HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-06 - Orange Coast Pilot• THE NEWPORT BEACH • • Decreasing clouds after some morning fog will PM1LY let the sun shine ,., U!l!J I through. But another cold front ts moving in and could affect our weather Wednesday, See Wea~, Pap 2 Winner of Califor'!ia Newspap er Publishers Association's General Excellence Awa~d for 1993 Costa Mesa crime victim loses feeling of se,curity in an · instant -, aUT Of HOTUNI · . Jenkins recalleqr thut she and her daughter Y«llkcd to th't front porch "hile her hu:.bJncl untfraded luggage Readers concerned about crime, bUt many say · they still reel s~le Results of a UCI survey released last week showed crime is the main concern of residents countywide, with ntarly 40% of them saying fear of crinle keeps thcl}l from going to the beach or local parks. We asked our readers how safe they feel and whether· f car of crime stops them from any activities. disturbing. At the same time, I live near South Coast Plaza, and I sec very little c\tidcncc of criminal activity in this area -very few years ago, the lack of street lights has me a little nervous. Soon after moving here, we had a prowler, peeping into our wirrdows, and apparently it's a haven for those people. ~ Woman sees husband .. get assaulted, robbed by gunman ~t sister's house. ~ BY MA.11.c S. POSN EP., S1A1F \\'a1T£1 1n the dark dmew:iy in front of I.he home!' in the 2400 block of S:inta Ana Avenue, an unincorporated ' pocket of lJnd 1n Costa Mesa. Herc arc two representative responses, with more on page 2 .. 0 J've been hearing a lot about the high crime -rate. A few days ago, I heard a statistic on the radio that Costa Mesa is supposed to have one of the highest per capita crime ra!e in all of Orange County. I find this •police cars, never hear any sirens and certainly a fear of crime has never stopped me from using any parks, beaches or other activitjes: It seems that we hear about it but actuaJly see very little. l actually feel quite safe where I am. 0 ALLEN URY Costa Mesa Ever since moving to Corona del Mar three The residents here want to keep it quaint, therefore, they don't want street lights. But that's making this area a.haven for peepers. I don't walk up in the park or go along the beach at night because of certain things that have been going on there, too. I love the area but it has me a little nervous. BARBARA DEMARCO-BARRETf Corona del Mar COSTA MESA -Cindy Jenkin!> remembers Costa Mesa as a .quiet little town where she alwa)S felt safe. , That all changed in less than 20 seconas when her husbana was con- fronted, assaulted and robbed by .a gunman who'd been hiding in 1hc bushes outside a rclative's house. Along wi1h her husband and teen- age daughter, Jenkins had stopped at her sister's house after returning from a Caribbean vacation the night after Thanksgiving. from seemingly no,\here, a man holding a small·barrel revolver emerged and told George Jenkins to "come here and IJ) do" n." George Jenkins refused and b_atle<l a.\\ay, stur06Tlng O\ er a smJll curb and landing in a ro~c bll!)h. S1raddling George Jenkins, the suspect rc:ichcJ <lo\\ n and yanked an Sll,000 Roll it v.atch off the \iC· tim's arm. .. l hea/'6 a commouon an<l mv hu~band "as on the ground,'' Cind) Se• CRIMl/P•1• 5 District's $47 million verbally guaranteed Citron quits; Moorlach says_ he will consider taking post If nked BY Ev AN ·H sNEllSON AND TlNA Bo&.CA1TA, STAFF WlU'Tilu The resignation of embattled County Tre:isurer-Tax Collector Robert Citron on Monday left a trail of unanswe red questions in his wake. _ Among them: Does Costa Mesa accountant John Moorlach stand a chance at being appointed to the post? . County supervisors said they are still unsure· what direction they will take to fill Citron's posi- tion. The supervisors even re- mained c lose -lipped about Citron's letter of resignation. But Moorlach - who predicted last week's bond loss while cam· paigning for Citron's seat in June -said he would consider talc.log over the post if the Boar<J of Su- pervisors off ercd it to him. "l did want to be treasurer - that's why I ran," Moorlach said. "I would ask for a day or two, so that I could take a long walk with my wife and talk to my family about it, and then make a de- cision." Moorlach said the news or Citron's resignation took him by surprise. "If you had 5aid-t&-me, .!John, where would you put your money?' I'd say, 'Bob's going to hang in there,' " he said. "I le.now it's gotta be extremely difficult for him." • In hiS" resignation letter to the Board of Supervisors, Citron said his decision was "for the benefit of the County of Orange." County Administrative Officer Ernie Schneidet received the let· te r, dated Dec. 41 before the "board met during an emergency session Monday. Assistant County ... Ta.IAIUllllt/P•1• • What's at stake for our local government Agency Coast Communitj Coliege District Costa Mesa Sanitary District Transportation Corridor Agencies Amount in fund $1 6.2 million· $47 million $306 milllon Amount borrowed None None · Unable to disclose District i5 fiscaHy dependent on county, and thererfore must iOYeSt in county fund. "We all need to sit stit~" says Gene Farrel~ a vice chancellor. "As long as we don't panic, everyOne will get their investment out in full. If Newport~ out and) takes a 20% hit, they're stupid." Will talk about the investment in regular meeti°~g Thursday night. • I Must stay in 1he fund until May. Bought $260,<XX> insurance cap aga~ higher inten!St rates. but has only a verbal guarantee from Treasurer Bob Citron. No emet get q meetings planned. Contatting financial experts. "We remain~ concemed. .. says ~··tet ldent Mac 8emd. "Call back Wednesday. Newspapers are a little low on our priori- ty list right now. We're swamped with calls from our investors and bond holders. The only thing we can·confirm for you right now is our address,• said an agency spokeswoman. . Costa Mesa revises investment policy in wake . or ·.county's big loss BY bNA Boa.OA1TA, Stu• Warna COSTA MESA -In the wake of Thursday's $1.S billion loss to the ®unty's investment pool, the City Council on Monday ap- proved !! minor revision to its in- vestment policy, limiting the amount the city can contribute to only 10% of its total portfolio. Up until now, the city's invest- ment policy has allowed Costa Mesa to direct up to 35% of its llUIDI total investment portfolio to the county pool. At the same time, the policy limiu its investment in reverse repurchase agrccmcrits, or investments made from loans, to 10%. Because the county's in- vestment pool heavily relics on reverse repurchase agreements, the city has at times exceeded its policy. "We could have had as much as 45% of our portfolio invested in reverse repurchase aareemcnts if we'd had 35% in the county pool and then another 10% made by the staff,'' said Councilwoman Sandy Genis. "Our pool invest· mcnt should not cause us to ex· cced what we have set in our pol· icy." Currently, the city bas $3 mil- lion invested in the county pool, accounting for about 6% of its total 1m.'cstment portfolio. About $2.6 million of that investment is on behalf of the city, while the LOCAUONLY remaining portion belongs to the Redevelopment Agency. Over the past six months, the city has withdrawn St 1 million from the fund. And, the city recently submit· tcd a request to withdraw nearly all of its remaining $2.6 million from the pool for payment to- ward an employee retirement fund. However, Thursday's events thwarted that request. · "Our request to withdraw was placed . in good faith roughly two weeks prior to any announcement of changes," said City Manager Alan Roeder. "1 have every e~­ pectation that t he rcque~t \\111 be honored and that we will recche those funds." The county has said ·it "ill withho1d 20% 1f an agency pulls its principal· out of the pool. However. investors "ill be al· ... C1n /Pe1ea NUMUU · Newport-Mesa officials remain · confident about investments Bv MAllY A."":-1 li.A.Jutos, SIAFF \\'1.rrn NE\\PORT-~1ESA -Desp1£ only a \Crb:il gu.u:intec on 1hc1r S47 million imc)1m1:nt :ind the county trea~uror's re)ign:Hion amid chJrge) ht: m1)h.indled th:it mone), f"c" port· ~k)a :.chool de.· tnct ofhc1.il \1n• Monday re- mami:d conllJ~ot that th.!ir in· \CStments ate ~c~ure. Newpon-Mc,J. Unified School District 0111~1.il, !la} 1he district could lo~c S-!,00,000 1n interest from th\! counl} IO\estment pool. which recent!) suffered a S 1.5 bil· lion loi.i.. D istrict offic1als said MondJy they arc concerned about 1he re- cent chain of C\ cols, but ha' e fnilh lhat the SH-million imest- ment made from borro\\ed fund) \\ill be pro1ccted by 1he counl~ against los!les th:it could come from changing interest rates. "Ob' iously this is :i situation "e Jr<: extremely concerned about, but we went into it with :i gu:iran- tce oC our pr111~1pal and an insur- ance policy that ga'c us a guaran- tee ag:iinsl interest rate fluCtUJ· uons,;; s:ud Superintendent Mac Bernd. . ''But. if all 1hc agcmcies will stay '\\ nh the county a!I ihey did "hen they onginall) lmeste<l., the situa- tion c:io be reconciled." . Dbmct off1~1als ha .. e only a \crbJI guarantc:c of such CO\.er:ige from Citron. ''ho ubg1iucd h1) rcMgnation to count) )upcl'\ 1sor:. Mund:iy. When trustees \Olc<l to borrow SH m1lhon m Juni: to join the pvvl \\ilh t"ine Unified, North Orange Count~ Commuruty Col- lege D1~mc1 and the Orange County Dcp.utmcnt of Educauon, they bough1 a S'.!60,000 "cap" to protect ns am e~tmcnl in case in· terei.t rares dropped This practice 1s not unusual for thi~ size of an imestment, said Michael Fine, the district's fisc:il services director. Through the S47 malli6n mvcst- menl, the d~tnct hoped to raise about $1 milhon a )e~r in rev· enues. And th!lt worked last year, ~ith Nc\\port-Mesa gaining $1.l nullion in first-year returns. Under the \erbaJ agreement ~•th the county, the principal i ... ICMOOU/lleee • INDIX ' BUSINESS FAX631 -5902 NEWS FAX 646-4170 Cttyside .. .. .................. 2 Classified ..................... 11 Day One In the Newport Harbor High Sailors' march to Friday's Clf football Utle game Is chronicled; and anomer sailOf, negotiates the waves In a unique way, by remote control. See SpcMs, Pap 7 Gary Monahan took his seat as the newest member of the Costa Mesa City Council Monday night then participated In se~ng Joe • Erk:bon to serw as the dty's new mayor. Boch Monahan and • Councilman Peter Buffa - who last month won a third term on the council -took their oaltls ol office durtns Monday's Oty Council meeting. Manwbfle, the · ' members bid farewell to Jay Humphrey, who served one term on the council. Erickson, who is in his first term on council, will serw • rnqor for two yelll. He w Jeledled by a 5-0 vote. Buffa was daen Yloe mayor, ., by• s~ vm. . . . CLASSIFIED M2-5678 HOTLINE 642-6086 NfWSROOM 540-1224 SPORTS· 642-i330 .. 1111 COVIii The paintl~ on top " page 1 is by local artist Mlrilt~TIMlfl For more information on palntinp, all 546-0784. .. Correspondence ............ J legal Notices ................. I Police F1le5 ...................... 2 Sf)<>l'U-••••••••• IT• •• ' ••••••••••••• 7 T1iie Verd kt. ..................•. J Wea~ ..........•........•.... 2 .. • .. T~. Decemberl, f9M Newport &eachleosta Mela Deity PUot LOCALS ONLY CITY EDITOR ~ YOXOJ, S40-1124, en. 361 In the Ce::iturc "LOOk.iog Sa.ct" was a rucc compilation o( in(ormauon about Gabriclino. lndian~ one of the many Lnbcs of Indians that inhabited Southern California for hundreds, · perhaps tbou~nds, of )Cars. Yer author Anne Spinn lc3ves the impression that the Gabr~cTino ba\e simply vanished. Though few in numbers, their descendants are spread throughout the Southland. and several factions are active in promoting the n:.itivc: culture. ._ As one of SO-plus trained naturalists ;11-Upper Ne~pon B:iy, l r~gularly include dttitils about tbe ·G~brielino, or Ton~a (People of the Earth}. on tours. Their U>C of plants for food, medicine, buiJdjng materials and . 1 bai.le1s. d)eS, etc. is merely one facet of their soc1et) I find lOO important to let fall b:. 1he "ayside. 1111 Of HOTUlll How safe are waT Opinions vary greatly ' We huve been residents for the past 10 years; we have two elem~ntary school children, ages 4 an~ 6; and we feel that Costa Mes<1 and N~"".por1 Beach parks and beaches ace the safest in the county. , RICK AND CHRISTIE PALOMBO Costa Mesa 0 I th ink that 1he ofCicia}s, wh~ever they might, be are covering their treads in the sand. Si~ce we have lived_here, O'(e'r these many . years, my wife and l qoth feel much less . secure today than we did even five years ago. I wprry when my wife goes out at nigh t, and we Jive in a nice neighborhood, and we have a very sophis1ica1ed alarm system, we have alarms on both of our cais, but we feel rr.i.1ch Jess secure than we did say five years ago for severalrea.sons. __ _.L _ _ Thc:1r d1i.persal and en.slavement during.Jlle-\1~ion P-eriod ~ethlfli 1hat need> 10 be recalled; the treatment -of-N11t1\"C Americal15' 1hroug.hout this country is truly one of 1he dark chapters in our hj.sto~. The !.quandering of thetc culture continues still, and will until the Gabrielino and other: tribes regain their federal status, and therefore their tribal lands. The Gabrielino Indians haven't vanished, but their way of life in Costa Mesa certainly did during mission rule. · One the number of homeless people we see ~ewg thc_hlr«Ls...Lfcel sori:y for - these folks .1 know the)Ci:e..hungcy,-1,also know they 'P.robably could get a job doing something 1f th ey wan1ed lo. AMY LIITOJ\ Costa Mesa The rise of girls' sports I'd like to make a comment regarding Newport Harbor's (girls' volJe)baU) victory over Santa Cruz. You know that gender inequ,alities about attitude and performance are rapidly . disappearing v.hen you wa1ch the Newport Harbor Tars women's 'olleyball team annihilate Santa Cruz .... Harbor on Nov. 29:-- After the game the men stood in line to l>hake hands, hug, kiss, get autographs, and otherwise congratulate the· v.omen athletes. The largest and i.trongest of the football players embraced the smallest of the volle}'ball players. What a nrce sight. You 've come a long way, athletes. "-MICHAEL A. GLUECK \. Newport Beach letter js unconscionable. Jean is my Balboa Island council person. And as a \Olunteer for this city, J have worked \lo1lh Jean on many,issues other than the em·ironment or Measure A. She is thoughtful, intelligent, gracious and wise, always interested in her constituency a.nd the betterment of our ci ty. On the ot.her band, Mr. Johnson's use of the word boondoggle is a dead gi,eaway of his narrow, bitte.r stance. · on tity issues. I'm sorry that we have to bear that mentality in Newport Beach: PA ITY LILLEGRA VEN Balboa Island Keep no-drug inessaee going Thank you for the excellent coverage the Daily Pilot gave to Newport-Mesa Unified School District during Red Ribbon Week. Activities district-wide were too numerous to mention thanks lo th~ efforts of a dedicated staff and manv wonderful PTA volunteers. · witness daily the horrors of motel Hf e. This motel serves as home to many prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and runaways. This motel never sleeps. At any given hour, one can watch fights, drug dealer overdoses or streetwalkers climbing into some loser's car. The parking Jot behind my stQre is a drive-tbru drug store and a short cut to the nearest liquor store. The pay phones serve as corporate offices for these people's elicit.trade~. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry on Than1csgiving when I saw one of the local prostitute's wearing a Santa Claus hat -maybe the jolly old man had• · just paid her a visit. . Last week I called the police to report a young boy playing on the roof of my shop, and as I wa.J on the phone, this budding piece of wtrfie trash threw a large light bulb into our parking lot. . Junior turned a deaf ear to the police's verbal warning as he returned t<> bis · perch a few days later. ~ A few"months ago, two. unsupervised brats were having a water pistol fight, with pesticide containers1 When one of the neighboring employees tried to mine to a better city. 0 DAVID JAMES Costa Mesa ·As a former social worker, I'm not even going to read the article on .. The faces of the Coastal Inn." I think the front·page picture says it all. When people who· can't take care of themselves have more children ... it's f)O wonder us taxpay~cs are just fed up. That's all I have to say. • JEAN LARAINE Newp<)rt Coast Behind ponce 1,000% Regarding the West Newport Community Pride meeting, it is apparent the Newport Beach Police Department has put much thought and planning into the new community enforcement. Please let's put away some past experiences and move forward. Thank you, Newport Beach· Police Department. We are J ,000% · percent be~in'd you. · 0 LEO RAGAN Costa Mesa I am a retired deputy probation officer, and l served on the Juvenile Justice Commission foe ~ix years and was foreman of the Grand Jury in the curly '80s, aQd 1 am currently se rving on 1hc l-iatbor Region· Gang Strategy Sub-Commiuee. Therefore, I know Why"most Orang.e County residents are fe arful of crime. Howeve r, 1hose of us who live in Newport Dench, shop in the area and go to the beach and parks arc safe becau>e we have a wonderful '1olice department th:it protects us. Last year my car was >tolcrLin.San ta Ana, and becau~e ihe garage door opener and personal items about me were in the car, the Newport Beach Police Department watched my home area to protect me Uf!til the car was found. Crime in our city is low, and v.e are very fucky to haw a great police department. . ELLEN WILCOX Ne,., port Beach O· · Hooray for Hedges It ·is important that the no drug-use message continues throughout the year. Schools need the family, law enforcement, religious instilutions, business, social services, city government and most importantly the media to help us insure a safe and healthy community for our children. · intervene, she was sprayed in the face with bug killer. LAURA WALL Newport Beach How would Marble have handled It? I fe el pretty i.afe in. Ne\\ port Deach. The other nigh1 I. was walking out front "•ith'my bicycle and fou r cops slopped me, !>earched "me, continu~d searching me do\\n at my socks, my pockets, for no reason at aH, just walking my bicycle out to the road. How gratif)ing 11 is to sec John Hedges, with h1~ agenda of limited government, unan1mousl_x elected mayor of 1'e .... port Beach~ Hopefuily, he v.111 bring some sense to this city, }\ hich seems to' filled with a lot of pi.eudo-Rcpublicans and NIMBYs ., -cNot Jn My Bllck Yarders), who feel growth is good for C\erywhere but Ne....,port Dcach. There are ~till many of us v.ho are not )Cl retired and do need the opportunity to make some money in this area BARRY ZANCK Newpo~t Beach · LYNNE BLOOMBERG Drug Prevention Specialist Newpor"kMesa l)nified School District More on the Coastal Inn Transients sleep in the bushes, urinate in public, pass out on ~idewalks, and leave their drug paraphernalia within reach of all, especially curious, unsupervised children. These ace but a few-of the true-life stories of my lovely 'neighbors. Shootings, stabbings, assaults and burglaries are but a few of the newsworthy items tha1 have bccurred at this motel. Costa Mesa is no longer the sleepy neighbor to the beach it once was, and these mQtels no longer provide tourists with a night's rest. I'm glad to see Costa Mesa crack.i11g down on one of · As avid readers of every column in the Daity Pilo~, Art and I left home at the wrong time. When we returned to· . scads-of mail and newspapers we only skimmed our favorite columnists and missed Steve Marble's Nov. 16 downplay of Newport. Beach mayoral responsibilities. Yes, Ne\\port Beach is safe, ma)be too safe. · · . 0 non SCHELL y NC\\ port J3each . I read your tlrl icle on the UCI suf\cy and was just amazed that you wrote the entire article without any reference. to the findings that the people of Orange County :ire very much interested in gun control. l'm curious as to why yov lcf1 off lhal very crucial piece of information. Defending Jean Watt This is a letter in resporue. to the "Troubled motel may be closed" story (Nov. 26). As a neighbor to a Costa Mesa motel, I was delighted to see that the Costa Mesa Planning Commission may be shutting down one of these motels. This wilJ hopefully resolve the non-attention to these blights of the society. . these dumps. ~ l wonder how Marble would have handled the ''bell and high water" that Mayor Turner ca4nly fought through wiLh fuecess during his two years as ma)!or. Here's our thanks to Mayor Clarence "Bus" Turner for all eight years on the Newport Beach City · Council. • ls it because our local congressmen are so supportive of National RiOe Association arid so opposed to gun control? Anyway, I found it a very curious article th at it would just present one side of that very important UCI study. · . 1 don't know Randy Johnson, but I do I.now Jean Wall. And to write such a ( run a business next .to a motel, and There are, however, many more to go. Hopefully, Costa Mesa will shut down these "businesses''. before I move ClnllDI MARGARET E. JOHNSON Newport Beach CATHRINE YOUNG Corona del Mar Corona del Mar High music · program takes its show .on the road Services Wednesday for Retta Rothman Nolan ... Bv ALuv A."N H.Aa.MoN, ST.v1 Wa.rru. Variety show, and about 80 students will participace by singing, dancing or performing comedy skit$, With a bunch of trombones, a tuba or two, a few trumpets and an arrangement of strings and woodwinds, a group of . seventh· and eighth-graders from Corona del Mac High School will take a holiday show to Long Beach on Wednesday. The show is open to all students who want to perform, said Angela Woo, director of music for Corona del Mar High School. Choir and orchestra members will join other !oludent> to add rhythm and entertainment to the holiday of some 100 veterans at the Veterans Ad!llinistration Medical Center Nursing Home. "It's a great event," she said. "The emotion you see on their (veterans) faces ranges from joy to tears. It's just intense." "' The gi;oup's line-up of acts is a must-see, according lo parent Paul Oartlau, whose seventh-grade daught~r This is the school's 14th annual Talent/ liiiijPliL VIL a , NO. m 1110011• II. Joh11.011, Pubhihtr Wllllam Lobdell, Editor Sttvt Marblt; Man1&1n1 E.d11or Im Yokol, City Ed11or Mire Marlln. Pholo Ed110r IMI f nnk, Orculallon Millll&er ll111k Knl11.bt. Production Manaacr Mlrl>ul •lrtdltr, Oi5pl1y M1n11cr Jud1 ~lllna. Clau1ficd M111alcr Praillod Shall, Co111r0Ucr llADIU MOTLINI •·41·•••• YOllr rotnmcnta about the Daily Pilot or newa llpl will be r«0rdcd on'1 aJvtn dlrcC'll)' 10 Editor Wll· llilm ~II. Tiie .. me U ·hour 11nJ11>trln1 tcrvkc m11y be 11tcd to rc<:Ofd lcllCll 10 1hc editor on anr IQPic. l MAIUNO ADDUSI Our addreu is 330 W. Bay St , eo.ui Mua, CA 92627. TO MAXI A coaa1CTION 11 u the riloc'1 policy w promptly ~rca all ctmrs or aub.WlC<. Plcuc call S40· I l24: ut. 363. Thank )"OU. "' The Ncwpon 8cilclVCos11 Mcu Daily Pilot (USVS-144-800) ir. publ~hcd Mond.iy throush Sauir· dt y, In Newport Dcach and C.O.ca Mcu, subM:riplioni arc only 1vall-1btc by sublcriblna 10 The Times 011n1c County (800) 252-9141. In areas ouUldc of Ncwpon Beach 1nd aitui· Meo. iublcripcionl to 1ho Daily PjJQt only ar~ a\'ailabk b)' mail fOf SS.SS per month. Sec. ond claaa f>O'l•&C paid II a.a Mef.I, CA. (Prices Inc.Jude all 1p- pUc1l>lc atatc and Jocjl tuea.) l>OSTMASTER· Send addrca ch1111cs to The Newport Bcadll Cot.ta MCM Oa1ly Pilot, P.O. BOii 1560. CM(a Mc•t, CA 9'2626. Copyriaht: No newt •toriel, JI. . . lllSlrations, cdilorilll maucr or'.ad· vcnilemcnu bcrcill can be rcpro- dll()Cd without wri11cn penni1&lon of copyri&ht owner. MOW lO UACM UI Circulation (The Times Orange County) . (800) 252-9141 Advenlsla1 Classified 642·5678 Display 642-4321 EcUtorlaJ News 540.1224 Sports 642-4330 News, Sports Fax 646-4170 Malo Omce Business Office 642-4321 Busi~css fu 631·5902 J>ubhahcd by ~-ConvnUl\lty Jl;cwt, a Tuna M.imlf Company Lisa<>a....,,. ... Pru.dmc and CEO W Je~nifer is learning to play the oboe. "All the musical talent of kids came together for a very enjoyable and enlightening performance," he said. "Angela Woo just does a real fine job - she's a credit to humanity." The performance opportunity also gives the students a chance to practice what they've been learning in the classroom. "l think every performance gives them another experience and it's valuable," Woo said. "You can't learn hands-on performing by reading it out of a book - . . WIATHIR TIMPI UTU&U Newport Beach 64/50 Bal be>. 64/SO CosuMua 67/49 COrolfa del ~' wso IUUfOUCAIT LOCATION SIZE Wedge ~.= liver Jetty c~ IOAnNe 1-2 • 1·2 • 1·3 • 1·3 ' 1·2 I U&hl variable wlftd't this morning lhllting west 1 S bob lhl• afternoon and 1111K6dlna to U"'I Y.atlable Wrlndt by ton1PL Wind waves 1 to 2 feet, westerly 1well 3 feet. Sides will dear by thl• • afletp00n after low morning doudf and .altered are.u of fog. TIDU TODAY flrst low 4:52 L M, '"'""' 2.2 first high 10:55 a..m ........ 5.8 Second low 6:10 P·"'· .0.6 Secot1d hl'1 aft•r mldri1ght wtDNESDAY Flrtl high U :S7 a.m ........ 4.2 First low 6:01 a.m .......... 2.3 Second hip 11:51 a.m ........ s.o Second low 7:04 p.m. ····-··· 0.0 W.W e.mp.:. S9 they have to do it. "This program also gives them a sense · of purpose, especially in this setting. II rea.Jly stresses.responsibility and teamwork and they .know th.flt they have to be accountable for their own parLS. And especially with this audience, it is greatly appreciated." ln addition to-the entertainment, students will also de liver holiday· cheer, gifts and refreshments. Artwork wilt be provided by seventh· and eighth-grade art classes. Retta Rothman Nolan of Corona del M¥ died at her home Saturday. A former court reporter and a native of Penns}'lvania, Mrs. Nolan was 91. Mrs. Nolan is survived by her brother Elmer Rothman of Virginia; one son, James Seman of Irvine; th.ree grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Graveside servicts will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Mt., Sinai Memorial Park in · Los Angeles. Arrangements are by Saddlcback Chapel of'Tustin . ·POLICI FILES COITA MUA 1600 block of Wallace S&net A purse and n wallet, worth a combined $19, were reported sT<jlen from a home that wns left unlocked while the residents were away at a stora1e area (or about a half·hour. '" block of BrookYlew Way: A cellular phone and a palm-sized computer were reported u 1tolen from a car thllt was broken into through a smashed window. The hems were worth $1,400. I'" block ol Tu1U11 Ave nut: A $3,000 Role~ watch was reportedly stolon from a rnan'a dresacr by aomeonc who walked into the bedroom of a home that mar. have been left unlocked, a police report 1a1d. llOO 81odt ol Miner; Some $1,350 worth of personal property -includin& a lV, VCR, portable stereo, and a glass jewelry cabinet with IOCl\t jewelry inside -was rep0rled as ••olcn liom a home that apparcotly was Jen ulllock.ed. · NIWNllTllACM Jal Mock el Via Udo: Someone rcpotledly .. removed the t·tops off of a 1981 Porche Caterra and took :a boxed AM·fM stereo from the re:ar scat. Before leaving thc suspect decided to leave a thank you of shons e~ched on the hood: "HI" and "Hll Jin." 3300 bloc\ or.Jrvlne Avenue: Two computers a11d other computer equipment -worth Sl2,500 -were reported as•stolcn from a business. 1600 block or Sea Bcll Clrtle: Ei3ht SlOO·bllls were reported as 11olcn from a home th:it showed no apparent sl&115 or Corc~d entry. Vlata l.Arado Ii Vista Dtl Oro: Someone set fire to the wnlls, tollets nnd doon in unlocknbl~ balhrooms·A._ll private community pool. The llrson domo1c w~so'I listed in a police report. · · I TIP O•TM• DAY • Whe never poqlblc travel with a Ctlend. Kee p your car ln aood workina order cspcc'4Uy before 1Qn1 lript, •nd the P' tank at least halt full • • . . ... . Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot .. .. Tuesday, December 6, 1984 I · . ~ Death of Kuchel cuts another strand from strings to youth T he recent death t>C Cotmer United States Senator Thomas H. Kuchel cut another of the few remaining threads to my youth. During the early 130s, Tommy Ku~~e~ and I were campus polat1c1ans at the University or Southern California. I now recognize that oU'r political careers at the. university wete really matters of almost awesome unimportance, but at the time they seemed terribly important. Tommy was a year ahead of me in ~hool, so when he was president of the ju1lior dass, I was president of the sophomore class. And, when he, as a senior, was president of the College or Letters, Arts and Dispute between ".....-.Inds. , In stabbing COSTA MESA -A dis- pute between two Costa Mesa neighbors resulted in a stabbing late Saturday night at an apartment com· plex in the 1900 block of Wallace Avenue, according ' to a report from the Costa Mesa Police Department. Stuart Maclean; 39, re- ceived three stab wounds to the side and chest area from a four-inch serrated kitchen knife. Maclean, who also was reportedly punched in the face, was take n to West· ern Medical Center in Santa Ana, where he was listed in stable condition. · MacLean's neighbor, 43- year old John Connell, was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weap· on. H.e is currently being held in Costa Mesa city jail on $50,000 bail and is sched- uled to be arraigned today at Harbor Municipal Court. Acco rding to the police report, Maclean turned off Connell's electricity because Connell was playing loud music. Connell responded .by shutting off Maclcan's elec- tricity · The two men confronted each other outside the apartments and a fight erupted, according to Costa Mesa Police Officer George Wilson, the department's spokesman. Science, I, as a junior, was chairman of the legislative council Rubert Glieal' The Verdict of that college. Wow! Double ·wow! When we went to law school we left that foolishness of campus politics behind but remained good friends and • studied together constantly. Since Tommy was a better student than I, 1 -----benefited from that arrangement. ASK ABOUT ... VALUE PRICED GIFTS/'. Cheese Balls & Logs Now any 2 for $6.99 or 3 for $9.99 12 oz. SJ 99 C:l We graduated from law school, passed the bar and both started to practice law in Orange county, Tommy in Anaheim, I in Balboa. Tommy was a member of an old Anaheim family that had come to Anaheim before the Civil War. His father, who was·bJind, was publisher of a local paper and Tommy's incroductjon to politics camo from reading th~ Congressional Record to his father. · Al about that time our careers separated. I went into judiciary and Tommy went into politics. Unfortunately for his long term ambitions, Tommy was a member of the so·called Progressiye branch of the Republican Party. That . , Beautiful Ha.Ir.I ~ e4#-£u,.e te U6 MINOIWOMEN SHORT HAIR Reg. 120 w/ad 115 LONG HAIR Reg. 125 w /ad 120 PERM & CUT Reg. 165 w/ad 145 WEAVE & CUT Reg. 165 w/ad 145 * W. .,,. only JH'O!euionol ~ * • ~II • Redken • Poul Mitchell • Nexxvs • Sebastion & Fromesi Melt Away Mints 2 Bags for $5.99 tChm1m:i-Colo"' A\ailable) 16 0 1_ SJ 49c::i WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th at Irvine Ave., Newport Beach •Send A Gift By Phone 642·.4302 A Full Service H~lth Club For Men And Women • Cardiovascular Center • Exercise Classes • Personal Fitness Training • Complete Spacious Gym Dedicated to personalized service since 1982. ln Westcliff Plua • 1080 Irvine Ave-(at 17th St.) Newpon Beach • 631-3623 • branch of the pany was started by Theodore Roosevelt and carried on by such men as former governors of California Hiram Johnson and Earl Warren. Today they would be called moderate Republicans, which to the · conservative branch of the party is synonymous with being a traitor. Tommy was first elected to the state Assembly, then to the .state Senate. He became a protege of Governor Warren, who first l\ppointed Tommy to'the position of state controller and later to the United States Senate. Tommy was later elected to each office with large pluralities. . RUFFELL'S ' UPHOLSTEIY lllC . • ... ,_ ..... C.... len! llt2 -llll... CISTA IU&-Wl-111& In the United States Senate Tommy quickly became a leader and was selected by his fellow Republicans as the Senate whip, the second most powerful position of that body. He served in the Senate for 16 years and was the last major office holder of the Progressive branch of th e Republican Party in California. In ·1968 Tommy was denied hi.s third term in the senate when the .conservative branch or his party ran an obscure right-wing educator named Max Rafferty for nomination, Rafferty edged out Tommy<for the nomination then went on and was slaughtered by AJan Cramton, a liberal Democr:it, in the general election. Cranston then went on and served in the Senate for more than 20 years. Everyone concedes that Tommy would have beaten Cranston in the general election, the conservutive Republic:uts knew it but were happy to get rid of moderate Tommy Kuchel. Such is the reality of partisan politics. Thomas Henry Kuchel was a good man ~ho deserved better treatment a1 lhe hands of his own party. Robert Gardner, D Corona de/ Alar resident, is q rctirtd judge and author of ''Bandy Balboa" Cbrlstmas T ee Jamboree The Best Nob">le Fir ever · had!. ~-~ 'NO.THE OVER $2698 +tax Noble Firs, Douglasfus Grand Firs &.. Table Tops. We have twine, STAND&.. LABOR FRlll r-----------------------~, I SAVE ~~:,~s$200 :Qff I I Beautiful 20" -24" Noble Fir Wreath I I r l I d Pine Cones. Holly .. Bow> lnduded I L _;,.__ •• ---------~--~~~~L321 I .., LOT ~ Pitcc $16.951 GRAND .OPENING , Order your Holiday Pies ··Now 203 Marine Ave., Balboa Island -673-4447 s- J A Free $25 Gift Certificate To 111e J.C. Penney catalog! Enjoy Ci~ Free -For A Month! lcs ltke <l shopping spree 1n your own home Your S25 gift cemf1C,1re is our gift co you So. buy ch.1c speci..11 someof'le or yourself a g1fHheres chous,mds co choose from ·' Sac b.:<k ?.nd en;ov some Cl me \ears oesc reawre 1 ms els (111t'fl'l( \ p•em1eres ,, new oon ptc; .... e e-v~ Fnd..~ rnghc Wim Cinem..11' tree 1.;)( a m..."lfl OL"' H e<°" pacl.age 1s cr1>-S3b 99. These Gifts /Ve Youn When You Order Our 3-Star Package: Enchanted Selvke HBO and Onemax .. TIM excftetMnt ....., stops wtttt Ille depth of Cw.st C•ltll'vfdoft) lncMntecl s.rvtce. From ITlOVles ana spam co music and comedy-pm9ramm1ng you wont find on ordinary TV You II rt.'Ceive The Dtsney Channel 1.Vhere you n d1scovt'1 ortg1ml mCMes WOOderlul musJC <lnd c~ spec1<1ls All top-qu..'lhcy fa~encerta1nmem 24 hours a c:kiy ,ind commerc1<1I free To comptece your entem11nmenc pcx~ige Md Cln•MD gives you mt Wldesc variety of encerta1nmenl "" fCY OOtt S36 99 for your first month. and S4 I 99 eacn monm criere.1~er Give me 91~ d entt:~nai~c co y<XJf fl'VTllly Md erlJO)' me gifts we h.M (CY you -bur do I[ fX>N When 1994 IS over, ~o IS ctis otfeft ·~COMCAST • · (7141 54Z-6ZZZ ( .. •• .. _.\ 4 Tueaday, December 6, 1994 ........ 1 guaranteed and the cap prolects uguinsl losses that might come from ch anging interest rates, dis· trier oCfici:ils said. Even though this a$reemen1 is not in writing, Fine s:ud he is not worried because no principal hns been lost, and he doesn't expect that to happen. And trustees defended their de- cision to invest in this mann er, saying they were thoroughly briefed by independent financial :.idvbers and bond counselors. Tru;tces Jim deBoom and For· rc:.t Werner said they were swayed by the insurance and the county's TREASURER Fro111 P••• 1 Treasurer Matthew Raabe will· scf\C as Acting County Treasurc!r until a replacement i~ determined. The supervisors, emerging from a t\\O·hour clo:.ed session, gave no comment about lhe resignation or about the fate of the county in· vestment pool. The board will re- convene for another closed session meeting at 9:30 this mornin,g and c\ery morning tllerea(te(, if need be. .. We can cancel if we don't need 1t," Supervisor Tom 'Riley said after the meeting. "Out this is the top priority of any item I've seen since I've been on the Board of Supel'\il>or:.." Riley said he did not know if Citron's replacement would be ap- poin1ed by 1hc board or by Gover- nor Pete Wibon or if the new treasurer would be de termined by special election. Schneider could' not be reJched for comment Mon- day night. Citron has been under fire since guarantee. Werner aaid Citroa•1 »year track record aJso helped turn hit wte into a ''yes." De Boom also noted that tbc district has few invtitment op- portunities since it has to work with the county -a practice he thinks needs some reform. He said he would like to sec state legisJa- fion passed to allow districts in- vestment alternatives. He said he hopes the Orange County School Board Association will take up the issue. Though school districts are re- quired by state law to put their funds into the county ·poot, each individual district can decide whether to secure additional funds for investm'ent purposes. Newport- the disclosure last week that the treasurer's fin ancial maneuverings have caused the $20 billion invest· ment fund lo decrease in value by 20%. As th e pool's 180 investoQ._ -• including cities, school disrricts and special agencies - spent the weekend determ ining the safety of their . respccti~ investments, a handful of local politicians began to call for q tron's ouster. Just hours before Citron submit- ted his resignation, Moorlach sent u euer to_ Schnelder .o11eting bis.. assistance in a proposed oversight committee to handle the county's investment pool. · Moorlach said the offer will stand, even if the board selects another person to re- place Citron. "I'm extending an offer to help ·because l'm a private citizen, and probably the most informed on the pool," he said. "I've spent lots of time on this. thing. The election didn't end it for me. I've been mee ti ng wit h th e school district, with the ci ty. "Being a prophet is a tough jo9. Your personal integ.rity is at stake. --·~ 629 .t.n WI/. #20 • Costa Mesa 722-0420 n Mon. -Fri. 9-5 • S/ncl! 1974 Make Those Patios & Entries, Beautiful Call now & have it for Christmas Jim Jennings CUSTOM MASONRY 170 E. l 7TH ST. • SUfTE 206 ·COSTA MESA (714) 645-8512 State License #392707 Let Jim Jennings install your complete yard hardscape: •&'Pert brick, block; stone, tile, slate and . concrete work •Can recomme nd rui.ty dcsig~ers • 1tv worl< m ta Mesa & Newport Beach s ince 1969 •Drainage problems'? We Solve them WAg talcea clatuiee and be t&ap~Ud? the comnn'llf _t~ ha ~[lftl t~. of customers for OrH!I' Bf yean. DOUBLE TAX-f REf MBIA INSURED 1~.10% --13.21% Tux-Free Yield to Maturity Approximate Tuxablt Equivalent Yield' Anaheim, California Electric Utility «P RaUng: AAA Moody's Ratine: Coupon: 5.625% Yield to Call: Maturity: 10/0lfl2 Call Date: Price: 82.53 Call Price: AAA 8.80% 04/0llOJ 102 • In thl '"'""on of I~ &11111 CounstJ, mltrtsl "" lht Bonds /1 urmpt from State and ftdirol tans f 39 6" Ftdtrol and 11 (lilt Slaftl Wt ocm and o6tr sub}«l lo pnor salt or change at pnct F'or more information, call DallieJ C. Ho111JJ S.nlor Vice Pnalcleat -lnwatmcnu (714) 476-5126 620 Newport Center Or. • Suite 1300 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 Kemper Securities, Inc. Member NYSE • Member SIPC .. Mcaa tn&l&Ccs OOUd to do IO when &My borrowed tho $47 •DHon. But tho wholo county derivative deal seemed too risky for truatce Ed ~cker, who wted atona with trustee Judy Franco aaainst bor· rowing the money. "I never took the auarantee se- riously since Mr. Citron was work· ing with taxpayer funds -how could he guarantee our invest· men1?" Decker said. "l voted no because l felt the risk was too great and I felt Mr. Citron was far too arrogant and careless with laxpayer money to say it could be guaranteed. To " guarantee our loss would mean he'd have to take money out of someone else's funds." And IOIOC membcn of the ICbool Mm•HDi'Y critidzcd the ~·· mi.we ln&o this typo ot hi&b·yield, but higb·rist. i.ovcst· ment. John Gardner, an empJoyee ~nefits consultant and a Newport-Mesa parent. said the In- vestment was .. ,tupid and greedy" on both the district and the coun- ty'• part because there wu more to lose than there was to gain. "It's an extremely dumb bet be- cause the up side is limited to 4% and the downside is unlimited:• .he said. "You never take a leveraged risk unless your losses arc fixe<I and modest. It is incredibly iJ11pru· dent and incredibly irresponsible for anyone to think they could People accuse you of being an he were appainted to the post. alarmist and all sorts of things." While Citron's resignation sur- Moorlach became Citron's prised some, Bergeson said the ac- harshest critic six months ago, call-tion wasn't totally unexpected. ing him a "gambler" with the tax· "With all of the political pres- payers'. money. And, Moorlach sures, l think it made it difficult to cautioned against what affect the -take any other course. of action," rising interest rates would have on she said. the county's investment in risky, But William Woollett Jr., chief high-yield bonds. executive officer of the Transpor- M oorl ach' s beliefs caused talion Corridor Agencies, ex- former Sen. Marian Bergeson to pressed surprise at the resignation. withdraw her endorsement. "He's given so many years of But on Monday, Bergeson -outstanding service," said Wool- who will ~me a county supervi lett, who attended Monday's board sor in January -said she would hearing, "which is why we chose to give Moorlach her full support if put money into the fund." PHILHARMONIC • ORANGE COUNTY -SOCIETY The American Society of Interior Designers/O.C. /YA pmmts oioliday Decorating -Lido Style The Orange County Philharmonic Society. jnvius you to view Lido Isle homes especia/Jy decor_attd for the holidays by Orange County's top Msigners. ~ 12 noon -6 p.m.\ Saturday & Sunday, December 10 & 11 \ light Refeshmmts • $15 per person • Infomuuion: 714-723-4650 ~liday Oecor~ting -Lido Style Prease send us ___ tickets(s) at $15 each, for a total of$_ 1 Name _____________________ Phone ....,... __________ __ Address ______________________________________ ~ Malu chuk-payabk to: ~ · UDO ISLE COMMIITEE. OCPS. Mail chedt1 11111/J rhiJ coupon and a swnped, ulf-adtlmud "rum rnwlope to: Lido Isle Committee, OCPS c/o Orange County PhilharmoniCSociety - 2082 Business Center Drive. Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92715 ~i Mail orders muJt he postm~rlud by Dec. 6. 1ic/ms availllbk at the Joor. ~~' me JOin us at our regular monrhly General Membership Meeting Refreshmenrs at ~o P.M. Program Begins at 6:00 P.M . .l GUESTS WE[COME · Thenkl for vlaltJnc Newport Beach SAR><. Upper Nev.tpQrt Bay. MacArth ur Boulevard ... These are jusr a fevv of the ma1or public works projeds that w ill have a dramatic 1mpaa on the quahty of hfe 1n Nev.tport Beach today and forever. Nev.tport Beach Public Works Director Don Webb and Cooperative Projects Engineer John Wolter will give a brief overviev.t of these and other public works projects 1n the planning loop. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1994 THE VILLA NOVA RESTAURANT 31 31 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach \ \, ' , I ~ -------.:: Call the Contractors that can provlcle you with all of your ·Landscape <lrtd Masonry needs. • PC1'901181.lud DceJgn. wtth Complete lAncblcapc lft8taUat1009 • Over 40 Ycan of CombtMd Sen1ce 1n Onnge Coemty • Mcfercncea Th_roughout Onnce County FARNSWOR111 ' IANDSCAPE COMPANY 548-5132 1.tc. J-121070 'GLASSEIL - MASONRY COMPANY 434-7744 Lk.M80148 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot inab easy money out there." Besides he added, interest rates have bee~ 1te4dily rising and the district and the county should ha\IC realized that the trend would con· tinue. ''The real business people in ~e community are shocked and dis· mayed that this happened 10 the district and other municipalities," Gardner said. "They had to have the brains enough to run out of that exit when the lights went off." Another parent, Dana ~la~k, said she is surprised the d1stnct got caught up in this kind of deal, especially since financial mauers are guided by Fine, a m:in she credits for working tirelessly to clean up after former budget di· With $306 mjllion invested in the pool, the TCA is the pool's fourth largest investor. Decausc the investrnent . represe nts a rela· tively small portion of one...of the .TCA's projects, howeve r, Wbollc_tl said the · investment was not ID jeopardy. rector Stephen Wapcr cmbcalcd S4 million in district f uada. "It seems the lu t thing they would wanl to do is invc5t money they didn't have," said Black, :i local real c~tate agent and mcm. bcr of the budget watchdog group ''Gang o( Five" launched in 1991- 92. ''lt may be a great source of funds, but why would )'OU ri~l funds that ~ou don't have?" Black s:ud she is saddened th:it the district is again locked in "cri- sis management,'' taking attention and energy away from the students in the classroom. "It's unfortunate (the district) is not moving forward as far as 1m-1 plementing the terrific things that were identified in education with ou r new administrators/' she said. Other invc)IO 'a c less confi . dent. Representali s from the city of Newport lleac which ha) $16 million invf!sted, and the Ir· vine <Ra nch Wuter District, wh ich has $300 mill ion invested, have [n· dicate'd a desire to withdraw their funds from the pool. THE /IEAl HEAlTHY CHIC.EN In OllANGE COUNTY (Skinless, cooked FAT-FREE In Tandoori) FMturing Whole Tandoori Chicken $6. 7 5 served with Nan.Bread, sauteed onions, yogurt salad. Side Ord~rs: Veg ... Splnach ... Pilaf Rfce ... Lenttls -$I .SO TOGO ONLY JOIN US FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE Make Your Dinner Reservations Now DAILY LUNCHEON BUFFET $7.9S (Morlday thru Fridat) SUNDAY GALA BUFFET $10.9S (Served 11 :OOam -J~OOpm) INTRODUCING DINNERS UNDER ,$1.0 A---~ ... .ROYALc~~x~,~dJ~ 1000 Brtstol St. No. (at Jamboree) Newport Beach . (714)"7S2-S200 Christinas Blend is Back! Specialty coffee with the navor of cinnamon, hazelnut & cream. Rich flavor and festive aroma will bring back your fondest memories of Chri tmas. Available only al Hickory Farm WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th at Irvine Ave., Newport Beach •Send A Gift By Phone 6424 302 COME ON ... YOU KNOW YOU NEED .THOSE ., TEETH CLEANED YOU REALLY DO PEOPLE LIKE US .• : CARINO FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU CHARL•NI NAPoLITANO, DDS AND ASSOCIAT•S 1831 ORANG• ~V•, SUITI D COSTA ll•U 842-0808 ••RVING usn1os coaT• ••u AND llSlfltCNIT8UCH ~ , .· """ Newport Beach/Coata Mesa Daily Pilot CRIME .,... ..... , Jenkins soid. "This .•. guy was on top of him. When 1 opened the (front) door, my dogs came out ... and (the suspect) took off running." Cindy Jenkins remembers cv· erything being dark. "- "It was very dark and he di~n't .. ask fo~ a wallet or any· thing, she said. "He didn't take our car, . he didn't ask for my jewelry. H.e just went for my husband'~ watch ... black man, black cap, black shirt, black panu, black gun." Not a tremcndous·description, but enough to rule out a man sheriff's deputies questioned fol· lowing the robbery, said U . Dan Martini, the Sheriff's depart· mcnt spokesman. George Jenkins suffered "a scratch" in the robbery, his wife said. But, she said the incident will leave a deeper scar than~ that. "We both grew up in that area," said Ci~dy Jenkins, who now lives in the Mammoth Lakes area. "l find it very alarming that you can travel ., I 6,000 miles and this can happen said. "It's just something that on the d09rstcp in sleepy Costa we've never had to deal wilb Mesa. I auess it's not sleepy down there." anymore." Martini echoed the thoughu Cindy Jenkins alluded to a expressed by fellow law enforce· study just completed at UCI ment officials in the wake of the that found county residents arc survey: Residents have no rea· happy with just about every as-son to fear this type of crime pcct of life here, except for because it's unusual. crime. Nearly half of those re-But normal precautions sponding to the survey said they should be taken. fear being the victim of a scri· "It appears to me to be a sin· ous crime. gle act," Martini said. "These Cindy Jenkins said she's not types of rotiberies certainly arc sure there's~ution. not common. This is the only "l don't kn if it's going to " one of this method in this take a grassr. ts effort," she area." 224 Morine Ave . 72J-4490 . 20iE CITY ........ 1 lowed to make "routine payment with· drawals" without suffering any penalty. The city's most recent request falls into that category. IC for some reason the county doesn't release those funds, Genis suggested ~he that 20% might be a cut worth los- Tuesday, December 6, 1994 I · Meanwhile, offi ials in the neighbor· • ang city of Newport Beach will discuss • their op1ions in a closed ~ssion today. • Newport Mayor John Hedges has nl· ready caJled for the city 10 pull all of ils $16 million out of the county pool. Newport Beach has regularly with· dra\\ n money from the pool to pay for various projecb. In foci, jijst Monday. lhc city recejvcd a $2.75 million pay· ment -for U!>e on the groundwaler m~; . ,. basin projccl -that it h:id requested ~ou ~eal}y hav~ to st.op and think, • from the county c<.1rly la~t week, before Genas. said ·~ an .. ant~rv~ew bef?re the news of the pool's Sl.5 billion drop council meeting. Is !t time t~ JU~t cut leaked out. our losses? Because, 1( we wait and the interest rates conti nue to go up, then Stuff members Iris Yukoi Dnd Enw that 20% could increase to 40%." • llcnerso11 contributed to tltis report. 01.-~M Experience the difference ... CllJ • facial •Acne/Pim~ Tre•~nt • •. L • Waxing • lash/Brow Tinting O't e.ac.uu • HerbarPeel • Nalf Care J • Chemical Peel • Pe1manent Make-Up • ExfoliatiQn Entire Stock-... 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We can uggest one morl' ".n to increa e the a.Jvantage of a CD pllrcha e. Before you buy from your loc.11 bank or any other source, call a ~krnll Lynch fmanu::il C.on:.ultant. Right n·ow, rate on FOIC-an.,tm·J co, of h.111k' and thraf t, ,l\ ,uhl~ll' thmup.h Merrill Lynch .ue higher th.in thl· n.1uonal .wl'n~e,. c o, A,-.1iLlhk thro ugh ~1crrill l.ynch . .\'-'l'"-L Pr Rt L 'IAl.r fERM l~l l RL'r RAI I Yll:LO (APY) 3MONTH 5.50°/o -610fc ... 0 6MONTH 6.00°/o 6.09°/o 12MONTH 6.53 °/o 6.63°/o ~ ,,,~, .-.~s •11d w J\,,11 .. .1J1'n,m1.1 \'uU Al') ~ •• tJf 1:. I 04 11td ,,,.,. St1~I 10 CN"~ -\ '''"""''"" """""'of JI, •I() 0 .,..,,.,,.,.J /fl ....,)1 • .U. "'"' k 1Afr.1U-.J "'3> nol M-(H'rmott,./. J.ou.,,,..,, CO.,'",.,. l1.1w1J:,1,{ '" "' <nc"'J"" ""'trr •w!i,n:r IO '"""ln ""'"""'~"' !\/"'I .....v ~"' 1 •, """'' '"·"t" J""'""r ! 0. '"-" I•""""' 1 .... o••J<>f ft>llt 1n;UlwltOtH ~ Don't ma's 1h1 oppor1un11y for attrn1.t1ve v1elJ . .inJ th<' addauonal advantap,c of havan~ onr of the-"orld':. le.aJJlll! fan.m1.1.ll sel'\·accs firm" bthand you. Makr ::1 call coday to a Merrill L) nch Fananc1.ll Con,ult;mt. or Clll thc numhcr below. The difference is Merrill Lynch . 