HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-07 - Orange Coast PilotSPORTS Annual Heritage Run attracts 1,200 Serving the Newport-Mesa communtty since 1907 / GE Supervisor Marian Bergeson is hopeful the ri_ght appointment to fill her position will help bind a divided county. She says she is leaving the county "in good shape" and it's time for a.new challenge. \ 1 '. ! : I \ \ ; ; i I' I I ..... , ; By Julie Ross Cannon, Daily Pilot Sitting in the living room of her home under John Wayne Airport's flight path, Supervisor Marian Bergeson can't escape the roar as jetliners fly overhead every 15 minutes. California's newly-appointed secretary of education was actually drawn into activism years ago when Orange County decided to build the new airport a few miles from the house she and her husband, Garth, bought in 1958. That made m~y Newport Beach residents , the governor's cabinet J?OSt last week, Berge- anti-El Toro Airport resident be appointed to her vacant seat on the county board. Angry city officials accused Bergeson of abandoning the constituents who voted her into office and of betra their ro-El popular supervisor denies. #If anything, my heart is in Newport Beach," Bergeson, 71, said during an informal interview at her home Sunday. •Everything that happens to John Wayne affects me. my family, my home. It isn't a matter of abandon- ing Newport Beach. It's a question of how we're going to resolve a problem.• The problem, said Bergeson, is the ongoing war between the north and south cities over the El Toro Airport which threatens to drag on for several years in litigation. South county residents oppose building a large, international airport -expected to draw 38 million passengers a year -at the El Toro move out in 1999. Residents fear intolerable . . ~ . North city residents, especially those in Newport Beach, strongly support the airport's construction as a means of alleviating air traf- fic at J ohn Wayne and providing more flights into Oran e Coun . • SEE BERGESON PAGE 4 "The county is in good shape, I think I can do SMOOlH SALESMAN •Young Jason Kraft's persistence paid off: his homemade version of a fruity, frosty drink will soon be sold to customers at a local juice bar. 11If an appoint-· ment (for super- visor) were .made.iiom.New:_ port Beach, I have no doubt at all that there would be a recall initiated almost immedi- ately ... " LOCALS People making news around ow-town Estancia High soccer team · in 'yellow card' situation • The susp ension of la ers and investigation of coaches after an alcohol incident throw the girls' teams into uncertainty. By Richard Dunn, Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Before Estanoa High School's girls soccer program can pick up the pieces from the suspension of eight players. it must hrst understand the edges of the puz- zle 1t is trying to rebuild. As the non- league season approaches. Estancia Coach Jenny Tavares will try to fill the void of three var- sity players who u It's a tough one, really tough. It's not fun ... we're just going to work hard and do the best we can ... " were suspended -JENNY TAVARES from school m mid-September (and subsequent- ly transferred out} alcohol m their Santa BcUbara hotel rooms fol- lowing a July soccer tournament. a vtolatton of the Newport-Mesa Urubed School D1stnct's zero tolerance policy. Five of the girls suspended are Junior vn1 - s1ty players, according to Tavares, who. along with two assistant coaches, is reportl"dlv being investigated by d1stnct personn<.>l because the fourth-year Eagles head c0c1rh stayed in the same hote l as the players • SEE SOCCER PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL Vernal pools and barking dogs on council agenda Among the 1Ssues the Costa· Mesa City Council will consider at its meeting torught. • An agreement wtth The I.rvme Co. to restore a vernal pool at Fairview Park The development fum has off ered to $The Costa Mesa Crty Council meets at 6:30 p.m. . . . restore 8 acre'\ of ver- nal pool m Costa Mesa to at UCI. where the firm has a development project. The Irvine Co. will pay a one-time tee of $27 ,000 in cons1deratton for the privllege of USJJlg Fairview Park. • A proposal for combmed law enforce- mtmt hehcopter operabons between Costa Mesa and Newport Beach police departments • SEE COUNCIL PAGE 4 MONDAY, OCT08ER 7, 1996 weddings and . engagements ---~--;-~--~--------~------~-..;. __ -.;..,..~~~_.....,......;;..__.__--..._.__..J_, COMMUNITY The Wedem Round-up at the Newport Harbor Elles raised $9,000 for the Elles progtam for ~"disabled children . The organiza- 1ion also contributed a $5,000 grant to the Corona del Mar High School history department. .,, Dorothy Jean of Costa Mesa, a J reelance journalist, was named a special achievement award win- 'her in the 1995 Russell L. Cecil Medical Journalism Awards sponsored annually by the Arthri- tis Foundation to recognize out- standing coverage about arthritis and the foundation. Marine Pvt. R. L Reyes, son of ·Luella R. Clarke of Costa Mesa, --completed basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Marine Pfc. Matthew P. East- :man, son of Lowell F. Eastman of .Costa Mesa, completed basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Albert W. Muller, a Costa Mesan who is assigned to Tactical Air Control Squadron 12 stationed on the USS Belleau Wood, partici- pated in the second annual disas- ter relief exercise Cooperation · from the Sea 96." :EDUCATION Warren Pompei' of Newport Beach was recognized by Cal Stale Fullerton as a dedicated ~volunteer at the 13th annual Con- -cert Under the Stars. Pompei is . . . Advancement Foundation Board ·of Directors and volunteers about ' 30 hours per week for the univer- -"Sity. . CORPORATE Broadening its pharmaceutical network in the former Soviet Union, ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced the acquisition of -its third pharmaceutical company in Russia, Polyphann of Chelyabinsk. Estey-Hoover Advertising and Public Relations added Sandra D. • Rivera as an account execu tive to work on several agency accounts. lS a was e setting or e y 13 wedding of Laura Jeannine Eddy of Visalia and David Andre w Wirgler of Newport Beach. The brid e is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Eddy of VlSalia. Her maid of honor was Jill Miller, and bride smaids were the groom's sister, Kristin Wirgler, as well as Jamie Beemer, Peggy Bingham and Heather Knight. The bridegroom is the son of Ken and Jan Wirgler of Newport Beach. His father, Ken, served as his best man. The brid~'s broth- ers, Jim and Jason Eddy, were ushers, along with Morgan Stipp, John Perett and Scott Owen. A reception atte nded by 225 guests at the Visalia Country Club followed the ceremony. The couple are residing in Ventura after a wedding trip to Jamaica. The bride will graduate in May from Westmont College in Santa Barbara and is employed by AGIA Insurance Co. Her husband Northridge and works for Little Packets to Go in Studio City. Alejandre-O'Rourke Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Church in Huntington Beach was the setting for the July 6 wedding of Tina Marie Alejandre of Hunt- ington Beach and Craig Alan O'Rourke of Corona del Mar. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Alejandr_e en Hunting- ton Beach and the late Mr. Frank Alejandre. She wore a gown of sµk satin, slightly off the shoulder and accente d with a lightly bead- ed cathedral train. It was acces- sorized by a beaded bead piece with a cathedral veil. · Her matron of honor was Cheryl Greenemyre and brides- maids were Sandy Allen. Leah Jason and Erin Williams. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene O'Rourke of Corona del Mar. Ron and Ken O'Rourke ~rved: as his best-meit while George Brenseke, Chris Kavanagh and Darin Puhl served as ushers. ~the ceremony, 230 guests attended a reception at the New- port Maniott. The couple are at home in Dove Canyon following a wed- ding trip in the South Pacific. The bride is employed as a senior accountant with Onyx Acceptance Corporation in Irvine. The Environmental Services com- pany Geraghty and Miller employs her husband in Irvine, also. Smith-Coile en J1Dian Smith and Paul CoUe D '~Pilot BEAQEBS HOTLINE Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa 642-6086 Mesa, CA. 92626. Copyright No Re<Ol'd your comments about news stories, Illustrations. edito- tlr'\l\Mfl'\o\ the Daily Pilot or news tips. rial matter OI' advertisements TEMPERATURES VOL 90, NO. 230 herein can be reproduced with· out written permission of copy· Newport Beach APQBESS right owner. 75165 THOMAS H. JOHNSON, Our address is 330 W. Bay St .. Balboa Publisher Costa Mesa. Calif. 92627. t:fOW TO REACH US 75165 WIWAM LOBDEU. Costa Mesa Editor CORRECDONS Circulation 87163 STEVE MARBLE, It is the Pilot's policy to prompt· The Times Orange County Corona del Mar Managing EditOI' ly correct all C!rrors of substance. (800) 252-9141 75165 IRIS YOKOI, Please call 574-4233. Advertising City Editor Classified 642·5678 SURF FORECAST MARC MAR1'JN, Display 64~-4321 LOCATION SIZE Photo Editor Editorial Wedge 2-3 s PRAMOD SHAH, News 540-1224 Newport 3-4 s ~t'Offlt"er 2=4330 ____ _lll~les __ l-4 s NOY OETTING, News, Sports Fax 646-4170 River Jetty 3-4 s Oassified Advertising Manager E-Mail: dpllot20earthlink.net CdM 2·3 s Promotions n BOATING Business Office 642-4321 KIM GRlff'ITH, Business Fax 631-5902 Mild boatini condi· Director of Operations tions for Sout ern JOHN PHILIPS, PIJbllshed by ......,. California waters Pre Press Group Leader California Community~ .... through most of this a nmcs MlfTor Company. week. Toda • winds Press Group Leader (Prices include all appltcable ~ S. Klein. President and CEO WI 0 0 e KEN JOU.Y, Packaging and state and local t.xes.) POSTMAS· Judith 8. Kendall, southeast to 6 knots Distribution Group Leader TER: Send address changes to Vice President, General Manager in the morning The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa 01996 Callf. CN. An rights f'e41N'ed. hours, picking up to Coile, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arthur Coile o( Vuhan. Washington and Mr. and Mn William Scott of Portland. Oregan. They will be manied Jan. 4 in Saint Michael and All Angels Church of Corona del Mar. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High School and her fiance graduated from Vashon ~d High School. They are both graduates of the UniveJ"Si.ty of Washington in ·Seat-· tle. Clarence and Peggy Friend of Huntington Beach have ~ounced the en~agen'lent of, Robert Beckfieid Smith, m, so~ of Robert Smith 0 of La Jolla and Ri~ Smith of Huntington Beach. They will be married in Decem- ber in Palos Verdes Estates. The bride-elect is a graduate of Huntington Beach High School, University <Jf. California Irvine, and is attending Whittier Law School in Los Angeles. Her fiance graduated from Newport Harbor High School and is attending Uni- versity of California Irvine. Buckner-Hurray Mrs. Daren Buckner of Irvine joins with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buckner of Long Beach in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn ~. to Matthew Evan Hurray, son of Mr. and Mrs Michael Hurray of Bal- boa Island. They will be married Oct. 19 at the First United Methodist Church in Costa Mesa. A dinner reception will follow at Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Beach. CuolyD Jludmer and Matthew Hurray The bride-elect graduated from Downey High School and is · Beta Ka te of the University of Southern California where she was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi sorority. Her fiance grad- uated from Corona del Mar High School and the University of Southern California where he was affiliated with Dalta Tau Delta fraternity and pl8yed forthe 1990 Pac 10 Rose Bowl champi- ons. Vanatta-W~ber Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Vanatta of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania announce the engagement of their daughter, Tara Jane, to Neil Aaron Weber, son of Mrs. Ros- alind Wale of Irvine and Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of Newport · Beach .. They will be manied Jan. 4 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The . bride-elect graduated from Dauphin High School and Pennsylvania State University, majoring in sports marketing. Her fiance graduated from Corona del Mar High School and attended Cuesta ~ollege in San Luis Obis- player with the-Montreal Expos. Tara Vanatta and NeU Weber 10-12 knots by the With tempera-evening. Oear skies and warm tempera-tures warmin~ up tu res. after last wee • Offwed ewty d.9y POUTIC.AL FORUM Learn the pros and cons of Proposition 209, the Califor- nia-£iviL.1Ughts Initiative. 