclo. 19 soup
20 Brown sna<lol
21 T )'lef MOOl'e
22H~lf\Q 24 A"QUISh
28 P0t1rays
27 Seaute
30 Scolded
32 Some '-lortll
33 Downpours
34 Ou111de pref
37 media
38 Sulks
40 Poem
41 Recorded
42 CetCllWC)(d
43 HldM undetgrouno
45~1 .. •a TrMteel badly
411 Sea swell 49 Stroog fiber
50 °'"'°" 52 Prom·~
58 Sort ot Milt
57 Aen1er
111 Betweel\
62 Com.II upan
63 Al>Stracl
64 0..ISIOf\
65 Valuable 11em
1 Milk prel
2 MOSiem hlle vlr
J Tune ol day
4 Does -..I!
8 Anat!nl
7 Humd1ng41r
II L1wyer abbr
9 Cllflar source
10 upands
1 1 People hated
()(I F0tm 1040
12 Real es111e
13 Veslels
111 Forget 10 say
23 Contefld
25 FOOllll'I Orlit
27 Mllllary
wpplies Slang
211 Turn1>1k•. eg
29 Garden Mlrubs
30 Ga1ment1
3 I Went QulCIUy
33 Heavy COtd
35 Animal .,,..,.
3e NII groups
31 -of honot
39 Egg ddtlea
41 Lallicework
42 SPoll
44 NA TO rnembet
45 Snove
46 CUI of Ille
•7 euttaio. •o u unr...,hf'IQ
50 Roman llUlhOr
51 Octuptel'
63 fruit Or!OU
54 P a<CA!l out
55 Formefly
5a Accompani-
ment to .... .,
59 Medical
~ '
Lost: Pit Bull, Rew rd, EMPLOYMENT
Female B rown & EMPLOYMENT
5530 (714) 640-1364 While Lost 2/14 Me>ti· 553 0
rovla & 1 91 h. 7 22 8392 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sydney Omarr
MondaJ, February 22, 1113
Champlol\: Rlddlclo. Beno, is. b \bt
third Leo lo win the ht.1'1'Wtight
bodng t h1mplon1hip. An aJ lrologtr
prl'dlcted hi• up~I victory OYtr the
llb"n lltleholdtr, hander Holyfltld.
According lo Bowr'• ch.art, ht could
llold lllt title for ~rhapt tllrH years.
At • Leo, Bowe enloya tht .acclaim.
,."'"" h11 ch.amplonJhlp, awallJ a
111ulthnllllo"·dollar hght with <:An·
«r·bom Mlkt Tyton, .u llOOft 1o1
Tyeon a. ~leMl'd from priaoft. Rid·
dlclo. Bowe -• Leo In the 1pot11·
world epotll&"t.
AlllES (t.urch 21 Apnl 19) Oon'1
pnmll famtly comphcalloftt 10 mil.,
tl\lt a "lllut Monday tt'Nt on muw-
wm ICKlra, hoapual lliAltf u cell .. nt nl',..,
fl>Mtm1n1J i rrch .. •d tncomt Maril.al
11.tlut will (1gur. pronunf'ntly
TAUltU (Apnl 20 May 20) O.vu
11fy mAl..t 1h11 • Monday of humor to)'.
nrullh')' Your w11hH ronttnue 10 ~
fulf1llfd tn rapid mannf'r <.em1n1, Pit
en , S..gmarlu• ptl'M)ftt play dynunlC
roles 9t obw,.,ant. cl\ooN quahty
CliMINt (M•v :21 Junt' :20) lun1r
pc>111Uon hlghllglltt prnug.-rnpon•i·
b1l11y. acculadt from one you adm1te
Acttpt no ub.t11u1n tnt dur1b1h1y of
goo.t. You'll ~ df'•hn(! wflh Scorpio
lndiv1du1J with 1h~ IMltrt tn namt
0 M V
CANC£1l (June 21 July 121 Wrotu\
nMlce m11hl prove pivotal point In
rot1r lift F u. on dn1ma 1n1r11uf' In
tvlll•• lntellf'« P1-Moon "'lat• to
ttnri, fd1MaOon, plruwiJ ,..,.,..n..