714-955-6000 Merrill Lynch 469$ MacAnhur Blvd., Suite # 1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 , . ' I ' , 8 Tuesday, December 6, 1994 • Newport a.ch/Colla Me9a 0-ttY Piiot YOU.NG RRTISTSI ENTER THE DAILY PILOTnllANGLE SOUARE HOUDAY COLORING .CONTEST WHERE EVERY YOUNGSTER · is· A WINNER • • .. ... . . ·WITH FABULOUS PRIZES ~ :..A , .. w · .;.A, ' ·w · .. ~ FROM THE TRIANGLE SQUARE MERCHANTS LISTED w C.Opyright © 1993 Gick Publishing, Inc. Sponsored by The Daily Pilot and Triangle Square along with these Triangle Square merchants: Alpha Beta • America's Studio Stores • Barnes & Noble •'Edwards Cinemas • General Nutrition Center • Humphrey Yogart • la Salsa • Nike Town • Pacific Silk Plants • Pain du Monde • 'Sfuizi • Sports Fan Paradise II • TRIANGLE square I "' t ... -. Holiday ortwo~k Courtesy of G ick Publishing. Inc. a division of The Gick Companies How the Cont•!>t Works BELOW . : ........ 1 The contest 1s open to youth 4· 12 A<)e cotegones ore 4-6 7 ·9 I 0.12 A first, second ond third ploce winner w1N be chosen 1n 9odl oge cotegoiv. olong with on ovetoll Grond Pme Winner .J 2 All ent11u mvst be submitted on Doily Pilot newsprint. so wotch for tn. conc•st 1n the newspaper ond dip out the colonng pog. Mlxw med10 ond oeotlVlty ore encouraged ~ 3 All c~tw.Oltw<>lil (Including encrant's name, address city phone ond oge) must be dropped off at Nike Town 1n the customet setVice dept . Tnongle Square (at the comet of 19th Street ond Hatbof Blvd in Casto Mesa) by Wednesday. 0.cember 7. 1994 by Q p m 4 Judging will tok place on 0.cemt>er 8 Winners will be not1f1ed by telephone S Winners will be pYbllshe:11n the Doily Pilo<'on Thlxsday, O.cernb9f 1 S 6 ~lot111c.s of empioy.es ot Cohfom10 Community News Corp Otd/or Times Minor Co Ole 1neh91bl6 Prl1•1 (All coutesy of Triangle Square merchants) AANDOM PAIZE DAAWING • Everv y<>uogstet uh> •nt•ts the coloring Contest ond drops off anwcn at Nike Town. wlll r•ce1ve o pr11•. covrt•sy of Nike Town Eoch etltlant Is ovtomotlcolly ell(.,9d In our random prlz• drawing. wher9 IJO.J could wino tteosurw 36-1nch velvet heirloom Santo Claus, coun•sy of Po<1hc S1lll Ploncs I GAANO PAIZE WINNER • (from ooy of the age categories) win wino SSO gift certificate. cc:utesy of Sports Fon' Paradise. 4 admission tickets. redeemobl• ot ~Edwards Cinema. o frM lunch a( la Solso. and 0 Humphrey Yogort • 91ft c-.u"cot• This youngstet con choose two <x'U4ts to receive a dinMJ fOf two ot Sfvrn restaurant. 3 FIRST Pl.ACE WINNERS (ooe In eoc:h oge category). Ag9s 4 6 A gift ~ f.atv11ng SylveSter and lweety Bird goodl•s. <ourt•'Y of America's Stvc11o St<>tes· 2 odm1ss1on t1Cl\9ts, r~ ot ooy Edwards Ctnema, o Humphrey Yogart 91h <•rt1flcate, ond o 91ft ~.ri~ot• ftom Poln du Mood. for ttw adults. o 125 91ft certificate tram G.neral Nutlitfon Center Ages· 7 9 A S25 gift certiflcot• to Sc»nes & Noble Sootlstor•. 2 odmiu1on tlct..ts, tedeetnoble ot Ol"'I Edwards Cinema, a Hunth-V Yogart gift cert1f1eot•. ond o 91ft c.n1flcot• trom Poln du Mood. for ttw odlAts, 0 $25 gift c9ft1l1cot• from General M.ltt1t1on Center Ages 10.12 St1 (6) odm1ss1on ttckats redeetnOOle ot ON.I EdWords Cinema, a ~\I Yogort gift c81tlflcot•. ~ a C)lft cerr1hrot• tram Poln du MoncN for t:M odYIU, o S2S gift c.rt1f1cot• trom Geoerol ~ltton Center 3 SECOND PVKE WINNERS (one 1n eoch 099 cot.gory) A <OMPl•~cwv lunch <ourt•sy of lo Solso TIIE NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MW ' 3 THIN) Pl.ACE WN*RS (one In eo<h oge category) ' •1.,, • . A S l 0 gift c8'l1hcace to ~ a.ta ~'-'"--- . .. l ~ . Newport Beach/Costa Mesa DaUy Piiot Tuesday, December 6, 1994 1 SPORTS EDITOR ROGER CAWON, 642-4330, ext. 223 Tars, Friars break some ·bread before the duel ~ Harbor making second appearance in three years at CIF press confe,rence/luncheon with title game looming Friday. BY BAJUlY FAUUCNEll, Sroan Wama. B ~~£it;; not enough for • Dan McDonough "~..-.- o r John Giordani. Then sophomores, the two were bit players on Newport.Harbor High's 1992 C IF Southern Section football finalist, which los' 'o Irvine, 30·8, in the Division 1 V title game. McDonoogh, now a senior All-Sea View League middle linebacker, joined teammates Dill Johns and Mike Freeman, as well as Cou~h Jeff BrinkJey and Athletic Director Eric Tweit, at Monday's CIF luncheon to honor the section finalists in all divis ions at the Sequoia Athletic Club. It was an appointment McDonough made two seasons agp. "The week of the 1992 championship game, l was si tting in the locker room with (now i.c nior quarterback) John Giordani, and '"e both told (then senior quarterback) Gregg Williams we were going to'thc finals when we were , seniors," McDonough recalled Monday. "They said 'I don't think so,' but I think they're h:ippy for us now," continued McDonough, who along with his unbeaten and top-seeded teammates will take on third-seeded Servile (11-2) Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Orange Coast C9llege. A victory would give Harbor it's first section crown in the school's 64 years of varsity football. "Our mono all season has been 14 weeks," said McDonough, who heard his teammates repeat the slogan during spring wind sprint~. summer weight workouts, and on through the fall. "Whenever ''e weren't working as hard ai. we should have, someone would yell 14 \i.cc~ and ~ve'd i>ick up the pace," McDonough said. Freeman, a ~tarter at tight end as a sophomore, said the Sailors wiJl enter Friday's Servile showdown under r---~-------=e.-------------...;.. ________ ...;.._,_ ______ ..;..~-------..... _ J1ffcrcnt c1rcumstJnccs than in 1992. -NEWPORTHARBOB.mGHSCHOOL -199i "When I \hlS a s0phomore, there was !>Ort of JO unspol-en lcchng among the player!> that \\C "ere going to lose," Freeman recalled "!nine had all the "capon~ any te..1m ~ould "'ant, .:ind "e I.new 1f \\C didn't pla) the bc,t game of • our Ii\ cs. the;} could bcJt the heck out of us. ... fhf) )CJr. \\t: all bd1C\C \\C l1<t\C a. chance to \\Ill. \\'c'rc no Bishop Amat (top-ranl..ed 1n the nation heading into Saturda) 's 01\ 1s1on I finJI against Mater Dci). Uu,t 1f v.c play \\ell, \\C 111..c our chances. It's great to h:.i'vc m~ak JI b..tcl.. to the f rnuh." G aldcn West League ch:i · ~en Ile, riding un c1ghr-g:.11ne. winning strcJk, \\a!> rcprc~cntcd by Coach Larr) l'om:r and senior standouts Tony f\l Jgluxo u11J 'J ony M1..Cant..1. . Toner anJ both pktycri. exchJngcd ham.bh.11..cs "1th the enurc l\c'' pon Harbor lOnt1ngcnt bdure 1undr \\.JS SCf\ ed. Toner, \\ho coJ0..:hcJ JgJ1ni.t Urint\ky in the 1993 Orange County AJl-StJr game, le.1d1ng the ~unh to u 1-1-3 'ictol) over Urinl-le~ \South squ:uJ,, gn.:ctcd Johns, the !>c.1 \IC\\ League Defcni.he Pb)Cr of the \'eJr. \\1th :in complimcnt;il) quip "I \ e s1;;en· llJO much of ) o..i .1lrcady (rc\LC\\lng '1tko1ape) the-I.1st l\\O d:..iys," 1 Toner s:ud w11h a i.mik. Dos LEACH'DAJLY PILOT Newport Harbor High's party at the e1F Souttlern Section Press Conference/Luncheon In Buena Park Monday morn- ing included football coach Jeff Brinkley, along witb_(frorn left) Dan McDonough, Bill Johns and Mike..Freeman...Brin· kley's No. 1-ranked Sailors are 13-0 and meet 11 -2 Servite-Friday at Orange Coast College for the Cl F Div. V ~rown. SHOOT.ING THE BREEZE . - THI MATCHUPS ,. Servlte ys. Newport' (1t Orin~• Cont Coll191, Fr~day, 7:30) . Servile (11·2) Newport ( 13·0) non-league non-league 14 M3ter Oe1 55 28 Orange 10 1 Va tnc1a (lcrt) 0 26 O:ez'l v.eN 0 26 . c,::.ls 21 28 Foo::i 7 23 Four.t.lltl ~d ~> 7 2t Can, on 19 28 s· .~ , s~~=:i 43 22 Sa.a"'3 15 Colden Wtal l91 Sea View League 41 1 .. s:.n 6 9 Ir\ re 7 48 Ocea'l \ . .:,, 13 7 Cc·::~ -1 ~c l.'Jt 6 47 Sa:!~e:ix .. 21 24 \\o.:::m:~e 0 32 \\est:n .. 1s:er 8 27 S I.' ?'~J:'.:a 23 40 sa~:a Anl 0 35 E lu·o 14 CIF CIF 7 ,',es:ern 0 28 Sac:: .:;a~k 14· 12 a ParK 0 24 Brea 0 .n<!a 8 34 Et Toro 13 13 Foo:r (OH 10 There's no questioQ, he's the captain of the ship ~ These are no rubber duckies sailing in the bathtub, nor are the skippers exactly wet behind the ears. One in o f D series of "Shooting the Breeze" with /oc:il sailors. BY RICJl.AJU) DUNN Srous Wt.1T11 U pon first glance, be carcf ul how you judge r:idio-controlled model sailing. It's far more coQ1plex than the days when little boys would use rubber bands to launch their toy crafts out into the water. . "People at the yacht club say, ')Vh:u are you going to do, sail·your toys?' " Fred Schenck said. "I always ask them, 'Well, why not join us?' They sail big boats, and (tell them, 'Herc, go ahead and sail to the windward mark,' and then their course looks like a snake. It's not that easy." < For Schenck, 73; model sailing is more than a hobby. Like his partners and lon&tune friends, Lloyd (Swede) DoN LIACK/DAJLY l'ILOT Remote control sailors (from left) J .D. Vincent, William A.· Mason and Fred Schenck. Johnson of Costa Mesa and J.D. Vincent o f Richmond, Calif., it's fierce competition. Many weekends are SP.ent racing In model sailboat regattaJ, hke last Saturday and Sunday, when they sailed 50-inch Marbleheads in San Diego. Schenck, also qf Costa Mesa, bought a boat recently in Germany for $4,000, built by Polish designer Janusz Walicki. "Some of the local boat builders just shake their head," aaid Schenck. a retired yacht broker. "The en&inccring and desig" of the boat has to be seen to be appreciated. Myself, I don't appreciate aU of the desips. "Swede wu probably one of the best sailmaken in the country al oae time (for Baxter A Cicero in Newport Beach). He's got a noec for tho wi~ He cu fiaurc out where the wind's aoina to come from." Dare call it a toy. Thae pys will invite • you to withstand the course or weather • . marks without going off track, and morial Day in 1933 out of Long Beach, • without sailing zigz.ag. and first tmkeced with model sailboats in When they're behind the controls, their 1939, is legaUy deaf, the primary factor sailboats mal.e hairpin turns around the • why Schenck stopped competing in the weather marks, lean sideways against a Snipes, which he did from 1935 to 1960. breeze, reach speeds that make. the Schenck, a Nf"'port Harbor Yacht Club squirrels in the park stop and' look. member, suffere1i hearing damage in the· But they also had their share of real South Pacific during World War 11 aboard sailboats. a destroyer with mincla)ing capabilities. Schenck was internationally respected "I guess the big boats have passed up in the Snipe Class, crewing for three these old boys and ~e·rc aettina into mod· national championship boats in the 195~. els," Schenck said. and skippcrina a national winner in lgs7, Johnson, 75, of the Balboa YC, i a when his wife crewed for him, a • mastermind behind the radio-controlled championship that enticed Sports _ sailboats. which hu a pair of switches on lllustratcd to devote fou. paaes to the transmitter, one for the naddcr, an· Schenck. other for the sail. Schenck also finished third in the Johnson, who tested bia newly, deU&ned, World . Oampionships in Ponugal that one-meter boat last week. ia conUdcred a year. A yc.ar later, he wu the Snipe Oas brilliant radio-controUod IDodel sailboat World Commodotc. deaipcr by hia peen. He aho ...... part$• But Schenck. who began sailina on Mc· for \he cra(b. and is one ol feW wbo sale individual parts to 1hose in the hobby. !\unh Amer1..:J, cJ~h num· • ..bereJ chronolou1call\ "I have insomnia," John· son said. "I wake up in the middle of the night, and while I'm la)ing in bed awake, that's "hen I do my best work." Johnson worl.ed out a deal "'ith the ·City of !nine to place \ltCathcr marks on the pond at William R. Mason The ir slogan ap.- parently is true. Old sailors never die, they just get model sailboats. .. rhcrc s dei11111ei\ a d1l· fcrcnt frehn5 \\llh moJd i.ailtng," SJIJ \ rn..:cnt. 77. a rel reJ ..iir 11nc CJpl.;un, \\ h\J, bc~Jn ~J1ltng Snips \\1th !>~hcn .. J.. Jl the Los Angele 't C 111 1•1.:;9 "On ..i bo.:it, 11·11 t:ilJ.. t..> )OU 't uu kd 1t on \uur butt Herc, \\e use Regional Park, "'here he and Schenck frequently sail their modeb "(Johnson and Schenck) are am1.mg 1he best all-around sailors you're go111g to meet," said John Drayton, Dail) Pilo1 boating columnist. "Before computer 'models started to design spinnakers. Swede used to carve what he thought was a good-looking spinnaker out of wood , and then he'd shrink-wrap plai.tic o'er it. and cut it out of the shrunk M ap into panels like today'i. CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) sy~tems. He did it m:rnu· ally." Like ocean sailors, model sailors 111.e a good wind. Depending on the "'ind, the models can reach in access of 10-to-12 knots. Shorter sails are used in tronger winds, taller sails in lighter condi1io ns. Nearly 4,000 models ha\e been built in .. t r thumb' JnJ e) e ight I 1oul. 111' .,un out one lime, anJ h~ ., J \\l.lrlJ·dJ.,, ''-1pper, anJ he )31J. 'Go~h. wu n cJ .1 lo.H more: conccntrat1ol\ \\Ith th~~e 1h.u1 \uU dl.l ''11h sJ1lb1Jlb.' " Like li1tk b~)., "11h moJcl pbne:t or C.ll'b, thl.!.,e clJcr -.t;itc~men· of );i1hng arc llcJ\\ hool.eJ on nh>Jcl !>ailing · · "I'm nut ).J)lllS 1t':. 1nexpens1\C. be~.lu c \\C probJbl~ haH: SSOO to Sl,000 (in- i.ci.tcJ) 1n one lxl..il," John un s;.illl. "Out 1t' a lut ks-. c.: \pc.:n~1\C 1hJn sJihng. OJl\J 1t'i. JU!tl as C\Clllng The cost l. l ;.i big boat, "1th in urancc .;inJ dvcl-fee • 1i. real!\ C\· pen t\e, so J 101 of the club member~ .ue going to moJcl . " "Getting the i.aib on the land, putting the bo:it on the \\:llcr anJ !letting sail i., an art ," Schenck J1J . T hclr logan ap- p.ircntly 1 true. OlJ J1l1Jr nc,er die, they ju~t gel mudcl ..i1lboats 8 Tuesd•y, December 6, 1994 DAILY •ILOT HleH ICHOOI: fOOT•ALL llASON ITATlmCI Newport lllrllll' (1 H, M) HAION llMD1VIDUAL) RuahJne Pla~•r tob "" ... W*'9 Johnson 982 13-4 7.3 " ... l<iQbOll 106 5:13 5.1 8 4-4 M350f) 133 4$6 3.4 4 20 Tl10ld$ell 18 87 48 0 16 R·W. 15 29 u 0 7 ~llJQ 2 8 4.0 0 I 8e1gt1 , 4 4.0 0 4 Frcdl1ksen 1 .2 2.0 0 2 G1011J;ini 27 ·25 ·0.9 t 9 P•Hlng Pl•v•r P•· po Vdg Int p er. td Giofll.wll 193 100 1,358 a .S18 \6 f rcdl1llsen 2 0 0 I 000 0 8~~11111e1 I 0 0 0 .000 0 Receiving Pl aver pc nvg •lt9· Id long P1; Jo 30 392 ll.t 3 34 f1~~m..111 24 273 11.4 2 36 \l~11zinv~r 22 477 21.7 7 57 J11hns1111 s 57 11.4 0 12 M~Oo111iug11 5 •4 88 t 19 R'lljj~ 4 46 11.5 2 21 MJWl'I 4 37 93 1 ts - ... '. '· ....... . . . . . Mesa boys win COSTA MESA -Costa Mesa High's Mustangs came through with a 20·10 fourth·quarter run to turn away upsct·nilnded Southern California Christian Hi&h Monday night in the opening round or the Costa Mesa/Kiwanis Basketball Tournament o.t Costa Mesa High. Mike Montoya led Mesa with 16 points. TI\c. viclory, the.. second straight (or Mesa after a 72-50 non-league victory at' San Clemente Saturday, improves Coach Jason Ferguson's Mustangs to 2-3. Mesa returns to action Wednes· day• night with a second-round game in the week-long tourna· ment. . 't .. . ~. . . ... , Mesa gtrls tops IRVlNE -Costa Mesa High's girls basketball team improved to 2-1 with a 40-37 victory in pool pla)' at the Woodbridge High Invi- tational Monday afternoon. The Mustangs meet Gahr at 6 p.m. on Wednesday as pool play continues. "We won," but that's all I can really elaborate on," said first-year eo:ich Len Whitacre, who cited the need for his team to elevate itself to a )ligher level of defensive in- tensity, as well as stepping it up offensiyely. COITA MllA 40 DANAHIUS 37 Woodbridg~ Clrl s Tournament ' . ... . .... IRVJNE -Estancia High IC· nJor Cyndi Richards S(l()rcd eight of her team-high U points in the fourth quarter to help turn a seven-poant lead into a 51·38 \'le· tory over San Oemente in the ICC· ond round or pool play at the Woodbridge Tournament. Junior point guard Jessica Waltz added 11 points, six stealS and five assists. foe the Eagles (3-0), who wrap up pool play against host Woodbridge, the state's top·, ranked team, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Mcghan Noland (10 eoints) and JeMifer McCartin (five) each had six rebOunds for Coach Russ Davis' w'lnncrs. - . ' .... CdM glrls roll IRVINE -Undsoy Warming· ton poured in 18 points to lead the Corona del Mar High girls basketball team to a 47-29 pool p1a1 victory over the Esperanu 1unior varsity Mond:ly in the South Coast Tournament at University High. .• Warmington, a sophomore guard, added four steals, while Shawna Casey (five points) had a team·high 12 rebounds and Brit· tany Simon (eight points) procured six steals. The Sea Kings play tonight at 7:30 against Monday's Pacifica· Aliso Niguel winner. • FULLERTON All· Tournament honors for Newport Harbor Hi&h'• girls basketball team, which swept to the Fullerton lnvi· tational championship Satur- day night, were garnered by Mandy Clayton and Dianne Pulido, each with 15 poinU in the title game. Te1UJ1mate Andree Verhulst was numed the t9urney's MVP. ' ' ... ~(( ~ ... ( \ ' ~.,.·,~r "J .... :···· . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sec men win tiJIJJSClll 4 19 48 0 7 Utl\j~I \ 1 \ 11.0 0 11 Scoring , Jd,1 on 72, Benw1oe1 42. Pardy 40, Kagasoll 36 ,.,, <1n 36, PulldO 18. Freeman 12; Rioole 12 fll no~n 10. Gl()(clilli 6: sancisvom 6; Ocrg~r 4 Fleld Qoal• Pi110y 3 (36, 25 23) Interception• COSTA MISA 15 IOCAL CHRISTIAN ... Costa Mesi\/Klwanis Tournament SoCM Ch1i•lwl Co6U Mft.l c..m"'°" uutt M"ndenh~ll Ou<htn rrttm"" M.ltq11u fa It pf tp fg fl pl «p 12 • 1 21 Cumo. 2 ) 2 7 0 414~ -.J ill l l J '7 MQ<ltoy.. 7 2 2 16 0 2 I 2 Oao 1 0 2 2 t 0 2 2 rtff'""" .S 4 J t4 2tlS luhy 1224 OMUI HlllJ eo.IA ~ lg ft pl Ip ,, ft pl tp CMn 1 0 1 2 Curtlt 0 0 0 O 7 0 l '14 lrOWfl 4 0 0 I 00001.nll.w> 1022 l 0 s 6 ~·..r~. ' 0 • 2 J 1 2 7 .,.__ 0 0 0 0 l I 0 7 WMANIM 0 P 0 o H.ut H.lmlll.On HHbllholf WolCH Tllm..,. k.altle •0121Croncl.\hl 0000 M<Hnoft ) 0 4 6 lu""""" 4 1 4 9 Kim ' 0 4 •• UTANCIA a1, IAN CLIMINTI ia ·CO•ONA DIL MAa 47 UPl~IVU Woodbridge Chis Tournament (•land.a 5111 Cltftwl\le ''""" 11 ftp11p alcllat4t J J 1 IS 0.. 0 1 4 1 ~2206c..nt 1006 Wlllz S 0 4 11 Hollla 7 2 4 1' ~ • 2 J 10 ""'°' • 2 0 2 J.Mce.v1M . 2 1 1 s Qu.w 1 0 s 2 South Coast Girls Tournament fspel'IAtl CO!'Olll ct.I Mu •aflpfl!I 11 11p11p 1 2 S 4 W.vmlitll0ft8 I 4 II 0 1 4 1 f0t4 1 • 0 • JOS7Thunn.vt 0010 1042SU-l2l• 4 1 1 t H.w~lk 0 0 2 0 OAKLAND -Tlie Southern California College men's basket· • ball team used a 23-3 run late in the second half to take control, then pulled away in the second half for ._ 95-74· non-conference J 111son 7, Saric!sttom 4, Ber;et 2: Eld1e L r1t~JT~ir1 r SEASON (TEAM) Opp T~'Jf r a1 do;.us 14S fiust..:1·y.11da~t. 343·1.169 A>ll3• IYS~~ Q.ul 3 4 °'~'"""' 0 1 1 1 --Wttlil' 1 7 Touts 17 1-4 9 ce TOI.Ill 21 14 12 .SS acou H QUUTUI S..C..I Chritll•n 10 7 21 10-41 CO\l.l Mt'U 13 I 13 20-ss ).point P" Non" Tt<hn1uf loolt: N<>M. ~ 0 0 0 0 Cropft 0 0 0 0 tl'-J tJ U T 1' 11 tt fCOU a'f CllUMTIU 01n1 Hill• 4 10 12 11 -J7 Co~t. MHa ' 12 I 1 ll-40 J.polnl pis: CM -IClm 1, T«hnlal fooilJ: N_, M. McC.vtlii 1 0 1 2 Calloway 2 0 1 ' ~ OOO O lnp )0)6 ~ 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 OW1 -20 10 14 SI Toc..lf 1' 7 17 JI SC:OU .... OUAllTIU £1WKI& 10 11 1' 14-St SM Clnl«11t• t 6 1S 1-31 3-po!At pl1: C.IMcl.l-WAlu 11 S..,. 0-· eftl•-·~1. . JOS6 Conovtr 2034 Clfclnn I 0 I l Cauy 2 1 2 .s To&ak-.JS ~ T 7 17 47 acou n OUMTIU &iie!MD e 12 7 2-29 CcK&.&MI~ 9 12 12 t4-47 3-jlOlnl So-'1•1 ftpt'rlnU-Ound.u 1; C0tOM cl.I MM-W1ttnlng\on 1. Tec:MlcAI lo<ils: NaN; · win Monday over Holy Names College. John Naro, who scored all his points on five three·pointers, drilled two straight during the ,run, which erases a 24·17 deficit. A. i:13i.t rli>hoog yllCIJ~e 90 lo:Jf I JS~il10 yarOJgt H22 A>eu;,~ pJS'!.lllQ y.irdJQt 109 Pm tll'p iltt. u~ 142-265·18 A.g 0•"' Pt! pus Ctlll'P 10 0 Tara . 17S 433·2,077 48 160 t.358 105 100-196·8 13 6 69 213 Smith's return sparks .Tars to 3-1 soccer win over Laguna Hills Chauncey Woolridge led· the Vanguards (4·3) with 17 points and added eight rebounds, while Mike Guevara (14 points). Dan Hyde (13) and Mike Ruble (nine rebounds) chipped in. A,~ ~i.n per pass Jll/Tlp S 4 '. l •r' •n y.1tel.i~t· 19'* Monday. tc~JI s.i .. ..s·y.11.:aoe 27 ·'161 Av.:iat,t ~JCU, yircl.lge 2 ·12 IM tJldJ~e 2,636 A>tr Jiit ntt ya1dage 203 ll.1;11>u .. 1~·J1r1age so.32 2 f """~es '· T•!l.eS tost 30· l 5 5 ·~ 04 ·2 3,623 279 47·31.7 17·12 20 t 5 66-626 5·48 24:16 IRVINE -Senior Alessio Smith, in his first game since straining a knee ligament, scored· two unassisted goals and assisted on another to lead ·the N~wport Harbor High boys soccer team to a 3-1 victory over Laguna Hills Mon- day in the Irvine Tournament at Alton Park. to preserve Saturday's first-round victory in penalty kicks, had five saves Monday, while Bryan Halley added four for CdM (3-2). In Saturday's action: The Corona dcl Mar and Newport Harbor high boys soccer teams had similar fates during fi rst-round action at the Irvine Tournament. Mesa's Heather Brackett had two goals and three assists, while Jessica Schroeder chipped in one goal and fQ_ur assists for the Mustangs (2-1). Holy Names fell to 2-7. sec 95, HOLY HAMii 74 Non-conference SoC.11 ColN&t Hvly N.unn T.•Jf u.tr ... 1ers 31 1\1t1JJe IJ•llO•e•s 2 4 f1J1s-;1•~•oe -61·567 AwtrJgd llJUS y;)(Oage 4 7-44 Newport girls win, 5-1 rg11p11p 11 11p1111 ~loll 3 2 2 t t.1o>h~r 0 0 0 0 N.uo S 0 l IS t.keft 4 4 3 1<f ' Ruble! • 0 3 I firl.t 4 1 ~ 11 f,.Q \ 111t l.I fl()~UUIOll 23.44 'I' •. I rtt..rr.s. ·~rctpl•"'1S. lumblt returns Acc11mulallve Score by Period• ht 2nd 3rd 4th OT Tot t.'.iµo,.enls ~o 40 12 38 3 -133 Justin Kerr ~ad the other goal for the win- ners, who improved to 3-0. Saddleback handles Sea Kings . Each played to scoreless ties..during regula· tion, but ·advanced on pcnaliy kicks. CdM downed Tustin; Newport stopped Foothill. IRVINE -Newport Harbor High's girls socoer team broke into the victory colum1\ for the first lime, slamming the door shut on .Tus· tin, 5-1, at the Irvine Cup Tournament at Heri· tage Park Monday. \voolrlJg• 7 l t 17 Coffer 3 3 1 11 Cut\•u 6 0 2 14 tnciquu ' 10 1 12 ICll:P.11 "3 2 l • loll• 0 0 0 0 I. C.tl_, 2 0 0 4 lt<lbc!llt't 2 0 I 4 Ch.&mbt-u 200SOtt >21e llcll'Wl tt•rbor 01 131 45 51 8 -294 lRVJNE -Josh Weinstein scored on a pen- alty kick, but it was hardly eno\JJh to hold off a Mustang glrls romp Mok-nl..Milp I 0 2 2 M•llo l 0 1 4 lltde 4 l l 13 t.wndonu o o o O 1994 Log non·l••uue ,d 01.lllQC l4·6) 10 ;.>S Oct:Jn View (2·8) 0 28 ruouull tB·5) 7 21 CJnyon (7 -4) 19 .2 SJ~alllla (8·3) 15 · potent Saddleback squad, whic~ claimed the 4- 1 triumph in the second round of the Irvine Tournament Monday. Robert Klase, who made a spectacular save COSTA MESA -Senior Tasea Brown scored four goals, two on headers, to lead the Costa Mesa High girls soccer team to a 7-1 non-league blowout of visiting Garden Grove Andrea Sparrow scored twice fo r Harbor, while Meghann Allard, Ashley Lewis and Siv- lec Plummer each scored once for the Sailors, now 1·2·1. They'll return to tournament action at 3 p.m. on Wednesday. · Tr>t.tlt J' IQ 17 9S TOUtt 16 lt U 74 MAUTIMI sec. 41.37, . )..polr>t '°"'" sec -N.vo s. KotlOlf 1. c.. -.. 2. Chlmb<ttt I, H)de 21 tiolne-Mt'Gft 1. fku 2. Cat.· ••• l. TC'<hnlc..t r .... u: Nont, Sea V1ew League DEEP SEA FISHING LOCAL SCHEDULI 9 IMne (4-5· 1) , Cocona del Mar (5·6) .. 24 Woodbridge (5-5/. 27 Santa t.largarrta 4-6) 35 El To10 (7-5-1) 7 .. . . - 6 0 23 TUISDAY1S FISH COUNTS 14 Hlsll. ... Podllr:MiiM ........,_I( , S-_ Hllll t<t.ool. ~ -'®'""' """"'"" ......... c--. .. -.. .,.....,_ CIF Division V Playoff• ?1 Saddleback (4·7) 24 Orea Olinda (8·3· 1) 13 r oothlU (8·5) (ot) Ott 9 -Ser.1te (11 ·2), at OCC, 7 30 14 8 10 Devey'• Leeker -no "port. N•wport Lentil•• -1 t>oai. 11 AoglC!r,. l und bllu, l clllico bus, 3 rodfi,h, 3 sculpin, 1 1hee!phci1d, 21 mKurel. Wn.fU .. -............. -C-lfltll' K ..... fl/IJ -_,... _, ... -.. 0. • .,.. •• ,.... c.-. .. -........ ,_ ,,.. AWARD AAATCO Is The Proud Recipient of The "Newport 81lbo1 Rota!:/ Club• Award for Honesty And ' Integrity. Newport Harbor Players or the Week BRIAN JOHNSON A 5-foot-8 ' 175-pound senior, he rushed for 97 or team's 121 total yards and scored both IDs, the last _ Bill JOHNS A 5-foot-9, 195._pound senior, he · had key blocks on both TDs and was dominant on defense, • Bankruptcy • Wills/Trusts •Divorce • Corpo_rations ·• Tenant/Landlord • Much, much more (Ortf ocnf n l)ntnligol Clinics, Inc. Rit:hM'd H. Foltz .... we accept all major credit cards .... 751.tJ734 M"ff'.'•ra •Brak.. Ask FR. 11· Estlmatas Traller Hitches About • Towing UfJiH•l e31 ·-1"170. TRANSMISSION 1728 PLACENTIA a game-winner in overtime. opening OT with. huge stop. SERVICE• REPAIR• EXCHANGE . COSTA MESA ---·~•IMPORTED CARS• TRUCKS• RV'S __ .. 2900 Bristol, Suite A 1..Q.8 • Cqs M PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOT1CES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE Orange County on Novem· ducted l:>y a goneral part· In oegt. 703 located 11 341 lornla, Coun~ of ORANGE. account 11. prolllded In tonal Goods jaled party. K.E. AUCTION ducted t>y: a glMl'al part· b8f' 29. 1994 nershlp The lly Drive Sot.Ith, Or· THE PETI ION requests section 1250 ol th• Call-7018 Jim Dal• • Personal ERVICE PHONE \909) nerltllp PUBLIC NOTICE cns1229308 SOT Company, a gtn41ral This statement WU med ?'· CA 92668. that ANN TAYLOR AATESE lomla Probate Code. A R,. Good• 873-0744 A UCT ON Regl1tr1111 hH not Y•I STATEMENT OF partn8rahlp wllh the County Cll!'lc ol I YOU OBJECT TO lhe be appointed as paJ$0!lal quest for S~ NOllce 7022 ~da Voight • Pw· SCHEOULf & MESSAGE ~un to 1tan1act buslMu STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF By: G.W. West. Inc .• Geo-Orange County on Dec8m· grantlng of Iha petttlon, you rtPfHtnlatlve to 1drnirn· lcxm Is available from the IOnal Good• BOND NUMBER 723-41'19 tr the f1CtJllou1 name(•) ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS eral e•rlner bar 2, 1994. should appear at the hear· 194' lhe estate of lhe d~ court ct.,k. 7026 Windsor lntenors • Ayres Self Storege. Resi-11111<1 •boll•. USE OF FICTITIOUS Mar Benson, President Colleen Fitzpalr1ck Ing Md state your' ob-dent. Attorner for th• P•U· Pereonal Goods dent Managere Plltr Gusl BUSINESS NAME Publlahed New~ort Beach· Publlshed Newport Beach-J:llons or file wrrtten ot>-THE PETITION 1equ11ls tlon.n 8018 Averle Wright • Per· Publl1hed Newport lhl1 1tatemen1 was llled BUSINESS NAME The ~ poisons Costa Mesa Oa ly Pilot D• Costa Mesa Pilot Decem· tlons with the court be-the decedent'• Will and ROBERT A. VON EICH, tonal Good• Beach·Cos1a M11a Oally with the County Clerk ol The loltow1::? pe1sons have ab the use ol cembtf e, 13, 20. 