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1993-04-01 - Orange Coast Pilot
THE NEWPORT BEACH • A < hJn< t' of murnin~ fo~ and p.tl< h ~ ro~ (loud\ ~ill plJ't' April ~q • --- Winner of 59 journalisn1 awards 1n 1992 PARTlY f-ool with our \UO\hint•. hpt-<"t in< rt•.t.,in~ doudine~s. hut no r.ain . J e~perc1ture~ ~ill ht· in tht• middle 60Y. \t't' Weather, A2 I --' 25 cents Local cops, lirelighters brace tor trouble in LA RuJni:) K 111~ li1.·.i1111~ t1 1.il 11111~h.~ l\\11 ,,1.·l.'I..'> ·"'·')· hi ... il p 11li,1.· .111.I 111,·r..,:l.!"\.i- .111.' g1.·.11 ·11g 11(1 Ill .l"l'I I."' :\ll!,:1.·k, l.11\ l"llldll.°1."llh.:111 Ill lhl" l'\l.'111 (1l:/1.•1h l.'1 llpl Ill . 1 r q11.·.11 til l.1,1 ~1.'.1r0:-1a.1h ··J u,1 •• ., \\I." 1\1."ll" 1h .. ·11.' l.1·1 ~-·.11. \\1.· "ill bl.' t h1.·11.' :l!'..1111.' '·'"' :'\1.·"l'"ll l k.1,h hrl.' C h1d T1111 H 1k\ .• 1d,l111g 1!1.11 h1' dq1.1t1· 1111.'llt wiii 18 l1 r 0 l'l1ght1."1' llll·• thl.' ri.it-111111 1."1t~ l:i'1 April "l t \ 1•11."t I ~ -.u " .. C1111,h.kr1.·d 1'11.· ""''I 1111:, 111 111,· ,1.·11· tu r~. l."t 'p1 111{' tu1111<1il 1,1,11.. l.1" 1.·11· r'ur1."l.'1 11l'11 t 111 11,1.d , 1111 -~.1 .1 1,J. t"111i-1.· ..._ As second Rod ney King verd ict draws near. off icia ls wan t to be rea dy for the wo rst. q.JL·ruh. n !.lll~ 111 .. :11~:11"'-:' 1 :!~·:,nf.l1t' IL"'"" 11<1111 .'\1.'\\ p1 >1 I II-,1,h. 1.11.!. .I I ,• t•.1:1L11~ l•!.1.-., \\l:1:, ,!11,! •11tt! I , :1 :, . I .. I.,,, .111,I ,.,,i._, ".tl11 .II p .1:1,1.' p1.itl',"l1o 11, ( "" l.11.· I 1 !'.-Ji I <.: I ' \\ l' I<.: '!I" I ··t'.111 Ill th,· 1, ·'"'ll 1•.·11pk '·'" 111.:1~' hut n .,.., 11111,t: l."l \l",IT 1\.1, !1.Ll ll'l' \\l' \\<.:I l' 11 I \\ ii I 111..: 111 'l" I l. l 111L'l1.' h l l " I ' 1 I Ill tl1 ,·11.' \\dli1111I 1 "11 .. · 1·11111.·,1 11 :l.· l<.1k \ \.11.l. ·-1 h.11' ::,.: 11\.1111 1-.111.· 11,:.:!i1 11\l\\ \(• d ll ll\ 1111 111 1. :. '.:,·1-.. By LoriAnn Basheda, St~lf Writer ~· ··' l.1\\ l'.lll\ltc1.ll1C.:ll l !il!.,1 "' ! ... \\\lltdll,,; lllfl'lhl"f Ill '1 : •• 1, .1 \\!..:1 ..-J1~ ;ill !1tl'.f1g Jit1.•t't ~1.·t .I j . .,, 1•:: .. 1.· 1hn arrl\c.: :it t hl: I \J•.u • lll'.I·• Ill tltl'. l'.\t"ll ! ;J fllll 1•1, •. 1, • ., ( l l'lllll~ 111 th.: ··,1.1i;111~ .1:. I. " .1m11 he r 111.Jlll."1 ·· 1 h1' li!llc.:. !Lt.: !'.·Ill~,·.::: ·1. .. • .. • l 1:.: I<_.-. '. I: :. ;. t.\ t • II . : I ' I' I • ' . ' I • . ......... I . : ' .. \' .... I I. . \\ -I •• • • I. .. : I : ! ' • : ... j ' • ..: , I·. t • ' 1 )· I \! ! I l-. (I -:. .... YI').,.'-. A13 INSIDE THE PILOT 'Tt1e one thing abou t working here in Newport Beach th at is har·d to v1sua!ize is all of H1e ar ea br.;:•/.":e'l :.'.c:c;. ·~·-~ ... the bay and nortt1 of Co3st High way to San Di eg o Creek '.'.3 S '3C crn : land. Imag ine tha ~ f il~ec ., .... ~1 B 0 ~' S:c~.: · · -, -, ..... r1 :.. ,,....., \\'ee~end Section pumps Pm\\\O\\ I \ ,\ I .. t \ " \ \\ ~ ' !" I ' ! ... ,.l t ,,n 'I"· .:h: ... :· \ :· '"l J ' : I\; l )I . \ \\ . \ • I ,,' ....... ;' .I' \: '•, .:" '-O:L. !, ( J• .~ 1111:.11 :: ·"'' p:. i 11 l I 11 ,If h~• l •.! i I l 1 : dr I :-.:.1 : .. • 11 1 • 1·~ " a,\ I ~ l f i\ j h l '\ t 1 1' 1\ .. ,· ....... -.:1'.:.r~ d .w • .r :~ .1 .ii/11 I ,1• ,! .·: ... : ~ f • • 'I... ; • . .. \', •• Jt t : \ ,, (:1 f ti ! I)\ ":1 • 1: • . ! .. : ...... 1·.· II !' .ill . I ' I +I • \ I \ 1 I ,•,I r f • 1 • I I • \•. I • •I • OC'~ 'Hot put.ll1>' t u~se d b.1 L k ( 11 ,!". ·1 \ fH 0 .t:l ) ,I .: '1 " I , .. .,( t 1" "1 t 11 · '. 1. l1J1 l '11l·l 1 •:\ ,\,;Ii 1: ..... 11: ; ,I\ ,ll.1 It-I• I l 11" ' I d, I \I.tr ( . ; I '.I, ' l "l:.tth 1,l d ' 1 ~ '• •• i r: I f .Ir! II ii I. ... ,, l 1 ' .: , .. 1;•;i1 1l l 1 '" 11 1:.' illl i Ill' l I\ '· ." l ,1 I l "l j '" I : : .• ! • \ I 1' \\,I c 1111 .. 11 !1·11-.I l• 1 j,,. t'.• 1111,, 1.il Jl " ih' .:I I :• r I'• {1 1" l.!fh •" \ J·.11 .• I j1!1:11 1p.t1 • .. ;11 ,I ,L1ll'tllllrl l ,1 11·.1 ... I• 'CjUJIL' 111 H .JI .I ,j,111 l •\ l'f ! , . rOf <k:.1.1 111 1hl· 1.1r~.ll l .1 1 1~: q 11 .. 1>d 1• .1 UJily P1lu t v , 111 \ 1 • ' ' '-purt5, p.1~" HI . • ..SERS TO CALL l II\( l 'L ·\I It >', I I I.' .• I \ RI I All ·\lh ' 1'-l \ \ ..., f.\ ( )( l \' I H > 111 ,-...; I \I'< If.\ 1 \ • INDEX ·\r1. ''"I l 1 ,,, " •\, 11 I I ( ,1111 11 ' Ill I •II It'" I I.I•" 1 <t •1 I 11 l: .1 I: 1 '• .111 1 . .' .1 I ··I ~ ·I '. \. l \I I II' I .\.~ llh < 111111111111.t, "11111 I\ I .! ,\\1"''"' l"t'"':' Al '"t '"I~ Ah \p1•1 h u 1 l ••.Hl l onunv•uh °"'""' \, Im . l u111 n l(hl I 'l'I I '"'"'"J 1n ~'' on '" H t.rJ pAfl""' 0 -DON WlBB •. ... .. • r 4 • . . -. ... .~ .· t - .. , ., ... . .. I .1-1•1 I(\ 1-!.~Cld -:1 Remembering the Jamboree of '53 R~~' '.'";" ~·:~, ', : I ; , j , .,! ,_ _._ : :: > },,,! \'l .. :n .... :' •':, }) •\ "\..._ f'1 \: ""'-..... '~ : l \ t : ••• ' i '"'". I..._ i ... ' '.. . . \\., ...... ,. 't\lt\~\\\11 .'ll\,1 ;l' ... · ... : I• : \\ . . J . 1.: • I, \ • I • • I ... • lli .l~l' i!1,· l.1::··· .. 1it J .un!'~'! ~·l· \ .; : '''.~ .. ..._· J \ ••• ' : : ... ' •\ -. ' ' Bov Scout s < )rgdnlLP I c ~ d n l p ( ) ,. (' l) / t () "\\ ~ •. :l ,,,. \,· \.:•tl Ill •\\ I' .1 11.1t1 ~l ,,·1 l'I !Ji,·;: h I 1 .I ' I '! k ' t ' 'l ' " I. I I • II l" ~ \': l i ..'. : ' I l't 11\ ~ l ' \ ,· I\ :. \ .... ':.:: :··.:' j ......... ' co n1n1Pn1or..1l l 1 Prdncl ,.., t !l"-'\ \ i,.' ~\\1. IJ~ ... ·:u\,!11!~ 11ll'." .... l , ... ! 1 1 :~~ l~tt..'h\."\, I ,.,,l·-.; ;\.'.1~t.:1 t:.•:!! l\,,L1 \\ ...... 1 \\~:,, .:tt ... ·:t \.!\.·d " 111.:. _, .l .1 :11h '! ,·,· .-\ .. ·.1ni;ll 111.· 1111;.: 11, nn t Ii,• 1 <1 .:.:.::.ii .l .1:11hq ,·,-t: ..... l>.·,·11 \lll\.0 ,11 lli,,! .11 i-! \\ill l'l.' ll'l"l'. HI till' C .1111; I •, .I \\"'; ..._ : "' th h) :, l .:. ' I I I • 1 \ n I . '.: '" · . ; ' t' ·: : , ' e\'Plll tron1 cld\'S ~<>nv b\' I 1,, f ll't" l'.1t,hL·, l1 ,•;t\ tlJ1.· J ,111lh11l'..; \\tll li1.· t )l\.'1, ,,11,'. .I !Jiii\ dL"j>hllll!-'. tlW l 1 l~_l l'\l0 lll \\di !1L' ,IJ\l\\ll ,;,:.1 ,\,,:1 ~ d\.l\' ~'1 I•\ I ,, \. • j t,. • -,· \ \! . ? ,, -,\ t '" : [, .... ... . .. . \\ '' By Tony Dodero, Sufi Wri!Pr S u1t11' .11 .... ) \\ tll d11 ~1.1l'·l' ,-.1,!1: -.1::11.d111::. 111 'I s ·-~ .:. ': : · • -.. L E Bacti P111 Two second-graders suspended atter tire punctured with knife G1 Loi1,\•111 l1.1 '· '.J : • ,, :.11ti-• l <>~J .\1\11 -..\ !:1.i.J..:1, .II t-.. .. 11111,.,,1., I k11,,1 t.11 1 b1 ·<.111i1.· t h1· \ .. 1111(., .. l t ... k .1h '"' J'1·11,Jc-,J 11•1 ,I "'°·11 '<11 :• I . l.1h 11 111, I d e n t 111 1!1.-I"''"·' 1'1 l li• ~l'\\(l <'ll \l,· .. 1 t 11.i ... 1 \,h1•1ol 1>1,11 1<1 .t1 1 .. ·1 ,Olh" 1'1 1111.'. J'll, ii- l'lllh 1111 1·,I .1 '1h1•••!, .1 t'·"\l'I'' l 'I" \\I I h ,I I._ II t( .' \\ I. 1 JI\ I • ! " I h1· 111, 1.11 11 1 ._11111,. i...., 11 .. 111 (\\11 llh•llll" .tlll'I ,I tl11 11l i.:1.1,I, I "·" n pdkd 1111 pl.1~ 11:!! "111; .1 I l 111,1.· l..11,hl.'11 ~111k .it ~1•11111.1 I I l"llll'lll.11 \ J he l11l,J1d 111 11 11\tCOo h.1' 'II', 1 ·•l!H~t·d 111 kt thl' S11 1111ra ,1, .. 1 1·1 ni,wc t.1 anothl'r ~d111,1I \\1lh111 tlh Jl\trKt, but .... 1th !>l tpul.1111111 • ' .. 11 as 1."0Unscling. Ah hough ~ch\)()I ,11 11. , , • , • 1 tcnJ all thrl'c h1"' 1 .... l•1.i.ti.:h1 1h1.· l..111''°' t 11 ~:Jll,,•I . 111..- ,!1-:11. 1 l1•:ll' ,I "tt 11> t,1i,·1,i;hl'0 • l"'lh \ ,II.'. lllhl \\''·'lhlll\ llll \0.ll11J'li' \!.r•I ,1 , .. l,11!' ,,1.1;,:h t \\Ith .1 ''-'·'!' \Ill ,Ill" '''"1lll1l\'lhk,l 11•1 \ \j'.d lk•,\•"•"I. ,1 1i.c 11.:11h,·r ,,, .. 11,f 1.'.l.1,Jl I 11 1' .1 J11,l1lf\ 111 p111bi.·11b, .11 .. I h , 111,,· the 1'·11 r 1:1, 11! h ,11h \1 ,111i, h.l\l" c11.1dl· 1,·,111ut11111 I.ii I h ,. I' 111 h t 111 ,. 'I ' I I.... t It,.,... " " I '1 l' ,11'd1I \ tli1. \ "111 l-.· Jll"111111l 1·,I II• lt'll1 •II ti lh1 ti • 111 1111 1t1il1\\\llll'. .I "u .. t 1:,I ! .... '1!1L •• t ...... d hl •i~~ tl1 ~-, I' 1 • ; • ii '."-.... I 11. ii 1· ' '\ I\ 1 ~ ''' ,, .... ·•I ' 1,, • \ • • 11 ! , .. ,11 t1 ... 1' t 'It was a very-in-· nocent situation. One kid showed another kid the knife. and that kid used it to puncture a tire. There was no ag- gression toward other kids. His friend just made a bad judgm'1t.' -1 Residents plea to officials: I 'No one should live in fear' -··· Kiltybr~P~ ______________ _, J''.111, llll\0 .I : l\0 I I.ill '·"'I I hl'll'. ",, t11 • .1 \'.1 ""I•' 1 ""' .ar,I 1•lhl·1 I .I, 11 " I : .. 11.I 11"1 l1l.11k .1 b .1d l.i 11"llh Ill , ... 1,111 '.,.,,., P 11n·i.1r ~11h· I I I I 1.1 •\I. ,. ' •• 111~ •• I .i1mmcnt on , .• ,111~ '"'h ··\\'c 're • ,,. nl'~·,I 111 -,kal ~•lh 1 "" 111d1\1Ju.il hasi'" ..._ ~.lo re tti.:11 3 :,u D.l 11~ r ir1 CostJ ~,h:::,,1 :1~' '. !l..e tl '~·11 11e1 ghborhr,od luck trl 11n g;ing s ~i:1 d dr u~ dc.i '~': s. . ,-,\ •t" \(l,J \ \:!'\ ,,,. 11,, ;.;,. I l ll14L I\' ('' ,ll ,1 111:, '-,I J,1,1, h1111 ' I'·"'''' \\, ,h,»,'.11 t'\t"lllll)! t.1 l u l , 11\ 1•1111 r ii' l'I 1!.1.: t l'l l\11 llH"\ l'Jl,l'lll•',·1 .II lhl h .111,!- l•I 11r 1~hb1 n J11,,1,I 1l111~' 1 .1, h d .11 ;rn,1 l'k.1.I h't .1 ,11m 111 t1nll'nl t•• mJl..c the '111.·, h ,,ifl' 11•1 1J,..·11 .:hilJrl' 11 Ii I r lJ\ O nl' 1111 1m,111 ~1.'('I ,,, ~he ti.'· cnuntcJ thH1u~h ,in 111tcrpn·tcr ho-. h er 1rcn .1gc 1.L1ugh ter ~a' re· cent!) b,·;1t up ~~ .1 fe male 1•n1 q _J._ __ - .. 11. \\ \ • I,. ' 1, •• ' I ,1 '. , I .' .• " .'I ' : \ I I' • \' ' ,, ' ;1 1'' I 11·1'·11111 ' ! ' I t i ' I: Ill I\ l' 'i· ! ' .• , • ' f'I i, ,_. I ''. ' k ,1\ \' 111.· r t•, , 'l • : I h t.: \ t• :,\ \,,,r·, 111 '-•·\I ,•,i.: '1n t..'' 111 11 ,11 d.1\ •, 11 •'· .11.I h.1, li..:cn 1111, .111.·111. .t t' \'..111~ 111('11lhl.'t' Uu t. II.I." lllll'IJ':.:l,·1 \.llJ '-ht.: I~ \\1lling 1,1 ,1.11 .11 hn h,•mc Pll Sh.1lim.u [)11\l" .111d ... 1111 11111 thl· prubkmi;. rJthn th.111 11"''" .i".1) from the ;i 1 ca a~ '-1 l 111.1 n~ 111 her!> have d o ne. l:arh h.1J a J1fkrcn1 J.lory lo tell. hut all s :11J they ~amc lo the mte.1101 for o ne. thins: help . SH MEETINQ,tllll .. ... ·. A2 Thursday, April 1, 1993 Newport aMctvcoeta Mela Dally Pilot..- Locals 0 n I y fv1jlnaging Editor Steve Marble, 642-4321 ext. 366 'Paper Magic' is a real Pearl at kids' parties I r : : :::::::: : :::: ::::::::'.: :::: 'Everything' s great' tor man who lived in Mercedes A 1" EXCITt::U ltL \Ut::K cdlcJ 111 tu ~hJh: J grc;it 1 .. lc.1 h1r d ulliJ,·n\ l>1r1hJJ)' p.1rt1e~ - Papl·r .\l a~ii:. "h1d1 pr m 1dn .. k>t!> ;ind lot~ of ente11:1i11111«11t" l11r k11k l'apl·r .\l:.igk, hl'.1,frJ b~ lbrb:11.1 l'e:ir I ut Ne\\p1.11l lk.1d1. 11.'.1,hl·, .:lillJtl'll :1li1>ut "the :irl u l urig:i1111 ... I he ... 1lkr "·" t.:\c.:ited th:11 her d:1u~h11.·r \\hll :ille11JeJ thl· P;q1e r !\l:1g1'' J>.•rl) \\a) m,1l-.111g pap..:r f11·~~ th.11 .i. 1u.tlly J11111p. She \\e111 1.>11 t\J ~:i~ 1lia1 her kids rl-cyrk 111.'1\ ... p:1pl'I'~ :111d 111.1~.aLint:!> tu 111;1h· p.111cr h .. ·.1rh and l..1 11~,· \.I I I\\ II' l ' .. ·.111. lhl' l>ll\. .. \\lllll,111 ,ftll\\ l•I l'.1per .\l.1:-:i--. 111 1s1 11.dl~ ~1.111ed Jll.'I ltl\l' l,11 \1l l_:'..lllll \\ h1k lt\ lllg 111 '.\1.'I\ Y1 11 k. 11 lil'll' 'he hl.'11111~' Ill thl' .. I 111.'lhl' '" 011~.11111 "111:::.111 11,1lh•ll, \\ft1d1 llll.'eh ,1111111.JJI~. l\·.111 Jr1.·''"' lit J.1p .. 11e,l' COSTA ~tl:~SA -La!>I munlh, Uill Turner wa:. li,ing in :.i t>.krn:Je:-. Uenl. Now, he's ~clling \\.>lb'' ;1gl>m. "II luok:o. hl-.e a h:1ppy enJing." Turner :.;11J T ue!>Jay after popping in Lu \'i!>il frienJ!> he 111JJe a l the Sl1meone C:1rl.'S Suup Kitchen in Cu!>la r..tc ,a. • 11 ,,,b :11 thi.: :.uup ki1che11, "hich is luc111.:J at the F11'1 U11i1cd Ml.'thoJi,t Chun:h un 19th Street. ''hen: T urner ended up alter lo!>ing his apa1t111e111 la~I f.111. The .tS-)e:tr·old New kr~ey native \\:t!> pulling 111 SIJU,000 a )t:ar as a lc:ssing agent. Thinking ::.ud1 a !lecmingly l.'tlllll.·..,~ :.lre:.i111 of muney would never !>lop. hc spent it :ill un .:rm~:Cl>Untry jaunt~. gari!>h ·gill'>, :.teak :iml ~:1111hlin~. After a fl:\\ knocks fwm the :.luggish enlnomy, the money !>lopped coming in. and Tuml.·r mu,l.·d uul uf hi!> l;l\i~h ap:irt111e11t and into his 1979 t\lcn.:cdes. The fo.llo'~ ing day, Turner drove J u\' n to Lagul\a Nigud to retrit.:\t.: :1 :.uit he haJ left :ii :i tlry ck:111ers 11..:arly .1 year Jgo. Tu hi:-. :.im:1Lt.:111e111, it "a' :.till tht.:1c -for the luw rn~I tif SJ. Turner i111en ie\\l.·d l11r :i ~:1lc~ma n ll!>i t iun 1:1~1 '.\ lu11d .1'-. I le W:J!> h ed Tu1.·,d.1\'. S11IJ :i' car bdo~ or' the \\ i;c k. And :i!>,kcd a \H>m:11J " \\ho he had fallen i11 lv\1.: \\1th "hilc hllnlek!>\ to 111.1r r~ tile ~:tlllC d:1~. "She \\':t\ ni1.T l'llUU~l Iv !>:~ ~._.,, .. Tum..:r ~:11d. bu!!hing. "Thi11gs have dl'lin itcl~ ch.111gcJ." • Bi ll Turnt•r ...... lllllll.' .JI lltl· p.1rl1l',, \\hl'll' ,11,· '"J1pl1l'' ,Jhlll!lll'l 111)! 1.1 1nhl\\·,\1J.,1 1." d 11111 p.1pl'r , 11:.11qi.•1.111.·-. '1111:·1ell111~ .111d benluJlly. 1hi.: wllcg1.:·edul·:i1cJ man \\ilh a middk-cla~~ upbrin!!1ng ~l umhlcJ onto the :.oup l-.11d1en, ''h1d1 11flcr:-. J~1ih ... hm\er:.. meals :.111J c.:umpany. And l'\ery nigh.I l11r the nc.\l fow month:., he folded hi~ u·fllul, J-ind1 frame into lhl' l·r:imped hack 'eat of hi:. ~krc..:tlc-.. unJl·r 1hi.: 'llllh 111I1 gh I. Uut Turncr.A1:t!>ll '1 lo r c11lll'tl \\ l11:re he c.:amc from. S1~Ke moving out of hi:. c.::ir, he h;1~ c.:allcd the 'llUJ> k1tdlcll d.11ly 111 !>l'e hu\\ voluntcl'f,, p.11i,h111111.·1, ;i11,I t11 m1 .. ·tn, pcuplc .dike :ire l111~l111g up. Tll! 11 .. ·r ,.,l.H d111ppnt in fu r a' j,11 a lier \\lll I-. ·1 u1.·-.d.1\ :111.I \1"\' 111 h1.·.:11 hi' Jlllllll i\l' kl r1.·111 111 Ill lhl' l-.11,h1.·11 111 \1ilui.11.·.1. 11111.·e :.i111:ited. d111111." hl· ,.11d 'Till Jll'>I 11111 re:.id) tu l'\pl.1in 111 111: l.111111) 11!.11 I li\l·d in m: cir. I l'\)U IJ he back lll:lhll 1\1'" Best Buys i 11 .. 1.k-. 11.:1 1~ L1\111 ' ,111,t .1 'i1,, .. 1! !-'Ill f<1r lht.: hlllh,l.1: i.'11tl,I. · I l\.'.11. Ii ,·~rl'll 1he .trt 1>1 Al11.:r mun1h:. 111 lu11 k Jilli hunting, ;in cm hart :.i~:-.t.:d Tu111er -;ir 111..:J "ith the ~11.>f\ 11f hi~ harJ)lhips ·recently p1 in1..:d in the L>:1ily l'tlui - linally C.:llnliJed in a 111 .. ·:.il Ir 11.·11d :1huu1 hi, l'I i,r,. .. ()11,.: I nl.1ht: -,u111e 11111111.·~. 111:1~he I'll JU'>I rn.111 1!il· .11 111.k .1h1•ll t 111.e humc,.:.'.'11e Ji.>kcd. I .i;i .. ·r f,d.lrn!!. 1111.'luJ111~ 1111\\ 11• llt.11..e 1'-1(11.' I .I II J"l.11 . .-~. l: l'.,...U I l' h1.l\l·~. ~.1l11l.th .. ii.I !1:.111-. · '"'' l'1..1tl · 11 , 1pl1\.1te' children .111J ·1 he 111.111 l!:.t\<..' h1111 :i lc:1d 1111 .1 1.·.ir'Ji:.tln:-.hip a11J a h..:J 111 ,1n·p 111 I k h:i~ ;tl,1.> u11tt.1l·t1.·d 111' t:1tl11.1 .111,I l •HJth~·1 , -fur thL· l i 1~1 1111 11.· '1111.'l' ht.: 1111 m·d t11 th.: 'llt'• I• -L>ut ,11ll l·J11 ·1 b1111:! 111111,d l i.11.·,r···11 11.l 11:1 t ,, .-\1111t·1l .... 11111 \\ith hi~ first paycheck in nearly a ''"1r. I 11 111l.·r rntcnd, to ~tart hunting for an ·'1'·111111.:11 1 ··.111,I !-'.1.·1 u11 "ith the re't uf Ill) lik." J'.:I :::t , :\I 1!,,· '·' '•-' ld:l1.". th1.·~ .II.' lc.1111 111:'. :1!111111 r1..1l!ll'l:1.1ti-..... I • .I 1,,1\\ t1• J1,ll'll .11hl 1,111<1\\ llll\llll t lllle'. I 1•r 11"" I '\.'l~thin~\ grc~11.·· ,11 r .. ·,'lll llb. ·· ·•') h1.• 1'llii,J11.'1\ l.1 1-.l· lt1lllll' .I ,l,.111 tit.I! l:1~h .I l,ll.'l11lle 'J 11.:~·rl' .1bi.-tit ,11.111.· ii 1\llh p:11 ..:11h .JJ11.J It 11..'llJ, It ;1\l'' 1!..·1:1 .1 ,,·11,e 111 'll,\.C" .111d J,,·01npl.,h11101 t ·· ::,h:..1111!! lk·r 1111:,:.11111 'kill, \\llh ,·hilJ1cn :11 h111hJ.1~ p.111 1.-, 1-. 11111~ .1 p1Hl11•11 t1 l lier bu-.~ Jutil.':-.. I lcr ~1 11..ip 11.·cl·11 1I~ \\,1, .1\1ardeJ :i !!rJ1tl lllHll the :--:'"'lh" l lk.1,·lt .-\r b C1 •lllllli,~i1111 tu l\.'.1d1 "·111.-1 ,,1 ,1e11' ~hl··, 111 lUI..' pru.:c:.~ 11f ::elltll~ .I '11 •<•k jh .. l1J1,h1.J -·· :il11lll t Ill.Ith Ill ll1lltlllll -.111J :.:1.·tt.11.: l-.1,J, l'\L1tc J ;ihuUJ 111.1thernJlic,. I kr 1~1 1..:.11111 .... ,!.::111-. :11e :1h,1-.lt1l\\11 :11 d11tcrn11 L!1r(t11 1:' .11"1 lt •"i'•tJI' ~!!:..· pu t.ir 111' l11r ~.:lt1ll>h .111J '•••lib .111.I ,!il.·\ 111.11.m~ .111(lfl!:=.1mi \1Jeu l11r , h rlJrt>n .111.I li.•111d 111u1t1I 'c111111-. l'e.111 '""ti.I.' ('.11 t1e' .ire 11.•I -·~c1r·l>kJ, ;1n,I 1d,kr. ,111,I -.ltl' ll.t\\.'I' :1n.\\\ltl'll' Ill \\ltll hl•fll ( .il1t.11111.1 .11•,I r1.1t11JJI\\ tdl.· I kr pr 11.L'' depl.'llll 1111 ,,,._. 111 1 .11 1~ .. 1:1-.l 1he l11,.1ti.111. '1.111111g :it S/5 1,1 s I '11 The rl.'-.t 1, h1-.1111~. "L.11..e I ,,1iJ ti .. ·11111.'. 11' 1ll•t '11n1,·1li111;.: 111 l·i.•1! .. Cityside Cable subscribers. to air their views COSTA ~1ES:\ -Fl.·cl 111.t' pulling the plug llll ·:uur 1.·.1hk td-.:\ 1,:1111 ~.: n il'e '! Unh.1ppy (\..,t.1 \lc:..1 <::1lik TV ~ub-..:r illl.'f!> arc e~1H:l'll'J ll• turn 11u1 lll lo rl'c .it a puhlil.· hc.11 Ill!:! pl.11lll.:J h: the C'il'>t.1 '.\k,.1 C:1hlc Tc.:k\1,1011 C1.1111111111t.·.: lll'\t \\\·.dnl·,d.1~ .11 7 p.111. .11 th.: '.'l.·1t!lt b111·l11111d ( 'u111111u111t: Cl'nlcr, IS.t.:'.!1.111.. .-\1l'nu-.:. rate-.. SI. 75 a IQPtllh lur ba,ic ~~· f\ 1.--.: at the: bc.:gi o ning of thi: :l.':.ir. 111 527 :'I a month. It i~ th.: third l'llll">l'l'llll\l." )C:1r uf rate incrc: .... es fur CP~l .1 ~k .... 1 ~uh~cribcr.... T hl: rity C:1hk C11mn11t1l.'t: dt .tltl·J a fl..'\olu1i1111 l.'.1ll i 11~ l\1r thl' rnllh.1ck 111 c1hk tdc\l~l•>ll r.111 .. ·'· Alll'I lll'.\l \\n·1.·.., public 111.:cting. thi.: ro111m1tlt'l' \\ 1:1 rq>>11 t hal·k 111 thi: C11y ( \1u 11u l. 1.1 t1.:-. t!.1,11;;•Ji,1"! ( )~.:·. '1. ( \1:1111~ .II.' 1\11111111.: 1.1· Ill: ! t :~II .l h p .. !•!1, , h '"" .1 I ii I~·" ·1 ht' ( • l\l.I \k,.1 •: .. o. :1:\!! I\ r!J f\1.:1.\ 1111 .di .1 •;•:,:~ 1•1, 11 ,,·I.!, ,:,11'.I -:~·t\l'-l' ,l'l,f ':.t!i !l\\.,1'1 ''"1' l!,'' I ( 11pk1 I 11:.in~ 1•.,'I :.,;._. ;1.dl 1.1 t!:, ,11-.:t"'l••!I-C1•i :,·, < , : :1~ •1 •11\..1.·,11:.111 Jl·:t I l .i\ ,, ,. i.d.I 11,11 l1l· 11.·.1,!11.d l11r l 1'1llllll:1t. l• .. t 1).: ..... 111 l'·''l 111tl."I\ 11.·11' 11 ,11. t!:_-l>.11:1 l'.d1!I l..1'> ,1, :t·1:.:l .. 1 ll.t• 1.tlli:jl.lll\ ·, 1.:t..: l'l'Jrl. \\h11 d1J :t -. .. ·;-111t·111 o n the "llu rne ::i!h•\\, .. l<.I' .hhl\1.·d 11.1 IJ ullll' ~l)ll\\ l'\l.'(\lll\t:\ lllll l1l p1<1\1.k 111.."1 11.11 111.· "' 1111111!-t•r f,1r k.ir 'hl..'\I he 11:.1J1JJl.:1I \\1111 c.tlh l.1111l...i1g !1 .... i.... :-.he r1.-.ilu 1.:d 11 '·" .1 1111 .. 1.1~.l ...... 1 ,:.e· .. 1111...l.· .. u_.,, B.11.,·· r-:.1,f::r, "There\ .1 rc:.il fcclin!! llUI thl..'re th.11 pl'upk pa~ 101> mu.-11 for" h.11 llil·y're !!l'll111t!.'. ':11J C1llnm1t t.:i: ( ·1i:111111:111 \\\·11d: l.l"l'l'I.', .. lk""lll'l' F.:dl.·r;d ;1uthu ri11c-.. :1,l.cJ .di l'.tl•k k k \l,lllll l·111np.1n1c' to d.:l:iy r;11l: 1111.·rl.·.1,l.'' until -::\pr II J. 1\hc.:11 t ht· J ,·,k r .ti t\•11111H.i 11 ... 111111h Ct1111111 1~'11 •n I H C ) i"l'L:i l'' Ill'\\ I l')!trl.1t1011<1 . Bui 111111: ottl uf I I c.tl•k ll'k' ,,j.,11 op~·r.11111' 111 ( >1.1n;!l' t 1111111: h.1-.l' 1ncn:aw<l rate~ up 10 27 p1.·r1.·,·1i1 Cupll'y Cul1>11~ r,11-;i.:d 1.1 11..'~ Ii~ 111.".1! I\ 7 pc11.·t·nt. 1i 1f...l'. ,,1\111..! II 11..l k,h l1,1:1g <1j'.'l.lt dl!! t I·-.(• 1t\ :1 prl\.rtc .:u111pany ;111d tht·r~·.., 1111 u i1t1 pl'l1l 1nn. \\l.' rl.':tlly h.l\l' uur h.1 ... \..-.. ;1!!.llll\I lhl· \\.di. .. 1.m·:tl cd1k \k \\l.'r' 1\ill 111•1 J;l't t.i ,1.·i: li'l.' l'll\<.'r:1!!e \lf 11t -.: p11l•l 1.: lk .11 111g. "1111.·li \\ill hl· \ 11.k~•l.1p1:,J !11r ,I 1.·.d1k,.1-.( .II ,t f.1tl.'l ,J.1tC 1111 .. ,\ I ( ( :,, .!.1;: I ' .lll11\\ ,1 :1l'' (p l,,..~l.~.t!L' \._ .. tl' •.. : ' ... ~·\ ... l\ I .·\.•, \..: l l:u.~.::, l\l4!f1.! !,1 ! 1-.h , ....... ~i• .. i I .. ·1 ! .. 1'\ J!Ut ,k'"1~ ... j \\!, .. :: .. ; I: ,\ , o, t .~ ~ ,• ''--t ,, •11 I•' I' '"' .• ... ! , . . .... . .. I '',., rllt:: J. Cl l{CI Colln 1iu11 " h.1\ 111~ .1 li.1u 1,l.1111111 ,,.i.:. I \l'f)tl.111g lJ.J , 111 ~"· 111,1.1,l.1t_!.: t1111te111p111 .11~ ,l.1thlllf. lll'jl'-.'I' 1d .11 t. .11\1 1,j~11.·•. l.1,}111111 )l'\\e lt~ .111J !!llh .-\p;•.11e111I: .l.11 • .-t ( '·'·I .1111! 1.uu l.uh.1ll \11 f \\ h.1 1''> L'1111l..111~ . .ir . .I I '•-I' B.11 ,\.Gr ill .ire 11pcn111g :t lil·d :in.I hrc1l-.1 .1-.1 111 l t :il~ Cl1plc~ C11l1111~ t ".il,k11,:, 11i 1.11,.;J C11: uf111.·1.1f... h.1\e lh• r ••\\-..1 11• l1 1:111~c cahk tl'le\ 1'>11111 1.1t.:-.. 11 11 -/II I< 11" I .,,ir l u11I..' 111-.e tlic ll\tu1«-.., t"tl 1111i: 1.i.l.-. :111,I d1\pJ) lJ~e\ \\\I ll I he 111 .1:,~ U'e Ill 11.tly. 'll t Ii,·~ ·re h>r '·"~" 1»11 I he J ( u1,1 ( ·,,J1,d.1•il p,-_:. :'.:' ~·11i...l1•1..1t1.:d1111 Fremont pulls fast one on Newport Beach .cops 'i li1p~.1r ,I \\,1~ 111 '.\~"p1111 lk ,"lt lllE 1:.\~J 1.l{ Ill .\.\Y .111 1.d . .t ~1111111 (\1,1'1 l1l.1L.1 Cl:.l,!1 .... 11 ,,111 Ii 1\c it. ... r i •• 1.111· IJl..en 111 .1 he'll l111rn til.1Llll)! .1 l .='0·1111k d11,1~ tr.i d 111 lhl..' :11111u.d ll.1 l...-r-11!-I ·" \'e:::.1' re l.1~ J.•l•'. ,1 lc111t 111 ~!!!. ,\11<.I) (iwm. "T,,u ~l'Jr~ .t)!ll \\e he.it them. :md l.1'1 ll'.11 lhe~ he:.i l U!> ... lll\l''o llt:.11111' till 111 1.· •. 1 .. .: Y1111 1 1.~l l 1!11.111 1\1.·rl· 1 .... 1-.11 .:· l1 lC ii, h:tl \\L.-ll' 'lllJ'll•,·d lh1.•\ t.:\1.ll ,J1,.11 ... :,·...l 11 1!111 1hi' ~e;,r·~ h>" \\,J, · 1i,.1.sl1lt1! •. 1:.I ,,· -.. r;,1,11..I-:.! I , .1 1.11l111lul ..111.1\ 1•: '1'11:1.:: •'·''·I .,.1:,,l 1 .i tl..: l11 •t khl 1d till'. ,_-:::1.·r 1:1 ( 111 ,,.,1. I l \ILi I 1'111 •!1 '11 ::1 I!.: I .1•tl l ll .. 1i1 1\ .11~· .1 \.1d,1 l•k :'\c\\ p11r t lk .1, h po1!1,e 11lllll.'r\ Ii.I ll I\ l.,1d tlllh' ltl ,,1\11r tlll'll 1l11rd·11,,11.t· l1n1,l1 \lil\.'11 lhl'~ lh•l11.Ltl '11111 1.111..' h.1d pu lk,1 ,I J.1 ,I 111\l' I 111 l 'JI', 1.J ll~ e\I un.11111g h tr h cni.1111. t\!ll.'f paring th•'' II .111 I l·1111n111l· 1'l.·\,p1111 Ue.1.-h k.1,I. h1.·+111 1111 11"1 l1~ :1 1111 ... \lll,'. l;,lfl!"\ 'dhl t! .. i\." •• : .. l.\1 h.11.J k1.lt1t)''· Il l l,1,l :l.1· I I l' llldll l 11 l I ... I ' ,\ -I • ~l.tddU\ l1 hi.1' .~ . .111.,.: ~.: ·.1 I. "'· .\l1ot. l.1: 1!.11 •1.1..ll I 11J.1_r, I~ .I Ill l.t 'I j !' \ . .ltd,!.._, (11 .I r:, ( I -JI Ill ,111J \1.::,!.1\ -i : .1 :· 1 1' ~" i' :;1 Ir .. li:.-h qu.llil\. •:11o11l 1•l1·•I ·-1 ...... It ' 1:. •:I l•I lllllllllL'\ Ill d1;\1.·lt1p ,II ,j (1.1,._ 1.:.• 'l H I 11 ~J l l I h.:111 111 .. -. .... ly .21 'l'1.1111d ~. lilllll' ...... d. \\ 111."11 qu1.·,11n11ed :tll\1111 tit,· .:.qll·r. l·r1:111111ll pnl1 .. e C ·.1p1. ~ltl..1: I .111.1111 l.111gh1ngly i.1,11.. the Filth ··I h.:~ \\1.·1.-1.1,: ~ 1,1• .,:II \\h1.·11 11 \\,1 , '"' r th.I! JI,,\ \\l.·111 out .111,I h111.i:l1 t 11, .1 t1 11phy," (i11111' '1111 111·,t /Ju.I.) ·'/J/H .1n '/ lwnd.1.1' .11111 ,,1f11nl.1.1,. H l1l'fli1·r .11111 'n· :1 1111•n /1:~111 11r .1 ,/111pµcr, if.11111 J.111111 uf .1 /.:""'' lw.1. /'cl Im t' tu J.:i1t· ·' uu ~1J111t· µuhlfrit.1. (·.ill mt· ;1t 5.JtJ. /2.!.J, f.I\ 111t· ;it 6.Jfi . .J / 7() 11r 11ril!' tu m t•: JJn t JJu.i '· /J:1il.1 /'i/111. JJI) tf. /J;1.1 St., < '101.1 '1n :1, C1/if. Y.!6:!7. ·1 ltl' tl111,I pl.1d ('1.11111, lhl') h.1d li1.· ·11 .11\.11 ,!1..I \l ,h g11ne. In 11-. 1'l.1,t· "·" .1 pl.1qu..: :11,,11d..:.I i.1 llll.'11 ;111.ll11\;1h. lhl' I 11:11111111 1'11l1n: Ol.·p.11 t111L·111 111 :'\111 thern C.dtl111111.1 Ne"purt llc.1.:h p11hce ,;1~ they ha\'e ~11,pech .. We\c k111d 111 \l·rli.dl~ ~pa rretl "ilh lhl'm 111e1111>11t) 0\1.:r 1111: 1:t ... 1 k\\ )e.1r ...... \,11J "\\'e l.11<>1\ lll•lh1:I~ :1b1111t th 11. .. 1..111.1m .... 11J "I J1111·1 I.nm' "h~ th.:y ''~1ulJ :i ~'llllll.' \\1.· ""uld he re,p1111~1lik l1lr th1,. \\'e J1J 'l..°e it du\\ n thl're anJ \\e \\di k1uk Jil1ge111ly lu r 11. \\'c'rl' p1111111g uur u.1ck '.\l11re th.111 I:-I 111 l'llh ll\.lllll'llt •'!'•hi•' 1:1 II .llfll" 11!1.· llltJll::\ ,,., ... 1•11 1 Ill tit,· llllllh ,tllllll.d 1.·l.11 I .l(l' 1:t ... 1 \\l't'kl·lld sn,'p1111 lk ,1,l1 ;111d ( ·,i-1.1 ~k\.I \\1.'le Jl.11 l Pl tit\.· "1111,.11 p11h1.·c lkp.11tm'111 d11 1 .. 11111 Tl\l'lll~ :--:1.'l\l'Pll lk .i.h VOL. 87, NO. 78 RHders' Hotline: 642-6086 ~""' ~nm,,,..nl) .oh.rut 1~ D••h P1lnc 1w ~ "P' .... 11 tit'.,..~ •nd IP""" ""~ti) In rd•I• .. w.11,,,.. l~ll It. .. ,,... 14 hou1 ,_,nit tf'fVIC'P mn ~ uwrl In rf< ntd ""'"" IO Ow f'd• IOI on '"Y '""" ( Qf'llribvtn<\ In ·~ I IOCl•nf' wh(') w•nt to ..,.... I~"'' rn"'~"h pvhl1\~~ niu\f •N 11.iC"W ,.,,.,, n,,.,..., t1tv .trtf'1 phrtn.-nu~hif.r •fr)I' ..,.,.,.ft< •ftOf") Hit\ '' vour r nl'l1mv.n•f\ n,....,...c, .. r.rr ..,., """""' V'"MI' ,,_,.J1o#"9Wnl .~~!!~.e~,.~~,~~~~~eJ .. .,, .. ,.. . .... P'P'' t,.. b • m "" • m '"" \.lt11't1•"' "'"' h11! rl.tV\I ,,JI t.frvft' I(' Am .. l'\rt Wf> 11 lt"'I U tt1 v'"' hv Nlf)('I ()vr I u \fh mf"f \irl'\l1r r ( .-n1r 1 I\• I 4 t)) '' up..n hum b A"" tu 4t ,~ m "4cttv1"' ttlrougtl f nd.oy 1nrl • I m 111 10 • "> "'' \•fur daV" In ......, vou w•ft'i ..,nw t ,,, ul•l"H"I n~h To m~b • correction It .. Tlw Piro • pi.,, • ..,. In ptnf"p!ly , ...... ' .11 ... N'W\ ol wb\l .• u x r I '1 t~port •n "'f" or d i1t1f1c .t lion, pip-CAii "4 } 4 l}l .. 1 lf1\ ft.An• ';UV ...... °""" o-l f1,,..... .. 1 1111 ••• ....... lAIWtll ,.....,1/.,.........., • .... ,, ... ( "' ulatlon OI"" 1nr H .... ll ...... Ptf'Wtw""" ~P" 111t '''"'f"' ,,-. Ht•,•1 h ( '"''·• ~~ Ua•I) P1f<>t I I'-, l ~~ Iii NI-'' puill11hrd Mund•~ lhroul(h \•h.•d•) •'"I •u~»< rip1t0n, ••P av••l•blr ((,, S .. ·,u P"' "'' '"'., h\ r •"lif'' 1n Nf"Wport ~ ..... I• •"<l < • ... r .. ~ \II ~II Pf'' month i,., ,.,_. ·'''ti ft,, "''f""f tPf·f hlt\flor roulf"\ hy ( tl'\td M,.._, ( ,,,.;,,,..,,.,,.. "'f'W\ In< JJO W B•y '' < , ... ,. '-\~ (.A 'H627 ~011d·1 I•" I• "l•I('' 11••d •I < ,..,y Mf-w. CA 1P11< ~ 1n . 1,.,,,. •I •rr• .... tti.-,l.llP •nd tou l I••"' 1 l'<ISTMA\lfl! S.-nd •dc'l•n\ m•nl!'" 111 Thr 1•,1, •I fl () 8'" I ~1>0 ( <XU M.-<.d (A '""'" [ flflV'•fC"I "lo """'°' \/rif\f'\. 1llu<lr•IM>fl'." f'd1 r,rlfl),l~nrr '" •rl,,...'11.,..ml'nh h"'"'n m1y t... '''t1nwh~· Ni w1f~1ul wr1n,.n f'!Prm1\\11)') 11f '•n\ '•~ht , ,Vlit,,r t 11m G'"""I" Puhl·•~· lllooe 54ftn, Jr (N trm•n . ' How to reach us at The Pilot Circul•lion Or.rngP ( ounty b4l ·4 113 Ad~rr1i1ing ( ldss1f1e-d 64 2·Sb78 Display b4 l ·4 l21 fditori•I Npw<. )10· 1 ] l 4 lip11rt!> f,4 2 .4 3 JO ~ .. N~. ~ports fdx 64h 4 1 70 Main <>Mer 8us1nr\\ Offu e-f)41 4 1l1 Blil•~ fax 6l1 ·5'KlJ. ' I Weather ''h·~pml e., .. , h h 1 r;o ll.1lh11.l h-4 ill ( ,.,1.1 \.\1•,,1 h; -4K ( 1 trnno1 1lt't \\.H It; 'ill TODAY A c h.im t' ol m11rn111i: fog dnd Jldh h~ In~ doud' will pl.ty .\pnl f1Hll wtlh 1111r wn .. hinr. with int ,. ..... mg c l11ud1nr" hul no rdtn l'\flPtlrrl J t'mpt>r dlUrP\ Will ..... tn lht• m1d1tlr f.O•, low .. .irnunrl 'ill fOllEWT Rrrt>/y .ind 1 lnud, w1lh .i 1 h.rn1 I' 11f ~how••" fnd"y through \Aturd.i" morning. Po1r1lv dourl\ / '>.tturrlAv Aflt'rnoon . ..,..,m.-r .1nd f.11r on Sun·d,, mATIS N11 1 "'''"I WArn1nK' Aft' 1n f'ffN I l<wfh 1 tjthl \l.lri.4hlP w1ml' 'h1ftinic lo WP\I In .. 11ulhwr,1 wilh two foot \P4'\ o1nd ftvt' fllfll WP\ll'rf\' ,~11. IWVMOlll \unrh r "01 •.m ~un\Pl II I I pm () () 0 I CX A Tiil' ltunllnl(l1tr1 _ ""'"'~JMUI Ht•.u h ( oron.e tft•I '4M ••icun., llrAt h \.on ( l.-rt1rnlr 1&I Hill"' '"'' .... .. . ., .... ~ ~·"'ti h1xh 'w. ond lo- IRlfl"I \ "" , .... "~ l ~ , .. ., ')~I l.ou I.~ , .... , I l l.01< I 4 f.011 • 0-4 •.m •·ft llll •mllO fr'll4 pm I 'I ll J1 pml9 '"'' ... ... '"'' .. .... '"'""d l111th ....., .. nd i.,.. \.Ii.• m 4 q ll 04pm 0 2 lt·ll pm 4'\ ""''' m1d<1111ll1 (flf•td liia"f ,MJ..,.. f'l!I ,.,..,. hen rt\.At L .. ,. t tnd '""'" hrwut~ I 11.' • : • 'I •.• ! " . ,. I • " I • ! Ii,. I ... •. ,li. • ,, .. ,J '-df ;•dl l \,.f \\' l.i'l Ii.: I I I: ... : I . .: .. 111 .d ~ .' I \.at .•. ,! , 1:: t .. • ,, I J., '--·•i ··:I\ • ._ I .... ; ... \rt " , l I, f 1 i 1 .I ! I \ I ,k .. ,,. 1 • • I " I 1\lld \\I: ... ,1:1 .. i. ~1.·1\ i'"l I l h "Ii 111 . ' •. I 1h111l. 1:1.·~ ti: .. !.1. .! : • -: ..... , 1{ .~ I 1 .. · .1~: '' I I , ... .. a ! I!..: 11,.f (t II\' I I I I!,\ 1'111111 .. ,. -'.I.: ,I I • I l • l 1otUI j\ .. 11'1\•: ' •• II ••• ( 'I \1. I I. .... . I ,_.111 .'d 1.11111.: •• i: .. ! ,,1 1,.1 I~ lltfi,·1, J.1 h;ll' 1\,t!i !l . I I•<' lh, "' 1,11t·t 1.11-. t.1 ,1.-,I :'.(Ill! Ill il.1.· \Ill.Ii i 11, t' If lllll'lll d1\ l\11 tll ) -fl.• , .,,, • f '''"'I'll j f -u_. wri.-t.1111 U1ulu·da ' Public Record BIRTHS SJ1nl Ju~t.>ph llo~pit.il f \. ,f,.,j"\ .1 ft I 11 .rnJ Crl·t: C1.ij.1. !\\'\\ Jllll l ~l'Jl h, lJU) \\ llllll'll ·~ · t hhµit.il ):addld1.11 1.. 'h·d;l .11 c ,·1111-1 1> .. IJl11l· .ind J um \\ ,•111Jl.-r, l 1111111.1 J ,.1 \l.H, IJU) t111J~ \11·11111; iJI li~\l'it.11 u,•1h .rnd l'd<'f )\\tit l 11 •.1 \• •• ,I \ I \\.111 I 1 I lh·IJ1 J and Andi"~ Argl'nlu • I \11·, .. i.:· I l, 1111 .ind Pl'll'f Ju1t .. 1u .... ~I 11 .. 1 \\.1· 1;·il \:.1·1 I• I J P Jf 11, 1J .inJ C.11\ I h-111.ind1•J LI ..... :.' ~,. \ •I \"+·• t ~ I 'ih.111111111 \\ illl'lh .Ind I udll \\ 1111 .~ . ' ,. ,,, ,,, ' \ ~ ,. . ' l1.11lw1111l· Jud )11h11 { 1.111 •I •.•1 ' I ' ... , .. ,,,, 11. ).1111rt' .ind R111J1•rt )n~dl'r l II\: I \ '.t,°"•' b, I\ • t \', •• 1 I \ I !Jfh ,., Jlld lUUI\ ).1nl 1ll.u1 \ ••I \'.t ,t \;" 1111.ihl'lh ,O,kluy .ind U11.111 Cuhun t •'t.' ,'.11· I ., • POLICE LOG 1 1 I'l l-\ \\I"'' 'i11ulfl ( O.h t l'l,l/J ·\t (\ • · .11J11I1 •: ( ,, ,I ,\ \•-'•1111 \ 1r 111 •. • .l" '~ 1.i t'1,l \\ .h ),\ 1pt·d lf\•"l .1 Lii •!1· 1·1 1lw li.1114ut·l h.111 .1::1·• I •,:.h I, .1\ 111g upon ll•.1rn111g tl1,1I ',,.,. 11: 11 .1• !l:r tl!J.l\ p .111\' !-:lll ''h l1,1d G .... ,1 1..tlk«I 1n .1 1.11 .llud • .,11 I I.Ir hur Uuull'VJrd -,, 1n11•1111t· , :-.1.., ,f :111.· l'llllill·Jll) u!I ,1 (. .1d1l:.11 ti .1: \\.h p.111.. .. if l.1 ... 1 ~.11uid.l\ .11 .l th':Hl\ .. m thl' 11 0U hi.il l.. 11.irbor Boull'\Jrd l\11ui.:hh "·l.OOU \\Wth ol \\hl't•ls \\'t'lt' d1~u1H'•l·d \l11lt·n rtwr~d.w 1r11rn .1 nurnbt>r 111 • Jr' 111' .-..1 ur.1 Aut11 <:.;ill·~ 111 tht· ~·JOO l>lo< I.. M \ \ 1'0 1\ r fl( -\CH ~l'.hhorc Uri\ l': A 111.111 1i, 111~ 111 till' 740() hh11. I.. lf'Jllllll'tf gl'll~tlg ,IS 111,my ,1; ruur tu Ii\ t' h.lllg up l .111, ,l d tl) Oil 111, ph111ll' 15th Slrt'l'I: In tht• 2500 l>IU(. I.. '•llll1'11111• I 11111..C' mtu .1 re!iidenrt• .111d ~111il· 11t•.1rty SJ.000 worth 111 (\'\\l'lry. <. D~ .mu Llothing . I •1n;11:::::::::::::::~: Super lollo \ \ l'dn,·~l.1y, M.lrlh JI l.11 !..p••I S71111ull1un .!, 4. 22. JO, 45, 4(1 Decl o • t ll'.Hl~ • Clol>> t Dit11nonds .. A Sp.ides ......... . On the cover Qul't'll . 2 ... Kin~ , ..•. .A.ct> The p.1intlng of the Pclic.m Hill golf course on t~ front l'J~ iJ from the City o( Newport Bt>ach 1993 calendar . • '· .. · . , Newport Beach/Co1ta M-ody Pilot They :had 15 mlliutas QI' ,_. - M y wife and I hit the . elusive celebrity jackpot Sunday night. . .The payoff came after years of extensive ~tudy and 'failed attempts. You sec, we're celcbrity·oholi~s. We w<1tch "Entertainment · Tonight" instead of MacN.eil/ Lehrer, prefer the National Enquirer over Newsweek, and scn1i-regularly rotl'm the streets of ~everly Hills -a "Map to the Stars" unfolded across the dashboard - hoping to spot her bo ygu;i rds out for a jog along Santa Monica lloulcvard (that's her favorite route, you know). We're not panicularly proud of our habit, but there it is. . So every Sunday night before the Oscars, we head up to LA and ~cout the hotel b:m, and d1k:· restaurants in an ath:mpt to 'cc a <:clcbrity. We don't \\a(lr an autogr:iph. We don't wa)ll to talk to them. Just wanna look. I J un't ~now why. i:-.e tr1ed·10 anal~Le it. Cin 't. . \\'e\e haJ ~umc ·!>ucce!>!> in the pa't. The Polu Lounge ut qic Uc,crly Hills Hutti \\:J!> :ih'a)!> guoJ for a cekbr i1y ur l°\'O. La!>t ~car :it Oscar time. ''l11lc !>ipping a m:irtini nc.;ir the duor "hi:rc they_ !>ii luukic-lvu:.. \\C !>p~cJ actor Liam .. Hu:.band~ anJ \\'i\C!> .. f\;ee:.on, lllU\ ic critic Gene S1.,kcl anJ 1!1c guy from Svul Train. We abu got a luuk at Tori .. Ui:,,~rly I lilb 902 HJ'' Spcl1111g ~hupping \\ilh her mum un KoJeu Ori,e. ~llt bad. bu! "e !>l1il h:1J11't hit the 11lllther ll>Je . t"l'.lt until tlll~ )l'ar. Ii )l~•rtl·J. !>ll~111gel~~ enough. with the two-year renovation of the Bcv~rly Hills Hotel, which closed the Polo Lounge. W~ bad to change our strategy. So my wife called uound to some of her " celebrity-crazy friends in LA. They discussed pos,ible celebrity . gathecing points:.Spago, the JJcl Air Hotc!, Beverly Wilshire"'Hotcl, The Four Seasons. ·~he Ivy, Chateau Marmont, St. James Club and Dominiques. · We finally decided where to go. I'll.call it Spot X (once you've discovered gold, you don't reve~I the lqcation of you r mine)~ As we approached Spot X. a nect of Ii.mos b1fckcd the. roa~. A great· sign.- Our pulse-quickened. · The people, Hollywood People, poured ou~t o~ the limos. and into somewhere in the back. My wife and I decided to go have a drink in the bar. Bingo! Our first celebrity hit. Jaye "The Crying. Gurne" . Davidson, one of the favorites for best supporting actor. sat at a small table with a few friends. My wife made two quick trips tu ihi.: bathroom right pa!>t his tabk - ju!>t to make. !>Ure it wa~ him .. It was. ·I on.le red a victory margar"ita. For S7.50. it had to be the b~t one I've ever tasted. ·My wife, :i better dctcctivc•th:1n l\lC, grilled the bartender. Paul. .. . "&'hu 's thrnwil\g th£. big party her~" . .-· He shrugged his :.houlder!> (this man !fas· !>een c:~·~·rtring, and - didn't get ·100 ucii..:J O\ c r a k'\ cclcbritie:.). · . "\\'h~ Jun't ~ou go 111 there ;111J find uut"!" he uHe rl.'J. Fin~"~ith u:.. For thi)I mis:.iun. my "ifc ~.kcit.le<l lu go !>olo. She - haJ the perfect camounJgc J'rcs... -a ·Ferretti number "ith faux lcopard-f ur cuffs -to blcnt.l right i 11 . She ll>Uk ul f. Fifteen minute' l:11cr. !>hi.' repom:J back in -\\Ith a !>m1k. LOCAL NEWS ONLY For J ~ubscription to the ·Daily Pi lot. cJll our circulJtion department Jt 642-·B33. FREE REPORT . . r "l was itandin1 there, bavin1. a 0 gluss of wine ri&bl MAl_to Tom . Crui~ and Nicole IGdman and Catherine Deneuve, and decided you might want t9 join me." l w1.15 stunned. It couldn't be. . ··rm not kiddina,'' she uaured me. W e ldt our bartender a ... n)aSSive tip and )leaded foi the. party. As we walked throup Spot X's beautiful courtyard, on·J)' one thing stood ~wcc11 us and· a cc lebrit)'.·watchers' niivaria: a bouncer: He looked mean. tic looked tough. He looked. right through me. My wife took my hand and w~i)pc:reJ harshly to me, "lpok like )'Ou bdong here!" OK, I could do that. I think. I lookeJ t · right in the eye and said, "How ~a TbomplOIL·· fm..celct:Jif.1lrc•ka thia wu like bittifta .. bouom-of ·lhe-~ &rand slam ta U.. World Series. . We bad crultccl IM pn-04W "A·lis&" party ud·wcrc htcran, rubbin1 elbows w.i'h H~·a hoa&cll. . · ·Peter CJubcr, bolrof the party, · · and head §t Salty ~utes . EntertaiANat, Inc.. (divisions of ' which produced· Osear-nominat.cd . ··A~fcw Oood lrfcn." "lnd~hin.e;• "Mt. Satufday H'&ht" an<t · "Howard's Eftcti) 'stood on a imalJ staac. introduC:cd the Oscar · hopefuls in attcndanc;e a~ thanked all of us for coming. . ''.I pr9111isc we'll do this all again· ·next year," he ·said to applause .. 1 thou&ht about those words ;sn Joing?" • ~ With his mc:ity fist, he pus d the Joor opc'\,and growled, " ave · windin& down. By· then, I stood on the same stage, sampling the various treats on t.he large dcssctt table. · a gouJ time." • . \\'e diJ. Not wan ting to look out of pl.ice, we 4uicldy got a drink at the opl.'n bar and mosicd over to the buffet , '~here we piled . O\ !>ter~·on·thc·half-!>hell, lo.bster, :.~~hi. rua:.t beef and rack of lamb. l)ll our plate~. . \\ e lul>k~d mer thi.: small room in :1\\e -the pla.:e wus crawling '' i1 h m:ijur~lcague ..:clcbrities. It · :,ecm~J like C\ cryune was there. Prn,lu~·er~: Jun Pctvr:., Peter Guhl·r: Director:.: Rub Reiner. John Landb. fohn Hughes. Actors: Crui,c;. JJck l'i..:hubun. Robert• _··c11. l1n'"i.>o .. ,11ev Jr. David "'~I r. SaturJay Ni~ht'" Paymer. Al"lre-.se): Deneu,c, Kidman. \'anc~lt:.I Redgrave. Emm:i As I stuck anpther chocolate· covered strawberry In my . mouth, I had to agree wiih my bud Peter: "Yes, of cour~e! Let's do it again next year." • I would have gone for ano~hcr piec~ of chec:.c:cake, but the clock on our Cinderella-night was about to strike midnight. Nol wanting to be the only t\\o people left in 1he ~m. my '~ifl! and I finally made our_ exit. The bouncer opcncJ th.c door for U!>, and I l>milcd · kno"ingly ut him. • .. Gao," .I !>aid .. "S~c~ .you next )'Car. .. not 1cr o ywoo .ream come true. Place Your Easter Reservat'0'1S· · Early .· ,._~----.&4--R eve a Is l 0 Opportunities or HIGHER returns than CD's! Find out what your bank would prefer you· didn 't know! CALL_ .. _ _ ----· _ 1~80!f!!~o~~l2J · FREE RECORDED ME~GE ZestiliriK SMOKED SAUSAGE Fully Cooked -Just Heat & Eat! ---- SJ.99 lb-while 1upplta last. . Traditional Baiter 1aaaa1• avaUable oaly at Blciory Parm1. Ca1tom Easter Ba1•et1 Choo5' your f avortte basket and goodies. We'll do the trtmming PUii - US.Peta SWtlfll..aut.J..J1mL.. _ _.__.~1----- WFSICIJFF.PLAZA 17111 et Im• Aft., Ntwpwt .._, • ~A GI/I lly !"-w 64Z-4J02 • • • t I . '"- Clltl ..... IOWMDI CINIMACINYU 2701 ~ a>wdJ Melo"-* c-t 79-4 I 4 I I ..._ ..... 111,~30. 7 •• 9 IS 2 M••te4tf• • ~ S.JO. I. 10 ?O ·3 "'-o.i.••elN[lt)61S.!30. IOJO 4 A~Oll ..... l'Gl 530 1 30 tktt1A '-l'G·lll 10 IOWA80f aNIMA Hoot.o< 11.d /Mom• ..... 546.3102 • . N""9 Twtles.1 ~l 6.. 8. 10 . . . BlJNNY -SHOPS~~~~-. , AT NEWPORT PAR1YCENTER . .-:: ~. ~ . . .. . . , . . . ' We~~Y~N~~F•1"-~Siw~s•1~._ ·-' WiU R~~Easter Rap. Windlocb, ~ .· · . ..... 4..Ji../J\ll. 0 Bunriia. Eauer Candy; Jelly' Betlys, CVrot a.-d .. ~ . : ·. BM1re&.-6.1~nc~~·~.~-·~~P.oer~·'·: ,_..LP.ta CuJ». &~l'l Sniffen. ~any .Suwl~ . A4 TIMnday, April 1, 1993 20-year Holiday· ..._ Costa Mes a's first hotel, the Holiday Inn Bristol Pl~a. celebrates two decades of service. By TO'ly Cox 6usllltS~ E O IOI T "enty )eJr) ago today. the Sear) To"cr ''as under con- struc11on, the \\ Jterg'!lt. ' \\JS unfoJJ111g. "The \\al· 1om .. \\JS a surprise hit on tclc\I· Sl\.10 anJ George forcm:in \\J) hcJ'~''eight 1:h;1mp1un of the '' orlJ. .. NeWPort aMchlcotta MnaJ>aHy Piiot ' B ·u sine • Business Editor Tony Cox, 642-4321 , ext. 371 : April I. 197J \\J) al o lhc tl.i~ 1hJt C1.h1a ~k,J\ tir:.t ho~cl l1penctl John Peiser, general manaJ;er of the Holiday Inn, stands outside original building celebrating 20 years. ELECTRIC. BOAT· RENTALS - • April -Pools .. Not! You could cct J mum for $1.us 111 1ho:.e uJys ~It the l lul1J.11 Inn 0n Un!>tOl Sucet, or SI~ II )OU lJUJld1Cll for lhC corporate r.1te. Of cour)e, b.1d1. then, the 1.11) 0 ) unh hok:I u1dn'1 oiler ,ud1 .. 1c:.i· tur~ comfort~ as 1ernutc·\.·,1ot1.l1I 1clc' 1s1on and Cl1mplt111c111.1r)' :.hJmpuo, e11h1.·r The locJI HollJ.1\ Inn. "'"c..·e re- named the Hultd.1\ Inn Umtvl PIJZJ Ho1cl. l'U'>t 0nt~ s I 5 malli.Qn tot!evelop .. lt :iho ioolc onl) nm~ monlhs tu bul!J. beCJU;I! rJlhcr than requiring a l.iunJI") lM ot studies anJ public hearings, \.It) . oflici:ils rolled ou1 1hc reJ c.irpe1 for "ha1 \\,1:, 1hcn '>CCn JS j muc..h· needed :ime1111) for 1hc corn· muntt) "The HolidJ)' Inn \\.J'> ;.in ou1- -.1antling addition to Co:.t.1 Mc,.1,'' recalled Jad, I lammctt. then Costa 1'.k-..1's ma,ur. The fi\(:-:.tory hotel h;.i!> ch~1ngctl much l11ncc th1J!>c h:ilc)un tla~~ ur leisure suit) :mJ John WooJen\ basketbJll ~n..l!>l) at ·UCLA. It h:.id to. The Holiday Inn ,,a.,n't the onl) hotel in tov.n tor long, a:. the \\'c)· tin South Cojst PIJza came along a couple )CJrs IJter. Dozen!> ul other compct1ll>r) spruf18 up in the airport area 1n the ~cJr) 10 come. The lantl~\.-..ipc changetl 100. An empty lot aero-.., the strcc; bcc.1me a large offo:e c1Jmpk\, and the 'ite of a nearby ~luntgumcr) WarJ At a gla nce The property: Holiday Inn Bristol Plaza Hobel Opening date: April 1, 1973 Numbe r of rooms: 159 ini tially; 239 today Ame nities: Private executive floor, swimming pool, rcstaur.ant, bar-4lnd 7,000 square feet of mcccing rooms Most recent face lift: The hotel is nearing completion' of the IJtcst renovation of rts guest rooms, a S 1 m11Tion-plus· project. store became the Red Lion, a hotel that dwarfs the 239-room Holiday Inn in size. Across the freeway, South Coast Plaza c'olvcd from a 60-store shopping center to one .of the \\Orld's mo!>t prominent malls. "lt lfasn't been tough to adapt \\ith the times, but wc\e had lo adapt," said .John Pci~cr, now gen- cr;.il m:inager of the hotel. ''The indu!>lry hJs changed !>O much in the l:bt :?O ) e:m." . L1J.e the rest of the llolidJy Inn chain, the Holid.t) Inn Ori!>tol Plaza has become more ups .ill! in 11\ :.C\Ctal renov;.i11on:. of the .-"rlr""' ..... Westenl Waste Industries ,. SlNCE .1957 Srnnng Centtal and Sown Orange Councy Speciali:drlg ·In Trash Hcru11 ng Portable Toe lets Feno~ Temporary-P-~ Sroragc Boxes Office Trailers Rent-A-Bin 16281 Conmuction Circle West, Irvine 857 ... 6523 . ~ell§ --=======(!) ~()aunty's Best ~Affairs Progran• _ ..... _ ............ ....... .., .......... --00 _.... Wartd Trllil Ea.ot ()The Mlliirrlf, KA Prallllor, Edlor, Dally Pllal And Tall .... CclMIWlilf CaMlwlill ~ldlpel.-. ~ PU .. RIUlllQ 501 S... QwtsN °""*· ~ lldhln\ Kin GNU l ~ ~ THIS WEEK 'S ' DIU.11111 TOPICS WlllllTI ...... 111 Wlldllll Tiii i.iC•• LlllHI Clrclft BolsaChlca II• ,, you'd likl thl c• ... Lobdel Group "'·~~~7~ 11 to tntet1aln •nd r.~::r lnfonn with • 11/kJN'flldl ......... P«fOn"'1JOI =1= lot yo4I OfPll'I· lllalllCS8 a.ne• Zl/IJolt,,... nus tu ... Cll= ' ,, ..... • 1224. -:.:::r: -)'f$ Pllllclllls ...... """ .. ' •J.;:.:T" """ yo4I typlcll ,,,,,.. , I • ye.ai'S. ln 1986. another 80 rnoms. a parking ~;uuge and additional meeting space were added. The lqrge green !>ign ,\\ith a bursting star on the top \\as ref)laced by a rooi:c con~ervJ11vc motif. The hotel ha!> abo adju\tc..•d 10 a more bu)i- ne!>~·orientctl dicntele. One thing that hasn't changed is the hotel's IJ\\ ncr~hip. L:.I\\ rcnce, K;111:, bu)ines!>lll.in Ed Linquist, unc of the fmi .. l l lolidJy lnn Cran- ch 1~ee'>, \\as th\! orlgin:if eve oper of the Co)ta ~!cs~ Holiday Inn, and hi!> compJn). J_inqui·)t & Cr;iig I lotcls and Rc .. orts, still O\\nS anti operates the property. Today's hotel market is much more difficult than the business c11varop111ent the Holiday Inn en- jo)ed tluring it) early days. The hotel'!> occupant)' ra te now ave r- ages -about 65 percent. Pcbcr said, down as much ns 20 to 30 percent from peak k vcls. The owner's daughter, Crnc.Jy ulh1ubt, a 'i~ president \\ ith the c1Jmp;,iny, suid the Holiday Inn l3ri:,tol Pla2a ha~ abo been forced b) nurkct conditiom to lo"cr its room rate:.. The hotel') ret;,i1l rate!> are n°ow SSO to S92, Jo" n S7 on the hi§h end from peak. lc.11.:h ul t 1e mri.J-1980s; and promo11onal rates .1) low as S~9 a night :iro abo offe red. Still, falling b:rck on old· fashioned, fricntll) :.Cf\ 1<;e anJ continuing 10 adJpt to the lime . Pc;.i~er belie' e) Co!>ta ~lc~J ·~ maid: en hotel i}pobcd for a fc, .. more decades o succe~s. Free Bay Crllises ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARIY Join us April I fo r free bay crui. es kippered eve ry haJf.hour hetween 5:00 PM · 8:00 Pf\.1. Mu ic and re.freshment . Door prizes fo r free bay crui es. • ulfy Enclo,ed Boat • tereo Ca Se tte . . • Catering 'lj\vailable ELECTRIC BOAT , RENTALS · located \'ext to The Fem. Balboa A•nmsula top By or Call (714) 673· 7200. -------DecQrating SALE! NOW IS THE TIME! Decorate Your .Home with the Help of Our Designers AT Savings You Don 't Want to Miss! \ \ .. \ I . I . ( . ( ) \ E I{ I \ < ; S P.\l\l \\ l\f)()\\ ("()\ El{l\t ~ ,.. " \ \'()( > D FLOO IH \ (; BRUCE WOOD "BEST BUY" J • lkwltd ().Jlc />/a11k ~l«tnl Ct>lon Mannington CA Oak 3" Pla11J.. lfon'YfDflt 011/v Hartco Path:rn Plus 27'" Plank Cul<>r t'Urr)I c Rftldt THEIR PRICE '3" sq.ft. s5lt sq.ft. '5" sq.ft. Umil«I lo tod on ll•nd OUR PRICE s4n sq.ft. s4•9 sq.ft . ei~ulln Madt Del Mar Vinyl Verticals ~~~:o~~~~ . ~9330 (74" ' S4'') Reg. 1311• "IV~~~~ .B!!a~1! .. ~:~~r~:ao~~ 2" h11t1tr Blind s142s ''---------------------'. t 1 w ') Reg. '47600 Free In-Home Es timates • Professional Installation Available PACIFIC DECORATING CENTERS l«)N..SAT II 8:00 :.iiiill\~ THURSDAY • t:OO ~ ._. CLOSED SUNDAYS b n II II h c b n !> ;,i u 0 .. 11 l , ewport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Thuraday, Aprll 1, 1993 AS eo.-ty ~ Kali U.. ommercial space at _4 Hutton Centre Drive ·~ Santa Ana is now under Koll Management Services. .. -\ . J Fe th ·ngs com pa-• 0 l -~ ·owning a Jagtllalf'. Except p ,erh~ps 0 e ~slln.~ one. 011 Co. gets major property portfolio 1--. . Tony Cox , years," said J ana Turne r, senior 'ice president "fth s.lness Edl1°' the fi rm." NEWPORT UEACl 1 -Santa Ana-based To-Turne r said, too, that Koll Management and To- shimu Development Co. ha's awarded Koll M:inage-bishima share si milar busi ness philosophies, and To- ent Services, which has emerged as one of the na-bishima's properties will compliment her company's n's la rgest rc:il estate ma nugcmcn1 fi rms, a con-existing portfolio. .. act to O\ersee a portfolio of commercial property Ken H:imamoto, gencrJI counsel v.ith Tobishima, taling 1.25 million !.qu:ire feet of buildi1lg space. cited Koll Management's ability to attract anJ retain Publicly trJdcd Koll l\1J nagcmcnt, formerly a sub-tcn:ints as the ~cy factor in his company\ choice of diary of Ne" port lleach·b:iscd de' clopmcnt firm propen y rn:rnagcrs. c...-K.011 Co.. now ~m.magcs more tha n 15 n11lhon Ttn: Tobishim~ contfJCt include 10 buiTding>~clght uarc feet of building ~pJce 1n Orallgc County. of \\bich arc located in Orange County. Among the ln recent )Clrs, Koll has becu relati,cly inacthe lo· properties are t"o large ofl1cc building:. and the Rox- i!) in dcH:lqpmcnt, but the m.ulJgcment firm hJ:. bury and RcU. Onion restlurants JI Santa AnJ's Hut- ~en in a gro" th moJe. N~111on\\1dc. Koll Man.1ge-ton Centre, a· \\Cll a:. the 46-l,OOCJ.squarc-foot lmpc- ent's portfolio nO\-. totJb more than 70 million · rial Centre 111 Nomall 1uorc feet of olf1~e. 111d~stnal Jnd retail spJ~. La:.t fJll, KoH M;inagcmcnt acquired l 1!>hm:in ''Tiu:. contract 1 \Cr) i111portJnt to KMS because it ·\\'cl!t ~tanagement Corp.'s ::?0 m11l1on-:.quare-foot \es u:. the opportunity to dcmon!>trJte to Or;ingt: management portfolio. and eJrhcr tlm )CJr, Koll pur: ounty de, eloper~ and building O\\ ncrs the proper!) . cha.,cd Ti)hman l\tanagement anJ Lca!>ing Sen 1tc:. anagement s~ill:. \\e hJ\C gained O\Cr the I.ht '.!O Corp.'s J. m1llion·!>lJU.HC·fOOt portlyho. __________ ................ ........................ . ..... ............ .................. .. ............................................. .. Business Watch ~ t t t 0 t t t t t t 0 t t t t t + t o;t • t t • t • • • o o • o o '• o • '''' 'o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o too o o o o o o o o too o o o o o o o o o t 0 o o o o o o oft o 0 t 0 0 o o 0 Io 0 o 0 too 0 0 0 o o o'o o 0 Io o o o o o o o o o to Io o' o o o • Newport \':icht Charters has panda! into Los Angeles Cout1l)' ith forma11un of a nc.:w di-.is16n in ng Bench. The new dl\1s1on, nJmed Long coch Yacht Charters, "111 !.enc e comp•rny's indl\ 1duJI JOd rporate client!. in the Long eoch and Los Angeles Harbor ea. Comp:iny officials aid they dertoo~ the C\pln)IOll bCCJUSC gro'~ ins demand for their rv1ces Ill Los Angeles Count). Together, Nc"port Yacht hartcrs and Long Beach Yacht harters can no'' offer clients ore than !50 boJts from "h1 h choose. o . Uo)lc £11ginccring Corp. in l'\c.:\\porl Ocach \\JS recognized ''ith the.Orange Count) Engineering Coundl's Project Achic-.ement A"ard for the firm's \\Ork i11 designing a ":lier pump stJt1on that send:. \\:ltcr to thous:indl. of South OrJn~e County rcs1denb. The fJdlit) "111 C\Cntu.tlly send up to 100 million g:illons of \\Jter per d:i) to customers in sc,cn "ater districts. The council also honored Dnan Pcar~n. regional director of transi t pwgr:ims "ith DO) le . engineering. "1th the Outstanding l:.nginecring ~tent A"ard for trn. dc!>1gn1ng of a c.ir-pool l:ine and lransit\\JY ')!>tcm for central Orange Count). 0 Ne" port llc ach·bJ~cd ltclincJ. l\lar"cting Concepts ha been selected to hanJlc pubhcrt) and prepare .111arl.ct1ng matcnals for Kids Stuff Production). a L:iguna Niguel comp:in~ thlt organize'!> and promote., annu;.il e\pos111on' (or chilJren -By Ton.1 Cox ~· l\J~\ tH HHUHF Iii\" J \(,l \R offt-rt>d a bt'lln "alu" thun 1h i~ ~"ar ... ~u pn nHrn!h lt'J't'. "1th J S2:JOO elem n pa~ - mt-nl._Tllt' lt>J .. t' 1n;·ludt' .. J gt'nt>ruu .. '" h 1 C' h ~ o u · 11 p tt' I 5 c t' n h a n11 It-. .\ncl J a~u tt~· .... (,u.iranlt't'U Fut un- . . . m111i11·nt t11 \11U .11lht'1•nd of tlw l,.J ... t'. lra1liti1111. "" \\h11 h Ja~u;..ir 1-hudt -· t or mur ,. 111I11r111.11111n. plt'J"-t' c :.i I I Ill \ 1 .. 11 lh1• J.tJ.!U.tr E \\'PO RT I \1 PO H'I" :30(10 W. Pacific Cu.i .... 1 lbgh·,\,l\ ·~e wpor·l Beach. C \ (7141 722-rnoo .,,~ qu.alifw f,,IM"• I"" .... " 1>¥u.tt I 1TJll 1i.M N'f•W "''"'n ""J,,J/H ,,.~ 4 "'"'",J '""' ... , n J J .... t \Jt ,.;i"'I"' i.. .. .,J "' I~ -,, thRJ' tnC/...I~ llUA.lp("WIW!t vwl f'!.r J,/,,~,., ll'Uf" '""'-r14 /udJ,,~ !"""'"" •r'""'"'~"' .,,..J la•" 11 """""'' f•I\ '"" >I I I. 1,.J ,,.,.i,.,.., l/11 ~ I ~ i""""' coptl<JiiuJ ""' ·~ 8.> ""''~ '" "'/ti' 1 it. ... n ,. .. ,,.,tll .• i.nh11,firJ1 ,...,'>Jh i ;.. .. .,,.,,,, 111 ..... lulir:. .. ..... ,,,. , .. u , /kV.,_, J..,"' ', ....... ,., ... ~ '. -IJll• "'"°'"~ (}pllllftt.>pourlviM.u"""',..; vprr..kvmu~rr•ulwdrnl¥ t:loYtt~•liJj,llH l11-u•n/•of\.•lr-.i•f,.r11•nw•tr ,,.J_, .nJI ,..,.. ,.,Jr .,, ,..,./,,in rllYU t'} ·H.llflll 'Vt''"'' I""'" '(ldlm,) 11""'1t J,.,~, /»r J..fiJJu ''<.bJHI I• •nill .tppn" ""' ILi r' u• 011 a, ''1111.....t b• )~ < •""'4 :. DELI & KITCHEN PRODUCE SEAFOOD ---SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICES:--llllllill 2·DAY TRIPS:W•kday ..•... $179 .Weekend ... :.$199 BUS TRIPS: WHkday ...... $239 Weekend ..•. ~$259 ----(Round TrjJ From Or•• & LA Counti•s) ---- • 21 Miles On The American River • Over 50 Rapids • 5 Great Meals • Private Campground • Picnic at Sutters Mill • Hot Showers • Flush Toilets An Adventul8 You Won't Forget/ .......................................... FRESH RAK!D MUFFINS Wt An No-MJ,. F• From Scnuh- Yoa1 I...'• GROCERY MALIBU TEAZ 69~ea. N.w...Dy Br«WM H .. ~ Tn A~ Fnit Julct , .. ~. 4 Varitda. 16-. •••• e eee••e e e e e l 1e•• •• e I e I•••• I e••I •• e 0 I •• ED OR CRE£:-I LEAF ETTUCE-v" Tenditf Salad frYOntn 39¢~ ............................................. 39¢~ ............................................. HMS AVOCADOS 3 ftt -~¢ Matt n.-f.J V1nd'f, Loul Citow1'I • ............................................. LAI Ci PIPP~~p~~c~ ~~:.pf! ............................................. VAl.ESC\A ORANGES S*ttn 'n • Jllkv. Califomla Crown r -• • -.--• • -COUPON -• ---• --- FRESH CROID\D · · EXTRA LEA BEEF or GROUND TURKEY Limit 5 lb . per Cu tomcr . ., ~C,:Lll . \\uh Cout'ln fa!' .. ,i ~ OP ----------------------·--- Fresh eafood Brought ln 6 Day AWeek From All Over The World! FU H AA.A KA.\ s5 ~ ~t!~~!F l!~~~aun Jh ~"~~·sj~~ ........ fR~H HA~AllA.\ MAHI MAHI )t1 f rah F ,_ llw I t!.t.n.b . • • • • o •• • e • • 1 •I• o • • • o • O • • • • O O • O •: 0 0 0 * O It -MEAT t,; DA CHOICt: BEEF ~llMl ~g~~I, ~~Ib. A.pl To P«rfecl>M • ........................................... HOME MADE LA.MS.~ ll SAUSAGE .. Ma« fr99 Fmh A1nr~111 l~~ A..J ~.~ ~ ~o ~·lntn ..................... CHIO.~ OR &EF FAJITA Pttw-Mtw & frnh \'f'l:JIO ln \\.r l 11 la" M.tnn.* • • i ~RLOTor ' . . CHAR DO I'" v.i... °" r... l\.r MOIC ~ \\wwo ao..i Farm AY 111 //triu111 Court FA HI I LA I I ) 1~ ) ( Ii I~ l ( ) \'\ I \ ~ i \ ( I • \ \ ! f ) i 1 ! '. : ; 401 Newport Center Dt., Ne~rt Beach, California Telephone (714) 760-0403 . Hours: 8am .. 2P.m MOn.:sit. sam• Sundat .. .. ... ... .. • A8 Thurlday, April 1, 1993 .. Newport 8MChlCo8ta ,.... o.uy Piiot .. Society Editor B.W. Cook, 642-4321 · 'Circus .Fantasy ' rings in $60,000 .. , _ ...... 'Soft as fe.ithers, they glided on the dance floor post rose colored confeccioning and silver frayed gentlemen ... past the srnined glass windows, and tile guests ... pbst th-e loving smiles of friends and che snony white rnbles filled with banks of brilliant flow- ers ... pust the lacy canopy and under the Roman candles and ,,Y.iiJ;ling~ ~~ i1 was a wondrous dream ... ic was, a circus fantasy!" . A magical evening of candlelight and wine, exquisite B.W. ca \vomcn and handsome men engaged in lively conversation and livelier dance, goou friends sharing u moment in tirue toge ther for th e benefit of u worthy in~titution. Society Three Editor hundred gue::.b of The Sou nu of Music Cl:Klpter of the Guilds of The Orange County Performing Arts Center g:nhered in the crystal and creme colored ballroom of the Four Sea::.on::. Hotel to be a p:.irt of the "Circu~ Fantasy" ball co·chaired by Jodi Greenbaum and Catherine Thyen. The pair of talented women produced ::i smashing ::.uccess for the SOM Guild, raising a very impressive '$60,000 for the Center. Appropriate 10 the circus theme, delicate hand-.made doll::. by local arti::.t Marjorie Bennett adorned the t:ibles, and an enormous faux elephant decorated th e cocktail reception area. "l brought my children Carter (age 2) and Leah (age 3) here before ·the party so they could see just what was keeping their See COOK/AJ Phoc~ by Qlwy~ R.1~ly P1kA Delane and Catherine Thyen, left, and Martin and Jodi Greenbaum. . J.p.maxwell . ,.,, ..... ,,, •• ,, ............. ,,..,,~hi,,,. ~ -----. J~p.maxwell For a Wide Selection of SPORTSWEAR including • Chaps by Ralph Lauren '•Ruff Hewn • Reyn Spooner •River City · • Kahala •Duffel • Que oy Quiksilver ~ 204 Morine A-, a.lboo '"•""-~llfoml• J .p.maxwtll I tto\t• I klNAt ( IOIHI~. •M l •lif\ t.._, "'" 714/673-7211 \VESTCLIFF JE\;\'ELERS U~~ C~lOtl'll\f'.irat) CJCenni: We mJle e\'en ~c1tlwnn~ an l'\enr anJ C\Cr)" e\'enl ~~I tllJX>fJCe Luncho c1nJ Evcnc' ...J P1"ni ~ :l ButhJ.1\ ..J Annt\ er•c1ne. .:l FururJ1~r. :lWedi1~ 'Recer{IOO.'i ..JBar.B.it Mn;, ah:, Full Pdrt) Rem.ii ..J&nqutc Fac1lmes :::::mie~ P.utlt"I .Jl..1al l\.~ ..lice C.11\~ ':lnrcnainmmt ..J\'alet rad.1~ . Secun() anJ Luno S..:rvK.e:. (714) 556~6480 Ro es ............... $7.95/bu 25 Long Stem ·R $12.50/bu 25 Call a Lilies ..... $5 .5£)/00-10 Snapdragons ..... 5.95/bu 10 Alstronicria ..... $6.50/bu .10 Carnations ..... $7.50/bu '25 Iris .................. $3.50/bu 10 Freesia ........... $4.25/bu 10 Delphinium .... ~4 .50/bu · 10 Tuberose ........ $9.SO'bu 10 California ·!~·· ~ Flower M.atket ac. c ast wy. • All pricts art-cash 1ad ~ oaly! Mon -Fn 9·4, Sat 9-2 HIA' WN M1lllfi' • lrttt. So11t B SJncJ An.i. ('A 9!i0-l Warehouse: 882 West 16th St. Newport Beach 650..5700 . I N F· l~N I T ~· COltlSION AmtmON:· REPAIR PRE-OWNED HONDA OIL •·FILTER. ti' FACTORY BUYER Oil SELLER . SPECIAL CERTIFIED Allow -us to perform a >'_DIRECT . 37 Point Safety Inspection Reg. *59" INSURANCE before you, buy or M ii BILLING that pre.owned Hondal ESTATE JEWELRY SALE Exquisite • Platinum 18K Gold • Diamond Heirloom Jewelry at THE ONLY TRIPLE A RATED WATCH REPAIR FACILITY lN .ORANGE COUN1Y VISIT OUR ****JEWEL.RY DESIGN & REPAIR-DM.SION 4 ~tASTER DESIGN ARTISANS Now $29?! Ji' FREE s4500 ~_ Includes up to 5 quarts of . -JSIIMA TES Castro! GTX on and a genotne tnftnltl 0 11 Fiiter. COSTA INCREDIBLY LOW PRICES! We Ouy · Lend Or Accept Consignment • pcs1gn1ng • Rcmount1J1g • Stone Setting • Appraisals Battcrie$ ln_,tallcd All. Work Done On.. P<l.Cl'IJUes . .. COSTA MESA .•Engraving • Platmg INFINITI • Stnnging • Castll'lg (714124.1-1300 20-IJ \\.t·,tdiff · ·" · ~" , ... · · · · 'l'\\ port lh·arh 650--t595 GOURMET WLLIPOP CO. Easter Candy Making Supplies to Make Your Own Holiday Treats , , , "SUGAR FREE CHOCOIATE AND CANDY" Large Selection of Easter Candy, Chocolates. Truffies & Specialty Candies Candy & CaJ<e Mak}ng Supplies •Custom Gifts & Baskets,Made To Order Major Credit Cards • Shippi ng & DeJJvery 7351 Heil Ave .. Sweet "J", Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 841·2000 PAZYRYK KING OF ORIENTAL RUGS DnlASTY RUG PRESENTS THEPAZYRYK The history or the Pcuyryk rug dates back to the year 500 8 .C. The Pozyryk destgn hGs 't>Mn handed down through the c::mturl .. to the Dyncsty waving ma.sten. ln the flanjln oarpet dSltrtct ol China. to•• an authentk example or the Pozyrykw stop In the Dynatty 1howroom In Costa Mtt0. PD8IAN fl Hi$MTAL auoe 2915 a.dh!U An. 18-102 . COila Mtte stonemm Oelagn Center lOcam to 6pm Monday~ Saturday (714) 549-'9378 • I .. ·STRESSING - •Value •Value . •Value •Servlcel •Servlcel •Servlcel . ••Enduring•• 1' e-ve-o rooet OOJ IV ¥.OS rrooe 10 te rde6t'\£toole. EOOO'NJ is rt OJI 'oN pee oories 1t s g;eot ~' Vou1 µ;t ro..e to see lex 'yQ..JSP,lf Tight dense freize in o wde croce ot cobs Sta reslSIOnl ()'() c~ in o oeeze F HA ADProvtD QJNJlY • MOST STAIN PROOF . $ .. • MOST CRUSH RESISTANT 99 • MOST DflRAILE I '""" . SQ YD 9-q> t>( ~ • ~ Tme • ~ ~ (714 722-0420 ~·~ ·SINCE ~1974 ,,,j,, c,,,,, '#i/11, '''· 629 l9fm00 W(J./ #20 Ca;to Mesa, CA 92627 OPEN M -F 9 to 5 Cori IS ex Di!Jn:llXJ . ' .. . MESA · . . COSTA MESA mm~mm COLLISION ~ (7i4)436·5050 Please Come Share a leisurely cup o f afternoon. tea and a savory t reat while brows ing amongst the new fl orals and br~ght ideas to perk up your home for ·S pring. Thursday. Apri-1 I from I to 4 p.m We Look Forward to Seei ng You . Catered by Katie McGuire's THE GREY GOOSE WesttuJI '1.AlA -IOJ2 11111110 NI, NlWNll llAtM 910CIO , . • l •• ,, ' • Newport Beach/Costa Meaa Dally Piiot . COOK From A6 mommy so bu)y. All they wanted to do was climb, and hopefully ride the clephanc!" la ughed che pretty blonde Jodi Greenbaum in a shon knit spagheui scrapped cockcail dress and pearls. "This is like putting on a wedding, but you have 10 make Q profit!" added Jodi') dapper and dry-witted husband Martin Greenbaum. The chic sequin-clad Catherine Thycn and hu)band Dr. -Oelane Thyen grnciously greeted the VIP g1,1e)1s, including honofed underwriter Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Canccllieri, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sewell, Mr. and _Mrs:__!!!rold Se_gerstrom, M!:. and Mrs. John Rynerson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder, Mr. · and Mrs. Mike Myers, Mr. and Mrs. William McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Lopez, Ms. Shirley Clark, Ms. Lyn Davies Cook, and the chairperson of the Sound of Music Guild, Ms. Jeannie Awad , wearing a d:izzling gown of red sati n. Joining Ms. Awad, Mr. Tom Morgan, executive in charge of produce for the Vons ch.iin and a table full of delightful barons of the field, representing hnive ts of pear~ 10 crop5 of kiwi ... Mr. and Mrs. Dan · Corsaro, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bouchey, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Leimbach anu Mr. and Mri.. Wally Sinner. JcJnn1c ·~ )Un. · Mark A\\ ad, '' ith date GJbrial Wilson. ,,·ere <11'.o on h.111d cu. support ht) mother :.anti the Guild. . . The electric Tina Sthafnit.z \\Cnt al!_put \\Ith her hu\hand Matt. The glamorou'I pair armed ·in coord1nJted C\Cning \\Car of la,ender ilk an-.p1red b) Ar\cnio Hall. Mr. :tiafnuz wore a hand-craflcd tux tw dc<,1gncr tmlor Da,1d Rickey. ~hile MN Shafn1tz ""owed" the crowtl with her Boh Mackie minnu: Jncred1ble for a wom.rn five months pregnant The hafnuz family is e'"pccting a little ho~ in Jul to JO)n hr t·born -.un Alexantjer. o far. the "A 'c; · ha'e ll Andre" nihom .ind~ Adam ur"· the top "'"'ntcndcr ... for J n.1mc The C\enmg honorcj.J the remarkable Mr. O\nd Mrs. Charles Hester !llr their )Car of dedication at1d financ1.il )Upporl to 1he communll). Joming the tribute to Charle\ anJ ~01 .1, · their family :.anti do~c f nentl .... Mr. and Mrs. Cort Ensign, Mr. nd-Mrs. J'1m c:s-Chtbm;m, and Mr. ;rnd Mrs. B~n H;irrb. · "The Hester~ rCQH!~cnt the absolute finc-.t member~ of our ' community. Thq• arc people ol quality and "c MC proud to call them our fricni.h." toa~wd the equally top dra,,cr Ann Ho".ird with her husband Mike. "Circus Fantasy" \\ill be remembered a:, a highlight of the New port Social Sea on Seacoast GARAGE DOORS 642--3490 2•76ie='.:si let Your Fashion lmaainition Run Wldl dOihtl trOm the Wriobes al the World 's lttt·Dmsed People and Ntw bdting Acctssoritt To ~e Your loolt 675·5553 2731 l rout HWY. C~ OH MAI. CA OftN MIY °"y IN ' DCIPTfOlllU. IM IM • ••• ~' rt._,. phowf.-0,, ly P.luc At right: Tina and Matt Schaf nitz were among the 300 guests attending The Sound of Musj,c Chapter of the Guilds of The Orange County fferforming Arts Center event. Al.I guests gathered in the crys- tal 3nd creme colored ballroom of Four Seasons Hotel to be a p<irt of the "Circus Fantasy" ba'11. Above: Jeannie Awad has some fun joking around with Ocon the Clown during the recent i?'v<'nl. • h1dhiduliJtd 11a1m for uch dJCOt based on mtubollc rate • A CXJl1lputmzcd body a111positioe aaal)lb A ~ tctnil)' tralwr to design & tncnuragc accounWll11" on an eurasc prognrn •A pnM&I ~•ho cares & IS profCUA.X!al • Mn• plau & r.ods th•t are dcllCIOU & nutntJOUS t ..,,ior llOdiflallOI Upc Stl!CS tlut IS i comprehtllSl\c pcrson31 dt\'Clopmtn1 program • A lllilttulct precn11 to tDSWc loog·tcnn SUl'X'tSS • A lltdial & lmlylt risk 11aly1u rci-m • A cotap~ procn• !lxkcd 1" rt<(ardi Ser.111~ \ewport 6: Laguna Beach ~l '~ Bu .. Ine" C'cntcr Dr . 