HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-18 - Orange Coast Pilot0 Orifli!'I -.ound the PKific OcHn, Dory Fisherman Rob Brene· main t>nn• in his ~y's atch of sculpin. Breneman lays out l\\O ••CO ... elWm'I ~ Climb aboard and meet your politicians ComplimentMy ltekds are still il~U~ for Wednesday's 'Wet Wednesday Politiciilns Night." Tickets c.an be ptdced up at HombkM r Dining Yachts and at love To Travel 1n Costa Mesa. · The two-hour bay cruise, free to the public, will give you the opportunity to meet many decision-makers. Among the politicians attending are Sueervisor Tom Riley, Newport Beach council members Phil Sansone and Jan Debay, Costa Mesa council member Joe Erickson, trustees from the N~'J>Ort·Mesa Unified School District and many morel Join us for hors d'oeuvres, a no-host bar, pnze giveaways and a magnificent sunset while meeting your CtVia leaders clboard the luxurious lord Hornblower. The yacht lc{l~ the Hornblower dock at 6 :30 p.m. Boarding begins at 6 p.m. The 2nd Annual DaHy Pilot/Hornblower Ommg Yachb Wet Wednesday Summer Series, continuing through September has been drawme more than 500 guests each week. Hornblower Dining Yachts is located at 2431 W Coast Highway, N~rt Beach (n~xt to Cano's Waterfront restaurant). love To Travel is at 369 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Almanac .••.•..............•• , ..•..• 2 Around TOW'n ..................... 3 Bridge-....•.....•....••.....•....... 10 Bricny ................ , .•.... , ........ l ~ •••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••• :9 Jerry ICc:)l:Jilin • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • J Lepl •................•...... ,. ....... 7 ~to call ................. 2 Pdice q ............................. a ~ ............... , ............... ! i5pc:>rtS ••••• •••••••• •••••• ···-........ ' w-., ................ , ........... 2 ...... The real Batman Bill Riddell, a physical education teacher and coach at COit.a Mesa's TeWinkfe tnllermd'ft ls a seriOus bat man. A foimlf Obltae ~~r with • major-~ ar9m, he kttps dme tO hTI dikllood diamond het'OeS bY Collecting their bats. He has colleded the dUbs hoisted by ~ baseball icons as w.me Mays, Mickey Mantle, Ted WiOiams e1nd f fank Robinson in his quest to ~ulre the bat$ of all 25 H.11 of Famec1_~ pLlyed b.ill 1n the 1960s': ~, p.ge 6. COSTA MESA Hil' pe•ure me.ns hWaer temperatures and ~dAtnshine With a lime bit d doudines in the morning -jUit to mUe you ~the rest of the ~y. Man rea s· nee while bodysurling on Newport ·coast ~ Third serious injury at Newport Beach this summer is attributed to diving into shallow water. By .Lo~ Basheda. swr wrnr NEWPORT BEACH -An 1 )Car-old man brolc h1) neck early Monda) morning after dl\lng into )hallO\\ surf off 35th Street The accident m:iru the third \C· nous· ~pmal cord injury ·off New· port Beach )hores 1his summer A Penn5yhani:i m:in was killed in .. ~tantl) after breaking his neck "hale boJ) surfing 1n Jul} And a 16;>eas-old boy SU)tamcd a para· lyzmg ncdc inJU') earlier this sum· mer while ~-.1mming off Nc"port') coast. - "A number of 1hc (back injury) cases arc not from catching the 'big wa\c. or from bod) )Urfing t'he \\edge."' said Dr fad.. Sl inner. a Hoag Ho,p1tal internist ~ho helped creJtc 3 "Jter s:tfety film for loc~l )chooh "Out from d1vi~g into ihallow \!oater." feet of v. ater By the 11mc Kc:tnns urfaced, he ..., as Oo:lllng fJ~e dO\\ n After his friend\ dragged hi' body from the: urf. 1hc ~tontc­ bcllo man ""a'> r\J hed to Ho;ig Mflnorial H<hpital -where he 1s suit in inte n!.1' e care . 1,600-foot lines in different s~ts and waits about 30 minutes \\hile the fish bite. For story and more photos, see page 2. According 10 re port , Lou1i. Ket· ring ran mtu the ocean with h\O fnend'> after attending a ne:irb~ p:irt~ before da~n earl) Monda\ :ind do\e heJd fir)t in10 about 3 According to report!>. 1-.etr mg c.rnnot feel an~th1ng bclo.... h1'.'\ chest. Vt hc:ther he .... ,11 rc:ga1n kd· 1ng. ho""e'er. dc:pen1.h on \;mou' See INJURY 4 Fund raising sets DCC Foundation record ~Oespite a down year for the economy. donations for college hit record mark of S 1. 4 million. By Russ Lew. StJlf \'Inter The Orange Co:i~t College Foundation raised S 1.4 m1ll1on dunng the l:i!>t focal )C3r, a rccord·i.ct11ng :imount despite a lad.~er cconom). college official nnnounccd Tue\,t'J~. "People ha'c been more re ponmc 10 the need of nonprofi t organizations during tough economic times." s:iid Douglai. Bennett, foun · '' Who knows how far we ca n go with thisl When machinery can replace personnel or make person~el more efficient -that's progress. '' d:a11on e'\ecuthc director .. 1t•s the result of a lot of people "orling together. ;\c h:i .. e a strong bo:ird of directors and the)'re all in· \-Ohcd .. Ca\h :ind gifts dlinated to the college for 1hc fisc:il )car thJt end..:d June 30 .... ere 18 percent higher thJn the pr~ .. 1ous year's total of SI ::! million. '' h1 h "J'> ;:i record fund-ra1-.ing amount for the college. C:ish don:i11un tor 199?-93 totaled S909.000. also 3 ne" record Jnd 34 percent higher 1han the pre' IOU"> ~ e:ir , One of 1hc: lounJ.111\1n\ b1gge 1 prOJCCb "a" r:ming mone} for 1he SI 6 m1lhon renohH1on of the 3 ·)c~r-old Rober\ B. Moore Theatre .:we raised ~00.000 for the th~ .. ter prOJCtt "this ~cu," Bennett.said. The college founda11on ha'> ra1,cd more than S7 m1lhon -including s.i 1 million in ~ .. h - i.incc 11!1 founding in 19. 5 Local members of 1hc foundation ~v.ird m· elude Coron:i del Mar re\ldent PJt N-one, en mg her second tc:rm .l!> lound.i11on .:h.ur Jim H1e1bnnl. a p:irtn1.;r "•th C.1liforn1.> P.1 cific Propcn1e!I and :ii'° a Cl..ronJ del Mar re' ident. enes il..\ \ICC chJ1r of the founda11~•ri Ne" port Beach anorne\ U:irn Rc:,n1cl " treu· surer ,.. Ken Frey Of Newport's be.ch m~inten~ di\ision unlOCld ~ttachment to new high-preuure steam de~Mr. By Russ Loar, Stan Wr I t' noi y. it 'Pit out jct of !Jing ht>l WiltCr IU J,000 po~nJ or pre Ute per MIU.lrc inch oind city Steam cleaned offaci:il uy it's a drum romc true. Tucd of h.itthng for )CUS to RlllO\'C t0Url)I &00 from public walkvways. Newport Beach ScMf~l ieNicCI Director o.~ Nie.Jerha~ •YI tbe cicy·1 new hiah·pteuurc 11eam ckancr cu clean the Newpon Pier ia a City uses new high-pr.essure cleaning sy:stem that can pert.arm a .four-day pier cleaning job in .one night J.inp ~nlns -a job tut nonnalty aam at leasl (OW da1S-eccontiftl IO UnlCMntt wortmn. .. Wt wtN apptaeCIMd bJ IM uwtntof after he visittd lalMJe ucl •• aU IM =::&:.""' Md lct a.am -... • Nii...._ said. "'lie .. lM& Md Slid. ~ dlJ CU do lllHtt."" IMM llwntOr seew Anrm, 32. cm18C'Md the a"ty 1ft1M11r .,. t1'fft ' wccU Ill'> anJ ananscd for• demon rat Qf h H)'d{o 1 ck tcun dcafttr. His thrtt·mortth-dd product .. alteady 8etd 10 dean the putJo.a pneea M South eo.t PWa And 14 ol ha dt._n aft ..ct bJ a .,,.ny ..... -•• c..., • ., • ctna ..... etMenMCl ... CDI Wlfdll ........ """.-......... lb • hM or oars Dai • • ..0. llllM Mdt'*Mcf: ................... . ~. • IS MANAGING £DITOJt STEVE MARBLE. s:tO-IJlf, cx1. l6' After a recent early morning fishing trip, Rob Breneman, right, talks with his brother·in·law Andy Cianni, ~ho is here visiting from Ohio. _ Rob Breneman and a companion ride in their boat alongside the Newport Pier late one 'morning as tourisb >I roll on the bc;uh. F o r Rob Breneman, fishing runs in the family. Breneman, who started fishing when he was 17 years old, takes his dory out at 4 a.m. and usually returns at 8:30 a.m., when he and uncle Louie Marberry and his siste~-in-law Kathy Bre neman unload the fish. Kathy Breneman work~ under the umbrellas cleaning and selling the fish . Rob Breneman ha a ho\t o f uncles involved in the business, including Marberry. Marberry, known as "Uncle Louie," said he and his family have been members o f the legendary Dory Fleet for 50 years. His mother and father were in the business, as well as his brother. In fact, in his office is an old black and white Sculpin is th~ usual catch of pictur~ of hin:1self .as a the day. The rode fish Is young man with his priud by mar"dgoers and parents on the beach. kept in tanks for restaurMlts. About four years ago, Marberry tried another hne of work -but ttiat lasted onry three months. "I mis cd it (fishing) real bad," said Marberry. "I didn't realize I had it so good." Since hi'i return, he's had the best fishing of his life. -Story •ad pbotM bJ' M•U Oet-1 p.llt k.1<h inJ (c:N• Mr'.W tublcrtpc.011& k> ~ D•lly P.i...c (lf\fy ¥~ .-.a..i. by ma.I for H 51 pl" month St.'Ctotod ti.iv f>U'I• p.tid •1 C~ Mew CA ll'ru1 H'IC!uoit al •P- plir-... w140 ~ Irie.al u~ I P'OST~iAS­ Tl II s.nd a.li ~ k> The Prlol P 0 I<•• 15(,(), t ou• Mew. CA 92626 COP'YlllOH No -lkJfre ~rollkww cd.40ri.lt !Nit-" u• ~oocmenu ht<e.n c.an !It' NJW.:.d.A~ wl1f1ou1 -~pct­ "'"' r.f t~r I t~ .. "· • 111 Readers Hotline: 642·6086 'l'wr l~ .about ti-o.lly f>ll.u( 1• -''"' ~ill t. lf'(t.tJfod 11"<1 .,~ dO· '"'..,. "1 Edoror \Villi.Im lOOtW ThP wmt' How to reach us 24 ~ ~"'A"""'~""" I»~ Ii> "' °'J ~lt'f\ tu 1114' """" on .,,, lo 'I • eonct.t~ to 11-t" tio111tnf' '"'"° ~""' to'"' Circulation: 11\f>" l~ siu 1 mu1o1 ... ,_. (Th.e Times Or~nge County) "-'•""""" d1y.ai>dph.-nutnt..\Of\.t'f 1600) 252·9141 tllf AIN1'11 ""' fl )"UUf RVf\1'lUf1~ -\pol ~· -.... nc ~ " ,.,,...«nrnt · Ad~erti ing To M.i"e A Correction .. ,.Uw lrYtl lfrt< I .. ~ l hi 'J rtwm you Cl~ 1fied 6_.2·5678 . Di pl.ly 642-4321 Edi tori.ii 'e\ 540·1214 Sports 642·4 330 N , f>OJ F~'C 646-41 70 Main Ofrtce Bu n s 0 lrce 64:l-4l21 8 1n f • 6ll·S902 .... ··w . "Un(:le Louie" watches Leila Hendrik u she \\Orks on learning the ;ilphoibet. Leila is the ~ughler of a fishermoin who spends summers at ihe Dory Fleet. lOCM. TEMPBIAtms ~wport IHch: 71/64 I.al~: 7116' Cosl.a M•n; 75165 COfon.t ct.I M.v: 73165 .. RE:AIT SIU S \\ l ll •·l '"' •·> .... ,., .... 1·J , ... ,., .. \\~ T~~Mwt, 70 ' •:'1a.. ... tO:Jl a,.., S 4 •:16p.M. 0.9 10 2J ,_,., 6 > •.U&.M . .OJ 111MLM 16 ,., .... 1 11:Up.-.J7 ALMANAC The facts, statistics and record of our conununity M~'C'Ht bllolrupld~s " rrpolfnl to tlw ltcknl Bal.rvpl<J C11Urt;,, Sanlll Au. NIWPOllT llUCM • Sttrtlaa JJa,ln1 C• .. AotlHMly P. Fn1Kob, Chapter 7. conaMUA • ~hiarp Dt-&l&n, Mich.at! harp, Ch.lptcr 7. • llOAe MIMO•IAL NOOITA&. 'ULYH • Christy aod C.Ostutt fribtra. Cot.l;i tc~. cirl 'ULY Je • G ..,, and Al h a Sacu. NcY•pc.lfl OclKh, boy • Oal)l and Molly lla)bnl, C~t:a M~.'Jlrl • ~hrcus and \\'tody Dalis, ~ta Mcu, bQy 'ULY i1 • Ronakl and Uu Pariti. C~t~ Mesa. 1111 AUOUIT2 • M~a I lmeat altd Turi Salto, Cou.a Mcu, &•rl •Otho Elmer and lkbonh \\1tbnd, Cmt:a Mc:u. boy AUOUST J o \CM.tn& aod M1chcllt lran.. C~ta M~u. boy o Uart and Cba,..11lnt Rosa, Co~t.a Mcu, boy · llUSMll LICENSES i\'tw buslntu llttnH lnfuNIUltl.Jo rrpontd by tbt rltlff ol Co,)t• i\ltsa •IHI t'tfJ>Orl &11tb COITAMUA •Art Sb11plrv or Patine. Plua ot 2.l4 E. 17th St • AU DalJuriari or Lamltr Co. I I ·• ·~ O .. d.1n1ham Or. • Knonb llo~Dd el Mrul Bo•n Etc. at I 17S 8.1'-cr • \'ktor C. lllJH>jos of Arrey Aatncy .it IS)) 14k..:r St • \1rsie1a RobtrtJ of Ca)qa Crapbln lit<. al )1¥7 Alra;iy A\C NIWPO•T ~IAC'M • TlH ~Wl•MI of alo• A,aloft .ii -=r.1 1'.;.:•·purc 01\J •Jina Aldrr)4)n ur \I l"\\ .ii .S~IO ~·a.,twr..: l>rn, • G.1bri.Uc l'ru'"t of 11.ur \\ot .u Z~l7 \ 111.1 \\.a\ • \\.illr11ul J~h.irt uf J,, .. 1 lul rn.ali.iniJI •I 1601 t..tn • R1ivJ • Bndi:tt L&ha1a11 :.I IJI\ ~u•..:-i tan .. DEATHS. \lcut rr«11t dt'11t1U u rrponNl to tlw Or1n~ Cuunt,t Rtt"Ordu'i Otr1<t. COITAMISA • t ranli: 0 \Udud. ') 1 Jul\ .?.? • 0.11 hl L POM,.? l10uh ••n Jul\ 111. • lutblun I. \h.1du1t, Non Jul~ I 'i • R"hanl L. t..ldn, 1.0 1l!I Jul~ 111 • O.rrld, 8. CattKll.a, ~on Juh· I' NIWPOHHACH • Atn« t... .... rppltr. '7 orl Jul\ :l • :O.lildrt"d \I. Bull~. """ on Jul) .?.\ • Rk h•rd \I Ch"°nlna. ... _, c>n Jul\ 15 •And.-~ C. \l1ll<r, 19 itn Jwh !'ii • l:.l•lor t•. t .iir, 71 ''" Juh lb MARRIAGES 0 Mo.ti rr<t'nt 11111rria6('s •• rrpiJrtNl to tbl c>r.ut~ Count) RttO('(Hr',. Otr .. -r. COITAMUA •Mich.it! U. IJ<J)d m:uri.:J Cua M. ~kCIH'mack on Jul\ IO. 111 ~!'I I r .rn.:1.\<;0 • Jdf~> U. D.nllns m.1rr1o.d Kri•l•n t... T"rdt on Jul) 2-', 1n llunt.ngton tkJ h •Jo~ O. ':.ncht1 m.arrK"J Espcran..111 Pal.altr nn Jul) .?.S. 1n Co-1.1 ~t.:i..a • Sc-ou ~I. t l.1nn<'I') m.un.:d Diana J. ~Is on July 2.S. 1n C~t.a M~~ • Paul C. lkal n1.1m.:J \lellua A. MtrnU on July 10. 1n Soant.i An.a NIWPOO •I.ACM • Cf9flt P. 11.a•lc) m:tm~d JHt M. C~llns on Jul) IY. in NC'o'pvrt lkach • Rand;il G. C.illna m;arncd Mat) Dlu on July 10, 1n S.1nt.i Ana • R•n J. Pkt.tit m.amcd Sarah \'tlo o on Jul)' 17, in Yl))Cm11c, • Btrto1t E. Callkoall m.arncJ Juli. A. lla'lllJDJ oo July 17. in SJnl<a Ana. conaMUA wt 171111 Lrttt Mocc 1h.:in S2.000 -.onh or film v."&S ~tul.:n l.nt SunJ.ay from Vons 1n the 100 blod. twport lovlc\ud: A p.iucnt at the N~porl DJ)' l{CCQ\..:I') I tome Npoth:J her J!.:ill\OMI clus11:r .., JJ1nc ~·na ~•okn r\;ccnlly after sh .. 