HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-09-25 - Orange Coast Pilotr SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA COMMUNITIES SINCE 1907 FRIDAY, SEPl'EMBER 25, 1998 INSIDE The Dally Pilot serves up its annual Top 103 edition with Newport Beach's Lindsay Davenport as No. 1. look inside today's newspaper for the rest of the list . of the area's most influential people. Good to the Core Te Winkle Middle School teacher will receive Apple of Gold.for her work Ill !'IF.I\ .M !\...,11\I Victona Groskreutz has been m lo\'e with the SpdntSh language• since she was 10 years old It was he r mdJOr m rnl- lege and has given her work d purpose -to help Launa students. "l think I'm Latino at hedrt, • the TeWmkJe. Middle School tedcher sclld. For her years helping migrdnt stu- dents in the Newport-Mesa school dis- trict, Groskreutz was selected as onP. of hve Orange County educators to receive the Hisparuc Educcltion Endow ment Fund's Apple of Gold . Groskreutz and the oth~rs will be honored at the hflh annual Apple of Gold Awards Dinner tonight at the Hyatt Regency, lMne In addition to honQring educators who've helped La tino students, the dm- ner is a cele brdbon of the orga ruzat1on's successful $1 million fund-rdi'>ing effort. Fanned m 1993, the fund helps create educational opporturuties for Latino stu- dents •1t ts so exo llng for us to have rtl1sr.d $1 million,~ said Maria Elena Avila, an endowment bodrd member "It's a big. big deal m the Hlsparuc commuruty, dnd this is a great chance to honor teac-hNs who've made a diffe rence in the h ves of so many students.• District-responds. to cofilplaints ~ mOveS more ClasseS "froni Harper • After neighbors denounce traffic and noise, board relocates all but one adult night class to Costa Mesa High School. ill SI I~ M\.Sll'il !kit Pio! COSTA MESA -Respond.mg to the com- phunts of sc•veraJ rC's1dents who live nedr the f idrper Educdtlon Center, the school dislm.t w1ll move all but one of its adult night ddss- es to Costa Mesa High School on Mondc1~ The d1stnc-t cam<' under fire after the cldss- es cmd the Adult Education Program's h<•tid- quarters wNe moved to the Harper site, which already houst>d a pr~chqol and Codst- "We'll still hove our hub of operations there." Tom Jo<obsoa all hut one of the ddsses ''i.11 me tat Oic high school h ·gtnniny Monclrty. Assistant superintendent of secondary edU<otion ltnP Commurnty Colleue Gl11ssPs. "We were JUSI surpnsed h~ the'amouut of mtere::,t there wa:. m our ddult education pro· grams,,. said Tom .ldcoh!;on ass1stdnl super- mtend(•nt ul ~w<.onddf) Nlucat.10n "W~'ll .;;till have our hull OI operatJon:. there at Harper and the mclep •ndent study pr0<Jram • About 50 students will still tJ.ttend inde- pendent studr c lasse.s at HcUpPr Residents co111pJ.11nr~ct at d ~' hool hoc1rd muetinq 1\Jesda~ Uiat there wr1s drtJ~·1ty at Uw center trom fi il m. until 1 t p m each day und tht1t students wen• par.kjng 1n front of Uwu honH!S One n· 1clenl 1~ven thrnatrnPd to hie a cltl~s-dct10n luwsmt ttydulst the school chstncl b(-'c<1us0 of the chsmpt10n ··Tht•y .,,hould 11t easily tnlo the parking lot there,• .J,IC obson ScUd. The hoCJrcl mowcl hvc ol its 11dult mqht ddsSPS to c~ta f\lfl'>d I hgh on f\tondny and The d1stnct'!:i ddult progrtuu hold<; 111ght classe ... t\\1r t: d we k at nine ~lementary find tugh school:. m Costa Me~a·i; The Enqlliih und JOIJ "k1Us d •s'>es lhdt dIC held tour llrnes a week are the onPs bemg moved trom Harp· er to Co la l\t • a High. Centennial Fann to try barnstorming • Foundation hoping N1illennium Barn will be pulled from fairgrounds master plan process so building can proceed.· 1:11-.1 (,1 I lkitflaoi COSTA MESA -~Jember:. of ll11' Centcmntdl Fmm Foundation \\OUld Like to ~ee theu proposed r. hllenmurn Barn bmll lwfore the n111lf'nnn1111 be<Jlll . but tear that .. t>fforl to come up .. ~:ilh a master pldn for the la1r9rounds will d1"ld) lht• fHO)e<:l The fdtr hoard could not tukc <t11~ action on th1• matter Th!trs· dcl) hecctUs" only lour member.., \H'H' pH•senl and it lacked a quo· rum The board members did 11 ... ten to concerns from Be\ Urnqston, president of the foun- doU•>n. Langston urged the board to pull tht• r..WJenmum B.un from llu> master plan so the pro1ect could proceed. ·1 see no real reason thnt you cdn'l pull the barn from the m.ii,- ter plan smce there a.r • only o lllirny plact' you can put thP th1r19, • Langston saHl. The M1llennnun Barn would tx.• an authentic replica ol an ec:ir~ Iv C<llitom1a barn. It would h U'-t'd fo1 yl'ar·round display-. al agnculture-relatcd items and also mcludt• stall" to hou e am· nhlb, umqston st1id . Langston fCdred that devt!>mg a mnstcr pl.m could·tak1• up to two yc,ir ... Post-summer dream: Bring on the bard • E1N.(i11 !kit~ COSTA ~1ESA -To be or not to be? That is the q11 • tton regdrding a Shake- s~are fes11val at the Pac:thc Amphitheatre. A master plan tor the Orange County Fairground-. is encouragmg public input on what lo do with the amphitheater. Costa l\lcsa s Trudy Ohhg-Hall would like to see it become home to a Shdkespcare fesllval. Ohlig-J Jall, who also 1 a Mesa Consolidated Water Dtstnct board member, pre· sentcd her idea to the tau board Thursday. •Jt i!, a shame tha t we· have to go to another city for outdoor entertainment,· Ohhg-HaU said ·we are supposed to be the City of the Art. .... • Ohlig·Hall c;aid a ShakP- spcare le tival at the Paofic Amphitheatre woUld help promot ~ Costu Mesa's repu· tahon as the City ol the Art . ~The big plu is there. would be no loud IOUSIC:., • Ohhg·Hall c;a1d. "Pt oplc would come near and far for a good how.• Havmg worked m Newport-Mt•sCJ schools for 12 years, Groskreutz wears seve ral hats. Between 8 a.nd 9 a .m. each school day, she teaches a dance class <ll TeWinkle aptly t.Jtled Rllmo Latino, or Latin Rhythms ~C MARTIOONLV Pli.OT Vlctoria Groskreutz will be honored tonight as the recipient of one of the Hispanic E~ucation Endowment Fund's Apple of Gold awards. •The wheels of bureaucrucy gnncl slowly,• the former fair board nwmber scud. Langston sdtd the location of the ham would not attecl thl' master pldn muc·h because it would nN'cl to he located nedT Uw farm. Bodrd Pwsldenl E1mly Sanford and board member Gary Ha)•aka\.\d a kcd about her idea. Ohlig-Hall said be haj) done m1bnl re.<>earch hut would be willing l o become more involved, especially m r~ tsm g tunds. After the hour-long dance class, she teaches small, federally funded English class~s for the limitC"d·EngLish students at TcWin- kle. She is also a coordinator of thC' district's preschool migrant education programs and ovcn>ccs the clistnct's asc;cssmen t cente r at Rea Elementary School. ' . ln hC"T capctcity as a dann• mslructor, Groskreul7 has diH'cted FEAST ON ART .... "Dllill w. ..... .. .., ..... ...., ... hgt C..,· ..... "' .... F.-•"' .... w.nllr. Set,. 2 INDEX ClASSfAED . • ..... -... 11 DATEIOOK ........ ·--·----·-... -.2 PUIUC NOllCES --·-· .... ---·-· 10 5P()K'JS • ........ -~ .......... ....-.. ....... "'.8 WEATHEI ~shottld .. " "' Wit Shlni. S.P9p2 dance troupes and choreogra phed m usicals at scvNaJ <"hoob, mduding E~ign Intennediatc and Costa Mesa Hig h schools. *I've had several students who'v<" qone on to professional dancf' cureers. • she said ·1Wo of the C'osta Mesa I bgh School boy" went on to pcrfonn in 'Sleeping Beauty' wtth the New York City Ballet • SEE TEACHER PAGE 7 • LPt's gel on with it," Langston aid. The foundation ts rt•ad • to SEE BARN PAGE 7 · General ~tanager Becky Batlcy-r:mrlley said , .. 1th the fair embarkmg on a planumg process. O hhg-1 foll' input W VC'J)' h lpf ul Taking steps toward a cure Sunday's run/walk puts focus on pre~ention of brea~t cancer ' .It '11111 ll\c.l.\.\l l Gl,l'b Bnw>t cancer survivor Peggy Jones ts adamant: "l Wdnt cl curQ a nd I want 1l now." Costa Mc a re.,idcnt Le Schart 1s orrowtul: "I rruss my sister on a daily basis.• N •wport B uch resident Lome Tuerk 1s full of hope: •tt ha been a v •ry liftiilg • 1 rl nc. for mo." All three women have b~ •n touched d ply, in one way or another, by et mysterious and lru trnting dt called lir ast cane r • L e Schart.. who ter died last June from cane r, bow ·oua new.paJt of walking shoes clout· eel to ber by . ordltrola tor am weekend .. breb ... Qanllt nm/walk. 2 Friday, Septeml:>er 25, 1998 date book Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot , CHECK IT OUT .. Make the grade with library help. A FEAST for the eyes Museum's.'Feast on Art' benefit showcases works .by 56 artists and craftspeople W helher you're in grnd•• school or college, chances arr you foce academic challengq~ {"V<'f"f yt>M. To help you make thP 9iade, Newport· libraries of for d n dr'iP- nal of print, audio111suf.!l a nd onlme resources. For the youngest stu- den ts, vol- umes m the Help is On the Way series mtro· duce skills for 'iUCCesS in math, gram- mar and book report w nting Those composing tlwir lust .reports can lf•tlm to do n•sf'MC h with "1Tr1ckinq Uw f"<lcts," of!N· ing tips for ndrrowrnu a topic, •compilin g infom1t11Jon rHld gc•I· 'o.ng ready lo wntC'. There's clear c1clv1n• rJh1Jut fourth-throu'qh slxth-tJf<1dP.Jlldth m ~ Everythm4 You NPNI to Know About Mi.1th I lornt•work, • Crom the Scholdslw I rornpw111 k Reference ()pnc•s J\lso dVatlt1hl .. are volumC!s concPnlidllllfJ on science dnd Amc>nc.rsn lustorr. Amem«tn In<h(.m rc•J><>rts dTf' ntes of pasSdCJf' for locdl third- graders ror d VlSUdl tntrodUC - lion, duldrE'n Cdn turn to th'' "lndidns of North Ameriw· ~enes, fedtunnq 1 O v1d••os t1lx)llt frldJVldUiil tribes For fourth-Pror ~" & L 1yo11h grddN:. studytng Cali:fom1d hJstory, "Cahfor· 'rua M1<i· SIOOS, Pro1ccls <1nd L<Jyouts • pmvid<>s clear mstrnctions for h111ld11HJ model!>. TI10c,e who've urn<1ud1Pcl to exploring thP qul?'>l tor qold m Cdllforrucl C"un t!oC{' lht• s,1H•' of bold adventurprs with "Th<> <;old Rush,• dn Emmy Awdfcl-wmnmg VJdPO. expansion is m 12 vic.lt..>os in the • Americdll History for Children• sen es. For sixth-graders exammmg ancient cultures, •Ancient Greeks• and other volumes m the "Oxford Profiles· ~OPS chronicle the lives of mfluenlidl · ,personalibes in different liges. · Also useful for assignments r.ov- P-nng social, scientific, hhtonc, econonuc and j:>olibcal issues 1s ·c;ms Researcher.• a ddtabase f(•tlturing thousands of full-tt•xt tlrbdes plus excerpts from "The World Almanac • There dre details for more th un 80 science proJt.>< ~ m "S<:1- l!nce Experiments on Pil<•," u ref· erence usefuJ for fourth· through twP.lfth-grader~. Covcnng e arth and ph ysical science, biology, r hemistry and phyc.;ics, lhc nxperiments include tunl! csll· ElECTROXlC STYLE· m atc>s, mdten,~I lists. prorn- dures and qu~slions for unalysu;. For high sd1ool-uncl collE-ge-lev~l studt•nl<>, Uw "Gdlr. Liter.Jry Cnt1cio:,m Series· mdudcs con- tinually updal· ed edibons . focusing on dass1cal through rnntemporary literature, as we>IJ us volumes concenlrul.lng o n poetry, short stonP.s und other genres "Shakes}X!nre for Stu- dents" features two volumes nndly7.tng the bd.rd's rno~t poµu- ldr play·s Regdrclless of grade level or study dred, you're lik<>ly lo fmd lhe most current information in d.icp tc1l sources. find ups on hHw to uw these re latwcly new rns~·urch tools lJl ·using the• lnlcmet. Onhne ServH Ps and CD-ROMs • I Fmcilly, ledl"h how to cite elc~c- 0 am Maloof, one of AmC>rica's most res~t· Pd craft artists, wilJ be the guest of honor at this yenr's ~Feast on Art," a muse- um fund-ral5Ul9 event combin- ing music., toad a.rtd art, at the Orange C"ount}' Museum of Art c1t fi . .'.lO pm. Saturday. ·nw "Fedst on Art" is a · breLtthtuking exhibit ol art and crc1ft works by 56 nationally known dnd rospected artists. An <lmsy of uniquC! and interesting ceram1~. fabric. glass, metaJ and wood pie<-es will be for sale. 'Ole evc•ning features a rnt·kt.lil reception, as w~ll ~s d ~upcrb culinary burfet, siz'zling 1r1n music provided by Jazz Att.1ck and opportunities to ntl?P.t the arusts and discuss thc>ir work in' d rehlxed setbng. A celebrnted woodworkc>r • and furniture maker, Maloof is t1 mdjor figure on the rapidly (1rowmg Amcncan craft scene. Born in 1916, he was the son of Lebanese immigrants who hVf'<.l m ChJ.no After graduat- rnq from high school, he took work us a grnphic artist dlld dr<.h1tcctural draftsman until - lik e !.>O many young men of his tJf>nNdtion -he responded lo the call of military service dur- mg World War II. He !>erved with the U.S. Anny m the Aleutian Islands. The time spent m th.is remote lofdle allowed him to hone hi'> -sf'lf·taught skills as a wood~ worker. After the war h e b<'gan designing and building his ·()wn furniture, operung his own shop in 1948. Over the course of his 50- Y' 'llr q ueer, Maloof hds built a w putation as a superb fumi- llm• flldker, mamly through his nwnerous commissioned works. SINARTUS SOSROOJOJO I DAILY PILOT "Feast on Art" co-chair Jane Heber, left, and special events coordJnator Kristen Salvato chat ln the background about the upcoming benefit for the Orange Cowity Museum of Art. Tbe event features works by 56 nationally known artists, including this piece by Po Shun Leong. ent of many pre vious honors, including a presbg1ous John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundabon Fellowship in 1985, he is the first craftsman ever to receive the coveted pnze. H e lives m Alta Loma, m a home and workshop that he bwlt by hand. The benefit will also show- case works by d wide variety of artists m a number of clisci- pline"3, including jewelry by Emesbne Rae1b Green, hand- woven and adorned clollung by Estelle Cadson and art oox- es by Po Shun Leong. Like many works of 1ewelry art, Green's pieces feature bold designs·dnd settings. but she clistingwshes with her unusudl combmc.ttiom. of crystals, ctia- monds and other gemstones, fossils and found objects Her works arc ~hlighted by a chs- tmcbve play of surfaC"eS, colors and texture.'>. 'schooled m her FYI 'FEASTON~ + wHERE: Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Cle mente Dnve, N ewport Beach • WHEN: Saturday at 6:30 p.m . + HOW MUCH: $75 + PHONE: (949) 759-1J22. ext. 216 + WEB SrTE: www.ocarr- ~net.org/ocma imbut> tt Wllh Vlbrant and stun- ning colors The son of Chinese immi· yrnnts, LPong was l>om m Englclnd Ounng the'dosmg yea1s or World War 11, Leong w as sent to live with fcllTlily fri<>nds at a hou'>e m the Eng- lish rnuntrys1de. ln the dining room WdS a huge wooden mo<IPI of an occt1n liner, com- plete m every detail Uc;mg marb les as passen-' gt•1c;, he• plt1yed with Ute model for h1>UTh, exploring the intn- C"cllely rcpro<luc<>d cabins. clC'C ks dnd ptlssageways. His lt1~c mitt1on w1th spatial design IN I h11n to d dt•9re~ Crom an i.lrc:hill'tlural <.c-hool in London, <1nd d fellowship m France. F1fth-grdclNs who'w: lllCJVf'CJ on to US history will fuul h1•lJ> for statc> n port'> m "S( holdst1c: Ency<.lop<•d1u of Uw UmtNI Stdtes • Ollwr mformuhon <over· ing Cdrly .. etU~rnenl throuqh AmenC"dn mdf•p1•ndPnc ,. <1nd tronic forrnr1ls with •Electronic Style," d reference thdt slandanl- 11<'s b1nhogrnphic mPthorts for lntPm<•t-dcces..,ible articles, JOUr· lid.ls, e·mdll and other onlme clOiurnents • CHECX rr OUT IS written by the ~taff of the Newport Beach Public Library This week's column is by Linda Kline and Sara Barnicle A Maloof chclll' is in the White House collecbon of A mencan furniture and his pwces can be found m major musewns throughout the Unit- < d States, inducting the Metro- pc,1.Jtan Museum of Art. the Mw eum of Fme Arts, Boston and the Philadelphia Musewn or Art. He has aJso been the recipi· • native Netherlands and on the West COdst:Green had devot- ed hE'r We to Jewelry design since 1968. Carlson has harbored u fd~­ onanon with doth since shP was a child, which is n't suryiri.s- ing considenng her family background: Her father, ti native of Guatemala, instdlt•d an appreaabon of ethruc tex- tiles and hand-weaving m Carlson. and her mother, a ta1- lor, unpdrted a love of design- ing and creabng' garment~. She employs Ikat dyeing te<'h- ruques Ul her hdDd-woven, krutted and printed clothing tu Tiirough rus yedfS of study, h~ lwld on to the C"hild's sense o! imdgmatwn crnd w onder thc1t fueled his m odel explo- r.illonc; and which dre w oven into l.eong's complex and won- derful drl hoxc•f-i today. A IJ proceeds from the event will hent-ht the Orange County l'\ 1 u.,cum ot A rt BRIEFLY Pick a season seat at The Centor Saturday Chinese dance troupe brings Contemporary movement to OCC The Ordng<• County PNfo11n· tng Arts C '<•ntPr will otr<>r pntrons a chance to hrmclplC'k lh<•tr suh- scnpt.Jon '><'dling with <1n Open H ousf' Sc>dl Sc1IP from 10 am to 2 pm C:>t1turddy Represenl.<1llVl'S from the• Pdnf. ic Symphony C>rC"heslrn, Uw Phil- hdITTioruc Socwt y of Orange Cou.nty, thP Prmf1C' ChorrJJf>, Operd Pt1cilic d11d Uw Willtctm HaJJ Mt1s- ter Chordle will oo on h.mct. The event will dlso mdude guided tours of n w Ccntn and frf>e refrE>shmrnlo:,. For lnfOffild- bon. call (714) 556-2122, ext 351. SCR a<'cepting entries for playwright fest South Coast RE'pcrtory is clccepting pltty submissions ror 1ts 14th annunl H ispanic Plt1y- wnghts Pro1ect Playwrtqhts of Latin lwn tdg P are invited to submit full Jcn9lh, unproduced norunusicaJ scripts tn Engbsh. Call 708-5500, e xt. 5405, Ar\.iElc Pl l/\N E ver since Lily Ctu was 5 years old, she knew she wanted to be a dancer. But she probably didn't guess at that yoWlg age that she would one day h dve her own comp<lny dJld create a speciaJ danC"e style all ber own. Bu t U1at's JUSt what Cai clici whe n she moved to U1e United States after en1oying a suc.c~ss­ ful dd.Dce career m her native Ch.inA. Now the LlJy Cru Chinese Dance Company -fonned m 1988 -perfonns onqmal works th.at Cai descnbes as a combina- tion of classic, modem dnd Chi· nese folk dances, dem onstrnting the range of trw.ning she has had througbout the yea~. This Saturddy, Cai and hm troupe will bring their conlem· porary performan ce to OCC's Robert 8 . Moore Theatre. The com pany has perfoni1cid in . danC"e festivals in the Ray Arcc.1 FYI ULY CAI DANCE COMPANY + WHERE: OCC's Hotx.•rt B. M oore The· atic, 270 1 FdlJ'View· Rood, Costa Mesa + WHEN: Saturday at 8 pm. · + HOWMUot: A dvdilced tickets are $23, $20 for students and seniors; $26 at the door + PHONE: (714) 432- 5880 " Uly Cai combines folk, dusk and modem Cblnete dance In her perfor- mance Saturday at occ. dnct ut such diverse concerts "" the 1H94 Gra teful Dead .show at . ' the OakJAnd Coliseum. "When we perform, people fall in love with our show," Cai said. "Most of Ule time, the audience is so amazed with the colors and beduty of our p(lrfor- mance. We have created u unique presentation." She attributes the !.>-UCcess of her company to its di.stinc:t style. Throughout her lile, Cai has been exposPd to many types of dancing. From h er days as a company membl'I with the Shanghai Opera House to her years as d dance m!itructor at Galileo High School in San Francisco, Ca1 wanted to mix these d1Uercnt influences into one unique style that her company could call its own. "l wdJlted to find out whi:il exactly was a new look for the stage,• she 'said. "J wanted to do more exating work because people are always willing to accept a new prescntatiol\." But creating d dance form that Is so diffNent from tradition l required dancers speciully trained for the job. which is why CtlJ und her troupe rehearse four - dt1ys ii week, e>1ght hows a day. "I created m y own class for them be<.'uusc I believe if you hdve your own uruque style like I do, you need dancers who are fully tra ined for that style," she Stild. I h•r dedicdllon to providing cm cntertc;.mmg . how doesn't stop with the lffidginative chore- oyraphy and ddJlcing. •J pay u lot of attention to the multimedia m the perfor- manc.-es, • Cdi sa1d. •From the tighlmg to mustc and slides.• <:di hopes the hMd work she t1nd her drmcer s have put into their performances will open the ttu<hencP.'s minds to the more ult •1 native avenues of dance h sides tho usual ballet and jazz in titullons. HTitis will be un unforgeWlble lifc•timc expencncl'," Cai pronuscd, "The eudience will fir~cl Joy, bcduty and power with· in this Onental and American ;": pr ''><.mtation." 8_EADER.S~ Mesa, CA 92626 Copyngt>t No news sto11e\, 1llustr•tiom. ed1to· ,.,,1 matter Of advert1~ents hc:r•tn can be r•produ<ed with uut wnnen ~rm1u1on of <oPY· right owner .:WE A T_H IR SURF POLICE FILES VOL 92. NO. 227 . THOMAS H. IOHNSON, Publ!SMr WIUIAM L080U L. Ed1tot SlEVI MAR8lf., MaMglng EdttOf TINA IORGATTA. Assistant Managing f'd1tor AHASTAOA FMUOG Oty Editor STEVllAMU News Editor • ROGO CMLSOH. §c>of1S l dltor MMCMMnN. flhoto Edft0t LYNNUOl.A. Display Adwrtislng AIOY Ol'fl*G. Oasfled AdYtnklng LAM JOtlldON. Promotions ~SIW«. ~ f"inandal Offl<lf 642·6086 ~ RecOfd your comf'MnU about the Daily Pilot or news tips AQDRESS Our address Is 330W. Ba~St., Costa Mew. C.11f 92627 CO.ff Rf_CJl.QNS tt Is the Pilot's policy to p<ompt· ly corcett all e<rors of substance. PltaM c.all 574-4233. f Yl The Newport Bead~COSU Mesa Daily Piiot (USPS 144 800) 1$ published Mond.ly through Sft· urd.ty In Newpprt Beach and C~a MN. w~rtP'i<>ns ttt only evallatH by subscrtbi"9 to The Tlma Orange ~ (IOO) 2519141 . In areas outside of Newport BHc::h and Cost• Mesa. wbsct1ptlonl to ttw O.ily Pilot only lift 8Yallable by INll for I 10 Pf" month Setond dn pon.ge JNld at COila ~ U... (Prkes lndudl Ill _,...,.. lt.tte and loc.al t.axa) ~ Tlft send eddt9 °*"" to The Ne\i';poft ~ Miiie o.lly flttot. ,O, IOK 15'0, Colta HOW TO REACH.U.S OrculatlOl'I Thf' Tim-OS Orange County (800) 252 9141 Advtrtil1ng Clau1f Id 641 S<17ft Oi,play 642 4121 EdltOflal News S.-0 1 .214 SJ)Ofb 641-4330 ~Sports r •• 646<4HO r JNll' d•ilypilotOtoal1hhnk.net M*'Offke 81.!Vneu Office 642..4121 lutlneu f'a11 631 ·5902 TEMPOATUltES Balboa 73/60 Corona del M ar 72161 Costa Mesa 74/60 Newport Beach 73/60 Newport coa~t 7"Jl60 SUV FOMCASl LOCATION SIZE Wedge 4 8ssw Newport 3 6 SSiW 81.ckles --:36 SSW River Jetty 3·7 u-w CdM 2 6 w 90AYWllO Light vanable winds becoming southwest trly at 10 to 1s knou with 2·foot Wind w~ by the lltt.r· \ noon The s~l 1s out of the southwest at 4 feet. TIDES TOOAY First low 542 • m. 12.1 First high 12:21 a m 38 Second low 7.06 p.fn 1.3 Second high 12;02 pm 4 7 ·SATURDAY Flr~t low 607 a.m. i.s F1rit high 1'20a m. 34 Se<.ond lbw 8.16pm 1.S S.Cond h gti 1240 pm. 46 WA'I& TB E!AW:'6 •·· We have a swell out of the west·south· west today every 14 seconds for sets 1n the waist· to chest• high area. Areas such as tht points •nd reefs may see ~u go • couple of fMt higher. This swell should lncrea~ ... Into the weetttnd for fun, ri<W>le waves. NEWPC>fn' IEAOt • PWt s..bourne Way A PleJC1glas door panel at the back of Ander100 Elementary School wa~ knocked out in the 1900 block. • ~ Avenue· A large tree bf'anch fell on the hood of : a car and c.used an unknown amount of damage in the 300 block. • .. RJo. llOu-.Vard SQmeooe tried to remoYe S7SO worth of . Items from a home that was being fumigated In the 900 bfock. • Jamboree Roed Someone stole S 75 worth of Items from a ' vehkle In the 1100 block. •Marcus Av.nu.: A backpack worth $190 WM stolen from e vehicle in the 3400 block. COStA•SA • lfidol Street: A shopper'~ pur'lot and contents worth 'U1 were stolen at 9 west In the 3300 block. • • .....-louleverd A puM worth S87 was taken from a shof>ping cart In the 2900 blodc. • Del Mw Avenue. Youths With shaved heads too6c MIC six· pads of Cofone beef she JMtits wonh •bc>vt no 1'om the ciro. .. K martt.t in the 100 block. • ~ Awnue Someone bf'oh Into the bottom of a locked drefftt end removed S 10,000 worth of watches -c.d\ from a ~ 1n the 1200 bfot_k. • C.."•J Drtw A th atnd rim worth S 100 w.re .stolen from a Yehklt WI the 1500 t*xk. ' Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Time for Newport-M~sa to field an NFL team It landed hke d gr.emu p1clnu from hve floors up. Tht•rc• h.1s never u •en dnything hke it - not in my lif Phmn, yours nor dny- one else's As you Wdtched and listPned, you had tu pinch your- self to make sure it Wds real and not a dream. I know it mcike.., you unea..,y, but we have to <tiscu~s it We retllly do. Don't be wy You know exactly whttl I'm tdlking · about. There ll was, for all to see. On an otherwise nondc!">cript September mommy -the National Football League refused to hear ITVlne's proposdl for a pro football franchise and d new sta- dium at El Toro This L'i big No Big is too small. It's huge This changes ewerythmg There 1'> a hny wm- dow of opporturnty, but it's clos- mg fast. IC we mov<• quickly and deosively, the lancJ ot Ncwport- Mesa can lay ' laim to dn NFL team of its own. I have b<>en m near constunl corrununicalion with the mdyor of Newport Be>t.1C'h Wt• au• luymg out .:i pl(m fo1 'hC! <lCJPS LPl the I 9lh-c<>ntury 1.1rch1l(>('t and plun· ner Dame! 11. Burnham !JUlde our heads und ht.>drts -• Mdk<~ no lltUe plans. They hc.1vP. no · magic to stir nwn's IJloocl. • AM- lle seXJst, but you gel the point. Visionary we shc.111 he, hut w1a ne<'d to movt> ft1st. Wtlh the vac- uum cau~ed hy the> NFL owner ... · refusc.11 to ht!M Irvm1•s pitch, 1\naheim is sleppm9 up with d plan of 1ls own. Anc.1h<mn? Puh- leeze! Whdl do they know t1bout pro sports, mt11or ~111ract10ns and uccommodc.1tmq rrulhons ol v1sJ • tors a yec.1rl W" can do c1ll that slull. Evl•rybody llt1~ u lcunu11s US(' plc.1yer on their IPc1m . lrvtnt> hus Anthony Dt1v1'> AndhP1m ho., COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES peter buff a Rod Sherman. Oh yeah? \.\'PJI, put this in your proposdl dnd. smoke it -we've got Pdul ScJl<1· td. And when you got Sdldtd, you got 1t all. And l hdppen to per- sonally know someone who pm- sonally knows Pete Donovan. former director of murkctmy tor the Los Angeles Lambs. I'm telling you this will work. Getting an NFL lec:1m 1sn I nedrly dS hard els vou,might think. First, we nE-.cd a stc.1d1u111 thdt can hold 50,000 pcoph'. Then there's the importt1nl stulf We ne>ed a cool name. I think ' animal names dre the ~dle!<.t ht•t It should be• something smnrt, stylish, with u·mantiuw thenw. Let's run a 1£>w up the steps i\nd s.-e if lhe ctit sctlutes. Wctil -spill a IC>w on U1e flagpole? \<\'hcllev<>r, OK, sPe whol you think. The Mt>sct ?\.lanalees. The Ne\\ p<ttl Nautili. The Cosld Ml'sc1 · Ccldceans. (PeoplP IO\I' whc1les dnd dolphins.) Tht> Co10na ckl MannPrs. Jtunp m tin)' tmw hm£:- The 8dlboa Blowfbh. The Co~tc1 Mesa Cdl1mdm I hkt• U1ctt om• Then we need uniforms. Thi~ 1s uur chdnre to shine. HPmem- ber ~oplP., we are at the ep1cen- t<>r of tc.1sh1on cmd style -ground wro of c:h1r. This is so cntical tht1t I cJSk<'d m.y..wlfe, Sharyn, to design the uniforms. If l knew anything ttbout fashion, I would- n't look like this. She promised me this w1U look great. I'm not so c;ure, but l d1dn t h<1ve the nerve to say <tnything. I'll leave it up to you. • She wants 1erseys by Donnd Karan, Ungaro knee pants, Ellen Trncy leggings, Ferragamo shoes, "c111n·up p<inlS by BCBG. hats hy Rdlph L<.turen (l told her they were helm1>ts, not hats) and sup-. porters hy Calvm Klem Oh, wc•'rp supposed lo hdve Estee Li.luder ('ntOlht.mts, and towels c1nd bottli·~ by Bumeys New York m the locker rooms. 1 got d had re<•hn<i ctbout this. • • • And now, a follow-up on the ~C?ttrch lot SdTdJtllle Bdrtholomae. Miss NPwporl Beach 1%5. J very mut h ctppn~r·1dll' C'Veryone's cdlLS rtncl lt•U1>rs c1nd e-m • .ul!> -could· n'l lldvc• clonP it w1lhoul you. Alice mdr not hve here any- more, but Sdrd)ttn<' does. She do(•s indeed rnside in Newport Bt•ttc h dnd, tts one would expect ol d former Mts'i Newport Bcdch, l!> still d knockout by ttll 1H c~unts She hds four dduyhtcrb, dll of whom w1•1e Corond de! Md.J l lt9h qrndualt'" And I was told hy a very retiuhle ~ource.that 11 you s('P d pie tuw ol mother and dauqhlt•r~ together. it's awfully h.u1l tu tP\I one generation from 1111• otlwr: Yes, V1r9m1a, there arc h<lppy t!ndmqs I qcilltl qo • PETER BUFFA IS mayQf of Costa MeSd His column appears Fndays. E· · mail hun dl PtrB40AOL.com. B R I E F l Y I N T H E N. E W S Conference Will benefit Girls Inc. day dnd features pre~l·nlettmns on financial planning and investing by ffi('(lid consultant Ellen McGrath, JOlllthtll~t Su<• J l<'rCftl und tHht1l1•sswo111c n Linnet Dmlv Th<' cimlcn•nc P. rcd.;cd Youth basketball sign-ups Saturday ·nic N •wport·Ml'~d Ndtion- ul .lumor Basketball Associa- hon will hold siyn-ups for r • Friday, Sept mber 25, l 998 3 Wood chJps Oy asa West Coast Arborist stump grlnder removes what's left of a Ucus tree along East Coast Highway in Coro- na del Maron · Thurs- day. .Corona del ·Mar improvement project gets to root of problem • Ficifs trees being removed on East C'oc1st I fighwdy will be rcpldced by ki119 palms, Hong Kong orchids. II'"' II ll \(,I '"I ~fill CORONA r>EI . f\IAH Gwnt trl'cs hl!lllCJ nppP<l from the siwund on the o.,1de of d bu \ hiyh .... uy 1" not sonwthltl!J you sec evPr)' dc1y. Tht> o.,1ght Can be torhHOU'> tor t rec lov .. r:-., P!o.JJf'<"1all)' when thev don't know ttw whole lo· T) l)Phtnd ll.. , TI11rtv-year-ulcl lie II!>. ln•c un tv.o bloik~ ol f:11st Cn.i ... t H1uh· w<1y 111 Cornnc1 clPI ~ t.u lilt• bPing I l'lllUVt•cl lhl" WI •pJ.: Ill I hP first ·yP.ir ol " II\ 1>-y1•.ir proqr<1m lo rPmnv1• dll 100 ot lht' pruh· lerH·C'dUSHICJ l!l'l'S rdOIHJ 1111' husmc<.,s di..tnct ~•cll•Wulk<.;. But not lo f P<11 -tlwv will bf> n·plrtCt'CI, Stile! Ho\ di 'Hc1cltkt', c>xt·cut1\P cl1rt•c tor 111 llw Coronr1 ... · dl•l Mdr C hdmber of Com· 'tl\Ncll Starting next W<>t>k, r1ltcmating mdlure lung palms dnd I long Kong orchid tn•es \v1ll he planted in pldce ol th<• c>ld IH'l'S. The prog1dm, concewl'd elf.out three YPdTS dgo. WdS u 1omt effort belwt>en the cham- ber, th{• Corond clel Mar hus1· 11es'> m111ro, ... ment distncl dOd the city lo try to solve th£> cxµ~nswe problems caused h) tree rooL .... Titc cosl ol the effort will h ~tiarPd liy the business ml- pruvmnent d1smcl ancl the Cit) WF1c us tree-. c1re not the best trees to hdve m this arna hecduse they root up the s1d<>· \\a lk, dOd the oty spends about $ iS,000 d year m s1dewdlk repuu c1lone," a1d City Couu · < llman Denms O'Neil. "Tht' 1clt>t1 1s lha t these new lreei; ''ill c .rn~e less milmten<mce, less cost m tmnmmg and prov1dt• IJetter views lhr the bu1<mess- es But because the reuson lor the hmmv<!l met.y not he widely known. Rddtke sutrl ~mce lhe work stnrted Wpcinesdd\', he ht.1s yotten mt1n', phone· calls lrorn rPs1dents e x'pn•ssmg their (OllCPlt\ rthout it • 1 dm 1ust dS sorry to see theSP tre<'S led\'e dS unyone lS, • he 5a1cl. "H owever, when there as no \'tdhh• ... olut1on other than to rc1110-.e them, Wl~ havP to look ut it logically and do what's best £or the cormuumt} and the bus111 ~s i1l!>tnct • Still, he said p ~plP general- h' don't tikt• to see tre ·~ being dt•stroyed Radtke cud the chamber did everything 1t could tc"i d\' • the trees. hut there Wd.S no possible wa! to n•move them w itho11t killing them Another side eltcct to the trePs hf>lflg replact'd 1s the sight ol whdl h11d been covered by tlum1 tor so lonH -ugly, outddt· Pd hmldmgs ,ind ·commercial: SJHns, Ht1dtkl' <;utd "Tht.> busmes~ 1mpr0\·ement d1stnct '" d~kinq people to upgrttde the ir buildings,• he ..,aid ·we arc really trymg to dedn lhlflgs up down here • COIT carpet cleaning Girls Inc. of Ordngc County has lx•en Plected to me eave procef"ds of the second u.nnual FintmciaJ Slrdtcgies C.:onf~r­ ence for Women to he held m Co~lcl Mesa. Guts lnc. lS a locdl athliute of cl national organt:1tttion that helps youths become produc- tive and successful adults. Its main ofhce lS in Costa Mesa, where youths ages 5 to 18 attend dfter-school pr0<Jrdms. $5,000 for Guls lnc. la~t y(•ar dnd 1s expected to rai-.e 1ust as much il not more this year, ,11.d Girls Inc. spokesman Sit'\ o Cheslem1dn. Event attf•nuoos cun H'gls· ter al the dour Saturday. Adnussion is $89. The conter- encc will 1.ist from 8 ct.m. to 5:30 pm. ctnd will lw held di the Doubletree Inn, 3050 13ns- to1 St , Costa Mesa. : players m the tirst thtough mqhth grades from 9 a.m. lo 3 pin. Sc1turddy ln the gym dt Lmcoln Elemenldry School, ~~I 01 Pttc1fJC' View Drive, Coro- Od dt>I f\tdf. __ was a lifesaving recommendation! The Financial Strategies Confere nc:c will be h eld Satur- Thf' populdr basketball pro- urum runs from November Uuou9h Mttrr.h. For mon• informdtion, call i25-8385. Ccilifornja Secured Certificates °Firs1 Tr1111 Dud ..,c""IJ First Trust Deed •Monthly D1Jtrib111io11J 1 2°10 Yield• "Q.11;1hfies for IRA Monimum 1mrumtnl Sl.~ mdt>iJw.l 01 >l.VOO l.ir IRA, i.;rorJi 1 ••r Qu•l.l'inl I' n• on l~n•. ln"C>U>h mun l'C' l ~1fotnu lt>Kknu ,.fw muulu>~ •other. I) •n •nnll.il r;rnu "''Om<' ot ,) ;o 00(1 Cr:u:1u•1•T ot run. 't..ic raodmcC' hnu.dk'>IJ tum• hu ' .;od a " """'1U CH ::. ) a I ~U 000 n 1 .... nh .-.;k" ••<>I wnh the Un>< ndu on> • R.w ttt 1nhmm 111 all u"'f>lllltnll 1~-,.....i di<' Rid """"" ,.J 1hr0ifrr 1tg I '"'"•'' diocoup.!7 Id'"" 1nvnung Celi!0tnu ~-um'l l.nut><-.to" ncithn WlCU•td •11li nor 'rl'm~ bv the ~o•• ul <::.U1!ocnu I hn "nc11Jo<1 an 011,., ''.di• ~wn• \,. .,ffn un only"" nu.I< .tuuugl1 an l)/ttr1ng c ,,._,w, Calit<>rrua '"°'ml ( «flll~l<111ttl '" r••MJ... t1dd ol I:!' 1~ QI! k "". W>l>U' tlul any of ih• ul•tt•• "N c.tn"" mn I he pontor •n<'.nur'G' .U I'< •n '" rc:aJ the' 1.>Hmng l '' I f! or.updy l>clotC' rnvnung li«urrticJ offtttd through 81.,okstnon '>.:.uroud Corp : Mcmbtr N \\D ;anJ 'Ir<.• M~in offKc in lnint. CA 1-800-268-2578 Ext. 187 For ovrr 45 )'l'<lr<1, C OIT\ advanced cquipmcnc .1nd fulh trained, n:1 uficd technicians have prm idcd the most dfcctiYc cleaning avail.1ble for ,lll t ! pl'S of r.upcts, rugs, draperies and upholster). COIT'~ pwfrss1onal care and pcr,onal .uccnuon w detail as~ures you the finc~t rc~ults poss1bk and we guarantee it! I 'i...'OA't' up one mm m11g tO fin d a horrible big 5t,im nghc in th!! mulcl!t of m_l lh•ing room. I trit'Ci t:'V'CY)thing I could thmk of. but I couldn't gee it 011t: Then I called my fnend Debbie, and ;)he immcdz,acl; nwmmu1dcd that I c,11/ COIT. Thc.v got the ~tmn our and 1t 's m•;;cr resurfaced. Experience You Can Trust J~1d.q fl . ' ...... .. .. \ . : So--on license #72'"'306 4 Friday, September 25, 1998 Newp0rt Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot InCunibents vs. challenger at school board fo~ are. She .. said an architect ha be rca~lwnury. follow mg the voice been hired and 1s compiling a hst of wh1cl1ever group complamed of the capital improvement nec,'(}c;, the loudest. Do you see the boord NEWPORT-MESA -While the mcumoonts banded together, the ol~ sd!ool t>Oclrd challenger at a candidates forum, Tom Szul- ga. Tbursddy morrw19 delivered d -;enP'> of one-two punct1r.s thut aro likely to hwn up lht-five sl<>opy races, thrcf' of which dren't being chdllenged lncumtwnls St>((•nc Stokes, Judy Frunco dlld Jim 'Ferry'man ulso dttl•nth•cJ Uw <lebale, spon· sored hy f-.lt>cliaOne, Southern r·atJfom11.1 Ech.,on, thP Co~ta Mcsd Chrt.nitwr ol C.ommt>TCP tlnd the Ddlly Pilot 1 ht> fornm will be cllted di h cllld 9 p.m. daily on Chdnm•l ·~ thr1111qh Wednesday.· "I'm not hl'TI' to 111rtke h 1r>ncls, I'm hNf' to rnctkP 111,. '' hoob b<?l· ter." Szulua ~t11d 111 < rallnsm C)f opponent Fr,ir1ro ~ trr1c k we urd. • J htlVl' tu decil dc1\.' tu dc1y With df'C·1- -.1on.., th;;-lth1-, hoc1r<I 111c1k1·s .. In h1' Jl..,t 111 el1•< tJ111Lplc1lto1111s, Szul!Jc1 ..,,11d t11n1 ·11,1 .. en't het•n workinq ... ~111\\'1•r<; t1l Fn'HJO Inter· med1c1t1· Si hn11l for 20 \'Pors "l\ly 11p1H1111•111 ho1s bP1·n or1 the bocucl JH v1•ur!.,' 111• sc11cl. "l ltts she tlorn. <I qnoc I jtth I rc1 kt• tl look al lhP ..,, h1111l' I 111 p1sl 11 ron· ("enit'll 1><iri>11t Wtu•n h•t 1 \ lli.111 s<11d th1~ show- ers .11 En ... 1qn w• 11'11'1 11111<,sw• thttl ha!-b<•<'n ~11"'"' "" p1m•111 .... S1.ul- ga su1d i: .. 11\11i.111 lll<I\' n11\ hrlve hecncl < 111nplc11nl'> ""' t111st· till' UUdd!(• ... choo) Ul his I Jfll' li•\\111• kle. hds ~IH~.lllCJ !-.hOWPf<; Prctn<o ~<11d th1· f: ns1!.Jll "Shm\- P.rs h<td 111·1·11 shut oil 1.1111•1 un earthqu<1k1• \\\I• dt•< c1d1'.!'