LW (July V ·A11g 22 1 lmpha&aon
g1fta rvNntt <ok-r, ll'IU•IC, aura ol c.-1 •
e"rahun '*"" Moon culA<idH wllh
dtMvYftY. ~''l'• ad.Md 1nfvrtl\MIOf'I
concrrn1n1 fuwnc1al 11a1111 of pa"M'
<rr -Taur"lol lftwol¥fd
VlllCO (Alfi 2' ~pt ll) hydite
1111prH110ft '"'"~ valid fJ11ph1111 on
..,.,..,101\ ~1h1h1y, ~I ~••t0n.
-.n..i .... C)\«~ *' _,.. n«t<W.
~""" to wi..i. hlnll <0Mnn1n1 tllONf·-~·"' pmpmit~ UttA l~ ll·Od ll) Atwnlloti
tt"it1l"ft ln>\lnd C081111ff<~I prv;toct
hmt hmltahon, rHJ".'ln&1b1luy pretftur.
of df'adllnt Mf'm~r of oppot11t' NIL
wys. "You •re to darnfd •ltr.t<'llv• 11 IJ
d11f1cuh 10 ~ mad 11 vou•
SCORPIO l<Xt 2J Nov 21) Marl
pro!Kt "complf'lt>d Loo~ ti..vond lhf
1mmfd111e, 1nvnllgate opponllnltlt'9 In
1mpon -ei.pur1 field• long·dlttancf'
rommun1ca11on co1nc1dn w11h aff111r r,,f
thto hellrt, tl'l•el, m1rn1ge Futury•
SACITTARI U (Nov 22 [)ft 21)
An1wer to qunllon lmpnnl yow own
M)'lf', 1ale ruk. wager on your OWf' •pt'·
n al taltftl A d1(fr'ren1 kind o( t'nthut1•
asm. love 1• on hon (On Alttnhon alto
novolvft u ound homf. fft'\lnty. fami ly
CAPllCOltN (Oec 22-)an t•l
:M """,,_... l'oc'\lJ on ""'n1on
pannenhlp C:OOf'l'"to•t eUon. (nor·
able public Image Rtlattvf' ln•ol•fd In
ahon )OUrnf'y pt'nuadn yo" Pl~ ao
with mer' Cancu nahve mvolved
AQUAIUUS (Jan 20 hb Ill) 5"·
nano htgt\hghP monry ·~ul•tlon
appn1MI ol pr,.,nal pnaNllllON You'll
bir on mood 10 l"tl•br••• you 'II eodd to
appeA'I. you II bir more ple.twd w1tl\
body imag-e Sa«lll•ri•n Involved
PISC£S (Feb t9 Marth .101 RN<!·
block It remond -you 1-•n iteunch
••fflng •II••• Yo11 II be ••k~ 10 be
tpolifSptnon for per1al lnl•rnt group
Ama71ng .-venlt t.lll' p~. bnn1 you ''°"' 10 111t1mate go•I orp1\I '" ¥olvf'oiJ
1F flAUAllY U 1 'rOUa 11aTH ·
DAY. Yov aJT dynamic ron1ro.,•n1•I
aul'l<'Uw, 11Uny ro11•1.Wr you d.tnrr
-a ~ <Annon You do n~ follow
1nd111un. ~Illy wrlW' •pant..t ftwr1
~ Of tliu(h ""'"'* .. ,. .... .,.,, .. ,,,
ap TauNt, I.ft ~ ~~ f*y
alptbc•nt rol• In yovr lift OunnlJ
Marth, tflotot who <'9flON'd you will
-~ to diN .-...s ,...., Mnd w'lvn
Uw s IM'phae6a ..... ,.._ tltla y .. r -
~ .... ~_,,."I*'-July ""' .. ~ ,._, --""' ........ "'°"'" °' .. .,
The Huntington Beach/
Fount.am Valley Independent
is looking for an experienced
retail salespeoon. We offer a
salary/commission package as
well as full benefits (medical,
dental, vision), a 401 K plan
and credit union . ·Please send
a resume with a daytime
phone numb~r to:
.HB/FV Independent
330 W. Bay St.
Costa Me$a, CA 92627
Attn: Wayne Rowan
No phone calls, please EOE
5100 OR MORI
& Win Educational Trips
to the State CaJ)i+ol & Son Fran cisco
Work in Your Own Neighborhood
(310) 455-2206
All transportation provided by on adult su rv1sor •
. -
'72 MERCEDES 250
4-dOOf hardtop with
sunroot, 6 eye, dual
carb Runs .....,It. good
body, gas SIOOO. Calf
Bill. 646-7146.