'A.a\ ru hcJ 10 II~& II\ pitJI ~i1h 1 'ir:al rnfHtk>n •••Ana Au••· A • ,~ ... v( the~~-- r~pun1;J her S5.000 Rott~\:itct u<*ln h: nit), 1 he thid 11.v IOOk the ckls's fac.t and ~I. ....... MMll Srilaii .. lkh.s J= atMS • hndp• """ re: ., •• S.t.ntay ..... ''°"' • houlc -sman.s DrM. EMry ......... .. •Rlodlcd titrec• .. . ..... AM A.-A 1700. ...... C'Ml9 ..... ................... ................. ' DI -1111 Ill cirnlval DI T HIS UTI L£ PIGGY WO-'T TO outdoor market ii ~n only oa Sac~rdays MAluu:r -h \lo:&S n ancraoon I nd Sunday\., vaniihU\I oa wcckda)'I hkc • ?'®ldn't h:,\c •w ppcd. At the the vilJa&e ol BripdooO. Country Oub. Pit MidladJ •all emcee. ca.nJ proceeds vo11l bcndil tt\c.Girl Scuu' Council or Orancc County. m..1ral support an the campaian~.tardna • · h re Sept. l l? Of Will she clQM to rcm:a.in in En&bnd, and tiy to 1w p her pgi\ht. M>meihaf\I dw ~had SIOmCbc1'r nqkt1cd '° mera\ion. Aho 1 t lo the local see over the v.eckenJ • 1 a frequtnt ~lsitor co our shorc1: LA. Attorney To. Cwaa. v.hiO often •t )Cd at the Harbor I I nd home annt:.hon of Bob Ttlltt who rciiJU Oller Teller, -ho admiuedly Qaft be the Oranie County Marketplo&ee hk.e 1 contr~el'lial, was peeled by ahupkecpcn At lbe new Pelican Hill Golr Oub, QpcB Pacific wiU st ge a tourney 1 bcndit&Da it proenm Cor dC\ clopmcnu.1lly ch;allcnged studcnu. The b:snqu~t cm cc "'ill be Joey Dlsbop. • tc m (QI 1 rucby (or, even cricket) fr~nch1R. Blimey,>transer thinis h "'"C ru y f:uhcr (pickin~ up durina our tour like a bc~nl mayur, • and properly disJ>051ng ot hailing COf\Stituenu by name wbiJe happened. · any muy 'debris}, t policing the grouods and pr~na the toured his 6()..acre b:m>At nc h. for an entrepreneur who came here 0 Claudia (C•}) 11rtJa,:and cnjO)ed mualhon K 100.. of brii.I e t the ~er WITH J 0 D MEMORJE -I sh 11 Shores ta me of ru r Wi)H. Like • in C~ta Mc,:a on from Arizona three decades •ao wi&h only S:uurday and CJmc away SSOO and nn idea for choc:ola&e-co;uina So. as far as Pilotl:tnd'1 happy had.er are concerned. wh~t's "'rong with thi~ picture? 1ruly ml > dear Dorothy Vardl~. whose Dorothy, Tom forC\e r twinkled. ~led. froun ban:sna , he thoroughly enjoy$ lus. D1:ibetic diet be . role today of bcina {excuse me) the top This.is wha:t's wrong: both charity tournaments arc scheduled on the ame memori:al ltCl'\!ices attracted an O\ernow O cro~'tl Tue day ar the Bl1boa Bay OUb - a plush scene he h3d 'gr ced for w many OTil£R CO!\TRACTORS Nt:EDN''f da~1ncd. We lunched on banana in the highly competitive world of --=-~-.. -POfuh e oi~ -swup mun. day -Monday, AUJ. 30. \tory k r _....----...--=AP= rLV -\\>hale ~c·r~ ~iJina 10 ___ ...,....,.. ;;._ ___ .......... ~ Dorothy, ~ho .... oulJ have turned 89 on learn "hcther c~row ha> cl~d on the lem~n:ulc, then sipped a Incidentally, "swap meet" is a 'Bl II lusc1ou~ 1.trawberry misnomer. I didn't see any wampum 0 SPEAKJNG OF SMART PLAN ING, , SPORTS-WISE -Don't look now, but there 'filS a conspicuous ob:.entcc at the JUms' first ""o exhibition games. Sept 2, .... ;:a'> 3 beautiful 13dy .... hose ln;ine CO\e '>hcw.pl:a~c reported!) being • !>hali.e De~rt wa o there. So for an attraction that reportedly mawbcrry honc?J...e outdr.lws Knott's Berry furn and effcrvc~cncc .... as undimmed by )t:irs. acqwred bl Uz Ta)lor. thi .... eek's edition She v.a'> vi\-aciou , dchghtful, wrrty, of the Natton:il Eoqu1~r pion~ right in. which was d~nnaht Uni\ersal SJudios, why don't voe describe )lnNful. 11 as a retail shupping center untroubled Missing was te:un wncr Gtt>riha Froatktt, who's been in Lon-don ror the past few fortnighb. c\er·charmm&. and rct:iincd her sparli;lc 1 he tabloid rcpons th3t u's a J one C\Cn \\hen ho!>pitalized -the telephone de:al, complete ~i1h cr1:il and interior C\er mind the by null-ai~ ~Jorie . We walked 'cm off. And then ~ tape at htr Oay~ood a~rtment said phot~ and the full·pa c pica about the tho1 she couldn't come to the phone new home o{ Mr. & Mt'>. Larry furttM~ because !>he \\as teaching her acrobi~ camel> thi hcadhnc : wnlJ...cd :ind \\JlkcJ ~me more, absorbing 0 aJI the fe ll\C s1Jhl\. II \\:t) .a carnivul. but SOMEBODY SUOULD'V£ YELLED without the crazy rides oand !>idc!>hO\\S. FORE! -Both gotr tournaments a·re for As you may ht1ve le<1rncd by now, lthe didn't nliss a thing. Her bclO\'ed R~ have been recking in their pre~ason appearances, and aren't likel) to fare better when the sc~n starts. d:M . ·•w bu)in& Her H.lnJ>m;An Hubb) .1 Doroth) YJrdlcy stones abound. and S5 2 Million "fixer-Upper'" (The)"ll '>pend food is a \Cry large item there. Hungry \\Or:thy causes. The second annunl Cal horde!> l:t>I )Car de\Ourcd more than S6 Schmldl tee p<1rty, in tribute to the late she'll h\e an f(,)Cal legend. faen on the another million on lus reno\at1on'>) million in yummies, C\Cn though the judge, will be held at the Santa Ana Will Queen Ram return in time to lend morning of her scn1ccs, I learned for the )llTJ Kobria '~ roluma ruas C'•C'f) Ciri.t time that she had been a classical Mond•J aod U rdarsdaJ. MIDI) TOWN TODAY Ll\'E RAl'TORS: 01olog1s1 Peter DJoom \\ 111 d1'1cuslt the raptors that inhabit Orange COl4fll) -no1 JurJ'l\IC Parl -during a 5 pm. gathering :11 the t'c\\port Dunc Clubhouse, 11 'l U.id. Oa) Dr. . The C\Cnl b op~n 10 the pu blic JI no charge r ur more 1nfornu 11on, cont.ict the ~e\\ port Con\cf\ancy :it s-i~-1.i3 OFrJCl::RS \\I\ L . Ll::AGl t::: 'l he OrJngc Countv Of!actr\ W1H::i. L~.lguC -\\.1H m~ct J I noon at the-, Co:i.ta Mc)J Cuurlll) Club. I 7u 1 Golf Cour c lJr . Co 1.1 Mc:i.a. '[he CH~nt ''all 1nduJc a f.i,fuon \h0'' b) Bro.td\\J) of 5outh CC>.i l Pl.i.ta. For more rnform.111on, CJll Ch:irlutlc \\'Jlli.cr 111 549·202tS. ROXU JO' SOL'Tll: Center 500. a Pcrfurm1ng ,\rt\ Ccntc'r !>upport group. \\Ill hold 11i. monthly MJCIJI hour for member' :rnJ' guc t!> at Ru,bu" outh, 2 lfuuon Centre. Adnm,;t.,n l) free to Center 500 mcmberl> and $5 for gucsh and pro,~ctMI nu:mba' 1 or further informJllon, ~-'II 556-'.! l '.! l. THURSDAY ,REPl'UUC :'\ ·a::~toLY: - The C0>1.1 Mc\.1 Rcpuhh an embl> \\all hulJ II\ monthl)' "'<Ki.ii .u 6.30 p m :at the South horc \ a~ht Club. 2527 W Co:ht High''J). Gucltt!> .ire ~clcome. SATURDAY ()J\"ORCI:: \\ORKSllOP: "A NC\\ lJcginnang," J 1.li\orcc "orli. .. hop. "Jll be held Crom IO a m. to 12.30 · p.m .it I. U ~C\\(>Orl Center Dme. l'\c"port OcJ~h For m1.>re anh>rmJlll>n CJll M;i,anc Cohen at 759-USN: ll~UtS~1£~ IU::GATf;\; 1 he · Good" 111 I k lm men \~chi Rcg.111.a "111 be hu,tc:J b> the LiJo I le \a ht Cluh 111e regJllJ begin) "ath ;& I:! 45 pm chccl.-111. The r:i c gc:1s under\\ ay at 1 30 pm follo"cJ b)' J\\ard~ anJ a Janner T1cli.ch Jrc S35 fo r adult'> .md S~ for chalJrc:n under I:?. C:all ).fl ·630 I, C\I 307 OAKI:: S.\U.: A b.lli.c 'Jlc Crom 7:30 J m. to :! p.m. Mii be hc:IJ ;ll the. new \ outh Emplo)mCnt Scf"u.·e loc.1t1on :.it I l 4 E. I \Ith Street. The CumJrai\Cr \\ill bcncf1t YES Call 6-t:?·O-l74 for more. c IU.NDAY MMl::K CO~CERT: "Mu~1c :it MonJa,1"· :a enc of open-air, early ·cvcnin&.jaz:z conccns, preltcnts The Jeff Kashiwa Group tonight from 4· 7 p.m. 1570 Scenic Dr. Costa Mesa. Tickets: S3S (per person). MONDAY, AUG. 2J CPR CLASSE : The Nc"port·Costa Mc a YMCA "ill be conduc11ng Ame nc:m heart ~1:u1on CPR cl:is~s -the fir t toJ.a) :it 7 p.m. For rcg1">\r Jllon in!ormat1on, contact 1he YMCA :it 642·9990 TUUDAY, AUG. 24 SOCIETY EDITOR ~: Local wc1c1y editors "111 d1>C U>"> what it's hkc CO\enng the hlcstyles of 1hc rich and famous a1 a 7:15 am. breakfast 01 the Nc"port Beach Marrioll. Scheduled :i.peal.cri. include B. W. Cook, society editor for the Daily PiR>t and former producer or "u(cst)'les of the Rich & Famous;" Orange County Register M>C1ety cduor Carol Humphrc~. anJ Donn:i Bunce, a wc1ety columnl)t for 714. The event is sponsored by the Dolphin Dwis1on of the Nev.pon Harbor Arca Ch:amber of Commerce. There will be a SIS.SO fee at the door to CO\cr brc;sl.fast. Adunce ud•ets arc S 13.50. Olli 729-4400 for more. WIDNUDAY, AUG. 25 UARDECUE: A Co)ta Mesa H igh .. d . For up-to-date Orange County ports new local f ea tu res and commentary, tum .to '-'-~-Sp_orts in today 's Times Orange County._ City moves toward joining copter force School W3ter Polo Alumni Game and Barbecue will be held at the school pool, 6 p.m. tonight. for more inform:ulon, calJ 545-30-H. THURSDAY, AUG. 26 GER01'TOLOGV WORK HOP The South Coast Institute for Applied Gerontology prc!>Cnts a Carcg1\cr Tr:uning Progr:Jm for fomaly membc~ :ind prorc:.:.ional careg1\er "ho arc caring (or an adult "11h :i memory impairment. 10·11:30 a.m toda) at the H;Jrbor Area Center and from 6:30·8 pm. at the Huntington Vnlley Center. For more 1nform.ltion, call 5.iS-9331 . ~ Costa Mesa council approves city's participation in Airborne Law Enforcement ,· Services program. By Mamie Mcleod. Sutt wr ttr COSTA MESA -The Cat\ Council tool. us fir!!.t step tO\lo.lrd sh.inn~ !!.Cl'\1(<:.'> ~1onJJ) J!> it OK"d it's p.Hllcip.illOn 111 a rei;ion.il, trr·.igen-.1 hd1cop1er pro- gram. Airborne L..iw Enfurc~mcnt ~cl'\1'c'. a propmed JOlllt helicopter program bct,.,.ccn Co)l.;1 Mc~ and Huntington llcac.h pola,·c .inJ 1he Orange Count) ~ t\cnff s Dep.irlm..:nt .. got a un.inamou\ \Ole of ap· prO\at for its formataon JI lhl\ \\Cd • .':. COUllCLI me.CL· .ng. Cll) leaJcr) ... 11J the\ ''ere .an\IOU> for ab am ... :il. .. \\'c looli. for., .irJ 10 incrc .iltcd 'lhJring of rc'!>pon>t· b1htrcs -IJKluJang hd1coptcr m.11ntcn.ancc -~ "e c.in 'ec CO'>I!> rcduC1.:J," 'J1J ~tJ~llr ~;inJ) Gena!> Nc1ghtxnrng llun11n~tun lkJ1.h .aho :ippro,eJ the program Monday and la't .... ee k the Count)' Board of SupCC\'l)Ors g:ive m OK l l) go ;ihc.ad ·" 11h the pro;cc1 The program "'ould proH.k helrcop1cr co\erJgt !.even da)s a .... eei. bet\\een the hour) ol 6 am and :? J m. It \\Ou Id :ibo IM -'' :111.ablc for cuntrnc11ng :.er· \.leClt io other c1t1e) to help pJ) hir the co>tlt of the program Co!!.tJ ~1e!>J \ 1n111:il l"O\I to p.1rt1up.i1c ~ 111 be S3.750. much of "h11:h '' a one qme co'r for !.Cll1ng , up J spec1.il raJ1 v !>~'tern h>r hdacoptcr ~1pcr.11or) In other action. the cvun.:11 • \'otcll \0 itllO"' ~outhcrn C.alafurna3 cdi~n to rclOCJIC lh pov.cr pole> from lhe public atlcy behrnJ the Cll) ') Corpor .illon \ .. rJ to m:aLe room lor a bi· C)clC \rJll, \Cl to be con,tructcJ along the :ille} V..l~. \\ 11h this COO\lfUClton. the trail v.1H c!Q<\c the -g:ip be· l\\.CCn t,hc C\l)tang 1rJ1I ;ilong the ~>uth 'side ol the Co)tJ MC">.t Golf Cuuf')e and Placent1J A'enuc. • G.i' e appro' JI for the cit} 10 Jpph h.>r CunJrng 10 help pJ) lor IJnd)caprng on Nev.f)\m Uoulc~arJ bct\\cen 17th ;inJ 191h treets MOND~Y, AUG. ~O Drink, Drunk, Drowned· . --. .... GOLF TOURNA.l\IENT: The 2nd Annual Cal Schmidt Golf Tournament, benefiting the Girl Scout Council of Orange Coun1~. will be held toJ.ay Jt the Santa Ana Country Club in Col>tJ Me .. .i The event v.111 bcgm "'1th :i _ barbecue lunch. followed b) :i shotgun start at noon. Fee. SJS().$200 per golfer. For more 1nform:u1on. please call 979-7900. KNOW BEFORE YOU GO '\a1ion1I Safe Roaring Council fCo1l11nercial Real Estate & Business Loan<;! I UEAJ f.SfATE LO NS UVSI'\~ s u \~~. I ,\II l\'J)CS. )mp ndl f or ~01 l rng capu.al ac1.1l1111t 1~1."tl\ Jhk.· C01nr1~maJ l>u.ilJin~ l.!tc. (11u1rmcn1 kJ.Si11,;. f.1..:tunn~. SU \\. ALLIANCE FUNDJ G ·MEMBER lAFC · 71-'/675·8125 Please Join Us For Dinner Lunehor Weekend Bruneh Sabatioo • s was orig1naDy fot.Vlde<I 11 Chicago after our father brought h family recipe'°' our farmus hall~ Sausage from Palermo. Italy -to fl tile 1930 s Today, his sons & QfilldSon cootnie to prOV1de a complete meoo of authentic ~ food ~ fresh daity and seasoned wrtfl 5 generatJoos of famly pride For Reservations Call 723-0821 2$1 S.ipprd Wlf • Ntwpoft ... You're Invited To Sec Our CUSTOM INVITATION PRINTING CENTER Choose From Our Hiii' SNctU>" of ~Sty/a, l+ilft °"""· Pqn and &w/qpn. Whether You NccJ lnvitllions F\lt NJan Showus •.• AMI~ .•. Binh ~ncrmmo .•• Blnhd.tyl •.• Haiid.1J ••• Or Fe. 11'M ()nw.l•A·l.ifcdmr ~ Oa-ion .... We Haw a flri•il,, Cftiadw UNI Hlilpr.I s..11'. ~ SERVING LUNCH DAILY 11:30-3PM DINNER NIGHTLY 5PM-10AM LIVE JAZZ. BLUES & ROCK ( Which .way out? .. Even with new parking garaQe signs. Triangfe Square first-timers need a trip around figure out what Is where. By Mamie Mcleod, Staff W• Trianale Square's in Ide out concept o( T:ill 1rucks can only park in the m:arkcd COSTA MESA -The writioa i on the wall And along the rilflers. And on th~ · groond. p3rking inside and tores outside, can ~till p~cc in the ~truccure, he suiJ. Their be di.sconccrtina. • height prevent them from going to other "We keep 5eeing signs for i\lph3 Beta level of the structure. 