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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-19 - Orange Coast PilotSERVING TI-IE NEWPORT -COSTA MESA COt'AMUNmES SINCE 1907 MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1998
Mickey Mouse,
Linda Tripp get
votes for c.auncil
A local government interest
group called the 7u has
weighed in on the upcoming
Newport Beach City Council
race with an informal poll of its
According to a memo from
one of the group's organizers,
William C. Ring, 38 members
returned their
ballots to vote
for the six can-
didates running
in four differ-
ent city dis-
While the
results in the
Balboa Peninsu-
la and Eastbluff districts were
fairly standard -Mike Kranzley
and Tod Ridgeway were almost
tied, with Kranzley getting 17
votes and Ridgeway 1$-and
Gary Adams led Ron Winship by
30 votes -the unchallenged
incumbent races were more
Councilwoman Norma Glover
received only eight votes, bemg
beat out by 11 write-in nomina-
tions of •Anyone else.• Next
was Jim de Boom, who got three
votes. and Rush Hill and Mickey
Mouse were tied with one vote
Counc:i.lman Dennis O'Neil in
the Corona del Mar district
swept with 31 votes, but not
without someone one
vote to Monica Lewinsky pal Lin-
da Tripp. .
alleged failure to catch on to the
fact there were millions or dol-
lars being embezzled from the
Newport-Mesa school district six
years ago, Wells Fargo Bank can
expect that any district accounts
with the mega-bank will be
left, and
Scott Dun-
can of
Sage, play
music at
the Fall
Elizabeth Marsh, 7, right, along with other youngsters, makes soap bubbles ming only her hand during the annual Fall
Faire at the Environmental Nature Center in Newport Beach.
to revisit
Second look also
planned for Newport
Boulevard landscape,
sign guidelines
Council will revlSlt today the
Planning Commission's d~as1on
to approve the design of the Har-
bor Center and their own deci-
sion to approve Newport Boule-
vard sign and landscape gwde-
The counal will meet at 6:30
p.m. m Council Chambers at City
Hall, 77 Fair Dnv~
Councilwoman · Heather
Somers appealed the Planrung
Com.nussion's dec1s1on because
of concerns she had about trafhc
and unpact to nearby neighbors
A group of College Park residents
bas worked to get the design of
the center changed so that Home
Depot is not located so dose to
theJI homes.
·They are most concerned with
truck traffic which will be routed
behind the center near their
homes, and the ac;sOCtated noi~e
and diesel fumes the tru will
bring. The Planrung Comnussion
approved the de.1gn 4-1 , Wlth
Corrurussioner Linda Dixon cast-
ing the chssentmg v~te.
Although . Dixon said she
agreed with the other
sioners that the Harbor Center
needed to be redeveloped, she
At tpe Tuesday n.ig~ schoo-:-rl--.---'--------------------ELIS€ GEE
·--.60.-ard meeting, rnemoert.fa a · F }} F • i -----...,----------· urrent.
design was •community asmg and
Fluor said she will not soon for-a alf0 fa $6$ ~f'b building on d 1 1/2 acre lot in front of the
center unfriendly~ and would negabve-
ly impact residents. give the bank. H undreds of bouncy belts and com-husk
"I hold a grudge for a long funds for 0Xp8flSi0fl dolls were born Sunday at the Envi-
time that they were one of the ronmental Nature Center's Fall Faire
ban.ks that assisted in the decep-of Env1'ro11mental and Pumpkin Patch in Newport Beach. tion and embezzlement,• she Local families kicked off the fall season
"d and theu Halloween celebrations by SaJ. c t Mike Fine. the asslStant super-• 0fl er attending the event, which benefits the
intendent Qf business services, center's expansion fund. Most of Sunday's
said the district has dosed
almost of its accounts with Wells
The lot was made available last year
after Newport Mesa Urufied School D1stnct
vacated theit headquarters on 16th Street.
The goal is to build a museum/.nature edu-
cabon center on the lot as an entryway into
the 2 112 acre nature center.
Commissioners sent developer
Scott Bell back to the drawmg
board but approved the design
last month after he ~ame back
with an offer to build a 20-foot
berm between residents and the
shoppmg center, to enclose and
move Home Depot's roam load-
mg dock and to install central
LOST AND FOUND: At the Latino
Business Council candidate
forum, a local resident told can-
didate James Fisler that be had
lost his vote.
Helping people to discover their family histories
The forum had been opened
up to audience mernbeJS for
questions. The resident Sdld he
had planned on voting for Fisler
until the candidate exp/essed his
support for a 19th Street bndge.
As Fisler proceeded to answer
the resident's question, Latino
Business Council president Man-
fredo Lespier jokingly told Fisler
-vou don't have to answer him,•
because Fisler had already lost
the man's vote
Fisler answered the question
-Compiled by
Daily Pilot staff
Newport Coast woman conducts class training students in research methods
Surrounded by phot<>gTaphs of people in her own
family's lmtory, Newport Coast resident Maureen
Halpert doesn't really know the details of their lives.
Her mother, father and grandparents have died,
and although she has the still frame memories and
the fading recollections in her mind, she doesn't
have a true documented history.
But Halpert is contributing to the preservation of
history in other ways -by doing it herself and by
teaching others how.
AB a volWlteer for Steven Spielberg's Shoah Visu-
· ·c 0 M M-U N IT Y I RI E F I N G
+ SCHOOL: Adams
Elementary School,
2850 Clubhouse
Road, Costa Mc"a
92626 + PRINOPAL: Bar-
bara liclmngton + W1SH: Ca!isette players, boxes of 3M
brand PP2500 transparencies and
playground equipment: soccer, root·
baU, ba kotballL handballs, jump ropes .
• CAU.: (714) 424-7935
• TheM It~ INOY mor.-.r• wlstw the
principlls Of the fMwpM·Mesl Unlf* SchOol o•
trkt would a...1 to~ In order'° contln
.... lmprcwing the qutllty of ttudeMJ~ educttion
Tah • loOI( .i the lilt tnd maybe you, by YO!un·
. tftt'1ng In • comput• lab or doneting boOks, <.,
m.tke •with come ttue
al History Foundation, she helps collect the stones of
Holocaust survivors from 1933 to 1945, which will be
saved for education and research.
And u an instructor for classes sponsored by the
Newport Beath Community Services Department.
Halpert shows evecyday people how to develop oral
histories on tape.
•1 have found something I'm really involved m.
and it's reelly important to me,• said Halpert. 49.
In the clall, people will be given the tools neces-
sary to capture an oral history -theu own, the.ll'
PfA1n1S or grandparents -on video or audio tape,
mcludlng what questions to a.&k, how to organize the
uslsb ln
one of the
es that
were sold
See story,
Page 4 •
AROOllD J(JWN •••.•.• I " I ••••••••••• I •• s
QASSlfB •• , .•••••••• ,. •.•••••• I • I
POUCI AU'S ....................... 2 -PlllJC: ll(J1l(E'S • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • ~7 ' .....,,
SPC>ITS I I I I I I 1 t • • t I • t •I•• I I I• I I It• 6 ...
W£A11B t I I 111•1 • t I• It It I I• I • I I illl I 1• ,2
.., • """""'.,lot,..,.,...
,,,,..,,. (itt , ...,
... ....... ,.2
2 Monday, October I 9, I 998
the Orange CountJ ..._..
Cto11 recently announced that It
--recel11ed a donation from ....
port Beach 's The fl•ltl•.._.
foundation. The foun~don
.donated $5,000 to the Red Crot'-
Thanks to the donation, "•d
Cross will be a ble to continue to . . .
provide Its youth services pro·
'grams, which play a major role In
the development of young peo·
'pie and help~ them get prepared
for their future. The programs
that are offered focus on educa-
t ion, volunteerlsm and leader·
ship .... Newport Beach resident
Kristin E. Yates, the daughter
of Ursula and Douglas Yatff of
Newport Beach, has recently
enrolled at Claremont McKenn.
Col\ege. Yates is a member of the
Class of 2002. Yates, a graduate
of Newpo rt Harbor High School,
w ill ma1or in psycho logy There
are appro ximately 275 students
,1n t he school's class of 2002. The
average SAT score for entering
freshman at Claremont McKenna
College is 1360 Cla(emoot
McKenna College educates
locals onl
+NAME: Loil '!Jlqmpeoo
+WHEN WOE YOU ....01: Moreb 17, 1991
+ FAMILY STATUS: Married for MVeD }'8UJ to
lToy ThOIDplpll. No cbildren. one dot. a yeJ-
low Lab named Maggie
+ EDUCATION: Bachelor 0( Sdenat, bn•tn I 1
administration; masters, businea ,.,1rn1n1ma-
tion; Both degrees from University of RedJanda
+PAST POSmONS: ~t malylt.-
of San Clemente utilities dlvtlklai owned ..&
managed two restauranta, n11tllda tee bnHep
for a bio--medical laboratoly1 yoolla ~
assistant at YWCA
+ PRESENT OCCUMTION: Assistant manager
of Costa Mese Sanitarv District
+ EXPLANATION OF JOI: Oversee residential
trash collection and recycling programs for
Costa Mesa and Santa Ana Height. .
MENT: Finding. a career where I can make a
differen~ with an organization that supports
Getting my masters degree in business
+ YOUR PERSONAL MOTTO: •Life should be
tun.• .
the closer the bettett
+ THE IEST BOOK YOU'VE EVER READ: This is going to
sowid silly, but my all·time favorite is "Charlotte's Web"
by E.B. White. Each time I happen to see the book, it
makes me smile.
fett, •Feeding Frenzy! "Barometer Soup• aDd "Benena
asked., "How are you?• I always reply," Just peachy and
bow are your
Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot
Uling the word • ~" when I'm speaking m
PQlltion, president Of tbe board of directors for
a non-profit organization
1IASE YOU A80lre Being Superman's girl·
Emergency kit tn a backpack, walking shoes,
Thomas Brothers map and a beach towel
tem; no, not really-his great smile and
sense of humor
a wall in my bedroom bright pink
HIGH SOtOOL: Most likely to get on with lite
sevelt for his commitment to the environment
and Katherine Hepburn oecause she was not
afraid to be hers~.
walks near the ocean
TflE WORLD IF YOU COULD: I wish that people would
have more respect for each other.
+YOUR IDEA OF EXEROSE: Walking three to" five miles
every single morning, rain or shine!
APPEARANCE: I have squlnty eyes that are usllally
closed in every photograph taken of me.
+ I HAVE A OAEAM THA~ Our house in San Clemente
will sell very soon! . •: ..
fu ture leaders in business and
public affairs and 1s a highly
selective inde pendent liberal arts
college •.. Marine 1st Lt John P.
Ruffini graduated recently from
the Marine Corps' Helicopter Co-
pilot Flight Tra1n1ng Course
Ruffini is the son of Costa Mesa
residents Dario c. and Bruna L.
".'uffinl Ruffini 1s a 1988 gradu·
ate of Newport Harbor High
School He graduated f rom San
Diego State University and has a
Bachelor o f Arts degree ... Navy St.
Cmdr. A. Murrey Gero part1cl·
pated recently in a mult inational
exercise 'while involved in a six·
mo'nth de ployment to the
Mediterranean Sea and Arabian
Gulf. Gero was aboard the at tack
submarine USS Narwhal Gero Is
the son o f Newport Beach resi
dent Ele ana Gero. Gero Is a
1 \f72 g raduate of Agoura High
~chool He joined the Navy in
are 10 orth em: George Harrison, "Cloud Nine;• Eagles,
"Common 'Threads;• Traveling Wilburys, Vol 1; Dire
Straits, -0n Every Street"; Stevie Ray Vaughn and Dou·
ble nouble, •1n Step;" Rod Stewart, "Out of Order;•
Credence Clearwater Revival, ·chronicle;• Jimmy Buf-
+WHAT CAN YOU COOKl: Lots of wondeiful things.
I've converted many of my favorite recipes to a low-fat
version. I've won two contests for my Boston dam choW·
der at the San Clemente Chowder Cookoffl
·(714) 15'·5043 ... ,.
• !October 1975, Gero is a graduate -~ ·-
'of Auburn University, with a SSEE
:degr!!e ... Navy Petty Officer ht
:c1ass Ma tthe w w. Sturm
'reported for duty recently at
Naval Air Station North Island, Baldwin Reinhold
Police .seek suspects in Costa Mesa stabbing-~-----~~-t~~
Police' are looking for a suspect who
sta bbed an 18-year-old Costa Mesa
man three times in the back with a
pocketkruf e as he walked Wlth a friend
down Placentia Avenue, police said.
:sa n Diego . Sturm is the son o f
;costa Mesa resident Rita C.
Manney. Sturm is a 1985 gradu
:at e of Newport Harbor High
:school He Joined t he Navy In
' February 1986 ... Newport
Beach's lrvfne Apartment Com·
:munitiH recently anClo unced
•that the company's chief flnan-
:cial officer, James E. Mead, will
be leaving the company ln early
1999 Mead will help launch a
new Orange County-based Inter·
net software company. He will
remain with Irvine Apartment
•Communities until a successor I
'has been appointed, a process
,which could take several
:months .Newport Beach·bued
' •investment partnership Controf
' Income Properties II has
;recently p urchased a research
:and development building In
:Garden Grove. The bulldlno,
:which is located o n Chapman
'Avenue, is 61,078 squue feet
.The transact ion. which was a
!leased investment. was valued at
;s s .2 million . •
Corona del Mar teside nt Baldwin Reinhold Jr.
ched Tuesday, Oct. 13 after a lengthy illness. He
was 85.
Mr. Reinhold was born in Los Angeles in 1913
~d a tte nded Manual Arts High School, later earn·
ing his bachelor's degree in aeronautical e ngineer·
ing from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
In 1937 he went to work for Abegg and Rein·
hold Company (now Varco International, Inc.), an
oil and gas drilling equipment manufacturer co-
founded by his father in 1908.
He and his family moved to Ne~rt Beach in
1972 when the company relocated to Orange. Mr.
Reinbold retired from Varco in 1975 as executive
vice president.
Mr. Reinhold was a member of the Santa Ana
Country Oub, Hoag Hospital 552 Oub, past pres·
ident of the Puna Point Homeowners' Association
at Naplli Kai Be ach Club on Maui, Hawail, and a
member of the Gle ndora Country Club and Pauma
Valley Country Club. He was a ge nerous support·
er of his alma mater and many local charities, most
recently through The Reinhold Fowidation, which
he and his family founded in 1997.
He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Mary
Reinhold; son Terry Reinhold of Corona del Mar;
grandchildren Mark and Jim Reinhold of Menlo
Park,·Calif.; Sue Reinhold of Oakland, Calif.; Amy
Jo Dowd of Rye, New York; and one great-grand·
His re mains will be distributed at sea during a
private ceremony. In lieu of flowers, the family
requests memorial donations to the Hoag Cancer
Center, P.O. Box 6100, Newport Beach, CA, 92658-
6100. .
READERS HQTU~£ news stories. illustrations.. .cfito-! QajM.P.jlot nal matter or advert1semenu (949) 642-6086 hettln c.n be r•produced With· Record~ comments about oot wnttM permlssJon of copy· the Dai Pilot or news tips. nghtOWMf.
VOL. 92, NO. 248 APPR£SS HOW IQ REACH US Our ~ea Is 330 w. Bay St, • Costa Mela. Calif 92627. ~ • The limes Or.nge County . • THOMAS H. JOHNSON. COR8£CIJONS : PubltW< (800) 252-9141 It Is the Piiot's pollcy to prompt· ~ .. WIWAM L080£U.. ly com<t all 9frOB of substance. : Editor Oat11fled (949) 642-5678
" STEVE MAABLE. Pie.-oll (714) 574-4233. o~ (949) w-021 ! Managing Edrtor m Edltorial
, TINA 90RGATIA, The Newport BeadVCosta M.a ~(714)540-1224 ! AsSlst.ant M&Ng1ng Editor = Piiot (USPS-144-800) Is Spotts (949) 642-4330
I ANASTAOA FMUIRG. !shed ~ through Sat-News, Sports Fax (949) 646~170 ' Oty Editor urdey. In Newport Beach and E·mall: I S1'EVI EAMES, Costa Mea. subscriptions ate
onty avall•bl• by subscrJbl~ MMIC>ffb • News Editor Business Office (Mt) 642-4321 : ROGO CAla.SON, The llmes Orange CCMJOty
• Sports Editor 252-9141. In trNS outside of BuslnetS Fex (949) 631-5902
MAM:MA.lmN, Newport BNch and Cost.a Mesa,
Photo Ed1t0t wbeoiptlon& to the Dally Pilot Mlt.-CS~ '"' LYHNESOl.A. onty .,. ~by mail for .nm. Communltv Newt. Display Mvtrtising $10 Plf' month. Second dM • nn. Minor {OfTlPl'1Y w = J)9id et Cost.a Mele. CA. NOYonTING. lndude .. ~ Oasstfled AcMrtlSlng W:" toe.I ... ) POSTMAs-.......... ~ l.AHA JCNWSON. s..'ld addr• chec'9'S to "'9lkllnt and C90 PromotlOOS 'TM Mnport ~Meta ~ ......... ~~ ~ ~ ,,0 8ox 1560, CoN ~ "91idem. ~
Ch;.f Financial Ottkef .... CA.. 92621. Copyright: No .,_ ~ CN M l'W'* """*
The stabbing happened at 5 p.m.
Friday in the 1800 block~lacentia.
Identity of the victim was Withheld
pending further investigation. The 18·
year-old was take n to W~stem Medical
Center where he was treated and kept
for observation overnight, said Sgt. Tun
He was released Saturday, Sche n·
num said.
The l8-year--0ld victim was walking
southbound on Placentia with another
18-year·old man in front of a burger
joint when he was grabbed around the
neck from behind and -stabbed three
times in the back, Scheonum said.
A second suspect grabbed the stab-
bing victim's friend and threw him to
the ground, Schennum said. The friend
did not suffer any injury.
It is unknown what the motive for
the stabbing was but it did not appear
to be robbery because no property was
reported stolen, Schennwn said.
It is not known whether the victimS
knew their assailants, he S&d.
The suspects are both described as
S·foot-10 Latino men with shav ed
heads and heavy builds. One of the
men was wearing a white shirt and the
other was wearing a black shirt. They
were last seen running south down Pla· ·
centia Avenue .
-Elise Gee
~~~~~~~--.-.-,-.-,-L-Y.._l_l __ T_H __ E __ N_E_W_S.--~~~~~~-::~
Youth march Saturday will
recognize efforts of leaders
A youth march from Costa Mesa City
Hall to Triangle Square will be held Sat-
urday to recognize the efforts and
accomplishments of locaJ youth leaders.
The march will begin at Costa Mesa
City Hall before moving up Newport
Boulevard to niangle Square.
The event lasts from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
and features e ntertairunent and raffles:
For more information, call Judy
Valenzuela at (714) 838-9991, ext. 24.
Balboa First low
58178 3 04 a.rri 09
Corona del Mar First high
56178 9·14 am. 5.4
Costa Mesa second low
58117 3:37 p.m. o.s
Newport &each. .... Second high
58178 9'.-42 pm .• 4.6
Newport Coan TUESDAY
58177 First low
3.27 a.m. 1,2
"""POMCA5T First hl9h
~ 2·3w Second low
Newport 2-lw 4:08pm. 0.4
Bladiies 2-4w Second high
River Jetty 2-4w 10:16 p.m. A.4
CdM 2·3w
11DIS 111 •IATYm:62
=--f l
Comments sought on
El Toro airport project
Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and all
Orange County residents are invited to
review and make comments on the coun·
ty's proposed project to convert the El
Toro Marine Corps Air Station into a com-
mercial airport. The Notice of Preparation
for the environmental impact report was
wued on Friday and will be circulated.
through the public until Dec. 18.