!i dlJO Whill' II Sf'I 1111•d •• Sllldll JS<;tlf', ·the EnsHJfl sho\\l'J' '''''lllf'd lo diVtd<· U11· cl.us 111111 I\\ o 1 .1111ps three 111cu111hPnls v<. cJOI' r h<tl· tenger. Ab'>Prll lro111 thf' <l1•l"11t•., WPIC trtcumlJPnts \Vt>ruly LPPr P 1rnd David Brooks. \\IHJ dll' 1unnmq unchdllt•n9t><I K.ith} S< hW<trZ, who 1s rutrnmu .1qc1111-.1 StukP..,, WdS dl!.O 1lh'-l'lll I i(•11 • 1-, 11 .,.i111plrnq 111 lh1· <.lcball' q111•.,I111r" c1nd ••II"\' Prs· MASSAGE· Relieves Pain $ Stress & Tension 3900 ll'lsuranrn A Pied w/Ch1ropr ' tic Car" HR. 7-0AYS WK • ~am·9pm ULTRA SPORTS MEDICINE INC. () • 1ul 'J 714.979.6365 1072 S.f Br, t St. SI 209 Santa Ana Heights (Corne ot N 1.port B N:i /B tol) Q The district's zero-to/er· ance drug and alcohol pol· icy has come under attack and cost the district thousands of dollars in legal lees. Is the board 1'f anrung to make any changes to the policy~ • JIM FERRYMAN, incumbent Fenyrnan said he has never been a proponent or every aspect of the controversial policy, wtuch calls for a stu· dent to be s uspended dnd trans- ferred after a first offense and expelled after a sec- o n d Although dS a board mem- ber he enforced the policy, he said he fdilcd to understand whdt good could come out of lrctnsfer- nng the student to another school. ,_ ---· JUDY FRANCO, incumbent Franco srud the zero-tolerance poucy 1s solidly based in both state ldw and the Education Code, with the exception of the <;uspcns1on and trdnsfer compo- nc>nt, which she saJd was a w sec· ond · chdnce • that most districts don't offer wln other districts. students would JUSl be expelled,~ she said. TOM SZULGA, bond trader Focusing on the Ryan Hunts- man case, Szulga said Huntsman was not on school property at the ttme he was stopped by police dOd thdl sll)ce the police found no reason to arrest him, the school clistnct should not bdvc attempted to suspend and transfer tum "The district now has egg on tl'> face,· he said.. "The rlistrict '>houldn't try to play (Drug cnforcc>ment ,AdmJOl'>lrdllOnj drouod town. If police don't hnd u c nm~. neiUu~r should the d1stnct. "'e'28 SERENE STOKES, incumbent Responding to Szulga's state- ment' that Huntsman was not on school property, ~tokes said the d istrict's policy covers not only the time that a student is at school but on their way to or from school or a !>Chool-related activity. • . · Before the district implement- ep 1ts zero-tolerance policy, · Stokes said high school adminis- trators had no way of disciplining students who came to school under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Q In the late 1910s, the school district was select- ed as one of the top 10 dis- tricts m the country by the Wall Street Journal .. up until this yeat, it has had the lowest teacher salaries In Orange County and its facilities are badly deteriorated. How did the slide occur? JUDY FRANCO Franco said the slide occurred c1s d result of the 1992 district embezzlement and the 1994 county bankruptcy. She also said the distncl has made sig- n if 1 c. ant progress in the last fo ur yeac.c, toward corr ecti ng some of the problems that arose as d resUlt of those two fmanc1al disa~ters TOMSZULGA He Sdtd he has lived in New- port Beach only since 1995 and has n<~ver hdd experience presid· rny over d school district that slipped from the top 10 in the country to No. 8 m Orange Coun· PAMPER YOURSELF Superior Products Used By Professlo~s · New Set $25 3336 V1a Lido • Newport Beach • 949-673-0142 (Across from C&llfornlA ~ch Resuurmt) .~ Environmental Nature Center, ::::.:~:::! & our stipporting sponsors, present our annualh 'Faff 'f airt-' · '& Putnpf<itJ pat~ ~aturing_: . , ~lot f':li A'rrere ~ & ~ • .~ Free Adm1ss1on . HMm: CAl(£S CAITt. o/ •••'-"' 'SI •"" Entertainment ~ ( ,,.._, ) a 1,..• Children's Activities • A • N"!"l'l t'~ Nature Center Tours .. ~100 ooos. 1 .. Gifts & ~ative Plants A '4wlZ!?imr uuuer co•'°' P .-Opportunity Drawing ~-FAS!!~!:~ WJI ,·-~ Silent Auction Cafe Prego • Rkk'• Cafe • French'• Bakery • Brl.ltol Fanna • The Ritz F(>Od & Beverages Newport Landing • Black Flya • Volcom • Duffy • Sheri Worth oos Quiksilver • Rietveld • Johnny Rocket.a • Crown Ace Hardware Sage Blueif'8U Band 1 ty. But he said the slide remlorces his argument that expenence on the school board doe n't translate into effectivenc::.s and that new blood lS needed on the board. · as b i11g clnven by vocal group:s? SERENE STOKES Stokes said the district has a~so experienced a great decline in the number of students, which result- ed in finannal loss to the dis· tnct. She COO· eluded that the district has a dynamic new supenn-. tendent who will h'elp make the dis· trict the best m the state again. JIM FERRYMAN Ferryman said Newport-Mes11, hke numerous other districts in Cahlorrua, expenenccd an explo- Ston in the numbN of hmitcd- English-spedking r.tuclents, which is reflected in test scores . But he added that teachers are now being pdtd d compet1llve 3aldry. Q There are great facilitv n eeds in the district How did the district gel into this situation and how can it gel ouU ls a bond issue nePded? JUDY FRANCO Franco sd1d the lust step the chstnct must lake is to d'>C'l'rtd-in what the needs of each chool Campai TOM SZULGA Szulga said the tact th<Jl the. schools are old is not an excu c for the level of detcnoration that has occurred. He stud the distnct can't JUSt put a •Bdnd-Aid # on the facility needs. JI elected, he said he would look at the ne~ds but said he would not commit to a bond fssue. . ... SERENE STOKES . .. Stokes said one of the redsons she· ran in 1994 was to addrei:>s · some of the capital unprovemPnt needs in the district. She <>did the schools are between 30 and 50 years old dnd thdl the pnnup.11, h<tve been asked to CVdluatfl till• needs at their individudl ~1tes. Shi' dlso said one of the Tl'dsons for ttw deterioration of the fac1hllc-. Wds Proposibon 13, wh1(h li1mt1>d U1P amount of property ld:<l'' thc1t could be levied. JIM FERRYMAN Ferrymdn sclid the dMn1 t h.ts comrruss1oncd '1 fac1hl} .,ll1dv to dC'dl with SCTIOU'i ··moclcm1l\I bon" problems. ( ie Sdld llJf• di'>• lric-1 spPnt $1 million l11st y1 .. 11 Jll'>l to repdlt roots <lnd $400,000 on Newport HMbor J f1yh School restrooms dlone. All lhP chstm l's needs, he Sald. would < n'>I "h llS of millions of doUa~o; " · Q Form~r sup<·11ntc11d< 111 j"1ac Ber11cl sate/ tlfl' st..11110/ distnct hucl u 1cnd1 fl<) tu "C"' of tlw J4ru" ·Presents ... JUDY FRANCO Franco su1d the boctrd trie hard to h'>l{•n to the entire com. mumty dnd not just a vocal rrunor- 11 y. TOMSZULGA S1ulgc1 s.i1d he hasn't been on the bourd uut • he thmks the • bof\rd, 1f any- th1nq, n•ctcts too slowly to problems in the d1stnct. I fO tHd l111• issue of Wt' I q h IC d honors yrc1dt1.., Wcl'> f1r~t rui,cd by pc1renb m July and th(11 ,lh1• lx>cud is lmally dddres!'.m~ Jt SERENE STOKES Slok<•s sc11<1 llw ho<trd d ocs hct\ (' m.1i1y outspoken umnps th.it .ilt1·11d ruPct1nqs but U1c1t 1111• hnc11d h,,., ~1·verc1l sdfeguards to Kl't'j> ll from hPtn9 unduly mn u. •'II< 1·d hy tho,(• groups, ::.uch ii tl11• llSC of .,h11ly S<'SSJ<JllS JIM ffJUnMAN I Of"\ u 111 '><ltd 11 1.., d1fhcult I\< r hl' u1ll11en< rd bv thl' vor.1 qtoups wll•·n ~you hdVt• 100 pc o ple }'Plhn!l II ) llll " Programming Aired on MediaOne Charinel 3 Media ne· O.le le Broadhead. Thie le •'-••f· Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot HOOKED ON FISHING? DIANA MUlVIHlllA>All.¥ I'll.OT ., ' Elizabeth Renteria, 6, recently begged her parents to take her fishing. Because she had only been fishing once before and dld- n 't see a fhh get hooked, Elizabeth seemed a bit unprepared for the harsher aspects of the sport when her mother, Angela, caught a small fish. "Oh, please, don't let it get caught again," Elizabeth sald as her mother cast h~r line into the water again. Event matches tenajs ~th doing good for Chµdren's Hospital -. Locdl ltmms enthuc.ic1sts will I The eQerit"hus l}ecQme one of Rdcquet Club, '\lewport Beach I foor more infonndtion, call the ·volley clunnH the next two ~eek-the ld!gest amateur c:hanty tennis I Mamott Tenms Club and the CHOC Padnnos office at 532- ends to rabP mon<•r for Chdclref\'s toumamenn., drawing 1,000 par-Hank Lloyd Tenrus Center. 8690. I Jospttdl of OrangP County. tlcipants and raismg~$SO,OOO last The 17th annucJI Vic year Racquet Club. of lrvmE-1 )'Vlll Braden/CHOC: Paclnnos Tennis .serve as heddqudrter,s for tbe..,. Fe~llVal dnd Toumilment twgins tournament. · . : · today c1ncl lasts through the week -Competing local courts d~~ end P11lt1ls \VIII he held next Palisades Tennu; Cluh, NewpbH weekend, Ort. 2-4. Bedcb Tenrus Club, Balbocl Bdy .. - 'floe~ lumbing & Heating Celebrating 44 years of • • service 1n your community. Thank You! r---------, \".\1.1'.\Hl.E t ·o1·po\ S . rPl~~~:?lI~J 1675 Superior·Blvd. • Costa Mesa 662-1300 LIC#3854tl SELECT YOUR EXCHANGE STUDENT TODAY! < h1"'" .i h1(1,h ,,..hool othvigc i!U<lrnt Imm I r.in-.c:, Genn.111). I nglJnJ lt1miJ, Ital~ or ~n.liruv1J 10 1nin }Our f:tm1lr for 1hi> ~omiog -chool ynr. 1.nn~h )'>ur home "'"h lhe tuhun: and fntnd hip of ~our new )ludrr\I \llh1l-= 1haring )OUr Ion• wnh 1hern It, an opuien .. e .1"":5: Swuwj 11,,., of' loftumr Ji:J.t ... ,fro,,, Cuww"J I S,., 1,;,, ·""""'"'"'t IU-i Ctll lo.Li>' 1.-i""'l'"t-'/HiJuy. •"" '"' ...... hofft Ill .JOI"" .... .,,, Alna''"••"" J"'""''1"6"'11""" 1,."t' Pam at 1-800-733-2773 kewif"i""'-el ,,w/nt, r• •• .v.rt1i A.w.m;-. ~~~~~J§Li A \lURI II 01 I l'il>I R\ IANlllNC, 1llROl't,11C110\'>C VI H IRAI >\NII H)l C:..UIC1'1AI 1'110<.RAM\ 1178 ... Adjacent to fiffa"~ GJZJ:~#Pff ~~' C!/Yt:ruHffe -.VS' Mattress Outlet Store tf t t 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa One Block South o f 405 fWy 545-7168 ANGELS· HA CAR WASH New Location • 2285 ~ Blvd. • Costa Mesi r------~~~-------, I 100% HAND WASH I L_"'!!~~-~~~~---~~~J ~$499 EWAY AUTO SPA 2285 Newport Blvd. ~ Costa Mesa +;$", 650-1009 . Beautify YoUr Yard! • Laml"4:t11"-· • 1)1. "'&ltl • '-1011~\\ urk, 1'11110 .. ·' nu~ • \\akrla.11 ... Poot .. N Stlal • ~·rtnkl( r ~~ .. kill ... • l.an11 ...... ,,. 1 hLhlltif! • l>rah~· ~"°"lalM" lVe hcwe orer 40 years combined seruice. in this urea. Our qualit]/• creatlt1it.l/ and S<'rt'ic<' ar<' wmwtclw<I. 'l'ogether ·we will take care of all your lcmclscape and masonry neecls. FARNSWORTH GLASS ELL 1.A~1>SC .. APH ('O\fP.\~Y MASO~kr < OMPA!\'Y 548-51:32 4'14-7744 , .. ' !070 . Fridqy, September 25, l 998 5~ Nature center's fund-raising grows Th" · Env1ronm~ntal Natur~. Centt>r lids almost rc.tch ·d th1 'hdllWdY mdrk m 11 s 1•tfort to ra1~c $1 million to buy u 1-aue pttrrel needed for lht• cenlt•r's expnn· st on. Bo .Glover; lht! cent1 r's <Hhnm· 1s1rntor, said recent donutions - $601000 in secunt1Ps from New• JK>rl Beach res1dN1ti; Kt"n ·md •• Robm Colbahgh throuqh thP1r • cotnp<Jny Steven. ~Jep!rS { A~so­ c1ettc:., and $5,000 from lhe Fluor • Family Foundatwn -huvf• brought the fundrfd.ISmg effort lo more lhd.Il $400,000 The new donuU•Jns wer<> announced Thursduy at u p•·clcll forum, held ctt the Fluor Corp office m Irvme, with Orange County's top husm.-ss ·exccullVf'S The event wets des1yne<I to mfonn them about the < enter's Sdve Acres for Nature Cdtnpdlgn ·1t wus wondenul seeing cor· . •t pornto ledd1•rs come dOd learn of llw natur o•ntei/ Glover said. "~ l'Jst, iJ not au of them, were 0 prPtt}' exc1h•d about thP-pro1ect. • .., 1111 smrt he expPcts more dona- t1•ms to follow ·a~ a resuJt of the., pres •nt<1llon. TI1e l ·ilCIE• ·parcel the center • \\ant to buy is owned l>Y the_,, ~ewp,1rt·Mf•s, Unified School b1stnct: dOrl Glm:er aid both ttgt>n<::1e are do c to an agree-"' ment ro1 ilie land dedl ;::: '111e cost of the land is ab6ut- $b00,000 <1nd the remauung monev nused ""ould ~~ used for "' amprov ments to the property, C.:lov r md , Alter improvements. the next phase of the campd19n will ralSe 1 mone\: for a new building,• d1• 19n d uy nuture CP.nter offl- c 1als, on the 1te. -Jenifer Ragland 12th Annual Barbor FJeri~aoe Run SK FEATURE RACE IK FUN RUN/ WALK Plus Kids' Klassic Race and Free Fitness Fair SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 1998 at Newport· Harbor High School ( ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Custom T·Shlrt & Poat-Race Refreshments· PRESENTED BY: Bauer Jaguar, The BourN Foundahon, Chfti's, 0 1y Pilot, Ttla Kennedy/Marshan Company, KEZY Radio, Lat'ld Rover, Microsoft, N w Salano • Theodore Robina Fora. NHHS PT A FOR INFO CALL 949-645-5806 I ~ .. . . • 6 Friday, Septer:nber 25, 1998 • Send Al'OUND TOWN rttms to the Daily Pilot. Around lO"Nn, 130 W. Bay St., Cosu Mesa. 92627, fa• them to 646 4170, or call 540-1224, ext 228 A com- plett> list1n9 of Around Town can be found at www.lat1mes.com/p1lot. TODAY South Coa t Plaza wUl present the only Wcsl Coast exhibit of Get.lien Orrefors Kosta Soda's Gallery 100 Show through Sun- ddy dt Jewel Court dl the maU, 3333 Bristol St., Costd Mesa Ttte exhibit will fedture some of the fuwst gldss vases, pldtters, sculp-ture~ dnd bowls worldwide.. One of the t0llec uon's eight designers, Lend BNg..,lrom, will be present to sign he.r works. Hours are tnddy from 7 30 to 9 pm.; Friday Imm 1 O ~ .m. to 9 p.m ; Satwday from 1 d m, to 7 p m. and Sun- drl\ trom 11 a m to 6:.lO pm \dOU!->SIOn IS free. foor more tnfor- ffidtton, Cdll 435-2000 or (110) 2fW·b820 oulhem C.Ulfornla clnematog- 1dphN world trdveler and adven- 11m•r R1Ck Rdy wJJl prPSent a film t1tk•d ~Btih ·Lt/em the 8dlanceH .it 7 p rn di OCC"s Rol>ert B. ~loon• Tht~dlre, 2701 Fd1rv1ew Hoc1d, Costd Ml''>o Adrruss1on is $11 ctl th<> <1001 or $7 LO advance. '-:l•nior dtizf'n'> who purchase ,u!VctO((' ll<'kels drl:' eltgible (or d $1 d1~rounl. ror more informd- t1u11, c.ill (714) 432-5880 SATURDAY A hack-country hike wilJ take pl Jee· from 9 a.m. lo noon di Crys- ldl Cuve Stc1I<> Park, 8471 E Co~t l hgh\'\dY. Newport Bearh I hkers will ml>Pt dl El Morro Visitor Cen- ter PdrkLng is $5 For more mfor- nldllon, call (949) 494<J539. A mountain-bike ride will take plc1ce at 9 d m at Crystdl Cove Stdte Park, 8471 E Codsl H1gh- Wdy, Newport Beach. Bikers will meet at El Morro Visitor Center Pd!kmg 1s $5 For more tnfomtc1- aon, cdll (949)494-3539. The Basics of Macrobiotics cook- ing class wlll l.>c pres<>nled from q'.30 to l 1 ·30 d m by New Lear ·Naturdl Cu1smf' m Costc1 Mesa. Ad.mission 1s $15. PrE>-registrc1tion is nPce<.sdry. Clc1&s s1ze is lurut~d . For more mfonn<lllon, call 444- 1005 A KS Skin Care demonstration will be presented l rom 3 to 6 p.m m the body care depctrtment c1t Mother's f\.ldrket dnd Kitchen. 225 E 17th St Co<,ta Mese1 For more mforatdllon. cc1U 63·\-4741 The Duffy Electric Boat Co. wtll present its 12th dnnudl Great Electric Boat Rc1lly from 4 to 6 p m at the Duffy Showroom, 2001 W. Cods! H1ghwdy, Newport Beach Th.t~ yedJ''s lh~mc will be the cir- cus. Adrruss1on 1s free. For more infonndtion, cdll 645-9080. SUNDAY A back-country hike wlll take place lrorn 4 11 rn lo noon di Crys- ldl COVl' Slctl(' Pc1rk. 8471 c Coc1st Ml'-naw Highway, Newport Beach. Hikers will meet at El Morro Visitor Cen· ter. Parking is $5. For more infor· mation, call (949) 494-3539. • MONDAY A repre entattve from UCLA's Admissions Otfi<:e will visit the OCC Transfer Center from 2 to -4 p.m. to talk with students interest- ed in transferring. The center is located in the school's Counseling and Adoussions Annex, 2701 Pauview Road, Cost.a Mesa. For more information, call 432-5894. TUESDAY Desserts -Naturally coo)(t.ng class will be presented from 9:30 to 11 :30 d.m. and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. by New Leaf Natural Cw- sine m Costa Mesa. Adrrussion is $35 Pre-registration is necessary Class sizP IS limited. For more mfonnation, call 444-1005. How Loud are the Dogs Barking, d free luncheon invesbnent semi- . nar, will be held at 12:30 p.m. at The Arches, 3334 W. Coast High- way, Newport Beach. For more m.formation, call (949) 723-8362. Natasha Treney will . present a free seminar titled Probioties from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and }(jtchen, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. A book s1grung will follow from 8 to 8:30 p.m. Reservations are required. Call 631-4741. WEDNESDAY The Networkers will meet from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Dnve.•Adnus· s1on IS $12 and includes lunch. For more m.formation, call 865-9093. · " Senior Consultant Bob Brenni.Ul will present a free Reverse Mort- gage discussion at 3 p.m. for seniors 62 and over at Bayside Village, 300 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. For more infor- mation, call 723-0233. Connect at the Corona del Mar Branch Library, a series of work- shops featuring bps for eff ecbve use of library resdU,rces, will be presented from 7 to 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday through NQv 25 at the library, 420 Mangold Ave The workshops will also fea- ture ·Strategies for Web naVJga- bon Admission lS free. For more infonnabon, call 717-3801. ONGOING St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church offers a support group for frunilles Wlth loved ones who are mentally ill. The group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in the church's DierenfieJd Hall C, 600 St.· Andrews Road, Newport Beach. The confidential group is open to the commuruty. For more .. mformdtion, call 631-2880. Prospects Networking Group meets from 7:15 lo 8.30 a.m. ri--~----~~~-----~~ I FREE•• FREE•• FREE• I II II I Buy 1 Bowl and 11 Buy 1 Wrap and II Buy 2 Wr11»1 I I 2 F ountaln Drinks 11 2 Fountain Drinks 11 Get the Third I I Get 1 Bowl Free 11 Get 1 Wnp fret 11 Wrap Free I 1 1oood Thru 10/7/9s1111oooc1Thru10/7/98111•oooc1Thru10/7/981f Coupon Nut valid WiUI Coupon ~ Vhlld With Coupun ~ Vo!ICI W1lh I Arly OWr ()(flf 11 Mr Olhtf Ofrtt 11 Atly Ottltr Olltr I I Ooe Coupon Ptr Cuswo1t0r I I One~ Per CU61omet I I One Couoon Per Cu lomer. I CWPoll I' l'IOI &OOd IOI COi.~ IS not &oocl lot ~ II nol plCI lflf I 0ttf¥tr1t• I I 00,,...... I I cie"**' f L-----~-~L----~--~L-------~ r around town Wedn days tst Mum's CaJe, 1835 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Breakfast is $6, For more informa- tion, call Angie Stdfford at 474- 2225 or nna Finnan at 551-3156. The Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Conunis- 1on·meets at 7 p m. the tirst Tues- day of each month m the City Council chambers, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacili. For more information, caJJ 644-3151. NicoUne Anonymous fellowship wants to help m<'n and women who &moke to quit and remain smoke-free For more mfonnation on local even:ing meetings, call 650-2713. The-Costa Mesa·ffistorical Sod- ety holds a free 9pen house from t 1 a.m. to J p.m. Thursdays at 1870 Anaheim Ave .• Costa Mesa. The event fedtures memorabilia from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Army Air Base. For more mformabon, cc11J 631-5918. Overeaters Anonymous meets from 7 fo 9 p.m Wednesdays dt St. John's Episcopal Church, 183 E Bay St .. Costa Mesd For more mforrnc1tion, cull 953-0900. Oasis Senior Center offers a Parlunson's di!>Pdse !)Upport group from 7 to 9 p m the second Thurs- 9,ay of each month dl 800 Mar- guente Ave , Corond del Mar. For mor<> infonnttbon. call 644-3244. The Newport Beach Psychologt- caJ Assooalion presents a coed • relahonsh1p group called Insight Equc1ls Power at 7 p .m. Thurs- ddys. The f<'C is $25 per week. For more intormatton. call 722-4588. Hoag cancer Center often a free relaxatJon and unagery workshop from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1 Hoag Dnve, Building 41, New- port Beach. Por more information, call 760-5542. The Sea Explorer Ship Del Mu 711 or Orange County often a program for young men ages 1.C to 18 interested in learning about sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meet- ings are from 6 to a p.m . Wednes· days at the Sea Explorer Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. For more infor- mation, call 6 42-6301 or 551· 8591. Oasis Senlpr Center otten ongo- ing assistance, counseling l!nd referral services for seniors. For appointments or more informa- tion, call 644-3244 The Costa Mesa Senior Citizen Square and Rounq Dance Club seeks ~xperienced dancers to jom ·in frorrl' 9 to 11 a m. Thµrsdays at the Costa Mesa Seruor Center, 19th a.pd Pomona streets, Costa Mesa. For more information, call 545~5669. A ·1ree sui;>port group for cancer patients meets at 1 p.m. Wednes- days and a support group for peo- ple suffe ring from chronic fatigue syndrome meets from 7 to 10 p .m. Wednesdays at the Institute for Holistic Treatment and Research, 4019 Westerly Place, Swte 100, Newport Beach. For more infor- mation. call 251-8700 Arthritis Foundation instructor Wyoma McKinley leads an exer- Come ~ee the way It used te> be before it It the way It ousht to bel and llave a tan on ua · I pltf' cWtomer pleaM 4341 MacArthur Blvd #D Newport Beach tel 714.475.1974 Newport Beoch/Gosto M.eso Daily Pilot .. cise class at t t a.m. Thursddys at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. For more iilf ormation, call 513-5641. Nightly meetings ate ottered in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach for anyone who wants to over- come nicotine addiction. For a schedule or rnore in!onnation, call 714-9106 or (800) 642·0666. The Newport Sports Collectton Fourµiation', a nonprofit organiza· tion, operates a free museum at 620 Newport Center Drive, New- port Beach. The museum ls open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.tn. weekdays. For more information, call 721- 9333. Hoag Cancer Center sponsors a free tai chi class for ·intermediate to advanced levels from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursdays for peaple with cancer and their fanulies. A beginner session meets from 10:30 to 11:30 a .m. Fndays. The classes are designed to reduce stress, increase longevity and pro- mote a sense of well being with basic, easy-to-learn, nonstrenu- ous movements to aid m balance and concentration. No registra- tion is required. Free. Hoag Can- cer Center is at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. For more information, call 122-6237. Oasis Senior Center otters a dal- ly telephone contact program for seniors who have a liJ:njted local Flavorful & Oelicioua Lunches & Dinner support sy:.tem. Por more infor •• mation, call 644-324.C . : Tbe Costa Mesa Communlcaton Toastmasters Club meets from noon to l p.m Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants lo improve liis or her public ~aking skills. For more inform.ab.on, call 444·5030. The Newport Beach Dl.IUn- gutshed Toastmasters O ub 1300 meets from 1 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt. Pe pperoni's meeting room, 2300 Bristol S t., Newport Beach For reservations or more informa-· lion, call 730-3671 . Mesa Messepgen Toastmaster Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays at Mesa Verde Uruted Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St.. Costa Mesa For more information, call 540-4446 Blue flame Toastmuten Club 2717 meets at 1 a.m. Wednesdays a t the Village Farmer, South Coast PldZa Village, 1651 Sun- flower Ave., Costa Mesa. The meeung IS tree for first-time VlSI· tors. For more information, call 855-4308. Toastmasters Club 231 meets at 1 a.m. Mondays .at The IIvine Co.. · 550-C Newport Center, Newport Beach. For more information, call 733-2209. UNIGUEWINE AOOMI ! Picturesque course through Newport Heights offers gently rolling hills, ocean and bay views & cool breezes SK FEATURE RACE • IK FUN RUN/ WALK Kids' Klasslc Race and Free Fitness Fair r---------------, I RIGISTRATION FORM I I I .... OOlll ..... -. ....... tr. NHHS Halbor Heritage Run P.O.Box 29:M Newport a.ct\, CA ~2934 (IM9) &45-6808 I NAIE I ODDO OFACIAl USE ONLY I ID OD ~~ DO llmtOATI 00-00-00 I : -· Ooooooooooooooorn 1 1 "" oooooooooooooooorn : I ITATI DO • DODOO SK DIVISIONS I I PHONE DOD-ODO-DODO .... ~er;.... I newporr Barbor ·BIOb SvbOOI 1 CHKKONE: •D •D T.-.rOM.Yo B ~~~"fs 8 1 L.000 OE.SION rt COC1't ......... ""'ll\JOINT I ICIJl' ICLASllC MCI 0 0 16 -18 ·0 o 1e-24 CJ I SATURDAY 1 ~'7-~.,_,~_,.._, 8:=:8 1 OCTOBER 3 1998 I Et*Y'"lrdldelt-.NltAdult ... L JQ. m. CJ 3&-3e 8 I I I ... ....,_,.,_...., . ....,tsy~O:,C:,. L (d!Olone) 8 :=::CJ I Newport Harbor High School '""*••...,.,s..,waw11 '-8 50 -54 CJ 16th St. & lrvirye Ave., Newport Beach I ::= .. -:.~~~ ... : o :=:: 8 I I ....... .,, 11 .. .._~,_'°..,. CJ es-eo a 1 W 7 30 I Mull: L-._ .__ a..._ m_ a 10 •., a 1 •rm·up 1 •.m. '°""'=IL-..__ Al.._ t20 MClh ,_ . 2K 8:00 a.m •• 5K 8130 a.m. I =.-::.:· n tkjMAloeDei =.oc:= I Kids' K .... lc RH• 1 ·~•MN 5 7 Id 9 15 ,..... ,..._, =--. ~ l:a.T:•"" et.... s_ (._one) 110 1112 I • year-o s : a.m. • 8-10 yur-o u. 9:30 1.m. 1 .... .. •-•3'0 pertod tledW: 1 Fltne11 F•lr 7:30 •.m.-10IOO •.m. CNldrM12wundlrl4 •-------------------------' I ....... ..., ·-CJAMnruof HHHI I . TOJAL mtCI OMD I._ __ ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: I fUMallADCMICICMYAMa10 .... f'TA CF~----I Cuatom T-Shlrt a I WANlll: (IMT .. ...., I Post-Race Retrnhmenta I ~-~-··-= ... ·.'!~·"•"Y• , .•• .__ .. ..._....,,...,_,_,,.as• a-...,.,.. .. .._..,.... I'. PRESENTED By• ..... ....... a.. ........ -.-........... 'Nllf ..... a........ . . I ............ _..TP ... l.-................ ..,... I Bauer Jaguar, Til9 Bounw F~. Chi'•, Ody Plot, o:;al' r :•~ 111 'ti r .......... ...,.,.,.,. r ...,...,. The t<.nnedy/Mal9hall eomp.ny, KEZY Aldo, Ulnd Rowr,:"' I ......... i••ai ..,,... ..... .,..,,... ... .,.... a * I . .......,.,..,_...., .. , .......................... .. Microloft. New Belanc», Theodore Aobk'9 Ford. NHH8 PTA .. •: e • 1111111_ ... ..,...,.....,.,_._.._..,'r•.....,...,. FOR INFO CALL 949-645-5806 . • I.....,..,._ a.. I I ....... ,....,._..,._,au-a.. I L~--------------~ .. • • r ' Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot IEACHER CONTINUED FROM 1 There are 22 students m TeWinkle's Ritmo Latino pro- gram, divided almost equally between boys and girls. The group perlonns modem and tra- dltlonal Spanish dances dt ele- mentary schools and in various venues throughout the district. As the district's migrant edu- cation coordinator, she oversees several preschool programs, which include language devel- opment and parent education "I'm real big on parent educa- tion,• pie said. •J have SllC parent meetmgs a year where we dis- cuss everything from hedlth and readiag to gang_prevention. • She is applying for a state grant to fund the l llgh Scopes preschool program, which deals with basic language concepts and social development. •My goal is that 1 want to see these students grow up to be contributing members of their community," she said. ·1 want them to be teachers, administra- tors, PTA presidents and school board members.• BARN CONTINUED FROM 1 • move forward and would only need to renew some building ~rmits with the state, Langston said. It has raised $225,000 of the $400,000 needed to build the barn, according to a letter to the b<la.rd from former foundation president A.G. Kawamura In tus letter, Kawamura asked the board to earmark $200,000 to make up the difference. The foUC1dation rdlsed most of the money through its yearly Country Western Hoe Down fund-raiser, Langston said. Kawamura said the board was not opposed to the barn but was concerned about the timmg of the project. Fairgrounds Gene@! M~ager Becky Bailey-Findley ~ct there were concerns that stilJ..tentative plaris for the Paci.he Amphitheatre could affect the futW'e barn. ·vou would hate to build it and then have to move 1t," she id.Id. YOL _UNTEER ·DIRECTORY Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse The Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, backstage help, mailings, typUlg, lights and many other duties. For more information, cdlf 650-5269. C05ta Mesa Historical Society The society collects m!onnation, photos and artifacts relating to the history o( Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers .are needed for clencdl tasks, com- puter input and Q_elp in the library. For more information, calJ Charles Beecher at 631-5918. Costa Mesa Literacy Coundl The center neeas volunteer tutors to teach l:nglish as a sec- ond language. Free training 1s provided and reqwres no foreign language skills. Graduates will be assigned a student at a nearby teaching center. To register, or for more information, call 548-3384 or 548-6584 . Costa Mesa Police Department The department is seeking vol- unteers age 55 and older who speak Spanish and Enghsh Those interested would help staff · the Westside Sub-Station (WSUB) fow to eight hours per week. Volunteers will be trained in fingerprinting and computer entry and assist on several cw- rent projects. The WSUB is locat- ed: at 567 W. 18th St and is open Monday through Fnday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more informa- tion, contact Officer Frank Rudis- ill at 722-6714 or Merruc Ellis at 7$4-5020. RACE CONTINUED FROM 1 And now they arr. fighting back Ordng~ County has one of th~ highest rdtes of breast cancer m the nation, with one in seven women being diagnosed with the disease in their WetJme. Joneit, Schart and :i\Jeik will JOm more than 23,000 people Sunday at Fashion Islc1.nd Ul New- port Beach to show their ~upport · in the Race for the Cure, which will rd1se funds for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Founda- uon COOKING CHIU FOR A CAUSE Jones, 50, has been a breast ccmcer survivor for 10 years. Dtd~osed at age 40, the Costd Me!>a resident said she knew the lump m her rtght breast was CdD- cer before the doctor told her. She felt the irr.egulanty and had it checked out, but was told it was nothing. H [ had to fight with the doctor lor about 15 minutes to get a mummogram, and f inaUy he said. 'Fine, we'll do 1t if it'll make you feel better,·~ Jones said. Just as she thought, it was mdlignant. The sctbering experi- ence left her with a valuable les- son she wants to pass on to others: "If you are uncomfortable with whdt the doctor says, you have to hght 1t ~ she said. ·vou want to believe it's nothing, but you have to assume it's something." Jones was lucky to have tremendous support from her family and she pu11ed tnrough the ordeal, getting a partial mastecto- my and undergoing · severl)J months of chemotherapy. Now, she and her husband, Ray, are dedJcated to malong sure no more women have to go through lt u1 want a cure and I want it now,• she said Jones walk'> every year m Newport Beach's Race for the Cure and ra~es about $600 edch year. I fer husband cooks award- winning chili U1cil he has taken as far as the world championships, dnd every penny he win ... goes ·to the Komen foundation. •1t•s dmazing how many peo- ple you touch dl the chili cook- offs, • Jones said. "It's a pdssion or his --he wants to fmd a cure.• Jones' "Grande Ro10 " chili recipe made it all the way to fourth pldce at the world champi- onships two yedrs ogo. If dnd when he WUlS first place, Jones said, thNe 1s no question thdt the '$25,000 check is being mdde out to the Komen foundation. SISTERLY LOVE Scharl, 40, will be walking in memory of her sister, long- tune Costa Mesa resident Denise Irene Page, who died at age 4 7 of cancer. Pag~ Wtt lked m last year's Race for the Cure as d survivor. •we thought hP was OK Schart said. "Sho was a real rainbow ·pml • Sc hart .,;did ht>r s1~lt>r Wd!> hos· p1tr1hzc<l tor the last month ot hN hh·, .md dlJ she w<inted to do wc1s lc1ke onP more walk on the beach. <..') 1 Sunday, Sc:hdrt, Denise's husbdnd Louis, their :hildren and grandchildren will all be tdk- ing that walk for her. For this yedr's rdcc, Schart is usmH a pdlf of Edsy Spint walking E Oi>'·n / day a ,.,~k • \1on f ri. 9ia111-9pm, :--0.1 """ lllam-7pm Costa Mesa Huntinsnon Heoch 6-06 Ua.lu.•r, ~"" I 0 I 17072 Hea<h "lil\'d., !->ult<-• 0 & I' (f ... •I o( Orielol, r lo-to !>e>ulh CO(hol PIMIM) (lk•a .. h ~ 'llt.,.'1:1\tln In U. Pi.cfta Pla&a) 714.668.9925 714.847.9936 PROCESSING LABS Buy 1 poster print & receive · a second one FREE! This Is avallablt with 20~JO and llxl8 prints. from 3Srum ntgath~ only • FYI WHAT: Sixth annual Race for the Cur~. WHEN: 6:30 a.m to noon Sunday. Women's SK run/walk starts at 7:50 a.m.; coed run/walk at 9:35 a.m PRE·RACE REGISTRATION: 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. today at ·Pacific Life, 700 Newport Center Drive. FEES: Adults S2S Saturday, S30 Sunday; children and seniors S 15 Saturday, $18 Sunday. INFORMATION: (714} 224· 0290. ~ho .... lh<il were dondted to her bv Nonh.trom m South Coast Plaza: mg to buy two pdirs of shoe::.. Bnl, she ~did, Nordstrom h1b hP1.m :.ens1tive to her plight dnd dondted the shoe>s for a March or Dun{!s Wdlk last year and LhP RaCI~ for the ~·urc this year. "We are motivated to help so that nobody else has to go •through Whtll we've aU gone through,'' Sch.trt Sdid. "It's so important lor wornC'n to get m thew and gl't tost(>(l. I love my sis· tr>r and I mis., hl·r on a dail) hao,1 ... Schdrt Sdld there are manv fnmilies like hers who are less for·· lunate and who may feel they don't have the resources to deal with an illncs ... l.ik<' breast cancer But shG encomilq<'d everyon.- to look at oryamzations such as the Komen loundatJon, which offer!> frel? mammograms and upport qroup ... , tor help A l}lrth def eel Cdttsed Schdrt to I 1WIST OF FATE hdv<> clilferent-s1zed feel and she llwrk bl, 1s m hl'I thi1d yedr dS has struggled all h1·r life with hav-a bredsl Cdntt>r su.rvivor. Almo...,l A MacGill1vra9 rreeman rilm Friday, September 25, 1998 7 Peggy Jones will be one of the partic- ipants in this week- end's Race for the Cure · run/walk. Jones, who bad breast cancer, has been in remis- sion for 10 years. exactly one year alter her urgcI')' m 1995, she found out that her mother, at age 8~. WdS diagno ... ed w 1th the dlsedse. u It was the "ome months and tht> ~ame breasts. which WdS real- ly strange," she said •But she'" clorng tine now, o this 1s a very JO) ous tlrne for us.· Tuerk is head ol ·.thl' Bdnners Committee -her thmi year as d volynteer She wtll ht• 'up bf•fore da\vn Sunddy to make t>Ure P\ CT) tiung 1s run rung ~moothly ·it has been a Wung expen· !"!nee for me," she said. •Jt's a wonderful thing to be mvol\ ed with because you realize you arc not alone and you realize you are dam lur.kv to be ah\ e/ Howev'er, Tuerk o,a1d she hope that events like Race tor the Cure \\.'Ill rabe d\\:d encs">. "Wharboth<>rs me now is -.ee- mg all of the young women who hdve breast cancN -they seem to be getting younger •and younger," ::.he said. ~tho 1MAK MOYie ~ on our GIANT'' t/2~ ~ 1ndud1.ng tho Mu.k of~ Hwrieon In ll,000 W9tt D:Wt-1 Sound _n.turing NarTwtion ~ Uatt ,.._,,.. EDWARDS IRVINE IMAX THEATRE IS LOCATED AT THE EDWAR[)<.. IRVINE SPECTRUM WHE Rf THE 5 & 405 FREEWAYS MEET IRVINE • CALL FOR GROUP SALES & IN~ORMATION Q.19 HJ 7 lt-..\AX I I • EYE-<>PENER . . . auon OF THE DAY VI .. .. Corona del Mor, Mewpon Harbor girls tenfis teoms rol, again, en route to neX1 week's showdown I see page 9 "1he ~ ~· ~ int ready for next ~· We'I just!" who's hdhy and go with the s1rongest paf'9 we can ... Fletcher Olson. Newport girls tennis coach .. 8 Newport Beoch/Costo Mesa Ooity Pilot · Friday, September 25, 1998 • Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 949-57 44223 1011111 ·oat -Sh olN • • time •There's everylhinq you can dream about, dnd a · little bit more, clependrnq on the circum5l<.tnces. D o you renwmbl•r 1.Jurmg your fust hodl? I do. ~ty parents, brothl•r .tnd I moved from Vancouver, Bnt1sh Col\.unb1a to San Dil1go .ind 1omed the l\ll1ssion 8dy Yacht Club when I WdS seven. The most popufc1r b0c1ts hack 'then were l...Jghtemn~1. Thistle,. International 11 Os, Fla tty, Penguin and Skimmers. As is still trne t0<1dy, Sabots were the boats Wllh liammg wheels. Thew were' no ~lobbies, FJs, Catalind9 or S,rnta Cntz, and surfboards Wl'H' m<1clP of balsa wood. Sdils were not of Kcvlctr or Nylon, but con!itrncted from the sdJTie material lhic•d to make Levis These were the days of Std Caesar, Cd Sullivan. Norton and Ralph, and thf' gredtest Amencan humor ol all time, Amos and Andy' M} older brother, Bill, bought the severely used, faded red and gray Skimmer rt was in sad shape, but for no additional cost, 1t came with a two-yPar supply of dry rot. It !