27, 1994. b8f 6, 13. 20. 27. 1994. codicils, II an~ be admitted 8031 Leslie Cr1chton • Plot December 6, 13, 1~. 01ano• County on Novem-11..,vo 111Jandone the use ol the Flcllllou1 Business T529 T550 lore the heanng. Your ap-lo probate. he will and JR., ESQ. Personal Goods T528 bef 1, \994 \he f1t1111ous Business Name: WARMINGTON pe11ance marc 1>e In person any codlcUs 11• available ROBERT A. VON EICH, 8068 Corinne Dickson • F827793 Name: KEV REAL TORS, HOUSING INVESTOAS·88f PUBLIC NOTICI! PUBLIC NOTICE or b~Jour at oiney. for examination In the file JR. & ASSOCIATES, P.,sonal Good1 PUBLIC NOTICE Published Newport e.ach-1006 I 1 ntbert, Fountain 3, 3090 Punman Street. IF U ARE ~ CREDITOR ke~t by the COUit. 810 E . COM· 8074 Norman S. Jot>eck • Valloy. CA 92700 Sulit A. Cotta Mau, Call· STATEMENT OF BSC 3431 or a contingent creditor ot T E PETITION requests MONWEAL TH AVENUE, Personal Goods • LEGAL NOTICE Costa Mesa Dally Pilot No- T11e f 1c;11t1ous Business lornl• 92628 ABANDONMENT OF NOTICE OF the deceased, you must me authOfily to tdmlnlstar the L 17 Randal Kavack • Pt<· NOTICE IS HEREBY vember 15, 22. 29, Decem- r.an•e rulorr8d to abOve The Fictitious Business USE OF FICTITIOUS PETITION TO your claim will' the court estate undlf the lndtpef\' FULLERTON , CA tonal GOOd1 GIVEN that the loltoWing blf e. 1994. - w;lS l1fwd In Orange County Name 1eferred to above BUllNESS NAMll ADMINllTER and mall a copy to the per· dent Admlnlsttatlon of Es· 9283t l7t4) •1•s3oe Published N•WP-Ort IWml of found or aavld T4t5 on 4 ~·I.I I, F1h1 No.F48976t was 111ed on 11·1"91 , In lh• Th• follow!::? persons ESTATE OF: 1onal r11>tesentallv• am tatu Act. (This authority Published Newport S.ach·Costa Meta Dally PfOpe~ have b .. n held b'f pointed by the court with n Koy Corporation, (D81a· County of 011~1, Original have aba.ndone the use Of QEOROlA M. BOLTON, four month• ltom the date will allow the personal rep-Bfach·Costa Mau Daily P,llot November 29, O.Cem· the Po • Depanment of PUBLIC NOTICE waro), 10001 Talbert #200. Fiie No. FSt 194 the Flctillous Bu1lne11 •it. MRS. QEORQIA of llr1t Issuance of the let· reeentallv• to take many Pllol Novamt>.r 29, D• we, 1994. the City of Costa Mesa for Fou111.i1n Valley, CA 92708 Watmlngton Hom11, 3090 Name: EXPRESS BIUINQ M. BOLTON, aka 18'9 as provtded In sec11on ac:11on1 without court ap-cember 5, 6, 1994. T522 a period In exceu of ninety FlcUtkH.1• • • l 111s business wat. coo-Pullman Slt"1, Su111 A, ASSOCIATES, 1488 North l:Joval. Befort ~Ing cer· TMS23 (90) d1ys: Nolle• 11 hel'eby ductiKJ lly •n 1nd1vldual Coat• Mesa. CA 92626 Pine StrHI, Orange, CA OEORQIA MAXINE 9100 of the California Pro-n lllfY lmpot1ant ectlona, PUBLIC NOTICE given the Police Depart· BustneuN.-. bait Code. The lime fcx 111· First Key C0<porauon, Al· (Calllornlt. 92668-3710 BOLTON Ing claims will not eirplre ~tr, thil~aonal 181>" PUBLIC NOTICE LeQAL NOTICll ment of lh4t c': of Costa ........... cturd K. McKassln. Pres1· Mutual nefrl California Tilt Fictlllou1 Business CAIE NO. A175792 resentaUve w be reqUired Mna will hol a public The lollowlng per90ne ere dont r.fu Housing. lnvH I011·5, LP .. Nome relerred 10 above To all hells, b11neficla1188, befcxe lour mo11th1 lrom to give notice to ln14HtSled NoUce of NOTICE OF auction . of unclaimed bl· dolnK buslMu a1: 11111 1 ement w111 Med 520 B1oad SltMI, Nowartt, was filed In Orange County credllor1. contingent credl· lh• heanng date noticed p11sons unless tttey have Publlo Auction PUBLIC SAL• Of cycles and personal !>'OP· we T COAST DETAIL, w lh lhll Couoty Clork ot NJ, 01102. • Rhode Island above. ABANDON ID erty on Salutday. Decem-1338 W. Balboa BIVd •• 8aJ. o n _. ·2 4 ·9 2 , F I I e lora, and persona wno may YOU MA.Y EXAMINE Iha waived notice or cocuenled Notice 11 her~ given Or.inge Count.-on Novem-limited partne1$hlp No.F529902 othetWlst be Interested In filt kepi by the court. ~ou 10 IN ptopoffd actlon,) the 16\d~ MU at PROPERTY blf 10, 1994 at 10:00 AM boa, CA 92881 Uer 8, 1994. This business wa1 con-Jamet 0, Chaisson. 1468 the will Of eslate, or bolh. are a person ln14Htsl In The Independent admlnl.-Pul:>llc on Decem-Notice Is hereby glVen at the Costa Men Police Riehard W. Chariand, 1338 Publl•hOd Newpor1 Beach-ducted t>y 1 general p~-North PiM Sllffl, Orange, of: GEORGIA M. BOLTON, the .. late,wrou may ltle tra!lon aulhorlty will be ber 13, tSHM at 2:30 p.m. at that Ult underalgned Will Depattmenl. 99 Fair Dr .. w. Balboa Blvd., s.lboa, Costa Mesa Pilot Novem-nerahtp . CA 92667-3710 aka MRS. GEORGIA M. wtth lh• co • IOfmat R• granled unlelS an lntlf • SIOl'·lt Self Storage, 961 W. 1111 st public auctloooeUI· CoawMesa,CA CA 92661 ber 15. 22. 29, Oocembor This atatemenl wae Med Donald H. Moore, 11901 BOLTON. aka GEORGIA ~est lor Special Notice of .. iett peraon fllll an ob-17\h Street, Colla MeN, 1uant to Stc1lon 217 ol NOTICE IS FURTHER Thl1 bu1lne11 11 con-6 .. 1994. with lhe County Clerk ol Scandia Street, Garden MAXINE BOLTON 1 litlng of an Inventory fecilon to the petJtlon and CA 921127 (714) 64N1722. th• ~1lne11 & P1of.,. GIVEN lhat If no owner sp-ducted by: an lndlvlbual T435 Oran~• County on Novern-Grove. CA 92645-1349 A PETITION has been and apPf•lllll of "'''' as-Show good cause why the The peraonal prope11y •loolll CocM, lh• lollowlng peara and provea his own-Regl1trant h•• not yet PUBLIC NOTICE ber 11994. Thia bus.lneaa w.. coo-flied by ANN M. MCILWAIN Mia or ot eny pebllon or court ahould not grant the heretof0te atored with the dHctlbed PfopeltJi' to wit erahlp of the prope~ begun lo tran•ect * Warmngton Hornes, V.P. duc:ied by a general part· in the SuperlOt Court ol •UlhotJZi. ~=~mpaon. DAN JORDAN U IT 0108, within MVtn (7) ~I ~ the fic:lltloua e) Finance account •• provided In lowl~ the ~bl ol Fictitious netlhtp Caltlomla, County of OR· •ee11on ~50 onrie Cahlor-A H RING on the pell-REFRIGERATOR AND listed at>ove. Publlehad Newifo:rt Beach· Thi• 1la11ment waa filed ANGE. nla Probate Code. A R .. tlon Will be Mid on DE· Plf'M>NI Goode MISC. HOUSEHOLD Ihle otlce, tide thereto Rich Charland Buahteu Name Costa Masa P 01 No11em· w11h the County Clerk of THE PETITION requests queat IOf Spec:l11 Notice CEMBEA 29, 1994, at 1:•5 1087 Chrlaty Hunt • Per· ITEMS, JUL~E PINDEDO llh•ll Vtlt In th• llndlf, II Thia 1tat1ment w11 tiled &t•t•ment ber 29, ~~ ,, 13, Orange County on ~m-thet ANN M. MCILWAIN be P.M. In Dept. 703 localed .onat OOOds UNIT D-11 MISC. FURNI· there bra one, 0t In lht Cit~ with Ult County Clerk of The lolloWlng persons are 20, 1994. lorm I• available from 11'1• ot Co1 Mesa. In wtllc Orange County on Dectm-ber 2, 1994. appointed u Plfaonal rep-COUl1 cllfk. •. at 341 The City Drive 2011 Trallle Venal! • Plf· TURE. AND MISO. HOUSE· dol~ buslneu as· . T526 Jamee D. Chaluon re11nt•ll~ 10 tdmlnlster Att"ner for the P•tl-South. Or~, CA 926418. aonal Good• 1'4()l.D ITEMS, PIERRE Ml-cue the PfOP'f1Y shall be t>er 2, 1994. CO CAL ASSOCIATES, PUBLIC NOTICE Pul:>llahed Newport Beach-the .... ,. ot the decedenl. IF YOU 0 ECT TO Ult 2071 Psul A. RUIMU • HATOV UNIT C.14, FURNl· IOld at public auctJon at • FIH7N 15316 B:11ranco P11kw1y, Coat• M ... Pilot ~ THE PETITION requests tleMfl grant"'° of Ul9 petition~ Penonat Oooda i~RE. T.V. AND MISC. lllM and dale \o be an-Pub111hed Newpof1 Beadl-lrvlne • .CA.92714 • ,... -.. na1127810 1>er e. 13, 20, 21, 1994, the d~ Will and ANN L. MEL,., ihould .we., .. ~-. 2094 MonajMn Stepp • OUSEHOLD ITEMS, nounctd. Co1ta M ... Oalty Pilot 0.. Kan D. Thomas. 15375 HATUaNTOF T549 codlell•. It' ' be •dmltted ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ing and --OUf ob-P..onal Goode PIERRE MIHATOV, UNIT&. Dated1 November 20, eernt>er e, 13, 20, 27. t!IM. B~manca P11kway, Irvine. AaANDONMUT Of PUIUC llOTICI to pr~ta. win and 12801 MOULTON e Of ... wrltMn ob-2135 Mel ,._ • Mill • 13, TOOt. CHEST, MISC. 1"4 T542 CA 92714 eny COdldlt ... ~ PKWY., SUITI 120, LA-wth .,. c:owt b9-Pttaonal.:::::: FURNITURE, ANO MISC. DAV1D L. SNOWDP, Michael J. l<OUfll, 15375 UIK Off FICTITIOUS STATSMSNT Off for ..amlnatlon In the lite OUNA HILLS, CA the "-1ng. Yow -.>-2t 40 Wln<Mf. • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, USA CHIU OF POI.IC• PUIUC MOTICI Bananca Paikway, i.~1ne, 8USINESSNAMa MMDOll•MT Of ~ by th• court. H8U t71•) •M-1208 peeranc:e may be In '*'°" Penonll Gooda SHUTTERLY, UNIT A~. Publlahtd Newport CA 92714 • The~ pertOnl E ftETITION reque1tt or ~cm"' anom.y. 2t.. JoNpfl u. Rupp • FURNITURE. AND MISC. ......... This bu$lne11 11 con-hi&ve a the UM ot UH OF FICTITIOUS authofity to administer the Put>llahtd Newport IF ARE A CREDITOR PetaONI Goode HOUSEHOl.D ITEMS BHch-Co1ta M ... Del,Y ............. ducted by a general p411· the Flclllloue Bu1lneu BUllNISI Ulla Hiatt ut\Olt the lndepen. BNCh·Cosla M... Daily ot • contingent Cl'~ of 30S1 DMltl tW • Ptf· SM Wll be by Compell· Piiot December I, 1"4. ....... "' n.<Shlp Name: COSTA MESA IN· TM~ p«.ona danl Admlnl1tralion of E• Piiot Oecernbtf I , 7, 13, the~·~ muae tUt '°"" Ooodt 11\/e ~written '"*' T551 The~ penons •• Th• raglllrAnl commenced FINITI, 2888 H.,bor Blvd , NW a the UN of 1&1t1 Ac1. (Thia authority t"4. YW1 clUn the court 4020 DMt ~ • ,.,. ~ mar aubmltted ln "61UC NOTICE ~ buair'9d M : to ttantacl busrntH undtt Co11a Meaa. CA 82112e the Flctlllou1 Buslne11 .,. allow the '*'°"" ~ Tw531 end mal • copy 1o .,. per· '°""Goode ac:IVance ON THE 20TH Of DO Y INSTALLERS, t tn. hclltrous name(•) llttod The FICtltlout lklalneu Nsme: AICE SYSTEMS. r11entallvt to lake many SONI r91)ftaentatl~ ~ 4036 Robert lhll • Ptr· D£C. tll!M AT 1:00 P.M. AT ,......... ~ Hll LA., """"" .... above on Soptembet 19'.2 Nam• r•fetrld to .above 1119' Aztec Cl., ~n action• without court ap-PUIUC NOTICE i:rMd b~ the court Wit '°""Goode THE PREMISES WHEAE CAIH53 Kon 0. Thomas WU lli.d lrl ~County Valley, CA 1moe i=val. lefof • tailing e«• OUf rnon • trom tM date 4073 l(elth CWnpo • Pll· .. Id Pfoplf1y NI bten ................. Oanlet C. ~I= MIChael J. Koutle on Nov. 27, 1 , File Th• Fictitious ~nesa VlfY !mpor\ant llCllona. •ICM18 of llrel laawnc:e of Ul9 let· '°"" Goode atored and which Is located ........... L.n.~~ ,CA Jamee £ Oobton Jr., Al· NoFS1•2le N.me. ,.,_,,ed to above ~.~ .. NOTIC•OP ... .. pt<Mdld In Mdlon 4()1.)C 8racl ~ • Pef. .. AYRES SELF STORAGE, The tolowlng Ptftonl ., • Th 1 utlMH la con-1orney IM con Ca.I Ms..cl-SOT ~a Pattnel· was filed In ~ County rtMl'lldve . bt ,.,.c;i P.,.ITION TO • 9100 of .. c.lltot'lla Pro-~Goode 1110 WHITTIER AVE. m'f buliMM aa: ctucted by: In lndMck.al atH. a Caltlomla genetal thlp, bot Blvd .. Of\ M•ch 24, 1193, fh to glYt tdce to "*'"'9d ADlllNfHD baa. eoo.. lM time '°' .. IOOI Ne lancMI • p.,.. COSTA MESA. CA. 92U7 NE STAR IHTfANA-A~ Me not Y9' patt~rehtp Cost• ~ CA 1:2t21 NoF515251 persone unltu ttley haW HTATaOFt ~ wll not ..... aGlttl OoOdt 714460-1212. Landlotd , .. TIONAL TELECOM-=totranNCt ..... Thia st•••mOnl WU ftlld o.w.w..t anc .. • c.it•~ COllffn F1ttpet~. 1ttlMI weMd "'*-or contented lour ~ trom IOI\ ~ ""'°" • '-• ltf"9a the ~ \o bid al MUNtCATIONS. 120t PIM .. kMcM !WM(•} w1lh lhl COut111 CllH k ol Corp .. 2...C Harbor Bfvd •• Alttc Cl.. FOW\taln Vallty, IO .,_ ptopotld eollon.) UDATAYLCNt the . Nellng ... no4lced Mf'810o0dt the Niie. Purcl\ufl """4 .., .... ~ 8Mctl. """abcM. Orar:r. CCWl'llt on NO~em-Coelll MMa, CA l2e2I CA t2709 The ~ actmlnl!t· caaa NO. an1no abcwe. 90l3 Mid*' Cf.... • be macta by CMh and Plll4 CA~ D8nltl c. Daty w1 ,1994. E~~.lnc .. a Rudy Garr.a. 251 T1 C. trallon ~ .. " To el,..,., IMneflelatlM, YOU MAY EXAM:\-._ ~Ooodt '°' .. .,. time of pun:hate. OenMn ~. 120t fhll 1t111 "•"' ... ~ • ft.28097 CallfOfnla Corp , Hl&C 8ulca, Laite ForsM. CA grMIM une.. an W.· cncMofa, ~igwtt ~ ... -by .,. court. r:: I071 ,... UghlMu • Per· M pura...d tooda ... f'IM '""'· HUMJntton _... .. eow., a.. OI Pub/11hed ~POfl eeach-Herbot~ ...... e2t30 e.d l*90n .... In • eora. and ptrlOtlt .tlo ::1 .......... ..., .... In ~Goodll tOICf • la and "*" IM ,.. INd\CA .... Or9f!l9 ea...., Oft 0... Co.ta Mesa Dally Pilot No-CAt2&2t Thia buait'IM• ... oon. ~ to "" ~ and oehefWM be W..-.ct .. ---.r:' ..., .. I074 ,... UgNMu • Per· "'°"'*' .. time of ......... ,, .. ~ -~ , ... ve1nber 22. av, Dtc;embei Thll waa con-• u1 Yo&# unwlllnted "'" good °"* whV ... .,. wll OI ....... OI bOlh, ....... ·--.-. .... Qoodl It ~ '° • un1na 1 In ,... ............ ... ., .. •• 1J, 1994 cMtld tlY • 91'*'al pow\-"*"•W.-.Y ~I ~ lhoutd l'IOt ·-.. or. ZADA TAYlOA , ~b.,...Noleeof ..,. Merl! .... • ,.,. .... ..,..,. of 11•1msnt .... CAI040I Nllalwd= ...... .a.11.,_~T4'3 ~ ~ ... ~ A~~bten -OI en ln¥eillalr --Ooodl IWMf\ llrdord .,., .. , .. ., Aleaan4W Oilal, ' Tht9 ~ ... filed To pteo.y~ ._..by TA OA AA-and ................. -... c. ..... ,.,. .... -= ........ c-. ....... 0. 9uy n. &ell It .. Find It, _...,, h County Darlt Of cfNeM"red lld eel loft .. be Med on TUE .. AHN TAYlOA In .... ot of .,,, .....,. • .... Qoodl .,, ll. ..... "tft9 ll. _,.., .. , .... 11, , ..... ~CA•t . __ Claaafft.L t M•••7•. MV I , 11M, at t•41 ft.M .,. ~ Court of cal-a1 ........ "*'-. ,.,. et ....... T ...,.... .. _. . ... -~ • ' c .. osta Mesa Dalt Pilot Tunday, Decembiir 0 1 191M e '°'.oec:.!i :.-::ncu MLie llOTICU PUii.JC MOTICU PUIUC NOT1Cll PUILIC llOTICIS PUIUC NOTICll "'8UC NOTICES PUaUC llOT1Cll flUl&.IC NOTICll '"--------..;....-~! SMh, TrMWt':'"' Pfamod CA_, Bhd.. ~ 111, Huntington 114 Cotll A~ .• • a.1bOe le• CA t2t25 aboVe on: ~ ti Thia M1iemen1 wN hied ·~~~~-----....;..;..;;;.;;..._ Pletllleue Thia ~ wu II.ct Thtt bualneM I• con-llelicti. CA 12t47 l#ld. CA 82..a ~ w ... , 111 Ju-1"4 ' Wllh UW County C141fk 01 PUILIC IOTICI Tnl1 b1111nN1 11 con- •Yalnlll..... with the County Cler1l Of ::::, by:. QlnlfW '*'" = L. HH:· 17491 M#1ha~ •own .... , mine, Colona .. Mar, CA ~ ~ ear. Inc .. OrW1Qe ~on No~ ~ ~by; Ill\ ltlQ.111~ual •tate••nt Otano-Councy on Novam-R99f111ant hu not y.a llrlQlon Cti ~~~ ~ ,. .. ~~i twwport ~ b •Inn. I• co ..... ...,,.."· Baront. o.iww ber t), '~· .,..,.._..._. Tne teg1•11.nt ~ed The foloWlng ~'°"' we bef 11, 1994, btlQIM\ IO lll'MNCI ..... i-.;..... Thll b I ' • "'"~ u . •r . PeaaMi .... ~ to ltanMCt bullUIHI Ufldef i>YllneH u · ,828•30 unclet the ~-::;(" ~ u1 "'" I• con-Thi• bu1lne11 11 co,,. ducted by. co-<patttWt hit Ila~ w11 Ned P\lblllt*I ~pot, hacll-Tl -uie f.ci.uou~ name(•) Dai.ct PA IC COAST PACKAO· Published Newport BMeh-llated lbcM. I) wile by. hulbend 111\d =by. a fe'*ll pM· :::::~ Q!_lh the ~ Ci.tk.: Cotta Meta ~ Ptlol No-dol~ ·=~ s:~ Mt IO<>vt on· •1 ·94 ~~· 1:::: f':v~~:r·~~ COtl• Mtl& Daily Pilot No. ~ori· R. Gonion The regl'1tanl ~ Regi91fant nu not y9t the tlcWOua NIM(I) llat.d IW '1:9,~ Dec: ll9mlW 22. 2t, December •) 0 2 PROOUCT10NS. b) ~:-:'1a~~l'lf ...... Iii.cl v •• • • Vtm.,., 29, D~•mbar e • Nttmenl w .. Ned to lfantael bullneu under ~ 1o 1tanuct busirM• ltbOw on· 1().94 '8207•7 .. 1), 19". OPEN EYES 918. C) th lh• c "' Cf ll I C 7!,5 ........ Ti adl c ""' 13, 20, 1994. • ~th the CowWy Cletk of the llciltloU• namt(I) llated una. the tlctlUout Mn\1(1} e.rnaa.U. Juaru Publilhed ... __,_ BtKti-Ta71 SIRIUS MEOIA S[RVICES, ~ • co!:t~·o,, tfov.! a..... r ng or..-.•· .,,ange ~on No\19rn. abOvt on: tM8-ta ~ abcwt. Thia ~ wat Iii.cl .... -,....... 705 Slt•B, fut Bal~ lnO' ' fon. 18952 MacArthur TSOt b., a, t91M R. St91Ni Hue Shalon s. HtMeNy with the County ci.tlt of Coata M ... Dally Piiot 0.. PUIUC NOTIC! 81vd .• 6albot, CA 92661 btr 22. tK4 FtH82S lvd.. 1•30, Irvine. CA PUBLIC NOTICE FU7440 Thi• statemeot wu filed Thia alatetMnt wu llled ()(ange County on Novtm-cemt>tt e. 13, 20, 27. HMM. s1~ Henry S~•. PubUhed Nt\'Wpoit Beach· C 2Tl5 T d ( C II Publlan.d Ntwport Beach-wllh the County C141flr of with the County Cltflt ol bw22, 1"4 T5'1 •·~~~~!°u• 303 A t 81v Av• .• llalbOa, Costa Mt~ Da.ly Pilot No. llpper ta , 1 11 Of· Floutloua Cotta Mua Daily Piiot No. <>rano-County on No~ Orang• County on Novem-H211t~ PUBLIC NOTICE -NanMI CA 92661 vtmber 29 Decemti.r a. ~·23~mll•~h u:"~•r~lp), •u•IMH Nam. vemb« 15 22 29 Oectm. '* 22. 19M '* 15. 19'M. PUblllhad Newport 8.-en. 1a. ..... nt Thi• buslntu '' con-13 20 1994 ~tt2, c~1a0ba~11. C~ Sta\ ... Mnt bt(e,1994. • • FH87.. Fe2909t CottaM ... DallyPllotNo. FlotiUoua ~he==-IOl'llalt~~~~~:.'nt~.a ' • Hit 91302 ,.h. lollowlng l*IOl'I• are T42t Published Newpon a.en. p~ Newport Btaen. vember 29, ~rnbef e, •u ....... Mamo STEY:FANINO'S PuBUSH· \0 tra~ t>uSlnest uodtr PUBLIC NOTICE This buslntSI 11 COO· dol1buslntsa11: Cotta Mesa DajJy Pilot No-Cotta Mtsa Diiiy Pilot No-13, 20, t994. • ......... , INO. A DIVISION OF STE· lilt flGUtjoos name(•) lltltd due1ed by: • hmlled P•r1· :6,c:Of,~f:y VAl.LfY PUBLIC NOTICE wmber 29, Dtcember e, vemb« 22, 29, o.c.mbt( • ns10 The lollowlng l*.onl 111 FANINO'S INC , 2992 Red· lbov• on· June 3rd tt9ot 8 ~tclltlo~• ntrahlp 2 • VOICE, ·-13, 20, 19!M. •• 13, 1994. doing buslneH H : til• Ave .. Co1t1 Mtsa CA Sltphtn Saunder• UI n••• •me The regilttant commenced 6050 Actro Street, Suite F ... UUoua T512 T450 PUBLIC NOTICE B & M CONSTRUCTION i 92828 ' This 11at11MOt wH filtd Statement ' 10 tran11c1 buslnees under 200, MIH lon Vl•Jo. CA •uatne .. Ne1ne MAINTENANCE 1939 Ebt St11tanl110'1 Inc (CA) w1lh the County Cltrlt ot n .. lo.io .... r.g pe1sont .,, Utt llct1Uous namt(s) fisted 9J:?,\ 1 C lt•t•ment PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE F1c~• Wilson Ave., A;,. 11, Of· 2990 Redhltl Aveo~. Co\ta Oraf\9• County on Novtm-doing business H ebOve on: Not applicable orn a ommunlty Tilt following Pettone .,. 8ueln. .. Na..-ang1, CA 92687 Mtaa. CA 92626 o., 15 1994 LW GAU.ERV. 3333 Bell.I Cit>rtlat Tr•dlng CorpcHa-News CorPQf'atfon, (Otta· doing busllwu as: Flctllloua Flctltloue Sgte ... nt Rob1rt KrawC2.1Jk,. 1 ~39 Thi• busineu ls con· ' Ft2e 145 St • Co\tl Mtsa. CA 92623 tlon, Mark Ha11ls, President sr''toCor~, 330 W. Bay PSA INl'ERNATIONAI., • aualneH Na,._. lhaalM .. Name The lollowlng !*SON 111 Ea.st Wilsoo Ave .• Apt 11, dueled by a corporation PubLsti.d Ntwpl)r1 Beach· Tonti MQr11 Gostanian This 1tatem•nt was filed T •1 •ta •sa. CA 82627 3410 W. Ml'CMhur Blvd Sgt .... nt atatoment doing buslneaa u : Oranot. CA 92667 Th• r991strant commenc.d c 'N Inc., !CA C0tp J Jei Hosp •• with the County Clerk of d h s bu1lne11 Is con-Ste K. Santa Ana, CA Tht following PlftonS ate The lollowfng PlflOllS ar• CALIFORNIA SENIOR Mlcnatl Rober1 Angtllat, to ltansact business undtr Ollila Mtsa Daily Piiot o-tal Rd ••2• Ntwpor1 Orang• County on Dtctm-Tueted by_e corpo<allon 92704 doing bullntH as: doing bullrles• a.a: SERVICES, 28548 Big 1939 E. Wilson 12, ()(. tM llctltloUt Mmt(a) 1.stld vember 22. 29, Dtctmbet Beach, CA !1:?62G ber 2, 11194. h• ftglllranl(s) com-Paul Theodore Chamber· J.J. WINSLOW. 5 Bor· FATHER AND SON MOV· Sptlng1, Trabuco Canyon angt, CA 92687 abov• on: 10.1·94 6, 13, 1994 This bus n1ss Is Co~ Fe29771 menctd lo ltansact busl· fain, 2524 Elden Av• .. deau•. Newport Beach, CA ING, 1336 u .. Uni, Costa CA 92678 Tl\lt bulll'HS 11 con· Sttttanlno't Inc . ISi Presi· l473 duc:ted by a c:orporat.on Published Ntwport 8 h· ness under lht Fictitious Coa11 Mtsa, CA 92627 92660 Mtta, CA 92627 Sustn Willlam1, 28546 Big ducttO by:~ general pllrt· dent The 11g1s111n1 commonc#d Costa Mesa Dall" p 10~8~ Bbouslneas •• ~am•(s) listed Xalo Ung Zhou (SharlyoJ. Jl.ld1lh J. Friedman. 5 Bof· John M. Glodich, 1336 Sptlngs, Trabuco Canyon, nershlp Thia alatement was llltd PUBLIC NOTICE 10 ttanuct bus.ntss i.ndet 6 3 20 1 27 1 .,,,.. '::: ~r•r on .... ay 1994 9165 Buell St, Dow11ty, CA d11ux, Newpor1 Beach, CA UH Lant, Colla Mesa. CA CA 92678 Reglatra(lt hH not yet with th• County Cieri< 01 Flc:llll ... •• tne f1ct111ous namels) lo•ted cember • 1 • • • 1....... a ornla Community 902•1 92660 92827 AJy_ce RIPP••· 514 Fern-begun lo transact buaineu Orange County on No111m. -aoo•• on· 1993 T547 Newa C0<poratlon, Pramod T~l1 bu1lntsa 11 con· Walter Friedman. 5 Bor· Sam Glodich 111, 1221 N. r.af, Corona def Mar, CA undtr the flcUUous name(s) btf tS, 1~. Busln•H Name Ton.a _..,1111e Gostan1al'I __ P_U_B_L-IC_N_O_T_l_C_E __ Shah, Treasurlf dUcted by: co-partners deaux. Newpor1 Beach, CA Big Spring St. Anaheim, 92625 h'1ed above. Fe28098 Statem•"' Inc; • Tonia .Martt Gostan· , This stattmenl was ftled Th• teglsttant. commencad 92660 • CA 92801 Thi• "buslnett• la con-Michael Angellar • lhe lollo:.W\SI pe11ons are i.ui. Pri61den1 ---F-lc_\_ll_l_o_u_a_~ won Ille County Clerk ol tcr ltansact bUslnest undir T·hla t:>ualnt1s la con-This business 11 con· ducted by co-pa.rtnecs Thi• etaltmenl wu filed ;:bll~ed NtDw'!1~ BeaNch· doing busif\IH u : T1!1s siaternent was 111\l<I Butln••• Ham• Or1nge County on Novem· tilt fic:1ltlou1 name(•) lilted ducted by husband and ducted by: 1 general part· The registrant commenced whh the CouotY Clerk ol Sia Ila ai.,b tlot o-AL 8 EAT· S LAG u NA v.olh tl'lt Counl'y Cletl< ol bor 18, 1994. abov• on: 10-9-V. wll• nerahlp to transact buslntss under Orange County on Decem-vtmber 22, 29, ecember BEACH IMPORTS. 3285 u -Orange Countf on No.em- Stat•m•nt fl28527 Paul T. Chamberlain The regl1tran1 commenced R•glatrant has not yet tilt fk:tilloua namt(s) ~Sled bel 2, 1994. 6, 13, 1994. guna Canyon Road, la· bet \5, )9!}4 F628085 Tht lollowlno ptraon1 are Published Newport Beach· Xalo Ung ZhoU to transaC1 bualneu under begun to ttansaC1 business abov• 011: 1M8-94 F628711 T454 guna Beach, CA 9265\ Pi.bl1$1\ld ,..,.,,pon Beach-- doing busints1Ga1: Costa Mesa Dally Piiot No-Thi• 1111ement wat filed tilt flctiUou1 name(s) li1ltd under th• flcllllOU9 name(s) ~ Rippee Published Newport Beach· PUBLIC NOTICE Alber1 Paolucci. 5 Mcu"ing Cosl8 Mosa Oo11y P1to1 No-a I WfUTNDIN OMEGA vember 29 Otctmi>.r 6 wilh the County Clerk ol above on: November 15. 111ted above. Thlt 1tatement was filed Costa Meaa Dally Pilot D• Glory. Ranetio Santa Mar-vember 22 29 Decerr.oet GAO H, A CALIFORNIA • • Orang• County on Novem-1994 John Glodlctl with the County Clerk of gallla, CA 92888 ' LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. b) t3, 20• t994. btf 8, 1994 Walltr Ftletlman Tl'll• statemant was flied Otangt County on Nov•m-eemti.r 6• 13• 20• 27• 1994· cna t223702 ihls. busln111 Is con· 6· t:t, 1994 T447 FUTURE PERFORMANCE T50<1 fl27443 Thia 1tat1"*1t wu filed wilh the County Cl•rk ol btr 22, 1994 T543 flctltlout ducted by an incl1vidual GROUP. A CALIFORNIA PUBLIC NOTICE Publlshld Newport Beach-wlt.h the County Clerk ol Oiang• County on Nov•,.,,.. Fl28789 PUBLIC NOTICE Bu•lneat Nam• lhe 1eg1suan1 commenced PUBLIC NOTICE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Cotta M•ta Dally Piiot No. Orange County on Nov•m-t>er 15, 199-4. Publlihed Newport Beach-Stato..,.n t lo llansact business \lode• Flclllloua 4010 BARRANCA. SUITE cnat2t7123 b 15 ,,., ..,. D btr 18, 1994 Fl280ee Cotta Mesa Dally P"lot No-flcUtloua Tha lollowlng persons aie tht fict111ous ntmt(•) listed 8 .. •ln••• Ham• 265, IRVINE. CA 927154 vem If • '""• """• ecem-fl28I04 1 • at N dolng business as· above on: Novembor 10 v• • Cohen Stooks Aasoclatos Fictitious tier 6, 1994: P . 1 N Publlah•d Newport Beach· vemt>tr 29. December 6, u neu •m• HAYES MARTIN ·ASSOCI· 1994 · . Statement inc .. (CA Corp.) BualnH• Name T-434 ubl shed ewport Beach· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot No-13, 20, t9SM. Stat•m•.-• ATES. 3187 A AJrway Av· Atber1 Paolucci Trie 10110 .... ng p...r$OOS a1e This busin"s ts co Statemo"t Cotta M11a Dally Piiot No-vember 22. 29, Otcember T513 Tilt following pertOnS art enu• Costa MHa CA This statement was Mid doinq buS'iness a~ ~ ducted. by: a limited part· The lolfowlng persons are PUBLIC NOTICE vembtr 29, December 8, 8, 13, 199'4. PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~c~'~':~~S u~330 B 92626 · w11n it'll Countv Cle1k ol J;a;o. THE HAIR SALON ntrshlp doing business u : Flcllllou• 13, 20. 199a. • T452 Pli 1350• · frvi II· Sandra Martin Kffdy, 3187 Orange County on Novem· 512 '' W Ba•t..c.a Bi.Cl Registrant has not yet UNITED AUTO AND MA· T604 ianca ':>HY· • ne, A Auway Avenue, Costa ber 15, 1994 8.J1b011 CA 112661 begun to 11ansact business AiNE, 2902 Pacific Coast Bual••• N.,._. PUBLIC NOTICE Fictitious CA 92714 Men. CA 92626 fCS28129 Kim Rent T c.ues, 1 :.00 unc1er the t1ct1t1ous namt(s) Highwav. N1wport Beach, ltat•m.nt PUBLIC NOTICE Ftc:tltloua .,•u:in ... Nema ~~gl ~/00~'8"· &s~ This bualneu Is con-Published Newport Beach· P8CH c" 4 Huniinoton 11s1ed abo11e. CA 92600 Tht lollowlng pefSOnt '" Fl 1 1 et•t•rnent ·• • ducted by an lndivtelual c 1 M 0 p 1 t.ath A 512&48 Cohen Stooks Assoclales, Automotive Dlatributlng lor doing buslnesa u : ct 1 oua Bualnen Nam. The following persona art Mesa, CA 92627 Tilt reglatranl commenced os a esa a,ty '01 No-llnda J Joh .. nsen 401 Inc .. Sean Zarlnegar. Prtsi-the Fat West, a Cal1lornla FOUNDATION MORT· Bueln••• Nam. ·Stat•m•nl dolrig business aa: Betty A. 841Nl9n, 4330 Bar· to ttansact business under vember 22· 29, Oecembei Btt~u• Wne Boit.tia CA dent corporation, 6240 Des· GAGE, 1539 Montovla Stt.. Sla~•mant The lollowlng persons are STROKER PRODUCTS, t!lllca PkWy l350, Irvine, th• hctlllous name(s) ltsted 6. 13, 1994. 