Local residents can view the report at
the Newport Beach Central Library,
1000 Avocado Avenue.
Aside from the county's pref erred
pro1ect for a 24 million-annual-passen·
ger auport at El Toro With a people
mover linkmg it to John Wayne Airport,
the e nvironmental re port will study a 28
million-annual-passenger facility at El
Toro, expansion alternatives for John
Wayne and a non-aviation proposal sub-
mitted by a coalition of South County
cities. The draft environmental report is
expected to be completed in late sum·
mer of next year.
Written comments on the Notice of
Preparation can be submitted to Bryan
Speegle in the El Toro Master Develop·
ment Program office, 10 Civic Center,
Second Floor, Santa Ana 92701.
Our breezy condl· COSTA MESA;
tions from th• • •i::t aoulevard Snacks valued at SS 44 were reported stolen om a Unoul 76 on the 1900 block.
weekend will be
dying down a bit
today. Expect some
waist· to shoulder·
high waves, with
higher swells In
the jetties. Troplcal
Storm Madellne.
which gtnerate.d
hHllY rains and
gusty wlnds south
of Baja California
over the weelctnd,
hat bffn tapering
• Pomala. ""9nue. A compute<, videocassette recorder and
tetephone valued at $1550 was reported stolen from Pomona
School on tM 2000 block .
• ~ Stre.t; A computer valued at S2,500 was reported
st<>*'! fron1DesertWestonthe3000 block. ·
• Golf Courie .,...,,_: Golf clubs valued at $3,240 were report·
ed st<>ten from a truck on the 1700 block.
• lrtdol ltntlt; A cellular telephone valued at SSOO was
reported stolen from a whkle oo tht lOO block.
• 1r1no1 Mrwt; Ctyst.I flgvrl'* 11efutd at $3,250
~ed stolen from a buslnen on tM 3000 block.
Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot _ SchoOis Monday, Odober 19, 1998 3
Whole new era _of management
ahead for Newport-Mesa district
Magician to perform
for local student'>
In celebratlon of Red Ribbon
Week, the Davis and Sonora PTA
Red Ribbon committees are pre-
senting magician Bob Markwood
of the Magic Castle in Holly-
sale at both :.chools today. Pro-
n!ed:. will go to each .:.chooJ.
Costa Mesa High holds
·Mustang Corral'
Costa Mesa High School will
host its "Mu ng Corral" from 5
to 11 p .m f-riday, 11 a m . to 11
p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Sunday, at 2650 Fairview·
G ood news on the• home
front• ThE> "M" word
dpphes to our school dis-
tnct these days. No, I don't medn
Mom and Apple Pie J'm talking
about Hmanagt>ment•.
ll's a whole> new erd m the
Newport-Mesd Unified Scbool
D1stnct, and I'm ·hopmg thIS
trend cont.u'tues. I was inVited to
·meet with Dr. Robert Bdrbot, our
new supenntcndent, dnd Jim
Ferryman, the school bodrd pres-
ident. I fully expected them to
suggest thdt I quit. plcking on the
board and the ddmmistration,
which I do in a regular fashion.
You can imagine my shock
when they wanted to tell me that
I had full access to any district
infonnallon and personnel. They
are gwmg me the Pxpctndrd
board agendd ahedd of time.
They shared with me• some
potential restructunng pldns,
which mdy or may not hdppen.
The most c>xciting message 1s
that we aren't going to keep
doing things 1ust lo maintain the
SI.di.US quo.
Over the ycors, the school
board has sp(ml a lot ol hm<> I
determinmg and priontmng their
goals usmg a vcuiety of methods,
Once they were detennmed, the
public never SdW them d9t1m, or
knew whdt goals w~w iiCC-Om·
This year, thl1 hoard's week
1:1nd retreat changed dll that Slop
by the d1stncl office and you \\.ill
see the 1998199 DhlnC'l goals
and pnontJes, which cu<• listed by
departrnenl, with cstimdted com-
plel.Jon dc1tcs. I'm hoping they
are po~tecl <1t (•vt•ry school site, so
, gay
that the "implementers" of the
.policy, as well as the parents, can
see them
Dr Barbot said that he will be
updating the board rcguldfly on
the status of reaching these
Many of the goals are pretty
lofty. Even if we get halfway lo
the goal, I think all concerned
will deserve a pat on the bdck. In
my mind, the biggest goal is to
improve the averagE> SAT-9
scores for elementary schools in
redding and spelling by 10% in
one year,
. . l.ikeWJse, the goal is to
improve SAT-9 results by 10% in
reading math, and ldngu·age arts
in grades 9 through t 1 m one
year. Ten'\, is a dramattc jump to
dttain in one year. If we improve
by 5%, I think we all better write
a thank you note
One new pos1llon that was
dpproved at the l>0ard mePtmg
last week' was a "tec-hno-w11.-
ard, ~ also known as <>ducdbonal
let·hnology director. This person
will monitor technology purchas-
mg and use throughout the dis-
trict and match the capabilities-of
the technology with its intended
use. So, the most advanced
equipment would be in the place
with the greatest need for it. I'll
fill you in on other 1998/99 goals
in future columns as space per-
Thanks to the Corona del Mar
Track and Field Foundabon,
which donated 100% of the
$185,000.00 cost of an all-weath-
er track. This district track will
be localed at Corona del Mar
High School, and will be the
envy of the state. The goal is to
have 1l in place by the first day of
track season in February. The
board asked to review the policy
for booking district facilities, so
that there will be some standard-
17ed policy as to how multiple
requests for the same facility will
be handled.
Thanks to the Scott committee
and the board for showing us the
architectural rendenng for the
sports facilities complex to be·
located at Estanaa and Costa
Mesa High Schools. All that is
needed is lots of money, which is
the next issue the committee will
tackle. U the fund-raising is suc-
cessful, the schools would have a
new pool, new football stadium,
a rruru-stadium, and refurbished
hclds and courts
Thanks to U.S Cisco Systems,
Estdnc.:ia High School is offering
c:ou through the Cisco Net·
Plug rnto the Pilot Class1f1ed section to ftnd services from Daily Pilot
electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters.
Class1f1ed Community Marketplace
advanced equipment and
fullr trained, certified
technicians have provided
the most effective cleaning
available for all types of
carpets, rugs, draperies and
uphol tcry. COIT's
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working Academy AJter four
semesters of special course work,
a student will be a certified cable
technician. The graduates or this
academy will be schools
up to the Internet and mamtam-
ing those systems. M~ybe stu·
dents from the Academy will •
help hook up Estancia as our dis-
trict's next. digital high school
The Mustang Corral, held at
Costa Mesa High School this
weekend, will have fun arid food
supplied by the high school and
all of its feeder schools Come
see the free entertauunent, have
some great eat.lo, and nde some
canuvdl ndes It starts Fnday at 5
p.m. and ends Sunday at 5 pm.
Finally, J was saddened to
see that Ryan Huntsman tiled d
$10 rrullion lawsuit agamst the
school district and the city of
Newport BPach. I haven't seen
the .complaint yet, so I don't
know the paruculars. But, I do
know that the only way he can
be aslung for $10 million is
because he is seeking purubve
damages. Punitive damages are
awarded to purush the perpetra·
tors of the conduct. Any money
paid out in punitive damages by
the distnct will come out of funds
that are there for the educatlon
of our children. rue the students
m any way responsible for this
problem? Do they deserve to b.e
Mesa resident Her column runs
Mondays. Her e-mail address 1s
GGSesqOaol com
J fo will be bringmg the Magi·
cal "No" Show to both schools on
Thursday. Markwood .will pre-
sent an age·approprittte magic
show that wtll educat~ them
through his magic to say no to
illegal drugs. a'lcohol and tohac-
Paren'ts Me welcome and
encouraged to dltend. The magic
show will be hel<I at Sonora's
multipurpose room dt 9:30 a.m .
for third arJd fourth grade and at
10:30 a.m. tor kindergarten
through second grade. At DavlS,
the shows \\.'ill b~ held m that
school's multipurpose room at
1:10 pm for the fifth gradP. and at
2·10 pm. for the sixth Hrade.
"Opportunity drawmg• bckets
will be available for $1 each, dnd
the winner will receive two t.Jck-
ets to the members-only Magic
CasUe. A limousine w1U provide f
transportation. Titkets will be on
Hood .
The event will feature carnival
nde:.. food and game booths, as
well as entertwnment throughout
the three day:. . •
Saturday will offer local band!>
perfonrung IJl the gym from the
afternoon through the evewng.
Other group dnd' acts will be
perfonrung on the outdoor stage
throughout the three-day event.
Pdrhc1patiny Wlth the high
school are its "feeder· schools:
College Park, Davb, Killybrooke,
Paulanno, and Sonord Discovnt-
ed tickets for the carnival ndes
can be purchased m advance at
the elementary schools · .
Also participaung many of
the high school booster orgaruza-
t10ns such as the football and
aquatics booster club~.
Newport-Mesa-Unified School District
Elementary Lunch Menu
Three menu choices every day
Students may choose a vegetarian entree each day if desired. The I
vegetarian selection varies and may be either a salad, sandwich or
hot entree.
•Monday: Grilled cheese sandwich, or "munchable" salad or chili
cheese dog on a bun; peas.or beans, choice of juice or fruit, cho1Ce
of milk.
•Tuesday: Turkey and cheese sandwich, or "munchable" salad, or
bean and cheese burrito; whole kernel corn, choice of JUice or fruit
choice of milk
•Wednesday~ Ham and cheese sandwich; or Hmunchable" salad, or
turkey tostada in an bowl with lettuce. cheese and salsa; fruit, cook-
ie, choice of milk and juice.
• Thursday: Vegetarian sandwich, or "munchable" salad, or
mesquite broiled hamburger on a bun with lettuce and pickles,
strawberry fruit pie, choice of milk.
•Friday: "Munchable" salad with yogurt, or cinnamon swirl french
toast with maple syrup, 2 sausage links. and tator tots; ju1Ce, choice
of milk.
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4 M.onday, October 19. 1998 Newport Beoch/Costo IJ.eso Daily Pilo
Playhouse auction breaks record Workshop provides
update on study • Event gamers about
$215,000 to assist
Orange County homeless.
EuSL Gui
Datt Plol .
Afd broke two fund-raising
records Saturday at its Pro1ect
Playhouse auction.
The yearly du.:t:Jon features
one-of-a-kind dream playhouses
bwlt by professional architects,
interior desJgn~rs and landscape
architects. The proceeds help put
roofs over the hedds of the home-
less in Orange Cowity.
·We had a phenomenal
everung, • said Kep Follmer,
HomeAtd spokeswoman. "We
broke two of the fund-raising
· records th1S event has ever had.•
The event garnered about
$215,000, up from the $210,000
raised in 1996, Follmer said.
year's auction also soUoted the
highest bid ever on a playhouse,
Follmer said
A San Juan Capistrano fainily
bought _' .. The Llttle Mission" play-
house for .a record-breaking
$38,000, Follmer said. The most a
playhouse had sold for before Sat-
urday was $27,500.
"The Little Mission" was
designed by architect Stephen
Ball and was built by The Ameri-
can Society of Interior Designers,
Orange County and Pridem1trk
Contractors. .
The playhouse was a repbca of
a califomia mission and had a
working bell tower tor children to
It came stocked with costumes,
fitted with a stage that turned into
a table, and bad stairs to the roof
and a slide going down.
The playhouses have been on
display at Fashion Island for a
month. The auction was held Sat-
urday evening.
The first playho~ tl\at went
up on the auction bl!x:k Saturday
was "Presley's Tea House."
•There were proba bly seven to
eight families all bidding for it at
the same time," Follmer said.
"Withln eight secQnds, it was up
around $10,000 to $12,000. There
were just bld numbers going up
all over· the tent. It was really
Counting Saturday's proceeds,
HomeAid has raised more than $1
million through Ptojep Playhouse
to help build or renovate sbeltets
throughout Orange County
including Human Options, a
home for abused women and chil-
dren in Costa Mesa.
A volunteer builder puts the
finishing touch on one of
several doll h ouses auctioned
for charity Saturday.
jF.Nlff.R RAGl..AND
llc.t1 ~
dents cllld envl!Onmcnldl
actiVlSts are invited to attend dn
informal public wo1 kshop
Wednesday to get an update on
the Upper NewpOrt Bdy_ restora·
tion feasibility study being con·
ducted by the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers.
11ie Los Angeles District of
the corps is hosting the meeting,
which starts at 1 p.m. at City
Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd.
lomia Department of fish iind
Game will also be at the meet.
mg, as tpcy are cun~tly upctat-
mg the department s manag£-.
mcnt plan for tht; ecological
The $1.4 million study has
Qccn tunded by the Corps of
Engineer.. with help from lhe
Orctnye County Public Facilities
and Resources Department and
U1e. city of Newport Beach. •
Bob Bumh4m, Newpott
Bedch aty attorney, said the
study will lead to potential
r toration pro1ects for the hay,
mduding further dredging of
the existing sediment basins
and dredging of various chan-
nels. Tue total cost for all need-
ed restoration work is projectt!d
to be $10 or $11 million .
Neighbors air concern about water facility
"We have looked at baselme
conditions of the bay and are
ready to fonnulate alternative
plans,• said Jim Hutchinc;on,
study manager. •we will u e
public feedback to develop !he
plans for ecosystem restoration
and sediment control measures
in the bay•
The corps has been collect·
ing data for several yettrs tn
order to develop a model of the
entire bay showing tides, cur·
rents and sediment transport.
Aerial photography and
detailed, habitat and species
field surve\'s were also used to
prepare habitat maps of the bay
Another ·feasibility study m
the works is for the San Dieqo
Creek watershed, which wotild
look at how to unprove the bdy'!i
water quality by doing things
upstream to · prevent sediment
fro1n Jlowtng into the bay. -!Joly Nol
COSTA MESA Neighbors
who came to a meeting on the
Colored Waler Treatment Facili-
ty with concerns about noise,
dppearance and safety walked
dWay w1th answers after a meet-
109 with the Mesd Consobdated
Water D1stnct
The district 1s planrung on
bu1ldmq a multi-million dollar
• Colored Water Trecltment Facili-
ty on Gisler Avenue to reduce
· the district's rehance on unported
. · watet by 20% The facility is
used to treat and purify growid-
water wtuch is safe to dnnk but
may be off-colored dnd have a·
smell to it
D1stnct stalf dnd representa-
tives from lhe htrPd design Com-
pany, Carollo Engineers, pre-
sented the plan to residents and
answered question Thursday
Casey Patelski said staff
seemed to be receptive to resi-
dents' concerns.
"I think they're concerned,"
Patelski said. "They asked the
people what would you like the
buildings to look like. They took
a lot of interest. I think they're
not forcing the thing down
everybody's throat."
Patelski said most people
were concerned about noise and
safety. The project includes
building a 5 million gallon tank
to store the treated water.
Engineers had anllcipated
safety concerns, espec1ally on
the heels of the tank rupture in
Westminster, said district spokes-
woman Lynnette Round.
Engineers offered a compari-
son and contrast of the proposed
design of the tank they were
building and the one that failed
in Westminster, residents said.
Mary Tersigni said she has
been more apprehensive since
the tank in Westminster broke.
Although engineers were able to
relieve some of her fears, she
said she was still concerned
about the size of the tank.
"It's going to be a big, big
faGility," she said. "It may help
people get rid of the freeway
noise but it's going to be a huge
Engineers are exploring the
posstbihly of burying the
whole tank, Round said. How-
ever, if it gets do~n into the
groundwater, that nught not be
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~ Environmental Nature Ceitter,
Enftl'o1UDental & . }
"•tare center our supporting sponsors, present ~ur annua h
'Faff faire-' '& 'l'Utn}'~tJ pate
Featuring: ~ !'»i R'~ ~ 8 ~
() Free Admission! .;: CAin o/ ~ -T
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Sap Bluegraaa Band
possible, she said.
CarolJo is pJanrung on break-
ing ground for the project by
February of next year, according
to'their timeline:
The district will keep resi-
dents informed on the progress
of the facility through newslet-
ters. Another meeting is planned
for January.
Representatwes of the Cali·
Burnham said a cost~sharing
dgrecment between the federdl
government and local mun10-
palities hds not yet been
reached for that study.
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I Newport Beach/Costa Meso Daily Pilot
·u we don't get 1t, the nature center will
be blocked off,• said Fran Fagen, advisory
council member.
The non-profit organization ha.s raised
$400,000 of the $1 mil)ion they will need to
buy the land and build the museum, said
Bo Glover, executive director.
·we hope thut the Fall Faire will raise
$30,000 for the 'Save Acres for Nature'
campaign," Glover Sdid.
Plenty of locdl businesses, youth and
community organizations showed up Sun-
day to help do that. Local participating
businesses included Ruby's, Avila's El Ran-
Chito and SunFlour Natural Bakery. All pro-
ceeds raised from the food booths, pump-
kin patch and silent auction will go to the
Environmental Nature Center.
•A lot of people have come on boar(!,"
said Carol Anslow, board member. •Jt's just
mu:;hroomed and it's great.•
Cathy Shochat of Newport Beach had
planned to stop by the pumpkin patch for
just a few nunutes but ended up going on a
rour led by one of the founders of the cen-
ter, Robert House.
House guided some of the many tours
given Sunday through the nature center,
pointing out fiord that included California
Redbud, Tecate Cypress trees, and Red-
Some of the trees and other foliage were
planted by House and students 25 years
ago. House also debuted the most recent
addition to the center, a freshwater marsh.
"It's really Vdluable, • Shochat sdid. She
said the center was a wmiracle" within the
Madeleine Lafata brought her daughter
Taryn and her daughter's friend Lauren
Miller, both 9, to the center Sunday. The
girls spent some of the afternoon going
from activity booth to activity booth. Chil-
.dren made plaster prints, com-husk dolls
.and bouncy bats from liquid amber seed.
Hannah Undt. left, and Emily Rychel, talk
about their comhusk dolls the Fall Fair.
The Faue was well attended when it
opened Sunday morrung. Glover estimated
that the event would attract 3,000 people.
Lafata comes to the center several times
a year and has a son, Zdchary, who volun-
teers al the site.
"I think is great," she said. "It's a lit-
tle hideaVfay in the city.•
interview, how to record it and
how lo incorporate photos and
Halpert has ledmed most o(
her technique through her experi-
ence with the Shoah Founddtion,
where she has volunteered for the
... past three years.
She found out about the pro-
ject through an advertisement in
the newspaper and WdS instantly
intngued by it. Halpert grcv.· up
in a Jewish fdmily and ~omP of
her ancestors were lost m the
Spielberg started the proJP.ct
after ·schmdler's L1st ft was
released betduse so many sur-
vivors were compelled lo share
their stones· after St>eing the.
Through her interviews.
Halpert has hedrd first ht1nd the
harrowing tal~ of fedr, hun11lia-
tion .and death that people who
No matter what you're doing.
your hometown newspaper
ms IN... Daily-Pil6t
I were under Nazi control from
1933 to 1945 have to tell.
"·The most important thing is to
credte that rapport," Halpert said.