1 Patrons' complaint about difficultie finding their way out or the parking structure 11t the Triangle Square have 11rnmptt:d"""tenttr omctal!. fb upgraffe strocturc signagc to point people in the right direction. pointing down, but where is it.'' two ~ A for handicappctJ p<?t , Shapiro id wom n a ked each other a tflcy rode the d\osc stalls arc monitored by the Co:-ita escalntor down to the m3rket's level. Mesa Police, which routinely look for Shapiro24id confu ion i to be ~cd -Yiomors. . from mall newcomers. "It tokes a trip or two to figure it out, no matter where you go.'' Shapiro said. Countdown to completion The words "Elevator" and "Escalator" in big teal lettering Lines each wall where Jn elevator and cscalntor ar~ located. Store listings on the directory have .been reorganized according to what major street the shop is closest to. And more painted signs around the gnragc indicate what le\el you :ire on with prominent lettering, coloring and symbols. In addition, thetc are five directories spread 1hroughout the structure and Niketown has even added a colorful new sign of its own inside .the structure at the Triangle Square officials uy tli.11 by the end of this year, four more ten.,nt \\,ill be added 10 the center' It t, inclu1..hns the long.awaited Virgin Mcgnstorc. a record shop lated to open the fi~t week in November. Shapiro ·11tJ :tfter Virgin' opening, there will only be one more storefront left vacant. street level parking. Next week, Shapiro aid, officials v.ill install directories in the elevators. Parking pet peeves Others slated 10 open include Johnn)' Rockets restaurant, wluch is expected 1u open Sa1urd:i)·: Sunyla') cs I fut '\ h1ch hopes to open the first "eek in September and Wok fast which slated to open the first \\CCk in November. "The thought was 'let's JUSt make it bigger, brighter and call more attention to 1t,' " said Rich Shapiro, owner of the Triangle Square. But even for the first-time customer, the While center officials s:iid they have stopped towing cars that are incorrectly parked in marked stalls, Shapiro said he strongly urges patrons lo park with courtesy. BRIEFLY Remodeled DCC student center nears completion The S:!.5 malhon remodeling of the 40..year-old Student Center at Orange Coa)t Concgc ii. nearing completion, one year afte r the project began. ; The Student Center - out of operation during the la!.t )Car - will reopen in mid-September. , . .. People are going 10 notice \Cr)' drama lac changes when the fJ~ality reopen)," !laid Sharon Donoff, college \ice president of :.tudcnt SCI"\ 1cci.. "It lookll like a brand new building." The A~ociated Students s:ived money for 15 years to fund the project. banking nearly SJ.5 mi llion. The state :ind college pro\lded an add1t1onal ~300,000 and students arc attempting to ra1~e the rcmnining-S'100,000. -· Occupational training program begins The f.ill llemei.tc:r for Coastline Regional Occupntion:il Program begins the week of Sept. 9. Coastline ROP !ICl"\C) )ludcnts ngc 16 through adult and operate in conjunction with the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and other sufJ()unding school districts. The program pro\ides occupational training beyond what is avuil:ible to youth and ;idullS in the participating school districts. Classes arc held at local high school campuses and bu inc e Most classes arc 18 weeks long and students can receive credit IO\\Ord high school graduation or for community co11ege. More information is available by calling 979-1955 . . School registration In progress Reg1mation at most schools in the Newport-Me sa Unified School D1i.trict is currently in progress. with the firsl day of school )Cl for Thursday. Sept. 9. School bcgips Aug. 25 at W1bon Elcmcnlar} School, the fint school in the d1s1nct to switch to an alternntivc calender. Regi!otr:ition ill :ilM> in progress at Wilson School. . TeWinkle Middle School wa ll hold new studenl oric nta11on al JO am. Tuei.d:iy, Sept. 7. More information 1s ll\a1lablc by c:illing individual schools or the Ne\lopoU·Mcsa Unified School District at 760-3200. CLEANER From 1 :!llO·dcgrcc v.:iter an a 30·inch )\\Jlhc, lc:iv1ng a plume of steam in 11 .. v.akc "\\.e cnll 11 the la\\n mu\loc r," ~JIJ maintenance \\Ori.er Ken I r9. pu!>h1ng the de\ ace acm~) the pier w:ilk\lo J), ICJ'-111& a plume of )team in h1~ v. .ike. l:.ven the wood· en benches v. here local anglers cut their b:i1t come clean when blasted with the right n1tJchmcnt. "People are happy to ncluJlly be able to sit down and not get dirty for once," Frey ):ltd. The nuachments hook up to • d1c\cl·po\locred device that carries ab own water supply in a 19(). gallon t:ink·. On Tuesday, city mJ1ntcnancc workers w.erc blasting ---gttm ·off me pie1 . After l'tse ~U~ mer ~ason 1s over, they )llY they'll remove the ta r. Niederhaus expects the new de· vice will :ilso prove invalu bte for cleaning park areas and pubbc bu1ldin15, and city maintenance INJURY From 1 fact on. "We just have to hope and pny thJt his pinal cord 1 not perm•· ncntly dam acd, .. Skinner wd. Accordin1 to Sl1nncr, the num· bcr o( occa n·rclated neck and back injuries have actually d1opped over the p I decade incc he and li!eauard Lt. Jun 1 urncr spearheaded 1 public '"·ucne nmpaian taractma llX' I }OUlh\. -By th~ Duily Pilot workers say 11 may abo be able to remove graffiti. "It meets a need that h:is been there for qui te some lime," said Artenfan, the forme r owner of a Sun Valley rubbish company who worked on the design of the clean· er for two years. Artenian, on his way Tuesday for 3 ma sivc clean- up job at the Los Angeles Comen· lion Center, holds the pntcnt on the invention which is hccn~d to Aaladin lndU6trics, a South Da- kota manufacturing company. "Who knows how fa r we can go wi1h this?'' said Niederhaus, odd· ma that he m3y push for the pur· chase of another cleaner in the fu · tu re. "When machinery can re· place personnel or make personnel more cfficicn1 -th3t's progr~ss." ·- If you 1J1ce Piao -Call the Other Guys If You l..ot?e Piao -CaB ' Valendna's ~ MESA TIRE COMPANY AUTO RTNESS CENTER 548-9£82 2049 Harbor Blvd.• Costa Mesa \\. ( .1•1, \1.11 .. 1 1:1 II ,i,. \1 'I,. • ( ''""! ' II . 11111 !!1 [RUS't ~ ~~ COMPUTEaizED I SMO FRONT WHEEL I . I ALIGNMENT I , s19's , :ma= , REG. '29.9~ an. $19'!.CAll NO ·~ NEl"'rr-r-&DV (4 l.0fEEl.Al.JGNNENT I IVl"VU"lrlLI"' ... ~, . ALS0.4VAllABL£J L ---~•·" _j_ ,...,..,.,, _J rMuST PRESENT COUPON! OIL CHANGE l 1 FRONT DISC 1 SPECIAL 1 1BMKE SPECIAL 1 f(UIO :~~o..10W 1 I s49~CARS I . ·~95 I . I : :=-.e.:..":t Bartng. I S J 6 ll)$J CARS I L~I ~~~ -_L_ ~~ _J ByloriMR..,_,1111.., .. • COSTA MESA -The m:an who a~if\CJ n~tional ottenth)n troainin& hi!i 4-ycar.-old dauahtcr for D aruclinJ t"o-milc swim in the u«:in Sund:ay v.'3s arrntcd l:ucr that niibl on '"~iciun of in· flktina injury on a pou~ or co- habit:int. accordina to police tc· n . Irv Krc pi, 61. wa$ ta~cn Into CU)toJy shortly bdorc midnight after nciahbof) c:illcd police to hi t>eter)()n f'l:.ice home. Police re· portcdly heard :a "oman hollering rur help u~n arrival. Co~ta Mc 3 S t. Jerry Holloway \J1d the ~om:in a kcd police t<> mJkc a ci1i.lcn'.s :arrc~\t on Krc.,pi. 1aiJ, , apparently becautc of hh mcdtcal conditiuft. police said . KrHpi .uffcn from moalign:int mel noma cancer. in hi eye. He moade hndlincs la~l wccl ofter announcing ~c w:as tr:ainin& hi 'S.pouod d;aup1er. 50 lh:ii "hen he ilic~ ~e will be left With o legacy. ~-~-rdcucc.t <Ml\ Jail Monaay nf1crnoon in lime for him to uppc:.ir "'ilh hi!> dauah1cr. Ariel, 10 tape the Oood M<>rnina Amcri· o sh which 1trcd c::uly Tues· day. Ariel won the ' community's he rt aflcr swimming p1er-10-p1er from Newport to Ball>«l Sunda) morning. Rc3chcd by phone Tuesday, "Krespi denied hurting his c • 'tr:mged wire. Court records how Kle!>pi is currcn1ly on prob:a11on aftcr·plcnd· ing guilty to shoplifting in Oecem· f>Cr. • Sgt. Holloway ~id 0 lhe "om:in h~s since signed a rcqum for no prosecution. But ultJmately the Orange County Oi tnct Attomey'i. office mu l mnkc th nt decision. HollowGy uid. "I never lnid :a· hnnd on her,'' he ~id. .. According to police rcpons. of· ficers obse~-cd red m:irks on her face and neck. Krcspi was bool..cd in10 the C~ta Mes3 City Jail bul l:iter trani.ferrcd to the Orange County St:1/T Wrlttr Tony Dodtro ron· tributtd to this nport. • C.e1ta• Funding G roup . REFINANCE TODAY Guaranteed To Lower Your Monthly Payment At ABSOLUTELY NO COST! Coll Today For o Free Consultation (800) 201 :-FUND 5031 Birch Ave., Suite E, Newport 8eoCh Offers ex,ptre Auoust 18 1993 MOOAGLo· Sotl Gloss MOORGLO Flat F1msn LATEX HOUSE & TRIM PAINT LATEX HOUSE PAINT Distinctive sott-o'oss f•"&Sh offers Beau! • fb1 r " .>11 tutJr NJ outstallding oioss and COIOf rttention excep11or111 hl(ltng and ourab4.ty tor all types ol e.ctenor and vinyl siding ~ swled Joi extenoi misoruv Nloore~ and wood ~Cdcw a · ----.... ~ .. ALEX PLUS Acrylic L1t11 Caulk r:;') Plus SlllCOM LU • P3"'1iblf fOf mt,.not • 2S year du11bthty or exteoOf use $168 • 10 3 oz I* artndQI • A~llable 111 w tt "In 19 , we hi:iJ hat( of the in· ten'i"c cue unit (uU of surfcn and wimmcr1.'' he said. Scream.Yell Honk your hOm. Blow whtsU Do Whatever you have IO Becaule U you re not getting 24 houn Still. Newport Otach llfcauarcb uy they see do1cns of injuries that could have been prcvenlcd each JCll. "ll's ttatic, bu1 noc ou1 ol &he Ot~lnary." lifclU"'d Jalln B&aucr. • ot Bug; Bunny: The Fllntstones:-ond all the oth r top toon stars, you need to speak up The oot>to systems beloW already oUer the Cartoon Network. It your system as not ltsted below. gtve your CXJble operator o holl8r. Qowneable ~rtea Aam>u,CA' . ,... .... ~ Lm91oc1LCA cast me-. c 1 r z•ari,c:& , ....... Ot .................. \ Wedrwlday, A1191• 11. t• 8 SOCIETY SOC1£TY EDITOR B.W. COOK. 6H-021 House oners Hope for hearing impaired . ". The essence of Hope 'D e:tr LorJ, Sic ~s one DnJ all •.. " v.-ere the lyriC$ to a sons 'ung by world famow entertainer Bob ff• a) he left the links of the Santa Ana Country Oub Monday crnoou followina erghtcen ll<iles of aolf With hi1o friend Or. llownrd House. The day of coif bencCiteJ the Hou~ Ear ln~titutc of Orange County, ond attracted a h~t of Society· Editor Ne"Aport·Mcsza supporters, including llob and t•cu;y Cold~1urr Cl:ay, Russ nnd Gussie clson, Charlie and Non1 Hester, Klmbttty and Judcr Louis Cardenos, and .:ictre1os N:anocuc f:abray. Hope's )Ong i!I from 3n u 1n1 Chri tm elc~e ("I "11.h u could be Chmtmu Forc,cr .. ), a recently recorded album that "111 k;Hure four ~ngl · performed by Hope and his wire Delores. Dy the time the cekbnty couple bad "ailed from the oouf'e to the clubhou1oc for a roclt:ul (he ordered :> brand) Ale\:lndcr that he referred to as a maluhJle \\1th a kick, and he rcqUCSlCd :a spec1:1lly nuxed MJnh:llt:io). lklorcs turned to her hu>b.ind. still )1ngang the Chmtma., !IOng and ~ud. ··You lo.nO\\, I tlunlo. r m rcall) ge111ng '""'of that wng!" Her cummcnt gut :i big laugh out o! 1he.J..mg ol Amcn~an ~y. and brnlc the ice an the reception room for the rt:')t of the cro'"d a\\J1t1ng their Jrrl\al The •rJCIOU\ Gluria Osbrink. prc!>tdcnt uf the .1~1.11c of the Hou:.c [ar In 111ute-of Or.ange Count}. JuincJ her hu blnd Dr. Roy 0 brink. anJ tournament ch:ur JoAnnc 'tl"Drt. ~tarion :ind Ton) Mootoptrt, Oleta Pate. M:uy Lou and 'colt llomsb)', and ll.1lbo;a UJ) Oub re i<knt Annette llurnill, for a p<l)l·tournament coclt.ail reception and dinner :it the S:anta Ana Country Oub. T he lone of the e\cn.1ni "as "'arm Mo)I of the guc')lS \\ere Ille e~tcndcd famil) to the acc:ompl"hcd Pr Ho\\ :ird I loui.e and h1) cekbnt) golf partner. Some oC the more th:in t\\O hundred present "ere an fact fam1lv. M.c Dr. John House and his n~\\ bride or four-:rnd·:a·half month,, D:arbiara The junior Or. Hou!l.c " the chairman .:ind chief surgCllD nt the rcno"ned institute founded b\ h1 father. Also allending were Jim Bos.ell, CEO of the Institute, commenting on scientific stridei. to help the hearing d isabled. "We ha"c r"ccntly a..:complished a tcchnolog1c:il bre:i"through that allo"s :i pcr~n dc:i( 1n both ear . through a brain 1otem implant dc\.eloped at House. to hc:ir emironmental wunds l1le the ringing of che telephone. the ~onlfog of a car horn. or the ound of a \\.h1 tic," llos\\cll s:ud • ··'._\'h1le thi> 1cchnology doe) not )Ct permit lhe hcnring of aud1bk ron,cr..a11on. 11 enable) a deaf inJ1,1dual (1n combm:ll1on \\Uh lip reading) the ab1l11y to c'pcncncc fuller communication. .. In add111on, the hc.mng i1l)t1tute h:is a~ de"~loped an impro\icd hcJrlng aid, "ha h the) expect to market shortly. It 1; a.murng \\hat we take fo r granted when "e have our hc:inng. To be able to hear a simp!I! sound more clearly, like the phvm: ringing, 1; of major import:rnce to the hearing impaired," Do;"Acll added. A. 'pcciaJ tribute, and a wii.h for J quick rcco .. ery, wa!I made to the 199) tournament honoree, Harriet a•ncaer, unable 10 aucnd Jue to illness. 1•.1ul and Vlrginl:i llender. Dill ,ind Eloise Cornln. Locl.y Jnd Marjorie l.oclJl:art.. Ula and Dr. Eric Nel~o. and AU~ and Jim Hodges J\lincd Hope and Hou;c 1n making a few more memorie) on . anJ off the lin"s. • Bob Hope i. fav0<1te go!