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1999-05-21 - Orange Coast Pilot
i· ,--- Light Impressions · Museum of Art hosts exhibits of two Los Angeles artists See page 2 .. - SERVING THE NEWPORT-MESA COMMUNmES SINCE 1907 Po~c~, sc~ools taking ~olenc~ Seriously . . . . . ~ . . . . • Thµrsday's shooting at a high school in Georgia is another warning of what can happen, officials say. GREG RNJNc, AND NOAK! ScHwARTZ ~Pb NEWPORT-MESA -After a spate of copycat incidents around the country following the high school shooting in Llttleton, Colo., school officials here are taking extra precautions when they hear reports of potential violence on local campuses. In the past two weeks, Costa Mesa High School Principal Andrew Her• nandez has had to diffuse two situa- tions on lus campus. The first occurred May 7 when somecre pmned a note to a wall, threat~ to blow up the school if it went' removed. The note was attached fol a copied hand print that appeared to have cuts on the wnst and palms. And on Tuesday, rumors spread through the school that a femaJe stu- dent had threatened to shoot a class- mate to celebrate her birthday. The bizarre rumor was quickly dispelled after police talked to the girl and her family. The officers learned the girl never made the statement and that it was not ~ven lier birthday. Hernandez said he did not want to take any chances m either case and unmediately called in the police. Costa Mesa police Lt. Ron Snuth said there is a beightened levC!l• of awareness by students and adminis- trators after yet another school shoot- ing Thursday, this time in Georgia. Five children were shot and in1ured when a 15-year-old boy stormed into the school and began randomly firing a rtfle into a crowd. Smith sai_d police are talong every. I report seriously, whether it be a nimor, Joke or veiled threat. •J think everybody is real sensitive nght now,• he said. "If these shootings didn't happen, no one would probably think twice about the inadeflts at Cos- td Mesa. They would write them off as kids being kids. "But we are investigating these things very senously. However, these threats have no merit or basis from our mvestigabon. • In hght of these instances, school SEE THREATS PAGE 8 "It's kind of gone downhill by the waysid~. People haven't r eally cared." -Jim Carpenter, business owner Oeaning up El Camino Plaza •The center's owner agrees to make significant repairs to 40-year-old mall, EUSEGEE Datt Nol COSTA t>vlESA -Complaints about the dilapi- dated condition· of Mesa Del Mar Center has prompted property owner Capital FinanciaJ Con- sultants and city staff to agree on improvements at · the mall, also known as El Camino Plaza. The shopping center was built in the early 1960s and bas become an eyesore in what is oth- erwile a beautiful neighborhood, said resident Rhonda Heintz. Heintz organized a meeting of 60 residents and center tenants and presented concerns to Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilman Joe Erickson. • "Everybody's on the same side on cleaning this up,• Heintz said. "(Tenants] have been trying for two years to clean this up. The city also wants this cleaned up." Under the agreement between the city and Capital Financial, the property owner will paint the buildings, repair damaged fascia boards, clean up signs that are missing copy, trim palm trees, rerGove three or four dead palm trees, and patch and stripe the parking lot. Jim Carpenter, who own5 McCarp Cakes and Key Lime West, a wholesale bakery, grew up in the neighborhood and recalls when the center SEE PLAZA PAGE 8 DON LEACH I OAl.Y Pit.OT A fixer-upper? What lmprowmenu I need to be ma to El Camino l'lu.a? call . our Rllldlrs Hotline .t (Mt) W-4iOl6 or send HNlll to da/~ink.Mt. PleMe ._.,.,,name and tetl us YG" halMtcMin and phone numblr Cfor wrifica- tion pwpmes only). 73 IOllS 3AGaANDOl.D TIMll: The newly renovated Mesa Verde Center wW be celebrating lta Grand Reopenino in •swtngin"Styla" ftom 11 a.m. t.o 3 p.m. Sat· mdayattf-'* MIUENNIUM MOMENT Pioneering Newport Beach's development BouleVard ud Adew Mmue ta ec.ta ..... TM,._ ...a wlll leatui9 _.. •£II ..................... . -C191(7N)awla · A ..... II FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1999 Workiilg to . conSe>Iidate Costa Mesa •Restructuring departments will increase efficiency and. make employees more accountable, oty manager says. EuS£G£E ~ COSTA MESA -The first restruc- tunng of city departments in more . than 30 years is expected to reduce management, increase efficiency and carve out at ledst $250,000 from the city's budget • All cbangel> should be in effect by July 1, said City Manager All!lll Roed-er, followtng a City Council vote this week approving the first reading of the plan. . The "painful" and "emobon-laden" reorgaruzabon of the departments was based on a study completed last year by consultant Ralph Anderson & Asso- aates and oty department manager reports·, Roeder said. Che .of the issues that had to be resolved were the mulbple layers of review and approval that went aJong with decision-making. For example, if an employee want- ed to take a class or attend a trauung seminar using aty funding, be would need approval from hls supervisor, department head and city manager SEE CITY PAGE 8 Woman victim of carjaCking ,__ • Costa Mesa resident is not injured after handing over keys to unidentified gunman. GREG RlSlJNG Datt Pb COSTA MESA -A 35-year-old woman was surpnsed Thursday morn- ing when a gunman carjacked her sports ubhty vehicle Ul front of her . Mesa Verde East apartment, police said . The victim wasn't injured, but she was shaken by the traumabc event, authorities sa1d~ The woman was retummg to her apartment around 10;30 a.m. when she parked her wb.i{e 1988 Toyota .4Runner m a pnvate dri- veway. As she got out of her truck. wtuch was eqwpped with tinted windows. a man holding a small-caliber handgun pointed it at her. He demanded her car ..keys and she complied. There was no SEE CAR PAGE 8 . · ::2 Friday~ 21, 1999 date book Doily Pilot CHECK IT OUT • . Increase pedaling pleasitre uA~h library resources 1Wo Los Angeles artists' exhibits at Museum of Art refleCt !}ieir respective decades 1 f you haven't been on a bike since yo1,1 were a kid, ther ' no better lime to revisit the joys of two-wheel navigation than May -eroclaimed Nation- al Bilce Month by tl)e League of Amenccm ' Bicyclists. To prepare. makea New- port libtary your rirst stop . Fust you'll need to get comfortable ·with your vehlcle and assorted nd- mg accoutrements. Start with "Urban Bikers' Tricks & Tips," a compendium of low-tech ways to hnd and nde a b1cy . From foiling thieves to ch sing a hel- met, this guide for inexperienced cycllsts includes chapters about mamtammg d bike, getting through trdrfic, handling trouble situations and mastering special technique'>. Also exceUent for helping you get the best from your bike and ·your bocJy lS "Ultimate Bicycle Book • .More lhdll 700 photos 1Uustrate popular bike types in this fine reference -from tandems to mountain bikes, rac- ers and two-wheelers of the futW-e ln addition. there are tips for hXlilg a flat. lubncal- mg a chain and tumng a bicycle for ultimate per- formance. You can take your cycling to the next lev- el wtth tech- ruques., eqwpment and slulls in "Bicy- cling Magazine's Complete Book of Road Cycling Skills." Wntten by editors from the sport's lead- mg rnagazme, thlS new volume descnbes ways to boost speed, ·,attack hills, tram mdoors and convert your mountain bike. for the road A chapter on mectical concerns covers how to prevent , saddle sores, preservmg knees and handling gender.specific problems. -...:-.unu're a hands.on type, you can become your own bike mechanic w\th help from •Bicycling Magazine's Com- plete Guide to Bicycle Mainte- nance and Repair.• Featuring step-by-step instructions for preventing road and mountain bike breakdowns, the revised edition of this classic guide can save you megabucks at the bike shop. For those who prefer mdoor pedaling, •The Cycling Experi- ence California• provides vican- ous adventures in Big Sur. Death Valley and the Sierra Nevada. Pop the half-hour tape into a VCR. bop on your exercise l)lke and enjoy the sensation of cycling winding rodds e:md mdgruflcent dunes, to music from an ongmal soundtrack Perhaps you'd rather read about nd- ing than experienc.e 1t. If so, check out •Conquests and Cnses, the t 998 Tour de France,• featunng accounts of some of the Tour's most controversial moments Color photos and a stage-by- stage description of the race make this a colorttµ review of the world's mosf'famous bicycle contest. If you th.ink only professional racers have meaningful bicycle adventures, read DaVld Lamb's •Over the Hills.• In this account of a middle-a~ed cyclist's trek from his Virginia home to the Santa Monica Pier, learn how much you can discover about our culture just by traveling roads . that are pll but invisible lo travel- ers held hostage by mterstate freeways. • OtEO< rT OUT is ....,,;nen by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column 1s by Sara Barnicle. , No~ SoiwAATZ ~Pb 0 he Orange County Museum of Art is currently featuring exhibi- tions of work by Mabel Alvarez and Peter Alexander, two Califor- nia artists whose·unique art defined the Los Angeles scene during ,the 1920s and 1960s, respectively. Alvarez's retrospective pieces are marked by a deep appred8ti0n for color and balance. Her early work looks like refined Impressiorustic paintings in gentle shades of bhle, rose and gteen. It is at once poetic and calming. Her later work is freer and more simplistic with bright splashes of pri- mary colors. Unlike other California artists in the '20s who fixated on a particular style, .. Alvarez continued to experiment through- out her career, said guest curator Will Smith. "Mabel ,was mainstream Impressionism -but she never locked on to one style,. he said. The same can be said for the extraordi- nary variety of work in Peter Alexander's . exhibit, • In This Light. .. The show includes paintings, tapestries and sculptures. Alexander has described his work as a collection of "surrogates." Within the exhibit is a series of pastel cats, which he explained are classic surrogates of sleep , peace and softness. "They are substitutes fot bow I feel - sometimes aggressive, bombastic, chal- lenged, a bad boy -all these things,• he said. "Other times, I feel quiet and deli- cate." To the observer, there does seem to be a constant theme of colors contrasting agains!t-black -bright flashes of light in the dark. The work. is strong and alive with movement. His early pieces, wbich caught the attention of the New York art scene in the 1960s, were sleek, luminous sculptures made of resin. As Alexander said of his bad-boy noto- riety during that time, "J°didn't set out to buck the system.• Alexander was, as he explained, very concerned about what people thought about his work. "You cannot do th.is in isolation," he stressed. "It's a means of commurucation -you want that connection." In both cases, the artists' roots bad a deep influence on their work. The youngest of five children, the slim, brunette Alvarez was born into a promi- MEDIHA FE.JZ,AGIC DIMARTINO I DAJlY Pl.OT Brenda Metchlldan of Irvine looks at the Mabel Alvarez painting "Lala in Striped Blouse," circa 1945, at the Orange County Museum of Art. m • • WHA~ Mabel Alvarez and Peter Alexander exhibitions + WHEN: The •Mabel Alvaret Retrospective• runs thro~~ Ju111s. Peter Alexander's •1n This Light runs Sunday through Sept. 12 + WHERE! Orange County Museum of Art 850 San Clemente Drive, New- port Beach + HOW MUCH: General admission is SS; students and seniors, $4 + PHONE: (949) 759-1122 nent family in Hawaii in 1891. In 1909, her family relocated to Los Angdes and Alvarez began to pursue a career in art. As a woman during the Depression, this would have beeQ. almost impossible had It not been for her family's wealth, which insulated her from the economic hardship more typical of an artist. Her life in California was punctuated by meetings with various artists and writ- ers, which greatly affected the way Alvarez painted. Through reading the let- ters and diaries she left behind, Smith found that Alvarez was open to various philosophies that were floating through California at the tim~ These mcluded Will Levington Com- fort, who advocated meditation as a way of gaming a sense of harmony. This feel- ing of harmony and exploration seems to be a constant element of her work. Like Alvarez, Alexander also spent his early years in Southern California. Born in 1939, he grew up in pastoral Newport Beach. "My mother was a Sunday painter and my father was in petroleum," he said. As a young boy, Alexander spent a lot of time at the beach, swimming and surfing with his brother. The artist internalized the beauty of the landscape, including spec- tacular sunsets and palm trees. There were also dramatic moments in his childhood that left deep visual impres- sions. Alexander recalled seeing planes crashing mto the dark blue water and bursting into brliliant flames and seeing the sky "bum and fall" during the 1945 meteor shower. Alexander has recreated this effect, of light seductively exaggerated by dark- o~s. in much of lus work. Dance troupe com e~ Russian· in · t o OCC theater FYI + WHA~ Neva Russjan Dance Ensemble + WHEN: 8 p.m. Saturday· + WHERE: OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa + HOW MUCH: S 19 in advance; $25 at the door + PHONE: (714) 432-5880 or (888) 622-5376 The Neva Ruulan Dance Ememble celebrateil Its folkloric tradHlom at OCC'I Robert B. Moore Theatre -. Satmday. VOL IJ., NO. 11t READER$ HOJUNE (949) 642-6086 Record ~ romments .txxrt the o.11)' Pilot or news tips. ADOllESS Out eddrftl IS 330 W. hy St., Calta MeM, CA 92627. ······"'~ .. · .. news st~ nlusttations. edrto- Nl matt•r or~ .heftin an be repcoduc.ed with- out wrrtten pennissk>n of 'opy-right owner HOW TO REAot US ClraMllon The T1mll OrMge CountY (mJOt 2S2~141 ............ 0-""d (M9) 642-5678 ~(98)642..W1 ........ . N9WI (Ml) M2·5llO 'Pol'ts ., 574-4223 ..... .,. •• CMt) 646-4170 lofllllt .............. . ....... ........... MMUI ............ ·w111111 TB B~WS Balbol 68155 COfona del Mat 67156 COIU Mes. 6W57 Nerl•iport IMct'I e.55 Newport Coast 61156 WNI•~ LOCAllON SIZE Wldll. ..... UM • .. Orto •.• .UM ............ MM ........ :MM ~ ........ .MM •••• nDa TODAY Ant low 9:49 • m ..••.•.. -0.2 Flnt high , 2:23 e.m. •...••. 4.5 5econd low 10:25 p.m .••...• 2.4 Semndhlgh 4:-p.m ........ 4.1 ...-.v .... low tal2 a.m. ...... 0.1 .... __ l:tl&m. ••••• , .... , ....... ,,,.,... ...... 1.1 ...... Jou SEl..TF.N ~,.. The Neva Russian Dance Ensemble· will bring jumping, slapping and squat- ting to OCC on Saturday. Eight couples make up tbil traditiODal Russian dance group, wbldl w01 perform Six character dances that tell ltmim of love, competition for and betw'8m part- ners, and courting rituaJI in a traditional country style of dance from Nol1ben:i Russia, the Ukraine aDd ModoYa. Syncopated heel work tbat uses the entire foot, much like that found intra- ditional Irish dancing (like the footwork seen in "Riverdance•), acrobatkS and the famous Russian knee bend are Just some of the physically cbaDengtng moves found in this style of dancing. "Many of the ballet ltoriea through- out the world come from RWlian dance,• said dancer Karen Oebly. Qakley is not from RUllLa, nor ii she from Russian decent. She jotDed the group With a friend after ..mg an advertisement for the emamhle ln a dance magazine. OekJey audllkmed to be a dancer with the 17-year-old troupe, and bii beaD a.-..,~ for tbe last 10 ~She bal baNd with them all over the world -flQm SUIF Texas and Arizona to the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. Oakely has come to love and master the dances she performs with the -.emble. •niey are very 50Ultul dances that have made a very strong impact throughout the world,• she said. In 1991, the troupe hired Vladimir Riuentsev as the-new artistic dha."1or. Having been a sol<Ut with the much~· ebrated Moiseyev dance troupe, Rl.uent- 18'1 bas performed RUllilm ciMrac1er danc. in Alia, the Middle Eat. Nortb and South America and North Africa. He is known by folk dance entbUllelts lor his perfonnances ~ the Uzbek Platter Dence and the Siberian &ktmo Dance. RJazentsev'1 ~Y years of experi- ence with this style of performance allows him to create pa. that are tra- ditional but also utilize his unique Yilion ln contemporary cbanography. Old-world mu.k:, C01tUmM 8ncl moves, miHd with folk kUGm and humor, wW be used by tba ~to . paint.-~~ lluma. 1bit orcbeltra ~~ wttb .... group will e! inlln"IJI h, IUda:u tbe••lla, tba .,..,... • .. ..,.. ~ to belt create ...... °' .. mun- try-llfe nperilnce. POLICE FILES Partly d<>Udy skies today WYth possibfe drizzle by the after- noon. OoUds and <trim, wtM stA1V whh us~ s.turdlY morning.A.