'from campaigners on both sides of the issue at 7:30 p.m. in the O>isjck Auditorium of the Jewish Community cen- ter of Orange County, 250 ij. Baker St, Costa Mesa. The political forum is tree. For more information, call 7 55- 0340. COi.LEGE i:>EMOCRATS ~tor Diane Watson, D- Los Angeles and.the College Democrats of Orange Coast College present a free politi- cal rally to protest the Calitor- nia Civil Rights Initiative, Proposition 209 from noon to 1 p.m . in front of the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. PROP209 The South Coast Business and Professional Women will discuss the Overview of Proposition 209: California Civil Rights Initiative, during the luncheon from 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m.. at El Torito Grill, 633 S. Anton Blvd, Costa Mesa. The cost is $17 for members and $22 for guests. For more information, call 472-4666. a tree workshop on bow to reduce risk exposure on your mutual funds, annuities and stocks from 1 to 2 p.m. or 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m . at the University Athletic Cub, 1701 Quail St., Newport Beach. For more information, call 251-0270. NOON PROGRAM Newport Beach Central Library offers .Edna St. Vm- cent Millay, Her Llfe and Poetry, a free noon program in the Friend's Meeting Room at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call 717-3801. and the surf TIDES remaining fair, 1. Turkey and cheeSe on a 4-inch roll TOOAY First low 1:04 a.m. 0 .8 First high 7:37 a.m. 4 .6 Second low 1:18 p.m. Second high 2., _l~Q6__p.m. 4.8 lUESDAY 0.7 4.8 1.6 WATDt TEMPERATIJRE: 66 it's probably a good time to hit the beach before the autumn changes set in. A south swell is rolling in to ~ro-vrcJe some gooa conditions along Southern Califor- nia beaches. The early week should see some stuff possibly through Thurs- day. 2. Student mini-dlef salad with lettuce, carrot sticks, cheese, sunflower nuts. graham aacken, fruit. (A garden or green salad consists of lettuce, shredded carrot. red cabbage and garden peas.) • Mondlly. French bread cheese plua, vegetable medley. choice of fruit cup, choke of milk. ' • • Sloppyroeon-Ybun or bean and ~tru;fft(...--<'-' seasoned com, choice of fruit. choke of milk. ' • lhundliy: Chicken fajlta tostada salad In an edlbowl with sa~ or bean and cheese burrito, lettuce and cheese, fresh fruit. • Ft1dlty: World Series box lunch all beef hot dog. catchers c.at- sup, baseball tater tots, full count fruit baseball cookie (hoke ofmllk. • S~1<e NEWP0RT tier1>ltt ln thla area. Our~. cnotfpf(y a.nd M1111« att """"1tched. 7bgetMr ID( wtlJ tab care of all IJOUI' ~an4 '"4'0nt'll nft!da. • l ...... Detljpl ·~~ -~ ' W.aer Fallll. Poole & s.- • ~s,.tans Your neighborhood health club far men & women •ince 1882! • Personal Training Experts • Aerobics. Yoga & Stret:ch Oasses • Area's Most Qualified St8ff • Excellent Service & Attention ChrtsUne Ragenovlch during Orange Coast College Foundation's second Doggie Derby Saturday at OCC. 1be event included a pet parade and a two- mile run/walk. Above, owners and pets begin their walk, but it's not really dear who ls walking whom. • Daily Pilot photos by STARR CARROU • political arena UPCOMING CANDIDATE FORUMS The following are upcoming City Council candidate forums in Costa Mesa: Homeowners Association. The following are upcoming forums in Newport Beach: • Oct. 8 -7 p.m. at the Hard Rode Cafe, Fashion Island. Spon- • Oct. 8 -7:30 a.m. at the Cos-sored by the Surfrider Founda- ta Mesa-C-0\mtry Club, 1'701.-Goll tion._ Course Drive. Sponsored by • Oct. 9 -5:30 p.m. at Newport Mesa Pride and the Coalition for Beach City Hall council cham- Responsible Government. Call hers, 3300 Newport Blvd. Spon- Arlene Schafer at 546-1429. sored by the Newport Mesa • Oct. 9 -7 p.m . at Triangle Board of Realtors; forum will be Square. Sponsored by the Costa videotaped for cable television. Mesa C hamber of Commerce, •Oct. 15 -7:30 a.m. at Balboa Continental Cable, Daily Pilot, Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast High- Newport Mesa Board of Realtors. way. Sponsored by the Newport Call the chamber at 574-8780. Sunrise Rotary Club. • Oct. 15 -6 p.m. at the West -11:30 a.m. at the Five Side Police Substation. 567 W. Crowns Restaurant, 3801 E. 18tli St Sponsored by the Latino . Coast Ftifliway. Sponsored by Leadership Council. Call 660-the Corona del Mar Chamber of 9121. Commerce. • Oct. 16 -7 p .m . at Paularino • Oct. 16 -7 p.m . in the New- Elementary, School, 1060 Paular-port Beach Central Library com- ino. Hosted by Mesa North munity room. 1000 Avocado Ave. !~--~ N!___U I ,/ t 11 t ( ) ll t I l1 t SAVE50% EVERYDAY HEMPIDLL'S RUGS & CARPETS Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 722-7224 230 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa Sponsored by the Corona del Mar Residents Association. • Oct. 17 -7 p .m. at the Amer- ican Legion Hall, 215 15th St. Sponsored by the Newport Mooring Association. • Oct. 22 -7 p .m . at Newport Beach City Hall council cham- bers, 3300 Newport Blvd. Spon- sored by the Central Newport and Peninsula Point associa- tions. • Oct. 30 -7 p.m . at Newport Beach City Hall council cham- bers, 3300 Newport Blvd. Spon- sored by West Newport Associa- tion. CAMPAIGNFUN~~NG EVENTS: • "A Rally For Sally,• a cam- paign event for Democratic 45th Congressional District candidate Sally Alexander, will begin at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday at the Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast High- way. Sen. Barbara Boxer is scheduled to speak. Call 374- 3532. • POU11CAL ARENA provides informa- tion about upcoming campaign events. Send your notice to the Daily Pilot, attn. Political Arena. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. Or fax it to 646-4170. HOW TO TREAT ARTHRITIS OF JHE KNEE Jotn •aM•I Dnto-.., 11.D., Hoeg Holpitm orthopedic IUlgeon and membell of the Hoeg Knee Teem to --*"' .. la"8t lnnovationl In hi·-·-aurg6cel ~. 'ftatfc;,Oet••H10817~ ........ Cenler. Colta MMa '180 ........ C«*a ...... A1glttalon 11 llmlld 10 Oii llftd llgn up todly. ll ... 1:MIOA9t49M) briefly in the news Students get help on college entrance exam Orange Coast College otters a workshop to help teenagers pre- pare for college entrance eums, such as the SAT, PSAT and ACT. The workshop will focus on test-taking strategies, ~sav­ ing methods and stress manage- ment. It is scheduled Saturdays at 9 a .m. Oct. 19 and 26 at OCC's Business Education Building. The second session is planned for Tuesdays and Thursda~, Nov. 21 and 26 and Dec. 3 arid 5, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Registration fee is $120 'in advance and $130 at the door. For information, call 432-5880. Workshop teaches how to buy, sell homes Orange Coast College offers a daylong real estate workshop on pur&asing foreclosure proper- a.m. at OCC's Lewis Applied So- ence Building. The seminar teaches individu- als how to keep some properties for positive cash flow and sell oth- ers for profit. Students will also learn how to estimate the costs of fixing up property and be given guidelines on selecting profitable locations. A field trip will also be part of the workshop. Registration fee is $49 iUld there is a $15 materials fee. For information, call 432-5880. School hosts math and technology event California fleramWy Scbool .. PTA presents Family .Md:l and Technology Nlglll. lbe .-.am gm. parents and cblldnm oppor- tunities to develop pl'Ob&mHolt- iDg skilll and to bUOd an under- standing of math and computer conoepts. A team of tearnen will prment an educational and entertaining program for the tamtHes. The program will be held today at 6:30 p.m. at Califorma Elementary School in Coste Mesa, located at 3232 N. Califor- nia St . Admission is St per family. For infonnation, call 556-3486 or 557-3755. Conference promotes teenage responsibility. Volunteer Center of Greater Orange County ~DS<ll"S its third Oct. 22. The conference allows teenagers to meet with educators and organizations to promo1e social responsibility. The conference will otter workshops for youth and adults on topics such as recruiting teenage peers for volunteer work and how adults can plan success· tul community service projects and find funding sources._ The conference will be 8:30 a.m. at the Costa Mesa Communi- ty Center. Call 953-5757, ext 135. Quality Legal Services at a Reasonable Price l •\•1 ... $125/hr ATTORNEYS AT LAW BUSINESS LITIGATION AND TRANSACT10NS Corp<>fatt00~. partnerships, mergers, acquisitions, buy-sell agrt.'t'ments, contrac1s and collections lt.EAl ESTATE LITIGATION AND TIANSACTIONS Evictions, rore< losures, easements, title disputes, work-<>ut~ ESTATE PlANNING Trusts, Will\ Probate Admmistrahon LEGAL =OPTIONS Join Us For Lunch • Ohmer • Sunday Brunch • Catertng ....... For Reservations and Directions Call 723-0621 251 ShlJ¥1fd Way • Newport e..dl "'! Sundav October 20 J l)l)ti 'i .I I .~ • -MARK-ll!CTOR HANSEN The Best of ... Don't miss this excellent opportunity to hear one of America's top motivational speakers sharing his favorite stories from his three top selling books, Chicken Soup For The Soul I. II and Ill. Mark will also be our featured guest speaker at the 1 O:OOa.m. Sunday service. Tickets are available at the church after Sunday service in the Open Mind Book Store. Tickets may be picked up from "Will call" the day°' the 8\Wt. Ct'8Cb must be received by 10117 /1996 to receive .c:tvarlC8d purchase price. I . . BERGESON CONTINUED FROM 1 ; •lbe worst thing that could Mppen ls to have tbll tied up for years and years and years tn a way lbat ls going to Impact John Wayne to the extent that there will be no t1tenullive, so tt could inaeue the sn-ue on John Wayne,• Berge- IOO said. •1 think it's very dear lbat's the dlrec:tion we're beaded. J'bere needs to be a way to put the trust back.. , Bergeson'• solution is for Gov. Pete Wilson to appoint a south county resident for her office's Nmaining two years. · •u an appoinbnent were made from Newport Beach, I have no doubt at all that there would be a lecall initiated almost immediate- ly,• Bergeson said. "Whal is that going to provide except more and more frustration and more costs? •Tue feeling of distrust in south county is so strong.· she said. •The people there resent the govern- . ment. They feel they have no access to it.· As far as abandonin her office SMOOTHIE CONTINUED FROM 1 ~n to call the Capri Sun compa- iiy, which makes the dri.nk's pear Juice, for permission to use it in the recipe. After that, the two worked eut the smoothie-making process. • The final step bas yet to come: paming the drink. As soon as that's Clone, Jason's recipe will be immor- 1alized on the cafe menu board. Boucher and Jason have yet to work out one detail: dividing the ~rofits. Jason favors getting a flat fee for bis efforts, while Boucher is froposing giving him a percentage of sales. But Jason remains confident they'll come to an amicable agree- ment, as be thinks Boucher is a pretty cool guy. Jason is looking forward to col- lecting the smoothie money. He'd Jlke to put it in the bank until he's old enough to buy a car. It was such future-mindedness that won Boucher over that fateful ~y when Jason cycled into the etore with a dream and a drink. · •1 envisioned in my mind the kid on the comer selling lemonade,• be said. •tte one-upped the person on the comer in bringing it to me to try to make this happen.• • NAm 1"AT SMOOTHE : What do~ think ' • Jmon KAft'I fruity con-I ~ axtiaf1 shoutd be : called? Call our~ :Hotline at 642~ and ;lewe your rwne and • suggested 5hake moniker. "1-•' -·~ ~~~~ Facials 250/ Weaves 8 '0 · ·color I Off w I coupon I B 1 8 uropeon ocio . .. .. . . . . up n Bock Fociol. .............. $ t 8.00 ., Monicure ..................... $5.00 I Pedicure ...................... $6.00 Eyebrow/Arch Woxing ..... $5.00 .. JAMES AllEU SCHOOl OF · 2 300 H arbor Blvd Co .. to MPso CA 926 26 (7 141 545 1016 Ml CASA M I X I ( /• N f( I \ I AU I< A N I White fish JltWd on 1 soft com tortilll wttti our ·spec:1ar white sauce. Clbblge. chem. guacamole llld I Sb of Ume. Uke U.., ,.,.... on the COl9t of BAJAll Out mew n a trip to BAJA • well • MIXJCOll a.v--Mid .... beHeft. the ~Ii m good .,,.agb bMltb for • bis to...._ b ·a importut role. ·w rd have waled to bolt. J would have bolted during (the banlaupley) •• she Aid. ·Now that the coumy ii In good lb.ape. I tbin.k I can do mote for the people of the state and for NewpOrt 8MCb by taking a role in education.• Bergeson Nid the governor con- tacted her about the cabinet polt after tbe cumml .aetary, Mau- reen DiMareo, resigned &erge.on contemplated the move for a month before accepting the offer. Her love for education won out •1 think I'm coming tn at the belt of all times because things have changed, and I think the attitude tow4lJ'(I education reform ls 11esy strong,·· said Bergeson. a former kindergarten teacher and Newport Beach Bementary School District trustee. Bergeson said she already bas been contacted by every superin- tendent in the county and also is receiving advice from one of ber daughters, a school principal in Santa Ana . •1 think the class size reduction has been a t awakenin , and I COUNCIL CONTINUED FROM 1 In the wake of a regional heli- copter program's breakup, the two police departments have agreed to continue sharing copter services and costs. • Hiring two full-time park ranger/community service special- The Phen-Fen Diet Are There Safe And Eff edive Appetite Suppressants? e ~, fO Q The answer 1s res'. llO\\l""VCr 1hc 1rea1· mcm of obesir\• or an m-crn'ttglu condl· uon also requires .1rrroprl.11c lifcs1l'le changes 3lld an ind1vidualiz.ed, phv~tebn· supervised. comprchcnsh-c appro.1ch mclucUog dic1. l>eh:ivior mod1fic11ion :and cxerosc. For ~'Cl\'t>OC, 11 L~ not iust s1m· ply a nuuer of pwhmg 1~1\.