HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-01 - Orange Coast PilotVegetable
growing contest
e Attention oockyard
farmers: The Daily Pilot is
looking for the best
backyard vegetable garden
in Newport Beach and
Costa Mesa. And the reader
with th~ best garden will
win a S 100 gift certificate
from the Farmers Market in
Atrium Court (the two
ru nners-up will receive SSO
gift certificates). The top
five gardens will be
featured in a photo ess.ay
in the Pilot.
All you need to do is call
our Read1.~rs Hotline
(642-,6086!. say you'd like
to be com1dercd for the .,..
Vegc-tJble C.lrdcn o( the
YC'Jr, .ind IN\e your namt.'.
.iddre.,., .ind phone number.
We'll get back to )'OU and
send out our i11cndly 1udg~
-intlud1ng Editor \Vill1.im
Lobdell .incl Sh.l\\n Gik1u,
the prodULl' m.in.1gt·r Jt
f Jrmt.•rs M.Hl..ct -to tJ~l~
~1 luo~ ill ~our g.irdrn
Back Bay purchase
Opponent~ and
pruponen~ o i the <.1tyvv1de
tJx J~~~1ent d 1~rill 1n
Newport Be.ich on
ThursdJy \'\111 dcbJte during
J 7 30 J m. brCJl..i.is.t
mc<.•ting .11 the Newport
Center M.lrrtott The
brc.1~f.lst. coordinated b~
the Ne" port Center ·
Ass.oc1at1on, will cover the
proposed 8.lck Bay IJnd
purchase. the sub1ect o( a
citywide volt' in November
Th<.· brc.lki.ut 1s open to the
public Jt a <.hargc oi SS
Tu m.ike rcser\ .:Ilium. cJll
7' 20·8488 ........
Lofty goals
l h1.· dcrin111on of \Ultl''>'>
rt:Jl hed a n<.''' d1mens1un
l.i.,1 \C'Jr fo r the Ne,'\port
t l.1d.>ur H igh 00~ OO'!>S
Luuntry progr.1m, v.h1ch
l'Jrned the school's
t1r~t-.cver CIF Southern
Section 3-A .rnd St.lie
D1-.1s.1on Ill chJmp1onsh1~
Bui despite losing four of
l.i~t ye Jr's tup Sl'\tcn
runners to graduation.
itfth -year coach 81m B.-i rr,
1sn 't nccessartly willing to
alter the lofty expect.i11on>
crcJtcd by such prosperity
See story, pag~ S.
The painting on the top
.of page 1 is by Costa Mes.:i
.1rtist Jerry Muller. He C.ln
be contacted at Museum
Graphics, 540-0606. ......
BUSINESS FAX 631 -5902
CIRCULATION 800-252-9141
RETAIL ADS &42-4321
NEWSROOM 540-1224
NEWS FAX 64~170
HOTLINE 642-6086
SPORTS 642-4330
•••• Almanac ......................... 2
Around Town ................. 3
Bridge ............................. 8
Oas.sifted ........................ 7
Crossword ....................... 8
Jerry Kobrin .................... 3
LC"gJI notices ................... 6
Soci.11 Olm~te ................. 3
Sports ............................ s
Weather ......................... 1
~ Mat •., c.a«• Ml Ct m ••"r~
....... • ..... Miftw c...-, .....
~·-0 ................... .....
A high pnsure
ridge wift chase
our morning
do~ away in a
hurry for a varm sunny day.
Highs in the low 70s near the
be4ches, mid 70s inland.
Lows tonight in the low 60s .
. f::ee Wuthu, 2
Winner of 33 journalism awards 1n 1993
dies in farm
~ Granddaughter o~
Orang e Cou nty aeve:~1 per
Ha rold Segerstrorn k1Jed
after fa iling from tra ctor
ori family s bean f1ela
~Ol 'TI1 COAST ~ff rR< >
\ ~11ung mc:mher n t l1nt· 1i'f 01
Jngc Cnunt) "· mo!>t 111fluent1.d
Luml11;.,. ""d!> killed Tue ... d1t\
c-.ening when she w 45 run over
h~ an agncul1ural machine 111 d
fidd owned h\. the tam1h
Corinne: Segc:r!>trom. · '->. "'d!o
declared dead a t the $CCne after
'\he fell from a tractor hcan h.u~
vester and "'a<. run over h\ the
"-'heels of another har.estcr ma~
chine at the Sc:gerstrom L1m11'
hean field in the ~000 block of
V. ~1acArthur Boule vard. be·
'"' e.,en Bear .ind Green' ilk
'treet!> at atxJut t> p.m . acc.uJin~
to police report.'
Matt Mednick, 62, sits outside the Orange Avenue house th.it served as a rcCO\L'r)' ccntl'r fur sub~tanu.· .-ibu~L·r~
The: girl suffered ma101 lllJU
rte:' and Santa Ana Police: ariJ
hit: lkpartm('nt personnel "'c:·c
J1,p.itched w the <.<:enc at !' IJ~ rm anJ armed 31 ,, lll'\ r m
('Inc Fire ,frranment r.H Jmcdic
.1rnhulan1.T "'1th t"'l' m«(111.' 11n
h·•.1r.J .rnJ .1 lire.: engint· "Ith a
p.tr .1mt'J11. .inJ a ll'rmt · para·
mcd11. ru,hcd t11 tht' h1t..st ,1n hut
\\1·r1.· unJhk ll' '·"e hc:r \he "a'
,kdarl.'J dt·a.J ''"'r thc-reafter
.\l'l' at tht: ~.cne "'Lt' famih
r .:111her' anJ lct,...r "'"r~cr .
No place to come clean
OrangB Avenue Home
for substance abusers
aoses for lack of funds
By Marnie Mcleoa St.l" Wnter
W hen ~1Jll ~kJnid. tipcnc..:d the
Or Jn~c A' cnuc t lomc 111 C1htJ
~ll"'J ll\C )CJr' .1go. he J1Jn '1 du 11
f,1r lhe \UO\l.lnlC abu,cr\ thJt he
\A.oulJ later help I le J1d fur htm'i:lf
"The 1 .... .,uc f11r Jll alcohul1c 1' ~clf·ccn1creJ
fc.H.' \JIJ Mct.ln1ck. t.2. :ind a rcco,ering
.ikoht1l1c hir the: pa't 1J )t:Jr' "It \\,1s n ·1 fur
them thJt I upcncJ 11. 11 "'·'~for me "
:-..;,,"' J~ he 'A all' through the harrcn home .it
14"'6 Or.rngc A\c . he 1s O\C:f"\\hclmcd b~
cnwt11HH A month Jgo, McJn11:l and the five
mi;mhcr!> II\ ing 1n the home. we: re C\ICtc:d
bn.1u'c the hm1'c was foredoscd oc:<.·au'c of too
ma n~ m1'>.l>cd murtgJgc: pa~mc:nts -a mistake:
for "'h1ch Mednick regretfully accepts the blame:.
rhl\ week's return visit was the: first time he:
had ~en the rc!>1Jcncc: since being evicted
"Oh God. th i~ I!> awful,'" !>.lid Mednick. as he
pa~cd through 'acant room' thtel 1A 1th dust and
overrun wi th nK·mone~. "I h:nen't seen 11 like
How much do
you tell school
kids about sex?
..... Controversial psychology
and f amity life teacher at
Corona del Mar High School
believes in power of education.
By Russ Loil. Sllfl Wl'llr
See HOME/4
school teacher Mike Marino -a
target over the )Can for those op-
~d to explicit sex education -
as bcginnina his 2'4th schooJ year
on the front lines of a still ,....1ng
national debate.
_.,........., ....
Coton~ del M.lr lft educadon lnstrudor Mike M~rino Oghb thiete
who oppose hls style of tuchlna studnts through dows Of reaifity.
How much do you telJ kkb
about SCJl -and at what -cc?
About 70 porcent of hf&h tchool
renion nationwide have enpged
in some ronn of 1CXU1l actMty, IC·
cordlni to Marino. And he be·
licYcs au hiah school student$
must be pRpaRd for tho comt·
quenca ol their actk>M:
•My ftni stand ls that students
this ap aren't ready fot au a aau-
al relatioftlhip utails." M~
~ •••t we have to deal wllh
whit .. ital.'' .
