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1999-03-06 - Orange Coast Pilot
;-· Inside The best local real estate SERV1NG lHE NEWPORT -MESA COM.NtUNmES SINCE 1907 SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1999 Former .teacher sues .district, union -. . • Anshoo Lal-Gabe, who taught in Newport-Mesa for 5 months, claims she was wrongly fired and peers didn't fight for her. ~ffot NEWPORT-MESA -A former teacher in the Newport-Mesa Unified School Distnct is suing both the district and its teachers union, alleging the district fired her without cause and the union failed to adequately represent her interests. Anshoo Lal-Gabe, an e ngineer, was hired 1Tl August 1997 for a temporary position at a special high school program the d.lstrict operates at Orange Coast Col- lege. She was let go in January 1998. Because she was a tempo- rary teacher and did not have tenure, district offioals did not I I ' give her a reason for her dis~ rrussal. LaJ-Gabe filed separate law- suits against the district and union m Hcubor Justice Center; last month. She charge'd both with violating her civil rights -the d.lstrict in firing her, and the union ID not standing up for her. She is seeking about $30,000 in lost wages in each case. Superintendent Robert Barbot said no one in his office had heard of the suit, and privacy laws pre- vented hjm from commenting on personnel matters. l..mda Mook, president of the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers, said she thought Lctl- Gabe's suit against the teachers · union would be thrown o ut because the courts do nut have jurisdiction over the gro unds of the sult. Such issues are the purview of 'the Public Employees Relations Board, Mook said. In her suit agdmst the d.lstnct, Lal-Gabe charges that she should not have been hired as a tempo· rary teacher because she was not actually replacing anybod} Ra ther she should have been hired as a probationary teacher, which would have made it harder for the d.lstrict to terminate her Lal-Gabe said. I According to the state educa- tion code, teachers may be lured on a temporary basis only in very specific clicumstances, such a~ when they are replacing someone who 1.S on matenuty leave Tern· porary teachers ~o not have the scune due process nghts as other pro~tionary 'Clnd tenured tedch· ers ,: District ofbc1~ said they rnul<..I not comment on a pen.onnel mdt ter, but Barbot scud the distn<:t 101- lows state laws m hmng Lal-Gabe has also charged that district officials discnnundtt.>d dgainst her because she is tt woman, of Indian de~cent dnd SEE TEACHER PAGE A 19 Judge heats arguments on fair legal fees • Attorney for 2 Costa Mesa wome.n tells judge that $3.3 million bill from the Orange County Fair over amphitheater lawsuit was an injustice. lb:, Ph COSTA f\.1ESA -A Supenor Court Judge has yet to decide how much, if dny. of $3 3 nullion m legal fees two residents will hd\.'C to pd\ the Ot;ange County Fdir. Laurie Lusk and Jednnl:! Brown w1•re sldpped with the hefty bill ldst month The two inter. enPd in an antitrust Cd'e the fd1r hlP<f agam .. t the Neder lander Orgamzdtlon, the fomwr owner ol the-Paoi ic Amphithedlre Judge Robert Thoma~ heard argtunents lroit1 attorneys on both sides Friday. Ht• took L'> expeded to rule on the motlon within two weeks The tau sued Nederlander m 1995, dllegmg Nederlander sold it the d01ptutheater kno\\ mg that sound restncbons m the contract of ~die• made tt useless as a concert venue Ne>derlQndt>r rt>portt>d- 1 y settled m June 1998 for $1 h nullion Brown and Lusk intervened m the case, JOmmg SEE LAWSUIT PAGE A 19 PHOTOS BY JUSTIN WARREN I DAllY PILOT Nayell Morales, 16, above foreground, and other girls attend a Save Our Youth meeting at Rea Elementary School to talk about fund-raising and group outings. Below right, Diana Sanchez shares a light moment with the girls while she directs the work.Shop. City manager choice is 'jUst a damn Boy Scout' Save Our Youth center giving girls their due New programs drawing teenage girls back to traditionally male-dominated "Latino site Eu-.1 <..,1 t lblf Pb G irls m the Save Our 'Youth proqram sdy SOY 1s not 1ust for boys. Tued of the mdle-donundtc>d dlmosphNC' at the nonprofit arter·school cC'nle\ for Ldlino youth m Costc1 l\.Iesd, girl~ thNe urged cen- ter director Oscar Santoyo to create some- thing Just for them With a $10,000 renewtthle grant from Bui.lding Lile• Opbons d rnllaborcltive organization of Camp Fire Boys and Glrls Club, TeWmkle school and Youth Employ- ment Services -the girls got Just that ·nus center has always been very male- oriented, with the boxing and the weight SEE GIRLS PAGE A 19 INDEX Boy paralyzed by I-are flu on the m~nd QASSIRB> -·····---... -... -.•.. IS COMMUNllY FORUM _ ....... -•• .J.18 ENTEl'WMMOO ..................... J.16 FAITH --··-·--·· ---·-·······-.>. 2 soom --·--··-.>.1s srom .................................... J 1 •Evan Hirsch is no longer on respirator and was preparing to move from hospital to a rehabilitation center Friday. ~,.,. NEWPORT BEACH -He's not on bis feet yet, but Corona del Mar High student Evan Hirsch, who was para· lyzoo bye rare complication of th nu. is doing so well that h 's leaving the hos· pitaJ and moving to a r habilitation cen- ter. "It' going to tue e lot of work for him to g t b ck,• s~ud ht mother, Gtul Hinch. "But he'i out or th wood , And we are so tharikfu1 for oll the pray rs end support. It's mnd thJs whol old al bearable." For the past week, students at Coro- na del Mar High have worn blue tib· bons In support of the seventh-grader, who was paralyzed Feb 21 by myelitis, e rare complication of the nu. The idea, dreamed up by Evan's ~t friend, Billie Morrow, was to help Evan gel bett r by demonstrating how much everyon at school cared about him. Students al~ raised monoy to huy Evan a tel vtSion and made a ~t of thelll$Clv sporting the bJu rlhbo , which say, •Get Well Evon.• • And 1t seems the blu ribboned up· port rs hav been ranted th ·r wt h Por almost e week, Evan Jay in Chil· drenll JI pital of Orang County, hov- ering between w~ and deeth and sw· fenng from my8Utisl a rare condition that C'&UMI IP6Ml Ould s~. But by·Prlday, liven wu brealhlng Wlthout the 8ld of e respirator, had raised his right arm, moved his toe , and was prepanng to move to St. Jude's ConlinUing Rehabilitation C~nter m Fullerton. •uva.n is m gr t pints,• td his father, Philip HltSch. Oocto bel v ~ hi.5 n will cv ntual· ly walk again, though it coWd take months. he added. Back at 11:chool, news of Evan' progr buoyed pirits m v ry • room. His friend, Billi<" .. ha vowed to do omethmg even mor fahulous than blu ribbons when Evan return to hool But that probably won't happen until th lall •n ha been mu h concern Md m\ldl lo¥ , • Mid Pet Henka. who works ln the hoOl omce ·rm $0 proud Of ow kids. n n,any mu you f4 l lke thiS 11 all worthwbll8. • •Homer Bludau gets rave reviews from friends, colleagues m other c1bes. Inly fib. NEWPORT BEACH -Homer Bludtlu's penoon- a.lity bas been summed up d<> a combmauon ot 1940s movie tar Gary Coop r, toothall y1eat Wal- ter Payton and legendcll) ha ... cball pla}<>r Mickey McUltle. He's not one to lose his temper or he outspoken; even in the m ost pressunzed situations He's a dependable, flSCally con ef.\•ative manag- er -a team player who know hovo to win. \nd with all that, he apparently can 1 •dte ba • ball statisbc~ (rom the begmrung of time. The City Council's top choice for 1t5 new oty mdllager hns gotten nothing hut rave revi •w from the commuruli he has erved smce be tarted Ol1t as a oty manager m 1980. A Texas native, Bludau, 52, dttend d th U-ru- ven;ity of Arizona m Tucsoh, and earned a mast~ MIUENNIUM MOMENT ... • • 'faith "'Daily Pil I -•OllL OF II Tll SPlllT Tll STOIY South .Goast L~ ernacle ,.. dndy trone chriSteson ' This was a wait worth waiti1Jgfor "The opportunity that God sends does not wake up him who is asleep." -Senegalese proverb I was read1ng a magazine in the wait- rng room at my dentist's office recent- ly when I had a sneezing attack. When I tindlJy regained my composure, I said, "Please excuse me. ·ob, God bless you.· came the hearty reply of tbe _ other woman who was also reading and , waiting. "Thank you. God really has blessed me," I said. . + AddNSs: 2525 Pa.irytew Ave., Costa Me$a. The So\lth Coast Thbemacle rents space for worship services from Fairview Community Church. +Telephone: (714) 636-9296 + Denomination: United Pentecostal + Year Established: 1971 + Service times: Sunday school for all ages.meets at 1:15 p.m. Sund4y. The worship service follows at 2 p .m. A midweek Bible study meets at 7:30 p.m . Tuesday + Senior pastor: Jeff Morgan + Pastoral staff: Pet~r Singly Sr., assis- tant pastor; Shannon Lastinger, out- reach coordinator • Size of congregation: 70. + Makeup of congregation: Members come from throughout the greater Orange County area and include a broad range of ages and ethnic back- grounds. • Child' care: Young children stay with their families. · • ~ of 'M>l'Shlp: Exuberant, upbeat and contemporary. 1be worship service includesitinging, music provided by a variety of instruments, prayer, a sermon and an altar call at the end of the sermon. Apparently, that was the perlect thmg to say. For the next 10 minutes, this wonderful woman told me about how God has worked in her life, and how he has blessed her. She also told me about her daughter who lives in Oregon and the many sad struggles she is going through. + iype of sermon: Preaching is Spirif- led on themes straight from the Bible. The themes often focus on deliverance, and the evidence of such deliverance from things such as alcohol, drug, and cigarette addictions, marital problems, and other life struggles is often seen during the altar call each Sunday. · Jeff Morgan ls senior pastor at South Coast Tabemade. • ·Praise God that she is married to such a wonderful man," she said. "I just wish that she would tum her life over to God. That's the only way she'll ever find the strength to deal with her addiction.• • Recent sennon: The title of last Sun- day's sermon was •Blessed Beyond Measure," based on the message of Ephesians 3. from 'the water of life." do this on a larger scale. over Calif omia. A special service will be held at the church at 2 p.m. The ser- vice will be attended by 120-150 young people and will include live music, preaching and an altar call, Pre-event activities will take place March 12. Everyone who is interested is encour- aged to attend. For more information call (714) 636-9296. We both put our magazines back on the table. · "I told my daughter that 1 would do anything for her," she continued. ·1 would move mountains to help her. But for now, I will pray. That's really the best thrng I can do. I pray for all my family every day." • Welcome wagon: Visitors are asked to fill out an information card so that someone from the church can contact them later. Everyone is welcome to vis- it. The church embraces the idea expressed in Revelation 22:17, "Whoso- ever will, let him come and drink freely • Outreach programs: Since the congre- gation meets in the afternoon for wor- ship and Sunday school, members take time in the morning for door-knocking and street evangelism. They share the Gospel story and infoJmation about the church with those who are interested. On one Saturday each month, members • Mission statement The whole Gospel to the whole world. Whosoever will, let him come and drink freely from the water of life. + Interesting note: On March 13, the church will hQst an outreach headed up by young people from 77 churches all I told the woman that her daughter was fortunate to have her as a mother. "I really know haw important moms e)'e, • she sa.id. "You don't know what !rs like to lose a mom until you've actu- elly lived through it. My own mother (lied long ago, but I still miss her every day." "I can't even ~ to imagine what that would be like, I said. ·1 don't even want to thm.k about it. In fact, I called my mom JUSt this morning, and I know she will call me back tonight." "Oh, that's great that your mom has an answenng machine,• she said. "When my mother was alive, she never could figure out what to do with hers." J told her that even though my moth-er IS great with answering machines, 1 had actually left the message with my father. She looked at me with wide eyes and said, •Wow, that's so great, that your parents are still married.• I imme- diately said, "Yes. I am blessed, very blessed· Tilis wonderful woman then said that she IS a grandmother and that she is try- ing to keep up with the tunes. "I have an answenn!rffiachine, fax machine • and, of course. a comp4ter. I even know bow to use the Internet,• she said proudly. • r tell you. when I get a fax from my grandchildren, hot off the machine, I feel the warmth and love like {)was a hug from them. When you become a grandmother, make sure that . you keep up with the times, too. Your grandchildren will love itl And make . rure you pray for ~our family every day. God will love ill" Uruted Meth~ CHRIST OfUROt IY ntE SEA Ou1st Oiurch by the SM seeks to provi:de a loving, nur-~ environment for pralslng MESA VERDE UNITED God and meeting tbe ~tual METHODIST OtUROt fteeds of memben and meads. Mesa Verde . United lbe chUrch also operatel a Methodist Church has the ~I. extended-care ud viliaa: "Every visitor a friend. tutoriD9 program yeeJl!J'OuDd. ~ ~!9'Y member iri ~·" • traditional worship service II worship, featunng a mUslc b8ld on SwxlaY at 9'.30 am., progr8m with several choirs, ii and a contempOrary .ervtca II held on Sunday at 8:30 and 10 hela at 5:30 p.m. Olld aare ii a.m. Child care is av&lable at ~ for ball lliYica 1be bolb Mriices. Adult Bible Rev. GeOi'ge R. Qlll> II -*11' .. m.ty-JDMll at 8:30 a.m; :ud past«. The Chmdi was ~ Swlclay school for kinder- lisbed tn 1932adiiat1400 W. ~ tbrough high school Balboa Blvd .. Newpo1t BMdl. ~ wtl at 10 a.m. Dick POr church IDfOimatioD. call GemV* II .mor pator. The 613-3805. Porta«mmMlmabout CbUldl II 8l_J70t Baker St., tbe peectiool. Cell 87~. CCJltA,..... Oil~. .... and ODOWD~~ fiom a woa&p tWID a Choir. Wor- lbtp ~ ~.:luDday at 10 •.m."·-R*i ........ povided. :r.~='1.= • 10:2& r.Bfter the children atllmd.tbe early put of the wor- ..., ..wi.t. 11111 McOtlmmt is paltof. The dluidl Is at 2850 Fairview 'Road, (at Adams}, Cost.a Mesa. Call 557-3340. NEW THOUGHT COMMUNrTY CHUICH. SOENCE OF MIND 'J.be New lbought Commu-n1'Y Church, Science of Mind meets at HUS Park Ave., at the COit.a Mesa Coqununity Cen- ter. Meditation it on Sunday at 10:15 a.m., folk>Wed by a wor- ship service at 10:30 a.m. Child care and SundaY ,JIC:hool are pri:Mded. Gal1 Mllm is senior pub. Call 64Wtl8. Unltarlan UnlwrsaliSt .OUNGI COAST :.1. •· ~UNNll&WST n. C04lll Unitarl· • wonhips on F A I T H C .A L E N D I R SPEOAL EVENTS: OfOIR PERFORMANCE The combined Children's Choirs of ~t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church apd the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church will present a musical titled •oown by the Creek Bank" at 6 p.m. Sunday in the sanctuary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. Admission is free. For more infor- mation, call (949) 574-2253. A TIME FOR WORSHIP St. Matthew's 1iaditiona1 Episco- pal Church, 1723 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach, will present ·An Introduction to Anglican Faith & Practice" at 9 a.m. Sunday at the church. Worship services are at 8 and 10:15 a.m. For more infonna· ti.on, call (949) 646-1152. GREAT DISCUSSIONS I "The Ears of Christ to Hear 0 Prayers• will be presented at p.m. Wednesday at Newport H bor Lutheran Church, 798 Dov Drive, Newport Beach. A so supper will be served at 6 p. Admission is free. For more info mation, call (949) 548-3631. . CLASSES/WQRKSHOP5 REMEMBERING SERIES Our Lady Queen of Ange Church will present a rem bering series titled •Co Home" at 6: 15 p .m. Sunday at church, 2046 Mar Vtsta Ori Newport Beach. The series i.{ f IDactive Catholics who would to participate or listen to o non]Uagmental discussions. series also is designed for who have experienced divorc alienation or shame and longer feel at home in Catholic community. Child care available. For more inf ormati call 721-0496. DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHO A six-we.ek workshop title "Mending Broken Hearts" I was almost sorry wtien Nancy, my dental hygienist, came for me. Usually, I don't like to wait long for appoinbnents. But that was a wait worth waiting for. And you can quote me on that. .• ., at 10:30 am; Child A Great Decisions discussion titled •t.attn America -A Broad Overview," based on balanced articles in Foreign Policy Associa- tion study material, will be pre- sented from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Mon- day at St. Mar~ Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. A $12 study guide can be purchased for the remaining six weeks of discus- sions. For more information, call (949) 644-1341. be presented from 7 to 9 p. Mondays through March 29 the Vmeyard Christian Pello ship Newport Beach, 102 E . • Cindy 1'11M Crlftelon Is I Newport Beach resident who spe1ks frequentty to parenting groups. She an be reached vi• e-mail •t (fndyOonthegrow.com or through the mail at p.o. Box 6140-3505, Newport Buch 92658. READERS ttQTUNE (949) 642-6086 Record your c:iomments about the Dally Piiot or news ttps. ADDRESS VOL 93, NO. 55 Our .ctdr• Is 330 w. hy St.. o.t. Mts.I, CA 92627. THOMAS H. J0MNS0N. ~ky to prompt· P\i>llsher WIUIAM L09DB.L, Editor ly corr«t •II errors of subst1nce. STIVIM.Yml, PlelSe Clll (949) 574-4268. Man~OI' m Newpcw1 IMctVCost• ~ TINA nA. Assistant M•= Editor == (USPS-14"00) Is AWTMJA IDCI. Monday through S.t· ~~ Ufdlfl/. In HwJJ)Ort 11..ch Ind ~ aublcripuons.,. News Editor only by sublaibl'<lc: . f!IOGIR~ :rhe Times Ortnge County ) Sports Edltot 252-9141. In.,.. outlide of .... wport lwtt and Coftl MtM. MMCMM'TW!l "10to rcttor .tublcttptb11 to the Dally l'tlot LYMWmml.A. 1¥ ...... oi.ty .. by"'*' fof' ~AMnlllng $10 pet rnonch Second ct. =paid .t ~Mesa. CA NO"IOll ... lndudtell~ CJllllfltd ~ ft* IN toe.I tue) "°5TMAS-LAMIOl••DllL Ttft! send .... ~ to ~cwuodcu The N9wpott ~MIN .......... o.lly Not. '-0. ICli ,. ec.t.a CNef Alwldll Off'lcli ,.._,CA 92626. ~No I :1,, news stories. lllustratton5, edit\> rial matter or lldYeftlsements herein c.n be ..-produmd wfth.. out written permission of copy- right. own«. HOW JO BEAot US OKullrdon The 11me1 Or1nge county (800) 252·9141 ~ OISSifled (949) 642-567& Ofsplty (949) 642""4321 EclJtloNI News (M9) 642·5AO Sports (949) 574""422] rMws. Sports Fu (949) 646-4170 E·mall. <MllypUC>t9HrtMnk.net ~<>Mot IUlinesa Office (949) 642-4321 luiineu fu ("49) 631-7126 l"Ubtahed bV '"' llme~Nlwl, •~Minot~ ~ "'*"G.~ '"9ldlnt n cro ......... ~ Wit~ Gen«ll Mltllfl' 91'111 llrMI Ot M tW* """* .. ==~~ ..-...n.cbudti at 1259 :•.•--H~Mesa. can LENTEN SERVICES Midweek Lenten services titled er St., Costa Mesa. Child care offered with pre-registratio Admission is $15 and lnclud materials. For more tntormatio call (714) 556-8463. WEATHER TBIW'IRAlUlllS the 1ftemoon Balboa 58146 TlDU Corona del Mar TODAY 58147 First low Cost.I Mesi 5;31 a.m ........ 1.1 59147 First high Newport Beach 11:26 a.m ...... 3.7 58146 Secohd low Newport coast 5:21 p.m ........ 1.3 58147 Second high SUN' PCMICAST 11:~5 p.m ..•..•. 4.3 LOCATION SIZE SUNDAY Wtdge ............. 2""4w First low ~ .......... 2 ... w 6:2l e.m ..•••••• ,,, Blacki.1 ... .. . •.. 2""4 w Flnthlgh Rivet Jetty ... 2""4w CdM "•···· ...... 2""4w 12:16 p.m ••••••• :u S«.ond low • 5·47 p.m ...•.••• 1.7 IOATINCI V1riabet morning Second high after midnight Winds It reto to I knobb«~ west~ .... .t 10 to 15 lcnOts bV ~S6 j , SURF The swell Is out of the~ every 10 seconds fof waist· to shoulder-high sets. Waves 1t the points end reefs wlll be higher. The swell backs down today. but seu should stlll be fun. Rain Is possl~ ble today. A nOrth-. west :wind swtll Increases by 5unday Wattr visibility and condtttom ire poor to fair. The sun wlll stt M 5 52 p.m. POLICE TIPS • P•rited, occupied yehkles contain!"¥ one °' more persons a,.. espec~lly' slgnlfluht If observed at an unusu.I hour. They could be possible lookouts for a burglary In progress, ewn If the occupants appear to be loven. • Any vehicle moving slowly and wltho\lt lights or following a courM tNt •we•rs •lmleu or reqetitive Is suspicious. Occu- Plnts ml)' be casing for plac:e5 to rob or burglarl:ie. • Apparent business tr1nsactlons 'Conducted from a v~lcle, esp«l1lly 1round schools or parks •nd If juveniles 1re lnvo!Wd, could mean possible drug sal.,, • Persons being fOfced Into vehkles -espedllly If they art Juveniles or femaleS -may mean • possible kidnapping. Record the lkem. plates and call police. • The ~ Yfhicle perttid on your bfoCk rrwt be Jtolei\. Contact ~ing control wfth • lkeme plate n'!mber. • Place gravel outside wlndov4 ~ you're coi .cemed abOtlt prowltn. 'rhe nobe Of tomtone ~ on It wlll ~to aWtyou. • ~llWC*tt ICtMt* Ny bt crtmeS In IA'OI'• ... 0000 --bl ... *"#Ml wetch for """""' ldMllf. .. . ' . t Daily Pilot So1vrday, Morch 6, 1999 A 3 I • I I I • I • I I . I I I I I I I spending time with kidS should be naiional pastime T hink day care ts OK for kidsf Think we don't need to spend those first years with our children? Read on. · One of the hardest things a parent can do when raising a child is to be their athletic coach or manager. Having coached my kids for several seasoflS, I thought I had the situation cmder control, but a few days ago we experienced what has come to be known as "Terrible Tuesday.# The Phillies, the softball team I manage in the Costa Mesa National Little League, was practicing at a local school. We had 11 of our 12 guls at this practice, which included a sur- prise Tuesday appearance by the heavy-hitting Shannon Arnold, who had a soccer com- mitment on previous Tuesdays. Eleven out of 12 is quite good, and I was feeling as if I was • steve smith UP doing something right to have this many girls show up. Then, disaster struck. My daughter, Kaitlyn (a.k .a . "Bean#), age 8 1/2, suffered a bruise from a softball that glanced off her forearm. She tried to continue the warm-up, but eventually she sat down iQ pam. In the dugout. while the other girls were practicing, Bean began to cry. I walked over to her, well aware that these were not the tears of .a sore arm. , "Daddy," Bean said through her tears, •I'm no good at base- ball, and I'm rutning all your fun.• At that point, you could have knocked me over with a feather. This parental eye-opener was a bit much for me, and I won- dered what I had done to miss all the previous signs. Bean, you see, is a soccer P.layer. She whlps herself into a frenzy at each contest, and it is common for some adult to have to carry this exhausted kid off the field at the end of each peri- od. Bean adores soccer, but can- not muster the same enthusiasm for softball. I, on the other hand, enjoy soccer but live· for base- ball. Managing this team is a huge thrill, but a blind man . -. could see what I had missed - she was participating in softball just to please me. Or so I · tttought. After about 20 minutes, Bean managed to make 1t to bat and then take her place at shortstop, but it was a halfhearted effort. ~n she returned to the dugout, we had a tete-a-tete. I told Bean that if she was not enjoying softball, she did not have to play, and that we could . try something else. But it was clear that she did not want to disappoint me. She replied that she did not know what to do Driving home after practice, I noticed that she was smiling and laughing, relieved at the end of the pressure of havmg lo perform !or her dad. That rught as I tucked her in, I told her once again that sbe didn't have to play if she didn't want to. l even offered to find .another team on which she could play. if that would make things better. but she would have none of . that. Finally. she unburdened herself. When I asked her why she was playing softball when her heart was not in it, she looked at me and said, ·u I don't play, I don't get to see you as much." I don't believe there is a dad on the planet who has spent more time with his kids over the past five years than I have with mine. Until our youngest sldrted school last September, one or both of our children was with me every mgle day. Bedll' comment was.not coming f1om ome msecure little kid. I te1 remark was sunply more evt· <ience that time is the must important thing we can give to .. our children. Tune is something thdt no toy, nice house or fancy clothes can' ever replact . and hPre is proof. After five YPdrs Of being with her dad night and ddy, she wanted still mor" turn" together. I lrnow that there's d big iuc;, dbout a new study revectling thdt kids in day care who do not spend their early years with their parents do 1ust dS weU dS dt-pome kids, but I'm not huy- mg d word of it It's h<>gV'dsh And if you don't cdfe whdt I trunk, ask Bean tor her opuuon • STEVE SMITff 1~ a Costa Mes.a re~ dent and free-lance writer. He can be reached at (949) 574-2462 or by e mail at stsmth 1901dt.net Ma" Order BLACK MOUNTAIN Advantage 1 O Recommended by Dean Omish, MD 1.(800) . S9Sr (6Mf7) -- Eat 8 Cook Right Premium Spring Water •Sprh.g 49"-• Distilled ~ REG .. 99' 1.5 L Fat-Free ~ve OrgaOic Polenta • Swi Dried Tumato &: J're.<xKJltal ~Ita&an S•99 . REG. '3.39 & 24 oz. !\ t l . 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The hvine Marriott Hotel _ ~ Seating A~1e. For More Information ( 18000 Min 1"'mwn • Mld.aon-Nut lo 0. 405 &wJ Call 1-( 800) 595-MOMS ( 6667) THE GREATEST VITAMIN SALE IN TOWN! !?!!f J!!l}!!!'i. SJ:lllf99 MAM., Mqanew, Vitamin c &: D t I ~ REG. '28.95 120 Quick..SOlv Tabs BONE-UP =C41dum $ MiaoCl)'dallfne ~ with Boron + Protein REG. '23. 