'84 380SL 43K mil••.
Valentine rod, phOno,
alnrm, aheepsklna,
S26,!>00 759-7859
8 t ' SL M1dn.gl\l btu4t,
2 lops, cstm whls/lirel
Stereo. •Int condl
646-1869 or 642-3850
'73 450 SE, by 2nd
owner, ~s li ke now.
only 89K mil Must
S&el $6500 493..()379
'9t t901£ 2 .8 , 14K
ml, take over lse,
S36' Imo. Smoke Sii·
ver/camel 759-7H9
'89 Firebird
5·apd, AJC, AM/FM
CUS, \II\, CNI .. , pf
st"'· pfbrakes, red,
•11< ml, S&,995 Can
642·99 t 0 Lv Mag
1 M3 C.tlca GT, Red, S
apd, anrf, 11/C, plw,
atereo/caaa, crulae ,
XLNT cond, asK ml,
$3000 Obo, 7IG-eQIJ
VANS 1225
• 1"9 l'OltD VU
Oood •hape, no
amoke, no dflpa.
...... "42·1120
VOLVO 1230
llM 740 4 Ooor. Fuft>t
I09ded, ...,. eurwoof.
Gr'Ml Cond*otd .... •
ott.,1~1 220,at:le
'74C' FD ...
Oood MWnt .... .......... ~
• toootobo. tn.an
Monday, F*'-Y 22, 1183 •T
,~~ t'1f'>
:/,...l i'J r./.r~~/ ~
"We're bringing people together!,,
I l·hn1.11·~ .!.!. '"") ~pt.Tial l·dition tor tht.· l>ail~ Pilot
Seeking Men
Oronge Co Areo
PmTl"'" ~ _..,_,., .. 11 ... 11
h-... m.p-.ilMltod .. ,,
... rtft!.T ... C.ll?lm.
IW' N4n'IAL DJ•.11ca11.•1. ........ fl--~
_, It-. tdlit " \f )5..45 el ,......,..,..,..,..._,..
....... lelc .... C-111 .. 1.
E\OTIC', i.it11J ,. JI tttl\ llttll•>· lllltflltttt . \\ M '1-3'. • .. kl& s ... air llltU!llltl
11i..c Tll!bllc.ll7:
mm: ~100) D"T. ra. IC1l•t
.SS. • Ww11 llalr I t)n. ~.
~ ti 111t "41 tdlool t.SS·
,. •• ~~Wt.Ht .....
IOU lloab, fnMlh. diaUt, lq
1r11!U. t'I01 itJ. Im rt. llt alftt·
lioMlt llld • ~ IA llClltn
a lit ts • lln-.ttf l'wtU ~
Mar C..M..\.
\\ PAf\C~ Pfltlt1 prolM·
... ll. tttt.J ..,. 1111. alll!ril(
\\ ~·11•1 1:.J• '• loadt.
Jr*n.lnw.C .. Blfl.
C'4THOLI(.' D"Hl. \. Ids
t..11•el1t C•rhtlat • .-tf 0 \\ \t Hacaltod. flO(C>
nnful Jfftllt111u. 'lt•porl
HTIUl Tl\E I LO\D "r
~'4 llS.4..\ bill .1.t. .-.1N11-
tt """ ,, .. ,_ ..\5-4' for
-......~r .. , P.l.ii.~trw1tiq, •
-., ~ 1cact.. r.a1 na
\\A\TtO lNl1h,• ttt1lfmln.
lll06-llft r1~ W Ill J, \540 \It
'\ ln\M. .,..., .......
IH' \\tit. 1m1 •rv. '""'· .s·11.~ ,,.,~
,..., ~· ~ llonn.. lllO'W\,
.....M!IOLaf, Ml ilWdw \ \\,
41-•• ..,... IMtf Ill llllror.
rinlftNI tum'\'\. •llo lilt.tS a <M-
... T11>1al II WI.