"Sometimes this is the first time
they've talked to anyone. You
usually get a hug after each inter-
Wlule it can be di.fficµlt dt
times, she said knowmg she 1s
helping to preserve an mvalu-
a ble history lesson is worth the
"I've dlways wanted to do
something to make a difference.•
Halpert said. "This has given me
the opportunity to be a part of his-
tory, to work with people and to
validate their stones."
· Halpert believes every person
has a story lo tell and recom-
mends that younger generations
take advantage of the history that
lives in. the minds of therr parents
dnd grandparents.
. "I feel you can really con-
tnbute to someone's life and give
them something they can have
that's memorable lo them," she
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Maureen Halpert uses pho-
tographs and other memorabil-
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conditioning and double pane
windows in 10 homes.
The council will also revislt a
decision it made at the' last DU"el-
mg to approve Newport Boule-
vard sign and landscape gwde-
lines, which called for the use or
canopy trees instead of Mexican
fan palms.
Councilman Gary Monahan
cast the sole dissenting vote
because he was concerned that
the trees would limit visibility
and block signs on the boulevard.
Monday, Odober l 9, 1998 5
He said be appealed the decision
to make sure Newport Boulevard
bUStness people had a cbana? to
comment on the changes
In other business, the council
will discuss hiring a project man-
ager for F~w Park. The coun ...
cil will consider a $60,000 a year •
contract for Robert G . Fisher and
Associates at SlOO an hour.
Fisher's main respons1bilitY Will be to secure grants for tha
improvement of Fa.i.rvJ.ew Park
which bas been estimated to cost
$9 million. Fisher is the former
director of harbors, beaches and
parks for Orange County. He also
worked as Orange County plan-
ning director.
• Send AROUND TOWN Items to the
Daily PiJot. Around Town, 330 W. Bay
St., Costa Mesa 92627; fax them to 646-
4170; or call ~1224, ext. 228. A com-
plete listing of Around Town CM1 be
foundat www.~
"A Personal View of Callfomla,,.
a watercolor exhibit by Richard
Thomsen, will be on display
through Oct. 31 at the Newport
Beach Central Library foyer, 1000 ·
Avocado Ave. For mor:e infonna-
ti.on, call (949) 717-3801.
A yoga class will be.presented by
Helena Sprake from 6:30 to 8
p.m. at the Nancy Clark Educa-
tion Center, 471 Old Newport
Road, Suite 103, Newport Beach.
Admission is $8 per class or $30
for four prepaid classes. For more
information, call (949) 548-4059.
" A yoga class will be presented by
Helena Sprake from 9 to 10: 15
a.m. at the Nancy Oark Educa-
tion Center, 411 Old Newport
Road, Suite 103, Newport Beach.
Admission is $8 per class or $30
for four prepaid classes. For more
information, call (949) 548-4059.
A representative from UCI wtll
VlSit OCC's Transfer Center from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2701 Fairview
Road, Costa Mesa. The Transfer
Center is 10 the sehool's Counsel-
ing and A~sions Annex. For
more information, call 432-5894.
The Networkers wtll meet from
11:45 a .m. to 1 pm at the Costa
Mesa Golf and Country Club.
1701 Golf Course Dnve. Ad.mis-
Slon is $12 and mcludes lunch.
Call 885-9093. "
Senior consultant Bob Brennan
will lead a free ctiscussion of
reverse mortgages for seniors 62
and over at 3 p.m. at Bayside Vu-
lage, 300 E. Coast Highway,
Newport Beach. For more infor-
mation, call 723~0233
• Custom Rugs
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www.rv sandca
rt Beach tel 7144.-.75.197'4
-. . . . . . . QUOTE OF THE DAY -oPENER
Newport Blodi's liday Oav..,af1
does It again! See Page 7.
•God bl. cu saPanor• and~ beaw lhey'r1lryilg115 bm1 fll'f an .. rs. to• .... to play 115 nuh 115 ..... had to ask""' to play ~ .. ~.,
Dave Pertdns. Estancia High football coach
6 Newport Beoch/Costo Mesa Do1ty Pilot Monday, Octobe< 19, 1998 • Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 9.49-57 4-4223
for Eagles
•Perkins directs frustration
beyond cast of casualties
after most lopsided loss in
the school's football history.
MESA -Para-
noia may be too
strong a word,
bt.1t Estancia
High football
coach Dave
Perkins rmght have already
begun theonzmg dbout the para-
normal adversity which has
befallen his first season at the
Eagles' helm.
The latest blow was a 52-0 loss
to cross-town nval Costa Mesa
Fnday. 1t was not only the most
lopsided loss in the 32-gamc his-
tory of the senes. but lhe biggest
margin of defeat expenenced by
the Eagles Ill lheir 34 varsity sea-
In1uries and illness are
inevitable, d S d 23-yedr' cocichmg
veteran ltke Perkins knows only
too well But the carnage which
continues to envelope the Eagles'
roster was only one of several fa c-
tors which have rendered Perkins
an aspmng conspiracy theonst
Senior two-way stdndout
Ricky Romo was unavailable
against the Mustdngs. after
sprdlJUng his ankle Wednesday
m practice Sophomore quarter-
back Kenny Valbuena was
knocked from the game with a
similar m1ury Idle in the first half
and multi-tdlented tailback
Manu Tamelu was r<.:duced to a
receiving-only role after aggra-
vating a recurring ankle problem,
accorchng to Perkins.
The latest casualties JOmed
several other would-be starters
on the inactive list, which now
also includes seruor Peter Nunez,
whom Perkins fears is lost for the
season with a chroruc shoulder
injury worsened against Mesa
"God bless our sophomores
and 1uruors, because they're try-
ing as best they can,·
said •But it's unfair to dsk them
to play as much as we've had to
ask them to play."
Beyond in1unes, Perkms
expanded the scope of rationale
for Friday's setback to officiating
and the scouting prowess of the
opposing Mesa staff.
"l feel like the officials blew
some calls, which cost us,"
Perkins said. "We ran and re-ran
some big offensive plays which
were called back and we can't
find the penalties they called on
us. And, what's more, (Costa
Mesa) runs the ball 36 times and
didn't get a holding call.•
Perkins was somewhat vague
in addressing • the Mesa staff's
foresight, but believes the Mus-
tangs guessed right an morctinate
amount of times, partlcularly on
"I think Jeny Howell and Tom
Baldwin are great coaches, but
somehow -and J don't know how
-J they knew what wds com-
ing. We ran some different tlungs
and things we'd shown no tenden-
cy for them to pick up on, which
they were lined up 1ust nght Cor. •
Though the Pacific Coast
League-operung setback dropped
the Eagles to 1-5, Perkins believes
his kids won't throw in thP towel
on the rest of the season.
"Young kids are more resilient
than the coaches,• Perkins said.
·w e (as coaches) are frustrated, but
the bright side is the resiliency of
youth. The kids will bounce back.•
Perkins IS less clear about Val-
buena's avatlability this week
"We'll JUSt have to and
Sea Kings' co8ch
is hospitaHZed
•Corona del Mar HkJh offensive cootdinator
Lyle Lansdell spends the weekend at Hoag
Hospital, could undergo surgery today.
NEWPORT BEACH-Lyle~ the Corona del Mar
High football team's offensive eoo1dinator, was admitted to
Hoag Hospital immediately e.ftet ·
Priday'• Battle of the Bay XXVD and '1rill find out today
if swgery ls req"'9d to combat complications from an
infection in bll digmlive ttact. .
Lansdell. 43, caDed plays during CdM's 28-18 triumph
over Newpolt Harbcir Priday ~t. despite severe dehy-
dration and tN.rp abdOiniDal pain.
Dia~ with diverticulitis (a condition in which waste
collects in poucbM In die ODloll and causes infection) .in
January, Lamdell beigan 8q)erienciDg slmlJar ~ptoma.
including sbalp pain. tbe IMi few weeks.
His conditioa lignlflcantty wonen.ed Thtinday night
and be wu unable to stand for much of Friday's pregame
wannup. Determined, he fulfilled his coaching responsibil-
itiee, but wu b.ospUalWK1 IQIDe time after the game F.riday
and remained at Hoag through the weekend.
Tbe extent to wbich his coaching role tbe neXt few
weekl is affected, wtll be determined by whether surgery ·
is perfonned and/or the went of any ~cal procedure,
Lanldell said Sunday.
"I'll kno.w more (today},• he said. ·rm hoping to be back
at pradice Wednesday. (Priday's Sea View League game
against Santa Margarita') Is a huge, pivotal game for our
Corona del Mar HJgb's Nale Lemme rman picks up valuable yardage
in Fl\iday night's 28-18 conquest of Back Bay rival Newport Harbor.
If Lansdell remaiJls hospitalized, be said he would polish
this week's game plan by reviewing videotape of CdM
practices. Runiling becks coach Tony Naranjo would call
plays from the sideline, if Lansdell were not able tO attend.
Friday's game at Saddleb&ck College.
CdM buzz ·saw trims IDore
than just the rival Sailors
• Sea King players shave heads of
Dick Freeman and several assistants
after Friday's momentous victory.
With the second of five Sea
View League challenges
awaiting this week against
Santa Margarita, Corona del
Mar High football coach
Dick Freeman will ask tus
players to quickly forget Fn-
day's eye-opening 28-18 Battle of the Bay
XXVll victory, which ended a four-year lOSlllg
streak to Back Bay rival Newport Harbor.
But that may be a little difhcult for the Sea
Kings, what with a handful of freshly shdved
heads bristling beneath the afternoon sun-
shine on the practice field the next several
Freeman, as well as fellow assistants John
Hallam, Miguel Romo, Tony Naranjo and
team doctor Steve Jennings, were all shorn
above the shoulders during the postgame cel-
ebration Friday at Newport Harbor's Davidson
Field. Offensive Coordinator Lyle Lansdell has
also agreed to sacrifice his Jocks to the cause
Even without walking, coaching VJsual
aids, the sights. sounds and emotion taken
from a convincing upset of the No. 1-ranked
team in CIF Southern Section D1vis1on VJ fig -
ure to forever linger in the memory banks of
Sea Kings everywhere.
What football ahcionados may recall most
1s a sb.fling defensive effort, or a CdM offen-
sive performance which mixed determined
ball control and big plays, or even an unortho-
dox, though effective, effort from the special
Freeman said his defensive game plan was
to contain the Harbor running attack, which
the Sea Kings_ executed well by limiting the
Sailors to 60 ground yards.
When the Tars took to the air, however, the
Sea Kings' revised secondary -senior
Hunter MacDonald shifted from safety to cor-
ner and junior Mike Bergey inserted at free
safety -was up to the challenge.
"We put our defensive backs a little closer
to their receivers and tried to match up with
them." Freeman said. "It was a little scary
when they tut that first big long pass (21-yard
sideline streak to the CdM 10), but we stayed
wtth it and it seemed to work."
The aforementioned Newport completion
set up what Freeman termed the first of sever-
al turrung points in the game.
"ll wasn't so much (the Sailors) missing (a
25-yard) field-goal attempt (on their first pos-
session, set up by an interception n ear mid·
field), but us stopping their offense and fore·
mg them to try the field goal," Freeman said.
"I think our guys thought, 'Hey, we can step
A 15-play, 73-yard third·quarter touch·
down drive which pushed the lead to 13·0, as
well as a 42·yard interception return for a
touchdown by MacDonald, three plays after
Harbor (which had scored to cut the lead to
13-6) had forced a CdM punt, were additional
docisive moments, according to Freeman.
In addition to seizing possession of the per-
petual Bell Thophy, the victory
allowed Freeman to regain family bragging
righ~. .
Freeman's brother Jeff and sister-in·law
Diane cheered two sons -Mike (Class of '95
and now the starting fullback at Cal) and Eric
(Class of '97) -through the Newport football
program and had been getting the best of the
good-naturoo ribbing since CdM last won in
One of the more uruque postgame images,
m fact, was Diane Freeman, wearing one of
her son's Newport letter jacket, giving the
CdM head man a congratulatory embrace.
Also poignant was Freeman's insistence on
sbarlng the victory with current members of
the CdM freshmen team, whose winless sea-
son continued Thursday with a 43-8 loss to
•Hang in there,• Freeman told one high-
flVing freshman, "and you can be part of Uus,
The 28 poin~ were the most ever scored by
the Sea Kings against Newport. 1Wo of those
were posted by sophomore punter Rory McK-
eever, who was forced into place-kicking duty
when junior Danny Gonzales pulled muscle
the day before the game and converted 2 of 3
PATs (the other was blocked}.
•t thought we were in trouble wben Rory
took about an 18-inch divot and kicked (hold-
er Dennis) Alshuler's hand on his first try tn
practice,• Freeman said. •sut he did a good
job Friday night.•
afoot for
Mustangs ....
• Line splits, shift ~way
from the double wing, will
· allow the Mesa offense to
diversify, Howell believes.
MESA -While
a second-
straight shutout
in Friday's 52·
point conquest
of cross-town
rival Estancia High marked ~ :
return to recent defensive tradi--
lion for the Costa Mesa football ... team, a departure from recent ..
history was afoot on the offensi~ :
side of the ball.
That's where Mustang linemen
have ditched theil' familiar foo~ ;
to·loot alignment, in hopes Qf. r•
loosening up opposing defenses.
#We've had (12-inch) line splits '
the last two weeks,• Mesa Coach
Jerry Howell said. We're trying to
widen out the defense a tittle, pat·
ticularly against teams which like '
to put nine and 10 men in the box n
(an imaginary boundary roughly
3 yards off the line of scrimmage
a.11d as wide as the offense's tight •
end or tight ends)
The change also represen~ a u"
departure from the smashmouth ..,
double wmg set wtuch has char~
acterized much or Mesa's success
in the 1990s.
"We'll run more out of the 1
and we'll also have a smgle-back
set more often,• Howell said.
HWe won't be using too many
more double
wing sets."
Howell said
the new align-
ment will d.llow
fonner quar-
terback and
Ricky Martin
to become a
virtual full-
time receiver.
where his tal-Howell
ents were dis-•• ""' played with a 57-yard toucAdown
reception against Estancia.
Mesa's passtng aua-ck also-
received a boost with the return ot
Dave Wert to quarterback. The
1uruor standout, who had started ' "
at wmgback the last three weeks,
threw for 82 yards and two IDs ...
agamst the Eagles. Mesa totaled
103 passing yards the final three '
weeks of the preleague campaign.
Howell said the most lopsided : •,
Vlctory in the 32 Battle for the Bell
games, the second-biggest mar-·'
gin of victory m Mesa history
behind a 55-0 season-opening trl-''
umph over Ocean View in 1993,
provided several positives.
·one of the big areas we're '
making progress is developing '
some depth we didn't have three,
and four weeks ago," Howell
said. •(Senior) lsrdel Leal (who
missed the previous game with
an ankle injury) was able to play .;
at ofJensive tackle, though he still •
wasn't at much more than so~(
We're rotating people on both'
sides of the ball and they're start-
ing to show improvement.· ,
Another area of improvement, ... ,
was a reduction in trash talk
between the intracity rtvals.
according to Howell.
"There was less yipping and
yapping than we've had in the '
past," Howell said. "There was
some early, but l called a ti.meoµ,i
and told our kids to play !ootball
with their helme~ and stop run-
ning their mouths. 1 called the .
referee over and told tum to brin.g
anyone who was trash tal.k.i.q.g,,.,4 over to me and he'd spend some ...
bme with me on the sideline.• .., ..,.
(0 1011,1 111·1 MM ( '> 1) 1 0 0
Sea View League tie betw en Irvine and \Voodbridge
means Sailors lose ground · the standings, as wE>ll as
the Back Bay bragging rig ts to rival Corona del Mar.
NEWPORT to a 17#17 tie, the prognos1 · for
BEACH -After recovery became sUghUy moro
losing for the imposing the rest of the way,
first time m hve according to Sailors Coach Jeff
seasons to Back Bru1.kley.
Bay rival Coro-"That wa!; not good news,"
na del Mar Brinkley said of the deadlock,
High, the which would give WOodbridge
po tgame mood in the Newport and/or lrvine a valuable half ·game
Harbor football locker room wa advantage ovc•r with one
already somber Friday rught. more IO$S m the battle lor one of
But when word came down that the league' thr e guaranteed
Seo View League combatants playoff berths.
Woodbndge and trvme had played Harbor, whkh overcame a llml·
tar uphill fight after dropping the
ftr'St two Sea View contests last fall,
will n.ecd to show equal resiliency,
according to Brinkley.
•Th biggest thing, now, is the
psycholog1cal end,• Bnnkley said.
·we have some guys who have
been with the \farsity Cor three
years, who have only experienced
(JoslngJ six times, so it's not some-
thing any of us are accustomed to.
But we've got to pick up the pieces
and regroup,"
Brinkley said the pieces just
never came together for the Tan in
the Battle of the Bay XXVJJ. a 28·
18 CdM triumph.
•cdM was the better team that
night," he explained. •we j~t
couldn't qwte get the momentum
to tum our way the entire night."
Newport may have seized some
momentum by converting a Billy
Clayton interception into points on
its initial possession, according to
Brinkley, who dted the subseque nt
failure to score (an errant 25·yard
field g04J try) as a potential turning
•Not getting three points there,
I think, was blg psychologically for
both," Brinkley said.
Brinkley was pleased with the
defensive lineup change that
moved eenior Brant Hill from mid·
die UMbacker to and and inserted
junior ·Mike Tunney at middle
[_ M
!1rv11·••lll1 00 1
jW<t111t1 ... t111• 1'·" 11 fl II 1
Woocbldge 1 • !Nine 17
s.rta Mqlritl 31, El TOl'O 24
f I d l'y , \I Hl \I ' f \()I
', t I ,1 ' I p11• '
... s rts Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Monday, October 19, 1998 7
) " I • ~Lindsay _
• •Newport Harbor's Alicia
McFall clearly the best in her
league at Orange County.
Still some weie able to overcome the con·
ditions. like Newport Harbor's Alica McFall.
Allison Marquand m the race. Marquand
kicked as much dust on the rest of the field
as the winds did and won m 18:00.
Mechkor and Carrie Foss. SteP.n was ninth
with a time of 18:5'4, but was far from satis·
fied with her race. #1 really haven't been
healthy all year long,• the sophomore said
"There's been a lot of Wf>ar and tear on my
body. 1 redlly wanted to go out with Alica •
WlilS ......
~GE -When runners ----.-
nrri'1ed for the course walk-G I R L S
•she doesn't count,• McFall joked after
the race "She's truly in a league of her
own. But then everyone in this race is tal·
• -. ..
•• •
through at the Orange County Champi-
onships on Saturday at lrvme Regional Park,
they discovered less than ideal conditions.
The Santd Ana winds were back . thankful-
ly th same could not be Sdld for Orange
Co~ty fire crewl) • swirling dust, pollen and
si:><>res mto the dry air. ·
As advertised, Coach Eric 1\veit had
predicted il before the race, McFall went
out strong in the .seeded race and fought of
Santa Marganta's Lori Mann near the fin·
ish line to tdke second place in a time of
18:22. TWeit was as equally impressed with
McFall's race and was glad to see her out-
spnnt Mann, who has won the last two
matchupt; between the runners. The two
will Wcely cross paths again while battling
Steen hopes to come back to this race in
top fonn next year and possibly wm the
agam ·-title. .• . "I was really surprised,• McFall said. •I
haven't b<>en running my best for the past'
. couple weeks and I was 1ust hoping to get
a better bme. lltis is really great.•
Coach Tweit was most impressed by the
31st place finish by Mechkor. #She's been
a solid runner all year, but she took it up a
notc;h today," TWeit said. "She defirutely
was unproved " Foss firushPd 35th.