92b61 This statemeot was tiled canso Avt .. Buena Park. 12. Newport Beach, CA Th• following pe11on1 att doing business as: 112• Gleneagles T111ac1, ~~192714 -above on: t/87 T46~ Tnis b.us1ness is con-w1lh tho County Clerk ol CA 90623 92663 doing business as: FOREVER LOST, 10 Koso Costa Mesa. CA 92627 1 bu~rneu, I• con-Sandra Maltln Koedy d"'tted by co·pa triers Otange County on Novam· Thia bu1lnen Is coo-Al Garcia Aragon, 9292 LEADER PUBLISHING Place, Rancho Santa Mat· CM• J. Carlson. t t2A Git · dRUC1f' by. ~partners Thi• statement was llled PUBLIC NOTICE Tt•e t11g.s1·;i 1 commenced 1>41r 15, 1994 ducted by: a corporation Melba Of., G11den Grove, INTI.., 34526 Camino El garfta. CA 92688-.1828 naagles Terrac•. Costa beeg strant 11 not, Yet With lh• County Cto11c ol Flcllllou• to varuact bu11n11ss undor f828102 Tht regl1trant(s) com-CA 92641 Mollno, Csplstrano Beach. DeNlls M. Willlams. 10 Mesa. CA 92627 gunJ:>. ~~~ busne(ss Orange County on Novem-tno ''"•I.Ou~ na'T••\s) 1.1.1ed Pu 11 h d-N Be • mencta to transact busl-Clay Chrlstoph•r Tueller, CA 9262• Koso Place. Rancho Santa Sandra LyM Catlson, 1124 undtr c oos name •I .,., 10. 1994. BuslneH Ham• abo.1 on 3· 1-~ b 5 • ewport •ch noss under ll'lt FicU1lous 2178 Rural Place, Costa Andrea Downs, 34526 Matgarlla CA 92688-1828 Glentagle1 Tlfract , Cost listed above. F027791 Statement Linda J Joheosen Costa Mesa Daily P1101 No-Business Name(s) hsted Mesa. CA 92627 Camino El Mohno, Caplst· Penny WiJRams, 10 Koso Meu.-CA 92627 Randy Paulson Ttio lollo.9\ng petsons 11e Th.s st.J111rr,ent ""as l11•d vember 22. 29, December above on: 10.1·94 Thi• buslnen 11 con· rano Beach, CA 9262• Place, Rancho Santa Mar· Thi• bustr,esa Is con-This s1a1emeflt WH flied ~blis~td Newpo~ Beach· doing business as· with the County C•e1k or 6, 13, 1994. Automohvt Dlstnbutlng tot ducted by: • general par1· Larry Mandell, 26621 Lau-g11lta, CA 9268&-1828 ducted by h.usband and wl0th theCCOUnty Clerk of Sta 111 Daily ilot N~ •I FOX MACHINE EX· Otangt Couol./ on Decem· T456 Ille Faiwest, Peter a. Os• nersnlp rtl Crest Or., Laguna H"ls, ihls buslnass Is con-wtl• . · range ounty on Novern. vember 22. 29, Oecembet PEATS. bJ FMX ENGi· ber 1, 19,.i F829647 __ P_U_B_L-IC_N_O_T_l_C_E--1 borne, P1esldent Tht reglsltanl commenced CA 92653 ducted by: husband and The reg1s1rant commenced ~r ts, 1994. 6, 13, 1994. NEERING 1315 E St An· PYbhshed Ne~pott Beach· This italement was filed to transact business under Thi• buslneu 11 co,rr wllt to ttansact business under · F028134 T499 a11ws Pi UM D, Santa Cosio Mesa Oil p ct O&- ___ N_O_T-IC_E_O_F---1 With lht County Clerk ol the t1clltlout name(s) Haled dueled by: a gentral port· Aeglelraol nu not yet the fictitious naiM(s) !Isled Published N•wport Beach· PUBLIC NOTICE Ana, CA 92705 b 6 13 2/ 2; 1994 Orange Counry on Novem-above on: 8-tS-V. 09t1hlp begun to transact busl11es1 above on: 12·11·92 Costa Mesa Daily Pllot No-Et:ui Broolt.s Fa.lie, 20 Lau-cem or · · · ·PUBLIC AUCTION bet 9, 1994, Clay Tuck., The reglsltanl eommenc:ed under th• fic:tJUous name(s) CM• J. Carlson vember 22. 2.9. December Flc:lltfou• ttl T1oe Lane, l1v1ne, CA T539 Nohe• Is hereby g111en Fl2leSS Thi• 1taleme111 wa1 flied to transact buslnes1 under 11s11d abo~•. This 1tatemenl was filed 6 13 1994 92715 PUBLIC NOTICE thll th• underS1gned wtU p bti h d N rt a. h-with lilt County Clerk ol \he fietllious narn1(s) Jlsled btnnls M. Willlams with the Counly Cierlc ol • • · Bu1lnH1 N•m• Thrs-business Is con· ---------seU at Publlc AU<:llon on u s • ewpo ac Orange County on October above on: November 1. This 11a1emen1 wu filed Orange County on Novem-T469 Statement ductoct by: an lodMdu:it STATEMENT Of 12·t4·94 at 10.00 a.m al: Costa Meaa Daily Piiot De-18, 1994 199-4 with the county Clerk ol bet 22, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE The lollow1ng peraons 111 The 1eg1s\111\1 commencto ABANDONMENT OF AlLSPACE, 8564 HAMIL· cember 6, 13, 20. 27, 1994. fl2&34t8 Andrea Downs Orang• County on Novem-FCS28801 d0tng business aa: to ltans.lel business u11<1et USE OF FICTITIOUS TON AVE .• HUNTINGTON T530 Published NewpOrt Beach-Thll slatemenl wat llll d b•r 15, 1994. Published N-port 8.acn. flctltloue a) WILLIAM COABIN GEN· ltl• fictitious namt(s) listed BUSINESS NAME BCH . CA 92646 lhe per· wllh tht County Clerk ol , Fe28132 Co M D I p N Bual OH N e • ERAL BUILDING CON· above on· sonal p1op1nv of the IOI· PUBLIC NOTICE Costa Mne Dally Pilot No-Otang• Couniy on Novem· sta esa a 1V •lot <>-n am TRACTOR. bl ACME HOME Elan Faine Tht lolluN•ng J>er&Of'ls towing: vember 15, 2.2, 29, Oecem-btr 29, 1994. Publlshed Ntwpol'\ _Beach· vembtr 29. December 6, Stat•m•nt iNSPECTfON SERVICES. I "This statem•nl was Med navo acanooned Int uH or TSL. FINANCIAL SERVICE. flctJtlous bef 6, 1994. ,129292 Co•la Mesa Dally Pilot No-13. 20, 1994. Tht lono.wlng Pl!'°"' are ~oonshadow. lrvme. CA With the County Clerk 01 lht F1c1111ous BusontSI· A0t2, FILE BOXES. FILE Bualn•H H•nM T437 Publlshed Newport Beach-v•mbtf 22. 2'9, December T516 ~~g ~~Ill·: ~s,-P811Mr· 92715 Orang• County Of\ Novem· ~EAamcu ~~~ORRY is lA328G5U~!' CABINETS Stat•nMnl Co • . 0, 13, 1994. I ~ Wiiiiam Boyd Corbin, b9r 15, 1994 " ...,. JACKSON. AOl3, MISC. Th• foUowlng pe<sona or• PUBLIC NOTICE sta Mesa Daily Puot De-T467 PUBLIC NOTICE sh p, 245 scher. Suite A· same<as above Fl28 t t 2 ,. .. na C1111yon Road. La· FURN, LADDER. DISH doing buslnest .,. -otrnbef 6, 13, 20. 27. 1994. Flclltlou• 78, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This busintlS Is COO· p bl N B guna Bea~h. Ca ~2-e51 WASHERS. REFRIG. ORTH OIL RICHAADSON Flctltloua T537 PUBLIC NOTICE Or1~ Oil Company, Inc. dueled by: arrtnd1vidual u •shed twpon o.lCh· °lht Fictiho1.1s Business BJNGHAM, HOSJ, MISC. RANCH 28 PAATNERSHlP~ a~alMH Ha,._. Buatn•n Name (Cahlornia Corp.}, 245 Fis· Regls\Jant tfas nol el Costa Mesa Dculv p,101 No-1'.ame telttted 10 abo"ve soxes. BAGS, HOUSE· i4s Asch., Suit• A·78, Statement PUBLIC NOTICE Flctltlou• Stat•m•nt Chtr Suit• A·78, Costa btgun 10 transact t>us.Jss vemblf 22. 29, Decdmbe1 'ft(I$ Mod Ill Orange Count) HOLD GOODS Costa M11a Calllornll The lolloWlng PlflOnl att STATEMENT Of 8usln• .. Name The lollowlng pe.1son111e ~~~·· 1,A 9F628 I undlf lht flCttllous namt(s) 8, 13, 1994 °" c-5.94 Fi,. No F6Q.15IJ VA NAGS. 11081 , FILE 92628 ' doing' business as: Stattm•nt doing business as: 1 us !'IHI 1 ' con-listed lbOve. T449 Jerry f ranc•s Poper, 2666!> BOXES Orth Oil Company Inc .• A·1 ROOFINQ & CON· WITHDRAWAL FRO~ Th4 following persons are LIPPE WAREN Fl+lE ducted bV 1 CGrP<>flllon W1lllam 8. Cotb•n V•a Alvot~do. Mission V•eio .. OE MONTE, H087, MISC. (Calllotnia Corp.). 245 F11· STRUCTION. 613 Sea'tlltw OPt~TTNINEQASUHNIDPE.. doing business as: CRYSTAL ANO JEWEt:.AV. t~"~.',,~!~~~omzi~~ed Th11 statemtrl( was filod PUBLIC NOTICE • CT~ 92E.51 BOXES ct.er Suitt A·78 Costa Lan• Costa Meta. CA ....... n FIRST IN PRODUCTS 3333 Beat SL, Costa Mesa. · nes 81 w1lh lht Counry Ct•1k ot "'1 ousiness ""'15 con· NISSEN. Ht 12. MISC. Mesa, Calilomla 9z'628 92626 ' FICTITIOUS 19881 Broolthurst St., H~ CA 92628 the ficll\l~s name(a) hsled Orang• County on Novtm· Flctltloui dueled by an "d ••d ... el FURN. Thi• business ls coo-John W. Hancock. 613 BUSINES• NAME ll!19lon Beach, CA 92646 Tonie Marie Gostanian. above on. October 1• 1994 ber 18, 1994. Bualn•H Ham• Th-s statement .... as I oo AUCTIONEERS KELLV & ducted by: I corporallon Seavltw Lant, Costa Mesa. The lotlowlng person l\as Brian A.. Springer, 9349 Inc. (CA Corp.), 361 Hospf. Orth Oil Comp~, Inc.: Fl28558 Statem•nt wil~ tne County Clerk ol KARL JACKSON, KE. AUC· The 1'gl1lrant(s) com-CA 925628 · ithdrawn &t a geoerat Aorenct Avt . Downey, CA taf f\d.. •43•. NtwpOC"t t:1~,ony WayOt O • Pret. Publish•d Newpor1 Beach· The following PlfSOns 11e Or .. ~, ~"111:1 on """"''" TION &ERVICE; P 0 . BO)( mtnced 10 lta.naact busi· Craig Clalk, 8\3 S..vlew partr\411' from the partner-90240 Beach, CA 92628 nw .: Costa M D ly p 1 doing business at bet 1 1 4 825. RIALTO. CA. 923n ntss und., lh• fiC'lllK>US Lane. Coit• Mell, CA ship Opef&tlng under the Gary Y~. 21207 s. NOt• Thl• bu1111eu It eon-• ~••mtn\ WU '1lld Ha ill • ot No-VILLA PARK SCHOOL OF Jerry Francs Pipe• TELE: 909--873-0744 AUC· business nam1(1) tlsttCS 92626 llct1UOU1 business name of wallt Blvd.. Norwalk CA dueled by• c:ofpC>fallon With tht County Clerk 01 vem~r 22• 29• December BALLET & DANCE CEN· Pub .\t ed t,e,,.port Btacll· TION BONO •723-41·19 above on: November 1. Thia buslntu 11 con-VISION INDUSTRIES 11 90718 Th• registrant commenced Orang• County on Novt m-6, 13, 1994. T~E. 22605 E. u Patma Costa Mesa Pi1ot No••m· Publl shtd Newpo rt 1994 ducttd by. a g9ntr'al par1· 17815 Ntwtiope Ava., Suite Thi• business Is con-to transact business under ber 18• 1994· f 2 • Ta75 A.ie .• Ste.Sit, Yorba Lmda bet n 29 Oecerr.btr 6 Bnch·Co_?til Mes• Dailv Orth 0.1 Companv Inc .• Mo nerahlp A, Fountain Valley. CA ducted by co-par1n1rs the flctltiou1 name(•) httd I s .. 42 PUB CH T C CA 92687 13. t994 Pilot December 1, 8. 1994. tllony W;ayne Orth, Pttsl· R•glstrant tias not yel 92108 R•glslranl hat not yet abov• on: \989 Published Newpor1 Beach-ll 0 I E Jonettt \fl Rettig, 18292 T496 Th607 dent begun lo transact business Tht Fictitious Business begun 10 11ansaC1 business Tonia Mar11 Gostanlan Co11a Mffll Dally Piiot No-flc:tltloua L111corn St , Villa Patk. CA --P-0-8-L-IC_H_O_T_l_C_E __ , Th.IS 1iatement was filed under the rlctallou.a 11ame(s) Na.mt referred 10 above under th• flct1tlous namt(s) fnc.,PTonia Mati. Gos1an· v•mber 22, 29, ,Otcember BualntH Nam• 92667 w1111 the County Clerk ol lotted abov•. was mid In Orang• County listed above. Ian, resident 6, 13. 1994. Tn1s business is con· . ---------1 Orang• County on Nov9m· John w. Hancock on Apnt 5, 1994 F604528 Bnan A. Springer Thl• 1t.a1ement was filed T Statement ducted by an md1v1dual f lclltloua b8f 29. 1994. TNs slattmtrlt was filed Full name and eddrtss of Gary Young with the County Cte<k ol 479 Tiit tollo..,1ng petsons are The reg suant commenced Bu1ln•11 Ham• F829275 wilh the County Cltrk of th• person withdt•wlng: This stattmtnt was filed Orange County on Novern. PUBLIC NOTICE doing business as: to transact business undet Statement Publllhed Newport Beach-Orang• County on Novem· Chris Wiison, 809 N. with Ille County Clttk ol bef 15, 1994. ab ORANGE COUNTY tht l•Cllt1ou1 name(s) l1s1ea MAl90I LAWN The lollow1ng por1ons ore Costa Mesa Dai"' Pilot D .. btf.8. 1994 Paullna Ave .• R•dondo Orang• County on Novem-F628127 Flctltloua CCONUSNUTM$R.Cb01 OSRANU EGRE abo\e on 1974 ......,_AA-· dOiog busmess as: ., fl27424 Beach, CA 902n bet 18, 1994. Published N-por1 Beacn. Bu1IMu Ham• N M Jonelle W Retllg _ _., vwn PARK VISTA APART· c:embtr 8, 13. 20, 27, 1994. Published Newport eeaCll-Thi• atalemtn\ WU filed Fl28549 Cotta MHI Dally P1tOI No-Slat•m•nt NEWS. 1716 0 1a11g• Av• This statement was 1. ed c__,. MonualV • MENTS. t200 Nor1h Ha1bo1 TS38 Costa Mesa D811Y plot No-with the County Clerk of Pubfishld Ne""""'r1 Beach· Vtmbef 22 29 Dtcembtr The loll')wlng persons ate •G. CodstaRMesa, CA 92627 'ft1\h lhe Count/ Cllfk c.t ~ • ~ B,...d . Anaheim, CA 92601 1 Orang• County on Novem-~ .. -• • doing bUS«llst as· Donal ay Long, 1750 Orange County on Novtm '"Sm 111g AU Fauhs Cnevv Chase Anaheim, PUBLIC NOTICE vtmbtr 15, 2.2, 29, Otcem-ber t5. 1194. Cnris Wilson Costa Mesa Daily Pilot No-6, 13, 1994. WENDV'S 15375 ·aam 1nca Skyl11k Lan•. Nt~pon t:l•r 22. 1994 1625 Gfsler P111ners, A Cahlo1n1a Um• Fl Ull ber 8, 1994. Put>llsn•d Newport Beach· vembtr 22. 29, Decamber T443 ParkW-y bovine CA 9271a Beach, CA 92660 Fl28805 •ltd p11tn•r1hlp. 1200 8 I c o~• HJJ Co•ta Mesa Daily P1tot No-e, 13, 1994. PUBLIC NOTICE Con1ol1dated •restaurants This business is con-P.ibl•5hod N.,.l>O,, Betct'I-Costa Mosa ~!~ c~·~~~t Blvd. Ana· u;t~~!!t.!:"-PUBLIC NOTICE vemblf 22, it. O.C.mbtf T485 ol Ca11lorn1a Inc., (Cahfor· dR~~~.,~~. "'n~:·"~:iat ~81 Costa Mesa Oa.lf Pilot No-ltl••~ililili"liiiJ.clil•• This business It con-The lollowlng l*l<>n* .,, e. 13, 1994. T4 7 PUBLIC NOTICE f lctltloua nla), 15375 Bananca Patk· btg\IJl to ttansact ts.is.nus vembe1 29 Oeetmber 6 ducted by I llm11ed part· doing business a.a: F&clllloue 9 8&11lnou Name ~:1~4 hvlnt, Calllornla undlf the fictitious name(s) 13. 20 199-i PAC•te Vll!W netship MeELROY COMMUNIC~· 8ualrt.H Name PUBLlC NOTICE Flctlllou. Slal•,...nt T 1 llsted abOve. T508 MEMONAJ. lllAM The registrant comm•nced TIONS, 877 Production Slatom.nt Bualn•H Name "rylt lollowlng persons are du~~ ~u'a 0:,• ~.~on-Donald R, Long ---------C-tery • MOftUllY 10 ttanaact business Undtt Place, Newport Beach, CA Tht lollowlng peraona ... FlcUlloua ltatom•nt d0i1 bUslness u : Tht rag t111111 ~ Thi• •t•temtnl was liled PUBLIC NOTICE c'** • CrematOO'y th• r1ct111ous na.me(s) l1S1td 92683 doing business u : Bualn•H Nam. The t0Uow1ng persona are T•tR ~~~u\~~~ ~~ 10 ttans~ct business undei ~th Ihle Co~ty CllH'll ol Flcllllou• 3500 Pac:1toc View Df•Ye above on: 1986 Thomas Paul MCEiroy, a) OISCOVEA PUBUCA· Sta1em.nt dolno buslll9ss H : • i) • the fictitloUs name(s) !Isled ang• ounty on No~em-~ 8eecll Chevy Chase Anah•lm 4871 Wlnvale Avenu1, Ir· TIONS, bl PARKWOOD Tht followlng perion• 111 CELllC Cl.ASSICS 1801·A FORNIA AUTO GROUP, tbovt on· Jutv 1t 1982 '* 18, 1994. Bu.sine .. Nam• .,...,,.. Paf111•r1. By: Anavtst, Inc .. Wit , CA 9171• PUBLISHING. c) JAMES doing buslntu as: w. Bay Avenue, Newport 445 East Coast Hlghwav. co solldatecf Restaurants Fl28524 St•t•111•nt lllllli••••••• • O•n•ral Partner. Cail N. Sarah Jane MCEiroy. •871 AUSTIN PUBLISHING. d) BEACH BAGELS •oo Btlch, CA 9266.J N9Wport B•ach, CA &2660 ol tahfornja Inc. Michael PubtlShed NtWPo'1 Beach· Th• followtng persons 110 " K.,cher, President W1nval1 Avenue. lrvtna, CA DANIELS PUBLICATIONS. Uk• St., Unit 101 Hunun~ Allttn M. McKtagney. ~Nc::;,~o:aa0chHC11• Inc., Kourlt /Presldtnt ' Costa M•u Dairv Pilot l'.o-doing busin•ss as· PtllCI llll•IS This Slalement was filed 92714 537 Newport Centlf Or .. ton Beach. CA 92648 1801 A. W. Bey Avernie. 1 &WlhOtf\8 be 22 29 0 b DATA COMM. 2000. llll ...... " ¥o11t\ 1n. County Clerk ol Thia bu1lneu 11 con-#367. Newport Beach, CA Robert UnviUi , aoo Ukt Newport Beach, CA 92663 · Torranc., CA 90503 Thinking of having a vem r • • tcom er 277S Mesa Ve1dt Dr . E Orange C<)unty on Novtm· dueled by: husband and 92660 Sl Huntlngtoo Beach CA Gabriel McKeaQnty \906 Thi• bu1ln111 I• con-gareg• saJe? 6. 13, 1994. S"'te F107. Costa M95a Mortuery * Chapel t>er 15, 1994 . wile -Thornaa Lowy. 537 New-92&4a ' G. Court Avenue, Niw.port ducted by: a COIP<>flllon Give ut •call! T476 CA 92626 Cremation f628143 R1gl11tanl hH not yet port C1nt1r Dr., 1387, Deni• Sldhoum. 400 Lake Blach, CA 92663 Th• reg11tranl commenced CLASSIFIED Buy It. Sell It. Find It. M1thael Paul Scally, 2775 110 Broedw ay Cotta Mesa MJ.111• Pubhsh•d Newpor1 Beath· t>tgun lo transact business Newport Btacn, CA 82660 St., Hun1lllgton BMch, CA Thia bu1lntsa 11 con-lo ttanaact busloess undtf 642...Stnca Claaalfled. M.sa Verd• Dr E. S..11 Costa Mesa Dail P•tot No-und8' th• ncUtiou1 name(s) Thi• bualri111 11 con-92848 ducted bv 1 gtnefal part· the f1Clltfou1 name(t ) !Isled F107. Costa Mesa CA Y Nsled above. ducted by: en lndMdual Thia b1.1tlne11 le con-nlf'Shlp vember 22, 29. December Thomas PaUI Mcelroy Registrant ha.a not yet ducted by: a gtnetal patt· Reglsl1an1 has not ya\ 6. 13, 1994 This a\aletn4K't wu filed begun to ltansact butlntu nerthlp btg\ln to 1r111SBct business T471 wllh the CoYnty Cl.,IC of undtf the flc:flOOoa name(•) R1gi11tant hu not yet \ll'lder the lictiOOoa namt(s) __ P_U_B_L_l_C_N_O_T_l_C_E __ , Orang• Co\ll'lty on Novem· lltlld a~. b9gun to transact butlneu lilted abov9. t>tr 8, 1994 Thomas Lowy unCilf the ficlltloua nam1(1) A. McKeagney ----,_,------• F827421 This stat•ment wu fUecl llsted above. Thia ttaltmtol was f1lftd F lllou• Published Newport Beach-with the County Cle(k ol Robef1 Unvllle with the County Clttk ol 8u1lnt11 Name Costa Mesa Daily Pilot No-Orange County on Novem-This alatament was filed OranQ• County ori Novem- Stat•m.nt mlW bet 18. 1~ with the County Cl.,k ol b8f tl. 199-4. The fOlloWtng ptfSOnl lrl Vt 15• 22• 29• Otctrn· Fensaa ()(ange County on Novtm-Fl285S7 \$oing busineu as: bet 8, l994. Published Newport~ ber 8 1994 Publllhtd N_,.,,, Beach-a) THE MORE THE MER· T421 ' f 2 ·-,...... RIER. bJ CASTLE ANTI· Co11a M11& Daily PllOI No-. I 7425 Colla Me1a Dally Pilot No- OUeS 112 East t 8th PUBLIC NOTICE vemt>eJ 29, Qecembtr •· Publilhtd Newport s..ch-vemb« 22. 29. December Slrfft.' Costa Masa, CA 13, 20. 1994. Coate Miu Daily PtlOt No-8, t3, 1994. 92627 flctlUoue . TS02 V9"\bel 15, 22. 29, Oecom-T492 Patricia J. 1Js&n%. 443 Via •u .. neH N•mo 1W I, 1994. --------- STARTING ANEW ~ . (--;-(<: ,.Ti/ -~\. ) ~J . Lido Soud. Newport Stach, Statement PUBLIC NOTICE Ta20 PUBLIC NOTICE CA 92683 Th. following l*IOnl are __ B CAS'LNre.ss ;J';J Unda J. Johnlton. 1912 doing t>uS1M11 u : •--~~-~~ PUIUC NOTICE FlctltJoua e e Santiego Newport 81ech, HUOHES ~GEMENT, --8ualMN Name CA 92660 19172 Florfd• Sit .... ~\If). ltatement floUUoue .... ......,. Tt111 buslnus 11 con-tington S.ech, CA 82eal The tollOwlng l*tonl .,. .....,_.. Name The following pelllON at• ducted by • .Q•Otral part· ~•llY Maur"!l HU9hH. cloinQ bUllneal u : .... •ment dotr'O butlneu 11: e e Mtlhlp 311 e&st Vtlcia Avenue 18, INTEGRITY SOFTWARE The following pertona 11t OA"'ni OIL RICHARDSON The r99ls1tant c:ommtneed Huntington 8Hch, CA ANO COMPUTING, 231a1 doing butlntN aa: RANCH PARTNERSHIP, lo 1tansact business under 92&4~ Tiagua, M!Nlon Vlefo, ~ t ) COAST REALTY l 245 Fllc:tltr, au.le A·78, . •· ......... . th• flc'1tlou1 namt(I} haled J.-annfnt lr•n• J0tdan. 92692 ' MO RTQAOE CO., b} Coeul M"8, CA~ •bov• on: f.12-81 223 18'h Street, Hennosa Howard l.Mtay Mcl<Wey WHEELS ONLY. cl OA· OrUI Oil ~ lf\C., Unda J. Johnston 8each. CA 9025a Jf .. 231a1 Tlaaua. ~ ANGE COAST REAL.TY i (c.lilomla Corp., 2., Fi .. Thia ataltrntnt WH riled Thll bu1ln•t1 la con-Viejo. CA l2tl2 . MORTGAGE co.. 1 HO Cher Sult• A· a. Cotta ~with th• Colinty Cltrk of dueled by. a general PM• UnclNy ~ MctOnleY. 11th St. 11<204, Newpot1 MeM, CA~ Orange County on Nov•m-04W*hlp 10000 £. Imperial HWv .. .;. 8"ch. CA 92863 Thi• buafna11 11 con-'* 15, 1994. R•gl11rant hU not ~·• 312., Downe¥. CA 90242 AnU•nlg N. AJt,tabllan. dl"'9d by• corporation Fl281 i o· begun 10 tr&nACt but111111 Thi• bu1rne11 I• con-tllO 1em si .• 11<204. ~ n. rtgjelrn c:ommenct<t Published NewPort Beech-~ the ~ name(1) ducted by. en ~ pClf1 IMch. CA NtCS3 10 nnuct ~ undei Colla Miu Dally p1101 No-Hated ~. ReglaltlllC hN not Y.-Thi• bu•lneH 11 con-the lcWoue '*'-(a) lilted Kiiiy Huohel Nciun to nn.act tMlr1Ma ductacl by. an ~ •bow on: ~ 1, ttea vemo. 22, 29, Otcemt>et Thie tta1tment -Ned ~ Wte ~ w<•> The~ commenced °'111 Oil Comc>anv. inc.. e. 13, t91M. with IM ~ty Ctttlr of lleted aboY9. to "'*"' ~ ~ """"""' Wayne °""' ,,. ... _______ T_44_1_1 Oftngt ~ Oft~ Howwd UndMy MdQniey the~ Mfne(I) l*d ~ Pu.Uc NOT.cl btrl.1994 "'· ~on: 11-7... Thilt ..... "*11 ... &led • PU74H Thi• tlatMlenl ... lllod A.H. Alntablan ..ith lhe ~ a..-of '1Ctftlou• ~ f'\lbllhOd Newport e.aen. with "-~ CWtc of Thilt tt1'r"*" wM tllad Oranga Cow.ey on ~mo •ufJMH ,..... Costa -.. Delly Piiot No-Or~ ~ on ~ wllf. 1t19 ~ a.ti of '* ti. 1894 • ... , ....... , Vlfnbor ''-22. n, '*""' '* ,..,. NaUlt ~?,~ on NoWlm-~ PWMt f"9 IOllOwlng pe<IOl\a are bet I. tlM. f'\lbllahad ...___ 8oeeho Nl7at ,..-..,. .......... ~ ~ ~n(I butonell •-= T4Z2 ._...._, .._ -...,_,. f'lot No- a) DAILY Pll.OT. b) NEW· ColM ..... DWty Not No-~ HolilfPofl 8oeeho..,,.., 12. ti, ~ PORT BEACH.COSTA PUIUC NOTICI ..,,.., a. '*"""-•· eo.a ..... ~Not No-e.1a. , ... Mt'.SA DAILY PILOT, c) .............. t3, ao. ,. Wlftbef 11, 12. II. Oocern-,.., PILOT. 330 W. llay St., -TJ17 Mr t. 1tk --------Cotta ..... CA '2627 ......... ..... T PUILIC NOTICI Ctlllornla Community ....... .,. PUaJC llOTICI AJ• -~~iiiiiiii;;:-- Ntws CotPoJa.llOf\ (~ The ~ P9f'ION .,. ..-.C IOTICI " • A -. C0tp), )JO W. 8eY dofna~•: f'lli•r• •111EJ111-. St. Cotta Meu, CA eaear CACATIYI MACHM ANO 8ulll 111.... .. .... , ... 1rrlllt Thi• butlneaa I• c~ COMPOllTll. 100I 8rtoto -•111 rt 91 llR•H -. ni. ......,. ,.... .. dllaH~teotl'Of&Uon Drl¥9. C... ...... CA Tho ........ ,.._.. l1111r1n1 ........... Tfte t~ltan1(1) com. Raf ~ ee: Tho ........ ,._. .. OUllN ANNl'I Tl.A ~ •:af1ct1::! ~ll~ :bvALI ~ ~::=-~-: ~~-_.~°':: .. ~ Hatfte(tl ..__ .... CAllllt .. -....-....,._.. ....,..._.._. llllf.CA- .. ; The Legal Departmmt at the Daily Pilot is pkased """ tq announce a new servi~ now atKJi/ab/.e to new businesses. ~ wiU now S~CH tk ntll1U for you at~ CCtTtl chargr. and saw you tk , time and the trip m the CJun H(IUSe in San111 Ana. Thm, cf anmt, afar the search is comp!&d we wiJJ file your fictitiofls businLSS name J'Ulkmmt with the GnmJy Cink, publish otll't a wdlt for four wtelts as rttfUirtti bj law anJ thm fo )OUT proof of publication with the <Aunty CW. p~ JtlJfJ bj I()# your Jictitious business statmJmt Ill~ Daily Pilot. 330 w. Bay St, Costa MtStL If>"" cannot stop ,,, p/ozg Mil us Ill (114) 642-4321 and wt wiJJ malte 11m1ngmrmtr for you ID hanJk this proaJurt bJ 1NUl. If you should have any fonkr ~ ~ aJI us and aw wiJJ be more tl1tDI g/aJ to assist~ GooJ lw:/t in Jfl'll' MW busineJr .. ' I I .... I ....... on: ti... ...,._P,~'19'ft.toft ....... ~Wf CA-lom1•111 ....... II\ ~~~~Co~mw~y~~~ ~~·~~~-~·~.~~~-~--------~-----~--~---~--------------------~ . ' ., • a; ~-. " -. - WllOTICll ..UOllTm "··--,....,_ ... IC.,_ .... ..._ " •• ..._ PUalOllTICD =-.... IOTICll I WllTm ....CIOTICI ===•• Wllncl-1:":1;.-;r._ .... 'fi:"!.f.!!i1e ...., WmTa = .. 0&::,'&.~ .t'f~·r!~1.!.i-unc11r =-LA. it:_1:, tl MUCIOTICI . "'5•l1H n.11 an FW¢ ... lllNI R 'T I .... o..lllf a.fl el ...... l!r. M ~ .. 'II ' R •1 11 Olwwe ~ • .._. ....... Mllll(~ llleed -7 R Ill UI 8ulfHll 11w _.,. .. Counir a.ti GI a11>111 -0... CIDuftW • __. The,.,..•• llH•.... 8 ' 111 -Mr ti, .... --.::.:J·1... ~ t;:"~ .... ':. .. oon-81 I 111 llw ......... ~c...ronOclllller ........ .. ..... .....,. :.-:=.== ... I I •u ... = ... -=-= ••Hnnl ..... n..-:.~ ••••••.• 1N ~ l*tona we NU70T n. =.:: ...,_. .. ~ = ._... .._.GR: 1911 Tl9 =::z ,._..,. ,,. __ •.... ...... ,.. wllt .. c...r aertc GI to •enwe ........ undlr The'::'.:"..:=--.,. --. bwinM.1 u: dolna IMln • ........ K. MdC Oki dalna • -.--~ ~ on Now9lfto IN lclllllcMle ~I) llMcl doina bw •18 •> AllUMAIL! HOME ""*'*' Htiwpoft ~ ..-.nl HIATINQ NIO Cam Mlea Pllol ... 1Ne 11111--lled CRflTAL JOURNIYI, _..., 11. 11, o.o..nber ll9f ti. 1.... ~on: t~tlol4 ~SS >CME , 'J% LONf IHfO HO~ b) COiia ..... D.i1J Noc ... AIR CONOmONINCI. ..a I. ..-, •• Dea.... I, wllt ---~ aarti GI -· \Aa ConclHlil. .... I, 11, ,... NatOO Robert S. JonM S. .,._., ea.ta ...... TAI<! ~A PAYM!N'Tt venlber11.Z:Z.at.Declm-~/we., Nlerton. 13,I0.1... °'9nge~'onNcMM---~=1 T• "'*-'*'Newpof111eeoh-1Ne ..... "*1l wae tied~ (CACorp) ~-~.~ bert.t...._ :r~ ~ !ugene ......_ T1011aer1.1... ,..._. ~ ....... ~~ PUIUCIOTICI COlfa ..... O.ilyPloc,.. ~~~Thi• bu1lw1 It 'con- ---------....--441 IL ~ -.... N-PUii.iC IOTICI ·-CA-• Vltfnber t.a, II, DecMlblf '* 22. t... duC1M w a corpotallOn Din Dobbl, 24211 Unll O. "'IUC '90TICI llftoft. CAIM32 Pl.ibllehed ~ ._... Tiiie butlw. le con-R11f111• t, 1', 11M. • fUl9N The rtglalrlfll c:ommenoN HollYOllC. Allto Vle)O, CA _ Thia bUtlMee It ~ -R11llf1• C-. ..... o.ly PIOI ... duclld br In ftdMdull 9u111'1111 1Nw T'41 to ~ ~ wndW 9"63 .......,,. d&.a.ctbJ1nlrd\'111• ••IR111.... _..., 11. z:z. n, ~ ......., .. Ml no1 ye11 "lt•l••1at Publlahed Newport a..ch-IN lctltlou9 NIM(•) lated Thi• bualn•H 11 COl)o ......... ..... The ,.._. ..... OOINl*ICed ••••• ..... '* .. ,.... blaisl to ftnMCt ~ The toao.el'l l*.oM .,. • "'IUC IOTICI ~ ..... D=...':t Hoo lbove on: 1 M·M dueted e>v: an lndMdual a ... 1•1nt to 1rwact ~ undlr The ~ l*90M .,. T434 unilr 1he tlclllo&ll name(I) dolna ...,.... ..: v9lllber 211, I, DlalOf't inc.. Oenn Diaz, The '9glslfant commenced The followlng peraone .,. lhe tlc:Woue ~ ltled dolna ~ M : llled abowe. TE.All IULDIRS, 1312 ,......._ t3, 20, 1994. Pretidet)I to lfanaad bU9inell under dolna bullneM u : abOW Oft: 1Mlol4 LEOlON GROUP INTER, "''UC IOTICI VMlf\ MetcMllCIC Shleldl DIM. Hundngeon •• 1n......... T5t5 Tl\lt ... l.,,,..,. WU llled the flctitloua name(a) lilted R CAL.ARM SPECIAUS'f KM1 ._.... NATIONAL. i1441 Pueo 1NI ......,.,... w llled &Md\ CA 12t41' atat ..... I wt~ tht Count~ Clerk of abov. on: 12·M4 35t N. Newport Blvd.; Thie ~ wu tied d•I I• P11ya, Lagun• l'lollll1111 With the COunty a.1t of a. Mi. w..., . WalQr, The~ '*'°"' .,, PUBLIC NOTICI Orange County on Nollem- 'Dan Dobbl #122, N41wpo11 BNch. CA with the ~ Cletk of NIQWI. CA 82177 .... n111 .._ Or11199 Cour'dy on Howm-1283 Shleldl Dttve, Hun-dolna butinH1 aa: ber ti, 199'. Thia 11.atiment was ftled 92M3 0ranoe County on Novem-NChlid L t.JulG, 1137... ........... bet 11, 1994. tSnatDn hlch, CA 12147 GElfESIS BUSINESS SER-• FlctJUoua PeaaH9 With lhe County Clttk or Rut ... C'lmpbell. 35t N. ~ tt, 1984. Buckingham Dr .• COila The folloWlng penont .,. ,..,,, Thll butlnell •• co ... VICES, 3271 Turtook Of., ......... ....... Publllhed Newpon BMCh- Orange County on 0.C.m-Newpor1 Blvd. 1122, Ntw-"21141 MM&. CA~ dolna ~ u: Publllhed Newpof1 Beacn-dueled by en lndMdull Colta Me19t CA t2e2t ........... Co ta Meaa Delly Pilot NO- bef 2, 11MM. 1>0rt BMctt. CA 82M3 Put>llahed ~ Buch-Thl1 bu1lne11 11 con-CA1.lFO~NIA GARDENS, ea.ta ..... o.11y Piiot No-The ~ CClfMienced MlfY Lou Dom. 3Q1J TUt• The ~ P'flOnt atl ~ 22 2t Dec:embet N2MOI 'Thia bu1lne11 11 con-Coeta ., ... Deity Plloe No-dUc:ted by en tdVtdUll 153 ConarMe sn.t. Cotta Wmti. 22 21 o.c:.tnbet IO trlnlad ~ ~ Ioctl Dr., Coell Meu, CA dOlng bYllneu u : • • Published Newport Beach-dUC1ed by: In fndlvldull ~ 22, 211 Decemb1f The,,..,.,. COl'ftl'Mlllt*t ...... c.l 12827 I t3, 1_.• ' IN t1ct111ou1 ,.,_(1) ~ 92at SAONOERS CA AIPET 8, 13. tll94. 