HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-14 - Orange Coast Pilot,/ Winner of 59 journalism awards in 1992 Physician sued for nose surgery gone sour By LoriAnn Basheda, S!Jfl Wrrttr NEWPORT DEACH -The chairman of Hoag Hospital's department or plastic surgery is set to go on trial today to face civil allegations that he irreversibly mangled the nose or a patient. Richard Gullett, 28, is seeking damages from Dr. Jorge Luh:in for medical mal- practice, as well as civil ba11ery, pain and suffering. "l don't know if !here's enough money 10 compensate my client for what this doctor has done to him," said' Gullett's nttorney, Anson Reynolds. Luhan, who has a private practice in Ne,,port Beach, could not be r~achcd for COml'}1COI. . The suit claims 1ha1 Gulle11 \\Cnt 10 Luhan 'nine )Cars ago for correct he 'lurgery on a breathing problem. During the in-office procedure, however, Luhan allegedly :imputated most of the orgJns in the right side of Gullett's nose without his pe rmission. Luh:in allegedly operated two more times "in an effort to correct the errors he made in the first place," Gullett's a11orncy maintains, but he "Js unable to correct them. Ever since, the su it contends. Gullett has endured ch ronic, painful side effects, including nosebleeds, headaches and laryngi ti s. Gullett b al.,o pre,entcd from participating in any. son of aerobic act1\lt), according 10 the suit. 1 ·'My client \\ill h:.rfo thi...'> condition lor the rest of his li(c and 11 '' 111 onl)' detenor Jte," Reynolds said. The trial begim totlay in the ci' ii d1\ 1sion of the Orange Coumy Superior Court 1n Santa Ana. ln addition to one count of medical malpractice and one count of negligence and inniction of emouonal strc'ls, Gullett l'I seeking a civil ba11cry charge, \\hich 1s tiled when a part of ~omconc's body i~ n:mmed without their permission. Officials at Ho:ig Hosp1tJI did no1 comment on the ~uit. \h dr 1nt \\ill haH· lhr <.ondit~on i(.u tht· n•-.t oi hi li ir and it \\I ll onh dckr iCJtalP. '' ANSON REYNOLDS attorney for Richard Gullett. who is seeking damages from Or. Jorge Luhan for malpractice, as well as civil battery, pain and suff enng Warmer t&tay · :J ~I J with plenty of ~ sun hine and temperatures rea.ching the 70 mark at the beaches and eve n warmer inland. Lows around SO. See Weather, A2 City plans to appeal reprieve of fired olticer ..,.. Costa Mesa senior police officer Vv ho left 1ntox1cated transient on sidewalk m front of Hoag wins back hrs ob CO!:>lA \IL')-\ C.1' oll1c1;il' 1ntcnJ to Jr re.JI .i su1}cr 0 1lr C >urt Judge·, dcct,ll 'l IO r~ in t.ite .1 ,e. niur pu!k~ ult ~J,r ''ho \\.h I r1:J b ,t "mt u I r 1 ·1 p111c :i Jrun ~.en m.i n 1 n tli-. , .. ;c\\.11t oub1Je Ho.1g llo~p1L.1 l •1.1nJ Liter htni! ;.ibvul 11 in a rcpun,• · - ·t ttftnl.. th· Ji;,1c · opinion scnJ) a ~ h tin -! 1 l''>,.1gc, ;11d C...>stJ ~tn.1 C1t\ \ttur~c > J1:1n Scheer. · l lcrr: ~c h;ne ;.i. poh c dep.Jrtrnent m;i ktn.: ;.i in·.i.:re cf· fort lo pol1~c 11 .. cll Pubh.: pol11.\ enc~ out fu r puhce act·nc1c' tu re:· mo\ c a pr:r,un \\ h•1 lt11.'\ lltmk 1 un u1tablc 11. 1..1r~ a hJJge .inJ a gun. co ... la Mc .. J "IC!lh..lr p\1!11.C 0!!1 ... 1.:r Bern;.irJ Rub1J " .. ., tcrmin.itcd 111 Janua~ l 'JJ::! alter re dropp ·::!off :in e\l rcm~h mto\l ... JlcJ .ind in· jureJ trJr1'1~nt uuh ,!.: the tmcr· genC\ fO(lm ::ind le•t 1he m.m tv cvll.ir 'c in10 ' m~ bu t ~upcr1or C'uun Ju l~e \\ i!li.1111 lh l.1.1r,J;11n ruled 1"11..:l,i\ th. I .ll· th.uugh hi.' l.:11c'.:' RubtO ;.i ... l.J tr· re,pon-.1bl~. there ., t '1J: .t""C J,, 'llll\\ th..: ul I 11. t: r \\ ' 171\ I >Ill \\II c ., an umH1!1cn J ... pJ11111 ·m j)( ~' • "It t:. :ib~olu:ch J un. h' CJll) aCJ I t d ,f.J' ... ' pl See OFFICER !ICk Page Proposal would make parents . pay tab for graffiti By R~ss Lo?r Gene Adams of Co ta Mesa has seen life come fu ll circle. A decorated \cteran and once-successful executi"e• he must now sell everything he O\\ns. CO"lfA ~ti ~A -(1t\ l l1;.1J, JfC hJmmr:r1n~ \lul ;.i projx,, 1 th.JI \\vUIJ hvl J p;ir n:' IC'fX'"~.b c I : grafltll c.iu,cJ b~ 1he1r d1 drc n and put 'Pr J\ p i1nt ,iut ''' r ·a h 1n lo.:al 'lore..' "\\c \\Jl11 h> t1~ht<."n up and ha\e 'lrKtcr 1.·nf,1r1.1..•m.:nt a' "~II a' commu111c:itc Ill lite: 1.m1rh 1ha1 \l.C \\JOI lh~ 11 I l .lJ pl~ ... :n.i ... r pen 1lt1 ... ,. ';.i J (, ,1..1 \lc~.1 \la, r ·HIS BIGGEST BATILE Two -wa r combat veteran now-engaged in a fight to avoi d becoming homeless . 'I've had pres sure all my li fe,' he says, 'but not like this.' Br Ru•• Loar S Lxty-eight·year-ol Gene Adams !lifts thro ugh the po!l!>essions of a lifetime, preparing to se ll whatever he can at a garage sale in a ast-Uitclt-cffor t to k conung omc css. A World War II and K orean Wur combat veteran. AdJms wa s once a top executi\C at more than a dozen companies. During the late 1960 .. and ea rly 1970s, he lived in. the affluent Dover 'Shore~ neighborhood '' ith hi '' ifc ~ind three children and took an .1cti'c role in mrn1cruu' communi1y nnd church organization!I. I le '~cl~ .1 member of the UCJ FounJntion buJrJ nnJ .1 former prc!>idcnt of the un1vcr!lit) ·!I Utg I blXhtcr org:.inizJtion. No _, would IL\I; th:.it his cour.1geou w:.irtimc record n~ng Ii t of accompl•cnt:> See ADAMS/ID hgt Post 0111c11 to extend holn for April 15 MJMBERS TO CAll Two local post offices will have extended hours this Thursday so t~payers may have an April 15 postmark on mail deposited by midnight that day. The two locations are: Newport Beach Post Office at 1133 Camelback Street, and the Costa Mesa Post Office at 1590 Adams Avenue. QUEITION Of Tllf DAY . . Close the Wedge l CouncilmJn John Hedg~ h~s a led Ne'"'port city offiuJI~ 10 in~Jll a gatl' ne.u the entrance of P •nin)ulJ Point lo stJm )hut the wme tirne <'> 1he beJt h clo~. HedgM c,1lled fOf thft .1Chon 1n r~n~ to a r cn1 bl.isl o'-graU111. Do you think it's .i Kt.>od 1deJl le.ave )uur thoughts •nd your 0.1me un the Rl'Jdtrt' Hotltnt!', 642·6086. ~~- M.lrinef) Br.inch l ibrary i recruiting second-1hrough fifth-gr.-idcrs for its Mter SchoOI Bool.. Club, ''h1c,;h meets on WedneS<.IJ)) through M.-iy 19 in the childr •n's St.><:tiun oi the l1br.1ry, at 2005 Do~r Dr., Ne\'l>port Bc<1ch. For . enform.1tion, call 644 3187 ~ More community event u n be ,found on p.lge AJ . CIRCUL'\llON CLAS!>lrlED AD!> RETAIL ADS NEWSROOM NEWS fAX HOTLINE SPORTS • rax " .... 642·4333 642-5678 642·4321 540· 1224 646·4170 . 642-6086 642-4330 l Arvund 1 o'"" ............................ A3 1Ju,1ness .••••••.••••••••••......••••••...... A.4 Cl .. 1' 1faec.J .............................. BS Loe JI~ 011ly ............................ Al ~\oVll' l1)tings.......................... A6 Soc1"t) ....................................... A6 5f><>tb ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• : .•.•••••••. 81 . Co.nl (Oft"""Mf ~ ... .,I~ .. CClflln1ht IH) P'fli!lt4 "' f'M1 .. _,...., ""'" 0 'f .. '' It', ju,t du rn g l hi~ 1.bl \ l'.1r that I \l'. ll't:d Im lllll1jJ1l ll'I\ b1 uh· I d1dn l'\flll l th1 .. lo h~1ppl'll .111 .1t urw linll' ' GENE ADAMS S.111J, G.:111, It rt..ilh '' " t•1~ 11 nJn•u l JrJ 11 " C1t\ \l.11 1g.:r All. n R lc,1. r c,. tlnt.Jh..' th: di~ 'PClhl' s I )l) .J , . ..... J lull-1111 t t\\o m.in "'~'" h ·cp up "Uh ti' 1{1 ... J.r '>.1J "'I he 1c.1I Jo. ~ i.1 1.,(,pmg 1t under .:,111 1101 '' gc11111!! 11 Jm\n ,1, '•on J' II 1:,1..•C:' UJ' •• !) le .&'\ ,>1!1.1..11' 'U&;C:~I th,1t 'PtJ\. p.iint 'houlJ h: kept ,1u1 111 rcJ1.h. in r.1,.11 't~Hl'' ':i~1nl' ti 1.. 'PIJ> t :lll' .uc Oil I ~11..1lcn h\ l • ~er' h nal rt>comn t:'ndat1 111' I tl1u~hcn1nl! up l!IJftll , nfor ... cmcnl arc not e'p1..·~ t ... ·J h• b ... omple tcJ > b\ the ne\I Cit~ c,,.in.il meeting Rc"dcnh ar.; u'l..cd t 1 rl'Jhlrl gr.111111 to the 1..11) tm d :rnup b~ CJlhng Graft111 l ll,1l111t .it 54~·4165 City employees begin -training designed to alleviate sexual harassment in workplace · For Your tnf0tmatlon ... ~ The long-awaited classes are being taught by law firm, and welcomed by department heads By Tony Oodcro Sl.1'1 Yw '4' "'-IL\\iPORl 01:. CH '-C1h , . Jrptartftlcnt hc.1J-, hciJn a !~mg· ll\\ itcd nual h:ira,,mcn1 tr:iin111g (\ 1un Tuc .. d:i>· ;an ou1gro"th ul the :andal th:it mckcd the poll ~ Jcp;utmcnt unJ rc,uhcd in the fir· ing of Chief rh Camp~ll onJ C~pt. Anlhony Valla Cit~ Mnn:.acr ..,_c,1n Murphy prom1 cd to initulle the trainma foll\)~ina the cit)' four·nionth in· \'C)tig:at1on 11lto allcg:ation th:at Campbell anJ Villa ~u111ly hJ· rtMcd 10 female polkc cmplo Cc'i. ,. Out .,c,crJI outs~lkc:n mi:mticr ,lf the '.111011al Or. •:in1z:u1,m f,1t \\omen·, U.i\\I\:~ Ch ptc1 hl\'C n1:..:u,L·d Murph) ot ,Ira •.,;1ng h1'> kct :inJ "''' 'tJt ting the lr 111111g "°'-ln cn1.1ugh 'h 1' a •,'lod 'tcp '11J T .s.mar:i Ma~>n. "hn run' the 0 \\ .. ha1h tcr\ <iC'\ulll h:ua' 1'11 • t.i k r,')t1.c'- "Nu~ ~c JUllt 1 rd 111 kno the: qu:ih1~. Until we 'CC 1hc tr.11n1n • nl.llct '"" the. re u'ing or '~c the Cll m,lJ1f\ \)f lfllJ'IO\C their \C\Util h3r:a~~m{'nt polli.') ''' deal "Ith re · tahat1on, we "~lift ~no" 1r the 1ra1ning "hdp1111 1hc: '''~ " Put on ll> R1ch11rd .,_,c, !er nd Linda Jen n of the: la~ firm uf Liebert, C '"iJ). l·11c:rM"1n, the h:alf·day tra1nin1 \C ~•on.. for II 150 Cll) cmpl cc "'II co t the cuy about $16,200, 1urph) 1d. See . TRAININ~ Piii r .. • " .. • .. • • • • • ' • .. .. r • ... • ~ ~ ... t • .. l • .. .. .. • ' .. L . .. " , • " , .. .. I • " • • " I .. • • .. I .. .. • t • I ' ' L • • • .. I • I • . .. • I .. • A2 Wednesday, April 14, 1993 Newport B1ach/Co1ta Mesa Dally Pilot Newport Beach City Council City planning .to raise money from its meters By Tony Oodero Statt Writer N EWPOR f BEACH -Deller l.cep tha1 pod.ct change hand)'. L .o ca Is 0 n I y Today's Question When do you think the . recession will end? Managing Editor Steve Marble, 642-4321 ext. 366 'When I hear that everyone who "{It) will end by d• f fl en o summer. City officials arc con)i<lenng the installation of more l~an 500 additional parl.ing meter:., raising rate:. Jn<l increasing the hours of meter operation to collect some added revenue in the fo ce of a $6 million budget deficit. ... (as/..'ed JC Lido Marin.i Village) Photos and ' interviews by K'atsuy.1 Rainone "The recessicm will end wh-en Clinton and Congress start to restore jobs." "When people stop thinking there is a -recession." ' wants a job can actually go out nnd get one." GARRY ALLEN Newport Beach "(It) has ended, but people are be- ing more conser- Jtive on how they spend the ir .mon- ey. No waste." The cit) 's Off-.treel Parking Commiucc 1s recommending parl.ing meter rates in recreation:il areas be ra ised 10 a flat rate of $1 per hour. "h1le lea' ing the rate in the business d1sl rict at 15 ce nts an hour, according lo a repon prepared by Rich . Edmonston, ci1y traffic engineer. JENNIFER LINDIG Costa Mesa JOHN CROSS Irvine GERRY IMURA founlain Valley Meters in recreational areas now chargt! bet,,een 25 lo 75 cents an hour. Official~ estimate they can collt:ct S200,000 a year from the rate increa)e. ._____r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::.:.::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. Cityside Present!), there is no charge to p:irl. 111 front of a mcti.:r airer 6 p.m. But the Cll) 1s • looking to increase meter hours until 8 p.111. :i mu'e that 1" C\pectt:d to rai:.e SI00.000 a )'CJr. John . W~yne Airport officials say complaints are down Fin.lllv. as mas\v a\> 5:?0 new mete r:. could be ins1aited 1n 'J~1uu:. ..ire.is throughout th..: city tu geni.:ratc npprLl\1111Jt1.:l)' Sl7U,000 J )ear. The propo!>.d CJlls for about 160 me1crs on Seashore Dmc. ~00 along Coa ... 1 I lighway in Corona tkl 1\lar unJ arounJ 60 on ~l:lrine A'enuc on Ualbo.1 blJnJ. Also, the cit) \\ants Ill cltm1n.11c many ol the blui.:-mcter lob lhJl pro' 1Jc free parking to those \\ho hJ\C the c11~·s S6'·a-)ear permit. Cll) ofllt·1.1ls sa) they IO)C money on the blue-meter permit program C ouncil membe rs abo tool. the lollo\\ 1ng action on ~tondJ): _ """ LiMencd lo a rt:pon by lht: American ln-.tilutc of A1ch1tecb Regional Urb;.in Dc:.1gn Team that gJ\e ath ice on ho" lo spruce up thc do\\nlo\\n Dalboa .irea Armed "1th ch:Hls, blueprints anti sl.ctchcs, the RUDAT architect!> ga'c council member:. their' ision uf "tia1 can be done 10 1mpro\e thJt section 'Of tO\\ n. · Some ideas include improving pedestrian "all.ways. ere at mg nev. pJrl.ing ;ire as, pl.1n1ing more uce' and upgr:iding ... treet lanJ:.caping. A 1Jgo0n, lol 101. farmer's market ant.I a 'ite fur outdoor concerts \\clC abo pre'icn1cd """ l'r oposed an ordinance lo close city beache:. by 10 p.m. The final <lcc1sion \\ill be m..iJc ..11 the April 26 council meeting \\here the public can protc"t the do urc """ AuthonLed J k:i,1bil1t) stud) ~o determine 1f an as-.c:.smenl d1!>tricl can be proposeJ tu purcha!>e 1hc Upper Ca..,tawa)'s :ind Ne,\poner North pan;eb from The lr\inc Co l'hc land," lrn:h b .,c t tµ be Je,cloped, h.1-. been laq;cted lur purd1a'e b) the N.c\\port Co~ef\an~~. \ nc of the l.1rg\:"l Cll\lronmenial group., 1n the c..1l}. The )tudy \\ill determine how much ll \\OUIJ cost rc'ldcnl:. in lJ\e'> tu p4fCha!>c the land. Some h..1,e e:.11ma1cd 1ha1 a S50-a·)Car asscs!>mcnt 1,1\ on property o'' ner' coukl he enough lo help p.1) for the lam.I. """ li1)lruc1cJ O~ean I rt.mt resident:. Annette and\\ arrcn L1nJ'>..1) tu trim dO\\fl the \tar pine 11ee on a '>lnp of public IJml near 1hcir Imme 10 9 feet 1n he1gh1. 1 he P.1d,:,, Be.1d11.'' anJ Recre~111u11 Comm1s~1un h..iJ urJered the tree rcmo,cd of the L1nd:.a~ ·'.> ne1ghhor.,, Lcon;ird and ~ta r1a (vnnolh Thc Connoll)\ ~J1d 1he) "mild cumpronw,e if the L1nds;1y\ trim 1he tree lo hclo'' 9 lccl · The ~ouncd JgrecJ. but Clarcn~e rurncr \OY>ed 10 tear the 1ri.:c oul 11 thc lllJller C\cr returncJ 10 the cuunlll NEWPORT BEACH - Airport officials report that nirport noise complaints dropped by more than 65 percent during the last quarter of 1992, in comparison with the previous quarter. cQmpared with 2,068 complaints received from July I through Sept. 30. de\clop departure proccdurci. that "ill limit noi-.c while complying with new federal regulation . Noise complaints phoned in to the John Wayne Air- port totaled 719 from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31• of la)t year. Airport officials say there " t) pically a drop in complaints-during wi nter months, but they believe the dramatic decrease is due to the elimination of noisier departure procedures at the end of the airport noise test The test was conducted to The airport study concludes that while nobe lc\cl-. will be higher in Santa Ana Heights, airport no1c;e v.ill either rcm:un the samc-ot decrc:.t)C in coastal areas. Dove r Shores resident R. Hughes -whose home 1s , . Sponsors needed to back record Ferris wheel ride ¥ COST A 'MESA -The Orange County fair is seeking corporate sponsors for the fairgrounds' record-breaking Ferris wheel ride scheduled for June 17 tnrough July 25. Tustin resident Jeff Block, 36, will attempt to break his own Ferris wheel ride at the fairgrounds, by extending to 38 dJys his previous record set in 1978. The 38-day ride will add one dJy to his existing record . To help keep Block spinning, the Fair is looking for sponsors for each of his 38 da~ on the wheel. Companies can donJte either Seniors are eligible for insurance discount While auto · 1n!lurance rebate) anJ rcduc,iions mantlatcd under Proposition 103 ha,en·t ma tcriJhze<l, .,cnior drivers can get a California Mature Omer di)count of up 10 10 percent by 1 •ll1)plct tng the 'talc'!> rcspon~1blc Jmcr course. lJnder the terms ul 1he Caltforni;.i C IC e 0 e, insurance companic'i must provide a reduction in rates "hen )eniors obt:11n an official Dt:partment of Motor Vehicles Mature Driver Improvement Certificate . The certificate is gh.cn after completion of the Responsible Driver Course. A special project now makes that course avajlable 1hr1.>ugh a home :.tudy edition, allL)\\.ing for study at home rather than auending an all-day class . The study book includes an up-to- da tc refres her on the rules of the road, as \\ell as defcmive Jri,ing tJct1c for the 1990s. The course cost!> $21 per person and m::iy be obtained by )ending a check p..iyable lo R.D.C. to Re!>ponsible Driver Course, P.O. Dox 109-H, Whittier, CA 90609. -BJ the Daily Pilot $100 cash, to offset the S3.800 prize money to be awardad Block, or gifts corresponding to the numbers one through 38. Companies pJrticipating to-date include The Ritz in NC\\ port Beach, which is pro- viding Block1 a gourmet meal for two while he's on the wheel, Cold Mark of OntJrio which is donJting a gold Ferris wheel tie tack, and S~IJsh Nair. Salon of Hunlington Beach, which will give Block a 30-minute hair.cut and manicure during the ride. , Companies interested ,iri part1c1pating 10 th e e"ent should contJct Diane Sorensen. sponsorship coo rdinator, at 751-3247, • extension 4 7. -B) tht Dail.r l'ilut CdM psycholog~st placed on probation COSTA MESA -A CoronJ del Mar psychologist has been placed on probation after being convicted of insurance fraud, according to officials with the Department of Consumer Aff Jir> board of psychology Dr. Melvin Fould'> wa!> CUll\.lllL•d of three count> of Mcd1-CJI ir,1ud, .1Ccord1ng to Tom O 'Connor, the execut1\l' officer of the dep¥tmcnt. According lo O'Connor, roulds WJS billi ng Medi-CJI for services to pJt1ents on da} > ''hen s..•r· vices were not pro\ 1ded He w.1s scnlt'n ced at Orange County HJrbo r Municip.,1 Court to f\\•o )Cars of probJl1on on condition he serve 90 da)I> 1n county p 1l and make near! $4,000 in rest1tu11on ou s. , is a so require( tu tel e .rn elhics course as a condition of h1!t . medical probation.and must rc11nbursc the board $4,000 for invesligJthl• co~L,. A court report slates that Foulds claimed he committed the crime out ot poor judgment and that mo!>t oi the checks involved were never c.1shed. -By LoriF\nn BDlh,•d.J under the flight pnth -ha' another cxplan,1t1on for 1hc drop in noise complaints. ''People just ge1 tircd of complaimng,'· he said. "There is no decrease in the: noise levels. We're onl) · abo ut a half-mile from the ocean anc.J we still have to stop talking and wait whe n the airpl:ines fl> over." -B) Russ Loar oc Fair sets guldelines for photo competition COSTA MESA -No\ice and profossional photographers plJnning to submit photos-, slides or \idcos to the Orange Counly Fair's Jnnual photography tompetilion must complete entry forms by May 26 and submit entries between 10 a.m. and S p.m. on June 19. All photo contest entric , except slides, must be framed at a mihimum of 11 -by-14 inches and a maximum of 24 inches .• Slides will be accepted on 2-by-2 inch mounts only . Film and video contestants must turn in entry forms and entries to the fail' offices by June 4 . The ornce is open bel\,een 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Judges fo r the photo compelition includ<.' Marl. Chamberlain, O\\ncr of the BC Space Gallcf'y in Laguna Beach; Tim Mathie en, manager of Fuji Photo Film in C)'press, and Doug Gifford, O\\Oer of Doug Gifford Photography in L;iguna Hills and current president of the Prof essionJI County. The Fair al o ponsors the Many Faces of the f.iir Competition. Contestants should submit prints that best capture the Fair's ambiance by 4 p.m. on August 3. -JJ) the Duily l'ilut lh" "~pt>n 8e.ach.C:om1 Mt's. 011ly P1lol U ~ l 4• 6001 ·~ published Mond1y throullfl S.turdity •"Cf sutBcr1ptions are 1vii1l1ble fur S7 50 per month by atrier '" ~ Bf•• h ·~ Cosu Mfw, H 58 per month by ~ t .and for ~ed ocht'r toot~ by Costit M~ Corrimumty N~. Ille , J JO W 81y SI Cosu ~. CA 92627 Sfcond-d.U potC.lfP i.td It C.olU Met&, .CA (Procts in- rludr 1! .appliuble .Ult alld loaf WI~ l POSTMASlt~ Stnd addre& chl"get to The Pilot, P 0 Bo~ 1 560, Cost.. ~. CA '12626 1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::: .. ::: .. :::::::::.:: .. ::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::.::::.::::::::: .. ::::::: ...... ,.~ -------Weather I VOL.87,N0.89 Readers' Hotline: 642-6086 Vovr COITlmfnt1 •bout IN> 0111) 1'1"11 °' MW\ lljlll wlll be m:ordtd and Jl11efl d.rKtl~ IO ld•IDt' w.u~ t~ nw ~->• 11wr •-·~ -IP 1NY be \Md to IKOtd lttttn I() !hf fd• IOf on any ~ Contrtbutor\ to IN Hotl•nt who,.,,.,.., to -t~•r com~ll publ~ mu11. wlu<M t"-•r rl•-l city And photl. numbtf 1 l<11 ...rnfoc.ttlOf'll Thtt • "°"' commun !'!' ~pH -""'"' ~ 1m..ni .......... 1 Delivery 2uarantee! · If you're 1 w"&tcn~r •od do "<ll h.I~ yw• fMIP9' by 6 • m 17 a m on !Mil1J~I" and l>n ~I. c.all ~ 10 • m and -•I" I! 1o-.ow by neon Our C.nt-W... r C'tnt~•. '41 4)Jl, It ~ from 6 a m lo S pm Mond.t)' fl~ frlCllly and 7 a m lo I 0 • m on S..11H 0.yt to .... )'OU will\ )'OU• Ml'f:Ul.tl'°" l'lftdt To make a correction II ii TM ........ • palicy to ~ corr9Cl a 9t '°" ot 111btu"Cr To "PO't an error °' clM'lficl .-. pie-ul 60-4Jl1, flit Jt.1 TMnk )'OU ,_,.._ ....... ~ ..... °""" O"-' ,_,,, ()IQ, .... 1...-.. Wllet,Vft~ .. , ..... OJtulMlon r.Jn<tot ...... ~ ,.,_,..""",.... llM~ .... ~~ (~r I No -~oroe, tflUSllllMS, edt tor11I !Nntt or ldV\!ttl~IMfltJ ~~n INY bf rtpf<lduced without wr1nen j)eN'llKMC>rl of copy"W'' OWfle'r flfioe se.ffl, Jr, CN11m1" How to reach us at The Pilot Circulation Oran~ County 642-4333 Adveftltlng C~uitted 642·5678 Display 64 2 ·•tl 21 Editori1I News 540 1 l24 Spotb 642 4330 News, sporu fa• 646·41 70 Main OMct 8tn1nn Office 642 4)21 8U)1M\ fax 631 ·S902 J Nt'Wp()rt 8Hctt 69148 Balbo.l: 69/48 Cosl.a Meu: 71149 Coron.a del M.ar: 71 48 TIIMY Warmtr today with plenty of 11.1nshiM and lemper.alures rHchlng the 70 martt at ti,. ~.achu And l'Vt'n w.armH Inland. lows around SO. Cloudy and a lltti. cootef Thursd.ay and Friday, dur .and w.armtr on S.turday. .... I • No srn.1111 cr1ft ~torift ar~ d .. ptaytd. light v ........ .tndt l>Komlng ~•t to tovth-.tt 8 to I l knots. Two foot • .,., wtth ~• ,_II o( flw fHC this •ftemoon. Mottly (~., tklti. .,,_ VftrtH 6: l4 a m vnHt 7-lt p"' () .. l 4:)0 ··"'· 4.1 '' ;49 • "" 0.1 •.4S .. "' J.9 Mtf~' S:47 • m 4. 1 U :ll a.m. 2.2 7117 , "'· 4.~ U :U p"' 0 4 WILLARD BUTLER Newport Beach Public Record BIRTifS llOAC Ml~ORIAL llOSPI 1 Al Marl..h 21 o Robert .ind Li5.t F.umer, l\C,'\\ pofl 8l'JCh, bu) J.imes .ind Shelley ICell.im (0,1.;i /\It').! buy '\.lrch l ~ o Bretl .ind S.>ndra Smilh (<hlJ \11 l boy W.alter .>nd Colltt-n Ford l\l'\\purl 8t.'.&Ch, ho)' March is Rich.ird and Suun luehh M"port bl'.lc..h sirt • Cr.1ig .ind Jo.anne fohMon (.oron4 di.'I MJr bo., \1.lrch .& Robert .1nd \1.ary J.>nl' ~enl (rl'IJ M~t ~·ti Robul .and \\llhell.-C.slin.is ~t·"pon BlJ h bo~ , D.tniel .an41 !Uren John\on l\l~flO'I 81'.1d1 bo~ • POUCE LOG COSTA MESA Cork lane. Someone ~'"1~d a basl..etball hoop FridJ\ right 011 a home in t~ 3100 blcx I.. Tht• hoop '' .1~ JttJche<l to ,, bJtl..board Weit Wilson St reel A &5'.t:L atttf <.0rt1e toots 'Wt're d1<.eo' eri•cJ 'tulen SaturdJy from 1h~ ~.ir.t~l' of d home 111 the 200 l>lod Tl11· burglar .1ppar<>nth ~ ul J l.1kh II> g •11n , Ne" poi( Boule\ ard \\Ort• th.111 S28,500 , .. otth ol (urMu·~· clothes and other 1teni> \\t-r~ reported ~tolen l:t\t T ut•,c.J.1~ I fllll a public ~tor.1ge urut 111 tlw 1000 bloc.I.. Mesa Verde OriH• Ca)I. Thrt·t•. pJltu thau .. \\t.>re t 11..t•n i\\undJ\ lrom J h· ml· Ill till' r·oo tJl,>Ck Melody L1nc Sonw1>ne kttl.t•d in the front dum ol ,1 home "' the 100 blud; .ltlJ 'lolt.> !.Omt.> L'mptv lt''H' r-.. bo,1., Wt»t BJ I.er Streel In tht> 1 UOO lJll>ll.. .lll Julu \\J' reported >tnl1 n u nd l) NEWPORT BEACH 43rd Streel ~mt•1>nl' brol..t> mtu a gJrage of a home in tht• 100 bloc I. Sunday ,rnd stole VJnous items Jamboree A t.om t>rt1ble \\ J'.> stolen SundJ) from c.ome tenn" cowt.s 1n the 1100 block. The O\\ ner told police !the left the door> unlocked and .1 !>pare kl.IV' in her trunk Ea!>t 1 Slh Slrcet. Somt'One >lolt• sorne ice creJm o'er the '' eel..e_nd from NC\\ f>Ort He1ghb Elemen1.1ry. The burglM app..lrently !tma!thed the ice cream cJse to get to the frozen trl'ats I •IH§ii I::::::::::::::::: fanla y S Or.iwtng held luL')(J.1y, April 1 ) 1), 16, 26 • .l8, 31 Otcco • He Mt> . . .• . ••. K111g • Clu~ ................... Ace • Diamond~ .................. J • Spade') .................... King On the cover Th p.a1nttn~ of the Newport Jetty by J<1ne London on the front pa ~ 1 from the City of New· port Be.J~h 199J calend.>r. • \ Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Wednesday. April 14, 1993 A3 Around Town Send your items to Peter Ryan, The Daily Pilot, 330 W. BJy St., Costa Mesa, 92627. Today Book Club - MM1ners Br.inch Library 1s r<.•cruitmg sec.oncJ. through fiflh·grader) for its After School Book Club, \vh ich will meet on Wl'<lne~da)S through May 19 1n the ch1ldrt'n's section of the l1br.H). ill 2005 Do\er Dr , Ne\\ port Beach For information, call 64 4-318 7. Youn~ Republica ns "Shoula ''e hJ\e ga)) in the military?" \\Ill be the topic ol d1scu)sion at the rt.?gular meeting o( the Or.1nge County Young l<l•puulicans, to be held at ·7 p.rn at the Wc)tin Hotel ill ':luuth Coa)t Pl.iza Stress out -How to rt'cogn1ze and control stre)S '' 111 lie the sub1ect of a prl•,.ent,1t1on by Michael S. 1\kKcl\.cy, D.C. director of Ml•),1 Chiropr.Ktic, 136 Broad,,ay, Co~ta Mesa. for 1nlurm.111on and re)er.aholl'>, ( 111 642-0313 Thur., Apri l 15 Debt coll ectio n - t\llOrrll'), 1.111 r l'llcrman \\ 111 1m·,.ent "Collecting Di:.>bt> .im.l (n1urc;.11H~ Jutlgcmcnt:>,' Ji ~ p m. in tlw Commun1t\ R 1Vm oi-thl..' :°'\l'\\p<1rt (~nter Lil r.m Jl 856 ),rn Ul'nwnte Dr '-t'\\ port Bt•Jl h 1 he probrJm \\111 touch on ck·bt culll..'ct1un prnblt•nh .ind .1 tt•rnJt 't.') to St<lling a 1udst•mt.>nt I ir rnlll·ction 01 1).H'd luntf>. f Or irilorlll,1hull, l)' (-1-t-3181 JJycces d inner - 11 t' 1't:\\ port ).l) CC.'l"• \\ 111 hold ,, dinner mcl'l111g \\1th ,, llh 1(1\ .1t1unJI l'llttt•pfl:Ot'Uf >pt-.1kl·t .:it tht• \ 111.1 '\,u\J rt•,tJur.:int. ] 1 i I \ \ (oJ:.t ~I . h'' .w. 111 '1. \\ f.><>rl Bt.•Jch :u f.i p.m. Tl e 1.thl, d11ch 11\<. h.cfe:o tl1nnt'r .ind de'!>Sl..'rl, '' $.!0 llw ),l\ll'l'' .Hl' I wk1n~ lur p1.•1.1pll'. ,1gi:) .! 1 t hrt)u~h 40 \\ hu .He 11 11·11.·:.tt.'d 111 m.11..mg J cl 111.'rl..'llCl' 111 the-co rnrnu111\\ \\ 111 l' ).:J111111g lt•.ldl'r>hip )l..i!h Tu R~\P, cJll ~5•).J '128 r or 1nlurmat1011, c.1!1 th1.• J.1.1.l'l' hutluw .it -.! l ·UG r Sa t., April 1 7 i\t arinc C'(ams 11 l' L !:> lo.1,t l.u.ird ,,,, ''"'' r •ul .,, .! 7 \\I 1 bl"' 11.•1Hlud111g lr1.1.• 1.u.i•t1.''!>) lll,l• illl' t.'\Jllllll.ltll)I)' 'l.il1.rd.n Jn I S,111dJ\ Jt lht.> :\:1.•\\ J>Ort D1.ll1t'> bo.ll r .imp 1 h· l'\,1m' t.'lllour.1ge '·"~ ho.11111i.: Fur 1111orm.llion, cJll ( \ ·-'04 l • P.rn cakc bre.-ikfas t T lw \ t•11.•r .in) 01 f ur1.•1g11 \\Jr'> Pu>l 3536, \\Ill hu>l J P.rn1. .1l..t' Br1.•.1l..t.hl tu bcnchl l O l,\ \lt•.,_1 ~l'I vr ll'ntl·r 11 l· h1 t.>Jl..t.ht \\ i.I l,c held lrcim ~ lu 11 J m .1t the '• 11 or Ct.>nter;bY:':> \\ 191h ~l (u~t.1 f\ lc>,l T •l l..C~. 111lt'd .lt SJ lur adult!>, $2 ll>r duldrcn under 11, .irl' .l .. 11lablt.' Jt tlw duor For m 't' 1nlurrn.11111n, cJll Sunday, April 18 Book signing - lml~c Rul>l'rt LJrdner , ... ,11 be 1111 h.md Jl tht.' Lido Book ~huppc lrom 1 tu J p.m. to .,,~n h1) long·a\\ .11tccl book ol lu1 .11 hi>tor. .rnd lore, "U,l\\d). ttilooJ " fur more 1111urm.1tion, c ,111 (>75-9595. . Musical tri p -"A .\\us1tJI Trip Around the World " (eJtunng singing lwp1)l Kathy l\JvJnaugh. '"II Ul' prl'wntt.'d from 3:30 to 4 1 5 p.m in thl• Commuoit)' Room o f t.he NC\\ port Center l 1brM), 856 ~Jn Cll'mente Dr . 1'c" port Beach. 1\,1\,lllaugh, \\.hO plJ)'S the p1.•1.1I h.up, \\Ill sins .1nd p!Jy l IJ,)ic.:.11 mw11t lrom J variety u1 l<>untrie ... rnd d1~cuss the IMrp r or inf ormJt10n, call G•l·l·3181 Tuesday, Apri I 20 Moon Mullins - "Moon Mullin : His Cumic • m:l'r" 1s the title of a ir~e l>tu\\ll b.lg lunch prugr.lm <i! noon in the Community Koorn of the Nc\\1X>rl Center l 1hr.uy. 856 5.m Clemtmte D1 . f'\cwport ONch r crd Johnson, \\ hu clrl'"' Moon 1rom l9.l3 until 1991, will tl'll • t on tho • )' '.lf> ol c.utoonin8 and ~hart-)Om • humorous ~loric Jboul h1~ tare •r as ;l newspJper c.moonht. For in(orm<1tion. call Gt4·3181. • New York cop decides he'll see what's cooldn ~ in CdM · • S ECURITY, ANYONE? -After 17 years of uown-and-dirty duty with the New York City Police Dcpartmenl, Sgt. Rob<trt Vcnczlo -ytho hit na tional telC\i)ion earlier this )Car S1a n Tkaczyk, better known to television viewer) as producer Uarbaru Vcn('.tia. She cO·)tars on ''At Home On the Range" with the celebrated chef, \\ h;itll)name. Room 4, First Moor, Courrhou)C, 1n Green Day I le wa) directed to brinAl ")uth ri.:COrdi., documents and memorandt1 '°''> an: nece:.SJI)" along V. llh proof Of "abilit) to p3) the delinquent income ta\C., v.hich ha\c been :J)')C,-.cd again I )OU" All I du three time!> a wee" i\ Jrhc Jethro, m} pnnc1pal l11:1r. to Che boJy repJtr -.hop in \Ve)lcltrf Pl ia. He :.ind v.or~uut ·mate Ko3al Radtke )v.e;.it and gro:in for ;in hour. \\I tie I v.a i1 in the c::ir. duL1ng or c-.uching up on tn} reaJ1ng: .., 11a II Local Scene \\hen he gunned clown an Hll-wantcd bank robber in a midtown Manhauan shootout -i$ turning in his badge. l lc's exchangi ng The Uig (Rotten) Apple's mean stre et!. for the serene flower-scented boulevards of Corona dcl Mar. \Va) it the dangerou' da1l\' )tress that made ham· do it? No, it ''a!. lo,e. During a recent \ i!.it with kinfolk here, AncJ what will ex-cop Venelia, J mere 34 and ruggedly hanJ ornc. do an rclathcly )Crcne Corona dcl MJr? Retire·> N;,ih, not on )our hobtcr. He plan) lO hire out o~ a private investigator, checking ou r the loc.il baJ guys. Would-be b:rnk robber:., plc.t')C note. 0 SO.ME TAX COLLECTOR . ARI:. MORE RELENTLESS 1 llAN O'l llERS -You still have: an entire d.:i~ lO file )Our income ta'< rcpoll, -.o here 's an cxtr.1 prodding: AnJ "hat \\a' the ;1muun1 of ' del11\qucncy? W11h accrued rntcrc,t, 11 wa' 77 cenh 0 UG ll! -Sv.an:.on al'o forv.a rd:. a -.ugge )taon to fello\\·Ch11thead Jim Dc;in .. for the fir!.t tame he enter:. a cool..·off 10 I C\J\" Instead o(the U)u:il meat chunl..'), he recommend) -for an au1 hcn 11c local ll.1\ur -"roadl..ill armadillo." 0 C OULO IT DE S\'~tPATlll:.TH; PAJ~S~ -IC )Ou'rc lool..ing for lollmCtlung \\C1ghl) to ponder, here., a real puuli:r: · b there an c:~plan 111on lur th1!> puukmenl'! I a~ked .. pa ov.n cr Uob Oum), anJ he'> promi~ed 10 )tUJ\ the: phenomenon. In the mean1imc, he 'aid, I shoulJ simply alhi)c reader that, !>1nce ~1gn1ng up at h') he:.1•1h club, I'm ll1'>ing v.c1ght hke cr;u~ l:.gJd, th1., rnuld be a rc:.il \C1cntilic bre.1 kthrough. c S l'LAKl~G Ot \\ Sl l'G A\\\\ - The ,.aCurcmi:::n11uncJ RuJtkc ;ittcnJc.:d h1~ f1N "funcr;,il al ~ca" 1hc other Ja~. Did he learn ... n)thing trom rhe 'ombcr c\pcricncc? • · Y C'> IV.O thine_-., to \\ 1t: • I c.:nezia met the Golden Girl of his dreams: blonde, hazel-eyed Tracy Watkins, a ·Computer con-.ultant d\\Clling in Corona <lei r-.tar. Chili Uill Snanson, \\ho ";1) mcn1ioncd in MonJay'!. open h:ttcr to \ ida and Jim Dean, thought he made a clean break \\hen he moved here from Un"'n Coutll), Wbcomin. Not quite. The celebrated chili chef wa) hardly settled in our miJ.,t \\hen he received a "Notice of I !caring .. It \\as from the Wisconsin Department of T:.m1tion, summoning ham tu appear an Smee joining ~lfopc.:·Up1 Nc\\ port, I\ c lo:.t 14 pounds. In hardly more 1han t\\O month-.. J\c <,hrunk from a blubbery '.!09 ll> J \\Cite 195. 1 \\hen the ;-.he .. an: ~i:.111eri.:J, J~>n 1 'lJnd Juv. n\\ ind. 2 If \UU mu't ~t:.ind JO\\fl\\U,J. l..ecp - ~ou r mJuth du'>cd They'll be married M:iy I at 0 the Laguna Niguel re)idcntc of Robert's !>ister, Mrs . ' {.~~!?~~1i.S~~~~ 99¢ Cash'Wtlt. 'cbolta Vilwcrnr color, 11gb1 1-f /onna1t0n and ia.s~ ~bean ea. CHIQUITA BANANAS EnJOYA~~/avonu/n.111 ar a 39' pnu )OU II lot... IV• baby our bmlaPUU so )'04' ~ g111 lnuua o,. 1mnoyrng soft spots lb. HAAS AVOCADOS Tb• mGdl ~faJ wnciy u rong ba n.el«i from local o,.cbards '"g,.eal abwndal'IU E"JO)I sliud in ualads or 3 wndwi<ba, stMff-4 wiLb sbn"'IJ o,. iuna o,. m<Uh.d '"'° gi.aco mo1'1 RED RAQISHES OR GHEEN ONIONS /.t1X ~· ntaJcb lbcu nsiy 4 gar.ilm{1esb saliuJ /aa.onli!S /41bulow/or VqJJJt4 dips or en.dales too RUSSET POTATOES Fa ,.mns Ma,.,_1 u /"mow /or its pn/«1 sps.u1.s.,,.._ • SC41', IJ0&'8• o,. an .,.. Ra.w«.J a,. ~«I ~ o,. DELI-KITCHEN CRYSTAL'S CHEF.SE SPREADS Tba. ZGI)', soft 'Pf I dal>W C"-«J $ 3 99 .,.. g~ bor 4'~ or us-'., """''° "'ff'i"BS. dtp bAsa 0,. J.wd uAJI> fruit • 12 OZ.. FARMERS MARKET HICKORY SMOKED HAM Uo'1, pll-swtalrld ba ... ",.,., ond ltUI)' M11Jb JUSI II Ml~ $ 2 9~. ""'°u"' of smoJ. fliwor T ,,.,,YI(; Jo,. uJ'tdwf.Cba, cod/Mil~ o,. Ulttb 41111. SI~ IO oM.r. FARMERS MARKET SPINACH DIP ,,,_. _... ""'*' 1#1' ~ •u Cf'MM)' ~~ ".....,. ••• , $ 3~. c,.,,, ~ cb~ c:ndirn °" .sltc.J ....,,,.., And he re ') the bafllcr I :.till don·1 e>.crcbe. "H ome of Or ange CountY's BEST PRODUCE" Farir1ersMarket at A trium Court FASHION ISLA D I HOLIDAY HOURS OPE:'\ DAILY 8:00,.\M · 9:00PM OPE~ EASTER SU DAY APRIL 11 8:00AM · 2:00PM r---------, C ·OUPON · : FRESH SQ UE EZED : I ORANGE JUICE I : $ 99 : : .. .,,.,.., ,;~:c~! .. ,_ : I Va/,w10 w n t-1 ri141 irt .. ,. 11-w rry M' # I I ,.. ,_ •. .,. ,.,...,.~-fo•Jt OJ. £.;., I tlu '"'"' c•.frw'9 .,.... nJ '-•llftl fott.1# t4at ...(, fonA J-•u ,_ "'"· I LIMIT 1 PER co P01 I I EXPIRE 4-14-93 I L---------.J Jerry K obri11 's column rum \lu11d:J), U ednt•!)dJ.• D11d fridJ). .p SEAFOOD • MEATS USDA CHOICE RlB ROA T Small #J1d alulays, lb•~ best Mwi· Wesr.rn ,,.. a .a fo,. o;ctp"""4/ f1m,or S 5 99 '""'lnntNt«i "'~/«h<m \F• bat. cw QUtQ)l ln'ld ,..-hlld lb• "°""'1 /o,. faJJ ta.sill lb aM -of C4'MA"8 ' FRESH TURKEY ' CalforruaiJrown Follllr Farms bens, 10-14 lb SU-41 Tmdn, kan tur"Wy LS 99 c ahulys "/atonu UJMlb'" °'-"" roasllld lnld111«1a/Jy or an Lbe barlJeqw> Ca~rn~~~ ~ U 'DA CHOICE LEG O F LAMB \V• U.U Slnel/yf,.esb A~ "''"" 7bcu oi.-m r-eQIJy C"WJ, u.bok or bQ//. ",.. um 1-b<melas m"'1 sp¥ndidly jlaa..orfaJ Snw u.~lb 1fUnl J*/Jy O,. l'r) an ~ chuln#)i /or " ch41"8• s499 L~ FILLETS fa.st Joo• UJ lbeu S IC'rl lryj t.und, Jann ruual ("aruuiu;m S4llmcm and )'OU 11 Sft 1bt!ar bn.IJianJ wit r """fi""' totur•/on~Us ~ grtmd d1m"R ab-.i Tbeu tbic le. ,,.,aty CTI.I b lqJ s ""'" "">' ,iwul "" occa.rtOn l»ilCIOt.U, "'""""'"' Meal_,_, a driWbrful FMtn dinrv!r JUMBO BLACK TIGER S HR1 ~1P Tbcu lu'"8t sa.zt ( 16-20 c(.) fa.,.,.. N U41J 8 99 sbn,.,.,. bat• ~ .JA.,.,..J .nJ ar• ,.eQ.Jy IO coo• l:n]O)' as" MIWtlt' slm,.,.,. ooc.lda1/ o,. ..s• /or ""¥• lb GROCERY• \VI E MRS 'HEA'S COCKTAIL SAUCE <NT bcil ull•"(l coclrlall UNa u pnf-..uy balancad·.USI)' )¥1 nol.IOO bOI MIUU locally. 11 u ""1 ,_,.,«, c~ tO our U,n ,_.,, 6 Ullf. :id HARRY'S SOURDOUG H PRETZELS Tb4U w otTO cnmdly pr.a·· g1t rfldl mM• uitu/«boft N<AMmlly bu '" /41( fb#Y CXllM ua1'«J "' SltllJ fr-a..tlOl'l "'" Ult ~. babtl 229 16 oz ROBERT ALI ON CHAROO" 1AY OR CABER.\ ET ~ AlJVlG\O\ l+.b jNo1ji.wn """ ......... """ ...... ""'-uJijtm1 .. ~ • fNlll dlo4a/or l'!a,.,,._ or codMil ,,_,. /'..• .. A4 Wednesday, April 14, 1993 r--------------__,.. ___ .................................. . Daily Pilot Economic Index Represents last year's performance. A score above 100 renects an improvement over the same month the previous year, while a score below 100 indicates a decline. Scoring is based on sales of residential real estate brokerages that are surveyed regularl y fo r thi s reat.u re. I t seems mari...ct rcco,ery is 1n the eye of the beholder, but at least some local Realtors report that th ey're enjoying a corpeba k of sorts in home sales, and they behe"e the downward spir!lhng in prices may ha\c finally reached bo11om. After a ra111-soaked January .and a rela1i,ely strong sales month 1n Februa~. most re,pondcnt:. to The OJ1ly Pilot Economic lnde' sul'\ey ol residential rc.11 e-.1.11c brokerages had a good month m March. ln ~larch. the l>Ul'\e) respondents pol>ied a 5 percent gJtn, on J\CrJge, o'er their March 199~ rcH!nue lc.:'ds. The M:irch irnpr0\emcn1 lollu\\cd a 29 percent J\Cr:.igc. ) c:ir-tU·) c:.ir sales g..1111 111 February and a IO percent, rain-related declane 111 Ja nuary. The poor sho'' mg in January brol>.c up a strcal.. of four strnigh1 month) of 1mpro,cd re\enUCl> O\e r ~ear-Jgo h!\Cb. "There 's J lot mo1c acthity now," said one brol>.eragc owner. "Certain!). n's not like the go-go da) ), but on the other hand, I'm \.Cry bu-.\." Thc.:samc respondent s..1id he believe) positive indico1ors in the national economy have bolstered the conl1dcncc of )Orne locJI c.on)umer), prompting them to quit holding off on buying dec1~1ons and take advantage of this marl>.et'll For a subscription to the Daily Pilot, call 642-4333. dcpre~ed prices and remarkably low interest r..ttes. On the other hand, Rcaltorl> report that home shoppers have been extremely slow to make decisions, and homes in the $500,000-to-Sl million price segment -· the bulk of the Newport Deach housi ng marl>.et -are still not selling '"di. "People are out looking, but they're not ruiihing to purchase," aid one rc:.pondenl. "It's a much more studied :ipproach to purcha!>ing :i home than just going out and looking at foe houses and bu)ing one of the fi\e.'' S aid one brokerage owner who is not convinced the rn:irket is improving: '.'There arc some buyers around, but they're playing d1ddly-diddly \\Ith e' Cl) thing. They can't seem to make up their minds. Interest rulell arc ridiculously low, and they \\<Int them to go lo\\cr. Prices arc~culow;ly IO\\, :ind the> '"ant them to go C\Cn IO\H~r. "I don't i...:e a turnaround in )rght. All I hear is more and more people lca\lng the area." The rel>pondcnts agreed that ,.,,hile there arc many unrealisticall)' priced listings on the market, as -well as some bottom fishers making low-ball offers, home pnce) in general appear to h..1,e bo11omcd out in this area. The March 1nde ' !>core for rei.idential real estate: 105. -ny 1U11y Co.Y RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. .... ,_ .... CMt1 9ofe! lt ll Ullll llft., ctSTA •s.t-S4a.llSI GL...V·AR·INVOICING-PAYROU·INVINTORY PERSONALIZED TRAINING a Fiii r.,.,,hoM Supporl. CALL: SofTeach (714) 251-9249 B • us1ness Bu1lnesa Editor Tony Cox, 642-4321, ext. 371 They're expei'imenting with your tax dollars . T hi!> being tax time ond all -Thursday is the filing deadline: for individuals -l w~n't exactly in the mood to easily for- get a certain FAX l received this morning. The news release came from the {'hysicians Committee for Re- i.ponsible Medicine, and it off ~red some of the latest examples of how our government wastes huge sums of money on uselc11s ex· pcriments. We've heard government-waste horror stories before, but give n our country's financial crisis•and increasing burdens on taxpa}eri., the frequency of the problem doesn't make it any easier to accept. . A few of the examples offered by the phy)i· cians group: • Experiments are being conducted to.,.sce 1f rdarijuana makes rabbits more susceptible to syphilis or makes mice more vulnerable to Le- gionnaire's disease. The cost: almost $3 million. •The National Institutes of Health gave a S737,000, long-term grant to a Florida man to Editor's study lobsters' sense of smell. Notebook •The University of Arizona conducted a gov- ernment-financed, $500,000 study to examine • a a how captive sheep and mule deer are affected by loud tape recordings of jet noise. . •Stanford University is conducting a government-funded study to prO\e that young primates and rodents need their mothers 10 avoid stres!>. The cost is more than Sl.3 million. •The government is paying $46,000 for a Maryland study of a jaw disorder in turtles. •The Army plans to spend millions to study the effects of blJ)IS on ~hcep. • ln :i clal>stfied experiment, the Navy is trying to train dolplHnl> to attack enemy divers, clear undcr:water mines and perform other t:i'ih The COl>t: More than Sl million per dolphin. I'm surJ.! there are arguments supporting each of thtsc re earch programs, but the bo11om line is, we can't afford non·e!> ential i.pending these days. And I would consider programs lil..e the'c non-cssen 1 i~tl. Our gu,ernmcnt is paying Food and Drug Administration em· ployces to 1udy the flow rate of ketchup. An army of eleva tor op· crators \\orL.s on Capitol Hill. pushing the bu11ons for mcmhcrs ol Congress. And the RTC, which is supposed to be de;.in111g up the $._\; L indu 'tf) debacle; paid an accounting firm 70-some ccntl> a page for hundreds of thousands of photocopiel> -and then paid it' e\ecu1ivc) hand)ome bonuses. Doesn't c:\actly make you \vant to hear about a def1c1 t·reduct1011 plan th~t ''one-fourth spending cuts and three-fourths tlC\\ lil\e . . ~r.a .. .,r. Discover Your lMgest Door to Home Improvement '*"""""' &tltrMn • QA9lfy. Cbl•.--- Seacoast GARA GE DOORS 642-3490 . 24761.?NewportBl\<d COStAMESA $149,000 . D•pl•• -$30,000 Dowa No 2nd -Cash Flows Laundry Room, P~-Ub Setting Exc~llent Orange County Rental l..oaition 0,.. ...... 12 ... .,... .. Al 90U) (Cbed~J Neo.l.'PQ11 55 Fwy; Exit 17th Sc In Tuldn. West. To T u.s11n Avt ·Ncrii To 2414 N. Tutta Av•••• 1.. (Between 17th St & 22 Fwy) ,. WEST COAST FINANCIAL • Call lobert Briggs or Eric Isaacson (714) 375-3707 (714) 664-6298 omcE PAGER RF.AL F.STATE BROKER DEJ'I'. OF REAL ESTATE LIC# 06845623 Newport Beach/Co1ta Meaa Dally Piiot ----------4••••··························································· l '''''"''''''"'''"''"'"''"''"""''''''"""'''L"J"'''''"'' Business Watch Boston-based Lifetime Corp. has rejected Abbey Healthcare Group Inc.' latest buyout offer, and on Monday, Lifetime officials criticized Abbey's attempt to get a seat on their company's board of directors. Costa Mesa-based Abbey. in an attempt to complete a deal that would make it the nation's largest home heaJthcare company, boosted its bid for Lifetime from S220 million to $261 million. lifetime officials· rejected the bid as inadequate and determined it not to be firmly financed. Responding tu chief executive Timothy Aitkcn's Ea~ter Sunday announcement that he plans to nominate a director for lifetime's board - a first tep in an expected proxy battle -offic1Jb of the Boston company said: "Mr. Aitken's frustration is not the result of our responsiveness: rather, it i · his inability to gi-.c Lifetirne's's tockholdcrs o proposal that is real and would add to that intrinsic value. The board will not give Abbey the. preferential treatment it is clearly seeking." Abbey's offer did prompt Lifet ime's board members to concede for the first time that they would consider buyout proposals. In fact, company officials are currently evaluating several proposals. d Cf)stal Court restaurant Trnttoria Spigo will celebrate Nation:il Secretaries Day, April 21. with a cont.est re\\ :irding \ecrctaries \\ho ha\c haJ to perform bizarre task!> for their bos cs. Thrac finali~ts will win free lunches for two, and the \\inner \\ill al o receive a . _pJaquc and ro es. Entries mu\t be rccei,cd by April 15 at noon. Entries c:.in be fJ'<ed to (310)49 1-021 I. ~Get Those Patios & ~ Courtyards in Shape . .. Let Jim Jennings install your complete yard hardscape- • Expert brick. block. stone. tile, slate and concrete work • Con recommend quality designers • Drainage problems? We solve them! • Quollty work In Costa Mesa & Newport Beach since 1969 Get on our schedule before summer passes you by! !].. !~~l~~!