~ wett.w.cilnd CDITA.-sA ~ "°""'' llt winds wtll •.._ .. of h Arts: A bflefcaw and Its contents worth $312 W9re stollf"I from a CM during the ~ of Mey 10. .., • ~.._ .. :A leaf blow9r worth $452 -.. stolen from e trudc In the 1500 block bnu11n 11 end 12 p.m. ~ 11. • Giie ..... A ........ tb C01il91ill wiw1h S190MN ~front 8 CM·ln the -block durtilg h ..... af Mmr 7. • nz ... *'••:A pune Ind Ill aanllll• wantt S1• W9f9 ~ ffom ... 1n .. 1100 blodl ............ of-ti. •_*9...._A~andcMth .. 11111,111_. ..... flam I CM In the •lllodl UtntMtllrof MIW~ Doily Pilot Fndoy, May 21, 1999 Hoping to hop on the millenniurr;, bandwagon Wmston's robbers seiitence.d I need help. Uke you don't know that already, but this is serious. The big 2K is bearing ~own on us lik.e a runa woy tr8.in, a mere 220 days to go. . Ask me what my plans are. Go ahead. Ask. My plans? I'll tell you what my plans dfP.. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip. Bup- kis. Pcut of the problem ts domes- tic mnature. Even though the whole millen- nium (noll) mania is pure, shame- less hype, l want to surrender to it, jwnp in with both feet, plug into the excitement of •five, four, three, two, Goodbye 20th, Hello 21st!" What a rush. That's my view. My wife's view is more suc- cinct. She thin.ks it's-<iumb and meaningless She is, of cowse, correct. Some interesting, albeit use- less, trivia. There are about 40 cal- endars in use in the world today. For about 70% of the world's pop- ulation, this 1.Sn't 1999 and next year isn't 2000. This is the year 4698 by the Chinese calendar, 5760 by the Hebraie calendar, 1421 by the Islamic calendar and 1922 by the Indian calendar. But here's the bellringer. Even by our own calendar, this may or may not be 1999. We follow the Gregonan calendar, as laid out by Pope Gregory in 1582. But histori- ans and other people with very large brains have mown for years that the origmal assumptions in the Gregorian calendar dbout the year of Christ's birth weren't worth the parchment they were insaibed on. They were off some- where betwl*?n four and eJ.gbt yea.I'S. Bottom line: we can pretend this JS 1999 AD , but no one knows-for sure what year this is. Calendars, like docks, are devices we invent to bring some order to our lives. No more, no less. So the next time someone t.ms you the year 2000 JS not the new milleruu· um, tell them you can top that The year 2000 isn't even the year 20001 U you keep that in crund, you'll find the ever-growing paran01a and dire predictions about the mil- lennium-that-1.Sil't even more entertairung. I know a few people nght here ·coMMINIS &CUllOSllllS in Newport-Mesa land (and I SUS· pect you do, too) who are con· vinced that when the clock does that midnight thing on December 31st, something apocalyptic this way comes. And we're not talking about dwn:mies. ·These are educated, generally successful people. They are already planning to squirrel away cash, food, gasoline, whatever, in fear of what 1/1/00 might portend. It's also interesting that exactly the same thing happened when the year 1000 rolled around. Peo- ple werP. absolutely convinced that the world was go.Ing to end and all sorts of nasty things were going to happen -even though scholars tried to explam that the year 1000 is the last year of the first !lVllennium, not the first year of the :-;econp. millennium. There must be sonielhing about those 1000, 2000, 3000 numbers that . strikes a primordial nerve in the human species. · And then there's the lntemetl lt is literally bursting with paranoia, rrusinfonnation and hype about "the millenruum. • Just a sample: "Millennium Apocalypse 2000"; "Y2K- Opportunity for Antichnst"; "Mil- lenruum and the New World Order•. "Millenruum Fever - hnpact on Water and Food Sup- plies": •UFOs and Y2K": "UFOs and End Tune Prophecy•; "Fallen Angels & Y2K ·: "The Millennium -Aliens & False Saviors": "Y2K. UFOs & Antichrist -The Angelic Decepbon." Hoo boy. Where were we? Oh, yeah, my millenruum plans. Give me your thoughts on this. I'm looking for something fresh, sometbing dJ.fferent. Don't bother with the round-the-world flights on the Concorde, cruising across the International Date Line on the QE2, etc., etc. Lot's of fun,. but • beyond my budget. Thavel within the lower 48 is just fine, though. I'll go anywhere and do almost anything, but nothing with a .goofy costume. . . Tunes Square is not it. seen there, done that. I'm big on histo- ry Thy to come UP .• with some his· tone place where the last second of this century and the first sec- ond of the next would be terribly significant. I'm also intrigued by the idea of being somewhere remote when midnight strikes -the desert or the mobntains or Cov· ina. Some friends of mine were married a few years ago on the Continental Divide, in the dead of winter. They have a great wedding picture in tuxedo and gown, standing on a peak in the RocJoes, in a howling wind and swirling snow. Very cool. But I don't want to limit ycru:;- idea.s. Push the envelope. Think outside the box. Every suggestion will receive senous consideration and be reviewed by a very exclusive reView panel. In fact, it's so exclu- sive. there's only one person on it. If your suggestion is judged the wmner, you'll get, ah, something that you, well, I'll think of some- tlung. Trust me. I gotta go. • PETE1' BUFFA Is a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column appears Fridays. e- mail him at pbuffaOrbf.com with your millennium ideas. "'~Choice of ·the H Cleaning Sale''~ IT 'Jonie's recommendation to call COIT was great. They got the job done in nothing flat, and it was right the first time . • Everything looks like new. " r:---------COIT. I MtOO-l'OR-COIT I 25% OFF I · . Drape~y Cleaning Coil~~~ MR'-s ondno~11wr~.W. I ltllllM <lid~ 'fNI drapHs ~ On yw ~ ond k> yw IOlislOdion. -a-. ........ u..-.--· L ,..... __ ............... ..,....., ___ _ ---------· .. r:---------COIT . I 1-HOO roR-con I 25% OFF I Ca~ Cleaning I Coil·,~ ~n ~ .abi!t~1n1mwtcc1oron:1 ~ I on:1 utlnd"' • o1 yw c.orpllS ttr;:::!J."' ~ ~ d.t ~ L -~~--~.~ __ ,........,... ..... All"l ri:---------COIT I HlOO·POR-COIT 1 30% Oft' When you do both MC..•-'•119',_~-·--•WJOI•_. ............... t.r. .... J ...... w. .... • Arr four convicted men get at least 25 years in prison for robbery and shootout at a jewelry store. G.llEG RL'>IJNC !ht( Nol COSTA MESA -Four armed robbers who were mvolved in a dramatic shootout a t a Costa Mesa jewelry· store last June were sentenced Thursday to mul- ti·year J)rison terms. Thengunmen, who in March were convicted on a combined 36 felony counts, were ea~ given· at least 25 years in state prison for their brazen daytime robbery of Winston's Newport Jewelry store on June 23, 1998. The sentences imposed by the Judge are; 30-year-old EdWlll Kizzee, 34 years: 28-year-old Ron Simmons, 27 years: 21-year-old Robert nllett, 25 years: 28-year-old 1tamaine Cooper, 60 years to We. The defendants were given stiffer sentences because they faced special gang enhance- ments. Each of the four men are known members of the Cnps- street gang. ·1 hate to see anyone spend that amount of time in jail and waste their life away,• said Glenn Verdult, the jewelry store's own- er "But lf they do the cnme, they have to pay for it." - Verdult received ·some sabs- faction from the sentencing on Thursday. The heist was the sec- ond n~bbery in the past four yearS that crippled and changed the operation of the store. Burglars snatched more than $1 IQillion in jewelry and $30,000 in cash from the store in October 1996 The suspects were never caught. Last June, the four defendants exchanged gunfire with store employees as they attempted to run off with a ~ ol Rolex watches and ~ve jewelry. They bed up several employees with plastic handcµffs and sped away under a hail of gun11.re returned by a Jewelry dealer who was hiding in the back of the store. Tbe suspects tried to elude police as they headed toward Huntington· Beach in a stolen Cadillac. Police ma.nag~ to cap-. tW'e all four robbers 'TWo of the robbers were cau9ht alter car- 1acklng a nuddle·agcd )Jldn; and police found the other men hid· ing in a fabnc store. The mer- . chandise was fOWld wrapped up m a bun(ile of linen. Some of :Verdult's employees were rattled by the robbery and told their boss they could no longer work there. Verdult stepped up e.curtty at the store by adding cameras and not allowing customers to bring packagesmswe. , ·we've been up on our toes since the hrst theft,· he said. ·w are 100% on guard. Our CUS· tomers suppor:t us for not baclcing down and taking added measur~ I to protect ourselves cllld them." 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But rather than traditional lob- bying, he wants to start a move- ment of parents and children, demanding change. #I want Congress to start stick- ing up for their word,• said John- son, wbo met uUs week with dis- trict Supt. Robert Barbot and Board of Education presidept Serene Stokes. He said he plans to meet with representatives of Congressman Chris Cox (R-Newport Beach) and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (0-Santa Ana) next week . Call Today 1-800-469-5919 949-675-6500 will ~ ucd1tcd al the do~ of loan. www.scaview6n21\ciaJ@home.com Beautify Your Yard! • Waterfa.lli., Pool!i& Spas • LandM:ape Ltghtlnl( • We have over 40 years combined service in this area. : Our quality, creativity and service are unmatched. • Together we will take care of all your landscape and masonry needs. FARNSWORTH GLASS ELL LANDSCAPE COMPANY MASONRY COMPANY (949)548-5132 (714)434-77 44 l.k •41!1070 Uc:.~ Last month, Joining school boards across Orange County, Newport·Mesa board members voted· to demand more· money from Congress to pay for speQal education. Since 1975, federal laws have required that school districts edu- cate students with learning dis- abilities and physical handicaps until they 'graduate or reach 21 yea.rs of age. Although Congress is sup- posed to pay 40% of the costs of such special education, they nev- er pay enough. said Mike Fine, assistant superintendent ·of busi- ness services in Ne\..rport-Mesa. As a result, the d.J.st:rict, like many others in the state, must dip into its general fund to pay for special servlces, such as speech theraplSts, computers and physi- cal therapists to educate the more than 2,300 students in the district who qualify for special education. This year, school officials believe about $2.6 million of the special education budget is the · responsibility of the federal gov- ernment, but instead, the money comes from the cmtrict's general fund. Board member Jim Ferryman personally delivered the district's resolution to Congress when he VlSited Washington last week. nwRYT1t9IO WILL H IOLD AT ... ~~10% C>FF l'1rw o.nondll • ~. Aublm. 9lpptw.e • l.Mg9 8*:llorl °' &OiOii•• ... • ~ ,,_.. • 14Kt & 11t<l Oc*I & ~,,.,,.., llld a.. CONGRATULATE YOUR GRADUATE CLASS OP '98 XXXXX High School -P-ic-tu-re-c4 H ,o :e\ ere \)OJ:J• We Are So Proud of You . ~ • Good Luck in College! Love, Mom & Dad But Johnson, a farililiar face around district offices for a van- ety of different c4uses, wants to go further. , For yea.rs, special education has been b..is crusade. He even filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Cvil R.tghts against the Newport- Mesa district back in the days when the district's previous head of special education was consid- ered hostile to some pa.rents. Now. Johnson said be loves -the dist.net's special education department, but believes the sys- tem needs to be reformed . •Tuey have sent the general resolution.· Johnson S&d of the board's action. •But the other way is through the voice of the taxpayers, kids, and pa.rents. I'm trymg to force the issue W1th Congress,• He will be orculating a peti- tion for all PTA members in New- port-Mesa to s1gri and hopes that other school dlstricts will sign on. • 1•m bullish on this,• he said. • 1 say what's on my mind.• "He's been an activist for a number of years,• said board. member Martha Fluor, who said the board had done its part by drafting the resolution. "We're working Qn it, and we have been.· MfDIHA FEJZAGIC DtMART1NO I DAILY PILOT Dave Johnson, Community Advisory Committee member for · special education. IR fJ FLY JCC Israel Fair Remember to fasten those seat belts Sanday, May ZJ ii a.111. to 611.111. a~ U. c. lrriae r,..,,. "°' ., s rwp1 T .............. .... s.. -c...-Or.,,.,., tffltt -w.-,..,,._ _,,..,. .. UCI Tk'W.. .ICC,......,. -5. ,..,. ......... ,,. CY••,,,,., UH The Newport Beach · Police Depllrtment Will participate in a national awareness program next week that encourages people to use seat belts or child restraint devices. The department will take part in Operation ABC Mobilization, in conjunction with 1be U.S. Depart- ment of nansportation and the National Highway 'lraffic Safety Administration. The program includes a cooperative effort . ~tween busines$es and law enforcement agencies to educate the public about the importance of seat belts. Police departments around the nation plan to step up their enforcement against those who don't buckle up. According to the NHrSA. the program's outreach efforts resulted in 19 million Americans fastening their seat belts last year . Authorities estimate that six out of every 10 children who die in traffic accidents weren't secured by seat belts or child restraints. -Greg Risling The Future is So right! You've Got lo Wear Shades Exduslvc Preview of the new Brighton SunglasscS CGR.:llon. Brighten Clala the Su'ellssa Yd1ich afJili: the IOok. Be. modlft .. Feld spilled. "'*"' ~ .. _..._ft a l'nlltll''d • ana ~ Doily Pilot Viewing balance in the work \ · ofBalentz •The work of late Newport artist Torkhom Balian will be on display Sunday in Corona del Mar. Eu.'' Gu IW,Pb COSTA MESA -A re'tro- spective of the work of Neviport Beach a rtist TorkhoJll Balian, who passed away in January, will be held Sunday at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Corona del Mar. Balian, known professionally as Balentz, was an award-win: ning artist with an international following for his idealist paint- ings of ancient Armenia and modem America. Described as a "visionary• artist with a "compassionate spirit for humankind,• Balentz garnered numerous government anq industry awards for his wo~k. Balentz studied art at the Fine Arts School in Paris and later received his master of fllle arts degree from the ~ashihgton School of Art. After his debut in the United States m 1973, Balentz en1oyed myriad success- ful one-man exlubitions. His work is still displayed at public and private galleries throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties. The memorial display and exhibition of his work will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, 1601 Bayside Drive in Corona del Mar. The event is sponsored by the Hamazkaym Cultural Soaety of Orange County. For more information, call (714) 596- 1928. II llllf Famed historian and baseball fan to speak A Pulitzer Prize·winrung bi<;19rapher who hu chroru- cled the lives of PDR and JPK will conclude the New~rt Beach Libr~'s annual spea'- en series tonight. Noted author Doris Kearns Goodwin will talk about her acclaimed biographies of some of the country's most famous figures. Kearns Goodwin received the Pulitzer Prize for her VlVJd description of Frank.Un and Eleanor Roo- sevelt: : The sold-out event wraps up the Martin W. Witte Lecture Series that began earlier this year and attracted the likes of social commentator Andy Rooney and astronomer David Levy. Keams Goodwin was in the right place at the right time. After spending 10 years as a prOfessor a• Hatva.rd Univem· ty, sh& served some ume as Lyndon Johnson's assiiit&nt. When the commander in chief asked her to 'pen his memoirs, she obliged. · She foUowed up the John· son chronicles with "The F.itzgeralds & The Kennedys, • 'which was converted into a television mini-series. The author is marrted to Richard Goodwm, JFK's speechwriter while he was president. Her late$1 piece grew out of her own childhood memories. Growing up on Long Island, she became a devoted Brook· Lyn Dodgers fan and listened closely to the baseball games broadcast on the radio. Her next piece will look into Abraham Lincoln's life. . !