\IR\ n H . cliu,. ptlllt
"'-n.t ll\\ • '-' lftl) anrK-
'"'· 111111, n11uriall) lf'flrt
"", ~s ... ror """''· 11111•"" ••llC, ~11<1111. ••IL,_ lo'l•l·
~· 11-•---nn. al'ttc1IOllllr aM roiMnllC'.
\rt ,-ou• lnrnt (al lllOl
...... , 5"'4. 5M&. ,...,.
l Pl'TTIT.. lllrldM " .. 2 5" \ts, .. .,._ ... filL
.' t~·HAUll?f7.
u :.r CO\'\Ern \ff: \\r
'~ lltnc'lil't. .... "db tt4 41. S"'~ I IS, ectt•t. •~ M-•1· •ereatod ..ct itttmni. I
ltnt crw-. dll""Wnll. lra•d ....
llrt, 1111) 1Nrt1C1,.•I 5port1.
lllfttsl, ancl _.. rnort! l'Ot.:: s·1. h11tillctiM, ,..,..,, .. o1
mr ......... '>'8>~
\\\UT. ~l"\1).1Har1t4 klut)
\\ F, JI, I'\. 1o11J btell-. bit.
bis brou ''"' l n1•1. •1111.
ilta. wd.s NqUml --i.11 & conu11hlllf1t. L•c•u
8-LC,al 161.S.
LO\U \ wa ftNk. ,_...
... Mrtrt.. f"llllll. 1>. tld.t
llltt 111111 ?S·ll. ' l) for r$. 1_,.,_~ .. Cll 144.
BE.\lTUU _.lftdGlll.Slf'
• RNlt .,._...,..., r. a
l'OI fntlld. alfldionllot. .. ""' ~ lilf to -. £.flio) nnit,
MO\!ft, dMallc. sc-rs. ....
... \cw110f1 krl. C'.11 !."7.
(. L\S.W. '1"-l \, Ill £ bi \fid.
•nttrt1 O\\r \ I'• nuldh.
EUOPF4' D"r. i.l•dt,
r11•5I.' .ti ...... ... t-c Bed. c ~ l6Sl
5'1,JrOftttieul. M• It aru.'
mt!~ ...... -. ..
.-.n ........... Setb. IOI'
1t0111 ... IZS..m willl Ullat
llltmh 1or r .. "fl'lll5. ~
pmrrn4 ltt't 111 ~Ila '
T4U.. Lf.'lllfR .e• \~ti• 1ra11>t.,..... ._lift '"r
--... an111-111m1..-mtfd -.. ,,...... ... ,.
..ct. Llftl lcd. Cilll lll'l.
\\ffH 4 \U\! llabA ~
.... 41'11"t'T--C'lllf' ~,
f,sS'...a.pdJ.~ ...
''""' r .. 1o1..,.. •Pio bQ. bl) pmoulil). ~ llmeil. lo\t
lllu!i. l'lttS. klCll. dd (\\
----~·~ .... &IJ· '\l> 1.nal ...
oLa, 1 • llio kls .,.,,a., •ltf'ht•
........ ~Onnit
Co. C.. ll.<o.
\fltf.! \"' """'' C'Ul"-.ma, pthlt. brunt'llt uru. n.
S'l''IOS. .._.,,., tra•tl. lltt ans.
-. -M\ft11um.1MfJllrtT ..ct~ Dtllm ,,.,mQ-
al lfllJlttUt fllf rrlah"M'•'
_,urt11t. m~ ~ fl TLRF l'1hfor111 M<lptt
OJJ 49, tnm. •11M-. aara(• ..ct tmlllioul) .._ 11.)W wt I tl'l r-.a 1•11 lttitl•tr' \It
... ~~ ... '"" ,. Ull_fl..._,()r.
.. ( ... , l~lJI'
rooHM•rd. rood -" .... mr. ~ ul. lrlndl•t. ~ "*"° ~ .'7-47. ~pol1
Bar+. r .. "-"·
\TTR\l TIH £ \t. Tl\E
\\f, "'"" 19, lo•tt. Mt,\ • ~ NC'f man, .. p for "'" '*"""' 4'anlll 4M. ( al I l
•OU. H'E.D PR.Off\'llO\ \l
'l. qjJ. tllJO ' dlt2trt an. Jm.
1114 lrl\tl. ract 111d ICf Optll. \ttl.Joc ,~., • ..., !'fla1 .... •to.a ..... Cal ~15'
rt>l \TID. PR.Em \\\l J1.