~~!lJ.4~~~ BARN STEAKHOUSE Slntt IHI UNDAYt RUNCl-I -......w'" AT Mut rs Balho<A Cl&.Lb, ENJOY AUTHENTIC RANCHO CUISINE • Gourmet Salads • Chilled Fresh Seafood • Whole Roasted Suckllilg Pig ·Fresh Mexican Pastries • Build Yow Own Omelette All YOU CAN EAT ONLY $109S QM-en~ 10 FIB ~ I FAIMll ST!lll HDUIE ExeeUent Steaks Served by Frleadly People In A Comfortable Settlag Open for Lunch at ff o.m. 2300 Harbor Blvd at Wilson , Costa Mesa in HARBOR -$CENCfER Cal tor more ii tformation or reservations: 641 -97.77 l • --. --• ---=-~--~ _....___,.. AA~--.,. --- ·. Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Wednesday, April 14, 1993 AS seats might be empty In city's 'Uvlng Room~ By Cathy Werbhn SlJt < ' to N O.ity Nol COSTA MESA -When 1hc caly') Hum:in Rcla11onll Comm1t1cc last held 11s Living Room Dialogue), 300 people came ou1 10 di.,~u!I) 1hc community') ethnic J1\er!l1ty Thb )'Car, with 1hc an1 ic1pa1ion of 1hc Rodney Kang \.erJict on e\.Cl)Onc ') minth only a h:i ndf ul of re!lident:. hav!! e~pre!l\ed any' iu1erc)t at all in the dbcu,!lions. meetings were held in pubhc M:hools rather than in resident's livin& rooms, but they were well attended, Barmore said. Looking at options if intere!lt doesn't incre:i~. i b rmore said she is consideri ng a larger group of 35 to 50 residents meeting. an a forum setting, then dividing into smaller groups. Barmore said she is aho exploring an id ea to bring the dialogues to the local cable television stution. And the commit1ee i) left wonderin& why. Scheduled for the i,econd und fourth weeks of ~h1y, the Living Room Dialogues are de.,igned to bring together rc!lit.lcnts from ,.iriou'> c1hn1c backgrounds. In the pa\t, group!> of IS 10 20 have met lo talk "i1 h neighbors and become more aware of the rny'!> e1hnic popula tion. that neighbors get out and talk with one •' "Maybe we could do !>Orne sort of a call·ir show, a panel, or some other dialogue Maybe people feel safe in thei r living rooms, :ind people respond to television." another. "Maybe this is a reaction· to Rodney King," Barmore said. "It hns set up fears, and people are afraid to express their fe::m or spea k their minds." Thi:> year, only about a doLcn people have rc,pondcd to the commi11cc':i. CJll for 1111<:rcst ed residents. Barmore !>aid that the city'!> growing ethnic population is one more reJ'>On the community !>hould come together in open di!>cussions. Det\\een 1980 and 1990 the city's white Barmore said a call-i n show would aho lend itse lf to anonymity in the community, "h1ch would allow residents to be hone!>! "\Ve f cert ai nly want people to be frank," DJrmore said. Residents interested in the open dialogues c1:1n pick up registration forms at Co!>ta Me a City Hall or at the library. lnquinc!> can be .. l don't ~now "hY there 1) tht!> .1pa'lhy," said \larti Barmore, con11n1ttce chaarpcr!>On. "I J1.ih'1 know af peop1e :ire too bu!>y, af 1hey feel 1h1s 1!>n't a problem in Cost~ .Mc!>a, 1( they feel 1hc) \\On't learn anything, or 1f people think 1he).'.re adequately informed." Darmore added that with the Rodney King 1nJI !ltirring up racial tensions, ii is "critical'' . population fell dose to 5 percent, "'hile the Hispanic population grew almost 10 perce nt. The city's black s~gment increased just more th an J percent, while the Asian population grew by about 2 percent. directed to Barmore at 856-7741 . , Barmore said specific sites for the planned dialogues have n't ye t been set. Participants can pick from groups meeting on Tuesday. Wednesday or Thursd ay evenings, with a daytime group possible. Each group will meet twice., The Living Room Dialogues were launched U1 1990 and held again in 1991. Last year, the Colorado a~alanche claims life of Estancia High grad COSTA MESA -A memorial \er\icc will be hclJ todJ) fur Rich:ird Hart nun, an l::st:inciJ ll1gh Sch°"I grJJu.111.: anJ Jll J\ 1d outdoor ... mJn "ho wa' l.1llcJ "hilc !>kung 1n CuluraJu l;"t \\Cd .. FJmtl) member) -.J1J I lartmJn \\.l~ ~l.11ng ''1th three 1..umpa111un~ 1.1'.>l rrtdJ) \\h1..ll he \\JS C.1ui;ht 111 an a' alandie 111 tnc Brccl.cnrnJge '"' JreJ ne.1r lJen,cr. l r;1g1 .... 1lh I IJrtlll.111\ 'PC1.1alt\ ~" J 'kl llhtru1..tl>r .1nJ member of the Kv -.tune l.uJge ~l.1 Put rol "a' detc.:ct in~ J\,il:inche t1{1:l1., on 1b 'lupl~ I larinun anJ uni.' of hi., companion "ere l.1lled 111 1he J\:Jlar<dlc "lulc i.l.1111g in the LIGHTEN UP. '' ilderncss area. The two other !>l..iers "ere able to ride the Jvalanche to safety. 1 lartmJn'i, sister, Pame la Smi th, said Hart man mo,ed to Dallon. Colo., about 2~ > c:m .;igo from Costa Mesa. He "orkcJ for the Kc)stone l..odgc Jurang \\in ter monlh!>, teaching .. mall chilJren to sl.i. In 1hc ~umme r. Hart man \\Orl.cd '"th Jn Oul\,Jrd Bound-t)pc , program, taking ph)'>ic;.illy and dc,clopmentally hamJ1 .lppe<l children on ''h1tc \\atcr rafting Jnd rock cli mbing trip!>. Hartman began skiing about eight }ears ago, and quicl.ly grew to love 111.-s;;ort, Smith said. "He enjoyed being ou tside and High-fat high<holesierol loods can ™ you 'Mth a heavy heart. -~ e•aAmerican Heart ~ MSOCiation living life to the fullest," Smith said. In addition to !>kiing, Hartman abo lo,ed rock cli mbing and had recently stancd ice climbing, Sm11h said. He \\JS also fond of children and enjoyed \\Orktng '' ith them, l>he !>aid. He was an c\pcrt ~kier and was a tra1ned l:.mergenC) Medical Technici an . HJrtmJn wa!> a graduate of fatJncia High School in Costa ~k:.J, and graduated from UCI 111 19 \\llh a degree in economics. He \\JS emplO)Cd at 1he Sports Chalet in Hun11ngton l3c~1ch before mo' ing 10 Colorado. Hart man is survived b)' his mother and fa ther. Nancy an d Roger Hartma n of Cos ta Mc)a; t\\O sisters, Pume la Smith of Newberg, Ore., 'and Laura Hartm;.in of Memphb, Tenn . t\\O grandmo1hers, Ro~c Jackson of Fair 0Jh Calif and Fern HJrtman of Tuc~on. Ariz.: and l\\O niece). Erin Smtih and SJrJ Sm11h. both of Ne\\ berg. ~1emonal !>Cr\1Ce!> "111 bl.' held IOJJ) at 11 a1 the United Me1hod1)t Church, 1701 \V. Dal.er St. In adJ111on to the mcmortJl SCr\ ICC, :.I :.un .. et service for HartmJn \\Ill be held at Thur:.dJy at the ArapJhoe Uastn Resort in S1hcrthorn, Colo. -By tht Dally Pilot NEW HOURS • Wednesday-Sunday • 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. '"'' Valet Parking "-'""' 1:00 p.m. Locat.d lruldB Lucky'1 laysk» lat I Grill J5J E. Cooit Highway. ~wpol'f ltloeh 723-1 .113 Come Early •Pinch Some Toils •Hove tur:1 FREE Valet Before 800 pm. M CMsatAmu-Tak~ Ovt & Catering Aral/ab~ ·You're Invited To See Our CUSTOM · INvlTATION PRINTING CENTER Choose From O ur Huge Selection Of Type Styles, Print Cokn, P~ And Envelope$. Whether Yoo Need lnvrtot1ons For Weddings . . Showers Anniversaries · Birth Annooncements . Birthdays Holidays . ;Or For That Once-ln-A-1..lfetm e Spes:;iol Occasion We Have A Friendly, Creative And Helpful Staff, In Addition To Extremely Fast Service. Whatever Your Custom Printing Ne9ds Are ... WE C~.\t DO '1'· fansson 's llEW;ORT·~ IRTf .CEllTE" 714/65().6()70 •OPEN 7 DAYS! * OVER$30 FOR BABY r' WITH COUPONS! ~L?\S 'EL.-CHITO --------------... ---------------~ Catering Exhibition C'A>oking our Specialty! •Sizzling Fajitas Bar i--+----..-tt-• an ru.leThr · as • Quesadilla Bar & more O>mplete Catering Servi~ • Strolling Mariachis • Margarita & Cerveza Bar • Bartenders & Servers For a Fie$la to remember call ... (714 )645-0209 f \ qwwm ... •WU ... •$ ±& .._ ·-·· STORE COUPON EXPIRES 4124'193 STORE COUPON EXPIRES 4124193 I ~-...... ...-.. • .-.... .., ... , ... •v. ----.,.'::r: ___ c.:. _____ ........ ::.-:--.... -:-.:...::..... ......--~ ---------ITOM COUPON ECP!Na .,.._ SAVE $5 149.99• ... = • 5.00 .. flORTAll.E 44?:=. ... F---°"""IWJI .,~ __ .. ..._ ... ,,, __ CASHIER: PtMM ring et 6.99 _ _.....too_,,,_ --"'-~-........... -................................... . , ........... .._.. ,.._..._.., ---~_.,~ .......................... ___.. ...... -----°'"" 1Wlll ••!>1 -~ .......... ...._.._. .. ~---..... --I ............ --· ______________ _. STORE COUPON EXPIRES "24193 I ~ I I I I ·I -. ....... 1' .......... c.o .. ___ _.._... .... ,....,.,.., ~ ......... ........_._._ ............. ,........ I ... _. ........ ~ c.-...._._ • ....--..... --_, . .....,...... ...... --------------.. STOAE COUf'ON f,XPIRES 4't4113 ,,. .. __ ,.~ el GERBER ~ANY 3PK. ONESI UNDERWEAR J . ' . . -.......... ~=---=-~ ---.. --- A8 Wednesday, April 14, 1993 Newport Beach/Co1ta Mesa Dally Piiot Society Society Editor 8 .W. Cook, 842-4321 Stobart: To artist, life itself is a treasure - 'f!rcmcmber li!>tc111ng 10 Churchill as o )Oum: buy during \VWJJ. My i':Jther was panmoid ubout m:ii111;1i11ing absolute quiet whcnc\'ct C/wrcllill :.poke. One of the prime mmi:.tcr':. more lhmuus line:. impirccl me. Rcfcrri11g ro the American troop:.. he sair.J, 'Ameri· can!> ore m crfccl. O\.crpaicl ancl over. c.\t'cl ()\Cr here.' A t tllat moment, I I.We dcciclcc/ Amer· Cllll ica "oJ/d be a .. great phit.·c to -----livc.1" Society John Stobarl Editor eve ntually came to America. He brought with him af(b1t !>upplie!>, an education a11aincd at Uritain'11 Royal Academy, and a dream 19 become a great painter. SPRINGTIME ·SPECIALS ltt P~1ly P,lol Linda and Valerio Giannini of lido Isle hosted the rec~nl dinner honoring artist John Stobart. Today, hill dream b sub:.tan· See COOK/A7 ,, Movie Listings Newport Beach EDWARDS NlWPORT CINIMA JOO • ·• u t.. lorn Ye"e1do1 , •• "13 ~ J:> : tndecenl Propo1ol • :-+ ':' l.. S Indecent Propoaol • . .. .. " COWARDS ISLAND CINlMA ,~Qt\ ~ · ,.. ,, ... , ·• ~·o • 2 1s .. Jo<k !he leor 'G IJ 17 2 I~ 4 30 • IS ~ Unlorgl•en • 3 6 9 , , , Tho Sondlot PC, 'I •S 2 IS c cS, • ;he Crying c;~,,,.. ~. I _9 IS • Gro\lndhog Doy (PG) 12:U, 2•30, 4:45 S S<orll of A Womo~·'fl 1 / cs_• 3 6 l 5 • Advenklr .. ol Huck Flhn G I 2 Polnl ol No 4ehirn ~ 1 •S 3 I) '. UDO CINlMA • 't•ll<I" l>::d o• • ..... ~ .. ,. e t Slrlctl1 l ollroom PG S 1 9 PORT THUTH 2•5l c~~"~·, c •3 ~16 lndo<hlne rG J 5 I Costa Mesa EDWARDS CtNlMA CINTU ~ 01 ...,;~. •• • -.J "•" •e· • • •i< 979 ct• Sondlot .,_, • •5 7. 9•15 ~ Cop & Holl PG o I 1 Gro\lndhog Do, PG) S 7' 30 io • f1d•entu•e1 of Huck Finn l'GI"" ~5 lOWAAOS CINIMA • 'O•bor & od AJ~.,., ••• •to ) } lnde<enl Propo•ol ~ 5 c S 8 10 \/ • .,, ~• ... el t..J I All•• • 7 9 , For.-er Young 'G I' 8 Lete nao'a 0•1 -), The lodrguord • .1.3 e 0 20 TRIANGLl SQUAil J ~· t<a•bel' • "' .. Jotk the leor ., ] 17 30 J 5 30 • The Cru1h • 1 1 • t. 5 8 ) Unlorgi.en l • 1 30 lorn hllerdo1 • •S I • 3:: S .. nt of A Womon • Nln)o T.,r11 .. l • fh~ Crying Gome • J 30 O • folllng Down • 2 ·~ J 15 5 ~~ ·1 ... · TOWN CENTU CINIMAS 5.:.w•h c~,, "'• ,, · .. a~ lodlea, Rut, ond Motion ' ~ 1 1'011ten Fl•h ' c JO, 1 JO Stent ef A Weman ~ O 9 15 Jatll the leor 'G J' S 30 I SOUTH COAST P~ g.,'<>V1NMlo•e• . ' lndeten• Propoaal t 5 7 JO ' Pein! of Ne Rotum ' 4 c5 I l orn Yeaterllof '<i S 30 8 SOUTH COAST VILLAOI -"-""-r or 8• 1• I 5c0 0S9c I Tho Crylnt Oome •I 5 JO, I. I 0 1 Like Woler f .. 0.ocoloto !RI c JO ' 9 JO J l .. t Do.,. ef Choa Nowt t•I S, I JO 10 Irvine THI UNIVlHlfY CINIMA c,•5 CO"'""' Or .. e 8S4 H I I I Slrlctly lol ... M m IPGI ~ 30, I JO 9 )0 , "'• """" 1•1 • •• ~· 10 15 l Mon loll To 11 1•1 S c5 10 cs Jcent olAW-n (IJ I 4 Joell tt.. leor ..c; IJI ), I,..., 9 45 S Co11 & A Hott fl'<il • )(), 1 9 IS 6 Tho (jy\fte Gemo Ill 5 IS 9 SO "·-·"'· 1"4 '° 1 15 WOODlllDOI (INlMAS a...-o ..... I , ...... () •• \St 06U I ~cont flfo,..-1 1 S 15 I JO t •S 1 A<l\O~lllrot of H..cll '1ftn ll'Gl • lO I 915 l SoNH .. pic,,j. IS,IJO 10.JO • .. ,,. Yt-.Jor1hry ~ 5 JO I 1010 S l'ofnf of Ho lot..,.. II) I IS 10 70 ,..,. .. 'wnlo• '1'01 ' 30 • 30 FOR 'A LIMITED, TIM CHOOSE-ONE OF THE FOLWWING DINNER ENTREES FOR ONLY $9.99 Prime R ib · ... of Fi~h ·"N' .. ' Chips of Snow Crab of · C ioppip.o · . ~ . of Fresh Fish of R ainbow T r out 9FOR 99 of Calama ri of' Chick en Marsala TH E BEST ·NJG HT'S SLEEP YOU 'VE EVER HAD DOES HAVE ITS PRIC E. or S_tuff ed P acific-Snapper . These dinners include our famous Clam Chowder AND our Fresh M.Ucrd Garden Salad, --...~.IJ. Du~' beds art so well made. they've been known to la~t for 30 even 40 years. (That's about 20 centS per night for lhe decpe!>l, ~ mo>t restful sleep you can gei Fresh Vegttabk and ~aked Potato. Not valid In conjunction with any other oifer. . C omc m, lie down m a Du\ bed Valid after 4Pm daily. Does not include tax. •, 630 Lido Park Diive Newport Beach 675~100 12752 Valley View Blvd. Garden Grove 89MX)81 You have to c;lee~u to believe rt. THE DUX BED THE BED YOUR BAO.. HA BEE:\ ACHl\G FOR• II I "'l"'J'C'f1 Ctnttr Dr l'>t"'ll'"1 Buch. C \ 11:""'° 'rn 11 l rC-1111 l 11'1 Open '' "'.s,., 10.t> DU IA Si.n I: < Or Ii\ •MN1ntmcn1 l'I ~7t nsA"Cl~G A\AIWU. . '\T H~HI '' '-"'v l00-640-601• Capain Sean, beck from his voyages around the world, Is now ICfVll\g hu famous dishes wu:h ongmal rtttpcs Cal b FREE t'OCIVt • Attna: Tecmcqy 111 ~ ' Everyday Is Special at 17th Street! NIGHTLY S P ECI ALS All pccial~ mcluue c;oup or ,alau. fre,h \egc1ablc. ~hou:c ol pota10 ant.Ihm 'iourdough roll MONDAY: Short Ribs of Beef 9.9~ TUESDAY: Western Chicken & Shrimp Stir Fry 10.95 . WEDNESDAY: Roast Loin of Pork 9.95 THURSDAY: Tornados of Beef 13.95 Tender fi/ets served with a Cabernet mushroom sauce ....... A Must Tryf FRIDAY Prime Rib Of Beef 12e95 12 oz of Juicy Angus Beef SATURDAY Roasted Strip Loin of Beef SUNDAY Roast Turkey 10.95 with Apple/Almond Stuffing and all tlfe fixing• . 12.95 Ask About Our Fresh Catch Special Every Night! OPEN 7 DAYS-LUNCH • DINNER • WEEKEND BRUNCH ENTERTAI NMENT ( Ll><'illt d betW('t'll /11 ·inr am/ Ttntin Bfr<I.) 428 E. 17th Street • Co ta Mesa • (7 14) 650-1750 -- -·--~ ~ . ~ Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot COOK From A6 t1a1cd b) the $200,000 sales figure~ he commamh for one of hi~ Y.Orl . Mr. Stobart has buih an internatton.il reputation as a pre-e minent mus1ur o( the h1,1orical maritime painting. He omc to Ne" port Ueach recent I)' 10 attend The Whuman Gallery upcntng featuring some of his latejst \\>Ork and 10 v1s11 bo1h the tricnds and the natu re he trea\utes on the Orange Coast. Jn lfo honor, :rn 1nt1mate dinner was l!l\Cll b> the graciou Linda and \ ttkrio Giannini of Lido Isle. •·1 !.tJrtcd p•11nt1ng nt 15. I '~as a 1otal failure ut C\.el)thing ebe in ,d10ol. ''hich \\J\ qu11t: unhl.c m} bw1hcr, .George ~I) famtl) u\cd , w SJ), George 1:. doing qu11c 'ell, but John, \\C JU t don't knm\ abou t him! I knew 1h.1t I \\Ould · n1.1!.e them c.it their \\Ortis one J 1y So. I 11 1 in the back of 1he d.1, r1.'IOm -.o l could dra"'·" said the sp1mcd John Stobart "11h a I) .\!nn. ' l he m.1stcr recountcJ hb life ' ,1uing in a ma, ... i, c." 111gcha1r sn _. 1hc Giannini h'ang room, She osked John if there was one painting he regarded us his finest. ".Perhaps it is my South Street, New York scene. It 's a view of turn-of-the-century New York h~rbor traffic lined up at port at night. Recently, l had gn e~cou111er with an 85-year-old gent with a cane who came into a gallery shoY..ing and admired a print of this painting on displa)'. He took one look at the scene and said, 'The moon never gets into the North in the Soulhcrn Hembpherc.' Not one single person had ever 'noticed that! Part of the artist's license, no doubt.'' The candor of John Stobart's story brought laughter from the dinner tablc.'Soon, 1he conversation gravitated to the maritime history of the Newport Harbor, of which Mr. Giannini and Mr. Stobart arc both quite well-informed. S1obart's glorious painting, ""fhe BJ I boa P!lvilion," capt urcs Ne"port Uay circa l910 with the familiar Pavilion !lurroundcd by iall sailing ships. The e'ening ended with a promise from Mr. Stobart that he '1 \\oy!d return soon. Perhaps he'll be seen sitting on the D:ilboa Pie r, ·or on the main beach at L:lguna, recording for po~1crity his Wednesday, April 14, 1993 A7 su rrounded b\ the 19th cen1un p.11nt1ngs of Lacce 111, ~Ir. · Giannini's grea1 g1andl.11hcr. "I learned pcrspl.'clhl.' )llltng 111 1ha1 b.11.:k fO\\ !'' remarkable vision of 1hi ... wondrous ltt P~ ... o. , r.~A piece of enrth. Jennifer KnO\-\-lcs, left, shares· a toa t \\ith artist John Stobart. • When Stobart cntl.'rcd the College ot Art pr1llr 10 h1'> .1Jm111ancc 10 I he RO)JI t\c.1dl.'rn), he rl.'mcrnbcrs pl.'oplc 1q:Jrd111g h11n a' pa1hct1c "It "a' lil.c being \Cnt Ill an 111:.11tu11on" He crcd1h h1' I 1thcr (lrn, lllllllicr Ju:d in d11lc..lb1rth) "1th h:J\lllg thl.' prc,cnlc of mind IO lulh .. up1x111 h1111. "1 .. hing onl) th.11 Im prupa ph irmJcbt l.1thcr wuld h.1\c ll\~ll ;i bu longa 10 · \\lllll'" lllll!C 111 "" .ar11-.1 -.on·, ' ~(\\\, \n clc~Jllt dinner ut \c.11 \\,1s '~ncd lh c.111Jklll!ht u1 L111J.1 G1.1nnsni', 11wrhk-1.1l>lc aJl>rncJ \\1lh placcmJh ut br~c lcJ\C'> and I\\ tl1p1af) Jl• 111 ·~~Ir ~lllh.1n .11 Jinncr. ~h. Ju1111lu Knonll'> ol \.an ~ l.11 inu anJ :--:c" port Ucach. witfi coupon JUST $995-w/Red Beans & Riee Located Inside Lucky's Bayside Bar ! Grill J5J f. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Wed. -Sun 5 : 30-9pm Come Early• Pinch Some Tails• Have fun ! 723-1113 M C.-Ylsi Amtl - •Safm{'Bar • 'i«ijJ{ts • 'lJe.ssert 'Iafit • !Jfatu£nuufe 'Tortillas . • 9Jachaca • StrciUng !Musicians •'l(ufs'Tut !F~'E (ulllftr' r------------------1 'Brunch Coupon -Save $ 5.00 I --"h prt.sttal tfri.s caupmi .._ I ~ ,, ' & s atit fit't cfc>{fars ''•~""!. 2101 Pfacentia •Costa Mesa {714) 642-1142 .. I 'I' on '.Rn111 cfr for 2 ' COl'4 ~Ull L«atu1'1 Only • (10tJm·21"") '(pt 1'Wil on any ?Wtufay • ~itCJ S· l ·9;' OIL 8c FILTER SPECIAL Reg. s5995 Now $29~,~ Includes up to 5 quarts of Castro! GTX oU and o genuine lnflnl1t 0 11 Fiiter. COSTA MESA . I N F I. N I T I 2000 Newgort BIYd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 631-2110 1. · Rich .the produce man. COLLISION REPAIR Y' FACTORY CERTIFIE D Y' DIRECT I 'SU RA CE BILLING Y' FREE ESTIMATES ~ COSTA MESA COLLISION ( 141549-8755 ATTENnON: PRE-OWNED HONDA BUYER OR SELLER Allow us to perform o 37 Point Safety Inspection before you buy or sell that pre-owned Honda! $4500 COSTA MESA m~~mm (7 14)436-5050 5800 East 2nd Street Long Beach, CA 90803 (310) 439-RIBS ' 2. One of a kind, homemade, lip smacking barbecue sauce. 3. Open Easter Sunday. · .. 4. Table side magic one night a week. (Naples· Wed ., Newport -Sun.) 5. The owners are all under 5'8" tall 6. Barbecued Spagheffi (when it doesn't slip through the gril l). 7. 8 . Buckets of Baby Back Ribs to go for a~out .$20. A private bafK1uet room for parties under 60. 9. Fax machines with me~o~ dial. 1 o. "BIG FRAN"the oversized, mo~le grill used for cate ring . . 11. Fresh vegetables with dinner. 12. 13. 14. 15. A8 Wedneaday, April 14, 1993 ADAMS From A1 would lead to th is desper:uc situation. On the \erge of bankruptcy, Adams is besieged by bill collectors, facing e"iction and without transportation. Has truck was recently rcpos csscd anJ he has until May 1 to find somewhere cl e to hve, because the Cqsta Mesa house he rents was sold. "J 've had pressure all m) life, but not like this," Adams said, sitting in a room 11tuffed with memor:ibilia. On a bookcase i a photo of huraself and his brother \\hen they first enlisted in the Marines. On the \\Jll i!> a cerufica te he received with the Air Medal during the Korean War for making 38 obser,ation llighh behind enemy lanes. On anothcc bou~shclf arc photos of his children -now 111 their 30s .and 40s. He's not sure if he can count on their help. ''I haJn't told them about my situation until this last weekend. 1 JUSI let them know." Things began to fall apJrt for Adams after he Jo-,t most of has money during a costly thrce-)ear legal banle to fight off a hosule 1ake0\ er attempt of a chemical company he founJed. lie won the la\\suit, but ''as a\\arded onl) SI. I l1s v.ifc divorced him dunng that stressful time and took the children bJck to \\'bcons1n ''here the) had la'cd. Until last year. Ad:ims "urkcd for Wcstcl1tf MeJ1cal LaboratOI) an Ne\\ port Dcach. ''here he spent three }Cars c;.illing on ph>sicians ''ho \\Crc clients of the compan). ··1\e haJ n9 income for more than TRAINING From A1 Some of the material the at · tornC)S highlighted Tuesday in- cluded the importance of ha' ing a policy guarding ;igaanst sexual ha- rassment and the legal ramifica· tions of not following that poliC), officials said. Several of the department heads \\ho ''cnt through the tr~uning said the) gut their money's \\Orth. "I learned some basic things," )aid Uualding Director Ray Schul· ler. "I'm not sure 1 have all the answers. But this will make sure I don't get myself in trouble." Schuller said Kre1!>lcr and Jen· son prm idcd some guidelines thJt he pl.ins to li'c by. For C\Jmplc. he \Jld anything that he \\Ould not say or do an . I runt of hb "ife and kids, he ''outJn't :,ay or do at \\Ork either. Acung Police Chief Jim Jacobs nbo h:.id praise for the training anJ the attorne)S ''ho are pro\ld· ang II. "I think there 1s a lot to be learned," said JJcob,. ''It st1mu- l:11es your thanking so )OU arc more scnsit1\C to some of the things )OU do or say We got into some interesting d1 cussaons." Murphy said the ne'(t phase of trJining ''ill focus un top-le\'el mJnagement and !.upervisors at the police department. Ultimately each and C\cry cit) employee will be take part 111 a half-uay training session, Murph) -,:i1d . The city already has a sexual ha- rassment polu:') an place and there are no plans to do ;.iny mJjor revi- sions to that policy as a result of the training sessions. Murphy said. The procedures for reporting sexunl harassment incidents, how- e,cr, wall be streamlined, he said. to.tayor Clarence Turner saiJ the training basically places Newport Dcach on the cutting edge of the issue "I think 11's :,omething we have to address," Turner said. ''We ha .... e to look at this as a poslll\C experience. Thi is Just something that virtually every industry is gel· ting inliolvecJ an to ma~e sure they are operating within the confines of the law. It's an is!;ue th at's on cvcl')onc's mind " LOCAL ~EWS ONLY For a sub scri pti on · to the Dail y Pil ot, call 642-4333. 