11150. ll\tnc CalJ Today! 833-3439 •Pfus Cwsw ttddJJWllJI Could ~our stn·ss-nllrd da~s u e somr strrss-rrcr meals? ... rr11 c . "Dining Out" Alte rnative l]lls 1s a fantasy c6me to .re· . M.lrla Bird 0. ly Piiot Food Ctit;e, SfPt 10, 1992 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 50°/o OFF 1'ru/J lfnlqut• l'crsonal Cl1rf • er' ice pr-0' Ides you "1111 J our ou n arrortlablc. personal cl1cr. T\\O \~EEK . KR\'ICE l\CLl DE • Customized 1rnu • Cmn1ll<'lc Grocery Shopping • \1ral Preparation In )our llom • Variety of I lcalthy Meals • 1~1ncst Vc~ctohl ~s • Top Quality Meats • Fre~twst Fish • Canoln & 011\c Olis \\t• ust' tilt• l11wsl qualll) lr~l\·dlt'lll~. prrpal'<'d b) rrrtlO d chd!> •. lo Cl'\'ilh' Ollr'hC'alth . th'llCIOU ... Pl'fM'f'\Jll\l"lrtc dllln<.'rs. Cult non and t'\ttt•rh·m·<" thl~ :•tforc!tthle IU\fllt'f. (714) 54t} ;970 1\ n·,;ul.11 l\\o \\ft'~ 'f'\ICC lnt•ll11llotz tood for two I WO \o\\ nnl) t :m for n~t llmt• < uslOmcrt' • (~r.11J11.1tc or lh~ < ulluar) fn,Ulul~ tlf mtrlt'OI. 11\tk' l'tt.. \ Y Thursday, AprllJ, 1993 A.7 W<ilt cr, left , and )crry Schroeder ha\e fun \\ ith Charlie the Juggler. ___,_--=====-=-=--~===--==========--- RUFFELL 'S .UPHOLSTERY INC. ftlrt ,.., hlllf c..tfs llcle• . 1t12 uno11Ln . com •m-m t 15' 30 Vear F xed -Conforming 7.2S%/APR 7.56% • Jumoo -775\ APR. 8 06~ ~ ~ . -. . . Janis Graber 851-220'0 ~e.,..port F1nanc1a As5oc atPS .. . · One P lus 011e Equal ... M.I. Hu111mel® Magic!· rw thl' jjp,( (lllll' •• lk'\~ )t)lJ~ li~unnl' '" .1,..itl.1hh.: 11111~ .u 1>ur Di...1nd \fan. S~turday, April 3 · · . 1 :00 P~ to 4:00 PM 9-0~eue~ Sttlend~ Gifts & Collectibles In W estdiff Court 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach 650-5535 • In Yo ur Easter Bo nnet ... EASTER PORTRAIT FREE 8X10 ....... WITH 10 POSE SIITI G ---.B & W orCotor No\\ Onl" Sb<l 00 S 135 \alJl" 650-13.JO , We tcli~ Court 1703 We tcliff Dr. • ewport Beach ... 4-l ·BAYSID I? . J~ "~·O h.n!\ult•~ '"'lu>mc' Rl1hC'1ta F1111 .\\onwn\ 1\rt"'' ·I. \'1lti~'f Cit t•11. ln1 Nior.' .tn1I J.1,.t C.u r aim• t·.1.,h1un,, tl1w lurniturt• 1nJ al''''"''''" 1 ., rn .1 "'"'' uniqut• 't'1t111 •. . . . . . fifrf . $Al0N 1 -·" - - -~ .. Morgan Harviston . Rachel Moreno Kayla Donohue Sage O'toole Chantel O'toole ' • .. .. . - Take An Adventure to Explore!!' S IE C E ADVENTURES . Fulle rtoo Arboretum, C.S u :F. &. the South Coas1 Botanic Gardens, Palos Verdes. 1·(800) 472-4362; or (714) 895-3966. Ages: 4-14. Enrollment· approxi~mately 15,000 in mor·· than 200 pubhc & private school\ ·throughout Southern California. Established: 1982. Director: William S. Gregory. Sdentt ~dvtnh.lres is ·ror child~en 4 years through grade 6. Programs e,;,phas1ze the dc,elopment & use of critical thinking skill and employ "hand -on" learning in teaching science ooncepts If you "'ould like io be a win ner next week, jus~ompletc l\be ga!'1cs below and send to: · Scitatt Adventures has several programs to choose from inclµdmg our upc..'Omtng ~ummer Science Day Camp ~rogram. The Science Adventures Summer Science Day Camp begins June 21 ending on August 27, 1993. Taught by st1e~cc rofcssiona!s.,. camp locations will include the Fulle,Ft<m ArbofelUm .. C.S.U.F.; the South Coast Botanic Gardens m. Pcrlo Verdes; and 1te throughout Southern California. Don't miss the chance to learn about Spece & Roclcctry, ChcmlStry Magic, Creatures Large "'SmaJI, and much more! Call now for more information 1(800) 4n-4362, or (714) 95-3966. ec T he Daily Pilot 330 W. Ba\ St .. to ta Mesa, CA 92627 · Attn: Dana . our ad bel~. ~ .-....:.._~~-:--:---:============:=;i The~ 2 pic1u1u I~ e•.ictly ahke, but f9ok a51a1n Can )OU find t~ 3 places where t~v are different? Unscramble the following Advertiser's N ames A I I C P F C .C 0 0 L S H F 0 U S C M I ----------0 E R P W E A N N G LL I A R A R M G E T N N Ar R R E I N F ----------ATNGLS MR ESSON l P Find the Hidden Flower in the selected ad and put the Advertiser's N ame Here I ··~ I '• .. .. .. * * • ..... •· • BIRTHDAY .... PACKAGE ~ * 18 Holes of Miniature Golfl *' 4 Video Game To.kem1 . -* A Bumper Boat Ride <minimum he1ah1 of 44 > or a SJ 00 Ticket Book for our Newest Auractlon. · Kiddie Big Top .. , * 1 Soft Drink' * Balloons & Hats' * Discount Pass for a Return V1sit1 • * Use of our Pnva1, B1nhday Party Room for 4S minutes• $7 ,OO per Person (Minimum o,f 8 PeoP.le) ~ASK FOR STEVE WHITE OR BECKY BAXTER ~ 16000 MAGNOLIA STREET. FOUNTAIN VALLEY CALL NO'll FOR RESERVATIONS (714} 841·4474 -CONTtST RULES 1. toch cfi1ld must submit lhe provided oct1v111es to the Doily P1lo1 by the T uesdoy ofter publ1cotion' of each week 2 Cruldre., may sub'n'if every week 3 Winners will be announced the fo!Low1ng Thursday. 4. Winners will receive gift booklets from the Family Fun Center. To be p1cke~ up ot the Doily Pilot -coll Dono, e>Cl 307 ofter winners names ore announced • 67S-14t4 IH I Wu1cllff Or!Yt Newptff 8tM~ MOii -SAT IO·S L AROEN J\CAOEMY ---- A k11r it • ~•l•t ptt, A filqJJ 1it .Mat..tidt Jtf, A k11y mer •abt • '""· • A ""( 1 1lct te ~•• """· Easter Clusies and Unique .Gifts 721 ·Utica Avenue· Huntington Beach·#· (7 14} 536-1441 A&f 1·Gradt 8 • 6~am 600pm ilE'LEMENTARY: Ki nderga rten · Eighth Grade r • Cardtn Cumculum 'S111DU Group IMtruCllOn • Qual1fitd Teachm · • Congenial Environmtnt Ra dq Skilh f P'tiooia and Comprtllcetiee) Cltflieal . ptlling · Composition · Malbtmatics !Gradt 8: AJgrbra and ~mdr) 1 Computtr Lab · Scitott • frtodi · Mask • Art Apprttialion • Physical EduatioD EXTENDED DAY PROGRA.\f --fl SUMMER PROGRAM: • Academic and Ennchmtm Programs •Arts and Grafts • Cool.mR and S111chel) • F~ld Tnps Public S~hool Ch1ld"n Welcome.' • PRESCHOOL: Age 2 • Pre-Kindergarten • Cardtn Cumru/um • U.Sttmng and Vtrbal Skills • Qua/ifitd Staff • Socwl fnteraction •. Rtadmg and Matis RtadtneJS" •Indoor and Owdoor Play M•Jk · Fmd • Alt Appmiatioa • Utm'8tt • Pa.illtilc • Stlfy Ti.-'-Cnfts We flt· your sc~ule . • Up seal e Ctilloren • s Cfoffiing ~ -- & Boot~ry WESTCUFF COURT 1829 WE5TCLIFF DRIVE • NEWPORT BEACH • (71 4) 645-1 355 ..,· Warted Between The Chlkiren's 8~ & Eorty Years Joys DRAMA •• ART& •.• MAGIC! Spring Classes Now Enrolling June 21 to August 27 Morning & Full day sessions Ages 3 15 Enrolling Now Ca ll for more information 545-1217 Pacific School of Music & the Ans 1 S 1 Kalmus G-1 Costa Mesa YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS INCLUDE: • After-School Science Clubs at your Campus . • School Assemblies • Class Visits • Reid T nps -OUR 1993 SUMMER SCIENCE DAY CAMP- June 21 • Augu$t 27. 1993 • Science Detective Camp • Space Rocketry Camp • Science Magic catnp • Earth Uplorers Camp • Animal Explorers Camp S~es throughout Orange and Los Angeles Counties Call now for registration Information: • 1 1800) 472-4382 or (714 895--3988 \ FUTUREKIDS® Children's Computer Classes Ages 3 and Older NEW CLASSES FORMING (ONTINUALLY I • Desktop Publishing •Word Process ng .. CompJter Assisted Moth & Reo~ing eyboo'4-Sdl . _· ; ._ AND MORE .•• 2C43 Westcl H Or S1e 108 e.-.Pol'! Beocn 183:':!~~;1~~!~o1l<y ~ 7149&a:3933 Year Round Enrollment •Qualified Caring Teachers • Excellent Educallonal Cuniculum • Weekfy Th~mes ' • Arts & Crafls • Singing & Music • Hot Lunches • Mld·Momlng & Memoon Snacks • FulVHalf Day • Sports ActiVities • Before & Af\~r School Care • OPBN 8:30All • SPM Aie• 2-10 .... · .. WE POTIY TRAIN" r -FitEE-liEGISTRATloN-, L ..;._~:!I!. !_B.!S_~ ~30~at!!!!)_ ..J 8372 Mcfadden Ave.. r~~~t:Ia..cha.w . 898-5523 OriJr t 1JGUI • IPll • 'f"IAa·IOVlm PaOG1A11 GET THE PICTURE ON LEARNING ANO YOUR r.HllO! 11 Your Child At Risk? lllll y., don't ... "" ICftool pill .... problem, If you .. eotamed _, 'ff# Chld'• ,..-.a In Ill c:ta.oom cat. Qarlil W. ltQurrle, O.D., L.LD. 714 84 l-4080 Check These S.gns· 0 Works Close. 10 Poper 0 Struggling 1n School 0 A~ Neor W()(k 0 Eye Orscoml0f1 O loses P\oct tA.oding 0 Poor Rtod1ng Slt1 s 0 Slow Worlter 0 Bivrrtd Vision 0 Headaches 0 Confuses Words O Reads Slbwly 0 Behavior Problems 0 Reverses lette" · LI Rubs Eres 0 Pnnts PO()ffy 0 T Jts tieod • 0 Shot1 M.nfion ~ CJ C<•pr.ng t OtJ 0 Squ1ma, r•is Cl Co.era One E~ CWWSa111 ,.._ W Panat U... sm. ~ March 13, 1993 & April 17, 1993 ~ - .. "Otulf Coaty'1 FID11t Pro/111/orul TnbJbJt" Singing and Musical Theatre Classes . · for studeAts 4· 16 years old 'f,=u:~41M]r;;a.1 TIJ1 AJJard Aad1my for tb1 P1tfotmltJ1 Ai11 (714) 642-SING 2488 Newport Blvd., #2( + Costa Mesa CA 92627 • I Surprised by. your ch/Id's report card?· ' . We · Can ~elp! Individualized ·Instruction Programs for all ages ·•Read •Math • Study Skills • Alg/Geo. Tutor .. V2 OFF 1 Mon. Instruction Read or Moth t '~ •. . Come 1oin us this summer for day and resident comptng,-teen corovohs and preschool programs ~ Coll 1odov _for brochures & other inf or~orion 642-9990 2300 University Drive, Newport Beacti, CA Morgan's 11i Tram• Emporium Newe11 Antn11 MUil aaa Tu Waton Die~ast BOCO & VlDEO #8 Percy & The Dragon Com.In• Soon -Mavis & Daisy Come In and reserve yours NOWI 7390 Centu Ave .. HunUniltof Beach 112-3818 Learn To Be A Behayior Expert . _ Margare\ Ann Ferrin. L.E.P., designs an effective parenting plan individually tailored for your family' needs . . uarn to: v 'Reshape your child's behavior v Improve hi~ or her self-concept • Y' lnstilJ self ·d iscipline • Whether your child has special emo11onal or educauonal need or you JUSI \\ant to learn practical patenting tool. t.hat "'~ork. • 'f' Margaret Ann Ferrin, LE.P .. Li.cmstd Educational Pn<Vtologtst o#'J Asstssmtlll.S and_ Counseling · T oddlm 11tfO(lgh Aduils (714) 960-8234 8855 Atlan ta Avenue. # 1 I l Huntington Beach, CA 92646 • leorh1ng 10 core I or o I rsl pet helps deo1e op responslbltrty •Coring for o dependenr f1rs1 pet netps your child deiteloo fee11ngs o1 compassion J. companionship MY FIRST PET •Your hlds, self-esteem gro.,.s as •hey coptnbu1e to the growth & deve1oprien• of. another l1v1ng being • Coring for a lirsl per establishes · d~jty dlsclpllne ~ ,. r • Petland ~'ffi "~ 9 ' ~J HUNTINGTON BEACH • 714 983-4887 IPe .. ~j Nonnwest Comer ol 8rookhursiAdams 1n· tile SavOn Center i..:. . .....:..U=CJI::...:..:: IU;;.J. HH I I ADAMS Hours Mon ·Fn I 0·8 • Sat 10 8 • Sun 11 ·€ ~out-an ·k-eep th.Pm little ·forever with a ' Lasting Impression! ut l..astlng lmpre§§#ons b) Pamela ~ LA6TING IMPQE06IONo ""1 Pamela •• ·~ )'.: •• ( ('OrtJialJ\ .in\it.c . H lU and_ \ OJJr ba.b\ (or nld~r chilt.1ren 11'\ .. cli ) tu <'om"e ln c>ur :i tw /io und nJRkt.• II "Ja .. ting ""f>rt• ~ion ·· tlwr ... ,J/ cni1111rt• \our little on e\ t ill\ hand.. and feet fo reler. Oraa/(~ Co••~ (714) 7H-01Hltl .u• Dl~/(O Cot1•( .. (BIB) 212·3B11 ·ial••d Emplno (71-1} 4tH·041U COMMON PARENTING MYfHS • • Spare the rod; spoil the child.· Pitcnuog St)lcs have changed ovc:r the la)t i-cnty ycan from a tyle of perm~ l\'CJlc~ and oommunK.mon to d new method or J1~phnc b) tcttching th1ldren the '"(ln~qucnccs O( their bchlVIOI By tcaehmg Children the conscquencu•of lhe1r ICtlOn~ pa1cnb •In Jc\"tklp king-term bc.h1Y10r ch•ngC\, ~\ 1\largarct Ann Femn, 1 lxcnKJ l:.duc.a11on1I PsychokJ&l.\I 1n HuMiilaton Beach \bn) parents h•'t taken the meanan1 of the YrOrd tod htcrally 1.nd have thuJ dc\-clopcd the llT)ih that punnhmcnt is ft(('C 1ry for diicarhne ~I)· has further innuc~-cd 1hc rear tu punish to, comcqucntly, pa.rents hr.-c l\'Oldcd dllCtphnc \\"hen puenr u~ f'\lftl\hm,nt rather than a Q>l\$Cq111:11C'C children lcani • 1u '' ad Nd bcha\I" 1n orJcr 10 a\IUiJ the pain of p11na.s.hmc.n1 The opposite 11 h> ttkh good Qehl\"ll>f 111 OfJcr to c.im 1 ~11\C COllX<j\Klkt In the Jll.''· parcnr; tcndtd 10 be more pcrmiul\t i nd wanted 10 «>mmunacalc •1th ti-cir chlldnn Commc>n paren11111 m>ihi hive SIRC'C r lcrcJ the later bthd thlt ., "httlc 1duh'' ru10nin worb tu chln'c children's bc.h1Y10tS Many paten~ bc.llC\"C 1h11 children arc ratK•n•I hlllc people •ho uc c1ratllc uf <'C'ntmlhni f,, , ·• "'h' , ~·'~" r .1 ~·n) lur Join~ .... 1 llll\ m1sunJcf\t.1nJ1n1 ha) roult,d 1n parcnh f\'.\Ntin 11• arg11 ng 'dhn anJ pun1 hing "'hen th. "httlr •Juli" • 1ca'!l1ning c:k~n'l v.ork • • lh:,"\:nlly, parcllllf\& etpclh 1re tca<.hLn& the kk.t that rational Of pun1 hmcnt OO«n'I •Ork •hen 1ttcmplU\J t1) d11nic chtlJrcn·~ bc.~\ll)f\ ul 1MtcaJ IO ruut tllcm us1n1 Q)ll\istent ClOnsc:qu~ncc.s ~J l'•n lhe child's rcuon for m~ha\ior l!.wll1Shrntnt l'Y dcf1n11111n mo;a~ th< aJJ11i.•n uf 1 "f'Pll\ (\tlll, ~II •J>'nk1np ell1n.a 1\f traffic t1dtts Cotutqwnccs bV ddin1l100 mean rhc eJJ11ion or rcll'k11.al of a ftl#Aln~ C\tnl, '~h ~ fru hmt. ('11\111 S111tc •11th1t11 I"\ allot>an" of 1 Jll) heck for aJ11lts Common tcmc and rcxarch ha\t hOwll 1ba1 COMMtnlly 1uch1 l\~>J "'h!'\10r '"" a J>l"'•lM Nli:ll!M a l'lk.'ft Jll""trfu.I 1n mt nithen1n1 hcha\l(lf chansa than tu ct11na good bchl'1-.>r to .~ • ncptl\t 1.'111~~ "'"' t'lf'CtU re 1ctKh1fl& a rd1ACd ''t"'"'" l'f fira')Jm1'l R11lc'. •h~h )ay) l•tk b\:fort rl•Y ' They re<OO\nknd r•rcnu ICU cll1k3rtn lhc Jll"lfl\'(' n•n"'~U~!Kt~ Nf•'l(C )lllmJ the ' t IN l'IW\l (~.im'plo .rt ·You m.i) pl~' ouuiJe afttr "" ha\'c taken out the 111 h". ur ·•you-rniy •at<h IV 1l1rr ~·u "'" ftnl\hcJ Vf'Ur hMlc ,,._.. • , · When partnll bcwme bthM<>f UJ>t"'-tJlty lum ta crutt tt1ri--1n \ltuations for ~'1h tbfm~ en and the child I 11.tprtM ~ ronsnt~tlv I "l cl)ft~Qll(~i of tie~ rat Ml than 11~"1 ra11t1nalc 1•r J'Uni•hmrnt, •II fl ften mull~ fl tit ftCV\'f cndar. •~hNllWlc11 \-Wk ~hriar•t Al!11 I t~J\ l.EP 1•ffcn parcn11111 lhcrap)' fur parent, ()f cllaldtcn •1th l'li:l\a\11."lf31 pt lrrm. 1,ram I> Mttit') 11\d ncnttM 1>tf!Cl4 I rdtr ' <~Cu· ~~to11.. St""Co~ · (71+ 54S· 7f91 F o r the 'bes t" children'~ po rtrait .. ~edk eaio# For chil d ren onlv By appoi n t~en t o nly FASHrONS FOR CHILDREN ·548-7980 .. 17th & ~ y 1B f o o )'q · ~~e~ \,v " v- ••.;'~MM , .l 1 111/J rn • 1 '"'"'""'•'" "'-•1tt1ut ---.:::11.:-o;:-~T.o · •. L'Jt;£. lli..ut14'r% 4.:::-~1.iUtm.bf 14'"'1t • }riJ.Jr.t1 5-'-~ .'.1-..uu )~ .' .. '" ., 11t K....,. -:_-.. (:,i:! -i'= • """" ,. • ft .b?,.. ... tqi.; <:..;,n..ur.....U 1:.m f~xn ..i.. w-... .t.n SJ , -:-'°' .. )...."" ..i. J:t...! !.£...L•t..,i; i../ -.\L."'4 .;)ti • .:: \'42~-:'I ~14· t..:'11 •• ,,,/<j [; V:,ar.1 fuvui.uu •~'t~ _)! -'ll -~ -.'U.. .:: l'c..w ( n._J) 5i.J~0•1L"'L°'1 ' .,J I ' 4t ~ (> v.,~ 'f)(c (f.\\"\ Quality Dancing For The Whole Family • J a zz • Ballet lkgmncr through professional • Gttat (acilit) • ~odem • l nlimlted Par:kJng • ~1a~ter cla se , workshop • performing group AGE 3 ~ '\D t:'P 241-9908 for ~las 1chf'dult & brochu"' 15 1 K.a lmu Or .• Co~ta Me a --- I\ J,>11tccit'l Sc(1tulia l-i1111ily l (1catio11 ( ·,,,,,!' 'lbe Great F~ily Adventure 11 hll Wnk1 of PU1f • Jane 2111 • s.pt .. Mr , .. AC i IVI I W POI All AG!.$ Lecat.i la ~ at • coel noo· • • "Pree 0.0.Ce" ,.,......: , Lake Bo-.Yl.lo • Toetk. y..., a Aftlta 0.ota or lo4f!t . . =-~~5 . toclfe ·~ ...... .......... a.., • eaw..""'....., a.a ..... • ··~ De ..... ea...... ...... c-.... • ~'h:. ri;. ..... llcale • T ..... a a.1t1u • _.,...._ t Suda IRI .... 24 .... •Aldery•JllerT -. • c ........ s.-.. ......... •M!lt .......... 9tl Sire -.W-0 ....... 1450 • ;.._:;..-. • T"6 CJ. U) $319 •Mat Cnftt • T .... (U·17) MH ~all 800-227-9900 lbr PJlBB aroc1a .... T • , . , .. ., r ., . , · RO.Y Al:VARADO Latinos Costa Mssa ' TIM CELEK ) Pastor, ·calvary Church, Newport-Mesa LUCY BURROUGHS Community Activist ' •• ' : .. RICHARD LUEHRS Executive Director, Nswport Harb<Jf Arsa Chamber of Commercs WERNER ESCHER South Coast Plaza ~ 0 Executive Director, Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce , BILL HAMILTON Restaurateur, The Cann(!tY · DAV)D GRANT .. · frssidfnt, Orange Coast College . ' .. .. . .. ' . .,... r , . ~ LINDA MOOK MARIA HEDGES KAREN McGUNN BILL COTE Prssidsnt, . Cots Rsalty PAUL SALATA ~ Businessman Tsachs'r, CdM · · · Community Activist Executive Dlrector,~sos High School JOHNCRE~N EnttsprenflUr, philanthropist r "'-' . . ' ~ _.. I • ·.•iN·N.·8 UN CI NG• • • f . .. . . . . . . . \ . . . e at the Daily Pilot are pleased to introdu~e the · m.embers of the 199:3 Daily Pilot Editorial .Advisory B.oard. These are among the most involved ·and-inflnen-- tial l~aders iti'olir c01;nmunity. AS you ccin see, .the bOard is comprised of? wide variety of ,interests ·and diverse · concems. -We know-that-t:heywill be exceptional . . \ . LaDONNA KiENITZ . City Librarian, Nswport Beach P.ublic Library TOM REDWITZ Vice ·Prssident' Land Developmsnt, The lrvtns·Company LUCILLE KUEHN .NewpotJ Bsach Library ,, board msmber ' _ _, representatL~s oLthe_communit)LtO-the-new~per . ---.----.--.-. . .. • • J We ·are very proud· that th~y .:~re all GOmmitted to · helping us create the .mosf relevant, u_seful. and· sompelli!_lg comniunity n.ewspaper possible. ·Tue board will meeJ formally four times a year and will critique the newsPaper, provide newsworthy story .ideas and be available as a backgro9nd resource on · breaking stories. THE NEWPORT. BEACH • COSTA MESA • • .. JIM GRESSINGER Publisher . WILLIAM LOBDELL Editor • JOHN MOORLACH Busins~man, GOP. activist ~ MAXINE MONTGOMERY Vies· Prssident-Mgr. Prudsntial California Realty ~ ' JIM DeBOOM .... . . , Trustes, Newport-Mesa I Unified School District . JUDY FRUTIG F'f91ance · Joumallst JANICE FUCHS . General f'1181Jager, Fashion Island JIM DALE . DAVE SNOWDEN Restaurateur Police Chief, NANCY SKINNER · MARI• SCHOCK EnvironmentalltJt Businesswoman . . ; ·. . i -. .. ...... ..... Costa Mesa . .\ . .,. . . • . - • Thursday, Aptil 1, 1993 A11 Make e .very~ddy a special ·occasio.n. at Wber~' s the Pe-rty?-1 W~~r ~~l~~b a~Th~~ll~~~ ~---------------~-~------- just the right ~ntimcnt to your next partywith • · show someone? you care colorful balloqn arch~ or you're planning a memorable' and sculptures, or help get-together, Where's the Party? you plan any occasion f n Costa M esa is the perfect for just the delivery fee. destin<Ition ta help you turn C\ e~ "We really cater to occasion into a celebration! C . . h . h d our customers," says ommemoraung t ctr t ir owner Candy Caffey. anniversary on April fool's Day, "Our specially trainl-d Where's the Party? is thanking staff will \\Ork with \IOU their customers w ith new low / brii::es on balloons and extended to make.e .. ery occasion> • h h'I an ITTiru:r~nt one. \Ve usmcss ours. w 1 e continuing / to provide you 'tl_lth everything have, un and we '.vant you need to mare y,our ne\t party our clients to ha .. e fun, a special event. also. We'll set up • More than JUSI a party goods special appointments 10 store, Where's the Party? ,,ill help work around hectic rou. plan your ~\ent, decorate the schedules to help )OU seaing, customize your in .. 1ta1tons plan you next event, and provide the party supplies, to _ whether it's a wedding, e05ure t>1,at every deta il is Bar Mitzvah. shower, har1dled -so Jll you ha .. e to do graduation, office Family Service of Orang~ County Professionally Accredited to provide individl_\al, couple and gro up therapy 1or children a nd adult . . r is enjoy the day (unction, or yacht part)' To brighten any fo:,t1v1ty1 -all deserYe special choose from an ci..ten:,ive attention." "Come on in and nose around. P!ease, no party poopers." Fees varv b~sed on household income ~ ... ~ Licensed Th erapists 8 selection of cards, inv1la1ions and . Along with a wonderful place cJrdS that Where's. the selection of party supplies, Party? will customize \\tlh your including paper goods, horns, O\\ n ~ersonalizcd greeting at their streamers, hats, favors anc.J glitter Imprinting Center. Turn your candla!>. rou'll find no\el gifts, c:h1ld's birthday into J memorable sµ€h as customized fabric .ind occasion with a·bannL•r, ceramic frames, desk acce:>>OrtC) hJndpaintcd by an art1>l. and cuddl) stuffed animals. Don't leatunng your )Oung>tcr's name let anoiher birthdJ)' pass ) ou by and favorite charactcr Throw a \\ ilhoLtt the Good r ortune party for Cinco c.Je Mayo \\1th life-lil..e pioata:> tilled \\Ith Gand) Birthday Cal..e Candle. P.id.ag<.•d d . in a pint.. cardboard bo\, th1) ~n paper. conieui. Haw run "chocolate CO\ ered CJl..e" hJ:, a dc:>igning }Our O'.·vn statiorn.'I) ~"'~iJI charm or tnnkct t)idden \\1th colorful paper:, U!>tng )Our r imagination \\Ith COnfcttt, St ~I..('!!'>, 1nS1de With an encapsulated Wilh Easter on its way, Where's the PMty? has a great assortment of (Jster basl..ets. grass (lots of gc1od1es to tuck inside!). plush bunnies, \Heath), wrJppings, p.1pcr soocb Jncf ca ndles to make the upcoming holiday a special one There's C\en J walk1og Ea)tt:r Bunny balloon. For a un1qul' giit idc.i. how about an EastL'r ba:>ket in a balloon (balloon wrJp1 tor ju:,t S8.99? Yoll can hJ\C 1t filled \\Ith )OUr fa\IOrite 1tC'm::. To <;clcbr.:ite the >eason. enjoy stJmps and sparl..lc glitter You lortune m<:ssageL c~ e .. en create )Our uwn b.mncr .------------=-=--..,....._....,...._ ........ --------i <\\.1th individual letter:, and fasteners. a complimentJry photograph of Wrap up that trea>urcd g1it in an array oi wrap:,, g It bags, ribbons, 00\\S and tJg) TI1cre's also a complete a>sortmcnt of l1s:>ue paper •. '' rc.l!h>, fotl>, confetti and shrcdc.Jc.'d tm>el to decor ate and fill )'Our pJcl..;igc). 'ou'll lo\C~-thc thL'nR·d hul1cfav items to help )Ou plan a luau or ho)t a 4th of July ~rt Balloons in all :,h,tpL» and color) a~ a' ailab!e in 9. ll. H ·tnch a'Jtd'-m)IJr. \\'hen!'> tht• Party? treats their balloons \, 11 h ei ~pec1al sealant to mal..e them la:,t t" ice JS long and ancr thl') blo'" them up \'.tth hcl:um, thL') 'II e\ en he1p )'OU CJrl} them out to the Typellne PRINTINC 789 w. 20th St. • Costa Mesa I ' ~ ·. RETRACTABLE :AWNINGS ( Atptorlzed o r M ecbnnlcnl) FIXED AWNINGS F'ree tin1ates! -1·800-346-5222 EXT.103 Don't miss our · "Celebration of Life" pedal Sectlon coming Thursday, April 81 EDITORIAL TOPICS • I loliday \\'or ·hip Servict·~ _ • Great Places to enjoy Ea ter ht\lnch/dinner • Easter Flowers th at make great gifts . CALENDAR OF EVENTS • . . Ea~ter pn'geants, l~astcr Bunny arriv~ds, egg hunts and more ... r Advertisers, don't miss 0111/ Space a Copy Deadline, April ~. For more dctalb c~ 642-4321, Ext. 250 ,, ..... w """""""' _, ' J .. your c;:hild \\1th the [a>~cr Bunny, when he arr 1\e::. on SJturday!>, April .3 and 1 O. from 1 () .1.m. to G p.m. at Where's the PJrt}, No mJtter \\hat thl' :,c·J~on ur occJsion, \\ hcrc's the PJrt)? \\.111 help )OU mal..c 1t a monwntous one. locat.;>d Jt :? iO E 17th Street in Cu~tJ M~ e\ll'nded bu5incss hour) Jre 9 a m 19 6 p.m .• MondJY through $.1turcJa). All maior crL•d t card::. .Kcepted CJll 722· 1"803 . HAAbciR l.Awm 'FREE SMCE' · 1625 GISLER AV . COSTA MESA, CA 92626 -\'OH IS /RI/\'£ -------....... ' 18001 Cow an, Suite C&D Just o ff Main St near the 55 F"'~ (Use AfacArrhur 011 from ~5 or 4051 . Call for mfann"atwn ur 1m· ~ppointmtnt " (714) 660-8020 __, . ,, __ _ .-II • M.odem Equipment • • Full Schecl.Ae of Classes • Cert1Fted Per7soooT fro~ri - Conwnlently located tn Westcllff ptozo 17th St. at lrvtne Aw., New·porl ~ • Harbor Lawn- Mount Olive Mortuary & Memorial Park 540-7602 'FREE SPACE . {SuNSo lAWN GARdcN ONly) HEAd of Ho~E~old PROGRAM o,... ( 1 ) FRu ~f .io d.f Hud of 1l. Howltold ro kl IP ~ ~' ~ fAMily i-il ex.-&f<>Al Nud PM>rro ioN ~. (Jltt 'F.ll SpAc.i 1 j\ •I No CO\J OA Oblif.-10.. A S 70.00 °"1l twf fu fOA E~~' Cw •ouiAfd hy StA11 I.Aw. tl.i\ olh• vwd •1 S 1,290.00 J)M S70.00 ENdov...M Cw.) DON~T DELAY. I . GET YOUR FREE SPACE TODAY. u.i•d offt .. BEF<>iE t€£0 cw4y • Yu, I Mi INTt.Amtd ANd u..d~TA~ MAC k NO COST oa obliGAtioN foa TkE •fREE SPACE• •. NAMc:_~---=--~~~--~~~~-'--~...__~~~---~....._'!""'--.. ·ADDRESS~~.:-.-----_,....-=---------~~--~~-'--..-- CITY~--~~;__~~------~------------ PHON :'DAY • • , . . ' ..; ' A 1 I Thursday. Aprtl 1, 1993 Newport Beach/Coat& Mnt.DaJly Pilot Co m ~m unity For. u. m Commu~lty Forum runs on Tuesdays. Thursda~ and S.:aturd.lys • Write to: Pilot Letters, 300 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Pu to: 646-4170 • Readera• HotUne (ci.11-ln letters and comments:) 642-6086 • Editor Wiiiiam Lobdell ... 642-4321 , ext. 351 The future gen er at1on Editorial .· , Breast cancer is the loser · in f :::::::.::~:=::::::::::::::::::::~~==:;::~~::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...._~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' ..... r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... .. Race ·ror Cure Truth . an·d o·.A.R.E. .. .Thumbs down . . 10· European· . . . . , I W hen about 70 '"omen got together for break.fast at the Pacific Club to discuss next fall's Race for tb e Cure, they learned of a reason lo wo rk even harder to make the joga'thon a sma shing success: Newport-Mesa 6th-grade · stude nts, in award-winning ·essays, tout their school 's anti-drug, -alcoh ol program . city · junkit • l'he Calif.orn ia C:\ncb Registry had just reported iha1 Orungc County, ulong with the Sun Francisco Bay area, has the highest rate' of breast cancer in the slate. This is partially due lo the high cond:ntrauon of-wlrite women in both ure:is:--- Whites are monrsuscept1ble 10 breasl cancer than African-American, Hispanic or Asian '":omen, in just tha1 onler. On the Coast Another factor may be that \\omen in Orange County and the Bay area are more resolute about self·e:<amin:11ion and mammograms. 1hus 1he d1sea\e is detected more often here. · "Bul no, '"e don't really know for sure "hy the breast cancer rate here is so high,'' Dr. D~va Gerard told me "lfen I asked her about \ht"-; bl~ak statistic. • "Five years after I go to S"cdcn and ge t my Nobel prize, I'll have all the answers Cor you,'' said Or. Gerard, a surgeon specializing in breast cancer. She is also president of the Orange County chapter of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, which benefils from the Race for the Cure: There are now 35 races nationally, which have raised $13 million to fund more than Ibo research granis. Orange County's first Race for the Cure was held 1:1Sl September, drew 3,800 " runners (70 percent women) and raised $2!8,000. This year they're shooting for 71000 entrants. Seventy-five percent of thal wen t 10 help fund 1he local Komen Foundation's early-detection programs. The group hopes this year to offer screening to 5,000 at·risk Orange County women who otherwise cannot afford the exams. lntrod,llcing Dr. Gerard, the Orange County Register's Ronna Kelly siiid: "She's the only per~n J know who's both a Type A and a Type B personality. When we were having all the~e IJ~t·minute crises before the race last year, 0Jva just smiled and said, 'Mellow ou1, Ronna, 11 "ill happen.' And, of course, it did." The moment I met Oa'a Gerard and talked "1th her, I felt this comfort zone gen tly close in on me. 0Jrk haired and preuy, 1he woman e~udes competence, confidence and caring. And· strength, lo1s of strength. II musNake a lot of fh:it to aeal, eve.ry day, with the grim facts 10f ·cancer. D.urin"g the years when 58,000 of our troops died in 1he Vietm1m war. 338,000 American women died of breast cancer. By the time the sun goes do" n this evening, five Orange County \\Omen "'ill have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Three will have had surgery for it and al least one will die from it. I n 1960, the lifetime risk of a woman in America de\eloping breast cancer was one in 20. Today it 1s one in nine. And in Orange County, it is one in seven . Wha t '~e need to do here is go out and run our buns off in the Race for 1he Cure at Newport Center on Sept. 26. And the way D:iva Gerard and Ronna Kelly have it planned, you v.11l have no excuse whatsoever. You can go out and run the SK race, Or you can do the: SK walk. You say you have bunions or a bad knee or your religion forbids exercise? TOU!,fh. For you 1hey have the Phantom class. You pay your SIS entry fee , you gel your T-shirt and your number. You walk around panting and gnmacing and stretching, you can even bring a spr:iy bottle and fake some sweat. With Ronna and Oava, there is no place to hide. Considering what's at StJkc, would you have it any 01her way? Fred Martin's eo/umn runs every..Tu~sday, Thursday and Saturday. • The foHowing Dre ownrd·winning essays by Newport-Mesa 6th graders on tl1cir schoo/s .ni1tH.Jrug D.A.R:E. program. 0 Drug und alcoho! ·~e is a big topic. It can affect your life so much. Alcohol c:rn cau e bad thi ng to happen ju:,t like plain old being drunk. When people drink, they just think it's fun and they don't think ubout 1he bad c-0nsequences that they're takin'g. TI1ey just1hin~, oh, it's just a beer but sorry. You can't slop atone. ll doesn't )\Ork that "ay. It gets very addicting. Thal works just the same il drugs. People start to tukc drugs ma) be because.of peer pres ure but now..a-<lays, we learn to say, "No," and D.A.R.E. is helping a lot. Dut there 's always going to be peer pressure .• Maybe people take drugs because they think it will release their problems. Well, il doesn't. It male them \\Orse! J'm glad \\<e ha\e 0 .A.R.E. in 61 h grade becau~e this issue influ ences your whole life. It prepares you for junior high .anJ high sch90l. \Ve know that there's•going to be peer pressure but if we keep remembering all the bad things thu1 can happen, I think we can Stay drug free and happ) for the rest of our lives. I want le live happily, don'1 )OU? !( .. )OU do, )OU will SIU)' drug free. I think another reason why people get imolveJ with drugs and gang involvement is because they hang around the wrong people. If )OU have good fricn,ds and you trust them to make 1he right decil.ions, that's fine. Dul don't be too trustwonhy ... you never know! f\IONIQUE GAMUOA Killgbrooke School ---=o . Staying drug-Cree is the be!t v.:.iy to be. To be a scholar, 10 be· a sportsman, and to be u f Fiend tu myself and other!> "111 all help me to li.,.e dru·g" free anJ S" c me the greatest high of Jll! Oeing a scholJr, I \H>uld gel high on lcJrning and ch.1llengc'>, not drU£S. The ,.,.ork and cl1Jllengcs make being J schol.lf fun. H I ws;re a junkie, I ~ould not concentrate on my work and it would :,how in my test grade'i and report cards. If my grade'> SIJyed cons1s1en1ly lo", good schools \\Ould nol accept m) applications. Drug'> ,.,.ould e"cntuall) ruin m~ lme for le;irning and destroy the g.reJt high I get from lcarn•!lg. Learning is a terrific high! IC I were to be a i.pomman, I would get high on i.coring th e winning point or being on !he 'champion:,hip team, no1 taking drug~. lf I did take drugs, I would become very low and not be able to concentrate. My te ammates \\Ould di~rcspecl me and I wouh.l disrespect myself. Pla)'ing spur\s and hJving fun is a lot more rewarding thnn taking drugs It is a great high for me! Deing a friend to myself and others is a lo't more rewarding than taking drug!P. The fact tha\ I know I have fri ends who care · about me elevates, my sc f-cstcem to '"herXcare about m)'self. Taking drugs would only make my fri~nds lose respect for me. Losing my friends would be very painful and would lower my self-esteem. J would go around being sad and depressed. My friends are very important to me and I would choose them over drugs any d:ty. Friendship is a great high for me! Whether I am a cholar, a sport~1nan. or a friend, my per:,onal plan to be drug free is the best ~igh for me! • SETH RICHARDSON Andersen Elementary 0 In the beginning of the year, I knew that the 6tn grade was going to be D.A.R.E. year but I didn't kn.ow how moch it was going to aff ccl me. I knew 1hat we were going to leJrn c;.tensi.,.ely about how drugs could kill and how to say, "No." Sul I didn't know \\C were going to learn about stress management and gangs, loo. So far, I have learned lots about these subject and I am continuing to learn from my D.A R.E. workbook. In the beginning of 1he book, J learned sc ... eral new \\-Ord., and ho" important :,afety rule'> arc. I also learned the con .. equcncc!>, of the use of alcQhul .ind tobacco, and it definitely discourages me from being u user. In the next pJrt of the book I learned abou1 i.1re\s management and the adverriscmcn1 of akohol and cigareucs. The strcs'i manJgement lesson helped me a lot, since I ha\e a ~igh level of stress. I learned some breathin cs.Sons tha1 l u>c some1irnes.- Learning aboot the advertisement of nlcohol and cigareues was ne~t. loo. J lcantca some or the lecliniquc:, 1hat arc used and how 1t is rarely mentioned how dJngerous and C\en deadly 1he products are. Ther-rcst of the book I ha,en't go1ten to, )'.Cl, -but I'm sure Fm going to learn u lot more. And. l1n:illy. my person~al plan to li'c free of drug abuse: I have promised my family and myself that I '"ould never du drug-!> !n any form. I \\OUld nu1 wa nt to risk my life over something th.at has ki lled millions already. J am no1 going to gi'c into pee r pressure even 1f 11 mean-, losing my fr iends. And I ''ould certainly never pu1 my p:ircnis through my grief of having a user in the family. This is how it is and that is how it will stay. MATT SINGER Newport Elementary 0 I have 11 per:,onal plan to live drug free. To starl out, I will not hang out with the wrong cro"'d. If l sec anything that ~ looks suspicious like illegal drug use, under age drinl.ing or ander uge smoking, l will have something like a pas~word or code with my parents, so that it l"'min :in uncomfort a51e position. I can call a paren1 and they "ill come pick me up. That way I can avoid the s11ua1ion. I can do many things to keep my body hc ahhy. I can-keep my . body in shape or e~ercise, eat ·right so that my body isn't tired or mistreat~d and, mol.t importantly, I can be" sure to stay free of drugl>, alcohol or smoking. This way I will l>e sure that my budy sta)s healthy. Also, instead of taking drugs or smqking or drinl.ing \\hen I am sad or depressed, I can instead breathe deeply or talk to a buddy. I c:1n be a risk taker in good ways, not bad. If I am deciding w~elher or not to take a risk, I can think about the ups and dQ,wns of the situ ation, what "ill happen to me if I decide to take or not take the risk, '"ould I do 1£ if the p<.>lice or m) parent!) were there'.' And, mO'il 1111portJ111, how will 11 affcc1 me? . The'e are 'cry important questions 10 ask m) elf in deci')ion maki11g. I "111 alwa)s be strong in "hat I belie' e 111, and not let nl) elf be a pu:,hO\er or let myself be pfessured into an unw•Jntcd situa11on. II I um h:i\ ing, trouble ''ith thl'i, I cafl either a\·011J the situu1ion, \.\all nw~y. JUSl say no, be a broken record, or call over a friend' so thu t I ''ill have strength in numbers. ., Thanks to my D._A.R.E. teacher'> uni.I lnend!). I h:i\'e learned 1 111~ and much more about how to h\c m~ life d1ug free. ~!ARIANNE WOOD Lincoln Elementary School 0 I think d1ugs ·and alcohol arc bad because if you.have a family. 11 could ruin 11 and your hfc. It (,Ill JbU lllC\') up )OUr brain and )OU can end up on the streets, ;rnd most 1mportJ1Hly, 11 ,.,.ill hurt )OU anJ all the people '~ho lmc )OU. What D.A.R.E. hJs taught me \.\JS'rhe'~fft:·crs-thut'drugs'do• · to )OU and the con)cqucnces that t:an harpcn '~hen yotJ t~1 ke 1hcm. It hJs influenced me nut to -take them and to !>tJy a~ .ay from them The '~3} I can '>la} away from drugs and alcohol abuse 1s I "''II tay a" ay from the people who do them and 11 my friend J oes them, I will ~t a new friend. . The \vay I "111 stay away from gang ill\olvcmenl i) I will not hang around people who nrc in a gang. Also, I "ill !.lay away from.the gungs. Occuusc: ir you talk like a duck, if )O U walk hke a duck, :>nd 1f )'Ou look like a duck, well, golly, )OU must be a duel.. ADAM G INGRAS Kaiser Elementary School The envelopes plcusc ... QJ ·j humbS' down to 1hc SS,576 European JU1Ut_£t taken on taxpayer money by the nrchitect or the new Ne\( port Ue::rcl!Ccntral Li brJry lo "insp~' at the quarry the Kiri.stone slate lo be med the undc r-consiruction libral). ""-. Thumb up to the 423 students at ~ Andersen Elementary School and their parents for finishi ng No. I in the slate -and win11ing valuable school equipment -·in n contest sponsored by-Ralph's supermarket. .. '1J ·1 humbs up to the Irvine Co.,und Da)silJe- Village Mobile Home Park residents who\e appeared to negotiate a friendl) resident bu>out of 1he 26-acre dc,elopment. .. rn Out thumbs down to the burglar who Y-ri£Ped off a shed Cull of aluminu m_£:in~ th e BJyside Vill age re idcnts h:id sa"ed for the leg:il.f und thq hJd planned lo .use for the bu yout. ""-. Thumbs up to the Co!llJ Mesa police for ~ their conce11eJ effort to mal.c Lions PJrk once agati1 J safe pla~e for children~ pla). · Ql Thumbs up to Ne\\port Deach Coul\ctl"oman fan DebJ) for propo .. 1ng J cummon--.cn .. c ordinJnce that \.\Ould ouila'' "loud und rau uus" noi'c blaring from !>lerco' ar'd boombo\es. Tim should be a help the police c1.1'1 dO\\lt the ro\\d1nc::.s of \\'C\l Newport Ucach.'15ebay's district. I ifiit@ti r:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::: ... Libr ary celebration u arinen L1b1JI) ceh:brates 30 )Cars of out:,t.rnding sel'iCC t9 the public this week. For 1bose of us who JllenJcd the dedicJtion ccrcmon) three decade ago. it 1s truly an occa,ion for cclehrat1on and th.anksgl\ing. Ne\\ pun Beach Sch~I District Supcnntcnl.lcnt Ro)' 0. Andersen, his a:,sistant W1ll1Jm R Riuer, and I were among tho\e 1nv1icd 10 n:prescnt the district in that most Ju~r1"oul. Je,elopmcnt .. a !.Chool, a 'PJrk, nnd 1 rJI) on adjacent '>Iles -and each has c f'\'ed U.L"'ith distincllon. Ci'ic and __ · __ _ cduc:11ionJI leader!. batl the vision to link 1hc c vi1al :,crviccs Sc\ Cr JI .events .Jtc ~chedulcd to commemorate f\1Jriners Library's 30th birthdJy, including a happy b1r1hda) recep11on on LOuJ) from 2 to 5 pm The l'\e,,pon Beach L1br .H) Ou.irJ and the f\JJriner .. :11.:ill :ire tu be l.'un~r.11ulatcd for a JOii \\ell done for )(})CJ_r ! JOI I I Ol:AN, Ed D, Count) Surcrinten<len1 of S.:hools For tfle birds 1 1i.1d J "underru1 experience IJ!lt \\Cck. I an\iuu'll) entered the \\J1t111g mum of Dr. NJllC) I lauer in Ne'~ po11 Center ,.,.11h. an inju red "'ilJ bird. l'J found 1hc bird Jt my bo)friend's hou .. e 1n SJn Clcmcn1e. lle'd been told by J \Ct there thJt she couh.~11·1 be helped Jnd they "ould put hcr 10 '>}ccp. I decided to try to help her. I am 1111 o'e"' hclmeJ by ggQdJechngs \\hen I 1hinl. ol !low \\e ".ere treated by Dr. lfauer. The doctor was so compal.sionate to both RIC and Sunshine, my "ii~ Finch. She ran l\\O X·r:l)' of her broken wing. reset it, and curcf ully wrapped the wing to immobilize it. She did no1 ch;irge me for the X·rnys and e'en gnve me a bag of special food for Sun hihe. I lcr kindness, kill, :rnd genera ity ore something you don't cc vc:cy often these dan in our world. Hopefully, in about two wed. · 1·11 be releasing Sun hinc buck out 10 join her fomily in the wild. I know th:u I'll be thinling of Or. Hauer on that glorious day. MICHELLE Sl~1PSON. Nc"pon Dench PRESIDENT 0111 Clinton, (0), The Wh ite House, 1600 Pc:nns)'lv.inia Ave .. Waah1n~ton, D.C. 20500 (202) 456-1111 -1 lotlinc records calls from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. P.S T. How to contact your. representatives ~l::\WORT·Ml:.SA Ul"IU.'l(U SCllOOI. UISTRJ CT, 1601 IGth St, NC\\~)(>rt lk,1ch. 760-3200 Actina Supcr111trnd.:n1 C11rul Ut f'¥ 0\1.:ird Members: Rod 'h>rMllll11n, prc~1dc:nt, Jim do: .llooni, ltuJ MacM1lh.an, JuJ) h:in<"n, Sherry Loolbourrow, Ed D-.c .. cr. VI CE PRESIDEN'I' AJ Core. (D). The Cnpltol Dlda .• Su11c 212, Washinaton, D.C. 20500 ~ ' 'COVERNOR Pde Wiison, (R), State C4p1101, Sacramento, 9S8t4, (916)445·2841 U.S. SENATORS Barbin Boxer, (0), 112 llart Scnotc Bid&-, Su ite 212, Washintton D.C. 20$10 (202) llA·lSU Dianne Fein teln, (0), 331 Hatt Scnotc Olda.. wa hinaton D.C., 20510 (2.0l) 224·3841 or QIO) 914·7300. U.S. HOUSE O•"a.£PA.t:S£NTATIVES Cllrla CH, (R), <&71h Dist., 4000 MocAnhur Blvd .. East Tower, Suite 430, Newport Beach, 92660. 756-llU or (202) llS-561 l. (most ol Ncwpon kacb} DeM ....,..bed1cr. (R}. 4Sth Di t .. 16162 lk:Sch lllHJ. Suite J().i, lluntington Jk.Jc:h, CA 92647 b47·24JJ or (202) 225-2.i IS (Costo Mc\.a and we t Nc-.port Bc:ic:h) ~"TATE St-:NATE Marian Berscson, (R), 37th Dist. 140 Nc-.porl Ccnier On\lc, Suite 120, NewPl)rl Uc:;ic h, 92660, 640-1137 or (916) 445-4%1 (Rcpmcnls Newport Bcoch anti C() 111 ~tcu) STATE A t:MDLY Cllbttt Fcrsuson, (R): 10th D1\1., 421.W MocAtthur Blvd , Sul1c 204. N,cv.pon Beach. 92660, 756-0665 or {916) «5·7222. (Nc-.-porl Bcoch and Costa Mesa,) CAUFORSlA COASTAL COMMI . '16N s .. n Fr;,1nc;1SCO ( 41 S) 904-5200 (South C03Sl rcaion CO\ICrl!;C splil bccwcen offices In L4>na Bc:ic:h (213) 590-S071. and San 'bicao. Comratl4 loner Don Mdnnh: (619)723·92M COUNTY BOARD o•· SUP£RVI ORS Hall oC Adm1n111rat10n, 10 Ciyu! Center Pia.ta. S:int1 Ana, 92701 ll1n1t1t M. Wltdrr 2nd Ont Co~t.J ~k , ., 834-3220 1 hu11111S F. RJley Sth Dist. (Nc-.pon U.:ach. S;inta An• I lci£)\ts) 834-3550 " COUNTY DOAJU> OF t:UUCA110N 200 K.nlmus Drive, Cosio Mc a, V.O. Uox IJ050, 92628·9050, 966·4000. ' Ellubcth 0. Parker, meniher, Trustee Are11 S (Com Mc~. Newport D~ach.) , co~ COMMUNITY COLL£Gt; DIS fRJCT 1370 Ado.mt Ave. Cott• Mc~11. 92626. 432-~12 Chancellor: AJrrtd P. J-'ern11ndn, Phd.; Pre II.lent: Nancy A. Pollard: Bo:ird Members· btrr)' .Saum, Paul C. Uc:rscr, Wali r c. ll~alct, Armando R. Rult, StuJcnl Trush:c: KJr.ten II. Cant'oOd ORA..'llC£ COUNlY FAIR BOARD 88 J-air Dr •• Costa Mc.sa, 7Sl·FAIR PrC•i.dcnt: Oon Wiiiet, Vl(c f'ruic.lcnt, Randy Smith; Directors Tom Tbo1uon, Do7 llcnlty, John Crun, 811<k Johnt, Randy h llh, Bc"trlJ L(a11toa. Jlin Undbcra. C117 lla)akawa. M.lrth:i Muor. Forrest Werner. · MlSi\ CONSOLIDAT};O \\A I ER Ul~I RJ<.., 1965 'P,l:iccncio, Costa Mc:s:i, 6J I· 1200 Ouf1tJ Mcmbcri.: Trudy Ohll&, ll11nk P11nl11n, M11rlo Ouronte, Jark Ila.ti, Tom Ntl un CO~IA M . A SANJfARY 01 ilRJCf P 0. Uo'< 1200, Costo Mc :i 9262 ·1200, 754·504' 8o rJ Mem~r Jeamc\ W1hncr. J:\mc I crr)'m;m, Harry Green. Nate ReJde ond Art l'erry. ., C:l IY <.iOVER!\MENT Cotta !\lua: C11y 111111, 77 1:11ir Drive. 7S4·S223. S.inc.ly Ocnis, moyor: Joe Erickson, Mary llornb\lc:klc, Peter Bufr3, ontl J:Jy llumphrcy, council members.. , Ntwp0t1 Beach: City ltall, 3300 Newport °'"~" 6«·3J09 Mayor, Clan:n"-e 1 urncr, Ma>or pro tem, Jean W111: John Co•. L'd)'n I Ian. John I lc:d&c", Jan Ocb:ay, Phil S...n nc An Independent Newspaper Published by • Coast Community NewS, Inc. Elliot Stein, Jr. chairman Jim .cressinger publisher 'Tom Johnson associate publisher William S. Lobdell editor & vice president Steve Marble managing editor Walter luNOUghs 1901-1989 founding publisher " Newport Beach/Co~ta Mesa Dally Piiot Send r,our~s lo Peter Ry.m, The D.>1/y Pilot, JJO W. 8.Jy St., CoslJ MC).J, 9262 7. ( • " Tuesd ay, April 6 RIOTS From A1 t;;.indby. At unc point during the trial, n Thursday, April t , 1~3 A1 3 d 0 felon'• 'iolc:nt um: t rn the e0:ul~ murn1ng hour of March J, 1991, nher a high· peed ch:ae. All four "ere: acqu1t1c:J on ch.arge) stem· ming from the s:i.me mcidenl dur· ing u uttc: tri:sl l:a~t )C::lr. \\'11h the chao 1h31 follo"'ed Today Fit While-Vou Sit" i:. 1he topic of 11 ll.'cture pre!.ented by chiropractor ·lirigide 0Jily, at 6·30 pm. ~t 2850 ML~ Verde Om.~ East, Suite C, 1n (Q.,ta Me~.l. The progrJm '"II touch on "now1ng how your 1ob Com mission meeting - The Newf)9rt Beach Par~, Beaches · and RecreJtion Commi)s1on will meet at 7 p.m 1n the City Council ch•unbers, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Ne'"port Beach CJll 644·3151 . lsrJel1 \\uman relatb ht:f b1tter)-...eet od> :y throo h lift>, from the Holocau)t to the f.Ht."Sellt at .i pm. in the Social H;,ill a1 Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Carnelback, Newport Stach. ror more tnfotmJtion, ccill 644· 1 Y99 • attornc:y fur one of the four ddcn· dams told the judge th:ll a hclt· cuptcr wuulJ bt reudy to 'irh mnl p.1rticip<1nb off the roul .of 11tc CourthOU~C :.thcr the \CttJ1 t:> are • WHJ. the IW2 \.c:rJic1 1111 !re h 1n thrir ___ _ Celebrity CcJchration - The Americ.Jn Hl"J1t ~hll un "ill hold its 199-3 Cell'lmty · Celebr.1tion for I IL•.irt lundwun trom 11 :30 p.m. to 2 p m. ,u the B.--ftl>oJ Bay Club, 1221 W Cu.1~1 HtghwJy, Ne\\ pQrt Ut•.Kh. Cumpaniel> can i.porn.ur .1 tJul~ for 10 tor $400 Jnd 1wr:.on.1ll> h(ht their 'tJblt! gu1..•st> or :.1..·ll tlw w.11:. for $~0 e.K11 . f\1,1jur < rl'<lil l ,1rd, J,(Cepte<l. for 111torm.111on, 1.. Jll 856-3555. . • Circle 1 o'oo lecturc1tour -Th~ Circlt.• 1000 fund-r.)1 11 g i;ruup or I foJS I lo p11.1l. J11d ~ lo.1g (Jnccr Omter prt.: ·nts .l lcc.:tun.• on mnU\ J11on~ in c,1raccr trt·:itrn •111, \\hich tndudc> J luur ol the ho)pit.11 cJnn'!·lrl'Jtnwnt iJc1l1ti c), 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thwe 1:. no co)t, Jn<l tho~ intl'rt•ste<I .H1.• JSkl·d to RS\.P l>y Mar. 29. For 1nfurm.l11u11, call 574 -6985 Generational Gap!> -f 1!11ng tn Cl01wr.111un.1I GJJJ'!o I') 'the title of J lrl'l' Jtternu<1n tc.1 progrJm .ll 3 1.un JI tlw l 1. run.1 01!1 MM BrJmh L1hr.ll\ l.!O • M.mguld A' t' ( 1 ·lur",l IA•I ,\ l.11 . Prc,cntcd b\ ,1rdll\ 1)1 .111d '" .d h1~1or1Jll Shrrle\ ~tl•plwn)(Jll, th1.• pr01.!r.1111 \'.1!11 lft•r lt1<:hn qul' tv1 prt• ·t·f\ n~ IJrn1h h t<,>I\ ~t~lwmo1t 1s;.1 r,att· <I 11 (tor 1 I (JI St.1tc fu lk'.·•:1 11 .. ,.,1r I Lon pr~·am .. rnd Jrc.h \t,:) .rnd d t\.'Cl01 I thl' C;ihfornrJ St.Ill' v\: J.i1\ ·~ ~~l' CA-1.cmrnl•fH Ornt H,.,tt;, i'r•·wct For in1o•m.111c111. l Jll L -I 4 • J Hj I or l. I I 1 >. Chiropractic for ·as \lt'...:I lh I ! ( 1 l 'o l\\ I\ 1n Co)t.1 ,\\l'>-1 '" '" I coTI1'l I l.1n1h'1I lood hxf.ly ,lncf r11Cf3~ lqr "h,HI' Oof St:'hl'~ tu..p111\ rut I 1 ' l hu11s1\ P.111.•111:0 c.in ft ~· l'\,11lllllJl10n> ur Ir t.: .11 1 • I n ~·'< hani,;t· lor h·in~111s rn l.1111 •'<I l<..-.od C.111 64 .! )j 13. Sitting Fit "I low to ~t.1\ • nu dc)k are Jff~cting your heJlth. The progran\ is free, but regi>tralion 1:. ~eque:.ted. For information, call · GG2·'1670. Saturday, April 3 Evening of Elegance fomple Shir Ha-M.:i'alot of Ni:., purr BcJch '"ill hold it!> spring ball Jl 7 · 30 p m Jt the Irvine Marrioll I totel. The ~lbt of $42.50 inClu.dt.•:. dinner and dance music, and rt->l'f\'Jtion),are r~quJred. For 1nfurmJtion~ Cilll 644-7203. Funny Ma~ic -A "runny i\.l.1g1c" program Tor fJm1ly audiences \\.Ill be prest:nleu in th'e Vince Jorgtn)t:n Center, ad1.:iccn1 the M.1riners .Branch library at 2005 Qo'~' Dr .. tn Ne,,port Beach .11 2 p.m The free program 1) part u( the celeorat1on for 1he ndghborhood l1brJry'~ 30th _. Wednesd ay, ~pril 7 ' Conservancy update - An upd..ile un the Newport Conwnancy will be pfe!>ented in tht• Vince Jorgt:'nsen Canter, ..id1a<.t>nt to the MJrrners Branch L1br<1ry, 2005 Do"er Dr., Newport Ue.1Ch, .:it 7 p.m. Presented by con'>E!r\·ancy boJrd member Belly .OrbJch, the progr.:im will focus on \\-h,lt the city of Newport BeJch. 'rhe Irvine Co. and volunteers are doing lo l...eep tht.• Cast.iwa~~ Jnd N~""porLt:r l\.orth area open spJceS free fronrlJe\elopment. There ,,;11 be a 17-mtnute \.1deo and a que~uon-and-answer period. Fo r 1111ofm.111on, call 644-3181. Sunday, Ap ril 11 Lily speaks -The Fine Art!. Committee pre enlS Lily. a ofW·\\Oman tour de force. An ·Tuesday, Apr. 13 . 'Movies and myth) "The MO\ 1e:. .:b .i Rl'lll·t l1ori ul tht1 ldeJI," 1s 'thl' 1{1wne ol J fr•·!! noon program at the Cornmurnt, Room of the Newport C.~nter lihr.ir\,.8~6 San Clementt.• Dr , Nt:\\ p<>rl-U<?.lC.h The program "111 c~i.lmlnr. mo' it as an extl"nS1on of eJrlr n1, ths. pla} s an<l relig1ou) thf!me~ for in(ormJt1on cJll G l ~ • 3191 U.S. Economy -ol>·10 Koh>amJ, an a<.l\t 1;1r I J Solomon, Inc .• of Ni:~ 'i url.; "~ 111 speJI.; l>l for.· the Ne\\ pon. r uund.ll1un IOI Stuch of MJJOr Ecunum1c f)su~. CU\t:'rl ig the topic "U.S. Econw1h: Structur.11 · and Pol1l1cJI rlJ\\.>." .11 7·JO J m i()-the Quart~rcJ~c.k Room oi thl! Balboa Bay Club. Thl• LU)I, \\h1ch includt.'> bre..ikfa)t, 1'.> S 18 rur non-membt-r:., $12 lur -me11 bw) For reser\..:tlt<>nl• Jn<.l 1niorrn.1:iun call 644-'4311 mind), citl1c:rb of U>s Angeles !C· poneJly are making " re: ord pur- cha~c: ol gun) CuStJ Me)3 Pulice C:.ipt. Tom' -• Lollar !.:.tid his dcpJrtmcnt has W1f>on. C:ird1nul Husc.:r Ma- hone) :ind a "hole b>1t1cry of other loc;.il ant.I : nJtio;iul k:.itlcn. ha\c url!eJ . U S Di'.\tr ict. Judge John 1),1\ IC> to scul the vcnJ.ic1 or tlclJ\ re,1ding 11 ur .. uil police <He on gu:mf . "If \.\c'tc allowed a ltttk .. rellc\ time"'° £Cl things iri pbce. it rn~IJ make a \\OrlJ ul J iffcrc111.:c.'' l~lcv \Jill. •. ..... been prcp::ui11g for the \\Or11t b) tr:.untng '>ornc offker pecrficall) an lht. an u ( cru\\t.I control. L:ii.t '.tt.U\ Co'>tJ Mc'IJ 't. nt one !>.WA 1 llul not allJ;m 1.:nlor emcnt ol· 11.iah al!rcc. k.ir lh! 1h;i1 ~ dd.1\ 1.:ot.ild gi~c thug:. ~1 -ch:rn1.c to m·· g:1niLe and :itm thcm:.ches · ~!akin~, mju.:r~. nun: 11ghtc11· •• ing )Orne IJ" 1.:nlurnr .. 111 of· k 1~. i11dt1dlll1! Rile\, bet, •C th~t g.ing:.· \\ 1JI .11 tc;npi lo lllUI.: (1 flUI rcl!..1rJk \ ul the H.rt.l1d l..APD S!!t S1j ... e\ k. 1,10, 0111 er LJurence Po,,1.:.11.' olf1,cr ·1 ed • • l311~c n1> .1nJ l'\·ulft .. a 'I inioth) \\ 111J ~tri: i.: 11 trijl 1h kJ~1al court, tor \iuL.11.n · k.1ng·~ \;h II r1gh1, 1n c111rni:c111...n \\ith .the 1.um11.:tcd • lCJlll \'fUJJ CU'>l:.i t\k'>J abu \\Ill '>end fUC· 11£illers 1lm )Cllr 1f ncc:d J. J'> the) did tJ,t yc.1r. Uut u11l1kc kl\I )Cur , 1 ... :var );.a1d, 1.111 luclightcr .. "111 be t .. ortcd h' Ct)~tJ f\ks;i poli..c. l'l:cwporl lk :h.h Sg1 And) Go1m J IU th;.il hi\ Cll~. 100, \\Ill hrJ\r; pu· h ... e un ~:.indb-. "I I 3.,j..cd. '' e "Ill · or our c end ) man\ ut71.i:r~ ;;i;" "e-can,' tre. \U1d · L:ii.1 )C.H, eight 0111.:cr) trom 1hc :-\c" port UeJ ... h Police De- \)Jtlment lbl..cd their Ines 1n 1hc r1ob tor i.e,1.:ral dJ\~. "J-1htnl.. e\Cr)bOd) IS hoping 1ha1 "'Ith all the.! prcp:iratioo going un. \\C \\Iii "•PPfC\\ 30) JCll\11~ 1111., \car.' C1u1i1., ~•itd • · Uut 11\ :.1111 1011 c ,11 I~ tu I ell. • lmthda~. r t'.1turing mag1c1Jn )t'll .... MJntn, 1he progrJm will 1ndude J cumed\ 'mJsic show )lamng II\"' ,1111mal:.. Membt'rs of tht: aud1enu• "di hJ\ e an opportunity to p.Ht1cip.1te in :.leight uf h;u1d 111i~lh1d -CJll G-14-314 ~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiill!iilliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiim 1;:::-::..:___:::=::;;::==:==:=-=~-===============~/ · Get Those Patios & S~n d ay, Aprif 4 Sobriety without .r)cligion -\ )t'lu!Jr :.obrn:t, n .1.1.'1111~ fl lU\l'r> '"thout rd1g1u11, n,1.;ct:. ~und.1~:. 111 the John \ \ J. 11e A1rpvrt Art:'J irum (, tu 7:30 p ·111 f vr lnfurn Jtlun 1.:all pr1>{'-'IJlll d t•dur O..ill• l'.1:1~cn JI 851 850lJ "Sp-ring break youth classes -Spr ns bri.'JI... t J,~t.·' , r ·11.'ll t > \ uuths JSt.~ l 1 anJ up '"" he J\,l IJIJ:\.• JI thc Bu\ 5Lout ~l'.I U.1 t•' 111 ''-'''port Be.le h Cla .l'> uf:crc<.l 1ndude ,j1hn._ canc..l Ill~ 11mlurlx .11111g. ru" ing. Jth ,lfKt'<I :..11l1ng .md \\lnd>url mg. •h \\ l'll ;,, phvh.1~r,1ph}. \\.l'Jtht:'r, 11"1 .11d, rJd1u, lc-'.t1les, computer:., f1:.hi11g ,ind art. Call 642-5031. · ·~ · Cou rtyards in Shflpe · • . Let Jim Jennings THE BEsr NIGHT'S SLEEP YOU 'VE EVER HAD . DOES HAVE ITS PRIC E. Dux' beds an: so well made, they 'c bcL·n ~no.~ n to la .. 1 for 3!1. even 40 year.. \That') about 20 cents per night for the dc:c:pcst. ~ mos• resiful sleep you can gei --.J::=""" Come in, lie down in a Du\ bed ~ ~ You ha"~ 10 sleep i• 10 hclone 11. THE DU X BED THE BED YQUR BAC>:·HAS BEE'~ ACHl \G FORc '' '.,..,,.11 Cc111c1 Dr '"'"'°'" Boch. CA tJ:!IJ6f) DU I A ~J\ ' •I ' r t (11'\ l.lr.'• \I •11 ·''' l~C> ' '· • 01 I') •jpw1:6cn1 ,,,~ ~-o ''H ., -~·i.l - tl'~'< l'G .-\\ \IWL£ 800-640-6014 C. la fflH 8rxhn Acvn«l Teclr~, SieQ; install your · comp1ete yard rhardscape.- • Expert bnck, block. stone. ttle, slate and COJ)Crete work • Con recommend qualify designers • Drainage problems? We . solve them' • Quality work in Costa Mesa & t;.Jewport Beach since 1969 Get on our schedule before summer passes you by! I. I · 645 s512 -.. _ 1m enmngs 1~.1~.: .. ~~ -~. -STOM-MASO RV COS1o~eso -11' STARTS 701JA1 '! .. ~Ou~ Bigge~t_. --t=---. Dress & Sq1t . . We Have Some Very Shocking News • • or, Drywood Termites I t's called the ·Ele ctro-gun Sy•tem. A battle plan that uses finely tuned electricity to win the war against these home damaging .critters. After 12 years of continuous use, and treatment of over 50,000 government buildings, schools, apartments and homes, the Electro-gun has proven to be one of the most environmentally sound methods of drywood ter~ite control available today. A viable alternative to tent fumigations, Ecola Service• Inc. and the. Electro-gun together make· a very attractive package, offering lts customers security a~d peace of mind, knowing that THERE'S NO NEED FOR: • Poison gas in your hom e • Landscape damage • Removal of food or plants • Costly roof tile damage • Overnight lodging for you -. and your pets Treatme nt includes a written two-year warra.nty AND is renewable yearly for the life of t he property! Now, doesn't that make more sense? . CALL NOW FOR A FREE LIMITED INSPECTION! - ECOLA SERVICES INC. . , . I ORANGE COUNlY • ~AN BERNARDINO I RIVERSID.E ' .. . l •800•552-8107 ' . ,. I \ ... .. -·· Event·-Ever! Ove r 3000• Famou Labe l Dre e I-or aboul half v.tw& ou'd <'\p«l m P3'' \lost pm t'rl ''' • . $299! $4995 • lkau11fol ''"'"II ;In·'"'!\'"' 14,"~· ('\l':MIO ..... , 'f'"\1111 <''\:~·'"'"' '• \11'"''· 1>,·1111·'· Jtin1o•r' .rru, 'i"' • I hmJrt·1h ,,f '1' It•' 111 "\11,1, n,1 j'i 11'1(, • \\ t'n ... numl"r ,,f 1lrl'!i;W' 1n •• h "" ""'" . Not aftrltatect with Burlington lr>du tnes Top Mak rs' Suits at unbeatable sa\ .. ing~! \f,ull' /"1t ('YI al $499!$6995 • h1)1 ~k• ll••n ••f, ll'l\.\k 111<1 llp•IAtl'\I !1.1lh"11( II~' • \11 ,..., l\·11u·,, l'lu' S111'' • l\rrin. ct•h•1' 11n.I flO\C'htC'\ --~-Huntington Beach Edinger. 2 blocks we t of Beach ::=-.=- (across from Huntington Center Mall) 842-4227 ......... 0 ...., .. ~ ...... .. : . ' .. -J -A 14 Thursday, April 1, 1993 ·At long l~:st, fire station almQst d6ne ~ City!s $1 .9 mill~etro Fire Station has endured its share of problems. By Russ.Loar S1al1 Wrder • COSTA M~ -After nearly eight years of planning and more lhan two years of stop-am.I-start construction, the city's new Sl.9 million Metro Fire Station is near- ly finished. Just one problem. h 's 3 inches too low. • "I will be the happie!lt man around when this thing is finally done," said Jim Richey, the city's. long-suffering project manager for the new sfation and a division chief at the Costa Mesa Fire De· partment. "We've had to make a lot 'Of corrections." .. II JJ __ _ ·-' . ' .a. M.lt~ MlrM/0.i.ly P.k>1 Offic~als hope Costa Mesa's $1.9 million Metro Fire Station will be ready for business by summer. . .. Newport Beach/Colla Meu Dally Piiot ·JAMBOREE • From A1 so grand thlft inspired the naming of the pre)Cnt-dny Jamboree Road. Many of the same scouts who attended the 1953 gathering wound up making their homes here. "l have some very vivid memories/' said Don Webb, 11 Newport Ueach city engineer whQ. uttended the Jnmborce. "The one thing about working here in Newport Beach that is hard to visualize is ajl of the area bctweeo M:icArthur anu the f>ily :mo north of Coai>t Highway to San Diego Creek was vacant land. lmagin1; thnt filled with Boy Scout tents." . Then-Vice Pre!.ident Richard Nixon gave a speech to the scouts · and hikes were taken to Huntington S1ate '3each, where scouts viewect militacy.heticopteri; and amphibious vehicles doing maneuvers. Webb said. · And Webb said he remembers t"ach scout holding up a candle at the closing ceremony of the event. ... Out ooviously. not cwry1hing from the Jamboree cnn be duplicated. · ' · · '" f o r starters, the number of scouts who attend will be • · significantly less. Organizers from the Rancho del Mar Scout • District expect abCi>ut 600 tornl scouts frem Newport DeacQ, Co~ta Mesa and Jrvi11e to attend th e Cai'nporce. -. -.,, . Events lilfe DU and shotgun shooting will )lave to be scrapped. And since much of the laird the scouts camped on is now .But Richey ii. confident th at with a few minor modifications, the new fire st:llion \\ill open this su 1i1mer. · tended to Murch 1992, but the been having," Richey said. lion was a corner lot, but fire of. inhabited by Fashion Wan~. the 'P'ark Newport Apartments and Corona del Mar High School, they had to look for a more rustic spot. .... The 8,800-!lquar~·foot, m o·S\OI) fire s tion. eal>t of South Coast Plaza on Sakioka Drive. sits half· way betwet:n Sun.nowec am.I Anton stree ts on farmland donated to the city by the Sa~ioka 0family. ll origi· nally was f>Cl~edulcd to open in September 1991, but design prob· leml> forced a deby. The completion dJJc "ai. ex- MEETING From A1 Costa Mesa City Councilman . Joe Erickson and Police Lt. AJan , Kent ''ere applauded when they pledged their support, ticking off a lil>t of ·remedies they plan t<> put into place ovet<' the next few months. They pledged stricter co<le enforcement, be1ter police response and an increase in com-<• munity meetings. "I • used to live on Center Strfet," Erickson said. "ll got to the point that when I traveled on business my wife wouldn't stay there:. And I'm ashamed. Instead of solving the problem, we moved. That's why I got involved with the city council." Erickson then announced the grand-opening this Saturday of Save Our Youth, a teen recreation contractor went bankrupt in De-Bccau!le th e new fire station is ficials discovered that accc_:.s.lU the cember 1991 and all work slopped. n~ the San Diego Freeway, it station would be difficult. The tily In ban~ruptcy court, the city will give Cosla Mesa an important 1!xch angc<l the land for another won the right to take ove r as gen-center for emergency response parcel ownctl by the family. who cral contractor and f0und a num-during a major fi re or earthquake. pnid the city '$60,000 becuusc of its bcr of construction naws that had "If there was an earthquake and lesser value. The payment w.as to be corrected. But work cont in· those freeway overpasses went given with -the condition it be used ued and city officials now estimate down , we Y.Ould not have been for construction of the fiore station. the fire station to' be about 90 per-a?lc..10 ~ct over. to (hat part of the "We were obligated io put tlwt cent complete. city, R1cl.1e)\ s~11d. mo1_!9'._ ~ack in tUh.c G..ce. station.'' "We'd be in it righl now I I -The ano ong1nallyaonated by -. Richey said. "h 's going 1o•he :l hadn't been for all the rains we've the Sakiokn f.1mily for the fire stn-very !lhowy-appcaring fi re s1:1tion." cent-er ut the Reil. Community Center on Hamilton Street, tout· ing it as one !lolution. The city is Jlso putting together a bilingual · gang meeting between the schoob. police and city hall, as well as a Shalimar Drive cleanup. day and some redevelopment gqints for the west end of town. parbhioncr!I found 0 that the over- \\ helming concern of more· than 300 families they surveyed was the grO\\ ing gang problem and .drug epidemic. particularly on the West Side. Thb !lummer, the city witnessed its fil'!>t seric) of local g<111g shoot· ings, one.. of which was fatal. And recently, a fr..u~trated member of ,t the St. Joachim parish '>hot an purportc<I gung member in the stom:ich after allegedly being taunted by the nwn : at his Sh.11- imar Drive home . ''With oil our \Oiccs wgcthcr. we can really make a <liff erence," said Father Jerome Karcher, of St. Jouchims. "No bnc i.hould have to live in fea r.·· "We asked fo r that ~pot but needless to say they would not let us camp in the middle of Fash ion IslamJ," Richey said. Instead, the scouts "ill spend th e \\eellcnd of April 16-18 on the historic Upper Custnways spot, a 56-:icre parcel of land owned by The Irvine Co. and turgcted for preservation l>y the Newport Conservancy,. . · To commemorate, the event, the con~crvancy is planning a special conservation award to give to scou ts who take.on projects such as r~toriilg wildljfe habitm, wa!king truib 1lnd view sites. , Those '".ho take on conse~ation projects Y.ill be given blue-and-while .patchci. cmbl'ttLOncd \yith the Ne\\ port Conservancy logo . . Webb and Riche)' ~aid many groupll deserve credit for the event, including The Irvine Co. the conservancy, Gillespie and Wcstc~Land!;cape construction companies and Waste Management. • "I think it all goes back to the common intcre!lt The Irvine Co. has with the community," !.aid Ucrn~rd ~tani~calco, an Irvine Co. . executive who is helping plan Campbrcc. "The 13oy Scou t are an important part of that community. A p1 ime n)ission of .the Uoy · Scouts is low-impact camping and prc!>crving natural rc~ourccs. We'd like to champion that cause as .... ell." Those in the audience enthusi- astically appl:iuded the "city'~ com-mi tment "to alleviate the pain am:! r:==============----__;,,---~---'---------------------------=:.