•tl·b111lt S'S'. 11'1ff in1rrNs. u.e udoon. loll q\.s,--.
~ radillc. ' l)
'" ,, •••• )J...'9. tduCllC'd. l'fl»
.... , ~~for (\)I&
ll'llJnlr&. COIU \'5a. ('II ISSl
PJUm \\0'"'' •fl• "'r st's. ' ..... <11111"4. , ...
l'llttd. Wft!Oll1t Md canoe lo-ft
ll1t ans. tla11<11r. and 1ar out· *"' ~ 1 a • •lft4Hrr111 NA. 1~~c~~'l
\IO\lh \ 'IG Hl ~IOlbal lbit.
S' t.li•, s~r111111. le•tf "
._.. D" \I Jl..51. IAI,
r.1, r.111,, rtt111t ~ C111111,.
Ill .\llfl\(i• \o.'rT hr•'
'" f . S' I "S, •r• .,.., M't~I ~'\flarfuallllltlftd
~. IS.?S. lt1111t. UI IJ7l
t\TU\fll\ \TTR\lTl\t.,.
lcii:>lt.11111 (or Wtlt \\ f . da )
ai.V... *!. tttcl) "" .... 'Jtdj prof~~'"'·\'·!•~.\. com,..1111101 ..... ~· lr11ar
u ~ '. 'm ~CTI'• ~\tlfl
I••) Wtb \ ' '" \t S5· ror ~ ... 11111•-il.,ll'J. ""'d•c.
.,a. tra•ti HlllU(lilll ~
PHITr. ~ fTUUI\ r prr·
..i "'r 111ocUii 1or r.. llO
lift! .\lltruolt -. dula. ..
BE \I mu BLO\OE. lfll'\.i
Ola. de" _,,, ~ ST. 'ed.'
.. """"""'41l'O.'il1111. ~
llllOIU aAI ''·'5 \t• po rt ~(al,,.,.
l\l~(il\ 'Tl\l. ~ bnll('llt.
~noc1umll. '\\} \
CHE'°U Tl\ I t.O\IP,\f\. •llmr.' ~,.._.
• ltwtMI •llll IUIW ,. poi! lltf
-1"111t.C .. D9t
1£.4l 'Tlf\ l <*ti l\IO'!l-lei,
... Ill I «tlllliclt•. ~ ~ ti.A fml· o.. rnr...w.,.. !,r-mt. r 11 1 m
l~1~" \TR • fi nn.. >dlttrt
DWI ' ,_, $t. 'ftL\ I I·
1111C'IJ1t. lit \\\I ~_5.(~ 10 •II.rt
lift't •1Jllllflft. rood l"91tN·
t-. ~ atf«ti:iult. IC•
h•r, "'"'°'°" _. t' lila.nt Tlbloll (alt !.lit.\
\\\\TI I> R<llllMtlt. ""''rdiltt
~1'4 rrial '" ~
"-'"""' ...... cit
-··"' \S-fer ,nft• ....... OOlb~ ln•.t •t
'"r \ITR.\CTI\t:: r1wn'
'10 \ \I .u. S'I. ~titt ..,df
~ '" "flltOllt IO "'--111! hft •1111. lnrtrnt'4 •• 11\fthnt
flln..lollllS -•S~ \ '\I, ,.._
~. •llio lilb lllultt, llt\,
•Jl.illc, tn•d. -•ft\. ...
roolt4 lftnh. danmc &I'd • llO
•lnlt to ~potl an• ~ ~p.>tltd •oa1.at1 \ .. C'.al !4'"
Ptu:m t.RfL\.J\£0 U\\J
pttlo \4, <t'tl• IN~
fun. rti\Ol\lbh 1ur1C11•t m11
..15-1.5. "',.;, daftcin&, dtnint.
1ra1tt,~., ... ..,..,.