'r COila M ... Diiiy Pilol 0.. R1gl1tr1nt hH not yet 8 t3 11MM • to lrlnUd ~ undlr Shlron Lynn Hurd, 153 • • T4M aboW on: APll t, 11M Thia bu1lne11 11 COl)o CARE. 3430 T1mblt LIU, 481 cemoer 8 13 20 27 1994 begun to lfanaact bollnell ' ' · T4a9 the'flclllioul nllM(t) llted Congre11 StrMt.. Coat• -E*e w ..... w..,_ duc1-d by:.,, lndMdull ~ ...... CA 92Ut , , , , Ts52 r.:s_: =~·name(•> PUIUC NOTICI -.t=,:"L t~ ~ ~= 11 con-"'IUC IOTICI Ji:~~~ =att:'~~ ~ ~ ~=-PU~~a:!ICE PUBLIC NOTICE Ru .... c.mpt>ell nM staternen1 wu llled dudld t>v: en lndlvldual F1ott1Mue Or1nae County on ~ the tldlelou• name(•) CA 92121 ---------•Thia statement wu tued ,...,.,._ with the County Clerk of Reglannt hat not yet ........ Nw bet 1l, 1111M. ll9'ld lboYe. Thi• bu11ne11 Is con• mulllfeat ..._. PlctlUoua with the County Clerk of mu..,_.._ Orenge County on Nowm. becaln to tranaac:t bullne9I • .......,.. "28111 ~Lou Dom ducted by:.,, lndMdull 1 .. t.1Mnt llutln .. • N•m• Orange County on Hovem· atat.......e bet 22, t994 una. the llctllloul name(•) The following l*IOM.,. Publllhed Newpol1 Beleh-Thia atatement wu lied Regl11tant hu not y1I n... lollowing perlORI are atatenMnt bet t5, 1994. The follOwlng S*tOnl are PUllO'J llsted ebOw. . dolna ~ ... ~ MMa DiiUy Pilot No-with the County Clerk ol begiAn to lfansact butlnju dolna butinffl 11: Tht roffow!ng persons are F828111 doing buslne .. 81' PUblllhed Newf)M BMch-Shllron L Hurd DIU.'"V'S DEUGHTs t 187 vemt. 22 211 December 0rl(lgf County on Novem-IM'lder the flctltloul h&me(t) R AND R CONSTR~· doing buslnest 1s: Publllhed Newport Beach-~ E WP ORT ENERGY Colla M ... Delly Pilot No-Tiiie ... tement Wal flied E. Elm Ave .. Fiillef10n. CA 8, 13, 1 .. : ' ber 22, 199"4. listed at>ovt. TfON, 263 16th SllMf, BLOOMINGDALE & AS· Costa Mtaa Dally Pilot No-GROUP, 762 Amlgol W1y, Wtnber • 211, December 8, with the,.~ty Cl.rk of 82131 .. T4$2 Pl211U Craig A!an Saundera Colt.I Mesa. CA 92927 SOOIATES, 8840 . Wa1ner V.mber 22, 211 •• ~mber Suite # , Ntwpor1 BMch, 13, 20, t994. ~984"' on ~ Wllllm J. Donahue, 6t87 Publlahed Newport~ J:i• =t~~ w~r~U.:. ~y R,ro•• ~~~ St, Avenue. 1204, Fountain 6 13 tll94. CA 92660 T503 Fa?'49 ~ Cir., BY9nl Pk., PUIUC NOTICE ~ Mela Dally Piiot No-Orenge County Oc\ Novtm-T~ll b•~ 1 11 co Valley, CA 92708 ' ' T-441 T'!TY M. Statum, 762 ~ CA llOl2t vwnbef 211, Dec:tmber 1, bet 22, t994 • u1 • n- 1<1r1. Leigh Bloomlngdale, goi W•y #3, Newport PUBUC NOTICE Pubbhed N4lwpol1 Beach-Thi• bullneu 11 con-l'lotltl .. • t3, 20, 11M. NJllM ducted by 1n ~~ 33851 •El Encanto, Dana PUBUC NOTICE Beach, CA 926609 CoU .._. D.uy Pilot No-dUc*d Wen lndMdull •ueln111 .._. TSt8 The registrant...,.,., __ .,. Point. CA 92629 Thia bu1lne11 fa con-Flolltloue Yembet t5, 22, 21, ~ TN l9glllrMt COIM*ICed ltM•••nt ~ Newport BeKh-to lramact bu9ineSa( ) 'rf: Thia business Is con-F1ctJtJoue ducted by an lndMdl.tal ........_ ...._ bet I, 1884. to lnlnNct bullr'9la under The 1o1ow1ng peraone.,. PUBUC NOTIC! Colla Mesa Dally Piiot No-the~· '!"f"9 • • ducted by: In Individual . llu•lnNa Nam. The registrant c:ommenced ........... T432 the tlc:1ltloue nlilM(I) llled dolna bualr'8M-= vemDer 29, December 8, •l>OW on: ·~-Registrant has not y11 1 .. tement to transact bullneu under TN following peraon1 11, above on: 1MM81M THC UNIQUE INVITATION, Flotlttoue t3, 20, 1994. ~ C. Runge ti.gun to trannct business The following perlONI .,, lht flctltloUI name(•) llated doing butlnHa u : PUBLIC NOTICE Wlllllm J, Ponahul 1808 Pott Stanhope P*e, ......... Name T511 wi 1 atatemeCounnltyw,?.~:i.~ under lhe nctltiout name(s) dol bualneU 11: at>ov1on:1MNM WORLDWIDE MARKETING Thie .....,_,. WM flied Newport lleldt, CA 92ee0 a .. twnt th the ...,_ o Hated 1bove. C~ATIVE APPLIED Teny Statum CONCEPTS, 4 Executive Flctltlow ~ the,.~ Clerk of Dllnne....,. Atiyeh, tl08 The lollowlng P'flONI are PUBLIC NOTICE £>'~lll09t t~ty on Novem-Klra Bloomfngdal1 TECHNOLOGY, t920 This statement w11 flied Cfrclt #t85, kvlne, CA mullMN N.... ..,.1ng9 ~ft~~ Howm-Port Stanhope Place, New-doing bullneu u : "'-' t5, • Thia 1i.t1ment was filed Sherry Lane, #60, Santa with the COunty Clerk or 92714 . Statement ber 11, t984. ~ Beach, CA 92880 ALP1iA FIRE PROTJ;C-Flctlllou• • F82B084 with th• County Clerk of Ana, CA 92701 Orange.County on Novem-Shaton L. Ollver, 93t5 The followlng peraona are FutaM Thi• bu1lne11 ft con-TION, 6042 Amberd•l•, Bu•IM•• Heme Published Newport Beach· Orange County on Novem-Mfgull Marie Maher, 1920 ber t&, 1994. ...1 ... Gregory St., Cypre ... CA doing b4Jslness u : Publllhed Newport BMCn-ducted by.,, lndMduiil Yorba Linda, CA 92888 ltat•ment Costa Mesa Dally Pilot No- ber 8, t994 Sherry Lane, 160, Santa Fe2a-90600 LA COTORRA MARKET, Coa1a M ... Dally Piiot No-The reglltrlnl commenced Steven Roel Corpuz Bed· The follOwlng perlOlll ,,. vemblr 22, 29, December F827442 Ana, CA 112701 Published N-port Beach-Thlf bu1ln111 11 con-t51 Avenldl del Mar, San vemblr 22 211 December to trlnlaCt bUllnNe under due, 8042 Amberdale, doing butln111 u : e, 13 11194 Published Newport Beach-This bu1ln111 fa con-Costa Mesa Diiiy Piiot No-ducted by: a Umlted part· Clemente, CA 92672 e, 13, t994: ' the ~ nune(a) Usted Yorba Linda, CA 82&88 THE' LAWLER COMPANY, ' . T44e Cosll Mita Dally Pilot No-ducted by: 1n Individual vember 22, 29, O.Ctmt>er nerahlp Tino Vazquez, 30041 Tua-T490 ~on. 1.ae This bu1ln111 11 con-1515 Cumberland-Lane,1 ____ .,......~~=~~- b ts 22 29 Decem-Registrant hll not yet 6 13 1994 Registrant h11 not yet lei' #230, lAguna Nl~f. Dianne M. Allyah duciH by:.,, lndlvtdUll Newport Beach. CA 92880 PUBLIC NOTICE vem er · ' • begun to ttaosact business • • · begl.l'I to transact bus!Mu CA 928n PUBUC NOTICE Thi• 1&11emanc wu filed Regl11tant ha• not yet Michael. R. Llwler. Jr .• ber 6• 1994· T418 under tht fictitious name(s) T481 under the flctltloua name(•) Thi• bu1lne11 fl con-with the COunty Cler1t ol begun to tr1nsact butlneu t5t5 Cumberland Lan1.1·.---F1-c_tJ_t-lou-.--- --------• ~sled above. . PUBLIC NOTICE llS1ed above. • duct'\f by: ¥1 lndMdual FlctJUou• Orange County on Nowm-undtt the flctltlou1 name(s) Newport BNch, CA 92660 Bualn•H Name PUBLIC NOTICE MIQUll Mlrlt Maher Sharon L Oliver The registrant commenced .....,... Name bet tS. t994. US1ed aboYe. This bu1ln111 11 con· 1 ---------• Thf1 1tat1ment was filed Flctltlou• This atatement wu flied to transact butlneu unde( a .. tatnent F821t24. Steve R.C. Beddue duC1ed by: 1n Individual Th 1 ~em.nt Flctltlou1 • wilh lhe County Clerk or Bu•lnea• N..,ne with the County Clerk ol the flclltlous name(a) listed The following persona 111 Publllhed Newport Beach-Thia 1ta1ement w11 flied Tne registrant commtneed • ol ng ~son• "' luitne .. Name Orange County on Novem· ltatement Ofange County on Novem· above on: to.30-94. doing bualneu u : Costa M .... Dally Piiot No-with the County Clerk of to lfln~ bu.lne11 under d:.~'Wi:t'61'i:2s ::·Harwood Statement ber 15, 1994. The followfng "61&1V\a art bet 18, UMM. T1no Vazquez. . ISLAND ENGINEERING vember 22 211 0.Cemt>« Orange County on Novem· tht flcti1lo~1 name(s) fisted St ""· ' c• ,;26,,. F828104 ,.....~-fl28132 This stat•mtflt wu filed 8 ·VII Ln c ' • • ber 22. t994. above on: November 30 ·• ..,.ange, ,. .. "" Th• lollowlng persons are P 1 h· .. N n . h doing buslne1111: P bflshed N rt B h-with the COunty Clerk of 2 115 uco ., 01ta 8, 13, 1994. ' ,128711 1994 ' Robert A. Wilhelm, 252 N. doing bu1lness as· ubl I "" ewport .... ac • YEECO PROOUCTIO~S u ewpo NC O . C ty N Meu, CA 112628 T461 Ml h II R Llwt J Harwood St 01ang1 CA FRANCISCO'S SIGN Costa Mes. Dally Piiot No-858 Ptodu~tlon Place, Ntw: Costa,,. ... Dally Plrot 0. ti!,~~~un on ovem-Scott J. Sander•, 2895 Publllhed N-port Beach· nJ. \1a .. ment.,w1~ flied 92668 .• •. SHOP, 3200 w. 5th St .. vember 22, 29, December port Beach, CA 92663 c:ember 6, t3, 20, 27, 1994. • ,121718 Velasco Ln., Cos.fa Mtta. · PUBUC NOTICE Costa Mtsa Diiiy Piiot No-With the Coutlty Clttk of Thia .business 11 con- Suitt 1310. Santa Ana, CA 8, 13, 1994. Stone Bo1rdw11r, Inc., T553 Publllhtd N.......,,.. Be h-CA 92828 Fie ... ,_... ~ 2t, O,C1mbtr 8, Ofange County on Oecem-dueled by 1n Individual 92703 T457 (CA) 858 Production Place. --...-· IC Thi• bu1lne1a I• COl)o ... -t3, 20, 1994. ber 2 11194 The regisltant commenced Francisco Flores. 3200 W. Newport Beach, CA 92663 PUBLIC NOTICE COila Mtaa Dally Pilot No-ducted by .,, lndM<lual •u.-.. NallM TS20 ' · to 1tansact bullnets under 5th St., Suite 1210, Santa PUBLIC NOTICE This buslneu 11 con· f1c••t1-·s vember t5, 22, 29, Oec1m-The registrant commenced a .. t...nt P bli•"_:. ~2??18h· t1ie.fictltiou1 name(1) lltted Ana, CA 92703 ducted by• corporation .. -ber e; 1119-4. to tranaact bu11nes1 under The folloWlng perM>ni .,., PUBLIC NOTICE u ............. -.. -· .-ac · above on: 1~1&-M Thia business Is con-Flctltloue The reglslflnl commenced mullnese Nam. T417 the fic1ltlous t'llme(I) listed doing bullnesa u : Cotta Mna Daily Pilot 0.. Robert A. W~helm ducted by:·an Individual 8u1tneu Name to transact buslneu under Statement lboW on: 11-15-1994 NORTH ISLAND ASSOCI· F1ct.1Uoua cember 6, t3, 20, 27, 1994. This atatement wal riled Registrant has no1 ye1 Statement the flctltloul name(•) listed The followlng pereons are PUBLIC NOTICE Scott John Sander'I ATES, 210 Via Dijon, New-._...•••Name • T545 with the County Clerk ol begun to transact business Th• following P'flor\I are above on: September t993 doing b4Jsiness u : This statement wu filed pon BNch, CA ~663 • Stalement Orange Counly on No~ under the flclillous name(s) doing business ai:• Stone Boardwear Inc., Rl-SOUTHCOAST FILTRA· FlctJtloue with the C~ty Cleek of Jord.tn Potuh, 2t0 Via The following peraoo1 ere PUBLIC NOTICE ber 18, t994. ll1ted lbove, DIMENSIONAL GRAPHIX, chard Woolcott, Pr ... dent TION, 2750 S. Harbor llullnese Nam. Orange County on Novem-Dllon. Newport Beach, CA doing b1Jllne11 a1: Fl285S1 F1ancf1eo Flores 7703 S1g1wood Drive, Thia atatemtnt wu filed Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704 .... .......,. ber 18, t994. 112813 OJ>! GRAPHICS, 445t F1ctltloua PubliShed Newport Beachn This 1t11ement was fifed tiuntlngt.on BHch, CA with the County Clerk of Judith Ann McMackln, · The following peraont .,, Fe28148 Thia bu1lnH1 11 con-Marlon Ave., Cyprtu, CA •u•lneM Nam• Costa Mesa Oa'I Pilot Ne> with the County Cle1k ol 112646-1801 Orange County on Novem-258t Vista Or., Newpon dQlna buslne11 p : . Publlsn.d Newpon Beach-ducted by an lnc:IMdual 90830 Statement 1 Y Orang• County on Novem-David Allen Gllfnpfe, n03 ber 18, 1994. Beech, CA 112663 BO!S HOUSE CLEANING, COit.a Mesa Dally Pilot No-T"9 r9glatrant commenced Ezequfel Aco1t• Aya11, The folfowlng P'ftonl 111 vember 22, 29, December ~ 8, 11194 Sagewood Drive, Hunllng· · F828S44 This bu1lnt11 11 COl)o 1953 Arnold Pl., Costa vembet 22 211 December to tranaact bullneliUncl« 445t Marlon Avenue, Cy· doing business 11:· 6, t3, 1994. f827441 ton Beach, CA 112648-1801 Published Newport BMCh-ducted by: an Individual MM&, CA 112627 S. t 3 t884• ' . the flctltloue n1m1(1) U.led preu, CA 90830 NEWPORT BEHAVIORAL TW Published Newport i!Jeach· This buafness Is con-Costa Mna Dally Pilot No-Registrant h11 not yet Dari• Joan Sink, t953 • · T488 lboW on: 11-17-94 Thia bu1fne11 11 con-H~TH. 300 Old Newport, ________ _ Costa Mesa Diiiy Pilot No-ducted by: an Individual vember 22 211 ~ber begun to transact bullneu Arnold Pl., Cotti Mna. CA . Jordan POtllh ducted by: .,, lndMdual Boulevatd, Ntwpott Beach, PUBUC NOTIC! vember 15 22 29 oecem-Registrant h11 not yet 6 13 t 994' ' under the llctltloul name(1) 92827. PUBUC NOTICE Thi• lla*nent wu llled Reglatrant hal not yet CA 112663 FlcUt'-··-ber 8 tll94 ' ' b99un to tr1nsac11xnlness • • · T listed lboYe. • Thia buslne11 11 con-with the County Clerk of btQun to trenuc:t buslnl11 Dallicl R. Eng•trom PH.O., -~ · · under th• llctltlou' name(s) 4n Judith A. McMackln ducted by: .,, lndMduaf F1ctltloua Orenge County on Novem-una., the flc1ltlout name(•I 1701 Newl)()rt Hllll Or., w... ......._. Na!D9 _ _______ T4_1_Q1 fisted11>0W. PUBUC NOTICE Thll statemertt wu .tlfed Reglatr1nt hat not yet luelnHa.,.... bet 15, 1984. bled above. Newport Belch, CA92683 atat....nt 'UBLIC NOTICE David A. Gfllnple With ~ County Clwk of begun to trllf!UCI bUllne11 , atat....nt Faa108 Euqultl Acoata Aylla Thia bu1lne11 I• con-The folowlng P«IOnl .,. ---------I This 1tattment wu filed FlotJtlow Oren.ge County on Novem-~ the ficWoul name(•) The ~ S*tOnl Publlhed Newport 8Mch-Thll ttl'8menC wu filed duc:lec:I ~: .,, Individual .4o1ng b4Jslne .. u : Flctltlou1 with the County Clerk or auilneee ..._. bet 8, t994 Uated above. . doing bullneN u · 819 CoU .._. o.uy PAoC No-with the County Clel'11 or The reg11tran1 c:ommtnced 1'fie" ROYAL TREATMENT auatneH N1me Orange Counly on Novtm-ltateaaent F827Ut Darla Joan Sink SN\JG HARBOR CAFE, vember 22 2t December Or1ng9 County on Novem-to If~ bullntu u,nder PET SITIING, t715 W. P11k Statement ber 15, tll94. . The following l*M>llS are PUbllsn.d N-pon Buchc Thia statement wu filed 517 30th St. Newport 8 t3 t994' • bet 22, 1984 the fict1~ namt(I) l11ted Ln., S111t1 Ana, CA 92.708 Tne loUowlng petSons are F828133 doing bu1lne11 u : Colta Mna Dally Pilot No-with the County Clerk of Beach, CA 92663 ' 1 • P82 .. 00 lbove on. 12·1·113 Molly Mallwa Smith, 1715 doing business as: Pubflshed Newport Beach· WOR.LD W!OE AVIATION vember 15, 22, 211, O.C•m-~~· 1~ty on Novtm-LMter F. Murman, 1314t T480 Publlshed Newport Beach-~~~ 1~S,::~ ~i~· fifed W. Park Ln., Santa Ana, CA LOCKHART REALTY, 326 Coate Meaa Diiiy Piiot No-SALES, 1820 E. Garry St., ber 6, t994 • · · ,827814 Flint Or •• Santi Ana. CA PUIUC NOTICE Costa M ... Diiiy Piiot No-with lhe County Clttk ot 9ff" b 1 1 N. Newport Blvd., Newport vember 22, 211, Dtcembe< Ste. t03, Santa Ana •• CA · T416 Pu"''·"-A N . B h-112705 vemblr 211. O.Cember e, Orange COYnty on O.Cem-d!:t~ bu~ ~·~vl~on-8Hch, CA 9263 e 13 1994 ~705 .,.. .. ..., eWport tac Thi• buafnH1 11 COl)o Plotltlou• 13 20 1t1M bfr 2 t994 Y· JCL Development, (CA), ' ' · T468 Christopher Joa,eph Of· PUBLIC NOTICE Costa Mesa Diiiy Pllol No-ducted by.,, lndjvldual lktalMaa Name ' ' · r514 1 • ,121781 !!!glitr~~ h~!,. bno~, yet 326 N. N-port Blvd., New· etrlch, 168 E. 23rd SlfMt, vemt>er 22, 211, December The reglatrant ~ ltal....,t . ~.unto"*"~-· u .. ntu por1 BHch, CA 92663 PUBLIC NOTICE Coal• Mesa, CA 92627 Flctltlou• 8, 13, 1994. to trll\tlct bullneu under The folloWlf'9 S*IOnl .,1 PUBUC NOTICE PubU1hed Newport cSMch-under lhe llc:truous name(s) This bualneu Is con· Thia bu1fnt11 f1 con-mulltMae Nam. T4,2 the flc:Wou1 name(•) lilted doing bullntll u : Cotta Mesa Dally Pilot 0.. listed abo~•· ducted by: I corporation FlctJtloue ducted by .,, lndMdual ..... men. ebOw on: 1954 PE~ RECORDS .. VIDEO F1ctJtloue Clmber e. J3, 20, 27, t994. Molly Smith Regl1111nt hU' not yet . BUllMM Name The registrant commenced The followlng persons 111 PUBLIC NOTICE L81t« F. Murman . 2301 B•lboa. Newport ......_ Name T546 wiT~ ~~ternc ent wClu ktiledr begun to transact business Statement _ Lo tranaac1 bulloe11 under doing b4JslneH u : Thll II.It~ wu llJed BNch CA 121e3 a .. ta.nent "' t... ounty er o under the ficlllloos name(s) The lollowlng persona ere the ~ namt(•) listed NEWBORN NECESSITIES, Ftctltlou• with the County Clttk of Marc • D. Rlchonne, 225 The following persons .,, PUBllC NOTICE ~ ~unty on Novem- liated above. doing bualneu u : at>ov• on: Sept. 10, 1994 3719 Park Grten Drive, Co-mu.an... Name Orenge County on Novem-2nd SlrHt, Huntington doing busineu u : F1 1 • • 1 · JCL OevelOpment, Isl Sec. RICHARD HEADLY CAE· Christopher J. Dietrich rona dll Mar, CA 92625 ltate-.nt bet 18, tll94. Beach, CA 92148 IMPAcT AUDIO INSTAUA· et lieu• f829290 Treuurer ATIVE SERVICES, 16153 Thi• atai.ment WU ftled Mrs. Carrie Jane Tendlel', The following J*IO"I .,. Fe28550 Thi• bu1lne11 It COl)o TIONS, 3831 Birch Ntw;>ort •u1lneN Name Published N-port Buch· Thi• statement was flied ZJon Court, Foun~n Valley, with the County Clerk ot 37t9 Park G1M11 Drive, Co-doing t>ustneu 11: Publl1hed Newport Beachn ducted by an lndlv1dual BNch, CA 92680 ltat•.....,t Costa Mesa Dall~ Pilot O• with the County Clerk of CA 92708 Orange County on Novem-rona dll M81, CA 92625 GLOBAL L.EAANING, 17t0 Costa M ... Dally Pilot No-The regiltrllll commtn0ed Wide Allen Truitt, 1247 The follo;-Mng P'flOlll are eembe< 6, 13, 20.,27, 1119-4. Orange County on Novem· Richard Afan Headly, btr 15, t994. Thia bualntu It con-WHtc:lltt Or., 119, N-port vemblr 22 211 O.C.mber to trll\tlct bullneu under Kr .. met Blvd., Placenlla. doing bulintll 11: T536 ber 8, 11194 t8153 Zlon Court, Fountain F828142 ducted by: an fndlvfdual BMch, CA 92660 ' ' the fldltloul name(s) hsted CA 92670 BACK BAY CHILDREN'S · F&27444 Valley, CAll2708 Published Newport Beach-Regl1tr1nl h11 not yet Peggy SmM11 Taleb, 1110 8• t3, tlltM. T 84 1boW on: M-94 Thll bu1lnt11 11 col)o PRODUCTS, 1608 Ruth•--PU-B_Ll,...,C_N_O_T-IC_E __ Published Newport Beach· Thia bu1fne11 11 con-Costa Mesa Dally Pilot No-begun to tr1nsac:t busfne11 WMtclln Or., #19, N-port 4 Marc Rlehonne ducted by: an lndivldual Lane, Ntwport ,BHch, CA1 __ ~_".""':"" ___ _ Cost1 MHa Dally Pilol No-ducted by: an fndlvldual vember 22 211 0.Cemt>« under the flctlllous name(•) Beach, CA 92660 PUBLIC NOTICE Thia •~ wu filed R1gl11tant h11 not yet ~ 0 Fo 608 R F1cUtloul vember 15 22 29 Oecem-Registrant ha1 not yet 6 13 1994• • U11ed above. This bu1fn111 11 con-wllh lhe County Cler1t of begun to lfansacl buslne11 ary . .11, B1 ~~ auil,,... Nam. ber 8 tll94 ' ' begun to tranaac1 business • • • T Mr1. Carrie Jane Tendler ducted by: an Individual F1ctJtloue Or1ng9 County on Novem-under the fictitious name(•) Lane. New~rt 11eh, ..,. Statement · · under the flctltloul name(s) 472 This statement wu flied R1gl1tr1nt hat not yet lluslnMa N.,.. bet 15, 1984. bled lbove, 112660 · . _______ T_4_3 _t1 fisted above. PUBLIC NOTICE with the County Cl«k ot begun to transact buslneu ... .....,., FUStOS Wade Allen Truitt This buslneu Is con-d The f~ ~son• 111 PUBLIC NOTICE Richard A. Heedly Orenge County on Novem-under the fldltloul name(1) Publlsn.d ..__,....Beach-Thll etaaemen1 was filed ducted by: an Individual oinQ "'" u . Thia 1tatemen1 wu tiled f1c•••a......-bet 8, 1994 lilted abov.. The followlng ~are ·~...-• with the County Clerk of The registrant commenc;ed TRICK SHOTS, 125t 1 Rly· ---F1-c-tl_tl_o_u_a ___ , with the County Clerk or .. .-Fl27421 Peggy Smeeta Tlleb dolna bullne .. u . Colta M ... Dally Pilot No-Orenge County on Novem-to transact b4Jllne11 under mond Cif., Gwden Grovt, Of County N au.an.......... TIU. t filed FRE'tPORT FINANCIAL. 10 vember 22. 211, December bet 22. t994 the tlctitlous namt(I) listed CA 112645 BualneH Name ~ 81ae t994 on ovem· StatenMnt Publlahed Newport 8Mch-wl1h ='=:v wosertl of 811Qmo<e Alall, !Moe, CA I. 13, t994. • Fl2H11 lbove on: 10.tl-IM Denoia William AM, 2010 Statement , . f828547 The following S*tOnl we Cotta Meta Diiiy Pilot No-Of ,..,.,,,......, on Nov.-m-921t5 T458 . .OJI.~ Mary G. Fox E. Oc1an Blvd., Long The folfowlng persont 11e doing busine11 u : vember t5, 22. 29, o.c.m.. bet~ """"'"' RulMll Vernon Mou, 20 P_,_ ...... Newport 8Mc:h-TNI atattment wu riled Beech, CA 90803 dolngbusfne11as: • PublllhedNewportBeach-MO~ AMIE BRIDAL betl,t984. 1 •1994· Fenu1 811Qmo19, Allle, IMM, CA PUBUCNOTICE CoslaMeMOallyPilotNo-with tht Counly Clerk of Thia buslne11 ft con- BUSINESS CONTROL Costa Mesa Dally PllOt No-SALON, 355 S. Brl1tol, T423 N 112115 vemb1r 211, O.Clmber 8, Orange County on Novem· dueled by: an Individual METHODS, 22681 Limbert vember 22, 211, Decembef Coata Meu, CA 92828 Publlahed ewport Be11eh-Thi• bu1fnet1 11 COl)o FloUU.U. t3 20 1994 ber 8 t~ Registrant h&1 not yet SltHt, Suite m . Lake For· 8, 13, t994. Mon Amie Inc., (CA Corp.), PUBLIC NOTICE Cotta ,,. .. Diiiy Piiot No-ducted by.,, Individual .... nl.. ...... . . . T506 • . FU7481 b99un to llansact buSlntll e~b~~ 112~ Munlzfch, 2 T467 ~~ 9~628:1to1 eo.11 M.... F1ctJtloue ~e:: 211, December t~:l'!a..,.,,.~"':: The ~-;:,!on. we PUBLIC NOTICE Publl1h1d Orange Ind• = :.!~• name(s) Chr11tamon East. Irvine, CA PUBLIC NOTICE Thi• bu1fne11 11 con-mullnMa Nam9 T4&8 IN flctltloul name(•) bled dolna bullr-8 u: Ptndenl o.cembtt 6, 13, OeMls Ax• g2720 dueled by a corporation Stat91Mnt above on: 11-tMM 1) l'LOOArNGS UNUM· FlotJUoul 20. 27, 1994, Thil statement wu flied Thia bu1ln11• Is con-FlctJtloue The reglalrlnl commenced The to1tow1ng PtflOl'll are PUBUC NOTICE RulMllV. Moes• rTED, b) CARPET DEPOT, lktslneM MUM T554 wfth the County Clerk or ducted by: 1n Individual llualneN N.,.. to transact bUllnell under doing business u · Thll statement wu filed 19111 HM1of Blvd eo.ta ... ,.....,., PUBUC Orat:iot County on Nowm- The reglslfant commenced a .. tement th• flctlUoua namt(1) listed BUSINESS FURNITURE Fictitious with the Cou"lty Clerk of ......, CA 9282t '' The to11ow1ng S*IOM 811 NOTICE ber 29, 1994. to transact businelS under The lotlowing PtflOl'll 111 al>OW on: tll71 BROKERS .. 23111 Llwel Pt., mu..__ NMM Or1ng9 County on Novem-H8lnld R. Sevft. 17 Alt). dolna b4Jllnell u : tlotttlou F't21281 the flctitlou1 name(s) fisted doing buslneu u: Mon Amie Inc •• V•ha L Newpol\BMch, CA 92683 1 .. temenl bet 15, t994. brook, IMne, CA 92714 CALJF<>f'NIA SUNSHIELD, 1 PubUlhed Newpot( 8Mch- abov1 on: 11160 PACIFIC REWORKS, 5901 Huson, PrMldent MlchMI J. Shimek. 2319 The 1o1oW1ng peraons are F82814e Thia bu1lne11 11 con-409 ~ Olhfla. C«ona det lau=N ~ Costa MIN Dally Piiot 0.. Robert A. Munlzlch Warner AVe.. Slit 210, Th.it 1lltement waa filed Laurel Pt., Newpott Beach, doing besiness as: Pubtilhed N4lwpol1 Beach-duc\ed by In lndMclu&I Mii, CA 112825 emen Cemb11f 6 t3 20 27 994 Thia ltalemtflt was filed Huntington B1ach, CA with the COunty Clerk ol CA 92663 OFF SITE SERVICES, t420 eo.ta M ... Dally Pilot No-The reglltrlnt ~ Edwlrd .Earl Cockerell IV, Tht following persons Ill ' ' ' ' 1 · with the County Clerk of 92649 Orange County on Novem-Thi• bu1fnt11 11 col)o Kfng1 Road, Newport vemblf 22 29 Oec:Mlber to tranaact ~ under 409 't\ Dlhlla. Corona del doing busineaa u : T535 Orange County on Novem-Steven Kendall Hutchin-ber t~. 1994. ducted by: an fndMdull Be.ch, CA 92683 • • Ule tlcWoue nlml(I) lilted Mat, CA 112625 RITE CONNECTION, 143621-~~~~=~!!'"-- ber 8, t994 son, 3t Se11c1pe Dr., fU8082 Regl1trant haa not yet Roger L Gau, 1420 10ng1 1• 13• t894. T 74 abov. on: M6'oe4 Thi• buslnHI 11 con-~~dCSp. 142, We•t· PUBLIC NOTICE F827431 Newport BMcl'I, CA 92663 Publlthed Newpor1 Beach-b9Qun to tranaact bullne11 Road, Newport Beach, CA 4 Hamid R. s.yt ducted by: tn Individual ,. ..... ttr, A 112683 Published Newport Beach-Thia bu1lntH 11 COl)o Coala M ... Dally Piiot No-una. the flctltloul name(•) 92683 PUIUC NOTIC! Thia ttatemant wu !lied The registtant commenc~ ::J:· Donough, aarne u a..='''°:!.. Cotta M"' Dally Pilot No-ducted by .,, lndMdual vemblr 22 211 December Mated lboYe. Thi• bu1lne11 fa con-with the County Cler1l of to lfeneac:t bullnlu under N vember 15 22 29 Oeoem-Regfsllant ha1 not ytt 6 13 t994' • M~ J. Shlmtle ducted by: an lndMdUll Plotltlout Orange County on~ the flctltloUI name(•) Isled d~~!.. bbu1lnelnd11 l.Jd• .,con-State...,..t ' ' ' begun to 1J1n-.ct butlneu • • • Thll at&lement waa ftled Registrant hat not yet lkt I ..a.. bet 1i. 1884. above on: 11.01.e. ""''"" Y: an "' u The follOwlng pertont ar1 ber e, 1994· unCier the flctltlous name(1) T45t with the County Clerk of begun to trlnl&Ct b4J1lnl11 8 8 WI Naa101 Eddy CocliNll Registrant hat not yet doing b4Jslneu u : T426 U1ted lbove. Or1n91 County on Novem-~the 11ctitiow t'llme(I) tat.IMnt Thia ata1oemen1 waa lolfd begun lo transact lxlalne11 RICE SYSTEMS, 18198 __ P_U_B_Ll_C_N_O_?_IC_E __ , Steven 1<. HutcNnton PUBLIC NOTIC! bet 8. \984 lilted above. ~ ~~ ::sone .,, =-=.~PU~ With the county Clerk of = ~ llc1itloul name<•> Az1ec Ct., Fountain Valley, JJ:: ~ ~~ Flotltleue PUbllahtd N HIT43• ~ ~=· Wll flied OOfl Q ITIUPtNo, 1835 *"'* 22, 21, December~~ t":r" on Novem-Rly E. Dorr0uot1 °to:!!7 F'itzpatrlck 18196 .,:.:'~'°:!m. Or~ County on Novem-mu::::-Colta Meaa ~:-::with the County Qerk of :-"CA~B-3. Cotta a. 13, 1984. ' fUl?U J::,• ~ ~"'ec: A.dfC Cl., Foun&aln Valley. ltalewt ber 1 , t... PIHHI The lotlowlng 1*10M are vemblr 15, 22. 211, o.c.m. ~ t~ on NoYem-DofWll J, ou.vte, 313 Bey T45$ ~ Newpof1 hlch-Orenge County on Hove! ~~l~:ialnHI la COl)o The tollowlng PlflOn• are Publlsn.d Newport Beach-dol~ butlMI• -= ber I. t994. • Hlllff View Tema, Coeta Mela. PUIUC NOTICE Co1ta MeM Dally Piiot No-bet 15, 1994. ducted by: an lndlvldllll t°A~utimcM~~s. 34111 CO.ta MeA D.ity Piiot No-1~~sJ:=.~ Clut> T425 Publl9hld N4lwpol1 Beach-~1~11nee1 la con-........,. ;n:.t:. Dec:emtjH 1' Pubalhed Ne ·~.::. .!":~~ Via Udo 113t, NIWl>Ort vember 22, 211, December house, Newpof1 Beach. CA PUIUC NOTICE Coa1a ..... Deily Piiot No-ducted Wen lndMdull ......_.....,. ' · 1'505 Coeta Mt .. O~llot No-the fictltlou• nM'lt(I) llllAtd Beach, CA 92683 . 8, 13, 1994. e26e3 wmber 22. 211, December The f9QlllrMt comm.need ata..._t •r al>OW on· M-4·94 Not Enough Tlme Inc., , T~ee Julie Kay HllMIMM, 505 Plotltloue e, 13, t994. to traMaCt bullr'9al under The fOllowlng PtflOl'll.,. PUBLIC NOTICI Y9l'lltllt 22• 211, O.Cember Coll"" Flli.palrlctt ICA), 34111 Via Udo, ·1131, Cfubhouu, Newport ..,_,,.... ~ · T<493 IN 1ct111ou1 namt(I) lated dolno bullr'9la u: c:::.,.,_,_ I, 1', 1994. Thlt ~ w .. flied HeWpon Beach, CA 92663 PUIUC NOTICE BNch, CA taea • ........._. 1bow on: 1 M... WOODLAND COMPANY, r.., .. ._ I T483 with the County Clerk of ~~~~~"::~~on-P1ouuou. J~ ~~~con-~==sons.,, PUIUC NOTIC! ft:'=-... llled ~71~ Drtw, ntne, •--:::::.::-PUIUC NOTICE ~?,~on ~ TN reglttrant comm.enc:ed •uetn1 H Nw The ..._..,... commanced CAlJFOAN&A PAPER Mill. l'loltU•• With the County a.tr of Mid*' Mirto Og1int1ru. The ~ per.one .,. Flotltleue . PUe?ll to ll'anw:t bullness under ........... 10 trlnMd ~ under 22t11 ~ St., #208, •...rn111 llw °""Ge CculCy on NoYarn-1' luu.tly, tN&ne, CA dolna tMJa1neM ae: the tlctNoua neme(a) liated The followlng peraone are lhe ~ rwne(I) llted I.Me~ CA t2l30 a ... 