HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-22 - Orange Coast Pilotr-- SPORTS CdM and Newpor:t tennis roll on Setving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 Beware the dnil winds ~Those hot, d!Y_ Santa Anas are back fanning flames, kicking up pollen and dislodging tree branches. To many who woke Monday with an uncommon sense of dread. an ache in the skull or a fierce return of long-dormant allergies, one thing was clear even before taking a glance out the window at the thrashing trees: The Santa Ana winds had arrived. Howling down off the Santa Ana mountains, pushed off the desert toward the sea, the winds made their seasonal debut and exacted a county-wide toll in frayed nerves, fires and downed power- tines. Firefighters in Newport Beach can- celed training exercises to keep alert for emergencies. Two of the department's engines joined the forces battling the blaze in Tustin, while other department personnel stayed to contain a fire that raged for 15 minutes behind a vacant build.mg in the 200 block of Coast Highway. Firefighters confined the local blaze to roughly 600 square feet, and say it began when winds blew eucalyptus branches into a power line, causing a shower of s arks. No ro dama e was done. "It's certainly a high-risk time of year,· said John Blauer, spokesman for the Newport Beach Fire Department. "I'd say there's simply a heightened fire danger due to the dry conditions and due to the ease with which any kind of fire can spread in the windy conditions. The San- ta Ana winds can always create an extremely dangerous. dry condition. H Winds reached a maximum velocity of 44 miles per hour Monday in Newport Beach. Blauer said. He said areas featur- ing palm trees and dry foliage pose a spe- cial fire danger. •Any kind of foliage blowing into pow- er lines could cause problems." he said. Ken Soltis, battalion chief with the Costa Mesa Fire Department, said two of _his_i ' . . to fight the Tustin blaze. By late afternoon they bad been recalled, and one engine sent to fight the fire raging through the hills above Mal- ibu. On the local front, Soltis said Costa Mesa faced many potential fire threats but no serious outbreaks. "Here in town we've had a lot of activ- ity in checking out arcing wires and downed wires ... it's been real hectic." he said. "We've had to wait for Edison to come and de-energize some of the power lines. Other than that, it's been relatively quiet.. He added, "It's going to be a busy . . . " The present torrent of Santa Ana winds should continue through Tuesday morrung u e own y e emoon, said Brandt Maxwell, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in MARC MARllN I DAILY PILOT Monday's Santa Ana winds kept the nautical flags in full sail along the Balboa Island bridge as Carl Carlson makes hls way across. San Diego. Noting "the dry a.iris uncomfortable to . . . season can last unW March or so, but the winds generally only strike about once every o or ee wee s . Mel Newman, an environmental resources specialist with the county-run Environmental Management Agency based m Anaheim, said the Santa Ana THE VERDICT New book reveals naughty history Local test scores praised, panned •While some schools scored high above the average, some are mired at low levels. By Julie Ross Cannon, Daily Ptlot NEWPORT-MESA -Many local students are not keeping up with their peers nationwide, according to recently released Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills scores. All Newport-Mesa Unified stu- dents in grades 2-10 took the multiple-choice exam last spring in order to compare the students' academ.ic performance to others nationally and to keep track of local performance year to year, said Superintendent Mac Bernd And while some schools post- ed scores far above the national average of 50. nearly half of the 23 schools scored below average. some far below. ~The results are rruxed, • said Bernd, adding that he wasn't sur- prised by Newport-Mesa's perfor- mance. "There are some areas that I'm pleased with and others that we need to work on "We e ected mix r suits because we didn't do a lot of spe- cial preparations." he said. "We wanted a baseline for companng successive years.• The exams was adnurustered last spring following one non test year in the wake of the fatled Cal- Ensign TeWinlde Corona del Mar Costa Mesa Esta.ncia Newport Harbor , 57 45 63 52 46 54 • Scores 0· 100 are comparable nationally on a bell-shaped curve. A score of 50 is the national average with fewer students at the extreme high or low end. The test was given to s1udents grades 2-10 last spring ilorrua Leaming Assessment Sys- tem or CLAS test. That tes which was given to fourth-, 1 eighth-and 10th-grade students, was dumped m l 994 because of the controversial, personal ques- bons it asked • SEE SCORES PAGE 4 District in search of name for new school • Newport Coast campus will be the first built by Whlle many Newport-Mesa elementary schools are named after the street on wtuch they are .:_+Jocated.Jhe mQS - Andersen Elementary School m . I Newport Beach .... was named By Juhe Ross Cannon, Dally Piiot after Rov o . Andersen, former NEWPORT-MESA -What name should grace the soon-lo- be-built elementary school in Newport Coast? I School board members torught plan to ask Supenntendent r-. tac 1 Bernd to draw together an ad hoc committee, which will recom- mend at least five names for the board to consider The school, to be located at the corner of Newport Coast Dnve and Ridge Park Road, wt.1.1 be the . . . Unified School D1stnct smce 1974. Its name has generated "It's certamly an important step,• Bernd said •A name gives everyone something to focus on " supenntendent of the Newport Beach Elementary School Distnct. Bernd said the school does not necessarily have to be named after a person. He suggests the ad hoc committee submit at least five names for the school along Wlth one-page letters outlming the rabonale betund the selection. Board members purchased the 10.87-acre school s1te from the Irvine Co m June for $7 1 million. The school will be funded through t-.1ello Roos taxes m School board members Wlll also schedule interview dates • SEE SCHOOL PAGE 4 City moves to tum lights out on bar Thank you .very much, your .honor •From gavel to gavel. mayors are taking sides in the City Council race. By Jennifer Armstrong, Da1/y Ptlot NEWPORT BEACH -Some former IMyors -and even the cur- rent ane-just can't stay away from atv Coondl campaigns. Several ot thoee who have ocx:upied th• cound.1'1 bead SMt are lending their MD* to tbe lilts ot candidat81' ~ .. daiDg DO lbGl9 llaUa giving .......... to C8fidld1111 whoullllda"*tiidiac--• Othen ... gcllng .. tar .. ~ Ing.,..,.,.... . D6rbid 2 tncumbllmt CoUndl- WGIDAD Jan Dabay ~ tlgllt .mw••aoam..., .. ,.... Her list. the longest of any of the candidates, contains James Stod· dard, Doreen Marshall, Milan Dostal. Jackie Heather, Philip Mauer, John Cox Jr., Phil Sansone and Clarence Turner. She sought out most ot them; she said. because such endorse- ments am a valuable part of her campaign touttng experience wtth local issues. "They probably know the ups and downs ot the dty better than anyone," she said. One gluing omission from her endorseiiient list: C\.llTenl Mayor Johll Hedges, who II supporting DebaYi opponent. Barry 7.anck. Hedgee ieJd he's IUpporting Zmek beciu. d Zanck .. ~ d lie.a cemtervatilm lbd ~ olbll~dl~.QD manydtytmuel. •1n ttm oe.te, endanlng ~ 7AiDdt was the Only thing to dO. '= ..... He added ....... -~•tgtoeildonlcmdldatm Clarence Turner Pbll Sansone in the other two districts .. Debay said the mayor's endorsement of her opponent didn't surprise her. In the District 5 race, John Noyes Jr. bas the help of Sansone, who served as mayor in 1990. Sansone, also end<ll'Sing Debey and District ?'s Dolores Otting, said the candidates he supports "repre- sent most closely my own opinions.· He met with candidates who asked for bis endorsement and lis- tened to them speak at forums before choosing who to support. One of Noyes's three opponents, Ralph Rodheim, has 1992 Mayor Turner in his cempa.ign comec. "Rodheim is prepared to make the toUgh dedlions.. said Turner, Wbo't allo eldirig hil neme to Debep:Aod Dlllrict J 1blll 1bom: ton's catnpUgns. I District 7 c:udidMe Phil Ant bas endonements from I ormer • SEE CNMWGN At.OE 4 • Police say Garibaldi de Noche is rife with problems and 'habitual complaints.' By Christopher Goffard, Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Pol.lee call it "a rat's nest." The mayor calls it •an abomination.• And the City Council voted unanimously Mon- day to take steps to purge it from the city. The subject is GanbaJdi de Noche on 19th Street, one ol the city's most notoriously aime-rid· den bars. The council voted 5-0 to protest the transfer of a liquor license from the bar's current owner, Elizabeth Gonzales, to a mystery-shrouded figure named Juan Carlos Valdez. The council also voted to file a "letter of accu· sation" to the state Alcoholic Bev- erage Control Board, urging the board to pull the bar's existing license. Describing frequent com- plaints linked to the bat. Costa Mesa police Lt. Alan Kent told th council. "I'm spending lhoUS41lds of hours of valuable patrol bme having to babysit ttus operation.• Kent spoke of "hab1tual com- plaints about narcobcs sales and use in the parking lot• and "excessive serving at this bar" to patrons who are already drunk. Police ha~ responded to at least 65 incidents at the bar since January of this year, including calls for assault with a deadly weapon and the brandishing of a weapon In April. three people were killed in two separate acci· dents involving drivers who had been drinking at Guibaldi de Nocbe - • SEE BAR Al.OE 4 r--------~--~~---~-----------------~~---------------~-~, I \ 11 I \ \\ I \ I II I 1; AROUND TO\NN 2 We con•t -.y It won't be ,q.cty,· Q.ASSIFIEO 7 but at JeGilC tt.re POLtCE F1US Wllbe~ol cleor .... ..ct PUBLIC NOTICE5 AinlflJne .. ,... ........ ... '° .... s.. WEATHflt 2 • • l\JESOAV. OCTOBER 22., 1996 MARTIZ DUARDE Ferguson takes jabs at local politicos in newsletter She brings a little color into people's lives By Tony Dodero, Daily Pilot show with several other men who viewed themselves as God's gift to women,• Ferguson stated. You can take the man out of Ferguson is also favoring Dis- politics, but you can't take poll-trict 7 contender Dolores Otting, tics out of the man. who he says "will be a thorn in the Just ask Gil Ferguson. side of city bureaucrats. Despite bis primary loss to Although Ferguson's newslet- ~~~-i---state-5en:-Jftess.J4i)hflS6J!t-ailid--sul:~-teF-:is~l-Ocilt-llllll-01-Dal=Ge4()--e6m sequent exile from elected office, the former GOP assemblyman is using bis newsletter, "Principles Over Politics," to stay in the fray. In the current issue, Ferguson choos~s up side~ ~ the local c;:ity ' District 2 Councilwoman Jan Debay and blasting away at his former ally. Barry Zanck, who he contends is now part of the coun- ty's "machine" politics. Ferguson writes that although Zanck has endorse- ments from "machine" leaders Congressmen Dana Rohrabach- er and Ed Royce and state Sens. Rob Hurtt and John Lewis, it will be a little difficult to get coun.ty Supervisor Marian Bergeson in his comer. "She will be hard pressed to do it, since this guy was an attraction on the Geraldo Rivera ments, the con- tent is rife with spelling and grammatical errors. For Mesa Ferguson says he's favor- ing two candi- dates "I've known for a long time: GU Ferguson Chris Steel and Mel Feener." It's actually Mel Fleener. >utd in the school board race Ferguson gave the nod to "our old friend Brian Therio." whose opponent is a Democrat. The name is Theriot and his opponent, Dana Black, is a Republican, albeit ~ new con- vert. Marttz Duarde {right) tries out different color combtnattons for client Michelle Harvey at Marsyl's Salon. briefly in the news SHE IS A hair colorist from Newport Beach who knows that not eveyone can look like Cindy Crawford. As a little girl, Duarde would cut off the hair ot her dolls and color their heads. Lit- tle did she know that coloring hair would someday be her profession. For the last 20 years. Duarde -a 38-year-old single parent with a daughter in college in Vermont -worked at salons in Beverly Hills, traveled with famous names such as Jose eber and journeyed as far as Japan to present her hair color- ing techniques at the show cir- cuits. For two straight years TODAY MOMMY AND ME The Orange County Museum of Art offers children's classes called "Morruny and Me at the Museum" from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays today through Nov. 12 at 850 San Clemente Drive, New- port Beach. Together they will work on a new project each week as they create with clay, dabble Duarde has garnered one of the· nation's highest distinctions for hair coloring.· •I got to see Alaska, Japan and all the United States," Duarde said. "I was able to share the sta e with ma ·or hair dressers.