Pitt l 1\ ,. \lllll '~t bd•
<'I', "1nb lo l""'1 ft•~·h~•"t '"'* N• k r cvmpanuw"l p. ~ 4-t •1 11 \IU
tat :"Ii
\ITT \l'llH 11\H :U t 1111.
b"'"'"' rrtrn nt' vll tm
plvltd • llltO"llU " U toed
~ i Y, luPP'...,. lnAI
11110 ...-i cl!'f'\ A11111"' {t>ftlo
p1n~""1!ip. l!IUI in. 11Ml ffl/ ~ 1t1
kit lfop11i lo llWtC • m Im It<)!
f 1tod-uand, Urd• rrld't ,_
ltflllrt: l ..a.a\~ ( .. =-~·
Other Areas
t1c. L.oot.1111 fOll "illlOl""""*'P· Ill \II\ 8• \I 1\ br1111r11t
BrOW\C through OVf
YOt<c penonol~ fOf
OYef 950 wngk-\ in
LA. & Orange County
Ill \l llt1 I '"I I• 1111.1tt ...
-v1'11~tal!dn>c-ntttt .,tsf't
t"llUal and V!l(l11 \1 :<~fut
'••11111 trlii!-·11 p '· ted1~
rtHH ~ •ll'fr\'llllftl6.•~
11 •c "" ~· ' h •tf~ ~s
'" ,, 4\ ' ' .,. fit ~ ...
~... ti\( .......
l'f llH bit bloo•·•s ~'"'
...,, fiulh rud1 lo"'"~
dtooJI • 1111 ttdlM•tO i.I tf'lll
To re 'JX>"d to·
lb~ e 4'" caO -----1 (900)
(billed al s J. 49
au select
.l4 brs day, 7
daJ1S ll'ttl&.
More ads
Tb11rsdaJ' ,,,
Men ~
IUl Tlfl L, t \\l Ol \, nm,. wm:ut• 111i1M11 B• J1 H l~ tttlt ......_, r.., II _,, ~ ... ,.,.,._c.
.......... ·-·"' l\raporl ..... l"all l"-19
h•t.cratwnit.•1n11.ainiic.• 1m.w1nJl.!l."'4JIO Cftlft 'hPflJ, auracll•t 'l\\r J'.
\\ f J.i, 1Und1•t. fu.. lo1h
~ dtr\. ..Ui"•~ \In).
<-.. •onwr ~ •qf11dor.
\lnltrt la rt<rtllll/" ro ll
ltllttta1; Mi J\1~trln1111W..:---r11n~,,llliC...,l~ttlisiti..111ntdadrmp;cl"'1M't's,.mkmi~.---...111m11qw;-=-01ril'd1nmm1r.-1"'"'°"'mc-11tu .. 1C~~Y1111-. --\1iolrl'd"rv:!:"'"'------
_.. ~ ompnc. .,.,..toac. P'Jd·
n.k1"ltJll"• 1~q,
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1N1 ~llr;I. b f'M\lflf;,. \IN
Seeking Women
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~-to R."JX.XK.l 10 :s >-flt :'lflc Ad ~l'utcr 1h1: t'3ll , wht'tl din.'tlc:J, l
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Men Seeking
Orange Co. Area
A ITRACTl\ £ PROru 10\·
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(~ -..1r-.-lft.
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U Monday, February 22, 1993
Entrepreneur ....__ _______ __,
Who• Greg Cnntrell, a 29-year-old Costa Me~a resident who is
•sole owner of Preferred Cleaning Services Inc. and
founder ond part owner of Allied Mobile Detailing. Born and raised in
Humlngmn-lk:rctf, Cantrell wcntto Edison High Schoof and took--
business courses at Orange Coast College. Prior to going into business
for himself, he worked as a workers' compensation claims adjustor.
What• Preferred Cleaning Services has three divisions -a
• commercinl j:mitorial service; a marble-cleaning service
called MarbleTech Maintenance that utilizes an advanced process called
rccl)Stallization; and a carpet cleaning service that operates under the
name Ho t Dry Carpet Cleaning. Host cleans carpets for businesses,
uch as Preferred Clenning's janitorial-service clie nts, nnd in homes. The
company is one of about fou r cleaning services in this area that offer an
innova tive dry-cleaning process developed by a Wisconsin company
called Host Racine Industries. Cantrell said the two-step Host process
cleans carpets without using heat that can deteriorate stai n protectants
and without leaving behind sticky detergent residues that are left after
steam cleaning. He said carpets cleaned with the Host method are
completely dry and oft to the touch within 30 minutes, and they stay
clean much longer than carpets cleaned with traditional techniques. The
compan)' charges 24 ce nts per square foot for carpet cleaning, about
one-third ·more than steam cleaners. Allied Mobile Detailing is a
thriving auto detailing service . -'
When• Cantrell founded Allied Mobile Detailing in 1987, a
• limited company he owns together with partners who
do the detailing jobs. Cantrell handles marketing and dispatching for
Allied. He acquired Preferred Cleaning Services Inc. in March 1992
from Bob Thomason, who founded the company in 1975.