>at on two saw horses m our back yard Oh, clid we have plans for this plywood and glc1ss dog and the thought of racing her, was an exciting fantdsy He worked on her, on dnd off, but she never left our bdck yard. I don't know what hdppenecl to 1t, and the fun of dreanung thdt someday we'd drop hpr htlC'k into the salt remams She was our first bodt, and I rruss her That pos1bvc expenence has never left me and I hnd mysc>lf m thP c;,10w spmt of those bygonf• days when it's boat show tune• To me, buym~ a boctt ts one of the greatest pure h<1c..es you rdn make. It's a place to entP.rldtn, have a glass-0r two, S\\UTI dnd djve from, sleep on, race m, and It's a great joint hobby for husband, wife and fdnuly, too. SEE BOATING PAGE 10 HllH SCHOOL FOOTlllL FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS CD OAK PARK. TONIGHT 0Nt PARK vs. ~DEL MAR • Site: Newport Harbor, 7 p.m. • Bottom line: Two evenly- matched programs collide, but CdM, having prepared agail')st stiffer competition, hopes to cash in a rare opportunity to pick on a sctiool its own size. EA A RGO S TONIGHT G AN>EN GftOvt vs. EsTANOA • Site: Orange Coast College, 7 p.m. • Bottom line: Eagles are primed to deliver Dave Perkins his first win as Estancia's coach. Kenny Valbuena assumes starting quarterback role and Garden Grove has yet to score on offense. DON LEACH/ DAllY PltOT Costa Mesa's Dave Weir (10} breaks loose on a 53-yard touchdown run in the first quarter as Sl Anthony's defense fades away. Mesa posts thundering victory • Costa Mesa's Thundering Herd pummels St. Anthony from start to finish with 1-2 (Herzog-Weir) punch. Dcif P'fJI NEWPORT BEACH With the shift on, Costa Mesa High's offense rambled through visiting St. Anthony Thursday rught in a nonleague football game al Newport Harbor • High. Juruor stdlldout Odv1d Weir, who played the team's fI.TSl two games under center, moved to wingback where he accompanied Jmuny· Herzog, while Ricky Martin -the 1uniorvarsity quarterback the last two years -switched from wingback to QB. St. Anthony's Saints (0-3) didn't know what hit them m the hrst half as the Mus- tangs (2-1) Fan wild en route to a 42-22 vic- tory. Costa Mesa led at halftune, 36-8, as the 'Slangs rolled up 307 net yards, mostly on big runs from Weir, who firushed Wlth 169 rush.mg yards and three touchdowns on 12 cames. Herzog earned 20 tunes for 157 yards and three touchdowns. Martin, who reportedly tied a school record by mtercepting three passes from his comerback position, one a( four picks in the game for Costa Mesa, suipnsed St Antho- ny's defense on the game's hrst play from scrinunage, connecting Wlth a wide open Shaun Ferryman for 33 yards. 1Wo plays lat- er, Herzog scored on a 5-yard run. Robert Hulliger Antony Grubisich St. Anthony took _its first and only lead of the game when Pearson Smith intercepted a Mesa pass at the Mustangs' 4-yard line, set- ting up Soane Taliauli's touchdown jaunt on the next snap. The Saints' two-pomt conver- sion run gave them an 8-7 edge with 4:04 left in the first ~er. Later in the fiist. Weir ran of( left tackle Eric Connaty (6-foot, 265 pounds), Ulen cut back the other duection and spnnted untouched to the end zone, before reaching pdydirt from 53 yards out, giving Mesa a 14- 8 Jedd ciltcr Luis Avalos' PAT. Costd Mesa's Jake Cleveland recovered a St Anthony fumble on the ensuing kickoff, settJ.ng up another Mustang score. On the drive, Weir's 29-yard pickup gave Mesu a first down at the St. Anthon y 8, then two plays later Herzog was in the end zonP. The game lasted 2:45 and reqwred 27 yellow ficigs The teams combined for eight turnovers Mesa sacked St. Anthony quar- terback A.J Chavez five times, totaling 29 yards. Mesa's Antony Grubis1ch WdS huge dt dc>fcns1ve tackle, causing several incom- plC'tc passes with a heavy rush on Chavez.. Robert Hull1ger, defensive end for the Mus- tcmgs, had two big hits and two tackles for lo!>ses. Ecirly in the second quarter, Mesa was on the move again, this time a 66-yard dri\te was capped by Herzog's 19-yard scormg run on cl pitch left. The 'Stangs went for two and completed the conversion, with Wetr luttmg Herzog on a pass to gwe the hosts a 29-8 lead with 7:22 remaining m the first hall Martin picked off his second pass nud- way through the second and retwned it 32 yardc; to the Mesa 40, setting up another Mesa touchdown After a 15-yard penalty on the Sam ts, Weir took a pitch left, cul back ms1de, Juked a St. Anthony defender and spnnted the rest of the way for a 45-yard score. Avalos' klck made it 36-8. MARTIAL ARTS TA RED DEYIL S SATURDAY SWEETWATER vs. NEWPORT HARllOR • Site: Newport Harbor High, 7:30 • Bottom line: Newport's secondary will be tested by Red Devil's pass happy offense, but Sailors have averaged 54 points in two games by burning defenses with the run and the pa!.S. SCHEDULE TODAY • VolleybAll C1:>mmun1ty college -Rio Hondo at Orange Coast. 6 p.m •Tennis High school girls • Corona del Mar at Santa Barbara, 6 p.m • W•t er pok> Community college men • Orange Coast at San Diego Mesa Toumament. High school boys Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor at South Coast Tournament Estancia at Irvine Tournament ·~ College women Southern California College at Chapman, 5 p.m Community college men • R1ve!'lide CC at Orange Coast. 3 p.m Community college women -Orange Coast at Riverside CC. 3 p.m. Ta(dng their shots • Costa Mesa trio vies at Karate on the Beach '98, which begins today in Huntington Beach. CAmY YMNO\IUI Dtlyflb T he sands of J luntington Beach ~will heaung up when some of Costa Mesa's top students of Martial Arts t om- pete in the largest national Karate championship~ this weekend. . Mike Pombeuo. Ryan l luntley and Vrcnna Clymer will 1om more than 2,000 competitors of all belt levels during Karate on tho Beach '98, spon-;ored by Bob White's Karate Studio in Costa Mesa. GETTING IN THEIR KICKS KARATE.ON THE BEAot '98 +WHAT The American Karate National Championships •WHEN 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.-10 p.m., Saturday · 9 a.m,-5 p.m., Sunday +WHERE I' City of Huntington Beach Beach parking area across from the Waterfront Hilton Hotel. " .. 1. "Por yecll'S I've been involved with teaching und partici· paling in Karat~,• !>did Bob While, 6 ninth-degree black belt · who opened his studio on Victoria Street 20 years ago. #I'm Black Belt -to be held torught and team competitions = really proud I'm able to gwc r.omething back to th sport.• to be held Saturday. Wlnners of Saturday's American KenPQ; Open to all agei., Karate on the Bear h '98 -dubbed the Division will go on to represent the United States in the Euro- world's. largest pean Kenpo Karate Championships next month in England. spectator/participant \carate event -will ~u some of the .~...,.=-':";-addition~le-4fte champianshipr.wmlnars by lei~g_ top students of Kcnpo ma &port designed to build confidence, artial Artists and a vendor expo are expected to draw rriOai lWllf esteem, focus and dtScipline. And with youths under age !Mn 25,000 spectators throughout the weekend. ' 18 vymg tor $26,000 111 scholarships, an invc tm nt in educa-·ni scholarships allow us to show eppredation today for tion will be the top pnzc. Outstanding Youth awards also will the hard work of young men and women who will be the be given to champions who 5ub11Ut with registration lnf orma-leaders for tommorrow, • says event organizer Marty tion on thetr most recent GPA, favorite IC.hoot subject. dVJc Mikkelsen. •we encowage everyone to participate by eith~ and community activities and statement of their plans for the competing 9r showing their support for our youth.• future. For more tnformatfon bout karate on the Beech '98, ~ Cash pnzes will also be gtven to 'Winn rs of the Adult (714) 962.-6959, or check ou) website www.bwlumpo.c:cim. w , ewport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot ... - Friday, September 25, 1998 9 HE LOCAL STRIPER HANGOUT TENNIS Newport. Cd.M l tune up for the by noon on Tuesday, another dozen spikebills had been caught) OUTDOORS Pioneer,• owned by Mike Blower of Newport Bedch. Plant caugbt the fish way wc~t of Cata.lina on the 175 and 17 fathom sports.· triped marlin are schooled· up off the WP.St end of Catal.iha Island and the bite as been wide open for pnvate oats fishing out of Newport drbor. R~portS ftom Jo,· owner of D's Big Game Tackle (723- 883), located on Balboa (stand, dicated that eatlier hus week, nglers. enJOyed great l;>illfish According to JD, big game anglers a re domg equally well on both big lures and live bait It's been 50-50 on the daily catching report com.mg over the CB, with blind stnkes coming early in the morning on Mean Joe Green and BleNling mackerel colored marlin jigs and then, during the peaks <>f high and low tides. the hsh have come to the surface tO • feed on greenback mackerel cast to tailers and feeders. • The water is a little off co16r in the outer channel. but it's not affecting the marlin bite. Private boaters llllght have to run outside for the next two weeks, but veteran billfish anglent feel that this big school of marlin will move back to the Avalon Bank • by the end of the month. . Locally. sport boats running out of Davey's Locker and ction. . Camie Gtirn~r of Newport each skippered the sportfJsher Scrambler" up to the 171 spot here angler Dean Former aught aJld released a marlin ere were over 30 marlin ooked on Monday dwing the nnual Dram Bwe Catalina lassie Mdrlm Tournament and · 'Ed Dillon of Newport Beach ~ works behind the tackle counter for Anglers Center (642-6662) · and stated that marlin fishmg has been fantastic all week long · HThe bite started last Friday.• Dillon said, "and as long as the seas remain calm, good fishing could continue for another three weeks.· Dean Plant of Costa Mesa took d couple of days off as· owner of Angler Center and participated m the Los Pescadores Marlin Tournament. Plant hooked two marlin, one on a Rainbow jig and the other on live ball, while fishing onboard the deluxe sportfisher •pacific . Newport Sportfishing landin,g are returning to the docks with good catches of yellowta.il, sand bass and sculpm. The bite on yellowfin tuna and dorado slowed earlier in the week but these prtzed game fish could pop up over the weekend in the channel. The dehlxe, six-pdck charter •Bongos n-fished inside the 209 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL DON LEACH I DAILY ' OT Costa Mesa High's Antony Grubistch puts the clamps on St. Aillhony's quarter~ack as teammate Gus Sandoval (88) moves In. HIGH SCHOOL BRIEFS ea Kirigs' runners nip Eagles Large middle grouping keys CdM's 9-30 victory over Santa Margaritd. -MJ" ~~~ 'CROSS COUNT RY )ARITA -When Corona del Mar High's guls cross country team hooked up with Sunla M .. uganld ill the Sea View League opener on Thursday, COdch Bill Sumner knew that this was going to be a close rnce, since both tedms dre highly rdnked. A tight clumping of finishers from S-10 WdS 1 •·nough for the Sett Kings to beat host Sdntd t-..terganla, 29-30 The Eagles had the fdstest runners ill the rdCe. Lon Mann won with d tune of 18:41 and Mdrie Wanng fmished second with a 19;08 CdM's Jenny Cummms. d sophomore, was 'third m 19:~JO. Santa Margarita also took fourth, bul it would be the last runner for the Eaglt• in the top 10. Corona w~nt 5-6-7-8-9- 10 to win with a one-point margm, L11 Morse led Corona's pack, plaong hJth m 19.J5 . .Jec.1n G.m "' wt1s sixth in 20:00. "Th£> whole rdcc wc.1~ bkc thdt: Coach Sumner so1cl. •for the hn;t two miles, no more than 20 ydr<ls ep.uated mo t of tho runners. We iusl sldyt•d dose and ron our style of race and, m thu end, 1t was the rt1fferencc_. • In Uw boys ruce, sophomore Travis Beard· Jc•p W1\S Sl'COOd With cl time Of 16:35, but the S ·a Kinq-;1o~t the meet, 24-31. Jo..,h Yul Py, abo d c:ophomore, fin1"hed . third, a good c;19n ror CdM's future. "Thal ~C'conrl and lhud by two 10th nraners was blg, • Sumner sa.id. ·we were r(!at happy ubout that • "'"' llOYS I IAHTA MMGAIUTA 24, COM*A OU. MAit 31 1114 Murray (SM), 16'18; 2 Beardslee (CdM), 16·35, l. Yelsey (CdM), 17.07; 4 Collins (SM), 17 09, 5 Edgby ~1\.1). 17:18, 6 Hent~y (SM), 17:24, 7. Gruber (CdM~. 17 ~l, 8. Aam\ey (SM),· 17'49. 9 Kramer (CdM), 18. 15; ro M1tt1Nn (CdM), 18:16 <tft • ~ ~OIL MAit 29, SMTA MMri.wTA JO i ~Mann (SM), 18 41; 2. Waring (SM), 19 OI. 3 Cum• 1tiff1\ (CdM), 19.lO, 4 Warct (SM), 19 33; 5. Mone (CdM), 19:35; 6. Garcia (CdM). 20:00, 7, Yourman (\'llM), 20.1 S, 8. Quinlan (CdM), 20:20, 9. M01&t.fd (CdM), 20:2~ 10 Quye (CdM), 20 42, '\ Newport boys breeze, 18-44 lRVlNE ------------Curt } lerberts C R 0 S S C 0 U N T R Y and Chns Mctvtillen led the way with d 1-2 finish, but there was obo a 4-5·6-7 groupmg for Newport Hdibor Hiqh's boys cross country team Thursday as the Sailors bounced host Woodbridge, 18-44, in their Sed View League dual meet opener. •Everyone d!d a fantastic JOb," said Sailors' Coach Btm Barry, who adrrutted the most en1oyt1ble facet of the victory Wd'i the effort of Junior Doug Dukes, who docked cl 17:12 on the 3-m.ilc Woodbridge course for a seventh place f~h Others who shared in the conquest were Chris Landgren (16:11), Steve Jen~en (16.27) dild Addm Antoruru (16:46). Harbor's girls hdd a 1-2 firush from Alicia Mcfall and Ambt>r Steen (18:37 and 18:49), but Woodbridoe dommdted the next :seven spots to win, 25-Jh. 80YS NEWPORT HARllOR 18, WOOD8RIDG£ 44 1. Herberts (NH), 15 31, 2. McMillen (NH), 15'42, 3 Paz (VII), 16.03, 4 Landgren (NH), 16 11; 5 Jensen (NH), 16 27, 6. Antonini (NH). 16:46, 7. Dukes (NH), 17:12; 8 . Heuer (VII), 17.\8, 9. lincoln (NH), 17:29; 10. Al~h1re (VII), 18. 11. GllLS WC>C>OPIDGI 25, NlWPOtll'T HAAIK>R 36 1. Mcfall (NH), 18.37; 2 Steen (NH), 18 49, 3. Kanln (VII), 18 57; 4 Stephens (VII). 19.52, 5 Scott (VII), 19;53; 6 Bellott• (VII), 19 55, 7 Sorensen ('N).,.20 02; 8 Kred.ll (VII), 20 28, 9 Camey (VII), 20:40. 10. St Andre (NH), 21.04 ,. Tars, Barons in a 1-1 standoff COSTA MESA · -Jenn Porter Ucd the score m the f I I l I Sl.'Conct htl.lf with a rebound H 0 C I I Y goal and Newport Harbor High goalkcepN Susttn Lear provided thr • save.i as the ho t Sdilor.> ti d Fount.am Vall y, t-1 ; in Suns t league held hockey action Thun:day at Harper School · Porter !;<:ort."<i in th thud mmuto of the onrl hdlf. Kristal Maw gove lht' Baron!. a l·O I •ad in the brst ,30 minutes Newport is 3-0·1. lt linv~ls to Manne n xt Tut•'lday. ' CdM falls in five at Ocean Vie\v HUNTINGTON --------ir' BEACH A strong Y 0 l l E Y I A l l team effort pro- duced d Corona del Mdr Hjgh comeback in Thursddy's nonleague guls volleyhall mdtch at Ocecln View, but the Seahawks took d huge lead in the hndl game, and closed out a 15-4, 15-9, 12-15, 9-15, 15-6 dectSion. •we 1ust got off lo a slow :stdrt, • C$.1 Coach Steve Conb sclld. ·sut we did a great 'ob batthng back, we JUSt didn't ex£'cutc well m the filth game.· Danutra Havriluk had 25 kill for the Sea Kings and Janue Brownell added 14. Meghan Gallagher also hacf 13 lolls, but Conti stres ed that it was a team ctlort. '•When everybody is working well and doin~ theu job, that's when we're succcsc;ful, • Conti sdld. •1t was 1·ust tough when we fell belund dnd had to p ay catcnup • CdM girls defeat San Oemente SAN CLEMENTE -Taylor ----.-- McComuck shot a 10-ovcr par G 0 l F 4t> as Corona del Mar Hitih · defedl('d San Clemente, 145-152. m a non· league gut goU match at San Clt•mcnte Muruc1pal Golf Course on Thursday Tetlmmate Allison Schuuppnt•r shot a 48 and Stephwlie McCoy shot a 51 . The matrh medalist wa Dawn Regan who finished With a 45. CdM' JV won 17t>-2tti . Estancia girls top Mis..'iion Vi<io MISSION VIEJO -E~tanoo :-w--.... r- High Junior Laura Col• was I 0 l f the me<ioli."t es !;h led t'tie Eagles' gu!s golf t am lo a 2?~i-287 vktory over M1c;s1on VicJO in th x ond ol ft two-day ninu-hol" mdtchup, tht al Cost4 del Sol Thu~dfty • Cote coniplet d th' 18 hot with an 81, with t ammote Lau n Young (93) and Stacy Barnett (96) rounding out £t;taneta' best u they tunod up for Monday· E lancta lnvitA· tiONI at Costa M Golt & Country Ouh .. sport on Sunday and Monday and ccmght a number of big yellowfm tuoa 1.11 the 40-to-50-potind clas~. ' Bob Norris of Gostil Mesa, fishing onbodrd "Freelance" captained by Chrh Goble of Newport Beach, decked a 40-pound yellowfm lund on Monday. · big showdown CORONA DEL MAR -Wi thP toughest part of the pr league schedule out of the w and the 1mpendmi, howclow Wlth NPwµort l larlior 1 Ugh ne Thursdily in th1~ !Pague opene Day boats fishing the 150 i.pot and around the o.il ri9,S are , · funiting out on big sand bi:lS weighing up to sut pounds, lol<; of good eallng sculpin and schools q~ yellowtdi.I ill the f>":. J 0- pound class arc topping <>ff good hshing for the Newport fleet. • Coronc.1 del f\tar gtrls tenn Coach T'llm Mang d4itcuh~d would bt" a good 'time to hulfle Bait conditions have improved and as long dS the wetter temperature holds m the low 70s, local anglers can expect good hshirig into the "Indian Summer.• which, traditionally. produces calm seas and excellent J offshore fishing in coastal water~. Score by Quarten St. Anthony 8 O 0 14 • 22 Costa Mesa 21 15 6 O • 42 First Quarter CM • Herzog 5 run (Avalos kick), l 1:22. SA • Taliauli 4 run (Smith run), 4:04 CM · Weir S3 run (Avalos kt<k), 3:30 CM Herzog 2 run (Avalos kick). 2.24 Second ~arter CM -Herzog 19 run (Herzog pass from Weir. 7 22 CM We r 2 run (Avalos kick), 2:24. Third Quarter CM Weir 6 run (kick blocked), 5 01. Fourth Quarter SA l,.1ppen SO pass from Chavez (Magana pass from Chave~, 3 S6 SA Marsh 33 pass from Chavez (run failed), 3•22 Attendance: l,400 (estimated) INDMDUAL RUSHING SA Smrth, 7·28, Tahauh, 6· 13, Quiroz, 3·min-8; Chavez, 7·min·33 CM · Herzog, 20-1S7; Weir. 12·169; Martinez, 4-12 Martin, 4-6; Mendez, 3·S, Cleveland 1-3. Scaglia, 1·0. Jones. 1-min-S INDIVIDUAL PASSING SA -Chavez, 7-28-0, 100; Tahauh, 1-1-0, 3. CM · Martin, l 5-1 , 33 INDIVIDUAL RECEIVING SA -l1ppen, 5-69 1 TO, Marsh 1 33, 1 TO; Smith, 1-4; Guevara. 1·min·3 CM · Ferryman, 1·33. · GAME STATISTICS SA CM First downs 9 14 Rushes·yardage 18·37 4fi-347 Passing yardage 103 33 Passing 8·29-4 1·S·1 Net return yardage• 20 73 Sacks-yardage 5 37" none Net yardage 123 4S3 Punts 8 37 4 6 25 7 Fumbles-fumbles l0st 1· 1 2·2 Flags·net yardage 10-105 17-121 Time of possession 25:39 22.21 •Punt returns, 1ntercept1ons, fumble returns ~teelers looking for two straight COSTA . f\lESA -F 0 0 ' I A l l The Orange County St£"t !er~ vvill be trying to make tt two !-.trdlght m their ti.nit-ever Uruted Amen- cun Pootbdll League gaow' $atur- dcly when they travel to Tucson after opening the sect<>Oll by storming pa t the Desert Cow- boys, 78-0. light end Keith Mun.ms lt<1d two touchdown receptions and Scan Rtley caught one m pa" , ac: well clS a punt return for a TI) Lamell S) ke.;, had thn?t.' rm.hmg touchdowm. Riptides sweep pa"t East Anaheim nine p ~ E R\'v T s 0 f T • A l l BEACH -The Riptides, u Pacil1c Codst 10-and·under traveling guts softball team, defeated E ' l Anaheim twice on Sunday tu remain undefeated this c1 on. Ka1Uin Morrow !itdrted and closed the llf'Sl 9amt>, retmn~1 the side Wlth the base:. loaded ln an 11 ·9 win. Strong p1khlng by ChrlstJe Hamers and trong hitting hr Debbie Yoder·lee, Coral Young and Sasha Grumman l 'ti the Tid to a lb t> Vlctory in tl1e ondgamc. 10-Yr. Tenn 40 $1,180 50 $2,735 · 60 $6,895 . . his lmr.up anrl find clouhle .mc.1tchups lhut·would work well e1CJdtrl t Sc·d· VJPW L•· 1qu~ oppo· n~~ - Mang '~as plea ed a th S Kings 13-11 won eight of June •Q m dvuble::. to hPat Villa Pdrk. I • a, Thu1sdc1v utterno.111 ailors romp. 14-4 .: NEWPORT BEACH \\1th e wt-•k 1J! top compctltur-.. on th \\dy, 11 Web d gv0<J U1111• N*"wporr I Iarl>or I hgh tennis toom to u • some lineup e:!q>erunr>utation Ul Thursddy nonlPague mat again t Laguna 8ftdch : -.. - Thl' Sailors ff>·O) \\ 011 eas11i 14-4, dnd dre> rt>•t<I~ to fct ke OU . t'-.lutr-.r De1 Munda~ The guls drc• pw111 d ·an~ read;• for next v.; t; P~. Coach, FIPlche1 Olson end •\\ U )U~t seP who s health} and qo w1th thu stronqe:sl po1nng \\(• ( df . • ..... ~1ustang f;all. 1 i-:i -: . COSTA MESA Phw g Tr~li \\as rmt• ot the br qhf. puW. ort" Thurs<luy und Co~til Ml r1 } lt<Jh' lost to Manna. 13-5 m n >nleaguc> girl tPnms Tran lo .. t to turma :s No 'l pldyer hu'. fourtht l urd dild '"°' the 0U11•r two '><?I!>, F>·2 ,,_ NONLEAGUE CoRONA OEl MM 15, VtUA PARK 3 Singles: Singer (CdMj def t' e nhenz, 6-1, de'f Suretana 6-0, def Fret:man. 6 1, Griffith (CdMj lost. 3 6, WO b 2. &-0, Jacobson (CdM) lost. 1-6, wo 6-1, 6 0 . Doubles: C. Tenerelh Budhra a (CdM) def. J. Ch~ung T Cheung. 6 1, ef LaMon Pattara 6-0;def Ken Becker 6·0, Colema~·Claster (CdM) w . 6 1, ' 6~2. 6-1, K Tenerelh-Charney Cd"-") lost. 1 6, won. 6· 3, 6 0 " NEWPORT 14, LAGUNA BE.AO. 4 Singles: Adams (NH) Jos t o Maddocks 3 6. Ion bv defauh t Butterwic;k, def Schulman 6-Q Godbey (NH) l<»t, 3·6 won 6 1 6-2 ~e l m) le»t, 3 6, won 6 1. 6 l Doubles: Barker Schnc dCJ NH) def. Falcone Messinero. 6 1, QC McMahon·MacGullvry. 7 6 (7 5 def S1e1var Johnson, 6 1, Palm Cot py (NH) won. 6-1, 7~ (9 7), 6-3, Braver an Nelson (NH) won, 6· 1 by defua t &-0 M AAINA 13. COSTA MESA s Singles: Lee (CM) lost to Lambert, 36, lost to Nguyen, 2 6, def Foo, 6 1· • Tran (CM) lost. 3·6, v..'On. 6 2 6-2 Huynh (CM) lost 1·6 2 6 1 6 Doubles: Oim$0n·lee (CM) lost to Alb.ln Bergeron 3 6 lost to l tm Seman. 3 6, lost to S lce-Baghdassanan • 4-6. Do-Hoang (CM) lost, 3 6 won, 6 2.. , to\t 0-6; Omsdal~·Dcmcllo (CM lost, O • 6, won, 7 6 (8 6), TOst 5 7 JC GOL F Bue slice up i\lt. S G \\ALNUT -le>nmf ·r Tunz'( shot an 11-ovcr p1tr 82 a' Or,·mg··· Coa~t CoUeue dclcnted Mt !jun, Antonio, 354-31.>4 l.n a noncon; feu•nrr• ''omen golf ma tr h Wedne--<1t1y at Lo ng •I Royal' Vbtn G C • t-lancela 01ctnck "o" fuurttJ tor Or<1n9" Coa t (3-3) \\1th a i..;co11~ 11! 87, follov.C'd tn Jan Ch1•11<J 1BQI and Rouh1 ~h 1ft (1 h) m tilth and "Lxth pine n• J>ec· tlV"l It wa Oranoc Cou t first w:m OVN 11 AC: ln th ;. hool S ha...tOT) DEEP SEA Thursday's counts Newport landing • 7 boats. 75 1ngen.. 46 yellowtall, I blucfln tun.. 11 banacuda, IS bOnito. S 1 c.alko bass. 52 W\nd bass, 4~ 176rodcf lh, 45 :ICUllMn. 2 sheephead~ 57 whitefish, 3 sOle. J red SMpper. ' thresher Shat'\ 1 ~~er. 200 mtck~ OiWy's Locker -:r boa 107 qlerL 1 yeftowfln tuna. 41 yelowtaH. 58 bon to. 1)0 ~" c.alko 76Mndbl9,6~ , ~. rodrfkh. 200 ~ 1 Whlt.tftsh. 21 bOht tuna ' • IO Ftidoy1 September 25, 1998 rts ~!-:i Newport Beach/Costa M.eso Do ily Pi\A ~ . BOATING . CONTINUED FROM 8 ;. I d on't own a boat nght now, drtd I don't have a wife I wonder if there's a conneebon there, or is that the rea on why I'm no Jd}lger mamf'd? I can't recall. To teU you the truth, riqht now I'd rather have a boatl There' no lime lilce U1 1>tesent to own a boat and ll\Jncan Mcintosh's boat show at Lld o Village Ls go.i.ng to mdke it · even easie r a s the show runs tbrough Sunday. r was there on Thursday as th~ sbow opened and noticed a 1n'aJor ch ange. Hey, this was no t~t show, it's labeled the "Lido yacht Expo H You see, m Newport Beach, l•Odts dre ydchts. mustard is Grey P•Jupon and barber shops a re sulons AJso, as m most recent shows, you won't find any boat pnces there. TI1e price t(.lgs on these bab1e'> were all hurd core /'.eWJ)()rl Bedch "yacht prices • Neverthc>less, buying a boat 1s rt uredl 1ded We hdve over 200 h¢dts hNc•, tJw most we've €'Ver h4d dt' tlw Lido Show," sc1id "klnto.,h, the• i.how's promoter cted ownl•r of Sea dnd GtJ HOating mctCJdZmes • "We hdVP some nice ho<1tc; \\iili the rno'>l expen<;IVt' gomg tcv d m11l10n-lour, • he wPnt on to -.4y. Altt>r lw sd1d that, I twgdn to wtmder whol 1t would ldke to get 10to an expPnsive bodtS • Ron W Jer of Dr1bis Fuumcial SeJVJces said "Anywhere between 1 O to 20% clown with an APR of ?.5 to 8 25% • TI1erefore to purchtl.Se d $600K · boat with 1 o•y., down, your monthly paymont would be $5,005 per month for 15 years An $85K loan runs $787 per. In spite of the tall tariffs. business is good. Barry Wood of H&S'Yacht Sales prefers peddJmg satlbodts, "I've sold power before, but I prefer sailboats,• he saJd. ~The Hunter· Passport 45 almost sells itselt. • I have to admit, the l lunter 45-foot was an incredible ~it with a very reusonable price, considering au the dilleruties. The Duncan M<;lhtosh Co. puts o~.two shows annud.l in ..Newport Bedeh. T.he current $how dt Lido Village Marina, cmd a spring show, which has a greatei:: vanety of vessels and chsplays, held di Lhe Dunes. The gracious Mcintosh's magazine Sea,~ predominately• citcUlated along the west roast listing numerous boats from our area, in its d asstf1ed c;ecbon. It's comfort.mg to know there's a maga1Jne that corrnctly projects the west coast boat.mg market, as m<kit boating magazuies are located on U1e White House std<' of the country. Load up lhe wagon, pack up I.he kids cmd enjt>y the Lido Ydcht Expo runmng today through Sunday. It's gredt tun to see all the boats and to drcdm a nd drool a little. • Pirates off to a hot start in women's golf with a team of all freshmen. W:th no returners coming i.n trom last year's Orange Coast College women's goU tPa.m, Coach Gordie Fitzel used a combination of high school recruiting and ask.mg around at local golf co.u ses to build a team that has alfeady won two tournaments ancl is considered one of the strongest teams m the Southern California region. •A variety of mfluences prevented some of last years players from coming bdck this season,• Fitzel said. HBut we have seven golfers on the team that are really solid.· One ol those goUcrs is Jennifer Tunzi, a freshman from Capistrano Valley High, who hds often been atop the leaderboard in OCC matches. In her last four matches, Tunzi has shot 80, 80, 79 and 82 "She has a sound goU swing and is Jong off the tee,• Fitzel said. ·we are unproving her ' short game and she is more and more-consistent every week.· Tunzi 1s one of two h1g h school recruits on the team, the other beiny Robin Shaft from l luntington Beach Many of the other golfers on U1e team were recnuted right off local golf courses. Mancela 01etlick was on tht1 dnving range at Costa Mesa G .C . one day. when Fit:t.el happened by and watchoo her hit. When Pitzel returned later, Dietrick had left the range and F1tzel went into the pro shop to filld out where she went "They told me she was on the first tee,· FHzel said. "So I walked up to h~r an(! told her t•ct' watched her sWing and left her my card in case she was interested in playing for us I didn't really expect a call." When Fitzel got home, he got a phone call. It turns out that Dietlick, who is origmally·Crom Mexico, was mamed to Mike Dietnck, who was on the Edison track team during the 70s where F1tzel was a coach. Jan Cheng had a son who \•ias m Pitzel's golf class Cheng attended class, wh.tch is held at the Costa Mesa driving range, one day and was given some balls to tut. Fitzel was impressed and asked her to play, but she didn't seem interested. Later, Cheng was convinced to play by a friend, Grace Ho, COLLEGES --who also joined the team Cheng and Ho ht.id played high school golf together tn TaJwan "I recruit out or my classes cmd, when 1 qet the chdnce, at local COUTS(>S,. Filzel. •sometuncs people dfen't mterested or don'{ have the time lo come to school lull-time, but sometimes it works out • This is UH• th.ird year that ~ OCC has had a women's golf team and al looks Wee the Pirates will challenge Mt. San Antoruo, Saddleback 11nd College of the Desert at the Southom Cdlifomia Regionals lale1 th.ls season and could earn a spot at the state tournament •At th.ls time, we are stnking • ' .... th" ball really good," F1tzel saad;oo• ·our team Just gets better and better every match. We have a good shot at making the state ' tournament.• l With so mucb~ork p~ into , the team and so much time spent: recnuting at local high schools, M Filz(•I, contrary to what one would Uunk. doesn't get thdt much time to pldy goU •I do d lot of coaching. taking notes anti Vldeotaping," F1tzel said. "l ~ • r'1rely get an opporturuly to J~I pldy.• . Monday !thould give Fitzel a qood idea where his team 1s at Uus point. The Pirates play d nonconference match at Costa Mesa G C .. the Mesa Linda course, against Mt. San Antonio. who the Pirates beat for the fll'St tune on Wednesday 354-364, Sdnta Barbara and Sc:ldd.Jeback Th~ Gauchos df'feated the Pirates on Monday, 370-412. • Southern California College's Diego Goni was named the Golden State Athletic Conference men's soccer player of the week last week. Goni helped sec win three of four games in the week. Goni had five gOdl.s , indudihg two goals and an assist in the wee.It-ending victory over Christian Hentage. '1JBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ••BLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE pearance may be 1n p.,son tton t2SO. A Requtst lc;>r THE FUU. TEXT of the Have you llarted doing nerahlp business yel7 Yes, 1971 Have you ttartt<S doing Have you started d<llfll: ..;;°',,,__"----------------or by your anomey Sp1c:1al Nolie• form 11 Ofd1nanc1 may b• rt1d In business yet? No Have you sta(1td dotOg Tambelllnl Produc:hont, business yet? Vea. August buslnHt yet? No PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMEHT OF IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR 1vattable lrom tht court the City Clerk'• Office 77 Anua lnduslflts. Inc, Wa1· business yet? Yts 811/98 Inc., Marlo tambelflnl, 1. 1998 Maxwell Allen Corp., _..... ABANDONMENT OF or contingent c:redilor of clerk. Falt Onvt Cosla Mesa ' thlg Bilbels, President Chris Vasquet President Bobby LH Wallon Callahan, President ..SUPERIOR COURT USE OF FICTITIOUS the deceased. you must.lilt Attorney for the Pett• MARV T ELLIOTT Thls statement was filed This statement was flied 1'h11 11a11men1 WIS Med This statement was filed This llatement was -OF CALIFORNIA your c:lalm with lhe court lloner: • 1 wllh tht County Clerk ol with the County Cltrk or wilh the County Cle1k ol with the County Clerk ol with the County Cltr .fi:OUNTY OF ORANGE BUSINESS NAME and mall a c:opy to the per-DEANE. DAQQETT, Deputy City Clerk Orange County on 8-27-98 Orange County on 09108 98 Orange County on 09104198 Orange-County on 8-28-98 Orlllgt County on 09/0...,. 341 The City Drive he T::b~~~~~::d9th~~:~~ sonal reprnentaltve IP-ESQ., CCSB 198529) Published Newport 19980718415 1H807H132 19980789032 19980708280 ' 199807088 Poat Office th: Ficlillous Business pointed by tht court within ATTORNEY AT LAW Beach-Cotta Mesa Dally Daily Pilot Stpl. 4, 11, 18, Dairy P1tol Sept 11 , 18. 2~. Oa.ry Polo\ Sept 11, 18. 25, Oa~ot Sept 4, 11, 18, Diiiy Piiot Sept 11, 18. . -Box 14171 N1me· Col'lcepts Crealtve lofurhmofnthsl,lrom lhe ld~e O NE PARK PLAZ A Polot September 25, 1998 25, 1998 F358 Oc:1. 2, 1998 F377 Oc:t. 2. 11198 F37t 25, 1998 F354 Oct. 2, 1998 ......0 0 d S C • o I e 1rst ssµance o .... • F41 o ~ : Ora~ge, CA ~3 ci"9~27 1 · osta 101ters as provided In Pro-STE. 1250 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUB LIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE -928v3·1571 osa. bate Code section 9100 IRVIHE, CA 92014 PUBLIC NOTICE ~ '1'I THE MATTER OF Fif1111o~s Business N~;n~ The time for filing claims Published Newport Flclltlou• Bualn•H Flctltloua Bu1tneH Flctllloua Bu1lne11 Flct1t1ou1 Bu•ln•H Flctlttou1 8ualne~ t'.JiE PETITION TO r~,or:n ~ C~~~~ w,,~s 1 1:6 will not expire before lour Beach.Costa MtH Dally SUMMARY OF N•m• Statement Neme Statement Name Statement Name Statement Neme Statem•n CHAHCiE THE NAME 9e ~le ~o 1996~871359 • months from the hea11ng p110t September 21 , 25. 28, PROPOSED The followlng persons are The following persons 111 T~e lollow1ng persons are The following peraons att Tht following pei1on1 OF Jose Dlonlcla. Tho-Debra Bo reau Ha nes date not·c•d above 1998 ORDINANCE dOlng business as: dolng business as· Source docng business as· dOlng business 11· doing bul'ness as -D ' S ~ • YOU MAV EXAMINE the CITY OF Gtrdrl Ed1tlon1, 16443 One RtcOfds, 25682 Pl· Coaches Aelocatlon Ser· Th<H Dog Btkery, 924 Av· 8ro8dc:ut Marketing maiC SE MBER i~351 ci~7 t · OSie 1t1e kept by the court. llJou MFJJO COSTA MESA Sandalwood St., Foun1aln Clftc Crtst Or Min ton v1cet, 23 Corporate Plaza. ocado, Newport Beach, CA Gtoup, 791 Promontory Dr A NU This· business Is con-are a person lntere$1• 1n PUBLIC NOTICE A PROPOSED ORDI· vaney, CA 92608 Viejo, CA 92692 Suitt 180, Newport Beach, 92660 W.. Newport Btac:h, CA A193895 ducted b an Individual lhe estate. you may Iii• NANCE 11 achtduled for CharleJ Jeasy Pope, 1155 Kenneth Ian Davis, 25682 CA 92660 Max and Company, 4 Mat-92660 ORDER TO SHOW Debra B~•teau Haynes with the court a lounar Re· NOTICE adoption at the reQUltr cuy N. La ci.nega Blvd .. 1401, Pacific Crest Dr .• Mlu 1on Burt Golden, 3007 Carob. tlna Or., Ney,por1 Coast, CA Anthony William Wralh j ¢AUSE FOR CHANCE O QUest lor Special Notlce Pufluant 10 Tiile 49, Part Council mHtlng of October Los Angel11hCA 90069 Vlejo, CA 92692 Newport Beach, CA 92660 92857 791 PromonlOfY Dr. W .. 1 OF NAME 19988789 19 ,rorm OE·154) or the ltllng 23 ol the Code 01 Federal 5 1998 being Ordinance Charles T omas Pope, Reiko A. A Davia, 25682 Maxine Golden. 3007 This bu1ln11s Is c:on-Ntwpor1 Beach, CA 92800 1 PETITIONER,$) Jose DI· Th11 ttatoment was filed ol an Inventory and Ip· Regulations (CFR), the City 9~4, emending Sect.Ion 2• 1155 N. La Cienega Blvd,, Pac1hc Crest Or.. Mission Carob, Newport Beach, CA dueled by· 1 corporation This bu1lne11 It ~~n-I or)•c:io Thomas HAS HAVE v.1th the County Cllfk of pralsal ol esta1e assets or of Newpor1 Beach hat Im· 309 of the Cotta Mesa Mu-1401, Los Angeles, CA V1tjo, CA 92692 92660 Have you started doing ducted by: an Individual ., F'LED A PETITION FOR AN Orange County on 9-4·98 of any pe1tt1on or account pltmented a Olsadval'l-nlclpal Code relating 10 90069 Thia buslnen Is con· fhls business Is con· business yet? No H•v• you slatted doing I OR o ER TO c HAN GE Oa1ly Pilot Sept. 11, 18, 25. as provided in Proball lagtd Business Enterprises order o1 appllc:abon for IP· This bu1tneu Is con· ducted by: Husband and ducttd by: co-partners Mu and Company, San-buslnHs yet? No NAMES FROM Jose Dt· Oct 2. 1999 F375 Codt sectlon 1250. A ~· {DBE) Program and 11111>-peal. ducted by: t general part-Wilt Have you started doing dra L Deem, PrHldtnt Anthony William Wrath o')icio Thomas TO Ray· quest for Special Notice hshed an annual DBE Plan/ THE MOTION to glvll Or· nershlp Have you started doing business vet? No Thi• statement was flied This 111temen1 w11 fifed 1 '"Pnd Gonzalez Thompson PUBL1C ,.OTICE form Is a11a1lable from lhe Goal. The Cilv's annual dlnanct 98-.24 first reading Have you 111ned doing business Y,et? Yes 2/1198 Burt Golden with the County Clerk ol with lht County Clerk ol 'I is hereby ordered that court clerk DBE goal for iaderal FY c:amed bV lhe foUowlng ron buslne11 yet? No Kenneth Ian Oa111s This statement was !tied Orange County on 8·27·98 Orange County on 09/15198 8,1 persons interested In STATEMENT OF PETITIONER 1998·99 1s IO'!I,, call vote COUNCIL ChatlesPope Thia lltlltmenl Wat flied w•lh the County Clerk or • 1998870 8387 t 99887897S5 It.ls mailer appear belore ABANDONMENT OF qORIS GRAY EMERSON The annual goal and 1 de-M e MB ER S. A y ES, This statement was ftled with lh• Countv Clefk ol Or1ngt County on 09 15198 Daily Pilot Sepl 4 11 18 Dally p,101 Sept 18 25 ! H~s court In Department USE OF FICTITIOUS ATTORNEY FOR PE· sc11pt.on of how It w11 se-8 n M h. E 1 k• w•lh t.h• County Cltfk or Orange Counly on 091()8 98 19980789740 25 1999 ' F35f Oct 2 9 1998 FllOl I r<o 703 of the Orange BUSINESS NAME TITIONER: tected will ~available fOJ u a, one an, 'c • Orange County on 09.11/98 t 90tJ0709US4 Daily P1IOI Sept 18 25 ' ' ' 1 Counly Supe11or Court II The loUOWt(lg persons GEORGE MOORADIAN, pubhc: 1nspec:l 1on IOI' ape-~on , c::S8e"NT·N~ES: 19980709583 Daily Piiot Sept "· 18, 25. Oct. 2, 9, 11198 °F40l PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE • l tn9 address shown above have abandoned lht use Of csa,, 109055, rlod ~I 30 days In the City one. • om· Dally PtlOI Sept. 18, 25, Oc:t. 2, 1998 F378 PUBtlC LIOT ICE Flctltloua Bualn••• Fic titious Bualn••• ,' on I0·20, l 998, at 2·00 the Fictitious Bus1ne11 BAKER & HOSTETLER Cltrll s office, 3300 New· ers. OC1. 