__-=--- sufferin g our community is going through." . Wednesday's meeting was called by cilizens "to get serious about the problems on Shalimar, Wal- lace and Pomona . . . and unite families to create a community where we can feel !lafe -where the children can play iJl parks witho'\.lt being afraid." West Side resident Paty .Ma- dueno orga"nized the meetin11 after FUU SERVICE LUMBER AND HARDWARE '-SERVICING: HOMEOWNERS• INDUSTIUAl ORS• COMMERl~--rl1 FEATURING: LUMBER.• HARDWARE• PLYWOOD EUCTRIW. • PWMllHG • HARDWOOD DOORS AND WINDOWS TIMBERS• PAINT• TREATlD LUMBER POWER TOOLS• NU•SOY STANLEY lrielpe ,.. .. w.,. ......... 1" x 25• . POWERLOCK' Tape Rule The Mesi tape rule made. lndodes a FREE lea1her Holster. 88 A $1 8.49 ·v<M~ We also stock a hap •lection ol other IP eat Stanley produets. '---------' COSTA MESA 1275 Bristol St. (714} S~lSOO M.fri 7-6 •Sit •s • S. M ~83 - . Prices thru 4/14/93 lwPOdTire ~ 3000 E. Coast H~. Corona del Mar 644-8022 fill 1-800-481 ·TIRE Monday-Saturday . HtJUfl Bam-6pm 155SR12.-... -··-·-··.$21.93 f 55SR12. ................. ..$32.62 165SR11.~ ................. $33.62 175/10l13.~ .... " .......... ,$3&17 1W10/13. .............. -$11 . .f1 1SS?W1.f..:._ ... _.~-.."5.5' 1~.4.." ... : ....... -.~~ 20$/1Wf(, ........ -. ... .$ff.M ·PIRELLI P300 KELLY CHARGER J 155SR12. ..................... ~ t45SR11.~ .............. ..$f0.57 fSSS'f( ... ___ ...... .$51..a 155~11 ................... .$:¥41 155SR11 ................... .$45.85 f9HG'f(_, __ , ___ • tt 16561113 .. -.............. .$38.14 166SR11-.. '-·•-·· .. -$51.05 fasm11 .. ---·· .. ·--f 15/1G'f ! ................ _ .. 11. 17511fY13-............. .$6U1 20:Sf0'15._ .... _,. ......... 185nolt1 ............... -.#2.1' 1W1f!lfL .......... ....$71.51 21SS'11-..... --$1111 1WIW14. ............. :. ... .$1 .2$ 1W'1fll1( .................... .$118..$4 11H5'f5. .... _._..,M 1'5'1G'1( ....... .t" ......... MOST 1lS?D't.f. .... -........... .$81.44 11S'&f115. .... _, '" ' ... a5/'1rJ/1 ( .............. .,. . ..$61S..22 21)5'1tY1( ......... ,. ...... --22SSl11...~-.......$1'5.11 -I ·--ol -, .. } ' • --;""' -4 - ---... -r_ -~ ' . ... .. • I a • .. Qi • .Thur. April 1, 1993 • The Newport BeactVCosta Mesa Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Cnrlsoo .... 642-4330 ext.387 Section B ,. John Drayton-boatinwB3 CJass1fied/B6 Automotive/89 - 'SO ·BACK TO THE B WINS · BOARD/ .. . CIF 'rules · Orange County's fel8aguing 1or 1994-98 · niust start over from -scratch By Barry Faulkner • Sports W11\ef • County rcleagu1ng. ond that he received several The subcommiuee, )Ch~-Jukd to meet WcdncsdJ) ru n," s:mJ Un1H!r)it} I ligh Athlc11 ... Director Marl.; · .. ··c~RITOS -Orang~ Count~ releoguing for.the phone calls and letter!> prote'>ting the procedurol ·at Loara High, ''ill consi)t of pnnc1pab Carol Han CunninghJm "ho "a' dckgatcJ J\ t11) \Lhu\>I s rep· 1994-98 cycle, thought 10 be completed when weeks proces~. !>ubseq"uent to th e final propo:.al being (Los AlamitU!>), Tom Trigg' (Uucna l':.irk), Darry re)cntat"e by Prtncapal Leah LJule. "Robert\ Or mee tings culn11·n .. ted Feb 24 wa'Jl beg1'n anew ( Rules of Order \I.ere not follcmed, nor '~J'> par-.. · • • • p:mcd. Esc9'<! Lo~ra) ~nd Oob Me!>a (Uob~ Gra11de). CIF Southern Scclion Comrnii.sioner Stan Thoma'> "Based on the .,. . r hc princip:ih 11.imenta'} pr1Acdur~ .. 01,nounced \"ednes-1 ... Asked about .,., h1.:r~ bbmc ~oulJ I II :h to the· -y u .. y. fa ct that the re '' 111 need to come Thomas, \\hQ met for two hours Wednesday \\ith seelm 10 be con-'I 10 agreement . be· b e!.. of or<ler. Cunningham olfcreJ the loJlo.,.,ing nine Orange County league representatives at the ce rns relative 10 ~ ast d d act hOW h ·ibl th th' f ~1 17 I coacfung analoi,'). .. CIF Office, said three reasons prompted the deci· Wu.v oun e ll orr y e ing was ore ,, ay I t )C "As a heJd c.oach, it m~ dcleml\C b.1cb get sion to erase the controversial re leaguing plan, the process;· the run ... as a head coach, if my defensive backs get l.a!>t da) to )ubmit burned all night. are the reporter) goin~ 'to 11uei.11on matter ll"S been r ·lea•'utn•• pro -, passed by a 30-25 \Ole of county chool representa· " burned all night, are the repOrteTS going tO QU0$• c 0 0 • the defen\l\.C UJC}.i. COJCh about th~ breJl..Ju\\ n,. Or lives~ remanded back to . h d f . b k h b h b k pollals to CIF for the hea. d COJch? 1 he leader IS \\ho'· JU lo~ I.. lo II e 0 ,. t1on t e e ens1ve ac s coac a out t e re:. -1 • f 11 f 199 • • 1) "The (nine-member Orange Couoty relea-1 rJQSC ..... oun· ~ I le a o ... ~addleback High 'Athletic D1rci:tor Jeri) \\1t1c guing) comminee never established a !>Cl of critcriJ 1y princ1pJIS 10 be downs, or the head coach? The leader' is whO. you M c 'a • \\ h 0 \\J\ abo openl~ CnllCJI of the pru~e~i.. par111 .. ularl) by which to function in the process itself." Thomas J one again," Tho· look to .1 · lhJ1re-d the ori.ginJI the dem11re r eb :!4 meeting. said. m:is sauJ. "In fair--W a:•m; IW. Ults•lfer • lllllldc *tctll' count) relcagu1ng Wille ..... ho )31d' hh cl,mplJ1n1 "'all noi .... 11h the • 2) "Propm:ils after Jhe first (releaguing commit· ne~ to e'cl)one. comryuttce, \\as at propo!>JI 11,cll, critll!LCJ the 1.hain of C\Clll.., that tee) meeting were not ent to all coull'ly principab it was gehcrally the center. of criti· s:rn the ~upptN:J fmal plan thro"'n out .,.,11hou1 for their re,iew. · :.rgrce~ that a fou r-pcri.o-n subcommittee !>hould 1 cism from some involved in the initial rclc~guing being \Otcd U(ll.>n An altered proposal, \\hich .... a, • 3) There \\ere no minute) kept ·or the meeting'> do'' n and deq:lop a de di led procci.s, and submit procei.s. I le d1J nut .return a phonc mc"age ldt av uh1ma1cl~ pav,d, 'lab~eJ frum a ~ti.minute CJucu~ 10 allow future assessment of the process."' . that :ii. a rccommcnJa11un to the principab at th()lr lloba Grande oJ the rck:ig .ing cumrniH..-e kllo"ang d" u~~•JA Thomas said he \\l a)kcd to review Orange nc\t meeting:· · "l was as1o'un'ded at hm' horribly the th ing "~" _S_eL BE..LEAGUlt;lGJ.M;_ _. _ Faulkner All-CIF, again · ...,.. ·Estan~ia star ~arns first ·team honors for DivisiOQ-111. By Barry Faulkner SpoitS Wntef LOS ANGt!LcS -Es· ~ 1anc1a High senior Jim 1_ ~ Faul~ner, th e Most Valu-- able Pla)er on the Oail) l ~ 'A) Pilol All-Newport-Mesa 1;i {~ Distract 130)) Dre:im Team, ~-/!; has adJed first-team All· CIF 01v1 ion II( laureh to has im - pressive string. of basketball accofades. Fa ulkner. who ied· the Eagles to a surpri ing Pacific Co.ist Leasue co- championsh1p. after being p1c~cd to f11v ,,h fifth, \\lS. named to the team b) spQrl)\\ntCrs reprc,cnting the Amateur AtM ctic Founc.JJtion. of Lo~ Angele First Inters.late Oank AH-Southern Cali· forni:i Board of Athletics. A 6-foot-4 forward, F:iullncr av-Esta ncia's Jim Faulkner . eraged 18.4 points and 7.7 rcbOund). · TI1e Sopthern U1 .1h Unl\eri.1t) bOund )tJndaut') "l>pcll~wrJr talents abo hclpeJ him lead 1hc team 1n )teals and blocked :;ho1 ... "hM Ti1w.hing i.~..:ond 1n J''"b. See ALL-CIF/B3 DAILY PIDJ 81611 8CIDll. Alllf1E Of 111111111 . ' The Natural ..,_ Corona del Mar's Kelly Campbe ll is picking them up and putting i hem down at a rapid pace on a daily basis. By Richard Dunn ... SPQ!ts V.ri:er • CORO~A DEL MAR • ..., She':; a natural dt')tance run-~ ner. Shi:.). n'tarly 6-fcel t~ll.. • . \\ith long le~' anJ fobulou ... ~. (. endurance. ~~ Out CororrJ Jd Mar H igh ~ fre i.hm;i n Kelly Campbell, "ho has already posied )Omc of the be-.t 1600-Jnd 3200-meter times in Orange County this )car, as, \\ell ai. some of the ~w1ftest an s bool hi:;torv. still i!>n't solJ on the idea of running around an oval. Although ·C:impbeTI·has a future in vol- le)bnll. her tr~el.. coach, Bill Sumner, feels that )he ha) th e potential to run in the Ol~mpic Game) omcda), a considerable thought for someone "ho has ne,'er be- fore run competativcly. I La'>t autumn, Cd~t's girls cross coun1ry ~======~===::r-:=_,,_ ___ ..._ __ =-=:..-======:::L team "on the Cl F Southern Section 3-A It's· a b1·11 · 1u111 ' r----1 ~~~j~'c'tF~-·~~~~~~t~:~c~c~~k~mll--. -Campbell ill not onl) outrunning tho'>C- •. • celcbr;ued dbtJn1:c runner!> thi) )pnng, ...,.. Playing ou t a dream at Pelican Hill is a"' day to rememoer. but !.he's l1art1ng "Jlh chool record~ 111 the 1600 (5'.09) anJ 3200 (10:4 ). Sull, dilltancc running for C1mpbcll is not ex- actly a trot in the pJrk. W hen 1 appro.:iched the tee at hole No. 5, I \\lh :;o intimidated, my initial thought \\J) to turn around and go b:ick home. No \\ay, 1 thought. No way o n Go<l') green earth''·" 1 going to clear thi colO)S31 Clll}On in front ot me. "h th1i. Pelican H ill's idea of a ;oke?" 1 thought. "l\e ne,cr reall) liked running that much," said (Jmpbcll. the Daily Pilot's ~1hlc1c of the \\'ed .. for her performance "Saturday at the r :haJenJ Game:.. Ill '"hacli she ran the 1600 in 5.1:! ... no1 once, but "'ice · Ct.IM's Kell y Campbell is the Dail Pilot's High School Athlete or the \\ e-d,. h 's cullc.d ihc "Sidewinder," a par·-', 359-}Jrd nightmare. (Every hole at the Pelican Hall Golf Cl1,1b at Ne\\ port ,Coast h:is a name.) The ~cc hot at No. 5 is benched in the hrlbide abo\IC Los Tranco Can}Oll. It )eemed lake three milci. to the fairway ... 1f )OU don't ge1 good wooJ, you lo!le )OUr bJll in the cnnyon. I got good wood and till lo)t my ball. Campbell, \\ho d1Jn'1 (un crus!. countr} . bu_t_JJla)'ed on CdM's CIF Di,isi0n I, StJh: -m'i!.ion I anJ co-natkinal champion!.h1p 'ollc)bJll team la~t fall. \\Cnl 5·1::?.:? 1n the open 3:?00 anJ 5.1::?.6 in the di tJncc med· Icy relay at Pa:-.;iJcna. "What she has b something she ,,oi..c up with \\hen she \\a!. born. and that':; GoJ·given talent." Sumner said. Sponsored by; .. ~,.~,, • ev1an ---- Although No. 5 is only one o f many breathtakrng hole' :it Pelican Hill -which 1s C\Cl")'thing i1's crad.ed up to be -11 was the first real hock I experienced MonJay as the club invited medi:i t)pcs ahd various dignitaries to play 18 holes 111 celebration of ifs. uccoladc a the "l3est New Resort Course of seS DUNN/84 Club gotf Campbell ha) been J\\C·Struck by the attention she has recch ed thus far. "It's we ird," !>he a\d. "I· never thought See CAMPBELlJB3 1862~Avt. COlll Mtu • 631-3433 3000 S. Bristol Costl ...... '35-0130 1133 So Coast Hwy. Ulguna BUCh • 497-0033 • MESA TIRE COMPANY AUTO FITNESS CENTER 548~9182 2049 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa rR~s~CO.Jl?<>l'll cOIWPlJTElilzD>I I ~-\.. ti I FR~nlN=mffL I $·19· 95 ::g~:C,~ I •SET TOE.IN REG. '29.9~ CDT. S-29'5 I 7:30 -4:00 ONLY I fllOST CMS I NO APPOINTMENT NEC~Y 14 :l},'(l}.~flfltJif"' L EXPml5-l-H _L 1:1Pm15-l·H • _J fMUST PRESENT COUPON!· :01I CHANGE . I 1 FRONT DISC . 1 • SPECIAL 1 BW£ SPECIAL mt ... OIL & FlLTI R • 10·30W I 59'5 J •SQtJART I . I *>Sl CAAS I s 1· . 69 5 I I : C:~:C~~ Bur•n I MO~ c I L:e 51111 Pack .f.xtra ... _L S·t tJ _J $-MS ..... Ptft.l•l'f.O• I .------- • .. .. . 0 r--------------1 JUNE-UP PACKAGE t E~« ~ss:. Sl ges I 1ue1 rl!ld°' • ~ ingtCion , _ •Cyt I L · · ldlMionll paltS extra s Cyt .w.'°. e cy1 '35 IO,;,;,I .-:--------------... 1 DISC OR DRUM BRAKES 1 • ·Alpllat---·Allllfllll=r" Sil I gg I I :=:=.c~~....,an> ' C.OASRINE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE • Former1v Dr. Ta.v & AutornOOva SeMoo 1 ........... ,.,, ....... ... ~ .. an.... . I ~o...,....., .. ,..,...,._ •Most Cars Per Ax1e :: J --------------· ' 1 LUBE, OIL, FILTER • • ·tftoSqts ~~oil s12·11· I . 1nst11 ,,.. "" I I . Chassis lube (.nert ~> I o..Mls .w... ..w-• ' llO&T CAAi • ......, '"W'""" • • (PlUl~flQ .. ______________ .. COMP' F1E AUIU IEPAIA 6i MACI-SHaP MCILnY MtJDR RENl1S WfUXNE lllNDR llEPt'RS WEl.mME • ma Thuraday,April 1, 1993 J High school sw1mm111g • L_.p.l\.,.~l) P.\il CdM· glrls add some wrinkle ~ Corona del Mar thumps Tustin , 106-64 with varied look in Sea View win. CORONA DEL MAR -With swim- mers competing for the first time in a number of events, the t!ll~~~--~ Corona del Mar High · girls swimming team ··~~11:1111' came up with some pleasant sur· prises during Wednesday's 106-64 Sea View League victory over vis- iting Tustin. "We were looking. at girls in dif- ferent events," said CdM girls swimming coach Doug Voiding. "And we had some nice sur· prises." 1 50 07 t I ILc 200 free tylc Corona dc l Mar's Thadde us Buzol"1r L c:tc .. ms thro· ugh Sc ... Kings' w .. lcrs in individual medley relay. Corona's Crosby Grant goes : . o cap ur~ 11 • n -u " " Lindsay Foley, in swimming the 500 freestyle for the first time, came home fin.1 with a time of 6:20.4 1. Foley is normally n top bu11crflier for the Sea Kings. Ali Hart horn, who !>\\ims in th e lM and breaststroke. was entered in the 50 free and responded ." it.ti a convincing victory in 26.97. She _ alsv cam~ through with a fir!>t- place fini h in the backstro'-e in I: 11.26. ~tclanie Pell!> added another Cl F qualifying mark to her li!>t.' ,..,inning the 100 free in 56.9. • · Corona improve~it'> Sc::a Vic~Y Leagu<; m:trk to ·3· I with the vie· IOI)'. SU VIEW Lµoua · Corona d•I Mar 1oe, T1.11tJn M 200 medlty rfiay -1 Ccwona dtl M¥ 2 02 !>O {8oustma .JoMson. foley. 1 Ptls). 200 frtt -1 franc1ose (T). 2 19 7 11 CeW1o 1CcMJ, 2 22 23 3 Wtstt>trQ (C0'-41 2 2~ 0 200 lliA -1 Cutbr (T) 22503. 2. AAton (CCM) 24111) 3 Johnson (Cctt.4. 0. 2 49 l7. !>O l;te -1 HJ11$11Qm (CdM) ~ 91. 2 GI.wily (T), 28 51. 3 HolZnect (T). '28S3. 100 1!V -• I CllC41r (1), 1 05 ·~ 2 Attng ffi 1 1211. "3 .,~at (CCl.'A). l 1282. 100 1tH -·I M Peus (Cc!MJ, ~ 9, 2 ~er {CdM). 1 CM 01. 3 Ctsn (CdM), I 04 :MA 500 tree -I F<*Y (C~ 6 20 41. 2 t{amil()ll (1.dM) 6 22 03 3 Ar*IG 6 32 59 200 lrtc (tQy -I COfCN del t.tM Ptls, twtshon\. HMC!. M Pds). I !>() 11. 100 b.lck - 1 HWhOm jCCM). 1 11 26, 2 t.Vdy (COM) 1 14 63 3 Ptdtntrl (lJ I 15 81 100 brUSl -1 J,1 Ptl!1 (Cdt.4). 1 I 52 • 2 v.esllag (CCMJ 1 23 ~ 3 HMCI (Cdt.•). 1 2~ 63. 400 fret rtiaf - I Tustin. rt James 'Palda turns a winning 58.87 in the 100-yard butterny in Corona dcl Mar's victory Wednesday. .Rob Hoover pulls through breaststro~c in his leg of 200 medley relay. -n_. th<' D:1ily Pilot Corona del ·Mar boyS -continue -to tune up· fOr Woodbridge '> - ...,. Break comes at ju sf the right ti me after 121 ·53 conquest of Tustin. ·1 he Sea Ki ng ca!.ilr !>taycd unbeaten an the Sea View League at 4-0 wi th a 121 -53 decbion over Tu.,tin on Wcdncsd.1} But the big IC!.t. a" alls, in h\O \\CCI.~ • , , . _ . ''\\'c\,c got Woodbridge coming up, O\Cr there, CORONA DLL MAR -1 he Ea!>· t :ind the\ 're rc;ill) going to be gunning for u :·said tcr breJk I' cumang at a good tune lur . ~t.ir'-"c:ither -of the meet that !>hould dccWc. the the Coron.1 dcl ~I.tr lligh bo}s M\101· ~t'I J . ScJ View League dual meet chanrpion!>hip. m111g team . . e · In the \l~tOf) U\Cf I u .. 1~. Ill.Im'._ of·the Sea ~in~-> 1~~)" dfe rettHy trretl, :md;m· -p~rlidp.itcdln 'urr·C\C lll~." l:.ven !>O, there were tame~ Jrc ..,IO\\cr :,nd they can't under-· ~umc quality cf.fort!> from Corona. ~t.1nJ \\ h) ... saad Cd~t Coach Mil.e Star'-"eathcr. "(Sophomore Uraan) ~ling)b) S\\ .im really "ell in .. ·1 he>\ c been \\Ori.mg really h.1rd." the 200 anti 500, and ( frf,)hman Jeremy) PiJ!.Cc'-1 ha been ge111ng better :and b~tter .. Ha'I fime "c.ither. l5:10.80) in the 500.i-. J prctt) gouJ one lur a lrc,h· "We 'll be "or'-ang out anJ !.t.trtang to focus on man," ~aiJ Star'-"cJther \\ooJbradi;c." he said. • · Some of the u ... ual Cd~t \t.111Jouh abu came SU Vll!W LUOU£ h h (• I G I I 100 .I .,, .. , r . Corona d•Hlllar 121 Tt.11tln 53 ., t roug . rm. 1y rant too ... t 1c anu -V\' rec-.. ?00 ir.tety rwi _ 1 CorO"I «t M• 1&..c. Hoc.ct iu.-c11 Stt:mw) and lod u fl the \lllonoth meJk~ rd.1) tc.im J .1111c' 1 4S 4:> m 1-re -1 Gr¥~ (COt.11 a so 01 2 lCllt m 1 sza3 3 Sa.ytr ~P.ilJJ took the butll.'atl\ .Jlld \\'uukcc Muon the tCC'.'I l~!io ~001.,. -1 Hoo·tt(CdM).20714 2 Mo0ntCd~I 21229 3 . • • Sc•11:en (T1. 2 1 S n !>O htt -1 k."l.~ 1C~•,11 23 •S 2-S::ci:~ (C'1\I) brca'>t:.tro'-c. ZJ ~t J T~! 1c:"' 2: 01 100 r~ -1 P.:1 t~'\c~7 2 H.>c•tt 1c~ · lhc..Si!..l fung~ptl!h.'~1ff~fll l~~ .. tc~ llut~~·rl ~1C~;. t'Cttl TOCtm _., msrlo•1 (T).· .1 SI SJ 3 P•dt (CllM). UO. ~ l1tt -1 Ptlstc \COM) 51080 2 Sawytt one -the bJ~"'>lTl>kc. 1cc•.11, s 20 2• 3 $:.r,;~1 1cc•.11. s 2• lS. 200 lltt rt111 -1 Corw Ceil,,.. ben though 11 \\Ill he E.1:.tcr wee'-and the SeJ JGrri Hocier S~e.m...B..Mc11) 13263 tOObXt-1Sdlo:t<l(T)10010. King!> "on't be lll\Clhed an J(lu.11 compctllaon, 11 2 .,.~ 1cc:i.•1. 1 oi ia J P.utt'-1 (Cct.11 1021s 100 ~mt -1 "4ooll • . (Ce!'A) 1 05 7 2 ~flJU'ld (CcM). 1 12 9. 3 BitYY (Tl 1 18 2• 400 l1tt twt -\\Oil l be lime to tal.c 11 c.l\y, :1cl·o1d1ng to Star!.-1 c.iona dtl ~·11 (Y~~ P.uec Hoi;Sbn Pak!lJ 3368 • ~ewport -girls s"'!im ,;SailorS' boy's fall to Irvine Into the Wall · (lrv'•ne) ..... 200-yard freestyle relay bo)S !>.\\~mmang.mcct at Ir.inc. . ~~rs~251~~).~Jtr:; l 1en~tZ~1,~,5~;o:~'H~. -I kl f N · rt Ind 1v1dual wanner~ for the Sail-23 63 100 tiy -1 .f\ons.;n 111. 56 79 2 Wiidt spar es or ewpon ors (1·3 Ill league) included Uraan 1•.H1 I 0170 3 Dfdt~ (1). 10174, 100 lfte - IR\ 1:-..1:. A pre\ lllU )I) unde-~"" fc.it cJ Nc\\pOrt . t!Jrbur I l1gh-gi rls • .1 ~\\ 1mm1ng team ran ~ up agJ1nst a power-" I ul Ir. anc un11, and the 1.. •• "'as the Vaquero~ h:rnd111g the SJilor., their fir~t ScJ View League set· back Wcdne!.d.t), I 18-52. ··we had a tcw girls oul with all· , nc!>s, but I don't \\ant to male cx- t;uscs, I"' ane as .1 :.t rong team," said Ne~ port girls co~ch TodJ Kolber '"I hope \\C CJO 11ghtcn things up by th e 11mc lcOJgue final\ roll around." · Came Read \\jS the lone \ICtor on the day for the Sailor~. now 3-1 in Sea View League dual!. Read, "ho haJ already qualified for CIF. in the brea!>btroke'. \\Cn t under the '>tandard once ng..1111 "1th a I: 13. 94 clocking. Even in. defeat, tlierc were other positives for the Sailors, according to Kolber, in the form of, Jenny ~lalh'-en Jnd ~k h)SJ ~chutL. M11lil.cn dropped her time by three ~cconds an· fin1sh111g fifth overall an the inda\idual medley and her 11mc in the buttcrny \\Cnt under 1: 10 for the fim tame. "And Schutz, who hJs been hov- ering around a minute for i.cveral meets (in the 100 free), c~mc out of no" he re tod.1y and dropped \\ay down to 57.8 (fini;hing thud). "I wa!> al'o happy , .. ith ~tcla.,!oa's t lffiC Ill the 50 free (~CCOllU in 26.0 I)." OIALS lrvln• 118,"Newport Harbor 52 200 mec1ey rtl~f -1 1~1ne. 1 S7.9 200 Im - I M HJ~tu rl 2 00 SS 2 M4Ma (II 2 OS 15, 3 \',ICOtr (titil 2 Cia 29 200 ~,.. -l A H.ISlCl (f) 2 t 7 88, 2 ZJ( {1J. 2 22 00, 3 AHO# (t.H). 2 2• 76 50 lrct -1 0 Bnen (I). 25 22 2 St!W (NH). 26 Ot 3 Altlers t•). 27 39 100 riy -t Bodu If). 1 02 28, 2 8'-atd (1), I 08 5'. 3 ~ <In (ltH) 10901, 100 tree -1 OBnen (I), ~32. 2 A Husm Ill. '57 13, 3. Schutz (NH). 57 86. 500 Ire' -1 M Humz (I) 5 21 49. 2 M oN (~1HJ 5 32 82. 3 V.ll!gtr ~·HI 5 48 96. 200 lite r ~t - 1 r,. '18, 1 •9 23 100 O~• -1 Bue•S (I). 1 03 16, 2 P"cQllo ~). 1 1 o 23. 3 T eelt (1). 1 11 39. 100 b1mt -1 Rud (t4t1). 1 13 94, 2 ZIQ ~). 11H~. 3 wtQO (1) 11843 ~00 lfH rtta1 -l IMr>t H3 ~ -< /'I, nitle. 92·52. {rosli.soph ~lllt. 100·54 Come and see f <fr yourself . the difference between a car that has only been safety inspected and o~e that has been complet~Iv recQl).ditioned. We have a large aelecrion of BMW1 and other~ imporu in 1tock to chOOIC from .• ~~YJIB'-~ 1500 Auto Mall Drive, Santa Ana • 835·3171 (55 FWY x Edinttt) b I . . h . . 1 Lel)I( (IJ. 49 16. 2 Brco McAlhltr !NH). !>() 43. Ut rYlne WlnS t e War. Mu rph)' an the 200 and1\ldual med· J Zalt (I) :1448 500 lru -1. Paclt (I) S 18 31 ley (2:23.85) and Adam Clear!\ 111 2 Jontt lt•HI. 5 34 66; 3 Dedeaux Ill ~ 41 29. 200 h loo b. 1 I. (I 0 I 06) • lrte relit -1. t\h\polt IUttlof (B<cn t.~1er. t e ac ... !>tro c · · · Bnan McM.ster. l'ence. Mdenen). t 3152~100 Newport Harbor also \\Oil the oatk -1 Ctear, INHJ. 1 01 06. 2 CtwnQ (I). 400 free re lay (3·32 47) 1Nath the! l 0498. 3 JtnStn (I). 10599 100 breast -1 . • Ronson (1). I 02 74, 2 Hoo.tr (I). 1 01 S7. 3 C•· same quartet a:. the 200 free rcl.ay, rera 111. 10802: •OO ''" rtlay -1 t~v.llO!l H•· IR \'INE -New- 200-y.ird frcest}IC ' · relay team of Drell • • ' port l larbor High's (i Mt:All1,tcr. Brian ,. McAll1!>tcr, Drad Pence and Nut han Andersen qua1- 1f1cd for Cl F "ith a time of I 31 52, but the S:ulors lo!>t 10 Ir- ' inc. 90-80. in a Sea View League which has a CIF !>tandJrd of Dot (Brr!! McA! stet, Bnan McAJ.ster, Pence. 1:32.50. rM!le;:='~='·= 33=2=.,=====================. BOYS P 11&10fUSXHC P11610Rt3XM P1 .. 14MXV• -·-~~-P19&e015XGTH4 lrvln• 90, Newport Harbor 80 200 mtdlty reby -1 """"-1 -'6 ~ 2W 1m - 1 Brett McAt:.ster {NH). 1 S4 1 s 2 5nianQ (IJ , 54 78. 3, Miner (I), 1 58 23, 200 IPA -1 MU(J>hy (NH). 2 23 85; 2 Marsh (t.H). 2 25 29 3 Yochn Be11w•slzes •• •111111• nala~le WHILE SUPPLIES . LASTI Your Price P21UOtatM P25550VR 11XOTV . LET US HElP SELL. YOUR CAR! ! $6 BUCKS 6 DAYS CALL CLASSIFIED· 642~5678 . . ..... .. Newport Beach/Costa Meaa Daily Piiot Triursday, April 1. 1993 83 Eigles mow down Laguna i·n · PCL swim ~Boys, girls dominate Artists with better talent, better depth. _ Marl Re:id h:id a pr in the back (winning in I :08.5) ant.I At.lam Do llenbach posted a pr in the breast (first in I :06.9). The .E.agles!...medlc.:.y rcl.:iy team of Re~1d, Hongl:intl :mt.I Chat.I COSTA b-1ES,.\ and At.lam liolll!nbach al<,o h:.it.I -Tough mech lu: a best time of I :52.:?. ahcac..I, but at the "I was r~ul plcuscd witn all pre-.cm t11111:, both their swims," said Estancia Es1a11c1a H1'gh boys coach John Carpenter. s'' imnung tc•Hn-. "Win or ,lo:.c, time: drops-i arc :?·U in the Pa· "hnt make coai:hcs happy." cil 1c Coast LeJguc folio" 111g BOYS \KIO ·1· L Estancia 103. Laguna Beach 34 · ne' o"er. '1\1 ing .aguna 200 mte.ey 1t'1y - 1 Estinc• (Rttd A Ue-.1th on \\ ec..lnc~c..l,1y Bo~eibaeh. HoaQtand c Bo.~en11aeh1 1522. I he EJ••lc,· ,,1r1, prc,ailcc..I. 200 t1ee - 1 C Bo.:tf'bac:h 1r1 2119, 2 o c-,,•;ui.11 BMl.'1 {LB)~ 2 14 6 ~ ~aym.111 (E). 91·5S, "hilc the hu)\.\\Cre \IC· 2215 200L'.•-1 Reao 1E1 2258.2 ,.~on Monarchs _shake_ on .. Dalia Hills ~ Mater Dei wins, 4-3 , still unbeaten iri league, __ winning streak at five. ' 1u11uu~. 103·3.t, IEI 2 43 7, no ltwd SO. Im - 1 Rl.lllbJld (LB). 23 4 2 C Bo el'(>ac11 IE> 25 5. 3 SOio The E'1~in~i.1 girl' u11l1LeJ 1£1, 2111. 100 ''' -1 HoaiJ'lnd (El. 1 019 2 'l.1pcriur '1cpth in cl.1imiiw the ,., ... c1 (LB). 118 4 3 Scio (El. 1 18 s 100 :> !1ee -I A. Bolitnl>atll IE). S4 5 2 M...n.n DANA POINT - Mater Dea I ligh's Mun.irch~ cx1cndcd their winning streak to li\e Wcc..lnc!>day \\Ith their fourth straighJ South Co.1\t League baseball victory - but \\hat had appeared to be a rather routine shutout bid became an cc..lge-of·}our·seat finish ;it D.111a I lilt!> 11 igh. Newport Harb~r'!. High's PacHic Coast championshf p sailors -bad. ro\> , from left, Bill Wakeman (advisor), Casey Hogan, Mandy McDonnell, Anna Rollins, Cor\fll:)' Polo\ ina; front row, from ·lefl, Nathan Dunham, Danny Zimbaldi, Jack Hogan, Coach J.lmu Malmi. 41# 'ICIOI) O'er the Artist ... \\ho ac· BaM ILBI 1000.1 BtoNn tE). 1005. 500 tu.ill) finished l1r .. 1 1n more lrte -1 HOJ!Pnd IE!, 5 442, 2 \\Jr'fTWI CEJ. e\l.!llb th.111 tht! l:.11•h:-. 6 24 3 no INO 200 ree rtlJy -1 ESIJllCll • \Rrao A BollellOaell. Hoaoland. c 9olltnoatll). "Our scn1ors pulkJ u~ 402, 100 bJck -1 ~uo (£), 1 OBS. 2 1hruunh l uc..l.iv," 'l.uJ L'>tJnCiJ Nev.el (LB). 113 3: 3 M.ron (£). 1 21 3, 100 Sailors ·win West Coast .. title . . o J brust -1 A. Bo~h (E) .. 1 06 9 2 Rolll· girl, cu:.11:h N.1llC) ~kCulluugh. b31d (LB), 1069 -3, Brown(£). 1182. 400 I our '>eniur) c1mc through \\ilh tree reia1·-t Est311CIJ. nt • pasu1wl be~t~ in \\inning GIRLS \."\en ts fur Elttanc1,1, .... Estancia 91, Laguna Beach 5B ~ 200 mtclley relay -1 Laguna Beach. The pr'' were: ~l;inna 2080: 200 tree -1. Crocker CE> 2355, 2 Crud..c r, \\ho fini)hetl runner· Branot (LB), 2 36 3. PBIOOlls (E) 2 37 6. 200 IM -1 Andre-NS lB) 2 41 0. 2 Br~no (El up111 1hc5U011cc,\\i11111ngthc 2498 3 P·e~(E).2528 501ree -1 2ll0 ln.:c\t) k 1n 2:J5.5, SJ!annon He.iu (LB> 27 4 2 Katt (LBJ. 27 8. 3 Be.iiry ~l :111hc\\~ t.il..in•• till' 500 I rec Ill IE) 28 4. 100 If -1. LIOJ!ll Bea.n:1 IH 0 ..... 2 Uteda IE) I 14 8 3 faSSl\ilCtil (El I 261 (>:..!:? 3. Cl111 .. .,~ Bnx>I..:> pl;1~111g. 100 trte -: 1 1 •• 1ott (lBI. 598 2 Be.ltt; (E) J I b , 1 07 4 3 ~per tE) 1 1; J 500 1~ee -1 'Ct:\lll 111 1 ic. 1c :1'hlru11.e in t.'l~J'.e,.5 ltl. 6 J2 3 2 Ci0t•t<'tEl } 0611 3 I :~b.3 .• ind K.1lh) Uri uno c:.1p· rm~atr~ lEt 7 359 zoo tree 10, - 1 LJ· llll.llJ~ th1: hJd,trol..e in I 1-19 Pl> Bt.Y.ll. 1 !>S4 100 bJ. -I B•J.IO (El 11-19 2 \'.et:~ tE 117 0 l Kaus 1£1 The host Dolph1m., handcuffed on l\\O hits by junLor right;tr.mikr AcJ.im 11:.mi!) through !>ix, got to lbrri' 'in the bottom of the sev- enth \\llh a free pass, :i single and then u l\\O·uut, thrce·run home run by Chris Fogleson to cut a 4-0 deficit 10 4·3. The nc:x t batter got aboard, U!> \\ell, 9 n :i \\alk, but Harris fin::illy got the la~t out 10 l eep the Mon· arch, Jtop the kugue standing-. as the. only u1tbe.1tcn entity. ' M;.i1cr Dei p1d:ed c>n Dan.i ll1lb ...,: Newport Harbor High's sailing team just a little too much for competition . N c\\pon 1.1:.iruur ll1gh'~ ~:iiling l\.'.1m "on,ihc ,P.K1l1c Co..1-.1 Champ1umh1p-. by l\\u flllllll\ 1.)\cr Po~n1 LomJ I l1gh la't \\1.·el..cnd .11 St.111ford , ·1 he S.11l1lf·\0 ~ .. 11lur\ hJ\C l>CI lhc1mi.:l\es up .1:. 1h1.. 1um tv hL1I l~r the UJKu!ning Crc .. -.~ Jitt.I f\blh.H) ChJmp1011,IHp'> (l lsgti Sd1oul '\.1t1on.1l..,J comsng up 111 e;irl} \la~ at Ne"pun 11.irbµr '\ .1 .. ht Club .cuurtnC\ Pulu' ina. • Oni)' si\ huJI'> ;11.111 ·~~Ll tu 11111-.h 11.:\ \l."Jr\ Sc\\purt to C.1h1> ~Jn Lu'J' H.11.t" due 10 t"1ch1 \\ldd~ . th..1rli:, tlic:,\cr., l/c:.1rtfl•::i1 l1llfl'..t1..J ,1 ,, 10 top ncct honor~ '14.hilc :'\lll U.111h\ hr.inJ Ill.!\\ l:..\cel 'iJ f'r.'f\tl,Nvfl \\,l'I \Cl..llllJ ll\Ct.Jll ,111J lll'l to l1n1.J'l ()nh l\\u 11! the -U·h•uti.:r,· S1/1::-r Uwlkr OJOJ ~111/fatlf1' 111111.111.ic.:J 1u t1111~h h !1 n: the tune l1.01t 1. 'P r1..J l.1,t I ~.;h_ .• ift .. 1t1U\1n Al.i 1 \nJ1 .:•''· "I. hu1~1 ;J.:,1~ne' .1nJ .. r1..\\1..J 111 J> ... ·" 11.:....\, 11111 :t.1~ \\,fl.' •Cl. I 1.. .. , .. J "ith thi.:11 lk\\ b11a1·, p .. ·111. rm;.in .. c Fur the l>m'I, Uri.111 I lo.1c· 1 265. 100 1>•m1 -1 l\J:Z 1LB1 1201. 2 I.ind pl ,11:d p1."hUu.al 1..ic.~c. ;n B1oe;.s 1E1. 1 25 3 3 licr::a tEI 1l65 400 te rt'Jf -1 £sti.-.:>i ""t;t• ~h·"tw1 the llutterll) (l1r.,t 111 I UI 9) B·:ano ee ... ,1 H)2 ~ 1J :;uo frc:c ( llr..t 1n 5 .f-l.2 ). &w -JJ • .-tlu· Uui(1 /'ilut pitching for .;ingle runs 111 the· thin.I. fifth. sl\th and sc,cn1h in· _n1n~. Jeff hankcl \\:J~ I fo r 2 Y.ith 2 RUI. Ed M.irquc:L \\JS 2 fur 2. 1n· dlKlrn~ a doubk, und scored t\\ ice; -and Clms \\'oodv \\ J!> :? fur J "11h a duutilc for the -~lon.irclh. \\ 111J, "·1..·rc: lr:!lll .111d ,fltll) un SJturJ:1~. but gu't" of 2' knot-. \\CIC rcn rdcu Jurin~ ' ) r.1 .. 111g SunJ.1). ·1 he l\llH~ 1c.11n "J~ lcJ 0. I' lhllll\ 71mh.1IJ1 11.'c Kklu. C J'c' ' IL ..:.111 \JthJn l.)unJ1~1111. ("uurlnc:\ · ,, • Pd'0, 111.1 .1nJ ~I .llld) '\ kl..>unnc II · ' ' ·'In h111J~1gl 1, ""'·•i~J a·!ot, I 1l11ng r1,,gh: .J:l I lo. lhl t; iJ llu: .. ·L.: ''h>:1uu:..- ::c .. I.: t 11. but ,\C .ill 1!mu~h1 th, bo;i\ '.itll.'J re.~ ".:!!.' It.: 'JIJ · !'111.1.· 1hc C"t> • r.1 .. .: '1;i1teJ JU•I 11 J.1,s :Jl:cr f'd,:J;1'Jc.Jll \\J') l .. un .. h1.:J rig~ !• ;inJ d.,110111 .. , 1~· .. h1.1,1:2n' Just a· little Comfort tor Mesa l'lic \ icwi;. 1mp11.>' e~ llohb) kh· .. · t-.lun.irdh to -1·0, 9· l. The\ rc:1urn,,10 league action 10J.1y "11i1 J h1>111c g.ime against SJn Clem· 1..•111c bclore the i;pring br~.il.. \\ hilc l vlh J>wnl L11m I dllJ L'nt\er)ll\ () 111 l.)ll!!ll) f11gb 'lh111 l\.,hl> h.J\C 'llOtig 1\...11" 1111, )e.1r. :...e.'f'''" -,.J·l·~·I \\llf• . .:J JrounJ 1l:c dnd. Iv Cl't th .. ll\•,1t 1.:.1.I. ,111 11mc 1111 1..1..1, the 1;i·,1 kdllllllJO bll.'J'll'l'-'J 1lll tfl.: t;, !II •>Ill~ hour, bclorc the rJ,·e -.1.1r~cJ) • CO I \ ~ll·~,\ ... _ \JL,.s 111.!,!h "\ llllllllllg UIHh \\elll du\,11 tu Jc11...1h h\ \\IJC' m.11)!111:, .11 I hl' h.111J, l)f ~ 1\11 lllg L1g~11.s 11111' 111 l'Jltl1c Cu.1'1 I c.1guc· cum· pcl1l11111 WI \\ \.Jl1C\U,1) .. D1.:~p1tc nut \\ i11111ng .111 C\1:111. the ~1u,1Jt1~' rnCt\\.·J some guuJ "' 1111' I mm fr1.. 'h111.1n J,1mn (\1111· LONG DAY: -From 81 ~.J. I u ... 1in ( 7·~ u'erall. ~·I 111 the ~1..':1 V1c\' Lc.1gue) l'lfccll'd} put ttl\. !!.:.ttnc on 11..c \\1th a IU·run 1h1rd inning. I he fr.1111c ":.i' high· l1:htcJ h) Octd U.1kcr·., srJnJ .. 1;i111 homi:r 1\I 1h.1t pu1111, ~th ;\C\\f Uri J,M n· I I ·U, B.1h:' bq~;.111 tl11nk111g .1h1.·.1d Ill 1od,1) \ g ~rile ··~ 1111~1 \\ u11Jb1 iJse 111 tc:1111' ot h1' p11d1• ~~~~..-. ALL-CIF: From Bl A \..: .ir J!;O he "·" .1 '1:i.:ond 't1. .ir 1 d1u1le un the All·C..11· 1e.1m ·I r\.•.111> \\\)UIJn'1 \\,1111 IO thin!.. abllllt \\here \\C "uulJ ha'e fin· i-.hcJ 1111 .. \CJr \\t1hou1 h11n," ,,11d E .. 1.111c1.1 Cu.1d1 I 1111 l'Jr'>el. \\hll \\.tidied thc lune r1..lUflH.:r lrom l.1')l \\!Jr\ (.II· ~outhc:rn ~..:1..11011 .111d Sl1u1her11 CallftlrniJ R1:!!101 •. 11 1111.ili .. t 1.;irf) .1 rap1dl) 1111p10,111g 'uppuning l .1:.t 10 the 'clund fl)Ulld ul thl'> )CJr\ cu lll·AA pl l)Olh I he l:.Ji;lc~. "hujc~ tu C\cnru.11 sn11011 ch.1mpioJ1if.lor'n1ng,1Je w lsnl'>h '"th J ISi L r~corJ, upcnet.1 the ~c.1~011 6·~. 'I he 101...ib bounced II lull (111 lhe b.tll..'>trol..c: and ~OU free~l)lc • .i~ \\ell .l'> a 'IOhJ lcJJuff leg 1n the -h HlO I rec rcl.i>) 1111J ~.1m Gr.l\cll1, '"ho \\Clll a l ·U~ 111 the b1~.1·~btrul..c: fur J f>Cr.)onal best. SOUTH COAST LEAGUE M•ter Del 4, .D•na Hiiia 3 ~.'.sWDt 001 011 1-4 8 0 ~n some. good Ile\\~ IM the Mwr Dana H 1, . 000 000 3-3 4 5. t.ing'> the fr ush-... uph ho\) ICJll\\ HJ"•S 4nd TrtJnor l.'J1n.1rJ ario P4}nt W-H.ar· Up ·t' L , . 11 II 1..'U 7.:; • '"--rs 4 0 L-MJ1n.iro 26-,\00C/ 1M::lJ. ~.'l!Qwtl 'e .1i;un.1 "11 '· o • -. •,•Ji t1R-f0£.1SO" iCHJ f1n1,h1..' 111 1cgll1n.il re!' 111.1 m.11..c 11 the !Op \\ 1.''I c. U;!\( ljU.1lrl1er. \\ 11h \l\.IUllC• 111 the An1l·.1tc r Rq:.111,1 .111d the P~11..1fic Cu.1'1 Ch.1111p1lll1'h1p' • I he C.1hlorn1.1 l111 l·rn.1t11•11..1I ~:11ling A'-.oc1a111111 "Ill be: hnlJ111c 11~ .1nnu.1l AJ,;inceJ R.1c1ng Scm111.11 lle\t \\C«.:I.. .11 • Al.1m1tth-OJ\ Y .1d11 Club 111 Lune Uc.u~h. . . ' - Boating • I rJn,p.11; 't 1\.111 (.lub ann 1,in .. cd th.it 11 l,J, .i ... q 1cJ a )J,t-r111nu~ .. i;nir;. 1r,1rn U.ilbti;i ll.11h1 1 't . dll Cl1:h !'Ur ti ' · ~\.ar' I r .1n~p.1l , Bl n (. ·~ Clllr.. ,l\vOJh.1• ·~ .. 1 JU\l·bunchcd , J. h11>1.m 1\1·b1l.1t "!10.h -/J.1 t/1t• Uui/J />1/ut • -· I he CIS \ ~1..111111,ir _brmc' 1uge1hcr tup lv..:al m.:-urpl)r.11c, J r.1J1 ... ;rl Ill.'\\ 'till!!\ i.. .. cl ~''lt:lll JUl11ur., 11lur' \\1lll 11.1t1u11.1I. Ol~mp1..: .ind \\urlJ I Jl11ld :-\c"p1.KI ,.11l0r Dlllh! \\ h, ,,1 u" ,, "\\ C \~ Jntcd to \J\e \Ollle p11~h· l.'r:> tur (11.>J.1))," he -..11d fu,1111 CdM tops University · d1.1111p111n,, .1nd 01'> the. m1"'1 1111en'c 1 :i.:·\\l.!CI.. ptc.:'u 1 ''hen \<>11.1rJ \\J~ l.wn .. !it:d (..,,, ''..'C't., r.1 .. ing c11ur ... c a1i\\\hcrc 111 th.: L1 S ' .... 11J I . I the l .ii' ,.,>11.:' 1...:.1 "' l •.• ti...111\ • ·1 ha) )c.1r, 1mtru...tor' m~ludc lo .... 11 Ol)mp1;in' i;:1!1.:r.11~· h)dn d)n.1m1' lirt. \.-urJ111,g tt \\.:b!).. .. J J hkr. Juhn ~I JJJcn .111.J \, ,,,,n fo!h. J' "ell "It ~•pu ... ~hl th.11 thi' ho;it "Ill t _ ,1 .. ~c: :I n .i·n JdJcJ r11ur more run., 111 the 11{ \ 1'.':L -I re-.hm.in U1lh S.ir· fourth Jnd .1nothcr 111 the filth All rJllno \h1H J 37 to -.h;irc mcJ.1li~t 'Js l\.111i~ 1\mll 'l.111 ng l'."11.1 ... h '\cJ J1.)fl.:\: i!.Jl)rm ·r __ ~11t t-~111~ .1sl.:J toJ::i) " :'\e,\p1.>rl U.::.11.:h '>d1lm:1!..l.'.r _ \ ,1JrJ".1' J .. :.1gn.:d t•, '\ ,,,.:~.in -.11 1 the SJ1ll11 .. ~ouh.I countc:r. v.11h \\.I) hlllllH'> \\tlh Cn1,er)it' \ Urct Sl..in- J lune run 1n the tup of the fou11h ni.:r J) thi;. Curun.i dcl ,,\far' ll1gh I ht'> )C.1r\ -.1.min:ir "ul hJ\I." lll\J p 1rt11..1pJn1~... J'1'1\st..1'1 Lolil L11p.1 t 11 ... l. i: U"i.h IJun.:hmg 1n.:-lud1nc il1..:al JUlltlH' RJm'·" C.1mpl·dl. Lia.... ~·•*"c .. k,-l.irpJ tJtcJ t!t.11 fie I'> .. \Jr f,Jt"nt th .. "hkh i:..1mc on the hccb of I U!>· ~olf 1cJm edged Unherstt~ 111 a ttn ') IO·r!Jn upming ~c.i \'tc"' Le ague m:itch, 19 .. ·~UJ. Coll11i..., '\ llhJn Dunl1111 P.11trd •• Ja .. J.. JnJ C...i'·' t .11 ''Ill 'hJllcr .\/ .. ·r/111\ I r.1n,p.1 .. '"''rd I ll>gJll 'lie\ c 1'1 .. ll.I ,\I 11tJ\ ~ ld)onn ·II ..1nJ . J fr1 r lt ' ..\pril ro.1/\ /J.1.1 I Tonum lJihrn.:.1 p.i .. ed Ne\\ pun • J he: Sc.i 1'111gs 1mpr0\l.'J 10 5·1 ( l ·9, U·3) \\1th "'" of the SJ1lur .. · in lc:.a~uc pl.1~ on the par·36 R..111· f1,c 1111~ cho Saii JoJ4u1n course SEA VIEW LEAGUE t....e\ Ill WalJc:n. llr.cnt Stll\il.. Jlld · Tustin HJ, Newport H.,bor 1 Un.in Glldba l11cd ..io, Ill .ud the t. ";.>.J/IHJW ~:>C. 10 0-1 ) 3 Cl\! TW'I IClC 410 1-16 10 I l. C.IU\C Local schedule 8. !I p, •t• 11J "e:..tiam (~J f•tt 1\411 151 ' ~ Corona del M•r 1 lil8, University 203 B tr' B.:ws (S ·" ~lll! 2 ~ Ll"'>.!J't \\'-\\ '.o~ I 1 e1 Sarr4 lo> Ca'.11 alld S 'll'tr (Ul 37 3 B L-B~ ,t I ·3 11R-lll•t T BIX! n~!t <1!•0 rUI l~ 4 1~e1 \',iJdt11 (CC'.'1 S:.. I. Today -ll) TliFTJJiJ.1 Pi1ut fCe ,, ~ iec1.•r ~0--1 Ham ice~ ~r ----Uaaiball b.i~J.... hu\\C\Cf. Ill \\Ill lllllC of lhl'lr ne\t I:? g.1ml''" induJ111g ,1 71J. 70 pla)Ofl opcnc1 .1gair1'1 Uellllu,\cr. 'l·aulkni:r. \\ho .l\e1.1gcJ ~I() points, 8 .I rchounJ, J11J 'hut 5U per~ent tro111 lhrcc·putnl rJngc agJ1n-.1 PCL compl!l1t1011, ,hared league t--1\ I' bonor·. \\llh 11.ihurn I lslb senior Urctt Pl>ulu-. l·.iullncr i!> sdieJukd to repre· "ent the South in the April :-!Y Or· .inge Count) All·~tJr G.1111c JI Or· ange Coo\-'I Cullcg1... ~1ornin_gs1Je I l1gh:~ S1.11s Umc· tnJll, tgncJ 10 allC:OJ U~C. \\.IS the• D t\i')ion Ill PIJ)Cr of the 'I c.1r,. \\ h1lc Sea \'1ew Lc.1gue 'f\1\11' AJJm Diic1L)nl>k1 o( Sanl.i ~1.1rgJr11.1 l ltgh \\J~ ·'"o on lhc 15·mcmber fu-.t tc:un. c ~.or.I; c. e,t c. .. 1.. JI c,~ SS ~ p Ill ' ALL·CIF DIVISION Ill' ",;· htvJI -•• .... .:~ ; ... J' ··~1·C!>rl Hai:i.r First te•m 3 15 (~()(IJ Ctl 1.•.1 at T .. ~· I 3 )~ Cos!J M(Sl •' S!J s Bostman (l.'1)1 OS•C:el 6 J Sr 17 8 T .:,.o t1 s 3 IS E 'h. l ~· l •• l!t'P1 3 ·~ SJ1 C el"c •e it 1.•4• L~· 3 c • MJr!e 1.1.-ca~t '11 •• t:e D.lme S 0 I 6·6 Sr 19 2 Tennis • Jim \'. •.llT".~n 1S • To11aice1 !l·10 Sr. ·s I Do· llld\C E ~1)11 tl.1J1rwno~ ~el 6·-0 Sr 15 9 .Jt'!!T y ,( .. ~~ :1 co f•• '°"'' -•'-! s•c ~h 2 ~ \ul ISJn O.masl 6·3 ~· 23 0. Crv,) 51 C lt 1So· Ccr. : 'c, e>e "--, c,. t •• s ~ OCC • l\Oli~ 6·0 SI 23 0 1.•.1' s~ ITI tlorr;>OCI 6 0 St c l'I~ s;~'\O ,. ~-·;. -1·t"';1'l· ;··r ·~ ,:es~ ;. 23 2, Anc,e Eni; Sii \'.lon!v'Ol11e<}'I 6·7 Sr i2 i • c~·..r l 1r 'l_, ~ ;,•' l' 'J t1 •J •<. ~' t •·:• ·~11 (S T~;wce) 6·7. Sr 2' ~ .St.~ • ' J Track ~nd Fleld '" .,. 1. ;in D~!IN 1 6. Sr 150 Enc s. e. ~a H. sn ~ t: ,• 4"<l ~ , _ '""· t<J~;< ;i C~ ~ 6 JI 1!10 Jim !aulkner (E~ Ir, t 3 l .. ,-•' -~· "'c: 1.•.-3 la;J!l.111 s a• t~ncl~), 6-41 Sr., 18.4 A .. am D. t.'11, ~~ S Cos~ l.'tsi ~JS h!.. .... .ii •• ~"Bu. 2 :!J I,-'• l 6·0 S• 12 0 C.1a.g ~.ns.n .~·t Volle~ball O;m S 0 6 i Si 13 5 D.1n:~1.1oi:1t, 1Pomo "~ s ~ ~ _ • . • ,;') 1 H .. ~ ru 6 S Sr io2 -;-:-E 33" , .f ,: ., ,. J 1..f i1: 6,, 'c s; l.'esi a• Second team C• •er 3 J::l E~· , • H s 1 •5 • ,. .. ! cr.9 :it r .... • £ & S• 1~ • i.•~a ".ri:iri · ' • • sort'b'.u - ...... ~•I &·S Sr IJ 0 J~ C~~ (Puo R •• fts Ii-:'\ ~~ _ v. ~l '•til:>C'1 HJ :i 6·' •', 19 2 ~ o .. .,., CwlTf ( ,1;>m.•-QS!df) 6-2 St 3 '~ .:a;~"' l'JI 4) l. ' J '~ C s:J l,'eSJ 3l 186 C0<ty S. -.a 11.:.>in.i •• ce 6·7 St . !3 s C:VG El r.•oce~ J 111 Etson 1C."tf C 'w S 1 I .If. 14 0 fli.~ t rlO',d ,\cs~· -0'9dmlnlQl\ tm) 6 3 St 19 !> £~ T~ 13assc: 6-0 H. ~ sc!IOOI _ '•r"'•"llll Hi•!>-r ,~ JI Z• 6 J..e P!lt¥s (Pomor.11 S·ll. Sr. 221 l..m C1.1t> 3 llel ~·.it • J :,""' 3 Crr•ury ~1 S• rt.ti (l~e D"'1t s 0) 6 8, St. 13 s Jt<f'T\~ E ~ J Coll'lcy \Puo R.i!>ics) S·IO St 17 0 Crns Ci.~:>d •1-Coif 1Sonou: & a St IS 6 JlyiCll SMIC!el\ 181~1\CP ~·~· Ii 0ri WIOOI -~.ri. l ~c M ~ \l \\OOC::>nC;t as QOIT'~l)l 6? Jr 16 S Cllr1S Robtrts (StlU"Cl 6·0 t.ct.W'1 BcJ.n CC 2 rm C.~'..I ~'tu ~s J~~ Si Z20 kent.1c,,'U1rlt (A~Q4t10),S·9 St ,179 H )ilPJ-.ICG~IC!\i~ 230 h!J:'IChS Tri!lvco tt s a1 Mts1 \ erar CC 2 ... ~ p n ~Does· voutcar Slaltha.-.-- ldle Rough? Give Poor mileage? Call Us! We're Ille Driveabiliiv. Experts Carburetor RebuPdf~ e Fuel Injection Tune-Up e Smog Certification · _ Open Mon-Fri 8:30to5:30 Call Friday CAMPBE[l •, point uvcragc \\U~ a b11 too much · S ~l·• little brighter than the av· Swimming Somctlung hac..I to give . The dvcl .. ~ crag bear. . Co·,.niun.!, cc t11c 1ren a .d """ rn -OrJ~ce "' • C.)a.I .ii GIOWtlOt 1 ~ Pm v -.mn w.i-. rather e.1~\. ' " t Pu adco.1. I told her ~omc· H-;~ "~ ~.~ ;.<J • ,,,~ -s1~.iitb.lc~ From B 1 "(Sumner) ;Jid t 0 hat :i , oon ,,, I ·th mg ant.I :>he fullo"ec..I through. I C~Jl"r Ch.ll>c4 •I b: • .,,. • .i J t!> (714) 642-8286 tor an appointment 2945 Randolph AV!J. it "ould h.c 111..c th" .11 all I thm"1 ll.t\ people runninu in a real mc:ct ttliJ her "hen :>he's runnin•l a Softball f I. h I o o Comm.nty co tQt -S1dJitb1tk .u o.~ eel .,i1le 111 .tn)I 111g 'Pl.'l.'IJ. ~o 1hat l'J 111..e it," )aiJ C.1mpl>dl, tracl.. race to nc\<er pa!.~ on the CNS!. 3 pm Voll•yball • Costa M·esa it\ ~rnJ of\,eird "ho preferred to be .it the be.1d1, cunc aiHJ ncvc:r allow an)boc..ly to Commut\.'Y ci.e;e rr~ -Rwllo Sllll.,go ll "(Sumner) '~td :>'3mething once, or -.lec:p111g in. during tho:.c '11111-pa'' )OU on the CUr\e. Hc:r in· OrJr.,;e c~~t. 7 pm --===========================~ th.11 there \\ere oth\:r girl-. runnmg mer \\Orkou1s. • :.t111ch arc reall) high qu.ilit). and .... -•• -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.·-----------------------------• ~.111\I t hJI I cuulJ ca1d1 up \.,,ith "lt. \\a:, JUsl morning running her conccntra11on level i high them, but ii d1dn·1 mc:an :lO)lhtng Getting up at 6 o'clcxl 111 thl!' qu.1ht). to me JI all. I d1Jn't p:1) much JI· morning and running \\J!>n't that "She :>cc:m:, \Ct) cuach..tblc. but tcntilln 10 11 bccau'e I M .. c team great. I JU'll didn't rcall)' hlc 11 I ha,cn'1 had her long enough to -.port .. {1c11er, \\here )OU h~1"c to 1h:i1 mu'-'h. It'~ better no\ th:1t 1 rc:Jlly know. She doesn't get frus· \\Orl \\llh Other people :ind rel) know ~OmC Of the pcoplc...i'm run· tr:lled JOOUt Oil) thing; she' been on other people to get things ning \\1th. I J1dn't reaJly lnov. beaten '''ice, by ~1ollie flint (in going" anyone. bu1 \\Ith Tr.iC) nnd the ~00) and once nt the Pai.adcn:i Uclurc entcr111g the ,c,cnth Urookc (Med), there·~ nc"cr a 0.:.1mc' (in the 1600). \\here he gr.idc, Anne Porter, Campbell's dult"moment." c.1mc off the tracl \\1th :i mile on fnJnd. 111,ited her to run M UC ' Cnmpbcll' 1600 clocling on her (Jee and :i led if ~he coulJ do lrv11u:, "~ere CdM tn11n' in the Saturday ~urpa~~ct.I her prcviou' it .1g.11n" summer. bcst of 5!21.4 by 111nc :>cconJs. Wh;llc,er Campbell chooses to "(l'ortcr) tbkcd me 1( I \\Jntcd Moreover, CdM's dbt~1ncc medley do in the fall, all Sumner :bl..,' or to Jo it Y.ith her. ond I ju't sai~. relay -Meck (1:?00), MoHic Flint hi.; athletes is 1ha1 they g1\<c 100 'Sure. \\hUtC\Cr,' " Can\pbell saitl. (800), Mcg;in Uptl~1m (400) .ind pcrcerH "hen they ~how up on his •"It \\US ull 1igh1, but i1' not ~otnC• Campbell (1600) -losgc'J u tr;ick. thing )OU c:.in really IO\C It w.1 12:18, the cconJ.f.1 tci.t tame 111 "We'll trc:11 her like (Jawn) ~uod bc,,1u'c {l'oner) wu there. the nation th1) year. accordin& 10 Oo)ce," !lard Sumner, "'hose ~land· She m:.ide 1t more fun. ·1 h.11 wa Sumner. out 'printer nd Iona f'umpcr on the fir 1 11mc I met Coach Surn In her 11eui.on J cbu1. a non the 00)' uacl team 1-t a)() a mcm· ncr. _., league Ju.ii meet 3gain t • S.in bcr of the U S Ol)mp1c Oc\<clop· "1 hen my mo1n ancJ Jatl tried to Clemente, Campbell quickly -mcn1 occcr pro,ram, v.hich c:iu • act me 1n10 thi running thing, anJ opcncJ wmc C)' • iointJ 2:28.t in C\ him to """ wmc mec~ :an they took me to u 1rad.: meet, but the bOO .ml.I .S;2:? I in i'hc, 1600. pr.ict11..c I ilidn't rc.:ally ltlc 11 I ~l.1y \Ol· Not b..td for u roo~1c. Mnpbcll' approach? Hey, 11' lc)ball ••• I love 11. 11') ni) pus-.. "ln the fil")t three or four • pretty imple. "I m goina to v.ur~ ion." week , he ran on pure talent," u harJ a I C:Jn to do the bc~I C:impbell ran fur Sumner l;a'll Sumner ~:.Aid. "She h.a a natural that I c;.in," he aid "Whcre\cr I ~ui\lmcr. but 1hc 1houwh1 ol pl:.Ay· an t1nct. Not ontr 1 'he compcli· end up. I'll cnJ up." ing \OllC)b..111, runnini cro) coun· ti\c, but 'he' bri ht ometime I And \\hcrc,cr II i.,, he'll fit~ h lry .rnd ni.1intu111111g n )()lid t;rutlc· thinl she\ been runnllll& for )C:U • "ith "' male on her face . · • . , • , . ive Service And Sell AU Domestic & Foreign 01"! 2100 Harbor Blvd. (at H a.Nhoft) Costa Mesa Sales Service (71,) 650-4433 (714) 650-8870 ~Working !fith 'Ihe F.conoiny" · ,. I • Mxh.int dite & It~ • ·-~=r I ~~ I r $59f:~ t ~--------¥i.w-.....,._ • "'' '"" I 4 II tJ--------.J ' , ,. .. ,,, • -· NewPOf1 ~ Mesa Dally Piiot • .. llM~LINE OMNGa COUNTY RaLUQUINQ •Jan. 27 -Initial meeting of pt1ne1pals prOdUCes Plan to assemt>I• flln• $lx·teiffi leagues and oot seven.team conllouratlon. adding 1 new league to the cunent nine-cltcult ahorvnent • l'eb. 2 -The ntne·member releagulng corm11ttee, composed of one representatJve from each extsbng league and-chaired by Bolsa Grande Pmclpal Sob Mesa. toonolates three proposals to present to an pr111c1pals. • Feb. 10 -Principals vote to reject ttvee committee proposals and submit several counter proposals tor committee consideration wtuch Mesa says "Make more sense" than ltlOse broubht Into lhe meeting. -• ~e'b. 17 -The convn1nee emerges from a 4'h-hour meeting with a. self-Imposed media gag order. and one final proposal to be considered by tne l~I sc~uled pnnclpals' meetJng. , • Feb. 24 -An altered final proposal ~ passed by a vote ol 30·25. but several last-ditch aoiusements anger attected schools. most notJbly Ille Sunset League • March 31 -CIF Southern Section Commissioner Stan Thomas hears coocems from Orange County league representatives and aMounces dec1s1on to remand the entJre process back to tilt .,pnnc1pals. wno must lormulate an'!! maintain tighter procedur.al standards. 1nclud1ng minutes ol all meetings RELEAGUING: From 81 :iboul the ~ould-be final plan. It's a no-go Here's hOw l ltllll)td UC1 IOr 1 etOe llefOl1 CIF ru11nO mandMO 0nnge COl.llCV f)llnelj)als 00 baClc ., b ~"' 0\ er f0t hlOll s "' .:14· 11 HA LUOU8 c.i-..i Mar lr\lllt ....,., IWW. OcUI ..... S#U Mlwpll, Wol!*• PACl'1C COAtT LUOUa Ad ........ ~ Mt"' [JllllCa, LIOliila a..cll. ~ Hiii tb'.mAY CllNTUAY LUOUI C111r011. D MoOena. fspnnu. fdll. $.rll IN Vdty VIII Pn IMPIAI \.UGUI C)ptM. CriMY. CJ OolldO, kA11a. ~. FRllWAY lUOUlf ~ P•~ f~ la M.lln. ~ • ..... T1oy. GAAOIN QAOYll lUQUI lolu Gtllldt Gardtn Gtv\'t, La OUiu. lot Amigos Pl:dlta l\MCllo ~ S-. OWOl\.UOU• ~ Bin OWlc!a. ~ligro,IA, SlvaM& Va-, l9netl. wtsW1I SUNSllT LUQUI 1~ fOUIUJI Valir/ ...,,.,IQIOll ~ lot AWn11os. M•fnl. Miter Otl SOUTH COfST LUOUI C»stn v~. ow Hih, (I TOICI, MIUIOll, Vll:jO. ~ Clemence TrlCll(O ..... ' NEWLUOUI OtlnQt. Sact~c11. Santa ~ Selv!Wllosarr TwJWI. l\tS!l!Wlilll • guing meetings. "I think it~ fai r to suy there was a lot of.discomfort with the· overall procedure this >e;1r," Jacobson said. "I don't think it was the fault of an)one in particulJr, but :,omc· times the meetings drifted aw~1y from the process. unintentionally." The ..proposal that p.lssed l..c:pt Corona del Mur and. .. tikwparl Harbor in the ScJ Vic" League, along with Santa M:ugarila, Irvine, Saddlebi:rck and Woodbridge. Pl'~Jl baseball _._, ...... I ... I WLT saru ,_O<lfll• 2 o 1 Irvine 2 t 0 ~k 2 I 0 TUSlW1 2 I 0 WOOdbr~~ 2 1 0 ~ 111 C......MI-0 3 0 Newpert 0 3 .0 ....... ., ........ .,..,.. WLT 3 5 1 a • o 4 5 0 7 4 0 10 2 0 7 3 I 4 5 0 1 9 0 Tust11 18, Neapwt ...,._, 1 WoodbttdOI 9, lklwerslfy 1 T.-r• ....... = WOOdbflclOe II Naapwt C....... del -II IuStll Saddleback 11 UMtrsry lrWll 11 saru MifPb ~tlOtfto Coeet L ...... LHIYe ~ °"'81 WLT WLT taguna ttdlS :r 1 o 6 s o lbt.Mcla 2 1 0 6 2 0 ~na Bqcll 2 1 Q 5 4 O Trabuco Hiiis 1 1 1 5 2 J Ceotuty 1 1 1 4 3 1 c......... 0 4 0 2 8 0 Todar'• Q.,.._ (3:18) Coeta 11 ... at Traboeo Hiiis lat8nc .. at ligooi Beach Cetl!IJry at Laguoa Hills South Cout 1.eeeue LHtlue WLT ..... , Del 4 0 C1 Cap1S1Tan0 Valley 3 1 O El Toro 2 2 O San Clemente 2 2 0 Dana Htlls l ~ .0 Mission Vte,o O <1 O ~ Wedneedar'• acor• Mater Del 4, Dana Hills J Capistrano Valley 4, El Toro 1 TodeJ'• gamee (3:15) San Clemente at Meter Del Cao1strano Valley at M1ss100 V1e10 Et Toro at Oana Hils Deep sea OWeral WLT 9 1 0 1 2 0 6 5 0 4 5 1 4 5 0 3 6 0 WEONHOAY'S COUNTS . OA vn' S LOCKIE A -5 l)OllS 84 r1Q!er1 2 ~1 111 bcnllo. 3 b.tnt eucu. 175 CUco bU,S. !16 $llld ~P. 16 ~ II ~•UIS. 2 W.llntlllll. 4 SllQO, 25 tu peich 7 Olue Wiil lttltued). 10 lll.ldsmllll l*th . . NEWPOf'T L.UIOINQ -1 boll 30 Wl{llell 157 boMo, II selApon, 4 Uod llUS. 2 CJfico bin, II Ollc~ll pe1cn 21 INCl<tllll • olie}'bail club's dream emerges in tourn_~y finals ~ 14 & under boys f r9m Balboa Bay Volleyball Club duel each other! T his pnst weekend marked lhe second 14 & Under boys vollc);b II tournament of tbe. 1993 Southern Californi:1 Vullc)ball As$OCiation League pl~1y. The tournomcnt. heh.I a1 Cerritos College, brought together t)le bc~t junior high i.chool players wit.h lFams from Uukcnificld to S11n Dieso. The Division I championship matched the Dnlbou Day Volle)'ball Club "Olue'' team and the ·DOVC ""White'' team. In last month' tournament, Coach Gary · N:ik:lmura's White team had defeated Josh Snyder':, lllue team in the final : This final, the OBVC Blue, led by setters Steve Reese und Orady Beauchamp, middle blocker Dloir Hoppe, outside hitters Cavan Concannon and Scott Wicken, and backrow specialist Mike Pliha, defeated the BBVC White team by a score of 15-5. Volleyball Setter Dana Mesenbrink and middle blocker:. Shelvle Albrec ht and Peter Wall were instrumental in the White team's roud to the finals. ln Division 11, Co:.ich Ryan Tomnlcs' Dalbu..1 Day Volle) ball Club .. Red" team S\\ cpl the final behind the setting of Tr.Ms Ne hon, 1he backrow scrviflg of Adam Tom:.1lcs. nnd the hitting of Tim Andrews and llilly Mc:.senger. • ~ · The DllVC "Orange" 1c~1m, coached by Mark MCAnlis, cqme "ithin ~ pcrceP1lagc point·. of • making the final~ IN-SIDE-SIDE -OUT Match scar/-< . H igh school v:i r~ity \.Ollc)'ball m:.atehc are the ·bc!tt three out of five games to 15, "ith u.Aeam required to win -by two poin1s. Frosh·:,oph and junior vanity arc l\\O out of three to 15. College, internati~nal and club play puts a ceiling called a "cap" on all ~egul?r gumes a t 17. So, al 16·16, the ne>.t point wms. . The ticbreaking game of' a match 15 i,cored by rally scoring where a point is scored by the team that wins the rally. The ~amc goes much quicker and is w:ry txcit· tng. There is no cap score on the rully game S<) a team needs 'to win by two points. · Do rou have u .. ullerball question? Send your question .to Charlie Brande, Daily Pilot Sports, Oo~ 1560. Costa Mes:.t, 92627. Sellers Kevin Wickcn and John Wilson, hitter.s Scott Archbald and Sean Young, middle bloct..crs. Eric Werner :ind Rick Robimon, and backrow "i.tar'' Ru.mse)' Oilbcbi prO\ idetl the spar!.. for the 013VC Orange te:im. •Junior college men's vollc)b;ill as being domin:itcd by the team from lf\ine Valley College. In only its second year, the team t'i c~)ached h~ Tom Pc:,tolcl>i of _...1c1a High School and assisted oy Gary N:ikamura. Led by ex-Newport J1arbor's Uil l) Ngu)'en. IVC need~ t\\O \\in~ tb1:, \\eek to clmch the conference title. ... "\Vh:it irritatt!d me. wa-, that the vo1e '~as ne' c r called for on the propm.al \\e as coachci. and :uh· lctic director~ had discussed at length ~ith our princip:ib." Witte. said. "You ha'e to be able to show coaches and members of the community that proper proceJure was followed, but I thih" the pro· ccss broke down when the original proposal "Js nc,er \Oted upon. What came out, ::ippearcd to be something like Congress pushing legislation through just before ad· journing.:· The Pacific Coast League, was to 'have aligned Estancia and Costa Mesa with u guna Beach, Laguna Hills, University and Aliso Niguel. scheduled to open next fall. DUNN: From 0·1 l1'c; J ~agn1fwc m hnl..: that play.-. ;1cro" 11 c;trlVlln vc~. I 10,1 ,mother gol( hctll -01110 rt1e point of .1 hill "Ith a lone Toyon tfce loc:itcd JU\! Ill !he lcll Of lhc green. rrum the green. the \It'" up the coast extended into the Long Beach' .trl'll. TI1 e d.1y wa~ ~omcwhat hazy. hut \l1u could ... 1111 sec. Cjialma !slant.I. "You can see AvJlnn on clcM day..." Mitchell 'iUld. ah<l cart ho~ Thcv all lrt'ill you l1ke·a lmg, e11gcrly .tW.t1t to .. enc )OU anJ even clean )OOr golf cl ub'i 1mmcd1a1t:lv ah cr pl.1\111~. It 's golf heaven N'ewpdrt H arbor High Principal Steve Pavich. who represented the Sea View League at \~cdnesday's mce1ing, said the consensus of those in attendance agreed the process indeed broke do"n. Major protests over the pro- posal, were voiced by the Sunset League, which planned to appeal to the Southern Section rcleaguing committee. Sunset incumbents Ed· ison, FoJntain Vulley, I luntington Deach a'nd Marina were to be at:gned \\ilh South Coast League power Mater Dei and Erripire League force Los Alamitos. 1992" by Golf D1gt·'t l11erc's a saving hunker along the ngh1 !\Uk of the fairway at ~o. 5. hut perhaps the mos1 difficult part of the hole 1o; to concentra1e on \Our gut( It's hard.to avoid ga1ing at tbc foregruund CJf the can}un and the Pacific Ocean tn the dist, nee £'hio; was, indeed, God\ C'art h: Hole No. 17. calkJ the "fntrJpmcnt:" I\ a pnr-5 witti an .t\lot:,omc t)l.:e,111 '1cw fur the entire 559 y:ird!> • • Oo ~t hear four? ... 1110 .1nnounced MondJy th.11 a third ~oll cour~. ;rn executive COUfse. I' undc tv.a)_Colltallc \a1J tllJI II\ tikely 10 open 10 the 'Pring 1lf I U94. Fu110 alsu said that the 1.tnd bchmd the currclll Olean Course y,,ould make fur Jn e\en more picturesque golf cour'e Perhaps the mo't 'pcctacular "ort.. ol I nm F.v10, the .m:h1tc..:t uf Pcl1t:.111 I fill' Ocean Cour<;e and .. onn-to-opcn l.111!..<1 l'our,e. 1'\ No IX .• 1 par·4. 44:!·yard piece of .trl l hi' one ha' n~1t l1ne. hut l'\\o canyons 10 \hOl uvcr. •No mort reading during ..-ork.lnit hours: "When I got into-this (rclea- gu1ng) •• I had questions like: 'Is our league supposed lo come up with a proposal?' " Pavich said. .. All the ans\\ers I recei,ed "ere sketchy." · Both P:ivich anJ Jacobson, who have criticized their schools' place- ment with Sea View rivals having much larger enrollment, said they were pleased to be getting another cra4k ~t better treatment. Needle's lC'I 'J). I dropped Jfler losing my ball al Nu. 5. but 11 wasn't the last time. My next fear wa<1 running out of golf balls. Luckily. my panncr' 111 the threesome, Newport Beach e ntrcprensur Bill Mitchell and Los Angeles Timi:.\ ... port,wnter John Weyler, had extras. lne tees arc benched mto rhc h11l.,idc ot thl' canyon, wi1h the tee hot .1uo:-.~ the t:anvon 10 ·a fairw.1y 1h.11 challenge' you to h11c off "' much .. , Jl(>'sihle 10 o n.lcr·to make the second shOI JS <,hort .lS fl<lSsthlc n1e .. ccnnd shot l'i bad. acro.., the c.\Il)Oll, the tluuhlc lrO~'· do"n An excerpl from Oon..1ld Hren, d1,11rman of th~ lf\1ine Cumpany. which o~n' the l,tnd at Newport Cuast, y,,h1lc 'pc.1k111g during the· Alward ceremony: "I 1rnllcr .. 1.111d Golf D1gc'r has a c1rculatton of Jlmo't fl. m1lhon -the largc:~t 11( .my golf puhlic.itaon tn the '°"orld · Corona del Mar H igh Principal Tom facobson, "ell·\erscd in par· llamen1ary procedure as Past Pres- 1Jcn1 of the CIF Southern Section Council, said there was some rea· son for concern with the· rclca- Administratori. and coaches ai Costa Mesa and Estuncia had ex· pressed satisfaciion \\ iih· the pro· posed Pacific Co;ist League. Today's TV-radio ' My favori te h~>lc -pr6bably becau e it wa!> my be"l tee shol o.f the.. a!tcmoon -wa No 13 M1tchcll. who fired a 3-o,,er·par 73, called it a "cute .. hole. . Even thou~h 11\ 'hort ( 13~ y.ud!>, more my 'ryle ). No. I J i-. quaint. one of three, hole~ nc~tlcJ .tlon~ the ocean side. From the tee~. you h,1vc the perfect po"i1t1on to view the rocky cliff down to the hcach. Pelican Hill calls 11 the "L>ouhlc Trouble' hole because of 111, two ~mall greens 1.hv1dcu by a large waste bunker • to a green that " \l'l 10 a drJnu11c 'cttmg~u~t hclow the duhhnu,c . .i ideal .,pot lnr fSPN to one da duck "' l.tmcra' Without .1 douht, Pehc,111 11111 cn111:11ed hy some golf puhhGll1on for 11\ green tees (SQ'\ durin~ the \I.eek. Sl:!'i on "eekend') -1-. .in expcnem:c of a hlctrmc_ · _. _ _ • "I nl~1 Jc:imcp 1hat the a"t:tJge reader ts JI nucnt, wcll-edUl,aled, and JO Jvtd golfer who play... T1 rounds a ycJr All impressive Bui when l learned th.ti 1he aHrjge leader 'iJ>COtl' t\l.o hour'\, Jti minutes reaJm~: e.ich "~ue. I found that'' t()(1 long for ,wr cmpl\J\'CC.,, so I pr(1mptlv ordered the mag.11111c ttl be h:rnned from our c1 "1P \lm Our cmplnvec\ can rcJd 11 at home for 2V: hou~. I hope wu undc"tand th.ti I wanted to kC'cp our producl" 11v up " _ • JM. I.Le.an_ be.. _.o&d~heft-the-tttucpmrt~ v.ere ~emg made up .1 few \eJI' ago. }-.11111 ~aid he wa., "fori.:ed" to t.lc.,.~n Pclle<m H1ll .h\ Pe1cr L'chcrroth. j member 1lf rhe lf\1nc·Com panv\ Board of D1rcc10f' I he former ba cbdll commi s1oner certain!~ ""Cllt 10 hat and hit a home run TUEVISION Pro Basketball 8 am -l -.olvts·LV.ers PT 5 pm.~ Homets·Mag1c, TNT. Tennl1 11 am -Womens tournev. ESPN 4 30 a.m -NCAA IOVmey, PT Go"" l p.m.-SIAlflfs-toumey;fS'N.- HorH Racing 4 p.m. -Los Al rrpgys, f'}1""i • p m.-M/G rtpliyi, -Qi. ~ Pre Hook~ MotocroH aM fronted by111arge-w:1Ste-:Jrt:-:J, bul I refer :s~. Pm -AMA Su1*t1o59.--1u it J~ the "Postcard" hole. MDIO The par-1. 220-yanJ No. 16. called the "lone bhiblUon 8aMball Tree~· ~·a, a hole in which Mitchell had to pry 10 • m. -LA-Braves. KABC me awJy. It'!. perfect for J picnic, a grca1 (790). · weddino location. After needing two !''<tra , -r:or \Oml'. the\ 'e d1~con1111ued their count') cluh me01be!'h1p' in nrdn 10 pl;w Peht:an Hill on a regul.ir ha"' College Hocker 11 30 i m -NCAA tourney, PT 11 30 pm -NCAA 1ournev. PT 4 30 p m. -~S·flylt1, PT hhlbftlon .... ball • 30 pm -RedS·Rovals, ESPN Pt• Hoeller e. 4 30 pm -LA.flyers XTRA -,trokc' to lm1sh the hole -that mcluded a (690). "g1mmee" it wa-. harJ to walk away. The fec'i, nl 1..oursc, 10cl,udc .t:xrrert management. hcadeJ hy Jay Colliat1e. the director uf j.!lllf r c hq111 11111 has u head pro. five ·•''"'·rnt pro1,, a lcw golf 'hop .i11end..1nt' and .ihuul ,, d01cn valer parkmg Jltcndant' Richard Duon i.f 11 Pilot Sport' Wrlltr .. bO.\t dub golf rohlmn 11p~ars t •try Tbur.sdu·. ' PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUIUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES an lhe above a~ted lime, ment Bond 1n an amount cureme t Hu ti t puede Hamar a un SetYIOO s. Future Loss of Ean~ PROCEEDING AGAINST If AVAILA•Le THE RtZEO TO 00 BUSINESS ..._9910 sealed bids for lhe award not less than fifty l)ef'Cenl n • n ng on de relerencia de abogados . S 000000 0 YOU S""'ULO CON • IN THIS STATE WIU ee D•tod March 01 of 1 contract IOt the above (50'%) ot lhe total bid pnce Beac h Union High o a una ol1cina de ayuda ings; 1 • • y U, n v • EXPECTID OPINING HELO AT THE NOATH ' PUBLIC NOTICE project. Bids shall be , .. and tumlsh certificates evt'. School Dlatrlct 1119111 (vea el directorlo tele-6. Properly Oam,ge: T~~} ~~~~ NEW BIO MAY 81 OBTAINED FRONT ENTRANCE TO ~E3e~ YVONNE J . ceived In the place lden11-dlnCln<I that lhe required Open: ~rll 15 fOf'leo) $3."53 00 • . BY CAI.UNO THI FOL-THE COUNTY COUAT· • CNStoa7et t f1ed above, and $hall be ln5Utance " In elfecl on the Bid No. 753 CASE NUMBER Dated: ffebruarr, ~~T BEACHi CA tr~66l LOWINO TILEPHONI! HOUSE. 700 CMC CEN· TRUSTU SAU! Of'· STATEMENT OF opened and publicly read amounts sec f0f1h 1n the Published Newport (Numero del Caao) 28th, 1993 co~m~nstr~:.,:~:uo'n" ~ NUMBER I ON THe TEA DRIVE WEST. SANTA FICllfh YVONNE J , ABANDONMENT OF aloud at tile above staled A~reement form. Beach·Cosla Mesa Daily • 700888 JANOFF, KARPEL & PfOptrt'f Is shown abcw9 DAY •EFORB THe ANA, CALIFORNIA, ell WHULER USE OF FICTITIOUS lime and place. aymenl and perlormance p tot March 25 Aptll 1 JUDGE COWAN no warranly 11 given as fo UL!!• 1714) 38~37 nght. bile and lnlwest con-Pu-ll•hecl Newpert BUSINESS NA.Ill! The DISTRICT reqwres bondJ shall be required 1~3 • • RICHARD N Br• Walter D J•noft Ila completeoess Of COf• (2 tl) 827...... Y.,.cl lo and now held by Be•oh.Ceata 11••• ha!:b~~::d°th~~ ~~\ ~~~o~'"~o~t:;'~ ~=a~ a:,-:i~r be ~n :!: . Th868 PARSLOW, JR., Att~ tor P~lntJft ' rec1neu)." The beneficlatY ot TACH241 ' ~ u:;:• ~Deed~~ O•tr PMeC ~ 11, the Frclllloua Business tors'a Ucense lo the etas-form Ml forth In the con-DEPT. 21 Published Newporl ~nd:a:!id ~ ~~~"'! Publlaher"Newport Nld ~ty and SI.ate a .. 21, Apftl 1, 1.,3 Name· NEEDLES ASSOCI· 11ficatlon of "C.15" at the 1rac1 documents. In lhe PUBLIC NOTICE The name and address of Beach.Costa Meu Dally d~ ult In th bl ti BHch.COsl.a M... Dally ac:nt>ed ae: LOT 34 Of ........ ATES: 13 Corp«ate Plau, time the con1ract Is event of failure to entef Into SUMMONS \he coun Is: (El nombre y Pilot Aptll 1, a. 15, 22. aec'ured ther~~ ~:,:'C: Pilol March 11, 2S. April 1, TRACT 4395. IN Tl1E CITY LIST Suire 200, N-pon Beach, awarded: No payment shall such contract and e.ecute dtrecclon 1'e la COlte es) 1993. l0te executed anct dellv-t9!>l Of COSTA MESA. AS PER CA 92660 be made IOI wOftl Of mlrl• the requ rod dOctJmeolS, (CtTACION • lhBSS _ _. · MAP RECOOO£D IN BOOK The F ctltlou1 Business nal under lhe contract un-the bid secunty Will be for· JUDICIAL! SUPERIOR COURT OF ered to the undenlgn..., 1 lhB49 1S4 PAGES 35 AHO le Name ;ehtfTed 10 above le11 and until the R~ls1rar felted. Bonds shall remain NOT1CE TO DEFtNDANT· THE STATE OF CAUFOR· PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~e:J~f:~~ PUBLIC NOTICE OF• MI SCiLLANEOU S WH filed In Orange County °' Contractor• Yenl1es to In full IOfce 8nd etlec:I (Avlso a Acusado) RIAO NIA. ORANGE SUPERIOR and wnlten OliCe ol d.: MAPS IN Tl1E OFFICE Of throuob claaaihed on Matd'I 28. 1991 Fite the DISTRICT that the throughOut the guarani" ABl·FARAJ; JOHAN ABI· COURT, 700 CMC CEN· 1 NOTICE OF fault and ofn eleciion 10 NOTICE Of' Tl1E COUNTY RECOODER No.F488820 CONTRACfOR was prop. period H apeclflod In the FARAJ; and DOES t 10 25, TEA DRIVE WEST, SANTA TRUSTU'I SALi! cause the undersigned 10 TRUSTl!l'S SAL.a OF SAID COUNTY. Hopkins Development erty licensed at lhe lime general conditions. Inclusive, ANA CA 9270t L .... No. aoll said rvonart 10 11111.... The street addreu and Company l P 13 Cotpo-the conlnlc:t was •warded Each bid must c:oolomi YOU ARE BEINO SUED BY ' ,. . ..-y ., APN t41·141·t2 LOAN Olhtf common de11gnat1on, rate Plaz~. Ste' 200. New· Any CONTRACTOR not so and be respons;ve to the PLAINTIFF· (A Ud le es11' The name, addreu, and 237095154tUAVIS Hid obligations, end lher• NO. 180121.0 REF: 1f any, ol the real property ponBaacti,CA92660 Ucensed111ut:>jecttopen.con1raC1 documents. Thedemandando) JOH N 1~~pllonenumberolplaln· T.S.No. aller th• undera!SnedDAOI Reneld &cs.tcrlbed •bove 11 put· TRADE ThomH D. Lenny, 17 •lliea under the law, and DISTRICT reserves the WOOOMAN . tiff• attorney. ~ plalnlitt ,.121042 c~sod said nouce d• The~• 0479098 poned to be: 1115 DOR· Woodllowe r, lrvlne. CA the contract w1I be conJld· right to reject any and all Yoo have 30 CALENDAR without ao an~. le; (El UNIT COOe,. ~:"Otda::: ~=cw; t~i:r R·t 3e4e T I No SET LANE. COSTA MESA, r------i 91714 ered void. bids 0t to watw atty If. DAYS alter lhla summons nombre, la dlrecclon y el APl423·275-09 • • • • CA 92629 " · ..; fi Mallahan Corporation. lflhelicense clas11llcation regularltJ~1 or lnfOflTlalltles la 18Ned on you to file a numero de telefono def O.SL FINANCIAl. CCR· ~~~111p'!:; '!i~~~l:i .. POft':i...9:'tt0TtC.E The undetWoned Truateo J lf§,Bjllf' 25411 Coach Spnf'l9J L.tne. specified l'l«eln 1J thot of a In anv bid or In the bid-tviwwnt1en respense at 11111 abogado del demalld.,te PORATION 11 duly ap. Records In lhe ofl'ice of the d1ldalm1 •riv liatMlrtv for Laguna Hilla, CA 92653 "sptdally contractor.. u ding. court. del ' PQkited Truatee undef lhe of Or . T 0 PR 0 ~•RT Y any lnoorreetneu ol the -a ~ TI111 bUslness was con-denned in Section 7058 or As ,.quired by Secuon A teller or phone c•ll will 0 demandante que no lottowlng' deec:rtbed Med rec«d• ange count~ OWNl!Rt atroet ICldrftl and Olhw .J: 1.-: ~ ducted by • gener81 part· the Calllomla Buslneu and 1773 or the Cahlomta not protect you; your type-llenTEe abogado, sou) of ""'' WILL SElf' AT ~dwi~ """!,.!:,: ~ YOU ARE IN DEFAULT common d.:~allon, 11 • I nerW!lp Proteulons Code. the spe-Labor Code, lhe Direct« of wntten response must be WAL RD. JAHOfF, E .. PUBLIC AUCTION TO Tl1E UNDER A DEED OF 8tly, "'°""' Sl'l-ti 11 lS Hopkins OeYek>pment Co, cla.lty ~ontractor awarded the De~ of Indus-In proper legal lonn If you JANOFF , KARPEL I HIGHEST BIDDER FOR wlmll'lty, expreas °' Im--TRUST, DATED MARCH 26, Said Nie "'. be mM8. J ~I:! LP. 1 Delaware ltm11ed the Con!nct for this WOfll trial RelallOf\I of the State want the court lo heat your COWAN, 302 t . C.raon St .. CASH {1n the forms which ~:=~nreo:~:!:an::-1990, UNLESS YOU TAKE b\A without COIW«\ant or ~-! 