• DOWN TO BUSINESS Looking for a new chal- lenge, Duarde opened Marsyl's Salon in Costa Mesa with her co-owner, Sylvia Medina,. a year and a half ago. HI wanted to live and work in Orange County," said Duarde, who was born in Los Angeles. "I wanted to be local. "I've become independent as an employer. It's something that I am enjoying," she said. "Being a woman and having my own business empowers (my daughter) and keeps her going." Part of her new indepen- dence has given her the chance to dabble in art classes and meditation. A creative wnting caug eye, too. Duarde is also involved with a young girls encouragement group, Puente, in Los Angeles. YOU'RE SO VAIN Thaveling far and wide, Duarde was able to use her know-how to reveal a few hair stylist's secrets. "Woman are accepted to be vain, but men are very, very vain," she said. "They don't want anyone to notice their hair has been colored." around town MERRILL LYNCH Merrill Lynch offers a seminar on "Your estate may well make someone rich. But will that 'some- one' be your heir?" at 6:45 p.m . at the Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. To RSVP. call (800) 785-6615. POLITlCS RAILROADS Tue Newport Beach Public Library offers a free program on "Rails through the Orange Groves," a eentennial look at the railroads of Orange County, at noon in the Friends' Meeting Room of the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. For more informa- tion, call 717-3801. WEDNESDAY Some clients bring in pic- tures and ask to look like the model in a magazine, but that puts no pressure on Duarde. In fact, she prefers it. "Sometimes they bring in (a picture of) Cindy Crawford," s e Sat . WO e a' 00, but we need to break the pic- ture apart a little." . Still, being attentive is important and makes the client feel special. "You always should leave with a good line so they leave remembering something posi- tive. We try to make you feel better. "Your hair color," she added, "can make you feel good." -Story by Marissa Espino Photo by Stan Carroll EARNING BIG Orange Coast College offers a workshop called "Earn Big Bucks as a Free-lance Bookkeeper" from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in room 101 of OCC's Art Center. Registration is $39 and a $3 material fee is payable the day of class. For more information, call 432-5880. OCC book sale to benefit college library Pick up some cheap used books at Orange Coast College's annual fall book sale Oct. 30. The sale, sponsored by the Friends of OCC's Norman E. Wat- son Library, will offer all hard- cover books for $1 and paper- backs for 25 cents. All proceeds will go to support the library. The sale is open to the Friends of the Library from 9-10 a.m. and to the general public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the patio between the library and the Portside Cafe. Local school jumps on superhighway Kline School in Costa Mesa received a gift to start out the COSTA MESA school year: free Internet connec- tion from DeltaNet, a regional fntemet service provider. The Anaheim-based Internet provider set up a complete con- nection package, including a Sign up to be an art museum volunteer Learn more about art and share with your community by becoming a docent at the New- port Harbor Art Museum .• A docent is a volunteer who gui~es adults and school groups througb the art galleries and teaches theni about the museum's collectiom and exhibitions. To receive mor~ information on this program, call the Museum's Educations Department today at 7 59-1122. · • 1800 blodt of Newport Boulevard: S 17,820 worth of dothing. cameras, glasses, cash. luggage and airline tkkets were stolen from a car. The lock was pried open. • 1500 blodc of Newport Boulevard: $800 worth of boat equipment was stolen from a boat. • 500 blodc of Anton Boulevard: S 13,000 worth of LA. takers basketball season tickets, a briefcase, several articles of clothing, two cellu lar phones and a leather notebook totaling a value of $17,784 were stolen in front of a rear office door. The victim allegedly left the merchandise outside of the business for approximately 1 S minutes. • 2900 blodt of Redhill Awnue: A dresser and tables worth $1,550 were ARST HOME stolen from a car. A spark plug chip was allegedly ~ to break the passen- 0 C C ll ff ger window. range oast o ege 0 ers a • 600 blodc of pt....,. Street: S 1.480 worth of golf clubs were stolen from'..!.-.-_.._..,.. 1-----with-painttimd--bttild-settlpMes. The Costa Mesa Republican Women Federated will meet at 10:30 a .m. at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country ClUb, 1701 Gol! Course Drive. The program will workshop called "Take the Mys-an o~n garage. tery Out of Buying Your First NEWPORT llEAOf The class costs $41. For more FLU SHOTS Home• from 6~0 to 9:30 p.m. • 400 block of 5llftta Ana Aw.nu.: Two iguana~ worth $200 were stolen I e in an n ara e. son who will review the proposi-free flu shots for seniors from 8 material fee is payable the day of • 2900 blodc of Uf•yett9 Avenue: A 200 cellular P one was sto en m MYSTERY AND MAGIC tions and the Republicans run-to noon at the Costa Mesa class. Call 432-5880. ~ =tbaock of Gnnd Canlll: A bathroom window was found broken, but The Orange County Public ning for the Costa Mesa City Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St. there was no sign of someone entering the residence. Library in conjunction with the Council who will also be available For more information, call (800) LEGISLATIVE MIXER • Fifth blodc of 1btfty Pines une $2, 1 SO worth of jewelry was stolen from 1 ---~F~n~· e:n:,ds~o~f_.::th~e~u~·b~r.;ary~F~o~un:;d~a~ti~· o~n~~a~t Jth~e~m~ee~tin~· !.9.:_.JF~o~r~r~e~se~rv~a~ti~ons!!:. ~·+~9~63~-~8~0~0~8~. -------~--fr~Th~~e~C~o~s~;!;~~~~~~·~T-:;~ile the victirns were s no sign o ore t-• Commerce presents its 1996 Leg-entry. Horror," a Library Gold Card THE ZONE . islative Mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 event and book signing, from 5:30 ADD TALK A free local support group p.m . at the Country Side Inn and to 8 p.m. at Planet Hollywood. Coastline Counseling Center meets at 7 p .m. to discuss "The Suites Hotel, 325 Bristol St., Costa Several authors will be on hand offers a class called "Getting Zone," the exciting nutrition Mesa. Call 549-0300. including Newport Beach magi-Heard? Communication Skills.• plan developed by best selling clan Warren Gibson. Prepaid from 7 to 9 p .m . at 1200 Quail St., author Barry Sears,-a.t th~Bames reservations of $15 per person are Suite 105, Newport Beach. Cost is and Noble Bookstore in Thiangle preferred. For more information, $20. For more information, call Square in Costa Mesa. For more call 566-3060. 476-0991. information, call 673-3588. BEA12EBS HQIU~E Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa 642--6086 Mesa. CA.. 92626. Copyright: No Record your comments about news stories, lllum'atlons, edito- the Daily Pilot or news tips. rial matter or~ TEMPERATURES herein CAn be ~produa!d with-Newport Beach VOL 90, NO. 243 AQl>llESS out written pennlslon of copy· 72157 right owner. Balboa THOMAS K. IOtMON. Our address Is 330 W. Bey St., 72157 Publisher Costa Mesa. C..llf. 92627. HOW TO REACH us Costa Mesa waJJAM a.o.oa.a.. CORB.ECDONS Orculedon 77162 Editor It Is the Piiot's policy to prompt-The llrnes Orange COUl"lty Corona del Mar S1'IW MA-.E. ly correct all errors of subsance. (800) 252·9141 71157 ~ngEditor Plffse c.all 574-4233. ~ -YO«OI, Wl'GMCAST CltyEdltor m O...tfled 142-5678 LOCATION ~142-4121 IMRC IMllrlt. -The~~Mela Matiil Wedge Photo Editor == (USPS-1*80()) IS News 54C).1 l24 Newport ,.,..MODSIWC, Mondi¥ tlW'Ough s.t· Sporls 141-4.JJO Blac:kles Chief Rnand-' Officer ~'"Newport....,. "!Ver Jetty NOYOllilftl, ~=:.~ ...... .,. , .. 646-4170 CdM O...tfled Act.lertlslng MaM9« =-=-arthllnk.net LMAMJIMON. ,.,.. The lime onng. ~ Promotlont 25M141. In .,... Ol.ltlldt of lullMia Offk9 642-4321 lOOAV .... '""' Newport ~ -'°"'-... au..,. •11-5902 First low OinKtor of Oper.tlons subecl ..... to the~"°' Mllfllf .. ~ 12:331.m. ........... ontr ..... till by ""' for ~~.._, First high ..,.,__~lMdef .110,,. inonlh.Jlcabd.dm l'l'l!MIMlllOi ~ Ml J:o.a.m. .,.._,.., = ,,.id at COAi MtM. CA.. HlffNJ S. ICJlll\. ~and CEO Secondlow ....... Group I.elder ndudt ... ,.pplltat* 1:05 p.m. ~and locll taica) POSTMAS-............. .. a.&.Y, hcMlglng and TEA: Send~ cNngas to Vk:. l'Nlldent. Genef 411 M.tn9' Second~h ~ Gf°"P IMdet' The ,_;port~ MIA OttM C6lll. OI, liA "91* ,.,.._ 6:Stp.m. (, f ' • Send your AROUND TOWN Items to the Editor. The Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, callf. 92627; fax 646- 4170 or call 540-1224, Ext. 333. SIZE 2-3 s 2-3 s 2-3 s 2-3 s 2..Js 0.3 S.1 1.l 5.0 WEDNESDAY First low 1:16 a.m. 0.3 Arst hlgh 7:38a.m. 5.5 Second low 1:5.3 p.m. 0.6 Second high 7:52p.m. s.o WATBt 1Wll•IATUa: 65 "Over 50 Years of Fine Qualityfl CUSTOM-MADE N EW FuRNITURE • DRAPERIES ' My next novel is gQing tO be a naughty one Some people -not many, it is true -have asked me if I have ever thought of writ- ing a sequel to Bawdy Balboa. I have not only thought about it, I have writt~ it. I have named it Naughty New- port. It is written in the same moW as Bawdy Balboa, a seri- ous, in-depth study of the social. cultural and economic forces that have created our town. I have given the manu- saipt to the Newport Beach Historical Society. Whether. _ they will see fit to publl8h it is up to them. Realizing I had given the •back of the band" treatment to the other villages that made up our town during its years of wth d · ded 1 should write something nice about them. 1b1s I have done, with a leg up from my daughter, Nan- cy, who has lived here all her life and contributes a fresh look at some of the early days of our town. I start with Old Newport. Why not? That's where the town started. The Old Newport chapter is built around Stark's Saloon, which came into exis- tence about the same time the McFadden brothers were build- ing the Newport Pier. In this chapter, the reader is introduced to such stalwarts in our history as r;>eefy Johnson and Dollar Dolly, two of the more regular customers of Stark's. The reader will also be in~uced to the longest run- ning, 24-hour poker game in the history of Newport Beach, Orange County or, for that mat- ter, the State of Calif omia. Balboa Island I brushed off in Bawdy Balboa as a mudflat with mosquitoes. That was true, ------but-il-yoo-could stand tb&-m0$-- quitoes, the place bad some interesting people. Most inter- 1 ;t ..-... ~..;rr::."a.,~.; '!'-~ .... YtL . . • ;~··•._ lf& -1 ~· ... ~ '~ robe rt --gardner esting was that gaudy rascal, W. S. Collins, the so-called developer of that mudflat. Collins put up a ramshackle seaw w ep ou the water, but you had better be careful where you bought your lot because at high tide it was probably going to be under water. Collins promised an eight car ferry, a 150-room hotel, a four-lane, paved bridge to the mainland, delivered none of these and left town with an island named after him and a street, Apolina, named after his wife. Nancy comes aboard in the chapter on Corona del Mar because she has lived there all her life. The part I like best in the Corona del Mar section is the story about the Centaur Riding Club and the Costa Mesa Fish Fry Parade. At one time the area now occupied by Cameo Shores was a horse ranch. Now there is a certain affinity between little girls and horses. As a result, the horse ranch was a borne away from home for about ball the little girls in Corona del Mar. On~ day about 20 of them formed the Centaur Riding Club, applied for the right to ride in the Costa Mesa Fish Fry Parade and were accepted. Now, as everyone knows, riding clubs are an integral part of any Southern California parade. Invariably riding pure- bred Palomino horses, wearing charo uniforms and astride sad- dles dripping in silver, they are as necessary a part of a parade as the Marine Corps Band Came the big day. Did the Centaurs send their horses to Costa Mesa in air conditioned molllllg-Yans.l.NQ,-sir They rode their horses from Corona del Mar to Costa Mesa via the Irvine Ranch, around the Back Bay and through the streets of Costa Mesa. When they arrived at the parade headquarters, the organizers went into sl;lock. 20 horses of doubtful ancestry. No charo uniforms. Just 20 little girls wearing what 20 little girls wear -sneakers, jeans and T- sbirts. No saddles dripping in silver. Not this riding club. The girls were bareback! But there wasn't any doubt that they were a riding club. One of the little girls carried a stick from which hung a tat- tered sheet on which was scrawled in crayon, •Centaur Riding Club." The Costa Mesa Fish Fry Parade never quite recovered. We finish with Lido Isle, paying proper homage to Dora Hill and Paul Palmer and intro- ducing the reader to the most original Peeping Tom in history. That's Naughty Newport. Right now its in the bands of Bill Grundy, perpetual presi- dent of the Ne wport Beach His- torical Society. Next time I see Bill I'll ask him about the status of the manuscript. --aoaen GAADNEA-is~-mi* -- judge and a resident of Corona del Mar. His column runs on Tuesdays. RESTAURANT "®lttnherfest 1fiunc4enn · ~pecial" Wednesday, October 23n1 & 3om Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, Apple Strudel $695 TIJESOAV. OCTOIE.R 22. 