11 months," he said. "There's not much demand for someone ' 68 with a bad leg." Jronic3lly. the laboratory is throwing an appreciation party this Thu~day, "to express our gratitude for all of his hard work," a company flier reads. Adams also is suffering Crom medic:il problem . The bones in his left foot collapsed more than a year ago onJ physicians ha\e not been able to stop repented infections. · Despite his bad foot and dire financial problems, Auams has kept bu!>y picking up clothing, furnitore and food for the homeless. He also gathered newspapers to help raise money for St. John the Divine Church in Costa Mesa. 13ut after he ma ssed t\\O pa)mOOOts on his truck, it recently was re.posses- sed. He worries as much about the interruption of his work for the homeless as he docs his ; O\\ n potential homelessness. "Thi mo~ l ga"c a lady r- ''ho is homeless n SS bill," he said. "I couldn't afford it, but I ga'e it to her an) how." Ada1ns 'holds out hope for n rebound. I le is looking to u Silh Lake City company he helped dc,elop that produces solid fuel from the waste mJterial produced by coal mining. After selling the idea to the company. Adams was promi:,ed a job after the company e'(pand . The job has yet to come. His most immediate need i for a uscJ truck and a pbcc to la\C. He finds it harJ to belic\e that he has no worth to society. "It's JUSt during this IJ)t )Car thJt l\e used up all m) resource~." 'Adams said . "I'm complctCI) broke. I didn't e\pect ~has to hJppcn all at one time." ,, -------- Newport Beach/Cotta Meaa DaUy Pilot OFFICER From A1 be dragging drunks off into weeds," Chief Dave Snowden said. "The p<>licy is and always has been an accordance with the )tate Penal Code: When someone can't care for them· selves because o( intoxication, they ore either taken into eus· tody or taken to some kind of facility geared to handle them." Rubio, Snowden said, ''elect- ed to drag th · drunk out of his patml car. dump him in some bu he and leave. Tuel) on top of it, he lies about having any contact '' ith the man. ''That's '"hY we terminated him," he continued. "When we see someone we don't think is fit to wear a badge, we do omething .ibout it." Spowdcn pointed out that Rubio had ·twice been .disci· plined for cu~ing in front of the public during the three years he worked for the depart· ment. Rubio, howe\er, testiried that it is department po licy to ig· nore drunks. Furthermore, sev· eral officers testified on Rubio's behalf that logging drunks GOA (Gone On AI· rival), as Rubio did, is not un- common to avoid writing up a report. "It appears the judge gave more . weight to these officers 'I than the tc,timony thut rebut· ted their 11tatcmenb," Scheer said. "The record i~ replete with support to the complete contrary." Atcordina to court records, Rubio picked up Phillip Sten- nct in a liquor store parking lot in December 1991, dro\e the man to Hoag Hor.pit'!l-Jn his p:itrol car, and then (dumped him on the sidewalk. An emergency room doctor who was in the par~ing lot ap· parcntly s;iw the tr:im~ient tum· ble into some bushes. The doc- tof then took Stcnnet into the emergency room, where the man received stitches for a cut on his face. Scheer said the city initiated an extensive administrative pro- cedure before deciuing to ter- minate Rubio for the incident. The officer has since been on admanistl'athe lea\'C. lf the rul· ing io reinstate him stanch, he "ill get all of his back pay. Tbe judge also instructed Snowden to impose whatever discipline necessary short of termination. Snowden said the City Coun- cil has voted unanimously to appeal the judge's deci.,ion. Scheer said an appeal will probably be filed \\ithin the next few wee~. Rubio will not be permitted to return to his job until the appeal is heard. Neither Rubio nor his at- torney could be reached for comment. WE OFFER ' O~IETHINC VERY EXCLUSIVE I ~ TE\\'PORJ BEACll · RETIRE~IENT. AFFORDABLE PRICES. MARCH IS KIDNEY MONTH Our prin•, an·' 1·r~ t•\1'lt1 ... i\I· anfl "" j., llw cprnlit~ of lifr ~ 01r'll np1·ri1•1w1· lwrt'. \1 \1·\\ pun \ilia. ",. 11ff1·r full · .. 1·n in·. 1111lqw11cl1·111 u11d u ..... i .. 11•11 apar11111•111 Ii\ in~. fro111 a ... 111\\ a ... ~ll.-,() pn 111011!11 ""n rnll "' tuclm arnl cli-.1'11\1•r till' c11w d1i11!! '011 "1111 t li11d in ,., 1·11 tllt' 11111 ... 1 nrlti...i\I' 1wi!!h- h11rl111oc 1 ... 111 \1•\\ p11r1 H1·.wlt . n· .. uri Ii\ Ill!! a11d loll' 11rin"'· 0111~ ill \1·\\pntt \illa DOYOUKNON WHERE YOUR KIDNEYS ARE? , - NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION or SOUTHERN CA LI FORNIA ORANGE COU N TY REGION , llOSO Bushard St•HI Suitt 101 fov"'•" Ve• •v Ce .f0f1"1 t 2108 1831 1114 962 761S FAX 17141"41tSO ... Chinese Food For Thou9ht .. I ' ' -·- RESTAURANT COMBINATION PLATE FRIED RICE OR CHOW MEIN WITH . \, 1 ltem ......... $2.99 2 ltems ....... $3.99 3 ltems ....... $4.99 believe that Education is most important: That is why we are donating 2% of our gross income to the Newport Mesa Unified School District. 171h St. ChiMaDoll 424 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa i °''l\O. < Doll 722-7552 ! Hw~ Sun -Thun 11cn·Q30pm, Fri & Sat Hom ()pn • t < ·t F ..... ... Sports , w...._ April 14. 1993 The Newport BeactVCosta Mesa Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson .... 642-4330 ext.387 Section B Sports on TV-rad10/B2 Classihed/85 . Estancia ·· continues as king -ot the , hill ~ Estanci a remains l/2-game off Laguna Hills ' pace after putting away Costa Mesa. By Barry Fau1kne• SOQti) .,..., ~ CO I A MESA Any ~ v1dco1apc e,1dence of E!.-~' tanc1J H1~h·, 9-1 PJc1fic ., ,., ) Coa'I Lc:a~ue ba~eball .. ,c. \ j lOI') (''er ._,.,11mg Co~ta r 1 ~ Me'd J uc,da} ~hou Id be ..,¥:,.. -• conf.-.c;11cJ and dc\lroycd Ju,1 to be '>aft: 11 rrug.ht be a good idea to <l"PO'l of th" <4C<:Ount a well l he t"u tcJm~ comh1nc:d to r 14 er- rPr,, 10 undi.rnc:.d run' 11 \1.-alk~. one hit h.ihman, one liotchcd <.quccze pla)'. an 1lkgJI 'uh<,mu11on, IV.Cl balb. and. le t \\t. forget J tC:\thlx1k -9-6 fielder' chmce force out "V.c ha"cn t ex 1\.ll\ been dazzling at thl pl.11c . hut "'l re managing to keep v.1nnin~ · '.s1d I -.tanc1a co-coach Ken \111lJrd I he t j~lt!., mJ11..hed the Mu\tangi. lt1ur hit' on 1tic da'. bur made the mo t ol ( l"t.t \1c!\J ' eight m1~ue to plate eight unearned run!. an a three-mnmg 'PJn 111 put 1he g.1me out of reach. "\\ l \\Cre hanging an there prett' v.cll. un11l \\C made four error 10 the fourth 10mng." CCl\tJ \fe a Coach Don Hunt C'<plamed 'Then \\C came ou1 1n the fifth and let 1t gc:t Ul> do'll.n " Dc~f>tte the lad. of <.upp(m w11h tht:' leather 'tMtmg pttlher' \ 1ctor Mar- -;. cred11alih.: effom ~t.n1101.:l . .t \Cmor nght·h.mder who Estancia High catcher Pedro Arccyut applies tag to Cost.i Mesa's Matt Harber, "ho was tryi ng to score on Jttcmpted squeeze play, during PCL matchup Tu e!tday. See EST ANCIA/11 A masterpiece: sapors belt Irvine in 3 Pirates pull to within 1/2 game of conf ere nee lead with 14-6 -victory • • Impressive victory pulls Newport Harbor into tie for first with Vaqueros in Sea View volleyball. By Barry Faulkner Soolt$ Wnlef lflVINE -Newport Harbor High boys vol· ~ le)'ball coach Dan G lenn cha eled and chipped at ht\ lineup Tuesday night, and came away • .1 with a masterpiece of a v1c1ory al Sea View League rival Irvine High. ~ '- The Sailors, unveiling 1he1r new-look 5· l of· fcnse. a departure from the 6-2 they had run all year, man· handled the Vaqueros., 15· l 2, 15-12, 15-3, to JOIO Irvine an a tie a1op 1he ca View srandings. Junio r setter Enc Vallely assumed sole control of the of· fl:n~e and distr1trn1cd 46 a~~• t!t to five l11lferent attackers to lead the wann er:-., "ho impro,cd to 6-3, 6·1 in league. Irvine. the fifth-ranked le.tm m Orange County. fell to 7-3. 6· I. and \\.t' outplJ)Cd m C\Cf'\' facet b)' the '>t.reaky .ulors. "That wa" a big '>lgh nght I here." Glenn said afJer the 75- mmutc '"ccp "Thi'> (NewpMt) learn i1; so up and down. I ne,er know how \\C0rc going 10 respond lllat \\a<; a lot big· ger march for u'~ than 11 was for Irvine. We got control or our own IJle had<. \\h1ch 1s what we wanted." Glenn compltmcnted Vallcly's setting. h" team\ ~crving (SlX ace'> with JU't eight m1\fires), and pa!.Sing, a!, well as his team'\ dcfrn,c al lhc net Jnd in the back ro" "We pla,ed well . and I think Irvine "a' a httk down," Glenn explained "We were real fired up 1onight " Glenn said the 5-1 attack was something he considered See SAILORS/'11 ~ Seven-run third inning blows it open for Orange Coast over baseball rival Golden West. H UNT I NGTON • 0 6ACH -Thtrt WllS no .. snoo2.in1 lo the Orange Coast ColJt&t otttnse - Tuesday as the Pirates tht tbJrd ionin&, hlahli&bttd b) sopho- more first baseman Justin Halpcr's t~o-run home run and Richard Ernst's ™O•n.tD ln&lit. Ernst (2 ror 5 ""b fuW' Rill) added a ~o-ruo sincle lo lht sh:tb "btn tbt Pinales icottd thrtt more runs to uake a 13-J ltad. CdM bounces back, shells University in four ttlurotd to Oranse Em· - plrt ConJerntt baseball ac1ion - wbert tilt)' bejan tbt afternoon only one aa..e btblnd conference.leader Rancho Saallaao -and h:ammtrtd host Colden Wnt, 14-6. Jlal~r. •ilo bad an llBl in tbe nrst inoloa "Ith a ba es-loaded Mlk. coa- nl'cttd for hls fourth round·tripptt ol the ta on. lylq him with catcher Dar· ttn Drink for &bt club kad. Jason Panou wtDI 2 for 3 with th~t naas and an RBI, •hllt Aaroa \\cl s "tot 2 for 4 wt11a '" ruas ror tbt Pirates, •lao 1a't trtslun .. plkbu Kyle Wilson pltnty or support. ~ Sea Kings finish first half of league 4-3 IRVINE -Bouncing back from admittedly one of 1ts weakest effort of the sea.son on Monday night, the Co- rona dcl Mar High boys volleyball team completed the first round of Sea View League play Tuesday with a 15-11 , 15-4, 6-15, 15-4 victory over Univcr tty at Woodbridge High. CdM had been drilled the previous night by Laguna Beach in lhree, including a 15-0 setback an ga me rwo. 01r M11l1 Are A T rlt to M111eo! In Costa Mesa Slnct 1972 - . We hope you enjoy the atmos~re complemented with our fine Mexican food . Lunch • Dinner • Cocktails Open Daily at 11 Nit Call AMad For Food To Go 296 E .. 17th St.· Costa Mae • 645-7626 "I had trouble sleeping la t night," ... 11d CJ Kmg~ Coach Joey Fuschett1, recalhng the shu1out an game iv.o "That showed ll lack of concentration. Ma\be. we haJ 10 hake the doldrums or Easter break, I don't l..nO'll. "But we came back focused tonight." Brooks Hoppe led 1he way with 18 ktll !I .md eight "-)lo blocks, but he had plenty or support. Kyle Thomp,on ( IJ kills), Steve Cirillo (~ix solo blocks) and Drad C.11lahan (TJine kills while pla)·i ng with a bad back) each had .i hag hand m the vicrory. See COMJl:I occ, which won three or n,e games last •eek In Uae Uudunan-Mitchell Classk •l CoUtat ot lht S~uoias. im· proved to 19-12 overall, 9.5 In COJ)fl·r· tntt, as It Kortd 10 runs In the Ont thrff , .. , .. , •las• the Kusllus (9· 15, 3-18) ·alHI antr trailed as lhe) pulled lo wkllbl • bait aamt or the Idle Dons., Oranse Co.st scored snen time~ In \\ ilson, a ri&bt·bandtd product or Estancia High. scalltRd 10 WU la ei&ht lnoin1s, 1triUq out M'\'a alMI •alklna only "'v. Only oH or IM four runs Wilson allo~d •as earM4. freshman left-bander Raad) Karllatr "'or~ tbe alntb. Oranse Cout tna,cls lo FUllttloll • Thu~ay (2:30 p.m.) before M9Claa See PIRATE!WI MESA TIRE COMPANY AlJTO FITNESS CENTER ·548-9182 Does your car stall bani? 2049 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa [RlJS'tSmM~Om coGlJJfoRr~~~~RllR>' I I ALIGNMENT I s 199s :m:~ 1 •SET TOE-IN ·CDT. s199s REG. 129.95 I NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I ,, ~~ I L mm1 s.1.ts _L mma s.a.n _J fMUST PRESENT COUPON! OIL CHANGE 1 1 FRONT DISC 1 SPE'CIAI. 1 B~ SPECIAL ~•Of AALTE.R ' s4~99s i •SQUARTS i I MOST CNtS I $ J. 106·40W 9 5 I I • MecMM Diet'. hc:k Bt.n -I ST I • IMped Rt• lkak LS::'~tlfi: _ _j_ ~~ _J Idle Rough? Give Poor mileage? Gall Us! we•re the Dltveablllty Exptn Carburetor Rebuilding • Fuel I~ Tune-Up • Smog Certification ' Open Mon-Fri 8:30to 5:30 Call (714) 642-8286 ~an 8">0i*1'19t 2945~Ave. COllllM111 . --~ 82 Wednesday, April 14, 1993 TV-radio Tuesday's deep sea counts ' In the bleachers TODAY TELEVISION Pro Hockey .,.,_ ..... ..._.,. ,.~,__.._ 8 a m -King· C.inuck~. PT. Soccer 11 am -Scotland·Germany, PT. H1T IT!! 7 30 pm -Scouarid·Germany, PT. J et Skiing 11 a m World FtnilfS ESPtl Auto A•clng , 2 pm Motocross. ESPN Skiing 2 pm -u S Extreme, PT 12 30 am -Men's Tour, ESP~ Horse Racing 4 pm -Los Al ftplo)'S PT B p m -Anita replays. en 56 BHebatl 4 30 pm -Orio'··s·Ranoers, ESPN Pro BHketball 4 35 pm -Haw11s-P1stons TBS 5 30 pm -Lakers-Mavs, Ch 9 5.30. pm -Heat·Bu' s WGN. RADIO Base bat I 4 p m. -Ano1. s-Brcwers KMPC (710) 7 pm -Pirates.SD. KFMB (760) 7 .3Q pm -Cards·LA. KABC (790). Pro Baskejball A fun-filled day for the whole family Live bands all day Specialty restaurant booths Arts 5 30 p m -Lakers·Maveucks, KLAC (570). Wrong Crafts Antiques Games Dancing Celebrities Hosted by Cliffie Stone.featuring Orange County•s Favorite Recording Artists Steve McClintock & Paul Jefferson, American Made, Appaloosa and manymQre. .. Baseball standings Local schedule Sea View League League Overall WLT WLT S .'J gar t.i 3 0 1 5 5 1 r .. st n 3 1 O 1 o 5 1 ihCO!:Orc~e 3 I 0 15 2 0 Un..rs•, 2 1 I II 4 1 I'• ftft 2 2 0 11 6 0 ·220 680 CdM ~ 0 8 6 0 Newport .i 0 2 13 0 Today'• games, 3:15 Newport di CdM • •1 J' r. e " •,•,. w.111a ,i: Sa:!C: d;acr Tod•v leHbell CcJr,t -S<M.1!'4<n c.i •or 4 Ci.~ • "°" LOIN l•l:I Cl'it JOl!l H;'I s:t'OCI -, ..... ;.Jll H.1 ~ II CorOlll llCI ~~.II 3 I~ Cl:ioi.:rano >I• 1 • ~· • 0. 3 om 'lloll•rb•ll COlml:I •1 t°'~ -°'' ;t Coui It Ci<llOlft 't\~S! : pm . 11 ~ si:llOOI WJ1 -Cosll L!oa 11 ll:JN ltilis 3 'S c r.> Tra:.ito ~ 11 Cs•.1nc11 3 IS pm Tennie "ti W.iol ~ -'-t'»,...11 l'!.11t.or '1 SJ::OC~x' ) o"' ~. 'oodlfiC;c 11 Ce< 11• 3 p 111 Solt bell Co1u:v .. "y '*"' -o.. • Co.:1 11 A&'!C.l'<O s .. ~ J;l 3 om I"-;' st'IOCll -'•e•:>M 1<1•110r .i COIOlll Gel 1111 ) '5 Clll T ~·· \ ... OCllr d;e at \', ncrot1 • P1•k Swimming hrt IC~ !lo)'> ancl 1J1 1 -I) '>t<S"f <II tol•:io-1 ~.lf!iOI l Corona del MM .. \\OC ~· 3 Coi:. ''.tU •I Trill-"O k It 3 IS l.,.... ~ II lsunc l 3 IS Friday's games, 3: 15 v ~v~.11 at Newport lrv10t at CdM NOOOt) dQe iii SadOICbJCil , Tustn at Santd r.1argaritJ ·; Pacific Coast League League Overall WLT WLT lc!iUfJ H 'S 5 1 0 8 6 0 Eatancla 4 1 0 10 4 O Tri)bucd H11IS 2 2 1 5 7 1 Cen:,uy 2 1 7 6 1 U; a [. W12 3 0 7 8 0 1--~~~~~h,-M1a.,i.--~ Tuesday's scores Estancia 9, Costa Meaa 3 tJ~ .. J 11 s 6 L"J"~J 81 h 5 c:.e•' 1 2. lrdtli.1.0 H s 1 Friday' a games, 3 : 15 Estancia di Cotta M esa • , a H ~ .it La11onJ B~acn '-" :... I .it 1 ra!:..JCO H • s South Coast Leagu'e League Over i ll W LT W LT Mater DelS 0 0 13 2 0 Capo Va IC/ 3 2 0 10 ~ 0 OanJ H .s 2 3 0 7 7 0 E Toro 2 3 0 8 8 0 S Cten>cr1te 2 3 0 C 6 1 ,,,, .on V!CJO 1 4 0 ,. 7 0 Today's gamea, 3 :15 C.ipo Vo icy al Mater Del San C1trncnte at OJ. ·d H Is 1~.ss1on Vic o at El l oro Friday'• gamea, 3 : 15 Mater Del JI C.iµ-0 \.a1.e1 ' "J H at S~'l C1i:m~. IC ._, Toi;; .it M )) •i VeJO THE GoH Cl.·,.. 1 COlt~t -0"11Qt Cont 11 Cu;.INCI T °"' ~'11Cf11 • Cotton,.ood CC 11 am 14 .~ Stnooi -lie•l>Ort Hl!llOI W1 $11111 Mlrglfjlt 11 S&~ I.'"' CC 3 p m [ NllCll vs Arall 11 Wt~ 111115.·3 om Thur•d•v ••••b•ll Co~ .r -UC S:¥1 0. ·oo ti SOIAAeln C.Wom-1 Ccer,• 2 lO om CO<llll!Att ~I -1)1 .;t C 1 ~ 11 rui.enon 2 30 cm Track and field ' C<Prn#/ ~ n-.n llttd ~ -Or~t Cont 11 P..'t S:wl Al!lorlo Rtl.Jy5 t I m ~ ~ KllOClj and -Woodtlt5t II •• •• .... •• QI pm :iro<11 cifl'•• l)r;.111M1 3 ;'• ~a\~ l.!tsl 11 Tr..:i..to ~ 2CS 0"' Lr.l'o1 ~ A' 'll'tU 2Upm Soccer tryouts s lated Sunday fryout-, lur the 1993-94 OrJngc Coai.t United Soccer Club -.c.1i.on "Ill be held th1\ Sunday anti Sun- <l.1), ..-\p1rl 25 at Corona <lei i\1ar llrgh Schou! from l .J p.111. Eligible for thl\ \\eek\ tr)UUt'I arc bo)!t ~111LI g111, cntcrn1g grade' .i thruugh ~ On 1\prrl 25, ll)Olll'> "Ill be hclu fo r \oun~'tcr'I enter· ing gr Jue .. 9 through 12 ParticipJnLi. Jrc "'~c<l to bring a ball \\llh their name on it and \\car \u.:ccr \hut:,, Fur more infor111~111on, phone Te rry (U\1llc J t 631-7 'Ci6. .. Or'anQe County's Best Public Affairs Program• Ir .... ,.. ... wtl lW• ............ ...... OO Astllllnl WDtk:1 T radl EcMor or n. ~.KFI Prolalor, Edlor, ·~And Till Show Holt. CGbTnle CGll.mnm .. ~ P\a IN 111&11111g WI S... ant .. o.r.. Ptty9I Bldlwl\ ""'GnAJbe. JDM l*IClflldl Tiie Lalldell THIS WEEK'S .... ,.,, TOPICS C11• Hiii W.111111 Tiii LICblrl LllMlllU Circa It Bolsa Chica ""' If you'd like the c .... Lobdell Group W.TJ:~.;,7:30pn to entertain and -,,,...,or ., r.~::r Inform wfth a tailor· made , .. ., ........... ptrlormanct ~7= for 'fO'X orpanl· lllalliCGll CNMll31 ution, plfa. I ......... cal Bii LobdtJI ,, •... ...., "540-1224. ~:::-Wt're5•rnn P111tlcll111S "'"" txCiling ...... thin 'fO'X typical ~::r IPf Mlf. no ~H•II 'ltf llllJPlllL ( . TennJa COllWftUIW'f COlleQe men -Ill'~• coasa 11 ~ Sdi.tgo ?om C~ ~ •--P.,.,,_ II OrlllQt Co.5 t pm H>;'ll stllOO OOys -Lr.n Buell 11 COSll Mesi, 3 15 C"""f 11 £SU11C11 3 15 Softball Ho;11 kllOol -COSll L~ 11 C~. 3 IS lwrcu •I Lr,-.111 k , 3 IS l admlnlon k • $t/IOOI -l.e'"'IJOll H"1IOI 11 COIGN dll MM, 3 p m • CO\U Mtsa • ht.lie a 3 o "' Saturday, May 8, 1993, 11 am!-Spm South Coast Plaza Village Qo" FREE Pa;klng & Speed Shuttle $11rvlce from Crystal Court COIM'll •1 <Ol't1! -Oc~ Coasi CoillOt fOl.._,.ll U\t'!f10"' HI; it~ -CCl<lll".I OCI a.Ill Y$ S.U MlrglfU 11 l)a,'f C~ CC 2 30 CoSll 1.ltU Y$ f<IOllCO ti.I'S II CIAO Ct Cu1 GC 2 30 (t'llnCll II LJ;,111 Ber~ 2~ Frldey Bueball ~~~ \{,h)Oj -0 •fl"lf .t I.OP! Horllol. 315, k'«• II Cor~ OU L~ l 15 Es~'IC J II Cosu lku 3 15 1.1.:cr Oeo • C.r,..1~ano vue, 3 pm $10 tax deductible donation includes admission & live entertainment BENEFITTING: Tannie ti<Wft KllOOI bars -Tus;tn II Nt"l>CWI HlfW 3. COION Cid lr!M II StrotJ M1t;Arll) l . Swimming , C()IT'lmll( 'l tOI tQt ""n arid "'omm -Oranot Co.st 11 Ct'P'HS 2 PM Voll•rball C01111'1U 'I cc Qt r.cn -OranQt Cout 11 Palomat, 6 pm. II~" KllOuf bcyt -l>t•porl H¥bof al ~lit~ 6 30 carer., ""4 1.1.w .. .,.,ood)IJ<lgc 6 30 u~..,,,. WI(~ II Co$!' lr!eu 3 30 CtnlJy • EsWIC~ 3 u Tre ck and tleld HIQll KllOOI beys nl ~ -Cor~ Clll t.l.t II t.'11 SM! ArlOf'IO Colcgt ~s Iott ball C -Goiocn W II lllCI THE HEADWAY GROUP htn "":~ l<P'OOI -117.cri !'y II l;c•port !Wbol ' IS ••l'C II COIW CCI M.r l IS or more in orma ion : on e at I i l 11 ~ I illilllll U I ~ : 1 7 :30 5K '93 1:30 IOK SUNDAY• JUNE 13 11.S/\TlRN. HUNTINGTON BEACH KIJllT1111CTOlf llACll • POU~TAl!f VilLrY 1r11111111d111t· PJarrnnn.ar Ill'''''·'"' kt,,. FO• MO•I INFO CALLi •ACI PACI P•OMOTIONI @ 661-6062 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PI E R RUN OFF I C IAL E N T RY APPLIC A T ION M •tl.J!:o .. r C'o!"_.el •l •d •n•r)" ,.,,...,.alo ne w i th your c h e c k .,.,. m o n ey urder p aye i.l e "" PI E R RUN c/o R4 C ~ C:.t N '""''. r o . B O X ue . IU 4 1 I C> "'92'\7'J'~Ofl21f f )( ... , -M_,, ..... -, --1 A • ON ,, / I j I Q ) I.__..___, t Ir•• Name 1 I••• N a m. I I I I I r-=-~;;y.=,__,...~---.-----....-------- BCM"I I I l>A 11 "'--'-_.___, -._I __.._,I - ........ Addt'eaa C 11¥ S t•te /1p I I I I I ::1 ::i::::::1 ::1 :::::::::::; D ....., ._I _.._I __._r~r---'n__, Pbo n• • d•x J>ho"' '"'f•na c ••1ic K •v11NJ I r · 1 J -I I -I I I I r I . -"""'( ----, -I I I I ' "t'~] ' "o~ I nKI1 Ln1ry tn<lud-l t .hi,., fo r ••<h ...,•nt r•alA••red •h•<" one (A.duh •IL••·":):-...._-"'--;1L:.....(,,..Ml:=;)rf=t:1111l~X!::l::;j..J...--I ~ WAIVLR A N {) A lJMPrt N 0 1 RISK I, the ~·••..-d tn conot•d•~ ( 11 1 f I I i t ••teon o l •he •n •t•nt.• o f "'Y ...,,,.,, tn •he "'•• .. ...,, 1oi..; 111i..,.,•-.: 1111.un o r 5 .,_ w .i i. • 4H\ ry -n c u~ • t •• ll r l) •not ln Nnd"'41 •<> l•a•lly b W.d n.y .. 11 e nd my htttn, •'-""'" •<lll•ln ,..tretnno, "4>~t PU R RlJN .,"try f-S 1t4 ()(l ~ o f"'"' ••'41 ••••..-.do l•ret7 rele••• •nod 1 ... w twrrna.• the C:tty e f lhU>llHa •o n a..rt.. ~h<t ... ,.<>I C •hk>mu , l•tb." r M •••W\pt, """•• f'•CJe ,..,..,._..,,.., an.t (A f t•r 6 /8) , ,. S W 00 .. •ti,.,._ • .,.,...., ... •nd •aen.:._ ••• ..._.,.., -••h ••-•••• ,,..,., •nv •noi •\l • l•11t>a, •• u cw.-, d.,,. ...... , hat•lJtt ... , •"'1 •"~ .. "'1ir h.1d•'• •ttn~ • ...... on •• c..oun. ••I '"fury to •ny .,.ro.un o~ p...,_ .. rty o r,_., .. ~,. II'\ ony "'-th. w"-'twr •• ... -• tty ''"'• 11 ...... u ( ti..,...,.._"' .. tw..._,.., wNle I am et...,,._"'9, •lt>••r '"-• ur tor •n ,_ .... ~ r.,, ......... "'. '"' ttw t•t..• ""-" .... "". n,y rr ......... •.--d fn.un th..,.,. t ••f'ttfy ••~1 I a m phY.K •llv flt •.nd ._. ... ..,..,.,,. oe-J ''" ,..,.14 lp<tte l11 11-•••• t fd.-a.-.• ~.n.tu.-• I ,..,_.,,-.. u ar.t•at\ • a•.e• ....-. U ., .. ,.."' unJ.t tat O•lll ~ NO lllf 1 llNI ) • 9'A IN O lll •tttN l u tal l "c.lo -.d .• ·1'PAYABL " • RRUN r .. Newport Beach/Coata Meaa Dally Pilot • Briefly Indy_ champ Sullivan at Planet Hollywood . COSTA MESA -"tndyCar champion Danny Sul- liva n will :ippcar at a reception in hi) honor at Planet -~-~-~- 1 lollywood South Coai.t Plaza thh Thuri.dJy, prior to "t•X-V the .... c_ckc:1:d's Long Dea h Gr.ind Prix competition. Sullivan I\ the defending champion of that event. Known for his Mnoothly aggrc!&.c driving '>tylc, Sullivan ii. one of lndyCar racing's most succesi.f ul and popular driver). The . 19 5 lnd1anapolii. 