2, 9, 1998 F405 " o clock pm. and then and Name: Ampersand Atsoci· LLP 300 OCEAHOATE port Boulevard (Newport THE FULL TEXT of the PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Flctltlou• Bualn••• Name Statement Name Statement 1 tttore show cause II any ates 350 Clinton Suite 8 SUI.TE ,,,,20 LONO' Beach Clly Hall) ordinance may be rtad In The lollowtng persons are the loltowlng pttsons are' th11y have, why lhe pet11.;on Costa M CA 92826 ' v , The Ulltle<1 Slates Depart· the C 1 Clerk's Olfi 71 f lctltlou1 Buslneu Name Statem•f't doing bu1•ne11 as· Un1ver· doong business 11; till ch3nge of name should The Ft~~~;ous Business BEACH, CA 00802 ment ol TransportaUon and Fil 0 1 1Y C ta M tee, Flctltlou• Bu1Jneu Nalfl• Statemenl The lollow1ng persons are sal Languages Translat•ng ./ 1) Siler & Col'T'pany. b) not be granted. N m 1',, Publlshed Newport tht C11y ol Newport Beach 1 1 ve. os 811 Name Statement The lollow•ng persons are doing business as lnttrpret•ng Serv1c:H, 4570 Mesa Orl11e Apanmtncs, 1 tis lurthtt ordered that a w!s ~1~·1~ ti:'an 1~ c8:~v• Beach.Costa Mesa oai1v will accept comments on MARY T. ELLIOTT, The fol!ow1ng persons are doing business as· Ouahty a) Westbay PropertlH , bl Campus Dr No. 7, Newport 245 Mtsa Dn111, IA, Costa • c:opy of this order ro show 0 n 1 1 211 7 19 39 F 11 ~ Piiot September ts 22 25 the Ctt)'"s 1998·99 annual Deputy City Clerk doing businen H Glau & Window, 14087 Weslb•v Apanments, 136 Beach, CA 92660 Mtsa, CA 92627 : quse be pubhshed In NB/ No F592646 ' 1998 ' · ' DBE goallor a period of 45 Publls'1ed Newport Yakity-Yak GrHllngs, 39 Willow Lane, Westmlnt1or, Aocheator S1reet, Costa Ltsh• Han Nguven. 2019 Hugh Siter, 245 MeSll 1 Costa Mesa Daily Pilot a Gory R. Collons 22 Creek 1105860 FT404 calender daya from lhe B1ach.Co111 Mesa Dally Glen Echo, Dove Canyon, CA 92683 . !t1esa, CA 92627 Tu1ttn A11tf1ue No. A. Cost• Drive, IA, Cott• MHa. CA newspaper or general Ctr· Rd ,55. lrvme, CA 92714 • dale ol this nollce. Sal~ Pilo\ September 25, t998 CA 92679 Rontld We1belt, Jr . 5562 R1c:hard A Sewell Truateo Mtsa. CA 92627 92627 c ... a11on published 1n thil Ernest B Adams 444 PU BLIC NOTICE comments mav be pro-F411 Monty t..anges, 39 Glen Stardust Or.. Huntington for th• R•c:hard A. Sewell This busintss 11 c:on-This buslneu Is ~Ol'I· county, 11 leas• once a Al 10 Ave Newport Beach v•dtd In wr1nen form to the Ec:hO, oo.... Canyon, CA Beach, CA 92647 1.Jv1ng Trust Dated 7122198, ducted by: an Individual ducted by· an lndtViduat -.eek '°' lour con1ecut111e CA 92&63 ' City Clerk's ollic• as PUBLIC NOTICE 92679 Barbar• Wetbtll, 5562 136 Rochester Street, Have you slantd doing Have you started dOIOQ. y.ceks p11or to the day ot Thia business 11 con-NBOSTCIC7E0807F shown above Charles Sven Hellman. Sttrdust Or.. Huntington Cost• Mtst, CA 92627 business ytt? No bu11ne11 yet? Yes, 4/1198 ' tt•e hearing Said commenta on the SUMMARY OF 15212 El Selinda, Hacienda Beach, CA 92647 This buSlness Is con· Ltslle H Nguyen Hugh Siler DATE: SEP 02 1998 ~:.~~d 8~~o:'au~~n~:~:; PETITION City'• 1998·1899 1nnual PROPOSED Heights, CA 91745 This business 11 con· ducted by' an 1nd1v1duol This sto\tment waa Med This llatement was flltd JAMES A. JACKMAN, than 0 pannershtp TO ADMINISTER DBE goal shall be used for ORDINANCE Thfs buslneu Is COl'l-ducted by: Husband an~ Have you 1tofttd doing with lhe County Clerk of with tht County Clttk ol Ju D 0 E JC 0 MM 1 S· ErntSt 6 Adams ESTATE OF: Informational purposes CITY OF dueled by: a general port• Wife . business yet? Yes, 1968 Orange Coun1v on 09'04198 Orange County oo 09/t6!98 • .,..,.8 GORDON R SNELLINO only. COSTA M nttshlp Hive you started doing Richard A Sewtll 19988789027 19980709918 I ;,IONER OF THE SUPE· 1 .... 0769745 • Jal Don Webb Public ESA Have you started doing bus1nen yet? No Th•s sl11tment was ltltd D I p I RIOR COURT This statement was hied TCAalSIEhNO. ~~9,.~131e Wor .. 8 Director' City ot ORDINANCE 98-22 ti business ytt? No Ronald J We•belt Jr W•lh lht County Clerk ot 11 y ilot Sept 11, 18, 25, Daily Pilot Sept 18, 25.t '"Pro Ptr Wlh the c ty Cl k I 0 .,,., ...... e.1 ... ar S, .. • scheduled to be fo lull M I-~ Th I I • fil d 0 c 09115"'8 Oct 2, 1998 F361 Oct 2, 9. 1998 f4081 oun tr o creditors, contingent c1edl· NewPot1 Be•ch lore:• and eHtct 30 da • only -"'es 11 •ta emen w11 i e rar19e ounty on "' ' Jose D1on1c10 Thomas, Orange County on 09115198 tors. and person• ~ho may September 18, 1998 from its adoption on s.i. This 1tatement was filed w11h the County Clerk 1 ot . 19986789752 PUBLIC NOTICE 21315 Mc: lntosh Ln., Lake Dail)' P1101 Sept. 18, 25. othery.ilse be lnttfasted In Published Newport tember 21 1998 end waa with the County Clerk ol 011ngeCountyon091~98 Dally Pilot Sept. 18, 25. Flctltloul Bu•lneH torest, CA 92830 Oct 2, 9, 1998 F399 the will or tstale, or both, Beac:h·Dally Piiot Septum-adopled by th•' following Orange C~~n~~~~~:~:~ 19980709vt5 Oct 2, 9, 1998 F402 Published Newport PUBLIC NOTICE oiH~O~i;.~~o~ S/t,ERL~~g_ ber 25, 1998 roll c:all vote:. COUNCIL Dally Pilot Sept. 4, 11, 18. ~11~.P;1:;ept t 1, t8f~~ PUBLIC NOTICE Th:~o'fi~wt~~~~~:: are :eac:h·Costa Mesa Oa11v BA TE hH been tiled by F408 M EM 8 ER I • A y ES c 25 1998 F353 doing buS!nffl as Ad· •'01 Sept 4• 11, 18. 25. NOTICE OF JANIS DIPPEL In the Sup• PUBLIC ,...OTICE Buffa, Monahan, Erick· ' PUBLIC NOTICE Flctltlou1 Bualn•H vanced Marin• Service, 408 1~8 F347 PETITION TO rlor Court of Cahlornta, " son, Cowan. NOEii PUBLIC NOTICE Name Statement E1st B1y Ave ' G", Newport PUBLIC NOTICE ADMINISTER County ol ORANGE. NOTICE OF None. ABSENT: Som-flctltlous Bu•lneaa The lollow1ng persons are Bt1ch, CA 92661 ESTATE OFi THE PETITION FOR PRO-AVAILABILITY OF .,.. Flctltlou• Bu•ln•H Name Statement doing buslneSI as: Dttalls David Daniel .~l!!l•m•. 406 STATEMENT OF JAMES LINDLEY BATE rtquHts that JANIS "NNUAL R Ordinance 98•22 amendt Name Statement The following persons are · Rjlsldental Design, 2929 Eul Bay Ave. G , Newport , ABANDONMENT OF DIPPEL be appolnled u " ETURN The lollowlng pertons trt doing business IS' Newport Blvd., Suite A. Beach, CA 92681 EMERSON, AKA personal repruentallve lo Notice Is hereby gl111n Chapttr )( of Tiiie 2 Of lhe doing buslntu 19: EMB FASHION FORTY'S, 16684 Newport Btac:h, CA 92663 This buslntst It c:on· , USE OF FICTITIOUS JAMES L. EMERSON, idminlster tht estate of lht pursuant to Internal Rev· Cotta Mesa Munlclpal Mortgage Corporation StlktrH St., Fountain Val· Norman Verdusco Pt'rtz, ducttd by: an Individual BUSINESS NAME AKA JIM EMERSON decedent enue Code Section 8104(d) Code pertalntng to coon1e1 Commercial Divis1oo, 3200 ley, CA 92708 576 Wt•I 19th St., Apt Hive you lltrted dotng The fotrowmg petsons CASE NO. A194008 THE PETITION requeall that the Return of Private ol lnt.,Ht Brlatol St., 8th Ftoo<, Costa Bill Bruns, 16684 SllklrH 271 , Costa Men, CA business yet? YH hi"• abandoned the use of To 111 ht•rs. btntfic:larlts, tuthot1ty 10 •dmlnister the Foundation, Form 990-PF, THE FUU TEXT of lht Ot· Mesa, CA 92628 St , Fountain Vallev. CA 92627 . 8·31·98 '"" F1clltlou1 . Bu11ness cred•lora, contingent credl· estate under the lndepen-lor the Wm. Kolght Russen dloance may be read In lh• EMB Mortgage Corport· 92708 This bu1lnt1S 11 con· Dev1d Wit11am1 N;im~ •.> Mckt 1 Carpets, 1011 1nd persons who may denl Admlntstrallon of Es· Ftmlly Foundation lor the City Clerk'• Office 71 Fair 11on. (CA) 3200 8rlslol Sr , Joy B Stockwell, 16684 ducted bv· oo lnd1¥idual Thi• 1111em1n1 was ftled b) 11<2• s arpct Empo-otherwise be fntereattd In tates Act. (Thia Authority f1997 lax yeor has been 0 1 Co 1 M • 8th Floor, Costa Meaa. CA Sllktree St, Fountain Valley, Have you 1tartod doing with the County Cltrk ol Can't seem to got to all those repair jobs ' around the house? Lat the CleHlfled Service Directory help you find wjable help. '1"42·5878 11um. 1 4 East 17th Street, the will 01 estate, or both, will allow the personal rep-lied and that the Hm• Is r Vt, 1 1 Ha. 92628 CA 92708 business yet? Yes, April 31 . Orenge County on 09/04198 Colla Mesa CA 92627 of JAMES UNOLEY EMEA· resentalllle to lake many available for Inspection b• MARY T. ELLIOTI, This bualnets ta con-This business II c:on· 1998 18980709025 r---------- The F1c111tous Business SON, AKA JAMES L EM· ae1ions wilhout obtaining twHn the . houri of 9 00 Deputy Cltr Clerk dUcitd by; 1 cOl'pora11oo ducted by-a general part· Norman Verdusco Perez Daily p~01 Sept 11, IS, 25, "Mime relerred ro above EASON AKA JIM EMER· cOUtt tpptovar Btlort lak· • m and 5 00 Pm . c111 ol Publlthed Newport Have you alerted doing ner1hlp This 11a1em1nt was ltled Oct 2 1998 FJG<l ~' t.ied •n Orange County SON Ing ctflain very lmpoflant Cory G. Youngberg, CPA. BHch·Coata Mesa Daily business yet? VH 10.1-93 Have you started da!ng with th• County Clttk ol --·-· ------- 1998t,·3 ·: ~ F 11 o N ° A PETI TION FOR PAO· actions, hOwtver, the per· •st h L ••It V • Th 0m•1 • Pilot Stplember 25. 1998 EBM Mortgage Corpora· buslneu yet? No Orang& County on 09 04198 PUBLIC NOTICE E ,.,.-,. ,. "·.' ~ ' . IJ ~ .' ' ·I 47 1 BATE has been hied by tonal repruenlat111e wlll be c warz & Postma, 2244 F412 lion, W1lllam V. Percy, Pru· Joy B Stockwell 19980709022 Jennifer Defalco 124 E., DORIS ORAV EMERSON In required 10 give notice 10 West Coesl H1%hway, Suitt Iden\ Thi• statement waa filed Daily Piiot Sept t 1, 18, 2s, Flctltlou• Bu1lne11 ~rth Streer. Costa Mota, the Superior Court or Call· lnlerested per1ons unless IOO, Newport eac:h. Call· PUBLIC NOTICE fhls •rttemtnl ·was llled with tilt County Clerk ot Oct 2 tll98 F363 Nem• Statement PACIF1C VIEW A 92627 lornla, Countv 01 ORANGE they have waived notice or fomla 92663, by any cillzen with the Counly Cl.,k ol Orange County on 09/22198 ' ' The lollowlng persons are ,., Thts bus1111u Is con· THE PETITION FOR PAO-c:onnnled 10 the proposed who reQuests It w1lhin 180 Flctltlou• lu•lnesa Orange County on 09/04198 t9980770 42 1 PUBLIC NOTICE doong buslnen H M11:MOAIAL PARK du.c:ted by tn Individual BATE requuls that DORIS 1C1t00) The Independent da~s 01 the date 01 th19 Name Statement t99807e9023 Diiiy Pilot Sept 25, Oct 2, 1conn1ctlvl1y, 18007 C t Mort Jonotle• DeFalco GRAV EMERSON bt ep-admoMtrat100 authOnty will pu hcallon An suc:h re: 'rht fotloW1ng pe™>nt ate OaiJy Pilot Sepl 11. 18, 25, 9, 18, 1998 f415 Fictitious Bualneaa Skypark C11cl1, Suite F, Ir· C~pe~ ~rema~~ J19980709017 pointed 11 person.i rept• be granted unlest en Inlet· qu11ts should bt ad doing buslneH as· Oc1 a 1998 F3e9 Name Statement vine. CA 92614 ~' 1.n1s statement w ts filed 1entallve to admll'lialtt th• ested peraon Mn 1n ob· drHsed to the Wm Knight Ampttaand AssoctatH Ar-' PUBLIC NOTICE The following petsons art Maxwell Allen Coip., !CA), 3500 Pacific Vlew Ol1ve w~lh th• County Clerk of tltl te of th• dtctdent. jectlon to lht P•llllOO and Russel: ~amJly ~ound~loo, c:hlltctl, 730 W. 17th St., PUBLIC NOTICE Ff e I doing business as· 18007 Sklpllk Clrc:le, Suite Newpo!1 Beach Qrange County on 9·4·98 THE PETITION requHis 1h0w1 good caus• why the care 0 ory 0. oung erg, Cosla Mesa, CA 112627 ctltlou• ua n••• Uguna t's, 730 So. Grand F, Irvine, CA 92814 · 844-2700 Di lly Pilot Sept 11 18 25 the decedent's WILL and court sflould not grant th• CPhA. L•a"~· Tho2::4 Emut Bennett Adami, Flctltlout eualneH Nam• St11temenl Ave, Santa Ana. CA 92705 Thi• bu11n111 11 con. ~ 2 1998 • Fl72 codlc:lls, If anv. be edmltt•d authority, W 7~ t Hlo~tma, S 11 Inc:. (CA), 444 AlllO Ave., Name Statement Thi following per1oos are COL Tiide, LLC (CA), 730 ducted by· a corporaton PUCE_..... -• to probate The w~t and A HEARING 00 th• pell-.. IS QI way, u • J'l•wport BHctl, CA.112663 Th• IOllow1ng per1on1 .,. do•ng bullMll H AMC So Orand Avt . Senta Ana, PUBLIC NOTICE any codlcll• ire available llOn will be htld on OCT(). tOO, Newport Beach, c.i .. Gary Runell eoo1n1, 414 d04ng buslntst as· RHlly Network, t600 Dove CA 112705 1111 •ADWAY -for uamlnauon In lh• "'• BEA 15, UK18 •I 1·45pm In ~o;;:a 92663 (IMll) 65(). w. Sle\1801 Ave .. No c •• Entertainment & Video St., No. 140, Newport Thi• bu11neu I• con-On the move? Mortuary* Chapel STATIEMl!NT OF kepi by the court Dept. 703 localed at 341 • Slnla Ant CA 92707 Coo1ultants, 1834 Newport Otac:h, CA 112660 ducted by· Umited U1b1hly • Cf9 f ~BANDONMENT Off 'THE PETITION reque1t1 The Clly Drive Soulh, Or· l~~'k':ttd MNew~o1j1 ·Thia bu1lnt11 It con-Blvd, Costa Men, CA A'MC Property Sll"Vices. Co. Sell your extra lo:: ma tOn USI! OF FICTITIOUS authotlly to admlnl1ter lhe enge, CA 02868. • c 1 a 111 a Y ducttd by-• gtMfal part· 92827 Inc (CA), t600 00111 St . tia11t you 11aned doing ho sehold 110 BroadWay ': BUSINESS NAME estate under the lndtpen· IF" YOU OBJECT to the Piiot SeptembM 26, 19:~09 nerahlp Tambelllnt Produc:tlona. No i40, News>ort Buch, bustnHs yel? Yes, 9·1S.08 U Coeta M esa Th fol10wln pet dtnt Administration ol E•· granting ol th• pe1111on, you Have you 11arted doing lnc.,(CAl 1834 Newport CA 92GGO COL Trtde, LLC, Dooald items MZ 9180 • ~and=lhe u:O~ tatn~r (Thi• Authority shOuld appear ti tht h•11· PUBLIC NOTICE buslneu yet? Yea, 1/1195 Blvd. Costa Meu. CA fhl• bualn11s 11 con-Dallape, Principle Partner/ fn Classified "' -"'-'~.,.. Ft 1111 u 8 1 will allow th• person•! 11p. Ing and 1t1te your e>I>-Gary A C01lln1 92827 d~ed by: • c:otporation President Name· c •) 0 Jik•'•UI ;,:~ llHntaltv• 10 take many etJon1 or nl• wtltlon Ob• SUMMAl'Y Of EtnHI Benntll Adams. Thi• bUtlneH ,, con-Have you Sl1'1ed dOlr)g Thi• statement WU filed Q"yt b) The Original ac110nl Without Obtaining llOCl' with tht cOUt1 !>-. PROPOSID Inc • ErnHt Btnnttl dUC1tCI by: a c:orporellon bullneH yet? NO with the County Clerk ol tl kins Floot Coveting• coun tpptoval. Btlor• tak· ore the htllll'IQ YOUI •P' ORDINANC• Adami, Prealdtnl H1vt you 111111d doing AMC Proper1y Strvlc ... Otangt County on 9-15-98 1f."~111 1711\ StrNt Costa Ing certain very Important pearence may be In pe1aot1 CITY 0 , Thll lltttment w11 r119d butlntta yet? YH 11171 Inc., Chari•• 8. Alvord, 199Be7107&1 Mffl CA 92827 ' actton1, howev.,, the Ptr· or by your tttOl'ney. wllh the County Cl.,k ol fambtllfnl ProC1uc1lon9, Ptttldtnt Dally Piiot Sepr u 21 28 ltlt 'Flcllllout 81.1tlntu aonal llpt .. entallve will bt Ir \'OU ARE A CREDITOA A C~RSo1;,1>:loUORO Ofange County on 09/15191 Inc.. Marlo Ttrnbtltlnl, This ttattment WH flied Oct. 5 !998 ' j39e NI r f rred 1 900 requir9d to give nouca to or c:on11ng1nt creditor ol 1 1Hll71t717 Pttlfdtnt with the County Clerk 01 ..;..;...;..;.~· ...;.;....;._ ___ ...;.;.~1 ,.,,';'1,,edel~ Or.,,,; Couov~ lnltrllt•d pertont unleH lht d.Ctlled, you must ftle ~AN~f i., ~hedUltd e'°' Daily PllOI Sept. ,, 25 This tletement WU liltd Otangt Coumy on 09/04198 PUBLIC NOTICE 11 25 97. Fii N they nave wllV9d nottce Qf yow ct•lm w1tn tnt court a o,..ion a I regu•11 •IV Oct 2 1 1991 ·,400 with the County a.tic of t"H71to34 ~1374074, · • 0· eonsenttd to the prol)Oatd and ma•I a copy to the P*f• CouncJ l'TINtltlQ of Ociobef ' ' Orenge County on 09.'0tt/91 Daily Pilot Sept , 1, 18, 25, Flotltloua •ualn•H The Floof Guys Inc. (CA) ect1on) The lndeptnclent 1onal repre11nt1hv1 ap. :t.b"!:..~ ~~~· PUILIC NOTICI tffll19903 t oci 2. 1888 F387 NarM Statement ,.,4 E Hlh St' t. 'eo ' admlnlatrauoo authonty wi-. P<>'nted by th• Couf1 Within • .,,,.....,,ng ~"""' ... Dally PllOt Stpl t1 111 25 The lollowlng persona 11t M"iu CA 'ne27'" tta be gr1nled unltH an Inter· four montha from lht dl lt ~1!!,.,•~.:oa~~ ~•n Mbalu-Flotlll•u• •u•IM•• Oct 2 '"' ' ' ;370 PUBLIC NOTICE d0tng bu1ln111 H' Thi • b I I eated peraon flltt en ob-ol the llr•I INUanct of let-,... """'e r-1 no to • Nitme llel•ntent ' ' The Trr.n1·Tech Oroup, dllcl~ ~~ ~::O,:i~on-Jecuon 10 the ~lltlon Ind tet1 u PfOvlCled In Probett tot::,t.men" •net retlutlll• The to11ow1ng perlOnl art PUILIC NOTICI "oHUoue •u•lneH 262f Back 8ay Loop, Th rrJoot 0 Inc M ,.. lhow1 oood causs Wtrv the COde ttctton 9100 The to •oumentt· dOltlQ bullneaa u : N.,... Slale1Mnl Coata Meta, CA 92'27 ..,., ~ra ~:iiderrt 11 COUl1 thould not gr•nl the lime fOf nung c:l11m1 Ml ...!.~~~~3 ,!!_.to 'lM..,.. Or· •} Tt4eiWotld leMc". Plotntoue auetnee1 The loeowlno penons 11e Bobby Lff WaltOn, 252t .,.. • 8\11hor11y.. 001 uplre before lour .,,, __ -"' •n• '•-Ing b PayrOll Eapf .. 1. Nw ... ..,...., dOlng bullnUa.&I Back A•t Loop. Cotta tHl8 719011 A HVJllNO on lhl petl· month1 "°"" lh• t1t11ing c:amtd bY' t"9 tolowlno roll c (ACN) AUtornet9d Cr9dl\ The 1o41ow1ng pettont .,. a ~anced Video I l'llm, MtH, CA t~627 -ni11 11a11mem wu trltd lion wtn be htlCI on OCTO. date notlc:ed abo11t call vol e: COUNCIL Nttwork, 17332 Irvin• dOing t>ulfntta 11: Ohil1 1134 Ntwp<>ft BIVd .. Coal• Thi• bualntn la con- w1lh lht Coun1y Clerll of BER 111, 1998 at 1.45 PM VOU MAY E.XAMfNI! lht M•M••Rlc AYlls llvd., Suitt 101, Tuattn, Val(uer Aatoclat", 1Mll Meaa,CA92t27 ClllC\tdby:anlndlvldual Or11nge Couriry on.o..e.oa fn Otpt. 703 Jocated 11 ~1 Ille kept by the coun. If you a.,,.a, ........_..., lrloll· c.lllOfnla 12790 Placentia No 10tt, NeWl)Ort Tambttllnl Produc:llon1, CLAlalfrl•D Deity Piiot Sept. t t, If, as, THI!! C¢1TY DRIVE, OR· trt e peraon lnlec.tlltd In eon, Cow•n. NO•li Ami• lndualrlH, Inc., lCA), IHCh, CA t2M3 • Inc., (CA) 1U4 NftpOft ll'I the rHourco you Qci 2 l9" F373 ANO!, AllFOANIA t2MI. U>t tstale, you may nit None AallNTs a.. 17332 IMne Blvd.. lulse CNlt Vaaquea, 1~t Pie-Blvd., Cotta , M111, CA t I 11 · ' " YOU OBJECT to the wtlh the cOUtt 1 Rtquett • 101 , Tullln, Calltornla cenua. No 104, Ntwpon mn can coun on o •• • granting.of the pellllon, you l0t $peclal Nollet (IOfm en. t27IO IHCh, CA t2Nl Thi• 1>u1lnt11 I• tt'n-myrlrad of merchan· ahould •PPM' at lhe near· DE·t~) of tne lllng of en R . HT Thi• bu1lne11 11 con. Joie O'Huy, 1841 Pl• duct9d by: a c0tpcw1t1on di.. Item•. 1Mc:au1t Ing and atate your ob-Inventory 9N1 apprillul of dueled by: • CO!p!!Mlon cenlla, No 104, NtwP«1 Havo yc>u atat1ed doro our column• compel an apanment etlOM Of Ille Wfl11tn ob-tllate IUttt Of ol tit'/ pe. I Buy It .... , It. fflnd II. leach, CA Ntl3 Buy II .... , II. fflnd II, quallllad buyor• 10 through classified "°"' with the court t>-. tlllon °' accCM'll .. PfOo lhrou""' Classlntd ca. .. "'" Tiii• bu1IMH I• con-Cl•Hlfletl canr •4•·•••• ---------t the hearing. Y0411 ap· vlded In PrOb411• COde "°" "" • duded byl t f!'!'ll pelt· • , FIND \ . ,. I .. ' "Affordable Alternative" Discount Casket, Cremation & Burial Service Why should you subject yourself & your f amlly t paying lnflated prices for caskets & services???? . Clll Toi Pm 1.-..cAEr Senlia Oaliel S.n 'II c. ..... Newport Beoch/<:;ostoMesa Daily Pilot foaay, SeptemD. 25, 1998 11 BLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICl!S PUBLIC NOTICE$ PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUILIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES •' PUBLIC NOTICE ducted by: an lnd1Yldua1 PUBLIC NOTICE ducttd by: an lnd1v1dua1 The mets 11e1no IOld 111 c.n .. r 1 Cnec• omw Oil County of Ofenee. your attorney. t«*» ol T"*ll'• S. l.WICIW Ill'• c:hldl drlllWI an 1 IUll ;-- Have you llatltd doing Hava you ttartld dotng gentr111y daellbld • M 8'>C SLlte Or Na~onal San• Cll~ THE PETmON re-IF YOU ARE A Otec1 of TMt fie •1102 A.P, n111QN1 i.1k 1 c:hldl dtlWn ..,._ F1ctlllo"1 B"alne11 butl~H yal? No ~ctlllHI B"llntH bu1IMU yet? No in nda fllllUt eQU!Ptnent OllW!I On A SI.Ii. Or Fldet qu..u that RUTH H CAEOrTOR or 1 contin-1Unt1er t •MUl You .. ~ 1 si.-or ....... ad t.iD1 el'. Name Statement Janice S. Shallln Heme ltetement Thpmu Ke"eoglou llaOtname ~ 1use Sriioot Ano loen AssOdaboll VUKOVICH IM tppolnt: gent creditor of th• dlllli.« Ul!dlf • died of nlll a ct.a~ br 1 ... « ....,. fht following peraone are Thit •tattment w11 filed The following peraons are Thia 1tattm9flt was riled laMllold ;~ & COiie· sa-t.ngs Assoo.atJon Or 6av111Qt ed u ~ repreeen-dtcHffd, you mu•t fllt cs.s ~ 15 199' ~ .,.. UWlgl .., k*I ...:. dOlllg buslntH H : WIU'I tht County Cl~k of doing bul•llffl u : San-T wlth th• County Clerk ol nant not ID~ 8'rlk Spectlied In Ftnll'IClll coa. tatlve to edmlnlttet the your cleim With th• .... you --11*111 ID pimct '°"· 18W9 lllC ..-. Of .. ' Un.¥111lty l!tusineu Print· Or~• County on 09.CM/9e Roofing, 2039 PrHldent Orange County on 09/18!98 llld locllld It 270 S Secoon 5102 And ~llO<atdTo "t•t• of tht decedtnt. court end mail e copy to yoi1p!OCIS1y.•1n9y .. d •• 19 '** ..-.i " StdlCt'I" Ing, 4199 Campu1 Drive, t9811719035 Pl:, Co1t1 MMa, CA 92827 19911719900 llftttll S .. Cesa Mita Do Bumm In t.llllom11 Tiit THE PETITION r ... tht ptrional rtpruent• ll'dc Ull •you t..s II\ u Sf02 of 11t tlwlC:llll COdl'"' :rl• fB 101, lrvl,,., CA Delly Pilot S1pt. t1, 111, 25, Timothy A. Perk, 2039 Deity Pilot Slpi. 111, 25, CA92ftle,,., '108. ~ Will 81 M11Je WIOIOIJ queltl tht decedtnt'• tiv• appointed by the~ d .. nlLW9 cA Ile UIOnadlDdo~l\flis w~~2 w··· c..., Oct. 2. 1999 F365 Pm•dant Pt., Costa Mui, Ocl 2. 9. 1998 F407 Tiie bJlllSlle is ll'ilnoed to COliOr t111n1 Of WRarranty, hprTns WIU end ~lcil• if court wtthin four pOOMdliQ ~ JOIJ,-you 1t1t1 In 111 l'W'lnl WIOlt °""" 1 am 1~on r,.lat, 11111 CA 92627 1mp11ed ~ardino 1111 any .,. idmitted • to h f h d t ShOlid canllCt 1 i.y.r. N*I '*' ~ • ac:cecat 118 Tn.. Lakeview Lant, Co1ta PUBLIC NOTICE Thi• bu1ln111 11 .s;on· PUBLIC NOTICE be COMUITW1*ld •Iha offiee ol Posmsion. Or fncum6r111Ctt. probate The WILL end n;on~ 1 t 'r' t • • ef • '*'°Y QMW1 hi! COlllly ~ 11t m.f wlllhOld flt ....a of 1 Mesa, CA 921126 ducttel by· an lndlvlda'll TEAM ESCROW II«:. 13t51 To Satisfy The Obhgallon SI· • . Q '" uuenc• o cordl R.Mutdl, Trustll OM· .,. Tnn•• o.ct und runoa' Tt!lt busln111 la con· Flctltlo"1 •"•lntH HIV• yo~ •tatted doing Flctlllo"a •~•lntH Bt09lh.lrst st. Garden Grow, CA eureo Bt Tilt Otto or frus eny oodloil• •r• aveil· lett•!• tt• pro~~ "' SIOl'I • lnll*, « IUC1*IOI btcctrie Mlllabll ID .. Plrl9, ducted by: an lndtvldual Heme ltetement bu,lnen r.•t? No Nam• Statement ~ eno .,.. at!llOPll!<I sait heciiitd By Liwrence H Buller ebl• for txatn1"8tion In Hct1on 9100 of the ~ °' a.itll1lalMd ...,.. OI anocw.e 15 1 meaer ol njjnl Have you 1111t1d doing The lollow1ng p1110n1 ar• Timothy Patk Th• rottow11~ persons a11 a. is~ 14, 19(18 A Sln9it M.n. As Trustor tht file kept by th• Cahforrv• Prob•t• Code. Plft*ll ID ,. Otecl of Truat 5-.d a.._. be made Dul wilh .t>u11neu ytt? No dOlng buslneu as· This 1t11emen1 wes filed doll~ busintu as· Phitll)t The taik ,. rs SCJllitet ID RKCYOeis On 4111.-JO Re· court. The ttme for filing e.llCl*d by e~ w.dll an our ~ or Wlllr/t'f ... Willi1m W. Crlgltr Concept• Cr111lve, 943 With the County Clerk ol Pubtiahlng, 21 T1hot, It· Cllttomra Unlorm ~ttill cordtO As t11s1r1imtnt No 90· THE PETITION r .. el .. m1 will not expire llV'!Wllld 'llllOl'l*I GWln L Gio ll'W OI ~ raglldi'oQ -. ; Th11 11a11rnen1 w11 filed 0ogWOOd St, Coalll Mesa, Qrange County on 09/04198 vine. CA 921112 CodeSIOon 61062. 1118205 BOOll No Page OITl'le qu..U authonty to before four month• iys 1 WIOCM R8cxlidad ~11 1 :111 «~.ID v.11h lht C<>11nty Clerk of CA 92e27 · 1991!19789024 Ma11h1 ~hl~P• Roerk, 21 The name and addM1 ol Ontdal Aecoros 01 Orange edmni•t•r tht H t•t• from th• heerrn; date f~1311~ .u ~ No. ~ .. •dlll*clllW MO.ftC1 Or1ng1 County on otf2t/98 Peter Haynee, 943 0og. Daily Pilot Sept 11 18 25 TahOt, Irvine, CA 921112 Iha pe11Cn With whom Cl•ms Calltornia Tiit Total Atno"" undtr tht Independent noticed ebovt ~1 18 of ()flcilj R8c:or0s by ..i Otecl ~ ,..1 19988770320 wood St .. Cotta M111, CA Oct 2 1998 · • ,;362 Thi• bu1ln111 11 con-m1y be l~ed 15 TEAM ESCROW Secureo 8Y Said lnsb'Umtnl As Adminietretion of E•· YOU MAY EXAM-in tit ofllol ot the Q:uiiy ~ l.WICIW Wiii..,... • prOllidef 1 Dally Pilot Sept 25 Oct. 2 82827 . • ducted by· an Individual INC 131!51 Bloolalurst Sl 01 Tiie T1111t 01 ln111al Pubta· tet H Act. (Thia euttlon· INE th flt kept by Jh• eotoer of 0ranoe ~. Clll-.,.,.._ eno .. uflllllld pmdpll a 18 1998 ' F41G Thi• buslneu 11 con-PUBLIC NOTICE Hava you •tarted doing • non 01 ThlS Nouce Is ty will allow the perton •, 1 lom11 Ind pu"'*lt ID fie No-bllWlC8 o1 .. Note secured br t 't"" • ducted by: 1n Individual busln111 yet? Yes 8-25·98 Ga/den Grow. CA 92643 and lilt S256 475 59 Wlllch lndyoes al r reHntatlve to t•k• court. I you •r• • P"-ta ·ol Delll.lll af'd EJec:1tOO IO 5lld DlaCI wltl 1ne1r911 thttQI PUBLIC NOTICE Have you •tarted doing Flctltlo"' 8"1ln•H Marsha Phillps Roark last day 10< f1bno Cl•ms ~ any Tilt Total Amount DI The Un· ma:!y ecdoM without son mt.,•lted in ~~a Sel lhlf9IJl'odtt l900ldlO a IMowlld 11 Jad Ne*. -. , business yel? Yet 1/2!1/96 Name ltetamtnt This 1tat1men1 Wit filed Cll01o< S~ ~ OCtober 13; paid ~~Cl (lndUdlnQ Ac:ctued ob · _, Htete, you may It 01!111!11gg9 a ~ No. chllOll eno ~ d .. Flctltloua Bu1lne11 Peter H1yn11 Th• tonowing pertons ere with the County Cl1<k ol 1QQ8, w11cn is the llUStness day An<I Unpaid Interest) And Rta-11 t::,i:,~ ~~ c:~°.:~ with th• court a formal ~37&487 d ..i CMlall Reo-Tr\IAM llldolN .,,,.~ N•m• St•t•m•11t Thi• 11atem1n1 WIS foled doing busln•H as: Orange County on 09/04198 befOR 1hl lflllapil!o Siie O~le sonao1t ES11ma11111 Costs. h very "mportant actJons RtQUHt for Sp1c1el onl1 . .,. Sell on 11111"1ttl • f1( 5lld DlaCI ol T.,._ ~;I The lollOwing persons 1r1 Mth the County Cleflr ol ca1s1gn. 869 Arber St.. 19988789029 5'Jl('J111daboYe penst5 Ano Aavances At The ho 1 h .i Notlce of tht filll'IQ of. en th• Main (North) Enlrlnca co ow1~19D8 Coclnty RecoAft doing b11tin11s 11: Orange ~ounty on 09/04.98 Costa Meta. CA 92627 Oa~y P1rot Sep1. u . 18. 25, Oiied SePlemoet 14 19Q8 Tll'llt 01 Initial Pubttcal>Oll 01 wevert ~ • per~o'b inventory and appr••tl ttte County CollrtllOuN 700 Ret*ttl • Slid TlllS#e • Gr1d1 Check Consulting. 19988789020 Craig J Mc:Cr1ck1n. 869 Oct 2. 1998 f38& ldCIUEK. KIM Buyef{s) nus NoPCe Dated September repr~aen • V9 wt 8 of utat• .... ta or of CMcCenllfOrtvaWllt,S.ta Tllldlt DMtm 4952 ~· 177 R1v1fsld1 Dr IF, New· D1.1y Pilot Sept. It, t8. 25, ArbOf St., Coita Mesa, CA Newport Buctl.COstl Mesa . 15 1998 DlinaCarltt ASsrstaht ~equir~ to\Jve notice any pet1,t1on or account All&i Ca e11;45 A.II.•~ A\llllUI #105, ~ port Beach. CA 92663 Oct 2. 19911 . f374 92627 PUBLIC NOTICE CN411t418T·"34~J Sep 25'. Va Prestdent S-trano Reeon-o 1" erH h P•hr1on1 •• provided 1n HCUOn IOc:tiOn IO the higlltll llic* lof llNctt. Ca ~2649 (714}84o-f410 Carol Dee Aubrey, 13393 This bu1ln111 Is con-111118 \ltyance Company 4900 River· un!•11 t •Y eve 1250 of the Californie C9Sll(p1ylbill1tlhtwneof1M By JoM c ~ eo.ny Ma11posa Rd • 134, Vlc1ot· PUBLIC NOTICE ducted by: an Individual 11r1d,J Road. Suite 2870 Irwin· waived notice or con· Probate Code. A R• "' lawful ':?:!! of tie Un'18d Rtco'!1i ResNtth. TfllSlH ON viii•. CA ~2392 Have you 1t1rt1d doing &crow Ill. T-4241-J PUBLIC NOTICE aa1e CA 91706 (6261 856·4858 tented to the s>ropoaed queet for Specie! Notice Staie.). ad no~~ 110.. ll'l<l llllef· C2llno ~ t0t2 1cw 1gg& ": This bu.slness 11 con· Fletltlo"• B"1lnt11 business yet? No NOTICE TO C"8>1TDRS For Sales lnlorma11on Call eetlon.) Th• 1nd1ptn-form ia •v•ltble from est conveyed to ano now lleG • dueled by: an Individual Nemt Stettmtnt Craig J. McCrecken OF N.KULE 1714) 573·1965 Pl 12284 9118 dent admintetretion the court cltrk rl/ It unoer said DlaCI of Trust in Ha'fe you s1art1d doing The .loUOW1ng p11aons 1re Th•s 11ate1Mnl wa' filed (UCt Sec. 1105) TS No 11903628 Loan No 9/'25 10102.-38 euthority will be granted Atton~ddGI• fie PlllC*1Y s~ in Ad ---------'-bu,1ness.yet? No ' dorng business as· with the County Clerk or HOllCf IS HEREBY GMN 1190362 Nobce 01 Trys ... s unleu an 1nttrHttd IQrti S &ct · <brif and SI.lie i.eNfllr Stll your home , C1101 Dee Aubrey Coastal Communicahons, Orange County on 08 27198 1 tlllk ult ts lllOut ID be SM Yoo Alt tn O.fault Under A PUBLIC NOTICE peraon files an obiacnon Dol.h. MdncG.h 6 • de9C:nbeo t.oe 172, of Tract No throvgn ctass1hed. This statement w11 filed 222 Nashville Unit 11. Hun· 19988788313 madl 0..0 01 Trust Dalld 312~0 to the pe1it1on and H .;.... 3529 a ~ Map r9COIOed in 842°5878 ., with lh• County Clerk ol t1ngton Beach. CA 92648 Dally p,101 Sepl 111 25 Thi "-' ) and bl Unless You Tatct Acbon To CNSlt'°601 ahowe good ceuae why =y:' 18'h ~ Book 125 P1ge1 34 IO 42 ol -----------. Or1ng1 County on IM·98 Robert L Woll. 222 Nllh· Oct 2 9 1998 •F397 lddretl ~·it! selle St= Protect Your Property II May Be NOTICE OF th• court ehould not Co9te M.. CA S2Ul MiscellneOus Maps, ,, Ille 199887887 t 1 viii• Unit It. Hunllngton · • • r 1 S11ld Al A Public Sall II You P£ ION TO grant the authority Offlce ol the~ Rlcordet ol Dally Pilot Sept. 4 11 ta. Beach, CA 92848 PUBLIC NOTlCE L SONG .. ..o::JN JA Need An ExPlanadon 01 The ADM"'•·~ A HEARING on the 09/18, 09/21. 09/26 said Counry The ptapetty ad 99 • • .,.., Is buslneu 11 con· SONG. 270 S Btlstlll Slretl, Nature 01 The Proceeding -•en ti .11 b h dtest ena ottier common des!O· 25• 1 8 F3"" ducted by: an lndlllldual Flctltlo"' B"1lnt11 1108, Costa Mui, CA 92626 Against You You Should Con· EST A TE OF: pell on wi 1 eld on nabon '111'1 of the tut prtlC)lllfy PUBLIC NOTICE Have you s1arted doing Nam• St•t•m•nt Doino business as TOKYO IJCt A Lawyer Noace Is Hereby THOMAS E. ~~i~bP'rM 1~01 !)~870°j C .1 1 descnbtd e00ote 11 ~ ID ---------• business yet? No The lollowing persons 1,. BOWi. Gl\len That Tile Real Property VUKOVICH · · · 3 W · an seem o be 29l5 Pen-~ Or Cos":a Mesa Flctltloua Bualntll Roberl Woll doing business II NI ocner tllStness rwne(s) Known As 29 Sia Island Drtvt CASE NO A193943 ~c•tec:, •ot ~ ~· c~y get to all those Ca 92626 1"tla \llOelsignea Name Stettment This statement wes l&led 3GCOM. t 7 Morning addms(tS) used by Ille Ntwp0<1 Buen CA 92660 To ell htir•, btnefi· nve • . x 41 re air 'obs Trustee OtsaMnl any Ub*ly tor The lollov.1ng persons 111 With the County Clerk of Breeze. Irvine. CA 92612 tf(s) w.1hn the past tine Assessors Parcei Number 9~· . ed' • Orenge CA 9261 3· P I 11t1y 11cocrec11iess al tie P'OC*1Y doiog business es· Great Orenge County on 08128/98 Thomes Kelttoglou, 11 a stllld by Ille sellet(s) 83·029 As More Fully Descrlbld ~ieriHt er .J\0 '•· co~ 1571. around the house? addte5S ena ohr canmcW'I Fundralsere.com, 504 35th 19988788471 Morning B11eze. Irvine. CA 111 (W none sosn) Nc>ne ·In The Al>ove MtnnontO Deed ngen er 1 ora, ~ _ IF YOU OBJECT TO Let the oestgn•t.on ~ any shown S1reo1. Newport Beach, CA Dally Pilot Sept. 25, Oct 2, 92612 The loenon in C.iloma 01 01 Trust. Wiii Be Sold At Publte p~raon: w~o may !ct •.r the granting of the Cl lfl d llefein Thi '°'* llT'IOIXll al Ille Sell your extra household items in CLASSIFIED 92663 . v 16 1998 F417 This busin111 ts con· Ille Chi I execu• m of the Aucuon Al In Tn• Front 01 Th• w H . • 1ntere1t in pttltlon, you . ahould ass e \ltlPl.IO balance ol lnl obiQabOn Janice Sue Shallln 504 ' ' t Same "' 0 ce Flagpoles Al The M~in Entry the will or eat•t•, or eppeer et the hHring Service SflQJrecl by Ille P'apelt'f lo bl 35th Street . N•~port SELL selleris atlbcM Alea To The Plclcen~ CIVIC both, of: THOMAS E. and st•t• your ob1ec-o· sole! and reasonable es111'11*1 Beach CA 92563 TRADE Tht name(s) and ll.tsiness Cenlllr. 401 411 E Ch3Pman VUKOVICH tfons or file wrinen trectory costs uoanws end llCIV.as This 'bu1ln11s 11 con· adOrts1 ol the lllyel(s) JYilte A~• Placenba Calilor111a On A PETITION hH obiecuons with the help you find al the 1'nl ol ltll llllblJ OUbllca· th h I ., d your home MICKIE K. KIM. 270 s 8nstot 10,«J,«JB Al 10 00 AM To Tilt been filed by RUTH H. rt b f th h I bl h I liOO ol .,,. NotJCe cA s.. Is Sell your home roug C asst 1e "'rough class1"fied #108. Costa Mesa CA HIQll~l Bt<lder Pl'(abll At-Tile VUKOVICH In tht Sup .. cou V t ort e eer· re ia e e p. $22.7t1 29 In lddibon ti cash through ctaaslfled. 642·5678 ui Time 01 Sa11 For Cash Or rior Court of Celifornie ing. b o~r tppteranbce 642·5678 .. Trustee wtl accept a ~ 842·5078 • mey e 1n P"•on or y Policy Rtttt'!-1 and dt·udline:. an· :,ubject w change without norire. The publbh('r rr.,en.e~ the right to cen&or. rt•da., ify. t'n j.,e or rt>jc>rt an) ('la~~ified Bow to Place A CIASS~IEIJAD -Deadlines " Monday ............... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ............. Monday 5:00p~ udwrti Pment. Plea.,e report any <'rmr that may hr in your ·r1a~~ified ud immediately. Tht• Daily Pilot urcrpt~ no liahilit) for an) error in an By Fax By Phone (7 14) 642-:>b 78 By Mall/In Person: ~·~dne..,day ........ Tuesday 5:00pm (7 14) o:~ 1 -059~ \ . ad' <'rtbt'nlt'nt for "hich it ma~ tw ri-.,pon~ihle ewq>t for the •'<>.,t nf tlw .,pare actuulJ~ <X-l'upird by tlw c•rrur Cn•dit ran onl > be allowt•d for rlw fir ... t ins1;'11 ion. <Pl1·a-1· 11wlucl1• ''"" narw 11r11J ph11111~ 1111111H1·r i1111i v.1:11 1'.1U }·ou b:u·k \\ith n prn·1· 'l"ot.t") Telephone. 8:30am-5:00prn Monday-Friday Hotirs :3:30 \Vt'-..t Ba' ~trrt•t Co. ta \lr-..a C \ 0:2h2"T \r \1 \\ pnrt Rh 11 & B.1~ ::.-1 \\alk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monda)-Fri<la) Tnur_:,day ...... \\'edne::-day 5·00pm Friday ............. Thur.;d.ay 5:00pm Saturday ................ Friday 5:00pm i r::r r EQUAL HOUSING 1 OPPORnJNITY fAl1 rwal tltllt IMrtlsl•t la ._.. ....,....11111~llllleft4I 1tnl fair lttwllf Ad II 1MI • ,_.....wlllnllllkaMllltttl r It lfftrtlH "llJ 'rtltrlKI, ll•lltllH tr .iacrt•IH llH ..... 11 rlCI, celef, IWlltill, ......... tllllllltt ...... " 1111 ... 1 •rlfl•, ., .. 111te11ll11 •t• "'"' .. , "''" ,,..., .. Cl, l1111flltlll " ...,.., ..... I Tiii• • ...,.,., •Ill HI ....... *"' .., lfJlftll4i. ..... .., .... 1.-......-1111 .............. 0.l'IMlft ..,_., ltltnltff 11111 all lwelll... lfHrtlHf II ltll ~aramll*l••11 .. t """""' IJllft. Te C19o ... llllltaillllNllll.•llHUO M·na It 1·•· .. 14·-,., fi' Wat111 ...... DC"" ...... ff HU0 11 at.- ' I t I ., ffouSES/ CX>Nl>OS PDR SALB IN!IW. 1002 •V.A. * : '° Down • SO Move·ln I fr A El! Counullng : tAH Uat of Homea t fiUDN A Al!POS • 1·I00-72~67 rec•ran ..... •8'att Index 1002·1625 2900-2918 6010·6010 rJ ERVIcE DIRECTO -For All Your Home and Business Need 2102-2744 ---~018 II . ~.;·~ ell Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $28 per week (4 wk, min.) . ' . ' UI0-2790 I • • I -' IU0-1140 7011-9090 Call M_.ey at 642·5678 x246 -·--~·-fl' --- - GENERAL 1002 BALBOA COSTA MESA 1024 COSTA MESA 1024 IRVINE 1044 NEWPORT NEWPORT NEWPORT 1069 BEACH NEWPORT 1069 BEACH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PENINSULA 1007 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 1069 BEACH 1069 • Forctosed Gov Hom•• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hud, MHA, Finance Duplex 2 owner1 ynlts Avall. Call 24 hrs, mrbl/granltt, ateps to 7 d•Y• 800-555-1003.. bch, ocHn vu S7951< PATRICK TENORE Opon Hou10 109 35th St. 363· 1506/390-3308 ~'~~: c_;i~:t L~o~~ STEPS To BEACH Nttds Arel 85e·9705 Optn Sat/Sun 1-4 1 -8 O O -4 ·TEN 0 RE t 18 32nd 11 3br 2.Sba, frplc, 2 car gar $525k Owner 949-76().0163 SOLD! ShOwca11 hom11 for ••I• In our Saturdey Reel Eatat• Suppl•m•ntl HOMES OF THE WEEK Dlepl•y •d• etert •t luet t7SI OHdlln• Wed ISpm ***** OPEN HOUSE Llatln•• for t1SI 0Hdllna Thur• 5pm ***** It paya to 1dvtrtl11 In the b11t local RHI E•t•t• Section CALL TODAY LISA RIVERA 94t.574-4282 AHNE WILLEY 941-5 7 4-4249 714·99M5570 CORONA DEL MAR ••••• 1022 OPl!N HOUSI! "ODAY 10-2 0223 MARIGOLD A.VE $977,000 3801 OCEAN BLVO VRM $3.595.000·14. 1 IM,878 Prudtnllel CA Rtalty 8 ........ 200 ..... Ooe•n Vlewl on Forr••t•d Canyon. Charmttl Lot vatua 1839,900 Low malnt. 1 block to btach. Can build new, 320 Huef. CdM Hom• 759-9070 COSTA MESA 1024 Cluelfttd 11 ..... CONVSNlaNT whether you're buy· Ing, •tftlnV, or Juat looking, clUlffttd hu What Y°" nttdl CLA8811'1•D ...... 7. ' C.M. BARGAINS Eaatald• 3Br 2Ba, PARKSIDE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TWNHM FOR SALE pool home. now win· UNIVERSITY PARK 1 Ml to oceen 2 story HVH 3Br 2.SBa, <Ming Nwpt Hghts 3Br 2Ba On The Water Vltwt 0 1 5 1 t dawt, french Cloor1. OPEN SUN 1·S twnhm. $168•500 rm, d1n1ng arta, lam 400 Sq fl, d•t•ched of LICIO Channel. 24Hf n 'I 1 m nutH ~ lanCIMapt, hard1cap1 17511 Jecerende OPEN SUN 12•4 rm. nlct v1aw Call for ottlce/bonu1 rm. prof! Stcurlly. 2Br/2.59o Hoag Thre• Bl & much more. In good Oeslrabla 3Br 2Ba. 8 Lalltude Court Appl. Agent 673·5354 l1nd1cape. 405 lniine Lido Perk R•elty ~~:~ooc":,~~!r 8~~~~·0~ locn1lon for $299,900 Slngla Story. Great Owner (949> 63t_5716 or 380·9492 S515K 645·4592 Pp 949~75·2700 BHutllul GrHnbtll Earl & Judy Taylor. Location. New paint & LIDO ISLE Brand New NWPT SHORES 2BR OPEN SUN 2·5:30 with private patio, Agla C 642*"722 ~~~:~THigh S~~~~~·-3-B_r_2-.5-B_a_l_·S_t_y_h_o_r.,-e 5Br 5 581, 3753sf Ole, 2BA, Bum ct1I, 3239 CLAY ST • Haoc. pool, encloHd REDU. EDI 5Br 3Ba w/lrg yard, bonu1 rm. li1<1ng arta, 3c garagt nev.er tile roof. $3451<: Nwpt Hghta Custom gatagal Reduced to Fam rm, pool, apa, ale. owner mot1vatedl Bill On.Indy Realtor. BIU Grundy Realtors Med 3Br 2.SB• 3FP, only S147,000 • v•rdl $259,900 + COTtK!/\LTT GKOUr S425K Agent 640-1529 949·675·6161 94M75-45161 3c gar, Den/LlbtlfY, ~rf.'~'::: b~~,.'~! b:~e~,,~~4.665s~7v1~~ Big Canyon By Owner L~wHt 5prlc1• In ~~g 1<:.~~~~:~:.!~. ~~~:d~~~9.~ T~'rt':. .... In •t very low 780·1900 Eltgant·Spaclous· 2bY"o pacsout\1...._~ Ooeen'"-ont 760·5000 EICt, 30 • ---------Expended, Slngt•·Lvl n pen • .,....,, n p I o 1 ~~·ISUFYOORULECSASNTi~~ DANA POINT 1026 1·..,-1:l-W_P_O_R_T ____ 1998 Remodel. 