1996 • Thin gray line drawn once agajn • Balboa Island residents, city officials at odds over bow to settle encroachment controversy. By Jennifer Armstrong, Daily Pilot BALBOA ISLAND -Bayfront property owners hope having a new representative on the City Council will help them fight city officials' claims that their yards encroach on city property. About 300 waterfront home- owners have always assumed the 8-foot-wide sidewalk along the bay marked the line between public and private property. But extending p_a.s:t that line -albeJ! under the ground -sit city-owned pilings, called deadmen, that sup- port the seawall. City officials have said a policy needs to be in place in case they have to fix the deadmen. Some residents have said they'd be . . . the deadm~n need to be repaired. Also, because the city by law cannot give away property, offi- cials have said they must work out a policy to sell it tu the resi- dents, or take it back. Steven Bromberg, president of the Little Balboa Island Property Owners Association, agrees that a policy must be hammered out. "When you leave things like this alone, they fester and become worse," he conceded. The battle has ebbed and r-· -· I -~r1 J1111 ()utle t SAVE50% EVERYDAY 1 HEMPHILL'S RUGS & CARPETS Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 722-7224 230 East 17th St., Costa Mesa ·we don't want people losing an inch on Balboa Island ... • -STEVEN BROMBERG • flowed for a few years now. And officials have shelved it again until after the Nov. 5 elections. Four candidates a.re vying for the seat of the area's outgoing council representative, J ean Watt. A few months ago, the city pro- posed charging those with encroachments a $70 fee_. They could then keep the e ncroach- ment unless they made $100,000 or more in improvements, in which case they'd have to go through a most complicated pro- cedure. City policy proposals have also . which offer to leave current prop- erty owners alone. The oty would enforce the rules about uniform fence height and property lines only on new homes. But residents fear having an encroachment. which they must disclose to anyone who wants to buy their property, could hurt p roperty values. Some also ques- tion whether the city can prove it owns the land. City attorney Bob Burnham said he can't tell from city docu- ments whether the city owns the strip of land or not City d evelopment enginee. Richard Ho:ffstadt dralted the pol- icy proposals. He said the cit} wants to set down rules to •keep uniformity to the encroach- ments.• Bromberg said he'd like the city to grant the residents an easement, wtuch would allow them to use the city property. •w e don't want people losing an mch on Balboa Island,• be said. "We wouldn't mind the oty perhaps selling the property to the homeowners.· East Baytront resident Barry O'Neil said be didn't bear any- thrng about an encroachment when h~ anrt-im..--wrlP--ht'ltfflrht-~--l~ their house four years ago. Ll.ke many of their neighbors, the O'Netls have a patio sitting on the disputed stnp of land. ·u we are m fact encroached, we'd be happy to pay for the . . . . who has been told be bas a 5-foot encroachment. ·Most of us who live here like things the way they are." MoVIng homeowners' fences back off the disputed land, he said, would simply leave an emp- ty strip of property that the city will have to mamtain. "We've been maintairung this property for all these years, and now the city says it's theirs," be said. •Maybe they should be pay- ing us ... Enjoy Our Daily Menu Specials A..k About Our Fmrucnt Lunch Card. •. with the urdwe of nine lunches This is not your ordinary cable offer. !!t~tl~~itiPt;f.~~---~~~~~~ffu~~~~:__--lrt--:J~~~~~~~~~~~~~e-offerl Subscribe-to-Comcast ....... 1 · HUNTINGTON llACH . :- 4 10034Adams ....... "THEY'VE For Reservations: ., Lunch Served Mon. thru Fri. 11 :30 -2:30 Dinner Served Mon. thru Sat. from 5:30 p.m. 'Cablevision before 11 /27 /96 and get these huge savings! YOU G•T Cable Installation on up to two TVs for only 99 cents YOU SAVE $ 87.77 YOU SAVE $103.57 ASK ABOUT A SP•CIAL DISCOUNT WH•N YOU SUBSCRIB• TO TH• COMCAaT 3*** STARPACKJ LOAD UP C>N THE QC>C>D SI UFFI Thia la • great time to try out our entertainment-loaded Comcast 3*** Stll~ck, featuring Complete Basic Service, Th• Dlan•if Clulnnel and •noo,.. PLUS your choice of two premium channels. Chooae from HBO, ClnellUIJl or Showtllfte. • Q TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1996 CAMPAIGN ~----------------------------------~--~---------------THI lf!IA'fdm'S CUii CONTINUED FROM 1 + J0191 CDX & -Mn Dlbiw o.bir SCORES in Newport-Mesa with an aver- age of 73. Andersen also outscored ~ school in Cali- fornia on the 1994 CLAS test mayors Jacloe Heather and Ruthelyn Plummer. And former Mayor Evelyn Hart, who has known Arst for 18 years, has 1 signed on as his co-campaign manager. Otting, one of Arst's oppo- nents, got a nod of approval from Sansone. "Mrs. Otting did consid- erable work to help me with the city budget when I was on the +I• "MDOllM.-Jln ~ + IVB.Yll llMf -Phi Ant +MCXll ...... -Phll Ant.Jan~ ......... -~ Zandc + lllUllmnl fll?lll 5 JW PhU Ant ...... u.a• *' ~John Jqes Jr .. Ookns Otting + MlllES S10DOAm -Jan ~ + ~ 1UllNLC -Jan Debay, Ralph Rodheim, Tom Thomson CONTINUED FROM 1 The new exam ·tested stu- dents' basic academic skills in reading, writing, spelling and math. With the new test, school offi- cials say they11ow have a base- line for judging future pedor- mance of Newport-Mesa stu- dents. But on the other side of the district several school scored below 35. Whittier Elementary School averaged 24 . Bernd said the test results show a strong correlation between students' score and their families' inCOJile level. council," Sansone said. Otting said· she appreciated L-----------------------------------------------------.J "It gives us a first-year bench- mark,• said school board Presi- dent Jim de Boom. "It gives the principals a way to work with the teachers that I think will be helpful so that kids learn more." . •Given the quality of our teaching staff and the quality of leadership at the schools, I would like to see all of our schools at that 50 (score) level,• be said. The three lowest-scoring schools are also the schools with the highest percentage of stu- dents receiving tree or reduced- price lunches, a program in which eligibility is determined the endorsement from such a "well-respected, middle-of-the- stream type of guy.• Thomson, also running in Dis- tnct 7, has the endorsement of Tumer. BAR CONTINUED FROM 1 Gonzales also owns a bar called Los Cnstales in Santa Ana, where police have responded to calls involving murder and dssauJt with a deadly weapon. according to city reports. In Monday night's vote, the council was responding to an application by a man named Juan Carlos Valdez for the bar's license. Lt. Kent said too little is known about Va ldez to give him a license, and there's no evidence that Lf he takes over he will run the bar more competently than· Gonzales "I don't thmk they do a good SCHOOL CONTINUED FROM 1 Turner acknowledged that Otting is ·a sharp lady• but said he gave his support based on Thomson's reputation as a plan- ning commissioner. 1\tmer;-wh<tt-supporting ean- *I'd be happy to see completely... * ·-LT. ALAN KENT • job of management," Kent said in an interview. "We've had many meetings with the owners and the attorney representing them, and we have literally begged them to do a better job of serving so that our public can be better protected, but I am not happy withtheir responses or their accountability. "I'd be happy to see the place The district reopened the former Lincoln Intermediate School in Newport Beach as an elementary school in 1991, partially to take in students from the growing master- mterested m designing the new planned community, but that school didates in all three races, said he sees endorsements as part of his duty as former mayor. "Former mayors should be involved to the extent that anyone listan.s. to-us,-=-· ~-5a.I~--- shut down completely,• be added. "It's draining our resources. We've made too many arrests.• Mayor Joe Erickson echoed Kent's sentiments. "These are the kind of guys we want to lcick out of our city," he said. "It's just an abomination .. 1llis is a bar that should clearly be shut down. • But de Boom said the scores are poorer than he would like to see. "They're all over the place,• e said. "We nave some--wen- performing schools and some schools that need to work hard- er. (This test) gives us the ability to identify where we need to put our resources.• The 0-100 test scores are report as a -s a curve, Bernd said, allowing a score of 50 to represent the overall national average. No state or county averages were provided. Andersen Elementary School was the highest-scoring school For Reservations and Directions Call r ytn:come. None of Andersen's 425 stu- dents receive free or reduced- price lunches, while 98% of Whittier's 940 students are eligi- ble. Limited English speaking stu ents m gra es Adams, College Park, Pomona, Whittier and Wilson, as well as those in third grade at Kaiser, who received instruction in Spanish were also tested in Spanish. school. already bas ~ched capacity. School officidls weren't ext>edH --ecm:s1rnriirnrr-rm--th1'r-NIPWrnnirt--9-I ing to open the new school for sev-Coast school is expected to begin era! m ore years, but area home next year, Bernd said, and the 621 251 Shipyard Wiily • Newpon Beach sales skyrocketed. school will open in fall 1999. Ilk• ~•9 An American Cafe Without Regular Exercise, You May Get More Rest Tilan You Bargained Forl RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. Where Your Dolor Covers Motel 1922 HARIOQ aLVD •• COSTA MESA · 548-1156 Facials 250/ Weaves I I '° Color I I Off w I coupon I I European Facial. ........ $15/up I I Bock Facial. ............... $18.00 I Manicure ..................... $5.00 I Pedicure ...................... $6.00 I Eyebrow/ Arch Waxing ..... $5. 00 I c '""" ALBERT SCHOOL °' I I ADVQ~W~t?el98Y 1 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa , CA 92626 (714) 545-1616 ~ quarters Call for upcoming Clpr Dinners -===The Tinder Box===1 PREMIUM CIGARS • Arturo Fuente • Ashton • Avo • Cuesta Rey • Davidoff • Diamond Crown • Don Lino • Dunhill • Excalibur • Fonseca • Griffin Upmann • La Tradition Cubana_ • Macanudo • Padron • Partagas • Playboy • Punch • Santa Rosa • Savlnelll • Vueltabajo FINE LIGHTERS • Corona • Colibri • Dunhlll • Prometheus • S.T. DuPont QuALOY HUMIDORS • Club • Davidoff • Elie Blue • Mastro De Paja • Zlno CRYSTAL COURT AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA 714-540-8262 Dr. Robert Smith's NEWPORT BARIATRIC CENTER Invites You To Attend A FREE Seminar Come Join Us At No Cost . Monday, October 28, 1996 I ~ •Our real job is to overcome those factors,• Bernd said. "But we can't find out if we1e over- coming them or not until we know what (the scores) are.• Bernd said the district will now go back and make sure the district's curriculum covers the test questions. •There are areas where we need better alignment,• he said . •we'll have to-revit!w-1he cur- riculum, textbooks and instruc- tion.• For instance, when the scores are broken out by grade, last year's fourth grades averaged ' lower scores in every area than students in other grade levels. "We're still loo.king at that, especially the curriculum in that grade,• Bernd said. •obviously we may be missing some impor- tant skills that are being tested on tb.aHest. • Bernd said the district may be holding off a lesson until fifth grade, which other schools around the country teach in fourth. "We're going to look at the the right fit the next time around,• he said, adding that Newport-Mesa schools did not tailor instruction to the test la9't year in order to get· a baseline score. Ml CASA MEXICAN RESTAURANT His gone fishing! For fish tacos White fish served on a soft corn tortilta with our ~special" whrte sauce. cabbage. cheese. guacamole and a slice of hme. , Like they serve on t he coast of BAJAll Our meals are a trip to BAJA as well as MEXICOll ONFERENCE ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT REDUX (DEXFENFLURAMINE) PHEN/FEN HERBAL PREPARATION GREAT LUNCH OFFER A l11ndmart< report by the U.8. Surv-ort General repof'ted algnfflcantly higher di ..... and mortality ratee .nong edutta who don't •xlf'CIM. But you don't hllv. to take tlwd 1Ylno down. A hMnh club Hke tJltel»-Up la the perfect way to get ftt and motlvated y..