HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-12 - Orange Coast Pilot·THE NEWPORT BEACH • eOSTAMESA Putty cloudy and a little cooler today. Highs in the lower 60s, lows around SO. Clearing again and warmer Tue day. See Weather, A2 Massage parlors' attorney petiti_,ns tor court order ..,.. Law yer hopes to force city counc il to allow businesses to stay open . By Tony Oodero Sl.a1f W111f NEWPORT BEACH All promised, the auornc) reprc~ent· 1ng two massage 'parlurs. "ho were denied permi ts IJ'>t month, has filed legal paperi. seeking a court order that '' 111 force the City Council to let them M.i) 1n bu iness. "The Ctty Coun· Gro\C~... ~:11d Co..incilm;.in John Hedge But ~bwr CIJrcnce Turner \O"td to ~t•.tnd h the council's dec1s1on. · ·1 '>'ill put (onh my be:,t effort to comince the C11~ Coun ii 11.> do "'h.ite,er I) ncce~'ll" to m;.i1n1:11n our poi.Ilion in 1h1•; mJllcr," he said Robin Flo~. J' 1,tant Cll) <ll· torne~ .. ~11J ll "a' too soon 10 comment on G1oq:', action "\\ e "111 prcpJre a re~pon!>e," )ht: '>Jld. Gru'c: 11tc:J :he rc:4ue~t ior the c.ourt ore.e r 1n cil and the Pl:in· ning Commission didn't know what the hell they were doing," allorne) George Grove s~11d ·'Those a p- plications for u c pe rmits should have been grant· ed." 'The City Council and the Plann ing Commission didn 't know what the hell they were doing.' SJnt:.i Ana Sup.:nor · Cl.1,.n l n Th.ind:.t) along "11h a ho .. 1 of charge... includ· mg d 'cnm1na11on G~0'-: alleges th~t ·masi.age p:irlors "uh 1der11.:al h1s· tone' "'·ere granted -GfOR6E GROvt perm to. "hile h1 attorney cl1en1' "'ere de· n1ed Denny Krone, who describes himself as an artist, philosopher, h umor~t, poet and innovator, sits outside his art studio trailer. Co un cil and planning commill· r u rt her r.1 0 re Gro'e SJ1d he plan' to I l\\U more l.i"-\Ult'I Ont: rcyue'>ting monetall dam:i~e' .snJ 1he other wntend;ng the -it) ' ma~'::igc p:u· lor ordinan\e 1~ un~(1nstitut1onal Consideri~g cows, cons and Clinton M onday mu)ings "hile wondering \\hat Jt \\Ould be like to be packing un Honorary Sheriffs badge ... • Newport resident M1 hael McCullough wanted to have a fiberglass cow in his front )nrd. Some oC his neighbors didn't like it, so his homeo"ners association ordered it removed. What did McCullough do? He sold his house at n lo s, grabbed the cow and relocated. .Th:u's what you call an udder · dedication to principle ... •Myself, I would Editor's notebook have kept the lllii------house, ditched rhe bovine and installed. n flock of plastic pink namingos ... • Sid Soffer would do the same. E:<cept his pink namingos would be alive ••• • Speaking of Soffer. I finolly saw his fabled Costa Mesa home the other day. Doesn't bother me a bit. What bugs me -and what should bug re idents of Costa Mesa -is the fact that the city h s spent about a qunrter·million dollars in an unsucccssf ul attempt to make a guy mow his lnwn ... •The accountant who allegedly pilfered $1 50,000 from Hoaa Hospital prob.ably couldn't act a game or pri on bridac with such heavy hitters ai. Stephco Wagner and Bob Dixon, who arossed nearly $4 million and S 1.8 million, respectively . • . •Speaking of Wasner, attorney Ptiul Meyer refuses 10 talk to the media because he uys that coveraae ha~ been biased. If he would ever aalk to us, maybe he could exP,lain what ho means •.. • Embeule. Steal. Swindle. Swipe. Misappropriate. Dambootle. Cheat. SM RYAN,._"" \ I P·ortrait of the Artist Business Monday .. sion members voted to deny per- mits to both the Narita Accupres·· sure Spa and Inte rnational Spa, contending that the bus1nes~es "ere just fronts for prostitution The city officials based the de· n1als on pohce report!> that de· wi led le"d se'<ual act!> that oc· cu rred at the t"o mass.ige parlur'> Police ha\e chroni led ')C\.er:il prostitution arrest~ at both nias- ll:lgc parlor But Gro"e \a1d ..,,., d.l.t"nt' 1\)01.; o'er the bus1ncs:.i:s after the ar- rests were mJde and the\ ha'e no connecuon to the prC\IOU) 1nc1· dent!>. Reacuon to Gn.i\e's kgal Jcuon "ai. mi\ed. "I ha\e no comment for the Iii.es of omeonc such as George ='-t"~rt Ur.;J h once rc-.ordcd more than ~u mJ'':s;e p.irl r~ tn the Cit\,''' th n1an~ ot them oper· Jlln£ J'> frOnl for pm ll!Ut l n, 1.11\ oli1C1Jb ,3, To 1..rad. do~n on thar, an ord1 nan e "a' crallcd lhJt require 'TI:l)':I e onc:r:.itor' to be hc-en,td Also upcr tor' mu'l unJugo po 11.:e bl<:k r und 1.hed,, h.:f1 H pc:rm1l't arc.bran.t<:J :"I.earl\ ~' pc:rnut' h:l\t b c:n grJn11.J '• 1.t the o~din:rn~c took etk t J \CJ1 Jl!ll !), t:u onh N:i· nu A-. cu pr~' ~re !)1 J :ind 1 tie 10· ternat1vr.il "Ir t hah 1 .~n denied Back Bay Rowing & Running Club serves up a rapid remodelinil ..,.. South Coast Plaza restaurant plans two-day renovation. So far, it's business as usual. By Tony Cox Busintss E~or SOUTH COAST Pl.AZ.A -If you go out to cal next Saturday at the Back Bay Rowing & Running Club and then pop back into the popular mall restaurant, say, the following Tuesday, you might feel like )OU 10011. a wrong turn 11 the carousel . That's because in ju)t l\lt O da) , a major remodeling projec1 "111 be complc\ed at Back Bay. Inspired by the 48-hour rebuilding la~t year of a Taco Bell entery in riot·torn Los Angeles, Back Bay's owner, Hal Ro)()ff, decided 1hat in redesigning hi restaurant for 1he first time since 1t opened in 1979, he could do the job with minimal disruption of his bu ines When Rosoff negotiated fo r a 10-ycar lease extension last fall, mall official!> Cannery Restaurant cashes in on new ATM's convenience Machine doles out.cash vouchers1to c~stomers. By Tony Cox 8uslnlu E_,, BALBOA PENINSUU -Restaurateur Dill Hamilton, seeking to make it as easy as pos.siblc for his customers to spend money, has installed a new automated-teller machine al the Cannery Res1au· rant that dispenses vouchers rather than cash. The new A TM, developed by a Colorado company, Firsl Nadonal ATM, dispenses vouchers in increments as little as $.5. The vouchers can be used to purchllSC' merchondise at the businesses where the A TMs are instaJlcd, and in the Cannery's case, Hamilton will give customers change in cash from voucher purchases and will exchange the certificates for cash if necessary. "We don't want to be a bnnk," Hamilton said. "Our purpose is to 'I kttad provide money for people to spend in the re taurant, but if someone is in a pinch, we will do it." Customers use the new machines like tandard A TMs. Their accounts arc debited instantly, and transaction charges, if their banks iinpose any, are · the same as those at caslMJispensin1 A TMs. )uggcstcd that he freshen up the re i.taurant ' boat-house-themed design Fond of Back Ba>') colkg1ate tool.. but recognizing the need to update the re!ltaurant') de 1gn. equipment and furni hing!>, he didn't argue. Ho"e'er, he ''a n't about to undertale the l\p1cal remodeling tr:lleg) of b.irn..:ading hi re tlurant for lour \\Cd !> or more during con trucuon "We 're open JU't h!..e ''e \C atw.1~ been." Ro-.oCf said "\Ve h;i .. cn't changed our hour The uni~ucne" of Julie Mamath uses the voucher ATM 1t the C•nnery. the \\l) "e're doing th1' male' il the most C~Clll0£ thing I' ' t\er I.. Ille .. Ha11.h Oe..,1gn Group di:"~ncd the "m1d·)L'<·f1gure, .. r~m,iod ~ ot l.h-.k Ba~. In order 1.., n-11 mm: d1,rup11on of the restau~ant'-. uper;.it11'n">, m:in) element'> uf U.i .. k"Ba~ ·, nc"\' 10\ k, ,u,h a'> tie front b .. aJc: J lh.\\ 1.a"h1 r' tat1on and J new 't:f'\1 c 't.Jt1on "'ere built llll pre'll1'1.' a r, J~' I m and 111,t;.illeJ at night. ~tu~h ot the \\O:k, 1ncluJ1ng 'ed1on b\ ,C', 11on IO!>tZJllauon See REST AURA T adl hge tnslde oa,,ntO\\n Ba bO. I\ tht> hot top1(:'. 01 the ~t· 'fX'rl Jl • h. ~1, lAA 'fOUf' I .uch1tt•ct-. WI d1\CU't~ lht'1r 1dt•a 10. 1 renO\JlE' the • ' • MJM8ERS TO CAll l IRCl.JLo\ T 10~ 642·433 3 .. <...LASSlf l(O b42-56 8 RETAIL Abe, 540· 1224 646·41 ;o u42·43 lO • . of like to do things like that, to :~up At least one other local restaurant -the Red Robia Burgen. & Spirits Emporium in Ce»ta Mesa -already has one of the new A TMs, which accept bank cards or credit cards. Hamilton in tailed his machine last Wednesday. He aaid he expects the ATM, which ls localtd near the Cannery's upstairs bar, to be moat popular amona youna cu tomera, especially thoee who don't ha~ crcdil card . He said that at SS.~ his ma· chine is chear.er and smaller than • standard A TM, and il doc$I\ t require the security or technical e..· pcrtiac of havina a ca.ta-filled machine. prov;de ronvcnicnet for cu 1omcD In adJ11ion. he ~1J, \\'hen cu'I· tomen \&Se a voucher insttaJ of a credit card. 11 ~•II ~"'e ht tm· ptoyces time, and it "'111 Sl\C the re 1auran1 1hc 2.5 pcr\;c nl SCt'\1ce c:harae it peys on cred1t·card puri.:ha\C "I kind Of hkc to d6 1h1np Hkc that. to tay up v.11h technol\l ," Al A4 .. BS A1 BS Al technol- ogy.• -Ill -.111 1 Hamilton expects the A TM lo alimulate aa1t.a and Hamilton said. . However, Hamilton satd he·u hold off on in 1alhn1 one of the mechincs at hit Other raaaurant, Malarkey's lri h Pub, until he e~ how it worb at the Cannery. "It's a e"'t'Y expenlive machine," ho uid. ••1 c:an't put them 1n will)'·nillj.' • ty.. •.• •..•••• ....... AS ~················· ......... 11 c .... c •••• n1~~·-.. ~,,., ,,...,. .. ,.. .. ...,..~ • ' • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . . . • • • • .. • : • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • t • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • . . . • • • • . • • • Aa Mond8y, Apftl 12. 1983 Drawing a blank on what's owed to beloved I RS T he onl> time 1mp<1'Crl:)hcd "utter~ mumph ~ Apnl 15, hen they don't have 10 p.1} an} income 1u.·A ut\C) ot the .vcragc v.ruer's earning .. hould put off .bF t .ng ~t1bc> .\uthor .. p .. btt;)hc<l occ -.il)n:illy clc.:.sr foe br.:i,.J .:t )'t::tr, ju>t enough to c~·er ceturn po>t~gc on unsolicited manuscnpt>. ~rcen.,.ri:er~ flourish one ~e:tr anJ arc broke the ne.tt fhe Poet~ ti~e one sqnnet awa\ from ' banli..n.ptcy0 The number of nch columnhb .... oclJ fit on the head l)f a arpct tack. .\fan> ""nters are forced into learning nev. s~ll> -hkc c•ttnlllg 3 h>"ng. Writing is the only , commodit) that d\)Csn't ba:loon up "Aitb inllation. -----. Fovd. rem, blue jeans - 59 and Holding e .. eC)thing :us but pro:i.e \\ orc:i. ,0-.1 the i.ame tl.lu..t~ J> they d1J JccaJes ago - e\en n~'.Ao ..,...z.z v.orJ:i. ti .. e . r.:in, .,.rich U)ed tu~ hnl.cJ \\ith .a fOVl c~~.i. :--=o ... 11 1gmf1cs a ti' bite. E-.c:;. ~e.H I attempt to e,p!;.un my prct:i~1u ... :i. 1r..1jc :0 .:t m.:.an "'ho )peCl~!.ze:i. in d i • .ar ~:-:.! ')C"'c the account:rnt ,,..ho figure; our 1 .omc Iii\ ~to:i.t of h1.> clients ;ire a cro:i.:i. ')ec11un oi corpvrall\C Amcr11..a, agile as :.icrJb.ih 111 ~:ntr'):aulting thco .. gh luopholes . \\.ere h1:i. or.I:-cu:i.tomer:i. ""ho don't c.irn eno1..~h for ..t t;u shelter the '>•lC of ... bird h..11..,c. Ho,..e~cr, v.11h the propo .. c<l So-.:1al Se~will) tJ..\ IO"-tred to 30 gr~rnd, Y.e might be ab.e to sh.:trc the pain and :main a g unmer of f1> .. al re.,p.:c1.:ib1lit) . ~I> prtnup.il concern th1:i. ~e:n 1> tu~)ling "'•th the ru • ..:, n Lii.\'. ded\lCllon> for home ollzce~ Thi') ') a pcninent h:i.ue for thousand> ot .. cn1or entrepreneur~ l.1ua1..h1ng >ccond career:, from 1hc1r dining room cable:). \\h9c,er cunco..ts those amb1guou) guideline:i. fvr Iii\ allo·Aan:es has surp:is:i.ed him elf this )C.ir To qu;.il1f> as a home ufllce. the de')1gneJ room c:.1n'1 h<nt! Jn>thtng in at th:.11 i.,n't s1r1cll) busmc>s ThJL chman~tcs recunecs. Hub Hoops. dogs. pt..pcorn machines. sun I.imp> -or a mott'er-1n-l.tw ln1111ng in the 'or11cr. Ii 1 ou'rc a ps)choJnJl:>t \l u're permllll!J a couch A small concC'>'>lvn 1.-, m;sJe fo~ tho:i.c short on spJ'-e It 1)n'1 nccc))JC) 10 ~t aside a scpar.,1e room '\) long as )Our Y.Or~ are..t 1~ sep:H..atcd b) .i ~ar1111on or Jlcu\le. So doubt this ~h1elJs ~ou frori fmolou .. d1)tra1..tivn) 1 Y.ondcr fa "':ilk-in cl lSCt Y.Ould pass mu .. rer? Sinc.e a v.n1er s of11cc: 1> 1n h1) hc:id, l could communicate v.1th the ~tusc m1rut )hoe bag>, du~t b.11h and clothes h..1r.gers In fa::t , 1t might be m0re ~erene th..tn m; rumpled beJroom that scr'\e) as a part·time think tank. Table'> spill 0\ er Y. tth clipping'>, m;.ig ... 21ncs anJ .. uflee dip'> The tiling cabinet I'> ..an cff1-.1ent"" '>Olut1on for th11g) I C;.in't s'iucezc in m~ drei.')er. I file girdle!. under G n1ght1cs under N, and W 1., for v.hJ4not~. It'd OC\Cf p;.ii.~ ;in !}{~ tmpc. ... ttoti ~ ~I) h~i.b .. r.J 8111'; h.:is '>el up his draY.tng t01hlc.: ;ind Lru he'> in a '>unn) c.:urnc:r of our l:.irgc klllhc:n. v.h1ch he CU\CI> for the light a~ v.ell :i., JCCc,-,1bil1t~ to h1-. doughnut addiction Tr) 40uld o.ibo flunk :.t> an ofl1ce, e'en 1f I put J .,11;er·fr01 mcd picture of his v.ifc and k1Jd10 on the table \\ c can onl)' hope our modc')t income v. n't run up an) red fl.sg' on the l<U computer inu1.:tt1ng an 1Mpcction by go•crnmcnt agents !inooping tor unorthodox y.,urk pl.ices . \uncy ,\/dnt)rt is a reitidcnl of LD1ua11 ,\1gu~J. VOL. 87, NO •. 87 Lo ca I I ----------------..-·-···········-··-······-··-·-··-····-·········-..... -· ..... ·--···-··· . __ _.......... --.-····.-·-··--···· ........................................................... . I ..... ·--··· .................................. u .......................... . Piiot People Pdui Kiiu;.., '----------------... ·· ............. ·--·--·--· .. --··-·--""""""' ................. ----·--· - IE II ............................................. A 10-)ear r~1Jenl oI ~ewport Sele~ C"UrrcritJ), Ji\.11tg an Miss.ion.Viejo, he climbed the corpc.mitc ladder for 15 \CU11 until be C3mc to the conclusion that h3ppincSll ~as more imporunt than a stead) job. Luckil) he found he could do both by crc:iting cuckoo clock The e untradition'-11 clocks arc currcnll) being cxhib1red :ir the Gregory Gallery on \" 1a Lido. ... , .•........ , ........ ············································ .. A> 'ice president of sales in a n:nional store fixture company, m) per!)tStf!'nCe and confidence were strong • enough to win the largest national a.:.:ounts," KJJuk said. '·But, I "as m1)51ng somctfiing." . , . .. I'll '-'Ork hundreds of hours on a piece :lnd go to any expense until I feel :e's complete." Then, he sili back and ~r1jO)~ their reactions when .1hey ace all :he mo\'able pieces come altvc for tbl first time . AU• A_,. .._'i ································· .... Fl~~ii~~·~·h~·-rlgh~ .. ;itle rakes lime. - "It's a pl:ly on \\Otds," he said. Lunch Time i a clock that sho"s a Santa Fe scene "'here cO)otes chase rabbits; Current Time is an ocean scene where fish S\\1m in coral reefs. A biplane Oles \\itb eagulls in Time flies a~d a~t cnjO)'S p:uadise with n.11 the birds m Cuckoo Kitty. _ Unul they're sold. Kiluk stores the clocks at home. While 'isiting an art gaJJer; wuh his brnther. he got goose bump:.. "M y brother s:iid, that is the artist 1n me tr;1ng 10 get out," KJ luk said. Fnends then decided to help his amsttc side express itself. So, Paul took on the project and crea ted h1 first piece of an. "They 111.cd 1t, they '"ent cral) O\er 1t," he ~id. "The ticking and cuckoos are music to me" he said. "I've had seven operating at the ~me ~1me. But, "hen the) lea'e the house it's dead silent and J get very uncomfortable. It's my c3fl to make more.'' BITS AND PIECES "I SIUCk \\Hh cuckoo clod..s beCJU)C it's funcuonal art; 1t mo,cs," he said "There's no lsm11at1ons on \\h3t )OU can do ''uh J cuckoo clcx:k and no one el e ~pe~1ahze m u · In the future. Kiluk pl:ins to exp:ind by crcJting custom docks for bu inesscs. • J ntend to be 1hc mo:it famous cuckoo-clock m::iker in the: \\\irlJ " he .ud A fnend gJ\C ham a broken cuckoo doc~ he bought at the s~ap meet. Looking into the bag of bits and pieces. his "ife told ham rhere "as 'no ''.:i~ • he co~ld bnng it into the house And hLS be ther. as :in artist, refused to paint u. !>ance then his pieces h.i"e sold \.\OrlJ\\ide. "Cucl.oo clocks are a big hit in Europe "'here collect mg them 1s commonplJ e ... "I find it \Cr) re1,1,arding to u .'! m' ~l'ent' ideas. tho ughls :inJ de')m!' to create ..1 dock designed jtJst ft1r them. · -~tury bJ A.rl)S Fmi1, photo by Marc Martin If )'l>U J.no~' 'omeonc who would mDke an mrert•:i.tmg Piiot Person. c:Jll our Readers' Hur/in: Jr {H~-60b6. Remember to leave you r namt.• .md phone number. Thanks! ·1 didn't \\ant to hurt my f ncnd's fechngs. ' Kiluk said. "I. had to do something \\Ith the gift." Cityside I· .. ::.::: .... ::::::::::::::~:.:::::::::· ·::::: :~ ::::: :: :::::: :: ::: : :: : ::: : ::::: :: : : ::: : : :: : ::: :: : : ::: : :::: :: ::: : :: ::::: :::::::: ::.:. :::::: ::: :::::::·~·:::·:: ::: :::::. :: .... :::: :::: .:::: ... .. ... 0 , •• The Balboa Fun Zone area may gel a new look after architects re\eal their recommendation for the do\\nto\\n area • . Architects to unveil their . vision · of improved downtown Balboa T he future of downtoY.n D.1lbo.J could be umeilcd tonight as a 1c..im of architect> arc set to present the City Council "1th their "i ion of .... h.:u that aging section of tO\\n ~hould IOOJ.. II. T.itc American l nst11ute of Architect:>' Regional Urban Design Ai.sl)tancc Team or RUDAT spent a recent threc-dJ) '"ccl..cnd here gt\.ing advice to cit) officials on how Balboa can be 1mpro .. cd. Filled with att racuons lile the Fun Zone, Balboa Pier. Pa\1hon an.d ferl"). lhe area has long been a pnme destination for tourists. But problems such as nightmarish traff 1c and !act.. of 11>arking have pro,ed to erode the business climate. Better street landscaping, improved Weather traffic :ind pede!ttriJn no\\. pJr"1ng structure> and more etf1c1en1 IJnJ u~c Jre J~t ome of the uggcs1ion., the RUDA I architect \\>Ill male MondJ) "I'm really excited," ~aid Councilman John Hedge:., the chair of the cit} 's central Balboa committee. "I think the' are going to ha'c some re.JI~ gooJ iJe~~ to pre~ent." • Add111onJlly, C11> Man.1gcr )..e' 1n Murphy Y.ill request the council to apprO\c the go ahead of Jn e ngineering feas1b1ht> study to consider the cre;.i11on of an a>~essment district ta>. to help the Ne"port Conset\anc) purchase the Upper Ca)tnWa)S and Newponer North parcels from The lt'\inc Co. Paid for by the conservanC), the $10,000 to $1 2,000 6tl.ldy "ill detail 1he ~wport lead1 71/Sl lalboa: 69/S2 Cotta M~: 73/51 Coto1u1 ct.I M.1r: 73/S 1 lllAY pl.tn~ Jnd CO>b Cur 1mpro,c:mcnt\ to the I.ind . ..imuont of lxind or note'> .,~ued and hO\!o the :l ~C\,ITICOl l'1\CS \\Ill be prcJd Jmong the \uler . Con,cl"\anC) l"'unJcr :inJ Coun,1h,om:in Je. n \\.:tit h..1) 011m:.i1ed that an .:t'>'cssmcnt t.t\ could cu\t NeY.port Uea h propert) o"'"ncr' bc1v.ceti S50 10 $60 :i )C:Jr. Tu p:iss an J\ e':i.menr ta,, the di) must get appw,JI 1'' more than 5t) percent ol tho>e \\hO \\ouh.I pJ) the a:i.se,\mcnt Con,CC\:lnC) mcrntlcri. recc:ntl) had the propertan ..tppr~mcd ;it a combined prlle of about S69 m11l1on compared 10 a pre\JOU> Jpprai!IJI of SSO million A . ell1ng price is c\pcClcd to be announced oon. -lJJ Tun) Dodtro. PClJCf lOC COSTA MESA JarMS Strttt: ~ne swiped • sleepins ~ Saturday from tM ~ond·StOI) balcony of a home in lhe 700 bloc!.. Elden AH•nue: Somrone pried open the coin boxes on a washer and dl\--er m t'.'.O sep.uate IJundry room) SJ1urdJ~ JI an apartment comple• in lhe 2600 block West 20th Street: Outgoing mail ' ''J> >tolt!n last Friday from a home in I.he 700 bloclo. f eder.11: Cuns, t..n"es and 1ewelry ''ere d1">Co,er~ >tolen Saturday from a home in the 1900 bloc!.. The bur~IJr got a, .. Jy \\<1th l'WO bud. kn1 ~. a ~mi-automatic and a p1>tOI H.ubor Boulevard: At Southwood liquor. someone smashed J "indow last ~fft.. stealing an und s.clOSt'd amount of alcohol frum the store in the 2200 block. Bristol Street: Som~e brot..e into l\tr e, M.inhJttan Oeh 1n the 2800 block IJst Wf'dnesday and rans.icled t~ store (mployees found no loss It appears the bur!o:IJr pried .J door to get in. NnVPORT BEACH Hospit.ll Road: A PJir of bolt cune~ "ert! reported stolen last fod.iy trorn We>tcl1ff Medic.ii Lab Ocunbirch: A computer and camera Y.ere .imoog the items d1><:0H•recl stolen Monday from a home in 1he 3 800 block. West Oceanfront: An estimated Sl 500 ''orth of fe\'elry was stolen Sunday trom J home in the 1900 bloc!.. School lunches r::::: MONDAY -Bumto 0t chffS4l p.ua, m1itecl -..e~tables, pe•rs TUESDAY -1Judd1g Submarult" Sandv. 1ch. lettuce cup with pickles. lre-.h 0tan~ """-edgh FREE BASEBALL CARD WEDNESDAY -Pork steak \\Ith .,..hipped potatoes and whe.Jt rofl or cheese p1ua with carrot coins. peaches, sugar cookie THU~SDAY -IGll!an s~ghelti or t~ pizza. green beans, apple crisp, ani~I crackers FRIDAY -£1 Pollo style chld.tn, warm flour tortilla, tater tots fr~ banana Spring fling c.il.e I 111•; f ::::::::::::: Super lotto Saturday, April 10 J.>ckpot S3 4 mlHion "· 6. 11 . H . ls. 1e He>W to· reach · us at The Pilot Dec co • He•rts .. .. ...... ~e •Clubs .. .. ................. 6 ,_,..._ ,,_..~ .... Dfwp Oilf,_...~ .............. w...vu ........ .. , ... ~~ .......... ,.__,.~ lMLMtM •• ,,.,......._., Circulatioft Or•nge County 6-4 2"'4333 ~-.. Clu51f'ied 642·5678 01Sp11y 642.,.321 Editorial Nf'W'J 5 4().1 22 4 Sports 642-4330 News. sports , •• 646-41 70 MMft Offb 8UM!lftl Offict &42·4321 8UMMll (,JI( 6) 1•S902 ' • 11)t •M 4A 'll&M..0.1 •:•u , "'· J.l ,,Ol '"' 2.7 )-01 • "'·. l 100 &M. Ol foOO'"' l6 101$6 p "'· t.• ' • 01al1l0nds ................... S • Sp.ldfl ........................ 2 On the cover Thtt p.1intin:r thto uul1n• Fly r µne London on the ront f»ilJe Is from the City o1 New- port h.ch 1993 c.lend.r. • Monday. April 12. 1993 Q • ~========"·············•••t••••······························ .......................................................................................... . He should write more often .· ~!!!!!~~~, ........ ... ......... . ............ . ........ ........ . ..... ............................... ................ ............... . ... .. Send your items to Peter Ry.m, The Dally Pilut, 330 W. 8.1y St., Cost" Mesa, 92627. For 1niormat1on, Cdll 644 3191 . A N OPEN LETTER TO ABSENT FRJENOS -There wu a challenging taunt in the latest communicat ion from Vida and Jim Dean, who surf ace occasionally from their refuge in Teaiue, Texas. "I suppose that since you write columns, you don't write letters, so we keep relying on (mutual fr iends) 10 let us know about you," was the thrust of the scolding. Well, heck, that's unfair. Actually, I can punch out a column and a letter simultaneously - while chewing gum at the same time -as today's literary effort will attest. "Dear Deans, "Sorry about the frightening thunderstorms which nearly LocaJ swept your cabin into the lake. But, as you noted, it seems to Scene • have been more exciting than an • E·ticket ride at Disneyland. I still ' chuckJe over your previous reference to Texas weather; to wit, 'If you don't like what's happening now, just wait a danged .minute.' "We've had a little excitement here, too, since you left. "You used to be in the newspaper business yourselves, so you'll appreciate the strange manne r in which local dailies handled coverage of the March 3 arrest of Georac Ar&Yros Jr .. ·As yo u must've heard by now, a funny.thing happened to the young man on the way to his wedding in Sun Valley, Idaho. Following a traffic incident, he Oashed one of Brad Gate)' Honor:iry Sheriff badges - and was jugged fo r imper)onating a bona fi de lawman. "There were a number or local folks (the )Ort you used to write about, Vida) attending the goings-<>n at Sun Valley, but they didn't wan1 10 talk about the, uh, unfor1 una1e incidcn1 which befell 1ht brash bridegroom. But you know how juicy rumors get going, and finally T~e Daily Pilo1 picked up 1he scent. So, wi1h a front page exclusive that sold lo1s of papers, 1hc Pilot broke 1he story on April 3. ''Well, having been in the bu)ine)), )Ou'd ha'e thought that the Big Dailies would be pouncing Movie l1st1ngs 1:::::: ~~IMA JCM>~ -C-0.... 6H 0160 l a-v ........ ., ('Cl 11 30 l S 30 I IO JO , "'4ec-~...... I? 130. s. 1lO,10 'l 1 .. 4 ...... ,,., •••• 1•1 II •St • 30 7 9 )() • IOW.UOI lk.AHO CJNIMA fo"'-It lo"" ....__ c-••O 1111 I Mt:ll ... a-t"G ll) 11 1 S 4 30. 1. 9 IS , ~"'-11) 1.369 l n.. ..,.._, "Cl II •S 1 IS • •S 1 f IS • n.. ~ o-Cll 1 ' 's Ore~ 0., (~) 1211 S, 2;)0, 410 t.k-efAW-1 ll d 3 615 •30 • ~"1w.1 el H1Hla """ ll'CI 17. , lO s 1 lO, 9 4S 1 h int ef Ne lel\Hft •1 17 •S, 3 IS, s •S. I 70. 10 lO UOO CIHIMA "'--~ ...... .._. V~ ... '73 ll!>O ltrictt, hh-ll'GI s 1 ' ~IT THIAfll ~ ( COIW "~ 613 67.0 ln4e<hl-('C 13) s .• COltl Mn• IOW.UDI CIHIMA CIHTll 1701 ._ ....., I ~ .. v..-. C1-919 t It I I a.Mlet l'CI • •S 1, 9 IS 1 c-. & Hell l"CPI 6, I, 1c.- 3 Or_.... o.,'f"Gt ~ 130. 10 • ~ ....... ,._ '""' ll'GI • 0 1 IS. 93S IOWUDI l CIHUU. HotW .,_. ....._, ,_ 546 3 102 .................... .,so 810. 1030 ...asot TW\H CIN&MAI t...w &J,d t W '°" S.-0 6JI 3!>01 I AU.e 00 7 9 l0 1 ,..,._ ,_... I'° I)) I Lereru•'• Ott tl'CI S JS. 10 10 MUA CINlMA ...._ 8¥d /19'h SI 60 sens n.. ....,...-4 (ll s lO • 1010 HIANOLI IQUAll 191h SI htotbo< ll,.d SI• 11SS I '-'II ... a-re; IJI 17 30, J S 30. •. 1010 1 The en.alt (Rj 11, 1 4, 6 IS I 30. 1030 l U,,._..._ la) I 30 4 30. 1 30 10 IS • Item T•lef'4_, l'GI 11 4S 1 • lO 1 tlS S k .... el AW-~ f, Nlftle Tw· Ml J !"GI I, l S 1, • The C,.,.,.. 0-I, l lO. 6 IJO 10 40 1 ft.w .. ... ..._ ,., 11 30, 3, s 30, •• 10 . I •ell&ftt 0.-1145 3 IS, S 4S t_lj,_}930 TOWN UNTii CINIMAI S..... Coot! """• ISi 4llA I ~lett,-4Meea-~S.1 9 2 ,...._PW\~ • 30 1 30, 10 IS ) ........ AW-~6,t lS 4 iecta h .._ tflG llt S JO. I. 10 IS IOUTM COAST llUZA ~ 546 2111 I ...._..~f'IS,730.10 1 ............ ..._.~4 •S. 7. 9 IS J ._.Y ....... t'GISJO.l , 1015 IOUTH COAlf VMAOI ~ " h IOI 540 ~94 I TM Cr,"'t 0...-llQ $ 30, I I 0 1 UM ..._ fw O.C.