95 240 caps BONE-UP Ve,etarian Fonnula ~.fr calchan citrate with Wtamlnt, atrad .t Ytm eooeentrate REG. 112. FARM FRESH PRODUCE Qdquita Farm Frelb Bananas Alparag ~on's~F~ine__.s...,t I s19\. YOU SAVE $3 96! MICHAELS I . . I A 4 Saturday, Morch 6, 1999 District puts extra effort .into reading • C~omia 's poor showing 'on llfltlOnal test doesn't reflect upon Newport-Mesa, which didn't participate, but locci.l officials still , say scores are top priority this year. Jt-~.,l<.A C \RHJSON !bly~. I ,• NEWPORT-MESfl -Students in the New- port-Mesa Unilied -School Dlstnct last year did not participate m the National Ac;sessment of Educational Progress, the test that on Thursday earned California the shameful position of sec- ond to last in the nahon m reading. But school ofhetals said Fnday that improv- ing children's reftdmg scores is. the district's top priority this yeM . "No .... tudcnt should leave school without betng able to read eflecbvely, so they can be effective students m co!Jege and effective read- ers on the job," sdtd Julie Chan, the school dis- tricts readmg expert: "It 1s our duty to make sure that every child can read to the best of his or her ability.· On last spnng's Stanford-9 standardized test, students m the district scored above national averagei. m rcadmg, though there was a great . dispanty between district schools. Schools in' wealthy areas did signif1canUy better than schools in poorer areas. ' \ When he arrived in the district last summer, Superintendf'nt Rob<>rt Barbot decided Chan, who has a doctorate in reading and had been overseeing all cumcuJum and assessment in the dlstrict, would focus only on reading. The two have set a d1striclwlde goal to have every child raise thPir reading scores by 10 points by the end of the year. . KIM HAGGERTY-ZVUUS I OAllY PILOT To that end, Chan hrts put m place a number of programs, including: 'Il'aylor Pacific employee Mike Ruble directs traffic on the Balboa lsland Bridge oti Wednesday afternoon. Construction crews have shut down the eastside lane of the bridge since Monday to drill and drive pilings as part of a project to make it more earthquake-safe. • Asking principals dnd teachers to focus on reading m every area of the curriculum and every lesson they plan. _ • Providing teachers with lest scores and reports about every student, so they can better meet children's needs. Balboa Island Bridge retrofit means closed lanes, traffic delays • Training every teacher in different methods of reading instruction and m figuring out what is keeping students from reading. • Malung surf' parents understand the importance of reading to their children. To do this, schools are sponsonng programs such as family literacy rughts and making sure children have books a l home Distnct students will take the Stanford-9 assessment tests beginning March 29 and con- tinuing through April 29. )' NEWPORT BEACH -Work is continuing on the Balboa Island Bridge retrofit project, which may include l~e closures and other traffic delays, said Newport Beach project e ngineer Lloyd Dalton. Crews are making the 69-year-old bridge more earthquake-safe by installing 10 large pilings along either side of the structure. The large crane that drivers have seen near the bridge was used to bring the 5-foot-wide pil- ings in, and may be used again to dti- ve the piles deeper into the ground, Dalton said. The $2 million project, which is being paid for with federal funds, should be completed by the end of May. Dalton said city staff . also are preparing design plans for two con- crete walkways, in addition to the existing 8-foot-wide sidewalks. Balboa Island residents believe the added walkways will make the bridge more aesthetically pleasing because they will hide the large pilings, and safer because they will allow more room for bicyclists and pedestrians. The City Council will decide whether to spend the extra $200,000 to $500,000 needed for the walkways once the design plans are complete, Dalton said. A stat~-mandated study following the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 found that the Balboa Island Bridge could collapse in a major earthquake, due to a lack of sturdy frames that would prevent it from' shaking side- ways. The bridge was retrofitted once-- before, in 1980, after the 1971 Sylmar earthquake, but the 1989 incident caused the stat~ to reanalyze 25,000 publicly owned bridges. -: Jenifer Ragland Carpet Your, Entire Home "A Profile of the Model Church" (Acts 11:19.-30; 13:1-3) FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 VJO Lido. Nowport Becx:h 673 .. 1340 or 673 6150 Chureh Io am & 5 pn, SUnclay School I 0 am Wld'aday MoMlngl. pa\ '4~~~~~!F Corona dd Jd.ar • 6«-0463 Oiir f'NrJXW ii ~ hilw Chnsr /wt 111 iu ;,, orrkr tha1 ;,, Christ wr l'MJ bw foirhfaJ 11,,J /rodllltiw CbriJ1111n liws. The Rn'd Peter 0 . Haynes, Rector SUNDAYSCHEDUU a.oo ..... .Famnt ·10.00 LOI. Gonl Eamnt & a....dl Sd.ool -sm~:zSa.1t& SECOND CHURCH OF CHRISt SCIENTIST 3100 fOcWc Wtw Or., Nowpor.t Boach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Olurch lOam sunoay ScOOol 10 am ~~tpn• 111~ 12noon ~ .,.. /,/uml of JM Lortl ""1kll .Mk IMiHll """"""" P.lmt l lS1U' ST. MARK PREsBVTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 Jamboree & Eastblutr in Newport Beach ' Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 798 Dover Dr. Ne~ -..Oh Tradltlon•I Luther•n Worahlp 8erYlc• with Holy Communion SUl'Mlay91111am ~lducat• ferd .... 10tl0aM ................. ....... , '7.00'"" © COMMUNITY CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH Of CHRIST TO 8tltw 1' to c..; TO Cn ii to DO. Brue. Van 8l•ir1 Minister Worship Service SAM a 10AM Ouch School for Adults 9AM Church School fot Children 1 OAM Child Cere Provldtd 611 Heliottopie Ntt, CCWOM del Mar .... 1 9 HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH .i_ (Dlaclplea ~f Christ) 2401 lrvlne Ave. at Santa laabel • Newport BHch Sunday Worship -1.0:00AM Coata MeMI MISA VIRDI UNmD MITHODIST CHURCH 1701 a.ker, C.M. Worahlp & Church School 8t30 ond 1 OtOO o.m. Dr. Richard 979-823A NllWPOllT CaNTIER UNITSD MITHODISf CHURCH t 60 t Marauente Av•. Corona def MM 644-0745 Worship at S:OOAM & I o :OOAM Children Sunday SchoOI I O:OOAM Jr. & Sr: High S:OOPM with Plush or Berber for only ., Aulhorllec10.....Fot $ 4 9900 UP T. 0 3 MOS SAME AS CASH 0.A.C VINYL * WOOD * MARBLE * TILE Commercial • Residential Sales & Service Full line of Woo, Woven Axrmnster & Sisal Carpetino Avattabte 1904 Harbor Boulevard • Coata Me .. ._:.:~"-l:.-;:;;u:::--~-~ N.E. Corner· of Harbor & 19th Stre:et (949) 722-9642 Vlslt us on the web at www.carpetdepot.net ale DRESS Aeg.$1'f '54 f ~ow to Get to Orange Couney'S ~ --• r. P~rkihg for .the Toshiba Senior Classic .I · Saturday and Sunday only Fashion Island -------' I Monday through Friday only '--------- Parking N ewport Beach Country Club A Clubhouse (credentials required for access) B VIP (credentials required for access) lrvi~ Terrace C Media (enter at Hyatt Newporter -credentials required for access) D Public Parking Lot-Monday through Friday (non-credentialed) . . . E Public Parking Lot-Saturday through Sunday (non-credentialed) Please look for directional signage to parking lots upon arrival in Newport Beach. TITLE SPONSOR DIAMOND SPONSORS • HI COPlllll •PAX TD H Computer l11tenn DI~• ... ~• ' .. \ TOSHIBA c •• -Tht':-e Guys Are GotJd Benefiting Hoag Hospital Advance -Purchase Tickets Week-Long Badges Begin at Available at: ,..,Roger Dunn Golj Shops ,.., PacBell PCS Stores (participating lornt1011s) ETM ~ lltXm AT T• TIMKM Of A IVTTOI www.em.com i. 888 ETM.:rlXS GOLD SPONSORS ·~ u I' . . 'I A6 Former Costa Mestt May.or RobertM. Wilson Is writing a book about the htstOry of the city. The Costa Mesa His- torical Society ls . helping publli;h "from Goat Hill to Costa Mesa- Clty of the Art<J." MffT ()llll Ml .. MRFRS Merobcr for ~ yl·.m Occupation M111hn of livl & .1 h111h.rnd' Why did you join 'ihapc-Up1 "'lhdpt· lip i. a lou1I nc111hh11rl,,11ul i.:ym I don't l1k<· the h1!( <.row<l('d h1 .1l1h, lt1h,, .rnJ '-hJJW· Up h.1' cvt 1v1h111~ I 11enl" Goals: Io "·'Y fit for ltk. KIM HAGGERlY-ZVUUS I DAILY PILOT •' Doi . New book details first days of Costa Mes In the beginning. ' JP.IRAN l.AsuAJ ~ffol A s. someone wh. o helped shape the city of Costa Mesa, Robert Wilson has plenty of stones to tell. In hiS first book, "From Goat Hill to Costa Mesa -City of the Arts," Wilson tells about his personal relationship with the city and gives an in·depth historical view. · ' Wilson began his; cctreef servin{J Costa J;.1esa in 1952, ~chairman of the Home Rule · Group, which put together plans to incorpo- rate the city. "For one year, we worked our fannies off trying to get funds and a group together,• Wil- son said. In June 1953, a measure pa5sed to form the city and five councilmen were elected. The city had no money, so tP.e five councilmen each donated $50 from their own pockets. •from Goat Hill to CoBta .Mesa-City ol the Arts" • • • With $250 in the treasury, they were deter- mined to hire the people needed to make a city run. "The coun?Imen were frugal," said Wil- son, 81. "They were businessmen. None of them even bad an AA (degree). They were all self-made men." · · from the beginning, the residents of the new city had. great pride. With its nearest competitor being Newport Beach, the new city wanted to be the best, Wilson said,_ "They {Newport Beacli) had all the money and pow- er. We had nothing but a pile of dirt." In his book, Wilson recounts his 23 years serving the city, including stints as mayor from 1964-66. 1970-72 and 1975-76. Every former mayor,' police chief and' city manager has writ- ' ten a chapter, .as have other people, including members of the Segerstrom family. Wilson said he has worked on the book for the past three years, but didn't have to do . much research. During rus· 23 years servin the city, Wilson kept meticulous records o every agendaJ&Sed for city meetings. He kep all newspaper clippings and nearly every thing else ever written about Costa Mesa. "I really loved what I was doing,• he said "This city and the people have been '{e good to roe." Proud of his many accomplishments fo r th city, Wilson saicl he takes the most pride fro .ills work with the U.S. Conference of Mayo While working with the mayors, Wilso helped establish a mandatory 10-year sen tence for anyone caught using an explosiv device. Several states have adopted the sen tencing guidelirle, Wilson said. The Costa Mesa Historical Society is help ing publish the book and is seeking donations which can mailed to Costa Mesa History, cl Costa Mesa Historical Society, P.O. Box 1764 Costa Mesa 92628. B R 1 ·1 F l Y I N T H I N E W S Power outage leaves 500 Edison customers in the dark ~ . Land Resources Inc., said her building shook twice when the power lines crossed. Don't Speculate- Investigate NEWPORT BEACH -A driver in a sport util· ity vehicle struck a power pole support cable Fri- day. morning, interrupting electricity for about 500 customers in a business area, officials said. Tom Boyd, a spokesman for Southern Califor- nia Edison, said the outage began at 10:15 a.m. when the vehicle snapped a supporting cable in the 800 block of West 16th Street. Power poles in the area began to swing after the accidentr and 12,000-volt lines crossed. causing a temporary blackout that stretched east from Newport Boule- vard and west to Whittier Avenue. No injuries "I thought it was an airplane accident,• she said. "It felt like the building was being attacked." The nearby 550-student Carden Hall private school evacuated its students during the black- out. . Boyd said most customers had their power restored within an hour after the accident, although it took several hours for about 60 cus- tomers to get their electricity back. Santoni, Skrifvars a nd Damerell Quality, Discreet Investigations Since 1975 Domestic Investigations Background Investigations Locate Investigations Asset Investigations Hidden Video Surveillance Criminal Checks Marit al Surveillance New Hire Screenings C,11 Toll Free CAL. Uc. Pl 12689 800 966-5 71 5 Gip Barto · Member for: 7 yl·.u' What arc yuur results: "'ltrcn111h HarninH hJ\ given ml· mun ddinrunn .rnd rnor(' cndurdnlc for die \f'Orl\ I lovl· (tcnni~. \nowhoa1dtn14 IX 'k11ng)." What do you like about Shape-Up "I like thctr 'iPINNINC cla.\Sc\, Pcr\onal I r,trnt•r\ and \m·ngth trainmg equipment. ..,lupc· Up hd' grc.'3t 'crvtee & a fncndly atmt>~phcrc I like iu ~null town fed." were reported. · Janeta Hadley Zoller, office manager at TRG Mattress Outlet Stor BRAND NEW · COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best tor Less! ! l -Paul Chavez 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa One Block South of 405 Fwy • • I . 545-7168 . Why Buy Here? Lowest Guaranteed Prices! "a(s\'-~ ~a1 Cabin Mate s . 22" u pright 27" U pright s24000 29" Upri_ght s2so00 1"i=ii1!11*1!!1·'"'11•1g•w•11a1a& • 10 yr Warranty against defects in materials & workmanship • Premium Quality hardware • In-Line skate wheels provide stable performance • Exterior Pockets for Convenience & Additional Packing Capacity •Rivet-Reinforced Stress Points •Oversized Seff Repairing nylon zippel'S STAGECOACH LUGGAGE & GIFl'S Sale s3999 s10999 s11999 s13999 T11e Original M/K£'$ ~ Celestino's CARPETS OVER 25 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & O perated by Mesa Upholstery ... BERBER PLUSH 20°/o OFF 25°/o OFF with this ad bl 3/13 Large Sel~on of Quality Flooring •Texture •Cable • Plush ••• •Berber •Vinyl •Wood DESIGN CENTER #For All Your Decorating Needs!" \ .. ·-.. .I FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made • Slip · Furniture Covers • Draperies, Shad~ & Bedspreads • Patio Furniture f d t· t l l r \' S ~Ill '\\ r' 11 'r 11 1 ·•I 1 , ' ' '· · ~ ~ • 1 ' 1 : r 111 ·, i • ' I 11 I . • " I . ' ' () -12 -~) 4 () () . ' quality MEATS The Finest Meat and service Available MANNING'S all n11tural. BEEF we o.f/rr "fa.U litn of VF.AL ROCKY "FREE RANGE CHICKENS New at Celestino's Thu Uleek Pork Camitas Beef Pot Roast " with rice & beaiu with potatoct & veg-ctablca $5.99 $6.99 Microwave for 10 min. anti Jinner'l ntUlyl SAUSAGE OP TIU! WEEK MANNING'S All NATURAL BEEP PORTEGUESE LlNGUJSA Ground Chuck ThiJ spk] sal/.SIZgt is 11 fosh AnM"ilk 5 fo $ l l 9 S uUS11ge llM. r • $3 .491b. Stuffed Chicken Brea.at ...... $3.99• wtln ttU f.uhio11rJ st11ffint Stuffed Pork Chop• ............ $3.99.. App/n, '111114#1111 tt .A/bpitt ""'~ t/!u I rw/ t1'UI <Autti,,.', Now ju.NIN• c..,,.,.,, • 0wnu fto• BHri Hull • s.oli.ed Butta- • WIUte a..cw.r (apd 3 yta.) • HmltJ OW • NcW Yolk SWp ·&1 .. a.-·Go-·~ sMot<ED CELESTINO'S SEAFOOD .tt.~ .• f \S" lklivn.J Daily "'"'4 .a SALMON SWORDFISH HALIBUT J2 varieties Q/ l lDm <:-Mud<: SQUSOQCS {,;cJcsUuo:s Bed oe TucJcal JerlsU we CUULI BOO(s Heac1 prqaygs 270 E. 17th 8t. • Coeta ,._. • (Met 141·7111 fl ,., ~ 8:00 to 7:00 Mon ... a. .. 1o-e Sun . r Daily Pilot • CJONL[ArHtUAILYl'1l0l It's a pleasant walk in the trees under the sun for a golfer at Newport Beach Country C lub who takes advantage of clear skies by taking in the links. The weeken d's weather isn't su pposed to be as warm and dry, however, with a forecast for rain and temperatures in the 50s. , ,. Sotvrdoy, Morch 6, 1999 A 1 . Top of classes may soon be growing •Newport-Mesa task force apparently favors honoring top 2% instead of just vale- dictorians cilld salutatonans. Dcitl'b NEWP6RT-MESA -Valedicton-, ans and salutatonans, endangered since a controvernal school bodld coaur_uttee on grades began qu~ tioning lhelt right to exist, are lhc'it much closer lo becoming extmct m the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dlstncl. The Grade Point Average/Gradu- ation TclSk Force, which met· ldst week, ·ts ledning towdrd recom- mending lhe school board honor lht> top 2uu of edch graduation class Had this beE>n in effect last yedf dl New- port I iarbor High, for example. sev- en students out of a graduating cldSs of 359 would htlve been recogmzed School'> would probably also rec- ogn'.ize the top 5 •" and~ top 1 O".. of edch cldss, Sdtd Tom Jacobson, assis- tant supenntc>ndent of secondary education \\ho dbO serves on th<> committee The ldsk force was convened ld!-.I fdll m response to cl controversy cwe1 Ule school lxxml's clects1on to wc>1qh1 honors classes equally witi'l It ... ST.\N\ l-\S l H~ ":j 11\ Advanced Pl(lccroent das •l)lc reason for the c hdOCfl! :as there hdS been a lot ol compeull n going on to be the No. l student in th£' dass. • Jacobson~. "It's yol1~u to the point where students dre l.x•inu mwupulative, taking courses 1ust tor the grade5. • Jacobson Sdid schools m ll"\ Ult' also huvc moved. awdy· from cld~s mr\k, •I am one of the people who rt>al ly pushed 1t because we have nclicu lous clistmctions, • s&d Newport Hd1 bor High School English teach• Martha Toplk. "\'\'hat we're look.mu dt ts hononng groups rather th.11 having d CC?ffipetition, wtuch ..,om1 umes i'i run by parents rdther them students d.Od leads to sonw p11 "' lldSty things • 1l1e committee, which is madt> u11 of students. pdfents, teachers cllld U1• principals lrom each of the clistnrt .., four tugh schools, may also recom- mend that honors classes count f01 hctJl d ~ade point more than regu!dJ rl~~s Advanced placement cldSsP.S- would contlnut> to count or a hill point 111ore than regular cldsses •• •• The conumtt<'t> will me<•I ag _. 1drch 15, dlld J<Kobson sa1d hop<'" lhe}-will he able to n1dke hnal rc~omnwndations to the hoard soon altN lhaL I I I I I I I I I I • Stop Harassing Phone Calls • Save Thousands in Interest JOHN BLOESER C A N.PET ONE- The Oldest Carpet Company in California M011·f•1 9.7 S•1 9 6 1 69 E. 17Tlt ST. COSTA M ESA Auoss f1tOM R•lplts (949) 642 .. 8910 Wl ACCEPT CoMpHit0R's CoupoNs · I Thb coupon may not be comblMd with any ott-disc.ount or 10le price. Discounts do not apply to Murad, AvedQ, s.bo1rion CM' Nu-Skin p(Oducts. I I ~~m~ I .. _________________ .. • One Simple Monthly Payment • lmmed1atte Relief • Housing Counseling rfI METROPOLITAN FINANC IAL MANAGEMENT . The U~commmded Company Si11u 1989 A Non Profit Agency • Customized PfOfPnh Mcmhcr-AIC< CA • Lower Payments [l"l Celebrat ing · Our 120th Anniverary H<'U" \t1•nrf n .. ~ l.,.rm ,,.., ~ Sun l j..""r"" (. \ l k '112K!\ 291.7 S. Brhtol St. • Co~ta Me<.a I 11111< nuth ul ""uth < u.i't l'I u .1\ (714) 751-2324 ~--'• ww-" ; p .. CERAMIC • DRAPERY • VINYL • TILE • BLINDS • WOOD -I • . ' . Doily Pilo PICK OF THI Lltlll It's time to take care of yourself---visit asp Sweet Pea is a female gray tabby who needs a loving, home. If you would like to adopt Sweet Pea, contact the Community Animal Network at (949) 759-3646. .1 - S outb Cout Plaza and Crystal Court not only oiler some of the world's finest shopping, but they also have a collection of spas and salons that are making this des- tination center a getaway, too. The Spa at South Coast Plaza added two treatments to its long list of pampering services. The latest are South Coast Wann Stone The~y aod Hydrothera~ py Tub Service. The warm stone therapy involves heated rocks applied to various, spots on the body -the palms of the hands, undet each foot. between the toes, under the neck -and a massage therapist rubs the rest of the body "YQth warm stones infused with hydrating oil!;. The treatment is meant for skin that has been exposed to· the dry air of Southern California. The treatment lasts 50 to 80 minutes and begins at $100. The hydrotherapy tub service fea- tures a special tub with 150 water jets programmed to deliv- er an array of massages. Aro- matherapy oils· are added to the bath water to enhance the hal- cyon effects of the therapy. The Spa is at 695 Town Center Ori- . ve, Suite 180, Costa Mesa. For • O r ange Coast Christian Leadership Week 11 Breakfast with the Mayors 11 FeatLiring Gu est Sp eak er GARY B AUER Join the Mayors of Costa Mesa, Irvine and Newport Beach at the annual Orange Coast "Breakfast with the Mayors." This event is patterned after the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., which b~gari in 1952 by leaders in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and is still held annually. Mayor Dennis O'Neil of Newport Beach, Mayor Gary Monahan of Costa Mesa, and Mayor Christina Shea of Irvine have proclaimed March 11 ;-1999 to be a day set · G ARY L. BAUER apart for the Breakfast with the Mayors, and the week of March 15th to be Christian Leadership Week. This is a time set aside for the re-dedication of individuals and our nation to God. Gary L. Bauer, formerly president of the Family Research Council, an education and public policy organization, and chairman of ..fvnerican Renewal, a conservative lobbying e>rganization, will share his testimony. Thursday, March 11, 1999 -7 :30 a.m. · Doubletree Hotel 3050 Bristol, Costa Mesa For Information or Reservations . Call (714) 540-4777 - Princess Diana. A haircut with 1111 l .U YI · Caputi ranges from $45 to $85 and color processes range from $50 to $180. Premier Atelier also offers skin care. It performs special skin analysis and treat- ment, including European demif acial for $35 and a deep- cleansing facial for $60. }',or more information, call y?14) . 444-1772. . greer Wylder . more information, call (714) 850-0278. . Premier Atelier Salon opened in December at Crystal Court on the second level across from GapKids. The salon boasts world-class hairstylist Jon Caputi. Caputi's forte is hair coloring -he is one of two peo- ple in North America to practice "microweave# highlighting, and is known for being a master at color correcting. Before coming to Premier Atelier as senior artistic director, Caputi was trained at the renowned Daniel Galvin salon in London and at salons in New York. These salons.have catered to celebri- ties such as Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Cher, Val Kilmer, Richard Gere and the late Georgette Klinger opened her first skin-care salon in New York City in 1940, and today ,. there ar~ eight of them. The South Coast Plaza location is the newest, opening three y.ears ago. The salon specializes in facial treatments, and there are seven variations that address specific complexion concerns. The seven facials include the essential ntne-step facial for $76, the advanced oxygen facial for $85, the intensive skin refin- ing AHA facial.for $95, the llne- solution facial for $105, the fir- mative facial for $105, the 25- plus facial for $105, and the te&nage facial for $60. All of the facial treatments make great guts, and you can purchase gift certificates for them. Georgette Klinger is on the plaza's second level near Saks Fifth Avenue. For more information, call (714) 850-1212. The Aida Grey Spa Salon Decora tive _Outdoor Post La ntern 1 r D, 20· Body Ht. Available in Olde Iron or Copper Bronze Wall Mounts Optional Hodson Lighting Open Tues .• Fri. 9:00-5, Sat. 9-4 151 O Ntwport Blvd., Costa M esa Quality LishtinJ'Service for 30 Yeara (949) 548-9341 " I can't believe ..... . specializes in all kinds of skih care, hair care and nail care. Some of the favorite services offered at the spa are the •pam- pering packages." A full-or half-day package includes a piassage, facial, manicure and pedicure, hairstyling and make- up application. Tbe packages range in price from a full day at $275 to half-day at $215. The Aida Orey Spa Salon is at South Coast Village. For more infor- mation, call (714) 549-3030. The.Salon at Saks Fifth Avenue offers facials, complex- ion problem treatments and hour-long to daylong beauty packages. Facials include the spa European deep cleansing, apothecary herbal skin illumi- nating antioxidant. ceramide ariti-aging, millennium moistur renewal, and the Ardena four- layer. Prices range from $55 to $100. The treatments for com- plexion problems include the eye-contour treatment, the acne treatment, the pigmentation .• · treatment and the scar treat- meI)t. All specialized treatment are $25. For more information, call (714) 540-0830. • BEST BUYS is.f ublished Thursdays and S"turdays. I you know of· a good buy, send a fax to (949) 646-4170 o r write to the Dally Pilot, Best Buys, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa 92627 . ·come in and see our Sefe:;tion of woo{ carpets antf area rugs.· (949) 722-7224 Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 www.rugsandcarpets.com 230 East 17th St. Costa Mesa . It's My Honie Landscaping or re-landscapi!ig is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. KAY MATSON, A.A. C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer FLOWERDALE can make your landsca~ dreams come true, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and discover the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. ~~URSERIES, INC: COMPLETE • SANTA ANA• 2800 N. Tustin Ave. LANDSCAPING (71 4) 633-9200 46 YEARS EXP. Licen.IC No. 308SS3 COSTA MESA • 2700 Bri~I Ave. (714) 754-6661 TER.llY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. J.andtcapc Designer RENEW YOUR FAITH + at a P4rish Mi.ton/Renewal W ith Fr. Cha rles Faso, O.RM Marc h 15-18 at 9am and 7:3 0p m Our Lad}' Queen of Angels Catho(ic Church · 2046 Mar Vi5ta Dr., Newport Beach (949) 644-0200 Ca ll for information Child Ca re Available PLUG IN • Plug into the Pilot Classified sectiOn to find sel'Vla!S from J\nJhr Pilot electronics and plumbers, to landsCa~ and painters UIUl1 . \ ) q : •• " !t 11 A ,,, t! ., IJ 1 I '! ~ d ) q r 1 .. I I 11 ,, 11 'l A N 11 ) 11 1.1 r. T ) ) < n r v ) ) io1 ii JI ) a io1 It q A ) Q 0 ) i 11 l • Dclily Pilot Saturday, Mord\ 6, 1999 A 9 COMMUNITY & CLUIS Charity drives Newport Beach PGA event • Hoag Heart Institute to benefit fro~ next week's Toshiba Senior Classic. EUSB.GIIB ' !ktf Pb ......_....