(earns Goodwin will speak at the Newport Beach Central Library on the 1000 block of Avocado Avenue at 7 p.m. -Greg flisllng Man indicted in investment scam • A 49-year·old Newport J3each man was indicted with two otber Orange County resi- dents Wednesday for allegedly 1 promism~ false returns to investors of a car wash business John Locas10 faces charges of money laundering and federal mail fraud. Locasio acted as a salesman who reportedly sold promissory notes that would hqance future car washes BRIEFLY PAL Financial Services. RP..m- mers was sued by the Federal 1Tade Conuruss1on for runn.mg a fraudulent · telemarketing scheme th~ pilfered more than $2.5 million from its cliente1e: Remmers pleaded guilty last year to charges that he violated a court order by continuing to oper· · ate PAL under false auspices. He admitted he took steps to hide his part in PAL by changmg the name of the ouUit to DCG and removing him.sell from a • fridoy, ~ 21 , 1999 S · .. • • corporate J>OSlbon . He was sen· tenced to 47 months m federol pnson earlier this year • The U.S Attorney's offio: also .believes that Remmers received · c'ompensation, although he wasn't mvolved in day-to-day business. Prosecu- tors estimate there were more than 300 investors, most of whom were elderly, who lost & total of $4.5 million from the comparues' scams. . . -by Greg ltisleng around Southern Calif omia. IEl!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ii!E!Ei55===:!SEEE!E!!l!~~~~~i!==~iiiiiiiii5555iii5iiEiil!i- However, no car washes we re ,-------------------------. ever built. . • AISo named m tl\e indictment were Ahri Gdfeen, 41 , of Hunt- ington Beach, and Lonny Rem- ~rs, 40, of Irvine. Gareen and Locasio ·were allegedly part of Dimension Capital Group, Inc Locasio is speoftcally accused of duping victims by telllilg them DCG was operating five successful shopping centers. Authorities said Dimension was an offshoot of Remmers' G RADUATE TO A ROLEX. S HOW YOUR SPECIAL GRADUATE HOW PROUD YOU ARE. ~ RO LEX Sat., May\ 22, 11 :DOam to 5:00 Be There CHARLES H. BARR Irvine -Wh ere the 405 & the s Meet -Exit on Irvine Center Dr. •. 80811 • KIK Radio • Kelly Raye & Windsong LIVE • Family Fun Dh91t lll"'JS.S. •The Victor Mclaglen Motor Corp. 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And today, as they prepare to bid farewell to their high school careers, we acknowledge their con- tributions to their schools and their community. -Top students from Estancia and Costa Mesa high schools, the ,Alternative Education Center, OCC and SCC < will be honored this morning with the 20th annual Les Miller Outstanding Student Awards breakfast at the Dou- bletree Hotel, hosted by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. , The Daily Pilot is taking this opporturufy to acknowl- edge their achievements and those of the remaining top students from Costa Mesa and EstanC:ia high schools. ~ Doily Pilot \ Each student's resume boasts a long list of achieve- ments. But perhaps their greatest achievement is manag- ing to maintain high grade p~i~t avera~es ~hil~ partici- pating in so many other activtt1es and organizations. The following are thumbnail sketcht!s of each of these Academic All-Stars. l]nfortunately, space constraints . have forced us to edit their long lists of accomplishments. , 20TH ANNUAL 'I4FS MILLER OUTSTANDING sruo~ AWARD RECIPIENTS C 11 T.11 ·SOITllll CALI f. C OLLlll 011111 COAST COLLlll IANGORDON GPA:2.65 HONOa: National Precision Machining Gold Award; Vocational Industrial Oubs C~1on medals; Inter· national Qualifying Invita- tional Competition in Chica- go at the lntematlonal Manufacturing Technology Society; won Society for· Manulacturing Engineers Challenge Competition COUEGE: Mn; majoring In electrical or mechanical engineering with a minor In oceanographic engineenng and manufacturing engi:. neering COURTNEY MONTGOMERY ~3.33 ACTMTES: Trade ,,l(f field; Spanish Oub; Art Oub; hter· ary arts magazine coord1nr tor, Flotsam I Jetsam; arranged outdoor setting for Newport's annual E11enlng of the Arts; perfonned with he< folk/rode band at a peace picnic in TeWinkle Park ben-"- efitlng homeless tebns; Peer Court joror. Harbor Heritage Run SK; Mesa B~ Olapel babt sitter; partidpated With' Amnesty lnternatlonal HONORS: c~ more than 30 original songs COUEGE; OCC. UCLA, majoring In music and English ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL PETER ANDERSEN GM.: 3.85 HAUNAHI H. NAKABAAA BRET TABOADA GPA: 4.16 GPA: 3.87 AcnvmE5: Volleyball . ACT1Vn'IES· Orama dub, team, four years, varsity three years; one as presi- letter, Key Club, three dent; sdlool newspaper,. MATIMEW NEWTON tirA: 4.0 ACTN111ES: sec Fellow- ship of Chnstian Athletes; OUtreach Youth Rally coor- dlnatot, two years; baseball team, five years; Future Teachers of America HONORS: Honor Roll;, Dean's List Athlete-Acade" ..i..:-mk Award; Dean's Award; Phi Alpf:\a Theta Honor Society; Delta Kappa Honor Society Nominee; NAJA Baseball Scholar-Athlete; Delta Kappa Honor Society Rl1\ME PLANS: Bible school or teaching creden:- tlal program EVA VARMA GM:4.17 ACTIVITIES: Bask~ll. four years, lettering three, ACIM11ES: Varsity basket· ball, lettering two years, VN· sity golf, lettering three years ,,l(f sef'Ving as team c.aptAin; Key Club; Exchange Qub representative; Science dub; refereeing, coaching wld painting fof the Boys 8t Gtrls Oub of the Hclfbor ~ volunteer for Nelgh- bon for Neighbors Commu- nity C!Nn-Up and the American Cancer Sodety; volunteered for rftlrement home Ovistmas party. tt0N0KS: E.I. Moote years, two as president; fOUt years, one as edltor-1n-- Spanish Oub, thre4t years, chief and front page/Sports · <o-Qtptaln one; school newspAper two yean; one semester as editor In ~f; ulifomla Scholastic Feder· ation, four years; pne as president ~ Oub, three years; two as secretary; Spanish Club, two )'e&IS, one as vlce-pr6dent; dw officer, three semesters. with one as seneor dasS vice AINank California Sc:holastlc f-ederation <X>LUGE: Undecided but Intends to pursue a major in mathematics, eventually teaching. , ---- serving as president and ~ editor; varsity swim . vice president califomla team three years; ASsociat· Scholarship Federation, ed Student Body treasurer; four years; German Ch.lb, .-' Key Oub, Art Oub; Site two yea~ Art Oub, one t • Council; Speak OUtl year; Environmenal Nature HONORS: ulifornla Center volunteer; high Scholastic Federation, four school ministry group at years, one as president Calvary Church Newport· COUEGI: Philadelphia Mes.; Spealt Out! College of Textites and xi· COi.LiGE: Santa Clara Uni· ence or Rhode Island ve~ majoring in mathe-xhool of Design. majoring matics and business in architecture · · president; Clmp"Firt Boys a Girls ~ CHOCettes MCWS: Soroptimist lnterNtional Awatd; lf\line Co. Spectrum Luder. Award COLLEGE. USC or UCLA. majoring In environmental sciente and/or law BRENDA SPRINGER --= 3.87 AC1M"IJES; Foren5ial ~team; Hands Across the B~ team leader coordinator and director; Frontline Student Orienta· tlonS director. Student Lit. ActJvltlfl resident director; Middle East Studiel Center conference coordinator; drama leadet; Acttv~ Board; community Qeanups: tre. plantlnQs; beach deanups Rmm PlANS: WOrklng. in the pt.ibllc relations field, earning masters degi'M In corporate communkatk>ns COSTA MESI 1111 SCHOOL COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL HOIORIES UYENHOANG GM:4.09 ACnVITIES: Varsity tennis, two years. athletic letter; S-Oub president, two years; speech; mock trial; Neighbors for Neighbors; American cancer Society Oaf· fodTI Days; CHOC Walk •HONORS: Academic letter; E.I. Moore ~ Honor Wall, four years; Golden State Exam U.S. Hist~ recognition; geometry honor; Certffic.ate Of Achieve- ment for Foreign Language; OF Acade- mic Aw¥ds Program COUEGI.: Navy; SaiPf>S College, ~ Ing In biomedical engineering. wildlife l*>logy NICOlAUS LAMBERT GPA: 4.17 ACTIVITIES: Journalism staff reporter and photographer; plays guitar, drums and piano; snowboarder; German Oub HONORS: Academic Letter, four years; varsity ~II letters, four years; (.afl. fomia Scholastic Federation 100~ Seal Bearer, four years; Elks National Founda- tion Most Valuable Student Scholarship Award; 1997·98 5dence Department Award; Golden State Exam High Honors, geometry; UO Merit Award, Who's Who Award; Honor Wall, eight semesters • COUEGE: UC Santa ~rbara, majoring in physics. m norlng In music ANGElAl£E ~4.06 ACTIVR'ES: VKe president, S-Oub; Vars!· ty girls tennis; varsity tradt and field; French Club; Key Club; Ma1h Team; MESA Program; Distrkt 62 Challenger Division Little League Baseball coach for children with disabilities; Orange County. Public Library volunteer; Key Oub HONORS· Women It Mathematics, Top 100 Female Mathematics Students In Southern C.hfomla; U.S. National Math- ematics Aw¥d: Golden State Exam: Geometry with higtl honors COU£GE; UC Bericeley. majoring In architecture and environmental design JONATHAN MATANGA GM: 3.92 AcnvmES: Marching band; concert band: jazz band; drumline; small ensembles; CHOC Walk; Disneyland Band HONORS: Academic Letter; Band Let· ter; Most Valuable Player, marching band; Outstanding Sophomore In band COUEGE: OCC. UCLA JONATHAN~YEN GM:3.87 ~:Speech and Debate; mock trial; tennis; Key Oub, five years; Soop Kitchen volunteer; COlUGE: Chapman University, major· Ing In International buslMS.S ,~ EUZABETH POWEU. GPA: 3.98 ACTM11ES: Varsity soccer; newspaper staff copy editor; yearbook staff sports editor; German dub; Math Oub; <:hurch youth group; Youth Soccer coach ttONOM: Varsity soccer captain. three year\; Academic Letter; National German Test AWlll'd; Who's Who Among Amerio CMI HiQh School Math Students; voted Most Ukefy to Succeed; Coach's Award. trade, two years; Coach's Awafd, toa.er, two years; OefensNe MPst V.tulble Play- er, soccer, C.kfornla Scholastic Fedelatlon COUIGE: Vanguard Uniwnlty. l'Mjoring in psychology. minor In religion JENNIFER LIEU GPA: 3.97 ACTIVITllS: Tennis, thrM rears; varsity tennK letters. sopho-. more and junior, Student ~ cil publicity c~: IMP rally coordlNtor, Prom Com- rnfttH; HomKomlng fto.t and • DM<e ~;Key Oub, ttn. yurs; Red CrOll school bfoOd drive; cMned food drf. ¥91; HUrrk.ene Mltd\ Relief lffon; ~ trH pl.ming; Neighbors for-~ Hard Red""" for Cows....,,.,...,; MllA----~-...................... .. 0..-Of• 41art tWllor .,..._ enhlp: -·· ill L9elir. ... con-..... .,, ••• Fl AWSONALLEN GM;4.07 ACTMTIES· Costa Mesa Fish Fry volun· teer, 1996, 1997; preschool tei1Chet's assistant; employed as an adm1mstra· trve assistant at a local security compa- ny; Key Club HONORS:·Honor Roll; califomia Scholastk Federation, four years; Who's Who, three years; Estancia track and field record·holder; Outstanding Math Student Award 1997-98; Zonta Girl of the Month, December 1998; Ebell Club Scholarship COLLEGE: UC Santa Barbara AJVAN NGUYEN GPA.: 3.9 AcnvmES: Production drama; Some- one cares Soup Kitchen; Senior Meals and Servkes HONORS: Associated Student Body, class . treasurer; callfomia Scholastic Fe<rera· tion; Key Oub; President's AVl{ard for Excellence, Rotary Student of the Month; Exchange Club Youth of the Year; ~Valuable Student Scholar\h1p Award from Elks National Foundation COLLEGE: Occidental College or Univer· sity of San Diego. majoring 1n pre-ll')ed1- dne or science Over the past ~hirty years Duffy owners call, write, and stop by .to share their Duffy experiences. Building relationships is the common thread among many stones. Whether personal, ousiness, or family, these boats have a · cial magic about cm! Relaxing, comfonable and uict. Duffy boating is truly an art. We 'lee people cruising academic all-stars E S T A N C I A H I G H S C H 0 0 l H .0 N 0 R E E S SANAZ CHAREZAIE GPA: 3.96 • ACTIVITIES: Tennis team, four years; advatlced drama, three years; Orama Club vice president Art Club pr~1dent; German Club, three years; YMCA camp coun~lor; 1fee planting · ., HONOftS: Scholar Athlete.Award, two years; NationilfGenpan Scholar-Award;" kkkboxing schollriihip, two years • COUEGE: UC Santa Barbara, maK>ring in law with a minor in history MYRNA RAMIREZ GPA. 3.76 . ACTIVmES: Employed by a pharmacy; baby sitting; tutoring HONORS: Basketball team co captain; Hispanic Education Endowment Fund scholarship; Honor Roll; perfect atten dance awards; outstanding student awards COLLEGE· Pursuing degree in visual communications ISABEL CODIZ GPA· 3.63 ACTIVIT\ES Church HONORS: Cross country scholarship; Honor Roll COUEGE. OCC. UCLA majoring in business · CHRISTINA REID GPA: 3.87 ACTIVmES Choir, two years; Color Guard, two years; newspaper; year- book; church youth leadership, three years; Sunday school teacher . HONORS: (alifornia SC:holastic Federa- tion, four years; Honor Roll, four years; Advanced Placement Scholar Award; DAR Good C1t1zen Award; Zonta Girl of the Month, Golden State honors in U.S history COLLEGE. North American Baptist College, ma1oring in elementary edu- cation the waterways, laughing, hugging, dancing, sleeping, e~ci~g, drinking, s1ng1ng, daydreaming, and always smiling. That simple surrey top brings out the best in people. . Grab the wheel and feel the magic! STEPHANIE LYNN DANNER GPA 3.99 HONORS Associated Student Body pres tdent. sophomore, junlOf' years, Gold·E Merit Scholarship officer, softball team CO'Captain, cahfornia Scholastic Federa· tion, four years; Journalist of the Year 1997·98, Golden State Exam high hon· ors; Pr1nc1pal's Scl"!Olar List three years; • E.1 Moore Award, HOBY Youth Ambas· sador, Scholar Athlete Award. three years; C..hforma Scholastic ""1<'rat1on Lifetime Gold Seal Bearer COUEGE USC. majoring in film produc· ttOn and business administration BEHZAD SHARIFI GPA 356 ~- ACTIVmES. Key Club; Spanish tlub; community service HONORS: ROP Computer Class Award. California Scholastic Federation COUEGE OCC KARLA EFTHAUTSA LAZARtOIS GPA 38 . HONORS: Honor Roll, Serafmes Schol· arship, Medal Gwllermo Guillot COLLEGE OCC. UO < - •MIKE STAPLETON GPA· 3.5 ACTIVmES. Basketball; golf, Key Club, Associated Student Body; Eagle Scout, Mesa Verde Golf Course bag room staff; Junior Golf, Even Start Family Lit eracy Program; HONORS: califorma Scholastic Federa- tion; Most Improved Basketball Player; Most Improved Golfer, Golden S~e · Exam high honors COUEGE: UC Santa Barbara. mdJOring 1n criminal 1ust1ce A MacGillivra~ rrecman r-ilm .. Friday. Moy 21, 1999 AMALIA MALDONADO GPA 3 56 ' ACTIVmES French Club; summer Eng. I .n as d ~ond language aide HONORS: uli(orma Scholastic F~• t1on· COLLEGE OCC. UCI LISA STEINFELD · ACTIVJTIES Varsity volleyball; tennis; basketball, softball; Pageant of the Masters. youth group HONORS Cahforn1a Scholarship Feder· ation, E I Moore Award; Daily Pilot Athlete of th~ Week. COUEGE OCC ~llCeth.IMAX MGM~ on 04M' GIANT' 1/1 ~Sa-... lndudingthe Mueic: oJ ~ •......... In U..000 ... DWI-I~ ,.....,Ntw;MicM ~ u.. ....... 8 Friday, Moy 21 , 1999 THREATS ~. CONTINUED FROM 1 •• hculls Wedne day held the first m tmg with parents, teachers and students to review sugges- n and ideas for school safety. ose meeb.ngs will continue sev- ~r~l times a month until members Ur;ifl proposals for the clistnct's ~~i>oolbodrd to consider. • ', •Ninety-rune point nine per-n~nt o~ 1the schools are sii.f e," Her- 'ha'ndci said. •Principals are flqing everything they can to +instm~ thdt the schools are safe.• But cllstncl officials don't have ''' It >t)k hdc k fdr to renund them-~~lw" U1dl lht> d~nger will. never dltlllllbtl. L..i .... l ~ ldy, two 17 -year-old boys th·l11n<1ted d bomb al Estancia I hqh S< hoot in dn attempt to open 1l1P 1 11m hox oJ t1 pay phone 1'11111 l' <>,IHI hdd thE• bomb explod· · I '' h1Jp school wdS m session, l•'"' Ill<•\" huve been casualties ;--, hool olhC1db dlso are reVlSit- . nq ..,,if Pl\' procedures An inoper· 111\ P 11•lt>phum· sy'>lem was one o} tl M• 1,11lt•d pn·cdullons cited m the C(ilumlnne '>hooting. As of last Sppl<>1~iher, Coslt1 Mesa High 111 ... 1i1ll<'d phone'> m every room, with dll PmPrgency system to ·ri...urt• <1n open p~one line The ..,, hon! ctbo hcts made arrange· ·111·11ts !-.O thcil dll the phones are c c1pt1l>IP ol d1Hling 911 when the 1111111olll<('1<> dosed. •r lt•rnc1ndP1 i;,,.11cl there Me plans 111 1h-.t.1ll tht• "'une system dtstrlct· ,·id" I I tlunk Co'ild Mesa lilgh is 1, tht111 it's t•\'N been with all up port dncl • dllenhon it's ,,...,.,,mg.· I IPrnundez. stressed "'n 1,tonP I!-. hemq Jett unturned • CITY CONTINUED FROM 1 even if the class co t only $15, Roeder said. • •That's nuts,• he said. This type of hierarchical decision-making is •unneces- sary" and •ovennanagmg, • he said. . Under the new system, the positions of community services director, communications d.lfec- tor and personnel services director would be eliminated. The most significant change is the consolidation of the recre- . ation, communication, .persen- nel and management informa- tion services departments wtder one d.jvision, called the Administrative Services • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa 92627; <fa1t them to (949) 646-4170; or call (949) 642·5680, e>rt. 228. A complete listing of Around Town may be found at dailypilot.com . TODAY A lecture on "Senior Health Thl.ks -Better Alternatives to Living Wills· will be presented at 1:30 p.m. al the Costa Mesa Hoag Health . Center, 1190 Baker St. For more information, call (800) 514-4624. Doris Kearns ·Goodwin will con- clude the second annual Martin RUFFLES UPHOLSTERY Where Your Dollar Covers Morer Club Sofa $100°0 * OF~ Chair $50°0* OFF "With a purchase of Fabric & Labor til 5/28/99 " New Location Same Street 2 blocks North. 