1-lli it partne<s~I , General Part· shall Itself construct a ol Calilomla has deter· case. Suite 100, Caraorl, CA .,. ~ tender .1r1 the 10 ch. rem.,,. nc:1'. ACTION TO PROTECT ~. •!Cfl'"' or Im-~ 15 ~ ner, SI en C. HQpllJna, mafority ot the woric, in ac-mined the generally prevai-If you do noc tile yOUT re 90745 (310) l:l<M131 Untied States) and/or lhe p.r:m 01 lh• n~(~ ... YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY plied, ,.,otng title. pot-•1 f-t11' w General artner cOfdance With the pro-Ing ratu ot wages In the aponH on tlme. you may OAiE· DEC 02 1992 ca5h1e(1 cer11hed or other CUtld by said deed ot BE SOLD AT A PUBllC Msalon, or enc1.1mbranc... • g _g oA c: Thle suitement was flied v1slon1 of Cal1lomla Susi-local11y In wnlch this woltc lose the case, end your WY L GRAWH.U checlta 1pecified In C1vll Trust. lh lntoresl It In SALE. IF YOU t4EEO AN lndudlng f-. cheroM 8nd with th' Oounty Clerk ot neu and Prolesalona Code le to be perlormed. Coplff wages, money and prop. Code Secllon 2924h (pay· wt EXPLANATION OF THE e11peMn o1 ltte TNI\ .. Orange County on Matd'I Sectk>n 7059. . of lheH rate determl-erty may be laken without Clertl, •r C. KHlD', able in tvtl II the 1.me of said note ptOVtded, Id-NATURE 01' Tl1E PR(). 8"d of the lN1t1 creeled 22, 1993 Tll«• Wiii be I mancs.ttcwy nallOn•, entitled PAC.VAilo turtner warning •from thO Deputr .... , all right, 1111• and In-~:,:·· o~' :t; u= ": CEEDING AQAINSr YOU, by Mid Deed °' TNlt, to Publllhed N-pon Beactt-job walk to commence at ING WAGE SCAL.E. are on court.. l~ERIOR COURT ,., .. , conveyed to Wld • Y!>U SHOULD CONTACT A pay the rttnall'llng pt1nclpal tosta Mesa Pltot Apnl 1, 8, 10-00 • m. on APRIL 7, file al the DISTRICT Puf. Tn.e are olhef legal ,.. ltOR THI STAT• now held by it undef aarO !~:9';,, ~,.'ru!: lAWYER. IUnll ol the note(•) M-15, 22. t993 1993 at the Dlattlct Malnl• Chasing Office. Md CoPies quirements. You may want OF CALWORNIA Deed of Trual In the prop-8nd ot !he In.Illa CtMled On APRIL I t993 9t 1:00 cur9d by lald o.ed 01 T'h-384 nance Office, 525 'York· may be obtalfled on ,.. to call •n 111omey right COUNTY Of' OMNOll, erty h8relnan.t detcflbed: by aald Deed of TNSl P.M. CAL-WESTERN RE· Tnaaa to lllrlt: Stl5.M4 57 ~TIC lown, Hllnlfngton Bo~h. queal The CONTRACTOR away. If ¥00 do not know JOHN WOODMAN TRUSTOR: JOHN D. S9ld sale WIU be held on· CONV£YANCE CORP., a wi"' '"'-'"t 1Mteon "°Ofn PUIUC .. v E CA Phone (714) 536-9354. shall Polt •copy of lt'I ... an 11tomey. you may ctlll Plelntfft • DAVIS, l<ATHRENE F April 15 t9t3 at 1.30 Ca!itornl1 COtpOnttton es 5/01/92 11 tt.0001' per All WOf'k muJt be com-rain 9t UCh IOI> 11te. The an attomey reftn81 ~· • DAVIS 1 it, IObL 1 itie duly eppolnttd 1ru•IH annum 11 prcwldod In said ttOTIC• TO l)felod Wlthn lime Nmne CONTRACTOR and any °'I ltQal aid office (!lated ,,., BENEFICIARY: GUARD-c:idl!. 1:C1tedoy .,.0 ll01 Und8f and purau1nt to noc•(•) plus coat and any CotfTRACTORS 1peclfled in 1peclflcallon1 aubeontfllCtOf und« 11 ahall In U1e phone book). RIAi> AIH.PMA.11 IAN SAVfNGS ANO LOAN · .,. .,.~ Deed of TN9t rKOfded ad¥1!M4tl Wtth lntereet. E$- CA&.UWQ "°" 8 1DS Ttrne I• ol !he eSMne& pay not ltsl than lhe '"°' 0etl)UM de que le en-JOHN M._.MAll ASSOCIATION recorded South Lewis ._..,, Or· APRIL 10, 1990. at 1n1t. TIMATED TOTAL DEBT AGENCY: Hun•= Fa ture \0 compMite .,. lfied prevaiq r.... of tregu«t ttla c:ilaCIOtl judl ianc1 DOii 1 l• 211, July 11. ttOO u mtt., No. 7~~~::' lnltJal No. ~1M322, In boot!. 212.074.~ 8HCf'I Unk>n High w~ within the time HI wage1 lo .. WOl'kttl em-clal usted ~ un plazo de lnclYtlM ~72 In Book page Of "'•bllcalion of Ihle noclct paoe, of Offtclll Aocordt In The benetlelary undef -Dllt~ forth t\tf9in will ratult In plor-d by IMm In the ••· 30 DIAS' CALENOARIOS ' OftlcMI Rec:onta In lhe of• i".-' lttt-offic. of the CounlY R• Mid OMd of TN9t her9'0-PAOJECT N.'MC: BID NO the Imposition of llquldated tolAK>n ot the conctKt.. 1 para preaenlat una re-De......,t•. flea of 1he Record• of Or· the tOlal ~l °' 1he""" cordtfl of ORA NGE tot.·e11~uted Ind dell¥-7S3 • Gym Floor Rertnieh damages In the amount Of ~ bidder INI aubmlt, 1puesta ncr1ta • m~ulna CAIK NO. '1ooeM ange County: Nld deed of r:,d ~ ~ ~ o:~ Counly, St_.t o1 CAUFOA· eted to lhe ~ e Ina one hundred don.rt (SIOOI on the form fumlahed Wllh th Hla c~ PWNTIPl''8 tNlt describes the follow-VJ NIA e.11ecuted by AONAl.D ~ftetl Otd1t8t!Oft o1 o. IJIO ~DUNE: a 00 p M., tor Heh calender day Of the Contr1c1 documents, a Uni cana 0 una ""1\lldl STATDUfT Of' ino: deacnbed deed °' trult JAME s DA c E AN 0 fault ano DefNnd ror ~ April 15 1992 delay, PJl'f8b6e IO lhe-otS. l11t of the proPoM<f •ub tetefonlc• no le ofteeefa DAllllAOU L-OT 387 OF TRACT 907 and tatmaled cottt, u THERESA A. DACE, HUS. and'a wrtntn Noelc:e Of 0.. Pl.ACE OF BID RECElfFT TRICf, cOl'IUKI~ on lhll proiect j)l'Otecelon; tu rupvtlta TO ALL PAATIU AND IN THE CITY OF NEWPOr4T ~~ 1;nd actvanc:et Is 8ANO ANO WIFE AS IMllt and E1eo1on 10 W. ANO Pl.ACE 810 FORMS Each bid Shall be 8C• as required by lhe Sublet· esn .. a m..qutna ti.M que TH£IA ATTORNEYS OF BEACH AS ,ER MAP RE· II i. poallbte 11\at at lhe JOINT TENANTS Will. The ~ cauaed AND SPECIFICATIONS companied by. Cert.fled Of ting and Sl.lbconcracllng cumpW con ... torm• AECOAO CORDtO IN IOOK 21. time Of ..... tne o~ S[ll AT PUBLIC AUCT Mid NcMICe tii Oafaull ano AR OH FIL.£: ~on caahl.,'• cn.cac or bid Fw Pr11C11Ct1 Act. Putlk dadt• iegaltl 8propi8dat ,AGEi as TO ,. INCLU· ..... ~ .. TO HIGHEST 8100£R FOR EJ«;tjon to w to be ,.. 8ucn U.H ID. Pr.o-bOod In an amount not leu conlr•cl Code Section ti ustod qulefe que l1 ,c011e COMES~ PlAINTlffl, S IV£, 0, MISC EL• :1.,':(~. :'!' lhe CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK COfdad In the county...__ t:Ur•m•nl Otnce. Room ~an len P«Otr'll (I~) °' 4100 •• leq 8tCUC"-"" caao. JoM"'Woodmin, Md a.ul>-LAHCOUS MAltS. IN Tl1E . DRAWN ON A STAT! Ofll the,..,~ .. ~ 311 , 102't Yortctown Ave , the IOUll bid ptk», payable No bidder m.y •Mraw SI ~led O(' proaem. tv mftl lhe SIMernent of Dam-OFFICE OF TH COUNTY Datet a/t119J' NATIONAL BANK. A POR UL•I 1NlfOA. Huntington ltecn. CA tothe01SfAIC1'n•guar h11bldl0r'•penodolfony. rHpueala1JemPo.pu.de 11Q1•11I011o~ R!CORDER OF SAID 0.1.L. ,.IMANCIAL CHECK DRAWN BY A MATION M _.I e:lM. Phone 11') 964 anlM lt!tt the bidder, If 111 live (451 deya after the dale perder el cato. y 14Lpu9Cten "'t . Qeneral Oam•g"' COUNTY CORPORATION, a• STA Ti OA f!OEA AL I OO ~ 1• OO ' )339 bt "350 propoul II ac~ed • .,.. .. , ... '°' lhe OptNnQ ther~ QUltaf IU MIMO, IU Otneto 1150 000 00 YOU AAE ... OCFAUl.T ..... Truetff, CRl!OIT UNION OR A I •• • I P• NOTICE IS HERESY promp1lr . •••cult th• o. .. , ..... , .....-' Ofrll COi .... Ill 2 'M•dlcal E1pen1u UNO(R A DUO Of TRUST ., T .D. IKRVICI CHECI( DRAWN IV A ,.,., 4M4 ... GIVEN thal the •boll• Agreement. tur"'9fl • Mb• ~t /II It. I . ROW· projMdad sin tMto adlCIO· ' DATU> 1122/IO. UN'-LSS COMPANY .._.,.. $TATI OR FlDlRAl SAV CA~W•STIRN .... ne"*" Ol11'1Ct ol Orange 18CIOfY ~lll"ful ,erfOt'l'll-L•Y Direc ter ~, .. NI pot pane de la cor1e llO,OOOF 00 • YOU T._KE ACTION fO a, ~ T.WU. Alt-INQS AND 1..0AN AS· CONVrtMK:I CORP., County, acllno by and ance 9ond In .,, amount ' • u•...,, olr01 ~lftoa i. :t uture MedlC411 ..C• AOTCCT YOUR PROfl. ' SOCIATION, SAVINGS AS. ?~ La ..... .... through Ila Gover= not .... _,.,. one hundred gales "'9cle que ulled penw. 110.00000 lRl'Y, ff MAY el SOLO AT ........ lear•t.ry, IOt SOCIAflON QA SAVINO$ ..... ,.._, .. 0 .._; to.rd. hef91naft• ref ~"' (1CIO'!I.) Of the loc.tl Bvy It s.ta rt. Find ll ~t llamar • urt llC>oQedO 4. Lou or Earnlllga: A PUBLIC SAll. " YOU 8""' Lewta ....... , 0.. BANK SP(CIFIEO .. KC eooe La..:...: C...... 10 • .. OtSTAIC'T, wlll ,.. bid ptice, IUfnllt'I • PIY'" • Clet-.ffled lnmedlat•mtnle. SI no U.000 00 NUO AH txP\.ANAflOH ...... CA tzeM (1141 TIOH 1102 ()fl Tl1 ~NAN Na etM4--..... ~ up k>; bUt nOt lat• conoce • un 1bog1do OF ntl NAnlf'I Oif: THE MM 700 CW. COOi ANO AUTHO __.. '· ''-~~------...----- ·-• . ... ~ BeactVCosta Mesa Daily Pilot Thursday, April 1, 1993 85 "'9&JC IOTICU PUIUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUeUC -recu ...... --nc1s PU IC s ,. _~ -PUIUC IOTICI Al>til, 19'.l at t2 00 P M 111 ._ ,._ "" IUC NOT £ PUIUC NOTICES PUl&.,,IC NOTtCES ~ ""TICEI _..;.._~===-:---:l ltlt prtmll.tt ...,.,.. MIO PUllUC IOTICE H .. lhtr UM. Ntwpon 82621 Ti. ~t waa m.o A Caiom.a COIJ>Ota110n, fn11 bu11nu1 •• WC\ l.n90U9 Macie In ~mine 1'°'9 ••IMOfW end ... 1DMMt P'optf1y hts bMt1 llOfl<I e.ach, CA~ JMW» A, GltmOOIO. 895 ~ County C1e!tc at 820 N MM! kffl. Sant.I CIYC9'G t>y an\ndr•OOUll liee Of f\41 coontv Re °"*-'-•110U9" tt'9 -· NOTICa TO and llllhich it loea~ tt CNStGeJ7.. Ctif19*C)phet Ii f'.lefctler, 41 Town CW't• ~ •• Suilt 0t County Ol'I Mttdt Ana, c.ltlom• ltle reg1•Han1(1) coin-c;ofdllr qt Uld ~~ 1-f• Of th• UPP9f t.00 cttK:DITORS °" AYRES SCLJ. STOAACt Flctlti.ue A EllWOf'Uly .... At»d. Lonoon. 1•~. Coata Meu, CA 10,' 3 fhla t>u•11\tH II co~ ~ lO ITMMd bl.Iii Parc.f 2 That portaon .... °' lt\e eub9UttK• cM euut w.a 7012 &:m.11 Ave HuntJf19; hsi-H Na--. NW3, EBT l!l'lgjanc:t 9202fJ ll'M:M02 ducted b'( a ~lllOI\ nM .. und• lh4t F"IOl•lo.it of Lot 105 of Trect No Utd i.od .. .._vect by aacs .,04 ton 0.1Ch, c. 1)141 a.a. 8l•t•nMnl Jernn P. F'fetct,.,, ft14 fhl• bu11nus •s con-Publllh•d Hewpor1 hach-Tilt rtglalrtnt(•) com Bu1tntH Nlll'l'l•l•I Jiited soo In v.. County of Or· The lrw1ne Comp1nw. • ( U• CC t' 7314, Landlord rtltfllts The Following ptttons Alm Rocle Can1on ~. d\lctitd by hulblnO ancl COila MaN Diiiy Pilot rnenc.d to t~I bl.Iii above on. NiA ~ ...... ot C-'tfoml•, M1Qhlgan Corpewelon, In 81ff • • • Ult righl to IJjd at lht ul •1• doing but~"' at UQUNl S..Ch, CA 02e5t w.lt M'll ~ lhe r ldlliOUI Bthl\ilt'll ~1., H per ~ recoro.d 1n endjn1vumant f'KOfcMd &M,._ .... 1°'800 PurCh&Ht musl be ma! I.A MIRADA VENTUR! Jcihaltltn W Fletcher, 701 Tht ftOlttrlnl(I) com-aqrcn 25, Apnl 1• I , l5. tw11rntu N•me(l) llttitd Thia MAIAllTllH!t •H r.1.0 eoo. 14. P-o-11 end Nove mber I , UU In NolJCt IS hettb'( given to by cm and PM! for 11 the PAATNElllS, e CaJUornla Aclc: • A-..nue, C0t00t def ,_.;ed to v.ntiCI busl 1993 •~on NIA Wllh tht~Coutl'Y 0..-ol U ol M11cell•neou1 Boo~ 1SHi P1199 1HO ot .cred•IOI'• Of lht •1thln wnt o4 putc.ha.. Al Qtntref P"11\trthtp 13 Miit, CA '2825 nt ~ lh4I F.~t Th-851 WOt'd T,...... 8ur .. u. 6ne. Orange ceibnly Oil Maren Mapl, In ~ otlice of the Ofticial Aec:6fd • nafMd ......, that a bUllt cha.tel goods we ~ Cofpottte Pta.za, Suitt :zoo. Thi• bu1lntH le con Bu11nett Namt(•I 1111.a PUBLIC NOTICr ThOm•.t A J41clll0t'I, Prffi 12. tm County ~ 01 aa•d Pen:ef J Non • ._.ctue1~ ..,. •• abOUl IO t>t rntclt of I• and fllUlt bt ~ II Newport 8Hch Calll ductecl by: • gen.II pan· ·~ Otl. May ~3. '"' .. dent FS~.,~ Co1.1nry, desenbed .. jOI .... mentt .. Ml lotttt in eht a11tt1 d11crll:>td ume of,.,, sa1111 au~ 92ee<> ' ntrlhlp , ChtllH I Jan.et <liam-CNlt087'5t Th11 tt.tltmtnt was r•ec1 Publl•htel Nciwpon fteltCll'I tows 8-v•nn1f'9 ea I.he the sacllons ntltl•d l)tlow 10 canctllotion 1n lht •V9nl O.ntrAJ Panner· Hoplcina Tht r,g111r•nt(1) com· polo Fktltlou• WlU'I Iha County Clttti ol Costa Mtu oeity Pilot ~.,..,,, eomer ot Lot fl "Suppon •nd $atltetr..n& Tht n.mtt end butine11 OI lllUtmtnt bctweCH11tnd. Development Compe"y menctd lo trenaaet btal· Thts st11=1 wCu filed helneM N•,,_. Onlnoe Countt on Maren Mll'Ch 18 25 Apnl 1 I of Tr.ct No 30i2 ae ~ 1nd !ncro1ctunt nt". llCl<lrff ... ol lhe Miier.,.. lord.tine! obtlg11ae1 patty end JM Pelttt Company nto undef !tit Flc:11llou1 w.lh ""-ty tttk ot 25. 1993 1993 • · M•P r~orded 1n Booll •con1mun1ty '•cltllle THE OCUWORKS. INC., Ayr" ··" ··~ . la M'nda A•soclai.t. .; 8u11neu N"1\t(I) II.steel 0r-. County on March Stat_... FM!M-41 92. P1199• 19 and 20 Of (uement """' "Drain· 100 P~. SUITE 150, Ir> Reeldent Man• .,., Calolomt• genet•I pannet. above on: March 31, 1Mt 10, 199Q The FollOWVIO persons Publ1~ Ne#p()tt Bt•Ch-,,,~, M11cellaneou1 Map1 age over CommlJfWly f'• ""''·Ca. 92111 p VV• snip, 13 Corpo1a1e Plaza. Douglas e Flttcner FH3S87 are dolnG tx.11neu at Costa .. Ha Oaity PJo1 PUBLIC NOTia ~ SoYlh ~ ~· c111t1~• of '"• Artld• TN loCallOtl in Ctlitom.a O ubll•hed N•wport &mt 200 Newport BNCh Thoe 11.alemenl \wu filed Pvbhshed Newpon 8ea<:h-PINNACLE RISK MAHA.OE· Aa>rtl 1 8 15 22 1993 11 mtnut.ea 37 Mc.onda C1111Ued EHeu-.nte• at °' lht Chief WJtecutlvt Off~ •.:teh..Co1t1 Moq Daily Calol. ~ ' Wiii\ tht Counly Cltftt of Colla M•n Dally Piiot MENT1 INC., 16279 laguna ' ' ' Th~75 190079 EHi along the $0\llh the O.Clareltan ol cov ol the NII• It· ume •• Pilot Maren 25, Apnl 1. JM. Petet$ Company, a Otange County on March Apnl 1, 81 15, 22, 1993 Ctnvon Road, lm.ne, CA Flctttl-... aHlefty protongauon °'en.an&&. COnd111on1 and at>c>Ve 1993. Nevada corpotatlon. 3501 22. 1993 Th-876 92118 PUBUC NOTtCE . lk&aJ N Uie Nanheaateffy line of AH111c;u~1 ror eetc.our1 Al !lated by tht Nitti', •U Thll62 J1ml>Ofee Blvd , Su1it 200 F584127 Palmer R•511 Maneg91Mnt ne•• •me , .. d Lot 6 ot the South-M•tt-~uoc;lauon (lh• ocn« bualnes• """" and PUBLIC Newport B•ach, Caltf'. Published N.wpOtt 8tac:h-PUBLIC NOTICE ~Inc.~ f°"'•• CNa1oet400 The ~~·'*"°"" ... ~y fine of the land •0ecJ•r1i.on t re<.orded a<ldrttffl utecl by the NOTICE ' 92660 Coata Men Daily Pilot i.e. Ul emJ:, FlcUtlous .,.. doOnQ ~;,:;e;, . deacn~ in. dead to Jo. March 2-<l UIU u toalNa selltf wllfW'I lhr'M yeara ~ SUPERIOR COURT This busintu Is co~ Apnl 1 8 15 22. 1993 tlllM ~~-al3°°· Salt Lake tty, tauel-aa N•me OAAHG! COUMTV-stPER Seay Jr anCI wilt re ment No 11 l 01131 ot tor• lht date 9UCh .... WH OF ...... ,,, ...... N.... ducted by: • gtnttal part· • • • lh-881 FlctlUou.a . T I 102 I Statement SWEEP 600 w 8atkl corded Apfll 2 19!12 ·n Oll•c••I Aecorda and.,,., aent OI dt!r¥1ftd to _.. .. .,.. -nershfp • _ BuelnH• Name h • buslneu • co~ The Follow• son• u w' Or C ,::li· Bootr. 2~t0 Page 140 01 ••'llendm9f'lta 0< 1upple- 1>UYtr wt: NONI! COUNTY O' ORANQI ll\1 regl&trent(s) com· PUBLIC NQTtCE St•ttment duC1td by: • COtPOf•llon are d04 busin':!s ~ 9~ • tngt, 11 ' Olt1c1at Rec;orcfs "'-net rminl.I thtrtto Th,,namu and busnesa 341 ThtClty Orlve; mtnced to lranHct busl· The FoUOWlrig persons Tl\•ce:,•olst;:nt(~ ~~ NEW~RT CAP i TAL Robtn Schleuer 7597 South 3!I degree• 50 The 1lrHt •ddrH• and llCldrHMI of the buyar art: P.O. Bo• t4'7I ntts undtt th• Flct1oou.t CNSt08H18 .,. doing buslnen H : mtft to ans • PARTNERS, L p . 14 Cor· CAiie Dur Aiianeim m1nute1 28 ,ec.ooda other eommon d•••011• TAAll< AL08AIOI ANO Orange, Ctllfomla Business Namt(s) .. tea STATEMENT OF HIDDEN OAKS AANCH ~ undt~ the( F)ICtlhO= porate Plaza Newport Ca~fonua = . WHt along &aid South· lion II en_. ot tht •eat GULlER AL08AIDI, 928131571 lbov• on· NoYembtt 13, WITHDAAWALFftOM 2600 Harbof Blvd. costi ='"·~tpll ·J. Beach CA926fio Thll bustness IS con. ea1ter1,. lint to the Property de•crlbed ESSAM A. S!IF AND • 1981 Mesa CA 92626 • • on.. p oca N ...:.... Ca lal p SOUlheHtAtr1y P!Olono•· abo1'• •• purpor\ed IO ti.-CLAIR SEIF 23411 Sum· IN THE MATTER OF UI Mirada Aasoc11n a PARTNERSHIP. The 'wh t Haw11 Ptrtner Palmer R1alc Man.iigemtnt -...... • Po annetS ducted by an •nd1V1dual \Ion of the SouthwHi.erly 12 Belcourt Or South merloeld, ePI 588. AlllO THE PETITION TO Calolomia g p. ' · OPE.RATING UNDER ship, A "califomta limited ~=n '%Si~~~'; ~~''°E0}~ei;:'pf~: ~ed·~~·~~!!~ ~: line ot Hid Lot 6 lhenca Newport ha ch C A V1ej0, C•. 92656 CHANOR THE .NAME By. Sltphon C HoplUns, FICTITIOUS pattnecshop 2600 Hatt>or • Newpon eeach CA 92660 ness undtt the Foctollous North SO degr-a I 1 min 91625 • The uMtl to be IOkl are OF INGALIL MONCAYO General Pa11ner BU .. INESS NAME Blvd.. Cosia Mosa, Cahl. l~s statement •• filed Tho• business is con-Business Name(sJ hst&d utea ·37 .. ~ondi WHt ~· urlders.gn4td Tru1t· d•Wlbtd ln general at· BA.RULLO. Hopkins 01velopment The lohowing person has CA 92626 • lh th C . 1 ""cienc f ducte<:I by a hmitecl port· above on· N/A along Hid SoYthea11e11y1te l•clelme •ny lleblllty rum1ture, lhcturn. equip-CASE NO 4187805 Company withdrawn u •general This business Is co~ wi •eo:;tny M :, nenhip R<>Oef1sdwHSllf protonga11on 10 thelor 1ny 1ncOffeelJnlor· mtnt ooodwlll, 1111•. OROER TO SHOW By· Cofpotatt Plaza C0t· panner from the Ptt1Mf· ducted by: a limited parl· ~ ty Of\ ., Tht regtstrant(s) com· This suilomem wu filed SOYther1y comer ol u 1d mauon tu1n11hed leUthold lmprovemtnlS, CA 5 POl'•Oon ship opetatlng under the nershlp • meneed 10 lfanHCt buloo WIU'I lllo County Cl~ ol Lot 6 tnence Nonn 39 Said Hie will bt made, covenant not lo compece U E FOR CHANGE SltPllen C Hopkins, Presi-ficljuous t>ullnoss name ~I nie rtglstrent(s) com-FS85295 nes• under the FictotlO\.,: Ora e Counl on Marci\ degrM• 48 m1tlules 23 but w1\houl co...nant or llnd ttt IOC81.0 ti. 100 Pl'I· OF NAME d~l GLENDALE OHRBACH S mM<:ed 10 uansact 'bus!-Put>11Shed Newpot1 Beach-Business Name(s) Mstei. 2S ~ y .. conds E;ut 66 00 IMI warr•nty, t•P,.., OI Im· oliet. ltvlne. Ca. 9.2718 PETmONER(S) INGAl.IL Th11 Statement -was f~itd ASSOCIATES et 350t Jam· ness undM the Act.ollous Costa MeH Daily Pilot abollt on· Not applocat-!e • F545444 to th point of begin Plied reg1rd1ng title , The t>uaontss name used MONCAYO BARZALLO, wiUl lho Counlf Clwk of botff Road, Suit• 300, eualneu Name(s) listed Apnl f, 8, 15. 22, 1993 NttWport C•pltal P.srtners nmg APN Number 439 pou au lon or ancum· by tht setter 11 thll loc.a. HAS/HAVE FllEO A Pen. Orange County oo M'1ch South Tower, Newport abov• on: NIA Th-On Corporation. C Alan Pubbshed Newpot1 Beach· 232 06 brance• or •• to in •ur• t.on 11 O'OEU TION FOR AN ORDER TO 2. 1993 Beach, Ca 92660 Nabers ·uasing, Inc.. a Arthur, Voce Pres;dent Costa Mesa Daily P1lol Tht atreel ltddreu and lblllty ot UUt lO pay the fhe anllclpal8d Cl.ill ol CHANGE NAMES FROM F582523 The FocliUous Business Cillilomoa c0tpora11on _ PUBLIC NOTICE This siatemet\l was ldtd Apnl 1, 8, 15, 22, t993 o"-common dnogna rerna101ng pnnclpel •um tl>t bulk ut• I• Apnl 20 INGAUl MONCAYO BAA-Put>tisneo Newport Be~ Harne r1ltrrtd to •bove By: Rlc:l'latd Nabers, Prest. Willi lh• County Cieri\ 01 Th-874 lion II any ol the real ol the not•lll aecured by 19'1J at th• oll1ct ol ZALLO TO INGALIL MON-Cosia Mesa Daily P~ot wHfiled inOrangeCounty dtt'll.GtntralPaMer CNSt0831fS2 Orange. County on Match PUBLIC NOTICE propeny de1crtbedu1d 0.-ct of Trust. With Coa1Ull Countl•• EICIOW, CAYOALVARE.Z. o" August 19. 198& Thts stalemtn1 W11S filed FlcliUOUI 9, 1993 ab0.,.11 pUt:'Qorted to be Inter••• thereon •• pro-2545 E. Ch•pinan Ave., h 11 l\ereby Olde<ed lt'lat Mareh 11. lfl, 25, AptJI 1, FJ89594 with the County Clm ol au.in.a. Neme • F54S3370 2364 Aedl'1lda Or1va vodod In said notel•I ed· suue 200 Fulletton CA 111 P8f$0n• lf'lterested 1n 1993 Full name and address of Orange County on March S t Flclltlou• N twp or t Be a ch c -" vancea 11 •nr, uoder "'-92631 • ' this matter appear bel0te Th-825 the person withdrawing: 12, 1993 Fl• ement Published Newpot1 Beaeh-Busln9H Nam• 92£>60 lt>rma ot aa d Dead of Th•• ·bulk Jal• '* aubje;:l this court 1n Deparim.n1 PUB tC CIGNA Real Est.ate Fund T • FS83952 ~· o~lowong pe~SOQI Costt Mes• Daily P1to1 Statement The unden1gned Trull lrust teH chargea end 10 Callfomta Uniform com-No 703 or ltlo Orange L NOTICE Umoted Partnttsl'up, 900 Put>ltShed N port Beach-a;~R~"nf~e:e~r IN-AP<~ I, 8, 15, 22, 1993 The Follow1"9 plfson' ee d11cl111ma any heblhty e•penHa ot the Tru1t.ee m1rcl1I Code Section C<>unly Superior Coun Bl FlctlUoue Cottage Grove Road, C •• ewO p SURANCE. SERVICES 350 Th-882 are doong buSiness as lor •ny 1ncorrecV1eu ot •bnd ol In• lt\Jata cr .. t.ed 6t06 2 • the address shown at>ow Bloomfleld, CT 06002 011a ... es. aily ilot • ROCKET DENIM 19342 lhe ilreet addren and Y .. ,d Deed ol frui t tor If so aubjtct. th• name on Apnl 20. 1993. at 2 oo BueJneH NanM Th11 business ~s co~ M111ch 18, 25. Apnl 1, 8. ~!~ 1 ~ sSrc'\;1S~=2~1~• PUBLIC NOTICE Broolihurst Hun11091on omer common de•iona· tne emounl reHon•bly 4lltO eddrHa ot lht ~ o'clock pm , and lhen and Statement dueled 'by a general part· 1993 Pha:e iT s).si!ms a ~ 190081 Beach, CA '92646 lion 11 an11 ahown n-e l'tl met• d lo b • #II\ wtiOm ctaims may be lhere snow c.tu!>e of any The FOiiowing . persons nershlp Th-839 • • Kennell\ A Ooms. 19342 1n • S812 813.32 ·~· d la couutl Counoes lllef """•· why tne' 1>e1oi.on are d041)9 business as: CIGNA Real EStale Fund T lornia corporauon. 3so Flctllloua Broolchursl. Huntington lh• toUll amount ot me lhe benellclary Under e.~row, 2MS e Choprnan IOf change ol name should ROCKREATION SPORT Limited Partnership. a PUBLIC NOTICE ~!!~'~~.!~\;fS~~=2~12• 8u1lneu Name Beacl\, CA 92646 unpaid pnnc1pal bal•nce u1d Deed ol Tru11 f\e•• Ave •• Suite 200, Fullet'lon no1 bt grilnted CLIMBING CANTER, 1200 Maty11nd hmlled partner· CNS1088078 This buSl~en 11 con-Statement This business 1s con· ol lh• ob1tgat1on sec.urtd lolore e~ecuted and d• CA 9263t and lh• 1811 II os lurthef ordered 11\a1 11 Logan Avenue. Costa 1ti1p The FOllOW1ng persons ducted by an •nd•v•du31 by lh• propeny 10 b• livered to the under dlll fOf fll;ng eta.ms anal copy ot lt'l•S Ofdcr to show Mesa. Cahl 92e26 By· Congen Properties, Flctltloue ~u;!ed,~1:,,c:ri:,ati~m-are d04ng txmness as: The reg1stran1(sJ com· sold and re•ionabte I JOned a written Deel•••· b4I Aptll 19, 1993, whlCh IS UUH b• published 1n Rodcreabon, Inc ••• Call-Inc., William Hartman Bualn•H Nem• mtnc:ed to lrNl:Uct t>usl-YORBA LINDA TRAVEL mJnee<I 10 "-"UC1 buSI· COii.a Hpef'HI and ad lion ot 0.t•ult and 0... lt'oe bus>ne$a day t>elOlll Costa Mes.a Oa.ly Pt•ot. a fornla corproahon, 11 Oen-Publ•shtd Newpot1 8eactl· St•ltment ness under the Ficht 4886 Main Street. Yorba ness under the FoC'lltoous vancta et the 11me 01 the mand tor Seit , and a tht aalt date aptc:ilotd newspaper ot geneni cir· Ifill P~ of Spot1 Cl.mt>-Costa Mtsa D111ly Pilot The Followlng pel'SOfU eusmus Name(s) 11~:~ Linda, Calr10m1a 92686 Bus•nen Nam•(sl hs1ed 101ua1 publ1ca11on 01 ft\_e wnuen Nouc e ol Oet•ult abOvo culaoon pu1>11shoo 1n thos Ing Center lJm11ed Parintr-M11rch 2S, .-,Pnl lJ 8, 15, a1e doing bus.ness as: above on· January 19 Wortd Travel Bureau. Inc , above on· Januarv t, 1992 Notice . 01 sue· '' 11nd Election to S.11 T~ Daled March 25 coun1y. ot least onca e sl\op, a Cal1fom1a Umtted 1993 SELF & BHAMRE, Al· 1993 • A C'111lom1t1 Corporahon. Kennell\ A. OOms S426 226 l2 under11gned c1u1ed ....... 3 ' weeli '°' lour conseeu11v1 Par1nerv11p, 41'7 Nonh Th-858 TORNEYS AHO COUNSEL· Ph S A 620 N Ma.n Street. Santa Thos s1atemen1 was lole<l In addil•on to c.aah lt\• U•d Nohe• ol Oelault ' 1..,. wtet<t pnor to 11\e oay o1 Forsl Street, Suu1 141, ORS AT LAW 44 0'0 ase 11 ystems. ay-Ana C•hfom111 ""1th tho County CteOI o! Trustee w11t accept '• end Etec11on to Sell to be TAAIK ALOBMDI the htanng Fr.sno, Calol 93n6 PUBLIC ~OTICE MacArthur e1va , s;,,.10 320. ~ ~ta~:~r~ .. ;~~ed Thos bu11ne1s is con-Orange Coun1y on M11fct> caah1er • Cheeto. drewn recor~ed In t.ne county ES~ A. SEIF' DATE: MAR 04, t993 Th11 busmen 11 con-Newport Beach. CA 92660 Wiltt Iha Coun Cl ol ducted by a COtPOfilloon 19 1993 on a .... ,. or nattonat whe•e U1e ,..1 Pf<>JM"'Y Publlehed Ntwporl JULl!E ROBINSON d""1td by. a klntlecl part· CNS10834585 M1ehae1 C Self, 614 Gar; Orange County ty on rebtu-The rag111ran1(s) com-• F554764S baoll a chectr. drawn by It located Name Strfft Be•ch.Coeta llt•• J 0 0 0 t /C 0 MM 1 s-' ~ Flctlllou• P1-. Newpof't Beach, CA a 123 1993 m~ to lransacl buSi· Published Newpot1 eeactt· a •1411• or federal C:redtl Addreu •nd Telephone Dall Piiot .Aprll 1 . lht reg1tlrant(1) com-Bu.aln.as Name 92660 "I. • ness under "" Fictitious Costa Mesa Dail Polot union or a checll drawn Number of Trual•• or 199~ ' SIONEA OF THE SUPE· mencecl 10 tra I bl.ISi· Statemenl Hema c . Bhamre, 614 • F'S81718 Business Niime(s) lostecl M Ch 2S A ,1 1 Y 8 lS by a it.ate or lederal sav· peraon c.onducllng aalt RIOR COURT ness undo< I F1C11t1°"s The FolloWlng persons Gary l'lace,. New port Put>tosned Newport Beach-abolte on· not yet 31 • pr • · • 1ngs and loan •"oc1· Is COHI Fed Serv1ct1 _______ T_h_&a_8 INOA'-IL MONCAYO Bus1ne •(I) hsted are d0tng business as Buch, CA 92660 Costa Mesa Daily Potot World Travel Bureau Inc . 1993 etion uv1ng1 auoc1 11010 Chel.l"fOrth SUH\, PUBLIC NOTICE BA.RULLO, 702 E. OC.. •boYe on· Ftt>Nary IS. MARINA YIU.ACE SHOP· Tl\os business 11 co~ Mareh 11, 18, 25, Aapnl t, Thomas 0 Jakson, PreSI· Th·8S' tt1on or aav1ng1 ban• Craned• Hiiis CA 91344· ---..-------i CIOENTAL ST., SANTA 1993 PING CENTER, c:o OWA ducted by husband .no 1993 dent PUBLIC NOTICE 1pec1l1ed 1n Section !1102567618111 Ut 4160 ... i91775 ANA, CA 92708 Rober1 W. Rod't<11rC11. Prtat-Smith & Company, Inc., Wlle fh.8l9 Thos sl.llement was ftled 01 the Financial Code Conl Fed Senr1ce1 • N911CE TO Pfablleh d N 1 dent of Rock.r.allon, Inc .• 1300 Quad SI 11 106, New-The re91str•nt(s) com-With lh1 County Cler1t ol t90077 •nd autnorized 10 do corporation tormerly CREDITORS OF 8 h .. • ewpor Cahl corp • as genetal pOtt eoach. CaM 92669-menceo to transact busl· PUBLIC NOTICE Oran99 County on M'1ch Flctlllou• bu110eu •n ""' 11411• In CFS sln11c.-e Corpor11111on. ••0 -0 ••• M••• Partner 271 t nen under the F1C11i.ous 26. 1993 the event 01 tender other a Calolom•a Corporellon. BUU<"ULE Dally Piiot M•rch 11, Tllis statement WH Idea Char1es F. Wu, J. Grant Business Namefs) Uste<I 189299 F54S5588 Bualne .. Name tnan cuh 1s accepted, 1Nal.ee. Menlvn Mof\la· (IEC. 8104, 18, 25, Aprll 1,'1993. woth the County Clerit ol Monanon and J,l.mes S obove on· Marcil 8, 1993 F1clltlou1 Published Newport Beach· St•lemenl the Truatae may to11thhold pef1o Voce P.e11d4tnl 8tOS U .C.C.) lh838 Oriltlr Coumy on F•btu-Keagy, as Trus1ees ol-.AE.W Mie:nael c Seti Buetnen N•m• Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Tht FotlOwtng persons the 1uuance ot 1he ASAP~O NOTlel: tS HEREBY PUBLIC NOTICE •rv' . I~ #29 Trusl under Oeclar• This stalfmenl was tiled Statement • Apr~ 1 11 15 22 1993 ~~8~P~~~ uE ru11ee • Deed until 31'25 • 1 41* GIVEN TO CREDfTORS OF F5e13t9 lion of lrusl dattd Auqust Wllh the County Clerit of The FollOW\n rsons • ' • ' • • S'•nger lunch become •va1l1ble --------- THE WITHIN NAMED C.,5108 .... 14 Baker, Manoc:t1 & Jensen, 2. t985, 225 Franllhn Ofanqe County on Marth are dot buSlne~ :! Th-Sn Ave • 11I1B, Huntington IO I.he payH or andorlee PUBLIC NOTICE __, SELLER(S) THAT A 8ULK .. .... FIQ Garden Fin.tnCJal Ceo-Strut, 8oston. MH· 12 1993 MALL ~LEANERS 30262 PUBLIC NOTICE Beach, CA 92647 Ha matter ot ~nl ~ALE IS ABOUT TO BE F'lctl11oua ter, S260 NoM Pelm Ave . s.JCllUlictlls 021 !0-2803 . F584058 Crown Valley Par~•W' t10 , Chang l<won Yoon, 37 Said Hitt wtll bt made NOTICE Of TRUSTEES SAU MADE OF THE ASSETS Bu1lne11 N•m• Fourth FIOOI' Fresno Calif Thia bus•nMs 1s con· Publosned Newpon Beach· Laguna Niguef CA 92671 CHSt08$878 Lft:, lnnne. CA 92720 without covenanl or war TrUS11e s,,,. No 6983~!1PS "'()(SCRIBED BELOW Slattment 93104-2209 • • dueled by Nominee TNSI Cost.a M.eu Oaoly Pilot 8um Sulc ~ 23 Bloom Fictitious I~ bus1n1:, ·:~on· tanty Hpreu D' tmphed lttle Oroe• ~.o 82648 3 THE NAMEIS) ANO BUSI Th• f0Uowin9 pen.ons The reg15'rant(1) com-Masch 25 Apnl 1 8 15 d31, lnnne cA'92714 Bualn••• Nam4t dT~ by an 1 1w1 1 r99ard1ng tttle pones· APN• 424 4is 06 N£cSS AOORESS(ES) OF ar•Oo.l'IQ O\IS>{'HS H Published Newport Boactv rnenced to tranaact bus• • • • • M • j S 23 • reg111r1n1 • com 1r,on or oncumbrances THE SE.LLER(S) ARE GLENDALE. OHRBACH'S Costa Mou Oa ty Piiot neu undC!f tho F1cti1JOUs 1993 81~~:;.~•le oo lrvo~;· CA Stal ement menced to lranuct bUs. to $AUlly the indebted YOU AA£ IN OEFAUlT UHDER A HANMI ElANI<, 3198 AIR Ass 0 c I Ar Es. c 0 Mardl J f , 18, 25, Apfd t~ Busoneu Name(•) l•Sled Th.SSS 92714 Th• F04lov.vig persons ness under th• Fic:t.t•OUS nus HCured by U ld DEED OF TR~l OATEO PORT LOOP BLDG~ f E Oonatiu• S'l\robtr, 3501 1993 abovt on Fe~ry t5, PUBLIC NOTICE This business 11 con-a~~g~~ ~;1es1~~GING Business Nilme(s) USled Deed adv•ncea lhereun· Ol Olt? IJ"LUS YOU TU .E COSTA MESA. CA Jiimbo•H Ro•d South Th·826X t99J dueled by husb3nd and 185 E P 1 nO A aC~I onK nol yet er with mte~t•l·n pro· ACTION 10 PROTECT YOUR THC LOCATION IN CAU Tower Ntwporl euch J,imes S Kea9y CNSioa318, wol• au an venue, hang won Yoon . vodfKI lhere1rt and tl'la PROPERTY IT MAY 8E SOU> FORNIA Of THE CHIU Callloma 92660 ' PUBLIC NOTICE . Thot 1ta1emen1 was lilt<I Fletltlou• The ,. istrant(s) com-SUlte C, Cosia Mes.ta, C~· This st.t1ement was fll.O unpaid pnnc1pal ot tne at A PIJlllC SA\..£ If YOU EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF CoMeelJCvl Gen.,. lJle Willi lh• County CI0111 ol Bu.sift••• Name menced ~o transact t>u ... fr.a:~~"' Inc., a Del•· o:.'h Oiec~.""'~1~"1'(~ nole aacurad by U ld NEEDAH.UPUHA110ff0Fll4E THE SELLER IS SAMC ~S lnJur»'IC• COfporat•on. 1t CNSt088325 Otange CcSunly on MN"ch S ntn under tne FIC1l~ous wZe C0tporauon •ISO E 25 ~ Y ..cJ with tntereat ~ ~l\IREOFTtlE PAOCUDINGS AOOVE C~l·cut Coroor111on. c. Flcl1Uou1 1, 1993 latemtnt Business Name(s) losted Bak S C • M . H provided in H•d AGAINST YOU YOO ....,..,. 0 AS LISTE..O 8Y THE o Clt>NA I" estmenta In<: Bualn-• Name FH2340 The Followtng persons ~ . NA tt 1t9(!1. 9sra esa. F585443 Noltt 1_. chan;ita and "'""""" SELLE.A, All '>Tl1ER DUSI 900 Cott.lg~ GrOlle. Rd : Statement PubllShe<I NewpOtt Be.acll il•e doong t>us•ooss as 'eurn S~ Son CaJolomio 926~ • Pub115hed Newpon Be.la.. •P<'fl• .. ot the lr\Ja'-eofl'TACT A lAWYEA NESS NAliilES ANO AO Booomlotld CT 06002 The followlng persons Coslil Mesa Dally p,101 JOHN WAYNE TENNIS Myung Joo Son dT~~ ~uatnHs is ~o,.. Costa Mesa Oaoty Pilot nd of the truats created On~ ·~~3 II , 00 P M NA DRESSES USED BY THE Kn1ok•rbocller Glendale llftDoong OullllOSI as MilrCh It 111 2S Aptll 1 ~LUB. t t ~· J~mbgrr~·· Th•• statement was lllecl Tht rt~1:1~~3 com-Apnf 1, 8, t5, 22. 1993 by Uld Deed ol Trust li«>RTGAOE SEAVICES, INc., SELl.£R WlfHIH l'HREE 131 MJll Assoco.>tes. LP. a FJ COLLEGE PARTNERS. 1993 • ' ' ' ' g;z°~orl eac · a 1 · woth U'le County Clerk of meneed to iransact boSI Th-870 Serrano Recon11ey1ni;e lhll diJt appo1rt•IG Tnit!M unot1 YEARS. BCFOAE TH E. Oel.:Jwoare l>m•lf'd partner 500 NPP011 Center Dfwe. T En O•ange County on Man:h ness under the Foctl•OUS ompany •900 Aover alld p.n~lll 11, o..c ol rtn11 DATE SUCH UST WAS sn•p, c:.o J w 0 Connor & 91.an• 720, Newport Seach Th 824 c!:',n•S 1crpr1ses, lnc11'1'll1 19, t993 Busonest Nilme(s) ~Sled PUBLIC NOTICE . rade Aoad Sut~ 2870 Rtco1010 o~ 0119 112 ., SENT OR OEUVERED TO Co Inc f.'00 Par11 A..,. Calf' ~ ... i 0tru3CC>fPOfatJOn. FS84848 r w1ndate CA 9t706 THE 8\JYeR AAE' NOl'IE ~Yori\ New Yoril 10166· .Jo!.°:''n Clougbetty....&Gl PUBLIC NOTICE Jamborn, Newport Beach above oo Maren 8, 1993 No11ce is hereby 9'ven 111.11 &.JU u-_6.lJ.D_By R .c...J?oorr" !'.o 9209Sl21 Bo<*_··----·• 1't11: NAM£t£rAWO O"Jnoet w ~~ Ce,.. C;mr~ • ~ ~ 8eec: ~1' Smttn,-11\e' K...,_ lna u~ned will ~ M••thard AHt ,Sec;rei..;v»•Qt.. U ~ n I'll NESS AODAESS(ES) Of or~ Pan~ of G.l en<t Ohr Landor Lane. PuadeN. CHS1083 144 Tl\1s business 1s co,.. Coslii Mesa Daoly P.1lot neth B1nnet Pres•denl sod at Public Auc11on on Oaled OJ n i\l\ll ,,.0 .,. t"-Recotdtr 01 Ull"Of THE BUYER AAE l),act'I 1 Partners. CIO ce;:=3}~:.,,.,.....,, 944 FJc lltloua dueled oy a COtPOfallon March 25, Apnl 1. ,. 15, Thos S14tltmC ent .wC.u ldtdl THURSDAY APRtL 1S, ASAPI0171 Cw.,11 C~ torfllt t1..:U!ld br JEONG w KIM 17865 s lSOt _ .... , .aualneu N•m• Tho reg11tran1(1I com-1993 wilf'\ lht ounty lerk o 199J AT tOOO ~M AU· 1 a/8 5 Doflahue chnoer. Linda Vista Ave . Pasa· menced to trilnsact buso· Orange County on Marci\ SPACE • COSTA MESA I • 41t fer" Wall l 11 lfWTl.llrrt!ld-n St(YPARK CIR 'N IR J.1mboreo Rd Southdon.t,Calofomta91103 Statement F Th8SJ1111)9J lSJS NEWPORT BLVD WUSlU.AlPU8UC AUCTION \llNE CA T·--Sit '"" NUW""'rt K •1 C A 1370 The FollOW1ng persons ness under the 1ct111ous • PUBLIC NOTICE _...._ THE ASSETS TO BE s;;;n· CA g~ ""' St '"tr: Rega~, S are d04~ bus!flMs as Business Namt(S) hSle<S PUBLIC NOTICE F545440 I COSTA MESA. CA 92627 TO ll4t HIGHESl llUU1:ll F~ SOLO ARE DESCRIBED IN Tlft>n'l.n L ::>c:ti"bc' Oen Manno. ca':~~I ioe en POS LEASING SERVICES above on Oclol)er 16, Published Newpon BHch· A22S CURTIS 0 HORNE NOllCE Of C~ payllllt 11 me of at• · CENER,\L AS Fumt.,;e ., Partnlf ol ,..,.,. Onr· Anthony p Clougl\erty •no Campus Dfllt9. Su•IO 1986 • t90012 Costa Mesa Oa~y Pilot HOUSEl'iOLD ITEMS t~USTEE s Soll f 11"4 ....,,,.,. °'"" ll1111ec! SUtet Oooaw1t1. 'traden11me b~cl\ • Partners, C 0 J60e East Lombardy Road. 220, Newport Beach, CaJ.1 Tennis Entetpt•ses Inc • FlctJtloua AP<• t, 8. 15. 22. 1993 AZ8l fRANK ARCOLEO TSI t.91>12 • '-°*""'11 4'41U..,.,ra Leue, h•lUtt. LNHhalil Ooni.\l\u1 Schtob.,, 3501 P1111dena, Cal>loma 111107 92660 Cecil E. Speannan, Jr . Bu-1ne .. Name fh.&79 HOUSC.HOLO ITEMS 374413 2PS IO I~ C<WiC Cen111 ~'IQ 300 improvements, ANO ARE Jamb or•• Rd Sou111 This b usintu la con. Progreulve Ooslrlbuuon P~denl riled St•tement PUBLIC NOTICE f~~~R 8A.fg~Rs'\ .f~~~ Parcel No 939 6J ~J !i~Ct'apt'WIA~ Oa!ve C4. LOCATeO AT 3198 AIA Towl!I, Ste 300 Newport duc:1ed by. a genefal part· Systems. Inc. a M1nneso111 ~s l~lat~mtt'I: we} 11 1 I The Following persons ITEMS Dated March 11 t99J , '1f1ll 1tlt1nd n• , ~'\'t'O PORT lOOP BLOG t1E, Buch CA 92660' nenlllp . Cofporauon, 1652 E•ecu· Wll • oun Y e< o are dCllng busmess H YOU .ARE IN DEF AUl l COSTA MESA. CA Thos business IS con The reg11trenl(1) com-11v1 On,,_, Eden Pra.ne. OrDnge Coun1y on Fet>r\r CAROUSEL CLEANERS, CNS1083142 AJ16 JAMES POINDEX UNDE A A DEE Q O'' rid -/\fld ll, • lll'Ot1 tUI THE BUSINESS NAME duct.Oby !Ont ven!ur9 menced 10 tranaact bus!· MtMtsota 5$344 ll'Y l9, 1993 16477 Spnnoctat.. Hun1109-Flclltlou• TEA HOUSEHOLD ITEMS TAUS T DATED J•nuary •~ ' •1111 tn ,,.,. tlf~ny USED 8'l..Jttf_SEU..C.A Al TA• reg11trant(•) com-nen undtt' me Foclol•OU$ Thll bUSlrTISS •• con-F58t477 ton S.acti, CA 92649 Bualne•• Name :~7iE ... ~~g1,~EJ:RT ER 29 199U UNLESS 'l'OU U"l!l!C "-.~CM-"1 C•iton'U THAT LOCATION IS IR meneecl to lttnSACI l>uSI· 8u11ntS1 Name(SI !Isled dueled by •COfPO'•llon Pubhsh~dNtwpertBtactl-Perlr., Yong Bit. t111 Statement 9 M IKE t<OHLS lA"E ACllON TO P!IO ~t>eo ~ PR()Of~SOl.O V1NE .LAUNOAY ness undtt' lhe FICllllOUS above on. Janulry 15, The regi1Hanl{1) com· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot South Victona Avenue, los Tht Following petSOns H~~~HOLD ITEMS ll:CT YOUR PROPERTY IT 45 IS lOl 11 , 9~ •" o1 R,., .. Th• l>IA-~ 11 tntonded 8us1noss Namt(•) kited 1993 tMf\Ced 10 transact t>usl· Maret\ 1\, 18, 25. Apnl 1, Al\gelft.CA900t9 aredolngt>us1nes1H Ctn El.AINE MAGUIRE MAY 8E SOLO AT. PUB S&d>O~"' ... Cit~ (I~ .... 10 conaummattd .. ""ol· abolte on July IS, 11188 Jo1tph 0 Clougherty neu under 11'1• F1ct1tiou1 1993 P..artc Sun At t 171 South ORANGE COUNTY EN· LIC SALE IF YOU NLED lie• of' ESCROW AMERICA Oarvtl w Donahue M.lnaglng Pannor • 8us1ne11 Name(s) lialed . Th-818 Vicl~li) Aven~. L.01 ~ GINE EJ(CHANGE. 1638 H,?VSEHOLD IT~MS I AN ElCPL ANAllON OF Bwu. Co.r.'1' olOr•nge Sl .. d CORP OR A TION, 97 J2 Thom.at L Sc:ht11>er 8trn•d J. Clougherty, lbove on Fet>tuary 23.. les CA 900t9 P14ictnlla •E. Cost. Mosa u DI tsh ell tw po.r THE: NATURE Of f HE: Ca '"" u Ile' "'C' '9CO'dtO Q,\ROfN GROllE BLVD Th1t statement was Med MaN909 PW'lnef 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE lhll business 11 con-C•l•I 9262fi ~:t" ;:s~ 2~es:,;;a ~Y PROCEEDIN G-AC.>1NS T ~ .. • :..~ o• .,._.. .a t S GAAOEN GflOVE, CA wilt'I IN County Clerll o1 Thia statement was filed Progreulvt Olstribulion ducted by; husband and Oaryoush Atwar, 203'2 1~3 c • OU YOU SHOULO CO~l~ r ~ "'° ol N Co.n-, 9iM4 °'~·County Otl Febtu-Wllt'o the County Cltftl ol Systems, Inc. diba POS CNSt08482S ""'• EWft:::J: Lant. Hunt.11\9' Th869 1AC1 A lAWYEA ·-~ ol N<l ~I :"" ESCROW OFACER TO 1ry 26. 1993 Oranoe County on Mweh LH.11ng SeMc:es. Johan P. Flctlll.u• The rtgl1tr1nl(1) com-ton , Calif 92646 On Aprtl t ~ 19!J at •~al •o!IOll•"lCtolt•• CONTACT IS: CANDIE FM2240 22. 1993 Flnley. President 8ualneat N•me mtnced to 1tansact buslo-This bualn .. , 11 ·con-' 00 P M Co•ll fed $er OC!ligat.Or MIClnO by ud o.ta ol CHOI, Oil OI al1tt' Apt 19. Published Newpo,t Beach-' F5M935 This •talement waa filed ltalement nest unaet th• Fictitious ducted by: an Individual PUBLIC NOTIC E vtct• e corporation, to•· 11 , ' I' , itd 1993 •nd. the llat d»y for Cost• Mu• Dall" Pllol PubtllMd NewpOtt Beach-~ theCCounty CllllilF....._~' The Foltowl"" ""~s Busln111 Name(•) llstitd The rtolatrant(s) com NOTICE OF n1vr1y CFS SPt'YtC• Corpa • •"<! ri!.u~~ ~.!:::' .. • .. J~1ng Claim• anal bt Af/11 . · ' vr•not ounty OI) ...,.,.. .. ,, .. -abo'ie on NIA menoed to transxt bull ration a Ca111om11 Cor ~· ·~ 1 ...,.. .., 18, 1993 whlel\ .. the bull> M.ueh 25, Aprt 1, 8, IS. COlll Mt ... D111ty Pilot fll'Y 24, 1993 '(~:~2 ~:~S:!:iENT YOf'Q.Bff Pat ntSI und« IN Fic:IJboua TRUST£E s SAlE porat1on " duly • '111 lrntol r(ll l'\.ClllQllOllCll N ntN day bel0te Ille ul1 t993 -. • ...,. Aptil 1, 9, t5, 22, 11193 Ffftl80 COMPANY 550 NewpOtt SUfl Ae P•tk Bu11neH Name(1) 1t1ted UN~FR-:E~5g'9 ~~T pointed ltuatH un de "t»;~ ol S. • " S3 .. '013' Oat• •ptCAr'fd at>ove .. .....,... lh-880 Publlahtd NewpOtt S.ldl· Center Drive Newport Th11 statement •as filed abOYe on: NA loan No 973456 and pur•uant to ~ 0 1 •1,~•111 ,....,.1 tlf tr Cl•!\ 1 Tho• bulk Vtnlftt' I• •ub-PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTtCE Co1li1 Mes.a Ollly Pilot Beach Cahlornia 92660 Wllh the County Clerto. °' Oll'yoush Nwll om l ruat rt'C.0tdflf februa ~~~ , eta Cl!\ ..... or jtct lo Cai.tomla Uniform March 11 Ill 25 April I The tMnt Cotl\j)llny Moeh-Orang• County on M~rch This 'tattmellt _, f11.o AP ,.,e1 R: u tll90 .. hutru111e111 "11~'111 !>a"" • c1'eo. orawn t>, • COl'M\trciai Code Section CNlt 017578 C S oeitH ' ' ' ' ~ Ce 25. t~3 wilh tlie County Clerk ol um 1 No 90 079311 01 Olltcil\I 6106 N 1 1993 ""· ~50 Newport ntar • F585448 Oranr. Co nly on FtbN YOU ARE IN 0£FAUL T Record' •••cul•d by J:;•t J• ·~··· ''eol unOOl\ OI ' OATDaOt/'29/1H 3 Flclltlous Flclltloue Th-817 ve,NewportOeach,C1ll· p bl Ne Bt h ery 2 1993 UNOEA A OEEO Ol"euchi Hirot.a a mimtd ~ll«J-''" l'ta11.1t1•1J1ltdllt'11 eualneH Nam• BuelnHa Name fomia 92660 u tlhed wpott •c • ' TRUST DA TED Sttptfmber man u trua.IC>f't•I tn lht W• Jl''ll DI ~ .,.. JEONO W. KIM ll•lttntnt •t•t•mant PUBLIC NOTICE This buttnHI II con-CoSl• Mesa Dady P1101 F.582094 1 1968 UNLESS YOU ollice ol tht Countv "• •n r,•c-~ ~ Published Ntwpo11 The FOiiowing persons The FollOoorlng penons 1..,.,71 dwcled t>y a c0tpo1111on Apnl 1. 8, IS, 22. 199J Pubbsl"oed Newpott Beach lAkE ACll0"' TO PRO· corde• 01 Orange Coun-llO', ~ Beacit-C01t.1 Mtta Diiiy ant do. t>u1<neu as .,. OOI bullntu H • ...., The reg11tranl(1) com· Th-811 Co111 MHI OAilW P1to1 T£CT Y<>Uft ~OPERTY IT ty Calllomta ' -r Mt.•C"' ~·01 ol !It Pilot~ I. f993 KOll ~SHMAN REALTY KOLL~ORNERSTONE, FJclllloue menced IO ll•NaC1 ~-Mard'I II. 18, 2S, Apnl 1 MAY BE SOlO AT A PU&-Will aetl II p ublic •""-· ~ ~ 1 Cl•~io Thet7 ME>CICO. 4343 Von Karman •590 ~cAtthur eou....,a!d. lklalMM N•me ness Ut)dtf the FtCtiliOUS • PUBLIC NOTICE 1993 , LtC SALE II" YOU NEED lion '° n 1gne.1 blddeir lor 1-1: "111 '"-' "" r"' "'"' ---------Avenue, Newport 8tach, Sulit 110, N,wpol1 8"ch. S ... let'ftent 8ullMll. Name(a) lttled 1.._7,. Th·81& AN EXPLANATION OF CHh a ca1hlar'1 c.n.<: IOO'tl!Uncl°'~ aimmon~ PUIUC NOTICE CA 92660 C•lif~ Th• FOiiowing pertons •bOve ~· M•y 1, l986 ....v .., THE NATlJAE OF THE dr•wn on a atatt or na .,.., n 1 ,.1 01""' ,..1 pro1iMr LEOAL NOTICE Clllhm•n Realty Partntrt, l(oll C1pllat Mttktll .,. dolrig business aa: "": ~ c~ec:h-F'lctltloue PUBLIC NOTICE PROCEEDING AGAINST Ilona• ban• • ••••• 0 bod .:ic ..... Oll"DOMd to -nc•,.. • Caflloml• c0tport1Jon, OrOUf), Inc., • Del--JJ BEANS ESPRESSO ~ ,;,..,:.:·and T,::. .... ,,.. ..... _ • CNSt08e872 YOO YOU SHOULD CON led•••I CJeQll union 0. 0. 1:2 ••111 '""' Ne.,.tl -V1'" 601 s Flgutro.J St •• 4711'1 corpor9Clon, 4343 Von KM· CAFE. 32211 Camino Cap. ltate,,..nt TACT • LAWYf:A atattt or •.cf•,.·· 1avmo •• " CA ""' i,. PUllUC SAl8 Fir, Loa Ang1IU, CA man Avenue, Newport tsltano, San Juen Cap-~ l I t fllec:I The Foltowlng pet'IOl'\I Flctltloue flifollce II ~by 01ven •nd to.,, Haoc111101 It T ~ AUMOONED 90011 O.ach, Cellf. 92MO lslnvtO. C•hfom .. 92875 ""' a• tmtn WH ire dOll'O 1>u11ne11 as· Buafneee Name U\al Sefrano Reconvey dot11tc1t.-d In the Stele ot •9 • "' 111' It!\'_... "'OPERTY KCJf Auocl1tt1. LP .. Cornert1on• Ptlnclpals, Joan Tly!Ot. 2470t Ray• With me County Clttl!. OI WESTEAN STATES PHYSI· Slatemenl anc.e Company •• ll'ual· Cahrornl• Cpayablt • 11 '"' 111., tn;O'..Cl'1HI OI ll'ltl Nollet I• hettby O! 4343 Von Karman Avenue, lne., • Callfomla corpora· mon<S W•'I· Sp. • 167, LAk• ~~3 Counly on Mttth CIAN SERVICES, 4332 c.,. Th• FoflOWlng ptrtont .. Or aucca .. or ""''"· ltrll• at ••I• '" •••lul '""' .!Odrf'U lllCI of* COt'lmon ll'lal !he unaaralgntd _,. N....,pon &Meh, CA~ uon, 4590 MKArthur eou-Forest, Cahfoml• 926JO • r1to1 Ave 1 208. Los .a.Jami· are dOlng ~s1ntss n or sub•lilu l•d ll'Ultet O•oney ot the Ul\tlt ~ 11Cl!I f 1ny 11 "91'1111 , stll It public auctK>n, ~-ebllel not>ltt. Horacio levard, S11t1t 1 10. Newport JO<ltnt Bras, 2470t Aay FM3eG1 tot. CA 90720 VISTA VERDE MOBILE purtutnl lO the OMd ol Slattel II U'\41 North t1on ~_.t•INl.M D ... ~ auant to S.Ctlon 2t100 e 1855, &O Pleo, Col. lo• Mc>-S.ICh. Calif. 92'60 mond Way. Sp. '117. l.akt Put>l11hed Ntwpot'I ~ WHllm St1111 Mitdic# HOME PARK . 1741 Trusl uecu~ by Huaev· 9f'llranc• IO lht Count ,....(!!. 'Tl"f • .....,. tht ou .. neu a ProlH rtles Polal\Co. 111510 Mt•· Thia butlntu 11 con ForHI Caltlomia 92630 Cotui M .. a Datty Pilot Management Corpora1oon. Pomona Ave •25, CO$la In Andy Anti. and NuNn Cou,,hou1e 100 CIY• ~ .,_ !. pc"""'IMlll. IMONI cooe, lht fotlO'fwlng ~o. o F, Meltlco duct.O b'( • QtnMI 1»11· This t>u11nt" la con M~ 25. Apl\I 1. a. 15, CA, 4J~ CtNoto• /lwt MeN. CA t26Zr Hof• Anll. .. "u•band •nd Cen t..-°"1ve Weal. San '"" ."91'~-.. o.tcr'lt>ed ptOpel'lf 10 M t Thll bualntlt I• con-"~•P . dVCtitd by an uninc:orpo-1993 •208. Los Alam1I01, CA co Circ.tt Tn.i t. Sh•,, .... w 11. .. • c 0, d. d Ana C.tllorn•• •II nQhl. OI ~.,., '"' "-~ OARV CHARLES A•l 2 aueitd t>y~gtntral part Tht reolttr•n1(1) com-rated auoclallon 011\er Th asG 90120 v .... Tnititt. t7 tJO Michl 09'08/1111 In 8~11 NtA t1tlt and 1nletHI con· ol 'II r"Od!t • CdOfr,'MowW. lV, dt9'. Nlfthlp to tr!W'tact t>utl-U'lan • fl&M«lh1P Th11 buaintu It con-gQll'I Ottvt. Pllm OaMrt, CA Pao• NtA lnat • II v...-.ct to and no.., held Nt41'r ""' Ol 1'1111 di., bed meac RICHARD Th• r•Ol•tran1(1) corn· under the F1c11oous Th• regl1tran1(1) com-PUBLIC NOTICE ducted by. a corpotatlon OUM 4a16 1 I of 0 11 1c1a1 by ll under ••.W 0..-d 01 ttw'"' c.'ll<gllt --i •IC*"MI ALVAREZ Co39 BlkH, mencect to lrantlC:t bull Oualntff Nlrnt(I) kslild rn..-.etd lO lrtnMCl bull Tl\t reglatr•"l(I) com-Thi• butln•H I• con-Aec:Of'deou• en '::-Ofhc• QI Tru•I In the property I ll· lflft 1M•H Ttit btlltl .. r, II"'"· ch., 1ld1, vac . ,,. .. undtt the FICtiltOUI •b<Mt on: Ftbtutry '7, nott• undtf the F'oa1Uout CNl1084830 mtneld to 11-.nwct t>uti-ducted by • bualnetl 11'\1 t lhe nty K.O+'dH OI u•ted In Hid COunly and Md ol J~"' cd tbl 40 + bu m11C1 SuslnH• N1mt(t) l•tted 1993 8u11ne11 Nam•<•> llSltd Plctltteu• ntN llnder the f'tcbt.ou• Th• reglstr•ntt•) com. Ota19 County C.htor Stale dftcrtbed •• "'~ TEARY AF.DAHL Q..t20 811 abOYe on: Mateh $. 1993 Koll C1pll1I Mertitt1 above on: Man:tt ~. 1993 8uel""8 NaMe Butlntll N3m.(•) l111ed ~f'Ce<I to transact t>u.i nia end pul'l~nt 10 lha Parcel 1 Ul'\tl a, •• •• 1~ hPlcl IO sp lo maa... 2 •PNI'. ref . l(ol Cuthtntn ANllY Mt11· Group, 0 Olen Ralgtr, EJt. Joan Tl Statement •bo\19 on· '1brvttV 1, 19SIJ nes• under int F"iet•ltOUt Motte• of O.tautt •nd enown and deltned o • •r 1• pJ.&Ulftd mJ c.i11 • tQl&a....vlOt Pr1•011• ~ ~ Ptf10nl ~ Stet" Mectiatl "'"' Na!M(I) 11'(190 (IJKUon '° S.Ct ~ th• Coo0on,1n1um Pia ol tail!I •!ld °""•~ lot S. LAASIH-H 13 '•n• 6 partnarahlp fhll IDltmtne •U ftled Thia ai.tement wu ftlecl .,. d04f\ l>utlMta ... Mantg CofJ>. Wollltrn W• tbovt on· ~ ~. 19s& def recorded 1 ''°" t9tl lor lot 1, ~ord..d .lu l'\d • II!'! h o ot •WI....,, vteltOQltntl, •PHktr•. By: Cuthman Rtafty Part wtlt\ the County Cltnc 01 wlll'I lilt County Cltl1( of IAVtNEO CAPITAi. MAR· gen«, PretJCtO • Shlt1ty Volt, Trutlff In llooll "'1A Pege NrA ti 1tU H lnahuttlef\ I llCJ~ll kl Mi Th<f "'°"~ r1c11, cht., eh .r•olattr. '*'· • c.r11~1 corpott OrMr coun1y on Febfu. Orange Covnt'I on March KE.TS COMPANY, $5l> New· ll'll• etatement w11 llltd Th•• atatement •H r.i.ci ~· 'at t~~J1 01 •:;.~ No u 2MOl51 or 0111c;1a1 UUltCI Mid"°" o1 ri.i..ut 1,. mite., KARL SHAOUEA, i. tlon, Otntfll "PatV\tt aty 2 , 11193 19, I~ p0t1 CantM Ot"'8. Hewpc111 wttl\ flt County Cltf1( of wtll'I tM County C1et1! of ~V'lttl : 1 ~·-M Aec:Otda 0r.nQe Covntv. f•11>11 to td 1111 !'lt.OldlO 11 t F91'1a. chi coucn. 30 + By l\t CFO ll'M1N3 Fte4e47 Buch Calotom;a t2t60 Ottnge County on'tobten Onlnot County on .,_.,Ch on • C.lllO<"ma b" DIANA 'KM.Ac 1-M " KCM Aaaoc;IAltl, LP •• Publtthecl Newpof1 e.aen-P\I~ .. _port 8ttcn-The ir1.nt Com Mtch-~. 1093 t2, 1~ •• •h• Horth front en ll'er<• 1 An undlv4dtld • .,.,....... pllllll!'f 1-N lee Chell. aqwrium, C11tfornla 111n1ted par1. Co_.• Mt.. Daoty P.-Ot Cotta MtA Oall.Y Pilot '!Jiii\ "° ......,=c.n.., FMM• ~J ~·n~~ to 1"~0tfoctnty 11'4th 1nw .. 1 In tnd • loa!M •• • It!! TV, Ne c.t>. 4t • ba . Mf'lhl,te a.nera1 P~ ~ "· II. ~. AC>ttl '· March. 25 • .Apt• 1, a. is. Onw, ,.._port hr"' call-Pubhsh«t Newpot1 ~ Publ• htd Newpor1 e..Jt. C::.., ~: "'"' S.:~~ Lot 1 of Tract No 1u 1 l!!OIClll N>• ._ .. '"'' Ji !Nte DONALD WHtT'NtV, By Koll Com~ l"3 11113 lomia l2fAO Costa Meu 0.dy P.lot Coat.a MtN Ollly p,10( An., CA et put>fte euc aa. '™""" Of'\ • "'9'> r• 1 1-105 OHi!, ch., tntt., CellfOtl'Q COtpot~. -Th lh.t52 Thia bu•fntll la ton• Apnl I I. 1S 22. UN3 AOMI I I. 15 22 199l won '-> ~ ....,,,_, bid corded If\ eooti 4'1 • ( OS.t> l l•rnre. tbl, 11 I b .... tflll p.,,,. ·8'0 duC'l•d bV'. COfpo<ltlon • • • • • • . .... -~· .., and .. Of Mia.> Nl I •RYU1 mlM. PAULMCOAI0 .. 124, ly:lteftrwaidtnt PUIUCNOTICI PUIUCNOTICI Th• r•g'111,.nt(•) com-Th-1'2 fha7ader ::.c:::a\:-:::,::celleFle ou1 M•P •. IR0$1H &wt.-.. cMlt. '2 • bU • ly ~ Aobltl. ~ ~ to lrllnNct bull PUil.iC NOTICI PUIUC NOTlCI oney ol the U'111ad recOfda 01 Orange Coun· tOO [ ""'-Slflf:l T ~. 1.AW9'ENC£/MYAN .,.. ,..,.,_ ' CNSt0974U Cdt09M42 rwu undtf the rtCt•llOlll ty Ca1ttom1a, l~t Sf""' """" --MAA,.IOTT J.SI I ~SJ Tht.e ~ waa lhd ,......_. AcUtleW • Bulinnt Nemt(•) ••.a teooeG ,..... St.aU::J.:!1 rlet\•. une 01'1 an lmprov•inente "" ~ ™-C-pet --"· ~·OOOCI will\ ~ Courwy ~ OI •botore on .-ay I ,... AC...._. AcW-l ~ometed '° a-..on ••ceQt1n9 .,...._ ,.....,.. ~ C ft-.. mite. lll KIUSONO Ortnte· County on ""lf'Ch h=::-lkt=-...:..~ TM IMl'lt ComP.,,Y, Alc:h ........_ ..._ ._,.............. atd ':,. ~ .:' ~ from Cot~1n1Uf'f'I Uf'Mta 2lft • K• c.ntl. l'!i .,,._, 11, 1ffl ....__ lr'O e MOfan Jf fate\lllW 4e.t t tuell9d .., Uid Cou t llW'OU'Qh 1 4 l1W.lu11ve a.. b•l;.1 nwtc. ELU11 (Ut(U PMUM .. ,. FollowinO Ptf'IOl\I lhe FolloW'lng Pf"'OM Voet Pretidtnt . ..,., T,..• ........_ FIM.....-• S.... _.,. deec:I\~ located Ww.on 1.•c:ept' tl-'I r nA• MOTO K...O'Htdee.ct, bOll Pvbtlttntd Nawpon liech .... dolflO bu9lnftl ... .,. dOlng but#M• ... IUftW '"" ~. ~ ~ .. , Oii o+t nlft•. """ • a ,. I ' '"' l([VIN wA!H IC·23 M . Co-. ..... 0_,y Nol r;fWPOAT PARTNIAS. OIA-..POLO PAOPfATV ·~~~llita • ete~.i._· ....... • ... me,,.,...ritftta net-•--------- Cklt "'· weeMky, .... A-I .. 15, u. lttl • P'OO~ Pltc•, ...... ASSOC~~.!!' T~ Call .rAlf'SOUT .. A .. ,olls""'. Y!ooL °', .... ~w ---'!~ ltA91C. !.L.. ', .. ,u•, • .!.!.. uni oaa f"IO"l\I,..,......... SELL b ... mlec. ,... • PQt\ IMch,....,. e2et3 C..... .,.,....., .,._ 14.-. Cla ... ffl'-.1 }:. ......... 7._ .'! .,~. _. •-~ C•,.v• ---rllC ~ oft .._ t hydtOC•tbOf\I t. ...... M by ~ Th tl3 OouQlM 9 . n.ecn., 11 CO.ta~ CA t21a .-v ......, ..... ... .. _ -"' Of °""'911 • .._ ~ .._bidding~......, Mei.. tM riQh& mowe l1y l•land, Newport Ctltr1M H. Oi4wnpo69, M y.ua-at UO. LtQ!una Kii• Califot. eeh"•"' No&ar1oat•r, c..MtortN. •per..._.._ __ •INn Ot UI\ unur ID'M bldl fNY be~ In PllM ..... ...... hath, CA t"'81 TOWf\ c.,,.., Ol'tve. Suii. -·· noatHSl 21tl4 Ctt•t•, ..... °" ....... '" ho' II, ·~ I d ,_ ~t Olll I.he tttl 011 of ... ~ .. .,. ~ 8 ~. ~,., 1450. Coll• ...... CA 842·H71 WOf!d T~ ~.MC.. v-.o. CA t 11 .,,.. " Of .... n041WI .:' nr~":!!; trwough dU - .. • .. .. .. .. Thursday, April 1, 1993 PUBLIC NOTICES PU8LIC NOTICES PUILIC NOTICES • PUILIC NOTICES PUIUC NOTICU • PUIUC NOTICU NO'nCEOF utlm•led to be· rruat, ..... cNfV'-~ anc10iiif lliiQiliiwiM.fll,... ._ ~ 111f •· TRUSTU'I SAU! 1115,115 tt ltPeN• ot lhe•True ... M1la ~ ............. ~ofllt fwill Mf .. Ila TSI tMt 1 The benetlcl•ry under nd Of 11'9 truata c,_ ot Ila'"""'" 0... 111\I tW1t cr..-d.,, '*' o.i of 3147127 JS a.id Deed ol Tn.iet her9-y 1ekl Dffd ot Trutl, tor di ._ .,.._ lo Ila Tr1nc Pere .. No. •H ·214·1a tolore e1eciul ed end de-enW>Unl , .. 1on•bly OI .....,.. • 1 m.-~ 03A>llt"3 0.ted: ~h09,1M3 llvered to lhe under-t tlm•ted lo be ligtlllald .... Ot ll\lda, DMCYA JO#ESIYJLll YOU ARE fN DEFAULT 1lgood •• ,,...., 0.Cl•r•· 1112,109 ,. t --CIMllllll °' •· COR1'014ArlON UN OEA A DEE D OF lion ol 0.lauU •od Do-Tho boneticlary under •t . ...,_ Of 111104IM ,.. • ACAL COR, r~IJSTEE TRUST. DATED December m•nd tor Salo, •nd • Id Dffd ot Trutl "-'• Cll'9 1111 lllllllliOll Of M-640NORTH r1JSrt11l VE#UE 21 1990 UNLESS VOU wna.n Notice ol Oolel.llt tore .. Kuted and de-MC91. • ldl~ Iii In· SUlr( l xH TAt<E ACTION TO PAO· •nd EIKUOO IO S.11. The lv•red lo lh• under· IMMU acuff by tald SANrA ANA CAl170$ TECT YOUR PAOPERTV, IT under1lgned ceu1e d I __ _. 1 .. _ "--I ......_ ~a ••• -. MAY BE SOLO AT A PUB-••id Notice of Oofeull g, ..... Wf ...... -.,.. • -------· (7'4)"6·7077 LIC SALE. 11'" YOU HEED •nd E!Ktion to Sell JO .,_ lion ot 0.feult end De-lllllfnt M PtOIMH IY CLErA L. WILL IAMS AN EXPLA lllATION OF recofdod In lhe oBunly m•nd tor Sale, end • 1111.Mf Ila llflP* Ollnc:illll ASSISTANTV/CC PRESIOENT THE 'N ATU"E Of THE whefe Uwt N•I p~ •1non Nolie• 01 Default ftMno•u•cind.,,.... C119879 PROCEEDING AGAIN ST •• loc.a.d Name, Strfft •nd Et.cllon IO s.n The lllwnt IWIOft .. 11'0-3·11fl5,4·11993 YOU YOlJ SHOULD CON· Addre11 1nd Telephone und eraloned c•u 1ed11c1ec11n1M NOll, •.di.,_---------TAcl A UWYER Numb•r ol Truatee or H id Notice of Oefeull .nd~olhrut .. lnd PUIUC NOTICE • •• end Elecllon IO S.11 to ~ •• On Aprll oa, t 993, at peraon conducung !'ale recordea In lhe county.,. N trus• cruttd by raid NOnCI OP 1"UITln SALE 1:00 P M , Cout Fed Set· is Coast Fed Services where the re•I property olTrusl vice1, • corporation, tor· t80t0 Chatsworth Street. 11 located. Name, 51,.. D••d: 03/11/1993 T,... S. Ho. 38117127lC .. PUILIC NOTICU " Newport BNCh/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot PUIUC flOTICU . . You! . - merty CFS Service Corpo· G,.nada Hiiis, CA 9T344• Addre11 and Telephon DIJALITYLONIURVlt:l Tille °"9af Ho 12SS9-3 • "' retion, • C.lilornia Cor· 5676 (8181831·4160 Number ot Truitee 0 COlf'.,M TR~rtE 1651 YOUARllfDlFAUt.TUflllRA Rorellon H duly •P· Coa1t Fed ServicH, a Pltf'lon conduct.no 1al EAST FOURrH STREET. SUITE OHO OF TRUST DATED P'olnt•d Tru1tee under corporellon. lormerly Is coaat Fed ServlcH221SANTAANA. CA. 92701 0412417t. Ull.US VOU TAt<E My rental ad W"8 and pur1uent to Deed ol CFS Service Corporation, 1801 O Ch•llworth Slreel '7' 4) 265·9962 8Y' TERRY ACTION TO PAOTtCT YOUR ----rtuarrwcorded J•mn'Y" a Calilomla Cor r•tion Gr~JIA-CA Jt1~ fl/JSSE.lLASSLSlANI..SECRi.=.. ~MAY II IOU> -02, 1'99t H lnatrumenl Truslee, Mari 5676 Cltlt 831·4160 TARY AT A PUii.iC SALi. W YOU or~ere or Jia'~~-s-.. ----~ No 91·000084, ol Olliclat perto,Nice Coall fed Sorv1ce ... "lfJPP 10472 Record1, •~ecuted by. ASAP793 c rpor•llon lormerlV'\IA/f.2SNR 111993 NUOAHDJIUHA110NOfnt f'obert Jottn Krogh, an 3118. . 411 CF service Corporation • I NATUMOPMPAOCUDIHGS unmarried man •• 1ru1· • Calllomra corporellon PUBLIC NOTICE AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD tor(1t, In lhe olllce or the PUBLIC.NOTICE Truatee. •Marilyn Monte CONTACT ALAwYtR. Coun~ Recorder ot Or· perto Ilic• President iiOTiCt Of TiiUittn UU On 04/22,9311 t '00 PM , IAVINE a~e, County, Cah!omoa TR~~:~~~ o;ALE ASAPJ9137 '*DIA OHO Of TllUIT SEi-YICE OOt//PAHY as ltlt '"Y Ill Hll at pubhc euc· 3/18, 3125. 411 T.I . IMJ. 11·•1 IPPOlnltd Trllll• ll'ldlr and pur· ~:~h~.m~=:~:e~/:dc°'~~~~ • 3~~~:.;~s ; PU"'LIC.NOTICE ~~oA~l~~~u~~~:: IUllll to Oted d Trust.Rlcordtd drewn on a •bile or na· Dated Maroh 08. 1993 D • on 05/02179 H Oocumtnl NQ llonal bank • 1tele or YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T N0""1CE • GUST l2,tt9S9. UNLESS YOU 29e3 Book 13129 Paoe 507 d '. , ' TAKE N; ION TO PROTECT federal credit union, or • UN 0 ER A 0 E E 0 0 F LOAN NO 003"462/SOSSE ·C YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY 8E Olflcill Records 1n the ollice of state or· lederel savings rRUST, DATED Oocember OTHER REF: SOLO AT A PUBL1C SALE IF the Recorder d Orange Counly, and loan iusoclallon 18. 1990 UNLESS YOU Ts NO F-1107 YOU "'EEO ... ex"" •"'AT.I""' Calf0tnil tXtcUled by Robert domiciled in the Stale ol rAl<E ACTION JO PRO· y ' .E • '"AULT •· " "" ~ r....,. ""' Cahtornia tpayable al ECT YOUR P"OPERTY IT OU AR IN OEr UN· OF THE NATURE Of THE PAO-Barry YolllQ Ind Carol E YOlllQ. 11(1'.le ol sale in• lawful AAY BE SOLD AT A. PUe· DER A DEEO Of TRUST OATEO CEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU hutbaf!d and will WIU.. SELL AT money ol the United .IC SALE IF YOU NE~D Mzy 9 1990 UNLESS YOU SHOULD CONTN;TA LAWYER. PUBLIC .AUCTION TO THE Stalesl. et the North tronl IN EXPLANATION QF TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Notlee IShtflCly gHtn lhllJLM HIGHEST BIDDER FOA CASH, entrance to the County 'HE NATURE OF Tt{E YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE CORPORATION. A CALIFORNIA (paylll>li at time of salt tn liwtul CourtllOuae, 700 Civic 'ROCEEOING AGAIN$T SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF CORPORATION 11 ll'Ulllt, or' money QI lht United Stales ) al Cen ter Ortve Weal, Santa fOU. YOU SHOULO CON· YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION sucx:enor trus•. or subsll-the Chapman AvtfU entrance 10 Ana. Calilomla all right, rA~ A LAWYER Of THE NATURE OF THE PRO-IUled llUStea pursuant lo Iha the CMcCtnttf BuildllW,) @E"ast t1lle and lntereat con· 0 April 08 . 1993, al CEEDlf'/G AGAINST YOU, YOU Deed ol Tfust executad ~ C'•-A ru Ora~ CA all veyed 10 and now held l ·O PM · Coast Fed Ser· SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER, SUSAN SHAW RICOrdid ,....,man ve ' .. ,,... by it under aaid Deed ol o1ice1. a corporalJon, for· NoDce 01 Trusiae·s Sate U11der 10/1711989 Inst 1 89-55749\ IW,)llt, l~le and anttres1 coiw.yed Tru11 In the property sit· ~rty CFS Se~1ce. Corpo-Deed ot Trust 01 Otflc:ill RICOl'ds In Ille otncie 10 and now held by 11 under said uated In 1ald Counrv end ahon: a C11lolorn1a Cor· NotlCe rs nereby gl\ltn Ill• 01 11, c;ounry Recorder OI OR· Deed ol Trust an the property Sit· State de,cnbed a1 The ora11on. as duly •P· QUALITY LOAH SERVICE ANGE Counry Ca'lllorllll Ind ualed In sad Counry , ca11om1t1 Southwesterty 46 feel ol olnled Trustee under ORP. a Caillo<nla Corooradon oursuant lo 1111 Noac. ot cierault descrt>ed as PROPERTY SOLO the following That por· nd pursuant to Deed of 11 •s IS L ·a .. T N 6637 hon ol Lot 201 ol New· ru11 recorded January as trustee or sua:enor USIM, and Elecilon lo s.n l!lerlt\ndtr ,. , 011 "' ract o · m port Heighta In the City , 1991 as Instrument or ~ubsbtuted trustee pursoan reco<ded 10/26/1992 Inst I 92· lhe Cny ot Cos1a Mtsa. Couniy ot coal.a Me~a county ot o 91 ·000086, of Official to me Deeo ot Trust executed b 722347 ol Slid Ottlclal Records. Orarioe. Slate ot.ca1iornia, as per Orange, Stale' ol Call tor· ec;or<h, e~ecuted by RONALD JAY BOSSE, AHO OE· Wiii Sel Oil 04/0911993 at 9 45 map recorded 1n Booll 24 7, ma, u 1hown on a Map obert John Krogh, ·an BRA JEAN BOSSE. HUSBAHO AM, at THE MAI~ (NORTH) EN· · s) 49 and 50 ol Miscelaneous recorded In Book 4, Page nmarried man as lrus· AND WIFE AS COMMUN! lRAHCE TO THE COU Maps an !he off1ee of !he Couniy It was rented· on the· · nrst daj and 35 more People call~~! EMILY BALDRIDGE _Newport Beach . ~ MUIOl LAWN· MOUtn.OUVI C-.-y .• Monl*V • CNpe1 • CromalOfV ";smimg All Fauhs"· 1625 Gisler Costa Meaa 540-516' ftAC•ICV.W •MONAL.. PAM C«netery • MOf1U8(Y Cllmpel • Cfam•fMY 3500 PKJflC Vlflo# Ot1vt Newport Beec:ta MW7ll ,. ... Tllll llUllUIWH 8 J ol M 1t cellan410 u 1 . r(al. in the othce 01 the PROPERTY Recorded COURTHOUSE, 700 CIVIC CEN· Reco'rder of said co uni" • • Mapa, In the Ollice ot ounry Recorder ol Or· 0512511990 Inst Ho. 9 TERO.RIVE WEST. SN4TA N4A, . ' the County Recorder or nge. County, Calltornla. 80406 of Olfldal Rtcords In CA at puollc aocaon. to Ille 1.PNUt2·051·18 Hte 101al said County described Will sell at public auc· t7lt olllce OI me County Rt· hlgfltst bidder tor us11 (payaolt amoui1d Ille ..-paid bllanc:e ol lhe aa lollow1 Beginning at ion to higheal bidder tor corder 01 ORANGE Counry at 1!lt ome of sale 111 lawful obliga1JOnsecure<1 by sad Deed ot lhe most Northerly cor· aah, a c11h1er·~ check Cahtoinia and pursuant 10 1t1 money of Ille Unlled StllitSI an Trust and, reasonably es11ma1ed ner ot said Lot 201, said . rawn on a •ta•e or na· Nota ol Oetau11 ano Elecaon t nght. Diie, and 1n1eres1. con· costs. exptnSeS and amnces II Northerly corner being ional bank, a state ~r Sell. tnereunder recorded vtytd 10 and now lltkl t>y 11 un· the i.ne ot n1111~ahOll of Ille the Intersection o t the lederal credit umon, or a 02nl1199f rnst No 91 ·7904 der said dMd-ln Ille oropeny No1ice of Salt IS S93-,136 81 Southeaaterly l i ne or stale or lederal &avmgs of said OlllClal Records, WI~ Se sllUated in slid County ano Paymen1 musl be by easl\, o1 Mortuary * Chapel y Crepi'at1on ..... . . Newport Avenue and the and loan a11oc1a1ion 0 5 993 o'oo •.. S d Southwelterly line 0 1 domiciled In lhe Stale ol or. ~11 11 at 1 ,..., a tale and tscrlbed as foHows· c~s/11111checkdr~on aS1ateor Twentieth St eel thence alitornoa 1payable at IN FRONT Of THE f LAGPOU LOT 221 Of TRACT ~O 5160 naliONlbanil, 1 cha drawn by a Southea1ter1; along• the time ol ule in lawtul AT THE MAIN ENTRY AREA T AHO A 1fJ3HH UNOMOEO IN· slale or lldtral credll union, 01 o1 Southweaterly tine o l money ol the United THE PLACENTIA CIVIC CENTER TEREST IN COMMON IN AHO chtdt drawn by a stale Qf federal aa1d Twentieth Streel 81 States I. et Ule Nf>rth Iron I 401 ·4 (1 t AST CHAPMAN AVE· TO LOT 1 OF TRACT NO 5150 savrigs and loan aseociauon. sav- shown on .aid Map 467 5 ntrance to the County NUE PLACENTIA, CA at Publ AP N0.419·165·62 1 associatcn 01 sav banlt leel to the true point or ou11house 700 Civic aucoorr to .1111 llk}ntst oldOe .The street addre.ss and olber ~lied ..dion 51:'01 Ille beg Inn I ng thence enter Dnve West. Santa lor casn (pzyaoie al tile bma o common deslgnaoon. 1f any of .....,. '" . Southwesterly parallel to Ana, Calilomia all r1gh1, sale an fawtul money ol Ill Ille real property descnoed FananoalCodundalAhonnd1odo the Northwesterly hne of Ille and interest con· United States), all rlQnt. liDe, and ab<M IS purooned 10 t>e· 7419 business tn 1hls stale The s11ee1 Lot 201 , 120 leet. thence eyed to and now held Jn1erest. conveyea 10 ano no RICHMOND WAY. COSTA lddlesund other common dlSci· Horthwe·11erty parallel 10 by 11 under aa1d Deed ol neld oy 1( unae1 scud Oeeo o MESA CA 92627 nallOI\ d any. ot the real prope11y the Northeallerly line ol rust in lhe property •ii· Trusl an tne orooeny situated 111 The undtn!gntd Trustee deSCflbed above IS purponed 10 uid lot, 162 5 feet, uated In aaod Counry and saio Counry and Stall ano d•· OIScialms any tlabllly lor any be 347t Sen Rl11tl Cr, Co1t1 thenc e ~ortheas terly State deacrlbed 81 The scllbea as 10110~ LOT 3 OF 1ncorrtc1nm ot 1!lt street aO· Mtu.CA•2126. Theundtrstgne<I parallel to the South· Southwesterly 45 teet of r westerly llne 01 eald Lot lhe Northeasterly no 15 TR~CT NO 1284 IN THE C dress and oltler eonimon OH· Trustee drscliims any ubllcy lor 201 120 feet 10 t ho 1ee1 01 th'e southeasterly Of COSTA MESA. COUNTV 0 1gnaoon.1tany.s11ownhlrein anyncorreC1neSsoltheS111tlad- Sou'thweaterly line of 130 teel ol lhe Nor1h· ORANGE STATE OF CALIFOR· The lot.al amount 011111 un· dresandothtlcommondesigN· Twentieth Street, a 1 weeterly 460 leet or Lot NIA AS ?ER MAP RECOROEooa1d balance of tne ObllQaoon llOll,hny,Sllownhel9lll Saodsale ahown on aa•d Map 201 ot Newport Heights, N BOOI( 41 PAGES 40-.tl of secured by tne orooeny 10 bt Wllbtrnadt bul~covtoanl thenc e southwester! 