___._ __ ___,, • NEWPORT BEACH c_ The lim de boom Rotary Club taking trees to students G REENING OF NEW- PORT-MESA: Members of the Newport Balboa Rotary Club will continue a 31- year tradition this coming week by distributing 2,200 Eldraica pine saplings.to third-graders attending public and private schools in Costa Mesa and New- J>Ort Beach in celebration of Arbor Day. Club president Richard Ober- reiter said the club has distrib- uted more than 88, 700 trees to third-graders the past 31 years. #This was an event begun by, our member and then club presi- dent Tom Riley [the late Orange County supervisor) 31 years ago, which has contributed a lot to the greening of the Harbor Area," Obeneiter said. · • Club members will go to 29 schools and visit third-grade • classrooms on Monday, leaving a tree for each student and dis· cussinghowtoplantandnurture the tree, said Rotarian Allan Tingey, who chairs the Arbor Day program. A 15-gallon flowering red leaf plum tree, donated by Ann.- strong Nursery, will be planted by the Rotary Club at Paularino School, 1060 Paularino, Costa Mesa, at 8:30 a.m. Newport- Mesa Superintendent Robert Barbot, school board President Serene Stokes and board mem- ber Jim Ferryman will be at the ceremony, which will involve Paularino third-graders. GRANTS TO TEACllERS: The Newport-Mesa Schools :Foundation board of directors will meet Thursday to flnali.ze plans for the Teacher Grant Awards Banquet, set for April 29 at the Hyatt Newporter. The foundation is seeking table spon- sors for teachers receiving awards and is accepting funds for additional grants for teachers above the $100,000 that already has been pledged. To become a sponsor, contact the foundation office at (949) 631-3293. CLUB NEWS: Newport Beach Paramedic Rob Beuch was named Firefighter of the Year for Newport Beach by the Exchange Club of Newport Harbor. The Costa Mesa-Orange Coast Breakfast Llons Club has made a contribution to the Recording for the Blind & Dyslectic. WORTH REPEATING ·-From the Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club newsletter, Scuttlebutt: ·spend less time worrying who's right, and more time deciding what's right." SEJMa O.UB MEETINGS THIS COMING WEEK: Attend a club meet- ing In youf area. 'NESDAY -7:JO e.m.: The New- port Beach Sunrise Rotary Club meets at the Balboa Bay Club. l:JO p.m.: The Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Uons Club meets at the Cosu Mes. Country Club fOf a business meeting. WEDNESDAY -7:15 e.m.: The South Coast Metro Rotary Club will meet at the Center Club for Craft Talks by Teresa ~and Bryan Williams. Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club meets at the Unlvenity Athletic Club. Noon: Soroptlmist International Newport Harbor meets at the Santa Ana Country Club fOf a business meet- ing. Costa Mesa Rotary Club meets at Mesa Verde Country Club. Exchange Club of the Orange Coast meet:s at the a.hi• Corinthian Yadlt Club. t p.m.: Newport-Balboa Rotary Club meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for• program by Janice eris. 1MURIDAY -7'.JO e.m.: COSUI Mesa Orange eo.t BrNkf ast Uons dub meets 1t Mlmi'I cafe tor• pro- gram on •MCAS El Ton> Master De¥ef.. opment Pn>gram." NllMln: Kiwanis Club of Newport BMch-Corona del Mer meets It the hNa Corinthian Ylitht Oub. The Com M.a Kiwanis Club mMts ~ th9 Holiday Inn. The Eildwtge Club of N9wpOrt Harbor meets at Rivetboat Rest.want to hHr Ron Hensel, protect director for tM Merriott Vacation Club. The Newport· • • 1Mn1 Rotary Club meets .t the IMrie Marriott Hotel to he« G.orge a. ~Jr. dllCu9 !"The PrOlewtk>n Ind o.fw\le of White Collar Crime.• • ca••• 111rr • a.am 1s JMJb. IWtld IWfl ~. F• 'f04/l wke _.. ......... fofmlllan tD (Mlt --7 Ot "'91" -2 s.t. lrtstol .. Su-." Nl'r'PGft ...... \ , city is preparing to lay out the welcome mat next we~ for the Toshiba Senior Classic, an annual Senior PGA Tour event that brings masses of visiting celebri- ties, professional golfers and fans, television exposure and thou- ~ds of charity dollars into the community. The weeklong event, which kicks off Sunday with a $125-a- plate celebrity House of Blues- style party, is the only PGA Tour- sanctioned event in Orange County. The 78 golfers expected to compete, including defending champion Hale Irwin, will com- pete for a share of the $1 .2 milhon purse. Proceeds from the tournament will go to the Hoag Heart Insti- tute, which each year performs the most caJdiac procedures in Orange County. Hoag Hospital Foundation is the lead charity and organizer of the Toshiba Senior Classic, and was named charity of the year in 1998 by the PGA Tour. Last year's Toshiba Senior Classic netted $700,000, $650,000 of which went to the Hoag Can- cer Center. Organizers hope to match or exceed that amount this year. In addition to the charity mon- ey raised, the tour benefits the I I # • MAAC MARTIN I DAILY PILOT Hale lrw1n will return to Newport Beach to defend his Toshiba Senior Classic Utle next week at the Newport Be~ch Country Club. Irwin shot a course-record 62 during .last year's final round. city through media coverage and by attracting revenue from an estimated 70,000 visitors. "It's very prestigious for New- port Beach to be able to have an event like this,• said Rosalind Williams, president of the New- port Beach Conference and Visi- to~ Bureau. •u not only speaks very well for what Newport Beach has to offer, but it also illus- trates for the fourth year what a fabulous golf course th~ Newport Beach Country Club has.• ;fhe six hours of ESPN cover- age during the weekend gives the city television exposure it could not otherwise afford, Williams said. ESPN footage of the Newport Beach coastline and amenities does for the city what Rose Parade footage does for the state, she added. Mayor Dennis O'Neil also praised the benefits the world- class event brings to the aty. •n fills up our hotels, (and) ,. The very best hospital care is well within yo11.r reach-. Hoag Hospital. people $hop in our retail outlets and our stores and dine in our fine restaura.rits," O'Neil said. •1t gen· erates revenue for our city, but most important. it raises f\lnds for Hoag Hospital Presbyterian." The highlight of the event is the championship round, which will take place Friday and March 13-14 .... However, the tournament is preceded by numerous higb- profile events. The Celebrity Pro-Am on Mou- day will partner three-amateurs with a Senior PGA Tour player and f ootba.ll legends f:rom the Deacon Jo~ P'OWidation. which this year include Junior Seau of the San Diego Chargers, Bruce Smith of the Buffalo Bills, former Chargers tight end Kellen Winslow and former Oakland Raiders wide receiver Fred Bilet- rukoff. A community breakfast with Grand Slam winner Gary Player and a junior golf clinic follows on Tuesday. A classic Pro-Am. where four amateur players are teamed with a Senior PGA player, will be held Wednesday and Thursday. Single-day tickets are $12 in advance of towna.ment week or at the gate Monday through Thursday. ·For Friday through March 14, tickets will be $15 . Packages and weeklong pass- es are available. Titkets can be purchased at Roger Dunn Golf Shops and Pacific Bell Wireless Stores tl)Ieughout Orange County, or by calling tournament headquarters at (949) 515-4840. RanAed #J in Oran(! County five ears in a· row; Hoag has nati01UlUy-rta>pi:ed Centers of Excellniu in cancer, htart, crrtlwpedics and women's lttalth. And witA a staff of higMy sltilltd professionaLt, it's ta:ry to stt why Hoag is a recogniud kadi:r in quality /w>.altA airr.. Hoag Hospital accepts nearly every lualtlt plan, including PPOs and HMOs. And Hoag has a.full-time health plan rt.f>mentatiue lo JUI; you understand your insura nce options btttn--o yo u don't ful liu you're in ovn'"'°"r lttad. For 1'1Crt. irtfomtatUnl °" Hoai H~ call 800/514-HOAG Ranked#} in~~ ......... . OIM ... •••'' lu' tJ .... MllMrillHo.-iPt-,m...:~"TIMOnlili~ ... ......, I l .. I .. \ Saturday, Maleh 6, 1999 · arollnd town Doily • AMMJND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot. Around Town. 330 W. Bay St., Cos- ta Mesa 92627; fax them to (949) 646- 4170! or call (949) 642·5680, e)ft. 228. A complete listing of Around Town can be found at ct.llypllot.com. , JODAY ., ' ~e American Flbromyalgla Foundation Inc., an Orange County-based support and ed.u- cation group, will present its annual Fibromyalgia Conference at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club, 900 New- port Center Drive. The keynote speaker ~ be Dr. Daniel Wal- laee, ·a pJoril.inent rbeumatologist and expert on fibromyalgia. On- site registration begins at 7:15 · a.m. For more information, call (714) 840-8038. A back-country hike. will be pre- sented at 9 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 6471 E. Coast High- way, Newport Beach. Hikers will meet at El Moro Visitor Center. Parking ts $b. For more informa- tion, call (949) 497-7647. A beach cleanup will take place from 11 a.m . to 1 p.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Partic· ipants will meet at Pelican Point No. 2. Parking is $6. Call (949) 491-1641. Whale watchlng aboard the his-• toric tall ship Pilgrim of Newport will be presented from t to 4 p.m. at 2717 W. Coast Highway, New- port Beach. Adults are $20 and children 12 and under are $15. Reservations are required. Call (714) 966-0666. The Junior League of Orange County will present tvtonte Carlo Night from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Twin Palms restaurant ·s.t Fashion Island, Newport Bec,.ch. The event will feature Las Vegas- style gaming. tables, including . blackjack, craps and roulette; the Champagne Diamond Event, a silent auction; balloon prizes; for- tunetellers; live music; espresso bar; and dessert buffet. n ckets are $50. For more information, call (949) 263-3765. SUNDAY A back~country hike will be pre- sented at 9 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast High· way, Newport Beach. Hikers will meet at El Moro Visitor Center. Parking is $6. For more informa- tion, call (949) 497-7647. MON PAY Free Income.tax preparadon and assistance will be offered. through the Tax-Aide program from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily through April 15 at OASIS Senior Center, 800 Mar- guerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Appointments are available. For more information, call (949) 644- 3244. ' . An exhibit of watercolors by :rat Shinno, titled "Total Being," will be Qn display in the NeWport Beach Central' Library foyer through March 31. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more informati.on, call (949) 717-3801. -~ A free lecture titled "Attentton Deficit Disorder Overview• will be presented at 7 p.m. at Coast- .line Counseling Center of New- port Beach, 1200 Quail St. For more information, call (949) 476- , 0991. e LanJsc.&JP>e Design Constiruc{ ion Maintenance 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Ste D Newport Beach,.Ca 92663 949 673 5646 TUESDAY A representative from Cal State Long Beach will visit Orange Coast College's lfansfer Center from 9 a.m. to noon. The center is in the school's Counseling and Admissions Anne~, 2101 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. for more inform~tion, coll (714) 432·5694. Toutmuten of Newport Beach will meet from noon to 1 p.m. in the Sengen Shrine Room at Conexant, 4340 Von Karman, Building 502, Newport Beach. Attm.ission is free. Call to col)fi.nn. For more information. call (949) · 222-2999,ext.2~0.. ' A free semJnar tilled Pro~on from Infection _: Boosf:~our Immunity will be presented by Judith Todero from 6:30 to 1:30 p.m. in ~e .Patio Cale at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E .. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For: more information, call (600) 595·6667. A prograQl tJUed Behind the Scenes in Cinema will be present- ed. at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library's Friends Meeting Room, 1000 Avocado Ave. For . more information, call (949) 717- 3670. WEPNESDAY A free noon program titted Capt. ook and the HM Bark Endeav- our, Part I, will be presented at the Newport Beach Central Library's Friends Meeting Room, 1000 Avo· ca.do Ave. For more information, calf (949) 717-3601. The Repertory Theater of Ameri- ca will present "Peggy Sue Got Murdered", the hilarious interac- tive murder mystery hit, at 5:30 p.m. in the multipU1J>9se room at OASIS Senior Center, 800 Mar- guerite Ave., Corona del Mar. nckets are sis tor dinner and a show. For more information, call ~_{949) 644-3244. ' A free seminar and book signing titled. "Mood Busters -St. John's Wort and Kava Kava· will be pre- sented. from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in ,,the Patio Cate at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Cos- ta Mesa. Reservations a're required. For more information, call (800) 595-6667. THURSDAY A Children of Parklnsonian.s sup- port group meeting will be pre- sented from 1 to 9 p.m. in cl room 3 of OASIS Senior Ce 600 Marguerite Ave., Corona Mar. Sign in begins at 6:45 Reservations are requested. meeting is for caregivers adult childr.en of loved. ones Parkinson's .. For more info tion, call (949) 645-3352. A free program UUed Capt. C and the HM Bark Endeavour, Il, will be presented at 7 p . the Newport Beach Ce Library's Friends Meeting R 1000 Avocado Ave. For information, call (949) 717-36 FRIDAY The Orange County Agency on Aging and the Se Citizens Advisory Council present a public hearing at.1 a.m. at OASI$ Senior Center. Marguerite Ave., Corona del For more information, call ( 567-7555. The annual membershlJ>' te the · Balboa· Bay Republi Women, Federated will be sented from 2 to 4 p .m. at a N port Beach residence. For information,call(949)759-92 Hop on in for the best selection! ''The early bunny gets the candy!" :J-6.-'Il.me I Cfiocolatier! Custom Easter Basket Services Available! -. \\ l' h ;1 \l' a \\ 011< It-rl'u I wh·l'I ion 1 .\0111· la,orill' I .1,ll·r ln·.1h'. Solid Chocolate Bunnies Panorama Eggs Sugar Free Chocolate ~gg Ornaments & Novelties Suckers Bulk Cand It's Easter at Hi-Time Wine Cellars! Hi-Time Chocolatier Paradise Alley , Classi FREE ADMISSION Rock Out to the · Surf Music of the TORQU~S LIDO MARINA VILLAGE 3400 Via Oporto • Newport Beach (949) 675-8662 M-F 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. SS· .m. ore 1 of an re- W · ore 9. A back<e>untry bike will be pre· sented at 9 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 3471 E. Coast High- way, Newport Beach. Hikers will meet at El Moro Vtsitor Center. Parking is $6. For more informa- tion, call (949) 497-7647. The Costa Mesa Hbtortcal Sod- etY will present an open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1870 Anaheim St. The event will f ea- ture exhibits and speakers on the history of Costa Mesa: For more infonnation, call (949) 631-5918. A Ude i>ool walk will be at noon ttl Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast Highway, Newport aeach. Participants will meet in Pelican Point Parking Lot No. 2. Parking is $6. For more infonna· tion, call (949) 497-7647. MARCH 14. A back-country bike will be pre- sented at 9 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast High- way, Newport Beach. Hikers will meet at El Moro Visitor Center. Parking is $6. For more informa· t1on, call (949) 497-7647. MARCH 15 Orange Coast College Communi- ty Education will present a dass titled Speaking, Writing, and Reading Chinese from 3:30 to 5:30 p .m. through June 7 in the school's Business Education Building, Room 108A. Admission is $79. The school is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 432· 5880, ext. 1. MARCH 16 A representative from UCLA's Admissions Office will visit Orange Coast College's 'Iransfer Center from,.9 ·a.m. to 4 p.m. The -ALDEN'S CARPET has opened anew Area Rug Studio Why Pay Dept Store Prices? ALL RUGS & RUNNERS on 'Iransf er Center is in the school's Counseling and Ad.nu s1ons Annex, 2701 Fairview Road, Cos- ta Mesa. For more information, call (71-t) 432-5894. A free semtnar tilled Feng Sbul Your Way will ~ presented by Sandi Miller from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more inlonnation. call (800) 595-6667. MARCH 17 Costa Mesa:s Girl Scout Coundi of Orange County will present its fo.urth Women of Distinction Lun- cheon from 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the lrvine Marriott, 1800 Von Kar- man Ave., Irvine. Proceeds will benefit the Girl Scout program in Orange County. Admission is $65 for non-members and $45 for members. For more information, call (7t-ll) 979-7900, ext. 397. A free noon program titled Estate Planning will be presented at the Newport Beach Central Library's Friends Meeting Room, 1000 Avo- cado Ave. Call (949) 717-3801. A free seminar tilled Alternative <;hokes in Menopause Manage· ment will be presented by nutri· tional consultant Priscilla Cordray from 6:30 to 7:30 p.rn. in the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. Call (800) 595-6667 Dennis and lone Huber, the par- ents of Denise Huber, will present "Grace Through the l'rials" at 7:30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. For more informa- tion, call (949) 728-0711 . MARCH 18 Sunshine Cooperative Preschool will bold an open house from 9 to ~ .. 11 :30 a.m. at the school. 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The school is enrolling for the 1999· 2000 school year. Tuition is $65- $15 monthly. The school features monthly field trips and kinder· garten readiness.· For more infor- mation, call (71-4) 5-40-1183. Corona del Mar resident Bubara DeMarco Barrett will facilitate a six-week writing critique group starting today at a private resi- dence. The course indudes week· ly. in-depth critiques of submitted . writings. Preregistration is essen- tial Space is limited to seven. For more information, caD (949) 760· 8086.,. A dramatic reading titted ~Love Is Not All" will be presented at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Cen- tral Librarv:s ,Friends Meeting Room, 1ocxr "Avooad&-Ave. For more inlom\ation, call (949) 717. 3801. "The' Fight Against Bone Loss" will be presented at 7 p.m. at the Hoag Health Center of Costa Mesa, 1190 Baker St. Admission is free. For more information, call (714) 668-2550. MARCH 19 The second annual Martin W. Witte Memorial distinguished speakers lecture setjes will fea- ture CBS News correspondent, writer and producer Andy Rooney. Rooney will present "More Than a Few Minutes with Andy Rooney" at 7 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Library's Friends Meeting Room, 1000 Avo· cado Ave. Admission is $35 for Foundation members and $40 for non-members. The event will mclude a buffet dinner by a top local restaurant. For more i.nfor· mation, call (949) 644-3296. The ninth annual Amish Craft Show will be presented from noon to 8 p.m. at -the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. A(lm.ission is free. For more SALE. MentJon this Ad and receive 2 FREE OttNt Tans Mth pun;hae Mcl9t 0.. Soc'1llm ~ RwkJwt. Handmade wools, synthetics. sisal • "'-"'~Only - ALDEN'S CARPETS, INC. •The Most llT8sistible Tens in the Universe-... '°t. tt N ~',<;,. • Solar Planet t 663 Placemld St .. Costa Mesa 646-4838 (949) 67 5-8804 3411 Newport Bevd. Newport Beech. CA '\ We offer the finest, freshest Meat, Seafood and Produce in the Newport/Costa Mesa area Our Meat & Seafood Dept. is offering: Mannings Beef residue-free (No added Hormones and Antibiotics) 13 Homemade Sausages 12 Ft. Marinated Meats 12 Ft. Freshest Seafood "Quite possibly the finest Meat & Seafood Dept. in O.C." .Mannings Rib Eye Steak S7.99Jb. Re $11.991b. ------~ --------, cou~ II _ Asparaaus u Buy one bunch, G'et one free 11 Equal or lesser we~ht 11 Utnk 4 ,.,.. Umlt 4 Total I ' ---~~~~~----~ Bananas infonnabon, call (714) 708-1543. MARCH2Q A bird bike will take place at 8 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Participants will meet at El Moro Visitor Center. Parking is $6. For more infonnation: call (949) 497-7647. A back-country hike will be at 9 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Hikers will meet at El Moro Visitor Center. Parking is $6. For more infoADation,. call (949) 497-7647. A work.shop UUed Dlvor~ -A New Beginning will be presented from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the offices of mamage and family therapist Maxine B. Cohen, 180 Newport Center Drive. Suite 180 A, Newport Beach. Admission is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. . The ninth annual Amish Craft Show will be presented Crom 10 a.m. to 5 p.tn. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Dri· ve, Costa Mesa. Admission is fr~. For more information, call (714) 708-1543. MARCH24 A free seminar UUed Boost Brain Power will be presented from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe.at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th Sf .. Costa Mesa. Reserva· lions are reqwred. For more infor· mation, call (800) 595-6667. MARCH 30 A free seminar tilled Osteoporosis -Not Just an Old Lady's Disease will be presented in the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. Reservations a.re reqwrcd. For more information, call (800) 595-6667. ONGOING St. Andrew's Presbyterian CbW'Ch offers a support group for families with loved ones who are mentally ill. The g'roup meets from 6:30 to 8 p .m. Sundays in the church's Dierenfield Hall C, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach'.. The confidential gro~p is open to the community. For '10re information, call 631-2880. Prospecls .~etworklng Group meets Crom 7:15 to 8j30 a.m. Wednesdays at Mimi's eate, 1835 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa Breakfast is $6. For more informa- tion, call Angie Stafford at 474- 2225 or Tina Firman al 551-31i6. AU Lassen's Leads Club meets at 7:15 a .m. Tuesdays at Mimi's Cafe, 1835 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. For more information. call . 646-1252. Zen Cen~r of Orange County offers meditation instruction every first and third Sunday of the month from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Zen C.enter of Orange County. 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Suggested d\)nation is $10. For more mfor· mation, call (949) 722-7818. The' Newport Beach Parks, ~ches and Recreation Corrurus· sion meets at 7 p.m. the first Tues· day of each month in the City Council chambers. 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. For more information. call 644-3151. Nicotine Anonymous fellowship wants to help men and women who smoke to quit and remain smoke fr4!e. For more information Saturday, Match 6, 1999 111 . on local evening meetings call 650-2713. The Costa Mesa Historical Sod· ety holds a free open house from 11 a.m. to 3 p .m. Thursdays at 1870 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa .• The ev~nt features memorabllia from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Army AJr Base. Por more information, call 631.5g1a. l Overeaters Anonymous meet.I from 7 to 9 p.m. -Wednesdays at St. John's Episcopal Church, 183 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa. For more information, tal.1953-0900. OASIS Senior Center oUers a Parkinson's disease support group from 7 to 9 P·lllr the second Thurs- day of each month at 89<l Mar- guente Ave., Corona del Mar. Far more information, call 644-3244 The Yoga Place otters a prenatal and postnatal yoga class from ~ to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays. New dasses beglil on the first of the month. For more information. call 6'2· 7400. Hoag Cancer Center otters Man to Man, a free prostate cancer dis- cussion group, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month at the center auditori"m, 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Eew- port Beach. 'For reservatio or more information, •call 722..S 7. 1be Padflc Business Xcban~ hU weekly breakfast meetings at 7 a m. Tuesdays at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. There is no charge foc the irutial meeting. For more informa- tion, call 640-0588. The Newport Beach PsycboJog1- cal Association presents a coed relationship group called Insight Equals Power at 7 p.m . 'JllUl"S· days. The fee is $25 per weel(. For more information, call 722-4~88. Cash for Your Old Jewelry c It may be worth more than you think! Chances are you have "buried treasure" in your jewelry or safe deposit box. What's collecting. dust1 could be collecting cash for you! I for two days only, Charles H. Barr Jewelers will have as our guest Mr. Mark Ebert. an international buyer of antique, estate, arid "previously owned" jewelry. Mr. Ebert is a former instructor of the Gemological Institute l of America. He is also an author and lecturer to the trade on• antique and collectible period jewelry. He will be available Friday and Saturday to consult with you on the discreet disposition of your jewelry for the highest possible cash market price. Dispose of a single piece or an entire collection. Two Days Only Friday, March 5 ........................ 10 a.m. tlO 6 p.m. Saturday, March 6 .................... l 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. , or by appointment upon request . . CHARLES H. BARR • A IZ SaMday, Match 6, 1999 . ' . . . . firefighter tests coadadld ID the put three months.