Where• Most of Cantrell's commercial clients are stores at
• South Coast Plaza, Crystal Court and Fashion Island.
He also has a cleaning contract at the Irvine Barclay Theater. The
com pany has residential clients throughout the county, but most are in
Nc"port Beach, Costa Mesa, Irvine and Huntington Beach. He had a
booth promoting the Host cleaning process at Inst weekend's Orange
County Home Improvement and Remodeling Show at the Orange
County Fa1rgtounas:-Th~con1pany can be cm1tactethlr645·53:~iMr.---
why• Cantrell said he got interest~ in the ~rpet cleaning
• business after his friend, Thomason. cleaned the carpets
Buslneaa Editor Tony Cox, 642-4321, ext. 371
in his home using the Host method. "Carpet cleaning is something that
people are really confused about," Cantrell said. "Most pcoplt aren't
happy with their carpet cleaning because the carpet seems dirtier after
its done.¥y friend's company did myllouse, an II Jooked clean for
months. I was impressed. l was just stunned that I hadn't heard of it."
How• Preferred Cleaning Services has annual revenues of about
• $200,000, while Allied Mobile Detailing posts sales of
about $150,000 a yea r. The two companies produce about the same net
income, Cantrell said. "There's no recession with these companies at -
nil," he said. "Our clients are pretty recession proof." He said he sees
plenty of growth opportuniti es for his cleaning companies in Ornnge
County, and he doesn't plan to expand outside this area. Lesson Learned· "Avoid the temprntion to • become large, to
overextend you rself geographically," Cantrell advised. "We're just
concentrating on Newport Beach, Irvine and the immediate nrcn."
• -/Jy 10ny Cox
-If you know someone ttho should~ profiled in this ..-eekly feature,
send your suggestion to The Doily Pilot's business editor, Tony Cox, at
330 U~ Boy St., Costa Mesa, 92617.
, ~--
Cheryl and Greg
Cantrell, who is a
29-year-old Costa
Mesa resident
who is sole owner
of Preferred
Cleaning Services
Inc. ana founder
and part owner of
Allied Mobile
Ltt ,~ ,.,.. Detailing.
Up the Ladder '::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Tom Maddock, chairman of
Newport Beach-based B?yle
development in the firm's Ne,,port
Beach office.
Does vour car sblt hal d?
Corp .. has been
elected to the
Academy of
Maddock is one
of 73 engineers
nationwide who
were elected to
the academy
this yea r and
becomes one of
l ,684 members of the prestigious
Just as the National Academy of
Sc1e.nce gives advice to the federal
government on science issues, the
National Academy of Engineering
gives advice to the government on
engineering issues.
Pf~se stnd your Up tht Lrrdd"
announcemtnts and pictures to
The Daily Pilot's buslntss editor,
Tony Cox, at JJO JV. Boy St.,
Costa Mesa, 92627.
Like You've Ne ver Tasted! -at
~~~BBJP . ~ 'P WOOD PIT ~M"'lU .....
BAR-D-QUE ---·-
and ,
SmoAtnl TvrAtty or Hom
CornhrttO<I d Oysrwr
Hot {_,~ Sa.nogtts
Collard c;,..,,,,,
. '*-'•mack Ascu1rs d 6rovy Paul T. McGraw has joined
Newport Beach-based National
Bank of Southern California as
VITTpresident :ind commerci:il
loan officer.
Dlot:A C ywd ~os
Frttd's DaAtnl IJ,,,a,,s
~-"'· Affltt Pi.
McGraw, who worked previously
with Amplicon Fin:inc1al in Santa
Ana and GE Capital Corp. an
Atlanta, will be stationed in the
bank's Lake Forest office.
ENS R Consulting and
Engineering ha!t hired Michael
Chumo Jr .. a 17-)'ear marketing
veteran, as manager of business
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