-n aWJy from the table! The llt'W diet ()Ills. 9.Tien property administered ~· a ph\ 1~n who IS knowledgeable 111 rhear use. CM be a helpful adjUfl(l ror \\~hr rtd11C11Clfl ~nc1 v.'dght maintenance CaU my oft'icc IOr an Jppoultmeni and \\'c can dc'lcmlinc 1f 1'00 ~n: or nee noc a good andtda1e for drug rhcnpv for obesity 0t ~1 O\'trwcight condlllon w~ :l1so offer ahl'm<lll\-e progr.11m AYOCado Medical Grouo 1441 Avocado Ave. Suite 70t N~ Beach, CA 92660 (714) 720-9266 Ast hr.,,.,.,.. (Waaalntcitr Location Aho) ebink it bM beeil a symbOl tbal ap.ov..-a .. coming. nm bas been a JUlor' down paYJl*d on that,• sbe Mid. •But out of that. we hive got to be usured that u we tnaeue tbe a..! for teadws. that we get teecbers wbo are qualffled and eager to accept that challenge and really make a dlffereooe in kids' lives.• Bergeson ii already looking for an eputment dole to the capitol and plans to move to Saaamento in about a month. Her husband wUl remain ln Newport Beach. and she said lhe wiD try to get back into town whenever possible to see her family. . Bergeson also plans to continue working for the restoration of the Upper Newport Bay, a project left over from her days as a state assem- blywoman. She said she is also committed to keeping John Wayne Airporl small. M for what happens in two years when Wilson's term expires and a new governor takes office, Bergeson said she's not sure. She won't. however, run again for the board of supervisors, she said. •1 may have run in my last elec- tion.• ists to be supervised by the police department for patrolling city parks and recreation facilities. • Revision of city law regulating dogs in public areas. The changes include giving city police officers, park rangers and animal control officers the authority to eject own- ers of aggressive or unruly dogs from the Bark Puk. • Discussion of options and costs for improving alleys and sidewalks. SOCCER CONTINUED fllOM 1 Only one ol. the three •anttv play- en was expected to be • ...,_, the othen are role playen. The eight athletes smpeoded cannot ietu.m to Estanda until after 90 school days, or roughly around m.id·Pebruary. . A closed be&ring that wW include Tavares, Estancia PJtnd- pal Peggy Anatol and various school board members ls sched- uled Thursday at the disbict office. •Everything (will be dis- cussed),• Anatol said Friday. ·navares' future as the coach) will be determined at that time. But the hearing really is concern- jng the girls, a sped.fie girl, l would say, because we've bad a request by someone to meet with the school board.• Anatol, in her third year as Estancia's principal, would not divulge the name of the student whose parents requested a pd- ............ 'IP--. IDMllWldle, .. cGirdl- dmt tbe ..... cu be neolftd ..... Nor. 1 t, .... tint Cl8ldllJ pr9dlce ... .. wtmer tpOrtl UDCls CJP SoulMm Section ~ WbUe ,. .. .,... sltuatioo appMD to be ID limbo, bs &Mm- Oii wMt .....-o111-11 apected to go oo as tebedbwt -n. .... wlll play tM6r ..... Jar l8UOll wbm tbe time CIOID89 (Nov. XI II tbe tint day for oftlda1 aP contelD'), • said Nancy IWda. Bltanda'1 gldl athletic director. Estancia, wbich fields vanity and JV teams, normally b.u between 30 and 36 gtrls in tta pro- gr~ umually. But while the Sagle• are expected to be shorthanded this season, ti could also open a win- dow of opportunity for promising freshmen Rebecca Silva. Megan Pay and goalkeeper Helen Flores. •with the amount of spots open. there's a good chance that quite a few of them will get an opportunity (to start on varsity),• Tavares .said. Inter up to 6.,,...... te.hlon c.ta1orlu: Formal Wear. Casual Wear. Lingerie/Pajamas. Swim Wear. Best Halloween Costume&. Master/Pet Look-allke Pris .. Awned fw Mich c.t•1•" and Grand Prlaofortlle ••• .. "Top Dot• Saturday, October 26, 1996 Check In by 10:00 am ·Eltandll .. pkldng the pieCel beck up. Tbe ~ bu been gOod for so many years, and we're DOt 90IDg to let that drop. We're gcag to keep up the expecta- t1om. • 11atuc::a. woo back-to-back Padftc Cout LMgue t1tlea ln 1993 IDd 'SM, but adlled the playoffs Che lut two ... ton!. .,,.... wu one editorial in the Dally Pilot by O.y Sandoval (Community .Porum. Sept. 26) that t thought wu pretty good,• ntvares Mid, referring to the dis- trict'• zero tolerance policy. •I agree with what she said in tPe artlde, in wblch she gave some other options rather than transfer- ring the kids, like community seP- vtce, lectUres and watching films OD drunk driving.• •1t•s a tough one, really tough.• 'Javares said of the situa- .tion. •1t•s not fun. It's been a real crazy ti.me. But. we've got some neat kids, and the program has been real good and the boosters have been good, so we're just going to work bard and do the best we can.• by Paul Frech SERVICE .t REPAJR GERMAN• SWEOISH JAPANESE AUT'OMOBILES WELL ADJUSTED SS per dog (pre-registered by 3pm October 25) ----~------=-:,-=-:==:=:--=-------+-WHEELS S 1 o per dog to register on the day of the event Call or stop by the Main Office 7 2 9 a 16 a to pick up on official entry forml • · RUFF ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. --br Dollar Coven-Morel 1922 KMIOl llYD., COStA MESA· SCI-t 156 ~ Nf.YJP~O~ :P :. la.-' WATUnONT atsoaT 1131 B.ck Bay Drive • Newport Beach • 12MO Benefit for th9 QCSPCA and Companion Pet Retreat Candidates Debate ~ Sporuored by: Wednesday, October 9, 1996 7:00 p.m. at Triangle Square l'\'\111'-il\ Charlie Wilson Valerie Mitchell Edison Continental Cablevision Bill Lobdell Carey Ward Daily Pilot Board of Realtors ----- ' GI ••• •p What are the adjustments that the auto technician is likely to make as part of a wheel alignment? To begin with, there is "toe•, which is1he tilt of the wheels toward or away from one another when viewed from above . Tiies that '"toe-ln• point toward one another, while tires that "toe-out• point away from each other. Proper toe adjustment minimizes wear. ~ Is the tilt otthe top of the wheels toward or away from one another when viewed from the front camber adjustment helps keep the face of the tire tread flat on the road for maximum traction and less wear on the e<tge.s_ .las.th'. there is •caster,• which is the angle of the steering axis in relation to a vertical line through the center of the wheel, when viewed front the side. Caster can only be adjusted on the front wheels. The proper caster angle helps to stabilize the vehicle and impart better steering feel. t9m On some front-wheel-drive cars, the front tires should toe-out 9llgtltly to compensate for other foroes so thct the tire runs parallel to one another .. they roll down the road .. A TIRED STORY states have laws that regutm scrap-- tire disposal. About 60% of the tires amntly headed for disposal are rerouted for retreading, recycling, or use aa fuel, repttsentlng a big lmprowlment over just five yen ago. Much of this rubber Is combined with uphalt to create a surface that Is more dlnble, quilter, and less giwfl to cracking (owing to higher elutleJty) than non-rubberized aaphalt. With the Federal Gowmmenra lntermodal Surface Tl'lnlpOl1atlon N:t now INlndating ~ higher percentages of ground rubber (to a maximum of ~)for UN~ highway~ thla UH for recycled rubber Is llCp«tld to 'I""· If you art concerned about tnYtronmlntal mattn, bt NI to bring your car In for nMlnl lnlptctiont. Call C& F at 84&-ee10 fot tht but In AM·Appf'Md ..W.. Wl're It 2090 ~WI epecllla In o.m.n, SW1dllti, ~ ..... en. -.,, .. yw time or ycMI' moft1Y: we .-our .. ~ Cll thl QUilltr af cu~ 8atllfl0tlon wftta -,our car'• pertomw ............ . Opin.., H. ... bli .. to ... ,.. .............. tinOw EYE-OPENER CdM boys establish themselves as the cross oountry team to beat Div. W . . RU NNING TO DAYLIGHT Vasquez, Mabe-Busch capture men's women's open division crowns of '96 Harbor Heritage SK. . • . . . . . • . . . . bo ~ • Corona del Mar High ~ boys may have taken that ~ No. 1 label from Nordhoff; . ~ CdM girls are sharp, too, ~ with vexy strong efforts. : PALO ALTO -The boys and girls cross : country teams from Corona del Mar High ~ made the most of their weekend jaunt up : to the Bay Area. : Both entered the prestigious Stanford NEWPORT BEACH -Francisco : Invitational in the ·we ny Harder• spot Vasquez and Brooke Mabe-Busch ! behind C1F Division IV-leading Ojai Nord- were the men and women's champi-: hoff. ons of Saturda s 1996 Harbor Her-: The boys not only topped the field at 1 ag~ run, ut m e ove pie-• • -• ture there were several key winners : the process. West yaney was third~ 179. from a field of some 1 200 partici-: The Sea Kings win should preapitate pants. ' : no less tha.n a flip-flop in the next poll The 21-year-old Vasquez set a : release. . . pace of 5:02 in winning the men's : The girls did nothing to hurt their pos1- : ' .. -.· .· : .. -;4 -... ... ..... ............ . • • • • ,. • - -.. • -ii' • • QUOTE OF THE DAY at HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY tion, finishing second to Nordhoff, 74-117. Taft was third at 145. "They didn't look that sha.Jp," CdM Coach Bill Sumner said of the Nordhoff boys. •They've been getting a lot of press. I even think. they are fhe No. 24 team in the nation. ·we'll, we're going to go do some cele- brating. We all had a good day and beat the No. 1 team in the Division." 1}'1er Beardslee and Jason Rogers were the top finishers for the Sea Kings, ta.king 10th (17:01) and 11th (17:04), respectively. Other Sea King runners in the top 50 w~re: Richard Hossfeld in 30th (17:48); , . Dennerline in 43rd at 18:12. On the girls side, Vanessa Jamieson led the way with a 13th-place finish in 20:31, followed by Jennifer Morgan, 19th (21 :04); Jennifer Blair, 23rd (21:14): Jean Garcia, 29th (21 :25); Uz Morse, 33rd (21:30); Adri- anne Dubin, 41st (21 :59); and Jill Quaye, 58th in 22:29. Both the boys and the girls ran over ci hilly SK course in 85-degree weather. •1t was pretty hot, but not too bad." Sumner said. •The worst pa.rt is the way we've been battling the nu all week long.· The Sea Kings held time trials a couple of weeks ago to de<ide the nine competi- tors (including two alternates) from each team that would make the trip. •A couple ot them were sick during the week, but ironically everybody was well on Friday." Sumner said. "But now ~at they were feeling sick again.• Earlier in the week, Sumner had said this would be one of the more important Invitationals of the year. •1t gives you a good chance to see the top northern teams,• be said. "They don't normally come South. This gives us an idea where we really stand.• How did Sumner feel about things after Saturday's races. "Things are looking pretty good,• be said. • STANFORD INVITATIONAL DtvWon rv 1oys 1. C'.oNNI del M-. 134: 2. Nordhoff, 145; 3. West va11ey, 119 Top C.dM ftnhhws: 10. Beardslee, 17:01; 11. Rogers, 17:04; 30. Hossfeld .• 17:48; 40. Coombe, 18:02; 43. Dennerline, 18:12; 70. Content. 18:36; 85. Russell, 18:58. 1. Nordhoff, 74; 2. C'.oNNI .. M-. 117: 3. Taft. 145. Top C.-finishers: 13. Jamif!'SOfl, 20-.31 ; 19. Morgan, 21:04; 23. Blair, 21:14; 29. Garcia; 21:25; 33. Morse, 21:30; 41. Dubin, 21 :59; 58. Quaye, 22:29. division with a time of 15:35 fol-: · I •r------------------------------------------------------------------------, lowed by David Parsel, 41, with a : 1 . WATER POLO time of 15:48, and 19-year-old Jake : 1 Swanson in 15:53. : I Babe-Busch, a 25-year-old entry, : I t--,,.,..n't-if<h#-women~ division wtthan-.-------~---- Plapsed time of 18:02, and was fol-: lowed by Alicia McFall, 16, in 18:56, : .md Jill Neu, 30, in 19:00. : high school football One of the brightest moments : wa.s the emergence of Santa Ana's : Lathrop lntennediate School's large : entry, spurred on from the training : of girls coach Angie McReynolds : dfld boys coach Mario Lara. • CdM football coach Dick Freeman surely has the buzz-numbers for the rest of the season when he wants to put a burr under his team's saddle. Tuey swept the boys and girls 12- cllld-unders divisions, going 1-2-3 in euch event: and Babiola Calderon, a 13-year-old, won the girls 14-and- unders, leaving their respective til'lds in the wake. SK Men's Open By Roger Carison, Daily Pilot 1. FrandKO Vazquez. 21, 15:35; 2. David : SANT. ANA Sh uld Parse!, 4. 15·48;..3.Ja.ke..5w ... an~so~n._.1~9.:-'t...,5·~53 .... :_,:,...1._'ln"r1ir1'nl'Tll''Atru--J11v-nrt"-1oltns--c:ani~ycr-_ 4 r Pt Uk 35 16 26 5 st M 1 • one tnquire about . the s · im a · e. · : ; · eve ora es, : (38-1) of Saturday night's non-21. 16:34; &. Brian Dobbin, 36, 17:04; 7. : John Woolley, 27, 17:13; 8. Zeke Noonan, : league football game between 18, 17:16; 9. Robert Sli~ 40, 17:25; 10. Eric • Saddleback High's Roa.drun- Kobnna, 26, 17:38. ners and the Corona del Mar SK Wom9n's Open Sea Kings at Santa Ana Bowl. t Brooke Ma~B~ 25, 18:02; 2. Alicia : don't assume. Ask who won. Mcfall, 16, 18:56; 3. Jill Neu. 30, 19:00; 4. : Vicki Peterson. 