1M1nt bet 11. 19M. 12114 MUC:VANIA & ASSOC~ ........ Nw Publl.ned Ntwp0t1 e..cn. lbOll9 Oft! Oc:I. t993. doing buell'Mit •: abo\111on:11-1444 Row A. Munlzlch, 2 The lotlowlng pel'ION .,. ...a144 Th.. bUtlMM •• oon-ATU, 400 tMl!otlape, Co-....... n1 COltl ..... Dally Piiot 0.. Nol l!nouoh T1me Inc., Jill flllfANCIAL MANAQ£ • .Mil K. t~ ~ Ea1t. !Mne, CA dolna bu*1ea1 M : P'vtlllMd Newport 1Mcb-~ bJ en lnclMdUll w dll .... CA t2RJ The~ pertont art ~ e, 13, 20, 27, 1994. H. ~. Pretldent MENT PARTNERS 229t Thia ~ WM flied t272C> MM. BOXES ETC., 18885-COlllll ..... o.1y Puo. ... The NQllWlnl commeilCed Ftanota Mii ~ 400 doing bUllr'9l8 u : TM4 Thia IUllemtint Wll filed San9a Ana. Ava., Sutte A. wlltt lhe County Clertt of Thll bu1lne11 11 COl)o A Main Strwt, HUl'ltlngton vembar 22. 21, Decamber to.,..,..,.~ under Heflotrope, Cotona dllp ~ k .... ~e. 2aS ,..S_.1-------~~"'!'"""_,.....,..- wtth the CowllY Clerk of Coata ....._ CA 12121 Otanoe eounty on Nowm-dUCted tiy: en fndMduM ~. CA 12141 lhe ~~> -.cs ...,, CA 12t21 ., ...... --Ana. _. PUBLIC IOTICI 0r_,. County on Novem-C1tby L. Wood, 2211 bet ti, t91M. Aegl1tn1nt hu not yet Deannl L. uu. t1l2 El I. 11• 1.... T410 abcM on: 11· 1 Thi• butlnN• 11 con. 12101, ~ bet I , 1994 Sama Anl AY'lflUe, CO.ta NUt07 begun to lrenuct butlMlt CotorllCIO Ave., Fountain M1cNe1 ducted by: en ~ Saul ._..z, 2eZI I . Parll F1ottt1eU1 - . P:827437 M• ... CA 82t27 Pub!llhed Newl*I 8each-uncler the tlc:Wout namt(I) V*f, CA 92708 PUBLIC IOTICI 1NI ..... lllllt tMed Reglttrlnt ha. not ytt °'·· sane. Ma. CA t.2707 ............... Piibllthed NfWPOt1 Beach-Thf1 bu1fnH1 I• con-Cotta.._. DaltV PM04 No. lated atlOW. Thi• butlne1t 11 co,,. wttt1 the ~ a.tr of beaufl '° treneecc bualMll Thie t1u1lne11 11 con-818.....,.1 Cotta ..... Dally Piiot No-dueted bV: In lnCIMdual vernblr 22 21 December Robert A.. Munlzlch duded w In lndMdull ........... Orange ~ on ~ una. Iha tldllloul namt(•) dueted by an lndMdual The Wowing penone .,. vember 15 22 21 e>ecem-Atgllltlnl ha• not yet 1 13 1_. • • Thlt statement wu flied Aegfttrant hat not yet ••ln•n Mw bet ti. 11M. ~ abcM. The regll&r~~ dolna buelnM• •: ' ' ' b9Qun to .-wact buelnes• • ' · wWI the County C.k of b9Cllln to tnlnMCt bUllnels a ... WI ,..._. Mii Mul¥anll to ll'MNCt ,,__ ~ ZA~ INTERNATIONAL. '*I, 1884. under the llc:dlloue name(•) T45t Orange Councy on NoYarn-una. the llctidOul ~(•) The ~• nl .,. P'vtlllMd Newpott ......,_ Thll ••• ••• W8t fMed the llctllloua NIM(t) lllMed 12$0 Mama Ave., IU204, _______ T_4_2t_, 11led llbOft. PUIUC MOTICI bet I. 1_. llllld abcM. dolna bue1r!91it =--c-. ..... -flloC No-wllt IN County °""' of atlOW on: 10.M c-. ...... CA 1Z12t PUIUC NOTICE ~ L. Wood Ned PU14'8 0-W. L Liu JJ I J ~ MATNX. ..,..., a, 11, Decefnbef OrMll8 ~ on ~ ~ =•• wu llled l4llauyo1Pll Mur•y•ma, ---------· wM ~ ~ ot ........ Ull ~ ~ ~ = ::~ ~~ .,. ClleatrU ............. 1S. t... .. 22. ,.. wteh the COunty °"" of 1Mo AdllM ~1tJ.U204· .=!'!:... ~~ 1~ on Nowm. •-::.::.:.::-=., ~ ~ ': ~ COunty on No¥em-~[;'!.~ T .. 7 "*"'*' ~ ~ ~ 1~ on No¥em-~ :n_.. ,. con- • ....._., NUlll The to11owtng ,__,. ,;. ber 1. taM. . ' ber 1 tlM. NUHt nu1 Ntwport lw:h. PUii.iC IOTICI COiia Mtaa Da1V Hot Hoo ' NdlH =':;,-" ~ - The foiowtng per.one .,, doing~ u : T421 CA llMeo V9lllber II, OecemtMw I. Publlf'9d w---~ .... _.2::, dOfno bullneU ... PubllMd ........ INch-TRA\'EL ltWS 3101 'II PuWttltd ~ IMc:h-Thta ltwel,.... la con-R .... 1i, ao. 111M ·---· = to • .,... -- ,, "!Al TY FiNANCI!, Coeta ..... o.lly "°' No. Padk eo... Hwy.. ...,... PUIUC NOTICI c-. ..... Dllfy "'°' No. dUCted"' .. lndMdlalll • • ..... --• 1'60] ~ ~ ~~~ ... ::v. ldlllcM ntma(I) 20)01 Ac.cia St.. SUlll vember 22. 21, ~ 2t0, ~ 8Mdt. CA .._....,__ ..,..., 22, 29. Decamber The fl~lnrit OOfNMllCed•:•;r11 1 1 _ .._,_ -. ..,, _,_ ·--IOIH ~ HO, Hewpott a..ch, CA .. ti.,... ~ ~--•• , .. , .. _ :.-::::.---= 11'il ...... _ ....... .. w IOTICI .. 1), 1994. T n;;:•;;; ........ ...., =° '· 'NChbom, 1132 ~491 ,:.=,::~ .... .::::.::-T4t4 ~9;:--'~ ~~ta 8 R1•1111•• CLMSIPID~ =.tii9=..'=-= OMde. COtoN def".... SILL CA ... 1 ,.. tolow6ng........ SELL ~ ~ 1 ....... AiMnue. •• ..... ... ... Mlutloft you·,. ... a;, .... CAllAI TNt IMlllMM IS con-..,...,..,_._ 11 Thlr*lnt ....... ~9aad\CA-II 1 ••Ill HercNng tot ~ PUINe ™• i.ua1n•u I• con-dlldldbJ:1nlldd..., Kil' MAL.TOM, t0011 ..... ...., n.ilMa ,,,... ........ n.~.~.,. ., you·,. ...... • .. ., ...,....,...-...,._ =.,~en~.. st="'*" :-:--=..::n:: ~=,......v• $"'11Cte ......... ='.=,:';m,.... 11&&.~, hotrte. an ......... Caala• ...... .,.:,....,.. = • rwed ~ cJassfied 1he ~ flMl9(•1 · ~-It. McKee•• ctasslfttd ~ TNe ._.._ 11 OM-MAMITNI, a.1 Mia lA. • new u1upllll11t • ....., 1. tt,-. 17, '"' .. tldMlo&.w rwne<•l . 78 · ....., ......_ ._ a Undll Q., ~.. 18 -·• ..... IJr •._ tt.., Calla ...... Q\ _, w •-., pe1.__ TMI r .. .. • Tu11d9y. December 6, 1994 t t t "'91.iC llOTICU "'IUC NOTICU PUii.iC NOTICll PUIUC NOTtCll "'8&JC NOTICll PU1UC NOTICU PUii.JC MOTICU PUIUC IOT1Cll "*.IC NOTICU NOTICI OP ated .,, aaid County, Call heve elap11d 11nca such llld OllW common dtslg transact bosll!Hs undlf 11111c,.l>ed wtow P•Y•bte ion ot me above «H NCITICf Of l'AMO:& J 11 .. u< 111 lhr •• 11t(l1Hr1 • It •v• TllUITll•t IAl.l fo1n .. deacrlb1n9 the land recCHdauon. II any ol lie rlll ptop lic:nout l>u$WIHS n1mt Of t ~ ttme ot •·•'• m t,1w bed i-1\' ~Ult TAUS IEE s SALE 1 t ert .. vw<.t •m.:• •ucn ,., Tru;~~ ~~4No. ~:·~~Tl r1a'c81ot, ;_«t~:. PROFESSIONAL FORE· lit.crlbid ~ II put· names lsad lbtYI on Otctm· ul money ot the U111le<.I ~~.amo~!0lane11 Coat Tu•••oi• 54ole Ho ~·.:,,,'~~11~ ':1 "'~':,~ ,"·~~ c.01cJ.1ho11' •w~.,.... "' ,.. LOS URE COR 1td lo be '37 COLT btt 10, 1989. a.w1 ot Amern:,. wolh .aa CA 9Jt.l7 SIDIJ3J!i "I •C.t1 l1ut..I 111 ff.,r wl I E4\11l•ble Dee?d Cont Title Or«Mr No. 3100349 City of Newport Beach, PORATION, 15 Trustee, REH, NEWPORT BEACti. Thll IQllmtnt was lied Wllh \.It w.;n,.oty ••µ•uu or Said p.<>QetlV 11 .,.. Tille OuJ.ir.., Ol,._,1~11' .. twv• <M*'IWtt•lttd ilH lei µ,.ny .t• Trui.1-.c 1111•1 Aeftrenc•No.&031076 County Of Ot1nge. State 2033 N MAIN STREET 2e63lht undtnlgntdT .. County Cleric 01 Orangt lllptted J'll IO llllot UH Old l()f 1N puf'f)Ol>I 0 Reterw11ce No' 1411> .. I ''" p ... Ucl11•"'9 u.x>t huwtJ Ul\11 ...... Jll APN No 048-024 215 of Cahforma. •• per Map SUITE · 550 WALNUT lldllmt any ~ lor County on ~OYtmber 16 199• 004!.,••<111 Or 1111 .. u111 .iy111g lhw ublly•hon APN Nu !IJ9 1911 Ill "'" Cundu111•11h.11n Pt .. 1 ~"""' &~ouooy Av ... 11uw YOU ARE IN DEfAUL T Recorded in Book 3 CREEK CA 9• 596 T rtet'lltS ol lie lfMI NOflCE·Tl'lls FICtlbollS Nirnt ~llCt• .itll ttghl lllle .curlfd by •••d Oettd ol YOU A .. E I~ OEfAUL T 1 .. 1, t11HI tu •• uuv" <j_., I Ith ~IOtH Lu., An~lr.. UNDER A DEED OF agH3?ofMisctlla ' • 4 • ele· rtn andolhtfcommondtstg-SQllmtnt up11es fivt yuts 11d1111..,,e.,111owttelt..1uv1ru .. 11nc111 .. 1tng10:.:••11 UNUtA A DfEO Of1,u1d 1 ....... o ~11uw11 b '" 'Hllll1 1 ... 1-.µttu11e UST DATED 0711J/B4 ... neous hone Number: 15101 11111on H ... ..~ .... from Ille da• It was llled 1n l\e t ••""ch tru .. , .. m •lld AIJ4lllMJS ut the lru•le TRUST DATED Ut.11>1> l'I '"" ur.u11Ju t..00111y r,.. N1u11L,·r l'IJI 14'• ll'l!lJ • • ·TR ..... pa, In the Ollie• of the 933-4660, By: LISA . ttr( •.... own ....... Ofboltlll.CountyCltrk.AMW to lh• lullowmg d\.' 11tJ 01 s..... • UNLf:.:>$ YOU tAKto AC. A ... ., ••• I "" Ill') w au u, c.; 11.tllc w .. 11 e UNLESS YOU TAKE AC· County R1corder of Said BUECKER, Datt: 11130/94 said IN Wiii be madt, bul wltl flc1111ous Buslntss NllTlf Stall· •Crtbed p1uµcr1'f ••lu .. h1d c .. 1t1om1a Reconvay llON fO f'flOft:CT YOUR .. truet lruwtu.: • ~.1lt1 Oll•c..cr TION TO PROTECT YOUR County. I.... NPP000o92J out COWMnl Of Wllllly, IX· ment must be tiled belort that"' the i11U•ca ... <.1 c:..u11111v nc.• co ... µa11y a .. .,0 1 PACl.,tR IY IT MAY 8t fttw wwt .. mount 01 11 10 IJ.111.. 11 '" -.1 PROPERTY. IT MAY BE The property hereto•~· PUB: ' 12/06/94, presstd or lmptltd, ltOlfd llmt Thi llling ot this sWtment .md S'41l4! 10 Wot APN .. ru•lee Sy SULollOtl Ket· SOLO Al A PUtil.JC:.. SAL.t; 1..11111c111J haldltC..&t ul lllt' A~A.-1 lb111>4 SOLD AT A PUil.iC SALE. described ls being solo •as 12113194 12120194 br:llll, POSSH1IOll, Of tllCUm· does not or ltsefl lllthor'lll lllt 4J9 172 • 1 E•cc111111c Vieu p,811 IF YOU NEED AN EllPL A 01.>11y .. 11u11 •vl.\.11 u<.t 11 1 "' '' 1 t '' 10 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA· ,... Th• street address • IO<:tS. to PIY"" remaining llSt in this Stall or a flcbtlOUS UHISIJ A ""' !t211U O.tlt.dal .. Ave. NAllON OF TllE NAlUAE 11111 lilU ... ur1y 10 l;t: •ul NATION OF THE NATURE end other common dost • PUBLIC NOTICE prlnolpal sum ol lht nolt(1) M· Business Name In Yloladon ol PARCH 1 Lot '14 ot 11a1 .. wor111 C.illlurrH OF THE PAOl.l:EOtN<..S .. nd 1" .. """"1.>1y t11o11111.,1 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE PROCEEDINGS nation If ' h g rtd by Slld 0..d ol rrust Ille rlahts or another under l1act Nu fUIJ'J/ "" 1.Hlf 111 1 b51'J (1181 77 ... AGAINST YOU YOU .:d t.Oi.~ t'llJJt:ll~e" "" G•INST YOU YpU • any, 0 t e real NOTICE OfTRUITH'llALE wllh lnllrHt lhtfton, 11 pro· Ftdtra[ SQll or common law Map re<.ordcd 1n 1$1luk 2"11~ o .. 1ed No1111mber SHOUl O CON r AC l A .. 1.111.,111.c• •• 11iu 11111.: o• Fiie Mt. FU1111 A .. • property described above TllllO d N 100188 3 lded II) said noJl(s), advances, (Set Section ' 14400 t e . '1ql Pc1ue• '~ to H 111 18 1'1!1'1 LAWYER ""' 11111101 1JUb1t1.ollull 0 1 FICHTIOUSIUllMUI SlllOULD CONTACT A 11 purported 10 be: 617 TrwstM ;,: ..:. HHNaTPL U 111y, under lllt lltrmt of th Business and Pro~esfio~s 1.1u11ve 01 M1 .. ~c11,muuu• ASAPHb'l'.11 o n 1 Jt27/94 a t 1 o m e Null~" 01 Soll: ,. NAME STAT01£MT LAWVER. WEST BALBOA BOULE· • Reference No 693438S7PL Oted, Of llust, Hllmtltd lffS, C~•) • Maps Ill "'" O llH.t: "' n ib llil I. 1JUO ' p M E.quttabl e Dec $20J 'lllll 111 P .. y111t111 Tile IOAOWlng perion(s) On Otcember 27, VARD. UNITS A & B, APNI 045_05).·41 charoes and ••pensts o1 Ille ReneWatfillno ""' Cou111y A"i.uic.Jur ul PUBLIC Cornp any ... lhe cJu1y 111u•• IJc t.y c.n1111 • 1. .. 1111 IS/aft do111g l>U-.llltSS as lHE 1994, el 01 :00 P.M., NEWPORT BEACH • CA YOU ARE IN OEFAU~ UN rustH and ol tht trusts created GLENN M HAICATAHI Esq ""'d Cou111v .. nt..1 "'" c;ur NOTICE appo1me<.1 Tru•tl!e u11dc 1wr • ~l\ft<.I. dr.,w11 ,un TELE~OHE SECRETARY, 5821 PROFESSIONAL FORE 92661 ' • by .,,. "-d I T I t wtt • ' p O B ' 235• rncl ed l1y lho>t C\lrl<11n Fl 11nd pwsu;ant Lo Dttecl ol •t..lw 01 11 .. 1tu11.>I u .. 111t. lltach BIVO ,, Buena Pafll. CA • · DERADEEDOFTRUST ATED 5"'" u..e o rut O· · ox<I C1.'f't11ic;.,1c 01 Currcc..11u11 llNt.FtZl711 Trust recorded onc.rt~k cJrc1wn IJy J ,i.}1 90621 CLOSURE CORPORATION The undersigned 10/0tr.IO flNtEtS YOU TAKE $276,t~ 75 Esllmattd Accrue Covtna. CA 91723 recorded m b<><ik l..l!l4b flCTITIOUI IUSIMUS lllilf17/S9 as Oocumen 0,. •~<.t"'"' crud1t union ~ Chns ICaelel 13158 as the duly appolntedTruateedlsclalmsanvha· ACTION TO PROTECT vouRlnltfesUndaddlllonalad1a Ntwpllft8each·CostaMesapdge 1<18'1 0 1 0111~1 . .i MAMESTATEMEMT No 89.Juono Book 0, .i che1.i. drtiwn by PalmA CerrttosCA90rog TrustH under and purau· b1htv for any Incorrectness PROPERTY, IT MAY <BE SOLD II any. wtll lncuase this llgur Daily Pilot Hccorcll 01 ~ 11d 01 .. 11gc Tht IOlloWIOQ person(s Page •• ot 0·111t1al si..1e or teder.11 uvmo ll1is bustOtSS,. condudld ant to Deed of Trust, rt· ol the streeteddress and Al A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU Pflorlosale Thtben•llCiatyun· CN219619 Counly f~1ep1 11\1111: ISJaredolng busloess as Irv Recurds "' tht. u1t1ce ol oitntl toan .n~oc.1a1ton,byan1naivodU11 corded on 07124190 81 other common designa· NEED AH EXPlANATION OFlHE der said Deed ol Trust hereto· NOY 22.29'0ec 6,13 from all 011 oa.. 1111nu1 Walk·ln 1<1150 Cutver Ol'IVll the Ae<:Ofder ol Orang IJlllll!J• ,,.,.0,,,.,10n ur SlG~ED GARV CHRJS KN.FER Document No. 90•3874 1 tion if any sho n h NATURE or THE PROCEEDINGS lort executed and dtlllltr.ed I PUBLIC NOTICE als and 0111.ir hyt..11c. .. ..i1 Sult.H 100 ano 101 IMoe county. Ca1tturn1a v• .a11111g~ t,.,ni. 1pec.t11ed Tiie regnant commenced ta p I Of l S' • w erein. AGAINST YOU YOU StiOULollleunderslantdawiltte11Dlcla t;ons below u du1111t o1Cahlorma92718 ecu1ed by C.eoroe w 111 ~ee.11011'i111J o11nef1 lransact lklsot1att under tilt Book -age -0 f cial •id sale will be made, CONlACl A LAWYER ration ol Oelauluno Demand 1 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT ~OU teet. w1thou1 1111.' AMISUB (lrv1111 Med Dull and 01ane M Du11 11.mc1 .. t t.c.oe ••h.t •ulho llCllbous ous.otSs name °' Records in the Office ol but without covenant or On 12113194 al tO 00 AM Sale and a wilnen Nobc:t 01 De u NOE A A oe e 0 0 F 119111 ot .. urt.;1.c 111••1'\t "" Ctnra1) Inc a Cat1forn1a Cor hu,.band and wote rized to uo bu•meu 1 ra'l\ts llSteO a!>ollt Oii N,A the Recorder. of ORANGE wuranty, e11pres~ed or NA MORTGAGE SERVICES fault and Elecbon to S.R Tl\ lfiUSl DAlf:O JUNE 13 r..served in 111 .. trumeni. rabon 16200 Sand Canyo Will sell ,., pubhc illuc· tn•• .. i..1e Tl'l'5 $laltment was 11,.q .,.111 County, Cehlorn1.1, exe· 1mphad, regarding tttle. INC as lhe dUIV •Pl>Olnted undnlgned caused said NQl 1991 UNLt:SS YOu TAKE: 01 Rec.Ord Avenut lrv1~e Calllomla 92718 1160 to 1tte h1911es1 !>Id The ""c-.1 o<.l<.treu .m tna County c.tlt 01 Orano• cuted by: YUAN SEN possession, or en-TruslH undet and pursuant to ol Oelaull and Elecllon lo S.M 1 ACTt ON r o PAO le er PA Ac EL 2 •.Non ThlS bUS neu IS conouc11d der tor cash (payable a ou1er c.on1111u" d11•111n• County on Novemllef z. 1994 HSIA ANO SUZY YU cumbrances, to pay the 0..d ol Trus Reoo1ded be recorOtd In tht county wtler YOUR PHOPE. .. TY n MAY ei.1.1u .. 1ve appurtcn .. 11 bya cor()O(abon llme ot .. ale '" law tut 11011 ii .. ny ol the real NOltCE Tl'llS Fictitious Nam• HSIA HUSBAND ANO remaining prfnctpal sum of 10/10J90 ~ I N, 9~ lhtreat properly 15 IOcalld an BE SOI O Al A PUBLIC CJ>ou11••11I• tor 111yre1u SlG~EO AMISUB (l!Vtnt Medt· money ol the United P• op(l rt y de' c. rt bed S~ltmMt expires ft11e yurs WIFE' AS • JOINT TEN· the notelsl secured b 538634 e: k o!!!n I 8111aa moie than lhrff months hav SAlE tF YOU Nf:.EO AN •o•e .. ~ u .. e and e111oy-I Centerj Inc By Robert C St.oles) at Al tne Nonn dbovw ,,. puq>0n.:d io b• llom the data II was ltltO Ill Ille T Y 0 '"'V"' 0 1,..,..d ..,_ ,..., 1• ElCPlANATION OF l HE 11111111 Ill .;11d lo the Re-Stiaw P!ttldtnl Iron& entrance 10 lhe 78!i We.I lfHh SltNll •A1 Otl I C ci. ANTS, es rust or. PLAZA said Deed of Trust, with Recoros In the ollicl or the Re· e....,,.. s .. ...., Svw recordalovn NATURE OF THE PAO· c, e .. 1, 0 n a I c 0111'" 0 The regtstrant commenced 1 county c.uurtlluu•e 101 Co>ot.• Me•.i CA 'Ub"J7 !Ct o tt1t ounty ,.rk A new FUNDING CORPOAATION, interest thereon, as pro· OOfder ol ORANGE Counly DATE 11/16,Aj4 • CCEOING AGAINST YOU Arc•· 01 said Tr.ice No transact bus111ess under the C1111c Center Onvc Wc~t l ht.< u11de"'lil"'-'d rr"'" Ftetillous Business Narre Slate· A CALIFORNIA c;oRPO· vlded 1n Satd no1ets). ad· Calllornla, execulld by SAMUEL M.A. MORTGAGE SERVICES, YOU SHOULD CONTACl A IOU91 ..... H t torlh I llClltlOUS ,business name or Sc1n1a Ano CA alt 11!,lnl ee d1•~li11m5 onv lldblh ment musl be loied belort 11\al RATION, as Benefic1uy. vpnces, 11 any, under the B BARNES, A SINGLE MAH. INC. as Tiustff 400 E. MAIN LAWYER Deel a ra 11 on 01 Co11 names hSteO above on April <1 1111e ancl tnlerea.t con· tor any m eorrectnen o t llrne. The lwtng or tllrs statement WILL SELL AT PUBLIC terms ol the Deed ol Trustor AMERICAN SAVING STREET ATIN TRUSTEE OF· NOTICE OF enants Cond111on11 an 199<1 , vo:yed 10 and now ttuld the a.treel d0<.lrvu .t11 does not 01 ltsell aulhon21 Ille AUCTION· TO THE HIGH· Trust, estimated le BANK, as ~nellciary Will SH FICES STOCKTON, CA 95~0-TRUSTEE s SALE Rea.1t1cl1on11 lor Laurel Tl11s statement was !tied witn by 1t under said Deed ol 01her common de••ona ~se Ill lllrs state OI a flCll!lous EST BIDDER FOR CASH char d est AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 4009lelephoneNumber (209) Nu t4b&bbFMC Pooul l own Homes the County Clerk ol Orange hu:.1 m 1tte proper1'f 111 Loon 11 any 1hown t1.:re USllllSS Name In VIOiation ol ges an expenses 0 tilGHEST BIDDER FOR CASti 546·3769 By PAT LANE, AGENT on January U4 1995 a1 Pldnned u1111 Oevctop• ounry on November 21 1994 uatcd '" satd Cc.unty "' Ille rights ol anolller under !payable et time of sale in the Trustee and of the (payable at dme ol sale In lawlu PRIORITY 63948 Ull 00 A M ~· lhu lront meut, record.:d 111 Book NOTICE·lhls FICbbous Name Cahtornoa delicro.bed as Beot11c1ary Bt1nlo. o t Fed11af, Stale, OI' common law lawful money of the trusts creeled by said money ol lhe United Stales b 11122.11129.12/06194 enlrance 10 Orange 1:!17/ Paye HJbS 01 0 111 tatement expir.es lrve years EXHIBIT A Amcroca NT & SA Atln (Set Section 1<1400 et seq , United States, by cash, a Deed of Trust, 10-w1t: cash a cashier's check drawn coaa.I Tille Company b~O c1dl Recoro11o rom the data 11 was 111811 in the PARCEL 1 An und1v1d· AIOo Mo11i.;q111n ,arllllbJ Bostness ano Professions cashier's check drawn bv $318,274.51 Est111"1ated. a staie or national bank a cllec PUBLIC NOTICE N Tuston in the city ot The lol..tl amounl ol the lllCe ol lhe County Clerk A newed ll';flt1 mlc•e:i.1 10 and f-<Hec10:.ure18onllrup1c.y COdaf · a state or national bank, e Accrued interest end add•· drawn by a state or ledeial cndl fllt No fl212114 Santa An .. r .. uo11v ot Or· uupai<.t P ronc i p11t bdt ICllh~us Business Name State· '0 ~?' 1 0' T rac.l No Oeµ• 1 ObOO v •• uey Vi.:w Fllsl ~Ung 8 ach C M check drawr:i by e state or uonal advances if any union or a clleclc draW!l by FICTITIOU·s BUSINESS ange St.>t&< o1 Catilorr11.i ance on l e rest lt1ereon, ent must be llled before ltlal c12 4 2 2 '" tttce C• ty o• s II e,~ I ,c Y JJlr e fl» c A ewpon e • osD ta Pielosa · • 1 • ' ' • Cahtorn1a Recon11evanc.e ~ether with re11•b11dbl 1 Th 11 1 tnlS ta osta Mesa ounty 01 'iltl.lu. UOU c1e1o11ton ally I lederalcred11union,orew1I increase this figure staleorfederalsavlngsandloa · NAMESTATEMENT Comp..inv a Cdhlorniae"l"n.itll<:J coi.li. 0 ~ me e1mgo s tementordrtQe Stateot CJlllo• No 17 141:.i20Jis i 4 CN277859 check drawn by a state or pnor 10 sale. assoclat,19n. savings association The loHowlng person(s) Corporallon as duly ap-pcn6 e:. dllcJ •<.lvi111c;e11 81 oes not ol ltstll authorlll! lite n1a as per Map recorued s .. 1d ..... ie ""'" bu mdde Nov 15 22.29 Dec 6 federal savings and loan The beneficiary under or savlngs bank specilled In sec IS/are do~ business as: MIT pointed Tru5tee under 1hc. lime... ol the m11ta1 se: lhl~ state 01 a FiCbUous m Book ~!>..I P..igc.. 1 ti but w11nuut <.oven.,r\I or --------- association, savings esso· said Deed ol Trust hereto· lion 5102 of Ill• Financial Cod SU:1BD la ERICA FUND, 89·11 1na1 c ertain Deed 0 1 pubhc..i11on 01 tl'los No 1 5 es~ts "':' '" :talion dot •nd...11..o• M1•ce11ancuui. w.>rr&1lly c~pro"l:cJ or Can't seem to coat1on, or savings bank l ore uecuted and deliv· and aulllotlztd to do business a I orn Umtted Partnership Trust c•&<cut11d by San" 11c.i c1re S lb4 7U5 411 d r3 Sta 0 ano r unlaer Mall• m the Olln .. tt 01 unptoed regdru1ng ltlle specified In section 5102 ered to the undersigned a tills slate ) Al IN THE FRONT 901 CIVlc: Center Drive, Suite dra P Mc Ouowu a ma•· Cu,,enlly d.lled Cash :.:r Se b 18 ~~ .. ~~mm,on w the County Recurdo:r 01 p0oeu 1un or enc um F 1 C 0 1 TtiE FLAGPOLES AT THE MAI 300,SanlaAna,CA92703 ned wo111an d:. Iler sole 1er:. Chec..lo.s or Curl11tc con e seq "d'~ County E•c.epltJlU br.;ncui. tor tne purpo>oe ol the 1n1nc1a ode and wrmen ec a ration of De· ENTRY AREA TO THE PL.A SBD PROPERTIES, a General and sep<1rd1e propenv as Checlt.i. payable to lh s1ness and Proless1ons 'here' r o m uni u I or "'"''"'v1ng lhc md11b1. get to all those repair jobs around the house? authomed to do business laul1 and Demand for CENTIA CIVIC CENTER 401-411 Partnership, 901 CIYic Center "u:otor s rcc.01d\.'<.I Qn l ru,1ee or bidder are ac· Odei lhrOu!Jll' 'I as "t'ow" 11n<.1 l:!l.Jllc>o:. :.cc..111<:0 IJv •o•d tn 1h1s State). At: At the Sale, and a wntten Notice E CttAPMAN AVE PLACENTIA Drive. Su11e 300. Santa Ana, C June lO 1~91 dl. tu11otru· cptable lO Trustee pro· ll'sl ding dehned up0n_ 1tte Condo Oeetl ot lr11 .. 1 1nctut..1on9 Let"the Classified Service North front entrance to of Default and Election to CA al right. dtle 'and lnteres 2703 mcnt No 91 :Jt5J09 1n 111<1ed prope• 1denlo11c.a· NewportBeacll·Costa Mesa n11111 urn Plan record Uoe '""" c.11 .. 11,10::. •"O e• the County· Courthouse SeN. The undersigned co d 10 and no held lhtS business IS conducted book .. Poye •• 01 011 .. hon t• available Dali Pilot Mcirch i 8 1987 aio In P~""u" ot lllu I tu>olue 700 C1v1c Center Dnv~ceusedseodNot1ceofDe· un'J:Y'aklO..d IT t1n\bvalimlledpartnershlp ciat Record., 01 Orange From 1n1o rm .. 11 on CN2796-49 s1rui11ent1F1le No 87 Ille lru•lt..'t! 11111.J.:1 ,.,.,d West. Senta Ana CA all "uh and Electton 10 Sell sty llu led lno ruldsC SIGNED SBD PROPERTIES. A County State 01 Calllor-h1ch tne Tru~tee dcem11 Nov 29 Dec 613 20 14 b29 7 o I 0111c1 a I Deed ul Tru.,1 co>u11ed c1 Directory help you find reliable help. 642·5678 ' · proper 5 a sa ounly General Par1nershlP By SBD ma under the pow~r ot relodbhr but tor whtc Huc.ords Nollc..e 01 D..-••ull on<.I oghl, lltle and interest lo be recorded tn the Calll0t11la descrlblng the Ian ROUP. INC . Gen Partr.er By , .. le thereon conldon. ed ru .. ice make• ho repre The Community PARCEL 2 Unit 2 as t1uc.11on to l)cll lo 1>01.JC conveyed to 111\d now held county where the real therein APH ~5-053·41 Th HUNICtil NAITO Pres 01 SBC will sell at.public auchoo ufll.rllon o r w .. rrani_y Market Place. sh n nd 1111 ..1.b.til... ·40<H•tv by rt under J,&td Deed ol property is located and ptoperty heretolore described ROUP INC ' 10 ine noyl1hl bidder lo• the ""eel a<.fdie&11(h) o Classlflicf--tile Condom1111um Plo11 w11c1e 1tt.: ,..,.,1 pro.,crty Trust in the ro art situ· more than three months btlllg sold 'as Is' lhe slrffl ad Th i rstrantcommenceo 10 c.1ioh 0, chcclt. a:. de lh"r \.ommon de•1gn<1 · 842·~878 r01terr~ 10 abo11e '" tuc. .. 1ed "'"' "'o•e in.in . I '· 'I -~-- . , , '· l I . 1 • I . ' ' __ .. - ' . . l l j • ..... ·. :: ,I I .. --~ I., ' j (1 .' ~.~ ' . " I -· . ,' I r~ 1,... -. i - . 1) 'IL; ":"'" ,-· I • r I I ~ - 1:1 ~n 601NOIO m llOHlto • 7011.fOtO 0 ASSIFIED ilouRS Telephone 8am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday DAILY PILOT DEADLINES Monday ............ Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ............. Monday s'.oopn Wednesday ....... Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday.: ......... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday ................ Thursday 5:00pm BYPllO .. (7 14) 642-5678 BY FAX (7 14) 631-0594 (Please include your name and phone nwnber and we'll call you back with a price quote.) BY MAIL OR• PlllSON: 330 West Bay Street ~ta Mesa, CA 92627 Comer of Newport Blvd & Jhy Sl " GENERAL POLICY Rate and deadline are ubject to change without notice. The publisher reserve the right to cen or. reclassify. revise or reje<:t any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediatel y. The Daily Pilot & The Independent accept no liabi'li'ty. for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the Space acruaJly occupied by the error. Credit can only ~Uowed for the fir.st m ert1on. HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR RENl" COSTA MESA 2124 NEWPO~T BEACH COSTA MESA 2624 NEWPORT NEWPORT NEWPORT 2169 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim BEACH 2669 BEACH 2669 BEACH 2669 MISCELIANEOUS COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Two E'slde houses, w/d lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Roomy clean 2Br twn· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil RENT Al.S hkups, fncd yda, Duplex: 3Br 38a, den/ house style. Patio, EXEC CONDO LIDO PENINSULA Npt Hght• quaint 1Br -------·•II••······· grdnr, lmmacl Sml pet otflce, gar, sundock. pool, lndry fac. S685. Belcourt Hilla Decora· (3) 1 BR·1 BA Units! 1Ba, fng, micro, new 01<1 775-8670 \ Steps to beach. Lease Harbor Villas 546-9081 tor Furnished $3000 mo Quiet. Private Beach crpt/palnt. SIPS mo •-------2-7-0-6 BUSINESS OFFICE •2BR·1BA w/gar $975 $1400/mo. 544.3049 2 Bd 2 Be ••• $925 +dip 494-7514 wkdy• $800 & $1000 & $1 300 No pets. 645-4549 ROOMS CORONA •1BR + Den $795 Dffl, Gar, Gardener, 710 Lido Perk Dr ---------1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOR RENT 2769 EASTBLUFF 5Bd·3Ba, water, 249 Avocado TRADE 714-873-e030 SELL ii DiiEiiLiiMARiiiiiiiiiiii2ii1ii2m2 HUNTINGTON new cptl/palnt, pets 631·2931 or 546-6985 OPEN 7 DAYS OKI Avl now $2295 ---------To place an ad In lOUAl. MOUSIHO Ol"l"OllTUlllfY 708 MARQUERITE BEACH 21 401 _8_5_1_..a_1_so_o_r_2_52_..a_200_ 2Bd·1Y.rBa townhome through classified Cleaaln•d your home 28 18 ' Id "v" 3B 28 2 New cpl/paJnVblinds, 642·5678 Call •42 ••• 78• through class1f1ed ... I r a, p, gar, w • l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r a, get. quiet coin w/d patio .. iiPV Ail 'HI 111111 ""rtllllll Ill u• 1 d/w. frig, andk, patio. upgrded, comm pool. l\IWaJlfltfis11t•11e11e lt11fcll· $1250 N/pet. 65<>-3252 S125Q 3bd fem rm Avall 12/1/94. $1695. $785/mo 606 Joann St .,11 Fw .... 1111, Act ti ltll 11 2ba, air, 3/4 mile to 844•7220 or 644-778 t 150.590 t 548-9802 .....