-round. S~U; NEWPORT Th• Peraonal Training HHlth Club Sine• 1882 Call Nowr Why W•tt? 631-3823 1080 !MM Av., Newport B..ch (171h a~ Btvd In Weetcllff PlaQ. ,,..,. HughM) PROTEIN SPARING MODIFIED FAST HIGH PROTEIN /LOW CARBOHYDRATES DIETS PROTEIN PRODUCTS VITAMINS & MINERALS SUPPLEMENTATION ~~e~~£z~tk Terry Dubrow, M.D., Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Deborah Chapman, Certified Esthctician Dee Johnson, Certified Personal Trainer Madeline Andress, R.N., Redux Rcpre entative The Marriott Hotel on Bayview &. jamboree, Newport Beach 7 :OOpm .. 9:00pm .i'J/'1'/lf n .~~/lg,'/ LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE Call 1-800-321-LEAN 1 LB. LlvE MAINE LOBSTER W/FRESH PASTA ONLY $12.90 EYE-OPENER . QUOTE OF THE DAY CdM. Newport Harbor girls No. 1, and No. 2 in CIF DW. I tennis rankings • ... we oomtJ here beauae th.is tS wlu!n> the tmllU mecca ilf ... • -SANTA BA.llBAJt4 <XJAOI MJOIAEL 8/U • SPOltTS EDnOI ROGEi CAJILSON, M2-AJJO., ext. 22J COM PUSHES PAST PENINSULA, 11-7 Corona del Mar solidi- fies its No. 1 spot in CIF after dealing with the host Panthers. By Richard Dunn, Daily Pilot There has been only one dent in the armor this season for Coro- na del Mar Higb's girls tennis team, which defeated another Newport Harbor, 14- 4, earlier this season. Peninsula (10-3), which has also lost to Dana Hills in 1996, was swept by the Sea Kingsjn_singles, - Corona del Mar was tied with Penin- sula, 3-3, after one round, but then the Sea Kings won five of C.10P10 DIVISION I 1. Corona .. Miii' 2. Newport tWbot' 3. Peninsula 4. Santa Barbara s. camarillo o:Lftamond Bar 7. Redlands 8. Temecula Valley 9. Irvine 10. Los Alamitos beat Peninsula's No. 2 team. •(Martinez- Budhraja) drove up with me and I told them if they won just -211e set, w would_ win the match, and we did,• Mang said. "Peninsula has good doubles teams. Wood- bridge only got two six sets in the second round for a sets off Peninsula in doubles (last M Newport had an kinds of tie'-breakers (five) against Peninsula when they played and won ... whoever wins between (CdM and Newport on Oct. 31) will be the top seed in the CIF --DMsion-1-playolts, no doubt abottt · " -CDM TENNIS COACH TIM MANG Woodbridge is the only team to defeat CdM Uus year. But the Warriors on Thursday are expect- ed to be without doubles standout Danielle Hustedt because of an illness. Natalie Exon is W~<!ge's top player who beat twoofCaM's three singles players last time. t---peweftW-1eJtt~t:en:t+'lefldarv:.~re-+c:mWI1ldilWJ:LgJ.eaJ:i__ ____ ~ ..week} and iL w Woodbrid e's The Sea Kings' strength, as it Oct. 31) will be the top seed in the h.M. l>:een-throughout the season, CIF Division l playoffs, no doubt is singles, where junior standout about it. Right now, we're No. 1 Nina Vaughan and freshmen and (Newport) is No. 2. ~ Corona del Mar's Nina Vaugh- an (36-5 in singles), Nadia Vaugh- an (30-6) and Leslie (33-5) all have outstandmg individual records. time defending CIF Southern In the second round, CdM's No. 1 team that got both." Section Division I champion No. 3 doubles team of Ruchika Peninsula defeated Wood- Peninsula on the latter's home Budhraja and recent JV call-up bridge last week in games, after courts in Palos Verdes Peninsula. Christina Martinez defeated the nonleague match was tied, 9- C'.orona del M.-11, Peninsula 7 Singles: Ni. Vaughan (CdM) def. The Sea Kings (13-1), ranked Peninsula'sNo.1 team. "Thatwas 9, in sets. Woodbridge is top- No. 1 in CIF Division I, defeated giant," CdM Coach Tun Mang ranked in Division m. Nadia Vaughan and Caylan Newport defeated Santa Bar- Leslie are a combined 99-16 tlu.s bara, 14-4, on Monday. Cd.M has year in sets. 1 also beaten Santa Barbara tlu.s "Newport had all kinds of tie-year, 13-5. Kabe. 6-3, def. Miller, 6-3, def. Kim, 6-1, ·Na Vaughan (CdM) won. 6-2. 6-4, 6--0; Leslie (CdM) won. 6-4, 7-5, 6-3. Doubles: Meyer-Coleman (CdM) lost to Rajer-Ursich, 3-6. def. Popene\t-Jong. 6-2, lost to Tomkiewicz-Blashaw, 3-6, Harrington-Perea (CdM) lost, 4-6, 3-6, 5-7; Budhraja-Martinez (CdM) won, 6--0, lost, 0-6, 4-6 the host Panthers, 11-7, in a non-said. CdM lost seven of nine dou- league match. Peninsula, No. 3 in Also in the second round, bles sets against Woodbridge Division I, had won 120 consecu-CdM's No. 1 doubles team ol Jen-when the Sea View League rivals tive matches, before losing to ny Meyer and Robyn Coleman met Oct. 8. breakers (five) against Peninsula Corona del Mar will host I.rvme when they played and won (Sept. today in league action, then trav- 19)," Mang said. "Whoever wins el to Woodbridge on Thursday between (CdM and Newport on afternoon. There's no other appropriate description of Newport Harbor High (or Corona del Mar, for that matter), tennis after another huge victory over a major Southland opponent (Santa Barbara), to the tune of 14-4. where the tenrus mecca is You guys By Richard Dunn, Daily Pilot don't have to travel as much as we do, and I don't know if Newport Harbor is a NEWPORT BEACH -The shift in perpetual giant yet, but if it is. we'll play power has rattled the CIF Southern Sec-each year and switch (home sites)." lion Division I coastline this season from Santd Barbara, wtth only Sarita Yardi Santa Barbara to Newport Beach, a as its only regular tournament player. tremor felt even in Rolling Hills Estates. was no match for the Sailors, who It will most likely be Newport Harbor appear to be a perpetual D1V1Sion I giant High, not Santa Barbara or Peninsula, with their Fab Five Freshmen (Chelsea lobbying for the top seed in next Godbey, Amanda Collopy. Sarah Bark- month's playoffs. Depends on whether er, Christen Case and Audra Adams) or not the Sailors can defeat their neigh-"This gives us an opportunity to play bor across the Back Bay at Corona del Santa Barbara before we meet in CIF, u Mar on Halloween. we meet,· said Newport Hdfbor Coach Santa Barbara, usually loaded with Fletcher Olson. whose squad won sev- toumament-tough players, twice ran en of nine sets in singles and doubles. into the Division I buzz saw (Peninsula) w1th No. 1 Emily Barker-Brooke Taylor in the CIF Finals during the Panthers' sweeping to improve to 21-0 as a tan- five-year, undefeated reign. dem. Newport Harbor -which beat Newport Harbor's Emily Barker Erica Nelson swept at No. 3 singles Peninsula earlier this year, the Panthers' (left) gives Brooke Taylor five. for the Sailors, after Yardi (injured back) first setback in history -hammered defaulted in the tlu.rd round Kabe Can- Santa Barbara in a nonleague girls tennis match, 14-4, on nght lost a tie-breaker against Yarcti and beat her other Monday at home. two opponents at love. Vanessa Godbey also won two It seems for the first time since three Pacihc Palisades-sets at love. area high schools merged into one five years ago (and Olson shifted her lmeup with Adams and sophomore became Peninsula), a school other than Peninsula will be Enka Palm playing No. 2 doubles, while Case and Sarah seeded No. 1 in the Division I playoffs. Barker played tlu.rd doubles. According to today's CIF Division I poll, Corona del "They're dead even on percentages.· Olson said of the Mar (13-1) now sits atop the CIF rankings, with Newport Fab Five. Harbor (13-1) No. 2. follow~ by ~enin~ula (10-3) and I . Yardi won the CIF mdivtdual doubles title m 1994 and Santa Barbara (11-2), the Sailors with vtctones over all finished as runner-up last year with Ptlar Montgome.ry Peninsula and Santa Barbara. · ~ (Penn State). "There aren't a lot of Division I schools in Santa Bar-Newport Harbor 1" Sant.-a.bar• 4 bara or the San Fernando Valley area, so we have to come Singles: v. Godbey (NH) lost to Yardi, 2-6, def. Kellaby, 6--0. def. wn here-to-6\lSlaiG-our .rank.i.ng.-'.'._.Don Coach .Michac Gamson. 6-0; Canright (NH) lost. 6-7 (1-7), won, 6-0, 6-0; Nelson Bill said. {NH) won. Ey Oe'fault, 6-J, S-0 •1bis · h • 1 · N rt H bo w ·v Doubles: E Bari(er-Taylor (NH) def Owen-Ouarre. 6--0. def DON LEACH I OMV Pl.OT NeW'rull't Harbor•s Vanessa Godbey runs down a baseline shot in Monday's victory. lS w Y we re. P aymg ewpo ar r. e, e Steele-Muller, 6-2, def Grokenburger-Bennett. 6-1 , Palm-Adams always had to play Peninsula and Corona del Mar ... 1t s a (NH) won 6-2 6-4 lost. 4-6 case-S. ea~r (NH) won 6-2 6-1 lost. long drive, win or lose. But we come here because this is 6-7 (4-7).' ' · · · • ' NEWPORT HARBOR RAY OH REL 'T'be S-foot-9, 1180-pound senior tailback rushed for 267 yards and one touchdown on 35 carries, the third-best single-game effort • in Tar history. REED JOHNS A 6-foot-4, 232-pound senior' defensive end, he refused to be caught out of position. maintaining conta.lnment on bootlegs and counters all night. • CORONA D DOMINIC . RICCABONA 'T"hie S-foot·8, ,.l ·160-pound 181\lor King back carried jUlt on.:» for 4 yaidl, but we• • forCe blocking in lbe op9ll field to beip ljJitng blltMJMMt•. TIM THURMAN ESTANCIA CHRIS MOKEDE 'T"be 5-foot-11, 1183-pound senior caught three passes for 39 yards and was in on nine tackles, including seven unassisted against Laguna Hills. RONNIE LI EVAN OS ANDY GALICIA A S-foot-11, 210-pound linebacker-tight end, the junior forced a fumble that was recovered by a teammate and also was in on seven tackles. • NAM KIM (last week's high school football with plays of 30 yards or more) • 77 -Peter Hogan (Newport Harbor). touchdown pass from Josiah Pred.rtksen • 72 -llay Ob.rel (Newport Harbor), run • 36 -Tom O'Meara (Corona del Mar), pass from Mike McOellan • 35 -Ray Ohrel (Newport Harbor), run • 34 -James Dawkins (Estancia), run • 34 -James Dawkins (Estancia), kickoff return PeterHogu GAME-STOPPERS T\JESDA.Y, OCTOBER 22. 1996 .,. .-... -. .. ~ ., lA. -1 . t. ---- Eagles' freslunan nest S91id •Just bow solid will be · determined on Thursday when Estancia treks..east of Harbor Blvd to duel the Costa Mesa Mustangs. T he Estancia High frosh-soph football team is the rarest of oddities with 37 players -all of them freshmen. "We have 36 guys -and one girl,• said offensive coordinator Jeremy Osso, -J)Ointing-ouUhe team's other trend-setting wrinkle. The girl is Jill Dyer. She's the first girl to ever play football at Estancia and bas carried the ball four times this season as the Eagles have opened with a 3-2-1 mark. While the freshman team travels to face cross-town rival Cosfa Mesa Thursday at 3:15 p .m., the JV Eagles will be at borne against the Mustangs. The N team, coached by Paul notel, is 3-3. The Eagle freshmen have been doing most of their damage on defense this season, shutting out Century, 28-0, and Ocean View, 26-0, in their first Eagles split two in own· tourney COSTA MESA lbe BstandA High boys water polo tMm tplit its tint two aa: m the Estancia Varsity ·c tournament Mon.day, and will resume townament action Satur- day in the con.sola.tion quarterfi- nals- The Eagles rebounded from a 14-5 loss to FounUlin Valley to knock ott Aliso Niguel's B team, 1-5. Brad Wayman had three goals and Andy Thorpe two in the vic- tory, . while Mark Peterson matched Wayman's four goals on the day. Tborpe finished with three goals overall for the Eagles, who bring a 7-9 record into Tbunda~ Padfic Coast League meeting ~th AliSO N1guel. Bryan DeWllde totaled 25 save1 tn tbe two~· ~ v.l9Y" EltMCM--... 5 SCGf'8 w q.a .... Founta.ln valley 2 • 3 s -14 Estancia 122O ·5 f.ount.lin v.alley scoring: Shontelll 5, KHSSn« 3, Mc:Gookln 2. Moore 1, Vacienda 1. G~ 1. A%Jz 1. Saves: Whitesides 6. Estanda scoring: Peterson 3, Thorpe 1, Waymain 1. 5aves: OeWilde 1'. EstMde J, All9o ...... (I) 5 Scmttby~ Aliso Niguel 1 2 0 2 • 5 Estancia 1 2 2 2 -7 Estancia scoring: Wayman 3, Thorpe 2. Peterson 1, Callcln 1. Saves: OeWilde 11. ort riders to honors PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES herein, plalnlitt being lgno-the real property Is located. AN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC NOTICE 1996 at 10:00 A.M. of Eliza b eth Ruthe photocopy of original re-Berwyn, PA 19312 ducted by: an if'l(flvldual rant of the true name or a This Is an attempt to col· ATTORNEYS, 500 N. AuClioneer's Name: K E B•ntlev sale permit at time of sale Thia business Is con-Have you started doing PUBLIC NOTICE defendant and having des-lect a debt. ~nd any. infor· s TATE co LL E Q E SUMMONS AUCTION, Phone 1909-Attornev• f or P er· In lieu of sales ta.IC:. This dueled by: a corporation l>Uslness yet? No ---------•ignaled s~ld dolendant in mallon obtained will be BLVD., STE. 780, OR· (CITACION J UDICIAL) 873-0744, Address: P.O. ional Representative: sale I~ subjeCl to prior can· Have you started doing Rober1 A. Klein SUMMONS the complaint by a fictitious useDd lor_ 1h2a715purpose. AHQE CA ~288a-1807 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: Box 825, Rialto, CA 92377, LAW O.F.EJCES-OF ceilatton In lhe event of set· business yel? yes, 8-8-96 This statemenf was filed 10 Second Amended . . ate. EP 98 ' . (Aviso a Acusado) ALLEN Bond II 723-41-19 ttement belWeen landlord Monetary Management of with lhe County Cler11 of Complaint name. to·wit .• DOE NO. 68 SPECIALIZED, INC., • Published Newpo.rl FRANK MONTEMAGNO The public is invited to al· NORBERT A. BUNT, and obligated party. California, Inc., Donald F. Orange County on 9-20-96 (CITACIOH JUDICIAL) and, having discovered tho TRUST EE. 1090 Eug• B.each-Costa Mesa Daily and DOES 1 TO 10 tend. Terms are cash on19. A PROFESSIONAi. LAW Published Newport Gayhardt, Exec. V.P. This 19H3898807 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT· true name of said de-nla Plac e, Carpinteria Ptlol Ociober 22. 