26, 19:15; 5. Araceli Mar· : That's right -Saddleback tinez. 18, 19:16; 6. Antoinette Delgado. 30, High's opportunistic Roadrun- 19 41; 7. Tess Joyce, 34, 19:50; 8. H@len • ners, solid underdogs going in. Moreno, 36, 19:58; 9. Kimbefly Robinson, : left a band of Sea Kings 24. 20:07; 10. Tahnee Thiel. 17, 20:34. : scratching their collective MaierllClel • Under tJ . 1. David Martinel. 12. 19:00; ;-beads in wonder. 2. Daniel Hidalgo. 12. 20:01; 3. Steven ca~ : The answers to the Sea pos, 12, 21 :50. : Kings' dilemma, however, seem U-15 -1. Corey Duquette, 14, 18:23; 2. : very clea.r. Shawn Melica. 15, 19:11; 3. Gilberto ur-: Mistakes can kill any team, danas, 15, 20:04. : as Corona del Mar (2-2) had 16-18 -1. Zeke Noonan, 18, 17:16; 2. Dan already found out a week earli- Overton, 18, 17:57; 3. Ben Boettner, 18. er wheo.Jbe.Su 1r. ....... let a 19-18:35. .__.~ ... 19-24 -1. Francisco Vasquez. 21. 15:35; 2. 10 lead gqing into the fourth Jake Swanson. 19, 15:53; 3. Steve Morales, quarter against Canyon evapo- 21 . 16:34. rate into a 33-19 loss, thanks to 25-29 · l . John Woolley, 27, 17:13; 2. Eric : multiple errors. Kobrine. 26, 17:38; 3. Derek Kumm. 26, : A~ if the venom injected 18• 1 l. : n.:l 30-34 . 1. Scott Matthews-Cohn, 34, : from the snakebite loss to n ·so; 2. Bob Franklin, 34. 18:54; 3. Kevin : Canyon had simply carried over Dexter. 34, 19:13. : to Saturdays venture, Corona 35-39 · 1. Jim Platske, 35, 16:26; 2. Brian : del Mar proceeded to self- Dobbin, 36, 17:04; 3. David Flar. 37, 17:46. : destruct in every way Satwday 40-44 -1. David Parse!. 41, 15:48; 2. : night. to the astonishment of Robert Slick. 40, 17:25; 3. Fred Vartanian, : the Sea Kings' coach, Dick 4 1, 18:32 45-49 -1. Steve urlson, 4'7, 18:25; 2. • Freeman. Warren Young, 49. 19:20; 3. Richard Noer, : •1t•s just amazing ... , " said 46. 19:34. • Freeman, sh.a.king his head 50-54 -1. Wayne Mitchell, 51. 17:50; 2. : from one side to the other, Don Collins. 52, 18:44; 3. Robert Sullivan, : unable to complete the sen-51 19:28. • 55-59 -1. rew Ba • , • ; . m ! 1 Lyons, 56, 22:14; 3. Jon Vrsel. 59, 22:52. • 1 60-64 -1. Jefferson 63 21:13; 2. Jim : Wood, 60, 22:30; 3. Darre e . 65-69 . 1. Paul 5aucedo, 65, 21:01; 2. David Rich, 67, 28:19. 70.aind-owr • 1. Robert Kay, 70, 23:06. F'enYlentCIM 13~ · 1. Rosalba castelan, 12, DAVI> f£ROIG I OAl.Y fl.OT Corona del Mar IHgh quarterback Mike McClellan pulls the trigger In Satmday night's 38-7 nonleague loss to Saddleback's Roadronners at the Santa Ana Bowl. back 32. A 5-yard loss on a pass play was an omen, then Catastrophe No. 1 anived in the form of Tu.galoa's 77-yard dash with his first theft. Five snaps later and it was Catastrophe No. 2 as the Sea Kings fumbled it away, Juan Lomeli covering the ball at the CdM 35. the end zone for the third Sad- dleback touchdown in the first quarter. The Sea Kings fumbled it away again on the next series, but escaped further harm; then showed the spark which many believed would be there from the start with quarterback Mike McClellan . . . back Tom O'Meara downfield, the latter go be tackler near the 4 2 and racing in to com- plete a 58-yard scor- ing strike. turf after Corona's Marshall Rothwell just got a band on him to knock him off his stride at the CdM 9-yard line. The Roadrun- ners settled for a 27-yard field goal and it was 24-7, but Coro- na appeared to have escaped the ultimate bullet. There was still a prayer. Dreams of a miracle rally, however, were short-lived. On Corona's _first play from fired into Tagaloa's 38-yard interception return for a touch- cal sequence of catastrophes was being muddied. Moments later . on Corona del Mar's next series, and on l Weary- Musta.ngs seventh at Villa Park • Costa Mesa justs misses against El Toro, 8-7; buries Santa Margarita, 18-11. V1LLA PARK -The Costa Mesa High water polo team split a pair of games Saturday, losing to El Toro, 8-7, before coming back for an 18-11 victory over Santa Margarita to finish in sev- enth place at the Villa Park Tour- nament. "We bounced back pretty nicely from (Friday),• said Costa Mesa Coach Scott Taylor, refer- ring to a 10-4 quarterfinal loss to Laguna Beach. "Frankly, we're just glad to have the weekend over,• Taylor said. The Mustangs (8-3) have played five games in a span of three days. The Mustangs played El Toro (No. 6 in Div. I) tight, but weren't able to dose a 6-5 deficit heading into the fourth quarter. Ale:x Soria and Vmce Samaniego each had two goals to lead the Mustangs. Senior goalie Justin Taylor tal- lied 18 saves in the game-35 on the day -to go along with 13 saves on Friday. •He's really been amazing," Coach Taylor said. "I mean, 48 saves in three games. He really saved us several times.• Soria had six goals and Todd Hylton put in five to lead Costa Mesa in a wild shootout with Santa Margarita (No. 9 in Div. 1). a eaver an un er Taylor both bad two goals in Sailors top CdM, 8-3 lRVINE -The Newport Harbor o team won Satur- day's Back Bay battle with. Coro- na del Mar, 8-3, to daim 11th place in the South Coast Tourna- ment played at Heritage Park. The 4-7 Sea Kings, who fin- ished 12th, were shorthanded for the game due to illnesses to Phil DiRocco and Billy Messenger. They were further hampered by a dlsdplinary move when CdM Coach John Vargas sent home four players -Chris Esposito, Greg Strelzow, Ryan Tucker and Messenger (even though be would not have played anyway) -foe being a few min· utes la .. to pc-egune warmups for the Newport Harbor plM. Newport Hmbon Jobn Ucd- f errl domln.ted ei:.'tiCD, ~ ave gioU. The SaDan.. WbO *' 3. l at the ball, ICONCl three UDilll· aw•ed goab m tha third ...,._ to put tbe gum away. c.n... W91r, wbo led tie SM K1ng1 wttb two p11; uo ICGNd IM go.a. ill tbll Sea ICl!lgl' cmty Win al .... lioun"R?? d • 13-tl ~ Of'S Oo¥I&. I ..... "" Ud .. ti bid .................... n1 'rM aai.... ......... .... ....,._,,,,.. __ _ --a. ... "'lllii ............. c !;== ........ 1 CdMliangs tough to top MaterDei over five • Sarah Petry, Jeanette Alshuler lead the way. e a gs y won e marathon, 15-7, 11-15, 15-9, 2-15, 15--6. They move to 2-2 on the season while Mater Dei dropped to 1-3. Sarah Petry had 17 kills and Jeanette Alshulser added 16 to lead CdM. Mater Dei's Lauren Warner led everybody with 22 kills. Newport falls i : : CHICAGO -Newport Harbor l High's girls volleyball team j dropped a 12-15, 15--6, 15-8 deci-1 sion to St. Francis High of ~­ Wheaton. W. Saturday in a conso-j lation match at the Nike Chai-l ;:;;:::parlde , The Estancia C&OSS l :~b te= ~: COUNTRY I':.: cracked the top three in Division ill Saturday at ~ ucaipa nvi a on a Yucaipa High. The E4gle boys finished sec- ond with 98 points, edging Yucca Valley (100) and Beaumont (101), the latter the No. 9 ranked team in CIF Southern Section Division IV. The Estancia girls finished third, 43 points behind St. Joseph of Lakewood, in the humid condi-l lions, accentuated by the 96-1 degree temperature. 1 Senior Melissa Inouye paced l the Eagles with a seventh-place i finish (21 :00), followed by AdJi-1 ana Vallejo (16th in 22:11), Tanya l Perkins (27th in 22:26), Briseida 1 Salgado (30th in 22:40) and Car-! mon Gamboa (55th in 24:33). ~ Senior Luis Lopez led the 1 Estancia boys, finishing 10th in 1 17:15. Manuel Orozco (12th in l 17:19), Alberto Munoz (13th in 1 17:21) and Tony Magana (19th in l 17:35) also sparkled, while i Stephan Appell (44th in 19:10) i rounded out the scorers. j Estancia junior Lucy Arias was j third (23:28) to lead the junior 1 varsity girls to a third-place team i finish, while sophomore Javier ! Labasti.da (18:12) finished fourth j in the boys lrosh-soph race. I • CIF rules Estanda's way in cue of coach's son's transfer from Newport; paperwork is deemed appropriate. COSTA MESA -The care-free atmos- phere Estancia High football coach John Uebengood enjoyed Friday night dwing a 63-21 rout of Ocean View, was sigoiftcantly less intense than what he experienced two days before, when clearing up an alleged impropriety at ~ CIP Southern Section Office. Uebeogood was summoned to Cerritos Wednesday to answer inquiries from section administratoIS about paperwork relating to the transfer of his son. John Jr., who came to Estancia over the summer after two years at Newport Harbor. ·1 gave them all the information and they voted in favor of Estancia,• said the elder Uebengood, who would likely have had to arre n . . feathered~ That must be how Canyon feels alter feeling the wrath of Newport's 55-7 spanking. : NEWPORT BEACH -Tums out there's more to the Newport Harbor High football team's stupendous start than quality personnel, worth ethic and good fortune. Following a 55-7 thrashing of Canyon Friday night, Coach Jeff Brinkley said the most dominant 4-0 opening in his 11-year tenure, in . which the Sailors have overwhelmed opponents, 182-30, may also be : attributed to a philosophical tweak on : . offense, defense and sped.al teams. "We've gotten a little more aggressive this year,• said Brinkley, who just two seasons removed from a 14-0 CJF Southern Section Division V . . . • -· - , decided, with the help of bis staff, to • chisel slightly at the : "Jars' conservative • reputation. : •we just felt like : we needed to," Brinkley said of the change, which includes more blitzes on defense, • a greater reluctance : to settle into a.n : off-tackle running : attack upon • gaining a lead, and a more proactive appl'oach on kick returns . "We wanted to -JEfF ...UV give opponents • more to prepare for. We're not just sitting back and playing straight on defense and we're not }ust going to pound the ball inside when we get one or two touchdowns ahead, like we used to. And I've ch8nged our punt return to be more in line with that aggressive philosophy." fodett the EaglM' ftrlt three vktcxies; had the decilion gone the other way. The younger Liebengood, a 6-foot-3, 218· pound junior, bas started all four games at defensive end and two at center. •1 never did anything wrong," Coach Uebengood said. About the same could be said of the Eagles against the Seahawks, as they scored on all but one possession to set a school sin- gle-game scoring record. •1t was a great game to watch,• the elder Uebengood said, •After a 28~point first quarter, there was no pressure or stress. The way we played in the first half was as good as I've seen in my 11 years (including a 10-0 regular season in 1989). It's probably as good as Estancia has played in 25 years.• Liebengood credited the offensive line play of tackles Tim Johnson and Danny Ramirez, guards Alfred Tanielu and Mike Miranda, center Roberto Turres and llJht ends Steve Willem and Andy Galicia for allowing James Dawkins (236), Chris Molcede (156) and Chris Felix (128) to post biple-digit rushing pertonnances. He also praised the blocking work of fullback Mike Briano and quarterl>ack Jeff Peny. "The line was blowing off the ball and the backs had a field day,• Uebengood explained. •And Peay did a nice job throw- ing the ball (three touchdo'Wll' tosses on four completions). Everything was in sync.• But despite the 4-0 start, which has included 40-point per-game average, nearly 10 more than any team in Estanda's 32-sea- son varsity ~ory through four games, Uebengood said be still doesn't know how good bis team really is. •1 tell people: 'Talk to me in two weeks, after we play Laguna Hills (Oct 18).' That's when we'll know if this is for real." Mesa. Coromuto cancel sdleduled '97 contest. . COSTA MESA -Colla Mesa and CcwaGado high schools have mutually 99ed to cancel the second year ot a two-year contract to play football, Miu Coach aDd Boys Athletic Direc- tm Jery Howell fOl SWlitlaf. ... Howell. who aJoog with Mustang playws drove to the San Dlego CO\m- ty IChool to attend Sept. 30 funeral ---vx. for Coronado .mor ~ Adrian 'nlutusau, who died two days after losing oomciDumell in the two ._,-sept. 20 DOUHpe game at Newport Harbor High. said the deci- lioo WU in the best interests of bOtb prog,rams . •With the emotional toll on their kids and ~ kids, lt jmt wouldn't tMt healthy for us to play again.• Howell Mid. •we'd like to leave the memory WbeN it's at.• The results so far are impressive, indeed, including the highest point total through four games in the school's 66-year varsity history. Fundamental breakdowns add to the frustration •part of it was also having the kind of personnel you can afford to take . .. ·we have some experienced and skilled people on defense, and we CORONA DEL MAR -Perhaps it was too • soon after the debacle that was Saturday : night's 38-7 lossto underdog Saddleback High, . : man wasn't his usual witty, personable self ·1 won't say we outhit them, but defen- sively, we did OK,• Freeman said. "But, offensively, we just can.'t seem to find any punt, then fumbled the ball away on the same . . El 1bro .. Costa Mesa 7 CostaMesa 1222 ·7 1 I l 1 (senior Josiah Fredriksen), who ls i 1 going to make good decisions.