• "'ewport Bedc:h's
Lmdsdy DavLnp011 adds
European Chainµ1onship:>
to her ever-910winq hst of
• •
Gold Div.
•Key mid-race loss is costly,
boys finish fourth in Orange
County's Gold Division.
ORANGE -The G I R l $ Santa Ana winds that
plagued the Orange County Cham·
pionshlps had an effect on every
team at the meet, but sometimes the
effects were not Pqudl Corona del
MclJ' Higll, which hgured to be a
good bet ,o fimsh sPcond or Uurd,
suHered a huge setback a.tter No. 3
runner Katie Quinlan suffered an
dsthmd attack m the hrst mile and
the Sea Kings couldn't recover, fm·
isWng fourth in the seeded race.
For those who don't follow Orange
County cross C'Ountry, second~ as good as
anybody could hope to do with University's
for a league tltle. ·
The Sailors placed sixth (144 points)
behind the support of Amber Steen, Sonya Esperanza woo the race with 63 points.
" DeNoewer
tennis accomplishments.
Switzerland -T E N N I S
Newport Beach s UndSdr Du-. n·
: port put more d1 lance bel\'>een dominates • herseJf and th•• \\ 01 Id'~ No 2·
runked Martina I imq1~ sund11~
• Costa Mesa standout ds the wom<'n·~ tennh ~ t1ch 1
wins Gold Division downed rellow South~m Cali·
fom1;m Venus W1llidt11 \I\ lhe
race, Mustangs finish fmdls of the Europ "an Champi-
onship!> Sunday 'With a 7-6 t>·3 eighth; Estancia wins conquest.
Silver Division crown. Davenport, th U s (>pen
champion, among man} other
ORANGE -G I I l 5 Vlctones this sea-.on, added the
The bad news : European Champmnslup'-to hP.r
on Saturday morning at the : lht of credits a.ttt'.!r sailiny uito the
Orange County Cbamp1·· : finals Wl\h a 6-2 6-3 \'lctorv ov"r
onslups at Irvine Regional • Romarua·~ Inna 'spirlea m SaLUI·
Park was Wl!lds had made ddy's c;emifmab
conditions absolutely miser·
The good news, everyone
had to run in 1(, so lhe ¥ltn·
ners would be detemuned by
who could adapt the best.
One of those winners wus
Costa Mesa High's Jamie
DeNoewer, who rdll d bme of
18·45 to wm the Gold DiVl·
s1on race.
May's 49ers no\.v 18-0
L 0 N G -------ms-· BEACH -V 0 l l-1 Y 8 A l l
Semor Berushe Dillard bad 1 I
kills and runP blocks dntl Costa Me~a·s ~fist) May, a product of
Newport Harbor H1uh htHl c1nht
kills, nine d19s, fmu hlo• ks ctnd
2G assists to le<id the No -1
ranked Lony Beach !:'ldte 4 PfS to
The attack came as a result of the
huge amounts of pollen, spores and
dust stured up by the wmds.
·You can't make excu.,cs. but it
definitely changed thmgs for us,• Bill Sumner said. #Katie was
a I loss for us, but she's a really
DeNoewer, and the rest of
the Costa Mesd runners,
knew that it would be a
tough race physically a.tter
the pre-race walk-through
produced dry mouths. But
she was able to adjust well,
run her race and edge Chris·
tine Eckstaedt of El Modena
by two seconds.
a 15-4, 15·5, :15·2 \\omens \Ol-,,
leyball victory O\ r \ 1 1tmg 8 01
State at The P\ rcrnud on th> ~ 4~ers' cdmpu~ ·
gu kid. I wanted ht•r taken out of
th ce. but she ended up fuushmg
dI\ ay."
Qriinlan came m toward the back
of the pack and picked up a iot of
pofi\ts. CdM had 136 points, )USt 29
points behind second place trvme
Had Quinlan been hedlthy, 1t might
have been a dlfferenl story
Sumner was qwck to po10t at
hrmseJt for the Joss. #1 had Liz
(Morse) go for it and sent her out
hard,• Sumner said. "This is one of
those cases where I wanted to see
how good (my runners) were.•
Had she run a different race,
Morse rrught have moved mto U1e
top uve, but still firushed with a
respectable sixth. # C 1ust had an off
day," Morse said #I could have ran
a much better rdce."
Cd.M's Jel'lny Cumnuns was giv-
en the same game plan as Morse
and finbbed 16th m 19:12. Cummins
could have finished worse, but
showed late courage and passed a
group of four Irvme runne~ that had
gotten by.
#I had some breathing trouble,•
Cumnuns said. "I still could have
run a better race. I 1ust l<>l too many
people pass me.•
Of note, the only 5ea View
League team that was not m the top
seven was El Toro, which means
there is still a long season ahead for
the ~ea Kings il they arc to get out of
league and into the D1vis1on JV
ctialtlpionships. Espercmia won the
roct! with relative ease.
• In the boys race. Corona del Mar
was m the Gold 01vis1on race and
toolffowth behmd El Toro, Santiago
and Esperanza. TraVIS Beardslee
and Josh Yelsey continued to
unprove, with Beardslee edging
Yelsey at the finish line for seventh
place (16:17).
Aaron Gruber, Kevth Kramer and
Judd Hietbrink aJso had solid finish·
cs for the young Sea Kings. Fresh-
man Dustin Hodges took a big leap
as the No. 7 runner, runrung 18:16.
r J felt like we were able to make
progress today," Sumner said. ·we
moved a little forward . When the
smoke settles, we will ~ all right in
Division IV But the road to CIF is
right through Division I and ll (the
re$ of its Sea View rivals) •
Costa Mesa's Alex Martinez (left) and David Tran (center) push it 1n the boys' seeded race Saturday.
Key mid-race loss costly,
Estancia boys fourth in
Gold Division; Newport
boys fourth in Open Div.
J ""'°"' H IU
ORANGE -After ---.-the race was over, I 0 Y S
hve of the seven Estancia runners
were hapang and coughing, most
of whom were s1ck pnor to the
race But despite the ill effects of a
three-mile run through almost
constant dust flurries, the Eagles
could still smile having finished
fifth against the top 12 teams at
the meet.
#We're real happy," Coach
Charlle Appell said. #We still
need some unprovement if we are
to compete at the state finals, but
this 1s a good start."
Alberto Munoz, who was
expected to do well, ran with the
lead pack and came in fifth with a
time of 16:36. Tony Magana fin-
ished 14th with a time of 16:04
and was named, with Munoz, to
the meet's All-Orange County
Senior team.
Manuel Orozco was sulfering
from a bad cold and had to work
eight hours on Friday night, but
still managed to run a time of
16:16 for 19th place
•This will definitely be a big
boost if you look at where we
were ranked before the race,•
Appell said.
Costa Mesa's Bruce Hancock
hnished ninth with a time of
15:50, not a great race, but solid
for someone who was not feeling
well on a day that the weather
ampWied such ailments
Alex Martinez, David Tran and
Rodrigo Ojeda all had solid times
\n the 16s for the Mustangs, who
were eighth overall
"This was a huge confidence
boost," Coach Joe Busi said "We
wanted to break into the top 10
today and we proved ourselves
today. ·nus should really be upliftmg
for the rest of the season because
only a couple of the teams that
finished ahead of us are in our
Newport Harbor's boys, mean·
while, did not get the sort of effort
that puts their coach, BlDl Bany,
into orbit
"It just wasn't a very fantastic
days for us,· said Barry. "We 1ust
didn't run at the level we're capa·
ble of.•
The weather, obviously, had
plenty to do with it.
(ihris McMillen was 11th in
15:55 and Curt Herberts as 15th in
16:07, Wlth Adam Antoruru's
16:27 (28th) the next competltor
for Harbor m its fourth-place finish.
Who might not be able to afford shoes," Sumner
Said, •Some kids Jlillbt run ID MNet ahOel and
IOme might 11.tft n.,.mng lbcMll wttli bOlel in
'J1ae program WM ltart8d to combat the rising
COit of a g.IOd _P* of Nmdng lboel, wldcb DOW
nm $100 and .. 1W ii a lot at money for a high
ICboo1 runner Who._• Jnlnlmam wage JOb and
New RaieD«'9 daDllted .0 paw to tbe cause.
1'M ttm W.W ...... MW.,_ tUt Sumner ...............
·she ran w1\hin herself,•
MuMangs Coach Joe Busi
sclld. ·she pdc~d herself well
and had an awesome day •
DeNoewer was surpnsed
by her perfonnance, but at the
same time was also very hap-
py "I was really trying to fin.
ish second. but I didn't realize
how dose 1 was to the front It
was really close at the end. I
was Just able lo hang on.
The 49ers cu • no\' 18-o 1}'\ c1 -
all. 8-0 m the B1g West It VMS the
32nd strdlght honw \ 1ctory 1or
Long Beach two ~hurt ot the·
rhool re<iord
1e\.\rport \.vins. 12-4
LAGUNA -----~
BEACH -Newport p 0 l 0
Harbor High's bop wat~r polo UJ
team tuned up loi Wedn~day 'f a \ 1ew League du~l Y.'lth \-u;Jt·
ng Sctnla Mdrganta "1lh a 12-4
VlCtOI) Fnday dftt•moon dl Lagu· ""
na Beach, keyed by a hv"-goal
effort from Kcv10 Bcckei.
Also m tpe lOnng column for
the Sailors wtire Jeff Leepe.1 {:l),
Gary Conwt>U (21, Andrew Evans
(1) and Peter B Id n (IJ.
Conwell add~ three'>t
and two steals: Le"per had a pair
ot assist!. and d ... teal and B nt'J
hdd an assist dnd u sk al
Tun Birdsong was crec'.hted
with 12 dVes m th • Newport n~t
#This was really great.~
DeNoewer had the opbon
to run in the seeded race as
an individual. but Busi opted
to have tus team run as a
whole. As a re ult, DeNoew-
er was able to wm her ful)t
invitational utle. Had she run
m the seeded race, where
University's Allison Mar·
quand blew through the
canyon faster that the Santa
Anas. DeNoewer would have CC \.\'Omen swept
finished bed for sixth with • COST~---------
Corona del Mar's Liz Morse, :. MESA · Y O l l I J I A L l
The Mustangs didn't fair ~ Southem Cahforn1a ColleqP.'., as well as a team, plaong : 11 ll eighth in the race. Sarah Cot-: women's volleyl a I am te to ti· 11 overall, 2· 1 m the uc.I t•n ton was 15th Ul l9 38 and State Athletic Confcrenct-~ lf· Jackie Nguyen. was 25th in 20;03, but the gap that sepa-day after ab .. orbmg a 1.:>·S b.
rated them from the No. 4•7 15·9 defeat at the hand of \'lSll·
t th mg Biola Uruvers1ty. runners was too great or e 1'.legan Godtre)' had 10 kill Mustangs to overcome. "We took m a lot of fluids for SCC, but Btola, No 3 m th..,
before the race,• Busi said, NAJA, WdS m command through·
•And adjusted real well to out behind th<' pldV of DarCJP Fra·
the winds But that gap. as I ~ z1er's 11 kill~. •
have talked about before,
was JUSt to big •
• Estanoa Coach Charlie
Appell JUSt wanted his guls
team to do well in the Silver
Division race. They set seven
personal records and won lhe
Liz Hwpe wa second Wlth
a time of 19:42. Jan "lh
Bonales was eighth with a
time of 20:26.
#We had a r ally good
day." Appell said. •But there
are still a lot or good teams m
ow league.·
··rennis SCHIDUll
High School
girls • Ocean Vievv at Cos1a Mesa, ~ p.m
• Golf
H19h school girls -Villa PDfk v..
Corona del Mar at Newport Beach CC.
4 p m., Newport Harbor "' Ocean View
at Mffdowlark GC. 2-45 pm
~·s DEEP· Sil
: o.-y'f Loda.
: -•• tio.u. 139 •'19len· 10J 'If !OWultl : 5 bormo 17 bltratuda, ~ ahco ban.
: 9 """° ~ "KUtpin,. 2 ~
: 3 "'-ibu\ hoc.kf\V\,, 21S ~
: • 2 ~o shal\). l bl\K' tharb (r
_,__ ______ want Ill• cou1110 llHr YOUf Hnta a ,,,.qulna tiene que '1ftMAT S1 FENCING AT IAAI( PAl(K. partment ol Community poMI t!\111 ia. COM!Oefed tab1161\~ Oy ine City ot pijlUC NOTICES · ""· cumplif con lat fofrMll-DKPT. •• 1409 OMnneyr• '"'· ~ 110 ARLINGTON DRIV!, S~lc••· n Fllif Dtivt. un1e11 ace~ by Costa Mn•. Which art on tt you do not fJt your , ... dadt1 legal•• aproplada1 The name Ind addrt•• ot Vun1 8"Cll2, CA t2&5t, COSTA .,.ESA. CAUFOA· Coat• Mt... Cautornla, auch caahltr • check, ftle with the Clly Clerk of 11.7,BLIC NOTICE 1ponse on ume, you may el u1ttd qUlttt que la cort• . . (Ml) •M·t• 1 NIA wil bt r~ by !flt upon nonrefundable pty· catn. 0t blOdtt • boncl the City o1 Coau .,._ a ,,. IO•• tile cue, and your eacucn. au uso. • 1"' c<M#1 le. (El nomt>ft Y DA'R1 JUL It,... CltY of eo.1a Mtsa at IN ment of SISOO An a<i· No bid atw11 bt COMld-and .na11 forlet pena.'llft
11 IUMMONI w1gt1, money and pr. SI usttd no pt9ttflla .u dlrtcClon dt la eortt "l ALM IUTlf'lt Clefttt ~ of tt1t City Cltlk, 71 dltlonal chllroe ol U 00 •18 «td unleM It It madt on a prHCJibtd lhettln fOf non-
tdTACION JUDICIAL.I trty may "' talllfl WllllOUt IHputt\a • Uempo, Putde SUPERIOR COURT Of .., c. FARIAS, ~ty ,.. °'"'-· Colla ~ ... "' madt 11 n.noltd by b(ank prQPOtal lottn tur· ~lantt ol tald Cod•
NC>TICI! TO OEFENDAN'r· lurthtr warnlng IYom lht l*dtr tf cato, y le pwdtn CAUl'ORNIA. COUNTY Of Publlahtd Newport Cllllomlt, until IN hour of mall. •d ~I and nllMd by h City of Colla MARY ILLIOTT,
IAvltO • Acu11do) NIGUEL court qultaf •U .. 1.r1o, tu dlnero ORANQI, 100 CMc Ctntet 8ttCh.Co•t• ...... Daily 10 00 • m .• NOVfMBER •• °"* contftc1 docum9f'ltl ~ .. and .. tntdt In 9C· ~ty c"' Cl~ &EA~ TERRACE .-iOMI!• Thtrt art Ollltr legal r• y olru eo111 dt tu 01f11ie W"1 t.nca Ma, Piiot ()ctoW I 12 ll H ttll, It Whleh time l~ may tl9o bt eumlntd ti eotc:s.nct w\tll the ptO'VI Cltr .. Co•ta MoH
oV.(N!RS ASSOCIATION q11h~t1. You may want PfOP'tdad eln avlto aOl<:lo· ~ 92~1 -· • • M3"4 wt1I bt ~ pl.lbllcty and the omc. of lht Otv Clf-111 ai<lf1a or lht Pfopoul ,.. ,\ltltlthtd Hewporc
L YfllN DVORAK JfNNY 10 clll tn alfotney right ntl por partt dt la cortt The '*"' Mktrttt and \...., r'Nd ~ In U'lt Councl Of IN City ol Colla Mtu qlJlttmtnll. IM h.COtla M Oil! NO BOALS 'JEFFREY .. ., II you clo "°' know E•lattn otro• rtqultllOI i.-• ' cnatnOeta, Steltcf ptOpot• Bid DOeumtnla Wiii l'IOC N bet\ blc:tdtt ITIU9I MWI • e ... ., i~ AND DOES 1 an ettorney. you may Cd galtt. Putde que utltd leieptlOnt number of ~ "'8LIC MOTICI ti• tMll Nat the VIit of malled 11nltH lllt' ad-hive ttie aplWOPftate it< P1'ot October ''· n . \198 •20 lnctullvt tn 1t1ornfy ttftttal tlMct qui«• lamar a un ~ Ulf'I ICtOtney, or plW!tltl _ ttlt wort! Md namt Of the dlUonll 15 00 ~ I• In-cenM and il9o · tl9 pr• M3S4 I~ E eetNO SUEO BY or. '-Gal aid onlo (\ltlld lnmtdl•l•m•nlt 81 M without an altOfney, It• (£1 co~'i: MU bldCW w no°"* Olttln-ctl.IOef .uh pa)1Tltn\ qualUitO u ·~ by PL.AlflfTIFP· IA Ud It nl• in Ille p1'one book), conoc• • un 1bogado nombte, la dlteccton y ti .,..... IMlb. Atw bid,.. fact\ bid tNI N ~ taw. , --------
dt$1and .. ndo) JONNIE OHput• dt qut It tn· pU9de llenw • un NMdO numtto dt .... Iorio dtl ~· OOUNTY, CelWO ... tht IC~ on ttlt PtOPO••I form Ttie City Courie• OI \ht On lh• move? HUJ~ILL llt011tn HI• ct1ac1on Jud'· CSt ttftt9ncla dt a~ alXlilldo Cle! ~· CAl.ll'OMllA doting \llM lot IN= "'"91 P·I through P-t City of M ... fe•
Yo" ..... 30 CALENDAR cl1T Utl~ \ltnt un pl110 d• 0 • UM olfCIN dt avud• 0 dtl dlmlltdenlt qut nO NOTICI of ~ ..,.. ia. rtWmtd 0 P'O¥ICleCI In 1M ceillfat' MN9t the riQtlt '° t.;.ct Sell uour extra
DAY '"'' lhlt tuml'l\001 30 OIAS CALINDARIOS '"' .. (~ .. dlr"10rio , .... uene = ) INVITNfQ 81DI bidder unoptoed. ft tfleM ~·· and •tltll " .,.y llnCS/ot .. lllO. , .. ~td on VOY 10 lllt 1 para pitttnear 11na r• lonlc:C). ·.. NOTICI fl ~ ~ N lho tolt fetpon~lffty Of ~.,_ by' t ~ The ~ lf\el\ C!OfT\• hOUHh01d
tt•n rHPonH al !Nt 1pue11a ttcrl1a • mtqulne CASI llUM8D WM.TIA EN, • lhtt IMlld ptopoull IOf "" blclOtr to ... lhtt Na °' oeaflltf'• eMcll °' 1 bid p1y With N PfcMtlonl of 1...,m1 tn Mia c~. CN .... ere ... 0..t JR , APC, ~ al llll»Of fNl1erto bid It ~ 1n Plot* MM b not ltM t\M 1" ktion I J10 '° , 'J'tO, lno ,.
A ., °' phont ~ wnt :::.' ~ ~ ==: n1M1 w,,._, you•,.~ -. ~. ~ ":9 • °' lMd DooMntnaa =.:: ~ ~ '= ~ =-~":. = In Cl111lfitd not•ptottct you; Y°"' ~ .IUDOa °' ... .,,.. QeMlflod IOn 8nd ......... tldl-ft..." ,....7....... _., ...... ... ... ... wr1"9n ,..ponet m..itC bt ptOCtCCICMI; Iii resputet1 l'UNCllCO '· C°"'9 .. ~ ,,._., .. •!NJ M rtaUlrtd to mtr W __,., M !he..,... of Ooila MMe. Ho PIO',_ - -........ ...