2 +2, 56 Sea Island Or Ov11looklng th• Blue rnc ny. n n~ 2000SF, trn pvt yard1, Owner (949)720·9675 Pec1flc & Catatlna. OPl!N SUN 2 ·•130 YOU PAY FOR RENT. EACH 069 • p •11 I 3239 C' "'Y ST OP•N SUNDAY 1-4 Dplx s27s,OOO JBr 2Ba B 1 1 block lo FHhlon Is. rlct ~' emu• you - iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ttanftrtd Mull 1111 RENT Newport H • lehl • CHARMING HOME & 2Br 2Ba, 3c gar, nu ••••• $562,000. 720·1248 C1tm Mad 3Br 2 &It ~nt, roof.'493.0781 er Prudential 3FP, 3c gar, Otn, L6 backyrd on CUl·d•· '498-7049 J.Wtbb, Bkr OPEN HOUSE * B I G c AN y 0 N through classlt1ed ClllllNll..... Library. ln••d• lndry aac In qultl residential ' FRIDAY 10·2 HOMES S400K·S3 Mi 111 Tim• Olftretl ~·.~hd~~~<>gd floor•, ~H-U_N_TlN __ G_T_O_N___ Call Agt 714·504-4607 941M23·8120 •Seller w II entettm BAVCRl!ST or 714-832·0020 IC102 . ~~·,~~ OLDl!R TRl·PLEX prtc;ea betwttn11 bright •nd airy. ·~•lier BEACH 1040 1350 HAMPSHIRE c1n,~,..,..,,=:----:---:.,,.,-~'\.~ 100 Block In NB $47 0.000·1489,00Q wlll entertain ofl•t• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VRM BLUFFS tnd unit 3br 780.!IOOO X 3538K betwttn $199,000 and $739,000-S840.876 2 Sba 3 patios. 1a1nt Good •trttl ·~ ia' Prine Onty ' 1229,000 •MODEL HOME• grHnbtll S448'"K ~ $485K Agtnt 175·1120 · l.ANCE BOGGS lmined movt In 3br LINDA ISL• •Open S"n• 1~1 ~ -· .. ; To plact an ao in Pool Home 3Br 30., COAST NEWPORT 2 Sba. 177311 home, 2 84 LINDA ISLE 2127 Vitia L•••do .,,;-;:.o• Cl•Httt•d .~:.0n~:4:.~oo c°i;= llt"OP•RTIES 11ory lnel d•tachtd 2 VAM Owner 941MS44·01'72 IVE ON THE Catt e42-Se78. 949·717 ... 740 car ger wtopen air Iott S2.895.000-S3,194,8781 ..... .,.....,.-..,.,.....,,.,.,,...,.,..,.....,.,.== llWI ~TER OR BE ~;:~~~lat c!2',.'!art •I! liDS• 3 LEFT abovt gar. Upgredes BRANO N~W HOM• ~ 5 new hom•• direct throughout, corner lot, HA.9'80R RIDOIE 5Br 5Ba, 4 dacka. aJc, VERY CLOSElll Westclltt·DO'ller ShOr4lt lrom bullder 3br 2 Sba park view. $4821"0 t CHEABOURO c gar. Biil Grundy 5BA. 4BA., 2900 aq 11 .. ett call'• AC, 2 car 714-848·8410 VRM • Hllora 949·618·818t appro• 0000 11. 1ot1 $648,000-$748.878 •r Ownet 18IOK gar. Prices from the _ ....... _______ •BRAND N•W Nt'119r Balboa flMwport (7141124·7341 - l\l;h S200'a 'T22-tl120 IRVINE 1044 HARaO" VllW lived In. Guard attd Daa1tu0 tnc.._~·--!7_14 t3M1U ,'! ••itoi 3Br 2.sea, FP, --~HOMO Bonita canyon. ...er,~-,m~lii'!::'llwn . ._,,, _-_ · 2c vereo•. 1241.900 2001 Pon Brtatot 48•, 3c gar. S78t,OOO-2BR 1 BA Eitabllthed 1$19 1S3 M•n•• Yl•t• SSH,000 HH,000 720·1241 rp '2000JMO tMO Winter & By Ownr 949~9 No room left CH•RRY LAK• ••atbluff 38, 2.Ha 38R ... 2.58A Y~ R .... la 1•1161 Chermtn; 3BR In lht g1ragt 2520 Laite Park Ln 2·Sty, V'"' IO<I on POOOIMO tMO Ocelintront a Hom• on ovtt tOOOSF tot lht car? 1770.too grnblt, 13&01<:. Marbor 3BR ... 2BA ,..., ttte leecft corner lot w/glant gar. RHtty •~~400 ~ .. YIMLV 11200to12100. ~i!:. ~~ ,:_:~~.J"1':! A call to Pr"oen1111 CA At11ty l .. t,tuff 11 ... -Buyl 38R ... 2BA d•t•ll•. IH8,000 clffelfled can ~~00 38r+He-t FA 1-Sly $2900(M()"....-.v xtnt Loo !wt & Judy _.._ Fhrer-Oreet loeatlC>n 1ru9) 873 RENT Teytcw, Agta '42-472~ ____ ._._,.;...;.. ___ ""--------_.._"°9t< ___ r_»_1_1_04 __ a_1r.r \rt • I On the movet u Sell your t>ttra _ household Item a ln Classified ' Friday, S~ptember 25, 1998 Newport Be"ach/Costo Mesa Doily Pi -NEWPORT ~OAST NEWPORT 1010 BEACH RENTALS TO 2169 SHARE EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FURNITURE 6014 PIANOS & ALFA ROMEO 9015 ISUZU 9100 JAGUAR 212 4 S 53 0 5 53 O iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 RGAN S 605 9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii&I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 72"X 42" pine lbl, S400:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '82 QTV 8 '99 RODKO 4•4 ... X.19 Sedan 811'1gle Famll~ Home •Wlllln9 to •hare A«:ounting PAYROLL/ Biie & .,.ht 9' X '2' Bab~ Grand Plano 97,900 ml, str•lghl Auto, wht full pwr. (18•37"5)$38,9 .. .. ... " .. OPl!N HOUSS FRIDAY 10·2 180 LCSSAV In Balboa. Spaclo-.a Be•ullful hom• You Staff Accountant ADMINISTRATIVE L shape couch & chr eeaut.11,11 f1n1ah, nice hody, run• greall (33071•) $l7,977 BAUl!R JAGU cttm dHlgn 3br 2.5t>a ·get 2br. private bath, Newapaper printing ASSISTANT St5Q. 721·9736 whlle keya, In tune, St60C/obo 548•1323 LKXUS <7t4>95~eoo outside deck w/ap•. office. kit, lvng·rm, and publtahing com· Payroll essl1tanl and Dedrm Set e plec • 1acnr1ce S1850 MISSION Vl&JO •ee XJe S•dan 2e gar, FP, w/d hk·up, pool, plenty of prkng pany 1eek1 lull tlm• ofl1ce admlnl1tra1or. c:omtempor•ry bak 7 1••52 7 ·O 9 O O AUDI t·t•••t·••·L•XUS (98•3940)S38,9 Ava.I Oct $2850/mo. $975mo profl or cou-Stall Accountant to Full time i:iosltlon. Job good condition, $500 9025 •95 Troop•r LTD 8AUl!'R JAQU Pam, 862·9743 Agent pie prefd, avail 1111 assist In month end duties Include: as11S1· (9'9) 631·3108. I••••••••• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 4)1(•, 2 1Kml, auto, (7 14)953·4800 t ORENELLI! Th• Bluff• Ill• & open 22nd/Tustin 846·3255 clo11ng, journal en11les Ing with payroll for .....;._..:...;... .. -,.-C----1-,88 QT d (3PA0583) S20.550 ~ •• =.~x~J~8~V~P~S,,.;d~n ...... $595.000 3Br 2Ba By Appl!•--_..;...;..._____ and l1r.anclal •l•t•· mid-size company Leath,•r uni ream sob~· GARAGE SALES 2dr, re • all L•XUS OF (98-4081)$41,9 ·-menta. Also perform end eicec:utive ofhc• char, rec iner, mar •,,.•••••••• recorda, C/O •tereo, W•STMINSTl!R BAUER JAQU $4$2,~00 23 AUVEROI! 8 •1•28 & Sun·27 RENTALS P.eneral accounllng .edmlnistrallon Please coll•• table, mlcro.r• 200k ml, 51900 obo f714t 892·4S908) (714)953·4800 2204 Fortuna $2200/ WAN~D 272• u 110 1 cl di send resume 10 Ac· Best Oll•r 721-0048 1tlnt cQnd 949-723·7111 " s279,ooo mo La•. 925•323·7879 u ; v nc: n' n u ng ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bank and B/S ac· 'ountlng SupervlsOf, Moving S•I• Antique CORONA--Prudenual CA R;ally Waterfront house for•• counta reconciliation, PO BOK t5.60, Costa d1n1ng table, 6 cha111, g 3 JAGUAR 9105 JJ!EP , . ... 0 44.9200 rent .ahort term Oct Bel.P•nn S749,000 401k admm and coor· Mesa, CA 92828 or c•lna cabinet, f<lmball DBL MAR 6122 BMW 0 0 v ..... thru Oec. 2br 2ba, RFesta8U1~nt on t Loll dln•tlon end •P•clal you may laic rHume piano & misc 760·8G08liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ••'83 x •e VP•• '91 WRANGLl!R Black, 4X4, low ,, fully lvrn•d 873·0414. or 8 • or •91•. projects. Thia 1)011llon to: o •97 7401L LOADED & "' •• Detached 3BR Hm• Agent Call 675·8120 requlree BS degfH In (9491 642•7667 . Necchl ••w'g mach am Sau Moving and UL TAA CL ..... NI ·sancerr•' corner tot .. 1•••••••••llCOSTA MESA E/SIOE accounting or finance, Reaume sho Id in In oalc cabinet 5300, turn ulel W/O, aec· MINT CONDI DARK Blk/tan, 80,000 ml. upgrades, beaut yard,I' •Want to rent• 2br one or two year •KP•· elude salary hlatory: HP color 550 printer tlonal, dining table :5~.~: 9'~~~0.8~d8 drives llke • dreamll 6 cyt, s1000. Fir (949) 720·9417. S410K Sat-Sun 11·5 APARTMENTS house or Ilk• hOuse. rlenco preferred and Physical/drug screon· for Mac worka goodt etc .. 2323 BayslQe Or. S4100/0BO 648·1323 : 163 lesaay 721·5821 FOR RENT Xlnt rera & credit. proficient In PC skills Ing required. EOE. 575 (949) 842•0808 Huge aalel Toys, furn, '97 z.3 Convt '84 XJS Convt 2DI--........,----- • summit Gated IUJC end l col 949·642·0408 (Eiccel. Lotue 1·2·3 _P_O_S.._T_A __ L_S_T_O_R_E_P_/T_ p.,quet top OR table/ china. record collec· Auto, lull pwr, CO, (94·3973)$35,995 1• uni\ l..gest TwnhH 3br and Wo1d). Good ben· ftlail counter, fleic hrs, &clJatom upholstered, lion, 453 Morning (882339) $28,971 aAUBA JAGUAR , 30a, on 2 greenbella _____ _:_-=~1'111111••••••-•flt pack•g• Including ei>ply' 3535 E. CoOlst hlghb111::k ch•lrs S2~5. •Canyon .Rd sat 8·t2 Lexus 1714)953·4800 • s,,.u11~r1 S389.9K BALBOA ' COMMERCIAL '401k rellremont plan. Hwy. COM 873·2930 (714) 723·4633 vard Sat• 422 Orchid MISSION VIEJO '85 XJS Convt 20 ___ _.;... ___ _ • A / 720 7078 prug acreenlng/physl· Q 1 ' l949)394·0884 ., ) S ... 1 .. 9 • • gt . wn•r . ISLAND 2608 R~ llT ESTATE cal required. i:.o.e Premier Ace Hardware ue•n • it• sleeper Sat only 7·2pm. Every· (95·39 ... 5 ..... 0# .1;.AL Send rHume 10. Ac· Retailer has.openings aofa,,]tlnt cond. needs thing under. the aunt _____ ......_ ___ , BAUER JAOUAR G • t t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii counting Supervisor, for Hardware HIGI cleaning $250, recliner •••••••• CADILIAC 9040 .....,........,,..;.<7...,.1..,.4..,,,l9_5.,,.3_·...,48,....o_o__,,..,,,. e 0 , MOBILE Studio w/no kite. 3 PO Bo• l560. Costa assoc & cashiers. Flax good condition SlOO '99 XJ12 Sedan 40 the basl ::HOMES 1100 doors from So. Bayt---------MeH, CA 9262e or scheduling, benellts1 ____ 9,..4_9_·8_•_5_·0_8_5_8_ (98·4080)S48,095 ?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil fr1. S500/rt10. Avail COMMERCIAL true to (949) 831·7248 package Call Orck 111 Sea foam green 3 pc NEWPORT '79 Eldorado Convt BAUER JAOUAR .~CM Pl•'l/POrt 2Br 298, Oci 1 (8t8) 247-2446. PROPERTY 2778 Crown Ace Hardware lthr H $650 GE W/O BEACH · 6169 Classic full pwr, new (714)953·4800 ABC'S Appolntm•nt ••ttlng 3107 East Ooasr H""" $100pr 27 cf 1lde·1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMil lrans. looks & runs..,..,... __ ,..,._,_,,,,,,__..,......-~ " 20•52. $15,500 Spaco ---------dependable people CdM 949·973·2800 side trig, cream s20011 greet $6700 644·9943 '98 XJ12 S•dan 40 ! ~ ren1, $400 55.-Her· BALBOA NEW 2000af bldg. In needed M·F 5·9pm ---------iclnt cond 759.3066 • Qarag• Sale* (96·3962)$48,995 Attic., , • bor Realty 873·4400 PENINSUIA Z607 Cannery Row. fronts avg $15hr NB 723·7893 Retall/Whol••al• Household Items. BAUER JAGUAR 2 atreets neict 10 Baby•lttar needed' ror ham• accessory & 1---------toys. books, videos FORD 907S ___ (;..7.,...14.,...);..9..,,5_3_·4.,..8_0_0_..., basement., Mc Donald's For tse tOyr old girl Mon -Fri. :~~:r!~;-'~'!;1~~0;'~~~~ MERCHANDISE etc .. Sat only 9-3pml iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '90 XJO Sedan 40 Studio $600 priv patio Owner/Agt. 631 ·7433 2;30-$:30. Be friendly, evp req'd computer MISC. 6015 806 Harbor Island Or. • .. 1 Ford rconolln• (96·3941 ) $45, 99 5 and close quiet ere11. winter responsible, have own " H V H Q ... .. BAU•R JAGUAR rental parking avail u111 ---------good trana/ctean OMV literate, PT/FT. Fa•jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • • •• arau•. ••1• Van All window bu• "" then get Incl no pet .673·1568 INDUSTRIAL 2788 resume 949-675-5606. Furn, toys, baby Jog· Clean $2000. or best -,,....,......,.;,<7,...,1~4"-)9...,53,,.....""..,.8-0_0--:'= Atta 714-565·5665-day 6" Craftsman Joiner 1 ""' 2 CEMETERY LOTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sales ger, m sc. 1951 Port otter. 714·632·033e '90 XJS Sedan 40 some cash. Harbor Lawn, CM.---------l BEAUTY supply/talon COME OROW $125 Laurent 7•11 Sat (98·3934)$30,495 52200 for both or best CORONA LOW RENTI tndustrta Recpt/Sal•• Tues· WITH USI '89 SALEEN fully BAUER JAQUAR 842-8878 ' CEMETERY LOT/ 'CRYPT 1225 65 6 8 space w/olllces, 2200-Sal .. 35 hrs per week. 675·8283 Larg• All•V Sale Sat. IQaded, 1 owner. (71 4)953-4800 L._ _______ _ otfor 949· 1· 11 . DEL MAR 2622 4600sf 76cent sf NNN Call Leslie. 437·9026 E1epandln9 retail ad-1...,..--,,,---=---9/28 8·2pm. Rocking I I t 46k I -----------'---------- • ' PACIFIC VIEW • 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jackie (714) 673-2754. vortlslng deportment Juat10rea t Firewood chairs, dryer. appll· c$7e2a,!10• IC n c7o5n9, 3,.3m3 seeks a sell motivated Avo d the rush! Order onces. collectlbles. " • v SALES , .:td101nln9 plots Buy 1 STUDIO Incl . garage,'•••••••••• II or all tour 25% below walk to beach. vrewl11 Chef, prep cook/ account eicecutlve to nowl $135 a cord, 575 clothes & much more! ---------1 WE'RE GROWING! I 6 .... 7 .,76 / di h h sell, develop and ser· t /2 cord. Delivered 3004 Cliff Drlv• HONDA 9085 rol•u PP v ... • <o1 700 mo. We are a Fair BUSINESS & s was er needed I I t d 1 H I Id f h h I v ce new business roe o your r voway SAT 29th • .... 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HOUSES/ CONDOS I FOR RENT GENERAL 2102 o us ng prov er. or yac t c art er ng and special sections. 714·885· 1432 • 714·348·8424 FINANCE co. Top salary for we prefer a candidate 1223 W Bay tn the prof's. Exp'd and to have a minimum or We re1iredl Lots of alley, between 12th & '91 CIVIC LX well P.roomed per· 1 1 d good bus. clothosf Sz 13th NPB Peninsula Lo ml. auto, AC, COSTA MESA 26241-........ :....-------sonne . Please caH Y1 e1 a r Pr n l. a · 42 sport coats, 36·38 Houa~hotd Hems (2VCE t 55) $8,888 N vert s ng eicperience. slacks. Womens sz · LEXUS OF BUSI ESS 949·875·5583 Excellent communlca· 10·l2 sulll, dressea, .. •••••••• WESTMINSTER •Coata M•••'• BHt OPPORTUNITY lion skills. Ability to blouses etc. 2024t• (714) 882·0908 Jr·1br & 1br, •lso 2br 2904 C aet goals and make Al A CM c TRANSP 0 1 t>a, quiet nated ONTROLLER 20 yr professional present•· ISO ve all 4 ORTATI N '92 ACCORD EX • 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii telecommunlc•llona appt or Fr1·Sal 8-4 •••••••••• comm, pool, tennls.1• Co. 11 looking for an lions In a last paced 642.0808 AT, full pwr, moonrf. ••SY •cceas 10 •••••••• •KP'd controller. and detall oriented en· (3BJA564) $10,550 treeway/beach/malla. Please be wary of out Please fax resume to· vlronment. LEXUS OF Wanted people wlrh __ 7_1_4-_5_5_7_.0_0_7_5_ or area companies. (714) 540:1800, Xlnt benefit package, WANTED BOATS 7011 WESTMINSTER IE 'SIDE 2Br tBa. 1c Check with the loca11-_;.,;...;.....;.:...,;;..,;.~.;..;;..;;..:..;... including 4011c. Orug TO BUY 6019liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil (714) 882·8908 designer t1.1rn1ture to 8 e 118 r 8 u 11n••1 Counter pers~n FT/PT screenlngfphysical re· ____ _..,...,,........,....---1 11ve 1n oc·1 finest gar, w/d hk·ups, No Shi h I ed EOE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SIHCiLE KAYAK '93 ClVlC EX homes. for a fraction Pets 2390 Elden lllC, Bureau before you P•ffrm. kp, fpl onde,s. qu r · · f Scupper Pro. W lh AT, moonrl. mint Fast ~ Southern California cmmunity newspaper cha1n has Immediate oppommitlea available in Ventura. Ul6 Angeles, Otange County, and the Inland Empire {ex ADVERTISING SAtES REPRESENTATIVES. 5875 Mo 645-4585 send any money for o c wor • r en Y Rosumes via ax: At· I BUY ALL PIANOS of normal rent fees or service•. Aead1 ___ o_4_2_._0_2..,e_2_N_B_ tentlon, Lynn Esola Antiques·qual furniture P•~:ci~ .aJ17~.2~~~er, <3CHB412> '10•950 714·680·5110 *MES A \IE RD E * and understand any Dellv•ry person CM, 714·650-4802 or malt: lpc or houseful ca.sh WE~eTx~,~~iER We offer. base &alaly + oomn:ussicll, ~ twnhm 2br lba lamrm contracts before you afternoons. Great for Times Community paid (714) 957·8133 benefits package llldudmg 401(k), and BALBOA laun hkups. no pets sign. Shop around tor studont or Hnlors News, 330 West Bay Old Colna Cold Silver!••••••••• (714) 892·9900 $1000/mo 751-4330. rates. Approx 4hra per day. Street. Costa Mesa. Frankll11 Mint, Sterling AUTOMOBILES ---------1 supportweworkenworunenL PENINSUIA 21.07 ....,N:":'e-w-":"1v-=R,...e'='tu-r~b""'ts'""'h,...•-d~1~A::..;1.:.;I P=-u-rp-0-.-.-10-.-n-.-58.50/hr 20cent per _c_,A. __ 92,.....,,...62..,,.7 ____ ...._._-Old watchH & jewetrY• .. ••••••• HYUNDAI 9090 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1 Br 1 Ba In lovely •Fast Approve I . mile. must havo own *SEC OFFICERS* Wes1cou1 Com 642·9446 1• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Submit CXJVer letter, resume, and salary histozy to: , Exec Och Hm lurn gated commty. walk •Flnanclel Speclollst vehicle • proot of 'lmmed openings, Callfornla(.ommunltyNewsr~tin.n -30,100n'Spa 540001 t o theater/shops. 1·888·074·0401. Insurance. Charles Costa Mesa $6.50 HR RECORDS/TOP$ ACURA 9010 I want to buv en '62 vv•yva....., I private gar/carport. • 540·8911 • (310) 679-2615. J<lzz, R&B, Soul, Rock or ·53 Toyota pickup 425 W. Broadway, Suite 1300 -Mo. Agt Mar a Harbor $"'951 ($425 d ) fie .. 50'• &. 60's Miko '"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii QI d I C 04 Roalty 673·4400 x l 19 y mo ~ . ep Denta l Assl•tant Security Officer• 645· 7505 I• 4X4 long bed Ask for en a e, A 912 Kleln Management Fronr & back duties. lmmed openings F/PT '96 INTECiRA Jose 949·650·7149 ATl'N: Human Resources • •Oceanfront at 19th 940 581 4000 S I I Ed I I 949 "'02 0025pgr • • Fountain Valley area. Costa Mesa, Tustin 1--------:'-'--P e c a t on . .,, · Or Fax: (818) 548·8897 Furn. 3Br 2 5Ba. FP. · 714·963·5034 (714) 993_9028 PIANOS •· 1025806) $17,997 vu nu cpl. awosomol ---------°' &..EXUS ---------1 Wlrn111«1.11~~ ~rb:Jm:MD>o $1095 w1ntor 673·t943 FOUNTAIN DRIVER PT must be Server• ORGANS 6059 MISSION VIEJO ISUZU 9100 I ~==;a'd~====~Sl~LO.st=u~.-=ID.tse==i. - --------1 VALLEY 26311 21' ruponslbl• & Full & Pr positions ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (949)384-0664 "'II , know how lo read a avallabto. Ap ply al I• 1----=;.....--:;.,;:.......;.....;;..~- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii map book Flowor the Five Crown a 2122 Studio. murphy bod. lrlg, new cpl, $525 mo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1ncl'I 1.1111. 1 quiet per- CORONA DEL MAR • 439 B•gonla 3Br son, rt pets 266·0354 2 5Ba Very nice lronl : house w grl deck tor _N_E_W_P_O_R_T ____ _ • enterta1n1ng. 53000 • mo Lea:i.e 1erm nego BEACH . 2669 : Jell E w1 1g 7 18· 1 550· I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _,MMA~ LO 3BR 3BA HSE 2c gar. W 0. Ing. FP, blk 10 bch, , S22~0 See Sat Sun t · Clean 3br 2ba den. marble granite ocean view. 2t>r 2ba, Studio ---------.-l 363· t 506 or 390·3308 CREDIT 2907 _ 4p, 2810 Seav•ew Ave --------...--Ave11 10 1 673-7975 DUPLEX Upper Unit S taps to sand. lg new iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ' <:OSTA MESA 2124 BACKBAV TWM kit. 4Br 2Be, sunroom, 2c parking. S2800!mo. yHrly. Call 673·6900 Ext. 105 Asl< for Goly Sin9lo·Story 3Br 2Ba. ••••••••• 2c gar, FP, private yd, MISCELLANEOUS new paint & corpot, GET OUT OF DEBT! !f e can hel.J.?! • Credit Cords ConwUdatcd pool and tonnls RENTALS $1650/MO VACANT , , Donald Pfa ff ••••••••• 714-433-9528 • Paymtnt5 Lo1mtd • Interest Rtductd •Harassments' StupPid • Hablamos Es iwl -Coldwell B<lnker ROOMS 2706 C HARMING E SIDE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cottage 2br t ba WO hkups. no pets $1150 Fr•• room & board $850 sec 645·2 t 46 m exchange for house duties Mature couple LIKE A HOUSE Lg will share their beaull· 1 Br 1 Ba huge yd Gar lul hOUH In NB Wllh w 'opener Nr Trl·Sqr compatible person. S650 949·852·9939 No 1<1ds. 2 dogs. Call 1-----------I 5 1 4 ·8 3 l , or fa ic. MON'll::Y resume 10 574-8334 " Shop In HB 040·2634 between 2'.00-4:00pm Gen Othce P/T, 8·12 M· 3801 E Coast Hwy. F Reep I, filing. II TEACHERS t>l<pg, computer Toddler & PT Pre Smell plea'lMll $1u· scnool teachers dto, Sena res.: Ron needed In NB Exp re· Yoo Arc:t11tocht 500 quired B•neflta Jasmine Avo Corona 955·2872 def Mar. Ca '2625. ra11 949-6-44·04•9 --------- ronyeo • aol com EMPLOYMENT Ho•t.1HosteH SERVICES 5533 Full & PT positions iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii avaltable. Eicper d Apply Flv• Crowns belweon 2 00·4.00pm 3801 E. Coast Hwy. Mariners Christian School nee ded lmmed 2nd Orad• Teacher Must have •••••••• Please be aware that the listings in this cat· egory may roqurre you to call a 900 number 1n which there Is •• charge per mlnulo. crodenlfal, Eitp pref'd •••••••••• Dav Car• Aid• L:IO.Bpm Fax resume MERCHANDISE to Jan 71~37·7976 ••••••••• NO LIMIT Cash Oa1ty ---------Morkellng firm needs ANTIQUES help for rapid growth 6010 s 14· S2 t to •tart, Many iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Po111ion1 Aveitable •Sales • Management • Customer Svc •Model• • Or111ers Call Todavt S tart Tomorrow 714.375.0491 IVORY EKqulslle hand· carved chrnase cheu set·old-one or a l<lndt Owner 673·62t2 . TO LOAN 2914 2169 _R_E_Nl_AL_S_T_O___ Chances are iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SHARE Financial woea have you will find NEWPORT BEACH 18R 1mall kll, patio, 2724 vo" on your to••? what you need ott street prl\g. unfurn. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii We provide loana al the price _ ~ 735, mo. (melds utls) CM E side, 3br 2ba hse regard I••• ol credit you want to pay _Agent Call 744·7765 own ba, prof maleo, hlatoryl No lee. NS/pets sssomo ulll reasonable r•te11 when you read ..:lBr 1 Da TWNHME Incl 650·69« 1·877·566·9719 ClaHlfled -S 1295/mo New crpt, ..,....--------t c ell gorage, near CM near Triangle dally Gelsons. Bkr 640·5664 Square. Share condo,l•••••••••·----.:8~4~2::.·..:5~8::.7.:..8=--- $400mo + utll. No S/ PERSONALS ·· 2Br 28• nr FOlshlon 11. Peta. (714) 646·8370 a/c, 2c all gar. comm. CM Sh NI 4 b pool. No pe11. $1695/ ar• c• r mo. 640.1529 westslde home. $400 ---------Incl ullla + all amen. MEMBEDSHJPS BACK BAV 3br 2.6ba, 240011 lg yd, gardener Pet ok S2400mo (949) 640·7262. Avail lmmed 650-9070. &\ 3018 NB private room1ball'I Oce•nfront 3BR 3BA r•r• yearly rental on the aand. turn S3550/ mo ·unlurn $3450/mo. In home. Kitchen & I••••••••• laundry priv, lovely qu1e1 1oca11on ssoomo EMPLOYMENT Broker 949·642·3850 645· 1258eve/wk-•nds. ••••••••• I NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT 2669 BEACH NEWPORT MARINA APARTMENTS 2669 Bay(rooc communitr with ~•ta badi 8t aarina. TroplcaJ ltndsc:tpl.og·~ Luli ~ ~ fllll dcd&. Walk to BtJbO't hi.ad ahOJ'! M1t1utu from FuhJoa bla.OcL • Spac:IOtU f OR, 2BR Ud lBR 8t dai apu. • Mrttt pee.lot Of kkooiu •Wood b•mleWP' rtrtplaca • MYltC p,.a • Boat aJipe_ aftllablt · • 11650 Sl600 No l'dl Plca.te call (949) 760-0919 EMPLOYMENT 5530 Accounting A/P & CHh Dlabura•ment • A9•1•t•nl Newapaper publlalllng . and printing comp•ny .. •kl r•gular pa11 time 24 llOure per we•k pe1aon On• year ••P•rl•nc• pre· ferr9d E O.E, drug· fr•• & amokefre• work •nvlronment. Send r•• eum• with NJary his· tory to : Accounting Supen111or, PO Box 1UO. Cotta M .. a. CA 92U8 or tu to (94SI) 142·7240 1 BEHR ... Ht II._ ' loo I • <., ~ 1.,, .. •, .WANTED POTTERY S.U.r, Catalina, Mlrblttltld, Roollwood, Roseville, luktns AndrHon, Ptwtbk:., S.E.0., Pollln, Hitrltr, tnmect Cathi TRADE fllf0ugt1 class fled 842·5878 There's never been a better time to· buy or lease! Save thousands todayl ~·· ('Z)otdsmoblle Orange County 's Best Stock of Cargo Vans! Ol.DSMOlll.E OO>IUAC GMC 11UCK Our ml~ Scning Your Famil).1 Since 1947! ALERO IS HERc; .... Friday, September'l5, 1998 13 :; ~8QSSWORP PUZZLE ~ TODAY'S LEXUS 9115 TOYOTA 9 2 10 VANS 9 2 25 VO~SWAGEN 9235 ~~ROSS St -·llU By OWl1.ES GOltEN wUh OMAR SHARIF and TANNNf HIRSCH • ' '82 LS 400 Nakamichl, thr whll, (3XST621) S19,950 Ll!XUS OF WESTMINST ER (714, 8 02·8008) '98 COROLLA 30K ml. auto, AC, (456947t Sti.sso LEXUS O F WESTMINSTER C71 4) e e2-8eoe '77 Volk•w•e•n •u• 'M .l•tt••OLS erack 2Ltr. 4tpd, anrl, OfN I 82Kmi, cln, anti, am body & interior, 7 pa• fm ca u. new tirea, ••' aenger. runt great! baga. 1001tml pow· $950 obo 831-0757 entan warranty, mall'lt. I Citcumlef~nca 52 Shenlf• group PREVIOUS PUZZLE l<>t.VED -']. MincHeeding 53 NOiiy blfd n .. ,abbr. 56 1$ Sick :-.to Blundef s1 Cobbfe(a 1oo1 PLAY OR DEl'f:~D? Both vulricrahle. S11Ulh deal~. tlK' only entry lo Jurumy. Suppo~ fOU elcctct! lo play. After rulllng the 01~nang leaJ. )UOr chance-. ore ro hnd !.pa<l1:i. 2· 2 or. if lllty spht 3· l, 10 '8 4 ES 300 Low ml. CO, chrome. 4X4 . 922 1 (0' 4580) $' 7, 777 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '83 ~~rd •·UJO van H achedui.d. Muat converaion t owner ••II 111 5 de Y • I •Int care, autolover: $12,000fobo 17S-7571 drive, CC, AJC, new or 299-7881 r4 Noah's 58 Sen1imem.; mounlain song • 15 Wedding•page 62 Lezy NORTH • QS1 . LEXUS OF WESTM IHSTl!R '89 FORD BRONCO (714) 802·8908) XLT Loaded w/Equlp bat1Jl.ifH & 89'VW:ioQ1------....-.;....;;.;....._ & emog ready $2100/ ANTIQUES 8t ot>o (714) '497·5064 • wocxl 63 Look at • '-16 Jane Austen 64 Time of the Q J IU984 o K 2 liod the play1,;r holding 1hn:c: trump~ 1---------$5900/080 949·723·1504 '84 DODO• 3SO CLASSICS 9250 \llith long heans as ""ell. c11~h thu MITSUBISHI 9145 --------1 Beverly converalon ~-glaci8fl 17 Bewildef 65 l och -• 874 t8 Shiny me1a1 monster \Q -polish 66 St1111e 20 l:>a1es 67 Preacher's tallc WEST EAST 6 • 97 4 occ-~ing or trump~. then play off 1tic IOfl he:uK If a defender cannot run. you cn1er dummy with lhe 4ueen or <>pudes anJ take two club discard<; on thl: .good Ileane; Vnfortunatdy Ea<n 92 Pl-.mo nt• Sdn Nu tlrea tr&n, brakes. all pwr, 4 dr, run JCll'lt $6000 673· 1200 FIND an apartment through crassttled van. Pw,, dual alt, •ea MALIBU 87,900 ml, 1 owner, SUP•RSPORT A records. S5SIOO.obo. reaJ aharp red beauty! 723·15~ S8900obo 723·1S04 23 Potters' dev1ees 26 AA!. auggesuon 27 Develop 28 Mine entrance 29 Actfess Frano1 30 SchedlJle info 31 ~ntry peraon 33 However • ~Trim lhegtah ' I 37 Cook'I ufeoM : 38 August sign , ~ Unooln'a lliOkNme 40 o.rdner of films , 4 t Chletlen -king 42 VoNo or Saab • 43 Conundrums : 45 Boy , 48 8eglM1ng for ·school" ' 4 7 Monthly cost 48 Fragment DOWN 1 Chew the 181 2~r 3 Farm animal .c Some absentoe P'JQlls · 5 Hinged • fastening. . 6 Pan ol a 11a1t 7 Thing 8 Fishing deviee 9 Coolined 10 BioloQical tlaSal!ic::ahons I 1 Musca1 native • 12 Slups 13~ 21 Speak8f 22 Tangled 23 Greel\ lett8f 24 Flawless 9l'M C1 .... UMec1Fee11n~· 2S Tropteal Vll\8 4!7 Slips 29 Do a bread-"6 Conleranca ma~ chore ~8 Beau 30 Jazz pianist 49 Reprimand Blake 50 Creeks 32 "l:il Abnet" S 1 Not so high CteatOf 52 Locaoon 33 "Wheer 54 Hops dlyer fol~er 55 Secred bord of 34 Guys · Egypl 35 P1uenas' 59 Qn Ille -1n needs flight 36 Squander 60 Long, long - 44 More amusing 61 Lair ... 10-... 1-1-1"!'2--'"" 763 Q 52 0 J 10 6 3 <> A 9 8 7 5 4 •K J 93 •QIO SOUTH ruff$ and, 111 1he fullness ,or 111ne. you 1--------- mu\t also concede a club -Jown • AK J 10 8 3 ~AKQ o· Vold '•A 65 ~ The b1ddin11· SOUTH WF$T NORTH f'..\Sr 2• Pass 3• .,. .. ~ .o~. . NISSAN ·-9150 '9 5 P ethflnde r·LE Low l'fll, euto, fthr • 12MT0368~ s1e,sse) LEXUS OF . WESTM INSTER (714, 892·8908 6• Pass "1.1.~ ra~ Opening lead: Queen of o • • Ho" ever, do not be in too m~h of a hurry to Clpl in favor .or the dcfon~ .Suppose that. ins1end ·or n1ffing· 1bt li~t trick. you discard the queen 'Of hearts! Now you can ruff the dia· mond continuation and, after cashing the ace and king of spade,, play otl Lhc (WO lop heartt. When ooth PONTIAC 9170 Jc.:fcnd.:r~ follow, cross 10 the queen liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi of >pad1.:<;; drawing the fa<;t cnem) fang in the procc'>s and, on the t.ahle ., three good heans. 1.li~ard your lo~ing Study the diagram above. Aft1:r 1he lead of the queen or diamonds, \l.OUld )OU rather play or defend a contr.Kt ofm \padcs? Six heartc; 11> a c;implc wn1rac1 ThCre are 12 trick\ on iop and. tf the defenders ICJd a d1anmnd, dcd.irer cnn rurr and collect all lhe trn:k~. However, w11h o mnc -carJ. Ill i.n ~padcs and onl) eight '" licnn-;, g1:t· ting to the heart .. ram would rc4uuc divine m~p1ra1ion. clubs. Well dune! Leam Lo be a becter bridge pltn • er! Su~cribe now lo the Goren Bridge l~ttrr hJ calling (800) 788- 1225 for information. Or "'rite to: Goren llrldge Letter, P.O. Do:i.:• 4410, Chicago, !II. 60680. h rrnghl seem that " '>pal.le 'lam shou ld nlso be easy. but the hear~ Mc blocled .int.I the "luecn of trumps 1s JEEP 9110 LEXUS 9115 LEXUS 9115 '93 GRANO CHCROKEE Laredo 4X4. mini cond. low ml, $12,800. (949) 548·6876. '95 ES 300 '98 ES 3 0 0 Midnight blue/ivory Full opt, Le1Cus cert (119654) S25,787 (142542) $28,987 LEXUS · LEXUS MISSION VIEJO MISSION VIE.JO LEXUS ' (949,384 -0884 (949)384-0884 -9115 --,-0-5-5,.-C,...-3-0-0--'97 ES 300 Sd n (97· Rally red "ivory lthr 4 1 2 0 ) S 2 9 ' g 9 5 '92 SC400 ALL op- tions. apple red. fab cond , 92Kml $16,9001 obo. Owner 723-58 t 5 '94 ES 3 0 0 Blk l•de/lrvoy lull opt (C6696e) s22.322 LEXUS MIS SION VI EJO (949)384-0884 (020231) $25,977 BAU E R .IAOUAR LEXUS (714)953-4800 MISSION VIEJO '97 ES 300 (949)384-0884 Wht/grey full opt ,08 ES 300 (03981S~EXUs520,987 Cashmere/Ivory MISSION VI EJO (138654) $24.'744 (949)3 84·0 884 LE XUS •~--~---------MISSION VIEJO Buy It. Sall It Fmd tt. (949)384·08 04 Claaalfled. '92 Grend P rl• White, 4 door. lo""' mi, under blue book $4500 call Rich 714-890-6958. '93 TRANS AM HI p•rform•nce V8, everything pwr, l owner, garaged-. all ma1nt recoras Red/ tan inter 70K m1, a classlc beauty I $99951 OBO. (949) 469-124<" TOYOTA 9210 '95 C AMRY LE 2d r , auto , 'lt nr (018497) $17.987 LEXUS MISSION VIEJO (9 4 9 ,384-0084 . '95 PREVIA LE SC Cu11 whls dual A.C (3KKVSS4) St8,888 LEXUS OF w eSTMINSTER (714, 892-8908 '98 CAMRY LE auto. while, lu1I pwr, (3RXA510) $15,555 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714) 892·8908 C1ass1fled ts CONVENIENT whether you·re buy- ing, selling, or j1.1st looking, class1fleu has what you noedl ., CLASSIFIED 8 4 2-:5678 Run your ad in the NewPort Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the · Huntington Beach- Fountain Valley Independent to reach over 100,000 homes Fax us this form with )OUr credit card # or mail with a check today! Run for a week I If ~our car does not sell. we'll run it for another week FREE! All for 1ust $10'. ·-----------------0 YU, SEU MY CAR I I --I ( I 7,. I I I _.. I I l~~~-~-~--·~~~----11 ·~. 1 •• c-c-o....:a""" o..... . I _o-on...,_ 1::=:::=:::::::::::========~====:~ I -0----L I -----------------~ 1'11_ .. :·"h_{ ''Pilo_· t '-d d ':!.."!-!/ ~ ... ep.gt_ enJ WALL 3919 COVERINGS -----•lcERAMIC CONCRETE & ELECTRICAL 3610 HEALTH. BEAun· LANDSCAPE & SCREEN TILES 3528 MASONRY 35 57 & FITNESS 3740 LAWN CARE 380 8 MOVING 3834 PLUMBING 3890 SERVICES 3932 l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiil Lie' d Con tr. No Job iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 11 t all All THE LOCA1. PLUMBER M S M The S tripper l •••••llilll•• Leeky Showera Rep'd John Doran Masonry oo •m aves. r. cr .. n •n s 1 11 1 I R. rl di , .~ James E. Ba""tl1 Co.· 71 •~• .... 2220 F 11 P • c • 2 n g n Regroutlng & lnstall'n Brlck•Stne•Concrete P rm · ans, new SHANE'S • ·-. ~-u Y w 11 R I • 645 "'658 Video Sev.tr P.pe lntpec I 'd bil a paper emov• L870130 ean ot Tile Lg/Sm Jbs•Repairt ok vcs. spas. ~ PHEN+DIET equ P mo • ave. L588~241 983-503 7 673-8065 or 84e.es26 Free Est. & Advice • friendly Servlee•ln•urect R•·•creening or new Ll687\91 631·3632 FENCES Complcrc Medic.al Proa °""1Mi11t/lu4mf1" L•S32981 675-9304 We Qela should hang **JRO MASONRY•• & DECRS 3615 s79/,.o '!~_·!h,~·Lol }d' Ull'I '-"/.~(,,., f'un Service i P re cla• Plumblno ________ _... together Strip, lnatall, ~-"'..... f>w Movlni1/Store99 Repairs & Remodels SLIPCOVERS 3922 advice to the crazy. Syr• ei<p. Bkkpg, pay· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BLOCK BRICK STONEliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' rttt'fll~ Specaelldng In Frot Estimates Lin35976 831·211 1 II d All types-Olly Workl *Wood Fenc•• * VIAGRA ~ ,fO l!'OAI l e L•e87398 Ht-1090 ro flax ep .• post, etc. AFFORDABLE CHILDCARE Est l730089 531·7843 Replace/Repair Lows .. ~vNa fteeldeftdellOftlc• Vour otl./my home. All ages CPR certified ---------1 Fro• haullrlg/est. Llc'd RF.CAINCo§NN Dan Dawson Plumbing Comp or h3nd written UC 304203027 CONTRACTORS Ad\oantageConil 97._530t Apr, Rmdl, Replpe entrlH. Piek uptOe· 714-979-5025 GENERAL 3558 ---------l V1sm Drains 24hr svo. E•p't liver. Call 645-6976 ... TREES a n 3858 gas system replp91 c e r••r Moma special iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil FLOOR INSTALL 800-700-8 4 A .L PAIN NG L5S4122 646-6720 Infant only daycare In Topped/Removed, Lawns, nw home. Hrly/hc'd H•rgfOV• Conat. A• REPAIRS 362 0 CHUNG'S PAINTING Expert Drain Cleaning model, res/comm 1----------spmkh·cinup 751·3476 3408 call Lynn 641"9264 Design ava avail IMPROVEMENTS 24Yrs Exp-Grt Price' & Plumblng Repa:ra tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CLEANING 1'341409 549...0477 s.1 ... svo•lnat•ll HOME 3756 •outh Coeat Drywe ll SEDVICES 3548 LEWIS Con•truotlon HordwdNlnyl/Ceramic liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Aco a lie st te1Ctliiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Remod•l•Ha"'...,man PERGO'Clrpet.M1C Visa • us r mv u L.704n 3 L;::a't Rea L708279 988·9590 •~--------, Iii Water Damage Repair ... ..,,. '"'Best In. Ouahty & Price A TOUCH OF CLASS •714-557·5925• "°L550017 444-6089 Cleanlng RH'Comm GARAGE Lie/Bond Free Est. -----------• Teresa 714-282-1143 DRYWALL DOORS 3678 •Bright Houaec1Hnl"9 SERVICE 3584liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3410 EurojMan ProfeulOnals. ••1475-USx7 ** .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Beat In townl Reis. D11ek ,....SM.AU JOB EXPERT In o I u d • • h • u I IUILD or REMODEL & Grace 714"857"2647 Drywall/Repair Frtmlng ewey, W••the r TIME T-0 BEGIN YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT? Guar Work-Free Est 20yrs exp All work guar. Llclf'375602 538-1S34 Steve 5 4 !5-8298 RAINBOW Circle Malnt. Plumb/Dreln cleaning 24hr Emrg Svc LOW P11nMg·lnl £•1 Ho~u Apt Rates Free Est, Bond· Quality job. Free est. Insurance 648·3299 Ll'!>69897 838·8888 lk•'• Custom Pa1ntmg Prof. Clean. Quality --------• Work. Int EXt & Docks AJ.Uohbotftood L•703468 831 -"010 ;._9_!. ... __ 1 Lewn S•rvtce Mow/ r1VJ11~ Ecige/Sod/Sprlnklora ROBERT ISBELL CO DIAIN.lSIWU 1:;,' ctn ·UP . Any t Im 8 _ lnl/E>rt•Small Jot:>s OK CUANltG SPlQAUST CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS Sem1-r~tir.J cutter •• Hm 25"t1 OFF Matrri.al LJ,o,1 25 d1Htrt'nt colou ,,( demm• & 100'• of utbl."t f al>nce! 35 yc.'•ff o.lf 9"al1ty •rnrk and creltem.an1h1rl ATDFRONT ONST. 3133 Dock repair & ma!n\. Painting, hardware, floats & bumpera. L#698129 646-7922 Chances are you will find what you need at the pnc. you want to pay when you read Claulfled dally •VICKI'S CLEANING ~H1nglngJT1plng/Tulur1 atrlP1 lnat•ll1'ax. We offer THE BEST Comm/Res 551·5573 G45·5704 HouM/WlndOW Cleaning. 1.,,..-...,...----,,----1 10Yre Exp. Xlnt Reis. South Coeat Drywaur------------ Vlckl 714-808.0395 Acous remvVcuat Int HANDY MAN 3710 Call a plumber. painter, handyman or any of the ser· .111ces listed here ln our directory! CALL YOUR LOCAL SERVICES Al (7 14) 396·2642 Decorative PalntlnO Li494350 848·3008 714·580·9828-Pager Yard Cln•Up1 Trim tr•••· hedgea. P•lm 3929 .._~_a._2_._ss_1~e--~ iLii•ii•iirniiiiSiipii•iiniilii•iihiiNiiOiiiWiil TRAD. E. For work achoot'tt•Y91 lndlv/group leuons ttuougll class1r1ed 3448 ......... ~"4 $' o- Water Damage Repalrliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1•-------~ TODAY! treos Removal. Newl---------!l!l!llL--•"--..:1•1 lawn/plant• 980-8502 a .. 1 In Ouallty & Price •Home fmprvmnta • L550017 874-5558 Drywall, carpentry &1--------_.;.----------- Witthoeft DryweU morel Small jobs ok. INTEIUOR MOVING 3834 All PllaNs• Sm/Lg Jobe Gary &45-5277 DESIGNl!RS 3782 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Cle•nl Cleenl Cleenl Carpentry drywall repair !li•iiiiiiiiiiiii8iiiiiii All Am•rlo•n Mov•r• 20Yr1 Exp/fair Slfrte Eal Texture paint touch Cerelul, cuneous & Ll400030 714-839·1447 up. s,;,au lobs ok. Futl Surprlzlngly krueger painting raldentlal (aux flntshlng wood rrstoratfon matt hew 548-54&1 ' lk. 740898 ROOPING 3910 ~THTUI RIOLAZINO "'& Refurbishing, Poree· nfaln, Flbergla, Sinka "Shwra Cntra 645-7123 CAll TODAY FOi YOUI Fiii . ELECTRICAL 3610 (714, 840-4388 cheap1 549-0223 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Cerpentrv·ALl. KINDS PUBLIC NOTICE Smell Job EXP•RT g!cb~:•1:~110St~':v~~~ Furnil\Jre & Acce>sories Tha Calif. Public Utlll·•--------- 3490 Ill-HOME ESTUAATi ucem....- 515-MAID .. 320 w CMsJ"" • INTERNET Trelnlng Hom• orOtnoo •4•71•·•3•• work Doora lnat.1----------.. ••ta remdld, crown CONCl!TI! • tdlng baa•:~~,=~~ MASONRY 3557 No room left In lh• garage for the car? BrlclC, BIOCk, Slone, Tll• Cone, Patio, Drtvewav Fplc, 8 B0a. Aef. 26Yr. E•p. Terry a57•7eM A c•ll to Concre te: Drlvewaya, PaUoa. Aepalra/R• c1a1tmtil can-moval. Rea/Comm help L 296231 •1S.1IOO • Dunc•n •t.otrlo Tree Hseal 768-8321 522 W. 19th St.ICM Uaa Commlulon RE· PET Loc8l/Ouk:k R .. pon•••----------QUIRES that all uHd SBRVIC£S · 3 8 70 Service/Remodel• QUAUTY CRAFTSMAN 645-9660 household goo ds Ught turture repair 20 Vra Exp Rat's fll(l c-.11 wlMin ~ movera print thetr liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit·---------1 Ll2 75870 e50·7042 ·I'm Your Handyman-P.U C. Cal T number; Pel Sitter/Doe Wetlcar ---~--....,~,_.