'In the City pt Costa MISCELLANEOU~ RECORDS, IN sold ano reas~llll>le tsbmJteO Of wananry ~ressed or ~tied along eaid Southwealerl Mosa County ot Orange, THE OFFICE OF THE COUN costs, expenses and advlRCes · llne ol Twentieth Stree State o l Calllornla. aa per RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY at tne bme ot Iha ln1tlal oubllea· regarding lllte. pcssessaon Of en- ro the· ~olnf ol begin n1ap thereol recorded fin fl p NUM8'R 426·3l l-1S The dOl'I ol tile Nob 01 Salt is tl#Tlbrances. IOf the purpose ol n lng Book 4, P.age 83 or Ml,•· >tre~ aooress ano otller com· S27.90995 s111stying the 1ndeb1edness st· · The 1treet addre11 an cenane1>.u1 Mapt:. on'oestgnaaon 11 any,01 ltle In addlUoo to ~Ille ur b T t W other common deslgna· record• ot-ea1d Orange real oroimty aescnbtd abova 15 Truslee WIM accept a cash1tf'S 11111 tt. tees, c:Nrves and e,q>enses tton. II any, ol the real Counrv Parcel No 426· urponeo 10 be. 4l2 E.tJT Clleclt drawn on a stall or na-of Ille Trustff Tilt beroeht11iy property de1crlbe d 264·09. 19THSTREETCOSTAMESA, nonalbatlk aCllecildrawnt>ya unde{saidOeedi>fTrvsthereto· above 11 purported 10 be lhThe street addrde111 and 92627 Tile undetlt0n10 Trusllle Stale or federal atd1t union or a lore t.ieCUled and dell'lered 10 lhe 1992 Cllurch St Costa o er common es gna· Clledl o ,,,; stile ltd Mesa, CA 92626 tJon. II any, ol the real disclaims any hab1Uly lor aray ~ rawn vr a or • undemgr'td a wunen Dttlualion The under11gned Tru"· properly described nco11ecmess ol tile strnl ad· eraLsavings and IOiO assocra· ol ~lauft and Otrnand tor Salt ee dl1clalm1 any habU1ty above 11 purported to be: dress ano QJ!lJt.common d•s· aon · savings assoaallOn or and a wi1~en Notice of Oefa<Al and ror any Incorrect lntor· t 984 Church.. St Colla naoon 11 anv. snown herein savm_gs bank s~Ued In Sec· E~ to Stll The UlldefS9ntd mallon turmahed Mesa, CA 92626 The tol3J amoufll ol tile unoa1d Don 5107 01 1111 Flnandal Co caused said NotlceOl Otlau• and Said sate will be made, The undersigned Trust· balance .01 Ille oblioaoon se· Ind IUll!Oflltd lo do busin.u Electcn to Sell lo bt retordld In but without covenant or ee discfalms any liability reo oy Ille prooerty lo o. sold in Ciiis sll•. In Ille event ot len· lhe ....,. Wiler the Iii_,, warrantY; e11pre11 o r lln· tor any .,ncorrecl Int or· and reasonaole esomatad costs der 0111er ltlan casn IS aa:eoteo CO< •• , 1 1 ,....,.v .. , plled regarding title mauon lum11hed )Oenses olOd aavances 11 tilt 11'11 Trusr.. may witMold :ti IS localed and more lhan 11!111 polTeUtOl'I. M : id ... a1e-w1IH>e-me • rof 111e 111 1sWancrot11TrtruSlltT"Off montllS twve-llapstO sn:: brance1 or as to maur· but without covenant o tne Nobee ol sale IS unal lunas btCOme avlllat>lt I recordallon . ab1l jry ol hlltt to pay lhe warranty. e11preu or Im · 282 zo 53 In aaoiuon to ltle oayee or endOfset as DATE 03/22193 remelning principal 1um plled regarding 11 tie. c.isl'I tilt Trusltt Wiii acceol a miner ol rlghl IRVNE SERVCE COMPANY. AS ot the noletst 1ecured by po11e11ion, or encum· · Said Sall Wiii be made bu TRUSTEE said Deed ol Trust w11h brances. o.r aa to in1llr· casll~A~:.t1ectt drawn on a start wttnour covenant Of warr~IV <IOO E MAIN STREET ' lnlerHI thereon aa pro· ability of lllle to pay the or na ........ bank. a Ctleci drawn vlded In 1a1d noiec•t ad· remaining principal aum oy a stall or lederil credit union ~:ress Of imOlled reg1ro1ng STOCKTON CA 95290·4ll09 vance1 11 any unde; tlte ol ttie notets) secured by 01 a dlec:lt drawn t:f'I a stat1..or · POSSUSIOll or encum· Tetepro,. Number (209)546· term1 o l 1a1d Oeed ul 1a1d Deed ol T1u1t, with federal SIVlngs and loan asso-brances. 10 uostv ~· lllOeDled 3755 Trual teea, charges and1lnle.reat thereon , aa prp-Ciaoon U'MQS assooabon or nm secured by said Oeea. ad· KATHY KING ASST e•penses ol lhe Tru11eo1v1ded In said note(st. ad· savings bank speotaed 1n Sac· vanoes tnereunder witn mieres SECRETARY and ot the trusts created vancee, II any, under th non 5t02 01 the Ananaal Code as orovlded !herein and ltle un· TPS 1 22714 by aaod Deed or Trust lor1term1 ol said Deed ot ano au11101121d 10 do buslnesi Oald pnnapll 01 111• nolt st-Apt 1 s 15 t993 the amount reHon~'bly 1n ttus' sta• In Ille event llndtr curtd t>y Said deed With 1111eres • · ---------------:..-------·--------~ ltlereon as orOVtde~ Jn said ---------- 330 West Bay Street Costa.,Mesa. CA, 92827 , 110 Broadway 14 t--V<l•ta M1os.1~ MJ~1tll STARTllG A NEW BUSllESS?? ., The Legal Department at the Pilot Is pleased to announce a new service now available to new businesses. · We will now SEARCH the· nAme for you at tio .extra charge, and save you the time •nd the trip to the Court House, In Santa Ana. Then, of course, after the search ts Completed we wUI ttte your fictitious business name statement with the County Clerk, publish once a week -tor four Wffks as requlr~ by· law and then file your proof ot 'pubncatlon wtth County Clerk. Please stop· by to ftte your fictitious business statement at the Piiot Legal Department, 330 West Bay, Oosta Mesa, Catlfo~la. If you can not stop by, ·'please call us at (71 4) 642-4321, Exfen11on· 315 or ~ 316 and we will · make arrangements for you to handle this p~ocedure by m all. . If you should. have any further questions, please call us and we will be more tnan glad to assist you. Good Luck. In your · new buslnessll.. I I ... . . '• Tm. ~E\\ Pt 11< I' HUC'I! • l'O.iT:\ ~tESA . l -· ·. ... -, Daily PiloL·· ... , .. ............. •• .. •••P•r ........... Call c~ fordetailsi . TO PUCE IN ID CALL i~!:~~! ·- How To Place A Classified Ad HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE FOUNTAIN VALLEY FOUNTAIN 1034 VALLEY HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON 1034 BEACH 1040 BEACH 1040 BEACH 1040 BEACH 1040 ..... BY VlSJTJNG OR MAIL: Cl.A JJO Wtst B•y Slrttl Costa Mesa, CA 92627 lt-r u( "'~ •tnt .-•• , W I lft'JED llOllRS: TdtphoM HOUi·S:JtPM M4*b1·frMl11 • ~el~·I• l:JtAM S:JtPM Ml8da1·>iw.r OEADUN£S Mondi.,, .................. .' . ...Frld .. 1 0:30PM Tueedaf.. ............. ....... . Mooda1 &:30PM Wednoedey .................... TuHda7 O::tOPll JtldeJMpdenl .............. Wedneada7 3.IOPll Tb~a7 ... . .. ......... ... Wed.not1da7 O:I OPll J'rld."1 ........... , ............... Thurwd•7 O::IOPll Saturday ...................... ., ... rr•d.,-O:IOPll J GF.NERAL .POU CV It.ten IN '-llJM lrt Hb,«t lo "9np Wlflt .. t flOfltt. TlM ,.tlfiJIMt ~u lht rlahl IO muor, rul111it1, rc~ltt tr rtjetl 1117 cluairltd ICl1rft1'-tlL "'9lf rfPOrl lllf mwt tllal lftl> lit hi,..., riltlllW .. i.tMttlattf7. l1lt Diiiy Pl ... ' nt ........ , 8CUfCt N lltblHJ) fot a., fm>f' 111 111 ......_., l'w "911<11 It ~ !It ,..,...,1111t I' t~ fllir fk M fl tk JflKt ti<ftan, OC'te""1 !))' 111t ,,.,.,, Cmtk '" '"" ht ·•~ tor thf n,-.1 ,,l..n.... ,. '""'------------------------------... -• . For Ad Action . Cal a ..... AD·VIS<I 642·5678 . Whether vou'ro buying or """'9· CIHS1flod c.ovora ;all vour noedal SELL your used vetllClt lhfOUOh ClclSsll1ed 842aS978 . . HUNTINGTOM . IEACR 1040 Guy n 5-tl It Find II c ............ ... A Fhior And A VolUo Cnpewoocta Special Uvoblo 6 Lo11able Wntk to Boachl 4 BR. 2 BA pool home 2 BR, 2 B.A w/bonus Well maintained 4 BA, Gorgeous custom l on a comer lot. In an rrn. Soaring c•111ng1. 2 BA Cal clasaic. by an. 2 s BAI l:l•W outstendlng nefghbor· fp, built·ina. Oocor tl'I• aea. Approx. t700 kitchen & baths.'bor. hood. With fusl pant per1ect lhru,outl Only' sq.ft. Great nelghbot· ber carpet. S!lytlgl'lt. and carpet thla houso $167,900 l'loOd. $335.000. Call Tr~ck loghtlng. Brick would be a ahow· • ERA STAfll Birgitta at 733·5144 pntlo. lush tlowors. plac•. Only 175,000.1 ____ M_1_._s_1_7_7 ___ 1 Harbour Home• Unlquol $339,000 Call Mugarot Downtown Bank Repo And lnveatment• (2t2F) Van Herk 969-t'\18 1 BR, 1 BA In great lo-___ Mo....,..._f_0_3_1__ ERA Refferty ERA STAR cation. Needs a 1ilt1e Ovor 55 , & Lloyd e41·5177 work. S179,900. Aero .. from park.1 ____ e_e_3_·_5_5_5_s __ 84 1 ·5177 Newer paJnt. lrg patio, Wolk to the Buoh Bike to Beach Ao<:k & Roll• built·ins. 0"4I owner 3 BR, 2.5 BA . 2 story Spacloua 4 BR, 2 BA, Oeaperatel 4 BR, 2 musl be 55. OOOd In· Private boat dock. E•· engl a1y. New carp. DA, beh cloae. Fp, vatmnt prop. FOf only tone111e btlc kworlC, ti .. A palm. Huge kit many uPOr11de1. Go<>cl $84,000, 963·7900 •Ide yard & apis. w/upgradH pool and 11\f'TI, neighborhood. Poaalbll1tl4t1 At>oond S no w ui111 prope11y lrA yrd. GrHt lor YQl4r Ooly S223.900. 063· In heart of lhe Har· and you will "" UI l emllyl S295.000 7900 bout. 3 en, angl sty, Call Joorll\e Brett Tho1,.1aand1 Below ERA STAR p 110. CloM 10 wator, 8AO·S955 Markel 841•5 177 low down . Only M•rbour Mome• ~ BR, 2 BA w/g1tr l• Cuo11~ Villa St39,900. 963-7900 And ln¥9etment• Musi Mii In 30 day•I .. • ' .... aT"" ... -10 •1 H I $149900 Wonder11,.1I 3 BA. 2 BA ~ 77 -.. urry EM ST AR one mil• ltom t>oach 841·•1 7 Walk tQ me Ueac;h 841•8177 Nleo y•rd, RV •cceH unique Conlems>Of•~ , Oc.an Clo .. & ptlCod & dbl o•r•ge. Oflly 153' Bey frontage With tor , ••• aAT~!'VACMl & BolM Landmark 1208,00<r C•" O.•n panoramlo \flews ovmor ••nit It SOLO New hs11no1 Oeautilullv 8•0-103t $000menslon W/4 en. now :> BR, :l & OA. remOd•led, upgraded H~ MtNftea 5.5 BA. POOi, 2 t•mtly formel OR a LR a• f'fl ono ••P•nded !S DR. And l1We•t"'9nte rma, tludy. On ••· w/fp t289,to0. <:4111 3 S BA. MOdol per1octl e..0-1031 eluded lalend cul-de· CJ•• 84~ Ov•r11ie<1 lot & po•·---------ne. 11,910,000 Pooov H•~-.W ....... alb le RV •econ. ua• !MfJ..IJ9"2a· And l~IMelt .. 1429,000. Call Oobblo 'li'M.. MerMwttome• • 940-toa,t Neugebauer 842..)203, PILOT'a An4 , ...... ....,.,. Harbour-..... CLAaSIPl•D MO-f03t And ..__. ..... "'. 8 .0-1031 . . --. . .. I •• • .. Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dady Pilot You've Made ABeUever Out Of Me! I ran an ad In the ... Register for 3 days and didn't get on e call. zero. With the Dally Piiot ad I had at least 15-20 calls antl rented It to the third person who looked. Thanks for the help! I' Robert Wagoner . Corona del Mar .I iiJlilL .. -----.i •wro•t DWPOat coaou COSTA MESA 2624 JrEWPOIT UACB "' totl BOUSW IEACR • 2119 Dll MAil 2 6 22 BEACH No matter What you•,. doing, your hometown ·newspaper n. lilJ11i. 111------1 CONDOS 2~ t B~ lOw«, ._. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiliiil-- Vulb.wee FOR RENT ancCMMT-GUAW.D W81k to Chiu COM ::· ~~,!~. •2IDRll S700t Ne•port ,.,,_ UnlMN..,..._V.._ --------· ::~·e:.~~Q.!! n Lg t8R w/garao• 4S29'3t0-5M-t2t9 ,F,!1, ld~~hSrlOO. ,!_ 38f U·.::_,~50/lnd. Tenn1a Ct ~ Acre, FR. 3lp, comm poot.apa $775/mo e44-M40 .,. •·-• -~v ~T~M IAI.BOA M 8t 4\'Jk, pooliapa. XLNT LOCI 28A 2BA. ' ·~~~A~~:~ IOCI No'*' 64~8SS s~ , .. ~ .. ;::,. S7~1000ttt lSUUID 2l06 4<•r gar, 4700 aq ti, bl 10 beach, w.'d r~. neighborhood, gar, 28' •B~ oceenfr9ftt b ony, rrp1 l f200 Y.O.t 192 S.-~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii coror hM 720.1132 -r.uace. &ngle oar 1775rmo. IM, n1... upper, refng, mew• mo E11• 100 • UOI 2161 fits In ........ ___ _ •Brand new b•V1ron1 call Miich 7 23.0407 TRW 644-72\' ~· .UMt parhlg SI too u-E-.... ,.K SAY llllllAC 29r Cott..,.. view condo, 28 R 2BA. • mo 310 S94S 9214 ..-..-" - rvvCf1 & pabo, S.rt>er * •Cn eery furn15ne<1 "BR • 9 .. •u•t ..__ AlllEA Jacunl, gym. HOUSES/ -· 2 car gat, yrty 514001"---------SS"'" No' • " " --~ .w a1 _...,, .._________ c pt. gar, w/d No pets. Cody e73-3777 Ag1 COSTA MESA 2 6 2_,4 sludlO, ..vlmo 9 r •d•d StOO mo garages av • CONDOS Yrly. $1 050 499-6321 pet.L Gas.& WjU4H' lnel 2Sth St , CloH to ing at $625 5-46-9960 ·---------~ Ndv• Trrin-Lii MSQ e4e-5330 ~h. 310.697·1505 V•fN•lles. "" l bt w/ NEWPORT FOR SALE _C_O_l_ON __ A_____ qwllly among u,. pine • E'S IDI! ESCA~E * E 'SIDE a.di .. If BrtQnt; •P o°'a 31>1'/ m1n1 v-. l840/(T'O. Be•ce 1069•............ lt ... I Lg plush 2BR LRG 2BA 2BA. Smalt V• 2BR w/batcony 2b•,~ new pnt crpt XLNT QUIET loc . • ~ .. DEL-•• 2122 ...a• hdwel nrs. 2 cat b "' -· .. '•-~-· ....... ~ ... ~ qutet comm , alcony $725/mo No Pets ••ep to lt<lo vtllage & .. ._.y ....... _.,,, -liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil h gar. •ngl lvl, comm d/W, lnelry rm. S800 329 UnlVefalty Dr•E beach SIJOO agt beach. full MC tee. no H..,._ VI-Homee. MOlll.E MAGNIFICENT 180-pool & tennis. $1095. 185 M ... Dr. 831-4750 &4~2818 873..a700 pets 644·72t 1 Agt. Phase II, Portoflno , Ho-er 1100 Ocean + Ha ... -r view. .1-wco 75 .. 7859 W N-port. steps to 4Br 31h8 a, 2 ... ty. Pet'-~ 4BR 2~,BA. N":btln<Js/ VaJentlM Properties •EAST SIDE* •FR££ CAaUEH •t UDO ISLE fully turn bch 3BA 28A. (tJw feet loc, $599,000.liiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiijiiiii car~Vpalnt/ln<lscpg. UDO bayf1'19nl fum hm, 2 Story, 2BR 1 t /28A, 1Bdrm, clean, pool· 18r Utal, gar incl pat~. Sll50/mo. PfoP OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5, IY OWNER! Lota 01 hg ht. Comm Short l•rm 111 7111 b it Ins, d/W, gar. patio, a Cle, gated, lndry rm. S7951mo yrty 1 Pet· H~..Rtus.Ma-ae80 1842 Port Taggart. Huge 3BA 2BA 1111• PC>Ol~,135QO~ n.1-Q678 $1850/mo. 673·2246 n/pet.s, 845-43t9 ~ to...bcn. ~ & o...J>Q .oel$ 67.30837 1--.-Y;.;;;•_M_'l_R_..,._t_el_•_•_---. Owner/Age 120-9950 new 1989 Goldenwes1 °' a1 ~~~ •-•--,,$'""2'"'0,....0,,.....-=o'"'F=-F=-! -3.,,..B""'R __ .no __ P_•·_64 __ 2_·5_•_54 __ 1 ---------I' 'OT g•• Bach, t,2.3 bedrooms No Cost Financing Mobile Home. Steps ·---.-u""'oo--1"'""s_L...,.I!--2~8•. W /O hkups, MOVE·IN SPECIAL p .. Cl.A ... F IED Best NB locatfOt'I 2 BR, 2 BA. appro• to beach I Mo ving. COSTA MESA 2124 Steps to beach, 3BR garage, 2233 Fairview. $18R·S600, 28R·S700 It• the solul•on you re Cannef)' Rentals 1ne. 1609 sq rt. VIiia Bal· must Miii S30K. 080 28A, $1750/mo leaH. S1CpOlmo 548-7001 Cloae to evetyth1ng -arcn.ng f<>f -wMlh· t...aoo.247-8209 boa'home. Ocean and eeo.142• •Charming 28R dpla Owner, e.75-1811 HURRY! 546-9081 er YO<J re MelllnQ •1--------- Bac:lc Bay views. Calli---------S800 3BR hse $1 0501----'------S450/Smoll 1BA. single, nome an apartme(lt Malle the t19nt move f()( Info on mot.lvaleel cuec.-JTJ.•D-. SI Lg vd. quiet, sngl gat, Udo Isl•. ~+3, fam ""· n/Smkr 966 w t7lh •LMO~E-IN2bS':EbCIAL! • MW ~pataon or P ilo t R••I E ... t. lender terms with '°"' ~r.uun gd sr•a &47·7540 r ede c . 2 -car gar, Clean & Sale. g c ... an ' • a. gar, even a r;tray pal 642 • .5878 d 0 W n I W 0 I GDO'IYrc.-1575 ....:___;_;..;;_______ S2,30C> 310-277-1583 548-0, 358 nu cpt, DfW, stmaqo .--------- w I\ ,, ~ LAAGE clean 2Br I Ba Call owner after 6PM. $750 No Pet 640-2495 ------------.. S309,900. 3')0-l288 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii houae w/gar. Avocado•---------tBR Mobile Hme Ou1et ~d~ rnu r milt,. /rl nur •tu(HI~ Vacant ln Easl Bluff S ACRE RANOiES near Street. No pets. $675/ l.Jdo Isle, lse $2200 Avt Secure From $570 SPECIAL MOVE-IN r - 2257 sq."' 3 BR, 2·5 five beautiful lalc•s. mo. 240-2299 1mme<1 3BR 2BA. no t99t Newport Blvd OF $495 JBR, new nr llf'llroon 11u:mrnl• \,.i.J. BA, 2 sty. Pre mier loc, Noar hunting and r1sh-NEWPORT HEIGHTS pets. Tenn, tx;h Bier, NO'P4rtS 646-8373 carpet. laundry laelli· views galore . n•w Ing o~ Wiii ti-3Br, $895. nu pn!Jc<pt. Christine 499-3400 ...,,,....,..,,...,,....,,,,=='='"----hes 722-4578' f't'dl'rofi/rJ •Hth l'f'fn .... (~rut· carp & p aint. Vacant nance. Sae<>. $500 2 MASTliR belrm Clen, -------"---1 .. '/.} 1 { u 1 D. and ready for yot.1r down 800-223""763 NO PETS. Gardener. •Udo Penlnaut• 2 v,ba n•ar new STUDIO E'stde sngl lliillil 11r ' /'llf'f o.U• wl IN'J, oHetl S5 t9,000. 380· · Reis req. 650-2256 Luxury-Harbor View twnhse' 2-car an gar unit, pvt & secf'CI, gat JI • ,- 1288 Buy It Sell It Find It. NICE E 'SIDE 2BR 1BR'a. Deck wNlew SIOSO/,'.,,o 642-0269 prkng. No smkr pets "41,.d /lj •1 r. 'n"" : 111m , Jl f UW ERA STAR CleaaJfled. house, frpl, b\,nll·ins, Furn/Uni $900-$1500 $550 inc ulll ~&-924Q •l11rlln! II ft1.1) 1.i 11fi..1u1 llUt 841·$177 w/d, yrd, encl gar. Pet 873-8030 Mon-Sat 2BR 11h8A townnouse- ok. S925/mo 645-5862 710 Udo P•rk Dr. style, gar. pallo, pool. ---------• mi Ir in •fl'" Jill Preat1g1ous gated comm '032· W Wilson IRVINE p I l·F_O_U_NT_Al_N____ BIG CANYON 28R 2BA. 2 • s7oo Na pet &4G-OI05 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil a m 'le a .\pts . .....,.. car gar, Furn $3000/ * 2 BR 1 BA DUPLE X lJf'11v Twn Cntr • near I )fl J \1 f' ~ Ori\ I' VALLEY 2 134 mo. yr lse 759·0120 Gar. yarel No Clogs UCI, 2BA 18A, pa1101 Viii• Bafboe . ocn vws, $825/mo 642-6409 plrtenn, w/d. crport, n t I 546•9860 I OPEN SAT-SUN, 10-6, lg Cleek.,. 28A 2BA, eves 149'~ Rochester pets $975 640-9 459 t rg 4 BR 2BA. 2 car trplc, 'lX>okcasos, wld, gar, new appl, patio, d/w $1200 644-2501 Xlnt Loe, s 1 275 lse, 843-o905 ror apt HUNTINGTON APARTMENTS BEACH ._ 2 140 FOR RENT NEWPORT BEACH 2169 Beach Area! NEWPOAl' 'EMINSULA YEARLY OR WINTER_ S9SO'MO-StnS:MO 2~ ledr-.ie FUN11$1'1ed Uit11nssh4!<! Villa Rentals 675-4912 •29R 1BA unlurn Forced air heat. water incl. No pets $900 mo yearly 673-0892 Yrly ISO. 28R 2BA. 2 pcoplo only, n1pets, crJ)lJdrapes, Kil bltins, $900/mo ~73-5099 BALBOA PENINS UJA 2607 CLµN 1 BR 1 BA. ul1I prud Ou1et area ne11r Ferry. $795/mo. Ct1ll 72:H>109. $750 Ou101 stu<110 BR con<IO, Versailles, frig. pool, spa, gym, patio, sec g<lle 646-2947 •---.--"----- CO\<;RATl L..\TI O '\~ \\ ,.,." #to \\ mrwr Jenn~· igloek . Dinner For -Two At ·-- Find 011r Hidden Classified .:tds WH1t- CONTEST RUL ES: 1. S1R1p1y find our hidden c1assd1ed ads some- _where in our c.ass1f ed' sect10n Cut ou & paste the aas on the entry blank & mail. 2 All entries must arrive by Wedn :sclay noon 3 Winner will be chosen by rand<Jm drawing & -winners name will appear in-the foflow1ng days paper. One winner per we.ek 4. Contest will run 1-21 -93 through 4 8-93 Friday a·t Spm that is. ' I 2 622 ~BA 2BA w '2 master CORONA suites, v ory delulle , DEL ~ pvt, gar, pato<>s. $975 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,~ Name ~--------~ Address ________ _ Take advantage of our a-xtende'd deadli ne for your §aturday list ing.$. Y.ou now have until Friuay at 5pm to place your ad in Saturday's Class ified . Call Classified at 642-5678 to place your adv~rtising. liiiij'Pil~ ) lse No pets 640-9048 2Mstr BR 21/28A, 2 lrpls. 1ae, gated, p31Jo, Ne3r Hoag $1275 mo • Cuto 2BR 1BA • enclosed gar. lrpl, neat t>each shopping, $900.mo 7 &0-1B75 G45-3S88 9' 979~720 •-3-.---=:t""'B,....•_b_rf_g'""h-t-. -=F,...rp-1, I' For Ad Action Cd a ..., ... AD· VISOR 642-5678 relug, gcir, new · pn\J · 'Crpt, sundl!,, w'd. neor tx;h. $1350 6 7S-5352 Cher m ln g 2Br I Ba, patt0. sundeck. frplc. Walk to beach Deal on renL 714/962.,.178 S t udio Very Large. bright. lrpl, walk-in closet. Lrg Sundcck. $790 mo, ulll Incl 644-1449 Phone . -I PAS TE ADS HERE Mail to D1nner to' 2 contest. Daily P~ot • 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa. CA 92627 CARPENTRY JS.JO CHILD CARE 3536 ELECTJUCAl 3610 ·BA?lDY MAN 3710 IANDSCAPE 6 MIS C SERVI CE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LAWN CARE 3 808 SERVICES PAINTING 3858 PLASTER 3831 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil REPAIR -ROOFING 3 9 10 DIRECTORY Qttr C-.9'0fft W~ Daycare: In I ants thtu v ATL Eectrlo Touch of N-~t.ancl liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _________ , ab1 & 1wp.w1. t\An ~ Kinder, bf\lst.11o( IL.rid\. ,...,comm, 24 hr SN. Handwman Services Qr-n Scene Lsndscpng $5.00 S poc:lel House he'd, guar., fr .. est. Bulhatd.~ 111 FV. lob qulllly-orll lof rts.s. price! P111t1tJ'11e1pl1.mb"nome Im-& lmgalion, Trimming ci•an1n9 lntort0r P •Inter S 0tni.,.t1 red iiiiiiiiiiiii;liiiiiiiiiiiii 3880 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii John Henry'a CeftfftM Aool•ng reroof'repa•rs 1 s vrs local business l>c d Reis ~21 3 •Me i.Q, llM\ Oil t.tb. \tlullr tr dfs, lfOM f'te hlll doofl 973-1850 ...,.. Weed C...e547-a644 of llC &-6pm ~12 Uc"d 895-8024 P'OV• Jeremy 957-0940 & Rem011els, Cloan-Oecora10t1Palm re3d· Bob ChappaH Electric ups & Maint.. St Lie lng(klds nalrcut.S5 hrf -RA-IN_8_0_W_C_l_rc._l_e_M_•_l_n_t.1 2 8804 •8 45-3701. ADDITIONS ~ Rel!IOCl 0oors. ,._,_~~---~ llMODWNG 3 4 10 dows, t abontts. scucco & rrr· C~NG Reat1.1ec o'P•tj:h1ng W let damage 1nl •<Ct Ins wt"" :'O yh e~p ~C:'d 838-8114 Re Aooh & Ropatrs iilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ••t. l4ncft. g;iiis. ttc Uc SERVICES 3 5 48 2nCI atory specia llstal 3Syn eap Jerry 1424 567 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Uc"dedeslgnlpl.tnself" tsl --------- Ouahty & prol 1 worlc IMPRO'n:~-E-NT-~ -c:-. -_ ~99025~ 43 ~ •--------p.,.,,~ w. E.i. Hous& 24 hOur response Uc'd ,, .i;M .._ .. A.Pl Oui.ll 1ob Free est comm/res 760-7122 HOME 3756 L.a~a:c::v~;;'~~~';'; MOVING 3834 st ,,c,569897 636·'758 iiPiiLiiUMiiiiiBiiliiiNiiGiiiijiiii3ii8ii9iiO S e rvtce 1st EJectrlc Lo S, tnm, weed, cln-up liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ---------i troe~ Refs; ""f1)Yrs G•e.atc-< Pac:•f•c.R1Q 8 3 6-194J6 •621368 • Ttu1nd•r R-ft"9 • For "" vour roofing nec-Cls• R•roof re~ar tlfa 1962.. ..u.M31 M. ~twd'I Gt!' Conlr. &ICHJTECTURE DIAfTING 3428 - ------ Ooalgn • Plana 8 ids • P•rmlts Conauttlng Avell. 40 yrs ••P· 638-7990 •DNfUnv a.,..._"* Architects/Engineer a Conlr acton.'blOlts 'Ml own- ..... ~ nt-7917 CAR.PET 3514 All Cerpot Repairs power attetch & Install .,,., IOH )ob/15 yrs •~P 7 <l•Y• 2t2-8090 24 ht CEMENT MASONRY 3526 •lntP~lty ~. bllcll. stone JT Cencitet ~22 CAal'INDY 3510 CHILD CA.JtE 3536 DOORS 3580 •• Mdle C.... °"'-CoMK'laf A.1 HSt<PASINANNIES DOOR HANGING UOOt'9 Hung Peffec11y a C .....,_ Complltl ....,..,~ AemocM!a 6 ~1'9 • ompao....,. '8 lrtftcll and Ollll ClalomS Uc'd/9onded IU eN? _!f..._l_net_...,J_l4_2_ .. _14_2_ ,_P_HO_NE_ES_T_, -"-•-:-24_1_1 An.Comm. RelSOlllble 111 Celrna ConatrucUon Free written est 972-9798 ISi 1n ltMCt and t ipenencel , NtW'T~lddillc)ns 1--------- Uc fS5"ti S13·223e . s~·..,•t 111 customlcllll L•wnc a re ...-lowest pnce! 4 11 month. ,c lllnging fOOS le d 960-1 S33 fml & bailk S35 1110 yard 995-3275 •Lawns mowed lron1 & baclc St t 50. cloao- ui>s & compl aerv alao avail, &31-8809 PUBLIC 'f,OTICE PERSONAL The Cahl PubltC: Ullh· SERVICES 3867 t••!I Comm1ss1on RE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil QUIRES tnat all used household g oods mover• print their PUC. Col T number, limos ond chauffeurs Bodw Quant ChM!n~r E.u~tly P!Oi.ss.on.l JAMES 644-2868 Pflnl th•ir TCP. num -.,-ou-,.,.,.-nonal--.,.01'9M--,-zv,...,.., ber In all a<1ver11set ~ . ~enilnds ments. II you have a oooi.~ io "" 11p vour question about lhe lo . •Wll>lt i.mt 11514537 gah1y o f o mover. hmo or chaulf•ur, call Public Ut1hhes Commlsston 7t 4·558-4151 ~-,,...-....,....-.,.-....,.....-- PIANO 8t VOCAL LESSONS 3868 * • 01"lcoont .. • f'Wi11bi~ ht \l"'Q u no ;oo •no s«UI drK 10 •' , Ill I•• 11 I 11111 UC.bond lflS 537-1122 Drain P roblem s a P lum blng Aep•lr ., .. ,,...~-~ ~ I>"~ d.s9 S4CM301 Drain Specialist Lac 6J81"4 Me-4122 TAX SERVIC E 392 5 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CPA FOfmer IRS AQent low f c.-s. GA8 reautt. Apl I •I 1'Qme b.Jaeneati • 4 his 753 5268 .. Sewer'pkamb rtDlir nu 64 !J.2 3 52 ' -lii!iiiiiiiiii~~!i!i~ii 39 2 8 •No O hftrnlc:.lll•* Plumb neatn dt.tlitlS ns1 low r tes, ...... t le. MCNtaa 648.~ Roceuion Pn:lof yourM>I Plumbing & pre n 119Nlc• Pnone ~ .. ~ Gwr anceedt CM ~ia7 c-anMc Tll M1lto Top quaf.ly ""°" reloable .. M"4t9tl 10,.,. -.p ·Licd.~.lftt J.rte Ut w &les M2-0904 Ono b" One Tllo k.•t :'balh• 'lloOrl m••l>t• P8Yert. cersmc ,59131s T4Mll N0.27• 3932 ( .... .. Thu!!d!y. Apr!! 1, 1993 r--:Ttttl~~~aoe~°'~:...~·"'.:ro:O-: •·T.un;;=;;· ;:&1;,S;·~T~O~-r.;u;n:;a:u.s;;T~O~-,Df=C~O~Ml=..:._~--r.------~------;r.IMPLO~;;;~YllPT~~~5-5l-Otco~~.UIClllUS~~~~IO.;.l...;;71:Mcon:ov;ln~.9;-;:lllSA.~.; •• ;. ~.b~O.~Oz~~.JAliiUTiiliiiiOiilliiiiOii ... ~~.i,, PtLg;-c~~:.~1111> ilsBAU .. _ililiiiiill2ii1112.• sun 212• raorun 21t0 IJQIOUlfClllllf PEltSOllAl.S -• ..., _ 942·M78 , ...... iiill .... 11111~ .. ilml.... !--~ ......... , ............. , I COM Lrg ... i....hc ......_ 5 ... e ...... --In COM Is 1..___ t • .. ..._._ •--t _ .. ,...-YOU HAVE FOUNO caMt. baratoot•, bed•, _ _.;, ____ ~ • .,.,. .......... ·-' .._ ,..,. ,_.,_ • auuonvr•--NTS p11t•jl!ftua1e J002 _.. ----, -ONE OF lME HIOOEN •pread, c101n1ng &•· l ~~~~m"C::·.:2;· ':nk~tlbd'::n°/on':j :~ ~ :!. ~-= nnn vn~2nzo ...._,..,_... :!!-m~,~~ ~ Cl.AfflFIED AOSll Z'~tlO 10 oeMa lo $2.5, lllW Avt 4/1. 721·9Slf eve baOl, S7SO 67~~S2 beech Twnhouae • WJP • must Relwftie FINO THE OTHE:R -7·12 otVV ltm••iiiiiiiiill•• I APARTMENTS CM/Npt T.Mrec• futn •IYI•. fp and 2 ~r ge1 ATTRACTIVE P.O . 2929 NB. t2te3 g~NE~ e:'J~" .J;~ Uf ,.,~~• Rivte'• ·ee 32:5es • .t..Jto, l FOR RENT 0,. unfurn. Colof rv.•--------eac:h Ownen unit hM CZECH BOV 17, enic· & WILLING!' COOK a!T Sand· CONTEST NOW Townhom••. Beck cas1, tunroof cable, poo4, Jacuu1 5 GARAGES J BR, 2.5 BA ptus IQuaty -••ting Vorun.. • ... a.v area otf '''""-nlc•. th0tooghly mlo to ~h S376/mo FOR RENT 2740 lhrff 2 8R & 26 BA '"r Host Family En-1-900288.o320X1501 -.Ilea 'ea~:;!~h':.~ A1te,fo410~th••ivn•. conditioned. 1 Incl util 63t-98tU °''"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uottt. Only SAA9.000 joy• aporta, reading S2.99 ,Per Min. M~t ~LOCt 281"'270 • ]lftal' FOIS (ISMH340) ltO.OOI~ 1 800~9601 (WOtk) 1• Call ,Jan .. 0-1031 and computer• Oth•r be 11 y,. Untatar co • Cr~ .....,._. :. RENTALS TO , GaraQM with eutomatoc Herbour ......... Scandinavian, Euro-(602)6JHMSl5 Dental a UT 1 6025 HUNTINGTON 835-317t I SHARE 2724 M/F snare niee E aid• door openers 1t11•1I· And hw••llfteftht peafl h~h IChoof 9tU· ,-.. T o-c· tSOO A4.teo ..... Or. ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CM home. Full house •ble $95/mo pleaae a40ot03t dents etrMng Auguat. Slnetoa Hotllno Your """ rn 5 1128 CT .mefllld 2.02 BEACH 8140 S.nte·Aft8 prtv a •U amenltlH • I H Call Northem • Donna " Detlng ConnectlOn Vatl~ dull••· Foun-TOW ladlel f~ •P-iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3BR on -'Penn1n1u1a, $476/mo. &AS.2280 call the ienta 0 ice •---4-Bdrm ___ H_OUM___ ( 2 o 9) s 7 4 -0 i o 3 , Usten to M••saoe• Of talrl Valley N3·5S34 _, _ __. _, .... 4 • _ _,1 ·ea 635 csl • auto, lo ml, $400 utll Inc. walk to tor 1nfo •U·:lll22 Plu• 2 units • bu It In Southern • Barbara Ree:Ofd Yovr Own Pf•..., •• -• .., Z·f'alftll" a.a. Retrig, thlt one Is ••II• '*"' everything c:all Do~ No COUC H POTATOES 1988 10 condo epeca. (7J4) 6l0-&683 ot I· 1.900-449-0011 )(33 HOUSEKEEPING IOt $12.500. 725-1178 mower, ~ppllar,CH, & well cated forf· 673-2358 aner 6pm n/smkg, petlesa prof, Unite ere 3..BR, 2 Ba, 800.SIBLING $1.98/Mln; 11-t-Dependable, moll-Net ... MMrican ert• men & women 'a (2.JFPt08) $22.995 pool/lndy/1tlt, Shr 4BR 2 1 with . 11a1ed. outgoing. FT/PT • ulptor evaJl tor c:lolhes, kntcl\.--knacka Balboa Island: Mstr BR 1 hH w/owner, I ml to COMMERCIAL 011~~~ at J~g:: PLEASE RETUA Tel.Cupid! •110 18·1d/hr 7~4'3 commla1i1on A .A. galore. Good pric .. I-------~~ w/111ew on cenal, beech, quiet 11elgnt>or-REAL ESTATE Call Margaret NO QUESTIAMS A dltcr-t, Simple way LISA CARR a.ALON 11 Aowlodge Ill, 341+1265 SAT/SUN l-4, 9632 FORD 9079 ah a r • k I t ch en . ~l~.~~~58 UTIL Van tt.rk 989-1518 •~KEDvn to m"t aingies. ti• hiring a Hair Stvtl•t Otvmplc Dr SS50+u111. 675-8188 •RA STM -~MUOS14t11811 wllh • full ctlenteie. A PETS & liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... ~ BALBOA Pen P,. Lg 3br PROF Fem &hr 2Br 2Ba 841·St77 .Brown brlefcaae with unique setting on th• .~ '6G Mustang, 90"" ,.. 2Ba. S475/mo• ulll, new c:ondo, f1pl, w/d,1"B_U_S-INE--S-S_O_F_F_IC_E_ hlg" P•reonal value SCHOOLS t harbor. Please call ANIMALS 6049 N!vnvRT stored. New pnt, AQua Rlc:k 310-455-3132 M-gar S750. V1u111 (mas-arid blue dutfel bag, usa at 675-7886 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'BEACH • · 6169 blue lnv .. 1. 8 oyl F, 714·675-3760 SaJSu ter br). Cd,.,. 72\.1211 FOR RENT 27691••••••••• taken from th• Daily INSTRUCTION 3012 --------FREE ANIMAL SUPPLY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Claaslc 3 apd, man CdM S.ach hse, 28R Prof fem stir I(] 3BR BUSINESS & i;>t1ot palfklng lot on 31 11liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PAINTING FT/PT CATALOG. Pet. hpfH, •vervthlnw ,_,.1 901 tran. 14/c, .. m/fm. cau. IBA, w/d, frplc, llOr· 2Ba dptll on Balboa EXEC' ofttce., 4770 FINANCE 4 /93P ••••. ca BECOME A PARALE· O.pendabl• bindery & llvestock. Wholesale HHhld itema. art, toys ~~~s~:!'492~""' age, n/amkr, $425 • Pen1n, n/smkr S625 Von Katm•n (JWI••••••••-432-8206 CAL .Jorn Ametrlca'a delivery person. Good prlcea, equipment, 1 much morel SAT I-....,.-,,..-----,::-:::: ut1ls 875-4939 ~ VI 1.111116734279 Aifporl, NB.) Pvt ~rkl' --.--------fastest growing pro-drlv~ record a must. grooming, vaccines, S.t. 1242 Somotset •87 Mu•tang s .o stations StSO·, p\11 of· WIN A $600,000.00 losslon LawyQr In• Colla Meb/Ncrwport tack. Best selocllon, UI Oovor Shores Conv 5.spd, •lee dream hOme In South· strucled home study. area e42-c>e2,t low prices 2" .. OU ' flCe $350 M-·to mo • ., " r wndwa, blk, AJC, etc LOST L LOST•· · ..,. • BUSl~rr em California. Essay The finest para1--a1•---------h' o .. v ---...,....-----c:ll c:ll Fr-pr'-ng fum v~~e "~ -· • WarehOU'"''"'"'ist s 1pp•ng ma,,a ac· Moving Sale. Antiques, $8900 6A0·2500 X16 ..... " • • """ OPPORTUNITY Contest. For details program 11vaUable. _,., c 1ne t-800-367-4444, houaehold lt•m• & FOUND "2925 FOUND 2925 mail, receF~~ colf;'9, ••nd a SASE t~ P.C.D I., Atlanta, Ooor-18 Workers. Stert SCB3. misc, Sat April Jrd,i--------- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijl cFondl Erm. up""'s· cop, er, 2904 Eaaay Contest, PO gla. Free catalogue. now, all position• Call 207 42nd' St. JAGU•a 0 11• • no nry, Box 2:348, Yucca Val· 800-3•~-~.7070 Oopt. Sherry 543-5403 • ---------1 ~ ~ 'REW' ARD secty avail. 933•9550• ley, CA 92286 LC76, •· i. PIANOS & · SAT i!JjDili us Kings 9105 , .. . M Al Ou1nlan ,,,.. SNACK VEN DINO w 0 L FF TANNING FUNE A A_L_S_E_R_V_l_C_E WE NEED PEOPLE TO ORGANS 6059 Place. Hats, clOlhos of NB Waterfront Office· Possible $950 Weekly BEDS. New com· TECHNICIANS SEW our hair acc:es-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 50'e/60'al Decorator '75 XJ6C, eJtcepuonal 2 dr, ve, c:d, air, wheola, lie /1 NPT BCH S~2.500 837-3108 C' r r •ne re1urn or 0 block leather b~1ekos'=! ho1 was lost in the v~c1n1ty of i1-,., Oo ·wood Apo~r-ienls on the e.""•"g o: ~ ... ~or ... h 24•h The reword "" II D~ paid 'or ~ne return of ne case J"<! o' 1cr1c; wl11ch " lude o block 0 1 1 rt Start PIT. Min tn\/est sorles at homo. We uoms, pursH /Karves un1n . cozy, com o • $4,975_ 800-330•9995 mercial' home units needed throughout pay up to $372. 00 B ab" Grand Piano w/ ablo App1011 300sf, from S199.00. Lamps-stato. $200 homes-1 ' 5800.mo. 63 t -8480'·,-,-00-0_A_W....,,E""E,...K,....,.P""'o"'"r ... E-N· lo.Jlona·Acc:eaaorios. tudy c:ourso oets y.ou woek y. No e•per1onco Bench! 5975. Wurlitzer 675 8107 1 noodod. Fun and P1nne1 $475 CW'I Help ••••••••• TIAL LOCAL PA Monthl'f payments ow c:ortlllod In 6 woeks. onsy Call Accessories Deliver! 527-t854 TRANSPORTATION -1-EXU--S------PHONE ROUTE. LOW as Sl800. Call today Mortuary Ac:etlemy, Etc 1..a 13_941,_,295, 9115 COST, 1·800-226·9999 fC:~~-~~~!~~:;ta· ~~~~n;:,ntr,:iRA11;;·9~~~ Eat. 9. _B_l_CY_C_LE __ S ___ 6_0_6_0 AAA VENDING • Now ' (SOI ) 624+46221 _________ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----------1'92 ES 300 Wtl1te etec:tronlc m achines In--------EMPLOYMENT SAIL BOATS 7014 loather, sunroof, CD establlsriod local busl· LOST & UNIVECA 18 spd 20.. pl yer, low ml, c:hri:n COMMERC1AL PROPERTY 2778 .:.. r:••cor Express Cl1or1 and a brown leon·e' odd1ess onone book Coll Callee 702-796:4330 FOR ' RENT: Floor spac:e, consignment shop, antiques & col· leC11bles 875-7740 nus vends Coko. FOUND 2925 MEMBERSHIPS • SERvtCE$ 5533 mtn bike, 6 yrs otd, Qd whee11. 6 t9-J.4CMJ125 Pepsi, Snapple, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3018 c:ond, $199. 646-4005 t7 f'TVenturo Snicker, F11tos, etc. 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --• Trali.r-ablo, on-shore ---------$8 900 h 1 N LOST: small white & tan 11 U C LN 9120 ' c:as pr c:e. et ti P W 1 · • Pto~so be aware that SPOR1'Til.'G mooring. 11 800 Oall . N 0 . $300 week. Mr. March urty uppy no:ir •. NE w PORT Be a ch .. "" 714/256 8"30 ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiii ........ ~CHARLES GOREN : w ith O MAR SHARIF and TANN AH HIRSCH 'liurth South ~11lnerohle deel~ NORTll • A Q 10 7 Q 9 4 J .. :l • J 10 3 WEST EAST • 8 5 • 6 .. 3 2 .K62 .753 J 10 8 5 A 9 7 2 +Q9854 +A2 SOUTH +KJ 9 -A J 10 8 :KQ6 +K7 6 The bidding: South South West North Eut I NT P ... 3 NT Pua p ... P ... Opening lead: Fwe of + Being able to 11ee onfy half the defen1ive ast1eta puta a defender at a ' con11derable dtUdvantage. An imacmauve declarer can aomet1mea succeed in pamtinJ a false picture of the hnldinc, Con111der this deal. With a perfectly balllllced 10- pninl holding. North didn't bother to look for 1 4 4 spade Cit. lnaie.d. North got to the no·trump game vi. the direct route. We11t led a low .dub to dummy'11 ten and East'e ace In perfect umpo . South contributed the king 1•800.331.veND. son & Pomona, Costa Country Club golf tho hsllngs In this cat· GOODS . 6065 · 1, Mesa. Weanng brown membership, DI• egory may require you iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij----------'90 Lincoln Twncar, ••••Affiliate•••• collar w ith CM he:. count•d. 644+4481 to call a 900 numbef PE~D &. XLNT COND, 45K/ READ THIS** $100 .REWARD Call in . wh•<:;h there Is a Fishing Tact<le, Reels/ S ~ c:ll mi 514•7SO 675-4879 ** 642-7569 or 756·0376 ch01rgo per m1nu1e. Roda/Tac:kle, lnterna· SKI BOATS 7016 I'll show you 3 secrets .,, .. 881T FOUND 11onals, Seeker r<>Qs, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on how lo make $$SS ,..,_ EMPLOYMENT EARN $1 000'• WEEKLY • -·-· S$ Chi ""·• ....,.,.4 1---------Lop ears. brow. n with ....,.... p -~".... ~RCEDES 9130 cash dally dlrec:lly •••••••••• s1ul11ng envelopes at 19' QLASTAON '87 uu; APRI L FOOLI through my office. black mottling Near home No prlor•••perl· ••••••••••! 190HP Mere Cruuw1r· :--ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL Coll 7 14(434-3024 Clllf & St Andrews encc Free aupplles, LO Open Bow fi.1• . . . one no trump-East decidtd d«lar· C AN Dy v E ND 1 N a Road, NB. 673 2223 _E_M_P_l _O_YM __ E_NT___ lnlormation. No obit-GARAGE SALES Hull, SYn-Top, Tra1101. er wo11 probably unblocking from • ROUTE. Handling Hor----------SSJO ~~·~~ ~~-~:A·~;s; •••••••••I ~,t• t!.~t0;'0:11~1~~ '91 300 TE Wagon, all whl drtYe. 25K ml, no dwn, lake over lH. 272·1222 or 272·987~ tiolding 11uch HK Q •. tq.,fruta an shoy, Nestle,· F1110 HEALTH & liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Colonl3I Or 11'314B. ---------• condition (lO.person add1lionaJ dummy entry. In any Lay. Average census FITNESS )OOO .. General Office help, Orlando. Fl. 32803. CORONA 'capacity) S9,oooi---------.- event, a club continuation lffmed shows $3,200/month iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •----------OBO. Call 848-1571 300 TD w~. 1980 fuule, 80 Eaat llhift.ed to 1 diamond. p1ol1L E.lcollcnl -1oca-computer knowlodgo H 0 M E W 'O R K E. R S DEL MAR 6122 Auto, brown w'bejge "--I . h d 'th h tJon'I. $7,400 invest· MEDICAL holplui good English •WAN rED. Earn $400 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil int, g<>Qd c:ond I 27K . ~ arer won to an ~ .. t e mont requil'd. 1.800. BREAKTHROUGH! skills. S6 00 10 6lort. weekly procesalng ---------m• $6,900 631·1281 king, croued lo the table Wlth • 725·l 557. Now Drug from Eu· lie• hrs. 720-8300 · m311 pnrHime. s2.oo ~:.Ao~~~E MARJNE SUPS 1p11de and ran the n ine of hetrta.1---------rope Increases 111•1r----------. p-01 onvelopci guarlln; SAT only 8-4. DOCl(S 7022 PON.TIAC West held up, but that wu only CONDOM VENDING sp\)n by 6°"'1 Years 01 tcod For an opphca· 41~ Fernlul Avo . .__ . • bl ,... __ 1 rose11rch provo this p LU G 11on and odd1tionaf lo-----...,..----I 9170 poetponmg l ne tnevtt.a e. ~ arer ROUTE · miracle drug provonts tormauon call now: MOVING SALE. tQ MlnU1o• To Opon continued by fineuing the queen o Big Pr'lhls. w11nklos, drseaso, and 14 04) 723-6 515 24 Contemporary dining Soel!-SAil.: 45 w/ hurt• and Woat could do no bettar Call Amorlc<Jn dramat1c:ally slows nours. lnterploy. Fee. •Ht. 27" color l v., IQ' beam 5450/rno than 1.11.ke the..kinr and aet up ctube Defender 24 hrs down the aging pro-I N lealhor c:hnirs, 752·:l88 t by concedinr • triclr to the board'• 1-800-85S..3933 cess Now available to J OBS• JOBSI H.eallh bicycles, scuba wot ---,,.-~~---u S. c1li~ens. To re-Cara & hosp1101 posi-suns, & more 4'0'8 40' 1 Doc k , Balbo.a Is· jack. But now declarer had nine EARN $1 200 WKLY celve Information uons Full & pan \lm e Colden rod, Sat 9•5 land. near Jetty, tnclt11 -four 11padet. thl'ff heerta LOCAL ESTABLISHED package, send $3 for M edical & Dental W3ter •lec1r1c tnCI '89 Firebird Hubba! Hubbal and one in each minor. PAV PHONE ROUTE. sh1pp1noJhandllng 1o: Tochnlclans, Clalma, ---------• 723-5770 Obviously, had E.ut continued CALL 1-800-226-9999 Advanc:od Chemical Socrotarios, Food Ser· COSTA MESA 6124 •Dock w /Power & • 'th I b t l · kl ·L-l ct Research, P O Box v1co. 1-805-962 8000 Wl I cu a n c wo ux con ra EARN S4K MNTHl.Y. 56, Brigl'lam City, UT E111 01133 lor 1151. Re w ••• , up to 20. Mill· 5 spd A C, AM/FM C·llS, lift, Ct\llM, p/ st• r, p. brtlke•. t.cl, 47K m1, $8,295. Cd 842-9910 L11 Msg would have been defeated two SODNSNACK ROUTE 84302 tundable loe. •MOVING SALE• c:us_0c~:2n~~;!,;.0011·V-0~, .. -rw_A_G_c_u -9-2-l-S tncka-the defendera would have HI-TRAFFIC LOCA· SAT 8 A.M. 4 f'.M. ... v-. .vvv UY µI collected four clube and • \rick in TIONS 800.375 8363 Clau1fied IS. Wotk Al H6me OorKl()t'f M II n y ,.. 0 I.Is. h 0 Id each red 8Uit. Although we too EARN s4K MONTHLY. CONVENIENT ~~rr;~w~~!' ~!?~~. Hema Including ox-er·········-,94 Rabbit QTI, 111111 might have e.nded with eg on our l.OCAL SNACK/SOOA . ~~lh:;u,~~·r~r ~~; S700twk 24hr 9'5-4075 clH bike, sowing ma· TRANSPORTATION ~ n, gd cond, bflldt.' face by falling for declarer's ruee,. ROUTE. OUIC" SALE. looking, class1l1od has ch~•· le:•, cream A.C. $2200 090 06&· E d 800-7 9 2600 ma .. er, pain sprayer 0009 or pgr 2486\1~ ret rospect ut 1houl have re· 1· 4 • what yov need! & much more 3078 turned. c:lub. On tbi• auction w .. E A AN IN c w HAT PILOT CLASSIFlED Trinity Dr. (DrtSIOI & ---------1--------- WH unlikely to have led• low elu YOU'RE WORTH? 1 ____ 84_2_-_5_8 _7_8__ MERCHANJ>ISE P3ul<mno) AIRCRAFT • 8010 MISC. AUTO 9245 from a 1uit that wu not hHded by nood ~ self st<Jrtors. 4S GMogo Sale11 0twn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii an honor! so11ous about dovel· ------------------H;,rbor Blvd & Fa11 11 op.ng ·SJ• --ligure in-EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT . •---------view Rd, north of c:ome Weight man· 5530 5530 APPLIANCES 6011 Balcer St SAT 9-51 agoment, athlotlc per· _BA_L_L_ET_u_O_N_JM-ul_T_A_E_, lo rmanco industry ~;:~;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~, .. _,, $200 start up 800. • • w a a h e ' ID ' v e r FUND nalSER ... .., .. ,. s 1 2500 Relr1gorotor "" YOU MAY WINll FINOlWO HIDDEN ADS DINNER FOR TWO AT BENIHANA.Sll 91 TEMPO lac:tcwy Wiii· 14n ty S.3971.14 Smee the king could not bf. a am- -det.,n-ef\ef-aJ~. Sooth hed-0pened-•• • • • 927-.. .....,. • 5100 846-5848 ' SUPPORT YOUTH .t. -... . BALLET PAOOUtTION CAMPERS, RV'S1 NST AM! :CASJU_ Hot now moc:n1nos vond Mars, Snlclt.ors. Fr1tol.ay Easy gross • _0on~1.c .Items from A 10 • 102340 91 Cutlass 5S910 41 11 024 721 Tnurua $5770 H S 11167211. 90 Caravan SblllO I I •565844. l'ut;loc Nol•ce over 200 ~ ·P~• ••• "OA• .and. l~St>S-8.-ng ·~ O;itad Con1umer11 t- 800 237-8078, 1·918- 9~t-7525 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE J=URNITURE 6014 z B•'9" .. '" mrsanh TRAILERS-'8014' Ana Ave $:i&T 8'·:1 -I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ACROSS 1 Hora110 e Su1101Jn<1ec1 by 10 -• .., .. 14 Sc1ndlna11lan 15 Uproar 111 191h·oentury aoo<11-.1er 17 Breaktut bread 18 Shlp·a war - ran1 officer 20 Mltehlevoua one 2 I Bator 23 Oevatoo 24 Plome eouroe 2e Wood strips • 28 Canyon 30 Par1 ot thOe IOle 31 Wrong 32 Vilified 311 Hoot -r 3 7 Reachet ove• 38 EPOCh 39 Coming r'or· 42 Overhau 44 Olllea OltJ 45 Rough · 415 Membefa of Olefgy 49 Fry 50 CotonNa 51 Coln 52 OcMn 55 POllOf\OIJI llah Vat 58 -Frome 60 Canvu Shelter et Shape 62 ACIO< Chnsiopner - 63 Gaelic 84 Sk1Ululty 65 Sca1t11< DOWN I Oppoted lo 2 A'ppur 3 Rumor network 4 Letter 5 Gives back 8 FKJng lh41 Slltchllf 7 Salattlle 8 -Lupino II Spec!\ 10 WouJ dlffetenUy 11 Once more "i2 Salary jump 13 Murray tna Baxltlf 19 Lelluce dlah 22 -Trevtno 25 Soldiers 28 Informal IC)eKn 27 Corrals 28~ 29 Ood ol love 30 SOClal grOIJPI 32 Narrow point• ol land 33 -oourM 1e- vlew Of o>r., \llOul llUdljM 34 Oodde11 ol dllCA>rd 35 Fruit 37 Aurry '<> Leuenlng ol ten alot'I •• O F NEWPO RT BEACH • $2800/mo 4 6 hrs/wk 3 pc Ouoon •• bdrm $4250. t-800-821~363 set, Pocan, Ilk• n o w • •LOG HOME Seelua you.nc profeaatonal $600 Obo 840 0802 DEALERSHIP•• • aaleaperaon tor upaoale men'• Cherry Queen Ann•: Top log home manu· cl othing at.ore lo Fuhlon Island. Buttel & china, wfWm· SELt your home tbrouc;ib claas1f1ed '04 K omfort 24 n, rt air dt>I .a"'°. wn1ng sl op-, 6 , at111 c:ond SS!iOO 99 I I 8471--------- AUTOS WANTED 9270 ~VIOUI NZZLa IOlVED MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 8018 facturer, seeks dealer. terlord c ut gl111s Protected 1errotory, CODt&et: doora, mirrored back,1--------- 4 1 In rn. center of • 42 Wood.,..Ofk~ loola 43 Consu.,,. 45 II able 10 48 Adhesive aub1tance 47 F .. flower 48 Cllml>I I• lrM ) hlg.h u rning potential, STEVE KNUTSON curio ht ondl S 1,450. lull tra1ntng & leads M111c:hlng table & 8 provided Need not In-759.7979 chairs S1,3SO. Cherry lqrfere with' present riCe po1'ter bdrm M l employment. Models $1,980. Never used sterting al $15,696 I ·-------------------.! 714/890-3856 S00-264-LOGS (56471 Clerical 11""c_o_n_t_e_m_po--,.-ry--Lo-,,,..-- • • BRENTROOD LOG a eat Sacrlllc:e . s6s. H0MES••427 River OFFICE 8 7,3-7854 Rock 0111d., Mur-OPPORTUNITIES troosboro, TN 37129 Urgent! Must dispose Ii ••• , NEW£ST VENDING MA· AHO COMPANY. INC has lull and part· Zenith TV, dinll\Q JOI. ~~··~~ CHINE TO HIT MAR· time (temporary and direct) openings dishes, books, bfic-a· KET. s 7 O O ·S I 4 OJ avallable 'for th• lollowlng posi1ions br ac 6 7 3-4"' 4 49 Rundown 51 Battery pert 53 Overhang 54 - -broom •WMP•cte1n 58 Ooc:tora· oog 57 HOid up 59 Allan 1 .. 1111aJ weekly cash Income pon1t>le. 15 10 90 lo· • AOMINISTRAllVE ASSTS. c:atlona guarnntoed '" SECRET ARIES• Turn dreams Into real· • WORD PROCESSING uy. 800•329·9792.. -Microsoft Word SNACK ROUTE: Lois ol -Microsoft Word/ accounts, pa11nerahip Window• with m anul acturor " $7250 1nves1men1 re -Word Perfect qutrcd, some linonc· ·Word Perfect/Windows 1ng 1 eoo 940.1010 ·Multlmate TRUCK DRIVCRS. Tho ·Ami Pro Rolocallon Sorvlcos -M acintosh D lvlalon of North Amor1ean van Linea, ·Presentation skills Inc noods owner op ·Excel eratora lmmedlotoly. ·Lotus Up to S5,000 c:ontract 11gnlng b onus and ·Type 45 ·70Wpm 1200,000 guaranteed • GENERAL OFFICE llnonaul ortorlng PG' RECEPTIONIST year tor top quill1ty • van oporatora w11h 2 • DATA ENTRY years ••po11011ee In houtohold 1Jooda or CALL FOR INTERVIEW eJectronlcs. $100 con· lruet signing bonus (714) 660-9544 and 1u1Uon -ltee 1ra1n __________________ .. MERCHANDISE MISC. 6015 AJrllno Ticket One way ticket from lAX to S. C1uolina (Greonsvllle) S 1 so. 499-4888 Llk• New ill1ntondo Equip, 22 tapea, Xlra Adap, NES controller, ovor $1000 lvesled $450 Ol)o 83t•1709 Poneblo Goner.tor. Yamaha, tOOOw, qu••L Now c:ond. less than 1!0 hrs use. Coal S675, aetll Sl50 675· t 3~ Queen Polrns. 8 fl tall, $20 oo, gal plant a S 1. shade , p ine, fruit trees. '15 gal S20, Herb plnnls 135 kinds St, Liiac S10 674·9422 Ing a11a1lablo lor thoH ----------....----------------- with no .. per1once MARINE SLIPS MA.RINE SUPS MARINE SUPS L•l'lae or purchase 4 a11eHa1>1e. 1.000 348· DOCKS 7022 DOCKS 7022 DOCltS 70,2 2 14 7 • Dept VK • 12. jiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii•••ll _____ ...., ___ VCNDING New moehlN ~ cen earn you 13()()(). a..ooo a week cashl 1 Fl /FT, Firat llmo of lered lor sale cheep 7eto down 1f Quallf .. d Sc:oll 1 800 ~2~5 2914 FAST CASH 1t1.000 IJ~.000 AVAIL.A lf • No 1tPl'llc1111on loo, high ri•k lendtr1. per aon•l·1111to bu11ne11. ~4 hour f1 d.iya Call Oroker/PO CntAtrptiNI lo t 1nf0fmatron 1 8-00 OJ;> 118' \ ' .. 714-673-133 l ~ MARJ A 300 EA T 0AST HIGHWAY EWPORT BEACH. CA 92660 RATES: SJJ .. $13 P/FT FOR BOAT -. UP TO SO' MEET 90meone 1pec1al t978 HONDA 750F N-lop •nd. good c:ondUlon, St SOO/obo Stl VOUI CM r ASTI -111411 ~f II or S.. II for you, .. uen.m ••posura, dean cars only ca~ or 111111 2 t 4 ~ H atbOI' blvd Ccwt.a M"~ 71~2-8733.AI th b I f'ed . 7 I 4/89(1..()()55 ASTR..C>LC>c;Y Sydney Omarr lttfifu Mo11i.1t I ~rd yov M 1 •m1rt·1lt<'I. who 1h111ka ~ know• 11 111 April Fool• •ho11ld llt yo11r l1vorilt d1tt ''""' you lin up to tht n•mt Yo11 •rt 1impl)' M4notle!H ... Yo11 •rt M> ICC'ur.tlt 11'1 tc•'l' ·-I 1111 1 T1urv• 11\ln ind ltly w1ft 1.1 1 Scarpio. Wh11 N" I do •bout 111 R"ponet: Enjoy! .. I "" • S.1Jltt1r1an 111d I IO\lit hol'IH but I 011'1 1ftord to i.,.p OM. M1yii. yo11 could ht lp me fl"pe,._ I •• tlOI thit &.."t 1la1t t r! -I •• H "~ ....... •'"' <111'1 _ ... 10 rt tnoup lo•t a."po-: Kttp l'l'lt1tl ARIES (Mm·h 21 ·Apnl "' Wh•I you 111nf'd ont w"a. •go will ~.r ln111 -""'"" will ~ «'•Cihng, l'Of'llltlll< d1y lmpnn• 11Ylt "mph""' C1Y11t1nry ltt 110 111 tl•lu1 quo f•m•I)" mH!lbtf will f'l'IH.w 11rip Aqu.enut 1n¥olvf'Ct TAURUS CApnl 20·M•y 201 Fol"«'t 1h11 hid bftn tc111.i'f'd f•ll ll\lo plan - "''" II bl> on mn,. ~lld g~nd M rn11il < hf'(I. 11111'" 1n ..... n •• ICCOUnl Fond .. ur •UICtlv ,.-h•t yc>ur r.p~n111111t or '"'"' it d1>1nic on yu1.1r ~h•lt GEMINI (M•y l l fun• 201 You rt t>.1n11 lold Don 1 (011n1 vour t hl<I. • ""'' Mot1•y th•t •PP•rtntly •l1ppird 1hrvv11h V0\11 flngtn will ~ ""8•1nf'd lttluM lo ti. 1nllm1d.atd by i,.tticOH 1nd1v1d1.1•I who know• pnff' o4 rvtry· lh1n11 CANCCR IJ11nt 11 h1ly 121 l'hOM wl\.1 thwght •O\I IO!A 11 will ~ MU tlf\I -vov not only .,..,, what 11 .. ._" b111 wall ww II to ..d111n11gt Srorpw tit• (Ofnft tlron(. loy1I Illy up,_ Wiii• '"II",. to ff'bvtld lliO IJ11ly 23 Aus 22) Wrllttn • Coll'm11n1u1wn 1nlorn" ·your \flee• dot• unrv .,,. bHn .,lt'Ofd ,. •-s lh' 1op 101 C'yclt mont 11p, '"'"'' tr1n1p1rt 10 h•lp l'Ou l'tlth 1111111iatt aa.I t.lwt it 1n t~ pt(t11l't VIRCO IA"I ll•...,. 22 1 lnd11nd • 1111 •M -"''°" d1ttan1 will ,.,_ 1r1111~t lot ffttnl f...,Of Yo-1 II-.." a•ft 11lvu "'"'"'"'' 10 ... n •f 111fft · • 111!11 f'tftft\ Yo11 II 11Mv11f)' ... ~ · Ina• ,.,"°"' flnallC'l'I • -t,lllA CS.f" 21 ·0rt UI Oe11t •' ""''' 1 .. 1 ... wttll ct-fHt -e ... 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"',.. 11.· •rrur••• gwiW. , l-t1111le (1n11lt mtmbtr l<'tl 1n t«tfll,.;~ • m•n "" w1nl\ df\.,.nitl:r 10 111ract your •t1tn11on Don I rtward 1*I bt· hlv1or T 1uru.1 " l'f P""""'C'd ri Cf.S (ftb 14l •M•rth 101 °'"'" 11tv mall.• 1nq111t1~ !'Nd, publo•h •"4 .J•trt1.., Popul1r11y 1ncff'un llOtlel oM.11v111n d11f' 111 uulfUlt 'Sp.r~ 11 lo•f' "l11111tl\hlf• r"11n11~ C.1t111n1 a1run1.1a .,.,.,,.,n. ,,. """"""" ..... If APltll I I YOUll llUHDAYt Yo11 .,. lfllttl( r•••1on'I•· """~ '"'"°"" ""n' '""" lhet __ ...,..., op,0.11• W• tpoil )'OU ..O.ttll ...... hlvt-alf1n11y w11h let!wr Mn dtlflCW• ty lollnwtns or-drr• from 111111"9 eh .. t• " )..to Aqv1t1111 ,..MIOlll pt1v 1•1te1n1n1111t rol" 1n :rovr hit \i II If•••• Ill ~ .... 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RMERAS, PARK AVES At11 WRAS mscof NJ:ED ~'J nnn MANIF~'l!!uRERS MINIMUM .i,uuu SUGGEi'fl18ERETAIL ~I § a: < :i:: .. VJB AUDI Cltl\'t(I IMW . Nabers Cadillac & Buie~. Serving Orange County for Over 70 Years ·~ \..:: ISUZU Service Parts Body Shop MITSUBISHI AU E R-J -A R-11-1---=----..,.n~mu~:~~~--:,"°:'rr""s~u",...,~1t----t--t BAUER~ NISSAN E.aceler( setection o1 11tW & cartl~ CJJtPtd BMW s hiys 111 saocll ~. SeMce. le~ [~•SS frttwiy ~IU ~A'*! Mil al5-3U1 SADOlflACK tMW •5 Ollfleld • lrmt 3'0·1200 STERLING MOfotS LlO Uclusl~ BMW Ouler ~ • SeMct • lelSAflQ 1s.o Jamoom, Newport eexn 6<tO-~.u Sates Leasing Service Parts IR~NE AUTO CENTER 1•·831·3377 71,·3•·1200 · The_ Ultimate in Customer Service ... The Be l Selection the Best Service and our price will convince you. llfE UL11MAT! OfUV1NG MACIUNE. • I ~Bea<AG, ................ TIM Ultimate lft CuttotMr S.nlce ,.,......M...._ ..... ~ .......... ~~l 640-6444 .J BUICK CADILLAC T?1 .' .. .,..,.,,-r.i: ., ·.; 'j Where there's AL 'vVAYS A great deal going on. I Sales • Service • Leasi ng 2600 Harbo r Blvd. Of Cars Costa Mesa 540-9100 CHEVROLET SHOWCASE CHlVROLET GEO '-tw & Used 7600 We$111W1$1et 81 We5ll1'Wl$ler I ~~ v.es1 • ol Bucb Blvl1 194-1333 -- CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH DODGE rum£ CLICK'S TUSTIN OOOGf <tO ~ Ctr(cr Clrrtt, TUSl¥1 730....600 ATW OOOGf COlnl)llCI BOdy StlC» & Sel'tU SMts StMct, PW·9Pfn 6 Days 292SA HMtlol 81¥d Costa Meu > ... a " ... c.,.. 1.., Ol-MS<t6·193<t • TUTTlf CLICK OOOOt 40 Al.Co Cltllet Or, Inn 13C>-33H FORD - " . . Daily Rentals Theodore ~Robins- .. • 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa . 714-642-0010 HONDA COSTA MESA HONDA 11 Cal,!or111.1 S LllQt~ I~ Oe~shil> ~ Hattx>r 8Nd l: M • 06-5050 • RAY FlAOEIOl HOHOA S.l!U • SeNlCe • l eJSlllQ • Pllrts • Body Rej).\11 fr.one Auto Ctnttr 71'·t J0-7600 ,. HYUNDAI TUTTU CLICK HYUNDAI <tO Aulo CtnW Dtivt ,tr. rrt • '72· 7 400 LONG,.IE HYUNDAI 13600 Btacll llMI WUllTWllStet Ju~t So of 22 FW'/ • 714·192·6451 INFINITI Costa MelO lnllnoti 5*s • lU$lnll • s.r.ict 2188 H.wor 81>'11 co,1.1 Mew Mole S ol <tOS fwy 7 1~2'M300 ISUZU RAY flAOEIO( ISUZU 5*S • !ifMCt • l &) 'IQ • P Ill • 8ofof Rfpaf IMlt ~ c... 71<t 130 7000 TH(000R£ lt0Uf$ ISUZU 2000 H.Jtbor l!lhO , C; .t.a .... ~ 6<t 2-001 ll , SOUTH COONTY ISUZU • • N1111bef I ~ ROdo'o Outer US A 11711 Bucb BIVd , H II U2 2000 JAGUAR JEEP OtWtOI CGIW ., Wkl 2$24"""' ..... c... ..... .,J " fvml CUC. Jlt,, IAOlf ~ Mio c... Dr. Mii 472·1«11> . . The· #1 Dealer in the Nation in Range Rover's AnnuaJ Review Visit Us (tnd See Why! BAUER [b©LJGD@ 2001 So. Manchester Ave . Anaheim, CA 92.812 ,. 971 -2002 LEXUS UXUS Of WtSIM1NSTEll In Ille Ht¥1 ol (); 1~'1-! Cwlt'f AY~ IOI' Mlf'O.l't De •Ff' U fwy Jl Bucb BM1 114102 .. 00.. 2U 566-3111 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER * G~T SELECTION * *Immediate Delivery* LS 400 • ES 3QO SC 400 • C 300 SEE T ll ALL·N -~ GS 300 -Your Be. I Buy L'i in lbc heart of OmPlgc Couwy.1 1UT1U CLICK NISSAN 'Jorn l~ ... ht .. Mo: ~ ~~ " , . c~ Mes.4 S40 M10 PONTIAC LOHG,llE P'OHTIAC I y~.cllb...: 'ft ~ .Mt So gl ~~ l .ry (11') 892·1>651 ._ SUBARU TUTTLE CllCICS T\ISllN SUl.ARU 40 ~l Ce111or O! Ii.st 7J0.4000 SUZUKI L~ SUl\llG 13' x., s:. V.t "JTW.l\"f .1"1' .~ .~ .~ ~~ • ' (71') 892 1>6S1 • IUTILE CLICKS TUSTIN SUZ\llO ~O A.AO \.'.t!'Vf ll I~ 7JO 4600 TOYOTA 10Y01A Of COSTA MU A l'lf.6 Haroor blY1I Jl ..-eu 722-2000 VOLKSWAGEN ltAY f\AD(tOE VOUt1WAGEN • l UYIQ • • r~ • 900y ~ Wflf /.J, c , ,. uo 7 300 SOUnt COUNTY VOlkSWAG£N ~I"~ s., II Ille USA 11111 k.1e!I Blvd. H~on Bwll 'I'· ~ 1•2·2000 13590 Beach Blvd, Westminster -®ml L _·_Be2_-_ch_B_tv_d_a_t _22_F_recw __ a_y _ .. , ?v.~. ~~ \~~ 714/892-6906 __ ,,,., ~ -,. South County Volkswagen/Isuzu LINCOLN/MERCURY • llAClt U..COlN MlllCutY '"°° ... Ill. llatll J llocU so ., s.. OielP f.., ..... 17 )f . COSfA MU" UNCOlN MtllCUl't Siies ~·' lt• '11 62e Hnot 11M1 ~ Ml 711/MO MlO IA Y FlAOf IOe l.IHCOlN MllCUIY ~ • s.Mte • lewnt • Pau • lodf ~ • nWlt ~ c.. '"·•lO 1000 MERCEDES I i FACTORY ,AUTHORIZED SALES • SERllCE • PARTS IEfMCl AN) NATI Ofl£lt llt-f 1Ul·7' ... . • • • 810 Thurlday, April 1, 1993 Ford's ·favorites Probe lead_s Ford·s ·auto show lineup V alue, technical advancements and distinctive design characterize 1993 Ford cars to be seen at Juto shows this year. Today's cons·umer is looldng for a car that make!> a strong st.:itcmenr 1n .design and level of technical sophistication, all for a reasonable price, says Ross H. Roberts, ford Mo1i0r • CompJny vice prC)ident and Ford Division general maMger. " Our new models fill thJt w1)h lt:>t right across the boJrd -from the festive all the way to Crown Victoria. ,., • The all-new Ford Probe leads the 1993 proe:ftsct arrayt· Its· advanced cab-forward design contnbutcs not 'Only to its striking good looks but to its ride, handling and interior )pJcc. Its occupant-oriented interior wraps around from the • instrument panel into the doors. Two new multi-valve engines -J four cylinder and J V-6 -deliver ~lid periorrnance. 1 · In 1he 1993 Ford Taul'us lineup, the high-performance Taurus SHO offers an autumatic transa,le for the first timer for 1993. Ford Escort has a number of deign rei1nemcnts, plus an inno,ative . 'One-Price plan for all four Escort LX bodystyles, which includes many popular options. Following is a surnr:iary of. ford D1vi::.1on') 1993-model new car lineup: 1993 Ford'Probe 24-valve V-6 engine ~ a cast aluminum block and cylinder ~ads, and generates 164 horsepower. A five-speed manual · trans.Jxle Is st<indard oo the GT. An electronically controlled four-speed automatic transaxle is optional. The standard Probe has a new 2 .O·liter four-cylinder engine featuring twin overhead camshafts, four yalves ~r cylinder, an alurrunum head and 115• horsepower. The five-speed manual transa>.le is standard and the four-speed automatic is optional. A driver-side air bJg supplemental reslr(\int system (SRS) - has been added to both modctls. 1993 ford Taurus A major redesign in 1992 for America's popular family car is further enhanced witil the 1993 Ford Taurus. An automatic transaxle may be ocdered on the Taurus SHO (Super High Output) for the first time. It is coupled with a 3.2.,liter version of the SHO . double overhead camshaft (DOHO '24 -valve V-6 engine .. The standard SHO powerplant remains the 3.0·liter DQ;-i( engine, linked to a 5-speed manual transmission. Updated design features include a functionJI decklid spoiler with integrated light-emitting.diode (LED) stop lamp. · . , ·The all-new Ford Probe has been engineered to provide superior ------------'-----------------~---;...;;,.--_;.......::;;.;;:...;;. ______________________ ~-----' performance and handling to match its bold new ~ppearanc~. 1993 ford Escort Key design ·refinements for the new Ford Escort include six new exterior colors, new grille, wheel covers, taillamp treatments, and color7keycq bodyside molding and bumpers for most models. . seqvential ·electronic fuel injection (SEFI) engine is standard on LX. ford's s.g .fiter · SEFI High Oytput V-8 engine, rated at 200 l\orsepowcr, is optional. r • an improved electronic.:illy controlled automatjc (AODEl transmission and new sryling features th.lt enhanccrlast year's major redesign. The AODE transmission fejtures an overdrive lock-out f undion -for better acceleration on ·demand. .. The Crown V1~oria's aerodynamic· styling is newly highlighted by a chrome - The sporty, all-new 1993 Ford Probe hJs been engineered to provide superior periormJncc Jnd handling to match 1() bold new appearance. There are two senc:. -Probe. CT and -Probe Probe CT's new t\vrn-cam The other Taurus series for 1993 are the CL and LX. both available in sedan and wagon models. Cl: sedans and wagons have a standard 3.0-liter sequential electronic fuel injection (SEFI) V-6 engine, .JS docs the LX sedan. The LX wagon has a 3.8-~iter SEFI V-6 engine. All Taurus models have a driver-side air bag supplemen1al restraint system (SRS). Along wilh t~cse fresh styling features, \..Ford is off<:ring an innovative On~-Price marketing plan for Escort LX. It applies to ~111 four Escort LX models -three-. ~four-. five· door: and wagon -with a special option package. The package includes ~uch popular options ·as air conditioning, power suspension and reai:-window defroster, AlvVFM stereo radio, and dual electric remote•control mirrors. The Manufacturer's Suggested R~tJil Price (MSRP) is $1 0,899 with manu.:il n1underbi'd Super Coupe features a 210-horsepower 3 .8-liter supercharged V-6 engine, anti·'ock brakes (ABS), Tradion-Lok axle. adjustable suspension, and an electronic ANi/f M stereo radio wi1h..ca.sscttc. grille, color-coordinated bodysidc · -moldings and. a revised ta1llamp -~.--- transaxle, $11 ,631 for automJtrc transaxle, tax and title not included. 1993 f ord Thunderbird • T he new Ford Thunderbird retains the styling and outstanding ride ar;id handling that have made it the best-selling car in its market segm~nt (middle specially) for the past three years Ther are_ two seriejJor -993: LX~nd Super Coupe. ~ 1993 Ford Mustang Ford Mustang offers exception.:il performance and classic stylil)g. It is. • offered in both the LX and CT series and three bodystyles -·coupe, hatchback and conv<:rtible. Improvements for 1993 indude a radio ·~ith improved display and increased wattage, and a new headliner for the convcrtil>le. There are seven new exterior colors, and new options include a compact disc player and an electronic premium cassette ra~o. MustJng LX has a 2.3-litcr electronic _fuel injection (EFll 1-4 engine as standard, and a 5.0-liler sequential electronic fuel injection (SEFI) High Output V-8 engine is available. Th~ GT com~ with a 5.0-liter SEfl V-8 Cflgine and cast aluminum 16-inch wheels and P225 performance tires as st.Jndard equipment. 1993 Ford Crown Vrrtoria treatment fea turing a rear dcc\..l1d applique. · 1993 Ford Jempo The stylish and functional fi\e-passengcr Ford Tempo is a"a1lable in t\vo series for 1993. Two-and four-door secJJns' are offered in the 'CL series and a four-door sedan in the lX series. ·A 2.3-lrter four-cyli 0 nder sequential electFonic fuel injection (SEFI) engine comes standard on both series, and a 130-horsepower V-6 SEFI engine is optional. 1993 Ford festiva The. 1993 _Mustang puts performance and classic styling within feach. New fea tures for the LX include color~keyed exterior mirrors and steering wheel, leather shift knob and optional 15-inch cast aluminum directional wheels. A 3.8-liter 140· horsepower V-6 The new Ford Crown V1doria features Ford.'s Festive, \\hich provides value and util1tyin a fun-to-drive packa~ i~ available in two series -L ancrGL. The. 1993 Festive hJs a 1.3-liter elcctron1c fuel injection (Ef ll 1-4 engine and features a unitized all-steel welded body and M acPherson strut suspension with strut-mounted coil springs, stabilizer bar and trAck control arm. I • ' SALE-A-• 4. • . RATION . ~.P'.:!( . . ~ ~N~E-W~-~~A-R~~-~:oo~~• '92 MUSTANG CONVERTIB Mfg. Sugg. Retail Price ........................ $22,555 Factory Disc •...............•..............•..•....•....•..• 547 T .. Robins Disc ..........................•..•....•...... -3,513. Sale Price ......................•.....•..•.••.••..•••••• $18,'495 Factory-Rebate~ ........•..........•...•.••••.•.•.•....•. -500 $ ·I '17 FORD TB•DLX v.._ AUlO. F\JU PWA, NC. CASS & MOREi ITK_,Dflmq •.m SALES HOURS AM · 9 PM M-S '91 CIEn S·10 VEJIYO.EAH. LO MUS. EXC CO.OTIOH am 180LDS cunm• .. NJTO. M:. M. CASIETlt UCIAE ......... * S&.979 IAM· 9 PM SUN · .. ,.,~ SERVICE HOURS e.1\~ I~ AM · 7.30 PM tlrF ., ~ t--+-'----1 PARTS HOURS ft.'I--4' a.\\ 7 AM ·f PMM-F V' ... \1' '\ . 9AM· 2PMSA e.\(\'v ~I ~ . ·a BUICK LE SABRE fW. y lOt1IOEO. 'Jilt. . CAR.~-& MOAEI f7111 .. .. -=s31·150 Re • Cab 412 ·93 f·150 Re • Cab '92 F·250 Re • Cab 412 '92 F·150 · -----Re ·. Cab. 414 1.0.f EOUIPT. Long bod. ~611>d . O'dnYe. P/11- & bf'ailH $11 ,853 f19 ,253 YOUR NO CASH PRICE s10,995 s11,199 '14,911 515,911 ..... ----~~~--1~----~~~~~--t~------+-~~~--.1 '92 F·250 nT Re • Cab 412 IS BACKI 516,540 $19,641 .. ' . .. BENEATH THE COBRA'S HOOQ, a h1gh performance 5.01 (302 cu. In.) V-8 engine produces 275 horsepower and 370 lbs. ft . of torque. Its impressive power Is a product of the combined of Ford's Special Vehicle Team. . '12 FORD '90 FORD MUST. ·n DODIE 'nFORD IZ FlllD mTAll '12 FOlll TEMPOGL . LI CONV. CIRAVlll SE IEROSTIR Ill LICM F150CUSTOM MJTO. ~. f\A.L Y l<WJEO. 4 C1\... M.110, Are.. AUTO. M;, CAii. fW. Y UW>ED. AOOF AACI<. MJlO.AC. C'Aa Ml I MCW v.._ Ml10. NC. M ~1M.AETUM 1 lillAEI &MOAE M:&MOAEI AOfTM.111\M UIOAE STICI NOQ IJCe 2ZEJl72 SB.379 $1'n -r $i47i siffil $11]79 .sTill79 . THEODORE • All CARS Pl.US 1A11.. UC I DOC. FEEi. IALE ENDI 41 HOOM AFTER P\ll.ICATION. AEIATH .. ll(U 01 fOAO FACfOff'f IPfCW. FIWCNO SALE PAICU NOT EUO ... ON \.E.AIES ~~ ROBINS r~·-=-r u. ~ '..:: I SUZ U eoov SHOP HOURS ., ;::. ,. ( ~ ~ 7 AM . t PM -..F (;.' t-w-+_...