-.e ~ 4 JO 7,9 30 • , Wit ...,. .. a... .._ ~ s. 1 30 10 ...... THI UMNtUITY CIHIMA 4115 c-.... ~HOtll I ..,._., h"'-l"GI S JO. 1 30 9)0 7 TM~ t I IS 10 IS l ,...,..., Te 11 1111 S 4$, 10 •S Sceftt .,,..,_~. 1 ** .._ .._jPO l))S 1 JO f •S 'C...&A .... t'GI U O 1,flS • The~ 0-llQ s 1$, fjO ..__,,,...tp011s WO 01•1 I I aNIMAI '-'-.• M ~~ °"'9 UI MS 1 ...._....,......1111 •ts 130 t •S , .,, • ""'"' .......... l"OI • 30. 1, 9 IS > .._...roi .. s 1 30 1030 4 ..,_......,_,flQ SJO.I 1020 6 ,... ..... ..._.!IQ I IS 1020 ..... ,.....'°1 •30.630 r the next day. Not so. In these parts, as you moy recall, the Argyros name i~n't to be taken lightly. Finally, three days later, The Times deigned to run a story, but The Register held off another day before acknowledging that, indeed, the deed had been done. "·All I could think of, Jim, wa!I the long time you had been editor of The Registe r, and how you would have reacted. There was no such pusillanimous pussy-footing when you ruled the newsroom, ol' buddy. No big-deal e'ditoria l conf erenccs, just fast and straight action. Ah, I , miss the good old days. "Well, enough of that. Otherwi e, things have been fairly quie t here iP Pilotland. No embcule· ments in the past couple of weeks (none that we know about). and ~c only scandalous happening' was in a quaint little Corona dcl Mar church, where the pastor has been accused of sexual she· nanigans. But l'm told that this sort of naughtiness occurs in Texas, too, so let's not dwell on that. "Like the Al amo, you're still remembered. Folkl. ask about you from 11me to time and I tell them you're .happy down there, wherever there is. Just this morning, Chill Bill Swanson wanted to know how you're getting along, and said he misses you at the chili cookoff competitions. He said you could whip up a mean bowl of hot chili, Jim, and hopes you'll be giving those rednecks a few poin te rs. ''Our good friend and valued associate, Peg McAJlstcr, h:is left the Daily Pilot after a stay of only 28 year). She and Vic ~ere last seen bended for a new life in Wyoming or Montana or some llpacey place like tha1. l I.now it i n't Texas, and 1 sure hope it wasn't Idaho. "Vick Knight keep!. a)king about you, and I ll;.11d that -unlike )()me people I know -he llhould drop you a letter addrcs)ed to Dox 90, Teague, TX 75860. Another of our old comrades-in-arm), Poul Salata, emceed a Heart A!.\Ociation lunch the other day, but l won't tell you hi!. wbecracl.ll I mean you've heard them all before. Many time). "Well, I )CCm to be running our of space again, !.O I'll clo!.e "'ith the s:i me word!. UllCd at your recent dep:irturc: 'Please stay in touch, Jim and Vid:i -and le t us know if you've found worl.." Jerry Kobrin's column runs Monday, Wednesday and Friday. RED RADISHES O R GREEN ONIO NS ;~;:: ::; "'~ 4 $1 /ai.crna /""""""'1 for~~ C • dips or cn..d11a ""'· l or RUSSET POTATOES Fa~ Ma,.,1 u /11""1W fur •ts P.,-/«l ..,_u . ......, • SG41t; ~·or ""' 3 9¢ .,. ~ .,,, pef«.1 ~or ~ •"" .. ,../llnUUllC "°""'""' "°"rl.IU yc>Mr pnrrv nb ""IQ,,.J, ~ lb. PINEAPPLE ~~P·~frwsb/'°"' ''-'~ ftn.d wilb lb• jJa<rx of 3 9 ¢ tropical .rurub1rv ..red maa. winds • I'*" """'"'°" _, fovll MUul.t or _, lb 1amub yourbo&lay b-· DELI-KITCHEN CRYSTAL'S CHEE.5E SPREADS n«N usly, «>ft .,-vr i·W. "-ra $ 399 •n 6rMI bor ~or u.Mll 11.1 JK>llllo "Wi"l't thp ...,_ or Mn.wt """'ftM u 12 oz. FARMERS MARKET HICKORY SMOKED HAM Uaf\ pll~ """' " ,.,... •"'°""''of ""'°""/llMW· T~ for~ (;IOC-U~ •rtd WO'~ }wJ • llMiU# $ 2 ~. or IMlb ._,. Slk»ll lo~ FARMERS MARKET SPINACH DIP ,,_. ,.._. "',,_ '*" ~ &bit er-,. •• , .. .,.,_,,"-...,.• •u $ 3~. CNM ..... , .... C'Ndlfn or llbll .....,.,. ... Today Housing in Costa Mesa -MJ)Or Sandy Genis will be part of a p;inel d1scus~t0n titled "Housing in (())t.a Mesa" will be featured when the Newport/Mesa MRP Chapter 21 meets at 1 p.m at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th and Pomona Streets, Costa Mesa . Mayor Genis will speak on lhe City's efforti toward aHordal>h.• housing, Block Grant Allotments, and Single Room Occupancy <SROJ For more 1nturrnation, call 546-7848. Tuesday, Apr. 13 Movies and myths -. .. The Movies as a Rellect1on of tht' Ideal," 1s the theme of a free noon program at the Community Room of the Newport Centtr Library, 856 San Clemente Or., Ne, ... port Beach. The program will examint' movies as an extension of eJrly m)'th), plays and rehg1ou~ themt-) "Home of Orange County's BEST PRODUCE" U.S. Economy -'obuo Koh>.ima, .in a<h -or to !>olomon, Inc. of Nt'\\ York v.111 spttak before the ,..;t'v.port Foundation for Study of Major Economic h u~. CO\lering tht topic "U.S. Economy. Structural and Poht1cal FIJM," at 7:30 a.m. 1n the QuarterP.ttk ~Room of th • Balboa Bay Club The CO'>t, '~h1ch 1nclud~ brealr.f ast, 1s S 18 for non-members S 11 for members. For rese('.;at1om and informal.Ion, call 644·43l1. Oriental medic ine -Dr. Ronaltl Bieler ..., tll pre'>ent a frt'e lt'cturl' t1tlt:<l "Ont:ntal Medicine. A Trend ut Here To Stay1 from 7 to 8 pm at 440 fJir Omt-, Suite C Cv:.ta Mh.l Ca I 549-CJ9<J9. Investme nt ideas - OJ\ 1d Atmqu >l .. nd Douglas \\ebh, investment .1d\.1'>0r> \\1th Crowell. \\'et>don Jnd Co will pre~nl a v.urluhop t11led, Alter- natiH• ln\.t''>tment Idea) lo C 0 's." al j 30 p m 1n the Lol.JIJ, Confer· ence Room of 800 "t'•\ port Center Dmt.' For rt''>t'f\at1om c.stl 644-1890 Assertive Parenting A work~ that teaches p.lrtnb how to lay down the law v..hen they misbt'h.lve and support them when they beh.l'e will ~ presented from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m at the N~port Harbor Coun1.eling Centt-r, 2900 Bn>lOt St • Suite 206J. Costa Mesa. Tu1t1on is S,25 for one parent. S2S per couple. Call 545·2050 Wednesday, Apr. 14 After School Book Club -M.mncr> Branch Library 1s recru1t1ng ~c.ond through tiith-gradws for \b After xhool Boo!.; Ctul.>1 \.\h1 ch "'II mel't on Wt.'<Jne)(.ia~~ through M,1y 19. tn tht-Choldrt'n's !.t'ct1on OI the library, at ·2005 0 01 .. er Or .• l'•\µort Beach for 1ntormat1orf. call 644-3187 Young Republicans . Should -...e ha"e gars 1n the m1l1- tary l" \.\Ill be the topic of dir.cus· >•On at the regular meeting ol t~e OrJngtc' County Young Republ1· tans to bt' held at ., p m at the \\ C>t1n Hotel at Sou1h Coast Pl,ua SEAFOOD • MEATS Farmers Market at A trium Court FASHION ISLA D HOLIDAY HOURS OPE DAILY 8:00AM -9:00PM OPEN EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 11 8:00AM • 2:00PM ,----------, C O UPON : FRESH SQUEEZED : I ORANGE JUICE I : $ 99 : : w, ... _,,.~...:C~Y-: I v.11w .. Wft#U "'41"' •r ti-. IWl'Y.,.. I I ,.. , .. ...,. -·•.--·• ""'" OJ. II,.jftj I tA. ~ cW-,Jrwi(, ..,._. •.J tlu.,_, t /WWI',,,..,~"-",.". , .. ffflltw. I I LIMIT 1 PER COUPON I· ~ - -_!!:!_R~ ~-!!_ _ -.J 0Mif<Wn11:1~ FUar Ft1rwu bcns, 10-14 lb SIU Tmdlr, leaPt tMcrWy IS always 11 /{.ll0"'4 l/olN0~ °""" rotJJi.d tNd11101WUy or"' u,, ban.qw. Caifo"ua sty¥ U DA CHOICE LEG OF LAMB \Ff 14S4r Slnel/y f rab A~ "'""' 'Tba. °"""' r1IQdy cua. MiboZ. or b"'f. or• sm u..borvlas and splrfulidly J1at.or'ful s.n... WIUb '"'"' J•Uy or try an 11fP14 cbum.y for a dla"IJ• · FRESH SALMON FILLETS fa.JI bo• "' Iba. Slnltl'fll ~ '""" rau.J ~ """"°" """ yc>M'U u. t.kor bnl/wm.J color and fi"" lclclur• /orflllb .,_ grand d1rtl"IJ llhead ALASKAN SNOW CRAB LEGS 7l>cu 01d, -~ crab ,.s ""'" .my• lf'tMI bl OC'C41S'IOft °" _,,,, ~""' a M/igbtfwl BISW "'"~ JUMBO BLACK '11GER SHRIMP 'Tb.ult/ 1si.n(16-20cu/"'"'" rwt.UiJ lhn"'IJ Nl.• ,,_,.-.,.._,'*'-"" "~' rMJ/Jy to cool Eryoy Cf• ~ sbri,,.,. '°"*""" w.ujor ~ GROCERY•WI 399 - "SO ml M Monday. April 12. 1913 Bu In e • Bu9'nMe Edltot T~ Cox. 642-'321, ext. 371 WHO ······················-···"'··························· Robert Askew, a 70'-yea;-old Huntington Beach resident who is co-owner of Costa · Mesa-based Euro Crem Products. A na1ive of Missouri, Askew worked previously in construction, as an oil-field worker, in au1omotive manufacturing and in electronics maintenance. He aJso served in - 1he military during World War 11 and tbe Korean War. He moved to Southern California in 1955 and slarted his own automotive detailing busines~ in 1975. WHAT Askew invented the new Euro Crem car wax, which he then called Mirror Shine, while working in the detailing business. He said Euro Crem is ~licker than convc:utional wax. is easy to apply and remove, can be used under 1he hot sun or in the shade and provides a long-lasting shine_. The company's detailing kits -which incru de cleaning solutio n, a polishing cloth, a wax applicator and enough of 1he liquid Euro Crem for five or six cars · -retail fo r $49.95. Euro Crcm wax jobs arc guaran1eed to las1 for two years. "We couldn't guarantee ii any longer, or we wouldn't have any sales," Askew expla ined. "It shines ju!,t like a mirror. You can shave in ii:• The "ax can be used on cars, trucks; mobile homes, boars, glass, appliances and bathroom fixtyres. among Qt})er t"ings. "You name it, it will work on it,'' Askew said. "But you can't use it on floors. It's too slick." WHEN Askew began developing the Euro Crem formula in 1975. By abo_u t 10 years ago, ~e was selling the product m bul'f to other derailing businesses. Two years ago, he and a neighbor, marketing ve1eran Richard -.Carsicnsen, fou nded Euro Crem. They began marketing the product 10 1hc public last fall. WHERE Carslensen advertises Euro Crem in national maga zines, such as car-collec1or publications, and he and Askew plan to begin broadcasting infomercials in about six weeks. Euro Crem takes customer orders on . a toll-free line at its headquarters, at 720 Paularino Avenue, suite 204, in Costa Mesa. A contract m:inufacturcr in San Diego lllW . CoUDty makes Euro Crcm to ~·specifications. ' .. ........... , .......................................... . Askew said be began dcvelopiQa bis car wax because of his own difficulties using standard waxes. "I put some Turtle Wax on a mobile home and I couldn't get it off," he recaJled. Asked why he came out of retirement to go into business for himself, he said: "I just did, I guess. It needed to be on the market." He said he went into partnership with Carstensen because he needed someone with marketing expertise and a partner who could help raise the $500,000 needed to launch Euro Crcm. Carstensen said the company is in itS infancy, sales-wise, but Euro Crem has gotten rave reviews from those customers who have tried the product. He said he's projecting $1.5 million in sales in 1993, about $3 million next year and about $6 million in 1995. "We'll do more as it becomes more known," he said. "Most of .our sales will come from word of mou\b/' "I wish I'd have done it 50 years ago ins tead of working for somebody 'else," Askew said. "But 50 years ago, I didn't have the wax." · -By Tony Coi, pboto by Marc M•rtin -~ad ideas for Ibis future to Tony Cox. JJO W. S.y St., Co$U Mesa, 9¥27. . Up the Ladder ------....... ~r······················································ .. ·····"' ....... . ....................................... . ........................... . Newporl Be:ach rc,idenl Gary Atau1ron1 hos been promoted ;o senior vice prc~ident in ch:arge of region:il offices f~r Robert Be n, William Fro)l & Associates. Armstrong has been with the Irvine-based engineering firm since 1989, and last year, he helped expand lhe firm's San Diego outfit. ,,. Pltast send ,·our Up tbt Laddtr •aaounttnHDll •lld pktrua Tbe Dally Pilot's business td/lor, Tony Cox, •I 330 W. liar Sl.. Costa Mesa, 91627. The first na~ in small business accounting software. Gl.-Al·Al·INVOICING-PAYIOU·IMVENTOIY PERSONALIZED TRAINING • 1111 T•»pr'toM Suppotf. CALL: SofTeach (71~1 281·9248 Get Those Patios · & Courtyards in Shape .. Let Jim Jennings Insta ll your c omp lete yard hard sc ape- AVERAGE • Expert bf1ck. block. stone. ttle. slate and concrete work • Can recommend quality designers Kon creates new real estate service Newport Beach-based Koll Manaeement Services Inc. has created a new advisory and consulting service for corporate real estate clients. The new service, called Koll Corporate Alliance Group, will offe r such services as sirategic planning, portfolio management, facili ty data mana~ement, relocation consulting, and acquisition, disposition and consolidation analysis. Koll hired Harold Street, prcsiden1 of the Street Co. and fo rme rly a seni6r executive with r he Koll Co .• as president of the new firm and chairman of its advisory board. Koll Management hired several other key executives for the new service, including Chris Sausser, Craig Morris and Mike Russell, all form erly wath Grubb & Ellis Commercial Real Estate Services. Two cu rrent Koll Managemenl executives, Jim Dorsey and Jose ph Franks, will help manage Koll Corporate AJliance Group and retain their positions with th e parent company. The new company has already obtained exclusive rights to LASER software, a popular real estate administration program. . 0 The Newport Harbor Atta Chamber ot Commerce will recognize the following individuals fo r volunteer service with 1993 ~ilvcr Anchor Awards: Ellen Wilcox. Ann Crane. Marie-France Lefebvre, Tom Evans and LaOonna Kienitz. 0 Judy Johnson, formerly of Thomas Wilek Associates in Irvine, has formed a new Costa Mesa public relations firm called Sterllne CommWllcatlons. The c.ompany offers full-service public relations and emphas~es public-policy ·communications. Initial clien ts include Alaska Airlines and Taylor Woodrow Construction. 0 Roc:kwe11· 1nttrnallonal Corp.'• Newport Beach-based Digital Communications Division has entered the di~ital cellular market with introduction of a new radio module desiined to provid~ a complete baseband l)'Stem for dual·mode cellular phones. Samples of the new product arc scheduled to be available in May, and volume produclion is slated to beain in Auaus1. Wanna place a class ified ad? Call Daily Pilot classified advertising at 642-5678. • MANNINGTON •ARMSTRONG Selected Better Quality Patterns 6 .~ 12 ft. Widths • No Wu f'tnish BATH Up To 6ft. a 6't. l.Mger Size Priced~ -" I ---.. • Drainage problems? We solve them! . • Quality WOik In Costa Mesa & ~~ Newport Beach snce 19f/J .. I' Get. on our schedule before summer passes you by/ D !~~~!1~1f~ Everyday Is Special at 17th Street! NIGHTLY SP ECIA LS All peciaJs include soup or alad. f rc\h vegetable . choice of potato and hot sourdough roll MONDAY: Short Ribs of Beef 9.95 --:----TuESDAY:-western Chicken & Shrimp stir Fry 10.95 WEDNESDAY: Roast Loin of Pork 9.95 THURSDAY: Torados of Beef 13.95 Tender file ts served with a Cabernet mushroom sauce ....... A Must T ryl FRIDAY Prime Ri~Of Beef 12.95 12 oz of juicy Angua Beef SATURDAY Roasted Strip of Loin 12.95 SUNDAY Roast Turkey with AppltlAlmond Stutllng and 111 the flxlngt Ask Al>Qut Our Fresh Catch Special Every NlghtJ ) . OPEN 7 DAYS-LUNCH • DINNER • WEEKEND BRUNCH ENTERTAINMENT (located btrwttn Irvine and Tustin Blvd.) 428 E. 17th Street • Costa Mes~ •c (714) 650-1750 .... l 11, J· ICJPments WEBSTER-BAILEY Carol Webster nnd Noah Bailey, both of Ne~rt Beach, wiJI be married July 3 on board the yacht Rapture in Newport Harbor. Their enaagement has been announced by her parents, Oaty and Fran Webster of Balboa Island. He is the son of Hele n Johnson and Robert Bailey, both of Cypress. The bride-elect is a graduate of Corona dcl Mar High School and UGI. He r nance is a graduate of Edison High School and Coutline College, both in Huntington Beach. YANK-CAUGHEY Arnold and Esther Yank of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Melissa Hope, to James Gregory Caughey of Murrieta, · fo rmerly of Huntington Harbour. He is the son of Benjamin Caughey of Ventura and the late Patricia Caughey ~ton, who was a resident of Cocoa Beach, Fla. The couple are graduates of San Diego State University. She is also a alumna of Corona del Mar High School and he was graduated from Marina High School in Hunungton Beach. A July wedding is planned at the Center Club. K.RASEL-\'AS KO The engagement of :J Victoria Anne Kra!.el a~ John Yasko Ill, both of Newport Beach, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory William Krase!, also of Newport Beach. He is the son of John Yasko Jr. of Johnstown, Penna. and Christi Baker of San Juan Capistrano. A June 26 wedding is planned in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. The bride-elect is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and UC Irvine. Her fiance was graduated from Woodbridge High School in Irvine and the University of Southern California. CUNNING HAM-KR USIC Sabrina Cunningham of Balboa bland and Peter A. Krusic arc planning a March, 1994 wedding in the Community Church Congregational in Corona del Mar. Their engagement was announced by her parents, Robert and Lynn CUnningham of Balboa JsJand. He is the son of Mrs. Myra Krusic of San Gabriel. The bride-elect is a graduate of Corona dcl Mar High School and Orange Coast College. Her fiance u graduated from San abricl High School and Cl. LOCAL' NEWS ONLY For a subscription fo the Daily Pilot, ca ll circulation at 642-4333. r ·/J"rll~ \ ,, \l1 )~/.\(,,' 6.40%· (ha,.ant11d 1 yea,. OU Pree 1..800-99-f.7284 Calll 71.f..241-7770 .. Monday, AprU 12, 1113 M Society Society Editor B.W. Cook, 642~21 Fast-paced social scene doesn't take a holiday 11 oping the Holy Weck of Easter was happy and healthy for all Pilot readers. Now, a few highlights of the busy holiday week ... Guests of Center 500, a support group of the Orange County Performing Arts • Center, were l .W. Cllll Society Editor treated to a behind-the·scenes look at theatrical set and costume design. A lecture, given by Mr. Dwight Richard Odle, resident set designer for South Coast Repertory Theatre, took the attentive listeners from concept to creation of the .-.-.... .--.. stage set. Another dynamic speaker captivated her audience at the fashionable Balboa Bay Oub when the Newport Beach Christian Women 's Club hosted author Lee Ezell at a recent lunch and Cashion show. Children's Hospital of Orange · County had a luncheon of their own dedicating the front entrance to the hospital with a time capsule pl:icement ceremony. The event featured the unveiling of the new brick walkway appropri:itely named, "Pave the Way." In another event for the hospital, the Guilds of CHOC held their thiny-first annual benefit, called "Under the Big Top" to a sold out ballroom at the Anaheim Marriott. .Chairperson Jean Hamann with fellow board members, Dana Davis, Anne Neish and Helen Wardner hosted the suc~essful day-long affair that began wit h a fashion show luncheon for the ladies and ended with a couple black tic dinner dance to the big band sounds off rank Amos . Newport's golfing ladies headed for the greens at Los Coyotes Country Club in Buena Park. The Mazda Golf Clinic fo r Executive How to s ubmit nuptial news The Daily Pilot welcomes the chance to share the news of your engagement or wedding with our readers. Pick up engagement or wedding forms in our lobby at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, or send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Wedding Department, The Pilot, P.O . Box 1560, Costa Mesa, 92626. Photos of the couple or of the bride only may be submitted with the finished form. Black and wh ite photos reproduce best, but you may submit sharply-focused color photos for approval. Write yo ur name on the back of the photo. Ii you want your photo returned, please include a stamped, addressed mailing envelope. Engagements and weddings are published on a sf.ace . available basis. For more information, call 642-432 , extension 350. Seacoast GARAGE DOORS 642 ~·ll!M\ 2476'-Newport Btl.<d ~ COS1'AMESA 2000 NIWDOrl Biid. Costa Mesa. Cl 92127 (714) 631-2110 Triplex $295,000 Full Price All 2 Bedrooms Unrts P~·bke setting Excellent Orange County Rental locatJon Open HouM 12 to Dusk "Till All SOLD!! fCatd Frdlys/ Newport 55 Fwy EXJt 17th St in T ustJn West To Tustil Ave Nolth To. 2414 N. TU~n Avenue f8«wfn t 1fl St 111 ftfy} Rich the produce man. Women featured former network TV anchor Kathleen Sullivan speliking to participants about the benefit of combirfing golf und ·business. Now that's equality of the sexes! LPGA tour pros Patty Sheehan and Shelley Hamlin on hand to coach the ladies on the links. Costa Mesa's famed California Scenario Sculpture Gardens was the siic for the recent Waterman's Ball, raising money fo r protection of the nation's oceans. The event, supported by over 600 people involved in various industries rel:ned to the .beach lifestyle rai ed S50,000, according to party chairperson Randy Hild. Sponso red by SIMA (Surf Industry Manufactu rers Association), monies raised will be awarded to na11onally prominent environmental groups including the Orange County Marine lns1i1utc, The SurTnder Foundation, and the American Oceans Campaign. On the art scene, a reception "as held last week at the Le Meridien Hotel displaying the formidable pai ntings of area art ist Maria del Carmen Calvo. And, the Arts Academy of Orange Count) announced their upcoming ARTSFEST '93 to be held May Isl al Newport Beach. The da} of art, music and Cun 1s organized to benefit the center, presently raising funds for a new 5800 East 2nd $tnet . Long Beacll., Cl 90803 (31 OJ "39-RIBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15 . One of a ~nd, homemade, lip smacking barbecue sauce. Open Easter Sunday. Table side magic one night a week. (Naples -Wed., Newport· Sun.) The owners are all under 5~" ta11 - Barbecued Spagheffi (when it doesn~ slip through the gri ll). Buckets of Baby Back pjbs for aoout $20. .. family·oncntcd art) communit) center in Costa Me,a. Goodv.111 lndumie .. of Orange County proudly !>pon~rcd their annual "Pu111n' on the R11z ' event 111, whe re ebc, but Hans Prager's Ratz in Ne"port. Gucm brought bags full of clothing to the vent. exchanging the garment) for J rafOe ticket Aero) IO"n, Bo Qerek didn't bring a bag of , do1h1ng, JU~I her bathing )Utt from the movie "10", prcsc'nung the garment 10 Planet HOll)'\\ood tn an e"en1ng cclebra11on l:bt "'eek. No doubt the new Bo Derek booth wall be a popular auraction' Over 200 members. past and present, g.:uhered for a reun1un The 552 Club date) back to 1966. and the party honored the hospital's recent 40th birthday .. Debutantes. take note, Barbara Anderson and Dina Von Burger of Nev.port Beach arc the local ' )pon~rs !or the Imperial Austrtan Hou~part1es Tour for the summer of ·93 This year's Austnan tour v.11l 1nclude a luncheon at the City I fall of Vienna with the Lord Mayor, performances at the State Opcr,a. and the Volksopera, a visit · to the Spanish Riding 'School. a Danube cruise to medieval Duern>te1n, a feccptaon at Emperor Franz Joseph's Hunting Lodge, 'ho>ted by his grandson, Archdul.e Markus von Hapsburg. and the llSI goes on. Who said debs don't have more fun ... The Ne,.,.port·Mesa social climate is de!anttely hot! ~LAS ~~ 'EL------CHITO Catering Exhibition Cooking our Specialty! •Sizzling Fajitas Bar •Handmade Tortillas • Quesadilla Bar & more Complete Catering Services •Strolling Mariachis • Margarita & Cerveza Bar • Bartenders & Servers Fo r a Fiesta to remember, call ... ( 714 )64 5-0209 , Monday,Aprll 12, 1993 bl b 11W1 1:11111 ClllM. ....... 1111 ...... Volunteet training sessions ror pJ~tal aides are coming up t000. VoluntttrS are needed by the Exch•nge Club Child Abuse Prevention Center to help ram1lle1 where an incldenr or child abuse hill$ been re- ported and a referral made by the coonry. P111~1 aides worl. with an "at risk" family for ~ ~.u, bu11d1ng a trusting relation· ship whoeh subsequently enable-$ the par· ent aide to te.ich the-fom1ly parenting. communication skills and problem solving lechniques. Inquire about sped.ii training ~ions. The center also needs volunteers to work with families ol high us!. children who are v1ct1ms of parental drug ~1C· lion. Volunteen with a badground 1n the medical tield are preferred. For 1nforma· tion on either program, call 722· 1107. Fairview IJevelopmmltal Center The Fa1rv1ew Qe\.elopmental Center in Costa Me$.1 needs volunteers to aid 1n the clusroom, worl.shops, leisure programs, taking residents to classes or a walk, secre· tarial, grounds~eeping. and stafting the clothing st0<e. They also accept donations 1n furniture and clothing any others wel- come. f0< more information, call Couie Rausch at 957-5188 RSH Hlrllor Area, Inc. Friends in Service to Humanity (FISH) oilers emergency assistance to those in need and provides the Mobile Meals pro- gram. For Mobtle Meals, volunteers are needed to dnve. which includes picking up food at Hoag Memorial Hospital and dropping it otf for eight shut-in individuals or coupfes, usually efderly, Monday·Enday 1n the Newport and Costa Mesa area It wkes about 11/1 hours a day and ~olun· teers are "elcome to perfOfm duties once a month or more, or merely substitute on ..... ........ Inc. Volunteers are n~ to aid physfc.)lly ch.lllenged ~ults who mett m0nthty ror educ.ltional, entert.i1nment lnd socw pur· J>C»CS· Able·boditod \Olunteers are alwa)'> needed to help with t'.lting. pet10NI nel'ds and movi ng ~heclch.111~ at meetings and outi"gs. for inr0<matioll, c.ill Anne Hogan·Shert'>he\~Y at 646-2170 or Dof. othy White .JI 965· 11 76 Hit COmectlon The Hat Connection I~ a women's ph1I· anthropic ei(len~1on of the ChJmber of Commerce '"h1ch sen.es the communities of Costa M~ an Newport BcJch. While al)() sh.mng lead), informauon, resources and ei.perience in regard 10 bu~iness, the woup is involved in ch,Jfltable efforts. For information, call K.Jy Walburger at 650· 2144. Herttage Houle Audllry Volunteer are need4?<1 for an au1<1l1ary support group being formed by Heritage House, a non-profit substance oibuse re· co"ery home for preg~nt and parenting "'-omen and their child.