__..ldl1111Utlllll11al IMMAC 2Br 2Ba So. of beach, 22041 Newport, ______ ....,.._._____ 2BR·1BA & 1BR·1BA It """*" ''ally ll'lltftnu. PCH. Wht decor, encl Circle, (8l 8) 57&-0573 IMMAC 2Br 2 11.rBa Lndry. pool, quiet, n·r llmlutl.. ., .iacrlntlHlltn garden, pool. Furn/un· twhnm w/2. car aitch all transportation. No ~ N l'ICI. ctl• rtlltlOft, furn. $1 500. 721-8521 NEWPORT gur. S1350/mo+Hc. pets 84&-0392 76<MJ247: pgr 587·7425 ..,,,..,..v'"'•,..,.,..·L--------sa, U..!UJ. a..11111111411 BEACH 2169 ft '"" 2Br apt In 4. lllleullrtfll,••irltl•lltlllt COSTA MESA 2124 Newport Crest plex, w/d, new crpt & IUU 11Y .u ,....1u. l1tlll· SALE OR LEASE bllnds,. Near ant $725. tMIM ~.. Wonderfully upgraded 841·5678 or 434-0443 •' . 2BR 2~BA condo, ga· 2Bd + dtn.. 2~Ba, ----------Tiiis .... ,..., Wiii .. , rage. carport, w/d, Beach-Area huge 2 car gar, pool/ E'SIDE Back Bey ~--..,~~ pool/epa . IE'alde. Ytlf~ Unfum tennis. For Sal• 1BR wfpatio. $645/mo. ..., •real..-... II• S1 050/mo. 845-4048 $255,000; ue St GOO 329 University IPL ~If UM IN. OW rU41tt1 Studio, & 3Bdrma • Ted Jarvie S<X>-5359 1148 e093 .. ..,.., '*-' IUI E'ald• on aecluded at. $450 to $1400 mo. Grubb & EUia .. E-·S-ID_E_2_..s_T_R_Y_2_B_D_ ,.....,, .,_...., 111 1111 Pretty 3Br 2ea. pool. VIiia Rentals Ind. Owned & Op'd 1.5BA Lndry hk·ups. " '''' .. ......., .. • Wtt/grdrv/r>OO' svc pd. 97a_A912 Fenced patio. No/pet ... IJJ I......,...._ 1I 2832 Riverside. ~ NWPRT CREST 3 Bd wt $750/mo. S48-4e?1 ..... .._. ten.CllMUO $1500/mo. 54U571 retreat off mat, hrdwd ...... --------- M--111·•4.H·-ftr •·Side 2..Stry 2Bd firs, hi tech decor. FREIE CABLE, clean ._ $1699 AOT 631·1400 1BR, quiet, gated, eat-IMm 'I •I .DC••-• pat.lo, garage, n/pats 2B 2n-f t S1500 k' Clo ......... 11 ... -. -,... 1111o1tar Nwpt fwy. S450 0' u.t oc1 n rn 't.... 1• On/Off Oo••ntronta port par ing. ae to --... -1'45-9081. or 627-8410 ar, rp ' er•• .,.,ew t-3BR S750/mo & Up shopping, beach & NEWPORT BEACH 1069 Call Joel Agt 640-7000 bus. Aak for cx.rr Spe-Jii•N Verde 4bd 2ba x315, or 673-n20 Yrlyffllnter Rentals clam M2..a8N hH, dbl gar. rv OCC Property 'HH Rltra a. F·way, gatdener, no ••wrldtl• 2bd 1ba, Lg 942.--3850 a.den-• 2bd lg t>a, B"" ... CH ... Plew on 2 amk/pet. Avail 1/10 db~k,ht 1 ~ garal • .~~ VIiia lit. 28r 2Ba pat.lo• • dcbleltgrptc' wt•k~.t~~· ....., .... A 11400/mo 761•1048 • .,, • -·nu _. upper. Pool view, be m ' • '1 lolel Oen Vul Owner ---------$1100/mo 720.1200 declc, trpl, gar. $l800 $800, 641-3078 N W Out Of Counrryl Buy tt. Sell II. Find II. BEACH Avail now. 494-2700 Ir Cilia.en 2Bd ~ea. S425K. Bkr M2~0 Cla .. tfled. qW.t, tat fir. Frplc, GARAGE SALE HINTS RENTALS ldry, pvt patio. Dffl, Now Taking SANTA ANA 2180 r>OO' l800 Incl utll1 Summ• Reaervatlon• l••••liiiiiiiiliiiii 382.·8287 or 6464063 WINT•R wall.KLY a M 1• Sunftower & -------- 1-4Bd ...... 13~11400 Brletol. Very prlv, RVNTJHGTON WHITllR (l'URN) r>OO' i.c 24·hf MC 2643 With CAL•SCANI Before your garage sale place a garage sale sign where it wiTI be seen. Make sure you follow all city ordinances IBd ocntmc .. -... l800 5711' ~· .,.,0 .. 13'1. llAltl01Ja 28d house ...... 11200 4621 S.UU. c ........ ANNUAL , 29docnctoM t1000 1 M 1M ..._ ..,._ 28d ~ 11100 r::, cath oel, '8ur\ Udo home _ ..... 12100 APAllnorns ..c :W.,r.:.::On. Have your ct•llfted Id ln.178,...,.... with I combined cln:t.1111on OWi' 3 m•Dn. \ any association rules. ... Iii. , ....... POaUllT """" .... """C!~ -·---'7J.1M ~ coaou ... ... H22 NIWPOat llACB l 1400 I• 111 It t1kt1 to 19l1c1 1 H ••N or 1111cl11alfltd141. 111 for ..... adMtle111 werd. 2111 .. CAL•SCAN ,/ C91 I) 449-1000 ' II CM College Park nice hm w1pool K1lch prtv, cable TV. N s S350 mo Incl ultl 548·2733 ARTIST'S STUDIO, S265 Or uso As 01111'.:e Cannery Vulage. 420 31st SI Phn 673·3733 RENTALS TO IN TRIAL SHARE 2724 DUS 2788 Auto restoral•On .... pa1n1 CDM Nice room .... pvt booth 779 w IGlh SI, both In beaut 3Br C M 619·726'8100 or h ouse, w/d $4251 619-723·19~3 A"I 111 640-2769 or 472·2096 CM Shr chnrful l ·lly ••••••••• hmr compa111on1hlp BUSINESS 8r tor 80 ... lady. Rm bath FINAN.Cr· mHla $300 $46-4764 .C or 540-0810 •••••••- E~Sld• N 1m1<. prof. I wtd• frplc dlh"W. lg apt. 1 '3 utl $385 Clep Avl 12·20 842-8341 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 2904 Na Step• to Beach prof '119g8tartan pref liiPiAiViiiiPiHiOiNiiiEiRiiiOiUmTiiiE $350 mo lat & last 873·2785 • ~o Loc.:al & £5tab 5,1 .. Eatn S1500 wee"IY Town home hvln• 1-800-8&6-4568 24 hrs prlv Bd & Ba ' atr• rm Lndry, poql, tic, PAYPHONE ROUTES quiet, $500 Incl u1111, Local sllH • for Nie, Call Milch, 73~·9574 S2i>OO wk potenueJ. RENT ttirough class1hed 800·208-5300 24hrs VENDINQ•20 •nacl\ machines on 1oca11011• S l1,900•By alt C?r part•800.Sg9.-8781 A.NNOUNCOIENTS ANNOUNCEIWITS 2920 2120 I• .. ·f r J - I .. 9 TODAY'S CRaSSwoRo PUZZLE -lllKO'flllllT •l ..... 1 11DJSI · llCIClll IMO M11IMI sun 1130 MISC. IOll DOCD 7022 ·-----·1 ........ Tlla roM --··-----· ..... • ....... Hol9I • ..... .... '44PMd· 111. c.ie ............. .int loc· ACROSS t Adi'°" .~~)Vay We -" 1'~ l~Angfy 1e $hirhetis 17 Maltefhofn'1 mounlainl 1151\&tkHm 20 Speek«'a 11and 21 Punier'• meeaurn 22 F11te 23 Fine 25 Big Foot's COUStn 27 Span.ah lnencls 29 Medieval poet 33 ForleUs 34 Ukraine's esp.lat 35 Vo1dl opera 36 Small ch<ld 37 C()nltlOedl 38 Cornetlb 39 Makes a m1stall• 41 Stared at 42 G1oup of geese ,., Materialize -oa•n 46Sly 47 Gamble 48 Ro.Im 49 Aelor Alan- 52 Gree!! letter 53 Volc:anle rocll 56 Capttal ol the YukonT~ 59Levef eo PtMoaopNr o.ec:an.s e 1 s.a QPlaln'• commend 62 Place 153 Challeft 84Cheu•nd chedler1 55 Winter preQplUlbon DOWN · t Main role 2 Mewlcan Pol 3 Common house 4~ 5 8lfds and primates 6 Sa1casm 7 Makes lace 8Alfpor111'110 9 Mount• gemstone 10 t<ansas city 11 ~epeal 12 Bridle paf'1 13 Catch sight ol 19 Makes• chol<le 24 N898hve votes 25Jntere11 26Covet 27Change 281.one Ranger" 1211t1A s1ar CIBV'oo -29 "4te:t-dlstance runner 30 V1tami11 B2 31 Olilcial p<OClamatlon " 3~ TaM and thin 34 Sealsktn canoe 37 Female sandpipers 40 Pixies 42Toand -43 Unruly Gift 8hop Ct'8ln ._ o.... with walnut •~· No. 8'de M II&. 8eve lmmed. 09*1111• 'ff bMee, 4' to I ' lenglh. i .. HfiilflnM UW1 money on doCk ..... ··PfT ..... A•90CllMH. 4100 Md\. ><Int oond. bikM, S»IHO. GtMl l16K obo. 112·74M 1£AN BESSE. ttl4-JlfM cal P.. 'HO 8803, 722·11M d•V & night Xmaa glftal 14M~H4 47 Pt ~ :la Pt R*11 PILL P1A•woo6 a.et Stipe w/at\0t• North-Soulh vulnerable. South de Eurich. 8ul bit brilliance 1l the aP•CIAL huoned SPORTING fac. In front of r=• lal.Wlil~ deals t.-ble ~d u an analyst 11fU &.here aw•n l'ACTOftY wood free delivery r•~ on • NOR111 ror all '° acimiM. A quiet man or wit •Hklng enthue4utlc ()fdef. '*°'• Dec. 17 GOODS 8065 Pen. Power °' aallboel • J I 6 and humor, his trademark wu &.he ..,.. u.oc. @ iraah-for thli low price. OK. 723-683& 0 AK drareu~ cluuhed between the mid ~ 1~0, ~~1f IUO/cord, HO/half Nordlo Tr .. , brand1---------o .Jt 8 '11 die and rina fineers or lua righ &M-485?. EOE. cord. 71 4-7N-ae35 new Sequoia model. CAMPEllS IV'S •tJt hand. ........ 2 15" prof $350. Call 7H·9088 11UUI.EllS• 8014 WEST • 1098 2 ~~~tC'l09 91.Ii~~·(I Q 10 EAST His defense on this hand earned ICHEDUUNQ •peak.,., _., bike, --------•~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • K 7' him the Bola Brilliancy Prize in All CONSTRUCTION antqs. misc. ~7811 TICKETS 6075 ''. 882 SHASTA 18 It Cl 8 '18 5 3 2 1982. He held the East card1 Haa poe£Uona In our PLANT aALi ACR•i ttaller uaed tor moving 0 A 3 against three no trump. a contract ocHn view Costa Xmaa trM• poHed 8-9' Alrtlne Tloket l·way or storage, 1300. Call F.+.IH*F.*=4 • A 10 S 5 • • J 7 lhal rat.ed to make because West Me.. ofRc• fOt Cua-S40. Clttua. avocadoa-645-6552-held no enlJy . tomer VerlflcatJon & fr~lllng S10. Herbs $1. OC.TraverH City, Ml 45 F11'1 COIJ!llO 46 Vinegar J&rs 48 Oul.ol-date 49 Crooked SO Ostrich 51 Difficulty (In a plan) 52 !JriltSh slreeltar 5" Forbid 550nce mofe 57Wttch 58 Eggs 11 12 13 80\11'H •AQ3 O Q.1-4 O K l -4 2 •KQ8 The biddinf':__ • SO\Tnl ~ NORTH 'EAS'r 10 Pu1 30 P- 3NT P-P... Pan Opening lead: Five of• • The old order continues to change. It is wilh great regret that we learned of the 'death or Jean Besae, one or the rreat.eat techn.l- oans the game has seen. A truly modest man, you would have to learn from another that he was' the youngest-ever student to wi,n the l!ignesl honors in mathe- matics al the Ecole Polut.echnicum ""··I d II I Scheduling Dept. Gallon funlpera S1 . fly by 12/18, male ua: arer ma e an exce cnt pay 8:oOam·2 ::lOpm or Shade, pin•. cyprea• $225./q 368-6112 I•••••••• when, aft.er a club lead. he allowed 2:oo..a:oppm shift•. 4.9• $10. 90H74-IM22 AUTOMOBILES Eut'sjack to hold the first I.rick in Call at 548-8129 No---------•••••••••• an effort to sever the defender'• Selling. Larry/Mike 1'V'1, VHF, exec deak, -•usro•t'•TION communications.. The seven ofclubl ship modal•. antq &l\Aft II' A wa. returned to the quffll and ace. SECTY/CUST. SVC time clock, plcturH, •••Ill•••••·-------- and another club waa returned to Comput., Input. Sml pllP'lta, •tel 723-4075 CBEVJtOLET 9045 force out declarer's s~pper. On this • Coata MHa olflc•. ---------! BOATS' . 7 11 t.riclt Besse djscarded The ace of dia· Salary & benefit•. Call COUECTIBL!S 0 • 7 • NOV A 8-C Y L monds! 714-5~990. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GOOD CONO. RUNS Outside of diamonds. declarer -6017 '90 lnfl•lable 15 ft GREAT 1 S 1 5 O O · had only abc tricks. Had Besse held MPLOYMEHT Novuralna & 40HP Ya-CALL 71~-4~8036. onto th ace a diamond to th JU o•u1D WINTER hama. Trailer. c.nter ·~-------e • e SERVICES 5533 AW console, VHF marine ·-fOD" would allow declarer to score fopr · Ud ed. cottage•. radio. Bimini top, etc. r.u 9075 tricks in the suit while keeping Aleo one-of-a-kind Great dive, f11h, 1pot1liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii West.off lead. Aft.er East's apectacu· ........ X..... anlm•le from boall $3900. 240-7004 1888 MUaTANQ LX Jar J'ettison play, however, declarer Please be aware that S edona. 840·2342/• POL d 1 t I t 1 the Uatlnga In thla cat· 75a..9304/d 18 FT flbergla11 bay an m n n •r or, could come to only seven tricks egory may require you --""""--~------• launch. New iurrey new Urea. Callf amog. before yieldina the lead to West. to c.H-e-900 numbW top, dfHel eng, feak $4000. Call Devin 714· who cashed two more club tricks for In which there le a -•-ft decka. B••vtllull SUp 557·1020 a one--t.rick seL charge per minute. ""-•au avail. $7900. 875·7939 1"e""3.....,,F,_o_rd_,..,,R,....•_n_e_•_r_s-_ap-. 1-------------------------1 TO IUY 8011 CARPENTIER Cuatom ABS, bd llner, tow Boat Builder needa: packge, mud flap•, air Exp'd. Cabinet . Mak· Cond, $8,800 87~78 .en; Finished Car· EMPLOYMENT . EMPLOYMENT 2925 5530 5~30 f:!ERCBANDISE • penters: Wood work· '·H-0-ND--A----9-0-8-5 e ra.M24148. liLiioaiitiicii.tiiliiariigeii&iiii.iiyiii& GIN. omc1 . PRINTING .. ·-------· Bl Strip laat • ..,, Hunt u...o.--• "-• ANTIQUES lrx--+-+---t Bch Seacllfl Hm• area .--..te _ _., aton1 & p,. .. Persona 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I &ABOT •75 8' Flber·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii glaH. Avl. w/ahore 87 CRX·SI, S •Pd air, mooring. BHt offerl Alarm, am/fm tape Mu11 Sell! 5 48·7848 sunroof, clean. grt gas 11/18 Rew•rd answ H.B. Ins.~ Community newspa-'' to Max 538-6655 or per seek• Urbanite •BUYING ITEMS* 536-9533 2 )'S. otf. eJC?. req. operator with 5 years From 1~1960. 1 pc ml, perfec t glttl $2,800 271·0124 leave msg or eves 645-8909 Loet Doge Newport bkkpng. ~ proc. ecp. req. oper•llng experience Jewelry. booka, enure POWER BOATS Heights area. Mother/ $1200,'mo 842-7859 & Urbanite preH per-••tat•. Immediate 7012· --------daugtiter black w/ ' son with 5 years expe-c~. top S. 873-6223 •• brown •P.Oll, Oobles,l'---------'I rlence. Only those iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JEEP 9110 no collar•. loat 11/28 with Urbanite expe-1---------,18 tt IElectdc-llaa~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiillf-- 1"<"1"--ro-M2'l ~.~!:,~~~Ing ~~·re:,4:n8: or&f~&:,fy APPLIANCES 60 Bo•t NPT Pecket, '84 CJ7 New pnVhrd· ;;;:;;:~~==*==1H.:========t-'.~JQ,5_0JbL to start~ In ~ at; • Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ .. autlful luge opaf SH6A~ JOP, lmma ra. Btldnl, tilt, Answer phones for K•nmore a1oo D ... er -:NU. 660·9000 am/Im caas 11ereo. II b I I .. 1 • w diamond ring. Unique s 3 c ama us neaaea n c-IFORNIA Nearly new Oryl 18' Oullleld Electric. 514 . all 722-1414 CM/NB. FT/PT. Start COllMUNlTY NEWS • ng Xmas glltt 431·737~ rack, large capacity, Rare hard top conv't now. 213-964-3960 3424 San Fernando Rd. white. $225. 850-0454 Mirror, beautllully model. Glove leather1·MAZD----11 ----- uua" S Suite 4 etched w/shlp, 6x8, Hata. Stereo. New n 9125 nw.w EAVICE TECW Los Angele•. CA 90065 W•aher a Drver $140 S850. Call 675-8033 windows. batteries, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EMPLOYMENT Retrofit. 10 yra exp. ('fybum & San Fernando) each. Both In good charger & molOf'. Full 80 RX7.QLX Loaded EMPLOYMENT ..._ .... _._ ..... _~ • 5530 Qood QMV. ref a a EOEJM/F/V/H condition. 846-5848 P._TS ._ cover $7500 '675-3839 Xlnt Cond .. Well main: .. ---~--------~--------~--~~iiiiiiiii•iii•-m~~NE~~~nh~~·~~ ca -~Thomp•"on 161t ~~1~~~~ CO.QOM-3294btwnM NB, 20 +houra/Wk, llUT-•Tr 6049 .,,, ----------------•---------1 ~o•u~: Hair Stylist, Mod Svo Dellverv flex ached, ty ...... aqme FJJRNITUU 6014 nH~ wood boat W/35HP, S8995. 714-509-7639 LOST • F lall t M I I t • w ..-cover & Bimini. $600. LOST L LOST L •c • • an cur• . Toch neat, cl, resp, comp.wilt train, $7/hr &IU\PT •PET Call 714·759-7085. --------FOUND 2925 GI GI Bal Pen Salon. Rent good OMV, basic 548-221!'or lntervelw. a• COUCH urth ~ -MERCEDES 9130 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiil FOUND 2925 FOUND 2925 or comm. 723-5078 · mech-elec knowl req, PVT PO'iT OFFICE ton••· good cond. Every Sat & Sun at --------liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .FOUND DOG. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii c•nPENTER Avt 24 hr on-cau. FIT FIT Permanent. Shin. .A .. , cau 831..e205 PETSMART. fiountaln C!'llH BOATS 7014 "'" JI O 645-1600 ,. ~ Valley. Puppies, kit· ~ , '73 4150 SL ROadater/ FOUN"" •RACELET FOUND•FEMALE M"ll Have Framing m .. o 1 ping, phones, office · t d -11 .. _.dto Alt ...v. -•-Af\., hit by car -w F Barbie Doll• h .. 6 rms ena an more, -·-P· ........ ,...,1 · IN NE W P 0 RT . PIERSIAN CAT "'-perlence. •"'1·2 ... A5 OFFICE PERSON work. rlendly & re-· • """"'ftft f 1 In d ... "'95 C II 1549 Placenua Ave. PLEASE CALL THE ""' """ -aponalble. $8/hr. Npt 1651 Queen. waterbed ............ °' ov g, car· Cr•-Trlmar•n 40 n. con · ••·• · a Wed. night-Nov. 30th. NEWPORT Bl!.ACH g~~r;;'r 1'(/ ~~~nA~p~~~ . OETECTl'IE·PRIVATE PfT 9am-3pm M·Th Beach. 714•642•6262 $45. 72"t ... 88 Ing hOtMI. CALL 241· diesel, factory made. 875-7~9 Po11lbly a Female POLICE DEPT. 5·6yrs old. Red.dish Prlv Investigator Computer Lltor•te. Real Estate •HOUSE FULL!~ 0317 for 'l\Ore lnlo. cruising keel, radar.-------- Plt·Bull Mix (mature TO IDENTIFY AT: color. Taken to New-trainee P/f lime . Accounllng.SookHplng lf CAT HOUS IES S11'K..Call 675·2105 PORSCHE 9175 dog). Hit pretty bad. 71~3959 port Animal Hospital. 239-4389 a Sal••for am. ortlce. ... BTAft IMa Chlppendal• dining Quality small & big M.cGr .. or 24 Taken to: City of NB1---------Call Wolly 75g..7ooo. •Pto•M Appl1• •-. Wiik-in IOcaloft. room .. ata 10 w/bUf· 722.a7eo Uen Sale • Anlm91 Shelter FOUND CAT DISHWASHER/PREP 18381 Mount Langley _, tel • china cablnet ist 5600 t.akH IU Veterln•IY Hoap'I Large male brown/ LOST DOG: Reddish· COO~.::o~2 Time Foun~n Valley CGn1I ~. for ,..,... $2400. Slelgh bf,d Greet Chrlam•• Gift 723-0472 '92 911 C2 Wht Targa Loaded~ T•ke ewer Le•••/No Money Downl lmmac. 16K 722•7387. Located grey Tabby with white Brown Rldgeback/ ---------i ""P..,.fT~Ap-p_t__,S_o_t_t•_r_C_al_l 11Clll Ran TIYlof. ~ bdrm .. t $1850. Ltlir BoxTurtlea.FREE at 2075 Newport Bl. In markings. wearing a Chow Milt. No col'ar. t h f l'I lhlPl'l:I .. 111111 aora. love Mat & chair 3 to choose from. Se· --------CM'. Very darling & Ilea collar. Found 111 Between Harboi & Can't seem to rom om• or pro · ..... ,.. S1SOO. Occasional ta· rlous pet lovers onlyl SPEED •· well behaved. Found 1 N B h get to all those 20 hrs/Wk, $8-10/hr+ bl., & more. Unus'ed. Call Tanya 963-4483 GI by Ruth 642•2455 26 n ewport eac · Newport Blvd. on Vic· bonus. Ron 642-7740 6"73-7300 71 .. .......,. 72.,.., s-BOATS Pe• 455-8608' Call 548-2062. torla Friday, Dec. 2. repair jobs ~· .... 'Save abuaed a nd ~ Please call 646-1 164 around the house? PIT Demon•tr•tort l!::~R;E;C;E;P;T~IO~N:::;IS:;T~='l·::;M;-;0:-:D:::ll::-L-::H::::O:-:M=E;-;F::U:-:=R-:-:N abandoned pets. Be a 70 16 1~---------­ VOWWAGEN 9235 Call 642-567&.- Put a few words ·'to work for you. or (B)219-0t40. Let the For grocery ator., In Part Ume 1·5pni. $6 Previously displayed. volunteer/foat41r. Call your area. Frl/SaVSun. pe r hour. Orange LIKE NEW. 50-70% 714·S5s-2704. LOST GRAY CAT Classified S8.75/hr. Car necea-newspap•r office. Call below bulld., whlaale. ---------• With blue collar. Neut Service sary. Call 557·5579. J If b RUF Co. 2''"' "1 .... T•L BICYCLES 6060 male. Answer• to e n n •r etween -"' .,,, .,.. "Mortimer-'' Loat Directory SELL 9am·1pm at 532-4600 Fri 9:30-5:30, Sat 1o-3. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Thanksgiving night, help you find Sell your home tn91 Skypark, lrvlne BMX GT Pro1erlH 20" Dover ShorH, NB rellable help. your home through classified. Soll Cl o•k crib, bike, top quality parts. area. REWARD. M2..S878 carved headboard, $150/obo. Call Devin Pt•as• call 646-3428. M2-5878 through classified 1125. can 645-8552. 714-557-1020 •1988 22tl Ski Boat• 5.7 litre V·8, King '97 BUG Sunroof, All Cobra 0/0, low profile Original, l-owner. hull, Juat serviced, Runs Excellenll !l•w conl/oller/BlmlnV $2100 Obo 673-1379 uphol1tery. Great •kl ~.,....,,,--.,...-----,..... boa1-.fast-1ook• gre•t. VW Bug Conve rt•ble Turn..key ... ready to go. 1979,, CVlmmac, Wh $11,000 964-4267/291· on WH. new pts, top, 9241pgr uphls. whl1. 673-9213 •sE•R•Vl-C•E--•I CAllPENTRY 3510 COMPUTERS 3556 ELECTIUCAL 3610 BANDY MAN 3710 JEWELRY 3890 REMODELING liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • ADDmONS 3 916 3784 MASONRY 3828 PAINTING 3858 PLUMBlNG DIRECTORY A to Z HANDYMAN INSTAL1.JR£fACE CABINETS Kitchen•, l>.lh•. cloof9, WlndOw.. Doi.lg 546-7258 Buying A Computer? LACft'S*aLaCTIUC H.ANDYlllAN Carpen-Wiiiiam Harold Jewelers JOHN DOMll llAIOMY •mer .. d P .. ntlng ENOCH'S PLUMalNQ Confuaed? FuA Swv. 25 yrs eiq>. Fr" eS1. try, tile, plumt>mg & Watch & jewelry repair Brlc:k•Ste>ne9Blochelg lnVExt wallpaper/UI• Dralns/Remodell/Re- We help you buy rlghl RH/Comm. Sr dist. roof.25yreexpw/refs. Anllque/FlneJewel.ry & amall Job• OKI uc Competitlverales.10yra palra. Ltll58052e we aet up & train you. L# 238300 842-e588 Jeny B.u 77 .... 380 luy/Mlllnde e73-0395 .,687191 at-39 32 exp-FrM est 751-2039 __ aoo-e __ 3...,9-_3_1_40 __ Ton~ 723-1885 N•WPORT i . RAINBOW Circ le ll•lnt. ARNllE aMITH - DUNCAN CONaTRUCTION 20 Yra Exp. Small & Lg. Jobs 850-7042 ADDITIONS REMODWNG 3410 HlftlE A CARP•NTU Additions/Remodels Fire/Water/Repair•. Concrete/Elec/Plumb. H•rdw•r•••ottw•r• ELD ERL y ORANG• COUNTY LANDSCAPE • Pllnllng. "1VEld. Housel Plumbing & ROOlllf·Uc.1 _______ _ lnstallallon 6 Set up Handyman Service• MOVING 3834 ht Qual. Job. FrM 11t. All replplng lnstalla, 'l'DllUSLATOD' Bell Conatruc tlon •Add1llons• bath remodel ... ,l'Y. Me-7540 PC-Wlndowa Specialist CARE 3611 •931-3588• IAWN CARE 3 808liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sr lic l569897 636-8888 tlon & drains 630.0700 U\AR ..., O\ae. w/ad 964-3317 P•lntlng/Plumblneliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •EX QUICK• TUTOR 3927 FREE PC Buy.,•• Info N•ao HELP? Nursing/ Oen Malnt·L# 581685 •••lo Y•rd M•lnt. PUBLIC NOTICE IAN" • OCAL Uttl• big anak• fromliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •P•Uos• ltitchen rtmodel Repairl, Retnod. Doort. Win- /Uc /Bonded /Insured dows, Clblnlea, ltUC(O a dry· F1M Ell 87t-4M t Wal, ~ Q&*, lie. Uc. TUTORING a Mellage/Meal Pre p/ Bonded 1M Insured Lawn~ Cle.nupe. The Calif. Public UUU· p v V $9.50. Toilet or faucet! aPANISH/IENQLISH CONSUL TINO Drlvlng/Err•n da by Call John 894-1159 Tree Trimming, Lt "" CommlNk>n RE· LESSONS 3868 rebuild $38.50. Clean NaUv• So. American. 3Syre up. Jerir Ml.0517 o o s. w 1nd0 w •. a.p'd c.~. t5C).()554 Oual Crpntry, Paint, H•ulln9 87 ... 248 QUIRES that all Uaed all drain• $88.50. Valedlctorlan of a 20-yra Exp. 723-1985 CloHt/Gar Slor, wall Al Amertcan Lawn Cal• t\oueehold good a Gottuso Music Studio FrH Est 714-444-<'500 U .S . Co 11 • g •. APPLIANCES SERVICE 3 426 CAllPET 1------PENCES unlta, furn, formlca, Malnt, sodding. lrrlga· movera print their All ag.. 5 lo adult a u .. 1\9 873-Tcl08 repair• 875-6359 Fred lion, clean..upa. Owner P.U.C. Cal T number: • beginning to clau~ ROOFING 3910 3615 Operated TeG-7773 llmoa and chauffeur• 540-1947 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...,,ee print their T.C.P. num· .---------• -'"""~ HAUUNG 3720 Blllln9'e LAlndec.a.pe ber In all adVertl ... PIANO& Beginning thru CALL US FIRST! SERVICES 3929 •PmNC•a OAT••• Maintenance. A pro-menta. tf you have a Advanced. All agH. Reroola & repalra.1'!i~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CLEANING 3515 CONCRETE• • DECJtS HOME AE,.RIQ/FRZ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MASONllY 3557 RIEPAIR. Same day CARPET & UPHOLSTE.RY --------------- 1erv. Repal11 guarnt'd. Carpet r!'palra, protea-* Bfft Prlc .. ft.. ... 1..., t,\11/Sr./Sldnt dlac. alonally done. 20 yra. .,...,_"•• ..... J Ir,,,_ "'*"41 H8ullng Junk, Appl._ f•~:;et~~* quMtlon about the le-THch., cenlfled. Local co, grHt prlcea.11819 Miko'• T,... Svo Redwood• L4'578805 &ncH, Yard Clean-Up,,..,......,,.,~,.,..~_,,,,.,,.,..,.,,.,..,"" gallty or • mov.,, limo Jennifer, 640-8869 EvaN Roofing 754-7834 Jim Whyte 842·7208 Etc ... Calf Mlk• GARD•N MAINTENANCE or chauffeur, .all: •REROOPINO• !~:~u"~.~~;:~o~~'. .w.-Fenoeo• M•1381 23yn CM-NB •JCP· TrM Public UlllltlH PET aPECIALlaT FrM Eat. 9 80-0270 AWNING TVSTAU CHILD CARE 3536 B~~~·~~~=~~ repllctMplir, he hd'O JUNK To The DUMP r.~:' ... ~· = ~=~~ SERVICES 3870 "~-~~:=~~~~· i~------- A1ll1ble Relrlgeratlon exp. Sr dlac. nM380 c~·M~U Lll'41728 898-3483 --- &1• Fplc, BBO.. R•f. 20 Yr =~~1 w~71~!t~~h Contnlc:1ot 941 .. 170•--• .,._.-v-O_n_Mo_v_ln-.--••dler Rooftng.Uc & WALL r. 3430 Exp'd N&nN•• avail for Exp. T8frf ••7•7•94 Man won•u 984-5259 GrMft 9oene Landscpng Low•at, Storage, prof. Peraonallzed Pet Care Ina. Specialize comm. COVERINGS 3932 •SERVICE iii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 111v•11n P<>slh Ilona 11n1 toh pn.u..-naa A lrrlg•llon. Trimming XLNT rep. 1 hr min. Ina. Kennet alterpatlve. No re-root/repair. 25 yra.1'ii!iii•iiiiiiiiiii•iiiiii auNaHIN• AWNING ov ng ornH. r . CONTUCTOU v-u "~ • Removal•. Clean-T1S7M8. V/MC 251-7030. Streu 0( worry. Uc, •FREE EST 875-5095 •• IN8 TAL RettactablH Nanny Agcy. 9744l08 UPAllS 3822 BIATING 3754 upa & Malnt, St. Uc. Ina. Reta 073-7184 Cuetom W•llP8por Sun Screens·Security G!DUt 3558 11'599025. --..1oe •--------Slrlpph1.,,.•lntln9 Shutters 10 Yrs Exp 1-iiiiiiiiiii...iiiiiiifl!~~~~~~~~I P'•T....vG 3858 --------1 0v8fstoc;ked with No job too •m•lll . . CHIMNEY II c ....... .._..,..._ CUTllAL MUTING. 1.anc1-.. 11...-k A&RUR -•r-• 15" Off w/ld. e73-H~7 C•ll Joe 5•7·8453 3538 QUICK aaP011a•1 ,..~..... ..un. l'lr. saum. Wall h..a.,e. Mal lbuo4ght•Sprlnklra1 ......... s-~•,.., stutt7 SWBEPS Local Uc. 20 yr ~p " .... rep• • ... 20 Yrs Loeal Exp fNlt Tr ... c1ean-u,,.11 urm 3880 A call to We gala should hang -1-0-A-TI_N_Ci ____ , Small Jobs, b6g Jobe hole, etc. FRH pick· Ouwnt'd aee.o•1e Call p ... 7aa-77aa •W.P. YOUllQQUl8T ·--iii-&iiiiiiiil Classified togeth.,. Strip, Install. aPAIUla? CRACK•? ~Cone I00-7042 up/de/Iv/Ml. IU·1123 . LAWN iiliiif ....... c.dl..... INTUT.QUAUTY 11T Wiii help lldva to th• cruy. SllVlCES 3470 AM ~ a remodet-BOID raDDJ Re~ftd Quit,.,..,..,. "Y prot1a Patch to complete ;:=::::M:;2;:·:;1:;6::7::1==!:==N=t.a=t=1=t=an)'Um==·;------------Ing • Ca I I 0 r • g DOOIS BAllDY 11A1f 3710 -WW TrM Trtm-SP'f*lr Sys. UcHOaOM. Ina. ~ UcenMd. 215yN llMINaMAllDYllAN 800-71+&.UCICY 3580 SllVJC!S 3760 IWa. aNIS07 f'ree•l4W305 e.p.Mtn&.54-~831 Trouble ahooUng. 24 M••M ..... --........_ TRDI lttn lliiiihWlll hr MMe•. catt Noatl -•• .,.G .. .......... •• ..~~-NOUA••ITTING . PWS IOuChUp9. PtwnaWITVG 71~7ae7 ~lft dependable door -~--,-lmmao cat9 .... .....,._ re• ... • ~ ...... ...._ .. ._.___. • .__ u-..u. 3890 _....,as 3• .. 1 .. --. ,...... _.. ~and morel .. ., .... _.. .. , •• ,"•"'e". -•· uo-=.....":'""'!!" .. -:=. --------•~ ..... ,,& .., . ._ ....... ._._ --... a_..94 ... an OW9d Pron Int. 0.-., ...... ftt ... N _.... -llil••••••iiiiil 3508 ,..., Don 121 ... 10 .... Moc/SO CL xnmn ™• ,... '-OCAI. PLUWR C.UIEIS • .llllMIMMm l'l R&lllMll. aalf iiUN iERVICES Loo refe 7074"-1209 LIGll. _.. -. • .._ ~ Co.· i ••••••••I •.....vw ~ Ataambaer9-You nem. ~-nr be ..... __ .. IO Y'9 exp. OUelty e1tM1e 1M7·W• are q ...., •• ... • ,... 111 f'RH UTIMA1'1 WCTllCAL 3e10 It! Audio ~ to -• " ·-SllVICIS 3112 workm•n•hlp talr ...,._. 117K·ueot< "7 ... 1 DtMd X-tnM °"'91 MMl82 =r--eor:-o1tor..:"_.! prioM MM417°Ron ~.:0~17~ 1000'• of fob• avt. WhJ P'er Hide 1'N Aet m111at1el _. Carpentty roofing ..,_ -""" tor X·YL BANKRUPTCY ATIY CllUll0'8 tliii1111G TtlS ~ RACM C.,. IAhr• 06).3M7 9"lt w11tt ~? Dunc9n eon.uoeon plumblng', d rywan: Lo091 ,..., 7M-l2N ,,.. ~ .,..,..... ,.._ ... au. •~•CO.• ( I Call Ol••~Hlf. Qulok ........ ecuooo. DalntlN, .... •o"' .. • ... w. r Md ft. 71......... work. Llo•IHIOI ,~ No O.T. todayl ......,._ L.oce1 Uo .... 7049 ~;Jim .. 1.1... --H-·•._ ..... L ........_ l»tlM L•9'74417 64H721 ... r: ._ __________________ .................. ..