~ Merk tM~eS0-0525 ---------limos and chautfeuta Oeily/0.,,arnlghl vl1111. ~·~~~~~~~~ PETaRKIH Eleclrlc Can'I Htm lo print their T.C,P. num· Reis a.,,t, Uc:'dlBondad llr~·~··•:£1m.1..,,,;:1&MliMJ FAST/BIG SAVINGSS1..----------bar In all adv.,t11• Den1te 714·9 3s.8870 Re..-Coml•m·IQ Job• get lo all those mentt. If you have a ff'M EstJ'Selllr Ilse. Ll11117 800.74•1'741 repair fob• queahon aDOut the I•· M ..__ f rMfs New Hlrtft9l •round tht house? galily of a mover, hmo PIASTER v..-t .· ' 3720 .JUNK TO THI DUMP c11.,:H8°1882) AVAILA8L8 TOD.AV ....1882 ltl lh• Claulfled Service Dlrec totY help you find rellal-f• help. Olv• UI II cnHI CLA8 81FllD 842·5878 Wht1h•r ou'r• t>u)'lt'.Q or H ng, Ctas111oecs or chauffeur, call: REPAIR 3880 714-433-0820 Publlo UtllltlH Commlulon 'l..-..J!~':tlJmll!L-JI 714·5SM151 Pl••t•t/StYcco Patc h i-1'---------t ·Serving So Ca 2!>)'r•· •••t Movenl No Job Llc11'3288&4 24Hra 2 amt. we make It lz11 __ 7_1_•_·•_•_4-_7_a_3_1 __ $55/hr Llf183144 PROF•SSIONAL 800.2.QO·•••T Plaater/Stu~co rtpa•r. No job too small. 35y,., Tom 645--4203 SEL-L c:ove,. ah your l'MNdsl ,._.._....., .... ...,..._...., .... "'""II yoUt used vetucle tnroUQti clJssffleU - 642·5878 Call Susana 673-7409 642·5678 PAT IENT T UTOR M a th (arllh-calc) phyalcs, chem, teat ptep (CBEST/GREI SAl) Fr" Into Jim Madia 714·547-MATH UPHOtSTIJWfG l83i Q & UP"OLS TaRY sine• ·ea c;u11. turn, uphOl1ty ... allp co.,, er• antique rpr 6'2-4Sf2 Chaneff"ate-" yew w a find v.hat you need al Ch• price you want 10 ~y whtf' Y°" rtad c1a .. "'" da ty 842·H71 Cl&Hlt•.cl I• .... CONVaNl•NT ~nether )'OM',. b\.'Y" ino. 1ettlng. Of ,,,., looklf\9, ,CIUt lfltCS ha• whet yOU na.dl . · cuaatF1•0 · /Ve, 'ti' 11~1;: t/oa U?-1t~. A GOOD ADI .. M .... Ya --~~IO'll~ • , l .j • II ,.., .. • • _. (\ • .. • , • .. 'Serving the N ewport-M esa communities since 1907 FRIDAY, SEPIEMBER 25, 1998 U.S. Open champ Lin~say Davenport aces Pilot's annualinfluen:Ucil list 1 Undsay Daven· port. 22, Newport· Beach ... Won the U.S Open this month, defeating Martina Hingis in straight sets ... She never lost a set in t!'le entire tournament . Captured her first Grand Slam title Lost weight, got fit and re-energized her career with the help of coach Robert Van't Hof of Newport Beach .,. Pocketed $700,000 and became the ftr'S't American-born woman to win the title since Chris 1 Evert in 1982 ... Before the Open, became the first woman ever to sweep the California summer hard· court events in Stanford, San Diego and Los Angeles . She also became the first woman since Martina Navratilova in 1988 to win three singles titles in the same month . She's No. 2 in the world rankings behind Hingls and could reach No 1 by season's end . Won gold medal at Atlanta Olympics in '96 .. Charter member of Pal isades Tennis Club Loves to shop at Fashion Island and go to movies ... Single •.. Recently featured in both Sports Illustrated and Peo- ple .. Endorsement deals in the works Last year's ranking: 55 2 Donald lren. 66, Linda Isle .. One 3 Marian Berge- son, 72, Newport of the richest men in Beach One of the America, worth a bit state's most influen· more than S2 S b1I-tial education leaders lion ... Chairman of ... Named state sec re- The Irvine Co., which tary of education last owns 54,000 prime winter and appointed acres in Orange to the state educa- County ... Recently , tion board this bought up about 1 5 month Former million shares of The county supervisor, Irvine Co 's apart state senator and ment development assemblywoman ... company . Married Once taught grade entertainment attor · school Moderate ney Bridget Muller in Republican, highly M ay ... Conttnues to respected on both be master b~lder .. sides of the political Recent projects· fence . likes cross Corona del Mar Plaza • word puzzles, hang· and t he Clubhouse at ing out at Ruby's on Pelican Hill .. Shy the pier with grand· but does fair amount kids Married, four of public speaking children, nine grand· Last year's ranking: children ••• No plans 4 to retire ... l ast year's r•nkl ng: 3 4 Marla Elena Avila, 45, Corona del Mar .Costa M~'s Woman of the Year, the first Latina awarded the honor .. Active m the Latino Busi~s Council ... Serves on executive board and as fund rais mg co-chairwoman for the Hispanic Education Endowment Fund, wh1eh provides scholar· ships to Latino youth· ·I'm very passionate about investing in youth and education ..• I think young people h;we such a bright and prom1s1ng future, and I • woul(j like t<>be a role model for them" ... Owns popular Avila's El Ranchito restaurant chain .•• Loves to travel .. Goes skung wrth daughter trVery year ... • Unranked last year 5 Bob Hurley, 42, Costa Mesa 6 Judith Morr, 51, Corona de Mar 7 Beverly Ray, 59, Laguna Beach . Ultimate surf success She 1s vice president of Chairperson of lntema· story who's never programming at the t1onal Bay Clubs Inc. strayed far from the Orange County Per Holdings include the beach Got start forming Arts Center revered Balboa Bay shaping his own She decides what shows Club, celebrc>tin9 its SO- boards in Costa Mesa appear at The Center ... year anniversary two decades ago . Former generc>I manag · Groundbreaking on S40 Branched out tn early er at The Center .. Her million Bay Club expan '80s selling board 10-year career with the sion httle more than a shorts for Billabong Kennedy Center m New year away ••• Serves as •. later founded Bill-York began when she host of Senior PGA Tour abong U.S A, which was an assistant to the event each March at posted S50 million in general manager, she Bay Club-owned New sales lut year ... Now then became general port Beach Country has own line, Hurley manager of theaters Club ... Has given more International, the Holds a master's degree than $50,000 so far to darltng of fashion from Simmons College Newport Mesa students trade shows .. Has in Boston Married to going to college ••. 501foot skateboard former Center President Owns antique shop and ramp in warehouse Thomas Kendrick For many other properties .•• Cc>sual boss ... "I fun she changes her ... Loves art, gardening don't like that boss hair color every season and critters of all kinds thtnQ" ... Married . Has two children who ••• Widowed •.. Last with three children live in New York ••. yHr's r9nklng: 12 . Unr•nked last Unranked last year year Who are your picks? LAST IUT llOT LEAST Did we choke 1 Did we leave some- body off the list who deserves recognition 1 Let us know what you think. You I can call us (642·6086); fax us (646-4170); write us: 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, 92627 Of e-mail us 1-&~l~adllfwMlbteHrth· • llr*.rwQ. W. wHI pub- Hlh I reeden' fist of • t"9 mOlt Vdluentlal iQ .. upmmlng 9dltion. Going full sail at No. 103 1 0 3 lnld Avwy, 44, Newport BeclCh ... Works at the nation's largest public sa1hng J)fogram 1t OCC ... Currently sailing in Northern Europe abOard the sthoof'J 65-foot boat, the Alaskan Eagle ... Sits on the b6arck of the Tr1nshc Yacht Oub and USC saihng club ... Has been to more forelgn countries than states in the continental United States ... S.lled from Puerto Arenas. Chill, to Antarctica abolrd the Polar Mmo another OCC vessel ... Enthralled Daily Pilot rudefS with satel· lite-delivered diary of his voyage through the ~ of ke and darkness. telling about dodging ic~ explOring long...,,. don Russian radio outposts. wltnes.sing blankets of~ gathered on huge Icebergs and -ln one f\Jn burst of ac:Mn- ture -sttiing down the f.ce bf .n iceblfg ... A setf-prodllrnld green thumb who spends houn in his glf'den ... Runs in the Corona del Mar Sk •rd ... rbor High run IWfY yur ... Single, no kid$ ... Finds life In the dty to be streSSful Ind conglilttd com- pared to life on the ... "• s.iling Ii •a P'ft Md lllnple-. tence, • he concedes ••. .,,.....,._.,.. .. Yea.rs ago there WdS a magdzine wnter wlio cdme to Newport Bedch in search of the town's ~'>Pnce, its core. the deepest tendrils of its nervous sy!\tem And he came up with Marshall Duffwld. Duffield, the wntPr concluded, hod made the single biggest contribubon to Newpvrt Beach· a l>Odl one could easily navigate Wlth one hand f>O thr> other was free .-always and forever -to gnp a cocktail Indeed, innuenc11 1s a str.inge thing. It's not easily measuxed and it'!. not ct!WdVs \1s\hle A chef, for mstance. ffid}' be more influ- ential than d devt>lopcr. A designer may wield more influence than the mayor. An dlhlcte -if only Jor a bnet and fle<•ting moment - mctv commC1nd o. lary«'r mfluPrKe thdn a ' · "et.tson(!d congres..,man The Daily Pilot 103 -the annucil tistrng ot the lllU'>t lnflU· enlJdl in NPwport Be<icp and Costc1 Me'>d • 1s an inventory of people~ of means, people who force rhc1nge, ~ople who lcdd, ppoplc who take nsks anc.J r~ ~('. peopli> who inspire. · tJ .tf.'w to~~ There's thu chem1 .. try whiz who Port-,.Mesa g1v£'s m1lhons to univer!iilles dnd. • , 1, • schools 11wre's the yuy who one<? aspired to making the U S Olympic ski tE>am and now 1s onJ:. of "the nation' ~ost w·ealthy ThP~'s tht• Caltech grctd who d~veloped a Mid~ touch with restd11rnnts . Ar1ct. thcn":S the 22-yed!-old dce-stnking, cro ., court-shooting phP-nom who hds vaulted to the sunurnt of the tenrus world. But hO\\ do we deade who belongs on the list? As qlways, that Wds lhP chdllenge we fuced m compiling the sixth almual Daily Pilot 103. \\'t> check<?d our sources, called up conunuruty leaders, talked ..-.1th reader:-. conferred with our reporters and went over ~st hsts It's 1mport<tnt to remember that the hst 1s mtended to be taken in tht> spmt ot fun. We r<>alize that we've probably Jeft manr off tht' h!il who dei;cn.:e to be lliere. And, no doubt, \\e've included f:1 few who r~dders will conclude don't belong~there. Our ddvice? Reacl, r.njoy and let us blow what you think The rest of the picks start on page S3. -The editors 8 Henry gLinda Mook, 56, 10John Segetsbo.n, 75, Irvine In third Huffman, 58, Peninsula Pomt year as president of Newport Beach ••. Patron of the arts and the Newport-Mesa Senior pastor of grand master of Federation of Teach· 4, SOO·member St upscale retail ... Over· ers .. Successfully Andrew's Prf'byter· sees South Coast Plaza fought for restructur· 1an Church in New· the 30 year-old shop-1ng of teachers salary port Bec>ch •.• Board ping mecca that has schedules, which chairman of World become as much an gave some teachers Vision u S., a Christ· 1nternat1onal drawing pay raises of as much 1an international card as Disneyland ... A as S 15,000 a year ••. relief and develop· founder of the Per· This was Mook's sec· ment organization forming Arts Center ... ond rnaior effort to that raised S343 mil· Donated Metro area• chip away at New· hon this past year .•• land for a S H>O million port-Mesa's reputa· Author of nine books concert hall and art t1on for h.aving the . More than 12,000 museum complex .•. lowest teacher people have attend· Involved in formation salaries 1n Orange ed church's s1x·week of the Orange Coonty County ... last year, Divorce Recovery The.nre District concept successfully bar· Workshop .. One- . Stanford gr act prt· g.t1ned for a 7% raise time adviser to vate. lov~ to t1 ..i11el for teachers ... Loves R1ch.trd Nixon and looking for exotic retail kayaking ... Married us1stant to Norman opportun1t1es ... Last to a high school Vincent Peale Mar· yur's ranking: 5 teacher and hu one ried with grown d1ughter ... last daughters .. Last year's ranki ng: 6 year's ranking: 20 \ S 2 Friday, 1 Sep m~ 2;, 1998° t • ' • • • • • • F(J,01. \'/, N~~ Bon Bon . Chong's GNC Humphrey Yogart Johnny Rockets Juice Connection At the End of the GAP BARNES & NOBLE lei Salsa Pain du Monde Ralphs Sfuzzi Uppercrust Pizza Works ' 55 Freeway & Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot c · ~J.t . ~~ ·.a ·~ w~~. NORTH FACE VIRGIN MEGASTORE EDWARDS CINEMA$ RALPHS • EN1E~1Af NHEN1 -..__,,~1 • A~'1,t~~14 Barnes & Noble Bookstore Color Me Mine Edwards 8 Cinemas Town square gallery Virgin MegastOre F~~5~4 GAP Niketown Golf Day Sunglass Hut The Closet The North Face · .. Dennis Kelly: Somethiiig fishy abOut his job 11 Having watched at least eight dolphin birthings at Crys · tat Cove, OCC Professor Dennis Kelly has been spear- heading an effort to limit development at the coastline region, where there have been plan$ to build a ~ring of tourist cot- tages. Kelly, 49, who teaches marine biology, oceanography and ~studies marine mammals at Orange Coast,· said he saw the first birthing in 1993 while drinking a shake at the Shake Shack. along East Coast Highway. Watcning what he described as a ring of dolphins, he grabbed a bystander's btnocula" and saw what appeared to be a dying dolpt11n in the center of the ring. Instead, he said, the dolphin in the middle rolled over, and another dolphin appeared. 'He had witnessed a dolphin birth! 1 Since then, he said he has seen several other b1rthtngs along I the cove, which he has adopted as the coast's premiere dolphin watching area. He spends several hours a week at the cove ' attempting to videotape the dolphins to document his con· cems. "I've actually been working to protect the bottlen~e dol· I phins," he said. "We have to protect their habitat and the fOOd they eat." ·• A single father, Kelly lives 1n Mesa Verde with his 19·year old son, Patrick. He enjoys scuba djving and golf, but he said his passion is the preservation of the marine reserves. . Althoug~ the state apportioned,parts of the Orange Coast as marine re\erves in 1961, Kelly said tho~e areas have.received little protection and are as polluteQ as the rest.of Orange . . County's beaches, which, he said, ar-e among the worst polluted in tt..e state "I'm trying to get the-state government to look at those reserves." he said. "It's in as bad a shape as the rest of the coclst." Unranked last year. Do You "I ht' f t't•I (1(J(J(/ ( flll•iglll/11 ,// \:,,,I ~ORANG~~ Benefitin~ Orangewood ~~,tli/ Make a difference in the _ Chlldr~n s Foundation ~ . life of a deserving child! Ungaro • Anne Klei1J. • DKNY • E ca~a • St. John • Cl1a11cl & 111ore!- Merchandise Previously Priced Fndoy, September 25 , 1998 S 3 up to ·$498°0 P-P.li~!!§·~· ~:~~~"'..'.!{-II ,· .: ;"-'ft?~ I 11.1111~~.>:··~,.-~~~~A1~~k~~:~~~I· .. :~-Or Doe.s It Have A Choke-llold On Yo1.1'? Sat. September 26th Sun. September 27th Ston~ llours: Mo11.-Sat I Oato-5pm ~ Sunday 10am-4po1 .;:: .. :?,~~1®~~®<-~-$$,~, .. ~'"' 11 } G< w1N J' ..... '• .•.y •. •.• •.• ,, ~"?::=>.:::>~ ,...... ' ~ . ..,,;-. .·:..:.:~::.::;:~:~{?::;·: ;.;.: ~ .. . ... ~n.·»:·: .. • ' s5.s 10-*20narl~ Pl11s ltla1111 flfl1Pr Drnsf lcolly Reduc.•ed ftlarkdtHt"'H Bargains \ot to lu ""'" 111th "'" t1llu•r tli\1 011111. 1-:,111r i•, "''/>t1•111l11•r :.!:tit. l'J11H Ha\ c )-OU e\ er spent }-OUr djys :ooh mg problems. pun mg out fires and filhng out fonns Ha\ e )OU C\ er spent 'our nights"' orrymg about the red tape, the hab11t11es and the fJct you 're fJllmg behind on regulatory pii(>l.."rnorL: > Ha' e you ever thought, "Why can't I find 11me to do what I went mto busmess to do"!" Our Personnel Management ~Y .tern pro\'1dcs !>usmc's 5el'\ ices 1ha1 mclude bcncfil m na •cmcnt, ~O\ cmmcnt .:o~ph­ ancc. employment admm1srra11on. employer ltab1ht~ mana~cmcnt, recru111ng and sclcct1on. per1ormancc management performance 1mpr0Hmcnt and owner c;upport h's hl..c having your own off-site human re ourccs dcpartm1.'tlt Administaff helps )OU improve your proJoct1\ 11~ and profit~ r-:ow you'll be free to locus on the rc\enue g1.'l'leratm~ aspects of }-Our bu'i.lllcss. Isn't that what O\\.nmg )-Our o"'n bui.mci.:. 1~ all about'! To d1scu~s ho\\.·you CJn re •j1n a firm grasp on your busme.,s, contact Dtrtl\ Uehara at 949-851-9300 c\t. ~OJ. 46 75 MacArthur Court, ~u1te 1560 • l'e"' port Beach, CA • '>I 7tH Ad1111n1staff. () 760-6640 • 2850 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Acct>pting Appoi11t1nents f .,or (;011si1-.Y1u11e11ts. We take care of your people. So you can take care of your business.• Do11atio11s an> always 1<'t>/co111P. HE --0 ALE! --~ ·-- Save 40% OFF on all Henredon Fur.niture!- njoy HUGE savings of40°o on a ll l lcnrcd.on f'urniture in-stock and ::.pc(.ial order~! elections ranging. from slel'k contempor'1r.\ to elegant traditional. • HenreJ011 • Baker • CenlLtry • Hickory White • • Jeffco • Sligh • a1zd many otherJ! • • Come explore our s howrooms for the finest selections in unique domestic and handcrafted European home furnishings no·w on sale! •New shipments of 1 lenredon and European furniture h.n,e arrived! ... • Immediate deli" cry can be a rranged for all in- stock home furnishings.' SOUTH BAY LOCATION OPENING FALL '981 , , I ,, SlQ. 1920 .. SHOWROOM HOURS: . . Mon.-Sat. 9:00-5:30; Sun. 12:00-5:00 LAGUNA BEACH 345 Nortt. P.C.H. (949) 494-6551 S 4 Friday, September 25, 1998 . Introduction to Computers · Learn what you need to know to get started using: Wtndows 95/8, Word Processing & Internet Four 2-Hour Once a Week Classes OR Three 2-} Hour Classes Mon•Tues •Wed Mornings • C orporate • Residential • C lassroom • Seep-by-Seep C lass Notes co Take Home • Visa • MC • AMEX • Discover Call Mark at Nc,,·port fl(~ Training (9·19) 86.l-I 600 . ~740 c:,unpu' l>r., Ste:. A, Nc"·port Bc,u:h No Interest "o Payment Until year 200Q., ON ALL· FLOOR COVERING ~ STAINMASTER C';u et - - - ---- Laminate Floors Pergo • Wilsonart Vinyl Flooring Armstrong CERAMIC • DRAPERY • VINYL • TILE • BLINDS • WOOD .. in~ds79 JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE • . T,hc Otdcsr C.upcc Comp:rnytrrelliforn1.i" 2927 S. Bristol .St. • Co ta Me a (V1 mile south of South Coast Plaza) ,Mnn :~:,~·~·:JOpm (714) 751-2324 Sal A: ~un 10 4rn, "'A l i • t l7JlllJ V&lf _. '"6 .. MriMMl••,..mMI• • . ,. Newport' Beach/Costa M.esa Doily Pilot Thinking of $.elling? Give Your Stock to CHOC! · • No capita] gains taxes • Receive an income tax deduction for the full market value Call (714) 532-8690 for further information. ·--------J -----~ The Ballet ftf 011tmartr(' Saturday, Octob~r 24, 1998 6100 pm -l 0100 pm The Balltt Montmartre wiU host its Third Annual benefit at "The Village Crean" to nuse monies for its Community Outreach and Scholarship program being made available to over 5,000 Orange County children each year. This enchanting evening will include excerpts from The Ballet Montmartre's Repertory choreographed by Stela Viorica. A light buffet, a beverage and dessert will be served and An &haiturous Silmt Auction with Ova-200 Itt.rm from an &tare Sale and l.oal &1abiiWnatts. Plan to show your support for the ARTS in your community. The Ballec Montmartre is a Nonprofit Organization . . For information call: 949/646•7688 G RA N· D . . OPENING the little black· dress SALE IN .. , -. ... .. ' . , . - ewport Seach/Costo Mesa Daily Pilot Friday, ~mbef 25, 1998 S 5 DIRECTORS: ADVISORS& CONTRIBUTORS: .,,,...,. aad &rb.r& & ~J s.,. ....... and Pitt &rk R.<.lwd H. B<ri: ( 1lm U>J Bobbit C't1ln r • ., .. i. f and Btur t:ollllu Patnwf: Cox H......lld 0 Clwwn julln and I >on... Crun John L C .. m f•m•h WJ!Um r. fKl.cr ;, 'D1viJ A (jrant An~ GU)' P Hill lnl •nd Sell H1rut"* J.mn f llt Uili llrlk ltlikim Jr Mui •nd Mary lfons Mu1an~ Nd.ton M.f >•ntd Thonw f. MJltr l"! John \i \t' \foorl...J\ Joh• .uad 9'ti ~....., Jim r.it.i-• Fnc 1'trr> l'ht Qu1tt \'C'nrn•n \utl Philip •nd Trnh R.1TUt1 RJ..hw and 1 .. ,, ~rAnwn ~ \llllD<r M () ltt~ 11111 T. ... 1'l<Od \'iud A.oar Jc"" Won • \1.,11n ;and EhiM '11.<inti.1' B.WJ .ind J..dtth \'C Ill Cott.criM Manm okoi1 lot wt M&11rtt11 Z..&1cn .. SPONSORS: F'ronk .,.J FrAn< R.t»~r on FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTORS. ThC,.,Jh"JI ~,.,. fu14nd•11on J.~ W H&llC.O(~ l.......ution The Nulln r.-J.uon l)'Qft• '*.att ~cuon Sc-I"'" °"t'<rt. ~rlJrt fv.uid.ation BENEFACI'OR: n.. H.ony ud en.~ ........ foM.nJoiiooi In Memory '<Jf ~-...... 6tt..-""',,. OtfnJ Tlw,,,, "' ~" ·~~ .... ._ ~..., "'"' Defr-11#"" ,.,r,,.J ,., ,,,.,..... "' ""fa•ilin .Jf"-4.f 1'1..1 ,-.J lld I 11..<un DEFEND THE BAY A CALIFORNIA NON-PROFIT CORPORATION • FOUNDED 1995 Created co defend Newport Bay and public areas from potentially detrimental in~uence affecting the ecology and public h_eahh. IRVINE R NCH WATER DISTRICT P NS TO S "ART DUMPING THEIR ~REATi D SE'WA EI TO EWPO T-B R. On July 8, 1998, the. Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) annqunced its intention to start dumping treated sewage into the bay December 1998. While this comes as a surprise to people who relied on the 15-year solution presented by the City of Newport Beach in 1996, Defend The Bay (OTB) predicted this would 00.cur. OTB opposed the origin~! agreement because it had too many loopholes which could allow IAWD to negate it. o • ,. I '\ The City qf Newp~rt Beach ·is now trying tq p·iec~ togethe~ a new. non-discharge ~gr~ef11ent, ·but OTB believes that J RWD will never allqw. itself to be held. to any non-discharge agreement. We expect the new agreement to be as impotent and short-lived as the first. We believe IRWD · has been hoping to lull people into complacency while quietly working toward their ultimate goal. IRWD continued to tell the press and public in 1997 and 1998 that they would not use their permit. At the same time, they were· working to preserve it together with their right ~o dumJ? treated sewage into Newport Bay. · ·· · DEFEND THE BAY HAS N'EVER WAIVERED: Defend _The Bay has never wavere9 in its opposition to IRWD. O°TB filed suit in California Superior Court against IRWD and successful!~ invalidated their permit. IRWD subsequently .convinced the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to re-issue the permit, while saying to the press and public that they didn't intend to use it. · By law, the RWQCB was required to find that. the bay wpuld experience "continuous and uninterrupted" oenefit as a result of any new sewage I discharge .. However, t~e RWQCB has continued to treat IRWD to a sweetheart deal at the bay's expense. The RWQCB has ignored extensive data collected by the IRWD for the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that they created to supervise IRWD's project. The RWQCB also chose to ignore past testimony submitted by IRWD and RWQCB's own .staff when that testimony, combined with the current TAC data, concluded that IRWD's discharge is harmful to the bay. We all intuitively know that this treated sewage discharge could not possibly benefit the bay, and Defend The Bay's scientists have thoroughly proven this. But perhaps the mere act of being appointed to a board ove.-::y sympathetic to the water district somehow clouds ·one's judgment. Or maybe the fact that a member of IRWD's own board of directors sits on the RWQCB makes objective evidence harder to • evaluate. On April 17, 1998, the RWQCB listened to even more evidence opposed to the permit. and yet granted it once again. DEFEND THE BAY TAKES IRWD BACK TO COURT: . Anticipating the RWQCB's decision, our scientists and attorneys worked diligently establishing the legal record. Defend The Bay is taking IRWD back to court with an even stronger case, and we relish the opportunity to have their permit quashed once and for all. Defend The Bay is in the best position in its history to stop IRWD from dumping treated sewage into Newport Bay. DEFEND THE BAY IS MUCH MORE THAN JUST OPPOSITION TO IRWD: De9fend The Bay is working to control other sources of pollutants that find their way to the bay. We are working to have existing laws -- enforced and to ensure that these laws are not undermined by those who eye the bay as a cheap dumping ground for their pollution. One example of this is our triumph with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce the Clean Water Act, which will make it harder for all polluters, including IRWD, to obtain new permits to pollute. A TRIUMPH IN ANOTHER VENUE: . The EPA and OTB have been working together to protect your. bay. OTB called to the attention of the EPA the fact that our local RWQCB had never quite got around to setting Tot!ll Maximum Dally Loads (TMDLs) for pollutants entering Newport Bay. In 1972, Congress passed the Clean Water Act· mandating that pollution l,imits be set by 1979 for impaired water b·odies. Newport. Bay has been listed as "impaired" for years, but the RWQCB has ignored this mandate to set limits on pollution. This fact has allowed the RWQCB to issue permits .adding more and '"!1~~e pollutants (like IRWD's discharge) to an already overloaded and impaired Newport Bay. Defend The Bay negotiated a landmark consent decree in Federal Court with the EPA . On April 13, 1998, the EPA, working with DTB's scientists and attorneys, set limits for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediments. This is a remarkJble first step forward in protecting the bay, and we thank the EPA for their dedication and assistance. / • l 1' .. kt A.btU1 B<,_, .-\.1(.n> WE CONTINU E TO WORK TOWARD PROTECTING THE BAY: Allftll I •nJ A11rh• 1,,,,, un p,.,i H•rrwooJ r.1n1 .. PH.....,.. \:ioll H-..,..,, luHiJ!r 1 ... .,......, F. H~m"" Mr •..J M~ il<M• un,u Cu<L...t Solin.J ""' 01 ... ._ch Ltt '\p<"nm MmlcR\'C Ruben \l11L,,. In Honor Of A-,••w--• The key to continued success will be dependent on our continuing ability to provide scientists and legal talent to review and comment on TMDL monitoring protocols and permit applications. Since Defend The Bay seems to be the only source of truly independent science, i1 is critical that we assure that misinterpretations and misrepresentations are not allowed. WORKING TOWARD STOPPING UPSTREAM POLLUTION AT ITS SOURCE: Take the case of sediments. The bay is being choked with silt. In many areas, habitats are being lost and boat owners can no longer take their boats out at low tide without running aground. Dredgmg 1s an expensive and ineffective Band-Aid® to the problem. The cure is stopping the runoff of sediment at its source. · - . ,,_,,,J----- 1 ~ tf ~I"-' .. 1-""1_.... If every construction project and development routinely implemented better management practices and provided catchment basins to capture dirt and silt at the source, the amount of muck entering the bay would be minimized and the need (and cost) for periodic dredging would be drastically ~educed. By working with our upstream neighbors, community by community, an otherwise uncontrollable problem can be : managed. Defend The Bay's TMDL effort works to solve the problem at the source. • : n.--..... '-"-""• °""" ,.., a-t • .._ ",., ~~ hMll W fr.., R.~mun j .. It t..d NH<~ ,, ...... Jo<'.ndM • ......,./u1>.l..""' a....r .. i-,.ft \ :.n.ionk>Ot ALL THIS REQUIRES FUNDING: Defend The Bay, with the help of many others, has accomplished more than anyone thought possible. We have held off IRWD's discharge since 1995 and expect to invalidate their permit permanently through the courts. We have forced the RWQCB to set standards that were 20 years overdue. We are the watc~dog of Newport Bay and the .bane of polluters throughout the watershed. }'lowever, the costs of protecting our bay are escalating as polluters are coming to recognize Defend The Bay's effectiveness. Polluters are working even harder to neutralize the laws which OTB is working to finally have enforced. · D~FEND THE BAY will continue in this role· as long as the community continues to financially support our efforts. We have come so far, yet there is so much more to be done. Please, if you appreciate our efforts, support us financially and ask your friends and neighbors to do the same? Pass this page on to others who also want to see the bay protected. -. ' We are a non-profit 501 (C)(3) organization which relies solely on private donations to continue our work. Every tax-deductible gift is appreciated. r:--------------------------------------------, Sincerely Please make your donation payable to: .. I OEfEND THE BAY I ~ -~ A.-.,. ... ~-·-.... 471 OLD NEWPORT BlVD. SUrTE 200. NEWPORT BEACH, CA t:tee:J. PHONE Mi-722-7822 I DOO-~ Defend The say,.• CaMomla Non-Profit Corporation, so1(C)(3). I ContrlbiJtlons .,.. tu dedtJctlble, depeodlng upon your tlruatlon. Con1Ult your tax advisor. I l/'Ne want to Mtp. Enck>Md Is: I O $1 o,ooo 0 $2,500 0 St500 0 $1 oo 0 S60 I 0 $5,000 0 $1 ,000 0 $280 0 Othet ___ _ o CMt to arrange • gift of .tt>clc, propetty or• tP«MI grant. I Name I Addrna-------City Stite -ZIP'--- Phone Fu EMaM ~-----(1110" would .. to bit l.tpdleld on .,,,,,.,,. __, I I I 0 lllil le. ,,..,~ 8ddrw. 0 I"""'*' Pf*'°,.,.., lnOl¥ftOUL 0 My~ .. "'*"gift. Tha tat ft II tirdowt I ". tt wMt be coetty to~ ftr"9h wtwt we hllv9 8'81t9d. We .,. eupportec:t I IOlefy by prtvate donllttonl from ~ .. you. I YOUR GIFT 18 OAEATtY APPRECIATED. niANt< YOU. I - Robert J. Caustin Founding Director, Defend The Bay . . . . ; " . c;\\ATULt~ /' 0 ~:~Newport ~~i~Oluncil c.n!9 ~ V ~ LEN MILLER . ~ An Independent 'J hinkcr who know~ how to wnrk for the community and Who belinea ia Priacipk Oftt Politic:. GOALS: • NOISE: Divert Air Traffic to El Toro for the benefit of Oranqe County Business & Residents • TRAfflC: Solve Traffic and Infrastructure Problems • SAFETY: Support Fire & Police · • POLLUTION: Clean up Bay-No Reclaimed Seweraqe • FINANCE: , W?rb for a Conservative Budqet • Work for less iO•ernment & more Prl•atlzatloa \ "A VOTE FOR LEN MILLER IS A VOTE FOR L EXPERIENCE". Three time appointee to Harbor Quality Committee former City Council member, planninq & Partl & Recreation Commissioner President UCI·Medical Research Society Republican Party Silver Circle Ins urance Industry Leader retained by leadinq law fir~s to assist in coveraqe disputes and contract interpretation. ~1>aid Political Advertisement• Benz from Fletcher Jones Motorcars next to an identical model from another dealer· ship, you won't sec any difference. . Bur even though you can't see it, rhc rc is a difference. Because a Mercedes-Benz from Fletc her Jones Motorcars comes wtth features you can't · get anywhere else. When you look clo cly at one of our Mercedes, you'll sec a small hluc tlecal in the comer of che fronc windshield. That decal identifies our Preferred Customeri;. Ir tells us the uriver is entitled to all our Prcfcm:u C ustom er Services ,. including the first ~heduled inspection at no extra charge, complimentary car washe~ any Jay of chc week, courtesy loan Cilrs, storage fo r SL hardtop , and if you want your C<lr serviced whale you're away, you can park it here "nd take our shuttle to John Wayne Airport. Now, if you're thinlctnl' ahout getting a Mercedes-Be nz, wouldn't you rather have one with our PrcfcrrcJ Customer dccull llOO Jamborte • 949-718-JCXX> www.fjmercedes.com I ' . 4 8 Newport Beach residents Chudc Finley, 35, Sh~oshl ~wa. 30, _Gary OiS.rdna, 30, and ~ Dick- .. I son, 25, would probably like nothing better than to spend October making a name for themselves in the fall 0Msic. But ~ile these Anah~im Angels may have been playing ftrst·place baseball all year, the team has faltered lat ly and may miss the playoff boat, breakin9 their fans' hearts once again ... Finley, the oldest of the, bunch, 1~ knowrras Mr. Angel .. Been a pitcher ~ith club since 1986 and an All Star four times ... Ranks first on .Angel$ car~r hst in • games, wins (153), starts and Innings pitched, surpas5ing totals of Nolan_ Ryan, among others ,,. Tall (6 feet 6 inches) I left-hander who suffered some bad luck this season when hit by line drives ... Reportedly signed for less money to remain with Angels ... Has new bleached-blond look and new bnde. actren_Juhe ~wny) K1taen, tHe se~ ~r of · •eachelor Party• Purchased home in Newport coast last year .. : Hasegawa signed with Angels as free agent from Ja1>:1nese Baseball league on Ja~. ·9,' 1997 ... Performing welt out of bullpen ... Place of ~lrth, Kobe,.Jap'an, which suf. I fered terrible e,arthquake a couple of years ago : .. Member of 1996 Japan Series Champion C?nx Blue Wave .. Played ! six years for Omc before coming to Anaheim Married Erie Hasedaka One child 01Samna has been a shortstop for the ~gels since 1992, when he completed his first full season, replacing eight-year veteran Dick Schofield ... 8a a car~r·h19h 307 in 1995 but tore ulna ligament in his left thumb : .. Grew up in Massachusetts and st1l_l lives in East Sandwich, Mass., m off-season ... Married to Janee . Two children .. Dickson, a pitcher for Angels in his second sea son, has suffered i~'uries this year causing a •sophomore Jinx" ... En1oyed outstanding rookie se~\on with club, going 13·9 with 4 29 ERA m 32 starts ... Born in Canada, stJll resides there 1n off-~a~n ... One of clubs most eligible bache- lors Unranlced la.st )'Ht 1328 East r~Hngcr {[)hers expect more. COLDWeLL BAN~C!R o EXPECT n1ore .. 1 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot · ~OJ Fridnv, ~"'-' 2.5, 1998 S 'h, ~---~~...;_ ________ :...._~----~--~---------------.~~---------------------------------'--,,~-'---'_,..--~---: . , - . ' .Peggy Ducey: ' Learning the mechanics of flig}).t 19 P9ggy Ouc.ey is leading Newport Be~ch's charge to . put a commercial airport at El Toro. Peggy Ducey hves in Laguna Niguel. An apparent contradiction' Not for Ducey, who believes it gives her the perfect perspective for bridging the gap between airport supporters and foes . Ducey h.1s worked on projects such as the Newport Coast ann1;; atlon, Upper Bay dredging and l~islative issues during her three years with the city But El Toro has special significance. • • Hit's exciting to work on a major public policy issue with far-reaching implications, H she said. "That's the kind of thing I got in the public sector to do " With such a heavy workload, Ducey stMes to keep her "I understand the economic significance of the airport and I understand the emotional turmoil many in South . County feel," the ~year-old Newport Beach deputy city manager said. "There are some serious, real issues that have to be addressed " • home hfe separate She uses her maiden name at work, her married surname outside the office Husband Michael is a teacher who takes their three daughtecs to his office every day. The, family enioys hiking and camping trips, and when Ducey Ccln't-get' awa~ she enjoys practicing yoga And Ducey is one of the main players addressing those. , Issues. It's not a task she.,s taken on lightly. · "When I was asked to take on this assignment about 10 • months ago, it took me six weeks to come to a decision," she said But after looking closely at the potential impacts of an international airport at the Marine base, Ducey felt the benefits were too strong to ignore. And she's so sure it is something that can be lived with that she JUSt bought a new house in the area. .. It's good Ducey ha~ an outlet to de-stress m the midst of the heated airport debate. But her goal 1s to have both sides sit down and work together to resolve thf"ir differences "Wh~t I hope is that the issue is not framed as the air-· · port. 1s nght or wrong," Ducey said. HWe need to ask you, as a resident, what your vision of the county 1s." Unranked last year ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES .: " .,, c: j 'II = ., :I c l: 1 :I :! @ 0 ;::: ~ .. " ..D E " ~ < 7. .ii c .. ~ ~ 0 ..JO! c: a! c .!: c :;;> i 0 At Union Bank of California, we're not afr~id to say we're looking for a relation:- ship. We'll work together with you, tailoring our products and services to your business needs. So whether you're CARPET dnd DRAPES .--- looking for a loan, business checking, lines of credit or Online Banking with Quickbooks: call -your local branch man- ager at Union Bank of Calif omia today We're ready to make a commitment. If we were any more committed to d bU:Jin&J~ there'd be a RING attached. _...,...~ .· • .. . -- Qui 111.ooli~ ••" re 1 l<'fl"tl 1r dtmarL. ol lnw11 Int • Bay,rck OjflL c 1090 Bavsiclr .Dnve :\ l~wpm1 Beach , CA _Sundra Ralnl"-). Manager .(94<.~ 760-1081 Harhor Vil-iv Office 1666 .)an ~figud Dnve Ncwp011 Bt'ac.11.CA · · R(1ht.·11 5dwl~w. i\1anager ( 949) 644-3800 -up~nor Offict' Jl 6 ~upcnor· Avem1c i\ t \\ ptwt Be1.ic. h, CA jul1L 1'1umc1: !\tanager ·(9 49) b42-{ 511 \Ves td!lf Ofl1cc I 5 1 J \\ t_·,t /!ff DtiH' \t"H/XH't Bead1. C .\ J1lm Bal~t'J. t\1wwgcr (: 40) 64 2-3 l l 1 . It's diflerent here. SM \ L ·1ntroducin . . ' I SAME D AY AND NEXT DAY SERVICE r--------------------~ 'FREE SECONDSET O F PRINTS I I AT N o C HARGE I I I XI' 9/30/98 . I ~--------------------~· r--------------------~-----~------------, I I I I I -,- 1 I S102 I ~s slim, witty ~ll'd e<Asy to pick CAp? Besides me? Sri~ iV\ tWs COCA('O"' <AV\d get <A Shoebox Ct»"a FREE whel" yo&A b&Ay <AV\Y· H<AlllWar-k caret Offer ti1ds Septe~ 30, 1998 . U,...t o~ ~ C#'d t.Af' to '2.00 v•l..e ~ c....sto....er ~ v•t•t, Not v•lid with •"'Y ott.cr o~. Void whers fWOhib•t•c:C. No c.rh v•l..e. Yo ... p•y •ny tu. co,.