-0 in Costa Mesa. Volunteers are needed 10 raise funds for house needs. provide holiday parties (0< the children and to offer love and support to young mothers. BJby Step Inn Is a pro· gram of the Southeast Council on Alcohol· . ism and Drug Problems. He11tage House ollers a s1A·m<>nth pr<>sram of rec~ry counseling. parenting sl.ills claS>es, alcohoV drug education and mommy-baby acti\'i· ties. For more 1nforma11on, call 646·2271. High Hopes Head Injury Program IMIC...CI rn• The ICidl Cancer ConMdlon ii an orp· niabon dedia~ to ~ needs ol ~fd children with cancer, and deals with dwit emotional, educ.ili~I and flnanci.I n~. The group's prinwy (und-raitef Is throuih the sale of holiday Wffti~·n cards the 111Tn1cted children ~ve desi1m • Vol- untttrs are needed to help wi sales at fest1v11ls, ~p meets and othet events. Volunie.n are also needed for defal du- ties 1n the organization, ornce. for informa- tion, a ll Peggy Young at 851 -777'4. MlrCb •• Dlmn The M.lrch of Dimes office in Costa Mes.'! needs volunteers for fund-roiising comm1tttt1 (planning events, solicitin&- j\octdS and services), speaking opportum· lies lin high schools on the dangers of drug use Cluring pregnancy and on teen pregnancy, geneticsf, oc:asiooal office WOfk and help with bulk mailings. F0< In - formation. all 631 -8700. Newport-Cati Miii YMCA The Newport-Costa Mesa YMCA needs a varie!Y o( ~eneral volunteer help, including the administrative clerial volunteers, gen- eral maintenance. landSC.Jping, youth sport coache-s and lireguards Cspecnl certi· ficalion requiredl. For information or ap· plications, call, the YMCA at 642-9990. Open to Recovery Open to Recovery is a non-protit orga- niz.ltion that will serve u a professional placement agency for recovering alcohol· 1cs and other drug users. Volunteers are needed to set·up. clean-up and offer derl· cal support for the upcoming "Town Meeting" Sept. 2 at the Costa Mesa Com- munity Center. For information on the meeting or on other volunteer opportuni- ties, call Manny at 72 2-7133. pott ~ for ~1 P~ir.c, has • wide r~ ol ICtMtieS for -.dunteen rrom i.-~ anct stuffing ~ eo st111mna the opeq shop, to being docents who pr~ p1re children at ~ Ca..st schools for ~t they will 1ee In an opera. for inror- FNtion, all 54-0PEAA (546-7372). The guild all~nce features 20 guilds which range from bridte and tennis to 0<ganlz1ng the Opera ~II. the group's premier sow1l ~nt. Thete 1s also an e.wtensi\~ education and community outr~ program ........ CUii ........... 11111111' The Interfaith Shelter 1s the IJrgest fJm- iJy shelter in the county, 1iou,1ng. fttd1ng and counseling 20 families d.:11ly. It needs people to WOflt with children for the story hou;, to take the childrtn on field trips. phone help (or Incoming calls on three. hour shifts and those with special skills to teach a 1·2·hour.ctinic or workU!op. Spe· cialized skills '°' clinics on writing °' bud· geting can be vast help. 1 he shelter also needs people to run a canned-food d11ve one time or on an on-going basii.. The group always needs dispos;ible diapers. For information call Sandee or Leal at 631 ·7213. • or.. CMly COnlulltY .,..._CUICI Volunteers are needed to work in the food bank, distribute food to focld centers and churches ror the poor, sort and cat- egorize donated goods, stock shelves and repackage bo11es. A.lso, there is a need for derical support during regular business hours and assistants for fund-ra ising activ1· ties. For information, all 540·9293. ........ C.ty CblmlleP Orcbntrl <Athy Criesmeyet at ~9-2423. arnn11 .:.., '* ,..., .. The Or~ County Fair and Expoiit1on Center In COila Mesa needs \/Oluntttn to conduct Centennlil Farm tours for ~ children ~nging in age from 5·8 ye;irs old. Volunteers will be trained as docents by the fairgrounds suff. Tour guide1 .ire nttded T ues<fays through Fridays through M.Jy 28. Two one·hour tours are offered on t~ days at 9 a.m. and 11 a m .. Jnd docents can volunteer from one 10 four dJys a week. The rarm IS a rtpllGI ol a "°'king f.irm where children learn about pigs, chicl.ens, shttp, pits, rabbits and crops. For 1nformatl0n, call 751-3247 ;1nd ask for Lynda Conway at extension 28 or Michelle McKnight al e11tenslon 78. The Orange County Homeless Task Force Is recruitil'g .volunteers for the In· terfa1th Council Netwol'k to work one-on· one with homeless adults in the prograp on ba.sic life skills. Volunteers need 10 commit to at least three hours per Wttk in the evenings at local congregations throughout Orallge County, for additional Information, call Valerie Griffin at 263· 1774, DrlllllWOOd ..... The Orangewood Boutique 1n C0<ona del Mar, an upscale resale boutique which benefits the Orangewood Ch idren's Home, Is In need of volunt~rs to assist the boutique staff with retail sales. The Orangewood Children's Home is Orange County's emergency shelter (Of abused and neglected -children. for information. call Pat Stacy at 760-6640. Plllalrlc CSll' Re..-c11F1•f1dll PCRF raises monev to support pediatric ancer re~arch laboraiory at the ~ii· dren's Hospital or Orange. Need ~un· teers to work on rund·r•isers sud1 as the golf tournament in the spring. charity auc· !Jon 1n November, holiday urd progtam 1n December. The urd prog·•m requires volunteers all year. long to 5todc stcns, work booths at cr~ft boutiques •nd wott at satellite office in <!osta Mesa packagina ards, filling ordtrs and cle(lc.il WO<k. The c.trds are deSigned by children with can- cer. Coif tournament requires peopW to work as support for tourn.imenl ~icy auction requires people to percure gilts and WOfk d11y ol the event. For lnforma· tion on any of these programs, all E.KKU· tive DlrKtO< Susan Reid the main office at 532·8692. PNndcl DIY lclllll The Prentice day School is a (state ac· credited) co-eduational day school dedi· ated to seNing needs of children "'1th Spe-c1f1c Language D1s.ibilitiesl0yslexia. Voluntttrs are needed •n many ;1reas, in· eluding fond ra1SJng committttS. l1br1ry aides ;ind olfice wpport. For more infor· mation, call Amy Mitchell •I 650-1115. a light basis Emergency assistance 1nvol~es delivering food to families who are al rist.. o( going hungry once a month or more The IWO·hour trip invohes food pick-up and delivery to five families on Monday through Frtday from 10:30 am ·2 pm. or Saturdays twice a month between 9· 11 The High Hopes Head ln1ury Program's Rea Cemer 1n Co)ta Mesa, a non-protit nation·'i\1de organ1za11on serving the needs uf head·iniured adults and their families, provides a rehabilitation progr Jm for· adults, 18 years old and o~er. from 9 a m.·3 pm Monda)'· Ttiursday. Volunteers .ire needed to ass1i.t our students in phn1· Opera Paclftc The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, 11 sup- The Orange County chamber Orchestra needs volunteers to help sell tickets, Staff .soc!al affairs, work the oflice and wi1h·-.----------------------------- ma1lmg parties for more infOfmJtton, cJll a m. Focld·packers are needed from 8:30 a m.-2:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday for two-hour sh1h.s Volunteers ma) \\Of!. as little or much as desired People are · also needed 10 stat( the main oftice, an- swer phones for those in need and trans· port shut-ins to doctor's a.ppointments upon need. For more informa11on, call Debby O'Connor .it 645-8050. cal, cogn1ti\e and \OCallonal retrJ1ning As fiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil part o( the program students go to the 1'.0mmun1ty pool and fitness center. Volun· ..ii.. .. ~ ~ S ~ ,~"') leers can give one on-one assistance al all ,,,»-. . \Y1 ~ r """\i ~ fJcili11es, or give time on Fridays and Sat· ,. • N'\' ft"lllA..nftl'..nn8-l ,\.'\\ \V urdays for monthly e,.cursions to mu~ ~;, II IWft-uul. _UUG_ ·{~-.~ ums, ballga~. p1cmcs. etc. Work as ~~· A .(~~~ateSJ!~ much or little as dc~wed, and all 11ges are ~"-i ~ esaw 1!l5oO '1lr'IE ~ m6Z / welcome. For more information, call Dee '\'. A~ Keenum or Joey fern.indez ar 656-7458. • ~~ ~':;-.1111183 Ull:JIA f llUIM8S / lnterfaltb Council ~ ~~~ ~ llW ~ ~ flc:t!!!9-..!.. ~ .... " cC:~11. ~~:~~~~~ae~~~::lK>~n:~~f~~ .lsaoHµ~d llAIJno >paONtplnA\301..1.Sup~. . ()"~ u.w IDl1H uur eral area service groups, needs persons ac- The Friends of the COSl.1 Mesa Library, a t1ve in the local congregations to represent support group for the library, needs volun-the council by serving on boards in the 'VE OFFER SOMETHl~C VERY EXCLUSIVE I~ 1E\\'PORT BEACH RETIREMENT. leers to run book S.lles and staff the book community and reporting back lo the In -,./) .:~~ Lnq n~ L ~I Q1 I :::M:l , .. , . "* \ \; room at the library for selling of used terla1th Council. For informa11on, call 4-' "Y I\ I\ OA t""Cl ' ~$<"' books and purchasing of new ones The Ii-r~C~a~rol~B~row~n~at~S~4~8~·~32~8~3~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::J br;iry 1n ~neral an use \Olunteers with cleriC.11 skills and those with a willingness or the knowledge to help run children's craft programs. Drivers are needed to help with the books to the homebound pro- gram Also, those interested 1rt volut"teer- mg to help administer the entire Friends program are needed. Hours .ire Oe111ble, including evenings and weekends For in- formation, call the library at 646-8845. AFFORDABLE PRICES. Girl Scouts FOR A LIMITED, T CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING DINNER ENTREES FOR ONLY $9.99 Prime Rib ·of Fish "N" Chips of' Snow Crab of Cioppino or Fresh Fish of' Rainbow Trout 9FOR "\ ......... 99 . . .. .. . .. The Girls Scouts or Orange County -will 1ra1n all adult \oolunteers Volunteers are needed for troop leaders There are also special committees to plan e~ents for the girls and .idults Committees could entail extensive ume over three or four months, or 3.4 hours a month O\er .i full )'eilr for ongoing committees The Girls Scouts are .ilways looking for community people w1ll- 1ng to share e11pert1se for one time lec- ture~. demonstrations or cl.is~. For mfor· ma11on, call the Girl Scout Council of Or· .inge County at 979-7900 or Calamari of' Chicken Marsala Our prir1•., an.· w~ t'\t'lu..,j, 1· mul .. o i~ 1lw qualit~ of lifo ~01i'll 1•\1wrir1wt· lt1·r~. \1 \t'\\ port \'illu. \H offn full - ..,,.n 1n·. i11cl1·1w111lt·111 aud 9..,..,i:-1t•d 11panmt>1H li,·i11~. from a ... Im' a-. S<>.)0 fH'r 111n111lt. ~n rnll ,,.. mcla~ arnJ di-.('o\fr tllt> 0111• tltin:.r ~1111 \\011'1 fiucl in ('\('fl lltt· 1110:,t r'rlu:.i\l' 11righ· l10rhood .. in \c·\\von 13.·or h ... n•..,on Ii' i11~ nil(/ full' pn'rt•s. 0111~ at \r\\ pon \'illu. Gris Incorporated of Newport-Mesa · Girls Incorporated offers affordable and accessible supervised care centers (or girls and boys with nationally recognized pro- grams and ~Cl1v111es that build self· sufficiency, respons1b1hty and confidence, with an emphasis on the special needs o( girls and young women. Volunteers are needed to help in the program and recre- a11onal act1111t1es. at the main facility and teen center, and as oftice assistants and grounds mainttnance persons For further information on YOlunteenng. call Rita Re· d.Jell1 at 646-7181 or Stuffed Pacific Snapper These dinners lndudt our famous Clam Chowder AND ou r Ftt1b Mixed Garden Salad, --.~_JJ Fresh Vegetable and Baked Potito.'Not valld in conjunction with any othu offu. Valid after '4pm daily. Does not include tax. 630 Lido Park Drive Newport Beach 675-0100 12752 Valley View B~d. Garden Grove 898.-0081 C,apain Sean, back from his voyages around the world, ls now savlne his &mous dishes with orle\nal recipes I -· W'°'•*' UNDAY3AUHCU BARN STEAKHOUSE ,. ----AT tV\Ut .l5 i?alho<J. Clu~, ENJOY AUTHENTIC RANCHO CUISINE • Gowmet Salads • Chilled Fresh Seafood • Whole Roasted. Suckllns Pig ·Fresh Mexican Pastries • Build Yow Own Omelette ALL YOU CAN EAT ONLY $1095 a.M"en ..., 10 F1lll / Smee 1111 • ., • ·FAIMll STUI HD1'11: ExeeUeat Steaks Served •Y Frle•dly Pffltle In A Comfortable SeUhlg ap.n for Lunch at ff a.m. 2300 Harbor Blvd: at Wilson, Costa Mesa in HARBOR •CENTER Cal tor mcn lnbmalion or reservalons: 641-9777 'I .. . -- I I I Hospital enrolling area women for breast cancer study Fountain Valley Regional Hospitar and Medical Center is enrollin~ volunteers to participate in the National Brea:>t Cancer Prevention Trial 1Ah1ch is d~igned to test the long-term effectiveness of the anti-cancer drug tamoxifon in pre\.enting · breast c.ancer, according to Richard Butler, Fountain Valley Regional Ho'>p1tal administrator. The study focuses on the long-term ef foctivcness of ta moxifen therapy iri \\Om · en who are at mcreJ~d risk for breast cancer. Selected participants will be randomly assigned to a placebo or tamox11cn for (l\e years with lifot1me follow-up. (Jch pJrt1cipant will be mon1tored carefully by the ph~sic1an) and researc~ team at Fountain Valley Regional Ho:.p1tal. Two groups are cl1g1bll' to participate in the tri.:il : women 60 >Cars of a~e and older and '"omen 35 to 59 who, becau~c or their mk factors, face higher odd:. oi getting breJst can(<.>r~ factors include· age, g at least one lu:.t·deg · e rclat1\ e "ho had the disease; one or more pre\ ious brca~t b1op'>1<>'>; menstrual onst.•t bef orl' age 12; hang no childrC'n, .:ind having a ftr:.t child PJ'>t age 30. An 1n1tial ph) :>•Lal I'> required fur screcn111g Tamox1fen 1s pro' 1dL-O (fee • of charge and all blood \\Ork \\.111 be frt•e to · part1c1pJn(.). • For f urthcr 1nformJtion on this triJI, p'l'Jsc c.Jll r ounta1n VJlley Regional Hospital at (714) 966-i:?OO ADVERTISING LoCai Business & Other Authorities Take a~ Look At 1Monday, Aptl 12, 1113 AT Parents urged to protect child.ren from • • • iron T o add to California's long Centers for 1991 show nine list"of problems, the state pediJtric deaths from iron leads the notion in pediatric ingestion across the nation; 55.5 deaths from acute iron RO~ning. percent of them occurred in· Accidental ingestion of i~on, California. caps and labeled 1n Englt~h and .... Span1'>h, health professionals speculate that p.:irent:. ~re not replacing the cap~ t1ghtl¥ enough or are not putting them back on which is fauna in many These children died from iron O\er-thc-counter multivitamins, poisoning after eating too many of prenatal tablets and liquid and the colorlul, sugar-roatea the containers at all While children can be poisoned bh 5,, allo"' ing 1u..u.a few of the)e • p1 Is. mo'>t fatal iron po1'>0ning) ,1m.ohe overdoses of large . pill-type mineral-supplements, ir -medtcattonntrac are intended to the leading cause of childhood • make people healthy. Why do poisoning deaths in the United children eat iron tablets? They States, accordiAg to Poison Center taste ~. The tablets are made officials. palataole by the candy coating In 1992, of the 468 pharmaceutical companies use to iron-related ~posures managed cover the bitter taste of iron. by the Regional Poison Center at "Mo:.t families with children UCI Medical Center, which serves have some form of iron Orange, Riverside, $Jn preparations in their homes," sa~s Bernardino, Inyo and Mono Dr. Philip Edelman, medical counties, 423 causes ifJ>!olved director of the Regional Poi?On children under six years of age. Center and chief of toxicology Within the service area of the ;;ervices for UCI Medical Center. Regional Poison Center, six "Although they have high children, under the .ige of six quantities of iron (sometimes years, died from iron poisoning 1n 1dent1ficd as ferrous sulfate, 1992. Four of these deaths ferrous gluconate or ferrous occurred at LomJ Linda furmarate), such medications arc Uni~rsity Medical Center. • sJic 1i they Jre administered 1n In 1991 , Cal1forniJ regional normal or prc)cribcd doses. The poi:.on centers reported more prenatal vitamins an expectant thJn 2,200. iron poisonings of mother takes are not harmful to children under six >ears old. Of her Ictus. But le1c unattended or the n .. e fatal pediatric ca~:.. threl' 1n reach of small children, such "ere within the fi"e-county preparations po:.e a great hazard SC"-ice area of the Regional to curious toddlers , .. no thin!.. they Poison Center. · are candies." F.1gures from the American • Although the products are . Association of Poison Control bottled with chtld-re:.1stant satet~ numbers o( tablets. Oiten. after a child has accider1tJlly eaten onl> a few tablets. parents don't call ' the ~ison center in time Or ther don t bring the child to a hospital until se"eral hours after 1nge:>t1on or until the child becomes 'cry sick I n the pa:.t t\'-O ~car:., '"e h.:i .. e begin seeing deaths on J regular basis," says Dr. D.:iv1d \.Jn Stralon of the Pediatric lntcn!tl\l' Care Unit at Loma Linda Un11,l'r)1ty Med1c.:il Cent<.>r ·Children. bt.?t\'.een 12 to 21 month!>, h.:i'e tragically fa\ort·d prt·nJtJI and lerrou) :>ult.He tJbleG" .\ccord1ng to vJn Stralon, tht· '>\ mptonh 01 acute tron po1son1ng. "h1ch include stomach pain, \Om ting, diarrhea. !ilel'p1ne:.:. and )heel\, usuall\-occur w1th1n 30 m1nut~ to t\\O hours c.lllt·r a child ingests too many ot th1:se t.:iblct:;. Iron poisoning can be dcce1\ ns in thJt there can be an app.:ircnt period 01 rl'CO\.l'ry prior to thl• tinal stagb ot to>.ic1tr. w1~h a gradual wor~ning of symptoms fron tox1c1tr produces a corro)I\ c• acuon on the ga)trointest1nal tract, rCllult1ng In nausea and \.Omiting, diarrhea, low blood pre)sure and shock from fluid lo:.:., failure of major organ '>):.terns, including the kidney'> and li1,er, re)piratory diSlress. coma and death. "II a parent suspects a child ha) eaten iron tablets, phone the regional poison center ·~mmed1atel> at 600.-544-4404, ur call 911, or your O\\n iamtl\- physicia~." urges Ede1man. "l h1::. call ma> )J\l' the life of a child " Edelman and van Stralon ad\1se· The public needs to be aware uf the severity of the iron po1)()n1ng s1tuat1on Parents must take step) to pre\ent accidental iron inge:,t1on. ~-~- ,,All m1:d1cines should be stored in a safe, locked place. where children can't reach them. Purcha~ all med1011on'> with child-resistant caps Make sure you put the cap bad. on after u~1ng medicines Don't throw old, unu)Cd p1Hs into a wastebasket; 1lu'>h thL'm down the toilet. O~r Meals Are A Trip to Me.rieo! In Costa Mesa Since 1972 . We hope you enjoy the atmosphere complemented witll our fine Mexican food. Lunch • Dinner • Cocktails Open Daily at 11 AM Call Ahead For Food To Go 296 E. 17th St • Costa Mesa • 645· 7626 ROFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. .......... ~ .... Jtn -... _ CISTA •SA-S41·1 ISi 150 -WHEN You oIN! THE E\~ PORTI:\G CLl~B t\T L.\KE HORE TO\\IRS {111/,. I I /,n I 111t.:, \1 ,1/f /,111,, /i1n l. •,I t 11111(, I •• ,, ,, I ,, "' ,, /,,I• , I> • ' I ,f/,-,h,lf/ ,,,,, ,,,,,,,.,,f~, 1~ ,, THE BEST NIGHT 'S \ I \ ' ) I 1 t ,,., If I I I '"' . SLEEP YOU 'VE EVER HAD DOES HAVE ITS PRICE. Dux• bec:b art so well made, they've been known to last for 30, even 40 years That's about 20 cents per night for lhe deepest. ~ most ..,cfu! sl«p you <;an get} Come in, lte down m a Dux bed You have 10 sl«p it to believe il THE DUX BED THE BED YOUR BACK HAS BEE ACHING FOR• 11!11 Nf'WJ!"n Ctnicr Dr . Nt""POfl Buch. CA 92600 Ntu 10 Cm.-w1 l"il) Oren \1on ·Sii 10-6 Sun 12 5 Or I:>) •rP1>1n1mcn1 (714) ~70 f'\NA!\O~C A \A.IWll' DUXIA AT FASHION ISLAND IOM4M01' Cll a FM lnlcllft • AMad Tecmqy h si.. ' " ,, /, '" 11.,11 ,, I • I "' 11 ... "'"''"'&! ..... 1d• t ''1ll)'y t \,t','.t" I flu• h ~)ll() ·.qlJ.Ut• tt Y ;,Jft1 1 ••fllt•r I , ., '1 'I \. ' r I''. l I l I c' ' : ' I •• , ~1 11 r ',!. Membership Starts at Onl 49 / 'th'* n . T 1i1• "'iprn ttn~ ( luh .:1 I .\1..c 'h111 c· I O\H'I' '' 'l'IHllllg \ll\1,11\ c·.11h 1c·l1111d' l p 10\l-10tluht.t'h \\IH 11 \Oil 11111wml ,\Ir n·. 11U ohh~.ttu111 \\ot !..out' Call Today for a Free Workout! 250-4422 If you 1om, you'll rPce1ve up l o S 1 50 c lub c.1-.h lo use toward membership or c:lub purch<t"e"' \pph lh\• It h11Hl0 t.l\\,ll(h \0111 11\iti,1tio11 h •t . OI t.tKt" .1<h.Hll.1gt• of .111 tht• l'\t 11111g c· ll .t, .u I hl ~poi 1111~ ('l11h ( OIUC' II) lllll lt1ll l u1111x·.111 ~fM frn ·' 111.1"·'~'·· m.m1u11 t' 01 lwilMI '"·'P 1\1111).t Hn11 c hHd i n hn .1 I lllll'I hl.ulill'-! Ill '"'"I lamh11l\! I'·'" rl111111\!h Cllll '°IH·p·h\ \tt p \Cll1lh t t llh 'I ( •1 ,1h .1 Ullll 1111111 ' h11H h HI dllllh I 111 0111 It ,l,Hll .1111 ~ht d11h• ,1 't "11111 \\Ith • I ( l I I i Ii I'd j>~ I \011. ii 11 , It It I I ( )t 1111 II it ' o 111 '('II Ill lht l,llC'I flll\(." ~I ,It ft 11111 11111 j>I I I 'hnp l'h1• "'iprn tin~ ( .ltth 1, I 00.000'q11.111' 111·1 111 '" 1 ,,,. 11·d11c Ill\! lilt-1 11h.11ll Ill\! l111fill11w111. d1·,1~111•d to mnll\,llt t hil.u.llt', .111d 1 c·lch1 .1t1· fitlh'" I 1~ht. \ddc· ope 11 'IMU'' .111d 111\ e11Hp.11.1hlt• f.u tlitu·'· .ill thn.11uic .tll\ dc·,1~1wcl to kc •1•p '"" 1111c'1C''11·1l. Ike .111~· \..1·1 p111~ 11111 t t''" ti 1111.,111, \..1·1·p111~ fit . c.aJI coda ·! 250-442~ _I C 111E SP()R'J'I\(; Cl .l ·R .\TI \KESll<)HE ~I ()\\'f]t tsno; \011 t,.um.m .\\t mw. ll\111c·. (.,.\ . /ht ft/n"" Wll ll'tlllf, ti . lf:\rt/I\ WU dr.\l'?ttt . <)Iler· t • pi1 t ·, \pail :lOth. l 9~tt .. M Monday. April 12. 1993 llEITAlllANT "Restaurants arc m:>re concerned witb loss or business than remodeling costs," said Jackie Hanson, a dcsianer with Hatch Design Group. store or restaurant and &nd that busfnea closed for constnactioa work. From A1 or Back Bay's new wood Ooors, is being done at oicht in the three weeks leading up to the two-day closure. The remainder of the job, such as installation of new carpetinJ. some construction and painting and ceihn& work, will be done during the closure. Hanson said that because the B:ick Bay projccl did not rcqufre a lot of time-consuming rcmodelina work in the kitchen, it w:is possible to limit Rosoff said he tried not only minimize rcrnodclina·rclated inconveniences for tus customers, but also to make them feel involved in tho project. Serven wear pla.r· tic hard hats, and cards are posted on each table explaining that the restaurant is being remodeled. When wallhangings are taken down temporarily, yellow re· modeling signs are posted in their place. shut-down time to just .two days. Rosoff acknowledges th at it may cost a liulc more to have the work done on the demanding schedule he required, but he bcli~ves he'll more than mnkc up for any possible added costs by staying open as long as possible. Besides, he said, because of the recession, Back Bay was able to attract extremely competitive bids for the project. "It's good business sense to do it that way," said Jan Roberts, a South Co:ist Plaza spokeswoman. Roberts added that other South Coast Plaza tenants, such as the mall's Ralph Lauren store, have rcmodcred with lilll~ or no down time. She said such projects arc good for the mall because customers get upset when they come to the shopping cenier to go to n particular Rosoff said business hllS not dropped off during the remodeling work. In fact, some customers arc comirtg in more often out of curiosity, to sec whnt was done since they last visited. ARTIST From A1 -Dressed in a worn shirt and paint-stained shoes, the self-proclaimed philosopher smiles warmJy at his little white dog and recalls how he was hired by a prostitute in Amsterdam to paint her portrait. The painting was to be a gift for her husband. She gave Krone specific instructions about the limited amount of nudity she wanted in the painting. "She had real long hair -she was Indonesian Dutch -so 1 put her hair in front of her and covered her up," he says, temporarily transported back to his days as a young painter on the streets of Europe. "1 told her a joke that I knew would make her laugh. Then I said, 'Where's the nearest laundromat?' She looked out the window to think of a pl~ce and she still had the smile on her face. Bang! That was it!" After years of painting as a street artist in New York City's Times Square, Krone spent ci'ght years in Europe where he says he made decent living as an artist. He moved back to Santa Arta to take care of his dying mother in the early 1980s. but has since found it hard to support himself through art alone. He buill and hand-crafted his artist's trailer about "People feel involved," Rosoff said. "It's exciting fo r them. We haven't slacked off." two years ago, but cannot afford the insurance required by shopping centers to set up for business. With some assistance from his trusty dog, Lana, Krone works-nighrs-un security guard at n-n>ail boat repair shop. He was married twice but never had any children. He 5pcnds part of his days at his an studio trailer on Old Newport Boulevard, and he.gets an occasional odd job paintHig signs for local businesses. But Krone is determined (O sell his trailer to finance his move back to Europe where he dreaJnS of reviving his life as an artist. "l want to live ~n "J civilized country," Krone says, half in jest. Painted on the outside of his trailer, Krone describes himself as: "Uncle Denny Krone, Explorer Scout, Humorist, Poet, Philosopher, lnnovatdt, Linguist, Pedant, Self-declared Ph.D., Happy Snappy ·Quipper." -Krone maps out his future, surrounded by his tranquil paintings that sit on wooden stands next to the deserted street. Traffic is whizzing by farther away, out on Newport Boulevard, headed toward the freeway. He says he has few regrets. "I would have planned things a little better -l probably would have gone to art school," he say.s. ''But this way, I've got my own ideas." OIL le FILTER SPECIAL · Reg. '59" Now $'29?! Includes up to 5 quarts of Costrol GTX oll and a genuine lnftnltt Ofl Fiiter. COSTA MESA INFINITI RYAN Wanna place a classified ad? From A1 Chi!