500 winner and 1988 lndyCar seriei. champion, Sulh\'an is one of only four drivers to "in 500-milc races at lnd1anapolb, Michigan and Pocono. His l!S career road course poles place him ccond only to Mario Andre11i. Boat safety class presented ORANGE -United SJ:Hes Coast Guard Auxiliary Doating Safety & Seaman'>hip ''mini" cl~s is off creLI ~ at the "Orange Campus" of Rancho Santi:igo College, ~ 8045 E. Chapman Avenue (eai.t of 55 Freeway) in the • - City of Orange. This is.a short )i'<·wee~ Dout Safety class for po .... er boaters and sailors beginning Thursday, June 10, from 1· tO p.m. The class is offered by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 15· 1 of Santa An:i . For more in formation, phone PP·i> 997-3841 or 55 1-5096. Mesa's Hungerford selected' IRV!Nl: -Internationally acclaimed l>portS mas- sngc therJp1~1 Dr. Myk Hungerford, Ph .D, of the * Co}ta Me'>J Sport Mas!.age Training Institute. ha) re· ccntly been nJmeLI team captain to head the mas:..1ge thcrJp1'>I dckg~111on ;_i,,1,t11lg more th..in I 5,000 par11r1p.1ting :.im· ateur anLI prnfelll>IOllJI ;i1hlete:. at" the Cckbr..1tion of \\'umcn'in porh Thill four-d..1\ C\Cnl tor ''omen '"II sJlulc anLI :1cl.mmkdgc the ad\,ince' ..1nd J h1c,cment\ of \\Omen in !.purti. O\Cr the p..1'1 lour dccJLlell. ·1 he 1.elebr.111011 ''111 be hc!J Jt the UC !nine campu'> ;ind JI llllC) throughout ll'\1ne from June 10·13 Dr. Hungc.rfurLI and her tcJm of therJpi)h "111 prm1de lllJUI) pre,c!n11on Jilli care to the part1cipa11ng athlctell. Badminton CllM ,.., ""' I I . • , ~. •.' I Of tint In Pacific Co11t L""" The Corona del Mar High bad· minton ~u:.id took o'er M>lc po>· ses)10n of first place in the Pacific Co:i')t League on Tuellday with an l t ·8 decb1on over 'i:.iting Century. Each team carried 4-0 PCL mark'> into the contc:.t, with the Sea King'.> prevailing by vin ue of hJving every player e:irning al lea'.>l one point. Key efforts were turned in by Jerome Bo)ak and Jason Egg· lern>n, who each caprured three po1nh, one in mhed and t\\O apiece in :.1nglc!.. On ·1 hursday, the Sea Kings \\Ill entertain Ne\\port Harbor. In another PCL match: • fatancia 18, Nc~port Jlnrbor I: Ted Ful..am1 and Mark Yu \\\Cpt their two matches in bO)ll ~~~~~~ double) and Tuan Yu S\\ept in •Iii ..... ...,.""_ bo):. singles as the .E(.agles )\\amped the ho t Sailors (0·5'). Wednesday, Aprll 14, 1993 U Softball Mustangs win Round 1 vs. Eagles C.O~TA MESA -In J gJrne mJrrcd' by wall..11 tind erro~. Co:.1 Mc~ High\ i.oftball 1eam v.on a barn-b urner in ib PJc1f1c Co;.i 1 League opener 1 uc,da) al!a1n~t ,1.,11ing E\tan1.1J, 8-7. ns pinch· runne r 5Jra Sn)der scored the "inning run m the bottom of thC' Sl\th innink! on a pa.,'>ed ball. (o:.tJ Mcs:.i (7-3) be1tcfitcd from 11 \\Jlks and four Lllt:incia error), "lulc: the EJgles (4 10),-"ho re·. 1.ehed J three-run home run b\ Nohem1 Cha,ero 111 ., :11~·run fourth inning to ue the gJmc, in- herited c:ig.ht''Aafk\ and'li'c Co)ta !\1c:.J error,. Ju!>tine Gilbe rt :ind Matilde Me- lendez also swept two matches in girl!. doubles as £Mancia improved 10 J-2 in lengue. Estancia pitcher Victor Martinez fires away to\\ard home plate. "It ""a)n't the: neatt::.t g.1me," ~J1d Co'lta M~a C.oach Rick Buonari~o. .... ho'>e club "J) ~parlo.eJ 111 the third inning. b) Mell.,.,a ~lcDan1el'>' out:.t.1nd1ni.: SAILORS: From 8 1 goin g to for some time, but isn·1 rcJLI} to make the !>hift for gouLI lrom the 6·2. "It \\OrkeLI tonight, but th:.it doc'>n '1 mean "e 'II Ulle it all the time," Glenn sa1LI. "\\'c could go . b.1cl.._!1nd forth, depending on v. h:.it \\C need on a giq~n night It's nice lo kno" .... e can u>e both. "\\'e lo)e Eric's I.Ills, Jilli he u~u.111) gets about 10 or 15 a gJme (in .. the 6·2), but our kids !.ecmeLI 10 be 'ery comfortable in the 5· I." ESTANCIA: From 81 ~l1ll..1rd ~:.11d mJy h.1,e had Im "ur't outing of the umpJ1gn. '>tru1.k out 1hree and }'11.'ILled ju ... 1 four 1111'> in '>I\ 111n1ng .. ol "urk, be· lure ~"111g "a) lo Ju,e Caber.1. \\ho finished ou t the 'le\enth ~tcc.k, .1 JU01or left-hanc.lcr. IJ1H1eLI luur JnLI gJ\e up JU'l one eJrn1.:J run. bcfor.: bcinc rd1eH:LI h~ ~!Jll I brhcr to :.t..1rt the \1\th C1hcr ..1 anJ ~te1.k cJch JuublcJ. anJ C Jbe r a ":tll one uf Ii\ e plJ~ c r' 10 re.11...h bJ')e three lllllC' ncr~ (I Q.4 O\ crall. 4-1 ·111 lcJgU1.: J. \\ho re ma med a half·gJme behind kaguc-lc:iu.in~ Laguna Hill\ 15· I J "You can·1 e\plJin h111111g," ,,11d Millard, \\hO \\Ill gct another shot at ~1es:i Friday, before a '''U·~:.imc '>Ct wi1h La~unJ Hilb ne \t \\CCI. '"At 3 pm Fnd.1) the 'core \\Ill be 0-0," \t1l1Jrd '11J \\ e l";.111 1 " t:.ike :in~one. hghtl~., bcc..1u..,e "c c:m't afford to .h:i'c •Ill olf d.1\ 1n thr) lcJguc. I httmg i., "'"hJrd ti11ng to e>.plJin Right no"'· "e're JU)t 001 gcuing the hit'> bl.it thJt coulJ all change \Cl) qu11.l..I)" PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Estancia 9 , Costa MeH 3 Co~!! l,~tu ~l I 000 I -'3 4 8 Jdensl\e pla) 1n lett-center 1:e1J ··\\>1th a runner on fir:.t ba)c and l\\O out~. (btanc1:i\) Le.1h lit:iJtl hll J ball 1n the gJp <ind she rc:ill~ dro1ve 11. Uut (Mc.OJn1el':I) rJn c.1,cr .1nd CJught II \\ htlc IO .1 full '>prin1 .. fa1:.inciJ pitc.her Heather G1· fJUd \\Jllo.eJ 'e\en lrJ 111 IJlllllll!~ J\ C1"t.1 ~lc)a bu11t :.i 'i·I u:;J .. tta three inning'> Uut the Eagle~ '11...llred )I\ 11mei. in the I urth ..1g..11ni.l An;.1 0-.p na. Cu~tJ ~k:.a p11~hcr \\ho \\1.0I the d1>t.sn\.c.:. 10 lie: 11 UrJ<JlZ added :i tv.v-run ~.n· gle in lhe !IL\th alter Ch..1\ero':. home run All the rurs came \\Ith l\\O OUt ~•ctnc COAST LUQUI! Coot. Mow a, Ellando 7 Area Ayso I h d I d Glenn s.ud. . . s gnups SC e u e Any slack Ill the kill dep:irtmcnt JJiro Arcc\ut hall J \lni,:lc 1n lour trip.,, but 'tole l\\ll bJ\e:. ..1ncJ scurcJ a pair of rum tor the \\ 1n· Es•.tne.a ~z 420 •-9 • 6 S•t:• tti'tltf 161 a~ Sm•· J Ml~ nrz Ca:>r~a 171 • ~ p Altet~t w-v 1-'Jr-.ez 5·0 L-S!tCK I 5 28-S:ttr. 1CM1 Cwt•a El [JWU tic 600 C-' • Co!U MtU IC2 001 1-8 : ~ C..IWC 8tllll 17 a.--= 8: MU R.iot'?IUn l2I C)s,.. c..._.. w-01.:>r.a 73 l-!ua tt11-Cl'-01!1 American Youth Socccr Ori;t1n1.£.1t1on (A YSO} sign· \\JS 11gh1eneLI by senior out:.1dc ups for Et1sl SiJc Costa ~lcsJ am.I Ne"JX.lfl Ue;.ich Re · t¥""~ hitter t\lltch McCo)', who led the g1on 97 v.111 be held Saturday, May 15, from 8 a 111 ·I Tars \\ith 16 kill. pm. at Ensrgn School (Cliff Dri'c & !nine A\e.). Senior outsiLle hitter TudJ Mesa falls, 18-0 Before Yt)U Buy a Used Car, See Us! The rcg1~Ma11on i\ for bO)'S anJ girh ages .;; 1 ~-1 8 ( ll\ of Aug. I, Jame,on added aight kill~ for th~ 1993). The fee i~ SSS for the firl>t child and $50 for the \e1.onJ \\inners. '~h1Je !iophomorc outside LAG U NA JllLL6 child anLI e1ach cl1ild thereafter. hitter Greg Sh ~ (!>even), and se· J' lo,1~tc,,1 l11gh\ bo~' ten· l ho ... e 1111crc,tcd in reg1stcnng .11 e a'>l.l'J to bring pwul of lmth n1 ur m1Jdlc blockers Dan Thomas· 111.., tc,..1m "J'> an 18·0 '11.:tim C d dJtC (ne\\ plJ\Cr\), name of mi.:Ll1cal 'c:.irm:r, llJme JllJ phone <,en (lli\) .ml.I Rob MC)Cl'\C (three) .11 L.1gu nJ llilh in Pal.'.1fic ome an see for yourself number of ph~ s1 1Jn JnLI nJme of s ·hool. rounLlcd out the at1.1\.·k. Co:.i">t Le..igue pla) Tuc,d;.i) h d ff Alternate reg1slrJt1Uns arc phin11c<l for ~lay 27 JUJ June :!..i J.1mc,on anLI Thomas~en sp..1r· JS the ho,t"I unpro\tJ to '.!·I t e i erence between a car fr~m 6-9 pm .1t .. M.irinef\ L1br:il) On Jul~ t. reg1s1rat1on fee' 1n--J-""':krrlc171·J~1rtinrr.'.,....h,e1ib,,.Jt'.'"c,-~-r..,..,r.o,..,. .... ..,.·~~ .... m"1J ..... ll'>.-i .... nrlgnl+.-~.--+-.....:.;.'":,.;;k~.1:5l'~u.:.e!-:, ;:drro~r:,:1;::n~t\:..:.;t7-e~s=-J..:t.:::u_t+t---!Hl~~~Hmrhr-t~m~at'Ptv-tn~Wi~Prf'and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O\era I. l·:! 1n league I he plJ}llll! field\ a~ En-.1gn ~1.huul. 11.trpe~r ~chool Ka1'er ~tc,el'\C had a lcam·high fl\I: pl.1) . one that has beer\ completely reconditioned. School and f\l anncrs School For more infurmJtrun, phone 6-e-hlod,, a'> the \l)llOr'> :.11lled the Laguna Hiii• 18, Coat• M•H o We have a large selectt'on of BMW and other 6196 \';iqucroll· ouh1Je Jllall-SlnglH: ~t.H '-1•' ~' ., "~• • -, 6 ti;,1 I~ .... ~· .... 0 6 •• I :; ' J 6 • "mpo ts • ( k t h f Gas-saving tips ottered Al> the ho.111ng '>cn,on begin,, the Uo.ll O"ncrll A,. T )\X1Jt1on ul ·1 he United StJlell (UOAT U ) oiler' thc'e ga)•),1,ing-1ip) .:;.:.~ • Mal..e 'urc the cng111e 1~ prupcd) tuncJ • U:.e the 1:orrcc.t propeller s1.£c ..1nd rcpl..ice prop., \\llh d.11n· aged bl.1Je, •(lean th1. hu11om ol )Our boJt. A dut\ .b,rtwm 1.Jn tic the". rnulll scriuu .. thrc:Jt to engine perlornuncc. '""'\ • l:.\tra '":1gh t on bo.irLI rcduc:c'> pcrlorn*8ncc 0 011'1 lJrl) more g..1!., ct1111p111cnt or 'upi>hes th.in )Ou'll ncecJ for an l>Ullng l)r..11n the h1lgc' (bu1 not 11110 the \\:Iler 1( tht:) l'1>nt.1in luel. oil nr other pollut.int,). •A:. )OU "trim" the bo..11. mJ1ntJin RP~h ..11 the k\cl rcrnm· menc.led b) the engine m..1nuf.1cturcr. •Reduce .... 1nJ rc:.i-.1,rnc~ by ~ccping comer11ble cam . .., top' do,~n until )OU neeLI them for protection l1 om the clcmc:nl\ • TJ~C aJ,Jntage of fJ\orahlc t1Jc, anLI currenh "\\'hen )'IU v'I'\•' lOU''h. \OU c •n l r tn S 0C 0 C OOSe ram. ... ~ ~ o / ... • '" "~-•'1 c•.1 .... sr 2 t 2 6 o E A:: J\OIJte J J111lc better outside." rm-a CM lv\t0-6 06 0·6 CREVIE~&BMW Glenn .,J1J · I heir middle c:in. be Doublea: "' 11 '•.•)ti' Pt:ti~on C.,., ' ·~ • "'"' 11 • .itr 2 6 ~I :.0 Ct.o JU'l Jbout UlhlllflpJblc at ttmell.'' ~ .. ~s 2 b . I. Cra.11t-:tior:.' I e I I'\ inc m1JLlle blockers Brent E:.1· lt uxs 1c•.•1 !0\1 3 6 4 6 ~·6 C'l:JQ s A N T A A N A A u T 0 M A l L .1 d (6 1. -) -'G \\''· l.:.,rn~ar-..rcz (Cl.')IOs: 63t4-6 uri gc · 001-:-Jnu reg a .. e. 1500 Auto Mall Dri,·c, anta Ana • 835· 3171 (SS F\t'Y ac Ed1Mtr) hJm to-6), 1H:rt: the offen~c for " the IHhl\, recording 15 and nine ---------------'-- ~ill,, rc-.pect1,cl). COM: From 81 "\\'e !>cl'\eJ tougher, controlleJ the b.111 bc11..:r anti-'f)asseJ belier I tonight," ~JILi f uschetti. Corona (5 ·6 O\erall) fini'.'lhCll the hf\I rounJ tlf league pla} at 4-3, \\Ith a big r~·natch at \\'ooJbridge I nLIJ) night I! ... .... . .. ~ . Third Annual J Stride for ·tPride A 5-K Walk/Run and Rollerblade Race for s tudents . teachers, parent .. community members, and all o thers who wish to upport programs at Co ta Mesa High ·hool. E ="TR\' FEE: $15 when r eceived b) April 23. Add S3 late fee after FULL SERVICE WMBER DATE: aturday, l\lay 1. 1993 Estancia collects golf win ~.-~ ;; AND HARDWARE TL,l E: 7:00 am, Regi tratio n 7:45 am, Warm-up Apri l 23 and on race day. o rporate ch allenge entrie . pa) 150 for up to five runne.-... Df\,SlO~ De\p1tc a p.ir· 16 from medafi,t T1g~r WuoJs, the b1anl.'.1J I l1gh golr team pro,eLI 100 much for Wc:.tern, W:?-242, TuesUJ) in a non·kague match Jl Mcs.1 Verlie Country Club. Leading the "JY for the l::iglcs "ere Matt John'.'>On anLI M1J..e Ar· 11glm, .... ho e.1ch fired solid 39:. No..ih llu'.'lch hJJ a 40, enc Dar· nCll a 41. Ro ' Necc ary a 43 and Mike Perry a 45 10 rounLI ou1 the ~onng for Est:inc1a. The 'ictory 1mpro,cd E tancia's U\crull marl-. to 7-3. TlllS Thurs· , Jay, the C<lglcs fac:c l...:lguna Dcach in a 'Pat1Cic Coa t LcJ~uc match at Co'llJ Mesa Country Club. 8 Co~tu J\l c o 20-', Loguno Uruch 227: The host Mu,tang~ rode the 1-unLlcr·par effo rt of 34 from medali t Mau Yama hitn, hi bellt round of the cason. to the victory ut. Mc'a Linda. NON•LIAOU• hl•ftCll• 1021 ...... " 142 (at M .. a V..-ae CC, par ie) Mt(W S1 wooos (W). 38 hllnCll "°"' .klhn· ion. AlllQI ... 39, Buscll. 40 8.Yntft. 41, HKUU!Y, '3, Pe<ry 4S. PACl"C COAIT LUOU• C•ata ..... 104, L .. Ufta hHh 11'1 (at ..... &.lnM1 _p• U) ~$1 y~ (CM). J4 Oht Cost.I ...... scorts Zll\119 4 t, W Ofllnoo. O.Sola 4l .. STANLEY ....... ,.. •1M811.-: I" X 25' POWERLOCK Tape Rule The fNst. Ne mode. lndudes a FREE leather Hols1ef. 88 A 518.49 v-.. SERVKJNG: HOMEOWNERS• INOUSTllAL CONTRACTORS • COMMERCW. FEATURING: LUMIER • HARDWARE• Pl YWOOO UfCTIUCAl • PlUMllNG • HARDWOOD DOORS AND WINDOWS TIMBERS• PAINT• TllATtD LUMIH POWtR TOOLS • NURSERY ......... "'" •• -. .... ~· ,., •• t --· ....... ..... ... ~--. ...... Weal80atGcka hup•l•:llon ol Odw p 1at _ ,. ...._ prodaet8e -------- I .. ~--........ ----~i----­ t----+.os~u-.--...... ·- 8:00 am, 5-K Run. ""a lk. 9: 15 am. 5-K Rollerblade Rat·e 5-k Run Walk 5-K Rollerblnd~ \; 9 •tOd undc>r B: HI 1 l C: 15 Ht I: 9 and und<'r .J: 10-14 I\: lS-19 LOCATIO~: 'tate Farm lnsuranct>. 0 : 20·~~ I.: 20-3!:1 3333 Hyland Avenue. Costa Mesa 545-6597 E: 3o-:m 1-. ·Hl-1!.t (..: ;;o and O\ er ll: Cnrpornu• \I. 40 and O\ t'r •;\I/ blbdPr mu I 1c••ar hrlml'I,, k11t't' and t'lbow pm/1> .\JI runner rt•cei"<' t·.,hirt. refrt•,hment ... nnc.l l·hum•t• ut random prirl' drnw1nf!o; A\\ a rds to top 3 ftni,lwr ... mak and ftom,1h. in l'IH.'h d1\ 1 ioo. --,~---------------- Pnnt Narre 0.• OFFICIAL E~"fRY FOR.'1 l.a"t ~am•• Adu.II T-Shm 'u•• L X l)1, 1 ion lA'c>I _1 ~.-ch1rtl \#1• 11n I\ 1 ~3 ~x '\1 ... lt'(I ('od~ ('\fH!" ~tu.dent \'ear ': 8 9 10 11 l2 NA~£ NOTt: If A H E IS UN0£R AG 11 Thia OUR SPONSORS : 0 Sout~ CoastMet~~ Rotary Club ~ State Farm Insurance .. \ ., . ,. M Wedf?8!d!y. April 14, 1913 > W IOncll W llOT1Cll WIC llOTICll PUIUC llOTICll WIC IOTICll "*.IC IOTICll WJC llOTICll W .,,_ ... IC..... ... IC llTICll w ll011CI ~ fliMln: ..... c..,.. .... ,, T...... w I011CI '"' ll'flmOH ........ Thie .... .... .. .... ... M .......... ~~~-~nr----1-----~---~. ".,,.,, .......... nu I 11 ..... ,, • .. d9c1d1r11·· WIU. MO '°~~Com-..... ~ Cleft&., '* ............ ....... .... ...... l ......... H.11 ............ .. l'OU Mil• DU'AULT Met ~ '*'10n; Met ........ C1~.... W-M• , CIOdda, 11 ~.·be adrfti8ed merclal Code Section OtM01 C°""'Y on ....... _..., ._ ._ ~Ill • ..J!!'.t'::r_,.y .... 'RU UMO•R A HaO CM' _..,. ,._, c:Nl'Mt. Md,_. c.n-. W CCITACIOM to ~·· The Wiii Ind ltCIU . I , ttlb _..,.. ... _. ~ ....... • .... Lei ti TRUST DATU .. _.. r>MtMt of._. TMlllN Md elRMARDt•O CA JUOTCIALt _,,, COC11C1t ere 1111...,,.. The NIM Md eddfMe of l'Ma4M we .. ~ 8* T.a. .... tlOtt.. 0.-. Mii ....... br ....._, 10, '"1 UN-of W'I W\l9la '""" tly 99408 Tete•ii.eae NOTICI TO .....,._ for tumlnllllon In lht lltl the pet.oft ""'" Wf\onl '"'*en.G ~ 9eech Trwl IR ..... n~.._ LeM~~t-1 wtrtue of 111•1 certel n • -s '"""""" T'"'""& '"'"' uld OMd of Tndl. The .. ...p& by N t'OUl1. c.i..ma nwy be Neel le· c ., T --._.. -..... ..._. .l4J/tf '· 1MI, --.,.._. --~~Of ...cs~ ... , ••• ou• DA. T t I Aw I•. • T..e PETITION ~· COASTAi. COUNTIU H· otUI ..... O ... y Piiot ·-••w YOU AM .. DllAUL.T I H ..... .., 1"9 .,,, ..... TION TO PROTRCT llOIW 9t the twne of lnllNll 9r; p_. ~ .. -AovHMt WRV •• ~ to admnJltf IN CAOW, llOtl 006dtn w.t Matcll 3l, AP'll 7, 14, 21. ~r..., R UNOIR a DllD OP ~. 0 ._. Ylrg6n "°"" PROPPTY, IT pubtication °' .. HcMlc• ............. "...., CONCAMWOll, ......... MU. uncl4lt ~ lndeO«I sv .. t. ~ 8-ch, 1"3 om. eco TMMT OATIO o...-r .. G6li* 1 ft. L....ar TlllA't aa S0t..0 AT A U-,141'2 l'ubll1htd N1wpot1 811W _. Ae CCHICIN denl Admino~ ot' ts CA 9'2647 tnetlhe !Mtctat. W737 ~·"'~"'·.:-.. 11, , .. UNLIU YO end "'9 ......_ e MMtlled PWUC ULI. • VOU o.t-41 o:ar.a~t":a Beecl't-Coata Mesa o.ty •o• 'I HORSaLatt i.t• Act (This aulhonty '°' ~ dame tly llt"Y PUIUC MOTICI Kottf llaocullw• Ylo = ~~ ...,....,_,..P • L&HH. NllllO AN DPLAMA. RllSI FINANCIAL P.iot Mwc:n 31, Apn17.14, aTMU.. and DOllS t Wiii alow the pet'IONI ,..,.. c:'''Ot' ~ be April 21. ""•tdant. 1100 MAY al AT A Q ~I._.. ~ JO. 1170. TIOlll OF TMI UTURIE C~TION. a c.,.._ 1803. UW1ueh 20, a .... .._. '"9tllall" lo l.llkt "*'Y I l Wtlic:tl 11 the butlnftt l'lcueteue Awie, Ct\AI" 1"'1i, c:aettor UC MU. •YOU In._,. ... hee 106, M TM• NOCHOltfQ ._.. c.....,_IMft, M w7'30 YOU Mii a1EINQ SUID =:~:-Beto:~ =~ ~:::l"-0~ .. ._........ nle 11an.111t. J!:: AN IXPUNATION O =-= ~~.: AOAIN9T \'OU, YOU TNat.. PUIUC NOTICE aY PLAHITlff': CA Ud. Ing cen.tn \lefV lmpon.nt Detect: April 1, t"3 ae .. .....-~··~11, O.*' nte NATURE OP lH -•..._,...... .... Of SHOULD CONTACT A a,: ANN RllVllRE, le ..... ............,., .cdoni. ~r. Cht ~t· ACCUUW• AOI TIEC... The Fol!OWlng persona AMNUJ ~IUMNG AGAINI .....,.. In .... ,_,~ UW't'RR. . VICE HllESC>EftT QIENIEIUL ILIECTRIC ft081ERT MANNllRI, SONI N~ntntallve will be NOLOQlll INC. A T:J':N'l~o .. •• .PU.;Rln .,, 4111 :.1 YOUT= ~_!!>UL.I>" er'Y .. ~ ...... ....,.., .. NOTICE OF ar. . CUITAL AUTO DONNA MANNMS ttqulrea to O•vt notice to c ........... c' ..;.._ ~ ' ' M;t .. _..,. • ., oaqulf9d end "611inG TINanE'S 8ALIE CSULI tlOO MCH1h LUae. INC You have 30 CALEN~R 1n1.,.1ttd pereons un1ea1 ~ CATION RESOURCES. "'8UC MOTICI fMce le twebV """' In 'Truator 1) or Tru1· T.S. 59018 ...._ Suite tOO ' DAYS lhtt 11\ia l\M'nlTIOllt they have wa1vtc1 notice or aw: Qlcleoft Eehel, 10044 Ad1m1 Avenue hll Yerdu90 fenloe klfC•)' tMICH ,.,. 6n In• Laa Ne 3S•SI ey, ' "· I• Mnled on you IO flll 1 contented to Ute P'OPGMO ,.,. .. ..,., ir:l12, Hun~ 8eec:h, ...,. • • CMltOf'Na ..,... In l9'CI ...a ~ n NIEST lenta ~·CA Hl'Oe HUMTOft ~tltfl ,.sPQnM at Vll• ect.on) The lndtpendent QEOftQI o. SIPOS• CA 92&ea YOU ARE II DEFAULT UN-lion u lnla .... _., bf ~ of OP· K • Telephone 17 t •I 953--PHARllACIEUTICAL oourt. admln1sttat1on authof1ty wtM Puttllehod M•--•rt OllMt A11«1 2540 Viste OU A DEED OJ TRUST DATtO aucc•1ot "'*-• or lkw\ to pun:NM °' oeh- A.P. WM8ER. ..to CORP. He., ET AL. A lefter or phone call Wit! be grllllled units• an inlet· Boeclt.Coete Moee ::J:o ~ 8"ch. CA MAY 11 1• UNUM YOO INllM put• efWtae A ft Number OSO.t84-01 Publl1h1d Hewpofl SUIHIOMS not Pf'O(IC\ you; VotN type-ts'9d petSOn files an ob-Dallf Piiot April t4' T 1 TME ACTION TO ""°TfCT uant to the o..d of '*-114-SJ NOTICE IS HEREBY Beacb.C01t.1 ..... Dally CCITACIO" _,.,.,, response must be j«:tion IO the pet1Uon Ind 199.3 ' h I bualntH la con-YOUR P9'0PERTY IT MAY IE NII •IOI---.W JelNI The ...... eddreta end G.IVEN, that on Wednes-Piiot March 31 April 7 14 In P'OC* legll lotm It you lhowl OOOd <:auM why the ' duc&ed by:"" lndl~ SO O T ,.._. .,., r If illlMO "-A W end OltW COMmOn ~ ~. 04/2111993. ll 9:15 1993 ' • • :C~:;L want flt COU'1 to"-your coun should not grent the W74:1 The ,.0111ranl(1) com-voh ,:EDA ME~K* • A. W "9cofCt-Ion, It eny, of .,. rul AM. °' Uld d1y. •• AT we~" caM authority PUILIC Ill.ft.TICE menced to trensect ~ 01 ~ ......... ., 01 ,...., .... .._ 11W1M .. In 900ll -11ropertf da1c r1b1d THE CHAPMAN AVENUE •-COMPLAINT H vOu do not fllt ,._ A HEARING on the petJ· nv ntlll under lhe Fldltloua '""' ..,.,.,.,.. 1""' ,..,..,.. -lneU IOlll .. 9bowe la~'° a,. ENTRANCE TO THE CMC PUBL'C NOTICE NOTtCE TO CROS.S. lf>O'\H on '""' J:"may lion Wiii be htld on MAY g c091088935 Bt11ln111 Name(•) hied ~=.J:/:l/AY:wJoo~ '°"'~In IN 131 ~ GNnde N••· CENTER BUILDING. LO. DEFENDANTS: (MN I lose tht cue .. and 'f04H 1993 at 1:45 P.M. In Dept'. NOTtCa TO .aw. on; 4/1193 offioe of IN ~ .... poirt 8-c:f\, CA nilo CATEO AT 300 EAST Acusedo) au a AM ,i1ages, money and P'OP-703 located at 3<41 .The City Dianne Allen teOTICIDf TWTlnUl corder of 0nnee ~ The urodell6onec(Tru1•· C~APMAN AVENUE In the TIT'~~!.. ......... a TE R It S • D'A VI 0 eny may be taken witnoot Ott\11 Sooth, Orange, CA CRl!DITOftS OF Thia ltaltmtnl was tffd ~ DIY Of 1JIUlf ty. c.tllomie, end ~ M dlecl1lrno ~ lleb'ltry City of ORANGE, CoYnlY. of ..-. vww"'"""" • l\Jr1hlf waming trom the 92668. BULK SALE Wtltl the County Cleft! ol ,.a .... _,1 ent to lt'9 ~ of 0.. tor eny 1ftoon9Ctnee• ol ORANGE, Stall ol Cal1lor· M7..._. STERNS; AND DOES 1· court. IF YOU OBJECT TO the (SECS. 8t04 Orange Counl'f on Apt'. 8, L ..... 111-0 lault end E1ect6on to .... IN , ...... •ddteH and nla, RESS FINANCIAL T.S. NO. 25 • There 1te olhtt 1tg.i r• granting of the petition, you 8105 U.C.C.l 1993 NOTICE II 1111'~ alwlll l'llt tnorevnder record• ~ GOmlnOl'I ~a· CORPORATION. 1 Calllor-441141 YOU AA• 8EJNQ SUED querements You may went ahould •P9Qar at th• hear· Molle. Is ~lftby given to FSM7SSln CAL FED c:: ~PQAA. 11/1111Ht In 80011 .. tlon, If eny, ~ Mf'9- nla c:otpotat!Oll. 85 duly •P-COMPUTER NO. 8 'I CR 0 SS. 1o c:a1t en all0tnty right Ing Ind state y0ut ob-ct.dHora of tht within Publlohed Newport TION. I Co!'PollllOn Pege -lne., U.alU17 In 1"ha ...... emount ot. potnted Tl\ISllN under and 38-8212.0072 COlllPLAJNaT: (A Ud. May. II you do nOI know ltctions or file wnttan ot>-named Alltt that a bulk aoech.Coate Mo•• .,...,or~•~"81 of uid C>fftdel ~. V'9 \llftSMllcl b•l•nc• ol pursuent to th• ~ ol ASSESSOR'S I• ..u• de~) 111 attorney you may call itc:tion• with the cautt be-sal• is •bout to bt made of DeUJ Pllol April 10 17 or .,._..,.d t11st1t ~ ....... on Ml2111tt3 V'9 obllO•tion MC:u,.d sale conlwrtd In NI cef· IDENTIFICATION DONALD D UWSC>ff en •ttomey.ttfttral MMCt fe><i the heltlf\9. Your IP-lht e11ets d11crlbtd 2• Illy 1 1993 ' 'totltOttdolTruslUIC&llldb¥ 1.00 •.M et.._. Nonh by "'9 Pf'opefty to be lain ONd of Trust tlleCUltd You haw 3o CALENDAR or 1 legal aid office (listed ptllflnCt "·JY ~In person below • • Sa201 GERALD E · CAAIONE NfO front entrenco to the llcMd and ~ •U by JAMES W. KNIEST, an 'NUMeER: 411.c>e1·18 DAYS aft• this summons In the phOne booll) °'by your ~nomey The names Ind bulinen CAROLE A. CAA~E eoun.v ~. 1 Ma'9d coeta, eapen1t1 unmamed man Ree0tded NOTICE OF Is l8tVtd on you 10 lole a Dffpues de que le tn· IF YOU AHt: A CREDITOR lddrnses ol lht sefler 111: PUIUC NOTICES DATED' MAY 16, 19" CMc Canter Driwe W.t. end •d••nc•• et tl"le 09/19/1991. In Book of Of. TRUSTU'S SA&.£ tten se 11 th•• lfeguen Kia atac:ion Judi· 0t a contingent c:red110t of DOROTHY A. HOUGHTON. RECORDED· MAY 21. 1919 Sen .. Ana, CA 12701 1me of IN lnhlal publt lictal Records ol S11d YOU ARE IN DEFAULT ~ '"PCln cial usted Ilene un plazo de lht a.ceased. you must Mt SS MO ~712. 