0. b." dak 5itt a model of a
human skull with a rcctansulu
!'Qtch cut tbrou.ah the top -a re-
minder of• primitive wrPcaJ pro-
cedure celled .. trepbinlna" which
was dcstped to cure aberrant be·
havk>r. Popular in the MKkltc
Aces. the procedure was used by
ill prKdt.k>aen to re~ the
" tone of folly .. from the patient's
Marino, ·46, •ho lcKba p&y-
ddot,y and fami'1 llfc c.luln at
Corona dcl Mar Hiah ScbooJ. t.e..
lie~ it& tbe pc.l"l'--Cr of ed\aeldon to
~'C the "onc.i of folly from hli
stud.eets and ~place them .,ht\.
tnowledp. But in the • edbca·
tk>ft busin k~kd,c CCMltro-
'-ertial. ,
In l'>U. hie bcpn rt'C'CMf'8'
compblnts from I Jrc>Up o( par-
cnU abQu1 t content ot h · d .
es and· the tuut spcalen he m·
vited 'to the reboot. Bvt how beUer
ao unclcn&ud what ~ality
II. Marino tholathl, • to ha~ a
bmc:wal ~t ltlMkm.
'' It did impact a
lot of live s. I don 't
think an}on e that
was here \\ill
forget the place.
I spent a lot of
time here, I'm
fee ling a lot of
t pic turec al letll
0rre or ttie :Jst to leJve
;~ .. C• 111ge A. enue hvr"e
f !fl' Jer.trtmrn: ~MramcJ11..;.,
"'1111 .1rnvcJ .tt :ht c,cenc were
un.1' .1tl ahlc l•'r 1.'t•mrnent 1 t.Jel.
Jd, nenin!! a.' ttic' were under
i.:t11ni.: 1.-r1111.JI ;nc1Jcnt dchncftn£
ind 'r,-.ch11l11g1cal cuunschng tni·
ll'"' in( thl' 1r.1£1t inc1dc:nt. ,,
,•,rndarJ rrcxcJure when Wlt-
llt"\\IO~ J J1-;trc~!\mg \ttuat1on.
.11.1.11 1dtn!-! t11 J dt'pJrtrnent
,~11..e<.pt• r-,. '"
l -,,rtnnl· \c~er..,trom re,H.kd in
lntn( JnJ v.a, the Jau'thtcr uf
led ~l'gcr.tr11m dnJ the grarJ
Ja u~htcr t'f Hartiltl ~cger,twm
f· 1m11' memhe" .:-t,ulJ not he
'l'<Kht•J lpr (\llTI!TIC nt -\ \j)<'KC~·
pl·r'1'n t11 r tht tam1h '' c .. ,.pn'lcd
,,, m.11..c .i \lnlc:mcnt 11-.J.I\
H .m,ltl Sq!C'r ... 1r1m1 ,rnd ha<.
! .tnl 1 h ' .. -n:n p.1 m l J \q?,c r
... tr"m ,'., ~11n<. .-,1c .. in ... c the
1.uli!e't ~1"Mcr ,11 !1ma N'.in<. in
the .ircJ and t'H" :11411\ Jc~el
1•pt•J .. o mt ,11 t"lctr •armlanJ into
\1•uth t '11a\t PIMa ( :>'t.tl Court
1nd "•'Uth l 11.1...i Pla13 V11la~e
-\.IJ1t111n.1l t.1rml.111J':• v-<t'-do-
n.ttl·d t'' t"u' d tht Pcrfonning
\rb Ll.'.nlu f f.1n1IJ ~gcr>trom
,, Ji,tcd J' .•nt' ot the top ten
"l' .dt h1c:'t inJI\ idu.d<. in Orangr
l 11unt\ .u .. .:-,1rd111g h ' reports
Hoag Hospital eliminates
heart transplant surgery
• Shortage of patients and
donors puts hospital below
Medicare certific ation levels.
so officials ~alt operations
By Tony Do<!ero SW! WTner
Nt-WPORT Bl::ACll -1-J.:eJ
"'''h a 'hrinl.ing le,cl uf pj11cn1'
and Jon<>f\.. Hoag Mc:mo11..1I Ito,.
p1t al h:is !1-Calc:Ct Jo" n 1~ he an
tsan1plant program b~ put11n51 a
tnp, to transplo'l' \ur1e rie~ done:
·at the me.dkal center, offi'1ah an·
nounttd Tuesday.
Larry Ainsworth, Hoaa's urcu·
th-e vice pres.ident. uid HN& Wlll
coetinuc to pc.rfOnn prrliminary
·titan tran~t cwaluatt<>M and
poa·lr.nspl~nt (:81'1.
"The only thin& '" .. •ill be dif • f c~nt i\ that M woa '\ l('tuallJ *>
tbc klrsery here ... Aiuwot1h said.
The ~ will . DOl a«ea
ttc,.•a row tr ··-CMdW&ta, "°" ........ ......,. nm. ...
llcaUwill M ... IO .... ,...., . ........,.._ • .._.°'
trtMfef '° a.no&t.a -.rpui ~ VM1 wilhoW liOlil'I &Mil .,...._..
' .
School. boilrd approves 8• minion ...._.
NEWPORT-MESA -Schoo.I board
members slapped their seal o( approval
on an SSS million budget Tuesday nl&ht
1ha1 ~ 111 lower clbS size and increase
funding fur all local schools despite
plummc:11ng property tax revenues.
The new budict gives each 1ebool an
extra $10 per student for educalional
materials. And all schools will aet
money for new cquipmellt: SS,000 for
each elementary IChool; S7.SOO for
middle schools; and SI0,000 for high
schools. An addhioul S6S,OOO was
added on for custodial 1ervices 11 local
(or the 1994~ schooJ year will have to
be SJ.9 million leaner. "The good news
ii, we've got a year to do it," said
Godley. "The b4d news is. we'll have 10
make the cuts next year. We've bou&ht
some time."
Uu1 the vote was not unanimous.
'\chool board member Martha Fluor
\11tcJ against the budget, stating
philo..ophical oppruition'' to using
rncnun from a one-time payment o f
J .:l1nqu1:nt propeny taxes to rund
schools. <
"We 've done al.I sorts of thinp to
improYC the program and not retract,"
said Assls1an1 Superintcndenl Torn
Warned by counly officials that school
district budget reserves were
danaerousty low, budsct planners used
part of the one·time county p11ymcn1 to
begin the process or replenishing
emergency rcseivc funds.
, •. 1~·11ng 1fo.tnct expenses. Trustee
\IK r~ Loolhourrow, however, said
l'fllJCLlcJ revenue~ cou ld improve for
Ilic Jl\lrt•I and u~1ng the one-time
lu11J111g mcJ11I the difference between
~ 1t11n14 lhl· huJgct "~11h a scalpel
111,'lJJ 111 J but~her l..ntfc."
~.h .. ol buJrJ member Jam de Boom
\\ I\ .1f1'Cl1I
District officials were told by county
officials to expect a 4 percent increase
in property tax revenues. Already s1un1
by overly op1imis1ic projections from the
county tax assessor, district budgel
planners cruted a budget based on a 3
percent increase, only to learn in July
that property lax revenues would
actually decrease by 0.9 percent This
1cr1 the district with 3.9 percent less
income from property tax revenues than
The distric,.'s new budgcl crea1es a
Sl.9 million reserve fund, which
amounts to 2.2 percent of district
expcndilures. All.hough the reserve Calls
short ol 1he stale-mandated 3 percent
~rve. district orficials say by counting
$3 million in Irvine Co. endowment
funds, they will exceed the slate
"We have to counl the other
(endowment fund) money, which is
legally ac:ccptable," Godley said. ··we
can do thal temporarily, but the county
is strongly recommending 1ha1 we
eventually get to that 3 percent in
general funm alone."