>el. There arc only so many ways )OU can ac· curately report the Wagner news ... Call Daily-14let classified ad vertising at 642-5678. . AmtmON: PIE-OWNED HONDA ~FACTORY BUYER Oil SELUll CERTIFIED Allow ut to perform a ~DIRECT 37 Point Safety Inspection INSU~NCE before you buy or sell BILLING that pre-owned Hondal .,, FREE $4500 ·ESTIMATES COSTA . MESA COSTA MESA mm~mm COLLISION (7l•)549·8 755 (7 1'>436-5050 . • A strange thought oc· curred to me during an early morning jog along Hunting· ton Beach: The new curfew says the beach closes at 10 p.m .. but what time does it open? ... Chinese Food For TI ought •It's in that type of situa· tion that you wish you had your Honorary Sherifrs badge ... " •You know you're not working out enough when your jogging style resembles that of President Clinton ... •Speaking of President Clinton, when he recently promised S 1.6 billion to Boris Yeltsin, did the Rus- sian president get something in writing? ... • One of the benefits of living in a democracy is that citizens have the right lO know how their tax dollars arc being spent. With that in mind, someone should be .more specific about how that SJ .6 billion will be ap· propriated rather than tell· ing us it will simply "further the cause of democracy." .. •Jay Leno said this, not me: "At the recent summit, Yeltsin reportedly di~closed to Clinton that 'Socialism didn't work.' Upon hearing that , Clinton replied, 'Oh no! There's goes my eco· nom1c plan.' " • No joke: The White House has acknowledged that 72 percent of its deficit reduction package in 1994 will come Crom tax hikes, while only 28 percent will result from spending CUtS ••• • Aside to Democrats: Please read the previous item again ... • No way should that Clintoll guy get an Honorary Sherifrs badge .... • • Herc's a proposal: No one is allowed to complain abo\Jt Che $400,000 cnglish tile at the new library any- more provided no one spends any more time trying to explain it. -__. ___ _ Is it a deal? ... •Let's hope no one is dis- appointed if there aren't any riots ... • • Unfortunately, regard· less of the outcome of the Rodney Kinf trial, there probably wil be some DI· tempt at mayhem. This is because riots have little to do with social injustice, and everYihing to do with crimi· nals in search of opportunity I • Last week's column was dedicated to Merle Hatle- berg's Someone Cares Soup Kitchen (S48·886l). This was not to slight Share Our Selves (642-3451). These arc two areat oraa· -; nizations that help people here in our community. Please help them any way you can. Thanks. Prt~r l(yan ,, .ulllHI ldltor. -· . •' ,/ I • RESTAURANT COMBINATION PLATE FRIED RICE OR CHOW MEIN . WITH . 1 ltem ......... $2.99 ~ 2 ltems ....... $3.99 • •4 • cc<:. tt ; > • * 4: l ...... aM 3 ltems ... 1 •••• $4.99 believe that Education is most important: That is why w~ are donating 2% of our gross income to the Newpor t Mesa Unified SchoOUJistrict. ' , ' . ' . China.DOii 424 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 171h St. i·I °'ll'\O. < Doll ~ 722-7552 I ' . / .. ,, 1. t j ports Mustangs pooldng tor better days .I ~ Frosh-Soph basebalt- team under Mike C.rowe has Costa· Mesa hopeful. W hile their varsity counterparts have struggled for victories this season, lite Costa Mesa High frosh·soph baseball team has enjoyed its own measure of success. ~ the Easter break came to a close and the Pacific Coast ~ague wars were about to continue, the younger Mustangs sport a 4.3 overall mark, 2·3 in the PCL The team is being coached by Mike Crowe, a 1987 graduate of t ta Mesa: Crowe was a ck:<>f·all·trades" type of player ing his playing days with the af ustangs, having spent some time at shorutop, in' the outfield and e\len catching a little bit, replacing at one time an injured Brent Mayne. "l think that {playing various positions) really has helped me as a coach," offered Crowe, who was the head of the Mustangs' junior varsity sq uad the last three seasons. The highlight of Costa Mesa's season thus far was the performance of fre shman pitcher Eric Hernandez in the PCL opener against rival Estnncia. Hernandez work~d the first six innings without allowing a hit against the Eagles before giving way to reliever Matt BrQCsamle, who completed the no-hitter by recording the last three outs. "It's the first no-hitter for the school at least since I've been co~ching here," said Cro'-'e. ''Hernandez throws strikes and he's aot good movement on his fastball. He doesn't strike out a lot of people, but he does make it tough to hit the ball hard." In the no-hitter, the Eagles hit a · couple of b:ills hard, according to Crowe, but they found leather. "We lust were in the right place at the right time; there were no really outstanding defensive pl~ys in the g:ime," said Cro"'e. Costa Mesa ended with an 8-2 victory in that game, with the Eagles scoring one run as· a resu lt of an error and another after a walk, with that runner e'entually reaching third and scoring from there on a passed ball. Recently, the Costa Mesa eball program disbanded the JUnior varsity team. The move left the frosh·soph with three more ~ayers, including sophomore pitcher Darrell Porter. "He looks like a good one," s:iid. Crowe. "He threw one game against 1"rabuco Hills last week and had five innings of shutout ball before they started hitting him in the si.xth." Crowe pointed with pride to that See LIGHTWEIGHTS/I! Ju~­ ror .Ralmer wnocc Costa Mesa's Olivia OiCamilli Mandly Section B April 12, 1993 The Newport BeactVCosta Mesa Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roeer Carlson .... 642-4330 ext.387 Sports on TV-radio/82 Class1fled/B4 Al/-8auth1rn California honors tar DiCamilli ~ CIF Southern Section's elite squad of 11 includes four-year Costa Mesa starlet. By Barry Faulkner Sl)OIU Wrut C osta Mesa High senior Olivia DiCamilli. who shared team MVP honors with 10 te:immates this season, earned a spot alongside !.ligh tly more exclusive company as one of 11 girls basketball players named to the All· Southern Section team of players from all d1vi· ~ions. 1 DiCamilli, who led the Mu stangs to Southern Section and Southern California Regional championships, before falling in the state title game at the Oakland Colbeum Arena, was se· lectcd by sports"Ariters representing the Amateur Athletic Foundations's All-Southern California Doard of A1hletics. A 5·10 forwa.rd bound for San Diego State, D1Camilli a'er· aged 22.2 points. I 1 5 rebounds, and four a:.sim per game for the Mustangs, who finished their most succes,ful eason c' er a l 29·5. DiCamilli, who averngcd 31 points and 14 rebounds in the playoffs, was named Di-..1~1on Ill Pla)er of the Year and JOined Morningside senior center Tina Thomp..on as the d1v1sion·lt t\\O represent:Uil•es on the section's ultimate unit. Brea Olinda junior Nicole Erick on and Cupimano Valle> senior Angie White "'ere other Orange County representatl\Cs on the team, which included Elena Adam!> (L)n'Aood). Erin Alexander (Santa Ynez), Michelle Giordano (Buena). MJr1on Jones {Thousand Oaks), M1m1 McKin· ney (Peninsula), Kim Schielke (Palmdale) and Ol)mpia Scott (St Bernard). · OiCamill i, an All· CIF performer all fou r seasons at Mesa. ha(! her No. 22 jersey re· tired at the team\ recent award\ banquet. Her fou r·)ear scor· ing total (2,220) gave her' school and d1:.tr1c1 career records. and her list of honors include two PJc1fic Coast League M\ Ps. t't\O PCL league 11tles, and two CIF Southern S~cJiOn crv"'n:.. D1Camilli will perform one final time as a prep. represent· ang the South at the April 2~ Orange Cvunl) All-Star Game at Orang~ Co:ist College Sailors ·tune up for Woodbridge with the big .boys at Arcadia ~ No medals for_l.J,ewport boys Saturday_, but Tars are keeping it in perspective By Richard Dunn Sl>Ol\S Wntet ARCADIA -Afler glan ing fur J spl11 second at the bO}S shot put nng / 11 "ould\e been unden~t:ind.ible 1f ~ somebodv confu\ed this \\ith -a du:.il \:; meet. . \,~ .... ~ On a bench. alter all. );.it not one. but four :-.;e, ... port Harbor High cvmpet11or' · The Arcadia lmit;111onal. one of 1hc nalll'n\ most celebrated track and helJ mcctl> " re-.el"\ cJ for the best inJl\11.foaJs tn 1he \\ e:.1 Co.l't But th:: chool "11 h weigh ts coach TOO) C1are 111 ga'e the event an entirely different appear:i nce S:iturda~ n1gh1 before an esumateJ 2.000 fan, at 5.lher St.l· dium. There's e'en a fifth tor the Sa1lur~ \\J1tmg 1n the "ings. UCWI• ~-0..~ P 4 Sailors' Tina Bowman goes up and over the bar at 5·6 to claim second place at Arcadia. For her story, ee 82. Among Nc"'port Harbor's Four rl1nger' at Ar a· d1a, onl) emor Beau Ralph!> reJched a per:.onal record. going 54-feet. 3-anche • but he "a!. unJble \ll m:ike the fin al· ix cut. Juniors \\ aJe Tilt (5:!·9 :) Ste'e Gonzale (51·10'•) .:ind J;.i) Dcrg·Han,"'n l5ll 6\•) -after 'AJtching m a"'e .i~ UplJnJ' hson See SAILORSf82 -Billa llllt tltlll,. llllt MIW, what . a statl#llentl ~ Newport Harbor junior stands Heads apd shoulders above most at Arcadia. I ., ...... °""' ........ It* ...... a-a ~r pten Sit- AaCADIA -A ....... Cln1 Heads • ti"'"'°"....., HIP Is only 5-roet· ..., ......... II IOIH of lbe U• ......... ..._ ..-oa llaol ,.uen ud ............... . . ........... ,. ti die ............ Aiadla ..... ..... ' ...... •'Ju~ .... , dwarfed bJ -........ oppoMllllt INll. ttrtalal.J dJda•c walk ••J wt&Mul ................. ............ ~ by •udl ....... llrb. 11 ..U. • ... 1~" aid Hada, wt.Ole 140-letl, ll·IMll darw a. ... .U.C. II Uae bfft la Onmp ~ .... ,., .............. cartU bes& nmalm .. 10-7, wllldl IM MCr•1lha.cd las&,.... a& alae Mu-... ...._ .......... a.1sw IM overall &a dill dlacu. ........................................ ..... lilla ........................ .u ... cra'81 IMrt ti W 0.-ww lll•danl Id ..................... ~--.,..,.... ....... u.., ••• jalll' ................. .. cMm ............................. ..., betl die Uaieed S&aki' Wat Coast bu 10 oCl'tt. "lt aiva me ~ to profe. btlDc smalltr, •• Hada aw; "'l _., be ...U. -· I fed WI· Peepte lllJ, 1..olk ltow ...U aM la,' buc 11 .. kl you lttl a-I .... tkJ IAJ &Mt. I .-SS It lllona'I IMUtt 1Mw1811"'att· .. MJ ... llllt J'ftf lt '5·1td la tM sboe pul IDd ISO.ltd a. die dlsc:'u My pnctka wen s&rNI (las&) _... so I ........ I'd IUt a Pit la llllf illol ,_, WI II ...... la0 HIL .,., • ..uca. cUt I All bdlft' .. IM d--. • I .--181 dilals ls beck oa crack.'' 0. ...... 4-llwls ... dae 17-e .... M dMU. et at J..-Nadoaal Wetptllftlila Qa•P"-slllpl a lllt ....._. .. Spoltl Caakr la Blalet, Mlaa., nAe See GINA.9 MESA TIRE COMPANY r--------------1 TUNE-UP PACKAGE COASRINE AUTO HTNESS CENTER· 548-9182 2049 Harbor Blvd. •Costa Mesa I ·~~ •Chlc:klifllt• "S 1995 I . Sec lrilg . • lf'9ped lil*1, • ~ c:attxnt~ belt & PCV 1 1ve1 ~ion --"" • ~ irigibon a . •Cyt. I .AUTOMOTIVE ~ Major Leaguer had no team when a prep. \\' ( "" '"''"' l'.1.11111-... \)11 111 111 1 • ( 11111d1' ·" • l'111 ·ll1 L . lddilianll PMUxtra 'c,. I».,.. c,. 131 IO~ ~--------------, SERVICE h c n , ... • .. • Kevin ,. ' • Rei· er came to outhern alifornia m Canada In scarch of a 1uitablc baseball proaram, ~e hAd a premonition of what to expect and wouldn't settle for anythina less. Rcimcr's hiah 5ChOOI in Enderby, British Columbia, did no t have a bascball team. His father, Ocrry, bad played l l mlnor-te11ue sea· tons in the Phillies 0t1aniza· SM REIMER/a J ). ' 1 DISC OR DRUM BRAKES 1 I ' II :=~~.;::;-' S'4999 • ~ hydralk"'" i--u &. 'IM9I WI) ~ .... Cllll .......................... L °"' • •• ,.., • .,... 'Molt c.rs Per Axle JtiiiiiaJ r-----------•••• I LUBE, OIL, FILTER I I ·Upto5qb \WYolint~oi s1211· I ·1nta1new• I I , a.sas lube (whlrt _....) I • Diltils ~fy higt'9r MOIT CAM .. ~ ... ~f'Ul • ---------------CXIWIPLETE AUTO IEPNA a 1:'.ACI-m IDP MaLITY Mf.JOR RE1WRS WBJD\tE HNOR RE1WRS WELaME Formertv Dr. To.v & Autorrdw SefviQ) • • U Monday, April 12, 11M Bowman second at 5-8, but r. -from her dram 111.m: ~ Nevertheless, it's good for a medal at Arcadia. By Richard Dunn Spoiis WIWtt ARCADIA -(i Sophomore T ina Bowman continued • to clear the .S,foot-6 • high Jump bar \\ith relative ease, but the heights he dream 01 \aulting v.ere v.1tnc~ed up clo:.c .rnd per- sonal Saturday night at the Arca· dia ln\1Hat1onal Bowman, fourth in the stole meet last year for Ne'~ port Harbor High after Jumping 5-6, finished second in one of the nation's most d1s1Jngu1shed high school trac( and field meets by rea hing 5-6 on her first try. Th.ree other cleared 5-6, but. needed extra attempts. llut though Bowman ha n't mi.sscd ot the S-6 elevation this )e:tr, it's still quite a distance from where she hopes 10 be. "(The boyt.) start at 6·fcet," Bowman said with a r<ither discn· chanted look o n her face . Bowman, who missed on three 5-8 attempts, had a chance to compete wi1h finest female high jumper in the United States, Amy Acuff of Calallen High in Corpus Chmti, Texas, the oational record· holder ut 6-3. "When it wa at 5-10. her head was still o"er the bar," Bowman said of the UCLA-bound Acuff, who \\On the C\ent at 5-10. "When lt \\..lS at 5-f eet, she didn't jump ... he tried to hurdle it. That's a lit· tic intimidating, ''"hen you think :lbout it. When you say he's the national record-holder, 1 think ev- el)on~ \\llS a little intimidated. times now; the Pasadena Games and the Trabuco Hills lnvi1ational being the other two. Misty May, another Newport Harbor sophomore, did not reach the Cinols, but had a bound of 5·4. A standout vollcybnll player with lower ~ack problems, May has also cleared S-6 twice this sea· son. • "Evcry1hing we do is kind of contagious," Bowman said. "If one ~ makes the bar, the other will." Ne\\port's Misty May attempts s-6. May, who said conftden~ is perhap her biggesl obs1ade at "I 1 5 lO b t I' -thi point, has mode S-8 her goal wan · , u ve got to ge t this year. over 5-8, first. Our coaches nlwnys "Lat I I' b re · 1 f say that you won't get really high . e y, ve ecn 1 ~lllg a Ot o (at this point in the eason), but in weights, an~ I haven t ~nd any Clf they cxpectlt." pro~lcr:'s with my back since the • bcgrnnrng of track eason," May Oo\\man's personal best is 5-7, said. "I played volleyball w much accomplished as a freshman in a this year that 1 tore some muscles dual meet against Corona dcl Mar. fibe rs. But I have m f d3d'.s back ... She has cleared 5-6 this year three it's really weird." ..Sailors experience life in the rocky lanes ARCADIA -\\ho said (i 1r:ick and field Y.a~ a non· ,,. contact )port? ~ Ne" port Harbor ll 1gh :.oph-~ • omore AJron WJrJ "ould hke a second opinion rollO\\ 111g the 5JllOr.,· distance medley relJ) SaturJJ) night at the acclu1mcd Arca- d1::i ln1.1w11onal -before a rou!>ing 2,000 fari!:i at SJlter Stadium -Ward had drawn blooJ on the in:.11.le half of his lower right Jnklc ··somebod) !.piked me at the beginning of lhe race," he :.aid. "It wasn't intentional, the race ~a':> ju~t in total mayhem." ~e\' port I IMbor, with senior Sky Peterka leaJ1ng off in the 1200 meters. follo'>'cd by ' LIGHTWEIGHTS: From 61 game, )pec1f1cJlly the \\a) Me)a hung in the · game until the IJte inning'> !>Ill e Trabuco 1s con!:iidercd the po"cr of the PCL. "And we had to play three game~ that "'eek becau!:ic of an earlier rainout, )0 that mJde it tough on our p11ching," he said. Broesamle, whose brother Joe i!i a m:un)tay with the Costa Mesa 'arslly. is a "junkball" pitcher who thro~s about 80 percent curves and knuckJeballs, according to Crowe. Ward (400), sophomore R)an Adams (800) and senior Jared Overton (1600), hod barely made the Arcadia qualif) ing standard. The Sailors were listed 19th out of 20 schools. Bul lhanks to some personal-best runs, they finished ninth in 10, minutes, 33. I sec- onds. "It's more mc:ntal than physical," said 0\erton, who pulled the Sailors up one place after. running a personal record ( 4:23.6) in a four·l~1p dash. "If I didn't ha'e a mind, I'd run fo)tc r." Ward (52.4) and Adams (2:00.4) ;ibo ran pcr:.onJI bests, \\htlc Pcttrka, a solid 3200 runner. fell like a fish out of water in the 1200 (3:17.0). . • "I haven't even rJced a n11lc before, let alone three laps," PcterkJ said. "I wasn't the ball in play," said Cro"'e. Mc!>a's other league victory wa) a 7-5 dec1:.1on over Laguna Beach. Hcrn:indez, ''°ho IAaS the winn ing pitcher in that game a:. well, had the big blow for Mesa, a three-run homer. At the start of the seru.on. cent~r fielder Ja!:ion Ola.ssman was inserted into the leadoff _spot, but has since moved to the 3-spot. "l lc 's the fastest guy on our team, and he's got good power," said CrO\\e. "'At this leYcl, a lot of the fields have no fences. and he'i. capable of hitting the ball into the gap and getting a home run. He had a homer in the fatancia game." ready for it. Getting around the track, l felt like a pin ball at the beginning." For Ward, who didn't re:i'tize he had a small puncture in his lower ankle until two minutes afte r the race, it was a rude awaken- ing. • "You just have to go for 'Mc, me, me,' that's the way it is, it's doesn't matter," Ward said. "I ran so hard at the en<! of the race, I couldn't even see. I was just hoping th at I was giving (the baton) to the right guy. I felt like 1 was flying." For Bim Barry, Newport Harbor dbtancc coach, it was no surprise. 1 "Wh enever there are 20 guys on the track, Lherc's going to be some contac t, especiaUy when they all want the same part . of the track," he said. -By Rith11rd Dunn top of the order. Freshman shortstop Seth Halverso n ls an instrumental part of the Mu:.tangs' defense. "He's just got tremendous instinct," aid Crowe. "And he's a solid fielder Y.ith a great glove and quick hands. He can make the hard plays seem routine." Third baseman Cory Quezada bau~ fifth in the lineup and has produced some clutch hits for Costa Mesa so far this season. •· 1 n each of fhc three losses (in league), we've been competitive to a point," said From 81 Llnacnfeher won &he event at 63· 11 -were just happy 10 be there. "1t•s prcuy elite t<> be in this group," said Btrg·Hanscn, whose farthest put &his year is 51·101/z. Ralphs, an All-ClF Southern Section Division JV defensive line· man in football, topped his previ- ous bes& or S4-0Y•, accomplished at the Trabuco Hills lnvit:uional April 3. His initial effort was S2-5 ¥•, then Ralphs. working in the sec- ond fli&ht, took the lead in the competition with a 53-8 heave. He extended his lead on his third and final throw. but a potent third night or competkors eliminated R~lphs from the six-man finals. He finished seventh overall. "Even though I got a PR, I was still disappointed because ·l thought 1 w.ns going to get a bi~ throw tonight," said Ralph~. whose bcM shot put last season was 53-111/z, thrown at the M?s· ters Meet. "There were &hrce state champi- ons out here, including one from Wnshiogton (J ustin Strand) and one Crom Arizona (Brian· Morris). But to sec these other people throw, it gets you mentally pre· pared for what you have to do in the future, and what you have to look forward to. ''Right now , I'm in the best shape I've been 1n, in a long time. But stretching-wise, I'm having problems wi th my technique. l'tn having a problem with my exten- sion, and I'm not getting a good push off my right leg. But I'll get a good throw on Thursday against Woodbridge because we need to beat them for (Sea View) league. And we've even got a rifth guy. Chris Vail." Vail, a junior, has gone 46-7 this GINA: From 6 1 raising 142.5 kilogram' (31311: pounds) in the snatch and clean and jerk lift~. Her clean and jerk \\as 176 pounds, her natch lift was a personal-best 140 pounds. Ca ra Heads, Gina's younger !>is· ter, was second in th e five-girl, J 7- and-under competition. "(Newport Harbor "'eights Jay Be rg·Hansen l~es a !>hbt. year. Gonzale), mca11,,l11lc, U\lllg1 a spin move tor the fir\l 11mc lfll\ year, Y.cnt 51-10\4 on his :.ccond hurl S.iturdJ) Bcr~·l IJn'en hit !0- 6Y4 on hh third allcmpt, "h1lc 1f1 reach-.:J 52·9~ un hi' .,ccond tu ~ "At !hi\ time IJ .. t )C.lr, I \\a\ 11l· ting rn the :.lands "Jtching luny Muncuso," ~:i1d Bcr~·ll.111\cn, c· femng the SJ1lur ' st:ite fina "' la't yeur. "I \\,J!I throwing fro h ·M>ph IJst }car :ind. I thought or 'iUfC rd be 10 the '>lands ag:un t I\ )Car, )0 I'm JU'I C\Clttd to e h~rc " coach Ton\) C1.11cll1 !ltart ed u~ Ill Y.c1gh111Cung for the ~hot put anJ di)cu~ ... Gina I kJlh \JIJ "He hJd pul (l\c"'rxut grJJu.11c) Billy GJb· ncl 111 11 :rnd lh.1t\ ho" "'c got m10 it. Like tbl' 'hu1 put and di\· cu,, there's JlO\'Cr 1n 11 Jnd it's .1n ind1\ldu.1I )~lrl. w 1 like 11 It' tn· tant grJt1ficJt1un ·· It wa) the th1rJ \\C1ghthft1ng compc:t1t1on for the tlead) "ter), follo'' 1ng one 111 Long Geach IJ!ll )Ummcr :rnd Jlluthcr 1n M:u-1n. Couniv on Oct. .i. At the plate. Droesamle bJts cleanup in the order Although he's con'>1de red more of a contact h1ttc:r, Broesarnle does posse!>s some po"'er. "Ile doesr t s1nke out much and puts The new leadoff hitter 1s second baseman Joey Arce. A good contact hitter, Arce has the ability to get on base, a key ingredient at the Cro\\-e. "We're in the game most of the way, then have gi\en up the big inning near the end. If "c play like \\-e'vc showed we arc capable of ------------------------------- Boating BALBOA YACHT CLUB Mlerle9,Aace3 PHRF·A -1 Raider. Jay Lmderman. BYC 2 M1sc111el Reardon/Hardy BCYC, 3 Epidemc. Chuc-. Wert. BCYC PHRF-8 -1 Rascal. Dick Hayden BCYC 2 Sorcerer. Oenrns Rosene. SSYC. 3 Kachma. Gerald Madigan. NHYC PHRF-C -1 ShngshOL 8111 Murray. Cp8YC 2 Pnvate ldal'IO Kevm Lynn. BYC. 3 Pacmc HIQtl. Jim Odium VYC PHRF·O I Happy Trails Frank Kltsura. SBYRC, 2 P\JssycJI JOhn Szalay, VYC Crew 0rwt.-C...cNC IAtne R.,.tta (llt Mofth U. Channel) Mewtce 1 Orange Coast. 6 16 2 UC M1e 6 37 Second "'9l1Y I Orange CO&St 6 11 2 UC lrvlle. 6 'l.7 Flnt.,.,...., I <nnQo COIS1.. !153 3 2 UC IMnt 5 ~ 5 ,....._.,,. I Orange Coast 6 1~ 2 UC Irvine 6 20 Deep sea S UNDAY'S COUNTS NEWPORT LANDING -2 boats, 29 ing1ers 9 cahco bass, 2 sand bass. 1 rock fish. 17 sculp111, 226 mackerel DAVEY'S LOCKER -S boats, 110 anglers 33 yenowta1I, 55 bonito. 101 ca11co bass 73 sand bass. 17 sculp111. 12 sheepllead. 23 rock llSh, 30 blue perch 233 mackerel Today's TV·radio Tn.EVtSK>• ~,. ......... a 1 m So'11QUe<s PT l lO o 111 Slirs C\clper1 Cft 11 ~---... ? • ... MaUlQll W'lt , no • "' -Al:Wtlt Setlel lsPN ....... 11 1m -~ ~(710) 1 30 p m -P111lt1 SO 1(1-1.18 (7601 • 30 p"' c":n flrlyes no Pm -Slm-CllOPri wr.H rs WJ'C 1110) Local schedule Does your Gar stalt bani? • Idle Rough? Give Poor mileage?· Gall Usl We're lie Dltveabllftr Experts . . Carburetor Rebuilding• Fuel l~ection Tune-Up • Smog Certification Open Mon-Fr1 8:30 k> 5:30 cal (714) 642-8286 1or an appointment 2945 Randolph Ave. Costa t.1esa .: playing, I think we can beat about nn)'body in the league ... Mobil Unleaded •1.26 •/10 • Super '1.47 •/10 I Wt '-Y•W.•T•Y•Crelt tns ~~ z. El l Lo w PR1crsS -GREAT GAs & C AR W ASH S AVINGS CAR WASH& WAX s49s ::"~~ t;ood 1'IN""' "· ,,,J ~ell§ __________ C) Ir. ........ .. .... UCIA-.. ,_,,.,, KFI Prolmot. :And Tlll._HolC. ColurlNI Colllnnill ldll'll ~ Plul .. ,.~ "s..: ~hi'*"-·~..... °"*'Jim Mondi 1111 Lllldlll . 111• Hiii Tiil l.ICID ClraH .. If Y/?U. 'd lik' ,,,, .LObdel Group to entertain and Jnlorm with • tailof·Ndl ptrlormafQ fofyw ~ ulon,,.,. Ctll M LDbdfl 11540-1~. W.tt5lfmN --~ ,,,,,, '°" ~ ,,,..,, THIS WEEK'S TOPICS BolsaCblca TJIMJlll Tacllllllollv lllallUI ,. .. _ • WlllllTI ...... LIMll ..... cm ... M,TCt~~ .. 7:30prn 11 t~::r .......... ~~ ........ , ,, .... 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Newport Beach/Costa Meaa Dally Piiot Mond1y, April 12, 1113 83 City or Newport Beach Youth Track and Field Championship s City titles at -~take ~ Championship meet at Newport Harbor set to get under way Friday afternoon. NEWPORT BEACH -The City of Newport Dench Youth Track ond Field Championships, sponsored by the Newport·Balboa Rot:uy Club, will be held on Friday at Newport Harbor High. The meet is scheduled to start at 4:30 p .m. M o re than 150 athletes will be taking part in the meet. Doys and girls, ages 7-15, will be partici· pating in sprints, distance runs and field events. The top three Cinishersl n each division will rep· • resent . Newporr Beach in the Orange County Champion hip meet to be held at Trabuco Hills High on Mny 8. Each conte:.tant is eligible to compete in two running and one field event, o r one running and two field e vents, for a maximum o f three indi· vidual events, plus relays. First·pl:icc finishers will receive medals. while ribbons will be awarded to second· and third-place finishers in individual events, b ut no t relays. All running events will be held in meters. Following is a list. of record-holders in the meet by event, with year ·the record was set and the reco rd mark: IOVI "lCO .. DI a.rear-old• llM reuneer 50 mete11-R1~ Hoo\ff. '86 81. 100 mrtfls-~.M llw, '86 17 7 200 mtltfl-1.CM B w 86 37 9 400 1!1Nrs-Jtller50ft Rttd. '92. 12790 400 mrttr relly-H~ Ve.-'92. 1 14 SS long ~-.kn Tytet, '77, 9·9. Soll!W how-GMWI TUI!* SA 56-2 ~ •1••r-otde SO ""1t!S~aod Busw. '92. 3S. 100 mt1e1s-.Mlf1Cl Ianni. ·gz 1862. 200 mctm-Tn11s 8eaicste1. '92, 3783 400 nwters-C111111 Elmolt 90 1 21 85. 400 mtlff ruy-Anc!trun 89, 1 11 SA, Lono ~-OaM Guncbcll. ~ 11-9 ltql ll'!P-t.laii Cr~ 71. 3· 10. Sol'..1>111 how -Nf/ltQtry Cutc1. 75 127-0'' 10-, ....... d. 50 ITl('.en-t.ill\ M<Mlity 86, 7 6 100 me1'fs-t,1a11 Ho)\ 89 15 13. 200 ITIC'.tB-o-i G11Uct1 a& 31 1 400 mews-Molgan ~. '87. 112 3. •on mc'.tf rt1ay-Hf•QlllS 89 1 03 SO. long ~-RyJl'I BIK .. '84. 12 ·8, H.;11 ~-~ L.oeno. 15 M SoltbJUvow-t.H.t Hm. '75, 158-0~ , 11-rear-otde 100 l'IW'.m-Waclf T 86. 14 1, 200 mettn-MM'l Mcl<nty. '87. 31 2. 400 mt1t1s-Wlde t as 1ou aoo ~-M Hel11ettS. '92 24209 ~oo ll'lf'.ef INy-l.CMllltll S8 1 00 I long Jl!IO-Pal SultvJn 7S t4·4 H~ ~-~~ ftO\l IS 4.5 Sol::>aS twow-&re!! lfl4ICS. 161·3 12., ....... d. 100 mNls-Jtll t.iocnnty. a& 133 200 me1tfs-Je!I Moc.hney. aa 291 400 "4Wl-TOOd Tiil. -0. 1 II&.; IOO O'llWS-RPll AdMnl, U 2'°0 400 """''111y-KMtr. N I 02.4 lOl'O ~-·andon Showabf 17. 15·3. HIO'I ~-Man l'linlr. '71, ..... SOlll)al 1110 .. -1111 ~ '71 193-0 1~ar..W• . 100 '"""' -1\on Mclfv, Ml. '88 13'-200 mr'.tfS -T Odd T"' M 27 5 400 me1ers-TOdd Mclflllll ec>.10722. 800 metets-fly111 Ad#T!S, '87, 23207, 400 IT1Nf retay-Andefaeo, '87, 59 o. l0t10 Ju!l'lo-l(evifl fltts•. 'II, 16 2 HIQll ~-Jm RUSI\ ·n. 4.11. Shol pu1-o..11roc~. 10 s2-10 , .. , •• ,-eN. 100 11w11-8undon SIWl.utt 89 13 ~. 