~ Lb :John Blauer, spot~~. the Ne\\'J)Ort Bee.di P11e and MartneDe~l Keen had bean working for the department. as a full-time support services aide, and Winokur was promoted from a part-time position. The depart~ent received SOO applicants during a two- day open enrollment several months ago, and after screen- ings and exams, a list of the tap 20 candidates was compiled. BIG BUILDINGS, LOTS OF .PEOPLE ... ~ ~ YOU ARE NOT ALONE. These are common issues for families seaoching (and soul searching) to make the best choice of care for their elderly love one. Man~ get frustrated that when they choose a ·large facility and give up som~of the personal touch. Others choose a smJU home and give up the confidence inspired by a professJOnal care management team OON'T FEAR THE WRONG CHOICE. Instead, make the best choice by choosing the key benefits of large and small facilities. At Autumn Rose, we feel you should have this option. CHOOSE VERY PERSONAL, ASSISfED LNING SERVlCF.S. Instead of housing residents JJ\ a large, institutional building, we have more than 150 seniors bvmg among a small group of friends in lovely homes in residential neighborhoods. Each senior receives personal care offered from the hearts of our care management team. This genuinely kind group of professionals consists of trained elder caregivers supported by care managers and senior care specialists. WE FEEL THlS IS TiiE BFST WAY TO HELP SENlORS AND THEIR FAMILfES. We know it is going beyond the boundaries set in the care industry. We do it because it is our calling. You are invited to come by and see how we are passionately committed to changing the way America cares for its elderly. To vISit a home in your area, please call today. @ A UTUMN ROSE "PROl'rnlONAI A.~SISTED UVJNG IN l'RIVAT!. HOMF.S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD" (949) 852-5100 "Moving to an aJSisted living home can be very scary to a senior, even when it is the bert thingfor them. Help them with rht transition by a/lowing thtm to participate in tht decisions being made. " Richard A Santoni, Ph.D. -Chairman of Autumn Rose NEWPORT MEDICAL PLAZA 307 Placentia Ste. 207 Newport Beach (Aero from Hoag Hospital) Complimentary> limited exam . with this ad. , 2 ............ ~ wm ~ aew ftNllglltliw ,_ tbe 1oP ot the lilt for aboat ta month.I. Blauer said the pmtelllOn II beginning to see more turnover, as ftrefl,ghters who were hired when paramedic programs blouomed in tbe 1970s are retb.in9. 1 The average ·~ ~ · for firefighters ii about $3.000 a month,· Blauer~ said. The department employs 120 fire- fighters. JEFF & LYLEEN EWING THE COMPETITION FOR NEW LOANS Don't delay if yo'l are considering applying for a loan to purchase a new home or to refinance your present home. Despite fluctuation in interest rates, lenders are still swamped with new loan applications, many from homeo'fners who are refinancing their home. It is helpful to gather all the necessary paperwork before you apply, and get your loan application in as soon as possible. This infonnatioh .will consist of proof of your earnings, as weU as a clear picture of your total monthly expenses, at a minimum,. T he prepantion ome and the amount of paperwor~ increases, if you are self-employed or have long-tenn obligations, such as alimony or child support. Despite the need co move rather quickly for a loa" in today's market, you should "make haste carefully". Shop carefully for your loan by comparing aU costs and tenns. New and better deals are aJways appearing, but you can't just compare newspaper ads. Jeff and Lyleen have 2 7 consecutive yea rs of real estate experience in Newport Beach. They are Coldwell Banker's fl team. For professional service or advice with aJI your real estate needs call the Ewings at (949) 718-1514. The whole health of your body rests on your feet. ' . •01111 •Ollll DO · MICHELLE YEE I DAILY Pll.OT Taylor Peterson, bottom. of Newport Beachl climbs a tree behind the Boys & Girls Club ln Newport Beach last week. Fully computnu.td d)'l'Wm1c 11111 11M/ysis of ti~ foot 11 uud to n-alu.Jt• '"'' " f N of tl~s. shown. INSTl:fUTE S I \II -111 -1111 -.\1:1 II \II: 1:1 ,1111: \1111\ A voyage on our newly-bullt clipper ships provides an unforgettable cxpct'icn('e c.-bmhinCd With all the 31lX.'tlitJ~ and activities of a Waid d Mega• YachL Our hips saU with only 170 pampcttd g\JICllB to beautiful porb of call ln the Ou........, ,_. FAit, Medbaranean or Ocean~ ,. I • ' on vacation SotUrdoy, Morch 6, 1m A l When Jennifer Thomas went to Galway, Ireland, she ran into The Fenians, a band that plays at the Harp Inn in Costa Mesa. They are seen here at the Quays Pub ln Galway. From left to right are Chrl5 Pierce, Terry Casey, Jennifer Thomas, Tardu Yegln, Rob Wllllams and Brendan Harkins. Ron and Mary Rich- mond took their favorite newspaper with them on one of the Grand Princess' . inaugural cruises to the Mediterranean. This photo was tak- en at one of the highlight stops on the trip, the Parthenon. \ ' • ' • -. I I ~ • ' ' T' 1 I _, ... _l ·'_,I 1'(.. !'-·\.•.>,I (HINlll Cll!NOU Rabbitt Insurance Agency AlITO • HOMEOWNERS• HFALTH Since 1957 STUDIO}UN P 0 RT RA' IT PH 0 T 0 G ·R AP HY ~ ~ ·~ s ,;_, Chlldre• ••••Ille•• He•uheh • Stutlle & Loctdlon ........... , .. Jrtptn.a, .. '-""",..., ,-" 949-631-77 40 For lnft>rmatton or a" appolntmem. please call: ~ '949, 646•9901 CERTIFIED e 441 Old Newpon BIYCL • Newpon Beach 711W.17th St.(at Pomooa). lJnlt l>-7.Co u Mesa -a block fromTradcr Joc'i. CH-" ... HooplW) . Another new store, ~another good reason · to stay liome Newport/Costa Mesa 1880 Newport Blvd. 949-631-1381 "' .... • Exdusivefv at LA. Gym Equipment • • Quality Produds From an ' . :Experienced Leader • :rheradyne already well-respected • .for its medical end professional Simple Elegance You Can Afford! • :rehebilit.atlon equipment, proudly Every survey shows that while exercise fads come • .introduces the new leader in the and go, treadmills have consistently remained the :Performance treadmill category. most popular exercise equipment category. • These treads are ·highly styled, easy to use and built to last. Before their • :engineering design team ever began their work, they listened to what people s~1d : ,•Don't try to fool us with fancy feeturn we don't need end felH promises I :.bout performance. We went • treadmill th•t work• reliably and aimpty, and • • ~ _ li!n~t ~!n! ~ _e•_y ~u~_"'!-~-~·~'"! !a~~• _____________ _ ... ' . . . Pat and Wll~wan enjoyed the fall colors ln Quebec, Canada. Life Has Enough. Ups and Downs ... W E IG HT NO MORE • MEDICATION ASSISTED (appetite suppressants & serotonin modulators} • DIET AND EXERCISE PROTOCOLS •MONTHLY VISITS The last weight loss program you 'll ever need. ROBERT SKVERSKY, M.D. 1.4-.. ~, .II So '1y 4 a.-n.t11e Pl~ 320 Superior, Suite 210 Newport Beach (949) 645-2930 www.weightnomore.com Clii and Marlene Shryock ln front of the Casino de Monte Carlo ln Monaco . • IF YOU'RE WORRIED- ABOUT YOUR PAREN T LI VI N G ALON E YOU HAYE A VITAL DECISION TO MAKE, BUI BEFORE YOU DECIDE YOU NEED -A PROFESSIONA L ASSESSMENT OF THEIR NEEDS -AN ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS OF CARING FOR THEM ·-A REFERRAL TO THE RIGHT SERVICES OR FACILITY (WITHIN YOCJ_R BUDGET) CALL US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION (949) 760-0821 We are PARENT CARE SOLUTIONS THE FLOOR · .. cuvs SINCE 1951 . 33% OFF CARPETS Berber -Plush Textures 50% OFF All Ceramic Tiles All In Stock Carpets All In Stock Vinyls LINOLEUM -CERAMIC TILES -VINVL FRE -Ufetime lns1allation Warranty fBH-Ufe1irrte Padcll .g Worra 1ty f8££-Upgrade POdding -Old Carpet & Pod Removal :... Furniture Moving -Floor Cant Kit CARPET -VINYL -WOOD -LAMINATE -CERAMIC TILE -AltEA RUGS 9·S .••••• ftl. t ·4 Set • . ,. ....... ..,...,.. . "'1i'1S • • on vacation Robin Christensen and Lynne Valentine took their Dally Pilot to Casablanca, Morocco. The Stoneman family bad a great time on the beautiful, sandy beaches of Hawali. lb.is particular beach was home to many green turtles that fed off moss on rocks along. the sJiore. ----~~--~~---~----~---~~--"'r"'"..-T-----.~ Is Your Patio Loo~ing Dull & Dirty? Call "Rick Nixon" the Power ashing Expert to Professionally clean it Let's M J kc that Pat 1 o l o o k New Again' • Power Washing • Acid Wash • Steam Clean ing • Sealers (clear or colored) Brick • Concre te • Stone • Pavers Rick Nixon SPS Surface Preparation Specialist (949) 581 ·0360 or 1 ·800·581 ·0 360 Uc. 667230 ! hciah • Mauav • Sports Th~npy • Body Wnp• • HydrothttaPf • Body Poli h • • Vffft •Vichy ~ • tNm Rooms• Waxing • El~• • Pre & Poat Laur Tbenpy • Hand a Foot Care • ~~Is • Gift Certifkat~ • 111•. l>u• ounr ,..Jjd for all •rrv1cts nc~ alttady dhcounled parl••J"· r•latl pmJucl\ Or In conjunction with any O~r dioc:ounl. fURNISHINGS DIRECT IS A NEW WAY TO UY HOME FURNISHINGS . ~PICK IT OUT TODAY ... TAKE IT HOME TODAY! . We ca,...Y brand new, fir~I quality furniture which we buy directly from the factory that .manufactured it. • ur merchandi e i~ mostly factory 1 ~over tockA originally ordered by 'm.ajor uJl<!Cale national retailers that FURNISHINGS DIRECT FURNISHINGS DIRECT carries ·upbol tered tofas & ~t ~.its, leather 1<>fat & chairs, mt rtainiMnt cenu~n, armol~, btds, lwndm.lde ml:-', desk., lampt,' ace orlr and m0tt. Is different because ... l.fGITIMATE LOW PRICING-f~ Outlet MRYTHING IN STOCIC-AVAILA8lE TODAY N£W ITEMS ARRIVE £VERY WEEK NO PUSHY COMMISSIONED SALESPEOflf lC/W OVlllHEAD WAAEHOUSE ENVIRONMENT Ol1'IN JHUUOAY J'HIOCJOH IMJllOAY ro 101 203~ PlACENTIA. IC· I COSTA MESA 9~9/515 USO • "''"' CAIKrWtlf Chris Parker enjoyed the numerous sights Amster- dam had to offer. ANF-IQ UE~ o w & GARDE N CAFE The C.Ountry Inn • Garden Cafe Oohs 4' Ahaa The Book Store Newport Picture Frame Stella 0s Place · Sarah Whitcomb Circa Antiquet Victoriana 6' C.Omp'!nY 130 East 17th St. Costa Mesa At Newport & E. 17th Stred • BdllDd TM HARP INN • ('49) '7ll-l177 ROW HOURS: Tue-Sat lOrun-Spm CAFE HOURS Tue-Sat l lam-Jpm 1rislfSoda Brea& • -· rs ~1·--001 I • I I . I M ore Than just Great Bread. : OFF: I IRISH SODA BREAD~~ 1ll IANY ss.oo PURCHA5E. MAY• I NOT BE COMBINED WITH I I ANY OTHER OFFER I I IJmil I pt'!' C• or • fall'" M.nh I . L"9 I ._ _____ _. IS HIN GS All .Va ses, Pots, Plante r s, S conces~ Garden Statuary Sat 3-6 throuflh Sat 3-13 Doily Pik>to . ""' Ross Heaton and Rosalyn plrltys traveled to Alberta, Cana .. -da, and vlSited several beauWul lakes, including this one , where portions of the movie HThe Edge" was filmed. CARDIO KICK BOXING CL.\SSl:S TRAIN WITtl Tl lEO~L) '"OD \IPI< & ~1.\Hll.\I \Hl~---~j C l 1.\.\11'10°" l'i i.......__..;.=:;~ FULL SET •ACRYLIC • Acrylic w'Whlle Tip • Pin~ & WM!' Powde1 • Lume G!I • Srlt Wrap FILLS • AcrytlC • Pmk • Pink & Wt11le • Lume Gel •Sill! Wrap • JMrncurt • Pedieurt •Kids 1 ·10 Mzmcura & Ped • Hand Par.tit ., •Eyebrows •Upper ~1p • Btkinl Line ......... ~~..; Do YOU Want To Know If You Are At Risk For A , Heart Attack? New State-of-the-Art CT Scan -Can Detect Heart Disease Before Symptoms Appear Call now for your appoiutmt'llf Newport Heart Screening Program 800 • 992 • 669~ . rr .. • • , soc1e Saturday, Morch 6, 1999 A 15 A jewel of a gathering puts Center Stars in orbit .. W alters in white jackets passed crab cakes on lHE CROWD Len Zuckerman, Doug BWlce, Martin and Heather Kleln, Jluth Ann Moriarty, Diana Stedlng, and Harry Esaytan were all there supporting the Center Stars at Chariel. • silver trays. A VIP crowd ate quesadillas made with fenriel and caramelized onions. Barbecued duck tacos also tanta- UZed the guests at this very spe- cial event to honor the Center Stars, supporters of tpe Orange County Performing ~ Center. Chanel at South Coast Plaza was the site for the gathering, which included the first peek at some one.of-a-kind jewelry .never before displayed in Orange County. HONORING A WORLD TRAVELER · Models P'l!aded the cl\ic bou- tique, which was decorated after the fashion or a classic Coco Chanel pump in a. sophisticated- yet-simple theme or cream and black decor. Each wore a sam- pling from Chanel's Spring/Sum- mer 1999 Ready to Wear Collec- tion as well as the exquisite and very expensive jewelry. "I am a true Center Star Uus evening,• offered the classy San- dra ~erstrom-Daniels. The blond, blue~eyed daughter of Jeanette Segerstrom, looking quite smart in a beautiful dress of brown lace, donned a $150,000 platinum and diamond star pin from the Chanel Collection on the shoulder of her black knit cocktail dress. "I must return the star at the end of the evening,• she added. Cinderella does live after all. Segerstrom-Daruels actually was in the company of· a crowd of Cinderellas, including fellow Center Stars Sharl Esaytan, Mar- go Chamberlin, Donna Bunce, Ann Howard, Marla Patterson, Elaine 'Red.field. Robln Turner · and Madeline Zuckerman. Some of the women enjoyed the Chanel jewelry for the evening, others wore their own elegant adornments, and still others decided not to return the items to Chanel manager Glenn Ellison. American Express has never been so happy with late-night customer purchases. Ellison, a personable gent, commentec,I, "It's great to see the husbands here tonight along with their Center Star wives. We wanted this to be a couple's evening.• Ellison later confessed with & wry 'Pille that he added the carving station with roast turkey, roast beef, and jumbo sbri.inp for the guys. "You mean it's the beef,· joked Gloria Zlgner, executtve producer of the upconung CHOC Follies. "That's correct, it's the beef,• replied Ellison, greeting the crowd that also included fashion maven Ida Middlesworth of Lido Isle, ~usty Hood and Jlm and Nora Jorgensoll. Nora wore a very smart black St. John knit suit with a scooped neckline adorned with jewels. Dave and Sharl Brown min- gled with the stars. Sl?Jrl was a head turner in her black leather pants and cropped black knit top. Paul and Barbara Penrose, Newport hostess Beryi· Goward threw a Sunday after- noon reception in honor of Jerrel Thurston Richards, named presi- dent of the Newport Beach Sister City Association. Richards, a longtime Lldo Isle resident and world traveler has also been hon- ored by Chapman University. He was named a governor of that institution with an annual lecture established in recognition of Richards' contribution to the community and to the university. The first Richards event will be held in May with local conserva- tive voice Hugh Hewitt deliver- ing the maugural address. New- port Beach Mayor Dennis O'Neil congratulated Richards for h1s 50 years of community service. Also on harid for the kudos: Bill and Helen Hamilton, Barbara ~une, Mary and Len Miller, Ralph Tomlinson, Gloria Bradeson, Ann and WoU Stem, Ruthelyn Plummer, Peg Reday, A.Z. Taft. Felicia Bukaty and Bill Martin. SINGING THE PRAISE OF CHOIR FOUNDER On March 13, the William Hall Down, No nterest & Finance Charge REE' • ln8tallation with a Lif~time Guarantee • .De1uxe Padding I• Haul Away [!Y 10 DAV HO QUESTION -ASl(lO WA#llNIKfY 1t,..°""'llh11•M ...... II . r:>' MST SIUCTION LIJ ..... '""""'~-'""" ml lOW ~ CIUAAAHTH _.., ·-L!2 ........ C-'"' ""6Q' l'IWMMUJACTUlllltS' lOHGll Wf.AP. ~ 1t YW WAAMMfY r'a GUAMNTl[ --~·-w ~--"' .,°"""". l ......... ...--.· ........... .. IMPORTED CERAMIC 77LE ASLOW •449 AS Sq. fl. Installed LAMINATE ON SALE/ Orlglnol · .. PERGO. Rr~1drntia! • Commr r<ial • Wholualr 949.650.0000 Sq. Ft. Installed 1966 ""'"' IW. Ctltl --Ii ......... acmpr 4, "= trm:"1ti.~•Sd I~• Ml~ Master Chorale will hold its 14th armual gdla dmner dnd ducbon, themed HMard1 Gra!>. H The event will take pldce al The Sutton Place Hotel m Newport Bedcb. A wide circlt• ot community support ·w1ll converge on the hotel to • honor lht~ respected Bill Hall, who hds made d lifetime of sig- nificant dtffen~nce for both stu- RECYCLED RAGS I l11lhr, irum lhr II .t rd1111J1•, 111 llw II mid\ "'''' drt•\\t'll iJl'll(>ll'. OPEN EVERY DAY! 2·731 E. Coast Hwy Cor ona del Mar (949) 675.5553 dents and the community at large interested in standing behind lus musical endeavors. Now in its 43rd year, the William Hall Master Chorale is lhe oldest performing arts group m Orange County. Hall, who still looks 43. also serves as the dean of lhe School of Music dt Chap- man University. The evening will Sandra Segemrom- Danlels; Gordon Roberts, ExecuUve Director, Chanel Fine Jewelry; and Elaine Red.Qeld enjoyed an elegant cocktail reception hosted by · Chanel and South Coast Plaza in honor of the Center Stars. also honor the distinguished 8dyshore and Beverly Hills cou- ple Robert and Beverly Cohen who have been crowned king and qu~n of lhe Mardi Gras. To 1om lhe fun and support the chorale, reservations can be ffidde by calling (714} 556-6262. • B.W. COOK'S column appe:irs ev~ Thursday and Saturday. - ... THE TIME JUSTIN WARREN I DAILY PILOT 'Alexandria Hpwell, 4, jumps from stone.to stone over the koi pond at fashion Island ln Newport Center. --- Sunstyle Sizzlers! SU PER DEALS ON SPECIAL SUNST'tLE HOT SPOTS 5 Days Orumdo $742 6 Days llarc Hawaiian Monarch $149 p,1 kag~ "'11.1, , .i 111. , 1mm 1 \ \ " , lJ Days WaJJd.ld Beacbcomber SJ53 Offu 1.11 ~alt Oi~t>) World 11 ,,, · 1 1h1 1'11 lwgt' tnt IU<k~ flower lei 1trff11ng. round trip Downtown Di.;nt>y '<•·"'" .O.rl'.1 .ir1 1~ unom~ t•d•1~lt'h <1ncl "elcome bre<lkfa~I or1entallon 1 .Jr tur tlw t'"'"' ,t,1v dnd .i 4 d.1v Dlint>y's .11111 dll W~t·• All-in-one Hoppt'r<I<' 11o1•~ thJI • n111lt '"" lo n1ult1plt 1,,,, "'"""'"n 1u 4 l ht"~ I'""' 1 8 Dams'...,;~.,~~ and """aui' $'262 \\at, , I' 1.. I ., h nK,,. 'J "'"'~~ 1n._, 'J 7 Days Negri~Jm,wictt $718 f'ill k.1)!t> me lod• 1oun•i tr.1p .11r lrrnn I "'\ 1, nil(hl' 11th• Ru• 1..111>11•• mt l11tlf'l,: •II'·'""' St~ ', t u,.:t'' nd tr O'"lt·r., 14 Days }t11'UficO $916 P~c i,,,~, 1m lu1h-. ro(111d tr•p ''" I« 1111 I o\ \ I l n+t11"' .it tht· l "~·•"·' 1n• lud1n~ .ill t.t\t' ~" u •· <har}?.t~ ,11\tl If ln'-lt•r' O I' • i...1>(e '"'luck><. 4 night~ MJrt H.i"anan '-1onarch I n11;ht\ Maui Ou•anfront Inn, rrll•·• "I.ind .111. tlowl'~ lei gr1-.·hng 1n Honolulu, round tr111 tr.u"lt•r~ on bo1h 1~l.1nd; dnd .ill t.lXl~ 411 prio>< arr jWf' f>n"SOlt, INu«I °" ~ •KcuptnrcJ• Trruvd is~ k> m~ 11#11 "''l<rs""' subfed IQ cba'W41 u1tbnMI .alb. Rt•str#rtloH.t ""')' ap/161 Never a service fee ... Always great service! P restige Travel 949·646·0203 (F"omierly Maflnen; Travel) 60 I Dover Drive, Suite 14 • Newport Beach, CA 92663 C.1/1lorn1J St'//m 11/ Tr.ive/ Reg. 1tl0J76 l·l ''BEAUTimt!'' , John Steinbeck Now through iWiil 4 Th! haunung theme 6f th great cla.§ c will hflb'er long lifter Ule curt.1ln COITlt!:I d™tt. 1 • date book Moroccan A fter leaving the set of •casablanca. • Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart would feel at home Friday nights at Windows on the Bay in New .. port Beach. The club's Moroccan desigti adds an exotic NIGHT LIFE touch to the romance, drama and sexual suspense that fill the air on ·windows Fridays," as nattily dressed single men and women gather for drinking and dancing. . The weekly event is aimed at attracting a stylish crowd of dub- bers in their late 20s and 30s. •1 try to put together a good group of people that don't neces- sarily go to younger dance clubs in Orange County,• said Robert., Frias, who is part of Elite Group Entertainment, the event's pro- moter. To discourage young ne'er-do- wells from crashing the party, there's a $10 cover charge and a WINDOWS beefy door host who screens out those wearing tom jtans or ten- nis shoes, Instea!~~count beer specials, pr drinks are available, incldding martinis. Windows offers • entire' entertainmente~ce,Frias said. "Now it's one at the only local spots on the wat~r Uiat has danc- ing and a smoking ~tio out- side," he said. ~ u As its name im", Windows takes full advan f its prime location by the bay· y offering • an ~ve vie the cool, ca.l.ni waters. Sabatino Tommy Peter Phil V' Flavorful & Delicious Lunches & D Unlquf "Inf room &t dhlfnc rooms •~'allablt ror VGUP busfMtl mfftlQp 723-0621 Please Call For Reservations and 251 Ship ard Way • Newport Beac •Unique landscape designs and renovations •Fine garden installations •Custom masonry & stonewodd •Accent garden lighting •Excellent landscape maintenanc~ For inquiries and quotations, please telephone 949/645+4635 ( or Fax us at: 949/645:6390 ESt. 1976 on Frid ys 1!!! The dun-colored interior fee-by 10:30 that night, the place tures classic drop fans and high-was filling up, but was far from domed ceilings. Striking, 111tri-overflowing. It closes at 2 a.m. cate Islamic desi~ ~ttems are Despite Elite's best efforts, · carved into the walls above the young whippersnappers showed bar area. Another rarely seen but up anyway. refreshing touch for a club are . •we k.now this is a good plac~ the potted plants found all ~ to go.~ said Apnl Fly, 21, of '!"ew-1 around. port Beach, who goes clubbing · Spinning the dance m)xes one about twice a month with her night last week was DJ Roly friend. •1t•s more upscale." Quiambao, who played every-But upscale doesn't mean thing Crom Top 40 to hip-hop, upbeat. disco, house and progressive. 11 ·1 try to blend them all togeth-•lf you want to be me ow, YO\.\ er, H ·he said. come here, H ~Y said. ·u you The music volume was strong want to have fun, you go to Cl\1\> but not overpowering, and Rubber.· guests were SWinging and sway-Ray Gallagher, 31, of Dc;ma ing on the dance floor, flooded Point came to Windows beca~~ , by multicolored rotating lights. at TWin Palms "there wasn't U you want to take a breather, much of a buzz. Sort of flat," ~e there are plenty of comfortable said. · • booths or stools to-sit on. For a Gallagher's friend, Tom QUir~ l smoke or a breath of fresh air, 24, of Newport Beach, wouldn't you can venture out to the patio have suggested coming to W111- area, which fs set up like a tent, dows, but apparently the new with a clear plastic covering and promotion hooked him in. heaters to keep the moist chill at •This place is never a place to bay. go on Friday night, unW recent:. Tue club can hold 400 people; . ly, • he said. BRIEFLY IN ENTERTAINMENl 1 Four screenwriters to speak at library Four screenwriters will discuss how a passion for film can blossom into a career at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the · Newport Beach Central Llbrary, 1000 Avocado Ave., New- port Beach. The free entertainment indus- try forum will be spo.osored by the fourth annual Newport Beach International Film FeSfival. which will be held March 25.to April 4. The panel includes: • David McKenna, whose first screenplay, •American History X," was sold to New Line Cinema. His second movie, •Jello Shots,• will be released this summer. He recently signed a two-picture deal with Warner Bros. Pictures. • Seth Pinsker, who bas worked in film, television and commer- cials. He wrote, directed and pro- duced the Academy Award-nomi- For Reeenatlou, Pleue ,Call 'JbJl PrM 877-257-0900 5165 s. Decatar ..... 1.u Vega•, NV a9t1.a -· • Flavored Lotions & Oils • Books, Games & Toys • Bachelor(ette) Sui:>J>lies • Free 88 pg. Color Catalog nated film •strange Fruit• He also wrote and directed "The Hidden II" for New Line Cinema and developed "The Substitute" for Apollo Pictures. • Linda Voorhees, who received the Jack Nicholson Screenwriting Award for "Mother Earth!" She also wrote a movie-of-the-wee ·For l,be Love of Zachwy, • thtl~ will be broadcast on ABC-TV'. • William Robert Woolery, who is a professor of screenwpting....at UCI. He wrote, directed and pr<T-. duced the documentary •AD 1000." Ide also has written and produced stories for ABC's "Wor1a News Tonight <t Hand-carved statues to be awarded during the festival, which is dedicated to showcasmg inde pendent films from around the world, will be unveiled at the forum. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Zuble's Proudly Serving_ 30 Years! 414 Old Newport Blvd. N~rtBeach 645-6086 f j .... datetiook Saturday. March 6, 1999 A I e TOM Trrus Watching• Auntie Mame• at the ;Theater DlStrict in Costa M a may cause one to Feallze what a difference Jerry Herman's songs make. Allrrl&\tm The musical •Mame," based on the Jerome Lawrence-Robert "' E. Lee adaptation of Patrick Den- nis' semi-aµtob ographlcal novel, wormed lts way into our hearts • .... Theater District 2930 lriAol St., COsta Mesa •WI-. Fridays and s.tur· days at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. until March 21 • HOW MUCH: S 15 and $20 • PHONE: (714) 435"'4043 with such numbers as "We Need a Little Chrisbnas," "U·lie Walked Into My Life Today" and .the title tune. Absent these bright spots, tbe source material can be a little bleak. Not that director Mario Lescot THEATER REVIEW :1o~~~or- haven't done a creditable job with the script at nand. There are numerous comi- cal highlights along the way, but they seem neutralized by _ ,moment$ of indecision and lapses of pace -elements one doesn't expect to encounter with the . Theater District, given that com- pany's excellent track record of "relationship" plays. . At the heart of the problem is Auntie. ~arne herself. Sharyn BUYING OR REFINANCING?! No POINTS! n6.50°/o30YR. FIXED '' lMu-"ts 52-40 000 or '3tt1w 6 625'-APR Milli 1114'1 ln!Mrs l!'lfMllr"'flllS , 7 e 0°/o 30 YR. FIXED loiliu {ro111 S2AO.OOO IO $650.000 1092 APR E \11 I~ II I' '\ f) I '\ ( -- Case requires virtually the entire firs.t att to bring her -boherllian character into focus, struggling through some scenes that are 'ess thij.ll believable, Once th,e second act' begins, c1se appears far more comfort- able as the grounded, mature Mame, plotting to rescue her nephew from a ghastly marriage ~ into snooty society. The role of Mame's actress buddy, Vera C}tarles, can SwiPe the show froin the star just as Mame does from Vera in her abortive Broadway cameo scene. Ali~ Ensor revels as the hard- drinking Vera, illuminatirig her every sequence and enriching the show considerably. ROSEY'S AUTOBODY You Have the ·Right ,...·-~~L to Choose Your · Repair Facility nsist on the Best Lifetime Warranty Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop ----- (949) 642-4522 , 121 Industrial Way • Costa Mesa from our isfana to yours!" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Come and share the Aloha Spirit : • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • li~es on right here at • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : The Bad ~s Coffee Co~pany. : .......................... •·• C OME VISIT OUR N EW LO C ATIO N 322 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 949-723-1 99 The show's strongest elements are its Patricks -10-year-old Jare<I Wigdor and grown-up =· ~lato classic·= NOW SERVING BREAKFAST! Sat 7am-3pm & Sun 3am-4pm ,-------------, I FREE I I Buy 1 Breakfast,. I 1 Get 1 FREE t L Na va Id w/¥'ft ~ "°" Vc>-ld ltlnJ 3118199 _J \f ITALIAN ICE CREAM \f SMOOTHIES \f SANDWICHES \f GOURMET COFFEE \f ESPRESSO DRINK'S (949) 721-1160 2756 E. Coaet H wy. :. · Corona dcl Mar .: Patrick's stuffy prospective m- ldws, but Gwen Yeager as their • vacuous daughter hits her carice- Christian Holiday. Young W1gdor is terrific, a bundle of audible energy and vitality, while Holi- day projects a splendid contrast as the polished, conservative young man he grows up to be. Paul Castellano is properly unimpressive ~ the seedy Lind- say, who courts Mame in the ear- ly scenes. David McCammon is fine as her main man, Beaure- gard, and Christi Sweeney siz- zles ~s Mame's rival for his affec- tions, a Georgia peach who's a little rotten . ture deadon. Also nicely done lS l Regan D Lyn's tum as Pegeen. the down-to-earth decorator .. A number of, smaller roles Mame's household is populat- ed by some quirky folks -Rollo Sternaman as the giggling Asian butler, Deborah Conroy as a highly religious Irish maid and Jessica Learned as the geeky secretary, Agnes Gooch, who comes into bloom with a floWlSh. Bruce Beckman and Deborah Kissinger never really become as obnoxious as they should be as receive top-drawer treatment David Shein's ultracomervative . banker and Patrick's financial guardian, P.J. Agnew's back-to- nature schoolteacher and Bill Forant's egocentric Irish poet and fussy floorwalker. Betty Bedwell could bolster her role as a Geor- gian matriarch with a little more sass an1d spirit. ·Auntie Mame• certainly has its moments, but the logistics of the piece -0ften present barners that the show itself, .like its title character, must overcome. That's when a little music would have worked wonders. ORIGINAL GERMAN Rolls -Pretzels -Strudel -Hallah Egg Twist Br~ad -Coffee Cakes Cheese Cakes -Weddings -Special Occasions Serving Authentic German Lunch Daily Specials -Aouladen -Schnitzel Bratwurst -Meatloaf Speriolizi11g in Hedding & Sperit1/ Orrasion Cakes {714) 540-0281 2950 Grace Lane • Costa Mesa I A MacGillivra9 ~rccman rilm • • I ' • • Sotvr(Jcry, Morch 61 l999 , commun1 fofuni Doily Pj~ f you've been readirig our Commu- nity Forum pages this wt week, ...,_,_-..you've seen the flurry of calls an<t tters the pct.per received on the issue f multicillturalisni in the classroom. The comments have run the gamut some thoughtful, some passionate, some angry, some syi;n~thetic. But one thing has become clear. We live in a community that values the role dif- ............,.Ill belongs in the clas· r --~ bne)>lay.ed bl ttiephig our. country. Greatnea ii ~me... regardless ot skin t:Olar. Harriet 1\abman ad George w~ Carver -two historic fig- ures wbOie ~ces in histOi')' books should never be ignc>.red. Martin Luther King Jr. and Cesar Chavez - two mooem American fjgUres, two men Of color wHOle contributions to Sodety have ·lrilpb'ed millions, sent down the river. 1be ~ ~ spawned cban~ and carved a niche in.. slon, Pearl Harbor;. Vietnam -IUbjectS hist~ just as George Washington, that deserve significant attention in the Abraham Uncoln, Franklin Delano cl~~enge for educators 1s to fiOd Roosevelt and John P. Kennedy have. the perf~ balance of the two, to mow It's heartening to know that so mai~y how much attention to give each people ~e and embrace that, event. But incorporating mwticwtural· welcome it in the classroom. ism in history, is more representative A.t the same time, we must ensure · and true to life than teac~ inoOocul- that major watershed moments aren't tutalisrri. - READERS RESPOND ore readers rise to the defense of multiculturalism ~· •I ... I \. ~ Newport Harbor defends fascinating, and our heritage and culture rich. THE ISSUE: Articles about Newport Harbor High teacher Angela Newman have raised questions · about whether history should be taught from the perspective of more than one cu lture. -I fi nd it funny that Bruce Crawford doesn't want to see muluculturalism in the ~ools Wake up. We're not in Qie 1 !.nos and t 930s dnyrnore. I suppose you want the duldren to be taught from the white per- spect.Jve forever. appreciate the contributions of 3 history teacher's methods failures, understand our present and guide our future. As a history major at ·UCLA, I was taugh'F o examine our past with a The monocultural approach fu teaching history is not accu- rat~ and can be dangerous. Which culture should we choose? How can we learn from our past if we ignore the co~tri butions and actions of large seg- ments of our population? And moreover, how can we fairly govern our nation today if we ignore our multiculturalism? I ldke JTW hat off to Angela Newmdfl fol-teaching truths irom the perspective she knows best MAITHEW C. RODRIGUEZ Costa Mesa George Grupe and Bruce Crawford demonstrated by their comments at the school board that they are embedded m the past and are totally incapable of assessing and understanding the benefits that the Uruted States has received from multicultural elements in our society. Thl' nchness of diversity as part ol our American culture has endbled us dS d nation to become d world leader in com- merce, science and power. A!> ~uch, we need to be educatea in the historical cultures of the \\/OrlcJ <i11d to understand ahd IP • diversity. PAT SHAPIRO Corona del Mar I am a mother of two Ensign students, and I have an 18-year- old who graduated from New- port Harbor High School last year. I have to say that Bruce Crawford is completely out of his mind. I think part of what is wrong with our whole society is we are not recognizing enough of what other cultures bring to the table. I think that the fact that our history books are filled with the white man's history is terrible. Our history books do not teach the facts as they have occurred. I am just horrified at the fact that Crawford wants a monocul- ture. l am just really upset about this._ ALYSON MICHIE Newport Beach l am speaking for myself and for my husband, Raymond Rosso, regarding the teacher al Newport Harbor High School. • Multlculturn.l approach ~ oy A.OgetA Newman a1tidzed at board meeting, but adminlstrallon, studenl3, co-workers smg her praises. When I read about her in the Los Angeles 1imes, both my husband and I were extremely pleased to have a teacher of that caliber. And I have already phoned the prino- pal's office to tell them about our approval I hope my granddaughter is going to get Angela Newman next year at the high school to get a perspective on history the way she is teaching ll. Usually you hdve to go to college to get this s1ant. Maybe pressure, maybe quality -I have no idea why it isn't taught sometimes in the hiyh school the way it really was. 1 am sure there are others .PERSPECTIVE - one. She is going to get a lot of flak, I am sure. That will come out in the paper. I want them both to know they do have many, many supporters, and I'm very happy about the fact that the principal lured her. JEAN ROSSO . Newport Beach I am responding to the ques- tion of multiculturalism in U.S. history in our schools. How U.S. tustory is recorded and interpreted has long been a subject of debate among histori- ans and Americans in general. History gives us a greater understanding of who we are. Its lessons can be used to he lp us evaluate our successes and Chamber sees light at the end of the tunnel RK 11 \I{!) R LUEHRS T hree yedr-,, dgo, the New- port Beach City Council ldunched d study of need- ed relonns to the city's traffic phdsmq ordinance The city's EC'onom1c Devplopment Com- m1tll'<'. with involvement by the Newport I iarbor Area Chamber of Commerce, led the charge. This endeavor, the longest in city history, looks llke 1t may ~ctually be commg to d close in the "near• future -. AJthough the chamber is in upport of the ne w reform pack- ege, there are still a few issues that need to be addressed before a final version of the ordindnce 1s adopted ThP old ordmdnce, which has experi<>nced minimal change -· since its mcepllon, did not take into account what kind of busi- ness growth, quality-of-We changes and court decisions Newport Beach would expen- e over the past two decades As city policy decisions were made on issues affectmg the ~billty to inlplement the ordi- nance, no provision was made to address them. This, in tum, made the traffic phasing ordi- .nance unfair to businesses in - some sections of the city, as well as leaving our city government vulnerable to legal challenge and potential liability. Many business owners characterized Newport Beach as being unfriendly to busmesses. In cer- tain cases, the no-growth tone of the old ordinance deterred some businesses from locating or expand.mg. The existing traffic phasing ordinance is simply outdated and possibly illegal. The city attorney has reminded the City Counal of the vulnerability of the ordinance, but even with lhe proposed reforms. the chamber still questions the 300-tnp-end threshold for preparation of a special traffic consultant. We think that standard can be eased without compromising the ordinance. Additionally, in numerous meetings, city officials have questioned the reasoning of the H exempt intersection " clause, which would make the specified interset'tions that technically should be reformatted exempt from discussion and change. This is a very technical issue, and the cost and effort to redesign th se few it\tersections would not be a responsible deci- sion for the citizens of Newport Beach. If not resolved, exempt intersections could be the stick- ing point in designing an effec- tive traffic phasing ordindnce. The chamber has also long recognized that the four-fifths vote requirement for an override of the ordmdnce 1s unreasonable and does not provide equal pro- tection under the law for proper- ty owners This four-fifths for- mula -which actually reqwres six of seven votes -should be replaced with d more realistic and viable five-out-of-seven- vote formula The ordinance 1s the only policy in the city to have a four-fifths override, and for no other reason than unifor- mity in city policy should be changed. Furthermore, a rough propor- tionality standard has finally been defined, which up to a very short time ago was a major stumbling block for many busi- nesses interested in establishing themselves in the Newport Har- bor area Let me explain: Ip the past, 1f a new busmcss was proposed on a comer, then that business would be obligated to do research on traffic impacts, ana- lyze the results, and be solely responsiblo for roadway improvements, even if the busi- I ness unpacts were minor. The chamber is m support of the new proportionality provi- sion included in the traffic phas- ing ordmaAce reform packagP., wbich provides that if a new business generates 1 O"t.. of the impacts, then it pays for only 10'X, of the unprovemcnts. Thie; only seems fair. This new ordinance reform package would correct a num- ber of problems with the old ordinance However, the cham- ber reahzes that this is a mini- ma I first step toward qdueving a comprehensive traffic manage- ment plan. The city nreds to redevelop Newport's general plan and take into account the tremendous changes that have altered Newport Beach and cre- ate a vision for the new millen- nium. The Newport Hrtrbor Arca Chamber of Commer(e will continue its dedicallon to serve the needs of Newport Beach and work with the city on complex issues, such as the traf- fi c phasing ordinance 111 order to make our community the bust place to live, work and play. • RICHARD It LUEtiltS Is president of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. critical eye, which made the subject much more interesting and real to me. We explored various groups -socioeconom- ic, cultural, e thnic -and learned how major world e~nts and trends affected th~e Uni ted States is a culturally · diverse nation, and I believe that our multiculturalism has been an important factor con - tributing to our becoming one of the greatest nations in histOry. Prior to 25 or 30 years pgo, history wa's written primaruy by white males chronicling their rights and activities, largely ignoring vast and integral parts of our population. While I agree that major world and U.S. events must continue to be taught, I also feel that learning how U1ese events shaped history and affected all Americans is not only more interesting but alsQ more accurate and complete. We have many types of j>eople interacting on this land, which makes our country unique and My only problem with the history cun1culum in Newport- Mesa is that more of it is not taught, including trends and events occurring in all of the continents prior to Western set-" Uement in America. I feel it would give our. students a deep- er understanding as to why our history evolved as it did. Finally, since I am not familiar with the course work in the teacher's class who is under con - sideration, I don't feel I can com- ment on it. But, I applaud ner creativity. It is obvio~y making ' people think about the manner in which history is inteq)reted and taught and the impact that , this has. BARBARA LEMMERMAN Corona del Mac REBUTTAL PTA leaders object to columniSt. A lthough we appreciate the coverage of education given by the Daily Pilot, we find the reporting done by Gay Geiser-Sandoval to be repeatedly inaccurate and biased. The new supenntendent. Robert Btnbot, is working hard with.his school board to put this district on an even keel and erddicate the divisiveness that has hindered eUective action. Harbor Cowicil PTA brings the PT A pre.c;idents together from 811 zones to work together. ln her most recent article, Geiser-Sandoval unplies that the district is spending too much money to open Eastbluff com- pared With Rea and Davis schools (EduC'ationally Spedkirtg, •Grades, honors Shouldn't out- weigh joy of learning,• March 1 ). This ignores the timing and drcumstdnces of opening all three schools, which is not the !>Ubjcct of this letter. Jn the same article, Geiser- Sandova.l's comments refcrnng to thu Bonita Canyon annexa- tion was most offensive to the C.:oroM del Mar zone. The high school cornmunicy's efforts on behalf of the annexation benefit- ed the entire school district. ~ a result, $1 million was added to tho diSU1ct endowment hmdr $4.4 million became available to hl•lp open two cl~mentary <hoots to oo~ ove~rowding. ti The additional students will I.o generate incremental dollals for the entire districl Mello-Roos • • property assessment money w desi~ted to prepare for the "' influx of students into Corona del Mar High School and mi school from both Bonita Canyon and the huge downcoast dev~ opments. Without the high ! school's intervention to con the community that the annexa- tion was beneficial. none of t.lie- above woilld have OCcurred within the imposed dead.lines b th.e goven}.ing bodies. Gei.Ser·Sandoval's article incorrectly states that the 11;'1trtn.l"'I staff recommends that devel fees be al.located to the ~h school in lieu of Mello-Roos funds. Her statements were " absolutely erroneous and fla- grantly divisive. Geiser-Sandoval took a sm amount of knowledge with a 1 personal bias to create a zone zone agenda. All responsible 1 members of the Newport~~~ community ShoWd work~ er for the good ol. the entire dJi lrict. 1b allow such~ commentAry by our local new. paper ii counterproductive &nd a d!SServiC"e to our sch.oOl . ..._,._ KAREN SUSAN KUM Co·presidents, Corona Mar High and Middle School .. ... ... H 0 w ' ·o c a N T A c T y 0 u R R E p R E s E N T A T I v E s PRESIDENT ill C linton. (D}, Tho White ouse, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., ashington, DC., 20500. HoUtne 6 am to 2 p.m.) (202) 456·1111. :V.CE PRESIDENT Gor~. (0), Th<' Capitol Build· g, Suite 212, Washington, D.C., 0500. u .S. SENATORS Barbara Boxer, (0), 112 Hart tr. Building, Suit 112, Wa h· ' , mgton, D.C., 20510, (202) 224· 35531 Ot 2250 B. lmpar14.1 High· way, Swte S.5, El Segundo 90245, (310) 414-5700 •Dianne Fe.instcm, (D), 331 Hart BuildJng, Wa. hmgton, 0 C, 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 t Santa Monic:a Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angel 00025, (310) 914· 7300. HOUSE Of REPAESENTATIV£S • Chns Cox, (R), 47t.h Dtstrict, l Nowport Place, Suit -420, New- port Beech 92660, (7U) 756-22 .. 4; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Wash· ington, D.C .• 20515, (202) 225· ~J l . (Rep nts most ol. N w· port och.) I • Duna Rohrabacher, (R), 45U1 Disltict, 101 Main St., Suite 3C, Hwttlngton Be ch 92648, (714) 960-6483; or 1027 Longwotth Building, Wa<ihmgton, D.C., (202) 225-2415. (Represents Costa M<'..a and W 'lil Newport Beach) STATE SENATI Ross Johnwn (R), 35th OtSt.rlct, 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Suit 220, Irvine 92715, 833·0180. STATE ASSEMBLY Mdrl.lyn Br wer (R), 70th D1stnct, 18952 MocArthu1 Blvd., Suite 220, Irvine 92715, 863-7070. STATE COASTAL COMMISSION • I 45 FrE>mont St., Suite 2000, Sun Prandsco < 4105, (415) 904 5200. Regional offico locatC'd m Long Bcclch, (310) 590·5071 . ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPf RVISORS Hnll of Administration, 10 C1vic C"<'ntcr PloM, Santa Ana 92701. • Jim Silva, 2nd Di'ilrkt (Costn Mesa). 834 3220 • Thornall Wilson , Sth Oistnct (N1•wport Dcuch, Snnttt Anu lleight'i). U34 3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR BOARD 80 Pllir Drtv~. Co ta Mc a, 708- PAIR • Board Pr • dent Emily Son.ford; V1<-c Presjdent Don Saltarelli; and mPmbcrs Gary 1 layakawa, Jim Llndherg, John Crean, Randy Smith and t>on Wtl1<1t. ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kelmu Drive, P.O Bo• 9050, Costo Meso 92628-9050, 966- 4000. Ellzaheth 0 Park r, member, 1rustc AI a 5 Coi;ta M e, New· pot1 B('cich, CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa M " City Hell, 77 Pott Dri· Vl?, 92626, (71.) 754·522J. Mnyor: Gnry Monahan Councal: J Encklon, Heather • Somers, Libby Cowan and U Dixon. OTY OF NEWPORT BEACH N wport Beach City Hall, N wport Blvd., 92863 644.33 Mayor. Dennis O'Neil Council: Gory Adams, Jan O Norma Glover, Tod Ridg John Noy and Tom Thomso " COAST COMMUNrrY COWGE DtSl1UCT : District Office: 1370 Adams A Costa M 92626, 432-5898. Chancellor: William M. Vttga noard: Walter Howald, Sb Baum, Paul Berger, Arm Ruiz and Jerry Patterson. ~ , center, and (the guls) always ~ tidpate, but they needed some- thing for themselves,• Santoyo said. Tbe girls also wanted a place they oould c:a.11 their own, where they could d1scuss issues in a pri- vate, intimate setting away from boys, said newly hired program coordinator Diana Sanchez. In its secon.d month, the pro-• · gram ts off to 1l flying start. There are self-defense classes, a precur- sor to ldckboxing lessons, every Monday night in the boxing cen- ter. •What's Love Got to do With It,• work,shops every Tuesday night allow girls to discuss preg- nancy, dating and other social is$Ues. Today; the group will embark on iti first field trip, to UCLA for a Chicana/Latina conference. The girls also have asked for salsa and merengue dance . lessons and have successfully petitioned for •girls only• gym hours for the weight room. Soon, they will begin getting pool lessons and will participate in makeup,. etiquette and job-skills workshops. Julia Thrres, 14, has been com- ing to the SOY center for almost two years. ·1 stopped coming because it was getting kind of boring, but now I'm coming more,• she said. Having a girls-only environ- ment is more comfortable, Julia CONTINUED ffiOM A 1 I degree in science and public administration. He is divorced with two adult children, friends said. Bludau served in the U.S. Air Force from 1969 to 1973 and worked for the city of Tucson from 1973 to 1974. He then went to work for the city of Yuma, Ariz .. as an adminis- trative analyst in the. late 1970s, and in 1980 landed his first city manager job in Avenal, a small city in Northern California. Melissa Whitten, Avenal's city manager, who Bludau originally hired as a utility clerk, said Blu- dau was the city's first top admm· istrator after it incoipOrated in 1979. •It was by his direction that the city was established, and he got the city up and going ¥erv well,• she said. •By 1984, he was illvolved in helping to establish a red~velopment agency here and building the state prison in Ave- nal.. 1 Whitten described Bludau as a •wonderful• man who was held in ·very high regard in the small town. •1 think Newport's lucky,• she . sa1d. •He's so humble and very f professional. You couldn't ask fo( •a Dicer man.• ' In November 1985, Bludau was hired ~ the city administra · . ·LAWSUIT CONTINUED FROM A 1 on the side of Nederlander, so they co\lld make sure sound rest:rjctions were kept in place - the same thing they have been fighting for 17 years, said their attorney, Richard Spix. Spix said he was upset at the injustice of the situatiQn because Brpwn and Lusk put themselves at risk of bankruptcy, not for per- sonal gab'\ but for the right to sleep in their bedrooms at night. Pair attorneys Scott Bertzyk and Mark Kemple said the case wu not about sound restrictions, ~Lal fraud and antitrust violations. "' Really, what (the interveners] are ~g to do is take advantage Of fraud and antitrust violations t'hat were perpetrated on the ran-,· Bertzyk said. At quettion is whether the res- idents intervened in the case as a party to the sale of contract, which stipula~es that in case of lit· igation, the prevailing party would be entitled to fees and !!EACH ER CONTINUED FROM A 1 I Sotvrdoy, Morch 6, 1999 A 19 JUSTIN WARREN I DAlY PILOT 'Nayell Morales shares a laugh with Sylvia Rojas, lower right. and other girls at the Save Our Youth Center Friday .. said. ·w e could express our feelings more with girls,• she said. Many ·of the ideas have been driven by the girls themselves. #They're so into doing all these things,• Santoyo said . #I'm franti- cally try!ng to catch up-with 'try- ing to find funding, trying to find transportation.• tor of Rialto, in San Bernardino County. He was there for about three years before being hired in Coronado, where he has been for the past 11 years. · •1•ve known Homer since he came to town, and all I can say is he is a total gentleman,• 'aid longtime Coronado resident and activist Carol Cahill. ·we have an immaculate city because he knows how to manage the departments. And as we swing back and forth on political ideolo- gies, he's been able to handle it witl) grace.· Randy Boggess, president of the Coronado Residential Associ· ation, said he was always impressed with the way -Bludau handled himself at public meet- ings. ·1 don't know Homer that well, but I certainly ad.mire him,• he said. •He is an extremely profes- sional an,d articulate person.• Perhaps former Coronado City Councilman Dave Blumenthal put it most succinctly: •He's just a damn Boy Scout.• Some of the big issues Bludau is dealing with in Coronado include moving City Hall to an area of town that many residents feel has inadequate parking, find- ing money to build a tunnel to the north part of the island, and building a new city library. Mary Herron, a former mayor of Coronado and a personal friend of Bludau's, said his deci- sion to begin looking for new opportunities may have stemmed costs . Spi.x also argued that the fair already has collected fees as part of its settlement. Bertzyk said the settlement the fair received came far short of making them whole. The fair bought the amphithe- ater for $12.5 million, but has paid $4.75 million in interest, $1.5 mil· lion in repair costs and $5.3 mil· lion to litigate the fraud case against Nederlander -a total of about $24 million. ,_ •The fair's been damaged far more than it ever got from Neder- lander, • Bertzyk said. Collecting legal fees from the interveners is an attempt to stop litigation, fair a ttorneys said. •The fear, quite honestly, is that the neighbors will appeal,• said Becky Bailey-Findley, gen e ral manager of the fair. Spix has accused the fair and lawyers of using the attempt to collect attorney fees as a tool of intimidation. Fair attorney Mark Kemple disagreed. •The sad irony," he Mid, •is we're trymg to save them from themselves.• union failed to provide her with an attorney or to process her grievance against the dlltrlct, she said. Ull-Gabe deciiried to dllcua her lawsuit outmde bl c:ourt; MY· 1ng she (lid not want to jeo~ ~er case, in which lbl ii repre- senting herMM.... ·.. •. • • 1t'1 a paWu1 proc.wt for me,• lhe said. ·1 don't .haw 50 •tlar· oeys repre1anting me. I want to be able to go tbrough tbe Jegal proc9ll '° ltaDd up tor ~ iiab~ acept that· -....... .-w.. "'Y~·· .. FYI The program has room for 10 more girls. For more Information, call (949) 548-4892. 1rom the present political climate. "Now we have an ultraconser- vative council, and Homer proba· bly just feels it's not that much fun," she said. •[Newport Beach) is a larger city with more diversi- ty. He en)Dys a, challenge and learning new things, and is very capable of pulling the information together.• Whitten related the time Blu- dau was leaving Avenal and the city employees adopted the slo- gan, u No on can fill Homer's shoes " "We confiscated a pair of his shoes and gave him a plant with his shoe as the vase," she said. •1 think he keeps it with. him to this day." ••• OlllNJ f urn.iture Tr o/o ANY PURCHASE AT lHE RIGHT START® COSTA MESA Expires March 31 ; 1999 .• . This coupon must be presented to receive discount. Lim it one coupon per customer. Coupon may not be combined with any other offer. Moy not be used for the purchase of Gift Certificates or on Catalog orders. Not valid for prior purchases. Void if copied or transferred. Redeemobl$ only at The Right Stort9 Costa Mesa • • ' S~a J9.ngs collide with Chaminade at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim at 9 a.m. . ,. , BARRY FAULKNER Datt~ ... 