23, 29. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY Owner reserves the right to CORPORATION, 801 N. Beach·Cosla Mesa Daily statement was filed with Daily Pilol Oct 1 8 15 (AvtSO a Acusado) VILLA tendan1 to be GERTRUDE Ca 93013 (805) ea~ 1996. PLAINTIFF: (A Ud. le esla' bid. PARKCENTER DRIVE, Pilot October 22, 29, 1996. the Cou11ty Clerk of Orange 22 1996 . • T 792 MONTALVO, a California J. DEBEULE, individually, 1424 ' Tw812 demandandok CHRISTO· A general description of SUIT E 103, SANTA T·811 County on 9·10·96 ' • Joint Venlure: EXECU· hereby amer.ds his com· B y. s E A RR E PUB IC NOTIC PHER G. BEC ER the property being sold, AHA CA 92705-3543 PUBLIC NOTICE 19983895371 PUBLIC NOTICE CORP. a Cal1forn1a corpo· plaint by inserting such DON.DO ' TRUSTEE L E You ha\le 30 CALENDAR along wilh the lde.ntlty of (7t4) 558-8823 Daily Pilot Ocl. 8, 15, 22,1--------- ralton as Trustee under a true name In lho place and .SALE OFF' ICER BSC 5810 DAYS alter this summons the Occupant renlt~g the Published Ne port Flcllllo\11 Bualn .. s 29, 1996 1797 Fictitious llualne11 Deed ot Trust dated 9.7. . . . Is served on you 10 Jlle..a .!Pace are as follows. .... w . Name Statement 90, executed, by VILLA stead of such. l1c1111ous 98P035 78 NOTICE OF lypewrillen response at this ~-048-;-Miehael-f.-LeWls. eacn•Cosla~sa-O"il y ~tat.ment mC1fOTICE Tile lolfoWfng personi BJe MONTALVO. a Joint Ven· nam~ wherev~r 11 appears Publish ed Newpott PETITION TO court. Misc. boxes, tool box · air Pilot October 15, 21, 22, ~e tollowfng pers~s 118 doing buslneu as: Arca- 1u1e, VIL LA MONTALVO Jn said complatnl Bo.ach-Cosla Mesa Dally ADMINISTER A letler or phone call wlll compressor . 1996. dot~ business as. Sup· F1atltlou1 Bualn•u dian Consulting, 98 Villa VISTA LTD .. a Calilornia Gary A. Dapelo, Esq., Pilot October 8 15 22 ESTATE OF: not protect you; your type· A·203. Troy Blalock, bt· Tm799 ~ng ,;xc~:~n'c" Ef~ Nam• Sta1ern.nt POlrtt Or •• Newport Beach, Limned Partnership; BILL Attorney for PfalnUff, 1996 • ' ' MARYANN K. CAIN wrinen response must be cycle · Misc. Furn. E t&lh • 'c The following pereons are CA 92660 SMITH. 1nd1vidua11y: el al. Gary A. Oapelo, Esq ., · T 787 aka MARYANN CAIN In proper legal form if you ~-278, Lisa .Souders, TV · PUBLIC NOTICE M~~la CA 92:2~eet, osta doing business u : Any Joseph Merk Davis, 98 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY Bar I 100540 • CASE NO A 184895 want the court 10 hear your bbotrdcage • bicycle • many SUPERIOR. COURT (Caliiornia) Supporting Ex· Kind Check Cashing, 971 Villa Poinl Drive, N-port PLAINTIFF: (A Ud le es1a· , PUBLIC NOTICE . • . case. J1es S. Beach Bl\ld., All1heim, Beach, CA 92660 demandando) .NANC::Y Proper. cau .. e appearing. To.en heirs. beneficiaries. If you do not lila your re-A·298, Jett S. Rowe, auto OF CALIFORNIA c~llence In Education for CA 92804 This business is con- CEDERWALL. an lndi· pla1n1tll is hereby allowed BSC 5809 creditors, conllngent credl· sponse on time, you may parts . muffler COUNTY OF ORANGE Klds, Inc .. 320 East 18th Monetary Manaaemenl ol dueled b : an Individual v1dual: and DIANE RADU, lo ltle the above amend· NOTICE OF tors,,:;d persons who may lose the case: and your ~-359, Sherryl Bercovlcl, 341 T he Cltv Drive .Street, Costa Mesa, CA Callfomla, Inc. (CA), 1436 Have y~ started doing an indt\ltdual, ment 10 the complaint. PETITION TO ~~~ewills~r ':st~~~er~~te:01~n wages. money and .prop-MB1sc. fum~ure Post Offlc• 9r2~~7 business Is con· Lancaster Ave .. Suite 210, business ytl1? yes, 9-15-96 You have 30 CALENDAR Pu blished Newport • • · erty may be taken without ·044, onald E. Mae· 8 14171 , , Berwyn,PA19312 Josep"MatttDallis DAYS alter this summons Beach·Costa Mesa Daily ~~~~ES~R ~A~vAfJ~~t~ CAIN aka further warning from the Whl~er, antique furniture. o~:nge CA ~~~~ g~r~~~:fit Public This buslneH ls eon· Thi• statement was flied 1s served on you to hie a Pilot October 22 29 No : A PETITION court. denhst chairs • Th ' r ' dueled by: 1 corporation with the County Clerk of typewrinen response at this ' ' · BETTY LOU has been There are other legal re· B·268, Randy Joy, aurl 92813·1571 e reg stranl commenced Have you alerted doing Orange County on 10.9-96 court. vember 5, 12, 1996. CHALMERS flled by MARILYN .E. qulrements. You may wanl board . Mlsc. bo><es IN THE MATTER OF to transact business under business yet? yes, 8-8-96 19983898554 A lener or phone call will T-808 aka EVA L. CHALMERS &~,,N~~ d~11~~1a Scpen~r to call an attorney right C·018, Thomas Ferguson, THE PETITION TO ~~e~lct/,t~f1uds ant>°om: or Mon .. a.ry Management of Daily Pilot Oct 15 22 29 not protect you: your type-PUBLIC NOTICE CA SE NO. A1U 702 of ORANGE • oun Y away. II you do not know many1 tools -ladders • CHANGE THE NAME March 1 1996 v on Callfomia, Inc., Donald F. Nov 5 1996 · ' TsOS wri11en response must be To all heirs beneficiaries THE PETITION re uests an anorney, you may call whee barrow 0 F D a v Id W I fl I am Su oriJ Excellence In Gayhardt, Exec. V.P. Thia ,_;...._·~·~..;....;..---~= tn proper legal form II you LOAN NO. creditors, contingent credl: that MARILYN E GRiNEA an anomey referral service TC-056, kAI nthonyrf c. De La Noack Ed~l.110~ for Kids Inc •lalemenl was f~ed WW\ PUBLIC NOTICE want the court to hear your 5000445• t and son Wh • · or a legal aid office (listed orre, s s · su board • 2 C • ., the County Clerk of Orange, ________ _ case ., ors, per s o may be appotnled a.s personal In the phone book) motorcycles. snow board ASE NUMBER Greta Anderson, Secretary County on 9·10·96 Flctltlou• 8u1lne11 · fi T.S. NO. otherwise be Interested Jn representat~ve to admlnlt· 0 · C-201 Palll Hughes Misc A18398.5 This statement was filed 199•38 ..... 8 .. If you do not tie your re-98·53982CA the will or estate, or both, ter lhe estate of the dece-espues de ~ue le en· f . • • • ORDER TO wflh the County Clerk of .. .,.,.,. • NenM Statement S4>0nse on 11me. you may of: BETTY LOU CHALMERS dent treguen esta c11aclon Judi· urnt1ure . Oran e Count on 10•18•96 Dally Piiot Oct. 8, 15, 22, The following p8™>ns are ·lose the case. and your FHA/VA No. aka EVA L CHALMERS THE PETITION req esls clal usted tlene un plazo de fC~24, Long Tran, Misc. SHOW CAUSE FOR g 19si83899370 29, 1996 t798 doln~ business es: wages. money and prop· 5281552·5 A PETITION has been 1he deced l's Will u 30 . DIAS CALENOARIOS ur lure • CHANGE OF NAME . Binder 1 Ball Bonde, 18 erty may be taken wllhoul NOTICE OF filed by FIRST AMEAICAN codlc1ls 11 :;:1y, be adml~ para presentar una re· 9:229• Heather Girard, PE.IlTIONE:FUS> DavJd Dally Piiot Oct. 22, 29, PUBLIC NOTICE Carrack, Laguna Niguel, further warning from lhe TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUST COMPANY In lhe to probate The Will and spuesta escrita a maquina Mi~s;urnM~ bo~s d William Noack HAS/HAVE Nov. 5. n!, 1996 "'T8f8 CA. 9267'1 court YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Superior Court of CalllOf· oodl 1i 'labl en esta eorte. • I e en arson, FILED A PETITION FOR AN PUBLIC c~ Flc tlllCHt• aus1n... Ptfagla Lltsa Binder, 18 There are other legal re· UNDER DEED OF TRUST nla, county of ORANGE. :y eicam1~:11:~eln ar~~ m: Una i;:arla o una llamada r~r~:~at~j }VS . h k O ADER TO CH ANGE NOTI "' Ham• Stete"'9nt Carrack, Laguna Niguel, quirements. You may want DATED AUGUST 19 1993 THE PETITION requests ke 1 by the court telefomca no le olrecera • • n Y aic e • re-NAMES FROM David Wil· NOTfCE OF The followfng persons are CA 92677 to call an attorney right UNLESS YOU TAK'E AC: that FIRST AMERICAN T~E PETITION. requests proteccion: s.u respuesta fr~~~or Vlblcy7lesA Wilk flam Noack TO David APPLICATION T O doing business as: C & M This buslnest Is con· away. If you do not know TION TO PROTECT YOUR TRUST COMPANY be ap-auth 11 mini esrila a maquina Ilene que • ctona · • Bruce Kundert Bullders, 2 Lendtall Cl., dueled by: an Individual · an attorney, you may call PROPERTY. IT MAY BE pointed as personal repre-estai: ~n~~ra~he 1~:: ~h;. cumpllr con las fo!mall· antique, dresser • cedar It is hereby ordered that SELL ALCOHOLIC Newpof1 Beach, CA 92663 Have you started doing an anorney referral service SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. sentative to admlnisler the dent Admlni trail 1P E . dades legales aprop1adas chest al~ persons Interested In BEVERAGES Craig Gerard Smlth, 2 business yet? No ~r a legal aid office (l1sled IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA· estate of the decedent. tales Act ni,ls °'!u~orl~ sl usted quiere que la corte D·204, Jeffrey C .. New· this matter appear before Date of Flllno Landfall Court, Newport Pelagia Ulsa Binder •n the phone book). NATION OF THE NATURE THE PETITION requests will allow .the ersonal re ese1.1che su caso. man. vacuum • gurlar • this court In Department Appllcatlon1 Beach, CA 92663 This statement was filed Despues de que le en· OF TH E PROCEEDING the decedent's Will and resentatlve tr1' take ma~· SI usled no presenta su tools· bicycle . No. 703 of the Orange OCT 18 1996 Michael Demetrtous Tay· with lhe County Clerk ol treguen es1a ct1ac1on jud1· AGAINST YOU, YOU codicfls, lf any, be admitted actions without court a:. respuesta a liempo, puode M~·27:0 John Stnclalr. County Superior Courl et To Wh~m ii May Con· lor, 302 Coral St, Balboa Or1ng1Countyon10.18-96 clal usted 11ent un plazo de SHOULD CONTACT A 10 probate The Will and proval Before takin ce perder 11 caso, y le pueden sc. xes the address shown above cern· Island, CA 92662 189838H43 8 30 DIAS CALENDAAIOS LAWYER. any codlclis are available lain very Important a~fon~· quitar su salario. su dlnero E-007M.Jean G. Tremblay, on 12·3, 1996, at 2:00 o'cl· The Name(s) of the Ap· This business ls con-Dally Pilol Oct 22 29 para presentar una .re· On OCTOBER 29, 1996. at for examination In the file however the personal' rep: Y otras cosa~ de su mi'.~~3 t~c., ~us F J • ock p.m .. and then and plicant(s) is/are: BL.ACKIES ducted by: a general part· No 5 12 1996 · 0Te14 spuesla esc111a a maquina 1 o.oo A.M., SPECIALIZED. kept by the court. resentali~e wilt be r uired propledad sin aviso adlclo· • n ° nelle · ohn there show cause, ii . any BY THE SEA INC. nershlp _v_._ . .....;'------ en esta corte. INC.. as duly appointed THE PETITION requests to give notice lo 1n1:1.sted nal por parte de la corte. so~. Misc. Furn. & bo><es n they have, Why the pelilion The applicants listed Have you started doing PUBLIC NOTICE Una carta o una Hamada Trustee under and pursu-authority 10 administer the persons unless they have Exlslen otros requlsltos le-~.1~.2 7bi Myro~ R~a • for change of name should above are applying 10 lhe business yet? yes, 10-26-91 --------- telelonica no le olrecera anl lo Deed of Trust re· estate under lhe lndepen--lved notice or consented gales. Pueda que usted ~ ' s b cycle, sc. urn. not.be granted. Department of Alcoholic Craig Smith Flctltlou1 Busln••• pro1ecc1on. su respuesta corded 8·27·93. as inst. No. dent Administration of Es· to the proposed action.) quiera llamar a un abogado f.~Y6 ocs vln Walk r II ts further ordered that a Beverage Control 10 sell al· T,hls statement was filed ·Nam• Statam•nt esrlta a maqu1na 11ene que 93·0579131, of Olflclal tales Act. (This authority The Independent admlnls· inmediatamente. SI no i • I a e • copy ol this order to show eohollc beverages at: 2118 with the County Clerk of The followiog persons are cumphr con las formal!· Reco1ds In the office of the wm allow the personal rep-tralion aulhorily will be conoce a un abog~do ME~ia~loUt ng S d cauH be published In NB/ W. OCEAN FRONT. NEW· Orange County OR 10-4·96 dqing buslnHs as: Work dades legales apropladas County Recorder of OR· resentatlve 10 lake many granted unless an inter· puede llamar a un serv1cio Misc F~rn arry ou ers, Costa Mesa Dally Piiot, a PORT BEACH, CA 92661 19983898080 Group Consulting, 147 :~~~~ ~~,~~~e la corle ANGE County, Stale ol actions wlthoul court ap. esled erson flies an Ob· de referencla de abogados . . . I new~paper of general cir· for the followi I pe ol Daily Pilot Oct. 22, 29, Nlqh1 Heron Ln.. Aliso . Si usted no presenta su ANtAEW F .. GREENE AN lain very Important actions, sho:'go~ :a~seet why ~~e leg~I (vea el diree1orlo lele-~~7~. ~:6s Furn bags, • county, at least once a EAAL PUBLIC PREMISE Br an Thomas Ouellette, respuesta a ttempo, puede BETH A. FARMER HUS· however, the personal rep-court should not ranl the fomco). ~ · · week for .four consecutive Published Newport 147 Nigh! Heton Ln .. Aliso perder el caso. Y le pueden BAND AND WIFE, AS resentatlve will be required authority. g CASE NUMBER B u~~~s hed MNew~oi~t weeks pnor to the day ol Beach·Costa Mesa Daily VleJo, CA 92656 qultcir su salarlo, su dinero JOINT TENANTS as TAUS. to give notice to interested A HEARING on the pell· CNumero..deJ-Caao eac gst~ esa a ~ his -..b.usJne.ss ls con· Y 01ras c.osas de . ~u TOR. WILL SELL AT PUB· persons unless they have tlon wlll be hefd on DE· 300454 T 809 DATE: AUG 15 1998 vember 5, 1996. Ham•. tatement ducted by: an Individual propiedads1nav1soad1c10· UC AUCTION TO HIGHEST walvednotlceorconsented CEMBER 6 l996 at Thename andaddress ol • O A L E HIC KMAN , T810 Thtfolltwingpersonsare Have you started doing nal por parte de la CC?rte. BIDDER FOR CASH (pay• to the proposed action.) 