l 1J" ~•Le in the .r\c"-port·l\1esa
L 111f1l·J Sdll>ol D1~1m.1 tht) ~hool year
v.dl l:ill frum .111 a\l~r:igc of 30 lo 29
\ludcn1' pl·t ll'.1,her 111 l..111Jergar1en
1111.•uch \l\l h i.:r Jde' JrH.J from 31.5 to
'2•1 " '1uJ ,·11l\ ~n ~1.1.ln ,c,cn through
A one-time, S4.l mQlion payment of
delinquent property tax monies Crom the
county forestalled cuts. But the budget
Public invited to Community Outrigger Challenge
\, rJll I I the '\l0\.\purt
\l I J l'I' Jl1HllJ UJ. I
I I l\\J, •• 11 I ..:,t1,JI un \cpl
11. I lie pl.hltl ., Ill\ ttcJ Ill
r.i.c ,I ,,, JKf\\111 l\tl~ llC\IJll"
•.• 1111e l•H Jlll/l\ Ill jU\I fur
lun 111 the \e 1 I l 'I
( hJlkngc to bt held .11 the
'\ C\\ pun D u 11~' f{ c ,11r1
I he IJl e ,.., ope n tu
JlllJlcur l•Ul fl)!t!er' JOJ
priLo "''" lie Jv.arJcJ lit the
""' · ~Cl'• mJ .• 111J tl11 rJ pl:scc
fin1-.hers. Also. prizes will be
J\\ Jrdcd for 01her items
such as the be!lt and most
humorous outfits worn by
the pJrlicipants.
l'ar11cipants for this race
mu\t pay an entry fee of
S ! 'JO bJ' Se!. -4. !.~gn :! ·;.~::·.·er
rclcJ\e and have some
~"' 1mming abili1ies before
~uJltf)tng for competition.
'I lte late-registration fee for
the eve nt will be $120.
l)rc·race check-in time for
the event will be at 8 a.m ..
with the race commencing
afterward. There will be
three division -men,
w.omen and co-ed -with
four lanes to race. .
The finals in each division
~~:u bcg!'n a: ! 2:45 p.m. ind
the awards in each division
will be handed out at 3:30
To oblain a waiver or gel
more information on the
event, call 675-Sm.
Police otter program to lock up your 1111111 lmttended lllrllecue
coakl up $15,000 fire '\I:.\\ POR I ULr\Cll -Pulice here are teaming up
A barbecue that had been
left on all nighl sparked a
small fire Tuesday morning
at a home 1n the 1600 block
or West Oceanfront.
.,.111 ,c,cr:tl l1KJl lvd.. 1.umpan1c~ to offer low-cost locks to
• .11 uwner\ 111 Jll effort IO prevent child tragedies.
I he pwgr;,im "'J' \pcarhcadcd by the Placentia Police
t > ;i 111 111e11t tolll,"1ng a mi\hap 111 "-h1ch a 13-year-old boy
" '' ~ 'kJ ;.inti Ne\\ port ptlltce chief Uob McDonnell
..... k J 111 .1J.1pt 11 hue
I i. I ,,1.,,, .,.,h1ch hlock accc.,, 10 the trigger. arc i.old for
11nh St d•mpJrcd t.1 an~a ... eragc SD to $25.
Fire officials estimated
damage at about $15,000.
VCI.. rT, MO. !OI
lfr.tdt·r~ Hullinl': 642-6086
,·~ .1 • •• 11 ... h r '4 .c "'
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\\ I .. • .lhl-It~ Yow
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Jim l.tr\\lf'IJ: .. , f'l,t,: ./\4 •
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8ub f r.af"I~ ( \' .. ''.a"',.,_,,
t t.inL ltt.n1~hl •'• ,_1 t .,, ~\ .n • ..,..,..
Judl' Of"thu,., f 1 ,. I ''"'' ·'6:..' •
Pt1muJ ShAh "' I,
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ll>C" ll••i\ I',.~ "" , ••r "' • Lo!M by tTW.I "!t
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Al I "''-._,.._. ( " f'tt<.t"> ll>t ludfo .all •P-
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H ow to reach us
llhl' Times Orange County)
ll:l()()J 152·4 l ·'1
( l.l\Sd1t-d ()4 2 5(1' l:l
D"pl.1\ L42 -·1l.?1
"-~·w<. )4 U-12 .!·I
~pom u4l-4 1111
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Matn Offict>
Hu r11-.., C )I'" t• h I! .J 121
Bm1n1· ' '·" 1, 11 )<102
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\.\o•,n~ Ro"'°'" ,-1..,,Af'tintt Ouf"'t htt
Sh~rl1 Urur,. l f r4 I"'""' ..,1 Off.,..
Nnwpon INdl: 70(6]
B.ilbOa: 70/63
CCKU Meu: 75/6()
COfON del Mir: 11/62
lllf RE:UT
2-l •
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W*" T""fl".._l 6t
fw.C lcM
flnllcM f ,,., hltdl
Mor-' low
SC'<ond Mp
4 :ll LAIL 0.6
4:0J ,.,.... 1.l
10:07 p.-. S.4
19:lta.-. S.1
4:40 , ... 1.2
10:)9' ,_. I.Al
No couul acMtcwlH.
Momlna doucls and tot, p.arti~lty dearlftg by eAity
.1fternoon with light v.uU.ble
windt 1hlft lng SW·W 10 lo
1 S knots. 2 foot HH with l
fooc 1w 1well.
loale~ u. atdllna c.alko
b..111, macbtef and~
-B.r Russ Lone
Wom11:1 outwits,
then outruns,
A Costa Mesa woman told
poficc she was ordered tu
get out of her car at gun
point Sunday v.h1lc wa111ng
for a red light at the corner
of San Miguel Drive and
Avocado Street.
According to re pons. the
woman was on her wuy to
Fashion Island \\hen a man
walked up to her car \\uh a
revolver in his right hand
and, u)ing obscenttac~.
ordered her out or the car.
Fearing fo r her life. she
ducked he r head and
pressed the gas. Oecing hl
her Costa Me~a ap:H tment
wher~ she called police.
Rcpons dcscnbe the SU)·
pect a.s a black man. about
30 years old with short hair.
The facts, statistics an~
record of our cornmun1ty
a.ttftl ~., n,,.n'4,. llw
F"*"1 ....,_,,,9' C-.,f lit S.• .u..
llftWOltT lllACM
• llarf)' K. WlJUa•a. T,.. Cdltr Astodal"•
Aa Knott Ant1w httMn. O\apccr l I.
• DouW aecl Cl'tktlltl Pkm-.. Aa
C.W.. Cou& Appnhals; C:.-rrial llnJ
t.taea knka; Wl8I Im ~ty Olaptcr 7. .,.
,....., nttlll blnil I• Nrwpol't lk11et Hd
CMta Mfttl.
S~hta TtrT) and Dau WUJlae1,
Cos&a Mesa. &lrl .
Th~"' and tllta Safttkrat.
Newport Dead\. &irl
-......... ,...., ...,.,...... ,.,,.,_.,,
by,,,. t'llln .tC#U,,,,.,..., ~
• Al1rk ~k ot 0.tti V"1ftnt*'
S)1ttm1 1 1 69S Town Ccnlei Onw.
I JatMI Qw.-cJt ef1'111'ft lta•US
11 S7S W. 19\,h St
• T1Ut.bl KaW11..-. ot INMil lfl&Mrut &
lar II ~ Baker SL
• Kt•I £wl•I ol K.EDD Ce. at U)7 &kcr ~I
• ~"1 Mchn or lt.Ja)11a., Tip r.tuwn
at 184S P:uk Ave.
~Ila lralu of Mtch•adoe
1l I ISi Oo\-c Sr.