( course: Pebble Beach rn:n : 1 "'' e ore \ •Be-st advice· Play golf fi~e da)S A ~eek, worli. a little-in bet~ en. li\le, lo~e, and buy my new golf \lideo! • Besides, living, loving. m.ildng goli videos and Christm.is record>, Hope \\111 be rcturmng to thc TV ~ud10 al NBC for a three--hour rettospecti,t..'1Chri)tmas spco;il ot hi) year's of work around lhe v.Ofld. JJ. \r. Ct>c>~ ~ Top left: Christine Perricone, left, Trudy Thomas and Kimber1y Cardenas were-among those tDing part in event benefiting the House Ear Institute of Orange County, which attracted a host of Newport-Mesa supporte~. Lower left: Master of Ceremonies f red Holliday and Gloria Osbrink, president of the associates otthe House Ear Institute. r -Uiiii' - -., Button YoUr Fl for Less At •• { - -iiilii--~ 550 JEANS 1 ~ 4" 560 JEANS :sR~ri!S .... : oen1m · ""v.:::,:r :s?Pn~~ .. : I ~~Wufc~~W-&~Pf8-J\ ~ifg8 I DE p 0 I ~~-I ~~i~r~~1~!~P10G-~\-~'r I ·-----· .. ·--di --· 1550 l~'f,RTSI The Levi 's Place for Men,-Women & Children 1560 SHORTS• I Ae•axecJ Flt I z 30%-70% Below Dept. Store Prices! • I $ Loose F1~ I i$21.9 .! 279 1t 1 or • _.,. --._..,.. CK 2 pal ... for .42 I ..... ..... ._. I ~~a oaoa 1· ~LJ I I I I I J' I Reg Price $35 I fitit l>.,~:0~3~otach at · ~-. • if': :r Must present coupon at time • OI pu/Cnue-~. ~1-B3'9 •290 e . 17th St. Coat•·-! OEtNIO~Pl)T r .. ot purchase.Exp 10-31-93 • -. - - - - - -.... ..... ........... ,. •• ,.,..., .. .,..,.Ct - - - - - -.... RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTEIY INC. .......... ea... ... Im -all.. CISTI •U-SU.l lSI •YOUR PLACE or • • • •••A ·4 -Color Standard Section OURS ., Publication Date Saturday, Sept. 11 , 1993 Friday, August 27, at 3pm ------t Editorial Deadline: Monday, August 30 FREE 4-Color 15 ..... ,.,., ,,,., ' ' I • AT YOUR PLACE ... • Sarre Frierdi Slaff •Ox GB1t CAtt>or" Grt 'Big Fran'' AT OUR PLACE ... c -~. • , ' , ·wa&:nraw. A_Ugiill 1• ,. ) SPORTS EDITOll AOGER CAIU.SON. M.?·OlO. ext. JS7 Magers quits corona del Mar ba eball post ~ He's off to collegiate pastures;· • optimistic a CO>l~h will bi: Corona deJ Mar is in the market h1rcJ by the time school · ··1 cnjuycd my iimc -at CdM, anJ l en· Th.:tt icom, led by Tnn 'o"cd wor\ino with the liiitli. Out I wonted DcCmce) (now play1n1 at J 1 • d h" · starh in September. for a new basebaJI coach _____ ,,.... rormer"'j>rc 11t1tt.1out 'at 'I · uc·LA) c w R (P to nlQ\c up to the colkgc lc\'CI, :rn t I) I) , • • am y c~ • .. ·d-Mai _..n--- eflJO)'td my 1ime-pclonti.ne)ll ~a ;oobJ llJG) c~~li--~c-a~t ~nu:;:z~ ~t' the be)t • hiah Scott Magers has quit his baseball post at Corona def Mar High, seeking a , coaching job on the collegiate· level. :Class ·or '43's 50th reunion huge success ~ And in the middle of it all were the same familiar faces: led by who else? Ruthelyn Plummer. By Don Cantrell. Special to Ille Daily Piiot R uthclyn Plurtimcr @ and the l larbor High ~ of "43, \ • long kno"n for high achieH:ment:. and its ma1or role in producing a · champ1onsh1p football team in '42, has chalkcc.l up another success. A flow of orchid1. "ere in order after , the recent 50th cla~s reunion, a thrce·d::iy event dra"ing old mates from near and far. Plummer, a former Nc"port Beach ma)·or and one who represented West Newport for 12 )'Cars on City Council. said the dcci1.ion to chart plans for a three·day get-together produced the desired outcome: time for old mates to relax, break the ice and firm up old friendships. · She said, "I "ould recommend that to other clas~cs." The plans stemmed Crom a past reunion, \\hich was limited to one evening, one that left some fe eling a vacuum bccau:.c there was so little time to make the rounds anl), Ruthelyn Plummer feel settled. ln addition. she and other mates, hke Don Elder, "ho has abo ser.ed on council, felt 1t \\as considerate . to long-di~tance travelers. They de~erved to get their money's "Orth -and they did The three-day program. May 13-15. began with a ~plend1d wc1al opener near the home of legendary f ullb..id. }farold SheOin\ home. The ne'<t day was loaded "ith golf. an ..ifternoon tour of H..irbor High and a fun-filled banquet at night. The 1hird d..iy featured a gr..ind crul'>c and lunch at the Pav1ll1un. By Friday night and Saturd..iy. 11 w..1\ like old time . By Sany Faulkner, Spo'1s Wtbf CORONA DEL MAR Soon Magers, who coached the Corona del Mar High bucball team to two ClF playoff berths in four sea-~~IC• sons, resigned Tuesday to ac- cept an assistant coaching position at Olapman Universtty. Magers, whose 1991 Sea Kings earned the school' first ClF playoff entry in four seasons, compiled a 48-49-1 record at CdM, after moving up the coast from La· guna Beach High. CdM Arhletic Director Jerry Jelnick said the school will begin immediately searching for a walk-on replacement, and L:igun:i Be:ich, Maaer pla)ed collegiately at USC, before returnin& to his alma m:rt« 4lS n 22·) ar-old heacl roach in 1987.' M:igcrs replaced Jelnick ,it the CdM hc:lm in 1990 and his farsr team went 9-16, out of plnyoff contention. Out his tc3ms pusted consecutive third-place Ci111shes in 19'Jl - 92, good for Cl F playoff pols each ye:ir. Mage~· best season .it at CdM and I en• ( u1s"1 c ,or 1oot ;a , .v>l h 1 f ·i· · • s 1 c ,.,. rn·"' ' • h fi ( h <t IC 00 JCI aties an OUt lern ll 410 1 ... J·oyed working with '" t e •~t round.o t c .rA .. W.th the help or sume "erv 'upporti\c . pla)offi. to fint!ih 14-11. i ., . th& «ids. But • want· They e:1rned the nickname 00o)tCrs, and the hard v.ork o.r the k1~ ed tO move up tO the "D ck Day Bombers" for ~hcn~scl\lcs, \\C were ob.~c to build •. fac:!· COiiege level and their home run production, It>: I m \Crf proud o{, ~fage~ s:u~. J . ' which included a st:llc thtnk b:i cball bccumc a little more anter-fhJS Is a ~reat op· recurJ•tying back·to-back·tO-esting while l was at <;JM. and. the fi~ld portunity. back·to·back barrage by h~ pr~ably been.~ ~1g factor m cct!!"i Mike Su son, Theo Ro~os. kids excited .abou_t 1oanm1 the program. -SCOTT wcas Kehrli and DeCmccs in a Magers, 29, said he C\entually h~pe• to Ex-CdM baseball coach Ne\\port Efb Tournament ~ecome a ~liege head coach, and is :a~· g:ime agam 1 Foothill. aou to continue as a student of the g:ime;, . "I learned a lot of baseball :u CdM, CdM was 1992, "hen the Sea l\.ing> de· featcd Unhersity in dramatic 1<1,hion in the rcgular·s\!a~on finale to edge the: In>· jans for the Sea View League':. linal play· Coron:i Cina hed 13-l l la_st he ~id. "The oliber or ~chini in thot ~pnng and mi~,cd the _plJyoff • but du.I tca&ue made it challenging und fun. I dcfi· c;ipturc the 16-tc:un Pn~c of the Co~t nately enJO)'Cd my e\pcriencc." l,>urnament, \\h1ch l"Ontnbuted to . an 8:2 lntere\lCJ :ippl1canh for the \':ltant rccorll oub1dc uf the rugged Sea View cir· CdM p<> 11100 may phone Jdnie~ al 760- off spot. l·u1 1 3320 o ••. , ~~ """'°" ""' Keeping a handle on a lifetime of • w baseball memories .. TeWinkle Intermediate's Bill Riddell has a unique collection ol baseball bats of Hall of fanle-sluggers . By Barry Faut~er. S;>orts wn:cr B crneen the t!mc he tCJth h1' mornio!! ~~re." an<J the final out of the l.l\t \Ve t Cua~t mght game, llill R1JJdl t..ike 3 few minutes ca~h .d..1)' to dutch Im mo't chctt)hed ch1IJhooJ ba')e· b..111 mcmoric . U)1ng fc\\Cr i.teps thoan 11 once tool. the fl>tmer ldtJhanJed patcher t'> pounce on a bunt up the fi™ b.he lme, R1JJcll ma\.c) hi~ \\J) to ..1 den in hb ll"inc home. \\here di.amund trcJ\Ule line the \\Jlh. lloi)ting 36.or·w ounce~ former I) "icldcJ b) 1n-the·fk'>h llall of I .1mcr' incluJing \\ ilhc Ma)), 1 ed \\ 1lhJln • Mi"~C) M..intk, Frank Robin,on, ;ind Reggie J.ld.Wn, R1dJell\ curled finger.. re t Y.ithin incbc~ of a ""ect pot th.at tran~cnJ\ the: h..irrd of a ti.it . "Not a da) gu;.:) b), l don't come in th" room to bring b;ad; ome 'Cr) a;ood memonei.,'' )JW Riddell • ., ph))lc:ll eduC'i>hon tc:i .. h r .inJ coach the pa't nine )eJrs at Co)ta Mei.a· · l'eWinklc: Intermediate. \\hO e ~ro\lrtng colkc11on of authentic pcrsonallled game · U\cd bat~ keeps the fond no 1ali1a of his ~h1IJh,lO<l hcroc' at h" fin¥ert1p~. College h.i)eball. \lrhich culminated an NAIA All ·Amenc.m hono~ at Southern C.11 College m 1977, \\a) a-; clo'c J\ R1J- Jell got to hccom1ng a m3jor lc.aguer Uut C\Cr \tncc h1 Cather and grandfather in- troduced him to the national pa<ttimc at Octroit':. Tiger St.idium in the earl) 19<.0-., he\ been pa !>ionate about the game. "I\ c collcctcsJ--. thou).llld\ of ba chJll card from the t\n l "a a kid, but I };Ot tired of cards," sauJ RaJJcll, \\ho three )Ca~ ago beg.an tr)mg to acl1uirc bah u cd b' each or the 25 fl.111 of l an~vi· Juctce) "ho pla)Cd 111 the 196()) · C..11d· board i!> cardboard Uc!o1Je,, )OU can't w.ing J baseball card" · Though he knC\\ little .10out \Counng tile till-booming collectible) mar~ct, R1J · 'l·ve collected thousands of baseball cards from the time I was a kid, but I got tired of cards. Cardboard is cardboard . Be- sides. you can't swing a baseball card .' -Ill lll1Dfll bat collector Jell c.iuid.ly built a solid nct,,ork of fricnJ, -a\ \\ell J!o monumcn· t..11 phone bill -b) contact111g mo t of the e\timated ~00 !oefloo\ bat collector~ nationwide. "I thought it mjaht take tong as Ci"c o r 10 years to get all 2..S (bats)," Riddell recalled, "But l was real lucky to find a JUY who put me about a third of the way there, very quickly. Now, I get all my bat through four of fi\e friend wbo also collect." Riddell, who helps defer the often substantjal cost of his b:tts by ~lllng and1or trading from his ample card invcntory, 5lill needs 1ur bats to complete his star-studded collection. But legendary lumber till at larae, like that used by Duke Snider and Eddie Mathew • does not mclude the m<»t valuable or most scarce. Although all the pri~es for e\Cnl) "'ere held to a bare mm1mum, the cl;as) sull made enough money to pay all the bills. which included the publication of a mini-ycarboo~ and 11 pn.ted video Crom the banquet. See PLUMMER/7 Bill Riddell, with one of the more unique bascbaJI collections, bab from Hilll or Fame sluggers. "I pretty much have the toughe tones to find, and my Willie Maya See BATsn - Ma/or Repairs Welcome •Minor R1p1lrr W1/com1 2380 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 650-8598 or 650-8599 OP[ N f1 lON n1n' f fi!fJAY D1H.i r 0 !1/>{, 1 ' . . ' ' ! j : ' I t '• • ' ' t ' -~ r ~-1111 ------------.. r•• -----------• r•••.•••••·---- . I tm-• PACIAIE I I .!!~.!!~~UM BBAIES 11 L E, IL F : ::-.: : .... ~ .. -;; 819! : : :==:..-=~ ... s1J·g11 I I ::::=··· ....... ..... ' • • n-Y .. p ...... ........ • o a.til lulll fw'*9 .,,, tS' , · I ....... ·• • ·~· qi I I ·--··--. · I I ·Oilllll...,,.._ Ii 'S ..,_...,.. •CJt••·•t.c... -. •"-•--•-•.._ · MDll.C.PirAlll _______________ .... _________________ ·------- . " ' -.. I ·I •I . - c 13 •• m un 110 h;: ~ \ '"· n· Pl.mMER: ''°"'' h vo;u initially planned to hire :a proi 1on:al camcnam2n, but the co t wM pruh1bi1ive. Huwc\cr, Plummer had a cllmcorder he h:uJ ne~r usc:J nd eta )mate All3n Detk, son or the lite Joseph llc:ek, \Ulunteered to put his talent> to wotk, thuuch he ~ d never iilmed Y..ith a \idco camcc11. • Anu lkck :a hie~ d • commendable production, wtuch Plummer ia1d \\ a "i.o plc:asina .. to the entire du .. 00 tllcy h:.l\C plan' Cur onuther reunion in l'he )C:lr '! __:Sh,c 1cpl~J "14hin "c·•• h:JY1:10"w:llt· -~e on chat one." Meany laucr d.'ly h:ubor r~J rc\iJcnt.s o nly know of her from Cit) bu ineiS ~nc.I political circle). Few lnuw thJt she "'"a :1 Ju,cl)' ~nglc.:a<ler at Harbor l ligh in the e.irly '40i. and h.u had her ~hare of sporh conncct1uni. U\er the )e3ri.. I he fir~t one 1s amu>ing, but doc n't really count. As a )Ouni girl, i.hc h 1<l n JOb or llihpping arrows out or Q cfart bo3nJ at the l·u·n Zone. As she once told the Pilot' Tony Q\>Jcro, "We didn't act money. "c ju t got 10 ~hoot :irro~ " he remain\ 9uitc proud of her H.irbor High days on the GAA i."' 1mmiog team. The school h3d no pool in th:it time ~ the bo)~ :and girls prncticcd in the ba) - And the coach "-OUIJ juggle 1hc nthlctes untJ e\cnt> 10 mJtch up ''uh cumpet1tori. on the bus en rou1c to che meet !)he recalled how surpn~d ri\JI "ere Y.hcn the Sj1lo~ and S:iilurettcs scored their !>h.ue of upcrb trrumphi.. One 1%9 intcn1cv. found her reflecting on the '.S:? 'I Jr ch.imp gmJ tc.lm ... It v..a incredible for a huk '4hool hke Ne'" port 10 "'an the tough Soni.et Lt'a~uc ;1n<l nul..c 11 to the CIF plJ)Off)." And die re Ucd lhal her late huibanJ Cllly Smnh, OQ(c wutkeJ on a ~ car with Albuquerque' famed Un~r tirotbc:n and • s 1 friend of T roy Rullman, another noted d.mer in hh d;iy. The w&nds o( w"'lr didn't pass her by as a Harbor Hip coed. · p Alta the pernmenl interned au fopanc5C·Americans, rNny of v.hom farmed in C~ta Mcia ond oCf the bluff> of Coron:. dtl Mor, .. she remembered an l)tuni>hing prOJr.ln> thit took effect. Plummer said, "Rotating busc v.ould come once a v.eek to ta\c tJ\c bo)i. eand glrb &Yin tcami. out co han.ci.t the crops." -.She addCCJ, • Ow h'e~ ~hOol became ~urcc-f!E - lnbor. I remember picking >tra"'bcmes. And it wns backbrc::iking "'ork. I 'II ne\er forget it. "I don't know Y.h<»c iJe3 ii wos, but it v.