537 YOU ARI IN DE,AUL IJfSTRUMENT NO 19-211303 pubtlc •ucUon, IO '" cM6on of the NcHice OI County, II page. R• UNDER~ OEEO OF TRUST A tell«°' phone ca• 1,,.11 30 DIAS CALENOARIOS your claim with the coun PERPONT, COSTA MESA. UNDEA A DEED O in tit Otb of Ill Recorder Of "'lhOel b6dder fOI c:Mt\ U6e l1. '311.ll02t CO«Str's lnsllvmont No. 91· DATED 1V28190 UNLESS not 1 . r para presenlat una r• and mall a copy to the per-CA. 92626 TAUST DATED MAACH ORANGE County, talf«ma. Ind (peyeble et lt'9 time of In llddNon to caah, &h4 511470, by re1son ol • YOU TAKE ACTION TO writt~o ~! you,/:us7~ spueata escrila • maquln• aon1I t•pre1entatlv1 1p-The locallon In c.lilomla 26, 1tio. UNLESS .YOU llUf'IUll'll to tit 'JfOb ol O.llUh .... In l.wtul money -Of Jtutl•• wlll accopt a brelldl °' def1ull In pay-PROTt;CT YOUR PROP· an 0 1 ~ IOfm 11 tn esta c<><te painted by tht court within of lht chief executive office AKE ACTION TO ~().and Ellctloll lo Stl llltrtunlltr the Unlled S&IMI), •II bahlor'e en.ell drawn mtflt O< perlormance ol the ERTY, IT MAY BE Sot.OAT waft:hec!Yr. 10 hear::;::, Una carta o una llamada lour months from the datt ol the seller Is: SAME AS CT YOUR PROPERTY, fT RECORDED: OCTOBER 20, ngnt, ..Ue, end In......, on • •ta•• or national obllg1tlons secured A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU case 1tlelon1ca no 11 olrOQefa ol lirst lnuanc:e ol letters ABOVE MAY u SOt..D AT A PU8-1992 convO)'ed to •nd n bank,• Check dnwn by lh•rtby, Including . that NEED AN EXPl..ANATIOM II ~ do not file your ,._ proleccion: su respyesta as prcwidtd In secilon 9100 As lisltd by the setter, 111 LIC SALE. IF YOU HE£ IHSTRUlilENT NO 9H12223 hefd by " Unde' Hid a ,._ .. or ....,_, crodl\ ~~ICh or Oelaull, Mot1ee of OF THE NAT\JRE OF THE sponse on lime you may Hiiia a maquena Ilene que ol tht Caltlomia Ptobato oth., bl.lslness namts and AN EXPLANATION 0 ... of said Olftdll AtcotllS ... Dead OI Ttu1t In the unkHl or a cnec• dfe.n wtuch WH record~ 12122.J PROCEEDING AGAINST lose tht CISI . Ind cumplir con las lormali· Cod•. Tht lime f()( filing lddrHSH used by the lHE NATURE OP: THE SELL on APRIL 26. 1993 at propet1y lltua-.d In ... d by ...... Of ledenll UV 1992. IS Rtcor-dtr I lnstru-YOU, YOU SHOULD CON-wages money' Ind pr:; dados legales aptopll1das d1lms will no1 ••plrt be-Mii., within ti\'" years be-PROCEEDING AGAINS 1:30 P.M It IN THE L098Y TO County· end lgte end lng1 end loen IHOCI · mtnt No. 92-8758n. In TACT A LAWYER. "'1Y ~ay be taken withOut • uSl~ quiere que la eotlt IOft lour months rrom tht lore Ult d1te such list WIS YOU YOU SHOOtJ) CON-I UILOIJfG I01 SOl/Tlt daect1bed M foflowe· A auon. Hwln9a HtOCt· Book. at Page. WILL SEU T.S. No. 4411-38 further wamong lrom lht escucti. su easo. heating date noticed Ht or dellveftd lo the ACt A LAWVER. LEWIS STREET, ORNfGE. leHehokt M c....-.d tw euon or Nlill\9• bani& AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO On 04/23/93 11 9:45 court. 54 usted no presenta su above. buYtt att: MONE NOTICE~ CAUFOIWIA "'9C ~n ..... d-.d apedf6ed In Sec:tM>n 5102 THE HIGHEST BIOOER o'clodl AM •t the al the There ITI Othtt legal r• rnpuesta • litmpo, puedt YOU MAY EXAMINE the TM names and bl.ls.nest TIUJSTEE'S SALE it OUblc aucton. '° ""lllglltlt July , ... , ... , aaacUled Of the. P'lnenclal Cod• FOR CASH. lawl\A money m•n (Not1h) entrance _, uirements You mi want pe<der et caso y le puedtn lilt ktpt by tht COU'1. If you addresMs ol tht buyer we: No 230l41 t>WW lot c.llfl (~ablt 11 lllM by THI IRYINE CO..., and authorlud to do ot the Unottd Slates, ~ Iha COUNTY COURT· ~ call .,; attorr.e/ right qu1w SU salaAo. SU d nero .,. I person Interested In PHONG MIN HANG. SS NO On AJ)fll 21, 1H3, • of Slit In llWtUf lnOMy ol"' PANY •• w ... Vlrvlnla bullneu In 9'11 ..... In Oenctd by • Cashltt s HOUSE, 700 Civic Center eway " you do not know y otras cosas dt 1u tht 11tatt, you may rite 548-82-2207, 8642 LAMP· Ol.00 AM , at the hon Unllld Sta•). 11 ,.IS 1111 corporeUon, H Leaeot, 11'41 ewnt wndor other Chedl drawn on• s~i. or Drive West In 1tlt City of an attorney you may c.n ptopledad sin avfso adiclo-With the coun • fonnal Re-SON MO. B. GARDEN •ntrenc:e to Oreng d lnw •t ~ to 1nd end THE BlUfl'S, •Limit· thaf1 caah la eccep•ed1 natJonal bank, or the equiv· Santa An•, State of Calllor-an attor 'refCHTal s8Mce nal PG' parte de la cortt. quest '°' Special Notice of GROVE. CA 92641 Cont nae compenr. 14 now Mid by' 11 under Slid Cltld ad ~p ... Loi· IN Trua ... may wtthhola llent lhertol drawn on ~Y nia CHICAGO TITLE COM· or 1 1eg';"aid office (listed Ei1111cn otros requisltos le-the filing of an Inventory The 111ets to be sotd are N Tuitln tr\ the cOy of 11 Ill P<opert'( situlltd In s.i .... •nd recontad July'"• l u uanc• ol tho other l1nanc:tal anstJt\ltion PANY, 1 Caklomla Co~ in the phone boolc) galH. Puede que usted and 1pprllsal of estate II· descnbed In general as: A Senta Ana, County of Or· County Ind Still Ind dtSCfitlld 30. 1970 H lnetrument True•••'• Deed unlll spealled In sectlon 5102 °' talion. •• Trustff undet th• Ottspues de "". le en-qUlera Uamar I un abogado UIS Of of any petltlon °' BUSINESS l NCLUOING anoe St.eta of Celifomla follows No 19164, In lloo" 13t0, tundt become 11Vallabl• tht Callforn11 Flnancial Deed o1 Trust taearted by treguen tsta c:l.cion ludi· 1nmed1a1amente. SI no account as provided In LEASE HOLD IMPROVE· C.fllOmla Aecorweyenc:. SESSOR'S PAACEL NUMIER Pa9e .201, Offlcl•I to IN peyee Of endorlff Code, euthonzed 10 do SUMEE SIRIKAMANTHA •• Claf usted "-un ptazo de conoce a un abogado IOCllOll 1250 ol the Ca11for· MENTS, ACCOUNTS. FIX· Compeny •• C•llfornl• 047.214,25 Aecordli. tor the term of ... me ... ol ngl"IL bYsfnns In lht State ol mamtd woman as her sote 30 DIAS CALENOARIOS pu«le llamar a un servtcto nl1 Proba1e Codt. A Rt· TURE. FURNITURE, AND CotporMion, •• duty LOT 1 BlOCK 110 Of TIW:T 75 yeere. ~ end lub-a.Md .... will l)e mado. ~~1~~E.Tl~~F ~l~B~ and Hparatt property para presentar una r• dt referen<:1a de abogados quest lor Special Notice E0~1tMENTS and are lo-Pointed True... unde 234 IH THE CITY OI MEWPORT feet to .. of the P"M· ~ ~ ~t Of • • W.A.T.A. Suneo Smtcanatha spuesta ucnl.it • maquln• o 1 una of1c1na d• ayuda form Is available from the cat II 8642 LAMPSON thit certain Deed 0 llEACt. COutfTY Of ORANGE ...._ lhefa6n conletned wenanty • ...,,_. CH Im· nght 11114 l.nd Interest held recorded 01/10/91 H docU-en tsta cone legal (vea el Otractono ttt• court clef'I<. SUrTE B. GARDEN GROVE. True• eaocuted by: Roi>-ST • UCHMMT •A• plted ro9etdlng I i lie by 11 as T~tee. In thal real ment no. 91-013608 in Una Carla 0 urui Darnada Ion.col AUomef tor tho ~etl· CA 92641 , 1500 ADAMS .,. w Dobeun • · .. ng ATERE~~gi:~~: PAACEL 1 Loe H of ==•on °' e nc:um properly 111tuate In Mid booll PIQt ol Olllcl1I telelOt'l•c:a no le olrtctra CASE NUMBER llonor: AVENUE, COSTA MESA, man, u w•toR, Trac:t No 1130, In the •to .... ty lt\O In- County and St~ll, d• Recot'ds en the olfoce of the prottccton; IU rtspuesta (Numero dol Cuol LINDA M. QUNDER-92626 ed on April 10, 1HO, PAGES 36 AHO 37 INCLUSIVE, Coy OI Ne1111>cwt a..c:n, ~ wc:1.1rod by 'U,~:' ~=· 4 SEC-Recotd•t of Oreng• ewrta a maquma 11-que SN095 SON bTh:, bvso~u name uMKI lnaltumen t No to M~~U:~~~ ~of Onnee. llMI H id Deed, advance• TIOM 5 'oF BALBOA IS-;:n:·d';r.~~ lh~ ;:~ ~=" ~la:P'~~=a~ JUDGE GUNDERSON & OUN· U~n ~s s\~1~~:e1 ~ ~!~s:s~_I !7 ~~fl~l~i AECOADEROISAIO COUNTY ::, a ~.:!J!:rin ~ =~~~ LAND. IN THE CITY OF ment °' pttiormaice of ob-.. U$14d q .,. qutJ la con T" 0 MA s N . DIE As 0 N . 2 4 0 2 2 VIDEO STORE Record~ ol Oteng Propw., address.~ 9ootl 245, ~eeea 10 to 13 the unpeJd principal ol NE w p 0 RT BE Ac H . ligatlOIU MC:Ured thetM>y UI e lltRASHEA CALU DE LA PLATA, The anticipated dall of Cou s of Cal IUIOMI. lu1l vo ot Ml•o•ll•· 11'9 note MCYtad b'f aetd COUNTY OF ORANGE. lnduding the bfOICtl or ct. •:::!sau ~lltnla so DEPT. 13 STI! 500, P.O. BOX the bulk salt la: APRIL 30. nli '!,~Ml:. ~to;, 1024 WIST BALBOA BLVD e Mllpe, Recorda of deed wtV\ ln..,_t ~· !1A~R OJAPc:~J~~'o fault, notice of wtilc:n _, respuesta a tlempo, puedt Tho namo and address of :10710, LAGUNA HIUS, ~~:6W• ;:~• 011~g ·~le thtfeln conglned, N~WPO:!,=BEACH.?9:'~ . Or~ County. ~alltor· on M pnMd8d In .. td IN BOOK II, PAGE ·g OF ~ded 1~~~~~ P8!l'" el caso, y It putdtrl the coun is: (El nombrt y CA 82854-0770 (714) WESTMINSTER .• AVENUE, will HU et pubflc euc;lion ~'!..., IOf":'I inc::. nlPARCEL I · A ........ -...... Hoae, ,._, chet\)et encl MISCELLANEOUS MAPS • no. n quitar IU hllflo, SU dln«o direc:C>on de la cO<te es) 837·1De0 GARDEN GROVE CA 10 the hlgheat bidder f -., n ---·~ ecpenaoa of "'-tNllH IN THE OFACE OF THE ~0!.°' =~ ~· y oltH cons dt SU SUPERIOR COURT OF Publllhtd Newport 92643 ' euh. or checll •• do·~ 01 tit ··~acid= nen,:. ~uatwo ~ and of the ""9ta CtMled COUNTY RECORDER OF auctJon 1 to ~ hfQh:btd~ =pledadtt~nd:~:'C:~cio-CALIFORNIA, ORANGE 811ch-COsta Mes1 Dilly Thl1 bulk ule IS subject !f'~~~~-:..:~J:!,.1tlflY,lhO=: Iii =--~'U:a2 ~=~s:i~·~O•· S:Jc~f~~r™EREFROM dtt lor c•lh Tn ll~UI ~':ros ttqutS11oS .. COUNTY JUDICIAL DIS-Pilot Apnl 7.11, 14. 1993 10 C•hlOITlla Uniform Com-IUI money of ltle local amount of"' ullplld of Tract &Utl, .. lhoM'I pcwabOn ... leld Tru.i.o THE NORTHERLY 25 FEET mont~ of tht U"'teO gales. Putd• que usled TRICT, 700 Clv•c Ceot., WTh741 :;'1~C~ll Code Section Stataa of America, wtlh NlanCt of Ill Oblgillon se-on • Mel) recorded In 121 Wea• Le,.ngton THEREOF BEING MEA-States, without any CO";r quiwa 11amat 1 un ebogado Orivt West. Santa AN. CA If · °"'' wam1nty Ollpf'eta Mid by tit Pf°'*" to bt SOid Booll l•!i, ftaoet 10 to 13 Dnve, Third P:loor, Gt.n SURfO ALONG THE WEST tnanl ot ~. tllPflU lnniedlatamenll. SI no 92702 PUBLIC NOTICE and ':c,d~~:: name Implied .. to ...... uu, Ind rtllONt* tsllrnattG COSIS, lnclualv• or Ml1c:oll•· c1.r •. C• 11203. fl1 II LINE OF SAID LOT. ~ltdcW ~lie, pos-conoct 1 un 1bog1do The name. 1dd•Hs. and 193557 wilh wnom claims ,::": poueu1on or encum ·~ lftd tctYanc.r • neoua ...... Aecotdt of HC~24H, 9y "'9uv1ra1 Tht stt .. 1 tddrtu or f()( the. Of~ puedt ltarnllt I un SOMC•O tetepfiont number of plain ESCROW NO Med II APEX ESC~OW bf'anc:aa, •II right, "" $376'.33162 ~ County. CalllOf· Panyevtbul. l ru •••• a Olhtr common dtslQnatJon ......,. Ii purpc>M __. bpa, .. ~ de rtfe<tnela dt at>ogados !Ill's attorney oi pllllnhH • INC 10286 WESTMIN-and 1nteroat now l"leld SIMI m wl tit INde. l>ut witll • ~ -'"' ..... SalH Ortlctr. Dated °' lhe real .........., herein-""'"Va one HCUr ... Ya ... o a una ollc:ma dt ayuda • 1482/MW STER• VE UE, ,.a It•• auch Tn.ietee In a out CIMll\lnt Of wwr1nty ex, moo• IOf aupPof1 end 0311V1H3 above deS:it;;;''11 put· Dead ol Trust, the lnternt legal (vea al dlreciono tel• without an anomoy. •S (El NOTICE TO GROvlcA"'92643~D:i! to th• followlng do prm or lrnpljld 1agard1n9 lloe. Hlttement whore H id A&API0705 pot1td to be• 118 Jade conveyed lo M id Trustee fONCO). nombre. la dlrOCCIOn y .. CREDITORS OF ' ecnbed ~ 1ltuelecl pOSllSdon or tnoumbtWM:lll ~-reel .... ne L04 12 3131 .,, 4114 Batboa Island .CA 92662 • by Mid OMd °' Trust In CASE NUMBER numero de telolono dot BUU< SALE ~:~1 d~• !'::R1~1'& ct= In the efC>r'Ctald Coun to satisfy !ht lndtbtedlllSS .·of u ld Tract •nd ~--· -·------ The undtr.llgntd di• g'~Yof ~= s:'-1.th:, (Nurnoro dot C•ao) lbogado del dcmandMlt, INollce pura-nt whidl II lh• bl.lslneis d•y and St.et•! 10 ... A . cured by uld Deed llldUO"O ., W•th HHmenta lot ------- claim• all ll1blhty lor any Celifomla and deacnbtd 871492 o del demandante quo no co ucc Soc. 81051 bel~• lht Silt d•ll 1 pec:;. 0 .. ·263·13 Lot 11 ot lie IM .nd aq)ln• of tilt :~~· or l"loverhangi. •nc:orr.ctntss In aald strMt u: Lot 15 ol Ttact No. Th• name and addreu ol lltne abogado. cs) NOTICE IS HEREBY fled 1bov1 Trecl No 1211, In th "'*Md Of tit rusts c:nallf coni~ru~~=d f~"::c:r~ ad~:!!! Of otn., common 6638, In the City °' Ca.ta lh• court Is: (El nombft y LAW OFFICE OF GERALD GIVEN lh•I • bUk aal• IS D•t•d 312911993 ~% 0=:°" ~:!i I ~ Uld deed, edvl!IC* "" .. denc;e with appllcebl• d;.~-=· will be ad Mesa, Coun~ of Orange. diteccion d•,. cortt 11) w NEWHOUSE, 24221 about to be made. PHONG MtN HANO : Pet Meo =orded l~ • """lllWllt . Pf0¥ldtd muntc l pel ordlnancea without warrinty ._;..:Slate of Caltomia, a per Municipal Couf1 of the Cant de la Louisa, Sutt• Th• ":"'(s) and bvst· Publlshtd Newport 9ooll 37, ltegH 47• 41 lln.1ndl\ellllfll"PftndiPll and en appurtenanc•. or 1mp1iea t19atding rltlt, ;'.-:.S r'ee~~ In seo:!:: Stall of Caldom11. County 311, Laguna H11t1. CA :,~:, !.~'%c~•Jwf~ :'di Beach>-Cost.a Meu Daly and 41 01 Mlec•O~ of Ill:=~~':':: 1----------1 posatllllon, or oehtt en-leneoua Mapt In it,. 0Mot of Orang., North Orange 925S3 (7 14) 951-031 I TECHMOt.OGIES INC A Polol April 14, 1993 U.pt. In 11\t Olflce of II Mid Jf<* cumbrlncn. 1o utlsty the o4 the eountY Recorder of County Judlc:ltl District. Sit-DATE: OCT 14 1992 C1lllor"11 Co;poration. W7'4 the COUnty ~ of Oa9d MAACt123 1993 unplid obliglliOM NCWtd said Counf'f ting m the Nolt'I <>rang. GARY L OAANVILLE 2691 Ricntet Avenue Ir· PUBLIC NOTICE uld County tAL FED IPMCf ~ tly uld OMd °' Trvst. wllh Tht unpeks btlaoct end County Municlp1I Court. Clerk, by J. G. SHACK· vine. CA 92714 • The tot.el OfnOunt of tho "°"' PLUG IN lnt-lll ltld other suma as 111ini11t of costs ••· 1275 N Be...... a ELFORD Deputy Ootnq business as. "AC Flctltl~·a unpetd pri ncipal bat A.. Tr .... · ,,..,oy .. venue. • c E 0 -enc• lntetott theroon -111-penses and advances as of PO Bo• 5000. FUllertOt'I, CA NOTICE TO THE PERSON ULIN A , TECHMOLO Bu1lnH1 N•m• ~ With ru.onebl • Form1rt-t ~FED ENTCR· ,AC9'1C VllW •lllONAL. ,AM ~·Mottuety Cheoet. Crematory 3SOO Pldflc View Drive ...,.._. 9-c:fl ....... ~I• $55,211.30 Tht 92632 SERVED· You are sen11d G!~~ t h b I Sletement utlmeted c o1ta ea PRISES bid 111-;' th":ney ::.-:' f~ The name, address, and IS an lnd1v1dual defendant name(s) 8~ ad~~e~(:,j The lollow1ng persons we peneoa end adwanen a 'ClllorflM Corp crtdtt bid • said amount telephone numbof of ptaln Pub 11 shed New po r I usod by tho seller(s) within doing buSlness as: PAAK the time ol the lnltlel 51()() Wllshlr• Bou,,.,,,,d will lnc:rtue untll O•t• of tiff's attorney or plaintitl Beach·Cosln Mesa Daily Ille past three years as WEST PROPERTIES INC., publlcatlon of this No· '"'JVh·? 90036 sale. without an attomeu Is (El Pilot MiltCh 24. JI, Apnl 7. ~tate<J by the seller(s). are 11111 I Irvine Blvd., Suitt C. Uce .,. 1521,152 33 11JJ.32·2M Th " 993 r.. •---1 Cal 1 Tustin. CA 92680-3403 Cul"r'9ntty detod CHh· IY EU TH IAAREFKA e tlfttl l ddrtn or nombre. la dartcoon y ti 14• 1 • "1 """"'•on an 1 0<nie PARK WEST PROPER· let'I Cheeks CH ~h Ass/STANT SECRETARY other common dtS1gnat10n, numero de teletono d~ W7211 ol 1118 ctuel eiecut.lfe office TIES INC CALIFORNIA ,_~.,a bl TAC 71995 P\18 Yl1 411 ti any of the t9al property of the stlltt os 25 Glen-• "''._... paya • to tl"I «Msctibtd •bove 11 pur· •booM'o det demlndante PUBLIC NOTICE hurst. IMne, CA 92714 111111 lnnn• BNd., Sutte c. Trut ... Ot bkkMf we .• ec;;:ri4iiii4•••••••11rl pof1ed to be 1059 SAN o del demandanlt que no 1ht namo(s) and busi-Tusun, CA 9268C>3403 • to l~ ... D PABLO CIRCLE. COSTA •-1bog3do. 11) BSC 1800 nus address of th• This buslntss Is co~ ~ ldentlf ce f• a .. 'Ction MESA, CA Leland 0. Sterling NOTICE OF buver(s) .,. GEORGE G dueted by. 1 c:otpontion tlon la ave1labM "' ftU n "'The prop«1y her9'o40fe STERLING ANO STERr PETITtON TO Slf)OSS. 294().H Grace Th• reglstrent(I) com-,. ro m In I 0 t ma .. 0 Cal a «Msc:r1bed Is being ll<lld 'u LING 4041 MlcAilhur ADMINISTER line, Colla Mesa. CA meo~_ ... '° tr~sxtF bull· which the True ... doem1 11 • .. · 92626 nest .,...,., """ 1ctmous rt!table, but tor wt.le liljil6:A The undtt510ned 'frustee BNd .. Suttt 160. N-port ESTATE OF: Tho assets being sold.,. Businus Namt(s) llsttd Trui ... m.llM no ,_. disclalms any llabikty '°' Beach, CA 92660 MARY SUMAN WARfNQ gerierally dtscnbed u at>ow on: Nov. I, 19n Hn .. tJon or ••rtan•y any lnCOtl'ecinH• of tht (714) 261·2224 .... MARY s. WARING Stock In T1ado, AXlurH, Pertc West Properties Inc, the • .,.... ~IM) 11\.lMnD stteet address 0< othtt DATE: JUN 19 1992 CASE NO. A188082 Equipment and Goodwlll ol lltlany Williams other common detlOne NI I~ common dtllgnatlon, II WtLUAM J , BAEttNAN, To all h11rs, banol1c1an11, a cer1.111n Pnnted Circuit Buy tt. Soll ll Find tl lion of tne abovo d•· t.1.2-5671 any, ahown herein. 0111<1: Clerll, by DORIS WET· cre<111011. contingent cr4dl· Board tesling Company Claealfled. 1crlbed S>f"OP4M1Y 11 312 L--~~~;.::_:.:._.J'l••••••••ml 03/23193 TOIEN, Deputy tors. Ind pttsona who may All stock In tr•~. natures. Slgntl ftoad. ·Newpor hfMtklary: l!nt9ot Publlihid Newport othetw1M be Interested In equipment and goodWlll °'•------------------------------------ W. a P ... J. MMrt, eeacn.costa Miu oa11y :~ J~~$' S:~ :A~~ !, c.!~C'cu~Ns~~J, ~ PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES PUIUC NOTICEJ Tnaal... Piiot MNdl 24. 31. Apnl 7, Ilka MARYS. WARING NOt.OGIES" and Int lo- Addreaa1 c/a alR-14, 1993. A N:TmOM hlS bttt'I cated 11 2691 Rdlltt Av, NARD P. DRACHLtS, W727 f1'-d by ROBERT B. LAM· enue. l1V1ne, CA 9271• 10 t 2 IEAQLe ROCK The PU t DIS. In the Supenor Court The butk salt is Intended aLVD., LOS ANGELES, C1aae1t1!. at CaJ.lom'3, County ol OR· to be coosummated at tht CA 90041 ANGE olflce ol COASTAL COUN-T ... .....,.. (2 Ut ~ The most comprehon-THE PETITION roauests TlES ESCROW, ~099 t•1• sive and cu"tnt dire<:-thal ROBERT B LANOIS be Golden Wts1 StrMt. Hun- IOfy of good• end ••r· tppolnted IS pet'IOf\al rep 11110100 B11c11 CA 92647 CH IC AG 0 TIT LI! lricos around I ttMnt111v1 to admlnl5ttr and the ontldpated "'' COllftANY, I C ... fomla the estate of tho Otc:odtnl dlle 1s APfll 30, 1993, PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.6 1ht fottowl.ig lnfonnatJon It hereby noticed tegatding proposed lncrtatt In the bullnnt-tu-for 1ht City of Ntwport Belch: THE PROPOSED ANNUAL TAX RATEi ARE: 1. BUSINESSES WITH NO LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY: S 1 IO STARTHIG l llEW BUSlllESS?? 2. BUSINESIEI BASED FROM A RESIDENTIAL LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY: SIS The Legal Department at the Piiot la plMHd to announce a new Mrvtc. now avalla!Me to new buelneuel. We wtll now SEARCH the name for you at no ext,. charge. and NW you the time and th• trtp to th• Court Houae In Slt1ta Ana. Then, of COUrH, after the Merch la compe.wd we wtfl ni. your ftctttloue bullneM name atatement wtth the County Clertc, pubtlah once • WMk fof four weekt • requlr9d by lew Md then ftle your proof of publcdon wtttt County Clertc. ,, Please stop by to flle your fictitious bu1lneu statement at the Piiot Legal Department, 330 West Bay, Costa Mesa, Callfomla. If you can not atop by, p1aa1e call us at (714) 842-4321, Extension 315 or 318 and we wtll make arrangementl for you to handle this procedure by mall. If you 1hould have any further queltk>n11 plMH call ua and we wlll be more than glad to uatst you. Good Luck In your new butlnfttll 3. BUSINESSES BASED FROM A COMMERCIAL LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY: S100 PLUS SI OR S 10 PER EMPLOYEE (DEPENDING ON TYPE OF BUllNEIS) THE BUSINESS TAX RATll IHALL BE APPLICABLE TO ANY BUSINl!ll IUIJECT TO IUSINl!ll TAXATION Al PROVIDED IV NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 5.04. THE AllOLINT.OF TAX EITlllATID TO II RAlllD ANNUALLY II S2,200,000 PUBLIC MEITINGI RIGARDINQ THI INCRUIE IN THI BUllNlll TAX RATll WILL II HILD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAllllRI OF THI CITY OF NEWPORT llACH., __ 3300 llWPORT IOULIVARD.! AT 7:00 P.M~ WITH M ORDllWICI POR INTRODUCTION ON MAY 1u AND llCOND RIADINQ AND ADOPTION OF THI ORDINANCI ON llAY 14, 1113. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RICWIDINQ THll PROPOllD TAX IATI CONTACT THI RIYINUI IWUQIR AT llWPORT llACH CITY HALL, aaoo NIWPORT IOULIVAllD. We ' Hep You Write A 6001J Ad!! Call one of our friendly Ad·v1sors TODAY!! Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Piiot W.ooesday, Aptil 14, 1993 .. PUii.iC llOTICU PUIUC llOTICU PUILIC NOTICES PUii.iC llOTICU PU9UC llOTICU ......C..OTICH "'9lJC ..OTICU . ~llOTICU ======== 8AHK &PtClfllO IN SE.C. JUIUC NOTICES TION 5102 Of THi f'IHAN , OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SHOWN ANO OCIWlD AS tore uec.\Md Md....,_ DMd 01 T "'1t "' ht prop-MOVINO THI SA-.E F-..oM 9'9J~O.WI~ CO'l'lmon csesign1110n o1 an.711 .. W •nca ... _. --1e1 CIAL cooe Al«> AUfH(). ~ t111V1 RIZEO TO 00 8USINESS NOTICI! _ IN THIS STATE WILL B€ vr HELO AT THE NORTH TllUSnE'S U&.• FRONT CNT-.ANCE TO APN e31.ae.otO THE COUNTY COURT LOAN NO. ooe1ee-s HOuSE. 700 CIVIC CEN SAIO COUNTY, ON LOT 1 RUTfUCTEO COMMON •9d 10 .,. "9ldel'alOI _, a IAIO LANO OR ANY TRUSTOR· J A OF TRACT 1~, .. THE AAfAS WHecH ARI AOJA. WJ.a.n DecsarMIOn OI 0... Wt:STHO,"F OTHER ~NO. IHCWOtHG CITY OF COSTA MESA AS CENT WITH AND AP· la.II and OefftlftCI ~· IEN[FICIARY GUAAD· THE RIGHT TO WHIP SHOWN ON A MAP RE· PUATENANT TO SAID ~ a wrltt.en NcMice 0.. IAN SAVINGS AND LOAN STOCK DA OtACCTIOff· COAOED IN BOOK 442 PARCELS I, 2, 3, ANO 5 fa.II and Elec*orl w . ASSOCIATION rec0tded ALLY ORlll AHO M6HE PAGE 48, 49 ANO 50 OF OESCRIHO HEREIN The ~ltO'*' QUMCI '~ '· lttO as ln$1t FOAM LANDS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, PARCEL 5 AN UNOI said Notice of OefaiJlt ~ No 91> 70 '" Book peoe propetty II ~ ~ " 19 ........ Iha& • f'9 •TICa fJI no ~ 19 ~ u ID tm. ol ..... the oC*Wlg ns toft'~f!N99 Ot ~ biCI "'rt M leM " " " ~ AUCTIOlt ~) .. The ~ lCMI indebledneas 0.-.... ~ Nretly ~ ~ u.d Deed of Tn.91 o.M: ~ .. , =."Pu:.:""~ on-: REF: 80LANO TER DRIVE WEST. SANTA MICHAEL 6 K.ATI4LU N ANA, CALIFORNIA, al I IN THE OFFICE OF THE VIOEO ONE FIFTY·FIFTH OI Official Record• 1n lhe EleQion to s.u 10 t>e , .. otfic:e of Int AeccM 09' °' THAN THOSE HEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED Ofl bf reaSOtt Of e ~ OI O .S.l . ,.tlAtlCIAl 211931i IOOOam •ALL,, oefNI ., the ~1 CORftOR.ATION, ea Sf'ACf ·~ H.,._TOH ucureo ...,.by l'let"e&o-..... TNet .. , AVE~ HUNTINGTON &CH , tore execvMCI ~ dell¥ •r T .D . SERVICE CA 92641 1"9 r.