300 days. ANAHEIM .... Chaminade High Coa~ Jeff Youn\} has worked five years to establish the founda- tion of a boys basketball dynasty, but Corona-del Mar head man Pall). Orris, wijose uns~ed Sea iGngs face the top-seeded Eagles today at 9 a.m. in the CIF South- ern Section Division ill-A title g&me at the-Arrowhead Pond, is a1 least indirectly responsible. Alshuler J Hansen · played so hard. We lost in a close game and l told my kids 'This is how we want to pfoy when we get to the playoffs.' " Shea Hanson Hunt years,• said Young, wlio was a freshman reserve on an L.A. Lutheran team whicb won the section 1-A (then small scllools) Division crown in 1984, ,before going on to play collegiately at Valparaiso and Cal Lutheran. of 13 of its last 14 games, also earned a Southern Section title in 1971. The ·Sea .Kings (18-10), of course, have a much more storied history of success. This will be CdM's eighth section title game and the school's gym rafters boast four section crowns, including IV- AA conquests under Onis in 1995 and '93. "We played Corona del Mar in the p layoffs my second year at <;haminade, • the 29-year-old Young said of the Sea Kings' 52- 46 ID-A first-round victory in 1996. "Coach Orris is a fantastic coach and his kids were •disci- 'The Eagles (23-4), who had missed the playoffs 10 straight seasons before-Young arrived, appear to have definitely taken heed .. The Eagles went 28-2 and defeated Bishop Montgomery in last year's ID-A section title game and come in with three future Division I college players, accord- ing to Young. Chaminade, winner lined, executed their stuff and "We went from fourth in the Mission League my first year to third, to second, to back-to-back championships the last two The Sea Kings, who made the SEE HOOPS PAGE 83 H I G H S C .H 0 0 L B A S E B A L L Rookies roll over ' .Sea Kings ' • Capistrano Valley pulls rank on more experienced Corona del Mar in an 11-8 seastm-opening victory. BARRY FAULKNER lblyllb CORONA DEL MAR -Press clippings never hit a curveball and all-anything cre- dentials never retired the side. lbe Corona del Mar High baseball team was taught this lesson Friday by visiting Capistrano Valley, which, dfipite having six starters without ptevio\lS varsity experience, humbled ~hosts; 11-8, in the opening round of tl\e Newport El.ks Tournament. "It' good for us to know we still have to do," said CdM Coach John Em.me, ose lineup included seven varsity veter- ans, including five All-Newport-Mesa Dis- trict performers. · "We have some guys who have estab- lished themselves in the an::a as baseball players, but we need to establish ourselves a.s a team. It's good to know we can't just come out and pound on people." The Sea Kings, who hit a schQOl-record .44 home runs last season (23 of those by return- ers), surrendered the game's only four dingers, including two by Capo junior Scott Cheo, one of the aforementioned varsity rookj.es. BRIAN P08UDA/ OAILV Al.Ol Corona del Mar Hlgh's Nate Lemmerman ste als second base as the throw gets away from Capistrano Valley's Jeff Scuderi durin,g Friday's matchup. Capo won, t 1-8. "We got outslugged, • said Emme. "If Cheo was lfn the JV last year, I'm sur~ glad we didn't play them. I think I could have found a (varsity) spot for him.• Cheo opened the scoring with a two-run, first-inning blast, then pushed the Cougars into double digits with a two- run, opposite-field homer in the seventh to provide an 11-7 lead. He finished 4 for 5 with six RBis and retired the side in the sev- enth to preserve the win. CdM, however, rallied twice to claim the lead, before Mike Davis cleared the center- field fence with a man aboard to break a 7-7 deadlock in the sixth. The first two Sea Kings reached in the sixth, but a base runner missed a hit-and- run sign, which contributed to a double play to help the Cougars protect their two-run lead. Down in the seventh, CdM again made some noise when Nate Lemmerman and Andrew Johns sandwiched walks around a pair of pop-ups. Senior Matt Thiede then clutched up with an RBI single on a 3-2 fas~ b411 to plate one run and bring t.l:;le tying run -and the top of the order -to the plate. But Cheo induced a groundout to the third baseman to silence the rally-charged Cd.Mdugout. Senior Ty Harper, a two-time All-CIF honoree and the Newport-Mesa Player of the Year last spring, ijnproved bis .519 varsi- ty career average by going 3 for 5 with an ---SEE COM PAGE 83 ouon Of THE DAY--'"lf "We have Cll opporMity and wt' rt going tD flf * • -• ..... Orris. CdM boys~~ Mc • He remains one of the Sailors' legends in football, as . well as· track and iield. for end~avors some 60 years a~; ...... DoN Cwm.lill.. McClellan to remark, "We <'4 • . ~Pb always learned sQmething fr~; ..... , that. He was a no-nonsense of coach." though he missed ut on a much esired varsi.ty football championship in • Even so, McClellan remembers the team's last ,,..;.,,._.!lio- with Tune, one hosted by ~ ~.' . bis senior year, Rollo McClellan, McClellan's father. :~-~ "We took note of the tears in • Class of '38 at Harbor High, achieved two other laudable marks, shattering the school's century record at 10.2 and helping the .Tar . Bee team ca p·ture the school's first- ever gridiron title. bis eyes when he came tbroUQb : the door to the ' ' l The Class of '38 hlways had sizzling speed with McClellan and teammate Glenn Thompson, championship celebration. It showed us how much it meant to'" him,• the playei~; said. · The '37 schoot' yearbook said, "Rollo McC1 was the outstanding stari the Bee team. accounting for most of the points .1 by bis hard-bitthig the varsity quarterback and the '36 Bee fullback. Those Rollo McClellan, '38 at quarterback.• ' : Tlie Bees two and center George Lumel all made All-Sunset League as seniors. The vartity had a proud season, defeating the champion · •Excelsior eleven and others, but a critical tie with Orange and a Joss to Anaheim turned it all upside down. Grid coac.b Ralph Reed was pleased with the fullbacking performances of McClellan, who carried 241 times for 1,044 yards, and the masterful quarterbacking of Thompson. When Thompson playe<J any varsity game, Newport won. Both athletes kept the Sailors glittering in track and field evens as well in their senior year. Coach Lee Tune helped produce gold and glitter ,for them as juniors on the Bee team be coached to the lf?4gue championship. Tbe team lost'no league games. operated out of the basic short-punt formation and the play they ran consistently · was geared up for McClellan. ~ In fact, the key play was called "The 25 McClellan's Hole." which was designed to angle betWeen rugged center Lumel and guard Dick Carlson "There always seemed to be some kind of hole every time,• McClellan said. McClellan's younger brother, Sparks, went on to play center for new varsity coach Die~ SpaUlding on the '39 Newport varsity. Sparks advanced to Fullerto.u Junior College and wound up playing for Spaulding again. . • ; The brothers remained cloSett with Spaulding down through; the years playing golf together until Spaulding passed away· 1986. . Rollo McClellan, one of th • originals in the Long Gray llpei ~I ··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' : l'rine was a t6ugh disciplinarian, prompting at Newport Harbor, and a member of the Daily Pilot's . Sports Hall of Fame, celebratllig the o~g millennium. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK • Newport Harbor High senior knows her steps at two-meter ~ard; efforts in semifinal key to title drive. RtaWU>OUNN lblyf'b ru ed on moves for a ballerina, i..iewport Harbor gh's Diana Day tiptoed her way through the beginning stages of girls water polo. But Day never imagined she'd one day make waves at the most turbulent position in the pool. •There's a lot of fighting in there,• Day said of the two-meter guard spot, which she . Jlldtered throughout the CJF Southern Section Division I Playoffs, including a stellar defensive performance in the Sailors' win against Villa Park in • • • • • the Feb. 25 semifinals. •vou might never get the ball, but you're constantly fighting I've never been the type of girl to fight. My sophomore year, my first year playing water polo, I used to tum around and apologize (to my opponent for making contact). Now, Coach (Bill) Barnett is teaching me how to break girls' fingers. This is competitiven& I never knew 1 had." While only a trained eye can detect the underwater violence in the sport, Day had trained hdt'd in other f onns of athletlC'S, but sprouted elght inches m a SEE DIANA PAGE 8l • • The lrVine Company and Harbor View Center will be' making a donation to the ·N~rt ·Harbor Hip Sdiool Athletic Department la ·tion of outstanding performanra sueh u youn. .... .. .. "" . -.. . ~~4. ·. . \. . 'I .. . . ... , . .. I .... \,a ... "-' .. -... . . """• , .. . ~ .... , ... .. ~ ... . . ·' J . . ' .. " . . . . ., f I I I - Now we have the best Selection of 1999 models in the County. The trucks have arrived from the factor}' with an extra omtion of hard to find models. And we have the best prices ever ~ffered! Go For It! © LEXUS MISSION VIEJ0 The future is now. What's next ... ? : 400 Marguerite Parkway, 5 Freeway, Avery Parkway Exit Tel 949.364.0664 • www.lexus4less.com Annual Percentage Rate ANndng AvaHabte On Ctrttfied Prt·Owntd Lexus Vthtdll, On AWfOYld Cd. Offers tXpire CONTfNUED. FROM 81 short span iµid eventually reached 5-foot-t 1 t/2 -not exactly an ideal height for a dancer and gymnast. • "I grew so much, it was ridiculous to continue with QYIIlllastiC'S," said Day, who'd always been a_ swimmer but wasn't crazy about traversing from wall to wall. ·"When water polo came arolllld, I loved it. It was something new. I was used to just swimming laps since I was 5 years old, then water polo came around and I thouglit, 'Oh. my gosh, there Js something else.' Dafs height becomes a factor on defense, as well, like when . she helped shut down Villa Park's 5-10 two-meter standout Shannon Buckner in the semifinals, as the Tars took a major step on their way tQ winning the CIF Division I title Tues'day. "We knew Jbe offense would take care of itself, but-defensively we really needed to take (Buc~er and Spartan two-meter threat Kristyn Pulver) out of the game," said Day, the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week, who kept Buckner scoreless, held Pulver to a single goal, provided the Tars with two steals and added a first-quarter assist on Katherine Gregg's goal as Newport Harbor went ahead, 2-0, m an eventual 7-6 victory. . "Diana Day did a fantastic job,• Barnett said after the win, wbicll propelled the Sailor$ to the championship game against Irvine at Belmont Plaza. "I'm so tall,• she said, -tt~ bard to maneuver arouild, so I just plant myself on top and chuck the heck out of the ball. I feel fortunate to have (a strong thr~gann)! Added Barnett: "My J1fillosopby is that you should have J?eOple coming off the bench who can help you, and that's what she does. She comes , off and plays defense and h4S' a dynainic outside shot. She's a good shooter. She throws the ball like a man. She really heats it up." Though the vivacious Day plays one of the most rugged positions in water polo, she said Barnett emphasizes finesse and savvy when facing physical opponents, like Villa Park's Buckner and Pulver. "They're a physical team," Day said of the Spartans, "but we've been coached to play with our heads. "Coach Barnett has taught me· a lot of things. Defensively, he coaches me daily on positioning and where I should be. He's taught us how to work together as a team, and how to step over some boundaries (in the water) that are hard to get acros~. But he's taught us how to play clean. •Some of the girls I guard are the dirtiest players on the other team, and he's taught me how not to stoop to that level and play dirty, but to use finesse and beat them at their own game. He's taught us to be a nice, good team. But, yes, it is a very nasty sport." HOOPS CONTINUED FROM 81 playoffs 26 of their first 34 sea- sons, ended a two·year postsea· son drought-during which they had a combined 10-42 record - this winter. •niey say winning isn't every- thing, but it sure lsn't any fUn los- ing,• said Orris, who has built a remarkable 26·? record (78.8 win- ning percentage) In section play· off games, covertng 10 postseuon appearances in his 13 years at the helm. The Sea Kings, ranked No. 1 in Division m-A until a stririg of sea View League losses dropped them one spot behind Cbamtnade ln the weekly ~u. opened IMg'Ue 3· 1, but llnilMd 1-5 to drop to fouatb p&aaa: 1»y g8lnid of o1dJ two at-laive .. ..,. Ole eigllt·teem tncbt and ed¥anced S~rts . . . . ' ,. .. Vangµards win in 0~ 67-59 • Herkenhoff scores 21 after halftime to lead sec . (o Monday's GSAC title game against Azusa Pad.fie. • ~Pro COsTA MESA• -"The Pit" lived up fo its name Friday night. The cozy confines at Southern California College was the stage 'for a brutally physical battle between the Vanguards and Fre$, no Pacific b:{ the Golden State ~thletic Conferenc~ Touniament semiflna]s. Bruised and bloodied, sec came out swinging in the second half and· defeated the Sunbirds, 67=59, in overtime to advapce to Monday's women's basketball title game against Atu.sa Pacific at, where else, "The Pit. w The victory was SCC's 35th consecutive at home. •This was an increqible team win," SCC Coach Russ Davis sa,\d. "All our post players,_ ______ and put two players, were in double figures Teresa Kamps and and had a big night .Genae Pratt. in bnmedi- when we needed it.• ate foul trouble. Kamps, Sara Herkenhoff, who led the Sun birds who was held scoreless , with 22 points and 21 for the first 20 minutes, rebounds, stayed on the scored 21 points. Rachel g~ to gQ In .~. • floor with. three ~hile Fikse added 16 points S.a ...,._.:.,ff . Genae ~as se<J1:leStElrad off the bench and Kelly sec standout on the bench with four. Boeke bad 13. Still, despite the Fresno Pacific (17-efforts of Herkenhoff, • 14) was physical from the start Fi.Iese and Boeke, Fresno Paci.fie · and, since the referees appeared' led for much of the second half, to lack attention.,J:.o the scene, got J3ut sec wouldn't give in and away with a number of infractions two baskets by ·Herkenhoff with which led to a 28-23 lead at the wider two minutes to play gave break. The Sunbirds had 18 SCC a 54-52 lead. It appeared a offe~ive boards in the first half, steal by fi.k.se would ice the game more than SCC's 17 total when GSAC MVP Kristi Wright rebounds, largely as a resdlt of fired a layup, which found the. missiiig over-the-back calls. . mark. But, Kate Charleston, who #I challenged them at half-had 12 rebounds, drew a ques~ time," Davis said. "I told them we tionable charge and Stacey Sed-, had to use our strength to our wick sent the game in to ov-ertime advantage in the paint. H with a pair of free throws. The Vanguards (25-8) took it With 2:41 remaining in the inside right away and within two extra period, Herkenhoff hlt minutes, bad tied ~e scored at 2~ again for a 60-59 lead. She added a free throw and Alana Kempton pulled in two rebounds and passed in to Boeke, who drew a foul with 35 seconds left. Boe.ke made both shots and the lead was four. Wright, who was held score· less in regulation, made three free throws to clinch the win. ~we all really played well," Herkenboff said. •Tue guards did a great job getting the ball to us. In the second half, I started to feel like everything I threw up was going to go.in." She wasn't far off the mark, ma.king 9 of 10 shots from the field after halftime. GOLDEN STATE A.l'HlinC CONfOENCE ~ Semlflnal sec &7. FMSNO PAOAC 59 Fresno PMffk -Kamps 22, Sedwick 18, Pinasco 4, Charleston 6, Pratt 4, Farley 3, Denni 2. 3-pt. goals -Sedwick 4, Farley 1. Fouled out • Charleston. Pratt. SoCal College -Herkenhoff 21, _ Fikse 16, Boeke 13,.Wrtgt;l 5, Pina 2, Kempton 7, Emde 3, WeTdler 0, Stewart 0. ~·-pt. goals -Emde 1. Fouled out-None. Halftime -Fresno Pacific. 28-28. Regulation -54-54. C:DM FROM 81 RBI. Harper also fanned • six in four iru$gs, throw- ing 98 pitcb.eS, before giv- µig way to fellow senior Matt Larson, who chalked up eight strikeouts the final three frames. I.:ari;on also went 2 for 3 with a pair of doubles a n d scored ........... .. two runs for the hosts, w h 0 received two bits from "'It's good to know we ~an'tjust come out aod pound on people." varsity Jcihn Emme n e w -c.dM coach comer Dav id Beser (2 for 4 with three R»Is). Sehlor second base- man Nate Lemme.rman readied base 4lll four plate appearances (two walks, an error and a sm- gle), stole two bases and scored three times. CdM drops into the consol4tion bracket, where it will hast Saddl~ b8c:k Tuesday at 3 p.m. --OaTIUS ......... CAP1s11w11o Vl!fUlf 11 O.OUaaMM8 Cllpo 210 312 2 • 11 JS 2 CdM 310 030 1 -8 10 1 McCOnne!l$er (4), Chee> en n 1. · Beditel (7); ~. (5) and .. •Top-ranked Newp<>i1: • wins sea5on opener. · ·: . ... ..... NEWPORT BEACH -"ikw- port Harbor High's Zach Wells recorded nine kills and team- mates Billy Clayton and Matt Jameson had seven eaeh. Q the host Sailors Swept H~on Beach, 15-6, 15-9, 15-6, bl =ileir boys volleyball season otMfner • Friday night. • The Oilers fell to 1-1. Adam Hearlson added six blocks and three kills for tbe'ta.rs, while Alan Limon, Kent Tttrner and Eric Perrine bad two each. Setter Ty 1i'amblie dished 9\ii 36 assists for Newport, adding 11 digs and a pair of kills. The· Sailors, top-r~ in Orange County, travel to'" tmra Costa of Manhattan Beach Thursday. .. Mustangs victorio1'S COSTA MESA-BJ. ugitfoet had 13 kills in.-18 attempts,· as well as five aces, to lead Costa Mesa High past, Santiago; 15-1, 15-6, 15-0, .in the boys volleyball nonleague opener Friday al Cos- ta Mesa. . · Shaun Ferryman had fM! kills for Costa Mesa (1-0) an4 $8tler Mark Nguyen had 23 assiSfs. #Today went really W611," Mustangs Coach Jeff Culver.d. •It didn't go exactly as I had planned, but it was a good open- ing match." . Vikings top OCC . LONG BEACH -Orange Coast College's Nicolas Dominik recorded 15 kills, but ho~t J,.ong Beach City defeated the Pi'rates in an Orange Empire Confeience men's volleyball match Friday night, 15-11, 9-15, 15-11, 15-11 OCC fell to 7-1, 5-1 in cdnfer- ence. Long Beach improved to 7- 1, 6-1. The Bucs host Santa Bar- bara Wednesday. BRIAN P08UOA f OAllY Pll.OT Corona det Ma.r's Matt Larson gets Hve from Mark Hatfield dU.ring an early-inning rally Friday. • I Wlethom. w -~ 1.0. l -t.anon; ~ 1. 28 -Scuderi (CV), M. Davis (CV), Ha.rper (c.dM), lanori (CdM) 2. Beset (CdM), EffistOn (C(JM). HR -Cheo (CV) 2,, Pin<Ott (CV), M. Davis (CV). NEWPORT PITCHERS MASTERFUL •But La Sierra wins tie-breaker to advance after 1-1 tie in 11 at North Orange County Tournament opener. NEWPORT BEACH -Newport Harbor High junior pitchers Scott Beerer and Justin Jacobs com- bined to allow just one run and five hits in 10 innings Friday, but it wasn't enough to prevent La Sierra from advancing to the championship bracket on a tie- breaker after a 1-1 tie in 11 innings to open the North Orange County Tournament on the Sailors' diamond. La Sierra had four runners reach third base, to the Sailors' three, allowing the visitors to win the tie-breaker and advance to today's championship-bracket with victories over No. 2-seeded Banning, 62-51, and No. 3-seeded Nordhoff, 61-46. The Sea Kings are paced by 6· toot-5 senior Dennis Alshuler, a · three-year vatsity starter averag- ing 13.1 points per game. Juniors Kevin Hansen (10.4) and Alec Hanson (8.2), s well as seniors Justin Shea (5.8) and Geoff Hunt l3.0) round out CdM's starting five, while senior Al& Bottom is a top reserve. Chaminade, however, goes 10 deep with little drOpOU, according to Oriil. The Baglet are paced by returning 1tarten Scott Borchart, a 6-8 sopbomore, and Cayea Cook. • 5-8 Mnior point guard. Bon:hart, ..-veraging 15 points and 9'gbt rebounCts, 1s a future blu~ reduit, acc:Ording to ~ WbO -.. b&m the most illlCI plays tn xhoGl history. ·~ • for ..U. • said om.. wM wUl pe Allhuler this ' game. Newport will host Cerritos today at 11 a.m. in the consolation bracket. Cerritos lost, 5-2, to La Quinta Fnday. Harbor took a 1-0 lead in the first when-Otto Verhulst walked, advanced to third, then scored on a two-our error when La Sierra's shortstop pulled the first baseman off the bag on a would-be groundout. Beerer worked four scoreless innings, posting six 'strikeouts and yielding just two hits, before Jacobs took over to start the fifth. La Sierra scored the equalizer tough defensive assignment. Cook is the son of Darwin Cook, a Pepperdine men's assis- tant coach who played profes- sionally for more than a decade and is the New Jersey Nets' career assist leader with · 1,870. The younger Coo\c average~ 10 points per contest. But the point guard's biggest asset is his ability to break down a defenso with dribble penetration. •(Cook) is the guy who killed us,• said Estancia Coach Rich Boyce, whose tea.an lost to Cham- tnade, 58-34, in the quarterfmals. Chaml.nado topped Harvard· Westlake. 60·57, tn its 5emifinal. The West HillS·besed Baglcs also s'4rt 6-11 UC 5enta Barbara- bound nior J . ..J. Todd, who aver- ages a modest 11x points and four boards, hut consistenUy alter$ opponents' shoto; t.n the J)fttnt. Ryan Ar<'eo, a 6·0 sophomore starter, and 6·4 seruor reserv Clarence Mitchell ftft! dangerous BASEBALL in the sixth on a single, sacrifice and a double and Jacobs did not allow another hit, until finishing his six-inning stint with four strikeouts. Shawn O'Donnell, Charlie Waite, Nick Langsdorf, Justin McCarthy and Miguel Sandoval accounted for the Tars' five sin- gles against three hurlers from the Riverside-based school. NORTH ORANGE COUNTY TOURNANENf LA S!EMA 1. NEW"ORT HARBOR 1 La Sierra 000 001 000 00 · 1 5 2 Newport 100 000 000 00 • 1 5 0 Anderson, Villapando (6). Cram (11) and Jones; Beerer, Jacobs (5), Sandoval (11) and Waite. 2B -Powis (LS). shooters who average around 10 points per game, while Cbns Canoles, a 6-3 senior forward, is a tenacious offenswe rebounder, according to bis coach. Both teams are expected to play man-to-man defense, but Cd.M is much more comfortable · playing in tranSltion. Orris scouted Chaminade from two game vidooti;.pes, but Young and/or hts three as!'listants have seen CdM play fiva times m per- son, es weU as thnce more on video. ' "We are m for a Oat·out bat· Ue,• Young said. •tt d n't mat· ter wh ro (th Sea Kings) finished in the1t leagu . When you 1oolc up on their gym wo.lls, ther are (CIP title) banners ev rywh so they have a uong tradition. It's an honor to wear thos undonns and their kids know th t. • Said Orris: "W hav an oppor- tunity and wc'r going to g9' after it • ' TOOAY • SCHEDULE High !ithoo4 boY\ llf'4 01rls eoron. del M¥ at~M><>Valle)' Boys RNy5 A~ls. •t ~Coll• ....... Cot• men · Southefn C..hfomi. Col .. •t Potnt lame HRw-. 2 p.m. CoUqwomtn· Southern CalrforrM Col\e9t at Potnt ~ Nai-.10 .. m. • Softb9ll High IChool • NeWport Hattlor. Costa ~~.ica.u M.wT~ ·Vt:ll~ Hogtl l<tiool boys • CotoNI def Mar at Redondo ltWlatfONI • 1l'9dl end fleld High Ktiool boY\ .wld gottl • Cotta ~ .i £¥1 Engman R~ et s.nta AM Col~ 9•m. MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • california's leading underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds s rts .,., } ___ dM whips Dana Hills in battle of iennis titans a Kings put Dolphins ~away with relative ease, ~ 12-6, in nonleague duel .S NEWP O RT -----..- 18EACH -Coro-1 I I I I I • n.a del Mar High's matcbup with , highly r~ded Dana Hills in boys tennis at Palisades Tennis Club proved one thing Friday ... the Sea· Kings or Cd.M Coach •nm Mang are No. 1 in Orange : County. That much is certain following their 12-6 victory over the Dol- • phins; what is not so certain is whether that will t,>e enough for Sea Kings to claim No. 1 in CIF Southern Section Division I · Qt'Cles where the giant in the weSt reside, Peninsula. •tt was a big win for us,· said a hoarse Mang following his team's convmcmg victory over O~a Hills. ·we know we're at least No. 2 in CIF." Mang was especially pleased with the play of Parker Collins and Christian Jensen following their two victories apiece at No. 1 and 2 singles. "They both beat Canillo and tt.at was good,• said Mang, recalling the last time the Dana ~ standout turned away. . .Doubles is where the Sea Kipgs were strong Ftiday, as expected, with Bnan Morton and Randy Myers teaming up for a sweep of their foes, while Sameer Chopra and Sam Shah- mdiciJ and Cameron Ball and Peter Kulmabdu teamed to win two out of three. a 7-2 margin. The Sea Kmgs return to non- league play at Los Alamitos Tuesday NON LEAGUE CdM 12, Dana Hiits 6 Singles: Collins (CdM) lost to Kent. 6-7; def. Carrillo, 7-5; def. Menon, 6-1; Jensen (CdM) lost 5-7; won 6-3, 6-2; EJlmore (CdM) lost 1 ·6, 1-6; won 6-1. Doubles: Morton-Myers (CdM) def. Wilson-Hayden, Lippert, 6-1; def. Jason-Efstathloo. 6-0, def. F.lsher-Llebman, 7-5: Chopra-Shahmardi ~dM) lost 4-6; won 6-3, 6-0; ll.a1t-Kulmatickt (CdM) lost 2-6; won ~1. 6-3. . Sailors ramble, 15-3 LAG U J --------NA BEACH S 0 f T I I l l -Newport Harbor High sopho- more Llsd Huntington had three tuts and dn RBI ds the Sailors defeated host Laguna Beach, 15- 3, 1n the nonleague season open- er Fnday The game was called after five innings because or the mercy rule Shawn Talley, Kristen Srruth and Kristen Urban each had two Qits for the Sailors ( 1-0). Smith had two RBis while Talley and Urban each had one. Amy Niles hdd a tut and three RBis for Newport Harbor. • l'm defirutely pleased with our offense," Coach Frank Talley said ·we hit redlly well. Our defense was tentdtive and a little weak at the beginning of the KIM HAGGERTY·ZVUUS I DAILY PILOT N ewport Harbor . pitcher Arlana Zamora Spins a pitch . toward the plate In Sailors' season opener against Laguna Beach Friday. Below, Amber Taylor of Harbor slides safely into second base. The sanors rolled In the first round of the Costa Mesa Tournament and will duel Saddleback today at Te Winkle Park in Costa Mesa, at 3 p.m. game, but we settled down alter that.