1998 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 548-1156 '. Help a·child survive today and succeed tomorrow. Be a Big Brother. For more inf onnation, please call (714) 544-7773. BIG BROTIIER$~ BIG SISTERS OFORANCECOUNTY . Do you think QtY I Mafl9.r Allan *-denplM~· c.ita'Meu . ,... lllOfe resident· friindly?-c.tl our Readers HOdtne at (949) 642.Q>86 or Mrid e-mail to dal/ypi- lotoearthlink.net. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone number (for verifi· cation purposes only). Department.. Mid-level employees will be expected to be more account- able, respomnbl~ and have more authority. This does not mean and increased workload, Roeder said. Rather, employees will be expected to make more 'decisions mst~ad or strictly •processing paper.• A new adnunisuative ser- \tices manager, who Will be pro- moted from within the dty, has not been announced yet. A new recreation manager, Stacia Mancini, who comes from the city of Long Beaci), is expected to join the city staff shortly. · The restructuring hasn't been easy, Roeder said. Eliminating two department head positions hurt employees who might have been working toward those positions. Depart- ' ments splitting up or changing supervisors can also be disrup- tive, Roeder acknowledged. AR 0 UN D T O.W N W. Witte Memorial Distinguished SpeakeJ.l_ lecture series with ·sharea tv!emories" at 7 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Library's Friends Meeting Room, 1000 Avocado Ave. Tickets are $35 for foundation members or $40 for nonmembers; price includes a buff et dinner prepared by a local restaurant For more · information, call (949) 717-3890. SATURDAY The 118-foot tallship Pilgrim Gf Newport is looking for vo~unteers to help paint and varnish today in exchange for a day sail to Catali- na. Experience is helpful, but not necessary. For more information, call (949) 650-9157. The 4-H Horse Show will open and run through Sunday at the Orange County Fair · & Exposi- tion Center's Equestrian Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 832- 7752. The Orange CQunty RepWe and Bird Expo will be on view from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. through this weekend at the Orange County •1t's a lot of change,• he aid. •tt's emotional and hard for a lot of people to deal Wlth." Although these changes wiD be mostly invisible to the aver- age citizen coming to City Hall, there are a number of ways they will benefit indirectly. he said. For ex.amJll:e,·money Will be tr~ up for use in other.areas and staff will be able to do a better job serving residents. Parks workers will be used to augment maintenance workers during their down time, such as during a storm. · Because of the way the departments were structured, there was a tendency . for employees to think they w.orked for individual departments But that ts not the case, Roeder said ·we all work for the city,~ he said. Pair & Exj>osition Center, 88 F8.U' Drive, Costa Mesa. Admission iS $6 for adults and $3 tor juruors. Children age 5 and under are free. For more information, call (714) 708-1500 . The newly renovated Mesa Verde Center will be t:elebrating its Grand Reopening in "Swingin' Style" from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue in Costa Mesa The free event will Ieature enter- tainment and prizes. For more -information, call (714) 435-2050. Doily Pilot CAR CONTINUED FROM 1 truggle between the two The gunman drove north- bound on tvtesa Verde ~ heading toward Adams Aveni He is described as La between the ages of 25 and about 5 feet 7, and weig about 150 pounds. He was seen wearing a dark, ho sweatshirt. · Thurs<iay's carjacking was first in Costa Mesa this year. Police said there are instances when carjackers most prone to steal a vehicle. either during the commission ·m another crime or when wanting a ·specilic vehicle type a.ad model. Police caution drivers to be ·aware of their surrol!Ddlngs when going to and from their vehicles, the most cnb.cal time when carjackers strike. · , - The woman's truck, which liaa not been recovered as of ThUisfi day evening, has a license plat of 2JRR763. Anyone with infcr- mation can call the Costa Mesa Police Department at (714) 75~ 5281. "~ .......... ,. .. PLAZA . CONTINUED FROM 1 was bustlin~. People ttten linJ up 10 at a time outside the barbei; shop for a haircut, and a pop~ meat market even attracted t\>.~· likes of John Wayne. Carpenter said. •it's kind of gone downhill by the wayside,• Carpent~r said. "People haven't really cared.• .. Carpenter said the center also Mattress Outlet Stor has become a magnet for crime. and vagrants who litter the alleyr way behind the business. . Kim Park, owner of Taylor's Mom's Coolaes, said she also has seen the center deteriorate in the nine years she has conduc;.t~d BRAND NEW -COSMETICALLY IMPERFEcT Get the Best for Less! ·· Host a forBtgn student thlS summer With the EF Lllf1gusge )~ »avef Program at Southern Gaflfomia College, Costa Mesa ' FREE EF language cla$$es for your child or -.oo per stt..tlent I per, weekst1pen0 Maxxum HTsi Plus MINOlJA Snap it up in its new, attractive, silver finish! Catch b aJI with a 399 ~'4~°:~~.~speed l S 3165 Harbor Blvd. .. business there. Costa Mesa One Block South of 405 Fwy 545-71 6 8 ~It's a great location for us, but if I were a resident, I would not be happy,• she said. SABATINO 'S lfr..,t.111 1 .1111 .\. I id11 "h'I)\ a1 ti "a""·•:.!t' ( 11. Sabatino Tommy Peter Phil Vince Flavorful & Delicious Lunches & Dinner Unlqut wlM room & dlnlna roo.. •~allable re. rvoup b.islnas mtttlnp and prhate tuncllON 723-0621 Please Call For Re.wnatJons and Oirtctlons 251 Shipyard Way • Newport Beach • Leather Sldrts & Buatien •Platform Shoea starting at $19.95 • Romantic Book.a, Game & Videos • Flavottd Lotions & Oils ....... • Adult CD's & DVD's •Videos as low as $3.95 •Large Sel. Discounted Toys otions ~ ......... ,.. 0 1 4 11 up Seaewy .... ,..,....,.u,i ......... .....-., ........... . ......... 11!1 .......... _ ... 1w-...u;1rJ1W. ...... ,~--- m-oPENER ........ ·-224. 9alm!W!.Of MME -....... ..._ , Moy 21, 1999' • Sports Editor Roger Corison • 949..57 44223 ewi>Qrt Beach'• ~att Alcone and his offshore powerboat Skater .... s.' Guts-mobile: r Matt Alcone relies on ere are boats that run on wind -or powered by paddles, poles and oars - there are boats that drink diesel and some that are a gas to operate. Then there are boats that run on sheer gutsl When Matt Alcone of Newport Beach takes a Sunday - spin in bis boat of pleasure, he sits upon twin 1,250 horsepower each engines built by Sterling Performance. 2,500 bp can get you where you want to go in a very short period of time -if you've got the intestina1 fortitude, innards and huevos. Alcone owns and drives a Skater-45. In his first year of racing in the •Offshore Powerboat Racing-Superboats Class,• he racked up five first-place victories. In 1998, be won the American Power Boat Association's National Open 10111118 terronce phillips Class Championships with an unprecedented six out of seven . victories and received the APBA designation, U.S.-1. The boat hits the stretches at 160 mph on six-to-eight-mile rectangular race courses. In the seven to 10-lap races, he averages lap speeds of approximately 120 mph. Alcone is the founder of Alcone Marketing Group in Irvine. His company is a leading worldwide sales promotion and marketing services agency with headquarters in Los Angeles and offices in Irvine, New York, Seattle, Miami, Hong Kong, London and Australia. His racing achieveiµeots include: '94 Superboat National · Champion; '95 Superboat National Champion/World Champion1 '96 National Champion; '97 National, World and Open Class World Champion; '98 APBA National, Driver of the Year, Hall of Fame · Inductee and Superboat Racer of the Year. Jerry Gilbreath rides with Alcooe as the tbrottleman. Gilbreath has over 30 years experience in boat ratjng, setting over 20 individual endurance records. He has over 50 national and intemational wins in the last eight years. He is the 1998 APBA Throttleman of the Year and has been inducted into the Hall of IOL f NBCC's Donnellan, Big Canyon CC's _Manos advance • Local pros are one step away trom earning a trip to the U.S. Open. Champions. Although Alcone's bbat is built by Douglas Marine and &illed a "Skater-45," the name "Fountain Boats" is emblazoned across the hull. "Reggie (Fountain) and I have become good friends and during our races, we test a lot of new experiments that are sometimes incorporated in to Fountain production boats," Alcone said. When asked how he got into racing boats. Alcone said, •1 was looking for a pleasure boat that my wife would like as well. We looked at a Fonnu)a-42 and my wife really Weed the mterior and the fact it had a llllcrowave. I looked in the engine compartment and saw two full-blown Chevy big blocks and quickly dosed the engine compartment. I told her that if she really liked it, we would buy it. As I turned my head ~way, l SEE BOATING PAGE 10 Sound familiar? C<™, 16-2 • Ataldia High snuffed out in CIP Div. I 98C:OOd rounda CapAltrano Vall8j oat in the quarterBnals. 1011 111111 QUOTE Of THE DAY 'We~ con"891d a hdf-milon dolcr upcmion and I CDIMl't .. ,...._ I'm truly ii padcler1 hea¥t11 r9't now ·-· Billy Whitford, New'port Aquatic Center director Daily Pilot 9 ftl . . ftl SPORTS HALL OF FAME CELEBRATING THE MILLENNIUM Newport Harbor • He's been paddlilng through thick and thin since days when he was in the middle of all at Newport. RJCHARD DUN1' Molokai to Oahu. Throughout the 1990s, meanwhile, NAC developed into Illa the iill-purpose public rowing 1111111 facility Wlutford had envisioned and, m January 1998, was persuaded to return by CbJp McKibben, one of Whitford's fonner students who became an Olympic rower and is currently NAC's President of the Board of Di.rectors. Every paddler and ro"Wer, past and present, from Olympians to begmners, can thank Billy Whitford. In a relentless pursuit of securing a public rowing base with permanent access to the waters of Newport Harbor, Whitford battled tooth and nail and endured a political whirlwind' for fiv~ears before realizing his dream when Newport Aquatic Center was opened Jan. 15, 1987. Once a standout football player under Coach Errue Johnson at Newport Harbor High, Whitford, who grew up paddling in the local channels, is arguably the area's most influential person in canoeing and kayaking. •Everywhere 'We wanted to paddle, we were getting booted out of,• said Whitford, •Newport Aquauc Center is I the bramchild of Billy Whitford,• scud McKibben, one of several local Olympians to have learned thelr craft under lum. Whitford, who returned from Hawaii with a wife (Cathy) and daughter (Kekai, Hawaiian for sea or ocean), has now watched NAC come full circle. •I'm pleased to be the director of it,• Whitford said. •we just coinpleted a half-million • dollar expansion and I couldn't be happier. I'm truly in paddlers heaven right here.· Whitford, a 1972 Newport Harbor graduate who competed in football. baseball. Billy Whitford wrestling, volleyball founder of NAC along with Olympic kayaker John Van Cleave. •(The common person) needed to have pubhc acces·s to the harbor on a permanent basis to paddle and row, and the concept was to create a boat storage and trai,ning facility for human-powered boats of all kinds.- "(NAC) would be a home for all of the outrigger paddlers, Olympic style canoeists and kayakers, and (~o) for individual rowers. After you get out of ~ollege, where are you going to row?• That was one of the mynad question$ Whitford had for members of the Newport Beach City Council in 1982, when a measure to build the center at ~ the current site was presented to voters on the ballot. ·we had to go through 19 governmental agencies to get approvals,• said Whitford, who, .by the time NAC was ready to launch. had beccine frustrated with the political arrangements and walked away completely, Whitford, who also started the Offshore Canoe Club m Newport Beach in 1979, moved to Hawaii and, in 1988, founded the Hawali Canoe and Kayak Team, which would become one of the . strongest outrigger teams m the world. While in Hawali, Whitford was also the U.S. Olympic Junior Development Coach for canoeing and kayaking, and started the nation's first kayaking program in which students could earn school credit and receive letter grades. The women's program under Whitford at the Hawaii Canoe and Kayak Oub became the world's supeq>0wer in outrigger J*ldhng, winning the prestigious Molokai Channel Race a reicord 1 O times. •Jbat'I the Super BOwl of outrigging. • Whitford said Of the 42-mile race from tbe illaDd oi and track and field at various times for the Sailors, still holds the school ~ for mtercepbons (13) in a season. A 5-foot-9, 160-pound free safety, Whitford anti Grit Amies •were little guys• in the Sailors' secondary and •did all the fun stuff,• according to Whitford. Wlutford, also a member of Newport Harbor's first boys volleyball team in 1971, was a potent figure in Johnson's defense, earning first-team All-CIF in the fall of 1970 as the Sailo~ captured the Sunset League championship, their first league bUe in 28 years. •That year was the best,• Whitford said. ·we were just a bunch of surf er kids and were not expected to do anything.• Wlutford suffered from back problems tus senior year, but was sun selected to play m the I Orange County All-Star football game. After landing at Orange Coast College and competl.Dg on the Plfates' crew and sailing teams, Wlutford transferred to Cenitol College to join his former prep gridiron coach, Johnson. who was then an assistant for the Fa1cons. •niat probably wasn't one of the smartest moves I've ma.de ill my life,• said Whitford. who underwent three knee surgeries and two wrist operauons in his football career. Whitford said beab.ng perennial power Anaheim, 7--0. m the third week of the 1910 campaign was among his prep highlights. •Anaheim WU fevoted tlD wlD everytbJng," be Mid. Whitford, who recently Md back surgery for the tbircl dm9 a hil We. today enten tbe o.ay Pilot Sports Hall Oi Pame. ce&ebraUng tbe OD«4"Wg mlHenntmn, I -• f tidoy, May 21 , l ~ VOLLEY llLL Back Bay teams in quarters tonight • No. 3 Tars, No. 4 CdM ~eek semifinal berths.with CIF Southern Section Div. I pldyoff contests tonight. B \RIO Fi\Ul.KNlli Bdck Bdy boys volleyball rivals Corond del Mar Htgh and New- port Harbor take another step rowdfd d pote ntial CIF Southern -SPdion D1vis1on I title meeting •when they face quarterfinal chal- len~J<.'S torught at 7 o'clock. No 3-seeded Newport Harbor (Hl·ll VlS1ts Marina (17-4), while No 4-seeded CdM (14 -2) hosts 1-fdrvard-WesUake (15-3). Codch Dan Gle nn's Sailors have swept sLX strdlght matches since suffering their only best-of- five loss April 22 at Corona del Mdr . Codch Steve Conb's Sea Kings • ctre corrung off lheir first five - gdme mdtch of the spring, a gru- , ehng 13-15, 15-10, 16-14, 8-15, 15-12 second-round triumph over : El Toro, wtuch CdM had swept : twice m Sea View League play Newport, which shared the : 5ed Vie\ .. chd!Tlp1onship with the : Sed Kmgs, cfefedted Manna, 15- .,.1, 15-5, 15-8, m a nonJeague home match March 23 The Tdrs are keyed by seruors . Trdfllb!Je, Alan Lunon, Matt ameson, Adam Hearlson and ric Pernne. as well as junior Bil- ly Cldyton. Mdrmd topped Mira Costa, 17-15, 15-8, 12-15, 18-16, m a . 