= CONY rivht. titi. and Wlltrfft cQfl COUNTY RECORDER OF (1/55TH) fEE SIMPLE IN corded In the CCU\ly wNfe Ormnge County. OR GAS WELLS TUNNELS SAID COUNTY TEAEST IN ANO TO THE the rHt ptope/1y I• localed a.Cl deed of lfUSt d• S veyed to llnd now "-'d by T. • No. :aosnz 11 unc1., 1111<1 04H-d o1 Trus R·138?a 1n ine pro!Mf1v .,tuatec:t an t EXCEPTING THEREFROM IMPROVEMENTS ANO AP· FOR SALES INFOR· acrlbes Vie lollowlng ANO SHAFTS INTO. THROUGH OR ACROSS ere<! to Ole ~ a c~~ ;::~. u. ~~~ l~, ~SA~ written Oed¥at.on ol 0.. f • ' EOUIP-"11ATTAESS MJSC fault and Dern.no ror SM.. al•CAM hc"retary, M>t BOXES, PATINO-F0-83 IMPORTANT NOTtCE sad Couoty ano Suue de- T 0 P A 0 P E R T y ICnbed n , OWNER: PARCEL I UNIT NO tO YOO AAe IN DEFAULT ON LOT t OF TRACT UNITS I THROUGH 55, IN PURTENANCES ON LOT t CLUS~E OF LOT t OF OF TRACT I 0525 (''tM SAID TRACT 10525 AS PROVEMENTS") SUBJECT SHOWN ON SAID CON· TO THE TEAMS ANO CON· OOMINIUM PLAN. OfTtONS OF THE MASTER EXCEPTING FURTHER LEASE RECORDED AU· MATION: Mon.ffrl EXHlllT "A" THE SUBSURFACE OF a:oo.... t• 1 :00,. ... PARCEL 1 AN UNDI· THE LANO HERElNAllOVE C91et4M-:J588 VIDEO 1/51H INTEREST IN DESCRIBED. A.NO TO BOT· CAL·WESTERN RI!-ANO TO OF SAID LOT(S) 1 T 0 M S U C H W H tp. CONVEYANCE co" .. ·• OF TRACT NO 13544, IN STOCKED OR DIRECTION-7893 u ..... aw., THE CITY OF COSTA and ..w-1ntn not.c• of de-Souttl Lew&9 &t,-.. t , Ot· MISC. FURN MISC ) THEREFROM, ALL IM· 10525 AS SHOWN ANO UNDER A DEED OF DESCRIBED IN THE CON. TRUST, DATED APRIL DOMINIUM PLAN ("PLAN "' 9, 1M4, UNLESS YOU WHICH PLAN WAS RE TAKE ACTION TO ftRO· CORDED ON SEPTEMBER TECT YOUR PROP· 17, 1980. IN 8001( 13737 ERTY IT MAY BE SOLD PACE 1057, MOllE COM GUST tO, t953, IN BOOK 2nd ,._,, P.O. llo• ALLY DAIL LEO WELLS, MESA, IN THE COUNTY TUNNELS ANO SHAFTS laull and °' 9'ect'IOft to ..... CA 92.Ma (7Ht BOXES. PATTEA~toe cavse Vie und~ 10 38M700 MATTRESS S~T MISC. Ml SlWd property to uusty IF AVAIL.AaLI, .THI[ BOXES SKIS, l{OPYTOff. uld obl""atlO<'s ~d th..-e-EXPECTED OPENING GOO MICRO. ..USC "' ' a1D MAY ae 08TAIN£D BOXES, AOOftlGUE2·H005 after tne underatgned aY CAL.UNG THE FOl• MISC FURN • MISC • PROVEMENTS ANO AP· 4833, PAGE 274 ET SE9 9009, La ...... Calffer· OF ORAHCE, STATE OF UNDER ANO BENEATH OR c:alned said notice ol d• LOWIMO TELEPHONE BOXES. LIBERTO-H046 laull and of election 10 be MATTRESS MISC BOXES. recordf!CI October 17 1991 NUMBERS ON THE A 0 AM S·H t f 6 TOOL PURTE.NA.NCES LOCATED OF OFFICIAL RECORDS .... 91M4-9009, (919t CALIFORNIA. AS PER MAP BEYOND THE EXTERIOR ' OR TO BE LOCATED ON Th• street •ddren and ....... 10 RECORDED IN BOOK 1527, LIMITS THEREOF ANO TO as lnsll. No 91-567i&e In DAY BEFORE TH£ CHEST T v M ISC T 'p PlET£l Y DESCRIBED IN A A uauc SA&.£, IF EXHIBIT ''A" AnACHED YOO NEEO AN EXPL.A-HERETO AND MADE A NATION 0, TI4E NA-PART HEREOF TURI! OF THE PAO. EXHIBIT A CEEDINO AOAINST PARCEL I UNIT NO 10 YOU, YOU SHOULD ON LOT 1 OF TRACT CON'{ACf A LAWYER. tOS25. AS SHOWN ANO On MAY 15, 1993 at 1 00 DESCRIBED IN THE CON p M CM. WESTERN RE OOMINIUM PLAN ('PLAN ') CONVEYANCE CORP , a Ca.hlornoa CC>rporauon as WHICH PLAN WAS RE Ouly eppomled tfustee CORDED ON SEPTEMBER under and pu•suant to " 1980 IN BOOK t3737 Deed ol TruSI roc.otdetd PAGE 1057, ET SEO. OF APRIL 21. 1984, as an~1 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF No. 84-174759. 1n book, SAIO COUNTY ~ID LOT I OF TRACT other common du1gna11on. 10525. II any, of Ill• real proper1y EXCEPTING FURTHER dffcnbeCI above Is pur· THEREFROM EXCLUSIVE ported to be 4 I I BAIGH· EASEMEtfl'S IN ANO TO TON SPRINGS, # tO, AU THOSE RESmtCTED COSTA MESA, CA 92627 COMMON AREAS AS The undtfsigned Trustff SHOWN ON SAID CON-disclaims any ltablhty lor OOMINIUM PLAN any locotrec.tness of the RESERVING THERE· llftet llddtHS and Oltter FROM, EASEMENTS EDA common de1rgnauon., 1t AC CESS. ING.RESS, any. shown here.n EGRESS, ENCROACH· Sard saw ..... be made. MENT. SUPPORT, REPAIR, t>ul without conver\31ll or REPLACEMENT. MAltfl'C. warranty, upress or Im· NANCE ANO OTHER PUA- Dated Meroh :J 1, tH:J ar. JOANNA LLOYD TRUSTEE SALE OF· ACER: Jo.Me UoJ41 Published Newport Beach.Cosi. Mes.a Da.ty Pilot Apt1I 14, 2t. 28, 1993. W745 PUBLIC NOTICE . NOTICE OF TRUSTE£'S SALE L49n No. 2381818581 WESTitOFF' PAGE(S) 13 AND 14 OF REORILL, RE.TUNNEL. MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, REP~A IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEEPEN ANO OPERA E coo~ RECORDER OF ANY SUCH WELLS OR SAIO COU~ MINES WrTHOVT. HOW· EXCEPTING THERE· EVER THE RIGHT TO FROM. All UNITS AS DRILL MINE, STORE, E)l. SHOWN UPON THE CON PLO RE ANO OPERA TE DOMINIUM PLAN RE· THROUGH THE SURFACE COA0€0 AS INSTRUMENT OR THE UPPER 500 FEET NO 89 t07271. OF OF· OF THE SUBSURFACE OF FICIAL RECORDS OF OR· THE LANO HEAEINABOVE ANGE COUNTY CAUFOA OE SCRIBED NIA PARCEL 2 UNIT 4 AS ALL Q\L OIL RIGHTS. SHOWN UPON THE CON- OOMINIUM PLAN RE· Boolr Page of Offtcral SALE: (71•) 385-4837 BOX(S, M OTORIZED Records 111 the omc. °'the or (213) &2T-48e5. 8tl(ES, MOTORCYCLE I Or TAC82S2t PARTS record•o 11ng9c:out1ty; Publllhed Newpon Publ1st'ted Newport Sa.Cl Sale wiM be made 8 tach.Cos1a Mesa DAiiy but wtthOUl cov.nanl Of Bnc:h Cost.I Mtu 0111ly P·IOI Apnl 7 t4 t993 Pii<M Matctl 31 , Apfol 7, 14 • wrJ9 1993 warranty. exptns °' 1m. plied. regarding title !>OS· we1~ PUBLIC NOTICE MSM)tl, or lnCUITlbrances 10 pay tile remaining pnno-1---------~----;Fi;;ict;::;lt:;i;:ou=•--- pal sum ol tne note(s) .... ,..,________ ik&MMU N11m• euted by saKJ dHO o1 p LUG Statement Trust, w<tn interest as '" The loto•"i')g ~s are sa10 no1e pr0¥tdeCI, ad ooing t>usinns as vancff, 11 any, under tne NUBS AUTO SECURITY, terms ol Aid Dffd ot 1 8425 Beac.t't 8IVd • H~ • 'D;"ISES, AU AS SHOWN page. of Olf•C•ll RocOfdt In PARCEL 2 AN UNOI the Olf1ce of the Coun1y Re VIDEO ONE FIFTY FIFTH plltd, regarding tiUe. pol· sess1e>n Of encumt>ranc:.s, T.S. No. F12afS04· ~INERALS MINERAL IGHTl NATURAL GAS FEARED TO IN PARCEL 1 AIGHT0 , ANO OTHER HY· l noma1 T ""*, same Trust, tees. charges and I N t•ngton BeiJCh CA 92648 corders o l ORANGE • County, State of CALIFOR· (l/SSTH) INTEREST AS A NIA e•eculod by MICHAEL TENANT IN COMMON IN E BOLAND ANO KATH AN SUBLEASEHOLO ES LEEN KEANE BOLAND. TATE IN ANO TO ALL OF HUSBAND ANO V'!fE WILL THE RE.AL PROPERTY IN SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION CLUOtNG WITHOUT LIMI TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR TATION TH" COM MON CASH, CASHIER S CHECK '" . . 0 ..., THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN OR AS DEFINED IN THE DECLARATION. PARCEL 3 · NON· EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS, INGRESS, EGRESS. ENCROACH· MENT, SUPPORT ANO FOR OTHER PURPOSES, Including lees, Charge.s Ind UNIT CODE F e•penaos ol the Trustee APN •937·94-080 and ol th• trusis created G.S L FINANCIAL COA· by said Deed ol. Trust, to POAATION as duly ap- pay lhe remaining pnnc:lpat pointed Trustee under lhe sums ot the no1e(s) H · following descr11>ed Oeed cvreo by said Deed ol ot trusl WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Trusl 10 wit $92,557.91 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR with interest thereon trom ABOVE OROCARBONS BY WHAT· APN 937-!)4 080 SOEVER NAME KNOWN, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT GEOTHERMAL STEAM UNDER A DEED OF TRUST ANO AL L PRODUCTS OE· DATED 1/10/90 UNLESS RIVED FROM ANY OF THE YOU TAKE ACTION TO FOREGOING. THAT MAY PROTECT YOUR PROP· BC. WITHIN OR UNDER ERTY, IT MAV BE SOLO AT THE PAAC(L OF LANO A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU expenses ol It!• Trustee nus bus.ness is co~ er>CI of th• trusU crHted duc:led by· an lndrYldual by said Deed of Trust. Tl'le 1eg1strant(s) com· Said sale will be held on m~ceo 10 1ransac1 C>u• Apnl 21 . 1993. al I 30 ness unoer the F1C11tious p.m. 1n lhe lobby to the Business Name(s) l1s~ t>ullding localed at 601 aoovo on Non Appoc.ible Thomas C Turner Soult> Lowis Street. Or· fl'l1s statemenl was filed • ALL AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWN ON A STATE OR ARE.A AS DEFINED IN THE NATIONAL BMJK, A DECLARATION OF COV CHECK DRAWN BY A ENANTS. CONDITIONS STATE OR FEDERAL ANO RESTRICTIONS CREDIT UNION. OR A (''DECLARATION") RE 7/01192 at 7 7501' per CASH (tn the forms which art lawfut tender in tt'te H E A E t N A B 0 V E 0 E· NEED AN EXPLANATION ange, Cahlomra 92668 with th• County Clerk ot At the 11me or tn• 1ntt1al ()f ngtt County on Mat 16, . CHECK DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL SAV CORDED ON SEPTEMBER INGS ANO LOAN AS 17, 1980 IN BOOK 137•7 SOCIATION. SAVINGS AS· PACE 15'5 ET SEO OF SOCIATION, OR SAVINGS 330 West Bay Street How To Place la sified Ad BY PHO'*I-: 7l4-6-il-S678 'or1h Oranit lounl)·~ 1.llO HY\ 1-,11 1,<, OR \1AIL: ).)0 \\nc B•> Strttl to la ~1t a, A 92627 • I _, .,/ '~ flt"4 .... \f I l"l .\,~lflF 0 HOl R~: f(lf,._ -teA.\t S.JtP\t ~ r,,._, "'~I• I'-'\! CJtP\t ~,·friD) CONDOMINIUM PLAN ANO llllnum as pt0111deo In said United States) and/<Y the SCRIBED. TOGETHER AS DEFINED IN THE DEC. nolt(I) plus cosi and any c:ashler's cettttied or other WITH THE PERPETUAL LAAATION. advances Wllh lnt0tesL checks speafied 1n c ... ,, RIGHT OF DRILLING. MIN· PARCEL 4: EXCLUSIVE ESTIMATED TOTAl. DEBT Coele Section 2924h (pay· ING, EXPLORING, ANO able in tutt at the time or EASEMENTS IN ANO TO 101,204 78 sale) alt nght, 11t1e and rn-OPERA TING THEREFOR THOSE PORTIONS OF LOT Tne benel1c1ory under terest conveyed to anCI ANO STORING IN ANO RE t OF SAID TRACT t 0525 said Deed ol Trust hereto-now ~10 b\I 11 under ~o OF THE NATURE OF THE publ1ca11on ol this notice. 1993 PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CON- TACT A LAWYER 161·0 MESA DA , COSTA MESA. CA 92627 ''(If a S!reel adO•ess or ... ttle IOtal amount ot tne un. paid balance ol ttle obl1ga· lion secured by the above deSC11bed deed ot trust and estimaled costs. e11· penses. and advances is ... ~.., ...... ......... Y••r ........ Call c~ for details! ... .,,,..,.. --................ . F5e4417 Pu!>i1$1'lt'd New;:)O(t 6each- Costa Men 0111y Pilot April 14 21 28, May 5 1 :)'JJ. We7~ TO PUCE IN AD C4ll 642-5678 5'1-1Z2D Costa Mesa, CA, 92627 NEWPORT COSTA MESA 2124 COSTA MESA 2124 NEWPORT NEWPORT 2169 BEACH 21 69 HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE BEA CH l 0 6 9 H 0 US ES/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil BEACH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CONDOS tBA tBA, yard $ngl NICE E 'SIDE 28R iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Herbor View Home•, FOR RENT encl garage, $S50'mo, house, lrpl, built ins, • w "'+ S750 O• •et s1vo10 BR Phase tt, Portotino. •••••••••• etec: & water pd No wrd , y•d. encl gar Pei !+ ,£ ~ ... ¢ condo Veru111es trig ttl I .. ________ ""IS ••().77 37 Ok. S925fmO 645-5862 ..,., ,1 ~"'."\ gym p.lttQ Altru luuteMftl115111t•" ii 1• 4Br J•.:..Ba. 2·sty Per· ...... v..-·~ ~ .. 1V•1P11tr11~C11tllltfd lect toe, $599.000 •---------•------------------• / •·c g;ie 646-2947 trll h irKMMatActlllMhs IRVINE 1044 OPEN SAT SUN 1·5, CORONA •Charming 2BR Clphr IRVINE 2144 ..... ~ + 1BR nous hr> va ro. _...;"'kll~llllil.tll 1842 Port Taggart DEL MAR 2122 $800 lBR hse SlOSO .,_.A.... 434 Aliso S825 mo t• -..rusr "lll'f ,rtlt1c11cc. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Owner Agt 7209950 LO yd quiet. sngl gar. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil • ulrl JlO 863-8291 Univ To-Center ne1 •ro~ &47·7540 2BR end uni• 2 patios. Hop Into 7 U•ll11ten •r •1sc11m1•1l111 -·· • .. &., ••• Al P•c-m,.;co; 12 pm ap11elous tBr condo __ __;,,______ BR BA d gar, pool tennis. 1 1111u .. nKt. c11-. 11ltt•ea. K ... 2 2 condo. en COSTA MESA·2·stv, yr lse s1044 mo • ....,Ls Beach & Bay $132 M•y cons ... cr ccM.ET"DY LOT/ l. f s t PCH• ' -au ..... IUJ. t.MlllllatDI If /786 ,,. .. 87 ~ Al'. uni 119 0 0 3BR 2BA, Interior ok H3met 551 8700 Rental Co. For --~.. .. •• ~. IH opt 7t4 """ CRYPT 1225 3 19 Oohha Pl St395 1 1 ·----------lf1tlll, • • 111-patio. rp c. gat<tgO. •• NM 111YWU9''rteftnca,llml· Catt Paul &40-5324 across from park. NEWPORT A Spn"ng ttllolt 11 ~.",.,...,.,.." NEWPORT Catahn.'l view + P"' $ t 100 mo Agent BEACH nil .... ,.,., Wiii net BEACH l 069 2 Pac1t>c: View Memonal bch remod JBR 2Ba 63 '. t 400 21 69 Vacation Home t Bluffs Cendo JBR ~ .B S16SO 8,111>,lr.J Agt 644 Ot9S Helt'" O Dowo Rllr LIDO ISLE kllO'lt•tlyau1ptMyldWll1•U· Parle Graves1ghll, In hm, lg yd • Uock.1---------l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $ 0 Al>l.l'f. me.nl let rtal '"* wllttll ls ia liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Corona Del Mar S925 sltyloghts, trplc, great E SIOE lg 3Br 2Ba trptJC, I Ummer M onday Frtdll,J 0:30PM .... ~II .. tflllt.,. °"' rtMCll Blufta beaulltut condo each, 777·5&a8 areal $1850 640-4285 now cpt/docor. tp, Clfw Beach Area! Beach House SIPP" t beach J6R :>BA Sl '50 mo lease Owner 675-1 6 11 · " overlooks pool/grnlt lndry, Ince! yrCI. grdnr. Tue•d ay M onday 0.30PM 111 11tr1•y llltorrned th l 111 BR S325K 673 8967 -----..,..---, MAGNIFICENT t 80 Ouietl 51275 640-l73l NEWPOAT PENINSULA Or If you arc reloc.i Tu.e.da v •.·•oPM llwtlll•t S H _.t rtlUll 1n ·~·· 4 . For Ad Action Ocean • HarbOr view YEARtY ~WINTER oon \0 lhO Balboa WedoeMlay ....,, "" i ewspapel .. 111a1lllllc .... Valenuno Propenlcs 4BR 2V.BA. Nu blinds/ Nice 2BR n 1BA 2·SIOfY S650 MC>-5 1950.'MO Peninsul3 'w ore her<> lndependeol WednHd&y3:30PM 1,,a1optllttll•ftyNlls.1oc.m-ThePllot Calla carpct/palnt/lnelscpg condo. big yard. 1-48Rlncl.ceanftone to hOlp• P1c1r.Up a WedoHday G:30PM ~•ol~lmillllioll,ullHUD T Cl•utfted h .... -.. Lols or hght Comm palto. 2 car garage. FwMhed'Unlurn.shecl UeUng Sh .. t al Thursday TolMm II l·IOO·'l' 1$90. fol ho most comprc en· ....,~.. pool SJSOO 121 0678 s9951mo Villa Rentals 903 Eaat 8 .. boa Friday Thursd ay &:30PM I&• WlsJIMlfton, OC ana plcm slve and current Cllroc· Whether you ro buying Villa Rentals 673·AENT Saturct.a, ...... ......... Friday &:30PM ~HUD al 42i·J$00 ~~ryeso•t 1Q0~(ld~ and llClr· or so111ng, ClasStllcCI 6711!. A912 675-4912 '------------------1---------., __ ·:..-:.:.::...:..:.:v.....:."____ cover• all your needsl ..,... l•do Isle J • 3 tam rm rC'dcc 2~111 gar s:> JOO 310 ~77·1583 c.111 owner ahcr 6PM Nwp t Hgta IOvely SP'\ Ct(l•I!> 48R 48A hso. 2 c.11 gnr, frplc w d nkup S1600 759 0874 ------1 CARPENnY 3510 CHILD CARE 3536 CONSTRUCTION HANDY MAN 3710 LANDSCAPE a: MOVING 3834 PERSONAL 3890 TILE 3928 .'I' SERVI CE BUILDING 3560 LAWN CARE 3808 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SERVICES 386 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l~~iiiiii~~~~ DIRECTORY Qltv "··•t•m Wo.dwork A·J HSKPRSJNANNIE.S 1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l•N__,__t.I ~"'" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PUBLIC NOmE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Aeceu.on Proor yOUtwl:f' Ceremtc Ttte/Merllit• ~--~ -& c 1• p I c 1 Plum"--& or on ,.....,,~ Top qu l1ty WOl'll. ,..,,.,bl• _________ , Clil>S&"9M1,CUSlmWOW!li ompanion. H1lletbfandCon11NCllon 0 • n:1• andrpen '1Y· OLL.anC11C.1poM01nt The C.111 Publk: Utlll-Bod,Guard/Cha.uffeur Ph~~lesworli Guv &honeatl!Oyr•up. lk:'d, gvar., freo est. Agency 842-1142 lJcl S92451 Bond ln1'd rywa • more G11dtn.ng, lawn 1911nlOtr1 ljes Commission RE· trtroa.n.\rJy Prolessoonlt anteedl CM &46-2387 Lied ~eo ms Hard Wood Cot111S418644 la1ge/sman 1obs, Aers Gart &45-5277 and pbllC 111Sl3• dnll-up QUIRES thot oil used JAMES 644-2868 frtt ~1 w•s;i"!lples ADDITIONS 25 yrs ••P &31-8810 /oHome/Renlal 'ropertle1 Coml'I\~ S27·1087 hou se hold goods H2-0904 RepMri, Rtmod Doors."'"' CLEANING Pa i nt Carpentry movers print their Your Penot\81AMNatMt POOL REMODELING 3410 '""''· c:at>onots, llUCC:O & drf-• • OrMn Scene l.Andscpng 01ga"l11ng Erra"dl Piper On• b1r One Tile iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ..... tencn, g•t•s. tic: lie SERVICES 3548 DOORS 3580 Or~_!l.1 _:~.2m;7•1 & hrlgallon, Tnmm1ng ii~o~ :;::; !h~~:':~ WoM'arlles . FREE up your SERVJCE 3894 But P..or:e 1n Town• 3.._ t•P Je.-142.ff67 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~r .., & Removels, Ckilan· -llUilblt 1ime1 8Sl-6S37 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kn-.hf!nll battls'lloora ., C1 1 1 ~1·• "• 11 1, & M S L prlnt thelf TCP num· n s1ory apec1a ••ts A & L Cleaning Service DOOR MANGINO European Craftsman ups ;J1nt. l le. ber In all adveruse-Acid ,.,nh S('.)4t(:•.W SlbO •S!llJI!> Tom i70-2789 Lie :...:'1~~~3,"t •---------w..-.. ._ c~ •rell Complele wwlfltrwippng Tiie, painting, r-ool, 6599025. 432·8804 monts If you nave o -P-LAS--TE--R-----1 Servce·r~tS ava CAR.PET 3514 13 yrs •'P FrH n1 lltndl and oak customt repair and morel Ref's Landscape Overgrown? question about the le-Blue Ma,,.,, POOi Spa M. M.xllft<ll ~Conti rn,lcomm 8()0.2'2·2Mt PHONE EST HS-2478 Stefan 58t·7Mt On a Budget? coll me! gattty ot a mover, limo REPAIR 3880 531·7925 3932 ARCHITECTURE AU Carpet Repairs po~r stretch & Install any .,,. lob t 5 yrs up 7 dtlyS 292-8090 2<& hr •All Homes My Specut11tyl Fr-houtte ~la Lo S. tnm, •eed, ctn-up or chautteur, call iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Cool Water Pool• l'lle cleanf!CI Bostons •---------Specialists Ir! all lntdesl F'" wnnen e 1 972 9798 Pubhc Ullht .. s Int/Ext patct't pla.st•rt"il ,,.,1o,1y pool clng cnemliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r.ne11 homes tor 12 yrs ELECTllCAL 3610 Dl"°""t a..n.ric• uwncare Commission custom 1e'ClllmQ qu.&ltty srvc, ~1p r•p " ftff W•llp .... .,.rong R•";'OVel call Wendy H2·7033 liiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiji!iiiiii~iiii ua nowt 7~ lowest pncel • 11 monlh. 71 4·55&-4l5I wori. Prooiems No proo-est 77S.1722 and ~•nhng OU&lity '"'TL ... t... fmt & ............ avn ya-' S O M .... '--I •3~•"-" S"'• 71.31 --------=--:-Worl!I Lie 636980 DRAFTING 3428 Design • Plans Olds • Permus Consulting Av••• Housoc toan1ng Low "'""' c no McGregor's Ma.ntenaoc:e """"~ • "' av " o .... ng ---"'--"......,,-.,...,,_.--..,...,,..--,Cool Water Pool• 11 Ma•do 919 5533 rates tor complole de· res/comm, 24 hr arv Eat.1nt. ret·s. 27 reliable 1 ___ H __ s._3_2_7_5__ l owest. Storage, prof Aeetucc o/Patch.lng v.1.!y poot ctng ch•m , _ __,,_....,...---..,,,---CEMENT MASONRY 1011ed ca1e-1nclvd1ng QUilMy wotll '°"IHI pnu• yrs •~P Questions -•Ulwna mowed lront XLNT rep 1 hr min. inti Water damage int ext srvc. 4tQU•P r('pnlr, frM ~l ~ng 1ogce. windows! &46-9038 •-=-u_c,..'d-=8_9_ .... _~o-=2:":"4_-:--swered tor lt'ffl 64&-81"6 & back s 11 so. clean· Tt67659 V MC 731·2956 Ins worll 20 yrs e11p Ht 775 1722 To1:;1 lntettor R mod-40 yrs GJCp 638 7900 •Dratting & D teltln• AICh1tects/£ngineera Contu1ctOA'bldc1111111 own. tis Plal\$ '*"'" n4-7997 3526 Maria'a home c._nlnt Bob Chappell Electnc up• & compl seN also1 __________ Uc_'_d_&a_a._B_1_1• ___ 1 f'l<ng S.<V Advtce To Depend ble, reason Ouahty & pro! I work avail. &31·B809 PAINTlNG 3858 Sandble•t, R-IYCco, •OOflN,. Tlw C1ur 63"' 1172 * •-t prf .. aN'\.•-1lty able end rellabte 24 haul responie Uc'd IMPROVEMENTS 1 p~i... L .... ... .... 1,lo -,_ ... _ a\ v 3910 O<Jv It s.11 I\ rind ll _. _,_.. C leweft __ , Mwcll(IN -na...-• ......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii Cla--• .. .-...... land~.bnc '1ont 9 yrs exp. 934-5"8 omm/rea 760-7122 HOME 3756 Ouwy rNVll OOfle P'Oles FrM Est roas prrces _ .. _ BUSINESS SERVICES 3488 JTConti41tt43-0622 P,-of'I HouHcte•nlnw S...wtce 1at Electrlo iiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SIOlll.ly Ill an lnttfllgtnt Md eW.P. YOUNGQUIST 855-0eM .-..... ... ,.,, •• C..-11"-cl •Concrete sa•i"" Eap/ref's rei)S prle•• AeliComm RusonMlll 1atft Cairn• Conatructlon 1_c_OUl'1tOtll ___ ~---~..,st,,..·_194S_ ciU:,'"~~l~n~:":,':,, ---------Roofing reroof rf'P•"• ... a A a A.it?O 111111 MfYIC• and upeitencll Nf'W remodflllddlbONI 3890 IS yr• local bu,incu removal & 19'>1.tdng. COl9 ~v Uct SS6112 SJ3..22)9 s-·~• ....... _.,_....... • TREES,. Uo602098 ioa. PLUMBING he C11Refa ...._.213 d11111nq, haui.no smttl •---------.....-• •• -·~··-F'" ut MS 3305 lob• only. 936-3391 •WINDOW CLEANING• 1---------~ Jobt.lie'd ~IW ToApttl"'•"'o••· Lt•n•. Re Root. A Repe.,. -NCES ·" 11"2() Yrs of"* .... loft • • OtScovnt • • Loe.I ~· , 16 Yr. Laius l.al\d1C3Pf Con1111.1t1ion rRt;E ESTIMATES n ; ~ ll1-34'7I 111 "-'" s-~~·~· P1umbtn9-11t•ino a.~ OrNte• Pa •he Rig W01JProciu~11ytta New/re la11<1•c1pl~ & $3l ·3237 David a DECIS 3615 JEWELRY 3784 MASSA,.E 3830. ___ "-_1_._ ... _i_~ __ ,.,.,,_, ___ , nojelblOOMNl.dllelOal •~ .. 1Me lf82l 8 1uumes'p1111p111ets 11,.r ,.i v . . ru 1 1 11111 ptint""' came1• rlil•tf copy• do signing Any kirld/ -:-::-:-=-:-:'::"".:-:-:---· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I •Kou•• Palntl-• •• 11 11 "'722-e3ee 1110· 5 64-3971 COMPANION & "-. .., UC.b0ttdi1n 131·1'22 --------Fencet '"'tit William HtrQfd ,,._. .. ,,. Maaaane Theraf»~ '" ~111t.,lor/ln1.,10r 15 __ w_or_.d_P,-oc-,-~~-l-'1-,-,-1 •M•aonry £•pert•• CAR! 3554 refl/ftM • t/OV.t~y Watch & Jewlry repair Chiroprt ctoe Ott~ Most Y"* •111> Froe est Ofeln P robtema & ltWIT"' plfTlplllti ., ., lfll t>rtell, plAnt rs concrete. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 7ao.M~• Anllq~1~1ne Jewelry ina acc.pi.d C.tll Hllncy,-.,,;;_ ... o-.a ... v .. •-.•.-• .... ;..,... ... __ ,_ Plumbl n9 "•p•lr iiiiii••liiiiiiiiiiiiia p.1n1ong ,.,.,.. r a, c0py1 iluc:c:o, •IC. Llc'd Our co~on Cere E•p'-•""'ff""'•""'W~cri=""l-:Qi~t-=•~I~.-11uy._,,,_•7~HS • or AHi.ha ••~90~ P_.n'!!' .... ~.