-as an ingenio0> one h> S:l\C <.111 thcnc valued crop$." The '42 springtime pru~rum la)tcd until summertime. And she recalled that 1he program "dcv3)t:ucd our Bee and Ccc pore~ tc.im$ ince so many of the athletes were Japancsc-AmtriC3~." Some, despite their s1Lc, nlso pla)Cd vanity. T\\O of the '.Cl \";lr~ny ~tnrs were scat bad.. Johnn) I l..cd:i nnd lineman George Matob:i. In looking bjck ¥iilh ample pride, she S<lid, "r can hone tly say there ¥.ere no rac13l problem> at Ne"' port Harbor High." Plummer, v. rio was born in B3lboa and i) un eighth-generation Californian, e:irncd a teaching credential from Cal State Fullerton ye:irs nsa and IS the mother of c;i~ children. Although she remains proud of accomplii.hmcn1'> during her three terms on city council, her rc11rcmenc th1 pa t )Car offers a gulden opportunity lo relax and enjoy other at:tiv111es. And her mjny friends \\l!lh her v.cll. Don C:1ntrr/1 is a furmtr sports tditor for tbt Custa Mt•s:J Glu~ l frro/d, forer unner to tilt D:Jily 'e~pllll h.i,1 :in ci.11m;itcJ enrollment ol soq '1urJcnh,,,h1k lflc k:isue· ~it!l;cr "'-hooh hJJ t"o to 1tuce lime' chc enrollment. l'Uut. and D fl' idrnt of Albuquuqut', N.M . Ruthel) n Plummer, ''hen dirl'ding Newport Beach's fortunes as ih m.ltor during I 2·)ear citt council lour. BATS: From 6 unJ Roberto Cl~mcntc arc unp.ir· :ilk kd bcc.au'c ul lhl!ir wnJ1t1• 1n 11J lhe autogr.1ph' on ca1.h, Rid- dell ,.1irJ. unc Cll)' It. l..1llc<l me Y.hen P.lul Molitor lc h M1IY.aul..ec for Toron- tu tht!'I \C.lr." -. Riddell':. b.1b r.rngc an !'l~C from "M) JJ1.l..1c Rub111-.on "':ibo one \If k ) th a11 1U l.llU\\O in the t.:nH· cJ State' Uut. J) \\1th CJnl,, }Ou'rc al\\J} k~1l.:ing tu upgr.iJc .~ , Clc:mencc'!'I 36·1m:h, 3b·oun1.c \l.jr club,. 10 J0e Murg.an '!, '>"-1tch-hl..c J 1-uun .. 1.: muJd I k .ibo ha' ,\ l"llJd, George h h h:r 'ledge h.Jm- mer, trjcerJ 0) II\ l.tl11..'ltt1g tu 1977· ~'). "h1'h 'hll\\ '> tcll·tule '>ISO'> ul 1llet~I Jucto:ring to ':ldd \\C1gh1 to the bJrrcl. · "II )UU notice [lhlcr' hun\c In .11JJ1t1on tu hi.., (J) I I.ill of I ;,rllld'll, 1{1JJcll ha ob1.1incd b.ih from CJCh fl\Nl1on pl.l)Cr Ull the 19~ \\'urlJ ChJmpiu.n 01.:truit ·1 i· cl\ I le Jl-.o pl.in, to Ju lhc <>.:unc for the ~lutur Cit) l\1tt1c)0 1%'\ World ~c11c-. ~inner-.. "l'rn \till :i huse "fi1!cr Ian:· ,,11J R1JJdl. "'ho ~11~ Ji pl:.i~ n n.1nncl 11 '' r J•:C!'IC) auh>g.nph..:J h) Al t...il1nc U.11 .. Imm 1.urrcnt pl.1)eh ,, in· duJ11 • Kith\ l'uc~cll .1nJ Ouu: ~m11h. a"o lX1.up-. ~P'>l'll al"ng hi .. hand·.:r:alled ,, .. 11 r.1~i..,. but R1J- J.:ll '•'}' hl• \\Ill llC\~f fC\Cle tvd:t)'' plJH'I' ·" he d,,,_., the aJ,,f, ul 111' ~·•ulh • •·1 Ihm~ the 1•1,1·11111~1 ... \H1ulJ bcal 10,I.~ ·, '1..11,, ti the) mc1 111 .11l ,11l·,IJ1 g.1111c.I' R1d.!dl ~11J I 11!..c ,lime lll 1hc d1rrc111 pl l\.:r' hi..\: J•u ._ell. (~c.•r e Breit Rot Ill )ount .111.t 11..:l'r' \l..11 ·1 r.im111cll .111J L llU \\ htt.l~CI \\ h\1 hJ\ e ' pl.1)Cd 1l11.:1r "h,1lc c.arccr.. "''" one '"' 111 I h.11c lrl..'e ;.i~cn .. ~. tlc· cau'c le\\ er pl.1~cr' arc ''·'' 1ng Ill run 101.ih for thl)-.c ~car) (he krJ the Z...Jt1un.1l lcagul..' ~1th 5:! in ·'77, ~U in ·7 . .inJ cluhbc:J .inuther }II Ill '79, b~ far the mo ... t pruJuctt'e ~noJ ul h" c.ire1.r). 1t mal.c'lo )OU '4(.1nJcr." R1dJdl J1J Hi' fJ\OrtU! hat'l "Th.it ~ould ~ 1he \\ 1lhc ~1.1" bccaui.c h1. ~a'll the bc:it pl.1)Cr l e'er YY.." R1JJcll uJmit\ hc didn't we .ill • ol ha\ 1 l:lll of I .ime h.iul pl.1) Ill pcrllol>n Uul. he " proud to pl\lnl out. Q of 11 lt\ln~ mcmbc~ u( the ~ll(} Imme run dub. .:rnJ \e'en member' ul 1he e\du"'c 3,0UU·hi t fr.iterntl). Jlc u:pa..:-..:ntcJ m ti~ coll..:ct1lm R1JJcll ... pcnJ'lo hour... u: .. 1.jr.:h mg r1.1.urJ-. ol ba1 b~h .anJ oth1. r me.in' of 1Jcn11lkJtil'll. tu en ur1. he bu)' lllll~ au1hu1111c 11cnh, anJ plan ... ll> continue JJJms t\I h1'.) .1r- 'cnal lur )\JC' tu '01111. .. lt'i. HI) 111nc con,ummg. but 11'.., "'Orth e\CC) bit nf time: I '~nJ. JU'>t IU he .Jbk tu enJO) 11 .. , rl'IOm," R1JJdl J1J YACHTING Ober tabbed to coach . . Ullman ta~es Orange Coast sailillg over the lead COSTA MEsA -P.usce ~r. . Ober aio she hopes 10 gl\e the U..\LUOA _ O.i\t Ullrn3n of a veteran of more than 30 years of cocducatronal program Maba11t~ the U.1lllo;i ) acht Club \\on one ol sailing competi11on. has been and d.JSC1j>bnc . IY.U rJ1.C) 1 uc,Jay tu g:i1n the named the nC'W coach of the Or-.. I'm more comfortable on '3 o\crjlf lead a l the LlJo 14 Na· angc Coast College sailing team. sailing t>oo t than I am .utY"'herc t1un.il Champ1u11,h1p Rcg . .HtJ 1n Ober, of Sou1h Laguna, 15 a hfc-else," he satd 'We have the po- '\e"port Harbor long \31lor oragmall} from the tentiaJ to ha'e n grca1 pn'grJm. Ullm.in fin1 heJ fourth 1n the N~port f'!atbor area. She re-We ha"c the be 1 traamng fdc1hl} C\cnc· 'ccond fj1.C (the fiN. corn-place Llnila' Moeller, v.ho gave up in the Umted ~tates. Once evcr;- pkte<l MonJay. '43) r1.:, .. heJulcd the po~illon to concentrate on one secs "'c'rc \Cnous. ~1:·11 m.il.e tor tl>J.1) Jue to J pro11. ,t), bcJurc cooching the OCC v.omcn's crew. a dcfirutc impact • Y.lllning the th1rJ race 1\) po l a Obc r , a member of the OCC 1s the only community col- combmcJ five puuH Women's Ocean Racing and Sail-lcgc 10 the nation competing .at M .. ri.. GaurJll), rcprc$c:nt111g the U.ihi.1 C-OnnthiJn Yo ht Club. ~on iog Association, competed £or the uruvcrsity lc\cl m ~dmg The rJCC N • :?, and "as fifth in lhc OCC's sailing team m 1968. She · · team Lr.UQ.) at 1he OCC' lhird r e. G.iudto's ~i.x combined ~-as a lllCWlbcr of the l 1do Yacht on NOrth Lido Chan- puint put him an a ~cconJ-pl.ice , Oub for 30 )'CJ~ dcJulc>1.~ ~1th CrJtg Lc"1ck of the Ml'-'llOn Bay Y jChl Oub, "'ho \II J tlurd Ill lloth r.lCC>.· Oilbloor volleybll llUl'lllYI slated f our more race1o ~111 be cum- plcteJ bv 1 hur-.J.iy Lido .14 Nationals "-c• No. 2 1 ~Ml\ Ga-.iOIO (Mu COi "'1311 YC), 2 G>b U.~•• (A.!lm.:os 8,y YCl, l Cr319 Le-..eck 1~•.ss100 Bay YC), 4 ~e U 'Nl1 (B~ YCI. 5 Ph.I Fietman IB~ YC) 6 GitY Tl'lome fBi;:>oi 'Cl 7 Bob Ues (liel.l 1sie YCJ Race No. 3 I Oavt urman (BlC). 2 Don BJmjs tABvtl. 3 Cr.1~ Lt-.eck ( •svc1 .a G3ry lllOml tBtCI 5 ,,. Gaudio 1scvc1. 6 Tim 1IW:/ (BCYC) 7 ~ t.iMWI (ABYC) •Grass one-day tournament are offered at Manners and Pen- 1Mula Park m cwport Beach. Team' compete m pool play with the top fin1 hers advan~mg to a !>1ngle-chminat1on pla)'Off. Men' , women's and coed teams may enter in Open, A. 8 or ov- 1~ dM 1 ns. The fee 1 Sl5 per person and lenms musl check in the morning of the e\'Cnt between 4'\ a m Four-person tourna- ment arc scheduled for Mariners on Monday. Sept 6 l"o-pcNm tournament~ at Penm ula ue ~at urday. Oct. 9. . For more information phone 631-7658. • and Joubks tournament' arc scheduled Cor c.oron.a <lei \.1jr Stale Bcacb dunng the "'cd.cnd o( Aug. 28. Rel?!Strauon 1... due tlv ' p m Aug 27 For more mfonruat1on, phunc (714) 64+3l!i I Cal-Hi mag rates Luxembourger among Top 20 lO~ I A ~ti ~ \ -131"\::in Lu'· ' cml.,,>..argcr. A I (II .i' a ·,un1or :H ( IJ')l::t \k,J I f.~h l.J')l b ll, I' h!'llCrJ Jnlun~ the top ~U ltnd :.ic.1..crs 1n C...1hl1.1rn1..1 an ~he: up.:.>1mng cd111un l f C.11 JJ1 -P.'''' 111a~;.i1111t Li., .. i lvur~cr. J c_,.,:, 2~ -pound 'cnaor 1h" l.111. gr;.iJcJ in 1hc tup t"i.: percent an :igiltt~ :ii Cal·H1 f".lri...· 'ummcr .. omb1nc tor pro· '~'it' c '.: n r ~k·, ..11,o 11\tcJ in che publ1 .. a- l1un·') 1op 150 pl.i~cr' ll,er;.ill 10 the tJte Lu\cmbvurt-1..r .1 ;,,u-Y.a) )tJrt- 1.:r for Cu.u::h M\11.n ~1 11ler. c:irncd All-Clf· 0 1' 1,1,1n \ 111. All "e"'port-~k,3 D"tr1.t JnJ .\II P.lcific CoJ)t L.c:i uc 1c.0&11t1un :i' an otlcn"1'c gu:irJ li1f the 199~ ~h.1\t~ng' -B) B:ury F.Jullr.J1u DEEP SEA ASllNG TUESDAY'S COUNTS NEWPORT LANDING -6 11oets 109 .. ig!m I tt. .,,," ".a S.I l ) ~' "2 U'\C ~·· :µ C~ bUs I ICC'• 'n"-i... Co~ l ~34 3• M DAVEY'S LOCKER - 2 peats l01 j!! • .-S l ~ • I ~ .. ~ ~ C 0 ~ 1~ uoie ~ns :'O ~"" ~ ~ :.. "1tto."'.t1: 4 rt1t• 390 ITll "-°'' !i~ l • ~ ~ ytb•111 ... ~ 1 ~ l~k PUIUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC ttOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUIUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES .. • I ' I E I· II r c c c n ~ s tJ d r• R 0 ~ le ll b tt s w H T ll Ii h• m w m tt w891 -------------------1 PUBLIC NOTICE 2080M 209 t 54 Fic:tftiMt• Flctltlou• ......... •-· BWlirteU NattM Stat•-' Statement The l<*owlng l*SOtW .,.. The lol!Qwinng persons .,. ~ busrness as: SPRING ---------PIOD41ftY doing bu•neu u: BEACH MED1CAL. 4332 Cemtto. PU8UC NOTICES UN CAR WASH. 12' S Ave.,#208, Los Al~.--------­ BeKll Blvd • ANMlm. CM· Ca 90720 1foma 92801 R•public Medteal. tne.. 8ot'1I Rasmusson, 13801 Calllom1• 4332 Cemtos W~low ~. W•stm1Ml0f, A~.. •208. Los Alam1110S1 Calll0<n<a 92683 CL 90720 RC!SJISlrenl hu not y•I T'hll buslnHs Is con- t>eg\ln to trens~ bus.ness ducted by: a c:orpotaliOft un<ttf lh• fict1110U1 bull· Tll• r•glstran1(1) com- nHs nam• or namH ~sted menced IO iransact busl- 11.,ein ness UNIW the Fk:1itlous Th• r•glstrant(I) com-BU9inHs Nam9(s) liSled menc.d to transact l>Ull· abo\19 on: fl/a nau under the Fictitious Re9ubfic Meclical, Inc Business Name(s) hsted Hussain Um•, Presldn abow on: AuguSI a. 1993 This staltment was-liled 8ot'1I Rasmusson with Iha Councy OM °' This statlllT\lfU was tiled Onlno• County on August Wllh IN County Cllf1& ol 11, 1§93 Ofeng9 County Of) August F5797M 11, 1993 • Publlllled Newport Be~ F579785 Costa Mesa O~ty Plk>t AA; Pul>Uslled N-pott Beach-guSI 18, 2S s.plember 1, Costa Mesa Oaity Plloc Au-a. 1993 gust 18, 2S S.pcemt>er 1. W893 • 1993 ~92 PUILIC NOTICE ------------1 PUBUCNOTICE ~ ~··-207974 Stat...m Fictitious The fOllowlng persons - a,,..ineu Name dOlnO bus,,,..• as: StatenMnt CHAlUER ME, 715 St. Th• IOllOwing persons ar• Jam•s Rd .. Nawport OOing buSHlHS as: AO-e..cn. CA 92663 l/ANC ~D CONSUL TING Howard R1c:hard'Oebhard, SERVICES. 4332 Cemlos 715 SL James 'RCI .. N9w- Aw. 1 201. Los A!Amllos. pott S.ach. CA 92663 Ca. 90720 0.bn Get>Nrd, 7t5 St. Suwest Ptlv,sica! • amu-8..d~~--.H.IJWP apy, 4332 C11mto1 Ave .• BHcll,.CA 92663 •207, Los A1em11os, Ca. Th11 business Is con- 90720 dueled by: llusband Ind This business 11 con-wila ouct9CI by • corporation The r•g1s1rant(1) com- The reglstrant(a) com-m9need to transact bu-. menc.cS to transact bu»-ness under ~ FICWous ness undef lhe FICtltious Bus.neas Name(s) tis-.d Bwtness Nam•(•) Mated above on: n/a ~ on nl• Howard Gebhard s.aw.st Physlc:M Therapy, Th11 statemoot was filed HuUAtnl.Jm¥.P1'991dent lp;;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::=::====~==============:;.:t:;:;"; This Slal9'Mf'lt WU fdedll With 1M Councy Oeril o1 0.11199 County on August "· 1993 F579793 Publlafted Newpol\ e..cn.. Cocta Mesa Oe.ly PlloC ~ gull IS. 25 S.ptemotr 1, a 1993 The PUot c1 .. a1tled Tho most eompre1ien- 11vo •nd current dlrec· toty ol goods and ser· vices around' ......... EL•IUWIY MOf1uery • Cl'lae>el Cremetion 110 Btoedw•y eo-....... ..... ,. DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS A READER SERVICE OF THIS NEWSPAPER SANTA'S HELP(BS Add somt tun to your outdoor Christmas d1spl1y with lh1s trol•tk1ng group ol color1ul tlYtS Meuunno 20 inches 1111. they re pt1ntt0 1n tull-cotor on hUYy wuther resistant paper Just glue tllem to pl'fwood cul 0111 and sel lhem up Complete lhe scrne with a ltw 1m101nall¥t touches tilt.e 1 lfff stumii Of candy unes --------------Seno c:11«1< 10 0 .io £1¥a S tl 00 OCOP P•1tt1n Dept 0 1292 Cindy C.nes (12) S7 00 P 0 Bo• 2383 D 1297 Helper' Signs S5 oo V•n Nuy~ CA 91G fle•mt -------------- ACSOrtss --------------- City ------------------ State Zip _____ _ Pf1ce ltlciuon Post1;t & ~nclltng STARTll& l IEW BUSllESS?? The Legal ~ .r the pt'°' 11 AlllMcLto. W'W!!Qlnce =a -,.. •!M9- now aYllltMe to new ~. We wfll now SEARCH the neme for you • no an c:Mrge •. n ._. you the time -... trtp '° ... Court ~ In s.a Ana. '"*'· of cour.. after the IHldl la com.,lt .. d we .. ftle your ftcdtloue tM* 111 ,,..,. stetement wfth the ~ ca.tc. pWlllh one» • ... for tour .... .. requWed by --'*' .. ya&a' ptOOf of publc.-on wlll Counly a.tt. P11•• mp by to ftle your ~ ~bullll 111 ...8llda1*lt at 1he Plot ... 0epMrnn. 330 WMt Bey, COllla Meu. Celfomla. " you C8ft not _, by • .,. .... cal .... (714) 142.a21, EXlenllon 315 or 311 Md we wtl "'*• ~-for you to --... .. procedure by md. " you Mould h8V9 lllr/ further qtJ••~-. pt111a c-" ua Md we wll be men thM QMd to a.111 you. Good Luck In ~ new buliwll PU9UC NOTICES C01.cH11ro ~ _...... o1"" LJB. EATY NATIOHAL. BANK ot HUNTINGTON ~ In ...... ol Celtomlia. ... does ol ......_ on Jl.w19 30, 1193 ....._ In reapo1• lo Cll mede ~ Conll*ollf of .. ~. W'ldlr n.. 12. Unified 5'lil.-eo.1 Seedon 111. aww NLmber 23171. Co11•ollf o1 ._ ~ ,.., Dl*tct. 81UI ••flt eif R111 ,... _..II • ..._ Cdhand~due lrom ~" lnlClluloN: De4l9f I. I .... 11tn1u11 • Noun.,•~ 1*9ncei Md c:urr.nay ..., ~ ·-·--............... _. ____ t.111 .,,...~ ~ .................. -....... 11.80' Securilee ·····--·· ............................ _ ....... _ •• 1• Feder81 !Ura IOld ··-·-·-·-···-·····-· .. ·----i ,400 SeaMtllea purci-d under --·--'° ,.... ___ ............. ----..... -0 u.n. and ..... tlNncln8 r«11Mit1-.:.--.. Loena and ....... ,,.. of ~Income _____ 1:14,131 LES& AIO•a tot tMn ............. __ .. _,... LESS: Moc9ed......, ~ ,_,,.