• Ltt K)'WODJ vf IWI t'haf'9UIC'J
at l+ll A\OC*do Ave
• John Akom La• omen
11 ~ Ni:•l)lut Center Dr
Uoyd and Sara Coopu. 0»11 Mc\11. &111 Most """' «•ttJ u fYpotVd I• tJw
Gloria Orduna. U.11 Mesa, buy Orun~ Co11n(J Rttonkr'• °"'"·
AU•un • conA MUA
MDril and J aMt ZuC'ktr, Ncwpofl Beach, tk1\ • t rc-d• M. UamM 67 nn AuJ b
AJan and DaMn P11dl«y. Cost:i Mi:u. ho)· • 1....,111 L Menu" 7~ un Aus l
AUHIT t •\era \t. Cl1M 115 on \u& '
lNn aad \'ickJ RonaJcbon. • \l .. I') \ l.Abm•a 7l un Auf
N.:-v.'J)('rl lk.-ch. boy • \nn \I. to.1um1tT .. \4. on Jul) \I
JC'lfrTY 11nd ~on McVf1, Onta Mew. &irl • u,11, tl;>mt 11(, •tn Aus 7
Luul1 and Elltta Truxton. ~I Mc-...~" • _ • \\.uJ J llrnl') Jr.;(, .,11 -'ua r1
MlchMI ll11)nH a1td Aln~nlka Ptrl'). • \\llltjm II. t.uru .. orth .,., 1>n ;\us 10
C<nra Mc ..... airl &Hun 11 • td .. 111 I hu t • ~ "" Au11, .i
Rc;btrt and Yolanda McCllUoch. • K1ch.HO ~ "'">HM <'11 '"" Y
C~u Mi:~. boy
AUHn 11
And,_ ud Tracy c.acu.rs. C~a M~. 11rt
Charin and J wlt Riabln. Ncwpon Bu h. b<.J)
Dan~t and Jf'rl McKtana,
Newport lk:1ch. boy
AUOUn 11
John \'an Moswm and Bari>ara PopcjO).
Nev.port Unch. boy
auoun 1•
Mark and l\lt'llnda M'!rtauah. N~rorl
Beach. bov
David and G•H B~rr. Nev.poll Beach. b.I)
Richard •nd I.nu.. GI.ell•. C0\1.a Mc .. l ,.,1
lUC'hard and 01a .. U..u.
Corona dd Mar. iirt
Gtorst and Julia Garmt. C'0'.\11 Mc~. buv
,\to.it tTC'f'nf marrlain as tToJIOl1N lo llw
Oranl" I 011unt_t Ri<urdu01 Olntt.
• f'.aul \\ ,.,.,u Jr. m.1r11cJ l'balML. U.
Khiothart "" Jul\ J 7 in l<1\cniJc
• Juhn t-Jawn m~rricJ 01.uu 0 . G11~u
un Juf> I"' an C1t>IJ M.:u •
• l>u•ld L ~err m.inii:J •~l«n M. ~ald1•iu
on J11h I' 1n !l'inc
• t'aul II U..llon Jr. m.uni:J \tonl' J Turner
"" Juh , .. , an :-..: .... r-Jrl u ..... h
• """ "-Scape-I m.ir11,J l'hllthw M. Uaht
Ull July r'. 1n l1.11J,n Lc\Ac
• lclWllrd L ~h Lauchlln m.1mcJ 1'anC) A.
Miranda "" Jul\ '. 1n 1'~'"1>'>1 1 lk .>•h
\\~,, 19th Slrttt. Someone
~h'k 11 hm con111nin1 SIOO
!rum a m.an111cr'i dcU. at rhc
5<-nKJr C1tizcni. Cc:n1cr in
1hi: 600 bloc~ lu :iday.
1nta Afta A'•lllW Twu
'11~c' .,.ere reported swkn
\\ cJncsd;iy fnxn 1hc aanagc
\ll a humc in lhc 210()
lu~c ""h1lc the ~i.1dcnu
""ere \lc,·p1ns
Lu~ l 'th trnt. Burgl;in
hrQkc into CN¥on C1cancn
rhurMby anJ "ok 11n
c1>tim:itcd S ),(XX) v.011h of
cus101ncr clo1hi111
Pon1oaa AvtnW« Three
\'CRs and a canlC'OfJcr w re
uokn Frnby from a home
in 1hc 2100 block
u Jotla A rc"dcn1 1n the :no block 11"'0 .. c WcdncMfay
to fine.I someone pcer1na in
her 1N1nJ<w.. When she
turned the hahr on, the
fJcc \11 n ishcd
Guannteed To Lower Your
Monthly Paymeat At
Coll T odoy For o Free Consuftotion SUMMER SAUSAGE
(IOO) 201 -FUND
H m. Ln Ma PICK UP 1'1111
.... ol col ... ha¥e ..... oa I
....... kick. IO rrM C.-. ol 0..
Maa tboupl he•d lib IO add bil IWO
CHll .orth. -
And lWO ceau. beet io
the days t.c•a recallbtc. •
WU reaJ money -
cnou&)a to purchase. say.
1 copy ol your favorite
daily newspaper.
CUsick. who'• Iona
been the moa1 ·
sou,hl·alter banender
on the local society
circui1, presided for el&ht
yean over the saloon at
the Victor Hueo Inn. the
Llauna Beach landma4-
•---· ·The other day. at an
, r-: I I .
'()pcraP.a&e...,,lllt. •••••...,
ol dw VlcliDr "• .... --.... Matda I~ IMO. la .... JO ........ MCI
11ete•1 I saliwatims I ph: •
....... ..., .......... $3.65.
-U.S5AO. .
ROMI pri1M rlll ol Eaaera beef. 14..50
C.tallna IWOtd&lb ..... S3.60. . Baud~ Duaeeaca crabl. Sl.95.
AAd much more. lllChkled la the price
ot dinner wu a choice ol nine tpPCtizan
(a fM'Oriac was naD-toaked snpetnait). all•
IOl1S ol aoupa (you limply musa try the
ClOld vicbylloise) ud uladl. and 22 ricb,
creamy delleru (mocha perfait, l.ft)'08C?).
Ah, but thetc wu a small catch. The
minim.um price per penoa wu '° C!=Dtl.
No extra charp for tbe tpeCDCUlar view.
There WU ~ 00 that IDelN
augatina mat prices were IUbjecl to .
............. c.kl ..... ........ Ill llllllftralJ dlcded .. ., •
ptOW -Y4* CM'& lean uaae. 10'& alt
:rtiw, Md IO J•• happy to pnMdc ....... scmce for some rather an. radcn:
•Pro. ...... Wddl of Costa Mcu:
"IJt..mau. about all the epic mcwics and
TV lbowl filmed aloa& our shores. why
didn't ,oa. iadude-GiJUpa's llland? My
flthcr oace told me It "was lhot down ·
llC!'nd Piratct C.ove:• ,J
"'tit abeuJdW beM..shot down
tomCWtacrc.. Mildfed. lhvio& once 1een an
episode ol Gillipn•1 11land. I'm of ~c
belief that it was f&lmcd on anbt~r
planet. in a plUy tar. w away.)
• from a.d ate • 1ra ol Corona del
.Mar: "You mentioned that Georpa
fllldtNlill .... lal' 111 .. .. .,.. ............. ... ._.._ .. ..,,.. .. , ••r 11'.
W....1t• ... 1c*10--.WMd
&aM ""°"" oa n ~ 1 (I Ched_, Willa ... 611 ol IMr
penoul aids, ............ .-·. bcca
lbroed with Hu • 7 atiip. neir lelum
dat1 it ..-nahl • ..._. I ......... tt..,'11
be badt Ln t• &o ~ tllae .... ..
firs& Yictory, whc~ that •• be.
' _)?nc1W01d detcription of the team to date:
Rams.hackle.) · • from Attornty J.a&aa s. £rta ot
Ncwpott Beads: ''A awwal trieAd. *bole
initials ate C.£. 8"owa. has been telhn1
me about the mind·bocllina litter in ~r
off ace. I have a book, ··auuer'a Lui
Stand.," subtitled, "lt'1 Tame &o Dc·Junk
Your Life," which o«ret1 advice on bow &o
dear the debris. Would )10U care to
MEET MAC: Mac Bernd,
the new 1uperintendent of
the Newpon-Mcn Unified
Sc~I '?~.l!ict .. will~ ~!scuss
the dlStnct, the voucner
initiative and the future
during a talk. al Speak Up
Newport. The monthly
program begins at 6:15 p.m.
at the Villa Nova
Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast
Highway. The public is
welcome. Call 542,-4226 for
more information.
T he fall-winter social season
has beguA. Yes. it is still the TilE .... a•~
summer season and prob-
a.n intcmationaJly acclaimed opera
star. She performed the opera
"Oberon" at La Scala. with ber
family in attendance.
a fall fashion show and brunch...
fe1uurin1 the tres chic Escada col-
lection. This fall kick-off cvenrwill
be held for the first time in 1he
Escada Store at South-Coast
of Castaways nnd Newport
North will be oHc:red by the
Newport Conservancy.