~6Ncl i..;: 09 ;'~'°1" 722·&:Jee go.JI I• hoMstyl SJl·1&13 Sec'ty/bo<*kpr. Oriw, .._'"'"'".,_.,.,._. _, ___ .. ..., --------I T .J. Pelle CeftC. c .... , ., ron d • ,~e P• r • Rtc1wooc1:c..., k "d LAMDSCAPE a MOVIN"' 3834 Clb.tlMll II C!f•-' ft$*f Drain =•Hat ... me-•s e7 8 Jim Wl'I ... • 042·7208 v f'r•11.1J1do0ftt~tl50 ~---,.,. e...,...y 3510 Conc'8rtck810dl. Lio ... •----·-=-·---•LAWN CAll 3808 •--------.......,. CARP .. iua # 77'32 ~ Oulll/ TM Pt... •Weod ffence•• liii&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii M•.2na -------- Ando• fl CM eor.. IOt Oocl•t Hung Perfctelly A.mod '" «. A•fl<'l•a Lkfci, OonMd 144-eH7 LO'#.,, ... 1l4 7093 Cl•• .. .._ ,.._""*'·'"''**'9 •&iiiii••••• Anoro3ble f4'm11y on • ua• TRADE n,. Com~ly 'fll• mos.I compr hon• ....,..., Lowprlcet.lJc'd AH ~ T,.. Mov.og et e R Hon· TH• •No O~ll•• Market PIK•. •Ive nnd current d1rec:· ~eon. 11~1 -....varo dean-up, •bl• Pr1ce . Catt PILOT'a Plumb.he tingldr Ina h""'"" cllssified P1IOI Clasalhed toty ot QC>Oda and Mr• buy h. S4i1j h F1nd h hauling, flemcMll, lnm, TOOAY •M ove Todlly CUSStffl•D ftat low ratn. trM "4 """'" ....... ,.. lt•CH arouf\d c1-affle4. ffM ... Ut ... t• CAL•t316~ 407<HeS ·---------lie. ~ ... ~ Ml-MT• Take 811111-ol IU LOW MOJflllY RAlEI AdNllsa 11111 lluslness or se"'ca b anlJ- F1111111111m111811• Gall M2-5118 x 310 f Repainting? ( . ~ ....... -,..._ --. --,,.... -,,. .. ..... -.......... .. Wednesday, ~114. 1993 •E•ru•T WIS11lllStll 2112 APUTIDlnS COSTA IDS& 2U4 ausDllSS o m a IMPtOntDT llDCllAllDISB .•1J:;A:CB=-:::=:z1:1~•1.1 1.,....,.. .,... comp19 .. 1.'°!!!a!!!un!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I.,. 2BA. pvt ~ J10a amrr 2111 5530•-----•I 1100 •u. Pa• ud'* l!MO/mo. F,.. utll.1: w/d hlilup, ~ulel me ...... 4 770 Bookk H8 ...,,.,.. Luicury-H•rt>or View ~ ~~.~~115 BALIOA ••.w. R•l•ti•rM. • -.per 1---------1 1.,. ... Oectt w/'VWMI _. • ~--, _.... lt050lmo. 631•291• v... KertllMlft (JW facturer need• FT ANTlQVIS 6010 '9t ._.., Aod90 • I -ACUIA-----90-10-1 ""'.o...": .now WZ:.. 11500 JSUUn) 2IOI Alrpon, N 8) ~ work boOkkNp«. Comput· Fwn(Unf HO(). Shopping tot • new •'81N a.ctr a.., atadona $150; pvt ol· et'lzed, AIR. A/P, GL. .iiiiili•••&iiiiiil ltl.21'1 TMmODDlm R091M8PORD Ma.OOtO •:::ou:: ,.:.:'"::.'" ~? duaified Fum-<harming, prvt, Lg 28.R w1"»alcony. la $350 Mo-co.mo. payroll, fli\andal ...... , ________ ,. ----------1'90 ~ Cpe • Auto, leta you compare 18R lndry t ~aon 1125/mo. No P«a F,.. ptkng, lum, voice menta 5 yra e11p n/1 PETS • ale. leathef'. p/w, pldl, TWO llASTD a UtTaa coet9 • ~ "..... • • • 329 Unlvers9'y °''e malt recept. coff... ottlce. aalary baled Est.le 9 caaaeue. chrome Br 2Ba, pinetrM aet~ °' wonyl ::. ~~~fg5~ Ma-2•t• conl rm. FAX, c:oplet, on el(p. appy In per· AlfDIA1S 604 wnl•. pwr mnrl Stk 1-------- dng, DD'· paloe. 1975 Pllet Cl•nlaed •FRii &ai•tl•t Feet e.. UPS, notary, aon w/ruum• at S.le! 37958 Vin 009621 MAZDA 9125 .... No petL M0-9'08 ........ '78 tBd ,_, pool Hcty avail. 833·9550, 18792 Burke L.n HD. 8aTAT8 SA'\.I!: 2 LO bteed kennela, S t !,977 l'iimijjilil~~~~~· rm. c . ' • Al Quinlan Hand C -LM ..... ,,. Rec"'--r tram· Tu•lln Dodee t• .... _______ ..., ______ ......, CORONA aide, gated, lndry rm, Cashier/Food Server arv-.. ng -~ -,_.... Tuelln Aut• c...t ... ·as S.2000 P/U • 48K Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work~ for you. t'I -•• 26.22 close to bch. achl1 & N• W•t..tront Ofc: Room & Dining Ing gear. M2·9731 mllea, 5 apd, ale. AMI DGA. w u lhop•. M2·MH Quaint, cozy, comfol1· 5 Shift• per week. Fe-Room (Couch la Im· BONNl6.1• • tMQ, lolle· ?3 0 ••oo FM uer•o. a port liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii H--.-.... 'Left! :!!!,m!PP~t .. ~~o'· male prerd 28HJ270 por1ed Italian Ivory llble, .. m ... Ool ..... _________ etripn. sue 3197• Bi.. ll~hl S•,udlo With -··• -·""• ..--._ - --•T • ""T I S II k .) A 1 k Ing R I I s• ·· ,,._ .. 7 .. •7• ......... ""'' -'V • ' Very BIG 1 BR In a 0 , •7 • •107 r • or .... ....o .. t on• • r over. .,e CADJ•" •C 9040 ,, .. , c -.. -· • wry large IUl"ld•ck, qw.t compleit. -•v•ll hnmodl for 128,500, replace-adores people, Upe· w.n ' T .. tln .,._. frpl, 2 1/2 bike lo ....... l In N 8 GOOd (T1 e n t v a 1 u e I·" hlld SM'a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TUDlfn Auee Co"'9r Oc $ 90/ II E'alde. no ,,.u. ......... . ·• St 00,000. H and c-y c ten. IN) ean. 7 mo. ul •3 t..,.27 star11ng pay 831-<>1« ca----POOi T-•1e fW1 outdoor dog whO •et aovtno Sllvef/dk 730 •• Incl. &44 •1449 BUSTarer5 a. ......... .... need• • big yarfll and blue Int. t81< mlle•, MOVW·IN 8 P •CIAL u•~ ._ HORTICULTURE from Goldenweal Blf.. Iota of l\.C alnce ahe warranty. Uk• new. -._-.---""-15--9-1_3_0 .----------------'ti Walk to ChfM Cove l1BR·UOO, 2BR-$700. FINANCE Trolnoe: Self-starter lard•. LA., CA, t " lost her master•.,.., S23,500. 875-5890 ~~ Lg tBR w/garage, Ck>M to ~Ing. needed full time fOf •late, solid ma· ago and the grand· -------- SnSlmo. ~9840 HURRY! 54&-908 t wataf'lnn, Med""' and hogony, aotld walnut children ate In achoo! ---------.,. -·• ralJ wtlh Molher of GARAGE SALE HINTS •MOVE·IN S NCIAL! grooming plant•. Xlnt Pull Inlay, uklng moat of the time. CHRYSLER 9050 COSTA MESA i624 o.r ... DLg 2 BR tBA BUSINESS rt:::;{hytoM:;:~ru c::: $4,200. Harpslcord, ~·':oc, -=~= h:d 'f:r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "",, cpml.o ~;,.. •2t~rage. · OPPOltTUNIT'f 8:30a .... :30p, 873·2268. S?,500. Many More since ah• WH • &-wit· '92 Lebaron Conv. • ~ TD Wagon, tMO Auto, btown w/belge Int, good cond. t 27K ml. 16,900. 631-1281 •$200 OFFI 3BR 2'hBa, W/D hkups, garage, 2233 Fairview. $1070/mo 54&-700t ,,30/r __. ... es Exqul11te Thlng11 She 1 otatl t--------- Mov.ln Saeclals!! 2904 HOUS EKEEPING Call 702-M&-a35. :'~res11ve5 ~ ~ ~iar.'' ~=· f: ... ~ MITSUBISRJ. 9145 ·-oRDiiii Dependable. moll-•--------~ not • barker. Very blow. Slk 37897 Vtnl"iiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiiiii ....,..... LI! 1• 2 VE NDING ROUTE • vated, outgoing. FT/PT Ue Ith kid but Is $ ""77 fll Mak~ sure you arrive at the garage sale early or you will miss the~ bargains! & 3BR townom ... Ga· Priced Right • Pou. avg S8·10/hr 723-44f3 •---------• ~ wat~h•dog~·She Is ~¥::~" :,::.·.. '90 Mitsubishi Van • S4551Small IBR, single, ~:°r::!. :=;;.~eoo-$850 . Wkly Income • L 0 8 AN 0 E L ES FUllNITUJtE 6014 registered with the Tuetln Auto Contef' Auto, rer, ale. p/I, pl n/smkr. 95-4 W. t7th.1-===:-:-:---====-=-=-= 800.226-2290 TIMES. Part tlmeliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kennel Club as "Bon· 73C>-44M>O ~l~··::i: .. c;:· Clean & Safe. S P ECIAL MOVE·IN work f0t lull time P•Y··--------.. nle Healher O ' 37925 Vin 001312 54&-0358 OF 8495 tBR, new ---------•• Dundee" and I'm ca ..... -·. laundry tac11· MONEY lndOOf/outdOOf sales. • ---------St o "7 .$..._ M u I ! '""' .. $5 35/h + enero • Estat e sure, tho' I haven t DODGE 9065 T'--... -.a-. ,._ owe• n tie•-. 722.-7.... TO Lo•u 2914 . r. g u ked h h 'd -·" ----E'slde 28R 1BA, xlnt "" -nn commission. Work as er, • e pre-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tustin Aueo Center loc, 271 16th Pl. $725 ---------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii whlle qualifying for at-Sale! =c~~~:,Vd 0~0~: ,83 Dakola Club Cab • 730 4800 No J>4tls 9 4 4 0452 IAGUNA Nl!ED A LOAN? In • tractive benefits pack· l!STATI! SALi!: 0 ago which Includes C 1 1 curse at her In Gaellc. PW, pl, camper ahelli--------- tBR Mobile Hme. ulel. BEACH 2648 bind? No credit? We medical coverage. ~:'odm a~dD~nf~g FREE only 10 tho & carpet kit, alloy NlSSAH 9150 Secure. From $570. can help. 1-8()().666. Call 966-4568 moat quahlled family. wheels, white. 0n1y1'iiiiiiiiiiilii•••li 1991 Newport Btvd.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n90 Room (Couch la Im· Pleaae call 54!>-1425. 4K mlfe1. Slk 11 No pets 846-8373 2BR 2BA, gar, lndry lac, PIT DISHWASHER ported Italian Ivory 37724 Vin 109774 '89 Maxima · Auto, pla, ""'2-=e-=R,_...,.1 .. lh""B,...,A,--10-w-n'""'h-o-u-s-0··1 groat view, 220 Clitt ••••••••• Needed days. Apply S 11 k .) A• k Ing S18 977 ale, lilt. crulM, p/w, pl Or $1150 827·5107 or ANNOUNCEMENTS al Mesa Verde Conve-$26,500, replace· PIANOS & Tuetln Dod.. I, lutMr. Stk 37950 style, gar, patio, pool, m e n t v 8 I u e Vin ....... ..,2 ..... 10-32-C w. Wiison 310·596-4770 ••••••••-lescent Hospital, 661 ORGANS 6059 Tue tln Auto Contef' .,...,._. Cenlor St.. CM. $ t o O. o o o. H • n d iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 73o-4800 TU911n Dodtte $700 No pet 646-0l05 •---------•-------..---ClllVed Pool Table Tu•lln Aueo c ....... • 2BR 2BA. Ground fir NEWPORT PART TIME from Goldenwest Bit-Wurlitzer Baby Grand, '88 Omni 40r • Real 730 4800 unil in 4 plex, Family BEACH 2669 LOST 6 N-d lots ot serious & lards, LA., CA, 1" $1475. Baldwin Spin· cloan & economlcaJ. neighborhood, gar, FOl'TVft slate, aolld ma-net Plano $345 Both 8"" .. 81 2KYP218 ---------$765/mo, Is•. n/fee,•=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii vnu 2925 positive ~pie. Good hogony: solid walnut xii. Will help deflver. ,_.. $3979 OlDSllOllll 9155 1• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pay & houra. 564-3966 I f 7t .. '527 ta• .. . ----------------J· __ m_w_._64_4·_7_2_11_ag_t_ *2BDRM $700* rel w1~ Mo~er o -• -THEODOfH! FOUND: DOQ R ECEPTIONIST Pear1 Inlay, asking ROBINa FORD '86 Fierenza · °""o. pis, ale.. t BC5764 S"' 37948 $4577 •1BDRM $600• Female Shor-Pel, in F0t beauty salon In $4,200. Harpslcord, nr~rs 6075 ___ .... _2_..00....,. -i_o __ Frig, dahwshr, stove Fairview Park on Pia· CdM. Exp prel. Neat. S7,500. Many Mate ~ incl. No pets 545-4855 cenlla, Costa Mesa clean appearance. Exquisite Things I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '92 Stealth • Tiit. cru1se, (behind Estancia High Part time, 675-1495 Call 702-64~35. 2 0tch, 'Jake'a Women' AM/FM caa1, ate . •Britnd new ba)'front School). Call Carol .. ,.._ ________ ,.,________ 4/29 8pm, Doolittle. mags. Stx 37915 Vtn Ii 111111 TUDtln Doctve Tuetln Auto C.ntOf' 730 4800 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANN AH HIRSCH WHERE ARE THE TRICKS? vi-condo, 2BR 2BA. 979-9733. Sales Reptnentallve S39ea. 721-0324 iv msg 055995 St 7,977 2 car gar, yrly S1275. S tarl Immediately, DINING RM table, Tua tln Dodge JIM 873-3777 Agt "=F"'o'"'u""'N=o-:-=0og=---.--=F,....e_m_a~Je eam $1 000 Of more heavy glass w/8 green'•••••••••I Tuetln Auto Center Both vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •QJ 7 Q AQJ78 <> Q 8 • 8 7 4 WEST EAST • K 10 8 G 2 • 8 4 3 <:;> 9 3 <:;> 8 0 A 7 4 <> J 10 9 3 • A 9 3 + K J 10 G 2 SOUTH •A 9 Q K 10 G 4 2 <>K8G2 +Qe The bidding: SoutJa W•t North Eut 1 Q 1 • 4 \J p._ P.. p._ Openinc lead: Nine of Q Auslrallan Shepherd per wk, must bo exp. velveJ chrs, 9 mos1• 7 3o-4800 AccordiDg to the Law of Total Newport Terrace mix, 4/9, on Doi Mar wilting to travel. new. Pd $3000; Sell TRANSPORTATION PONTL\C 9170 Trieu, North·South should be able 3Br 2\hBa, $1100/mo. Ave .. Coate Mesa. Call (Doc1ora Choice). Low $950 Firm cashl ••••••••••!:;:::-::;:;:----:::;::;:: to score 10 tricks. That would in· 65o-4826 548-3334. fat food products, 545-5138 FOllD 9075 '89 Flreblrd deed be· the case were the spade Versailles, Lrg 1 br w/ __ F_O_U_N_D_: __ W_H_l_T __ E 1 -eoo.233·2464 f"ormal O.n ng Room, ' Hubba!! Hubba! finesse to succeed. However, t.he mini view. $825/mo, PERSIAN CAT. Coll Sales~plo needed for CHERRY QUEEN SAIL BOATS 7014 5~pd, '"/C, '"M/FM NT 0 9 Bu '158 Mustang, 90% re---" " bidding made it painfully obvioua XL UIET loc. MS-3M • local marketing com· ANN. ffet lo china etored, N-pnt. Aqua cass, lift, cruise, pl that it would not. and declarer wu many amen. walk to Lost night of April 12. pony. $7 hour guar. w/mirrored back, curio 18' Hobie Cot w/tltr, blue Int/ext, 6 cyl r.teer, p/brakea, red, 100'-i'ng at t'---ra1t }"""'"-in th.. beach, full soc. lse, no female half Hima'·"'•n plus Comm. PIT eve. Ill ende, Malchlng new tramp, new white Cl•ssk: 3 spd, man 47K ml, $6,295. Call . a . un:e •· """'0 "' ~· 644-7211 Agt. · ,.Y_ call Dave 800-998-6670 toble & chairs NEVER LP, A·t co.nd. S895 al _,. minor suits. blue eyed adult C-411. USED, 12,300. For all, 080 .._ 4005 tran. c, a .. .,.m, cau, 842· .. tO Lv Mag At the table, Jeff Meckstroth $100 Reword! Teachers Asst. toddler 7141890-3856 · Ve,Y •harp • A.a new1 ________ _ made it. Al difficult u nno.o.ible for WESTMINSTER 2692 375-0582 .Jennw & PrHchool. UCI lo Ir· 1---------22' Cl-Die NOf'Weglan 16250 OBO 492-4263 TOYOTA I"'-LOST w ... ·L-vine, Xlnl wrkng cond. TOP QUALITY While wooden sloop, xlnt -. --------t.he opponent&. 1-te wont.he opening -5 ' exp prel. 8 5 4-803 0 aofa/chr. cost S3000 cond prime NH allp 89 Taurus · Full pwr. Alliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . 9210 trumpleadinhanda.ndimmediat.ely lBRA'pt,qulotcomploJC, Friday evening. RE· take $1200. Exec oax 13200/obo.648-3879 ° C. AM/FM cau & ·92 P/U . Bedliner. tnep WARD. Call Curt, 645-· more (S''-808...,,1 ) led the nine of spades. Weat rose t.o $540/m~ • Free ut1lsl 0333 °' 675-6695. desJVchr, cost $1600 · "'· n bumper, alkhng wln- t.he occasion by going up with the Mini blinds, lg closet, EMPLOYMENT take seoo. 67S-Oe36 <210110> *7979 dow, work or pl•y. S~ king and East followed with t.he pool, lndry, 894-8115 ·-------SERVICES 5533 ,________ SPEED & R~:.E.:m:o 37923 Vin 026700 three.'Reading thiA u suit prefer· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MEltCHAHDISE SKI BOATS 7016 942..0010 s7;°!.!ttn Decteo thee, West shifted to a low club and EMPLOYMENT MlSC 60 5 Tuattn •·-e c-•or APARTMENTS ...... _ . 1 •as BO S TON -..... t.he defenders had no trouble getting Please be aware that -------9-08-0 730 ••oo 1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii W H A L I! R , L I k e GEO their tricks. FOR RENT lho hshngs In ~is cat·'".. New , SBOOO W t' to•"·h· (·th · rtn EMPLOYMENT egory may require you ur.ttlng toblo Indus. el s .... mg a1 tn pa erl••••••••• to call a 900 number trial size w/compau. •~S0441 .,.,. St~m GSI • Ye..__, VOLJtSWAGEN 9235 ia admirable, but wu it necesaary? 5530 ...,, "'· ...,._ W uld ha In which there Is a oak, cabinet• $16.5 ---------• auto, •tc. '"M"'u e, too. wo ve defeaud t.he1--..,..-------oBo • .. •te3t "' " ,.-.... RENTALS TO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii charge per minute --MARINE SERVICE caaa. (St 808291> ~~tract wit.bout running the riak Auto Detollor All l<Jnda of Jobs For lndustnal MWlnQ ma.. SUPPUES 7020 (270110) $7379 U1At partner waa not signalling with SHJlltE 2724 Exp helpful/Win Crain. All Kinds of People. chines, Kansas bins. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil TH•OOOR8 hl. spade play. Aft.er winning t.he Must be dependable Piiot Cl•••lfled. florescent lights, ROlllNS POltD lrin.i of spades, t.he simple defenae i1 CdM·Shr lg 49R hse 1 & neat. 846-5054 ·---------clothino-~'PP8'9· Prop-Dinghy Dav1t1, S/S, 842..0010 to lead one of our minor-au it aces. Ir pvt rm avl. o •nlng r~. • erty of 929 Newttafl, :C.;,t;~'-z5~~tf up we chose the ace of clu'--and part· frplc. walk to bch, ------------------Costa Mesa. 642·2666 Ull EMPLov.1.:NT EMPLOYMENT 76().3166 0t 722'9738 HONDA ner encouraged wit.h a high club, we $425 ~ utlls 723-4572 1 nu; would then cash the ace of dia· Share 3Br 2Ba In COM 5530 5530 COMPUTERS 6018 mooch before reverting to dube. If, nr be1teh . Prof non-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii inatead. I.he ace of dia.mon<h wu led amkr. Pvt bdrm/oHfce/ ------------------. 1• and partner di.acouraged with the bath, $650. 675-5352 ltty, we would then shift to a club ••••••••• with the same result. EXEC UTIVE ASSISTANT SELL your used veh1Cle through classified 642-5&78 '91 CMc • 4 apd, ale. AM/FM cau. 31 K miles. Ste 2VOC201 (3TK379'44) $'74'77 '71 •H1dli QT. VW chasals, IRS racing tran1mlasJon, •·•pd, AM/FM 5tereo casa, yeUow w/blk Int Very lase. Matk. 644'4i032. SELL It's not u euy u you might think for the defenden to take the tricb that are their due. Fint, they do not know bow many fut tricks are available. Secondly, t.he fact that each defender Mel only half the de· Cenaive retOUrcee makee it difficult for them to aecertain where thoee trick.a are available. Thirdly, a skilled declarer might be able to force t.he defenders to select a line before much oft.he hand iJ revealed. Here'• an eumpll of a ftne effort by South to hoodwink the oppooenta. -----------------------COMMERCIAL lmmedlcrte opening for omrtont to 1901 •tat• executive. MUST be mature, postttye, a good' communtcotor • both wrttt.n • oral. Must hOYe exe.-nt word proeenl~ computer skllls. Real •stat• license a + . This Is NOT on entTy level potttton. SolOly + bonus. Send rewme to: ORE.AT FOR KIDS! IBM PF/2 7()..386. 5mb ram. 60mb hd, VGA, mouse, modem. $$$$ of so'1ware. 723·~73 Tu•tln Dodv• Tuatln Auto Contor 73o-4900 your home tbrouQh claHified TODAY'S. REAL ESTATE C ROSSWORD PUZZL E BUSINESS PROPERTY ACROll 1 Matured 5 Beot 10 Dirty mark 14 Cheat eound 15 Boy Scout unit ti Hollow In dlfl 17 AdYWlity 19 Hot clOMd 20 Piece ot 21~CcM 22 RMlty map 23 T NI runs 25 Spelling - 2e Heerlng organ• 30 Article 3 1 Went beyond 34 Pronouncee lndlttlncily 31 Zodiac llgrl 38 Gripe 39 LagllNltor 41 Brandy code tell 43 Print•'• rneMUr9I 44 Wonoeriand """°' 4e MMger 47 Sentad In Chelr9 •• L.ect ... 5 1 Food ICr"tlC>I 52 UNl ot lleclrtc:al rlM:lanCe 63 Caipable 55 Tr-.dlmtMng 2 3 4 14 17 20 enlmel 57 8" MrVlng sa Some csecas 63 FeYer end chllll 64 Of languagel 88 Allowed UM ot 17 Not •bl'ldged 18 lndlan weight S9 GoV1 agts. 70 Equals 71 No11Ced DOWN 1 Guns 2 Wey Of wallllng 3 -Lencheatw 4 Sklllful S Boulellard. perhaps 6 Paintings 7 OV« the - I Hew1llan "°'"" t BanllCUda 10 EJ11en11 11 T ,_ product 12 Layet ot• 13Big1()9. e 0 11 Umpire's call 24r= ... l.J s 25 Found1t1on M Curvy lett9rl 27 Coeur d' -• 10 21 Duhelall 0"'8I the piece 29 Spenleh Mn 31 Houeehotd anWnel , •• 1 .. ., 32 HIC>P8"ing S3 Boerd game 35 French wrtt• t. Mldame de - 3 T Frenc:ti nwr 40 Ancient 42 Sgt . e_g. 45 Rhyttwnlc now ... Ooc:tltnel 50 T eepot pens 53 Gwment CU1 54 Number prefix 55 Young an1me1 56 Type of IWCll 57 Gfld St WWII bOall eo~ 11 Heap 12 Gtance OWf 15 T CM91 COfd 2767 Book•tor•. t 5 yrs estab. good lease, N B. strong business, Trans Arizona 125K + Inventory 4 94-4519 COTE REALTY GROUP 800 Newport Center Drive SUtte 350 Newport leach, CA 92660 LllltA (~pt 23-0ct 22 ) U111tu elemt'nts of timing. surpnlt' ~ wllllng to revlst'. l't'Vlt'W, to IHr down 1n order to rebuild on mon.' 1u1tabl• structur• Aquanan Moon r•latet to crn11v1ty. ttylt', It'll appul Dynamic• SCORPIO (Oct 2J·Nov 21) Apply light touch AC'C't'nt vnwtlltty, d1vt'n1· fy. laugh at your own fo1blts Aquanall Moon hlghlighc. family, propt'rty. dt'· dt1on rel1t1ng to mantal st1tus T1unas. another Scorp10 l't'prnentN SACfTTAltlUS (Nov 22·0.C 21) R"I~ Scorp1o mtteage Obttarif'I will -removN, t-eqUftts gnintN, takt' care of what you ult b«aute you'll l'ft'elve 11 Shott tnp 1nvolvn rel1tivt', 1mpor· \ant documt'ntt Chttl. budgf't 7 I 9 '1 12 13 AltlES (M1r'Cl'I 21 ·Apnl 19) Alino.t t'vtryth1ng gon your w1y -1ndudet fuwnct, rom1ntt Aquanan moon n'p· l'ftent• 1b1llty to win fnends and 1nflu· tntt important ptuplt' You'll gain via wordt, verbal and wlitl•n Virgo In· volvN CAPlllCOllN (Of( ll·J•n 191 Fo· nu on •u.mln1t1on, chuacter •l\alysl•, d1-m1natton of information You'll bt 10Ught .. ally by on• who ·•n'ports the nt'ws." Lun1r poetliOn hlghllghtt I«•· lion ol fo.t ar11dt', f1n1nc11I 3aln TAUltUS (Apnl 20·M1y 20) Thia c:ould -• day of '1-!auhful t'lo.penenc· ft.'' lncludln& drama m~ic Dolnfttk ad1u1tmt'nl br1ng1 you togtth•r with lndlv1d1.1al who uyt. "I ntvf'r w1nt to br 1way from yuu ag11nr' Warmth CIMINI (May 21·Jun' 20). Look btyond the 1mmtdi11t. thttli ml "lltt nlun, dtf1nt tt'nm, find out wh11 I• •-ptttN from you -in wrltln1 Aquarlan moon 1Tlatft to trav•I, pub· --..... -....-..... ll1hlna. p.rtlclpallon In unlqiH 111i1 · 1101\ _.,.._,._-1 CANCO (Jun• 21 ·July 2l) Th- who Olrtrlooked you wot now d«lart, •·Our Mlly mittlli:f Ind pktM fo'llftt" You ,.. '" ••<Mbfrd" IHI -lt't odwrs ,.. INll\ unco.tlonable for a hint' C•pn· com anothtr Canttr l\ttlvt Involved UO (Jyly 2J Au1 22) Let 10 ol Mat"• q"ol Pocu• on tr1¥tl, tnlara1n1 horl~nt. rtte:t\1111 for br,.. nn1 and 1r•pin1 It firmly You'll bf fhrtl"I with l•fflt and lort"nt Spotlllht on --+-.... -.---t~-+--11 ,..._. '""°'*' rwotnlUOI\, -rri.s- Vtac;() (Awt ll·~ ll) You· .. ln--+-+-~~-114w for (Natl ... ,, II\ dillrrent dl...nlon CIMlll..-1• ol d•fldllnt ••Jatt -li"t r.-t--"f--t--1 ,.,...... ..-nuon to ~t1al1 D«trk bill •• ftOt pild by on• who M!Pf'OM'd • AQUARIUS (Jan 20·hb II) Yuu C'Ould bto aonlff 11111•. 1ubjec1 ot contro· nny Cycl• high, action will -whe!T you IN -tmphn11 on penon1llty. un • orthodo11 proc~uus Lib,. n111v• INkft decl.ratlon of lny1lty, afltctlon PISCIS (F•b 19·Mll'Ch 20) Wh.tt appNnid to I» a lo. will boom•rana in your favor Aquanan moon coincidn with, ~tlation. 1plnlu•I vtl114'1. unlqw tour °' hoaptt>I, lllUWUlll .. II\ touch with anodwr ,._... naUv• IP APlllL It IS YOUll lfltTHOA Yi You talte ,,....unr II\ ~In wnuna. rt'port1n1 n•w•. d11Mmlnat1n1 11\IOr· matlon You ,,.. dyrtamlc, 111qu11Ulv•, m1n1 claun you art an 'ou1r11eou1 flirt " ~lfllnl, Vl'lu, Sittanus ,_,. '°"' pt.y rot 111 yovr hit Monr Apnl 11 flnlshtd, you cwld fN"tl in t'OI\"«• Uon with un14'11t ... 'I""""'· hol\Ot ltcMMM't' will at.o lit pen of ctynamk tttnano. O\anna Jurw. lo'wt 1 '" btOOfll. you II Nb r,..h eutt, ~u'll ft'ft ellvt ====:::=::::~~==========~=-=-:-=-=-::-=-=--::-::-:-=• 'r ... ..., dM<ll 0o u 10c1a11 ¥Ital pottnt °""""''"' will bit your ll'OM 1M111oret>t. tMnth of '"' Seevourcar makebClckSI Need to sell vOOr mr? Do ~the emy way! Roo your auto ext for 10 00ys in the Doiy ~otjlrxjependent. ff tt doeil'tsell, we'I run it for 5 more OOys, FREE!* Col Ckissified for detai~. ialjPamA M~ 6112-5118 .. ( '/,1·,--.1f11'ti c·(, ·1:11.:111j~ r.1.1rl,,·!11/,,,'1, -