···--·---------0 u.n. and ....... ,. of.,,..._, inoom.. ....... and....,.,., __ tt'l.452 A8l9tl ~In "adne llCICOUl'D-····-··-·-··-0 ,. ..... andbtd- (lnduclng C9'N&lmcl ......, .. .:_ ____ .... 1,430 °"*,..., ..... °"'* ·--··----··-3.111 ""••••In UllOOI' ...... •* 'f -end-c'1'1f.,... .... ----·O eu.om.t'W..,tolllll .... on ~ICM Ol•lll icing .. --··---0 lnll&I,_.. ..... ---·----···-·--·--0 °"* ..... •••--•M•-·--·--.. -----·,.., T~ ..... -·-·"·-·--·----" t•101 LIMIUTm ~ In .,,,__ oMclea-~·---...... 1 ........... ....:. ..... _n.1• ......... _"•----·--1 .. ,. ,... ..... ~-------0 taou~ ... W'ldlr ...... to ~--·---------0 '*'-"' ........... '° .. U.L T,_.,---------··----0 0.-NelD ... ...., 0 ..... ti II dlhl dlw lftd an11•1 • UM1r '' s • ...... _____________ o ...... ...., ... c .. .. _..... .......... ~1-------· ., ........ ... •1•1 ----------------· o... ....... _ .,. f.......... . .... u n , .. P••IMI.._. Md....,..,._ ______ o ~CMlllfTM. ""'' ,.,,....,. ...... ........ ..,.._____ . c......... --1.19 ..,.._ _..,.. "'1 ............. ...... ~~----.... ~----....... -· -------------f ... ..._ ..... ____ ..._ ___ _ T• P Z a I Sllt--------- ;s*11M1.-_ .c ...- ..... & ....... " ....... _. .,_.,.... "' .... .. ......... ..--......... .. .......................... ................ ,= , ...... ma • ..,,.._ ... J a..1•C I ) ......... -...... . .... a.. , ",,._D.arr.~.-" 1111ff .............. ___ _ .... _...,o a,._ .. ..._ .... ........ ............ ..... D.OI .... .... p , ......... ... 9 Dllll ___ ... ... Couei:I• • 4llDfT 1 lfc • 'II • dliki?lle of ._ MA> ~ NA110NAL MMC ol IW9C In ...... of ~ • ....... of...._ on..-... JO. 1193 Pl Iii hed In II .. I -.. Clll ..... ~ ~ .. of .. ~."""' -1Z. "'*" -Code, IMllDn 'f1· a... ,_..., 'J'Oll. Con.-'*' o1 .. ~ ~ DllMd. .... IPteifRlllJl ....... I' p-I n ..... .,....,.. tom dlill DIZatf ... •aw.: Noi••--.rti• bM&ncel and o....nc:y lftd OOln --.. --·----·-10.• ....... b•lll• bM&ncel .................... -....... 297 Seot.111'11 -.~-.. -···-·---•.5"1 ,.... u...., __ ,, ______ . ___ ·-·--.1.000 s.c..tllee ~ under ........ ,.... ____ ....... ~··-··· 0 Loene and ..... .,..,... recetcM'u · L.-.and .......... of \NerMd .,....._,_ ...... 1'5.111 L£SS: AIDa•• tot tMn ...... ._ ___ 1,ICll5 ~"llllllf....., -~ ·--.. -0 Loene and ...... Mt of ......... lnoolN. n .,...,..,... ___ n.n• ~ ... '"...._..... 0 ,,....Md ......... fl"Cll ... c.. • ..._.. _____ 1.11i °'* ....... GlllNd ·-·· 1.-4'0 ll'lu•1-II\ '"""°" 111t•1 f • t 1t1wtee lftd -~-----0 c. ••••. ....., ........ OftMCl·a-•I 1 •111--....--·0 ... , .. ,. -----·--°'*-'··----·---.. -···-··---'·* niw-..__ _ ___ uie.on UlmlTID Dlillllfll: In...,.. ........ ___ •. ..,, ..... ., ... .....,._ __ nMO .......... .,. ____ a.,m ........... ~ --0 ... _ ............. . ..,...,...,__ ·--· .. --.-0 ~ ............... UI. n...y___ ---·O °'*NHS IJ_., 0 .. .. .,,, ._ ... PIS rt 4UMwr JI b • ..... .o ..,.. . ....,.a e'ln:w 11 trt.C•litrl• ... ------'0 ••1• ........ •1•1-• 0 a..-_m T•..... tCIO,Oel u: n , .. p•u•..-... .....,_,.. -0 ...... --~~--·~~O ----------~--~ ... ~~--~~~~~-·~1.111 ... DM9 ....... ~--.. ..... ._. .... ...,.._ ........... .. oar ................. ., .. k , .... ...... ----..... .. -P'S? f ...... 11 IP D ... __ ,., .. ... ~ ..... Wedn11d!J.At9m!&ttm ..... ....,... ...uo.... • ...... _ ' I L • .,_ WIOTICll w•-W•TICll w..,_ µ•~n~~ .. !!~~ ... -~-1 lt••flCI 61 M QW Of :ntl ............ fll.. ... ....... iDt ... ,_. fUnUiW to ......... WI credtlat1 OI IM wilNll ............ ._._.. .......... ?131 la ... ..... ..... :C:M~CX:: .......... fll ... ....;: r:r.~ c::.:~:::i:=: ~:::~ Co-• l•cll9ft =::.':.:...-: ... -:9.,t.,teel =-..... ~·.:•.: •!,,. la llWSW.. TiefALAWYM '::a:.is:1s":r .,_CA. .,......._,....,.._.. 'teia -.il• C1ed1W •lho HHl l H UtOt -WlPll• -.... ,.,._ Pl J,., SI ..... '-:::0.. .i:~~C:.:YI.. :=..:-!.:·~--: "': '~:.~~·t.~ ·&~:. ::.::::-... ~-: = .... "~~ ~~ lftO ~ ~ ................ ::=.:~..... ··~~::~::-TL ... Gta:M48 •(If 1 .,... ....... 0t 1U7_.!0I 06 CA NIM C.wd tlil a.t~, llUfMWtl 10 H_.1 Ind lddt_.. ol lie...., -K• LMML ,1111tl1fttd Nowpon TM lll'!D ......... • Ullll C.-Q C0'11mon do9ll'\lllOfl OI 1 it ,..,,.... .,.. • .. I s I ' C NI. u TI L ..,.... Gr...e. htety cocse S.c11on '°"" l JO• ~ P'ubllanect H••IJOfl ~ ...._ e>.ay -dOint ._. .... • ··~-·-propeny .. "'"" ....... 111'!111 ,,,, ...... ~YIN •••••• OCOlO •Yr ORAllT Ltell ...... $,. '°" ~ • Awe • ..--..~-·· M.u ...-... NOi~ 11.2$ ,.., QOl.Ol£A, ttOlll ..... ·-no ..,.,llllY .. ~ :-.. '° ..... .. .... 1hal'I .. LIC • NONI:, "ECAE .... -· c----tM .. .,,,. m Clr'Q Y°"' 2 ............. _, • ... V'ESTME.Nf CORP • CAl.o J.O llfMC:E COtoWAHV b ~·,..,_, Of_ •CiO'• ._, ATIOHAl Vttite'-£ Sl Oft ---~· lnl-lf ... .,. UM ~ The C..fomill Pilol ~ 11 1993 lf'~IA. C°"l"OAATIOH • *" ~ TMJ .. r~1), .. 'fh4I ~ klUI ~--Ckl9 AOE. 21~ w C()UJHS •~•we II•• het411ere 'tw ~ V\ta aa.m "' OI IN Chi9f •..cut•,.. Olloe• w "*JC MTICI 094: OOU9LETM:£ Ct.U9 undet h fOllOM"9 0. UIMltr Mid Oeocf OI Tn.t, Det9s M419a OftAMGE CA (~tO) au.a~· fie s-..,_ Court oC e.. ol the ....., • ._, • ~.ofW«OE OOUNlY tolMd CIMCI OI 11\dl WIU ov ~ °' • bttlllCh or T.D. ~ COit-..ISWO SKI ENC J£T:>KJ '""liaheo Newoo,1 Counry °' Or~ "" •bC:M PUIUC IOTICl •1aee ~ 1 HIMllOlt c.-" MU: A.T "'8LJC AUCTIOH ~ In .. ~ .. ,.,, ....... T....... ENGINE. ACTION u. e.acn.cosu ~ D.loly ~y (30) d•t• ol lhe "'" A.I ....... .,.., -..ii.. L&GAL eeonca ........ • '" $.Ml.I M.i, CA ~107 • TO fHE HIQ1EST 8100CR MCurM '*'°Y· heNtc> a, T,... ~. a. WtSAKl-HOHOA.. 1ias.t o Piloe ~t 1a. 1..,,, publQt;On 01 lhlS Notice °'* ~ MIMI .o 1 , ...... T~ '""' 7 ~ '<>f' CASH "" IN totms ~ •ae<1'1" "'° ~ ................. Mt VIA f AIAICANT(. MIS WM1 ..,,.., '°"' l'ecelW llCM.li .oesr. .... VMCt by N ..c>nc• Ol1 -4 ~:.... Center, ..,.. AM CA• tltlicl\ ., ...... " ...... In Wed 10 ... unOtrtogNd • ....... Laiwlia •••• °"' SION VIEJO, CA. ~ (PINN l.>M Control ...... """"" IN .. yn.,. .,.. 11ueuc aALa ...... t2701 .,_ ~ bes) arid.°" wntten ~ Of 0. ..... CA •HM (7Ht S s '0 R 0 •. 2 0 C P PUBLIC NOT.CE Nlmil>et tJFOlll7 > 'tou IQr"e tne d such fdl wu •••'"'Ot'U .,, ~ ~ Tm. Bll..,._. .. COft-N cnfW • c;wtil;eci OI fMJJI N ~ lor Sa ... ..4?00 YIN ••• S F 0 t C 3 SI 5 J 3 ~ MrW • Ill\ endof.Md ..ni Ot OO-.end IO IN "~TY ~A f(A. t>) r.--~ Dr 1 corpotlt!On oe-~..!!?'' tCMOt*f "'Md ~ llGk• of o.. II' AuAILMU TM• LIC ••• 6tt48TE NY . Ke7... ~ o1 the d..m °" cne ~ .. NON "'"-'---~ 1e n.t0y ._. ltad ,.,._ ........ .;;-iu; "" r•e••tr•nt coM--CNI ~ SoaoGr'I 291411 1.-. atlG ot ~ 10 '" • IHSTOIUOE PAIVA TE NOTICll0/1 Sl!tZUIH! 04!nct ~ ot OrtnQe ft'e riatn4K and --lhet J'!t ~ 11 --~OlcW'lai ~ to WanMd ..,._ ~~~ (~ lft M al 9'• ~ ~ IN ~ IO llXl'RCTllD OPllN ... Q STORAGE SPACE 340 s l>UASUANl; l' CounlY (.'nrr: "°'*1' ·o, .odrHttS eu.-~arr. Ml .. pubt.c ll.ld;On, ""' Ar Co4 ..... ::-,..., uncW ... 6c1.liOul GI .. , .. r~a.a. ............. P'°'*'Y '° UIJSlf •t0 UY .. oeTAlllE> f'LOW£R ST •• ORANGE HEALTH AND Jones Deputy O.sll~t At· JQtvl ...... ,. Hervy 0.,. ..... '°Section 2t7QO ot ~o~ ... :.1~ ~ ,,.,,.. or ,.,_ w••• con¥eyW IO and A>O Obi !Jonis, nd lher9o rt CAUMQ TMa POL-CA I IGrMyt at 700 Ciyic <Anl• 9,.., Ind JalNt MUf'leltf. cJ lM &u.-& Proee. ' ~ • .,.. ' ..._,._,..Of\ NA now Mtd by It under W allet ti,e und1111gned LOWINO TllL9"0tlE S 5 CA T A L ' C C H SAFETY COOi! Ome Wete. s.,.,.. AM. CA o ~ H~t. 21J06 Lll'-C4tflt. Jlllll Jo' g C _ Ind ~. ~ ~,..,_.., __ n'~-~"llt o..e ol Trua n ltlO prop. C4llls.d Nod ~· °' cs. MU••ua °" TM& YIN A4!1 UC.....QHJ7 SECTtolf tt41t_ tUOI W':llCll ,., TfOJ CflV ~. ~ ........ 09tCribed propef1y to Wit hnCa Ana, CA 92106 • eo.,4 T....ng Cll9ft ,..,, _ _.., N lltf d• .. 'ltd '--"Md at wlK1ian 11n>e CA. PARK CYPR£SS A.IV /tt ... ANO o1 ~ fillnt) 01 \he c(&on1 1n CA 9~3716 WIU.IAllA CURLEY UNIT [). ~ Pf~ TAUSTOA ERNEST l teeotOed May 3, lttJ llS DAY •llFO"• TMll STORAGE 5702 UNCOlN NOTICE Of' lhe Supenot Co\n,C!Vll Di· The ~'sset• to ~ tol<I.,. 101 MISC FUANITUfU:, County ~ .,,,,. ~ ....... P'OPE. JUUA l . POPE lnw. No 93·294524 In SALll: (7H938 .... 37 ve . CYPRESS CA IMTE.NOED llltoOn dHCnbed in geNral u All r v: AHO HOUSEHOLD Inc . • 3022 N ~ • IN Cour1ty ()91'11 °' BENEFICIARY: LONO 80011 P•O• of Ofhc11I M (2'3'627 .... S 74 CHE'/ CP VIN .103· FOARITURI The '""""' '° ~ Me !um.tu,., flftl#H equ P' ITEMS TERAY WTTH(R-';:'Tf)6Way SMU AN CA °'anoe Co.ll'lly Ol'I Jlitt 22. IEACH BANI< s s. re Records"' the ol!~ ol lhe TAcaSi.$ 7 H' R '2 3 0.. PURSUANT TO and secure ..... "'° csa;,a nd~ N UNlr c S3 MISC Th<s 8;n;ness .. con 1'93 corded Olcembef 3 I )C) ~°'Orange COIM!ty: f>ubl11hed Nawport UC 13*AXL CA HE.A.LTH AND llAtlnl) on we.oe I lfl the lslaind (nt..U.,_. And FUANrT\JAE, TWO BIKES Ouc1.a by .. c:orpot&llOn FSnn• it """· NofO.~I In S..O ~ ol P'Oi*'Y""' l!lucn-<;ost.t *M Oally 1lf0RO SO I/IN lA» SAFETYCOOll ptoperty an lhe SUpon.or are *:'Id at 301 M~ ANO MISC HOUSE.HOU> Cori>1 t721131 Putlltth•d Newporc Booll P•O• of Oll1c111 bt 11'\.tde In "1s '"M Conell· Not AuguM 4 It II 5262416 llC 066UOO CA N .A Court will rHUlt IQ lhe Ave . lt>Oa nlllnd. ITEMS Th• re9111ran1 com S.ac.h Costa ... u 0.U¥ A«ontl If\ _,,. Olfoee ol th• l•on Ii> lhOut CovonMC 01 ' ' 1 4 C H E 'IV 4 0 S 0 SECTto 11488 ptopetly t>einq decl.trtt! Of 92f.62 S..... w11 !Ml l>'t eotrpet.I Recor d•, of Orano• WllnNIJ.'f, ••Pf•S OI wn-l9'Jl VIN I )(1904Lt 17320 On Jut'e 3 t99), "3597 ordered forl .. l IO the St.tee The bu-SS n.wn• "~ " ... btCSClttlg (wnll.efl SHI«! "'9need:, tninua"c;ti=· Piiol ~ 21 Augu914, II, Couttty; P'i«I. ~d.ng &.11• pos Wl71 UC OXW370 TN ~ 811.d , 111, COiU ol C.t fomia and disltil>-~ ~ HI« At IM loc.atJOn l>ldl tHy ~ &ubt'l'ot1ed "' neu un Che s ti 1993 ulO ~ ol ""'" de 5ft$10f1, OI lnC\Sllbf.tnets, 71 .VANSON CARRIER Meu c •fomt.t IN prop; uted ~I to !tie f>rcM.. IS Isl~ Entetta.ntnerol •O~at'C;t) on th• 31 d~ ol ~ Mme OI t\llMS W!t1 9Cflbel the folowlllQ"" IO~' ll\e ..-rNntl'Q P'V10· PUBLIC NOTICE VIN Vl498 UC NONE er&y descrabod as: .ioni o1 He.lllh Ind Sileev The an1.c1p1ted d '' oC AUG 1993 AT 9 AM Ar lilted •bc>Ye on .Nly 12.l--T-o_pl_.c:. __ .n_•_d~ ... = LOT 54 Of TRACT NO pal aum of U\e notefs) S• NOTICl!OF•"'LE 88 AMER CARRIER SS 22000US CUARENC't. Code~ 11'89 w;rn. ttle butk ule is 93193 II THE PAE~ISES WHERE 1~. r--.... SeMc• T-... PU.. daui•oed 6113. COUNTY Of" OA curt<t by N'(1 dffd ol -v IN 0 2 2 8 2 I NOVA TEL CELLULAR OUI futlhef ooi.ce Ot Mir· ,,,. oftice of A.lt/'I B.trtz. A H d ptOQ(lr.y h.ts bHrl ..,._,_ ...._...,. . Call 642 5a78 AHOE. STATE OF CALI· Trust w.ii, in&et•I H 1n Of AUTOM091LEll UC Fl1672 CA ULEPMONE. l .. OOEl NO WJ PtolHS>Of'ai l...t.., C~ ~Ofed ana ,... ~rt located Inc. &o«n.toel N 0.•mond •-;:=====·=-===·~ FORN\A AS PEA MAP AC· I tO note P'"OY'dtd , ad· VESSELS PftOPPTYS 61 THUNOR8R VESSEL PlA800 SERIAL NO. Published Newport llOf' 19100 VO'\Cl<arman at AYRES SELF STOAACE p~~ement wu foled 1· C()AO(O .... 8()()1( 21e, Ya/1Cff, " tny, undtt &he NOiie:• IS ,,.,.by 9'....,. v IN u.' I 2 2 c 1'20()445213 WH -zed eeach.Cosla Mes.a 0 ty Su·•• 150 Ir-·· A 92715 1100 WHlrTIER AVE Clelt. PAGES 20, 21, .\HO '12. llfms ot liJtd Deed of purauanc to MCt.onS 3011 UC 4271EC CA LEt~TH pursu~I '° Htll:h And Pilot August 4, 11, 18 Th11 bulk .. .i1e 11 subj.Kt COSTA MESA CA 926.27 (>t~~~~ July .:f MISCELLANEOUS MAPS Trust. ltn .. charges and 3072, & 3051 of the CIVIi 15' 3.. Safely Code Sec11on 1993 lo C. lomo.i Un.tonn Com-7l4-&SO.t282 u"Cllotd ,.. -.,.... ·r IN THE Of"flCE Of fl1E lllpenws o1 Ula Tn;st" c:odt of the &Ult• of Calif0t· 79 OWENS VESSEL 1147111 1"'8 by tr11 COsa Wl70 merct•1 Cooe Sec11on sen.es tho right lo Old as l99J ,. 77721 COUNTY RECOfU>E A Of and ol U\e 11\nlS created noa and 503 ol the HMl:lot'I Y I N I I 3 3 S 2 3 Mesa Poke ~ &l 06 2 the iu e Pll•cnues ,..,!$ ., SAID COUNTY by u.d Deed ol T""L S4ld & Nwgat.on cOda ol lhO UC 9724AY CA LENGni Tho property w,n M<Zed PUBLIC NOTICE " so s..oiect IM NmO t>e maoe l>y ~and p.a.es Put11t1hed N••POrt 'tOU AAe lN DEFAULT Ule ~ t>e held on It.ate ol CAl<lomo.t the un-25' 0''. MINJ PAC INC , Ii> th respect lo the llleged and ldd•Hs ol the person IOf "1 tn. l•tne °' purc:h.t~ Buch.Costa Meu Daily UH0£R A DEEO Of" TRUST ~I 24, 1993, ll I 30 dtr119ned w:ll 111111 pubflc 6700 LINCOLN AVE • v1ol"1t1on(s) ol Sect1on(1) NOTICE TO w1t.h wttom d.lcmt m.JY tie Al purcn&Md goods .,. Pilot Jviy 28. August , 11. No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper DATEO lt/21 90. UNLESS pm In lhO lot>C>y to lhe IUC:l•on •t lht rnpect1..,. BUENA PAAK, CA t 13711 ol lhO Hullh and CAEOITOR~OF loted 11 John Herlohy 2806 IOld as is a."\d rr>ust oe re 11 1993 VOU TAKE ACTION TObv•ldon9 loc.iated al 601Modeddntss.sat IOAM 72HMDE VESSElS•l•ly Coda You are BULKSAl.E Lala.lie Ave , Ne..,pottmovedatt.meotuiaS..e W86I ,,,....,,.. PROTECT YOUR PROP· South L ..... Str..c Or· on ()') 02/)3 lhO following VIN NONE LIC NONE hereby noctl.ed lh~ lh• Bexn CA 92663 3716 and ---------• ~TY. rT MA't 8£ SOU> AT ariqe <:.i lomt.11 9.."668 YllKI", property and 14S l.