31/i-hour marathon Tuesday. The :,Sunset League champions' top hittNs dre Scot Austin and Jeff ootton ' r Th<> Sed Kmgs, keyed by two- : llm<• AlJ -CIF, Princeton-bound .. emor De~ Alshule r, face a Wolvt>rine squad with a pair of Stdnford-bound seruors. Bill Stnckland 1s a 6-foot-9 lom~. whtle 6-6 Will Curtis, the second future Card.Lnal, JOUIS a powerful net bngade wluch also mdudes 6-2 seruor Jon Katz. ;-The Wolvennes, runners-up to I No 2-seeded Loyola m the Mis- 1 s1on Ledgue, defeated Golden 1 Ledgue chctmpion Highland, 12- : 15, 15-11, 15-3, 15-11, Tuesday. The Sea Kings will also count heavily upon senior middle • blocker Morgan Jackson, JWlior setter Kevin Hansen, and jUJlior outside hitter Greg Stampley. If Newport wins, it would advance to Wednesday's semifi- nals against either Loyola or Esperanza. CdM, on an 11 -match winning streak, hopes to earn a semifinal date with either top-seeded Roy- • al or Fountain Valley. • Sjlorts CIF DIVISIOI IY IASllAll PLAYOFFS MESA AT ·DUARTE TODAY Freshman Nick Cabico will start on the mound for Mustangs, who have not won in first rowid since '62. DUARTE -The Costa Mesa. DON LEACH I DAlY Pl.OT Costa Mesa's ~ob Glqster (2) comes home to the glad hand. High baseball team, in search of • what Coach Kirk Bauermeister belie ves would be the school's first first-round playoff win since 1962, will give the ball to fresh- man right-hander Nick Cabico. DIRECTIONS DuArte High North on ~ to 21 O. west on 210, exit Buena Vista. North to Central, right to School. at 156S E. Centr•I. Cabico, who threw a com- plete-game six-hitter m the Pacif- ic Coast League finale against Aliso Niguel to improve to 2-4, will try to frustrate host Duarte when the CJF Southern Section Division IV playoffs begin today at 3:15 p.m. Nlf everything goes tl1e way we want it to go, Nicky will go five or six innings and (seruor Ruben Mancilla) will finish up and be ready for (Tuesday's second tound), • Mesa Coach Kirk Bauer- meister said. Cabico, who begdn the season with the frosb-soph, has a 4.73 ERA with 35 strikeouts and 30 walks m 40 varsity mrungs. The 5-foot-7, 130-pound former Little League legend is, however, not without varsity playoff expen - ence. He was called up from the freshmen football team and had seven carries in the Mustangs' first-round loss at Irvin e last fall. He also played V.ars1ty basket- ball. TI).is could be bis final appear- ance in a Mustang uniform, since he has announced plans to trans- fer to Mater Dei. Bauermeister said he was cau- tious about starting Mancilla, 7-0 with a 2.98 ERA, with 55 stnke- outs in 4 7 innings, since the senior ace has not pitched after straining his right (throwing) elbow April 27. Bauermeister said he will con- tinue to u.Se his power-rutting pro- fessional prospect at designated hitter to further save his ann. Manalla has not been ham- pered by the m1ury at the plate. The 6-foot-2, 200-pounder, who transferred to Mesa from Mexico City before his juruor year, has set school single-season records in homers (eight), hits (42), runs (36) and total bases (78). His '.545 average would also be a Mesa record. G 0 l .F CM's Montoya just misses PALM SPRINGS - Costa Mesa High junior Jeff Mon- toya shot 2-over-par on the par-74 Canyon Country Club course Thursday, but missed the cut by two strokes on the second day of the CIF-SCGA indiVJdual boys golf championships. Montoya, seventh after Monday's first round when he shot 1-over 76 at Los Ser- ra.nos Country Club in Chi- no, birdied No. 18 Thursday. But he was not among the 22 to advance to the state indi!'.°' vidual tournament from the 70-player field. The rest of the Mesa lineup has made it difficult to pitch around Mancilla, as the Mustangs have averaged nearly 9.5 runs per game. JUJlior center fielder Josh Little (.428) has four homers, a team- leading 16 extra-base hits and a school single-season record 36 RBis. Senior second baseman Chris DeSandro (.406 with 19 RBis) has a school'-record 24 walks, and senior outfielder Brian Montoy.a ( 365) has Mesa single-season records for ~tolen bases (23) and at-bats (93). Senior first baseman Nick Lambert (.397 with four homers and 27 RBis), senior shortstop Rob Gloster (.318 with 30 RBis) and sophomore Carlos Franco (21 RBis) have also helped produce a .369 team batting average. Junior Galel Fajardo has become a defensive force behind the plate. Duarte, coached by Mike Sims, is also having a watershed season. The Falcons (13-7) won the Montview League, their first league crown since 1965. _ They are paced by sophomore cleanup hitter and pitching ace Carlos Fisher. He has a .385 aver- age with one homer and 16 RBis and 1S 6-2 on the mound with a 2.73 ERA. Gary Prado, whom Sims pro- jects will play at the community college of NAIA level next year, is one of four senior starters. It's Mesa's third playoff appearance in five seasons. The Mustangs last won a postseason game in 1981, a 7-5 wild-card decision over San Clemente. Today's winner will advance to meet either Oak Park or Lompoc Tuesday. BOATING CONTINUED FROM 9 couldn't stop smiling inside just thinking about those engines. From there, I met some people that started giving me more advice on racing." Alcone's entomage on a given race day includes 25-30 full-time race team employees. He travels with a six-passenger helicopter, an emergency physician, a semi-tractor pulling a 50-foot traller containing a squeaky- clean shop, bathroom and shower, media lounge, bar, TV and VCR. The team has 10 spare engines by Performance Marine DIEP Corona del Mar, ~ St. Paul vie today • Host Sea Kings looking for first postseason victory in at least a decade against Swordsmen in Division IV. BAfUIY FAULKNEH CORONA DEL MAR -St. Paul High Coach Patrick Fitzsimons didn't have to look up directions when he learned bis Swordsmen would be visiting Corona del Mar for today's first-round game in the CIF Southern Section Division IV baseball playoffs at 3:15. But for different circum- stances, Fitzsimons might have been in the home dugout. •1 interviewed for (the CdM) job before the 1995 season,• said Fitzsimons, making bis fourth straight postseason appearance since assum- ing the helm of the Del Rey League's third-place team. Fitzsimons, however, said when the Sea Kings refused to offer a teach- ing position along with the job, he chose to remain an assistant at St. The previous single-season record was 29. • Lead.Lng the way is a senior quartet of three-year varsity vet- erans, paced by two-time All-CIP standout 'fy Harper, the reigning Newport-Mesa District Player of the Year. Haxper, hitting 544 this season and .528 in his varsity career, has a district-record 22 career homers and 92 career RBis. •Along with seniors Matt Lar- son (.444 with four homers and 29 RBis), Eric Wiethom (.405, 10 homers and 21 RBis) and Mark Hatfield (.389, four homers, 21 RBis) the fearsome four- some has produced 59 home runs and 249 RBis the last three springs. Paul. M tt Lars Cd.M then hired a on ~son, 5-5 with a 3.91 ERA and 54 strike- outs in 571/3 innings, will start on the mound, where the projected major league draft pick bas regularly performed to radar-gun-toting scouts. walk-on Joe Koh for a three-year term. Koh was replaced before the 1998 season by John Emme, who was given a full-time teaching position. The No. 4-seeded Sea Kings (15-8) have advanced to the post- season in both seasons under Emme. They are, however, hop- ing to avoid a repeat of last spring's first-round exit, a 12-2 loss at EJ Segundo. - CdM shared the Sea View League championship with Irvine, its first league crown since 1982, and has not won a playoff game in at least a decade. St. Paul (16-10), which lost sev- en senior starters off the 1998 team which was eliminated in the first round by Calvary Chapel, advanced to the Division IV quar- terfinals twq seasons ago, its best showing under Fitzsimons. ·we usually send about three players a year to play in college," said Fitzsimons, who describes this year's Swordsmen as •line- drive hitters-who play pretty good defense and bav~ a little speed.• St. Paul's lack of home-run pro- duction bas something to do with its home field, which lacks an out- field fence. The Sea Kings, on the other hand, rely heavily on the long ball. They have belted 78 <lingers during Emme's tenure, including a school-record 44 last spring. valued at $75,000 each. In addi- tion, the truck hauls a 1999 Jaguar convertible inside for Alcone to have when racing in a given city. There are also scooters, bicycles and another tractor-semi to pull the race boat and trailer. Alcone sponsors the boat personally. No Bud, no Miller, No Marlboro; just Matt Alcone. Now that takes grande huevos. All this just to take a Sunday spin in )IOUI boat? • To see the offshore powerboats in action, they'll be racing out of Peter's Landing in Huntington Beach June 12 and 13. • TEMANCE PlllU.S' boating column appear$ each Friday. He can be reached at (949) 645-6097. SIA Wiethom, who moved from first base to catcher this sea- son, and Harper, who starts at third and also pitches, should also be drafted in June, according to Emme. Additional senior CdM stand- outs include shortstop.Nate Lem- meonan (moved from s~cond to replace senior Matt Thiede, out with mononucleosis), left fielder Alex Bottom (.396) and right field- er-pitcher Brett Elliston. David Beser (.350) is the desig- nated hitter, while fellow jUJlior John Dicesare, summoned from the junior varsity after spring break, will start in center field. JUJlior Derek Loe, the junior varsity MVP as a sophomore who played most of the season at that level this year until Thiede got sick, will start at second base. · St. Paul is paced by senior leadoff man Jason Flores, senior -pitcher-outfielder Jon Flores (JO RBis), senior captain and right fielder Dustin Belot (.380), senior cleanup bitter Paul Fleming and sophomore pitci.ler Tun Jimenez. Fitzsimons said either Flores or Jimenez would be bis starting pitcher. Today's winner will advance to Tuesday's second round, against the winner of today's game In San Dimas (Brawley visits). SOFTBALL Eagles, Rosary vie • Rosary is the Golden West League champion. FULLERTON -Estancia High's softball team takes its 15-8 record to Hillcrest Park today to duel 20-8 Rosary in the first round of the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion IV playoffs. It starts at 3: 15. Estanda's Eagles were 5-• winners over Western in a wild ca.rd game Tuesday to gain the berth against a highly regarded opponent stacked with solid pitching and an arsenal of heavy hitters to go against Estancia starter Joanna Danner, a sopho- more with four no-hitters. .. ......... , .... .. Montoya's strong postsea- son run included a sixth-place showing at the Pacific Coast League individual finals. THURSDAY'S COUNTS . Newport ..... -S boats, 95 anglen. 397 barracuda. 38 sand bass, 26 calico bass, 2 hallbut, 5 sculpin, 23 shftphead, 63 blue perdl. Davey'S Lodter • no report. t :a; "7· .. ; • .,,;t --!~ l . ' l ' '~ f!l?··~~ ·: ·~ '"' . . .-__::~ ...... -·t:tf'M·. :·-. . . . ~"-. --.. -. _,-.... ,, .. I • •. Doily Pilot OUTDOOIS .. 11m niemiec First · albacore decked • They're still out there a -ways, but it may not be long before they' re within range of local landings. Tie first longfins of the eason are showmg up in an area about 190 miles, 180 degrees from Point Loma in an area known as the 176 Spot. 1\vo long range sport boats running out of San Diego landings called in reports of getting jig stops and a few bait fish while covering a pretty big area. The sport fisher Vagabond was the first sport boat Jo locate the 1999 migration of albies through offshore waters when two jig fish were hooked up by trollers earlier m the week. Wednesday the Vagabond and the Shogun were in stops that produced over a dozen fish for each boat during a midday bite. According to reports called Into the Daily Pilot by Captain Buzz Brizendine, operator of the deluxe sport fisher Prowler, running out of Fisherman's Landing in San Diego, water conditions are ideal. The water temp was holding at 60.1 degrees, seas ~re calm, the water was purple and there was a lot of bird activity, indicating that perhaps the albacore have been in the area for some time. Most all of the fish caught were in the 20-pound class. Albies are still too far from Newport for the harbor area sport fleet to consider malting a long run to these fish, but there is a good chance that schools of longfins could be within one day range for faster private yachts by Memorial Day weekend. The weather pattern is due to change this weekend and tf the winds begin to blow, it could put a damper on the prospects of boats making the run to outer waters where seas can become very snotty. lf weather conditions do not deteriorate, then there will be a number of boats heading out to the fishing grounds in hopes of catching albacore. For an updale on albacore as they begin to move closer to Newport Beach, call Anglers· Center at (949) 642-6662, SCHEDULE I . . I TODAY ............ I " I Community college -Orange Coast at Southern California Regioo.I Finals at Cypr!!SS College. vs. Cypress, 3 p.m. High school -CIF Division IV Playoffs, first round: Costa Mesa at Duarte, 3:15 p.m.; St. P1ul at Corona del Mar, 3: 15. . "°'..,....' High school -OF Division I Playoffs. q~n1ts: Newport Harbor at M•rina, 7 f .m.; Harvard-Westlake at Corona de Mar, 7 p.m. • SaNliell High school -Of Division fl/ ~ffi. first round: ~vs. Rowy. at Hillcrest Park. Fullerton. 3:15 p.m. . . ,';' ' ~: : . .,.., : • .: '<. t • ,· • • • •.-T ' ' ' • Doily Pilot ·~·~';I'- ~ , l .~ ...... I ,•l,L ~·.. ",; .. APPUCATION TO ~ •u. ALCOHOUc IEV£RAGE.S °*:~.~--1: To Whom It M:ay Coram: ri~~lhe S DtHER INC The lppljc:antl !lated abcJ\le • ~ to· 1t1e ~I'll of ~ =:: Conltol to ... 428 e 1~sl99' a;: COSTA MESA CA 92&27 For 11\e lollwr1ng type at Llcel\$e 41 0 )1-SALE BEERANOWINE·EATING PlACE Publlahed Newport 8e8dl-eo.1a Mesa Delly PllOt May t4. 21, 28. 1999 F910 FictitJOua Buak'ieii ~Staeem.nt The lolowrng PofSOnl are ~ bustnel.S as Jem lntemauonat. 898 Wu& 151h •111. New· PCJl1 Beach, CaWome 9268 Joni Rae ~. 890 Wesi 1Slh Slleat •118, ~ This bu8meM IS ~ OUCted by. an 1ndlvldum Have you SlaJ10d doing busines& v-t7 No Jpni Rae Rogers ThLs statetnent was Ned Wilh trte County Cle,. ol Orange Couort on 5-13·99 19IM793002 1Datly PlloC May 14, 21, 28. JWle 4, 1999 F914 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE CITY OF COSTA MESA A PROPOSED OR· DINANCE IS sdleduled IOf aCX>pOOn a1 I.Ile regular CllY Counal mealing cit June 1, 1999.5E• Ordinance 99-8. the eo... Mesa Code and rJll'(lllnQ the Polley Manual ~-19 <»-lllaflmenl reorgana.etaon TliE MOTION 10 QMI Or· dlnanal -..a fn1 reedlnQ C8l'l"ied by the lollowll'lg rel call we. COUNCIL MEMBERS: A YES: Mooatimt, eow.n, Enca-. Dixon. NOES: Solnef'a. ABSEHT:NoN. THE FUt.L TEXT of U. ordtrwa ~ be read tn ltle Cll'f Clel1l s ona. n Fair Drive. Costa MML MARY T. B.UOTT Deputy aty a..11 Publlsl'led Newpofl Beech· Costa Mesa Daily PlloC ... "°,. 21. 1999. F916 PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUAL REVIEW OF CITY-WIDE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROGRAM THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEAR· ING FOR THE ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE CITY· WIDE TRAFAC IMPACT FEEPROGAAM THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROGRAM HAS BEEN ESTABUSHED TO ANANCE THE IMPROVE· MENTS TW.T ARE NEC-ESSMY TO ADDRESS THE C\JMUl,ATIVE IM- PACT'S OF OEVELoP· MEHT WITHIN COSTA MESA N#!IJ 10 EteMt: lltAT THE STANDARD l£VEL OF SEJMCE IS MAINTNNeD OH THE TRAFFlC CIRCULATION SYSTEM AN AUOfT OF THE TRAFRC IWACT FEE PROGRAM IS AV MABLE FOR REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC AT TliE COSTA MESA CITY Q.ERK'S OF- FICE, n FAIR DRIVE, COSTA MESA, CAllfOA. NlA ' • TlilS PVBUC HEARING WlU BE HElD AS FOL~ LOWS DATE: Monday, Jooe 7, 1 !Xl9 TIME: 6 JO pm or u soon as ~ rr.etealt8f Pl.Ac£: City Counal Chambefl at Cily ...... nFalrDnve. Costa......, Cailcnll9 PUBL.IC COMMENTS IN EITHER ORAL OR WRIT· TEN FORM MAY BE PRESENTED DURING THE PVBUC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER IN · FORMATION, TELE· PHONE 75"·5335 OR VISIT THE TRANSPOR-TA Tl ON SERVICES DIVISION AT CITY HAU... n FAIR DRIVE. COSTA MESA. CAUFOANIA PubNhed Newport Beacn-Costa Mesa C>;Wy Pb May 21 . 22. 24, 25. 26. June 1, 2. 3, 4, s. 1999 F917 BSC8395 NOTICE OF PETTTION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: EVANGELINE B. ROACHab -i EVANGELINE BERNADETTE ROACH CASE NO. A.197192 To all ~rs. beneft· aanes. cf"9dilOl"S. cont· ingent creOlors. and per· sons who may Olhe!Wl&e be lnl..sled In lhe Wiii Of estate. Of bolh, ol: EVANGELINE B ROACH 8118 EVANGELINE BERNADETTE ROACH A PETTl10N FOR PRO- BA TE hes bean tiled bV JEANNE ROACH GADeOIS Ill the Supefloc Cout °' Cdfomla.. County ct ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests tnaJ JEANNE ROACH GADBOtS be appoint1ld as persooal ~IO adnwll5l8f the ... °' the Oloadenl TliE Pq\llON requestS the deciedenrs ~ and codlClls ... any, be admitted to prooele The Wiii Ind any <XJdiClll a,. aval&able for aumlnallon In the lite k.ec>I by the court. l H!: PETITION requesrs authonty to 8dminlsler the esln under the lndepend- 8nl ~of Es- '8191 Act. (Tbs Authoflly will allow lhe ~ rep-~., .. many llCtlonl WICtnlt otltMning coun apc>rcwal a.tore tallJng C8l18ll'I V«'f lmpof- tant adJonl. hcMeftr. h penonet representauve Wll be ,_..,., IO gM1 no- llc:a to intel9lled ~ IM'4less tlwy have w.-s no11ce or ~ lo Ole propoMd .aion.i The ~ dllpel idel IC aOl r liiitl *>n aulhonly .. be grW1lied -- g . , , ... !I ff!!(T. ~;:~ .. ~ ' . . · .