200 1!1Nf1-Jt1s SCMzd, 92, n n 400 mtters-Jess sin.citt 92 1 oooe. t600 mews-T(.er kamlee t2, HHS. 400 mew reti,-lt\lrtntn, 86. S84 tono 11nP-S11110 Mtd&S ·12. 11-1. HIVll ..,.-Jcn k)'tf. '82. 5-5~. Shel PJl-Pew Gust 77 0-1~ • tS.r•ar•e&d• 100 mrten-Mlll Jotoen. ·aa. 13 S3. 200 mettrs-Matt PlllUlll. '91, 32 06. 400 mtlerS-Mikt P11UI '89. 1023. 1600 mmrs-Todd Mcll'llllnlc. '91 5 49 09. 400 mete1 tttay-Nu.l)Ol1 ~iy. 75. 599 Lonv IUll'P-Gdl hm· lllyn. '14, 17·6, ~jump-I.He [yans 17 5-3 Sllct pul-Kevin Reed '7& 46· • QJRLI Rl!CORDI .. reer-olde and rownter SO mct11s-Em Simi '87. 8 39. 100 mews-EM Stova• 87, 17 2. 200 mclell-Sommtr OwtM. ·91, 3617, 400 meters-Sommer 0-.ans. 11, 12268 400 melt• retay-HtiQhts '87. 1 17 o. long tumo-llllOuy Gl\lbt>s 88. 9-8 Softbal llllow-Olllldl Scoa. '78, 93·0 e.rear•lde 50 mcttn-CNtllllt k~s '89 7 2 100 met..e1s-Jann-!11 G¥dnel. 87. IS 9. 200 l!llWs-JnlJ• a.ini 87 31 8 400 mders-Sommct Owtm. 92 1 1162, 400 me!et IW;-Andfnen. 86 1072 Lon; ~-MM'itt Pr.I\#, 82, 11-•. lfiQ!1 PT!P-.u.t a-. ·as. 3.1~. Softl>d f11ow-lkholt s~. '78 119-2 10-rear .. ld• SO mtlefs-E11n Stov~ '89. 82. 100 mft.lfs-Juumyn M.lllf, 90 1616, 200 melefl-Jenny G•dnel. ·u. 33«, 4001n11&rs-Jemy c;,,o.. ·ea. 1120. 400 mew lllay-Arocltnell. 'II, I 07 2 11.yeer..W. 100 metels-C ZW/J ~el ·a~aa. '~ 6, 200 mNrl-TtnYI Green. '92 :is 66. 400 tndln-Halhtf Clllnl>trtson. '91, 1 1269. IOO l!W'.en-Hu111t1 ~on. '91. H393. 400 mew rl&ay-MNNn. '16 1 008. loog llimP-Mllitt Pfislff. 'SA, 13-2. Higll ~-Hemet CUflblnson. ·111, 4-C~ Sollbd tlvow -Nkhole Slullrng. '79, 137·0 t2·rear-old• 100 mflel'S-Cll!r'Ne Zw 86 14 7, 200 mttm-ICdy Jo S"'llbe!O 86 328 400 mrllls-Jam.e S.-11tie10 91 112 45 800 ITll'.ers-JllM Sd'lle!O 91 2 41 78 400 ~ 1e111-M~ IS 1 03 S, Long JJmP-~e'ldy R..sll 78 13-2. H.'Qll iumP-Ooni 0Qoe11 '7S H ~ INow-Sttphanoe Noonlll 79 1S8·0 1~r••r-old• 100 me1e1s -Jtnruler GluKW.. '86 13 a 200 mettrs -Ma111ee Pf1stt1 66 29 2 400 mtle•s-Ket'y Jo SwWtlg, 87 I 100. 800 met.trs-0.nccn tiowei 90 2 37 97 •oo 1T1e111 relay -MMfltri as sg • Long lfJll'9-~e t Jo S•uite•o 11 14·S ~ ~-Ma1c• w~"' 75 4 s Snot p..1-J'iil Bitton ·as 25-4 14-r••r-otd• 100 mc:m-M•ott l'fster 87 132 200 me1e1s-~;ait1 G•~ ii 31 3S •oo mt'.ers -kc y JO S•wero as. 1 09 o. 1600 metan -Rewcca C.oio tf'btrg 90. 6 S9 78 •OO mettt re.a;-1.Wtners 86 S59, lQllO ium;>-Siiu~ k'llse. '75, IS·S. HIQh tum~-IUm Conne• 7S 4.5 SllOI P<A-Nd tier 19 lS-5 t S.rear-old1 100 metttS-l•U Lol>el10 88 1S 6 200 meters-t.4~iltl G•O•tf 92 l4 14 • 4:>0 IT't :tn-Jtrn'er P11\tf IVI 1 U 97 1£00 mtttts-)let Wtllf< 8a 6 42 0 400 ~tf rtll1-ke«;IOl1 [ tmetU"f 8 t » 2 long ~ -Oenist M4 lltNj 57 13 2 H1n ,..,.,P-~"" MJl!Onry ·97 •·10 Sllol i>.it-Oen.u Ma-llOl'ty 30-4.,., PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUIUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES REIMER: It all started at DCC. From 81 . . lion and was buddies and former teammate!. ""ith then·Anaels M:Outing director Larry H imes. Su when Reimer and his father bcg;rn looking for a place to pla y, knowing that Southern C.ali· fornia was the scene to tie o;een, Hime5 suggc1.tcd Orange Coast College, Ccmt~ and S:sn1a Ana (now Rancho S3nti3go) Reimer never loolcd beyond CCC ... Oran~e Coa:.t. wai. the first p lace I v.ent to, and II was pl3ying Cerritos that day," >Did Reimer, now a ldt fielder/de>1gna1ed hitter for the M il· \\aukee Brcv..c:r> ... The Cerrito) pla)· er:. all had 1.hon hair, :ind a lo t o( l hadn'1 played as much as the others . 'Bui ttult (freshmen cla ). we thouaht v.e were ~ cool coming out o( h •ah ~hool. Now 1h~t I look back on 11, we were pretty immature. We just h d thi'> speciaJ bone.hog, 11 was like a (~mily atmos· phere, e~pec1ally because 11lJ))t or u' were fint· )Car pla)er:> We: got to play together for ~o ye:m. and how Mayne appro ache frc~hmcn . he make~ )Ou more mentally tough (or your profc)· )ton:sl career" Reimer played a t Cal State 1-ullerton the follow· mg se:iwn before the Tcxa Ranger w:lccted him in the l l1h round of the June, 19 S Jr .ift them had sha.,,ed heJd>, and >O I thought, 'I'm not gomg 10 :.have m} head and go to that ~chool. • "l had no-idea ''hat Orange Cou)I was abou1, or any1h1ng about this area I Ju:> I v. anted to play baseball Once I go t d own 1here, I thought I'd have a chance to get drafted. Orange Coast h.id good looking ''omen the re . They've always h3d the m And ll was so close to the beach, 1hat had always been my 1mpress1on o f Cah· fornia. There "'ere beautiful girls e v· erywhere." 'The Cerritos ptayers all had short hair, and a lot of them had shaved heads, ·and so I thought. 'I'm not going to shave my head and go to that school.' Uy 19 8, he \\Jl> 1n the big league:., allc:r bJ111ng 302 \\Ith 21 home run-; JnJ 76 RSI for bouble·A Tuba. Reimer, a thrce·)C:tr member of the Csnad1an auonal baseball team, including 1he 19 4 Olymp1c 1c.1m, pl:iycd his fi~t full l>eason w tth the Ranger:> 1n 1990, c;rushmg 20 home runs \\1th 69 RBI Uu1 al1cr bJ1t1ng .269 and 267 tn 1990 and I IJIJl. respccuvcl~. Te~a~ fell Reuner unpro1tc1ed in las t fall's expansion draft Seemingly no longer 1n the Rangers' plans, the ch ange be· came a bks~mg in disguise Reimer d id the cye·openmg with hts mons1er swing, launching batting· practice balls onto Fairview Road during the summer of 1982. OCC C-0uch 'M ike Mayne couldn't stop talking about him. The Colorado Rockies drafted Re· -ICfVW RfM.R 1mcr, t hen 1mmeJia1ely traded him Milwaukee Brewers 10 M1l\\aukee for outfielder 0 Jntc B1cheue, a former Angel Reimer was pan of Mayne's stellar recru11ing class th:.tt year. which abo included second bJse· man Jeff Gardner (San Diego Padres) and c:ucher Damon Berryhill (Atlanta Braves) The Pin.lie> had won three consecuthe South Coa:,t Confer· cnce title!>. but needed a scriou:. C4!Se o f restod.sng in '83 :ifler mo:.t o f the pla)er:. v.ho were imoheJ 1n the ch.imp1onsh1p run had graduated. Af1er v.allop1ng a club-leadtng I:! home run) tm fre)hman ~ear. Reimer helped. lead OCC to an· other onference title 1n 198.1. "The: m:iin 1hing for me ''a!> the C\per1encc and the C\PU'>ure. because a1hlct1C·\\l!lc I had the ab1l· IL)," Reimer said earlier 1h1' \\Cd .. at A nJhc1m S1;:id1um, v.hcre the Bre\\er!> opened the season .. I had not been exposed tu basi:ball 1n AmeriCJ. Jnd ..I \\3:> hoping they wouldn't pro· Itel me:· R eimer !laid "Texas had plans Cor wme -..ounger pl3)0rl. and (Julio) Franco .... as going to DH, so 1t .,..or~cd 001 good for me because I get an opportun11\ 10 pla~ somev.here else "II \\a~ abu ~ind of fun being a pan of h1stor) in the t.:\pJn-.1on drafl. then 1 was glad I got trad· CJ be JU!>C for Colorado, being a brand new fr:in· dme , 11 '> going Lo be a long sea:.on for them ·• · Reimer v.111 spot s tart in left field, pelling Greg \'aughn. and DH against right-handed p11ch1ng H e's :iho pleased to see his budd~. Gardner. 't:lfling 3t 'econd bai.e 'for 1he Padre!> 3nd finall~ gcmng a chance to pla} 10 the big leagues · 1 here\ nu player thal°s m ore de:.el'\sng," Re imer )Jtd Those Orange Coast bo)> have J lwa)!> \lucl 10gether PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES ======== 92660 UNDER A DEED OF TRUST Wfltten response must be ERS ARE· JULIE KIM. ange County. Calttomoa will r-bods up 10 .,,<I rn-Tr111 bus1ne$s 1s con-Tilts suaement wu Neel PUBlJC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICES EXHIBIT A DATED 8114/90 UNLESS •n ~oper leg~ lonn If you 18902 STARK AVENUE. recerve bt<ls up IO and In-clu<ling 2 00 P.M Apnl 20, ducted by • lorn.led part with the CoUl1l'f C19fll °'•-------....-- The purpof1ed owner(•) of YOU TAKE ACTION TO want th• court IO hear your CERRITOS CA. 90701 clu<lrng 2 00 p M Apnl 20, 1993 at th• O.stnct au. n«ahlp Oranoe County on Maren Flctlttou• PU8UC NOTICE said property 1s(are)· WES. PROTECT YOU PROP· case. THE ASSETS TO BE 199.1 al !tie Oistnct Busl· nen Otfk:e. 17210 Oak The reg1s1rant(s) com-16, 1§93 ...._ .._ ---------1LEY UNO . ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT If you <lo nQt file Y°"' ,.. SOLO ARE DESCRIBED IN ness Otf1ce. 17210 Oak Slt9et. FOUtUin Valley, Cal-menced to lf¥\sact bus>-fs.&4347 S~t cttl't9t000 Proplt'1y •<l<lt•SS II put· A PU8UC SALE. IF YOU lpotUle on lime, you mey GENERAL AS· Fumolut•. Street. Fountain Valley, Cal-rloml&. ness ul\<let .,,. Fictitious Publttned N-port ~ The FolowoncJ penona UD NO. ported!'; tlnown as· 979 NEED AN EXPLANATION ION the case. and YoUI Goo<lwlll. Tre<leneme, 1foma Al ltlos I.me, date, end Bus'""' Name(s) hsted Costa 1'4es.t Daily Pilot .,. doing busonea .. 09073-1-407·2 8AYSIOE COVE WEST, OF TliE NATUAE OF THE MgeS, money and prop. lAeH. Foalure. LN.HhOl<I Al li\rs bme, date, and pblce. bt<ls w.a be publoc:ly above on. March S 1987 Maren 22 29 "pnl 5 l2 INTI:ANATIONAl PUAIA- PAACEL NO. NEWPORT BEACH. CA PROCEEDING AGAINST 9l1y may be lallen wilhoul Improvements, Covenant place. bods will be publlc:ty opened and read aloud for le.gt! R T~ 1993 ' ' C" T\ON RESOURCES ~2-027 92660 YOU. YOU SHOULD CON-further wamano from the noc to com~• opened and read aloud for B1<1 No 93·5 for "BAL· Th•• stawment was Med t oou A<l•m• Avenue Oesigneled Tf\JSlM <11• TACT A 1.AWYER. court. ANO ARE LOCATED AT 5 Bl<I No. 9:M for "CON-l.ASTS" With th• Coul'ly Cl«'I ol M-94-4 U 12. Hun*tglon 8"cl\, T.S . NO. claims any llab<lity for any no CENTER ST .. COST" Thete are oth~ logal r• PARK PLAZA, IAVINE CA TRACTOR" H Indicated In Bid documents arxl 1peo· Orange County on March PUBLIC NOTICE CA~ 90-tGe25 iflt4ffectnen of the strffll MESA. CA qUlremer.11. You may want 92714 the Bid Speaf1e1tions, to flcatlons .,. on file at the 16, 1993 Dianne ...,,.,, 2540 Vil\lt YOU ARE IN DEFAULT a<1<1tes1 and other com-~(II e lttfft address or to call ~ enomey ngnt THE BUSINESS NAME compete the <ltstricfs en-Oostnct Otfic. P\a'chasing F5M348 189304 Beya Newport 8.ac:t1 CA UNDER A NOTICE Of' mon <lesJgnation. II any common <lulgnation of -av II you do noc know USED BY THE SELLER AT 8f'flV conservation pr<>feC1. Oepartmenl located 17210 Pubhnecl N-pott BeKh· RctJOoue 92e60 NUNQUOT ASSESS. snown hef'W1 propetty Is shown above. an enomey. you may call THAT LOCATION IS S.<I <locumen\I and~ Oali Street. Fountain Valey, Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Bua.I_. Name Th11 buatneas la c~ llUfT DATED oe/t 1/ The IOUll amount of the no Wlllflll\ty 11 gr.en as to an •ttomey ,..,.,.,. ~ MERTON s hcatlOt\s .,. on ,. .. at the Cai.Ion-a {714) &Q-3245 Mardi 22 29 Apnl s 12 Stat l'lt <luete<I by.,.. lndM<lulll 92. UNLESS YOU TAKE Ul)Plli<I balance ol the obit--ltS completeness °' eor· or • 1egal al<I otfice {liMed The bull( sale •S lntel'lded O.str>e:t Office Purchasing The Board of Tn.istees re-1993 · · · · The Foll -Th• r991atranl(•) com .. ,,.TIO,. TO PAOTECT gallon 1ecu1e<1 br the rect/'le$$)." The beoe/iclary In the phone ~I to be consumma1ed at the Oep11tmen1 located at 14tf"9S 11\e ngnt to reiect .. ..,,..5 do buOW1"9 ~s menceo to lranuct bu•· -pn>petty be sold end ,.. un<lef Nl<I Deed ol Tl'\ISI, Onpun <I• que le en-office of· 1 nto Oak Street Founlaln any and all 1>1<11 and to ,...,,. are •ng 11""1 as nns wno.r ~ FtcllliOM• YOUR PROPERTY, IT eonable ESTIMATED cosb, by reason of a breach or treguen es"1 citation ju<li· ESCROW AMERICA COO· Valley. Ca. (7 14) 8'3-3245 we1ve any trrec;iulartlies PUBLIC NOTICE ~-~~S ~· c!1~ BusJnns Name(s) 1mecs llAY Ill! SOLD AT A HpenHS. and a<lveoces at <lefilutt in the obUOatJOns clal usted Ilene un plazo <le POAATION. 9732 GARDEN Each bid muSI be ac-tMr .. n. The nghl os also r• .._.., ...,._'V"' .,,...,, alltoW on _,1193 "'9UC SALL IF YOU lhe time of the tnltlal publl-lec\lred thweby, here!(>. 30 DIAS CALENOARIOS GROVE 8LVO . ,,5 GAR· companied by Certofie<I MN9d by ltte Boat<I ol 18924e Oantal ... ~ Yoo2a 17~1 Ouinne ,.._, n•D AN UPUN .. cation ol lf'9 Noice ol lale tote exec:utild Md dell'll-~a ?'•Sent# une ,.. OEN GROVE, CA. 92&M Chectl or 8'<1<1er'1 Bond Tn.i11MS to Mled ll9mS Flctftloua Haller -Mt "1 · . 1lu .._,. -filed noet OI' THE NATURE Is. S9,395 63 9"ed to the undenigned e ~ta estr1ta • m.ciu;na ESCROW OFFICER TO equal in amount to 1~ of and/Of seMc:es ~ In Bu.t N den Grewe CA n640 W11t1 .,. County cs.11 01 OI' TM• PROCe.EMNQ In l<ldlliOn '° C'Uf'I, the wnn.n Oedw.llon ol 0. en esta CO'te. CONTACT IS. BONNIE the IOCal amount bid. wt<! lh .. r OplniOl'\S w.11 best s:... •,me s~ ~ ~~2~285~ Ha:-ar.ng. County on AfK 6 TNllM wiJ ~ tet11fie<I fault end Demand'°' Sale UN cat1.I o una ~da WON on °' aller 51311993 cMclt or t>on<I to g~ ..,.... the needs of the°'"' -en re• e r en 1993 AGAINST YOU, YOU Check9, cashier 1 chectcs and wnnen notice o1 o.: ..iefonica no le otread and ihe last <lay' '°' n1rng lee the blO<ler'a compll· llicL The Following persons GtoYe, CA 9264° FSM7551n SHOULD CONTACT A drawn by a Slate 0t Fed-fault and o1 e1ec11on to protection; eu respuuta claim• ltlaM be APf. 30, ance with the terms ol lhe Deted ttwe 3tat clay are dot119 bullneu u. Thrs bualneu 11 con-p bit " ti • t LAWYER Netlce of eral Credit Urion 0t Sall· cause the llnder'llgned to esnta a maquirµ ti-que 1993 whleh 11 lhe business bt<I and shall be made of Mere .. t"3 (a)FRANKJE SUE GEARY <lucW<I by husband and u a e ewit•r T ' • •-a-. '"" Associatk>n 0t Sall---• ,, ty cum""'lr con lat lormall• ' f _..,_ . ...._ t .......... ~1 n.. ,., (b)FRANKIE SUES ORNA· wile Beach~eata llleee Na"• -""'5 • aell _,o propefty to saws ,.. 1 day be Ole the _,. <lete paya._ 0 .... __,..,.., ..,,,. Petrick Quinn. Pu,.. MENT OUTPOST (clFR The reg1strant(1) com-.,.. ... PAot .... __.. to t7 Un4ef Notk:e of tngs Bank. llUlhorind to do Utd obitgabOnS, and ll'ler• ~ egalH aprop..Oas speof~ above 1nCI. he9' •-t •• _." • • Oetlnquent buSlneSI in this SI.Ille. All aller the un<lerstgne<I 11 uSled QV*e que la cone This l>ulll transtet •s sub-Purwant 10 SectJOn 4590 c "9 --n At-IKIE GEAAY. 1625 Sir;· menced lo tr.nsad bUs1-24., Mey 1, t"3 ChecQ must be curtenlly caused Nld notice ol * escuche su c:uo )eel to the C.iilorTwa Unt-o1 the Go¥emmenl Code Publ11he<I Newport lone Omte, Full9'10n CA nen ~ lttt FIC\lboul Se.201 Aa....-nt dated In the eYent lender t9Ult and of election 10 be SI usled no Pf9senl.ll su form Commercial Code and of the SI.ate ol C~· Beach-Costa Mesa Apnl 6, 92613 Bus'"ess Name(s) ksted Notice Is ~ f;ro othet Chan cash rs ae> recorded December 14, respuesta a 11empo. pue<le Section 6106 11om1a, the Conl{OICI win 12. 1993 w J Olcloe Company Cal-•bo,... on· NA that U S CONSOLO TEO oepte<I, the Trvtttt mey 1992 as Inell No. 92. pet<ler el caso, YI• pue<len Dated 04.'02/1993 contain provrs1onf' petmll· TuMo193 ilornoa. 1625 Skyline Onve, Dani .. J Yoo FORECLOSURE SER· wilh"<>l<I the Is~ of 8SS297 In Boo61 p~ of q1.111M SU salano. su'<llnero J lie Kl ling the succ:essful bt<kler Fullefton. CA 92613 Sang H You D9mfnti.ng? \ltCES, TrvatM °' succes· IM Tn.istH's Deed untJI Offlaal Records In the of· Y olras cou1 <I• su u "' to subslltut• sec:untles l0t PUBLIC NOTICE Tiiis business is con· ms st.alement wu !\led r\ ro" • IOf Tf\JstH Of suost1tutecl hinds oecome available 10 f'ice 01 the ~<ler ol Or· propledad am eV110 lldk:IO-Published Newporl .,,... mon-vs withheld by <lucte<I by a cori>Otauon with the County ~ of • Trustee pursuant to the No-the p.lyH ""endor'lff., a aoge councy: na1 pew parte <le la totte Beach-Cosui Mesa O•ly the Oostnct to ensure per· 1892.44 The reg1s1rant(s) com Orat>ge County on Marcto l'flll •W..•,.._, uc:e ol Oelinq'*14 Assess-~lier of nghl Said Sale 'Wiii be ~ EJ01sten otros requ11tos I• P.iot Apnl 12, 199.J form~ un<let the con-Flctttl-menced to iranuct bllSi 22. 1993 l,.._t, .1111 ment ••ecuted by BAY· Said sale 111\11 be m.Oe, but MINJtlt covenant or gal" Pued• Que usted m9S8 !KL Bua.lneea Name ness under lhe FoetillOUI F564959 l'llllllt" ......... SIDE COVE WEST CIO blJI Wt1noUI covenan4 or watTanty PPl'ISS or Im-quiere ftam.v a un abo09do The boat<I of TNslees r• St .. ement Busme11 N~me(s) ltSled Published N-Port Be~ "' ~~l~~r::n°e!: wananty, ••pre11 °' Im-pied, ,..;gard1ng tiU• pas-1nme<1111ement• St no . PUBLIC NOTICE sefVes th• ngto1 10 reiec:t Th• F<>1lowlng persons •t>ov• 0 Febncv 9· 1993 Oost• MHa Daily P1101 ~-Mist. Pege Inst .,02~17 ol piled regard1119 title. po• MSllOf'I, or encumbrance&. conoce a un aboga<lo any and Ill bids and to are doing business._ ~ ~'~ 0~ Mitch 29, .Apnl 5, 12. 19, w.ca,au1tlilolqb Otllcl R In ol· session 0t enwmtw.nces. to pay lhe remaln.ng .ptlnd-puede bmat a un servicio NOTICE TO w1l11e any l11egulerily l(fT INVESTMENT, 24 '9 art. 1993 flee: the~ A!!cser to Nllsf't lf'9 lndebtedneu pe1 sum of the ooce(s) ,. de reltrencia de abogldos CONTRACTORS thtfeon. The righl Is also,. Sta Crest Or •• oana Point. tarv M-947 GE Coun Call-HCUre<I by uld Deed. ad-cured by eaK1 deed ol o a una oflan<a de ayu<la INVITING BIDS served by lhe Board ol CA 92629 PILOT CLASSIF1ED --------~!cs ~~·to the vencee "*9undef, With In-TNl1 Wl1h in.west u In legal (vH al <ltrectono ,..._ NOTICE IS HEREBY Trustaes to select rlems l.atQh Raymond Tamwe. Its the reSOUtce you Ctaurf.., 11 No4lce °' OefllYlt and Elec-I.,._ u pr<Mded ~ UICI noi. ptO'llde<I, .0. fonico} GIVEN Chat lhe Soans ol and/or MMCft wtllCtl In 24902 Sea Ctest Or , OaN can count on to M41 a CONVENIENT UOn 10 Sell ~., f9-and the unp9<1 pMclJMll ol vances. If any. un<ltf the CASE NUM81lR TrvstMI of the Founuttn lheor oponion Wiii belt ..,..,. Point. CA 92629 myriad of merchan whether you're buy> COfOed 1112311992 In Bool< the now •ecured by said terms ol laid Deed ol (Numero del Caeo, Valley School O!stn<it of Or· IM needs of the Oostrict. JuMo f(lmoto, 3336 Punta d tM Items. because 1ng. sethng, or just Pege Inst. .,92•802453 ol o.td with Int«•~ thereon Trust. INS, charges and 704800 ange County, CaMomia wlU Pfevaihng wage raws will AIU Apt. 3E. Laguna Hous, our cotumoa compol looking. cia .. rfied M5 Aid Official Record• wi• as l)fO¥l<lt<I In eaid Oecla-•JIP9f'IM9 of tne Trvstee JUDGE rec.llecl bids up to and In· apply. Cop.es of the wage CA 926S3--2869 qualllle<I buyere to what you n~I Stl on 4/2flll99l et' ius rat1on1 of Convenant1, and ot the ltusll etwate<I JAMES J ALFANO dUdlftO 2 00 PM Apnl 20, rete1 are on file el th• <II• Alber1 Tsulcirno(o. 16048 calll PILOT CLASSlr:IED A.Ill et MAIN ENTRA.NCE Condlltona and RHtn<> by lat<I Deed ol Tl\llt DEPT 82 1993 at the O.stnd BIN-tric:t ottlce at IM eboft aG-Lan<lmaltl Or , Whtttl91, CA 642 • .se78 642--H78 TO .THE COUNTY COUR~ Uons. recorded on CS/141 Seid .... Wiii be held on: • "911 Offa. 1n10 Oak dress 90604 HOUSE. 700 CMC CE~ 1975. In the olllclal Aptt1 19, 1993. at t ·JO The name end ad<lteas ol SllMt. Founta.n Va/Wf. Cal O.ted th~ 3tat ctar•------------------~ OOIVE W~ SAMTA Recor<le of ORAN GEp~lnlhe~by~thelhe~~~~~y,~~ of~htH3 -----------~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~~-~-~ ANA, CA 92902 e, public County, In Book 114t4, building localed Ill 601 <111ecclon de la torte es) Al this 11me, date, and Br: P~trlc" Quinn, PUBLIC NOTICE auc:tlon, to lhe highest bid-Page JOI as lnsitument South Lewis S""l Or· SUPERIOR COURT OF place, bl<l1 will be publlc.ly Purcheal"9 Aee"' Clef for cash (JWYable at NoDeted: 03130(tM3 7~::'~F:81n1t1a1 CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ~o.~a1orel~ci: Publlahe<I New port the time of _. In lawful a D _....,,. .. ._ ~ th'-__.._. ORANGE. 700 Civic CenlM ........ CTOR" . .,., In Stach-Costa Mua O..Jy money of th• United D • • AV• 0 A • ...,...._....., "" QI • ..,.,...... Drive West Bo~ 1994 '"" as lndicat ... Sales) all ngtit. llU. and TRUSftl! Che IOlal amount ol the un--• • the 8td Speaf'lc:aliOns, 10 Pilot Apnl 6. 12. 1993 1nt....t ~ to' and U8 CONSOLIDATED pat<! balanc. ol !tie~ Sanla Ana. CA 9270 1 complele "FOUNDATION TuMot92 now ~ by it under eal<I P:ORlt:lCOSUR• 81'.R-don eec:ured by !he •bove The name, •<ldress. and WORK" lot ESP Modu!M , __ PU_B_LI_C-.. -0-T-IC_E __ Nolle• 1n tne propet1y eltu-VIClt:S • N-T <lncobed deed o1 lnlst telephone number ol plalf\. projecl at Otta Elementaty " ated In uid Courity and • 20 ..... .-vn and Htimaled cosb, U · 11rr1 anomey °' plalntill Scnool •--------- State and dHcllbed 81 fol· CllNTU IMttva, SUITE ptn1et. and e<lllancH, is wilhoul an an°omey. is: (El 81<1documentsand1pecl-t913M ......... 810, NaWPORT S132.137.19. I l fic.lt1on1 are on Ille Ill the FfREANDCASUAlTY ~T 2 TRACT 08073 ••ACH, CA e~eeo It Is poulble ttlat at the nombte, a <I recc:t0n y -' 011tn<:t Ol'l'lce Purchulog SYWOPSIS Of' Tltll J.~ I.ANO AEFERRE. o TO C7t4, ~... time of eale the openinQ num«o ~~ telelono Oe4 Department located at ANNUAL STATDIOT MTEE bid may be lea• than the aboga<lo ,.... <lemancl.,,te. 17210 Oe61 Street. Founta;n U t H I IN THIS GUARA IS Publlel'ted Newport lot.11 lnd~nest due o <lel <lemandante que no Vallty, Ca (714) 94J..3245 We•t•m n t neu.-~~~OA"t,~~~ Beach-Colla Mesa Daily Dete: 3/2W3 tleN •t>OOado, H) heh bid musl bt ac· •nc• Compenr, 4895 OF ORANGE 1;.'9 IS OE· Pilot Apnl 5• 12• 19• 1993• MHRICAN SECURt. TliE I.AW OFFICES Of·R companied by Cer11tiect llec.tnhur Coult, T'Mrd SCRIBED AS FOllOWS: Mts7 TIRS COMPANY, ae SE8ASTIAN GIBSON, 125 Chectl °' &ddet"'s Bond Floor, Ne~ .. ec:h, PARCEL 1: UNIT NO. 407 PUIUC llOTICI .... Tru•t .. , TahqUttz Cal1yon Way, St• equal In amount to.1~ ol CA ezeeo • AS SHOWN HA.NCO OE· •t T .o., a•RVICE 200, ~Parm prinQS. CA ~:, ~o~.=e 31.~~2 Ended December ~~OP~~~ TMl":=a C:.U COWAMY, ... nt 922e2 (619) 322-2444 tee the bidder'• compli· Total a<1m11t•<I HHIS ON AUGUST 12 1975 IN ., UAUf TALAFUS, DATE: FE8 • 1993 ence wilh the terme ot the St8,7S9.518 BOOK '148f PAGES 1363 ~ ... an... AH••••nt ••cretery, Qlil('( L GRANV1LLE bod. and lhall be made T 0 I a I 11 . b 111 11 •• THROUGH ; .. , INCLU-1'tOLT eot .................. Ce.rte. by CATHERINE pav•~ lo the SchOOI Dia-$12.048,632 SNE, Of'FICIAL RECORDS T.8. No. Lt4?1Q Or•n•e, CA 911el U&.SINGIER, Deputy ltlct . Ag~rec;iate "'"lt-l'ns fOf OF SAID COUNTY, UNITlcootl l (1t•) 3aM7 0D Pvbllshe<I ~ewporl Pursuant 10 Section 4590 special surplus funds S 0 PARCEL 2: A UNOMOEO »• 424-202-09 • ....... -C ol Ii\• Government Co<lt of C.piul •tocill Sl.200,000 ONE FIFTY-EIGHTH 11/ AMERICAN SECUA111ES ff' AYAH.ML ' '" S.ach osta Men Daily the Stale ot C-.it1om1a. the Agg1egate wt'He-ons '°' 51Tli} INTEREST AS TEN-COMPAN'f' a• duly ap. IXNCTllO OPalUNQ Not Apnl J2. 19, 29. May CCHlttlld Wll contAlll\ prov!-ottltf than special ~ AMT IN COMMON IN THE ooin'9d TnAlee under the lllO llAY K 09TAINU 3. 1m. 1993. lions perm\lllng the IUC· f\#lds S 0 FEE INTE.REST IN ANO TO folowlng OffC:ribed deed •Y CM.&JN0 TM f!ICK.. m960 c:euM bidder to subsliMe Gtou ~ and contl'lt>-tHE COMMON AREA OF ot llWi' WtU SEU AT LOwt•G TaLSPHOtla MCUntHt1 lor WTY_ monty'S ule<I aurplUt $4.212,2!1 SAK> LOT ANO TRACT AS PU9UC AUCTION TO THE 11u11••RS ON THI! PUBLIC NOTICE witl'thtld bv the Oistnct lo Uoaaa1g~ fund• <- SUCH TERM IS OEFIHEO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR DAY alP:ORI TH• cnet09Ma0 , ensurt l*formanc:e undet plus) Sl,298,1568 IH THE ARTICLE ENTITl.E CASH (In the forms wtllct\ SAL.at C1t4) a...a~7 NOTIC• TO the conlnlct. SUfl'lus 81 rec;iar<la policy "OEFINITIONS.. OF THE ert lllWf\A t.ndtt In the The l>Olr<I ol TN!lteon ,.. hold« U.710,864 0£Ct.ARATION cw COY· Untied ~~llt!CUor the • CU:I) U?..... CRUITORS Ofl ' ""'" lht "°"1 10 ~ lncomt for lllt yHt ENA.HTS CONDITIONS caehler'I OI <** TACa490 •UUC ML• any and al bidt lflO lo '20,283,471 ANO AdTRICTIONS AE· Cheellt ·~ In CM1 Pwblltl'ted Newport ISEC8 et04, waive any lrregutarlly Dl1bura.emen11 fOf lhe COAOEO OH AUGUST 14, CocM Sec::1IOl'I 212.,, !Pe" 8"ctl.COl\I ..... Oatly •to• u.c.c.t lher'tin The ltght •• aleo,. 'tOfll Sl).421.110 tt75. IN BOOK 11484. able In full M lhe llme of Piiot Marc.ti 29, Aptt1 S. 12, NOTICE IS HEREBY ""'9d by ~ Bolrd Of We h«9bV ~ty ... : INI l'AGE ,oe OFFICIAL ....... right. We and .,,. 1993 GIVEN TO CREDITORS Of Trvtl ... to Ried rtem• ~ llMl\1 ar• ao- A E c 0 A 0 s' 0 F s A I 0 terHl con~ to tnd . TH l w ITH IN HA .. E 0 ef'<IJO( MMcet wtllctt In cordanee .. .,, the Annu.i COUNTY (THE "OEClARA· now held by It under Mid mGGO SEU.CR{S) THAT A BULi( lhw oponlon wllt be'* MNt Slalement l0tr lht Y..1 Tl()N,. DeM °' Tl\IU In .,. ~ PUil.iC lfOTICI SALE t$ ·~eouT TO BC the needs of the DlslnCL ended o.c.mbtf 31, 1992 UCtPT THlAEFAOM ~ ........... cteecrtbed: MADE OF' THE AS~fS Pr9Y .. ltng w-oe rel••wiJ madt to lht Insurance ALL ()I&.. GAS. MtHUW.S TMISTC>ft' EA8C v. HOU. ....w OESCR18EO enow. IPPl'f. Co9M..!' "'!.....~ ~· purwent to ANO OTHER HY0A0CAA-JAMel l. HOlT ICITACION THE NAME($) ANO BUSt tatet ••on·-at.,.-• · IONS 8El0W A DEPTH l(NEFICIARY: JADE Fl NIMCIAL) NESS AOOAESS(ES) OF ~ onlOt ec e.t ~ ~· .-..... fl. CNitet • .Ir., OF aOo FEET WITHOUT NANCIA.l OAOUP, INC. ,.. THI SEUERjS) AIU· dreu. Pr-e.i .... t rtte AIQHT ~ SURFAC9 cOtded Augu9123 ttlO .. MOTtc• TO Mn• Mil.AN £NTEA PAISES INC. DetM ..... :a tat .., Out ~-. a.a. (NT..V. AS AllERVEO IN lntlr No tO~H217 In DA. T I c A,,... • • PARK Pl.A2A. IA'VIHE, CA .. ltaret.. '"' ...., DUOS OF AECOftO 8ook page of Omclal Ao•••••• CRISTAL 92714 ••• fletrio k ~tf'ln, Publl1hed Newport PMCEI. ,. NONOCLU-Aeeorda In .,. oflQ of the r:1•1t1 aft41 DO•• t me U)CATIOH tN CAU. ~...... 8-~0Sla ...... Deity $Ml EASEMENTS FOR Aecotdtt Of Orange .......... 1-.....::•... FOMAA Of TH! CHt(F !tutallaheel Newport Not Aplt 1 I. t f2. l3. ACCES S, INOAESS, ~ .OU Ma 1MMD EXECUTIW Of'f:ICI Ofl ~·CO.la .._. Olllfy ltt3 • · lORUIS ENCROACH-Mid Claed ot .,_ ,.. ft ~1 tA U. THE 8(L4,£ft I~ IAMI AS Not Ac>tl I; t2. 1993 =r.."'bTH~:'~~~~ ~· ,--~T NO ................... ~ISTIO av TH! TIMOfO-W7Q ALL AS SUCH IAH· ,..,1. IN THf CrTY CJ# ....... !*-•. ,· -9!!0o~ """'"AU. OT"'" 8USt ... -uc-nc1 PUIUC NOTICI M£NTS AR MSUWCD COSlA MESA. COU"1'V 8M • • -• •• f«SS NAMCS ANO AO. rvv -'°"THI KNEnT CJ# OR OF~ ITATI OI' M111,1Fll...... DNSSU UKD IV TH(----~~~--QAAHTl.D TO OWNERS ... CAUf(NUM. Al SHOWN Yew ,_. :ao CALINDM llULft ~ T'HftCI fll THI Af'ftCLI Of' THE ON A MU MQOlltOlD IN ~ft llAlr Ille ..,..... VIAU IUOf.