•• •nd t--cs1,...;1., ~ ~l'ffc:C. • Ret.W19r. Send to M•ll,..•r~ FwlfW-...t ee .. ter. PO. no. 66777, St. Lows. MO "31"6-~ L-------~-~-~~---------~----------------~ • Are You at Risk? Blood Cholesterol Testing $25.00 · Total Chole terol • HOL Cholesterol • LOL Cholesterol • ·~/ ·~ . 723-5858 06LIVERY AVAii 811. ' ·····~····· • Oyn1pulse, State of the • : art Computer-ba ed • Blood Pressure • • Monitoring sys tem • : 3 planet to choose from : ........ ,, •. 5rr /1J111r111'11!f for Otturl~ STORE HOURS: MON-SAT 9AM-8PM,·S UN. 10AM-6PM (RX CLOSED) 3445 VIA LIDO, N.B .. NEXT TO PAVILIONS S 8 Friday, September is, 1998 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doity Pilot 20Ubby COw•n. 45, Costa Mesa . Mem· ber of the City Council Served as planning commis- sioner for four yeats City's Advisory Committee of Teens is her brainchlld Irvine's community services superintendent ... Grew up in a rural Illinois town of 2, 100 ... In high school, was the drummer for a rock band called The First lime Likes to golf and travel ... Unranked l•st ye•r 21 Wlill.m Yep. 54, Long Beach ... Chan· cellor of the Coast Communi· ty College District ... Was for· merly the president of Coast· line Community College ... A Vietnam ytteran, works on variety of national and com· munlty callses ... Enjoys . watching Angels and Mighty Ducks ... He and wife, Kann, have two children Billy. who 1s a sophomore at UC Berke- ley, and Daniele, a high · school student ... unranked last )'Mr ' 2 2 AllM Roeder, 47, Costa Mesa ... The city's top administrator .. Loyal, honest, an all·arounu nice guy .. Proud of city's declinlflg crime rates, progress in park develop ments ~nd recreation pro- grams; street. traffic and freeway improvements ... Just celebrated second anniversary with wife. Christie McDaniel Both are anrmal lovers and own a horse (used to have four) .. Lakes to play golf and ski ... ust year's ranking: 21 • Imprinted Balloons • Custom Banners • Party Goods . • Helium Tank Rentah 23 KllNn McGlinn, SS, Mesa Verde ... Execu· tive director of Share Our Selves ... Largest "9e0cy for direct aid -food, medical, ' financial -In Orange Coun ty with a $1.S million bud· get and about 440 volun· teers ... Recently appolnttd • to< a tw<>-year temi to the Orange County Child Care Planning and Development Council ... Married, with five children (one studying to be a pnest). one grand 1 son . Last yew's ninking: 19 •WEDDINGS •·ANNOUNCEMENTS LET OUR TRAINED ST~F CAPTURE THAT SPECIAL MOMENT Paper Goods • Custom Gift Wrapping • Greeting & Christmas Photo Cards . Mon-Sat 9 -6 Closed Sundays 270 E. l 7TH ST. • COSTA MESA ·722-1803 .. ---;;:,•G' .. -c;. ~- c;;f EJ~.~~o • Highest Quality ... Very tow Prices WP own our ll arbur Buult•\iard building· r-,o rl'nl and low O\.<'rhPad mran big savings to ou r customl'rS .c; -~ -G -<:> SOFA -SALE ~ t--~--"T"-B_•_·g Savings on Brand Names ... .--5herrill • Woodmark •Hekman • Bradington Young • Emerson Full Servlcr i': ' Design ConsuJUng ,... Wta.Yof!! .i- ~ --· I • : ~ -~~~ .. :-S.c: -efC:> ~ ~ -_;.1:·~~~~~2~75-'llLI!?~""-=::.,....~ • Fa~ous Pumpkin Pies • Delicious Healthful Breads • Dessert Breads • Wonderful Scones , ____ , • ~onder:ful Scones, I 1 Chocolate Chip l C1n~mon Rolls I 1 Oatmeal-Raisin I & Muffins I I 1 • Snickerdoodle 1 • Killer Cookies Be Happy, .Eat Healthy! I I M&M I I • Peanut Butter I I Not Valid with any other : I ofter. 1 Cookie per v1s1t "Best bakery around!" :Must Present Coupon: The Daily Pilot _........_J Exp. 9130198 I ------Open Mon -Sat 6am - 6:3 1 . Newport Beach/Costa t-Aesa Doily Pilot 24John Crean, 72, San- ta Ana Heights .. RV tycoon who resigned last year after 48 years as chatr· . man of Fleetwood Enterpris- es ,_ Also one' of Orange County's biggest philan- thropists ... Not completely happy with recently pur- thased 112-foot yacht ... Is having a 123-foot yacht cus- tom-built in Vancouver ... Celebrated SOth wedding anniversary with big bash . Paints, cooks, watches foot· ball and collects books ... Last ye~r's ranking: 16 2 5 Or. Ann Zlellnlkl, 54, Laguna Niguel Med ical director for the Share Our Selves clinic ... Oversees 180 to 200 volunteers a week .. Advocate for immigrants and children Active 10 Fam- 1hes Costa Mesa .. Serves on the Steering Committee for Families and Olildren Togeth- er, an Orange County parent organization .. Volunteers for Doctors of Charity, a Corona del Mar group that provides medical care in Mex· ico ... Two daughters ... Unranked last 'Pal . . 26Danny Bibb, 47, Newport Beach . Owner of Coast Newport Properties. the No 1 real estate company in Newp6rt Beach area ... Pushing S 1 b1I· lion fn sales this year; includ· ing_ $10 million Lido Isle home ... Started firm 1n 1~90 during recession with four agents A 23-year real estate veteran . Top-notch golfer, former winner of Big canyon Country Club golf championship Married, with three children ... Last year's ranking: 33 - 2 7 Rush Hill, 53, New- port Beach Former chairman of city's economte development committee who.abruptly resigned after being fed up with City Coun etl Chairman ement~ of the f.lewport Chamber of Commerce .. OCC Founda· t1on vice chairman Owns three Balboa Peninsula bust nesses ... Likes to play golf, listens to classical, big-band and country·western music •M Macned to Linda with three kids ... Last year's ranking: 65 ANTIQUE R.OW ANTIQUE SHOPPES HOME & GARDEN USED BOOK STORE PICTURE FRAMING LUNCH AT THE CAFE Nine Uniq\le Shops. One Location! Fill out the entry form below. Bnng enlry 10 any shop at the Anttque Rl'"-or G.mfcn Cafe One entry per person, please. Entry Deadline. 5pm. Fri. October '.2Jrd I 9Q8. l>rawiu~ will be ~eld at: 5pm. ~I. October 24th 1998. Winner doc<; nol have to tlC present GooJ luck' PLEASE PRINT. Name~~----~-------~-~--~~~~---~~~--.-~_,..~ Address __ ·----~·--------Phone No --------- 130 East 17th St. Costa Mesa, CA (949) 722-1177 At Newpon & 17th Street, Ea\t of STARBUCKS. (Behind The HARP INN > ROW HOURS: Tue-Sat lOam-Spm CAF_E HOURS: Tue-Sat llam-3pm 'f irie <Iutniture & !Accessories Imported <from Itafy r Friday, September 25, 1998 S 9 28Rosallnd Williams, 53, Dover Shores .. Newport Beach's No 1 cheerleader ... President of the Newport Be~h Confer- ence & Visitors Bureau • · Just ~barked on her annu- al campaign to woo Rose • Bowl teams •.. Loves walk· ing, running A cancer ~ur.· vivor, she'll be partidpat1ng in Race for the Cure this weekend ... Secret vice non- fat frozen yogurt. .. Mar· ned 1ust over a year .. Two sons, Jeff and Gregg ... Last year's ranking: 17 291'he detTidc ~ Columbia, age unknown. Upper Newport Bay ... Scoops~ muck off of the floor of the precious eco- logical reserve ... Works 24 hours a day, frve days a week ... 140 feet long and will eventually truck out !:I00,000 cubte yards of sludge . Brought down to Newport Beacti in April ... Operated by a crew that includes a lever· man, deck hand, engineer and mate Recently funded by SS.3 milhon from the state Unranked last year 30,..,. Moni.t~, 35, Moreno Valley -· Gang Outreach coordinator for Newport M~ Un1f1ed ... Organized Project STOP •.• Makes house calls to gang members' fam1hes Started Project Parent Part of the Hispante Ministry Center •.. Went to state capitol this summer with school kids .. , Avid comte book collector. his favorite character ts Spi· defman Loves gardening ... Married, one daughter ... Unr•nked last year Clothes From The Wardrobes Of The Best Dressed Men. Large Selection of Designer Brands From Suits to Casual Wear • Suits • Jackets •Shoes • Ties • Boots • Belts 31 '-ff P\a"ser, 31, Coro • na del Mar ·~ Toorna· ment Director of the Toshiba Senior Clas\lc .... Responsible fOf' turning around Senior . PGA Tour event that apf>eared dead 1n spring of '97 ... Employed by Hoag ,. Hospital, benef1C1ary of tour· nament at Newport Beach Country Club ... Showed up wtth hot track record, finan· (tally turning around anoth· er Senior Tour event ... Grad " uated from Bowltng Green ': ·~ Marned Unranked last year RECYCLED RAGS 2731 East Coast Hwy. • Corona del Mar • .675.5553 . AAH\.,nxyc/edr.JR~.com I can't believe .... ~. · It's M)7 Bonte Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FLOWERDALE can make youi;-landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and discover the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licen~ No. 3085'l3 SANTA ANA• 2800 N. Tusun Ave. (714) 633-9200 KAY MATSON, A.A. C.C.N.P. C OSTA MESA • 2700 Bristol Aw. TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Land.scape Designer Open for Lunch and Dinner 7 days a week ' . ' •• Lob•ter Taco ·oay S~lal Lobster hn.coe Startin& at Ta Us $1.00 $I 0.95 P6clflco & Corona Rice & $1.50 B$d Dratt. SalaQ__ ._ 1.00 . (714) 754-6661 WlDN£SDAV THURSD!\V I Clam Shrimp Llnplnl Plate• '$7.95 $6.95 Other Red Pasta I Hooks Specials $1.50 Available ~ -.. I Landscape Designer "Get Hooked" on the Freshest Fish Available! fRIDAV SH HUISH WHKE.l'fO Saahlntl Crab. Plate Shrimp, ()ylten, $5.50 loblter, Sashlllli Stal lops. Based on Platter avallablltty $22.95 . 670 W. 17th St. #GB, Costa Mesa (West of the new Trader Joe's) . MS·•TI l Kevin Murphy: tanned, rested and ready 3 2 What the future holds for former Newport Beach City Manager Kevin Murphy is yet unknown, but many resi- dents respect the administrator for his 6 1fl years of service From making to49h cuts in the budget to annexing Bonita cariyon for open space and new homes, Murphy literally pvt his hand on every decision in Newport Beach since his hiring in 1992. His abrupt resignation in August puzzled ~me residents as to why the man who said he would like to retire in New· port Beach left hi$ S146,500-a·year post. Murphy is unsure whether he will continue to work for a municipality or move into the private sector. but his accomplishmentS have been heralded by city officials and S<?Ole residents. Murphy. a Dover Shores resideot, got off to a quick start. He had to deal with the police chief and his top lieutenant named in a sexual harassment suit and also with a $4 million take-away in state funding Although he trimmed 47 JObs 1n 1993, Murphy strived to reward his staff through salary raises. He helped make New- p0rt Beach polt~e officers the highest paid 1n Orange County in 1993 and passed h1m~elf over for raises every year It was n't until this past January that Murphy was given hts first pay raise as city manager. · ~ · Murphy. 45. also worked to increase sales tax revenue by attracting more development. which drew some backlash from residents who wanted Newport Beach to remain the same The lean-and mean years of 1993 and 1994 resulted in • nearly $6 million in cut~ thilt Murphy and the City Coune1I were forced to make. He said tie regrets investing in the county's investment pool.before the 1994 bankruptcy. If Murphy has left any stamp on Newport Be~ch, 1t may be his efforu preparing the city for the new millennium. He helped allocate more money for infrastructure projects, sup ported the effort to convert the El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta t1on into a public airport and fought for funds for dredging the Back Bay What will Newport Bf'ach be without Kevin Murphy' We'll have to wait and see. Last yt!ar's ranking. 26 house to· hoine ' I ~ r I • • I ;: ' 1 • -• • • r •' J • ' 1 ' ' I '·.Y ' • • • • y' > 1 ' • t l !' t l c J l ~ t • I .. " . I l .. • ' I ' • \ l ' \./( l o o • _\ 4 v . , J i I I_ , How does your child's school measure up? specia li zing i'n custom embellis hme nts for you r h ome ... . \ jJ Window . Treatments JI Slipcovers JJPillows jJ Bedding & More • cottage eclectic-s!Yle furnishings • line J il'ts Decorating Services Avai able . Imagine your child ~riencing the joyof the · Montessori Tradition ... NEWPORT HARBOR MONTESSORI CENTER P1·eschool-Ki11der~rten fit!/ Time/Part Time Ages2 to 7 7 am -6 p m · 1720 Santa Ana Ave., Costa M esa iV\on Sat 9:30 to 4:00 Aattlt•mu Fwdlmce in H11rmony with Young Lives • • I ' I ' .. I • • . . ' • ~ • ' ' t -• (949) 64.5-9140 ONE WOMAN S QUITE LIKE ANOTHER. '"'~D THERE'S -~O OTH ER BREAST CENTER QUITE LIKE OURS . You are unique Your need , your lifestyle, and your concerns are all distmct1vc and personal. We understand this and treat every woman with m~1v1dual and compassionate care An important part of this care 1s our comprchcn ive, team approach. Our board certified rad10logists, patho1oglsts, oncologi~ts and surgeons work together through every pha~e of your brea t care. If you're 40 or over, rcm<:mber to have a yearly mammogram Our -. mammogram rc~ult\ read by two different radiologist\, will u~ually be availab le within 24 hours We llCtcpt mo~l health plans and arc proud to provide f\ttcmona1C arti.; the standard of cxccllcm .. c m health care. For a tour, a I rec hroc .. hun..-or to ~hcdule an appointment, tall 7 14·378· 7955. 0 MEMORI ALCARf BREAST C ENTE R AT O~ANCl C OA~T Or.ing CO.\<t.McmOfi.JI M('(ft<al Cenl r • 9900 lalbert A\'t>not•, Su11e I 0.2 • tou111.11n V.1llt1y, CA 91i'06 r 425 E. 18th Street • Costa Mesa • (949) 650-3442 Beautify Your Yard! • Landscape Dc~l~n • Stonework, Patios & BBQs • \\'utcrfalb~ Pools & Spas •Sprinkler Sy..,tcm~ • · La nd sea pe Lighth1g • Dru.imq~c S1>ecialists We have oi er lJ.O y ears combined s ervice in this area . Qur quality, creativity and serv,ice are u1unatched. 1(Jget her ive will lake ~tare of · all your lanclscave and masonry nee<L';. FARNSWORTH GLASSELL LA DSC \PE C'<>~JPANY . l1\S<l1 Rl' C'()~f P1\l 11' .548-5 32 434-7744 ]- I h•. ~4!! IOiO Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot Friday, Sept mber 25, 1998 S 11 ._ I ~]the G.nv ~Four on the tMwport leach City Council Tom Thomson, John Hedges, Norma Glover, and John ~ Noyes ... Their strained relationships with h>rmer City Mana~er Kevin Murphy led to his abrupt resignation last month 34G•lel F•jardo, 15, Costa Mesa ... Costa . Mesa High School student body president ... Last year was vice1president and stu· dent representatjve on the Newport·Mesa school board, a position he will continue 35Marshall .. Duffy... 36 Ken StUMt. 54. New· 371Wnity BroMk.Mting"" Duffield. 46, Newport • • port Beach ... Manages Network, 25. Costa E ;...~~aven't uttered anything other than "no comment" about the resignation, despite public backlash. Only hint given by "'fUver, who mysteriously referred to an incident lll(Ofthy of investigation Sent the business community up in arms and • sparked talk of write-in candidates, recall (ampa1gns ... Lack of a city manager for the next five months will affect major issues f.-cl~g the city, including the still-pending annexation of Newport Coast. the e.ffort to get an airport at El Tor6, Balboa revrtal 1z,at1on, some unresolved aspects of this year's city budget and an agreement with the Irvine Ranch Water District on discharge Into Upper NewPQrt Bay. .. Their next big task is to hire·a new top administfator, which will come after a nationwide search Hledges will be gone after November ... Future of the city changed forever by Murphy's resignation .,. Only t1171e will tell if N~ becomes a better commlih1ty because of the controversy ... Unranked last year ... Participated m the super· intenrJent searlh .. He asks questions that sometimes even elected board mem· bers are unable to answer .. ts also fighting to ensure student board members get preferential voting priv1· leges Unr•nked last Geach Founder and owner and owns Palisades Tennis 'Mesa ... The largest single ._ of the Duffy ~lectrk Boat Co. Club, adJa<:ent to Hyatt New·. televlSlon' network with 768 • and something of a legend porter·-Presented nationally television.stations worldwld %: rn Newport Harbor ..• T1:.1rns televised "Challenge'" with ten-.• More than 4. 500 coble sta ., heads wrth his space-age-nrs old·timen -Members love t1ons carry TBN ... Spec1altzes .,. looking, yellow·and-green his computermatchmaki1'9 S)"-rn Chrrst1an programming : C>uffy Voyager •. Broke a tern ... A supemrtious friend of sudl as "ftra1se the-Lord" .. ,.. ' • world record this year by tak· Lindsay Davenport who walked Founded by Paul and Jan : rng rt to Catalina Island and away from tetevtSron set dunng Crouch ... Celebrating its • I I I I I I r back in 5 hours, 37 mrn· her U.S Open victory ... Loves 25th anniversary this year ... : utes ... Married to his to vacation 1n Jackson Hole, Began broadcasting rn Asia ~ Harbor High School sweet· Wyo _ Two sons won Junior this year, only area of the :ii heart Terry ... They have tennis tournaments ... Married. world that did not rece111e :S three kids .. three children ... Last T8N programming .. J: Unranked last year year's ranking: 24 Unranked l•st year t ~~~~~~~~ ~·-,_~ . r'~~ 1 ~ CongratuiatWrM Top 1 OJ Fronz San.1e111£ri ln.fllrance Serl'ia.11 .1pecia/i.:i11.LJ Liz Group fieall h /11c1urance, rect~gnuetJ /,y Blue Cn1.1,11l Callor111(1 tZ.1 their N u1nbt!r 1 pr(}()ucin.q a.qenf for the lnA.11'11i11e cmi,.1ecutit1e yem~1. An e.1tab/i..1huJ i1Mura11ce a,qency '1ui/t 011 /,i/,/ical principle.1, 1i1it h an t.'mpha-c}it m1 c11c1/ omer ,1er11Li.·e, .1el/ i11.11 tl.f apar(/i'11m tht n•,1/. Serp1i:i11g the /om/ coa,1/11/ commw1ityj;1r cfl~\·t eell year,1. Con tad lief for ll llY ,if .vour 1i1.11trll l1Ct' 11ad.1 ... Sa11t1et'ieri lnc1ura11ce SerPti.·e,1, In c. 2717 lf.( Cc1ac1l Hwy., /\7ell'porl Beach (949) 722-6078 year TOP 103 REASONS TO VISIT US # 1. Full service salon #2. Answers to all your color questions #3. All sales people are licensea hairdressers . #4. Sr. citizen discounts on Sundays #5.-#102 Check us out! ~---------------------------. #10 20°/o OFF I with coupon r1 t vul1d ,.,,,th ·:r, c.tl~e' q, .. C•" I. l•"· "'' 1' " I ·----------------------------1 OO°'o, acisfaccion guaranteed on all products we sell, or receive a cocal refund Regal Beauty Supplies & Salon Mon·Sat 9:30 to 7:00, S.un. 12-5 • 269 E. 17th St , Costa Mesa • (949) 642-4482 NO! YOUR FEET ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT. Board Qualit:y Assuran.ce & U.R. Physi_cians. Board Certified American Board Primary Podiatric Medicine Pain is your body's biochemical way of telling you something is wrong. As an active member of the Scandinavian chapter of the International Association for the study of pain ( 127 countries), Dr. '\(ihinen can reduce or TOTALLY alleviate your pain, through surgical and non-surgical methods. He is also a faculty instructor in Podiatric surgery since 1992 at two local hospitals. These are just a few points that separate Dr. Vihinen and make him a top leader in his field, which is why he is sot.ght out by a variety of patients from professional hockey players to busy working mothers . • • Bunion Correction • No Hospitalization • Ingrown Toenails • Thick Fungus· Nails • Sports Injuries Specializing in the treatment of Diabetic and Chronic Pain • iaUzing in .Reconstructive Foot ~ MEMBER HOAG MEDiCAL STAFF Complimentary initial exam with this ad . . Preferred provider for most insurances including Aata .. :U HOUJt EMERGENCY CUB .· - .= t I l S 12 Fridoy, 0 Sept mbcr 25, 1998 3 a Frances Munoz, 68, Corona dcl Mar Orange County Superior Court judge . Before being the first Latino woman appointed to the.bench in California, she was a store manager· at a fur,niture <Company . CO·foundN of the H1span1c Education "Endowmc;nt Fund ... Named outstanding judge of the year in 1990 by ..• First -<Jen· erat1on Mexican American and one of 11 children ..• Single, no children ... Unranked last year 3 9 Alj411 lndrlkis, 58, Cos-- ta Mesa ... A teacher at Newport-Mesa's Adult Edu cation Program ... A native of Latvia She believes strongly in the power of adult ~uca tioh to 1mptovt the lives of immigrants and led an ~ffort last year to get the schOQf board to give the adult edu·. catlon prograM a permanent home The board respond· ed by making the Harper Community Center the pro- 9r am's headquarters A sin- gle mother . Unranked last year 40 Ernie Vasquez. 49, Newport Beach ... Vice president and manag· 1ng principal of 1nternat1onal architectural firm . Founder and supporter of tl\e H1span· ic Ed1.JCitt1on Endowm~nt Fund ... Als.o on the South Coast Repertory board of trustees, working ~th the Hispanic Playwrights Proiect and community outrecl<h programs to local scl1ools .. He aod his wife are also board members for the St. JoSl!ph Ballet Two children Unrank~ 41 Gary Hunt, 48, Coro· na del Mar •.. Execu- tive vice president and member of the board of directors of The Irvine Co. .. r1nance chairman of Dan Lungren's gubernatorial tarQpa19n ... Major player in Bonita canyon annexation .. Postponed taking the · cha1rmansh1p of the Orange County Business Counetl, a pro-El Toro Atrporl group, because The Irvine Co has- n't taken an official position • . Married, with two s.ons Last year's ranking: 30 Buy Any ~egular .Price Sofa And Get A Love Seat Or A Chair At 50% 01=1=:• WE MAICE THE WOIUDS BlSl MATTll.ESS . · Free Set Up & Removal 6 .\l(J1YTJ(S SA 1'1E AS CASH /HOO .\1•11·1uut Hird-• Co.-;lY-1 .\l esa. (949) 54H-4H74 ( mw l1loC'k soul h n/" f\'ikeTown) \J.f" 10-H. Sol I0-7, Sun 1 /.() f.\11\IEIJIATE DELIVERY C: c!usiueh • 50°/o OFF SALE Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot 42 Fletcher Jones Jr., 48, Linda Isle f letcher Jones Motorcars ranked No. l 1n the country for total sales in first year of bus1nes~ of sprawling new Jamboree Road location ... • Dealt with neighbors' com• plaints about indoor and . outdoor hqhts .. son gradu· ated from University of Ari· zona this year ... Got mar· rted this year 1n lavish Fourth of July affair com· plete with firework~ show • Rabid USC football f.Jn ... Last year's rainking: 15 43 Keith Page, 33, Costa Mesa Lead pastor of Costa Mesa's Ro<k Hafbor; one of the fastest growing churches in Orange County ... Founded Rock Harbor a year ago .. Now has two Sunday services that attract mote • than 750 people Q-iurch has started nearly 40 min· istrtM ... Earrings. Gen X clothes. easy manner help attract new believers •.• For· mer college basketball player who still has game Married to Gina Unranked last year 441'h.tdy Ohlig-Hall, 64, Costa Mesa Feisty and passionate Has served Mesa Consoltdated Water District as a board member tor 11 years .• Well·ver!>ed . on water issues ... Possibly the district's strongest advo· cate Instrumental in per· suad1ng her board col· leagues to take a stand against use gasohne add1t111e that contaminates ground water '" Loves to take road trips with husband, former Mayor Donn Hall ... Last year's ranking: 11 45Steve Rase.ti. 47, Newport Beach .. New soccer c.zar of AYSO Region 97, which s1raddles Newport Beach and Costa .. Mesa Oversees record-set. ting J,869 playcrrs, 160 teams and 500 volunteers ... Ultimate team player Enjoys skiing. mountain bik· mg. scuba diving -and "watching my kids" .•• Popu· lar Newport dentist ••• Mar· ned. two boys and one girl ... Unranked last yHr ORIGINAL GERMA" . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~- Rolls -Pretzels -Strudel · -Hall ah : • Egg Twist Bread -Coffee Cakes : Cheese Cakes -Weddings -Special Occasions : Serving Authentic German Lunch : Daily Specials -Rouladen -Schnitzel • Custo:Z:tW,:Z~J;atWedding Cakes !J •• • Leonard has been outfitting golfers with the best brands in the world for aver 20 yean. All vf v.ur cake~ are mu de from scru tch with v11ly the fine!;f ingredients . 540-0281 2950 Grace Lane • Costa Mesa JOHn LEOflARD'S •• "' ..... p J. At :11..Jll...,.,,.. "-11 t.._""fr.neu.,,. f • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .... '1tl. ~N_e_wpo ___ rt_Beac ___ h_/_C_o_st_a_M __ es_a_D_a_i~ly_P_il_ot ______________________________ -'-roPTo~~--------...,...---------------....,_------------F-rid_o~~-Se~p-M_m~be~r-2~s,_1_99_a __ S_1_3 -.., """"-.-:----" Wendy Leece: Thou shall be influential 46 Wendy l.Mce, 50, a Newport-Mesa school board member, murt empathize with Fed~ral Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan That's ~ause nearly every time she speaks it ends up as a headline Devoutly rellg1ous, the West Side Costa Mesa resident often stirs the pohtical pot with her views 1 on public education Leece believes pubhc schools have lost their moral footing and has recently made waves with her sugges tion that the Ten Commandments should be posted in classrooms She has taken on federal school funding and any· thing that has to do with sex education, particularly 1f it's linked to Planned Parenthood. She was opposed to bilingual education and was a lone voice on the school board trying to hmit it. But Leece's view ended up on the preva1hng side as I • the state's voters came In through the back' door and voted to virtually ban bilingual education in the state. Leece was opposed to the moratorium on elemen· tary school transferr and couldn't get enough support on the board to get the moratorium lifted, untif new Supenntendent Robert Barbot jumped on the bandwag on and the moratorium was lifted Though her election to the school board in 1994 caused consternation by some tn the community who view~d her as somi: sort of a religious zealot. she~s proven to be a ha.rdworki119 board member who d~ her Homework and speaks her mind A couple of traits that have allowed her to run unnopposed this Novem· ber for a second term. An accountant at Already Canopies and Promotional Products, Leece is a single mother of five children Last year's ranking: 23 DINING ·OUT IN YOUR NEWPORT BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD CENT ERS From the Harbor Heritage Run- to the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce Public Safety Awarcls Luncheon We're Committed to the Community! ... / . Y/?uApPat'a/kt'WM, /~-~ ~~a. JJa?., SO ~e~~un%p • I r\I \\ I>< RI HI \( II . ' ' ·- S 14 Friday, September 25, 1998 ;:;;.-l~ Newport Beoch/Costa f-.Aesa Doily Pilot --~~--~--------...-.....;.----~~--------------------~~,~~--~----~~--------------~~----_:_~--------...;...---- 47 Carol Hoffman, 54, Newport Coast ••• ll"<ltne Co. vice president ••• Has worked on the entitle- ment of Newport Coast since 1987 led the trans- fer of Bonita tanynon from .t<v1ne to Newport Beach ... Srts on Newport Beach's f col'lomrc Development Committee . Gourmet cook En1oys horseback nding . B1hngual and loves to travel .. Single with a 25· year old son and 31 year· old stepdaughter Unranked last year 48 GU <Mmona, 43, Irvine .. Board chair- man for Families Costa M@Sa and a clrnical consultant A former disco king ... Grew up m El Paso. Texas • Attended UCLA and USC Has degr~ lo Psychology and social, work . Wife, Te<ry, is a nurse ... )hey have a daughter and son ... A cheerlead1ng dad for his daughter's pep squad Works out regularly, lifting weights, walking . Likes gardening and dancing .. UnrMked last y..,. 49Mwtin lenson, 61, Huntington Beach, and O.vlcl Emmet, 59, Laguna Beach .. Founders of the award- wmn1ng sOuth Coast Repertory theater, this year celebrating its 35th year Benso'n's passion 1s flying his own plane ••. Among his passengers have been at·risk and disadvantaged youth . Emmes 1s an experienced sailor and scuba diver. and combines his love of travel wrth his love of theater ... 1hey strive to bring theater to people who wouldn't ~thefWlse be e>cPQSed to live performa~e .. They're bot.h married .. , Emmes has four children; Benson has one son ... Last y.er's ranicfng: 69 @Ji' Floral & Gifts SfPtuee Up 9~·· 9aa , 500/o off Topiaries . & Floral Arrangements · Cu~ton1 Florals Gifts & · Antiques Speciality Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sar l 0-5 369 E. 17th St., #13·• Costa Mesa• 646-6745 · · (Next to Plum's Cafe) GET AUTO CLUB PEACE OF MIND AND SAVE ON YOUR ~UTO INSURANCE Let your m:ighborhood A A A auto insurance professionals show you how to save on your auro insurance. Our• lower rates could mean a savings to you of hundreds of dollars. And you'll save even more if you qualify for any special discounts, such as: • Multi-Car Discount •Air-Bag Discount • Anti-Theft Discount • Good Student Discount Plus, save even more when you insure both your home and auto through the Auto Clubl That's righr. You could save an additional So/o on your auto policy and lOo/o on your homeowner's policy. And you'll enjoy che quality and service the Auto lub is famous for. Request your free quote todayl Call or visit your local Auto Club office for your free quote. Hurry co find out how much you could save on your auto insurance! NEWPORT BEACH 3880 Birch ~t. Newport Beach, CA 92660 714-823-3838 fax 714-660-086 5 COSTA MESA 3350 Harbor Blvd. Cosca Mc a, CA 92626 714-424-7855 fax 714 -445-0059 WE'RE Al.WAYS Wl'1H YOU. TM 50 •for Mlle• sign, as long as 1t takes to close escrow, properties around Newport Beach and Costa Mesa •.. A welcome sight for reat est.ate agents, who s;rw ~ market this ~ar shatter county's records for median home prices, total sales and new E&IOWS ••. Peo- ple amped out overnight wart1ng to buy houses •.• Came off of a home rn New· port Beach 1n March for a cool $2.1 million, the single. highest home price in the county .. Unranked last YNr 51 Jeff Teller, 32, and Bob Teller, 59, Newport Beach ... father and ~on team who run Tel Phil Enterprises ... The company runs the Orange County Market Place, was founded by Bob m 1969 ... The weekend shopping event features 1,000 vendors and attracted 3 million customers m its peak year ••. Jett 101ned the company three years ago ..• Together the Tellers have comP up with a plan to revitalize the Market Place with new attract)ons induding'an Auto- motive Field of Dreams .. Own 45 classic cars some of wh1ctt can be ~n at the Market Place on weekends ·-Pr•· mary sponsor for the Costa Me\a Communrty Golf Classic this year Both are avid golfers •My Dad and I have a very interesting relat1onsh1p," Jeff says •He's my best friend and he's also my boss" ... Unranked last year For Gentlemen Only. 52 lMry lMmas, 51, Big Canyon ... Trusted ' media and government guy for The trvine Co •.. Personally recrurted from then-Va Prest- dent George Bush's staff by Don Bren ..• Good 1n a aisis Worked as press secretary fQr Vice President Bush and Govs. George Oeulc.mejiari and Pett. Wilson .. Form« pohtkal reporter for the San Diego Union ... Daughter is high school junio< and model ... Single .. Knows every restau- rant 1n town .. Last yeM"s ranking: 60 Complimentary 30 Day Guest Pass. g11111181roen\ elhfetJc dtAI fl ScllAtml ClllfOf11il Md 119 IS -UAC11e~a~~l)lll'ltomecl's~~ 1111 lellcll ll!ld lirnMd '-""Of~ ....... ~ fird he.11th tr..as ..., amadllie Hllllt. "'P .. hne$11itqUCI foriliteS ~ln~tainy lbu'll ....... 11ara!lclllld • ~ /Lil ~ ll#f'IW l/llllurr!fo /lh?SJ ~ .o ;''raa:tlm..~ • f!Wb .,,. _., J«b lltld T·lhltta f/IJltfidfltJ """ • ~ $QuM1t. HJndball •&I tt!;'b.IJt Wet ,..._ • S"'l1MWW"°"' • R~t"'1'811L IOU(lf« Billhllfb • f,Qnl~ Rocri.s • <A>mpl~IM'f.,. tlWlt-• • SMiq llt# ~» Sil UNIVEro;m Annmc Gtus fl ()At~~lliliii.tA.-_ 1lA ISl 7CJ ''" .............. ....... C.111 -~2 -l)I),; 1111\\ for.\ t111 1r .rnd .1 l· IU· 1-. .,o d .\\ ~ltl -..1 I'·'"~ ... MAK·E. THOSE PATIOS & ENTRIES BEAUTIFUL Reul U!,ed Bm:k fa still a {t11•urite Used· Brick goes well with mo~t ~tyles of home:-. Arizona flagstone c:umes in l'arious pastel cvlun Notice the tight fit and rwu/om edges BouCJuet Nugstutlt.! is a hard p,rey stone Beautiful stom"Wurk is on art all vf ifa own! Let Jim Jennings Install Your Complete Yard Hards cape • Expert brick, stone, tile, slate & concrete work • Can recommend quality designers & landscapers • Expert Masonry repairs, cleaning & re-grouting • Drainage problems? We solve them • We install new drains & repair old drains. Why tah a chance and M ~~d? C4ll the company chat has satisfied 1000'" of automers for ewer 29 ycara. ' .. • • • II • • • Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot 53 Henry Schlelein, 64, Newport Beach ... President of the Balboa Bay Club ... The consummate host. •.. Ultimate cigar pro moter . Loves celebrities and high style . Has giant por trait of John Wayne in his • office, where he RfaY5 Sinatra music ... Lives in BBC apart· ment overlooking the bay ... Recently bought wife white Rolls-Royce "" Has worked as general manager at luxury hotels around the world •• Has premed son at UCI Unranked last year 54Manfredo ~. 40, Costa Mesa ... President of Latino Business Council ... Attomey Board member for National Hispanic Bar Associa- tion, regional president for Southern California Interest eQ 1n West Side revitalization ••• Former player on P\Jerto Rico's national water polo team ... Moved here in 1976 to play water polo at ud He and wife, Jean. an Estancia High grad, have three daugh- ten ... Loves taking kids to beach and merry-go·round ... Utvanked last year 5 5 Tom Redwltz, 43, Laguna Beadl ... Vice • president, regional manager • of Taylor Woodrow Homes ... In charge of Southern Cahfor. nia region. which includes homes in Banning Ranch and Newport Coast •. , Took 119· oome camwaY5 project: smoothly through city and had brisk sales from opening day _ Former Irvine Co execu· tive M Licensed architect and contractor •.• Surfer and for· mer water polo player ·-UC Berkeley grad Married, one girl •.• Unrank9d last year 56Ellubeth Parker, 38, Costa Mesa .. Mem-· ber of the county Board of Educ.at1on '* President-elect of the state County Boards of Education _ Immediate p,st president and board memwr: of Newport Harbor Baseball Associat1oh, which grew 254Ye under her leader- \htp, including 300% · increase in retention •.. Soft- ware marketing executive .•. camps, backpacks "because the kids like it" •.• Married tv.o bo~ ... Unranked lut year Hee.11th & Wellness Center MAssA.GE Body Polish Herbal Wraps Spa&Sawia Packages Skin Care Wedding Parties & Corporate Parties Open 7 days a week • Costa Mesa Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm. Sat.-... un. 10am-7pm • • .. • • ~ .. 666 Baker, Suite 101 (East of Bristol, close to South Coast Plaza) 714.668.9925 . Kellys Fax 668-0264. : Huntington Beach 1 7672 Beach Blvd., Suites D & E (Beach & Newman in la Placita Plaza) 714.847.9936 \ ._. SERllleE •SPEED ....-• LUXURJf • Senior Rates · • Daily Service • Packages Available Reservations Required 714/673-5245 CATALINA PASSENGER SERVICE, INC. . WWW.CATALINAINFO.COM . 5 7 Osc.11r Santoyo, 34, Costa Mesa A role model for local youths Raised in Cost.l Mesa, at tended Estancia High ""San· ·toyo left cl Cc\reer in radio to • become executive director of Save OurYouth •.• Has 150 youths in'1ti ~holarsh1p pro· gram ... Chairing the latmo Youth Conference this year ... EnjoY5 tinkering with hi~ '57 Chevy and lighting up a fine ctg.a-r-819 fan of "Speed racer' and the Blue-; Brothers Has tattoos of both on his arms Last year's ranking: 27 58Chartle Brande, 50, Newport Beach ... If you bump, set or spike in Newport or Corona del MM, this local volleyball guru likely helped hone your skills .. . Third-year UCI men'Hoach 1s . also known as f1gur~ead fOf ·Balboa Bay Club-based programs. 1111hkh have annu· ally stocked high school and college rosters with talent • A member of UO·s first bas- ketball team . DaU<Jhter Kath, 4 reportedly oe11elop- 1ng mean jump serve ... Last year's ranking: 29 59Tim and Ann• Quinn, 35 anct33, Do11er Shores .. P of family owned business that operates Newport Dunes He's the gener•I manager.. she runs marlret1ng and ad"'!?rt1siri9 •• They mctke the b19 pkture decisions together •• Trying tQ get plans approved for 400 room hotel, lOO·unlt flme'~hare complex at the Dunes Treating themselves to a tnp to the new Four ~awns in Hawan Two young chi!-,.. dren. With a third comtng In Oecember Unranked last year cont.inv nta\e Presents ~520 t. P'1cifi~ Cod~L llTv •Corona del Mar • :i:-5-1012 ; en's uit Now thru Monda . Se r---~r---~-------~---------, 4DAYSONLY! iVtJ cf«1r ()~, 90 ~ularty $695. to $995. 1UWEST . Hours: Mon .-Sat .10 to 6 . 60 Shltheen s.deghl. 30.lsh, Costa Mesa .. President and founder of The Lab . Antlc1pat1ng the flslng popularity of the alternatlw sc.ene, Sadeghi opened The Lab m 1993 .. Quickly dubbed the Anti·M~ll. The Lab Is a pne story renovated factory complex boasting a mix of retail outlets, restcrurants and ltve performance spaces Highlights include The Gypsy Den, Urban Outfitters Unrank.cl last year . 