• "We've put the blame for a lot of our mis- takes on being young and inexperienced. But this is the fourth game, so those things should- n't be happening as much. It's like we're bead- Freeman did identify poor tackling and botched blocking assigriments as two key areas of fundamental breakdowns. El Toro 2 3 1 2 • 8 Costl Mesa scorln9 -Soria 2. Samanlego 2. H. Taylor 1, Oeaver 1, El Toro scoring -Sakatanl 2, Mc:Munn 2, Wffthersby 1. Spruce 1, Boone 1. ll'aupasta, 1. Saves: Duckworth 2. c:a.ta ..... , .. Sent.a Mlr'amtt. , , Costa Mesa 4 2 6 6 • 18 ! 1 Brinkley, once again, was almost ~ I fo~~ to ni~·pick to find an area to be l I 1 I ! I l I i I i I blowout, citing with disdain the Tars' 12 penalties for 130 yards. "Oh, there's plenty of room for improvement,• he insists. ing downhill.· . : play and flatly refuted any notion that bis play- : ers were looking past the Roadrunners. But he : also failed to concede that Saddleback dominat-! ed as the scoreboard might indicate. "We can't change personnel, we just have to teach the kids we have what to do.~ junior outside linebacker Seth Richardson, who left the game in ¢e fourth quarter with a concussion and is expected to miss at least this week's game, according to Freeman. Santa Margarita 4 5 0 2 • 1 1 i L-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Biioukhovets wins title at 'Challenger' ~ •She tops Mercedes . Paz in Sunday's finals .. NEWPORT BEAOI -Elena, Brioukhovets, who eliminated Newport Beach 16-year-old Brandis Braverman in Friday•s quarterfinals, captured tile championship of the inaugunll Pad.fie Mutual U.S. Women's Challenger at the Newport Beach Maniott Hotel and Tennis Ctlb with a 6-2, 6-4 victory over N&. !- seed Mercedes Paz Sunday. Brioukhovets won $4,000 with the victory with Paz settling Tdr the $2,360 runner-up payoff. Briokhouvets from the Ukraine, lost the first set of Satur- day's semifinal match with third- seeded Emmanuelle GagliarW before battling back for a 4-6, 6- 4, 6-3 upset win. Paz, too, had a difficult time getting through the semifinals, with the first two games going to tie-breakers before besting unseeded Siobhan Drake-Brock- man of Australia, 7-6, 6-7, 6-3. In doubles-play, Paz-and Rene Simpson tea.med up to chop Erica De Lone of Lincoln, Ma. and Nicole Pratt of AuStra.lia, 6-3, 6-1. to claim the St.500 prize. Winnansand Harper pull off~tin ~ 65doubles NEWPORT SENIORS BEACH -No. 2 . seed, Bev Winnans, of Newport Beach, and Llz Harper, of La JQ1- la, teamed up to upset top-seed- ed Peggy Landtroop and Elaine Mason, 6-3, 6-1, for the 65 dou- bles title at the U.S. Tennis Asso- ciation Senior Women's Hard- court Championships concluded Saturday at Newport Beach Ten- nis Cub. Newport's Dee Armstrong and Cathie Hall bad both advanced to the Round of 16 before being beaten by Landtroop and Mason earlier in the week. Dodo Cheney, of La Jolla, was a terror, coming in as the No. 1 seed and winning the 75 singles title, 6-2, 7-5, over second-seeded Eleanor Harbula and then teaiq- ing up with Corky Murdock as the No. 1 seeds and sweeping to the title in 75 doubles with a, 6-4 , 6·1, victory over third-seede~ Lucy Dettmer and Jean Harris. In 65 singles, No. 6 seed Louise Russ capped her title ruh with a 7-6, 6-0 win over No. 3 seed Doris Clark In Feed-In Champlonshtp Tournament draw of 16 action: Hanis defeated Midge Stafford, 6-2, 6-4, for the 75 sin- gles title wbile the doubles duo of the doubles crown. in 65 singles, Nancy Clegg won the title over Peggy Win- ningham. They were tied one set a iece (5-7, 7-6 when Winnin - am a ore e . In doubles, Russ and Dorts Stephens, ca.µ>.e back from a set down to beat Carolyn Henry a.nd Lorry Wroblewski, 3-6, 6-0, 6-3, in the championship match. Costa Mesa. scoring • Soria 6, Hylton 5, Cluver 2. H. Taytor 2, Montgomefy 1, O'Brien 1, Samanlego 1 Saves: J. Tay- lor, 17. ! .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s.rt.a Margarita scoring · Welch 3, Wiison 3, AnMYen 2, Joffe 2, Oeze 1. Saves: Weiss 7. sounBN CALlflOllMA TOUN&A~ MNc..RlwpolllDOrtrt IWt.or I, C.dM J Corona def Mat 0 1 0 2 • ] PMwport Harbor 1 2 3 21 . 8 Corona de4 Mar scoring · Weir 2, Pa~ da 1. Swes: Emery 13. H9wport scoring -Ucdferrl s. Conwell 1, Afvlrado 1. Saws: n/a. ......... ,,,c.w ...... s Corona def Mar 1 1 1 2 • 5 Beflarmltw 1 3 5 2 • 11 i ' l i ~ ! : i • Bucs' William League scores I 4 TDs, but Pirates come up short. I again, as El Camino posts 42-35 ! I victory, the ninth straight time I OCC is No. 2 to the Warriors. COtON def Mar scoring • Hokanson TORRANCE -The likelihood that a ~ Hfdt• 1• Paid.I 1• .lM:kson 1· Saves: future Orange Coast College football play- ... larmltw KOf1ng -Canales 3, er will have been born liriCe the lut time Robertlon 3, ,Lloyd ~ ptough 1, Falling. I the Pirates defeated El Camino dlmln1ahed 1, Dw)<9r 1. S...S: rla. fwtber Saturday night, after the bolt War· c.....,...,. 11, a.. 11 I rtors rallied, then held on for a 42~35 Mis· COtON def Mar 4 s 1 3 -13 lion Confereno1 u&,.t......, Ocwlf 2 2 J •· 11 ·--·z· , eoron. ., Mer K01n9 • Weir s. The Pirates U ·3) hadn t beaten El Str9bow' l. &postto J. ,lnahf 1, Camino liDc:e U1'13, coming in-a apan of fir~ 1. s.w.: ffMfY 1J. ooly eight 9ame1 -but the vlslton uuu.d OoW lcof1na · Gtomlf 4. ,. •r. • a atrong performance by IOPbcllllcn WI· 1. •--" t/W...W.J 1, Seda • back Wlfliam Le~ to threaten that C-1,S.~1.S-:Na. ltreak ........... ...... ~c:.u......... -·1· C.afWW., Mir 1 Z O I · I ~. wbo like bil teemmate1 W DOt .... 0 2 ' J • t rMdaed tlae md zone OD tbe gl'GuDd in c.-dlf Mir lmrtnl-~ tbrM g-.. tbls yeer, ran 33 yaftll·tD pay- 1, -~· • 1 • ..., 1, ,.._ '· ..... dirt Wtlt cm1y 2:28 elaPMd to pu1 ace cm to 1, ~Iii 8r M9 1. S..: hilr tl. top. Nm Bennett .. PA-r nMide li 7-G. en.I· ,..=n=1.:;~1, tagtblillnti:-'°-mc h•(2.Z) was forced to overcome. A 29-yard Brian Mahanke field goal and an 80-yard Lloyd McCoy TD run did just that, the latter giving the hosts a 9· 7 edge with 31 seconds left in the ftnt quarter. The Pirates answered back, however, with League, who earned 172 of his 191 ruthing yards by halftime, capping a scor- ing drive wtth a 1-yard touchdown run ear- ly in the seoond quarter. El Camino, however, acored on 1tl next three ftrlt.half poaeaions, including a 16· yard Ward ICOring pass to McCoy wtth four t1ckl Wt b9fore the btMki to take a ~8-21 lead Into the locker room. McCoy'• l«'Ond TD broD a 21·21 tia a.at.cl by 1.Mgue'• 75-yard ICOl'in9 Jaunt. Bl (;amino, appuantly, carded plenty ol momeatum mto t.be.tbird quartc, u Brian JOIMI nambled tS yards for a touchdown Wtlh tbe MC::oiid·ball ldckolf to up the lead to 14 pomtl . NewpOrt Harbor ttigb product Mib Pl,.... balved the dtidt with a t~ ~ ND Wilb 4~ left In the .imd .ncl LeegUe'I f0Ur1ll ~ TD of 1b1 lllgbt. • 12·fUclilt, WW•ed •noet. II Omdno ICON to Uep the Pttitlll wtOdll a -\ ,, touchdown with •:J.4 left in the game. The visitors gave El Camino a scare when Brandon Wi1lon blocked a punt with 2:30 left, giv- ing occ posseaion just inside the Wanior 40. A run, an incomplete pau and a 5-yard pass brought up fourth down, however, and an OCC ltreen pa.a fell in.com· plete, allowing Bl Camino to run out the dock. The Wanton, who came 1n leading the con- 1....a with 3~ P;Ulllng ~ per game, were ted to 231. Preeman fl.DJs1led with 50 yards Oii ttir'M cam. and EstUda OCC ST1\:TISTICS El CMftlno G. OCC JS lcDf'e ~ 0-'tln Orang.Co.st 7 14 6 I · 35 El c..mino t 19 7 7 • 42 Arlt Qum1lllF OCC • Leegue ll run (Bennett kidc), 12:34. EC -MaNnke 29 FG. 4:23. EC • MtCoy IO run (pe9 felled), 0-.31. ......0-.W occ . ~ 1 ""' (lennett lddt), 10-.21. EC · Gourdine 2t .,_from WW ~ f.iled); l.'04. K · Norrts 1 run (1ddt felted>. ):51. ocx . ~ 75 Ml (ltnnett lcldQ, ):JO. EC ·~ 16 ,,_ fron'I Wlrd <Mehenk• klc:k), C>.M. n.N......, fC • Jonee ts kidLoff rwtwn (Metwlnke lcldc), 14:A4. OCC · ~ 1 Nn (pisf~, 4:49. ........... K -~1""'~ k~--ocx • ~ 12 run (KAOI pm from~. 4:14. .....,.-=,.--~· .. ~ MMk ........ 9ddlid 18 ,.. to occ. iAyn ... NlllAal e&tcbel .. 48 ,.., wbiJe ~ cw CoPlnt cOlllflDd 15 Gt 25 fOt ,. fUdl liDd DO ... .,.,....., toW. Mb Knox l.t 0CC NClitNi wtib blf ' occ yWldlid tti9 ~ .... turaots, 1oilllQ .. of Ill~ ft•Nee -.....! '; -..... . -... ....... ~ . . . . . . .. . ....... . . . ~ !~' . . -,.-1 .. _... , ~ -MOHOAV, OCTOIER 7, 1996 Gardiner Shin~ in 2~ 1 double ovet1i1ne win for Vanguards LA MIRADA - Jamie Oard.lDer had bel' best day of the year Sat- urday acod.Dg both goals as the Southern CaWomia College women's soccer team took a 2-1 double-.overtime victory over Golden State Athlet1c Conterence riVa1 Biola. The win WU the first GSAC .. win of the season tor sec (6-5-1 ;(werall. 1-2-1 in <\?Jiference). .. Gardiner pushed in her first :_goa1 at the 85-minute mark to tie "'2te game and send it into over- , time. , In the dosing minutes of the 1~nd extra period, Gardiner 'was on the receiving end of a Lori ~Van Herk comer kick to put in the Vanguards' game-winner. Gardiner, a senior forward, last 'Scored two goals in a game in the ·1995 opener when she suffered a seuoo.enct1"9 knee lnjmy. She came into this WIOD tied wtth Van Hertt. allo a senior, u tb8 Southern California College career ICOdng leeders wtth 17 goals apiece. sec falls 1n three to Azusa Paciftc women FRESNO- TheSouth- em Cali- AIL fornia College women's volleyball team played tough Saturday, but couldn't avoid being swept, 15· 6, 15-7, 15-9, by host A.Zusa Pacific. sec fell to 11-9 overall. 2-5 in the Golden State Athletic Confer- ence while Azusa Pacific, the No. 5 team in NAIA, improved to 14- 4, 5-2. Adam Bol- lenbach is malring the most ol bi.I junl« sea- son with the No. 9 UCSa.n Diego men's water polo team. The Estancia High grad was tied for the team lead in goals after the first seven games this season with 14 -which trans- lates Into one goal per every two shots he takes. ·Bolle.nbach added another goal this past weekend as the ni- tons topped No. 12 Santa Barbara, 10-5, to move to 8-4 on the sea- son. As a sophomore, Bollenbach scored 24 goals and added seven assists as UCSD advanced to the Final Four in the NCAA Champi- onships, won by UCLA. ln the 1995 Championships, tbe 1\itons lost to UCLA. 21-10, in a first-round gam~ and then were beaten. 8-7, by tJie University of Massachusetts in the thin1-piace game. Flag football update It was nose-to-nbse YOUTH in B Division play of Youth Flag Football Thursday under the auspides of the New- ~ Beach Recreation Dept Newport Elementary #2 and Harbor View played to a 6-6 standoff, and Heights was a nar- row 6-0 victor over Harbor View. In the 6-6 tie Matt 'n'acy of Newport Elementary and Mitch Folks of Harbor View each tallied a touchdown. Gavin Schmitt of Heights scored the only touchdown of the game to pace his team's victory over Harbor View. ln C Division play, Mau Jimfnez of Harbor View scored all three touchdowns on to lead Har· bor View to a 19-0 victory over Mariners. Tars win consolation COSTA MESA -WA"IB POLO Pountain Valley topped Hunting- ton Beach Saturday, 8-4, to walk away with first-place hardware at the Estancia Prosh/Sopb Water Polo Tournament. Newport Har- bor took away consolation cham- pionship honors, beating Marina, 6_.. Harbor lost to third-place Edison 5-4 earlier in the 12-team tournament when the latter scored a goal with 0: 14 left in what proved to be the Game of the Tournament D EE P SEA SUNDAY'S a>UNT5 o-.,'S LoG,r. no repott.. NeU¥part &.Mdn9 · 7 t>o.ts. 17• ~ 14 yfllowfln tuna. 3 yellowt.lil. 39 s.lnd lNm. 17 calico bMs. 75 rodnlSh, 213 to1lpir\ 260 bonito, 11 ~~. 11 whit~ 2 ~ perch. 1fOie,186~. . PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Iha followlng par1on1: PUBLIC NOTICE the unclerlignad tor towing rn by: an lndMdull 8w:tt. -par Map.__.... tlw mppointed by the YOU Nf! .. D9'~T -n um OAltO t/'lW4.tJNLES$ 3'00 p.m on Iha lt'Ollt ... ,, 8181 Darryl Norwood, and ~ togethef wl1fi Have YOY .wtad dOlllg In lloal a.._ i1 to M court w ithin f our 18 A DEB> OF 1RUIT, YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO-1111 antrnll of Iha Orll'Qt --------0462 Paul Doremus, C395 F1ctltJou• hslneu coa11 of adwrtlllng and t it· bualntla yet? no lndlllllw f11 MacitiraNe month9 from the det• DATB> JIAY 22, 1IR • TtCT YOUR PROflEATY. fT CMc Ctnllf. 300 E. Cl\lpl'Jilll PUBLIC NOTICE Roberta Bakktn, c21.. Nam. ... ,.ment '*''"of ..... Sandy Schukar ...... In .. Clft'lce fll .. of firet leauanc:• of LDIYOUTNCEACl10N10 MAY IE SOlO AT A PUBLIC Orqt, CA. Al 111 lml of the NOTICE Of Unda Jean Btavers, C278 The following per90na 118 Dated thla 27th day of Thie atate!Mnt was flied eoune, RacaW f11 Miit l•tttl'9 .. provided In PROTEGT YOUR PNJP. SALEJF YOU NEED M EXPl.A· lnllllf publl:dOn of 1M1 nob. P .... ITION TO Jack Hauck, 8109 Gat>MI doing bullnt11 ai· Int• Stpt. 1198 with tha County Clerk of Counly. n. ~ ._.. H ti l100 f the =-~~IMYllE9CIU>ATA NATION OF TH£ NATURE OF the total amount of Iha llflPlld • • Vargas. a1ed Ph lldan servtcea Jean M. Noulary Orange County on 10-2·96 tcNe 0dllsl:rlbacf .. -llalna c on o SALE.. F YOU Nl!B> TliE PROCEEOIHG AGAINST ba1at1c:a ol t111 Ob1g1110n 11- ADMINllTER Property 00101/22301, to Soutl Batavia Stttet' Publlah ad Newport tH83887eM aaM ••W" .,,. ........ ~for:r•Prot;at•Crr.•· /llf ECP\ANA11CN OF lH! YOU.YOUSHOULOCONTACTA Qlrtd tw !ht 11>0¥t dlaC:rtlad EITATeOF: 2065 Plac.ritla Ave .. Costa Orange Calllomlat2868 'Beach..Co1ta Mesa Dally Dally PUot Oct. 7 14, 21, ._. ... ·ae-~ I , ~ °' '!'9 *n.OFTHEPRO*ffi'-lA~R. 2040 FEOERAL Oeld o(Trust and lltknllld ANHIE HENNING ERWIN ~=1~LT1:82~2:3~~) St. Josee:;. Prolaulonal Pilot Oc1ob« 7, 1198. m384 28. 1198 • m3TT , ........ I ~· d .. ~;;:;;: four"°'n!ir~ ::u.o~~ s:. ~U:i (~:ttl -=~ ~99'='~' ~d.-== •':.=~:al!. Stored by, u. toitowtnQ ~•>. :J>'~ ~: PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE :W ~-=--= from the hearing dete YBl ND1ICE OF lNJI. or cammon dallgndon or 1t11t 1t . 11& 11mt or m tt1t CaMMo.Atl4234 f:':r:~ld~61D1~hnE~,: ~':8J"e:"Orange.Callf0t· taowauuneu '1ctltlouslluslne .. ~~ ...... ~·:.: nod~-&,~y EXAM-~-~.:-.. ~..a; :.~:a:";:~; :-"W:111blcl1n'::.:n:' :::1 To aH heir•. bentRclarlH, Wall•. 0057 Alan Geary. Thia bu1lna11 11 con-':" ... , t N...,. l tatoment .,......, T,.._ .. , • ea INE the file kapt by tho OUIO P&. at .. Nol9' flalll c:omollll or coirectness) Da•.:9130.96 CALMCO TRUS. 1aed1tors. conllngtnt cradl-A085 Marco Navarro, E158 dueled by: a corpclflllon •me omen Tha tolloWlog persons .,. .,,, ..._, for lncar court. If you .,. • per-._to .. Olullr eo..t-The blnlfldlry undW said O.d TEE SERVICES. INC • Sllld tori , and persons Who may John Garballa, E039 Have yoU started doing Tha ~!*'°"' ~ doing business u : North ,.._ fll .. ~ ,,i.. eon lntorfftad In tho ....._ l'llOCMcc..lilrDIM ol Trust.~ rNIOll of 1 bfucfl Trut• Tlfl Hu"d, Alatltlnt blhtnWtN be lmereatad In Mlrlssa Maser. E009 Marla buslnass yet? No doing ............. u : •7 1 Alllntlc, 3387 Marigold Cir.. .... ... ae-COMIMft ~ --· fil• Will. .... Ml, CA "' .. or defallt Ill .. obll;lllonl Sect•llfY 1750 E 411 ~Sta 1tte wfl Of estate, Of both, OlmadL St h p t ulonal Auto Advantage. 1v 11 Costa M..a. CA 92629 tho•--":le ~ d ... Ar-. Olullr d MC:Wld fWtbV. twl10loft 700 SW.ta Ana, CA vuO!S of: ANNE HENNING ERWIN All -.S ara aubJect 10 ~"~er~f.!s Jtf-Btactl Blvd., ~· 878.. St~ Robef1 Bfaddon, =--~· ::· .::-: ~ crrt t So~ Or-.. .... d ~ wcuM 11141 ~ to flt £\4) 543-8372 Wt n mat- IU ANNE E. HENNING prlot cancehatlon. Terms. tray May1ant. Chainnant Huntington BHCh, CA 3381 Marioold Clt .• Costa .......... .....,. ~ N ·:c.., f tn!'tili ~ ~ ~ = UlldelllQnld ...... Oac:.W> h Benalltufv ID oollc:t • A PETITION has been Nies and regulations avail-CEO 92&47 Mna. CA 02e28 « ......., « -. o o o ng o . an ~.a Cllbllli Ion Of l>eClult 11141 Demand tor de t and "IY lnlOfll\dOn • lied by farmlfl & Mar· abla at sale. Dated this Tih This statement wu filed Troy ~.2~1 ~ This bu1inu1 Is con-,..., .._•.:'"':., ,_ lnwf ntory snd mpprwaal flllDI\ • ._ q 5*. 11141 wrt111n nob or obtain • be usad tor M (hantS Trust Company of and 14th day of October. with the County Oot1l of Pata St .• Wa1u,.,,.,.,, .,... ducted by: an lndivld!W ......._, ._ .:.......nc.. o •st.st• .... ~ or of nwe. undllr ltlt ~ ....,. 11141 of allc:loll 1o catta purpose wrietrier racaMd ~ 1.ong Beach by Roger L 1998 by PS Orangeco, Inc. Of Col.rlty t-2e-M 12683 Haw you atartad doing to .. ~ any potidon or account Dlld dT\\11& _... llllW _. Ill .,,.'9ltCI to 111 said or In wr111na IF AVAILA81.f. Rosal\ti.um, Vice Prttldtnl 701 WHtam Avenue. Glen-ange t eeer.e7t8 t Bo Hoyt 1~ ~! .. Cit .. bu~I yat? No ::r:... d .. a) .... J>rollided In H ction ~ J ~ ... a.. ~ to Ullsfy u6d ob1g> lliE EXPECTED OPENING BID & Trust Olflcof In the Supe-dale CA 91201 (816) 244-Wntmlnst«, .,,.,_, Staphtn RC>t*t Btaddoll ~---Dead 1,_., 1250 of the Cali'omia ~....._. ...... -...ind .... II& 1111· MAY BE OBTAINED BY CAU.· 110f Court of Calllomla. eoec:i. Bond No. '5857632. Law Offices MadOfY, z.tl Thia bu1ln11• 11 con: Thia mtament 4NU fllod _.. ~ • Pr~ Code. A Ro-• ~ ......... on -......... C1111a111 Sllld nob of ING TH£ FOLLOWING TELE· COUllty of Orange. Pub 11 shad Na w po r I and Pleiss, Attn. 8'*1t S. ducted by: a ganaral part· with the County Ci.r1c of pnMdad In alld --~ .. quoet for Spod ll Noti~ a, 1m. a ••uscottND. l:l detMt Ind of a11c:1o11 to be PHONE NUMBERS~ THE DAY THE PETmON ,.quests Beach-Costa Men Dally Clemmer. Leny T. Pleln, narshlp """"" Ofanga County on t-23-96 wnc., 1 ,.,,, _.., .. fonn la ..,.UatJlo from --.t.llook-.~ Alcordl4LJUlll 12. 1996 • BEFORE TME SALE (114)410. mat Farm•• & M.,chants Pilot Octobef 7, 14, 1998. Mattdith F1nanclal Cantre, Haw YCK1 atartad -·.. t 89&38H718 tlnMfll Slld oiad fllTNlt, the c ourt olottt. Ollcill "8cofdl ~ tns•. Ito 96-3000321n Bo<* 5690 TAC 433632C P\.18. 10/7. Trus1 eon;ranv ofR Long m366 Suite 205, The Centre ~~~~ Dally PAOI Sept. 30, Oct. 7. a'°'111id,_., ctwwiaa ... ~t.lll:aMww. Olullr • ..,. d r:I .,. :Z. ol Oltlcllt Racora Ill Ila 10/14, IQ/21196 ~=~~ ~•ogPr~id~~i PUBLIC NOTICE Bulldlog, 17822 E. t7th St .. This atattmtnt waa filed 14,21, llM m361 npa1waft.TNll&eand ,...R."-111,.lnc. :=,:...c:' ....... ~:,'s!ioacorS:lPf::,--------- Trust Officer be appointed cna1414800 T~1y"'~19~~1~ 21 wlOrth tnocCounty ~J..g' PUBLIC NOTICE ~:"r.::-9~= =1"A'!::-~ iaMclldaftto .. ..,_ q w1titmae1e1n • 1s PUBLIC NOTICE as personal raprasen1atlve a • • • 11\Q& ounty on amount d 119 ,__.. ._. .._. ~ bkldlr tr Qlltt, °' dllia • Cllftdlloft wlllout cowanent or to administer the ntata of flctllkHI• BusltMU 28, 199& m374X t ... 3888781 '1ctlttoua Bualne.. ance af Iha Qtlli~ -• dlilCllMd 11111M P11W1i111a • WT'll'lly, GPf1a 01 lmplled, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SAU the decadent. NarM ltatoment PUBLIC NOTICE Diiiy Piiot Oct. 7, 14, 2,, Nam• Statam.nt and.., 119 I '" to ba ~I nil 1 •CA .. .,. d ;;.i. In ...., repdlnQ '* paamion. or Ts No G.234149 Unit COdtG THE PETITION , UHll The fol aon• .,. 1 m370 ' na are 09'30 '°'~ d .. UU...-d ancumbrllal, lo ~ the LOlll No 5008982MAYNES AP# t • . en• ong "'" u : · cnst4t53t8 dong u ne11 u : a .,..... coea. and • . §00541-117 CALMCO IRUS: codicils, It any. be admlt1ad AAD PACIFIC, e10 Newport Flctltlous lluslneH PUBLIC NOTICE First ~ Servlcn, 18 ..., • .,.. •.:::,.-:,Iha ..-or ~ • to • nOW(a) ailc:uttd Sllld Oald ol TEE SERVICES. INC. a auly to probate. Th• wlll and Cent., Dr., #700, Newpon N--StatellMftt F'-tlt'-·· 8 -•--Reina. Monarch Beach. CA .,... P'lblcllloft fll .. ,. PUBLIC NOTICE me, ~ 1 • • « .a-Trvtl • tnWeat • In llld 5 Trus.. Wider 1111 any codlcllt ata available Btach, CA 92690 -·-... ...... u-u 92629 d ....., • ""'-• • & IMltl Pfovtcltd, ...._, 11 fllY, I Otscribed o.o ol 'lof ••amlNtlon In the flit Donald W. KIUian, Jr., u ~ f~as:: Nw l .. totMnt Frank R. Paul, 1S Reina,~._:::.::.-.: .... nowllllilb,laadl under Ill Wini of said Oald Trust LL SELL AT PUBUC 11,epl by tho court. TrustM of the BBH R• ng u . Tha lollowlng persona ara Monarch Beach CA 921129 ~ NOTa c:# TMll1ll!'I TNllle" ... to .. ~ 01 TMl .... d\lrgll Md AUCTION TO TiiE HIGHEST A HEARING on the pell· 1alnad Income 'Trust of Woo~~ &=OOdOf':° doing bualnMI u: Lo«ua Thia bu1ln11i II COil-=..d.::-~.:: SM.a l'Nllao ... No. ............. ~..,.,.. ol 111 Tnna end ol BIOOER fOR CASH (In Ille tlon will be hold on Novtm-1990. 11 to an undivided tto, • Real Estate, 111822 Carma-ducted by· an lndMdull -Tlla Ordlr ND. *'In .. ..._... Ill hS1I cr'SlllCI br said Oeld tormt wno • llWllll tlnOlr .~ 14. 1998 at 1:45 p.m. In 84.~ ln1arnt. 810 Naw-~10Flrvlne~926~ nla LI\., Huntington Beactl. Have yoY 1tartad doing :i:..·~~c: --.C llW&•a ND. ........ e wl: AM of TMl Slid .. wl be held tn 1'11 UlllteCI s.t) lllCl/or eie Dept. 703 located at: 341 port c.nter Of., Newl)Oft an c.i CA 12641 buWltl• yet? No ,... ......... _.., .....,. N'N No. -.,. '3U1·1Gl E»9l1' A P• on: OQDber 15. 1M. ll 3:00 catttar's CSftfild °' ohf Tha City Drive. Orange, CA BNeh, CA 9.2e60 ~ ~ .. •15333 O.CWga ~. 11122 Car· Frank. R. Paul No9te d o.r.a,;., ~ 111 YOU ltlf//l If CJBWLT CB. 1: ~ tlla.._.on pin.on Ill lront ._. to II& c:f1acD tpeal114 111 CM1 COOt 92668. 8tmklo B. Heflaman a -...-~·· mania ln., Hunllngton Thi9 asawment wu filed UNDl!llt A mm> a. TIIJIT .. _.... Cc:me....,,. "'-.a ot .. Of111ta CMc Sac1IOll 292411 (payaola 111 1ue 1t IF YOU OBJECT to the John s. Hettarnan ... ~ ~CA ~:,full• no. Ir· Belch. CA 92848 with tho County Oot1l ol .... to c:=.. ::. = DATED a.It. Ull.BI ""' ................ 1 Cen•. 300 E. °""""" Qr. "' .,,. ol Siii to T 0 SeMc:a g1antlng o1 the petttlol\, you TNltlos of tho Bemk:a B. • John Hu.t.n. 27171 ~ Ofwlge Co\#lty on t-z.4-98 ........ YOU TNCE AC11QN lO ..... 1 d Ollcill ..._. • 819. CA Al .. IN ot Ill Company~al . 1111 11\C lhOUld appear at tho hear· Httteman Revoc:&ble Trvtt This b uslneu 11 con-canto, Miulon Viejo, CA 18"38"92~ al" o.r.a ... ......_ to ....,,B:T YOUR PWUO 8'-Onlvl ~ c T Ja, lnllnf Plll*aloft ot '* = '"""'' ID w now Ing and atata your = D T 0 1 1/151111. .. ~~. :rw:oetlon _, 92'992T .. I b I I Dally Pilot Oct. 1 14 21 ::..:;:..--:::,1n..!! TY. rr IMY . 8C)l..D AT A ........ ii .. ~~~~-held~ II un sad OalO ol \ions °' tiJo written Amandod. u to .,, undl-..,._._,, 7•• " a u• n .. a a con-' ' ' _.., ii ... .......-P\&JC 1ML P YOU b dCa • • * CG -w --"' .. -· • trust.In tne prapanv b1r1r11n1r tfOnl Wlttl tlW COl:W1 ~--us• lnt«est. ~o =~ bYllrleA duc:"8d by:.,, lndMdual 21. 1111 ""72 -...... ....., ,_,. PPUNAnaNOff illlfW. -....-.. QJl"ld ~ Ill llNM ...,... daaCltd TRUSTOR. PETEii J .mis hearing. YOUt IPPM'· Newport Cenlar Dr •• #700, ness 0::: ~~ .':::!; ~~YOY~•tartNoed doing PUBLIC NOTICE =-c:;.:;,~-= THl•TUMOPTHIMI). Book--.,._ m_ • Daad ofTl'Ult ~-'"'*HAMS PAAIElA F HAYNES anc:e may be In person Of Newport BHch, CA 92eeo ....,.....,., -•• ·---/IOllllltSf YOU, ,__ • c.8,---. -ldWlltcm IENERCWIY OOAllTY byyol,lr attorney. Wilma v. Burnett a John herein. ---Ex George alt '1ctltlous llu....... .... t-. ~ ,_ YOU IHOULD OOHrllCf A ODllllnd"' -~ ...... S20l,441.03. " .. ,.... MORTGAGE INC Racoroecl· CF YOU AAE A CREDITOR B. Haffarnan, .. c~ CMuk. Ft:d l'~"'·p...; Thia lta&an'ltnl ~ "':: NalM .... em.ft. t =1cr$ L.B!!• LAW't'IR. °" _._ .. •1 ............. """ M ... ""' of .. Ill June 26. 1992. lnrW No 92· Of a condngont crad1tcw ol TruatMa of Iha Wilma v. C Fan 'ch.ung' Prffl. wlOrth tho"'-~ "24-te Tha to11owtng Plf'90nS.,.. ~ • ~ t:ot P.M. ,.. MawMCll .... ti d C.. ..._. OI OCllMla bid lnlf be Ila llln 4340591n Boot page o1 Of11c111 the ~ued. you must Illa Burnett Revocable Trust. • anga __ ft, °" doing business aa: Vtaual · lNlt Dead~ Inc.• ... eciu.. 11'1\M:B. 2: IWt Ill IDlll ......_. M . RtcorCls 111 t111 ofb ol 1111 Y04J1 cJalm with 1he court D TD 11 /1 5 /I I , as oont t ... 38M904 M11ft, 505 30V1 St. •204. GMWI 1• WZI. .. *'11411111',*4 lNll:aa .......... V.... ...._ 11t Dletji!W CALMC0 TRUS-Rtcofeler ot OrMoeeountf and maH a '°PY to tho par· amtndecl. u IO an undl· Thia atatemam waa filed Dally Piiot Sept. 30, Oct. 7, Newport Beech CA 92663 ... iCW7 ..... and.....,iltoDaad ....... ~ Afl9 •TEE SERVICES INC. • uN YOU AAE IN OEfA!JtTlJNDERA 'tOhll reprasen1atlve ap-vldad 5.76" Interest, 810 th the~ ~.g' 14, 21 . 1198 m3e2 Michael RavmOncS f<ullull, PUBLIC NOTICE fll nwe, ......., on dllrllll In .. D•**'' d Trvalll. Tltl Hu;,, OEEO OF TRUST DATED ,pointed by 1h• c:owt within Newport Cent« Of .. 1 100. range .-. ... •....aa PUBLIC NOTICE t507 Kathletn LI\., Newpon OtltWltt • Doa -11 ND. ""'"*'-... ....._ ~ 1750 E. 411 St, 5'I 611)4}J2 UNLESS YOU TAKE lour monlh1 from lhe data Newpe>rt Beach. CA 92660 • ....-BeaCh CA 92660 IMfmtt '°-*' ,.-t-,pf ..... .__ ..._.. ...._ 700 Sill• Ml. CA 92705 ACTION TO PROltCT YOUR Cof1im lssuanceofthalet· This business la con-DailyPilotOc:tober7, 14, Ill •···• Thl•'buslnaas 11 con-CN•"'.,... OMclll...,.,,.ln .. c:a:ia ._..LAltt1dn.&Mla.l'llZ,~t4)543-&l71 W.n_....PflOPERTY.IT MAYBESOLO 11"1 as s><ovldtd In ucllon ducted by: joint venture 21, 28, 1196 m383 Flot oua __.neu ducted by: an Individual MJTICE OF d 119 "8cardlr d er.,.. ln .. Qrfll~a.::h. h llMtldltY D oatlcC I AT A PUBLIC SALE.If YOU ~00 of th• c.lllOJnla Pro-Type of Bu11naH: Real Es· PUBLIC NOTICE NIMM 1 .. temont Have you atanad doing Hi ii KM TO eouncy, casaeu-. wa*"' 01u11f d Or1fVt, -d encl ,,,., lllJcwmllon • NEED AM EXPlNIATlOlll OF bale COcle. The time !Of fll· tata Tha following persona .,. bullneaa yet? No AIXll by. .C..... 8l.mal ..... c.i:r-. • ~ lilltp ,. otlClln wl be .,... tor M THE NATURE Of TltE Pfl(). ·ing clalms wlh nol axplra Tha registrant commenced a I doing buslnesa u : West· Mlchaat Kukuk J:Sf, ;TE a;,:~ al\ a ... w, • TNllDf _..In lloal m,,.... 1, purPo91 WIMtlllr rlCllltM «* CEEOING AGAINST YOU YOU ~f~a lour months from 10 transact bualnesa undar Flotlttou1• ua ne~• . Tech Matarlat1. 1858 Thia ata1ament wu filed 'It. QOI. u!lm! -8IC ......_. ~lldon I • I d .., I 119 or Ill --.a. ff AVAllAll.£, SHOULD CONTACT A LAW'ttR 'th• hearing date notlcad tha fictitious name or Name tatomen Samw Of .. Costa Mesa. CA with the County Clerk of ml.Bl __..._ a Clalom(I Cotp:w•au, • ...,._ "8cofdl d 111111 THE EXPlCTEO OPENING 110 2011 FLAMINGO ORM. COSTA above. names Hstad above on I-Tha tolowlng Plf'90nS are 12828 Orange County on 10-2-te CAIE llO. A19'448 .. llftcllry. M &II lit,.._ Olullr· Eallt l'c.aww MAY IE OITAllllEO rt CALL· MESA. CA 92626-4722 (If a I YOU MAY EXAMINE tha 29-te doing buslnoM u : a) ft. Rlchatd A. Campo. 