In ptOptf """ form " you _,N...;S._T_A_.1.L_e_H_A_"-"-1.1._111NM_., ________ __.,, ___ _.... ___ ...... _____ ~:--------·-----i------
• .
8 fv\onday, October 19, 1998 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot
PUBLIC NOTICE 8 f1 lu1• 10 Ill• • ~· Th• al\lJclpeltd Oal• Of CHINl!AV. LUSE HOLD IM 1990 0.1*., Plan Lind btnlntn yel7 ...... IM;GI ... a.f01• \eklnv een11n l lltllnd..., Alllt .. ........ 45 I Ofldil6 ReclDtas ~
lorruty IC'OOn Mhm thirty lh• bU1k .... 11 NOi/EM-PR0VfMEN1 s. STOCK IN UH M•p r1om Public Ind·MU!lll lf'\ltrl\ltlonal, wry unponent acuon1, llUsatt Cl "' Selllt hMd I 0 of .,.-~ Of CATHOLIC day• or 1h1s Notice rnoy, BER f, t998 at the ott1c1 or TRADf OOQOWILL ANO Sernt•Publlc 10 Qe111r11 Inc:, Paul S Nath, 5111 how•"9t. the per1ou 1090'""1 t)t)'f -lit & 19!10 • ~OCIAL Sl!RVICES end proballly will c1111se UNIVERSAL TITLf:, OR· BUSINESS NAME end a11 Commttclet with COi• Aa1nl reprHentatlv. will be S.nthCI~ Will SEU. AT P\Je. A FAULT •
t)f Cl!NT~ AND you 10 luH any stand 119 10 ANGE ESCROW BRANCH IOtllld at U42 01111 responoing Chang .. 10 lht Tnls •••••menl Wit tllod req1,med to give f\OllCI UC AUCTION to THE ltGHUT A Of TR T
HORTHIAH ARIZONA obiect to 0111 1dop1 on ~ 1205 E. Chapman Ave . Or· Av• .. Irvine, CA Oeneral 1'11n \1111 tor the wlll'I 1111 County ci.,11 of to tnter .. \td pereont llOOfR FOR CASH. (Plt*t • ED ~1~ . HOTICI! TO to esstrt 01 claim l!'\Y pa· ange Ct, 9286e Tiit buatnnt ~me u'e<I 0 5-•ctt ••te locatea at Iha Or.nge County on N3 91 uni••• th•V h•v• •~Of ta• 1t1 tlWful money ol ~ S renlal 11ghl Of 1ny lntllHI Ttlll Oulk .. ,. II 1Utlject by I'll 111111 II llWI loci • IOUlhHlt COi'* ol H1mll-tH81770138 IV d t1 0 "" UnleO Stata "" call. I
POTINTIAl BIRTH In the c;luld, 10 Cal1to1m1 Uniform Com· llon 11. PETE S PICTURE ton anll Cherie Str1111 En-Dally Pilot Stpl 21, Oct S, :~t:d t:~h:•pr;p::: c:aallilf'• dltc:kdrWtn ~I tllll~ PAR1 PUI MA1 ,ATHE~ Pitas• contac1 Catholic mtrcl1I Code S1ct1on1 PLACE vl1onm1n1e1 Determlnauon: 12 111 1998 MJ4o 1 Th Ind• or~ Oink.• Chlek Or1Wn 'T~ .IC 1. Cymh11 Escotiodo Is Social StMet Adoptions 8101 2, 11 so 1ubJ1c1. lh• the an1ic1patt0 date ol Negetlve declaration ' • •ction. • . 'P•n· riv .1 Stall Ol ftdelll Cl10it union I ED
lhe b11th mothef ct 1h1 f• \825 w. Nonht1n -..,.nut; name 1nd lddress ol 1111 '"-t.IJ!lr u ie is rfovtmb11 NO. TICE IS FUR THEA PUBLIC NOTICE . dent ed,,lnl•tration 01 a t1'leCk dflwll ~ I ftallt or ~~n f ~ """,.~'"' ma• child na'Tled Jennie Phoenut, Allio,,. 85021, petton with ¥-'h<>rn c;lams 4, 1991 it lhe otlict ot E.t• 011/EN th1\ el 111d 1•1Tll euthortty Wt lbegrant•d lldtt11 lfVl"QS ano lolft llSO• AGAIN~ VOU.
Escol:leao alla B11t>y G11I (602) "'1·8711 !Jean). ma1 be tiled Is' CIOW Forum, 23Hl1 Lakl Ind place all lnll{Hted flotlUoua Bualn... unlea• an interested anon m.'lflOS USOCltOll OI s ~ CONT. er
Es.:Obc<lobutnonJun19. Pvbllthtd Newpor t UNIVERSAL.TITLE. OJ't. Cenl1H01,,120.UlkeFor· ptt1on1may1p~11 end NamoStatomont pe,.onf1l .. anob1ecl1on ~llOSblnllll*)lit<linsttM>n ~H ~ A 1998 1n ~t1Ha. Ari1on1 Her BeaCh·Cosla Mesa Dally ANGE ESCROW 8R~NCH, ts\, CA 926:)0 be heard by the City Coun· Thi following peraont 111 to ttlo petJt1on and 5102 ol the fllllnOal Code MIO N!f!A ue Costa 1e1d11ss '' 2460 E. Gamel Pilot Oc;tobll 5. \2, 19. 26. 120!> E. Chapman Avo., Or· ThlJ bulk Hie Is subject ell on the abov• ittm. doing ousln.11 as· AdVlf· •how• good ceuH why :;.':,"~'t !,,~si-,....1n ti~ sa. 2~ in Mesa, Arizona 8S204. l998 1ng1, ca 92866, and 1111 lo C1hfomt1 Untrorm Com· IF THE AFORE MEN· t!slno for Education. 3101 the court ahould not .... ,.,. ... '(I a Sll1rGadd~ or com-
2 C)'T\11\ E~cot>edo has Ml33 date for f1l1no ct1Jm1 Shllll mttcl1I Codi Section TIONED ACTION IS CHAI,, W. Coall Hwy .. Su1l1 175, grant tho euthonty. wn ':.-:.~01=-CA~ mon de allon OI prope!ty l\bmea you J1ss10, John be' NOVEMBER s. 1998 8106 2 l.ENGEO IN COURT, lht Newport Beach, CA 92663 A HEARING on the nQtlt.' ' IS~ ve, no wan-.ty
Oue ana 1t1y ot1'er person PUBLIC NOTICE V'<hlch IS lhl buslne11 day II '° •ub e<:I. 11\e n1me Chaheng1 may be Umlled to D•an• LyM Green, 900 peution will be htfd on '° ana':W ~~i~u~":':: "WJ~ as IO Ill ~lete c101m1no to be lhe father ol 0.1011 the tale dale 1pec:l· 111d addrua ol 1111 p1r1on only 111011 luues r"Hd II Sea Lant fl 18, COfOOI del Novamber 12 1998 at Oetd ot y11111 1n 1111 Pf'O(ltrty Qr OO«ecttleSS)
1tt1s chaa. n the po1enua1 cn• 1850114 tied above with whom claims may be the pubHc 111arlng dt· Mar. CA 92e25 1 . 46 p M in Dept 703 St\llted 1n s.o cou~ Cakloll'a 5all olafrlc:: be
b101091ca1 fa111e1 ot 11111 NOTICE TO Oated1 OCTOBER e, fifed Is Escrow Forum. scrtbed In this notice °' In This bualneu I• con· 1o'caiad at 341 The City oescnlltno 1t1t 1,,,0 tntitlll ~ In • 1 or \!On
e/\.Jd. She currenuy has CREDITORS i 99a 231&t Lake C1nt11 Dr . wril\1nco1111por:idonced• duc11dby:111lnd1vldu1I Drive 7th A PO Box APN 4Jg.101.32 Lot 20 ot WI 1 convenan 1~'*"·
plan• to place lhts Chtld 101 OF BULi< SALE BY· SEJIN JANQ 11120. Lake Fores\, CA livered to lh• Cit~ Council HO\I you lllrttd doing , 417 1 Or•no• CA ITiCl no 1362 Ill Ille Qty ol ~n:x~~ss :~~ r~ acopl on ltirougl\ Catholic 0 p • N t 92630 1nd the tasl day ror 11, or prlOf lo. \ • pubhe bus.non y11? No 92813•157 1 Costa MIU County Of Orange !n<:U~ to pa1 !ht Social Service, 182~ w. 1u.c.c. 01 4, "b 11 "10 ewpor filing C\lims shall be No-heati119. Diana L. OrHn v • ECT 0 St.111 or CaMonu u per map r ~ ...w-.1 sum of
Noi1h11n, Phoenl;., AZ 81Q5 et. Hq,) 6each·Cost1 Mesa Daily vembtr !I, 1998, which la MARY T. ELLIOTT, This 1tat1ment WIS Mid IF 'OU OBJ T rtCOraed tn bOO~ 42. e>aoe 20 ol l~ noC sl"'•""';;d b Slld
3 Und11 A11zona taw, you Notice !11 hereby glve'h 10 M351 the sale date speclljed Publl•h•d Newport Orange County on 9·22·98 petill0".'· you 1 ou ol the ~OUlllY itCOrder of said IO said note pro ,. ad·
Hove A
Goroge Sole!
85021, (!5021 964·8771. £1crow No. 11895·CS Pilot October 19, 1998 the business day btlore Oeputv Cllv Clork with \he County Cletk or the grenting ofh th1~ maps, in tile ohte Dee<S or rils~~reJ as
h•i-e lh• tight. as • poten· creditors or th• within above. Beach.Costa Mesa oau 19980770431 appear at th• heenng county lht propeny llerelOlort vances. 1f ~. \! the
tut! b1otog1ca1 BIATH FA· named seller lhat a bulk PUBLIC NOTICE Dated: 1019198 Pli 1Oclober 19 1998 Y 0111y P1101 Sep\. 28. Oct. 5. and state your ob1ec desenbtd is sOld 'H 1s· terms of said Deed o rust . .---------
THER ol 11,11 child 10 con· nlo Is abbvt 10 be mad• o /SI GUSTAV VAFADARI 0 • ,,_353 12 19 1998 M341 llOrt• or file wrmen The S1Jttt *'Ortss lhO Olllf. r feesL~nes and e~ses Get •-•~n• 10 the p1oposoa oaop· tne uuts desc111>1d cnaHS50094 p bit ' • ob1ect1on1 with th• common da!Onaton 11 11¥. of of lne TlflJ!ee and ·of Ille -.V
hc!'I. Vou also nave the betow NOTICETO 8 uhCshedMNiw~or,t PUBUCNOTICE PUSLICNOTICE court b•fore the h .. ,. llltrial~dlscnbtdabo\te lrustsaeatedbySlldDeedol the basl•-' r1ghl to w1tnhotd your con· Tho names and the busl· CREDITORS OF eat ' o11a 851 81 Y ing. Your appeeral"lc• is lllfllOIUO ID be 2111 ""'-'· Trust ~
sent lo the proposed adop· ness address of Ille seller BULK SALE Pilot Oolober 19, 1998 Flctltlou• BualneH FlctlUoua BualneH may be in person or by .i. Drift, Cotta Men, CA ~31 rJt: r.'18Bs ~Id 3~
• r1on, whell1er or no1 you are: JUICE IT UP Pl.ACEN· (SECS 0104 M3S2 N•m• Statement Ham• St•t•m•nt your enorney IHZl. Thi undel'SIQnell TNS\lt p MeOn llir ~I tep 1 Iha •B...,'S
be· e•• yuu are the b1olog1· TIA, ll.C, 670 N ROSE 1105 UC Ct' The tolfowrno persons are The loltowlng persona all IF YOU · ARE A dlSdatms 11'¥ liabltty IO< any otranoe &~' ~ ~ '-'
cal lather of 11\e ch id, DRIVE, PLACEtlTIA CALI· • ' • • · PUBLIC NOTICE doing buaineu is: Happy d0tng business IS' CMI CREDrTOR or • contln-~tlltSS ol lhe S'llMI acf. '-~le< E 4 11 you wish 10 assefl FORNIA 92870 Escrow. No. . c Me 450 Botero Way, New· "'"' and Oltltf common Of.SIO· (Sal · · A • pJ1en1a1 1.yt1ts to 1he ch11d The tocat1on In c11.1ornla 1 ·3290 t•pm N!)Uct 11 hereby 0111en Moon Gilts & ollectiblH, port Beach, CA 92663 ~ent cr~itor of t!"• 11111011 11 lllY sl'IO*n 11t111n Solid Al~~ of lhe ltl! M-tt1c;
i.111sp1bod above, your obli· of the chltl execu1111e ollrc• Notice 1s hereby 91von 10 lhat lhe undersigned win ~428 ~ewpo~ :~~~7 411 • Robin e Bodwin 450 Bo· •ctHedl 1 you '!''tt't file sate wolf 111 made llUt w.tnout cation or:his nolice putotal basement, 1,1lt1011s are .Js follows· or the sellor 11: NONE c11d1lo1s ot 1he within be sold at Public Auction Kos•: 1"1Ei 8 1 ltro way, Newpon Beach. your c e1m . wit the covenant or 11••nanty, tXl)llSSt<I a~I or the unpaid Nice A Vou ma'f in111a10 I pa· As listed by the teller, 111 nemcd souer thal a bulk on MONDAY NOVEMBER im er~ a ain• ar ow, CA 92663 . coun and ma1t •copy to or 1mpl1ecl. f't91~ng "'· C>OS· of oblioatlOO ~redb't l
It" t ly acl1on pu1svan1 10 olher busl11ess names and Jale 11 about IO be made ol 2, 1998 AT 10 00 AM. by 2831 ~~ gk6~rlve, Costa .This bu1ln111 Is con-t~e pereo~el repreHnla· SISSIOn. or tllCllrnblartcfs. IO the Ye llescnbed Deed 01 80d CIO&el
111 e 25 Chap1er 6 Art•cle addresses used by ti\ the use ts described KELLY & KARL JACl(SON, ~~91• M w b t 851 ducted by· "1 lndivldual trve eppomt~ by th• gf-Y Ille ltlNlllnQ PlltlC:le>al sum Trust and estJmaied costs
1 of 111'0 A11zona Ae.i~ed seller w11h1n lhret yea1• b below • K E AUCTION SERVICE. tr~sal ·5 e 5 ~ Havo you st1rte<I doing court within four lhe noll(s) secutta ~ sad i~•. and advances .S then get :Jtues w.1h1n 1111nr days or fore the dale such llsl ""as The names and business P.O. BOX 825, RIALTO, CA St. la r treel, csta business yet? No month• from th• date Oetd °' Tt11st w.llt intttnt 2'13.00i69
1110 comple1.on o service sent or dehvored to the addresses ol lhe seller ore· ~~J~7e6090873~44, ~UC· ~~~:· ~:~~2:5 It con· Robin Bodwin of fir•t lHuance of ::c~l .:.=~,,;n ui:~ t,'!ret.Slble tnat~at ~lime SOme C&Sh. ~I 111·~ no11ce You must buyer ere 1 CORPORATE LAUREEN 0. KREUGER ALL.SP~c:7 ""dtisT ducted b~· a general part· This a1111emont w111 llled ae provtded 1n tile terms ol tile bt.o ol Trust. ~ i;;; lhe 011:' IO ·~l ,. ... 2 •• 878 bl'gn to f1nnnc1;il PARKDRIVE,SUITE•150. 2642Ga~sAve .. lrvlne,CA • A ne<sh• w11h the County Clerk of section 9100 of the 1nmattc1 lets CllltQes and :fuat1 ell) indeb'· -v
5uPl>O" for the c.ti la once tRVJNE, CALJFORNIA The loca11on In Caltlornla ~[v5c,A, c~l~A ~~~O~T Have P you started doing Orange Coonty on 9-17·98 C1lrforma Probate Code. 111Ptnsts ot lhe·Trustet ano ot ~ l6 1998 ----------' you e>1abi1sll paler Olly 92606 ol the chief exe<:ul•v• ot<1c1 92827· · A business yet? ves t0-\0-t 99B6769962 The time for frlrng Ille tnists crea~ ~sad Deed OI ~Ve.,,.,.,... Co 8 You mav seek to obtain The names arfd business ol the seller is. SAME AS U N T N M E 98 ' Dally Pilot Sept 28 Oct ~ claim• will not exp1te Tll.tSl to·wrt S171,141.21 as said ~ru5* , __ cv~tody of ltll1 Ch<ld lollo,.,.. add1esse. of lhe buyer are ABOVE t ti • A • Kl be I El t e lo ' ' ' ' be1 f h Enmattd Accn.ied interest and a T 0 SeMce ,,,._.,.,y as '"9 0111h Ultough app1op11 SEJtN JAND 39930 As lilted by the seller all INVENTORY m ry ine 81 w 12, 19. 1998 M339 or• our mont 9 addi11onai ldVances 11 any will 1 """'''Y""'
al<." 1e9a1 p1oceed1ngs WHITE woo D• AOA D, other busln11s names ~nd HA01u'ssE,HOTLIDMITEGMASB~IEl.. ~;~s 1~~1~~~~11Y ~1!1~118:r PUBLIC NOTICE frot.lm ~! .. hearing da~o 1nc:1ust tin hgur! iinor to 'sale 81:1ances OePatma. Assts-C 11 you are a men bo• o IN20t. MURRIETA. CALI· address11 used by the no c.., ..,ove. The cenef1oaiy undtr slfd Oeeo tal"ll F.ih a lm.f1a11 Tttbe or a "'"m FORNIA 92563 seller within three yeaJs b• A164. KAREN ZAKHI, Orange County on 10-14·98 YOU MAY EXAM· of Tiust 1temoto11 neculed ~ T.0 OL l-lllilliiliiiiiliii•---11111i4
U\11 or t1ie m.1,1ary, you may Tile assets to be sold art lore the date such list wu HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 19988772555 CNS114'4Q INE the file kept by ttlo delr\lel!d lo Ille undefllOl*I 1 1750~ •. 800, P 0 PACIFIC VIEW ~ e.empted from 1t11s stat· desc11bed '" general as: senl or delivered to lh• A20 1S3E, HKATHY WILLIAM~. Daily P1lol Oct. 19, 26, NOTICE OF court. If you •• e per· wntten Oeddon ol Oelll.llt Ind Boie 11~_. anla Ana. CA MEMORIAL PARK u1e. ALL lurnltuie. fixtures. buyer ore: NONE H U OLD ITEMS Nov. 2. 9, 1998 m357 aon interHt~ rn the Oemaod tor Sale lhO a "wnQln 9271 l·boo 14) 543-a372
:>You may w1lih lo con· equlpmoutand 11ade namo The names and business 8117, DARRELL MAT· PEllllOIWTO eatate you may file NO*ctofDef1u1tindBtaon., WfJare , lhtBenefi. Cemetery•Mortuary ~ullw•lhananorneytoas· ot a certain business 1nd addressasolthebur.e1are: T:JE~S, HOUSEHOLD PUBLlCNOTICE ~ wlththeoouneformel Sell 1hl undel'SiOned caustd ~o lec1a<te,btandM~ Chapel •Crematory <•st you 1n 1n.t1al1n9 a pa· are located at 670 N ROSE GUSTAV VAFADAR, 2642 M ESTATE OF: Rec:\"Ht for Sp1c11I said Ho!ICI ol Oefaull lhd Bte· we' o"'atn WI
a:tn ty act on, or derermtn· DRIVE PLACENTIA. CALI· Gates Ave., llVlrwt, CA B 2 4 9 DEB 8 IE Flctltlou• Bu•ln•H WAYLAND JAca Notice of th• filing of an llOn ID Sell~ be llCOIOed in Ille u .;..;.......~ ~~ 3500 Pacific View Ofl~
l1>y "'"al cai.:se ol ;ictior FORNIA, 92870 The ouets to be aold are ROSENTHAL.· HOUSE· "ame Statement fl AllSQN AXA inventory end eppr84t.C COUtllY wl!tte lie'"' PfOl>llTy rs ""..,""' OtallY °'in Newport Beach
you v. sh 10 1a"e 1n re· The business named used desc11bed In gene?al as· HOLD ITEMS The following persons tr• JACK W R WION of eetet• 11eet1 or of IOClllid lllO more thin 11t1t1 1 a lhe exoeaed 844·2700 ~l.lonse to 1111s Nottce. • by the sello1 a1 ttiat loca· All FURNITURE, FIX· c~te~A ~~N ~~~0~ doing busl1"111S es: CASE NO A194310 eny petition or eccount monh 11M elapsed srtlCt IUCll 'ma~be ot>ta11~ .............. .
lion Is "JUICE Ii UP" TURES, EQUIPMENT, MA· ITEMS , rl u ATCCUCADD & ASSOCI· T .i1 h• . b fl •• rovided In eection ltCOfdnftr....,.on ,.O~~ caflinn Ille Mi lele-PIERCE BRnTME-----~· -----· A ES, 2930 Grace Uine, o •tr•. en• • P . . --.. ""mt>ert! dav u1n ,..