-THf COW otCLAMTIOH umru..o 800tC eo ltAOI • °" ............. "" ...... ~Tl IUCff UST ~AS IWVI "IASEMINT1.-ClllANIOUI -~~~~ ,,,, ...... ,,.. .... lllff Oft DILNl"ro TO HOTIC P"OltERTY AOD .. (19 AIC<>f'DI CJ# ~ OOUft. Tttl IUftRMI. NOH OIVtN ttJll 9AVllDI COY[ W[Sf. COUNN, ~ A .... • ...... ul .. 1'MI lllAMl(I) ANO AO lMCH1 el WPORf HACH, CA 'IOU AM .. •Milt........ ..,. Dflllll O'. n4l IUV V...;*'f...; . ...:..;_...;.. ____ ,_,.o;;.. _ __;~....,.-- .. I Pursuant to Government Code SectlOll 54954 6 the f ollowmg 1nforma1J0n Is hereby noticed regarding proposed increase in the business w fof the City of Newport Blach. a THE PROPOSED ANNUAL TAX RATES ARE: 1. BUSINESSES WITH NO LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY: $150 2. BUSINESSES BASED FROM A RESIDENTIAL LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY: $95 3r BUSINESSES'BASED FROM A COMMERCIAL LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY: $100 PLUS $5 OR S 10 PER EMPLOYEE (DEPENDING ON TYPE OF BUSINESS) THE BUSINESS TAX RATES SHALL BE APPLICABLE TO ANY BUSINESS SUBJECT TO BUSINESS TAXATION AS PROVIDED BY NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 5.04. . THE AMOUNT OF TAX ESTIMATED TO IE RAISED 'ANNUALLY IS $2,200,000 • • PUBLIC MEETINGS REGARDING THE INCREASE IN THE IUllNEll TAX RATEi WILL IE HELD IN THE cm .COUNCIL CtWllERI OF THE CITY OF llWPOllT IEACH., ... 3300 NEWPORT IOULIYARD.i AT 7:00 P.11~ WITH M ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION Oii llAY tu • AND llCOID READING AID ADOPTION · OP THI ORDHWICI 01 llAY 14, 1113. FOR. ADDITIONAL INFORllATIOI llGARDllG ntll PIOPOllD TAJr RATI COITACT THI llVmlUI 18..IYGD .AT lllWllORT llACll cm HALL, llOO NIWPORT IOULIVARD. WMDA L MellO. CITY OF ~_, •111 M Monday, April 12, 1993 "*JC IOTICll ••ICIOTsm "*.IC llOTICll In The 1oea1 eMOW\C of T lu I n d • p • n d • n •epr• .. ntecive Wll A ct w Ith 11 m tt • d 0...,. e.un.,, ~lier ---------~ unpa•d DafeN:• of -*"ini•tt•tion euthOrit ••q.lited to 81W "°"" t euthonty. (Thie euthot1ty Ne. end pW'IUeM .. MO'nCf OP PUIUC IOTICI ~ ob&tQe&ton eecur wil be grented uni••• lnt•rHted p111on will .. ow the p.,..0 MMtc:e et Defeuu en TRUSTWn IAla ~ _.......,.~ .. ----------I by the pto.,.ny a.o be inter•tted pet1on fll•• unlHt they hew wel ttprHef\tetive to tek• llecllon IO ... ~ DaaD M lRUIT bull,.; an 8111 ..._, 189M1 90ld and~ •II· ob;.ct1on to the pflitlo notice or oonHnted t many ecllone without der ~ UAIMH T. r . ND td21 U ..,. ...,.. ., ...., Plcltlt6ew• ma-.ct co1&.1, ••P9f'Ht end thowt good ceut th• propoted ecdH.t obt .. ning court -.>rove! In 8ooll NIA .-... NI t.W\ ND 11162tt ._. ..,. • :m=='==::. ~111 NaMe end 1dv1ncH 1t tn• why the coun thould The Independent .. fore tllklng C•rta · IMl ~ N ·7.U74 of <MherAef -..,.r,..._..f • atat ... nt llm• o• lt\e lnltl., C>Ubl•· not grent the euthor1ty. edtni,..ttrehon 9Uthottt wry imponent ectione Ottlc;QI ~.""' A IJ. Number: -"'• •H uenee el U. The Followlng J*"SOl'll c.a"on ol the HoUc. ol A HEARING on t will bt grented unl .. t however, the persoftel on 0411111113 at t GOP M VOU .,.. IN Dl'AUL.T lrua1ee•a 0ee4 ..,. .. dolnQbuwssaJ· 11te11 110,11110 petition will be held 0 lnt1rettedper1onf ... 1e rtpr•Hntetlv• will b• et the NCMU\ Iron• en UNOI" A OllD Of fUftdll ,111 ... -.:::::= Alff ~CREATION"; 3700 In ldf!Uon 10 c:eeft. Mey• 8 , 1993 II 1 :45 ob,.c:t1on to the p•til1on rtquir•d to give notice to ttence to •he Count T.-UST DATID ...... 11, IO ... ,..,_•• Bristol '705, Coate MNa. Trull .. will 1ccep1 p M. in Dept. 703 end 1hows good c11Us lnteruted P•rtone CouMouH. 700 Chrl tltO UHLISS YOU AKI ... ..__.,ftllM. CA 9262$ c .. hlef'I cl'lacll drew toc•ted 11 341 The Cj why the court 1hould unleH they hive w .. ved cen.. Dnwe w-. Ian ACTION TO IJ"OTICT a..d ............ Kaz"yukr Ml1uno, 4813 on e 1lll• or ne1ton11 Drtve, P.O. Box 1417~ ntPI lrent th• euthorlty. nottoe or conunted to=·~ U: :=, ~ W"so~"~·~~~ withcMll oos•ient or..,. Jecques Si., Torrence, ben-. • c:tlecll dte•n Or•nge CA 92813. HE~RING on the th• propoted ection.) der 'tor ce.n f abte • SALi tr YOU ,,_10 AH .-.nlY • ...,... or..._.. C•llf 90503 ...... Of' federal credt IF YOU OBJf;CT TO pet1t1on will be held on Th. Ind e p. n d. n I 0'9" of ..:iv I EXPLANATION or THI ree• ........ peew. Thl1 business 11 con-union °' 1 cl\eell drewn the granting of the Mey &1 1993 •t 1 :45 edmtnlitretion 1Uthor1ty mo me 1 th "u 'r" ltljATU"E 0 ,. THI ,.._0 • Mein or WUlftltrettHt, dUct~ by: Ill lndlvldu1I by a 1111• or ledentl llV· 1 P.M. in Otpt 703 ill b ed nl ney 0 • " ta '° .... fy "'9 6'tdll111d· Th• regl11ran1(1) com· lng1 anct loen Htoc•· ptttt1on, you thou d loc•t•d et 341 The Cit t • gr•nl u tH •n Slit••), •II rloht, title CHDING AOAINST YOU, nee• eecured by ••Id menc:.d to irensact bYal· •hon, aavlnt;ti ueoct appHr al the hHnng Dnv• Or•ngt CA 92888v nterttted person ftl~•. en end ln..,..t, ~ YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Deed • .._.llCM ~ neu under the FlctltlOYI auon or uvingt bin • n d • l • t e y o u IF YOU OBJE • objection to the petition and now helct by It IMlde LAWYER der Mitt ~ .. pro- Buslne11 Nern•(•) lltled tpec:llled In S.Ctlon 5102 obJ•Ot!ont o~ file wrlttt the gr•nf g fT l~ •nd ltlow1 good c.u1t U6d deed In th• ltljoeice 11 NrebV 9lwln vtd9d tn....ln, end "'9 abow on: NIA or ti\ Finenct•I Cod obJecltona with the oourt . in ° tow why the court 1hould ellueted In aald Coun ehlt s.rr.no Aec:onvey· unplMd ~ ot UM Kazuyulll Mlluno ind !uthorlHct 10 d before the hearing. Your P•lll•on. you •hould not grent the euthority. Ind Sta .. and clMCn 1nce Compeny, •• ll\lll-no .. 1.Cured .by uld Ths statement was filed bullMH In this ,.... 1 appearance mey be In 9PP~•r •t the heering A HEARING on the 11 tollow1: Lot 16 In ... Of' 1uc;ceNor tru1tee, de.d ~ lnteNet ..... with the County Cl.OC OI th• event tender oth• peraon or by you • n • I • t • V !' u r petition will be held on Bloc:k 835 of Cofone Del or 1ub11itu1ed trust•• on M ~ In utd Onnoe County on Man:tl tn.n cHI\ 11 accepled. attorney, objtctloni or file written Mey 8 , 1993 •t 1 :45 Mat, In the City of ..._,. purauent lO the Deed of Note, ,._, ~ and 22, 1093 the Trui&ee may withhold IF YOU ARE A ob,ectton1 w1fh the coun P.M. In Dtpt. 703 por1 8Hch. County of Trull .. ecui.ct by Adrian e.apenMe ot the true .. F564958 th• 111uenoe ol th CREDITOR 0 r 1 be ore tht hHring. Your loceted •t 341 The City Otenge, State ot c.lttor-Glucll, • memed man ea end of 0'9 true• c:r.eed ~lshed N-port Btach· Ttu1tee•t Deed until contingent crednor of •PPHrence mey be In Drive PO Box 14169 nla, .. per Map r9COfded hie •01• •nd ••paret• by U4d Deed of lruaL Costa Mtaa Delly Pilot lund1 become avallabf the deceased you mutt person or by your Orenge CA 92613 • m Book 3• Peoe 41 and property, A•cord•d Seneno ~enoe M c:n 29 A I 5 12 19 to the P•YM Of' endonH file your claim with the •ttorney. IF YOU OBJECT TO 42 of Mlac•ll1neou1 05/3111990 In Book NIA Compeny, 4100 9'1v•t· ar • pn • • • H a miner ol ngl\I nd IF YOU ARE A th . f Mepe, In the Olllc:e of P1ge NIA ln1t. II 10· grade Aoed Suite tl7Q, 1993 S.a1daalewt11bemade.ctohurt a ma1l 1copyto1CREOITOR or •pett grent1no o .. _thldel'he County Rec:Otd., ol219053 of Ofllcl•lrrwlnd•I• 'cA IHOI M-948 bot nou e P • r • o n e f • 1 ton, you ,,..,u Hid County AP Num· Aecorc:t1 In IN otttce ot ~11 1 •·370 ... • c' ----------1 wii 1 c:ovenan• repretentativt •ppointed con tngtnt creditor of appeer .et the heiring ber 459 n..2 11 th c "' A d 1 ) 1•-'_.,. "· · PUBLIC NOTICE werrenty ••Of .. I or im· h .. , f the d1cee1ed you mutt d • ..,.. . • oun.,. ec:or ., o lllard A11t Sec:nl4ery, ----------iPlt•d regercting till•. Y t e court w11 ... n our flte your cletm wi h h • n •tel• Y ~ u r The street edd,..1 anct Orenge County. Calllot· Dated: oln2/tllJ pollHllOn or •ncum· months from the date of t t • ob,ect!on1 or felt wnntn oth•r common design•· n1a. end pursuant to the ASAPI010I NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S b,.ncei. 10 HUllY tne in· f1t1t tS1uance of letttrt f0h'rt •nd m1tl •copy to ob ect1on1 with .th~ court Uon, If eny, of the reel Notte• ot Oet1u11 and 3129, '-"· .,,2 SALE UNDER DEED ctebledrntll Hcurect by at provtded in H Cllon ep • f • r • 0 n •I bt ore the hearing. Your property cte1crlb•d Elec:a.on tO s .. 1 thef'e\.tn· Of TRUST u 1ct Deed actvencu 9100 of the California r reun •1tvt 11ppointed appterence m1y be in ebove 11 purpot1ed IO be cter recorded 10f.)IVll92 Ts No 92-6303 lhef'9under 'with interei Probete Code. The hme by th~ cfourt within four Ptrton or by your 615 Ina Avenue, corona In Book NIA Pag• NIA 1111••••••••11 Loen No 11 pro\llded tnerein anct for filing claims will not mont 1 rem the d1tt of •Uorney. Del Mar. CA 92625 ln11 11 92·7376•• of Hkf lmpen1I e.1cn Club the unpaid pnnctpal ol elipire before four f1tst llt1uince. of leners IF YOU ARE A The unde,.IQned Tru1t· Othcl•I Rec:Otd1. will Sell Other Rel 9211512 tne note ••cured by u id mon.th• from lhe heann 81 pro\ltded in HCll~n CR ED 1 To R 0 r •" dl1cle1m1 1ny lllblllty on 04/t811993 et 1 00 PM AP Number 424·261·15 deed with 1n1erei1 tne,... date noticed above g 9100 of the Ct hforrve contingent creditor of '°' eny lncorrec:tneu of at the Notti\ front •n· YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T on II ProY1ded In 111d YOU MA V EXAMINE Probate Code. Tht lime the deceaaed, you mu11 the ·~•• eddre11 and trance 10 th• County u ND ER A DEE D o F Nola, 1 .... cnargee end the file kept b the for filing cle1m1 will not file your claim •with the oth., common da11gn1· Cour11\ou1e, 700 Civic TRUST DATED April 14, e11penH1 ol tne tru1tte court If Y e11p1r t before lour court and mail e copy to llon, It •ny. ahown h•,... Cenlet Dnve Wnt, S.nte 1992 UNLESS YOU TAKE end ol the llUlll cruted · you ere 8 months from lht hHnng t h • r In An•. CA •t publk: auc· ACTION TO PROTECT by u1d Deed 01 Tru11 peraon mtereste~ in t.he dele noltctd above r r P 0 1 0 !' • 1 The lolel amount Ol the llon, to the hlghelt bkS· Simple to 8ulldt Animal Banks YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY WES PAC Reconvty· eatate. you may file with YOU MAY EXAMINE bep esentativo •PJ:!Otnted unp1ld princlp•I b•lance der IOf' c:a1h (payeble et BE SOLD AT A .PUBLIC ance , Inc . a C1fllorn11 the court a for"'!ol the file kept by the Y thh cfourt Wllhm four ot th• obligetlon HCured th• ttm• ol H I• tn IHriul SALE IF YOU NEED AN corporatton aa Trustee Request for Special If m ont s tom the date of by the property 10 b• money of lhe United EXPLANATION OF THE 1601 Dove' Street st~ Notice of the filing of en pcou,':,. 1 t you d •11 h • f1rtt 1111;1ance of lettert 101ct ind ree1onabl• Sl.flHI. all right. llll•. NATUAE OF THE PRO· 230 N-pon Beac'h CA inventory and appreleal er n n oreste . in '· e as provided In section co111. expen1n 1nd Id· 1nct lntetnl, conveyed to CEEOING AGAINST YOU 926b0·24 t 1 ( 11 4 I 660· of estate assets or of •~tate, vou may filfe wit~ 9100 of the California v1ncH at the ttme ol the encl now held by u und•t YOU SHOULD CONTACT i. 3978 Bv Diani cirlaon eny petition or account tR e courtt e S or"'!81 Probate Code. The time 1n1U1I publlc1uon 01 ~· aa1d deed tn the property LAWYER Sr Trullee Sale Olflcer as provided 1n section equest or pecia fOI filing claims will not '4ot1ce of Sale 11 . 111uai.d tn .. ,ct county Not.ca 11 hereby given D1ted 03/1811993 ' 1250 of the Cahforn1a Notice of the fihng of. an exptre before four 1225,554 45. encl Stet• •nd dhcrlbed Antmail B ..... that WES PAC Reconvey· ASAP804 57 Probate Code. A Request inventory ind appretul months from the hearing In addition 10 c:a1h. th a1 lollowa . and anc•. Inc 1 Cal1 lorm1 3129, 41'5. 4/12 for Special Nouca form of •ll•t• •Htt1 or of dete noticed above. Trustee wllJ 1ccep1 a Parcel 1 Lot t ot Tract ~ '° "*•· c:orporauon. a1 1ru11ee. PUBLIC NOTICE 11 eva1lable from the eny ptt1.t1on or eccount YOU MA y EXAMINE ea1hlet'1 cnac:ll drew No 7223. In the City of ~ '-*1 or 1ucce11or 1ru1tee, or coun clerk. •• provtdtd in u ction tht file kept by the on a 1i.1e or naltonel Newpen e.acl\, Counry • IJ'Nlt glftl and •ti aubet.tut.ed trustee pur· A t t 0 r n 8 y f 0 r 1 250 of the Cahfornlt coun. If you ere • bank. a c:hec:k drawn b ot Ofange, Stale ol C.lt· wwl at Cnfl Showe. 1uen1 to the Deed ot CNS l 089332 Petitioner· Probete Code. A Requt1t perton lntetuted in th • •le .. Of federal cred1 lom1e. H per mep re· een buy~ ona Trust Hecutect by The NOTICE OF C k · for Sptc1sl Notte• form f 1 • e union Of 1 check dntwn corded in Book 24, gnorbuytln lmpenal Buch Ct~b. PETITION TO oo say, Howard, is 1 v•ila bl• from the ~~tett, you m•v 1f• wtth1 by• 1i.1e or lecler•I aav P1ge1 7 to 11 lnciu1hHt mn.• Ltd 1 C.htom11 L1m11.ed Martin, Toolan court clerk. e court e or~ Inge •nd loan 111ocl of M11cellaneou1 Mep1, ~ Ead't Partner11\1p Record tel EST~~l~~~T~~RY 1352 Irvine Blvd. A t t 0 r n e y f 0 r ~e~l/es', 1~0r11 Spefcisl atlon. uvlng1 H1oc1 tn ~• 01t1ce 01 U\9 Coun· set~ FVU. 05/011t992 1n Boo• Tustin CA 92680 Petltl n . 0 ice 0 e 1 ing 0 en atlon or 11v1ng1 ban ty Recorder o t u id pelltms. P•ga _ inat , 92·219956 ALICE SCHULHOF.J 0411 2/93 04113193 Ch o et. Inventory t nd •PPft.tsel 1pec1t1ed 1n Section 5102 County Eacep1 th•r• ot 0111c1a1 Rec:orct1 1n ll\e AKA MARY Al:tCt 04ti 9 /93 ' • r I at OP her M · of •11•1~ 111ttf o~ of 01 th• Flnanclal Cod lrom 111 0tl gH miner· otttce ol the Counry R• y ARNELL, AKA Veccaro •ny pet1t1on or eccount 1nct authortHd to ct a11 end other hyclroc.ar· corder ol orange coun· MARY ALICE PUBLIC NOTICE Curtis & Vaccaro H provtded 1n uction but1na.1 1n tn11 etale I bona below a dep~ of ty, ca111orn11 and pur1u· MORGAN 1 Newport Place Suite 1250 or the Cahforn111 the_,, of lend• olht 500 IHI without the nght ao1 10 the Nolle• 01 De-C S CNS 1D88925 700 Probete Code. A Requ111 than cuh 11 accept•d, ol enttv 11 rn9'Ved tn fault and EleclAon to Sell A E NO. A 168128 NOTICE OF Newport Beach CA for Special Nottce form th• TrualM m1y wtthhOlct 1n1&nJmenta ol record thereunder Rec:orctect beneTfiociari~ll,I chr•ed1 1 10rr's', PETITION TO 9266 0 11 e v11lable from the th• l11uance of It\ Parc el 2 Non · t2109/1992 1n Booll .. "' "' court clerk. ru1tee'1 Deed until eaclu11ve appurten1nt Page _ lnll • 92.843599 contingent creditors, and ADMINISTER 04/09/93. 0 4112/93, A t t 0 r n e y f 0 r lunda become avatlabl .. uments tor lngru1 ot uid Olltctal Rec:orda. persona who ma ESTATE OF: EVA 8. 04/le/93 Petitioner· '°th• pay" or tndo"• and egr .. 1 over pnvate will Sell on 04/1911993 at otherwise be interested RARDON PUBLIC NOTICE Hall Seel • E aa • mener of nghL llr••ll e1 ••I lorth In 1:00 PM 11 the Noni\ 1n the will or Httte, or CASE NO. A 168095 Y • SQ. s..q 111• will be meet lhoM cenatn Dec:laraa.on front entrance 10 1ne both, o f: MARV ALIC T 0 e 11 he i r 1 Seely & Russell without c:oven1nt or war 01 Coven1nll, COnd1Uon1 Counry CourtnouH 700 SCHULHOF. AKA MAR beneficiari es, creditort'. CNS 108S928 4631 Teller Ave, Ste ninty, .. pre11 Of 1mp1t •nd Re1111c11on1 record· C1v1c Centet Dnve Weat. ALICE VARNELL. AKA c ontingent creditore tnd NOTICE OF 140 ntgat'dlno title, po11•1 ed Apnl 6, 1971 In Booll P\#1 I 3$1 (I 8-1•) .• $3.95 I~ (10 8-\Uj •. $H5 AOd '1.00 tor C..00 (tldudu $18 In~ Gold Counlry WGIOdlllaR I Dept 92626 1615 Wimbledon Dr .. Auburn. CA 95603 Santa Ana. CA at public MARY ALICE MORGAN persons who ~I V PETITION TO Newport Beach CA alon or encumbrencH, 9596. Paoe 91>2 ol Olllclel auction to the h'lghHt A PETITION ha otherwise be interetted ADMINISTE~ 92660 to uU1ty the indebted R!corct1 ind In 80011 ,., ________ .,. bidder lor cash Cpay1bl• been filed by SHARON in the will or estate or ESTATE OF: ELMER 04/09/93 0 411 2193 ne11 H cured by u 1 ~96, P1ge 9~3 ol Olltcial •I ltle t.me ol 11le 1n 11w· AVERY in the Super1o both o f · EVA • B l. MOORE 04116193 • • Deec:t. adV1nc11 th•re\ln· ecord1 A tu 442·131· lul money ol ltlt United Court ol Caltfornie RARDON . . CASE NO A 168100 der. with lnlef91t .. pro· 34 StalHI. all rlgl\I uue, CoJJnty of Oren e , A pr-TITION h To • i I h • r • PUBLIC NOTICE elect therein and ti\ The lll'HI actdre11 and anc:t inltrell conveyed to T E p E ~ " H 1 • unpatct pnnc1pal ol ti\ other common des1ga.c and now held by 11 under H IT I 0 N been filed by JOHN benef1c11rte1, credttort, N note HCuted by 181 uon 11 •ny, o f the ,.., ... ct Deed 01 Truit In ll\e re~uests that SHARO MOWRY RARDON in the contingent creditors, i nd ~Tl~E ~0~U~~~·s dMd with tnllret• the property de1crlbed property 1tlu•i.c:I in Hid A ERV be eppomtod as Superior Court o f peraont whq, may AL on .. proVlded m U• ebove 11 pufl)Orted to be. county ind Stal• e nd pereonal repreeentauve Ca11lorn1a, County of otherw11e be lniert ... ttd T F 0:0T~~;4 TE Note. '"' cnargn and 83 Roy1I S•tnt George deicribed 11 lollowi lo administer the e11a1e Orange in the will or tlltll, or Loen No 466011 ••s>en••• of th• ""'' Aoad. Newpor1 Beach. Thi1 pon.on 01 Lot 505 ol ol lhe decedent. TH f p ET 1T1 o N both, of: ELMER L. Other Ret _ anct of the truiia c,..ted CA 92660 MABOI LAWN- N-pon Meu T,.ct l(l THE PETIT I 0 ~ requests that JOHN MOORE A p Num~r-_ by a.aid Deed ol Tl\llt The unde,.1gned Truat· MOUNT o&M ltle Ctty 01 Cotta Meaa. requests the decedent s MOWRY RARDON be A PETITION has YOU ARE IN OEFAUL SetTano Rec:onveyanc H d11cia1m1 any habO.ty c.-.y • ...,._, a1 1hown on a M1p r .. WILL and cod1c1l1, 1f any. eppomted as periontl been filed by LYNN UN OE A A DE e D Of Company. 4900 River tor 1ny 1ncOtTectne11 of er....• c...tery corctect 1n Book s be adm1t11d to probate. repreienUttvt t o BOSLEY MINGORI m the musT DATEO Aprll 2o ,.ct• Roact. Su11e 2170, the ,., .. , 1ctctre11 encl "SavuvAU Foulu" Page111 1 ol.M11cella· The WILL end any administer the estett of Superior Court ol 1913 UNLESS YOU TAK£ Irwindale CA 91708 other commdn clftlgn. 1825 Q1e1er neoua MaQ1. 1n tne 01· cod1c1l1 are evo1leble for the decedent. Cal1forn11. County of ACTION TO PAOTEC 1111) 114~370 By R C lion, 11 iny ll\OWn n.,. Coeta ..... hct ol 11\e County Re· exam1na11on 1n the hit TH E PET ITIO N Orenge YOUA PROPERTY, IT MAYM•lll tard. D11ed in corder 01 111d County. kept by th• court. requestt the decedent'• THE PE TIT ION BE SOLO AT A PUBLI 03/t211993 The total amount ol the 11 •• .;w;~t;tt;• .... wl\JCfl II l hOwn 11 Parcel THE PET I T I 0 N Will i nd codicils if en requesll thl! l YNN SALE IF YOU NEED AN ASAPIOllJ unpaid pnncipal belence ~ in; Ma p 3 1&1ed 1~ Book requesta authortty to bt edmitted 10 p'robtl~· BOSLEY MING ORI be EXPLANATION OF THE 415. 4112. 41t9 01 the obllgalion secured 1 · ag• 01 1rce1 edm1n.11er the ntete The Will and •nv appoin1ed as pereonel NATURE OF THE PAO· by th• property to be ~api in '": Olllct ol under the Independent codicils are available for rep r 1 •1 n 1 e t i v • t 0 CEEOING AGAJNSl \'OU. eold end ree1on1bl• GARAGE SALE ~HINTS •ct C~nry ~rdtr of Admin11trat1on of Esta tu oxaminauon in the file edmm1s1er the Hlele of YOU SHOULD CONTACT A c:o11a. upen1n and ad· c!:.. ,range oun•v. Act. (This authority will kept by the coun. the decedent. LAWYER No matter v•~· et the time 01 lh• Before your garage sale set up a cneck-out stand complete with change and a calculator. Th:':'V:ei actdreu and allow tho personal THE PETITION THE PETITION Nollce 11 hef'eby given Initial ptlbllc:aUon ot the other common de1igna· represen1a1111e 10 take request• euthomy to requesll the decedent'• lhal S.,r•no Reconvey· what you' re No II c • o I Sate II: lion, 11 any, 01 the reel many ocuon1 without adm1n111er the estate WILL a nd cod1c::1l1, if any, inc:• Compeny. 11 '1Ull· doing, your ·~~~~:~to cash. the property dea c ribed ob1a1n1ngcourtapproval. under 1he Independent be edm111ed to probate."· Of',!~f::-1":' ,""•tee. hometown Tru•t•• will iccept a ,...1111_ above 11 purported to be Belore taking certain Adm1nistrat1onof Eatates The WILL e nd 1ny or •u 1 u e ru•••• ce1hier•1 ch•cll drawn ••• -- 679 Well 1111\ Street. very 1mportan1 aot1ons, Act. CThos authority w ill cod1c1l1 ere available for fu,.~ant to~·~ ol newspaper on • al.at• Of nauonel 111.L ........ , Costa Mesa. CA · however, the personal ellow the personal exam1nat1on m the ftlt re~~ ~.-;~n Han:,or!'w· 1 benll. • checll ctrawn by Mortuary* Chapel The uncte,.1gnect Trull· representative will be representa1111e to take kepi by tho coun. unmimed min, AecOn/. a.A;~ • 11Ale Of teder1I credit Cremation ee d11ci1lm1 any h1b1hty required to give nouce to many actions without THE PETIT I 0 N •ct 0510911913 In Book The _,,..__ union or a check drawn lor any tncorrec:tnn1 ol 1ntere1 ted person1 obtaining court i pproval. reque111 1uthomy to NIA Page NIA lnal.., 93• bV e etale M teder•I uv-110 Broadway tn• •tr-I adctreu end unle11 they have we1ved Befo re taking certein admin111er the Hiiie 114404 ol Olllclel fits In. Inga •net loen HIOCt· Coeta M..e other common de11gna· notice or contented to very importent action•. under the Independent Rec:orcla In the olllce of ellon, 1evlng1 aa1ocl· la.ft• tion, 11 any, 11\0wn nere· the propoted 11ct1on.) however, the personal Admin111r1t1onofE1111e1 the county Recorder of ,111on or 1evlng1 b1nll ll••••••••lfll •5 •ER•Vl-C•E ___ ICARPENTRY 3510 CHllD CARE 3536 CONSTRUCTION FENCES lANDSCAPE 8r MOVING 3834 P.AINTJ1fG 3858 PUJlOUfG 3890 Tll SEIVIC! 3925 DIRECTORY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BUILDING 3 560 ii8riiiDiiiECJCSiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3iii61ii5 IA WN CARE 3808 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliim liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ottr Custom Woodwork A·t HSKPRS/NANNIES Affordable Famlly/Offlc• Pelnter Semf.reetred Drain P'roMoMe & CPA ••••••••••! cabs & '~· c141m wd•"" & Companions H1llorbrand CoriSlNC'llon •Wood Fane••• All American Tr.. Moving at • Reayon· wllila llq/lllWoll PtuMbln9 R•P•lr Fonn•r IRS Agent llc'd. guar · froo 851 Agency &42·6142 Uc4'S9245t Bondlln1'd r ...... acefranalr, ""haul'-Servtce.Yard citen-up. abl• Prl c•. C1 I I cali.'INAtr/11' ~,..,.. ""'Y linll. llllln ._,-., Low, .... GR& results ADDmONS .REMODELING 3410 Herd Wood ConslS47 8644 l.Argo/1mall lobs. Rtf'I .;~..;~prices. L~':d hauling, Removal, Tnm, TODAY • Move Todayl f''" tlllrl doofl 173-tlSO gwblge dllf)MO-aOt Apt'1 at homt/bualnou Reg:;.::· c:=. ,:>=;·, :; ---------25 yrs ••P 931.e8 to Advantagt Constr. 974-5.301 Free est 53 t -44 t 5 CAl.· 137650 497-4685 D I S I II t 24 hra 753·5268 wa•. 1ences. 9a1•s ete I.Jc CLEANING o L i..nnd.cape MoinL PUBLIC NOTICE PERSONAL ~lln ~~ a I 3syi•••P Jeny142.ose7 SERVICES 3548 DOORS 3580 HANDY MAN 3710 oaro.ning. i.wn ~-· Tho Callt. Publlc u1111-SERVICES 3867 ~-~ 1:.Tll.E~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii9ii2iiia 2nd s tory spec1aflsllll _________ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and pbnl lnslll, dean.up lie• CommlHlon RE· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil --·-1• Uc'Oedni91\/pl;anselrM est CARPET 3514 11 ~ 121·1087 OUIRl!S that all uMct --------C-8""° Tlle.'11_,..,.e lllQ1982 4H-M3t A&LCleanlngS•rvlc• .DOOAHANQINQ /aH~ll p,._.rt5t1..,,,-.---=------houe•ttoid good•_.-,~ •NoGMMNoke• Toe>quetitywortt.~ M. M.teart*'th Gen Conu ~ uw 111am~ ~ Comptitte weathenlllppeng P a In l ·C ar P • n tr Y-Gl'ftl& lnlgScene-Ulndscpng move rt print their EJ\r~ PYOltl1iOlltl Plum~dr.in. & hefteett tO ~· t11.p ••t Car-t Re-•·• 13 yrs up "'"•st tr-11 ..... -·• --•~· Orywan and morel rr atlon, Trimming JAMES 144-2818 net low r••. free ut Uc'd ......_.._,.. •--..-_... ~i-............ 22ff ~·~ .... ....,. .. _... & R I Cta P U.C. Cal T number, lie. MCMta ....... ........ • ...... ...,...,, '"L r,... .. omm ......,..,.,,.... PHONE EST H ,.,_ 845-5277 emove s, an-~-f" -I -'-· power stretch & Install S.2478 ---'""-'------ups & Malnt. SL Lie llmoe and chautfeut1 ,.,. ;;;;;;t ......... r" .... •um.-. any llzt )ob/15 yn aap •A!f Homt1 My Speaelityl aurop•an Craft•M•n ,599025, 432.8 904 Pflnt th•lr T.C.P. num-Aeonekln Proof rouraetfli-~-..,",__..1;;,-oec,,.;..;..;04.,.:...--7 days 282-9090 24 hr I'll• c1.--.... "-•~s I ber In all edvert.IM-Otg1nltln~rranda/P1p11 a..-w.... a .._.._ •--'--One b .. ....__ Tiie .,_, ....,...,.. ~lEcnur•T 3~10 Tne. paintng, ro-roor. ----------~ FAEE ..-...,,,_"" --· -~ • -- ARCHITECTURE DltAFTlNG 3428 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CEMENT Design • Plans Bid• • Permits MASONrt rinest hom.s lor t2 yrs ~ """"' u repair anct moral Rot·a Landscape Ovorgrown7 menta. II you have • · up your f>t)()M que>4~ °'*· 8ts1 Price 1n Townt call Wendy M2·7033 Stetan 58t·768t On a Budgot7 CJlll mel que1tlon •bout th• le-... llrMIUt-eN7 .-.ell CM ..._1397 Qc:hens/b11~11ftoor• ~ATL Et-trto Lo S. tnm. weed. cfn.up gahty ol e mover, •mo ~ 11191315 Tom 77(),2789 ~ -Fr .. hotl .. calla Fr" Wf•tten est 1172•9798 or chaulf•ur, cell: p• •rna 3526 Houseclaenlng:Low Conaultlng AvaU. 40 yro exp. 63&-7990 •Or-.ftlntJ & D .. ifln• Alchltect9/Englneer• Cono ectof1/l>ldlralllm o..,,.. t1S. "8nl/plflnll n4-7W7 BUSINESS SDVICES 3488 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rate1 for complete d•· ros/comm, 24 hr 1rv. Spedllitll In an tradesl Publte Ut1lltle1 WWI POQt q\.llMy WDfll tot r .... pric.t Dlecount America L.wncare Commission llPADl 3880 WALL * lest Price/Quality Uc'ct 8954024 c:all nowl 7straa26 low I price I 4 • month, 1t4.55a..e t 5 t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•ml SUVJCE 3894 co•YW!•YUre tailed care·lncludlng wlnctowal Me-9038 ~ bflck 11 tm1 a bllek S3S 1110 ya1C1 1_________ ·~~~~~~~~.,-~,,~~=~~~-3~9~3~2 JT Concrt1t ~ ..,.11..,..a-rt""a..,·-.-h-OMe--c:.,.._.-n ... I,.-Bob Ch PP•ll Elec1r1o McGr-oor'• Mn1n1tnance 995-3275 Sav On Moving lnt/EXt. petdl p&ucering ;C Do~ndable, re1100 Ouallty & prof'I work EAVlnt. rtf'1. 