1858 18"3887748 To .. Mi .... beMft. le audlon to .. --........ d .... lilrldumd ING M fOUOWING TELE· Shat ldOrm or common "lilekaptbytntc:ourt.llyou Donald W. KUiian Jr .. tustrattd Graphic Com-SamwOf.,CostaMffa.CA D..z1u Pilot Oct 7 14 21 oiari" croditon con-........,,_ain:t\~lt _...._., ....... ona PHONE ~IERSONTHE DAY dalgnallOll of PfDCllftY IS ara • person lnttrntad In TNltM nwnicatlona, b) TUl'bo ~ 92628 _, . • • • 1i ni crwditon' and .. d ... "' ~ ~ -........ In -... IEfORE TltE SALE: (714).:4!1!-sho-n IOCM no Wlrfmlty IS I She ••tat•. you may 1111 Bernie. B. Hetternan. Co-ulne. C) TOday'a TNCkf Thia buslntll la con-211. 1198 m376 p:ne who mey othet· d .. unlad ....... " ..... d ..... .... TAC: 433019C PUI· 91'23. 9iwn IS to llS comOllllMSS or with tha court a formal R• Trust" Magazine. d) Turbo C1ub 0 ducted by: an lndMdull PUBLIC NOTICE · b 1 ed 1 ain:t\ a c:alHl(e ci.ti al!liit :J· A11o ~ , ton• COl'T9ClnlUl Thi ~ q0tst few Special Notlco ot Johrl e. Heffernan. Co-America. Jla-~~ ~~ Have you 1tartad doing :_ .. wWr 0~~9:. 0~ *-"'lllJ• .... «Nillofct 1w:.awww .......... PUBLIC NOTICE und1t sad Oeld al Trust by lhe filing of an lnvan1ory TrustM Group, ll · business yat? yes. January FlctltkHI• llusfnou both f· CAROL Miu -...., • d-* *-lllJ • • ae.. l\r•oe.tlolw. ..., r .. on 01 a bfSldl ot dlfallt 111 and appralNI of estate ... Wiima v. Burnett. Co-Hamlnon Ave.. Huntington 119t Name a .. te11Mnt • 0 • "* OI...,.. a.a union, IDW • _. d ••we.. 1111~llOnt11CUfN 1111reoy Hts Of of any petltlon Of Tru1IM 8oact\.c CA 11264tle c Richard A. Campo Tha tolowlng parM>nS ara ER <!OLD,i~,, ION hes OI • d-* i*aMt..,. ...... .. ... d ..... ..,l T.SNOTNo1CE_.2!/1~STEEUnll 'S ~ llltetolort UICUllCI and dtllv--.ceount as riOYldad In John B. Heffernan. Co-ommun ca ona on-This stat~ was tllad doing buslnen as· AAT· " OI...,.. ~ eu.t •--'Ill,,. * • -.,. trtO to Ill unotf'SIQM<I a ~o=~~c:":.: T~"statemant waa tllad ~~~>·l:! O'r:,:a~~~...:' ~--:!:4~·~~ ~lJ~~ln ~s:: :,1c!'~ =-~..:.= ~~f,O!St~SE~~ ::""~ °'s.°'':: quasi tor Sptclal Notice with the County C1et11 of 1008, Laa V-agaa. tN 19119 t ... H"4ei Rene Huac:uja. 2212 s rlor Court of Cl!llfomla, c:llld '-wt1on 11Gfll'I: .,_.. ... ..._.i(,.,.11, TEE SERVICES. INC • dutr .on notac:a ol dltlUA lllD 01 fOJm It available from the Orange County on •11-M Thia b ualnea• II con-Daly Pilots.pt. 30, Oct. 1, M la St., Santa Arla. cA County of o,.,.. ........ CGdt ...... ti a ....., er:: .... ~ Trut• undlf h '*'°" to-cw flt UllS· Ct>wt c:1etk. ttlM3HISH ductad by: a COfPOfatlon 14 21 1198 m310 92fo7 THE PETITION r• .._to dD ....._. "'"* llwl!ll lit .... ~--y';:t~ dllcrt>td DMd ol Sl9MO _, 911 SIN pr00W1Y to ~ Pet nlonen ,.,....,. Dally Pilo( Sept. 23. 30, Have YCKI started ~ • • Thi• bu1lnau I• con-UHte -:~ •• t "OY ...... , It:. ............ ""''r'.~D ·..: "= ~IONl\oSE~\iT .. =L~ w1ll1y ~ otJli9lllOlll "'4 == • ~ JblrUhll '°*lllnCI ,C:••p•n r of Lone Have ycM, ltMOd doing ~ S*'S'' ... '·%~ eaw---. 100 CMc C.. ..,...._., forms wtllefl .. Wllll '91'1Cltr CIUltd sad nolCI Of CIAlll .. eoh, 8r Roe•r L. copta, Inc., Kl NalM ltat.._t butlnna Y9(? Y"· 1-IS-te U~st!00,'.1: tf~ ~re w: ::-....:: = =~ 6 ..., .... In 111 Unllld StAla) 111CllOr 111 11141 ol ~w:: ~: I d 1 15 \· d y ?T c ll e >I r- r ) s .. , ..... • Hell_ ... Ai9 -F .WV. Tulqmoe 8am-5:00pn M<Dlay-Friday Walk-In 8:00am-5:00pn M<Dlay-Friday DAILY .. LOI DIADUNll MoOOay -···--Friday 5~ Tuesday .. _,_..Momay 5~ •"•a• (714) 642-5678 BYMX (714) 631-6594 (Please include yOUl'oame and phone number and we'll call you back with a pice quote.) 330 West Bay Street C<m Mesa, CA CJU,1:1 CanerdNewpmt BMi &: Bay St. GINmAL POU CY Rates and ddadlines are subject to C~P. ~tbout notice. The pobliSber reserves the riJbt to censor. reclassify, revasc or reject any clasaified advertisemenL Please ~any error tbaLmay be in your clusi.fied ad immediately. 'lbe Daily Pilot & The Independent accept DO liability for any error in u Wtvertisement for which itmay be ·bte e for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. : . . . .,. ... • ... I>" ... t .. BALBOA ISLAND . CORONA 1006 DEL MAR NEWPORT 2122 COAST NEWPORT 2170 BEACH RENTALS TO 2669 SHARE LOST& 2724 FOUND EMPLOYMENT ANTIQUES 6010 MERCHANDISE • 5530 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MISC. 601 S 2925 fOUAI.. ltOUSINO Ol'l'OlllTUIUTY BEST BUY Cstm Home+ rental. 2bd/2ba & 2bd/1ba Dealgner condo 2 + 2 Fully furn. Turn Kay. Pool/spa. Lrg yd+ patio. $1750 w/lse. Br•nd New Home 2400 s f, 3BR, 2.25BA, Gated comm. N/pats. $3000/lsa 498·3706wk 2 room• $500/mo. Sh•r• Hou•• hardwd Loat Nala, a petite PIT S•I•• Clerk for KAY FINCH 43rd St. 50yda to floors, f/p, backyard. SlamHe fem with a art/gift gallery In Udo All IUI 111111 IMnlslllf ill !Ills ......... Mtecl .... fff· Inf Fllr lt.lillt Ad II 1111 ';J .... wl*ll ............ ......... ...,,,......., beach. 4-Car driveway 4 blks to bch. $575 + white tip tail, big blue Marina VIiiage. Please Want=YJ'!~YPaldl btm duplex. 650-7310. 1/2 utll. 675-5217 eyes. Mesa V. area off call 673-6292 for aPpt. * 873_ .. 223 * 125 Amethyst Trust Sale $785.000 BEACH EQUITIES 310.597-8413 31 ()..498-3093 Baker. 842-8533 -v Lux o on vu 4bd/3ba. Stepa to Bch 2BR.1---------PT Bookk...,.r ~=======~ spa, 3-car gar Pointe ••••••••• den, new kit, hrdwood REWARD Lost wallet Exp only. Must love - $1950 W/O. 759•7028. --------- Sp•cloua 2BR. 2BA 1 car garage. No pets. S1375 monthly. 675-8211 /810.0959pgr Home, gated. 1rg yrd Mlsrer, 11v-eOUS firs, w/d. Ocean view/ w/plctures, S.S. card.. cats I Apply Tu·Fr: --------.. S4250. Agt. 5og.2002 RENT~u;. deck. $650+ 1/2 utlls. Drivers license, credit 6904 W. PCH, N.B. Top DJ>ll•r P•ldt A""'1 Avl 10/1. Biii 675-3265 cards and appt. book. __,,P...,,T,,..,...L-orl-...'a__,Kl,.-t-c-h-•-n-1 From 1800·1980. Lost In the vicinity of Lunch Rout•• 1 pc to entire estate. U•llaUta " "wl•laallts --..... '*-l'lltl•. ---------:.-...-::.::w...:::: COSTA MESA 1024 -C-O-ST_A_MES __ A_2_1_2_4 SANTA ANA 2180 -------GARAGES the Vons Parking Lot M d F Id E p I tin hi oH Bristol In Santa on •Y· r ay. arn a n gi, c na, .... .,M11,.•11na,...,. DUPTl:!Vt:!r 2704 FOR RENT lleAal•Mscil I 111ea:· F•mlllf Home On Or••t D••lt 3br 1t>a, ~ $40-$50 per day glawara, fum, ate. 2740 Ana. on Aug 30th. · Please cau 557•5227. ___ 9_7_9_·2_8_3_7 ___ , 40Yr NB~· 673-6223 Tiiis .... ,., Wiii 1101 CUidesac. 3 + 2. FP. 2· 2 M••1•r BR 2.5 BA yard, Peta Oki $850.00 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~.,""'1ia· story. Low low downl Gar. yard. 51125 988-4495 CMD lrg 2br 2ba, 2:•P~8c:~xu'lio~a cg8;1••••••••• ---· Owner may carry w/no 355 Avocado C2. For ocean v frplc 2-<:ar PERSONALS .... • IUI nlm ~Is la qualifying 5209,000 . appt call 642-6972 u, • shelves, panel, carpet. ......_II Ille i.. 0.19Men gar• q u I e I are a. S<tOO/mo 780·8028 . n i...11y ...._.tut 111 Ownr/brkr 722-e155 APARTMENTS $1600.mo 631-8487 Ret•ll S•lea F/T. ========~ Looking for axpar. enthu1last1c pareon Fax resume:64&-9815 TELEMARKl!Tl!RS Work @ Home E a r n S 5 O O ·S 7 O O •llltllat• Mwrtbc• la 11111 Live n••r B••ch ,_H_U_NTl __ N_G_T_O_N __ FOR RENT as SOI ............. By Ownr 4br 2ba Hse BEACH 2140 ROOMS 2706 BUSINESS ._ _... 1 ... ,...._i.e.. Cnr R2 Lot Alley Acs 1•••••••••1;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!f!!!!!f!!!~~ ~ .... ~--Jl ....... ~~··· .......... ~MUD-1• µ lU?JJLN-CE- ,.. ••• 1 ... -414.1511. f« ---M .... O .... V-IN-0---Be•ch Breeze 3br CM Top quality room I••••••••• 1-;;;~;;]l_:weekly selling a long distance service over the __ehona . Paid training. Call: ._,, ti 1i.a,oc ... ,.._. 4 bedroom with SSOk 1.5ba, yard, pets ok BALBOA quiet, n/pats/1mk. SllHUOllCZl·J511. In remodel. By owner. 51050·00 per mo. PENJNSUIA 2607 By OCC. s37o+ulll1--------- HOUSES/ ~ONDOS FOR SALE S 2 o 9 • 9 o 0 JO B o . Call: 888·9735 548·5058 BUSINESS Agents ok. 432-7242. Beach Close 3br 2ba1 P•nr•mlc S.lf view NB bright/airy, clean OPPORTUNITY garage, yard, $1150. 2bd/2ba New crpl/ quiet home, kit, w/d. 2904 MO BUE HOMES 1100 Call: 988-4495 paint. Roottop deck, $450. Walk to beach. t-----------1 on Th• S•nd 180• garage. quiet neigh· 548-1903 PAY PHONE ROUTE MEMBERSHIPS View Ocean front borhood. $1650. --------- 1 ·800-842-1409 Cruise Shio Jobst Earn 53001$900 wkly. Year round positions. · Hiring both men/Women. fret room and bc>Md. Will l!ahlt• Sale ·• ($200,000 worthJ Moving 3 Mahoganf cur1o cabinets & '1t secretary desk, 17= qulalte ous, 13 Tl lamps, Dalis, Shagat Nalman's, 44 bronz" Including 8' NeptU~ Bronze dining table (Coat $14 ,00! Mahogany SW: table, Chlppanda lovasaats & 8 c~ dining room table. Victorian couches, large carved mirrors • consoles, Lallqua, :-cf bronze Mongolia• slave table, Mahogs canopy bed, 2 desk 3 French palnte Bombe cabinets, Tea cabinets, sofa table•. vases, Jade, Ctol•· sonne, 84 Ivory carw- lngs Including 8' tu}_~ & 4 • swords, refrlg_.. tor, wide sere_.., much more. 432·7908 Lrg roll-top deek exer equip, vacuum, camera, etc. Bait offer. 780.0242 c4o~~J_~h __ exi._. 'T_o_t4_,_c.J_s__. 1---------1WANTED 2BR furn. $1950/mo. Pam, Agt, 875-4830 VACATION 35 Local & Estab Sites 3018 (71 4) 538-8888 Studio Close 10 beach. Eam up to $1500 wkly liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Utll paid. Stove, rer. iiREiiiNTiiiiiAI.Siiiiiiiiiiiii2ii7ii2ii2 , ___ 1_-8_oo-6 __ 9&-4 __ 9so __ C • n t • r c I u b .. For S•I• or L•••• Nwpl Bch. 2bd/2ba tENERAl 1002 Back Bay Senior Park NEWPORT $500/mo. 673-4602 or Vandlng•Local Rte• Memberahlp Par- 310-804-e882 NU Europe.n-Cmlet 20 great locauons• ~bo~sg.~~-2169•----.,..._----with view, close to Buy all or part• lfS:.C.nl'lfti'llllla.nDMI"' Upatalra Duplex 3BR, downtown Vall. 2bed/ •S00-818.-0908• Bkr, 87s.45241 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml-~o~c~EA-N~B==R=E=E=z=E~s-BEACH Attention Agenta Potantlal to double 5 *Park. 2 b d /2 b your Income! Expand-Indoor spa. Fr. door 2 VIII• Pt-Fabulous Ing N.B. ottlce looking hrdwd llrs, nr beach, upstairs 1 BR, 1 BA, for sell-motivated furn avail. $28,000. pool view, balcony. 2BA. Newly redaco-F fu I••••••••• rated. 1200sqtt. Yrly 2ba, .P. fully m. •--------- lse $1350 avail 10/15. Avall mid Dec.Jan. ,.DeDIT 2907 EMPLOYMENT . (818) 501-0087 $2,995/Wk 497·2150 \,,Al; agen!s to do sales & 546-0748. 662·1677. $1200 780-0376 6 Credit Probleme?1---------1oans. <8001914.552 --------2bd/1b• s18so COSTA MESA 2 6 2 4 RENTALS TO Avoid credit scams. EMPLOYMENT R~~:~'lTE CEMETERY LOT/ 3bd/~,~~ i'~~ront SHARE 2724 ~r:~~~r F~oeur de~;,~ 5530 Government fora· CRYPT 1225 Best loc, bch $6500 $517mo Low Income iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii write: 1747 Santa Analiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii closed and repos-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Grundy Rllr 675-6161 fum studio•. ulll1 Incl. B•l lale S.Ba~ront Ave. Apt 139, Costa Clerlo•I s11·qesusldeadtedhotmh'1essmboen1tnhgl PACIFIC VIEW Vlew•-D-e-lu_x_•_B ___ •_Y_F_r_o_n_t _ Cleadn . ~okldern, sev· ,sumnsethomvlewa• p' eXftraladlrg Mesa. CA 92627 Insurance brokerage i S I S I Super Vu Or Newport cure ~~ ng. poo u · r Y· In bu1lnen over 70 For lists In your area s le. unr se ect on, kl .aA2 "226 $1295/mo 673-3059 1011 free 7 days I Lot 207 Grave D. Must Harbor, 2 lrg bd, 2 ba, spa. c e..,... ""' · I••••••••• yre. N.B. area Com· APPLIANCES 6011 TO BUY liiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii 601.i New 20" Elect 11ova. 4 burners, brollar/ oven. $125. 723-9821 W••h•rJDryer Top Doll.,• P•ld For Record s. Jau.. Sountracka, e(c. Call Mika 645-7505. Admiral set under PETS ._ warranty til( Match 97. u:: ~ _!:: Xtra lg Capacity. ANIMALS 6otll $575.obo 842-8533 11 or 963-3483 Poodl•• <::>Standard• Washer/Dryer Royal Standard. ~« Admiral Ht under Shots m/f, blk & brra:; warranty tlll March 97. 1400 • s 1000/Hchiti Xtra lg Capacity. 1/2 price pet only r9£ $575.obo 642-8533 AKC Champ 47&-1J;ilj or 983-3483 -l(S00)262•8300x.1199 sell.,Sac $1200. Laura upper w/LR, Din, lam 1 bdrm Moblle COM Walk to Fashion 11uNOUNCEMENTS puter literate. Excel .BUYERS BROKER 310·543-0401 Lv msg rm, fp, 2-car gar. H 0 m.. au 1 et Island. Share duplex. nn MlcroSoft Word, Cust PIANOS ar· - gated entry. S2200mo. secure no pets.· $390/mo. Utls lncld.I••••••••• aerv, correspondence, FURNITURE 6014 ~ -Tremendous Savings----------•873-3883• 1991 Newport blvd Sherry 675-8634•---------mes, some arrands,:----------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ORGANS 6vn; ~l~~:;~y\°~~-~o7~t WREALANTEESDTATE 1625 EXECUTIVE CONDO 846"8373 CM Prlv•t• RM In LOST & ~~·:.:;2S:':1~e~~:e EMPLOYMENT 3 po w•ll unit liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillii Bluffs Best View. A/C, E'ald• 2bd •Pt nice quiet hse. Share FOUND 2925 •Exp. Buaperson SERVICES 5533 Ooaldk tadb.lask&. CHhalg,,.h, P cl•lf•r Pl•no Pianola 1 story. huge master Fp, 2 encl gar, tnhma bath, kit etc. Prefer 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ontempol Splnnet.. suite+ den. Highly up· style. Yard. $985/mo. male. $300. 