1:45pm In Dept. 703 10: the court Js· (El nombre PUBLIC NOTICE JUDG E /C 0 MM I S· doing buslnese ts: Genas· bualness ye1? No ~~1sten potr~s requ1s1tos lo-able at Iha lime of sale In The Independent adminls-ca.led at 341 The City Orlve dlreccion d~ la orte el) . SIONER OF THE SUPE· PUBLIC NOTICE tar Productions, 2900 Brls· Brian Thomas Ouellette ,ga es. ue e que usted lawful money of the United tratlon authority will be Soulh Orange CA 92668 c RIOR COURT tol St., Suite D105, Costa This statement was filed qulera llamar a un abogado Stales) at IN THE FRONT granted unless an lnler· IF YOU oejECT to 1,:.e MUNICIPAL COURT OF Flctltloua B"1lnH1 Mesa, CA 92626 with Iha County Clerk of · •• D vi Willi m N k conoce a un abog~do THE MAIN ENTRY AREA jectlon 10 the petltlon and should appear at the hear· ORANGE. 700 CIVIC CEN· 10349 Slater Me., 1106, The following persons are Highland Ave., Hermosa UHUS3&99292 puede llamar a un serv;clo TO THE PLACENTIA CIVIC show good cause wtly lhe Ing and slate your ob· TEA DRIVE WEST, SANTA Case Ho. A:175088 Fountain Valley. Ca 92708 doing business as: a) Cre· Beach, CA 90254 Dail Pilot Oct 22 29 de referenc1a.de abogados CENTER, 40t-411 EAST court should not gran11he !:ctlons or file WTillen ob· ANA CALIFORNIA CEN· In the Supenor Court ot Publlshed Newport alive lnternel Providers, b) lv.n Deeraujo, 381 Wendy N Y5 12 1996 . 'rs . o a una oflc1na de ayuda CHAPMAN AVENUE, PLA· authority. tlons with lhe court be· • • the Stale of California, tor Beach-Costa Mesa Dail Creative 1nternot Consult· Ln .. Long Beach, CA 90803 ov. · • 15 legal (\lea el dlreclorlo tele-CENTIA, CA all right, title A HEARING on lhe pet!. ore the hearing. Your ap· ~~L JUDIClf'~~ISTRICT d the County of Orange Pilot October t 8 15 d Ing, c) Creative Internet So· This business Is con· PUBLIC NOTICE fon1co). and Interest conveyed to lion will be held on DE· pe111ance ma be In erson e name, a ress, an In the matter of the Estate • • • • luttons. 231 52 Verdugo Dr. ducted by: co.partners CASE NUMBER and now held by 11 under CEMBEA 5, Hl96, at or by your att~rne)'. P telephone number of P!al?· of Ell:iabeth Ruthe Bentley, 1996· Ste. 101, Laguna Hills. CA Have you stll1ed doing Flatltlou• llualn•H (Humero del Caao) said Deed ol Trust In tne 1:45pm In Depl. 703 lo· IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR t1ff1 attorney, or pla1nt1ff deceased. T7e4 92tl53 buslneat yet? yes, 9-7·96 N•rn. Statement 74 57 25 properly situated In said cated al 341 The City Drive or a contlngenl creditor of without an anorney, Is: (El G~ii;JCEh IS HEREBY PUBLIC NOTICE Michael E. Bounds, 252tl2 Gene Slaranskl The followlog persona are JUDGE Co~nly and State de-South, Orange, CA 92668. the deceased. you must Ille nombre, la dlreecion y el . ~ 1at _,lhe p~der· Pizarro, Lake Forest, CA This statement was filed doing business as: TAO FRANCISCO F FlRMAT scribed as: IF YOU OBJECT to lhe your clalm with t~ court numeto de lelefono del signed I s .. I at r vale Notice Is hereby given 92630 with Iha County Clerk of Enlerprlsts Two Rodeo DEPT 22 A.P.N. 932-07·130 granting ol the pelillon, you a.nd mail a copy 10 the per• abogado del demandante ga1~,bl~d the ~ilghf~t and that the undersigned wUI This business 11 con-Or1nge County on 10-10'96 FOQthlll Ranch. CA 926\o'. • The street address and should appeat at lhe hear· eonal representallve ap-' 81 er, su ec 0 eon-sell at public auction pur· dueled by: an lndMdual t99•3691180 1740 The name and address ol other common deslgnatlOn, Ing and 1t1le your ob-pointed by the oourt wilhln ° del demandante que no firmalion of said Superior avant to Chapter 10 Oivl· Have you started doing Dally Pilol Oct. 15. 22, 29, l<ar9n L Hill, Two Rodeo, lbe court Is: (El nombre y If any, of lhe real property 'eel.Ions or file Wfltten ob-four months from the date Uene abogaclo, es) Court, on the 25th d~Y. of lion 8 commencing Wilh buelness yet? No Nov 5 1996 T802 Foothill Ranch CA 92tlt0. dlre<:cion de la corte es) described above Is pur· ectlons wllh lh• court b9-ol nrs1 Issuance of the let· JULIE A. DUNCAN, October. l996, et the I.AW Section 21700 of the busl· M~haei E. Bounds c ' ' 1740 ' Orange County Sup11tlor P<>f1ed lo be: 1642·B IOWA ore the hearing. Your 8P· tera as provlded In section 160363, ATTORNEY AT ~~~.fE~?F ,fO~B~RT R. ness and ProfHsional This statement was filed PUBLIC NOTICE This businHI 11 eon. Court 700 Civic Center STREET. COSTA MESA, peara~ may be In person 9100 of the California Pro-LAW, 212" MIRAMAR • · . Iii! center eode or Secllon 1988 01 wilh the County Cllfk Of · · ducted by: an Individual Drive' West. ume 89 CALIFORNIA 92626 or bv your alfomey. bate Code. fh9 ume tor 111. DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, Drive. Suitt 103. Sinta lhe CIVIi Code of the State Orange County on 9-9-96 Flotltlo"• llu.tn.t• Have vou atarted croino above Santa Ana CA The undersigned TrustM IF \'OU ARE A CREDITOR Ing claims wm not expire CA 92681-1519 c114) 676-":i'.f..~~~~· ~2i'~35:'3i of California the following 19983195170 N•me ltat.-nt buslneH ~t? No • • dlsclalma 1ny nabU1ty fOf or a contingent credltor of before lour month• from ' • "V • ..,. en n •r•• 0 mltcellaneous houHhold Dally Pilot Oct. 8, 15. ~2. The folloWlng peftOn9 are Karen L. Hall 92701 any lncorrectneas o lhe \he deceased, you must file the hearing date nollcfit 8007 aald deeedent at time 01 and personal PfOperty to 29 1990 t78!1 doing bU1lnea1 as: c.ntral Thia statement was n~ The name, addraes. and llrfft addrns and Olhlf your claim with lhe court above. OATE: SEP 19, 1095 dbth, and alt right, tIUe Wit Identified by tenant ' ¥arket. 1031 El Camino with the County Cl«k of lelephone number of plain-common detlgnallon, If and trllill a copy to lhe per· YOU MAY EXAMINE lhe , R08UllT 8 . KUHIL, and ~tat lhdeltloneatate l'las name and storage unit PUBLIC NOTICE Of., Cotta Mfte, CA 92$28 Ora~ COIH'ly on t-23-911 1111•1 anorney, or plalnllff any, shown ~reln. 1ontl reprHenlallve ap. file kept by lhe eour1 If you C l erk, bw CAROLYN ac:qu ... n •d to thal number. Juan M. AeynotO. 1308 W. t He31M8•1 wlthoul an attotney. ls: (El Said . aale will be tNde, pointed by th• COUr1 within are a pen1on tntereited 1n REZA, DeputW . 0~~ald.::!f~ In and 10 David L.. Jackaon, l'lct1tlous lklatn9H Chalet Avt ... Alltlf'lelrn. CA oauy PllOt Oct 22 2t nombre 11 direcclon y 81 bul without covenant 0t four 1T10nth1 from the date the eatate, you may ni. NOTICE TO THE PERSON ~11 81:C, • ."~~ vift'~Y· At008·1009 N•in. t t•t•ment 92602 Nov 5 12 teM · 'Tat7 numeto' de telelono del w~rranty, tWP<911 or Im· ol first l11uan/ie Of the IOI· With the court a for,,,_, A .. SeRveo: You are ierved I ~he. C' f C t 8 M ya. Oavld Lee Jae.kaon, Tiit (Ollowlng petton1 1re JOH 0 . RtynOtO, 130f W. · • • plted, regarding title, Po .. t8f1 at ptovlded in tec11on qutat tor Special Nolle• or Ind! Id n ° os a ttai 81181 doing butlntH as: Any Chalet Ave., AMlltlm. CA PUBLIC NOTICI at>ooado del demandante, seuion, or eocumbfa~t. 9100 of lhe California Pro-the filing ol an lnvtntorY 91 an v ual defendant. Oounw Orange. State OT Mike Or.co, 82633 Kind Check Catlilng, 1440 t2802 1-----...;,_;.;.._ o del demand.ante Que no to pey the ttmalnlng ptlnel· bate Code. Tiie Ume for Iii· and appraisal of .. tatt ••· Pub II• h • d New Po r I Calltomla 92827'; ~ally de-Tiii• tale wfll be competl• S. Anaheim Blvd., Ana-Thi• bualneH It con-Plcltltlou1 8u11Mu tiene at>ooado, ••) Gary A. pal aum of the note(1), ... lf'IQ clalma Wiii not txpile etta or of any petition or Beech·Cott• MtN OaOy 'Tl~ •• fonowt. Lot 11 tlve bidding on lhe 5th day ti.Im. CA 02~ ducted by: co-oattr..,a Neme ll•t....-nt Dapelo, Esq. #100540, ettred bY . aalcf o.e<I ol belore four monlhs from eecount et prOvlded In PUot October 8, t&, 22. 29, ~act No. 34S7• c:1!: of Novtmbtt, 1996, al 10 Monei.ry MaNjlwrtent of Have you atarted doing The lollOWlflO penon1 .,. aooo. WILDMAN, H£Q. Truet Wllfl lntefftl lhtrton. the heaflng date noUced MCtlon 12&o of 1he ca.Hfor. 1"8. 111 aOO:n1~m~ 'ec;3 f o'clock a.m. et the f)f .. CatlfQ!Tlla. inc. (CA), 143& t>u1lnes1 yet? no doing ~· u : oco NES·S· &. WALL.&:Y. 5000. ~~provided In Uid note(s), IYbovtOU, M•Y avu. ,, h nll PrObate Code. A Ae· t789 Mlicellaneov:a-Map: rnl .. 1 whore said proc>trty l..ancaalet Ave.1 Suite 210, Juel'\ M, R9yOOSO ._.. &ltetorl ... , 35 Ughlhouee Ce 0 1 N ,....... -v~"' 11111'/, un<lef ihe " """""IN .. I e quest for SP«llfl Nctlc:e "'· "-··• • la alored and which r1 '°" 8tt'wy11, PA 10012 l'V• .Wtment wat fl .... pt Alleo "'-Jo CA m5'e Be m~'" C 1;1~ t2"0' lerma of Nld DHd of file kept by the court. If you fOfm It avallabi. from IJ\t PUBLIC NOTICI ~~:' ""'°"99 ........,ty, cited et Mlf'll U Slor11ge, This bu1t11eu le con-With the County Cletk of oOrw,. c. o.tCia. ~ ~hi· IC • I a • Trwt. feet, Chergff and 111 a peftOn lnttt"led lri COUr1 clettc. TftA S 0• F • 1 111 Cemtl~Ck SlrHt, dueled by: I corporttloll 0raf'I08 ~ on •26-M houte P, A1190 V1eJo CA i'14) 955·1100 ellpel\Mt of Truatte end ol the tttate. you may file Alt•nMY fot tlM Petf. NOTICI OP M SAJ.eAR ... : Clly of Newport BMCh. Hav• you atar'ed dOlng t~97t48 t205e ·• ' .bATE: FEB 08 t996 the trutll c:realed by teld wllh the court a .fClfmel R .. tleMn PU•UC SAL• r\;a·~~~:~ trnoney County of Orange, StM• 01 butlM .. yet? Yff, a.e.tt Oal!V l'llot Oct, U, 20, Thia bu1lnt11 11 con· AL.AH I LATaR, Cl•rlt, OHd ot Trlll.t. qU89t fOf Spec:ltt Notloe of JAM8S L RUBEL The m1t1i ate»~ f~ty o e 1 81• or C&llfO+'nla, Sale T1 solcf wflh MOl\81ary Menaaement of New a. 11 19" 1'120 ducted by: an lnd1vtduel • 'y ANGI LA KNOX The totlJ amount of the the fillng of an lnvtntOfY j • aQCordlng to the pro\/11roo9 partly In cash end partly on llrnlt and rtHM. No one c.llfoml•• Inc .. l>onlld fl'. • ' Haw ~ .tllr1H -'-.oepuc, • 1.1np1ld balance of the obll· end epPJ91NI of mate .. .m., SM., or OM11on e ol tht Bu91· ct.clll, tnd .J!.P!.L euch ~.,the 9 of 1111 eJ. Oayt'lardt bee. V.P. l'N• PUIUC NOTICI bUll""9 ,.n,.. •at:ii.,, IN TH a I UfllUUOft g1Uon aecured by the "'-or of any .,.iltJol1 or (Cl8IOll07t), A LAW nta1 •nd Proftulona terme llld """'-".:'...:.' et )Owed 10 Jtten<f the Hie. t..._emtnt wu filed With DoMa c. Oe1$' «i ptoptrty lO be IOfd Ind aocount u provided In CORPORAT ION, • Codt. Chapter tO Sec:11on we IC'Cep1.~ lo''"" I*' The hlndlofd rMefVn the the~yCi.rttof Ortng1 FhllltlM•hllM.. Thie eta1ement At..o OVftT O' THI ITATI reuoneble 11tlmated NCliofl 1250 of lhe Ca!lfOf· CIVIC PLAZA. ITI. 21707 (a). h«etiy QlYell tonal tepr ... ntlll~ on fight to bid at the aalt. Pur· County on 9 ·1 o•• Nw ... ,.... wfth !'-CCMltY ~~ ~flP CALIFORNIA IN AND ootta, ·~ and ed-nla Probate Code. A A .. a IO , Ma W p ORT NOTICI OP PUllt,JC SAU!. 1::-tlon ::,..... be In ch•'" mutt be made with t~ee1i10 The folowll't pertc;d .. Ofangt Couniv on to.II 3'0il THS COUNTY OP vane" et the lime of lnlUal qutsl fOr S~ Notice alACH CA etllO-EXTRA SE.Lf' STOAAQE, ,,,:' .. = ~ Cllh and peld for at "'e Delly Pilot Oct. 8 1' U. doing WllnMI M: Otnlrll tHIH•ICM ~QI publication ot 1114. Notice or form It avallablt from ttll lftl • wi. t'Oflduet a public •al• time of purchaff. ,.. pw· 29 w ' • lull""e ltiMcea.. fQ91). na11u ~ -NANCY CI DI RWA&.L. S.,• 11 Sl43,S.3U1. COUit (:!erk. Of,,,. conttnta Of the e\Of· .. lhi ••Mid otnc. .. cnued good• .,. IOld .... ' ,...., t7M ... ChelteJtllld., Nlt9paf1 _, PAot ....... UI, ta. n. '••lntlfl n . VILLA The 8en1nclary under ,........., ..,. tM fl•U· Pubflahed Newport •D• tpacta(a) named ~ tlfM •"•.,.first pub. It" Ind ~ be rtll'ICWld JUILIC NOTICI e.ttl, CA llllO NOi/. i. ,... Tloa MONTALVo el af D .. old Deed ot TrUft het.i.o-t141Mt1 hacn-Coate M"' Ollly below, with the conttnt• ~end btb'e datt of by l:CO p.m. on th• dey of "°'*'A,; !Clllft, •a. .. ~ t • t fort MtCUled and Cleliv· DMll L w. HOU>Qt Not Oc1obtr 22. ~. 20, ~ told to the hlghetl (:Q" tttopert i. aold In en th• ..... 8uyer1 mutt pre> Plodtleu• ....... lertlMCl1 ....,,,.,,.,, llMCft. ered to I.he und«~ • ISQ (Ci84' ... H), 1ttt. bfdctet, fOf ltwf" money of .. te" ~ wl vfde °"'""' ~ or • .,._. Sl•I....,. CA tlMO Ne. 74 51 II Wfllt9n DedN•tlon or De-HOLHN a PIRCIUl Twltti the United Stein of Amer• ~. ' lhoUt TM fc>llcWMO fl!ftOM we Tlllt l>1t1ln... • oon-AMUOtH.NT T O llMllt and Demand for s.... • lea (C .. h). 149 ........ 001r!C1 "'91MM at: A"'i ·~ COtl,LAfNT Md wrfMl'I Nollet of De-all SELL The Hie It being held. to (4J ~·~lo OVWltocktd ~th l(jnctl(l~ CUhlng, t441 TRADE -Utldtf s.ctlon !Mil Ind fltctlon 10 Sell. ..... 1v • lanCl!OfO'• llen end ~ -·--·· 8tUff? .. w.in 8t Santa AN OA _. 