£NCTH 38 o-. STEVE O.str1cl Attomeyi of Orange (SECS.lt04, the IUI date IOI f •n9 Whether you re buy~ Sell your home fits in. A PVBUC SALE IF vov Al tM c.m. ol IM onollll MIS 10 •·l HIU.,. na w l&fH ST County I\&$ In.lo.tied P'~ 1105 u .c .c .t cla1m1 •hall l>t 9"2 93, M salhnq. Cl3SStlted lh~<>Ugn c1au1f1ed NtED AH EXPLANATION publoc:<lt•on of °"' notice, as MERZ. SO VIN ... WOB COSTA M ESA. CA CHdtn9s 10 lo1le11 lht &crow No. None which 1S U-0 buS>ntt.9 oay eoYers all your needtl M.2·5678 c A 3 7 0 2 F A 1 3 4 7 I I •l>ov•desetot>ed prol)t'fly Not.ca IS hereby gt,..,, IO 330 W. Bay Street 92627 How To Place A. Classified Ad BY PHONE: 714-642-5678 N9rth Orange County-540-1220 BY VISITI G OR MAIL: JJO \\'est Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (to,_,. of N""POl1 BJwl. 4 a.J' l.I CLA SIFIED HOURS: CORONA DELMAR NEWPORT 2122 BEACH . COSTA MESA 26 24 RENl'ALS TO INVESTMENTS EMPLOYMENT 2 16 9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SHARE 2 72 4 WANTED 2 912 Channing 38t 2 ~8.l hOuse dbl g "· n•ce a.tea S 1 7!>0 mu yr •~• 8~ 3813 w 72J OSI& e e e o II.le alto\ lg 381 38.:a. lrple IQ. 0".194' ...,0 P\l<up $1 800 mo Avt 9 I 7159-08 74 Spctcl.'ICU·" OCtt vu• •BR 2''0.'I h~ f.)m rm w fpl · upqt.ldes S3JOO Agl 640 5t.6-S COSTA MESA 2 124 E 'S IDE Back Bay liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii E••'c Harbot VI•# Lq 2BH w balcony 2 N oce 1mmles for 4BR Dev tlds S1201ot I yr. EMPLOYMENT SIS~ mo No Pets 2 ~a~ "~·. fr ..... , '""r aec by 151 TO on new SSJ O Twnh,.,. 39, • lom11y o · • "-~ .,.... ..- 3:?':> U n1ver ~ ily ,, J p..1110 6 1 5 Ir I:>• CdM I n d u s 9 I d 0 w o rt h I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tm lots of upqttldos, 642·281-. ~-.oo ulils &u 551 1 S2501< PP 6-40-Sl.l.2 t')!.O sq n S•?OO mo•--------''---.-. Jt0-4~1·55(;0 E 'SIDE B ack Bay CdM 38, 283 beach· ••••••••• 111 •• POSTAL .IOBS •• Lq 2BA w b'1 cony Su.rt s11 •t tu· bon * L·ado Island• S745 mo No Pel~ closo hse lq '"'P"' 1:11.1rUTS el ls f-01 apphc:.al.on & D bo\ g.ir. w d . SS!tO. avl ANNQUNC&;;,iu~~u '°.., t_,.,,,.,._, .. ...,2286 C..toat 2 •lorv 48R 329 Univorsicy ''J "'°" M~l"I 619'0'3 ~"92 --- 39 '· '•p·c nie "''"o 642·2 8 18 7•m to 10prn 7 da.,. ,.... ---------CdM Fem n s 10 ioht lrg 1'"•11 Sept 15th E 's 1de Quiet Oupte • 4u, h.,e 2 bllo.lo 10 bch ---------1 SI)~ "'l'oU ._9, lrpic gu yl•O Mu..t ~ke eat~ S26& LOST & Vi1lla Rentals w d hko.JPS No pets mo. Avl 9 I 640-"'811 Rel1.ibl• per on 10 675-4912 sros 61!> ?J.i 3110 FOUND 2925 help C-"• tor · ewocie M F ""f)On n ~ mi. r shr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I b tr d s reed , w •t• r EASTSIDE JOA ;:HI\. 121h SI Bal ci.an cages, ~c ..... " Lido 1.>10. 3 · J. I.Am rm, 20R $145 No pci1. bol Pet'•""'' (71•1 $500 REWARD!!! hrs wlodys M..nt _,,... tcdec 2 C" gar 2625 A (IJ«.'<'1 Avo 7 23-092 9 Iv msg MISSI NG Fem.lie S1l utday No O\p SI 9'> • J10 <e71·158.J 72 2·0294 Ameroc.ln P11 Bull 540--02.20 C t 6PM ---------NB B a l Pen Shiro 2Br "'1 o .... net .llf!'f East s ido Cost l 'v!O)s;i 101 2 t>ou~ 10 bcfl L11'11'1 1•1,.., rrd r~·,c. EARN $1000 p er •Li do Pe ninsula• Prov:\IC 0.1che-ior un11 Noro .,,, Ptol 5550 !>5 Lb•, 1 yr old -" °' mote fie•· BJrd Store P'T EMPLOYMENT 5530 Part-Time l..ocal Mfg ,_.ds light ISMmt>'t WOrkOI' itlcl kwlding ...... _, mKhono Oavs woes. F ra 7•m·3 30pm Si..11s S& Hr. Will be e~ • regulal P/T omp60.,... aftOI' • 90 dly quahfytng period Pto1M111C aurrono.ngs to WO(" in M"'st be C10111orous. • t••m plllyw & I Nit M.llf\er No calls 01 r.....-n4tll aec:'1tpt~ F•• out an •pPltell<e>n •t ST( Inc !.612 Bots. Ave H8 Appty btwn 11.J Pizza .. Tdtpltoat l:OOAM·S:JGPM Mondty·Friday Walk-In l:JO.U1·S:JOPM Monday-Friday DEA.OLI ES BEST VIEW 01 II ~ Oily & f a h con Isl on<l 24ti.J lrv.ne A"o I\ I 38t l I 2 03 Ot•I I} II tent or leas. 97') !t i.io L ., ;>OR w.11cr1ton1 ""'1\h 11u1e p 1110 C.l Jim 72J..12t>2 0.1mayLl L.a .t s~ •b*e ~.no set'...g Sl''Yl :_>fH 101\ (Avl C.ll ~89 VtCIOrtll PLio1Cen11• 71 4 5'!>'°6,:.!f 1 11 S l()() Udo Paril ---EAS--T-S_l_D_E ___ Sh.r n-B albo• Pen l roa O""ner he.lrt t--------- •73-6030 ' 0."l"lo Con<lo 19 BA P"' BA broi\•n' c.11 &46-6!.08 EVERYBODY v • Country Woods J 1 b N S 710 Lido Park Dr. w l p, C:• I(' •ouND CUICCI W•tch :oA ... 1..,.1y pu 1,,.1 $.Goo mo o~ 12J f;t•s .-.. QUALIFIES NPT HCHTS Ur 20.> "P'-i.v1t ""1e k S63S 6 16-9) on Ctav St . Coo"s Or•ve rs Pi'l Apply "' ~ a'1 •pm 11 Va• ru.n1 • P,zza, 2819 ~OO<t,,. 0~ Nwp~ ReA ,, Monday .................................... Friday 5 :30PM Tuesday ............................. · .... Monday 5 :30PM Wednesday ........................... Tuesday 5 :30PM Independent ..................... Wednesday 3 :3 0PM ~bursday .......................... Wednesday 5 :30PM Friday ................................ Tburaday 5 :30PM Saturday .: ................................ Friday 5 :30PM GE ERAL POLICY Rates and deadlines are subject to tha• without notlct. The publisher ft'Knu the richt to censor, rula slry, revise or reject any classified ad"ertisemtnL Plrase rtport any errors that may bt in your das ifted ad immediately. Tbt Dally Pilot & The Jncftptndent acttpts no liability for any trror In an ad"trtiKmtnt for which lt may bt mponsiblt except for the tOSt of the space 1ctually occupied by the error. Credit wi only bt allowtd for tbt ftrst in trdon. -----•leVNrIHGTON . S OUSES/ BEACH . 1040 HOUSES/ CONDOS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii CONDOS FOlt SAIL ~v='~"L:t.1_f•O•R•RE••NT••-Hunongton n 1• ('2)$0ll1 t7,5 l..C'IC• 900-3~~43 •.l8R :'U.i, b4Mut1lul ly yostd, fll'W P3 nl c \ I f'I & dtt>' Obi q l 11 IOC SI0/5 047.7 5 40 C:h•"~<Jh:>•• f"'\Cyd N ()f"'lll> 18021i.tSt ----•• -,.r-----NB Phont"s.4811140 H tnng ~ 10t Fall II"'" !QC ttu••I nc.gh ,_,_1h_1_1u_.a_ .. _.,_1 !"»_~_'>-l_.}_ RENT1U.~>\ . ..i F O UND: Neutered ••panstC>n ts h<'t• 23 t 'ld L • "''• 1130 •FREE C ABLE!!•! WANTED 2726 m-.,.. 1:>•1" & whtf' s><>a·I 1vo'IJ .,, ortoe• l' 1 CAT "-" t" or Sant., w hse & cusl sennce A-n t •Is $ 1 000 & UP I '.:l 1 t' ' '" PoO I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' ~ • _.. II An l A~o & 15th St.. Mo e11p nee. Car teq Culo ~Ufl I bJ dv~) C• Pr. "o.-.. 1n e.lyjronl ...Je 0 •1• • ury rm D $3 /WK ,. s II ..... ,c. 1-l h sc•• -• WANTC Homo 1n N•""PO•I Beach 5().$500 on romona m;i PHUOf"NllAL t~WPT .. ~ .. :·-_1,·.· .,42•5 858· '" Hvbot "~""' J BA Vllfl.I 2 c.u C).Jt w lJ (7t4)509-3707 ·~· v m•n•mum Lg Yard ii l'ltH!.<'C."l"fi-4.2·1938 ~86SSMI l.llu•9'1C• tllo.up Avl 9 10 S8:?~ ---------•MOVE IN SPEC IAL! mu5I Loe.ii FJm•ly f-OUND S I Of ~· Eap Saleto~rson tor Villa Rentals •Rentals!! Garage L, ~rn 1BA plc.t ..," :-~ 17,.. •oo t>11o. ,..,,,,. .. :a,,..,. new gf\ Mc>t• cloU\ng 671:. A912 Lido la.I 4Br S3000 nu cpl (, w u" ' ;c Corona d I M••. CaJI ., FiV>ion 1,,i.nct Ap. .,.... T-38A 2BA S7:!5 No Pet &-iO 2.i ,., WANTED: Balboa I• 6 1'.l 0387 f0t l(im T60 0711 E s1dt1 ~BA I C,(lA Condo. n1eo qui<"I a1eo,, 2!.68 Eldf':fl S825 &4S 9QUI ~ 621 8410 IMMAC JBt 2Ba L S•dl house. 111nch dhl g" trpl, lam 1m. n-cc yd llroum SIJOO SS7·7'06 U• ts $1"00 1--------=~~.,..,.., l•nd 1 Bdrm '"'1"''" LOST: Blac:.k c ust°"' B •... ront Condo •MOVE·IN SPEC IAL! npt Ov local PfOI m.-. ... M-... ,·-·• PIT •• ,._ ..... Lq 20R IUA leather lac .. •• ~... ~ ...... JBR 2 1BA Clock f~ -r_,,, lure w om:an N o Corot\• del Milt F~ offce cl riCal 3'> bO.ll, 9a1.ct comm "" cpl 0 W t 11.t'}e smoi.1ng no p.,ts Ple&Mt e.a 760-0>09 PMwpot\ 8eec.h J)ta~c S:>.....,. mo ST25 No Pat b40 '":>S St '"" r-otng ~'"'° .. .,., -""" I surgeon• o.-.ice ..... Fot Into C."lH Cindy y, ........ leo\H Move "' LOST: Hi m• ar•n ~ ol"IC4t, f~oendly (714t 973·3777 .n:WPORT .,,,iv Sept P1eu. can Cat, blue •yea. on ai:an 72t ... 74e C."Vlt'ry V11t-.ge Alty n,.. Pm •• 964·9181 mf"docatoe>n Lost °"•---------BfACH .. 2669 D•nnp ort lsl1ncS. Receotion Sales SEA VIEW liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hunt nglon Harbour p •rt. t hn • In '• Spac J • t •J), dbl 9.ar, 1q 30r 20a f'\Cu~s m.a.. 1 Br ~ P~'"'"5Ula GARAGES REWA.AO• k~ ph-:>tography lned vo. nu Pt crpl hon SS area Comm D.\ysido. quoet. l>411'ut FOR RENT 2740 ___ 7_1.,.4..;..;,,s7_1..,.· ... 038..,,_5~-I atuooo Clauy drp9, pcl poss V•Hd pool A tt'nt1'9. g.ltOCI bch, I•!<!. d w , lq pat•O liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiial MISSING CATI!' Sit\& groornod !o>OOC1 COfn. wtr incl low. St 150 mo _c_o_n_,m_~_ .. _9_4o_";>_4___ $7'15 mo 67S.2&l7 WAHT£D• 5-u. ~ Qtoy """•t•. fef"'l•le, muNC • 31C>-474-a799 SMART 90'a LOOK ' • .,r"" H1m1t1yan, 'Annllo.1 ..-N!atn C& lor 28A 28A blo Qatllge, N ""1>Qrt; • __ .. 36' 2lb. Nr 8ch. Now * t Cos ... Me 67S·7'977 lo~ at Apt ~15 appt 7:> 1 NEWPORT BEACH lvt'rylh ngl (kl;im Ceil •$7~$750• W••• P romHHOt• ---------Sl .. 1!.mo 950o0943 r 0onts Ai>t• N8 on 2 169 t1BA $6()().$650• STORAGE 2742 S..t E~ Auo "' CaJl View-Secluded! Fr-o dshW5hr •to~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eoo • •n..asoe °' liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AdOr-'blO aml tum apt incl No pets S.SS.•IS5 2 SMALL OF"ACES & OCK1Q (310\ 31• 220 A. t~m10'lts Gina's Balboa !'>"•"s P f fomot ng peop •-onento<l Ml• ~mind C\n• n~ '°eNtee ~I~ 0.ly~ N•Qht & Wr..,i.fllnCJ9, DvllllAbl ' C<1nl C C•n>g °' Ma•• i;il"IOr'JC c s pk<;u• g.tlod are.i 1f'lCI ut1ls •Aak About Our 11oosf W•rel\H South Purr Purr r.... •Balboa-Newport S9?S mo 715g..7959 .. __ ." S~lall 2 c M $1000.. 5-41-7123 FOUND: , • "'°'° d ________ .,:_, _______ ..,. Rlty 723-4494 VILLA BALBOA Lrv Years New•. ~. l•rn· INlle T·sno• T_..., lu'Curlous 28r 2 8 • tit/ comple-. Avor-o-.-Ji••WWW•••• With purple"-coAs Oce41f1front Yearly rent "37 50,lfn() w" ti tOiAncS -·A.-' ~-38a28.a. "°°° oc:c.an !tdtw. St.AU; mo is.. e&CMl~10 .....,. ... :~,-;-o.i.~ 4BR 1 Clan SZ:.00 mo 909 SM 9.J.47 .~... ,__ 2BA IOA $1350 CUff Maven. N•, 28R. ~ PUM S AL.01 Won(et 38f 2BA $1700 MW pa•nt. carpe ll..l•w••••WW• ••••.,...lllli••n••• Stud'° grcsn apt UOO bacliyarel pal><>, St Yeawty "•"'''• APARTM.ENTS lronUlge. ... y pan.ing ne•soNALS Nr Mild 20R ··~ FOR RENT S950 ~·3751 IUSIXlSS oma ......... ____ _ HI b41y 39f 28.I 11200 IWWW•••••• Cute C.tu"W 6 apac:-... w. '~"'' 2BA 11000 toA 18A. '.f•l'd 11n.r FOlt llJfT 2719 ---------1 °"" •Ot 20 14500 mo M2·38~ liiiiiiiiiiiliiii•&iim SCHOOLS t OU-.n AvaHabtel t CO It ONA fUl'-HfY C• Ofhc:e IWSTIVCTION 3012 BALBOA 1-Nl-WP0--1-1---PEXIJ'(SU'LA 2107 1~_......_ ____ , DEl MAil 2622 ~Met ....... , ________ ii! ~~::0 •ANMUUL IUCR 1CM9 BUSllfESS a FlllAlla fn imp/ , amared at th quanUty and quaB of the :ponden to mr. help wanted - 1 MaitllR the final Belt.d«>n .• ftlllllll sudl a lalemed tJeld ,. f I E ,, a r -c c n ,.. s ti d r R 0 St l( IC bo lt s w H T lu lil he m w m th 2 3 4 e 1 a t 39• 43 47 55 Aced llgn M Cowerttle 8'lrfeOe of 57 F.,,,,~ St 8elot eo °* ege6r\ 11 Strong~ 12 ~..,. 16 .,..,.,,... bey ma.oeaavA.N-~ ....... . ...... h .... _..,: .. :.::~niiiii;;ir-~_..~1 Nei&IMr vul 1 .... .9ou0a .._ ~...,.._....,...M.t& .._ llO ..., Ulm o .... OfH(;I NOllTll 01Sou&t. .. ..-... .,..o1w.-=.:.._. -... NWIUU• -ft· •QI 4 I and boca. 8outM ._. • M!J _... l4Mll'lllD IOl7 TlllSfOIT&uu Q A I taaee '*-'-ol tM elatla =. .., NW :~~~. ...c:-..... -=.::;.~ ....... =-: ... ,. &A8T lhebapeol~-...,,,_ • A M<'oed bud w1 er • • .. t.M odler nmarun IOlt Q • 'I a• s honor, tllclec:I to aeect the.-o1••••••llll ¢A 9 1 I ..... Unlortu~. k ._&Mt C= ~~ • 10 I &~...____.. •he> held \be ....... laoaol. IO"'-• Chairs bUtlet ··---------· I071 7011 POI.I> 80UTH ditfeeden quic~lY tOok lheit bu chi"•· w/Mlrroted Pl1S a ,__ ______ _ • J 10 9 I 7 6 tnrb. '**· cuto • enc1e. AllDIA1S 1()49 •lUvet Rift• •---------~ ' I The other d«leNr l'tlliltcl lbeJ't _N300. Mlrleta_,. I po. illlilllfl••lliil!•mf"';t&' ~. tO ~ ----~ wualfsi~t.tlibeofple.)'fort.be 1~ ~~ •FAEEPUPPIES• w/oare • paddtosliiiiimiiiiiii••• •A Q J rontraci. ~ !l required•• to ftDd Gr...,endl._ether .... -,o .. k •' ... , mt:11• 1750 • ~:a "9J ACCO'd 4 dOOf. am/ The biddinr I.be dube dividtd _.._ ... ... _.,.. hn. AIC. Mw llfea, ""9' u--,ir. 11599.. 990-:JaSe l W9etc 890-0857 t>allery 12300 obo Soulia W..t NorQ EMt Here. too. dtclater woo t.be t;nt POWER BOATS • ~9024 l • PMI S • Pu. -intk n dununy Wl-ib Uw ace tiUt a ~" weac PR•• GOOD • • , P.. p.. Pua followed up by caabit\s the t~ ace cond $150/pt. PatiO ·MOM•. 'Daley," 70121-------- ()ptnJni t.ad: Ki"' of fJ · and queen ofclube. Nut, t.hejeckol ~ ve,'r~~~· ~ ::::r:_l d,:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JEEP 9110 If you look at the Nonh·South clube wu overtaken with the kine ' mai.. She comes ~Ith 18 Ft ... ton Whalerliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii banda aloM, it would aem that. and, when both CS.fender. roOow«t, Olnin9 Ible W/peds a g ~trying CAM, litter 26Qt1P ~fCtOtMt Io. '88 MHO• ROV'aR aft.er the ,.,...n;,.. ae.d. declarer la lhe cont.net. wu almc»t home ct\41Ua, f'Nneh ~ bOK. litter. Adult• pref. full cov .... VHF. twin · 107K mi; loiided, xlnc ----. · c:.lal, •lltendabfe, S700. ~•• call 813-4879 ul• goivarued trooter condl Sl5.900 Obo. dntined to loee two tnnnpe and a The 13th dub wu led Crom the ~' 1~0 rt 8 .-.,.. 