545-8209 i• Evee only. Contact dra11er, rocker, old S500. 7S.-S494 Real E1tate For S•le? All Notea In Default W•nted from S600K· S5Mlll by Principle. 310.874-9978 graded. Dream kltch. Avall Nov. 645-5862. Found In CD M Daniel: 310-596-2167 -•-••• Brase ~. Patio aet,1 ________ ~ $1675 780-8582 ---------NB 1br w/ba avall. Backpack w/personal Between 11·8, T·TH Please be aware that Mahogany and tables. SPORTING ••••• Weekend Newport •crosa Overlooking park & balonga. Call to Kennel worker for cat the listings In this cat-2 lrg mirrors. 631-3105 6065 Huge Nwpt'N Twnhs atreet small bachelor pB.,ayk.lnFem pref'd. W/D, Identify. 845-8148 only •helter. FT/PT No egory may require you Antique Desk $200. GOODS 2 Mstr Suites+ Lon. unit. Utll Incl. No g 850-4'812 t n 900 b Nu Carpet-Mlntl 2·Car J $525/ . FOUND SM CALICO exp nee Apply Tu-Fr: o ca a num er King slu bad $200.l~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiml G P II P I Ale gar peta. mo. NB 1hara 34. OOsf home. near Mas•'Elden on 6904 W. PCH N.B. In which there Is a + ..-aadboard S100. '85 Snobrd Div 23. Open Houses? ••••• The Dally Pilot Real Estate Tab which Is published each Sat- urday Is an effective and Inexpensive way to showcase that HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR BENT ar, a o, oo, • 1665 Irvine Ava #A ., charge per minute $1395/mo 725-9270 72o-M22•xt 203 Many tuture_a, $675/ 9/16. White flea collar. M••-ve Thentplat · Dinette Set w/6 Chairs Pater llna , 147cm:- Oarrall mo. 722-6317 First, (Stacy call backl) M·W·F, 3·7pm. Health S250. 875-9324 $275. 873-5283 _•':. Lido Luxurious last+Si25deposlt. 842·1813 CaraOfflca.CaUMon DOMESTICS 5540D•wbed like new. -' Waterfront Oondo. Lrg . Newport Heights 1 3 O 2 3 O 0 N LY Whl I I 2 2br 3ba, den. security. 2bd/2ba. Inside lndry. ROOM AT BEACH : • : ' ta. nc mat· TICKETS 607'5 Boat sllp avall. Dining room. $900. Full hoUH prlv. W/O. • HOUSl!·SITTINQ treuea, comlortar, sun deck. $575 + utll. aha ma, ruffle. $250. GENERAL. 2102 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS??. • • • • • • • • • • • • • TM LtpJ f)q;wtmtnt 111 the .Dta1J Pil« is~ ltJ t1111t11111tC111 new lmlia now~ ltJ w busiw. w; will"""' SEARCH the,,,,,,., far 1"" 111 no txll'll chtzrtt, llNI J1111t 1"" ,J,, timl llllill die trip Jo the °"'1't HtlJ.« in Sttnta Ana. Then, c{t:OUne. ttfor' ,J,, lttllTIJ is ""'f>I-/ sw uiiJJ fik J""' ftaitMu Wsinesr ~ SlllJlmmt wilh the ~ ~ llllt'l 6 W«lt for four~ Ill rrtflRmJ"' law""" thm fik""" />"'Of tfJ . . wil/J t},, ~ Clri. . I""'-""" ,,, ltJ file""" jiaiti""1 ,,,.,,_ llllllmlml"' • .Dta1J Not, 330 w. &tJ .. C.. MIK Jf Jllfl Olrl1"1t., """"" OIJJ ut"' (114) 642-1321 """SW wil"""" .,.,,,,,,,,,,. jw,. • litiiJll this pnaJwr,,, ,,.;J,. If• .f J"'.i,.,/J lllllli ""!Jitnhtr ~~°"'"' ... wt will~"'°"' ... 1111# ·--:J!lfl-GM/ w;,, ~ ,.,,,,,,.,. 'PilOt --~ "Pen-a." "Hund." Can'l ... mto get to d thote rtpalr Job• around the house? t.t the C._elftff leMo• DI"""' • help you ftncl ,..... ... ~ ......, 14~ 15 A*dlhlp S'/a.t~ ........,.. 70 ..,_. 71 Aun-ot.aet lnlNMA*wlti 72 """' 73 Ponw'• aound 74 Shel 7SM!acatc:I ... DOWN 1 Dl\w'ageer 2 Sherpeile(J a Receded • Helltaeed 5 Prince Vallent'1 eon • e °"9ncurnbar 7 $Npbottom 8 ~settlet' 9 ~In liquid 10 Hard cheese 11 -•vis 12 Ctumsy boats 13 ChlcMn feed 18 TVs Winfrey 22 Sco4llltt cap 25 Plllce 28Berteat 28 ACfO Foxx 30 Cullefish 32~ ... -... . . . .. . 0 ...... \Mlled.._~ 34 Tidy the garden 54 Twangy 35 Coarse file 56 Slop • 36 Lile a C811aln 57 Medical tool duckling 58 Qiemlcal 37 Kite p8ft compoond 39 Btadlan 59 Edble roots dance 60 Prayer 42 c.mera·. eye enclng 43 Aft 81 About 2.2 48 Item to put ~ under a glass 63 RntatHant 48 GIY'8 It a -: try 88 Up lo now 50 Mllp6e syrup 68 Heed beee ~ .............. -_.,. ·------.. _.. ......... -. ---· .. .-.. . ANSWWTO WmLY BRIDOS QUIZ .... , .. ,. .. , ...... ~-· MOHDAY, OCTmBt 7, 1996 • t20l 9Gl.VO ~~111!111~,~~----• .,. o • .._., aa.? ... c..... 2-41'. •n ••••rt ....,... .,_ ... ...._ AufO. 1135Ol.DSllomtl11 ClaMlo ~· Only d!M. Red Wible top. "'*-llUlll'OOI. OooCf HK ml. Al ,.... ....... ~ c"rom• wheel a . ~ ...,.. .. """"* N9W ti,._, battetY/ crow.. CC. Elle oond. •aa.o. 790-el14 "79. ?*1460 •hodc•, ...... s1.150. 14100. ••• .. ••• .. MOoU21 (ewe b9lore 11pm) ~ot'• 12101--------· ..... om.TA• ·av1• a AmQU1S a Q. 1 • Aa Sout.h, ............ J100 8CM1nt Wl8T NOa11I BA8T llG .bold: • I • .._ to OW ~~ill!ililljilliill ... il 9140 .._. ....,..... OllSICI 1250 Fully loae*I, ve, dR ._ LaNI Cnllew h&•••••iiiiil blue with llgtlt blue kt-4WO. Mtnt condlkM\. .. .,. o.ru 041U •AIUl4 ' ··!ocs~.1= v.2 Wbat. lldbi do JOU tab? Aec1 Int. Carved dash, What ia 1'0W' opeaina bid? l18K. 647·9488 A • Deepite the bu 1We honor trlcb. )IOQ ...... Oat.....__ aUnilrlum openinr bid. The ~ at your riaht hu relie¥ed you or the need to God • rebid. Pue to tell putner you have a minimum and A • AJtbouib JOU haw 16 hich· card painta, 1f11U haft two .Wt. u~ '"*"'ore. we would eedaew an openinc bid or one no trump in favor ol one club. A more Nrioua pnJblem miabt ari8e after partneia reeponee, "hut that.'• another 1tory. Q. I • Neither vulnerable, u South you hold: •878 OK8 ' 0 . .18641 •Qt& Partner opena the bidd.inc with one no trump. WhaL action dO you take? A • With a balanced hand and 6 pointa, t.bere ia DO ..won why you ahould wanL to act over one no trump-peaa. Had ,our five-card auit been a imQor, ~ nt ault, or tnmaferrinc into it if thoee are your method.a. Q. 3 • Eaat-Weet vulnerable, u South you hold: ••Ha o.re OKQl71 •QI Your r!4ht-hand opponent opena the biddine with one dub. What adioo do you take? .\ • A one-diamond overcall by you aervee no uaeful purpoee. It neither •teala any or the opponents' biddinc apace « offin mueh hope of a aac:ri· fice. There would be aome point to ent.erinc the audion if the auit were • IDl\iOr, eapeeially 8J*lea, but with tbia holdinc, pus. DO rea80D to ed. Q. a . Aa South, vulnerable, you hold: •J7 OAK71 OA.JI •KQJ& The bidclinc baa proceeded: 80Ul1I WEST NOR11t •• ..... 1• ' What do you bid now? A • You have a balanced hand with 19 pointa and atoppera in both unbid auita. A jump tA> two no tl'Ump deacnbea tbia hand tA> a tee. OAK71 OAJ8 •KQJ& The biddina' baa oroceeded: 80tml WF.81 NOR111 •• Pua 10 T What do you bid now? A • You cannot leap to two no trump with one ault unatopped, and a jump allifl ia out of' the question when you have no auit longer than four carda. All you can do is bid one heart and wait to lee what partner doee out. Should North pua, iL ia unlikely the eombi.Ded aaeeta will stretch to pme. TRADE through classified M2·5e78 terlor, M ,000 mllff. 32.800 m"9e~~•d1d. '8 • P • • t I•• 13,000 °' bat on.r. ........, . CNefton Only &121<. 714 574-4267 A 10+1 All ortglNI. A CLASSIP1D On th• move? , .. , b .. UI)'. Orig 11 '• th• eaay-to-own•r for 40~r•. acceH, Information-Sell your extra 'M •t 2 P•• Dll • packed marketplaca S3800. 94• .. 1• vtatted ~ • .uc-household •73 ....... ., Citroen ceufulty -by all kinds Items 37k. atl orig. $14.500 of consumers. itl Classified OBO ff3..s:t85 ·--------------------------D YES,SEll MY CAR Q. 4 • Eut-Weat. vulnerable, u South you hold: Learn to be a better bridse player! Subecribe now to the Goren Bltd19 Letter by eaWns (800) 788-UH for lnfonutlon. Or write to: Goren Brldse Letter, P.O. Bos 4410, Chlcqo, DL80880. Run your ad in Name •AIU 01018 OAQI 48531 The bidding baa proceeded; DODGE 9065 BONDA 9085 MERCEDES 9130 '90 Grand Carawen '93 Aocorcl •• Fully •es Coupe 300 LE v.e, automtc, A/C, Loaded! Xlnt condt Blacl( wtth red Interior. full pwr, tinted, atereo $15,500. Call Rhonda Make offer. Call Biil, $6000 47e.a100 at 4974131 8S:Mt737 City Phone ~Card D MC OVISA 0 .AM X -------Dp-- Mail To: DAILY PlOT BMW 9030 CADILI.AC 9040 CADILIAC 9040 '93 Clvlo ex 100,000 '87 420 SEL Loaded! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii~iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PORD 9075 ml warr. taxH pd In Beautiful Carl Caber· the Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily PHotand the Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Independent to reach over 100 ,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail it in with a check todayl Run for a weekl If your car does not 5ell we'll run· it 330. W. llay S..., COlllll Melo, CA 92627 171'J6'2-567S ~ fAX 171'1631-659' fPr'-l'brty o..lyJ 1• Aug. nu UrH, 50k ml net/Camel. 145k mis "90 735UMk Mllea '82 Fltwd 'Brehm •REDUCED• Orig owner, $8500. $13,950. 642°3853 "Glacier blue. tan lthr, Loaded! Like new '90 Fl .. twood •as T.alRD •LAN 248-0004 '94 1!420 Loaded, Xlnt ... AT, A/C, snrf, CO, leather Int 83,000 ml. 42 k orig mllea Full· power, air, Cond. Wht w/gry Int. 1 phone. BBS whla, tint. 12950· 7eo.9394 $12,500 Leather Int, $2500/obo. 723-1504 Jeep 9ll0 43K ml. $38,500. Tom: s 19,500 OBO. Mint '88 Cadllleo S•vlll• phone, BoM aound, ~ 844-9CMSO x147 ' condltlonl 496·8838 White, loaded. $3500, V o g 9u !,,.2 •7t ~r • • I HONDA 9085 CLASSIFIED BUICK 9035 •• •Sao.eea8• .,_.. 'I ... •aa .,..P Wr•neler •444 4030• Sahar• Ud edition. II'• the reaour~• you C9YSLER 9050 '87 Honda Ctvto 2-dr hatchbac k , 4·apd, new tlr•S/ DiUH. AM/FM iJereo. $2500. 840-2294 8cyl. On• owner. Low can count on to ••II a mllH, 5.apd. Hardi myriad of merchan- aoft top. ___ P_loneer dlH lte~. b.causa -Our-columns "t:OfnDlll!i stereo. Tow pkg. Alarm. $8900/obo quaJtned buyer• to '89 Le8aron Cemr Red w/Blk top, NC, Am/Fm, Loaded! 36K 640-1029 or 840.5032 calll Buy It Seit It. Find It. M2·HT8 Claaatfted. m11 ... ssooo. 630-1941 •-------- 1or another week FREE! All for $1 o• ,...,.. Cl-* Pwrlinent Sous ---.Mcil.--Mot/J--hu'-- 0 '~ 0 ,..,_ts-0 S... loel o~ O ""'-~ o r.-Glooo o ..w.-o -~ o .....,c-. o •,,,..1 o -~ o ....., .. os,,,..1 o~-owwwi..-o » c:-11oow o c:...ca..i o .-.,.. .._. a...__ o c-oc-~ of.I-0~1oe1 o ... w~ • $10 lor' lines, $1.()(} eoclr odcf.Hooal /;,. ~---------------------------r •5E•R•VI-C•E--•ICARP!NTRY 3510 CLEANING CONCRETE• ELECTRICAL 3610 HAULING 3720 MOVING 3834 PAINTING 3858 PLUMBING 3890 SPRINIUERS 3921 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim SEIVICES 3548 MASONRY 355 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii DIRECTORY CARPINTRY•Wlndawa · Llo'd Contractor TWENTY DOLLAR ALL-AMl!RICAN lk•'• Cu•tom PalnUng Plumblne·H••tlne SPRINKLER REPAIR ••••••••I Doore• Wood Fencaa •Bright Haeolnlng *Ifft Prlc"'"' lltu ·Small Job Speelallat· HAULER/CLEAN-UP Movea-U .•. Carefully Prof, Clean, Quallty Rooter 30 yrs Exp. Valvea•H11d .. Tlm• ACOUSTIC C!WKGS Cloaet/Gatage OrgNl!Ztfl EuropeM Profl. S•st wrvua •• Fane • Ughta • Spa JOHN 650-1828 Courteously a Cheaply Work. Int/Ext & Docks. Free Est·Olscounta clocks. 26Yrs Local Elq). Ltfl261681 • Call Bob In town! Refs 5Yra Eiq> L.ndacape, brick, atna Demand Elect. &45-3856 649-0223 n 41227 L#703468 831 .... 10 w e do AJ~en Conlr. John Burr 292·2831 249-8323 Pg..312--0026 Grace 251•94515 concr. 800-'f88.1007 642-0567 pr.550.8955 SP.BlMKLE.RS -aie my 3408 No •oa TOO ....... L •-·RT ... k all T11•pDOVEMENTS Dlbem•rdo'• Movfng PAINTING ~8 ... 190 o n I Y bus In • s •. .,, -c I " c1---· _,..5 I ... w •• FLOOR INSTALL UQ. &\ L l/Offl /St ConaclenUou• cratta-Ooora, Windows. alee· ua om •• -"ng brlck, concrt, alUCCo. oca ce orage Old f hi d --------Tlme<a•VaJvH•Drip Sys iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil trlcal, etc. ut11814248 Detalled Service Rpra. 25vr E•n. Lowl •ep·•TeS 3620 HOME 3756 Long Dist. Fr•• Est. man. • aa on• POOL . Charles 722·7824 ~ILING MASTER Petar Me.7398 Rea/Small 8ualnH• .lo•• 83t·7643 11'\.v Al.a T#181832 979-3114 pride In workmanahlp. SERVICE 3894 •Acou1tlc Removal!, ' Laurie 87~0ta P•t•F9 Palfttlng 1--------Cu1tom Textur .. Palnt Nl!W·LEAF •QUALITY WORK• Twrmltetlhy Rot SpfR lecond Movlne 20 Yeata cw"'-'-c• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TUTORING 3929 llc'd. M k 838-7300 •D•t•ll•d Cleaning Land & M M IC I Davenport Const. All Prof Moveral 24Hr Srv ......,...._.. ar CARPET Xtru lneld $25 Off w/ad acape uonry Hardwd ny I eram c bldg needs. Fr•• Ht, 70aytsr Olac/T I 171452 Free Eatlmatn ----------•CLEANING 3515 RHJBua. 15Vra Exp. Oealgn/Bulld/Remodel Mrble/Carpet Bnd/lns wrk guamt'd &42-3853 432·9123/P-3'8·5850 Interiors and Exteriors FrM Eat. 898•2718 UC.,lna. 748"°487 L708279 722·7332 Referral. 854-0&19 William Harold .leweler Watch/Jewelry Repair Jl.nUque •Fin• Jewelry Slly/MMndt 873-0385 Th• Calif. Publlc Utlll-32Vrs Ex~B••• PncH tie• Commlaalon RE· Hom• Repair. I do my QUIRES that all used own work. hou••hold good• __,,R~-..,... ... -...,...,.l•..,.be-..,..ll~C,,..--1 mover• p rint their -11 o. ---.,....---.....--.,.,......,... P.U.C. Cal T number; limo• and chautreura 3932 I td "Y lS l - Id ly :!T l - ic at d. re ol _ T· ' 0 IS y. ts le >· r· ol :o td 1. ·d 's l· 4 al .lt i· ID i- !J' •3 l· tY a t- rs lt 4 INFINITI I I ACURA GMC: TRUCK maz•a ISUZU PONTIAC. "VOL"'VO Oldsmobile LINCOLN I MERCURY Plymoulfi GeB TOYOTA Dodge CHRYSLER BUICK Eagle