~ -:...:... .. BSC8396 NOTICE TO CftEOfTORS OF CAROLE E. PROF ANT SUPERIOR COURT OF CA.UFORNtA, COUNTY OF ORANGE. LAMOREAUX JUSTICE CENTER CASE NO. A197174 Nollce IS hef9btf gNell IO the cndlOl'S and oont· lngef1C Ct9dlloB of the abOYe -named decedent U'lat al persons hlMng claims agetnSI the dece• dent ate requored to I le them With the Cltlftl o4 the Supenor Court. at 3.t 1 The Qty onve, 0£an9e, Caldor· ni8 92668, anel mail or de- IMN a cq>y 10 Ruth New- hart. as Trustee of the (;arole E. PIOl'ant T!Wl H · tabbshed under Iha Decla· 1a1ion ol Trust csaled Sep- .,,,._. 27, 1993. and as amended February 8. 1999. of which tt'9 deel- dent was a Mtlk>f. at the adchss set lor1h be!OW. wllNn lhe laW oC IOU monlh5 ... May 21. 1999. Iha dim o4 the firs1 ~ llOn ol nollCe to ~ OI, f noQce is mUed OI personalf deli'tered 1~ you. 30 days ...., them. ltlS nollCe • fl!lllilad or '* · --~ ·-· ............. ,.ci.- Gl EQUM. ... P't ~· ................... ..................... .............. -. .................. ............... >•••• ............... 1 M ----..... ........ ... ..._. ........ . _... ....... ...... G :.:.:_.p I • ' -• $11 .... .................. ......... _ .... . .-........ ..... ...... _. ... ..._I I, ..... -----·· .... , ........ ... -· ... . ......... _ .. .. ans •--•••--. ,,-. ' -I ·~-, ..... ~, I . ' 'r ... --A ~DILIW\IDt.w 211 M I CLO NIE a1.-- ~ t1U. 2MDMOMYmt ...... I•-= N01icll , , ... IC... I bfancn to PllY CCQj tl819CJV _ mg to read nocet•> SlllC:UleO Dy Mlection 'Ol.010 ~~IOyw../< • STPl.MA~tS1 (0tot dMft lonn may· be <Jt>. Con11C NO. 32'2 J. ..., IR)m Iha Cler\ ol $540.000 00 Ccu1. For '/Q.11 Pfcnc:llDn • engn.'a e........ you ... ~IOMe ~ISl...,..81 Y'O'm' dM'll by ~ tNll .... Plllllpoff with return 19C91PC t• ary ~ QuM*I Prmpac:We bidderS may AUTit ftEWHAA'T. otJCMt one * ot bid oocu TN9tee ol the rneru • no cmt 81 ,,.. ol· CAROLE E. PAOFANT 11ce of U. Pubk WotQ l'RtJST, clo MUEAYE Department. 3300 Newpc>n ~1•0:-:m• =~ ~ 11oe. Suha 410, IMN, CA 92658-8915 '812-1531 Fo< tuMer lnlOl'n1lt!On, f"IJbl!shed Newpon 8ead'I call Ed Wimmer. Proies;l Costa Mela Dally P1'ol l\Aanaoer at (949) May 21. 27, 26, 1999 fl44.-3322 ...;. __ ......... __ FT1' __ 91_f Pubfisned Newport Beacn- PUBUC NOTICE Co&ta Mesa Dally PdOI INVITATION TO BID May 21• 26. 1999 Notice II hereby Qlven ' FW92 I lhat lhe Oc .. n View ATTORNEY AT LAW: School Dlstnct o4 Orange 13522 NEWPORT AVE.. County' CBl!foma, neretn· STE. 201, T\JSTIN, , CA aller rete"9d IQ as 9'2780 "OISTRK:T". "'411 r9Cellle f>ublished Newpoii e.ach- seeied bldl up 10 but no Costa Mesa Dally Pilc>I lat8ftNll'l1;00a m,onthe .May 17, 21. 24, 1999 911\ day ol J~ 1999, 11 • M-498 the DIS"mlCT Adm1nis· tratoon Offices. t 7200 LOA.N NO. 9990411 Pinehurst Lane. Ht.1111· T.S. NO. 99-67866CA ~Beech. Ca 92&47 FHA/VA Ho. ........... ':.~ .!'!.. .... ~ ().46.7925062-731 ...--.,..._., NOTICE OF :==,_~~eed alOud le>t TRUSTEE'S SALE AOOf' REPl.ACEMENT YOU ARE IN DEFAULT AT PLEASANT V1EW UNDER A DEED OF SCHOOL TRUST DA TEO JANUARY BIO t 11:9891 26 1993. UNLESS YOU Plans and speohc:allOl\S TAK E ACT I 0 N T 0 ••• on hie at ltle DISmtCT PROTECT YOUR PAOP- Ma!nlenance Oe911rtment ru MAY BE SOlD at 8291 Warner Avenue. A UBUC SALE.. IF Huntington Beacn, 92647 DAN EXPl.ANA· (7l<4) 8A7·25SI Ex1 3550 . TION OF TliE NATURE and wlll ba Willlable at the OF THE PROCEEDING j01> walk. AGAINST YOU, YOU A Job Walk will be held SHOUL CONTACT A Wednesday. June 02 LAWYE 1999, 2.00 pm sharp, at On JI ~E 11 . 1999, at Pleasant View Sch t 10 AM . SPECIAL· 16692 Landau Lane. Hun~.-..""'l'lli.!NC as duly ap- Bch • Ca 92&47 pwited Trustee under and The DISTRICT requtres pursuant to Deed ot Trust !NI the bdler possess a B recorded 2· I ·93 as inst or C-39 contractor's No 93-071868. ot Offiaal ltOeflM at the hme 1he bid Reco<dS in 1t1e offlc& ot the Is sut>mttlld County Aecorcier ot Cef'\ltication ot Cnmlnal ORANGE County. State of Aeootds Check will be re· CALIFORNIA e•ecuced Dy quired per EOucation Code PA TRICK ZIBELL. ANO sactaon 45125 t (AB 1810 CYNTHIA ZIBEU., HUS-and AS 1612) BAND AND WIFE as EACH BIO MUST CON· TRUSTOR, WIU SELL AT FORM AND BE RESPON· PUBLIC AUCTION TO SIVE ONL y TO TliE em HIGHEST BIOOER FOR D 0 C U M EN T S A N D CASti (payable al the lime AGREEMENT .IN ITS ot sale in lawful money at ENTIRE T Y AS lheUndedSlates)at PROVIDED BY THE DIS· IN FRONT OF THE TRICT FLAGPOLES AT THE The DtSTRICT reseMts MAIN ENTRY AREA TO 11\e ngN to rerea arr/ Of all THE PLACENTIA CIVIC bKis or IO waive any It· CENTER. 40l "'41 I EAST regu!antles or 1nlormal1l.es CHAPMAN AVENUE, 1n any bids or 1n tt)e bidding PlACENTl!\, CA all nght. process tJtle and 1nteresi conveyed Published Newpon Beactl· to and now held by 11 urider Costa Mesa Daily P11o( said Deed ot Trust tn the May 21 28. 1999 Pf(l9erty Situated 1n said F920 County and State de· ---c""'rrv=. ~0=--:F=----. -1 scnbed as NEWPORT BEACH A~ :!.~7~ess and NOTICE other common designauon. INVmNG BIOS II any, ot Ille real property Seated bldS may be re-descnbed. above 1s cclV9d 8l the office of the purpcxte<i IO be City Clefl(. 3300 Newport 1652 IOWA STREET Boulevard. P 0 . Boll 1768 COSTA MESA. CA 92626 Newport Beecn. CA The undersigned Trustee 92658-8915 unt I 11 00 dLsdalma any kablllly for am on the I Ill\ day ot any 1nco11edll9$$ CC the J!.nl. 1M. at which time 51rMt address and other such bids Sl'8ll ba ~ common desJgnabOO 11 and reed for any, soown het1llfl J.-nbOree Road Said ,.. be made Rehetlillatlon E8'1 but """"'°"' COVeNnl OI Coast Highway IO San warranly. 8Jl?'ess or 1111- Joequn Hrlls Roed phed. regarding hlle lill• ot Pl"Ol8d pouesslOC'I or encum- Oe90 oC TN$t C-petltlYe 8 1ddlftf- IN!nlon. ~ W • (a) For p!A>- Said ndilll(S), liC'worb~in....a l/lrf. undef ct S15.000 in Y911Ua, .,. ..S Doed ol T!\11 lees Pftlt9Cl Shel be , .. to IN cNraes 111111 •P8l'IMI of le.-~ blddlf IN 'lrt Md ot 11'111 In aa:ont1111ce It• 1rum d tJv sa10 °"90 ~ Mt flatl\ in ol Tiust. Public Contract COd• The 1<*11 mourl( cl .,. Section 20IOO et ... ' ~ noe oC Ille 00. (b) to an emetgency. the llgallan seaJf'l(I by the ~-ol Pide Con· property 10 be $olO ~ tJK1 Code SecllOn 20805 reas9nJnle eattmatfd 9"d 22060. or anv euc- costs expen111 and CMsor staMe. stl9M appty adVanees at the time ol Ill· The Ollt~ Manager/Eil~ 11131 publi<.11uon ol Nola of noer IS aUltloond to onM!r Sale is s 1 J2 112 28 emergency wen pursuant The Beneltaaty under 10 PUblic: Connet Code said Delld ol Trust hete· Section 22050 and ti suc::ta totore t AllCUted and a.. ec:hon IS ordefed. fie Dos· live•ld to lt{e ~ lr1ct Managerll!n~.neer a w11tten Oeclarai.on ol De· ltiel tec>ot1 to the SO.Id at 1a .... 1 ana Demand loc ~. ~ ~, meet· ano a wnnen NotlCO 61 De· ings •llnO '-tu1tdicat1on laUll nd Elec:llCln to Sd. lor conllllUlflO w 11'1 the ~=5~!~ ~lr~::!t lsbelow ElecOOn 10 Sell 10 be nt-$.lS.000 tn valoe, lhe corded In the county where putdlUlng ~ set tile real property 1$ localed IOl1tt below shall be U'Jll-n. Is an attempc to col• Zed " led a deb(, lind any &rt-Section 2 That pege 1 o lormauon obtained be end pege ·11 ol ll'le Opera, used lot ltlel putpOH lionl Code are ltlerefore Date 12 MAY 99 amended to t..s as at- 'SPECIAl.IZED. INC , tached hereto as Ellhlbl muSTEE. 4180 Via Reef A1 and A2 and the same tB Carpanterla. Ca an.II be 11Wer'9d 11"1 ltle Op- 93013. (~) 684 t424 atllbons Code 11"1 the pace (805) &84-8430 ct elll$l1ng page 10 and BY: /SI L WEBER, "999 11 • TRUSTEE SAL6 Section 3 . Should any OFFICER pert, clause or sedJOn of 99P..oo9359CA thri Ord<nance be declared PUl>ltsNtd Newport Beach· by any Court ot compelant Costa Mesa Dally Pilo4 ju1'15d1Cdon 10 be invalid May 21. 28. June 4, 1899 the remal.nmg proyisioos ol F922 ltlls Ordinallce shall never -O~R-D-IN_A_N_C~E~N~0-.-3.;;..1 _1 theless be and remain in AN ORDINANCE OF Ml force and ctfect and the THE BOARD OF Dl· Board ol Dtrect.ors ol 1™: RECTORS OF T HE =~=.8:· COSTA MESA SANJ.. 1forrna. he111Dy declares TARY DISTRICT IN· that each and avary CREASING THE Bl~ sactJOn. clause ptOV\Slon DING LIMIT FOR PUB· °' P9lt of ll'lla Ordinance W«MJ heve bMI\ adoplBd LIC WORKS PRO· and~ a part ol llu Or· JECTS AND AMEN~ dlnance wehout Che ~ ING THE O PERA· tion ot any ponion thereof TIONS CODE aod l1llll the 11Waitdrty ot WHEREAS. the Board ol any pert Of P«MS1C>n hereof D1AldOfS has ~ stall not Kl any way ahd an Operanone Code ttwt u. valldily or enfQfC9mel'lt sets lorVI Ille ~ cl tile rematntng ~ ~ torn.IS 1or ~ ot !his Ordinance "'-1 may WOl1ts prqects ano stand on their own WHEREAS. Slid ~ITlllS SeclJon 4 Pursuant to have mirrored the statueory Heellh and Safety Code IWtnOtlly grven to sanitar; Sactlofls 6490 and 8491 3. dlltnds in tne calolomia u. Cle!W w• cause !)Ms Public Contract Code; and OIOnence or a SummatJ WHERE.AS !he Opera thet90l lo be publllhecl on a 11ons Coda cuirenlly newspaper ot genera.I p«MOeS that pul>lo<: worlcs ClttUation pr"8d and pub- j(IOS in excess ol $10.000 llshed In the Dlslnct ac· shall be compe~t...,ety bid In oordmo 10 taw and it sl'lal accordance w1tn Pubbc tal<e effect upon the expira- Contract Code Section bon ol one week alter Pol>- 20800, and hcatioo WHEAEA!>. Chapter 142 PASSED arid ADOPTED ol the 1998 Statutes haa thu1 131h day ol May. 1999 now amended Sec:11on /SI Greg Wood9ic:M, 20803 to raise the dollar Secretary threshold !Of c;ompewve /SI Arttiur A. Peny, bids lo $15,000. and Pr.sldent WHEREAS. the Boltrd ol STATE OF CALIFORNIA) D1redOB de$11.s to ~e COUNTY OF c:onformtng amoooments In ORANGE) SS the Ope/attonS Code 10 CrTY OF COST A MESA) make the bidding requm1• I, JOAN REVAK,~ ol menc COOSl$ent witf\ Sia tt'9 Co5ta Mesa s.r.!ary l8w Distnd, hel9by certify lh8t p.tQW, THEREFORE. the !he 9bove and le>regoing Boeld ot Dreaors ot the ~ No 31, was ~Mesa S.0.latY Doa· duly and ragulal1y i-sed Ind does hereby OADNN and~ by said 8oetd as IOlows ol Directors at a r9QU6ar SeCllOf'I 1 Tlla.I 5e<:to'I meeti00 thereof. held on 4 -05.010 ot the eo.ia the 1 Jlh d8y ol May 1999. Mesa Sarwta1Y Dlscnct Op-IN WfTNESS By Fax (f>.+Q) U.1 l-o.)C)..• By Plaene ('>iC)) l>i 2·.-,,,:-r, By~Ptisou: .uo \\~t Ila\ ~!rt'(l r,.,...,. \l<"-.l. C:\ <r!,,:::- "'V.,-n m..u. e.. -· .... .., ,,,..._,.. :"""'·--·'"'' I ,.....i-.,.1 ... 11no11, .. t-L •11h•1~•P"4 ~=•E.1111 a . -... 7R-., -..... W•••• IC OFtl LMlllC --.=-•uo S1"9-- f.MT .. m 111HF'l.IG .e.aao _......,_. --• ' .. , 4 ,, -~ . ,, • . -·~...do..::.._,... . -.... ' . , ... ~ ·~ . ., . •••• "rars Tc-lr-pl1<m•~ 1; 10i111i-.i OOp111 \:.-i.,4n.t.. \\ lk-1111; .lllGm-.).OOp111 , ... ~ ...... OPEN HOUSE FM>AY 10AM-2PM NEWPORT tEIGtfTS 2220CL.lff DA "9IN $1'8.000..-171 BAYCAEST tMIMRN:RS ..ooo lW..BOA <XJYES 21 MlJK)A COYE nrm.oao WIST HlW'OAT ._ SEMHOAE DR. 11.aaao IELCOllT 51 NOJllllUU ICM CT .... .... ..., ... *-'COWi ..... UOCIM•Y ..... F923 Fictitlom B..-..a Name S1:a...,,.,t The lolowing J>8'SO"'I .. doo'lg bualnaSI u · . 9ac;11 Bay Ewcavation, rnc., 20211 Sp1uce Avenue. Newport Bea,n: CA 92660-0138 Back Bay Exc:avallOn. l"C CCaldomttl. 20211 ScHuc;e AveflUI. Nitwpon Beactl CA~ This~ rs~ duded by •• CX>rponi9on Have you sianed doing busa'.a yef1 Yes ~1999 Badl Bay Exca~uon. Inc Letand L Johnlon, Pf8Sldenl This SUIWnenc was filed wllh tne County Cletk at Orange County on 4-30-99 1"65791121 Daily Pilot M3y 21 t. 28, June"'· 11 t999 1"930 Fictitious BustnnS Name Stamment The following persona are Doing business as NEWPORT AVTO COLLISION. 2949 century Place. C051a Mesa, CA 92826 G re a t Wes tern Enterpnses. (eA). 2949 Century Place C051& Mesa. CA 92626 • This blalne5$ 1$ ~ ducted by a oorporabon Haw you staned dOlr'O business yet? Yes, 11-12-37 G r eat Western Enterpnse1. Damet R Be1'SChy • Vice Pl'ft This stalemenl was Nees Wt!h the COi.RY Cle'1t Orange County on 4-22 1 Daly Piot ~)' 21. 28. .hnl4'.t1 1999 F NOTIC£0F NOf!M\ESPOHSIBIUTY Nocx:e IS hereby CJ"*' that lhe Uoders.gr.ed Ml no< be respon$lble tor lrlY debts 0t ~abillbe& con- tracted by anyone other than myself on or all8f this dale • Dated tf\is 1st Clay of May. 1999 G ROMANO OBA AAGO YACHT & SHIP BROKERS 3432 Via Opono. Soite 104. Nel~l'U Beactt, CA 92663 Publlshed Newport Cosca Mesa Dally Piiot May 21 24, 28, 1999 FM92 Chane. are you wll ftnd what you need • the P'\ce you WW1l '° pey ""'*' you r..s Ct111•1d dlllly Friday, Nay 2 1, 1999 .. ~ -,~ . ..... •' Lr. "'·' . ,· . .,; .. "Affordable Alternative" Discount ~ket, Cremation·& Burial Sa rice Why should you subject yourself & your family to paying inflated prices for caskets & services???? c.al1 Toll free l-811-54CASDI' krritlg Omit l S•n 5 g C utJo lla.te5 ancl 4iea1llint'.'i 11n-11hJtt1 to ch~• itho:ll r 1titt. The publi,llC"r ~" .-,, 1 I~ right to <'t'1b0r. rn-llh,.ir~. ~' i-.· uc· l'f'jcrt .lJI\ cla -ifl<'fl 'uhrnL-nnrm. P~ "'llClf"C am t-rnir 1l&;1t nr:a~· •~ ul wurd iri.'tl :ul 11111n("lliaacl~. nte 0 11~ Jiilot aL'"'Jof-no li:il>rltt\ for am rrmr i11 .UI ;ulH·n nun for 'h"'h rt : Cl\ lie l'l"!'pun 1lil C\l~f>I for th<-4,.. or the-~ llCU "· l""('lqMI t~ iii.-l'fmr. Crtd1t ra11 onh l.c-: al'°'nJ for tl rir>l 1 ·nt4•11, -----DencPL es----- Monday ........ r·· Friday 5. Thursday.. fo.d~y 5~ Tuesday ......... Montlay 5:()()pn1 Frida .......... Thwsday S:~ Wwrle:Stlay .... Tuesday S:OOpm ~ t unby ....... -.f'riJ.ay S:OOpaa I ~HOUR RmAY 10AIWPll 2'2 TRAHTO OR le.000 ""'°9ITW. CA MM.TT ...... COd¥U...«ltr:llt .... on•~ uzt• ,..., ... cl ..... /liZ. ..... ,.. Claft ....... __ ....... ~dlM·-.... ........... _ ......__.-...&. .,.,,...,_ ...... c. ................ . .._ . ...., ·---. ~ -- . ... Gw I• AM,_. Tiie ........ "'-~-~ ...... ~ • ___ ,, ~...,... I 6 •• ~ LIVE IN LUXURY ~ APARTMENT HOME S Excl usive Fasfiion Island Lifestyle • Concierge Service • 24 HR fitness Center I Bed from S 1695 I Bed/den from SI 25 W.:isher/Dryer Intrusion Aldrms Gourmet Ktlchens Elevator Access • 24 HR Security Cate . • Clubhouse Facility 2 Bed frot71 $2235 2 Bed/den from $2885 Gas Fireplaces 9 Foot Ceiltn~S CBndo Specs Subterranedn Parking Custo m Home Design Program Available CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 1-888-222-6924 IG9t - 0xecutive Living in Newport Beach Cu'"'"'""" to 1hopp1ns. N1tauranu, "1tn-1Ait1mn11, bwina1 C"1t"- ferw11y1, 1horou1hfaru 0-John W.rynr airport. • AJ11unt tr.ub and .ccnic ruturc r<Mrvc for an acu"c lifcuylc • 'ip«t.atuhr Bade Bay vi~• • <.•tcd h11ry • Pcu \i'cltomc • Ru1dcn1 bw1na.1 ccnlus • TM ~true al S.ypoanu Olympic ou: pool. •f>&I• f11nru <enter • C •• u~~· • In home Wuhcr/Oryu • • (.lubroom wnh Media Sum from $1~415 · 11rsr \i ll t .,. 1 ltdraom • 1 ltdroom w /loft • 2 ltdtoom BAYPOINTE •.AC: Jt111krM et U.t.wtlty .. tlit leek lay (888) 836-3610 IMNEAPARTMENT~ A HrGHll STAPIDAIO or LI VIP'G 182 HOUSES/CONDOS 1400 ANNOUNCEMENTS I FOR RENT . • NEWPORT BEACH 110 APTS COSTA MESA 2Br I 81 Nicety redone. new t1o1th\ new kit r.ounlel lops Cl!tl NEAR BALBOA IS. Uile<I I~ WI() b..c kyard S87So'mo comm 2Br • Lott comm pool. 149 122 6965. 114612 6355 spa & gym S2000'Mo Avail • lmmo<liatly Ag! Cl.49 717-4794 132 APTS NEWPORT BEACH PENTHOUSE WITH VIEWIHB S 13".!Mo 1 Br • lien Wlf) I p •Elhog 114100 lrtne..s jr pooV "f>t do Ubl-).JI '149 720 2078 etWALJ( TO BCH• t Studio with krtchtn, $625hno met uut 114M75·3009 Pf'HI 11 BAYFRONT CONDO Whal a View• 2Br 2Ba hl'shly redone. S2200'roo yearly lease NQlpf'IS.'~m~g TRW u;q d Aqelll 1149-642 1053 202 ROOMS FOR RENT •om. Rtbul11 Vecuuma $45 & up Huge Stlecllon' Coast Vacuum & Sewing 333 E 17th ~Itel • Cosia Mesa 114M42-1560 I 402L05T • FOUND I Found Young Slbenln Hoskey on May 181h RotmlllQ Pelican H" God COl.rse ldentoly & leave msg Coll Jamie at .,,, BEST LOCATION IN NEWPORT BUCH "ARST WEEK SPCl. ON ALL ROOMS $134.00 + Tu, FNtutea; 24-hrl. fnint DNWO 0. Phones/ f1'M HBO/ ESPNIDISC • Local Clwnnell/ Swlmm1119 Pool & HNted Jec:uul/Cueat Llunclry!NMrby Fwy.: 40S ' S5/Mn1a 1Wff1 from OIC Fairgrounds, c:olt.ge, Shopping Mlllla, 8NchH & ANtaut1nta: A member of C.lif. Holel/McQI. MMSMOOO HI 309 ~ 8edroom'2 Bath huge •ving .tOQlll. Large Balcony With Vl9W <JI Balboa ISiand Brend new ~nc:hen and nppltlllOeS -6 1680 ~ with 1 6 12mo1e11S1 "' 888 758 6986 ..., u UDO ISLANOet Large 2br 1.51>1, with g1r1ge, " 1850lmonth , lt11• 714·1198-9660 Owntt' .: . 145 APTS ; SOUTH LAGUNA ,. u BALBOA PENNu 3BR, 3BA DUPLEX I 532 Mlflmlf Or tC $217i/mo Ag1 9411-650-3822 e 159HOUSESICONDOS FOAAENT CORONA DEL MAR N•1r pa!ll 38r 28.t Townhme ~'.)JI llf'W Clrpel & p.unl ~mo Days213974 883J QI D49 640 4862 OY91/Wkends COSTA MESA MOTOR INN nn H.-.. llM. c:.. MHa P'tlonel 949) 645--4840 E Side CM pirvate ent1ance cable "'jec area S350lmo (UllS paid) No pe1S/Yllkg A11uable 6/t 949·642-8699 COM BNch Cot1191 washer/ d1yer hrepleco storage k~ pll'IS non srnkg $600.mo 949-675-4939 1204 T~= I LOST CAT. REWARDll Orange & ..... e. nt11111ed, 111$1 seen on Plaoen!lat AdamS on 4123 714·546-315-4 Lo11 t•t:>Oy cal 9rey/Wtl1 milt, aM hair, rtdlbllr colllf, 10 yr pet much ml1Nd 151h a PllC*rtfa 1149~2307 LOST 1880 Gold Ooltw 111 bezel. 