474 cc.P The underllgned c..., Cl•aalfted w111 ht held a1· 11112 DATDa tCWttJN A can to wm • • '!'!i.-fll"°" -~nt aald ~ Of .0.1.utt and T...t..ut MNir hOme SAMll'Sotf LANi. HUN· CHIHIT ttll Dta•I Qtllffled MOnetary Mr-61 ~ ...... .... ,,..,.. ::..:! ~ EltctiOl'I to s.11 to be ,.. -•• throrh I slfied TINOTON H ACH, CA ........... ...... wilt Ml~ OilllbnYi Ina tut Ma-M78 corded In f'9 COIMlly wtwe 84~8878 0 C as 921'7 on HOVEMIEA tit ........... ti IM ...... Hl:H!I ...,._..,· fWli.. ' 110, ----~--.......,~--------- ~ , r r ( . ,. ~OUN. HOUllNO 0 .... 0llTUNIH MUUl ..... IMftiUltllllllil ......... ..-a .... fe •. ... ... ,.., ....... Act 111111 .. .......................... te ........ ...., "*'"'' :' U•l&lll.. If flml11l .. llt1 ......... cMllliflM, ... ~ ............. ........................ .. .., ... ,... ...... ....... --1•' ...... " TW. ......,.wt11 n1 ......................... ................ ~ .... ............... .,.,,..... .. ..., ............... ....... ~letMI ........... ...... , I 1 alltUG ........ , ..... -.,. ... $',, oc ... ~ UllMUO .... .. HOUSES/ FOR SALE PUIUC IOTICll ......CllOTICES "'9UC MOT1CH 0 •uz D llOUllS Telephone 8am-5:00pn Momay-Friday PUIUC llOTICtS PUBLIC NOTICES Walk-In 8:~~ ... u ---__ _Jft...fllDl•---t Momay-Friday DAILY PILOT OIAOUNll Mooday ····-·····Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ............ .Mooday 5~ Wednesday ....... Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ........... Wemcsday 5~ Friday ................ 'Ilusday s~ (714) 642-5678 8YMX (714)631-6594 (Please include your name and phone number and we11 call you back with a price quote.) rt MAE Oil• ·-1>11: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA CJ2f,TT Comer clNewpmt BIYd a: e.y St CEMETERY LOT/ NEWPORT NEWPORT BUSINESS LOST & 1------EMPLOYMENT 2925 EMPI.OYMENT 5530 CRYPT 1225 BEACH 2169 BEACH 2669 OPPORTUNITY FOUND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2 904 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lido lale 4br + den Spect•cul•r Oce•n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii F o u n d e • 1 g 1 a n •---------Gen•r•I OHie• PACIFIC VIEW View 2ba Fab hou-newly •nd Ch•nn•I Vlews s387,21 In 49 min· T•rvunen /aable 1hep-EMPLOYMENT Small prof NJS office •lie, S-unr1•• Secilon, remod•l•d. private Luxurious 1 br and h d B I /S 1 in Newport Financial L t 207 G a • O M t utesll I really did Ill II er · ayv •w an a 5530 0 11 S ~1~ ·La~~a beaches. brick crtyrd, 1br+lott with 2 spa· was unbellevalbel Ana Hgts. 975-1118 Center has PT post· H · ac · w/lountaln by clubhH. clo u a balconies. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tlon avail. General 3t0·543-040l Lv mag $3395mo 875-4042 Abundant walk In Easiest I've tried! Get Loat Nala, a P•lll• •Attn:Coata Mes•• ottice skills & some clo1et and slorage. rich nowl Risk freel Siamese fem with a P o1tal Positions. computer knowledge ---------W•lk to Be•ch 2br Gas and water paid. Limited time! Hurry! white tip tall, big blue Permanent full time required. Salary S7/hr OUT·OF·COUNTY 1·5ba. gated, tennla, Walk to Balboa Island __,,,...•.,.4..,,1_5_l_2_,,9,,,...2_·3_2_8..,.--,1,.... eyH. Mesa V. area oH for clerk/sorters. Full Call Mary Leo at PROPERTY 1525 ~~~~ym, ;~~-~':;~'j and the beaches. Achieve Flnancl•I Baker. 842-8533 benefits. For exam. 717-4880 for interview. Pr•stlglous resort Freedom Loat Rod Abyssinian, application & salary Out of S•nt• Fe living with stunning Unique dupllcatable male, blue collar, Info call:(708)906-2350 In Fashion Island has l\JESOAV. OCTOBER 22. 1996 PUIUC NOTICES PUIUC IOTICll GINIW POU CY Rates and deadlines are subject to change wit.bout notice. The publisher reserves the riJlit to censor, iecla5Sify, R"l68 Gr reject any classified advertisement. Please report any em>r th8' may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot&. The Independent acqept no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credi! can only be allowed for the first insertion. • Telecommunlc•tlon lnduatry National company seeking Representa- 11 v e s . F T /P T o P· portuni11es available . S l 0,000 to S20,000 per month potenl1al. Ground ·11oor opportunity . Fine Antique LealJler Bound Books. Engrev· lngs: Old Calif Paint- ings: Lithos & Etotl· ings by Tamayo, F~. Scholcser, Biss, Agam, Chagall, Vlamnlc:k; Vl911, Botz Paintings: Robort Kiger 1 ·800·847·4520 Ext 164 Steuben. Baccarat, Sterling. Scrimshaw 7 14-844-2034 SONOMA'S Bl!ST 1unaets and cool program. Technology v lc-t Sth/Pomona. Ext. 4086 8am-8pm openings for PT/FT 4Br 4Ba Hm 5 y/o + APARTMENTS breezea. Specl•I 6 works for you. Earn Rew8rdl 9 4 2.94401---8-0-0-k-k_•_•_P_•_r__ Holiday sales assoc·s. --------- 3BR gst hH. Over 39 O RENT nio lease starting at S2,000+ per week. or 848-8518 PT approx 15 hrs/wk. Hrly + comm+ FT EMPLOYMENT KAY FINCH POTTERY Wanted! Cash Pal<tl • 673-8223 * acres. Breath taking F R $1150. 875-8003 Learn powerful finan··~--------b flt c t t I .. •••••••• .-Computer literate. ene s. on ac SERVICES 5533 view. Call for detalls.1• Waterfront One BR cial strategies. Turn Reward loll puppy, By J.W. Airport. Poppy at: 844-5953 M•urv Stauffer Unfurn, new decor, knowledge Into 9wk old mate Akita. (714) 833-1883 PT F•ahlon lal•nd S•• Lion R••lty uUl/gerage Incl. $795 we a I th. vie-Orange/20th St Aak for Allcl• Child/A I Cl ... I 873·5354 BALBOA 1-8()().408-8818 Chlld Is heartbroken1.,,...-.,...,..----.,,,..-,... du I Om ng . 511 36th St. N.B. Ext 3357 •84._75S9 • Work outside cart PENINSUIA 2607 mornings. 759.5499 lnveatment Ocean View Lrg 1 Br 1558 w ith parking. No CLEMENTE 2676 llrm 1Mks agents. Un- llmlted Income! Ex· citing opportunity! Contact IRA holders and lnvestor·11 Fanta1· tic lead generation system . Complete training provided. w/plctures. S.S. card .. Orlvera llc•nH. credit cards and appl book. w/Peac:hlr-& Excel. R•strnt bkplng exp h•lpful. Fax resume: National Women·s Ac· cessorles Svc Co n-ds FT rep lor our iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • m 0 k 1 n g 0 r P •1 • • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $900. 850. 7208 Color•do Acre Fl1hlng Stream. 8000" elevatlon. Lovely mountainous b•auty. $12.2501 $500 down, $175 monthly. 8% In· Upat•lra Duplex 3BR, 2BA. Newly redeco- rated. 1200aqlt. Yrly lse S1350 avail 10/21 . (818) 501.0097 Oce•n View 1 br 1 ba furnished S400-S8oo a month. 2br 2ba taro• deck. $450.wk or $1200 mo. U t II 1 /C a b I • p a I d • COSTA MESA 2624 1 _____ _ FX resume: 1--------- cenM. S48-9831 Expenses and banertt Aweaome Bualn•H 3000 ---------pckg lnctd. Please c•ll Oppor1unlty FUND RAISER Tue 10/22 8·1 Oam -F-.-d-.-,-.-, _Q_o_v_e-rn_m_•_n_t $400 1 t M th MISCELLANEOUS We'll show you a Exp, connected. serl· only. 1·800·283·3090 Job Opportunities • On b I • b t · Announol-Doctor f I h e-174 vENEIUU. RENTALS oom ng us naaa ··• ous und ra ser t •t "' · available locally. na· Cln. lg min Cabin.,..,. .. , . 1 r Recommended 1 b t -----------• 1002 USES/ .,.... you c.an get nto or can acqu re su s an· S•cret•rr Medical tlonw1do, abroad 32 HO 18r, wlk·ln c111, pool.I••••••••• peanuts that average Guaranteed, easy. •1• llal propertl•• of all Office. Requlremnta page manual, dlfec· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CONDOS backyard, nr bch, Tri/Sq. people p rofits ov•r f,ordable, chemlca71 kind• for 501 (C)3. Macln101h basics. 9.5 tory Includes proven RHl 1!1tate 'or lal•? ••••• Wookend Open Hou101? ••••• The Dally Piiot Real Estate Tab which la pobllshed each Sat· u.rday la an ertectlve and inel(penalve way ' to ahowcaae that 1peclal properly. Call our Cla .. lflad Otplll1tMnt Todayll M2·Se7a Sonor• Apt• •---------S2.500 weekly. '" diet. Lo•• 10-1 St ong comens•tlon 1 r • Mon-Fri. $5.50-$10/hr. rosume writlnn and n· foR neNT Ma-ann MS·331S8 ROOMS 2706 1 •""·995-07"'" Iba/Week without exer· .., d k c 11 .. ~ . • .....,., "" l ,. en r•r a. a any Ask for Gnaca tervlew.ng 11rategle1. ••••••••• S517mo Low lncom•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ext 0888 citing. hunger, wll· time 7141 873-759.7793 For details call: CORONA DELMAR 2122 UY81Da Dft. Luxury Condo 2 Br. 28•, f/p. spa, pool. PrM beh. 11950 721•M79 f t ..... 1 111 1 _. T Q 11 ... • PoW.,. 529·95 plus ts 7889 1·800·8t"·2762 E-l •'•"lldllllCllfl um •...., 01. u • n.... op ua •• noom Big lnoomel Start S&H. Visa/MC 1-800-1---------Select A Division " '" Clun, modern, •• Prlv upp•r. $476 lncld your own Trav•I 408·86111Ext1684 FUND RAISER Glau·Huvy Haull Parchlca W•nted for 1'14-l49-37'11 cured parking, pool/ utll. N /p•ta/amk. Agency. PT/FT. 0 11· FX (9HS)868·5059 EJcp, connected, "'""' earn up to .31/mil•I 3 phone readings. Call •------• spa. Jackie 842-8229 CM E'slda 548·5056 counts, UpgradH, .,,...,...,...,,..==-=---~-• oua fund ralaer that years OTA. 1 yr nat· Maglk •I Journeys MOVa•IN iPaCIAL Commlulona. We DIABaTICS (using In-can acquire aubatan-bed/heavy haul exp. 1-800·~1C>-ee.45 1--------- Newport H•lghta ., ••. Wn!.-.Tr TO on., training a .sup-Sulin). Did you know tlal propertl .. of all Combined Tran1pott •-Tt•uas 6011 . 2bd/1ba. Upstairs. auawuu • .-J port. $59$ Investment. Medic, are (or Insur; kinds for 501(C)3. 1..SC>0-637-4407 DOMESTICS 5540'".n.ciiiciii&.UMiiiiii"iiiiiiiiiiii New paint. 1750/mo. SHAllE 2724 FrM Information: ance covers mo• Strong comensatlon. ____ C_•_••_•_n_d_r• ___ ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1• 299 ·o· 18th Place 1·800-995.Q79CS . auppUea? s.ve money % and perf{s. Cati any w .. t.M/Dryer .. -lrvln• Turt lerock. --...-----.. .--.....,.-Ube..., Medlcat. Seti. ... -no ........ 844 049a £ict 2904 Call: 1-8~33--2001 time (71 ... ~ e73· • HOUS•·StTTINO Admiral ••t under Newport He'9ht• o t d 2600 ft Computer Profit• •• ,. 785 When you wr11c: TL.C for lour peg, WWT&nty tua Man:h ••· De•lener oonclo 2+2 2bd/2ba. ln$1da lndry. h:~. 3br 3b., •:aoo. MaJ<• rMt. conai.tent i::•l~nMJu='::.::•---------a O.issificd :ad. plants home . Xtra lg MCap .. a~lt; FUlfy furn. TUrn Kay. Dining room. 1900. 11t11aat • 8...-078 money With yout PC M • n t 1 0 n " to 2 o 1 de II Excellant r•ferenc:ea. "15 obO •· -~ Pool/•P•· Lrg yd+ -·· 7••7•44 and our aortware. ,.,,,.,,...,..-..---.,,.-.,..-,---On the movet 1nc: u Q 714/574~245 H Of M344a:I • pa110. S 1 '150 w/IH. N .•. On the betKh. Software and tr1llning D._..tin (Ualng lnsu-the focb 909/NS-2007 hm w a • " e r JO r w 0 r lt950 w/o. 759·70U. ·---------W/0, oar•g•, furn, coat• you '20. To tin Medicare PllV-tor Seu your extra :anJ ic:• the Wl*poot. 3yr9.. wN. HIWPOltT cute a. cozy. H2S order or tor more your aupplN, We bll household ~"'"" SJOO obO 53S-Ot2t .oostA lll.5A 1024 e•~ .. GTON IUCB 2869 p1us ~ utn. s1s.1102 tnform•tton oa11 : tt1em, •hip 10 you. Items· ..-aca•V'ftJSe '------:----unun Na ftoom @ -..Oh 1~ 815-1393 S.ve money. Sattefac-fl yuu WDnt. ~ .on.nu & .:i••llll•lll~lllllllACB 2140 * t• ••• • Oe8n vu. t/p, pp JaPSllMiiaH•V t1on ouar•ntud., __ ln__.c .... aa .... a ... 1 .... i_ed.....__ ---''42;;..;.;;;..·.-H-?.-ll __ ••••••• ,.\ Vefw ..... A Mte a•• -a IYa••a-entmc. patio, lndry. ROUTa UbtM'ty Medical I atr ~. 39A, _.._ ...,_ U50 +utll.14e-4400 1·8004)$-2001 --------- . 2 l8A. Lota ot oabnta/ Aefflt a dlahWUhar 21 IOc:al • ••tabllahed No HMO ~ !MPt()Yllmf'r EKPLOTllENT IMPl.OYMENT DIPl.OYlllJll -.. toro Prvt p_•tlo Munt MarfMw 2-9t0r'I Ind. IOJC30 poot, No N~ c ... t 2br 2ba. t/p, altea. Be your own ~ 9021 •••• •• • MaWw ateuttor · townhome. 11001.f. peta. No ..... No '"· pool, apa, pt1lr'g, w/d, noul E•rn 12,500 5530 5530 S5l0 ..,.. ... I.left .. __... Mint cond. a matr * 7t4oM-.-ea * dck, faw, c .. an. fun, we•klY With bMudfUI • .,.u.. ::.r:.:::: :!.::'~ liiht U19r ltN .... + Pro'f, SHIJ ~7 new ,A~: ~817) n I ·------- carport. 11100/mo. ~ a btk• z bch. Weod•W Na~ ...... , t-IOOo337MI PlltSOllAl.S 1st a. L.aa1. 940.1011 Laun(lry, _, f11IO 18r, 2.18• +.,..c. w ••••••••ll '°' asi e7a. 907 l\/atnk PfOf f~ that Arn A,0661600 -----.....----L'We .... Ki; f\#:n 1rv11 .-ot. W/O, tenn19. IMemet UMn i----------..-·I :jmm•ll!lll!!!!•~" , ... ~ lnctd. poo1. seoo 120-9401 ~ V:: ~ SCJIOOU • ZHI Nl~J!.'r~· temot. PMe OP.fl~"-IMlmmoll ......... 1~•'• 81JSINBSS • ... .... llTA ... I ... ....... Yaftdt"1•C ... I M••• .,. ..... , • .._. .... .._. 10 ,, •• , ........ .. eu, an ., ,.,,. ''•'"'"' ft ~,.. Olb•Mt ....,_ , ....... and befteftte. ,. ·-· ~--· ..... " .... Utfon•ltl6ft I ,. • ~ -r -~ -- -- - --- T\JESOAY, OCTOBER 22.. 1996 TODAY'S CRaSSwoRD PUZZLE ACAOU I F.._ I MMdela't Of0 'Uzwd 14 SwlNy 15 Balde II Once mor9 17 Aqueriurn liltl 11...a.