--.;..._--t RENTAL DEPARTMENT HOURS • ' { 1 I 30 AM • 7 30 PM M-F ) • 2060 ''HARBOR BLVD:··OF CAR~: COSTA MESA· (714) 642-0010 8AM ·3 PMSA -. . l .. f Food To keep at-home dining interesting for both the . cook and diners, a ~ · little menu makeover with exciting new ingredients may be all that is needed to ada piziazz to classic recipe favorites . . ... t Food Editor T.J. tfutchinson .... 642-4321 ext.370 \ . .. 11111111 DietitiarV2 Bar~tns/3,4. · -. . 4 Menu Makedvers~ • oday's f Mt-paced lifestyle 8!,C pften reflected in at-home culinary efforts. · Cook with little time find that they are .. - making the same dishes over and over · again. Herc's an easy so lution to get you out of the .. recipe rut." Make slight chan · to traditional recipes by adding flavorful ingrechents to create n~w. quick-to-fi x family favori tes. Sonoma dried tomatoes afe a robust ingredient that add concentrated Roma tomato taste to saJads. pizza, pasta and sandwiche . ~vailable as dried tomato haJve • bits or mari nated in olive oil, Sonoma dried tomatoes are an ea y way to jazz up imple, everyday menu . ~ CaJifomia ripe olives offer rich flavor that makes them wonderful as a nack and an interesting ingredient for recipe classics such as pizzas, omelets or alads . Available year-round, California ripe olives c"Ome whole, chopped or sliced for quick additions in the kitchen and great taste on the plate. AJI naturaJ Danish cheeSe is a-great way to perk up the flavor of traditional recipes. World champion Danish Blue Cheese, creamy Blue Castello, aromatic Fontina and 0 lusc ious Havarti cheeses have long been popular on the cheese tray. Add your favorite Danish cheese ta classic ..... recipe for an interesting. updated twi t. Forget pepperoni or sausage and enhance meatless. Primavera Pizza with the distinctive flavors and ati fying textures of dried tomatoes, Danish cheeses and olives. These topping add a burst of deli cious taste to every bite -creating a supreme pizza makeover! ,., .......... _...., ..... .., 1d~1-1d & I 11d .. ll1.1 te: r .. Drtid....., W.."Ot ...... a..,... 4191 Dry c..t ROid 11111111'-CA 95441 "Col* .... ~ IUpe Otivea" Clllllnil Olhe ..... 190.1 N. Rlli 1102 Pt111m,.CA tJm I .. PRIMAVERA PIZZA • p,,parid bread produr11 con ~ used as rrusts to make frtsh-l>o_led p1:.:a an impromptu affo1r Dried tomatoes. two chusts and n~ oln:es paired •nth colorful ~II ~p~rs moJ..e a :est) mi'atltss topping for the~ m1ni-p1::as l cup (lY1 ounces) Sonoma 4 (6-to 7-inch) pita brtads• drifd t0mato halves V1 cup lictd CaJifomia l Clovt garlic ript olives \1' BISTRO HERO A DWI CH Budd a subml}TIM wndk 1ch bwm-mle h\ jillin1t "J(llll lo.1{ of lt,i.:hrh 1ea~111<"tj &j'1'SO bread.,., uh an <1Jsonmen1 of \1eJ11rrr11nt1Jn inertd1en1' I loaf U po'1Dd) Frtnch bread J or 4 leltuce lta'es YJ cup Sonoma marinattd dritd 8 ounces as.sorttd liced deli tomatoes, draiotd (r~"c oiH meats (Jour rhoice or turke). --l medium tomato.~n p.Miccd-~ gucn ancL'or --~nch chunks ycl~ow bell ptpptrs 2 tablespGOns oil from tomal~ roast betf, wami, ham I . I ,easpoon dfled ortjfllno on rtd onion 1 p mt v. cup each fresh b~il and ,., l cup (4 ounces) shrtddtd Italian }>ar'Slty ltavts Danish Fontlna cheese J tablespoons ollvt oil • • 2 tablespoons crumbltd Danish· Salt and ptpptr, to lti!t ~heese. (optional) Preheat oven and baking heel 10 450 degrees. In mall bowl cover dned 1oma1oc' with boiling water: ~t ~1de 10 minute . Thoroughly drain torruitOC'\: rc~rving 6 table pooo of the water. To make tomato sauce, pla e garlic in blender or food processor. pu~ Add ~ cup of the rccon titulcd dncd tomatoc~. the rc<,er.ed water and the fre h tomato, basil. parsley.and oil. puree. raping mmure do"'n :l.' necessary. Setl!IOO with sah and pepper. S~ad sauce on p1tai.. dJV1ding equally. Top with reserved whole rccon ututcd tomato' hat"~· the ohve • bell peppcrc; and cheese • d1v1dmg equally. P1ace.on baking heel: b<U.c in center of oven about 5 minute unul hot and cheese i!> melted. MaJ..ts 4 sen in~' •four (7-mch) Italian bread hell can be ubstitulcd for tM plu1 breads. ott: For en per crusts lightly bru h pitas Of' both idc with ohve oat bcfo~ twang. • SUNRISE OMELET Thi s south-of-the·hl>rdtr otMltt comes alfrt M'ith a filling of potdtoes . dried 1omawn · rlf>" olfres and spin salsa. Try this sat1sfyin,~ dish an time nf IM dav --from earlv morning breaifast to Iott-night supper • .Y. <'Up ( l v. ounces) SOnoma .Y• cup prtpartd <'hunky d~ tomato halves . mild salsa ·4 mall potatoes (>'. pound) Salt and ~pptr, y. cup butttr CM' maraarine, to taslt I d ove garlic, prtSStd • into ri~-, 2 tabl~poons mayon nai.sf 4 ounces Dani h Haurti chee-,e, l tablespoon Dijon-tyte mu5tard sliced · Heat broiler. Hahe bread honLOntalh Hollov. OUI h.th eio. Ill nmr brt'ad 1,hcll\ lo '. inch thick <Reserve cru~ for another U\C l s"tor (\\mJ 0 lOl'' v. 1th paper tov.el. ..Cl ~adc. ln 1;maJI bowl ma' 011. orc~ano and g.ufa. tiru'h hgllth llDh.HUl ''de--ofhread Place on baking hcct Place 4 '"'he, under bmaler; bnlal JU'l until .. laghth l mp .ul<l golden. 3 10 5 minute' Meanv.h1lc. m1' m,.a~(1llna"e ..llld mu,1.ird in 'mall bov.I On bouom half of bread. la) er lettuce!. ~at' mawnna1'>t' m1\tUR" lllmJll~'. on1on nng' and chcc~ Co, er v.11h bread ~op Cut into 4 '('( 110'0, "' ~" c \fa(c 1 .I 1rn Inf{\ -'BLUE" FETT CI E The unique jlan>r Cl/ Mue c hu\t' maJ..r\ tlu 1 "" drt:cJnt p<HW J1 ,;, tlwt 1 !(rand rnoul(h Jr>r cwnpqm \ef on/\ tlJJ..tl minute 1 '" nwl.t 4 ounces Danish Blue chttsif or l tabl~poons dr) while ~me ~ 8 oun«s banish Blue t l: lta'ipoon,~nel) chop~ Castdlo c~. chilltd frt'h ha'11 or 1 : 1ea1,pooo v. cup marinattd dritd tomal~. dritd ba,il drained~rtser"e oil) I pacla~e IR oune\"11 unrool>.td l tablespoon oil from tomal~., J,?reen frttuccine or 'Pinach 2 tablespoons minctd ~hallots 'AA noodlt.., l d O\t garlk, minced '• cup chop~ frC'h pa,...lt~ On waxed paper divide chce-.e inH1 I 0 10 I:! p1ecc1., \Cl a.'1dc C'u1 1omallll'' into thm cnp : set a.side. Heat water tor lett\k.'.canc. Heal lltl in 'mall 'k1lk1 11\Cr medium heat add shallots an<fgarh Saute until hmp bllinot limv.n .\JJ V.1~ ~"I and IOffi.lh'IC\ Heat through and kttp hot Mean"'h1lc. cook tc11~1.:mc"'an 1.JhN limhng "'atcr *"' package dircctS. until al tknte t firm 10 the bite 1. Jrain thtmlu~hh and return 10 pot Add tomato m1~tu~.10 ~-JJ chcc\t anJ p.u-.lt,. t 'aum h' mch chc~ Scl'\c dMdtd 8 larae t1P J 1rttn onions. slktd Y• ~P wattr ·~ unmecharel) on heated pla1e' L • ~l11tt, J vnint1 . Yi cup slktd CalifCM'nia \ tablespoon chopptd ript oU"es fresh dlantro ln mall bowl CO\'ct tomatoes with bo1lmg water. set aside lO minute . Thoroughly dram tomatoes: set aide. Mcanwt\i_tc. p1cn:c potatoes with ftrt: mtCTO-beke on HIGH S minute Cool shghtly: cut into Y•·•nch liccs. To mal.c fil hng. melt 2 tablespoons of the butttr m ll·inch nonstK'k sk.1llct over medium-high heat add pocatocs and cool. about 6 mi,,_., hllni"loccastonally. until crisp and,.,.... Md tomat • ontOnS, olives and wsa. Heat through: seasoo with sah and pepper. Keep hot ln bowl beat egg with water and cilantro. For tacit omelet, melt ~ tablespoon or'the ~mer m 8- inch nonstick skillet over medium-low heat: add ~ cup egg mut~. Tilt pan and w1th patula gcnlly hft edge of omelet IS it tool. , allowing uncooked ponion to Oow undcmealh. Cook unlit set bul liU moi t. Spoon ~ of the filling over half of omelet: carefUlly fold othct half over fillina. LooSen omelet and lide onto wanned place . R~peat with remainu" i"gredlcnts. Ma!n 4 omelm Nett: Micro-bakina tune is based on a 7~wan oven. . . .. -r .. .. . ... CHICKE ,ORA GEA DOLIVE ALAD An 1111c0Mlrf011 tmter rp1Aed nran~t '"''"'rettt adJf o frtih o. Iii ,,, tht~ lu-althful saluJ A fan of /tan P<""'c~J, h1cu" brtcJSt ~11h twcJlf~t and a\ 1ll adn I!' t{ and an otttlll of sliced ri~ olu ts ~ tlus 4'111 ~ f'urt ptrftrt oNI dt/trl()llJ 4 ..._. ud boMd dlidi.n ~-l , ~~ •ltitt •iM vi-sar UMs( .. t·l 'hpo111Mk) ·~ -.11....;t.Pttifd - Yi tir nrp .. sail, dMded · ~ lcafPOO" whiff ptpptr' l tMletf DDll cltopptd Olrioe l..dt8ct .. ~CS l .. .J .... -~. pttW 2 ... onqts. pttW .... *" ~ ~ . l ,ript .,«ado. pettH llM liliM \1 mp u•teMt oit \~ c:up ~ CaWonia ript oMttl ptlCt ch.id.en tn ucepan: co\'er with 'A>attt anJ add Y• tca.'JXlOO of the '1lt. Bnns J~ to boil. redutt heal. CO\'U and blrcl} 'amma until chtd.cn JUICc nm clc.v. about 10 minUlt'\. Mcaft..,Mc. male dtt '"I' f>tac-t OOIOO and in~r m ronwncr ol e~ • ·~Of food ~ • v.h1rt ""°' fincl)' chopped. Add°''· \'U~I"· ~ onftlt· the rtlnll8inc Wt IC~ salt. and Cht pqiptr. Whirl Until oplqut rJ hshtJy Ibid. about JO ...... Dram chitkeft and \lte't eal:tl ~ k°'roS) the plJR I.MO Y• ·mch 5lica. lint ......... plMefl wictl ~. PWc .... on h ~. f ..... Oit shca .. ~ onn,t. avocadO Ind oli~ \I. M p6Me$. dMd•nt eqmlty. DrizDe draMai OV'Cll' ... ,,., ,. Mn111ff .. ... • .. I 2 Thursday, April 1, 1993 .. ' • ORANGE COAST FOOD ~Thunder thighs': Why · is it a ·problenl for .women on~? ' II • ,. • • 9 1 \\Ork out thrtt times aa \\eek ot an u robks clo\ , but s hO\C "thund r" thl&h . You don't sec men havin~ trouble \\Ith their thighs. Why Is U so unfulr? -V.S., Costo Mc a No one really l..no"s for sure why wome11 tend to store fot in their hips-and thigh ', while men tend to uccumulntc lat in their tummy :ire:is. We do know that the depositing of fot is tied to the :i~thity of a 'pee.al enz) me -lipoprotcin llp::isc -'' h1ch direct<; the fat -----· \ou cat to specific storage J~1:Js 111 the body. Areas where th1-. cnz\mc is most ac11-.c (butto b and i1ips in 'rnmen and stomJchs in men) colkct the mos t stored fat. As unappealing as hl!fty thigh~ Jrc. the fat stored in this area docs not pose the health risk that fat stored in the stomach region docs. The current 1)1ought on this subject 1s that abdominal fat is more easily broken do"n than 1h1gh fat. due to its close pro,inllt) to the liver. It's the ll\cr that i-. rc~po11s1ble fur breaking do" n all IJI. Unfortunate!>.'' hen large Jlll\>unt:-. ol fJt rcJch the li,cr. 11 responds "1th JI\ ~ncre..ised production of cholesterol. l:.lc\i1ted blooJ dwlcstcrol'is as~ociate<l ''it h :an in ct eas~d risk -for hc:.irt di\c.1w It .,hould. be noted thJL \\Omen 11te not immun~ to pot bclhc~. W e ar1: more piunc ltl f:.i11cr m11.ltllc!> and ,111 incre.1,cd r1sl.. of hc::irt disca'>e uftcr mcnopuusc; bdurc th:.tt time of life. \\C enjoy son1e prutcaion agJin'>t hc;.irt t.l1!>CU!>C from the higher lc\eh of hormuncs. The good ne\\s for "sp:ire tire " fat c.1mers i!> 1h:1 1 it 1s relatively easy tu lo:.c, uofi ke thigh fat "hich I;) murc dill icull . Any new mother ~'.ho ha!> put on fat in her thigh during pr.cgnancy \\ill-be glad to know thJt brc:.ist·fecding your baby incrc:.t!>e!> the r~tc at "'hich thigh fat i!> U)ed up ... helping to.shed "thunder thigh~". Q I haH• recipes I hat c:ill for "sifted flour" .and others \\h1ch call for "flour sifted." ls there o diffcn.·ncs'! - J .A., lluntinglon Ucad1 Ye~. there 1-. One cup uf "~tftcd flu~r" means th.11 )Ou :ire. to \Ill Jh1: lluur before 111e;1~unng 11, "hllc one rnp 111 "flour silted" mcam the tluur " tu he mc.1sured fir:.t. anJ then '-llted l·rcqucnt SJft1ng Jftd mcJ-.ur1:mcn1 "ill 1mpru"c the -1~~ttrc:t>f~H-ntke\ :tnd 111.111v- 01hcr b:ikcd gotid-; .' ""Q ~I) lifrsi~lc has become \l'I"} hcllic \\ith lilllc or no time for l'M'rli\c. \\ill my musdes start to turn into fat if I stop c\crd !>i ng'! - B.S .• Ualboa I lund '\o thl'> IO J lPl1llll01l ml\1:om:cptam· \lu,dc-. Cilnnot turn 11110 fJt, hut" h1.:n a mu!>Clc i-. not u .. cd 11 can -.hrtnk 111 i.i!c, bct:ome \\1:.1kcned und lo-.e 11' tone hcl1ucnll}. the ''1:1gh1 gained \\h1:n 1")hys1c~11.1c11,11y1~ dccrca\Cd anti food cun,u111pt1on remain' the '~11ne, i-. f.11. A 1.11.:k of c.\crc1~e "Ill -alt er )Our .bod> compo!iition to Columnist honored On April 29, at a bJnquet bunching Its I 1J93 t.onvcntion. the CJlilurnia Dietetic A">socia11u11 \\Ill honor rcgi,tcr <l1et1t1an Der;1lcc Scanlon , .. ,th the annu.11 A\\.ird ul E.'ccilencc a~ Callforn1J's D1c11ii.tn· of the ) cJr 111 Private Prac11ce. Uu"11nc!IS or Commun1c..1 tion' Sc~inlon'!> column. "A~k the D1e1111.1n," appe.1rs here e\Of\ Thur,day. Ask Betty Crocker . Q. I haH a dcssm recipe thoc calls for gjeto~t. \\<hut ls it and wher~ con I buy ii'~ h there u • subs1ltutc? -11.P., Garfield, N.J . b1e1ost is a \cmi ·f1rm or firm Norwcgi<in checo;c made from goa " and cow·~ milk thJt i.. coo~cd slowly tu carnmeli.tc Its suga1s. Yo u'll find it in .,pccialty cheese <shop and some upermarkcl\ A a sub~1itu1e, )'OU rnuld use S"'M cheese, though it"• not a hard nor as sweet as gicto~t. Q. I low cd'n J muke cu turd chat \\0 0 't act WUlCr')' \\hen I spoon It out or the di h? -L.P., Wolfboro, .II. The "weeping" )OU describe can be minimized hy .1dding warm nlllk to csg mixture. ·r h'i "Will dccrc.i~c bakio» umc. o "'ell. It's le ltk;ly • 10 h.ippcn i( lhc mnrure w.:arin gradually and t,n·1 ovcrbakcd Uo JOU lla•t • C'OOJ...in1 qur t/ol)'! Write 1Jc11r lJctty Crocker, lJo'I I J IJ, De pt. IJCllJ', Mlt1ntn/)()//1, MN S5·UO. . , that of a lo"'cr JX!rcentagc of muscle ma!>s and a t;rcatcrr percentage of booy fal Q I enjoy anungos. llow do they compare nutritlonolly to other fruit? ' -J .C., e"port Ucuch ~1Jn!;OS arl! Jn C\Cellent source -Of Vi1ammi.-A .ind C. In fati. ~ o"uncc for ounce. mangos conrnin ' 26 percent more bct:i-c::i rotcne {''hich is .con\ertcd to Vitamin A in 1he body) lhJn cantaloupe and 50 percent more bctJ·carotene than apricots. One mango conwim • :ippro\inu11cly 50 percent more Vitamin C than an orange. Mangos, lil.e all fruit, oHcr plenty of po!lbsium, fiber and aro low in sodium. Mangos ar~ in ~eason during the summer, but arc available us early as Junuary. De su re to select full. firm, pan-ripe frui1 that shows somc-yt:ltow or red. Aroma is an important clue 10 ripeness. Then.• should be a plcas::int smell: if · 1here is no aroma the chances arc the fruit b, immature and less navorful. My molhcr used to 1n I a that I cot "hcot 1crm \\hen 1 " IJd. Nowuda)s, I don't heur much obout lt. Is It ttolly \\Orth lncludlna In the dully dice? -R.C., lluntioacon Ucoch 11·~ very muc11 \\Orthwhilc. Thank your mother for her early advice, and you nigh1 wan1 to get back into that habit. A little bir Bf wheut gern] on a regular basis goes a long way toward a healthy heart. Whe:u germ is a Vitamin E·rich antioxidant, which means that it helps to neutralize "free radicals'' -unstable molecules in the body 1hat c:iuse damage to cell :ire implic:ned in ~ging, :rnJ can lead to higher ri k of C\Klccr. While all of the re:bons for '"hetll germ's beneficial qualities arc not entirely understm. research studies indic:ite thal~t may al~o pre\ enc LDL cholc tcrol from O\idizmg and clogging anery walb. You do n't need a lot ·or\\ llcnt germ. SprinJ..lc some into ccrculs o r on fruit, or mi"< u little bit of ii into meats and i.ll:\\s before cooking. Speaking of Viwmin E, other studies report 1hat its u111ioxil.i;lnt qualitic~ nuy oho \\Ork to protect eyes again~! the kind of oxidation damage 1hat leads to ca1uract\ Good !!Ou recs of vi1,1min E -111 a<.ldi1ion to wheal germ -include vegetable oils, "hole grain products, nu1s, nnd green leafy vcgctablc!I. Duult:e Sr1111lon is a rrgl~t£·r<'<I dietitian. Sht Is tlJt author of t110 • books: "Diets That Work" and •1J'J1t Wellness IJook of J. B.S." rnd JOUr qutstlons to: Dcrolt'e Scanlon, H.D., c/o Daily Pilot, l'.O. no.'t 1560, Costa Mc>su, 91616. MOST STORES OPEN · 24-HOURS POIU( SHOULDIR ROAST 8UTI PORTION La.1·.19 OLYMPIC MIAL " BRIAD lQAF • BeovtiJvl 6 Inch Pot W/1WJtc.h1rYIJ Pot (C>Yef3 99 BLOOMING GLOXINIA EA • llllYICI MPTS. •...,.,... IUNNY llU IMAVID MAM HAM ANO WATER PROpuc1 LA. 2.99 DOZIN MCK COOKlll •Ur ONI, •n ONI REG '139 FREE' l'YOOZEN e FRESH FRYERS ~ .. CAUFORNIA WHOLE IODY CHICKEN-LIMIT 4 ... IH AILANl'IC SALMON ITIAKS FIWTS .5.99'LA. La.4.99 LB. ...... ftLAlllA FILI.ITS SOlARAOUA FARMS LA.4.49 DOZEN LARGE:· EGGS GRADE AA, HUGHES CARTON-LIMIT 4 . . Col1Fomio Sweet LARGE KIWI FRUIT ·--MlllGl•llDI• G.E. 8·PACK sonwHITI BULBS ¥>OR I OO·WAIT 1 99~ ---1'1 ~ ....... EA. HUOHU SOUR ClllAM ---16 OZ REG ~UGHT .a9· Sweet, Flondo YEUOW CORN EA .39 MUCAIUAll TlllA1'S ·HUGHES CRIAM CHEESE 8·0Z REG OR LIGHT BAR IPllOZIN •OOD ... GALI 25 OUNCE Svnk1st, 12·0z ORANGE JUICE ... 99 28 Oz , Family Enne BANQUET IASAGNA ...... 3.49 IUIUlnAZ WMNCLUI 2.09 . .. ntOPICANA 1/2 GAL W ... MIUM 2.~79 12 Oz Sour Cream <>< LASCCO WINE HERRING . 2.49 Bo Tern~ ... 32 Oz Holf Sour KOSHER PICKLES .... 2 ... 9 ! • I 7SO·ML MOOlll DAVID 1.99 •LADI ·cur LAMB SHOULDD CHOPS LA.2.89 , llUfRU POTATO CHIN -5 5,10 60Z VARl(TIES ~99 Fresh, Delicate Flavor ITALIAN SQUASH . L8 ... 9 AllAll fOoD ING*ll IAUIX ..aun .... a.one 6INCilf COUNT • 2.19 AllNOMOTO 16 • OUNCE , ... , i.49 <lfC TO'MOSlllUOA SOMIN 1602 NOOOUS .99 NICIS lnlCTM I A.M. THUU., AN• 1 THaU WIO., ANIL 7, 1 "3. LIMIT llOHTI IUllVIO. NO SAUi TO DIAUll OI WHOUSAUll. OI 90.0CNA CU Ol 1601 ~•fWIKS 2. 99 PlllGOUI SH•IDDIDCMIDD C)IM()~(LIA 8 01 , 1.79 '"'AlllR DINNllS FOR DINNER CIDERS CAU 1 IOOai61M141•&&•7u. m CM&. lQll UXAL .am ' NIMI .. $tM$•10I~ '19-99 •• Nl·IUCID llOl•Y MAM ~ S W"MS I PfOf\l 39~ ..... !UaUY SfMS 8 TO I 0 l'(Qf'\f ' 39 .. r)f'pj.£ COUPON I cC>C>£ 199 I 1 S·LB. MATZOS 1· : •sOFFI :-. I Willi MS CCUON& 10 00 ~ P\JllCHAS( I • WI™ T'HIS CCUON llMIT I OffO PH COU'ON I °""' cOUON 10 cusroMn MAY t<>r er usro.,..,.. I Iii N'<r Oftfl ~QlltON YAW 4/1 /tl J¥AJ "'7 /fl -• ------------I I --J S•v' Overs79 OKSillt•"""-&, (JIU!. QJ (}NJ~ !J'4wu. Bm O ne Get O ne 7-U p , A&W, FREE Sunkist -6 Pk. Bu\' One GPt One Vons 16 Oz. £RV ........... ~~+-""O_.range u1ce [J A ''"rtt>rl f1m, l,,.. 4 P111 J..:. I.! C >::-t' >tt It'' •• .. ~ . . JOO"o Purr' From froz1•11C :11111 1•11trritt>, l.or,i{t' StzP @g41jl-- i ssin Cup O ' Seven Seas "Free" Dr~ssi'ngs • \... 111•.I \ imrttt.., It c >1111. 1• Ht>NIP FREE oodles !JUI •Irie f.,·I Um· ,\ ,, 111 I \ •• ( "'" I •·J' FREE Crcamtltte S p aghetti 1.: '""' ( I I "•'..:•· P . ltir' Cr ckers nf onrG•toE renuum .. a les a RE ,., II ,,,,,.,, I I '11, Oun .. t1~>..1i; . ewman 'I) Own ~licro Popcon1 B~Onf'f.f'IOnf' {I,., ~ \ ,, ' .~ "1 1'.111..11,... .r REE ... ' .. I Hmm• :-.f\ /,' ···' Bu,· One Gt~t Ont' Farmer Joh11 F.REE Rol l ~.au sage U1•!.!1il111 ci: '} { I Gorton's Fish .Sn ks Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks USDA SP.IP.ct 8t'"P-( 1 '-1" Thin Tn1111iu>tl, \hlut• ,.,;,,.i; 69 Lb. • Oscar Mayer "f!0"~C.tOne . Meat Bologna r REE rt;•gu Jar. ~ 1ck or l.ip,I> t 12 Oz Pnr.kORt! Vons Biscuits .-.. ~, . (r,flf~~ Ripe Ha voc ado llu::rJnt• (,._., Ont FREE UR World Buy One Get One ~~~!~,p atesf REE 1 >nt f>n111 1 1 8ln Onf' ('4'1 Ont Sun taid St-.~1~, Raisin~ FREE Dot: 199 \,ahtre'~ Favorite M1.'-'1l\' l'otat \ ' • nc r • l'k .89 4 ~100 Sunk~t Fn1it Rolls 'o// 18111) 121 fuoo l·1•1 \ON~ 1 ~,·11 n' ., 1. ii. l\tlfl ' • rut .,• \ ,.,, l .,,,/,,,.In II• 11>1( Qi1111,•1t1t t ( Jnh· I ' . ..,I)/\ l'<>tltl•'toltll' I ·u1u•11> (,f,11lh '' , f'IN1 7hr• 1/ h Vol I (fr• t1H In C 11tol1ntr, ~nn l>tf'gn. ~n&, 1,.., \r~a4, HuA..-".fit>lll. 1\1]11t(t, n}n ~ \fom> C auntv nr Pu• ilmn• l'11ql1n1H l '/m r 'l 111 lt1•m11 C'f \~nrti<r• Inv Ncl • lft \\\lll.11'/r In 1:\'f'I'\ '~ _,.,.fl, . ..,.,,,.. Th,. /l1~"' Th l1m1t Quanl1t11 • .. 1-1 l Jtmu• l'od.ogr• Bur Onf! G« Onr Chiquita ·100°/o Juioo Blend · IZ(/111.,, t »11 Von Shot~n Pota' 1111 ~. • FREE , lltH On f~f'f On,. FRE· A Spedal ~ ~ $lcofJ Come on ~own to the n~w Alpha-Beta at Triangle quarc! h's like no other sto~e you ve seen before! You'll get fast service (we even have valet gro- cery loading!), the fre helit food and the fri endlie t mile (and there' ton of free undergrou11d parking!} ... but at our new T riangle quare rore you'll al o get a whole lot more! · • . o come to where cwpo rc Boulevard meets H arbor B~u levard and sec wh(}t the-future of grocer y · stores will look like, today! , . FwkCut 131WJW!f6 · FLORIST QUALrf"t ALSTROMERIA 6 OZ.•FLORENTINE •CLASSIC •MONTEREY ~·6 ·o• ' ALL VARIETIES 16 oz Ue Cewt. P~w 49 EA. 750 ML. OR CABERNET SAUVIGON FOR ' . • t ... "''J ,. ~J .. I IC \ \111' ~ c J . ' ':' ,,...· ~-----------~~~_.:::;;;;;;:.._ "·" Z@.~,ISY · 8 Pim Bex . •GERMAN CHOCOLATE •PEANUT BUTIER •ROCKY ROAD •CHOCOLATE MINT •4 PACK· SUM p TUl D lltU fll SAl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 ---:;.;;._...---!:--:-r--:-----!.. .. +.---:----·-----,-_.: --- 1 ' . . flUetl . CldtJuui 2-HALF BREASTS •2-WINGS • 2-THIGHS • 2-DRUMSTICKS NO PRESERVITIVES OR ADDITIVES •••• + TAX 1870 HAllaoa -~. COSTA MllA - ' ~ l ....... I •t• __ .. ...... "". .• . ( -, 2 , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PHOTOS WinnJnf 1mavsJrom the put lour Advertisin& · PholOlfaphers of Amenca .awards competrt1ons - 1nclud1n1 this iold-mtdal winn• by M1chHI Rllabln - are on display in Oranp Coast Collere's Photo Gallery Ulrou&fl April 20 Adm1sst0n 1s ,,... To ftnd nur •llar rl.w I~ up, ""'"' C'alC"ndar Htardn• on patce IO. Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, April 1, 1993 j STAGE For the skinny on Youn& Consemtory Players· "The Eml*'Or'S New Clothts. "' Tom Titus' mn on PIP 9 Pictlirtd ire llrom ltfU - llat11 Hiller. Nicole Frydman and Scott Cron1ck. •I . . ························~······················· COAST . . •.• ........ -' ................................. . I • • -~ MUS You CM -llM cewtry ... -IN symphony but,-.. i:aa'l . M¥W •llMI. Leul country lllllSIC '°""1 Wiii pt a 1V1 ~ It lltar IN Oak ... lfrs ......... to tM ~lllltAI Of • "" ercMstra .... ..., .,.... .. pacific ••. S,..pllely Ordltstra P9'$ Selws ctllCtrtS Saturday 1414 S-., The I p 111 C04QrtJ 111 llMc prtselltld at ... Orlllll C..llty ,.,.,,., ~· Arts Ceeltl. For ...,. .. llM celC9lt see IN story Oii Pill 1 ' ' . ' •' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TH Al • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • ................................ ~ ................• The file photos on thi page and today's CO\.Cr arc from Native American gatherings the Daily Pilot covercil last )'e.lr. Photos from previous Powwows at Orange Coast College ~ere not available at pr<?ss time. The above photo shows then 7-ycar·old kry~tal Water White Eagle last year at the Orange County Fairgroun<ts, which Is also where the photo at qght of then 13-year-old Steplu1nle longhorn was taken. Cover photo shows an Aztec dancer who posed for our cameras. y WHO: Native ~lean Student • ~gonlzatlon WHAT: Thltd annual Powwow WHERE: OJonge coost • cou~·· Lelard Stadium . WHEN: 10 a.m. to midnight Soturdoy; 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. Sunday , WHY: To enjoy tinging, donclng, Jndlon foods, atts and crafts. Memben of the Laguna Pueblo, Sioux. Apache and M 1kc Contreras tell-. of a \Oung but Lopez c\pec1~ 1h1) )CJr\ tu be 1he student "'ho "'as afraid io go -ob1ggc .. 1 )CL Ile could not ~i"e specific to her Irvine school bCC:liJ\C a numbers for how many people ~llendeJ r "t Native American pupil "::is in PO\\\\o"'s bccau'e the org.anizat1on ne\cr her Cl:Jss Ch,1rgcd admt\SIOn -Until lh1s )Car. "She "'as afrJ1d o( hor h:iir g.cll111g 1..ut ulf A mudcq 50 cents or a canned-fuoJ'ut.>m am.I all that," he said. \\Ill ~c sought f'hc fund) .... ,ill be' u'ed for a At Western State Uni~. \\h1ch Chm· fooJ program through the Southern. Sando\al altend,, J fdlo'\ -.1uJcnt v.hu hJJ C~1M'-HD.lJ lnJi.m Ccn1~tq.ncy r;ii,eJ \\111 been on an ouldoor c\cur,1un ll>lll.. h1111 g.ll to\\.HJ ... ..i111L.ir\b1r" to. N.111,~ Amcr1~Jll aside .ind a'l..t.:J, "I lo\\ Jo )l>U l!U)' u,c ""' '11,1Jcnh JI OCl st11.l..s together 10 \IJrt a lire 1 "\\ e're 1\l11" Ill J ~'Ilion 111 Ju th:i1. to /\lil..e Lopez re ... Jll\ J :\al1\e ,\mcn..::.lll gl\C a ll\CJlllll!,!IUI Jll11Hllll 111,Jl actuall) PuW\\UW \\here, aftcr traJ111un;il Jan ... c' hcncl11' the 'tudcnt,, ~'\00 or l•ctt\:r." Lopcl "ere staged, a ''lute \\Um.111 appwad11..·J hun ,,11J \hlllltng to II.no\\ .. ii there \\CJulJ bl! all)~r,·.1/ I he org.ui'w:r' h•lfh: thi: ""'""u" \\Ill lnd1anl> here." '' 1p, ,1\\ a) 1 he 'rn~k 1mJ~i: J 1.:uplc 1:.1\ c ul '\ ou 1..no\\, the I.ind in the mu\1C\ -on all 'i.1t1'1.: \n•c11c;.in' l'' J"pl.1~111l! 1hc the v.arpJth, sv.inging tumJha"I.,..,, J"1111d lcjtun of d1llcrc111 1r1hc,, L ,1pe1 "!>umct1mes, if )Ou're not in the right !\,11.t the' J,rn't trJme of mmd, )OU can ~'Cl up,et." Ll1pc1 C\C'll 1..n~'' hl " ~a1J. ·· r-.to .... t of the umc ) uu JU't h~" c Ill 111.111, trtbc' \ 111 be l;iugh. It':. J COn)tJnt b;illk ) OU JU'! ha\C Ill 11.:jllC'l'llted th1' cJU1:a1e.." \\l'Cl..cnJ h.:l IU~C : Th:it\ the goal of the 1\jtl\13 \men, 1n 1 the c\Cnt 1, Ml Student OrgamzJ11011'1. thmJ annual Po""l>" op1..11 Jnd 111.111) 111 Orange Coa5t College's Le13ard Stadium 'Jll\C Am._ 11,.uh this "'eel..cnd. Fc.ilunng singing. dJncing, J,1n t 1Jent11\ their authcn1ic food and :irts anu cr~1ft,, the real trih.il lHigui~ attraction is the opportunll) to meet re:il I he Pll\\\\\l\\ 1.., Nuth c Americans, not the one) lkp1ctcJ 1n one uf \.b,c k" the movie1. ... or historv bool..s c'cnl\ \\here "I see it just like :i greeting," Contrcr.is N.111,e Arrn.:m:.in:. llaid. "You let everyone mee t )'UU, hl<.e )OU can meet \inc rcnlly nrc, instend of the old John \\'"'> ne Jnother :ioJ ihc shoot-em-up, neg:lli\C·t)pe ~tmo)phcrc" cummunit\ c:rn sec -bopcz,, S.i.nd~' ;ii :ind Corl!l•'• I> ,,Jui ).pnrt.~I J \i.1l,i1..· h1rcc ample black manes, ~t at J tJhk JdurncJ 1 1 11 · . . I le\ an: ,,,,1 '· wath a construcnon-p:ipcr \1gn th.11 rcJJ h 1 ~ d · 1 "The Earth's First En\1ronmcn1alr .. 11." " 11.. 1 an '':i ('llllll' l>Ut J1,pcb earlier this "eek as part of 1he Co,1:1 ~tc'J . the 1111,1•11..cn college's Coast D:i> • "'h1ch intrl>Jucc' lll•thlll that mu't • students to ~anous oo·cJmpu' dub,, Meet the REAL Indians Po"'' u'' a l Orang~· C~rn~l Cullt·gc this \,eek cud :.ee k::-. to c<lu calt' public aLo ut -:\a ti\'e .\me rican .., 0 As the tlo'' of student'> cbbcJ tu a trrll..lc, lnJi;in, :ire Lopez c>..pl.11ncd that the !":atr\e \mt fll'Jn C•lll!!rc!!atc:J n \n.n111•1· Student Organization :.tarted thr..:c )CJr' J~l1 ( .1 ii rn1.1. \\I 1~h JI l•nc timi: h;iJ . 0 .,.,1th about IO member,. rc,1..f\.111,111,, h:i' the h1~he,1 p.>pul.1t1un ,1f "And 11\ "'cllcd tu I~ '~.111.111,.11 .1JJcJ :".it1\C ,\111cr1l"Jll\ 111 the LlnitcJ ~1.11c,, th\." \\1th a chucl..lc , I t 11 ,,11J ActuJlh, the dull l\ll.'lllh1..r,h1p ha' h1..·en ·" \ l\'l 111 111111..'' l JI h1rn1.1n' J,11 t I.nm" high J) ~ Lupt.:z conl·edcJ 11\ d1thcult 1\1 fmd Nat1\e Amcm:an '1udc11h, .111lt 11i,1,e that arc dr,co,~rcJ arc ol1cn rn,1re 1nlcrc1.ted 111 acaden11 .. ) th.111 .1 ~•>lt.tl duh ' T hough ... m.111. the or~.1111tal1lln 't.i~c-. 'lOmc of the collebie's b~c't cultur.11 e\Clll\. "'llh the Po\H\OW bcrng. the 111(1\t popul.ir O thc r than football game\, the Po'' \\O\\' arc the mo~t-attendcd e'en!\ Jt the college. accordmg to Lopez, "ho. all>ng \\rth the p.11r rtting nc\t tu him. 1:. .'.Ibo 111,olveJ Ill off-campu-. Native AmcrrcJn g.uhcring-.. Last )Car':. cro\\d at OCC wa' 'mailer than c\pected due to the Los Angeles rilll . Novofo trtbes will pound out trodltlonol JOn~fs on traditional drums. HOW MUCH: so cents °' o conned-food Item In Heu of the admluk>n fH. All food collected will be gtven to the Southern Collfornlo Indian Centet. funds also benent ichOlanNps tot Nattve American Student• at occ. MORE INFO: Call 02·581? ho\1 ·1 .111~ l11J1 11' 111.:rc .ire. \ 1n t.1,,11 ,.11J ";\lot 111 time,, lnJ1a11' J,m .t l..1111\\ hu\\ .l,,io;~·d rt mme pl.l1pk atll.nJ l'th"'''"' hc(aU\C \ll ri:(elll lllll\I~' 111..c ''D.1nle\ \\1th \\ ol"·'· Co11trc1 .1~ '1111h.:d ;rn.I ';11.J ··I h.:re \ hecn an 111\fl'.IW ·· I he llUC..,tllln d1J11'1 '" th;it \\ell "1th S.111d11,,11, hm'c'er "'OJIKC\ \\11h \\t1l\c1,' ha' nqthmg to do \\1th u' I h.11 \\.b a IU\C sio" . hct\\CCn :.i "'h11c m.1n .ind a" h~c .... oman." I h~ bJttlc: 10 cJu1...Jte continue\ •.• 0 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, April 1, 1993 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . ............•..................................•••• ·······························~················· Laugh a · minute Young C o n se rvatory off on the road to fun T Ii.: pH>!-'1.1n1 tor 'lnu1h C 11.1,1 !{, 111.·1 i.u~ ·, Young • t •1hcf\,1tlll) l'l.1~cr' p1 .,! ... 1, .. 0 11f ·!he Lmrc1 "1 \ Ne" ~I 111·'·11lkr' · 'PC<'l,tl th.in!..\ 10 [I, '•. ll.n!! .ind Dm uthy .. AnJ 1,1r , .. 111111 Theater Critic Oir.:ctur D1.111c Du~ le h.i' lllJCCtcJ I he ~pmt of 1 he t•ld "RuJdv mm IC\ -'pcc:1ficJll~ "RuJd 10 ~lurtX,u" -irrtu her 1111erpretJll011 uf the JJ.1pt1lrn lJ~ SCR \ Greg At I.. in~ Of thl' clJ"IC I IJO\ C:lu 1,11Jn An<le r\cn l.11r\ tJIC The rc,ult I) one of the frc~hc\I :.inJ lun1111.:~t YCP '"''"'tu uJtc. 111th :111 Jbund.1111:c of I'''" humor prorcllrng the fJmih:.ir •ti•n 111 .1 1ukr oh'c"ctJ hy h1' ''"t.lr"I ,· )p11ghtl\' lllll\IC:.tl " '; ,h\.111111' b~ D1.111~· 1-:rng VJnn ... •hi "f'ttl.'111 .,~11111~, ttntl l•~lttmc"' :1 I"' •Ii ({1,h.11d t hllc .ald ndt 1 t\u.d cmphJ\tS. Wei.ton T Jll\\1g ;ind Ju!>t1n The c1 '"' hilc.: llopl' .111d Crol>hy W.ilvoord ;ire di~.irmingly credrlih: ai. ..:h.HJl.'lCrj :.ire :.1 fJthcr·)Ull le.im of the con urust~. th ough WJlvoord's wn men 11 hmc pl Jn " 11> l>ncak into 1 ocalizing cleJrly isn't hii. st1011g suit. iu"' n ·J1);,.t::,c..: JS a c;11rn:I. fleece the Nancy Inmon cnJcts the la uer'~ love cmpcrnr JllLI dud.. out 111 the gul\c of i11terest wilh J delicious sen~ of trees. Along the w;i~. they cncounlcr comic charm. .1 L.imuur-111..c I.illy 111 \\Jit111g "'ho The emperor himself (who refers ofter:. an Jllrac11vc 111ccn11ve to ~t1d to his land as his "cmperordom") is arountJ for J \\h1lc. outrageously lampooned by Stoll This modern subplot nicely Cronick, who must have rese:irched compliments 1he tr;..id1tion:il fable of his role: by watching Peter Ustinov's the emperor" ho mu~t h.11e a • Nero in "Quo V:id1s." Nicole J1ffcrent outfit every JJy, eJch mo re Fl)dman shines :imong the bazaar opulent than the la st. Jn the SCR peddlers, while little K.:itie HiJler is a pr0Juc11on. the youngsters (ages to comic delight as the kid sister who 10 17 "uh a few AJult Co11serv:itory w:ints her older sibling rom.anccd members chipping in) m.11..c the most :iw:iy so she c:in h:ivc a room to of their opportunity 10 create unique herself. • chJractcrs. "ith Do} le ·s deft The Oashie!>t roles -with such direction emph,;.isiLing the titles as Sultan of Style, Underlord of s1yle-01t:r-:.ubstance :ipproJch. Underwear and Ovcrlady of Over Dressing -arc played with fine CATHO C • S'NGLE? The Cethollc Sing ... Networll f Orenge County bring• t~ Interesting. active. profeaslonal men & women who share similar ntiresfs-indj)Osltlve valueat~· - Here. courtesy of the IRS, are some ways to increase your taX refund. or decrease your taX bill. on your 1992 return: Earned Income Credit. You may be entitled to a credit of up m $2.211 if your ad justed gross-income rs-less-than $22.370 and you have a qualifying child. Selling Your Home. You may be able to postpone the taX on part or all of your gain. or maybe even get greater breaks If you're SS or older. Casualty losses. Losses suffered from events such as fires. tornadoes. hurricanes, floods and car accidents may be deductible. Elderly or Disabled. 'bu may be able to claim this credit if you're 65 or older, or if you are retired on disability and were permanently and totally disabled when you retired. Electronk Rlln1. This won't save you money. but will get you a refund faster; usually about three weeks after we receive the return. There.tre many more credits and deductions you should know about. Catr us toll-free at 1~TAX-1040 for answers to any W<. question. $ee your taX package for details Orf any of the money-- saving ups above. ~ .,& Internal Revenue Service • 'ttMIJ Ans~. Ass1sronct. Ar ~' Smict. , . 4 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, Aprh ·1, 1993 riw 1m MAV1'r, 16" x 19· )- ~·..<.~· Scott Cronick is ~ cro"'d pleaser in "The Emperor's New Clothe ." com1c:il Qoumh by George Alg1e, Erin Byron. Trevor llh~orth, KJm Ou~viano and Tracy Y:ites (1o1.hose l\Gughly posing Sl;tnds OUI) Eril P:itterson's "minister of fJsh1on" con11eys stern, 1f laughable authority Others in the e:ast -L)nn Capri. Cecil Fosler. Jeffrey h a.1k. Drittney Jensen, Dc:.in.a Wong and Morgen Johnston -' add fine ;.itmo)phcric . touches, and the cut respond) 1o1.cll to Dcbor;ih South's chorcogr;iph14. rontributions.. The fin:ile is ptctlict:ibly h1l:arious. Oosing performances of .. The Emperor's New Clothes" will be given &his weekend in Founder' I IJll .of the Orange County Performing Arts Center. For curuun times anJ ticket inform:ilioo. call 957-4033. • Otsuka. the master of Japanese contemporary att translates the dehcacy and poY.ler of centunes of tradltiof\ into a sensrtJve and fie<cety 1ndr.ndual style all htS OINO. A fine art collection that challenges tradrt:ion.11 boundanes while honoring their legacy Otsuka at his best. An exhibition not to be missed Meet Otsuka at. · Lahaina Galleries in Fashion Island April 3~ 1993 from 1 t o 3 pm and from 6 to 9 pm: (7 14) 72 1-911 7 ., ·. "· . . _____ ___,f :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::::::::::·::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~.:::::::.:::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::::::::::.:::::::·:::::;:~:::::::::::::·::::·:·:::::::·:::::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::~:.:_:::::::::: Picks & Pans Without the help of hi old band Time or old friend Prince, nothing's guaranteed on Morris Day's "Guaranteed" album. TALENT HIGHT EVERY THURS. NtGHT FREE DANCE LESSOHS SUN, WED & THURS, 7:30 PM Picks- Jud)b3ts "Pain ~lal.r You Urnutiful" (Sire). ·11w. CO h1h l)ric.illy, \OCally, mu)1cjll) and humoruu ly, "1th 'llmc emotion.ill) \HCnching tune) filled \\1th lu)h A string\ th:11 g1\c them a RO\) UJ M\Jsic·t) pc effect, "h1lc others :nc pure \\ hin)"gu11.1r psychedelia. Sort of :i IO\C letter. •the O\crall theme o( the album ccms to be 1:m nor OK: )oui1c not OK, but that's OK. Music; for Ste\\art Sm:illey. 111 uthcr word' J ohn l'ILZnrclll "Nnturnll)" . and neither 1' Prince I rum the ( RCA;Novus} 1'1a.arclh proH:s i11'>ip1J opener '"Gimme \\ hJt.:h.1 uncc agJin he 1 10 guitar Gut" t 1 the Jori-\ t1tk cut, ,trumnung :ind crooning Y>hat -~ thc-tttt1~ thing gu.1r.111t\.'Cd 1111 ,\lt\.hJcl Fctn)tcin is to piJno th" CD "11\ p.11h 'tr.11~h1 to a:J plJ)u\g Jnd croonmg. 111~ • the bJrgJ111 1:111 A 111 t 1111 J,1uh1 \Oicc 1s S\\CCI, clear. I tis abour 11 ~ho nufi guitar: stroke, on tm CU!>tom Jrni ~luhfaur (\\..trncr Brl1' J II Uer1cJc110 7-)trtng :ire clc;in, nuiJ • tht: IJ.inglc' JfC IPOhlll~ hir .1 . PtuJrclh tJle' l"tencrs b.id. to J I :-.1 IJ I I • 1 \\J\.J "'.... u 1ur 1 • .-. t 1eir "111' 1 I Jc,., \trc, ... ful tm1c \'Uu.:c .• rnJ thcic JI\. ,,1111c • Pans ~ tnt\.·rc,1i11i; wn~' 1m 1111, <. D o,c1.1ll, 11\ too gl''''~ .111J ;1, ~lorri) Day "Guaranteed'' lillm\! a' .1 111.1r,h111Jll1>\"· l11mcn·1 0 ( Rcpri-.c ). T une ·.1i1ft on OJ)\ )1Jc ~ -/1_1 '1.111 Cc1J.1·r Judyl>;its: .l mu!>ical IOH! lctlcr. . ,. CR Y·S T .A L COU RT 'S 4.T H ANNUA ·L I -- ' J ""' '" '"' '"' ,.,,"mg ""' d,t\ l'\ l'lll fc.1furrn.1.: 11111n .. : th.in 4(1 untqul' l''<h1h 1111r' \\ 11h "-.t .1t1..··,,f.tlw .1r.1" Ilk"'' th~ ,,1ph1 .,n~.11l·d l,!.mk·1wr Pun:h .1'l' un1qul· In hrr\f.,, : .mJ l'\J"l'rt~nll' dw \\Pndl·r ,1f m.1~tl..1I \\,tll. 1hrrn1J.!h J.!.mk·r" k.11 unn..: 11n1qu1..· l.md'l·'rx' 1d1..··''· \\,Her g.1rdl'f'h .111d m1)rt·! Bring 'Nlllr 1·•\'orttl.' 'he.er' fur .1 um1rl 11111..·nt.er) sh~rpcnmg! A Jnw ...... ru n .mJ p .1 rk i ng cl re t rel'. 0 • s l'llllll.lr' 11h. l11.h.-: ()l'lPr,lt 11\1.! \\ tdl : ) I 111 l' r.fl!.!.! h 1n.,tlL!lui ~1.l:\...l..l~-----.,.,~-~----- l l111\ll \I l'.tl111 T. 111r-. • l 'I,! ~ 1Pnl' "11 h Hl·rwt 1\. 1.11 I n'q '' • Lm\.l,1...11'1.. l 1i..:h11i11.! •"-••I' t 1.1r,lln' hr SATURDAY, APRIL 3 10 AM .. 5 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 4 11AM .. 5 PM 3 3 3 3 Bc.ar tree'-Co:,ea M .1, C A 92626 Partlcipenla include· Arlan & Sons • Blooming Fields Farm~ Butterfly Orchids • Ep1phyllum Society of America • Fuschta Fnenda Gtw....,. ~ Gardens. Inc. • Hlro's Bonsai Nursery • International Palm Society • Jungle to Desert • O C Rose Society • Plant Animals Custom Topemy •.....,....Alla Santa Blirt>ara Orchid Estate• Starke'• Orchids • Teddy Colbert's Garden• The Well·Appointed Garden • Van Ness Water Gardenl • WeidNf9' 0.-. .~ Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, April 1, 1993 5 •I I ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .TH E •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ············~···································· -.Music .. FrOm Above Brent J o n e s .trie s to hook kids with sounds th.e n d_raw . tDem to Christian. message W 11h U11.·n t fonc,· Jchut jll')\ 11.:k,l\C ··o· !"m11" • 11.'1.cl\ 111g :.111 plJ) vii ( l111,t1 111 ,t,111,111' 1h111ul!)wu1 the 1.11111111\, the .llll'l i' ul(.111d I 1111'1111~ I hi.' t11.,,1ni.: CD -the frr't , •Ill lh.!1.1.if p7tlJUd l\\UCJ b~ ''"lh•rt UeJch-h.M~d !:>unrc t hrill' L 11tt:11.11111111.'nt -1' J rich ..inJ 11111.'Ctl\lll\ 1111\ llf !{,\. U bJIJJd\, 11ltld,·1 t1 lun l.. .111J htp·hup u.111ce 1h,1hnh lll•1tcJ to the hm:~il 111~"·'::,·-. 111 June,· !>tro;1g n:lig1uu' I.11th In .1 11.'lCllt 1nt1.'f' II.'\\ cunuucted 111 )11111._ I hr ill... prn1dl.'11t l \Jll \\ 1ll1.11m' rc1.·rn J1ng ~tuJ1u. June' ,111d \\ llllJlll\ Jl\CU~\CJ the C\CITT\ th.11 h:d 111 thl.' rde.i'>e 111 the . tl11.'.11h·,u1.1.e~,ful "DTuur" CJ) \\ dli.11m. bt:\t l..no\\11 a' an 111,tru, tor 111 the commercial 11.·oird111g art!> program :1 1 Golde n \\'1.,1 C11llc~e. met June-. !>i\ yea" . 1..:u \\J1c 11 lhc :irt1-.1 ~a'' an ad in -tlh.' \cH1w.1t.1g1.•, 11nJ t.':1mc tnto h1' n:1.11rd1ni.: \lud1u lo \\Ori.. on a ,111i.:k I h.11 led to Ju111.·, J\l..111g \\ tl!1.11n' 111 i.:11 111 .1 d111rd1 111 1,,,,, .. ,1 "'I.'' .dh11111 1!1-1 l fhl.'ll h.1d llll.0 d I ll\I.' \\II 1.d I 11\llll! .1t h1' ,Jill\\\ I h 1J 111L 1; 1 •1l11;11l\ ht ol•,cne h1' I, J\\11111111' .1h11.1 ( h1 •'ll. ll I ·'" \l.',1h .•i.:•• I"., .11 .1 '-•II" 11 ,;I I u,l;ll 1111.:h !'ld11111I .111d ru 1d cd 111 111~ \\lie.: \h._11,, "' I .. I •••h " i.:<1111 · l•t \ll!ll lh1' 'II\ '\ill \Urll~d 1:1 Ille ,;nd \,lld, \\I. d1111 t \••u' \\ ._. i.:•tl 1oc1.1h1.·1 1, 11d11 I! .11.!lc'l"lll\.lli .1111.J ~I 11kd 111 worl.. on the p ruJCCl." Wi l11:11m am.I Jone:. vrorkcJ 1ogcthcr 01.1 prmluc11011 of the CO.· Now Williams· b bu~y promoting the reka!>c \Hth indu:.try cunlaCl!> and Jone~ i:. out pcrforn11ng wi1h ht!> group Total Prai!>e Singer:. in ~upport of "DTo ur.". "We want main:.tream America to listen anJ 111..e it bccau~c it's guoJ mw.1c," William:. !>aid. "Then 'ay. ·,,a11 a rriinu tc.' \\hat are they !>rngmg about?" AdJcJ Jone:.: "It"~ important for me to get young people im.pired. ~1 here arc so many thing:. that lktuur them frum bein g right. I ":.int to impirc them Lo be right :ind tru~L God." "[)"I om·· •~ a"a11Jhlc at Sonship Chmt111 n 1Jnok~to1 c. 2500 W. Pac1f1c Coa'l H"~ . Newport Bc.ich. ~onic Thi 111' 1!> :ilso getting 'cl to relca<.e thl' debut CO from 'lngl"f·\lln~' ritcr <.iulJcn D..1\\n. For-mGf~-mfmmution on where- Urcnt June:. i:. performing, call Sonic rhrilb E111er1ainmcn1 at 5-IS-9 12 1. 0 In other llC\\!>, 'Conqucnng Mu!>IC performs reggae wund~ to the pica:. of '~orld peace when the banJ performs Friday and Saturd:iy ·in the Fine Arts Recital Hall at Or:inge Coa!>t College. Uoth sho\\:. arc set for 8 p.m. N;llly fames. ''ho is a nati\e of Trinidad, is joined by Sh:.i,\n Magee. and Rand1ni to provide a . number of influences into a unique s0und containing a number of moods within the reggae sound. While James' debut album, "Come Let's Unite:· ut1lizcl> !.lrong guitars and orchcMral arrangements, Rundini the "Genie'~ u!.'l:s rap a'i a mean~ to find express1on within the sound of Conquering Mu~ic. Magee, having JUSt released her first single, "Jah is Love," recently performed at the 1 Hh-annu:sl B Marley Day concert in Long Huntin~n Shores Motel Romantic Weekend • 3 days • 2 nights • 4 p.m. Checkout on Sunday • Conttnental Breakfast s99 Includes tax 21002 Pacific Coast Hwy Hunttngton Beach 1-800-554-6~ 1/2 PRICE MID-WEEK SPECIALS! FLOATING HOT-TUB CRUISES Enjoy the sights & sounds o f N ewport H a rbor while you & your friends relax In a bubbling ho t tub . Great For:- • The m e Pa rtie s • Holidays • Birthdavs. •Catered Events Onty $50 per Hour for I.(» PcOplc ~~ YACllTSotMBLES " ~~~~" 55 7-7 445 ...,. lfl Newport Bettch fi O!ange Coast Weekend 1 Thursday, April 1. 1993 J r mm ll•lt, ''"Kl'r widen l>J~n. produter .Evan Wiltiaim •nd lirt•nl Jone'> 01t Sonic Thrill" fnt<•rt"inment studios in N~rt Bea< h OeJch. Ad,:.incc CllJlCc rt t1d.ch, pnc1..d al S850. arc on ~:.ik 111 OC<. \ Community Sc f\1Cc l'u.:l..ct Otllcc • located adj..1 ccn1 to the nillcge'!> library. ·Tit l..cb will he' :.nlJ '" the door for S 11. For more infurn1Jt1on. c:.111 432-5 80 . -·-. ---0- ' Foll.. !>Inge r Cawl ~IJrt1111 \\Ill h1.. performing at An:ht3!.l:l A''lu 1 1907 H:1rbor _lll\d., Co!>IJ Mc' J' 8.30 p.m. c.>n Mondny. April I~ I 1•1 more information, cull 6-i6-Sr<, She will t1l)(.1 be uppc':inn~ .11 Portfolio, s.io Soµth·Coa:.t ""' Laguna DcJeh, at 9 p.m. on I r 1d ' April 23. For more inform,1t1un 1 11 1 .11 s ow, ca -lty Dluin M .n udl at Cafe Fleuri St'<' ii. i< 'hit ~t 11 l ... Ullh Pork &'t.·I Htll.tlllll.! on .1 'Pll Smell h. Hw.-illu • .., \tilt ,,,tJ~ m tht L tft· h\tr it. It\. t.mt'<l , . ........ ' to onlt1 I llll ' \nd Im\ l,11 .1,1,tl<•r th.Ill 'ou l.Hl \ ---.,F . mul!)nt.· )t·r\td \\lU1 \l'\!l.L1hll'' Complurn.·ntl'tl h\ .~1 1mnwt1':'-' ,tJ~1d hullt l it l.A.1h ol <. ho1t <" lll\UUl\ <.hrntt~ \lotKl,1\ th~1 rnclt\ 11 .un 10 2 pm I • • ':/} MERI DIEN NEW PORT BEACH li•I \Ill \rthur Hhcl \1\\Ju1 l\t.l(h. t \ c~~~l.l· 7111 lit><lllll -. ' •' ························~·········~················ ·······~··········································· ··············~·~···~······~······················· ·····························~··················· By Christopher Trela SottlM toW~ New Spark- . and more up,tempo songs that Y.Ould include the brass. And there v.ill be some numbers "'here.the orchel>tra "on't be playing at all. . , ' ", . • he Pacific-Symphony Orchestra has h;id an interesting variety of musical guests perform with them as part or its 1992-93 Pops serjes, bu! one of the lust A!Q_ups you would expec1 to perform with 1he PSO will be ·doing just thar at the Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa this S':uurday and Sunday. 1- o~_Ridge )Boys enjoy chance · to ·play with Pacific Symphony . "Every :.ong we do Ill this show y.jll not be with the orchel>tra . I think there's t igh t or nine; song~ with ,the . orchestra. and arr cquJI number without. One thing \\e're doing on this tour this year is an acoustic se t, \\ ith ongs that fe ature harmony, \\hich is v.hat people rc:i lly like to hear from us. It"s become a highlight of our l>how:..'' The Oak Ridge Boys, one of the premiere VOC31 groups in . country music since 1977, will be vibrating Segerstrom Hall on the l>ccond half or a Pops concert that is sure to include many of their award -winning hi1s such as "Elvira" a~d ·:qobbic Sue." . · . The fir1>t hat( of the progrnm will have conductor Richard Kaufman leading the PSO through works. by Tchai kovsl.y. Mol.!lrt, Walton and John Williarm. · In u recc:nt phone interview Crom his home in Hendersonville, Tenn., Oaks member Richard Sterban, the bass singer in the four-mun group, talked at length ubout the upcoming PSO concert and how much the group w'!s looking forward to it. "We've done a couple 9f other symphony d:ues," said Sterban, "but this is n new m:irkct we're exploring. We've ·been around for a long, long time and we've done a lot of things over. the years. This is un untapped area \ve'vc ·come upon. The few :.hows lil.c this thnt we've done have proved to be huge succe~c:. .. "We're looking to do more of this in the future. We can go' to-citics where we've played many many-times before )'et- b::i!>icnlly have a whole new audience of people thnt h:wc never seen or heard us ~fore. It's k.ind of nice." Sterban said th:it the Oaks will h:ivd their b:icking band wi th them on· srnge, but the fact .that they will have an on stage. also makes the show·"dr.J.Stit':rtty-dtffc ........ ~ from "'hat they u:i.ual~o. "We've tried to take certain songs in our repertoire, :.bme of the hits and recognizable songs we've done over the yco rs th.11 we thought would lend themselves to strings and br~ und things. Not every :.ong that we have would be good with an orchc$tra." He added, "This type of show is a nice e~perience for us.. It gives u:. a·chance to do something that we don't ordinarily get a chance to do. It puts a new spark into ul>. It really feels good to ge t up there and do thai." The Oaks have taken !>Orne time off from tou ring to do some recording recently fur an upcoming Chril>tmu:. compilution ttlbum, but beginning with the PSO show. Sterban said. the band is goil}g to get prett_y_Qusy. ''We'll be on 1he West Co:ist some, we've got a week in Las Vegas and a weekend in Laughlin. And \\C'Te doing the National Anthem on Aprjl 9th fo r the home opener for the Chicago White Sox. \\'c\e Cl>tablished a reputation in baseball circles. We do a. lot of Nation:il Antheml>." The fact that the O.iks afe :.inging for the \\ hite Sox is no m)Stery \\hen you cunl>ider that Stcrban is a pJrtncr in the Nal>hvillc Sound:., the AAA minor league b.il>eball tc'Jm affiliated ''i1h the \\'i\ite Sox. Stcrban said tha t gc111ng t0 go ou.t on the.: field, s11 in the dugout. and 1.il}-to plJ)Cr\ i!> l lot o( fun. He described it .1:. ::t!.'Oig toy... · ,, . · "I ~'cnt 10 m~ fir.,1 major lc:igue game \\hen I \\al> 3 year~ old;'' he cxpl:11ncd. ·:1 r~mcmb'cr 11 to 1his \Cry dJy. I've be a b:ill plJ)l'r, but I rc:.ilw~J th:it t-Jid not .PoSl>c~s the ·talent 10 be a bJli pl:l\l'.r l3ut I \e :ti" a~ h·ad .1 lo' c for 1hc g:.inre." 'D:bcb;tll'1> Iv)>' 1 _countl) mu:.ic':. -~ind th~ l'acif1c Symphony'1> -gain. •) 0 According to Stcrban, the ·o ai.s have tried to find a balance bet\\ ecn ballads, 10 male _use:_ of the strfng section, The Oak Ridge Boys (clockwise Crom left) Steve Sand· For ticket inform;llion, ,·:11/ rh,· c,·mcr bu\ ,,fficc .It ers, Joe Bonsa~, Duane Allen and Richard Sterban. 556-A RJ'S. In a sentimental mood I t seemed at first to be an April Fool's prank. A tidal wave ~of · nostalgia just n little too precious, a little too coinciden1al to be believable. Serendipity pf the eerie kind. Nevertheless, after nearly 60 yenrs, it looks as if the old bohc· mi:tn..gang i back and quietly gathered at the Laguna Art Mu:.cum for the institution's currcnt/Sth Anniversary, -a yc-0r~long cc-h. ebra~ion they apparently didn't want 10 miss out on. The "they" in question here nrc the names of notable resident artists who not only founded Or· anae County's oldest cultural oq~anization back in '19l8, but whose lush imprc~1onist land:.c:ipcs also contributed greatly in shaping Laguna Beach as a reputed art colony. Although they arc de· cc:i ed. names such as Edgar A. Payne, Anna Hills. frank Cupricn, George G.irdner Symons :ind Joseph Kle1tch have my~11colly reappeared during tbe last fe w weeks, and "ill play a Marring role in he_ museum's centerpiece clthibition for -Jl••l!IL the 75th entitled "7S-Works, "45 \'eors: Collccilng- tht Art of C~lltornla." They're back. Md in o sentimental mood. , ' It seems the recent rains OoodetJ the museum's , .>asemcnt Ooor; nnd, upon removing the mildewy ••----carpet and underneath lnyer of tile, the staff un· covered the original concrete Ooor where nculy · 200 names of prominent locol artists had been boldly stamped in the concrete, most likely during the 1930s. Needless to soy, museum 1tfld con· tract workers h:ivc been knee-deep in ~cstoration ever since in preparntion for next week's opening reception which will kick off more museum magic for '93. Check out my Weekend cover ~tory for all the detnils next week. Renovating Recipes - tf you1rc tired of cooking · and serving the same old meals, today's Food section offers some in novative makeovers to your oJd standby favorites. It's inside today's Daily Pilot. Fresh Fish D•llJ . All YNr 'Round --· •Weekend Brunch 7am-4pm eEarty Bird Specials ettappy Hour 4·6pm 9Ha1bor .BNnch Cruises 400 M,,.,, St. Ba Ibo., 673-4633 ONLY l A AREA APPEARANCE ' 714·7 .. ·HOO tlUl(l'ltl •_ .. ,., .. .. ·~ ........... ~ .... ~ .... -.... p,.,,. llll S'\tn t...._, l)il( 111,IR\ Orange Coaft Weekend I Thursday, April 1, 1993 7 -. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• # • ••••••• \h tl111I p.tlll·rri-•u up 1n '>Ill h J "lhl· 1'111 ... Tidl·•.'' l.11 Ii "B·''" to thl· I 111111 Ut•,•r ,,ncJ tlw .ill ' Amcru 111 d • Ci1111·11 "'"n' I Writers onen ·Wind up traveling ·mythical path DI J \\Ill ~IHI\\ th 1t Ill.Ill\ ol tod.1~ \ 1110,l !.U<.:cc"lul ''"1~1llkr' h,1,.: thur 1.1k'> on ~111c1cnt 111;tholog1L.tl p.1tk11h' \\'ould 1t \llll'n'c ~uu 10 finJ th:ll top 11o1,d1.1' .111 .. I '-i1pt\\OI L'r'·t.1p 1nt11111\thulogy a' a po"i:rlul 11 C \II 111,p11.it11111' H,111.!1111! t11 <"'"'"Pill r \'orkr .. 1u~or ol ·· 1 he \\'11tu\ 1111 IC\ ~hllllt \tfUlllffl! lur "it111~tdkr' JllU :-,, ,, "·' 11te1<' ,,ll,l' the 'truttur.il p.111crn' :inJ :1rchct\p.1I ', '' 1.t.:" 111 111~t1i, p1,1\rlk the"·"'' ul .ill muJcrn ,, .. 1,tdl111c .. 111 'Hiter' ,11,1uld he l:1mrk1 r ''llh thc:.c ~k1;1.:nh. ''h1d1 .11e krhmn collcttl'd} a'> The I !cw\ J11u1 llC) B l IU\C the \\ rrter\ Journey rollU\\:. thc:.c s:i mc pr inc1pJ1', Vogler dJ1m' thJt untlcr:.tJnJ111g ;.rnJ U'>lllS thc'c elcmcnb w1,ely alto"' modern \\ntc rs to u:.e the trcmcnJou:.ly po\\errul tool:. of ancient !>toryteller:. which can octuJlly heal people :inti m:ike the \\Oriti a belier pl J<.:C Vogler remember\ that he got hooked on foiry talcs and the Lillie Golden Llool..~ his mother anti grandmother read aloud to l11m when he \\J\ a child , Jnd that the fa:.cina1111g tr:iil o~i.torie) even~ally led him lo rc:id1ng for a living all a story nnaly:.I for Hollywood \tudios ''Over the year)," say) Vogle r, .. 1 began 10 noticc•common clements in adventure stones and myths ... anti 1 became vaguely aware thul there wa\ :i pattern or template of some sort suldins the design of the stories." When he ca me :icros!I the \\urk oJ mythologist Jo'>cp h Campbell anJ explored the IJh}rtnth or C.11nphc ll's "The I lcro With a Thou,~nd I .1Lc~." Vogler \:t\' he "a' ''electrified." "Herc. fully explored, wall the p.111c1n I h.1u been 'cn!>ing. Campbell h.JJ hrul..e11 the \ct.rel coul! of the :.tur)'!" Vogler recall; ru nrHll!' in IO others \\hO h.id bc:cn 1nlluenct.d b) .Cam pbell\ \\-01 k "\\ c '' l'rc hkc a <,ecrct \OCICty of lruc b.:lre\ef\, commonly pu11mg our fa ith 111 'the po" er of the lll)th.'" While \\Ori.mg as 3 stof) analy t fur 01',ney, Vogler de\clopcd a se,en-pagc mcmq called "A Practic:il Guide to ··1 he I lcro With A Thous:ind F:ices' " whrch he la ter exponded upon :im.I used for J story Bookmarks :inal>sis cla!>~ :it the UCLA Extcm1011 Writer's Program. "At wnters' conferences :>round the country l tested the ideas 111 • semioars with screenwri ter!>, romance novelists, child1cn' .~ritcrs, ond all kinds of storytellers. I found many.other were exploring the intertwined pat ways of myth, story and p!>ychology." Uut Vogler olM> discovered tha t the Hero's Journey h more than just a description of the hidden pa11ems of mythology: "It's o useful guide lo life, especially the writer's , tire. In the pc11l11u' ;.llhenturc ol m) O\\n 1rrc·. t luund thl ''·'~e' ul lht: I k10·, Jouritt:y ,h~ up JU>t "' 1ch,1hl1; .111J u\cfull) a\ the' did 11\ hool..\, m,th, and mo,1c,." \\hen \'u~kr\ "Pr.u:tic.tl Gu;tlc" CJmc under attack u" .1 quid, huc.k' h>rmul.1 th.11 ,t11leJ creJtl\1ty, the :iuthpr r.:.1lr11.'il th.it tlrl' .111.1d 11,l.'tr follo\\cJ rnytholog1c:1 I p.111.:rn' .111d rc..,puntlnl lit 11 .11.:wrJin~I) -pr0,1ng 1h.1t lht . Ill~ thol\1~1c.1I .1ppru;1d1 \\ •• , arplrcahle 10 hfc ·" \\Cit ·" 'llll)ICll1ng # ·1 u dJte \ (trkr h." \;\,iluJtctl more than 6,000 'lrcenpl.1) for Dbn\:), \\ .1rner Oro'. :?0th Ccntu~ I u\, United Arl1\t'>, Orion .md other). A pcc1alrst m 1jiry t.ilc' .111d loll.lore. Voi;ler conc.uhetl on "The Little McrnwJ' and "Oeaut) and the Deas!." ./ In add111on 10 cxpl:11ning how J~ph Campbell's theonc' upply to Milmg. "The Writer's Journey" includes nt3p • d1:igr:1rm and C\erci es to help writers incorporate the 1nctho<l 1nto their o''" stones. And. bc~usc it poin~ to spcc1frc eitamples of the method' working in more than 100 mo,ie~ from "'l11c Ad\enlurcs of Robin Hood," "American Graffiti," nnd "Annie Hall" to "Willow," "Witness," and "'llte Wlz.ird or Oz.'' the book makes foscin:uina rcadina for unyonc interc ted in discovering how ancient myths at~ influencing modern uudienccs. 0 IU 111e Writer'.\ Journey by Christopher Vogler. A Michael Wtc.sc Pro<luc11ons Book. Pnpc.rb1ck, 289 pages, $22.95. ,.. ) ,. • t/ ehd, .Mt oue1 ~,"4bf,--~4 4~~, ~~4~ad ~~a44-! .\pril I . 1995 Spt·<:ia l .\t.h·crtising Supplernent for Orange Coast ~'eekend . ·1 , Do Personal Ads Really Work? I !Im do .an .llt ouni.1nt lrtm\ Irvin<: .ind .1 pun. h.1,mg e":cul1\l.' hvanK an ( 0...1.l \lc'iJ .Ind \\t>rkan~ tn flrt:.i fan<l c.1t h other .inJ f..1ll 1n Jm1.·' 'l11c ne\\' \CIY ICC:, but II \\ ,l'i (''tflCl1"11\ l.', llllll' t"On ... ummg, .mJ I '' J , d1-..1 pprnnleJ "1th the re'>lllt' I lud rl'.uJ the..· C.1litorn1..1 ..IOOUl .-i \"C.'.tr .l>-:1 • LJ1.· h.1d. Ix-en r1.'.1ding lhL' rx:r ... on,11.., 1n 1111 D.1tl} f>tlo t for .l <<>ll[)lt· u l mor)lh' lx·lon .. • lin.illv UL'1.tdtng lO .in"'' 1..•r .m .id I le luJ onh .tn-.WL'rctl three.. or lour Jlh .ind h.11..I d..11ctl t1nc ol 1l1c..· ln1I1..·r .ind 1hn h.1,1· w~n 111 1.111\• d 111 1...1d1 1111!1.·r l'\l'I\ ·c1.1\ ... 111u· ·<>I,, 1111i...I\ le 1r lk.1 .ind I• •hn 11J1, '' ·h1..· I\. .ti ll tlll~ h1..•1. ,t\t'e lhl<' h,I\ 1: .1 \\ 1•d ding pl.11111\.'ll lor \I.I\ I J<rli· \\I >Uld lk-.t I\.'\ 1 ltllllll<.,d 1'111~ lh~ P1..•r ... oru1'' "l >\.'1111111.·h' l lxlii..:'"' th.11 1ne1.·1in~ lolin \\ .1 ... 111 .111'\\ 1.·r to • p.1fX-r At ll"J\I, th.II ' hm\ II h..1p1x:nc.:J frn thc..·-.c f\\ o' Pc:r.o nat .... hu1 nc' c:r .rnw. crcl.I .1n\ ol ''ome n j le" 111ne' bdorc: hi..' 'J" the .1th 81:11 I cJ m.1tlc llf) Ill\ mind 1h..1t Oc.•J' ..1J -0111: o f the lhtng' I ltl-.1.'ll -fl(l\"\ -W-J.._ the lllnt'. 10 fintJ....t.Ri¢i , ~I Jt'><>lll htj Jc.I \\J' lhJl II \\J.., f\.'.lll\ lk.'.1 ,., lhc.. Jnman1:rn1 JnJ hJ"t nt.'\cr lx'l·n 111.1mc:d ...,he: h.1, a t.1rt.-cr 'he' h.lflfl' '' nh 11\.tn.igc:' her ttlOfte\' "ell l.'OOUf(h {(l he .ihlc to trJHI .tnd h.l\C: J '-omfortJ ble ftlc:,1ylc: 11w o ntr thin~ 011.,,in~ tn her hfc ..., ..omennc :-pc:c.1JI I<> "thJ~ Jfl the: thing' 'ht.• l'Ot<IY" At ltr.t I 1hou~ht 11 '' .l' too hu-.mc" like: 10 run .m .id t<l mc..·t.·t -.01m.·1 mt: • 1.·,pl..11nnl lk.'.t • f-or yi:.1r. I hJJ tlepc:nJc.:d o n 'l hoot, tm:mb .ind then tht: \\OTk pl.llt.:, hut 1h.11 \\,t,n t wo rk- 111~ .in) l11ort.· L:.1't vc.11 I took .1 po" 111111 \\lib .1 ""·'" (Ompan\ .rnJ 'tnc.c I don l ·do b.1r' t.'r ht•.illh duh .. I h.1<l 10 I <lt.'l tt.k'<.I lo rl.1cc .in acJ The l1N .id 'PC\. 1f11.. . ..1ncJ 'h'! 1.hdn l ~,._nix lwr pr.1)1..r ... hut thl· p<.:r.,.•n • .i .. , 11..'.Jh'd th"· t\lnt11. fohn Jnd fhH· in d1ll1.·11.•11t .1rc...1' "'"" 111 d1ll\.'1cnt ul11..·.' .111d \\ J., prem 1.tcm:r.il. Jn<l the r(.'\pt.>n-.c :-ell a..., Jro p-Jt.'.&d gor~l'Cll"' or .1 11111\ it· \\ J<., ()\ c..·n\ ht:lmtnJ.t' I \t>Uh..Jn I 1-.cc:p ur "tlJr look -.i-hke \\ nh .111 thc 1-afl.., • \Jtl'r th.It e'pen Bc:.i tc.>ol. .l\\ h1k·1<1 rt.·1um .fcihn ... cmc tk.1 ... rx·nt -.omt: ume rcwnunlo! t..111 \\ hcn ..,he tinJlh d1J Jo hn "·'' her Jd to he more 'f>Cul1(. .1hout thC: rc.111} 'iurpr~ed \\·1..· c..ilkcJ tor 11H·1 1-.tnd of ll\Jn 'he \\ .101etl 10 meet .in ho ur, ;:inJ ;:i rr.1ngc:J to me.Tl tor u>I· lkn:.., lht.• o~t: th..1t c..H1~h1 lo hn ., k·c o n Pnd.1} Jftcr \\C>rk I"·'' rwr .mentu>n' \Oll'i, hut ont.c I -.,1\\ ht."r 11 \\.1, Ith IJRlvHT. DIVER.~F.. rrofe.,..,run.11 "c'd lo.no w eJci1 other for 'c.·.1r.., \\t· ...,\X'F. '\ ~. ~'>. Bm 1111. fX"Ul1..-. n>ll nll) t.1lkec.I for .1n hour ..1nd .1 lull .tr]d tf.J.,:<>1c..1I~ L"Vdtng·thc.itrl..' !x<clo.1n~ pm h.1hh w oulc.I hJ\e ... 1.1\ l'cl Ion~"·' ~\X'.\1, 'J :--. 30-.W, degreed, 'inccrc, hut we wcr1.· :.111111~ outdoor .... tnd (.Ummu nt(.Jll\'C, rc:ld}' for c.<>1l)m1t frt.•ezmg -John c.tlkd l.111..1 th..11 die.In 1 h.1, 1. .&n\ lnl'nd .. 1n 1.1 •n111111r1 lx:hir1.· \\l 111ct 1111.;rc \\Ollhln I h .I\\' IX'\.'rl .Ill\ uth1.·1 \\,I\ tor u' tu ltml .,~.._ h . 11thl·r•· lk.1 ",r1.11n1.·J ·1 '1.· "•Id .111 1m lm·nd ... 1h.11 1111 .. 1x·r:w111.1b 11.· .. 111\ \\11ri- l11 l.11.t. I m (.'•1.11.hm;: .,e,1·r.1l \\IH ,,,int Ill pl.Ill' tf11.:1r <>\\11 .Id' lk.1 .1ddnJ 'I 1111 l\n• '". (·\\ ·'' u 11 u.'llll'J .11 '<•lit \\ h.11 Ill\. l.1t .. 1h \\' 111ld thin!.. 111 1h1. ".1\ \\l' 111ll But \111111 m .inc 1c.. r \\ J ~ t0i11t.•ct tlk m.m I ".1ntt·d 10 m...im · I lrn:<l .1 '1lko <la ting mcm evening l(l he 'lire thJt lk.1 ~or h1111tl' Jo hn.'v.ho ' 3b h.1:-. lx:t·1)tTl\orlt:lr---Jrns;:Ftt The} .1grn~ to nw1.·1 on tor ..,e,cn }t:J r. .mcJ mo\'l·d to ...,unu.1) lt)r .1 h1kt.· mk . h1.. '"""' d1nn~1 .... 111.I I h.11 \\ hl ll II ... nglll \"(llJ 1-.m '" II .1ml 1111 ... 1 11gh1 \\ h.11 d'l' 1 .tn I '·''' ..,lw d1dn 1 h.1\1.. 111 '·" .trl\'111111µ ...i .. ". llh: 'llltk-on1wf i 1~c .1rtd 1111..: ••n l•t't • tan.gt•1 .... m.I 1t .1 ll' A1S How to respond ?. ee page 2. Women Scckrng Men Orange County Arco \ TTR..\(. Tl\ t. ~A• .l-'. 5'6 IJS. tdlltaltd, ttth S"/A \1, tdwnttd, profis· si~•I, 1u1-orlt11ttd, ••r· ,.,MIMtd. tto.ac, ..ore l•pon1111111 ... , ... 5'10.. Telft.Cal tt17. RAVISHING REOH[AU, .._ n deinc. --t.\.I,.. Ot111Hry q111tlty/c111racttr. Stt .. 1111: OH nuptlo11•I. t4*Mi1Mlt. llkr11~11I ltl'ltltMlll, N/S. IHilltU card rtq11lrtd. tl1111ll1111on Barh. Clll "'" PUTIV SWF Jt. bkMlft, ......, .......... ---. -jeys .......... -.rift._.. ... ,., --..a.an .. -... ....,., ....... ·"--Call ltll. WA~T 1Allt!S11 Me &oe!! n.111~v....-. .. _. 111 {6'+).-...,.~ .,...,,.. n....,~1 .. . ----~ ........ . .. ....._ .......... ...... ................ , ... ~ ..... ., ............ c:e.. ............. 1rlMl).O.'I bt .,.. Oil Mtl c .... Ma.. Cll llU ATTRA TIVE SWF S'6/tJJ. Mttlirl'I ~_,.,. 51-45, for fU, .,... .. _..,,., 1ll1re lift'• nrprltu. b 11 )IN:' -.a \tea Cal 1741, SA\l-:ODIF~-~- 111or-ror....-..~ dutrdl. mo~in. ~ da.t lnpl. Wl&J. IAMC lladl. <:Jiii 170.. CLA~:>V, E>i.OflC ud bt1111it11I 11111111 t11trtprt'· l'lt•(• l11ttr111tl0tial •PPMI, ~ ..mi-t., v--1 ntt- 1111\t l"I~ ~ lftll'i& bt Mtttnf' 111 al'ld atn~l*S. l\t~ c.-1751. fALL DWP, J7 ..tu N\) • ,......k ... t..Lo¥e...-.i ...,.,,.. COii ........... t.t-in•.c.111J1 . llltlCHT, ecc111plblli'4. at· tnctht hll•), 37, NIS. 5·~11s. Sfttllltll Offtri•a: HCMltM c-•lt-t, JC11t• ...,, ............ f/l ........ :O."'-pon ~. .. 1732. "XTtU·. \H,L\ A I rR \(. - Tl\ E. loo .. 1n1 ror umt. SW•'. clan). nrl111. 'h" rnd)' riw kocb. SHks prl)(n- tioul MH1, ' • 2'-JJ. c:oni- inlll llltn t mlndtd~ In int. UM 1732.. \fl D" t..ST BR,.\ IV\. bod.II· aou.i bnuty UI. S'tl. S" F1. lo• n: atNttia. .. ortd-Cni•fl. r>eirft: ad •'ft!Cu~ ltllllffic: 6' • Htro' to c:oMplttt "'' lirt-CO!'llll Me.a. Call 18'1. ..\PPEAL"G. fRETn OWf, pdllt brv!Mttt, IOIJd bodJ-. •l. S'l/llS, ltftllt. Jn· ~ ,._,,, 1111lqw.~ t.r11111u1, ien brain 17pt, .,._,....,. fk. kM. _,ht. qui11 ~11tMan. l\t•pon Bndt. C.aM llU' CLA Y, TRIM w•· St, --,~~ MM~ IO ....... c:oe""1!1- l'-. ....... .......,, lni., c.-1•. CLASSY. allratthc OW ... , 5''-ttttU.a ........... , ••• c•ll•rtd, SIS, .... t11JO)'I ~ant.11'11\ef,laqtl. tw, -•lea. epcra. '"'pon ... Call..._ SW•' .U. 1111. lttnlctl~ .._ lier. Pffftn c:.11 ..... '""" 0"tr pOtlJ u ...... •AJ•1• rndl•&· tlluter, •otlu. ~ 1 111111Ktot o~"" ~"Cl •IUI ~m1lat inln-rib ror roma11ct. In int . Lill 1~7 KLO,Ut BE 1.rn )\\\t .It~ Sttt,, ·t1~1tmr- 1•dt.' tT \ 'llo• I looltina "''~haw. ctaM). banO--.(--\lnLC• 176'. ATIRAt"f'l\t., \l\A- CIOl "F t11trtprt'nt11r Sttl.> ~"'-°"~ tm- ploytd proloi 10 .. al .ao.ss. Hoattt) Ind ~•lufS lmpor- 11111. H11inor l'lttt"H'). lniM. ('.it Ill.JI. PE"TITE SWF 29, llllnldht. fll11·lo1-l111. • ldt lnttrot , traditional n l11n. snltJ S/DW~ Jf.-'I lnokl111 ror co111Mltttd relationship. lniM.Cal 1657. Fl REMA~ OE IRED b) Clllt ..... nijoyJ OWi~ atthitin. toys 111d trlKk~ Wt'• ... ~, '""· ••Mi ..\1'11. Cllll llll. VERY ,UTn', .,._.,JI _..., WF, 5'YI tt. ........... .-.Cl I "-l•IM, ,...._ nriea pro(a· doti•I, tH:artt4. 1chtt1t•"* ~'···-·-' .. ·-· ...... 1 3 lo"ft tnt't&. ..... ... ,...... ..... ~ nlkt Oii M«ll. 411•itta out. ••In.,..,.,.., ~ <'Oa· \tnllldm, 1.--. ror W\t .\5""5. ltlrll('llW, $'1+, N •• ..... 