5114 East C Ml T~ Sq Family hoillooml REW~RO 949·645-1933 REWARD '°51 cal lonQ hair wt~1e ftame·point Himl'layan blue eyes, needs 11. much toved member ol the tamily Ve ot Foi<Jlam Dr & Cotege f>arll Oar.· Calllleen !M9-414-0502 Benjamin 714-825-I 703 evtnng 714-850-1053 412 CEMETERY LOTS PACIFIC VIEW PLOT Vista Del M•r $2850 (949)854-1656 V1lencl1 G1rden Cour1 Companoon Um O PICl1c Vttw Memo1111 P11k day !M9·720-5313 ll'ie !M9·548"" 199 U0Vl119 mull .. ut COiltenr~ 01 tlOll'le tatoe & ama1 p1dnta pictures. antiques. lu1t111ure tic. Mt-nl-tUS. POOL CLEANER kREEPV KRAULY STILL IN BOX NEVER USED S200 PAGER 1 ..... 5 ... 7'65 WOLFF TANNING BEDS TAN AT HOME euv DIRECT ANO SAVEi COMMEACIAl.JHOOE Uflll5 from S 199 00 Low ~ P yme!Q FREE Color Cllt log Cal 1·800 711 0158 448 AHTJQUESIART /COUECT18l.ES ANTIQUE CABINET 1rom Gtm1111y. 8f1 tong, 64" high, by 24" dttp. 1 j>ltct. Walnut wt1ntlque 9l1H. Chlpptnd11t In fronl for china. Lo11 of car;~,&• end 11orage. n~. 114 -31176 I BUY ALL PIANOSI Anllques-Ouallly tunVluro ooe piece or Whole houseluUI Cash pllllj 800-649-4922 WANTED ~~s PIANOS Colltc:tiblts ·~-·~ •S.--. ·~·OMte ~ $$ CAStt PAID $$ .......... -........ WI BUY ESTAna • l~w m.ndly ~ "WI PAY lllOM • fASTIR" 1450 APPLIANCES I Amana tt new 2SW fl llde by llde, white. P1ld $1350 acrlllc:e S700. 114t-75M710 I •54 FURNITURE I BNutllul Chtrrywood Confrtnce llblt 1 Ofla41t. Atkl119 S3500 obo MM75·3716 n1U1n ltethtr 1011 & lo~ 1111, new 11111 wrepPtd, vttry 1on, lop quality. Y/11 S2000 HC:rlflct . $4110. 114t-261-9933 REPLICA · Solid Mohog111y 4 polltf' rice and 11bKc:o pf.,,. talion wtddlng bed. Plrltc:1 condlllon with atap 11001. Wlft ucrlflc:t S2000. MMSo.6476 f at>lta tor Ult ma1ct.ng set iraJdes I collef' table. 2 Side lables. llgl'll pit1t with Miite wash ieos. lmost new 5200 i4t-n 2.ss21 Twin B•Stt. dart! wood xrd con. t1t11111 piteleS. SSOO'obo 949167~733 207 COlaW&I IS --cfREAT COM AAEAt f8R 1 BA. Wl'CllPOl'1 •. lrplc:, bllc:on,, WIO, $1115/mo A vii S. I 11 ... 11-760·2614 3Bd 281 HOuM.lliliT\ilCUllte rtllrlCJ inc:ld 1 C8I gar age. pt115 1)1'11' <;pace no smol111l',I $2111S/mo 9-49-IM0.5324 Shirt l.rg 3br 2 1f2 bait! wf g18111 VMW' In NB near CdM A1'1rvt pron profd. S750 • 113 ut•) Call Bnan 949·780-1161 Shere CM hM Wfitl quiet 1tudyln9 OCC fludtnt • 4 cats. Pool, 2 min lo bch S450 · '300 dip. MM31·2111 1 420 GARAGE 11 458 PETWVESTOCK I SALES Rlrt Holle wlld·looklng 160 HOUSESICONOOS FOA RENT COSTA MESA !lleullful Trl-ltvtl lownhomt flMiw u rpeVptln1. w/d, yard. k oer. i;unny &alt 2'M>r 2~ba Sle<lO ASAP 949·543 5789 ·£•Sf SIDE' lbr 2be ln1ldt l1undry, new klthchen, ltnCtd ptlfo, Clll otll Mlllt a.ti OPEN HOUSE SAT 11-3 2511 Or8f191 II CAflMEN 71......._tm B11bot Island 5br 31); home, ·~• limn 2br wl1ttKh bl. So bey Oc:n view, 1f2 ulll, 11200 no ptle. ... 9.n3-05411 206 VACATION /RESORT RIHT AL8 NEWPORT COAST 2Br 2 5&tlh hOllSt ~ exotic gllden Avid MlNuty•Auo ~ Agl 11-49 650-7733 l~RINT°=I CM, Olrdtn Style 1 SIOtY DflYt up to ~our door 20M00ef Sl.25 tun MrYlct ~a. X 1trt111 Adami I FWvtlw. 714-540-HM COM SAT 7:30-7 ltoperd apolttd CFA oc:lcat 5111 ACACIA fn Ille Alley kittens for ptMltQlcl tew Bike, lhotl, clolhta, C0'1 S460JS500 94MJ1,2111. Loi• of MIK HouHhold 1tem111 Glff91 rrea1ur111 -FREE PETS CM fwo F1mfiy oarege s11i. /ANIMAL RESCUES SAT a SUN IAlM 1158 Iowa Off Herber & Glaltr. Furn. • year old Rtd f•rn•lt Mini dfahu. 11wtn9 fl'llCh, Ooalt. Frtt to 1 yood home, clothta and much morel NBP 40 yr colltc:don oi s1util Wlfl Interview. 7 4-751-o903 Collec:11bltallre11ur11, kllc fttmt, toye. mens & womens 4M MERCHANDISE c:lothlnQ. Grell mlscllll WANTED SAT March 22, e:00-12:00 2112 Vieu EntrlClt (Blutf'I) NP8 Uf ONlY 71t11-noon Amlgff Wey 9"t. (£ BMf) furn, plc:1urt1, womens clothte, lllOrtll RECORDS TOP DOU.ARI Jazz. R & B. 101A.. Rotk. lie 50'• & eirs MIKE • IM!>-7505 WANTED! Olo cOINst GQld, Sltwtt. F1rilin ITWll. "" inO Old 11¥1ldwls & ttwel'Y wtSTCOAST COIHt4H44e Phlebotomy ourH eo.100 Rtld Co c.. Reg 01101291 I 900'201-1141 ;: ... ·., '.",:'"". ·1 .. •/ , .. ·~·,.!. ., . . ., • -.r SALES ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE (FULL TIME $25-JOK + INCENTIVE) The Los Angeles Times is seeking briaht. capable individuals who :ire looking for full-time employment with an established, yet upaqding organization. Sales and Distnbut1on sraff wi II wort at our Orange County ,_ Consumer M3tketing RegionaJ office. The Sa'les Account Representative will work to achieve sales goals within an assigned geographic area. The individual will maximize sales by developing strong partnerships with existing accounts, establishing new outlets and adjusting distribution volumes. The Represencauve must act as nn ambassador fo r the company by always maintairling appropriat~ appearance and demeanor. THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL' HAVE: • ~ 2-4 years of sales. markecing or related experience required • Strong problem solving, decision making. organizational and planning skills •Excellent verbal and written communication skills •Ability to work a flexi ble schedule including Saturday & Sunday • PC skills required The Los Angeles Times offers a.com~titive compensacion and benefits package. Qualified candtdates should send a resume with salary history to: The Times Orange County Employment Office 1375 Sunflower Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92626 You may also fax to (7 14) 966-775 1 or send via the Internet to jobs@ latimes.com Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST.f>IT "" APPOBTM&YI' SEITERS Pf /Pf day and C\'Cni!'g sl1ifis 480 BUSINESS OPPORTUNfTIES • lJte typing. computtf Dtera11, phone skills, personable, el"l"rg911C. '°' 1111/fer Fu Resume 10 1149-&42· 1729 1.ai-==-===-======~ 812-820 Per Hour TOf)'.llrll<fucers hlgh,rr • lkahlo, 0.'DtN r-• \01 K l'lan • l'tiJd """""" • Lo.c lrnu r ~..,...tml Esl. In 1989 In Cc11;1a )lcl!ll 1111d growing C.all for lll'Pt. 1-888-313-\744 ADMIN. ASST· PART TIME 2().25 hrS/wll. $ 14/HI Flex hrs 11"" lnveslmenl ReaftOI In N8Wp0(1 Beach seeks Bll· penenced aSSISlanl proflCltllt in WOid, Excel, Publisher, Quicken. GofdMirte Tel 11-491 862·1000 Fax 9-491862·1001 ADVERTISING COORDINATOR RESTAURANT BOOKEEPER OUR ORGANIZATION Fnday, Saturday & Sunday could hdp )'OU cam $70K 10 Bam·-4ptn Ask tor Ca1o1 ~K 1n your own bus + ll'.WIY 949-673 2100 other m~ making buss. opp SALE PERSOW Upac:11t & IOO's of aecms in wo~dwK{( Cl'lildrtna clolhlng Ind shot 11ore. FT/PT aalta "'°'· wealrh-build1"$ rnnlcd. Shoe exptt"., htlpluL Unit F.r Fm Exmu1H BNfillfi People & Mt. MM45-13SS 'SALES PART/FULL TIME' HC AMMS.W>OR GROU'P. PT lor up1calt women11t0f1 131 N Tustin Ave. Sit 108, In F11hlon l1t1nd. Also Min• Tustin CA 92780 aloft FulVPT for receiving <All 7l4-SS3-0990 dlla entry tlC. Conl1C1 is=====s•1 01rryf or 51111111411-751-:71117 Salee PtoPil Earn U0:200IC 15% cOIMll$Slon. 15' bonus F ult or Pff. homo or our oft ices Cell 714-556-311 s. 3,000,000,000 Printer · Cartridges Sold. • Less lhan 15,.. recycled Own and operate your own comm recyding ctr Eam $100.000 + per year HI00-670-2357 TIMES ORANGE COUNTY I NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ITS SALES DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE Part-tl1111t. • (lS.31 bn per week) EARN S400 to $600 per week Sala + Commlaslon) The Sales Development Rcprcsrntatives sell Times Orange County $Ubscriptions 10 prospects at hjgh profile venues such as· college campuses. fairs. el(}11b1t, shows and selcc retail outlets. Also. the Representative wdl secure access to gated buHdings . . THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL BE: •Independent and reliable • Flexible with their schedule • Professional in appearance •A "go getter" and "self-starter' • Must have reliable transportation • BihnguaJ (Spanish or Vietnamese) a plus The Los Angeles Times offers a competitive compensation and benefits upon qualification. Qualified candidates may apply in person, by mail, or by fax at: The Times Orange County Comumer Marketing Sales 1375 Sunnower Aw Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone (714) 966-4591 You may abo.f'u to (714) 966-4590 01 send via the Internet to alex.mora@Latimes.com Contact: Alex Mora Equal Opportunity Employer 482 CREOCT SERVIC£S 1890 ~~i 18t5C~~ CONSOUOAT£ N<>Wlfl llM2M004 tam-lpm Mon. to frl 108m-6pm Sit 6 Sun (EST) GET OUT OF DEBT! we can he!£! • Credit Cards C-Onsolida ltd • Payments Lowertd • lntertst Rtduced • Hamsmtnts' Sto 't1 DUFFY ELECTRIC I 8lt CUSlom Red wtwhi IMI PRISTINE Only $9999 !M9-675-0894 ·u ouRY 1 a1t Xlnt c:ond blut/Wtltt., NW rnotor S10,llOO 1149-723·1802. 'ii ouify Eltc1ric, 1111. Forelt Green, mini c:ond. Sl4,S00.114M75·5833 MM73-oll5 1694 l*>TOllCY~ I Hond1 Retl11 200 ''6 Trltla blklt, ptr1tC1 lh1pt, atcrlllc:t $1000 or trldt fOI' XR 100 714-305·27116. ~~:!!!:!:~:!:!!!~11695 c~=i= I 1690 POWER I ACUffA LEGEND '" BOATS CPE. 11110, low m~ lthr, '-------~-Chrome Wl1ttlt, moon root ZOOIAC BOAT, brtnd new, 91r19ed, atlll thowroom with ~ • ltl!iler, 9tlp newl l SM50 714-641·tolt U='. ll4t-7'2= AaltJn9 ACURA WANTED O! lt'f qudly Japanese Cl#, must bl 11174 CLASSIC 1itt OOFFY. .mt cone!, '*'flow nf & au10 Gr$81 shape. 2 lops $5!195 No dealtll pleast. COM CAOIUAC BROUGHAM 'M Fleetwood. lo ml. IUY. 350 V8 (708430t $ 17,988 lflbtn Oldamobllt Cedllllc 714-S40-9100 CADILLAC CATEflA 'it Lo ll'ies, llhr, co. tJl<:Ns Bal ol 'lllarr (032945) $23,988 Nlbera Oldamobllt Ctdlllat 71•54M100 CAOILLAC OOHCOURS ·115 270 HP Norlhs1ar. white peatl , Ian lthr (243618) $17.988 N1btf1 Oldamobllt Cecllllac 714-54o-t100 CADlLLAC bEVillE ·iS' Lo moles. amelhVsl lthr, super clean! (214082) S17 988 Hebert Oldlmobllt Ctd.lllK 714-540-11100 CADILLAC E.ldcll'ldo Touring 1995 low rri, V8 Nolth51al', ldY (815042) $2088 NABERS (714)54MIOO ,. CADILLAC SEViUl 'M Low mt, V8 Norfls!M, btl of wair.aloys (1128445) $24 .988 NABERS (714)54o-9100 CADILLAC SEVilt S1'$ 'tJ LOW mi, 290 H.P. Holf1&1a, co. doVS (800457} $25.988 ·NABERS 1 Fl.fl tme a~ lhe OUISldt ~reps Must be pundual dependatle, lleKqe. accurate. do'I*!, and WOl1'. well wdh dienls MUSI halle car IO dt- li'il!f proofs and pickup copy $Wht &celfenl btnel~ I**· age, lrdJdirlg 401k EOE/ ONO sereenin!>'phyt.ical re- QUlred Send 1esume to JUd'f Oenlng, TllTl8s Community News. SA~S Tht Clas$i1ltcl ~ [)e. partmenl Is klok•ng fOf an 11 side Sile$ repiesenlatl't't Ful lime. Monday tlltU F rlday, 8 JOam.5 30prn Some sal• expe11ena1 piele1re<1, but will lraln <qit candidate App41c.Vlt shOokl be motivated and WOfk well with ~· Olug screen lnglphysleal requueo EOE. 114•1sM2S5. Pl1Yltt pany !M~-9041 Th• Community 7fl Howerd Hughta Spor11ttf BMW n5f eon;etl& 'N Mark9t Place. Made 1rom ll'C>Od lrom 1111 New ~ti/lop, c;us1om (714)54M100 ctlewoltt Cll'n.-o COIM 't4 (X1971398-198306) $12.995 CONNE.L CHEVY (714)54f-1200 330 w Bay SI. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 or tax 10 (949) 631-GS!M # BARBEOUES GALORE NOW HIRING! Work In 1 fun 11111 1n11lronmtnt. Som• 11181 exper nttdtcl, FT, IOlm·7pm, St1rt $7/l'lr up (p.o.E.l Btntfi11 plrg 1valltb t . Apply: BARBEOUES GALORE 2331 H#bor Blvd., Co111Mtsa (On-11\t Interview) CASHIER PIT. Ne~ Beclcfl Cale needs casher $7 O<YHout cal 949-252-0014 "CUSTOMER SERVICE" Bright • peraonlblt with c:omputttr & alnt phone 11tlll1 Fu resume 114M4S-7131 DRIVERS · Moiih1 Wal1er/t11 Must have 1eliabte eu10, insurance & good OMV. Deliver IUnch & dimtl O!dtll IOI restaurants In loCll attl Potenbal $8-S 12 per houl Call ... t-541-2122 FARMERS MARKET Open poeltlont: • R41ce!ver. • Cuhltrt • Food Strvfct/Otll • Mell & Stlfooct • Groc.ry •Product Cell (11411)76().0403 or IPPIY In per1on It eny of our 3 loc:tlllona. • FLORAL DELIVERY Ult shop~ .. Mon-Sal 11..-Must have lns461dun OMV Wt p1011ldt uhlcle. Liu 9-49-675-9484 IW sliliiliii to; fWi llllMlrG lo6t ' '1alcl •.ntno. No E1CD Hee. $15 + comm to 11111. Cal !MH?HI 11 OWN l OOWUllN'f Pul • IO ~I iMn up IO S30K hlft I* yell Pff. Log on IO www.llllll.ciolft ACCllM Codi '1111 ........... •NT LOVllll• lllll'CtMIHll • .. • , 000,,... " .... ... """" ....... ............... rtu ~ 09ftteat ............ Clltrll'I ...... l Send 1uume ro (949) 631-659-4 OI mal 10 times Commontty News. Anenllon Mallley 081119ts, 330 W Bay. Costa Meaa. CA 92627 · SALON CM· CHAlh AENfAL $100 PER WK 1ST MO ONLY. Eaperltnc:t with clltn1tlt 714.540.un SECRET ARV C M OFFICE Musi know OulckbooQ Sl11Hour Fu AHumt .... 1-642-4301 secmatyMecepdonl9t PIT ltadlng 10 Ftr NtwpOll Beach~~~ lllm Pr llMlonmtnl Telephone tnd Word '97 piocessing sdl prtl'd Send type wnnen feaer & 111Umt 10 FBA Engtneell'!I. 3420 kWle Avt Suite 200. NB 92660 ~ T nu No Phone c.a. plNM ~ SERVERS AND 0 ~ HOSTIESS ~ KITCHEN g o ~ Afft1urtnt o o East 81u11. Clll > ' Between 10.11:30lm. o ~ ..... 71Ml60 ~ >OC 00 •t Ot><l ~' > •SERVERS• Fine dining nptfltnee Ind wine llnowtldgt ttqUlrecl Fu rtl-... IM45·1'31 SUMMER WORK 80 CUST SALES it OPENINGS tr $12 PER • HOUR APPT Cohft ~ 1¥1111111. No nperteftce '*· .. ....... ,... ... oondllane= 71Wtl . ~.··:· ~ " ... ,., ... Clusln.d Spruce Goo&t OOOd COld'IOll. wtlttlS, $500 down assume ___ ... ....,....2_._M_7_a __ 1 714-116Nsto $7450 pp MM73-0411 If you 're looking to repaint . it ' " replace it or restore it, look in the Pilot Service Director \ ,. . Friday, May 21, 1999 r ·"~ I > • }. ' / 1' '".j'I ~ .... •..-i ' It ---·--Q41¥ROUT CAVAUER 'M (W250651P·250651l •110,895 CONNELL CHEYY t·M ~11 -=1 ._ ....... ___ ....:.----~ ArP FOflO Ft 50 XLT ''4 ~D EXPl.OftEft... HONDA ACCORD EX 't2 av CHARW GOREN TODAY'S CROSSWoRP PUZ. E ...... beet, IUIO, AC, 1111, cc, 4WO·Edcll BaUlf Moonrool Mtlalic ~'Y ~ ... I extra fuel tlnll. '""'Wiiie ~ (tAt12011°S20J9G moontool .(OC34S~ ' IMth <>MAii SHARIF ~1200 :: .~ ~:~ Coew MMa Uncoln ~ LUU& oF WES ~R and TAHNAH HINSCH ''"---..·2X2 714-MO-SaO (714)192~ ACROSS ~ Wrong -"l':FOAO~MCONfm.rOO,m,;R;.:;,:;.;·= FORD MOSTDtCi ., AONDl ACCORO ex 'M Auto F'°"'fWt1rrny Priced Hll~ PS, N 1111o, (XIS3663A·113126) $1"5 lo Sdl (11397SI) $9918 $15oalobo cal*"'°°" CONNEU CHEVAOlET ~ Mtu Uncoln Mercllty • '4M31·MH 714-546-1200 714-~ -...,.....,,....,.,_rrn..,.,.,.--FORO er-vilicirte ex 'ii FON> MOSflHO ii HYUHOAI RANTRA ... 0Alloy1. P•r State, ABS ~.~~ "'b, t~, {V1&443tc.elM250) $U95 (1tS2413)$tU18 co,,..Y._",.at ttf541~· CONHELLC.._ROUT Costa Mtu Uncolft Mtfcwy Otya,' :l~ · 714-546-1200 714-54Na0 fws. 714"'63-1273 IHAHITI 130 '91 FORD ESCORT LX 'i4 1()1( milts, loldl ol IC'llllP A 2 "'· lie. CUI, 6 &pd, low GEO MET .. O COUP ' tnu51 see! 1752393) $26,995 mlee (1230472) '5 894 " E 9I LEXUS OF WESTMINS'm Costa ..... unco1n Mtrcwy (Xt1&ma.118323} 1-im (714)192.aot 714-540-$UO CONNELL CHEVROLET 714-541-1200 FORD GALAXY 1114 GEO PRiZU 191 Convtrllblt 500XL, good cond. (T04697<4P-046974) SU95 98k or1glnll "* S8800'obo • COHNELL CHEVROLET 949-&4~-o3 714-546-1200 JEEP CHEROKEE 4X4 'M 6 cyt, tuto =· ••celenl condillon ( 11 $ 12. 9118 Habtfa Oldsm Cadillac 714-540-9100 .1 · ------------D YES, SELL MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Hunting Beach- Fountain Valley Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us·this Clly I . """' ,, .... 0 MC 0 ""' Cledlt Card Nun'lblr QMAX ... form with your credit card # or mail with a check toda~! Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREE! All for just $10". ~;;:r.·~~ . .. .. : ~.-,·" "'. :· .. '\ .. :~ 1 "Tl"~,«r~f ,y.· ~' ,, 't r:- aec...-a--a ... """' Pi.c. ave a-.-01-oi.. ----a--a ....i."""'-"a..._...., c.-. O•-...i a-.._.aL-• 01...-a"""'""--o--o,.~ o OulooO... a.,,_ o~-a~ a~·~ or.--0""¥"'* a .... -~ 'SIO tot' ..... Sl..:11 ~ .. _______________ _. Dail ~Pilot ... _,...._.f:.. ....... ""'.'"~ -..,,_. ... ' ~ . ... . ,,.... . . ' ~~... . ' .. ' 1 , : ' . . . , ,, •• . .:. . 1 TEST \OUR PLAY 1 Brown ptgmef1I M Mhur C. • 8 Young nog Clatt.e QefV9 Ea t Wo; I "ulncrablc South Jcals. • NORTH ""'-. • A75 Q 71 ~ AKJ4 • K9 S1 WEST • Q 1084 c:;>QJ106S 0 86 •Q6 SOtrTH • K6Jl Q la8 EAST •J 9 Q K943 0 Q752 • 108 7 1 1 OrdineooO S7 Kind cl Nufth',s l\lou heath w four1h •u11 • t• CMlt! medieation fore mg. It did not prom1$C un)thmg in dimer lor the 68 ;:. llie bid SUll, and South' fi~t duty \U 15 ~own :·Unit~ 10 sbow a heart stopper 1f there "as 18 -Khan ee Slecken on une. North's raise of two no trump to 17 An19bel'urn n 87 Bronco.• g game was automatic. . Plllta 68 Do ba There were seven fast tricls avail· 18 Wtnter 89 Citrus lrulll able. and either' minor sun could be conatellation 70 Poller bet developed for two more. However, 19 P<>nty Of Pe1uma 20 WWII sub DOWN the openmg lead removed declarer·~ 22 Looll happy ,1 exp.naion o1 only heart stopper, so South l\lltl to 24 lntngued cbgust score nine tricks before surrcndenna 28 Rented · 2 Bamyald the lead, because the ~nenb v.erc 29 Mercury, e l;i eound :.~ --"' I ...... 