Voters wall be asked 1n
November whether they
wish to buy the t-.o Back
Bay parcels to spare them
f1un\ dcvcivpmcnl. TI1c
toyn,, which will be o rrcred
each Wednesday through
November. arc ftom S to 7
p.m. For more information.
call 548-1438. ..J
"Plastic Surgery: Beautiful
Overnight or Marred for
Life" will be topic discu$$cd
by Or. Hugh Bailey during a
Newport Harbor Arca
Chamber of Commerce
lunch at noon the Balboa
Bay Oub. The cost is $14
per peoon.
Harborlitcs T03stm:tsters
Qub will meet at 7 D.m. at
the Newport Beach Country
Oub, 1600 East Coast
Highway. For mote info,
call 640-6655.
The Newport Harbor
P-anhellenic will present
"The Story of the Japanese
Kim<>rta" at its 10 a.m.
meeting at St. Michael and
All Angels Church. 3233
Pacific View in Corona del
Mar. Lunch will be offered
for s-4. For more
information. call 644-S07S.
ably will remain so until at least ~
the ftnt of October. Jar from perfection. However, it is
However, the social world -clear that Newpon-Mesa individu-
Jikc the fashiQn aJs are more dedicated than ever
world -1eu a to their societal-.charitabl~ goals.
head stan. lnvita· . On the street. the business cxprcs·
tioru arc pouring 1ion today is that ypu work twice
in ... and the as hard for every dollar earned.
colon arc fall; On the charily circuit. make that
the tone, holiday five times u hard for every dollar
and hal'VCll. donated.
From the loot o( Highlightin& upcoming c~nts,
the m4'il. 1993-94 the CindercUa Guild Qf The ChiJ-
promisc1 to be drcn's Hospital Oranie County
qujtc a winter spomon their '93 Holi(by Grcct-
season on the in& Card Party ScpL IS i~ the
Orange Cow. main lobby o( Park Place (the
Perhaps the · former Fluor 'Buildin&)· .
upbeat. qara-Aa• Row and LJU Vol&Jat. the
sive posture of new QfCSident of Cinderella, arc in
sqcicty is some indication that the charge. Tbc Voight family recently
economic picture is less ominous. traveled to Milan, Italy. for a very
That would be good news for ev-1peciaJ evenl. Their daughter,
eryone. The reality may be in fact Newpon's own DdNwall Vo(&bt. is
"We arrived fn Mil~n. checked
imo the hotel, then immedio1ely
went to La Scala," said the beam·
Ing Lynn Voight. "Deborah had
arranged for tickets to be left for
us. She had actually arranged for
the King's Box! There we were,
front row center. watching our
daughter perform at La Scala!"
added the proud mom returning to
. reality and her duties at" CHOC.
Also coming up Sept. JS, the in·
credible Sound of Music Chapter
oC the Guiids of the PAC presents
Plaza. Chief Designer Mkbad
Stolunbura will be present for the
affair coordinated by Guild hospi-
tality chair Robla Tunwr and PR
coordin:itor Sandy Pospisil
Tht Newport Theatre Ans Cen-
ter hosts an early fall event on
Sept. 19. The theme is archi1ec-
ture, and the S20 ticket buys a
tour of four outstanding residence
by'architec~ Brion Jeuaeue in the
Newpon·Hcights commu·mt> The
Sunday afternoon tour will begin
... ' a1 the theater and .. m {ca1urc a
lecture by Jea.nnene ak>na •itb
the l$>ur. for idct5, call N.,..
tlo-tt at 5'8-3212.
Las Ve1aj comes to Promont°')"
Point, Saturday, Sept. 18, a a
benefit for 1hc Oranie County Eye
and Tissue Bank. Professional
dcntcr crop table~. roufcuc and
blacijack v.-111 tempt donors 10
gamble bi1 bucls for a bi& cause.
The party 1 being undcr.Tiucn by
the Irvine Co. on-behalr of the eye
a.nd tlliue blrik. a non-profit com:
munity hcahh agency establtshcd
1n 1970 for the purpose Of rntor·
mg si1ht and health thrO\lp irans-
plant Call 550-1022 10 piilblc
for ''&ht!
. L-•ell er.
Weekemd Brllllell
~S WIS Ollgllllly blldlCI
" ChbgO -°" ... ~. ht.ntjrqebcutnu
ltaU\ Sausage m P*nnD. •
kl -.e 1m·s.
Today, tG SOOS & plOSGft
cortr1Je to pnMde I tul-
mR rA ..... "*'food
~ fresh datf n1 SRl!llld
• 5 generJIOlS rA -prtdl. •
Opponents and proponents
o( the citywide tu assc:men1
dis1ric1 in Ncwpon Beach
will debate durin1 a 7:30
a.m. brnkfut meeting at
the Newport Center
Marriott. The: breakfast,
coordinated by the Newport
Center Association, will
cover the proposed &ck
Bay land purchase, the
subject o( a citywide vote in
NoYCmber. The breakfast is
open to the public at a
charae of S5. To make
reservations. call 72().8488.
American Luna Asaociation
ol Oranae County will have
a Freedom Crom Smotina
Oink 1tartina today. The
dw meets twic:c a week
for four weeks at Hoq
Memorial Hmpital.
Prc·rtp&ration is reqwre.d
and COit ii $7$. for
mofe information. call
SERVED BUIDAY fin RllDAY 5:11-1:• I'll
or •
OURS? ..._ II
•'Ne1 Blilg O.Mm V\8Big BED,' BO lb
• SEln8 Frialtf Slel . . .
•0.Gin OttoGrl 1ig Faf •
FfOfri 1
11 ~·~ ... -.C from 1111 bean raaher thU "'1 .... picq.
et:• he added. .. , fMI ..-., be-
cause I DeYCt called up olben I
had helped to ... ~· I
didn't mind hdpias ~ but I
couldn't ask them to help me."
MedGick &aid ... on... a.t peo-
ple stay t the Or-. Awnue
Home for less 1hu &be Sl.200 a
month he needed for opcratiolW
~ts. Sometimes ho ewa let reli-
dents stay thero for fret when d.aey
couldn't 11rrord the ~at, au~
plying cverythina from aiabdy
meals to payini for requlrcd viliu
10 a health club. In cxcbM ... reli·
d .............. ..,.ioo
,.... 1 ..... • .. .. ICfllDol
"l w -rioad II Wll pd ..... "i 11• ......... ..,.. ....... ....., .... . .. ,.. -..... " .. ..
lbeN IN -PJ1 Md llliblla lilll. lll!lt11•, ............ , •.
peap1e :la IOdetJ.1-..... II w ....... ..-. -a hrt than ibc . ..blitJt'1J ID£_....._...,. -0.-Cl1M1 ..... io
eoc,,,a -to.-. dlll ..._ ,-. '"1111•1111 1 fnal •11mnfa.. or
pledoa'thave.._........ Aa ••~ mlhtd d•~·
lpCD& a loc of W.. 8'ere, I'm feel· e, 1-. lhl •••• ID Ma -illd _,. ••rt& WI 1111 a loc ot ftalbblcb.'' ddrooa't .,eabrl UI • ...._ ".... ,..,, *'---.. an llow Larry and SCott, who baw 1 lion Materiall .allled. TM AIOI Wcdllt • ... "1tla llu-.
rea.u.ed in coatact wilh Mednick. AC'W lllreatened IO MIC tbe Newo dlata .,.. dli ... . ·
aay they are ,Otelul for their lime port·Mesa Uaifted School D11triCc "To..., • ......_• "9 mf0t·
on Oraote Aw•ue. • • if lbCy denied Mari9o the ~ IO ........ '!9 .... la ID• the m
"I wilh:it were 11ilJ open," Scott invito the tpeaken in1o the dwo a di••...._ Marillo llfl, "Now,
&aid. "But if ia wouldn't be open, room. But ACLU support laided •• .. cu be a dnda ~.c ,
the next baa thin& ·is that it wa ud 1be ICbool diitriCI band tbe we ._. to am .._. With anfor-
open while I .U licrc." ~ from c:oaWw oa ampus. 111• •
Huntington Beach . .