11.i~llrltM· I<, lrl•, n•Hdally ttai.lt., ,.._~~"' ..... ........ ....,..Aw',... ........ '"4M.Cll t15'. Cl n. IRI II Lan. pt111t. bro•nartm. mJ(l•s mu .. n . thnlrt, NIUn'. lni•d. ~\ \t .U.J7. In~. C.:aU 16.10 0 \1t.O'f SP•Cl\l. s·.a blondt, '!'•racarinc. old· rebion •a.tun. .. ould l'il.t lo mttt S.1>'"' \1 ""' vcaal\l f'f'o-r usioo;, I s:unt uluo • .as. ~ \na. Call 1799 BIG BltO\\-,.i:;\ FD bnul) ~\\of Jo&. SS. '251. rlbtnl pr~ r~a1: 'itt~ ~\\ \t Js.ss. S'lO+. '. l). M11h~I mttr· ets ~: 'lt'ft'tl"rnd jauncs. Ir.I• lurt, ~II. campin&. c:vl· tural tunt • dinlnc out. tr )OU llll•t htart. bnin\. and ch11ntettr. ull mt! San Pt- dro. ("all 1801. ATTIU('TIVE, l ,.:,. Cl'\1BERt:O DWl·. Chrbl· Ian, 411. 5'7, MhtfttU,._t, run. ~fSID. Lookiftt for qu.M- .. , rtlatio.slllp •ilh IOU of liis11rt ti•t. Gi,-Harbor, WA.CallMt. AOVE,TLROL sw• . S'lt'. "· ''S. looliAI ror lal. Ktht. 11kt 1111. Balboa I~ ...... Call .... JAPA 'ESE. U . 5'5'. wtllJ SY. \t 17·.U. i.-, 1'1t. "--· Oiu. i11ttlll1t11t, for d•nn. IMl&Jt_.t park, rOllllMt '«•port lfadl. 'al IW. · Arl'MACTl\E '<·1110df'I !\Wf. kl\n r;ott. s·6tt.\..~ 5'. aftbS"\1 ~SS.'. wt· ~ ~---'°'"" autl•••"'· H•11tl111ut11 8-.11. l. .. IMS. FAMILY Af\0 KIO. h11, a11ract1•r.~l'l<n-t P"Jf~~tn· wl, "\\ t .W, '«"'"I! prof....- \tOOal. ~. lit. c .. nni.:. .ir rw1on11" \\ " 1~-.a' '' u-1 M mlttt"td tn ram1h, ha• lfll! .. Mk. I llJ<l\ OOCdcJOI'. ltn "" btu111 .,..., rn~'fl<h. r irt- \1 d r ch<11\, "'"'' h ""'"''' C2ftlptnjt. mu..-· l !N.1 \1N1 (•JI IC.I .. FTI rt \\ •. ' '· do"n·to tartll. ~t't'ks rom•nltc au• •1th unsr of h11mor. m .. r ,,..mwtdtd onh nttd rtpl~ ru'ilin. Cuti 165.\ 100~ '\TlR\l. f)Jt , hullh). n o11.r11, in11dt of Ii~ 1n1rf$l~b \ft!L' Ion • actht \\ .,1 35-4S ul R911rl1W'C quaily ,... nutrit-tt4.it11on~ ~Ip. Luna lk.IK-h. Call 1645. F\O nc. loklnn, :.r ·'' ~' IMllllll). lnttllicml ._ \\ \1 JO· 36. nu l.14b.. '~ 5'9• rur uo- ninditionll k}\t. Tuqin, C'lllt 1.U PE 1 l"ft.: 15' 1 .. 1 OWF, n1. ac:t1 t SS. •lbro•11 !lair & t)~ lttttts 181imlMI I)( tltt otd ~llool 155-?ll •ho '"II tfl.Jo) ~ hft. Ht •lleuld lo• t booll' r~ tllfftrt, '°"' ·~ 11tO•in. tra•d. b4' •'· rMIOMk _. as Mltftt'ilfd ill otlltn ., lit b i" him rlr, c-.. .. , ..... t'• i.7~ 8 .. Al TIH l • ,. "ll Ol 'I. d y, ll(ffl.,t\11 ~ " .. J7. S'.,12t. _.... ~. fit, fil'IU(llll ,U('(t\\f'lll, cllar111lna. ll011f'tt -oa•· MOllJ 111a11 ' •.all 'tWJOf1 88t1I C .. l$70, Cl.A~ Y 0" F 5'61"""-WC" • c~<W'ul P'"'"'~"''"'' .. 11h ..,., nf MC'!"l:.' ~' t.tU l!t'fllkm.;n J 60 "ho t'RJll" d.11H lnjlt. dtn1nc. """It''· 1r'""' •ntl l.1u1thlH .. nd '' ''"H rc lq1M I .. 11 lS-1 H' 'IK\\\81Rln IH ll' I) ,. olh loh of '"°"" ,ti'l.lnJt m .. rri•i:~·m1ndt'd :>t\\ \I !"·.\.\ """ lflJU'' 4'Ukl t' ~n•na:~. (unn' nut\'"' 6. lt'mon bar'-I .iitun.i lltlh Cllll IS.~S PR~ I I \ \\ll\I \' '\\ ~, blundt blut r•t~. 5'• 1!5. prol~ ..p;,.1111;;11. funn, \tcllrt . """"'' lall. 'l11r11u.il prorh"on 11I. J0hh In tnl C :&II ISJll 'IOPlll~ fl( \HJ> • .111rac- ll•t s·· bur11clll'. fon·lo\tftlt, fit, "'""' ~ \\ ,, J.l. ' ..... '""° , •alutt '"'"'" and rrirnd t.ooltJna for II 'C'<'Urt. IHHQUC' pan.ntr ,. ot h a i:-IOCI -~ ol humcw ror lra•tlin11. d1n•Q&. ''""'i~ 111in1. 1ht•ttr. -~-~rl~ ftr! Rud' for r11111111ct~ ll··-.«.ii 15' (.' \ TllOLH I>\\• ,l. ' 1., ~ ( 'at.hok (. 'hrntlMI ..... O•tr 0" \I f'dunl\"d, 'U«'• c:nslul ~lltm,.n ''"POfl Bodl.C .. ISlS I\ TTRAl llH 81 0 '0 \\\F S'' 105, J.\ lool.• J4. bu"lltt.' o•n« 'ftl.• \\\ \t • pll}si..lllft .\.~ tor moaoc• moll\ rtl.ahUfl)hop t 11jO)' '"""•· d»nnna. 1ra•th111. nM ', .. pon l'lal(tl.. (' .. 1504. . , .- " • ow to respond? You aio wwc::a dlC:8C ads quk:ldy and ~bf calliOR our dcclronk vok:e~ mail 9Crricc. Just dial: 1(900) 740-7190 1 /l1/l.t/ n1 .c I 49 /Jt. n1111111~ .4tt.,l4;.~', t11l t.·rll(tb u •I 1111111111~ w/I:,; flf/l/ln! a llHl.:/J~()ll(' fllJt.1111• l'f<.\l..V.' t I~ t I:~" '""'.h 1111#! h<'frHt• tlwlln;.4 J Press #l-10 hrow:.c or rt:sJ)onu lO a<ls Press #2 10 place .1 n ew ins!Al n1 :id ~ #}-to d~t"Ck for in:-.lant .iu nw-s.~~~ Prc5s #4-for in!Olll):ttion or hdp \ ou -lot 19 ~ or °'""" ID n"'flOOd ID or pbcll-an ad. ~ ... '" ~....,.._._ AH luhh1W)fo6 Ill.• "#ll<~ r/ Uf .. , ... '"~""""\ti .AtlWfl""fl•'fll llll l\.,..n1h .II\.' llMcllll'll 1t., ,,..,,,. I" --...~· t'~lft\ ,,ol.111).4 "·lUk•\.JMf~ \\ ". n'' llfn- ,~,,~t dull\••• IN n n tn••1 ..._.,.,.-.u-..1, .. nJl•d•l \\hlfl flk,11f\A ~ltft\._'"" aOO\e. and a 'tr) if>fdal man. Tustin. Call IJSI. Bf:Al 'TIAJL i"5Mk and out. s.u: •. _... .. iPrilul iJ(1. ~·I'm a good friftMI, affK · 1iona1e. in r.reet shape. likr lo laujth. Eitjoy music. mo\IH. dancinc. wml111rs. •ulkinit. Iii"' port Bald\. call IJ 16. pt.,."111'£. ATTRACTIVE. U.· lrlligrnl, frmlninr. blonde SWF' NJS. wilh -1 inletttb looallnit for 5'nttrt !Me •ho tlkfi thr aood 111111p ot lift. has a --vi'*-· ..-n· lie, 50-60. ,.u .. cood ~••ues. \i~ \'itjo. Cal 1229. jt'\\ ISH WOMAN >ttlLJ Jr1<isJI man, 40-SO. -hn nnl). plftw: lniM. C..:1111 1162. Cl.AS.'\\ A 'I> driiriolls S\W, slim. llllnK'lh~ ~ semili.c, "''~· hfallh ... '1'S prolmional • \\\1 -15-60 "ilh \Oil and c!Qrm. T IL'il in. (':di 1262. ._ ______________________________________ .. Women Seeking Meft Sf s.ngle n.nole SM s,,w;.~ G c.oy l Lmhoon J -Jew.sh A AMon 8 ~ H Ho\flO'\IC w Whi'8 N/O No~ N/S Nan-SmoUr N/DriM Nan-Onnbr UIJUI, ieood..ht'-M1t'd ... iH) •. \.(. .UJ. \.It: .l\. brn/blut". r~~-1?1~ in1e. ""d i.cill "iltlinl!. Tu~in. ( .. 111~..l. "'',\\Ill . i:n-...i I~ Pf"dl). ,tom !'"I I. WCl ~..rul prof~· "oruol "'"l •~IJO)' h'nni-. hor.,. "'· mu',._.,. honu1·t·nokin'-t. ..,....., a1hk1i< '\'1-1 . .UI-+. "'t'du· • '"'""· .....,.,.. u( hunJ<w. ftn-.. n· u:tl -..M'\°t"'-.. ho 111.,..., a ch .. 1· lnttt' I 1t\11n. l .. 11 l~'I llJ~ -1'1. 1r1m. \l\IU'iou,, ul· tr.ttlnt>. a?r.-~• \n1ilt'. "':.trm. "'"""· lfllt'llll(C'ftl, _...,i.,, J" ~l. lr"nr I "II 1-121. \ t-'ll\ Cl 0 .. d a''·'· p~llle bru11f'ik 0\\ F "S ~5 al· lraclne, trrm. linand•ll• ~ C'Ure ~W\1 -15-60 for di~ntt, lnO\ !ft. IYWSIC. d~a, '"JAii.Jo. lo' 111g, cummhltd re!•!iun· 'ihllp. I lolm ~. »R'l't'lionalr lolnd romanlic. Art wou? lniM. Call t..07. • ... wu1. ATTRAl"l I\ •. bto<Mtr .llw•· .17, 5'6JIJl. Eri· ju.H mo"io, bf•ch walks, rod!. fun limes •nd quiet 1i"'ts. :-.ttb •llrll<'livt, sin· <Tn. ~un'd SWM ._;01 iood moral~. 1.H1tirn fr~nd· <J11p finl. l'ml• \itsa. c .. 11 l.llO. ~Ul.>t.L. ow• .\5 bioo.lbfut. t'dlK~ltd. Jttki ..-.,.11, ~lkman for tni•d.. dantt & skiina. l.»kr hho.. ("all l."'6. l P•TI rE. allractht Si's 18 _..2~WMs..,_,~ and fun. 'o 11ft: Siitnal Hill. Call U75. VIVA('IOlJS. ATTRAC· TI Vf~ t'ftff'lftlc, ptt ilt. blond ~W• Cftjo)S lhn4fr, uutdooo, lrll•ri. lift' 10 10 fullal, sedu --... .c:tl"t, hntllly ~WM, "~" 50-'9. Fullerton. Call un. 1.0,•:u · AWlln ft-w. r-- 10.1111. sl11urt', ncltl111. "1Slll. ~ nkt-ma" lS·JO. \j/S/O for rt'f11lon1hlp. San l>k1t0. l':.111 1.\65. '"H"l. KINO·htanecibatu· '' ... w1-·. 31. !l,/S, 1onf brow" h111r. bi!! brown f) n. Brlpt. .. 111~. \Um, M't'lti Ol'tpCk>ftal man r0r knt & rommiflMftl. l.10t:1tnll Bnrh. ('.Jiil IJ64. I ~ I ., COl\N•:CT: \tE: '"" '"· 8flrac1ht. -~ ""'" '*lt, 5'51115 • .al~t. af. ft'ChcJn•lt. funny, inltrtslrd 11111d lnlN'Qlina. I kl~• rrown ctlildrm. lnl•ri. " .. ""'. _,, pul1<ipan1 'POfl~ llOflt'll)' and much mon : \OU: S'I+ 1ntf'llicM1. run1H, -al di« <'ATlfOl.I(' inn·. 36. OM ~. honot, run. famil)-ort· tnltd. ' .. blind. ~ '4?hl· t'd S\\ 1\1 .'O'" '"ilh similar qualilla. Hun1ln1.otoo 6f'IH."h. t:all 127'. El ROPf'.A' I)\\ F, blondr. !\'fC.; 1-16. 58. ':. ~ pat1ntr for lih·. I ullC Briil'h. ('all I Ill\. \ ITRAl" llH Rk.OH•:AU 17, !''I ,proff'•'llnnal. "''" hi .nra. r urt: I "'"': lauabtrr. · mu,ic. adHnlurr. lrlllnit luow . ......,k,: 1torarous m•lt. 1.ZS-.l~l 14llh i.tmilar inlrr$) for fun ~mi~ Snlllkt"I' prf'- ftrrw. I fl'' I., IH311 lllk: Ir' int'. (.'»II 1196. \\II TA \UX: l~tt~I· can dt'Kml. \riufT1uru C'U~! Sn• sw.·, 5•5·im_~. d11rk hair and eyn. Fun·kl\ · inK-nucguln1o bubbly ptnon· aticy. Kind. hoMlt. '°'" ~ racn. bHdl, I~ CW d.afic· inJ. Sffttl111 a 1eocMootii111- hont11 111). S IS/D ltc>C'i»I drinkrr okay I Who Im siMlblr Int~ and l<lllll!l. rdatioft· shifl. Oran~ Co. C.a I 290. S\41LE! Vtt) p<~ly. c-ur"•· ttous. P«Cllt. bnl.Ctt' ·-· .W. 5'2'/105. F.11jo7s cruel. lht arts. musk . nrw •d~tn· lure. laupltr and roniantt. INMrn prufnsional crn•~· man for rda1ionslllp. lrvint. Call 11.7. TALL. SLENDER .e·s N/S. aflraccivt, puslOllllf 1bou1 lift SWF WHlS 10 MftC CW· itlCo lloftat. ~Ill -for frimclslljp _. ~ l.ofta Bndt. c .. 1166. tt;'i, ATTRACTI\IF:.. loviQ& "· 5·1110.z.. bbMlt.. Iii. ~ bndl. ~ ~ tnl-d-... ..., .~·--cck4 Mw. C .. I UJ. f'\JTlJRf. C•lifon1la acaptt. l.tt's nt• away IOCd.11«! Mt: Sh1~7. allractlu SWf J7, uniqu,, adunl•ro1u, fun. Vou: Hulthy. l5-4S. 6'+, ~!SIO. lovabtt. hulllClr'Ula. ... d rt. actlvt. EnJor wild lo mild Ii-. Tmclll. ('al 11..W. HAPPY DAYS •IOI mt! Flt. fvn. niddf Y. le\<lll&o N/S MIO-~tnMr, l '7 '.-ks earl""° tmOliouMy free. l'Oft!Wlit&llMe MAlt 4f..St. Ntwpon !l«ffh. Cal ll.l6. I \tJSS t'Oll\tl"Mltloll, COf'llPM• ~ip end airifta. I'm DWF. 1-S ... lrlM, Mlt'lldht m- trJ!ftk ""''*"'°" for aotf Md Cteft&. S«elftl r1t. ' SWM ~ wllikt ln«enfb. l"IM. Clll 1150. Special~"' SUpplement for Orange CoeltWHkend l\iQNOA v NIGHT roo1b11l date. SWF 34. aurlldi"t. fun. Loft5 llpO'U. dop. _....'*" Mulro. ForrMf' atnJbiM in· llnldor. Ma.tiers in rtO"tllOOn. COIU Maia. Cal 1117. PERSIAN, 18. 111r1cthr, footling for ra .. ily-orirolrd .,..r__,..1 ~. ~~r-28-3-L ~ ltedt. Call 10.'9. JAU.. ANVON•:? Att }UU Md )our frkttd J5.4S. T'"o SWf's 5'7ft.J7. "'*'1. d)'. lio9' ... ...,,,. lr-itw. Cal 11.\S. A TTRACTI \IE PllOFES· SIONAL OWF'. JI. ~~ fon aftd iftltlllflflll 111110 for fO• m111lk advtnlu~ a11d rtl•· l~ip. Hu11li•glon Buch Call 1649. ' rt-:nn:. AlTRACTl\' •. IUll• lo\ ina Sf &fl'S.s taJJ. ed,tn· tuf'ftOmt', 1ponlanto11' milt ,.lch a pawoo' fnr lilt. Uil..r· '"ood. Ulll I Cl I.\, l\lTRA(..11V•: SBF •• \7, ST . )ffh lnltlli1rnl, )fft~ilhr. SBM. 33+. 6'+ ror frlmdship .,.d pO~)lblr rclatlo11ihlp. 1-c lktldl.. Caa 11 OJ. - " Sttks carma. ma4urt. family orltnltd and dl'Cllc1tl'CI 1'1/S ttntlttWH O\'l'f 45, wllo Ii lnldlil'I for---to'""" old ........ ~lilt, lo''· hoMlt). rritlld.tWp. tnl\d end mwic. M~ ..._ •aiAl.MSJ: bald or b1ldh11 lnt,lllftnl --. l.oi. Antda-Cal 1'11. • BEAl TlfUL 8RU~ETTE •Tilrr.130~ afti-C 1All. llltd· libftil. st.lblf frf'll('lt -for C'Oft\ft'SMlcMI, alfldk4iat11. aftd co111p111ion\hip. Wt•I I.A. Cal 1914. A11RAC'Tl\'E GRH'.' l"1'•:.S. brvlldlt. 5'7114S. cn- athr. ipirilulll, romantic, sue- ~ Srct.s ~ 40-!iO, ~for......, ... rdllQm. "-ip. l.os ~ Cll tt~<.. U . 'Ii llA H . ~ flln! \\ t Nil It" ... t .. ln~ Of' d•IKI' un· dt r lht \lllh. Or. l!O 111 ii rno>it or plA.)' 11ltrt'~ •l-o ,,.k1"-rid1na. paddlt ttnnb. 11frobin or a drh' In thf counlr). I'm 6~omtlhlnit. \tr)' 111ractlH. !-'!', U\\F, ~ blottd hllir. I wk 1111 llC'• lht "'' ""° 1111:\. romfut1· ablr lofu17lt. h ,011111 11 i-rt. llpbfDI Md lllt>P>. 'o DON 1T WAIT! Free fifteen w o rd ad and free daily message che ck! The r e's never b een a better tim e to tr y the Personals! Send in your ad today! For 111 on pay•· .! BREATHING'! You•rr for -: SWf. 5'11145. bro/bro. -*-' ~Ille '1 for tt.n Ii•' .. d l1u1llttr, 11-25 . lninl'. Call 1012. pt:11'T'L A 1TRACTIVE prt- ~ sw .. II looblc for flln. 110 llu! Alltrnalhr tWuif. cf11bs and w\lli. Sicnal llill. CMI 1021. ATTRACT IVE OWF 4.l. 5'7/tli,.., lpirilual. lo•n C/W dand111, Sttki OWM JI.SO, tall. 111. f•uy. ru1i111 .• o . Counc.>. Cal 11 J6. IMAGINATIVE. ~ ll1h1 br11Mt1t. Sc«pio.. 11oce11mal. JI, SWF ~IS. -._ camp. Ina. bo•ll11a. p~•rr. tti·O. Pf'Olllt. '"Int. c.11m. LET'S JUMP llJldMr! SWF NJS. pdltt. J6. _.., toutWlll SWM NJS _.,. 5'9' for •1· dlvln1. >kii•I· 1rntll111. IF'\1M.. ('Joi llM7 • HAU11F\JL 8l.0Not-_:. _. -j,, N.1• liftl.-t. J4. 5·t·. Stdu kr>-... nf1Md. -,.., -.-s -4t-55. Ntwpon ladt.Cal 114t. Other ArPm lf:AUTIF L illlidt MCI flll'· SJF 5'7, J2, _.. IM~. actractl•t. ~Ill -• 10 45.5' It+. Wmt:A. Cell 19JI. GORGF.OtJS Cltll'it ESE LA· DY.d.11_,.,.,.... ....... carina, n11t11clall)' MUl't, ~td *"""--4.S-5.Z.. IA A"l'd& Cal It.SS. A1TRACTIVE BP. Wlnll, t1t7·1ol•I• t.11.n111rtd, llH\Jt•I, •tit dt,.11tlt11I. . old roa~ Ld'~ htJoy ..,, 10. lflhtr!: Mlfth•llan Inch. Catt ltl9. Pltf.:r n ' A TTRACTI H .. ~ 4' S'W', l'VfN!ltk, -· WOWlo nsy ~ .. -. df. llr-n llll' -Ill • ftftllr. .... . ,,._, ~ .. -..... loti ~ ............ ~tMdtl· ff'C.Uoft 10 *'-MM -Md you'• -rqnt it. w. HCJI· l)'I< oocl. Cal IJtll 1111 TELblGts1·. slnur~ ..,.,,..,...._.eel•,.._~ ror tt1t -i. a Mlltt! HoMtl. llO....,. ,~ .... wtiol. lndlvidlal&. ••s. lO mtllpli~ Ill "'' c""'"'' t~1CI•• lifm)lt. l.ci.A,.._Cal 1251. SE\S AL SWF. 5'2'/125, 4.J IOc* J..\ •llptfy lwwwnt T ... rus. Mldwts1tr11 lranspllftt, no thlldrt11. looki"I for -OTSWM. S'IO·•'l, 175-llt, u.se. ,.,.,,._, c..ttr. r- lnl Arie ar 1'--, 'lt1lo like, 10 ..._,., bt llff«llclMle. IOOd frlfnda, 111d 111orr. M1libu. C.a11 1350. - I WAl'l"l'TI>lootd11)0Wt')ts ..cltolodlt-!~5'1. brow• hllrlllaid tytd lMy, n~ q•iet di•""' ~. walks. llltaltr, -~In. Ira\· t9-1ptdall7 Oii llle .. OOll! ¥011 •rt 5'1• ... ,., •• lood ,..,.., ....... t•ot'o..aly & n111ndatt1 t«•rt. lo~· O..t CUft""11Miv11 MCI .,. ... lo lllft'f tllt •o.M fA ,_ W~ I ••Ilk ,_: StMdlo CllJ. C:al IJll. WH£N WAS THtl LAST 11MI! >• llad a ,..., V- ~T C-'tre•..-1 ,........., ...... -4 .... tllf: A• llltn~ tut.-. Md ~I A.._ S"71U•, -"' \'o.'re _,. _.......,., •· trlldlu1 55·75, a l .. t lller Wt'fl .-Jo1 ~ ....... P't· 11kt. nr~ \ «* tlttiff'•t CM bQI lllld I' 111 I lit baC for )oit. lA ~Cal ttU. TAU.. 1ltlX, •tr11t .. ht SWF loolift&for1S\\M•t1o1-a lhd) ltl1dl«1111I cwfoMly, I, Utt<'OftH'lllioaAJ alld pllyf•I, )ft -.icloul) ........ _, ~ lllll't'N) illC'llodt nw· ml'.~ ... ,·-•orkl tra\d. t«Mk fOtld. flltlt. frifnd), S11111 M011lc1. Call 1910. "l RSE. Hf H. 1lm 10 plrl.W. 5·1. plnJ111 ficurt . IA4A~Caltl75t. ' !'\•.W IMMl<illATOR frnne tlu"ll•r). 0\\ f , 4f. 5'41135~ 1·111 \ff') ou1ao1111. '"•Pf"· ...... .a.~).ill4~. bhlolas.1ood.f0ok .... ~. loy1I. ~111lmtnl1I. lu•11 111· turt. 1porh. loud 111u~lt>, d•nrt . lr.oul. Oon'I )IHI~ i-:n&lii h 'rq '"tll. ~ttkh11 ""°"' '"' " " ..... v-..o. I"'~· OetW"llliMct. .....,, • \lllr .. , kl\h ltlUUt. h•• t•h- 1 rn<T< ~le(,.. nw A l'llt'ficiL hdp ll'lt' lf'llrn the-l•na:11ttt. \\ N '"(.'all*- ,\1 rltACTI\ f 1TR\ T \ta.!1 JJ. • .eo· .. $'4'1120 """'· sick •um.•n. I'm 1 putll'f' and I ltitfllt't". I IU\f 1<11H1i111t I)) IN ""'-Mlllll'IC--- pQ ' '°'" Md 4-t""'"" _. I'"' poloc IOl&I) lrf\ of ,......., Ull ino.I wn. I '"' '"......., wmt- ln t. l"llrinl Mid hl't lo lalljtfl. .!Md.ina: -4<.~ ..... ,.~ •• 1 .... , 10 .... " 111 (ttfllll' ..._.,,,~c· .. 1.-.1 M IU•"r:M "(S-.\ ltfl'<t • <'Uhl m4hufid ...... "'by .... 'tnl urftl-. lllllrlld1• r . .tr tt- 1 loHl r. 1'"f1111, .. , swr ~. 5'4'110. "'"'""'" ~Mtlt', "or) c11111plolo11, ulldtr· ................ ,.... tt'rnl•; dancina. MH•lft • i.por'lelor nidlla. ntMttr'll WU. I' 111 I 6tp't'fd prolc I 'n .&'8 • cnprt•t•r 11110 ptno1HI 1ro .. lll. Mt'Captl)~ - tbllplaftcUr) nllltW'M. Sfttlj jjmttar In,__....,~ drn1. w11~hr. ~Munlc•· lht. MMdlt -•• ~ tff • .U.-5"t. NI·. \ID. \tar ve.a. Cal I ltJ. Mt'NTOR NF.•:o•·o. Could •Olt ~. --""° WMb IO C'l"t'tlilf IW'I iMen4 ti b•blu'!' Lo• A111tl" 111 IM A TTitACTIVF. SWf' J6. S'S. ~. IMl SWM -'Ml. Ii· IWKW)' _., ... ~ forfl'~Hdr-~ Loi A~ NI lllM. TRIM. IRJCH1' ..,.....,.. .... llbtr1I, wi117 r.ttlMld, llkn •llnln. ............ ................. ottaa. ~U.7trur111~ .. ta Moan. Cal 1"5. 8 1\A If I. lultt. & Ottt! Grae flpn. ._..,, •111' ..... ,,, 14"111c lady It'd.I llClllltlty, .......... .--......-.. lioM!rr. M.-.. Cal 1m . CREATIVE. win1 SIP..\$, 5·1. t .... • "'"'" Md• ,...,,_, .......... for l99'1catl• _, "dt ... t~lM~CallK n ;t. TIC/VIK INC: arllAI< wo-fll .... ,.... .... ...... • ......_ __ I' ... ._"4trhlll .... ~ht .... llllllt.lMA ....... C..ttn BEAUTIFUL, SUND£1t, CARING OWF Mtlu tall SWM, Illa, .S-U, ,tlt7*alty tk. ,., '"' ........ ...,... ~~t.l ltlo&. - SU' P'A11-cm. ~ ..... d • ....-.,, tftls .n-nllllll. ·-1 ........ ,. ..... ~ SWM SU"t. te~ lift w1111, WJe)wtLC..17J7 .. Mf'.: 'otk. 1111•,..•lll Stwtn· lt1t-11ati1t1. "''•"· nc. •ttw. llotHI•. 'V M : 'lt11dtt, tall, •fllitl1. 111 •111'" \\t11 LA Cal 174.t 1:0-."l'l'.l.,Ll(;l·:!l.T, '"" alll"IK'· th't ~ •riMr, lk1l"ft!I, 1. J'l/llt, ~' l111dtiar"C• ·~l'CI.. .. 1r11e1ht. af· noul SW\i I O• A1111rlC' <. ... lllt. ' FOR COl\1PA"IONSlllP ~ \tt; i'"'t S.\I>, JI. s·1,.,s. ,.,: , W\t Jl•. '-.. •""1HMHlt. Mablt'. •l&C't'U l.ot A~ (."Ill 17'7 D•.At •t\' I. DNA"''"•"'' and •ill). r ... •11d fntndh , _,,. ... ~ .. ""k• t llt•i,lr) Hd to ... ••••n •loll. • .,,.., Md .. ,,...it ... af • rulfle« Md acht111111rt. lo\t' Md I~ ..... "'lillc. lr'I\• tolMa. dilliec. ""8nlltl. INllTI • • .. ,_ "\i, \9·45. ' ~ ll (" .. '"' Cth _.. I 7.4'7 \Tttl.\l"fl\t C~H. ·'°'Ill trlllr:tnl Uld frm1n111t. """"'' ft111lnl11r i\\i1n •amain fur l~Md ,,__.., llol h~eed Cal IMO t.\OTI fU.O'UI , lll\H ?1.$'7/llt._... ... ~ .... tu•. 14 "~ c .. 176.\. "TTRACTI\ F GWJ. .\O'\. lt'M, aillflirtll(. ', ~ fur· rnl Jn) •-'ll• for ~ .. •d ct~vt"""lrln-C•ll ,..,,, HFY LO\T.! 1-a ...... .._.. ... ,; ... ....,....__ ... It~ 19-• '\~far ,....._illt C"W•tn11t!011 Hd fttMk ........ I.All A~ CllllJI. liOOl>LOOKl'G. f""""'"'· 14fl4 WF 1.-0, -+.t ftt11I· ............ fttr fri.-dtltlp. f'H. ud ! Stltdlo C'lty. C'1ll 17'1. ECltOPi':A1' \\ f. llp•llce. Lttllil .. lt. 5'71115, ffth 1D1 .............. -.n,... Mel all~ ... _.,, 1-oa Aqtlb. Cal l'JC. Ptttrrn'. SEX\ WF lt _._. ·~1 1urac•ht ei-t I• .,oil • .... rrlttt411lilp, ...... ,,. l'lll.-crU.,.Cal 161.\. ' t'.ll Y'; lt.()"tot; .. 5"7'1' 11.- IWWF. I'• ....._ ror Ii''" ••t.. tnll 8tt. Holltwoocl. Cal 1'51. ,.~TITE. nit, l l·nrlHt A•IH, JI, 5'11115, '"Mal ..U l!i-P, ~itt. fflr IMhftl• lert Incl f'••· IM An1tkt. Cal 16el. SEEKING WF JI•. ,,.,,1. ~ .... , ......... ~" ...... IHdlan•.MOI. c.a 15112. HAUTl,tJL. SHAPtlLV WPlt, S't.'lle. _..,__. all...__..._, .... IMF.La~Cal lSA -I IA UTI PtJL. 81""nr1Mt sWPn,-...,s·..-tie..._ ..... , .. , 11111 ..... C'W> .--...-n11•1-.~ Iii-WP fir ,_, La A• .-.c...1su. •'• to( J '' •. O•:::ngf' County Area DWM SI -*t ~ '5-SI to~ IM a-It Wt ol Or· ... c ..... ,. ~ pwtin.. mo•in • I'• 6'/16S. 05la \l«a Cal I 175. SJ\i .16. •'Jiii$,. br..,.. ... ..,.. bhH ff"-tH4" 1111, Moedt ·, JF l..l-26. Gal"dt!ll Gru~t. Call Wt. \<£It\' Sll.EtllH. ~I 48 stttlJ SF s1011otr 25·41 ror lifftftllk. .. ~ ..,...., .... ~f"4tport 8-it..l .. lt.l4. "If.VU \t~IUUfJ)~"" ·"· ,,,..,., W't'tMt('('1. Stft• pdill'. bttJl). fO\J WF for • lft and b•lllo. tt11111lntrn11 llHch. c.· .. 1m. Hl \tOMOl \, <\ lTR \l · TIH. !N'olftlitOIUIA !\"\I lt. ~ IClnM'tih"· ~--- 111flldtcl, MKtftM' llld) J.\..JO •"-tio.e l"MunM4. \fnatt, ........ Ml!n •• ,. lllC't.llb- '"· d@<'•lt. f tlUC'tl ,.,. •• ~·· l..1111:'11111 ,....._ ( .. llm. T \I I ~\\\I, 10<Ht·l1H1lr.i111 twUfn\otOIUI. 5$. • • Z.19S. I 11. JOO\ f\trCl\f, lflllllJ>, ltOlf. boM1.._: ct..._. tra•t4. ,....._, Md 4"'"' I@~-~' t'M'f'lfi.. ~" • .. 1111 ........... uf ..__..., 8"ota ~.,.. 0'" ·~ '' oo probltM. lnuw ('II'"'" Hl.tT llC , lt-',llHll ·~· 1)\\\1. .:''t lllO • ..o·, ''~ 1IT«tio11..i1t. rolft11111c. .._,._ ltf'tl"'"'-. ~hd-\\<nl· """ '~ •Jl.ioJ . hUC". ('Ill'• Mlt <'VlltlHlllC11ltlOn. t"Wlft& OUI "'°'"' llM1Mtt, jiu. ~,. ~ Ttllltla..Cel 1771. LET' Cb S1lth11! Sailboat --·····'">~ Jtttii91 ~"F foir sailia11M mon. COiia \1-. c.11771. IU>'OE. ATHI lTIC !'>\\\t JI.~ >OUllCo ~ina?. ~nt 1wt •Ito liH"s •urb). ,,..port Inch. c..1 177.\ ~AIL WITtt \t[. \\ \J .&9. ........... h•lldJOlftf. ffh ~\\I-for ullia1 •d•ttUUrr-! ..... t11n. 'f"'l'Ol1 Sndl. (.'all 1777. ' TAU~ UCITT & hllnCbofne. •• blond1blutll80. allllt&ic. Sttki111 prtll), ~lim ftm•lt 24-.'6. Lti'• h1u fun. S•nl• \R.L C8'1 1117.\. \ 1 Tlt..\~TI \'I-: Piton.~. 'IC>' .\I~ 6'. blond hatr hlut t\~ 18(). lftU-CVl»r, alhltlK' '"''""I prtlh • f' tor pl .. • < tN» '•~ <: .. ms. \I \ It ft I \ c; ·I-.\ \I I I \ , .. ,., .. ~o. '"" -"· sii· 16'1. ' ' llapp•. halll1,. t\t«ll.t' rttulat1). IOOd ~ •• lrWI· tH111al ••I-• 1dt i"1trN'- t:Olid nirttr. -o( hu1t1<1r. hOftN. '111urt, C'Ot1Stck1'11lt. h••f' 111tt1'1H. ~ llw ~-. la1 .. !O'~ 111 mid .IO'• "''" no ~11t lntM.(11111.M, \\ '' rt-1> '' 111.i s. ""'11 m1ndf'd, llunr,t. f11n 16 hf' "ilh. tu clu n ct11 s \\I !!.. •ho', ttood·lout.intt. ••nctrt 11nd 'hu ..ilruu• Sant A \n" t --" """ , .. ,,, \I . ''"~'JO'\ ff'. j .. 11.lo• Ina. athltli • ma"u' hM. 1nlC'1"NlkJllJlll l..alin btN· 1 ____ _.:;:1r:;::'.9ul. cl111C'f11111. 1110 l \ 1fMW'S\ , -;-lntclliC1 I'll. flO" 11J•r. ~lollol .. -r. .... "'"'-'"'•"· .. I. wtb n ll"fmri• ftml11111c-. blu~)cd. 11hlt'lk. W'I bCh •ich prttl) rkt'. ?'*· \.~ ''· tuuncllin V ...... l'ia&I .' -dtt' IMy. •itll i -.-ol 1111· Mor. ••cl ll•t for lo• 1111 rttaclM.ai, 9'1MM .. 10 ...,.. rl11t \fh•io11 \ ltJo. Cell lttl.. \tA\ I FLliFF 'Otlr 111r1• .WM Jt . ..,.._ l"e "'-e1mz\eld• rw ,-_ r.a c;114. ._ .......... Soo Ptdro. C:1n 17ll lt0\4A!\"Tl(' SRl!w\. ~ -~ HJJJ.~ ... _,_..,......,"'" ,..,. T•"'-l• 17 .... MAILMAl"lll•lrtprtntt1r OltM Sl, 6'4'1M. '°'9 &Mia J-a, Pll .. ift. ... ..,..., "-" c... M«9.. Call 17lA. l.A WYEll ...._ __... W.- J.t.....U. .......... h~ ...,. .... ,at. td, r••••llc. Nke 2·tlOr) ""'' w/poot. lnhu. Call 174.S. A1TRAl.,,VES8M l l ardLs n..~_,...,.,.....or .. ,..,....,, ............. (). lAlll lellCtL C• 171..\ fHOl'tG·llKINI LOVElt! S8M ~ '".> H4 ocl~· ....... WF ... t.rr ' I It 1 .\LI S\\ M. ~ttl.t>W- 11tn•••· ' i.. cul111 111d ~t. ,.;o,. ., "-Oii lt.t •M«r. tn•'d. -lb. qut. tt ·~ Sttti 5flttbl f,_., "5-45. tlHti111!1011 Harbottr. lal 176'. HtJ P! Alinl r,.... p&Md R• .. M'.t., -I fo ~«1 ('OIOs • tr\91101111 rtSHrt ll ,.;, .. IM>a•'fWtr '~ t , 11·.\l. \s '°" 11t\. •1 tt•s ch> 1u~: T1t~l11 .... 1-1. !\l l'l'F.~Ft L. •llnctilt ~\\M 17, -~ *&rft in .,....._ MCI 11-. plt)'li- ull1 flt, ttth l•1tlli1t111. .,..,..., n. s.·. 18-17. •llh. &fllSt of lll•mot •Ille t11Joy S Ph.._ ~ lt.t Ope-I as •di H th Klo1._ Lo111 Buch. C•IW. • GOOl>-LOOKJl'IG ff's klM .tirw:r.'7.!'tt'16t.N ,.,....._ Noaal, dri~et reel IMll. ,.. J•)• ,,...,., toolill•a. lri ro· ....,,.,...._o(.._, ... ....... .... 1\tlt. St&l • ............. wtrcl Woad 6tf ~f~f~iip.t'ell• clltlll JHr-• cll11•trs Ir --*· Diel I .-ie. 191 rt4 l"U Jl"\'W. Cll llJ7 . Save this section! You (on rt" .. pond to our f\.'.'r-.onol-, ?4 hourc. o day I duy" o wt~ ·k. Add1honul f~ ·1 ·.011(] I·. nppcor 01~ f-.~onduys 111 our c.lc1'>'>ificd "cciion. SE,SITIVE, HO,EST OW'1 38 Rttis 1trectiona1t. lttnrtht ~Ion. 25- 40, ftK klldl •II~ din11tf' mo•k llNI GIMr ~pin· \Urt' San Cltmtlllt . <.:111 Ill."-. KlllWIT, F'GACOl"'Ci, •tr)' hand"l)mt, •ith. r.1 & r11n 'W\I. •·1 1'9. b11~rln 111° chodtd. t~s ~Ii\. lfll· 11r1. llMNc. \'ou: S"l-o\. Liit • lAl'HWi.1 Jo·.,. Mtt -w 1111d ~"1Ml> lnint-.C-'11656. U_.VI"~· Sl'Jlll 11./\l... Jldm. lifnl) •Mtckd 4c•oCft o( )O- p. lltalth. -~ •t'U·bf. Ina. an1l-1irl1111 •i11ml11~ and hff'h). S~\1 JS. nt~t.r mu- rltd, In 'uncircullled C'Olldi· 11011.• 5' 11/1.&S. blo11cl/Jrf). bkH t) e... I kina for 11 rMine. lmM1tt. ounurln1t. ~- Mitt. ~lld) ~ol•td ·-h oulmatr:'I iln• ratt, ()f rra- '4lnal'llP •If and l'lnul\. lo .oar ••lh lo lhf h1l hN .ind lft<N folfilhnl! f\pl'l"<"O•I\ of 'h1mAnl1< lmf'. lr..in•mul••l ph1....-.ol ~ Nllll Utl("vnch• I~ lol\C'.~l .. lilft. dU\~mtrr lll'fm ..... 1u • ..i1t .. mon.1 thM· llC'1ff. 111d diu11c-roman«. I ,,._,.,. .. "'96t •'-l5 . .,.. ... d1n1:. ".llk1n1: 111 tht 81clr. 8 .. ,. rudl11a. "r11l111:. 1111<1 mtil1t .. 1111x r• 111• ltt}fi btt;lr.· u rd. In \p11t uf hfr·lon1 .., l'VltJ:M • 1111 an ut•h iM'd ..,.._ rapllol11a. I thr"' 011 IM-1ntt oul"ck clo..,. 10 lrl'O. planh .. nd \loflltr 'al11rt. I am " .. 111:, i<•ud..too•dna. rlftiolll(\.11· h \llll!lt, llfllt'f"OU\, lnUrt.'o \ind. "'""*'· ~"'· ClM'ina. j:tnllr. •fft>\'liu11,.ll'. trun, htallJn t n•lil \lt,11. ( all ' '""'' H>l t" \ fFI> t•ltOH.S..,10'· \I "\ \l f\'11111.., l'f\)U)) di"· Ille. d111eiac. -~ ~ • T-..58;°"<"MllP"'· loft. pwiM'I'. foir Jin«n rtll· h0ft'41fp, In IN. Cal 16U OW\I. 11U1'11t1kt f'\~MU ......... • • lr..iltd.~~ lid). 1r•), rd11u1td. 59, 5'10 210. JfttlJ pdkt. d••Y· Mind bdy •llo ftljo)~ l1'9\tf Md lhe rt.w lo OC'ltllA. lo le>~ -~-.... _,.... lati0ft\Jl1p. '°''; Rtftnocn MCI plMJCu 11• llilablt. """ pur1 Rnril. c..-181•. \T-\lt n,c; OVt-:R. ~tl\1 S't. I!'.:'. ••1t~il11tt 111d 111 kin.._, uf danci•a .,, .. 11a1 lr.ttp "'' .as •nr old bocl ioou.a &t JO. If )W -Pf'" lilt •• \0 .... 1, HllOllll llld llullll). 111d •11111 lo sllart > wr Ii"· pkbt nit. T11sil11. (..'al 17llfl. A TTR-i'C:1·1 Vt-: Ptton.:~ SIO Al.~t ~IM) lS+ ft.' rvn. ("/Vt' dlncf iu-,., MO\ift. taill•a. COtto Mno Clll 1'1.\. MA TCtt wrrn \tF1 pnir- ''"•'· t11al•ttr. tOt1riclt111 SttM JI , 5'#1165. Sttb S.\IHl\\t-, ll..._ ""'"· r@Od f\awn. Tniw.C• II..~ 1~ A \ 1-ll\ Mtaoilll ~\\ \1 U Mt.tittlNllitfarco_, r 'UR -~rtlC't ........ ·.-......... ·c .... Maa • c ..... ... PHO IES, PllETE 'SE, ..... -1 ••• Jo&. ....... ,. llHll .. y, lllMM•t &Hiit· ........,. r· r....no1111- •evtc11<"•., ...... tfttll11t C""1&IOlllJI ...,.,... I elftr ~ ...... ,..., . ....,.. ..,. .. , .... ".., .. .....,., •Htd·ftau llftttylt. I •Ill prou 11!'11el•ht I ••· DO N()l'_ ... ,.. ....... en:l"fMJf«~..C. ............................ 5'2·5'6, 1111unll1 bt11tliful. 1bsolultly 111odtl trim/thin. '11""1*1 8t:llc1\. Cd 16'7. TALL SW\I, n1et·looki11g pro(~J5.18411.tn ...... 1S1ically sttlu 107 redllnd , Call for mort! ,;""'' Qllll 157.... • S\1ART. SWt:ET aood·look· ing SW~ 2.9, athlttk, PhD, passion11t. funny. oul~oina. Stt:kift& bript. k111ttlc. bnu· . Double your chances of meeting just the right person! Record your own instant ad! Then browse through the voice ods for even more choices! ror lfrrint' rtl11io11•hip. rioon. l 'llll 1691. ltO\IA 'TIC OJ\I, 'OUJll 6.l, tdlA'.lllnl. fllllltNil'dic. ~l"l'. lfllO lra•d. ,.,....., 4'IJr06..lflk,. lht Hh. l,•I') HU.. ''"port Bf'..-.1'. ('..U , .... I U\180\-cra'fltr, )hurt. 'l'l..~llll•f~ 1.pt..fliltd. ~IOlr......,. .............. ,. ,.11n4fd b) 0\\ \I#. S'l 1 llS. Ir~. hu Ir.). bltk' ~mi-h<lld. t'Clvncrcl pro(~..il. Ir'"''" ('Ill 16'IO. \Ol 'ltl :h t.\Rl. and pl.A)· rut. rum11111 k . ~inettt. rmu- 1~1 ~~rt. r--abf) .II· lraelht. "·~. "10\H JO .... O. 111d "llnt•na that •pc.-1al 'C:un11«tedofs.\' in • l'umm1I· ttf rtfallon~. O\k prof& sioilll . OWM ~ tluob .\SI I 1ovr 1>01tllftllltl l.A-t's tu•• Wt loCflhn'! tn;.e. C.it 1689. mrED1Jr Ft'ARES? SW\ .u. r:uod..._il\c. 5·1•1.0. ... 1or11r1 lvolr.lnt for uuy. ftMlM1· llCl'Ktin, c:ta.y pn>-r~ "F' _...... •"-likes Hlcloors. 11111111, u111pi111 • bOlt .... ~ ttc. OrW.iftc " ......... ,. fllka.. ,..s. dlqtn do11·1 bollttr. ul Bad!. <'Ill ''7t. ICO,OCl.ASllC OWM, 58. •di uti crUd Md rad. lo\ts dlt ........ ~,.~ ... _, f1llllill&. Mrious bk). dS. MMllb !IOI 10 11\hs '"' Holy•ood ao..1. ~s ctu-- •lul •1ok. llltllrr and -1a. Sfttlilla "'15 --ol ...,.., f« Rriotts. ~MitHd rrilliooitllip •1lo (1111 ~ 1..e11I •T likts, l'\p1nd my llorbOllt 11819 Inc rodtttt -to -'~ LOlll lkarh. Cllt .... ROMA11t'11 • Rl,,RED E11· to•ht 65. •·r 1t1ru1lvt OWM. ~ SSilel rt- .._ ...... «. 5at1tt lillil· Mao ._...... ... C'llhwllil ktlri- 1 iH. 'twport luc ... C1ll 14't. . ATTRACTIVE PROn · IONAL "'4. 5'111'5. ffii. ditll bf-ow• llalr. blttt l')t.\. ..,, (1111 ~ .. ....aat'k lattrtt1M la ~ ... • It· lr.Oh>t • ......., M6ew lady ...................... lo"' ~ .... ~IWraa. ...... lleidl:Call6" ' H\!MOR 11'1 RE. •· tracth\'. ~Mt.~~ ........ Attl1N11r. llMltk. ,,..t~M DWM. N 44. 6'1. Mdlt qvathy i.F. 1111 A&C•15"7. STOP! Ve111 t-4 •I, SWM l.S. '"'1aii.nt. , •• pro(tlliotlal actwl ...... ..-Ck._. .• _ ......... ,~ '"'·~ ...... " ... 1if11I St'. In inf'. C ';;ff I:&~ U\\\t .&6. ~·1u 165 _ ... ~ IMh I ?5..&!'1 for p<Mlhtr rrt .. 111"' .mp. I 1101: 14'-Mil I All I '"-' l'l fl-'''1 ""-'"""'"· "'"· ~"'· ~.Jut rntrt'P'm..~r do•n ... t.......arth. \UftlftlUflO .... 11\t'. Im~ of hfr \ft'lr.' JH'lllr. trim • .tllrach• c-'11 I 111111 l.ka.11. t' .ill l!-4>!. 'l(l'I~ 'HI~"'""'"'· .it· lrlU'tHf'. ril '\\\I \<;_ :;·'I • '~'U. '"'""'11 h<..iu1oru1. ,.,,. ,_...,_,, 't lr\llll'. I .ill 1 5~ ll\\ \I. (,tlltl' 11 \ '· ' '· Jl ''~JU•I d1•orct'd11ror1..u•I i:rthn,it )".d• ~""""'"""-. i7111. 3lhtC'dC. run, hll\lftL">' 0\lft~r L1111lr.inl! r..r •h3p~h. 10 11111? ·~I tu '9'111. I u"on I .1111.i.a•1 lfl 101)..1.UC It.I''·· "C'll0l1t11l1 ~\\\I ~. '' 11.J•' 171C. II.' degrtf'. lhn•<' on f\tnl\r, irl ~ w. •n matnlam hl):h · 1.,Ht ot fit 11'"· Otri\ r pin · JWt from mo•~ .,ui • .,. Nit· c.....U.. Sfl@l'I~ i.11d murr Mt .. )ptclfull) nlr.ina a '\\I-. ~1>. JO's. •hu is r11, mttili· Cf'lll. 111d •rr) prtU). for ..i lo•ies ~ip. ~ •. nu chiklmt. Twin. Call l~~- 0\\ \1 ... J. 6'l tltt. crn'n ''" bru .. a llelr. likt~ aolf . '"""" ~ .. ~1. ~-"I' .\S-U. ' ' Ir• 1n4' I .ill 14'7. ,._, Rl \t nnch '"' fllht' \rt )OU Iii. r-& .......... l.<~ 1. .. 1·s 'kl fill•: lr~111t. t .. 11 I .&16.\ HA 'l/DSO\IF. arnn·t\fd SW'1 6' S. M'tfltng prt'lt), hof\, H I, COmlftltmrlll•lftl11dtd .. 4S-4il. l'lllll• \It.SL l' .. 15..\&. SPIRIT ALL'\'·\ll~O.:t>. •orld 1d•tnl11rt lnvt!ltr UWM 5 4 fff'k6 1rl111. arf«· lioult, plrilulll) •lftlnd!!d, ,.fllplllyslul ,,nlm•I• lo ..,. dtt:p thoo.cfll\ lllld llCfl 1Mhrt1lun. l-ou11l11• \all&'' . t'lll 1501. t• TRE'1fl. \ t Cl"lllt-It· \TE. «thl'. ~1C114td. ,,.. ......... ..."" ctl11r1•1"' Diallls. lr1•tC. t'lll~r· ... Olrerits "°'tr ~ ........ IAll& '-"'. t'lll 15' I DWM J7,' 411W ctilld. t n- joJ's ........ jau. ........ •tt+.· "",,.... F'OMl!llk ,,~ ~tilt 1llr1Klh t , sl11ure. W/AIHF. 21-~S~ fof' tl.11 • fD ' Alau141P.~.,.. .tible io.1 tfflll rtla&ic!Mllip. lr•iM. Call 15'4. ADVti-.Tl'ltOl \\\\I ,\ • ~·.,....,. •lldtrrM:tl. •kttM 1ri cktp toa•trMtloa\. 1Sff'll s,lrh111lly·orit•ltd woM111 15-a. lnt.f. ('II 1~12. Sl-:1-.K"(; 1-nnch •om10 Ha..cholM. in·1dlttt.....i l>\\ \t. mid-lift. prof. h1·lin2ual Amtr1ca11 '•"POr1 Ota•h (all 1517 ··1 S " \1 60. s ·10 150. ' ' U . bclllb. l>K)•lo. ~· lrml. ill· lracti•t:. c-<tl \\H, _.m11..,. 111t«'tSl1.. BalbuQ t ·:111 ISi.I. GOOO·LOOt-1'4. '11\1 .\5, 6 '. "'"k' 1111raC11•r. 'hapfl) f11n·IU\lni: ~\\I for 1trU I 11'"4'~ & unhmitrd polrnll.il 1.o'iAng~t.Jll IS4l'l ta·'l "t c;i:,11 t\IA,. SW~I .'8. 111111 "~· unpmMl· ti'"''-wit. "'">· though1ru1. Sttlr.s ~•mt in • n man "bu 1dt>n1irin "''" llhi• rn,11nn mo•if'. ru~111. C-1111 1-4..~ \-1 IR,\I 11\1-I .I 'II~ \I\'· •;arm. Ir.ind. tund ... mlt'. ~C",,ful pn1 ............. I)\\ \I \S, ,. Iii( •... .,.,,., "'•IM'· ..., .... , 1n1rth2~1. a11r11t11\r ' U\\ I- ' ' .?.-4-.\S r1 .. dm1•11. d.int •Ill! • pKn""-~,.,....l11tn. frlt'nd· "'~ .,. .......... ""''·"'" ''"'"'· t iill ·~17 t \ltl\1 .. I Cl \"'· l'h•"· u .. n ""°""' .. om;tn Ju ..tfl" ·''· ~n1. allrathu . Jl"l"r..irh '"°''"''""'~' for ...-nou• rd.i '"'""''" lrHOt'. I .. n l.&$Y \\ 111 \\ \' 11 U. b• th" fun· """'JI INJd• lk .u-h pt. '"N'. "ho '°'"' lo• 11111 \I"' '"'""' Ir.Oil-. doll?' ........ ""'"" 11<-x h. moun1>11n-. lr-.1•t-l111r:. ,..,.,._Ill\!, mu,u-. roll•·r o o.i•h r•-Jll'I \ •iur h"'"' 'nor·hrll·nl ·A 'atd1." t .ith•~1 .. llJh.111. ' '· lr.md.1 1:m "ho " rr.ith . "'"· 1n11 11nd .ihh ros,:hl """' '" hurn up. 1 uu 111'•11 • l.Mh ?11- \0' '· ..ind m11lr.r 1 nur hf\I mc>•t qu.n. btf11rr "'""' •IChl'I' lad\ 1:1 ..... l:fl' llM' I ''"' P4of1 ~ ( it" 1~7' \ rlfl I-I H IH\ \I ~ ... ,, ltrt'd, 5·9 111!'. o,n-lr.l. 1-for 1r-.1• • ••• dl1111111. lhtaltr • ..0~50·~. ' .... ''"port 11.,,., h t .ill l.&111 ..... ,, .. _'\ "" \t. .aim. '~I>. 6' 180, t llJO)\ l \\ dDll 1n1t. lt'llllls. bK H lilll• \t'ri.\ ~llft '" r '·"· #-51l. ~m1br Ill• l<fl"t ( ....... \tf'q ( .,.,. I~. .. \ ltl llOl \ u I 0\111 "· 10 , \d\fftl_ ........... 1 .. e. rvmJllllO(' I. Pl-"'°"""'" Mlrf• prrntur 111•~1•• 'ft!.•'\\ t- i .\.a...aol " "m1l.1r 111luf" fit · nf'5), 1rn .. 1h. hnn~I~. r ll\I• ronmtt1l11i\I. • f'lf'l..iri.in. w · I"-I l'njm h.1u1hll'1'. n.ilurr. I rll • d. mu-I fl•' 'fM't\d I ht' ll;, uM IOltfthtr' l fNll \~ c: ell I .&MO. 11..\~U.\O\tl-' 6'1185". 11ru1 M'lll• of h11mur, hont~•. ro--•K'. rsnna. I o•t ~ ••llquo; utu1c cu • and mon. 'Ott: tall or pttllt. ~ bt Ji•, .'41·45. j!UOd·ICIOt.i11tt 111111fun.~11111. C:llll 1445. T\ PROl>l t t-R, ~\\\I .at, )ttl.~ lllr•clht rrm1lf for •\Hit' 1,.h .. ''"° uppt1b'I S-• \tu ' .. ,,.... 11X) 01~111--' Ind ... nctu .. I ~It« ...... Ila~. 1nttflt. J'fft4 • " \t .\5 _._, ~hllrl't f ftNllt. {)ptniion tll'f UHd• ""b)! ....... c .. '"'"" Othf'r Arem MMKilt.\~I. ,,_._,\I, prldttttr/cllrtttor ltef"fftl h ...,i\..._.._ ........ lltUt .. ...,.. ~ M'\NI. ~ ........ ('11~111M n..-."for ~ I.hi h · To bro1Nu• or respo11d lo llJese ad ... call 1 (900) 740-7190 (billed a l J.-19 p~r mi1111te) and select optio1il or see i11stn1clio11s 011 page 2 I<> plt1<.'t! a'1 i11st1m1 atl! Men Seeking Women Si,,g lelife C11stm1wr -.-. Sen·ice. (714) 840-2826 for iufon1uJlion . or assist11nce. Sf • Single Female SM Songle Mal~ G Gay L le$b.on J ~~ A A>ton I Blocl H H1sponie w Whi• N/D No Oivgs N/S Non·Smoker N/Drinli Non Onnle .. .. •I .. .. • ow to respond? You OllO WWU tbac ads qukldy and easily by~ our dcctroruc .okc- mail 9CI •Ice. JU51 d1a1: 1(900) 740-7190 f f:tfhl <II .c I 49/• r mnmu.• .1nn~;~· nJ/J 4·11J1,th l( 4 1111//111<') UI~ llt/lllf'f' u l<Jf~t.Hlt' /~111' 1'1<.•ISl' 1 hn l:flr ltlft..b-it'll1t' bcfon• dwfm;l 1 Press #l-to hrowM! or n::.pond to .i.ds Press #2 co place:: ;1 111:~· m .... wm :id ~ #3-to dH."Ck for m~l~tnt .1u lll1.::-.."'!_t1'.'0 rrc:ss #4--for ioform~mon -~, hdp ,.., -.,.. la"'*" or._.-IO ~ IO M p111cr an ad. ...... ~. "' J..,'141No..,,. Ot• luhhl~\r.~ lho.• \\•llo.'fll cl"" " 1 "-tu • I'.,,.. ntl M.l\~·n1"',;..,,. 1 ho. I\.~ nil-"" anf\."11.lt. \J i ........ '"' ....-lda· I""""""" "~i.•OM "·l'1••t'J'4f"-o ~l· ,,,-...-n- 11•1•1 ~ \"'-' .... n ttW1lS•l ..... k • .11tii.i • Hll••\ ,,,._"fl ftk\."t~ ... u,•u:1' -... - llbo\t, Ind I \tr) ~ man. Tuln. Call IJSI. BF:Al'Tlf\JL inskk aad out. SJF .aG, -411111 spiritlllll pan· ftl'I'. l'nt I ~ friend, 9'ftt· tlomtlt, in amt a.. fikt to la1111h. t::njoy musk, -lff. dant'lnc. semln1ri, w1lklna. Ne.,.port beach. Caal I Jl6. PETITE. ATTRACTIV£. in· ttlllittnt, ftmi11int', blondt ~·wr NJS. .. id! _, "*"'9b loulin& for si-, 11\U •llo llkl'i tht Rood 1hl11p ol lllt, h~ a -ul 1w.._-, ,_. lit', 50.60, ,.ilh Cood \llUC'$. \1i"'°" v~ Call 1229. JF\\ISH WOMAN ~uks Jr" ish n11n, 40-50, mench" ""'" pleaw! lnine. Call 1162. .._ ____________________________________ .. l'l.-\!\.'\ •"llddiriw•SWI-. ~·m.. llllrat1h~ <;Hks --ar.u. W\\, ~alth.\, 'IS pro(~ M\ \1 ~.!'-110 ,.ith wit and marm. I u"in. Cllll I 26.z.. Women Seeking Men Sf s.ngle female SM Single"'*' G Gay l Lmboon J Jewuh A AMOn 8 Block H Hosponic w ~-N/D NoC>rues N/S Nan-Smol. N/Orilllr Non-Or"*- n..,.n. ~••ld·lw· .. rtfel. uiu,, .\.!'· .W. ~Ir . .1.\ hrftibl~. ~\·~ '"I!· .rnd •I 111 " .. 11ini:. I u>ton. C.1111~.\. ll\ '\\Ill . i:r"".,. lq..,_ prdl~, -.hm ~'I I. 'IKlf'•fol proff\- 't0fl:ll """ ,..,_;.., ....... n .... hon- ... ,. lllt.I\ U.''• hontt• .. t.•ttnli. I ll$t. ......... , ~1lhlrl11 '\1. -'<I .. , "/t'du· \";tfitJf\. "ttl'il' of hunmr. finan· n:.ol ""''""' "h11 1.i....., u duol· lftti.'t' I u\lm ( ~11 I~. llJI-~'I. lrom. "'"c-mu-. ;ol· 1ra..:11H ~ a:rrAI '""'"· ""4rn1 • .-:•nni:. ;.,1 .. th~rnl • .,.... .. \ J\1 ~l. I•"'~ t Olll l~ll. \ EW \' I I 11 .. da"~· prtht l>n.lllC'th• I)\\ F "s "'"\ UI· lnk1•H ". lrirn. finandalh M'· "''" ""'1 ~-60 riw dinnn. "''"-"""'"'· d.incinjl. .. alb. lo•in1t. com1nllltd rC'lali0n· !llllp. t .1m 'ilftttrl', atrmlonalt and ro1111ntic. Art \OU? In-. Call 1..07. . :o.Wl-.1-.1 • .\TTK_r\Cll\E '*-!" <;w•· J7. S'611Jl. En· ju~~ moHt~. buch walk!• rud .. fun l imn and quil'I til1ff'S. :.tth allrlK'tl~l'. sin. non. eoo6.-t~ SWM •ich ioocl lnQral Oftlrtt fril'ftd· •.tup fin1. lo.ta \1na. C all JJtl7. ~OOEI,, OW.. JS blund<'lblur. f'.'Cluca1rd, Hek~ wl'lllllhy ttmtleman (ex traut. cbn« & "'iina. 1..akt l 1hM. , Call 1.\.46. 2 Pf:TI rt-~ allrartol' Sh 18 se$ 1 S\\ollb. be~ llftcl ruft. '" lift! NJtHI H1U. Call 1375. \'lVA('fOUS. ATTRAC-· nv.:. l'mt"l(t'llt, pttil,. blond sw• mjo)s thncn-. uucdoon. t.no•ri. lifr to lo fullest. wdlJ Wion. *11.-.... iw..oty SWM, "s. SO-ff. fwllt'.rto11. Call 1.m. C..01' U l' /\wan ftmak. 1111'1· lo• i111t. sint rrl', ucitl111. "1S/I), "ft'tli n~ ma11 15·30. 'l;r,..JO for rt latlonshlp. San l.>iqto. c all IJ65. 'WH:"I . Kl"'().hnrttd baw- l\ !."'"·.\I. 'IS. io..t browft hatr. btt bnl,.n t)H. BtiPI. wkt" ,um. \C'C'lll uttpfiollel man '°' lo\t & <1*1ftittMnl. Laiiuna 6'1d!. C.at 13'4. l.FT'S f'O"INF.CT! ME: :O.WJ' '"' 114tr9tfl\ce, -~ wned 48. 5'Sll IS. KtiY«. 'Ill· ftttHlflll«. funn7, l•tn-octd ilftd intrref1nx. I lou srow11 dtildrftl, lrtVri, nM11tt. _, partkipa111 \porh, honf'tt)' and muct. mort! YOll: S'll+ lntetll&ml. fllnn" -rA t!M l'AlllOl.IC IJ\H', .\f1, on<' l'hild. honol, run, farml) .. wi· tntf'.'CI, ' • ', blind. Sttks withl • td S\\ '1 .\O's. ,. ith ~imll11r qU11litln.. ll11n1inghN1 l\foa(h C:ill ll'N. 1-.l ROPt--\' O" ... blondt, ~·w1..u. 511. 'IS. lftb pifrtMf for hfr. l.11ni: BC'arh. ('all 1110. ! \I~ \l rl\ I-ltt:Otn:l\O 27. ~·1 .prort·»•n11al, nt,. tu »rt'a, culr! I O•h: la111thttr. mu>1C'. •d•rnlurr. ltllin1t 1011'<' ~ .. ,. 11ur1tt'OU~ malt. 11.~-.\~1 "''h \lmilar intttnt> fiw run t•mi~ Smc*"' P"'· rrrrf'd. Ltt'\ lat lra>I) 11111! lr•inC'. Call 11%. \\ llAT A \UX! ll.llian/\1nl. can duun1. \rlts/Ta11rH n.isp! ~ S\\-F, S'S'kh .. y, dark hair a11d t ytt, f"'11n~• • NI&, (Ml(~ bubtil) ptt110ft· alicy. Kind. hunae. lo•t baMi. racn.. IK>ffh, a11d CW cS.ftC· in&. Sfdlin1t I Cood·foolllna. honut 1tu1. N/SJD tsoclul df'W.n-auy I ,.~ has ........ •nt~ Md •-.nb • rtt.fiol'I· W,. l~ Co. Call 1200. S\11t•:! h r) prdty, c11rv1· ~ pttltt. brullC'Ctt •-· 39. S'l'/IOS. Ell,jo.)'• crurl, lhr arts. 1n11~ic, "'"' •d"fll · tura. lltlllhln-and r~ Otslrn p,-ofrssloul atntlf· man fof' rtlalk>nslllp. lnlnt. Call 1167. TAU~ SLENDER ... S ~ • 11tractl•t. pusio.ltt alHMlt lift SWF •Hb 10 mtte car- "'a. honal. ..--11111 -for frimchftip Md ,__ ..-. BtlK'll. C• 1166. f.UN. ATTRACTIVE. lovina "· !''1110.z. blondt. nt. FA;ori bald!.-..._..... lrll•d· .. ln4 • ,_. ..__ c- dt4 Mw. C'• 12M. fU'T\iU~ C11ifoniia ac:aptt. u.·. nlll IW8f toercJMrl Mt: Sh•ptly, •llrt1C1lvt SWF J7, uniqur, 1d•tnturou1. run. You: llt1lllly. J5·4S, 6'+, NISll>. lo•llblt. llumor'OUI, .. ctrt, 1ctl•t. Eajoy wild to Nlitd ci-. llHlill. Call 12.W. llAPPY DAYS •le.ti -! Fil. flln. atddly lo•"'c. N~ Mld- •Htenitr, 5'1'. .-ks carift&, tmOtioNllly frtt.. ~ ..... malt 40·st. Ne•pvrc Btac:ll. Call 1236. . I MISS C'Oft>WYllall. ~· loNllhip Mel~ I'• owr .. r--. "' '"""' llttndh• ... t'1'11'1'4k .. ,,_.. fiW pl/ MINI IMllh. ~ fie. N/S SWM 51"'8 wlfftlt lllftnlb. I~ C'IMl llst. MONDA y NIGHT roo1b11l date. SWF .W. aUrKlhe. fuA. .._..._ __ ..,....,'1b.. Mnko. f«mff' llft'obks in· •rudor. M.-n .. ~ Col!la Mali. Cal 1117. Pf.ASIAN, 21, 111nc1h t, lookla& for f1mily-11rltntrcl -.nn-ia•y ~I. ~~.run. zs..~ N~ Bnch. C .. ttJt. JAZZ ANYO"iE'! Art 1°" Md ,_ fritM lS-&S. T•o S"'f s-711J7 • .-t. ... , ....... and hllppy. lnW. Cal 10..\S. ATTRACTIVE PROFF.S· SIONAL OW ... JI. lttki fun 111d lnttlllgC'11I 1n11n for ro· mantle 1dun1u,-t and ,.ti•· tlon.\llip. H1111li111tt011 Stach. Calll~. P•:nn:, Al.f'RA(.llH ru,.. lo• Ina SF lltti.) ••II. •du·ft· turew>-. $p0ftlantov~ malr ~Ith 1 ~ for lifr. lakl'· "llOd. C..I 101.\. .-\TIRACTIH SIU. J7, S-S-, ~ttk~ inttlllaent. atn)lth r. ~8\t, 38+, •.• '°' frintcl~lp ud pcuilblt rtlatloa hip. l..clftl lkam. c... 11 il .. St8J cari.a. IUlurt. famll) orltattd 1114 dtdlnttd 1'/S &Htlt•lll O\tr 4S. w91o Is w.ardt .. fw _,.. .. P9'"' aid " ....... 8.jo)'I llre. '°''" honal). , ......... trlwf .... ...-.M,-~•--: bald or b1ldl11.1 lntrlllatnt ..-.l.mA~Cllll "''· !JEAUTI• I. BRUNETI'E '""4tt". IJOI, ~ ........... llbtet. sUblt f'rfM'h -'°' _,ft"ilOOa. ~ Md cu"'p1nlun lllp. Wo1 LA c .. "'"' ATTRACTIVf. GRt:t:'I f.\ "·' brlNldtt. 5'7/145. crt-atfrt, it*ftua&. romantic, SUt· <alfut Stttl.s ......_ -.so. !>inlillllf f..-mc:anincful rdll'-' illip. l.c& A~(' .. 19.25. Lt..,~s "" \ f ~ f11111 Wr can tto ,. .i.klnc or dillltt un du lht ''*~· Or, 1111 111 1 mu.-il' ur pla,. Thfrt'\ 1ls.o oih·r-ldlna. p1ddlf ttnnb. atroblts ur • drht In thr country. I'm flt\omtll1l11a. '"J' 111r1ttiH, S'S, lH\ ... "'-> bblct luir. I Jft4I M ar· •ht "'~ ""° -• romr~•· 1blf' lifut)lt. n )OWllll at '-'1. ..,.,... .... "8"1>. '• 11ln. nrtplKts. YO. •....-~t '"" ltd ........ llllt bfSl '°' , •• u.~Cal 1912. TAU.. THl'l,8"..U.c~~F lookilll for a S"'M wtlo Im 1 lhd) .... ~ C'.9ricJNl1. ~ 11llC'Oft~tfllitM11I 1llCI pl•t f11I, '" fllftOlloMll ~ •• ~ ..... hftpt.. l11ll'ffM) ·~· '""'· c*. btlt«pacllift&, XC •W.... .. .ww lnl•d. tt11• food. tlltn. frltncb. 1at1 \tonln C1ll 1910. 1'l Ri.E. llF 25, •IM to pin~. 5' l . plu~i111 n111rt I ~ Anttt--011 17:'t. , .. :w l\t\11CfRATOR rro"' llunir.•r). rn\'f, 40, 5'411.\5. l'tn '"'' llUl&ol11a. '""'pn-11· ........ ...,, ........ -. bllt... ~Illa. \IMfff, lo .1. 'l<fttl1nr1111t. UI•-.. n•· 111rt. spo,.h. lo•d Mll)IC. d•t11 t', lr••fl lhlft'I •tH•lt. •.nall•ll •rr• •tll. "l'flt.i11i; 'f)Oft} b\tM,1 ~ '"'-"· lntrtliRC'ftf: dn~nmntd. hrapti)'. Ularp. 14H n MU\t('. hi\ t'\I,. '"'°' ~ IM i\~4. llfltJ "" INni tht tanavacr. "N I ..-\ l'llll I °"8 DON'T WAIT! A1TN C-TIH l rltl'T \ff.!I Jf . ..cl'\. 5•4• 120 \\Ma Qck "()llUll. .. "' • pOrll'f -' a ltKhtr. I lo\f "all.jn1 b~ '"' 11ttlft. im111nllln\. "'°'"" .,..., \, foll. lll!d c1b..ic.I ,,..,.. Free fifteen word ad and free daily message check! l '11t p.Jlock-.lll} lffl ~ ttftlt"r m MO!l4 -. .... "'Miii. ~ ""· t.rlfts illftd ...... '" lllUl:ti ~..,. ~ ~55 ""°'' .. 1111111 to "-•tr hi ltth11a-. i-.1 \11111.-.. C'll l~I There 's never been a better time to try the Persona ls! St RFI\<: \\l'IOM Ul'f, • tuh• mlhu~ •l!l!!lt'd "' .... \ttll.IWC'WtN'. lltnith\'f', lllrft'· Send in your ad today! r or fl\ on po~p· .: tlon•tf, lnttlll&Ull ~ • .\8. 5'411 It. lnft-t rd brvllftlf', h.J1t.1-tJ1mpluio• u111Ur- ......... ..,.."' f-.. Otatt .. ltrttl\. da11tl"I• nllUll«f, lpOl1(llr ~ a.llwal .u. J'1111~pnlfnd .,,... trtprHtur 111110 pl'rto11al ttO•th, Mf4apll)~_., foO. clll:plaMllt') ~ ~ .. ...., ill "'-<W1 ..,_. BREATHll'tiC~ Vow'rt for 1114!! SWF, S'l/145, brt1/bni, ~ ~~ '"for run lhftt 111d l1u1lltt,., 111·25. lr-vlnt. CM! 1012. P£l1T£.. t\lTRAC"nVF. pn- mtd SWF II lclc*a1 for "-". no clu ! Alltt1111ht ••sic, ttwl>s and stu-1. S.1ul Hiii. Call lt21. . -ATTRACTIVE OWF 4.\, 5'11.aiM. aplril..a. icwft C/W daftclac. Sttt.1 OWM Jl-50, 1111. 01, fwH)', fuli111. So. County. Cal II J6. IMAGINATlVf., ll&hl bf'wld te. Scorpio. 11«1 wn111l. 38. SWF NIS. -ltf. ca,.. 1111. bo>l'll111. plll'lry, tcl·O, ~ 1rv1M. Cal 1m. L.ErS JUMP ••htrf SWF NIS. petltt. J6, _... >OUfhfUf SWM NJS mclfl' 5"' f« lliky· dl~l"I· sll.11111. 1ruell11a. lnlM.. Cal IN7. IEAlfTIFUL ILONOf ... - _,,_ datJy. llUr't, .M. 5'9'. StdLa lo\cllle. rtflMd. ~ fl.ti, MOt!Op-~ -40.SS. ~pan ltad\. c.11114'. Other Arf·CJ~ IEAUTlruL l..wr M4 °"'' SJF 5'7, 31. _.,. "'4~. a4tnidht. ~· ...... 10 45. S' 10+. Wad.A. C .. IU&. OORGROUS ClflNt:St> l.A- DV, •Ith Ollt--. _..~ urlaa. fiH11cl1lly Mure • ..,, ... .....__., lfflt.ka~ 45-61. Lea~ Cel Jt.U. oAcl f oaia! I.Al.$ ""'°" lilf. lo- Ctl 91tr ! ! M111h111a11 ltach. Call ltlt. PRETTl', ATTRACTIH!, w-n ... 5'1'. ,.,....... ... -· -nsy p. w--. dt- *'5 U1c -It. I Jft!tlt, 1"11• '"--~ -•itll lob rA ........... ~t-al· ftai. to llMR. Mtd -lll!ld , ••• -~it. w . ...,.. ly. ood. t'.11 IJll. INTt:LLIGt:NT. irlnctrt, ~~-**""' for tilt,_ ill • fllllHl ,..,.. "°..,.,,~ ... -... llldi~w..&, .... to (WWjli Ml ..., nwTtltl t:uill11t llftteylt l4A.-.Cal 1251 SEJ\SUAI. ~WF. 5'2'1125. 4J lool: ll. ..,,.,. ~ T•· nu .. Mld•tttan 1r1n1pl1111, no rlllldrt11, loolllaa for O/SWM. 5'10-6'1, 175·100. u.sl. ,...,,... c.-w. r ..... IN. Aria ,,, ..,.__ •tlo like ro -.... bt aifftc:daMlt. toOd frlt11d~ •Ml •ort M•libw. Call 1.\5t. I WAN'f T() lo06i ill ,wr t a Md ti) lo lllt -! ~. 5'11, bfowa 9l1lr/tiat~ tyf'CI laely, littts qidd dl•Mn. popc'Ol'ft. dHI, !IH~tht, t09MW11k .. tht, lllMftk-•• dlanc· ltr. J6-5t. 1~. 'JD. \tar \ 1llJI. (' .. II tJ. ME TOR "'ffiDED. C0ttkl )OW .................... ho "*"U 10 ett•t an ln•Nd fl b1bitt? l.o\ A111rto. <:111 18'0. AlTltACTl\'f SWf' J6. $'5. bal'"" ~ 'WM JMJ.. n. Mllllrilly MCWf Md ~fd. '°' (rifttcti.!Wp aad ro.u11et. l..oaA .... <.'1111 llM. 'f'RI~. IJJUCHT prt#i r ' _. lll>tnl. •Ill)' rf491tacl, llht llltMtt.~ditiMt ... ................ ._Otta ~..._,,~Ill pert. s.n. la M.n. C'll 1"5. IEAl rlPl I. la\ldt & o.tl C:rtM """"' Hallh1 ••• ...,. "'' io.-.._ ,.,, ..... .._. .. ,. .._..._,~......-.. ._....M....,,Callm. •ath. 1-.Ctr. MO•lft. ,,... Cl~.\TIVF .. nin.t .... s. ,.._Jt>tCl•ll1 " 111e •0011! s·a . .--1-. ,.riter lfftt• You art S'I•. 47·6t. 1ood -ic11 -111--* IM..._ ""1*-' ....,,. •-•h .,,., & • ror , • .,.,....._ ~ t•eo'•l• n11.18tlatly MCWrf, lou n., liM& lAI A ...... C• IN. COii~ Md •Mt to l!Wd • tlM"OlllMof>-lir•.la•.it CttTIC/VlklNG artl.ttlc 10M! StJIClio C'lly. (.' .. 1.\11. ...... ., ...... ,_.. .... ........ ............ ......... WH~N WAS TH•: l,AST TIM£ )Oii llacf 1 rtal7 .,._ ,....._., C-'t l'Y-•W ! ,,_....,.._..,..,_. Mt:AallltnkM .... ~ --4rfMlq. cr\'lltltt ...,_ ...... Mpea Cll 1"1. SN''1t1N~~-- at ...... lftls Mtn"t"lllf.t. 4, . .... , . ...., ....... ....,. ~M SU7. c. llYn llfl' •itll. \\'.ta,_ Cal 17J7. ME: Eaotk. dhN&la S..-· 1;91-ltallaa. ptCilt. "'· •"tt· tloHI«. V0tt: Slt•dtr, 1111, ..... ,. •.. .._.... "'"' l..t\. Clll 174.J. l'"TEI l.IG :\T, •ff') Mlrat• ti•• ...,.... wntrr. '.a,_, .>l. $'1/Ut .. --.~ w.1..-....-... •dt-d--"'-lfl'1K1ht. •'· Owtat SW\t. LM A•Jtl~•. (:..t IJlO. PQlt 'COMPAMONSHll' IM ....... Mt· l'w4t Mi.. JI, 5'1/'5. \ 1111: SW\t .u •. ' , 11ff('(l~1lllh'. ,, ...... "~"" loa ~f'111 1m. lfAl'n & IR\I,~. "llr• •Ml .111,, ru• ••d fntadh. _.w .. Hd ~Ill. ""'"' c11r111h1ry ind t"o11111111111u- 1ioll. llfMMlil> Md "4rC'llcth . .r fulf'Mt Nd achtfltun. ""' _,,~.hr~lrl\ ,..... dWflt. ......... _,.,. l111t "\t .. "4S. \ . I) ('11.hfl' c .. ,. C.Alll 17'7 \\bnen Seelcing Wq.nen .\Tilt• (.11\J (;\\ •. JO. Ill• trlllft't!t atWI fc••lliftl', 'C'tl.• r,111l11int .\~1111 •OllHll for ,........._.~llilt h•*'C .. IMO f. \(HU" Al ll'lll • Hi\\ I l1, S'?/Ut. _.._.... iMff'fthllC ew.1..-~c .. .,..,,_ .\ TfltAC 11\ t ti \\ I-,'41' , l(aa, 114httci<. \ • -"-• f9'· ,..,.._. .. , -· '*' l ~------claari•a. LO'I l\111rlff all llJt. H•'l' l...()\''l;! 1-1 ~· "'at.:IF~-•tio 1, illtlf' ...... 19-Jt. N~ fOf' .. , ........ ~·f'NllliMI and t~ ........ lo.A~ c .. 11J1. GOODLOOIU._.t.:, ,,,...,.. ICM WP 1..-., ~~ f«1tl· lllM ..... tor frlt•d,lllp, r-. ..., ~ St""41 City. Call 17'1. UROPF.AN WF, llp11k1t Lnl>lu lt. 5'7/US. ttth _,.~ ...... ~,_ N4 MYtMlltt. Lot A ...... Cll 1"2. f'tlln"TY. SE.Xl Wf 2' ~ •tty 8'tritnhr II ... I• ,.oil •ltll trlt•cl1lllp, l111l•Kt· C11hcr Cil¥-Cll l•I~ UV. lt.ONOE 2&. 5"7'11 ~ IWWF. I'• ....._for II Ito •1k, (all -· Rottywvo4. C• 1'51. PF.TITF., t•lt. 11-nrlous Atl ... JI. S'l/l IS. NUll111 ~ ...... "''"· ,., •lhftl• ,.,, ••d r1111. Lot A111tln. Clll J.e). SEEKING Wf II+, trtttl, I ... f4<, ety JWtft, ..... ,, •-•· a..c11 attl. MDI. c.11512. IEAUTIP1JL. • HAPELV WfJt.~111. .... ~ .,.....,... .... ...,,.~ u .. f.U.A,...aC. I ATTitACTIVI! If, ••f'•, 011·101111. f1111.n111rtd, .... ~, ........ dt1Nll~h1111. Mid ......,., A ... 5'7/llt, ~v .. ·,..~~·· cractln, 5S·7S, It , .. ,,,., ..... ..,,....._. ........ IEAUTIFUI., l.£"'1D£l, CAlklNG DWP atd.1 tall ~WM, ft/a. '5-JS, ,..,..., nc. ,., frlu• ld1i,, ......_ ........ ~.Clll ltl'- lliAUTIF\JL, lt·nrl .. t SWF 2'.~ '"°'Ill.._ ............ II 11..-. CW· •w--. .. It .. ,,...., " ...__, .. ,__..,a.. M- .... Cll IW --------spec;at ~ SUpplement fOf Orang. Cout Weekend 4 OWM SI ~ ,,..._ '5-51 lo ~ IM Seed lift ol ~· -.c .... , . ..._..,~ •o•lu • 1'111 6'/16S. Cos11 \lea c.a 1175. ~\i 116. ··21115. '"'-" IDll. MM t ft. ~l 1111, bloectt SJF 23·2'. G1rlft11 Gr o •t. (.-1419. VERV sq.F.CTl\'f SWM 411 '".,' sf m11111tr 25-41 ror titf'INlt~ •ltdtk ~, ..... ~ '-'"1*1 "-'II. ('II IU4. ~t-.\'f.lt MAllltlF.D S\'°\1 .W. pt'fll"I nrdlilf't1. ~ pdllt. bUM). fo'J ""'for •ift' aftd bablt• llw111lntrn11 Hut h. l .. IW'?t Ill \101t0l ._, \TTll..\C· I I\ f prbf-al ~ \\ \I 111, ~· nttl'1K111•t>, n"'"""-t ll;lfl(lt'd. ~I(' lad~ U-JO •ho iu.111 ~,., \ttura. ldllM 9il Mun' ''o Wt.II& •tn. lfuc•t.. coe<il po4atcw•! ........ 'ICWl ( .. tm. I \I I '"\I, lood loo .. l ns pnil~I. M, 6'2.l~ "" )o" 1t\trclu. lt111111., 101r. '*4~ d"'""'lt, lr11•d. •""-• Md°"" lo~-'-ttt>., •Mf"ft'hC' ,\\ .. ,.tlh -~ n/ "-· Brina ~hlll 01" •"ttl• n llf» problt'111. In....-. ('.ii IM r---. Twlll..t.111771. LET' GO uil1a1t! Sailboat 0Wft9".•····~~ Nflit .. ~"f.' for sailio& and "'°'" CC!Mll \1aa. Cll 1m. l~l)f'., ATHL.EflC ~\\\I JI• Jtttl.s ) '*"I. ~int. . ~·\t 1irt .. ho lhtt ftft•b• .• ,.,..."°" Bt'adl. Cail 177.\. llAl l WITtj Mf;,. S" \1 40. 6'. dark. ll1nd•o111t. nk> ~ • for 5llilin1 •d~tn•urn Md f11n.. '""port Bndi. Cllll Im. TA LL,' WGlrT & h1ncl-1t. 6' blondfbl11r ll80. 11blt1k'. '\Hkln1 prru,. 1>llm frm11lt 24·3'. lt4'' haH fun. Nlnl1 ~nL <'111 1117.\, ..\ 1 TR ~l Tl\ t. PltOH.S· '10\ -\I., II', hlood hiUr. hhH' f\4"-llM). Mll\CVl.lr, 1tlhlHk°. \ttl"nl prtll' ... fQr.pl.i• < <N• ''"' t 1111 1 ns \1 \ R It I -\ CI+ • .. ..\ \II I \ '""*I>· '"" -"· 5'11' 160, '' haPf>)• llf•llh). """ ... "'1!"l1rt1. tood "'•· lrltdo IH•al •allK"'. "Mk> inltf'Ot'- llond nl~. ~ ol hU-Of". llOftN. \IMtrt. ron~dl!ritlt. h••t lft44"CJ'141 ~ lbr ......... hth 20'• to nod .IO') •1th n,1 drptftdtt\I I~ ( .. 11W. \\ \ \ rt II ,. 111·.?5. optn· mlnd•d, hunul, fu11 lo ht' IA llh. II\ cit.ill t ut ~\\I .U. "hu .. &ood·loOl.lll(l. \HHtrr and chnalruu• '•nta \11.i I 11M 1'7M • ' E'~l 1 IVtc', tlO,F!iT OW\1 31 Sf'dt~ •lfK'1IOMlt, llftnll'fh t' .. COlllpeftlon, 25. .at. fllf""bt'IK'fl "'lllt\...dinntr mo•ie. and Ofhtt vmplo-p1o. \urt,, ~•n Cltml'nll'. <:all I IM_\t>. 111uca1 I, .. 'G..\(,111,(i. 1tr) !1.nd,Olftl', 10ith. fil &. fun '"\I. •·1 190, t>alltrlti iii· tiudtd. I-~\ llh4_lppina. Im· ni, l'IMl'IK'. \ Oii: ~" •oi.. lillt' ?O's-t•11111, ,IO'-. "'c ~ alld hon, ..Avp irHnt' an Ill.~ LO\"(;, ~PHU n.. \I~ ~'im· 1.nc.n, mhwMd cit'• Oll't' of ) C)o ga. llfilkll, .. ~, .. di·'* ) i111t. 11n1i-•1tina • 11am1n) and httb•. S WM JS, nt•H" mar- rif'd, in 'uM'irNlalrd rondi· tlon.' ~·1 1 145. blo11dl1trt)-'~ ntS I tuna ftw a r-..n._ lo•lfll· nunurintt. llftdtn&Md· HI&. ~ncua, ,....,,,f'll "oman l"~lm:llt'~ I H) l'X'I!. u( rt.to .. 1nahlf' atf' •ntl brauh. 10 "1.ir "''h hi rhr ho1othN und """' futfillons: C'\prf°'.\IUll\ or rnm~nh• '""" lr.in,muhnic '*"'"'' 11.-.Wf' lnfO UOCtlftdi !WWI.ti lmr, lit-\t•Mlft, 0\IWmoC" alf C'C1 lflft, Im Ml" "'°'"' , h¥ · M1tt. and d1Hn<' rom;,nu I "'Jft' "mplto ·~. .,.., chnic ..... 1 .. 1n1t •• lhf' lt1c .. 11.i•, rt"adons:. "r111n1, .ind lnf'd11;i11n1 1n m1 lu-11 b'6d.· •»rd In 'P''" ur lift·lun11 "rum.,"' "14h 1ln\M'h >tnd ill:IJ- raphoh1.i, I rhr"" 011 IH1n1t UUl\fcW C'h"'4' l<rlr~ fll4Jlf\ • .ind \lolhtr '''"H I 1m ... ,nit lt'•oci·h•"''"-' r1A.tnt1.;._ h \llllhh. j!l'ntrflU\, \lftttrt'. • (. l. H I H , 1 "'' IH II I.end. ""''*· ''"'"''"'· canna. ltx~. 0 \\ \t, ~.,I.._ 441•, ...... \\l \I . l'l\~~IU\ \I~.. rtnllt 11Htfl111n;1tl'. '""'• ,1,, 11ffttt1un111 t. ro"'11111ic'. ji111•lmlni.:, ,1hltllc'. Dl-''4" ht Allh1 ,I. 01''" \}"'" tall '"-"l. lf'tMlfmM. \hd·\~~-hM. inltrNlioftal LAiin b!N lnll mt >".a.o. .. ...,jll)~ h!C'o CW• n~\lft>1n, 41, ~ f\l~n1t•h ... C'UlaMWW11hOll. --out ft milllnf, bl11 .... ,ed. •tbll'h \. ~ 1)1 t \I .. I> l'IUlH~'-'ltl'· •tll'in. lhnltrt. jan. ~,. "'' bd1 •itll ptttl) filn'. N· \I ''' \1.11'lllll..' "'IJU)) din· o-----"4TWTTI. chnflftf. URI -. "i ~n.~..a.:r-in.1r--"'1t•._...,..,_ '4fttffilb: St<rU- •wt>I. ~ -..lftt11C.por I~ ~ ~\H •SO. u;impan· ilht • .-.-... M'nln.. .... ioft, .,arintt: tor ~ ma• 6« llld). •ld1 • -• ot llw· l Al.I, S" M, tuC"ttllliul ~· tionWp lr•iM. C.all 1602. •or. 111d tl•t for I•' i111 H )•••· ' S. url111 and rda4i.~ lndittl tu ...,.. .....,,..,, fllJo> •} ~ Oii rl111t . \1htto• \ ltjo. Call Ult '"11kr. tn11ft. -·ID. qui. lttl. ""-"-~~I ftMalt' IW"Y I fl~•F '°"' H n • 5"'~ -"·........., ne .-• tt..ly ,_ ,..,, .. (~- ~. S.. ,~M tnn 17ll . .. ~TICSBM.~ _ _... H/Jt-,.._... .... _... ........... _., ,..,. Tllltill.. l' .. 17l'. MAILMAN/l111.u,rt11nr oaiw 51. •• ., .... io-..... ... J-.D.fl --_. ..... . ... c.a Mail. Cal 17lA. LA WYf.R __..... nttt. WF' J9.JJ, ••nictlft. .., ... *'"'· HI. r••••tlt. Niu J-11ory llow.t w/,...e. lnl11t. Call 1745. ATTllA<."'JlV ~l't l l _.., ........... , .. ,...... .. ,_,,., I 'I;_. .......... q ...... leacti.c.t17tl, . THOl'llG·llKl._I LO\'U! sa._ M'ft.1 •"J' "' Mhtt'· •-WF la. fClr ,1 1 finer J~-45. tlw.hnjCiOll H1rbowr. C .. 17., llU.P! Aini r,_ plMfC It~ llUllC'l'. wttl lo <'IMMllK1 r-· •tr\ll1nnal n•urt ll •illl lwlt•ftlf) ~ t-, U -.\?. "' •ou ,..,. •Ld'• dtt "'-'*.' Tu'4ht. t'IA l ... l. ~I l Cfo.~H I., 111raC111t ~"' ... 17. lid•-"~ In ~ Md ll11inor • .,.., ... u ll7 flt. sttk• lnltllltttnl, .,.,._., nc SI-. , .. n. •ith • HllH of hw•or •llo n1joya ..__ al lllt' Open 18 •ctl 11 tll• Kl111'-Lona Ruch. ~ .. ,w . G000.1..00~1\G 90'• kind al P1• J7. 5"1'6. N Pfd- .i..t. drhn ffil IMR. nt· J•)' 1port•. C'Mlll••· & ro· ~,,.... ... o1....-• _, *''ft ml •Mil. ~ • ,ea ......... .,..... llload cw rdtlt'ad ,. ,~ .. (1111· dltlll IO•r•t'I lflHtn & _.. OW I -t.ioll •1 r'f'd l ... Jt! lnilw. Cal l lJ7, Save thi s se ction! You (tlfl rt" .. pond to our r-)4•r<.,011ol'> 24 hour<., 0 day / duy" o wt'< ·k. Add1tionol p•·1·.or1ul·. upf.K'<.Jr 011 ,\,ondoys :r1 our c lo"l<-.ifi('d '>t~tion. O\\<\t. 1t11'1K11\t "·'-nm '""'"" '~ "llld. t'Ull-'dtnlt. lid), ,,. .. l'dVC'lltd, St , 5'10 210, -" pdHt'. ctl.M). mind lacl) • llo ""°' lni•d llftd ll•n c1mt 10 ~ 10 lolt llld ~ ill• lvl'll ttr• rt- la1'9ft'9!1p. '°''· Rtftttncn llld photo 1•MW*. '~ Bnrtl. ('all 1111 •. 'T\lt 11"; 0 \ flt. 'H\1 ~'II 15~. •ll..,,...1ln1t Hd 111 "'"d' of d•nl'ina arl' ""•' .. up m,1 45 •ur old b11th lool..ill(l lib .'9 Ir )OU 1ttt ~ tilt •. \0-40. o•t1oln1 111d hulthy. 1116'• .. nl 10 shut )owr li(t, plnw n ll. 1 ustin. C• 171'& • ATIRACTl\t: flJtOH:~. SIOMI WM~ lady JS+ ror r110. C'/W d1ntt k$SOt1i.. mo1it1.. Miihna. CO'it1 Mb8. (' .. lfllJ \IAT<'tl Wint \IF~ pf'l)fts- donal. u1l11ffr. tonfldtllt Stl\b \I, 5'31 .. 5. Stth . A/H/\H. 21-4t, t vlt, ttood ""'"-T ""!--l.' II 1156. " \ ... \ 1Mtl14Mltl I\",, 1A ......,ar--.rw~ ifJttiJ, .11-&S. MM't ~ ·.-·llM"44-d.' Cose• \ttY. ("11 1610. PHO"llt-' • ru·n.~·--E. ...-• MC! ""' .M. ....... ). llHllllJ, llH4Uo•t ltallt'• ~ ........ ] ....,., ... •flflt11C'e49p.-... '"''•• tflnt/Oltfyl ~. I elftt ro-re. loft.,...., . ......,, ..,..,.. lltn l .. ,, a.......,, .,.,141.c.lau llf•at7lt 1 •Ill ,ro•t •11-.l•ll•I I ••· DO Mrl'nil ... ,.. ....... ert: "-'' ,., t-"-•· ........................... I I s·2.s·•. 1111unilly bt1u11rut. 1bsol111d1 modtl trim/thin. 'l"" port 'Bach. ... 1697. . .. Call for morr! lrHnt. Call 157". TA 1.L 5" \1, nitl'·lookin& · proltWonal. JS. ..... ftlllihllf. .. 1sclcllll7 attlu ao7 l'flillnd S\tAllT. s"n;r aood-~· in1 W\1 19. alhl"k · Phi>. pllssion•lr, runny. Otll.oin1t. ~ bricllt. k!Mtic. btau· Double your chances of meeting just the right person! Record your own instant ad! Then browse through the voice ads for even more choices! • for trrriflc nlation)hip. r&N.in. c .. '"1. lt0\11\' n L IJJ\I, )lM"l 6?. rdun!IC'd. C'fttltu.~it.. wn;tt, into tr8•d. ,..._ ... rool..tnj!. lllt .irh. I "' '' 1al.. 't" purl llnch.(~I.._ IO\t80 \-tn11tlrr, ~hort. '~lilll•t~t. IJIN-lbafd, rool.. !IOI 1>("11 .. n,. "'lnltd b) IJ\\ ,, • 5'11 l.?5. Ir~. ht1>!.). blur.srml-bald. rd1Klt4td pr('f'~L lnlftl'. l'aM 1...0. ' . \ Ol 'R1'. S\IART, Md pt.~· f11I, roman1k. ~•ncff"t'. emo- tion.ill' ~"""'· f'ftr)On.tbt~ lll· 1,..r111t. v~. srlJ\H .\040. and ,.11n11n1 lh:.11 'Ptc•al ·t-1m~· in 11 rommit· ltd rt1,;11oft~lp. 1'11D prolb- >looal NIS OW\1 4J lk>ut.) ..\SI 1, )Oltr M1wlm111t! Lt'•'• kHt l.irl'~! lnW.. <.:a.111689. 1 lltW Ot-F't...U..f:s? S\\M "'JOOd~in&. 5'1tr'l60. ... lurnry lvoklnl for $1$SJ, ~1· llltntdht.. daM) pn>- fdlliuul " F' J0.48, • lllo libs owtdoon, akli•I• n111pi111: bcMifi.c. btxlt, d<. OriMMI& &.--.-.,. AaMs.. ~ dJUtr' don 't botlltr. nl Bud\. ('1111 1m. ........._ I O'OC'l..ASTIC OW\1. St. "'duc1'ed aad rad. lo•es IM OllfdoGn. ap«ill7 c::tNftP" • .. _. ,......, s.r-bk)· dlll. -aers Mt to !Ms tht Holy•ood lo•t. ~' ~ •lul •Id le. thuttt Hd -Its.~ .. -~ ..,..,. for_.., ~llllittf'.d rdMioM!Wp •t.o a• ~ """' •1 llku , t\pand 1111 ~Md introd11tt -to ,_,.,~~ ...... Clll .... ltOMA!liTI , RnlltED [,. rcutl•t •5. 6'2' 111r1tlht OWM, NI'S. -"5 55WI r- laillt "-""*«-S.-ail· ............. ~kllri· tin. ~t•porr Buell. C'11ll , ..... ATTRACTIVE PROF£S· IO~AL WM, 5'1/165, rrd· dlsll brow• llair. blH t)H. ..,.. (tit_.,... "' ~. l11t"""'M i. 9Nft""°a11 If· tradi>«. ....... Mlaa w, ............ lllWnlfd .. lo•e. ~ Md dlildna. l.-. ._,__Cal ·~ HUMOR SINCEJtE. IC· lrec1ht'. ~Mt, •lldtl'· .......... 8""clilUlt. MIMI*, ""'~ .... ow .... :... ..... 6'1, ~t 41u .. t1 SF. S.111.11 A-.C .. 15'7. STOP! Vo. t-4 II. SWM is. ~. '·. P!_GftM!oll8' Ktor/-*t, ~k. lftt.. ............... ~ ...,., ~ llrpDalHHH. liful Sf' lninr.c·,.n 14..~ IJ\\<\t ~ ~·10 Ill~ ......i., l.wh 125-.&..~I for po"tble rtl111ton .. .111p. I ••II: lk'.-ch I "" I •'-l Cl r ... l\I ~ • .JC'nd .. r. "lb· It'll\.. 'II<'\.~"' t'ft4r«'P"t'ftt'1l• cJo"' n·IO-t'U1 h • .-nmn1u1u • .o "'"· lmrr ltf lirr· "'""' P<''''"· trim . .illrUll\t 'II I un2 lkao.il. I ,1111~! ..,l Ll ~·"H I . "'""'""· ~I 1r11c11 .... flt '\\\I l;;, •·11. '~n. ~·n~ llt'.;011ful. wr \.tt'f'totJ' , ... lr"n'" l .. 111!'~ I>\\ )t, 'llRI' fll\\, \ '· J l 'I ~II. ju .. 1 d" ,,,.-C'd, J"'' ~l't1in1ot AdH"""'"""'" 1.111. 111blt'tK', fon. 111"1""' """•' Luul.i111: for 'b:iprh. 111• '"II 1r.il 1u "Pl~I. I u.Jin 1 'ull 1.u11 (,(IOIH I H 11\1\1., "'~I h111ll SW\I 40. \ ' II, II' 1711. H '· C'Vt'r.-i~ffW. htalth dici IO maon11Hn bti:h lc•rl cit fitn""' Otrhf' pin· $WC f nlftl --pU' \. COii· Ctr1S. sporl'>, :.ind morr Rl'· •ptttfUll} S.-«kl11r, I ~ \H . '~· .Jt's. .. "" f) rrt.~•114tllt· Cttil, a11d •tr) pn11,. for :a '°'-. ,....._)hi, ~ •. "" rhlldl"fft. T~ifl. l all I!'~ 0 \\ \I 4J. • 'l ltO. 1rttn c1tS<bf'o•11 hair. Ii"" 1ulf. ttftllis. ...... •114f'f"illi. ....... , 5" ... J54".. ' ln 1n.. 4 afl 1"'7. ~II. I ltl \I n,...d, 'I" K•bt! \rt )OU fit, fW & II~ !_(~ ltl'\ , ... no". lr\•lllf l°illl ·~ Hl\'\O. 0 \tF, ttntn·t.Hd SWM 6'S, ~It pmty. '-4Jn t'SI, commit mtn1-m1ndtd t- ~. t'Mta '115L {'!Ill I~\.&. SPIRITt All\ ·\11Mlfl>. wol'ld 1d,rnlurt tra•eltr llW\1 54 1>ttb 1r1111. 11ftC'· lion1lt , )pfrltnlly-mlndtd, 111e1apllys1nl owlM•lt lo 4hart .. •houtht.\' 11nd hicb acht11t11rt ... 011nl•h1 \ alk-1. (' .. 1502. t-.XT1t~\1FI.\ • o"m .. R· I\ n:. l<'tht'. ~ .... rd. ru- MMlit. llMllillc • .._._. OitlMc. lni•tl. ttlt"1tf't'flt'WI'• let. CMr1fS "°'"' !M-.d ..... : U... kadl.. (.' .. 15'1 O"'M Y7, I'> ' OM ctlild. h · • ~·~jiu. diMI. •rdl· 841 tript., ,,_tic,,~ ~eh •llr!K'tht'. ,Jnctrt, W/Alttf, U-JIC.. ' tor tit11 • cn,nrhnllli.i. ,_.'°'~ sibtf .... IH• r't'f•ll(,.slllp. lnw . Oil! ISM. OVEJ\ fllROl ~ l"" \t 5, ~" ...,,,. ,......_ •lctton 41! fftp teutn.11104' 'Sttll t.plritvnll1·ont11t'd "°""" ~lm.t.«•tSll. ~f'.FKl\O Fr.l'ncb "uman H~ intdlt'dual t>" \1, mid·lift, prur. bi·lin1tual •'mrritan '•"Purl Otnh n• 1511 1\\\\1 &0. ~·11115'1. \'II. bollb. bio: ch ~' lnm. 011 tr«tht, c-•I -'\\ ... ""''l,;r •mtrnu. 8alhl• l -.111 15 I.I. (;OOD-U>Cll.I"· "1\1 JS. &'. ~") 11llr11\I""· 'hapl'h fon·lo1 inst S\\ .. for 11~01 liftll'4i & 11nlomilfd polt'nll.il 1,.,_ /\nil~ I ·,.11 I 'O'I y (;F\l IM' (; .. ·\ 11 ... \I\'· '\W\1 .\II. lull. ' ~. unprl'lm· lino\. cute ... ;11,. 1houah1ru1. '"''" \lllllt' In ""m.;n """ Ml""''"" "ilb na"c 1n,11nc1 rnmw. I u-.1111. I :;U I "511 \I I RM rl\1-1,1'111 · \I\'· ";irm, l.tnd. b.ind .. lfllt'. ""~~~111 profr•Mun.111)\\ \I I~. 6' I II!'. j.'rl'"AI "'"Pf· ..., .... , inldhi:enl, allr~ h\t 'vlJ\\I ' ' l.,_.\S ri,, dminit. ct..n. ms: • p04:nK'\, ~\ff-.:llUlft. rrit'nd· -.hip. l>l"-"1»1-l'f1411.Aft" lr\lnt 1.1111~ ( \IU", I 0\ 1\1. l'h-.1 n ,;n \t'tt..' """'"" lu .ii!<' n. '""'· 1111ru.111t. pnftrr.irh proln."onAI for \l'nUU\ rd.o li.lft"11p. Ir-Int' t ..ii 1~5't ' \\ 111 • \\ \ \ 11 II, h• lh" f111t· ltt•m1t I C'dd1 llr.ir r•p.. !\'II'. "ho Im C'\ Im 1111: "'"' l<'flni-. l.td-. d•'!i?' '""'· .......... tw ... b • mount 11111" I no ..tin.:. • flOI. mi:. '\'""' · rollrr·• OA\llr\r-Jll'I 1 our IJ.0,11 . '•ill•• br ll t•l·oi· 1.llth.' \ ';;th11h•. 11.;tlJn. \ '· .. 1n11 .. 1111• "ho " rt'.o•h. "ill· '"lot 11nd 11hh ri11h1 nu"• ,,. hurr.• up.,,.., tKl'il• bd• !O· \4)·,, 11nd m•l.t 1 •1ur ""'' "~""~-..,.~ lllt'l.1 1tir1 ttl• Ille' fiN. '"' 1x.n Knctl t »H 14i I \l lll • IH l>\\ .. 1 ,511. rr· lwt'd. 5" 1115. ....., ... , .. f1w tr<t\. t'I, din1na. 1hu1tr. 40-$0'•, \ ' ''" porl Ill'•< h I .ill l.&111 t-Wfl•-' ""\I, .tim. \ ~ U. 6' lllt. <'llJO)' I \\ d.&JIC"tl\(l, lfftftl~ b1 Hlinf, "'°"' \hRI '\H "\\.fl, #.SIC, """I.Ar "' h..nl I tW• \k-<;a I Ml l~W f<\ltlll\)l \II.I-I 11\ll'\'· 10\. \d\t'ftlut'Oll-. ., .. , ... ,i•t. ~nht• & fN"-"""'.olr mlrl'· prtMllr 1n•KI~· _ .. , '"• l.~I • \lmil"r ,,.,.;,.. ftl • nn~ 1ro .. 1h. hon~''"""" ronltlt'tltlh'lf. •"l:ff1tn1n. '" 111. I tftJO• l.oujtllln, ct .. 