B 4 7 5..1 M 11( E c AR· Suite c, Costa Mesa. CA ciari ... credltore, con-pl 2ob50 of Cthode CalAtforRnia 11 T,.._.L By 1111 ~n)'dlf. : ~ ~ ~1 )e 48<J. IEll BROA.DWAY
MICHAt:L, HOUSEHOLD 92626 tJngent cr~itor•. end r ate •: e· fJlllc \.tel ,..,.,,dttt 8101 Kll•r . Mortu~ry .. Chapel
tlCMS G81lett A. G1uvaln. 1434 pentona who may other· queat for Special Nonce f¥Vf1 #160 Anl/Wlm His C4 AC# 453959C C r
B491. RONALD HAR· e1ueblrd Canyon DrlV•. La· wiH be intere1ted in form la eveilable from fJ2608, fl~4 ·2424. Slit fnfo Pu& 1CW19198. 1M6/98. rema ion
RINGTON, HOUSEHOLD guna Beach, CA 9265t th• will or .. tete or th• court ctertt. !Jiit (11' ·2430 10.19, 11)· 111 2198. 110 Broadway
ITEMS Larry Morkert, !1069 Vul<on, both of• WAYLAND Attlamlty ,_ .._ddoner: 26, 11-2. 998 CN i1650274 Costa Mesa
8492. RONALD H.AA· Costa Mesa. CA 92626 JACK FLAMSON AKA P--. C. GNy • • 642 91!50 RING TON, HOUSEHOLD This business 11 con-JACK w FLAMSON O'llllh•w • ~ PUBLIC NOTICE •
ITEMS dueled by a genetlJ part· ' Ult C147. IRENE FULLER, nersh1p A PETITION hea 810 NawPott Cenw
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Have you staned doing been filed ~y DEENA P, Dr #1lotJ NOTICE qfTRUSTEE'S
C24 I, TIFFANY l(ESSlEA. business y. et? No ~LAMSON tn the. SUP.•· ...... ~ CA T $ No d1%~ BUSINESS?? ••••••••••••••• HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Gnrrotl A Gauvatn nor Court of Cehfornte, 9Zeeo.442!t Unlt Code A
C274, TOMOKO/JOEL This statement was filed County of Orange. 1o11e 10/19 10/23 Loan-No 435727/RAPOZA "Affordable
Discount Casket,
Cremation &
The Legal Departmcm at 1l1t Daily Pilot i~ pleased to -
annn1111t'I" a"""' '"ri·1u 1ww aya1lablt to""" hu'iitttssel.
KONINGISOR, HOUSE· v. th 1ho County Clerk of THE PETITION fl· • ' AP No 422~94-34
HOLD ITEMS Orange Counly on t0·1·98 queafa thet DEENA P. PUBLIC NOTICE Western Recon~)'atlee Co C336, THERESA LCE. f9988771345 FLAMSONbe eppolnted as duty i)C>l)Oll'lted Tn.~
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Daily p fol Qcl 5 12 19 .. pereonal r•er•11nta· fui tfte_.rol10Vi/IOO de~
Ile i.if/ now S/:,1 RCll the 11umt for )'Otl at 1111 t•xtru rlt11rg«'. and
~a1;t y1111 tltl' lime artd tlrt tnp to tilt Court l/r111\e m .'>a11w 4ttn. Tlltn,
of count, ufter:. tl1e \torcl1 is complrted M·i/l 1n// Jilt your (ict1tit1t1\
hufin1H 11amt ~tntemt'llt i.·itl1 I/tr CtJ1111t.v C Irr/... pub/is Ir"""'" wnk
Published Newport 1 ' • ~ t1ve to edmin11ter the o!Tru~.mi.1 S LLA Oeach·Cos111 Mesa oa1ly ~6. 1998 m3·1" eatate of the dec~ent. Tmt" Salt No. 2:1190 NOTICE U UC AU'B~lmE T THE
M3'16 quests the doc_edont'1 r~~~\}AlT~~O~~-~to o: I I \1~nd=t rn"'fue tr(lt~ __ P_U_B-Ll_C_N_O_T-IC_E__ Flctltloua Business WILL and codicils, 1f fSS YOU TAKE ACTION TO ta•~dfld or the caslliets,
Name Sletem1nt 1ny, be ~mttled to Pf!OTECl VOUA PAOF'ERT'r IT tet11 Of 01/lef chedlS for four i;;uk.r at reqmrtd by la"' w1d tl11:t1 file wmr prr111/ 11J • NOTICE OF The persons are probate The WILL end MA'f ilf SOLO AT A PUB~IC Si>eet~ In Ci~I COde Sec· P doing buBlness as· Touch· any cod1c1la ere evetl ALE IF vou NEED AN E)(Pl:A ~on 29 4h (p~yaote !!.l 11111 at Burial Service
Why should you subject
yourself & your f arnily to
paying inflated prices for
caskets & services????
publiratum willt tlir County Clerk. Ng~1'c'~ ~~~l~R~BY Up Masters, 2603 Main St' able for examination rn NATION OF THE NATURE Of lH[ Iha~ ol saie ~ T 0 serv
GIVEN lhat e public hear· 111050. lrvlnt, CA 92614 the file kept by the ?ROC£.fOINGS AGAi"'ISl YOU ce(j ~YI ugh! = Plcmt 1top by 111 jilt JO Ur jic1111011r b11wre11 \UJfemtfll ut tl1t: IJtll/)
l'J/nt. J WU Ba.1 ')t., Ct>ua Mew. I/ 1m1(1111111111tup hf, fllra.v uill 111
.JJ f 7 J 4) Ml-./J1 I cmd we will 111111.t arra11gtmt11ts jt1r .1·111J It> linndlr.
t/11.1 pmutlurt• h)' mail.
If 1·1111 ,Jtuuld /tu 1,.1111.1 furthu rJUt'\lwm, p/t•u1t ml/ 11\ and we "ill
h<' ,,,,,,,. t/11111 glad"' cwrijf _vnu (1n11J Jud, in JOllr rrew butitttu!
, ... ,., .. ~""· . . 1.-111 • 1 llM8ftl •• IHS.•164 lmt ...... ~ ..
I ...,,_ ....... .......
-for All Yuur Home and Ou iness Needs -
Ing \, bv I ll'ld by lhe Denl;Mnters ln1emationa1 court. OlJ SHOULD CONTACT A ;in .n~ t3 b ~ve~ 10 sad
Cu:.t. l.h>j City CoU11C I Inc·, (CAI 2r.03 MJ ~ .. , THE PETITION rt· tR On l1·09·Hat10 00 ~ oe~ru~ in J:e Pf~perfy
on Monda". November 2, /1 ui .. o, 11111"'· CA 92u' quts\I authority to A.M. fcredO!Ure Consu I.Intl he-re~f descnl>ed , This business Is con A_, h rnc d tilt !lily ~p()Olntfd lrus TRU Oe E 1998, at &·30 Pm., or u dueled by a corpo1allon oum1rna1or t • eatato e unde1 a.'IO 1JJl'Sut1nt io Det<l R • nms .
soon thereofler .., pos· Have ~ou star1ed doing unda.r the Independent Tnist Rtco1ded on ,06-30-95 Rilpo!J,,,. llY 71 '1994
s1ble, an \he Couoe1I Ch•!T\· Adm1n11tret1on of E•· ~ Ooal >tr• N 95-027~l8 1t1W'NO' ~-046lS3S 1 &/,
bcrs ol C•t1 Hall, 77 F11r uicea Act. (This 8\lthori· _ ~ • OI -Ollio.11 Rec fic.:al Recotas 11 lhe 0~ of
Drive. Costa Mesa, on the t w1ll •llow the person· ras'n ~~e olt1e1 o 11'1 ReCDrotr the R of e
MENT-GP·98·04. C1ly ot
Costa Mesa lo amend the -------·
di ~ice o befautt aod luet191J to
ell tMreunoer recorded J11!Y 5 l Q98 ns Instr No 9IJ..
Call Toll frtt t 54.@KEf
strvlog Orange & Surt0\10dlog CounUu
n1111 ... 1111d d1·111ll1111·<, .trt' '""''"' t to 1 l11111l!' \\ IUlfflll 11<•11• I I lw
j11thl1-lrr1 11 •ff\1• .. 1hr. rtf.:lil tu , , l\•w, n·..J11.,j(~. n•\1·• 11r n·1•·11
1111\ ..Ja .... 1f.,.,I 111h1·1 t1•enll'11I Pk.I'•' rtf)l•n ult\ 1•rtur 111111 mu\ '"
111 , 11111 d11.-1fw1I ud immr1lu1td) 111l' Dutl) 111111\ 11n···i)1 .. 1111
li.1h1ht\ for 1111) 1•11w 111 a11 Mhtrli·1•in1·11t '"' o.11111111 mu~ 111
11 po11 .. 1l1ll' 1•\•Tfll for 1111 • u•t 'If dw "Pol ,. u1·1ualh l•.-rupi1•tl h\
rllf' 1·1nir. C1nl11 nrn un i) 1,. 1111119.t><l for tlir fir"-t 111 1 t11011.
By Fax
C H' II.ii h:>1H ct•r. '"" 11•• ltul• \••ut u 111u• ,.,,,J 1•f.,llw uumlN; r n111I • r II, •fl , 1t11
1 ... ~ ....... 11 ... , ., ... ~. )
( ... Ii) h-l:.!·:lt178
By MalUn Person:
.\_\() \\I'•( £l:l\ "'i((1'f'I
( ll•ltt \11· u ( \ Q~1127
\I '"'f"ll llhof & II I\ "1
'Ii l1·pl11111r ~Li011111 ; IJllp111
'''"'''"' Ir ·I•'
~111ncfo) ........... Friday 5:00pm .. Wednesda, 5:00pm
ru1·~<l..t) ........ Mund.iv 5:00pm Fn<loy .......... Thur~<la> 5:00pn1
\°'\Pdrlt'sdoy .... Tue day S:OOpm Saturday .......... Sriday 5:~
•-h ll0,000 .... """ ... ," \~N'lo .... Onlt Sll ....... ...,.. 1• ......... lft.I. Call -\tulJ. In 1S .• i0/11n-:>:IJ011m
\l••t•l.t\ l n1l.t\
All'"' u111i 1i¥11tl11•e 1• this
tlllSJl,11 II lWbltet 10 lhl ft•
~I ftlf Hntiftt Ac1 ti 1'61 H
•1111•dH 111•1c• mths II llltt1I
II lllHrllH • uy prtltlllct
111111111101 or dl1crtmln1ll01 •as•• H "" coltr 11111111
,ts blldlu, l111111t1I NI" tr
Uhlllt tllfll II II 1111 ..
•• llllh HY .. ,. '"''"'"· 11mltJl41111 tr ~IOlllll
Ola HIHll'" will UI
~uw1191y '"''t tlly Hwttlllt· tlll i.. ,.,, ui.11 ••to 11 ii
~··••t>tt ti 1111 ••• 04" , .....
art atrt•'f l•fatmc• thl 111
fw1lll111 •••ttll1t• 11 1•11
••• ., ... r '" 10111•11 ....
4111 ""'110lly nsi. ,, ",_. ,at11 ot •1ect1111111t1t1, All HUO
fall Im ti I ..... lH.SM flf
IN Wtftllltloa DC 1rn """ Pl! lfUO 11 C3 3*
FIND an apartment
through cla sill d
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DEL MAR 1022 I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 1040 BEACH 1069 BEACH 1069 HO USES/
• V .A. * liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l!aatafde gated comm. l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C 0 NDOS
SO Down • SO Move-In detached 3Br 2.5Ba, 1'E bl ft TWNHMI! C FR EE Counsellng SOLD' Oc••n Vlewt on over 1700sf, bull\ In • Peolflo Renoh eat u La at hano• ror FOR RENT FREE Litt of HomH • Forrealed. Canyon . • Twnh .. !!Br 2.69• !!Br 2Ba. 2c gar, new P.rlme Ocean View In •••••••••• Hu DNA A E p 0 s ShowcaH homH Charmer I Lo1 vatu• 94• )ctnt Loe. $3lS,OOO +Fam rm, 2c garage. kitchen, Turnk•V· .Pr111lglout new prime
1.aoo-723-0857 for aal• In o\lr $8:19,900 Low malnt. Earl & Judy Taylor, auerd.gated Agent Atkin(! Only $244,900 ar ... Act Now, Agent ---------
Veteren AHi Estate Saturday Real Est•I• 1 block to beach. can Agent• 642-4722 71 4.969-2092 John Miller 587-3897 94~·723·8120 BALBOA
Short T•rm 30r 201
Furn, chllds room, OTI
am•n1 Avl 10/26· l.(_8 _
S 1100/Mo. Dep. 1Re(~
Roq'd 949·64S·451l
Supplement! build new. 320 Hazel. USTSID• Remodel Estate Value 3Br 3Ba LIDO ISLE B d AN
••FORCLOSED•* HOMES OF CdM Home.949-759· 3Br 4cat gar, granite RV eccosa, Hug• Lot, 15Br/15.15Ba__,i;~s:;~ PENINSUlA 2107 D A POINT 2126 ~l~v !~~·c~tu~4 Mh7:. THE WEEK • 9070 kitchen, io,ooo S.F. llVINI! 1044 Anxloua owner• went 3o garage. Biii Grundy liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I days 800.555-1003 Dlapl•lf •d• •••rt OLDE CORONA DEL ~~ 1 ;~~·~o R~~:~~~ to "" nowl On~ Realtor. 949.S75.e1e1 4Br aaa ooeantrt Harbor View koM••
Q o V £RN MEN T at Juat $781 MAR Cape Cod wllh John Miiier 597.3997 bqulalto &Br 3.•ea :~~:•ATV !!~~50 NWPT SHORES 2BR Fully furn'd, 2 car gar, •Br ~oniego1 cul·~~
F o A E c L 0 s a o Ooadllne Wed 6pm Ocean view, 1t1p1 to EASTalDa REMODEL Bonua rm, media rm, Ole, 28A, e11m cell. nr pier, winter only. ;;~·00~Jrd. ~vi 1 '·
HOMl!S pennies on ***** b•ach 3Bdrm 4Bath, 2 Fabuloui 38,_,Br on e,oooar lot, otferod et MAR90R HILL CSTM n•w•r \lie root $349K 12200 (949) 721·8899 °· 6~
th• S1 Repo·a, VA, OPEN HOUSE viewing decka, 3·•top l11ge 101. wood noor•, oner•wd ., $775,000 4Br 4,6Ba. 18~ vu•, Biii Grundy R•allore , _______ ........ ,.....