. .
OS-in -·. -1-n
.Help us clear our. entire stock .while you
· help .yourself to, terrifiC savings. . .
' ,.,
Take adv.antage of tremendous savings before we close. Limited to merchandise on hand.
15%-50% off the ticketed price. Styling Salon, Gift C8rtificatetS and C;talog merchandfM.
· as well as service Department exdueied. ..
7777 Edinger Avenue, Huntington Be8Ctl
Mon.-Fri, 10 AM :. 9 PM, S8t.~1b AM ·-7 PM,
Sun., 11 AM -6 t""M · .
• •
0 -8
OI .,
lmTY ,..., "°"'...,
NEWPORT BEAOi -··· . definition Of IUCCCSI
• new dimcnston
)Ur fOf tbi' Ncwpon
Uboi Hip bOys cross
ountry pr<>&Bm, which'
amed tbo school's first-ever Ctf South-
rn ScCtion 3-A and State Division Ill
But despite losina _fpur of tut year's lop
n ~n· to craduation. fifth-year
ch Bim, Barry Isn't necessarily willin&
o alter the lofty expectations created by
uch prosperity.
.. Repeatin& would be phenomenal, but
hat is our ultimate coat," Barry said.
'Everyone's expectations arc tii&her. but
c ha~ • kids who went through it last
t, and others in the program, who w
he aevei. or commitment those seniors
Amon&' the veterans arc senior Trent
ryson and juniors Shahram Deuhd and
)'an Acb.m. .
Bryson, this )Ur's captain, finished scv-
nth at Sea View League Finals last )Car,
Where Dezahcf wound up 12th. 8olh arc
expected to Ouctuate in the lop two~
lbil ~. and typify 1bc Sailon' -liner ~nt.
'°Thole 1'111 bad • .,eat 5Ul1U'llu, and
they lboukt be~ ao roll," said Barry,
wbo opcc:u his rctumen to maldl or ex-
ceed the accomplishments o( plKtmted
senion Jared Ovenon and Sky Peterka.
"'Sky and Jared did • hcct or • job ror
Newport Harbor, but these IU)'I have
worked hard to fall their shoes."
.Adams, 21st in leape last seuon. wiH
jump from the sixth and seventh spot to
No. 3, with juntc.ln Henry Qian, Andrew
Van Note .and Aaron Ward, Jake Swan·
son and senior Jason Ferguson ficurinc to
contribute consistently in the four remain·
inc spots.
"We &boul.t be ranked among the· top
teams in Oranae County, but we'll show ·
more improvemont as the season goes
along, than last year's team did," aid
Barry, v.-ho claims last year's triumphs cr~
ate more motivation than pressure.
The Sailon are fourth in the state Oivi·
~#Ill prescason poll, and thi~ 'in the
Southern Section Oivision Ill rankings.
"Every year our summer prognm gets
better and better, and this team has con·
tinued that trend. I'm a firm believer truat
succe breeds success, and these kids
h~ seen what it's like .....
angs searctllRg \for numbers
first-year cross country coach
oe Busl has hands f ult with lack .
f numbers in boys program.
Bany flUINr, Sports Wlllr
ility may be the key word
r first-year Costa Mesa
igh boy1 cross country
ch JOO ilu i, whose bncup
ki hinae on a number or
tside factors this Call.
Senior AndRW Russell will once again
r a poup oC six returners, but a lack
ne-wcomcn. and le ·than rcliabl~ prac·
attendance miaht leaw Busi aucssina
fiat CMtl a SCYen-nanncr contioient.
Sophomora 2.cke Noonan and Morpn
andc~ sen· Kevin Runic and jun·
ior Donald Benz will add to a veteran nu·
deus rrom last )Ur's third-place Pbc1fic
Co:tst League contingent.
But Busi was hciitant to supply more
names, and is hopin& to pick up cand1·
date currently on vacation, or hit the
hallways to ttcruit once school bcg1ns.
''You need a minimum or frvc to com-
pete. and riaht now we have ~-en kid , "
said Busi, a Mustangs' assistant last fall.
Rus.Krr wa unbeaten in PCL dual
meets l!lSt season. but b~ck problems
forced him to 1ettle fo.t third place at
leasue finals. Russell. ~ever. is injury
free this fall, and sboukl battle Estancia 's
• Johann Appell and Peter Ho (fir1t and
second in the PCL last fall) rot top lcasue
honors. . '
Noonan. who occupied tbe No. 3 spoc
lh' year, moYCs to No. 2, rcplacinc last
. u-.,;... ~ "-
E~tancia High senior running back Mike Pa"inski pulls :-way from a d efender during fall practice Tuesday afternoon.
Black 'n blue days at Estancia . .........
.... 'Conditioning·· aside, Eagles
finding some new muscle~ to
. deal with as '93 approaches .
By RlcNrd Doon Spotts Wri4.ef
a sun-drenched summer
with l:uy 3ftcmoon~. tho)c
initial few hit) can be:. oh.
so unt..ind. htlc hurt\ of
tv.o-a-day pr.sctices re in
full bloom :it Estanc13
· Mo,1 of the pla)ef) arc tall tf)lng 10
!>Uf\l\C round one. "hrch bcgan,.!J"I Thu~ay, the fin1 dJy u( pads. 1'ahc
h1\s arc the real wa~cup bells to the
football se:ison.
"An) time you go through tv.o-a-da~'·
)OU'rc U>lnl muscles )OU h:\\en't U).CJ an
a I ng umc. or ever before. lo() )OU get
sore and fatisucd," ..Ud 8t1nc1a c~ch
John Licbcngood.
Uebcngoocfs. EagJe , "11h the pre ·
cnce of new ddensi~c coordinator Brian
·Gloshen, arc pushin1 it even harder 1h1s
"We're pcndi.ni more time on de·
fensc than before, beca~ or the new
concepts and the new thinp v.e're put·
ting in, and the kids ha~ re ponded,"
Ucbeng<l!Od said. .. We'(( tr)111g to find
out v.hat kids can play defense and
what kid can pby offcn)C -~ide
· from the returning guys. because v.c '
know v.hnt they can do
"We're also doing a lot <?f running.
bccaUSt v.e Celt the t..iJ "ere a little
out of hapc, so v.-c\-e v.orked a lot
harder this year than 1n fhe past. I'm
real pleased with the progu the kids
have made at this t~. We're t~ina
I •
,ll'#O~ ....
A missed bloc\ mtans jus-t one thing -a che~ing out .by Co.ich John Liebengood:
a. lot of ~tuff at them. but "e're D long
w3y from where "e want to be for the
fi~t a:ame."
With n~come" looL.ing to open
coachc · C)CS. \Cn1or ddcn i'c enJ Sha·
h3h Jah1b (6-toot·l, 230 poumh) ha
made pcrhap) the b1ggc t 1mprc ion.
"He's all man." Ltcbcngood said
"He's tough to bl01:L.. He 3mc from
Back 8 y (Continu:ition Hish School).
He used to io h> 'IChool here and
pla)Cd Cootb~I here hi frcshm:an and
~phomore )e3rs. but he didn't pl;iy J t
)Cir. He's .Pl~yin1 real good footb:all
Estanci:i; "hich "'II hold an in·
tr3..quad nmma e Friday at Ncv.pon
Har~r H1 h (:about 7:~ p .m.), ron·
Juct!i 30 ;a m to 10.30 am. "orkout
e.\ch da). then 10<'' again from 2 pm.
lO 5 pm
"And the~ don t w3nl to ml\) an)
practi~ .. L1cbcn&ooo 1J. "The pun·
r.hmcnfs 100 h:ird :rhC) don't '£Ct of1'
free on that \ ou Jon't really v.ant to
kl'~ (v.h:it 1he puni hmcnt 1 l· Mk the
pl:l)~~ ...