~ 18 Worbhard 20 PM of a tee Mlvlce 22 Pwpose 24 Flttt eqg.s 25 Fasteniog device 26 Hanger-on 28 Party giver 29 'Anne of Green Gables' loo. 31 The ones hete 33 African country 36 Spell of hot weather 40 A Gershwin 41 Please 44 Urge 4S l.Jlte ao,e<:ts on the relnge1at0< door 47 -up all in a row 49 Goddess Of !lowers SI Medieval enleftarner S4 B1awl se Golden AMce lhlp eo -of 1 ldnd 81 Culvyletter 82 ICllChen IOols 84 Nmlle ee Gt.nd -<»Y I~..,, 70-eat 71 Almy material 72~ 73 Goddesl of the dawn 74 Scol'f (at) DOWN I Timepiece 2 Musical pelfomvnc:e 3 Prices 4 OuanelsomG 5 Groupol players 6 Mindful ol 7 Snooze 8 "Sloops 9 Al1endance 10 Sell t 1 City on the Nile t 2 Metnc weight .unit& 13 Begin111ng 21 ln11ent0< 23 Bundle ol gram 27 Upnghl 28 Chop 30 ArtiSl's sland 5t Piece of lumber 32 F ashlon 52 Actress 33 Acl,ess Novak Dddnson 34 f!iintnts s~ goal -s:r"RUJe 35 Pesle1 SS Faodng 37 Wnler Rand swords 38 Kind of 57 Muslcal show necldrne 58 Act like a oow? 39 Ftnale 59 Canadan 42 Tioy particles doctor 43 Bonng 61 Snakelike 48 Natrve ol Florence 508om 63 Units of energy 65 Alk>w 67 --tz.u FURNITURE 6014 FURNITURE 6014 FREE TO YOU6022 ------I CARPENTRY 3510 CLEANING ACOUSTIC CEILINGS 3408 CEILING MASTER •Acoustic Removal• Ooo1s • Wood Fences Closet/Garage Organizers I • II b SERVICES HOUSE CLEANING . • CBEnOL!T 9045 MUCID!S 9130 NJSSIUf 9150 UTIQUIS a ------•-----1-llil--llii• CU.SSICS 9250 ~------------------------------------------~ '•7 •uWT9hoet'Trtm •a2 aao•L Coboll blue. Better that1 chertyl Burl dath, OrlQ cones. ~. Rare factory 6·•P· 'M300ZX --------- Huoe dl9c/lrntNd det Dlreot Leaalna ' (714) .....::121"' Red, run• good. ••2 81aok Carvalr Smog cert· Incl. Manual trans. Runs SHOO/obo 650-7880 good. s1eoo OBO. 72.2•tHS LEND A HELPING HAND CBJtYSLER 122.500. 5~3274 ---------.... _______ _ 9050 '84 SOOSEL BJue, OLDSMOBILE 9155 Both vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •KQJ83 <:>K92 OQJ •163 WEST • 109765 Q5 0 109 8 ll •KJ7 SOlTl'H • 42 EAST •A Q A7 0 7643 ... A 1098 4 2 Q QJ 10864 3 OAK 6 •Q '11\41..btddint~ SOl.Ttll WEST l O P- 21:1 3 • p... p ... NORTII l • 4 0 p ... Opening Lead: Six or• The purpose or a double or an oppo11ing game contracl is not. nlways simply to increase lhe reward you get from undertricks. Sometimes you.have t.o give partne.r some help to find the rigM defense Even lhough Ea11t held three nces, lhl're wa11 no reason lo sup- pose t hot four heartfl could be defeated. However, Ea11t foll sure that R 11pode lead would be needed if the hond was to be defeated, hence the lend-directing double. Withoul. ony guidance., Wcat. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 110K miles. Loaded. '88 Le aaron Con-Mint. 58900. 455--46&0, V9"1. Ice blue, main-days. 851-8557, eva. talnod. Full pwr. i OOk mlle1. $5600 583-3274 •ee 420SEL eeaullfUI, Low mlleage, Great 1988 D•LTA88 Ao~•• aroueh•m Fully loaded, V8, dark blue with llghl blue In· lerlor. 9".000 miles. SELL your used vehicle through classffied 842·5878 would probably baYe led a minor suiL Whether Lhe defender 1eleci.ed a diamond or a club, the conlnlct would &hen be unbrttkable. A club would 1ever communication• between the derendera, and a dia- mond would permit dedare.r t.o win and cut thoee lines by immedi1tely FORD 9075 Condi Very Well Main· talned. 723.e149 $3,000 or beat offer. ________ _ 714 574-4287 rel.urning a club. Wetit duly led a t1pade, ond EMt. 1et about. securing a spade rufT'. That. depended only on whether Weit held lhe ace or k.in1 or di&· •ea Muatang 2nd owner. famlly owned. 289 V8, needs paint, 123K ml, $3000. 957.9393 '92 300SE Black, --------- chrome whee1a, PORSCHE Loaded. $56k ml, 9175 $39,900.obo 760-0898 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii monde as lho entry. An.er winnin1 '92 T•urua 8 ayl, at, MERCURY 9135 lhe ace or apades, doea it make any ale. full power' wheel iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '72et1 T T•rga 2.4, good cond, all orig. $8000/obo. Call 8am·5pm: 845-58t 1 difference which minor suit Eftllt covers, atereo/casa, rclurns? $6400. 723-4407 '87 SABLE 80k One --------- J\11 t.hc rtirrercnce in lhe world. Ir '92 Tempo a/I, aJc. owner, no accidents. TOYOTA 9210 F;asl Grat undedc.nda Lhe ace of full power, tinted Pam~~f~;,:9007~,!031'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gfaaa. wnee cvrs. """"""' '"" 11 clubs, there ifl no hope should South S6000. 540-0323 hold a singlet.on king of clubs rat.her •------------------than I.he queen. A ahif\ tn Ule seven '93 T•urua Mini! NISSAN 9150 or diamonds gave the defender 8 white W/tan leather Int. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chance lo let1l both minors for an 33K ml, Sl2,500. or '97 4-Run/Camrr Huge dlsc/lmmed del Direct Leasing (714) 848·t217 make offer. 721-0404 '80 280 ZX Blue/slvr, entry. auto Ilana, --------- Huge dlsc/lmmed dal ra es. re c dummy and immediately led a low Di'rect Leasi·n~ s1600. 543.23e9 hearl. EaRt. 11hot up with the are and underled the ace or clubs. In (7t4) 848·t21 '82 Stenz• 2-<ir '82 VW New motor/ wit.h the king, We11t had no djfficul· •---------hatchback 4 -spd. parts, (Z)bed. Diesel ly in returning a spade, and Eut'a GMC 9081 4-cyl. AM/FM cass. 30 mpg. Exe cond. 51100/obo. 631·7149 $4500. 879·3391 rufTwas the setting trick. '87 515 Exlendedl..--------------~ Cab, white/Ian lnl. shell w/ladder rack, Mint! $8000. 721--0404 Learn t o be a better brld1e player! Subecribe now to the Goren Bridge Letter by CJillinl( (800) 788-1225 for Information. Or write to: Goren Bridl(e Let-1--------- ter, P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, Ill HONDA . 9085 60680. l&11iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- Hove A Garage Sole ! M2-H78 ~1bC~ 1-----------.--~~-----~r---------~'85 Honda Accord BUILDING MATERIALS 6030 GARAGE SALES AUTOMOBILES All steel bulldlnga never pu1 up, blue· prints Incl. Major steel GENERAL 6102 BMW building co. Is liqul· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9030 Hatchback, A/C, 5· spd, AM/FM stereo. $2400/obo. 285·6285. Need A Car? Boner Than Auction Save $1100. $99 Down + small lee Jiffy Auto 991·7296 dating. 40x30 was '78 2002 5·1peed,•---------$7770 will sell for St• g • a G '• • t gun molal gray/tan JEEP 9110 $3980, 50x80 was Gar•g• Sale! Sure-lnl. good cond! $2500. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $ 8 2 0 II It I fire guide $3.00 1• 1 , 7 w1 so or Waypavera Sha un 875·1817 •87 Cherokee Black $9820. Other straight· 92 Corporate Park•---------Limited. Mini cond, all wall avoolable. Ask for C·316 Irvine. 92606 903 5 xlras. Mull see I 95k Chuck 1·800·320-2340 BUICK ml, se7oo. 842-8818 PETS & ANIMALS --------------·------------• ' 0 YQ,5111 MY CM ....... C'-'t Carel OMC CMSA D AM X ' bfl-- ,.., lo-DA.ILY IOIOI )30 w .. -. C--CA '1ll.J7 '"" 6'0·"71 cuu "'" .,,...,.-' .~,..o+t ""-0....-.... -__ ....._ ___ _ g:r g::=, g::..,-:_ a...... a,._,.... o ..... c...... 0•-0-0-... a•~ a ..... ._ a-. .... o .. ~ o c-c.-o..,._ a....., __ oc.... a~........., o..,_ o...,.,. o ... -..- • S 10 lcrt 4 i.... 11 00 ..di 111iliilii•11111S,. ·--------···--------······-· Acid wash 845·87281--------- Paredlse Cove Pools WALL Ouahty Pool/Spa Svc. COVERINGS 3932 Re pa Ir • Algaeslde lii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Acid Wash 549-2849 Farthing Interiors Loc'd Mark 838·7300 ADDITIONS REMODELING 3410 CLEANING 3515 Local Area. Xlnt Ref's. DRYWALL Yolanda 83 t ·5987 SERVICE 3584 Fencestdocks/room add Roofs/general repairs. Comm/Res. Reis Free Est John · 847·5520 Watch/Jewolry Repair Anllquo • Fino Jewelry Ouallly Job. Free HI. L#569897 83S.8888 ROOFING 3910 Olscounl Wallcoverlng L#580875 873·t212 Buy/sell/trade 873·03851---------PUBLIC NOTICE •BISHOP PAINTING iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii We O•la should hang •SPOT REMOVAL• Tho Calif. Public Utlll· Prompt quat ivc. Atas S Aoademr Rooflng together. Strip, Install, Bleach/rod spots. COMPUTERS 3556 Ennis's Uc'd Drywall HOME SERVICES LANDSCAPE •· Ilea Commission RE· Texture•Wallcoverlngs Re·roofa & Repairs advice lo tho crazy. Comploto clean & dye & Palnllng. Acoustic/ Anything & Everything i;a; QUIRES lhat all used L704332 Rell 969·2407 Fully lnsured·Bondod 831·211 t Anytime Free est 979·2098 MACMEDIC •Care for Wallpaper Removal. Free Estimate. Roi's. liLAiiiWiiiNiiiCARiiiiiiEiiiii3iii8iiOii8 houaehold goods Free EaUmatea Jeffrie• Construc tion Addltoons/Remodollng 20 Years Exp-Insured L605846 7 t 9·2908 CERAMIC TILES Pal h k 240 t t 59 Mlch••I 758·1440 lk•'• C ustom Painting L648959 997 0038 Macintosh Computers c wor • ....,,,,.,,,.,,.,,...-=--..,.--.,..,...-movers print theit Prof, Clean, Quality • WINDOWS 3934 in your hme/orc. Low/ Full Service & Repair MSM Construction B•slc Yard M•lnt P.U.C. Cal T number: Work. Int/Ext & Docka. BALBOA ROOFING CO liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3528 hollrtyrato. 873-8819 ·Acoustic Removal· Romodels & RepaTts. Lawn/cln-upa/tree trim limos and chautfeura Li11703468 831·4810 Ouallty Work Guarnt'd Amerlc•n Window Need A Computer? Custom hand te>elures. Pain ting lnt./Ext. 1prlnklr/aerote. Thatch print their T.C.P. num· ---------• Rorool/Repalr FrH Est Cle•nlng McC•ua land Conatructl'on Co. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii R r /Mlk / .. 42 1197 Ll696327 982·2438 631 ·4422 Pg·413·8142 ber In all advertise· PAINTING 289·8 t 90 Lie/In• 831 ·5081 Leaky Showers Rap'd Wo'll help you pick 0 9 0 v • ments. 11 you have a Conscientious cratla· Satisfaction Is AIWayt Rogroullng & lnstall'n lho right system, find NO JOB TOO SMALL Butch'• Gardng, sprln· quelllon about Iha le· man. Old-fashioned •SADLBR ROOFING Guaranteedll Addotlons/Remodollng Design To Complellon L35320/547·8737 L670130 Dean or T ile the besl deal, and 181 _D_R_IVE __ W_A_Y_S __ 3_5_8_5 Doors. windows, aloe· klrs, ln1toll/repalr, cln· gollty of a mover, llmo pride In workmanship. Licensed & Insured D•v• 222•2350 673-8065 or 846-8526 ii up '" your home for lrlcal, etc. Ul614248 ups, tr trimming, to·V o r chauffeur. call: Free E1t. All reroof M~l•s Construction Addotoont & remodeftng e437·7322• UCl576875. Insured 599. Call Robert al iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Peter, 848·7358 lites. 548-0309 c.M Public UliliUes Peter• Painting gu11antffd. 87~M5095 Newport T ile & Marble SCI (714t434-1931 Dr. Drlvewar Commlulon 20 Years Experience Fino Crahsmanshlp... Why not Redo your P•lnt/Drywall Landscape Remodeling 714·558·4151 Free E1llmatH At Affordable Prices. 1---------0 1 d A 1 P h a 1 t? ? Carpentf'Y/R•palra Yatd tune up"'1alntanaca,1_________ Interiors and Exteriors REMODELING Showers/Countert/Flrs CONCRETE & UcenHd Since 1972 Small Jobs/Free Est. tandso.pe/artlsllc d11ign. Dibernardo'• Moving Relerral. 854-05t2 Natural Stone & Marble MASONRY 3557 Expettll 539•3702 Rots/Bob 549-8941 Contrac1011C27~006. Local/Offlce/Slorage & ADDmONS 3916 Fplcs L645486 842·2.214 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Semi Rttlttd Contractor Pron & Elhlcal. 645-7505 long Dist. Freo Est. ---------•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CARPENTRY 3510 --------Brick, Block, Stone, Tlte•-E-Y-eCTRI--CAL---3-6- 1 - 0 Repairs, lmprovemenls, --N--E .... W-L""'EAI____ Tl181632 979•3 t 14 PIANO & VOCAL A•K M• AllOUT ••• CLEANING Cone, Patio, Driveway ~ sm job1. Ouality/ln~ri~ Landscape & Ma•onry lpllt lacond Moving LESSONS 3868 RemOdellngeAddlllonl Semi Retired 50yra or SERVICES 3548 Fplc, BBOa. Ref. 25 Yrliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I care, Ken 142·1 7 Dealgn/Bulld/Ramodel Prof Movarsl 24Hr Srv iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil & R•ra.lra. No Job Too satlsfd cusl. 011. plmb iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Exp. Terry 957.7994 Small .lob EXPERT Llc.,lna. 748.0487 70ay/Sr Oltc/Tl1711452 •Plano LeHona• Small Bob 848·8•23 I fl d 11 D El 1 I 432·912:1/P-346·5850 t:~: J:r~· 8~~.o'87 A TOUCH OF CLASS * Best Price/Quality L.cx:a~O~~~k R::~~n .. HAUUNG 3720 Bh•n•'• O•rdentng D•t1H• Teacher Farthing lnt•rlora Cleaning. Res/Comm Lndscape, brick, sine L1275870 890-7042 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii & L•ndeu~lno. Lawn A8C MOVING SeglnnlnQ to ClaHlc• l<itchen/Bath/Remodel H•ndvm•n/Remodel Lie/Bonded. Free E1t. concr. 800.78 .. 1007 care lntttll n/Removel Quick. Careful, And Lp 840-1947 Am Addltlot1a Vita/MC Add1tlon1, Balh, Kitch TofH 282·7143•-.-.-X-P_•_R_T_t_B_lk_wa_l_lt, Llo'd Contr•ctor JUNK TO THE DUMP Sprinklers 948·5801 Courteous. Over 20 l.4'600870 e13·1812 Fire-Water Damage •BOSI HOUSECLEANING brick, conet\, stucco. ·Small Job Speclali1t· H!~1~n4-g9~:;:y•8!~1t ---------Years Experience _P_L_U_M_B_I_N_G __ 3_8_n_o_• Elec, Plumb. & Paint llcenHd·Bonded Rpta. 25V'r Exp. Low$ Fans • light• • Spa the Traah Men won't! LEGAL LT138041 952.0410 • _S_P_R_l_ann--e-.S--3-9_2_1 Newport area. lmmod s1o.oo per hour. Joa• 531·7943 Demand Elect. 6"5·3656 988,1883 ••~ Page 714·227·8122 7t4·048.03eB New LUf' •----------------SEIVJCES c AR p e HT Ry. -.-=.,...,.,..,g....,h....,t,........,H,,.-••_O_l,_n..,.ln_g_ Landscape' Maaonry GARAGE TW•NTY DOLLAR 3812 PARTIES a OCCASIONS ----- Cou"lry furn•Cabln•I• EuropHn Ptof'I. BHt Oealgn/Bulld/AernOdel HAULER/CLEAN-UP Rea•Remod•l694f44 In town! Rora 5Yra !xp. Uc.,lnt. 148"°487 DOORS 3678 JOHN eao.te28 554·2138 Pg.246..ot59 Grace 2St·9495 l&&iiiiiiiiiiii•iiiii A to z HANDYMAll Custom HH CIHnlng ,_C_O_N_T_•_ •CT_O_R_S __ INST AWfU:F AC& CAB~ETS D a I a 11 e 0 S er v I c e ~ K1lchen1, b1th1, doors, RH/Small Bualneaa GENEW. 3558 wmdowt. Doug 54f.7258 Laurie 973·8012 liii•••••••• RENT through classified I I ... T' • ...---. -