HUO, Sherlll n lH. No LlaUnga tor 8181 elevator, ovaralzed new etectrlc, copper Joanne LaFourc•d• 7FPa, M•rbl• entry, Sc 949·875·6161 NEWPORT
money down govern· Deadllne Thurs &pm 30 gar., Sl.850,000. plumbing. Chetmlng. Rt/Max 949-451·1247 gar. 11•699•000 Joan Primo Al•• CORONA
menl loan• available ***** JIM SKAHAN, AQT 1399,0QO Turnkeyll Burke, Agl 759'9314 aeaoh Dutalex DEL MAR 2122 BEACH
now. L.oeal llstlng.,t di· It paya to advonlH f1S!. RICH. AOT 717-4741 Harbor Vlow Hiiia On~ S4SO,OOO
rectory. Toll freo In th• bHl locaJ W Prudential NEW HOME E Sid• CM NEWPORT 38r :z.&B•. entry, room Agont 949-723·1120 *2 New aooo•q rt 2Br ••• Eittra llfOll
1·800·869-2292 Real r.tate Section ~...., 3br 2.5b• from bulld« BUCH lOSI for e1an•lon/pool, hOmH for l•a••· quiet VIiia BalbOa unil wJ
EI( t H ""cAoL~S~AN CALL TODAY e44-e373 • 221 eproit 1780•1 9ft cell'• Vl•W 1 1835•000 NEWPORT eroa. ocean vlewal Call ocean vu, mnny 1 .... i
LISA RIVERA AC, walk·ln clOat'a, 2 AQ•nl 613'5354 for Info 949·175-:1384 upgradH, H e, AC
•OCEANFRONT In car attao oar 12•.tt0 Ab•ndoned 8olloh COAST 1070 ' tennl1,S1800 &. lfD
Oceatfside Exten•lv• 949·574-4252 COSTA-eea l024 9'99-722 .. f20 Cotutto Oneo In • 48r 3 .. 2 Story bv Mo. Bkr 949·84lMllM
UpgradH, Sl•P• to ANNE WILLEY Pl~ lifetime opportunity •t park. Patio, Ip, 2-car aeR TWNHM •
Ssa"d, 1299 ,900 Z~~ryo::t:r"4;:: only 1349,000 Agent Clvlt• n .. r new 4Br gar. hk·upt, 13:100/mo Canyon top 001,Wl•g
Rand Kaar Agent 949·574-4241 •'SID• Chumtng 381' 2.&Ba, 20 ....... Or••' 949-723-8120 4Ba, den, hlghly UP· i He 949·840·8087. 126001,;,0, Bayer• ' 949.e4u ·5227 Home on over 9000SP -graded, targoat plan 151 C 1 ---------doal A•klng 11611900 ••rrlde• Condo 1•ely 8y Ovwnor $1,lH.000. _ _...._.....______ outt '4V6/m
ll'ATRICK TENORE CORON• comer tot w/glan1 gar. Call Agonl JOhn Miii.,, ond unll 2Br 2ee, ate 949.37a.3454 COSTA -e~• 2124 Agent 941-650·3822, PltBH Cllll .. Lal U• n . Wiii hold I Ufl PIUI .... 517 ..... , 12451( •21•K n-.1-.. ....._ __. ~ t<now Whll Your DEL MA.I 1022 hu .. R\if aroe Call tor · ._,. ~we09, ... "' --..-cwWpvn 3br 2.&be, naw p
NHdl Arel 858'9705 dolalle, s3g9,ooo --------rud Cal 72t·35" RMtty, Inc. Cl!M!TERY 'OT/ E'Sld• •• , 1•· back 2400.f lg yd, garde Xlnl LO E I & J d o•uA POINT 1028 Ch I E r-"-"-"--64 fft7ft .. • ... , ott $2215 l ·8 0 0 .4 ·TEN 0 A f Ooe•n Vl•w 48r 28• o. ar u y ftH arm na Newport s __ ,_, .,. c•vn 1225 hH w/yd, w/d hk•up. (8'4t) 84().1~12 I
CLASBll'l•D 1·1ty. r•mOdtl•d kft. !;J~or, Ag11949.G42• Beech Home. Prllllne Winter A " d/w, Dpon ••• 1-4 •
It's tt1e ,. ourco you prrvate beach atHH, Dpls S275,000 38' 19e Cond. Maior Aomodot. Y, rt Rental 211 Coate Moae, St ' earrld•• lovely
can count on to Hll a S09~K Ag\ 76M314 IAITilbl DUPLl5t e. 29r ~ea, 3e gar, nu Nie• Vetd, big oar, H 'I • PAClf'IC VISW • 4 Unit I can.v acceH) mod•l•d· eve'lthii r -many .,,trH, SH9K Or.98tlttont a adJolnl""' ......... au·fc 1 •11001Mo. l46.ott2 -w1 lbd 2t>a t myrt11d o rnerc'1an· Vory large dupJa., pnt, roof, 413-0711 or ..... ...a ... le h .. ,. ,..... • '""' d•H 1t•m•1 bocauH MEET with tabulou• owner e 40&--7849 J,Webb, 8kr ~•nl, Larry .-.,.,.:)1. ..ear.,,. '' or all four 2.5"' b• ow or f45·f341 mo e4 ... 7 .. 7a
our column• Compal unlt. 801h un111 have 31 ' $1200 to $2800. ret•ll. PP •4•·1••• a•a10• CM Beeut1tu1he:"t:-1~-r~---i::::::2llR:a
qunlllted buyer• to someone -clll Npatato yrda, leund,Y Wtly play Hid• 'N ie~ibiuff Dost Duyl JlciPIC VtN 28r ti• con•;e. angl Top goll vl9W,
calll .,.,.. 6 2car gar. Great Loci Seek with chlldcare? 38r"' Jla •PIA. 1•lly Ocoan view Iota 2 ad• c• garage. lltllmo I .Ila. C:u•tom
M2•8978 Ulfl!Ugh Classlfied S:JM,000 AtCH, AGT Cati C laaalfled ,taef • OfHt Loc•flon folnlnQ botoW ma"'et Avalr Nov 1, 'Sita, gradu, 1231 •
717-4741 IOdeyl ... 2~'11 14ttK720-1704 8ki M ... 7a.cMM Apent. 71CMOOOdll &.eue.Ap!"'4J0191t40
2189 ---------
hJeweort' Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot -Mondoy, Odober 19, 1998 9
BEACH 2189 PROPERTY 2778 TO LOAN 2914 5530 5530 5530 INTIQUES 1010 TO BUY 6019 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
l•iiil•&iiiiiiiiiliiilll!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '94 OeVllle Sdn 40 '97 ACCORD EX 40 l'flln• 2Br 18a Hae, NEW 2 000af bldg. In ICASH FOR CREOIT/COl.LECTIONS 'lll'•Oen. Olllce/Loan Receptlonl11tSecretary I BUY ALL PIANOS (94.,.091)S21 ,9911 Full pwr, VI, llhr trO fncd yd, wooded Cannery Row, lronta MORTGAOESS If you ACCTS RECEIVABLE Proceaaor. Amerlcorp Small rHldential de· Ant quu-qual ruin 11111 BAU IE ft JAGUAR <005317> S1t .N7 )ttting, FP. no pets, 2 llrHta next to are .receiving pay. Must have min. 2yra NB, 574-no1 ext103 veloper Heka self· TOP l pe or houHful cash <714)9S3 ... 800 MIS~~Nu:llEJO 1385. 949 ... 55-°"'44 Mc Donald's. For lse menta on a mortgage, strong collecllona. Dave ,AX 574-1753• starter 10 handle DOLLAR pa•d (714) 957·8133 Owner/Agt. 831·7433 wa can .,0 rt h a. .__ 1 1 • ---------C040t384-0884 'Qao 1•1• 4br 3ba, aun-"' nve t em credit account rec· Qeneral Office & SalH p ..... n ... 1llng, ma1 • PAID! Old Coln• Gold S•I"•' CHEVROLET 9045 1 fllCk, aauna, fr pie. to Immediate cash, onclllatlon e>ep. Profl· Me a a Upholstery & m 1 t c . a• c r • t • r I a I Franklin Mint. 511111,,g iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ------..,---!"ht• welcome S3000 JNDOSTIUAL 2788 Twenty yea11 e>eperl· ctent In MS Otttce & Dealgn Center has tas1<1. Real estate/ Old watchH & ·Jewelry HYUNDAl 9090
,.CAM for ahowlng, Ag1. •nee. Hlgh•at prlcH Eiceel. We offer an H· lmm•dlate opening C onstruc tion back· w es1coast Coln 6'12·9448 '08 SILVERADO ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111 949-718-2721 800·878·3500, cellent benefit paclc-Entry level position. ground preferred. RECOROSffOP S , PU ><Ira cab, low m1t• .aL.. LOW RENTt lnduttrlat (CAL•SCAN) age Including 401(k). answer phones, set Please lax rHume to (114910)SHJ,950 \"'° 1•1• on beach apace w/otflcea, 2200· Flnanotat woea have EOE, drugfree & up appts, help cus-Shehnn Ale>eander al uy g ~~: ~t.:·,s~o!i ~~~~ Lt'.XUS OF I want to buy any
Toyota pickup •X4
longbed1regula1. Alk
for Joae 949 650-7149
31t"2 view, upper, Ip, 4800.1 78cent sf NNN you on your toeaf amok•lree work envl-lomera & more. Fax 714-937-1338 Estate Sares 845•
Wt'.STMINSTER : w/d, tennis, boat can Jackie (714) 673-2754. we provide toana ronment. Send r•· resume & salary his-Re~ll 'il' (714J eo2.euoe
949·602·0025pg1 52475/mo 973·8239 regardleaa of credit sum• with salary his· tory to: 574·8856 HOLIDAY HELP Conducted'
ON THR BAY btutta, INCOME history! No tu, ~ogrrr,tc:;.o~~~!' 1~~-. Otflc• Mngr growing WANTED ~ntiqw1 • :Jt>r 2.5ba, new carpet. reasonable rateal .,..., 1 paint, Ille, appliance's PROPERTY 2790 1·877·568·9719 Coeta Mesa. CA Uness co. needs neat, Seasonal Concepts 11 40~ ••
i Jease . $2200/mo. loan Speolallat •92628 or lax to (949) cheerful person. Good coming to the New· ln~poft&taeh
ANIMALS 6049 DODGE 9065 JSUZU 9100
714·058·1880 118 c 842-7887. comp, phone & organ· port Fashion laland. 714 873 6223 8 Fluffy Calleo klttons '87 Caravan LE a 1 ape, MHP newr, ar, homes, personal DIRECTOR OF lzallonal 1klll1. Call Management and , • need a good home perfect car, llke new! lg 1011, wide 11s all and debt conaollda· Stan/Larry 631·2241 1 1 8wks old woll behaved Air. radio. new tires
amen, vacancies OSI tlon, small buslne11 STAFff Development PAYROLL/ HIH poslto,na, lull StOea
76kml (714) 546-0784 S33,830mo S2,300K welcoma Call 1011 free, for 99 bed SNF, Uva and part I me or1.-----_,,~ ...... --.1 .,28 0 1 87 6 9 among fruit 1reea, ADMINISTRATIVE responsible people WANTED 1, "' Id C
• 888 •
-" 22' lakH, rivers & moun· ASSISTANT with retail e>eperienc•. m • "'~' 0 ocker ---------
'85 Trooper LTD
4X4, 21Ktnl au10,
(3PA0563) 520.650
WESTMINSTER (714) 892-CS900) talna. Seeking e>eper. Payroll assistant and lnduatry leader In POTTERY spaniel 1 need a lovi'l FERRARI 9067
only atete approved office administrator. hourly wage, starting Bauef,CitlllN, Rookwood, homo. I'm playful iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil---------BUSINESS 8c ANNOUNCEMENTS O.S.O to run a strong Full time position. Job at $7.25/hr Fun store! Aoeev ... Schllt,Moorcroft. cuddly 949.721 '9621 ' •77 Ferrari 308 GTB JAGUAR . 9105 ~--------1 education program for duties Include: assist· Apply In person to Fulper,Co#en.UHD, ---------• Hardtop, dk brwnitanliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JALBOA FINANCE all atatf. Poalllon avail· Ing with payroll tor Joy Oacker starting Kar Finch. Cllt Falence PIANOS & Int, showroom cond, •
JAGUAR D 2606 able Immediately for mid-size company Immediately (ne>et 10 lmmec1 c.tii O ANS 60 1 i ,300ml, S36Kfobo !St.AN ANNOUNCEMENTS this exciting Alzhel· and executive office llmited Expre11) at the L-.K.&.111.;.1.., .. '-_.I RG 59 (9491 675-4382 ~n 1~Pr~~~. ';:~h0•~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil---------mera facility. Pleasant adminlatrauon. Please Newport Fashion Island iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
•dorable Balboa ls. uti11 BUSINESS 2920 care of Ukiah, 131 send resume to Ac-SEASONAL ---------tPlano (Baldwin) ---------1 • ......,..,,.19_4...,9,.,,.»..,..o,,,.....,,1,...s,..·8_4..,..7-=8-
' 2bd, f/p, grt kllchen, FOR SALE 2900 W h It more Lane, counting Supervisor, • CONCEPTS Unique• TV Star, Dino FORD 9075 '94 XJO Sdn 40 'must ae•I $1 550/mo. ALTERNATIVE HEALTH, Ukiah, CA 95482. Faic PO Bo>e 1560, Costa APPLIANCES 6011 signature, make offer (94 -41 49 )$23,995
: Avall now, 509·7115 HEALING and longe11. 7 0 7 _.. 8 2-0 7 4 2 . Mesa, CA 92628 or ~S-al'.""e_s ______ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiii~iiii 700·757·2727 BAVER JAGUAR 1 S. OC rest oppty, turn· lty speal<era. Sched· (CAL•SCAN) yo.u may la>e resume COME QROW w•SHER/ORYER '02 Explorer XL T (714)953·4800
key nu toe nda oper/ ule a apeaker for your DRIVER COVENANT to. WITH USI .. l•••••••••I 411.4, Black, all power, 'st7 XJ8 L Sdn 40 . f>ALBOA mktr 4 ownshlp Int. ne>Cl mealing. Call toll TRANSPORT S1,000 (949) 642·7667 E11pandlng retail ad-$145.00 each. Frig T S T T CID. llnled f9400 Call (97 "998)$45,995 0
M at b s bl Resume should In· $1 50 Good condition! RAN POR A ION Ralph 949·720·0915 ..,,, PSNlNSULA 2607 S~ s co.mmlt cadupraataert. free 1·888-322·9997 algn-on bonua for elude salary history. vertlslng department 831·0297 •••••••••I BAUER JAGUAR for Information~ Exp. Company Orlvea seeks a sell motivated '95 Taurus GL (714)953-4800
up O up frt S 728-0868 (CAL."SCAN) 1 ·8 o o _.. 4 1 .43 9 4 . in~Y:!~~f::~.gEO~~een· acc1 ount e>eecutldve to s10.200. 36kml, PW, ....,.,9=7...,X~J..,..8=--:'L-s=-=d-n-4~0:--
B•• PRAYER TO ST. JUDE Owner Operatora • 181• develop an aer-FURNITURE 6014 MARJN'I: SLIPS PO, AC, AT, CC, (97-3997)$45
995 i Vauhed celllnga, Frplc, BUSINESS May the Sacred Heart C a I I to 11 fr• e Rec:ept/Sec CPA Firm vice new business # Stereo cast, lmmacl
nu pnt/crpt, bale, gar, of Jesus be adored 1·888-987-3729. Bud has lmmed FT poal-and special aactlons . DOCKS 7022 1 owner, all records. BAUER JAGUAR
lndry hk·up, no pets OPPORTUNITY and glorified lov•d Meyer Truck Linea tlon, CM Courtyards We prefer a candidate Blk Laq r a glass ta· (949) 640·0585 (714)953-4800
7!!0-1713 or 586·6469 2904 and praised, pr• Refrigerated Hauling location. Knowledge Id have a minimum of bles: End, Coffee & Permanant Sailboat ,
MUSTANG •97 XJ6 L Sdn 40
Q 18 ft aorvedthroughoutthe call toll free ofWordPerfect&typ· 1 year print ad-Sola, Pd $2600, ask slips available 30'·50' AC I I I (97-3996)$45,995 f xfni vie:. u~:t!~s~ ~r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii world now and for-1·877-283-6393 Solo Ing req'd, competlll11e vortlslng e>eperlence. $750. (949) 640-0585 lncl's water/ele'Ctric • pw pd • t 11 , BAUER JAGUAR
i ~erl $950 Avail 11/1 ••• .. ••• ever. Sacred Heart of Drlvera & Contractors. salary, Send resume ~>ecellent comm!-mlca· Moving Muat Sell! $12 "er 11 por month • (2081:771 $1 t1997 (7l4)953-4800 Please be wary of out Jesus pray for us· St (CAL"SCAN) to: Ganske • Mulder & tton tkllls. Ability to 949 7 .. 22 23
oat• ••a ; l 49t 721·8898 of area companies. • • • Co, LL.P 1835 Newport set goals and make Black Lacquer S • • as or Llncoln·Mercurv '97 XJ8 Sdn 40
'·"'.2Br 2Ba $1395. Check with the local Jude, worker of mlra-EARN $530 WKLY Blvd Suite 0263 Costa profeulonal presents· drawer dresser & Joe Mon·Frl days. (714) 540-5830 (97-4034)$43,495 ~oollenl condition, Better Busi ness cles, pray for us: St. Olatrlbutlng phone Mesa, CA 92627 or Ilona In a fast paced nightstand In goo4.I THE PERFECT SLIP •
1 i1'""ge, urlv, No pets. Bureau before you Jude, helpltf of the carda, F/PT no fax to: 949·650-9585 and detail oriented en· condiUon. St 50. UP TO 50 FT. GREAT (714)953-4800
,.., ... ,. '' hopeless, pray for us. experience necessary. vlronment Call 949-650-2025 LOC ON BALBOA XLT, super cab .. _'=',,,...,,,,..,..,=-=~--.:-=--
' 60'-1713 or 586·6469 ~.•.n,d o~~yerv'rcoense. ~efaodr Say this prayer nine Call 1·800·831-9717 REC E p TI 0 NIST Xlnt bo.....,:fll package and leave message. PENl.NSULA AGENT (A04956) ($15,998) (9,977-4X,.J0328JS$d4n54, 1095 times a day a.nd by wanted for hair Salon ,,... · · Coalo Mesa and undefstand any the eighth day your Food Service workers In COM. Exper. pre-Including 4011<. Drug Queen bed like new 1·800-247·8209 Lincoln Mercury BAUER JAGUAR tORONA contracla before you prayer wlll be an-wanted PT, U.C. lrvlne lerrad. (949) 5 75-s4o3 1creenlng/phy1ical re-S 1 SO, while & black 714•540•5830 (71 4)953·4800
MAR 2622 sign. Shop around for swerod. 11 has never . Realdantlal Dining. ctu1red. EOE. kitchen set $100, din· ••••••••• -....,,,,..,,."==",,..,..,.="="~==--DEL ra1es. been known to fall Call: 949·824-8390 The Community Resumes via lax: At· Ing sel glass w/marble '98 TAURUS SE '97 XJ8 VP Sdn 4D ~fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil AMBITIOUS WOMEN Publication must b~ Buy IL Sell II. Find IL Market Place. tenllon, Lynn Eaola stand $375 949·854-0557 AUTOMOBILES 24V, auto, loaded, B(9A7U-3E9~0)~i~~:= Ouiet, clean 18r 1Ba. promised Thank vou ClaHlfled. Classlfled 714-65()..41802 or mall: (188423) $18,598 SEEl<ING friendly, J • , • 842·5878 Tlme a Com munity•---------Costa M eaa (71 4)953-4800 ' Big Corona 2 blka, health conscious peo-Shi. MuRdeR, for your Newt, 330 West Bay MERCHANDISE ---------1 Llncoln·Mercury '97 XK8 Convt 2D • ~~~·. (C:~; 6~~~~:: pie to Join my team. 1 elp. Street, Costa Mesa, MISC 6015 ACURA 9010 (714) 540·5830 (96-4152)$62,995
earn more t h an HICKORY f·ARMS CA 92627 • ~~:-=-:-:==-:--= BAUER JAGUAR $2,500/mo. working LOST & K liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -~~~~~~iiil '93 EXPLORER L TO COSTA MESA 2624 part·tlme from home. Vacuum repair peraon CHILO CAN'T SLEEP? '90 INTEGRA 28k Ml, while, lthr, ...... ___ ,....<1.,..1~4..,..>9,,..s-::3'."".4-9_00~~
Ca 11 to 11 free FOUND 2925 Gift Supenlsor no e>ep noc, apply Help your child and 891< Ml, Fully loaded! (3UYN775) S19,950 '97 XK8 Cpe 20
1·888·810·8020 Coord lnetc rece1vinn prep&sendinnof In person at Coast y ours elt t hrough $6500 /0BO LEXUS OF (97-4 153)$58,995
(CAL"SCAN) • • Vacuum 333 E. 17th I I h 949·548·2987 WESTMINSTER BAUER JAGUAR ,.,wly Refurbished HB near Bushard & Hicbory Farms q1hs St. CM, x St's san1a sleep ess n g Is ( t
892 09001 1 r 1Ba In lovely AN EST. HERSHEY wamer (LOST 9-26) Gift Sales Ana/t7th St. No calla. 1~8a7171_5_1so0110T1HrEee0, '96 INTEGRA 714 • (714)953-4800 galed commty. Walk ROUTE In C.M. area. Mate cat grey & S p e c l a I Ed 11 1 o n '95 BRONCO XL T
)o theater/shops, Avg earns S42K/yr Whit• tiger. Purple col· Ea rn exrra money durinq the holidays visit our webs11e at (025806) $17.997 4ic 4 llhr, alloys. JEEP
9110 4)(1Vate gar/carport, Work 6hrs/wk, $7K lar w/green tag. 714-selllnq Hiclx>ry Farms ~ifrs. www .soothlngsounds LE>lUS (3MVK019) $19,988 ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $660·$7 tOmo + $895 req, Free Info. Toll 962-2806 964-1605 com llmiled supply MISSION VIEJO LEXUS OF t•
dep. Klein Mgmt frH 888·529-1443, 24hrs Lost Eddie J . Russell Act nowl (CAL "SCAN) (949)384-0084 WESTMINSTER 949•581-4000 Eat. VENDING rte-Terr1er, WhVbrn apots, .. ._111~ If You Want To Win (714) 892·0908)
W•at· Side 1Br 1Ba must sell by 10/:11 , sm., blk collar. Oct 13, c...., The Lottery Call _AL_F_A_R_O_M_E_0_9_0_1_S1 '98 T ·BIRD LX
Pvt patio, prkg, close 10-20 tocallona. S4K· at one of thH• 1oc'1: Apply in person: Hlll~ren Square •Ruuu11111 £,zp.Rtquind 1·800·775·0712 >e 9421 Lthr, ABS, rnnrt,
to beach, lndry tac. S8K. S4,000+/month Bristo! & Paularlno or 270 E. 17 St . Costa Mesa •Opportunicyfu1C1VW1h Juat Qreat Firewood iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil (3POJ104) $14,950
'90 Cherokee L1m1ted
Fully loaded. red wl
grey llhr int. 1251cml
$6900. 675-3853
!750/mo. Vic 756-1460 Income. 100% finance Westcliff Palza or 17th (berween Santa Ana& Westminster) •EKdlcntSiluy • BtntfitL Avoid the rushl Order '82 GTV6 Blk/Blu LEXUS OF w/good credit. Toll St CM. Pealse call .._________________ nowl $135 a cord, S75 Runs greatl Good WESTMINSTER
free 1·888·538·9508 949-931-8178/8144, Fu RaumctoBOB 112 cord. Delivered drlve.r/proJect car (714) 892·6908) LEXUS 91 lS
.)(t 505 949 <39 H 1:7 r.11 See latest European • • J '"N or ~ froe to your driveway. 2669 INTERNATIONAL HEALTH•-949•589•8550Eit.213 714-805-1432 Car Mag Sl 600/obo '95 ES 300
CONSULTING FIRM UI Call 548·1323. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Seaka Individual to FITNESS 3000
/Jo ) 011 \\a 111 ·Ji, Fa r11 Som t'
Lrtw ( 11,/, For /II(· llolit!an :1 HONDA 9085 Midn1ghl blue rivory
(1 19654) .$24,977
MISSION VIEJO • * BAY FR 0 NT* * operate local ottlce. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ 2br 2.5ba, pool, lrplc, Our firm'• strwclure, LOOSE WEIGHTll prlv waterfront patio d 1 I 1 52800 949-675-0854 pro uc • serv cea •n· A pill to lose welghll
Duplex Steps to sand.
upper unit, 4Br 2Ba
lrg new kit, aunroom,
2e prkg. $2600/mo.
yearly Call 673-9900
1-----.,1--~ Au tor~ory
aurea succesa for All natural, herbal, en· r ight person. Call & super tat-
R u I • M • I • , . burner! FREE 3-day
1 ·8 O O -8 8 0"·2 9 O 9 • sample II Call toll free
e>etenal on 141 • 1·888·738-6087. www .prohleslntemallo (CAL •SCAN) (CAL •SCANt POWERFUL HELP FOR
LOCAL CANOY ROUTE. smokers who want to
•••••••••I 30 vending machines. atop. Complete video-Earn approx. $800/ based treatment for
day. All for S9,995. nicotine •ddlctlon •t
Call 1 ·800-998-VENO. home. $~.95 +
(CAL•SCAN) shipping. www. '~~·-•••••I PayphonH S150K/Yr. or
Lowest prlcH. Local 1·800·924-01 84.