30 Tumpikn 3 Ghoers helo po~ lo..._,, at cast our more •~art 32 .:.. Haaha"9 • Mlrld readet"s 0 lll9J • AJ 43 tnHs. 33 l.Mding power 'The art is to t~ both minors. Slllrt· 35 Roman • 5 ;Jot> ... .,.., • "¥T* 50 ~ ing "'Ith clubs. After winning the ace S1alelmlln need 25-Shut st Fanmr The bidding: SOUTH WF.S'f J• Pass 1 • Pass 2N'f Pass Plass Pus NORlll EAST I 0 Pass 2c:;> Pa JNT Pa of hearts (holding up does nOt help). 39 Tttnef of 6 Waited 11"1 llne 26 w.-malt.ef abrasM cash the ace of clubs 'first ince that hkndom. 7 Juno, 10 the 27 e.euanee • 52 Door pdrt will pennit you to score four tncks m <40 :,Ofld Ser191 ~ ~Mks · : =•. . ,53 ~ ·the suit by finessing the nine should 41 Pnniadonna'a 9 Gl'saddresa 31 0..ktfproduct 55 loudnooee East have a singleton queen. Next song 10 Stilftned 34 Golfeta target se Sheep'• homt lead n club to the king. If the queen 42 Prom attendee _. 11 -lazuli 36 Bedoulna, e.g 59 Kimono sash drops, you are home. If it docs not. 43 Mmor 12 Nimble 37 DMd 6"l eompo.t Opening lead: Qu~n of Q cash the king of diamonds to catch a 4s Hairchssers 13 Made war 36 Caravan stope t!.2 Ktogh possible singleton queen, If the lady •6 ri: along 21 ~ !:! =-Ml'V8nt 63 ~of Huw good is your dummy.play technique:? Cover the East· W~t cards nod decide how ~ou ~ould declare three no trump after the lead or the {jUC'Cn of hearts? docs not appear, return to hand with <48 E~r 23 CoemetJC:a •7 Mlec:hief-maker diuppro¥al the king of spades to take the diamond 50 Wllrm over Pllfd1ues •9 ~ trom 64 Biltlop's 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANSISUVS JEEP CHEROKEE '96 (T124749A·178958) $13,495 CONNELL CHEVROLET 714-546-1200 JEEP Grand Chero'-'15 V·8. 4WO. Low Miias, Laredo, Red (161967a.!16995 Cotta Wea oln Mtfcury 714-54().5630 LEXUS COUPES 5 In slOCk Slalllng at $27,895 (026277) LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)892-6906 Lexus ES 300 18 In Sloc:k sttrting Ill $18,995 ~3663) US OF WESTlllHSTER (714)192"'906 LEXUS ES 300 '98 Bllllblk. 17K ml, loaded! tlkt new, reduced $21,300. 14t-71 l-0517 LEXUS es 300 '96 Lilr. chrome wtlttls, moonrool (18051/159217) $24 995 TUST1H LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '96 White, tuw, low miles, CO (tn06'1<40846J '23.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '96 CO, chrome Ml8el$ (lnCMI 13479StJ23.995 • STIN LEXUS 71 .. $44-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '97 Llhr mooivod, CO dlrome ..... (18079/064n9) $28.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '91 Lttv, moonrool, CO, chrome Wl'tla (1793M>38955) $29.<495 TUSTIN L£xus 714-544-4800 '-·'~_ ... ·.-.:. .... ~ <( ' •, 1 •• • --r • r ... -- WHAT HAPPEllSIF YOUDONT ADVllmSE1 NOTMNW Cllllhl finesse . If that loses, console yourself 53 Poet's hail 2• Jaolc °' nurwy tht IUltlle ~ with the thought that you did yow ~---~'"'111---best. 1 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANS/SUVS LEXUS ES 300 '96 l.lhr moonrool co (178611 156639) $20 995 TUSTIN LEXUS . 714-514-4800 LEXUS ES 300 '96 Lflr CO Jvome v.tils. moon- roof (1773&'1438781 $20.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-54~800 LEXUS ES 300 '96 Liiv, CO. mooorool d\rome .... (179671152330) $25.795 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 tExus GS 300 '96 Uhr. moonroot CO 471c ll'lles (17890l120241) $28.295 TUSTIN LEXUS 7t ... 54-4-4800 LEXUS lS400 13 In slOcil ~tarting II $29 995 (00959?) LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)192-6906 LEXUS LS 400 '94 . Cashmtrt CO llhr. moonrool (180781214451) $27.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 114-544-4800 LEXUS ~ SUV1• 5 In lilOCk Sia at $36.995 (125218) LEXUS Of WESTMINSTER (714)892-6906 CINCOLH COntlntnt•I '94 $9\a~re low ll'iileS lhr mm( extras' (6CM564) $11 988 Habtfa Oldsmobllt Cadillac 7'4-540-9100 UHCOt.H CONTINENlAL '97 l:rec,llvOly L•alher, Low mites. (1665718) 522.997 Cotti MHa Lincoln Mtfcuty 714-540-5630 To place your cl .. attled ad call Mla..S878. .''·Ti~~"· .i ~·.·.~a ~ .... .... .:----• Cl.E#HJPS SPRN<L.EA AEPAM, TAEE TMMNG, FAR EST. JU -Ila lfREESi T~.l.IWN. 1prlnltl1re .~ln·u p 71~751·3478 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANSISUVS Mt:RCt:ot:~ 1:420 94 Smoke ..iv11. l1hr moonrool, aloys (018741) $24,99~ LEXUS OF W£STUINSTER 714492-'llOG MEACEOES wlkteo or 81'1 Qu8ly Ergpean car, muil bt mt eond & Vtf1J tow ~ No dealefs iiteaw. COM pnva!e pally94~·9041 • MERCEDES 450 SL Conv 751 •19 Mani cond, upgraded 10 '89. 2 taps, 87k flll1 was S16.000 . sacrifice $9.995 obo must sel. can $hOW 111 Newport area 310-704.00S4. Mercury Gr. Mlfquls La 'ta Liiv, ASS. Factory Wasr Mus1 See' ('68015~) $17 998 Cotti Mtu Uncoln Mt<cury 714-$40-5630 MERCURY MYSTIQUE GS'N 3 lo choose l!om. Your choice. Low miles (1641106 1641878. •641003)$9998 Coata Mffl Uncoln Mercury 714-540-5630 MERCURY sl8L£ WGN ·n RIJNS GOOD, Mlchtlln•. lthr, good pelnt, $3500. e4t-548..0t1 MERCURY SABLE '97 wtwte ful Power. Excellen1 Cono (#655081) $10.997 Coata Mtla Uncoln Mercury 714-540-SUO MERCURY VIU ... GER '97 LOI¥ 11111t1 Extelllnt conci1iOn t•J10484) $18.997 Cotti Meta Unc:oln Mercury 714-S40-5630 MITSUBIS .. 3000 GT SL '91 AIJto, air ctvomes, alloys 1511 mi. (00138S) $26,995 LEXUS Ott WESTMINSTER (714)192-6906 3IO MOVING• STORAGE ALL AMERICAN MOVING Careful Courltous and C H EAPI T186 977 949-993-5001 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cahf. Publtc· Ullltlles Comm1sst00 REQUIRES that au used household goods movers print their P U C Cal T number, limos and chauffers print their T.C P numbet 1n all advertls· ments. U you have a question about the 189ahty ol a mover, llmo ()( chaufter. can PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION 71 4·558--4151 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANS/SUVS NJU111 M11u111a 96 Xlnt cond. luthtf, 8oM CIP sttrtO s1sltm, 3SK mil11 $15.900 t4N73.ot35 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS M 4.lto a cass pr; llkOt & "OOll' 3015561 $10995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (7t4}19Hi906 PORSCHE 911 CARRE~ '85 Sllf1. A/C ilMl8C. mlfit cone!. StOOO down assume S18.950 p/lvale party IMM73-0411 1340 PAINTING I OIJAUTY CARE {} 20 YEARS Fair pnca. • Interior ' ExterlQf Pm local rele1encea NB area Ron 94~5·2417 RAINBOW CIRCLE MAlNT. Panng· lniekt HOU$8fapc qua ty !Ob' F •e" °"I s L•56~7 6J6-8888 ROBERT IS8ELL CO rtwrlOt ~ ri.rior sll'lllll i* OI< Cecot~ Palltlng l.14i4350 C.. 943-646-3006 OI page ffe~ $60-9626 26 YAS OUAUTY PAiiffiNG TOOCHUPS TOO 2• Hrs. R1chltd Sinot LJCl280644 14M5Mll2 695 CARSITAUCKS NANSISUVS Pl YMOUTH VOYAGER 'tO ~·auto, AC, $49M. MIHI VANS AVAL Harbor Auto • finance A~L tV&'7346.14N42·2262 Summer Fun C•t '91 ~ Capli Cort.tllible, LOldtd , IUIO. reb.1111 trllll under wamwity new belts. tr• & bttlefY. new !*It job, Uy· tea ercry Gtl ~ and drive sssoo obo daL949-640-007o av.weekend 9-645-0326 ·1:::..11r'I -------... lnlerpeelflc ..... Mfmt. ~ 352 PLASTERING /STUCCO EURO.Sl\JCCO Ul!IO rd pi.lef "41111 lefi;allS re·,tu<:co frH tshm&te Uc'62S7i1 714-785 AetlOenllallH 0.A 's 714-891-8804 6115 CARS/TRUCKS NANS.ISUVS SATURN SC2 '95 Aulo ... moonrool & more! A gr• car 13581126~995 LEXUS Of WES TEA 714-"2-6905 TOYOTA CAMRY LE It v.e 1U1o =extras sque1cy dMn' (043238 $8,981 Htbtra ~ Clldll!K 714-54CM100 TOVOTA PICKUP 't1 511Jd, grtY chlome l).ITipel. runs~ am-fm CUI. arlo/ ea . $3995 94H50-7073 CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS F ......... AlrniMI ~w~ MllUIU1 . " . l .. ' , BAUER AGU-A 'R • California's Number One Jaguar Dealer Introduces the Jaguar Family of Automobiles A New ~reed of Jaguar ,.. . . S 0 U T ,H A U T 0 M A. L L D R I V E • S A N T A A N A · FREE Pickup & Deliv~ ' r HOU Mon.· .. .. .. • .. .. • .. _. 1• . may ll •m lJLSlliN A~ AD c...- n w -1 •EeV•E•N•~ 207 Mm"tne Avenue Balboa island, CA 92662 M9.171.ZllO [Natalie Wayt. 11 l Grade 6 1fleDAILY PILOT dld>AILY PILOT l 14ZC402I--- SOtml COAST PUzA • lST LEvm. ·r 3333 Brisco! •ea... W.. • 01() 8~ PANG POSTER ART 'N GRAPHICS I -~__._,., __ ---.:WI". D~GN AN AD may .i1, 1999 • •1 ~--~,_...,_..,..._.,_. I ... -. ... . .. . . . -. • "' I'"• •; I ,. . . . . - '· -, ,. • may 21. 1999 DESIGN AN AD C..-lheOAILY PILOT ' ORANGECOUN TYFAI R ro c: 01 . --~-- [~ Intermediate] Mrs. Stipe Chanel Edwards, 111 Grade 6 · <I> (h-~~ t'l11· far'~ 1~11 Cc© lNancy Morales, 16 1 Grade 10 Jennifer Beech, 13] · Grade 7 (f) emty rr; ~r.qxm cma Michael McOanlels, 101 Grade SJ : . , . LUTING GOLD & GRAIN -25, 1999• Costa Mesa [Costa Mesa Hlgtl l Mrs. Sindalr 1hcDAILY PILOT SOUTHCOAST PLA OPl!:N7DAYS 714-4J5-2IOOO [Courtney Krtng, 101 Grade 5 j SOUTH COAST PLAZA [Chrtstlne Woller, 15] Grade 9 SOUTH ---COAST PLAZA [NIW~:] ----· DE:SIGX AN AD may 21. 1999 • ., N1 WAN ----v I .. ,. 1• • may 21. 1<)99 lll':-ilc ''A' ·\D C....- \ H•I•N•K•L•E o•R •r-H•o•o•N•T•r•c 360 San Miguel Drive.STE 706 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949)-644-1281 --• • [Kim Boriand, 18 ] Grade 11 [Alessy Landa, 14] Grade 8 lConor Malone, 15 l Grade 9 r Neal Rafferty, 111 L Grade 6 thoi>A ILY PILOT [Ensign lntennedlatl Mrs. Stipe [Kim Ahlowalla, 14] Grade 8 ..., .. -u,,_ .. .__ e FASHION ISLAND [Jon Tlfstan Poper, 131 Grade sj r= :nhmand. 131 ...... ____ _ e FASHION ISLAND -· -~ DESIG~ A~ AD may 21. 1999 • ., I r ~-: ~:attXOfl ._:i; 61.."N O ..... - Pr • 11!1 • may z1 1999 [lf 'ii<,'.'; :\~ \fl L.- \ Cel'• '-' &-t i "' 0'1 t' ao ~",.,or F1f\e t1+ NhO\e - ~ r'\ ~ I\ -1 r\. --- " r\ /'. f Skyler laugher, 121 Grade 7 ( Jennifer Wong, 14 J L Grade 9 k OAILY PllOT 1069 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 Located in Fashion Island C::::c:t 11 (949) 721~29 For More Info. Hours: 1 Oam-9pm If you •E•V•E•N•~ 207 Marine Avenue Balboa Island, CA 92662 wear ~h iS ... 949.673.2130 lhtOAILY PILOT ... Call for a FREE estimate! Experience COIT-#1il/ll You .Can Trust • =~ ••• ~· ' · OJI for• FREE atmuiu! ExJ>mn.c~ COIT-'-r .. C.,. T,..,, r.11lll COIT [Chris Womble, 111 Grade 5 COIT• [Jeremy Bruce, 14 ] Grade 9 ~ DESIGN A.~ AD may z1, 1999 • ., Call for a FREE estimate! COIT-.. -. :::::::::::= : License . 9 =-'0 l!)N 1(17306 Experience You Can Trust Satisfying Customers For 45 Years 100% Cleaning You Can Trust COIT Money Back GUllrantM • WE CLEAN tarpets / ~ '\.o ... ~ _ Rugs Cit. ~ UpholaWy SERVING Au:. ORANGE COUNTY COsTA ME5A 714-842-0320 LOCAL 5ERVICE CALL 1-800-367-2648 www.ooitcom I & - 1• • may 21. 1999 IJ( '>IC.J.N A~ AD ~ " fJacquetyn Dally, 101 [ Grade sj [Brtttany Behr, 13] Grade 7 r Wesley Fallk, 111 L Grade SJ llll'OAI LY PILOT ·rg-· fo,. + \.._~ c.oo\e.st s ~cPP'",9 0 nd H,e. b~~+ '! ~ h~r<:A"ts rttOA I LY Pl LOT • ~· • t· aqo&f W.PACIFK coASl Ha6H\JAY "81•oat leACH-q2&5J Foll MDlla Vf fo.pLU&I: U&.\. '10("t'ft0'50-lU1 Heather McKlbbln, 13] Grade 8 I~ NATCAT f Gabe Klein, 17 L' ~11 Laura Jimenez, 13 ] Grade 8 l~. NAT CAT [ Jordan Mlldoc:k. 12 Gr8de 7 f Newport Harbor High] LM$. Pon -·-----.. Ill • may z1. 1999 Ill ~IC,!\ A 'l AD .__,. _ _. \ c: 0) I l(f,JI Rttere t~I• •'ft tfOO s. ,, .... , St., S11t1 ... ~tftrt .. ,.,,, ttff fer I ........ ••• OEOffREY tollAU. SoUTH COAST P1.AzA • lST LEVE.I. 3333 Bristol •Coles Maa • (71'4) 8»08-48 Open c:Jl ~ll~.H-qv.t\) .................... •1111••• .... ...., ~ .. tM DllJ Pllt 1999 w .,...,..Al Ad Bn IM>AILY PILOT mi)AILY PILOT rticipated In the contest this e of AchleYement ents who participated! Mrs. Taylor Mrs. Umcarlet ....... Mrs. Robben r v . ~~ Ms. Braun ~Mn. lt1Cft Mrs. Olson Ms. Pon Mrs. Slnctalr """"' llefdltJ Mrs. Begley Mrs. Wel>er Plfoc:e of Peace Mrs. Omaye St. Geerce Ac-., Mrs. Maddocks St ..... tile B.,ust Mr. Barajas Mrs. Burk Mrs. Chestier Mr. Gray Mrs. Krikorian Mrs. Taylor TeWIDUe ' Ms. Alexandrowk:z Ms. Lang Tastll --SdlMI Mrs. Slnclalr Vkt9rta Mr. Kimme -Mr. Non1s Mrs. Wright foourtney Hanson, 11 l Grade 5 --.--.. DF.SlG"l A~ AD may 21, 1999 • ., • . ' .... 1m • may ll, 1999 f)[.<)f{J'.\ ,\~,\I) I...-- ' ro c: ' 9 - <:{:. 0 -----~ --- Marci KJn:hberg, 10 ] Grade 6 ) . ' - •1 /11 1---1 ()I . I. I: 111, fA.uson Dalton, 10 • [ Grade 5 Marissa Mandala, 121 Grade 6 . J ' I -.' ;,, 1---: (I I .. ' : · 1, lh<i>AILY PILOT Come One, Cameo.I I! ~ ~OU ,~o to Bris·tol Farms.) YC5 u, \ I have a bo I ( t lJn1qJue Qnd .fresh .90Urmet foods ure, -\he}r spec1olheS ou'\ l .find whatever 'fOU' \od<1n9 f Ofr ... and. morel . )?y-\Stol for m5;. o.n extro.crd'iro foo(\ stor~ ~risto1 87arms · 0 Clcu.\c T~ f.r 6ir a;;,J &p MAT I wyso4r ernr -TOYM'!T. rMaggie Wolowiec, 131 Grade 8 J l~exand~ Scholneck, 101 Grade 5 [Josh Miiier, 11] Grade 6 ,_r..,,__..,,.,. [Cot.nne Strlnd, t4 l Gnldl 8J ,~OS P/,s h foy• • O(V' ~p 'y "fO' DESIGN A" AD may i1. im • ., -, I • .· I . l l 1• •may 21 19<)9 r>I \lt11': A'll AD C,..- \ . , [Buddy Devine, 111 Grade 6 j f Austin Nieto, 131 l Grade 7J [Katie Lange, 12] Grade 6 lhd>AILY PILOT ' I I} I THE HEALTH EMfORIUM ~- I Norma Hernandez, 121 1 Grade 7 nu: HEALTH e&f P01t\\l'°' M.UJCrT .. ClaA.l.11 rHiromasa Hayashi, 12] [ Grade 6 [St John_. ... ] Mrs. Krl...... .. -_...._ ....... - ~ -~ Dt:.SIG~ A.~ AD may ii. 1999 • •1 ~-. I ,I I I I ,.., I ,· ~· ,. • may 11. 1999 DE.Sii~~ AN AD C-- I • !· i , .... ~ .. . ( \ ._ . '111 J\'\ l - •• PANG POSTER ART 'N GRAPHICS A.P.£ordab}e Art And Cugtor-a 11dut'l-fro.~ lO..(..PJon.-!)of. , '0-6. &\Alldo [Gabe RosendaneJ 13 l Grade 8 j [Steve Jensen, 17] Grade 12 [Stephanie Johnson, 131 Grade 7 j lhd>AILY PILOT --· -------·-·· Tll• .. RHIDt!NTIAL-COMMl!RCIAL • WHOL.UAU Where Quality Floor Covering Costs You Less t 966 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 650--0000 - ----=-------~~ ---- .rOAILY PILOT -..:I: DESIG'.'\ ~~AD may 21, 1999 • llr PLATT COLLEGE ' lAndrew Shoashekan, 12] Grade 6 PLATT . COllEGE · (Andrew Tran, 11] Grade 5 [Tara Kostrikln, 10] Grade 5 PLATT COIJ.EGE [ Usa Greenwood, 12 Grade 7 [Uncorn 1 Mrs. OlanderJ ~qo' ~"~~'" ~'"~ ~.....i tltw~~"'~ <\d.)Ott (q'\'\) i3~-~~oo i.===:;::::=.i e."'s:n'Ss ~ M-r 8-~ ~$~l:$~od ~~t. 1q8S -10»""'2 ~ tJoc. ~ el\d. na..l'rt ~ CA -..Al! .. ~ I . I I I I I l ~I I • ------~--~-- . ..,~ IB • may 11. ,999 [)1:_1,k ~ .. \ -..n-.A'.'IAD C.--lh'OAILY PILOT • - .. ... p:oAILY PILOT PAULSON GOLF fAuLSON GoLf Co. Otan Paulson t L.orna Lenk To,.-OMWn' ~#tN•/j 6oy Aw"s 6uy • 5£u.. • Tf'.ADE • DISCOUNTS • 4 Y2Af'S IN et.JSINl!!SS • HOU1'5 Of Of'EAAllO>J • 'W~Et<DAY~ • MoN.-THUf'S. 7:00.A.M· To .f:oo r.M. FlllMY5 7 :00A.M. TO 2 :00 """· 85& YJEST 18.,. St. lJnrr C-2 41~-fH.°'40 COSTA Mas_., CAL1r. CfUl7 800-214-4412 PAUU011 CloLP .Co. ·111,. IE L C. TIAO ( ISi --lllh St ... C.U Miii. CA •2617 949-57 4--0600 800-21~22 949-574-0JOO fare EoMlil IWJlSONCilJM)Lcom Taylor Martini, 10 l Grade 5 (Andrew Smith, 13] Grade 8 Robert Werbe, 14 ] Grade 8 Pa.u1oo ·Golf ea ~Go.JI\ PoJSo-\ ~ L O~o. ~"' 6"( • T~• • ~\\ l Matt ~1~] f-.o .. --- • ' • may 21. 1999 DESIGN AN AD C..- ' TRADER .JOE'S to'IO W I 1 f1.f ~ (.o~A ME.~ ;: , ~ ., s ? \ o. c e k;i 5 , \ '<' 3oJZ vJhcr\-you. w~nt LE_SS 1 . ---· f''I \e.~5 I I ®· eiJ ~ ) ·, "+ eacA o+ -+"h\ ~ \ tG ~/iv lhd>AILY PILO SANDWICH Sicz.~~~ HOUSE r-P.5 q, mou+h - ful11 • -- Dave Singley, 17 ] ._.,. Grade 12 [~ebecca Sawyer, 10 Grade 5 r Chnstlna Harer, 11 L Gnide s limes M-F-bani.-fOprn SA+• 7-'f sun• q-'t ~70B l?'t' Sf. 1,Cos--tq M~, q Law of fie Kim L. Whites ATT'OlltNEY AT LAW 1700 A~M~ Pt.\/~. S"atc. Z03C C.~l"fe!>A (1 •'I )~'J..'/-Ol/'17 0P•'1 from 'l:ooam +o 5:00 pm· Come to .,.,. • Lo w Qff iC.•· W• will h•IP your (. o tt> P" " ,· .S Q n" w / t ., )' 0 ... ,. + .. ff s ,,. " , ;,,,, it<i>AI LY PILOT • ''''''11 •• I --FDIC C.. 0 C::-L .:i .J er c.. Maksim Niklforoff, 111 Grade 6 J rshannon Parsons, 10] [ Grade 4 Steffan Lugo, 14] Grade 8 -----·-I>WG.'l AN AD may i 1, 1999 • -.ri 1 7 • • -a "Vtideo We carry all kinds of camera an video brands.such as.Cannon or Maxxum. bur store specializes in selling various types of cameras, video --cameras and equipment.camera L accessories.film.and film development. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON An EDISON INTERNATIONAL .. Company Blow oub . ~~~ -"'' I 111 U 0 / CU'Lfl '-__/ --~ \~.!£~ ~L)TSON · 0 ----~~'¥' ~· -~"°~S I • A Ove..y l go c..~ne.b ) 7 c.ho.nnJ.J o~ po-ype'-Viev. We ofter "U serW:e' rentals. ~ from tablM & chars & knens & chna ., ~ & he*'5 & babeques NI ex1enSM! ine d l9enlS lor weddings IS av3'abie also -;wche$, gazebos, candlllatJral and llower stands \ \ [Albertano Aviles, 13 ] Grade 7 [Marshall Stamm, 18] Grade 11 . ' ~~017D~ C~~Vo~~ ~-20 yrs. in business ~ Largest in the world All major designer styles in stock Complete selection of vests, tiu, & shirts Stop me when y0u find something pleasing. ~ Said many limu many ways, "If we don 't look good, you don 't look good " llfllmlOf"Y /Jt lfoci. llOI Otll of cataJOKs ~ Tuxedo Rema/ & Sales ~ Mon.-Fri. (10-9), Sal. (10-7), Sun. (11-6:30) ---Daytime Phone (714) 751-4160 3333 Bristol St. South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa, CA 92626