61 Paul Sdwnltt, 35, Irvine ... Runs Giant Skateboard Distribution in Costa Mesa ... His title, according to his business card: "exhausted ru~r" :.. . Led the charge for local skateboard parks .. Was sue· cessful in Costa Mesa, tumeQ down in Newport Beach ... Has been making skate-- boards since he was 14 " Married. has a 4 112-year-old daughter; and enjoys "family time• Goes to skate camp every summer ... Unranked las1yMr 62 Jun ForMth, 68, Costa Mesa .. Found· ed Share Our Selves, still remains involved In that organization .. Treasurer with Save Our Youth and writes grants for the group . Greatest joy In her work Is meeting people she can "really touch In some way• ... Would like to help build a •just society" Married, with seven children ... She's a~rting birth of seventh grandchild and her youngest son's bar exam results ... last yeer"S ranking: 56 63 •Ill H.mltton. 74, Corona del Mar ... Respected restaurant owner and prevailing voice of rea- . son In city's business clrdes , Owns The cannery, Malarky's and The Riverboat Cafe ... President of New· port • Harbor Nautical Museum Caltech grad ... Past citizen of the year and chamber regular .. likes to ski . C>Nns getaway houses in Capistrano Beach and Big Bear ... Married, has three sons ... Last yur's ranking: 50 DEBBIES (LOS ET Debbie says : Consignment Bputique "If price is no object why no_t spend less?,, We have the best selection of business & casual wear ~tarting at 512 50• Why not get with a new look at a portion of.the price?" (949) 645-1162 270 E. 17th St. • Costa Mesa (Mi Casa Shopping Center Next . to Shirley's Bagels) WEIGHT NO MORE If you know someone who is losing weight AND KEEPING IT OPE .. Chances are they go to "WEIGHT NO MORE" ,,_,Physician Supervised - Robert Skversky M.D. ,,_,Medication Assisted - Appetite Suppressant and Serotonin Modulators ,,_,Cellular Nutrition from Wellness International · Robert Skversky, M.D. Mcm~r American Society of Bariatric Physicians 320 Superior, Suite 210 • Ne~ort Beach (949) 645-2930 --------------' . . Victor 206 lbs .. n' 64hdly ... s.y. Flncf. ley, 44, Anaheim Hiiis ... General manager of the Orange County Fair· grounds ... Coordination · duties run the-gamut, from dealing with litiga-' tlon attorn~ys to the guy who sells foam lizards '·· Is excited that Pacific · Amphitheatre lawsuit was settled t his year " Volun· teers at her church In Fullerton . Married, with three children ... Is a 4-H leader ... Last year's ranking: 62 s Assessment .-rlllm Design SAGE 65George Sdwoeder, 43, Newport : Peninsula ... Vice president of Speak Up Newport. the non· partl5an citizens group ... Has ~rtlyd'lalced annual May- or's Dinner. which always sells out entire ballrooms quickly, for past four y~ars .. Got lnvol~l­ itics to oppose taxpayer pur- chase of Back Bay properties " Low-profile but hard- working Newport realtor ... Likes biking and swimming . Single ... U.V....t a.t yew " Newport Beach/Costa ~so Doity Pilot 66 Ed Fawcett. 49, Costa Mesa .. Executive director of tile Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce for six years ... Respected by both City Hall and local mer- chants -not always an easy gap to bridge ... Enjoys read· ing about pre--Colomblan AmeriCan history " Took his first two-week vacation this year since he was in high sdlool . He also confronted a fear of heights by going fixed-wing gliding, hot-air ballooning and parasalling .. Lat year's ranking: 63 67 David Shores, 51, Newport Beach ... An Irvin& attorney who handled the recent case of Ryan · Huntsman, a former Corona del Mar student who stKess- fully challenged the district's. zero tolera~e policy ... ~ himself defending what he considers to be constitutional protections of students, of whom he's considered a folk hero . Was president of the Dover Shores Homeowners Association .. Recently mar- ried ... Has a son, Ryan .. unranked last v-- "Yoiir Fitness Starts Here!" • Card~o(Respiratory Conditioni11t • Nutrztton • Resistance Training • Physical Rehabilitatil)I# • Sports Training •Massage . MAZELTOV! Rabbi Mark S. Miller on your 22nd Year Spiritual Leader, Teacher and Friend of 'f emple Bat Yahm · MISSION STATEMENT Temple Bat Yahm will perpetuate and enhance the quality of Jewish life and education through active worship and the study qf Judaism and to provide quality, spiritual and humanitarian guidance to our children, to our community and .i.--• ...;._ ~t_ure genera~ons. _ -, THOUSANDS OF POSITIONS (That Malce You Feel Lilce A Million) • Soothes stress encourages circulation •Maximum enjoyment for watching T.V., reading, etc. • Offers ultimltt comfort end rltlutk>n. WlaWSS IUIOTI 'COllYIOl • Try It. You1 love ycusclt In the morning ... 541·1168 '1161 IMIOI .. • COSTA 11M ' Ont "°'* Soudt ol «JS flwy _N~ewpo~_rt_._Bea __ c_h/_C_o_s_ta_Mce __ S<J __ D_a_il~y-P_ilo_t ____________________________ ~@~--------------------------------------Fn_d~...;._'~~p-tem __ ber __ 2s_._1_99_a_S~Jp 68John Sharpe, 51, Irvine ... Talented English chef who recently opened Aysia 101 .. Has cooked up delicious meals at Bistro 201, Olva and the Topaz Cafe ... Began his career in Europe woricipg ir:i • Switzerland and Italy ... Teamed' up with wife, Patri da, who deslgnetJ the new restaurant's logo Spends free time in an outdoor kitt.hen that features a 24- lnch grill on a patio over- looking a tropical garden with a waterfall .. Unranked last year 69 Del Heintz, 48, Costa Mesa ... General man- ager of Costa Mesa's MediaOne cable 1V company •.. Will spend S35 million to provide high-speed data ser- vice and digital telephone .ser. . vice in c0mlng year ... Hi~ favorites of MediaOne's 88 channels: The Learning and History channels . Took over as chainnan of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce In 1998 ... Hasn't taken a vaca- tion in tl)ree years ... Married, two sons with new grand- daughter ... Last year's ,....lng:41 7 1\Haoml Vine, 49, UNewport Beach ... Founding director of new Orange County Museum of Art ... Oversaw the highly controversial merger of the Newport Harbor and Lagu- na art museums into the successful new countywide venue ... Holds a doctorate in art history and a master's in business administration .. Museum's significant 6,000- piece collection chronicles California's unique art histo- ry ... Married, two step- daughters ... Last yMr's ranking: 59 71 Deve Olne, 54, New port Beach ... Presi· dent of Balboa Instruments, which manufactures elec- tronic parts for the pool and spa industry. foounded Flu· id Research group two years ~go ... Was named Costa Mesa Chamber of C:om- nierce·s Businessman of the · Year ... Married, with a son and daughter who are both involved with Newport Aquatics ... Enjoys.boating and bicycling and Is a •would-be piano plaver" ... Unranked last year POSTER ART 'N GRAPHICS Affordable Fine Art & Custom Framing Experts Since 1978 FAU INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE Starts Saturday 9-26 thru Saturday Oct. 3rd. UPTO 50%otr Framed Art 1906 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Hours: Mon .-Sat. 10·6pm Sun. 10·5pm (Next lo Pasta Connection Restouranl) 949.646.8603 .· Aw3:£d Winning Italian Cuisine for over 65 years. , t ,.. THE TOURISTS ARE GONE! Co1y.1E .ENJOY OuR TwILIGHT DINING SPECIALS Twilight Dining menu is offered before 6 p.m. daily except for Saturday Entrees Starting at $6.95 Live Entertainment Nightly at 9 p.m. ~ Voted Orange County's Best Piano Bar .,,1 Waterfront Banquet Room Per.feet for Priv,zu Parties . . For Reservations: .. (949) ~42-~880 L 3131 West Coast Highway• Newport Beach ,. 72 Michael Stephens, 56, Eastbluff· ... Hoag Hospital's president and CEO •.. Active In United Way. YMCA Board of Olrect0f5, • March of Dimes .. Raised In Salt Lake City and attended Columbia University ... 1.ikes "classical music Runs about 15 miles a week Most challenging yolf course ,''All golf courses are challe09· ing• ... Loves cake: •1 never met a cake I didn't like• ... Married, with son 24, and daughter 22 ust year's ranking: 73 •~ . f ... •• . .. 1 ' ' JI 73 Anton Segelsbom. 40, Corona del Mar .. General manager of Crystal Court and youngest son of Henry Segerstrom "" May eventually take over the emperor's chair and run South Coast Plaza ... Bright funny, big-hearted ... Has a passion for adventure; Once climbed Half Dome, took a surfing tf1p to Bah Likes to garden . . Collects art .. Active with FOod Distribution Center of Orange County and the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen .. Last yur's ranking: J9 74Pattl Edwards, 48, and Jim Edwards, 53, Newport Beach . Jim Is the CEO and pr.esident'of Edwards emas . Controls most of what you see on the big screen in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa and the rest of Orange CO\lnty In the past year, Jtm has added more than 100 "'· movie screens in Orange County, bringing thf' chain's total In "lliforn1a to 630 Patti is on the local and national board of ChildHelp USA and has been instn.imental 1n raising m0re """ than Sl00,000 in the past year for the charity ..• Locally, she Is on the board of Orangewood Ch1ldren·s Foundation •.. He fs into sport fishing ... Her passion 1s her two teenagers, JessiCa, 16 and James, 14. who are both in club volleyball .. Good fr1~nds with Or Laura ... Unranked last year SPECTACULAR DENTISTRY AND PERSONALIZED CARE WE CREATE BEAUT.IFUL SMILES I Featuring: • Digital X-rays -90% L@.il Exposure to You/ • Electronic Smile Imaging • View your new smile before you start/ • Gentle Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning • Entertaining Virtual Reality Movie Headsets •ADVANCED Tooth Whitening Procedures • Natural Looking Crowns & Bridges & Porcelain Veneers "WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR COMFORT AND WELL-BEING" R05E JENSEN.DOS.PC HONORS GRADUATE L'SC '\CHOOL OF DE?\TJSTRY MEMBER · ADA, CDA, AMERICA. 'I J\CADEM'r'OF COS\ffTIC DEl\'TlSTRY EMERGENCIES Ai\;D SECOND OPINIONS \X'ELCOMED 23 years exj>erience rn San Juan CaptstTarw/Cahfomw. and AlPt.'fl/Cv/..;rcido FAMOUS SADDLES OF THE OLD WEST ,_,,,.... •ModlcrH...,..... ~· 1816 ,,... Cory 1"""' '""' ••.• Sedilo ( It.JO ... 'GI',..... .· .. Newport Beach/Costa f\Aeso Daily Pilot Lldo Isle . Recently remodeled, charming bayfroot \\ith dock oo m2in dwmeJ Smile) c\ Clt'e12nd $2,550.000 Mystic Hills · Lushly landsaped pool home v.11h ocean \le'\\ on half acre. Jud)' BlOM<>m $1 ,695~000 Lido Isle -ltallan Meditemnean ba)froot on an extr2large10( to be completed Pebnwy 1999. · . John McMonigle $4,39S,OOO Laguna Portofino -Contemporuy two acre compound \\11h ocean \iew aod four car gar28e. Jerry Fmsrer $2,34S,OOO Big Canyon · BeaunfuJ 5 Bd FreoCh country estate v.11h golf cour:ie ner.s, pool and spa. mith & Worden $1,695,000 31601 Coast Highway Laguna Beach, CA 92651 499-6110 ~s · NOW 30o/o OFF All Alterations Shorten Pants Emerald Bay -Brand new Meditemnean \ill.a with SQeClaCUbr ocean \'\ews from e\'et)'·room. Rod Daley $3,29S,OOO Dover Shores -Direct access 10 privaie be:lcb "ith \iew ~"D open dwlnel, Ir.I)' & .mountains Frank Sennes $ 1, 595,000 33 77 Via Lido Newport Beach, CA 92663 723-8800 Balboa Peninsula -All oew custom_h.QIDt.Qf top QU2lity and design on the sand. SdafaaJ I ffda $2,950,000 Shoredi.tfs -Beautiful 4 Bd. 4 Ba. home lo grez area v.1th pool and -spa. • Melinda I Marty Jones $2,150,000 Udo Isle -Totally renovated "<lmc F.i.stem Seaboard'' cocuge, tum key home StepbanJe Lmnon $1,395,000 Balboa Peninsula -F.xceptional 4 Bd. 4.5 Ba. home oo comer oceanfront IOI. Duncap Forgey $2, 7SO,OOO Harbor Ridge · Custom borne with panoramic \ie'ft'\ of ocean, b2y and city Ughts. Kim a Austen> $1,995,000 Laguna Ponofino -Gorgeous 4 Bd. custom home with elegance and ocean \leY.. Bill •'edmore $1 ,295,000 4 Civic Plaza, Ste. 260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 644-1600 ~lntroduci~g the latest 1n Incl uding Proms, Weddings & Formal Wear Incoming order5 only with coupon $350 $5 ~?un11 lncvmulg 1•r<kn only ~uh coupon · . from Comcas Take In or Let Out Jackets Only $1200 Shorten Sleeve1 on Coats ~899 with buttons add $3.00 Pants Wa ist in or Out $450 Zipp er Repair $5 50 Incoming orders only with coupon --.· . ~ GET MORE FROM YOUR TV! ~\1 WITH DIGITAL CABLE FROM CoMCAST ~ Experience the uJtimate in cable television entertainment with digital-quality video di~ and CD quality sound on over 160 channels. Digital Cable works through -cDMcAaT' yo ur existing cable conn ection, so yo u won't need a new TV and thPre's , ........ .,,...,_... no need to install an expe nsive satellite dish or antenna. Digital Cable service includes: • an easy to use on-screen program guide • 40 commercial-free, CD quality music channels • access to 40+ channels of Home Theater pay per view and additional channels of your favorite Premium Services including: 8 HBO, 6 Sbowtime and 4 Cinemax channels. To order Digital Cable from Comcast for your television or for more info please call: 1-888-COMCAST (266-2278) GET FASTER INTERNET ACCESS COMCAST m H0111e~ WITH Co\1CAST@HOME FOR YOUR PC OR MAC Now, experience the joy of surfing the Internet at speeds you could only before imagine! Enjoy the rush of video, sound and tons of information at download speeds up to 100 lime' faster than a standard 26.8 modem and up .to 15 times fa ster than an ISON Jinr.. Cable Modem service includes: • unlimited, "always on" connection • 24-hour a day technical ~upport • 3 e-mail addresses and 15 MB of web space • connect multiple PC's to your home LAN Find out what all the excitement is about! To order Comcast@Home for your computer please call: 1 •888•i6i•8300(offer code OCSO) SUbscribt to both Digital Clblc end OHomc end SM up to $15 per month on Cable Modem sayl(c. ~ !?..~.~~~.~.! { . Newport Beach/Costa lv\eso Daily Pilot • , . . Men's & v#omen's first choice for casual, surf ·& sports'Wear clothing. Kayaks ne'W private labels are no'W available. 1036 Irvine Ave., Westcliff Plaza, Newport Beach, 631-2996. Open Monday through Friday 10-8, Saturday 10-7, and Sunday 11-5 .. . ' Friday, September 25, 1998 S JP > . . .. ... I • i ' I l Free Weights Exercise ClasRs Cardiovascular Equipment Pusonal Training Swimming Pool Cybex Strength Training Equipment Aerobic Conditioning Classes Luxurious lounge Facilities Massage Facials Salon Body/Skin Care Steam and Sauna Whirlpools Sun Deck Keep your estate in your family! ,, Stephen Wolff is a nationally recognized speaker on advanced estate planning. He is an Accredited Estate Planner and is often interviewed on radio and television regarding estate planning issues. Additionally, he is a Chartered Financial Consultant and has worked with many of Southern California's wealthiest families, helping them protect their estate from the confiscatory 55% estate tax. A LEGALLY PAY NO ESTATE TAX regardless of the size of your estate A PASS MILLIONS, ESTATE TAX FREE using the Fan1ily Legacy Trustt" A ELIMINATE ESTATE TAXES ON YOUR HOME A Reduce your cst<tte taxes using the FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP A Dramatically reduce your gift and estate taxes using the GRANTOR RETAINED ANNUITY TRUST A Sell your appreciated nropc rty with NO CAPITAL GAINS TAX A . nansfcr assets to your c hilcirc n AND RETAIN THE INCOME A PROTECT YOUR FAMILY'S INHERITANCE fron-\ c.~rcc1itors and divorc A Utilize tax efficient life insurance to DISCOUNT YOUR ESTATE TAXES UP TO 90"/o PLUS! Advanced Pension and IRA Tax Reduction Stratllgles Ylednesday,October7 10:00 am -12:30 pm or 1 :30 pm -4:00 pm The Sutton Place Hotel 4500 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Beach presented by STEPHEN WOLFF -- Thursday, October 8 10:00 am -12:30 pm or 1 :30 pm -4:00 pm · The Hyatt, Irvine 17900 Jamboree Irvine lstcred rcprc ... s ·ntettivc; of FSC Securltl •c, corporation. J·FH Actvlsory LLC. a H<·glsrc-rccl Investment A<lvi~or Ins. Lie. 10733536 \ I Newport Beach/Costa M.eso Daily Pilot f ... 76Jlm lWnw, 42. New- port Coast ... Lieu- tenant for the Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department ... Oversees more than 170 part-time lifeguards ... Co-hosts the Newport Hat· bor Girt Scouts Olympics Track Meet ... Sits on the board ot directors of Leadership Tomorrow ... Made more than 1,000 water rescues in his 28-plus years ... Married, four children ... Unninked lastyur- 7 7 Julie "'-"er, 45, Costa Mesa ... Man- ager of Union Bank on Supe- rior Avenue ... On the iund- raising committee for Girls Inc. .•. This year Kramer raised $10,000 for Glrls Inc. and got a matching grant to buy the agency a van ... Also lnvohled In the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce ... Kramer Is single ... Spends a lot of time with her Boston Terrier ... loves to travel to places like Holland ... Avid reader. shopper ... UnrMked last~ 78Tlm RJley, 43, Hunt- ington Beach ... New- port Beach fire and marine chief ... Forged plan that put firefighters behind wheel of ambulances ... President of Orange Cou11ty Fire Chiefs Asloclatlon ... Newport . Chamber Commodore ..• ~ew to I.Ike Tahoe and Col· orado ski resorts using new pilot's license ... Avid golfer who can't establish a handi- cap ... Owns property In Lake Arr~ad ... Married, two children ... Lat year's rank- ing: 59 791ob Mc:Donell, 51, Laguna Niguel ... "Low-profile" Newport Beach poli(e chtef Took over department five years ago .. President of the Orange County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs Association ... Implemented community poJicing facet with first Citi- zens Police Academy and new volunteer program ... Former chief of Woodland. a suburb of Sacramento Devoted famlly man with wife and two sons ... Last year's l'Mklng: 55 800.v. Snowden, 55, Newport Beach ... Costa Mesa's chief of police _ Past president of C.lifomia Police Chief Association ... Charter president of the tourism promoting Costa Mesa 900 ... Brought another f!fe to the de'Partment by putting video c.ameras in squad cars ..• Married, two sons Collects police badges from around the world, which are on display in front of his office ... Cameo iM ow- boy movie .. Lut yNl"'s ranklng:46 .. Friday, September 25, 1998 8 4..lohn MOOfiach, 42, rJ.1esa Verde ... Ora09e County's mighty treasurer/tax collector-~ Since predicting bankruptcy. when he talks, people listen .. Created stir this year when he shoWed forg1vehe~ to Merrill Lynch· ... Vice presi· dent of st•te's Sesqukenten· nial Foundation Spends every Thursday night fixi09 up 1974 Briddin with son ... ts host of ·conservative Report" on cable access •.. Married, thr~ children Last yHr's r•nking: 51 82 Olivid 9toob, 5 Costa Mesa •.. board member and fon'1'Miit:: Costa Mesa polKe captairrir:? • During law enforcement career, helped implemen programs aimed at kee? West Side youths out of gangs _:Has been 1nvora 1n restructuring the bud selecting a new superin ~ dent and reaching a sala agreement with teachers union •.. Came to defen TeWinkle Middle School I• spnng. comparing it to a mond ... Unranked last year SCRATCH & DE NTr ·....: MOVING SALE UPT070°/o CRIBS CHANGING TABLES TWIN BEDS FUR~ITURE BEDDING ACCESSORIES YEL OF EXTRA! Celebrate the Grand Opentnt of California's f lrst Vacation Store . A t last there is a place where you can relax, shop and browse for travel at a high-tech, full-service Travel Store! What a concept! Come visit the Travel of America Vacation Store at South Coast Metro Pointe. WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU'LL NEED FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP +FREE travel planning and consultation from experienced travel professionals in a warm, friendJy environment +Luggage +Electronics +Games +Travel Videos •Bags and Backpacks +Gadgets and Gizmos +B ooks and Maps +Passport Photos EXTRA! One time only Grand Opening Offer! NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE ' I Book a vacation for $1 ooo•• (or more) per person and get a .FREE quality 3-piece luggage set as. a gift for booking with Travel of America Your Vacation Store '-. ERICA Your dream vacation awans you at the Traw!/ of Amenca ~~canon Storr -from a deluxe saJan adventure to an C.."<otJc cruise. HERE ARE ONL~ A FEW OF TRAVEL OF AMERICAS SPECTACULAR Fall VACATION VALUES The Best Cruise Value. 29 days, three continents and a new luxury cruise ship for only $89* a day including air. Greece, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, Italy, the Canary Islands and St. Thomas are just a few of the exotic ports of call on this phenomenal itinerary. This is a cruise not to miss. This exciting voyage departs November 22, 1998. Call now for details. This is NOT too good to be true! Fabulous Savings to South America aboard Princes Cruises Five-Star Royal Princess. "Route of the Ancient Mariners" is a unique 14-rught cruise vacation to the very ends of the earth! Staterooms begin at $1379* per person. These are special "BEST AVAILABLE" prices! The earlier you book, the better your cabin! Don't wait on this incredible opportumty!!! The Best New Year's Cruise Savings. Ring in the New Year in grand Style on a 13-day Hawaii Pacific Cruisetour aboard Royal Caribbean 's elegant Legend of the Seas. Cruise in luxury for only $1,899* per person l includJng air. Call today for our two-night hotel pre-cruise bonus offer. Unbelievable Caribbean Value. Now 50%off11 7-day Ea~tem Caribbean Cruises from Ft. Lauderdale with calls to Nassau, San Juan, St. John , St. Thomas and their own pnv-clte island paradi e, Half Moon Cayl October 17 & 24, 1998. Inside staterooms from $678* per person for inside stat~room and . . $778* per person for outside staterooms.· . ~-...,_... ~-· . .. . . .,._...,.. .. ...__, -·-~·-............. -~ ............... ___ .._...,...... ____ _ ,._.....,. ____ ...,...,....._,....,__.,...._.. ••m ...--.. _.._..,._,.., !Doh --¥1'...-... J.KI---..-. .... .,......___,.__._,........... '""'-•ll"'-............ _._111r .............. JO_ --------SI ..... ......_ --·· __ ._ ............................... ......,_..,_..,.,_ .... _ ......... •11• 1171_ .. _-ertr "* ........ _.. ... _ ......., ,......,....,._ .. .,... ,.._.,._.,._.z. ..... ...-w Jl 099:.,... .... ....,,.,.~...,, ..,,,._ .. .... -....... --. "\.iillllt .... .,.,_._...,_ --.. CSTt101~ ( .. S 22 Friday, September 25, 1998 8·3 John and ~ Wc>rtm9nn, 44 and 41 respectively, Udo Isle ... They helped save the historic.Balboa Cin- ema from the wrecking ball . John is representative of Newport Beach to one of Its sister cities, cabo San Lucas ... He is involved In the Newport Beach Film Festival, Chapman University's Men's fashionables and sits on the board of the Udo Isle Community Association ... Anne is a member of The Sophisticates and was the Bicentennial Rose Queen She is a fQrmer Rams cheerleader and member of the Tro· jan League of Orange County ... She's into yoga and spin nit').9 ... Parents of two children, Devon, 5 and John, 2 ... Last y..,..s r•nking: Asked not to be r•nlutd so P•wl s.a.u. would not be bumped •' 84Jlm. Boom, 57, • Newport Beach Threatened write-in cand1da cy for City Council created big stir in community and put incumbent council- woman on the defensive Executive dtrector of Inter faith Council and Orange Coast Association ... Ever.it organizer of Taste of New· port and tbe Los Angeles · . Garden Show _. Former 13 yeac Newport· Mesa trustee . Loves good scotch . Mar- ried, two grown daughters . last yffr'i r•nklng: 89 . 8 5 D•YN '9ttit. 60, Balboa Peninsula ... President of the Balboa Per· forming Arts Theatre Foun dation for the past 3 112 years .. Local real estate agent and community adivist •.• Is the Balboa civil service commissioner .. Has raised almost $90,000 for ttie theater .. Biggest thrill of past year was receiving Sl00,000 from John and Donna Crean for the foun dation . Husband, Bob; dogs Foxy and Pooky ... Last year's r•nklng: 83 ~k ~~---···············' : SA.TDRDilY SIDEWALK SALE: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TAKE AN EXTRA 200/o off : our already 1 /2 off prices of Samsonite Luggage, American Flyer & Bill Blass Luggage 1/2 off Calibri Pens Includes FREE Engraving STAGECOACH LUGGAGE ·1r GIFl'S 2043 Westcliff Dr Newport Beach earner of 17th & Irvine A.w. S4S/51N005 With thia ad Fre• Laminated Luggage 1119 I I I I I I I I I I I I I .•••••••••••••••••••• ~ .~--~--~-------­... Offering AirTouch L----~---------- I'N TR 0 D U C I N G RALPH LAUREN INTIMAT ES & SLEEPWEAR •Pajamas •Bras • Niteshirts •Panties •Robes •Daywear Kristen's Lingerie • Loungcwear • Gifts • Breast Forms • Swimwear Wcstcliff Cou rt • J 719 Wcstdiff Dr. • Newport Be.1ch • 631 ·SEXY (7399) Monday·S;uurday 10-6 ' I • 86 1111~59, Balboa Island ... Owner of Safeguard Busl ness Systems. a commerclal printer .. Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Com- merce 1998 Commodore of the Year ... Ran the Pro-Am golf tournament at this year's Toshiba senior Classic . .. Using nis little-known carpentry skills to rebuild his kitchen . Married, two adult children, one grand· child and another on the way ... Unranked last yur 87 lob lumh.llm, 54. Laguna Beach New- port Beach city attorney for 19 years ... Represents and advises the City Coundl In all matters of law . Behind· the-scenes force in many major issues. including the fight for an airport at El Toro Marine base ... ts most proud of helping to get the John Wayne Airport 'settle~nt agreement LO\leS to prac· tice photography ... He and wife, Kathleen. have three kids ages 14, 20 and 23 ... Last )'Mr's rllnking: 82 Newport Beach/Costa M.esa Daify Pilot 88 TOm NM.tghton. 73, Newport Beach President of Airport Working Group ... Spends about 12 hours a day. seven days a week living and breathing • the'EI Toro Airport issue ... Wife of S3 years says he'd · have more spare time if he went back to work ... Former naval aviator carrier pilot ... . TrJes to get away to fix up his old sailboat and dote on his collection of classic cars Two children and three . granddaughters ... Uiv•nkedlastyffr 891Udwd Wehn, 51, Eastbluff ... Newport • Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce president ... Sits on city's Economic Develop- ment Committee : .. board member for the National Chamber of Commerce Exec· utives .. Traded in whatever hobbies he used to have for ·chasing after his 18·month· • old child and being a soccer dad .. Married to wife, Susan, for nine years .. 1Wo children: Samantha, s. and Ricky, 18 months ... Last .. yffr'I rrilng: 99' DESIGN CENTER ""For All Your Decorating Needs!'' Over 50 Years Of Fine Quality The Original MIKE,$ FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads. CAllPETI OVER 25 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Ope rated by Mesa Uphol stery * BEST PRICES We will beat any le~itimate· c~rpet price quote!! FULL SET •ACRYLIC • Acrylic wM'hlte Tip • Pink & White Powder • lume Gel •Silk Wrap •Acrylic •Pink FILLS • Pmk & White •Luma Gel •Silk Wrap ··Manlcur1 • Ptdicure •Ktdt M O Mlnlcuf1 ' Ped • Hind Plrlllln •TEXTURES •PLUSH •CABLE •BERBER Newport· ~h/Losto Mesa Daily P.ilot . 9~ E.wton, 60, . 91 Mwpnt Gr.tton. V Easttiluff ... President 60, Laguna Beach ... of the Eastbluff Community Third year as president of As.soclatlon .. Primary voice occ ... Has e~ the for fight to kM? traffic mea.-introduction of Internet into sures lit Bison Avenue and the college's curriculum ... Jambcwe Rold permanent ... Has helpeq develop OCC Retired Fullerton chief ~ • Express, condensed dasses for ner Appointed member of . students with busy kJ"i~ules· Newport Beach's Environ-... Enjqys reading b66ks ... mental Quality Advis6ry Moved to Southern California Committee ... Fixture at City from Oregon, where hef Council meetings ... Enjoys three children and three doting on his granddaugh-grandchildren live .. Single ... ter ... Married with four chil-Says OCC is the aown jewel dren . Unnnked IMt yew of Costa Mesa ... Last year's rllnklng:42, 92Nkk PllNlplcls, 55, Anaheim Hills ... Owned and operated cap- py's Cafe In West Newport for past seven years . Walls adorned by signed pho- tographs from au of his famous patrons, including Chicago Bulls ttar Dennis Rodman, home-run king Mark McGwire, Brian Setzer ' of the Brian Seuer Orcht"S· tra, and Anclheim Angels great Jim Abbott ... Original- ly from Nestnl, Greece and hasn't lost his accent ... Unr•nked last YH' 93.1111Lloyd,41, South -.oast Metro ... In charge of media relations for the Orange County Fair ... Dealt with the Pinkman problem ... Publlc relations flnn branc:hil')g out to repre-- sent artists, musicians and other creative types ... Work· Ing on a slogan for ~xt • year's fair, which will focus on gold and grains ... Most enjoyable fair theme: #We're Going Tropical• .. Participat- ed in C.lifomia AIDS Ride, a 575-mile bike trek ... One son ... Last )'Mr's ranking: 15 Mon 10-7 Tu-Sat 9:30-7:30 Sunday 11-6 950 W. Coast Hwy, Newport· Beach (across from Balboa.Bay.Club) ( 949~631•1212 Visit Your Art Museum Today! ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART I "' Q) "' "' ro - FAMILY ARTS NIGHT u "' E -·-u. Friday, October 23, 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Free Admission. Sponsored by the city of Newport Beach, 74f9.1122, Ext. 211 If you have any questions 850 San Clemente o ·r1ve, Newport Beach Open Tuesday -Sunday, 11100 a.m .-5:00 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 759•1122 Friday, September 25, 1998 ~ ~ 94.John Schol, 53, Lake'NOOd ... State naturalist at u~ Newport Bay .. Enjoys leading out· door education, whk:h 15,000 children participate in annually .. Excited about plans to build Shellmaker Island education lab ... Next big project:: getting a flat- bottom boat to use as a "floating lab" ... Says dredg- ing has led to Influx of new life In the bay, including shaOO ... Married, son and daughter adopted from Rus-- sla ... Last yers ,...Ing: 102 95Gay WusalMt.lly, 96tt.tt.., Anderson, 58, Balboa Peninsula 47, Costa Mesa ... Editor of community news· Branch director of Boys & paper Balboa Beacon and Girls Club in Costa Mesa ... A vk;e pre$ldent of Balboa Mer' btg brother/father figure to chants/Owners Association U• thousands of Newport-Mesa Also works with group trying kids over pait 25 years .. to restore the Balboa Theater • Kind, funny and patient ~· • ... Finally got back the historic Runs one of the best sports. U-Drlve boat sign "Super· programs in community ... vises• husband Bill's worlt Member of Chapman Uniyer- restoring their tugboat ... As s1ty Hall of Fame for bask~· Daily Pilot Reel Critics, the ball exploits ... likes golf, couple's favorite movie was slow-pitch softball Mar· •The Parent Trap• ... Last ned, two teenage sons ... yeow's ,.,.Ing: 91 Unranked l•st yHr. 9 7 Maiggle SUiiivan, Mesa ... ·~~~:tS:~ ~C::s~ Landmar1c theater until it recently closed • Now is •• spearheading an effort to · reopen,'revitalize the Corona del Mar site ... Some of the • fixes she'd make: add air conditioning, install better ' ~ats and open it up for community groups ... She'd still show the same eclectic mix of films ..• Favorrte film there; •Hoop Dreams• •. , Enjoys wntmg poetry ... Sm gle .. Unr•nked last YH' ROSEY'S· AUTOBODY ' ' You Have the Right to Choose Your · .. ·Repair Facility Insist on the Best Lifetime Warranty Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 121 Industrial Way • Costa Mesa MICHAEL V. ELAMM.D .. COSMETIC SURGERY CALL TODAY FOR FREE CQNSULTATION {714) 721-1113 360 SAN MIGUEL DR. • SUITE 207 • NEWPORT BEACH CA 926/:AJ S-24 Fndoy, September 25, 1998 9801rls and Mary Fewel, 42 and 41 respectively, Costa Mesa ..• He1s a planning commissioner; she's the master- mind behind the Canyon Park News, which debuted eight years ago as the Freedom Homes News; and the canyon Park Home and Garden tour. which will return 1n the spring after a thr~ year hiatus ... He 1NOrks in real estate finance, she sells r.J•I estate on th.ta West Stde ••• Both have done much to E>hharxe the reputation of the ~ Stde "through deanup pr09rams •.• He played in a rock band in high school but he d~'t like to talk about n , She·s known as Gladys Kra~itz am0ng neighbors· "You know. from 'Bewitched.' the ncxy neighbor" ... She likes gardening, walking, reading ... He likes ~urfing, softball and golf Got cauqht 1n riots during surfing trip to Indonesia ... Unranked last year 99Paul Slllahl, 71, Lin· da Isle .. Inventor of world famous Irrelevant Week, celebrating the last college football player draft· ed in the NFL ••. Enshrined in Orange County Sports Hall o( Fame this year .•. Balboa • Say Club governor ... Some say f'le owns the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce ... Former USC · and NFL wide receiver Great emcee Married to Beverly, two granddaughters Last year's ranking : 103 • 1 00 Jeff Brinkley, 45, Long Beach ... In his 13th year as he;Jd foot- ball coach at Newport Har- bor High, a perennial CIF and Sea View League con- tender Notched his tOOth career win this season Amo119 the most respected mentors in &cmge County ... Shining achievement -at Newport was 14-0 CIF cham- pionship season in 1994 ... Former college quarterback and catcher ... Married, four children .. Unranked la.st year Featuring the Largest Selection of St. John Knits, Sport, Acces~ries Jewelry 8t Shoes etc • New & Near1y new fashion below w holesale prices • O nly High Q uality designer brand names • Personal service from friendly staff · Now ac~pting your. D esigner l a b e l cons igi:iments for all seasons. (949) 675 ~9756 3 3 6 Poinsettia cat r c tt) • We Also C•""Y: •Teak • CHt AJ••in• • RHin •Wicker .: \? r-------------------------~-, IFREE CUSHIONSI : WITH PURCHASE OF $ 2 0 V:' ALU El I 5 PIECE PATIO SET /"'\ I ~----------------------~ 1590 Monrovia Ave. Newport Beach Hours Open Tues-Sun 10crn·6ixn Closed Moo. 1714) 548-2449 $100 OFF REFINISH ING of Brown Jordan/Tropitone Furniture ~ . . Newport BeOch/Costo Mesa Daily PilOt 101 David 102 Lany c.pwte, 56, Balboa Island ... Keeper of one of the island's favorite summer traditions. free outdoor m0V1es .. Just hrgland, 66, MMC! Verde ... National chair of the libertarian Par- ty . Has been a candidate for presld~nt and vice presi- dent ·-Will lead the party into the next millenium ... •The goat really-is to become too large to ignore'" ... Married for 14 years, he and his wife have five children between them ... Runs his law office from home ... Enjoys klckboxlng ... Urm1nlted last year 4 finished up 33rd summer of shol>ving outdoor movies on Onyx Street ... Got into hot water with resident with a showing of "The GraduateH four years ago ... First ITlOVie screen was a bed sheet . Part-time Ofeguard ... Favorite movie? "Endless Summer." of course ... Unranked last year Larry Capune gets an audience with then-Gov. Ronald Reagan. .. A Cosmo politan Kttc he Come Enjoy Our WJNTER JAZZ &: BLUES Featuring Live Music by SISTER MOON NEWPORT BEACH 949-650-0101 2530 PACIFIC. COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH 949-464-1208 440 S. COAST HWY (Starting Oct. 1 at 9pm) Newport Beach Location 0 1'1.y R e .. b·e··I Featuring Pl·~~\· ti «tl 'ti. 100% AMERICAN -tI 'ti -tI · Fashion Island• Newport Beack HUNTINGTON BEACH 714-960 . 5282 211 MAIN STREET MISSION VIEJO 949-470-4761 27695 SANTA MARGARITA from Linds_ay Davenport to-Brad A~ery Thads for __ Leadin~ the Way! Call Today! (949) 642-4321 BUILD YOUR. HOME AT .NEWPORT COAST .A NEWPORT COAST ~ COMMUNITIES Most influential through the years For the past five years, the Piiot's most influential list has become a fall tradition 1n the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa community. From left: In 1994, Marian· Bergeson -about to be elected county supervisor -captured the No. 1 slot. Jn 1995, Rep. Chris Cox. part of the Republican r~­ olution, catapulted to first on the hst, In 1996, Irvine Co. chairman Don Bren cruised to the top slot. And last year, comeback kid · Amanda Arthur was all smiles atop the field. 1130 Irvine Avfj. (At 17ili St. next to 1-lugt!t::tiv!ad:et) ~~}2)~111 f» Q) Pchcan Cre:.t at Newpon CoaC'it 1c; snu:ued high on a hill and offer" ~p.lc1ou" IN.., awragmg nppn,x1mately one-half acre. nu~ ex lus1\·e loc.uwn ovcrll)l'k~ Pchc.m Hill Golf Club'. Ncwplm HJrbi.ir, the PJltfic Ulcan and Cmahna lc;Jand bc}'ond \'1c;11 our Ncwpon C0as1 Fxh1b1t m Fmwn lsland Ncwpon Beath l'T call 1 (888) 205-3t112 for more mfonnanon PEL ICA CRl 1 Cl STOM LOTS FROM Sl.700,000 TO OVER S4 MILLION I- .... ... " ~ . ' ' B.EBE .. ' •, . . - . . . . ' BEBE • Hipthie1 fQY· stretch Julit-t ja<:kct $i1K, :.ind ,._..Pan\, $128. ~hbc<.J Wlvct Tunk, $69. lk-a<led Choker, $2H. Alrium Court, Main LcVel. (9tt9> 64o·2<t29 • . -- -' ,.. .