27 relllbl• L.owHI, Stou1ge. prof. c:wtom a.llll.IMq. ~ ••I W•t•r ...... Wallpaperlng Removal • COf'Cr11e uw1no able and r•ll•bf• 24 hour reaponM Uc'd rr• eJ11) Ovesllon• an· •U.wn• mowed tron1 XLNT rep, 1 hr"""· Ina. wort<. Probleml-No Of'Ob. ~ pool clng. Gh9m end pelnclng. O\.tallty removal a rtpladng. core 9 yre .. p. •~44... CommfrH 760-7122 1w•ld lor lreel 64&-8146 & b.ck $1 t.50, ct.an-Tf87859. V/MC 731·2058 1em1t U2eee4154-ta3t ""°'equip '9ptllr, "" Workl Lio 83&980 d11tllng, haull] &mill ---------Semo• tet IEtoctrlc, -.--------upa & compl sorv alto nt.. 77a.tnJa call Merdo 879-5533 jobs orly. 93 .. 391 Prof' I H•MCleeftlntJ ,._,,. ___ .,_.............., ........ ,. ·~•-ve_1_1. _•_3_1 ·8809 "-tuooo/P...... C I W '-~' , ......,..,_ "--~ Exp/rel'•· r .... prices .,............,. ..__ .... IMPIO'f"l!'alll:!~s ·-....... -..---PAJ"aPPT"G 3858 Wat., ctamege .,,._,_. •• •••r P••I• M a... SM Hl"8 ToOtf* lo#•u• _.._...,. ........ iucbOll aAa_.aa70 ltt ln1tMcl andt11Pfl'~I •~£n& • TREES n&1.n In .. wortc 20 yn •llP· wkly pool ctng, Cftem TotM lnter'lot Aemoct-~/r•·landscaplng & u.v-wu LlC1$56112 11wiH HOM! 3756 "Uo'd Ne-et t4 eNC, ~ ,.pair, frM etlnQ Serv. ~·To d•~ir.l~~ltd/1----------:. _________ limiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Toppad,1ll1mon LHna, eW.P. YOUNOQUISTl~~=:--':"'""IE--:----1 eet. 77&-1'122 The Cfuy. 833-7172 •MHOrwy ~·· •WIF~~~~::· FENCES C81ma Conetruot~ ~ 1514471 ~alntlne Cemrector btlclk, ptantera, concrete. 531 ·3237 David • omc•to 36 l 5 Nlw/temodtlllddlllone Oull. painting by j)f'Ofi1 llVCCO, etc Uc'd °"' £ aw Sptdalln In~ MASSAGE 3830 UcllG020H. Ins. RENT IOOPING 3910 goal la llOMllYI 631-7'431---------liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•iil llngtl'!I joOe liC'd *'1533 F,.. Ht. .. $-3305 --------1 T ..J. hn. C"4:, COftet COMPA1flON fenc:.t & Getft M••-.. 'Pherapw .,,i----------------1 ,...... lleMT'• C..alllM ~ 3510 Conc-Orlc:.tt Bloc.I( Uo CA.IE 3554 1era/lrM .. t10ue111y -"'-WE--LR-Y---3-78-4-I Chiropractic Office Moat ntrllBillG 3190 ~=~~ throuvb clauified I 277l't H•ghtll Oufil/l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '7SO ea3 a 1:1iii.,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Int ltce~ C4lll Nancy Low Ptc1 (714) 2 709:) 1• •------------•· or Reatha ~eoaa •• Ot9cour1t •• lo' ••• Ut3 ~ .............. ., .. ................. CHIU) CA.IE 3538 Take -al 1111' LOW MONlll.Y RATEi Adllltlse •business 11 service ~1111V •• 110tolll00 ......... . n ftlc • J111c1111 ~.9''7·HD Looet "9f9. te Yre ~~ ..... ... ,_ .. , .. Fm more 1111•111811• Call 8112-5678 x 310 HUNT I J ' rl I ( i l i l JI f i I I I ( f • c c ii ? c p ii • • f. ( ! • a ·~ ii " c D ii :ti ~ c ? ·-- lliloncMy. April 12. 1993 .. 2144 COSTA MESA 2624 BUSINESS ANTIQUES 6010 r•••GE r11.w er •=liiMWiiiiiiiiiiiiii90iiii3iiOI iiRliOiiNDiiAiiiiiiiiiiii908-ii5l iiPOiiiiNTIAiiiiiiiCiiiiiiii9ii17ii0 VOLISWACElf 9235 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OPPORTUNITY ~ ~ 1• 2BR end unit, 2 patios, l!'SIDE S.Ck Bay 2904 J CURCI COLLECTION '88 3251CA • 67,000 •92 HondA ~d UC ~ '7t ar..-y GT. VW DMNE g1tt, poet & tenn11 1 Ln 2BR wfb•lcony.1wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LIQUIDATION S '"'' ""-I II 8 t/t • .. IRS ~=-~ Y' IH St044 mo, pets Sl2Slmo. No Pei. I' Large beYef g1;;;' ~5:~·8) -~~1 •• :.r;. g~~~I ;~A:.~: ·n Fireblnl f;~~~s,;,~HIOn. ~!c,":, AllN11 ..... ....,...IAUlll ~ H•nlet 551·8700 329 University Drll'E INVEST IN YOUR FU· dlspl•v casH e · CORONA Offer Hp, 4·12-83 alloys, p/~g. (37872) Hubblal Hubb9! AM/FM 8'efeo c:aaa • ......... ~ ..... ft •. --------·--==M=-2.,...-_2.,...a_1 __ •__ TUREI SNACl</SOOA Antique display cun DE.L MAil 6122 StMtlne $13,993 S-spd, Ale. AWFM plow wl'b* lnl. ~·rv lflllftlr ..... tAdll ttu• NEWPORT •FREE CAaLI!!!•! RTS s1000 WKLY •clothing • tewetry• 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Moicw. Ltd, TOWota of cau, u-. c:nbe, p/ fut. Metk. &4•«132.. ...................... Be• tBdrm, clean, Po<>I· POTEN.800-741·1186 antiqun e aSMSonesl' 9408444 Con.II... lleW, pltwakn, red, "73SUPERBEETLE.-I If ....,_. '-..Y ....,.IC&. &;;ACH 2169 side, gated, lndry rm, t.oc.I Vending Route • llght llX1urea • "Show Biz .. clothing: '88 83k., • 4uto, 72~2000 •7K mt, M ,296. Call maintained, smoged, 11111111._1 ., fl1crl1111111i11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eloso to bch, &Chis & s1200 oo a week ...,._ Chandeliets •an costume }ewelry, twig flawless, •9K ml 942 ... tO \.v Meg runs great S750 ftrm "ho ,.,.... ...... ...-""40 to -.f.70 off fumllUfe. atl""'ues. •· • llC8. ,..., mitlH, • .~.... " ps. _,._~ teohal Must Soll .... Thoroughly reeondJ.. 'l'IVCOLN · cash 64S.1l53 ....... ~1&1t1111r (4""~-0 Hurry Onlw t Lenr 1-800-653-VENO s~~~::J ~~~. ~o ~~ B::o& cfo~':. Uoned You would be ~ 9120 TOYOTA • 9 210 ..... ••,.....le . . Very BIG 1 BR in • Peninsula, Past rod, COf'ona del Mer proud to own th11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiil ..,_....-...C&.llml Quiet comple11 MILLION S INOUSTRVI 0 • R T Sa SAT ONLY 8:30! one (2JFP108) Ask •79 CONT. MARK Y. iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiii .~." "'..\. / E"s1de no pets. :t~ :_,~~~~ot:,~~1 t~~5•30e:~s-~S:,9•• lor Much '°' Mark Metalltc gold, le•lhef •92 -'"P Cherol(ee • SELL Hila ~r •Ill HI ?...,,_ -• 8 3 1-8427 '22•995 Int, OriYeS hke dte•ml Laredo ~g. Blk, AC, -~. ..... LRQ 1·800-226-m9 C.-e vt..-BMW ..... An obo ~10S2 cc. 5'erl0 eau., CUtll. your home throuoh clusilied ...,...,.,.iu. 3Br 2'hBa, gar,1.,..,.,,,...,...,..,,,.......,~....,,....~~----------83~171 ~ "'~ t IN IUI lll*wtlicll ls 111 Hop Into pal.io, fam rm, 1 m1 to VENDING ROUTE • FURNITURE 6014 TltANSPOITATION , ____ ::c_,____ whls. & Ur••. lugg .............. OWrea4an ••• bch, S999. 28r $700 Priced Right • Poss '88 7351A • 81,000 ---------1 red(. r 17) S HS,99:» • ""'"' ....... lbl all Beach & Bay 497-8175 or 546-0t02 $850 Wkly Income • miles Sliver/ten. MEJtCEDES 9130 ., ... .. ... u..,. 14,.,., .. , •• uua' Rental Co. For MOVE-1N S P Ec1.... eoo-22&-2200 3 pc OiJeen sx bdrm ste,995 (43 83•> eo. .. ..... • .,...,.. .... _...., .. ,. -!:~Poboeean8A, ~~~~SAIL BOATS 7014 Otler eicp •-12.93 72.2-aooo .. A S • $1 BR·S600. 2BR-S700. ~ """°"' StertAng 300 TD Wagon, 1980 MEET 1091...., Nik. lt~ prang Close to everything. MONEY Motora Ltd. Auto, brown wlbeige --------- .,._. ....... CllHUO Vacation Home HURRY? 546-908t DINING RM table, 84o.6444 int, good cond. t27K VOWWACEN 9235 10meoue 1pec1al throuqh cla11ified ·We• 1·•·'2 ... B Q. For S •MOYE~N SPECIAL! TO LOAN 2 914 heavy glass w/6 greet1 18' Hobie C•t w~~tr. ,.,,,,,..,,,...-==..,....,,...-~--mi. $6,900. 631-1281 Wllt'A1 .. 1!.0ClfU,..Ut Ummer G-·•-Lg 28R lBA volvot chrs, 9 mos '-LP trAamp, n-w le '89 5351A • 37,000 0 ~ .... -B h H -•-new Pd sao<>O; Sell . ·l cond. $89' m 11 e s . Red It• n --------------------------all HU IC-.·-88C OUSe nu cpt, DfW, storaqe NEED A LOAN? In a $950 Firm cashl 080,. Me 4005 $24,995 (94932) W Or 11 you are roloca-S730/mo 640-2495 bind? No credit? We 545-5t38 Offer eicp •·12·93. ...... ) OSTA MESA 1024 Mesa Verde Great F1xer·Upperl Great lg 3BR 2BA add on tam1ly rm. c.ill Agt. John. 540-38 68 lion to the 831boa can help. 1 ·800 666-22' Class ic NOf'Wegian S I Peninsula. We're hero Move-In Specials!! 7790 ..,.F-o-rm-a1-o---1n-1ng--,,.R-oo-m-,1 wooden s toop, xlnt Mo:::! ~,d. to hotpl Pick-Up a AFFORDABLE 1, 2 C H ERR Y 0 U EE N cond, prime NH sllp. .-.. u ....... ,. .. Uatlng Shee t at· & 3BR towhomes Ga· ANN, Buttel & china $3,200/obo. 646-3879 u._,.,..._ 603 Eeat S.lboe rages available. Noga-I••••••••• w/m1rrored bac k, curio '89 F•rrerl 3 48TS • 673·.RENT liable. ~7387 ANNOUNCEMENTS lit ends, Matching•--------Red/tan 2.700 miles. Beach Area! NEWPORT KHINSULA YEAAl.Y OR WWTER S650WO.S1950 MO 1-48R net oc•a oftoo1t F~ Villa Rentals 6754912 '••••••••• tablo & chairs NEVER SPEED 6 (82653) Nwpt Hgts area dplic, 1. 3BR 2'hBa, frplc, 2 USCO, S2·300· For all, SKI BOATS 7016 Sterling car gar. s 13oo.imo •---------714/890-3856 Motors Ltd. 8~&444 548-0779 or 650-6578 LOST a ---------·· 8 5 • 0 s T 0 N l=-:--..,,,.=.,....,,...---- SPECIAL MOYE·IN FOUND 2 9 2 5 COMPUTERS 6018 WHALER, Like •9~ll :s501!h·lt;~·~ OF s49;s 1 BR. new liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I New, s9 ooo (7 2 4 4 4) $ 4 9 , 9 9 5 caipet.. laundry lacill· FOUND: Oog. Female GREAT FOR KIDS! 9 54-5<>4e Offer e•p 4-12-93 lies. 722-8784 Austrehan S hepherd IBM PF/2 70-l86. Smb,_________ Ste r'llng m111, •19. on Del Mar r•m 60mb hd. VGA. MARINE SERVICE Mo tors Ltd. Ave . Costa Mesa Cell mouse. modem. $$$$ 8~8444 S48·3334 ol aoftw'are 72J.5n3 l:SiiUPiiiiiPiiUESiiiiiiiiiii7iiOiii2iiO •-.-9-t-M--5---1-8-000--m-i_le_s Univ Twn Cntr . near LOST: Golde n A • I' B I a Ck l> I a c le · I RVJNE 2644 UCI, 2BR 1BA, patlO/ t rlev•r . REWARO J --E-WE--LR-Y--f -UR--S-.-Dinghy Davits, SIS. $44,995 Otter exp 1044 ----,....------poolftenn, w/d, crpon, Lost al>Oul 3125193 in ' dock mount. Holds up •-12 93 $750 Ouoet studio BA ntpets $850 940-9459 Dover Shores area & ART 6025 to •OO lbs $250. Jett S t •rtlng VJNE n lv Town center spacious 1 & condo St 32K May consider lse op1. 7t4n86 0487 condo. Versailles, frtg. Female, medium size, 760-3Hi6 or 722-9738 Motors Ltd. pool, spa gym, patio.•---------wearing red collar, ERTE SERIGRAPH 640-84-44 sec gate, 846-2947 !ACUNA name "W iison · Appraised $10,000. MARINE SUPS I on house, lrpl. yard, BEACH 2648 Please call 650-0206 Make olfer!! oocvs 7022 CADILIAC 434 Aliso $825/moliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 4 3 2.·7903 Lv Msg ~ 9040 1 ulll 3 t0/86J 8291 2BR 2BA, gar, lndry la c,••••••••• PROBATE, 15 rlngs.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EWPORT' At premises 12·7pm great vi-. 220 Cliff PERSONALS appr $50,000 sett 25' M•xlmum Side By CHARLES GOREN w ith OMAR SHARIF and T ANNAH HIRSCH ~--~-----~---------~ ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q.1-&th vulnerable. u South you bold: +K7~4 : A9 7 •1098742 The bidding baa proceeded North Eu & South We.t 1 • 3 • • ? •-Weak What do yoo bid now? A.-H1d Eut puled you wouJd prob.bly have JWDped to four spedes. so why not make the u..me bid now? The problem wtt.b thrM epedn 11 it doesn '& IOUDcf all that tnVlt.dt>nsl and could be mac» one. more b&l&nced hand. Don't put preuure on partner. Take 1 ahot et gamf. Q.2-Eut-Weat vulnerable, u South you hold: North Eu t SoulJl W..i 1 p._ 2 p ._ 2 . p._ T What do you bid now" A .-Tbe euction b.u devek>ped awkwardly You can't rebtd cha· moodl or suppon bearu-. yoo have DO MCOod IUlt and, Wlth the club IWt unaiopped. any oo·t.tump bid 11 out of the quesuon. The 10lut100 II to be •little and show your atronc boldinc Ul apades, hopq p&l\Der will be ebkn.o tnd no t.rump 'J'No ep.a.. .. the lea.et or evi.t. Q.&-Aa South. vulnereble. you hold: •AK984 • J106.CS KS •6 Voor rii}lt-hand opponent opena the bidding with one club. What ection do you t.ake'I EACH 1069 2MBR 2 1/2BA condo, Or s11so 827-5107 or •••••••••• $12,500 FIRM CASH. TI•, pvt channel on .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2 1 S1arf1sh Ct. Avail S/ 310596-4770 545-.5138 Marcus Ave. $175/mo lutt. beautiful condo I, S 1050 310 820 8J751 _________ ------------------yrty. 875-C>04e '9 t S•vllle Silver/die blue ont 18K miles, warranly Like n-. S23.50o 675-5890 ' +AK9 :"K97 . AJ85 ~4 Partner ope,ru the b1ddin1 wtth on' heart. What do you respond., A .-There'• • tut.book bid thet deecribee. perfectly t>.1anced hand of 16·18 point. wit.b etoppert in the unbid auit.a. It'• • jump to thtff no trump Make it A.-lf • cue·b1d of two clube ape· clflCally ahows both nuvon and 1 hand of ltm1ted at.renrtb. th11 11 not tbt boldmg for thet bid-it 11 toe 1uoo1 defen11vely. Ovtrcall one epedt' and hope yoo get tht' oppor· tumty to ahow your hn.ru lat.er Don't make• t.aktout double-that action 11 not r-.commeodf<i on 1 t1WO·IU1ted hand overlooks p oollgrn11 JBt Js ocn Y\I, 2-9M1poo1 NEWPORT PERSONALS 3 002 PETS a •BA $3251( 67:Hl967 St47S Ope" Sat t2-4, BEACH 2 669 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Va1enuoe PrOp.rttes s Odyswy C\. 54$-1554 ANIMALS 6049 PVT DOCK SPACE Dov..-•~ 7t 4-eeO-n e 1 FORD 9075 ere-\flew HCMWMa, LIDO ISLE NEVER BE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Phase II, Portof1no, Steps to beach, lBR * Sharp lBR, lrpl, pool LONELY AGAIN!!! 2 LO breed kennels.1••••••••• •8' 3~~Be. 2 sty Per 2BA. S 1750/mo lease coin w/d , storage. S25 15. Retriever train-I' feet loc. S599,000 Owner 875-tet 1 s 725 n/pets 722..a<>l t Call Nowl' 1ng gear 642-9731 '6& Mustang. 90" r• stored, New pnl, Aqua b lue int/ext, 6 cyl Ct•ss1c 3 spd, man tran ale, em Im, cass. Very sharp • As new $6250 080 •92-4263 OPEN SATtSUN t-5 1·900-283-0320 ea 11112 UM? p n T t l.JOo Isle. 3 • 3, lam rm, •28DRM $700• S2 99 per mon, must --~---------••••••••• o egger 1 BDRM $600 ... _ 111 ye•rs Un.st~, TltANSPOITATION ,.,. __ ,,A,., .... 0""""' re dec 2-car ~r, * t ..,.. .. .. PIANOS ... ...,...,_ v· '' ~·~ S2.300 310-2n-1 a.. Co (602) 631-0615 q .... Frig, dShwshr, stove ORGANS 6059 •••••••• -------- Cell ownef atter 6PM. 1nc1. No pets 545-4855 '•••••••• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AUTOMOBll.ES BONDA 9085 ,. Udo Penlnaute • •Br and new t>ayfront 1• '••••••••• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lu.111.uy·Herl>or View view condo, 2BR 2BA. EMPLOYMENT Wurlolzer Baby Grand.1• tBR I ~ wNI._ 2 caJ ,..,, yrty $1275 '••··-----$1•175 Baldwin Spm-FurrvlJnl S900-St500 JIM e S.3777 •"'t 1• net Piano. $345. Both--------- 673-e030 Mon Sat ~ 111t Will help dellVef. BMW 9030 '82 Monet• Accont •· door, auto, air, pis, p/b, radlO cassette Best otter H2-3883 71p Lido P-" Or. LIDO ISLE fully lum --------"""-7t415 2 7 ·t854 ·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1Br Ulll, gar incl EMPLOYMENT ---------•·--------1----------• TWO MASTER SUITES $785/mo yrty 1 pet• Br 288. plnetrH aet-son, no-pets 673-0837 5 5 30 EMPLOYMENT ung, g4t, polios S975 Versailles. Lr9 lbf w/liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5530 EMPLOYMENT 553 IM No polS &40 9408 mini view S825/mo, ASST MNGR to 6 50'hr, XLNT QUIET loc retail exp pref. moll· ~====:!::!::!::!:!.,!:!::!::!:=:!:===~1 P•c1t\e View Momo11a1 ••••••••• Park Grevnights, In many amen, walk 10 vatod, tellol>le lndrv • r HAMMER TIME? Coronn Doi Mar S925 APARTMENTS Nch, 777·ff38 FOR RENT beach, full see lso. no PT ·FT, 723 0313 Windy pots. 644·7211 AgL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT UT·Of-COUNlY ------APARTMENTS ROPERTY 152 5 BALBOA FOR RENT ta Berbar-e. 3200 ISIAND 26061 _____ _, SQ ft, ser 38a, dee.ks, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1--------- 1. R1v .. ra loc, View Furn-charming. prvt, ROOMS 2706 BooklcOOJ>-Of Hll MAnu tocturer needs FT bookkeeper Comput· er1ze<1. AJA. AJP, GL. payroll. llnanc:lat state- menl5 5 yrs ••P n/s o tt1ce salery baa.d on e11p •PPY in per-s on w /resume at 16792 Burke l.n. HB. tmm.dlote opening fof onlstont to l"901 estate ••ecuttve. MUST be mature. poslttve, o good communlcatOf · both wTttt9n l OfOI Must have excel'-nt word proceulng/ ~,., alll$ Real estate llcense o + . This Is NOT on entry level position. Saloty + bonus Send resume to: COTE REALTY GROUP 1sbnd/c1ty Ore I I BR, lndry, I ~rson, 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or entertaining S750t< No pets S790 mo yrly'' Trade Ok 714 642 9004 Is. 3to.450-t05 t Nwpt Creal 2 tum rms Males 35 t-non· CASHIE R/COUNTER Pran M F 7 30am to 1·30pm HI Tune Cel· lars 250 Ogle Sl CM 800 Newport Center Drive Suite 350 OUSES/ ONDOS OR RENT CORONA Cashier/Food Serverl ___ Ne_wport __ aea_c_h_._c_A_9_2_660 __ _ DEL MAI 2 6 221--------5 Shffts ~r week F• smkrs. $450 & ssoo Pooll\ennos. ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilHOTELS mai. P'•f d 261-6270 28R 2BA. BRIGHT, Sky-. MOTELS 2718•-G-l_A_LJ_G_UY_FR_ID_A_Y_ ·-------1 lghta, ga(. dMn qUlot. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii w/d hllupa, fridge/ LIVE IN LAGUNA Clerical, sec:ty. hghl 210& 28t 28a stove, $850 644· l 4'9 Furn Studios, kitchen· b~kpng Fie• hrs Duck• & Co. Call enes. TV, pool. 1 175 Mariann, 957-8950 or 3BR lBA. Bright, rrpl. 1kylghta, 2 stry, patio. Lrg sundeck , g11r, & up. 494-52SM &46-0S83. lrldge , w/d hkups, •-RE-NT--AlS--T-0--- $t 500/mo &44 1449 Studio &..a.rgo. SHARE 2724 Marketing Ass't Advert1Stng. Oesk·top publishing, mail FfT wllh =~heryl Cry1tat a.II Gu lna: Plk'ft .,."°"' Belboe Isl Share lrg ar. fM<lnatflf by cry1t•la, th« fH I, th• apt w/piol fem. 01n•-.. -ED--A-E_C_EP_T_IO_N_l_S_T_ touch, th• look. So111• netlvn btto111• rm, view deck. $500/ 212 2 mo• 'h utll. 673-tS09 E11p for heavy phones proflclut al "c,.,..t&l N II p zlna." "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil----------NB group. 644 7848 Th-Pit«•ll.t u y lM cryetal ball bright, lrpl, walk 1n clOsot. Lrg Sundeck $790/mo, ut1I Incl 944-t449 ,. COSTA MESA 26 24 LIDO IS LE quiet m-f tunu mlllo.y followl"g .,..-i.1ot, ton· R 2BA condo, end stir hso Bch/ooy. No Medical bock olhc • l'T/ """•'" pl.l"I· Th•" th-pe ythlc n, log, So· ol PC HI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii drugS1smlupel. $450 + PT, \.VN or Med •sst lo. t8 Oahlla Pl $1395 • a •s 10• l!SCAPI! • utu, 72:J.tH2 pref, ••P 1n surgery '*'" p«noM havt •lelol\4, eu • II p "I 640-5324 • LAO 2BR 28A. Smell ·--------~ USL • must. $462311 pttdlctlOI\• 1"d gin ru dll'lp. OM of .. ..•~ ... _,__ ~B l>wlwe.ssmao .will th«'WVr1d'1111v.t~sm.....-pa)'rltlc:9 - lahna v .. w +-pvt q.,... comm • .... ....,..y shr Quiet w;itrtrnt hae lledk:el front otc. FfT. • ri-_ E4gar C•Y"· Oth•r 1hofn· h, remod 3BR 29a l~M':!'.ry~iJ~ ~;prof n/a SWF. 2 .June-Aug, IYP40g. tnl •Iona 111 which r-1 .. cs.. m1o11in•N. m, lg yd • deck, dec ks. pool, w/d billing, Comp knowt· to•-"-inffl11-. b-b•ll p1tth· kyhghts, frplc, great * WT ilH • S375. 650-0606 Iv msg edge req, $46-2311 ..-- rHI $1850 6'0-428, 2 StOfY, mR 1 t/28A. Shat• 3Br 2Ba an co11 1--""':'."----=---~-,,... phyeJdaNI aad lM<h«n.. YELV large 2-sttvv bit ins, d/W, oar. patJo. "' beech. Prof non· PART TIME hA•IES ,<t.dh lTh 21 Aptil ~Q I l l'I 8t 1&.. gar. n.auo, -;rd nl~ta, M._.:Jt• amkr Pvt bdrmJoft.ce/ Nffd Iota of Mtlous & 114 •" inc u ing •1,,1peorion ,.,. •wart ,... 6 • ...... 2 i o that l'OU a"' Vl'f'Mllll' manv·fatttf'd t tOO/mo .. ut1l. Avail • • 2 oo 0 • ..,1 .. BR bath. $650 7..r~.. pos uve people ood ,..,. • rr ~ pny & hou a SG4 3968 Capncorn neu"• f1gurn prom1ntnllt ""·Call &73-75IO 2\ltBe, W/0 hkupa, Share sunny cottage, ' • rould h•"• thfff' lrtten '"111tl• 1n AONIFICl!NT t80 garage, 2233 Felrvlew Cdll. Pror lem nla Sales Repre~auve n.11mt (. L. u Jol"lu. crl«br•IH•n' •an ._ Harbor vl•w. $1070/mo Me-700t 28/1b, frpl. patio. w :d. S tart lmmedl•t•ly, TAUltU (Apnl 20·M•~ 20I lunar BR 2YIBA. Nu bllnda/ ..... 55/Small 'BR, • ...,.1_ 0 $500 t ._,Uhl 751·7037 e•m $1000 or m0te _._ h I _, ~ • -'V-ltf'K' roll\Cluno wit "'P ttn11.in orvU· arpet/palnt/lndacpg nl•mkr. 954 w. l7th. per wk, mu.i be eicp, • Of light. Comm Cleen a Safe wolllng to tralHll, ca11.,n HflO\lt dl~»ton con«'rn1ng 1. $3500. 721-0678 Ma-0~.. (Doclor• ChOlco), LOW thf()I )' phtlo.ophy • l"f"° pl•v• lf\ COMMERCIAL lal food J)fOClucta, !')If' hlrl\' 10 ha .... th--l~ll'n 1n1111l1 eieoo iiOW8 U lnl REAL ESTATE h8()0.2.3J.24&4 1n "~"'' n M v Advf'nru"'' E'alde 28R IBA, xlnt CEMINI (Mav 21 Junt 201 fo..ut IOc. 2~t t•t .. Pl •125 SaCRl!l'ARY P{T iam bl I "'I • v " • on pu lt "' aoona Cftd1..,1 uy Jl'o'nntr harming 2BR dpl!! No .,.es •44 Maa =O:';"F.'!nctA~:'ur! ah1p pmpowl 1N1n1.1l 11.trua Rt.ad •nd . :18R 1'1 .. l 105Q MOVE IN NOWI $750/ BUSINESS OfftCE to: Lutheran Cttun:n o1 wrltt publl•h ind 1d\l«rtil• your g yd, quiet, angl gar mo 28r 10., quiet FOi IEN? 27e9 1he Muter, HOO Ptoflc "'•'" Rf'lu.,. 10 ~ "P•&f'Onhnlf'J b ., •• 947.7540 •'•kl•, 180 C•cll Pl. \llM Or .. COM ~ No ont wh,) 11\1114• on l)'J'IP•CUltn.A tOU COZV TTAOa 722-2900 P"Ont callt pit CAN El (Junt 21 haly 22) You BA tOA, dining, IBR Mobtle HIM. Oulet. axac offtc .. , 4770 might II« .. 1"3 ,,._,.hln& 11 IOll\J oomy fenced p11tlo, Secure From IS'70. Y•n K•n"-.n (JW my w• 1 Obtain h1"t fro111 C.1111n1 dog•. gar, wit pcS, 1991 Newpof't 81Yd Airport, N 0) P'<lt WOfk EMPLOYMENT 11\ftNlt n •• world will t•h llftlf'r so. 1975 Fullenon ...,...._•37• atauon1 St~; Pvt of· rmlVI'".•r 5533 noo~ of ou t:o"trac1wil obll111tN1 O.•-._.._ .. , ........... ..._... No 1>4"1 -,. f-.... .,.. u o IO mo ~ ~ -..._ ....,... ..... ., ...,. •~JOV. '"' · lulhli.d to l'Ollr ..tvanlA19 Appl.I,,_! EN SAT 11·3' •tBr atudlO up lt1t, 912 Fr" Pf'l"O. tum, YOlc•l•••iii•••ilii-UO lluly 2l·A11 221 Vt1ah1,. ---------• Valenclll aaa.,.._ ut tn411I, ,~~. con... ........ N~• ~._. AtwntiOfl """°',,.. SfDe lg 3& 2B• trptll. pd. N;~. 6)1 e1t2 cont rm rAX, co~r. Pi .... 1>e ."".,• that • nu c.pVde<:Of, OIW. Fed E .. UPS, notary, lhe II tinge in lh a CIC• arwnd M.1c lM1tft ""'Plor111•nt, ~ lero. lf'ldry, tnc;d yrd, 20R l~BA ·t~ HCty .vad &XH~5!»b, 0Wft•nl11p. ""'""'' C-..lMll'l¥111C•1•'1n rdnr. $1295 Ovi.t 1~. gN, patio, pOOI, 'AJ Ovw.n ::~"':'~eQ\11,,:!,= fro...,. •he,.._ "i'l'" '°"' ,.MT ~·NCI 640·1733 1032 C W, W1laon Na ~ Ota In -"le" lhete 19 • ~ ,__ ~ -.....M1" " "HU:> t •.o.a a ., t 1700 Mo pee M&0105 ..... .,.,., I V1l ... 1to 1..... ,c-,.~ ._.. •• ...,. .,. OIY ---------• ~t. co.ry, c:omton· charge P9" """',.., .,.., "'-.. -r '" ondo. big yard, •20R ;>IJA. 01ounO ~ •Die. Appro• 300ef. ...,_.,. ~ pM*1 ,.put• lo, :.t car ~.. uni' In • p .. •. ramtly MOO/mo. Nt ....... ••••••••I tief't <A m • " h llh Mt ttN '9M/mo n•lghborhood, gar, Of eT ... tO? I' ti fJ If vUM"n rh ,i 1n• Via. RenaM 176~mo. IN. MM, llBaCllAllDJsa ~.. td h 1 1tr\1 '" •7M.tl TRW, 6«•7211 .gt .ntt U It 11 °' '""'·""''"" ~ 28A, pwt ~ ..._...._. • \IMA I 2)., !1 221 L.tii\t. 1---------w /d h!llwp , ~11let 8v .... -.. n4 •hf i It ., 1 2144 .J .. ~·! ... ;;~R~l~JC~f~l!J~l~M.~'.~=:1:::. ...... 1::::::=~~=: •ma u J NrTI"" f ·------1 s 1M01mo a t a tt \ trnrl. oplorahon 1d•,.hsm ,...n.h fo 110ul mar• 'ou'll brHthf' hf• into pra1 «t C\lrYYntly dorm•n• SCORPIO (0<1 23·1'fov 21 l ldN chclr. •Jl'o'rl lw and could t n.iblt Y<l\.I I< rid• WIV« of aUCCfft Cipothght •ndl' ~ndrnC'tl ong1nal11v rour•11• of ron v1ct1ons Md.• frtsh ttlrt 1nvf'tt 1n your product talt nt t..\• '""''l~t'd SAC1TTA,UU'S f N U lt t f•m1ly tnvolvf'd \'OU rt MH\fl pulltd 1f\J two dU'Pt'll nt Sttnano 1nd udft mon• •Y paym•"I• dttmon• rtlattng to hocn« pro~ny nwm11• l'ull yountlf lrf't from foolllh tn1.1nglt'mfnb CAPRICORN !DK 22·1•n ltl Mo1.>n 1n your •tgn C'Ot"cldf" wuh ptt ainal m .. nf1lNn wn~uaht\, ... , •PrHI Tru•I tnur own 1uJ11111«ftl follo .. hu"<h 'l'ou II h•.,. ,,.. n M ••l•brai. !\)night (,.mint, ~lhlmD ~~n• 1n VOl'l'f'J AQUAltlU (fan 20·ff'b 1111 Em· rh• ••oft ~,._ <l~ftd"'-lnt '"""A"" mtnb ntn911)' for chtt.,1n11 1Tft1Tn • o ,.p.lirina "'" han1c1I •rpllan<'ft Tnt noc1Pft bolo pe..11v, "'1nt"f'111111a ,. .. 1omoh1lt p.l'tmf'nt tYflm•nn ul <HI Q.S-F.ut-Wen vulnerable. u South you bold: •1066 :'AQ643 2 Q •A t 02 Tbt' baddi.nc has proceeded: South W.i NorUt Eut l ';° p._ 3 NT p._ ? What do you bid now? A.-IC you t.ttated your band us uu.nimum and tamely comd.ed to four bearta. you are undervaluinr it.a trick·ta.lun1 potential. With a known nine-card tit, trt would mall' • rentJe move by CUt'·btddin.1 four cluba. intendin1 to venture no fur ther than four bean.a nut. if we at ill have room for th.It bid. Q.4-Both vulnerable. u South )'OU hold; •KQ4 ~87 AK874 •1065 The biddin1 has proceeded: Q.8-Ntither vulnt'rablt', u South )'OU bold •IU~9 A10842 103 +A94 The btddtnc b.u proceeded South W•t North E M1 J -P.. I • Pua T What do vou bid now" A.-The cboa llM betv.etn onr no ttump and two spades With 1 •oak doobletoo in one WJt and au- perl> three-card suppon for part ner'a 1u1t. t.ht' ~ to t,.,o 1pedea at.a.nd.s out by th• provrrbl&l mt.le. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Food tlSh 5 Bund*e 9 Cold 015'1 0 14 Edtble root 1S IV'my trvant 16 Nimble 17....,.... 18 MerSh bltll 19 Hor. CIOth 20 To 1,A!f1ner 2 t Of\IW1<>W.ter body 23 Reelty 9ign 25AEur~ 26 Hotlow 27 Fece pen 29 Steat ttom 32 Set of pnntiples 35 "Go ewey• ' • 36 ShOOt 3 7 lnlh 1"81\d1 38 Sparkle 39 lnteeta 40 Location 4 1 Poeouon in IOdety .a~- 4.3 M• anomel U Am"90efCI ~Large quentuy 46 Continent 48 Annoys 52 T0tonlo I _,_ M 1(11~ 11em '7 ,,,...,.I 2 3 ,. 17 20 54 Border on 59 TV10enC9 ptogtlm to Aud.city e 1 Olltl out 62 Slleler'S mo... 13 Aocient ChenC>t 14 Squont e5 Funetet 11em DOWN 1~ 2 Egyptlall c.pitel 3 ZMI • JoM 5 VolcanlC roci.. 6 ArouMCI 7 ~s a Enthu..-n 9 Allan boet 1 O Oncoe more 11 S11ying lfOUnd 12 PM<> -13 College otttOal ~1~1CU$---- • 11~ 22 Stup.c1 one 3e Conlo<lenc:9 24 Thom 31 ~led 27 Tab6eWete '°""° 21 Sound • hom .al Prontong 30 l.Jpr'tgtlt ~ pref U CfMted e 3 t Most IU'table Ooaturl>ene» 32 °"9ctoon 45 OeWOl9 3) Mutic 0'°"° '1 Tennll ellOf 34 .,...,._. &I Crvei one 35 ~ IMt ..... .,.,,... ... l)eM .... ,_,_...,_ SO Wandet• !11 Hed<My90 ~2 Htgtlw9y 1)811 ~ Strwts et>Ot ~~°°""' 55 8WyM -- Hs.ta 10 11 12 13 I - P. ' WI "' Br CJ K J1 Ci T ck T m nt 81 at I( T wl °' ~ p c M ti A u Tf' 1l A YI B s. E N c Vt L u I 0 0 •• I T ,, l p 0 p 0 0 c ., I .. t , F ( ' 1 f c ( , .. Monday. April 12. 1993 Women s..lting Men Orange Co Arco YOU C ENIOR. 1le114tr S'6, 11tracti•e. t11tric1it, 10 shirt nnrr tltinss 111 lite 11rlSWM ~ • 53·70. Wr 1rt tducaltd, proresslonal, w/1 toud1 o( cl.m. eood !oetlst ot llllll!llf. ll"\t11t. C.all 11541. WOt LO·BE Prlncru. al· tracli~t DWF, N/ , tt'ks kind, 1>ould·lk! prince, 57. o7, f'Clr con•trsalion, d1nc- m1, ~nd hip. lt'>'IM. 0 111 2()1}7. \ PIRl\G ANGEL. prttty. 'r&tiarilln, l.indlltartt'd, ta· JU~ tilt 11rts. aatiqlltS and aa- imab. bffks ha•tn on tarth. 'lt10por1 Bfach. Call Zl ll. Fl' & H '1''\. bright & SUM). E:njo) Rush Limbaugh. Jim l.odl'I. and Hopd'ully You ror ltllrmna. caring and !olulr· in&· CO§la \lfSa. C.it ?IOZ. A TTRA CTI\ E >.·modtl SWF, lo•es golf, 5'6/BS, 59, ittl.$ WM O\tr 55. \IS, Olll· goini, afTIUfnl, '.>IM'frf. lo\iRg crntltm11n. Hun11nctun · Stach. Call 184.5. P ~. f nmk. 10.S.) )OU did nOI lea\e )Our pbocwl! LET''i t O.,_\ECT~ \IE: S\\ ~ '1'1. anracti\t, atfttl~· ate. runny, multi-~ltd. l.o•e tra,tl. 11aturt. many particl· pant i.ports, hontU), ud much mort! \Ol : S'8•, DI· 1raro.t.