2706 altea a11allable . (CAL"SCAN)
800-8()()...3470 24/hrs. WANTED TO LOOSE
3yra new, deck, Ip, CREDIT 1-800-927·2996.
vaulted cell, own bath, I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!.iiii I
full prl11, no/amk, lndry llQET OUT OF ••••••••• S540/mo, lricl's ulll/ d ept freel Credit
maJd 122.0723 Counseling Centers of EMPLOYMENT
SHARE 2724
•NB Share home
1tep1 to beach, clean,
lemal• prel'd SSOO +
uhl'a 949-673·1&40
NP lg 3br apt, W/0 ,
share w/fem. $550 + utll & depoalt.
(949) 723-8199
NP Penn 3br 2ba hae,
all nu, W/D, gar, 1/2
blk to bea $800 Avail
now 849-515-7487
!'Oft RENT 2769
America (memb•r l••••••••• NFCC). Fr•• dept
conaolldatlon, lower 1---------
paymenta, lntereat. EMPLOYMENT
Stop collector catls. 5530 Non ·Pro 11 t
Toll free. (CAL ·SCAN)
Debt Conaolldatlon.
Sto~ collecllon calla.
Cu1 monthly par,menls to 50% May el mlnate
flnance chargea. Fast
Approval I
Free dept conaollda·
llon. Application with
service. Cut paymenta
to 65"· 24 hr. •P· proval. Good/bad/no
cradlt OK .
1 ·800·873·8207.
Aviation Co at O. C.
airport aeeka moU·
vated taam player to
join our acct dept. Cu-ti•• to Include AP, AR,
•Temporary Banquet Servers
• ~anquefBartenders & Barbocks
Salary up 10 Si2.751hr.
l l :00 a.m. IO 7 p.m.
I 107 Jambortt Road
NeWJXlll Beach. CA '126flJ
tn the Ocean Room
(949) 759-3075
Employment Opportunities:
Now hiring for the following
• Oate Attendant PT
• Oate Supervisor
• Orocery Store Manager
• RV Oroup Coordinator
•Security Officer/swing
• P6X Operator/Clerk PT
Apply at the n-ont Desk
1131 Back Bay Dr., Newport Beach
92660 Ph. 729-3863 ~OE
• Prt-Plld phone tMCk
• Vft fine l.OWlSI !!la in
Industry •HIGH SAUSI
• Only 6clrnnutt '° ~lnUSAI
• low lnl.tmllionll rtiesl • ,Mt time Of ful dmll
• k )'Oii' own boHI
• Ouk* s.i.. Ouk* ms1
• luld ii, -dlly lntomel
.... C ...... CCI
QUES 8010
PIANOS Collectibles
lallla AM. CA 92107 .__,l ...... C,O,•Mt
8 A II 4... •• , .. • •• , ..... , ...
R•1a11 1ott. 211s 10
6550af s1 . 15 al gra 71••· Fwy off rmp. Big
tTgnage. Xlnt prklng,
-load doe Ownerahfp ~~-qual ten 721-0888.
& data entry. Ap-
plicant must be r•ll· •
able and able to wol't( : lnde~dently. Comp ~.
eicp. Meded. Fax r•
sum• to 949-399-0193 •
~ t
PlOPERTY 2778 ------
8000af r•tall/offlee S.C. twy off ramp. Big
lraf count elgnag•
;9r_1<g. Own user $050k ~-dwn OWC Bal. 2 ..... m 101n1 728-oa&a
ASSIT Mner/C••hl•r
N.e. area. Exp'd, nax
hra, PT/FT. Oeneroua
Pay 849-.378-3614
8ookkeeper l'ull
ch91ga. Admln Aaalt.
for CM Co. Exp'd
rare, •trong eomput.,
akllla, Oulckbooka,
Fax: 945-9371
-=---PO-e-1----lln!-WPO--R-T ___ CATCH THE WAYE
~ ng LOW TH• OCllA.N' CB 2669 BEACH 2689 local and •nvlronmen•
tal Co. •fflil• outgoing
adventutoua ~pla to
OOOU!l!ul trco-llncd strocts fltltl IJ)lf OOUl1IC
\llCWJI, l!fVoy roretrec !Mt~ In your Iorgo •
1. :,, or 3 en aponmant tiomct
• help w/OC e>>n.
en•) ~'73-87a8
CoMputer ueere
n"4t941. WOl'k own
houre 1201c·l'71k/Yr
1-eoo.-34e-111t xl63
Chane" are
you wm ftnd
.. th9 Pt1CI
you Wint '° pay •
when you l'Md u..csr11m1111 nnw
j Job Fair
• Wednesday and Thursday @6PM -I October 28th and 29th
• Tommr Bahamas TropJc:al Cal4 6 Emporium
• 'Tb• moat fun you can ha•• working.·•
_; We are opening ow 2nd Colltomla cocnpowld oa Noorem.btr 23rd at PCH and ~ MacArthur Bl'fd. ln Coroaa Del Mar PlClla. We or• J>Un•ron of tbt ·island
hSettyle• -great food cmd drink with o lropl~I twist and high qu~ty. f
• caS\&Ql. hm clothing for mt11 and wom•a -Mf'fad up with cm abWKlcmce ol C .J botpUallty lD a raland lalaDd atmoapbare. We are looking b a ftw goOd t1 peopl• to htlp \II pull thlt off • s.n..... laritDdeft. HolUibtMI. ;.
• ~ ftetcd1 Salee. Sou CMfa. Line Coob. Ptep. Diab. cmd RUMR. ~
I Th• r.laU pan ol lbll "Island lllutylt • Idea that we are opclag Ill Corono I
Del Mat PIOJQ II Pf'tlf oool W• b~e o compltte 11M of men'• and WOOl•n's
aportawaar • ®tlqu .. tooklng, on..ol-o-klnd. topical ahim. blOUl&I, short•.
• Kina. pcmtl. abotl, btltJ and mcn-·oll mod• lht WQf clothee wtrt mad. SO .I , OQO with dtlall, qualltf and ccra. Add to th. mla home furnltbUlQI I Cznd our trOplcol ~and fOU batt co ·1'1crod eiperiuct• lhat out ouett•
e ~ to timt cind tJmt ogoln We en looilng ior a itw good "*11 Saa. r .J &;edalllll wbo bllln• WO(lt lhouJd be fun and want to bl fPCll't of r I IOlll9thlng MW and uclung. •
Esper1'la "9'0.hied. bUt "°' *'"lal,. Picple lkillt ... dQl ., l .,... .......................... '° .. ,..°' .......... I f ~ ._ .._ i11t..t .. t&f'opm•I 11 ' rn • 11..,. or • .......... OM.••-t For mcn IDlcuall u at (Ml) 7IO HIL EOE i ..............................................
601 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiii '9 5 BMW 3181 a C PE
Minton China 20 Rod Ian CO loaded
AncHtral Seip edge, (t88A23) $20,995
56 pale••. mJnt cond Coale Meaa
$1500 949-719·9018 Llncoln·Mercury
Before your garage
ale, determlne What
items you wish to
sell. Make sure
everything Is clean
and repaired.
(714t 540·5830
•91 z.3
Auto, only 12,000 ml
(B82339) $27,777
C949t 394·0084
CADllIAC 9040
Cu st top, 28K ml,
(3L Y5265) $22,888
WESTMINSTER (714) 892-0008
'93 CIVIC EX (949t384-0884 AT, moonrl, ml nt1---,,...~~.,,....,,..,,,_--(3CHB412) $91988 '95 SC 300 LEXUS OF Rally red ~ory llhr
WESTMINSTER (02023t) $25.977
(7t4J 892·8908 MIS;t~"Nu:IEJO
• '84 CIVIC 40 (949)384-0804
AC. PS, am-Im cass. --...,,9,,..0,,....,,E""s<"--=3-::0-:0~
(045685) $7994
Coate Meaa C a s h m e t • I v o r y ,
Llnooln·Mercury (138854) S24,744
f714) 540-5830 M1si1~xNu:1EJO
·95 ODYSSEY EX Van (049)384-0&84
Lo Lo ml, full equlp1--...,.,9~8~E~S~3:'."".0,,-0~-
(02805;~EXUS$t 8,497 Full opt, Le>eus cert,
MISSION VIEJO (142542) $28,987 , .. _,,.,. .. LEXUS.
(G49 39..-v9 v 4 MISSION VIEJO
'98 CIVIC LX Blue, 4 (949)384-0804
dr, great ahapell
1 4 ,200 mt, s 12.900. -8=u-y-:".'lt.-s=.~1~11~t.-:F::":"1=-nd:::-::1t:-
Dy1 949-224·0833 or Clauffled. E11ea 949-944-6638
A Classified Special Section !
Antiques & Collectibles .
· · Don 't miss this very special
publicati.on! ~ will be featuring
antique & collectibles specialists in
and around your area
(Orange & Los Angeks Cf!unties),
~dnesday, October 28, 1998!
. ..
• ·JO M.Ondoy, October 19, 1998 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilqt
'81 300SD
Turbo 01•••1 runs
grea\I Muat •••I
$5000. (949) 723-4824
•ee 4 "UNNll" ve. fully equip, clHn.
(015409) $24,987
Sell your car!
AN WERS TO WEEKLY OIUOGF. QUIZ MERCURY (948)38...0884 9135 -...,.,9_8 __ C_AM_R_Y_L_ll __ 1
'83 S•ble LS 43k ml,
Super clean, loaded.
Jn firM seal, ~hat 1M:l1on dt1 vou take? llhr, bucket, PP S9500 " ObO 714•241•7050.
AT, full pwr, mini
(3RXA510) S14,588
(7t4) 892·•.908
A • Thi 1$ 8 b.>rJerhne opening !ltd 195 SABLE as
-acele\S and 1he club hon<>f\ 11re Loaded, am-Im cass, VANS 9225
1nadcqua1ely nlJardcd Thal j~ ol"lsel <524995> '6·995 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1::-Coeta Mee• , somewhat by the cxcdlcnt mterme Llncoln·Mercury 84 DODGE 350
diates and the fal.!t tha1 you hold hoth (714) &40·5830 Beverly converalon
ma1ors Since the nlu~cs and'rn1nus· •---------Van, Pwr, d ual air, ' I ,.I ... II II' '87 Mount•lneer 4D 67,900 ml. 1 owner, cs cance ou1, gel I le ua Ill ing co, prem aound. ABS records. 55900,obo.
w11h an opening bid or one dhtmond (J12529) $21,887 949.759.3407
if JOU l'llay five-carJ maJor .. , other Costa M•••
wise one heart Llncoln·M•rcurv
(714) 540·5830
Loaded, auto, AC,
VOLVO .. 9230 (714)642-5.678
Partner opens the bidtltng with one
heart What do you respond?
t&"t1~1 • Coeta Mesa
Llncoln Mercury
'90 700 Turbo Wagon, . .
book•. non/smoker
$9900 949·854·5174.
A • It no dtflcrcm:e wh<:lhcr
you play four-or five card major
-the correct ac1ion I\ 10 bid 1wo
clubs. You do nOI make a lorcmg
Jump rat)C of partner's opening o(
one in a maJOr wi1hou1 four·c.irJ
support 1f there is ony reai.nnahk
PLYMOUTH 9165 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil --------------•70 Bug 4·Spd-Afl1
Loaded, 7 Pass, ABS.
(179187) s l 0,994
FM Stereo, New Poln'...1..1,h---='====---'---------,
Cost• Mesa
(714) 540-5830
Runs Great. $2100/
080 949·723·5169
"87 VW Qu•ntum
Tan, tinted, auto. 4·dr,
smogged. nice rldol s 1800. (949) 673-4596
Q 6 Neither vulnemhle. "' Snulh
you hold:
•A 6 S o A o A 1016 •A Q 5 3 2
Like new.1. loaded,
(5 t 8428) a 13,998
Coet• Mes•
(714) 540·5830
Sports pkg, PW.
(002305) $19,987
TI1c bidding h:ld proceeded. Q 3 • Doth vulne1able, a~ South you SOUTll Wlo:ST NOllTH F'.AST
hold: I+ Pol>.'> I<:? Pu~
• K 6 <:? A Q JO IJ 2 o A Q 7 6 5 • 8 What do you bid now?
Your righl hand opponent opens the
btddmg w11h one pa<le. What acllon
do you take'!
A • Partner') heart rc~pon!>c h.1~
done nothing 10 improve your hand
but. wi1h four accs and a queen, any
.re)p<>n)e should encourage you 10
move toward game foll partner
about the strent:lh of your hold111g
by rcvcrsmg w11h two J1amonth.
'Q3 911SC 6cyt, 5spd.
"A/C, llhr Int, p/w, am·
rm stereo. cass, cc..
sun roof $14,900
CARS from $150.
Jaguar, Corvello,
Mercodes, BMW,
Porsche, Honda,
4x4's, truck• and
more. Local sales
When you need o little
work done around the
house, look in the Pilot
A • If you have some method of
showing a two-witer. suc:h as a
Michaels cue bid, 1h1s netlhcr s1rong
nor weal.. hand i!. 1nappropna1e for
that ac11on. Therefore, overcall two
hearts. You cannot afford a 1.i~eout
douhle hecau~ after a ltl..ely club
re)ponse from partner, a red-suit bid
by you will over..tate both the
strcng1h of your holding and the
qualt1y of the suil.
Learn to be a better bridge~play
u! Sub~ri~ now to the Goren
·Bridge Leiter by calling (800) 788-
1225 ror infonnalion. O r write to:
'85 LE VAN Auto, A/C,
atereo, CC, smog'd, orig own, grt cond.
$2900. (714) 964-0152
lisllngs. Toll free
1 ·800-889·2282 ext.A-4000.
Classified Is .....
whether you're buy-
ing, selling. or Ju•I
tocking, classified has
what you needl
classifieds to find o
good carpenter,
electrician, plumber
or handy mon.
Q 4 • Both vulncrahle, ils Sourh you
Go~n Bridge teller, P.O. Box
4410, Chicngo. Ill. 60680.
~ ........
'95 4 RUNNER SR5
4X4, low miles, au10.
(3MIV145) $19,950
(714) 882·880~ -
. ___________ __,
SERVI CE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MASONRY 3 5 5 7 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IA WN CARE 3 808 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil PREP ARA TI 0 N 3 9 2 5
DIRECTORY CdM Fun, loving and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Q r••t Firewood I CHUNG'S PAINTINQ Dan Dawson Plumbing ~iiiii.iiiii!!i!ii!i!~~~ --------•! lic'd home p/Vdrop-•CEMENT WORK• Order nowl $135/cord· 24Yr1 Exp-Ort Price! Apr, Rmdl, Replpe TAX PROBLEMS? Ins. Full lime 1/15/99 S tamped C oncrete $75/hall. Free delivery Guar Work-Free Est Drains 24hr 1vc. Exp'I Aud 11, n 0 n ·II I er.
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---------• European Proressionals. Romodel•Handyman R -----------iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CABINETS 3490 Bost In lownl Reis. Oarek L#704773 Local Res. DOO S 3678 C
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ~&:..:G::;:r..:ac;.::•~71:.:4:;;·8:.::.57:.::-:.:264~7 • 714·5 5 7 .592 5• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC NOT I E
B k & B I * •475 18 7 * The Calif, Public Ullll· Advanced Woodayaltms u c •t • room s *• · x * HOME 3756 ties Commission RE· ·Cu~1om Cablnotry· H o u s • c I o a n I n g i-0--------In o I u d • • h • u I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • F 1 di 11 1 RYWAI.L w y th QUIRES that all usod Kllchen•Bath •Ooors 'on Y· re ab e. • • • we• er
Molding• • Mantels Kathy 723·4827 SERVICE 3584 strip, lnst•ll/t•x· ..---------. ~~~=~•ho~~lnlgot~~I~
l691650 71U 8 8 ·8 870 •VICKI'S CLEANING l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 845•5704 TIME TO BEGIN 1• P.U.C. Cal T number:
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Plug Into lhe
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cosafully • by all kinds
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Plaater/Stucco Patch
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Have A
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• ~It Ol GllOU' 1\l!OllHG
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CSTMTIHC. '3"' • AT 'IOVI IOI( Oa<lf llCl
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la Mdi-• 1-1 ta,. •s.dMn•:te • llnrirt • T~ ..
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F IU. E EST/MA TF. 7 22 • 7 47 8
Leaky Shower• Rep'd MASONRY 3557 FENCES
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lewn/plant• 880-8502
Semi-retired c11lter
off cu 25% or:i:
Materialll • .bM!
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Cull The Pilot Clussifieds ol 642-5676
to place your Garage Sole Ad!
' D11;hf Pilot ........ ~!,:........ .