Runninc bad' ~rlo Am:r)-a and
Oscar Lomch Ju,c .al impressed
1..icbcn1ooJ 1n the early go1n1.
iJc from minor bumps and brulset..
no injuric ha'"c been rcponeJ
=:i!-='£ ~:::'., arc t.-..tia.L flrom 1 ·~ ,.._ w 'rnentllli;, .. , •rated &M _. rro. _, IMS'• why it'• Mid to .. la a.
heart ...alwr &baa -., Met ~-~" Mccinkt mid.
et, .. he 9dded. ... fed.-.., be-Mdaidt lllicl M e-.. ~ ...... WI
C8U$C I JM:\'er cauect up odaen I owa .,..., -dale IO S7l.OOO -
had helped IO IMd ~· I 10 ~ the apcra&jOa N IM
didn't mind hetpint i-. but I fenaDcial ltiUi WM CM .........
couldn't Uk them ao help me." Dapiac the recowe17 lilaml'• de·
Mednick Wei be oltea lot ~ ~ former nlideall lll1 dMiJ are
plC stay at tho Oranp Avenue ptef\a.l loi the da,s tbcJ Md on
Hom6 for less thu the SIJOO a 0nn• Awnue Md defeed Med-
. month he needed for •ratioul . nick ud his "from.lbe-bean ap-
co t .. Sometimes he even lea '-'· ~ ..
dent May there for fl'M when Ibey "I wu ia otbcr p&acea that were
couldn't afford the P9JIDC•t, aup-nan like busineucl. tbJI was more
plyina cverythina from nip~ like a family," said BiU ScOta. 24,
meals IO p1yina for !!Clulred visits wbo WU OQC ol feve men Mill left
to a ~alth. club. In c~, iai-in the home wheA it doled. . .
Huntington Beach .
~~ ' ~ ,,· · 1
e -.·re os·i ,_n · I
e•re • o ·s1n
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e•re • 1n·
Help us clear our entire stock while ·you
help yourself to· t~rrific savir:igs.
.. . .
Take advantage of tremendous savings before we close. Limited to ·merchandise on hand.
15%-50% off the ticketed price. Styling Salon, Gift Certificates and Catalog ~-.
· as welt as Service Department excl~ .
I .
' ' ·.
. . ~.
' r
I .. I
• t
).. ,
. I
• J
0 -B]
iii re
. 01
goals sat .
where Dczahd wourid up 12th. Bodi are
apectcd to nucn.aaae in the~ two spots
lbil ~. and t)pify the Sailon' ......,
~ iffort iri ~ss-country. . ~~ bad 1 area• ·summer, and
~ lbould-'bc re~ to roll," said Barry,
ltllly ......... """'..., . .;tao ~as bta retumen to mat.ch or ex·
NEWPORT BEAOf ;-• · ceed &be accompliltuneAU o1 .,ad•ted de&aition ol aucceu . aenk>ra Jared Overton and Sky Peterka.
ached • new dift!cnsion .. Sky and Jared did a beck of a job for ~ for t~ Newport Newport Harbor, but these suys have
arbot Hi&h boys croa .,. worked hard to fill their shoes."
ountry . pqram, which ·Adams, 21st in lcaat.te last scuon, will
a med t~ Khool's first.ever 9f. South· jump from the aixth and seventh spot to
rn ~ J.A and State 01vwon Ill No. 3, with junion HeOJy Otlan, Andrew am~ps. . . Van Note and Aaron Ward. Jake Syttt·
But ~ate losma four of lut ~·s top son and senior Jason Fcriuson fi&urina to
\'CR ~n to cnduation, fifth-year contribute consistently in the four remain· "·
h &Uri Barry isn't necessarily willing i.ns spots. ·
alter the ,lofty expectations created by ,. "We should be ranked amon1 the top
uch PJOIPCnty. • " teams in· Orancc County, but we'll show
"Rcpeatins ~uld be phenomenal, but more ~provcment as the seuon goes
at is. our ull•IJlltC pl," Barry said. along, than last year's team did," uid
Everyone's expccmions arc higher, but Bu')', who claims last year's triumphs crc-
e hive .k.lds who y,,ent through it last ate more motivation than pressure.
ar, and ot~n in the progwn. wtM> taw The. Sailors are fourth in the state Diva·
e le¥el of commitment th05C seniors ion Ill prcseason ~ll and third in the
aintaincd. •• ·; Southern Section 01~n Ill rankings.
Among the ~eterans arc 1enior Trent .. Every ycir our summer program gets
ryson and Juniors Shah ram. Oezahd and tbettcr and better, and this team has con-
)~ A.dams. -. tinued that trend. I'm a firm believer th:lt
Bryson, th· )'e:tr's captain, finished scv· succcu breeds succe , and these kids ·
nth at Sea View Leaiue Fil\als last )car. h~ seen ~bat it's Ii.kc ... "
atangs searching I• numbers
First-year cross country coach
Busi has hands full with lack
numbers Jn boys program.
Biriy f dcnel, Sports Wr'llr
iJity may be the key woid
r fittt·ycar · Costa Mcu
iah boys crosi country
JOC Busi, v.hose lineup
kt binac on a number of
tsidc r.cton this rau. .
Senior Andtnl Russell will once &Jain
r 1poupot1ix retumcn.'but a lack
ne-comcrs. and less-than reliable prao-
aucndaricc miaht leave· Busl aueuiD&
fill ou1 a tcwn·nanner conlinacnt.
SOphJmorea Zeke Noonan and M.orpn
l'pC?OI. 1enior Kevin Runic and jun-
ior Donald Benz will add to a veteran nu·
deus from l:1st year's third-place Pacific
Coast League contingent.
But Busi was l\Wtant to supply more
names, and is hopin& to pick up candi·
dates currcntty on vacation, or Jut the
h.J~ays to rem.alt once school begins
"You"-nced a minimum of r"-c to com-
pete. ind right now we ~vc SC\'Cn kids."
Pid Busi, a Muhilip' assi t3nt last fall.
. Ru !tell )NaS unbeaten in PCL dual
meet Inst season, but back problems
forced him to setlle for third place at
lc1sue finals. Russell. however, is injury
free this !111, ind sboWd battle Estanda's
Joh1nn Appell and Peter Ho (first and
second in the PCL last fall) for top lea&Uc
honors. .
Noonan. who oa:upied the No. 3 ipot
this year. IDCWC$ to No. 2. replaciq last
. --
. ....... ,. ...... ..
. ----'~ .....
Estanci~ High senior running back Mil..e Pa\\-inski pulls .-wat from a defender during faJI practice Tuesday afternoon.
Black 'n blue days at Estancia
...,. ·conditioning' aside, Eag les
finding some new muscles to
deal with as ·93 approaches.
9y RICNld ~ Spotts Wrt.el
a sun-drenched ~ummcr
with lazy aftc moons. tho"c
iniual few hits can be:. oh.
so unkind. The hurts of
two-:a·day pructi«s arc in
full bloom at E)tanrnt
, Mo-.l of the plll)crs .ire till trying to
sOf\l\c round one. "h1ch began .IJ'>t
Thuntlly, the fir:>t d..i) of pads. Thc~c
hits ore the real wa~cup bell> to the
football sca)Qn.
"Any time )'OU go through l\l.O-a-da)'I,
you're u .. ing m~les )-Ou hJ\en't U)Cd in
a long time. or ever before, so )OU get
sore and fatigued, .. saJJ fut:snoa. Cooch
John ucbcngood. . ~
Llcbengood's Eagle , "ith the pres-
ence of new defensive coordinator Brian
Gloshen, ire pushing it even harder 1h1
"We're ~ndina more time on de·
fense than before, because of the new
concepts and the new thing \\e'rc put·
ting in, and the k.icb hl\'C re poniied."
Llebcngood snid. .. We're trying to find
out v.hat Uds can play defense ~nd
what lctds c:sn play offense -a ide
from the returning 1\1)$. becaU)C Y.'C
know v.hat the)' can do.
.. We're also doing a tot of runninJ.
because v.e felt the kiJ \\ere a lattk
out or h pc, so we've 0\\orkcd a lot
harder this )'car than in the past. I'm
rial pleased with the P.togrc the le.id
have m at this lime. We're th~ina
A misnd block m'ans just one. thing -a ch~ing out by ·Coach Joh"-l~~good.
1 lot of stuff :it them. but v.e're a loag
v.:iy from where v.c "'ant ro be for the
fi~t a:tmc.