~ The Sailors host Saddleback today at TeWinkle Park, starting at 3 p .m. NONLEAGUE NEwPoftT 15, l.AGuNA Buot 3 Newport Harbor 721 12 -15 15 4 Laguna Beach 300 00 · 3 7 3 Zamora, Kinsey (4) and Niles; Pearce and Woodberry. w -Zamora, 1-0. L ·Pearce, 0-1. 2B · Smith (NH). 3B · Smith (NH). S8.ilors win, 16-2 NEWPORT ------- BEACH -Matt T I I N I S Singer swept in singles, 6-3, 6-3, 6-2, to lead Newport Harbor High past visiting Pacifica, 16-2, in nonleague boys tennis action Friday. Hank Hsieh won two singles matches, 6-2, 6-2, for the Sailors, who are now 2-2 this season. Matt Connors and Ryan Cuny swept in doubles for the Sailors, 6-3, 6-3, 6-1. Newport Harbor Coach Richard Berman previously coached at Pacifica (1-1). The Sailors will travel to Long Beach Wilson Tuesday. NONl.EAGUE NEWPORT HAMOR 16, PAORCA 2 Sf~les: Ma tt Singer (NH) def. Konishi, 6-3, def. Patrick, 6-3, def. Nugyen 6-2; Duncan (NH) lost. 2-6, won. 6-4, 6-1; Hsieh (NH) lost, 4-6, won. 6-2, 6-2. . OoObles: Uhl-McRorie (NH) def. Huynh-Nguyen, 6-4, def. Ly·Chung, 6-2, def. Arai-Lee. 6-1; Connors-Curry (NH) won, 6-3, 6-3, 6-1. Reynolds-Mar- tin (NH) won, 7-6, 6-1, 6-3. Cassitys sparkle HE~ A~ S W I M M I N G Lauren and Jennifer Cassity each won two events in Estancia High's 74-67 loss to host Savan- na m the girls swimming non- league opener. Lauren Cassity, a junior, won the 50-yard freestyle with a time or 27 .36. The juruor also won the 100 freestyle (1:09.97). Sopho- more Jennifer Cassity won the 200 freestyle (2:22.78) and 500 freestyle (6:28.05). Both were also on the winning 200 fTeesytle relay team with sophomores Kabe Menden and . Somer Flaherty. NONUAGUE GIR(S SAVANNA 74, ESTANCIA 67 200 medley relay -1. Savanna, 2:14.69. 200 free -1. J. Cassity (E). 2:22.78. so free -1. L. Cassity (E), 27.36; 2. Menden (E), 28.72. 100 free -1. L. Cassity (E), 1:00.97. 500 free ·1. J. Cassity (E), 6:28.05; 2. Flaherty (E), 6:30.Sl. 200 free relay -1. Estancia (J. cass1ty, Menden, Flaherty, L. cassity, 1:55.43. 400 free Nlay -1. Estancia (Menden, Rasmussen, Frino. J. cassity), 4:34.55 Claasifled Ad11eriistnc preunis the ••• PROFESS 0 AL DI Pr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ml!l!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m!~ 'V'~~~!~~~I~~ • Pllates FltMss S.11lo•s Cin YOUR CUSTOM Gin PACKAGES! ltt•I u4 Mf'Victl 1Y1ilable stpar1tely or comWud t. Hlltlfal Holl4ay ..... , • Peneul W•ll•t Tral•I .. Session • Mu...-• Facials • Spa Tlleran • Nmltleul P"4tlcts • C.1141es • &Mtttlal Olis • T-st.lrts & Mere 949-722-3555 • • Personalized Attention • Trained Mediator • 15 Years Family Court Litigation Experience DIVORCE AND RELATED ISSUES ONLY! (Sliding "'"Sea.le Av•li.ble) LAW OFFICES OF GARY P. LEVINSON ~ Birch Street, Suite 4000, West Tuwer, ~ 1 Ouch, CA 92e60 (949) 476-3676 Vl$ll our webtlte 8t .net/ LES TURNER, LUTCF A ccount Agent PSAAgency Auto· Home · q~e All tale In urance Company 901 Dover Drive, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Bu (949) 64S 6868 FAX <949) 646-'7~91 CA Lie. #0703798 '· Spikers sparkle . ca1••NTY • COLLICIE._ SMrA AM 14'Q, OCC 117, OhAMM:.A 101 100 -1. Wiiiiams (O, 10.a; 2. Kruse (SA), 11.1; 3. Quatfnaf\ 11 .3. 200 -1. Williams (0, 22.1; 2. Davis (SA), 22.4; 3. duatman, 232.0. 400 -1. Davis (SA), 49.3; 2. Rugley (OCC), 50,4; 3. Hodarl, 52.8. • IOO -1. Lamurandla (C), 1:56.3; 2. Perez (SA), 1:57.2; 3. Smith, 2:02.6. 1,!SCIO • 1. Lamurandla (0, 4:06; 2. Monadlelli (OCC), 4:10; 3. Patino, 4:11 .5. • . 5,000 • 1. Reyes (SA), 15:45; 2. Ellis (OCC), 15:48.6; 3. Giimore, 15:58. 110HH • 1. Roberts (SA), 15.0; 2. hrdone (OCC), 15.2; 3. Nuanez (SA), 15.5. 400IH -1. Anellano (OCC), 58.5; 2. Nuanez (SA), 59.5; 3. Zavala, 1 :00.3. 400 relliy • 1. Santa Ana, 43~; 2. Orange Coast. 43.5; 3. Cuyamaca, 44.4. 1,600 relay -1. Santa Ana, 3:28; 2. Orange Coast. 3:30.6; 3. Cuyamaca, 3:30.6. HJ -1. Fuentes (SA), 6-4; 2. Hamilton {C), 6-4; 3. Odden, 6-2. U · 1. Bardone (OCC), 214314; 2. Villegas (SA), 21-3112; 3. Corey, 21-01/4. TJ -1. Hamilton (C), 44-31/2; 2. Winter (SA), 434; 3. Belinda, 42-61/2. SP • 1. Atkinson (C), 43-9; 2. Brown (SA), 42·11; 3. Uai, 4241/2 . PV -1. Vandroin (OCC), ls-8; 2. Vlllean (SA), 14-6; 3. Hampton, 14-0. DT • 1. Brown (SA), 130-8; 2. Howdy (0, 128-9; 3. Uai, 123-8. JT • 1. Bardone (OCC), 1724; 2. Jackson (SA), 166-6; 3. Su llivan, 165-3. . C~ COUEGI WOMEN occ 1JO, 5ANa Al4A 125. 0rtMMCA97 · . ·1~. 4 1 .. .Pm (SA)~ ·12:9; ~. Parkland· (OCC), 13.4; 3. Martinez (SA), 13.5. 200 • 1. Flores (SA), 26.9; 2. Parra (SA), 27.5; 3. Yurada (OCO, 29.3. 400 • 1. Flores (SA), 1 :00.2; 2. Roque· (SA), 1 :01.4; 3. Mitchell (OCC), 1 :04.3. 800 • 1. Gomez (OCC), 2:24.7; 2. Huldzkom (C). 2:27.4; 3. Cordoba (OCC), 2:34.8. 1,500 · 1. Gomez (OCC), 4:51; 2. Huldzkom (C), 4:55; 3. Orozco (OCC), 4:58. 3,000 -1. Orozco (OCO, 11:01; 2. Ho ldzkom (C), 11 :11 .5; 3. carbajal coco. 11:12.3 . 100H • 1. Martlne.z (SA), 16.8; 2. Bowers (OCO. 17.0; 3. Reed (OCC), 18.8. 400IH • 1. Martinez (SA), 1:07.9; 2. Parkland (OCC), 1: 13.2.; 3. MacAlpine (C), 1:16.0. 400 relliy • 1. Santa Ana, 51.1; 2. Orange Coast, 54.2; 3. Cuyamac.a, 57.5. 1,600 relay -1. Santa Ana, 4:13.2; 2. Orange Coast. 4:27.7; 3. Cuyamaca, 4:47.2. HJ • 1. Reed (OCC), 4-8; 2. Higgins (C), 4-6; 3. McCaslln (OCC), 4-6. U · 1. Packard {OCC), 15-5314; 2. Parra (SA), 14-11; 3. MacAlpine, 14-0314. TJ • 1. Higgins (C), 31-2112; 2. Packard (OCC), 30-9; 3. Bowers (OCC), 28-5. PY • 1. Martinez {SA), 9-6; 2. Mccaslin $OCO. 9-0; 3. Roque (SA). 8-6. SP · 1. Everett (C), 40-1; 2. Jackson (SA), 37-10; 3. Cordey (QCQ, 32-8. DT • 1. Jackson (SA), 130-2; 2. Everett (C). 118-0; 3. Glor (C), 96-4. JT • 1. Jackson (SA). 109-1; 2. Everett (C). 93-6; 3. Glor (C), 88-11. IOLLEI IOCllY Ensign defeats TeWmlde, 9-2 .. •. GOST~.MSSA -A·hestot · · Ensign 'JUnicir High players scored Tuesday to lead the ~Bees to a 9-2 victory over cross-town rival TeWinkle in junior high gold roller hock- ey action. · Michael McDonald, Ryan Bozarth, Cory Adler, Kyle Mathews, Shay Bar- ton. Jason Davis and Jules Bates each · scored for Ensign, which improved its record to 7-1-1, good enough for second place with one game remaining before the playoffs. The playoffs begin March 15 at the Wayne Gretzky Roller Hockey Center on Barranca in Irvine. The silver Ensign team battled Corona del Mar to a 9-9 tie Monday. Je~y Tru- elove led the SeeBees with six goals. Wesley Truesdall scored three goals. ' Truesdall, Truelove and David Morihlro had assists for Ensign. Jason Kldushtin and Chris Bello each had hat tricks for Corona del Mar. Gary Smith and Brad.ford Chamberlin also scored goals. welcome Nanetu MitcheU M.D. Board Cc.nified in Internal Medicine 15 years experience in o"'°~ County WFSI' COAST FAMILY MEDICAL GROUP SPECWJZES IN1 • PteftOtift health cate for the entire family • School phywiaab and lnunu.nbadom • Sporta phyaicala • &ecutiw phywi<U • Womc.n't heaJthcue • Senior cate I Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Ceorer 1 .............. • X-ray, Chiropractic Cen ud Ph,.ac.J Therapy OFFICE HOUR& MnMlr ~, ~ -.-. i. 6:<JO ~- . T. #UIM"" "»'1,i"'111nt, ""'(714) 546-7900 . • • • Wllh~~utull ~ -No Point • No Lender "-• No Proa •••Ing PM • No nme to Loee C•ll Tocl9y: Nllllllt OlllDI: 1 Hl ·IH ., ... .,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY' -for All YQUr Home and Business Needs - ............ ....., .... 111 •• l~!.onc.a 11 MUCfNCmC!!, I CHltlllM7 NOTICE Of SEIZURE PURSU«NTTO HEALTH ANO SAFETY COOE SECTION 11471/11488. ANO~OTICE Of INTENDED FORFEITURE PURSUANT TO HEALTH ANO SAFE'TV CODE SECTION 11488,4 On FEBRUARY 3, t 111111, at 288 1/2 16TH ST .. COSTA MESA. CA. th4 property dHcrlbed 11: This statement was "riled wl1tl the County Cler11 of Orange County on 1 ·28·99 t9"6111n11 Daily Pilot Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 19119 Sat64 FlctltJoua Bualneu Name Statement The followtng persons are dolf1il business as: a) BUZVBEEZ bl KWAlllTWELL CABELLON c) HONEYBEE yAR· RIZOSA 1804 FIQgstaff 916.836 u. s. CURRENCY ~J Sea.I Beach, CA 90740 Kwantwell Ave' Cabellon, WH telZed putlUllnt to 1804 Flagstaff Ct., Seal He.ith aod S•f•tv Code Beach, CA 90740 Section 11471 / 11488 by Honeybee Bendoy Car- the FULLERTON POLICE nzosa, 606 S Denncs St , DEPARTMENT. Sama Ana, CA 92704 The pn1perty w11 H lz•d Thia business ·s coo· will\ ,..peat to 811eQ•d ducted by'. co-partners vlol•donl•I of Sectlonl•I Have you started doing I t 361 of the HHlt.h end business yel? Hl•tY Code. You -hue· Yes. 28 Jan 99 by notifled tl\•t th4 District Kwantwell A Cabellow AttOm8Y of Or8"Q• Courny Honeybee Carrtzosa hH lnltitted procHdinge to Thit statement W8S riled fOffelt the ebove-d11crlbed with the County Clent of pn>peftV punutnt to HHltl\ Orange County on t ·29-99 8"4 S•f•tY Code Section 1111196781893 ··"-~:':~ lne1Net9d th•t 11 Daily Pilot Feb 27, Mar "' 6, t:L20, 1999 Sat63 you dHlr• to contHt the PUBLIC NOTICE fortehw. of thl• property, pum111nt to Hetfth end CITY OF Sef•tY Code S40tlon NEWPORT BEACH I 148B.5. you mun file • City Council verified ct.im et•tlno your Chambers of the int-•l In the pn>p4fty You mutt Ille thi• cl•lm 1n City of th4 Superior Court of the Newport Beach - County of Or•no• within 3300 Newport thirty t301 d•7• of the '"" Boulevard, publicetlon o thlt Notice, unlt11 you recel\19 actu•I Newport Beach notl04. (Pl• .. • ute PLANNING 119F02060 I You muet COMMISSION ••rw 11n endoretd copy of AGENDA the claim on the Ol1trlct R..,.ular Meeting • Attorney of Orano• County -• I.Attn: SUSAN p Rt£ZMAH. March 18, 1999 - Deputy Dlettlc:t ,f\ttomeyl •t 7:00 p.m . 700 Civic Cent•r Drive 1 SUBJECT; Redstone Wfft, Sent• .An•. Ca Plaza (Ware & Malcomb 112701 within thitty 1301 Arct111ecn. appllcent) d•Y• of the fillnQ of th• 1300 Dove Street • cltlm In the Superior SUMMARY Request to CourtJClllfl Ol'tli•lon permit a 2.350 square loot 1h4 l•ilut9 to tim41y hl4 addition to an existing end 1ecure • writltd clllim thl'M story commercial of. rt4lino an lnttrHt In th4 flee bvllOin~ with related property In the Superior on-sit,t paoong The projeci Court will r111u1t In th4 tequlres Ille approval of a property b•lno d.cltrt~ or General P'9n Amendment order-4 forl•it to !ht Stitt• and PC Amendment IO '"' of Califoml• llf"ll dlelrl'ut•d crease the square IOOl.8ge punu11nt to th4 provi1lon• an•·t'"'-nt in ........_ F ol of Hetlth ..,, Safety Code u ,...,.., """"' S.ctlo" 11489 without the Newport Place Planned f~r notice or hHring. Community to reflecl the 0 8, 03/13, 03/20 eXlStmg development and _;,.._ ______ -; to accommodate !tie coo· Flctltioua Bualne.. atrootlOfl of the proposed Name Stetem.nt expansion Also lochJded in The following persons the llppllcatlon Is a request are doing business aa. of a inodlficatton to permit a) Micro Link Solutions. reduction of the par1<1ng re· M S lo 21802 p qulrement ratio from 1 b) L olut ns. a· space for each 225 square jartto Lane. Trabuco Ca· feel to t spece for each nyon, Callfomla 92679 250 square feet of net ltoor David Mischa Upton area 21802 PaJarllo Lane, APPLICATION· Trabuoo Canyon, Caltlor· General Plan Amendment nla 92679 This business is con· No 98·3(B), Amendment aucted by an lndMdual No 883 and Modificallon dol No 488-4 Have you started ~ CEO.A COMPLIANCE b!Jsiness vet? Yes, 1'°1 This pr.....,.l has been re· David Vpton ..,,.... TNs statement was hied viewed, and It Iles been de· with the County Clerit of 1erm1ned that ii Is catego- n.,....,_ ,.._ ·-iy on 1 · 25-99 flCIHy exempt under the ....... 'Ir' '""""1~81333 ciass 1 (Ex1s11ng Faa1111es) P ,,,..... 20 27 requiremenlS o4 the Calllor 9elY lfOt r..., · ' E · • I Oual"" Mar 6. 13. 111119 Sa160 nt8 nvoronmenta .• , Flctltloua BuslneH ~ SUBJECT Harbor Name Statement Day School 3443 Paollc The folowlng persons V1ww Dnve a.re dolno business as SUMMARY Request to MORfGAGE TECH· perm11theconstructlooola NOt.OGY,405 .. 0lhStreet, 12.1so smare 1oot Newport Beach, Calttom1a gymnaS1utn and 92663 fmenor remodel of I ex· Qa"Y F Gonzales, 405 1111ng gymnasium/mufti· 40th Stree1. Newport purpose room 10 allow Cor eeacn. California 92663 thH1r1c:e1 producllOfla anc1 Dawn C H. Wlllts-various other sohOOl lunc- Gonzales, 405 40lh Street. 11001 In conjunction with an Newport Beach, Calllomla eld111ng school faciUty The 92663 prOjed lnvollles the ap· This business Is con· proval of a General Plan dueled by husband and Amendment to permit addi· wife llooal development beYOnd Have you 1tarted doing th• currant General Plan business yet? No Floor Area lfmltatlon o4 Barry F Gonzales o. 15, and a Use Permit to This atattmeot was lllod pam1it -.panslon of !fie with the County Cieri< of actioot faaltly to accom-Orange COUntv on 2·24·911 modllte I.he COl'ISh'\JCtton of 199111784207 1 gymoaslum. Also In· Dally P1tot Feb 27.1. Mar eluded In the apptlcltlon is 8, 13, 20. 1999 ::;11112 •,.quest to exceed the 32 NOTICE OF IOOI height ltmrt for the Oil· APPLICATION TO llkt by approximately 8 SEU ALCOHOLIC leet with the oonatructlon of BEVERAGES 11'1~~~ building Date ol Aiing Geneflll Plan Amendmenl Aoolatlon FEB t?, 111911 No 1111-t(E), and UM Per· 'fo Whom It May Con· mit No 1548 Amended cem CEOA COMPUANCE: 'The Heme(•) of the Ap TNa projeclC ha been t• o ti c a n t ( a l I 1 / ar • VleMd, end It has been Cle-CHEVAON STATIONS. le~ !Ntl It It C.lego. INC ncelly lntl'Pl undel the The eppticanta listed Olan 14 (Minor Adc:llUOnl et>ove era ootvtna 10 the to Sc:hoOll). tequtl9mllnta Depeltmenl . of .Qcoho!IC o f t h e C I 111 o r n I a Bever-cie ConlfOl IO ... al· enwonmentel Quauty Ad COflOlic l>ever11Qe1 at !l SUBJECT. Altc:hef 31'10 HAROOA BLVD .• Jonu Motorc1ra Em· COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ptoyee P.•11llf)o L~:."..1 Fot 1N1 fOllowtrlO type of 3300 Jamb<>r9e Ruw Llc9nM. 20 OFF.-SALE SUMMARY. Tile ptOjfCt BEER ANO WINE ~ the C0t1Slruct1on ol Publi•l'l•d N~wport an ofl·llle par~ng IOI tor 8-ctl·Cot.la Meea Dilly 1mpl0Yffl on vActn1 land PllolMNl~~7. Matdl8, btnctillf1"thtl Stlllt Rout9 --~:i--~ll':".':::1=":Sll~Hl_1 '.73 (Sin Joaqum HHll, UI UI MH TOllW8)1 '~ tpenolng ..._ atttement a.n ~ C"rMk ... !he ,;,.1·;~ pe110nt lutur• 111ten11on 01 al9 iolha butlnt!U H Blyvlew WQ lht con- VO IT£'CHNOLOQIE.9 llflldlon "°"""of Ml IO- D113S Pa11on.San Ani ~ ~,,.":'~::;'~ CA..:70(;fi? Yo 3713 6 Mw ttdtrit Md l11!1 CA ,!'!-.~ paltdnQ wW =-~ ~el~'W.t ·-,w ' ..... .,,. .... ~ lft bt tor -...................... ,., _. "''· Ulti ........., • storage APPLICATION: Use Permit No. 3565 Amended CEOA COMPLIANCE: NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that an Initial StuelyfMIUgated Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport 'Beach In con· nectlon with the application noted above. The lnltlal Study/Mitigated Negative DedaratJon states that )he subject development as proposed, and with Im· plementallon of the recom· mended ml~alion meas· ures, win not result In a slg· nlllcanl effect on the environment II ls the pres· ent Intention of the City to accept the Initial Study/, Mitigated NeoatiYe Oeda· ration and supporting documents. This I:$ not to be construed as either ap· proval or denial by the City of Iha subjeci appbcaooo The Initial Stu<!YIM1tlgated Negative Declaration 30-day pul>llc review pe- rtod was August.is,•\998 to September 2, 1998 Tne Ctty encourages membefS of the general pubhc to re· view and comment on this document<>tion Copies ot the lr\1t1al Sludy and Mitigated Negative Oecla· ration and supporting documenls are available for public review and In- spection at the Planning Department, City of New· port Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, Cali l orn la •• 92659-1768, (949) 644-3200. 4. SUBJECT· Calculation of r8'klential maidmum lloor lll8a limits SUMMARY. M amend- ment to Section 20 10 030 {Property Development Regulation M), Section 20.10 040 (B·2), and SectlOfl 20.41 060 {Prop· e~ Development Aegu· talion I) ol lhe Zonong Code to exempt battvooms. con- necting c:orndors, foyers. and stairwells from Che cal· CUlatJon of reslelentlal floof areas. APPLICATION Amendment 884 CEQA COMPLIANCE This project has been ra· Viewed, and it has been de· termined that ii Is catego- r1caHy eKempt under Clau 5 (Min<>f Alterations In Land Use Limitations) of the reaulrements of the Calilomla Environmenlel Quality Act. 5. SUBJECT. Service Station RegulaUons Up- date SUMMARY: An amend· ment to Chapter 20 80 and Chapter 20.03 of Tiiie 20 ol the Municipal Code lo up· dale land use and property development regutallons 101 service statlons. The amendment lodudes lhe option lhet woulCI allow the c»<levefopment of coove- nlenoe markets and eating and drinking eslabhsh· ments witn service sla· uons APPLICATION Amendment 885 CEOA COMPLIANCE This pro,ect l'las been re· viewed, ·~It has been de· termlned ltlat 11 la catago-rlcaJly 8Kempt under Class 5 (Minor Alterations In I.and Use Umltationa) ol 1he Requirements of the Calllomla Envlroomental Quality Act. Publlahed Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Diiiy Piiot March 6, 1999 Sa166 G:t EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Alt ntl utll• ~I• dllt ....,.,., It lf'ltd It Ille f9f. ""hlr .._. .. Ml el , .. .. ........ 1c ........... . .. .,.,.,,, ..... , ,,.ttfllCt, 11•111111• It 'IHrl•IHlltt .. SH ti rKI, Ctlet, rtlftltl, nr, Utllllca,. IMllU•I .... " ............ ., •• lllltlllllt 1t .... , ••• ,,..., •••• .................... TMt tt•lftflt •Ill •et _.....,., ...... '" ..,.,....., ...... "" .............. .. ...................... "' kflllf ltlf"1M• tNI Ill "'"'''' •••• ,u... I• "" .......,. 11t ttllleMI .. • ................ .,.Miii ,illlll~.ctllHUO Tiii·•• 81 1 •-41• tHI. hf .. ..._..DC ... ,.._ •1HUO .. '".-.. 0~1"£" . R111f'lt u111l 1k-u11li11C'~ iw• t11h1rrt IO d1u11,:1 \\ 11fwu1 1101te~·. 'fhr ·' I rw J1fj fwr rl'..C l'\l'll till' rtf!hl Ill fl'llMll~ trt'fn 1off~, 11'~1,.C' ur H'jl'C"l - Oii\ do,,,ifi1•1I u1h1•111"4·111r111 , Piro-•· rrt"'" Dll\ 1T1m fliut 1110~ lir. i11 \our d111,,ifi1•1l ad 111111u·1 lrnH'h 'I he· Don, 111101 utT•'L!ti. 1111 ::;cj fiaf 1ilil\ r11r 1111\' rrntl' Ill Ull Och l'1 t1-i'llH'lll (11r \\ furf1 II 11111\ f11• • • .-1 • 1By Fax - (l>-*9) 0:11-tJ:>'H (l~.o ·hitfmlr "~" llOlnlr 111•1 t•l~•te 111111if,.., •1•1 ·~·11r•ll1••• l111d .. "1111 • flfl<•' ·1·~~· l By Phone (Q49) b·l'.!·.)h7 R By MaWln Person: ,. ~S'IO \l 1·s1 llm S1n•f'I ( 'O•I u \lt..,n. <:A C):!b'.!'7 \I '••J•lff fllHI ~ IJo, '°'I n·•ron\ihlr rAC'l'f>I for clw n~• of 1 It" 'I 1r11 c· O('ll~oll\• t11·f·11pirtl I 1~ ·; , dw 1'1'1111 C1r1lit 1•011 unh lw ull11\\1·tl fur tlw f1r:.1 111 1·1111111. ·' ,1 . . SOLD!! Showe••• HomH for Siie In our S.turday Real btlte SUPJ>lementl Homes of the Week Display Ada Start at Mt $751 Oetclne II TuesdaY at 5P.M HotJle Usti'igl $ 1 SI Thursday 6PM 1y to'Advertiae In th• Best Local Real Eatat• Section CALL TODAYll LISA K. RIVERA 949-574-4252 ANNE WILLEY 949-574-4249 FREE O.C. HOME ROTUNE BUYERS a SELL.ER 2._..RS MMn·1444 ~MtuKlnzll 5 HOUSES/CONDOS .OR SALE BAI.BOA PE• 2 Unit• contemponlry. steps to beach, 481/'JBa, over 2000 I I ea , blck url1 wlocn Vle'#. Each uril can be sold seperetly S 1.1081< Agent. Katerina 310.271·2229 EX1 518 1~1 VACANTlWNHME LOWEST PmCED 38drm in Corona del Mii Ola ol area seller says SELL IT TODA \'I Llg 38drm & ~ room. needl wOl1I but PRICED 1000'1 LESS thin llSI sale $319K Mike ottert KOUR & CO. 949-376-5576 ciiARiiiHd Cl&Pf COO lnwnlcultle on lush CIWlyOfl pw1lll caan view Open Sun 12-4.00 320 Hazel Can edd on OI buld new $8251< a.eat Vllue;,. 949-769-9070 coii'S BE BUY 38diiii Towmome. 2 SBaltl 2c gar Needs some WOfl(. Sa19,000. Agert. 949-376-55 78 RARE u FOOT WIDE Lot (Open Sun 1-4) 708 Jnmtne Sbt, 2ba. cozy, quiet cottage, large 1)8tto, $650,000. Cell Jim Lindberg !eland RE 1149-nJ.1363 114M75·1674 JUST USTED 512 Cem811on Ave. lbr 2.61>8 pout kltdl, llvnn, llbfrt, 3 fl'plC, p1of tandactptd, mor•I 11391< Out1y • Remu .. ._no-sooo m 353 Oid Cbili (706 OACtlO AVE) Op•n Sit 1 ·4:00 Btau Splntlh style 2bt, 2bl.1Mm, '""""'den. SstllK By OMw Mfl.~f 110~1 E'SIDE 4BRM 2.58A (1)+80NUS 2450 ~It. and b1a tot S38SK- $380f( open Sal/Sun 12-4 1149 645-0449 BEST Of EAST SIDE GREAT LOCATION 3 bf, 2 be, quleC QA..()Hac IUrdWood floors, lrplc. wd dtdClng $490K 949'63'"41011 Jackie 01ni. "88110t W WIDI Ojillft IUft t'4 .., "*"•a. *.., _, .. """' ... dlnnll. Oftt of CHtl Me11'1 ~--MlettMftloMe. ... °""" ,h._....t .. ' ----Deadllu Hours Monday ..... : ...... Friday S:OOrUll Thur dnv .. Wednesd~y 5:00p»i. 1 -'I 1•lrpl111111• 8 10am-.; OOpm ''••111.o•-l ntl..\ Tuesday ........ , Monday S:OOpfi11 F riduy .......... Thur1day 5:00µ~1. ... \Vednesday .... Tuesday S:OOpm Saturday ........... frida) 5.00pJ)l \\ nll .. -111 8.:JOum-:>.OOpm "'""t..' -fn1IA• E SIDE CM IMMAC\JUTE Stir, Ube, 2 ltcwy twnhm, built In 1 HO. 2 car lll1ach gar, tote mom UH.ooo (Open Sit.Sun 12-4) UU Elden Ave ID Kath';T"~~ Bkr I '° ~Ts·~~ I MARGE LEA REAL TY nn.,.,~ ~ ,'"9Mnla E Side• Beat Buy' Mir 2.51>8, ONL YI $289,500. CM 2·STY OFACE CONDO wt warehouse. Great 2600 sl, ale COSTktitESA BUFFS oCc w/1000 sf w/11ouse wllruck tbr 2ba ON!. YI $179,900. door. ki1chenelle & stroage Call Merge 94fl.722..o620 S229K By Ownr 949-722-011'5 newty f)lllnt9d, abr 2be. 2 c:er t CM APTS •PURCHASE' UKE RENT• I I t•ayw~~~a. ~A ISLAND I I Lovely 3 bdrm 2 blllh, loWef 13 ~ dupl8K, lint loca1Jon, 111g, •M'QW'pg;j r::oo..=1114t':1~pet•, • • New Sunny tlf 1B• Upslalia REllOOEL.EO S8R Fabulous "ilt.Wld.lriil, stove/microwave, rw1W lo1chen, P;m ocean view hk:els, Pillo deck, $1600'mo wlttl llsge Ital lot, pool wlltl yetr1y 949-613-3059 llaosioM. .., l¥>lre Is wdad and gated $1,100.000 JolYI 1109 APTS I Zispen. AQl. 949-497-6496 _ C~ DEL MAR . HOUSESICONDOS SPACIOUS, VIEW, 3 bdml 1 .. ,.,~ !N-! 1 bath, l/p, 2 car garllg8 IJ\VVfV'I "-laundlY. $190CVmo I block 10 MUST SEU THIS WEEKll 48drm 2Balh. ya1d, upgraded• $260,000 Laurie. Agenl 949-717·1954 l12=mml See M8ny More Homta..,C: WW'# .p«rlcktenore.coin BAYSIDE cove 2 Bedioom Townhome. Frptc, private belch, community pool & spa Welk lo beach, Balloa Island. maritet & shops. $398,000 Owner/Brokef. 949-376-5576 ABANOONED BMch 2·stcwy 38drm, 28ath and Balcony Under SS00.000 Agent 949·723-8120 PENTHOUSE VERSAIUES Nr Bch, 1-Eld Galed. $154,575 OCEANAWNT PENTitOUSE Balbol Pen 2-Mta $3118,000 FRatCH NORMAND\', UOO 3·Bd/ba Upgrd Marble $865,500 Arlhllr/Brlan Prudtntllll. 17S.2SM TERRIFiC OCEAN VIEW 48drm 3.5Bafl. 4c Pllkillo. Compl«tfy Rtmodel9d. 300 ft patio, 12ll 12 b8lcony Looks direcfy at water. Thi• Unit la 150 ft From The Slnd. Great beach house. Price Is $800f( ~Owner 94g..548-8048 AND NEW HOME 5bdrm Sbt1t\ llv rm, lam rm. powdel room, 4lrg decks, 3c gar, pvt patio, Maple hardWood lloors. 3,753 •.I Bil Grunclv Reallon 949~~f61 INVESTOfiS 3 a 4 PLEXES Po.lllw CMh Flow .nd Appreciation Po11nttal Oc9111 Vl8ws. Mfl.&40.1406 BLUFFS Lrg 3& 2 5Ba. ~ remodeled IUt. lam rm, sep <In rm. lrg palios $459,000 Bwt>ara Sarvegret. Realtor 949-&«-0195 OPEH SAT a SUN 1-4 2304 FAIRHILL DRIVE 38drm 28a1h on l.alge toe. )acuZZJ. remodeled. cul-de sac local!On RecM:ed 10 5455.000 94g..642-0973 Agal1I t .y,., New End Unll· Townhou• In pnme 1oca1io11 3& 2.58alh. 1299,000 ... Marte Jack9oo 9491723-8 t 26 Ext 101 Rlll"8 Find on CUM»Sac:I 1st ume on 1he marl<.et In 25 ye111I .Ml CMlf y, acnt In Dover Shores AQ8111. Mat Jackson 114!11723-8126 X IOI LOWEST PRICED TEAR DOWN LOT IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Bua<! your dra1m home on OYtr 6,000 square loet in pnme area. Possible oceen views Close to echoOls. near Clltf O!lve Prine ~ $395,000 .. 949-463-4663 VERSAILLES 1 BA Seoond Floor Seier wll EnleltaUl Olltr1 $109,900to1129,876 WHAT ASTE.AU MaryAnn McGulN 64&-6170 Pl\lddal Ce A8llly IXf W WITH loAf DOCK NEW II& 38A 3 58A. STUNNING 11.050,000 DAVID PRINCE. AGENT ~71 .. 1520 ocean! 114MSCH499. Olde COM RENTALS AU. KINDS 1149-6«· 1984 110 APTS COSTA MESA *COSTA MESA'S BEST* Junior I bedroom and 1 bedroom. also 2 bectoom 1 bath. OIAet gated convnunitv. pool, tenris. easy accMS fo freeway, beach & milts 714-557~5 19' oetilched COiiiil with patio, near beach, Calhldral =. frtdae. stOYe Move-In $6'15 + dep 133 E 16th St No Pets 949·548·242t 1~~1 •LRO 2BR 28A UNIT 11095. getage. amal P8llO wale lo beedl. q.Jlet .,.., no P8tl Lease I year 949-71J0.11I3 125 APTS LAGUNA HILLS A012 ENTER & W1H THE BENtHANA FREE OIHHER FOR TWO CONTEST I 3/W/1199 AOtt ENTEJI a WIN THE BENIHANA FREE DINNER FOR TWO CONTEST I 314-316199 132 APTS NEWPORT BEACH TRM.EVEL TOWNHOME Very seaclous 2Bedroom 2Ba111 wifl Panoramic View Pnvate Elevator, 2 s Csr Enciosed Garage F"11ep111et Huge W81k-lo-doset. wWlar dryer hk·ups & yard $2000'rno on 1 yter least Call IOI 8'IP( 949-6484S3 THE BEACH HOUSE APTS. 1433 SUP£RK>R BEST LOCAfiON IN NEWPORT BEA~ 28drm' 1 S8a Townhome YrlCh llo"IQI. Newly Remodeltd kllchtn, ll!ge dong 1'91 $1970 w~ &-t2mo 1s 888-783-8786 SPECTACULAR OCUN VlEW PfNTltOUSE 28dm"1Balh Dual Master plln ~!h a loll. Two Batconiel with dramatic Ocean view, Fil• place, Study, Vaulled Ctili{lgs '3575 IWh a 12 mo le4$a 888-783-8786 ELEGANT octAA VIEW PENTHOUSE 2Btdroomf 2Balh+Loft Ocean View, vaullt<I cdng. dlyblr. Fire- place, ...,,.., courts. spa. gym, poole $2&45. 888-783 8786 PROMOHTORY POINT VIUA APARTMEN'T1 n. lradtion ol NtwpOfl Beach ...-. you~ n. brdttallino OcH'\ I Hatbof beY WleWS wl rlllllyoul Our I BPooms 111 It ~ It $162500 • I Btdloom +loll ring If $173000 Our 2 ~ 819 8IWlg II $117000 2 &etlQCll'n • L-rtng It $264500 Sonll la'ftl lncklOI j8tagt. lrtplatt, v..-celrlgl, & ~ remodlltd ~ Cll ... 