1urf'. tr1•d. 1•1t1'itC I n '• ~ tht hi& ,_ tllll('4htr! I o.ca \les;a. 111111 1"80. 11 ..\~0!'!0\U. 6'1 1115. &rtal )('llM' ur humor. hunts!. ru· ~ lftlntic" nnna. ''°'" dl!IC:ini° 111tlq110, c•b~lc nn, nnd men \ 1..u: tall or ......... inu)f br •Ii~ •• \0-45, ttuod·loolunt Md '"JI '4cnil llitl. ('all 1-M.5 n PROm t ~R. \\(\1 .... "t .. , 111,.l<h\f ftmllt' lor •\H'tl' , .. .._ ''"' h .. ppno '1 S-. \u t "ll 1-M I UO OIMU.:.\ Md •lftdu"•' .!>U«'nll"'-~. inldlo· ltftf s"" .\5 ~ "'<Mritt fmwtk. flpcnfon ""'48'td·' ..... b ! ln-.C.1111'74. OthN ArPO\ M~l<oRA,,. ",.--... \I, , .... wcrr 1flnc1or 1tertta1. ... AnMtll-. lt .... 111, 1 ""~ ... _.. ~ .... ""•Ill. bewliM ........ dclttoll. """ ,....... f'v ~. la \II· If To brou•se or respo11d to tl1ese atl ... ('all 1 (900) 740-7190 (billed lll S J.t19 per mi1111le) and select oplio11/ or see it1sln1clio11s 011 pagt! 2 to pl~1ce • a11 i11 • ..t11111 ad! Men Seeking Women t 11Sf ()11l<#r Sen1ice. (7.14) 840-2826 for hifon1u11ion or assislnnce. ST Single Female fSM Single Mole G Gay l ~on J Jewish A A"bn • Bloc.11 H ~fof)Ol'lt< w "'1111e t(/0 No 0rvg, N/S Non~ N/Orinli l'-b'I D11n~ .. • 4 ·10 ln·o11•.\t'f1.>r n · ... po11tl lo I""·''' tu/,, c all I (900) 74 0-7190 (IJlll''" ttl S l .-19 /Jl'r mi1111le) '' 11d ~eh!ct <>/lll<ml or .it£'£' i11.ttlr11clio11s on /HIJ.W 2 lo jJ/.tlfl! 1111 l1t.\lt111I ad Men Seeking Women • 111,l 1\l,lf'lll 11 '>ll\I, \1\ l"'thu~\ IY, •1\hn lu t\· pl"'" •olhH 1.ullurt'• throui:h 1111..-... wl rnf..rn.111<""'' d..imi:. 'lo!" :1 --l'-\lu~I b4' lit .and , ur"""'tJ' 1111 .. lhurnr C 1&11 1•1:•1 \11)1 I~" I 'I '\H, prrt I\ •lr1uh r, hrrJ!hl, und .. r ~. .... ui.thl ... rnlrll•l(rfll. orWtrr· "·md1111: '>\\\I 11; !'"I '>;onl11 \lonK.I I .. 111Y211 '"" I \kl \ .\0., 1 .. ll. tl.irl,., t1Jnd~trtk'. "tflW'4h41 \I'll. rt· •1nlh rr·l0t. .. 1rl1. Lou .. inu for < ••llllJJOIOll\lllp, •l\IBR) 111 • 11lur11p '"'"~ I .,, 1\02~~. t ·au l'f.17 I "\1 \\1 .. 11 man, 5'111174.1, 1111t·loul.1111:. lik~ mo\lf'\, •p<lt"I\. I .,..,._lfllt for A!>ian "' ........... I(" ........... lS-.\2, prti· I\. •h~rnuni 111rl. ..inr.lc: or d1· ' ur1 rd. b.tb) nu pnibltta. 1..., \nl(rie-. ( all 19.¥1. -.i PHt 11\'l>'O\U-: H' IO\"'·· '>8\1. r umanllC, JO. 11'\' lJO. ~ •ll«k1i•I'. llm· b111ou,, ~hap .. t). m ... dium lo ... , ... rr;omcd r...mat, fur ,. ... maoc•. uurriaat' L0 Ana~· ""-c .tll 12116 \ .. In '>I < < .. ~"'>H I. """' · t umH. -'0. n1Ct'·luuldn11. lw;.chfronl. fltt""l'Ullt). ~ '""trl. prrll), prlilt 24-36. h11n n1m.tnl't'. \ t'llKf. < .. 11 l'I ll. " I \l. '""'"'"' .-0,,11 nd-hv.td 1111\h mad I rrn<"h pal '"" •r•), lunn. 1tirlfriC"1'd" for pool l11un21111t 1 uluca l ..tkr. I ,,11 1'122. '' I C .,,_.,,H I. ( hln~ rmon -' t, ltf'tlll.flman. lradil1U1'1al •al· u .... '"'"' "''°· lu• ina, t".1rin11 1..,i,, ''It, \9-1(1. I.no 1'1!J:"' '"' f .. 111936 l<C l\l\'llC H\IAll- \\ \' 11 V ln1t'lll11~111. \fflw "'· rdtK .. 1rd. hantt....me. •1r1w. \l.H "'"fuf \\ \t pru(, \UUl~ul ~U. "' 11-tiurll. "'"·llr.,....mtd. fHltll, "-wr, ..... , ~ l.:a""C IMWJ It•• '"I? ..,..,.., " ht'•Ultful. pa\. ......... er & '"''"'-v.on\:111 "•lh •llr..nor fll(Urt .tnd fltl.r ~ f41 ,...,...at,.. rrbl..,......._. \\"" I \ I au 11>50 11-\,l>lo,Cl\11~ I \C t-1'110' \I r.rll\I .. nlrf'prrnrur, ~· 11 I llO, ~M \ l)\H .Jim, pnll 1, br•1n•. 10 \hllrt' lo•t" 1,'<.:.t .... fun \ uu att '8-411.. lo•r n.ttun. M'h. '•111• \luni u .C •ll l1HJ (,l)t)l).I 001\."('• "lhl"IC, f)IJ'llftf"Jil """"" .. l. iu ... t ~ pnuy. ,uni, athlt11c PtnlaA 'H. u r l'!Jt \\nil.A. t-111 12'*. -\HI l .. 'T, -\ n RA(, IV ... ~\1 pt'ufaWon•I. ... 45. ffl· cl~i. •enulnt, mulll·fli!Cl't~. i.lf«110ftlMI', wppUnlvl'. •ltlyl ~k• afftttl01111lr, 111uxul1r ., .. I \1DR. (.;ajl ll0'7. llUl'll-.~1 . C:ARtNc..; SWM pruru~lu111I, On•ncl1lly M• cvtt s '..\ 4l. lil'dl.lnc 11w .-! in ft>malt for Nrdl-rdllUolt· >hlp. l..<P\ Ancde. Call 14..U. '>W\1 .W, 5'111170. n rln&. 1o,111. lo•o wmah. Ullldoon. ~ime ~ loOftld.i~ off-ttM--•1.11.. ' . I .ooltNI& rw rl'lal~lp •ill1 rnpun.,btt lad), bttl frWACh flN '°..81) ll'd.(1111 1.JtMI, \ Tl\l. Sl, •lender. ~t'llti mt'nlal, l'Jnrcal. irrc• tr~••· not1·rt'lt1llOU\o \H~i yllou111- pt1JI~ ft'fl\idr nvrror-~ for 1r11•t'I. much. mo~lo. mon~m). ~<" de. l..A& Antt"· lft. t 'ah 1255 '<8\1. IH AI. t-"AH. pr'of. .. 2. 6' 1117~ aur11«11t 1<1ha1A'I n t'\ ~ukln1 prof. Ml t , dm•n 1u-.:11rth, l0-l4i, \lim tu m..clrum 0011d, 111tntt'lht, 1<1lh nu dcpendtnh •bu tnjoy\ 'f)OM\. pl11,ti.. ~lmula1ln11 ron· 'rn111wni.. &. "''ft'kend &ti· ..... ,,, fur \C"rlou\ rtlalwn· >hlp.l ~An~t 1111111.1. '>W\1 27, lrtll, 1thlt1lc bulld. llrtd uf hur .~ ~"'· ~ .... , ft· maw to ,Jiarr un llmH. °' -\n11l'la (all IZMI r>" \I ll. ~'411 65, nlrr au• ••lh 1 11rr11 WI\"'(,( homOf """ "uman •1th \;lmt' llol· • ... ooc1 ("all 1900 ., .. , .... \I" "l'Wlf" U\1 -"• •)pi'n·mlf\dtd, r'"""'"" 81-t for ateh ('flfu...-rnmd!illlp Md run. L1J!I A~' II Itel '" !;. PR .. n' l.11llnJ1, Ill· 22, .. 11u """"' llow lo "-'" fun •lnltcl b) Sff\1 "· I.°' A1t""°" Cd 18.U. \OL '\(, .. R r. .. O IU;I', HI R '~ luolii1t1 for G raclt Allen, off lhc •all. Mllttn. Cflll) lib a to t .~ A"Jlde!. C.:all 1 IJll7. NllurT, n.Cu,.., 1,..,tt.,._ p,~ ~1 IQf)k r~.wi, ttturf. Stttiln& romp11lblr, ph)tk8"}' ~ ·-tw .,_,,. _, .,... "" loet1M'r. Warf A ... 1'12. Ill-Al> I tit~ AD! l '1t1 ~5. vit11. n1. h•ncbcl-. "°"'' . ,.-qb, & wlM. I liat.t ... '~ DON'T WAIT! Free fifteen word ad and free daily message check! There's never been a better time to try the Pcr'lonol.,! 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'Mlpft1Jtic:atfd bvt ""Pr~1t1lllot1\ • ...:11Jot' •rt-'. ,_ l .... "" life. "" ' ..... tv ........ •llt ltw M ': """*' the. •-• I '"11n1 don 194 111•1 11111 II \lkl ll•lr'\, Trk:a or \..t OoMt. AllCI. •· ... ,llll .... ~ .. -- 0 '\twlic4.,, '··~ ... •ill M\fll' pt I dlMR IO~'"' pkt."" dM ,...__ w I MitlM j .... MWIWN ,w Md M \fr. RitllM-MMiM. f' .. t"'4. ""( llA \1)~0\U., HA It l>- WORtCI "; '\11\f U . 5'1t/ '"' ........ ~~ ...,... ....... •trt lt~..ed· ""~._.... ........ ful !IF •Ith -~'" mt'. Ritt nuC IMPQf'tallf. I °' ,....,._ Cal ''°j Use Option I for more ads in our _voice personals. ew11d.4J daffr.- RIG, 6'2/llt, 111atn1ll~. W, lt:Mall pruf ...... _.._, ,_ ...... ......_ 1.-.i.o.. ""'"""' Ollltt \1"' for diKTffl f11a. Sllort, .i udl 1 ptt(tt"rt'Cf. I o. "~ <..811641. ~WM. \lAThltf. "-""O wcw~ M AIL, OR FAX YOUR PERSONAL AD TODA!! MAJL TO: SINGLE LIFE, P.O. BOX. 870, S~SET BEACH, CA 90742 It 11< \'\I\ I ANC l WI I!' YOL'H AU UH. 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M.al..t • ltt• ~ p.1y.1hl• '" '"'l(lrl 111 fAhh1t•v1 .. 110tll ''' hr1gh1/~t1gh1 '••mho ~-num ~' I word ) ( )( fl ' I I OR Ill I 11 I l \I llM \ VM • Wl>P l'~IU NTFO • ' u·rh 'I\\ IJ\t ~r frlrnd\hh•· fun 1ll11h. 111d .. ttl\tftd 1 ra \C't l 8 ltllflN. dNA, elV·,' I) lU!IU \1f'W c· .. 101• 110,l~l . 11 "U'O\U , \1.('11 R.... C.ARl,C •• S'll 110, W"fk' C;A \I l l ·Jt fi'Jlf ,.~ _,, ~ IMIM'M f. dl.crc.tt, II 'd, llO 0.th .. I A11t!1 llncfl C .. I \.M (i\\\1 \I. 6'S 21$, talllfor. oul· . dllOf"' '""' m.t"-llllllt', !All GWM .IO'a. mooopmqi,o• rt· l1lhnololj1, ' .. I), C. Yfrtlut C"all IM!f "'r:. ··uuo. '"'"' .11111cr. ·"'· ,..,.... protn.wonal ~ pa,_ lll•t> maclwl I 111111°" 11.illan-. othtr \1tll fur dl\Cr nt r1111 .,!tun, \AOC._) prf'f#rrt"d I <ft A~(atll'°'l H,,.f.0 \1,(, t:\t "'*._1111 q•llltt ll•r •1(.ll\i. 11t1df'r .ct, lih H>9flt. •O•tn. lllt· Mtt, lwecll IMld qukt l-ll '"-IAlll AtlllM. C ... .._ l'IO IM Ill. 1Nt9" II \t ..t· ... • ..,..W 1'4 fw IM'-k , ........ , A... "'"'*' _, .. It! I'• Pf'VI.. l\t. .._..a"'° ~-~~ ... "llCttlt& 1 .Ur. I o. A~ CNllK7 llROP .. A' I, 5'7 145, loo4111tl for lllln ~+ •llQ I) CIUA d!Ut'll aad_lll IOOd ahlp• \11111 \101111." ( all IM.. \.I It\ ( lITT 2J " llld Vf"ll .... "'11 f'\ptf'1tfl« l>tlh llillld -It!") "-lflafl JO I o. A•· lf'in, ('II I l!'H.. 110"•'-I. llA'0\0'11 . \lA rt lt1',. C Alli'<:. s·11 1111t. ttth c;""' 11:,. '"' ,,~ -bt llollet 41vn••· .1,14 ... n... •~OllC !kMI. (" .. 1.\U. (;jJ~ 6'116.(, ... ~fd '""" •d•flllltf"-tlMf'I. 1ti11_,, Md ~. AA •It. rllC.tt. l)j-OU ill:' La A"lt~ c .. 17ll Ill PPI .. ~ 11, llMll-\11H '""°' ~' hllt* for '°"I· ,,, ... -ratr. Bt1ttlf 11111 «• nn. .. lll~I>. \ ",, .... ~. ~ ~· 11t1 for •'"'""I • 11fl.ot1I "' '"'· itll'. « "~· C uhtr. l .. 1711.' ' . H>t "' , Ci \t. S'l; 1.21. _.._ fun·lo•la&. llu~ ltlt>IJ. pt~nablt> PH••" for ffM"IMi Cf)mlp.t-\hip, Ml) lw "'°" "· \, t ... 1111.2. c,\\ \. JI. II I C.<, •Oh •lftV04h, \viii.et" l\ilr It P4' (.,.. frlHthlllp rrl.alrUl!Jh lp Of "°:. llult1•Wd c ... 1:7P Cj\\ \1 .\I.··~ 11 S, t.AtT, •IUI dCK>B. W'th m•W"ull11r, 1•11 {, \o\" .!O'a. ~-~ ,~ • lall0«1\lllp, \ <i"u ( trrlh1\. l all lMll. r;W\l .3'I. 6' IU. t«\i.t• M'· .,,,, ... ~ rri.-.ct. JO'" •ho rf\jo t ll1t IMllde«'"' Miii•&. ........... -. llM. ""*"' wt. "°""' lif,,.,lt. Mid .. .,.,,.,, ... \" 111eu1d tM> r11. ~--.. ~...-...Md 1t~l!llK. ._ ... , mftf for '-di! ldN!,..,... (.' ....... Gll\f U . 5'11117t, pat.tt•ir, Wit.) l•o-1 .... --..,... tal. .c•"* ...... s.s.s .. ''""' "-dllt. _...., , ... "" """"'<•IN <:1\1 <'trl" tfl\ •• peV•t\ ..,"'" •unuht. 11111w11llM (, \t for ,,..,...., .--.. IMA~l .. l•tl. ltfJl\f.o\PHRCJOffiA .....,_ <"-"1 "'" -~" .... ~ ..... '"°' n •i. ~" .__.. pnu \ ,., V'tll t MlljOll M , •I lrt"l•t Bl .,\\\I 111•\'• "Jth •d. t .. l.S.. 1 "n'o .-1. s•&r1ss. 1ood 10.,.. 11&, hllllt\I Hd ("lfltD, wt"t.lfll ICAllHIAft tOf ciM"'I ur fl"lflld\.,lp. l.o• A111tl"'- t..it tflll {,11\t. JI. ~.,·,l.~: K'tk..t •• CN*\'f A \I aJ \1 'di,.,...' 'w fua 111110. I,,., do l11acll '°"1110•11, PICV Mhff'1 ( atl l•IS. BUl flH I \\I-\\ 1'" lrtMtl7 fu•i•h•t and 111<>4 ... ·-· 1(1 -• Jnr.& tt«...a lktl.lNl 1 .. 1. PA "l\f .. \IJ\t_.'"*""• "'"•·ll)r'fwk. llf'altll), - Gl\f .}I, •"117t . llH•Ui•t ~ ,....,_,.....,"'"ill> end 1d•r11111ro11• l.tt.1 ·, n . •fl•lht. fM ro111111tlc, ~· A11y llPif"I«. r..talu• •O•ot••o•• r•l•llt••lllp t lllp poulblt . Loi A111rln \~ Lot .\llptn.. C..: .. l.s.l (. .. 17. c~----...... ~ ......... 'C'l'!Udl,... 1'RA )IPl..AS'"f'Fj) UIMo -10' ..., l6, 5'11, WNb eo ti. ll. pnil .......... .,.. •· •ltll oW.r. ,,..._ .,.. ... -.... .... .,,. ._....,....... -. ...-\/ .... (al .. u.. c..i. ~1 .... d.Nt~ ~ p#'vhe 1rr-' &.-A..-.cau II Y! u 7.0. 1110 fil••· 1734. KROQ, ,..._ _.. C90A. ~ ••h·c.. tlta11~·· ll1td4'J1 • 1111 , ~RTO ttt('AN M, 4t, t111M l1Mtr ... ,! t.-A~. 5'611 .. , dlda, .... a-· c .. 1646. v.. cu p & nu• ........ Aa- -~ __..y h.. lAt A .......... .. WM. ••4f1 ... U , WHh to ..k .. k wltll cMI GlllWM ....... ~...,.Clll 17'1. . HM 24, S'ltllU Mtll• ..,., ...... ~cll•a W/HM ,., ,_... ,...,I I ''J , N• ..... "......,._ c.1 aa1. Sa\ e this section~ You r cn1 11">por1d tu 01Jr fwr•,or1ol..., 111 hour·, Cl de·, I do'/" u w1-.-k /\dd1ho11d p~ ·, ·, () 11 o:" , 11 ) ; ~ · ( : • '. q i Mori d c: y" 1r1 our clo'>'>lf1ed '>t-<_t1or1. ( .... /-" .............. _ .... •.• .............................. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I "" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 'c Ii fl \ rt I llllC'd l>t\C:f 11 lllllC:' I 1 lht" -.;.11; ll 0 lll Ul\ hi I pa ('\(l~ 11( ll('IC l.J h 11111c lcarn111g .111 I C\fl• 1 •Cn. 111$ 1 liC 1110)1 ,llh .I ll\;l'd Jll V~l .1111 ~ 111 la:Jllhlul h'lll' !'\m,, 10\tc.1J ul :.a 4·h11u r pl.111c . 1111> lru111 Ctm:.igo. l J Co'lt.1 '' olll) .111 hour ~uth or my Or.111~' Cou11· '' hun;c I he 400 .1uc n>,1\I 11 c.11n· pu., ul LJ ClhlJ Re-.url & \p.1 ;n ''"' 11:c1' ,, ~L•ll JI ,,i 1 'l dud.:' u11l~1111l-."1l goll u'' .. 111 II I .t11d '''(,I 'C. J1i\lll);i l ,lllj;, U\C II d U\C ol 'P"' l:Jul1111:\, hul lhll 'l'I• \1-.t' (SN:\ pa toupk. p1.:r 111.:}11) I he 1c:nn1' pJd.J~c lllL luJ1:, • d.11lv 1cn111\ d1n1c:, unl11n1tcJ .:uurt 111111: and 'PJ uw, hu1 1w1 \l:f\l•C' t J rhl.~JJ 1:. a "'orlJ J \\ .i) fru111 t hl" ""n-...trtv-n+-~may-trfi • t hi I'\~ 'Phtrc "'here rc .. pon,1h1lity '' hcd I krc one: c.:an lcJrn th pl.1) ugJin (S!.5U per cuuple. pct n1~ht) ..... ill..--i~-LJlc.:.~l.m.\.t«~~m-t·"'f-"irrn'~~r-~-=-............. In ::uhJ111on to it'> "'urlJ·cla'' 'P·'· 1hc re,ort '>prt.nh a \.irtual (Ornu· lO('llJ •Jf l\;CfC.lllUllUI plca\Ufl..'\ h • lllfl! CJi;h gue\I. I \HI l.halllJllllll\htp gull '"Our,c\, :!3.tcnms cuurl'>, '"'' pool>. !1.C\c ral re 1.1u1:ml\ :ind ~liup" m;it..e II c:as) lor c:11hcr the hU)IOe .. lf:nclc:1 llf !I:~ lc1~u1C IC~\I 111 ~CICd the p rl\;d \ClllJC h I IC: U\Cll:JllUll .111J rcl,1\.111\lll I he i.p.1 latnc ~ ;;idl\ 111c hq;111 11h .. 11 llpl1un:il..; 1111!c \\JH • .ii b Ill ( •llC' t ~l'I thc11 lt\\ll l•>lltlllC', !he: ~d1cduk -lnr 111c11 .111 J l\(•lllell Ulli;f\ l\\l) dJ'l,C\'(ll!f hour I rum "hld1 111 d1uc.> c, 011 .1 1cLe111 I mlJv. I h1.: .111 thL 11.ty with I he \1 .rlk. follo""cd by body 'I ulpt 111g,(.1 gre.11 \\lllkout ), po"cr \lep, JJ11c:e 11' tone and linl\hed \\llh .1 • A L.1 Cost.i outdoor mass.igc is .i delightful mi"turc of soothing !>Un and octtan lm:ctl''· The '>Cn,u.ll l'),pcricn(\! C\o'-c'> thl' 'n(•.uly lo t memory from childhood ' cndlcs) )um mer d.1y-. iii thl• irl''>h Jir · • Well-_deserved decadence La Costa is the place to b e pampered J '"~·' dJ~> h .. 1.1.rc I~·"' • J 111,,.,,,,~c I he 111 n·., ·' 11"''"' 111d11dc ,,111.:r 'oil >lnll . .!111cr1.1I 11;i1111ng .111J .111~ da" hdd 111 1hc \;o.:J \.:)111 In aJJi1mn. llll IC .ire 11u111t1011 pr~ent.111011'1 'p.i 4Uoling \Chool ,tnd tile l1111c'' let.lure' prc\cn1cd h) the ,1.tlf ol J1c1111.1n' anll c\cr (1\C ph)\11>lug1,b , I .1th:nJcJ .111 ml11rmlt11c I .1h1.•I hcJhh c,.1f11:.a11u1h, ht••h 1.c 111po,1 l.111 •11 p1cl>Cnt.1ln.Hl "'" h 111cluJcJ 11111 C\,1lu.1l1t•n 111d 11lhc1 '\:I 1 1.:• 1 'Ul\1:\ o l the 111\: rn111 'of IL'llll' ll1c'c uc d 'll!nc.t Ill proud~ 111 -.ud1 .,~·Ille (1111 k~·.11 Jd111111011 hum 111 '"· ll..:111t11hl1.111,111, ,1111,ult.a ~.111 me.in '1ll)tl1111i;), r1.JuccJ lalo· ' 11011 .1nd.pJrt1•1f'Jt11111 111 .1 lull "II(':. ( rc:yum:ll _to he Ol~C·lhlCJ fc\\er fJll£,O of prok"inn.il hc.11lh 'fT.' ,1, th.111 \landJrd pr0Ju1.1), i.od1um ll\111c' .and 1111•gr,1m\ I he l.•hl\ fl ee (le\\ th.in S rng) and-low '>O· 11 11gc lrum ~'.'it)() to St.mo P'"'- dium (no mor"' thJn J.tO mg) touph: for ,,11 111u' I ik'l)k 11111 T.1t.c·humc )hCCI) prn,1llcd ad g r.1111' • tl11 i,1n.1I gu1dclmc:\ for healthful :0-:vn ~p.1 pl.111 gu..:~1' t".111 .... 1111plc . c~11ng cmpha\11in~ more "hole the 'PJ tor th..: JJy 1,11 .1 ~~c; In, 11 gr;.1111,, nonfat flxxh :inJ compk"C Jru1h h> SI "I (SIO al11.·r S pm) c:.ait•olwdratc 101.>J~. ~uch J) lruib \~hen cv111h111eJ "1111 .111 .1 l.1 l.11 lc: uml \C~etablc,, ,p.1 '"°'"d:. l \Cr 1,c· .ind ''·''" A boJy co1111x1\11ion Jnd C11ne,.., d."~' and t.1.ilit"' -1 c. "htrl· cun-.ullution prO\Cd fJ~rnJtlllg (90 • pool • ,.1u11J, etc -.. re ltcc.' '"'" min,., SIOS) I wa., tc~tcd for mu\· 11.-~,· ..-1.c.·111.1 'IJi1. herh.il "rap. de \lrc:ngth, body fJI, lung CJflJCll\ e11.. -~He e\llJ ~tnce 'Jl·I hou" • ind ph))tCal c:nJuram:c. 1 he re:· 1al") '"'h th..: :.e.1~>n. chcd; "11h \Ult\, and Jn.II~"~ by one of La the. 'PJ Jc,i. for current ht>ur .. Co ta' cxcr~"e ph))lologi!lb, ~111 1 1 here I\\ e re lllJll) '~l\ici:' 1 be helpful for 1cro1ng in on an cf. "oulJ hJ\c tried hJd I 1im1c: 11111c fcct1\e f1tn~~ proarJm for my)el( ccllulu~ 'tnlu"11011 1reJtn11:n1 ""' • L.i Co ta guc)b and ~pa·gocf) tcmp11n1'. a \\j) ortluon thCrJ!))' can choose from an array of Life· trCJtment ( tretch a nJ ma .. :igc: style Programs or pa cApcricnce • ~binc:d "'th heat) and mol\turc 1 he four fixed pJ programs focu) rc·h)dra11ng treatment (ma".1gc on sire ; weight management; tc· w11h )OOthmg parultin). The l a Costa loof a sea u lt b.ith stimulates the body's 1.-.rgest sense organ -the skin. Old cells arc wu hed away INving the l(in u tiny. laxa\1on a nd health. Thc:.c all· Follow111a an aCll\C Jay of ':m . inclu\1vc proarams feature room, ous t lJ)!t wort..oul'i, I opted to be \pa er.ices, cxcrci'lc da)ses, pJ111fkrcJ w11h u rc:'illul hc:rbJI "' l'l.111 induJ1:, Jll the gull anJ lcn· 111' ~uu Je"rc, u-.c ul the 'P·I IJ~il1· llL"' Jilli I 1 • hllllf'> 11f 'P·1 'C" i,c, 1 S' HI per cliuplc. pl·r 111!!htl \lc.1l up111111' JIC: ·'' 11bbk lur c.1d1 111gh1\ 'I.I) JI SI 1 fX'I tuupk Im hrt·.11..1.1'1 .111,I d 111,: I h. - 'UC\h Ill.a) l'I I Ill d111< 111 .1111 ol • th ~I\ l..1 Co,t.1 rc,t.1u1Jnl\ I ur th>...: 'hl> 1md11 \\.ant tu .. 111 pie :i J.1\ .. 1lUl11l~ .11 I J ( O~l.l 1hL·JL' 1 I ..ir pl.111\ I a <"v,1.1 lhjllH ll;JlllJll l>J) -111.1',,t~C. JI \\IJ , Ill l.tdhlk'. Ill Ill''>' c1.111 1.'\ .. nJ '' 1.: 1l!hl r, n " 111 I 1 l,Sl~l:l .r<.u\l.1 lh'· l.l\H D.1) 111~ luJt•, t lk: .1hm c, \\1tl1 the .a.J,lila.lll ul .1 ,1.,111 ••J 111.: 11.111111 tr1.:.Hmc111. ~:''-. L1 <.o .. i.1 lh .1UI) Mornrn~ 1ndud,' ,i...111 tit: 1t1m.n1 11.111 .111d m.11.cup. SI 10 1111.11 ~tJl.to\cr -ullL'I'> ,1 L\11111>1 , n.1111111 1lf ''1..IUI\ :.t11J 'P·I llC.ll• 4 ni cni... al '.>.:\'I LI Coltl Directory La Cct:\.l I) a <.:ompll·lt 1~ di·..tin.ll!QO oHenn~ the w e>t_, mo-.t-complete it-creJtion.il op· portun•ltt~ in gOlf. tennrs, )w1mm1ng •nd he.llth fatns . ro.. full tkt.111) on me "liU1Y 1>1.lns and P!O£f•um i\~blti. cont.Kt l.i CoSt.i oaod rtquett brochures induding the '°'· ~1ng· Sp.l Praw~ it-. • P.cb~. Sf» .i &a c.rt.. ~ Wttk M l.a.eo.a.. and Helllh ledurt' ~rift~. lA COSTA UJOll 6 tM Costa Ott Mat ~ uthb.id. CA 92009 (619) 0 8·'' '' . , ·(800) 854·5000 " ' • .. ··········~········································ ................................................. . •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Art Museums • Bo ... t'rs Museum of Cullur.it Ari 2002 l'.o1r1h .\IJin St . S.mtJ AnJ 567-3600 llUns of Power. Culture Jntl McJn1ng In lhl' lconot;rJphy Found '" lhe l1shmJn t.olll'Ll1un of Af11c.in· Art U)' ArmJnd I L.lbbe on \lt'W. ll'Clure 7 pm Aprtl 8. tf11ur'> 10 .:i.m ·5 pm. fueWJy·Sunday. Adm1s>10n-S4.50 tor .icJult~. H for !iCniors .111d \I Uc.kn ts JnJ S l SO tor lh1ld rcn undt.>r 12 • In inl' Museum, 1tltlll1 Von 11..lrm.in 4,-.• lr\lrol', -1 76 O.!'J-1 f\lu$t'um d1spld)S l"•'...C'r\l') and documents h1>1tu1cJI C1l1ior~ Ill.I 1lft • lJi;un.i Ari MU)l'um J07 Cl1lf Dme, L.1i;un.1 Be.ich. -19-1 C.SJ 1 Al thl• 11eatt 1 .. ,,.,..,,,um~m 1n L.1i;u1oJ BC'.llh Bdu<C 1 'IJU lUnlinul'\ thmui;h Junt' u A~ lovt'rs .111: 1n\ltl"f..I lo d1"><.<J\l"r (Jl1iorn1.r at the lllu~·um·\ new ,•,h1IJ1l1<Jn 75 \Vorls, 7S h-.irs Cullecttng thl' >.r t ot C.lhforn1J," fo. d,I\ 1hruugh fuh 11 I tour~ 11 a m -S I' 111 r Ut')dJy·Sund.1y >.c1m1H1on SJ, .1dul1>, S 1 SO, '><'•"111 c lllll'lt\\ludt'nt\, free, < h1ldrt·n under 1 "'! • L1i;un.i Ar1 Mu~t·uni -'.:loulh Co.isl rl.u J S.lll'lllle j J 1 l Uro,tul '.:II , C1»1.1 \11 1 bu2·33bC. ·~,..ln1e·d \\'ur~) I rom ti 1• ~l'\\flU•>l Gill, \\h1lh fl",llurt• ,1 g•ll tif 5 I J'I \\llll.s K•H'n lo tht• 11\U'l<·um tn 1 ?'I! h~ lCtu1·l' Jn.I R1d1.uJ "-l'\\tjU1 .1 < ununu<'\ •lu.,ui;h h1I) 11 11 >ur'> 11 "m 5 pm lu~~.l)·'>und.iy AJ1111,!>tcm ~1 50 H Metro Center. SSS Anton Blvd., Costa Mes.i. 433-6000. "The Third Dimension: A Survey in Sculpture·• on exh1b11 Iii Satur- <,by. Hours. 11 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. • Coas tline College Newport Beach Cen· h.•r, 2627 Vista Del Oro, Newport Beach, 7S 1-70S8. The Artt5ls ~iatlOll ol Coast- line Community Colle&-e hosts •IS 14th an- nual "All Media Fine Arts Show" from 10 J.m.·S p.m. Friday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat· urdJy. Free adm1»ion. •Colden Whl College l S744 c.olden West St.. Huntington 13cac.h, 89S-8783. ··Ceramics '9J," a gall<'ry <'"hibtt showc;is- .ng the talenb of more than 20 artists, con- tinues ttl Frld.iy H0tm· 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, also, 6-9 p.m. Tuesd.ly· WcdneWay. Free adm1ss.on • t"ine Civic Center 1 Civic Center Pt.:iza, IMne, 724-6000 Sus.ln Wilson's ex· prcssion~uc pa1nhngs and monO()'pes on e'hibtl through Junt> 11 Hours: 8 am ·S p.m Monday·frtday free admission. • Irvine Fine Aris Center, Heritaf' P.uk, 14321 Yale Ave., Irvine, SS2-101 . "Kid~ With Art1b1l1llcs," .:in eJ1h1bi11on featuring the work of students from school dist1icts throuRhout Or.:insc> County, continues through May 2. "ftnc> Al ts Center Photog· 1Jphy/View 3," a ne\\ly formed volunteer group from the center·~ phtnography Slud.n rrugram, p1~nts r\h1b11 through Apnl 29. tours· noon-q pm fl.10nday; 9 cl m.·9 pm Tu~y-ThurKl.l), 9 .1 m -4 p m fri- d.Jy; 9 J m 3 pm SJturJay, and 1-S p m. Sund.i). F1ce adm1swn • Huntington Buch M.-.in Street Libr.iry 525 Main St, llunttngton Beach, 375· 5071 The Huntington HJrbour Art As· 10C1.ltJon 's 2 Sth annu.11 .irt extub1t runs through April 10 I tmm 10 .1.m.-7 p.m. Monday-l hursd.:iy; 9 ii m.·S p.rn. Saturday. Am.tdor .-.nd mJny m<><e continues thr~!,th April 16. Hours: 1 1 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednes- day-Sund.>y. Free tldmission. •Storefront Studio .it the lrv1~ Matl.et· J>l.X:f', Sp.xe No 19s, <at~Sridse Road ;and umpu,. Drive, <tOOSS from UCI, 724· 6684 "A People, Sh.1pe and Cob Pbce," J.:inict' Oclool's sculpcure. p;llntings and dmvings, on ~ through June 1. 1 loun v.lry • University of C.i.lifomia At Irvine um· pus D11ve and Bndge Road. lrvinf', 8S6· :7128 "The Theatrf' of RefuScll: side{ M and Ma1nstr~am Ctits6fn," an extUbition o( Aftican Amerian Art and the mainstream cnt1cal and curatorial practices lhoit fr.ime it, will run from Aprtl 8~12. R~ion: 6-8 P. m Ap11I 8. Hours: 9 a m.·7 pm .Mon cfay-Thunday; 9 a.m ·4 p '"· fri<l.>). 9 a.m.-nooo Saturd.ly. Commercial Galleries •The 81.iLe CAiiery 16062 Sc.xh 8h.-d, Huntington Beach. 841 -7S51 h h1btt ft'.l luring ihe worl.s o( Mon1errl') Ptnnonsul.1 ~ogra~ William Abbot .ind loc.il phbtogr.iher Je;inette c.ood cl~ 1od.1y Ora~ Coonty photogr.iphcr· John COl~·s worlS fe.ltured through Ap11I 1 S Hours l O a.m.·S p.m. Monday through Frld.ly fr~ admission. ' • Orclt Callery South COM! Pl.lla. 333 S Bristol St .. Costa t.-tes.1, 540-5077 An r,h, b111on ol worls by Y~te>f V.b.lrclr· S..nd10 Chi.l ilnd Rene Cru.:au un \1r-.v II Sund.I) Hours'. 10 .i m.·9 pm. MondJ)~Frtd:ly, 10 .i.m ·7 p m. 5-lturd.ly; 11 <l m 6 p rn Sun· day. • Cosby wllery 1404 Via Oporto, ~ poo Beach 723--4158. The ··~oiintins the \V0tld" settCS by Cosby ~'" continue 1n· definitely with the rdeilse o( twO new tl'P" l1graphs, "Avalon Suru.et" •nd "Sp.ln1>h Sleps." Hours· 10 .i.m.-6 p rn. Thu~y Monday; Tuesday & Wednesd.iy, by ap- poinl1T1Cnt. only. Free .xlm1ssion • De Ctuf Art Inc. HOO AH•nue ol tht· Alts, Cost.a Mesa, SS7-5240 Pa}lcl paint; •rigs by Eliubeth Lalou5chek cnnttnues 1n ~1inotely Hours: 10:30 ii m .()pm lu~· day-Saturday lopcn unlll 8 pm Frid:l)'I free ldmiss.on ••flying Squirtl'I 120 23rJ SI , Co.101 MesJ, l.42-0362 "Turning Corners," .i e~ h1bition o( sp.itkll .lnd emotion.11 M nori- c.ince feilturi"S the ~ls ol Catherine Chi· lltil, Troy .>nd Jell~ Cherner.. Jo tlcndrib, J;imcs McTy1er and P.-.ul Waht'1. conhnue'i through April 25. Hours: S·9 pm Thurs day-Friday; ooon-4 p.m. Solturday·SulldJy .lnd by appointment. Fr~ .ldmrs\IOI\ • C.llerie 224 124 fore>ot A~. l.>gon.t Be.ic:h, 494-SiS7. Worls by Thom.ts Mel(• n1&M, Pe-gge I lopper. ll'Roy ~m.in, Peter MJ~. Vict0t V.lS.'11ely .md AlvM .ue (eatured 1ndt>(1n11ely llnurs 10 a m ·6 pm Sund.ly-ThursdJy. 10 "" ·9 pm ffld:ly• Saturd.ly. free ~•won_ • ~fiery ltl'ne ll2 forl'Sl A\'l', Uguna Bexh, 494-4248 A photography ~h10.1 cl worls by Julie 01sbol1 Price ol ll'Vlne and Mich.WI An~-clo Trunule of lagun.J 'Be.Kt! p1~·n1ed ~II Sundt) Hours nooo 10 S p m. S-itu~y-!xlnd.l)~ • The Gregory Cillery/ltuuell J+cques Studio 3406 V&J l.Jo. Nf",\-port Be.Kil. 71 J 0887 Oosinal p.>1ntings. ~ry. gLl». ceramio and uafu bv r~i;.on.il artu.b .it reasonable pr oe~ RU»ei 1.1«\llC.'9. inter n.Jtt<All tc"Ufptur .md pa•nter. oo ptt'rl}lln pa•ntrng t'-.Cf)' S-l1u1d.i~ SYnd.l~ Crom 11 a rn -4 p m His flot.als <and .i!Nr.Kt p.Jtnl• ·~ .ilung "'"' h1~ ~I abstr.x1 Kulp-tures arf' "TcollurC'd. I lours 10 .l'm.'6 pm d.i1ly, open until l 0 p m Thund.iy .ind Saturday. 8 Hoct.d Slimmer Art CAiiery 2006 Cnurt A\e .• Nt'Wµtlf1 Bt-.>c.h Contonuou.s l'lll\1bit fl'.>lul\'S 011g1n.al .lit .lll.l1l.>ble ror wlc by mow th.Jn 20 Sou\hcm Cal1forni.a .irthu 111 •II fypcs ol ~ I lours· 6·9 pm Mond..iy-f1od.1y and by .aPf:>O"llmt'nt • • Llhi/I• w11eries 117) N-pon Ct'f\let D1 Newpott ~.K'h, 711-911 7 On pt'r· rNncnt di~y •re "'"'ls by W) Suflei Mate C~l}lll. uu Chun, f rt'Ckvrd. I tJrt j.ln l(.isprl)'(l..1 M & ThotNs Leung. IWt>- efl Lyn Nehon, ll1ust11 Ouul.A. Non1'.ln Roct.."ell, Adolf Setvlng. Andtf'.l Smtih ind Ciry Swanson l~ entMa1nmcnr pm- "l<k'd 6.9 p.m Fr1d.1y·S-llurda)". I loo": Morn.fay-Saturd.>y. 10 .i m.· 10 p m , Sun· day, 11 a.m.-7 pm • "l'\'l'J>O'' Harbur Art Museum llSO SJn ( kmrnlc> 011,-e. Nt'\\f)(>n Bc·.ith. 7S9· 11 .? .' 1 hl' museum ·~ tht• 111.wi;ur ,11 ~le for 1111· n.HmnJI lour r1f "Anll'rttJn Ab)trJct1on I rum 1he Adtloson C.1ilt·r1 Ot )1111e11Lan Art llronr the l.1m<•d r1,.1f1ps Academy 1n -'.ndrnl·r M.1>s I. tht• for~t uim11r(•hcn~ive "'''<'\ • ,( 201h C<'nturv Amern .Ill .ibstrJcl JI l 1.:1 er c.ilitbiled u1 Or .imw Covntr. lhr iui;h \IJy 1 \\'11rk Ii\ ').in lrJntt'>CO .irt· I ! r111ll.JS N.1~.1JJ "" hl· l•n c,h1b1t •I ruu~li MJ) 1 Hour'> 10 J m -S p m lu1-...I." c;unJ:i~ (I," ni; 11111,· f 11dJ1~ 1s 8 ;i ·n -'.dm1s.,on S-l ' •r .11Jull> S.? lor !.t'· 'o ' 1 I ,•t n"t Jnd .,,'J J nt' .. 1nd IH·l' lt.>r 1.h1I· h , . .., ·" kr 12 Jr•• I r l'ml1<.•1 •Newport Beach Public llbr.iry Newport Cent(.'( BrJnch, IJS6 San Clemente Dm"I? ..--------- Communily C.illl!ric) N°('wpoff lfe.Kh, u .fJ ) 19 Lan scape paintings by loccll arlt~t R1ch.ird Keys will he un d1~plav through April 2S Hours-9 a ro -9 pm ~lon<JJ~ lhur"l.iy; 9 a m -6 pm fnJJy, 9 J m S pm ~lurday, noon-s p m SundJy f rce Jdmt~!Hon, • 1S.1nl.AmN icJ CJlll'ry '>nuth Cu.ht • Orang" -County Cc>nter fur Contempo- r.lry Ari 3621 W M.uA1thur Blvd , Space 11 l, Santa AnJ, S-1'1 -l'l8') An e"h1b1ti00 lc>,Jluring the '-Ork~ n( .rr11sts [ltzab<'th NC'<.'S, ShJron l<..lg.in, P.11ricoa Cox. Ross I I I I I I I I I I I ---~--------.. ri IAnner Entree -In Celebration of Spring- For a limiled time roceite I Dinner Entra! at 112 Pric.e uiJen one is purchased aJ the regular pri<;e r-• I I I I I I I I I I forty carrots menu f eotures I • Appettzers •Pastas I •Unique Salads • Vegetorlon Detl(tlfl • Sond\Mches • Meldc on Dishes I •Gou met Hombu'Qefl •Chicken a seorOOd I ~&~~ fortu.~rrots I I tr,~~;·\~.. '> restaurant 1 II ,,i.«~'~,~•1 South Coast Plozo • JewPbf ourt • 556-9700 1 1 1f!~11 /{ Nlll ....... ofllt.,.Vlld•ll;;;;-..,.n..., .......... .. ' ' '-• •2nd e......-11e .... or-.-.·~AjNIZ, t• .. ----------------10 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, Aprll 1, 1993 • • 1"tffetas • Safa{ '1Jat • 9'iitiutlo 'Bar • 'Hbj/{e.s • 'Iaco'Bar • 'Desert 'fallt •1fmufmatk 'lortillas • Omt{ettes • Afacfuua • sirrifing Afwicians 2101 Pfacentia •Costa '.Me.sa {(,14) 642~1142 • ~ufs 'Eat ~~'E (u""65} r~----~~---------~-1 'Bruncli Coupon -Savt $ 5.00 I -4h pristnl tlii.s c.oupon -.,. I ~''' & save five tfollars '··~ I on 'Brunt/a /or 2 ' I Cosio ?.luo L«ati.on ~ • (I""1n-2ptn) ?(pt Wuf ora TAsur • 'EJ(piru f -JO-!IJ ···············~···········~······················ ······················~··························· A A ···············~·············~···················· ··············································~·· ..,, ... l• Roche C..llery SO) lhl St, "-JX>fl lfil{ \'1tl.>J;e. Hulllmi;tun Bl•.lCh, 960·7:64 .xh 67) 3301. "foen<h Ftum My \\.ate.colOr' by t.\J" Spt•ncer on \•C\• l/Tll' Pl.1MI." which 1n1toduc~ tM I.an· througll M.iv ~ t\ 1 TR.,\( 11< >'\. ~ \ cre.>tt00s ~ from r«yck'd PJJ>"r. ,. Joel "strl't't ,,~ .. by urol Blue, ~.u • Ren•isunce C•fl' ! t.i Ft:•l~I AH' l.l·. • 11.1100. fun Zone 600 f. Bay ... \C . on d•.pl.:iy S,,turd.ly throui;tl wc.-d~· &un.> ~.l~h 4?7-IA\'" bh li11 ol ni wJ l'e-.•ixirt Bt•Jch. 675·91S2. fems "heel. ~ Rl.'Ception• 6 )0-10 pm fodJ)-mc.-<l..i .il!Mr.icb cont.nut"> ttl \lond.i~ Jr, .... ll" r<'l.l(l{M mcrry·so-:round, sho~. rur~ 9 .i m ,-5 cf. m Mond.ay ftod.ly; 10 a S.andstont' C.illery )li-l·A "' Cw·• r,..,1.1urc1nb .ind bo.11 lours r>fiered 11 am: , c,1 " 10 1> m d.111-. r1 :1pm .... ur .:iy 11.$hY..ly l.i0uflc18CJ,h .ir6~7S f1>:u 1 Len Wood's lodi.an Territory Clllel)' & r.>tl\e \\url. in M11'l'tl Me<l1.1 b} M)rtk• • 8.ilbo.I P•\ilion ~00 Main St .. Balbo.l. useum of thl' first Pl'Ople JOS '<Xth rx ... endotf c.n d1~p!Jy 111 S.un.IJ) \\:Jtt!rt.ol· b7l 5!~5 Narr.uro ~·~1>£>e1ng cru1;cs of •.ht ~h~y.. lJl)UnJ 8Nth. 49; S7~7 II<\ b~ Sh•ilt!~ Arpllur>:«\ un l'\h1lJ•llf.wl "-l'\\l}O(l I IJrbor Jrl' oilt!red dJ1ly ul.1l1nJ hJ() \t!.JtS of NJ\/afO \\'t'J\tng Show Jn<l Mond,1y through M.l\ ~-I ••>1m 11 J m .5 PJ>H'ngcr Sef\1CI.' olfered lhursda)S· 1k on .,IC\, throush M.>y P m • Sun11J~s licginning Jt 9 a m. Oecp-s<."1 ftsh· a South Coa•I Ari Ct-nl"r _,,,3 E 1 ~,111 t '"II turn dl•pJrt d,11ly lrom OJ\~·s loc\..er" lo·ll finl' Att )4)1 Via Qpt)rlO No • u 10C. N~poft ~.>eh, 72)·1921 Anun.a (C'l>U t."-"lol. 64u-4'i-l 'i >.nrmJ11on ll·I, •Cr)~IJI Co"e St.ile P.irlc on the coast , n ccl) from Disney, Don Bluth. WJlll'r Oftgon.il Y.ood Kulpturt"> and cerJm.c p•l'l bthH'<'n CoronJ dd MJr and L.tgunJ "1 ti.Inna Boirbc:-ta .ind lhe Simpwns l"S 11nd a sclcttion C>l l1m11toJ C'd111on l1th11 l!t•Jda, ~·J-l·lS.l9 "c.irly 2,800 acr~ of Jturcd llours 11 .l m .5 pm Mon<f.l)' gr.1phs •n<l ~11gr;ip11, u\ ' iri<1u\ .lf11,l• .ltl' • co.htJI .:ind CJJl)Oll .:11e.is Opl'Q fOf nature lld lhur~d.l)·flldJy, 10 .am .(, pm S,,tur on J)l'rm.>rn.-nt d1>pl01\ I l•!IJr 10 J m C, \\JIL.> \\h.&le \~Jtch1ng. bud \\.llc.h1ng. h>h· .h 10 am s pm Sund.ly pm Mund.ly frid.ly. 10 l m S pm S.:itur· ong .1nd other recrcJhonJI ac.ti.,1lle!. \\.>rj!.arel Bf'dt>ll Studio .1nd C...Uery d.w -• Di~co .. ery Mus um )101 W 11.snJrd 1 I urnJh<.n A"~ C0too.1 dcl M..lr 8 Sjud10 G.lllery 1 ~<105 ~L.~ P.irl. C. irdt• St )..11,tJ An.i 10 0404 hplotat()()' 1. 1 )100 C..llety tutor~ ml~t-d mcJ,.i S1.•lC "-· '"'°'' 851 '1181 M"ecl mC'<.lo.l k•Jrnoni; ct•ntcr lt'Jlurl~ h1sto11c l':l·I~ l000pr1nb •nd ""'~colon by urs.iri·t ''"'"> IJv riJ.1d1 .i11o..i Sh<'l1h.1na lrn..t on Ii >U..t', .in orJn1,"l' f:'"'e and mon.• Hnurs 1.:!t"!I •nd l1m1t~>d J>finh .lnd l.JO..>«I \1tw 1tl foJ.1, rrce .i Im""' ;n 11 J nt ·l pm SJturJ.>) Sund.iy AdmiS· •.i!t'll'11cw> by \\1l111cmc lour> 9 30 • l ime Sp.>et' C..llwy })!l.J '°' Cw.i \«>I' S 1 S2 t m ")· 10 pm lut~ lhu1..d.1) Of lt) 11 t)h•.a~ l.1sun.1 & .... h 411.i O'J-lJ hh1 • 01>nl'yl.and I j I.) I IJ1bot 81\d. A.n.i· • i ntrocnt, Ff~ ;idm,...)OC)f\ b.1ion ·tut1l·nb k.iturut~ ti~ ""'I.> ol hl'•lll ')'19 456~ F.in1a.m1C1 on Rt\ers of •Off lhl' \\'<\II C..llery 112) M.:ton !.I Dunc.an SonlCI)(' .\\\rdl.I \\<~. ~·11)fl'l(' •.mt:'rt< J l'\111) Y.l·t"l.end S.\l\ Jiit.Kt~ 1n a\a11.lblt' Hour> no11n 5 pm \\ l'<l•·l':)(l.1\ Sund.iv Adm·>~' 51 • knoll's Berr farm 81.1 J9 Bt•J h Kl,cf 8!.lena P.;1L.. 2.0 5100 R,J.;., .inJ allt.ll lions lvlu(l s Country F Jor • .in , ,ld· l.;>h1oned cclcl;ra(IOO \\h1 h 1ndudt•> l n· lt'rtJinmcnt, s1><·(.1al e,h1l>1ts Jnd 1 \l'nu t .. r ch1klren Yo 111 l.iL.c pl.Ke SJturdJ~ lhroui;h April 25 "l\noll'\ Spnng BreJ\.. <)J A tun fllleJ \\Cd. 1ndud1ng Jn LUil'' li;g .\\Jlt' Breal..fJst \\llh the S1m~m .ind much more. \\Ill run lrom 5.11urdJy h> Ap11I l•) . Gener JI I lou1> 1U am 6 pm "l"'w.1,, 10am·10pm )..31urd.1y 10Jm·7pm Sund.>\ •Ney.port H.ulxir NJulic.il Museum 1714 \V llJIL"JJ llt~d , l\t'\\ purt Ut•.t• h 673 Jj(1 lhl• nl!.l'<'IJlll hou>t"> J 1~·r m.lnl'l'll rolk"<t1t1n of h1>I011CJI photui;1.1pl•" tog<!lllC:'f ''ith liuJI\, pht1to~r.1pth, nw1nl' d"plJ\'-f1..h, ~·.hht·ll>. ~"P> 1n hottlt" ;ind other nJutical l1lC1ll()IJbil1J 1 l•JY•> 10 a m.•J pm \\lxln~.:i)·~untlJ\ A.1"11> ~ion fin' • Or.in~l' Co.hi Cott~t S.uhng CenlN 1801 \V P.Rt!ol (o.l>l fl ~Im.• ''"'I 1 Bl'.llh. c..is.9.i 11 Al.i 1...1 t1i.;!1·. occ~ t ... ioot >I.lop. h.1~ lfl.ll>C."> l<I ul1111rn1J ) th.\n nd fJJnlh th•uu..;huot '91 (Jll lot '1< 11('\I ulc • Or.tngl' County Model Cng1nl'ers .ic:u~s lrom .•f.l11'\1t."\~ Parl.. on PIJ~t'nhJ "' · t-nuc OC3r ['>l.lllCIJ I l1Q1 s.' I CO\!J Mt~ 751 • ·;(){) Fret> tr Jon r.J~ .ire ~•\t•n h.l th0ldren tl>c lh••d \\("hf.>nd ol e.)Ch month 1rom 10 J rn ·l JI p.m. • R1ch.arct l\i,.on L1.br11ry iind 8trthp1Jll'1 18001 YorbJ Linda 81\d. \, •bJ Lrr l.1 · 9?3 JJ9.l ·:w h.tc Huo..e ~t\il r.,,m.il em, ns o( the f r<ot lJd1~ on \le-\ thruu~h Apnl 18 Hour• 10 am S pm -.; ndJ\ SalurdJy and 11 J m ·S pm ').ind.1, .>,,l lllhWln' S 1 S4 ')U 8 Roger's C.udens • su 1 ')an lu.lqu11) I 1111' Road Nt·"port Beach 6-10-58tx> p.i1ly g.irdrn ft-.11\,ll prp.,cnll'\.I 11, ou<> 9 J m 6 pm dJ 1, • SJnl.a An• Zoo 1801 E. Chi-.1nu1 A•t'. S.int.i Ana A I.Ir\:<' \Jrit't\ OI Jn•m.ll' .111d ~rd> .lnd a ch1lcl1en s pettini: z "' ollt•rl..J 10 .i m ·S pm tb•I\ Rq~ufar dm1won "5 u•nb·Sl S )l."1.1JI l-<l.; Jlllln.11 fll•~"l'll> !•lf t'll·mentJI\ he,.~ J, ',lo l'n fl!lt•f<'tl I u<'> d.J\ r h1.;1..dJ\, • herman l1urJI} and C..rdl'n~ .(,.:-l C ... bl li1gh ... 1\ C°' "1J dd \l r C. .. I 2:'(,I NUJlt "'' 1ncluJe b !..!' .>I ~-'' Jt.,,, J (.Ol\>en. 1.lf\ a ~rrJ..on t!nr.;n11 I 1vr tbl !Jl1nJ JnJ J t i;.iom . .i1 rl'>('J•d't c ~n:er ' ' .,, ... e1>t1nt.; 't'>4:n.itron~ 11~ U.>IJ• o<JI ,:· 1 , • oi 1hC C;lrdl•n, l t-.• cxi. ... i: u.r111 '" ''"' ii frl.'1.' r>wt.;rJm lot l><.okh1!drt•n 11 .. nl ""i;!Ofl S.,..>eh 5)6 6~811 \\otl..~ by G.l-t.11d1 .>nJ m.in) mo<t' '"' \K.-..c-..cral lh,<'mt>d art:'J' open d..i1ly. mduding lld1reth. Sh.lo. lllfi.Jn. ~ Blum· a 'Tr.lllJ \\esl C..lll'I) 1476 s "co.bC Mi<lo.ey's ToonfC>Yon ~"' Sm.>11 r\-\0<kf l:.lS"f". Cosb) and \VJrd .arc on '"'w 111• ll\'Y · l .lsun.1 Bc.ich 494 ~888 Hours lh>lH1' 9 .am 7 pm Y.cekda~. 9 am · r----------------------~-------....--clef1nrll"I~ lloutl 10 .> m ·6 pm Mondlt· 1~ )0 am S pm \lond.iy·S-:iturdJf, m•dn1ght w~lo.end~ f ,,.J..h 1 O .1 m S pm SJturd.ly. 11 .i m • ) noon·S pm SundJ\ A One WomJn • Hornbl~t'r Dining Y.achl M.mners 1( u ·1 b pm ~und.ly rr('(' .:idmiwon ~ fc.ituri,,g \\'()I~ U\ Cat" Comh~ Mil(' M.snne Cenlt'r, 14) 1 w Coa>t llwy . 0 . e ra· te •Off thl' \V.all G.illtty )H 1 8 \ tJ LtJ.>, fl'l1ot'nll~ ,l,prrl ~ .'¥1."W 9 -'-1'l"\•1>ort Bl'.lCh. (;j 1 ·2469, e\1 7 Brunch 't"•pclrl ~.>th. 72l ·S'ISO \\'c"'l.s U) a The \\'oil.s C.i.lll'ry South at C')"">t.ll .ind dinner cruo~ of ~po<t H.lrbor of. \lo1oe.~. NJgel. 11.K'nr.ieb, Mul.!1, Archer tourt, }Jl) Be.ii St ~•It! 31 S. CtY>t.i ler~><J weekends and holidays. ·. tun\...lde. ~tvens .ind others are on P'-'' Ml-W, 979 6757 Worl...\ by IOW"( RJ • Huntington Buch Surfing Museum OUr N B h ' m;int'llt displ.>y Hoon T 1 3 m 6 pm m:uf'der .on \tt•w thtoogh Apul 10 ~IOUr\ ~ 1 I Olr\e St • 1 lunllngton !Jl'.ic;h, 960· ew rune ·~ ,'\it,JndJy·f11d.iy, 11 .l.1'111 i pm SJ1u1w>. 10 .a m.·9 pm. MondJy-fr.J.>). 10 J m 6 3~8J An ~tl'nSIH' collection ol mcm0<J-• ' 11 <> m S pm Sund.iy frc..'t.' ..dm1~>JOO pm SJturd.i)•, .ind 11 .1 m (, pm Sun· bohJ h1.:hhght1ng morl" than 60 )<!.lrs o( ·~·;::P:e:ro:':' :R:l':,1:.i:u:,,,:n:1 :2:2:2:1=M=J1n=Sl=SN==:d:Jy=r:rec=a:::;:d:m:1:uio=n=========~"';:;n;:1f;:;::''='c=Jn=s=u=rfi=in:;:R=rs:::;;:r"::i1:::tu;;:ft'd=.=:;;;T~oo=:;;;rs;;;;ar=:e~--~ We'll-SiveYo-------~-..:....--11 c~.-~~ . The Toast Free. "e:• tto re,,i,. . .,,.,.1111~ ~:::::;c: . "e~ ~'l!r ~"' • ... SERVING .· LUNCH& '-DINNER • ' .2300 Harbor Blvd. At.Wilson, Costa Me$a In HARBOR•CENTER Call For More mformation Or Reservations: 641 -9777 I{"" \•1111d'"1.11h, "'"''' 111,l h.-1hun,h1 'l·nm1h.Lot11 '-t n.l.1\,lhllll l~'llll 11 1 ~ l\)'111 \\,\,.:•it th\ _'It; 11, 'I II 11111 ~t(i:. -i.11· 111 Ix l!.!111111 11 11!,'.1. 111111\ ••llh "Ill• 1•111-1111.: II uh ;\'\ l I\ tl1111t: 11.1111111}1,l l lh ,I 11 \ 111 d \ ,, , 'I \' 1111' I'\ l'I" '' 1'111-,I,"' ri-'n1 , h 1 • -m111I t I" \' 11 .111-1 1rr' 11 .. 1111u-1 I\''" ' , 1•ui1 h11 . .:1. .Ir \\ l '111"'1' h•t ti,,.\ h 11111 '-" ~ Orange Coast Weel<end I Thursday: Apnl t . 1993 ,. - • • ..... 1' • • .I ·····································-············· ........................................... •.• ..... . 1 ... t !llf" I\ "t4..'f\t•d I 1 t !tour • t pp1 r r-.e1,111111 B.11 Cu1l11i.;1<.1I R1»1'rH· ,ti J,, fliL.s, ,1 ~I t.1,tllut1 dt1\t '""t'''l''''t Iii 1d 1, 111 -1,-11, I h111d11 ,I, ''' 'f't·1 ,_., 111 I l( •" 11 Ill> ,1nd \''·'' I l,11 , l,11111!1 i ""~l,1111; 11 d '·". ,, .• ind rn1l \\.1h h 11g t 'j 1 d1:11u1' , ......... ti ll'J:"'·"'> Hi.NJAMIN £PSTEIN 'S BLACKHUOK ll!>lll'<.C l'\f{JR\IAllO:'I. If wu h,1\e .in t'\1'111 li-tini; 111 d1.10i:~ of rnfurnullon fur 111.1.l.lluol., dirL·d 11u1u1t1l'~ lo 81·111.1min I'"'''"'· 1 11 lll.1d.ll11ol., P.O . Bo\ 1 :;uu- 111-', ( 111011.1 dd \\.or CA 'l.?11.15. A """~ • 11n1pll'l" 1.1l1·11d.11 •111, lht fir1l lu1•1d.1) ••I ''"" rnunlh. l'I • 11,.!.! l1•1;1·n1k OC. U• •i:• " ·h u r. IJl.H I. It•· 111 upl . hl.11 L. ltt· , ·llt111.1I pp, 111 r 111 """ l u \, tu "" .irt .ini:"tl • l>111nt r .11 T "'' R1l/ .. ,. t J I• ~ f t •I •'•• ....... l .. \ . ' I J ... ., ll 11 t I ' ·' l.tlloJI ,f \\I•,\ '·"<l I ll• .11 I \lo 111 •r.1,h11111 ~hu\\ "''' I. II Jill f I ti •• \II ( 1l11I f, 1~111, t • '" .tt r\1 .Jhwt•l \1 11 11! ' ,Cl pp ( •Htl,11 l (.11 •I •, J);;H kt ! :, ..•• 8 ( .1.111tl f 111Jlt' '1 ·•I • ,II 1, I • p ttt l 1C •\. \I \. .u.I I d.1 1it·r t.1 t 1u1J t 11.\ .11 \ ita, -\· f111TT f'Tt1nt•--,, .. '[1,-, a I 111111 ~.It"'' lu Otl' fur .\1 • I I 11 ( '• I I . t ·I"'•"''' ., I ·~ -. -.· .. '•·r. r ti•'' I 1 n ',t 11 ' .ti \\ i-t t • ~ o 11 h ( 1 I II.I/ ,f ' ~ • ~ I I 4) t f ' ' -.! l,.·11111' Ap11I 1.! l'hunr IHll 7'i·I ! •.\F'S JOth AnniH•r)Jr) April Hi, C. 1r110J ti..! \\Jr lh,1plu tol A111t•f1(,lll I tlld ')(•n.t<.e d11111<·r Ju1l••t1 JI lu111lt• U.1t )Jfi111 (..,n l.t• I J.1111 I R.I\ I -s 1 I Ill 8 lO\\O tlJll ll'{lUtl' S1·11t'> Apr.I l'I ,1l 1 I l() J t l "' ,1,11 < C' lt·.11: .l' ul l'.t'\\pt'>lt \ \, ...i ,111cJ l J,;11nJ 11 ... u h I' ... t nL) l'.BC t'n h 11.1.nm• nl l'd lcot [),,. 1d ~ht 1 h.1n JI hi "·'"·], C..11 •ct11J "''"'I" 11 ll1•.1t h 5<•1tl"> S-' 5 pp Pl <•••t· tJ.1; (.'I.''• •Golf 1 ourn.1111cnl -\p11I 111, nuon 11· JO pm .. 1000~ ul ~I ''"''Ph 11~r.11al I oun· d.11111n .1t ~.1n1,1 M.1 C11u11lr'I-Club. S22S pp Lunt.ill i\1Jrh~il·1h11 ... 1n 7" I 11.111 • FOCIS on Oinin~ ~p1tl !. I I r11•nlh ul U( ln11·11.1.1h "' "lt"r .11 ll.u1i.;l..1 I; "· Cn-.1.1 Mt•\J Sii) f p ( on1.1<1 lll•t' <.wdon • 'i9· 'HU.l •Celebrity (hers Dinner Ap11I ! J .:11 1, JO p •n SOS 01.1ni;•· Aid l.1t1hcn 1'11 .,,., l '" <' ... uc'>C• rm .11 .It R· 1IX!rl l\lond.:i" \\inc Jnd food C1•nt1•r, (n<t.1 M1..,.1 Con t.llt lJu11 l\k11tl1·nl),1ll 7 N -... n • W.illv\.m1•rita Ap11I !.I ,11 ., J m, /\I.Heh 111 Oomt .... ho•t; l'\\'fll\ 111 I l11nt1ni;ton llt'.tth .ind lr"r'" l'h<rrw (,j I 11-00 •Ari ul l)iruni: VI, A('"' !5 .11 5 JU pm . :;-, ... , l'll'I 11.11lk .r A•I Mu .... •utn, J1>.11 him ~ '" 1JI .rnd kn "'"!'"'' h\ ·f\ ,, prep.ire ltJI , 111 "" ·'' .11 Io''" "4"'" '"' 1 lutt'I, Nt•\\ !>Ori H,., h .SJ< 1 pp l•r>'1<1 \l.l\1ne Ck111er, -'t 11.!l •Golf Tourn.1nll'nl A1~·• JC, 11,1,·n..11 111 ~ I luntin!;l"n 1 IJil • •P I 1'.1~u1• Jl ~·.i l 1 i (1i.n1lr) l luh I lu111tni.;111n ol'Jt h SI;'') 1111h.cln i;11·t'tl lt·t',, lunth .llld J•\.JrcJ, cl111n,·r 0111111 f 1 >1111 S !'i pp (oil IJI L M.it:,1.,••' I l,1\1,1 ll 1 I 11 ,.i • Cell.'brily Golf (l,1\111 April 1u, A11w11 1 .in D1alw1t·-"'"1 I '''" 111w11t .md d1111wr ,1mt11on JI LI•\ l ov1111 l "~"''• ( l11li S!C)(I l'I' f'hu11l' (,(,! -·11(1 • l'Jlrones\ TN .\p•il 7ll 1 rf r m \dr1plnin Lu• I •I "•lltl 1111 ( >l ,1t l\,1>1n "' 11·,.J, 1• '"''I'"'' U1•.1th SI> pp ( •l.1C1 ~.11.1 R,.i.;.111 I -I 'I I • Sn.11.es, rrui;., .incl l11.ud., on Lu~~ Aj .1 lO \. • .' '" • I• -I II Ul 'J.r A ···~······························~·············· i;rounch, CO>lil Mew Free. Phone 751 FAIR lOFF HI I< >l 1"if "i •Alla Cofrtt \."\uthousc & Roasting Co. SO<> l hl St, Nc:,,porl 8l'.Kh, b75-02H •Aromas Espresso C.ire 259 E. 17 St • (0,1.1 M<"'.l, S41! UH. • Be.11 SI. C.1fo IJH Bear St .. ~<»t.i '1l"'d, 4 J's-2167 •Blue Marble Coffeehouse 1907 llarbor Bl\d Co,t.:i Mt-~. <IJ 1627, 6-'6 57~6 •Care Concerto 17l r 17m )1. Cost.a < < >.\\I In ,\ \\\(.I< • lmpro\.iulion 425S (.im1>o) Or. ~n 138 ln1nt 8S4 5455 """'~ l't.llJcl. fK'f • rnim) 1hnllli;h ~nd.i)' R1<.I. Rucl.\1l'll ;md Duu~ Ben)(•ft .lppc.lr l~l.1, thr~JV~h Ap11f 11 1 iclr•l> S8· S 12 • Or.ange County Cru.iM .it P."-altc S~m· phony ·ffu•ldtn~ 115 l ~nt.l AonJ 81\tf S.101.1 An.i, 550·9'JUO Or.1ni;e 1 rd.· llw Lo>I Gl•nt>ratic111," J ~1111<;.al rl'\UC of 1.1 ... in Or.mst'° Coonty, pw1Cntcd n p.m S.11 urdJ~"\ ~ml J lO and 17 l 1t l.(·b S 11 SIS • Amigos. dt Bolu Chio 1n p.irl.mt: lc>I .lions P;,c1f1C CUJ.>t f f,gh\'J) bl:l\\~~ • C.irr P.aris } 26 l f'\11n•e1<1 Rd . Crl"tJ \\'.lrn• r A~enue Jnd Colh.ud 5t11..-t·I. I lun M~ (,~() 11 J-' IJl\bton Beoch, l!IJ7-700J r1r)I ~prrng l•mt' ~ 1 tour ul Bolw OtKJ \\C'llJnili dt•part ('\('" •Coffee Corr.al .801 I l.111.Jor Bl\d . C<»1.1 • 10 mil'lul~ bct~cen 9 Jiid 10 10., m !I.if ~,, . ..,, 4 I~ 1010 · urd.>'r Ftl'C .1dm1>S<On • Diedrich Corr<'!.' .md Espreuo B.ar 4N l 1-111 ~r . Co,1.1t-l1~. 6-'b·OHl 8 B.lcl. 8.ly CJfo 11J1 OJ• I. tt.1v 01 l':t'\\· f>l1<1 IJC'Jlh ')j8 1)\j) " LhJltf\ hrlJl'ldl lx'nt·li11ng lht• (\'>Ill. f1br•1>1) rountl.tltllfl "' • Or.1ni;e Covnt), "'" he twld lrom 1U .1 m no.>n SJturd.I) All gu•»I\ art' l'IXUUIJ~1·d to \H •• l~•t p.11Jrn.lS 11\l <>• ruh•• l!ncl •l•1>- .pt-rl Ti<l.cts )1'> SlO • 8.Jlbo.i 8.>y Club 1~.n \\ a-~~ i.'"". t\l-.,•llOrt Bt;icl llSb IS'it; lt:t• N<'"p..rt 0l';Kh 8r.ln( h of tilt• .\111t·1 n I ~rt \• • vt< l'llion 1S ,~,n,; 11\ fi11.h Jn•twl 'C.- ld1<tl\' Lun<l.l " .u 11 •O ,, n1 hlii.I) • Cr)'Sl.11 Court DNr \Hui .inti ul'llM\Cf A\('nuc. CCJ'ot.\ \\t').'I, 4Jl·21'i0 "1'1'11 Sp11ni; C.VJ1•11 Show" all11W\ ~oo 10 m11'1i;I\• ~11h \.lflOO\ g.11~lcn doll\, \Ill 1t'I~ cc1m p.1111~ ilnd nur.,N•l.~ J\ thl')' d1,pl.1y lht" I.it ~ Jnd IJlO..t un111uc 111 Ill\ in hoclK ultur1..• 10 J m ·5 pm SJ1urd.i~ Jl'l,l 11 J m ·S p '!' Mond.1~ • ruhlon Isl.and Nl'\\fl'NI ( ('flll'f D• \l'. lll1tl\~ Pac•loc;. C11.1>1 I li,.;ti" .1) "cwport Bc.ich. 721·2(X)() £.l\ll'f .1C-h\1loM lot ch1I· dtl·n be-gin JI 1 1> m lluul.ly '" 1tw Bro.lJ\ .. Jy"~ court f rtT .idm1. 1"1 f ,, IN . Chno Choo lrJ1n" pholf'I\ 1.l~ln \\Ith C.h· ll'' l:lunny 1hrwbh At"•' 111 • Nr\\port Buth Pul>loc libr.al) '>l.lll· nc" Br.>nch .!C,O'i P.J\t-r Or "'"'P"" HCJc Ii, ()44 JI J 'i A . I unny M.lj;>(' .. J»O w.1m frw fom1lv .1utf•(·n• l"\ ll'.lllmng mJ~•· t1.tn ltlt MJrt1n \\tit I~ pn">c·nlt'tf m tl «' \ 1nct• lorgrn\Cn Crntt·r ,1i11·'1C'll•I to 1h • It •D11•drkh ~orrrr 11101 Jc1mboree R1>.1J, "'"'·pori Bt'.lch. Ill' q 141 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • Gr.ifrep Coffee .11 "t 'lion N.lflh Ccn ter fl "'" ll\t•nuc Ix l\\t'~" Camt:ILl..ck ~111 ll .ir I ,li,\.1< ".tlhur tl<ll.lle-Jrtl. 644 UJllJ • Kl.'lly'> Corre,,. and Fucli;t f.at lory !()<) The Finest Japanese Dining Experience r.1lm ~I Suitt• lj H.tlhoJ, -n 07911 SUSHI BAl • PIJVATE DINING 100\tS • ~ IOOM • Midnilo hpmrn 101 D MJrn St . 1 IUll· TEPPAN ROOM • TATMtl ROOM t COCKTAIL LOUNGE lln)\ton Ot•.n h •Muddy') C0Ht•1• lfou)t 11-s B.11.1•1 SI , Restaurant n· --kawa ~_. .. tTMJ Mn;i. 5~,·non tt1H .. ---~--a .. m1t-:_,il •Rod N'"J.1\J 1-4q Nt'\\pott Oh.ti, r-;,,,p.trl 8c.Kli. t.SU 44'JO Tokyo • l06 Angt-lt'S • ~n!.1 1111.l • Sl.irbud.'s Cofrec Co. 2801 E P.1e1fie ("'"'I l•1:h ..... 1~ (011>11.1ck:l1-~r • "'" lr1r)1h C1ltlJr1t' Coll-------- 1611 SunOower Ave., Bldg. E, Santa Ana (71 4 ) 557·2531 SOUTH COAST PLAZA VILLAGE 3 minutes to Performing A.rts Center Also tn UTILE TOKYO t 111 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles CA (2131 680-9355 1 .. ,111 u1H:nl .\ ! • 1 1 J . .ti. " ' I I 1( • I I '1, ( • ' ' f ,, \I I ~ 1 '.1 ''(,"ti !11'.1 h ) I tll pp l'h"t 1· ;1 .l•I 1 • • Dt1rnl•r J l Vill.1 NO\.l °'I rd '• •'P"'I t t,, ,.,, J,1,11 t"11 I fj\,Jh in ICJ11111l ,uut Utt •• h.. 1 1.ttu,11 r "\:t'\'I> ut Ht .. h h I r I ~ ,,,, A.f.1 r -;•1 1'•.'~ I~ .11 t.. ii I 1Jtl•I "' \ 111,1 S.!ll f"I' • (01nmu111I~ .\d\IXJC)' Dinm•r "pr1I 1 ·, 11 ( I " ( I d ·\Im• l' ( 1 ,I ul ti( <f,,. ••• J ' ... , .• \\.111.111 u .. 11:1· .... n Jt ll' \11•1,d I I '.t·>\1••<! l!t-J.ll s:.<1 (Ip f"hUll(' •(11\ ,. r, I • rtulh.ir tlllJflll HOU)(" ol 0(•\ti;n AIJrt' I -\l,t\ 1 (, 10 .1 Ill I " , p m ( )t I' lll I .11111 .. 1111 '-•11 tl't\ ,md A'>IO lt11H < .11t• .11·1 • hut·•, buu11qut• n1u-..1l ,tt ( •l'-I L.t ( Ut'\l,t I \l)lttt I till, ( l,1"" .11 I ll<".11.ll' (,Illy lhw ... l.1~\l117J1pn1 Sllopp SU pp Now Serving ... Pre-Theatre Dinner between 5:00-7:00pm • Four Cou~ CJOurmet Dinner • Price S22 per person South Coast Plau • Cosia\t~ • (714) 54().3840 1Nfox1 to Miy Co) MONDAY NIGHT Family Special SU~DAV NIGHT SP£CIAL-CRICDN, &IU A lllSUT DINNEI '695 1; BBQ Chicli.tn. BBQ Sp•~ R1bt & flmket of ~ .. ( lorlud"' 81 .... d Pot1to, Batu. r.orn on Cob & f.ot.. • i.., er~rd from 5:00 p.m. -lt1r.\\a1r·:::g~~ '/.;:rh K1·,or1 Please join us on Sunday, April 1 i for our fabulous Easter Brunch in Cielo Mare. the ~ .:ifi<.: Ballroom or our outdoor patio. Experie1 ce the finest in California Cui ine as you are entertained by .. \trollm~ violinist . the Eai;ter Runny tmd our o wn pecial "magi~"· .. (II l \.j\ Brunch will be served from 10:00 n.m . Fore. t1re $29. 95 for adults. $13. 9.S for children. 1714 Plaeentla (at 17th) Cos .. Me8a For reservations call 714-960-7873 12 Orange Coast Week~nd I ~urs<;tay, April 1, 1~ , .. ······················~···························· ··········································••i••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·!· •••••••••••• -. •••••• • ! p ,,. S.iturli>y • Or Jn l' Co.>\! College 1701 I .l "te\\. , .~.i /I.I '\..l 4 Jl SKoO OCC') r-,,r A 1 cue.Jn StuJ.. nt Org.inru1ion \\1U • ts ihuJ ;anouJI r,'" \\v.v .. from M ~turJJy .anJ Sund.>) • Or,11i;e Counly M.irl.e l Pl.itt' ·,n th•• • irl ni: lot .11 the 0Jn\;C Count)' f • ~ .. J,, 100 f ,lit Orl\t', Lo·.tJ Mt•w, • ? 3 u.,. to ThO\l'>.lll<h or ·•tCm\ vn wleo ill :ne \•c.·i.cnd, OP''ll·J1r )"JP m1..'i.'I Adm1s· 1. r SO c t•nl\ 1c.h11Jrt>n und..-r 12 free I • l'bnct ltollt~ood Jt S<JUth (t>J\I Pl.u.i , ,. Suntlc>\,er Jnd BNr ~r~. S-.lntJ 1 1):'-0SOO D1spl.1v of nwn\l>rJbrl J 1 ' 11 ,. tlJw< m<>ll(.n ptcture • I he \\ •l· rJ (II Ol ' on "•l'W ti rough M.iv .along ,, • pum.in~nt collcdo0n ol Wm 'l\' .1111 • \\ ... 1chff l"l.u.i .ll nonhe.1st corr·~ of Ir A•enuc .and 17th Str~I. 'Ne\•port t..-t>.10·2968. f.J)lt'r Bunny ~rt-olds Ei ·~· cfa-er 11 .am ·2 pm S.uurli>y .... tul d t" r .in h.•\e lht-1r poclure t.iken "-•lh the [.U: r Dunny .tnd recei•e good ... :;· -.ill • 4 dl.l•st' • \\1ld \\esl Bridie Oub .lt It""•~ Com· '• Lrntcr ol Of.an~ Counf), HO o.i~tt ~t (())l.i t.~. ~9S·ll03 CJ'°" ~1'.":d .11 ~ JO pm. 1he fO\.lrth Silt1.111i>t oi ll'llt. 8 \\ 1n(!stfl.e11 .11 the Amt'f~dn ll');.IOI\ t • I 15th St 8.1lbo.l Pt•ntnwl.i, SSS· 1 -" t.53·6.I 17 "\.\'i,.httlrr~:· .i .... :1.11l1nit ~rwp. mct'U \he M."<ond .1nd th ,\\onJ.i) ol c~t\ month OAM ! I l \I I\ \l ..., ,\ "°'IJ>H T \l l l '-1 • S.i~du~t tesliv.il ;aloni: L.1i;unJ C.inw~ Ru.1J north vi f0t~ A\l'nue. l.igurl.l lk·.ith, .l•J-l·JOJP l hl' .second .lnnuJI l.1 • t ti-Tim" Cell.ar~ 150 ~ St., Cost.l '10.1 6S0·84&) T.a~.n~ Ol new v.1nes frum new and old v.incries fe.itured l -7 p m Thu™1.l~ New wine arr~.als tasted 3 8 p m Frid.I)"> ~t urd.ly V\ incry T ast1ngs • 1 6 p rn .. L1l>r.iry T .J)tongs, .i ch.Ince to t-™e r.irt• .1nd uldl·r \lntJI)~. presented 3-7 pm \\ l'C.ln4."\(.f.lY\ • Nc"porl Be.ach Public L1br.iry "C\•pol'I , Center Br.inch. 8S~ Siln Clemente Drive, """port Be.:ith. 644-3135 Bears .and other l.J\f)(1tc siuffcd .in1m.lls. along v. ith tlw1r I· tu & ) c.ir old p.ll.lm.l·cl.ld bUdd1es. gun.i Bc.1ch Art\\JI~ \"11 t.il..e plJ<l' rrum Jrt' t0\tl4.'C.i to P.i1.1ma Storyt1mc" at 7 • 8Jllroom 0,1ncing. 61 O W 1 llth )t , 1) JO .i m 5 p m S.11 111.n I 1cl-ct\ S.10 pm MondJ)'\ thruui;h Apnl 19 Fret> ad· tw--+.-,,,.....~.,~ • .--4&~•~•~~~~ .. .-...~~~~~dl~l~~'•~O~H~•~>~·L~·uil~~·~l~•~~·~ .. ~·~~~~~~~~-------~.-mLlll_•_WJ!. • Ba lho<A C lli~, ENJOY AUTHENTIC RANCHO CUISINE -Gourmet Salads ~ -Chilled Fresh Seafood ·: • Whole Roasted Suckling Pig • Fresh Mexican Pastries • Build Yow Own Omelette All YOU CAN EAT ONLY $109s ChM-en urtdw· 10 FRIE MUSIC Cla!>sical, Opera & Traditional Ten Prime Rib Dinners StartiI1g Fi:oIQ Just $1095? ( ow TI~tfs Son1ething To Shout Abou~.) Prime Rih dinne~ ~ui' ''a' \ou lik(' them~ Uke .\IJ.,ou· C3n-Eat Prime Rib. Prime Rib and Scampi. fa en Prime Rib and Australian l.orn.ter Tail. .\nd all at spt'Clal limited-time pricLis. \o \\ondcr ,,e·rr :~oundin~ off c~ BROWNS· ~TEAKI K Sl Hundn~on Beach • liil-{'l()()l ewpo11 Beach • 6 .,5·59 lO ll loc·.tuon~ Se"in~ Southern California. Refer 10 'our 'ello" PaRe~ for/ • the Locauoo \c-~ You Orahge Coast Weekend I Thursday, April 1, 1993 13 ( • ...., • -· • \ -. .. ; .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• &• . . . ......................................... -......... . ·····~···························~·········~····· S2<> • P.iiufic S)mphony Orche>lrJ .11 Or.inge l ounh l'l•r for min~ Arb C l'IHl'r (,( rO TO\\ n ll·ntl·r Drnl' L1 .. t.1 ''l''J )it. .._RIS \tu~" u1•l·,10r <..111 ')t Cl.111 11 1th th,· P~O 111 (.l.1"''' C.\1m l'lt .11 fl ti n .;t·1 l'rngr.un 1ndu1h•• \l1d1' t J\t'':"~'"' "' l,1 l c•f-1\l rlt•I (l,·,tirf11. ~'111,1.1~1111d , l 1 "l 1 n, <'ltn 1'.:o I 1\llh i:111·,1 t• l l,111" B•.-1 .ind l>1.1h111' '''-'l'h•·•'• '-1 ! lu1 t.,ff't\1t\\ .11; 1•111 (111 1'1 I .111,,11,., tn l.L'( I,\\ , ,, ~1·t• '!i I { ' ' • !>t. AnUrl'"'' 1'11•\li)h•ri.111 C.hur1h C.lltl >t .-\ndrt•\, .. R ! .. 1 \\~ I , l(, i.2(,2 '1\.1.!1 ,1• dJI 11th ,1 1 t•rt fll dudu1>: tht• ""'" 1 r ll.1 I \!11111't"~•' 11 JnU \,111h.1!I ",I l><· P'' t•h•I o1t fl pm \.JIUfd1t\ l It I"'! I, ' I ' I • kJm.11.urJ \. lt''>.1 I ~ l 0 'J rh rn \ I' lJ • ,) H1• \\.l,\u l~ ,~H 11 •' It ) Jltl' fl "' fr J,H ,,,,,,,,,_., '"' <1.11 \II•<' I 1t1•1 ... 11 ,\ 11,. \t11dc 11 '••l·I~·· ' .. ·~I" •I''"' .. ,,.,1 ., 10 "'''" ~" n.s • Mud10 Gu\lu j.111 H.11 ant.I l.11111 Grill 2111 l I lh ')t l• ,.1 \ll'-.c hJI 40U't Ju.in l.111t,, l~uonl"r" pl.11' T• ,,,.,.,1,1> f11 d.11'\ .inc I ~Jturcl.11' I r~l' .1dlll1\ 11111 • Pn·i.:o Ri\lu1.1nll' 11!-l.O \'un l\Jrm,m AH 11 .1111• 5 '.i I I II i. I ht• 41)) QuJrt1·1 pl.I\' 1 l.1>\0< 1.1u (, I~, 10 p 111 !>undJ\\ • Proolv Grill ill ""mth lo . .,t Phz;t, :HH ll1"t11I '' L .. ,t.1 "'"'' I , ,, 11,t, ""'!! 1.1u It .ltlllll L; \< >l1•11h 1111lu1·11ll I li1 l 111•1 font>;, l11n1 u ..... ll'll t r.11•~ ,,, .lf'J Jnd Juhnn~ \l,1!11\ Jlll'>l'lll\'d ~ Ill ll Ill p'" \\t'<.1111·:1· d.J\) f '"'·I\\ • R.inddl) ) ltutl"n (1•r1rc· Ori" S.cnl.i ~. J > ,., ·;uo '' 11..i •• 111 ... p!.11') , t• P'-''J'' IJ.'.. 11 •I I. .. ~ R.11 tll'll \uur): Jt~J thl· "''" I\ pl.I\ 1i1,,,s I I d.i... lJT1n ' p,·1h,•11.) !> •• turd.I\ 'j.1u " JI.,: "t• r h.1r ,. lta)nes ~'"!.~ Mond.>ys S.i' m.>n PJul C.ar· m.in pfJ)~ •11.i1ght Jhrld l·'ILl 1 uC)(lJ)'~ l.itrnum µ!~~) Lltin J.uL \\'1·d11c•~J)') • Red Lion Inn lllSU Arhtul !it , Co~t.i "~ L11r 'h·s b.md) · p1•1h11111 fur clJnc1ng :! 10 G p m !>.md.1) > I hl• lonl'Ufl l<>hn I {(·11uN~<1n ur1 !'.ound.i1. l•mrny .\\<.( 1>11nd ''" ... p11I 11 l 1Jt \ \\pfl, on Aprrl 18 f r.inl..' .>.mm> t •n ·\prrl 2) • J l OH•.in(ronl ::! 1 ( )\ 1'.1•llwnt "'''"pc 11t H1·.ll h I; ·s 2%6 C.1p1.1111 l.1rrlx• pl.I)\ Ir •P11 .11 1.1.:.'. .111d l'''P -l 8 1\'111 )und.11' • \\'.itwfront Hiltvn \\'l'St Co.i~t Uub .'11 111 I .. 11, l c·.r t lh1). ll1mt111i;ton lh ,,, '1 •JCO ~Uf\r H..; h.111tl "1111ul, prt• '"' ll'J ).ind.1" • \\l'>lin Suulh CoJ\I <•llh '\11to11 Bl1d, L··h', Lu .. i;•· 5-lfl • ,QO l.1.u \11tuo>0 I '" l P1111ll· pl.h \ fl"'"" Jnd "llS' ; to 11 pm :>.i:u1d,l\~ DJ1<' 11 ltkn pl.t)~ J 1.1nn (, h> IO µ 111 I ul~.ln \\ c"tlnl·xf.hS Jnd I hc..r>1l.111' Pop, Rock & Country !rNtW , at NIKI'S WEEKEND VEGI SPECLW INDIAN FOOD -The Healthy Otolce r----------r----------Bristol Store I c.omplete lunch $2.95 ~ I or Dinner ALOOPARONTHAS 1 $1 95 2 Fo.roolhaa a Small '*'gurt a .._ I • "' -OlANA BHATURAS I I 21iRmtdaliddllrmt11G1'911 11/4-Tandoort Olic::Ken a . SAMai.A QIANA I Naan, Rice & Salad L 2-.. ...... d ... •aalb}ll · ~~·WJDWUJK00- 1 1st Stred S~ I $2.95 ~ I MAS>J..A DOSA wl1h aanixlr 6 'Ulal'IUI dwn)' a -IOU SAM8AR I 2 lclll wtlh a txlllll d IGrlbit or . OlA.NA 8HATURA l bhUah '-4Gldmit nalJ1911t With c.oupon 3705S. ~ol, Santo Ano (1 bllt north al So. ax. PkuQ, nm to~) ~95 2031 E. lstSt Tustin (1 blk wmot Tustin Ave. ti.hind Cart's It) 542-2969 14 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. April 1, 1993 1 • The unnery 3010 Lafayette Ave., N~'flOl'I Beach, 675·5777. Peunanent Woody featured from 10 p.m.· 1 cl.m fn. clJ) ·SJturd.:sy. On Sunday. the uribbccln · Stet'! Drum 6and perf0<ms from noon·4 p m ,1nd lhe Ocrcl Bo1deau.. Band wtll Jll.'rlorm fmm 8 pm midnight • H.1rbor Singers at Prl>sb)tCr1an Churc.h 11f thl• lo1cnJnt rn C~ta ~'lesa. S45-01'lS ur ll'l. 0587 lhr~ lucal ~ing1ng grnup cum· pmt·d nf lS 11omcn meets 7·9·15 p.m. lur1"1l.1)' Jlld ·~ .1h1.l)\ W?d.1ng more fncm· I•<''' to >111g and clJnre clJssits from ·so, RP l"1p 111 1 tiotl·•npor.ir} ~1~ • k.11nalur.i 2[WS Irvine AH~ Cmta Mr~1 6J ~-5518 Kurt Stembed. P'·'>'S old •t'' but ~·IOC.h'S .ind m.JJl~-0f-the-1o.iu pop 8 pm m1dn1ght flidJ)S and -1·8 p.m Sun dJ)~ CJlc ~ocldJrd pl.i)~ e1c'}th1ng ftom rocl lo dri.co to d.>"1'41. to l.lU on the: IJJh) gr.and P•JOO ll p.nf:"'m1dn.ght SJhV· d.J)'~ I'\;() CIJ\t'I \I'\, t , l I ..., • Ocun h clrt<: Singlt S~ilor-s 6464005 NrnHmol.1ng sinsJt.'S g.ather ~Cl) Sund,;iy .ill 11 J m fcx. .1 Q1l 'b.irbccvt' Jnd social ~r • Optn Bridgt 45·plus 1n C<~IJ t.1n.1, 650·2320 lntt•rrlu•tlr.itt' to Jd,;incl·d rnJtlhl') 7 p m WrclnC\CJ,1)'\ (.(l,l Sl. llf(\Jlf.: • Huntlnflon Be.a<~ Pill) huu>t .ar C:1· IC'r School :? 1-1 I StrJthmo .. r lJr\' I lun~ng Ion U..-.ich, 8ll 1405 · f1·Jl11"-')l' ul tlit• Aut:u~ /'.\<JUn," a f>OS"'·" , "''""" M:t 1n 01.rnJ"-J, '"''" Ix> ptl~l'llt'd f •itl.i\i ,11\rl 5.lturd.i>') olt 8 p m lhrou"h AJN•I 1 O 19 Year EASTER TRADITION Ma ke Your R eservation Now + Champ agne )lrunch Cruise + Cannery Easter Brunch + Cannery Easter Dmner Call 675-5777 For Reservations Harbor C"'ist Boot "ls/4 Mujm1" uaving Ctmnt'1)' Dock • Historic Waterfront Restaurant t 30 J 0 Lafayette • Newport Beach • 675-57?7 Fll\I St .. S.inu MJ 1547·119971 "St,;ir on the Door,'' IM l.t).I pl.ay by prolofoe Or.l,,b-e County pl.lr"' tt~l\I Jack Stwr~('V. • bat.1'· Slitgt" comedy .Jboot 1he ups .Jnd ~nt ol show busina~. pr~nte-d Fn~>" .lnJ S.it urdJ V) through ,4.pril 24. Adm"~on, SH dinner lhl•f)lcr • Eliubtlh tfo~ard'' Curt.tin C.ill Tht · .itrr 690 Cl Can11no Rt.ii, fu,ttn. IJlll 1.5~0. Cole l'vit1·1 ' A11\lh1ng Co1K~ • rm~ pl.1v1ng Cvrt.hn hn t.:• (, JO p ~•foe ,.1.,)' lhur~J)S .>mi c..1tu1dJ\~. 1 p"' ft Ll)'S 11 10 J m ilrKI .S JO p m Suncl 111 1'11 •'i tl.lrl .11 S 19 C)~ Nightty Entertainment t A; ~ ········-.·······.··································· r I ·················~································· A lun ere~• y is not only 3 wine connoi~u r. but a sifted $C3l chef in the ~11chcn. pure ('atnip for all "'ho dig 11" nioLhot improvba1iooal !-l)le. '.\c,er one to go fonhe i.traight . •:1c Jody inhcr~nl in o ·cl:mic recipe, : • .:\ Jl\\J)'!I reaching for new 11.J, orful notes. Ile cooJ..s · .1J-lib. becaui.c he le.1rned the ba ic t.hlC·tunci. long ~ll!O. then threw .1~,J~-1 hc l.core. ~rccr.1b coming 11u1 of hi' J..11chcn :.ire :.clJom 1dcnli~a1. and tl:Jl0 ) '' hJt makes Greek) '!I Gold~n l'ruOlc !.UCh J rich 1•ld pro\OCJli'e .idJ111on to 1hc r~,1Jur.in1 scene. Grt.'cld take) Dining E~itor h1, m'pir~tion from the 1111.>rning·) lrc,h ~upplac). If rare b:ib} !.hrtmp lwm Uornco come in. the} might be broiled. shell and all, !.Cl'\cd lt\..e J \lrtng of nati'c bcad!i arountl "'c kNcr ha!( of a plate "''h an Arnoldi-looking !ltacJ.. of cri:.ply wol..cd \Cgetablcs laced \\ith fresh g1ngc;~ Foic gras muy i.tart ''ith a da.,sfc French tre:umcnt. tiut ends '"'h 1..111 • !l\\CC t·sour accent!>. H: menu, comp etc \\JI t e l.imuus alligator p:u11b. b one of th~ mo)t intc:rcsting in Oran~e (\>uni}. and there :ire ah';i); vrc:clcy cla~i~. Jrl..c J:imaic:in Jcrl.. Ch1cJ..cn Salad. h 's sci'\ cd "Jrm. ''11h a.sweet, hot pic) ):.tucc in a nc)t of chilled baby green), S6 95, :.i line intro to The Golden Truf!lc Cuisine. A round caJ..e of baJ..cd Uric tcsb on silken )heersliccs of P°"arma proscuitto, with a swarm o f roasted gJrlic buds and thin toast points 1.faubcd with pesto sauce. a rich creamy, garlicky. tastc·tflp. plenty for l\\O, Spring rolls. filled "'ith Florida stone crab, sing in the mouth with a counterpoint of puogi;nt, hot &ifU1C r \\.USabc ):JUCC. ... ~ .............................................. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For the n:d.°mc:il sd •. an agl!d Black Angus New York i.tc..il.. with Roquefort p .. 'Ppcrcorn ):.tucc 1 .. pcrf~ctly ch;irbroiku: CoforJJu . l..imb, mild and tender, get'> li'cly \\ith innOV:.\_11\C Chi:inll hor~crad1.,h au jus. De!iscTls arc beJU11ful cclebra1ions, surpri~mgl) light. u~ all mean), i.harc JI k..1st one. DclJby Spann, \\ho'i. a 'inu.Jf'flum.-.. of sel'\icc.-"111 help out ''1th · suggestions on specials. "me and dci.scn i.ckctions. Old Louis ~tnnginelli handles the catering business and b 1n charge of tbc kitchen for The Goluen Truftlc'~ c1cning meals. There's a :.tore-front look 10 1hi: tntr:ince !.oftcned by an outd1.K1r :.ids:w:.ilk CJfo unJ CU!>Cad~·, 1:7( Oo\\efs in bll)om. Indoor:.. chJ1r' and table:. arc jammed nc\t ll.I s1.1c\..cu d1,pla) case~ ::inJ "rnc bottles in ~1 fncnJI~ ca .. u.11 'ct11n):! A\\ards anJ commend..1t1l1n, h:1nl! frumc-to·frJmc irr 1h" olf·bc:it • ,,.,- Co:. ta ~te~J restaurant, tribute' w the O\\ncr. chef and "iric m.1\Cn A dreai: dinrng room b 1hc lll11) fauhv chorJ in the \\hole arr.1~gemcnl. It n;cds 1h1.1 .111cn11un of a lighting expert The wine li:.1 is l'\l'elkn1 und Greeley's knowledge of" Ille) anJ hi!> ability 10 combine the taste:. and nuances of. both "in<. nml fo.1J h;1ppy to !>l1arc his cruditton - ·re cently, he ga'\e an lmprumptu db)Crtation on thl-" inc~ l,f thi: Loire Valle}. but he·~ e4uall) 'C~ed in Chilean" mes, <.'r the • latest skinny ftom SonomJ. The Golden Trufne is unique nrnong restaurants. :ind the rc1?ulars "ho dine h~·rc know 11. They come. not ju~t for the food, "hich is fabulous and contcmpor.ary, but bcc~ui.c the) want to be around Greek• - a man of quiet modesty, in1~llect .mJ humor -"ho can tJfl. racing. poClr), food, '"ne anJ all. th.it Jail. <> . . Entrecs include mild, baked range chicken, tomfort food with l>Ophi!>ticated herb juices. Na!>!>3U Grouper, a big. gentle Hass, is filleted, and served with unexpected tangy riffs: Creole sauce turns it into voluptuous voodoo chow. I . G I 'R 0 · · · • The Golden Trufflt·. 1 -t> -an ree ey s . -f.-t-11.--,~110.~"irho..IDlilu; l!,_Q:!,;lln~:~-x~:~.3(-:,~1~~~:,~./'t(~ Outdoor p:itio. SmoJ..mg. -- y , A PUOOIA PEAK.ING J....J -Friends rcpon havina a "fantastic and incx~ve haadi" al La ...... lul week, Wltb ~Ilene •Mc:e allCI deli· dous food." No surprise lhere -J• ..... IHI to il that the plOduce ii P*• crisp and ............. ~lhCy .... , . ., ............... ,_ a... fDr 15.tS at 1969 Hanar IMI.; Coltl Mua. If you really want to be wined and dined , ~~;:~~~.c~~~':i~;:~~:::~:~J~,~~~ J.lll. b t th G Id. T ffl ' t l t d h f tu 1 p.m.: Dinner. . no one ea S e 0 en ru e S a en e C e 1'uesd;iy-S:iturtl.J) 5.JV /ti IJ 30 p1m ... Phone 646·1225. 0 DUNES PAJAMA PARTY - No need to gel the old twccdo out for this charity event. A fund· raiser for The Cptic flbcwl1 Fouadalloll will be held Saturday . Crom 10 a.m. 10 noon ac the New· cost $20 at the door. P,honc Uz port DuDtS Back 8•1 Cale. Just Polo at 938·1393. roll ou,t of bed, act into some pa· O . jamas and/or a robe and slippers, CORONA CAFE IN CQM and head for tho party. Brunch, Stu4'o Cate in Corona del Mar· pr~cs and a Saks fashion show . has become the Cotoaa C.k. are all on the ~ny menu. Tickets Owner Lan7 Cne hung onto the Tastings and Ti d ~it 1 I place after all, and has ma~agcr Marco Calderon on deck to o'er· sec the restaurant and its new menu concept. Mexican meals and $Ilsa music ate m store for this major kx:ntion. A look at the menu shows a wide r-.ingc of treats ia itore for-dincn ~1th prices in \he moderate range. Cal· dcron says the ~htimp-stufled jalapcnos and ctl\'icho-tostados arc tenif'ac. At 3201· E. COS,U. Hwy., pbaac 675-1515. t Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. April 1, 1993 1 s. - • ( \. • 16 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, Apr111 , 1993 ,. Chin'ese Food . For Thought v -. RESTAURANT > COMBINATION PLATE -FRIED'·RICE OR CHOW-MEIN WITH # 1 lte111 ......... $2.99 2 ltems ... ! ••• $3.99 1 , --. ~ .---... 3 · ltems ....... $4.99 . '-·~~ . ' important: That is ~why we are do.natfng · 2% of our gross income to the Newport Mesa Unified School District. --' Chi1-1a Doll ' 171h St 424 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa l °''"Q. Voll . 722 -7552 i . Houri.~ -Thur1. llan-Q~ frl & Sat llam· ()pn i < ·t .- 1- ..__,...,........,,........_.....,,.,..~....._._ ----~-___,_._.......~ • •