514 500 e1s-132• 996-5040 Ev 84.2-5434 trick in t.ach red tuit. Yet. OM de-table. E.ut, unwiUinc to Nft wi1la H.,._ 1 Ant~ a er ._,...... --·----....,,,...--1 la~r in a team mat.ch~ in the ece of wmpa, pitched a heart.. an •ct S.autlfUI Get· Purr~""~_., 3e• UNIFLITE 1--------- mak.ina a loeer diMppear and the u did declarer, and Wat ruffed ma ·• aide boud. FREE TO GOOD • •CUstomized_!_• MAZDA 9125 _._, _ _._ L.-lp'-· L.. I H L.--_._,_ mtt>te top sac S2200. HOME· male T•hell Must be ·Men ..... eat,"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uuf~n were ll'S .__to prevtnl (UC'&py. owever. WIXJ) Qln;Mllf'tf Mirrored dOOt ennon Tat.It~ 518-mo-ol~. buyl $25K •75-0198 1~ it. ruffed tbt heart ~um and led a $295 Am etaln very •ff•cllonate. • • et M••da e2e Alf. At. each table the final contract trump the act>, and lrin• came tum· · Q pore p• ..... s ALOTI 48 Oce1U1 S .S. 87 2 dr, "· blue. rebuitl . • -" . ch11nd PS. Loe• o1 VYV' Sport Fisher, ia.ded & eng1111e. lt200 obo. wu four 1pecia by South. ~ached bhn1 down on the Nine lnck and oth4w QYAllMy l*coa. Caat 64&-0972 b .. utotut S37SK 000 650-2824 on identical auctions. Both Norths the contract wu in the bq. 7a .. ?Ue LS COltOI P9rn-(714t 53~838 --------O\ulhty f\M'n Inc. aot• bfoll• AKC Pvpa.AIW. W•ntecMJsed ..-.ctnc ~CEDES 9130 --------··---------bed.~ d\alta,.,.. enotalwo~ •how/ boat PP want• lo renl PUOft rugs, oak md dlr"I tbl, pet. '500. 1!52-1003 or buy Have el•P onliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT ....-~,-, ........ ,~2_,..,1~3-. 5530 5530 5530 bedding, mlK hMhld. Udo. . S75-Ul95 88.llBZ 1909 Beaut clothing Pric.d trom Gold. Jmmac: Ten Int. Lllklll•• c .. _,tUtwHI "'' lt1 ,.. etf1rtsf If you wocaJd lib: ./ Flcxibk ICbcduJc ./ Full benefits ./Paid vacatioa days ./Pay for your cffon ./ lod\allry leldcr CaJI me. I'll put you ia IOUCh witb women and men wbo arc now doin& the professional market.Ina work that we wiJJ train you for. I call It JOln& lnio busincsafor youraclr, but not ., your1elf. Send resume or call Olga Coanc at (714) 894-9817 ~ 1l'ePluClenblll ..__ ......... 7777C...-A._ .... I' , •• ._.CA,»n S3-$150 obo .. 2.5047 PIAIJOS. Slric:tly M..nt. Mii ,,,. RETAIL sALEs Trans rtatlon rRoP1roNe ccant1na> OIGARS 6os9 SAil BOATS 7014 s9900 ..u•>>2 UP sc • 1• stationery ~ 1 '·P'ece petlo .... iliii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •---------store In CdM. PIT-No Driver llgM color. Call ruGEOT 9160 nttes/Suo. 675-1010 For Dally Pilot. Early 720-9"3 Baldwin Splnnet lal#\d•r 36 '72, new rig• p,.. Secretary lor busy momiog bundi. dehv-EJicettent CondtUon ging, Yanmat ctiesot. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nwpt Sch olc Handle ery to Costa Mna, MERCHANDISE W •In u l , S l O O O ~-~t ~=12 '85 505 STI Met gray, many tasks. Comput... Newport Beach, Hun-79().t219 b._ lthr int, fUI pwr, e11p a plus! 67J..4"4S3 ttngton Beach & Foun-MISC. 6015 UDO 14, $850 o«>o anrf, phn, new Mich'ln S t /.'A • t taln Valley. Need S..ler mov1t19, mus.I tires, $3250. 64~9737 ec y HSSIS Cius B license and Ant~ ~d SPORTING Niii Trall•t & C:O"'* -------- For busy Propeny Mgr prool ot Insurance. glass door• (pair GOODS 6065 Incl. {114> sn 6t08 ROW ROYCE 9182 1n Newport Beach. S7.50 per hour. 24-30 1250••). 8utcher1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Heavy phones, er· hours per -.-. Call bloc:tt ~ $150. Lgt• --------'88 SILVER•"-'" rands req'd. Good 0.,, Shea •t &42-4333 black grenlte table ~CLUBS YACHTS 7018 snow rm cond. lo ml, typing & computer . $700 Yakalma akV 0 r ap h It• • h • f I 1 wnt skills, rehable car 30-TUTORS. H.S. Pre· bl.lta ;Kk $300. 2 lg L· Mlaufte Altrt>n FWO, cus om a, Sle1'90 JS hrs/Wk incl Satur· Calc:ulusfTrlg. Catc:u-shaped C«l4h coun-i.a..e ,_, SfW·3 Iron. Chrla 33' ..ctan '81 ;1~~·0=~~ day S7 SO'Hr Call lus, Chemistry, Phys. te'1e>pa S.tac>ea. New p~ See5 Must NII Mint c:ond. IUU ale... 4 6pm only 67S-4927 ~~-4~7~1-;c' CM dbl ~ Oven $395 M2·3428 :an:,•-:,::: =:~ _T_O_Y_O_t_A ___ 9_2_1_0 Stock Broker us Postal & Gov .Jobs :.7~~ s:'~;:>'Y' PINO EVE 2.. 1.s. blue (818t 332'-2303 Nallonal Investment 123 per oour + beo· dot pluS ~ ineh, S350 •88 39• S.. Ra Ex 91· Cofof.la 42.000 fWy banking f1tm seeks ehts, now hortngl LARO• FISH Qiifp, 714J960.802e .preM. O.Sl !aini: ml Cray s ...,, .,,,.nm exp'd reg•stereo rep. 800-93.5.0322 2A hrs bait Lank net. 4 ~ TA•OUNO BtD '°' yecht on LA'l• Me.CS ens.•~~. t ownr resemauves Excenenl sea ,.... & poles., aale: Montego Bay SI 20K. (102) 456-2002 $6500 &4e>e087 product. great pay out 548-QI» wom Syatem. CfYSlal •n a non-prop<iet4.lry EMPLOYMENT ~LUM•RIAS, •" cot-2A ~ ONLY 22J..o·-------- onv1ronmcnt. Tak• th• SERVICES 5533 ore, many.,. btoom-houra ol us.ge on MARINE SUPS nuCJtS first step to dramatJ. Ing, $2/Up. 850-2583 t>edl Muat aell, ooc•~ 702. zliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cony Increase your in· l900. ~ '89 To.,ola ••tr• come Conuict· Lou --Queen Palma, 4 -6 · Alley at 955-5888 Pleas. t>e aw.:ire that t.11, $10 ea: gal pl.vlts 714-539-2229 Cab V6 4a4, lo• Member NASO. SIPC the lest.,.....s in this cat· $1 ; aha«M. pm., tnMt F0t R#ltf Side-Tie. Eut mtlos •• 3~·~8 ObO. -·• tr"•· 15 ... , 120. hert> Bay. ucue Balboa ..,. w -ogoty m•y '9qulre you -•a-_ ... 9/11 E --------to call a 900 numbef pi.n1a. 135 ,kinda s1 : r•••GE ~••rs _,..,..,,. ves ..,.. ______ "'"" In wt11ch there la • lilac $10. 874-"22 ~ ~ 544.1334 ft)' g.w.5n1 fOI '" 1 .. .:.... 9220' Call 642-5678: =r T e•ch•r·Pr•School HB area Private school. ECE un11s req'd 536-1441 charge pet m•nut• '"' ""~' Cl&SStllod IS • ·-------JEWEl.1tY. ftJJtS CAMPERS, IV'S, wlle~,:"'=~~"1;,uv. DOMESTICS SS40 It .UT 6025 COSTA MESA 6124 TUILllS 8014 Ing, senong, or just liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii looking. classltied has Chi4dcare 2 kids our Fut .JaQ .. Si.Ze Sm&M F\#'IWlure, Clc#ttnq. and •a• 40' Mtwathon wh:n you neec:tl home Eng spkg ~Y Never Wom. OflG...ily Iota morel Sat & Sun ~rovoat Lo ml, PILOT CLASSIRED wfcar M.F In Lag NiQ.. S3000 .... ltOOO obo. .. ,,,.., 483 Eattter SL loaded w,_qulpt, Cal a Put a few ·words to work for .you. TRADE ttvoogh classified 642·5678 642·5678 (Sio9)735-.2482 &4S-al37 Ellt. l9 otf Irvine 1201tt SI S400t< obo S3._3638 .... Al).VIS(I 642-S671 •5E•R•VI-CE---•ICARPENTRY 3510 CLEANING FENCES BEAlTH, BEAUTY IANDSCAPE It MOVING' 3834 PAI1fTIBG 38S8 RESUME Till miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SERVICES 3548 It DECJ(S 3615 It FlTN£SS 3740 lAWN CARE 3808liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilii SERVICE 39071-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 3928 DIRECTORY A to Z HANDYMAN tn-liiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PUIUC NOTICE SXTM HANDS LMlr ~ .,,,.-' 1-------·I stal °' reface cabinets. 1' t T Cl I •FEN~ES ,,.,.,TES• ..... c Yard M*nt. ....... ~ Calif ..__ .. ..._ ''"' Painting . w allpaper. IAMI OAt' •'IUM« $50 lid 0.-ll:IOA tA ~ ACOUSTIC IENODEIDG lutch.,,s B.ihtms. Pehos ~ompA-::: hou:.~~: ·--~ . .;:; t.,t.ce 't:.~:°=~c:: ';!,! Lawns & complete ;;.-; Com,;.= RE. repalra. FREE Hit-Orig.NI , 20 poni.. "NUl-4~ I,..__, & repa·~. Doug 5"'6-nsa R.as'nbl S uostacuon ~ kd body the healthy way ~. doan-ups QUIRES lhat al UMc:t matH R4tfs &44·1478 on llrl9n PBP9' S5 fof C...-. ~U Ci9I.....,. ~ Rt"'Od Doon ..., guaran'-<1729-1301 J1mWhyteG42-7208 Call t-800-25&-8895 1.,,,.,,,..,,,.,,,,...•..,..e ,,.,:s,,.,t_-ea,......oe_* __ houaehOld good• NDIJl-.PAt.-netOCO ~Mo.t922 ••nt!OONOI-~ 3408 cbri ca£Mnfts.SJ.-xo &dry--Ht all Cl ---------8EST JOal Ge.-OerWIQ a mover• prlnl their 7Synofl.-lr~ 1~ SH.c. •Al 1tncn gat.tt.. lie. lit • ur · 'I ean •---------to.. Wef9"t ••tur...., ................. "'---"p, -.. p u c Cal T number. Ftw EIL IW ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 3~txp ,,;.nyl42.05U Rau & Reliable, Wkly, FINANCE 3616 Qaln enern. S.nd S5 ;';Q;;;, ';;;;,'!,";st. ~--and c:heutfM ~12395.l4 UMMI ROOflNG 3910 TltE! . SPRAY .,.., ~ 10.10 =1 wa..1 lyJuor 1 "'"! ~~Y2-tor 3-dy sample 3304 M9* Morales ~1511 pt1nt 1n.1r T.C.P. ~ ~r•VJCES ............ ,,... Sl99 -CARP--E-T ____ 3_5_1_4 os. he 64-........ Conaolld•t• wour YO<ba Unda Bt •tie.1.....,,,._,..;;....,...----...,....-** .,.. .,. ~ ----ro-~--.,---•c•NTIHIYROOPINO ~ °' remov~ Ponnw•• CJot1nlnt1 bNla. Only m~k• l Futlotton, CA 92031 o l. Landscape Maint. ~ It you hew • .-~ '&VM. A.eroofof\Q S~lat-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiii•• 3921 GlMW f-IC»-~l99l Thoroughly clean yot.11 payment per month THE ONE-DAY DlmT ~~ .::. = que.uon about OM ... CJIEP 3887 Uc•o OCW*aaot Otl !Ob Complete Tr-s.rw;. ---------• ALL C.U.PET REPAIRS home or oniee Loans from $2500.. 10 ... y. it's heal\hy. CorMw"-Uf·tOll gahty of a mover, limo C»f7CJlt 722·1... .... ARw .. te• ,.._t ADDmONS Power Sltetch & Install (7 t ....... 9084 40,000. Also !owl• tor It works! ca• Elaine ,. __ •w-I -ldaq)lig or !.h!.~'.~':.!:..__ call: Hire • = chef '°' Vic P .. 9'Mn eon.t/Dev. ......... ...... ' .... Any size i...._ 15 years 1---------. ti b a ln••••• _.... -... ..-.....-.,..._ aeo.3'.M IE.llODEUNG 3410 7 Dy 2~ ~ 24 ht •WINDOW CLEANING• m• u · today, ..._.240• a Irrigation. T~ Commlsalon your a featMt Fl9l '°"'·no hot "'°ft ac- FREE ESTIMATES Pa:.c~~Oty WMY WEIGHT? r.-. & Remov.ls, Clean-714-558-4151 ~ needs! y,. 0' ,. ... °""f. 11 ..,... local--------- S31·3237 D•Vtd NO FE• R04Mlred. off up 10 10.t51bs,,... ups • Maine.. St. Uc.l-••cift"iiiMiiM'-np. a ref. c .. The Uc lf72'>t nc>4UI VINYt ............ ""'s•si,. CARPET ean 1.8()CM25-4U3 gr•at. l~ M'°'8t. •59802S. "32.aacM ..,, °" ..... ,.. M01b1o Clwf 7GO-l'13 IU!PAllt 3930 cs.a1gn. fine cati*ltfy. C"r•~G 3515 ... ~ L.owMt. Storage. prof. -~--oD~·--G kil~a. cablhels iiii~iiiiiii"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii COMPANION REAL ESTAT• r. recomm. 642'2-• TREii • Xl.NT rep. 1 hr"*" 1ne..•--------.t~ ..-n filliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••• cenmlca. Gary 49t-8449 Refln~e/PurchaM Tl17t51. V/MIC ,.,,.2151 nUDIRG 3890 • ADDmONS 391& SAVE MONEYI A• Wiyl _________ 1 1VAN'S Steam CleaninQ CAJtE 3554 S100K·l5M. P..e Te,, •• ~,_.,.,,, &.awna. tum. carNata a tope, ••~,........r S9.95a rm • 2 rms ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 573-4426 0t 644•9119 BEAi.TIU .............. 7514419 •---------Drelft •••••• & Celme c....tructieft reeotonng, ,..,...,. NI Aa\,oD&Uo'9&V.u.o 1*19 h~~ Alao 'com .. ankMI Cwe bpi---------NUDJTJON 3742 L!rH PUTJES II Pl.,...Mft9 ....... , Na.ll&HH..... Wonc 0uar 5418e04 3428 Upholat-,.-1..,.70 s.c·ty/boo6cl(Pf. 0r1ve, RJIJfJTURE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil w.. OCCASIOJIS 3840 ._..-. w ._ ...._ .,_...11ta n ~ errand•, prepare nr•wa~ 3622 _LOSE WEIGHT SllVICES 3812·------· ........ ....UOt laftOlnttokJc'4 .. lm DIAfTDf G CAJU'ET INSTALL muta. 87:MMtOS nuw Ff.El. GRE.AT1 lii•&liiiiiim•iiil ~ IUOICMll •POX RUiiliiiO• ,...,... 6.-: 1h,M9M WAll COVEJUNGS 3132 Resident.al Drawings • lt.EPAIIS 3516 Uelng Omnltrltlon'• OWED llONm ...... Coltw a~ .-itY--. '~NI M..,.. Conndlw. M0-5.212 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ca +e.te ,.. .... ,.,.,. 'l•w Thermo Ttlm Wll T,.._ -...d, ~19D1'1. ,_ 2' ._,,., Uc•85'Ct1S !11••111••••• CONSTRUCTION Wood, M<:Mr, uphoaa. tabtat• & • .-..... i.v~--"":a~..cl ?1~-.,._....,...,...cal ..... ~~-=!·~ .. -tt~•!.-;•=4=fl~•Ll!llMllE!f.;_;_c;.=..I RepeweA~h9lnata11 IUDJ>ING 3560 .. e Fee£ -~up f rooa. °"""3Q lllWa.--aid~ -.11 ---.,.--e-.~-----3-4-66...-.--•~11111111...,co. de11wty.Ma.1ua Day Mon•Y. 8•c~ri~aa;;7;eo-~113~7~;;--_.......,_ Ptms•tn• ............. ,, ... a U'1d11N u.10nv.11 NojobtDOlrlllklllenytllMI Gu.t (114)552-0MHJ P~7.::=" nuwv Ora6na Cl..,M w.W .,.~---~ 1975 U2...... CAl'!O'a CONST M7· ••--• <l•..a• ••.wnCES 3 a ,,..,_,~a Coner•••. Muonry, IULNDT MU 3710 Atf0tdabta~ ~••-_,_ .....,... ••n•'a. •~ <HOA•• 91. removal. Comm a rw. SlMcco frM Ea ~ . BOUSE Person.I ,..,, ~ ...... ... ... LOw9st ,. ... IO ~ 'W. 551-ISOS U445St4 /alb•_......, ,,.,.,... r......vG 3760 Pu u•nt--. Pvt n. ""n Illa 1 ,,... ~ M•ll••ll•ue Ma "tteft'• e;icp. ,.,.. E-. OU.. 352• .,... .. aan •-------hoft'l9 ...,. ~ ,,....... a**..,.. Mobile ~. No . (a tot ~••n v Pa I rH ·C •' P • n" Y" •••iiiiiil••• MOVllfG 3834 ~. ahoppll• a Of'• ~ .... ...,,,... °'*' ..,.._ C"O Lowe• WI a. S"d Mlle 1.,...,, --------· ..... ,,.. •• ty DUPUY/ °"'= .:: un' ....... !NM\ ~---li)llll••••I wait&."-' .. e.Jt-4747 ...... , CM .... a.a? prioell. l.sry ..a.-. TOUll "*'* "9moo- IMllcapt,---. .-. lllJII.auJO>S 3583 ._..... C......_ wtl watch homelp9ta.. • LAw C.... F.,,.ay/ ...,. Setv.·~ To .new...MMla T .... pwit1ng. 19-'oot, -.c. Rau. bond*' ona rnoWto. ..,.,. PAlllTDIG llSI POOL SlllGllS 3120 JM c.uy. 6»-nn --------iii --i.--" I .. --.. ', .... ,.ICeL ..._"°° day ....,,._, ..._, --a 3-.ai .. _______ , • iC & ..... eon.tr. C...,._.._, ...... ,. ,...,._ _ ... mont .._.. moving i.bof evatl,fll•••••••• -•• v_,, SUitt your own Bwll MphaMal + Aaphllll r·!,!!'~~ StefanMf·T•t ill~4""4 ........ ~,·-------· ~ ........... r--1'!--.-----&M £Jdta Inc:. 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