71U781 Ne~rt Marina Apartmen Raf.mnt rommumty with ~rivatct l>tach & mariu. W"1k to b&lbua lit.land. lBR, 2DR aml 2DR w/JM f1200.tS600 ·PIMM r.al1 (9'9) 160-0919 'NORTH BAY RONT' 4br 3ba, + trplc. Y r1y •v•H Aprll t, $2500fmo. Agt 114M13-40S2 1155~1 ShORT TERM RENTAL Avail 1JM June I. Specious, deluxe, 2Bdnn 2ba, lully lum, close to beach, 2c gar. !M9-675-7130 FAIRWAY APAKl'MENTS AT BIG CANYON CATED COMMUNTIY BY FASHION ISLAND Beautiful tree-lined stntets and golf COW'M views. Enjoy carehe living in your ~ 1, 2 or 3 BR apartment home! • 1Wo-cw garage • Wuherldrfer hookups • Flrtpf-(wood & gas),, • Air oooditlol •ig z ..... • W9t b8r~8nel;, BR • Alann system • $1 ,650 to $2,995 • PtMM call (949) 1144-0509 SorTy, no pets. ·vate'9ara9t • 'Wasfii.r~r: erator wlkt. .. JUarm System oot CciCi11JJS • 1'irtplace s & 'Business Ce.nttr 0067°' m LIVE THE LIFE STYLE m The Terrace Apartme nts aC An Exclusive Opportunity for \Vat erfront Living on ewport Bay • Limited availability of Studios, 1 & 2 Bedrooms $1400-$2600 • Private Guard-Gated Entrance 24-Hour Security & Switchboard • Private Beach • Gytn, Spa & Pool • A Village unto itself with Meeting Rooms. Restaurant, Codrtall lounge, Entertainment & Room Service • Member hip Required 1o schedult-your prhot~ bowing, plt-e <'all (949) 645-5000, ·t. 539 & ili ili A French villa high on the hnt With city, canyon views, plus cool ocean btaez• • Private garage • Washel/Ory« • Refrigerator • Gated convn~ • Atness, Business, ~iment C... Q!f/~ PANORAIK VIEW ~ ttlTiOde6ld hOme., [)ayer SlloreS 6200 ... maitile lloors, lmurious MslJ' ~ countera. new roof. ~ pool Ureque!I $7500lpet mo HANU REOOY REAL TY (9491 SSQ-0386 I 'I 11a::fll UNOBSTRUCTED OCUN VIEWS 'Tesoro' Brand "'8'# 3& 2 sea. paecs. comm ,ad. Thousaids rt upgrades~ mo Owner/~ 71•·567·97?1 • BEAUTIFUL 38R, 28A ·ii Trovn Npl Coast 2 71 'Ill d hkl.Cll Aval now! no P'C All-Jotrt 94~·2 12m -~ uvr: OH UDO ISLE Slepa to be8ctl. Ltg rQCJll pnvlle balh. separale ... *'4.· temts, $525mo 94!M73-61o.t Motel , r«ently mlavafed, near major FW)'S &' • attraclS, OC PaqrOUl\ds college, bchs. shoppi'll mall. 24hr rrt desk F~ HBO, ESP'li. Discovery. DD phones. spa & poo~ First wt specials oJ singles & dbls $1.u+ Tu. C.M. Motor Inn. 2277 Ha.rbor Blvd 949/6-t5~840 23yf old 11\1111 to llhlftl llJI, ~ lunl'd, lllodls li.oot beedll l>illio $650mOr'. * . Ulil ems 94~1 tot' NP8 be11U tum II• on UiiO bland l'8pl to w...,, trg rm & bl, gar. bolt lalA'ldl, ""' rm matH $800 94MJ34Nf 8AL86A IS. CU1t 2br Ille, ij dptl. upper ltw~ stoJ11119. Fem roomm8'• $625 + utll. Av811 Mey tit. to1M7W',U HB .-oowntOwn • OCi9\: sn.. 2br 9p1 lg rm. S3IO • dip • .Av.U lmrMd. Ch8lif' 714-37 ""659 " • I I I • Doily Pilot TU ~-:--- )J ,, • .;;.;~~ . n111111L Ford Ex~ Ut., 'et In.IN 1~ -DIRECTORY Retired Executive and wife wish to lease .. MCUTiOfiST·' tOi SIMI Compeny In NP8, np wlCh comout••· phoMe. filing. BAUE" JAGUAR ~4)NMIOO iiusfANON a luxurious furnished home or condo in Newport Beach, Corona d~I Maf or Newport Coast area. 110 to .wt. Ml-752·7114 Ae•t•ur1111 2 l*rtiorw • Dtil Mgr. hlll'1tt' •xP'd Wfllfl ~ng career po111lon • SIM!r sound exp req'd 94~42. ct C)t, 8U10 trn. AC, hA p.w, .. pwt Meb, btakel, ~ steemg, am Im sleoo cass. cnJtM. amom 1n1 a wia. . s 13,500/ubO 71042-7830 JUti WMNOiD '17 Very cleanlJ:~264) S1~.9" · MITSU MOTORI (714)545-1100 tEXOs CJ 400 '" Auto. aJr, lltir.(186527\ ~IP.895 Must be air conditioned and have access td pool. NEWPORT HACH CONFERENCE a VISITORS BUREAU fORO TAURUS Gl Vi •k ABS. alloy• (112216) $1 I ,982 MITSUBISHI MOtoRS (71•)545-1700 LEXUS OF WESTIMNITE" (714)181-MOI • LEXUS 112 ES 300 White, 60K ml'"1 mint concl. moon roo~ 113,eoo. COLDWC?U. BANl(C!R U July 1-0ct. '31 (flexible) 1 Karen Lynch RECEPTIONIST We are ~ In lndtvkllal • la pieewil, ~ Ol1efl· led JM knowledgeable abOut NewDolt Beach, 10 rlPIM8rll tht bureau IO Ile caling and Vislbng ~ ~er ptol1- Cltncy required Please lax rM4mt IO Kethy Sheridan HONDA Accord coupe 'i7 Lo miles (VA011S63l 114 1195 COSTA MESA HONDA t4 .. 72l·1MO II Jeffrey L ... Kaylor Please Call (949) 720-9995 -(7'14)438-5050 HONDA ACCORD LX 4DA 'IS Pw,cass (SA0556n)$11.995. UHCOLH CONTINENTAL 'ii Auto, •r. lllV (6993531 S t7 ,9911 LQ US OF WESTMINSTER (714)8t2.-ol • ACCOUNT ANCY CORPORATION A l'r0fa110MI COfilOIVioa • '-.uw 1' utat~ & Personal Financial Planning -"' • !t Business Management Consulting DARAGE I SALES NPB UDO ISL.E SAT Mtrch Ith W 220 ' Vie khlcl LOTS OF EVERYTHINGJlllllll SlfOHtv a:3 24Z3-Vlft-ptobllu R(MOOEL SALE: dr1pe1, bed1pre1dl, tum, lhulierl, --1111 clolhle, lot• morel 1:~ · t:J Tax & Accounting Jclf~y 1. l\Jlylor, CPA, CFP 'A~u-t . ~ . 7" 949-442-73--*.-----... +-·~--- Z152 DUPO!l.'T DRIVf • ~UITT. 101 • IRVll\'S ( INJI U) lun I"' f)J1><omp111t"• com Time is precious, but so is a future TClx Deferred Investments No Fee IHAs/Hetircmcnt Planning uy liviJ1g fo'r your parent, tpoUH or idati-.e Who a«ds ~n, lcmn1 arc and good meal1. SpKiow roonu anilablc in my homt oa a S .acre beautifully maintained Cftarc in Hemet. SAT 7-11 476 BROADWAY, C.M. T V , clothes, (klds/adolls} 1oys, frames. 1rtw0111, ETC ... ALL GOOD STUFFll SAT 8-1 456 GAYOIOTA, NB. cMIYAAD SALE Sal·Sun. 8A·3P 268 22nd SI Bird houses,' clothes, bbq, misc, elC. I The monthly fee it $2,500 BUI a uture, not a regret. eadi, ooupla wdconlt. Pkatc 1440 llSCEWFORA..NE:ll I contact me, S..dy Duncan, (949) 261~1 ()()Of I "' 11Mw1 l11fucm11fc111 "'" 909-6~·98CM and call for (888) 476-9340 Ron Ellison L .. adcli;;;·riooal;inf'o;;;;uoa;;·::;~I Apar1mlnl contert• ltdldas Merroer NASO SIDC PSE. MSRS I • smal electrical, blender. juicer 11==============:1 CIU SUPPORT crok pot etc call lor pnces R&R Accounting Services o1lle Tu Se,._,. ,~c • Payroll 'o~ ., • Boolckeepin9 \SI e Accounting Service e Free Tax Consulting All Year \\'(' maximize your tax savings accurately Timely and professionally Call: (949)863-9870 Fax(949)863-9873 ~ THOMAS C. BECKER (949)646-8803 1\ LL TAX FO RMS .. ALL STATES I NDI V-PARTNERSI II P- Fl DUCIARY CORPORATIONS-LLC- l~STATES 350 E. 17111 STE 117 COSTA J\.H~SA. CA 92627 28 Y EARS E XPERIENCE THE B EST R ESOLUTION To Audits · Payroll Taxes Levies Wage Ga rnishme nts Seizures Unfiled Returns 1-800-990-4858 24 hrs 714-846-0548 , ...... , eria .. to l)t_ • Relief from lmlf'I Weddtng dreu salJn white • Antw.. to DA'• desqied by Monique lhller •_ suppoModifPlioo of perlect cond, &11e 8. breeth oh laking!>/ eleglrl1 purchased II Mona Mie Cost over $1700 fw• lffice _.,_,al sell $850 used 1 9'49-718-0517 nu·~ o.i Comput« P90i1um 100, Un IJ 17._7... 16M8-ram, IT' cdor monhor 561< modem. Win 95. loaded w/ ~ '30·8722 soltware 714-241-0661 TRAIN YOUR BODY TO BURN FAT! Find out th~ top train~r'1 ~ lc~t i«rds! WHY PAY UP TO $500 FOR A FITNESS ~SESSMENTJ u PttOfWIOH4L rESTs 1NCLuo1: • % Body fat-V02 Max • Save tifr!e/money · no special eqµlp. -E-Z 2 use! • Customize for ur uni ue metal>Olism 40 yr expel aecurlty 1pecl9ll1t dulr11 lo aecure 1111t .. home In nc~ f0t low cost llvlng. Local job stebll· lly 20yr1, cen bl bonded 61 rr-. no amok.Ing 911111 no peta. Mr. Biiia. 71~·1149 •BEST BEANth PRICES www.bt1nlettO!"fOU.com I 402LOST & FOUND I FOUND BLACK FEMALE COCKER SPANIEL WITH BROWN MARKINGS CALL 714-962-n38 Found Jan Slh, mens blcyde 111 the Newpor1 Bklff'5 area 81ke ~ now al the Newpoit Beaoh Police Oepartmenl Lott Rottweller male, blk • t91l, 11 Olb9, wlchotte chain. Vee NPB, an1wer1 lo ZABAR. 949-541-3316 • LOST small GOid & PUi'ilf9 Watch. Frl-27, N8Wl)Ol1 Beach, $500 00 REWAROI (Family watch) 949-718-2721 412 CEMETERY LOTS 440 MISCEll.AHEOUS FOR SALE Golf beg (new) Olin 14e-no-IOl3 ·~*"*"*"* Knogo aecUrlty 1191 I« illl 20t each per Olousand Call Eddie II M9-759-1971. Stllct Comlort Uhri Piiio.. top bed. 90·720·HU •••••••• Sien Axture LIOUIDA TlON: Showclse&' Display slleMn!>' llxhlres/lables, storage sheMng, \IVide span. grid, more Everything goes chelpl Make oilers 3 catalog show· room SI01'81 • Choo Hias 4040 Grand Ave • Palmdale 442 W Ave P • Whittler 8512 Palncer Ave (800) 613 -8865, www nrel com, t0% Buyers Premium White cllp hanger• lor •II• le Heh. c1n Eddie .. 949-759-71179 448 AHTIQUESIART /COUECT18LES (S PLOTS) 0 PACIFIC VIEW I BUY ALL PIANOS! MEM'ORIAL PAR.IC An1 n. .• ,..., I milU t 31 Vitt• Del M.,, IQU8S""YVG "' u re 1490 APPLIANCES I Ulld WUhlr 6 dryw,,.W'Ofb l*feetly, 1150 tot pU. Alk '°' 11..t 841-548-9999. t 454 FURNITURE I A dining nn Mt. Solld chln'y, 92" dbl pedestal, 2 leaves, 8 c:hlppendale ctiairs, igltad blll-fet & l.i1Ch + malGtlirlg se1Ver, nevi< Ol>IOQd, stil boXad, COSI 9K, sell $38,5 714-596-1144. ANTIQUE ORIENTAL RUG 13X21' Blj«. 'O..lon Klll'faibaah1 S20!offw. 94t-7s§..me Ttund""'T;i bed wlmattrftMI S100. Mltchlng drHllf $50, •lereo, $30.0ak bookc .... $20. King boxspring • mlt· lies• $100, 2 white pl1ttlc chlM loungea. S100 pair. l4M73-3n2 l.~~I 'COUNSELOR• lo lnllrutl DD ldlllt/IL.S 6 114JP011M lvlng 1vc'1 S9hr •co..,AtOONS• Uve In to wortr .itt't DD ldu"• In North • South oc. ·suPPORT AIDES' fof North 6 South OC WOfk wllh OD lduka. FIPART TIME Cd MlfC 114-MMlSJ x20t Earn Extra Income 110\lld your~ S500-S1500PT 90CH 92-0143 www.thesearch lsover .com/4/noney Experllncld MWer 1111ht Held ol canvas, 1wnlno, ullholstery or aulo trimmer. "18, CM area Good waoes & benefits. Clll tor appo4n1men1949-646-7241 949-722·1612 ~lls> PT tOi LADY LF, Fuhbt la, Apply In penon It •Ulte 207A Mt-720-1996 SCHOOL CROSSING •GUARD Ir PT. No bf* neceeury, will tnfn. 1.-.54N290 *TEACHERS* $8 · SI I !'Hr. Newport Beach Pr.chool flied$ f>IT & FIT teachers w/ECE µn4s to wOfll WllRlallll &.-lodchrs Benefits! * 14M55·2S72 * • PluM be 1-1 lhlt lhl llttlng1 In I.hit calegO!'Y m1y 1'9qUlrt you to call 1 900 number In which there Is 1 charge per minute. 692 SUPS/DOCKS '-/MOORINGS NQRTH UDO ISlE • (~ Ardel's MaM1 ) Slip lor sal-powlf boll to 4511 949-675-7977 NPB Sllp rtnlll lor .o.45fl Slllboel. $12 per ft per Mo. 149-722-2360 Ilk fOt Joe, SiDE TIE i°' 1 25 h 58llboll Good loc, watlffelec Oocil Box Close to beach & restao- rants $10.per h 949-675-6128 SLIP FOR 45'BOAT ELEC: TRICtWATER, GOOD LOC , CLS TO LIDO ISLE BRIDGE $13 PER FOOT. 949-675-6128 wANteD, siae11e1dock ieh Bsln Whaler, rarely used Big Canyon hm owner, Will respect your pdVacy 949-718·1400 35 foot NB Mooring. on 1sth st . $9800.00 .. MOVING OUT SAL.E &t1te tumi.tilng1; I piece entl~ bednn M1 (Circa 1llO), tlblt, mlm><, lof11, martJle • glau dlnln~lvrm lllblel, ch11rs, detk9, plllll's, lift WOflc, c111n1, ctym~ ert M~ntm.llJI NEW COMPANY! Looking lor lndlvlduala wilh OOOd people slclls and · pocllfve allll\lde to help with brand new 'rocatiOn T f'linilg end travel l't'al Cd now 714-892-0893 ~ I MU73~296 480 · BUSINESS 45' Mooring In Newport OPPORTUNITIES 8eactl In hont o1 Ille PrMon $12,000 626-281 ·79 14 obfecU. etc. MB-376-4900 Pit bl of 6fAce FURN. APPOllfDlfM' -=~a. c!::!: 7 dllk c:onfwtnce table 71t SEITERS with lht loeel Better lon9, S chtlra. aof1, mlac of· FT/I'f day and Butlnlu Buneu bef0te flct tlbln, 94MS3·1900 ~~-0 ... _. you Mnd eny money or IUUJ .... '°' llfVlcet. R•lld 1458 PETSILIVESTOCk I 111\d under•tend any Per Hour contrKt• before you LEOPARD LOOKALIKE / T001Jf0duccn algn. Octcala 6 kltten1, 1vlil now. • ri!ihu .,_A""'U_T.,.../_M_C_I _P_A_Y_P_H_O_N~E 84~6-1413 °' • llnh.h. Dr8W t--.r ROUTE 141M31-2111 • 401·K "-S. Local Siies $1SOl<lyr • ~ -u-potenllal. Lowest prices I I ·i...-·.......,__ 800-8()0.3470 24h0urs 462 SPORTINO 0000S &tabltshcd 1n 1989 VE NOING:Lazy persons IEXEACISE EQUI'. Gild ~ dream Few hours • Good $ • • Call fOI' aps>0lnlrnenl Puce ~o sell Free broollUre 1940 Schwinn a.ch Chll•r l-888-3 3-4744 1.aoo-820-6782 aM oriQ ssso.obo also boys 1 "BE VOUR OWN BOSS" 5-sp Mi bllle 949-675-2426 Coke, Pepel, Herahey, M&M ~.c:::====:w4~ rtH 1v1ll In CM. Elrn FITNESS BLOW OUTl All RETAIL~-·-I SOK+/yr. Min Inv. Fr" Into treadmills, bikes, stair ~ I00-7M·2H6 steppers. el&pibcal, home gym MAXMARA ~l"""'t,.;.L....,EA;;....s..,.;.t P .... o.,...,,ooo~v-EA~R~ ~lfelurt>lshed 949-722·6'66 REAL Vending! No aimmlcks! 468 MERCHANDISE WANTED SovrH CoAsT PlA1.A M&Ms. LAYS. Snickers, etc High-end Italian ~SC:· r~~rrr:°1n\:a~ Women's Bou tique 1.aoo-688-5202. 24hrs needs professional ·*'°** .1). 695 CARSIT'RUCKS NANSISUVS ACURA CL '97 8llt. auto (003379) $ 17 ,895 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)191-6909 ACURA INTEGRA '96 SSi>d. air (000918) $14,898 LD US OF WES'rMINSTER (714)192-6906 ACUAA INTEGRA GS-R '94 5spd (RS002557) $10,99S COST A MESA HONDA (714)436-$050 BMW 325 '16 White, euto, alarm, runs great, nowlllfakes/ pw1 slmg unit 128k ml. $4200 sacrifice $3200 949-631-0732 CADILLAC DIVILLE '113 lmm.cul•I•, 75k mllH, perfect condlllon $11,000 149-673 .. 743 CHEVY S'IO BLAZER 'IS wtile/gray ( 107583) $I S,898 LEXIIS Of WESTMINSTER (714)892-6906 COSTA MESA HONDA (71•~SM050 Honda Cconl 1"3 LOIJl,ld 821(, ~. 2dr, $7500 949-675-1649 Of IM9-760-0820 Jo • HONDA DEL SOL s 194 epu, 2dr <RS003699l $9,m COSTA MESA HONDA (7141•3&-5050 HOHOA aVIC bx CP£ •iS 2d 5 fOCI. (RH503099) $9999 C<>lTA MESA HONDA (714 )43"5050 AOHol ciViC bx 191 Sdn. 40r (VH515969) $13.995 COSTA MESA HONDA (714)436-5050 HONDA b£l SOL '83 co chang81 (003315) $8,437 MITSUBISHI MOTORS (714)5-45-1700 J19u• llls '91 Cranberry Great cond, ffke new, only 2Sk mi. ~ Tool, 4dt, $18,500 Ctll 1149-640-7210 JAGUAR XJs CONY. '116 S3U95 9'-4211 BAUER JAGUAR (7H)953-4800 JAGUAR XJS V12 184 $29,195 94 .. 170 8~UER JAGUAR 714-953 .. 800 JAGUAR XJS SEDAN 4li°'ll3 $17,195 93-4306 BAUER JAGUAR 71 4-953...aGO JAGUAR XJ& SEDAN 40 '96 $35,195 96-3,,.. BAUE" JAGUAR 714-153_.IOO JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN •D '14 $21,1195 M-4215 BAUER JAGUAR 714-953-4900 JAGUAR iJi SEOAN 40 •64 $21,915 94 .. 291 • BAUER JAGUAR 714-153-4800 JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN ·97 $41 ,9!15 117 .. 275 BAUER JAGlJAR {714)953-4900 JAGUAR Xl6 YANOEM 'ft S41,995 !16_. 21 BAUER JAGUAR (71C)953-4100 Jaguar iJ6 V1nd4tm ·es $39,1185 96-4081 BAUER JAGUAR (71 •)9SS·4100 RECORDS TOf> DOLL.ARI Jazz, R & 8, soul, Rock. e1C. -sas & so·s MIKE 645-7505 WAHTEDI OLD COINS! Gold. sWer. Frankin mint, slef- lno Old waldles & jewelry W£5TCOAST COIH642-9441 WANTED PATIO FURNITURE 94~574-4248 salesperson wrth lots of energy and enthusiasm. Can earn up to $25/hr if good. APPLY fN PERSON STAR.TING ANEW BUSINESS?? ••••••••••••••• The ugal Department aJ tlit Daily Pilot is pleaStd lo ann"'4nce a n ew senice 11ow aJ1ailable lo 11ew b11sinessts. Teac.her of Piclno Mary dePascal~, MM. MERCEDES BENZ 300E t1 SON. 111110, 4 dr,·t cyt, tuilY . loedldl Low ml M~150 ... 21W031 .. EActbES 450 SL 7• New 9tfS & aoll top, ~· rlfl\S stereo, low mr, 2 topa)lo $6200 obo 949-72~9. • Mtfcury Grind 11Njlll 1~ ~I 11k mllesl Lo~ aci Father ~ eny1 000 firm M0..7ff..7QS 1 M1t1Ubliiil Eali>• GS:f 'ii Bl!Vgry. 8UIO (01•250) S21.a98 • LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER • (714)812.QOt MiTSVBlSHI OlLANT ES 'ef Moorvooll (010288) $12,900 MITSU&ISHI MOTORS (714)545-noo , MITSUBISHI GALANT S 196 28,000 mi.(211641) $10,670 MITSUBISHI MOTORS (714)545-1700 fl4ifS081sHI MIRAGE l s 19' Alloys. (00•737) $ 12,9sq MITSUBISHI .MOTOl\S I (714)545-1700 I MiTSUBiSil Mnae DE '87 Vtty nlca cat1 (026 f 46) $8973 MITSUBlSlt MOTORS 114-545-1700 Mltaublihl = S 'ii Sedan. ale. 1001 51) $8.272 MITSUBIS .. MoTDRS I ~J4)5U-1700 MtTSUB SHI 1192 EAGLE SUMMfT. grMI buy 11000 below blue book Rad ~ back. $3900 !M!l-642-2940 NISSAN KING CAB '17 • Red (319230) $12.999 CONN£U. NSSAH (71•)755-3333 NISSAN KlMG CAB '97 Gray. (321073) $12,999 CONHELL NSSAH (714)755-3333 NISSAN KiHG CAB 'i7 Blue. (322168) St2,919 CONNEU NISSAN (714)755-3333 NISSAN KING CAI '117 Sliver (337067) $t2,999 CONNEU NISSAN (714)755-3333 NISSAN IQNG CAB 'i7 Whle (326709) $12.999 CONHEU NISSAN (714)755-3333 "In Your Home" lessons available 800•600•052 MANAGER ASSISTANT NEW RV 6 BOAT STORAGE W• will now SEARCH the 11ame for you aJ ~w extra charge, and save you th11 litne and the trip lo the Court 1louse in Santa Ana. Then, of course, after lhe search is completed wi wihjile your fictitious business name statement wiJh the / County Clerk, publish once a w•ek for f 011r w•e.ks as required by law and then fde your proof of p"blicaJion with the Co11nty Clerk. I FREE CONSUUATION FREE ESTIMATE BUSINESS/INDIVIDUALS BACK YEAR'S TAXIS COLLialON PROll.EMS WEEK-END APPr s CALL BIU LYONS, CPA 7,.,.72•2057 one piece or whole houselulll vv-,.. Cash paid 800-649-4922 CARE•GIVER fOf eldertf t O yeers. local references DttMQ, shopp good cookl Clll Chtisune 'l.9-646-3735 Good reilble WOfker. ready 10 excel at customer 1ervce e1 new siorage f llCllrty In OC coeslal area Musi have erthuslasm and pe willing 10 lelm new sk.lla 11 Qpefltlon and ~er.nee ol our "First Cllss"RV & Boel storage re- sort MUSI, ~ wMlng Wllh our plants end land:seaping Some comp\Aer. ollCe ex· Phase stop by to file your fictitious business staJtmtfll at the Daily PIU>t, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, plt ast call us aJ (949) 6424321 and wt wUJ make a"angements !or you to handlr this procedure ~y mail. DON'T ~ETTIME RUN OUT! PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • Mortuary Chapel • Crematory )50() Poolfic View Drive N-port Beech 644-2700 PltRCl IROntERS llEU. IROADWAY MOrtuary * Chapel Cremation 110 Broadwlly Costa Mesa 842-0150 Ca t e Classifieds (949) 642-5678 "Affordable Alternative" Discount casket, Cremation& Burial Service Why hould you ubject · your elf & your family to paying lrtflate d prices for · caskets & ·ervice ??'n r..JJ Toll Free 1 -~s r.ASKET Smilg Qnliat I urrnullllag COlltrla 415 CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE L ASER PRINTER CLEARANCE SALE! HP"s. EPSOth. Lase• SeMce 114.799.n111 420 S.llet FundtllMr cOSlumes, clothe1, 1xerclst bike. handicap & estate Items, Cllb playpen, much more Set-Sun S.5 1215 Pembroke Lane, H.B. (bllw•n lrvlnt/Dover) off M1rlntf'1. WANTED ~~ PIANOS Collectibles 476 EMPLOYMENT OPPTYS B\IMy Photo Team Cuhlel5, Greelers Create Easler M10JC 1..aoo-229-7147 H1137 Cook • BmJcfu1 & Lunch Sil. S161, & holdays 6 30am-2 30pm Experience only 71~8-0690 7am-3Pm . ~ recic:rad Sell..:,i:ag: bondable a!cf"5~ credl ct18dc and drug fesl v.411 be perlormed Salary lo $1°"1r clepenOng on beel(gncfexper Fu (IS\#lle to (714) 1141 7699 or mall IO Mgl'. P 0 Box 7tOll Hunting!on Beach. Ca 92e1S -BACK BAY CAFE A caf e situated on Newport Beach 6ack 6ay In the heart of Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort fs now acceptf ng applicatJons. Apply In person. • Bussers AM/PM • Cooks AM/PM • Dishwashers PM • Host/ttostess PM • Server AM/PM AppUcatJons accepted at the Main Office, I 13 1 8ack 8ay Dr. Newport 6ch. 949-729-3863 ro~ Advcrtismg • Account Executives Rapidly tiqnmdtng communliy new~p•pcr group sttkJ self moflV11tcd 11ccoun1 cxt1o:ullvt11 to J"lJ m11il 1dvcn 1t1ng WC pttrcr t.-.nd1d11u to h111vr a mmm.um (Jf 1 yru prtnt dvcrt mg opcrl('ncc Excellent commun1c111on skills, ahillty to St'l go~lt and makt profm lonnl prtatn1a11on~ 1n 1 fut paced and detail· oncmtcd environment 5alary plus rnmmi on llic(.ctlcnt btncfl1 pa<:kagc, 1ndud1n1 .. o l{k) D~ krttnin&'Ph~t'tl ~qu1~d f:O Xtld cuum vla r~ to: A.TrN: Lynn Etola {9.f9) 6S0-4801 Of ..ii to: JJO~Bay t. C.. Mm, CA 92617 If you should have any furtht r qut stions, pl•ast call us and wt will bt mort than glad to assist yo11. Good luck in your new busintss ! .· -· THE ANTIQUES A ND COLLECTIBLES SPECIAL SECTION! The Newpor t Beach/Costa M~sa Daily Pilot pre.smts you t1.1ith another GREAT OPPORTUNITY to promote your a11tiques & colkctibks! Perfect for shops, rkakrs, auctWns, booltSeUns, ekcora_tors, shows, "finishers, art galkrus -devefop your busi1Uss with w ! .. ._,.,h They've talked throughout Southern California about this unique section.' Don't YOU mis out .. ·. • l•cm:=J Pl YMOUTH H1tNM Sein 'ti AnVlnl CUI. (0 f2\7118)179911 COSTA MESA HONDA (714)0f.50IO * Pi;n;ovtti v'" 'ff • looila l IOOI gre•, iotdtd, llllSI IM. Ollg OWIW, $6000 Of make oft« ~9-5\!H416 PONtilc SONFiAe n ·w Ope, 40!r (48W0699) S7"9 COSTA MHA HOHOA (714)QH0$0 PORSCHE ii cAAA£RA if1 TARGA. Chrome •. $18,500 !Jade ok u partial PIYl'f*'il, ~1e pa~ M9-873-0-C11 '°4i8 U:V. toA U4 dlete~ turbo, trena, ~cooler, $5200. firm. Tl'IWI triller 1v1U1ble.14M44-1342 SUZUKI SAMURl'88 . Blue. 4X4 Convt, 5sp 100lt ml • $2100 949-752-6883 I I •• TOYOTA CAMftY '17 ~o. tit, cd (0290IM) 117,998 l.EX!JS Of WHTlllHITER ~.,. ... ToYota KOllll Xtr• Ci6 ·is 4WO. AT (Z05M11) $13,995 COSTA MHA HONOA (714).uf.SOSO TOYOTA ftRCEl DX 113 Sdo. 4dr IT2P027S785) $8999 C06TA MESA HONDA (714 )436-5050 TRIUMPH 1tU TA' off frlll)e r11t«Mlon, wtille, hnm1cul1te Condition Sl~,950. M.a54-7555 VolQwegen C1111pe1 '11 White, ...,.. engine. °"' owntr lot llYrt. S2700 firm. Cel1 PIUI II f1W.%.f932. vw WESTFALIA 77 Campef, yeHow, """"" cau 4tp, 2.0 "'91 ·~ •. $3750/obo. MM7M5'S ~ 1\-\E M 0 t• Simplify your llf e through CLASSIFIED WINNI-]{ WEEK #2 -!1'tn1ess11 Jho11111s ·Find-Our Hidden Classified Ads & WIN! Contest Rules: Dinner for Two at 1. Simply fi~d our hidden classified ads somewhere in our dassificd section. Cut and paste the ads on the entry blank and ma,il. Newspaper entries only, no photo copies will be accepted. AJ) entries must arrive by noon, the following Wednesday. :, 1220 ACCOUNTING I TAX PREPARATION BY CPA Free ConsullillOn Free Est • Baell l( UIS T IX8S Colecllon • Problems. Busi1*t & lodMd-1 uals 8ullness Specialists. I Wkend App1'1, Personlfized Svc. 949-474-9&40 1222 ACOJm I t CEILING DESIGN t DrtwaR Textllflng Acouttlc C.lllnQ Aemovll• 714.f1o.33d Robert fARTHING INTERIORS Kll:herw'BaUll'Remodel Room Add•llOOS V1S&'MC U 560875 949-&45·9S25 AE&Ollb OR REMODEL Homes Of OlllCIS • Ouattty Construcnon • R~Prtced • Lqcal Compeny #636318 • St~ & Asloclataa Call MM44"'415 C&P SERVICES • l11s11r1rt<'e • t:MllN • JltS l>onahOllJ ~--ANAJUil'AP Oliff 14-540-1225 Winner will be ch6sen by random drawing and winner's name will appear the following week. One entry per person. One winner per week. 4 .. Contest will run 2/18/99 through 5/13/99. CARPET CLEANING Prof! Cwpet Clelnlng Hones1-Polll.-F1stlll Fnencly and Mature"I Lon 114-f11.20ll ~1 [uroC leaner"c. ;rn.()fk .-. PAOrESSIOHALISM' QUALITY OCDICATIOH 'Tl4 342-06 6 714 437-2704 .. -t A Touch Of Cla11 Cttenlng Clelnrlg-AtlkVComrMIClll Uc'd. Bonded. Frte Eat T11• 714-282·7143 ~.fl'--~~..., l'J..'.'-."'"·' I : 11,• : ' ' 1 . . ' Paste Ads Here Paste Ads Here Dinner for 2 Contest 330 W. Bay Street Costa Mesa CA 92627 LEWIS CONSTRUCTION ~·~ 714-557·5925 ( m QllCKCOAllG I WATERPROOF COATINGS Dedcs,bllcories.~ Oually work 11 rtalONlble rala Lt587430 72Nl7611 1-==ti WITTHOEFT DRYWALL All phuea/small/lg foba.ClEANI 20fs. tllr, free est. U400030 714-639·1447 1~•1 6MALL JOB EXP£ATI OUHCAK ELECTRIC LocaVOulck l'llPOl*I ~ 20 yeal$ tJCptrtence l.1275870 650-7042 UCENSEDCOHTRACTOA No job too smal M UfVICel Repa.f, remodel. w.. new svca. "* 645-3656 . . •• • w • ~ , .. ,, .............. ,, ~~ . . . . . . . \' \: ·i ( '.• ·,' • ', \ 1f I• I r1lri n• • • ;, JJy CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Saturday, Morch 6; 1999 TODAY'S CR()SSWaRD PUZZLE WE£KLY BRIOGEQ JZ ACROSS '48 Wild cr•tut• 1 1 "The egg-· home 5 Thd\90, as '411 Heavenly Q 1 · Nei1hcr vulnerable, South you hold· Q J • Bo1h vulncrnbh:, a Sou1h )OO hold: Cfee.m 53 Come apert S.. fl(plofer • OHd 57 Undef(ioyer cop 12 Zoo favortte 58 fregmoot of • KQJ "Void o K6J •J765-U2 Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you n..--spond? • K 10.542 "6 o Q65 •.\HJ The bidllmt h:tS proceeded: WE,l,I PRTH EAST smrrn 13 Unco1we11tional poltety I 5 Home to Scariert IO Commotion 0 Hara 81 Exelude 18 Eve·s gral'ldCNld 82 Part of a 17 Raw rubbef paci\lge tour Q 2 -Both.vulnerable, as South you hold. 10 10 P~ ? What ::icuon do you take) 18 Deep tracil1 83 Europun 19 Deer ol the lar volcano north 6'4 Actor Beatty • K876 32 "KQS o 63 • A8 Q S Neither vulnerable. as South you hold· 21 Military trim 65Walk1n water· 23 Wint el rummy 66 FeN on -ear• 24 Nest-egg lettera ... The bidding has prQCeeded: SOUTH WEST NORnr •• ~ 20 2• Pass 3" ? What do you bid now? EAST . PW Puss •KJ 73 o Q9 0 64 •KJ76? ~ b1dd1ng h~ proceeded· NOKTH EA~T SOUTH WEST 1• Pass l• 21' Dbl • PaM ? 25 Strut DOWN 28 Pie l<>Cpl"IJ 1 Actor Guinness 33 51nng lastenlflgS 2 o~ Of rl 1'492 34 Not often seen 1no •• 35 High-y fee 3 House part - 36 Lodging Pltd' • '4 Sudden · , • • " 'l7 Sounds l•ke Big undefsla~ 22 Oness-s, 10 43 Made '1ZZ) , Q 3 • As South. vulnerable. you hold: Wh.11 action do you take> Ben 5 G~ once toeoda 45 None 38 Melley 8 Hawaiian leasts 25 Light rowbolll 46 Sconce 1•cm • ~. for 7 MP.I of baseball 26 Cancel 48 Templed • Q 6 · Both \Ulncrable. as South \OU 6 7 43 O AQ9 o Q762 •J93 The bidding has procel!ded· WEST NORTif EAST SOl!TH hold. • • A K J 0 7 6 J o 9 s · • K 10 7 6 2 Pan~r open~ the biddlllg with one cl1Jb. What do you n:spond? 39 Jshor1:~·. 8 Sycamore, e g 27 Skater Ht4M 49 Pretty sooo • • --9 Heavy ~mmer 28 liorse feetures 50 Appoint ~ v "° 10 Joho'°'1 of 29 Units of work 51 NetwotK . '1 False \.eugt..in· 30 Urges on 52 Grut> , slatements \t Days gone by JI Very. vtfY 54 Perlorm a 1;:1.w. l • Dbl 2• ? What ocuon do you 1al..e ! .............. ~ ...... ~. Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily PilQt and the Huntington Beach- Fountain Valley Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mall with a check today! Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREE! All for just $10'. 1304 HAULING I 42 Juan's ra1hef 14 Te1monates 32 BuQs' ~ <IUI) • 44 Soft fabrics 15 Pnncipal& 34 MIJte turt>utenl , 55 P~ M • 46 Roman emperor problem 37 Flaw 56 Lounge arcuod 47 Frontiersman 20 Otessmalte(s 40 Introduce S9 -ptt!l'MJm • Bowie cut 42 Two of a kind (scarce) • -----.~""'l'I!'-10 11 • ., 0 YU, SEU MY CAR ---~ .,.. __ _ "Pilot t 330 MOVING l STORAGE SPUT SECOND MOVERS EURO·STUCCO Lalhe and ProltlSIONI Mollers• 24tw Svc plaster inl.GXI rep11rs 7 ~ ~ ctsc/Tt178452 ll·Stucco L1c•62679 \ I •POOL; SERVICE I l1l1nd Blue Pool1W .... ly MIYICe Ind ftplll1 ~ MolOIS HealelS Call kK spe- c:ill r11es 949-64~721iN8 714· IH~ 346-5850pgr _11_4!:...,,....7-6296_ter .... IS.-tucc-o...,,P,...1t....,ch- l 340 PMNTING I ~Southern ~42~rs' POOL SMITH Since 1171 • • 714-554-7831 Equip & rwpan * Wee!Uy lt!IV CHUNG S PAINTING Acid wa.llel ~'ffufed 24 Ye•• EICP Grul PrY;e * 94~2-17'0 * Gultlf'll8'ti w~.... 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