With nc"comen tooling to oJXn
cooches' C)eS. senior dcfcn l\e end Sha-
hah Jahjb (6-foot· l. 230 pound') ha'>
mndc pc:rh:i~ the b1ggc t 1mprc ion
"He's all man," UebengooJ ):lid.
"He's tough to bloct... He came from
0;1ck &y (Continu:ition High School).
He used to go to )(hool here and
pla)'Cd foot~ll here hlS freshman 1nd
sophomore )Can, but he didn>t pl:iy la>t
)'tar. He's pl1yin1 re I t;ood COotball
now." Est1nci~. .,,,hich v.ill bold an in·
tr:i-.quad ~rimmage Fnd3y il Ncv.-port
H:ubor High (about ::?O pm ), con-
duct an ' a m. to J0.30 a.m. 11oort..out
each d.l~. t~n OC'> ag:un from :! p.m.
'°Sp m.
"And the~ don't v.ant to ma &n)
practtce :· L1cbcnG\'Od !hltd. ··The pun·
1 hmenl' tOl.i hard Th<:y Jon't set oO
free on th:at "\ ou Jon't rully .. ant to
knov. (v.hat !he punishment as) Mk tt)c
Running b t.. • rlo .Amaya a.nd
Oscar Lomch ha'e al~ imprc d
LacbcnguoJ io the early goina.
Aside from minor bumps and brui
no injurici ~ .. 'C l°'ecn rcponcd
Twila f...w.ed cis••h in .....
-. llCatOft. • route eo "'°"' ......... the SOulltcrn Section
(ftftll) and state (I hh) Meets.
"lt'a her fowth ~~r OG t-.C vat•
sity, and we're expeccin& bis thinp
from her," Twci1 icJ .. She. one
of o..ir keys."·
Sm th, IS1h in lcaaue l:&M ,.car
and 32nd 11 the " 1c mccc, was
the Tars' No. 4 runner a junior.
... She's had·a ire-at summer, and
• will be a 1rona No. 2 this tur:•
Twcit id. "She'~ worked ~cry
bard ...
· Sophomore Jennifer Parker.
whole bid to fNkc the varsity l~t
season was squeldlcd by hin
problems; fisurcs 10 run No. 3.
helping to C:lSC the loss or Heather
Davidson (now nr Oningc Coast
Senior Sandr.a D'Angcto, re-
turns at the No. 4 pol, but her
improvement fils in wi1h Twcit's
increased oplimi m.
Shecnn Dierz, Tahnce Thiel and
From s
SS., W b I IA b9 I .......... .,.._.. lrio _ .. .....,
CIOlllrilMtc. Olla. .... ~ '1 ...,., ......
.. ,..,, sllOuld llcMflr ,..,... ....
apcrincc, wllilc TIUel Ind Blact· _,.will llMtc mcir~ ....._ ,__ Lorin CkMftact, do
,.. wirsity u • frahtMA. ii bad
after Im! at Eltanda. wVfe cJi• ~tity rntrictions litniled hU to
JURiot vusi&y competicioft. Tho.c
.llfnit CIF ratridiofts may once
apin leave her ineli&iblo for the
vaniry, but ao onaoia& appeal
casts .SOftlC hope on her varsity ta·
"Wr:-won't know un1il after
h~ starts,•• said Twcil. who
projecc. ~naer as a top.frwe
varsity contribUtor, should she be
eligible. • •
In addition 10 itron4 lettuc
compclition, Twei1'1 optimism is
tcmpereJ somcwh;it by the youth r ctor.
••we have some seniors, and
sophomore$. and not a lot in bc-
rwccn," he said. "We have some
girls who are an unknown quan-
lity, bcc:lusc they've never com-
peted in a '~·'Sity situation."
SAN~ -n.e SoutH,. C.Ufor•I• CoHqc ........ "1Dllc,... ... ~ its
1993 ....,. °" tM rmd •iuc
Cal Scale Saft &em.rdi"° ac 7:l0 tonpc. I
The v..-.. ere led by ma
year head COKh Eric BroyteJ. •tM>
has been an IMillant \lol~U
COICb II SCC lhC last CM> 1Caf'I.
The Vaf!Panla retun GcncviYc
Wriah1, a '5.fool.JO junior middle
blocker who was ranked third In
tho Ooaden Stale Adaledc Confer-
enc:o in kin pc~n•• IM& )ICnr.
oaaVO&.LDMLL C. "'1 Iii I
t ! Me ••rt ...... L C.W Ml M.tl .... Dli.4 ~5 u.-.... C.....-~7S,..IWWt•~· • fllouAlld OIU; 10 Mn Com
ot.•111" I t.c......,-,2 or ... 1~ ........... ......., 5. Hlmrf--.....e; l
San c:a..... 7. ~ YlMy; I Wla ftll\: t
Long ... Wllorl. 10. """" .,......... .
year's lone senior Willie Noonan. Tr1·p1e crown his brother.
t . c..u Meea; z. J1111Yco -s. ~ • Pmdlna. 4 Saa ~ 5 HldlMa ....,
Wilson. l DDa ~ 1. ClolWo; • Wini; 9
San Mlrcot, 10. filrl COiia. "He hus a 101 of dc:tcrminu1ion,
and he's been working very hard," An Aug. 19 story on Bill Ficker
B · id H h h incorri:c;tly stated he wns the only us1 s.a • " e knows w ot e .1 . h' • th • needs to do', anti he's going about sai or in 1~1ory to wm c. spori s
doin iL" 1t<r"cc most coveted trophies: the v 8 d 1 · · lh m lntcrnationaf Siar World Ctinrnpi-cn erpoo J0'"5 c progra · onship, the Amcric:i's Cup and lhc after trying football as a frcstiman, Congressional Cup.
last fall. He rnn lhc mile and rwo-Dennis Conner has since won
mile in track last spring. the "triple crown," to join Ficker
Runge enters his fourth year in as the only ~wo 10 have ever ac-
the program, while Benz is back compli.shed the fear. for a second varsicy ~mpaign.
"We're mosrly underclassman,
so I'm hoping we c:>n continue 10
build for 1he fururc." Bu\i ex-
plained. "Our top three are prercy
strong. and we 'd 111-.c to sec them
ma~e it 10 CIF."
Pilot ·sports
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T• ncW&lCMneft IMhMlc Kan·· ;..,. S.cpk..,on. 1 S. IO fralMnan
Idler (rum MMioft ViqQ. and
Tifta111 Worth. a $-11 ftalunan
middk blodtcr from Nort~t
Community Cbristi4n CoUcsc in
'*nil. '
On Frid_ay. Che Van1u1mk will
penleipeac ift 1hc l<He"m Concot·
dia Collete Toum1menJ in h'1iM,
rncellna OmuU Collcac or Mon-
tana at 11 o.m arid Cal Stare Los
Anae.#s .at 3 p.m. The cournamenl ~Jon Saturday.
_,.,. ,,.. 0.1~ ,.,,.,
saa n. No. 2,
Newport No. 1 · ..
CERRITOS -Coron:t dcl Mar Jf i&h' Sea Kinp and cron·bay
riv;al Newport Harbor hove both
londcd berths in lhc CIF. prc-
acason, Top 10 (or 01Vision IV
football behind dcknding CIF ancJ
Sea View League champion Irvine
Corona dcl Mar is lis1ed at No.
l behind the Voquc:ros. while
Newport Harbor is No. 7.
Cll' DfVISION IV ..._ TNm. ..._.,. '92 record
1. Wne (Sea View)-13·1 a. Conlna .. Mar (SN View) M·1
l FocH (Cermy) 8·5
... Canyon ~ (!Vy) ' 8-3 s. GllnOof1 (Baselne) 5-S.1
6. Dnlln ('Bmh) 7 ...
7. Newport Mart.or (Sea View) 11-3
l RlWtl'lidl Ply (Ivy) 8-3
9. Nolrl Orne. S 0. (Misslon) 8-S
, 0 Orange (Cermy) 7-S
DAVEY'S LOCKD -7 llolls. 137._.
«> yelowlal. 160 ~ 157 U'IXUISa ~ alcO.
bass. 10 .... Nu. 31'1CUpin 10 ........ S3
IVCl lilfl. J -... -129 ~ 1 ll&IQ cr'Olbr. ~~
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