-iwmoroos. acti\t, in- rtlligrnt, and a '"r> sptclal 1111n lool<ing ror • pmnanenl rtblOIShip. Tustin. Ctl 1351. PRETTY Wf 30. blundt. bh1t-t)td, honest. sincrrt, rn· jo}S lfa•tl 11\d "'°' io, 'ittU i«Urt, '"•rm·hurttd man 1tho nijo) tht samt. II"\ mt. Ca.II 1911. RAVlSHL'liG REDlffAD,4', t\titing. !iHSUOUS. ot~cli· nary qualil)ICNU'lldtr. Sttk· i11e: Ont t~Ct'plional, com· milablt, ullra·succtssfu I gt11tlfnun, . B11!11.-card rtquirtd. HuntU.gton ~ach. CaU 1916. A nRACTIVE SAF 34, S'"lJS, td11c1ttd, 1ttk1 W/AM, t411caltd, profts· iloaal, soal·Of'IHIN, •ar· rilae-•H*d. H4*1tJ 1110A Important tllan •st. S'IO•. Tlllllll. Cllll 1917. WANT BABIES!! Mt too!! J7, rau swr klc*lftl io -• •a• (6' ·~ helttll1. Sll((ft5ful, drua·rrtt. N/S, fitness-mind· t4. ~ 'fuclft lluiballd' to prollutt !MtMltiful, ~ halrt'd, bl-)tcl, cllampioll atllltltt & schqlan., 10 tot\!· plrit our 1hppy ramily. Ooll'I bf s11J, Call Mt! Cosll Mesa. Call llllJ. A1TRACTIVE SWF 5'611.U, ~Ina rounltrplrt 58"5. ror run. spoallntlty, sllart life's surprises. h It you1 Costa \1e.a. Cal 1740. • HAPELY 15 BF ,./back &ttl.s 1111 W'1 »441 ror cl.in· ntr. ctanrinc. lllO\its. poaiblt rtlatiooshlp. 1 ... 11,wooc1. eaa 17~. STllS"''W, t StHUOUS bninettt. 27. S'J/100. cksi~ h)ptrse\u1l, mon1e1mous, 1murn1. loving non-smoker for 1radi1ion1I lirt-<Ommil· mtnl, joy, fort•tr. Nt_!!'pol'I lkacll. Call 17 36. CLASSY, EXOTIC and buutlful l11li1n entreprt· nt11r, international 1ppul, sttks atTkitftt. lfOOIMd tn~· ulhe gr11llem1n .-0-60. must bf 'uccmrul and generoui. 'Nl>O'l C.Jl 1751. • ,\ \'[0 DBF Sttl.S sued W• nior nun ror sharing. caring, church. mo~in. hobbirs, day In~ .. ..its. I.one Bndl. Call 1706. BRIGHT. accomplished. al· tr1<live h llm l, J7, IS. 5'6111 S. ttlti111/ Ofrtring; llunrsl co111m11menl. SI) It. &Uts, l~ing StASt' or humor. '"' por1 llQdl. Call 17 31. TALL DWF, 37 Sttks -"'Y· romanlit mutt. Ul\es soulfvl bl!Jt\. lllXld t'Ofl\tl"Slllion, qui- t! ottans.11"\lnt. C.:all 17JI. EX rREMEL\' ATTRAC· 1 I\' F.. lookins fonamt. \\< F, dauy. taring. shy, rudy rOI' kids,~ prof~lonal SWM. ow to respon N/S, 1'·33, co••ltl•tml ~ lni.t. Cal 1751. CLA Y, TR IM SWf' St, • • •llllU ('An.. MUtlflll Miii <15-55 10 lllan t'Oll•tna· doe. popcorn. uhn. lnlllt. Call tut. YO • C 49 WF, prol& Mollal 111 I r>h~ ll'eJ.s lftllle· -. for l'rlHdslllp. l111imaey mlslll rome lattr, 111d •llo lioo• , ••l'llf lo•t. lr•l1t. Call 1771. SWF Jl. ta14, aftl'lldt\t. ~ dtr, prtftrs cullaral t\t11l1 over sports outs, tlijo}s rtadi111, lhtaltr, •ovlu. Sttks taH, 11tn1tti•t DISWM ~ •ith ........ lnkm1ls tor romlfta'. I r>IM. Cal 18'7. MIDWEST BRAINY, bocla· cious btauly (JI, S'll, SWF). l.ous: athlttlcs. world·tra,tl Oesim: 1ch tftturous. ltlllttlc 6'• 'Hero' 10 rompltlt •1 firt. CO§UI Mm. Cal 1868. APPEALING. PRETTY DWF, pttilt bn111tllt, aood body, "2. S'IJIOS. smllf. intd- licent. f11nny. uniqut. Seeks lnttlllaent, lert bnln typt, p11ysicauy rit. kind, aswrtht, qlUllll) 1rnllt111111. Nt"port Barlt. Call I 86l. CLAt-Y, 111rac1lve DWF, " ltins cenlltmH 6'+, N/S. 48+, ujoys ... ts, tru d. llu&hRI', . 1u, opera. Nt1tport Balch. Cah 1116:1. BLO'lil>B Bf. lfTY SWF 30! Sttks 'HipllnduiRHtpde.' (TV dlo•) loollinR gu}'-lont· hair, c~uy. handsomt. C0611 ~Ca" 176'. ATTRACTIVE, VIVA· CIO SWF tnlreprtntur i.ttks senslthe, 041lgoina. em· ploytd proftsslon1I ~0-SS. Honesty and \ll11u lmpor· cant. Humor ntctuary .• In ine. Call 1830. PETITE SWF 29. 11tl'lldnt, liln..to..ina. "idt ialtmb. tra- ditlonal ••lue. iftb SIDWM 30.40 tool.Ing ror comm Intel rtbtlon:shjp. lnlnt. C.111657. l FlRE\tA."i DESIRED b7 °* bbldt. flljoys ouldoor ldi•I· ties. toys and trucks. Ld's ha\t ? "YOu ~~these ads qukkly and easily by callln& our electronic vo~mail sen Ice. Just dial: 1(900)740 -7190 t&lilkd at SJ 4'>per mlnu# .11u•c:all lttngtb If 4 minutes Coils 'fl'l(fU,,..a lt)llG/11rn1c pb(lllC Pk-alie c/'4.dlfor lr1UCb ~me befon• dtaJtngJ Pre s #1-to browse or respond co ads Pre 12-lo place a new instant ad Press #3-lo check for in.Mant ad messages Vou rou_~ be 18 ~or~ to rapood to or placcao ad.. S1ngltUfc 1oc. :b.SUITld no ~n !he t...OIC111 rt or rq-.1)' IC> i f'C'SOOll ad~CltootmCN f1it' 1-'tt'IOnlb JI\' lnccnci.od fnr u.'IC hy ~1ngle f'< r-<tm lft"ilt"lol tdalk.in.tl11pt ~'e r\rommr .. ro th:at ytJU u.~ rummon Men Seeking Women Orange Co. Area LIT GO for 11! I'm• ~\t. llonttl. •lf«tlonalt. romalllic, ... CV"-f 'llllo ronf'tdnl. Looidna Ill mm 1• \" •·. 1<hmrt1nM. lit. a11rtefht • .Je..111. '"'" annc l"fb.. hOllllMp. H 11111111&1111 11w:11. ('alJll.l t ,RAJ'flll o•:,tG\f.R am ?& <ttlls IH ?O-?J. into pop art. i..ROQ ma\lt ind fritnd~•ip. WillNf!J.l•"'-lanzm. OW M. 6'l Ill. lllrll1l•t. MU'lli" ful. llllJllORlllJ lllilhlt, •Mb I ,...Utd lad) IJICIN 'IJ'ld. r11111~. A mt\CTI\ F~ !111t1re D\HI 11. ~ •OOlll 4010. •.11)0) 4u111 ~ rJCt un1mjlOltlnl. I.Ma Baich. (.'Ill ~ llXTlll\1f I l' arftthclftltt, WC· ~4'.D.~l-t«b "it'I, stun, pnferrlf'I)' pro(~ , •. ».J7 ror ttrlotls rtlarlomhtp lr~lnt. Clll4S9 lt0\44!\11 , lllr.dl\t, ~-~ llffil. tndllkmal Rull\1u 67, 6'1' 111ractht OWM. 'S. lt'dt SSlill (t•lnl11t. s•Ht, nl\lblt ~.~t>­ )of arta, Blrit7. •1hns. lleall), ~-~f'Wj)Ol'I ~. Calt• AT1U.£Tlf ~ W l. J3, 6'11'5, bloMetblut, ltlllllj, ~ tifi&llt liftin" t11ldoor .............. ..,.~. ... wi. ...... QlnQI ......., .. ..., .... ~Ito tw-lntM. r ... 11t7. P1t0t ION4L n.~BU~ JI. s·.-MS. •Ills"'..., llC!i" ll'lfW-.My ..... OtWa ...................... dll4c "''"'' • lilt .,. a114 ••• c.411i ... t,.. ...... lfl,. ........ ........ ...... lea ..a .,...1 ...... lit Mt. Tlllt ••• llO ltltt tf I 1•1 .. ,., UM -,., ,... c .. t. Mi&UllST. um.m:a4 n1 · 11111 ..... 1 ........ ,. ....... .... ...... wr . .,..._Ol llM. ow.. ........... .. Jrt••·llf~('.., ....... ,." .......... .. ,.C.MliLC..1111. ..... 6,.. ............ t1a !Ids tal hlondt SJF ~26. Cardell Gl"O't. Cal IJ 19. H Rl' SELECTIVE WM 41 ~s sr stunner 25-40 ror lift· lllllf, llilelic abilllJ I pll& "irw· pon 8tJd. Ctl llW T ~l L S\\'M, cood·lookin& pro- fetlllonal, SS. 6'1/lOS. EnJo7s tMJ· ci5e. lmnis. pt, llolling. dinln&. lra•d. •-.As lllCI.., ID t11QD' I loft. SttkJ mttlflk \\ f • itll ltMt ol llurmJ. lldns -1111 O\f!'-«111 is no probltm. !nine. f.tl 1899. \[\FR \tAlllUt.D W\l l 9, pror1 ard1lltc1. Sttks pthtr, M!y, '°'' WF tor wift 111d hi· b1a. H lftilctm !lat'-c.111 m. Hl \IOROL , ATTitAt'll\'E prufruional WM 29, tttki II· ll'l(llW.t'Olllmttllll'lll mindtd.• ~ ladJ U.JO •ho lows Clll- fomia. ~ ldallo and la't. . ~. dodt. Mid poll· I015!' i..pna l'\lpt.Cal Im. F.rt..H'TIC. TfM Rf.D tadiitr, OWMS~Ml•• *'-' -.,,, ronnbC:la$, ~. Mld-Wt5tmt nlua. f:njoys: llllp, arinc l'Ollll••llatiofl. llllifta Clllll 11M1in. 1~11re. Jnz. COIDe47, trattl, Uadfll, llO TV 9'0fUI. MtlJ: intdllsrtlt. pcllllliff< - lioullJ tlaltt, *"*" lldy, Wllll a .,. rl ...... -tor ~- 1111 mat1Gm1111 la6ia to •r· ,..,_ ~ \iitjri.Cal"HOl MAILMANIFAl""'1'ftM' DIM Sl. 6''11 .. 1o1'S IAlill jaa. td..fl lll0•1ft. 1114 •pd1 • ('4*1 Mm.Oi11m ROMANTIC SBM. C•rlstl111, ---.-.SHIJF,liloMllw ........... ,~ ..... , Tlllhfl. C'A 1'7ll LAWYER .......... Wf .. J.\, Mlrldi ... lofll, ~,. ..... Nie! J.tllr)' ... ..,,... ln6rit. r.t I MAY I n.t.rW ,_ .,.7 SWM ,,. ....... .,. ... ....... trfW1••1•rc :: , ... ,.s. "*"c.erm A rrucnn IM 11 •k• ....... .., ......... ............ ......., ..... .... Clll'lll THQNG.lflr.ill LOVUI SIM .... .., ....... " 1a. ~ ........ ,..,.,. Tllllla c.-1171. JM.'-Li'.iffT ......... . It'*" ....... ,...... ............ M.Jll.At't - A TTRACTl\ E PROfESSIO'· Al. 6 ', blond kairtblue rye. 1 llO, muscular, arlllttic. Sttkina pntty Sf for pily. COJU ~Cal ms. ~IL WITif MF. W\I ~. 6', clJtl, lulldtolllf. Sttks swr for iliMa 1dl"tf!IUl'IS and full. New- port llacll Cal 1 m. 1ET'S GO ~ SailbClll - "'·. 6', \ff} luncbomc. •ins 5\\-F ror 11111111 lllCI more. c:.ca Mm. Cal 1771. llLO\l>l, A lll L£TlC 5\\-M JI, fftts )'Olllll. pG-lookina. ldi~ clrl •ho lhn nt11rbJ. Ntv.pon Bed. Cal IT7l • f.SSLAL. PASSIONATE. jm, '°'Inc. 1tlllttk. ~ inltr• ll•llonll Liiia busi-111111, 41, Sttb n1ruld7 ftlnlnillf. blw- ""' MMdk. lt\J ladJ wlc.11 pm. 17 fatt. zt.lS. fCllllltllift V• lty. Call 1165. WA~SJ ll-2S .... .... d.lllB. .. tollt ..... ~--NI SAM 11 •• ,..,...._ .. .-nt •div*-SIMI A111. Calt• HF.I.'! Allt1 fl'Oll pl111tt It• -. .............. ti.ut l'fttllftll •ltll llttftfll1 SWP, U-Jl At,_.,-. 'lA'l .. ...... T-.CAIN'1 $UCClllftJI.. ltllldhit !WM 17 .......... il ..... .... .._.,.,..., .. ... ......... ,..,..., ........ 17. •. _,.._. . ...,. ....... 11 ... 0,.. ..... .. ._ ........ YIU. GQOO.LOOltlNC ti'• lW fl ,.,, "· S'WI. M ,. 0 I \ '""' ..... ...,. ..... .....,.,_, ... _ ""-·_...,,.,... .. ............ -....... . ,...., ,., ..... ,,.,, ... ................ ..-& 9'41 .....• , ......... , An Aoology: On Friday, MOrCh 26th, our voice mail computer Foiled .. Regrettably, service was il')terrupted for several houn while we repaired the computer, and you may hove continued lo e'<f)erience some difficulty in reaching the 900 number in the last week. We opolo· gize for the malfunction and for the inconvenience .to you, the reader, and to ~r client, Singlelife. Please be assured that the problem is corrected and a!ve us another try. If you were cu~off, or unable to leave a message ofter reaching the 900 number, please call us toll -free at 1 ·800·982·3293. Again, our apologies! TPI, Inc. ftan. Sanca Ana. Cal 11128. VERY PflE1TY, bkMtde. JO IO!lltOlhlc SWf', S'Yl 10. NIS. pd l'iprf, llftdloule, fa. lnlnt, warm, carl•c prorts· sional, dqretd, 1dvt11lurt· SOlllt, rvn, SHH ot ltu•or, illdqlttldtllt, lotts tram. tttl· nis. joaing. *line. nttdsin&. walks on bt'1cll, dlnlag out. 111o•in. plays and aood C'Oll· \tnllloll. Loolinc ror ~· 35-45, altrldht, S'S+, N/S, profmiona\ tclllcaltd, alllltt· le', trim. nnanrlally stablt, warm carinc. Sf.n5f al hlllllOI' with slmitar "*ra1S ror ~ tionship. ll"\lne. Cal 115'9. CUTE iRISH Liu. ptlltt, brown/grtt11, t11jo}S lllO\ies, theatre. naturt, tra•d. 11ttks S!t13.hl7. ll"\int. Caa 16JO. JAPANESE. 28, S'S'. Sttks Wl\f 27 ·ll. tall fit. 11.ulllOr· 011s. inltlligut, for dat('t, 1mustmen1 park, romu<'t. ~port Btarh. Call 11147. 111C. ln<C/Wllt•"t.,."l..lJ DHlllJ SWF .u. s ·51251, libttal .,,,.. rmional. seeks SWM JS-SS, S'IO+, NIS/D. Mutual in~ 1rt: "ttknd jaunts. 111turt. ba>tball, campins. culh1r1I t\mb. dillinc out. tr )'OU 11111e llnrt. brains, and d\uacttr, ~u 1M! San Ptd.ro. Call 180l. AD\'FlliiUROU SWF S'IO', 39, • loolllng for tall, IC· th~. nia gvy. Balboa l.sllnd. Ca.N 1640. SOMEONE SPEC IAL, 5'4 blonde, war111Jcarlac. old· rashlofl YllitH, would like to lllftl s.iDWM Ph)-'SldalliJ>ro.. fessloul same waluts. 45+. Salltl Ana. Cal 1799. A1TRACTIVF.. UJllT. CUM· Bf.RED DWF. Christian, 41. S'7, adYUlurtSOlllt, r1111. N/SID. lAlokinc ror qualitJ re- lllloflSlllp "itll loCS o/ ltlsllrt titllt. Gia Harbor, WA. Call 1800· FAMILY AND KIDS. F111, attl'lldht. sltlcttt pnirmeo.. al, SWF J9, lttkift& profn- slooal. honest, rtt. Carine. er· ftcliouie Wl'tt .l54i MU51 bt inleresttd 111 ra .. ily, ltavhl1 kkb.. Enjoy outdoon. ltnnis. bttna bf5t fritftcb. flmldt chats. bt'ldl •,alks. camplna. rauslc. Colla Mf£L Call 16111. PETITE WF, N/S, ~1He>­ -e1r1ll, suks romantic cur with sense ot llumor, 111ar- ...,.llflll0f0 •• , MtO 1"1111· Tustin. Call 165.l. 100'7o NATURAL OJf, ht1llh7, non-ra1, 1111de of finest il1rrtditllts 11ttks 1ta11. actht WM JS45 al aour-t quality for llllfrilion rdlt• ship. IAfll Btach. Call 1 '65. EXOTIC. lklftlly SF JI fftks healdly, ....... SWM »J6. "° kids, sis s-t+ ror _..... llDlllll IM. Tllllla. c.11 IMU. PETITE (S'/IM) DWt'. ftt, actln SS, w~n• llalr A eyet, Mtl p!!llttul ot dte ....... (55-79)..., ••• Jo11 lift. Ht 1ll011ld lo~e ..,.,,, ~ tlltatn, io.s wlllb.~tmtl."~ tioutt alld as l•ltruttd 111 othus H Ill Is 11 lli•Jelr. c... de! Mat. Cal 1675. CLASSY DWP 5'"• _. Cftlf11I proltlAoMI w-ith lots II ""f11 ekt lalt ...-.n 41·ff wllo r1joys d111ch1s, dl11l•I· •o•lu, travtl 11d ........, Md II siftttrt. lnitlt. Cal 1572. BEAUTIFUL, SEl'SUOUS, clus7, Sll«ttl"91 hoetSI BF 37, 5'"110. .w hlttehofH, m. nn111c:l1ll7 successf1l, charmlna, honut, monoga· IHUS 111111 31-48. Newport 8adt. Catt 1570. FUN STRAWBERRY BLOND with lols of sh0ts, stekl11c 111arri1se-111lndtd SWM l7·JJ t1ito ~7' q11ltt ouln11, r1uy 1110\iU & ltmon bars. Laauna Hiil~. CaM'l5SS. PRETTY WO\tA\ Wf', blondelblllt eye!, s '6112.S. pro- reu1on11. $pirit111I. funny, )t· Cllrt. Seeks !alt. l!pirlellll ~ rusJon11, 40btl. 1,..;M. Call 1538. SOPHISTICA no. lltradi\t S'6 burntllt. r11n·lo•i11g. n1, -. SWF 4l. "ho •al- ., f•ily and tritttds. ~­ inc '°'a R<Vrt. unlq11t part· ntr with a good )tnSt or humor for lrl\tlinc. dinini. ltMis. slliinc. lhtlttr, lit• t'· ~and lots~ laughltr: Rudy ror roinanct! In int. Cal ISO. CATHOLIC OWF U , " setks CalltolioCllristiaA "id· OHrlDWM tdttcattd, SU«• rtHr111 srnlltman. Nt•port Badl. Call 1515. ATTilACTIVEBLO\D S"T S'4110S. 4J loolis 34. b®nm owner tttks SWM pll)siciiln JS-46 fot' lllOllOlllllOUS rtla· tlonslllp. El\J0)"1 !ilt.imc. dallC· Ins. lra\tliq. tool.iq, ,,.... port 8atll. Call I so.a. DYNAMIC. irtat ltp. ptttt)', Ii• S'll, SIK'C.tulul profn· 110111 wllo enjoy' Innis. Ilona. fllO\ Jes. ltolM<ook illlo ..... SM, ... .... Clldoa, -"' ...... ...... dll--. ..... cw. ~T..-.Ca115". WANTED: Dolllsll &Hiie-._ pcl-llMntd, wllty, ]S. 40. Mt: lJ. ~ ..., ... II&. alld •II ._......, TllltM. c .. 14&3. F.IYCOT£. ttusy, petite bntlltltt DWF NIS ~ It· tractite, triftl, n...n. •· Cite SWM <&S-60 (Of d Mr. 1110,lu, 11111lc, dind ns. •• ~ ... allal9latd ,., tloultlp. I 1• silldrt, Ifft<· tloflllt 111d ro•ullc. Art )091 lnl11t. Call I~. DJF 49, tri111, •l•1tlous, al· 1ractht, 1rt11 S111ile, •-ar111, cari11. l111tlll1ut. tttkJ JM 50-41. ll"\w. Cal 1411. . SWEET. ATTRACTIVE btooc1t SWF J7, S'<t'Ul. £11. joys movlu, bucll walks, rock, ru11 tl•ts ud q11t'1 timtS. Stekl allracll~t. sin· ttre, cood·rtalurtd SWM •illl cood morals. Dulrrs fritlld.sllip first. COila Mm. Call 1387. MODEL. DWf JS blondt/bhtt, tducattd. Wtlu "eallh) r:tnllmlfl tor tra•tl. dance & "'liq. Lakt T altot. Call 13'16. VIVAOOOS. ATIRACTIVE. tnt'lfllc, ptlilt. ~ SWF ~ tllnln', Clllldoon.. lm'd, ~r, ID ks 111~ ..as )ilKtrt, ac1hl'. ~1 SWM. ~ .0. FuMtnoft .. Ca• tm . 2 P£TITF.. allraclht Sfs Ill setk 2 SWMs. bt llllOfllllMOUS Ind run.. \o tits! Si&ul Hill Call ms. SWEET, KllllD-helrttd btau· I) '\H', .\I, •• Ion& bro•n hair, bi& brown e)ts. 8riflll, • itty, sl4m. )Hts t\C'\'f'liollal man for lo\t & ('Olllnlll"'"'t. t.aa11111 1Jaid1. Call I~. Otf11·1 ,'\r.·o\ lHTEIUTING, ennctl", tli•·•illa Wll1tt11 tttlltic ltlrKllvt ltflllt•H, St., ~--pod-viii• •«. WM Is lllltl'tiltd I• I Mctrt ~· •4 loCS al tu.. MOR. Call I 527. ARE YOU UP to lilt dMitt Ollt tMll fl ntttt1lnllic ,_, Quttll? c.r ......... lair rt•ardecl. Wm Hl)'K C.U 21Q.l. CORCF.OOS. BUT loldy, u · Mati-9laalflier 19, ad;s SWM '°' tll•·lo•Ul&o 111oeop•ous tttatioMltlp. COM•unialfloa, la\llltttl', IMilllacy lllllnd.llory. LGa A.-Cal 1110. HORSF.S. RIDING {fA&WI~ opera, cu,.bt'r musk, DJF lttks l'fllClmllll, dmillw lllltr· t1ts. so· .. ror ....,. rdlfioa. il\lp. la A..-, Cal JOU LET'S BE FRIENDS, first. Prtily, ~ blonde ill 40's. S'S/128, t11joy1 ut11rt, O.I· 1111), roni&• la111111fS, lui· mor, 111ovies, tthnlc dinlq, cooltlna. cats, rish. Wes1LA. C .. 1090. BEAL Tlfl'L, 11llltlic, ro- llllflllc. rim)' W/f, JO, 11ttb han<honlt., athlttic, romantic. tllK'trt, r1111ny, classy wllilt gulltllH 26-J8 for Ion, datltfttts. and 1111} ht f"ft lltt r1lr7 1111t. M111h11u Bell. Cd21CM. CL.A Y & HRY bnulj(lll, s·s. illm, down 10 urlll. sm1rt profm~at AP llttU NISID, J040, slim, sutttsSflll. 11ooc1 C'Oll•tn111ionalkt. t\Ohtd, \1/ W\1, •illl ~u•t of humor for di11'1atr, lhtaln. mo\tn. tit. alld ~ bit romance. l.ni A111eltt. Cd 2091. '\\<F WA 'TS p6tasant \\'\f to dan<'t and ff\Jo1 1trt • itll. IA>\t actinic ind porlr) uu. irut. Pit.., arm.tr If \Jiii .,, t,U~t L l ,l\sllln tttnatt, tun· 411• 111d rt1d) to rhumba! louna. s1nu.rr. f\c1111111. ~ Al'lj,'tlft. Call? IOI. l\i'S/O, wtU nlCt 11111n 25·.IO. · · NI D for rtlatlonshlp. · •n Rf.' .l8 ,.illl OClt child ~u Ditp. Call 1365. l11rlll1m1, carina Cllr™lan BEALTIFLL nsidt and Ollt. SJF 40. Wtlliltc '1lint1&1l pert· ntr. l'1n ~ (COCld rritfld. alftc·. tionMt. ill vu• Wipe. lilt lo laup. Elljo)' 11111Sic. -•its. danc1ns. seminars, "all.11111. t>1purt 8txta. Cd IJ 16. 40+. r111a11tiall} Sl•blt. sea-e <I h11 mor. ror h«altll y, ""*'I· amo'" rtlillomhlp. l.os An· Rtlb. Cll11Z08. fMEll.CH ow~. 11lr1Ch~t. ft,.in1nt, )lt1tder. cultund tnlrtprtlltlll'. tttlu 11ppon· .... 11inltltt, lltt0'9pli11Md ,,., ....... , ......... 1 .... ~Call71'. JW, 35. Mnll J0111111 bodJ aid -i. Nllelttd. I"*""" *"' wldt ptulol for llta•J •ttal, ,. .. k 114 •ort. w Jllrrd. Call lll4. . J.ET'S HAVE.--tlll! Wt Clll llO ..... Of' clMc.>t 1111· dtr tltt 11ar1. Or. so lo a 111o~it or pla7. Tllert's 11io blke-rldh11, paddle tt1111ls. uroblcs or a drive 111 lltt cou11try. I'm 60solnttlll11, ury attractl•t, S'S, OWF, hOllfJ bl<Nld llalr. I tttk 111 ldht WM itlto Ills 1 <Olll· tortablt llfttt)'lt ... , ... ll htll'I. ~ alld U,,y. No old r~ ,.,.., t¥1 lift .. settler!! MHllltlH Buch. Call 1919. ATTRACTIVE CHEN EVF.S. bn1Mt1t. Mn45. ~ alive, splrif 1111, l'OIUMk. ..-· «NM. Sefls 1t•lit1U• 40- 50, sl111llar for 111e111ln1r111 rrl11lo111hlp. Los A•1tlt1. Cal ms. BrOW\C' thrcJt qh nur voi•t· p•·r\Ol'':J, lur 0,1 r I.I Li "nql1 , '" LA t'. Orongt-C<>unty Women Seeking Women Bl-ct RIOl attn1dht JJ', artkl, 46. ~ IO -1 lllltl- lictnt. kind •or11111. btatdN 10itllil. ror fritMttlp lddlns 10 '°'' net C'Ol9•i<IMllt. Hol-1, .. ooct. tall 21Cll. swr n RtOt,S. Rtklftc db· mtt km~ e•· ror f1111 llnd IW• n~ LOl Aa&dn. tall lltll. "</ ARTISTIC, d)111111lc "Olllllll lookinc IO llWd lltnt 1or lnttlCISlllfl. :in ... prt1tr- Hlft 1111lmponant. <1utrl<1tr n.. Wrsa LA. Cd UZA. •:xonc ea.o)\m:. 111w•· ?7, S'7•120.--. ~ BtP. U• A"lfb. Cd 116..\. A l'rMACTIH: C" t', lO.. Ml· ltllt&t"nl 111d rt111lnu1t, 1ttu rt .. lnlu ...\sl111 '"011111 for r~ip and nimlflC'f. lkl'- b-.ood. Call IUO. AIL OR FAX YOUR PERSONAL AD TODAY! MAIL TO: SINGLE LIFE, P.O. BOX. 870, SUNSET BFACH, CA 90742 FAX TO: (714)840-2836) When we rca1vc your ad we will .usign a vo1ct mail number which wt will m.111 lo your w11h mforma11on on how ro r«ord your free VOil<' ~d. Clip this form and attach ad copy on a separate sheet. (Please type or print clearly) 0 WOMAN SEEKJNG MAN 0 MAN SEEKJNGWOMAN []WOMAN SEEKING WOMAN 0 MAN SEEKING MAN Pl Wt NOTE. Ropon..-10 1hn< .J1 " '"""'P out ~-._. -.J onlr A '" .-h ,_ I~ " rrqviml "' rnn< .. mnuga You -s'<'C lk>C 111 lu>c ,our~ aumhn, U•I Nf'llf lit adJrna 1n .,,, ...... &fC't<•ng Of ~rudnl tntrodUt.l>On The: Pn1oruk .,. 1n1cnJfd for U!lt by >t"Ck 1ndmJu;I;. 18 {of ol.ltl tttl.ill(C fumJ,h1p Of rrlrn.lfldi•p Otlltt <l<h..,. •* •hf<h we npliu1 '"1111 langu~•· wtH nuo lo.t publtlhal Name=-----------------~ Address: --------------------Ci ry: ___________ Zip:----- Phone: L_) Age: ___ _ Above information mandatory. 8y pla<1oe 1ha od '"" np<riolt alno..i..Jsr 1lu1 '-111lrLk. IM l\a> ....Jc no "l'•nnu••:O!I rcpui g ihr wwb.lilf ol .lura.ltf ol 1halt I"~"" tapMdm lo • prrtt>NI ad ~111gltUI<. Ill\ llao .,,. •!Id doa ""' ""'""'· .,. lftltn',...., n1hn 1t..~* ('l>urig pct-..1Jdi0t 1hoor mpond111110-" id. 'i1.,.1tuf<. In. "''"'"'no k.to.Lry lrw tlw wntnte u/, or •rr'Y ro, •ny .d•m11tmm1 By P....ns •hu •J )'OV Wo<lmt u1111plr1t ~•bJ11y few IM ""''ml o/, ;nJ all trpl10 10, •ny 1d tv rt'C'Ofdtd ~ •nd fot 1111.t.oma10 b< nu;k >pM4 )tngkl.lt '"' ., • rnuli ihn«>f 8r 1•la<1"J th.. ad.....! "' <01U.Jm1.,.. ihnccl Y"" •tt 10 ,,J.,,.n.iy anJ huld 5-l'gltuk. 1.... _, 1u ~ k;rfllks Ir-d ""'°' npc'ft-IO (lndud1 auut..,, fen). bhl.r,o AJ'd ~ rnul•"'I f,.,.,. "' Qfl.,d k 1lw rJ..i...•-al,.,.., ad• 1ny rtt0n!1na rQu.i by fVU or"" '<f''r •• "'1 1U<.h td li<"1kl.fc. Ir.. rn.ommmds th.ti l'I"' -.. -. •-anJ ""' fC...,,.,l>lt J'f"CIUUOfU •htn mttung • """'" FIRST 15 WORD AD FREE! (Addi. words $1 each.) FREE DAILY MESSAGE CHECK! M.&ke check pa~ble 10 SanglcL1fc (Abbrt"Yi:mom or hdghtlwt.ighr combo counr .u I word.) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY VMI ____ _ PWI ____ _ DBF ____ _ WDP ____ _ PS I D ____ _ NTFD· ___ _ In-Int.Cal 1137. V.Sn1V£. HO\tsr DWM JI -· alTtdioftalt. lttrldlt-t • comp1nion, 25·40, ror bt'1cll •alb. dinntr/ mo~lt. 1114 otlltr •• pltulru. San o-ntt. Clll lb. EDUCATED PROH SIONAL SWM, ''l/115. enJo>• dlai•a. ~~Sftls..., SWF •5' t'Olllf*llOllt partntr. (« tillCtrt rtbtlOMlllllo l~int. C' .. 1601. Cllllll9. ATTRACTIVE PROfl:SSIO~· AL ~M .U .. , JS+ lor flll. CIW dlftct lmafts. lllOtits. ._ ii&. Ca111 Mm. Cal 1611. MAlQt ~mt ME. ......... ncl11ttr, ctt1fi4t111 SHM JI, S'l/165. Ws AIH/WF, 21-4t. Mt. pd ..... ,..., Cal 115'. A vtRY -..C SWM 1A lltb I rtllllt '°' l'll••• ........ 45, ract unlmport111t, •opt•· mindfd.'CCllU Me&Cal 1'10. TARTl!'IC OVER, HM MS5,~lftlllllhls cA dlndlt1 art wllll ~ "'' 45 ~r old boll7 lookillc likt lO. " ,..,lft,... .. _.... ... i.tt.117.111411 wut todlArt JOUf lfr. ,._cal. Tlltlill. Cal 1716. PtlO!'llE.\ PRETOOf.. pim • IOI! I'• .M, 1 quliey, llt1llll7, ..... ,.. .. M_... lloMlrt "....,,.,,~ ... .... (,.,..,..,).map. 111. ..,,.....,....,.....,, ... ,. lo7a.h7, ..... .., •• , ..... ,. ..w.dall lifllt Jte. I will "°'' .......... 1-.DONOTCll• Im,... .. -arr. m.41 tor causl_.,..-., ..... i... ..... tt.JlJ'l.N,_.., ... -~ ... trWll!tl. ,.,.,.,. .... l ... Mf?. YOU'U ~AIT, 114 ,..,M. .-t. lirlcln, ..... , • C'W9,,,.....7 ........ S/OMJMt.IM ....... 11111 ...... 'C-.ct1. •'Ill a ... ....,., Id 'IJ 'Na .... ... Dwaf 43 ... :J5) II ,_ ...... a..n-..... ... """1 W. Cll • fOWOY-....~ ~llhtQJ ........ .......... ....., ..... 117 DWM ... S'll/JlS, lril', ..., ............... ........ pi' I I lrWlt.Cll• RO\tANllC OJM. ,_. '2, fd. ucatt4. ell ........ tore. -lra•ef. •llb. mo*.ifl&. Ille 111.S. l"4'1 talk. ""port ltd. Cal I& TIRED o•· fUKES1 SWM Jl. ~ S'llil'l atloratf loulill& ror say, .-1• 11111~ li¥t, daay pralmimll WF ...... "'° .. Olltdoon. ... ~ ......... ~&DrittkM&I .... ...,.Jlr&is........,. ..... IQ!wr. Seel..., Cll 1'1l ICO!'IOCLASTIC OWM, SO, well ed1 Cited 1M 1'1111. lole lilt Ollldoon. .-.1 a...,i. -....., Ser;. biC)dlll.-.s llOl IO .. lilt Hol,.ood """ elJo1tdabl .... .....,. ••'"-Sttll111 Nrs •-11 tJ ....., lor .no.is. ......, "' laliofl.Wp •Ito tall ~illltill 1111ka-,.cl1117 llorboM n IMl'Ollllct 111t 10 -~ Llllla .... Clll *' TOPI YOll t-4 II, SWM 1S, brlllllr1, •'. ,,.rut101111 acttt,.... ......iJc. ..... -WM a •llradfYt, W\J, .............. Cd,., IMltl ..... Cll 1574. HlJMOl()U\ SMUF.. ~ ..... '911111"'9 ....... ..... tACll I , ..... pa hlh ill OWM, NIS, ~ 6'1, ... ..., .S-A• Cll Im. A1114CTI~£ ~ION- AL WM, S'WNI. ...... ...... .... ... .,.. .... bil i.r4' .................... -~ ....... ~..., ..................... ..,.,.... .... ~"*91. Loll ._OIMll ~AIT, SWllT-•il!I ~MB. llMl9c. M. ...... ....... , ............. J .. IWllM, ..... k. IMnflflll '· ......CJIMJ4 ,.Dwaf~S'.W•laftCJI· 4S)fW ..... 1 I rt ti; I-. ... CllUM. <V1'I SIM,.,....,.,, .-...ik. ........ .......... wt'~""""• ollirt ll!lks "'*' 1n.. anractht \IF. l.Clfta led. ('al 15'1. SOCC'f.59\IL. wn~tht, 111~ b1t, lk WM 1\ S'9, ~. m· In& kallllfvl, nr•nto11 f . lnW.. Cal 155'. DWM, CffRISTIAN, Jll3r . so. jilll 4itart'ld. ,11111 &dlits '41- •nl•rtlOl!lt. tall. 1llllrlif. r11a. ll11sl11tu oHtr. LoM.i11 for tlllpd),..,..plto-Ttlilill. Cal 14'9. COOO-LOOKl~G. nll·bulll SWM ... ~ 6'1111, B *° p. 11t1ht' OI twrd!if, lltUill} 4itl IO Nllllain lie" It~ ti Iii· ... O!ri"f plmlln ,,. -ltl, ...,.,.~ .,U. aN RR Rtlptetr..lly Wttcln& 1 "F, NM>.Jrs,•la&.lilt .... and ftfJ pntty, for I '°""' ... llOIS"P· rr7, 10 cllil•rtt1. r-.ca11s.s. DWM 0, 6'1/IM. 1rmi ~llllt.1&«11111(. .... ....... •*"-"I.... "'is. ~Mi. Ir* Cll lt17. SKI l llM Mdt s.J lalltl Art ,.111. .. •--JS?IAl't*I ... 1lrriaCal14'1 HA~~f,,~SWM 61, ..... ,...,, ...... ~ ....~,4Ml t'•• M-.C..W.. SPflJTUAU. y <MMllO. wwttl ._...,...,DWM5' .... .............. ...,.., ·=---· ..... .............. ,_. V6J.Cll 19'1 UTllMl'.LY CON.'IDQA Tr .. ................ ,_ .. ........ mm. ........ ....... n.ttt..,. ... ...W.lla+sOldM. 0.~J7. •drM..,. ................... .................... .-. "-' ....... --I I 'I; .-... c:--Ol-i:-I I II t!; Other Arcm LATIN LOVER 0111t4!. ll'ti Tfddy belr lS. mi Lllitl -* ror rritlMWlip, llOllti, ~" ..i nn. ilMrl1 HilL (.ii lJ IS. "ANTID Tai. atlrath't, ill .. 1'-'11 5'71''2 W/A/H Sll>F ~S. ll~ISI. .,....... ad>ftlllrOll!. 11rt111 l•ltlltdllall7/pll7AC1HJ, &oo4 kl ur, co••Hklltr/ tlllakcr wirll ope11 mind. •tlo't l'I• rbit1 llMI *-'t art d llivt. .... 6'1/llS Ol\t .,.,, ~ tra1n. 11~ lt\t 1nttt. ..dOOmiAa. Ra, llrcatrt, .... 1portt 1114 trtllht 14•-olurt. NJS(D. No &irlt! WOll!ttl tt1l1ll Pldlc ....... Cal 211 .. GRAPHIC DESIG.\£R SH\4 ll. Htb HF 20-1'. 11110 pop an. KROQ •utlf ad frlHdtlll,, " ....... Clll 1111 COOD, BAO, ~OT LCLY • SWM S'lt'11\ 1"111 .... .m <*. "''· ............ 1M11 ....... w...._Or1.,1. INH:LLICENT, MlllHI WM profmloul. 54, 6 '/91111, tarifla ... "*" St«t ... .... ..... ..., ........ ....... ... s.. Miika. Clll 1155. OIJ>r .. WOM4.N, .._.., • Cllrt, .......... ., ... ,.. ......lJ.T.,.. ...... .. -... ... a,. Ori - HIGH 1U'1t ._ ...... MM-.._ ............. _._ ............... """ .... ....... ....... <.ldm.t.e .... CEmJIY rrl'Y ''* J 1M. ......., ... ~ ....... .........,.,,...,....... •IM~C'.111-. LOWIG, CUN: r.,.... SWM ... ._ .... ,.. ..... .• ..... ,.,_. ....... 1. ,,,, ... -~-. l MQ IUOITS ,...., ft .... ) ........... ( )( ·p I I.' lll111~ffl~ Mtt.111 ti..U.r. Salta ~oeica. l'al 21'7. S£1.F AWARE. proftoloftll WM. 11tr1ctht. 4l. S'?, lloftal. ~, f'°' cm...,...._,....,.. ....*"" .... ..., ..... -·--w-. .. ..-. 11•1tt1r. 1ff«tloult an4 •ar111 -s.a.Mata.Ca1 a wn.a. ~OH lor ~MM"" I "'*' llftilll 90l!IM .. • llert. OWMS\NIS.S'll/"'-W..._ c11ms. 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